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Donald Trump rang in the New Year by already making a profit from the public office of the presidency, and he’still has over two weeks until he is officially sworn in to the office. Trump made the money on New Years Eve night through a party at his Florida estate/hotel, the very gaudily designed Mar-a-Lago.Unlike pretty much every other elected official, Trump’s property charged admission to their event, and the incoming president was dangled like a shiny object in front of the patrons who pulled out their checkbooks to attend this event.According to Politico, Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida charged a reported minimum of $525 per person for a New Year’s Eve celebration that Trump and his family were set to attend. On Friday, Trump’s incoming White House press secretary told reporters that the party was sold out, with over 800 guests expected at the event. That s more than $420,000 made off of dinner, dancing, and access to the incoming President of the United States.Incoming White House Director of Strategic Communications Hope Hicks attempted to dismiss concern that the Mar-a-Lago s pricy New Year’s Eve Party comprised yet another conflict of interest issue for Trump. The transition is not concerned about the appearance of a conflict, she told Politico. This is an annual celebratory event at the private club, like others that have continued to occur since the election. Additionally, the president cannot and does not have a conflict. So far, the mainstream media has simply allowed Trump and his team the leeway to say there is no conflict of interest, in a manner that has more in common with Obi-wan Kenobi s Jedi mind trick from Star Wars than a truly responsive political team. But very few people outside of die-hard Trump’supporters and his tight inner circle actually believe that this is a credible response to a serious inquiry.Trump and his squad will have to come up with more credible excuses or, heaven forbid, stop being so crass and unethical for inquiries to come from Democrats (most of them at least) and the media (maybe). It s probably a safe bet, though, to assume that his fellow Republicans are perfectly fine with rubber-stamping his behavior as long as he has an (R) behind his name.Trump’s behavior on this topic also calls into question his repeated assertion that he is a billionaire ten times over. He infamously refused to reveal his tax returns, and now he’says and does anything to scrounge up a few hundred or thousand dollars seemingly everywhere he can. That isn’t the behavior of a man with billions at his disposal at the drop of a hat. Is his quest for cash simply another area of vulnerability that will be exploited by either his own party, or by a foreign entity? We won’t know, at least not in the immediate future.Featured image via Flickr
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Donald Trump rang in the New Year by already making a profit from the public office of the presidency, and he’still has over two weeks until he is officially sworn in to the office. Trump made the money on New Years Eve night through a party at his Florida estate/hotel, the very gaudily designed Mar-a-Lago.Unlike pretty much every other elected official, Trump’s property charged admission to their event, and the incoming president was dangled like a shiny object in front of the patrons who pulled out their checkbooks to attend this event.According to Politico, Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida charged a reported minimum of $525 per person for a New Year’s Eve celebration that Trump and his family were set to attend. On Friday, Trump’s incoming White House press secretary told reporters that the party was sold out, with over 800 guests expected at the event. That s more than $420,000 made off of dinner, dancing, and access to the incoming President of the United States.Incoming White House Director of Strategic Communications Hope Hicks attempted to dismiss concern that the Mar-a-Lago s pricy New Year’s Eve Party comprised yet another conflict of interest issue for Trump. The transition is not concerned about the appearance of a conflict, she told Politico. This is an annual celebratory event at the private club, like others that have continued to occur since the election. Additionally, the president cannot and does not have a conflict. So far, the mainstream media has simply allowed Trump and his team the leeway to say there is no conflict of interest, in a manner that has more in common with Obi-wan Kenobi s Jedi mind trick from Star Wars than a truly responsive political team. But very few people outside of die-hard Trump’supporters and his tight inner circle actually believe that this is a credible response to a serious inquiry.Trump and his squad will have to come up with more credible excuses or, heaven forbid, stop being so crass and unethical for inquiries to come from Democrats (most of them at least) and the media (maybe). It s probably a safe bet, though, to assume that his fellow Republicans are perfectly fine with rubber-stamping his behavior as long as he has an (R) behind his name.Trump’s behavior on this topic also calls into question his repeated assertion that he is a billionaire ten times over. He infamously refused to reveal his tax returns, and now he’says and does anything to scrounge up a few hundred or thousand dollars seemingly everywhere he can. That isn’t the behavior of a man with billions at his disposal at the drop of a hat. Is his quest for cash simply another area of vulnerability that will be exploited by either his own party, or by a foreign entity? We won’t know, at least not in the immediate future.Featured image via Flickr
Israel s mayor of Jerusalem Nir Barkat said on Tuesday that moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to the holy city can take two minutes . Senior U.S. officials have said President Donald Trump is likely on Wednesday to recognize Jerusalem as Israel s capital while delaying relocating the embassy from Tel Aviv for another six months, though he is expected to order his aides to begin planning such a move immediately. The officials said, however, that no final decisions have been made as an outcry grew across the Middle East and among world powers against any unilateral U.S. decision on Jerusalem. Barkat said the United States would only have to convert one of its existing assets in the city, such as its consulate located in West Jerusalem. They just take the symbol of the consulate and switch it to the embassy symbol - two American Marines can do it in two minutes, and give the ambassador David Friedman a space to sit in, Barkat told Israel Radio. The implementation of this decision is immediate and then later slowly start moving the employees in a more structured manner to begin providing services in Jerusalem, Barkat said. The status of Jerusalem is one of the major stumbling blocks in decades of on-and-off Israeli-Palestinian peace talks. The Palestinians want East Jerusalem as the capital of their future state. Israel considers all of the city its indivisible, eternal capital. Jerusalem is home to sites holy to Islam, Judaism and Christianity Israel captured Arab East Jerusalem during the 1967 Middle East War and later annexed it, a move not recognized internationally. U.S. endorsement of Israel s claim to all of Jerusalem as its capital would break with decades of U.S. policy that the city s status must be decided in negotiations with the Palestinians.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Israel s mayor of Jerusalem Nir Barkat said on Tuesday that moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to the holy city can take two minutes . Senior U.S. officials have said President Donald Trump is likely on Wednesday to recognize Jerusalem as Israel s capital while delaying relocating the embassy from Tel Aviv for another six months, though he is expected to order his aides to begin planning such a move immediately. The officials said, however, that no final decisions have been made as an outcry grew across the Middle East and among world powers against any unilateral U.S. decision on Jerusalem. Barkat said the United States would only have to convert one of its existing assets in the city, such as its consulate located in West Jerusalem. They just take the symbol of the consulate and switch it to the embassy symbol - two American Marines can do it in two minutes, and give the ambassador David Friedman a space to sit in, Barkat told Israel Radio. The implementation of this decision is immediate and then later slowly start moving the employees in a more structured manner to begin providing services in Jerusalem, Barkat said. The status of Jerusalem is one of the major stumbling blocks in decades of on-and-off Israeli-Palestinian peace talks. The Palestinians want East Jerusalem as the capital of their future state. Israel considers all of the city its indivisible, eternal capital. Jerusalem is home to sites holy to Islam, Judaism and Christianity Israel captured Arab East Jerusalem during the 1967 Middle East War and later annexed it, a move not recognized internationally. U.S. endorsement of Israel s claim to all of Jerusalem as its capital would break with decades of U.S. policy that the city s status must be decided in negotiations with the Palestinians.
A bill sponsored by Poland s ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party will undermine the fairness of elections, opposition deputies said in parliament on Thursday. The proposal would introduce live web feeds from polling stations, but also replace all current members of the State Electoral Commission, a body responsible for conducting and overseeing elections, as well as all election commissioners, giving political parties more say in naming new ones. The PiS has said its bill would make voting more transparent, but critics said the real aim is to boost the electoral prospects of the party, which has been accused by the European Commission of eroding democratic standards. This bill is a thuggish project. This is a mine placed under elections in Poland, the head of opposition PSL party, Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz said in parliament. The socially conservative PiS, in power since late 2015, is already at loggerheads with fellow members of the European Union over its push to bring the courts and state media under more direct government control, as well as over migration. According to the 72-page long amendment that did not undergo any public consultations, seven of the nine members of the State Electoral Commission would be chosen by parliament for 9-year terms, with PiS set to directly appoint three members and the remaining parties four. The remaining two members would be judges chosen by the head of the Constitutional Tribunal and the Supreme Administrative court. PiS deputies have already appointed the head of the Tribunal following changes in the law that opposition parties said violated the constitution, a charge PiS denies. The changes proposed in the bill will destabilize the election system and are a serious threat to the effective carrying out of the local elections in 2018, the State Election Commission said in a statement last week. Head of the Commission Wojciech Hermelinski said on Thursday the amendment would also give an advantage to political parties at the expense of independent candidates. The bill would require the newly-chosen Commission to appoint nearly 400 election commissioners within 60 days of the bill coming into force, removing the requirement for the commissioners to be independent from political parties. Lawmakers are expected to initially vote on the bill early on Friday. If finally passed by the PiS-dominated parliament, the bill would still have to be signed into law by President Andrzej Duda, who could potentially veto it.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: A bill sponsored by Poland s ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party will undermine the fairness of elections, opposition deputies said in parliament on Thursday. The proposal would introduce live web feeds from polling stations, but also replace all current members of the State Electoral Commission, a body responsible for conducting and overseeing elections, as well as all election commissioners, giving political parties more say in naming new ones. The PiS has said its bill would make voting more transparent, but critics said the real aim is to boost the electoral prospects of the party, which has been accused by the European Commission of eroding democratic standards. This bill is a thuggish project. This is a mine placed under elections in Poland, the head of opposition PSL party, Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz said in parliament. The socially conservative PiS, in power since late 2015, is already at loggerheads with fellow members of the European Union over its push to bring the courts and state media under more direct government control, as well as over migration. According to the 72-page long amendment that did not undergo any public consultations, seven of the nine members of the State Electoral Commission would be chosen by parliament for 9-year terms, with PiS set to directly appoint three members and the remaining parties four. The remaining two members would be judges chosen by the head of the Constitutional Tribunal and the Supreme Administrative court. PiS deputies have already appointed the head of the Tribunal following changes in the law that opposition parties said violated the constitution, a charge PiS denies. The changes proposed in the bill will destabilize the election system and are a serious threat to the effective carrying out of the local elections in 2018, the State Election Commission said in a statement last week. Head of the Commission Wojciech Hermelinski said on Thursday the amendment would also give an advantage to political parties at the expense of independent candidates. The bill would require the newly-chosen Commission to appoint nearly 400 election commissioners within 60 days of the bill coming into force, removing the requirement for the commissioners to be independent from political parties. Lawmakers are expected to initially vote on the bill early on Friday. If finally passed by the PiS-dominated parliament, the bill would still have to be signed into law by President Andrzej Duda, who could potentially veto it.
The U.S. government spent more than a decade preparing responses to malicious hacking by a foreign power but had no clear strategy when Russia launched a disinformation campaign over the internet during the U.S. election campaign, current and former White House cyber security advisers said. Far more effort has gone into plotting offensive hacking and preparing defenses against the less probable but more dramatic damage from electronic assaults on the power grid, financial system or direct manipulation of voting machines. Over the last several years, U.S. intelligence agencies tracked Russia’s use of coordinated hacking and disinformation in Ukraine and elsewhere, the advisers and intelligence experts said, but there was little sustained, high-level government conversation about the risk of the propaganda coming to the United States. During the presidential election it did - to an extent that may have altered the outcome, the security sources said. But U.S. officials felt limited in investigating Russian-supported propaganda efforts because of free speech guarantees in the Constitution. A former White House official cautioned that any U.S. government attempt to counter the flow of foreign state-backed disinformation through deterrence would face major political, legal and moral obstacles.   “You would have to have massive surveillance and curtailed freedom and that is a cost we have not been willing to accept,” said the former official, who spoke on condition of anonymity. “They (Russia) can control distribution of information in ways we don’t.” Clinton Watts, a security consultant, former FBI agent and a fellow at the nonprofit Foreign Policy Research Institute, said the U.S. government no longer has an organization, such as the U.S. Information Agency, that provided counter-narratives during the Cold War. He said that most major Russian disinformation campaigns in the United States and Europe have started at Russian-government funded media outlets, such as RT television or Sputnik News, before being amplified on Twitter by others. Watts said it was urgent for the U.S. government to build the capability to track what is happening online and dispute false stories. “Those two things need to be done immediately,” Watts said. “You have to have a public statement or it leads to conspiracy theories.” A defense spending pill passed this month calls for the State Department to establish a “Global Engagement Center” to take on some of that work, but similar efforts to counter less sophisticated Islamic State narratives have fallen short. The U.S. government formally accused Russia of a campaign of cyber attacks against U.S. political organizations in October, a month before the Nov. 8 election. James Lewis, a cyber security expert at the Center for Strategic & International Studies who has worked for the departments of State and Commerce and the U.S. military, said Washington needed to move beyond antiquated notions of projecting influence if it hoped to catch up with Russia. “They have RT and all we know how to do is send a carrier battle group,” Lewis said. “We’re going to be stuck until we find a way deal with that.” Watts, who said he has tracked tens of thousands of pro-Russia Twitter handles since 2014, believes many of the most effective stories stoke fear of war or other calamities or promote a narrative of corrupt Western politicians, media and other elites. He and others said Sputnik shows the intensity of the Russian effort. Launched two years ago as a successor to the official Russian wire service and radio network, Sputnik does not merely parrot the Kremlin political line, according to experts. It has gone out of its way to hire outsiders with social media expertise, including left and right-leaning Americans who are critical of U.S. policies. Sputnik News did not respond to a request for comment. During the election campaign, one of the most prominent fulltime Sputnik writers and commentators, Cassandra Fairbanks, shifted from an ardent anti-police protestor and supporter of socialist U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders to a vocal backer of Republican Donald Trump. Fairbanks said in an interview with Reuters that Sputnik had not told her to advocate for Trump, now president-elect. She said she was swayed by Trump’s opposition to overseas wars and international trade agreements. “I did my best to push for him,” Fairbanks said, “but that was of my free will.” A woman in her thirties with more than 80,000 Twitter followers, Fairbanks was an activist with the hacking movement known as Anonymous before she joined Sputnik.   The day before the election, Fairbanks said on a YouTube channel that it was “pretty likely” that the authors of emails hacked from the account of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta were using code words for pedophilia when they spoke about pizza. The assertion fed the falsehood that Clinton supporters were operating a child sex ring out of a Washington-based pizza parlor. The channel, with 1.8 million subscribers, was run by Alex Jones, a radio host who has said the 9/11 attacks were an “inside job.” Joe Fionda, a veteran of the Occupy protests who worked briefly for Sputnik in 2015, said the organization’s articles and social media efforts overall were aimed at praising Russian President Vladimir Putin’s allies such as Syria and dwelling on negative news in the United States, including police misconduct. Some U.S. officials and political analysts have said Putin could believe businessman Trump would be friendlier to Russia than Clinton, especially when it came to economic sanctions. Fionda said spreading hacked emails was a priority at Sputnik. He said his job included trying to create viral memes on a Facebook page called Mutinous Media, which did not list a Sputnik connection. Former workers of the Democratic National Committee, one of the groups infiltrated by Russian-backed hackers, said the U.S. government should consider providing funding for the technological defense of major political parties. They said that once hacked emails began appearing online, party functionaries were constantly behind in responding. They also said that the staff of Democratic President Barack Obama had been overly concerned about not appearing to defend its own party’s candidate. Obama has asked spy agencies to deliver an analysis of Russian meddling in the election that will include discussion of propaganda operations, Office of the Director of National Intelligence General Counsel Robert Litt told Reuters. Asked on Tuesday whether he thought the U.S. government had been caught off guard, Litt said: “I’m not touching this with an 11-foot pole. It is a very important issue that the intelligence community is looking at very carefully, and it will issue a report in due time.”
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The U.S. government spent more than a decade preparing responses to malicious hacking by a foreign power but had no clear strategy when Russia launched a disinformation campaign over the internet during the U.S. election campaign, current and former White House cyber security advisers said. Far more effort has gone into plotting offensive hacking and preparing defenses against the less probable but more dramatic damage from electronic assaults on the power grid, financial system or direct manipulation of voting machines. Over the last several years, U.S. intelligence agencies tracked Russia’s use of coordinated hacking and disinformation in Ukraine and elsewhere, the advisers and intelligence experts said, but there was little sustained, high-level government conversation about the risk of the propaganda coming to the United States. During the presidential election it did - to an extent that may have altered the outcome, the security sources said. But U.S. officials felt limited in investigating Russian-supported propaganda efforts because of free speech guarantees in the Constitution. A former White House official cautioned that any U.S. government attempt to counter the flow of foreign state-backed disinformation through deterrence would face major political, legal and moral obstacles.   “You would have to have massive surveillance and curtailed freedom and that is a cost we have not been willing to accept,” said the former official, who spoke on condition of anonymity. “They (Russia) can control distribution of information in ways we don’t.” Clinton Watts, a security consultant, former FBI agent and a fellow at the nonprofit Foreign Policy Research Institute, said the U.S. government no longer has an organization, such as the U.S. Information Agency, that provided counter-narratives during the Cold War. He said that most major Russian disinformation campaigns in the United States and Europe have started at Russian-government funded media outlets, such as RT television or Sputnik News, before being amplified on Twitter by others. Watts said it was urgent for the U.S. government to build the capability to track what is happening online and dispute false stories. “Those two things need to be done immediately,” Watts said. “You have to have a public statement or it leads to conspiracy theories.” A defense spending pill passed this month calls for the State Department to establish a “Global Engagement Center” to take on some of that work, but similar efforts to counter less sophisticated Islamic State narratives have fallen short. The U.S. government formally accused Russia of a campaign of cyber attacks against U.S. political organizations in October, a month before the Nov. 8 election. James Lewis, a cyber security expert at the Center for Strategic & International Studies who has worked for the departments of State and Commerce and the U.S. military, said Washington needed to move beyond antiquated notions of projecting influence if it hoped to catch up with Russia. “They have RT and all we know how to do is send a carrier battle group,” Lewis said. “We’re going to be stuck until we find a way deal with that.” Watts, who said he has tracked tens of thousands of pro-Russia Twitter handles since 2014, believes many of the most effective stories stoke fear of war or other calamities or promote a narrative of corrupt Western politicians, media and other elites. He and others said Sputnik shows the intensity of the Russian effort. Launched two years ago as a successor to the official Russian wire service and radio network, Sputnik does not merely parrot the Kremlin political line, according to experts. It has gone out of its way to hire outsiders with social media expertise, including left and right-leaning Americans who are critical of U.S. policies. Sputnik News did not respond to a request for comment. During the election campaign, one of the most prominent fulltime Sputnik writers and commentators, Cassandra Fairbanks, shifted from an ardent anti-police protestor and supporter of socialist U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders to a vocal backer of Republican Donald Trump. Fairbanks said in an interview with Reuters that Sputnik had not told her to advocate for Trump, now president-elect. She said she was swayed by Trump’s opposition to overseas wars and international trade agreements. “I did my best to push for him,” Fairbanks said, “but that was of my free will.” A woman in her thirties with more than 80,000 Twitter followers, Fairbanks was an activist with the hacking movement known as Anonymous before she joined Sputnik.   The day before the election, Fairbanks said on a YouTube channel that it was “pretty likely” that the authors of emails hacked from the account of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta were using code words for pedophilia when they spoke about pizza. The assertion fed the falsehood that Clinton supporters were operating a child sex ring out of a Washington-based pizza parlor. The channel, with 1.8 million subscribers, was run by Alex Jones, a radio host who has said the 9/11 attacks were an “inside job.” Joe Fionda, a veteran of the Occupy protests who worked briefly for Sputnik in 2015, said the organization’s articles and social media efforts overall were aimed at praising Russian President Vladimir Putin’s allies such as Syria and dwelling on negative news in the United States, including police misconduct. Some U.S. officials and political analysts have said Putin could believe businessman Trump would be friendlier to Russia than Clinton, especially when it came to economic sanctions. Fionda said spreading hacked emails was a priority at Sputnik. He said his job included trying to create viral memes on a Facebook page called Mutinous Media, which did not list a Sputnik connection. Former workers of the Democratic National Committee, one of the groups infiltrated by Russian-backed hackers, said the U.S. government should consider providing funding for the technological defense of major political parties. They said that once hacked emails began appearing online, party functionaries were constantly behind in responding. They also said that the staff of Democratic President Barack Obama had been overly concerned about not appearing to defend its own party’s candidate. Obama has asked spy agencies to deliver an analysis of Russian meddling in the election that will include discussion of propaganda operations, Office of the Director of National Intelligence General Counsel Robert Litt told Reuters. Asked on Tuesday whether he thought the U.S. government had been caught off guard, Litt said: “I’m not touching this with an 11-foot pole. It is a very important issue that the intelligence community is looking at very carefully, and it will issue a report in due time.”
Airline Lufthansa said on Friday it had changed its flight routes to Japan because of North Korean missile tests. Lufthansa Group, which owns Swiss, Lufthansa, and Lufthansa Cargo, had already been avoiding direct overflights of North Korean airspace for more than a year, the company said. “As a result of the latest North Korean missile tests, Lufthansa Group has decided for now to change routings to and from Japan, purely as a precautionary measure,” the airline said, adding that changes to the flight time were negligible. Air France-KLM said on Thursday it had expanded its no-fly zone over North Korea after one of its jets flew past the location where an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) splashed down 10 minutes later. Air France’s flight 293, a Boeing 777 carrying 323 people from Tokyo to Paris, missed North Korea’s latest ICBM as it fell to earth on July 28 by about 100 km (60 miles), a spokesman for Air France-KLM said, citing flight data provided by Japan. North Korea said a week ago that its latest ICBM test proved its ability to strike the U.S. mainland, drawing a sharp warning from President Donald Trump and a rebuke from China.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Airline Lufthansa said on Friday it had changed its flight routes to Japan because of North Korean missile tests. Lufthansa Group, which owns Swiss, Lufthansa, and Lufthansa Cargo, had already been avoiding direct overflights of North Korean airspace for more than a year, the company said. “As a result of the latest North Korean missile tests, Lufthansa Group has decided for now to change routings to and from Japan, purely as a precautionary measure,” the airline said, adding that changes to the flight time were negligible. Air France-KLM said on Thursday it had expanded its no-fly zone over North Korea after one of its jets flew past the location where an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) splashed down 10 minutes later. Air France’s flight 293, a Boeing 777 carrying 323 people from Tokyo to Paris, missed North Korea’s latest ICBM as it fell to earth on July 28 by about 100 km (60 miles), a spokesman for Air France-KLM said, citing flight data provided by Japan. North Korea said a week ago that its latest ICBM test proved its ability to strike the U.S. mainland, drawing a sharp warning from President Donald Trump and a rebuke from China.
Donald Trump is concerned about the terminally ill not about their ability to recover, their quality of life, the amount of pain’they’re in or if they’re happy or sad, but he wants them to live until November 8. On Wednesday at a Nevada rally, Trump urged the terminally ill to hang out till November so they can assist in the destruction of the United States so they can vote for him. I don’t care how sick you are, The Donald said. I don’t care if you just came back from the doctor and he gave you the worst possible prognosis, meaning it s over. Doesn t matter. Hang out till November 8. Get out and vote. And then, all we’re gonna say is, We love you and we will remember you always, Trump continued. Get out and vote. Naturally, Stephen Colbert wasn’t about to allow this to go unchecked. On Thursday. he tweeted a new campaign slogan for The Donald:Trump asked the terminally ill to hold on 'til Election Day to vote for him. He s revamped Diddy s slogan Vote Or Die to Vote, Then Die. Stephen Colbert (@StephenAtHome) October 7, 2016This is what we can expect from Donald Trump’s America he will literally focus on whatever benefits himself as people die and the world burns around him.While it is doubtful that the terminally ill will be lining up to vote for him in November, many people will make sure that you get out there and do your part to make sure our next president isn’t a man whose sole concern is The Vote, no matter where it comes from.Featured image via screengrab/Getty Images (Ethan Miller)
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Donald Trump is concerned about the terminally ill not about their ability to recover, their quality of life, the amount of pain’they’re in or if they’re happy or sad, but he wants them to live until November 8. On Wednesday at a Nevada rally, Trump urged the terminally ill to hang out till November so they can assist in the destruction of the United States so they can vote for him. I don’t care how sick you are, The Donald said. I don’t care if you just came back from the doctor and he gave you the worst possible prognosis, meaning it s over. Doesn t matter. Hang out till November 8. Get out and vote. And then, all we’re gonna say is, We love you and we will remember you always, Trump continued. Get out and vote. Naturally, Stephen Colbert wasn’t about to allow this to go unchecked. On Thursday. he tweeted a new campaign slogan for The Donald:Trump asked the terminally ill to hold on 'til Election Day to vote for him. He s revamped Diddy s slogan Vote Or Die to Vote, Then Die. Stephen Colbert (@StephenAtHome) October 7, 2016This is what we can expect from Donald Trump’s America he will literally focus on whatever benefits himself as people die and the world burns around him.While it is doubtful that the terminally ill will be lining up to vote for him in November, many people will make sure that you get out there and do your part to make sure our next president isn’t a man whose sole concern is The Vote, no matter where it comes from.Featured image via screengrab/Getty Images (Ethan Miller)
Turkish police arrested 15 senior military officers in an investigation into the network of a U.S.-based cleric who Ankara accuses of orchestrating last year s attempted coup, state-run Anadolu news agency said on Friday. It said police were seeking one more officer in the operation, focused on the capital Ankara and spread across nine provinces, adding that 12 of the total 16 suspects were serving officers. Among the suspects were seven colonels and nine lieutenant colonels from Turkey s gendarmerie force, which maintains security in rural areas, the Hurriyet news website said. More than 50,000 people, including security personnel and civil servants, have been jailed pending trial in the aftermath of the failed putsch, which the government blames on Islamic preacher Fethullah Gulen. He has denied involvement. Some 150,000 people have also been suspended or dismissed in a crackdown which rights groups say has been used as a pretext to muzzle dissent but which the government says has been necessary due to the security threats Turkey faces. Police operations targeting alleged followers of Gulen have been conducted on a near daily basis since the coup attempt in July 2016, and authorities issued arrest warrants for 44 teachers on Friday, Anadolu said. The suspects were former teachers at Gulen-linked schools which were previously closed by state decree, Anadolu said. Twenty-eight of the teachers were arrested so far. Schools linked to Gulen s network have been established across Asia, Africa and the United States and since the putsch, Turkey has asked countries including Afghanistan and Pakistan to close them down.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Turkish police arrested 15 senior military officers in an investigation into the network of a U.S.-based cleric who Ankara accuses of orchestrating last year s attempted coup, state-run Anadolu news agency said on Friday. It said police were seeking one more officer in the operation, focused on the capital Ankara and spread across nine provinces, adding that 12 of the total 16 suspects were serving officers. Among the suspects were seven colonels and nine lieutenant colonels from Turkey s gendarmerie force, which maintains security in rural areas, the Hurriyet news website said. More than 50,000 people, including security personnel and civil servants, have been jailed pending trial in the aftermath of the failed putsch, which the government blames on Islamic preacher Fethullah Gulen. He has denied involvement. Some 150,000 people have also been suspended or dismissed in a crackdown which rights groups say has been used as a pretext to muzzle dissent but which the government says has been necessary due to the security threats Turkey faces. Police operations targeting alleged followers of Gulen have been conducted on a near daily basis since the coup attempt in July 2016, and authorities issued arrest warrants for 44 teachers on Friday, Anadolu said. The suspects were former teachers at Gulen-linked schools which were previously closed by state decree, Anadolu said. Twenty-eight of the teachers were arrested so far. Schools linked to Gulen s network have been established across Asia, Africa and the United States and since the putsch, Turkey has asked countries including Afghanistan and Pakistan to close them down.
Switzerland could become the latest country to ban facial coverings worn by some Muslim women after activists collected more than the 100,000 signatures required to put the proposal to a national vote. The group, called Yes to a Mask Ban delivered the petition on Friday, setting up a vote by 2020. Some of its leaders also spearheaded the 2009 Swiss ban on new minarets being built in the country. A delegation of leaders from the group delivered three boxes containing 106,600 signatures to the federal chancellery, part of the Swiss parliament building in Bern. Full-face coverings such as niqabs and burqas are a polarizing issue across Europe, with some arguing that they symbolize discrimination against women and should be outlawed. The clothing has already been banned in France. Facial coverings are a symbol of radical Islam that have nothing to do with religious freedom but are rather an expression of the oppression of women, said Anian Liebrand, a Swiss campaign leader. In Switzerland, we show our faces when we talk to each other. Others contend that bans unnecessarily intrude on religious freedom. How many people wear these burqas in Switzerland? said Oender Guene , a spokesman for the Federation Of Islamic Organisations in Switzerland, which represents more than 200 mosques. You can probably count those living in Switzerland on maybe one or two hands. The rest are usually rich tourists from the Gulf. Two thirds of Switzerland s 8.4 million residents identify as Christians. But its Muslim population has risen to 5 percent, largely because of immigrants from former Yugoslavia. One Swiss canton, Italian-speaking Ticino, already has a similar ban. At least two demonstrators who wore veils in defiance after the ban came into effect last July paid fines of 250 Swiss francs ($260), Swiss media have reported. The Switzerland-wide initiative foresees parliament deciding on penalties. Though the measure would also forbid protesters from concealing their faces during demonstrations, the main focus has been on burqas. France s ban was upheld in 2014 by the European Court of Human Rights. This year Germany s parliament backed a ban on full-face veils for civil servants, judges and soldiers, while Austria and the Netherlands have debated the issue. With signatures in hand, leaders of the Swiss initiative expect three years of wrangling in Switzerland s system of direct democracy before voters get the chance to register their view. Liebrand is optimistic his initiative s path will mirror the progress of the 2009 minaret ban. The minaret campaign started as underdogs and was something the big parties didn t want, he said. But I reckon the facial coverings ban will also resonate with the people.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Switzerland could become the latest country to ban facial coverings worn by some Muslim women after activists collected more than the 100,000 signatures required to put the proposal to a national vote. The group, called Yes to a Mask Ban delivered the petition on Friday, setting up a vote by 2020. Some of its leaders also spearheaded the 2009 Swiss ban on new minarets being built in the country. A delegation of leaders from the group delivered three boxes containing 106,600 signatures to the federal chancellery, part of the Swiss parliament building in Bern. Full-face coverings such as niqabs and burqas are a polarizing issue across Europe, with some arguing that they symbolize discrimination against women and should be outlawed. The clothing has already been banned in France. Facial coverings are a symbol of radical Islam that have nothing to do with religious freedom but are rather an expression of the oppression of women, said Anian Liebrand, a Swiss campaign leader. In Switzerland, we show our faces when we talk to each other. Others contend that bans unnecessarily intrude on religious freedom. How many people wear these burqas in Switzerland? said Oender Guene , a spokesman for the Federation Of Islamic Organisations in Switzerland, which represents more than 200 mosques. You can probably count those living in Switzerland on maybe one or two hands. The rest are usually rich tourists from the Gulf. Two thirds of Switzerland s 8.4 million residents identify as Christians. But its Muslim population has risen to 5 percent, largely because of immigrants from former Yugoslavia. One Swiss canton, Italian-speaking Ticino, already has a similar ban. At least two demonstrators who wore veils in defiance after the ban came into effect last July paid fines of 250 Swiss francs ($260), Swiss media have reported. The Switzerland-wide initiative foresees parliament deciding on penalties. Though the measure would also forbid protesters from concealing their faces during demonstrations, the main focus has been on burqas. France s ban was upheld in 2014 by the European Court of Human Rights. This year Germany s parliament backed a ban on full-face veils for civil servants, judges and soldiers, while Austria and the Netherlands have debated the issue. With signatures in hand, leaders of the Swiss initiative expect three years of wrangling in Switzerland s system of direct democracy before voters get the chance to register their view. Liebrand is optimistic his initiative s path will mirror the progress of the 2009 minaret ban. The minaret campaign started as underdogs and was something the big parties didn t want, he said. But I reckon the facial coverings ban will also resonate with the people.
U.S. President Donald Trump said on Twitter on Sunday that he discussed forming a cyber security unit to guard against election hacking with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Tweeting after his first meeting with Putin on Friday, Trump said now was the time to work constructively with Moscow, pointing to a ceasefire deal in southwest Syria that came into effect on Sunday. “Putin & I discussed forming an impenetrable Cyber Security unit so that election hacking, & many other negative things, will be guarded and safe,” he said following their talks at the G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany. Trump said he had raised allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election with Putin. “I strongly pressed President Putin twice about Russian meddling in our election. He vehemently denied it. I’ve already given my opinion.....” He added: “We negotiated a ceasefire in parts of Syria which will save lives. Now it is time to move forward in working constructively with Russia!” Republican Senator Marco Rubio of Florida immediately criticized the move on Twitter, saying Putin was not a trusted partner. Partnering with Putin on a “Cyber Security Unit” is akin to partnering with (Syrian President Bashar al) Assad on a “Chemical Weapons Unit,” he wrote. Investigations by a special counsel, Robert Mueller, and several U.S. congressional committees are looking into whether Russia interfered in the election and colluded with Trump’s campaign. Those probes are focused almost exclusively on Moscow’s actions, lawmakers and intelligence officials say, and no evidence has surfaced publicly implicating other countries. Moscow has denied any interference, and Trump says his campaign did not collude with Russia. (This version of the story corrects the day of meeting in second paragraph to Friday)
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: U.S. President Donald Trump said on Twitter on Sunday that he discussed forming a cyber security unit to guard against election hacking with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Tweeting after his first meeting with Putin on Friday, Trump said now was the time to work constructively with Moscow, pointing to a ceasefire deal in southwest Syria that came into effect on Sunday. “Putin & I discussed forming an impenetrable Cyber Security unit so that election hacking, & many other negative things, will be guarded and safe,” he said following their talks at the G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany. Trump said he had raised allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election with Putin. “I strongly pressed President Putin twice about Russian meddling in our election. He vehemently denied it. I’ve already given my opinion.....” He added: “We negotiated a ceasefire in parts of Syria which will save lives. Now it is time to move forward in working constructively with Russia!” Republican Senator Marco Rubio of Florida immediately criticized the move on Twitter, saying Putin was not a trusted partner. Partnering with Putin on a “Cyber Security Unit” is akin to partnering with (Syrian President Bashar al) Assad on a “Chemical Weapons Unit,” he wrote. Investigations by a special counsel, Robert Mueller, and several U.S. congressional committees are looking into whether Russia interfered in the election and colluded with Trump’s campaign. Those probes are focused almost exclusively on Moscow’s actions, lawmakers and intelligence officials say, and no evidence has surfaced publicly implicating other countries. Moscow has denied any interference, and Trump says his campaign did not collude with Russia. (This version of the story corrects the day of meeting in second paragraph to Friday)
Hillary Clinton’s bout of pneumonia has shed light on a problem seldom seen by American voters: The long days, little sleep, cross-country travel, bad food and kissing babies add up to a recipe for illness for presidential candidates and aides. Avoiding viruses and other ailments can be next to impossible for people who spend months in the close confines of campaign planes and buses. Brooke Buchanan, former press secretary to 2008 Republican presidential candidate Senator John McCain, remembers leaving the campaign trail in Beaufort, South Carolina to visit an emergency room. She had a respiratory ailment and two ear infections. “You have to soldier on during certain things, but there’s a point when you become a liability,” Buchanan said. “I was back on the road the next day, full of antibiotics.” Supporters of Clinton, who will face Republican Donald Trump in the Nov. 8 election, worried on Monday that the Democratic presidential nominee’s medical scare would fuel conspiracy theories about her health. But Republican and Democratic political veterans alike say illnesses are an unwelcome but standard part of life on the campaign trail. Alice Stewart, who was a senior adviser to former presidential candidate Senator Ted Cruz during the Republican primary earlier this year, remembers coughing her way through some of his news conferences while she was recording them for the campaign. She called the Cruz plane a “flying petri dish.” “You just kind of power through it. When you’re on the road, you can’t drive home,” Stewart said. In recent weeks, several staff at Clinton’s campaign’s Brooklyn headquarters have fallen ill and required medical treatment, a campaign aide said. Steven Simpson, a pulmonary specialist at the University of Kansas, said candidates were particularly vulnerable to illness. “The average patient, if you have the luxury of it, takes the week off before you go back to your full duties,” Simpson said. “But how do you say that to a presidential candidate?” President Barack Obama caught a cold in August 2008, shortly before the Democratic Party’s convention. A video posted on YouTube shows him sneezing at a rally. “That’s why I’ve got my handkerchief,” he said. “Every candidate and campaign aide gets sick, but they just never get to take days off,” said former Obama aide Dan Pfeiffer. “You take vitamin C and try to get sleep, but it’s a losing battle.” Obama’s 2008 opponent, John McCain, traveled at times with a friend who was a doctor, said Steve Schmidt, the Republican candidate’s campaign manager. “I think one of the secrets of working in a White House or on a presidential campaign is it’s the closest you can ever get to traveling with Elvis (Presley) when it comes to the number of pills that are floating around,” Schmidt said. “There was always a big bag of every conceivable type of antibiotic and cold medicine, and you name it - we had it.” Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney developed a respiratory illness days before delivering his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention in Tampa in 2012. “I was scared to death that he wouldn’t really be able to speak,” said Stuart Stevens, who was Romney’s senior adviser. “Doctors tell you to rest. But there’s no time for that.” The grueling schedule led Stevens himself to develop pneumonia right after the 2012 campaign ended. Unhealthy food is another hazard of the campaign trail. Junk food is ubiquitous on campaign planes, and candidates flock to gatherings such as the Iowa State Fair that serve up fried candy bars, sausages and other high-calorie fare. Romney, who also ran for president in 2008, would sometimes pick the cheese off his pizza and the skin off fried chicken to limit the fat content, said former spokesman Ryan Williams. “It’s not healthy food, it’s campaign food,” said Williams. “And most operatives see themselves put on 10 or 20 pounds by the end of the campaign.” Trump is a noted germophobe, and there has been little evidence of him having gotten ill. He is a proud consumer of fast food, once tweeting a photo of himself on his plane with a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken nearby. That was also the chicken of choice for 1996 Republican nominee Bob Dole, who managed to avoid getting sick throughout his campaign, said his then-traveling press secretary, Nelson Warfield. “Much of the campaign staff that was half his age were hobbled at some point or another during the campaign, but Dole was resilient,” he said. Still, Dole had one nasty stumble. He fell off a stage in Chico, California, at campaign rally on Oct. 18, 1996. He got up smiling and soldiered on.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Hillary Clinton’s bout of pneumonia has shed light on a problem seldom seen by American voters: The long days, little sleep, cross-country travel, bad food and kissing babies add up to a recipe for illness for presidential candidates and aides. Avoiding viruses and other ailments can be next to impossible for people who spend months in the close confines of campaign planes and buses. Brooke Buchanan, former press secretary to 2008 Republican presidential candidate Senator John McCain, remembers leaving the campaign trail in Beaufort, South Carolina to visit an emergency room. She had a respiratory ailment and two ear infections. “You have to soldier on during certain things, but there’s a point when you become a liability,” Buchanan said. “I was back on the road the next day, full of antibiotics.” Supporters of Clinton, who will face Republican Donald Trump in the Nov. 8 election, worried on Monday that the Democratic presidential nominee’s medical scare would fuel conspiracy theories about her health. But Republican and Democratic political veterans alike say illnesses are an unwelcome but standard part of life on the campaign trail. Alice Stewart, who was a senior adviser to former presidential candidate Senator Ted Cruz during the Republican primary earlier this year, remembers coughing her way through some of his news conferences while she was recording them for the campaign. She called the Cruz plane a “flying petri dish.” “You just kind of power through it. When you’re on the road, you can’t drive home,” Stewart said. In recent weeks, several staff at Clinton’s campaign’s Brooklyn headquarters have fallen ill and required medical treatment, a campaign aide said. Steven Simpson, a pulmonary specialist at the University of Kansas, said candidates were particularly vulnerable to illness. “The average patient, if you have the luxury of it, takes the week off before you go back to your full duties,” Simpson said. “But how do you say that to a presidential candidate?” President Barack Obama caught a cold in August 2008, shortly before the Democratic Party’s convention. A video posted on YouTube shows him sneezing at a rally. “That’s why I’ve got my handkerchief,” he said. “Every candidate and campaign aide gets sick, but they just never get to take days off,” said former Obama aide Dan Pfeiffer. “You take vitamin C and try to get sleep, but it’s a losing battle.” Obama’s 2008 opponent, John McCain, traveled at times with a friend who was a doctor, said Steve Schmidt, the Republican candidate’s campaign manager. “I think one of the secrets of working in a White House or on a presidential campaign is it’s the closest you can ever get to traveling with Elvis (Presley) when it comes to the number of pills that are floating around,” Schmidt said. “There was always a big bag of every conceivable type of antibiotic and cold medicine, and you name it - we had it.” Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney developed a respiratory illness days before delivering his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention in Tampa in 2012. “I was scared to death that he wouldn’t really be able to speak,” said Stuart Stevens, who was Romney’s senior adviser. “Doctors tell you to rest. But there’s no time for that.” The grueling schedule led Stevens himself to develop pneumonia right after the 2012 campaign ended. Unhealthy food is another hazard of the campaign trail. Junk food is ubiquitous on campaign planes, and candidates flock to gatherings such as the Iowa State Fair that serve up fried candy bars, sausages and other high-calorie fare. Romney, who also ran for president in 2008, would sometimes pick the cheese off his pizza and the skin off fried chicken to limit the fat content, said former spokesman Ryan Williams. “It’s not healthy food, it’s campaign food,” said Williams. “And most operatives see themselves put on 10 or 20 pounds by the end of the campaign.” Trump is a noted germophobe, and there has been little evidence of him having gotten ill. He is a proud consumer of fast food, once tweeting a photo of himself on his plane with a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken nearby. That was also the chicken of choice for 1996 Republican nominee Bob Dole, who managed to avoid getting sick throughout his campaign, said his then-traveling press secretary, Nelson Warfield. “Much of the campaign staff that was half his age were hobbled at some point or another during the campaign, but Dole was resilient,” he said. Still, Dole had one nasty stumble. He fell off a stage in Chico, California, at campaign rally on Oct. 18, 1996. He got up smiling and soldiered on.
Donald Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, has offered to testify before congressional committees probing potential ties between the Trump campaign and Russia but wants protection against “unfair prosecution,” his lawyer said on Thursday. “General Flynn certainly has a story to tell, and he very much wants to tell it, should the circumstances permit,” said a statement from Flynn’s lawyer, Robert Kelner. Testimony from Flynn could help shed light on the conversations he had with Russian Ambassador to the United States Sergei Kislyak last year when he was the national security adviser for Trump’s presidential campaign. Kelner said discussions had taken place about Flynn’s availability to testify with officials of the intelligence committees of both the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives. Both committees are investigating allegations of Russian meddling in the U.S. election campaign last year as well as possible ties between the Trump campaign and Russians. Flynn was forced to resign as Trump’s national security adviser in February for failing to disclose talks with the Russian ambassador before Trump took office about U.S. sanctions on Moscow and misleading Vice President Mike Pence about the conversations. Questions remain about the scope of the discussions and what other contacts took place between other Trump advisers with the Russians. Earlier this week, the White House disclosed that Trump’s son-in-law and White House senior adviser, Jared Kushner, met executives of Russian state development bank Vnesheconombank, or VEB, in December. U.S. intelligence agencies have said Russia hacked emails of senior Democrats and orchestrated the release of embarrassing information in a bid to tip the presidential election in favor of Trump, whose views were seen as more in line with the Moscow’s. Russia has denied the allegations. Trump has dismissed suggestions of links with Moscow as Democratic sour grapes for losing the election. The Wall Street Journal, citing officials with knowledge of the matter, reported on Thursday that Flynn had sought immunity from the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the House and Senate intelligence panels in exchange for his testimony. The newspaper said he had so far found no takers. The House denied the Journal report. “Michael Flynn has not offered to testify to HPSCI in exchange for immunity,” committee spokesman Jack Langer said in a statement. The FBI declined to comment. The Senate committee did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Kelner’s statement did not mention the FBI. He said Flynn “is now the target of unsubstantiated public demands by Members of Congress and other political critics that he be criminally investigated.” Kelner said Flynn would not “submit to questioning in such a highly politicized, witch hunt environment without assurances against unfair prosecution.”Independent Senator Angus King, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, told CNN he could not confirm the Journal report, but “if that turns out to be the case, that’s a significant development I believe because it indicates that he has something important to say.”
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Donald Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, has offered to testify before congressional committees probing potential ties between the Trump campaign and Russia but wants protection against “unfair prosecution,” his lawyer said on Thursday. “General Flynn certainly has a story to tell, and he very much wants to tell it, should the circumstances permit,” said a statement from Flynn’s lawyer, Robert Kelner. Testimony from Flynn could help shed light on the conversations he had with Russian Ambassador to the United States Sergei Kislyak last year when he was the national security adviser for Trump’s presidential campaign. Kelner said discussions had taken place about Flynn’s availability to testify with officials of the intelligence committees of both the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives. Both committees are investigating allegations of Russian meddling in the U.S. election campaign last year as well as possible ties between the Trump campaign and Russians. Flynn was forced to resign as Trump’s national security adviser in February for failing to disclose talks with the Russian ambassador before Trump took office about U.S. sanctions on Moscow and misleading Vice President Mike Pence about the conversations. Questions remain about the scope of the discussions and what other contacts took place between other Trump advisers with the Russians. Earlier this week, the White House disclosed that Trump’s son-in-law and White House senior adviser, Jared Kushner, met executives of Russian state development bank Vnesheconombank, or VEB, in December. U.S. intelligence agencies have said Russia hacked emails of senior Democrats and orchestrated the release of embarrassing information in a bid to tip the presidential election in favor of Trump, whose views were seen as more in line with the Moscow’s. Russia has denied the allegations. Trump has dismissed suggestions of links with Moscow as Democratic sour grapes for losing the election. The Wall Street Journal, citing officials with knowledge of the matter, reported on Thursday that Flynn had sought immunity from the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the House and Senate intelligence panels in exchange for his testimony. The newspaper said he had so far found no takers. The House denied the Journal report. “Michael Flynn has not offered to testify to HPSCI in exchange for immunity,” committee spokesman Jack Langer said in a statement. The FBI declined to comment. The Senate committee did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Kelner’s statement did not mention the FBI. He said Flynn “is now the target of unsubstantiated public demands by Members of Congress and other political critics that he be criminally investigated.” Kelner said Flynn would not “submit to questioning in such a highly politicized, witch hunt environment without assurances against unfair prosecution.”Independent Senator Angus King, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, told CNN he could not confirm the Journal report, but “if that turns out to be the case, that’s a significant development I believe because it indicates that he has something important to say.”
