{ "mid": "34056", "sid": "225", "title": "Boruto: Naruto Next Gen - 06 [En]" }
{ "src": "{\\i1}if he's my sun.{\\i0}", "th": " {\\i1}ถ้าหมอนั่นคือดวงอาทิตย์ของเราล่ะก็{\\i0}      " }
{ "mid": "34056", "sid": "226", "title": "Boruto: Naruto Next Gen - 06 [En]" }
{ "src": "I understand.", "th": " เข้าใจแล้ว      " }
{ "mid": "34056", "sid": "227", "title": "Boruto: Naruto Next Gen - 06 [En]" }
{ "src": "But there's something\\NI want you to let me do.", "th": " แต่มีบางอย่างที่ฉันอยากให้นายทำ      " }
{ "mid": "34056", "sid": "228", "title": "Boruto: Naruto Next Gen - 06 [En]" }
{ "src": "It seems you've finally given up\\Nand are prepared to meet your fate.", "th": " ดูเหมือนว่าจะยอมรับชะตากรรมแล้วสินะ      " }
{ "mid": "34056", "sid": "229", "title": "Boruto: Naruto Next Gen - 06 [En]" }
{ "src": "Boruto!", "th": " โบรูโตะ      " }
{ "mid": "34056", "sid": "230", "title": "Boruto: Naruto Next Gen - 06 [En]" }
{ "src": "Just kidding!", "th": " ล้อเล่นรึเปล่าครับ      " }
{ "mid": "34056", "sid": "231", "title": "Boruto: Naruto Next Gen - 06 [En]" }
{ "src": "I'm just done chasing you.", "th": " ผมจะไล่ล่าอาจารย์ต่างหาก      " }
{ "mid": "34056", "sid": "232", "title": "Boruto: Naruto Next Gen - 06 [En]" }
{ "src": "Instead of running,", "th": " แทนที่จะหนี      " }
{ "mid": "34056", "sid": "233", "title": "Boruto: Naruto Next Gen - 06 [En]" }
{ "src": "I'm taking you down\\Nright here, Sensei!", "th": " ผมจะล้มอาจารย์ที่นี่      " }
{ "mid": "34056", "sid": "234", "title": "Boruto: Naruto Next Gen - 06 [En]" }
{ "src": "That's the oldest trick\\Nin the book.", "th": " ทริคเก่ามากเลยนะ      " }
{ "mid": "34056", "sid": "235", "title": "Boruto: Naruto Next Gen - 06 [En]" }
{ "src": "This one's a shadow clone too", "th": " นี่ก็ร่างแยก      " }
{ "mid": "34056", "sid": "236", "title": "Boruto: Naruto Next Gen - 06 [En]" }
{ "src": "And this one too.", "th": " นี่ก็ด้วย      " }
{ "mid": "34056", "sid": "237", "title": "Boruto: Naruto Next Gen - 06 [En]" }
{ "src": "And the real one is", "th": " และตัวจริง      " }
{ "mid": "34056", "sid": "238", "title": "Boruto: Naruto Next Gen - 06 [En]" }
{ "src": "Same trick again!", "th": " ทริคเดิมอีกแล้ว      " }
{ "mid": "34056", "sid": "239", "title": "Boruto: Naruto Next Gen - 06 [En]" }
{ "src": "What?", "th": " อะไรกัน      " }
{ "mid": "34056", "sid": "240", "title": "Boruto: Naruto Next Gen - 06 [En]" }
{ "src": "I won't let you get away\\Nfrom this distance!", "th": " ไม่ปล่อยให้หนีหรอก      " }
{ "mid": "34056", "sid": "241", "title": "Boruto: Naruto Next Gen - 06 [En]" }
{ "src": "Did we fail?", "th": " พลาดงั้นเหรอ      " }
{ "mid": "34056", "sid": "242", "title": "Boruto: Naruto Next Gen - 06 [En]" }
{ "src": "You're keeping me\\Nquite entertained.", "th": " พวกนายทำให้ฉันสนุกมาก      " }
{ "mid": "34056", "sid": "243", "title": "Boruto: Naruto Next Gen - 06 [En]" }
{ "src": "What happened to the other one?", "th": " แล้วอีกคนไปไหนล่ะ      " }
{ "mid": "34056", "sid": "244", "title": "Boruto: Naruto Next Gen - 06 [En]" }
{ "src": "What's the matter,\\Ntransfer student?", "th": " เกิดอะไรขึ้นกับนักเรียนที่ย้ายมาล่ะ      " }
{ "mid": "34056", "sid": "245", "title": "Boruto: Naruto Next Gen - 06 [En]" }
{ "src": "You're not gonna help them?", "th": " ไม่ช่วยพวกนี้เหรอ      " }
{ "mid": "34056", "sid": "246", "title": "Boruto: Naruto Next Gen - 06 [En]" }
{ "src": "Well, whatever.\\NI'll leave you for later.", "th": " ก็นะ ฉันจะจัดการนายทีหลัง      " }
{ "mid": "34056", "sid": "247", "title": "Boruto: Naruto Next Gen - 06 [En]" }
{ "src": "You were going to use\\Nyour Shadow Paralysis", "th": " นายจะใช้คาถาแยกร่าง      " }
{ "mid": "34056", "sid": "248", "title": "Boruto: Naruto Next Gen - 06 [En]" }
{ "src": "then jump into the water\\Nwith me, right?", "th": " แล้วกระโดดลงน้ำพร้อมฉันใช่มั้ย      " }
{ "mid": "34056", "sid": "249", "title": "Boruto: Naruto Next Gen - 06 [En]" }
{ "src": "You figured the insects could be\\Ncontained in the water.", "th": " คงคิดว่าแมลงอยู่ในน้ำไม่ได้      " }
{ "mid": "34056", "sid": "250", "title": "Boruto: Naruto Next Gen - 06 [En]" }
{ "src": "I can see right through\\Na half-baked plan like that.", "th": " แผนแบบนั้นฉันมองออกอยู่แล้ว      " }