""" Synthetic Data Generation using a Bayesian Network Based on following paper <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME>. PrivBayes: Private Data Release via Bayesian Networks. (2017) """ import numpy as np import pandas as pd from pyhere import here from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin from sklearn.utils import check_random_state from sklearn.metrics import mutual_info_score from itertools import combinations from collections import namedtuple from copy import deepcopy import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') from synthesis._base_synthesis import _BaseSynthesizer import as dp_utils import as utils from thomas.core.cpt import CPT from thomas.core.factor import Factor from thomas.core.bayesiannetwork import BayesianNetwork NodeParentPair = namedtuple('NodeParentPair', ['node', 'parents']) score_functions = { 'mi': 'mutual_information', 'F': 'F_score', # note requires binary encoded data 'R': 'R_score' } class PrivBayes(_BaseSynthesizer): """PrivBayes: Private Data Release via Bayesian Networks (Zhang et al 2017)""" def __init__(self, epsilon: float = 1.0, degree_network=None, theta_usefulness=4, score_function='mi', random_state=None, epsilon_split=0.4, n_records_synth=None, network_init=None, max_cpt_size=10000000, verbose=2): self.epsilon = epsilon self.degree_network = degree_network self.theta_usefulness = theta_usefulness self.score_function = score_function self.random_state = random_state self.epsilon_split = epsilon_split self.n_records_synth = n_records_synth self.network_init = network_init self.max_cpt_size=max_cpt_size self.verbose = verbose def fit(self, X, y=None): self._check_init_args(X) X = self._check_input_data(X) self._n_records_fit, self._n_columns_fit = X.shape # X = X.loc[columns] if columns is not None else X self.random_state_ = check_random_state(self.random_state) # todo integrate random state self._greedy_bayes(X) self._compute_conditional_distributions(X) # todo specify name in init? self.bayesian_network_ = BayesianNetwork.from_CPTs('PrivBayes', self.cpt_.values()) return self def transform(self, X): # n_records = self._n_records_fit if n_records is None else n_records n_records = self.n_records_synth if self.n_records_synth is not None else self._n_records_fit X = self._check_input_data(X) Xt = self._generate_data(X, n_records) if self.verbose: print("\nSynthetic Data Generated\n") return Xt # def _check_input_data(self, X): # # converts to dataframe in case of numpy input and make all columns categorical. # X = pd.DataFrame(X).astype(str, copy=False) # assert X.shape[1] > 1, "input needs at least 2 columns" # # prevent integer column indexing issues # X.columns = X.columns.astype(str) # if hasattr(self, '_header'): # assert set(X.columns) == set(self._header), "input contains different columns than seen in fit" # else: # self._header = list(X.columns) # return X def _check_init_args(self, X): assert (self.degree_network is None) or (self.degree_network < X.shape[1]), "degree of network > " \ "number of columns in X" if self.epsilon_split is None: self.epsilon_split = [0.4, 0.6] else: if isinstance(self.epsilon_split, float): self.epsilon_split = [self.epsilon_split, 1-self.epsilon_split] self.epsilon_split = list(self.epsilon_split) n_records, n_columns = X.shape if not self.degree_network: self.degree_network = self._compute_degree_network(n_records, n_columns) # check if degree network will not result in conditional tables that do not fit into memory if self.max_cpt_size: max_degree_network = self._max_degree_network(X) if self.degree_network > max_degree_network: if self.verbose >= 1: print("Degree network capped from {} to {} to be able to fit CPT into memory" .format(self.degree_network, max_degree_network)) self.degree_network = max_degree_network if self.verbose >= 1: print("Degree of network (k): {}\n".format(self.degree_network)) return self def _greedy_bayes(self, X): n_records, n_columns = X.shape nodes, nodes_selected = self._init_network(X) # normally equal to n_columns - 1 as only the root is selected, unless user implements new # network init. self._n_nodes_dp_computed = len(nodes) - len(nodes_selected) for i in range(len(nodes_selected), len(nodes)): if self.verbose >= 2: print("{}/{} - Evaluating next node to add to network".format(i+1, n_columns)) nodes_remaining = nodes - nodes_selected n_parents = min(self.degree_network, len(nodes_selected)) node_parent_pairs = [ NodeParentPair(n, tuple(p)) for n in nodes_remaining for p in combinations(nodes_selected, n_parents) ] if self.verbose >= 2: print("Number of NodeParentPair candidates: {}".format(len(node_parent_pairs))) scores = self._compute_scores(X, node_parent_pairs) if self.epsilon: sampled_pair = self._exponential_mechanism(X, node_parent_pairs, scores) else: sampled_pair = node_parent_pairs.index(max(scores)) if self.verbose >= 1: print("Selected node: {} - with parents: {}\n".format(sampled_pair.node, sampled_pair.parents)) nodes_selected.add(sampled_pair.node) self.network_.append(sampled_pair) if self.verbose >= 1: print("Learned Network Structure\n") return self def _init_network(self, X): self._binary_columns = [c for c in X.columns if X[c].unique().size <= 2] nodes = set(X.columns) if self.network_init is not None: nodes_selected = set(n.node for n in self.network_init) # print("Pre-defined network init: {}".format(self.network_)) for i, pair in enumerate(self.network_init): if self.verbose >= 1: print("{}/{} - init node {} - with parents: {}".format(i+1, len(self.network_init), pair.node, pair.parents)) self.network_ = self.network_init.copy() return nodes, nodes_selected # if set_network is not called we start with a random first node self.network_ = [] nodes_selected = set() root = np.random.choice(tuple(nodes)) self.network_.append(NodeParentPair(node=root, parents=None)) nodes_selected.add(root) if self.verbose >= 1: print("1/{} - Root of network: {}\n".format(X.shape[1], root)) return nodes, nodes_selected def set_network(self, network): assert [isinstance(n, NodeParentPair) for n in network], "input network does not consists of " \ "NodeParentPairs" self.network_init = network return self def _compute_scores(self, X, node_parent_pairs): cached_scores = self._get_cached_scores(node_parent_pairs) # todo fix cache_scores scores = np.empty(len(node_parent_pairs)) for idx, pair in enumerate(node_parent_pairs): if self.score_function == 'mi': scores[idx] = self._compute_mutual_information_sklearn(X, pair) return scores def _get_cached_scores(self, node_parent_pairs): return [] def _compute_mutual_information(self, X, pair): p_node = Factor(X.groupby(pair.node).size()).normalize() p_parents = Factor(X.groupby(list(pair.parents)).size()).normalize() p_nodeparents = Factor(X.groupby([*pair.parents, pair.node]).size()).normalize() # todo: have to get values from Factor: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute '_data' mi = np.sum(p_nodeparents.values * np.log(p_nodeparents/(p_node*p_parents))) return mi def _compute_mutual_information_sklearn(self, X, pair): df_node = X[pair.node].values if len(pair.parents) == 1: df_parent = X[pair.parents[0]].values else: # todo find alternative method to combine parent cols df_parent = X.loc[:, pair.parents].apply(lambda x: ' '.join(x.values), axis=1).values return mutual_info_score(df_node, df_parent) def _exponential_mechanism(self, X, node_parent_pairs, scores): # todo check if dp correct -> e.g. 2*scaling? scaling_factors = self._compute_scaling_factor(X, node_parent_pairs) sampling_distribution = np.exp(scores / 2*scaling_factors) normalized_sampling_distribution = sampling_distribution / sampling_distribution.sum() pair_idx = np.arange(len(node_parent_pairs)) sampled_pair_idx = np.random.choice(pair_idx, p=normalized_sampling_distribution) sampled_pair = node_parent_pairs[sampled_pair_idx] return sampled_pair def _compute_scaling_factor(self, X, node_parent_pairs): n_records = X.shape[0] scaling_factors = np.empty(len(node_parent_pairs)) if self.score_function == 'mi': for idx, pair in enumerate(node_parent_pairs): if pair.node in self._binary_columns or \ (len(pair.parents) == 1 and pair.parents[0] in self._binary_columns): sensitivity = (np.log(n_records) / n_records) + \ (((n_records-1)/n_records) * np.log(n_records/(n_records-1))) else: sensitivity = (2/n_records)*np.log((n_records+1)/2) + \ (((n_records-1)/n_records) * np.log((n_records+1)/(n_records-1))) scaling_factors[idx] = self._n_nodes_dp_computed * sensitivity / (self.epsilon*self.epsilon_split[0]) return scaling_factors def _compute_degree_network(self, n_records, n_columns): """ Determine the degree of the network (k) by finding the lowest integer k possible that ensures that the defined level of theta-usefulness is met. This criterion measures the ratio of information over noise. Lemma 4.8 in the paper. Note there are some inconsistencies between the original paper from 2014 and the updated version in 2017 - avg_scale_info: full epsilon in paper 2014 | epsilon_2 in paper2017 - avg_scale_noise: k + 3 in paper 2014 lemma 3 | k + 2 in paper 2017 lemma 4.8 """ k = n_columns - 1 while k > 1: # avg_scale_info = self.epsilon * (1 - self.epsilon_split[0]) * n_records avg_scale_info = self.epsilon * self.epsilon_split[1] * n_records avg_scale_noise = (n_columns - k) * (2 ** (k + 2)) if (avg_scale_info / avg_scale_noise) >= self.theta_usefulness: break k -= 1 return k def _max_degree_network(self, X): """calculate max degree network to ensure the CPTs will fit into memory""" ranked_column_cardinalities = utils.rank_columns_on_cardinality(X) cum_cardinality = 1 degree_network = 0 for k, cardinality in enumerate(ranked_column_cardinalities): cum_cardinality *= cardinality if cum_cardinality >= self.max_cpt_size: break degree_network += 1 return degree_network def _compute_conditional_distributions(self, X): P = dict() # note we only compute n_columns - (degree_network+1), as the CPTs from the other nodes # in range [0, degree_network] can be inferred -> ensures (eps_2 / (d-k))-differential privacy local_epsilon = self.epsilon * self.epsilon_split[1] / (self._n_columns_fit - self.degree_network) # first materialize noisy distributions for nodes who have a equal number of parents to the degree k. # earlier nodes can be inferred from these distributions without adding extra noise for idx, pair in enumerate(self.network_[self.degree_network:]): cpt_size = utils.get_size_contingency_table(X[[*pair.parents, pair.node]]) if self.verbose >= 2: print('Learning conditional probabilities: {} - with parents {} ~ estimated size: {}'.format(pair.node, pair.parents, cpt_size)) attributes = [*pair.parents, pair.node] dp_joint_distribution = dp_utils.dp_joint_distribution(X[attributes], epsilon=local_epsilon) # dp_joint_distribution = utils.joint_distribution(X[attributes]) cpt = CPT(dp_joint_distribution, conditioned_variables=[pair.node]) # todo: use custom normalization to fill missing values with uniform cpt = utils.normalize_cpt(cpt, dropna=False) P[pair.node] = cpt # retain noisy joint distribution from k+1 node to infer distributions parent nodes if idx == 0: infer_from_distribution = Factor(dp_joint_distribution) infer_from_distribution = infer_from_distribution.sum_out(pair.node) # for pair in self.network_[:self.k]: # go iteratively from node at k to root of network, sum out child nodes and get cpt. for pair in reversed(self.network_[:self.degree_network]): if pair.parents is not None: attributes = [*pair.parents, pair.node] else: attributes = [pair.node] cpt_size = utils.get_size_contingency_table(X[attributes]) if self.verbose >= 2: print('Learning conditional probabilities: {} - with parents {} ~ estimated size: {}'.format(pair.node, pair.parents, cpt_size)) # infer_from_distribution = infer_from_distribution.sum_out(pair.node) # conditioned_var = pair.parents[-1] cpt = CPT(infer_from_distribution, conditioned_variables=[pair.node]) cpt = utils.normalize_cpt(cpt, dropna=False) P[pair.node] = cpt infer_from_distribution = infer_from_distribution.sum_out(pair.node) self.cpt_ = P return self def _generate_data(self, X, n_records): Xt = np.empty([n_records, X.shape[1]], dtype=object) for i in range(n_records): if self.verbose >= 1: print('Number of records generated: {} / {}'.format(i+1, n_records), end='\r') record = self._sample_record() Xt[i] = list(record.values()) # np to df with original column ordering Xs =
pd.DataFrame(Xt, columns=[c.node for c in self.network_])
from datetime import datetime, time from itertools import product import numpy as np import pytest import pytz import pandas as pd from pandas import ( DataFrame, DatetimeIndex, Index, MultiIndex, Series, date_range, period_range, to_datetime, ) import pandas.util.testing as tm import pandas.tseries.offsets as offsets @pytest.fixture(params=product([True, False], [True, False])) def close_open_fixture(request): return request.param class TestDataFrameTimeSeriesMethods: def test_pct_change(self, datetime_frame): rs = datetime_frame.pct_change(fill_method=None) tm.assert_frame_equal(rs, datetime_frame / datetime_frame.shift(1) - 1) rs = datetime_frame.pct_change(2) filled = datetime_frame.fillna(method="pad") tm.assert_frame_equal(rs, filled / filled.shift(2) - 1) rs = datetime_frame.pct_change(fill_method="bfill", limit=1) filled = datetime_frame.fillna(method="bfill", limit=1) tm.assert_frame_equal(rs, filled / filled.shift(1) - 1) rs = datetime_frame.pct_change(freq="5D") filled = datetime_frame.fillna(method="pad") tm.assert_frame_equal( rs, (filled / filled.shift(freq="5D") - 1).reindex_like(filled) ) def test_pct_change_shift_over_nas(self): s = Series([1.0, 1.5, np.nan, 2.5, 3.0]) df = DataFrame({"a": s, "b": s}) chg = df.pct_change() expected = Series([np.nan, 0.5, 0.0, 2.5 / 1.5 - 1, 0.2]) edf = DataFrame({"a": expected, "b": expected}) tm.assert_frame_equal(chg, edf) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "freq, periods, fill_method, limit", [ ("5B", 5, None, None), ("3B", 3, None, None), ("3B", 3, "bfill", None), ("7B", 7, "pad", 1), ("7B", 7, "bfill", 3), ("14B", 14, None, None), ], ) def test_pct_change_periods_freq( self, datetime_frame, freq, periods, fill_method, limit ): # GH 7292 rs_freq = datetime_frame.pct_change( freq=freq, fill_method=fill_method, limit=limit ) rs_periods = datetime_frame.pct_change( periods, fill_method=fill_method, limit=limit ) tm.assert_frame_equal(rs_freq, rs_periods) empty_ts = DataFrame(index=datetime_frame.index, columns=datetime_frame.columns) rs_freq = empty_ts.pct_change(freq=freq, fill_method=fill_method, limit=limit) rs_periods = empty_ts.pct_change(periods, fill_method=fill_method, limit=limit) tm.assert_frame_equal(rs_freq, rs_periods) def test_frame_ctor_datetime64_column(self): rng = date_range("1/1/2000 00:00:00", "1/1/2000 1:59:50", freq="10s") dates = np.asarray(rng) df = DataFrame({"A": np.random.randn(len(rng)), "B": dates}) assert np.issubdtype(df["B"].dtype, np.dtype("M8[ns]")) def test_frame_append_datetime64_column(self): rng = date_range("1/1/2000 00:00:00", "1/1/2000 1:59:50", freq="10s") df = DataFrame(index=np.arange(len(rng))) df["A"] = rng assert np.issubdtype(df["A"].dtype, np.dtype("M8[ns]")) def test_frame_datetime64_pre1900_repr(self): df = DataFrame({"year": date_range("1/1/1700", periods=50, freq="A-DEC")}) # it works! repr(df) def test_frame_append_datetime64_col_other_units(self): n = 100 units = ["h", "m", "s", "ms", "D", "M", "Y"] ns_dtype = np.dtype("M8[ns]") for unit in units: dtype = np.dtype("M8[{unit}]".format(unit=unit)) vals = np.arange(n, dtype=np.int64).view(dtype) df = DataFrame({"ints": np.arange(n)}, index=np.arange(n)) df[unit] = vals ex_vals = to_datetime(vals.astype("O")).values assert df[unit].dtype == ns_dtype assert (df[unit].values == ex_vals).all() # Test insertion into existing datetime64 column df = DataFrame({"ints": np.arange(n)}, index=np.arange(n)) df["dates"] = np.arange(n, dtype=np.int64).view(ns_dtype) for unit in units: dtype = np.dtype("M8[{unit}]".format(unit=unit)) vals = np.arange(n, dtype=np.int64).view(dtype) tmp = df.copy() tmp["dates"] = vals ex_vals = to_datetime(vals.astype("O")).values assert (tmp["dates"].values == ex_vals).all() def test_asfreq(self, datetime_frame): offset_monthly = datetime_frame.asfreq(offsets.BMonthEnd()) rule_monthly = datetime_frame.asfreq("BM") tm.assert_almost_equal(offset_monthly["A"], rule_monthly["A"]) filled = rule_monthly.asfreq("B", method="pad") # noqa # TODO: actually check that this worked. # don't forget! filled_dep = rule_monthly.asfreq("B", method="pad") # noqa # test does not blow up on length-0 DataFrame zero_length = datetime_frame.reindex([]) result = zero_length.asfreq("BM") assert result is not zero_length def test_asfreq_datetimeindex(self): df = DataFrame( {"A": [1, 2, 3]}, index=[datetime(2011, 11, 1), datetime(2011, 11, 2), datetime(2011, 11, 3)], ) df = df.asfreq("B") assert isinstance(df.index, DatetimeIndex) ts = df["A"].asfreq("B") assert isinstance(ts.index, DatetimeIndex) def test_asfreq_fillvalue(self): # test for fill value during upsampling, related to issue 3715 # setup rng = pd.date_range("1/1/2016", periods=10, freq="2S") ts = pd.Series(np.arange(len(rng)), index=rng) df = pd.DataFrame({"one": ts}) # insert pre-existing missing value df.loc["2016-01-01 00:00:08", "one"] = None actual_df = df.asfreq(freq="1S", fill_value=9.0) expected_df = df.asfreq(freq="1S").fillna(9.0) expected_df.loc["2016-01-01 00:00:08", "one"] = None tm.assert_frame_equal(expected_df, actual_df) expected_series = ts.asfreq(freq="1S").fillna(9.0) actual_series = ts.asfreq(freq="1S", fill_value=9.0) tm.assert_series_equal(expected_series, actual_series) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "data,idx,expected_first,expected_last", [ ({"A": [1, 2, 3]}, [1, 1, 2], 1, 2), ({"A": [1, 2, 3]}, [1, 2, 2], 1, 2), ({"A": [1, 2, 3, 4]}, ["d", "d", "d", "d"], "d", "d"), ({"A": [1, np.nan, 3]}, [1, 1, 2], 1, 2), ({"A": [np.nan, np.nan, 3]}, [1, 1, 2], 2, 2), ({"A": [1, np.nan, 3]}, [1, 2, 2], 1, 2), ], ) def test_first_last_valid( self, float_frame, data, idx, expected_first, expected_last ): N = len(float_frame.index) mat = np.random.randn(N) mat[:5] = np.nan mat[-5:] = np.nan frame = DataFrame({"foo": mat}, index=float_frame.index) index = frame.first_valid_index() assert index == frame.index[5] index = frame.last_valid_index() assert index == frame.index[-6] # GH12800 empty = DataFrame() assert empty.last_valid_index() is None assert empty.first_valid_index() is None # GH17400: no valid entries frame[:] = np.nan assert frame.last_valid_index() is None assert frame.first_valid_index() is None # GH20499: its preserves freq with holes frame.index = date_range("20110101", periods=N, freq="B") frame.iloc[1] = 1 frame.iloc[-2] = 1 assert frame.first_valid_index() == frame.index[1] assert frame.last_valid_index() == frame.index[-2] assert frame.first_valid_index().freq == frame.index.freq assert frame.last_valid_index().freq == frame.index.freq # GH 21441 df = DataFrame(data, index=idx) assert expected_first == df.first_valid_index() assert expected_last == df.last_valid_index() @pytest.mark.parametrize("klass", [Series, DataFrame]) def test_first_valid_index_all_nan(self, klass): # GH#9752 Series/DataFrame should both return None, not raise obj = klass([np.nan]) assert obj.first_valid_index() is None assert obj.iloc[:0].first_valid_index() is None def test_first_subset(self): ts = tm.makeTimeDataFrame(freq="12h") result = ts.first("10d") assert len(result) == 20 ts = tm.makeTimeDataFrame(freq="D") result = ts.first("10d") assert len(result) == 10 result = ts.first("3M") expected = ts[:"3/31/2000"] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) result = ts.first("21D") expected = ts[:21] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) result = ts[:0].first("3M") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, ts[:0]) def test_first_raises(self): # GH20725 df = pd.DataFrame([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) with pytest.raises(TypeError): # index is not a DatetimeIndex df.first("1D") def test_last_subset(self): ts = tm.makeTimeDataFrame(freq="12h") result = ts.last("10d") assert len(result) == 20 ts = tm.makeTimeDataFrame(nper=30, freq="D") result = ts.last("10d") assert len(result) == 10 result = ts.last("21D") expected = ts["2000-01-10":] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) result = ts.last("21D") expected = ts[-21:] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) result = ts[:0].last("3M") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, ts[:0]) def test_last_raises(self): # GH20725 df = pd.DataFrame([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) with pytest.raises(TypeError): # index is not a DatetimeIndex df.last("1D") def test_at_time(self): rng = date_range("1/1/2000", "1/5/2000", freq="5min") ts = DataFrame(np.random.randn(len(rng), 2), index=rng) rs = ts.at_time(rng[1]) assert (rs.index.hour == rng[1].hour).all() assert (rs.index.minute == rng[1].minute).all() assert (rs.index.second == rng[1].second).all() result = ts.at_time("9:30") expected = ts.at_time(time(9, 30)) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) result = ts.loc[time(9, 30)] expected = ts.loc[(rng.hour == 9) & (rng.minute == 30)] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) # midnight, everything rng = date_range("1/1/2000", "1/31/2000") ts = DataFrame(np.random.randn(len(rng), 3), index=rng) result = ts.at_time(time(0, 0)) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, ts) # time doesn't exist rng = date_range("1/1/2012", freq="23Min", periods=384) ts = DataFrame(np.random.randn(len(rng), 2), rng) rs = ts.at_time("16:00") assert len(rs) == 0 @pytest.mark.parametrize( "hour", ["1:00", "1:00AM", time(1), time(1, tzinfo=pytz.UTC)] ) def test_at_time_errors(self, hour): # GH 24043 dti = pd.date_range("2018", periods=3, freq="H") df = pd.DataFrame(list(range(len(dti))), index=dti) if getattr(hour, "tzinfo", None) is None: result = df.at_time(hour) expected = df.iloc[1:2] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) else: with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Index must be timezone"): df.at_time(hour) def test_at_time_tz(self): # GH 24043 dti = pd.date_range("2018", periods=3, freq="H", tz="US/Pacific") df = pd.DataFrame(list(range(len(dti))), index=dti) result = df.at_time(time(4, tzinfo=pytz.timezone("US/Eastern"))) expected = df.iloc[1:2] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_at_time_raises(self): # GH20725 df = pd.DataFrame([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) with pytest.raises(TypeError): # index is not a DatetimeIndex df.at_time("00:00") @pytest.mark.parametrize("axis", ["index", "columns", 0, 1]) def test_at_time_axis(self, axis): # issue 8839 rng = date_range("1/1/2000", "1/5/2000", freq="5min") ts = DataFrame(np.random.randn(len(rng), len(rng))) ts.index, ts.columns = rng, rng indices = rng[(rng.hour == 9) & (rng.minute == 30) & (rng.second == 0)] if axis in ["index", 0]: expected = ts.loc[indices, :] elif axis in ["columns", 1]: expected = ts.loc[:, indices] result = ts.at_time("9:30", axis=axis)
tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected)
import pandas as pd import numpy as np s =
import pickle import pandas as pd import numpy as np import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer from sklearn.preprocessing import Normalizer from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.preprocessing import Normalizer from datetime import date from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error import datetime as dt from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression from sklearn.ensemble import ExtraTreesRegressor from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV from sklearn import metrics from sklearn.model_selection import RandomizedSearchCV from xgboost import XGBRegressor from lightgbm import LGBMRegressor from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge from sklearn.linear_model import Lasso from sklearn.linear_model import ElasticNet stores = pd.read_csv('stores.csv') features = pd.read_csv('features.csv') train = pd.read_csv('train.csv') test = pd.read_csv('test.csv') sample = pd.read_csv('sampleSubmission.csv') train_df = train.sort_values('Date') test_df = test.sort_values('Date') train_df = train.merge(stores, how='left').merge(features, how='left') print(train_df.shape) #print(train_df.head(2)) print(" ") print(train_df.columns) test_df = test.merge(stores, how='left').merge(features, how='left') print(test_df.shape) #print(train_df.head(2)) print(" ") print(test_df.columns) train_df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(train_df['Date'], format='%d-%m-%Y') test_df['Date'] =