Peruvian President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski s political troubles will likely continue despite his surprise victory over a bid in Congress to oust him this week, a key opposition leader said on Saturday, citing ongoing graft probes and opposing demands from allies. Jose Chlimper, secretary general of the right-wing Popular Force, said his party could eventually emerge stronger from this week s political crisis, despite failing to garner enough votes in the 130-member Congress to remove Kuczynski from office. For us having 71 lawmakers was an asset but also a liability. Because whatever Congress did was our fault, Chlimper told Reuters in a rare interview. The party, which grew out of the populist movement of imprisoned ex-president Alberto Fujimori, sought to remove Kuczynski from office this week over business links he once denied having to a company at the center of a massive graft scandal. Ten Popular Force lawmakers broke ranks to keep a presidential vacancy motion from succeeding. Chlimper called the defections a painful betrayal but said the rest of Popular Force lawmakers have reaffirmed their commitment to staying in the party and voting as a bloc. Kuczynski, on the other hand, could see the cross-party alliance that defended him this week evaporate going forward, said Chlimper. I don t see how he can come out stronger, he said. Chlimper said Kuczynski lured the rebel Popular Force lawmakers with a promise to free their movement s political leader, Fujimori, from prison - an accusation denied by Kuczynski s government. The dissident faction was led by Fujimori s youngest son, Kenji, who has challenged his sister Keiko s leadership of their father s following and who could receive a boost if the once-popular patriarch is released from prison. Kuczynski would lose the support of Fujimori s left-leaning foes if he makes good on the deal to secure the elder Fujimori s release, said Chlimper. In coming days, the left may have achieved what Fujimori s supporters have been unable to: a pardon for Fujimori, Chlimper said. At the same time, ongoing probes in Congress and in the attorney general s and comptroller s offices threaten to implicate Kuczynski in new allegations of wrongdoing, he added. His allies are going to have to explain themselves for the documents that will keep coming out, said Chlimper. This isn t a picture. It s a video. And we re going to keep seeing the scenery change in coming weeks and months, Chlimper said.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Peruvian President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski s political troubles will likely continue despite his surprise victory over a bid in Congress to oust him this week, a key opposition leader said on Saturday, citing ongoing graft probes and opposing demands from allies. Jose Chlimper, secretary general of the right-wing Popular Force, said his party could eventually emerge stronger from this week s political crisis, despite failing to garner enough votes in the 130-member Congress to remove Kuczynski from office. For us having 71 lawmakers was an asset but also a liability. Because whatever Congress did was our fault, Chlimper told Reuters in a rare interview. The party, which grew out of the populist movement of imprisoned ex-president Alberto Fujimori, sought to remove Kuczynski from office this week over business links he once denied having to a company at the center of a massive graft scandal. Ten Popular Force lawmakers broke ranks to keep a presidential vacancy motion from succeeding. Chlimper called the defections a painful betrayal but said the rest of Popular Force lawmakers have reaffirmed their commitment to staying in the party and voting as a bloc. Kuczynski, on the other hand, could see the cross-party alliance that defended him this week evaporate going forward, said Chlimper. I don t see how he can come out stronger, he said. Chlimper said Kuczynski lured the rebel Popular Force lawmakers with a promise to free their movement s political leader, Fujimori, from prison - an accusation denied by Kuczynski s government. The dissident faction was led by Fujimori s youngest son, Kenji, who has challenged his sister Keiko s leadership of their father s following and who could receive a boost if the once-popular patriarch is released from prison. Kuczynski would lose the support of Fujimori s left-leaning foes if he makes good on the deal to secure the elder Fujimori s release, said Chlimper. In coming days, the left may have achieved what Fujimori s supporters have been unable to: a pardon for Fujimori, Chlimper said. At the same time, ongoing probes in Congress and in the attorney general s and comptroller s offices threaten to implicate Kuczynski in new allegations of wrongdoing, he added. His allies are going to have to explain themselves for the documents that will keep coming out, said Chlimper. This isn t a picture. It s a video. And we re going to keep seeing the scenery change in coming weeks and months, Chlimper said.
Recently, Michelle Obama posed for InStyle magazine. The First Lady was stunning in a custom-made teal dress by Brandon Maxwell but of course conservatives had to sh*t all over it.A ridiculously named yet somehow moderately popular right-wing garbage fire of a Facebook page called The Resistance: The Last Line of Defense decided to give their take on the matter, posting the photo of our lovely First Lady with the following message: What do you think of the new portrait of Moochelle by InStyle Magazine? The numbskulls who visit the page are then instructed to like if they think it is Photoshopped and share the post if they are still not convinced he’s a she. Naturally, the denizens of Stupidville flocked to the opportunity, calling her every name they can’think of and, thanks to the power of stupidity and a third grade education, even managing to accidentally make some up in their pursuit to out-stupid one another. Many, of course, leaped at the opportunity to fantasize about the First Lady being a man, with some even demanding to see her penis. Others stuck to the tried-and-true let’s just call her a monkey or ape and get it over with. The modern conservative, folks.It s important to remember that each and every one of these vapid f*cksticks will be voting in November.Make sure you’re there to vote BLUE because you know these idiots are voting for Trump.Featured image via screengrab
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Recently, Michelle Obama posed for InStyle magazine. The First Lady was stunning in a custom-made teal dress by Brandon Maxwell but of course conservatives had to sh*t all over it.A ridiculously named yet somehow moderately popular right-wing garbage fire of a Facebook page called The Resistance: The Last Line of Defense decided to give their take on the matter, posting the photo of our lovely First Lady with the following message: What do you think of the new portrait of Moochelle by InStyle Magazine? The numbskulls who visit the page are then instructed to like if they think it is Photoshopped and share the post if they are still not convinced he’s a she. Naturally, the denizens of Stupidville flocked to the opportunity, calling her every name they can’think of and, thanks to the power of stupidity and a third grade education, even managing to accidentally make some up in their pursuit to out-stupid one another. Many, of course, leaped at the opportunity to fantasize about the First Lady being a man, with some even demanding to see her penis. Others stuck to the tried-and-true let’s just call her a monkey or ape and get it over with. The modern conservative, folks.It s important to remember that each and every one of these vapid f*cksticks will be voting in November.Make sure you’re there to vote BLUE because you know these idiots are voting for Trump.Featured image via screengrab
Senator Jeanne Shaheen justifies leaking phone conversations of President Trump! She’says that Trump’s tweeting is a problem and that it s a serious situation . She’s on the Foreign Relations Committee!MSNBC s Chris Matthews asked Shaheen what she thought of officials leaking the conversations: My experience is that when people feel like they need to leak something like that, it s because they have concerns about what s going on and I think that s one of the challenges. When we have a president who tries to make national security policy or foreign policy through tweeting, then we have a problem, and my guess is that s why people are leaking this kind of information, because they want the public to know how serious this situation is. What in the world is this woman talking about? Under no circumstances is this ok! Shaheen is on the Foreign Relations Committee! Her website says: As a member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Senator Shaheen is committed to helping build strong international alliances to bolster America s national security and boost our economy.How will it help international alliances if the world leaders are fearful of leaks if they call President Trump?
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Senator Jeanne Shaheen justifies leaking phone conversations of President Trump! She’says that Trump’s tweeting is a problem and that it s a serious situation . She’s on the Foreign Relations Committee!MSNBC s Chris Matthews asked Shaheen what she thought of officials leaking the conversations: My experience is that when people feel like they need to leak something like that, it s because they have concerns about what s going on and I think that s one of the challenges. When we have a president who tries to make national security policy or foreign policy through tweeting, then we have a problem, and my guess is that s why people are leaking this kind of information, because they want the public to know how serious this situation is. What in the world is this woman talking about? Under no circumstances is this ok! Shaheen is on the Foreign Relations Committee! Her website says: As a member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Senator Shaheen is committed to helping build strong international alliances to bolster America s national security and boost our economy.How will it help international alliances if the world leaders are fearful of leaks if they call President Trump?
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT:
Iraqi forces captured the Akkas gas field from Islamic State on Thursday, Oil Minister Jabar al-Luaibi told reporters in Baghdad. Iraqi forces launched an offensive last month to oust the militant group from the last area still under its control in Iraq, on the border with Syria, where the field is located. The field hasn t entered production yet. Akkas, which has reserves of 5.6 trillion cubic feet, is operated by Korea Gas Company (KOGAS) and located in western Anbar province near the Syrian border. Development of Iraq s Akkas gas field had been delayed after Islamic State seized large territories in Anbar in May 2014. KOGAS halted operations after multiple attacks by militants against the company s sites in the field. Iraqi oil ministry officials said they plan to send a crew to Akkas to assess damages to the field s energy facilities. We will make a field visit to write a report about the damages and what we need to bring back the field online as soon as possible, said engineer Mohammed Ibrahim who is a member of an oil ministry team supervising Akkas. Iraq is planning to contact KOGAS soon to start preparations to resume development works at the field, said Ibrahim. Security forces are working to clean Akkas from landmines and booby-traps that might be left by Daesh, said Colonel Saad Hardan from Anbar police.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Iraqi forces captured the Akkas gas field from Islamic State on Thursday, Oil Minister Jabar al-Luaibi told reporters in Baghdad. Iraqi forces launched an offensive last month to oust the militant group from the last area still under its control in Iraq, on the border with Syria, where the field is located. The field hasn t entered production yet. Akkas, which has reserves of 5.6 trillion cubic feet, is operated by Korea Gas Company (KOGAS) and located in western Anbar province near the Syrian border. Development of Iraq s Akkas gas field had been delayed after Islamic State seized large territories in Anbar in May 2014. KOGAS halted operations after multiple attacks by militants against the company s sites in the field. Iraqi oil ministry officials said they plan to send a crew to Akkas to assess damages to the field s energy facilities. We will make a field visit to write a report about the damages and what we need to bring back the field online as soon as possible, said engineer Mohammed Ibrahim who is a member of an oil ministry team supervising Akkas. Iraq is planning to contact KOGAS soon to start preparations to resume development works at the field, said Ibrahim. Security forces are working to clean Akkas from landmines and booby-traps that might be left by Daesh, said Colonel Saad Hardan from Anbar police.
Since the’start of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, he’s gone after pretty much every minority group there is. Along with his obvious and seemingly deliberate racism, he’s also declared that he will deport all undocumented immigrants, mainly the ones he can’tell by skin color. In other words, Latinos and Muslims. His words have been horrendous and have reached far and wide all across the United States.His words have even reached a young third grader, who seems to be taking an ESL (English as a Second Language) course, and their teacher in Ohio posted a letter the child wrote concerning Donald Trump to Facebook for all the world to see. Why? Because it s AMAZING.The letter reads, in its original grammar: I have a dream 2016!I have a dream that Donald Trump will not be president. But if he does all Asians, Africans and Mexicans have to go back to their contry. Without them the U.S.A. population will go down to 12,0000 people only. Most enginners are Indian then their won’t be no tecnolegy! Without tecnolgy theirs no NETFLIX. Without netflix theirs no chill. Is that a world you what live in NO. // < ![CDATA[ // < ![CDATA[ // < ![CDATA[ // < ![CDATA[ // < ![CDATA[ (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = "//;version=v2.3"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); // ]]&gt;Third graders should run this country ?Posted by Bayan Sabouri on Thursday, January 21, 2016No, tiny human, we don’t want to live in a world where we can’t Netflix and Chill, although it s apparent this child doesn’t truly know what that means, but we ll let that pass. They are a young child after all and hopefully they won’t know the grown up meaning to that phrase til much later in life.However, the point is still made that if we as a nation degrade, look down upon, or worse deport minorities, we ll be doing ourselves a great disservice. The United States of America is a nation of immigrants, it s kind of our thing. It makes us who we are, and we can cultivate the best and brightest to build a better future.So to answer the question again, no, we don’t want to live in a world with Donald Trump as president. Not one tiny little bit.Featured image: Flickr/Facebook HT: Uproxx
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Since the’start of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, he’s gone after pretty much every minority group there is. Along with his obvious and seemingly deliberate racism, he’s also declared that he will deport all undocumented immigrants, mainly the ones he can’tell by skin color. In other words, Latinos and Muslims. His words have been horrendous and have reached far and wide all across the United States.His words have even reached a young third grader, who seems to be taking an ESL (English as a Second Language) course, and their teacher in Ohio posted a letter the child wrote concerning Donald Trump to Facebook for all the world to see. Why? Because it s AMAZING.The letter reads, in its original grammar: I have a dream 2016!I have a dream that Donald Trump will not be president. But if he does all Asians, Africans and Mexicans have to go back to their contry. Without them the U.S.A. population will go down to 12,0000 people only. Most enginners are Indian then their won’t be no tecnolegy! Without tecnolgy theirs no NETFLIX. Without netflix theirs no chill. Is that a world you what live in NO. // < ![CDATA[ // < ![CDATA[ // < ![CDATA[ // < ![CDATA[ // < ![CDATA[ (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = "//;version=v2.3"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); // ]]&gt;Third graders should run this country ?Posted by Bayan Sabouri on Thursday, January 21, 2016No, tiny human, we don’t want to live in a world where we can’t Netflix and Chill, although it s apparent this child doesn’t truly know what that means, but we ll let that pass. They are a young child after all and hopefully they won’t know the grown up meaning to that phrase til much later in life.However, the point is still made that if we as a nation degrade, look down upon, or worse deport minorities, we ll be doing ourselves a great disservice. The United States of America is a nation of immigrants, it s kind of our thing. It makes us who we are, and we can cultivate the best and brightest to build a better future.So to answer the question again, no, we don’t want to live in a world with Donald Trump as president. Not one tiny little bit.Featured image: Flickr/Facebook HT: Uproxx
Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy on Wednesday called on Catalonia regional leaders to cancel a planned referendum on splitting from Spain because it goes against the country s laws. Don t go ahead. Go back to the law and democracy. This referendum is a chimera, Rajoy said in a televised speech.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy on Wednesday called on Catalonia regional leaders to cancel a planned referendum on splitting from Spain because it goes against the country s laws. Don t go ahead. Go back to the law and democracy. This referendum is a chimera, Rajoy said in a televised speech.
Zimbabwe s former vice president Emmerson Mnangagwa, who was fired by President Robert Mugabe this week, is safe and will travel to South Africa very soon , the head of the war veterans Chris Mutsvangwa said on Wednesday. Mnangagwa s removal on Monday was a boost for Mugabe s wife, Grace, who has been a vocal critic of the former vice president and is seen as a potential successor to her husband. Mutsvangwa, a close ally of Mnangagwa, told reporters in Johannesburg that Grace was behind the purge of Mnangagwa and his allies.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Zimbabwe s former vice president Emmerson Mnangagwa, who was fired by President Robert Mugabe this week, is safe and will travel to South Africa very soon , the head of the war veterans Chris Mutsvangwa said on Wednesday. Mnangagwa s removal on Monday was a boost for Mugabe s wife, Grace, who has been a vocal critic of the former vice president and is seen as a potential successor to her husband. Mutsvangwa, a close ally of Mnangagwa, told reporters in Johannesburg that Grace was behind the purge of Mnangagwa and his allies.
Vladimir Putin s name used to be mud with the majority of Americans. Americans opinion of the Russian leader have traditionally been lukewarm. But ever since Putin spearheaded a campaign to at Trump’s request hack the U.S. President-elect s political enemies and spread poisonous political propaganda demonizing Hillary Clinton, the right wing s opinions of Vlad have been rising fast.Here is Republicans and Democrats on Vladimir Putin since July 2014. Will Jordan (@williamjordann) December 14, 2016At around the time that it became known that Russia was interfering in our election in a manner that benefits Donald Trump, conservatives suddenly decided that Vladimir Putin is their hero. When Trump won’the election thanks to Vlad s assistance, their approval rating of the Russian president skyrocketed.This party before country attitude has become a hallmark of the Republican Party, but it has never been as clearly demonstrated as their reaction to a foreign power, with full knowledge and participation of the country s leader, interfering in our elections by hacking one candidate s opponent and her allies. While we’recognize that this is terrifying no matter who does it and no matter who benefits, Republicans are cool with it because it helped The Donald secure a kinda-sorta victory and Stephen King is more than happy to call them out for it in the form of a fun little story:Once upon a time, children, the Republicans didn't like the Russians. Then a good elf named Putin came along, and all that changed. Stephen King (@StephenKing) December 15, 2016King has pretty much spent this entire month having fun at Trump and Republicans expense:Trump's tweets display hysteria, aggression, paranoia, insecurity. Politics aside, his mental state bears close watching. Stephen King (@StephenKing) December 2, 2016After checking Twitter, Molly aka the Thing of Evil thinks the red-suited invader is Trump-A-Claus. She's watching for orange hair. Stephen King (@StephenKing) December 6, 2016Trump's mental condition is open to debate, I suppose; that he's an incompetent asshat seems undeniable. Stephen King (@StephenKing) December 7, 2016Trump's proposed cabinet is the worst in American history: a motley crew of plunder-monkeys. Stephen King (@StephenKing) December 10, 2016Trump's crew of plunder-monkeys has begun to look like the Polituro West. Stephen King (@StephenKing) December 15, 2016The mystery of why Republicans are completely willing to throw away any sense of decency or loyalty to their country to support a foreign leader corrupting our elections while they simultaneously wave flags and proclaim their love of this nation is unlikely to be solved anytime soon, but one thing is for certain: Trump’s time in office will be one of the darkest periods our nation has faced in quite some time.Featured image via screengrab/Getty Images (Drew Angerer)
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Vladimir Putin s name used to be mud with the majority of Americans. Americans opinion of the Russian leader have traditionally been lukewarm. But ever since Putin spearheaded a campaign to at Trump’s request hack the U.S. President-elect s political enemies and spread poisonous political propaganda demonizing Hillary Clinton, the right wing s opinions of Vlad have been rising fast.Here is Republicans and Democrats on Vladimir Putin since July 2014. Will Jordan (@williamjordann) December 14, 2016At around the time that it became known that Russia was interfering in our election in a manner that benefits Donald Trump, conservatives suddenly decided that Vladimir Putin is their hero. When Trump won’the election thanks to Vlad s assistance, their approval rating of the Russian president skyrocketed.This party before country attitude has become a hallmark of the Republican Party, but it has never been as clearly demonstrated as their reaction to a foreign power, with full knowledge and participation of the country s leader, interfering in our elections by hacking one candidate s opponent and her allies. While we’recognize that this is terrifying no matter who does it and no matter who benefits, Republicans are cool with it because it helped The Donald secure a kinda-sorta victory and Stephen King is more than happy to call them out for it in the form of a fun little story:Once upon a time, children, the Republicans didn't like the Russians. Then a good elf named Putin came along, and all that changed. Stephen King (@StephenKing) December 15, 2016King has pretty much spent this entire month having fun at Trump and Republicans expense:Trump's tweets display hysteria, aggression, paranoia, insecurity. Politics aside, his mental state bears close watching. Stephen King (@StephenKing) December 2, 2016After checking Twitter, Molly aka the Thing of Evil thinks the red-suited invader is Trump-A-Claus. She's watching for orange hair. Stephen King (@StephenKing) December 6, 2016Trump's mental condition is open to debate, I suppose; that he's an incompetent asshat seems undeniable. Stephen King (@StephenKing) December 7, 2016Trump's proposed cabinet is the worst in American history: a motley crew of plunder-monkeys. Stephen King (@StephenKing) December 10, 2016Trump's crew of plunder-monkeys has begun to look like the Polituro West. Stephen King (@StephenKing) December 15, 2016The mystery of why Republicans are completely willing to throw away any sense of decency or loyalty to their country to support a foreign leader corrupting our elections while they simultaneously wave flags and proclaim their love of this nation is unlikely to be solved anytime soon, but one thing is for certain: Trump’s time in office will be one of the darkest periods our nation has faced in quite some time.Featured image via screengrab/Getty Images (Drew Angerer)
***WARNING***This video will make your blood boil. Do NOT watch it if you have high blood pressure. There is also some hood approved language that many sane may find offensive. Can someone please explain’to me why any man or woman would want to risk their lives to help these people? This is only going to get worse before it gets better. As long as we have a President of the United States who is condoning this behavior by remaining silent, this situation is going to get much worse. East Precinct Officer Matthew Cammarn, who has been named Officer of the Year, should be out of the hospital soon. He was trying to arrest Brian Shannon, 22, when Shannon and a crowd attacked him in one of Nashville s projects as he tried to make the arrest.Shannon is jailed on charges of felony aggravated assault on a police officer, resisting arrest, evading arrest, criminal trespassing, disorderly conduct and drug possession. A 17-year old was also arrested.The officer, a hero cop, saw Shannon assaulting a woman when Shannon aggressively approached the officer who then tried to arrest him.While Officer Cammarn was on the ground fighting with Shannon, people in a crowd pulled and pushed Cammarn to try and free Shannon. Others stood by recording the assault on their cell phones. Via: Independent Sentinel
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: ***WARNING***This video will make your blood boil. Do NOT watch it if you have high blood pressure. There is also some hood approved language that many sane may find offensive. Can someone please explain’to me why any man or woman would want to risk their lives to help these people? This is only going to get worse before it gets better. As long as we have a President of the United States who is condoning this behavior by remaining silent, this situation is going to get much worse. East Precinct Officer Matthew Cammarn, who has been named Officer of the Year, should be out of the hospital soon. He was trying to arrest Brian Shannon, 22, when Shannon and a crowd attacked him in one of Nashville s projects as he tried to make the arrest.Shannon is jailed on charges of felony aggravated assault on a police officer, resisting arrest, evading arrest, criminal trespassing, disorderly conduct and drug possession. A 17-year old was also arrested.The officer, a hero cop, saw Shannon assaulting a woman when Shannon aggressively approached the officer who then tried to arrest him.While Officer Cammarn was on the ground fighting with Shannon, people in a crowd pulled and pushed Cammarn to try and free Shannon. Others stood by recording the assault on their cell phones. Via: Independent Sentinel
The government of Peruvian President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski will likely object to a bill passed by Congress that aims to expand new anti-graft restrictions to Grana y Montero and other local partners of Brazilian builder Odebrecht [ODBES.UL], the prime minister said Thursday. Odebrecht has admitted to paying millions of dollars in bribes to officials in Peru over a decade-long period, and lawmakers want the financial constraints written to keep Odebrecht from evading payment of fines for bribery to apply to the companies it partnered with. But Prime Minister Mercedes Araoz said a new bill that sailed through the opposition-ruled Congress two weeks ago threatens to paralyze construction projects and likely violates due process. I m not a lawyer but I do think that you always have to respect the presumption of innocence, Araoz told foreign media in the capital Lima. There are parts of it that we would have to take issue with. Araoz said Congress has not yet sent the bill to the executive branch for passage and that the justice and economy ministries would study it thoroughly before taking any action. The legislation would restrict international asset transfers and the right to seize ill gotten gains of Grana and other Odebrecht partners. However, none of Odebrecht s local partners have been convicted of any crimes and deny taking part in Odebrecht s bribes. Grana, Peru s biggest construction group and Odebrecht s most important local partner, saw its shares drop nearly 23 percent to 2.4 soles ( 0.5573) after passage of the legislation. Grana did not immediately respond to requests for comment but has criticized the bill as unconstitutional and promised to take legal action if it becomes law. Lawmakers who back the legislation have said Odebrecht s partners likely had a hand in Odebrecht s kickback schemes and that prosecutors were working too slowly in finding other guilty parties. Grana is under investigation in the attorney general s office but has not been charged with any crime and has repeatedly denied wrongdoing. Araoz added that the government is planning to ask Congress for special legislative powers to make tax collection more efficient. However, she said the changes would be minor and ruled out any changes to tax rates.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The government of Peruvian President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski will likely object to a bill passed by Congress that aims to expand new anti-graft restrictions to Grana y Montero and other local partners of Brazilian builder Odebrecht [ODBES.UL], the prime minister said Thursday. Odebrecht has admitted to paying millions of dollars in bribes to officials in Peru over a decade-long period, and lawmakers want the financial constraints written to keep Odebrecht from evading payment of fines for bribery to apply to the companies it partnered with. But Prime Minister Mercedes Araoz said a new bill that sailed through the opposition-ruled Congress two weeks ago threatens to paralyze construction projects and likely violates due process. I m not a lawyer but I do think that you always have to respect the presumption of innocence, Araoz told foreign media in the capital Lima. There are parts of it that we would have to take issue with. Araoz said Congress has not yet sent the bill to the executive branch for passage and that the justice and economy ministries would study it thoroughly before taking any action. The legislation would restrict international asset transfers and the right to seize ill gotten gains of Grana and other Odebrecht partners. However, none of Odebrecht s local partners have been convicted of any crimes and deny taking part in Odebrecht s bribes. Grana, Peru s biggest construction group and Odebrecht s most important local partner, saw its shares drop nearly 23 percent to 2.4 soles ( 0.5573) after passage of the legislation. Grana did not immediately respond to requests for comment but has criticized the bill as unconstitutional and promised to take legal action if it becomes law. Lawmakers who back the legislation have said Odebrecht s partners likely had a hand in Odebrecht s kickback schemes and that prosecutors were working too slowly in finding other guilty parties. Grana is under investigation in the attorney general s office but has not been charged with any crime and has repeatedly denied wrongdoing. Araoz added that the government is planning to ask Congress for special legislative powers to make tax collection more efficient. However, she said the changes would be minor and ruled out any changes to tax rates.
If Donald Trump and his team are trying to pretend that everything is fine and nothing s wrong, they’re not doing a very good job.Earlier today, Trump kicked off the morning by indulging in his habitual Twitter habit whenever he’s nervous about something. Providing a distraction from former FBI Director James Comey s testimony, Trump decided to announce his pick for a new FBI Director signaling that Trump is nervous as hell and desperate to take the heat off the Russia scandal. It turns out, his Vice President is also freaking out.Apparently, Mike Pence reacted to the release of Comey s opening statement by abruptly cancelling a scheduled interview literally right before it was supposed to happen! Now, Pence is cowering and has gone into hiding. Here s what went down, according to PBS:Pence bailed with no warning whatsoever!Comey s released opening statement has clearly taken the White House by surprise, and everyone s in panic mode now. The White House has been on media lockdown since the release of the’statement, and Pence s response surely raised suspicions.Pence, without a doubt, cancelled that interview so he wouldn’t have to answer questions about Comey because he could not only further incriminate Trump, but himself as well. Despite the fact that most of the focus has been on Trump, Pence is also in big trouble because of the Russia scandal. Trump’s entire administration is in danger if he goes down.What happens tomorrow during Comey s testimony will likely change the entire direction of the Russia scandal, and it already looks as if it is going to mean bad news for Trump. All of the warning signs and red flags are present, and everyone close to Trump is now running for the hills. For Pence to cancel this interview certainly means something fishy is happening, and most of us can’t wait to find out.Featured image via Alex Wong / Getty Images
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: If Donald Trump and his team are trying to pretend that everything is fine and nothing s wrong, they’re not doing a very good job.Earlier today, Trump kicked off the morning by indulging in his habitual Twitter habit whenever he’s nervous about something. Providing a distraction from former FBI Director James Comey s testimony, Trump decided to announce his pick for a new FBI Director signaling that Trump is nervous as hell and desperate to take the heat off the Russia scandal. It turns out, his Vice President is also freaking out.Apparently, Mike Pence reacted to the release of Comey s opening statement by abruptly cancelling a scheduled interview literally right before it was supposed to happen! Now, Pence is cowering and has gone into hiding. Here s what went down, according to PBS:Pence bailed with no warning whatsoever!Comey s released opening statement has clearly taken the White House by surprise, and everyone s in panic mode now. The White House has been on media lockdown since the release of the’statement, and Pence s response surely raised suspicions.Pence, without a doubt, cancelled that interview so he wouldn’t have to answer questions about Comey because he could not only further incriminate Trump, but himself as well. Despite the fact that most of the focus has been on Trump, Pence is also in big trouble because of the Russia scandal. Trump’s entire administration is in danger if he goes down.What happens tomorrow during Comey s testimony will likely change the entire direction of the Russia scandal, and it already looks as if it is going to mean bad news for Trump. All of the warning signs and red flags are present, and everyone close to Trump is now running for the hills. For Pence to cancel this interview certainly means something fishy is happening, and most of us can’t wait to find out.Featured image via Alex Wong / Getty Images
The United States plans to use upcoming talks with top Chinese officials to discuss ways to bring greater pressure to bear on North Korea to abandon its nuclear ambitions, a senior U.S. official said on Tuesday. “The outcome that we’re looking for is North Korean agreement to negotiate the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula,” Assistant Secretary of State Daniel Russel told reporters. “We have a vastly improved chance of getting that with China’s full cooperation, and we intend to use the (U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue) to game out how we can speed up the outcome that we’re both working to achieve,” he said.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The United States plans to use upcoming talks with top Chinese officials to discuss ways to bring greater pressure to bear on North Korea to abandon its nuclear ambitions, a senior U.S. official said on Tuesday. “The outcome that we’re looking for is North Korean agreement to negotiate the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula,” Assistant Secretary of State Daniel Russel told reporters. “We have a vastly improved chance of getting that with China’s full cooperation, and we intend to use the (U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue) to game out how we can speed up the outcome that we’re both working to achieve,” he said.
On April 16th, Senator Bernie Sanders, through a video message, introduced Rapper Killer Mike and his group, Run the Jewels, at the Coachella Music Festival in Indio, California.Senator Sanders cited his friendship with Killer Mike, who became a fervent supporter and surrogate for the Bernie Sanders campaign after the rapper started reading his tweets. Rolling Stone released a six part interview the rapper conducted with Senator Sanders in December 2015. The rapper has introduced him at several campaign events, campaigned on behalf of Bernie Sanders, and participated in several other video discussions including a forum with Dr. Cornel West, Nina Turner, and Bernie Sanders on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in January 2016.After backlash in February alleging Killer Mike was sexist for remarks he made in quoting Jane Elliot, the rapper has focused more on his music career.Next week, Bernie Sanders supporters are putting on Berniechella in the’same city Coachella is being held. A block party will be held in Old town Coachella on April 21st and 22nd featuring food trucks, exhibitions, and performances from Zoe Kravitz, Ozomatli, Venus and the Moon, Shepard Farley, and Moses Summey. The event is free and thousands are expected to attend. The event and Bernie Sanders introduction for Killer Mike represents the the impact Bernie Sanders campaign is having on the culture of millennials. Counter culture icons in the music and entertainment industry have embraced Bernie Sanders along with millions of millennials. No matter what the outcome of the Democratic Primaries is, Bernie Sanders has become an iconic figure for younger generations, and his campaign will have a lasting impact on American politics for years to come. Image courtesy of Flickr
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: On April 16th, Senator Bernie Sanders, through a video message, introduced Rapper Killer Mike and his group, Run the Jewels, at the Coachella Music Festival in Indio, California.Senator Sanders cited his friendship with Killer Mike, who became a fervent supporter and surrogate for the Bernie Sanders campaign after the rapper started reading his tweets. Rolling Stone released a six part interview the rapper conducted with Senator Sanders in December 2015. The rapper has introduced him at several campaign events, campaigned on behalf of Bernie Sanders, and participated in several other video discussions including a forum with Dr. Cornel West, Nina Turner, and Bernie Sanders on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in January 2016.After backlash in February alleging Killer Mike was sexist for remarks he made in quoting Jane Elliot, the rapper has focused more on his music career.Next week, Bernie Sanders supporters are putting on Berniechella in the’same city Coachella is being held. A block party will be held in Old town Coachella on April 21st and 22nd featuring food trucks, exhibitions, and performances from Zoe Kravitz, Ozomatli, Venus and the Moon, Shepard Farley, and Moses Summey. The event is free and thousands are expected to attend. The event and Bernie Sanders introduction for Killer Mike represents the the impact Bernie Sanders campaign is having on the culture of millennials. Counter culture icons in the music and entertainment industry have embraced Bernie Sanders along with millions of millennials. No matter what the outcome of the Democratic Primaries is, Bernie Sanders has become an iconic figure for younger generations, and his campaign will have a lasting impact on American politics for years to come. Image courtesy of Flickr
Of course they have no plans to assimilate The Associated Press and NBC are now reporting that Tennessee gunman Muhammed Youssef Abdulazees was an immigrant from the Muslim nation of Kuwait.According to U.S. Census Data, the United States admits roughly 100,000 Muslim immigrants legally each year, representing the fastest growing block of immigration into the United States. Tennessee, in fact, is home to one of the fastest growing immigrant populations in the country, causing the President to give a recent speech there in favor of expansive immigration. The Mayor of Nashville has launched a New American Advisory Council to help facilitate the legally-sanctioned transition from the previous inhabitants of Nashville to the new ones.Both of Tennessee s Senators, Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN), helped pass the Senate s Gang of Eight bill which would have tripled the number of green cards issued over the next ten years.Unlike illegal immigrants, legal immigrants invited into the United States with green cards are granted automatic work permits, welfare access, and the ability to become voting citizens.Pew Research has estimated that immigration will cause the population of U.S. Muslims to more than double over the next two decades from 2.6 million in 2010 to 6.2 million in 2030. This demographic change is entirely the product of legal admissions that is, it is a formal policy of the federal government adopted by Congress.Another major source of Middle Eastern immigration into the United States is done through our nation s refugee program.Every year the United Stated admits 70,000 asylees and refugees. Arabic is the most common language spoken by refugees, and 91.4 percent of refugees from the Middle East are on food stamps.The importation of Middle Eastern immigrants through the nation s refugee program has led to the development of pockets of radicalized communities throughout the United States.Minnesota, for instance, which has the largest Somali population in the country, has struggled to stem terror recruiting. The Minneapolis Star Tribune recently reported that six men from Minnesota were arrested and charged attempting to fight alongside ISIS. During the last two years alone, more than 20 Somali-Americans from Minnesota have left the U.S. to fight alongside terrorists under the banner of ISIL.Similarly, as National Review has reported, Dearborn, Michigan is home to just under 100,000 people, about 40 percent of whom are Muslim. In 2013, a leaked government document revealed that more people from Dearborn were on the federal terrorist watch list than from any other city except New York. The head of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services Union, Kenneth Palinkas, recently warned about this very issue: It is also essential to warn the public about the threat that ISIS will exploit our loose and lax visa policies to gain entry to the United States. Indeed, as we know from the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993, from the 9/11 terrorist attacks, from the Boston Bombing, from the recent plot to bomb a school and courthouse in Connecticut, and many other lesser-known terror incidents, we are letting terrorists into the United States right through our front door. He listed a number of terror attacks in which the attackers were immigrants voluntarily imported into the United States, including the Boston Marathon Bombing. None of these attacks would have occurred but for immigration sanctioned by the federal government.News reports show that this is similarly emerging as a problem in Florida. A recent piece in The Tampa Tribune reveals that Florida now leads the nation as the number one state resettling refugees.As one Floridian community liaison manager with Refugee Services estimated for The Tampa Tribune, Florida settles 27,000 refugees, on average, per year.According to the federal government, Florida resettled 43,184 refugees in 2013.While most of these refugees settling in Florida arrive from Cuba, many arrive from Middle Eastern countries. According to the U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement, the next largest countries to resettle in Florida after Cuba are (in order) Iraq, Myanmar (Burma), the Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan, Somalia, Colombia, Afghanistan, Jordan, Pakistan, Syria, and Palestine.The Tampa Tribune reports that many of these Muslim refugees are carving out their own Muslim communities within Florida (similar to what refugees have done in Dearborn and Minneapolis): Many of the refugees finding homes in the Tampa Bay area are Muslim because the region has an established Muslim community. The Tampa Tribune also notes that most of these refugees, precisely because they are invited in legally by our government, will go on to seek citizenship. Tampa immigration lawyer B. John Ovink told The Tampa Tribune, Citizenship is straightforward. Once they enter as refugees or are granted asylum, they apply for permanent residency, the proof of which is a green card. It s pretty automatic unless something changes in their country of origin and they are forced to go back. But I haven’t seen that happen in the 22 years I ve been practicing law. On the heels of these developments, two Republican Senators Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) and Dan Coats (R-IN) have announced plans to substantially increase immigration from countries with large Muslim populations as a condition of a new highway bill. They are proposing to attach highly-skilled immigration bills from last Congress, which would expand the number of STEM workers (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) large numbers of whom come from countries with large Muslim populations like Pakistan, India and Saudi Arabia. The Tennessee killer was himself an engineering student.Similarly, presidential contender Senator Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) has also introduced immigration legislation that would substantially increase opportunities for Muslim immigration by creating an uncapped green card program for foreign students specializing in STEM fields while tripling the number of H-1B visas. One of the fastest growing groups of foreign students are from Saudi Arabia, helping propel the foreign student population to an all-time high.Senator Rubio s statement on the terrorist attack in Tennessee did not mention anything about Islam.Via: Breitbart News
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Of course they have no plans to assimilate The Associated Press and NBC are now reporting that Tennessee gunman Muhammed Youssef Abdulazees was an immigrant from the Muslim nation of Kuwait.According to U.S. Census Data, the United States admits roughly 100,000 Muslim immigrants legally each year, representing the fastest growing block of immigration into the United States. Tennessee, in fact, is home to one of the fastest growing immigrant populations in the country, causing the President to give a recent speech there in favor of expansive immigration. The Mayor of Nashville has launched a New American Advisory Council to help facilitate the legally-sanctioned transition from the previous inhabitants of Nashville to the new ones.Both of Tennessee s Senators, Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN), helped pass the Senate s Gang of Eight bill which would have tripled the number of green cards issued over the next ten years.Unlike illegal immigrants, legal immigrants invited into the United States with green cards are granted automatic work permits, welfare access, and the ability to become voting citizens.Pew Research has estimated that immigration will cause the population of U.S. Muslims to more than double over the next two decades from 2.6 million in 2010 to 6.2 million in 2030. This demographic change is entirely the product of legal admissions that is, it is a formal policy of the federal government adopted by Congress.Another major source of Middle Eastern immigration into the United States is done through our nation s refugee program.Every year the United Stated admits 70,000 asylees and refugees. Arabic is the most common language spoken by refugees, and 91.4 percent of refugees from the Middle East are on food stamps.The importation of Middle Eastern immigrants through the nation s refugee program has led to the development of pockets of radicalized communities throughout the United States.Minnesota, for instance, which has the largest Somali population in the country, has struggled to stem terror recruiting. The Minneapolis Star Tribune recently reported that six men from Minnesota were arrested and charged attempting to fight alongside ISIS. During the last two years alone, more than 20 Somali-Americans from Minnesota have left the U.S. to fight alongside terrorists under the banner of ISIL.Similarly, as National Review has reported, Dearborn, Michigan is home to just under 100,000 people, about 40 percent of whom are Muslim. In 2013, a leaked government document revealed that more people from Dearborn were on the federal terrorist watch list than from any other city except New York. The head of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services Union, Kenneth Palinkas, recently warned about this very issue: It is also essential to warn the public about the threat that ISIS will exploit our loose and lax visa policies to gain entry to the United States. Indeed, as we know from the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993, from the 9/11 terrorist attacks, from the Boston Bombing, from the recent plot to bomb a school and courthouse in Connecticut, and many other lesser-known terror incidents, we are letting terrorists into the United States right through our front door. He listed a number of terror attacks in which the attackers were immigrants voluntarily imported into the United States, including the Boston Marathon Bombing. None of these attacks would have occurred but for immigration sanctioned by the federal government.News reports show that this is similarly emerging as a problem in Florida. A recent piece in The Tampa Tribune reveals that Florida now leads the nation as the number one state resettling refugees.As one Floridian community liaison manager with Refugee Services estimated for The Tampa Tribune, Florida settles 27,000 refugees, on average, per year.According to the federal government, Florida resettled 43,184 refugees in 2013.While most of these refugees settling in Florida arrive from Cuba, many arrive from Middle Eastern countries. According to the U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement, the next largest countries to resettle in Florida after Cuba are (in order) Iraq, Myanmar (Burma), the Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan, Somalia, Colombia, Afghanistan, Jordan, Pakistan, Syria, and Palestine.The Tampa Tribune reports that many of these Muslim refugees are carving out their own Muslim communities within Florida (similar to what refugees have done in Dearborn and Minneapolis): Many of the refugees finding homes in the Tampa Bay area are Muslim because the region has an established Muslim community. The Tampa Tribune also notes that most of these refugees, precisely because they are invited in legally by our government, will go on to seek citizenship. Tampa immigration lawyer B. John Ovink told The Tampa Tribune, Citizenship is straightforward. Once they enter as refugees or are granted asylum, they apply for permanent residency, the proof of which is a green card. It s pretty automatic unless something changes in their country of origin and they are forced to go back. But I haven’t seen that happen in the 22 years I ve been practicing law. On the heels of these developments, two Republican Senators Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) and Dan Coats (R-IN) have announced plans to substantially increase immigration from countries with large Muslim populations as a condition of a new highway bill. They are proposing to attach highly-skilled immigration bills from last Congress, which would expand the number of STEM workers (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) large numbers of whom come from countries with large Muslim populations like Pakistan, India and Saudi Arabia. The Tennessee killer was himself an engineering student.Similarly, presidential contender Senator Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) has also introduced immigration legislation that would substantially increase opportunities for Muslim immigration by creating an uncapped green card program for foreign students specializing in STEM fields while tripling the number of H-1B visas. One of the fastest growing groups of foreign students are from Saudi Arabia, helping propel the foreign student population to an all-time high.Senator Rubio s statement on the terrorist attack in Tennessee did not mention anything about Islam.Via: Breitbart News
Wow! Republicans had a chance to stand up to the Democrats and fight for the border wall, as well as other issues that got President Trump and many Republican members of Congress elected. The’swamp monsters first attempt at backing our president and his efforts to make America Great Again however, proved to be an epic failure. Meanwhile, Democrats who are the minority party in both the House and Senate are gloating over the power they still wield over our spineless leadership in the GOP Top Capitol Hill negotiators reached an agreement on a huge $1 trillion-plus spending bill that avoids a government shutdown, aides said on Sunday.The deal means virtually all the day-to-day-operations of the federal government will be funded until September.It was a victory for Trump, who got an extra $15billion to strengthen the military and another $1.5billion to enhance border security.However, he lost out on the funding he needed for the US-Mexico-border wall, a promise that was one of the cornerstones of his presidential campaign.Details of the agreement were expected to be made public Sunday night, said aides to lawmakers involved in weeks of negotiations. The House and Senate had until midnight Friday to pass a measure to avert a government shutdown. Daily Mail White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney said earlier in April that the’shutdown fight was the first real test of whether or not the Democrats specifically in the Senate are interested in negotiating, interested in compromising. The White House last week dropped its demand for immediate funding for the border wall after Democrats said it would result in a government shutdown because they would not vote for any bill that included it. The White House also dropped its threat to stop paying federal subsidies to insurance companies that offer lower-cost coverage to low-income Americans. Trump had threatened to stop paying the’subsidies to force Democrats to support legislation to replace the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare.Here s a look at the trillion dollar budget that was passed by Republican majority Congress and Democrat minority. We ve highlighted budget items where Democrats and RINO s in Congress came together to vote against promises President Trump made to voters who elected him. Once those two major stumbling blocks to a deal were removed, negotiators had just a few remaining issues to resolve over the weekend.While Republicans hold majorities in the House and Senate, the GOP needs Democratic votes in both chambers to pass the funding bill. In the closely divided Senate, the GOP has a slim majority of 52 seats in a chamber where 60 votes are required to pass the legislation. In the House, Republican leaders need help from Democrats because some conservatives will oppose any bill that increases spending.Democrats used that leverage to get concessions from the White House on the border wall and Obamacare while also getting extra money for medical research and other domestic programs. At the’same time, Democrats agreed to beef up defense and border security, allowing the White House to claim at least a partial victory. USA Today
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Wow! Republicans had a chance to stand up to the Democrats and fight for the border wall, as well as other issues that got President Trump and many Republican members of Congress elected. The’swamp monsters first attempt at backing our president and his efforts to make America Great Again however, proved to be an epic failure. Meanwhile, Democrats who are the minority party in both the House and Senate are gloating over the power they still wield over our spineless leadership in the GOP Top Capitol Hill negotiators reached an agreement on a huge $1 trillion-plus spending bill that avoids a government shutdown, aides said on Sunday.The deal means virtually all the day-to-day-operations of the federal government will be funded until September.It was a victory for Trump, who got an extra $15billion to strengthen the military and another $1.5billion to enhance border security.However, he lost out on the funding he needed for the US-Mexico-border wall, a promise that was one of the cornerstones of his presidential campaign.Details of the agreement were expected to be made public Sunday night, said aides to lawmakers involved in weeks of negotiations. The House and Senate had until midnight Friday to pass a measure to avert a government shutdown. Daily Mail White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney said earlier in April that the’shutdown fight was the first real test of whether or not the Democrats specifically in the Senate are interested in negotiating, interested in compromising. The White House last week dropped its demand for immediate funding for the border wall after Democrats said it would result in a government shutdown because they would not vote for any bill that included it. The White House also dropped its threat to stop paying federal subsidies to insurance companies that offer lower-cost coverage to low-income Americans. Trump had threatened to stop paying the’subsidies to force Democrats to support legislation to replace the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare.Here s a look at the trillion dollar budget that was passed by Republican majority Congress and Democrat minority. We ve highlighted budget items where Democrats and RINO s in Congress came together to vote against promises President Trump made to voters who elected him. Once those two major stumbling blocks to a deal were removed, negotiators had just a few remaining issues to resolve over the weekend.While Republicans hold majorities in the House and Senate, the GOP needs Democratic votes in both chambers to pass the funding bill. In the closely divided Senate, the GOP has a slim majority of 52 seats in a chamber where 60 votes are required to pass the legislation. In the House, Republican leaders need help from Democrats because some conservatives will oppose any bill that increases spending.Democrats used that leverage to get concessions from the White House on the border wall and Obamacare while also getting extra money for medical research and other domestic programs. At the’same time, Democrats agreed to beef up defense and border security, allowing the White House to claim at least a partial victory. USA Today
Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi asked U.S. President Donald Trump to lift the ban on people from his country traveling to the United States, in the first phone call between the two leaders, the Iraqi government said on Friday. “Mr. Trump stressed the importance of coordination to find a solution to this issue as soon as possible and that he will direct the U.S. State Department in this regard,” the government said in a statement, adding that it was the U.S. president who had initiated the call on Thursday. Trump has said he will keep pushing to reinstate an executive order temporarily banning people from Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. A U.S. judge suspended the order last week and a court refused on Thursday an appeal to reinstate it. Abadi resisted calls from influential pro-Iranian Shi’ite politicians to retaliate against the ban when it was first announced by Trump at the end of January, citing Iraq’s need for U.S. military support in the war on Islamic State. More than 5,000 U.S. troops are deployed in Iraq to assist Iraqi and Kurdish forces retake Mosul, the last city in Iraq under the militants’ control. Trump told Abadi: “we will work together to defeat terrorism because Iraq is an ally of ours,” according to the Iraqi statement. “Dr. Abadi confirmed Iraq’s desire to strengthen relations with the U.S. at various levels,” it added.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi asked U.S. President Donald Trump to lift the ban on people from his country traveling to the United States, in the first phone call between the two leaders, the Iraqi government said on Friday. “Mr. Trump stressed the importance of coordination to find a solution to this issue as soon as possible and that he will direct the U.S. State Department in this regard,” the government said in a statement, adding that it was the U.S. president who had initiated the call on Thursday. Trump has said he will keep pushing to reinstate an executive order temporarily banning people from Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. A U.S. judge suspended the order last week and a court refused on Thursday an appeal to reinstate it. Abadi resisted calls from influential pro-Iranian Shi’ite politicians to retaliate against the ban when it was first announced by Trump at the end of January, citing Iraq’s need for U.S. military support in the war on Islamic State. More than 5,000 U.S. troops are deployed in Iraq to assist Iraqi and Kurdish forces retake Mosul, the last city in Iraq under the militants’ control. Trump told Abadi: “we will work together to defeat terrorism because Iraq is an ally of ours,” according to the Iraqi statement. “Dr. Abadi confirmed Iraq’s desire to strengthen relations with the U.S. at various levels,” it added.
Longtime friend and Clinton advisor Diane Blair released Hillary s uncensored remarks about the 22 year old intern Monica Lewinsky her husband pursued and had sex with in America s Oval Office. Narcissistic Looney Toon is how Hillary described her. Wow! Way to show your compassion for a young influential girl who was pursued by your husband for the purposes of pleasuring him. What a true champion of women
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Longtime friend and Clinton advisor Diane Blair released Hillary s uncensored remarks about the 22 year old intern Monica Lewinsky her husband pursued and had sex with in America s Oval Office. Narcissistic Looney Toon is how Hillary described her. Wow! Way to show your compassion for a young influential girl who was pursued by your husband for the purposes of pleasuring him. What a true champion of women
This veteran exposes Trump hating protester in Kansas City when he asks her to explain why Trump is a racist, and why defending our borders as part of our national security is a bad thing.Trump’supporter schools a protester in Kansas City #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgainPosted by Jacob T. Honeycutt on Saturday, 12 March 2016
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: This veteran exposes Trump hating protester in Kansas City when he asks her to explain why Trump is a racist, and why defending our borders as part of our national security is a bad thing.Trump’supporter schools a protester in Kansas City #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgainPosted by Jacob T. Honeycutt on Saturday, 12 March 2016
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on Saturday said Donald Trump had proposed security policies that Europe should take to heart to solve a security crisis he blames on uncontrolled immigration. Speaking at a summer university in Baile Tusnad, Romania, the Hungarian leader tied increased security threats to increased migration and cited Trump’s proposals at the Republican National Convention to combat terrorism. Orban is one of Europe’s most outspoken politicians and has in the past upset fellow members of the European Union over policy. Most recently he has taken a tough stance on Europe’s migrant crisis, objecting to EU resettlement plans and calling for a razor wire fence to be built along his country’s southern border. Trump accepted the Republican nomination for president on Thursday with a speech that outlined an increased intelligence effort, an end to a “failed policy of nation-building and regime change” and a total suspension of immigration from states “compromised by terrorism.” He wants a wall to be built along the U.S. border with Mexico. Orban sought to buttress his own security proposals with Trump’s points. “I am not a Donald Trump campaigner,” he said in the televised speech. “I never thought I would ever entertain the thought that, of the open options, he (Trump) would be better for Europe and for Hungary. “But I listened to the candidate and I must tell you he made three proposals to combat terrorism. And as a European I could have hardly articulated better what Europe needs.” Orban has accused the EU of weakness in the face of a what he sees as a fundamental threat from more than a million migrants who arrived on the continent last year, with hundreds of thousands following them this year. For the most part, the migrants are fleeing the war in Syria. European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has called Orban “Viktator” - a pun on Viktor and dictator - as a way of putting down the Hungarian’s views. But Orban also has supporters. Slovak premier Robert Fico, joined Orban’s court challenge of the EU’s mandatory migrant resettlement quotas. Tapping into Trump’s proposals to create “the best intelligence-gathering organisation in the world,” Orban said that Europe too needs to create a network of national intelligence agencies that ranks with the world’s best. He then took aim at some of his EU colleagues. “The second thing, said this valiant American presidential candidate, is to abandon the policy of exporting democracy. I could not have said it more precisely.” Orban said Western countries acted recklessly to remove the undemocratic but stable regimes in Libya, Syria and Iraq without guaranteeing stability in the aftermath, exposing Europe to a mass wave of migration. Worse, he said, instead of supporting the regimes that try to control the civil-war-torn countries in North Africa and the Middle East, Europe criticises them for democratic shortfalls. “If we keep prioritising democracy over stability in regions where we are unlikely to succeed with that, we will create instability, not democracy.”
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on Saturday said Donald Trump had proposed security policies that Europe should take to heart to solve a security crisis he blames on uncontrolled immigration. Speaking at a summer university in Baile Tusnad, Romania, the Hungarian leader tied increased security threats to increased migration and cited Trump’s proposals at the Republican National Convention to combat terrorism. Orban is one of Europe’s most outspoken politicians and has in the past upset fellow members of the European Union over policy. Most recently he has taken a tough stance on Europe’s migrant crisis, objecting to EU resettlement plans and calling for a razor wire fence to be built along his country’s southern border. Trump accepted the Republican nomination for president on Thursday with a speech that outlined an increased intelligence effort, an end to a “failed policy of nation-building and regime change” and a total suspension of immigration from states “compromised by terrorism.” He wants a wall to be built along the U.S. border with Mexico. Orban sought to buttress his own security proposals with Trump’s points. “I am not a Donald Trump campaigner,” he said in the televised speech. “I never thought I would ever entertain the thought that, of the open options, he (Trump) would be better for Europe and for Hungary. “But I listened to the candidate and I must tell you he made three proposals to combat terrorism. And as a European I could have hardly articulated better what Europe needs.” Orban has accused the EU of weakness in the face of a what he sees as a fundamental threat from more than a million migrants who arrived on the continent last year, with hundreds of thousands following them this year. For the most part, the migrants are fleeing the war in Syria. European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has called Orban “Viktator” - a pun on Viktor and dictator - as a way of putting down the Hungarian’s views. But Orban also has supporters. Slovak premier Robert Fico, joined Orban’s court challenge of the EU’s mandatory migrant resettlement quotas. Tapping into Trump’s proposals to create “the best intelligence-gathering organisation in the world,” Orban said that Europe too needs to create a network of national intelligence agencies that ranks with the world’s best. He then took aim at some of his EU colleagues. “The second thing, said this valiant American presidential candidate, is to abandon the policy of exporting democracy. I could not have said it more precisely.” Orban said Western countries acted recklessly to remove the undemocratic but stable regimes in Libya, Syria and Iraq without guaranteeing stability in the aftermath, exposing Europe to a mass wave of migration. Worse, he said, instead of supporting the regimes that try to control the civil-war-torn countries in North Africa and the Middle East, Europe criticises them for democratic shortfalls. “If we keep prioritising democracy over stability in regions where we are unlikely to succeed with that, we will create instability, not democracy.”
Kanye West announced on Twitter this week that he’s $53 million in debt. He immediately began begging for help from white billionaires. The very next day, West took to Twitter to announce he doesn’t want White publications covering black musicians anymore. HOW and WHY does this racist black rapper get a pass from the media after making such clearly racist and ignorant comments? Watch the video below to see West s interview with host Garrett, as he compares his dangerous career as a rapper to that of a cop on patrol or soldier at war. I m putting my life at risk, literally! When I think about when I m on the Can t Tell Me Nothing, and Coldest Winter moment, like that mountain goes really, really high. And if I slipped you never know. And I think about it. I think about my family and I m like, wow, this is like being a police officer or something, in war or something. It s pretty sad that a guy with no talent has been given so much opportunity in America, and has literally blown it because he can’t keep his big fat, hateful racist mouth shut.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Kanye West announced on Twitter this week that he’s $53 million in debt. He immediately began begging for help from white billionaires. The very next day, West took to Twitter to announce he doesn’t want White publications covering black musicians anymore. HOW and WHY does this racist black rapper get a pass from the media after making such clearly racist and ignorant comments? Watch the video below to see West s interview with host Garrett, as he compares his dangerous career as a rapper to that of a cop on patrol or soldier at war. I m putting my life at risk, literally! When I think about when I m on the Can t Tell Me Nothing, and Coldest Winter moment, like that mountain goes really, really high. And if I slipped you never know. And I think about it. I think about my family and I m like, wow, this is like being a police officer or something, in war or something. It s pretty sad that a guy with no talent has been given so much opportunity in America, and has literally blown it because he can’t keep his big fat, hateful racist mouth shut.
While we’re on the’subject of lying to the FBI, when will Hillary Clinton be prosecuted for multiple crimes she committed while acting as our Secretary of State? Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn admitted Friday to making false statements to the FBI, entering the first guilty plea in Special Counsel Robert Mueller s Russia probe and agreeing to cooperate with investigators.A source close to Flynn said financial and emotional pressure helped lead to the decision to plead guilty, rather than endure a drawn-out court battle.As part of the deal, Flynn already is supplying information about the actions of top Trump transition officials.Though the individuals are not named, court documents show Flynn claiming a very senior member of the Trump transition team directed him to contact foreign governments including Russia over a United Nations vote discussions tied to one of Flynn s false statements.The documents also say Flynn called an unnamed senior transition official in December to ask what to communicate to the Russian ambassador about sanctions. That official and Flynn discussed how they’didn’t want Russia to escalate the’situation, something Flynn immediately told the ambassador in a phone call.According to the plea deal, Flynn has agreed to cooperate fully, truthfully, completely and forthrightly with the probe, with sentencing delayed until those efforts have been completed. Flynn, a retired Army lieutenant general, becomes the first Trump ex-White House official charged in the’special counsel probe.His tenure at the White House was brief he was fired for similar conduct, pertaining to his undisclosed discussions with the Russians and Flynn had been under investigation even before the’special counsel probe over lobbying work for Turkey and other issues. The fact that he faced just one count prompted immediate speculation Friday that Flynn was cooperating and offering information to Mueller s team.As for the past discussions between Flynn and transition officials, it s unclear which senior officials the plea deal referred to. But a former senior intelligence officer with knowledge of Trump transition activities told Fox News that then-President-Elect Trump directed Flynn during that period to contact the Russians while also directing him and his team to contact 12 other countries. The transition team felt that the Obama White House had completely abandoned any coherent foreign policy and had to fill the vacuum, the former official told Fox News.In a statement, White House lawyer Ty Cobb said nothing about the plea implicates anyone other than Flynn. NBC News tweeted Cobb s statement:Today, Michael Flynn, a former National Security Advisor at the White House for 25 days during the Trump Administration, and a former Obama administration official, entered a guilty plea to a single count of making a false statement to the FBI. The false statements involved mirror the false statements to White House officials which resulted in his resignation in February of this year. Nothing about the guilty plea or the charge implicates anyone other than Mr. Flynn. The conclusion of this phase of the Special Counsel s work demonstrates again’that the Special Counsel is moving with all deliberate speed and clears the way for a prompt and reasonable conclusion. BREAKING: President Trump's personal attorney releases statement after Flynn plea:"Nothing about the guilty plea or the charge implicates anyone other than Mr. Flynn." NBC News (@NBCNews) December 1, 2017Conservative citizen journalist Jack Prosobiec asked a very good question about the tactics that were used to gain access to Trump administration officials by the Obama regime:Michael Flynn charges come after he was illegally wiretapped and unmasked by the Obama Administration and Susan RiceWhen are those charges coming? Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) December 1, 2017Watch Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton and ACLJ President Jay Sekulow lay out the case against Barack Obama officials and the felonies they committed when they leaked and improperly disseminate classified information and unmask members of the Trump transition team. Jay Sekulow explains to Sean Hannity, that, The concern is the intelligence apparatus in the United States has rules, that they have to follow, like every other agency, and it appears that in the waning days, or maybe the last year of the former administration, they viewed those laws as advisory opinions and not law. When the unmasking allegations first surfaced, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) had plenty to say about the unmasking of Michael Flynn.On March 19, 2017, George Stephanopolis asked Senator Rand Paul about his thoughts on the unmasking of Michael Flynn. Senator Paul suggested that the person responsible for unmasking General Flynn should be in jail. Paul went on to say that you cannot allow this unmasking to take place, or we will have presidents being blackmailed or national security advisers being blackmailed. Here s an excerpt from their conversation published by Politico:STEPHANOPOULOS: Finally, sir, you’re also a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. WE see the president standing by that claim about President Obama. It s caused a rift now with British intelligence over the weekend. How big a problem is this for the president s credibility? How does he fix it?PAUL: I think that we know one thing for sure, that the Obama administration did spy on Flynn. Now, whether it was direct or indirect, somebody was reading and taking a transcript of his phone calls and then they’released it.It is very, very important that whoever released that go to jail, because you cannot have members of the intelligence community listening to the most private and highly classified information and then releasing that to The New York Times.There can only be a certain handful of people who did that. I would bring them all in. They would have to take lie detector tests. And I would say, including the political people, because some political people knew about this as well.But we need to get to the bottom of who is releasing these highly classified conversations. And if the president was surveilled, he probably wasn’t the target. I don’t know that he was or wasn’t. But if he was, they probably targeted someone in a foreign government, but then they listened to the conversation with Americans.STEPHANOPOULOS; You don’t believe President Obama ordered an illegal wiretap of President Trump?PAUL: Well, what happens is it s different than that. We target foreigners all the time, but they talk to Americans. They talk to the president. They talk to the national security advisers. And they’re supposed to be masked.But there was something alarming the other day. General Hayden admitted that people all the way down to some of the lowest analysts can unmask who the American is. So, someone unmasked General Flynn and they’re a low-level analyst, we need to be looking at their computer and find out if they unmasked that conversation and if they spoke with The New York Times you have got to put those people in jail, because you cannot allow this to happen, or we will have presidents being blackmailed or national security advisers being blackmailed.This is a huge, huge problem, bigger than anything else that s being discussed is the fact that private conversations from the intelligence community s perspective are being leaked to the press. That s not like a leak that says, oh, the president watches TV in his bathrobe, this is important to national security, you can’t let it happen.Rand Paul was asked again about the unmasking of Michael Flynn on MSNBC s Morning Joe show. Paul told the leftist hosts backdoor searches are illegal and that they could be politicized. Paul said that Susan Rice should be placed under subpoena and she’should be asked: Did you talk to the President about this and did President Obama know about this? Paul went on to say that the Susan Rice unmasking was a witch hunt started by the Obama administration because of sour grapes on the way out the door. Watch, starting at the 6:30 mark:
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: While we’re on the’subject of lying to the FBI, when will Hillary Clinton be prosecuted for multiple crimes she committed while acting as our Secretary of State? Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn admitted Friday to making false statements to the FBI, entering the first guilty plea in Special Counsel Robert Mueller s Russia probe and agreeing to cooperate with investigators.A source close to Flynn said financial and emotional pressure helped lead to the decision to plead guilty, rather than endure a drawn-out court battle.As part of the deal, Flynn already is supplying information about the actions of top Trump transition officials.Though the individuals are not named, court documents show Flynn claiming a very senior member of the Trump transition team directed him to contact foreign governments including Russia over a United Nations vote discussions tied to one of Flynn s false statements.The documents also say Flynn called an unnamed senior transition official in December to ask what to communicate to the Russian ambassador about sanctions. That official and Flynn discussed how they’didn’t want Russia to escalate the’situation, something Flynn immediately told the ambassador in a phone call.According to the plea deal, Flynn has agreed to cooperate fully, truthfully, completely and forthrightly with the probe, with sentencing delayed until those efforts have been completed. Flynn, a retired Army lieutenant general, becomes the first Trump ex-White House official charged in the’special counsel probe.His tenure at the White House was brief he was fired for similar conduct, pertaining to his undisclosed discussions with the Russians and Flynn had been under investigation even before the’special counsel probe over lobbying work for Turkey and other issues. The fact that he faced just one count prompted immediate speculation Friday that Flynn was cooperating and offering information to Mueller s team.As for the past discussions between Flynn and transition officials, it s unclear which senior officials the plea deal referred to. But a former senior intelligence officer with knowledge of Trump transition activities told Fox News that then-President-Elect Trump directed Flynn during that period to contact the Russians while also directing him and his team to contact 12 other countries. The transition team felt that the Obama White House had completely abandoned any coherent foreign policy and had to fill the vacuum, the former official told Fox News.In a statement, White House lawyer Ty Cobb said nothing about the plea implicates anyone other than Flynn. NBC News tweeted Cobb s statement:Today, Michael Flynn, a former National Security Advisor at the White House for 25 days during the Trump Administration, and a former Obama administration official, entered a guilty plea to a single count of making a false statement to the FBI. The false statements involved mirror the false statements to White House officials which resulted in his resignation in February of this year. Nothing about the guilty plea or the charge implicates anyone other than Mr. Flynn. The conclusion of this phase of the Special Counsel s work demonstrates again’that the Special Counsel is moving with all deliberate speed and clears the way for a prompt and reasonable conclusion. BREAKING: President Trump's personal attorney releases statement after Flynn plea:"Nothing about the guilty plea or the charge implicates anyone other than Mr. Flynn." NBC News (@NBCNews) December 1, 2017Conservative citizen journalist Jack Prosobiec asked a very good question about the tactics that were used to gain access to Trump administration officials by the Obama regime:Michael Flynn charges come after he was illegally wiretapped and unmasked by the Obama Administration and Susan RiceWhen are those charges coming? Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) December 1, 2017Watch Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton and ACLJ President Jay Sekulow lay out the case against Barack Obama officials and the felonies they committed when they leaked and improperly disseminate classified information and unmask members of the Trump transition team. Jay Sekulow explains to Sean Hannity, that, The concern is the intelligence apparatus in the United States has rules, that they have to follow, like every other agency, and it appears that in the waning days, or maybe the last year of the former administration, they viewed those laws as advisory opinions and not law. When the unmasking allegations first surfaced, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) had plenty to say about the unmasking of Michael Flynn.On March 19, 2017, George Stephanopolis asked Senator Rand Paul about his thoughts on the unmasking of Michael Flynn. Senator Paul suggested that the person responsible for unmasking General Flynn should be in jail. Paul went on to say that you cannot allow this unmasking to take place, or we will have presidents being blackmailed or national security advisers being blackmailed. Here s an excerpt from their conversation published by Politico:STEPHANOPOULOS: Finally, sir, you’re also a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. WE see the president standing by that claim about President Obama. It s caused a rift now with British intelligence over the weekend. How big a problem is this for the president s credibility? How does he fix it?PAUL: I think that we know one thing for sure, that the Obama administration did spy on Flynn. Now, whether it was direct or indirect, somebody was reading and taking a transcript of his phone calls and then they’released it.It is very, very important that whoever released that go to jail, because you cannot have members of the intelligence community listening to the most private and highly classified information and then releasing that to The New York Times.There can only be a certain handful of people who did that. I would bring them all in. They would have to take lie detector tests. And I would say, including the political people, because some political people knew about this as well.But we need to get to the bottom of who is releasing these highly classified conversations. And if the president was surveilled, he probably wasn’t the target. I don’t know that he was or wasn’t. But if he was, they probably targeted someone in a foreign government, but then they listened to the conversation with Americans.STEPHANOPOULOS; You don’t believe President Obama ordered an illegal wiretap of President Trump?PAUL: Well, what happens is it s different than that. We target foreigners all the time, but they talk to Americans. They talk to the president. They talk to the national security advisers. And they’re supposed to be masked.But there was something alarming the other day. General Hayden admitted that people all the way down to some of the lowest analysts can unmask who the American is. So, someone unmasked General Flynn and they’re a low-level analyst, we need to be looking at their computer and find out if they unmasked that conversation and if they spoke with The New York Times you have got to put those people in jail, because you cannot allow this to happen, or we will have presidents being blackmailed or national security advisers being blackmailed.This is a huge, huge problem, bigger than anything else that s being discussed is the fact that private conversations from the intelligence community s perspective are being leaked to the press. That s not like a leak that says, oh, the president watches TV in his bathrobe, this is important to national security, you can’t let it happen.Rand Paul was asked again about the unmasking of Michael Flynn on MSNBC s Morning Joe show. Paul told the leftist hosts backdoor searches are illegal and that they could be politicized. Paul said that Susan Rice should be placed under subpoena and she’should be asked: Did you talk to the President about this and did President Obama know about this? Paul went on to say that the Susan Rice unmasking was a witch hunt started by the Obama administration because of sour grapes on the way out the door. Watch, starting at the 6:30 mark:
The leaders of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee said on Tuesday they would subpoena two of former national security adviser Michael Flynn’s businesses after Flynn declined to comply with a subpoena for documents in the panel’s Russia probe. “While we disagree with General Flynn’s lawyers’ interpretation of taking the Fifth ... it’s even more clear that a business does not have a right to take the Fifth,” the panel’s vice chairman, Democratic Senator Mark Warner, told reporters, referring to Flynn’s decision to invoke his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. The committee issued a subpoena for Flynn to provide documents related to its investigation of possible Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election and whether there was collusion between Trump’s campaign and Russia. Moscow has repeatedly denied the allegations and Trump denies any collusion. Flynn’s attorney said on Monday he declined to comply. Flynn is considered a key witness in the investigation, because of his ties to Russia. He was forced to resign from his position at the White House in February, after less than a month on the job, for failing to disclose the content of his talks with Sergei Kislyak, Russia’s ambassador to the United States, and misleading Vice President Mike Pence about the conversations. Warner and the panel’s chairman, Republican Richard Burr, said the committee would take three actions in response to Flynn’s refusal to respond to their subpoena, the two subpoenas to his businesses, and a letter to Flynn’s attorney pushing back against his refusal to comply. “We’re taking options that we feel are appropriate right now,” Burr told reporters after a closed committee meeting. Burr said a possible contempt of Congress action was a possibility, but not until other measures were exhausted. “That’s not our preference today. We would like to hear from General Flynn. We would like to see his documents,” Burr said. “We would like him to tell his story because he publicly said: ‘I’ve got a story to tell.’ We’re allowing him that opportunity to tell it.”
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The leaders of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee said on Tuesday they would subpoena two of former national security adviser Michael Flynn’s businesses after Flynn declined to comply with a subpoena for documents in the panel’s Russia probe. “While we disagree with General Flynn’s lawyers’ interpretation of taking the Fifth ... it’s even more clear that a business does not have a right to take the Fifth,” the panel’s vice chairman, Democratic Senator Mark Warner, told reporters, referring to Flynn’s decision to invoke his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. The committee issued a subpoena for Flynn to provide documents related to its investigation of possible Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election and whether there was collusion between Trump’s campaign and Russia. Moscow has repeatedly denied the allegations and Trump denies any collusion. Flynn’s attorney said on Monday he declined to comply. Flynn is considered a key witness in the investigation, because of his ties to Russia. He was forced to resign from his position at the White House in February, after less than a month on the job, for failing to disclose the content of his talks with Sergei Kislyak, Russia’s ambassador to the United States, and misleading Vice President Mike Pence about the conversations. Warner and the panel’s chairman, Republican Richard Burr, said the committee would take three actions in response to Flynn’s refusal to respond to their subpoena, the two subpoenas to his businesses, and a letter to Flynn’s attorney pushing back against his refusal to comply. “We’re taking options that we feel are appropriate right now,” Burr told reporters after a closed committee meeting. Burr said a possible contempt of Congress action was a possibility, but not until other measures were exhausted. “That’s not our preference today. We would like to hear from General Flynn. We would like to see his documents,” Burr said. “We would like him to tell his story because he publicly said: ‘I’ve got a story to tell.’ We’re allowing him that opportunity to tell it.”
Talk of impeaching our first African-American President is like oxygen to Republicans if they’don’t mention it incessantly, their tiny little brains shrivel up and they’die. This is a scientific fact that I completely made up but has a strong basis in reality. Our frenemies on the right have come up with some real doozies when explaining their repeated attempts to get the black man out of the WHITE house.In 2010, Michigan Rep. Tim Walberg wanted to impeach Barack Obama in an effort to get his birth certificate. In 2012, former Minnesota state Rep. Allen Quist said that the President should be impeached because he isn’t deporting brown people quickly enough. That same year, Texas congressional candidate Wes Riddle decided the black man should be impeached for satisfying the conditions of a treaty ratified under George H.W. Bush. A year prior, Tea Party Texas Rep. Michael Burgess suggested impeachment for no better reason than to block Obama s agenda. The month before that, GOP Rep. Tim Scott wanted Obama impeached because he wouldn’t allow the country to default on its debts. Weeks after that, Rep. Steve King agreed with this ridiculous notion.If we were to translate all of these moronic reasons to impeach the President, they all boil down to one thing: He s black. But as monumentally stupid as those are, Oklahoma s state legislature has managed to come up with some new and original that dwarfs all previous reasons Republicans wanted to impeach the President in the’scale of their stupidity. Reuters reports that Oklahoma Republicans have filed a measure calling for Obama s impeachment because of Lawmakers say they want to get President Obama out of office because he overstepped his constitution authority by protecting transgender students from being harassed by their ideological counterparts across the nation. In fact, they feel so strongly on the issue that are already taking up a measure that would allow students to claim a religious right to have separate but equal (where have we heard that phrase before?) bathrooms and changing facilities to keep them away from scary transgender people:Lawmakers in the’socially conservative state are also expected to take up a measure as early as Friday that would allow students to claim a religious right to have separate but equal bathrooms and changing facilities to segregate them from transgender students.The bill introduced on Thursday night could force schools into costly construction, which would be difficult for them to complete after lawmakers significantly cut education funding to plug a $1.3 billion state budget shortfall.The impeachment resolution also introduced on Thursday night calls on the Oklahoma members of the U.S. House of Representatives to file articles of impeachment against Obama, the U.S. attorney general, the U.S. secretary of education and others over the letter.Oklahoma state Rep. John Bennett called President Obama s tyrannical decree that transgender people deserve equal rights Biblically wrong a phrase that should never enter politics and a violation of state sovereignty. In a time when our state is facing an unprecedented economic crisis, our lawmakers should be focused on righting the’ship rather than stigmatizing transgender youth, Troy Stevenson, executive director of LGBT advocacy group Freedom Oklahoma, said of this ridiculous resolution.This decision comes on the heels of Oklahoma Republicans decision to make it a felony to perform abortions. Not only would doctors face time behind bars, but they would be prohibited from obtaining or renewing a license to practice medicine in this state if they allow a woman to choose whether or not to carry a fetus to term. The bill passed the House 59-9 and the Senate 32-12, so it seems likely that something equally asinine like impeaching Obama over something stupid would be just as popular.Featured image via Getty Images/Pool
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Talk of impeaching our first African-American President is like oxygen to Republicans if they’don’t mention it incessantly, their tiny little brains shrivel up and they’die. This is a scientific fact that I completely made up but has a strong basis in reality. Our frenemies on the right have come up with some real doozies when explaining their repeated attempts to get the black man out of the WHITE house.In 2010, Michigan Rep. Tim Walberg wanted to impeach Barack Obama in an effort to get his birth certificate. In 2012, former Minnesota state Rep. Allen Quist said that the President should be impeached because he isn’t deporting brown people quickly enough. That same year, Texas congressional candidate Wes Riddle decided the black man should be impeached for satisfying the conditions of a treaty ratified under George H.W. Bush. A year prior, Tea Party Texas Rep. Michael Burgess suggested impeachment for no better reason than to block Obama s agenda. The month before that, GOP Rep. Tim Scott wanted Obama impeached because he wouldn’t allow the country to default on its debts. Weeks after that, Rep. Steve King agreed with this ridiculous notion.If we were to translate all of these moronic reasons to impeach the President, they all boil down to one thing: He s black. But as monumentally stupid as those are, Oklahoma s state legislature has managed to come up with some new and original that dwarfs all previous reasons Republicans wanted to impeach the President in the’scale of their stupidity. Reuters reports that Oklahoma Republicans have filed a measure calling for Obama s impeachment because of Lawmakers say they want to get President Obama out of office because he overstepped his constitution authority by protecting transgender students from being harassed by their ideological counterparts across the nation. In fact, they feel so strongly on the issue that are already taking up a measure that would allow students to claim a religious right to have separate but equal (where have we heard that phrase before?) bathrooms and changing facilities to keep them away from scary transgender people:Lawmakers in the’socially conservative state are also expected to take up a measure as early as Friday that would allow students to claim a religious right to have separate but equal bathrooms and changing facilities to segregate them from transgender students.The bill introduced on Thursday night could force schools into costly construction, which would be difficult for them to complete after lawmakers significantly cut education funding to plug a $1.3 billion state budget shortfall.The impeachment resolution also introduced on Thursday night calls on the Oklahoma members of the U.S. House of Representatives to file articles of impeachment against Obama, the U.S. attorney general, the U.S. secretary of education and others over the letter.Oklahoma state Rep. John Bennett called President Obama s tyrannical decree that transgender people deserve equal rights Biblically wrong a phrase that should never enter politics and a violation of state sovereignty. In a time when our state is facing an unprecedented economic crisis, our lawmakers should be focused on righting the’ship rather than stigmatizing transgender youth, Troy Stevenson, executive director of LGBT advocacy group Freedom Oklahoma, said of this ridiculous resolution.This decision comes on the heels of Oklahoma Republicans decision to make it a felony to perform abortions. Not only would doctors face time behind bars, but they would be prohibited from obtaining or renewing a license to practice medicine in this state if they allow a woman to choose whether or not to carry a fetus to term. The bill passed the House 59-9 and the Senate 32-12, so it seems likely that something equally asinine like impeaching Obama over something stupid would be just as popular.Featured image via Getty Images/Pool
Vietnam s most powerful leader has called for greater unity among Southeast Asian states at a time the country has appeared increasingly isolated in challenging China s territorial claims in the South China Sea. Making the first visit by a Vietnamese communist party chief to Indonesia, Nguyen Phu Trong said in a speech televised at home on Wednesday that the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) needed to be unified in resolving territorial disputes. Do not let ASEAN become a playing card for the competition among major countries, Trong said, without identifying which he meant. Vietnam has emerged as the most vocal opponent of China s claims in the South China Sea, where more than $3 trillion in cargo pass every year. To China s annoyance, Vietnam held out an ASEAN meeting this month for language in a communique that noted concern about island-building and criticized militarization in the South China Sea. Chinese pressure forced Vietnam to stop drilling for oil last month in a Vietnamese oil block that China claims. Beijing has also been angered by Vietnam s growing defense links to the United States, Japan and India. Some Southeast Asian countries are wary about the possible repercussions of defying Beijing by taking a stronger stand on the South China Sea. China claims most of the South China Sea, while Taiwan, Malaysia, Vietnam, the Philippines and Brunei claim parts of the sea, which commands strategic sealanes and has rich fishing grounds along with oil and gas deposits. After Indonesia, Trong is due to visit Myanmar.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Vietnam s most powerful leader has called for greater unity among Southeast Asian states at a time the country has appeared increasingly isolated in challenging China s territorial claims in the South China Sea. Making the first visit by a Vietnamese communist party chief to Indonesia, Nguyen Phu Trong said in a speech televised at home on Wednesday that the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) needed to be unified in resolving territorial disputes. Do not let ASEAN become a playing card for the competition among major countries, Trong said, without identifying which he meant. Vietnam has emerged as the most vocal opponent of China s claims in the South China Sea, where more than $3 trillion in cargo pass every year. To China s annoyance, Vietnam held out an ASEAN meeting this month for language in a communique that noted concern about island-building and criticized militarization in the South China Sea. Chinese pressure forced Vietnam to stop drilling for oil last month in a Vietnamese oil block that China claims. Beijing has also been angered by Vietnam s growing defense links to the United States, Japan and India. Some Southeast Asian countries are wary about the possible repercussions of defying Beijing by taking a stronger stand on the South China Sea. China claims most of the South China Sea, while Taiwan, Malaysia, Vietnam, the Philippines and Brunei claim parts of the sea, which commands strategic sealanes and has rich fishing grounds along with oil and gas deposits. After Indonesia, Trong is due to visit Myanmar.
U.S. Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch said on Wednesday it is not yet clear how big a tax cut Congress can deliver through tax reform, despite calls by President Donald Trump and other Republicans for steep reductions in business tax rates. Hatch, whose panel oversees tax policy in the Senate, told a Washington tax policy forum he could also accept a tax reform plan that expands the federal deficit, despite opposition from deficit hawks. Trump and other Republicans have promised the biggest overhaul of the U.S. tax system since the Reagan era. But the White House says a detailed proposal is not expected until September, allowing little time in 2017 for Congress to act on such a major piece of legislation. The White House wants to cut the corporate tax rate to 15 percent from 35 percent, while Republicans in the House of Representatives have proposed 20 percent. But Hatch said he is not committed to any rate targets, because discussions have yet to focus on specific policy changes, including the elimination of tax breaks, needed to help pay for rate reductions. “Until we perform the surgery and start eliminating preferences and credits in order to bring down rates ... we cannot speak definitively on the rate targets,” the Utah Republican said. “All of that is going to take some time,” he added, a day after joining Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, White House economic adviser Gary Cohn and Republican congressional leaders for a weekly tax reform meeting on Capitol Hill. The Trump administration and congressional Republicans are trying to forge agreement on a tax reform package that can clear the House and Senate this year. The main challenge is the 100-member Senate, where Republicans cannot afford to lose more than two votes from their 52-seat majority. A top issue for debate is whether tax reform should avoid expanding the deficit by including policy changes that pay for tax cuts. “I don’t see a problem with a tax reform proposal that loses revenue in the short term, if we can show that it will help put our economy on a better growth path,” Hatch said.  “However, we do have some budget hawks in our conference who will have a difficult time supporting a package that adds to the deficit, and we’ll have to take that into account, because once again we can’t afford to lose too many votes.”
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: U.S. Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch said on Wednesday it is not yet clear how big a tax cut Congress can deliver through tax reform, despite calls by President Donald Trump and other Republicans for steep reductions in business tax rates. Hatch, whose panel oversees tax policy in the Senate, told a Washington tax policy forum he could also accept a tax reform plan that expands the federal deficit, despite opposition from deficit hawks. Trump and other Republicans have promised the biggest overhaul of the U.S. tax system since the Reagan era. But the White House says a detailed proposal is not expected until September, allowing little time in 2017 for Congress to act on such a major piece of legislation. The White House wants to cut the corporate tax rate to 15 percent from 35 percent, while Republicans in the House of Representatives have proposed 20 percent. But Hatch said he is not committed to any rate targets, because discussions have yet to focus on specific policy changes, including the elimination of tax breaks, needed to help pay for rate reductions. “Until we perform the surgery and start eliminating preferences and credits in order to bring down rates ... we cannot speak definitively on the rate targets,” the Utah Republican said. “All of that is going to take some time,” he added, a day after joining Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, White House economic adviser Gary Cohn and Republican congressional leaders for a weekly tax reform meeting on Capitol Hill. The Trump administration and congressional Republicans are trying to forge agreement on a tax reform package that can clear the House and Senate this year. The main challenge is the 100-member Senate, where Republicans cannot afford to lose more than two votes from their 52-seat majority. A top issue for debate is whether tax reform should avoid expanding the deficit by including policy changes that pay for tax cuts. “I don’t see a problem with a tax reform proposal that loses revenue in the short term, if we can show that it will help put our economy on a better growth path,” Hatch said.  “However, we do have some budget hawks in our conference who will have a difficult time supporting a package that adds to the deficit, and we’ll have to take that into account, because once again we can’t afford to lose too many votes.”
If you’ve ever watched CSPAN you ll know how rare it is to get a caller who s like this guy this is priceless!
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: If you’ve ever watched CSPAN you ll know how rare it is to get a caller who s like this guy this is priceless!
The GOP is bowing down to Cliven Bundy and his band of domestic terrorists by giving them exactly what they want.A proposal has been drafted to strip the federal government of all public lands and give it all to the’states for private uses that would likely destroy what has been protected and conserved for generations. You know, the public lands that include National Forests and natural treasures like the Grand Canyon.In 2014, Cliven Bundy led an armed standoff against the federal government because he refused to pay grazing fees even though his cattle were grazing on federal property. And earlier this year, Bundy s sons Ammon and Ryan Bundy led an armed seizure of a federal wildlife reserve in Oregon that last for weeks until the FBI arrested them. All three Bundy s are now behind bars but the GOP is poised to adopt their wrongly held position that the federal government can’t own land.In fact, Article 4, Section 3, Clause 2 of the Constitution specifically gives the federal government the power to own and regulate land.The Congress shall have power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to Prejudice any Claims of the United States, or of any particular State.But Republicans are proposing to turn over all public lands to the’states so that they can sell them off to the highest bidders and strip the lands of all the resources. Congress should reconsider whether parts of the federal government s enormous landholdings and control of water in the West could be better used for ranching, mining or forestry through private ownership, the draft says. Timber is a renewable natural resource, which provides jobs to thousands of Americans. All efforts should be made to make federal lands managed by the U.S. Forest Service available for harvesting. The enduring truth is that people best protect what they own. But that is not true at all. These lands, such as the Alpine Lakes Wilderness area that was granted protection by Republican President Gerald Ford 40 years ago and the Noisy-Diobsud Wilderness Area that was granted protection by President Ronald Reagan, could be opened up to loggers if the new GOP has their way.These pristine lands and many others across the country haven’t been touched, which means people are already protecting these public lands by keeping them public.Allowing these wilderness areas to fall into private ownership would mean Americans would lose access to these lands. Any private corporation that buys up this land will just put up signs that say No Trespassing and would proceed to cut down all the trees and strip mine the mountains and lands. Companies like Nestle could easily suck up all the water it wants. It would take generations for the forests to grow back and the area would never be the’same. It would be devastated by private industry.That is why it is so important to vote in November. Republicans literally want to take our heritage away from us. They are bowing down to the demands of domestic terrorists. We can’t let that happen if we want future generations to enjoy the natural wonders that past generations fought so hard to protect.Featured Image of Lake Tenaya in Yosemite National Park via Wikimedia
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The GOP is bowing down to Cliven Bundy and his band of domestic terrorists by giving them exactly what they want.A proposal has been drafted to strip the federal government of all public lands and give it all to the’states for private uses that would likely destroy what has been protected and conserved for generations. You know, the public lands that include National Forests and natural treasures like the Grand Canyon.In 2014, Cliven Bundy led an armed standoff against the federal government because he refused to pay grazing fees even though his cattle were grazing on federal property. And earlier this year, Bundy s sons Ammon and Ryan Bundy led an armed seizure of a federal wildlife reserve in Oregon that last for weeks until the FBI arrested them. All three Bundy s are now behind bars but the GOP is poised to adopt their wrongly held position that the federal government can’t own land.In fact, Article 4, Section 3, Clause 2 of the Constitution specifically gives the federal government the power to own and regulate land.The Congress shall have power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to Prejudice any Claims of the United States, or of any particular State.But Republicans are proposing to turn over all public lands to the’states so that they can sell them off to the highest bidders and strip the lands of all the resources. Congress should reconsider whether parts of the federal government s enormous landholdings and control of water in the West could be better used for ranching, mining or forestry through private ownership, the draft says. Timber is a renewable natural resource, which provides jobs to thousands of Americans. All efforts should be made to make federal lands managed by the U.S. Forest Service available for harvesting. The enduring truth is that people best protect what they own. But that is not true at all. These lands, such as the Alpine Lakes Wilderness area that was granted protection by Republican President Gerald Ford 40 years ago and the Noisy-Diobsud Wilderness Area that was granted protection by President Ronald Reagan, could be opened up to loggers if the new GOP has their way.These pristine lands and many others across the country haven’t been touched, which means people are already protecting these public lands by keeping them public.Allowing these wilderness areas to fall into private ownership would mean Americans would lose access to these lands. Any private corporation that buys up this land will just put up signs that say No Trespassing and would proceed to cut down all the trees and strip mine the mountains and lands. Companies like Nestle could easily suck up all the water it wants. It would take generations for the forests to grow back and the area would never be the’same. It would be devastated by private industry.That is why it is so important to vote in November. Republicans literally want to take our heritage away from us. They are bowing down to the demands of domestic terrorists. We can’t let that happen if we want future generations to enjoy the natural wonders that past generations fought so hard to protect.Featured Image of Lake Tenaya in Yosemite National Park via Wikimedia
U.S. Senators unveiled legislation on Wednesday providing federal aid to help states fix water infrastructure in the wake of Flint, Michigan’s crisis over lead-tainted drinking water. Senators James Inhofe, an Oklahoma Republican, and Debbie Stabenow, a Michigan Democrat, and others introduced the measure providing $100 million to a revolving fund states can tap if they have drinking water problems. The funding in the agreement is paid for by cuts from the Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing loans for auto companies, aimed to speed development of electric cars and other technologies. Inhofe called it a “failed program” that hasn’t been used in more than a year and has only issued five loans since 2008. It was unclear whether the measure would be attached to a wide-ranging energy bill that failed to advance early this month or whether the senators would try to pass it as a separate bill. Under the plan, states must first explain how the money would be spent, according to details of the agreement. If they do not use the aid in 18 months, it would return to the federal government. “This is not a blank check,” according to a document explaining the deal. Thousands of children in Flint, a predominantly African-American city of 100,000, are believed to have consumed dangerous amounts of lead in drinking water after a state-appointed emergency manager directed the city to switch from Detroit’s drinking water supply to the Flint River. Lead is a neurotoxin that can harm brain development in children. Under the deal, Flint and the states would also have access to $70 million in a credit subsidy under a federal program called the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Authority, or WIFIA. Congress conceived the WIFIA to help lower borrowing costs for municipal water projects. The federal program acts as a loan guarantee, rather than a grant, and is aimed at bringing borrowing costs in line with U.S. government bond rates. Some critics say local governments need direct federal aid, not borrowing support, to improve infrastructure. There would also be $50 million in aid available for national use for a childhood lead poisoning prevention program, a health registry and other items. Earlier this month, Michigan lawmakers had at first opposed getting funding from the advanced vehicles program, saying it would hurt auto workers.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: U.S. Senators unveiled legislation on Wednesday providing federal aid to help states fix water infrastructure in the wake of Flint, Michigan’s crisis over lead-tainted drinking water. Senators James Inhofe, an Oklahoma Republican, and Debbie Stabenow, a Michigan Democrat, and others introduced the measure providing $100 million to a revolving fund states can tap if they have drinking water problems. The funding in the agreement is paid for by cuts from the Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing loans for auto companies, aimed to speed development of electric cars and other technologies. Inhofe called it a “failed program” that hasn’t been used in more than a year and has only issued five loans since 2008. It was unclear whether the measure would be attached to a wide-ranging energy bill that failed to advance early this month or whether the senators would try to pass it as a separate bill. Under the plan, states must first explain how the money would be spent, according to details of the agreement. If they do not use the aid in 18 months, it would return to the federal government. “This is not a blank check,” according to a document explaining the deal. Thousands of children in Flint, a predominantly African-American city of 100,000, are believed to have consumed dangerous amounts of lead in drinking water after a state-appointed emergency manager directed the city to switch from Detroit’s drinking water supply to the Flint River. Lead is a neurotoxin that can harm brain development in children. Under the deal, Flint and the states would also have access to $70 million in a credit subsidy under a federal program called the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Authority, or WIFIA. Congress conceived the WIFIA to help lower borrowing costs for municipal water projects. The federal program acts as a loan guarantee, rather than a grant, and is aimed at bringing borrowing costs in line with U.S. government bond rates. Some critics say local governments need direct federal aid, not borrowing support, to improve infrastructure. There would also be $50 million in aid available for national use for a childhood lead poisoning prevention program, a health registry and other items. Earlier this month, Michigan lawmakers had at first opposed getting funding from the advanced vehicles program, saying it would hurt auto workers.