pd.to_datetime(test_df['Date'], format='%Y-%m-%d')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Methods to perform coverage analysis. @author: <NAME> <<EMAIL>> """ import pandas as pd import numpy as np import geopandas as gpd from typing import List, Optional from shapely import geometry as geo from datetime import datetime, timedelta from skyfield.api import load, wgs84, EarthSatellite from ..schemas.point import Point from ..schemas.satellite import Satellite from ..schemas.instrument import Instrument, DutyCycleScheme from ..utils import ( compute_min_altitude, swath_width_to_field_of_regard, compute_max_access_time, compute_orbit_period, ) def collect_observations( point: Point, satellite: Satellite, instrument: Instrument, start: datetime, end: datetime, omit_solar: bool = True, sample_distance: Optional[float] = None, ) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Collect single satellite observations of a geodetic point of interest. :param point: The ground point of interest :type point: :class:`tatc.schemas.point.Point` :param satellite: The observing satellite :type satellite: :class:`tatc.schemas.satellite.Satellite` :param instrument: The instrument used to make observations :type instrument::`tatc.schemas.instrument.instrument` :param start: The start of the mission window :type start::`datetime.datetime` :param end: The end of the mission window :type end::`datetime.datetime` :param omit_solar: True, if solar angles should be omitted to improve computational efficiency, defaults to True :type omit_solar: bool, optional :param sample_distance: Ground sample distance (m) to override instrument field of regard, defaults to None :type sample_distance: int, optional :return: An instance of :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` containing all recorded reduce_observations :rtype::`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` """ # build a topocentric point at the designated geodetic point topos = wgs84.latlon(point.latitude, point.longitude) # load the timescale and define starting and ending points ts = load.timescale() t0 = ts.from_datetime(start) t1 = ts.from_datetime(end) # load the ephemerides eph = load("de421.bsp") # convert orbit to tle orbit = satellite.orbit.to_tle() # construct a satellite for propagation sat = EarthSatellite(orbit.tle[0], orbit.tle[1], # compute the initial satellite height (altitude) satellite_height = wgs84.subpoint( # compute the minimum altitude angle required for observation min_altitude = compute_min_altitude( satellite_height, instrument.field_of_regard if sample_distance is None else swath_width_to_field_of_regard(satellite_height, sample_distance), ) # compute the maximum access time to filter bad data max_access_time = timedelta( seconds=compute_max_access_time(satellite_height, min_altitude) ) # TODO: consider instrument operational intervals ops_intervals = pd.Series( [pd.Interval(pd.Timestamp(start), pd.Timestamp(end), "both")] ) # find the set of observation events t, events = sat.find_events(topos, t0, t1, altitude_degrees=min_altitude) if omit_solar: # basic dataframe without solar angles df = pd.DataFrame( { "point_id": pd.Series([], dtype="int"), "geometry": pd.Series([], dtype="object"), "satellite": pd.Series([], dtype="str"), "instrument": pd.Series([], dtype="str"), "start": pd.Series([], dtype="datetime64[ns, utc]"), "end": pd.Series([], dtype="datetime64[ns, utc]"), "epoch": pd.Series([], dtype="datetime64[ns, utc]"), "sat_alt": pd.Series([], dtype="float64"), "sat_az": pd.Series([], dtype="float64"), } ) else: # extended dataframe including solar angles df = pd.DataFrame( { "point_id": pd.Series([], dtype="int"), "geometry": pd.Series([], dtype="object"), "satellite": pd.Series([], dtype="str"), "instrument": pd.Series([], dtype="str"), "start": pd.Series([], dtype="datetime64[ns, utc]"), "end": pd.Series([], dtype="datetime64[ns, utc]"), "epoch": pd.Series([], dtype="datetime64[ns, utc]"), "sat_alt": pd.Series([], dtype="float64"), "sat_az": pd.Series([], dtype="float64"), "sat_sunlit": pd.Series([], dtype="bool"), "solar_alt": pd.Series([], dtype="float64"), "solar_az": pd.Series([], dtype="float64"), "solar_time": pd.Series([], dtype="float64"), } ) # define variables for stepping through the events list t_rise = None t_culminate = None sat_sunlit = None solar_time = None sat_alt = None sat_az = None solar_alt = None solar_az = None # check for geocentricity if np.all(events == 1) and events: # find the satellite altitude, azimuth, and distance at t0 sat_alt, sat_az, sat_dist = (sat - topos).at(t[0]).altaz() # if ommiting solar angles if omit_solar: df = pd.concat([ df, pd.DataFrame.from_records( { "point_id":, "geometry": geo.Point(point.longitude, point.latitude), "satellite":, "instrument":, "start": start, "epoch": start + (end - start) / 2, "end": end, "sat_alt": sat_alt.degrees, "sat_az": sat_az.degrees, }, index=[0] ) ], ignore_index=True) # otherwise if solar angles are included else: df = pd.concat([ df, pd.DataFrame.from_records( { "point_id":, "geometry": geo.Point(point.longitude, point.latitude), "satellite":, "instrument":, "start": start, "epoch": start + (end - start) / 2, "end": end, "sat_alt": sat_alt.degrees, "sat_az": sat_az.degrees, "sat_sunlit": None, "solar_alt": None, "solar_az": None, "solar_time": None }, index=[0] ) ], ignore_index=True) # compute the access time for the observation (end - start) df["access"] = df["end"] - df["start"] # compute the revisit time for each observation (previous end - start) df["revisit"] = df["end"] - df["start"].shift() return gpd.GeoDataFrame(df, geometry=df.geometry, crs="EPSG:4326") for j in range(len(events)): if events[j] == 0: # record the rise time t_rise = t[j].utc_datetime() elif events[j] == 1: # record the culmination time t_culminate = t[j].utc_datetime() # find the satellite altitude, azimuth, and distance sat_alt, sat_az, sat_dist = (sat - topos).at(t[j]).altaz() if not omit_solar or instrument.req_target_sunlit is not None: # find the solar altitude, azimuth, and distance solar_obs = ( (eph["earth"] + topos).at(t[j]).observe(eph["sun"]).apparent() ) solar_alt, solar_az, solar_dist = solar_obs.altaz() # find the local solar time solar_time = solar_obs.hadec()[0].hours + 12 if not omit_solar or instrument.req_self_sunlit is not None: # find whether the satellite is sunlit sat_sunlit =[j]).is_sunlit(eph) elif events[j] == 2: # record the set time t_set = t[j].utc_datetime() # only record an observation if a previous rise and culminate # events were recorded (sometimes they are out-of-order) if t_rise is not None and t_culminate is not None: # check if the observation meets minimum access duration, # ground sunlit conditions, and satellite sunlit conditions if ( instrument.min_access_time <= t_set - t_rise <= max_access_time * 2 and instrument.is_valid_observation( eph, ts.from_datetime(t_culminate),, ) and ( instrument.duty_cycle >= 1 or any(ops_intervals.apply(lambda i: t_culminate in i)) ) ): # if omitting solar angles if omit_solar: df = pd.concat([ df, pd.DataFrame.from_records( { "point_id":, "geometry": geo.Point(point.longitude, point.latitude), "satellite":, "instrument":, "start": pd.Timestamp(t_rise), "epoch": pd.Timestamp(t_culminate), "end": pd.Timestamp(t_set), "sat_alt": sat_alt.degrees, "sat_az": sat_az.degrees, }, index=[0] ) ], ignore_index=True) # otherwise if solar angles are included else: df = pd.concat([ df, pd.DataFrame.from_records( { "point_id":, "geometry": geo.Point(point.longitude, point.latitude), "satellite":, "instrument":, "start": pd.Timestamp(t_rise), "epoch": pd.Timestamp(t_culminate), "end": pd.Timestamp(t_set), "sat_alt": sat_alt.degrees, "sat_az": sat_az.degrees, "sat_sunlit": sat_sunlit, "solar_alt": solar_alt.degrees, "solar_az": solar_az.degrees, "solar_time": solar_time, }, index=[0] ) ], ignore_index=True) # reset the variables for stepping through the event list t_rise = None t_culminate = None sat_sunlit = None solar_time = None sat_alt = None sat_az = None solar_alt = None solar_az = None # compute the access time for each observation (end - start) df["access"] = df["end"] - df["start"] # compute the revisit time for each observation (previous end - start) df["revisit"] = df["end"] - df["start"].shift() return gpd.GeoDataFrame(df, geometry=df.geometry, crs="EPSG:4326") def collect_multi_observations( point: Point, satellites: List[Satellite], start: datetime, end: datetime, omit_solar: bool = True, sample_distance: Optional[float] = None, ) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Collect multiple satellite observations of a geodetic point of interest. :param point: The ground point of interest :type point: :class:`tatc.schemas.point.Point` :param satellites: The observing satellites :type satellites: list of :class:`tatc.schemas.satellite.Satellite` :param start: The start of the mission window :type start: :`datetime.datetime` :param end: The end of the mission window :type end: :class:`datetime.datetime` :param omit_solar: True, if solar angles should be omitted to improve computational efficiency, defaults to True :type omit_solar: bool, optional :param sample_distance: Ground sample distance (m) to override instrument field of regard, defaults to None :type sample_distance: int, optional :return: an instance of :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` containing all recorded observations :rtype: :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` """ gdfs = [ collect_observations( point, satellite, instrument, start, end, omit_solar, sample_distance ) for constellation in satellites for satellite in (constellation.generate_members()) for instrument in satellite.instruments ] # merge the observations into one data frame df = pd.concat(gdfs, ignore_index=True) # sort the values by start datetime df = df.sort_values("start") return gpd.GeoDataFrame(df, geometry=df.geometry, crs="EPSG:4326") def aggregate_observations(gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Aggregate constellation observations for a geodetic point of interest. :param gdf: The individual observations. :type gdf: :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` :return: An instance of :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` The data frame with aggregated observations. :rtype: :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` """ if len(gdf.index) == 0: empty_df = pd.DataFrame( { "point_id": pd.Series([], dtype="int"), "geometry":
pd.Series([], dtype="object")
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # see license """ SPARQL query abstractions. """ import re import typing import pandas as pd # type: ignore # pylint: disable=E0401 import pyvis # type: ignore # pylint: disable=E0401 import rdflib # type: ignore # pylint: disable=E0401 from kglab.gpviz import GPViz from kglab.pkg_types import RDF_Node from kglab.util import get_gpu_count from .base import Queryable ## pre-constructor set-up if get_gpu_count() > 0: import cudf # type: ignore # pylint: disable=E0401 class SparqlQueryable (Queryable): """ SPARQL implementation for Queryable abstract class. """ def __init__ ( self, kg: typing.Any, ) -> None: """ Constructor. """ = kg ###################################################################### ## SPARQL queries def query ( # pylint: disable=W0221 self, query: str, *, bindings: dict = None, ) -> typing.Iterable: """ Wrapper for [`rdflib.Graph.query()`]( to perform a SPARQL query on the RDF graph. query: text for the SPARQL query bindings: initial variable bindings yields: [`rdflib.query.ResultRow`]( named tuples, to iterate through the query result set """ if not bindings: bindings = {} for row in # pylint: disable=W0212 query, initBindings=bindings, ): yield row def query_as_df ( # pylint: disable=W0221 self, query: str, *, bindings: dict = None, simplify: bool = True, pythonify: bool = True, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Wrapper for [`rdflib.Graph.query()`]( to perform a SPARQL query on the RDF graph. query: text for the SPARQL query bindings: initial variable bindings simplify: convert terms in each row of the result set into a readable representation for each term, using N3 format pythonify: convert instances of [`rdflib.term.Literal`]( to their Python literal representation returns: the query result set represented as a [`pandas.DataFrame`](; uses the [RAPIDS `cuDF` library]( if GPUs are enabled """ if not bindings: bindings = {} row_iter =, initBindings=bindings) # pylint: disable=W0212 if simplify: rows_list = [ self.n3fy_row(r.asdict(), pythonify=pythonify) for r in row_iter ] else: rows_list = [ r.asdict() for r in row_iter ] if df = cudf.DataFrame(rows_list) else: df =
import pandas as pd from pathlib import Path from utils.aioLogger import aioLogger from typing import List from config.aioConfig import CESDataConfig from utils.aioError import aioPreprocessError import re import matplotlib.pyplot as plt class CESCsvReader: """read data from csv file df, save it in #* self.df""" def __init__(self, csv_file: Path, use_offset: bool = True) -> None: self.use_offset = use_offset self.csv_file = csv_file self.logger = aioLogger(self.__class__.__name__).logger"{self.csv_file} loaded for processing...") = self._get_id_from_file_name() self._csv_file_correction() self.read_csv_to_df() # self.show_plots() def show_plots(self): fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, figsize=(12, 6)) self.df[self.offset_sensor_columns].plot(ax=ax[0]) self.df[["stability", "pssc"]].plot(ax=ax[1]) def _convert_df_to_numeric(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: return df.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors="ignore") def read_csv_to_df(self) -> None: df = pd.read_csv(self.csv_file, skiprows=CESDataConfig.SKIP_ROWS, sep=";") df = self._drop_according_to_column_and_row(df) offset_column_name: str = "offsets" df_info_columns = df.columns.difference(CESDataConfig.SENSOR_COLUMNS) df_info_columns = df_info_columns.difference([offset_column_name]) df_offset = self.unpack_data_series(df[offset_column_name]) df_offset = self.set_num_of_row_to_zero_from_start(df_offset) df_offset = self._convert_df_to_numeric(df_offset) self.offset_sensor_columns = df_offset.columns df_info = df[df_info_columns].copy() if self.use_offset: self.df = pd.concat([df_info, df_offset], axis=1) else: df_sensor = self._convert_df_to_numeric(df[CESDataConfig.SENSOR_COLUMNS]) if self._validate_sensor_df(df_sensor): self.df = pd.concat([df_info, df_sensor], axis=1) else: raise aioPreprocessError( f"preprocess for csv {self.csv_file} NOK ! please double check" ) def _drop_according_to_column_and_row( self, df: pd.DataFrame, thresh_percentage: float = 0.5 ): df.dropna( thresh=len(df) * thresh_percentage, axis=1, inplace=True ) # remove empty columns df.dropna( thresh=len(df.columns) * thresh_percentage, axis=0, how="all", inplace=True ) # remove n/a rows return df def unpack_data_series( self, ds: pd.Series, new_column_name_prefix: str = "offset_C" ): ds = ds.apply(self.convert_list_str_to_list) item_length = len(ds.iloc[0]) new_ds = ds.explode() df = pd.DataFrame(data=new_ds).reset_index() df.columns = ["idx_orig", "value"] def add_sensor_column(row): number_to_append = % item_length sensor_offset_name = f"{new_column_name_prefix}{number_to_append+1}" return sensor_offset_name df["sensor"] = df.apply(add_sensor_column, axis=1) pivot =
pd.pivot(data=df, index="idx_orig", columns="sensor", values="value")
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Date : 2017-07-05 16:53:19 # @Author : mayongze (<EMAIL>) # @Link : # @Version : import os import URPCrawlerDAO import URPMain import DBHelper import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import math from pylab import * # 不设置字体plt 标签不能显示中文 mpl.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei'] def flunk_pie(cname,sex = None): strSql = "SELECT s.s_sex,sum(CASE WHEN g.grade >= 60 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 及格人数,sum( CASE WHEN g.grade < 60 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS 不及格人数,sum( CASE WHEN 1=1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS 没有成绩人数 FROM grade as g ,students as s,course WHERE g.semester = '2016-2017-2' AND s.sno = g.sno AND course.c_name = '{0}' AND g.semester = '2016-2017-2' AND course.c_no = g.cno GROUP BY s_sex".format(cname) if sex: title = "2016-2017 春季学期 %s(%s) 成绩统计" %(cname,sex) else: sex = 0 title = "2016-2017 春季学期 %s 成绩统计" %cname dic = {} resultList = dbHepler.fetchall(strSql) for item in resultList: dic[item[0]] = item[1:] print(dic) if '男' not in dic: dic['男']=[0,0,0] if '女' not in dic: dic['女']=[0,0,0] X = [dic['男'][0],dic['女'][0],dic['男'][1],dic['女'][1]] labels=['(男)及格-%s人'%X[0],'(女)及格-%s人'%X[1],'(男)不及格-%s人'%X[2],'(女)不及格-%s人'%X[3]] expl = [0,0,0.01,0.01] #第二块即China离开圆心0.1 colors = ["blue","red","coral","green"] #设置颜色(循环显示) #fig = plt.figure() plt.figure(1, figsize=(7,6)) # 正方形图 plt.title(title) plt.pie(X,labels=labels,explode=expl, colors=colors,autopct='%1.2f%%',pctdistance=0.8, shadow=True) #画饼图(数据,数据对应的标签,百分数保留两位小数点) def flunkCourseRank_barh(): strSql = "SELECT course.c_name,count(g.grade) FROM grade AS g,course WHERE g.semester = '2016-2017-2' AND g.flunkcount > 0 AND g.cno = course.c_no GROUP BY course.c_name ORDER BY count(g.cno) DESC" tmp = dbHepler.fetchall(strSql) courseList,grade = [],[] for item in tmp: #if int(item[1]) > 5: courseList.append(item[0]) grade.append(item[1]) label = courseList x = grade idx = np.arange(len(x)) color = cm.jet(np.array(x)/max(x)) plt.barh(idx, x, color=color) #plt.yticks(idx+1,label) plt.yticks(idx,label,fontsize=5) plt.grid(axis='x') plt.xlabel('不及格人数') plt.ylabel('科目') plt.title('2016-2017 春季学期 不及格科目') def flunkMajorStatistics(majorKey): majorKey = 'C14' strSql = "SELECT s.s_major,sum(CASE WHEN g.isFlunk = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as 挂科人数,sum(CASE WHEN g.isFlunk = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as 没挂过科人数,sum(CASE WHEN 1 = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as 总人数 FROM (SELECT g.sno,( CASE WHEN sum(CASE WHEN g.grade < 60 and g.grade !='' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS isFlunk FROM grade AS g WHERE g.semester = '2016-2017-2' GROUP BY g.sno ORDER BY g.sno ASC ) AS g, students AS s WHERE s.sno = g.sno AND s.s_class LIKE '%{0}%' GROUP BY s_major".format(majorKey) tmp = dbHepler.fetchall(strSql) C14major={} for item in tmp: C14major[item[0].rstrip("(城市学院)")] = int(item[1]) / (int(item[2]) + int(item[1])) majorKey = 'C15' strSql = "SELECT s.s_major,sum(CASE WHEN g.isFlunk = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as 挂科人数,sum(CASE WHEN g.isFlunk = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as 没挂过科人数,sum(CASE WHEN 1 = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as 总人数 FROM (SELECT g.sno,( CASE WHEN sum(CASE WHEN g.grade < 60 and g.grade !='' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS isFlunk FROM grade AS g WHERE g.semester = '2016-2017-2' GROUP BY g.sno ORDER BY g.sno ASC ) AS g, students AS s WHERE s.sno = g.sno AND s.s_class LIKE '%{0}%' GROUP BY s_major".format(majorKey) tmp = dbHepler.fetchall(strSql) C15major={} for item in tmp: C15major[item[0].rstrip("(城市学院)")] = int(item[1]) / (int(item[2]) + int(item[1])) majorKey = 'C16' strSql = "SELECT s.s_major,sum(CASE WHEN g.isFlunk = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as 挂科人数,sum(CASE WHEN g.isFlunk = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as 没挂过科人数,sum(CASE WHEN 1 = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as 总人数 FROM (SELECT g.sno,( CASE WHEN sum(CASE WHEN g.grade < 60 and g.grade !='' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS isFlunk FROM grade AS g WHERE g.semester = '2016-2017-2' GROUP BY g.sno ORDER BY g.sno ASC ) AS g, students AS s WHERE s.sno = g.sno AND s.s_class LIKE '%{0}%' GROUP BY s_major".format(majorKey) tmp = dbHepler.fetchall(strSql) C16major={} for item in tmp: C16major[item[0].rstrip("(城市学院)")] = int(item[1]) / (int(item[2]) + int(item[1])) s14 = pd.Series(C14major) s15 = pd.Series(C15major) s16 = pd.Series(C16major) df =
""" This creates Figure 4, fitting of multivalent binding model to Gc Data. """ import os import numpy as np import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.metrics import r2_score from scipy.optimize import minimize from copy import copy from .figureCommon import subplotLabel, getSetup from ..PCA import nllsq_EC50 from ..MBmodel import runFullModel, cytBindingModel path_here = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)) def makeFigure(): """Get a list of the axis objects and create a figure""" ax, f = getSetup((10, 7), (3, 4), multz={9: 1}) axlabel = copy(ax) del axlabel[1] del axlabel[1] del axlabel[1] del axlabel[2] subplotLabel(axlabel) ax[0].axis("off") ax[1].axis("off") ax[2].axis("off") ax[3].axis("off") ax[5].axis("off") minSolved = minimize(runFullModel, x0=-12.0, args=([0.5, 1], False, True)) print(minSolved) modelDF = runFullModel(time=[0.5, 1.0], saveDict=False, singleCell=True) # Change to save print(r2_score(modelDF.Experimental.values, modelDF.Predicted.values)) Pred_Exp_plot(ax[4], modelDF) legend = ax[4].get_legend() labels = (x.get_text() for x in legend.get_texts()) ax[5].legend(legend.legendHandles, labels, loc="upper left", prop={"size": 8.5}) # use this to place universal legend later ax[4].get_legend().remove() R2_Plot_Cells(ax[6], modelDF) R2_Plot_Ligs(ax[7], modelDF) MonVsBivalent(ax[8], modelDF, ligs=True) R2_Plot_Conc(ax[9], modelDF) timePlot(ax[10]) return f def Pred_Exp_plot(ax, df): """Plots all experimental vs. Predicted Values""" sns.scatterplot(x="Experimental", y="Predicted", hue="Cell", style="Valency", data=df, ax=ax, alpha=0.35) ax.set(xlim=(0, 60000), ylim=(0, 60000)) def R2_Plot_Cells(ax, df): """Plots all accuracies per cell""" accDF = pd.DataFrame(columns={"Cell Type", "Valency", "Accuracy"}) cellTypes = ['Treg $IL2Ra^{hi}$', 'Treg', 'Treg $IL2Ra^{lo}$', 'Thelper $IL2Ra^{hi}$', 'Thelper', 'Thelper $IL2Ra^{lo}$', 'CD8', 'NK'] for cell in cellTypes: for val in df.Valency.unique(): preds = df.loc[(df.Cell == cell) & (df.Valency == val)].Predicted.values exps = df.loc[(df.Cell == cell) & (df.Valency == val)].Experimental.values r2 = r2_score(exps, preds) accDF = accDF.append(pd.DataFrame({"Cell Type": [cell], "Valency": [val], "Accuracy": [r2]})) sns.barplot(x="Cell Type", y="Accuracy", hue="Valency", data=accDF, ax=ax) ax.set(ylim=(0, 1), ylabel=r"Accuracy ($R^2$)") ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=45, ha="right") def R2_Plot_Ligs(ax, df): """Plots all accuracies per ligand""" accDF = pd.DataFrame(columns={"Ligand", "Valency", "Accuracy"}) for ligand in df.Ligand.unique(): for val in df.loc[df.Ligand == ligand].Valency.unique(): preds = df.loc[(df.Ligand == ligand) & (df.Valency == val)].Predicted.values exps = df.loc[(df.Ligand == ligand) & (df.Valency == val)].Experimental.values r2 = r2_score(exps, preds) if val == 1: accDF = accDF.append(pd.DataFrame({"Ligand": [ligand + " (Mono)"], "Valency": [val], "Accuracy": [r2]})) else: accDF = accDF.append(pd.DataFrame({"Ligand": [ligand + " (Biv)"], "Valency": [val], "Accuracy": [r2]})) sns.barplot(x="Ligand", y="Accuracy", data=accDF, ax=ax) ax.set(ylim=(0, 1), ylabel=r"Accuracy ($R^2$)") ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=45, ha="right") def R2_Plot_Conc(ax, df): """Plots all accuracies per concentration""" accDF =
pd.DataFrame(columns={"Concentration", "Valency", "Accuracy"})