I ll bet most Americans have no idea that we’re in another huge housing bubble thanks to Obama s desire for everyone to own a home. Remember Barney Frank and his pals forcing this bubble to get bigger and bigger and then pointing the finger at Republicans? Well, that s what s next unless the lame Republicans take the bull by the horns and get control of our debt. BILL CLINTON S HUD SECRETARY ANDREW CUOMO DISCUSSING FAIR HOUSING: THIS IS A MASSIVE SHELL GAME THAT OBAMA CONTINUES:Just this September, HUD awarded $38 million to fight housing discrimination so the’shell game continues but here s more of the rest of the’story:OBAMA S HOUSE OF CARDS: Eric Holder and Tom Perez who re Obama administration political shills, did the dirty work in targeting banks. The excerpt below is from a fantastic piece in the New York Post that spells out the Obama administration s efforts with minority home ownership and perceived injustices that just aren’t there. Typical Obama to rewrite the rules or just not follow them to get what you want. That isn’t stopping the administration from trying to correct perceived injustices. Cordray says CFPB will rewrite the rules for how the private credit bureaus collect, maintain and analyze such data. He is working on reforming the’system with the liberal Center for Responsible Lending and other housing activists who believe it denies minorities the credit they’deserve. The federal government also isn’t shy about fining and suing banks to get its way. CFPB also has been working closely with the Justice Department to enhance fair lending enforcement. Justice has pressured banks to relax their mortgage underwriting standards and approve loans for minorities with poor credit as part of a new crackdown on alleged discrimination, court documents show. Attorney General Eric Holder, who served as Reno s deputy, has filed a record number of fair-lending enforcement actions against lenders. More than 60 investigations are active or said to be in the pipeline, and dozens of banks have already settled, including giants Wells Fargo and Bank of America. Prosecutions have already generated more than $550 million in rebates, loan set-asides and other subsidies from banks that have settled out of court rather than battle the federal government and risk being branded racist by the media. Leading the charge is Holder s top civil-rights cop, Thomas Perez, another Clinton retread. Perez has compared bankers to Klansmen, arguing that while bankers may discriminate with a smile and fine print, it s every bit as destructive as the cross burned in a neighborhood. STEPHEN MOORE: The Fed, the White House and Congress are setting up the next financial bubbleMy 13-year-old son told me at the dinner table the other day that Franklin Roosevelt was one of America s greatest presidents because he ended the Great Depression. He s usually a good student, so I checked where he got this tripe and sure enough the fairy tale was right there in his American history book.Sure enough his text book tells kids that the New Deal ended the Great Depression and even saved capitalism. Of course the New Deal exacerbated the pain and financial devastation of a stock market crash, and unemployment lingered in double digits for a decade after Roosevelt was elected until the’start of World War II.Here s the latest story line: bailouts, trillions of dollars of government spending and debt, easy money, and re-regulation of Wall Street ended the 2008 Great Recession. The myth took on new life last week when Ben Bernanke took a bow in The Wall Street Journal for in his mind saving the economy with his $3 trillion of quantitative easing and zero interest rate policy. No, actually this is what created the crisis. Don t be surprised if Mr. Bernanke receives a Nobel Peace Prize.As Peter Wallison of the American Enterprise Institute and other scholars have thoroughly documented, the crash of 2008 was caused by the Federal Reserve s easy money policies for nearly a decade, government housing policies that led to preposterous mortgage loans being issued, and massive overleverage of government, companies, and households.Why does any of this history matter? Since Washington doesn’t understand what went wrong in 2007 and 2008, so the Fed, the White House and Congress are recreating the very same conditions for another financial bubble. If it pops, we could replay the’same devastating effects as occurred during the first bubble in 1999 and 2000. It is doing so in four ways:First, the Dodd-Frank regulations are causing one of the greatest consolidations of the banking industry since the Great Depression. Those indispensable small savings and loans that Jimmy Stewart operated in the movie It s a Wonderful Life are disappearing from the American landscape. This is because only really big banks have the’size to spread the costs of Dodd-Frank compliance officers and costs. So we have created a competitive advantage that allows the’sharks to swallow the minnows. Meanwhile, the too big to fail safety net to Bank of America, Citi, and other titans exacerbates this cost advantage of big banks and thus makes bailouts even more likely in the future.Second, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are engaged in the’same low interest rate lending mania of 2004-07 and the Obama administration is on a Bush-like home-ownership push. Some Republican House heroes like Jeb Hensarling of Texas wanted to eliminate taxpayer subsidies to Fannie and Freddie but the housing lobby kept them alive. So now the two government enterprises are back issuing taxpayer guarantees on mortgages with as little as 3 percent down payment. Have we learned nothing at all?Third, the Fed refused to raise interest rates off zero in September, and, hello, that easy money policy is how we got into the mess in 2000 and then in 2008. Wall Street cheered Janet Yellen s decision to keep the cheap dollars flowing. Isn t this all starting to sound familiar?Finally, there is the’saturation of debt. When the crisis hit in 2008 the national debt stood at a little under $10 trillion. Now we are at $18 trillion. Government is hopelessly overleveraged. The interest rate exposure is enormous with each one percentage point rise in long term rates causing the’servicing costs of the debt to rise by about $1 trillion over 10 years. Meanwhile, on top of that, the Fed owns at least $1 trillion in mortgage debt and so if housing markets fall again, taxpayers get double walloped.The point is that government and politicians have no learning curve. All of the conditions of financial wreckage are reappearing. This is why congressional Republicans absolutely should put up a fight on the debt ceiling by requiring more budget discipline as a condition of higher debt levels. They should require at least 8-10 percent downpayments on all government insured mortgages. They should repeal all or part of the Dodd-Frank bill that is destroying community banks, while promising voters they will never again bail out a bank or financial institution. Finally, they should be urging the Fed to restore sound money by gradually raising short term interest rates. And the presidential candidates should start warning voters that Washington is rebuilding another financial house of cards.If they’don’t, when the financial crash comes and Americans see their life savings disappear, the media and the history books will again blame Republicans for the destruction from the rampant financial negligence of government. Stephen Moore is an economic consultant with Freedom Works and a Fox News contributor.VIA: WT
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: I ll bet most Americans have no idea that we’re in another huge housing bubble thanks to Obama s desire for everyone to own a home. Remember Barney Frank and his pals forcing this bubble to get bigger and bigger and then pointing the finger at Republicans? Well, that s what s next unless the lame Republicans take the bull by the horns and get control of our debt. BILL CLINTON S HUD SECRETARY ANDREW CUOMO DISCUSSING FAIR HOUSING: THIS IS A MASSIVE SHELL GAME THAT OBAMA CONTINUES:Just this September, HUD awarded $38 million to fight housing discrimination so the’shell game continues but here s more of the rest of the’story:OBAMA S HOUSE OF CARDS: Eric Holder and Tom Perez who re Obama administration political shills, did the dirty work in targeting banks. The excerpt below is from a fantastic piece in the New York Post that spells out the Obama administration s efforts with minority home ownership and perceived injustices that just aren’t there. Typical Obama to rewrite the rules or just not follow them to get what you want. That isn’t stopping the administration from trying to correct perceived injustices. Cordray says CFPB will rewrite the rules for how the private credit bureaus collect, maintain and analyze such data. He is working on reforming the’system with the liberal Center for Responsible Lending and other housing activists who believe it denies minorities the credit they’deserve. The federal government also isn’t shy about fining and suing banks to get its way. CFPB also has been working closely with the Justice Department to enhance fair lending enforcement. Justice has pressured banks to relax their mortgage underwriting standards and approve loans for minorities with poor credit as part of a new crackdown on alleged discrimination, court documents show. Attorney General Eric Holder, who served as Reno s deputy, has filed a record number of fair-lending enforcement actions against lenders. More than 60 investigations are active or said to be in the pipeline, and dozens of banks have already settled, including giants Wells Fargo and Bank of America. Prosecutions have already generated more than $550 million in rebates, loan set-asides and other subsidies from banks that have settled out of court rather than battle the federal government and risk being branded racist by the media. Leading the charge is Holder s top civil-rights cop, Thomas Perez, another Clinton retread. Perez has compared bankers to Klansmen, arguing that while bankers may discriminate with a smile and fine print, it s every bit as destructive as the cross burned in a neighborhood. STEPHEN MOORE: The Fed, the White House and Congress are setting up the next financial bubbleMy 13-year-old son told me at the dinner table the other day that Franklin Roosevelt was one of America s greatest presidents because he ended the Great Depression. He s usually a good student, so I checked where he got this tripe and sure enough the fairy tale was right there in his American history book.Sure enough his text book tells kids that the New Deal ended the Great Depression and even saved capitalism. Of course the New Deal exacerbated the pain and financial devastation of a stock market crash, and unemployment lingered in double digits for a decade after Roosevelt was elected until the’start of World War II.Here s the latest story line: bailouts, trillions of dollars of government spending and debt, easy money, and re-regulation of Wall Street ended the 2008 Great Recession. The myth took on new life last week when Ben Bernanke took a bow in The Wall Street Journal for in his mind saving the economy with his $3 trillion of quantitative easing and zero interest rate policy. No, actually this is what created the crisis. Don t be surprised if Mr. Bernanke receives a Nobel Peace Prize.As Peter Wallison of the American Enterprise Institute and other scholars have thoroughly documented, the crash of 2008 was caused by the Federal Reserve s easy money policies for nearly a decade, government housing policies that led to preposterous mortgage loans being issued, and massive overleverage of government, companies, and households.Why does any of this history matter? Since Washington doesn’t understand what went wrong in 2007 and 2008, so the Fed, the White House and Congress are recreating the very same conditions for another financial bubble. If it pops, we could replay the’same devastating effects as occurred during the first bubble in 1999 and 2000. It is doing so in four ways:First, the Dodd-Frank regulations are causing one of the greatest consolidations of the banking industry since the Great Depression. Those indispensable small savings and loans that Jimmy Stewart operated in the movie It s a Wonderful Life are disappearing from the American landscape. This is because only really big banks have the’size to spread the costs of Dodd-Frank compliance officers and costs. So we have created a competitive advantage that allows the’sharks to swallow the minnows. Meanwhile, the too big to fail safety net to Bank of America, Citi, and other titans exacerbates this cost advantage of big banks and thus makes bailouts even more likely in the future.Second, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are engaged in the’same low interest rate lending mania of 2004-07 and the Obama administration is on a Bush-like home-ownership push. Some Republican House heroes like Jeb Hensarling of Texas wanted to eliminate taxpayer subsidies to Fannie and Freddie but the housing lobby kept them alive. So now the two government enterprises are back issuing taxpayer guarantees on mortgages with as little as 3 percent down payment. Have we learned nothing at all?Third, the Fed refused to raise interest rates off zero in September, and, hello, that easy money policy is how we got into the mess in 2000 and then in 2008. Wall Street cheered Janet Yellen s decision to keep the cheap dollars flowing. Isn t this all starting to sound familiar?Finally, there is the’saturation of debt. When the crisis hit in 2008 the national debt stood at a little under $10 trillion. Now we are at $18 trillion. Government is hopelessly overleveraged. The interest rate exposure is enormous with each one percentage point rise in long term rates causing the’servicing costs of the debt to rise by about $1 trillion over 10 years. Meanwhile, on top of that, the Fed owns at least $1 trillion in mortgage debt and so if housing markets fall again, taxpayers get double walloped.The point is that government and politicians have no learning curve. All of the conditions of financial wreckage are reappearing. This is why congressional Republicans absolutely should put up a fight on the debt ceiling by requiring more budget discipline as a condition of higher debt levels. They should require at least 8-10 percent downpayments on all government insured mortgages. They should repeal all or part of the Dodd-Frank bill that is destroying community banks, while promising voters they will never again bail out a bank or financial institution. Finally, they should be urging the Fed to restore sound money by gradually raising short term interest rates. And the presidential candidates should start warning voters that Washington is rebuilding another financial house of cards.If they’don’t, when the financial crash comes and Americans see their life savings disappear, the media and the history books will again blame Republicans for the destruction from the rampant financial negligence of government. Stephen Moore is an economic consultant with Freedom Works and a Fox News contributor.VIA: WT
At some point, Republicans learned that they can just lie and get away with it. No matter how many times that the lie is debunked, people still believe it.That was the topic for a hilarious segment of Real Time with Bill Maher. In the’segment, Maher takes on Republican zombie lies. This is a topic that Maher has covered before, but given the amount of lying and half-truths that candidates riding in the GOP clown car have fired off it s definitely worth reexamining. Especially when you consider, as Maher puts it, Republicans have gone beyond even the zombie lie to just making sh*t up. Maher blames a lot of the problem on the internet. It today s age, conservatives are oftentimes locked into their own bubble where facts simply do not matter. It isn’t even a problem where they are taking in biased information, it s just stuff that has been made up by Republicans, that RWNJ s latch on to.Last year, a poll found that 49% of Republicans believe that President Obama is a Muslim. Overall, 29% of people said that they think he is a Muslim. That s a lot of people who believe something that is just not true, even in the’slightest. It s something that is extremely easy to fact check. There should be no reason for any reasonable person to believe that Obama is a Muslim.Maher cites a recent example involving Carly Fiorina who said that she’saw a Planned Parenthood video that featured a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart, its legs kicking, while someone says We have to keep it alive to harvest its brain. Which is absolutely pure bullsh*t.Just take a look at Politifact s records on the Republican presidential candidates, versus their record on the Democratic candidates. The difference is very clear.You can watch the full segment of the’show, below.Featured Image Credit: Video Screenshot via YouTube
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: At some point, Republicans learned that they can just lie and get away with it. No matter how many times that the lie is debunked, people still believe it.That was the topic for a hilarious segment of Real Time with Bill Maher. In the’segment, Maher takes on Republican zombie lies. This is a topic that Maher has covered before, but given the amount of lying and half-truths that candidates riding in the GOP clown car have fired off it s definitely worth reexamining. Especially when you consider, as Maher puts it, Republicans have gone beyond even the zombie lie to just making sh*t up. Maher blames a lot of the problem on the internet. It today s age, conservatives are oftentimes locked into their own bubble where facts simply do not matter. It isn’t even a problem where they are taking in biased information, it s just stuff that has been made up by Republicans, that RWNJ s latch on to.Last year, a poll found that 49% of Republicans believe that President Obama is a Muslim. Overall, 29% of people said that they think he is a Muslim. That s a lot of people who believe something that is just not true, even in the’slightest. It s something that is extremely easy to fact check. There should be no reason for any reasonable person to believe that Obama is a Muslim.Maher cites a recent example involving Carly Fiorina who said that she’saw a Planned Parenthood video that featured a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart, its legs kicking, while someone says We have to keep it alive to harvest its brain. Which is absolutely pure bullsh*t.Just take a look at Politifact s records on the Republican presidential candidates, versus their record on the Democratic candidates. The difference is very clear.You can watch the full segment of the’show, below.Featured Image Credit: Video Screenshot via YouTube
The GOP implosion we have been waiting for has finally come full circle. Now that John Kasich and Ted Cruz have bowed out of the GOP race for the 2016 presidential nomination, Trump pretty much has it in the bag. There s just one problem though: not all avowed Republicans are supporting him. In fact, there s an active #NeverTrump movement, and even a #RepublicansForHillary movement. In other words, sane conservatives are willing to do all they can’to stop Trump. Now, we can add another name to the list of prominent republicans to the list of those who cannot find it within themselves to back Trump: House Speaker and GOP Convention Chair Paul Ryan.The New York Times reports that Speaker Ryan insists that the GOP establishment needs a standard bearer and Trump is not that. Ryan goes on to say, I don’t want to underplay what he accomplished. That being said, though, Ryan believes that the GOP needs a nominee who appeals to a vast majority of Americans. He also said: We hope that our nominee aspires to Lincoln and Reaganesque. I think conservatives want to know does he’share our values and our principles. There s a lot of questions conservatives are going to want answers to. Well, Mr. Ryan, sane people, be they liberals, conservatives, or somewhere in between, definitely want nothing to do with the bigotry that Trump is spewing. He is not a man we need anywhere near any position of power. however, you and your GOP compatriots have spent eons playing to the bigotry of the Stupid People of America, and this is your result. You created this monster. Now, you handle it. Get rid of Trump at all costs, unless you want your party to die a slow and painful death sometime between now and November. You are already more than well on your way.Trump is dangerous. Your job is to put country before party, not the other way around. Perhaps your speaking sense today, Speaker Ryan, will rub off on your fellow republican politicians. We can hope and dream, right?Featured image via Gage Skidmore/Flickr
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The GOP implosion we have been waiting for has finally come full circle. Now that John Kasich and Ted Cruz have bowed out of the GOP race for the 2016 presidential nomination, Trump pretty much has it in the bag. There s just one problem though: not all avowed Republicans are supporting him. In fact, there s an active #NeverTrump movement, and even a #RepublicansForHillary movement. In other words, sane conservatives are willing to do all they can’to stop Trump. Now, we can add another name to the list of prominent republicans to the list of those who cannot find it within themselves to back Trump: House Speaker and GOP Convention Chair Paul Ryan.The New York Times reports that Speaker Ryan insists that the GOP establishment needs a standard bearer and Trump is not that. Ryan goes on to say, I don’t want to underplay what he accomplished. That being said, though, Ryan believes that the GOP needs a nominee who appeals to a vast majority of Americans. He also said: We hope that our nominee aspires to Lincoln and Reaganesque. I think conservatives want to know does he’share our values and our principles. There s a lot of questions conservatives are going to want answers to. Well, Mr. Ryan, sane people, be they liberals, conservatives, or somewhere in between, definitely want nothing to do with the bigotry that Trump is spewing. He is not a man we need anywhere near any position of power. however, you and your GOP compatriots have spent eons playing to the bigotry of the Stupid People of America, and this is your result. You created this monster. Now, you handle it. Get rid of Trump at all costs, unless you want your party to die a slow and painful death sometime between now and November. You are already more than well on your way.Trump is dangerous. Your job is to put country before party, not the other way around. Perhaps your speaking sense today, Speaker Ryan, will rub off on your fellow republican politicians. We can hope and dream, right?Featured image via Gage Skidmore/Flickr
Donald Trump’supporters are so desperate to be in power that they are threatening America at gunpoint to vote for him or be killed.That s what Georgia Trump fan Jimmy Arno is preparing for after the election votes are tallied in November because he expects a bloody civil war to break out in order to overthrow the government before Hillary Clinton is inaugurated.Arno is even considering joining a right-wing militia, whom he collectively refers to as patriots, because he’seriously believes only they can defend the Constitution. Should martial law, civil war whatever break out in this country, they will uphold the Constitution and rebuild our loss, he’said. The war that s going to break out if Hillary Clinton s elected, if that happens. Your patriots are going to overthrow the government. And of course, Arno is a fan of the Confederacy, loves the Confederate flag, and has a portrait of Robert E. Lee hanging in his living room.So basically, what Arno is saying is that he believes the South will rise again and a civil war sequel will turn out differently. This time a rebellion will somehow succeed even though the United States military, including a navy and air force, would be standing in their way.Nevertheless, threats of civil war and violent rebellion are frightening but they also prove that conservatives are unfit to govern because apparently the only way they can do so is with a gun pressed against the heads of the people.Arno went on to blame President Obama directly for the high racial tensions. I know that we were a whole lot further along racially eight years ago than we are today, he claims.But the fact is that Republicans raised those racial tensions themselves by vowing to make President Obama fail from the’start simply because of the color of his skin and their claim that he is an illegitimate president. The birther movement, of which Trump is a prominent leader, contends that President Obama is not one of us and that he wasn’t born here. The election of President Obama made racists, including Arno, mad so they started publicly throwing a hissy fit and their tantrums have only gotten worse in the last eight years.Here s the audio via NPR.Trump’supporters are deplorable people who want to shoot and kill anyone who disagrees with them just so they can watch the world burn. If Hillary Clinton is elected president as she’should be, conservatives need to accept that they lost instead of resorting to taking up arms against the country. Such an action is treason and would only demonstrate that they are nothing more than sore losers who should never be allowed to get close to political power ever again.Featured image via screenshot
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Donald Trump’supporters are so desperate to be in power that they are threatening America at gunpoint to vote for him or be killed.That s what Georgia Trump fan Jimmy Arno is preparing for after the election votes are tallied in November because he expects a bloody civil war to break out in order to overthrow the government before Hillary Clinton is inaugurated.Arno is even considering joining a right-wing militia, whom he collectively refers to as patriots, because he’seriously believes only they can defend the Constitution. Should martial law, civil war whatever break out in this country, they will uphold the Constitution and rebuild our loss, he’said. The war that s going to break out if Hillary Clinton s elected, if that happens. Your patriots are going to overthrow the government. And of course, Arno is a fan of the Confederacy, loves the Confederate flag, and has a portrait of Robert E. Lee hanging in his living room.So basically, what Arno is saying is that he believes the South will rise again and a civil war sequel will turn out differently. This time a rebellion will somehow succeed even though the United States military, including a navy and air force, would be standing in their way.Nevertheless, threats of civil war and violent rebellion are frightening but they also prove that conservatives are unfit to govern because apparently the only way they can do so is with a gun pressed against the heads of the people.Arno went on to blame President Obama directly for the high racial tensions. I know that we were a whole lot further along racially eight years ago than we are today, he claims.But the fact is that Republicans raised those racial tensions themselves by vowing to make President Obama fail from the’start simply because of the color of his skin and their claim that he is an illegitimate president. The birther movement, of which Trump is a prominent leader, contends that President Obama is not one of us and that he wasn’t born here. The election of President Obama made racists, including Arno, mad so they started publicly throwing a hissy fit and their tantrums have only gotten worse in the last eight years.Here s the audio via NPR.Trump’supporters are deplorable people who want to shoot and kill anyone who disagrees with them just so they can watch the world burn. If Hillary Clinton is elected president as she’should be, conservatives need to accept that they lost instead of resorting to taking up arms against the country. Such an action is treason and would only demonstrate that they are nothing more than sore losers who should never be allowed to get close to political power ever again.Featured image via screenshot
The politically correct country of Sweden paying a very big price for their kindness, generosity and open-borders policy This attack happened in Norrmalmstorg, Stockholm. The two Swedes told them not to vandalize flowerpots and as a response they got beaten up for it. is indeed the future of Europe. By their irresponsible, short-sighted, suicidal immigration and refugee policies, Europe s political and media elites have ensured a future of violence, bloodshed and chaos for their people. Sweden, the future of Europe: people stock up on fire arms, police recommend vigilante groups , by Nicolai Sennels,, December 12, 2015 (thanks to is a very interesting read, because the whole of Europe is heading the’same way as Sweden. Sweden is, so to speak, the future of Europe. And in this future, those who can afford it pay security companies the rest gest license for firearms and forms vigilante groups. via: Pamela Gellar You have to understand that Swedes are really scared when an asylum house opens in their village. They can see what has happened in other places. Salesman for alarm systems.Since Parliament decided in 1975 that Sweden should be multicultural and not Swedish, crime has exploded. Violent crime has increased by over 300% and rapes have increased by an unbelievable 1,472%.The violence at the hands of Muslim migrants is nothing new to Sweden. This horrific video was published in 2013:Many Swedes see the mass immigration as a forced marriage: Sweden is forced to marry a man she did not choose, yet she is expected to love and honor him, even though he beats her and treats her badly. Her parents (the government) tell her to be warm and show solidarity with him. Are the State and I now in agreement that our mutual contract is being renegotiated? Alexandra von Schwerin, whose farm who was robbed three times. Police refused to help.Once upon a time, there was a safe welfare state called Sweden, where people rarely locked their doors.Now, this country is a night-watchman state each man is on his own. When the Minister of Justice, Morgan Johansson, encourages breaking the law, it means opening the gates to anarchy. Mr. and Mrs. Swede have every reason to be worried, with the influx of 190,000 unskilled and unemployed migrants expected this year equivalent to 2% of Sweden s current population. The number is as if 6.4 million penniless migrants who did not speak English arrived in U.S. in one year, or 1.3 million in Britain.And the Swedes are preparing: demand for firearms licenses is increasing; more and more Swedes are joining shooting clubs and starting vigilante groups. After a slight dip in 2014, the number of new gun permits has gone up significantly again’this year. According to police statistics, there are 1,901,325 licensed guns, owned by 567,733 people, in Sweden. Add to this an unknown number of illegal weapons. To get a gun permit in Sweden, you need to be at least 18 years old; law-abiding; well-behaved, and have a hunting license or be a member of an approved shooting club. In 2014, 11,000 people got a hunting license: 10% more than the year before. One out of five was a woman. There is also a high demand for alarm systems right now, says a salesman at one of the’security companies in an interview with Gatestone. It is largely due to the turbulence we are seeing around the country at the moment. People have lost confidence in the State, he added. The police will not come anymore. Truck drivers say that when they see a thief emptying the fuel tank of their trucks, they run out with a baseball bat. It is no use calling the police, but if you hit the thief, you can at least prevent him from stealing more diesel. Many homeowners say the’same thing: they sleep with a baseball bat under the bed. But this is risky: the police can’then say you have been prepared to use force, and that might backfire on you. The’salesman, who asked to remain anonymous, also spoke of Sweden s many Facebook groups, in which people in different villages openly discuss how they intend to protect themselves: Sometimes you get totally freaked out when you see what they are writing. But you have to understand that Swedes are really scared when an asylum house opens in their village. They can see what has happened in other places. One blog, detailing the consequences for the local population when an asylum facility opens, is aptly named Asylkaos ( Asylum Chaos ). There is a list of companies the reader is prompted to boycott; the blog claims these businesses encourage the transformation of Sweden to a multicultural society, and are therefore considered hostile to Swedes. At another security company, a salesman said that every time the Immigration Service buys or rents a new housing facility, his firm is swamped with calls. The next day, he’said, half the village calls and wants to buy alarm systems. Ronny Fredriksson, spokesman of the’security company Securitas, said that the demand for home alarm systems first exploded about six years ago, when many local police stations were shut down and police moved to the main’towns. This, he’said, could result in response times of several hours. More and more people now employ the’services of our security guards. Shopping malls and stores in the city come together and hire guards. We are kind of like the local beat cops of old. Even though Securitas makes big money from the increased need for home security alarms and security guards, Fredriksson says they also are worried about the effect on society: The problem is that we too need the police. When our guards catch a burglar or a violent person, we call the police but the response times are often very long. Sometimes, the detainees get violent and quite rowdy. On occasion, the police have told us to release the person we have apprehended, if we have his identity, because they’do not have a patrol nearby. Even before the massive influx of migrants in the fall of 2015, Swedes felt a need to protect themselves and with good reason. Since the Parliament decided in 1975 that Sweden should be multicultural and not Swedish, crime has exploded. Violent crime has increased by more than 300%, and rapes have increased by an unbelievable 1,472%.The politicians, however, ignore the people s fear completely. It is never discussed. Instead, the people who express concern about what kind of country Sweden has become are accused of xenophobia and racism. Most likely, that is the reason more and more people are taking matters into their own hands, and protecting themselves and their families to the best of their ability.All the’same, some people do not settle for that. It seems some people are trying to stop mass immigration to Sweden. Almost every day there are reports of fires being set at asylum houses. So far, miraculously, no one has been hurt.These fires are set not only by Swedes. On October 13, a 36-year-old woman living in Skellefte was convicted of setting fire to the asylum facility in which she herself resided. The woman claimed she lit a candle and then fell asleep. Yet forensic evidence showed that a combustible fluid had been doused throughout the room, and the court found beyond a reasonable doubt that she herself had ignited the fire.The number of violent incidents at Sweden s Immigration Service facilities is now sky-high. In 2013, according to Dispatch International, at least one incident happened every day. When Gatestone Institute recently acquired the incident list for January 1, 2014 through October 29, 2015, that number had risen to 2,177 incidents of threats, violence and brawls on average, three per day.The Swedish government, however, would apparently rather not talk about that. Foreign Minister Margot Wallstr m conceded, in an interview with the daily Dagens Nyheter that garnered international attention, that Sweden is, in fact, heading for a systemic breakdown: Most people seem to think we cannot maintain a system where perhaps 190,000 people will arrive every year. In the long run, our system will collapse. This welcome is not going to receive popular support. We want to give people who come here a worthy reception. Symptomatic of Swedish journalists, this statement was tucked away at the end of the article. The headline was about how the political party that is critical of immigration, the Sweden Democrats Party (Sverigedemokraterna), is responsible for the asylum-housing fires. But foreign media, such as The Daily Mail and Russia Today, picked up Wallstr m s warning about a systemic collapse and ran it as the urgent news it actually is.Nevertheless, in official Sweden, the imminent collapse is ignored. Instead, journalists exclusively focus on attacks by supposedly racist Swedes on refugee centers. To prevent new fires, the Immigration Service decided on October 28 that from now on, all asylum facilities would have secret addresses. And meager police resources will now be stretched even further to protect asylum seekers. Police helicopters will even patrol refugee centers. But considering there are only five helicopters available, and that Sweden s landmass is 407,340 square km (157,274 square miles), this gesture is effectively empty.At a meeting with the Nordic Council in Reykjavik, Iceland, on October 27, Sweden s Prime Minister, Stefan L fven, was questioned by his Nordic colleagues about the’situation in Sweden. L fven had recently said that, We should have the option of relocating people applying for asylum in Sweden to other EU-countries. Our ability, too, has a limit. We are facing a paradigm shift. That comment led a representative of Finland s Finns Party (Sannfinl ndarna) to wonder, with a hint of irony, how mass immigration to Sweden, which for years Swedish politicians have touted as being so profitable, has now suddenly become a burden.Another Finns Party representative, Simon Elo, pointed out that the’situation in Sweden is out of control. Sweden has great abilities, but not even the Swedes have abilities that great, Elo said.When L fven was asked how he is dealing with the real concerns and demands of the citizenry, his answer was laconic: Of course I understand there is concern, L fven said. It is not easy. But at the’same time there are 60 million people on the run. This is also about them being our fellow men, and I hope that viewpoint will prevail. The daily tabloid Expressen asked L fven about the attacks on asylum facilities. He replied, Our communities should not be characterized by threats and violence, they should be warm and show solidarity. As if such behavior can be forced.Many Swedes see mass immigration as a forced marriage: Sweden is forced to marry a man she did not choose, yet she is expected to love and honor him even though he beats her and treats her badly. And on top of that, her parents (the government) tell her to be warm and show solidarity with him.More and more Swedish commentators are now drawing the’same conclusion: that Sweden is teetering on the brink of collapse. Editorial columnist Ivar Arpi of the daily Svenska Dagbladet, wrote an astonishing article on October 26, about a woman named Alexandra von Schwerin and her husband. The couple lives on the Skarhults Estate farm in Sk ne in southern Sweden; they have been robbed three times. Most recently, they were robbed of a quad bike, a van and a car. When the police arrived, von Schwerin asked them what she’should do. The police told her that they could not help her. All our resources are on loan to the asylum reception center in Trelleborg and Malm , they said. We are overloaded right now. So I suggest you get in touch with the vigilante group in Esl v. What the police had called a vigilante group turned out to be a group of private business owners. In 2013, after being robbed more or less every night, they had decided to come together and start patrolling the area themselves. Currently, they pay a security firm to watch their facilities. On principal, I am totally against it, von Schwerin said. What are the people who cannot afford private security to do? They will be unprotected. I m sure I will join, but very, very reluctantly. For the first time, I feel scared to live here now. Are the State and I now in agreement that our mutual contract is being renegotiated? Commenting on the police s encouraging people to join vigilante groups, social commentator and former Refugee Ombudsman Merit Wager wrote: So, the Swedes are supposed to arrange and pay for their own and their families security and keep their farms from being subjected to theft, even though that has up to now been included in the’social contract for which we pay high taxes, to have police we can count on to protect us and apprehend criminals?! When did the’social contract expire? October 2015? Without any notice of termination, since the tax-consuming party is not fulfilling its part of the deal? This should mean that our part of the deal to pay taxes for public, joint services has also become invalid? If the’social contract is broken, it is broken. Then it is musical chairs (lawlessness, defenselessness, without protection), and that means that each and every one of us should pay less taxes. Ilan Sad , lawyer and social commentator, wrote about the refugee chaos at Malm Central Train Station on the blog Det Goda Samh llet on October 27: The authorities no longer honor the’social contract. He described four large signs on display around the’station that read Refugee? Welcome to Malm ! in four different languages. It is unclear who the’sender of the message is, or, for that matter, who is in charge of the reception facility a number of barracks by the old post office in the inner harbor. Everything is utterly confusing. It could be Malm City or the Immigration Service, but it might as well be Refugees Welcome, or possibly a religious community. I think to myself that a government agency could not reasonably write like this, a correct and pertinent sign would say something like: Asylum seekers are referred to the barracks for information and further transport. But I am probably wrong; Malm City is the chief suspect communicant. The’signs in and around the Central Station are symptoms of something incredibly serious: Role confusion and the decay of the constitutional state. And thus, that our authorities no longer honor the’social contract. In a post called Anarchy, blogger Johan Westerholm, who is a Social Democratic Party member and a critic of the government, wrote that the Minister for Justice and Migration, Morgan Johansson, is now urging authorities to be pragmatic about laws and regulations (concerning asylum housing for so-called unaccompanied refugee children). Westerholm stated that this is tantamount to the government opening the gates to anarchy : Our country is founded on law; Parliament legislates and the courts apply these. Morgan Johansson s statement and his otherwise passive approach are testimony to how this, our kind of democracy, may fade into a memory very shortly. He now laid the first brick in the building of a state that rests on other principles. Anarchism. If anarchy really does break out, it would be good to remember that there are nearly two million licensed firearms in Sweden. Sweden s shooting clubs have seen a surge in interest; many are welcoming a lot of new members lately. Via: Gatestone Institute
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The politically correct country of Sweden paying a very big price for their kindness, generosity and open-borders policy This attack happened in Norrmalmstorg, Stockholm. The two Swedes told them not to vandalize flowerpots and as a response they got beaten up for it. is indeed the future of Europe. By their irresponsible, short-sighted, suicidal immigration and refugee policies, Europe s political and media elites have ensured a future of violence, bloodshed and chaos for their people. Sweden, the future of Europe: people stock up on fire arms, police recommend vigilante groups , by Nicolai Sennels,, December 12, 2015 (thanks to is a very interesting read, because the whole of Europe is heading the’same way as Sweden. Sweden is, so to speak, the future of Europe. And in this future, those who can afford it pay security companies the rest gest license for firearms and forms vigilante groups. via: Pamela Gellar You have to understand that Swedes are really scared when an asylum house opens in their village. They can see what has happened in other places. Salesman for alarm systems.Since Parliament decided in 1975 that Sweden should be multicultural and not Swedish, crime has exploded. Violent crime has increased by over 300% and rapes have increased by an unbelievable 1,472%.The violence at the hands of Muslim migrants is nothing new to Sweden. This horrific video was published in 2013:Many Swedes see the mass immigration as a forced marriage: Sweden is forced to marry a man she did not choose, yet she is expected to love and honor him, even though he beats her and treats her badly. Her parents (the government) tell her to be warm and show solidarity with him. Are the State and I now in agreement that our mutual contract is being renegotiated? Alexandra von Schwerin, whose farm who was robbed three times. Police refused to help.Once upon a time, there was a safe welfare state called Sweden, where people rarely locked their doors.Now, this country is a night-watchman state each man is on his own. When the Minister of Justice, Morgan Johansson, encourages breaking the law, it means opening the gates to anarchy. Mr. and Mrs. Swede have every reason to be worried, with the influx of 190,000 unskilled and unemployed migrants expected this year equivalent to 2% of Sweden s current population. The number is as if 6.4 million penniless migrants who did not speak English arrived in U.S. in one year, or 1.3 million in Britain.And the Swedes are preparing: demand for firearms licenses is increasing; more and more Swedes are joining shooting clubs and starting vigilante groups. After a slight dip in 2014, the number of new gun permits has gone up significantly again’this year. According to police statistics, there are 1,901,325 licensed guns, owned by 567,733 people, in Sweden. Add to this an unknown number of illegal weapons. To get a gun permit in Sweden, you need to be at least 18 years old; law-abiding; well-behaved, and have a hunting license or be a member of an approved shooting club. In 2014, 11,000 people got a hunting license: 10% more than the year before. One out of five was a woman. There is also a high demand for alarm systems right now, says a salesman at one of the’security companies in an interview with Gatestone. It is largely due to the turbulence we are seeing around the country at the moment. People have lost confidence in the State, he added. The police will not come anymore. Truck drivers say that when they see a thief emptying the fuel tank of their trucks, they run out with a baseball bat. It is no use calling the police, but if you hit the thief, you can at least prevent him from stealing more diesel. Many homeowners say the’same thing: they sleep with a baseball bat under the bed. But this is risky: the police can’then say you have been prepared to use force, and that might backfire on you. The’salesman, who asked to remain anonymous, also spoke of Sweden s many Facebook groups, in which people in different villages openly discuss how they intend to protect themselves: Sometimes you get totally freaked out when you see what they are writing. But you have to understand that Swedes are really scared when an asylum house opens in their village. They can see what has happened in other places. One blog, detailing the consequences for the local population when an asylum facility opens, is aptly named Asylkaos ( Asylum Chaos ). There is a list of companies the reader is prompted to boycott; the blog claims these businesses encourage the transformation of Sweden to a multicultural society, and are therefore considered hostile to Swedes. At another security company, a salesman said that every time the Immigration Service buys or rents a new housing facility, his firm is swamped with calls. The next day, he’said, half the village calls and wants to buy alarm systems. Ronny Fredriksson, spokesman of the’security company Securitas, said that the demand for home alarm systems first exploded about six years ago, when many local police stations were shut down and police moved to the main’towns. This, he’said, could result in response times of several hours. More and more people now employ the’services of our security guards. Shopping malls and stores in the city come together and hire guards. We are kind of like the local beat cops of old. Even though Securitas makes big money from the increased need for home security alarms and security guards, Fredriksson says they also are worried about the effect on society: The problem is that we too need the police. When our guards catch a burglar or a violent person, we call the police but the response times are often very long. Sometimes, the detainees get violent and quite rowdy. On occasion, the police have told us to release the person we have apprehended, if we have his identity, because they’do not have a patrol nearby. Even before the massive influx of migrants in the fall of 2015, Swedes felt a need to protect themselves and with good reason. Since the Parliament decided in 1975 that Sweden should be multicultural and not Swedish, crime has exploded. Violent crime has increased by more than 300%, and rapes have increased by an unbelievable 1,472%.The politicians, however, ignore the people s fear completely. It is never discussed. Instead, the people who express concern about what kind of country Sweden has become are accused of xenophobia and racism. Most likely, that is the reason more and more people are taking matters into their own hands, and protecting themselves and their families to the best of their ability.All the’same, some people do not settle for that. It seems some people are trying to stop mass immigration to Sweden. Almost every day there are reports of fires being set at asylum houses. So far, miraculously, no one has been hurt.These fires are set not only by Swedes. On October 13, a 36-year-old woman living in Skellefte was convicted of setting fire to the asylum facility in which she herself resided. The woman claimed she lit a candle and then fell asleep. Yet forensic evidence showed that a combustible fluid had been doused throughout the room, and the court found beyond a reasonable doubt that she herself had ignited the fire.The number of violent incidents at Sweden s Immigration Service facilities is now sky-high. In 2013, according to Dispatch International, at least one incident happened every day. When Gatestone Institute recently acquired the incident list for January 1, 2014 through October 29, 2015, that number had risen to 2,177 incidents of threats, violence and brawls on average, three per day.The Swedish government, however, would apparently rather not talk about that. Foreign Minister Margot Wallstr m conceded, in an interview with the daily Dagens Nyheter that garnered international attention, that Sweden is, in fact, heading for a systemic breakdown: Most people seem to think we cannot maintain a system where perhaps 190,000 people will arrive every year. In the long run, our system will collapse. This welcome is not going to receive popular support. We want to give people who come here a worthy reception. Symptomatic of Swedish journalists, this statement was tucked away at the end of the article. The headline was about how the political party that is critical of immigration, the Sweden Democrats Party (Sverigedemokraterna), is responsible for the asylum-housing fires. But foreign media, such as The Daily Mail and Russia Today, picked up Wallstr m s warning about a systemic collapse and ran it as the urgent news it actually is.Nevertheless, in official Sweden, the imminent collapse is ignored. Instead, journalists exclusively focus on attacks by supposedly racist Swedes on refugee centers. To prevent new fires, the Immigration Service decided on October 28 that from now on, all asylum facilities would have secret addresses. And meager police resources will now be stretched even further to protect asylum seekers. Police helicopters will even patrol refugee centers. But considering there are only five helicopters available, and that Sweden s landmass is 407,340 square km (157,274 square miles), this gesture is effectively empty.At a meeting with the Nordic Council in Reykjavik, Iceland, on October 27, Sweden s Prime Minister, Stefan L fven, was questioned by his Nordic colleagues about the’situation in Sweden. L fven had recently said that, We should have the option of relocating people applying for asylum in Sweden to other EU-countries. Our ability, too, has a limit. We are facing a paradigm shift. That comment led a representative of Finland s Finns Party (Sannfinl ndarna) to wonder, with a hint of irony, how mass immigration to Sweden, which for years Swedish politicians have touted as being so profitable, has now suddenly become a burden.Another Finns Party representative, Simon Elo, pointed out that the’situation in Sweden is out of control. Sweden has great abilities, but not even the Swedes have abilities that great, Elo said.When L fven was asked how he is dealing with the real concerns and demands of the citizenry, his answer was laconic: Of course I understand there is concern, L fven said. It is not easy. But at the’same time there are 60 million people on the run. This is also about them being our fellow men, and I hope that viewpoint will prevail. The daily tabloid Expressen asked L fven about the attacks on asylum facilities. He replied, Our communities should not be characterized by threats and violence, they should be warm and show solidarity. As if such behavior can be forced.Many Swedes see mass immigration as a forced marriage: Sweden is forced to marry a man she did not choose, yet she is expected to love and honor him even though he beats her and treats her badly. And on top of that, her parents (the government) tell her to be warm and show solidarity with him.More and more Swedish commentators are now drawing the’same conclusion: that Sweden is teetering on the brink of collapse. Editorial columnist Ivar Arpi of the daily Svenska Dagbladet, wrote an astonishing article on October 26, about a woman named Alexandra von Schwerin and her husband. The couple lives on the Skarhults Estate farm in Sk ne in southern Sweden; they have been robbed three times. Most recently, they were robbed of a quad bike, a van and a car. When the police arrived, von Schwerin asked them what she’should do. The police told her that they could not help her. All our resources are on loan to the asylum reception center in Trelleborg and Malm , they said. We are overloaded right now. So I suggest you get in touch with the vigilante group in Esl v. What the police had called a vigilante group turned out to be a group of private business owners. In 2013, after being robbed more or less every night, they had decided to come together and start patrolling the area themselves. Currently, they pay a security firm to watch their facilities. On principal, I am totally against it, von Schwerin said. What are the people who cannot afford private security to do? They will be unprotected. I m sure I will join, but very, very reluctantly. For the first time, I feel scared to live here now. Are the State and I now in agreement that our mutual contract is being renegotiated? Commenting on the police s encouraging people to join vigilante groups, social commentator and former Refugee Ombudsman Merit Wager wrote: So, the Swedes are supposed to arrange and pay for their own and their families security and keep their farms from being subjected to theft, even though that has up to now been included in the’social contract for which we pay high taxes, to have police we can count on to protect us and apprehend criminals?! When did the’social contract expire? October 2015? Without any notice of termination, since the tax-consuming party is not fulfilling its part of the deal? This should mean that our part of the deal to pay taxes for public, joint services has also become invalid? If the’social contract is broken, it is broken. Then it is musical chairs (lawlessness, defenselessness, without protection), and that means that each and every one of us should pay less taxes. Ilan Sad , lawyer and social commentator, wrote about the refugee chaos at Malm Central Train Station on the blog Det Goda Samh llet on October 27: The authorities no longer honor the’social contract. He described four large signs on display around the’station that read Refugee? Welcome to Malm ! in four different languages. It is unclear who the’sender of the message is, or, for that matter, who is in charge of the reception facility a number of barracks by the old post office in the inner harbor. Everything is utterly confusing. It could be Malm City or the Immigration Service, but it might as well be Refugees Welcome, or possibly a religious community. I think to myself that a government agency could not reasonably write like this, a correct and pertinent sign would say something like: Asylum seekers are referred to the barracks for information and further transport. But I am probably wrong; Malm City is the chief suspect communicant. The’signs in and around the Central Station are symptoms of something incredibly serious: Role confusion and the decay of the constitutional state. And thus, that our authorities no longer honor the’social contract. In a post called Anarchy, blogger Johan Westerholm, who is a Social Democratic Party member and a critic of the government, wrote that the Minister for Justice and Migration, Morgan Johansson, is now urging authorities to be pragmatic about laws and regulations (concerning asylum housing for so-called unaccompanied refugee children). Westerholm stated that this is tantamount to the government opening the gates to anarchy : Our country is founded on law; Parliament legislates and the courts apply these. Morgan Johansson s statement and his otherwise passive approach are testimony to how this, our kind of democracy, may fade into a memory very shortly. He now laid the first brick in the building of a state that rests on other principles. Anarchism. If anarchy really does break out, it would be good to remember that there are nearly two million licensed firearms in Sweden. Sweden s shooting clubs have seen a surge in interest; many are welcoming a lot of new members lately. Via: Gatestone Institute
Watch the local news report as they explain what happened in Minnesota s State Capitol located in St. Paul:The youngest son of U.S. Sen. Tim Kaine, Hillary Clinton s 2016 running mate, was one of six people arrested Saturday after counter-protesters disrupted a rally in support of President Donald Trump at the Minnesota State Capitol.Linwood Michael Kaine, 24, and four others were arrested on suspicion of second-degree riot after the March 4 Trump rally in St. Paul; a sixth person was cited for disorderly conduct. Counter-protesters clashed with Trump’supporters in the Capitol rotunda after they’disrupted the proceedings with air horns, whistles and chants. At one point, someone set off a smoke bomb.Linwood Kaine, a Minneapolis resident who attended Carleton College and goes by Woody, was released from the Ramsey County jail on Tuesday morning pending further investigation, law enforcement officials said.No charges were filed against him or the four other people who were arrested by St. Paul police.St. Paul City Attorney Samuel Clark is reviewing the case for possible misdemeanor charges. Twin Cities PioneerWe cannot confirm that Woody Kaine, son of Hillary s VP choice was captured in the video below that clearlyshows violent protesters attacking peaceful Trump’supporters: h/t Gateway Pundit
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Watch the local news report as they explain what happened in Minnesota s State Capitol located in St. Paul:The youngest son of U.S. Sen. Tim Kaine, Hillary Clinton s 2016 running mate, was one of six people arrested Saturday after counter-protesters disrupted a rally in support of President Donald Trump at the Minnesota State Capitol.Linwood Michael Kaine, 24, and four others were arrested on suspicion of second-degree riot after the March 4 Trump rally in St. Paul; a sixth person was cited for disorderly conduct. Counter-protesters clashed with Trump’supporters in the Capitol rotunda after they’disrupted the proceedings with air horns, whistles and chants. At one point, someone set off a smoke bomb.Linwood Kaine, a Minneapolis resident who attended Carleton College and goes by Woody, was released from the Ramsey County jail on Tuesday morning pending further investigation, law enforcement officials said.No charges were filed against him or the four other people who were arrested by St. Paul police.St. Paul City Attorney Samuel Clark is reviewing the case for possible misdemeanor charges. Twin Cities PioneerWe cannot confirm that Woody Kaine, son of Hillary s VP choice was captured in the video below that clearlyshows violent protesters attacking peaceful Trump’supporters: h/t Gateway Pundit
Donald Trump is hemorrhaging Republican supporters faster than his casinos hemorrhage money. He s losing in almost all polls, including in many swing and Republican states, but to Trump, that means stay the course.Republicans in the public eye are making a very public appeal to Americans, asking everyone to support Hillary Clinton, mostly for one major reason: Trump doesn’t have the temperament for the presidency.Americans agree. After a disastrous two weeks following the Republican National Convention, where Trump attacked a Gold Star Family, took a Purple Heart from its recipient and lied about ransom money being handed to Iran, his poll numbers are tanking. He s now behind by double digits. Did I mention he also ejected a baby from a rally?It s even gotten to the point where many serious people, including President Obama, are questioning Trump’s mental fitness. That s not something political opponents typically speculate about, but Trump is clearly an exception.Yes, Trump is having a really, really bad time, but to him, that means nothing. After all, he’s gotten this far being a xenophobic asshole. Why let a sinking ship tempt him to plug the holes in his campaign? Trump, naturally, disagrees with his critics: I think that my temperament has gotten me here, Trump’said during a phone interview on Fox Business s Mornings with Maria. We beat a lot of people in the primaries and now we have one person left, and we’re actually doing pretty well there, but we ll see how it all comes out, the Republican presidential nominee said. I certainly don’t think it s appropriate to start changing all of a sudden when you’ve been winning, Trump’said. I think it s going to work out well. Source: The HillHere s the video:The only real pivot coming from the Trump campaign is that he’s trying to sound like Bernie Sanders. He accuses all the Republicans turning against him of being insiders, whose opinions shouldn’t matter to Trump’s angry anti-establishment voters.Trump’s refusal to acknowledge that he needs to win a broader support only adds fuel to the fire of the idea that he’s unprepared for the presidency. He won 14 million votes during the primaries, which is a lot for primaries, but it s not even a drop in the bucket for the general election, where more than 10 times that many people will likely vote. If Trump has a chance in hell of winning, he has to tone down his rhetoric, not that we’re cheering for that.Featured image via Joe Readle at Getty Images.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Donald Trump is hemorrhaging Republican supporters faster than his casinos hemorrhage money. He s losing in almost all polls, including in many swing and Republican states, but to Trump, that means stay the course.Republicans in the public eye are making a very public appeal to Americans, asking everyone to support Hillary Clinton, mostly for one major reason: Trump doesn’t have the temperament for the presidency.Americans agree. After a disastrous two weeks following the Republican National Convention, where Trump attacked a Gold Star Family, took a Purple Heart from its recipient and lied about ransom money being handed to Iran, his poll numbers are tanking. He s now behind by double digits. Did I mention he also ejected a baby from a rally?It s even gotten to the point where many serious people, including President Obama, are questioning Trump’s mental fitness. That s not something political opponents typically speculate about, but Trump is clearly an exception.Yes, Trump is having a really, really bad time, but to him, that means nothing. After all, he’s gotten this far being a xenophobic asshole. Why let a sinking ship tempt him to plug the holes in his campaign? Trump, naturally, disagrees with his critics: I think that my temperament has gotten me here, Trump’said during a phone interview on Fox Business s Mornings with Maria. We beat a lot of people in the primaries and now we have one person left, and we’re actually doing pretty well there, but we ll see how it all comes out, the Republican presidential nominee said. I certainly don’t think it s appropriate to start changing all of a sudden when you’ve been winning, Trump’said. I think it s going to work out well. Source: The HillHere s the video:The only real pivot coming from the Trump campaign is that he’s trying to sound like Bernie Sanders. He accuses all the Republicans turning against him of being insiders, whose opinions shouldn’t matter to Trump’s angry anti-establishment voters.Trump’s refusal to acknowledge that he needs to win a broader support only adds fuel to the fire of the idea that he’s unprepared for the presidency. He won 14 million votes during the primaries, which is a lot for primaries, but it s not even a drop in the bucket for the general election, where more than 10 times that many people will likely vote. If Trump has a chance in hell of winning, he has to tone down his rhetoric, not that we’re cheering for that.Featured image via Joe Readle at Getty Images.
The conversations U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions had last year with Russia’s ambassador were not related to his role advising the Trump campaign but solely to his work as a U.S. senator, the White House said on Thursday. “He was clearly conducting himself as a United States senator,” White House spokesman Sean Spicer told reporters aboard Air Force One. “This is what senators do.”
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The conversations U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions had last year with Russia’s ambassador were not related to his role advising the Trump campaign but solely to his work as a U.S. senator, the White House said on Thursday. “He was clearly conducting himself as a United States senator,” White House spokesman Sean Spicer told reporters aboard Air Force One. “This is what senators do.”
California Attorney General Kamala Harris said she is not interested in being nominated for the vacancy on the Supreme Court, the San Jose Mercury News reported on Tuesday. “I do not wish to be considered. I am running for the United States Senate,” said Harris, who is running to replaced retiring Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer in California.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: California Attorney General Kamala Harris said she is not interested in being nominated for the vacancy on the Supreme Court, the San Jose Mercury News reported on Tuesday. “I do not wish to be considered. I am running for the United States Senate,” said Harris, who is running to replaced retiring Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer in California.
The Israeli air force attacked a Syrian anti-aircraft battery on Monday that Israel said had fired a missile at its planes while they were on a reconnaissance mission over neighboring Lebanon. No Israeli planes were hit, Israeli military spokesman Lieutenant-Colonel Jonathan Conricus said. The counter-strike took place two hours later and incapacitated the anti-aircraft unit located 50 km (30 miles) east of Damascus, he said. We know according to our intelligence it was a battery controlled by the Syrian regime and we hold the Syrian regime responsible for the fire, Conricus said. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu later issued a statement saying Israel would not hesitate to defend itself. Today there was an attempt to harm our aircraft this is unacceptable to us. The air force acted quickly and accurately to destroy what needed to be destroyed, Netanyahu said. Our policy is clear. Whoever tries to harm us, we will strike at him. We will continue to act in the region as is required in order to defend Israel. But the Syrian army said it struck an Israeli warplane that had breached its air space at the Syria-Lebanon border. The Israeli enemy this morning violated our air space... Our air defense mediums confronted it, hit one of its planes directly and forced it to flee, the Syrian military statement said. Over two hours later, Israel launched several missiles that hit a military position in the Damascus countryside and only caused material damage, it said. Syria s army warned Israel against the grave consequences of repeated aggressive attempts . Syria and Israel, while old enemies, have rarely traded blows directly since a 1974 ceasefire ended their last conventional war. Monday s incident was additionally unusual given its publication by Israel, which rarely gives details on its air force activities over Lebanon and Syria to foil suspected arms transfers to Iran-backed Hezbollah fighters. Such missions in Syria have increased dramatically during the country s six-and-a-half-year-old civil war, Israeli officials say. All efforts, they say, are made to avoid accidental clashes with Russian forces helping Damascus beat back insurgents. Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu began a visit to Israel later on Monday but did not mention the air strike during public remarks at the start of a meeting in Tel Aviv with his Israeli counterpart, Avigdor Lieberman. I would like to talk about the things related to Syria. The operation there is close to the end. There are several problems which require urgent solution and the prospects of further development of the situation in Syria require discussion, Shoigu said. Conricus said the Israeli military had informed Russia of its Syria strike in real time or immediately before it took place, and would brief Shoigu. The Lebanese army says Israeli aircraft regularly violate Lebanon s air space. Conricus said a Syrian attack on Israeli air force planes over Lebanon was unprecedented. Syrian anti-aircraft missiles were launched at Israeli warplanes over Syria in March. They were unscathed but one of the missiles, on its descent, was intercepted by Israel s Arrow air defense system. According to Conricus, the Syrian battery struck on Monday had carried out the launch against the Israeli planes in March.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The Israeli air force attacked a Syrian anti-aircraft battery on Monday that Israel said had fired a missile at its planes while they were on a reconnaissance mission over neighboring Lebanon. No Israeli planes were hit, Israeli military spokesman Lieutenant-Colonel Jonathan Conricus said. The counter-strike took place two hours later and incapacitated the anti-aircraft unit located 50 km (30 miles) east of Damascus, he said. We know according to our intelligence it was a battery controlled by the Syrian regime and we hold the Syrian regime responsible for the fire, Conricus said. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu later issued a statement saying Israel would not hesitate to defend itself. Today there was an attempt to harm our aircraft this is unacceptable to us. The air force acted quickly and accurately to destroy what needed to be destroyed, Netanyahu said. Our policy is clear. Whoever tries to harm us, we will strike at him. We will continue to act in the region as is required in order to defend Israel. But the Syrian army said it struck an Israeli warplane that had breached its air space at the Syria-Lebanon border. The Israeli enemy this morning violated our air space... Our air defense mediums confronted it, hit one of its planes directly and forced it to flee, the Syrian military statement said. Over two hours later, Israel launched several missiles that hit a military position in the Damascus countryside and only caused material damage, it said. Syria s army warned Israel against the grave consequences of repeated aggressive attempts . Syria and Israel, while old enemies, have rarely traded blows directly since a 1974 ceasefire ended their last conventional war. Monday s incident was additionally unusual given its publication by Israel, which rarely gives details on its air force activities over Lebanon and Syria to foil suspected arms transfers to Iran-backed Hezbollah fighters. Such missions in Syria have increased dramatically during the country s six-and-a-half-year-old civil war, Israeli officials say. All efforts, they say, are made to avoid accidental clashes with Russian forces helping Damascus beat back insurgents. Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu began a visit to Israel later on Monday but did not mention the air strike during public remarks at the start of a meeting in Tel Aviv with his Israeli counterpart, Avigdor Lieberman. I would like to talk about the things related to Syria. The operation there is close to the end. There are several problems which require urgent solution and the prospects of further development of the situation in Syria require discussion, Shoigu said. Conricus said the Israeli military had informed Russia of its Syria strike in real time or immediately before it took place, and would brief Shoigu. The Lebanese army says Israeli aircraft regularly violate Lebanon s air space. Conricus said a Syrian attack on Israeli air force planes over Lebanon was unprecedented. Syrian anti-aircraft missiles were launched at Israeli warplanes over Syria in March. They were unscathed but one of the missiles, on its descent, was intercepted by Israel s Arrow air defense system. According to Conricus, the Syrian battery struck on Monday had carried out the launch against the Israeli planes in March.
New York loves Hillary Clinton, and they’really turned out to show her that in tonight s primary. Her 56.7% to Sanders 42.4 percent means a huge delegate and popular vote win, with Clinton picking up 129 delegates. This also means that she breaks the 7-state winning streak that Bernie Sanders has enjoyed over her. The results were called a mere 40 minutes after voting ended at 9 PM EST.Here is a map of how the delegate counts shook out for tonight s Democratic Primary in New York, via Raw Story:Always classy, Secretary Clinton tried made sure that people understood that there is more that unites us as Democrats, rather than divides us, whether you supported her or Senator Sanders.Congratulations, Madame Secretary! No matter who wins this nomination, vote BLUE in November!Featured image via Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: New York loves Hillary Clinton, and they’really turned out to show her that in tonight s primary. Her 56.7% to Sanders 42.4 percent means a huge delegate and popular vote win, with Clinton picking up 129 delegates. This also means that she breaks the 7-state winning streak that Bernie Sanders has enjoyed over her. The results were called a mere 40 minutes after voting ended at 9 PM EST.Here is a map of how the delegate counts shook out for tonight s Democratic Primary in New York, via Raw Story:Always classy, Secretary Clinton tried made sure that people understood that there is more that unites us as Democrats, rather than divides us, whether you supported her or Senator Sanders.Congratulations, Madame Secretary! No matter who wins this nomination, vote BLUE in November!Featured image via Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
As millions of dollars of union dues flow into the Democrat coffers, it could be all for naught, as union members plan to cast their votes for Donald Trump Democrats are worried as more and more union members are supporting Donald Trump for president.Is it possible union workers are starting to see that the Democrat party and union bosses really don’t have their best interests in mind?Watch Carrier employees tell FOX News who they plan to support for President and why:A recent AFL-CIO poll found that Trump has more support than Hillary and Bernie Sanders combined.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: As millions of dollars of union dues flow into the Democrat coffers, it could be all for naught, as union members plan to cast their votes for Donald Trump Democrats are worried as more and more union members are supporting Donald Trump for president.Is it possible union workers are starting to see that the Democrat party and union bosses really don’t have their best interests in mind?Watch Carrier employees tell FOX News who they plan to support for President and why:A recent AFL-CIO poll found that Trump has more support than Hillary and Bernie Sanders combined.
British Prime Minister Theresa May showed guts and grace by continuing with her keynote Conservative Party conference speech despite a repeated coughing fit and an interruption by a prankster, business minister Greg Clark told Sky on Thursday. She showed guts and grace, Clark told Sky News. He added that there was huge warmth towards May in the conference hall. May s bid to reassert her dwindling authority was ruined on Wednesday when her keynote speech was interrupted by repeated coughing fits, a prankster, and even letters of her slogan falling off the set behind her.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: British Prime Minister Theresa May showed guts and grace by continuing with her keynote Conservative Party conference speech despite a repeated coughing fit and an interruption by a prankster, business minister Greg Clark told Sky on Thursday. She showed guts and grace, Clark told Sky News. He added that there was huge warmth towards May in the conference hall. May s bid to reassert her dwindling authority was ruined on Wednesday when her keynote speech was interrupted by repeated coughing fits, a prankster, and even letters of her slogan falling off the set behind her.
Good Morning Britain viewers have been left baffled by pop diva Mariah Carey s appearance on Monday s installment following the breaking news of a shooting in Las Vegas.The 47-year-old hitmaker was due to chat to host Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid about her upcoming Christmas shows in London and Paris before news broke about the’shocking incident at the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival which so far has claimed the lives of 50 people and left more than 400 injured.Appearing in a live feed from her Beverly Hills home, Mariah was seen stretched out across a chaise longue in a red gown as the British TV presenters asked her about the attack near the Mandalay Bay Resort and Hotel.The Grammy award-winning singer is no stranger to the world-renowned Vegas strip, having held residency at Caesars Palace s the Colosseum in recent years.Despite admitting she didn’t know enough about the attack, Mariah shared her condolences to all who were affected.Following the interview, GMB s Piers took to social media to explain’that Mariah s reps knew that they would ask her about the horrific attack.Writing to his 6.12million followers, he retweeted a comment that criticized the interview and added: We told Mariah s people before the interview. Her reaction seemed very relevant given she’s a performer who often resides in Vegas. Daily MailAlthough fans have come to expect that whenever Mariah is being interviewed, that she will make her viewers uncomfortable, this latest interview with Piers Morgan has created a bit of a social media meltdown. Social media users couldn’t get over how Mariah was draped across the’sofa like she was posing for a glamorous magazine shoot during the morning talk show. It was the CHRISTMAS tree in the background, however, that had everyone really questioning her sanity. Piers Morgan cleared up the confusion about the Christmas tree when he told viewers that, Mariah was booked to do an interview about her UK Christmas tour. So without addressing the elephant or Christmas tree if you will, in the room, Morgan was able to explain (kind of) why Mariah Carey was propped up on her couch with a lighted Christmas tree behind her during the first official week of fall
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Good Morning Britain viewers have been left baffled by pop diva Mariah Carey s appearance on Monday s installment following the breaking news of a shooting in Las Vegas.The 47-year-old hitmaker was due to chat to host Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid about her upcoming Christmas shows in London and Paris before news broke about the’shocking incident at the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival which so far has claimed the lives of 50 people and left more than 400 injured.Appearing in a live feed from her Beverly Hills home, Mariah was seen stretched out across a chaise longue in a red gown as the British TV presenters asked her about the attack near the Mandalay Bay Resort and Hotel.The Grammy award-winning singer is no stranger to the world-renowned Vegas strip, having held residency at Caesars Palace s the Colosseum in recent years.Despite admitting she didn’t know enough about the attack, Mariah shared her condolences to all who were affected.Following the interview, GMB s Piers took to social media to explain’that Mariah s reps knew that they would ask her about the horrific attack.Writing to his 6.12million followers, he retweeted a comment that criticized the interview and added: We told Mariah s people before the interview. Her reaction seemed very relevant given she’s a performer who often resides in Vegas. Daily MailAlthough fans have come to expect that whenever Mariah is being interviewed, that she will make her viewers uncomfortable, this latest interview with Piers Morgan has created a bit of a social media meltdown. Social media users couldn’t get over how Mariah was draped across the’sofa like she was posing for a glamorous magazine shoot during the morning talk show. It was the CHRISTMAS tree in the background, however, that had everyone really questioning her sanity. Piers Morgan cleared up the confusion about the Christmas tree when he told viewers that, Mariah was booked to do an interview about her UK Christmas tour. So without addressing the elephant or Christmas tree if you will, in the room, Morgan was able to explain (kind of) why Mariah Carey was propped up on her couch with a lighted Christmas tree behind her during the first official week of fall
Establishment Republican and Never-Trumper Stephen Hayes from the Weekly Standard was having a difficult time Tuesday after Donald Trump won all five east coast primaries. Steve says GOP elites will look for a third party candidate if Cruz cannot beat Trump in Indiana.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Establishment Republican and Never-Trumper Stephen Hayes from the Weekly Standard was having a difficult time Tuesday after Donald Trump won all five east coast primaries. Steve says GOP elites will look for a third party candidate if Cruz cannot beat Trump in Indiana.
As you may already know, Trump recently shocked the nation when he went on Fox News and told Bill O Reilly that the United States is just as bad as Russia. He s been roundly denounced for what is impossible to characterize as anything other than an incredibly ignorant, asinine comment including by his own party.Retired General McCaffrey may have put it better than anyone in a recent interview with NBC s Hallie Jackson, however. You know, Hallie, I m actually incredulous that the president would make a statement like that, he’said, One can argue that s the most anti-American statement ever made by the President of the United States to confuse American values with Putin, who s running a criminal oligarchy, who kills people abroad and at home, who imprisons journalists, and takes away business property, who shares it with his former KGB agents, who invades and seizes Crimea and eastern Ukraine this is an astonishing state of affairs. It s hard to know what to think about it. Here s the video: WATCH: Gen. McCaffrey: One can argue that s the most anti-American statement ever made by the president of the United States. NBC Nightly News (@NBCNightlyNews) February 6, 2017Donald Trump’s friendliness toward Russia has been a staple of his campaign, and since he entered office, his policies. With so much evidence that Russia is not our friend, it s pretty obvious he either has major business interests in Russia and money to be made, or the Kremlin has something over him. Perhaps both.Read more:Featured image via screenshot
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: As you may already know, Trump recently shocked the nation when he went on Fox News and told Bill O Reilly that the United States is just as bad as Russia. He s been roundly denounced for what is impossible to characterize as anything other than an incredibly ignorant, asinine comment including by his own party.Retired General McCaffrey may have put it better than anyone in a recent interview with NBC s Hallie Jackson, however. You know, Hallie, I m actually incredulous that the president would make a statement like that, he’said, One can argue that s the most anti-American statement ever made by the President of the United States to confuse American values with Putin, who s running a criminal oligarchy, who kills people abroad and at home, who imprisons journalists, and takes away business property, who shares it with his former KGB agents, who invades and seizes Crimea and eastern Ukraine this is an astonishing state of affairs. It s hard to know what to think about it. Here s the video: WATCH: Gen. McCaffrey: One can argue that s the most anti-American statement ever made by the president of the United States. NBC Nightly News (@NBCNightlyNews) February 6, 2017Donald Trump’s friendliness toward Russia has been a staple of his campaign, and since he entered office, his policies. With so much evidence that Russia is not our friend, it s pretty obvious he either has major business interests in Russia and money to be made, or the Kremlin has something over him. Perhaps both.Read more:Featured image via screenshot
These grifters have no shame. How much more evidence do Americans need to see before they understand Hillary has no interest in our nation s security? How much more evidence do we need before the Everyday American Queen of the Clinton Crime Syndicate is sent to prison? Judicial Watch today released nearly 70 pages of State Department records that show that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her top aides, Deputy Chiefs of Staff Huma Abedin and Jake Sullivan, received and sent classified information on their email accounts. The documents, also available on the State Department website, were obtained in response to a court order from a May 5, 2015, lawsuit filed against the State Department (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:15-cv-00684)) after it failed to respond to a March 18 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request seeking:All emails of official State Department business received or sent by former Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin from January 1, 2009 through February 1, 2013 using a non- email address.The new documents show that Hillary Clinton used the system to ask Huma Abedin (also on a email account) to print two March 2011 emails, which were sent from former British Prime Minister Tony Blair (using the moniker aclb ) to Jake Sullivan on Sullivan s email account. The Obama State Department redacted the Blair emails under Exemption (b)(1) which allows the withholding of classified material. The material is marked as being classified as Foreign government information and foreign relations or foreign activities of the US, including confidential sources. Another email shows that Clinton wanted to know how meetings in Washington, including a four-hour meeting concerning America s war on Libya, would impact her Hampton vacation. Responding to an email that details the’sensitive meetings in DC, Clinton emails Abedin on August 26, 2011, Ok. What time would I get back to Hamptons? Again, this email discussion takes place on email accounts.The documents also include advice to Clinton on Libya from Sidney Blumenthal, a Clinton Foundation employee who, according to a Judicial Watch investigative report, also had business interests in Libya. Clinton wanted Blumenthal s March 9, 2011, Libya memo to be printed without any identifiers. The newly released Abedin emails include a lengthy exchange giving precise details of Clinton s schedule using unsecured government emails. The email from Lona J. Valmoro, former Special Assistant to Secretary of State Clinton, to Abedin and Clinton reveals exact times (including driving times) and locations of all appointments throughout the day. Another itinerary email provides details about a meeting at the United Nations in New York at 3:00 on Tuesday, January 31, 2012, with the precise disclosure, that would mean wheels up from Andrews at approximately 12:00pm/12:15pm. These emails show that Hillary Clinton isn’t the only Obama official who should be worried about being prosecuted for mishandling classified information. Her former top State aides (and current campaign advisers) Huma Abedin and Jake Sullivan should be in the dock, as well, said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. The Obama State Department has now confirmed that Clinton, Abedin, and Sullivan used unsecured, non-government email accounts to communicate information that should now be withheld from the American people in the interest of national defense or foreign policy, and properly classified. When can we expect the indictments? Via: Judicial Watch
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: These grifters have no shame. How much more evidence do Americans need to see before they understand Hillary has no interest in our nation s security? How much more evidence do we need before the Everyday American Queen of the Clinton Crime Syndicate is sent to prison? Judicial Watch today released nearly 70 pages of State Department records that show that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her top aides, Deputy Chiefs of Staff Huma Abedin and Jake Sullivan, received and sent classified information on their email accounts. The documents, also available on the State Department website, were obtained in response to a court order from a May 5, 2015, lawsuit filed against the State Department (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:15-cv-00684)) after it failed to respond to a March 18 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request seeking:All emails of official State Department business received or sent by former Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin from January 1, 2009 through February 1, 2013 using a non- email address.The new documents show that Hillary Clinton used the system to ask Huma Abedin (also on a email account) to print two March 2011 emails, which were sent from former British Prime Minister Tony Blair (using the moniker aclb ) to Jake Sullivan on Sullivan s email account. The Obama State Department redacted the Blair emails under Exemption (b)(1) which allows the withholding of classified material. The material is marked as being classified as Foreign government information and foreign relations or foreign activities of the US, including confidential sources. Another email shows that Clinton wanted to know how meetings in Washington, including a four-hour meeting concerning America s war on Libya, would impact her Hampton vacation. Responding to an email that details the’sensitive meetings in DC, Clinton emails Abedin on August 26, 2011, Ok. What time would I get back to Hamptons? Again, this email discussion takes place on email accounts.The documents also include advice to Clinton on Libya from Sidney Blumenthal, a Clinton Foundation employee who, according to a Judicial Watch investigative report, also had business interests in Libya. Clinton wanted Blumenthal s March 9, 2011, Libya memo to be printed without any identifiers. The newly released Abedin emails include a lengthy exchange giving precise details of Clinton s schedule using unsecured government emails. The email from Lona J. Valmoro, former Special Assistant to Secretary of State Clinton, to Abedin and Clinton reveals exact times (including driving times) and locations of all appointments throughout the day. Another itinerary email provides details about a meeting at the United Nations in New York at 3:00 on Tuesday, January 31, 2012, with the precise disclosure, that would mean wheels up from Andrews at approximately 12:00pm/12:15pm. These emails show that Hillary Clinton isn’t the only Obama official who should be worried about being prosecuted for mishandling classified information. Her former top State aides (and current campaign advisers) Huma Abedin and Jake Sullivan should be in the dock, as well, said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. The Obama State Department has now confirmed that Clinton, Abedin, and Sullivan used unsecured, non-government email accounts to communicate information that should now be withheld from the American people in the interest of national defense or foreign policy, and properly classified. When can we expect the indictments? Via: Judicial Watch
Zimbabwe s opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) said on Wednesday it had no plans to join factions of the ruling ZANU-PF party to form a national unity coalition after the eventual death of 93-year-old President Robert Mugabe. A Reuters investigation this week revealed that Vice-President Emmerson Mnangagwa, favorite to succeed Mugabe, has been looking to build a broad coalition that would kickstart the economy by reintegrating thousands of white farmers booted off their land in the early 2000s. The report was based on leaks from inside Zimbabwe s Central Intelligence Organisation and interviews with top political players, including MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai. The 63-year-old, who has been Mugabe s main political rival for the last two decades, told Reuters at the time he had not met Mnangagwa for several years but that he had received overtures about a meeting that were turned down. In a statement, the MDC said it would never consider joining an administration that was not the product of an election. Zimbabwe s next vote is next year and Mugabe is running as ZANU-PF s presidential candidate. While stability is important, President Tsvangirai and the MDC have always placed a far higher premium on legitimacy and democracy, the statement said. The Reuters story also revealed that senior members of Zimbabwe s military were starting to swallow their disdain for Tsvangirai, who has never enjoyed their respect because of his background as a union leader rather than a liberation fighter. The intelligence reports suggested top generals had given Mnangagwa their backing. Tsvangirai did not deny any contact with military leaders or British ambassador Catriona Laing, who the intelligence reports said favored a Mnangagwa-led succession, but said post-Mugabe deal-making was not on the agenda. President Tsvangirai has not had any meeting with either the British or the military involving this purported deal, the MDC statement said. Any purported deal outside elections and involving diplomats, the military and other such characters will not be legitimate and will not rescue Zimbabweans from their current predicament. Mugabe has been Zimbabwe s only leader since independence from Britain in 1980. Its once promising economy collapsed in the early 2000s after the violent seizure of thousands of white-owned commercial farms by pro-Mugabe gangs.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Zimbabwe s opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) said on Wednesday it had no plans to join factions of the ruling ZANU-PF party to form a national unity coalition after the eventual death of 93-year-old President Robert Mugabe. A Reuters investigation this week revealed that Vice-President Emmerson Mnangagwa, favorite to succeed Mugabe, has been looking to build a broad coalition that would kickstart the economy by reintegrating thousands of white farmers booted off their land in the early 2000s. The report was based on leaks from inside Zimbabwe s Central Intelligence Organisation and interviews with top political players, including MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai. The 63-year-old, who has been Mugabe s main political rival for the last two decades, told Reuters at the time he had not met Mnangagwa for several years but that he had received overtures about a meeting that were turned down. In a statement, the MDC said it would never consider joining an administration that was not the product of an election. Zimbabwe s next vote is next year and Mugabe is running as ZANU-PF s presidential candidate. While stability is important, President Tsvangirai and the MDC have always placed a far higher premium on legitimacy and democracy, the statement said. The Reuters story also revealed that senior members of Zimbabwe s military were starting to swallow their disdain for Tsvangirai, who has never enjoyed their respect because of his background as a union leader rather than a liberation fighter. The intelligence reports suggested top generals had given Mnangagwa their backing. Tsvangirai did not deny any contact with military leaders or British ambassador Catriona Laing, who the intelligence reports said favored a Mnangagwa-led succession, but said post-Mugabe deal-making was not on the agenda. President Tsvangirai has not had any meeting with either the British or the military involving this purported deal, the MDC statement said. Any purported deal outside elections and involving diplomats, the military and other such characters will not be legitimate and will not rescue Zimbabweans from their current predicament. Mugabe has been Zimbabwe s only leader since independence from Britain in 1980. Its once promising economy collapsed in the early 2000s after the violent seizure of thousands of white-owned commercial farms by pro-Mugabe gangs.
An estimated 370,000 Rohingya Muslim refugees have fled to Bangladesh from violence in Myanmar since late August, a spokeswoman for the U.N. refugee agency, Vivian Tan, said on Tuesday. The government of Buddhist-majority Myanmar says its security forces are fighting Rohingya militants behind a surge of violence that began on Aug. 25. Many of the refugees say Myanmar authorities are intent on pushing Rohingya out of the country.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: An estimated 370,000 Rohingya Muslim refugees have fled to Bangladesh from violence in Myanmar since late August, a spokeswoman for the U.N. refugee agency, Vivian Tan, said on Tuesday. The government of Buddhist-majority Myanmar says its security forces are fighting Rohingya militants behind a surge of violence that began on Aug. 25. Many of the refugees say Myanmar authorities are intent on pushing Rohingya out of the country.
U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Thursday brushed off sharp criticism from President Donald Trump over his recusal from the Justice Department’s Russia investigation, saying he loved his job and planned to continue serving. “We love this job, we love this department, and I plan to continue to do so as long as that is appropriate,” Sessions said at a news conference announcing a cyber crime bust. Sessions was flanked by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Acting Federal Bureau of Investigation Director Andrew McCabe, who were both also criticized by the president in an interview with the New York Times on Wednesday. Trump took a broad swipe at his administration’s top law officers in the interview, saying he would not have appointed Sessions as attorney general if he had known he would recuse himself. The Republican president also noted Rosenstein’s connection to Democratic Baltimore and that McCabe’s wife took money from a leading Democrat during a political campaign. The public lashing came after a turbulent first six months in office during which Trump fired national security adviser Michael Flynn and FBI Director James Comey, then the top official leading the probe into whether Russian meddled in the 2016 presidential election and possible ties to the Trump campaign. Sessions recused himself in March from the Russia criminal investigation. He did so after failing to disclose at his confirmation hearing that he had held meetings last year with Russia’s ambassador. “Sessions should have never recused himself and if he was going to recuse himself, he should have told me before he took the job and I would have picked somebody else,” the Times quoted Trump as saying. White House spokesman Sarah Sanders said later on Thursday that, while Trump was disappointed in the recusal, “clearly he has confidence in him or he would not be the attorney general.” Sessions was Trump’s first supporter in the U.S. Senate and helped shape his political team throughout the campaign and into the transition after the Nov. 8 election. He declined on Thursday to acknowledge Trump’s criticism. “I have the honor of serving as attorney general. It’s something that goes beyond any thought I would have ever had for myself,” Sessions said. Similarly, Rosenstein declined to comment when asked about Trump’s remarks that there were very few Republicans in Baltimore, where he was a former federal prosecutor. “I was proud to be here yesterday, I’m proud to be here today, I’ll be proud to work here tomorrow,” he said. They took only a few questions before a spokesman asked if there were any questions about the department’s dismantlement of AlphaBay, a “dark web” market. Seeing no hands, Sessions left as reporters shouted questions about whether he would resign. An aide to Sessions said the recent disparaging remarks from Trump are “nothing new,” given news media reports last month that the president was upset with the attorney general over the Russia recusal. A federal special counsel has been appointed to take over the Russia investigation, and several congressional committees are conducting probes. Next week, Trump’s son-in-law and White House adviser, Jared Kushner, and the president’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., are scheduled to testify before Senate panels, as well as former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort. The Kremlin says it did not interfere in the election, and Trump has denied any collusion. In the Times interview, the president also took aim at the special counsel appointed to take over the Russia investigation, Robert Mueller, saying Mueller would be crossing a “red line” if he began investigating Trump’s personal finances. “I think that’s a violation. Look, this is about Russia,” Trump told the Times. At the White House, Sanders said Trump has no intention of firing Mueller at this time. The Times also reported on Wednesday that Deutsche Bank AG (DBKGn.DE) has been in contact with federal investigators about Trump’s accounts, citing two people briefed on the matter. And the bank was expecting to eventually have to provide information to Mueller, they said. Deutsche Bank, which has loaned the Trump Organization family business millions of dollars for real-estate ventures, late last month rejected demands by Democratic lawmakers in the U.S. House of Representatives to provide details of Trump’s finances, citing privacy laws. On Capitol Hill, the Senate Judiciary Committee approved Trump’s pick to replace Comey at the FBI, Christopher Wray. The full Senate was expected to confirm Wray before its August recess. Democratic Senator Dick Durbin said at the hearing that Trump’s latest comments raised troubling questions about the independence and credibility of the Justice Department. “Now what happens next as members close to the president, his own administration, and his family are being asked critical questions?” Durbin asked. “We have to make it clear that no one in this country, including the president of the United States, is above the law.”
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Thursday brushed off sharp criticism from President Donald Trump over his recusal from the Justice Department’s Russia investigation, saying he loved his job and planned to continue serving. “We love this job, we love this department, and I plan to continue to do so as long as that is appropriate,” Sessions said at a news conference announcing a cyber crime bust. Sessions was flanked by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Acting Federal Bureau of Investigation Director Andrew McCabe, who were both also criticized by the president in an interview with the New York Times on Wednesday. Trump took a broad swipe at his administration’s top law officers in the interview, saying he would not have appointed Sessions as attorney general if he had known he would recuse himself. The Republican president also noted Rosenstein’s connection to Democratic Baltimore and that McCabe’s wife took money from a leading Democrat during a political campaign. The public lashing came after a turbulent first six months in office during which Trump fired national security adviser Michael Flynn and FBI Director James Comey, then the top official leading the probe into whether Russian meddled in the 2016 presidential election and possible ties to the Trump campaign. Sessions recused himself in March from the Russia criminal investigation. He did so after failing to disclose at his confirmation hearing that he had held meetings last year with Russia’s ambassador. “Sessions should have never recused himself and if he was going to recuse himself, he should have told me before he took the job and I would have picked somebody else,” the Times quoted Trump as saying. White House spokesman Sarah Sanders said later on Thursday that, while Trump was disappointed in the recusal, “clearly he has confidence in him or he would not be the attorney general.” Sessions was Trump’s first supporter in the U.S. Senate and helped shape his political team throughout the campaign and into the transition after the Nov. 8 election. He declined on Thursday to acknowledge Trump’s criticism. “I have the honor of serving as attorney general. It’s something that goes beyond any thought I would have ever had for myself,” Sessions said. Similarly, Rosenstein declined to comment when asked about Trump’s remarks that there were very few Republicans in Baltimore, where he was a former federal prosecutor. “I was proud to be here yesterday, I’m proud to be here today, I’ll be proud to work here tomorrow,” he said. They took only a few questions before a spokesman asked if there were any questions about the department’s dismantlement of AlphaBay, a “dark web” market. Seeing no hands, Sessions left as reporters shouted questions about whether he would resign. An aide to Sessions said the recent disparaging remarks from Trump are “nothing new,” given news media reports last month that the president was upset with the attorney general over the Russia recusal. A federal special counsel has been appointed to take over the Russia investigation, and several congressional committees are conducting probes. Next week, Trump’s son-in-law and White House adviser, Jared Kushner, and the president’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., are scheduled to testify before Senate panels, as well as former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort. The Kremlin says it did not interfere in the election, and Trump has denied any collusion. In the Times interview, the president also took aim at the special counsel appointed to take over the Russia investigation, Robert Mueller, saying Mueller would be crossing a “red line” if he began investigating Trump’s personal finances. “I think that’s a violation. Look, this is about Russia,” Trump told the Times. At the White House, Sanders said Trump has no intention of firing Mueller at this time. The Times also reported on Wednesday that Deutsche Bank AG (DBKGn.DE) has been in contact with federal investigators about Trump’s accounts, citing two people briefed on the matter. And the bank was expecting to eventually have to provide information to Mueller, they said. Deutsche Bank, which has loaned the Trump Organization family business millions of dollars for real-estate ventures, late last month rejected demands by Democratic lawmakers in the U.S. House of Representatives to provide details of Trump’s finances, citing privacy laws. On Capitol Hill, the Senate Judiciary Committee approved Trump’s pick to replace Comey at the FBI, Christopher Wray. The full Senate was expected to confirm Wray before its August recess. Democratic Senator Dick Durbin said at the hearing that Trump’s latest comments raised troubling questions about the independence and credibility of the Justice Department. “Now what happens next as members close to the president, his own administration, and his family are being asked critical questions?” Durbin asked. “We have to make it clear that no one in this country, including the president of the United States, is above the law.”
A Donald Trump presidency would be bad for corporate dealmaking, according to a global survey of people who advise companies on mergers and acquisitions, or M&A. Nearly two-thirds of 1,500 respondents - including investment bankers, lawyers and people who work for private equity firms - said a Trump presidency would create uncertainty that would deter executives from launching bids. The survey was conducted in April by Intralinks Holdings Inc IL.N, which provides confidential meeting rooms used by companies when they allow would-be bidders to look through their accounts. “The real story is that dealmakers crave less disruption, and Trump has been a polarizing figure on a global scale,” Matt Porzio, vice president of strategy at Intralinks, said in a phone interview on Wednesday. Trump is the front-runner for the Republican nomination for the Nov. 8 election. His unpredictable style and fiery rhetoric have some investors worried that as president he could trigger trade wars, hurt the economy and add a lot of volatility to financial markets. The New York real estate developer prides himself on his ability to make good deals, and M&A professionals in the United States were less concerned about his impact on business than their peers elsewhere. According to the survey, 46 percent of U.S. dealmakers said they believed Trump would have a negative impact on M&A activity, compared with 83 percent of dealmakers in Latin America. Trump has sparked controversy with his call for building a wall along the Mexican border and for deporting 11 million illegal immigrants from the United States. Some 71 percent of dealmakers based in Europe and 75 percent in Asia thought Trump would be bad for business. Globally, only 45 percent of respondents thought that U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, a self-described socialist who is competing with Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination, would be bad for M&A activity. But the same proportion - 45 percent - thought Clinton would have a positive impact on mergers and acquisitions, making her the candidate viewed to have the highest positive impact on corporate tie-ups.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: A Donald Trump presidency would be bad for corporate dealmaking, according to a global survey of people who advise companies on mergers and acquisitions, or M&A. Nearly two-thirds of 1,500 respondents - including investment bankers, lawyers and people who work for private equity firms - said a Trump presidency would create uncertainty that would deter executives from launching bids. The survey was conducted in April by Intralinks Holdings Inc IL.N, which provides confidential meeting rooms used by companies when they allow would-be bidders to look through their accounts. “The real story is that dealmakers crave less disruption, and Trump has been a polarizing figure on a global scale,” Matt Porzio, vice president of strategy at Intralinks, said in a phone interview on Wednesday. Trump is the front-runner for the Republican nomination for the Nov. 8 election. His unpredictable style and fiery rhetoric have some investors worried that as president he could trigger trade wars, hurt the economy and add a lot of volatility to financial markets. The New York real estate developer prides himself on his ability to make good deals, and M&A professionals in the United States were less concerned about his impact on business than their peers elsewhere. According to the survey, 46 percent of U.S. dealmakers said they believed Trump would have a negative impact on M&A activity, compared with 83 percent of dealmakers in Latin America. Trump has sparked controversy with his call for building a wall along the Mexican border and for deporting 11 million illegal immigrants from the United States. Some 71 percent of dealmakers based in Europe and 75 percent in Asia thought Trump would be bad for business. Globally, only 45 percent of respondents thought that U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, a self-described socialist who is competing with Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination, would be bad for M&A activity. But the same proportion - 45 percent - thought Clinton would have a positive impact on mergers and acquisitions, making her the candidate viewed to have the highest positive impact on corporate tie-ups.
Following is the text of the Nobel Peace Prize award on Friday to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons: The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided to award the Nobel Peace Prize for 2017 to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN). The organization is receiving the award for its work to draw attention to the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of any use of nuclear weapons and for its ground-breaking efforts to achieve a treaty-based prohibition of such weapons. We live in a world where the risk of nuclear weapons being used is greater than it has been for a long time. Some states are modernizing their nuclear arsenals, and there is a real danger that more countries will try to procure nuclear weapons, as exemplified by North Korea. Nuclear weapons pose a constant threat to humanity and all life on earth. Through binding international agreements, the international community has previously adopted prohibitions against land mines, cluster munitions and biological and chemical weapons. Nuclear weapons are even more destructive, but have not yet been made the object of a similar international legal prohibition. Through its work, ICAN has helped to fill this legal gap. An important argument in the rationale for prohibiting nuclear weapons is the unacceptable human suffering that a nuclear war will cause. ICAN is a coalition of non-governmental organizations from around 100 different countries around the globe. The coalition has been a driving force in prevailing upon the world s nations to pledge to cooperate with all relevant stakeholders in efforts to stigmatize, prohibit and eliminate nuclear weapons. To date, 108 states have made such a commitment, known as the Humanitarian Pledge. Furthermore, ICAN has been the leading civil society actor in the endeavor to achieve a prohibition of nuclear weapons under international law. On 7 July 2017, 122 of the UN member states acceded to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. As soon as the treaty has been ratified by 50 states, the ban on nuclear weapons will enter into force and will be binding under international law for all the countries that are party to the treaty. The Norwegian Nobel Committee is aware that an international legal prohibition will not in itself eliminate a single nuclear weapon, and that so far neither the states that already have nuclear weapons nor their closest allies support the nuclear weapon ban treaty. The Committee wishes to emphasize that the next steps towards attaining a world free of nuclear weapons must involve the nuclear-armed states. This year s Peace Prize is therefore also a call upon these states to initiate serious negotiations with a view to the gradual, balanced and carefully monitored elimination of the almost 15,000 nuclear weapons in the world. Five of the states that currently have nuclear weapons the USA, Russia, the United Kingdom, France and China have already committed to this objective through their accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons of 1970. The Non-Proliferation Treaty will remain the primary international legal instrument for promoting nuclear disarmament and preventing the further spread of such weapons. It is now 71 years since the UN General Assembly, in its very first resolution, advocated the importance of nuclear disarmament and a nuclear weapon-free world. With this year s award, the Norwegian Nobel Committee wishes to pay tribute to ICAN for giving new momentum to the efforts to achieve this goal. The decision to award the Nobel Peace Prize for 2017 to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons has a solid grounding in Alfred Nobel s will. The will specifies three different criteria for awarding the Peace Prize: the promotion of fraternity between nations, the advancement of disarmament and arms control and the holding and promotion of peace congresses. ICAN works vigorously to achieve nuclear disarmament. ICAN and a majority of UN member states have contributed to fraternity between nations by supporting the Humanitarian Pledge. And through its inspiring and innovative support for the UN negotiations on a treaty banning nuclear weapons, ICAN has played a major part in bringing about what in our day and age is equivalent to an international peace congress. It is the firm conviction of the Norwegian Nobel Committee that ICAN, more than anyone else, has in the past year given the efforts to achieve a world without nuclear weapons a new direction and new vigor.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Following is the text of the Nobel Peace Prize award on Friday to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons: The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided to award the Nobel Peace Prize for 2017 to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN). The organization is receiving the award for its work to draw attention to the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of any use of nuclear weapons and for its ground-breaking efforts to achieve a treaty-based prohibition of such weapons. We live in a world where the risk of nuclear weapons being used is greater than it has been for a long time. Some states are modernizing their nuclear arsenals, and there is a real danger that more countries will try to procure nuclear weapons, as exemplified by North Korea. Nuclear weapons pose a constant threat to humanity and all life on earth. Through binding international agreements, the international community has previously adopted prohibitions against land mines, cluster munitions and biological and chemical weapons. Nuclear weapons are even more destructive, but have not yet been made the object of a similar international legal prohibition. Through its work, ICAN has helped to fill this legal gap. An important argument in the rationale for prohibiting nuclear weapons is the unacceptable human suffering that a nuclear war will cause. ICAN is a coalition of non-governmental organizations from around 100 different countries around the globe. The coalition has been a driving force in prevailing upon the world s nations to pledge to cooperate with all relevant stakeholders in efforts to stigmatize, prohibit and eliminate nuclear weapons. To date, 108 states have made such a commitment, known as the Humanitarian Pledge. Furthermore, ICAN has been the leading civil society actor in the endeavor to achieve a prohibition of nuclear weapons under international law. On 7 July 2017, 122 of the UN member states acceded to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. As soon as the treaty has been ratified by 50 states, the ban on nuclear weapons will enter into force and will be binding under international law for all the countries that are party to the treaty. The Norwegian Nobel Committee is aware that an international legal prohibition will not in itself eliminate a single nuclear weapon, and that so far neither the states that already have nuclear weapons nor their closest allies support the nuclear weapon ban treaty. The Committee wishes to emphasize that the next steps towards attaining a world free of nuclear weapons must involve the nuclear-armed states. This year s Peace Prize is therefore also a call upon these states to initiate serious negotiations with a view to the gradual, balanced and carefully monitored elimination of the almost 15,000 nuclear weapons in the world. Five of the states that currently have nuclear weapons the USA, Russia, the United Kingdom, France and China have already committed to this objective through their accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons of 1970. The Non-Proliferation Treaty will remain the primary international legal instrument for promoting nuclear disarmament and preventing the further spread of such weapons. It is now 71 years since the UN General Assembly, in its very first resolution, advocated the importance of nuclear disarmament and a nuclear weapon-free world. With this year s award, the Norwegian Nobel Committee wishes to pay tribute to ICAN for giving new momentum to the efforts to achieve this goal. The decision to award the Nobel Peace Prize for 2017 to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons has a solid grounding in Alfred Nobel s will. The will specifies three different criteria for awarding the Peace Prize: the promotion of fraternity between nations, the advancement of disarmament and arms control and the holding and promotion of peace congresses. ICAN works vigorously to achieve nuclear disarmament. ICAN and a majority of UN member states have contributed to fraternity between nations by supporting the Humanitarian Pledge. And through its inspiring and innovative support for the UN negotiations on a treaty banning nuclear weapons, ICAN has played a major part in bringing about what in our day and age is equivalent to an international peace congress. It is the firm conviction of the Norwegian Nobel Committee that ICAN, more than anyone else, has in the past year given the efforts to achieve a world without nuclear weapons a new direction and new vigor.
On Trump’s birthday, the Washington Post published an explosive story alleging that the FBI under Mueller s direction was currently investigating Trump for obstruction of justice for his treatment of former FBI director James Comey.The’special counsel overseeing the investigation into Russia s role in the 2016 election is interviewing senior intelligence officials as part of a widening probe that now includes an examination of whether President Trump attempted to obstruct justice, officials said.The move by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III to investigate Trump’s conduct marks a major turning point in the nearly year-old FBI investigation, which until recently focused on Russian meddling during the presidential campaign and on whether there was any coordination between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin. Investigators have also been looking for any evidence of possible financial crimes among Trump associates, officials said.Trump has no one to blame for this new line of inquiry but himself. In testimony his staff hasn’t even bothered denying, Comey noted that Trump once asked everyone to leave the room before directly asking the FBI director if he could find a way to drop the Russia investigation. Then Trump fired Comey when the investigation continued. Then he went into an interview with NBC s Lester Holt and explicitly admitted that he fired Comey because he wouldn’t stop investigating his connections to Russia.Rather than make his problems go away, firing Comey and Trump’s subsequent confession seem to have triggered a new investigation this time in his attempts to obstruct justice by interrupting the investigative process.Despite the avalanche of evidence against him, Trump’s team had a painfully predictable response: To accuse the Washington Post of lying. In the hours after publishing, Trump’staff and friends repeatedly claimed there was no investigation into Trump. They screamed fake news. The chairwoman of the RNC went further, claiming Mueller had smeared Trump with unfounded accusations. (Hint: Mueller hasn’t even commented publicly yet. And an investigation isn’t an accusation. )Mueller's unfounded accusation against @POTUS changes nothing. There's still no proof of obstruction of justice. Ronna RomneyMcDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) June 15, 2017Then Trump woke up and promptly confirmed it was real.They made up a phony collusion with the Russians story, found zero proof, so now they go for obstruction of justice on the phony story. Nice Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 15, 2017The they here appears to be the investigators looking into Trump. The 71-year-old man throwing a temper tantrum on Twitter seemed to reinforce that when his follow-up tweet included an attack on the investigators themselves.You are witnessing the’single greatest WITCH HUNT in American political history led by some very bad and conflicted people! #MAGA Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 15, 2017Saying conflicted people was the tell. Trump’s teams latest attack on Mueller a pretext to firing him, some might say is that he has a conflict of interest in the case. It s never clearly articulated what that conflict of interest is Trump has repeatedly implicated himself in wrongdoing despite his staff s best efforts. In hushed tones, White House aides are telling reporters that they are furious with the president who they say is completely to blame for this endless investigation. Trump may be really good at getting into trouble, but he is terrible at getting out of it.In his rage and panic, he’s managed to step on every rake in the yard. How long before he finds a way to say he is totally guilty in 140 characters or less?Featured image via Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: On Trump’s birthday, the Washington Post published an explosive story alleging that the FBI under Mueller s direction was currently investigating Trump for obstruction of justice for his treatment of former FBI director James Comey.The’special counsel overseeing the investigation into Russia s role in the 2016 election is interviewing senior intelligence officials as part of a widening probe that now includes an examination of whether President Trump attempted to obstruct justice, officials said.The move by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III to investigate Trump’s conduct marks a major turning point in the nearly year-old FBI investigation, which until recently focused on Russian meddling during the presidential campaign and on whether there was any coordination between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin. Investigators have also been looking for any evidence of possible financial crimes among Trump associates, officials said.Trump has no one to blame for this new line of inquiry but himself. In testimony his staff hasn’t even bothered denying, Comey noted that Trump once asked everyone to leave the room before directly asking the FBI director if he could find a way to drop the Russia investigation. Then Trump fired Comey when the investigation continued. Then he went into an interview with NBC s Lester Holt and explicitly admitted that he fired Comey because he wouldn’t stop investigating his connections to Russia.Rather than make his problems go away, firing Comey and Trump’s subsequent confession seem to have triggered a new investigation this time in his attempts to obstruct justice by interrupting the investigative process.Despite the avalanche of evidence against him, Trump’s team had a painfully predictable response: To accuse the Washington Post of lying. In the hours after publishing, Trump’staff and friends repeatedly claimed there was no investigation into Trump. They screamed fake news. The chairwoman of the RNC went further, claiming Mueller had smeared Trump with unfounded accusations. (Hint: Mueller hasn’t even commented publicly yet. And an investigation isn’t an accusation. )Mueller's unfounded accusation against @POTUS changes nothing. There's still no proof of obstruction of justice. Ronna RomneyMcDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) June 15, 2017Then Trump woke up and promptly confirmed it was real.They made up a phony collusion with the Russians story, found zero proof, so now they go for obstruction of justice on the phony story. Nice Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 15, 2017The they here appears to be the investigators looking into Trump. The 71-year-old man throwing a temper tantrum on Twitter seemed to reinforce that when his follow-up tweet included an attack on the investigators themselves.You are witnessing the’single greatest WITCH HUNT in American political history led by some very bad and conflicted people! #MAGA Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 15, 2017Saying conflicted people was the tell. Trump’s teams latest attack on Mueller a pretext to firing him, some might say is that he has a conflict of interest in the case. It s never clearly articulated what that conflict of interest is Trump has repeatedly implicated himself in wrongdoing despite his staff s best efforts. In hushed tones, White House aides are telling reporters that they are furious with the president who they say is completely to blame for this endless investigation. Trump may be really good at getting into trouble, but he is terrible at getting out of it.In his rage and panic, he’s managed to step on every rake in the yard. How long before he finds a way to say he is totally guilty in 140 characters or less?Featured image via Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
A Pakistani court on Wednesday ordered the release from house arrest of an Islamist leader accused by the United States and India of masterminding attacks on Mumbai in 2008 in which 166 people were killed, a prosecutor said. Hafiz Saeed was put under house arrest in January after years of living freely in Pakistan, one of the sore points in its fraying relationship with the United States. His freedom had also infuriated its arch-foe India. Saeed, who is expected to be freed on Thursday, thanked the court judges in a video message released by his Islamist charity. Thanks to God, this is a victory of Pakistan s independence, he said. The government of Pakistan s Punjab province had asked for a 60-day extension to Saeed s detention but the request was turned down by the court, prosecutor Sattar Sahil told Reuters. His previous detention for 30 days is over, which means he would be released tomorrow, said Sahil. Saeed has repeatedly denied involvement in the Mumbai attacks in which 10 gunmen attacked targets in India s largest city, including two luxury hotels, a Jewish center and a train station in a rampage that lasted several days. The violence brought nuclear-armed neighbors Pakistan and India to the brink of war. The United States had offered a $10 million bounty for information leading to the arrest and conviction of Saeed, who heads the Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD). Members say the Jamaat-ud-Dawa is an charity but the United States says it is a front for the Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) militant group. The review board of the Lahore High Court asked the Punjab government to produce evidence against Hafiz Saeed for keeping him detained but the government failed, Saeed s lawyer A.K. Dogar told Reuters. The court today said that there is nothing against Saeed, therefore he should be released, he added. A spokesman for India s foreign ministry did not immediately respond to a request for comment. India accused Pakistan of sponsoring the attacks through the LeT, which Saeed founded in the 1990s. Pakistan has denied any state involvement in the attack. It placed the LeT on a list of banned organizations in 2002. The leader of Jamaat-ud-Dawa, Hafiz Saeed s (may God protect him) internment is over, Nadeem Awan, a media manager for JuD, wrote on Facebook after the court order.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: A Pakistani court on Wednesday ordered the release from house arrest of an Islamist leader accused by the United States and India of masterminding attacks on Mumbai in 2008 in which 166 people were killed, a prosecutor said. Hafiz Saeed was put under house arrest in January after years of living freely in Pakistan, one of the sore points in its fraying relationship with the United States. His freedom had also infuriated its arch-foe India. Saeed, who is expected to be freed on Thursday, thanked the court judges in a video message released by his Islamist charity. Thanks to God, this is a victory of Pakistan s independence, he said. The government of Pakistan s Punjab province had asked for a 60-day extension to Saeed s detention but the request was turned down by the court, prosecutor Sattar Sahil told Reuters. His previous detention for 30 days is over, which means he would be released tomorrow, said Sahil. Saeed has repeatedly denied involvement in the Mumbai attacks in which 10 gunmen attacked targets in India s largest city, including two luxury hotels, a Jewish center and a train station in a rampage that lasted several days. The violence brought nuclear-armed neighbors Pakistan and India to the brink of war. The United States had offered a $10 million bounty for information leading to the arrest and conviction of Saeed, who heads the Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD). Members say the Jamaat-ud-Dawa is an charity but the United States says it is a front for the Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) militant group. The review board of the Lahore High Court asked the Punjab government to produce evidence against Hafiz Saeed for keeping him detained but the government failed, Saeed s lawyer A.K. Dogar told Reuters. The court today said that there is nothing against Saeed, therefore he should be released, he added. A spokesman for India s foreign ministry did not immediately respond to a request for comment. India accused Pakistan of sponsoring the attacks through the LeT, which Saeed founded in the 1990s. Pakistan has denied any state involvement in the attack. It placed the LeT on a list of banned organizations in 2002. The leader of Jamaat-ud-Dawa, Hafiz Saeed s (may God protect him) internment is over, Nadeem Awan, a media manager for JuD, wrote on Facebook after the court order.