import pytest import pandas as pd from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET from src import * from import * error_holiday_res = '''<OpenAPI_ServiceResponse> <cmmMsgHeader> <returnCode>500</returnCode> <errMsg>게이트웨이 내부 서비스 오류</errMsg> </cmmMsgHeader> </OpenAPI_ServiceResponse>''' right_holiday_res = ''' <response><header><resultCode>00</resultCode><resultMsg>NORMAL SERVICE.</resultMsg></header><body><items><item><dateKind>01</dateKind><dateName>1월1일</dateName><isHoliday>Y</isHoliday><locdate>20200101</locdate><seq>1</seq></item><item><dateKind>01</dateKind><dateName>설날</dateName><isHoliday>Y</isHoliday><locdate>20200124</locdate><seq>1</seq></item><item><dateKind>01</dateKind><dateName>설날</dateName><isHoliday>Y</isHoliday><locdate>20200125</locdate><seq>1</seq></item><item><dateKind>01</dateKind><dateName>설날</dateName><isHoliday>Y</isHoliday><locdate>20200126</locdate><seq>1</seq></item><item><dateKind>01</dateKind><dateName>설날</dateName><isHoliday>Y</isHoliday><locdate>20200127</locdate><seq>1</seq></item></items><numOfRows>100</numOfRows><pageNo>1</pageNo><totalCount>5</totalCount></body></response>''' right_null_res = '''<response><header><resultCode>00</resultCode><resultMsg>NORMAL SERVICE.</resultMsg></header><body><items /><numOfRows>100</numOfRows><pageNo>1</pageNo><totalCount>0</totalCount></body></response>''' def test_get_time(): dt = get_time() assert isinstance(dt.year, int) assert isinstance(dt.month, int) def test_get_response_status_code(): err_root = ET.fromstring(error_holiday_res) assert get_response_status_code(err_root) == '500' right_root = ET.fromstring(right_holiday_res) assert get_response_status_code(right_root) == '00' def test_get_holiday_info(): assert all([config.PUBLIC_DATA_DOMAIN, config.PUBLIC_DATA_HOLIDAY_URI, config.PUBLIC_DATA_PORTAL_KEY, config.DEFAULT_NUM_PAGE]) assert get_holiday_info(2020, 1, config.PUBLIC_DATA_HOLIDAY_HOLIDAY_OP).status_code == 200 def test_parse_response(): holiday_df =
pd.DataFrame(columns=['date', 'name', 'type', 'is_holiday'])
import pandas as pd import numpy as np from datetime import timedelta, datetime from sys import argv dates=("2020-04-01", "2020-04-08", "2020-04-15", "2020-04-22", "2020-04-29" ,"2020-05-06", "2020-05-13","2020-05-20", "2020-05-27", "2020-06-03", "2020-06-10", "2020-06-17", "2020-06-24", "2020-07-01", "2020-07-08", "2020-07-15", "2020-07-22", "2020-07-29", "2020-08-05", "2020-08-12", "2020-08-19", "2020-08-26", "2020-09-02", "2020-09-16", "2020-09-23", "2020-09-30", "2020-10-07", "2020-10-14", "2020-10-21") days_list=( 60, 67, 74, 81, 88, 95, 102, 109, 116, 123, 130, 137, 144, 151, 158, 165, 172,179,186,193,200,207, 214, #skip 221, data missing 2020-09-09 228,235, 242, 249,256,263) df = pd.DataFrame() for i,date in enumerate(dates): states = ['NSW','QLD','SA','TAS','VIC','WA','ACT','NT'] n_sims = int(argv[1]) start_date = '2020-03-01' days = days_list[i] forecast_type = "R_L" #default None forecast_date = date #format should be '%Y-%m-%d' end_date = pd.to_datetime(start_date,format='%Y-%m-%d') + timedelta(days=days-1) sims_dict={ 'state': [], 'onset date':[], } for n in range(n_sims): if n <2000: sims_dict['sim'+str(n)] = [] print("forecast up to: {}".format(end_date)) date_col = [day.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') for day in pd.date_range(start_date,end_date)] for i,state in enumerate(states): df_results = pd.read_parquet("./results/"+state+start_date+"sim_"+forecast_type+str(n_sims)+"days_"+str(days)+".parquet",columns=date_col) df_local = df_results.loc['total_inci_obs'] sims_dict['onset date'].extend(date_col) sims_dict['state'].extend([state]*len(date_col)) n=0 print(state) for index, row in df_local.iterrows(): if n==2000: break #if index>=2000: # continue #else: if np.all(row.isna()): continue else: sims_dict['sim'+str(n)].extend(row.values) n +=1 print(n) while n < 2000: print("Resampling") for index, row in df_local.iterrows(): if n==2000: break if np.all(row.isna()): continue else: sims_dict['sim'+str(n)].extend(row.values) n +=1 df_single = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(sims_dict) df_single["data date"] = forecast_date key ='local_obs' df_single[df_single.select_dtypes(float).columns] = df_single.select_dtypes(float).astype(int) #df.to_csv('./analysis/UoA_'+forecast_date+str(key)+'.csv') df = df.append(df_single) df['data date'] =
pd.to_datetime(df['data date'])
import argparse, time,re, os,csv,functools, signal,sys, json import logging,datetime, threading,concurrent.futures from logging import handlers from time import gmtime, strftime from urllib.parse import urlparse from os.path import splitext import pandas as pd import numpy as np # Local Imports from Lib.GCS.wrapper import Wrapper from Lib.GCS.origin_settings import Origin_Settings from Lib.GCS.log import ConsoleLogging def ArgsParser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='',formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--switchKey', type=str, help='Account_ID to Query for multi account management (switch key)', required=False) parser.add_argument('--verbose', action='store_true', help='Turn on Verbose Mode.') parser.add_argument('--section', type=str, help='EdgeRc section to be used.', required=False,default='papi') parser.add_argument('--type', type=str.lower, choices=['as','os','har'], help='Type of report to be done [account-summary,offload,http-archive]]', required=False,default='as') parser.add_argument('--cpcodes', nargs='+', type=int, help='List of cpcodes to query. Used only in Offload Analysis.', required=False) parser.add_argument('--start', type=str, help='Report Start date in format YYYY-MM-DD", if not provided default is start of last month. Used only in Offload Analysis.', required=False) parser.add_argument('--end', type=str, help='Report Start date in format YYYY-MM-DD", if not provided default is start of last month. Used only in Offload Analysis.', required=False) parser.add_argument('--domain', type=str, help='Main Domain to be reviewed in HAR, usually it will be the same as the page view URL. Used only in Har Analysis.', required=False) parser.add_argument('--first-parties', nargs='+', type=str, help='List of first party domains --domain will be appended to this list. If only one domain is in quesion, --domain is all you need. Used only in Har Analysis.', required=False) parser.add_argument('--file', type=str, help='File location to be analysed. Used only in Har Analysis.', required=False) parser.add_argument('--groupby', type=str.lower, choices=['ext','url'], help='Used only in Offload Analysis. ', required=False,default='ext') args = vars(parser.parse_args()) return parser, args class Aggregator: def __init__(self,console,args,section_name): self.args = None self.parser = None self.maxThreads = 5 self.outputdir = "None" self.verbose = args['verbose'] self.log = console.log self.wrapper = Wrapper(self.log,section_name) self.accountId = None self.wrapper.account = None self.dfs = {} self.startDate = None self.endDate = None self.accountName = None self.productMap = None self.reportType = "as" self.groupby = args['groupby'] signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.signal_handler) def signal_handler(self,sig, frame): self.clear_cache() self.log.critical("Forced Exit... Bye!..") sys.exit(0) def _validateDate(self, date): """Returns False if input date does not follow YYYY-MM-DD. Keyword arguments: date Return type: Boolean """ try: datetime.datetime.strptime(str(date), '%Y-%m-%d') return True except ValueError: return False # raise ValueError("Incorrect data format, should be YYYY-MM-DD") def createFolder(self,directoryName): """Creates directores to store outputs, takes the directory name. This value most of the time will be the account Name. Keyword arguments: directoryName Return type: None """ self.outputdir = 'Reports' # Create Audit Folder try: os.stat(self.outputdir) except: os.mkdir(self.outputdir) self.outputdir = self.outputdir+'/'+directoryName.replace(' ','_')+'/' # Create Account Folder under Audit try: os.stat(self.outputdir) except: os.mkdir(self.outputdir) self.outputdir = self.outputdir + str(datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')).replace(' ','_').replace(':','.') + '-' def _getProducts(self, contractId): """ Return the set of products within a contract as a comma seperated list Keyword arguments: contractId Return type: list """ products = self.wrapper.getProducts(contractId) productNames = [] if 'products' in products: for product in products['products']['items']: productNames.append(product['productName']) new_row = { 'Product_ID':product['productId'], 'Product_Name':product['productName'] } if len(productNames) > 1: return ",".join(productNames) else: return [] def getAccountDetails(self): """ Gets Account Name from ID, also saves the groups for later functions. Keyword arguments: None Return type: Boolean, but also stores dataframe in self.dfs """ if args['switchKey']: self.accountId = args['switchKey'] self.wrapper.account = args['switchKey'] self.groups = self.wrapper.getGroups() if 'incidentId' in self.groups: self.log.error('Account Not Found or insufficient privileges to complete the operation. Try "--section sectionName" o change edgerc section') return False if not args['switchKey']: self.accountId = self.groups['accountId'][4:] # self.wrapper.account = self.groups['accountId'][4:]"Account ID: {0}".format(self.accountId)) self.accountName = self.groups['accountName']"Account Name: {0}".format(self.accountName)) csv_file_path = self.createFolder(self.groups['accountName']) columns = ["Account_Id", "Account_Name"] df_acc= pd.DataFrame(columns=columns) new_row = { 'Account_Id':self.groups['accountId'][4:], 'Account_Name':self.groups['accountName'] } df_acc=df_acc.append(new_row, ignore_index=True) self.dfs['account'] = df_acc self._readProductMap() return True def accountSummary(self): """ Main function for AS report type, orchestrates function execution. Keyword arguments: None Return type: None """"Creating Contract summary table") self.printContracts()"Creating Groups summary table") self.printGroups()"Creating CP_Code summary table") self.printCPcodes()"Creating edge host name summary table") self.printEdgeHostNames()"Creating Application Security tables") self.printAppSec() if args['verbose']:"Creating Property summary. (It may take a while) ") else:"Creating Property summary. (It may take a while, view more with '--verbose') ") self.printPropertiesDetails()"Creating Certificate Table.") self.getEnrollments()"Creating Summary by Hostname") self.presentation()"Writing Files...") self._writeFiles()"Report successfull, output can be found here:'Reports/{0}/'".format(self.accountName)) def printContracts(self): """ Gets Contracts within Account Keyword arguments: None Return type: None, but stores dataframe in self.dfs """"Creating Contracts table.") columns = ["Contract_ID" , "Contract_Name", "Products"] df_ctr= pd.DataFrame(columns=columns) contracts = self.wrapper.getContractNames() for contract in contracts['contracts']['items']: products = self._getProducts(contract['contractId']) new_row = { 'Contract_ID': contract['contractId'][4:], 'Contract_Name':contract['contractTypeName'], 'Products':products } df_ctr=df_ctr.append(new_row, ignore_index=True) self.dfs['contracts'] = df_ctr def printGroups(self): """ Gets Groups in account Keyword arguments: None Return type: None, but stores dataframe in self.dfs """"Creating Groups table.") columns = ["Group_ID", "Group_Name","Parent"] df_grp = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns) for group in self.groups['groups']['items']: grp_id = int(group['groupId'][4:]) grp_name = group['groupName'] grp_parent = None if 'parentGroupId' in group: grp_parent = int(group['parentGroupId'][4:]) new_row = { 'Group_ID': grp_id, 'Group_Name':grp_name, 'Parent':grp_parent } df_grp=df_grp.append(new_row, ignore_index=True) self.dfs['groups'] = df_grp def printEdgeHostNames(self): """ Gets EdgeHostnames in account Keyword arguments: None Return type: None, but stores dataframe in self.dfs """ lst_eh = [] columns = ["Group_ID", "Contract_ID", "Edge_Host_ID", "Edge_Host_Name", "Edge_Host_Domain_Suffix", "Secure", "IPVersion","Product_ID","Map","Slot"] df_eh = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns) contracts = [] with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=self.maxThreads) as executor: for group in self.groups['groups']['items']: groupId = group['groupId'] executor.submit(self.GroupsWorker,'edgehost',group,lst_eh,contracts) df_eh= df_eh.append(lst_eh, ignore_index=True) self.dfs['edgehostnames'] = df_eh def PropertyWorker(self,list_grp_configs,list_grp_behaviors,config_details): """ Gets Property details, Keyword arguments: list_grp_configs list_grp_behaviors config_details Return type: None, but stores dataframe in self.dfs """ args = None args = ['Prod_Version','Staging_Version', 'Latest_Version'] if 'propertyName' in config_details: self.log.debug("Importing data for property: '{0}'".format(config_details['propertyName'])) # Assign values to variables here for readability and will be used in rest of function. groupId = config_details['groupId'] contractId = config_details['contractId'] propertyId = config_details['propertyId'] productionVersion = config_details['productionVersion'] stgVersion = config_details['stagingVersion'] latestVersion = config_details['latestVersion'] productId = None new_row = { 'Config_Name': config_details['propertyName'], 'Group_ID': int(groupId[4:]), 'Contract_ID': contractId[4:], 'Property_ID': int(propertyId[4:]), 'Prod_Version': productionVersion, 'Staging_Version': stgVersion, 'Latest_Version': latestVersion, 'Product': productId } if args: for config_env in args: config_version = new_row[config_env] if config_version is not None: get_version = self.wrapper.getVersionDetails(propertyId,groupId,contractId,str(config_version)) if 'versions' in get_version: for item in get_version['versions']['items']: new_row[config_env + '_Updated_User'] = item['updatedByUser'] new_row[config_env + '_Updated_Time'] = item['updatedDate'] if productId == None: productId = item['productId'][4:] else: new_row[config_env + '_Updated_User'] = 'No_' + config_env new_row[config_env + '_Updated_Time'] = 'No_' + config_env new_row['Product'] = productId version = new_row['Latest_Version'] if ('Prod_Version' in new_row) and (new_row['Prod_Version'] is not None): version = new_row['Prod_Version'] else: if ('Staging_Version' in new_row) and (new_row['Staging_Version'] is not None): version = new_row['Staging_Version'] new_row['Hostnames'] = self.getPropertyHostDetails(new_row['Group_ID'],new_row['Contract_ID'],new_row['Property_ID'], str(version)) new_row['Origins'] = self.getPropertyOriginDetails(new_row['Group_ID'],new_row['Contract_ID'],new_row['Property_ID'], str(version)) new_row['Behaviors'] = self.getBehaviorDetails() new_row['CP_Codes'] = '['+self.getCPCodeDetails()+']' property_behaviors = new_row['Behaviors'] list_grp_configs.append(new_row) if productionVersion is not None: propertyVersion = productionVersion elif stgVersion is not None: propertyVersion = stgVersion else : propertyVersion = latestVersion available_behaviors = self.wrapper.getavailableBehavior(propertyId, str(propertyVersion),contractId, groupId) if 'behaviors' in available_behaviors: for b in available_behaviors['behaviors']['items']: enabled = False if b['name'] in property_behaviors: enabled = True new_row = { 'Config_Name': config_details['propertyName'], 'Behaviors': b['name'], 'Enabled': enabled } list_grp_behaviors.append(new_row) return def GroupsWorker(self, workType,group,main_list=None,second_list=None): """ Worker for multithreads for property functions, cpcode functions, edgehosts due to high number of groups per account, Keyword arguments: workType <= Type of function to be execute [property, cpcode , edgehosts] group <= Dataframe containing list of account groups main_list <= list passed down by maint thread to append results second_list <= secondary list passed down by main thread to append results Return type: None """ groupId = group['groupId'] if 'contractIds' in group: for contractId in group['contractIds']: if workType == 'properties': location_result = self.wrapper.getProperties(groupId, contractId) if 'properties' in location_result: with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=self.maxThreads) as executor: for config_details in location_result['properties']['items']: executor.submit(self.PropertyWorker,main_list,second_list,config_details) elif workType == 'cpcodes': cpcodes = self.wrapper.getCPCodes(groupId, contractId) with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=self.maxThreads) as executor: for cp in cpcodes['cpcodes']['items']: products = [] for product in cp['productIds']: products.append(product[4:]) new_row = { 'Group_ID': int(groupId[4:]), 'Contract_ID': contractId[4:], 'CP_Code_ID': int(cp['cpcodeId'][4:]), 'CP_Code_Name': cp['cpcodeName'], 'CP_Code_Products': "|".join(products) } if new_row not in main_list: self.log.debug("Fetched data for CPcode: '{0}'".format(cp['cpcodeId'][4:])) main_list.append(new_row) elif workType == 'edgehost': if 'contractIds' in group: for contractId in group['contractIds']: if contractId in second_list: break second_list.append(contractId) edgeHostNames = self.wrapper.getEdgeHostNames(groupId, contractId,'hapi') for edgeHostName in edgeHostNames['edgeHostnames']: slot = None if 'slotNumber' in edgeHostName: slot = edgeHostName['slotNumber'] productID = None if 'productId' in edgeHostName: productID = edgeHostName['productId'] IPv = None if 'ipVersionBehavior' in edgeHostName: IPv = edgeHostName['ipVersionBehavior'] eMap = None if 'map' in edgeHostName: eMap = edgeHostName['map'] new_row = { 'Group_ID': int(groupId[4:]), 'Contract_ID': contractId[4:], 'Edge_Host_ID': edgeHostName['edgeHostnameId'], 'Edge_Host_Name': edgeHostName['recordName']+'.'+edgeHostName['dnsZone'], "Edge_Host_Domain_Suffix":edgeHostName['dnsZone'], "Secure":edgeHostName['securityType'], "IPVersion":IPv, "Product_ID":productID, "Map":eMap, "Slot":slot } main_list.append(new_row) self.log.debug("Fetched configs for group: '{0}'".format(groupId[4:])) return None def printCPcodes(self): """ orchestrates mutlithreading by using the GroupsWorker function to populate CPcode data Keyword arguments: None Return type: None """ lst_cpcodes = [] columns = ["Group_ID", "Contract_ID", "CP_Code_ID", "CP_Code_Name", "CP_Code_Products"] df_cpcodes = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns) with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=self.maxThreads) as executor: for group in self.groups['groups']['items']: groupId = group['groupId'] executor.submit(self.GroupsWorker,'cpcodes',group,lst_cpcodes) df_cpcodes= df_cpcodes.append(lst_cpcodes, ignore_index=True) self.dfs['cpcodes'] = df_cpcodes def printPropertiesDetails(self, *args): """ orchestrates mutlithreading by using the GroupsWorker function to populate property data Return type: None """ self.log.debug('Start time is {0}'.format(strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()))) self.log.debug('generating config data.....') columns = [ "Config_Name", "Group_ID", "Contract_ID", "Property_ID", "Prod_Version", "Staging_Version", "Latest_Version", "Product", "Prod_Version_Updated_User", "Prod_Version_Updated_Time", "Staging_Version_Updated_User", "Staging_Version_Updated_Time", "Latest_Version_Updated_User", "Latest_Version_Updated_Time", "Hostnames", "Origins", "Behaviors", "CP_Codes" ] list_properties = [] list_behavior = [] df_property = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns) with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=self.maxThreads) as executor: for group in self.groups['groups']['items']: executor.submit(self.GroupsWorker,'properties',group,list_properties,list_behavior) df_property= df_property.append(list_properties, ignore_index=True) tmp = df_property[ ['Config_Name' , 'Property_ID', "Group_ID", "Contract_ID", "Product" , "Prod_Version", "Prod_Version_Updated_User", "Prod_Version_Updated_Time", "Latest_Version", "Latest_Version_Updated_User", "Latest_Version_Updated_Time", "Staging_Version" , "Staging_Version_Updated_User" , "Staging_Version_Updated_Time", "Behaviors", "CP_Codes" ]] self.log.debug('properties.csv generated') self.dfs['properties']=tmp columns = ["Config_Name", "Behaviors", "Enabled"] df_behaviors = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns) df_behaviors= df_behaviors.append(list_behavior, ignore_index=True) self.dfs['propertiesBehaviors']=df_behaviors self.log.debug('properties_behaviors.csv generated') self.log.debug('Now fetching origin details...') columns = ["Config_Name","Property_ID", "Group_ID", "Contract_ID","Origin_Host_Name", "Origin_Type"] df_origins = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns) for index, row in df_property.iterrows(): for o in row['Origins']: new_row = { 'Config_Name':row['Config_Name'], 'Property_ID':row['Property_ID'], 'Group_ID':row['Group_ID'], 'Contract_ID':row['Contract_ID'], 'Origin_Host_Name':o['hostname'], 'Origin_Type':o['originType'] } df_origins = df_origins.append(new_row, ignore_index=True) self.dfs['origins'] = df_origins self.log.debug('origins.csv generated') self.log.debug('Fetching Origin details is now complete') self.printPropertyHostNames(df_property) return @functools.lru_cache() def _resource_path(self,grp_id, grp_path=None): """ Creates a directory like structure groups, to visualize resource location. Keyword arguments: grp_id grp_path Return type: grp_path <= Resource Path within Account """ grp_id = int(grp_id) grp_parent = self.groups[self.groups['Group_ID']== grp_id]['Parent'].item() if grp_path == None: grp_path = self.groups[self.groups['Group_ID']== grp_id]['Group_Name'].item() else: grp_path = "{0} > {1}".format(self.groups[self.groups['Group_ID']== grp_id]['Group_Name'].item(),grp_path) if grp_parent != "None" and grp_parent != None and not np.isnan(grp_parent): grp_path = self._resource_path(grp_parent,grp_path) return grp_path def printPropertyHostNames(self, df_property): # now write the host name details columns = ["Host_Name", "Defined_CNAMED", "Actual_CNAME" , "Secure", "Akamaized","Slot","Config_Name","Property_ID", "Group_ID", "Contract_ID"] df_hosts = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns) for index, row in df_property.iterrows(): for host in row['Hostnames']: new_row = { 'Host_Name':host['host'], 'Defined_CNAMED':host['cname_defined'], 'Actual_CNAME':host['cname_actual'], 'Secure':host["secure"], 'Akamaized':host["akamaized"], 'Slot':host['slot'], 'Config_Name':row['Config_Name'], 'Property_ID':int(row['Property_ID']), 'Group_ID':int(row['Group_ID']), 'Contract_ID':row['Contract_ID'] } df_hosts = df_hosts.append(new_row, ignore_index=True) self.dfs['hostnames']=df_hosts def getPropertyHostDetails(self, groupId, contractId, propertyId, propertyVersion): """ for the property, get the host names, origin names and if the host names are CNAMED to Akamai Keyword arguments: grp_id contractId propertyId propertyVersion Return type: hostnames """ hostdetailsJSON = self.wrapper.getPropertyHostNames(propertyId, propertyVersion, groupId, contractId) hostnames = [] if 'hostnames' in hostdetailsJSON: for hostname in hostdetailsJSON['hostnames']['items']: host = "" cname_defined = "" if 'cnameFrom' in hostname: host = hostname['cnameFrom'] if 'cnameTo' in hostname: cname_defined = hostname['cnameTo'] cname_actual = str(self.getCNAME(host)) slot = None # TODO: Not working properly if cname_actual == "None": isAkamaized = "Unknown" secureHostName = "Unknown" # slot = "Unknown" else: isAkamaized = self._isAkamaized(cname_actual) secureHostName = self._isESSL(cname_actual) if secureHostName is None: slot = "None" secureHostName = False else: slot = self.checkSlot(host) secureHostName = True new_row = { 'host': host, 'cname_defined': cname_defined, 'cname_actual': cname_actual, 'secure' : secureHostName, 'slot': slot, 'akamaized': isAkamaized } hostnames.append(new_row) return hostnames def getPropertyOriginDetails(self, groupId, contractId, propertyId, propertyVersion): """ Finds Origins from property and defines origin Type returns origin_details """ self.rules = self.wrapper.getConfigRuleTree(propertyId, propertyVersion, groupId, contractId) self.origin = Origin_Settings() origin_details = self.origin.findOrigins(self.rules) #replace origin for GTM with the word GTM for origin in origin_details: if origin['hostname'].endswith(''): origin['originType'] = 'GTM' return origin_details def getPropertyCPCodeDetails(self, groupId, contractId, propertyId, propertyVersion): self.cpcodes = Origin_Settings() origin_details = self.cpcodes.findOrigins(self.rules, 'cpCode') # now get the property's product type return origin_details def getEnrollments(self): """ get a list enrollments using CPS API for a contract and returns a list of enrollments """ contracts = self.wrapper.getContractNames() columns = ["Contract_ID", "Common_Name","Enrollment_ID" ,"Slots","ALT_names", "MustHave_Ciphers", "Preferred_Ciphers", "Deployment_Location", "Certifcate_Type" , "Certifcate_Authority"] df_certs = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns) #TODO: print ciphers for contract in contracts['contracts']['items']: enrollment_results = self.wrapper.getEnrollements(contract['contractId'][4:]) if enrollment_results is not None: if 'enrollments' in enrollment_results: if len(enrollment_results['enrollments']) >0: for i in enrollment_results['enrollments']: Enrollment_ID = str(i['location']).split('/')[4] new_row = { 'Contract_ID':contract['contractId'][4:], 'Common_Name':i['csr']['cn'], 'Enrollment_ID':int(Enrollment_ID), 'Slots': self.getSlotId(Enrollment_ID), 'ALT_names':i['csr']['sans'], 'MustHave_Ciphers':i['networkConfiguration']['mustHaveCiphers'], 'Preferred_Ciphers':i['networkConfiguration']['preferredCiphers'], 'Deployment_Location':i['networkConfiguration'], 'Certifcate_Authority':i['ra'], 'Certifcate_Type':i['certificateType'] } df_certs = df_certs.append(new_row, ignore_index=True) self.dfs['certs'] = df_certs def getSlotId(self,enrollementID): Enrollment = self.wrapper.getEnrollmentHistory(enrollementID) slots = None for c in Enrollment['certificates']: if c['deploymentStatus'] == 'active': slots = int(str(c['slots']).replace('[', '').replace(']', '')) break return slots def printMatchTargets(self,matchTargets): columns = ["Target_ID", "Type", "Config_ID", "Config_Version", "Default_File", "File_Paths", "APIs","Hostnames","Security_Policy", "Sequence"] df_secMatch = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns) for mt in matchTargets: for webTarget in mt['matchTargets']['websiteTargets']: mtype = None if 'type' in webTarget: mtype = webTarget['type'] hostnames = None if 'hostnames' in webTarget: hostnames = webTarget['hostnames'] configId = None if 'configId' in webTarget: configId = webTarget['configId'] configVersion = None if 'configVersion' in webTarget: configVersion = webTarget['configVersion'] defaultFile = None if 'defaultFile' in webTarget: defaultFile = webTarget['defaultFile'] filePaths = None if 'filePaths' in webTarget: filePaths = webTarget['filePaths'] targetId = None if 'targetId' in webTarget: targetId = webTarget['targetId'] securityPolicy = None if 'securityPolicy' in webTarget: securityPolicy = webTarget['securityPolicy'] sequence = None if 'sequence' in webTarget: sequence = webTarget['sequence'] new_row = { "Target_ID":targetId, "Type":mtype, "Config_ID":configId, "Config_Version":configVersion, "Default_File":defaultFile, "File_Paths":filePaths, "APIs":None, "Hostnames":hostnames, "Security_Policy":securityPolicy, "Sequence":sequence } df_secMatch = df_secMatch.append(new_row, ignore_index=True) self.dfs['secMatch'] = df_secMatch return None def printAppSec(self): secConfigs = self.getSecConfigs() matchTargets = [] columns = ["AppSec_Config_Name", "AppSec_Config_ID", "AppSec_Type", "AppSec_Target_Product", "AppSec_Hostnames", "AppSec_Production_Version", "AppSec_Staging_Version"] df_configs = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns) for secConfig in secConfigs['configurations']: version = secConfig['latestVersion'] stg_version = None prod_version = None lst_version = None prodHostnames = None if ('productionVersion' in secConfig) and (secConfig['productionVersion'] is not None): version = secConfig['productionVersion'] else: if ('stagingVersion' in secConfig) and (secConfig['stagingVersion'] is not None): version = secConfig['stagingVersion'] stg_version = secConfig['stagingVersion'] if 'productionVersion' in secConfig: prod_version = secConfig['productionVersion'] if 'stagingVersion' in secConfig: stg_version = secConfig['stagingVersion'] if 'latestVersion' in secConfig: lst_version = secConfig['latestVersion'] if 'productionHostnames' in secConfig: prodHostnames = secConfig['productionHostnames'] matchTargets.append(self.getSecMatchTargets(secConfig['id'],version )) name = None if 'name' in secConfig: name = secConfig['name'] new_row = { 'AppSec_Config_Name':name, 'AppSec_Config_ID':secConfig['id'], 'AppSec_Type':secConfig['fileType'], 'AppSec_Target_Product':secConfig["targetProduct"], 'AppSec_Hostnames':prodHostnames, 'AppSec_Production_Version':prod_version, 'AppSec_Staging_Version':stg_version } df_configs = df_configs.append(new_row, ignore_index=True) self.dfs['secConfigs'] = df_configs self.printMatchTargets(matchTargets) columns = ["Host_Name","AppSec_Config_Name", "AppSec_Config_ID", "AppSec_Type", "AppSec_Target_Product", "AppSec_Production_Version","AppSec_Policy"] df_configByHost = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns) for secConfig in secConfigs['configurations']: if 'productionHostnames' in secConfig: for host in secConfig["productionHostnames"]: name = None mtype = None configId = None configVersion = None defaultFile = None filePaths = [] targetId = [] securityPolicies = "Not Protected" if 'name' in secConfig: name = secConfig['name'] for mt in matchTargets: for webTarget in mt['matchTargets']['websiteTargets']: if secConfig['id'] != webTarget['configId']: continue if 'hostnames' in webTarget: if host not in webTarget['hostnames']: continue if securityPolicies == "Not Protected": for sp in webTarget['securityPolicy']: securityPolicies = [] securityPolicies.append(webTarget['securityPolicy']['policyId']) elif 'securityPolicy' in webTarget: for sp in webTarget['securityPolicy']: if webTarget['securityPolicy'] not in securityPolicies: if securityPolicies == "Not Protected": securityPolicies = [] securityPolicies.append(webTarget['securityPolicy']['policyId']) new_row = { 'Host_Name':host, 'AppSec_Config_Name':name, 'AppSec_Config_ID':secConfig['id'], 'AppSec_Type':secConfig['fileType'], 'AppSec_Target_Product':secConfig["targetProduct"], 'AppSec_Production_Version':secConfig["productionVersion"], 'AppSec_Policy':securityPolicies } df_configByHost = df_configByHost.append(new_row, ignore_index=True) self.dfs['secConfigByHost'] = df_configByHost return def presentation(self,path=None): #TODO: FiX: change product from ID to name if path: self.outputdir = path properties = self.dfs['properties'] self.groups = self.dfs['groups'] hostnames = self.dfs['hostnames'] secbyHost = self.dfs['secConfigByHost'] dat = hostnames.merge(self.groups , on='Group_ID').fillna("None") dat = hostnames.merge(properties[['Config_Name', 'Product', 'Prod_Version','Staging_Version']], on='Config_Name',how='left').fillna("None") dat = dat.merge(secbyHost,on='Host_Name',how='left').fillna('Not Protected') dat['Resource_Path'] = dat['Group_ID'].apply(self._resource_path) dat = dat.rename(columns={"Product": "Product_ID"}) dat['Product'] = dat['Product_ID'].apply(self._translateProductID) dat = dat[['Host_Name','Defined_CNAMED', 'Actual_CNAME', 'Secure','Slot', 'Akamaized', 'Group_ID','Resource_Path', 'Contract_ID', 'Config_Name', 'Property_ID', 'Product_ID', 'Product', 'Prod_Version', 'Staging_Version', 'AppSec_Config_Name', 'AppSec_Config_ID', 'AppSec_Type', 'AppSec_Target_Product', 'AppSec_Production_Version', 'AppSec_Policy', 'AppSec_Target_Product']] self.dfs['ByHost'] = dat def _readProductMap(self): if self.productMap is None: with open('Lib/GCS/productMap.json') as f: self.productMap = json.load(f) def mineHar(self,har,lst_firstparty): columns = ['url','host','host-type','protocol','method','status','ext','cpcode','ttl','server', 'cdn-cache','cdn-cache-parent','cdn-cache-key','cdn-req-id','vary','appOrigin','content-type','content-length', 'content-length-origin','transfer-size','content-size','blocked','dns','ssl','connect','send','ttfb','receive', 'edgeTime','originTime'] dat_clean =
import streamlit as st from ..global_data import Constants, load_data, load_pred import pandas as pd from pathlib import Path import datetime # from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler from covid_forecasting_joint_learning.pipeline import main as Pipeline, sird from import cols as DataCol from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from .eval import app as __app from matplotlib.figure import Figure from matplotlib.spines import Spines from import KabkoData from covid_forecasting_joint_learning.pipeline.preprocessing import Group from covid_forecasting_joint_learning.pipeline.clustering import Cluster from covid_forecasting_joint_learning.model.general import DEFAULT_FUTURE_EXO_COLS, DEFAULT_PAST_COLS def _app(): return __app( title="# Forecast", log_dir="logs/pred", model_dir="model/pred", trial_id=-2, limit_data=False, val=2, early_stopping_kwargs={ "rise_patience": 25, "still_patience": 25, "both_patience": 75 }, show_loss=False, show_epoch=True, show_tb=False ) @st.cache( hash_funcs={ KabkoData: id, Cluster: id, Group: id, type(KabkoData): id, type(load_data): id }, allow_output_mutation=True ) def pred(target, model_dir_3): data_torch = target.datasets_torch[0][0] target.model.future_length = data_torch[4].size(1) target.model.eval() pred_vars = target.model(*data_torch[:5]).detach().numpy() data_np = target.datasets[0][0] indices = data_np[-1] df_vars = pd.DataFrame(pred_vars[0], columns=DataCol.SIRD_VARS, index=indices) prev = data_torch[5] pred_final = target.model.rebuild(pred_vars, prev, target.population, sird.rebuild) indices = data_np[-1] df_final = pd.DataFrame(pred_final[0], columns=DataCol.IRD, index=indices) Path(model_dir_3).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) df = pd.concat([df_vars, df_final], axis=1) df.to_excel(f"{model_dir_3}/pred.xlsx", sheet_name="pred") return df @st.cache( hash_funcs={ KabkoData: id, Cluster: id, Group: id, type(KabkoData): id, type(load_data): id }, allow_output_mutation=True ) def save_combined_pred(preds, model_dir_2): df = pd.concat(preds) df.to_excel(f"{model_dir_2}/pred.xlsx", sheet_name="pred") label_name = [ (DataCol.IRD, "pred_final"), (DataCol.SIRD_VARS, "pred_vars") ] fig_names = [ln[1] for ln in label_name] + DataCol.IRD + DataCol.SIRD_VARS def plot_etc(fig, ax, name, model_dir_3): ax.legend(loc='best') ax.title.set_text(name) # ax.tick_params(labelrotation=90) ax.grid(which="both", alpha=0.3) fig.savefig(f"{model_dir_3}/{name}.jpg", bbox_inches="tight") @st.cache(hash_funcs={Figure: hash, Spines: hash}, allow_output_mutation=True) def plot_many(df, labels, name, model_dir_3): fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) for k in labels: ax.plot(df[k], label=k) plot_etc(fig, ax, name, model_dir_3) return fig @st.cache(hash_funcs={Figure: hash, Spines: hash}, allow_output_mutation=True) def plot_single(df, k, model_dir_3): fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) ax.plot(df[k], label=k) plot_etc(fig, ax, k, model_dir_3) return fig @st.cache(hash_funcs={Figure: hash, Spines: hash}, allow_output_mutation=True) def make_figs(df, model_dir_3): fig_dict_1 = {} plt.close('all') for labels, name in label_name: fig = plot_many(df, labels, name, model_dir_3) fig_dict_1[name] = fig for k in DataCol.IRD + DataCol.SIRD_VARS: fig = plot_single(df, k, model_dir_3) fig_dict_1[k] = fig return fig_dict_1 @st.cache( hash_funcs={ KabkoData: id, Cluster: id, Group: id, type(KabkoData): id, type(load_data): id }, allow_output_mutation=True ) def preprocess_pred(targets, end_date, past_size, past_cols, future_exo_cols): Pipeline.preprocessing_7( targets, end_date=end_date, past_size=past_size, past_cols=past_cols, future_exo_cols=future_exo_cols ) def app(): groups, hparams, model_dir, trial_id, target_names = _app() groups = [g.copy() for g in groups] group = groups[0] model_dir_2 = f"{model_dir}/{trial_id}/{}/" Path(model_dir_2).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) pred_expander = st.expander(label='Forecast', expanded=True) with pred_expander: st.markdown("## Forecast") target_col, pred_col = st.columns(2) target_name = target_col.selectbox( 'Kabupaten/Kota', target_names ) fig_name = st.multiselect( 'Label', fig_names, DataCol.IRD ) # pred_date = "2021-12-31" # pred_date = target = [t for t in group.targets if == target_name][0] pred_date = pred_date = pred_date + datetime.timedelta(days=14) pred_date = pred_col.date_input("Forecast until date", pd.to_datetime(pred_date)) past_cols = hparams["past_cols"] past_cols = DEFAULT_PAST_COLS[past_cols] if isinstance(past_cols, int) else past_cols future_exo_cols = hparams["future_exo_cols"] future_exo_cols = DEFAULT_FUTURE_EXO_COLS[future_exo_cols] if isinstance(future_exo_cols, int) else future_exo_cols preprocess_pred( group.targets, end_date=pred_date, past_size=30 + hparams["additional_past_length"], past_cols=past_cols, future_exo_cols=future_exo_cols ) pred_dict = {} fig_dict = {} for cluster in group.clusters: for target in cluster.targets: model_dir_3 = f"{model_dir_2}/{}/{}" df = pred(target, model_dir_3) pred_dict[] = df df["kabko"] =
pd.Series(, index=df.index)
import pandas as pd import numpy as np import streamlit as st import as px import folium import base64 import xlsxwriter from xlsxwriter import Workbook from geopy.distance import great_circle from io import BytesIO from collections import Counter from PIL import Image from streamlit_folium import folium_static from folium.plugins import MarkerCluster (pd.set_option('display.float_format', lambda x: '%.3f' % x)) st.set_page_config(layout='wide')'images/HR.png') st.sidebar.image(image,use_column_width=True,caption='House Rocket Company') menu ='Selecione uma das opções de página do Projeto:', ('Data Overview','Insights','Business Solution')) st.sidebar.write('Para mais informações sobre o projeto, acesse: '"[GitHub](") def get_data(path): data = pd.read_csv(path) return data def get_data_clean(): data = pd.read_csv('datasets/data_clean.csv') return data def get_data_solution(): data = pd.read_csv('datasets/kc_houses_solution.csv') return data def data_overview(data): st.markdown( "<h1 style='text-align: center; color: #565656; background: #FADBD8'> Data Overview </h1>", unsafe_allow_html=True) st.write(data.head(100)) # Overview map df1 = data.copy() # Base map density_map = folium.Map(location=[df1['lat'].mean(), df1['long'].mean()], default_zoom_start=15) make_cluster = MarkerCluster().add_to(density_map) for name, row in df1.iterrows(): folium.Marker([row['lat'], row['long']], popup='Price R${0} on: {1}. Sqft: {2} \n\nId: {3} ' 'Bedrooms: {4} Bathrooms: {5} ' 'Year Built: {6}'.format(row['price'], row['date'], row['sqft_lot'], row['id'], row['bedrooms'], row['bathrooms'], row['yr_built'])).add_to(make_cluster) folium_static(density_map, width=865, height=400) # descriptive statistics df = data.copy() df['id'] = df.astype(str) c1, c2 = st.beta_columns((1, 1)) # central tendency metrics attributes_num = df.select_dtypes(include=['int64', 'float64']) df_mean = pd.DataFrame(attributes_num.apply(np.mean)) df_median = pd.DataFrame(attributes_num.apply(np.median)) # measures of dispersion df_min = pd.DataFrame(attributes_num.apply(np.min)) df_max = pd.DataFrame(attributes_num.apply(np.max)) df_std = pd.DataFrame(attributes_num.apply(np.std)) statics = pd.concat([df_mean, df_median, df_min, df_max, df_std], axis=1).reset_index() statics.columns = ['attributes', 'mean', 'median', 'min', 'max', 'std'] statics = statics.iloc[ [True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, False, False, False, True, True], :] c1.header('Statistcs Descriptive') c1.dataframe(statics, height=1000) # Average Metrics df['sqm_living'] = df['sqft_living'] / 10.764 df['sqm_lot'] = df['sqft_lot'] / 10.764 df['price_sqm'] = df['price'] / df['sqm_living'] df1 = df[['id', 'zipcode']].groupby('zipcode').count().reset_index() df2 = df[['price', 'zipcode']].groupby('zipcode').mean().reset_index() df3 = df[['sqm_living', 'zipcode']].groupby('zipcode').mean().reset_index() df4 = df[['price_sqm', 'zipcode']].groupby('zipcode').mean().reset_index() # Merge m1 = pd.merge(df1, df2, on='zipcode', how='inner') m2 =
pd.merge(m1, df3, on='zipcode', how='inner')
import unittest import itertools import os import pandas as pd import platform import numpy as np import numba import hpat from hpat.tests.test_utils import (count_array_REPs, count_parfor_REPs, count_parfor_OneDs, count_array_OneDs, dist_IR_contains) from hpat.hiframes.rolling import supported_rolling_funcs LONG_TEST = (int(os.environ['HPAT_LONG_ROLLING_TEST']) != 0 if 'HPAT_LONG_ROLLING_TEST' in os.environ else False) test_funcs = ('mean', 'max',) if LONG_TEST: # all functions except apply, cov, corr test_funcs = supported_rolling_funcs[:-3] class TestRolling(unittest.TestCase): def test_fixed1(self): # test sequentially with manually created dfs wins = (3,) if LONG_TEST: wins = (2, 3, 5) centers = (False, True) for func_name in test_funcs: func_text = "def test_impl(df, w, c):\n return df.rolling(w, center=c).{}()\n".format(func_name) loc_vars = {} exec(func_text, {}, loc_vars) test_impl = loc_vars['test_impl'] hpat_func = hpat.jit(test_impl) for args in itertools.product(wins, centers): df = pd.DataFrame({'B': [0, 1, 2, np.nan, 4]}) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(hpat_func(df, *args), test_impl(df, *args)) df = pd.DataFrame({'B': [0, 1, 2, -2, 4]}) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(hpat_func(df, *args), test_impl(df, *args)) def test_fixed2(self): # test sequentially with generated dfs sizes = (121,) wins = (3,) if LONG_TEST: sizes = (1, 2, 10, 11, 121, 1000) wins = (2, 3, 5) centers = (False, True) for func_name in test_funcs: func_text = "def test_impl(df, w, c):\n return df.rolling(w, center=c).{}()\n".format(func_name) loc_vars = {} exec(func_text, {}, loc_vars) test_impl = loc_vars['test_impl'] hpat_func = hpat.jit(test_impl) for n, w, c in itertools.product(sizes, wins, centers): df = pd.DataFrame({'B': np.arange(n)}) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(hpat_func(df, w, c), test_impl(df, w, c)) def test_fixed_apply1(self): # test sequentially with manually created dfs def test_impl(df, w, c): return df.rolling(w, center=c).apply(lambda a: a.sum()) hpat_func = hpat.jit(test_impl) wins = (3,) if LONG_TEST: wins = (2, 3, 5) centers = (False, True) for args in itertools.product(wins, centers): df = pd.DataFrame({'B': [0, 1, 2, np.nan, 4]}) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(hpat_func(df, *args), test_impl(df, *args)) df = pd.DataFrame({'B': [0, 1, 2, -2, 4]}) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(hpat_func(df, *args), test_impl(df, *args)) def test_fixed_apply2(self): # test sequentially with generated dfs def test_impl(df, w, c): return df.rolling(w, center=c).apply(lambda a: a.sum()) hpat_func = hpat.jit(test_impl) sizes = (121,) wins = (3,) if LONG_TEST: sizes = (1, 2, 10, 11, 121, 1000) wins = (2, 3, 5) centers = (False, True) for n, w, c in itertools.product(sizes, wins, centers): df = pd.DataFrame({'B': np.arange(n)}) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(hpat_func(df, w, c), test_impl(df, w, c)) def test_fixed_parallel1(self): def test_impl(n, w, center): df = pd.DataFrame({'B': np.arange(n)}) R = df.rolling(w, center=center).sum() return R.B.sum() hpat_func = hpat.jit(test_impl) sizes = (121,) wins = (5,) if LONG_TEST: sizes = (1, 2, 10, 11, 121, 1000) wins = (2, 4, 5, 10, 11) centers = (False, True) for args in itertools.product(sizes, wins, centers): self.assertEqual(hpat_func(*args), test_impl(*args), "rolling fixed window with {}".format(args)) self.assertEqual(count_array_REPs(), 0) self.assertEqual(count_parfor_REPs(), 0) def test_fixed_parallel_apply1(self): def test_impl(n, w, center): df = pd.DataFrame({'B': np.arange(n)}) R = df.rolling(w, center=center).apply(lambda a: a.sum()) return R.B.sum() hpat_func = hpat.jit(test_impl) sizes = (121,) wins = (5,) if LONG_TEST: sizes = (1, 2, 10, 11, 121, 1000) wins = (2, 4, 5, 10, 11) centers = (False, True) for args in itertools.product(sizes, wins, centers): self.assertEqual(hpat_func(*args), test_impl(*args), "rolling fixed window with {}".format(args)) self.assertEqual(count_array_REPs(), 0) self.assertEqual(count_parfor_REPs(), 0) def test_variable1(self): # test sequentially with manually created dfs df1 = pd.DataFrame({'B': [0, 1, 2, np.nan, 4], 'time': [pd.Timestamp('20130101 09:00:00'), pd.Timestamp('20130101 09:00:02'), pd.Timestamp('20130101 09:00:03'), pd.Timestamp('20130101 09:00:05'), pd.Timestamp('20130101 09:00:06')]}) df2 = pd.DataFrame({'B': [0, 1, 2, -2, 4], 'time': [pd.Timestamp('20130101 09:00:01'), pd.Timestamp('20130101 09:00:02'), pd.Timestamp('20130101 09:00:03'), pd.Timestamp('20130101 09:00:04'), pd.Timestamp('20130101 09:00:09')]}) wins = ('2s',) if LONG_TEST: wins = ('1s', '2s', '3s', '4s') # all functions except apply for w, func_name in itertools.product(wins, test_funcs): func_text = "def test_impl(df):\n return df.rolling('{}', on='time').{}()\n".format(w, func_name) loc_vars = {} exec(func_text, {}, loc_vars) test_impl = loc_vars['test_impl'] hpat_func = hpat.jit(test_impl) # XXX: skipping min/max for this test since the behavior of Pandas # is inconsistent: it assigns NaN to last output instead of 4! if func_name not in ('min', 'max'): pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(hpat_func(df1), test_impl(df1)) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(hpat_func(df2), test_impl(df2)) def test_variable2(self): # test sequentially with generated dfs wins = ('2s',) sizes = (121,) if LONG_TEST: wins = ('1s', '2s', '3s', '4s') sizes = (1, 2, 10, 11, 121, 1000) # all functions except apply for w, func_name in itertools.product(wins, test_funcs): func_text = "def test_impl(df):\n return df.rolling('{}', on='time').{}()\n".format(w, func_name) loc_vars = {} exec(func_text, {}, loc_vars) test_impl = loc_vars['test_impl'] hpat_func = hpat.jit(test_impl) for n in sizes: time =
pd.date_range(start='1/1/2018', periods=n, freq='s')