Michigan s Republican Governor, Rick Snyder is throwing out the welcome mat for an undisclosed number of Muslim refugees who will be dumped around the’state. Meanwhile, Southeastern MI is watching another major city once rich in Polish tradition be turned into a mini Fallujah video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo playerThe reporter and all of the Muslims quoted in this news report herald the diversity of America s first Muslim majority city council, the Hamtramck City Council is going to reflect diversity. What s diverse about a Muslim majority? Is the anything less diverse and more oppressive than Islamic law? What Muslim countries are diverse? Muslims won’t even let Jews pray at the most holy of Jewish sites. Muslim countries under the’sharia subjugate their religious minorities.The Polish flocked to Hamtramck in the 1900s and evidence of the city s Polish roots remain.However, over the last few decades a new wave of immigrants, primarily from the Middle East, South Asia and Southeastern Europe, has dramatically changed the face and culture of this community.Now, the Hamtramck City Council is going to reflect that diversity.Now, the Hamtramck City Council is going to reflect that diversity. We are very proud and we are very happy for that achievement, what we have done in this city, for our city, said Jamal Alturki, a voter.Voters gave Abu Musa and Anam Miah another term in office. Saad Almasmari was elected for the first time. Now four of the’six City Council members will be of Muslim faith.It s said to be the first majority Muslim City Council not only in Hamtramck but in the entire country. I think that sends a message not only to Hamtramck but throughout the region that people want their representation in offices, Miah said. Via:Click on Detroit
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Michigan s Republican Governor, Rick Snyder is throwing out the welcome mat for an undisclosed number of Muslim refugees who will be dumped around the’state. Meanwhile, Southeastern MI is watching another major city once rich in Polish tradition be turned into a mini Fallujah video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo playerThe reporter and all of the Muslims quoted in this news report herald the diversity of America s first Muslim majority city council, the Hamtramck City Council is going to reflect diversity. What s diverse about a Muslim majority? Is the anything less diverse and more oppressive than Islamic law? What Muslim countries are diverse? Muslims won’t even let Jews pray at the most holy of Jewish sites. Muslim countries under the’sharia subjugate their religious minorities.The Polish flocked to Hamtramck in the 1900s and evidence of the city s Polish roots remain.However, over the last few decades a new wave of immigrants, primarily from the Middle East, South Asia and Southeastern Europe, has dramatically changed the face and culture of this community.Now, the Hamtramck City Council is going to reflect that diversity.Now, the Hamtramck City Council is going to reflect that diversity. We are very proud and we are very happy for that achievement, what we have done in this city, for our city, said Jamal Alturki, a voter.Voters gave Abu Musa and Anam Miah another term in office. Saad Almasmari was elected for the first time. Now four of the’six City Council members will be of Muslim faith.It s said to be the first majority Muslim City Council not only in Hamtramck but in the entire country. I think that sends a message not only to Hamtramck but throughout the region that people want their representation in offices, Miah said. Via:Click on Detroit
A UN settlement program, UN-Habitat in Myanmar, on Thursday rejected a state media report that it had agreed to help build housing for people fleeing violence in the northern Myanmar state of Rakhine, where an army operation has displaced hundreds of thousands. The development underscores tension between Myanmar and the United Nations, which in April criticized the government s previous plan to resettle Rohingya Muslims displaced by last year s violence in camp-like villages. More than 600,000 have crossed to Bangladesh since Aug. 25 attacks by Rohingya militants sparked an army crackdown. The United Nations says killings, arson and rape carried out by troops and ethnic Rakhine Buddhist mobs since then amount to a campaign of ethnic cleansing against the Rohingya. The state-run Global New Light of Myanmar newspaper said on Thursday that UN-Habitat had agreed to provide technical assistance in housing displaced people in Rakhine and the agency would work closely with the authorities to implement the projects to be favorable to Myanmar s social culture and administrative system . But Stanislav Saling, spokesman for the office of the U.N. resident coordinator in Myanmar, told Reuters in an email that no agreements were reached so far after the agency s representatives attended a series of meetings with Myanmar officials this week in its capital Naypyitaw. The UN-Habitat mission emphasized that resettlement should be conducted in accordance with the principles of housing and property restitution for refugees and displaced persons to support their safe and dignified return to their places of origin, he said, responding on behalf of UN-Habitat. UN-Habitat welcomed the interest of the Myanmar government in international norms and standards, he added. The United Nations principles state that all refugees or displaced persons have the right to return to property or land from which they were arbitrarily or unlawfully removed. Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi has pledged that anyone sheltering in Bangladesh who can prove they were Myanmar residents can return, but it remains unclear whether those refugees would be allowed to return to their homes. Rohingya who return to Myanmar are unlikely to be able to reclaim their land, and may find their crops have been harvested and sold by the government, according to Myanmar officials and plans seen by Reuters. Buddhist-majority Myanmar in August suggested that UN agencies such as the World Food Program have provided food to Rohingya insurgents, adding to pressure on aid groups which had to suspend activities in Rakhine and pull out most of their staff. Still, Soe Aung, permanent secretary at the Ministry of Social Welfare who attended the meetings with UN-Habitat, insisted that the agency had agreed to give assistance and the two sides will meet again on November 8. We have reached an agreement with the UN for technical assistance. We will discuss more details on how to proceed, he told Reuters. The Myanmar military said on Thursday that it will withdraw some of the security forces carrying out clearance operations in northern Rakhine and dispatch them to the state capital, Sittwe, as an auxiliary force. Thousands of refugees have continued to arrive cross the Naf river separating Rakhine and Bangladesh in recent days, even though Myanmar says military operations ceased on Sept. 5.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: A UN settlement program, UN-Habitat in Myanmar, on Thursday rejected a state media report that it had agreed to help build housing for people fleeing violence in the northern Myanmar state of Rakhine, where an army operation has displaced hundreds of thousands. The development underscores tension between Myanmar and the United Nations, which in April criticized the government s previous plan to resettle Rohingya Muslims displaced by last year s violence in camp-like villages. More than 600,000 have crossed to Bangladesh since Aug. 25 attacks by Rohingya militants sparked an army crackdown. The United Nations says killings, arson and rape carried out by troops and ethnic Rakhine Buddhist mobs since then amount to a campaign of ethnic cleansing against the Rohingya. The state-run Global New Light of Myanmar newspaper said on Thursday that UN-Habitat had agreed to provide technical assistance in housing displaced people in Rakhine and the agency would work closely with the authorities to implement the projects to be favorable to Myanmar s social culture and administrative system . But Stanislav Saling, spokesman for the office of the U.N. resident coordinator in Myanmar, told Reuters in an email that no agreements were reached so far after the agency s representatives attended a series of meetings with Myanmar officials this week in its capital Naypyitaw. The UN-Habitat mission emphasized that resettlement should be conducted in accordance with the principles of housing and property restitution for refugees and displaced persons to support their safe and dignified return to their places of origin, he said, responding on behalf of UN-Habitat. UN-Habitat welcomed the interest of the Myanmar government in international norms and standards, he added. The United Nations principles state that all refugees or displaced persons have the right to return to property or land from which they were arbitrarily or unlawfully removed. Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi has pledged that anyone sheltering in Bangladesh who can prove they were Myanmar residents can return, but it remains unclear whether those refugees would be allowed to return to their homes. Rohingya who return to Myanmar are unlikely to be able to reclaim their land, and may find their crops have been harvested and sold by the government, according to Myanmar officials and plans seen by Reuters. Buddhist-majority Myanmar in August suggested that UN agencies such as the World Food Program have provided food to Rohingya insurgents, adding to pressure on aid groups which had to suspend activities in Rakhine and pull out most of their staff. Still, Soe Aung, permanent secretary at the Ministry of Social Welfare who attended the meetings with UN-Habitat, insisted that the agency had agreed to give assistance and the two sides will meet again on November 8. We have reached an agreement with the UN for technical assistance. We will discuss more details on how to proceed, he told Reuters. The Myanmar military said on Thursday that it will withdraw some of the security forces carrying out clearance operations in northern Rakhine and dispatch them to the state capital, Sittwe, as an auxiliary force. Thousands of refugees have continued to arrive cross the Naf river separating Rakhine and Bangladesh in recent days, even though Myanmar says military operations ceased on Sept. 5.
The Secret Service, tasked with simultaneously protecting President Barack Obama and some of the Republican and Democratic candidates now running to replace him next year, is facing a manpower shortfall at a time of peak demand, the agency told Congress on Tuesday. Secret Service Director Joseph Clancy told a House Appropriations panel the agency is focused on “human capital needs across the organization” and accruing enough agents to ease overtime demands on the existing force. The Secret Service hopes to have 7,600 agents in its ranks by fiscal year 2019, up from the current figure of approximately 6,200, Committee Chairman John Carter of Texas said during Tuesday’s hearing. While Clancy said the Secret Service was making progress in hiring more agents, “we have yet to see the desired impact on our overall staffing levels due to increased attrition.” Clancy testified at a hearing to review the agency’s funding needs for the fiscal year starting on Oct. 1. Demands of the mission are peaking, he added, with Republican and Democratic presidential nominating conventions slated for this summer, the general elections in November and presidential inaugural events in January. Carter cited the loss of 19 agents in the last four months and the large amounts of overtime hours agents have had to put in on the president’s detail, on the campaign trail and in the uniformed division. Carter, a Republican, questioned whether the service’s hiring goals were “obtainable” with the agency “losing more agents than they have brought on board.” Clancy responded that the agency is exploring initiatives to lure more applicants and retain current agents. The Secret Service was rocked in 2012 when it surfaced that some agents working a presidential trip to Colombia were involved with prostitutes. In 2014, agents failed to stop a man who jumped the White House fence, ran across the lawn and made it into the mansion before he was apprehended. More recently, during a rally for presidential candidate Donald Trump in Radford, Virginia, a Time magazine photographer was grabbed by the neck and shoved to the ground by a Secret Service agent. An agency spokeswoman said the service is investigating the incident. Besides protecting the president and presidential candidates, Secret Service agents investigate financial crimes such as counterfeiting of U.S. currency and credit card and fraud.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The Secret Service, tasked with simultaneously protecting President Barack Obama and some of the Republican and Democratic candidates now running to replace him next year, is facing a manpower shortfall at a time of peak demand, the agency told Congress on Tuesday. Secret Service Director Joseph Clancy told a House Appropriations panel the agency is focused on “human capital needs across the organization” and accruing enough agents to ease overtime demands on the existing force. The Secret Service hopes to have 7,600 agents in its ranks by fiscal year 2019, up from the current figure of approximately 6,200, Committee Chairman John Carter of Texas said during Tuesday’s hearing. While Clancy said the Secret Service was making progress in hiring more agents, “we have yet to see the desired impact on our overall staffing levels due to increased attrition.” Clancy testified at a hearing to review the agency’s funding needs for the fiscal year starting on Oct. 1. Demands of the mission are peaking, he added, with Republican and Democratic presidential nominating conventions slated for this summer, the general elections in November and presidential inaugural events in January. Carter cited the loss of 19 agents in the last four months and the large amounts of overtime hours agents have had to put in on the president’s detail, on the campaign trail and in the uniformed division. Carter, a Republican, questioned whether the service’s hiring goals were “obtainable” with the agency “losing more agents than they have brought on board.” Clancy responded that the agency is exploring initiatives to lure more applicants and retain current agents. The Secret Service was rocked in 2012 when it surfaced that some agents working a presidential trip to Colombia were involved with prostitutes. In 2014, agents failed to stop a man who jumped the White House fence, ran across the lawn and made it into the mansion before he was apprehended. More recently, during a rally for presidential candidate Donald Trump in Radford, Virginia, a Time magazine photographer was grabbed by the neck and shoved to the ground by a Secret Service agent. An agency spokeswoman said the service is investigating the incident. Besides protecting the president and presidential candidates, Secret Service agents investigate financial crimes such as counterfeiting of U.S. currency and credit card and fraud.
U.S. intelligence agencies provided advanced warning to Russia about a major terrorist plot in St. Petersburg, allowing Moscow to thwart an attack that could have killed large numbers of people, the White House said on Sunday. President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia called President Donald J. Trump today to thank him for the advanced warning the United States intelligence agencies provided to Russia concerning a major terror plot in Saint Petersburg, Russia, the White House said in a statement.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: U.S. intelligence agencies provided advanced warning to Russia about a major terrorist plot in St. Petersburg, allowing Moscow to thwart an attack that could have killed large numbers of people, the White House said on Sunday. President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia called President Donald J. Trump today to thank him for the advanced warning the United States intelligence agencies provided to Russia concerning a major terror plot in Saint Petersburg, Russia, the White House said in a statement.
As a mother of three young girls, if anything like this were to happen to one of my daughters in a bathroom, dressing room or shower that is open to potential rapists and pedophiles by a company like say Target they would be looking at massive law suit, as I would consider them an accomplice to the crime.A Pennsylvania man who was arrested for taking photos of a 10-year-old girl in a public restroom has now also been hit with child porn charges, police report.Quarryville, PA, resident James Thomas Shoemaker, 19, was arrested last week when he was found hiding in a stall of the woman s bathroom in the Sheetz store on Manheim Pike. Police said he was taking images of young girls on his cell phone.The arrest comes as progressives step up their judicial and media push to force American adults and youths to share all of their public bathrooms and changing rooms with the’small number of people who try to live and look like people of the opposite sex. In mid-April, for example, Target stores announced they would only allow mixed-sex changing rooms and toilets. On April 21, media outlets claimed that Donald Trump’supported the progressive campaign to eliminate single-sex bathrooms.In fact, Trump backs the current live-and-let-live policy favored by most Americans, in which they willingly tolerate the quiet use of normal bathrooms by people of the opposite sex. There s a big move to create new bathrooms for transgender [people] that would be discriminatory in a certain way [and] that would be unbelievably expensive for businesses in the country, Trump’said April 21. Leave it the way it is, he added.In Quarryville, the’suspect was accused of entering the women s restroom and staying there for about an hour. Police also said that while in the facility he looked at pornography on his cell phone and then used his phone to take photos of a child who entered the room. The child alleged that Shoemaker held his cell phone over the top of the’stall she was in and recorded her activities.Shoemaker consented to allowing police to look through the images on his cell phone whereupon they’discovered nude photos of his girlfriend. But police also learned that the girlfriend is only 16 and now they’ve hit the’suspect with a felony child pornography charge on top of the third degree misdemeanor invasion of privacy charge he was already facing.The arrest in Pennsylvania comes about two weeks after the arrest of a man in California who was dressed as a woman and caught taking video of women in a Macy s store women s restroom. Via: Breitbart News
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: As a mother of three young girls, if anything like this were to happen to one of my daughters in a bathroom, dressing room or shower that is open to potential rapists and pedophiles by a company like say Target they would be looking at massive law suit, as I would consider them an accomplice to the crime.A Pennsylvania man who was arrested for taking photos of a 10-year-old girl in a public restroom has now also been hit with child porn charges, police report.Quarryville, PA, resident James Thomas Shoemaker, 19, was arrested last week when he was found hiding in a stall of the woman s bathroom in the Sheetz store on Manheim Pike. Police said he was taking images of young girls on his cell phone.The arrest comes as progressives step up their judicial and media push to force American adults and youths to share all of their public bathrooms and changing rooms with the’small number of people who try to live and look like people of the opposite sex. In mid-April, for example, Target stores announced they would only allow mixed-sex changing rooms and toilets. On April 21, media outlets claimed that Donald Trump’supported the progressive campaign to eliminate single-sex bathrooms.In fact, Trump backs the current live-and-let-live policy favored by most Americans, in which they willingly tolerate the quiet use of normal bathrooms by people of the opposite sex. There s a big move to create new bathrooms for transgender [people] that would be discriminatory in a certain way [and] that would be unbelievably expensive for businesses in the country, Trump’said April 21. Leave it the way it is, he added.In Quarryville, the’suspect was accused of entering the women s restroom and staying there for about an hour. Police also said that while in the facility he looked at pornography on his cell phone and then used his phone to take photos of a child who entered the room. The child alleged that Shoemaker held his cell phone over the top of the’stall she was in and recorded her activities.Shoemaker consented to allowing police to look through the images on his cell phone whereupon they’discovered nude photos of his girlfriend. But police also learned that the girlfriend is only 16 and now they’ve hit the’suspect with a felony child pornography charge on top of the third degree misdemeanor invasion of privacy charge he was already facing.The arrest in Pennsylvania comes about two weeks after the arrest of a man in California who was dressed as a woman and caught taking video of women in a Macy s store women s restroom. Via: Breitbart News
The release of two Crimean Tatars from Russian custody this week was a good sign and hopefully means Russia will take positive steps in eastern Ukraine as well, the U.S. special envoy to the Ukraine peace talks said on Saturday. Ukraine and Russia are at loggerheads over Russia s annexation of the Crimean peninsula in 2014 and support for separatists in the Donbass region in a conflict that has killed more than 10,000 people despite a notional ceasefire. Russia unexpectedly released a pair of Tatar activists on Wednesday thanks partly to an intervention by Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan. They have vowed to return to Crimea to campaign for the release of other prisoners. The fact that they were released is a small positive sign, Kurt Volker told Reuters on a visit to Kiev, where he met the freed men. It s the kind of thing you hope you could build on that, Russia would build on that with some other steps with the Donbass, he added. A former ambassador to NATO, Volker was appointed in July by the Donald Trump administration to help resolve the Donbass conflict, which Washington cites as a key obstacle to better relations between the United States and Russia. A recent sticking point is whether and how the United Nations should send a peacekeeping force to the region. Volker met Kremlin aide Vladislav Surkov in October for talks on this, which he said produced no breakthroughs but were constructive . What we are doing, is we are seeing whether we can create some common ideas for how a peacekeeping force could be useful in resolving the conflict, Volker said, saying the force could only be effective with a stronger mandate than Russia envisages. Russia denies sending its own troops or sophisticated weaponry to helping the separatists. Volker blamed Russian aggression for the Donbass conflict but said a realization on Russia s part that the violence is against its interests could spur a change in Moscow s behavior. The real issue is Russia s decision-making. Until now, Russia has been holding this territory, keeping this conflict alive, hoping that it provides some leverage over Ukraine, Volker said. The reality has sunk in I believe that this has actually produced the opposite. It has produced a Ukraine that is more unified, more nationalist, more anti-Russian, more westward-looking than ever existed before. Volker also said the United States was actively considering supplying lethal defensive weapons to Kiev, a prospect that has riled Russia. No-one has any worry about someone defending themselves unless they are an aggressor, so it should not be that controversial an issue, Volker said.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The release of two Crimean Tatars from Russian custody this week was a good sign and hopefully means Russia will take positive steps in eastern Ukraine as well, the U.S. special envoy to the Ukraine peace talks said on Saturday. Ukraine and Russia are at loggerheads over Russia s annexation of the Crimean peninsula in 2014 and support for separatists in the Donbass region in a conflict that has killed more than 10,000 people despite a notional ceasefire. Russia unexpectedly released a pair of Tatar activists on Wednesday thanks partly to an intervention by Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan. They have vowed to return to Crimea to campaign for the release of other prisoners. The fact that they were released is a small positive sign, Kurt Volker told Reuters on a visit to Kiev, where he met the freed men. It s the kind of thing you hope you could build on that, Russia would build on that with some other steps with the Donbass, he added. A former ambassador to NATO, Volker was appointed in July by the Donald Trump administration to help resolve the Donbass conflict, which Washington cites as a key obstacle to better relations between the United States and Russia. A recent sticking point is whether and how the United Nations should send a peacekeeping force to the region. Volker met Kremlin aide Vladislav Surkov in October for talks on this, which he said produced no breakthroughs but were constructive . What we are doing, is we are seeing whether we can create some common ideas for how a peacekeeping force could be useful in resolving the conflict, Volker said, saying the force could only be effective with a stronger mandate than Russia envisages. Russia denies sending its own troops or sophisticated weaponry to helping the separatists. Volker blamed Russian aggression for the Donbass conflict but said a realization on Russia s part that the violence is against its interests could spur a change in Moscow s behavior. The real issue is Russia s decision-making. Until now, Russia has been holding this territory, keeping this conflict alive, hoping that it provides some leverage over Ukraine, Volker said. The reality has sunk in I believe that this has actually produced the opposite. It has produced a Ukraine that is more unified, more nationalist, more anti-Russian, more westward-looking than ever existed before. Volker also said the United States was actively considering supplying lethal defensive weapons to Kiev, a prospect that has riled Russia. No-one has any worry about someone defending themselves unless they are an aggressor, so it should not be that controversial an issue, Volker said.
0true zihjmn0M
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: zihjmn0M
Mexico’s foreign minister Luis Videgaray will travel to Washington on Tuesday to meet with senior U.S. officials and to attend a meeting at the Organisation of American States (OAS), his ministry said in a statement. The meetings with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly are aimed at furthering the bilateral and regional agenda between Mexico and the United States, the Mexican foreign ministry said. In recent weeks, Mexico has taken an assertive role in the OAS in relation to the political and economic crisis in Venezuela.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Mexico’s foreign minister Luis Videgaray will travel to Washington on Tuesday to meet with senior U.S. officials and to attend a meeting at the Organisation of American States (OAS), his ministry said in a statement. The meetings with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly are aimed at furthering the bilateral and regional agenda between Mexico and the United States, the Mexican foreign ministry said. In recent weeks, Mexico has taken an assertive role in the OAS in relation to the political and economic crisis in Venezuela.
A gun control advocacy group founded by billionaire and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg on Friday endorsed Democrat Hillary Clinton in the U.S. presidential race. In a statement, Everytown for Gun Safety praised Clinton for siding with the public rather than gun industry lobbyists.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: A gun control advocacy group founded by billionaire and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg on Friday endorsed Democrat Hillary Clinton in the U.S. presidential race. In a statement, Everytown for Gun Safety praised Clinton for siding with the public rather than gun industry lobbyists.
If the Muslim terrorist who killed 49 people and wounded several others in a gay nightclub in Orlando had been scouting out Disneyworld and other possible soft targets in the Orlando area, why is this the first time we are hearing about it? Did his Muslim wife have her mouth taped shut? If friends are now coming forward to tell authorities that the Ft. Pierce terrorist had expressed support for terror groups, why didn’t they contact the FBI before he committed a horrific act of terror in America? And finally, if the Ft. Pierce terrorist, who was clearly making incendiary statements, was visiting nations who fund the campaigns of United States Presidential candidates like Hillary Clinton, and have a history of supporting terror groups, should the FBI be held accountable, or should every US citizen demand the people who knew he posed a danger, but kept silent be held accountable? Meanwhile, Barack Hussein Obama blames America and uses this horrific tragedy to trash Donald Trump and to promote his final, (and maybe most important) action that would prove his disdain for America and our Constitution GUN CONTROL.Orlando gunman Omar Mateen s two trips to Saudi Arabia, one of which was a pricey package that included four-star accommodations and fancy meals, were highly unusual and may have been cover for terror training, according to experts.The FBI is piecing together Mateen s radical Islam roots, and the trips to Saudi Arabia could be a sign of his growing religious devotion. His stated reason for both the 2011 and 2012 trips was umrah, a Muslim pilgrimage to the Kingdom that is not as significant as the hajj, a trip all Muslims must make to Mecca at least once in their lives. Either or both of the trips could also have included a side trip. It s very possible for someone to take a trip to a country like Saudi Arabia and declare it as their destination when it is in actuality just a pit stop to a different country like Yemen, said Ryan Mauro, national security analyst for Clarion Project, a New York-based research institute that tracks global terrorism. Based on his blatant extremism and ties to a convicted Orlando imam known for facilitating international jihadists traveling, the’strong likelihood is that these trips were not benign. Mateen, 29, killed 49 people and wounded 53 inside the gay nightclub Pulse early Sunday, holding dozens hostage for hours before a SWAT team stormed the building and killed him in a gun battle. While holding captives, Mateen made multiple calls to 911, professing his allegiance to ISIS and support for the Muslim brothers who bombed the 2013 Boston Marathon, police said.When Mateen aligned himself with terrorists is not yet clear, but his trips to Saudi Arabia would have put him within a day s drive of Yemen, where Al Qaeda on the Arabian Peninsula has long had a large presence, and where ISIS also has gained a foothold in recent years. Several radicalized Americans have traveled to Yemen to train in terror camps.Mateen s first trip to Saudi Arabia was for 10 days, and the jaunt a year later was for eight. The 2011 trip was arranged by U.S.-based Islamic travel agency Dar El Salam and was a package the company calls the Sacred Caravan Umrah. The package costs up to $4,000 and is generally comprised of four nights at four-star accommodations in Mecca and six nights in Medina, complete with buffet meals, sightseeing and religious studies and lectures.The travel agency did not respond to a request for comment.The’second trip included a stop in the United Arab Emirates, but the exact itinerary of either trip is not known. The FBI, which searched Mateen s condominium in Fort Pierce, Fla., overnight Sunday and into Monday morning, taking a computer and several other items, declined to comment on what investigators may have learned about Mateen s travels.Muslim leaders said it was unusual for Mateen to have made two visits to Saudi Arabia in consecutive years the first when he was just 24.Okay so why didn’t anyone report his trips to the FBI??? It s not cheap to do so and people that young usually don’t go twice, said Adnan Khan, former leader of the Council of Pakistan-American Affairs. And especially considering he appeared not to have come from a staunchly religious background. Okay so why didn’t anyone report his trips to the FBI??? A single trip to Saudi Arabia could be attributed to the mandatory hajj or umrah, but the’second trip and the visit to the UAE suggest that his stated reason for traveling was a cover, he’said. Even if the trip included legitimate religious travel, it does not mean the activity was limited to that. One umrah is usually enough for a Muslim, said Timothy Furnish, an expert in Islamic history and consultant to the Pentagon, The fact that Mateen made two of those would suggest that he felt he had many sins needing rectifying and/or he was not engaged solely in religious activity but meeting with someone in Saudi Arabia, Furnish said.Mateen was born in New York to Afghan immigrants. People that knew him have said he was not overtly religious, but often expressed anger and a deep hatred of minorities. He had once aspired to be a police officer, was trained with weapons and worked for an international security firm after being fired from a job as a prison guard.The Saudi Embassy in Washington did not immediately respond to a request for comment.Those Saudi s are quick to react when it comes to writing a check to the Clinton Crime Syndicate/Hillary for President fund though!Neighbors in the quiet condominium complex where Mateen lived with his 3-year-old son and wife, Noor Zahi Salman, said the couple kept to themselves and did not wear religious garb. We were all shocked when we found out, one neighbor told The most activity I ever saw from the apartment was his girlfriend or wife walking to the mailbox and back with their child. However, sources say Mateen had a large collection of Islamic literature in his home, and people who knew him said he had expressed support for various terrorist groups.- FOX NewsWouldn t any sane person knew someone who expressed support for terrorist groups report them to the proper authorities?
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: If the Muslim terrorist who killed 49 people and wounded several others in a gay nightclub in Orlando had been scouting out Disneyworld and other possible soft targets in the Orlando area, why is this the first time we are hearing about it? Did his Muslim wife have her mouth taped shut? If friends are now coming forward to tell authorities that the Ft. Pierce terrorist had expressed support for terror groups, why didn’t they contact the FBI before he committed a horrific act of terror in America? And finally, if the Ft. Pierce terrorist, who was clearly making incendiary statements, was visiting nations who fund the campaigns of United States Presidential candidates like Hillary Clinton, and have a history of supporting terror groups, should the FBI be held accountable, or should every US citizen demand the people who knew he posed a danger, but kept silent be held accountable? Meanwhile, Barack Hussein Obama blames America and uses this horrific tragedy to trash Donald Trump and to promote his final, (and maybe most important) action that would prove his disdain for America and our Constitution GUN CONTROL.Orlando gunman Omar Mateen s two trips to Saudi Arabia, one of which was a pricey package that included four-star accommodations and fancy meals, were highly unusual and may have been cover for terror training, according to experts.The FBI is piecing together Mateen s radical Islam roots, and the trips to Saudi Arabia could be a sign of his growing religious devotion. His stated reason for both the 2011 and 2012 trips was umrah, a Muslim pilgrimage to the Kingdom that is not as significant as the hajj, a trip all Muslims must make to Mecca at least once in their lives. Either or both of the trips could also have included a side trip. It s very possible for someone to take a trip to a country like Saudi Arabia and declare it as their destination when it is in actuality just a pit stop to a different country like Yemen, said Ryan Mauro, national security analyst for Clarion Project, a New York-based research institute that tracks global terrorism. Based on his blatant extremism and ties to a convicted Orlando imam known for facilitating international jihadists traveling, the’strong likelihood is that these trips were not benign. Mateen, 29, killed 49 people and wounded 53 inside the gay nightclub Pulse early Sunday, holding dozens hostage for hours before a SWAT team stormed the building and killed him in a gun battle. While holding captives, Mateen made multiple calls to 911, professing his allegiance to ISIS and support for the Muslim brothers who bombed the 2013 Boston Marathon, police said.When Mateen aligned himself with terrorists is not yet clear, but his trips to Saudi Arabia would have put him within a day s drive of Yemen, where Al Qaeda on the Arabian Peninsula has long had a large presence, and where ISIS also has gained a foothold in recent years. Several radicalized Americans have traveled to Yemen to train in terror camps.Mateen s first trip to Saudi Arabia was for 10 days, and the jaunt a year later was for eight. The 2011 trip was arranged by U.S.-based Islamic travel agency Dar El Salam and was a package the company calls the Sacred Caravan Umrah. The package costs up to $4,000 and is generally comprised of four nights at four-star accommodations in Mecca and six nights in Medina, complete with buffet meals, sightseeing and religious studies and lectures.The travel agency did not respond to a request for comment.The’second trip included a stop in the United Arab Emirates, but the exact itinerary of either trip is not known. The FBI, which searched Mateen s condominium in Fort Pierce, Fla., overnight Sunday and into Monday morning, taking a computer and several other items, declined to comment on what investigators may have learned about Mateen s travels.Muslim leaders said it was unusual for Mateen to have made two visits to Saudi Arabia in consecutive years the first when he was just 24.Okay so why didn’t anyone report his trips to the FBI??? It s not cheap to do so and people that young usually don’t go twice, said Adnan Khan, former leader of the Council of Pakistan-American Affairs. And especially considering he appeared not to have come from a staunchly religious background. Okay so why didn’t anyone report his trips to the FBI??? A single trip to Saudi Arabia could be attributed to the mandatory hajj or umrah, but the’second trip and the visit to the UAE suggest that his stated reason for traveling was a cover, he’said. Even if the trip included legitimate religious travel, it does not mean the activity was limited to that. One umrah is usually enough for a Muslim, said Timothy Furnish, an expert in Islamic history and consultant to the Pentagon, The fact that Mateen made two of those would suggest that he felt he had many sins needing rectifying and/or he was not engaged solely in religious activity but meeting with someone in Saudi Arabia, Furnish said.Mateen was born in New York to Afghan immigrants. People that knew him have said he was not overtly religious, but often expressed anger and a deep hatred of minorities. He had once aspired to be a police officer, was trained with weapons and worked for an international security firm after being fired from a job as a prison guard.The Saudi Embassy in Washington did not immediately respond to a request for comment.Those Saudi s are quick to react when it comes to writing a check to the Clinton Crime Syndicate/Hillary for President fund though!Neighbors in the quiet condominium complex where Mateen lived with his 3-year-old son and wife, Noor Zahi Salman, said the couple kept to themselves and did not wear religious garb. We were all shocked when we found out, one neighbor told The most activity I ever saw from the apartment was his girlfriend or wife walking to the mailbox and back with their child. However, sources say Mateen had a large collection of Islamic literature in his home, and people who knew him said he had expressed support for various terrorist groups.- FOX NewsWouldn t any sane person knew someone who expressed support for terrorist groups report them to the proper authorities?
In late October, President Donald Trump lifted a temporary ban on most refugee admissions, a move that should have cleared the way for more people fleeing persecution and violence to come to the United States. Instead, the number of refugees admitted to the country has plummeted. In the five weeks after the ban was lifted, 40 percent fewer people were allowed in than in the last five weeks it was in place, according to a Reuters analysis of State Department data. That plunge has gone almost unnoticed. As he lifted the ban, Trump instituted new rules for tougher vetting of applicants and also effectively halted, at least for now, the entry of refugees from 11 countries deemed as high risk. The latter move has contributed significantly to the precipitous drop in the number of refugees being admitted. The data shows that the Trump administration’s new restrictions have proven to be a far greater barrier to refugees than even his temporary ban, which was limited in scope by the Supreme Court. The State Department data shows that the kind of refugees being allowed in has also changed. A far smaller portion are Muslim. When the ban was in place they made up a quarter of all refugees. Now that it has been lifted they represent just under 10 percent.  Admissions over five weeks is a limited sample from which to draw broad conclusions, and resettlement numbers often pick up later in the fiscal year, which began in October. But the sharp drop has alarmed refugee advocates. “They’re pretty much shutting the refugee program down without having to say that’s what they’re doing,” said Eric Schwartz, president of Refugees International. “They’ve gotten better at using bureaucratic methods and national security arguments to achieve nefarious and unjustifiable objectives.” Trump administration officials say the temporary ban on refugees, and the new security procedures that followed, served to protect Americans from potential terrorist attacks. Supporters of the administration’s move also argue that the refugee program needed reform and that making it more stringent will ultimately strengthen it. “The program needed to be tightened up,” said Joshua Meservey, a senior policy analyst at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, who formerly worked in refugee resettlement in Africa. “I’m all for strengthening the vetting, cracking down on the fraud, being really intentional on who we select for this, because I think it protects the program ultimately when we do that.” A State Department official attributed the drop in refugee admissions to increased vetting, reviews aimed at identifying potential threats, and a smaller annual refugee quota this year of 45,000, the lowest level in decades. “Refugee admissions rarely happen at a steady pace and in many years start out low and increase throughout the year. It would be premature to assess (the 2018 fiscal year’s) pace at this point,” the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity. Trump has made controlling immigration a centerpiece of his presidency, citing both a desire to protect American jobs and national security. During the 2016 presidential campaign he said Syrian refugees could be aligned with Islamist militants and promised “extreme vetting” of applicants. The White House did not respond to a request for comment. After the ban was lifted the new rules imposed included a requirement that refugees provide 10 years of biographical information, rather than five years, a pause in a program that allows for family reunification, and a “detailed threat analysis and review” of refugees from 11 countries. A Department of Homeland Security spokesman said that 90-day review began on Oct. 25, the day after Trump lifted the ban. Officials have said that during the review period, refugees from Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Mali, North Korea, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria and Yemen will be allowed in on a case by case basis, but they have also said priority will be given to other applicants. For each of the last three years, refugees from the 11 countries made up more than 40 percent of U.S. admissions. While nine of the 11 countries are majority Muslim, it is often their religious minorities, including Christians and Jews, who seek asylum in the United States. And in practice, of the 11 countries only Iran, Iraq, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan and Syria produce refugees who resettle in the United States in meaningful numbers. Trump administration officials have said the 90-day review does not amount to a bar on refugees from the 11 countries. But just as the review launched, the number of refugees coming from those countries ceased almost entirely. In the five weeks before the ban was lifted, 587 refugees from the 11 countries were allowed in, despite tough eligibility rules, according to the Reuters review of the State Department data. In the five weeks after Trump lifted the ban, just 15 refugees from those countries were allowed in. From all countries, 1,469 refugees were admitted to the United States in the five weeks between Oct. 25 and Nov. 28, according to the State Department data. That was 41 percent lower than during the final five weeks of the ban, when nearly 2,500 refugees gained entry. Just 9 percent of refugees admitted to the United States between Oct. 25 and Nov. 28 were Muslim, and 63 percent were Christian. In the five weeks prior, 26 percent were Muslim and 55 percent were Christian. More refugees were allowed in during the period the temporary refugee ban was in place because the Supreme Court, in okaying the ban in June, required refugees with ”bona fide” ties to the United States be exempted. The new rules have been challenged in court, but no rulings have yet been issued. Each twist in U.S. refugee policy has left Alireza, a gay Iranian refugee living in Turkey, confused, desperate for information, and less hopeful he will ever make it to the United States. Alireza, 34, had already been interviewed by U.S. officials and was on track for resettlement when Trump issued his first refugee ban in January. He declined to share his last name because his family does not know he is gay, but he shared documents with Reuters on his case to confirm his identity and refugee status. When Trump’s ban was initially blocked by federal courts, Alireza was able to continue the vetting process and was close to the point of being resettled. Then came the Supreme Court ruling reinstating the ban, and then the new restrictions replacing the ban. As a refugee from one of the 11 countries targeted for additional scrutiny, he is once again in limbo. Alireza questions the national security logic of the new review. He and his boyfriend of 13 years fled to Turkey in 2014 after facing harassment, beatings and extortion in Iran. Human rights groups say that discriminatory laws in Iran against sexual minorities put them at risk of harassment and violence. In Turkey, he said, they scrape by with unstable part-time work and feel threatened by what they see as a rise in anti-gay sentiment in Turkish society. “We ourselves have been hurt by the Islamist system in Iran,” he said in a recent telephone interview from Eskisehir, in northwestern Turkey. “Why would we suffer for three years (in Turkey) so that we could come to America and commit terrorism?”
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: In late October, President Donald Trump lifted a temporary ban on most refugee admissions, a move that should have cleared the way for more people fleeing persecution and violence to come to the United States. Instead, the number of refugees admitted to the country has plummeted. In the five weeks after the ban was lifted, 40 percent fewer people were allowed in than in the last five weeks it was in place, according to a Reuters analysis of State Department data. That plunge has gone almost unnoticed. As he lifted the ban, Trump instituted new rules for tougher vetting of applicants and also effectively halted, at least for now, the entry of refugees from 11 countries deemed as high risk. The latter move has contributed significantly to the precipitous drop in the number of refugees being admitted. The data shows that the Trump administration’s new restrictions have proven to be a far greater barrier to refugees than even his temporary ban, which was limited in scope by the Supreme Court. The State Department data shows that the kind of refugees being allowed in has also changed. A far smaller portion are Muslim. When the ban was in place they made up a quarter of all refugees. Now that it has been lifted they represent just under 10 percent.  Admissions over five weeks is a limited sample from which to draw broad conclusions, and resettlement numbers often pick up later in the fiscal year, which began in October. But the sharp drop has alarmed refugee advocates. “They’re pretty much shutting the refugee program down without having to say that’s what they’re doing,” said Eric Schwartz, president of Refugees International. “They’ve gotten better at using bureaucratic methods and national security arguments to achieve nefarious and unjustifiable objectives.” Trump administration officials say the temporary ban on refugees, and the new security procedures that followed, served to protect Americans from potential terrorist attacks. Supporters of the administration’s move also argue that the refugee program needed reform and that making it more stringent will ultimately strengthen it. “The program needed to be tightened up,” said Joshua Meservey, a senior policy analyst at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, who formerly worked in refugee resettlement in Africa. “I’m all for strengthening the vetting, cracking down on the fraud, being really intentional on who we select for this, because I think it protects the program ultimately when we do that.” A State Department official attributed the drop in refugee admissions to increased vetting, reviews aimed at identifying potential threats, and a smaller annual refugee quota this year of 45,000, the lowest level in decades. “Refugee admissions rarely happen at a steady pace and in many years start out low and increase throughout the year. It would be premature to assess (the 2018 fiscal year’s) pace at this point,” the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity. Trump has made controlling immigration a centerpiece of his presidency, citing both a desire to protect American jobs and national security. During the 2016 presidential campaign he said Syrian refugees could be aligned with Islamist militants and promised “extreme vetting” of applicants. The White House did not respond to a request for comment. After the ban was lifted the new rules imposed included a requirement that refugees provide 10 years of biographical information, rather than five years, a pause in a program that allows for family reunification, and a “detailed threat analysis and review” of refugees from 11 countries. A Department of Homeland Security spokesman said that 90-day review began on Oct. 25, the day after Trump lifted the ban. Officials have said that during the review period, refugees from Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Mali, North Korea, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria and Yemen will be allowed in on a case by case basis, but they have also said priority will be given to other applicants. For each of the last three years, refugees from the 11 countries made up more than 40 percent of U.S. admissions. While nine of the 11 countries are majority Muslim, it is often their religious minorities, including Christians and Jews, who seek asylum in the United States. And in practice, of the 11 countries only Iran, Iraq, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan and Syria produce refugees who resettle in the United States in meaningful numbers. Trump administration officials have said the 90-day review does not amount to a bar on refugees from the 11 countries. But just as the review launched, the number of refugees coming from those countries ceased almost entirely. In the five weeks before the ban was lifted, 587 refugees from the 11 countries were allowed in, despite tough eligibility rules, according to the Reuters review of the State Department data. In the five weeks after Trump lifted the ban, just 15 refugees from those countries were allowed in. From all countries, 1,469 refugees were admitted to the United States in the five weeks between Oct. 25 and Nov. 28, according to the State Department data. That was 41 percent lower than during the final five weeks of the ban, when nearly 2,500 refugees gained entry. Just 9 percent of refugees admitted to the United States between Oct. 25 and Nov. 28 were Muslim, and 63 percent were Christian. In the five weeks prior, 26 percent were Muslim and 55 percent were Christian. More refugees were allowed in during the period the temporary refugee ban was in place because the Supreme Court, in okaying the ban in June, required refugees with ”bona fide” ties to the United States be exempted. The new rules have been challenged in court, but no rulings have yet been issued. Each twist in U.S. refugee policy has left Alireza, a gay Iranian refugee living in Turkey, confused, desperate for information, and less hopeful he will ever make it to the United States. Alireza, 34, had already been interviewed by U.S. officials and was on track for resettlement when Trump issued his first refugee ban in January. He declined to share his last name because his family does not know he is gay, but he shared documents with Reuters on his case to confirm his identity and refugee status. When Trump’s ban was initially blocked by federal courts, Alireza was able to continue the vetting process and was close to the point of being resettled. Then came the Supreme Court ruling reinstating the ban, and then the new restrictions replacing the ban. As a refugee from one of the 11 countries targeted for additional scrutiny, he is once again in limbo. Alireza questions the national security logic of the new review. He and his boyfriend of 13 years fled to Turkey in 2014 after facing harassment, beatings and extortion in Iran. Human rights groups say that discriminatory laws in Iran against sexual minorities put them at risk of harassment and violence. In Turkey, he said, they scrape by with unstable part-time work and feel threatened by what they see as a rise in anti-gay sentiment in Turkish society. “We ourselves have been hurt by the Islamist system in Iran,” he said in a recent telephone interview from Eskisehir, in northwestern Turkey. “Why would we suffer for three years (in Turkey) so that we could come to America and commit terrorism?”