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # In[3]: import requests import pandas as pd import json from tqdm import tqdm PATH = '../../' PATH_STATS = "../../data/france/stats/" # In[5]: # Download data from Santé publique France and export it to local files def download_data_hosp_fra_clage(): data = requests.get("") with open(PATH + 'data/france/donnees-hosp-fra-clage.csv', 'wb') as f: f.write(data.content) def download_data_opencovid(): data = requests.get("") with open(PATH + 'data/france/donnees-opencovid.csv', 'wb') as f: f.write(data.content) def download_data_vue_ensemble(): data = requests.get("") with open(PATH + 'data/france/synthese-fra.csv', 'wb') as f: f.write(data.content) def download_data_variants(): data = requests.get("") # data_reg = requests.get("") # with open(PATH + 'data/france/donnees-variants.csv', 'wb') as f: f.write(data.content) with open(PATH + 'data/france/donnees-variants-reg.csv', 'wb') as f: f.write(data.content) def download_data_variants_deps(): data = requests.get("") # with open(PATH + 'data/france/donnees-variants-deps.csv', 'wb') as f: f.write(data.content) def download_data_vacsi_fra(): data = requests.get("") with open(PATH + 'data/france/donnees-vacsi-fra.csv', 'wb') as f: f.write(data.content) def download_data_vacsi_reg(): data = requests.get("") with open(PATH + 'data/france/donnees-vacsi-reg.csv', 'wb') as f: f.write(data.content) def download_data_vacsi_dep(): data = requests.get("") with open(PATH + 'data/france/donnees-vacsi-dep.csv', 'wb') as f: f.write(data.content) def download_data_obepine(): data = requests.get("") # with open(PATH + 'data/france/donnees_obepine_regions.csv', 'wb') as f: f.write(data.content) def download_data_donnees_vaccination_par_pathologie(): data = requests.get("") with open(PATH + 'data/france/donnees-vaccination-par-pathologie.csv', 'wb') as f: f.write(data.content) def import_data_donnees_vaccination_par_pathologie(): df = pd.read_csv(PATH + 'data/france/donnees-vaccination-par-pathologie.csv', sep=None) return df def download_donnees_vaccination_par_tranche_dage_type_de_vaccin_et_departement(): data = requests.get("") with open(PATH + 'data/france/donnees-tranche-dage-departement.csv', 'wb') as f: f.write(data.content) def import_donnees_vaccination_par_tranche_dage_type_de_vaccin_et_departement(): df = pd.read_csv(PATH + 'data/france/donnees-tranche-dage-departement.csv', sep=None) return df def import_data_obepine(): df = pd.read_csv(PATH + 'data/france/donnees_obepine_regions.csv', sep=None) df_reg_pop = pd.read_csv(PATH + 'data/france/population_grandes_regions.csv', sep=",") df = df.merge(right=df_reg_pop, left_on="Code_Region", right_on="code") return df def import_data_metropoles(): df_metro = pd.read_csv(PATH + 'data/france/donnes-incidence-metropoles.csv', sep=",") epci = pd.read_csv(PATH + 'data/france/metropole-epci.csv', sep=";", encoding="'windows-1252'") df_metro = df_metro.merge(epci, left_on='epci2020', right_on='EPCI').drop(['EPCI'], axis=1) return df_metro def import_data_hosp_clage(): df_hosp = pd.read_csv(PATH + 'data/france/donnes-hospitalieres-clage-covid19.csv', sep=";") df_hosp = df_hosp.groupby(["reg", "jour", "cl_age90"]).first().reset_index() df_reg_pop = pd.read_csv(PATH + 'data/france/population_grandes_regions.csv', sep=",") df_hosp = df_hosp.merge(df_reg_pop, left_on="reg", right_on="code") return df_hosp def import_data_tests_viros(): df = pd.read_csv(PATH + 'data/france/tests_viro-dep-quot.csv', sep=";") df_reg_pop = pd.read_csv(PATH + 'data/france/population_grandes_regions.csv', sep=",") df_dep_reg = pd.read_csv(PATH + 'data/france/departments_regions_france_2016.csv', sep=",") df["dep"] = df["dep"].astype(str) df["dep"] = df["dep"].astype('str').str.replace(r"^([1-9])$", lambda m: "0", regex=True) df_dep_reg["departmentCode.astype"] = df_dep_reg.departmentCode.astype(str) df = df.merge(df_dep_reg, left_on="dep", right_on="departmentCode", how="left") df = df.merge(df_reg_pop, left_on="regionCode", right_on="code", how="left") return df def import_data_hosp_ad_age(): df = pd.read_csv('', sep=";") return df def import_data_new(): df_new = pd.read_csv(PATH + 'data/france/donnes-hospitalieres-covid19-nouveaux.csv', sep=";") return df_new def import_data_df(): df = pd.read_csv(PATH + 'data/france/donnes-hospitalieres-covid19.csv', sep=";") return df def import_data_variants(): df_variants = pd.read_csv(PATH + 'data/france/donnees-variants.csv', sep=";") df_variants["jour"] = df_variants.semaine.apply(lambda x: x[11:]) #df_variants = df_variants[df_variants.cl_age90==0] return df_variants def import_data_variants_deps(): df_variants = pd.read_csv(PATH + 'data/france/donnees-variants-deps.csv', sep=";") df_variants["jour"] = df_variants.semaine.apply(lambda x: x[11:]) #df_variants = df_variants[df_variants.cl_age90==0] return df_variants def import_data_variants_regs(): df_variants = pd.read_csv(PATH + 'data/france/donnees-variants-regs.csv', sep=";") df_variants["jour"] = df_variants.semaine.apply(lambda x: x[11:]) df_variants = df_variants[df_variants.cl_age90==0] df_reg_pop = pd.read_csv(PATH + 'data/france/population_grandes_regions.csv', sep=",") df_variants = df_variants.merge(df_reg_pop, left_on="reg", right_on="code") return df_variants def import_data_tests_sexe(): df = pd.read_csv(PATH + 'data/france/tests_viro-fra-covid19.csv', sep=";") return df def import_data_vue_ensemble(): df = pd.read_csv(PATH + 'data/france/synthese-fra.csv', sep=",") df = df.sort_values(["date"]) with open(PATH_STATS + 'vue-ensemble.json', 'w') as outfile: dict_data = {"cas": int(df["total_cas_confirmes"].diff().values[-1]), "update":[-1][-2:] + "/" +[-1][-5:-3]} json.dump(dict_data, outfile) return df def import_data_opencovid(): df = pd.read_csv(PATH + 'data/france/donnees-opencovid.csv', sep=",") """with open(PATH_STATS + 'opencovid.json', 'w') as outfile: dict_data = {"cas": int(df["cas_confirmes"].values[-1]), "update": df.index.values[-1][-2:] + "/" + df.index.values[-1][-5:-3]} json.dump(dict_data, outfile)""" return df def import_data_vacsi_a_fra(): df = pd.read_csv(PATH + 'data/france/donnees-vacsi-a-fra.csv', sep=";") df = df[df.clage_vacsi != 0] return df def import_data_vacsi_reg(): df = pd.read_csv(PATH + 'data/france/donnees-vacsi-reg.csv', sep=";") return df def import_data_vacsi_dep(): df = pd.read_csv(PATH + 'data/france/donnees-vacsi-dep.csv', sep=";") return df def import_data_vacsi_fra(): df = pd.read_csv(PATH + 'data/france/donnees-vacsi-fra.csv', sep=";") return df def import_data_vacsi_a_reg(): df = pd.read_csv(PATH + 'data/france/donnees-vacsi-a-reg.csv', sep=";") df = df[df.clage_vacsi != 0] return df def import_data_vacsi_a_dep(): df = pd.read_csv(PATH + 'data/france/donnees-vacsi-a-dep.csv', sep=";") df = df[df.clage_vacsi != 0] return df def import_data_hosp_fra_clage(): df = pd.read_csv(PATH + 'data/france/donnees-hosp-fra-clage.csv', sep=";").groupby(["cl_age90", "jour"]).sum().reset_index() df = df[df.cl_age90 != 0] return df def download_data(): pbar = tqdm(total=8) download_data_vacsi_fra() download_data_vacsi_reg() download_data_vacsi_dep() url_metadata = "" url_geojson = "" url_deconf = "" url_opencovid = "" url_vacsi_a_fra = "" url_vacsi_a_reg = "" url_vacsi_a_dep = "" pbar.update(1) metadata = requests.get(url_metadata) pbar.update(2) geojson = requests.get(url_geojson) pbar.update(3) with open(PATH + 'data/france/metadata.csv', 'wb') as f: f.write(metadata.content) pbar.update(4) with open(PATH + 'data/france/dep.geojson', 'wb') as f: f.write(geojson.content) pbar.update(5) df_metadata = pd.read_csv(PATH + 'data/france/metadata.csv', sep=";") url_data = "" #df_metadata[df_metadata['url'].str.contains("/donnees-hospitalieres-covid19")]["url"].values[0] #donnees-hospitalieres-classe-age-covid19-2020-10-14-19h00.csv url_data_new = "" #df_metadata[df_metadata['url'].str.contains("/donnees-hospitalieres-nouveaux")]["url"].values[0] url_tests = df_metadata[df_metadata['url'].str.contains("/donnees-tests-covid19-labo-quotidien")]["url"].values[0] url_metropoles = "" #df_metadata[df_metadata['url'].str.contains("/sg-metro-opendata")]["url"].max() url_incidence = df_metadata[df_metadata['url'].str.contains("/sp-pe-tb-quot")]["url"].values[0] url_tests_viro = df_metadata[df_metadata['url'].str.contains("/sp-pos-quot-dep")]["url"].values[0] url_sursaud = df_metadata[df_metadata['url'].str.contains("sursaud.*quot.*dep")]["url"].values[0] url_data_clage = df_metadata[df_metadata['url'].str.contains("/donnees-hospitalieres-classe-age-covid19")]["url"].values[0] url_data_sexe = "" #df_metadata[df_metadata['url'].str.contains("/sp-pos-quot-fra")]["url"].values[0] pbar.update(6) data = requests.get(url_data) data_new = requests.get(url_data_new) data_tests = requests.get(url_tests) data_metropoles = requests.get(url_metropoles) data_deconf = requests.get(url_deconf) data_sursaud = requests.get(url_sursaud) data_incidence = requests.get(url_incidence) data_opencovid = requests.get(url_opencovid) data_vacsi_a_fra = requests.get(url_vacsi_a_fra) data_vacsi_a_reg = requests.get(url_vacsi_a_reg) data_vacsi_a_dep = requests.get(url_vacsi_a_dep) data_tests_viro = requests.get(url_tests_viro) data_clage = requests.get(url_data_clage) data_sexe = requests.get(url_data_sexe) pbar.update(7) with open(PATH + 'data/france/donnes-hospitalieres-covid19.csv', 'wb') as f: f.write(data.content) with open(PATH + 'data/france/donnes-hospitalieres-covid19-nouveaux.csv', 'wb') as f: f.write(data_new.content) with open(PATH + 'data/france/donnes-tests-covid19-quotidien.csv', 'wb') as f: f.write(data_tests.content) with open(PATH + 'data/france/donnes-incidence-metropoles.csv', 'wb') as f: f.write(data_metropoles.content) with open(PATH + 'data/france/indicateurs-deconf.csv', 'wb') as f: f.write(data_deconf.content) with open(PATH + 'data/france/sursaud-covid19-departement.csv', 'wb') as f: f.write(data_sursaud.content) with open(PATH + 'data/france/taux-incidence-dep-quot.csv', 'wb') as f: f.write(data_incidence.content) with open(PATH + 'data/france/tests_viro-dep-quot.csv', 'wb') as f: f.write(data_tests_viro.content) with open(PATH + 'data/france/donnes-hospitalieres-clage-covid19.csv', 'wb') as f: f.write(data_clage.content) with open(PATH + 'data/france/tests_viro-fra-covid19.csv', 'wb') as f: f.write(data_sexe.content) with open(PATH + 'data/france/donnees-opencovid.csv', 'wb') as f: f.write(data_opencovid.content) with open(PATH + 'data/france/donnees-vacsi-a-fra.csv', 'wb') as f: f.write(data_vacsi_a_fra.content) with open(PATH + 'data/france/donnees-vacsi-a-reg.csv', 'wb') as f: f.write(data_vacsi_a_reg.content) with open(PATH + 'data/france/donnees-vacsi-a-dep.csv', 'wb') as f: f.write(data_vacsi_a_dep.content) pbar.update(8) # Import data from previously exported files to dataframes def import_data(): pbar = tqdm(total=8) pbar.update(1) df = pd.read_csv(PATH + 'data/france/donnes-hospitalieres-covid19.csv', sep=";") df.dep = df.dep.astype(str) df_sursaud = pd.read_csv(PATH + 'data/france/sursaud-covid19-departement.csv', sep=";") df_sursaud["dep"] = df_sursaud["dep"].astype('str').str.replace(r"^([1-9])$", lambda m: "0", regex=True) df_new = pd.read_csv(PATH + 'data/france/donnes-hospitalieres-covid19-nouveaux.csv', sep=";") df_tests = pd.read_csv(PATH + 'data/france/donnes-tests-covid19-quotidien.csv', sep=";") df_deconf = pd.read_csv(PATH + 'data/france/indicateurs-deconf.csv', sep=",") df_incid = pd.read_csv(PATH + 'data/france/taux-incidence-dep-quot.csv', sep=";") df_incid["dep"] = df_incid["dep"].astype('str') df_incid["dep"] = df_incid["dep"].astype('str').str.replace(r"^([1-9])$", lambda m: "0", regex=True) df_tests_viro = pd.read_csv(PATH + 'data/france/tests_viro-dep-quot.csv', sep=";") df_tests_viro["dep"] = df_tests_viro["dep"].astype('str').str.replace(r"^([1-9])$", lambda m: "0", regex=True) pbar.update(2) df_tests_viro["dep"] = df_tests_viro["dep"].astype('str') pop_df_incid = df_incid["pop"] lits_reas = pd.read_csv(PATH + 'data/france/lits_rea.csv', sep=",") df_regions = pd.read_csv(PATH + 'data/france/departments_regions_france_2016.csv', sep=",") df_reg_pop = pd.read_csv(PATH + 'data/france/population_grandes_regions.csv', sep=",") df_dep_pop = pd.read_csv(PATH + 'data/france/dep-pop.csv', sep=";") ### df = df.merge(df_regions, left_on='dep', right_on='departmentCode') df = df.merge(df_reg_pop, left_on='regionName', right_on='regionName') df = df.merge(df_dep_pop, left_on='dep', right_on='dep') df = df[df["sexe"] == 0] df['hosp_nonrea'] = df['hosp'] - df['rea'] df = df.merge(lits_reas, left_on="departmentName", right_on="nom_dpt") #df_tests_viro = df_tests_viro[df_tests_viro["cl_age90"] == 0] df_incid = df_incid.merge(df_regions, left_on='dep', right_on='departmentCode') if "pop" in df_tests_viro.columns: df_incid = df_incid.merge(df_tests_viro[df_tests_viro["cl_age90"] == 0].drop("pop", axis=1).drop("P", axis=1).drop("cl_age90", axis=1), left_on=['jour', 'dep'], right_on=['jour', 'dep']) else: df_incid = df_incid.merge(df_tests_viro[df_tests_viro["cl_age90"] == 0].drop("P", axis=1).drop("cl_age90", axis=1), left_on=['jour', 'dep'], right_on=['jour', 'dep']) df_new = df_new.merge(df_regions, left_on='dep', right_on='departmentCode') df_new = df_new.merge(df_reg_pop, left_on='regionName', right_on='regionName') df_new = df_new.merge(df_dep_pop, left_on='dep', right_on='dep') df_new['incid_hosp_nonrea'] = df_new['incid_hosp'] - df_new['incid_rea'] df_sursaud = df_sursaud.merge(df_regions, left_on='dep', right_on='departmentCode') df_sursaud = df_sursaud.merge(df_reg_pop, left_on='regionName', right_on='regionName') df_sursaud = df_sursaud.merge(df_dep_pop, left_on='dep', right_on='dep') df_sursaud = df_sursaud[df_sursaud["sursaud_cl_age_corona"] == "0"] df_sursaud["taux_covid"] = df_sursaud["nbre_pass_corona"] / df_sursaud["nbre_pass_tot"] pbar.update(3) df['rea_pop'] = df['rea']/df['regionPopulation']*100000 df['rea_deppop'] = df['rea']/df['departmentPopulation']*100000 df['rad_pop'] = df['rad']/df['regionPopulation']*100000 df['dc_pop'] = df['dc']/df['regionPopulation']*100000 df['dc_deppop'] = df['dc']/df['departmentPopulation']*100000 df['hosp_pop'] = df['hosp']/df['regionPopulation']*100000 df['hosp_deppop'] = df['hosp']/df['departmentPopulation']*100000 df['hosp_nonrea_pop'] = df['hosp_nonrea']/df['regionPopulation']*100000 pbar.update(4) df_confirmed =
pd.read_csv(PATH + 'data/data_confirmed.csv')
import unittest import koleksyon.mcmc as mcmc import pandas as pd import numpy as np import datetime def artist_costs(): #Artist-Album costs (0.0 represents that you don't buy and albumn, .99 represents you buy just a song) MichaelJackson = np.array([0.0,0.99,8.64,8.69,12.33,12.96,38.99,30.12,13.99,17.25]) LadyGaga = np.array([0.0,0.99,14.28,11.20,11.25,14.98,13.69,9.99,18.95]) Eminem = np.array([0.0,0.99,15.99,9.33,21.61,22.37,12.80,10.75,11.70]) JustinBieber = np.array([0.0,0.99,10.70,9.49,14.65,29.18,21.93,15.95,19.90,37.98]) FreddieMercury = np.array([0.0,0.99,14.74,11.50,18.99,12.49,14.54,10.99,11.89,16.53,11.70,9.71,12.39]) MileyCyrus = np.array([0.0,0.99,11.18,6.98,9.21,9.95,9.49]) TaylorSwift = np.array([0.0,0.99,13.98,16.99,13.51,8.97,15.02,7.00,13.97,8.97,6.86]) LilWayne = np.array([0.0,0.99,11.55,16.00,29.47,13.41,9.68,15.95,11.99,16.63]) SelenaGomez = np.array([0.0,0.99,12.59,10.91,36.57,16.52]) Rihanna = np.array([0.0,0.99,13.98,10.25,22.90,6.32,9.19]) ArtistAlbums = {} ArtistAlbums["<NAME>"] = MichaelJackson ArtistAlbums["<NAME>"] = LadyGaga ArtistAlbums["Eminem"] = Eminem ArtistAlbums["<NAME>"] = JustinBieber ArtistAlbums["<NAME>"] = FreddieMercury ArtistAlbums["<NAME>"] = MileyCyrus ArtistAlbums["<NAME>"] = TaylorSwift ArtistAlbums["<NAME>"] = LilWayne ArtistAlbums["<NAME>"] = SelenaGomez ArtistAlbums["Rihanna"] = Rihanna return ArtistAlbums def ppurchase(ArtistAlbums): purchase_probability = {} for k,v in ArtistAlbums.items(): #print(k) #print(v) proba = [] proba.append(0.70) #30% purchases, 70% not purchases proba.append(0.24) r = 0.06 / (len(v) - 2) for i in range(0,len(v)-2): proba.append(r) proba = np.array(proba) #print(proba) purchase_probability[k] = proba return purchase_probability class TestMCMC(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.prepData() #@classmethod #def setUpClass(cls): # cls.prepData(None) #note the strange way we need to interact with the class on setup! #simple function that preps the data for ALL the tests in this file... runs once... note, random seed set to make reproduceable def prepData(self): print("Preparing the data so we can run tests...") np.random.seed(42) print("Parsing count data and setting up probability arrays") self.ArtistAlbums = artist_costs() self.purchase_probability = ppurchase(self.ArtistAlbums) self.dfa =
import pandas as pd import numpy as np import os import math import random import pickle from typing import List, Tuple from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from lightgbm import LGBMRegressor from import Bar from prismx.utils import read_gmt, load_correlation, load_feature from prismx.feature import load_features def create_training_data(workdir: str, gmt_file: str, false_sample_count: int=50000) -> List: correlation_files = os.listdir(workdir+"/correlation") correlation = load_correlation(workdir, 0) background_genes = list(correlation.columns) library, rev_library, ugenes = read_gmt(gmt_file, background_genes) df_true = pd.DataFrame() lk = list(range(0, len(correlation_files)-1)) lk.append("global") bar = Bar('Retrieve training data', max=2*len(lk)) for i in lk: feature = load_feature(workdir, i) features = [] keys = list(feature.columns) setname = [] genename = [] for se in keys: vals = library[se] for val in vals: setname.append(val) genename.append(se) features.append(feature.loc[val.encode('UTF-8'), se]) df_true.loc[:,i] = features df_true2 = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(genename), pd.DataFrame(setname),df_true, pd.DataFrame(np.ones(len(setname)))], axis=1) samp_set = [] samp_gene = [] npw = np.array(df_true2.iloc[:, 0]) false_gene_count = math.ceil(false_sample_count/len(background_genes)) for i in background_genes: rkey = random.sample(keys,1)[0] ww = np.where(npw == rkey)[0] for j in range(0, false_gene_count): rgene = random.sample(background_genes,1)[0] if rgene not in df_true2.iloc[ww, 1]: samp_set.append(rkey) samp_gene.append(rgene) df_false =
# Copyright 2019-2020 QuantumBlack Visual Analytics Limited # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES # OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT WILL THE LICENSOR OR OTHER CONTRIBUTORS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES, OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF, OR IN # CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # # The QuantumBlack Visual Analytics Limited ("QuantumBlack") name and logo # (either separately or in combination, "QuantumBlack Trademarks") are # trademarks of QuantumBlack. The License does not grant you any right or # license to the QuantumBlack Trademarks. You may not use the QuantumBlack # Trademarks or any confusingly similar mark as a trademark for your product, # or use the QuantumBlack Trademarks in any other manner that might cause # confusion in the marketplace, including but not limited to in advertising, # on websites, or on software. # # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Module of methods to sample variables of a single data type. """ import warnings from typing import List, Optional, Tuple import networkx as nx import numpy as np import pandas as pd from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import Kernel from causalnex.structure.data_generators import ( generate_structure, nonlinear_sem_generator, sem_generator, ) from causalnex.structure.structuremodel import StructureModel def generate_continuous_data( sm: nx.DiGraph, n_samples: int, distribution: str = "gaussian", noise_scale: float = 1.0, intercept: bool = False, seed: int = None, kernel: Optional[Kernel] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Simulate samples from SEM with specified type of noise. The order of the columns on the returned array is the one provided by `sm.nodes` Args: sm: A DAG in form of a networkx or StructureModel. Does not require weights. n_samples: The number of rows/observations to sample. kernel: A kernel from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels like RBF(1) or Matern(1) or any combinations thereof. The kernels are used to create the latent variable for the binary / categorical variables and are directly used for continuous variables. distribution: The type of distribution to use for the noise of a variable. Options: 'gaussian'/'normal' (alias), 'student-t', 'exponential', 'gumbel'. noise_scale: The standard deviation of the noise. intercept: Whether to use an intercept for each feature. seed: Random state Returns: x_mat: [n_samples,d_nodes] sample matrix Raises: ValueError: if distribution isn't gaussian/normal/student-t/exponential/gumbel """ if kernel is None: df = sem_generator( graph=sm, default_type="continuous", n_samples=n_samples, distributions={"continuous": distribution}, noise_std=noise_scale, intercept=intercept, seed=seed, ) else: df = nonlinear_sem_generator( graph=sm, kernel=kernel, default_type="continuous", n_samples=n_samples, distributions={"continuous": distribution}, noise_std=noise_scale, seed=seed, ) return df[list(sm.nodes())].values def generate_binary_data( sm: nx.DiGraph, n_samples: int, distribution: str = "logit", noise_scale: float = 1.0, intercept: bool = False, seed: int = None, kernel: Optional[Kernel] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Simulate samples from SEM with specified type of noise. The order of the columns on the returned array is the one provided by `sm.nodes` Args: sm: A DAG in form of a networkx or StructureModel. Does not require weights. n_samples: The number of rows/observations to sample. kernel: A kernel from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels like RBF(1) or Matern(1) or any combinations thereof. The kernels are used to create the latent variable for the binary / categorical variables and are directly used for continuous variables. distribution: The type of distribution to use for the noise of a variable. Options: 'probit'/'normal' (alias), 'logit' (default). noise_scale: The standard deviation of the noise. The binary and categorical features are created using a latent variable approach. The noise standard deviation determines how much weight the "mean" estimate has on the feature value. intercept: Whether to use an intercept for the latent variable of each feature. seed: Random state Returns: x_mat: [n_samples,d_nodes] sample matrix Raises: ValueError: if distribution isn't 'probit', 'normal', 'logit' """ if kernel is None: df = sem_generator( graph=sm, default_type="binary", n_samples=n_samples, distributions={"binary": distribution}, noise_std=noise_scale, intercept=intercept, seed=seed, ) else: df = nonlinear_sem_generator( graph=sm, kernel=kernel, default_type="binary", n_samples=n_samples, distributions={"binary": distribution}, noise_std=noise_scale, seed=seed, ) return df[list(sm.nodes())].values def generate_continuous_dataframe( sm: nx.DiGraph, n_samples: int, distribution: str = "gaussian", noise_scale: float = 1.0, intercept: bool = False, seed: int = None, kernel: Optional[Kernel] = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Generates a dataframe with samples from SEM with specified type of noise. Args: sm: A DAG in form of a networkx or StructureModel. Does not require weights. n_samples: The number of rows/observations to sample. kernel: A kernel from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels like RBF(1) or Matern(1) or any combinations thereof. The kernels are used to create the latent variable for the binary / categorical variables and are directly used for continuous variables. distribution: The type of distribution to use for the noise of a variable. Options: 'gaussian'/'normal' (alias), 'student-t', 'exponential', 'gumbel'. noise_scale: The standard deviation of the noise. intercept: Whether to use an intercept for each feature. seed: Random state Returns: Dataframe with the node names as column names Raises: ValueError: if distribution is not 'gaussian', 'normal', 'student-t', 'exponential', 'gumbel' """ if kernel is None: return sem_generator( graph=sm, default_type="continuous", n_samples=n_samples, distributions={"continuous": distribution}, noise_std=noise_scale, intercept=intercept, seed=seed, ) return nonlinear_sem_generator( graph=sm, kernel=kernel, default_type="continuous", n_samples=n_samples, distributions={"continuous": distribution}, noise_std=noise_scale, seed=seed, ) def generate_binary_dataframe( sm: nx.DiGraph, n_samples: int, distribution: str = "logit", noise_scale: float = 1.0, intercept: bool = False, seed: int = None, kernel: Optional[Kernel] = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Generates a dataframe with samples from SEM with specified type of noise. Args: sm: A DAG in form of a networkx or StructureModel. Does not require weights. n_samples: The number of rows/observations to sample. kernel: A kernel from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels like RBF(1) or Matern(1) or any combinations thereof. The kernels are used to create the latent variable for the binary / categorical variables and are directly used for continuous variables. distribution: The type of distribution to use for the noise of a variable. Options: 'probit'/'normal' (alias), 'logit' (default). noise_scale: The standard deviation of the noise. The binary and categorical features are created using a latent variable approach. The noise standard deviation determines how much weight the "mean" estimate has on the feature value. intercept: Whether to use an intercept for the latent variable of each feature. seed: Random state Returns: x_mat: [n_samples,d_nodes] sample matrix Raises: ValueError: if distribution is not 'probit', 'normal', 'logit' """ if kernel is None: return sem_generator( graph=sm, default_type="binary", n_samples=n_samples, distributions={"binary": distribution}, noise_std=noise_scale, intercept=intercept, seed=seed, ) return nonlinear_sem_generator( graph=sm, kernel=kernel, default_type="binary", n_samples=n_samples, distributions={"binary": distribution}, noise_std=noise_scale, seed=seed, ) def generate_count_dataframe( sm: nx.DiGraph, n_samples: int, zero_inflation_factor: float = 0.1, intercept: bool = False, seed: int = None, kernel: Optional[Kernel] = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Generates a dataframe with samples from SEM with specified type of noise. Args: sm: A DAG in form of a networkx or StructureModel. Does not require weights. n_samples: The number of rows/observations to sample. kernel: A kernel from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels like RBF(1) or Matern(1) or any combinations thereof. The kernels are used to create the latent variable for the binary / categorical variables and are directly used for continuous variables. zero_inflation_factor: The probability of zero inflation for count data. intercept: Whether to use an intercept for the latent variable of each feature. seed: Random state Returns: x_mat: [n_samples, d_nodes] sample matrix Raises: ValueError: if ``zero_inflation_factor`` is not a float in [0, 1]. """ if kernel is None: return sem_generator( graph=sm, default_type="count", n_samples=n_samples, distributions={"count": zero_inflation_factor}, noise_std=1, # not used for poisson intercept=intercept, seed=seed, ) return nonlinear_sem_generator( graph=sm, kernel=kernel, default_type="count", n_samples=n_samples, distributions={"count": zero_inflation_factor}, noise_std=1, # not used for poisson seed=seed, ) def generate_categorical_dataframe( sm: nx.DiGraph, n_samples: int, distribution: str = "logit", n_categories: int = 3, noise_scale: float = 1.0, intercept: bool = False, seed: int = None, kernel: Optional[Kernel] = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Generates a dataframe with samples from SEM with specified type of noise. Args: sm: A DAG in form of a networkx or StructureModel. Does not require weights. n_samples: The number of rows/observations to sample. kernel: A kernel from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels like RBF(1) or Matern(1) or any combinations thereof. The kernels are used to create the latent variable for the binary / categorical variables and are directly used for continuous variables. distribution: The type of distribution to use for the noise of a variable. Options: 'probit'/'normal' (alias), "logit"/"gumbel" (alias). Logit is default. n_categories: Number of categories per variable/node. noise_scale: The standard deviation of the noise. The categorical features are created using a latent variable approach. The noise standard deviation determines how much weight the "mean" estimate has on the feature value. intercept: Whether to use an intercept for the latent variable of each feature. seed: Random state Returns: x_mat: [n_samples, d_nodes] sample matrix Raises: ValueError: if distribution is not 'probit', 'normal', 'logit', 'gumbel' """ if kernel is None: return sem_generator( graph=sm, default_type=f"categorical:{n_categories}", n_samples=n_samples, distributions={"categorical": distribution}, noise_std=noise_scale, intercept=intercept, seed=seed, ) return nonlinear_sem_generator( graph=sm, kernel=kernel, default_type=f"categorical:{n_categories}", n_samples=n_samples, distributions={"categorical": distribution}, noise_std=noise_scale, seed=seed, ) def generate_structure_dynamic( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments num_nodes: int, p: int, degree_intra: float, degree_inter: float, graph_type_intra: str = "erdos-renyi", graph_type_inter: str = "erdos-renyi", w_min_intra: float = 0.5, w_max_intra: float = 0.5, w_min_inter: float = 0.5, w_max_inter: float = 0.5, w_decay: float = 1.0, ) -> StructureModel: """ Generates a dynamic DAG at random. Args: num_nodes: Number of nodes p: maximum lag to be considered in the structure degree_intra: expected degree on nodes from the current state degree_inter: expected degree on nodes from the lagged nodes graph_type_intra: - erdos-renyi: constructs a graph such that the probability of any given edge is degree / (num_nodes - 1) - barabasi-albert: constructs a scale-free graph from an initial connected graph of (degree / 2) nodes - full: constructs a fully-connected graph - degree has no effect graph_type_inter: - erdos-renyi: constructs a graph such that the probability of any given edge is degree / (num_nodes - 1) - full: connect all past nodes to all present nodes w_min_intra: minimum weight for intra-slice nodes w_max_intra: maximum weight for intra-slice nodes w_min_inter: minimum weight for inter-slice nodes w_max_inter: maximum weight for inter-slice nodes w_decay: exponent of weights decay for slices that are farther apart. Default is 1.0, which implies no decay Raises: ValueError: if graph type unknown or `num_nodes < 2` Returns: StructureModel containing all simulated nodes and edges (intra- and inter-slice) """ sm_intra = generate_structure( num_nodes=num_nodes, degree=degree_intra, graph_type=graph_type_intra, w_min=w_min_intra, w_max=w_max_intra, ) sm_inter = _generate_inter_structure( num_nodes=num_nodes, p=p, degree=degree_inter, graph_type=graph_type_inter, w_min=w_min_inter, w_max=w_max_inter, w_decay=w_decay, ) res = StructureModel() res.add_nodes_from(sm_inter.nodes) res.add_nodes_from([f"{u}_lag0" for u in sm_intra.nodes]) res.add_weighted_edges_from("weight")) res.add_weighted_edges_from( [(f"{u}_lag0", f"{v}_lag0", w) for u, v, w in"weight")] ) return res def _generate_inter_structure( num_nodes: int, p: int, degree: float, graph_type: str, w_min: float, w_max: float, w_decay: float = 1.0, neg: float = 0.5, ) -> StructureModel: """Simulate random DAG between two time slices. Args: num_nodes: number of nodes per slice p: number of slices that influence current slice degree: expected in-degree of current time slice graph_type: {'erdos-renyi' 'full'} w_min: minimum weight for inter-slice nodes w_max: maximum weight for inter-slice nodes w_decay: exponent of weights decay for slices that are farther apart. Default is 1.0, which implies no decay neg: the proportion of edge weights expected to be negative. By default, 50% of the edges are expected to be negative weight (`neg == 0.5`). Returns: G_inter: weighted, bipartite DAG for inter-slice connections Raises: ValueError: if graph type not known """ if w_min > w_max: raise ValueError( "Absolute minimum weight must be less than or equal to maximum weight: " f"{w_min} > {w_max}" ) if graph_type == "erdos-renyi": prob = degree / num_nodes b = (np.random.rand(p * num_nodes, num_nodes) < prob).astype(float) elif graph_type == "full": # ignore degree, only for experimental use b = np.ones([p * num_nodes, num_nodes]) else: raise ValueError( f"Unknown inter-slice graph type `{graph_type}`. " "Valid types are 'erdos-renyi' and 'full'" ) u = [] for i in range(p): u_i = np.random.uniform(low=w_min, high=w_max, size=[num_nodes, num_nodes]) / ( w_decay ** i ) u_i[np.random.rand(num_nodes, num_nodes) < neg] *= -1 u.append(u_i) u = np.concatenate(u, axis=0) if u else np.empty(b.shape) a = (b != 0).astype(float) * u df = pd.DataFrame( a, index=[ f"{var}_lag{l_val}" for l_val in range(1, p + 1) for var in range(num_nodes) ], columns=[f"{var}_lag0" for var in range(num_nodes)], ) idxs, cols = list(df.index), list(df.columns) for i in idxs: df[i] = 0 for i in cols: df.loc[i, :] = 0 g_inter = StructureModel(df) return g_inter def generate_dataframe_dynamic( # pylint: disable=R0914 g: StructureModel, n_samples: int = 1000, burn_in: int = 100, sem_type: str = "linear-gauss", noise_scale: float = 1.0, drift: np.ndarray = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Simulate samples from dynamic SEM with specified type of noise. Args: g: Dynamic DAG n_samples: number of samples burn_in: number of samples to discard sem_type: {linear-gauss,linear-exp,linear-gumbel} noise_scale: scale parameter of noise distribution in linear SEM drift: array of drift terms for each node, if None then the drift is 0 Returns: X: [n,d] sample matrix, row t is X_t Y: [n,d*p] sample matrix, row t is [X_{t-1}, ..., X_{t-p}] Raises: ValueError: if sem_type isn't linear-gauss/linear_exp/linear-gumbel """ s_types = ("linear-gauss", "linear-exp", "linear-gumbel") if sem_type not in s_types: raise ValueError(f"unknown sem type {sem_type}. Available types are: {s_types}") intra_nodes = sorted([el for el in g.nodes if "_lag0" in el], key=lambda t: t.split('_lag')[1]) inter_nodes = sorted([el for el in g.nodes if "_lag0" not in el], key=lambda t: t.split('_lag')[1]) w_mat = nx.to_numpy_array(g, nodelist=intra_nodes) a_mat = nx.to_numpy_array(g, nodelist=intra_nodes + inter_nodes)[ len(intra_nodes) :, : len(intra_nodes) ] g_intra = nx.DiGraph(w_mat) g_inter = nx.bipartite.from_biadjacency_matrix( csr_matrix(a_mat), create_using=nx.DiGraph ) d = w_mat.shape[0] p = a_mat.shape[0] // d total_length = n_samples + burn_in X = np.zeros([total_length, d]) Xlags = np.zeros([total_length, p * d]) ordered_vertices = list(nx.topological_sort(g_intra)) if drift is None: drift = np.zeros(d) for t in range(total_length): for j in ordered_vertices: parents = list(g_intra.predecessors(j)) parents_prev = list(g_inter.predecessors(j + p * d)) X[t, j] = ( drift[j] + X[t, parents].dot(w_mat[parents, j]) + Xlags[t, parents_prev].dot(a_mat[parents_prev, j]) ) if sem_type == "linear-gauss": X[t, j] = X[t, j] + np.random.normal(scale=noise_scale) elif sem_type == "linear-exp": X[t, j] = X[t, j] + np.random.exponential(scale=noise_scale) elif sem_type == "linear-gumbel": X[t, j] = X[t, j] + np.random.gumbel(scale=noise_scale) if (t + 1) < total_length: Xlags[t + 1, :] = np.concatenate([X[t, :], Xlags[t, :]])[: d * p] return pd.concat( [
pd.DataFrame(X[-n_samples:], columns=intra_nodes)
import pandas as pd import numpy as np from .cleanning import delFromVardict # # removed from version 0.0.8, replaced by calculating woe directly inside bitable # def calcWOE(allGoodCnt, allBadCnt, eachGoodCnt, eachBadCnt): # # woe = np.log((eachGoodCnt / eachBadCnt) / (allGoodCnt / allBadCnt)) # # return woe # # removed from version 0.0.8, replaced by calculating iv directly inside bitable # def calcIV(allGoodCnt, allBadCnt, eachGoodCnt, eachBadCnt): # # calcIV(allGoodCnt, allBadCnt, eachGoodCnt, eachBadCnt, label='DEFAULT') # woe = calcWOE(allGoodCnt, allBadCnt, eachGoodCnt, eachBadCnt) # ivcolumn = (eachGoodCnt / allGoodCnt - eachBadCnt / allBadCnt) * woe # iv = sum(ivcolumn) # # return ivcolumn, iv def bivariate(df, col, label, withIV=True, missingvalue='missing', dealMissing=True): df = df.replace(np.nan, missingvalue) gb = df.groupby(col, as_index=False) total = df.shape[0] all = gb.count() bad = gb.sum()[label] good = (all[label] - bad) bitable =
pd.DataFrame({col: all[col], 'total': good + bad, 'good': good, 'bad': bad})
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 """ In this script, the results of the friction tests are visualised. All visualisations are stored in /figures/ """ __author__ = "<NAME>" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2021, TU Delft Biomechanical Design" __credits__ = ["<NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME>"] __license__ = "CC0-1.0 License" __version__ = "1.0.0" __maintainer__ = "<NAME>" __email__ = "<EMAIL>" # Imports import math import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from statistics import mean # Global variables # The diameter (in m) of the pneumatic cylinder d_25 = 25 / 1000 # The radius (in m) of the pneumatic cylinder r_25 = d_25 / 2 # The surface area (in m^2) of the pneumatic cylinder area = math.pi * r_25**2 # The diameter (in m) of the pneumatic cylinder for the X-ring and corresponding O-ring d_257 = 25.7 / 1000 # The radius (in m) of the pneumatic cylinder for the X-ring and corresponding O-ring r_257 = d_257 / 2 # The surface area (in m^2) of the pneumatic cylinder for the X-ring and corresponding O-ring large_area = math.pi * r_257**2 # The models with different sealing mechanism used in this test rings = ['O-ring','NAPN','NAP310','PK','KDN','O-ring257','X-ring257'] # The models with different cross-sectional shape used in this test shapes = ['Circle','Stadium','Kidney','Stadium_lc','Kidney_lc'] # Remove first 15 data points to avoid deviating starting values drop_amount = 15 # # Friction force test # Define a dictionary to store all data from the friction force tests # For each model all variables are stored in this nested dictionary friction_force = {} # For each ring type for ring in rings: friction_force[ring] = {} for bar in [1,3,5,7]: # Load the data of the corresponding results in .CSV and drop unncessary columns ring_df = pd.read_csv(f'./data/friction/{ring}_{bar}bar.csv',delimiter='\s+',header=None,names=(['Time','A','B','C','Laser(mm)','Pressure(bar)','Force(N)'])) ring_df.drop(columns=['A','B','C'],index=ring_df.index[range(drop_amount)],axis=1,inplace=True) # Store the data in our larger dictionary friction_force[ring][bar] = {} # Set the time (in s) and laser (in mm) friction_force[ring][bar]['Time'] = ring_df['Time']/1000 friction_force[ring][bar]['Laser(mm)'] = ring_df['Laser(mm)'] # Set the pressure (in MPa) and force (in N) friction_force[ring][bar]['Pressure(bar)'] = ring_df['Pressure(bar)']/10 friction_force[ring][bar]['Force(N)'] = ring_df['Force(N)'] # Calculate force Fp based on the measured pressure (see equation 2 in the report) # The 25.7 mm rings have a different and larger surface area if '257' in ring: Fp = ring_df['Pressure(bar)'] * 10**5 * large_area else: Fp = ring_df['Pressure(bar)'] * 10**5 * area # Calculate the friction force by substracting the measured force with Fp (see equation 3 in the report) FF = ring_df['Force(N)'] - Fp friction_force[ring][bar]['FrictionForce'] = FF friction_force[ring][bar]['FrictionFrom'] = FF[FF>FF.mean()].mean() friction_force[ring][bar]['FrictionTo'] = FF[FF<FF.mean()].mean() # For each shape type for shape in shapes: friction_force[shape] = {} for bar in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: # Some shapes extrude at higher pressure, no data is available for them if bar > 3 and shape not in ['Stadium_lc','Kidney_lc','Kidney', 'Circle']: break if bar > 4 and shape not in ['Stadium_lc', 'Kidney_lc', 'Circle']: break if bar > 5 and shape not in ['Kidney_lc', 'Circle']: break # Load the data of the corresponding results in .CSV and drop unncessary columns shape_df = pd.read_csv(f'./data/friction/{shape}_{bar}bar.csv',delimiter='\s+',header=None,names=(['Time','A','B','C','Laser(mm)','Pressure(bar)','Force(N)'])) shape_df.drop(columns=['A','B','C'],index=shape_df.index[range(drop_amount)],axis=1,inplace=True) # Store the data in our larger dictionary friction_force[shape][bar] = {} # Set the time (in s) and laser (in mm) friction_force[shape][bar]['Time'] = shape_df['Time']/1000 friction_force[shape][bar]['Laser(mm)'] = shape_df['Laser(mm)'] # Set the pressure (in MPa) and force (in N) friction_force[shape][bar]['Pressure(bar)'] = shape_df['Pressure(bar)']/10 friction_force[shape][bar]['Force(N)'] = shape_df['Force(N)'] # Calculate force Fp based on the measured pressure (see equation 2 in the report) Fp = shape_df['Pressure(bar)'] * 10**5 * area # Calculate the friction force by substracting the measured force with Fp (see equation 3 in the report) FF = shape_df['Force(N)'] - Fp friction_force[shape][bar]['FrictionForce'] = FF friction_force[shape][bar]['FrictionFrom'] = FF[FF>FF.mean()].mean() friction_force[shape][bar]['FrictionTo'] = FF[FF<FF.mean()].mean() # #### Friction force range definement plot - visual for in methodology plt.annotate(text='',xy=(12,friction_force['O-ring'][1]['FrictionFrom']), xytext=(12,friction_force['O-ring'][1]['FrictionTo']), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='<->', lw=2)) plt.hlines(xmin=0, xmax=70,y=friction_force['O-ring'][1]['FrictionFrom'], linestyles='dashed', colors='0', lw=2) plt.hlines(xmin=0, xmax=70,y=friction_force['O-ring'][1]['FrictionTo'], linestyles='dashed', colors='0', lw=2) plt.plot(friction_force['O-ring'][1]['Time'],friction_force['O-ring'][1]['FrictionForce'],'tab:blue',label='O-ring') plt.plot(friction_force['NAPN'][1]['Time'],friction_force['NAPN'][1]['FrictionForce'],'tab:orange',alpha=0.25,label='NAPN') plt.plot(friction_force['NAP310'][1]['Time'],friction_force['NAP310'][1]['FrictionForce'],'tab:green',alpha=0.25,label='NAP 330') plt.plot(friction_force['PK'][1]['Time'],friction_force['PK'][1]['FrictionForce'],'tab:red',alpha=0.25,label='PK') plt.plot(friction_force['KDN'][1]['Time'],friction_force['KDN'][1]['FrictionForce'],'tab:purple', alpha=0.25,label='KDN') plt.xlim([5,15]) plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.ylabel('Force (N)') plt.legend(loc='lower center',bbox_to_anchor=(0.5,-0.3),ncol=5) plt.savefig('./figures/method_frictionforce_1bar_zoom.pdf',bbox_inches = 'tight') plt.clf() # #### Standard deviation & Standard error # Function to calculate standard error for a specific test def calculate_se(friction_force,model,bar): # Calculate the mean to define retracting and extending parts frictionforce_mean = friction_force[model][bar]['FrictionForce'].mean() # Variable to store the friction force frictionforce = list(friction_force[model][bar]['FrictionForce']) # Variables for results and counter frictionforce_se_means = [] i = 0 # Loop through the data and break them up into separate tests while i < len(frictionforce) - 1: # Lists for retracting and extending parts of a single test retracting = [] extending = [] # First the retracting part of a test is done # Get all values above the mean while len(retracting) < 100 or frictionforce[i] > frictionforce_mean: retracting.append(frictionforce[i]) i += 1 # Break if it gets below the mean if i > len(frictionforce) - 1: break # Secondly the extending part of a test is done # Get all values below the mean while len(extending) < 100 or frictionforce[i] < frictionforce_mean: extending.append(frictionforce[i]) i += 1 # Break if it gets above the mean if i > len(frictionforce) - 1: break # The friction force range is defined as the difference between the mean friction force of the retracting and extending strokes frictionforce_se_means.append(mean(retracting)-mean(extending)) # Standard error is calculated by the standard deviation of the means # Also return the mean of the friction force ranges across the tests # Finally return the last test to determine the standard deviation of one extending and retracting stroke return mean(frictionforce_se_means),np.std(frictionforce_se_means),extending,retracting # For each model use the calculate_se() function to acquire the friction force range and the standard error # Additionally for each of the rings and shapes the standard deviation of a single test is saved std_single_test_rings = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Bar']+rings) std_single_test_rings = std_single_test_rings.set_index('Bar') for ring in rings: for bar in [1,3,5,7]: mean_ff,se_ff,extending,retracting = calculate_se(friction_force,ring,bar) friction_force[ring][bar]['SE_FrictionForce'] = se_ff friction_force[ring][bar]['Mean_FrictionForce'] = mean_ff # For each retracting and extending test, check if the index already exists if str(bar)+'_bar_retracting' not in list(std_single_test_rings.index): std_single_test_rings = std_single_test_rings.append(pd.Series(name= str(bar)+'_bar_retracting')) if str(bar)+'_bar_extending' not in list(std_single_test_rings.index): std_single_test_rings = std_single_test_rings.append(pd.Series(name= str(bar)+'_bar_extending')) # For each individual test save the average and standard deviation std_single_test_rings.loc[str(bar)+'_bar_retracting'][ring] = f'{str(round(mean(retracting),2))} $\pm$ {round(np.std(retracting),2)}' std_single_test_rings.loc[str(bar)+'_bar_extending'][ring] = f'{str(round(mean(extending),2))} $\pm$ {round(np.std(extending),2)}' # Again define a dataframe to store the standard deviations of each single test std_single_test_shapes = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Bar']+shapes) std_single_test_shapes = std_single_test_shapes.set_index('Bar') for shape in shapes: for bar in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: try: mean_ff,se_ff,extending,retracting = calculate_se(friction_force,shape,bar) friction_force[shape][bar]['SE_FrictionForce'] = se_ff friction_force[shape][bar]['Mean_FrictionForce'] = mean_ff # For each retracting and extending test, check if the index already exists if str(bar)+'_bar_retracting' not in list(std_single_test_shapes.index): std_single_test_shapes = std_single_test_shapes.append(pd.Series(name= str(bar)+'_bar_retracting')) if str(bar)+'_bar_extending' not in list(std_single_test_shapes.index): std_single_test_shapes = std_single_test_shapes.append(pd.Series(name= str(bar)+'_bar_extending')) # For each test save the average and standard deviation std_single_test_shapes.loc[str(bar)+'_bar_retracting'][shape] = f'{str(round(mean(retracting),2))} $\pm$ {round(np.std(retracting),2)}' std_single_test_shapes.loc[str(bar)+'_bar_extending'][shape] = f'{str(round(mean(extending),2))} $\pm$ {round(np.std(extending),2)}' except Exception as e: print(f'No data for {shape} - {e} bar due to extrusion of the O-ring') print(std_single_test_rings) # print(std_single_test_rings.to_latex(escape=False)) print(std_single_test_shapes) # print(std_single_test_shapes.to_latex(escape=False)) # #### Friction force range plot 25mm # Variables to make plotting of friction force range with standard error more clear fr = {'Pressure': [.1,.3,.5,.7], 'O_ring': [friction_force['O-ring'][i]['Mean_FrictionForce'] for i in friction_force['O-ring']], 'NAPN': [friction_force['NAPN'][i]['Mean_FrictionForce'] for i in friction_force['NAPN']], 'NAP310': [friction_force['NAP310'][i]['Mean_FrictionForce'] for i in friction_force['NAP310']], 'PK': [friction_force['PK'][i]['Mean_FrictionForce'] for i in friction_force['PK']], 'KDN': [friction_force['KDN'][i]['Mean_FrictionForce'] for i in friction_force['KDN']], 'O_ring257': [friction_force['O-ring257'][i]['Mean_FrictionForce'] for i in friction_force['O-ring257']], 'X_ring257': [friction_force['X-ring257'][i]['Mean_FrictionForce'] for i in friction_force['X-ring257']], } fr = pd.DataFrame(data=fr) se = {'Pressure': [.1,.3,.5,.7], 'O_ring': [friction_force['O-ring'][i]['SE_FrictionForce'] for i in friction_force['O-ring']], 'NAPN': [friction_force['NAPN'][i]['SE_FrictionForce'] for i in friction_force['NAPN']], 'NAP310': [friction_force['NAP310'][i]['SE_FrictionForce'] for i in friction_force['NAP310']], 'PK': [friction_force['PK'][i]['SE_FrictionForce'] for i in friction_force['PK']], 'KDN': [friction_force['KDN'][i]['SE_FrictionForce'] for i in friction_force['KDN']], 'O_ring257': [friction_force['O-ring257'][i]['SE_FrictionForce'] for i in friction_force['O-ring257']], 'X_ring257': [friction_force['X-ring257'][i]['SE_FrictionForce'] for i in friction_force['X-ring257']], } se = pd.DataFrame(data=se) # Visualize the friction force range - 25 mm cylinder plt.errorbar(fr.Pressure,fr.O_ring257,se.O_ring257,color='tab:blue',alpha=0.25, linestyle='dotted',linewidth=2,capsize=2) plt.errorbar(fr.Pressure,fr.X_ring257,se.X_ring257,color='tab:brown',alpha=0.25,linestyle=(0,(5,2,2)),capsize=2) plt.errorbar(fr.Pressure,fr.O_ring,se.O_ring,color='tab:blue',label='O-ring', linestyle='dotted',linewidth=2,capsize=2) plt.errorbar(fr.Pressure,fr.NAPN,se.NAPN,color='tab:orange',label='NAPN',linestyle='dashdot',capsize=2) plt.errorbar(fr.Pressure,fr.NAP310,se.NAP310,color='tab:green',label='NAP310', linestyle=(0,(5,2,2)),capsize=2) plt.errorbar(fr.Pressure,fr.PK,se.PK,color='tab:red',label='PK',linestyle='dashed',capsize=2) plt.errorbar(fr.Pressure,fr.KDN,se.KDN,color='tab:purple',label='KDN',linewidth=1,capsize=2) plt.xlabel('Pressure (MPa)') plt.ylabel('Dynamic friction force range (N)') plt.legend() plt.savefig('./figures/result_frictionforcerange_25mm.pdf',bbox_inches = 'tight') plt.clf() # #### Friction force range plot 25.7mm # Visualize the friction force range - 25.7 mm cylinder plt.errorbar(fr.Pressure,fr.O_ring,se.O_ring,color='tab:blue',alpha=0.25, linestyle='dotted',linewidth=2,capsize=2) plt.errorbar(fr.Pressure,fr.NAPN,se.NAPN,color='tab:orange',alpha=0.25,linestyle='dashdot',capsize=2) plt.errorbar(fr.Pressure,fr.NAP310,se.NAP310,color='tab:green',alpha=0.25, linestyle=(0,(5,2,2)),capsize=2) plt.errorbar(fr.Pressure,fr.PK,se.PK,color='tab:red',alpha=0.25,linestyle='dashed',capsize=2) plt.errorbar(fr.Pressure,fr.KDN,se.KDN,color='tab:purple',alpha=0.25,linewidth=1,capsize=2) plt.errorbar(fr.Pressure,fr.O_ring257,se.O_ring257,color='tab:blue',label='O-ring', linestyle='dotted',linewidth=2,capsize=2) plt.errorbar(fr.Pressure,fr.X_ring257,se.X_ring257,color='tab:brown',label='X-ring',linestyle=(0,(5,2,2)),capsize=2) plt.xlabel('Pressure (MPa)') plt.ylabel('Dynamic friction force range (N)') plt.legend() plt.savefig('./figures/result_frictionforcerange_257mm.pdf',bbox_inches = 'tight') plt.clf() # #### Friction force range plot different shapes # Again variables to make plotting of friction force range with standard error more clear fr_s = {'Pressure': [.1,.2,.3], 'Stadium': [friction_force['Stadium'][i]['Mean_FrictionForce'] for i in friction_force['Stadium']], } fr_s = pd.DataFrame(data=fr_s) se_s = {'Pressure': [.1,.2,.3], 'Stadium': [friction_force['Stadium'][i]['SE_FrictionForce'] for i in friction_force['Stadium']], } se_s = pd.DataFrame(data=se_s) fr_ck = {'Pressure': [.1,.2,.3,.4], 'Circle': [friction_force['Circle'][i]['Mean_FrictionForce'] for i in friction_force['Circle']][:4], 'Kidney': [friction_force['Kidney'][i]['Mean_FrictionForce'] for i in friction_force['Kidney']], } fr_ck = pd.DataFrame(data=fr_ck) se_ck = {'Pressure': [.1,.2,.3,.4], 'Circle': [friction_force['Circle'][i]['SE_FrictionForce'] for i in friction_force['Circle']][:4], 'Kidney': [friction_force['Kidney'][i]['SE_FrictionForce'] for i in friction_force['Kidney']], } se_ck = pd.DataFrame(data=se_ck) # Visualize the friction force range - different shapes plt.errorbar(fr_ck.Pressure,fr_ck.Circle,se_ck.Circle,color='0.8',label='Circle',linestyle='dotted',linewidth=2,capsize=2) plt.errorbar(fr_s.Pressure,fr_s.Stadium,se_s.Stadium,color='tab:olive', label='Stadium',linestyle='dashdot',capsize=2) plt.errorbar(fr_ck.Pressure,fr_ck.Kidney,se_ck.Kidney,color='tab:cyan', label='Kidney',capsize=2) plt.xlabel('Pressure (MPa)') plt.ylabel('Dynamic friction force range (N)') plt.legend(loc='lower center',bbox_to_anchor=(0.5,-0.3),ncol=3) plt.savefig('./figures/result_frictionforcerange_shape.pdf',bbox_inches = 'tight') plt.clf() # #### Friction force range plot different shapes with lower clearance # Again variables to make plotting of friction force range with standard error more clear fr_s_lc = {'Pressure': [.1,.2,.3,.4,.5], 'Stadium_lc': [friction_force['Stadium_lc'][i]['Mean_FrictionForce'] for i in friction_force['Stadium_lc']], } fr_s_lc =