It is now a year since the Democratic National Committee s mail system was compromised a year since events in the’spring and early summer of 2016 were identified as remote hacks and, in short order, attributed to Russians acting in behalf of Donald Trump. A great edifice has been erected during this time.President Trump, members of his family, and numerous people around him stand accused of various corruptions and extensive collusion with Russians. Half a dozen simultaneous investigations proceed into these matters. Last week news broke that Special Counsel Robert Mueller had convened a grand jury, which issued its first subpoenas on August 3. Allegations of treason are common; prominent political figures and many media cultivate a case for impeachment.The president s ability to conduct foreign policy, notably but not only with regard to Russia, is now crippled. Forced into a corner and having no choice, Trump just signed legislation imposing severe new sanctions on Russia and European companies working with it on pipeline projects vital to Russia s energy sector. Striking this close to the core of another nation s economy is customarily considered an act of war, we must not forget. In retaliation, Moscow has announced that the United States must cut its embassy staff by roughly two-thirds. All sides agree that relations between the United States and Russia are now as fragile as they were during some of the Cold War s worst moments. To suggest that military conflict between two nuclear powers inches ever closer can no longer be dismissed as hyperbole.All this was set in motion when the DNC s mail server was first violated in the’spring of 2016 and by subsequent assertions that Russians were behind that hack and another such operation, also described as a Russian hack, on July 5. These are the foundation stones of the edifice just outlined. The evolution of public discourse in the year since is worthy of scholarly study: Possibilities became allegations, and these became probabilities. Then the probabilities turned into certainties, and these evolved into what are now taken to be established truths. By my reckoning, it required a few days to a few weeks to advance from each of these stages to the next. This was accomplished via the indefensibly corrupt manipulations of language repeated incessantly in our leading media.There was no hack of the Democratic National Committee s system on July 5 last year not by the Russians, not by anyone else.Hard science now demonstrates it was a leak a download executed locally with a memory key or a similarly portable data-storage device.In short, it was an inside job by someone with access to the DNC s system. This casts serious doubt on the initial hack, as alleged, that led to the very consequential publication of a large store of documents on WikiLeaks last summer.Forensic investigations of documents made public two weeks prior to the July 5 leak by the person or entity known as Guccifer 2.0 show that they were fraudulent: Before Guccifer posted them they were adulterated by cutting and pasting them into a blank template that had Russian as its default language. Guccifer took responsibility on June 15 for an intrusion the DNC reported on June 14 and professed to be a WikiLeaks source claims essential to the official narrative implicating Russia in what was soon cast as an extensive hacking operation. To put the point simply, forensic science now devastates this narrative.This article is based on an examination of the documents these forensic experts and intelligence analysts have produced, notably the key papers written over the past several weeks, as well as detailed interviews with many of those conducting investigations and now drawing conclusions from them. Before proceeding into this material, several points bear noting.Qualified experts working independently of one another began to examine the DNC case immediately after the July 2016 events. Prominent among these is a group comprising former intelligence officers, almost all of whom previously occupied senior positions. Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), founded in 2003, now has 30 members, including a few associates with backgrounds in national-security fields other than intelligence. The chief researchers active on the DNC case are four: William Binney, formerly the NSA s technical director for world geopolitical and military analysis and designer of many agency programs now in use; Kirk Wiebe, formerly a senior analyst at the NSA s SIGINT Automation Research Center; Edward Loomis, formerly technical director in the NSA s Office of Signal Processing; and Ray McGovern, an intelligence analyst for nearly three decades and formerly chief of the CIA s Soviet Foreign Policy Branch. Most of these men have decades of experience in matters concerning Russian intelligence and the related technologies. This article reflects numerous interviews with all of them conducted in person, via Skype, or by telephone.The customary VIPS format is an open letter, typically addressed to the president. The group has written three such letters on the DNC incident, all of which were first published by Robert Parry at Here is the latest, dated July 24; it blueprints the forensic work this article explores in detail. They have all argued that the hack theory is wrong and that a locally executed leak is the far more likely explanation. In a letter to Barack Obama dated January 17, three days before he left office, the group explained that the NSA s known programs are fully capable of capturing all electronic transfers of data. We strongly suggest that you ask NSA for any evidence it may have indicating that the results of Russian hacking were given to WikiLeaks, the letter said. If NSA cannot produce such evidence and quickly this would probably mean it does not have any. Forensicator s first decisive findings, made public in the paper dated July 9, concerned the volume of the’supposedly hacked material and what is called the transfer rate the time a remote hack would require. The metadata established several facts in this regard with granular precision: On the evening of July 5, 2016, 1,976 megabytes of data were downloaded from the DNC s server. The operation took 87 seconds. This yields a transfer rate of 22.7 megabytes per second.These statistics are matters of record and essential to disproving the hack theory. No Internet service provider, such as a hacker would have had to use in mid-2016, was capable of downloading data at this speed. Compounding this contradiction, Guccifer claimed to have run his hack from Romania, which, for numerous reasons technically called delivery overheads, would slow down the’speed of a hack even further from maximum achievable speeds.In addition, there is the adulteration of the documents Guccifer 2.0 posted on June 15, when he made his first appearance. This came to light when researchers penetrated what Folden calls Guccifer s top layer of metadata and analyzed what was in the layers beneath. They found that the first five files Guccifer made public had each been run, via ordinary cut-and-paste, through a single template that effectively immersed them in what could plausibly be cast as Russian fingerprints. They were not: The Russian markings were artificially inserted prior to posting. It s clear, another forensics investigator self-identified as HET, wrote in a report on this question, that metadata was deliberately altered and documents were deliberately pasted into a Russianified [W]ord document with Russian language settings and style headings. VIPS has assembled a chronology that imposes a persuasive logic on the complex succession of events just reviewed. It is this:On June 12 last year, Julian Assange announced that WikiLeaks had and would publish documents pertinent to Hillary Clinton s presidential campaign.On June 14, CrowdStrike, a cyber-security firm hired by the DNC, announced, without providing evidence, that it had found malware on DNC servers and had evidence that Russians were responsible for planting it.On June 15, Guccifer 2.0 first appeared, took responsibility for the hack reported on June 14 and claimed to be a WikiLeaks source. It then posted the adulterated documents just described.On July 5, Guccifer again claimed he had remotely hacked DNC servers, and the operation was instantly described as another intrusion attributable to Russia. Virtually no media questioned this account.It does not require too much thought to read into this sequence. With his June 12 announcement, Assange effectively put the DNC on notice that it had a little time, probably not much, to act preemptively against the imminent publication of damaging documents. Did the DNC quickly conjure Guccifer from thin air to create a cyber-saboteur whose fingers point to Russia? There is no evidence of this one way or the other, but emphatically it is legitimate to pose the question in the context of the VIPS chronology. WikiLeaks began publishing on July 22. By that time, the case alleging Russian interference in the 2016 elections process was taking firm root. In short order Assange would be written down as a Russian agent. See Wikileaks founder Julian Assange s interview about the possibility of Seth Rich being the DNC leaker near bottom of the article. Behind the ICA lie other indefensible realities. The FBI has never examined the DNC s computer servers an omission that is beyond preposterous. It has instead relied on the reports produced by Crowdstrike, a firm that drips with conflicting interests well beyond the fact that it is in the DNC s employ. Dmitri Alperovitch, its co-founder and chief technology officer, is on the record as vigorously anti-Russian. He is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, which suffers the’same prejudice. Problems such as this are many. We continue to stand by our report, CrowdStrike said, upon seeing the VIPS blueprint of the investigation. CrowdStrike argues that by July 5 all malware had been removed from the DNC s computers. But the presence or absence of malware by that time is entirely immaterial, because the event of July 5 is proven to have been a leak and not a hack. Given that malware has nothing to do with leaks, CrowdStrike s logic appears to be circular.Click HERE for the entire THE NATION article. h/t Gateway Pundit Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has strongly hinted that the’source for the DNC emails he released was Seth Rich. In this interview with Julian Assange, he’seems to suggest on Dutch television program Nieuwsuur that Seth Rich was the’source for the Wikileaks-exposed DNC emails and was murdered:
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: It is now a year since the Democratic National Committee s mail system was compromised a year since events in the’spring and early summer of 2016 were identified as remote hacks and, in short order, attributed to Russians acting in behalf of Donald Trump. A great edifice has been erected during this time.President Trump, members of his family, and numerous people around him stand accused of various corruptions and extensive collusion with Russians. Half a dozen simultaneous investigations proceed into these matters. Last week news broke that Special Counsel Robert Mueller had convened a grand jury, which issued its first subpoenas on August 3. Allegations of treason are common; prominent political figures and many media cultivate a case for impeachment.The president s ability to conduct foreign policy, notably but not only with regard to Russia, is now crippled. Forced into a corner and having no choice, Trump just signed legislation imposing severe new sanctions on Russia and European companies working with it on pipeline projects vital to Russia s energy sector. Striking this close to the core of another nation s economy is customarily considered an act of war, we must not forget. In retaliation, Moscow has announced that the United States must cut its embassy staff by roughly two-thirds. All sides agree that relations between the United States and Russia are now as fragile as they were during some of the Cold War s worst moments. To suggest that military conflict between two nuclear powers inches ever closer can no longer be dismissed as hyperbole.All this was set in motion when the DNC s mail server was first violated in the’spring of 2016 and by subsequent assertions that Russians were behind that hack and another such operation, also described as a Russian hack, on July 5. These are the foundation stones of the edifice just outlined. The evolution of public discourse in the year since is worthy of scholarly study: Possibilities became allegations, and these became probabilities. Then the probabilities turned into certainties, and these evolved into what are now taken to be established truths. By my reckoning, it required a few days to a few weeks to advance from each of these stages to the next. This was accomplished via the indefensibly corrupt manipulations of language repeated incessantly in our leading media.There was no hack of the Democratic National Committee s system on July 5 last year not by the Russians, not by anyone else.Hard science now demonstrates it was a leak a download executed locally with a memory key or a similarly portable data-storage device.In short, it was an inside job by someone with access to the DNC s system. This casts serious doubt on the initial hack, as alleged, that led to the very consequential publication of a large store of documents on WikiLeaks last summer.Forensic investigations of documents made public two weeks prior to the July 5 leak by the person or entity known as Guccifer 2.0 show that they were fraudulent: Before Guccifer posted them they were adulterated by cutting and pasting them into a blank template that had Russian as its default language. Guccifer took responsibility on June 15 for an intrusion the DNC reported on June 14 and professed to be a WikiLeaks source claims essential to the official narrative implicating Russia in what was soon cast as an extensive hacking operation. To put the point simply, forensic science now devastates this narrative.This article is based on an examination of the documents these forensic experts and intelligence analysts have produced, notably the key papers written over the past several weeks, as well as detailed interviews with many of those conducting investigations and now drawing conclusions from them. Before proceeding into this material, several points bear noting.Qualified experts working independently of one another began to examine the DNC case immediately after the July 2016 events. Prominent among these is a group comprising former intelligence officers, almost all of whom previously occupied senior positions. Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), founded in 2003, now has 30 members, including a few associates with backgrounds in national-security fields other than intelligence. The chief researchers active on the DNC case are four: William Binney, formerly the NSA s technical director for world geopolitical and military analysis and designer of many agency programs now in use; Kirk Wiebe, formerly a senior analyst at the NSA s SIGINT Automation Research Center; Edward Loomis, formerly technical director in the NSA s Office of Signal Processing; and Ray McGovern, an intelligence analyst for nearly three decades and formerly chief of the CIA s Soviet Foreign Policy Branch. Most of these men have decades of experience in matters concerning Russian intelligence and the related technologies. This article reflects numerous interviews with all of them conducted in person, via Skype, or by telephone.The customary VIPS format is an open letter, typically addressed to the president. The group has written three such letters on the DNC incident, all of which were first published by Robert Parry at Here is the latest, dated July 24; it blueprints the forensic work this article explores in detail. They have all argued that the hack theory is wrong and that a locally executed leak is the far more likely explanation. In a letter to Barack Obama dated January 17, three days before he left office, the group explained that the NSA s known programs are fully capable of capturing all electronic transfers of data. We strongly suggest that you ask NSA for any evidence it may have indicating that the results of Russian hacking were given to WikiLeaks, the letter said. If NSA cannot produce such evidence and quickly this would probably mean it does not have any. Forensicator s first decisive findings, made public in the paper dated July 9, concerned the volume of the’supposedly hacked material and what is called the transfer rate the time a remote hack would require. The metadata established several facts in this regard with granular precision: On the evening of July 5, 2016, 1,976 megabytes of data were downloaded from the DNC s server. The operation took 87 seconds. This yields a transfer rate of 22.7 megabytes per second.These statistics are matters of record and essential to disproving the hack theory. No Internet service provider, such as a hacker would have had to use in mid-2016, was capable of downloading data at this speed. Compounding this contradiction, Guccifer claimed to have run his hack from Romania, which, for numerous reasons technically called delivery overheads, would slow down the’speed of a hack even further from maximum achievable speeds.In addition, there is the adulteration of the documents Guccifer 2.0 posted on June 15, when he made his first appearance. This came to light when researchers penetrated what Folden calls Guccifer s top layer of metadata and analyzed what was in the layers beneath. They found that the first five files Guccifer made public had each been run, via ordinary cut-and-paste, through a single template that effectively immersed them in what could plausibly be cast as Russian fingerprints. They were not: The Russian markings were artificially inserted prior to posting. It s clear, another forensics investigator self-identified as HET, wrote in a report on this question, that metadata was deliberately altered and documents were deliberately pasted into a Russianified [W]ord document with Russian language settings and style headings. VIPS has assembled a chronology that imposes a persuasive logic on the complex succession of events just reviewed. It is this:On June 12 last year, Julian Assange announced that WikiLeaks had and would publish documents pertinent to Hillary Clinton s presidential campaign.On June 14, CrowdStrike, a cyber-security firm hired by the DNC, announced, without providing evidence, that it had found malware on DNC servers and had evidence that Russians were responsible for planting it.On June 15, Guccifer 2.0 first appeared, took responsibility for the hack reported on June 14 and claimed to be a WikiLeaks source. It then posted the adulterated documents just described.On July 5, Guccifer again claimed he had remotely hacked DNC servers, and the operation was instantly described as another intrusion attributable to Russia. Virtually no media questioned this account.It does not require too much thought to read into this sequence. With his June 12 announcement, Assange effectively put the DNC on notice that it had a little time, probably not much, to act preemptively against the imminent publication of damaging documents. Did the DNC quickly conjure Guccifer from thin air to create a cyber-saboteur whose fingers point to Russia? There is no evidence of this one way or the other, but emphatically it is legitimate to pose the question in the context of the VIPS chronology. WikiLeaks began publishing on July 22. By that time, the case alleging Russian interference in the 2016 elections process was taking firm root. In short order Assange would be written down as a Russian agent. See Wikileaks founder Julian Assange s interview about the possibility of Seth Rich being the DNC leaker near bottom of the article. Behind the ICA lie other indefensible realities. The FBI has never examined the DNC s computer servers an omission that is beyond preposterous. It has instead relied on the reports produced by Crowdstrike, a firm that drips with conflicting interests well beyond the fact that it is in the DNC s employ. Dmitri Alperovitch, its co-founder and chief technology officer, is on the record as vigorously anti-Russian. He is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, which suffers the’same prejudice. Problems such as this are many. We continue to stand by our report, CrowdStrike said, upon seeing the VIPS blueprint of the investigation. CrowdStrike argues that by July 5 all malware had been removed from the DNC s computers. But the presence or absence of malware by that time is entirely immaterial, because the event of July 5 is proven to have been a leak and not a hack. Given that malware has nothing to do with leaks, CrowdStrike s logic appears to be circular.Click HERE for the entire THE NATION article. h/t Gateway Pundit Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has strongly hinted that the’source for the DNC emails he released was Seth Rich. In this interview with Julian Assange, he’seems to suggest on Dutch television program Nieuwsuur that Seth Rich was the’source for the Wikileaks-exposed DNC emails and was murdered:
How socialism and political correctness are destroying a nation We reported about the crime and chaos taking place in France, as Muslim migrants who have no intention of assimilating, have flooded their country. The border town of Calais is a disaster, with migrants camping in the jungle hoping to catch a ride across the border into the UK. France is also seeing a massive increase in rapes and sexual assault crimes by the grateful refugees. Every day 33 rapes are reported in France, that s one every 40 minutes! So far today, 20 have been arrested in French taxi driver, air traffic controller and teacher protests as riots are taking place in 2 major cities. Farmers blocked roads and burned tires, as they protested only yesterday against the prices of dairy and meat products in the province of Brittany. It would appear to the casual observer, that socialism and political correctness are not working out too well for France. What do you think? Taxi drivers in France are blockading roads with burning tires in protest at the low-cost Uber app, resulting in at least 20 arrests. Air traffic controllers are also staging a demonstration, leading to dozens of canceled flights.At least 20 arrests had already been made by 10 a.m. local time, following taxi driver protests around major cities including Paris and Marseille.Drivers blocked roads with burning tires, prompting the arrival of riot police and firefighters. Some drivers had set pre-dawn bonfires which authorities had to put out.Des pneus br lent sur le p riph rique #PorteMaillot Paul Louis (@paul_louis11) January 26, 2016Hundreds of taxis, joined by a few from Belgium and Spain, blocked a massive intersection leading into western Paris, causing huge disruption to the area.The taxi drivers are protesting over working conditions and competition from non-traditional services such as Uber.Uber drivers vandalize professionals who are paying taxes, who respect the rules, Rachid Boudjema, president of the taxi drivers union in Marseille, told AP.In response to the protests, Uber sent a message to its French customers which said that the goal of the demonstrations was to put pressure on the government to limit competition. Here is an example of a violent clash today in Paris:Meanwhile, a planned walkout from air traffic controllers prompted the French civil aviation authority, DGAC, to call on airlines to cancel one in five flights.EasyJet said it had cancelled 35 flights, although Air France said it would operate more than 80 percent of its short and medium-haul flights in France and Europe. It did, however, stress that last-minute delays or cancellations cannot be ruled out. Hundreds of thousands of civil servants and teachers also went on strike on Tuesday, protesting against a pay freeze and poor salaries. Teachers are scheduled to march in cities across the country on Tuesday afternoon.It s the newest challenge to Francois Hollande s Socialist government and its stop/start efforts to modernize the economy, in response to low economic growth and record-high unemployment. Earlier this month, Hollande announced what he called a state of economic and social emergency, involving a 2 billion (US$2.1 billion) plan to revive hiring and catch up with the world s economy.The protests come just one day after French farmers demonstrated against the prices of dairy and meat products in the province of Brittany, blocking roads and burning tires. The farmers demanded that prices be increased because the proceeds from their sale don’t cover the cost of production. Via: RTWatch shocking video of Calais residents attacked by migrants in front of their home:
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: How socialism and political correctness are destroying a nation We reported about the crime and chaos taking place in France, as Muslim migrants who have no intention of assimilating, have flooded their country. The border town of Calais is a disaster, with migrants camping in the jungle hoping to catch a ride across the border into the UK. France is also seeing a massive increase in rapes and sexual assault crimes by the grateful refugees. Every day 33 rapes are reported in France, that s one every 40 minutes! So far today, 20 have been arrested in French taxi driver, air traffic controller and teacher protests as riots are taking place in 2 major cities. Farmers blocked roads and burned tires, as they protested only yesterday against the prices of dairy and meat products in the province of Brittany. It would appear to the casual observer, that socialism and political correctness are not working out too well for France. What do you think? Taxi drivers in France are blockading roads with burning tires in protest at the low-cost Uber app, resulting in at least 20 arrests. Air traffic controllers are also staging a demonstration, leading to dozens of canceled flights.At least 20 arrests had already been made by 10 a.m. local time, following taxi driver protests around major cities including Paris and Marseille.Drivers blocked roads with burning tires, prompting the arrival of riot police and firefighters. Some drivers had set pre-dawn bonfires which authorities had to put out.Des pneus br lent sur le p riph rique #PorteMaillot Paul Louis (@paul_louis11) January 26, 2016Hundreds of taxis, joined by a few from Belgium and Spain, blocked a massive intersection leading into western Paris, causing huge disruption to the area.The taxi drivers are protesting over working conditions and competition from non-traditional services such as Uber.Uber drivers vandalize professionals who are paying taxes, who respect the rules, Rachid Boudjema, president of the taxi drivers union in Marseille, told AP.In response to the protests, Uber sent a message to its French customers which said that the goal of the demonstrations was to put pressure on the government to limit competition. Here is an example of a violent clash today in Paris:Meanwhile, a planned walkout from air traffic controllers prompted the French civil aviation authority, DGAC, to call on airlines to cancel one in five flights.EasyJet said it had cancelled 35 flights, although Air France said it would operate more than 80 percent of its short and medium-haul flights in France and Europe. It did, however, stress that last-minute delays or cancellations cannot be ruled out. Hundreds of thousands of civil servants and teachers also went on strike on Tuesday, protesting against a pay freeze and poor salaries. Teachers are scheduled to march in cities across the country on Tuesday afternoon.It s the newest challenge to Francois Hollande s Socialist government and its stop/start efforts to modernize the economy, in response to low economic growth and record-high unemployment. Earlier this month, Hollande announced what he called a state of economic and social emergency, involving a 2 billion (US$2.1 billion) plan to revive hiring and catch up with the world s economy.The protests come just one day after French farmers demonstrated against the prices of dairy and meat products in the province of Brittany, blocking roads and burning tires. The farmers demanded that prices be increased because the proceeds from their sale don’t cover the cost of production. Via: RTWatch shocking video of Calais residents attacked by migrants in front of their home:
21st Century Wire says This is a bit of an oddity as far as TED talks go Investigative journalist Trevor Aaronson actually delivers a TED presentation which calls out the FBI for being the party responsible for creating the majority of so-called domestic terror and Islamic terror busts in the US since 9/11.Just this week, the FBI are boasting of a high level domestic extremist terror bust of a militia group in Kansas, but when you’read the fine print of the case, it features several FBI confidential informants, no doubt helping to egg-on and steer their prey into a preconceived trap.21WIRE has been saying this for years, and it s refreshing to see what is normally a bland, mainstream talking shop like TED actually allow a speaker to present a real anti-establishment subject like this one.In truth, the FBI s shady record in this area stretched back well before 9/11, when FBI informants (under FBI supervision) helped to organize the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing. Despite this, idiotic mainstream media and politicians in the US still claim that the 1993 WTC event was linked to al Qaeda. NOTE: The following speaker Trevor Aaronson claims that both the Boston Bombing and the attempted Times Square car bombing. This statement is very likely to be incorrect. It has already been confirmed that the FBI s lead suspect in Boston, Tamerlan Tsarnaev was being active recruited by the FBI for at least two years prior to the event in question, as well as being associated with a CIA front org called the Jamestown Foundation. Similarly, the alleged Times Square bomber, Faisal Shahzad, appeared to have fled to Pakistan with a handler who has connections to the CIA and MI6. Otherwise, we welcome this topic raised by journalist Aaronson.Brasscheck TVGuess who is behind more terrorist incidents in the US than al-Qaeda, al-Shabaab and ISIS combined?The FBI and when given the change to set the record straight, they’don’t dispute it.As law enforcement scams go, this is one of the most reprehensible. The FBI finds mentally ill people, puts ideas into their heads, works up plans for them and then gives them the money to carry them out an then arrests them for terrorist plots.They then declare victory in the war on terror. Domestic anti-terrorism efforts cost $100 billion a year or $1 trillion per decade.And you, your kids and grand kids pay for all this in the form of a reduced standard of living to make sure this useless anti-American scum get nice big paychecks and bloated tax-payer guaranteed pensions for their years of service. Watch:. READ MORE DAILY SHOOTER NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Daily Shooter Files
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: 21st Century Wire says This is a bit of an oddity as far as TED talks go Investigative journalist Trevor Aaronson actually delivers a TED presentation which calls out the FBI for being the party responsible for creating the majority of so-called domestic terror and Islamic terror busts in the US since 9/11.Just this week, the FBI are boasting of a high level domestic extremist terror bust of a militia group in Kansas, but when you’read the fine print of the case, it features several FBI confidential informants, no doubt helping to egg-on and steer their prey into a preconceived trap.21WIRE has been saying this for years, and it s refreshing to see what is normally a bland, mainstream talking shop like TED actually allow a speaker to present a real anti-establishment subject like this one.In truth, the FBI s shady record in this area stretched back well before 9/11, when FBI informants (under FBI supervision) helped to organize the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing. Despite this, idiotic mainstream media and politicians in the US still claim that the 1993 WTC event was linked to al Qaeda. NOTE: The following speaker Trevor Aaronson claims that both the Boston Bombing and the attempted Times Square car bombing. This statement is very likely to be incorrect. It has already been confirmed that the FBI s lead suspect in Boston, Tamerlan Tsarnaev was being active recruited by the FBI for at least two years prior to the event in question, as well as being associated with a CIA front org called the Jamestown Foundation. Similarly, the alleged Times Square bomber, Faisal Shahzad, appeared to have fled to Pakistan with a handler who has connections to the CIA and MI6. Otherwise, we welcome this topic raised by journalist Aaronson.Brasscheck TVGuess who is behind more terrorist incidents in the US than al-Qaeda, al-Shabaab and ISIS combined?The FBI and when given the change to set the record straight, they’don’t dispute it.As law enforcement scams go, this is one of the most reprehensible. The FBI finds mentally ill people, puts ideas into their heads, works up plans for them and then gives them the money to carry them out an then arrests them for terrorist plots.They then declare victory in the war on terror. Domestic anti-terrorism efforts cost $100 billion a year or $1 trillion per decade.And you, your kids and grand kids pay for all this in the form of a reduced standard of living to make sure this useless anti-American scum get nice big paychecks and bloated tax-payer guaranteed pensions for their years of service. Watch:. READ MORE DAILY SHOOTER NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Daily Shooter Files
Pakistani police on Wednesday found 15 bullet-ridden bodies of kidnap victims near the border with Iran, a favored route for human traffickers taking workers illegally to Europe. The bodies were found abandoned in a mountainous region of Buleda, in Baluchistan province, 600 km (370 miles) south of the provincial capital of Quetta, district commissioner Bashir Ahmad Bangalzai told Reuters. He said documents and other belongings found on the bodies suggested that they were en route to Iran illegally. Human smuggling is big business in Pakistan and other poor South Asian countries. There have been instances of workers being killed in border areas, or sometimes dying during road or sea travel. It was not clear what prompted the killings, said Bangalzai. He said all 15 came from Pakistan s eastern province of Punjab. We re getting in contact with their families, he said. A police official said all 15 were reported to have been kidnapped on Tuesday. No one has claimed responsibility. Violence-plagued Baluchistan, which also borders Afghanistan, has long been home to separatist groups seeking a greater share of regional resources and Islamist militants linked to al Qaeda, the Taliban and Islamic State. The violence has raised concerns about security for projects in the $57 billion China Pakistan Economic Corridor, a planned transport and energy link from western China to Pakistan s southern deep-water port of Gwadar.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Pakistani police on Wednesday found 15 bullet-ridden bodies of kidnap victims near the border with Iran, a favored route for human traffickers taking workers illegally to Europe. The bodies were found abandoned in a mountainous region of Buleda, in Baluchistan province, 600 km (370 miles) south of the provincial capital of Quetta, district commissioner Bashir Ahmad Bangalzai told Reuters. He said documents and other belongings found on the bodies suggested that they were en route to Iran illegally. Human smuggling is big business in Pakistan and other poor South Asian countries. There have been instances of workers being killed in border areas, or sometimes dying during road or sea travel. It was not clear what prompted the killings, said Bangalzai. He said all 15 came from Pakistan s eastern province of Punjab. We re getting in contact with their families, he said. A police official said all 15 were reported to have been kidnapped on Tuesday. No one has claimed responsibility. Violence-plagued Baluchistan, which also borders Afghanistan, has long been home to separatist groups seeking a greater share of regional resources and Islamist militants linked to al Qaeda, the Taliban and Islamic State. The violence has raised concerns about security for projects in the $57 billion China Pakistan Economic Corridor, a planned transport and energy link from western China to Pakistan s southern deep-water port of Gwadar.
The United Arab Emirates urged Iran and Turkey on Tuesday to end what it called their colonial actions in Syria, signaling unease about diminishing Gulf Arab influence in the war. Allied to regional powerhouse Saudi Arabia, the UAE opposes Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his backer Iran, and is wary of Turkey, a friend of Islamist forces the UAE opposes throughout the Arab world. UAE Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan urged the exit of those parties trying to reduce the sovereignty of the Syrian state, and I speak here frankly and clearly about Iran and Turkey. He was speaking at a news conference with Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov, whose country helps Assad militarily. If Iran and Turkey continue the same historical, colonial and competitive behavior and perspectives between them in Arab affairs, we will continue in this situation not just in Syria today but tomorrow in some other country, Sheikh Abdullah said. The six-year-old war in Syria has dragged in regional and international players who have sought to advance their interests there: Iran has sent troops and military support to shore up Assad s rule as he has battled mostly Sunni Muslim rebels backed by Saudi Arabia and other Gulf Arab states. The Syrian army and its allies have regained lost territory with the help of Russian air strikes since 2015. At the same time, Islamic State is being pushed back from strongholds in Eastern Syria by the Syrian army and a rival offensive by Kurdish and Arab rebels backed by the United States. Fearing expanded Kurdish influence along its border with Syria, U.S. ally Turkey has grown increasingly uneasy about the rebels armed thrust. Turkey and Iran have discussed possible joint military action against Kurdish militant groups, President Tayyip Erdogan said on Monday. Lavrov and Sheikh Abdullah said they agreed on a need for a negotiated end to the war. Russia is helping shepherd talks in the Kazakh capital Astana which has already produced de-escalation zones to reduce combat in three parts of Syria. Lavrov said Russia hoped that efforts to unify the positions of Syria s disparate opposition would aid the peace process. There were some deep disagreements in the past which led to the failure of some meetings, but we will continue encouraging the participation of all the platforms, he said through a translator. (This story corrects day in first paragraph)
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The United Arab Emirates urged Iran and Turkey on Tuesday to end what it called their colonial actions in Syria, signaling unease about diminishing Gulf Arab influence in the war. Allied to regional powerhouse Saudi Arabia, the UAE opposes Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his backer Iran, and is wary of Turkey, a friend of Islamist forces the UAE opposes throughout the Arab world. UAE Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan urged the exit of those parties trying to reduce the sovereignty of the Syrian state, and I speak here frankly and clearly about Iran and Turkey. He was speaking at a news conference with Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov, whose country helps Assad militarily. If Iran and Turkey continue the same historical, colonial and competitive behavior and perspectives between them in Arab affairs, we will continue in this situation not just in Syria today but tomorrow in some other country, Sheikh Abdullah said. The six-year-old war in Syria has dragged in regional and international players who have sought to advance their interests there: Iran has sent troops and military support to shore up Assad s rule as he has battled mostly Sunni Muslim rebels backed by Saudi Arabia and other Gulf Arab states. The Syrian army and its allies have regained lost territory with the help of Russian air strikes since 2015. At the same time, Islamic State is being pushed back from strongholds in Eastern Syria by the Syrian army and a rival offensive by Kurdish and Arab rebels backed by the United States. Fearing expanded Kurdish influence along its border with Syria, U.S. ally Turkey has grown increasingly uneasy about the rebels armed thrust. Turkey and Iran have discussed possible joint military action against Kurdish militant groups, President Tayyip Erdogan said on Monday. Lavrov and Sheikh Abdullah said they agreed on a need for a negotiated end to the war. Russia is helping shepherd talks in the Kazakh capital Astana which has already produced de-escalation zones to reduce combat in three parts of Syria. Lavrov said Russia hoped that efforts to unify the positions of Syria s disparate opposition would aid the peace process. There were some deep disagreements in the past which led to the failure of some meetings, but we will continue encouraging the participation of all the platforms, he said through a translator. (This story corrects day in first paragraph)
While the mainstream media and the Hillary-haters go on about her health and her campaign s refusal to disclose her pneumonia, two editors for major newspapers are thinking that Trump’s taxes are still a really big deal. A huge deal. So gigantic a deal that they’d be willing to go to jail if it meant making them public.Dean Baquet, executive editor for The New York Times, and Bob Woodward, associate editor for the Washington Post, recently attended a forum where they spoke with Laura Poitras, the award-winning filmmaker behind Edward Snowden s story. Poitras asked them both if they would publish Trump’s taxes should they get hold of them. Both editors said yes, and they would argue with the lawyers who would warn against that course of action to do it. Baquet, explaining his reasoning, said Trump’s whole campaign is built on his success as a businessman, and his wealth and the tax returns could shed light on that. Some things you have to do, Woodward said in agreeing with Baquet. Trump doesn’t have anything to hide, obviously, which is why his own running mate has released 10 years worth of taxes, but Trump himself hasn’t released a single page. He keeps hiding behind an audit, even when told repeatedly that Richard Nixon released his taxes while being audited and the IRS itself saying that excuse is full of bull cookies.The thing is, Trump and his businesses do so much with money that he could be under audit forever, meaning we ll never get to see the’sheer perfection and wonder that are that man s tax returns. In truth, there s a growing possibility that those amazing returns aren’t so amazing, and will make Trump look worse than he already does.Trump could take a page from Mitt Romney, who paid a hefty price for waiting to release his returns, but he thinks Mitt s choice to finally release them is what cost him the election. Maybe he’s afraid the’same thing will happen to him.Trump’s charitable donations, such as they are, have been under scrutiny, his business practices have come into question, and there are some who are even questioning his overall wealth. If his taxes reveal a whole lot of underhandedness and flat-out lies (which they likely do), nobody with working brain cells will trust him.Trump has also said he works very hard to pay as little tax as possible, which doesn’t sit well with many Americans. Maybe his tax returns show how he gets out of paying taxes in a way we little people, who he promises to stand for, can’t.There s all sorts of speculation about why he won’t release his returns. But he’should watch out there are two editors for two major newspapers who would risk going to jail if it meant making that information public.Featured image by Brian Blanco/Getty Images
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: While the mainstream media and the Hillary-haters go on about her health and her campaign s refusal to disclose her pneumonia, two editors for major newspapers are thinking that Trump’s taxes are still a really big deal. A huge deal. So gigantic a deal that they’d be willing to go to jail if it meant making them public.Dean Baquet, executive editor for The New York Times, and Bob Woodward, associate editor for the Washington Post, recently attended a forum where they spoke with Laura Poitras, the award-winning filmmaker behind Edward Snowden s story. Poitras asked them both if they would publish Trump’s taxes should they get hold of them. Both editors said yes, and they would argue with the lawyers who would warn against that course of action to do it. Baquet, explaining his reasoning, said Trump’s whole campaign is built on his success as a businessman, and his wealth and the tax returns could shed light on that. Some things you have to do, Woodward said in agreeing with Baquet. Trump doesn’t have anything to hide, obviously, which is why his own running mate has released 10 years worth of taxes, but Trump himself hasn’t released a single page. He keeps hiding behind an audit, even when told repeatedly that Richard Nixon released his taxes while being audited and the IRS itself saying that excuse is full of bull cookies.The thing is, Trump and his businesses do so much with money that he could be under audit forever, meaning we ll never get to see the’sheer perfection and wonder that are that man s tax returns. In truth, there s a growing possibility that those amazing returns aren’t so amazing, and will make Trump look worse than he already does.Trump could take a page from Mitt Romney, who paid a hefty price for waiting to release his returns, but he thinks Mitt s choice to finally release them is what cost him the election. Maybe he’s afraid the’same thing will happen to him.Trump’s charitable donations, such as they are, have been under scrutiny, his business practices have come into question, and there are some who are even questioning his overall wealth. If his taxes reveal a whole lot of underhandedness and flat-out lies (which they likely do), nobody with working brain cells will trust him.Trump has also said he works very hard to pay as little tax as possible, which doesn’t sit well with many Americans. Maybe his tax returns show how he gets out of paying taxes in a way we little people, who he promises to stand for, can’t.There s all sorts of speculation about why he won’t release his returns. But he’should watch out there are two editors for two major newspapers who would risk going to jail if it meant making that information public.Featured image by Brian Blanco/Getty Images
Accusations that Russian intelligence services were seeking to hack U.S. voting equipment as part of a broader effort to interfere in the U.S. presidential election are false and unfounded, the Kremlin said on Tuesday. “This assertion has absolutely nothing to do with reality,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told a conference call with reporters. “We have heard no arguments proving the veracity of this information ... Therefore we strongly deny the very possibility that this could have happened.” The U.S. Department of Justice on Monday charged a federal contractor with sending classified material to a news organization that sources identified to Reuters as The Intercept. [nL1N1J220T] The Intercept’s reporting revealed new details behind the conclusion of U.S. intelligence agencies that Russian intelligence services were seeking to infiltrate state voter registration systems, discredit Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and help then Republican candidate Donald Trump win the election.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Accusations that Russian intelligence services were seeking to hack U.S. voting equipment as part of a broader effort to interfere in the U.S. presidential election are false and unfounded, the Kremlin said on Tuesday. “This assertion has absolutely nothing to do with reality,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told a conference call with reporters. “We have heard no arguments proving the veracity of this information ... Therefore we strongly deny the very possibility that this could have happened.” The U.S. Department of Justice on Monday charged a federal contractor with sending classified material to a news organization that sources identified to Reuters as The Intercept. [nL1N1J220T] The Intercept’s reporting revealed new details behind the conclusion of U.S. intelligence agencies that Russian intelligence services were seeking to infiltrate state voter registration systems, discredit Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and help then Republican candidate Donald Trump win the election.
I come too faaaar DOES THIS PANDER COME WITH A FAKE BLACK ACCENT? Over the weekend, Clinton s black outreach director, LaDavia Drane, attended the Movement for Black Lives convention in Cleveland. That visit marked the campaign s first outreach to the movement, which has seen even wider press coverage in the past week after activists disrupted a presidential forum at Netroots Nation.Do we’really want another president who listens to people like Al Sharpton?That protest has been fresh in the minds of presidential campaigns and many of the at least 1,300 attendees according to organizers at the weekend s convention.A Clinton campaign official on Saturday confirmed to BuzzFeed News that Drane had one-on-one meetings and group listening sessions to engage stakeholders including ministers, community organizers, elected officials, and other individuals in Cleveland for the Movement for Black Lives. An Ohio native, Drane engaged people inside the movement and listened to a range of suggestions related to Clinton s outreach, as well as policy recommendations, the official said. We will continue to engage a wide array of stakeholders, including members of the black lives matter movement, when crafting policy on important issues like reforming our criminal justice system, the official said. READ MORE: BUZZFEED
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: I come too faaaar DOES THIS PANDER COME WITH A FAKE BLACK ACCENT? Over the weekend, Clinton s black outreach director, LaDavia Drane, attended the Movement for Black Lives convention in Cleveland. That visit marked the campaign s first outreach to the movement, which has seen even wider press coverage in the past week after activists disrupted a presidential forum at Netroots Nation.Do we’really want another president who listens to people like Al Sharpton?That protest has been fresh in the minds of presidential campaigns and many of the at least 1,300 attendees according to organizers at the weekend s convention.A Clinton campaign official on Saturday confirmed to BuzzFeed News that Drane had one-on-one meetings and group listening sessions to engage stakeholders including ministers, community organizers, elected officials, and other individuals in Cleveland for the Movement for Black Lives. An Ohio native, Drane engaged people inside the movement and listened to a range of suggestions related to Clinton s outreach, as well as policy recommendations, the official said. We will continue to engage a wide array of stakeholders, including members of the black lives matter movement, when crafting policy on important issues like reforming our criminal justice system, the official said. READ MORE: BUZZFEED
A landslide killed at least four people and left 18 missing in southwest Colombia, authorities said on Wednesday, as the country grappled once again with the deadly pairing of heavy rains and poor infrastructure. Landslides are common in rural, mountainous areas of Colombia, especially during wetter parts of the year. In April more than 300 people died in a landslide in Mocoa, Putumayo. Warnings of flash flooding on Tuesday night near the town of Corinto, which sits at the foot of one of the country s Andean ranges in Cauca province, came too late, some residents told local media. Videos on social media showed water rushing down darkened streets as rain-swollen rivers overflowed and sent mud and rocks down onto buildings. President Juan Manuel Santos visited Corinto on Wednesday to promise aid to its 30,000 residents, as rescue workers continued to search for the missing. The government said more than 3,000 people were evacuated from a nearby area before the landslide struck Tuesday evening. The government will pay rent for those left homeless and help with funeral expenses, Santos said. The local school, which partially collapsed, may have to be relocated, he said.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: A landslide killed at least four people and left 18 missing in southwest Colombia, authorities said on Wednesday, as the country grappled once again with the deadly pairing of heavy rains and poor infrastructure. Landslides are common in rural, mountainous areas of Colombia, especially during wetter parts of the year. In April more than 300 people died in a landslide in Mocoa, Putumayo. Warnings of flash flooding on Tuesday night near the town of Corinto, which sits at the foot of one of the country s Andean ranges in Cauca province, came too late, some residents told local media. Videos on social media showed water rushing down darkened streets as rain-swollen rivers overflowed and sent mud and rocks down onto buildings. President Juan Manuel Santos visited Corinto on Wednesday to promise aid to its 30,000 residents, as rescue workers continued to search for the missing. The government said more than 3,000 people were evacuated from a nearby area before the landslide struck Tuesday evening. The government will pay rent for those left homeless and help with funeral expenses, Santos said. The local school, which partially collapsed, may have to be relocated, he said.
Fashion designer Donna Karan is standing by Harvey Weinstein and has suggested his alleged victims may have been asking for it by the way the women act and dress.During a red carpet interview at the Cin Fashion Film Awards on Sunday, the DKNY creator was asked to weigh in on the’scandal hours after the disgraced film mogul was fired from his company.Unlike many Hollywood stars and celebs, Karan did not condemn the 65-year-old, who has been accused of sexually harassing multiple women over the’span of decades, and instead pointed the finger at his accusers.She told a reporter: I think we have to look at ourselves. Obviously, the treatment of women all over the world is something that has always had to be identified. Certainly in the country of Haiti where I work, in Africa, in the developing world, it s been a hard time for women. To see it here in our own country is very difficult, but I also think how do we display ourselves? How do we present ourselves as women? What are we asking? Are we asking for it by presenting all the’sensuality and all the’sexuality? And what are we throwing out to our children today about how to dance and how to perform and what to wear? How much should they show? Karan s comments are striking as a legend in the fashion world and having designed women s clothing for decades. Her comments come as many of Weinstein s former friends, including Judi Dench and Meryl Streep, have denounced the producer based on the bombshell allegations.She added that she knows Weinstein s wife Georgina Chapman and described the couple as wonderful people. When asked whether Hollywood has been busted , she replied with a smile: I don’t think it s only Harvey Weinstein.After Karan s report circulated online, Rose McGowan one of Weinstein s alleged victims, and a vocal opponent of the producer online called her deplorable. In a tweet on Sunday, McGowan posted a screenshot of this article with the message Donna Karan you are a DEPLORABLE. Aiding and abetting is a moral crime. You are scum in a fancy dress. McGowan also tweeted this image of herself in her 20 s when Weinstein allegedly sexually assaulted her.Last year, she tweeted under the hashtag #WhyWomenDontReport with the message Because my ex sold our movie to my rapist for distribution .According to The New York Times report that initiated Weinstein s downfall this week, McGowan sued the producer in the 1990s but settled out of court for $100,000. Daily Mail
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Fashion designer Donna Karan is standing by Harvey Weinstein and has suggested his alleged victims may have been asking for it by the way the women act and dress.During a red carpet interview at the Cin Fashion Film Awards on Sunday, the DKNY creator was asked to weigh in on the’scandal hours after the disgraced film mogul was fired from his company.Unlike many Hollywood stars and celebs, Karan did not condemn the 65-year-old, who has been accused of sexually harassing multiple women over the’span of decades, and instead pointed the finger at his accusers.She told a reporter: I think we have to look at ourselves. Obviously, the treatment of women all over the world is something that has always had to be identified. Certainly in the country of Haiti where I work, in Africa, in the developing world, it s been a hard time for women. To see it here in our own country is very difficult, but I also think how do we display ourselves? How do we present ourselves as women? What are we asking? Are we asking for it by presenting all the’sensuality and all the’sexuality? And what are we throwing out to our children today about how to dance and how to perform and what to wear? How much should they show? Karan s comments are striking as a legend in the fashion world and having designed women s clothing for decades. Her comments come as many of Weinstein s former friends, including Judi Dench and Meryl Streep, have denounced the producer based on the bombshell allegations.She added that she knows Weinstein s wife Georgina Chapman and described the couple as wonderful people. When asked whether Hollywood has been busted , she replied with a smile: I don’t think it s only Harvey Weinstein.After Karan s report circulated online, Rose McGowan one of Weinstein s alleged victims, and a vocal opponent of the producer online called her deplorable. In a tweet on Sunday, McGowan posted a screenshot of this article with the message Donna Karan you are a DEPLORABLE. Aiding and abetting is a moral crime. You are scum in a fancy dress. McGowan also tweeted this image of herself in her 20 s when Weinstein allegedly sexually assaulted her.Last year, she tweeted under the hashtag #WhyWomenDontReport with the message Because my ex sold our movie to my rapist for distribution .According to The New York Times report that initiated Weinstein s downfall this week, McGowan sued the producer in the 1990s but settled out of court for $100,000. Daily Mail
Protesters decrying President Donald Trump’s two-week-old administration prevented an ambulance carrying a critically ill patient from getting to Yale-New Haven hospital during a protest Saturday in New Haven, Connecticut.Roughly 200 demonstrators marched to Route 34 around 5 p.m. carrying a banner emblazoned with the words No Ban No Wall New Haven, they blocked traffic on the highway the ambulance was taking.The protesters obstructed an ambulance carrying a critically ill patient, the’state police report read, according to the New Haven Independent. Due to this delay, ambulance personnel were required to perform an emergency medical procedure in the ambulance instead of at the hospital. One protester in particular who stood in the ambulance s path refused to move when asked by police to do so. The officers tried to guide him out of the way. He pushed an officer trying to get back, Shift Commander Lt. Sam Brown told the Independent, noting that the man was brought to the ground and arrested.Watch:The patient s resulting condition has not been publicly disclosed.Police at the’scene arrested at least three protesters, including Norman Clement, one of the organizers. Clement incurred several charges, including inciting a riot and disorderly conduct. Lifezette
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Protesters decrying President Donald Trump’s two-week-old administration prevented an ambulance carrying a critically ill patient from getting to Yale-New Haven hospital during a protest Saturday in New Haven, Connecticut.Roughly 200 demonstrators marched to Route 34 around 5 p.m. carrying a banner emblazoned with the words No Ban No Wall New Haven, they blocked traffic on the highway the ambulance was taking.The protesters obstructed an ambulance carrying a critically ill patient, the’state police report read, according to the New Haven Independent. Due to this delay, ambulance personnel were required to perform an emergency medical procedure in the ambulance instead of at the hospital. One protester in particular who stood in the ambulance s path refused to move when asked by police to do so. The officers tried to guide him out of the way. He pushed an officer trying to get back, Shift Commander Lt. Sam Brown told the Independent, noting that the man was brought to the ground and arrested.Watch:The patient s resulting condition has not been publicly disclosed.Police at the’scene arrested at least three protesters, including Norman Clement, one of the organizers. Clement incurred several charges, including inciting a riot and disorderly conduct. Lifezette
U.S. Senator Al Franken, trying to salvage his political career amid accusations of groping or inappropriately touching women, said on Sunday he does not plan to resign but called himself “embarrassed and ashamed.” Franken, a Democrat and former comedian who has represented Minnesota in the Senate since 2009, said in a round of media interviews - his first since the allegations surfaced on Nov. 16 - that he looked forward to returning to his job on Monday. “I’m embarrassed and ashamed. I’ve let a lot of people down and I’m hoping I can make it up to them and gradually regain their trust,” Franken told the Minneapolis Star Tribune. Franken resisted comparisons between his behavior and that of Roy Moore, the Republican nominee for a U.S. Senate seat from Alabama who has been accused of improper conduct involving teenage girls decades ago. “I’m going to take responsibility. I’m going to be held accountable through the ethics committee,” said Franken, whose behavior is being investigated by the Senate ethics panel. “And I’m going to hopefully be a voice in this that is helpful... Again, I respect women. What kills me about this is it gives people a reason to believe I don’t respect women.” Franken told Minneapolis television station WCCO in another interview that his predicament was “a bitter irony” because he has championed women’s’ issues and has employed them in both his campaign and Senate offices. “I’ve put them (women) in the highest jobs in my office,” he said. In a separate interview with Minnesota Public Radio, Franken, one of the leading liberal voices in the Senate, said has no plans to quit. When asked if he had considered resigning, Franken said: “No, no. The ethics committee is looking into this and I will cooperate fully with it.” Pressed about stepping aside and allowing a woman to take his seat, Franken told Minnesota Public Radio, “I’m committed to working as hard as I can here in the Senate for the people of Minnesota.” Franken’s office had previously issued statements in which he either apologized or said he could not remember behaving in the manner the women have described. He has not denied any of the allegations. Franken was first accused of sexual misconduct by radio broadcaster Leann Tweeden. She said Franken had forcibly kissed her during a 2006 USO war zone tour, and a photo showed him with his hands over her chest while she was sleeping. Four days later, a woman named Lindsay Menz told CNN that Franken had touched her buttocks while the two were being photographed in 2010 at the Minnesota State Fair. Franken has apologized to Tweeden, and has said he does not remember the incident with Menz. Last week, two other women told the Huffington Post Franken had touched their buttocks in separate incidents. The article did not provide the names of those two accusers. “I don’t remember these photographs, I don’t,” Franken told the Star Tribune. “This is not something I would intentionally do.” “I have been reflecting on this,” Franken told Minnesota Public Radio of the allegations. “I want to be a better man.” Franken is among a long list of celebrities and politicians who have been accused of sexual misconduct. The recent wave of accusations, some of them dating back decades, began in October.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: U.S. Senator Al Franken, trying to salvage his political career amid accusations of groping or inappropriately touching women, said on Sunday he does not plan to resign but called himself “embarrassed and ashamed.” Franken, a Democrat and former comedian who has represented Minnesota in the Senate since 2009, said in a round of media interviews - his first since the allegations surfaced on Nov. 16 - that he looked forward to returning to his job on Monday. “I’m embarrassed and ashamed. I’ve let a lot of people down and I’m hoping I can make it up to them and gradually regain their trust,” Franken told the Minneapolis Star Tribune. Franken resisted comparisons between his behavior and that of Roy Moore, the Republican nominee for a U.S. Senate seat from Alabama who has been accused of improper conduct involving teenage girls decades ago. “I’m going to take responsibility. I’m going to be held accountable through the ethics committee,” said Franken, whose behavior is being investigated by the Senate ethics panel. “And I’m going to hopefully be a voice in this that is helpful... Again, I respect women. What kills me about this is it gives people a reason to believe I don’t respect women.” Franken told Minneapolis television station WCCO in another interview that his predicament was “a bitter irony” because he has championed women’s’ issues and has employed them in both his campaign and Senate offices. “I’ve put them (women) in the highest jobs in my office,” he said. In a separate interview with Minnesota Public Radio, Franken, one of the leading liberal voices in the Senate, said has no plans to quit. When asked if he had considered resigning, Franken said: “No, no. The ethics committee is looking into this and I will cooperate fully with it.” Pressed about stepping aside and allowing a woman to take his seat, Franken told Minnesota Public Radio, “I’m committed to working as hard as I can here in the Senate for the people of Minnesota.” Franken’s office had previously issued statements in which he either apologized or said he could not remember behaving in the manner the women have described. He has not denied any of the allegations. Franken was first accused of sexual misconduct by radio broadcaster Leann Tweeden. She said Franken had forcibly kissed her during a 2006 USO war zone tour, and a photo showed him with his hands over her chest while she was sleeping. Four days later, a woman named Lindsay Menz told CNN that Franken had touched her buttocks while the two were being photographed in 2010 at the Minnesota State Fair. Franken has apologized to Tweeden, and has said he does not remember the incident with Menz. Last week, two other women told the Huffington Post Franken had touched their buttocks in separate incidents. The article did not provide the names of those two accusers. “I don’t remember these photographs, I don’t,” Franken told the Star Tribune. “This is not something I would intentionally do.” “I have been reflecting on this,” Franken told Minnesota Public Radio of the allegations. “I want to be a better man.” Franken is among a long list of celebrities and politicians who have been accused of sexual misconduct. The recent wave of accusations, some of them dating back decades, began in October.