from __future__ import division from itertools import combinations import numpy as np import pandas as pd import scipy.integrate from import ECDF from sklearn import preprocessing import seaborn as sns class BaseSample(object): def __init__(self, data_frame, number_arms=2): self.integrate = None =
import pandas as pd import numpy as np import csv import os import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ## Written by <NAME> def topspin_to_pd(input_filename): ###row_dict was written by <NAME> ### Rows = dict() with open(input_filename) as p: reader = csv.reader(p, delimiter=" ") for row in reader: row = [x for x in row if x] if "#" in row or not row: continue else: try: Rows[row[0]] = [row[3],row[4]] except: pass HSQC_Data_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(Rows, orient='index',columns = ['1H','13C']).astype('float') HSQC_Data_df = HSQC_Data_df.sort_values(by=['1H'],ascending = True).round({'1H':2,'13C':1}) return HSQC_Data_df def hsqc_to_np(input_filename,C_scale=100,H_scale=100, output_numpy=None): # x is csv filename ex) flavonoid.csv qc =
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Thu Mar 4 18:27:38 2021 @author: sergiomarconi """ import pandas as pd from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize from src.functions_brdf import * def kld_transform(hsi_cube, kld_out): #brick = brick.values kld_groups =
pd.read_csv(kld_out, header=None)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Mon Nov 9 17:41:26 2020 @author: <NAME> """ #Import packages and functions import pickle import pandas as pd import numpy as np import joblib from functions import create_ABseries, standardize_data #Set random seed for replicability np.random.seed(78937) #Create 96,000 data series for training models a_values = [0,0.2] t_values = [0,30] constant_values = [4,10] pointsa_values = [3,5] pointsb_values = [5,10] smd_values = [0,0,0,0,0,1,2,3,4,5] dataset = [] for i in range(300): for a in a_values: for t in t_values: for constant in constant_values: for points_a in pointsa_values: for points_b in pointsb_values: for smd in smd_values: dataseries = create_ABseries(a, t, constant, points_a, points_b, smd) if smd == 0: dataset.append([dataseries, 0]) else: dataset.append([dataseries, 1]) #Ranodmize order of data shuffled_order = np.random.choice(range(96000), 96000, replace = False) shuffled_dataset = [] for i in shuffled_order: shuffled_dataset.append(dataset[i]) #Organize and standardize training data (96,000 graphs) x = np.empty((0,8)) y = np.empty((0,)) for i in range(len(shuffled_dataset)): series = shuffled_dataset[i][0] features = standardize_data(series).reshape(1,-1) x = np.vstack((x, features)) y = np.hstack((y, shuffled_dataset[i][1])) #Train SGD with code from Lanovaz et al. (2020) from sklearn.linear_model import SGDClassifier from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split x_train, x_valid ,y_train, y_valid =\ train_test_split(x, y, test_size = 0.50, random_state = 48151) def trainSGD(x_train, y_train, x_valid, y_valid): lr = [0.00001, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01] iterations = np.arange(5,1000,5) SGDresults = [] best_acc = 0 for i in iterations: for n in lr: sgd = SGDClassifier(loss = "hinge", penalty = 'elasticnet', alpha = n, max_iter = i, class_weight = {0:1, 1:0.20}, random_state=48151), y_train) current_acc = sgd.score(x_valid, y_valid) SGDresults.append([n, i, current_acc]) if current_acc > best_acc: best_acc = current_acc filename = 'best_modelsgd.sav' joblib.dump(sgd, filename) return joblib.load('best_modelsgd.sav') sgd = trainSGD(x_train, y_train, x_valid, y_valid) #Predictions of SGD on test data (1,024 graphs) f = open("dataset.txt","rb") test_data = pickle.load(f) sgd_results = np.empty((0,)) for i in range(len(test_data)): series = test_data[i][0] features = standardize_data(series).reshape(1,-1) sgd_results = np.hstack((sgd_results, sgd.predict(features).flatten())) sgd_results = pd.DataFrame(sgd_results) sgd_results.to_csv('sgd_values.csv', header = False, index = False) #Train SVC with code from Lanovaz et al. (2020) from sklearn.svm import SVC def trainSVC(train_x, train_y, valid_x, valid_y): svc = SVC(class_weight = {0:1, 1:0.5}) gamma = [0.00001, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1] C = [1,10,100] SVCresults = [] best_acc = 0 for c in C: for n in gamma: svc.set_params(gamma =n, C = c), train_y) current_acc = svc.score(valid_x, valid_y) SVCresults.append([n, c, current_acc]) if current_acc > best_acc: best_acc = current_acc filename = 'best_modelsvc.sav' joblib.dump(svc, filename) return joblib.load('best_modelsvc.sav') svc = trainSVC(x_train, y_train, x_valid, y_valid) #Prediction of SVC on test data (1,024 graphs) svc_results = np.empty((0,)) for i in range(len(test_data)): series = test_data[i][0] features = standardize_data(series).reshape(1,-1) svc_results = np.hstack((svc_results, svc.predict(features).flatten())) svc_results =
import copy import pytest import numpy as np import pandas as pd from pandas import DataFrame, Series from autogluon.tabular.utils.features import AbstractFeatureGenerator class GeneratorHelper: @staticmethod def fit_transform_assert(input_data: DataFrame, generator: AbstractFeatureGenerator, expected_feature_metadata_in_full: dict = None, expected_feature_metadata_full: dict = None): # Given original_input_data = copy.deepcopy(input_data) # Raise exception with pytest.raises(AssertionError): # Can't call transform before fit_transform generator.transform(input_data) if len(input_data.columns) > 0: # Raise exception with pytest.raises(AssertionError): input_data_with_duplicate_columns = pd.concat([input_data, input_data], axis=1) # Can't call fit_transform with duplicate column names generator.fit_transform(input_data_with_duplicate_columns) assert not generator.is_fit() output_data = generator.fit_transform(input_data) assert generator.is_fit() with pytest.raises(AssertionError): # Can't call fit_transform after fit generator.fit_transform(input_data) # Ensure input_data is not altered inplace assert input_data.equals(original_input_data) # Ensure unchanged row count assert len(input_data) == len(output_data) # Ensure transform and fit_transform output are the same for training data output_data_transform = generator.transform(input_data) assert output_data.equals(output_data_transform) # Ensure transform will be the same if unnecessary columns are removed from input output_data_transform = generator.transform(input_data[generator.features_in]) assert output_data.equals(output_data_transform) # Ensure transform will be the same if input feature order is not the same as generator.features_in reversed_column_names = list(input_data.columns) reversed_column_names.reverse() output_data_transform = generator.transform(input_data[reversed_column_names]) assert output_data.equals(output_data_transform) # Ensure output feature order is correct assert generator.features_out == list(output_data.columns) if generator.features_in: with pytest.raises(KeyError): # Error if missing input feature generator.transform(input_data.drop(generator.features_in[0])) with pytest.raises(KeyError): # Error if missing all input features generator.transform(pd.DataFrame()) # Ensure unknown input columns don't affect output input_data_with_extra = copy.deepcopy(input_data) input_data_with_extra['__UNKNOWN_COLUMN__'] = 0 output_data_transform = generator.transform(input_data_with_extra) assert output_data.equals(output_data_transform) # Ensure feature_metadata_in is as expected if expected_feature_metadata_in_full is not None: assert expected_feature_metadata_in_full == generator.feature_metadata_in.to_dict(inverse=True) # Ensure feature_metadata is as expected if expected_feature_metadata_full is not None: assert expected_feature_metadata_full == generator.feature_metadata.to_dict(inverse=True) return output_data class DataHelper: @staticmethod def generate_empty() -> DataFrame: return DataFrame(index=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]) @staticmethod def generate_obj_feature() -> Series: return
Series(['a', 'b', 'a', 'd', 'd', 'd', 'c', np.nan, np.nan])
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QWidget,QGridLayout, QTableWidget, QTableWidgetItem, QHeaderView, QAbstractItemView, QLabel, QPushButton, QMessageBox from PyQt5.QtGui import QFont, QColor from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt import pandas as pd import numpy as np class CoreStrategy(QWidget): def __init__(self): super(CoreStrategy, self).__init__() myfont = QFont('Arial', 12, QFont.Bold) self.setFont(myfont) # 首先还是读取数据 # 读取现在有的etfs try: self.etfs = ['^FCHI']#np.load('./Data/etfs.npy').tolist() except FileNotFoundError: self.etfs = ['^FCHI']#['SPY', 'QQQ', 'TLT', 'GLD', 'IWM', 'EFA', 'HYG', 'XLV'] self.supply_demande_zones_rownames = ['SZ Distal', 'SZ Proximal', 'DZ Proximal', 'DZ Distal'] self.proposed_trade_rownames = ['Trade Type', 'Entry Proximal', 'Entry Distal', 'Exit Proximal', 'Risk', 'Reward', 'Ratio'] self.odds_enhancers_rownames = ['Freshness(2)', 'Profit Zone(2)', 'Strength(2)', 'Time(1)', 'Curve(1)', 'Trend(2)', 'Total Score', 'Trade Stastus'] # 读取表格数据,如果其中某个etf的数据不在self.etfs中的,将其删除 # 在self.etfs中而不在表格中的,需要添加一行 try: self.supply_demande_zones_data = pd.read_csv('./Data/zones.csv', index_col=0) except FileNotFoundError: self.supply_demande_zones_data = pd.DataFrame(index=self.etfs, columns=self.supply_demande_zones_rownames) try: self.proposed_trade_data = pd.read_csv('./Data/proposed_trades.csv', index_col=0) except FileNotFoundError: self.proposed_trade_data =
pd.DataFrame(index=self.etfs, columns=self.proposed_trade_rownames)
import networkx as nx import numpy as np import pandas as pd from quetzal.engine.pathfinder import sparse_los_from_nx_graph from syspy.assignment import raw as raw_assignment from tqdm import tqdm def jam_time(links, ref_time='time', flow='load', alpha=0.15, beta=4, capacity=1500): alpha = links['alpha'] if 'alpha' in links.columns else alpha beta = links['beta'] if 'beta' in links.columns else beta capacity = links['capacity'] if 'capacity' in links.columns else capacity return links[ref_time] * (1 + alpha * np.power((links[flow] / capacity), beta)) def z_prime(row, phi): delta = row['aux_flow'] - row['former_flow'] return (delta * row['time'] * (row['former_flow'] + phi * delta)).sum() def find_phi(links, inf=0, sup=1, tolerance=1e-6): if z_prime(links, inf) > 0: print('fin: ', inf) return inf if z_prime(links, sup) < 0: return sup m = (inf + sup) / 2 if (sup - inf) < tolerance: return m z_prime_m = z_prime(links, m) if z_prime_m == 0: return m elif z_prime_m < 0: inf = m elif z_prime_m > 0: sup = m return find_phi(links, inf, sup, tolerance) class RoadPathFinder: def __init__(self, model): self.zones = model.zones.copy() self.road_links = model.road_links.copy() self.zone_to_road = model.zone_to_road.copy() try: self.volumes = model.volumes.copy() except AttributeError: pass def aon_road_pathfinder( self, time='time', ntleg_penalty=1e9, cutoff=np.inf, access_time='time', **kwargs, ): road_links = self.road_links road_links['index'] = road_links.index indexed = road_links.set_index(['a', 'b']).sort_index() ab_indexed_dict = indexed['index'].to_dict() road_graph = nx.DiGraph() road_graph.add_weighted_edges_from( self.road_links[['a', 'b', time]].values.tolist() ) zone_to_road = self.zone_to_road.copy() zone_to_road['time'] = zone_to_road[access_time] zone_to_road = zone_to_road[['a', 'b', 'direction', 'time']] zone_to_road.loc[zone_to_road['direction'] == 'access', 'time'] += ntleg_penalty road_graph.add_weighted_edges_from( zone_to_road[['a', 'b', 'time']].values.tolist() ) def node_path_to_link_path(road_node_list, ab_indexed_dict): tuples = list(zip(road_node_list[:-1], road_node_list[1:])) road_link_list = [ab_indexed_dict[t] for t in tuples] return road_link_list def path_to_ntlegs(path): try: return [(path[0], path[1]), (path[-2], path[-1])] except IndexError: return [] los = sparse_los_from_nx_graph( road_graph, pole_set=set(self.zones.index), cutoff=cutoff + ntleg_penalty, **kwargs ) los['node_path'] = los['path'].apply(lambda p: p[1:-1]) los['link_path'] = los['node_path'].apply( lambda p: node_path_to_link_path(p, ab_indexed_dict) ) los['ntlegs'] = los['path'].apply(path_to_ntlegs) los.loc[los['origin'] != los['destination'], 'gtime'] -= ntleg_penalty self.car_los = los.rename(columns={'gtime': 'time'}) def frank_wolfe_step( self, iteration=0, log=False, speedup=True, volume_column='volume_car' ): links = self.road_links # not a copy # a links['eq_jam_time'] = links['jam_time'].copy() links['jam_time'] = jam_time(links, ref_time='time', flow='flow') # b self.aon_road_pathfinder(time='jam_time') merged = pd.merge( self.volumes, self.car_los, on=['origin', 'destination'] ) auxiliary_flows = raw_assignment.assign( merged[volume_column], merged['link_path'] ) auxiliary_flows.columns = ['flow'] links['aux_flow'] = auxiliary_flows['flow'] links['aux_flow'].fillna(0, inplace=True) links['former_flow'] = links['flow'].copy() # c phi = 2 / (iteration + 2) if iteration > 0 and speedup: phi = find_phi(links) if phi == 0: return True if log: print('step: %i ' % iteration, 'moved = %.1f %%' % (phi * 100)) self.car_los['iteration'] = iteration self.car_los['phi'] = phi links['flow'] = (1 - phi) * links['flow'] + phi * links['aux_flow'] links['flow'].fillna(0, inplace=True) return False # fin de l'algorithme def process_car_los(self, car_los_list): df = pd.concat(car_los_list).sort_values('iteration') phi_series = df.groupby('iteration')['phi'].first() phi_series = phi_series.loc[phi_series > 0] # will not work if road_links.index have mixed types groupby = df.groupby(df['link_path'].apply(lambda l: tuple(l))) iterations = groupby['iteration'].apply(lambda s: tuple(s)) los = groupby.first() los['iterations'] = iterations def path_weight(iterations): w = 0 for i in phi_series.index: phi = phi_series[i] if i in iterations: w = w + (1 - w) * phi else: w = w * (1 - phi) return w combinations = { i: path_weight(i) for i in set(los['iterations'].apply(lambda l: tuple(l))) } # weight los['weight'] = los['iterations'].apply(lambda l: combinations[l]) # ntleg_time time_dict = self.zone_to_road.set_index(['a', 'b'])['time'].to_dict() los['ntleg_time'] = los['ntlegs'].apply(lambda p: sum([time_dict[l] for l in p])) # equilibrium_jam_time time_dict = self.road_links['eq_jam_time'].to_dict() los['link_eq_time'] = los['link_path'].apply(lambda p: sum([time_dict[l] for l in p])) los['eq_time'] = los['link_eq_time'] + los['ntleg_time'] # actual_time time_dict = self.road_links['jam_time'].to_dict() los['link_actual_time'] = los['link_path'].apply(lambda p: sum([time_dict[l] for l in p])) los['actual_time'] = los['link_actual_time'] + los['ntleg_time'] # free_time time_dict = self.road_links['time'].to_dict() los['link_free_time'] = los['link_path'].apply(lambda p: sum([time_dict[l] for l in p])) los['free_time'] = los['link_free_time'] + los['ntleg_time'] return los.reset_index(drop=True) def get_relgap(self, car_los): los = car_los.copy() los = pd.merge(los, self.volumes, on=['origin', 'destination']) min_time = los.groupby(['origin', 'destination'], as_index=False)['actual_time'].min() los =
pd.merge(los, min_time, on=['origin', 'destination'], suffixes=['', '_minimum'])
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Thu Aug 19 16:59:12 2021 @author: <NAME> """ #IMPORT LIBRARIES-------------------------------------------------------------> import pandas as pd #LOAD DATA--------------------------------------------------------------------> """The data can be located at: """ dataset =
''' Utility scripts ''' import argparse import copy import logging import sys import typing import pandas as pd _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) def time_granularity_value_to_stringfy_time_format(granularity_int: int) -> str: try: granularity_int = int(granularity_int) except ValueError: raise ValueError("The given granularity is not int format!") granularity_dict = { 14: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", 13: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", 12: "%Y-%m-%d %H", 11: "%Y-%m-%d", 10: "%Y-%m", 9: "%Y" } if granularity_int in granularity_dict: return granularity_dict[granularity_int] else: _logger.warning("Unknown time granularity value as {}! Will use second level.".format(str(granularity_int))) return granularity_dict[14] def get_time_granularity(time_column: pd.DataFrame) -> str: if "datetime" not in try: time_column = pd.to_datetime(time_column) except: raise ValueError("Can't parse given time column!") if len(time_column.unique()) == 1: allow_duplicate_amount = 0 else: allow_duplicate_amount = 1 time_granularity = 'second' if any(time_column.dt.minute != 0) and len(time_column.dt.minute.unique()) > allow_duplicate_amount: time_granularity = 'minute' elif any(time_column.dt.hour != 0) and len(time_column.dt.hour.unique()) > allow_duplicate_amount: time_granularity = 'hour' elif any( != 0) and len( > allow_duplicate_amount: # it is also possible weekly data is_weekly_data = True time_column_sorted = time_column.sort_values() temp1 = time_column_sorted.iloc[0] for i in range(1, len(time_column_sorted)): temp2 = time_column_sorted.iloc[i] if (temp2 - temp1).days != 7: is_weekly_data = False break if is_weekly_data: time_granularity = 'week' else: time_granularity = 'day' elif any(time_column.dt.month != 0) and len(time_column.dt.month.unique()) > allow_duplicate_amount: time_granularity = 'month' elif any(time_column.dt.year != 0) and len(time_column.dt.year.unique()) > allow_duplicate_amount: time_granularity = 'year' else: _logger.error("Can't guess the time granularity for this dataset! Will use as second") return time_granularity def join_datasets_by_files(files: typing.List[typing.Union[str, pd.DataFrame]], how: str = "left") -> pd.DataFrame: """ :param how: the method to join the dataframe, {‘left’, ‘right’, ‘outer’, ‘inner’}, default ‘left’ How to handle the operation of the two objects. left: use calling frame’s index (or column if on is specified) right: use other’s index. outer: form union of calling frame’s index (or column if on is specified) with other’s index, and sort it. lexicographically. inner: form intersection of calling frame’s index (or column if on is specified) with other’s index, preserving the order of the calling’s one. :param files: either a path to csv or a DataFrame directly :return: a joined DataFrame object """ if not isinstance(files, list): raise ValueError("Input must be a list of files") if len(files) < 2: raise ValueError("Input files amount must be larger than 2")"Totally {} files.".format(str(len(files)))) necessary_column_names = {"region_wikidata", "precision", "time"} ignore_column_names = {"region_wikidata", "precision", "time", "variable_name", "variable", "region_Label", "calendar", "productLabel", "qualityLabel"} loaded_dataframes = [] loaded_filenames = [] for i, each in enumerate(files): if isinstance(each, str): try: temp_loaded_df = pd.read_csv(each) except Exception as e: _logger.warning("Failed on loading dataframe No.{}".format(str(i))) _logger.error(str(e)) continue elif isinstance(each, pd.DataFrame): temp_loaded_df = each else: _logger.warning("Unsupported format '{}' on No.{} input, will ignore.".format(str(type(each)), str(i))) continue if len(set(temp_loaded_df.columns.tolist()).intersection(necessary_column_names)) != len(necessary_column_names): _logger.error("Following columns {} are necessary to be exists".format(str(necessary_column_names))) raise ValueError("Not all columns found on given No.{} datasets {}.".format(str(i), each)) loaded_dataframes.append(temp_loaded_df) loaded_filenames.append(each) # use first input df as base df output_df = copy.deepcopy(loaded_dataframes[0]) # drop_columns = [] # for col_name in ["productLabel", "qualityLabel"]: # if col_name in output_df: # drop_columns.append(col_name) # if drop_columns: # output_df = output_df.drop(drop_columns, axis=1) possible_name = [] for each_col_name in output_df.columns: if each_col_name not in ignore_column_names and "label" not in each_col_name.lower(): possible_name.append(each_col_name) if len(possible_name) != 1: _logger.error("get multiple possible name???") _logger.error(str(output_df.columns)) source_precision = output_df['precision'].iloc[0] output_df = output_df[["region_wikidata", "time", possible_name[0]]] output_df = output_df.dropna() output_df = output_df.drop_duplicates() # transfer the datetime format to ensure format match time_stringfy_format = time_granularity_value_to_stringfy_time_format(source_precision) output_df['time'] =