President Donald Trump on Friday welcomed back to the United States Aya Hijazi, an Egyptian-American charity worker whose release from jail in Egypt was sought by Trump when he met Egypt’s president early this month. Trump and his aides had engaged in behind-the-scenes diplomatic efforts to gain her freedom after attempts by the previous Obama administration failed. She was released from jail on Tuesday after nearly three years of detention on human trafficking charges. Aides said Trump had personally requested her release in a meeting April 3 with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi but had done so privately and made no public mention of her case. Hijazi, 30, sat next to Trump in the Oval Office for a meeting that also included Trump’s daughter, Ivanka Trump, her husband, Jared Kushner, and Dina Powell, the top White House aide who accompanied her home on a U.S. military jet on Thursday. Ivanka Trump and Kushner are top advisers to the president. “We are very happy to have Aya back home and it’s a great honor to have her in the Oval Office, with her brother,” Trump said, declining to answer questions about her case. Hijazi was accompanied by her brother, Basel. Hijazi, an Egyptian who holds U.S. citizenship, was acquitted by a Cairo court on Sunday along with seven others who had worked with street children. Hijazi, 30, was flown to Joint Base Andrews, the U.S. military airfield near Washington. She founded Belady, a non-governmental organization that promotes a better life for street children. She had been in custody for 33 months in violation of Egyptian law, which states that the maximum period for pretrial detention is 24 months. U.S. officials had raised Hijazi’s case with Egypt soon after Trump took office on Jan. 20, aides said. Pressed on how Trump managed to gain her release when President Barack Obama had not, White House spokesman Sean Spicer said he would leave it to others “to look at the different strategies to see why the president was successful” and Obama was not. Critics had accused the Obama administration of indifference to her case. Since toppling President Mohamed Mursi of the Muslim Brotherhood in mid-2013, Sisi’s government has cracked down on the opposition, killing hundreds of Brotherhood supporters and jailing thousands. The net has widened to include liberal and secular activists. Two Republican U.S. senators, John McCain of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, called on the Egyptian government to take more steps to improve human rights. “We urge the Government of Egypt to build on this important first step by releasing all those who have been wrongly imprisoned, upholding its international human rights obligations, and respecting the Egyptian people’s right to freedom of expression and rule of law,” they said in a statement.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: President Donald Trump on Friday welcomed back to the United States Aya Hijazi, an Egyptian-American charity worker whose release from jail in Egypt was sought by Trump when he met Egypt’s president early this month. Trump and his aides had engaged in behind-the-scenes diplomatic efforts to gain her freedom after attempts by the previous Obama administration failed. She was released from jail on Tuesday after nearly three years of detention on human trafficking charges. Aides said Trump had personally requested her release in a meeting April 3 with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi but had done so privately and made no public mention of her case. Hijazi, 30, sat next to Trump in the Oval Office for a meeting that also included Trump’s daughter, Ivanka Trump, her husband, Jared Kushner, and Dina Powell, the top White House aide who accompanied her home on a U.S. military jet on Thursday. Ivanka Trump and Kushner are top advisers to the president. “We are very happy to have Aya back home and it’s a great honor to have her in the Oval Office, with her brother,” Trump said, declining to answer questions about her case. Hijazi was accompanied by her brother, Basel. Hijazi, an Egyptian who holds U.S. citizenship, was acquitted by a Cairo court on Sunday along with seven others who had worked with street children. Hijazi, 30, was flown to Joint Base Andrews, the U.S. military airfield near Washington. She founded Belady, a non-governmental organization that promotes a better life for street children. She had been in custody for 33 months in violation of Egyptian law, which states that the maximum period for pretrial detention is 24 months. U.S. officials had raised Hijazi’s case with Egypt soon after Trump took office on Jan. 20, aides said. Pressed on how Trump managed to gain her release when President Barack Obama had not, White House spokesman Sean Spicer said he would leave it to others “to look at the different strategies to see why the president was successful” and Obama was not. Critics had accused the Obama administration of indifference to her case. Since toppling President Mohamed Mursi of the Muslim Brotherhood in mid-2013, Sisi’s government has cracked down on the opposition, killing hundreds of Brotherhood supporters and jailing thousands. The net has widened to include liberal and secular activists. Two Republican U.S. senators, John McCain of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, called on the Egyptian government to take more steps to improve human rights. “We urge the Government of Egypt to build on this important first step by releasing all those who have been wrongly imprisoned, upholding its international human rights obligations, and respecting the Egyptian people’s right to freedom of expression and rule of law,” they said in a statement.
If seven years ago, someone told Americans that the UN would be allowed to place a Regional Hub in our nations Capitol, they would have been dismissed as a tin foil conspiracy theorist. But then, who would’ve imagined that it was possible we d have an anti-American community organizer as the President of our United States of America?EXCLUSIVE: The chief United Nations human rights agency, with the Obama administration s apparent blessing, is creating a new regional hub for itself in Washington, to use as a center for organizing against the death penalty, among other things, and for affecting the legal frameworks, policies, and strategies of American counterterrorism.In a management plan covering its activities through 2017, the agency, known as the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, or OHCHR, puts the U.S. in the’same category for that counterterrorism alignment effort as countries like Iraq and Uganda.The fast-tracked human rights hub also has a number of more nebulous thematic objectives for the U.S., which include, according to an OHCHR information document, the establishment of national participatory bodies for reporting and implementing recommendations of human rights mechanisms and the aim of widening the democratic space with the aid of undefined National Human Rights Institutions. It may also involve, as OHCHR notes in its management plan, increasing advocacy for ratification of human rights treaties and withdrawal of treaty reservations meaning exceptional carve-outs that nations including those like the U.S., with a federal division of power can make to limit their acceptance of international agreements.In the case of the death penalty, for example, U.S. refusal to join in a U.N- sponsored global moratorium is based on the fact that such criminal justice measures also are the responsibilities of individual states.Nonetheless, as OHCHR s management plan notes, in addition to global efforts to abolish the death penalty by 2017, OHCHR expects to have contributed to a moratorium on the application of the death penalty or pending a moratorium, increased compliance with relevant international human rights obligations in countries such as Iraq, Kenya, Liberia, Libya, Palestine, Papua New Guinea, Somalia, South Sudan, the United States of America and other countries in Asia and the Americas. The OHCHR puts the U.S. in the’same category for its counterterrorism alignment effort as countries like Iraq and Uganda.All of those themes, along with OHCHR s view of itself as the principal advocate for human rights within the U.N. system, seem likely to bring the U.S. into closer proximity to the U.N. s tangled, proliferating and often sweepingly contradictory notions of international human rights law and also, perhaps, to the notoriously dictatorship-riddled, 47-member U.N. Human Rights Council.Among other things, the Council, which has been far more enthusiastic about condemning alleged human rights transgressions in Israel than in any other nation, creates mandates for OHCHR, which also serves as the Council s bureaucratic support.The Obama administration reversed the policies of George W. Bush to join the Council in 2009, and served consecutive three-year terms that ended last month, claiming victories during that time in focusing the Council on gay rights and criticism of human rights practices in North Korea and Iran.While no longer on the Council, the administration now seems comfortable with bringing the U.N. s human rights approach into closer contact with U.S. legislators, lobbyists, human rights activists and, perhaps most importantly, financial appropriators, before it leaves office at the end of next year.Indeed, the OHCHR hub which will cover not just the U.S. but North America and the English-speaking Caribbean already has a warm advance welcome from the administration that also seems aimed at letting the new U.N. outpost arrive smoothly under Washington s political radar.Last month U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. in Geneva, Pamela Hamamoto, wrote to tell the aggressively expanding human rights body that it didn’t need any additional legal agreement to establish the Washington hub, complete with full legal privileges and immunities, since it already is covered by legal agreements for the U.N. headquarters in New York, where OHCHR maintains a strong presence.If OHCHR felt otherwise, Hamamoto said on behalf of the administration, we would be happy to discuss alternative ways in which we might accommodate OHCHR s specific requests. On the’surface, the hub is part of a sweeping Change Initiative being promoted by the U.N. High Commissioner, Zeid Ra ad Al Hussein, which aims at decentralizing the Geneva-based organization, extending its outreach and human rights monitoring capability, and ostensibly improving its efficiency through, among other things, concentration on eight global hubs as focuses of activity.As it happens, the initiative is not that much of a change: six of the hubs already exist, including one in Panama City for Latin America. The only new ones are intended for Washington and Istanbul.According to Zeid, the initiative would mostly involve the reshuffling of existing personnel shipping them away from Geneva headquarters, where more than half of the agency s roughly 1,100 staff is located. Zeid says that exercise, including the establishment of the new Washington venue, would be revenue neutral. That assumption, however, was received skeptically by the U.N. s chief financial oversight committee, which called the calculation preliminary, and recommended against approving the restructuring until Zeid came back with a clear and detailed proposal with a lot more detail.Recommendations of the committee are usually adopted uncritically by the U.N. General Assembly s Fifth Committee, which approves financial measures.But Zeid has been lobbying the Fifth Committee energetically to break that tradition in his case in part because, as OHCHR s fact sheet observes, the 2016-2017 budget that the advisory committee was assessing will cover the majority of the remainder of the High Commissioner s [four-year] term of appointment. (Zeid was appointed in 2014.)The issue came up in so-called informal meaning closed discussions of the Fifth Committee earlier this week. Questions from Fox News to Zeid s spokesman about the discussions went unanswered.Questions to the State Department from Fox News about the issue were referred to the U.S. Mission to the U.N., headed by Ambassador Samantha Power.Questions from Fox News to the Mission about the discussion, and the overall U.S. government view of the hub, were not answered.Beyond the fact that his career clock is ticking, another reason for Zeid s gung-ho approach to the hub could be the possibility that no future U.S. President will be as enthusiastically multilateral as Barack Obama, giving a now-or-never urgency to the chance to bring the U.S. further under the U.N. human rights umbrella.And yet another reason might be that the reorganization could coincidentally help to bring down the curtain on a sensitive political problem for Zeid.As part of the Change Initiative, he has announced that one of OHCHR s important units, the Field Operations and Technical Cooperation Division, which deals with human rights issues at the country level and also incorporates human rights observation of U.N. peacekeeping operations, will be disbanded in Geneva and pieced off to the hubs.That division is headed by Anders Kompass, the’senior human rights officer who kicked up a firestorm when he passed on an unredacted human rights report about alleged sexual abuse of children by non-U.N. peacekeepers in the Central African Republic to French authorities.For entire story: FOX News
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: If seven years ago, someone told Americans that the UN would be allowed to place a Regional Hub in our nations Capitol, they would have been dismissed as a tin foil conspiracy theorist. But then, who would’ve imagined that it was possible we d have an anti-American community organizer as the President of our United States of America?EXCLUSIVE: The chief United Nations human rights agency, with the Obama administration s apparent blessing, is creating a new regional hub for itself in Washington, to use as a center for organizing against the death penalty, among other things, and for affecting the legal frameworks, policies, and strategies of American counterterrorism.In a management plan covering its activities through 2017, the agency, known as the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, or OHCHR, puts the U.S. in the’same category for that counterterrorism alignment effort as countries like Iraq and Uganda.The fast-tracked human rights hub also has a number of more nebulous thematic objectives for the U.S., which include, according to an OHCHR information document, the establishment of national participatory bodies for reporting and implementing recommendations of human rights mechanisms and the aim of widening the democratic space with the aid of undefined National Human Rights Institutions. It may also involve, as OHCHR notes in its management plan, increasing advocacy for ratification of human rights treaties and withdrawal of treaty reservations meaning exceptional carve-outs that nations including those like the U.S., with a federal division of power can make to limit their acceptance of international agreements.In the case of the death penalty, for example, U.S. refusal to join in a U.N- sponsored global moratorium is based on the fact that such criminal justice measures also are the responsibilities of individual states.Nonetheless, as OHCHR s management plan notes, in addition to global efforts to abolish the death penalty by 2017, OHCHR expects to have contributed to a moratorium on the application of the death penalty or pending a moratorium, increased compliance with relevant international human rights obligations in countries such as Iraq, Kenya, Liberia, Libya, Palestine, Papua New Guinea, Somalia, South Sudan, the United States of America and other countries in Asia and the Americas. The OHCHR puts the U.S. in the’same category for its counterterrorism alignment effort as countries like Iraq and Uganda.All of those themes, along with OHCHR s view of itself as the principal advocate for human rights within the U.N. system, seem likely to bring the U.S. into closer proximity to the U.N. s tangled, proliferating and often sweepingly contradictory notions of international human rights law and also, perhaps, to the notoriously dictatorship-riddled, 47-member U.N. Human Rights Council.Among other things, the Council, which has been far more enthusiastic about condemning alleged human rights transgressions in Israel than in any other nation, creates mandates for OHCHR, which also serves as the Council s bureaucratic support.The Obama administration reversed the policies of George W. Bush to join the Council in 2009, and served consecutive three-year terms that ended last month, claiming victories during that time in focusing the Council on gay rights and criticism of human rights practices in North Korea and Iran.While no longer on the Council, the administration now seems comfortable with bringing the U.N. s human rights approach into closer contact with U.S. legislators, lobbyists, human rights activists and, perhaps most importantly, financial appropriators, before it leaves office at the end of next year.Indeed, the OHCHR hub which will cover not just the U.S. but North America and the English-speaking Caribbean already has a warm advance welcome from the administration that also seems aimed at letting the new U.N. outpost arrive smoothly under Washington s political radar.Last month U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. in Geneva, Pamela Hamamoto, wrote to tell the aggressively expanding human rights body that it didn’t need any additional legal agreement to establish the Washington hub, complete with full legal privileges and immunities, since it already is covered by legal agreements for the U.N. headquarters in New York, where OHCHR maintains a strong presence.If OHCHR felt otherwise, Hamamoto said on behalf of the administration, we would be happy to discuss alternative ways in which we might accommodate OHCHR s specific requests. On the’surface, the hub is part of a sweeping Change Initiative being promoted by the U.N. High Commissioner, Zeid Ra ad Al Hussein, which aims at decentralizing the Geneva-based organization, extending its outreach and human rights monitoring capability, and ostensibly improving its efficiency through, among other things, concentration on eight global hubs as focuses of activity.As it happens, the initiative is not that much of a change: six of the hubs already exist, including one in Panama City for Latin America. The only new ones are intended for Washington and Istanbul.According to Zeid, the initiative would mostly involve the reshuffling of existing personnel shipping them away from Geneva headquarters, where more than half of the agency s roughly 1,100 staff is located. Zeid says that exercise, including the establishment of the new Washington venue, would be revenue neutral. That assumption, however, was received skeptically by the U.N. s chief financial oversight committee, which called the calculation preliminary, and recommended against approving the restructuring until Zeid came back with a clear and detailed proposal with a lot more detail.Recommendations of the committee are usually adopted uncritically by the U.N. General Assembly s Fifth Committee, which approves financial measures.But Zeid has been lobbying the Fifth Committee energetically to break that tradition in his case in part because, as OHCHR s fact sheet observes, the 2016-2017 budget that the advisory committee was assessing will cover the majority of the remainder of the High Commissioner s [four-year] term of appointment. (Zeid was appointed in 2014.)The issue came up in so-called informal meaning closed discussions of the Fifth Committee earlier this week. Questions from Fox News to Zeid s spokesman about the discussions went unanswered.Questions to the State Department from Fox News about the issue were referred to the U.S. Mission to the U.N., headed by Ambassador Samantha Power.Questions from Fox News to the Mission about the discussion, and the overall U.S. government view of the hub, were not answered.Beyond the fact that his career clock is ticking, another reason for Zeid s gung-ho approach to the hub could be the possibility that no future U.S. President will be as enthusiastically multilateral as Barack Obama, giving a now-or-never urgency to the chance to bring the U.S. further under the U.N. human rights umbrella.And yet another reason might be that the reorganization could coincidentally help to bring down the curtain on a sensitive political problem for Zeid.As part of the Change Initiative, he has announced that one of OHCHR s important units, the Field Operations and Technical Cooperation Division, which deals with human rights issues at the country level and also incorporates human rights observation of U.N. peacekeeping operations, will be disbanded in Geneva and pieced off to the hubs.That division is headed by Anders Kompass, the’senior human rights officer who kicked up a firestorm when he passed on an unredacted human rights report about alleged sexual abuse of children by non-U.N. peacekeepers in the Central African Republic to French authorities.For entire story: FOX News
Russia’s next ambassador to Washington will be Anatoly Antonov, a former defense official who is subject to European sanctions over his role in the conflict in Ukraine, the Kremlin announced on Monday. Antonov takes over from Sergei Kislyak, whose contacts with members of President Donald Trump’s campaign team made him a central figure in the row over Russian influence over the U.S. presidential election. The incoming ambassador, 62, is a diplomat by training and is currently a deputy foreign minister. Between 2011 and 2016, he served as deputy defense minister, a period which coincided with Moscow’s annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea peninsula. The European Union added him two years ago to its list of officials who are subject to Ukraine-related sanctions, citing his involvement in supporting the deployment of Russian troops to Ukraine. Since becoming deputy foreign minister last year, Antonov has acted as a liaison between the foreign ministry and the military. The armed forces have growing influence over foreign policy, especially since Moscow launched its military operation in Syria. A person who has dealt with Antonov said that he was a tough, military-style man. The name of outgoing ambassador Kislyak has emerged in relation to several of Trump’s associates as a special counsel and congressional panels investigate Russian meddling and possible ties with the Trump campaign. U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself in March from matters connected to an investigation by the FBI following his admission he had talked to the Russian envoy. Michael Flynn, a former White House national security adviser, was forced to resign in February after it became known he had failed to disclose the content of conversations he had with Kislyak and had misled the vice president about their meetings. Jared Kushner, a White House advisor and Trump’s son-in-law, met Kislyak on two occasions in 2016, the White House has disclosed. Kushner also had phone calls with Kislyak between April and November 2016, Reuters reported. Moscow has denied any interference, and Trump has said his campaign did not collude with Russia.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Russia’s next ambassador to Washington will be Anatoly Antonov, a former defense official who is subject to European sanctions over his role in the conflict in Ukraine, the Kremlin announced on Monday. Antonov takes over from Sergei Kislyak, whose contacts with members of President Donald Trump’s campaign team made him a central figure in the row over Russian influence over the U.S. presidential election. The incoming ambassador, 62, is a diplomat by training and is currently a deputy foreign minister. Between 2011 and 2016, he served as deputy defense minister, a period which coincided with Moscow’s annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea peninsula. The European Union added him two years ago to its list of officials who are subject to Ukraine-related sanctions, citing his involvement in supporting the deployment of Russian troops to Ukraine. Since becoming deputy foreign minister last year, Antonov has acted as a liaison between the foreign ministry and the military. The armed forces have growing influence over foreign policy, especially since Moscow launched its military operation in Syria. A person who has dealt with Antonov said that he was a tough, military-style man. The name of outgoing ambassador Kislyak has emerged in relation to several of Trump’s associates as a special counsel and congressional panels investigate Russian meddling and possible ties with the Trump campaign. U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself in March from matters connected to an investigation by the FBI following his admission he had talked to the Russian envoy. Michael Flynn, a former White House national security adviser, was forced to resign in February after it became known he had failed to disclose the content of conversations he had with Kislyak and had misled the vice president about their meetings. Jared Kushner, a White House advisor and Trump’s son-in-law, met Kislyak on two occasions in 2016, the White House has disclosed. Kushner also had phone calls with Kislyak between April and November 2016, Reuters reported. Moscow has denied any interference, and Trump has said his campaign did not collude with Russia.
If we protect every other government building or public venue with armed guards, why shouldn’t our schools be protected with armed teachers? A Texas Sheriff shocked an MSNBC host when he discussed how he prepares local teachers to be armed in the classroom. common sense solution? You betcha!Sheriff Paul Cairney of Argyle, Texas, described the process by which staff members can carry firearms in the’school district. The Sheriff said that the’staff at the’school who choose to carry a firearm go through an intense round of interviews and training before they are allowed to carry on campus. The MSNBC host was flabbergasted at the practice and asked the Sheriff about concerns for the’safety of the’students in the’school when there are firearms around.Sheriff Cairney: The time to do nothing is over THE PROCESS TO BECOME A SCHOOL MARSHALL:To become a school marshal, those employees must undergo extensive active shooter and firearms training with the’state. They must also undergo a mental health evaluation. They receive a school marshal designation by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement and must renew their license every two years by undergoing the’same training and evaluation. Outside of campuses in Keene and Argyle, signs warn visitors that there are staff members who are armed and are prepared to protect children.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: If we protect every other government building or public venue with armed guards, why shouldn’t our schools be protected with armed teachers? A Texas Sheriff shocked an MSNBC host when he discussed how he prepares local teachers to be armed in the classroom. common sense solution? You betcha!Sheriff Paul Cairney of Argyle, Texas, described the process by which staff members can carry firearms in the’school district. The Sheriff said that the’staff at the’school who choose to carry a firearm go through an intense round of interviews and training before they are allowed to carry on campus. The MSNBC host was flabbergasted at the practice and asked the Sheriff about concerns for the’safety of the’students in the’school when there are firearms around.Sheriff Cairney: The time to do nothing is over THE PROCESS TO BECOME A SCHOOL MARSHALL:To become a school marshal, those employees must undergo extensive active shooter and firearms training with the’state. They must also undergo a mental health evaluation. They receive a school marshal designation by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement and must renew their license every two years by undergoing the’same training and evaluation. Outside of campuses in Keene and Argyle, signs warn visitors that there are staff members who are armed and are prepared to protect children.
The United States in July 2019 will end a special status given to about 59,000 Haitian immigrants that protects them from deportation after a devastating 2010 earthquake, senior Trump administration officials said on Monday. The decision by acting Homeland Security Secretary Elaine Duke gives Haitians 18 months to return to their impoverished Caribbean country or legalize their status in the United States. Former President Barack Obama’s administration granted Haitian nationals in the United States so-called Temporary Protected Status, or TPS, for 18 months after a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck near Haiti’s capital, Port-au-Prince, in January 2010, killing more than 300,000 people. The Obama administration extended the status several times after the initial designation. Duke decided to terminate the special status after a U.S. review of the conditions in Haiti found the country had made considerable progress, a senior official with President Donald Trump’s administration told a briefing. “It was assessed overall that the extraordinary but temporary conditions that served as the basis of Haiti’s most recent designation has sufficiently improved such that they no longer prevent nationals of Haiti from returning safely,” the official said. In May, then-Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly extended the status for Haitians for six months through January 2018. At the time, Kelly told reporters that TPS “is not meant to be an open-ended law but a temporary law.” The decision to end TPS for Haitians is part of Trump’s broader efforts to tighten restrictions on immigration, and comes despite calls from even some fellow Republicans to continue the relief. Republican Senator Marco Rubio of Florida published an opinion piece in the Miami Herald on Friday urging the administration to renew Haiti’s TPS designation for another 18 months, citing ongoing natural disasters, health epidemics and security issues since the 2010 quake. Duke in September ended protected status for citizens of Sudan as of 2018, but extended it for citizens of South Sudan through mid-2019. This month, Duke decided to end the status for Nicaraguan immigrants, but extended the program for Honduran immigrants until July 2018.. Thousands of Nicaraguans and Hondurans received the special status in 1999 after Hurricane Mitch devastated Central America. The Washington Post reported that Kelly pressured Duke to end the program for Hondurans, but Duke denied the reports.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The United States in July 2019 will end a special status given to about 59,000 Haitian immigrants that protects them from deportation after a devastating 2010 earthquake, senior Trump administration officials said on Monday. The decision by acting Homeland Security Secretary Elaine Duke gives Haitians 18 months to return to their impoverished Caribbean country or legalize their status in the United States. Former President Barack Obama’s administration granted Haitian nationals in the United States so-called Temporary Protected Status, or TPS, for 18 months after a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck near Haiti’s capital, Port-au-Prince, in January 2010, killing more than 300,000 people. The Obama administration extended the status several times after the initial designation. Duke decided to terminate the special status after a U.S. review of the conditions in Haiti found the country had made considerable progress, a senior official with President Donald Trump’s administration told a briefing. “It was assessed overall that the extraordinary but temporary conditions that served as the basis of Haiti’s most recent designation has sufficiently improved such that they no longer prevent nationals of Haiti from returning safely,” the official said. In May, then-Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly extended the status for Haitians for six months through January 2018. At the time, Kelly told reporters that TPS “is not meant to be an open-ended law but a temporary law.” The decision to end TPS for Haitians is part of Trump’s broader efforts to tighten restrictions on immigration, and comes despite calls from even some fellow Republicans to continue the relief. Republican Senator Marco Rubio of Florida published an opinion piece in the Miami Herald on Friday urging the administration to renew Haiti’s TPS designation for another 18 months, citing ongoing natural disasters, health epidemics and security issues since the 2010 quake. Duke in September ended protected status for citizens of Sudan as of 2018, but extended it for citizens of South Sudan through mid-2019. This month, Duke decided to end the status for Nicaraguan immigrants, but extended the program for Honduran immigrants until July 2018.. Thousands of Nicaraguans and Hondurans received the special status in 1999 after Hurricane Mitch devastated Central America. The Washington Post reported that Kelly pressured Duke to end the program for Hondurans, but Duke denied the reports.
U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch said on Tuesday fighting economic espionage was a priority for the Department of Justice. Interviewed by Reuters in Phoenix, she said: “When it comes to economic espionage, this is in fact a tremendous problem because ... be they individuals or be they state actors ... essentially they’re stealing from future generations also. We take these matters very seriously... It is a matter of priority for us.”
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch said on Tuesday fighting economic espionage was a priority for the Department of Justice. Interviewed by Reuters in Phoenix, she said: “When it comes to economic espionage, this is in fact a tremendous problem because ... be they individuals or be they state actors ... essentially they’re stealing from future generations also. We take these matters very seriously... It is a matter of priority for us.”
We ve all been concerned with the idea of the likes of Donald Trump receiving national security briefings, which are set to start on Wednesday. However, we can all breathe a little easier if what Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) says is true: Trump’s briefing won’t be anything we can’t get from tuning into the political news shows. Schiff, making an appearance on MSNBC s Morning Joe Wednesday morning, says of Trump’s intelligence briefings: I think it will go, frankly, not much beyond what you would find on MSNBC, CNN or Fox any day of the week when you turn in to hear a national security discussion.I think what he’s going to get is a very top-line briefing that will set the context for what the national security challenges are that face the country but won’t go into anything that might reveal a source of information, a method of how we got that information, nothing of that level of specificity. Schiff went on to say that Trump won’t even get the kinds of briefings that happen in the House: In fact, many of the classified briefings for the full House of Representatives have the’same character, where we leave the briefing and get more detail watching your show than we did during the briefing. I think this will be even more top-level than what the 435 members of the House get. I hope you’re right, Rep. Schiff. In fact, given the inability of Trump to control the verbal diarrhea that regularly spews from his mouth, perhaps we should be on the’safe side and do as Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid suggested and just give him fake information altogether.Watch Rep. Schiff s remarks below:.@RepAdamSchiff: Trump will get a 'very topline' intel briefing today Morning Joe (@Morning_Joe) August 17, 2016Featured image via Joe Raedle/Getty Images
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: We ve all been concerned with the idea of the likes of Donald Trump receiving national security briefings, which are set to start on Wednesday. However, we can all breathe a little easier if what Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) says is true: Trump’s briefing won’t be anything we can’t get from tuning into the political news shows. Schiff, making an appearance on MSNBC s Morning Joe Wednesday morning, says of Trump’s intelligence briefings: I think it will go, frankly, not much beyond what you would find on MSNBC, CNN or Fox any day of the week when you turn in to hear a national security discussion.I think what he’s going to get is a very top-line briefing that will set the context for what the national security challenges are that face the country but won’t go into anything that might reveal a source of information, a method of how we got that information, nothing of that level of specificity. Schiff went on to say that Trump won’t even get the kinds of briefings that happen in the House: In fact, many of the classified briefings for the full House of Representatives have the’same character, where we leave the briefing and get more detail watching your show than we did during the briefing. I think this will be even more top-level than what the 435 members of the House get. I hope you’re right, Rep. Schiff. In fact, given the inability of Trump to control the verbal diarrhea that regularly spews from his mouth, perhaps we should be on the’safe side and do as Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid suggested and just give him fake information altogether.Watch Rep. Schiff s remarks below:.@RepAdamSchiff: Trump will get a 'very topline' intel briefing today Morning Joe (@Morning_Joe) August 17, 2016Featured image via Joe Raedle/Getty Images
President Trump and his lovely wife Melania spent the day in Las Vegas, where they thanked the first responders and visited victims of the hateful attack on innocent Americans that left 59 dead, and over 500 injured. Here s a brief look at the President and First Lady s visit to Las Vegas:On behalf of a GRATEFUL NATION, THANK YOU to all of the First Responders (HEROES) who saved countless lives in Las Vegas on Sunday night. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 5, 2017President Trump and Melania met with Thomas Gunderson, one of the’survivors of the worst mass shooting in US history in a Las Vegas hospital.Melania was first to enter Thomas room. As she entered the hospital room where Thomas was lying on his bed, he immediately began to rise to his feet, standing on his wounded leg. Melania insisted that he didn’t need to get up to shake her hand while asking him, How are you? Gunderson bravely stood and shook her hand. When President Trump entered the room, he immediately approached Thomas to shake his hand, saying, Hey, this guy looks tough to me. Thomas replied, thank you so much, I appreciate it. Las Vegas victim meets Trump, stands up on wounded leg: "I will always respect my country, my President,my flag!"You won't see this on CNN 10 GOP (@10_gop) October 5, 2017After the Trump’s visit to his hospital room, Thomas Gunderson posted the following: I will never lie down when the President of this great country comes to shake my hand! There may be plenty of issues in this country but I will always respect my country, my president, and my flag. Shot in the leg or not, I will stand to show my President the respect he deserves!
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: President Trump and his lovely wife Melania spent the day in Las Vegas, where they thanked the first responders and visited victims of the hateful attack on innocent Americans that left 59 dead, and over 500 injured. Here s a brief look at the President and First Lady s visit to Las Vegas:On behalf of a GRATEFUL NATION, THANK YOU to all of the First Responders (HEROES) who saved countless lives in Las Vegas on Sunday night. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 5, 2017President Trump and Melania met with Thomas Gunderson, one of the’survivors of the worst mass shooting in US history in a Las Vegas hospital.Melania was first to enter Thomas room. As she entered the hospital room where Thomas was lying on his bed, he immediately began to rise to his feet, standing on his wounded leg. Melania insisted that he didn’t need to get up to shake her hand while asking him, How are you? Gunderson bravely stood and shook her hand. When President Trump entered the room, he immediately approached Thomas to shake his hand, saying, Hey, this guy looks tough to me. Thomas replied, thank you so much, I appreciate it. Las Vegas victim meets Trump, stands up on wounded leg: "I will always respect my country, my President,my flag!"You won't see this on CNN 10 GOP (@10_gop) October 5, 2017After the Trump’s visit to his hospital room, Thomas Gunderson posted the following: I will never lie down when the President of this great country comes to shake my hand! There may be plenty of issues in this country but I will always respect my country, my president, and my flag. Shot in the leg or not, I will stand to show my President the respect he deserves!
Pope Francis strongly defended immigrants at his Christmas Eve Mass on Sunday, comparing them to Mary and Joseph finding no place to stay in Bethlehem and saying faith demands that foreigners be welcomed. Francis, celebrating his fifth Christmas as leader of the world s 1.2 billion Roman Catholics, led a solemn Mass for about 10,000 people in St. Peter s Basilica while many others followed the service from the square outside. Security was stepped up, with participants checked as they approached St. Peter s Square even before going through metal detectors to enter the basilica. The square had been cleared out hours earlier so security procedures could be put in place. The Gospel reading at the Mass in Christendom s largest church recounted the Biblical story of how Mary and Joseph had to travel from Nazareth to Bethlehem to be registered for a census ordered by Roman Emperor Caesar Augustus. So many other footsteps are hidden in the footsteps of Joseph and Mary. We see the tracks of entire families forced to set out in our own day. We see the tracks of millions of persons who do not choose to go away, but driven from their land, leave behind their dear ones, Francis said. Even the shepherds who the Bible says were the first to see the child Jesus were forced to live on the edges of society and considered dirty, smelly foreigners, he said. Everything about them generated mistrust. They were men and women to be kept at a distance, to be feared. Wearing white vestments in the flower-bedecked church, Francis called for a new social imagination ... in which none have to feel that there is no room for them on this earth. The 81-year-old pope, who was born of Italian immigrant stock in Argentina, has made defense of migrants a major plank of his papacy, often putting him at odds with politicians. Austria s new chancellor, Sebastian Kurz, has aligned himself with central European neighbors like Hungary and the Czech Republic in opposing German-backed proposals to distribute asylum seekers around EU member states. In elections in Germany in September, the far-right and anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) party made significant gains, with electors punishing Chancellor Angela Merkel for her open-door policy and pushing migration policy to the top of the agenda in talks to form a coalition government. Italy s anti-immigrant Northern League, whose leader Matteo Salvini often gives fiery speeches against migrants, is expected to make gains in national elections next year. A law that would give citizenship to children born in Italy to migrant parents is stalled in parliament. In his homily, Francis said, Our document of citizenship comes from God, making respect of migrants an integral part of Christianity. This is the joy that we tonight are called to share, to celebrate and to proclaim. The joy with which God, in his infinite mercy, has embraced us pagans, sinners and foreigners, and demands that we do the same, Francis said. Francis also condemned human traffickers who make money off desperate migrants as the Herods of today with blood on their hands, a reference to the Biblical story of the king who ordered the killing of all newborn male children near Bethlehem because he feared Jesus would one day displace him. More than 14,000 people have died trying to make the perilous crossing of the Mediterranean to Europe in the past four years. On Christmas Day, Francis will deliver his twice-yearly Urbi et Orbi (To the City and to the World) blessing and message from the central balcony of St. Peter s Basilica. (In fourth paragraph, this story corrects to say Mary and Joseph, not Mary and Jesus.)
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Pope Francis strongly defended immigrants at his Christmas Eve Mass on Sunday, comparing them to Mary and Joseph finding no place to stay in Bethlehem and saying faith demands that foreigners be welcomed. Francis, celebrating his fifth Christmas as leader of the world s 1.2 billion Roman Catholics, led a solemn Mass for about 10,000 people in St. Peter s Basilica while many others followed the service from the square outside. Security was stepped up, with participants checked as they approached St. Peter s Square even before going through metal detectors to enter the basilica. The square had been cleared out hours earlier so security procedures could be put in place. The Gospel reading at the Mass in Christendom s largest church recounted the Biblical story of how Mary and Joseph had to travel from Nazareth to Bethlehem to be registered for a census ordered by Roman Emperor Caesar Augustus. So many other footsteps are hidden in the footsteps of Joseph and Mary. We see the tracks of entire families forced to set out in our own day. We see the tracks of millions of persons who do not choose to go away, but driven from their land, leave behind their dear ones, Francis said. Even the shepherds who the Bible says were the first to see the child Jesus were forced to live on the edges of society and considered dirty, smelly foreigners, he said. Everything about them generated mistrust. They were men and women to be kept at a distance, to be feared. Wearing white vestments in the flower-bedecked church, Francis called for a new social imagination ... in which none have to feel that there is no room for them on this earth. The 81-year-old pope, who was born of Italian immigrant stock in Argentina, has made defense of migrants a major plank of his papacy, often putting him at odds with politicians. Austria s new chancellor, Sebastian Kurz, has aligned himself with central European neighbors like Hungary and the Czech Republic in opposing German-backed proposals to distribute asylum seekers around EU member states. In elections in Germany in September, the far-right and anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) party made significant gains, with electors punishing Chancellor Angela Merkel for her open-door policy and pushing migration policy to the top of the agenda in talks to form a coalition government. Italy s anti-immigrant Northern League, whose leader Matteo Salvini often gives fiery speeches against migrants, is expected to make gains in national elections next year. A law that would give citizenship to children born in Italy to migrant parents is stalled in parliament. In his homily, Francis said, Our document of citizenship comes from God, making respect of migrants an integral part of Christianity. This is the joy that we tonight are called to share, to celebrate and to proclaim. The joy with which God, in his infinite mercy, has embraced us pagans, sinners and foreigners, and demands that we do the same, Francis said. Francis also condemned human traffickers who make money off desperate migrants as the Herods of today with blood on their hands, a reference to the Biblical story of the king who ordered the killing of all newborn male children near Bethlehem because he feared Jesus would one day displace him. More than 14,000 people have died trying to make the perilous crossing of the Mediterranean to Europe in the past four years. On Christmas Day, Francis will deliver his twice-yearly Urbi et Orbi (To the City and to the World) blessing and message from the central balcony of St. Peter s Basilica. (In fourth paragraph, this story corrects to say Mary and Joseph, not Mary and Jesus.)
U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke on the phone for about an hour on Tuesday and covered topics including Syria, Ukraine, Iran, North Korea and Afghanistan, a White House official said.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke on the phone for about an hour on Tuesday and covered topics including Syria, Ukraine, Iran, North Korea and Afghanistan, a White House official said.
Republicans lawmakers on Thursday pressed ahead in trying to strip down U.S. regulations, with the House of Representatives passing a bill that requires Congressional approval of major rulemakings that could affect areas ranging from the environment to education. The House voted 237 to 187 on legislation known as the “REINS Act” that is intended to keep agencies from pumping out new rules. “Excessive regulation means higher prices, lower wages, fewer jobs, less economic growth and a less competitive America,” House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte said before the vote, echoing the anti-regulation sentiment popular in his party. President-elect Donald Trump has promised to roll back regulation, saying it would boost economic growth. The Judiciary Committee’s senior Democrat, John Conyers, called the REINS Act “gumming-the-works legislation” that imposes unworkable deadlines and prescribes convoluted procedures in order to “end rulemaking as we know it.” “Without question, it was the lack of regulatory controls that facilitated rampant predatory lending, which nearly destroyed our nation’s economy,” Conyers said, referring to the 2007-09 financial crisis and recession. “It led to millions of home foreclosures and devastated neighborhoods across America. In fact, it nearly caused a global economic meltdown.”  On Wednesday, the House passed a bill giving Congress the power to kill dozens of new rules at once. On Thursday Republican Senator Ron Johnson introduced an identical companion bill in the Senate. The legislation would allow lawmakers to bundle a variety of rules finalized since May together for a single vote of disapproval. Under a law known as the Congressional Review Act, Congress currently can only vote to void rules one-by-one. That could take days, given the high number of recently enacted rules that rankle Republicans on energy, the environment, transportation, finance, education and communications. Disapproval votes require simple majorities to pass. Senate Democrats, however, are poised to block Johnson’s bill and most other anti-regulation legislation. Many in the party believe regulations benefit and protect individuals. While Republicans control Congress, and in a couple of weeks will take over the White House, Democrats can cripple their efforts through Senate filibusters and possibly start a protracted fight over regulations. “This legislation would make the process much quicker, but I’m committed to working as long as we need to in order to take advantage of the Congressional Review Act,” Johnson said. “We ought to work 24-7 if necessary to bring regulatory relief to American consumers and businesses.”
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Republicans lawmakers on Thursday pressed ahead in trying to strip down U.S. regulations, with the House of Representatives passing a bill that requires Congressional approval of major rulemakings that could affect areas ranging from the environment to education. The House voted 237 to 187 on legislation known as the “REINS Act” that is intended to keep agencies from pumping out new rules. “Excessive regulation means higher prices, lower wages, fewer jobs, less economic growth and a less competitive America,” House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte said before the vote, echoing the anti-regulation sentiment popular in his party. President-elect Donald Trump has promised to roll back regulation, saying it would boost economic growth. The Judiciary Committee’s senior Democrat, John Conyers, called the REINS Act “gumming-the-works legislation” that imposes unworkable deadlines and prescribes convoluted procedures in order to “end rulemaking as we know it.” “Without question, it was the lack of regulatory controls that facilitated rampant predatory lending, which nearly destroyed our nation’s economy,” Conyers said, referring to the 2007-09 financial crisis and recession. “It led to millions of home foreclosures and devastated neighborhoods across America. In fact, it nearly caused a global economic meltdown.”  On Wednesday, the House passed a bill giving Congress the power to kill dozens of new rules at once. On Thursday Republican Senator Ron Johnson introduced an identical companion bill in the Senate. The legislation would allow lawmakers to bundle a variety of rules finalized since May together for a single vote of disapproval. Under a law known as the Congressional Review Act, Congress currently can only vote to void rules one-by-one. That could take days, given the high number of recently enacted rules that rankle Republicans on energy, the environment, transportation, finance, education and communications. Disapproval votes require simple majorities to pass. Senate Democrats, however, are poised to block Johnson’s bill and most other anti-regulation legislation. Many in the party believe regulations benefit and protect individuals. While Republicans control Congress, and in a couple of weeks will take over the White House, Democrats can cripple their efforts through Senate filibusters and possibly start a protracted fight over regulations. “This legislation would make the process much quicker, but I’m committed to working as long as we need to in order to take advantage of the Congressional Review Act,” Johnson said. “We ought to work 24-7 if necessary to bring regulatory relief to American consumers and businesses.”
The Afghan Taliban on Wednesday called on U.S. president-elect Donald Trump to withdraw American troops from Afghanistan. “Our message is that the Americans should draft a policy not to take away the independence and sovereignty of other nations. Most importantly they should withdraw all their troops from Afghanistan,” the Taliban said in a statement in reaction to Trump’s surprise election win.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The Afghan Taliban on Wednesday called on U.S. president-elect Donald Trump to withdraw American troops from Afghanistan. “Our message is that the Americans should draft a policy not to take away the independence and sovereignty of other nations. Most importantly they should withdraw all their troops from Afghanistan,” the Taliban said in a statement in reaction to Trump’s surprise election win.
Donald Trump’s hateful, divisive rhetoric brought out the worst in Americans during his presidential campaign and now that the reality television star and scammy business mogul has been elected as President of the Unites States, his supporters are letting their true colors shine freely.America s future leader spent over a year normalizing bigotry, discrimination, and violence, and now we’re seeing a massive increase in hate crimes and attacks across America. And it turns out, not even the country s most well-known and respected individuals are safe. Recently, Golden Globe-nominated actress Emmy Rossum spoke out about the recent anti-Semitic attacks she’s been getting from Trump’supporters since the election, and it s enough to make your stomach turn. If anyone is still trying to convince you that Trump isn’t the modern-day Adolf Hitler, you need to show them what Rossum endured at the hands of these monsters.On Sunday, Rossum fought back and called out Trump and his supporters for their hate speech:TwitterTwitterTwitterTwitter No matter WHO you voted for, I don’t care, THIS is not okay. You will be seeing a train shortly Emmy Rossum (@emmyrossum) November 14, 2016The particular person who was harassing Rossum has since been suspended by Twitter, but there are several more Americans who echo his opinions. It is hard to believe that this is the country that was once considered progressive and accepting of all individuals. It s clear that Trump is making good on his promise to return our country to earlier times in history, where white people ruled everyone else.Rossum pointed out this sad phenomenon perfectly when she remarked that perhaps America was naive about how far we d come, and maybe this brand of hatred had been there all along, just waiting to be awakened by the right kind of dictator. It is terrifying and upsetting to come to terms with the fact that the America we’ve been living in is such a divisive, unwelcoming place now.TwitterFeatured image via Alberto E. Rodriguez and Zach Gibson/Getty Images
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Donald Trump’s hateful, divisive rhetoric brought out the worst in Americans during his presidential campaign and now that the reality television star and scammy business mogul has been elected as President of the Unites States, his supporters are letting their true colors shine freely.America s future leader spent over a year normalizing bigotry, discrimination, and violence, and now we’re seeing a massive increase in hate crimes and attacks across America. And it turns out, not even the country s most well-known and respected individuals are safe. Recently, Golden Globe-nominated actress Emmy Rossum spoke out about the recent anti-Semitic attacks she’s been getting from Trump’supporters since the election, and it s enough to make your stomach turn. If anyone is still trying to convince you that Trump isn’t the modern-day Adolf Hitler, you need to show them what Rossum endured at the hands of these monsters.On Sunday, Rossum fought back and called out Trump and his supporters for their hate speech:TwitterTwitterTwitterTwitter No matter WHO you voted for, I don’t care, THIS is not okay. You will be seeing a train shortly Emmy Rossum (@emmyrossum) November 14, 2016The particular person who was harassing Rossum has since been suspended by Twitter, but there are several more Americans who echo his opinions. It is hard to believe that this is the country that was once considered progressive and accepting of all individuals. It s clear that Trump is making good on his promise to return our country to earlier times in history, where white people ruled everyone else.Rossum pointed out this sad phenomenon perfectly when she remarked that perhaps America was naive about how far we d come, and maybe this brand of hatred had been there all along, just waiting to be awakened by the right kind of dictator. It is terrifying and upsetting to come to terms with the fact that the America we’ve been living in is such a divisive, unwelcoming place now.TwitterFeatured image via Alberto E. Rodriguez and Zach Gibson/Getty Images