from itertools import product import numpy as np import pytest from pandas.core.dtypes.common import is_interval_dtype import pandas as pd import pandas._testing as tm class TestSeriesConvertDtypes: # The answerdict has keys that have 4 tuples, corresponding to the arguments # infer_objects, convert_string, convert_integer, convert_boolean # This allows all 16 possible combinations to be tested. Since common # combinations expect the same answer, this provides an easy way to list # all the possibilities @pytest.mark.parametrize( "data, maindtype, answerdict", [ ( [1, 2, 3], np.dtype("int32"), { ((True, False), (True, False), (True,), (True, False)): "Int32", ((True, False), (True, False), (False,), (True, False)): np.dtype( "int32" ), }, ), ( [1, 2, 3], np.dtype("int64"), { ((True, False), (True, False), (True,), (True, False)): "Int64", ((True, False), (True, False), (False,), (True, False)): np.dtype( "int64" ), }, ), ( ["x", "y", "z"], np.dtype("O"), { ( (True, False), (True,), (True, False), (True, False), ): pd.StringDtype(), ((True, False), (False,), (True, False), (True, False)): np.dtype( "O" ), }, ), ( [True, False, np.nan], np.dtype("O"), { ( (True, False), (True, False), (True, False), (True,), ): pd.BooleanDtype(), ((True, False), (True, False), (True, False), (False,)): np.dtype( "O" ), }, ), ( ["h", "i", np.nan], np.dtype("O"), { ( (True, False), (True,), (True, False), (True, False), ): pd.StringDtype(), ((True, False), (False,), (True, False), (True, False)): np.dtype( "O" ), }, ), ( # GH32117 ["h", "i", 1], np.dtype("O"), { ( (True, False), (True, False), (True, False), (True, False), ): np.dtype("O"), }, ), ( [10, np.nan, 20], np.dtype("float"), { ((True, False), (True, False), (True,), (True, False)): "Int64", ((True, False), (True, False), (False,), (True, False)): np.dtype( "float" ), }, ), ( [np.nan, 100.5, 200], np.dtype("float"), { ( (True, False), (True, False), (True, False), (True, False), ): np.dtype("float"), }, ), ( [3, 4, 5], "Int8", {((True, False), (True, False), (True, False), (True, False)): "Int8"}, ), ( [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5]], None, { ( (True, False), (True, False), (True, False), (True, False), ): np.dtype("O"), }, ), ( [4, 5, 6], np.dtype("uint32"), { ((True, False), (True, False), (True,), (True, False)): "UInt32", ((True, False), (True, False), (False,), (True, False)): np.dtype( "uint32" ), }, ), ( [-10, 12, 13], np.dtype("i1"), { ((True, False), (True, False), (True,), (True, False)): "Int8", ((True, False), (True, False), (False,), (True, False)): np.dtype( "i1" ), }, ), ( [1, 2.0], object, { ((True,), (True, False), (True,), (True, False)): "Int64", ((True,), (True, False), (False,), (True, False)): np.dtype( "float" ), ((False,), (True, False), (True, False), (True, False)): np.dtype( "object" ), }, ), ( [1, 2.5], object, { ((True,), (True, False), (True, False), (True, False)): np.dtype( "float" ), ((False,), (True, False), (True, False), (True, False)): np.dtype( "object" ), }, ), ( ["a", "b"], pd.CategoricalDtype(), { ( (True, False), (True, False), (True, False), (True, False), ): pd.CategoricalDtype(), }, ), (
pd.to_datetime(["2020-01-14 10:00", "2020-01-15 11:11"])
## SETUP ## ## dependencies import pandas as pd ## logging sys.stdout = open(snakemake.log[0], 'w') sys.stderr = open(snakemake.log[0], 'w') ## input files input_dict = { 'taxlist' : snakemake.input['taxlist'], 'slvmap' : snakemake.input['slvmap'], 'dups' : snakemake.input['dups'], } ## output files output_dict = { 'kraknames_S' : snakemake.output['kraknames_S'], 'kraknodes_S' : snakemake.output['kraknodes_S'], 'krakseq2tax_S' : snakemake.output['krakseq2tax_S'], 'kraknames_G' : snakemake.output['kraknames_G'], 'kraknodes_G' : snakemake.output['kraknodes_G'], 'krakseq2tax_G' : snakemake.output['krakseq2tax_G'], 'kronataxtab_S' : snakemake.output['kronataxtab_S'], 'kronataxlist_S' : snakemake.output['kronataxlist_S'], 'kronaseq2tax_S' : snakemake.output['kronaseq2tax_S'], 'kronataxtab_G' : snakemake.output['kronataxtab_G'], 'kronataxlist_G' : snakemake.output['kronataxlist_G'], 'kronaseq2tax_G' : snakemake.output['kronaseq2tax_G'], 'qiimetax_S' : snakemake.output['qiimetax_S'], 'qiimetax_G' : snakemake.output['qiimetax_G'] } # input_dict = { # 'slvmap' : "METADATA/Reference_Sequences/silva/slvmap.txt", # 'taxlist' : "METADATA/Reference_Sequences/silva/taxlist.txt", # 'dups' : "METADATA/Reference_Sequences/silva/reference.dups" # } # output_dict = { # 'kraknames_S' : "METADATA/Reference_Sequences/silva/kraken2/species/taxonomy/names.dmp", # 'kraknodes_S' : "METADATA/Reference_Sequences/silva/kraken2/species/taxonomy/nodes.dmp", # 'krakseq2tax_S' : "METADATA/Reference_Sequences/silva/kraken2/species/", # 'kraknames_G' : "METADATA/Reference_Sequences/silva/kraken2/genus/taxonomy/names.dmp", # 'kraknodes_G' : "METADATA/Reference_Sequences/silva/kraken2/genus/taxonomy/nodes.dmp", # 'krakseq2tax_G' : "METADATA/Reference_Sequences/silva/kraken2/genus/", # 'kronataxtab_S' : "METADATA/Reference_Sequences/silva/krona/species/", # 'kronataxtab_G' : "METADATA/Reference_Sequences/silva/krona/genus/", # 'kronataxlist_S' : "METADATA/Reference_Sequences/silva/krona/species/taxlist.txt", # 'kronataxlist_G' : "METADATA/Reference_Sequences/silva/krona/genus/taxlist.txt", # 'kronaseq2tax_S' : "METADATA/Reference_Sequences/silva/krona/species/", # 'qiimetax_G' : "METADATA/Reference_Sequences/silva/qiime/genus/taxonomy.tsv", # 'qiimetax_S' : "METADATA/Reference_Sequences/silva/qiime/species/taxonomy.tsv" # } # import os # krak_dir_S = "/".join(output_dict['krakseq2tax_S'].split("/")[:-1]) # krak_dir_G = "/".join(output_dict['krakseq2tax_G'].split("/")[:-1]) # krona_dir_S = "/".join(output_dict['kronataxtab_S'].split("/")[:-1]) # krona_dir_G = "/".join(output_dict['kronataxtab_G'].split("/")[:-1]) # qiime_dir_S = "/".join(output_dict['qiimetax_S'].split("/")[:-1]) # qiime_dir_G = "/".join(output_dict['qiimetax_G'].split("/")[:-1]) # os.makedirs( krak_dir_S + "/taxonomy" ) # os.makedirs( krak_dir_G + "/taxonomy" ) # os.makedirs( krona_dir_S ) # os.makedirs( krona_dir_G ) # os.makedirs( qiime_dir_S ) # os.makedirs( qiime_dir_G ) ## LOAD DATA ## ## load taxID list df_taxlist = pd.read_csv(input_dict['taxlist'], sep='\t', names=['pathname','taxID','rank','remark','release'], usecols=['pathname','taxID','rank']) ## load SILVA taxIDs w/o species classification df_accmap = pd.read_csv(input_dict['slvmap'], sep='\t', skiprows=1, names=['accID','start','end','path','name','taxID'], usecols=['accID','start','end','name','taxID']) ## PER ACCID ## ## the concept of this paragraph was adapted from <NAME>, Little Rock, AR, <EMAIL> ## add path to accmap df_accmap = pd.merge(df_accmap, df_taxlist.loc[:,['pathname','taxID']], how='left', on='taxID').rename(columns={'pathname' : 'path', 'taxID' : 'taxID_old'}) ## get long accession ID with start and stop df_accmap['accIDstartend'] = df_accmap['accID'].map(str) + "." + df_accmap['start'].map(str) + "." + df_accmap['end'].map(str) df_accmap.drop(['accID','start','end'], axis=1, inplace=True) ## set accIDstartend as index df_accmap.set_index('accIDstartend',inplace=True) ## replace any unwated characters in species name and split the name at widespace name_fix = df_accmap['name'].str.replace('[^\w\-\[\]\(\)\\/. ]', '').str.split() #!# concatenate the first two words (or less) of species name back together df_accmap['name'] = name_fix.str[0] name_fix.str[1], sep=" ", na_rep='' ).str.strip() ## get data frame with names from path df_pathname = df_accmap['path'].str.split(';', expand=True) #!# remove any unwanted columns df_pathname.drop(columns=range(7,len(df_pathname.columns)),inplace=True) ## add species name to data frame of names df_pathname[6] = df_accmap['name'] ## replace None with empty string df_pathname.fillna("", inplace=True) ## add dummy string to other missing taxa df_pathname.loc[df_pathname[1]=="",1] = "unknown_phylum" df_pathname.loc[df_pathname[2]=="",2] = "unknown_class" df_pathname.loc[df_pathname[3]=="",3] = "unknown_order" df_pathname.loc[df_pathname[4]=="",4] = "unknown_family" df_pathname.loc[df_pathname[5]=="",5] = "unknown_genus" ## add semicolon to names for path formation df_pathname = df_pathname + ";" ## combine names to paths for n in range(1,len(df_pathname.columns)): df_pathname[n] = df_pathname[n-1] + df_pathname[n] ## PER TAXID ## ## set pathname to index of taxlist df_taxlist.set_index('pathname',inplace=True) ## loop over ranks to: ## create new taxIDs for new taxa ## add new taxa to taxlist (including species) for n in range(0,len(df_pathname.columns)): ## get unknown taxa from path (should only be the "unknown_" ones we just created and all species taxa) missing_pathname = set(df_pathname[n]) - set(df_taxlist.index) ## skip this rank if no missing taxa are detected if missing_pathname == set(): continue ## create new taxIDs above the current max taxID new_taxID = list(range( df_taxlist['taxID'].max() + 1, df_taxlist['taxID'].max() + len(missing_pathname) + 1 )) ## rank will be set to no rank, except for species current_rank = "species" if (n == 6) else "no rank" ## add new taxa to taxlist df_taxlist = df_taxlist.append( pd.DataFrame({ 'taxID' : new_taxID, 'rank' : current_rank }, index = pd.Index( missing_pathname, name = 'pathname' )) ) ## add target taxIDs to taxlist (temporarily sets targetID of domains to their taxID, see next step) df_taxlist['targetID'] = df_taxlist.loc[df_taxlist.index.str.rsplit(";",n=2).str[0] + ";",'taxID'].to_list() ## set target of domains to root (taxID 1) df_taxlist.loc[ df_taxlist['taxID'] == df_taxlist['targetID'], 'targetID' ] = 1 ## add new taxIDs to accmap df_accmap['taxID'] = df_taxlist.loc[df_pathname[6],'taxID'].to_list() ## set pathname back to column of taxlist df_taxlist.reset_index(inplace=True) ## add depth to taxlist df_taxlist['depth'] = df_taxlist['pathname'].str.split(";").str.len()-1 ## add name to taxlist df_taxlist['name'] = df_taxlist['pathname'].str.split(";").str[-2] ## DUPLICATES ## ## set pathname to index of taxlist df_taxlist.set_index('pathname',inplace=True) ## add column to mark duplicates for removal df_accmap['dups_del'] = True ## open duplication taxids for reading dups_r = open(input_dict['dups'], "r") ## loop over lines with duplicate accIDs for dups in dups_r: ## convert to array dups_ids = dups.split(";") del dups_ids[-1] ## keep first (or only) accID df_accmap.loc[dups_ids[0],'dups_del'] = False ## if all accIDs come from same taxID (or is not a duplicate at all), continue with next accID if df_accmap.loc[dups_ids,'taxID'].unique().size == 1: continue ## otherwise, iterate over higher ranks to find lowest common taxon for rnk in reversed(range(0,6)): ## not 7, since species identity was covered above ## get current "unique" taxon rnk_tax = df_pathname.loc[dups_ids,rnk].unique() ## if current taxon is unique, set taxID of retained accID to the higher rank taxID if rnk_tax.size == 1: df_accmap.loc[dups_ids[0],'taxID'] = df_taxlist.loc[rnk_tax,'taxID'][0] break ## closing duplication taxids dups_r.close() ## remove duplicate accIDs df_accmap = df_accmap.loc[~df_accmap['dups_del'],:] ## Note: '~' means not ## also remove from df_pathname df_pathname = df_pathname.loc[df_accmap.index,:] ## check for species taxa whithout associated accIDs after deduplication df_taxlist = df_taxlist.loc[~((~df_taxlist.loc[:,'taxID'].isin( df_accmap.loc[:,'taxID'] )) & (df_taxlist.loc[:,'rank'] == "species")), : ] ## set accIDstartend back to column of accmap df_accmap.reset_index(inplace=True) ## set pathname back to column of taxlist df_taxlist.reset_index(inplace=True) ## EXPORT ACCID-TAXID ASSOCIATION ## ## write sequence taxon association FOR HIGHER TAXA df_tmp = df_accmap.loc[:,['accIDstartend','taxID_old']] ## use original association to higher taxa df_tmp.to_csv( ## save output_dict['krakseq2tax_G'], mode='w', sep='\t', header=False, index=False, quoting=0, float_format="%g" ) df_tmp.to_csv( ## save output_dict['kronaseq2tax_G'], mode='w', sep='\t', header=False, index=False, quoting=0, float_format="%g" ) del df_tmp ## write sequence taxon association INCLUDING SPECIES df_tmp = df_accmap.loc[:,['accIDstartend','taxID']] ## use new taxIDs specific for species df_tmp.to_csv( ## save output_dict['krakseq2tax_S'], mode='w', sep='\t', header=False, index=False, quoting=0, float_format="%g" ) df_tmp.to_csv( ## save output_dict['kronaseq2tax_S'], mode='w', sep='\t', header=False, index=False, quoting=0, float_format="%g" ) del df_tmp ## EXPORT TAXLIST ## ## write taxlist-like file (without last columns) FOR HIGHER TAXA pd.concat([ ## include root pd.DataFrame([[";",1,"root"]],columns=['pathname','taxID','rank']), ## include higher ranks df_taxlist.loc[ df_taxlist['rank']!="species", ['pathname','taxID','rank'] ] ## exclude species ]).to_csv( ## save output_dict['kronataxlist_G'], mode='w', sep='\t', header=False, index=False, quoting=0, float_format="%g" ) ## write taxlist-like file (without last columns) INCLUDING SPECIES pd.concat([ ## include root pd.DataFrame([[";",1,"root"]],columns=['pathname','taxID','rank']), ## include higher ranks and species df_taxlist.loc[:,['pathname','taxID','rank']] ]).to_csv( ## save output_dict['kronataxlist_S'], mode='w', sep='\t', header=False, index=False, quoting=0, float_format="%g" ) ## EXPORT KRONA ## ## write krona silva reference taxonomy FOR HIGHER TAXA pd.concat([ ## include root pd.DataFrame([[1,0,1,"no rank","root"]],columns=['taxID','depth','targetID','rank','name']), ## include higher ranks df_taxlist.loc[ df_taxlist['rank']!="species", ['taxID','depth','targetID','rank','name'] ] ]).to_csv( ## save output_dict['kronataxtab_G'], mode='w', sep='\t', header=False, index=False, quoting=0, float_format="%g" ) ## write krona silva reference taxonomy INCLUDING SPECIES pd.concat([ ## include root pd.DataFrame([[1,0,1,"no rank","root"]],columns=['taxID','depth','targetID','rank','name']), ## include higher ranks and species df_taxlist.loc[:,['taxID','depth','targetID','rank','name']] ]).to_csv( ## save output_dict['kronataxtab_S'], mode='w', sep='\t', header=False, index=False, quoting=0, float_format="%g" ) ## EXPORT KRAKEN2 ## ## kraken formats are strange!? Add missing columns df_taxlist = df_taxlist.assign( dummy1 = "|", dummy2 = "-", dummy3 = "scientific name" ) ## write kraken2 taxonomy names FOR HIGHER TAXA pd.concat([ ## include root pd.DataFrame([[1,"|","root","|","-","|","scientific name","|"]],columns=['taxID','dummy1','name','dummy1','dummy2','dummy1','dummy3','dummy1']), ## include higher ranks df_taxlist.loc[ df_taxlist['rank']!="species", ['taxID','dummy1','name','dummy1','dummy2','dummy1','dummy3','dummy1'] ] ]).to_csv( ## save output_dict['kraknames_G'], mode='w', sep='\t', header=False, index=False, quoting=0, float_format="%g" ) ## write kraken2 taxonomy names INCLUDING SPECIES pd.concat([ ## include root pd.DataFrame([[1,"|","root","|","-","|","scientific name","|"]],columns=['taxID','dummy1','name','dummy1','dummy2','dummy1','dummy3','dummy1']), ## include higher ranks and species df_taxlist.loc[:,['taxID','dummy1','name','dummy1','dummy2','dummy1','dummy3','dummy1']] ]).to_csv( ## save output_dict['kraknames_S'], mode='w', sep='\t', header=False, index=False, quoting=0, float_format="%g" ) ## write kraken2 taxonomy nodes FOR HIGHER TAXA pd.concat([ ## include root pd.DataFrame([[1,"|",1,"|","no rank","|","-","|"]],columns=['taxID','dummy1','targetID','dummy1','rank','dummy1','dummy2','dummy1']), ## include higher ranks df_taxlist.loc[ df_taxlist['rank']!="species", ['taxID','dummy1','targetID','dummy1','rank','dummy1','dummy2','dummy1'] ] ]).to_csv( ## save output_dict['kraknodes_G'], mode='w', sep='\t', header=False, index=False, quoting=0, float_format="%g" ) ## write kraken2 taxonomy nodes INCLUDING SPECIES pd.concat([ ## include root
pd.DataFrame([[1,"|",1,"|","no rank","|","-","|"]],columns=['taxID','dummy1','targetID','dummy1','rank','dummy1','dummy2','dummy1'])
"""Module for data preprocessing. You can consolidate data with `data_consolidation` and optimize it for example for machine learning models. Then you can preprocess the data to be able to achieve even better results. There are many small functions that you can use separately, but there is main function `preprocess_data` that call all the functions based on input params for you. For inverse preprocessing use `preprocess_data_inverse` """ from __future__ import annotations from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Generic, Any, cast, Union from dataclasses import dataclass, astuple import warnings import importlib.util from typing_extensions import Literal import numpy as np import pandas as pd import mylogging from .custom_types import DataFrameOrArrayGeneric if TYPE_CHECKING: from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler, RobustScaler, StandardScaler ScalerType = Union[MinMaxScaler, RobustScaler, StandardScaler] # Lazy load # import scipy.signal # import scipy.stats # from sklearn import preprocessing def data_consolidation( data: pd.DataFrame | np.ndarray, predicted_column: int | str = None, other_columns: int = 1, datalength: int = 0, datetime_column: str | int | None = "", resample_freq: str | None = None, resample_function: Literal[None, "sum", "mean"] = "sum", embedding: Literal[None, "label", "one-hot"] = "label", unique_threshold: float = 0.6, remove_nans_threshold: float = 0.85, remove_nans_or_replace: str | float = "interpolate", dtype: str | np.dtype | pd.DataFrame | list = "float32", ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Transform input data in various formats and shapes into data in defined shape optimal for machine learning models, that other functions rely on. If you have data in other format than dataframe, use `load_data` first. Note: This function return only numeric data. All string columns will be removed (use embedding if you need) Predicted column is moved on index 0 !!! Args: data (pd.DataFrame | np.ndarray): Input data in well standardized format. predicted_column (int | str, optional): Predicted column name or index. Move on first column and test if number. If None, it's ignored. Defaults to None. other_columns (int, optional): Whether use other columns or only predicted one. Defaults to 1. datalength (int, optional): Data length after resampling. Defaults to 0. datetime_column (str | int | None, optional): Name or index of datetime column. Defaults to None. resample_freq (str | None, optional): Frequency of resampled data. Defaults to None. resample_function (Literal[None, 'sum', 'mean'], optional): 'sum' or 'mean'. Whether sum resampled columns, or use average. Defaults to 'sum'. embedding(Literal[None, "label", "one-hot"], optional): 'label' or 'one-hot'. Categorical encoding. Create numbers from strings. 'label' give each category (unique string) concrete number. Result will have same number of columns. 'one-hot' create for every category new column. Only columns, where are strings repeating (unique_threshold) will be used. Defaults to 'label'. unique_threshold(float, optional): Remove string columns, that have to many categories. E.g 0.9 define, that if column contain more that 90% of NOT unique values it's deleted. Min is 0, max is 1. It will remove ids, hashes etc. Defaults to 0.6. remove_nans_threshold (float, optional): From 0 to 1. Require that many non-nan numeric values to not be deleted. E.G if value is 0.9 with column with 10 values, 90% must be numeric that implies max 1 np.nan can be presented, otherwise column will be deleted. Defaults to 0.85. remove_nans_or_replace (str | float, optional): 'interpolate', 'remove', 'neighbor', 'mean' or value. Remove or replace rest nan values. If you want to keep nan, setup value to np.nan. If you want to use concrete value, use float or int type. Defaults to 'interpolate'. dtype (str | np.dtype | pd.DataFrame | list, optional): Output dtype. For possible inputs check pandas function `astype`. Defaults to 'float32'. Raises: KeyError, TypeError: May happen if wrong params. E.g. if predicted column name not found in dataframe. Returns: np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame, str: Data in standardized form. Data array for prediction - predicted column on index 0, and column for ploting as pandas dataframe. Data has the same type as input. """ if not isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): try: data = pd.DataFrame(data) except Exception as err: raise ( RuntimeError( mylogging.return_str( "Check configuration file for supported formats. It can be path of file (csv, json, parquet...) or it " "can be data in python format (numpy array, pandas dataframe or series, dict or list, ). It can also be other " "format, but then it have to work with pd.DataFrame(your_data)." f"\n\n Detailed error: \n\n {err}", caption="Data load failed", ) ) ) data_for_predictions_df = data.copy() if data_for_predictions_df.shape[0] < data_for_predictions_df.shape[1]: "Input data must be in shape (n_samples, n_features) that means (rows, columns) Your shape is " f" {data.shape}. It's unusual to have more features than samples. Probably wrong shape.", caption="Data transposed warning!!!", ) data_for_predictions_df = data_for_predictions_df.T if predicted_column or predicted_column == 0: if isinstance(predicted_column, str): predicted_column_name = predicted_column if predicted_column_name not in data_for_predictions_df.columns: raise KeyError( mylogging.return_str( f"Predicted column name - '{predicted_column}' not found in data. Change 'predicted_column' in config" f". Available columns: {list(data_for_predictions_df.columns)}", caption="Column not found error", ) ) elif isinstance(predicted_column, int) and isinstance( data_for_predictions_df.columns[predicted_column], str ): predicted_column_name = data_for_predictions_df.columns[predicted_column] else: predicted_column_name = "Predicted column" data_for_predictions_df.rename( columns={data_for_predictions_df.columns[predicted_column]: predicted_column_name}, inplace=True, ) # Make predicted column index 0 data_for_predictions_df.insert( 0, predicted_column_name, data_for_predictions_df.pop(predicted_column_name) ) else: predicted_column_name = None reset_index = False if datetime_column not in [None, False, ""]: try: if isinstance(datetime_column, str): data_for_predictions_df.set_index(datetime_column, drop=True, inplace=True) else: data_for_predictions_df.set_index( data_for_predictions_df.columns[datetime_column], drop=True, inplace=True, ) data_for_predictions_df.index =
import unittest import data_profiler as dp import numpy as np import pandas as pd class TestUnstructuredDataLabeler(unittest.TestCase): # simple test for new default TF model + predict() def test_fit_with_default_model(self): data = [ ['this is my test sentence.', {'entities': [ (5 , 7, 'ADDRESS'), (11, 20, 'INTEGER_BIG'), (20, 22, 'ADDRESS'), (22, 24, 'INTEGER_BIG')]}], ['How nice.', {'entities': [ (0, 2, 'ADDRESS'), (4, 5, 'INTEGER_BIG'), (6, 8, 'INTEGER_BIG')]}] ] data =
pd.DataFrame(data * 50)
# Copyright 1999-2021 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pytest from mars import opcodes from mars.config import options, option_context from mars.core import OutputType, tile from mars.core.operand import OperandStage from mars.dataframe import eval as mars_eval, cut, to_numeric from mars.dataframe.base import to_gpu, to_cpu, astype from mars.dataframe.core import DATAFRAME_TYPE, SERIES_TYPE, SERIES_CHUNK_TYPE, \ INDEX_TYPE, CATEGORICAL_TYPE, CATEGORICAL_CHUNK_TYPE from mars.dataframe.datasource.dataframe import from_pandas as from_pandas_df from mars.dataframe.datasource.series import from_pandas as from_pandas_series from mars.dataframe.datasource.index import from_pandas as from_pandas_index from mars.tensor.core import TENSOR_TYPE def test_to_gpu(): # test dataframe data = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(10, 10), index=np.random.randint(-100, 100, size=(10,)), columns=[np.random.bytes(10) for _ in range(10)]) df = from_pandas_df(data) cdf = to_gpu(df) assert df.index_value == cdf.index_value assert df.columns_value == cdf.columns_value assert cdf.op.gpu is True pd.testing.assert_series_equal(df.dtypes, cdf.dtypes) df, cdf = tile(df, cdf) assert df.nsplits == cdf.nsplits assert df.chunks[0].index_value == cdf.chunks[0].index_value assert df.chunks[0].columns_value == cdf.chunks[0].columns_value assert cdf.chunks[0].op.gpu is True pd.testing.assert_series_equal(df.chunks[0].dtypes, cdf.chunks[0].dtypes) assert cdf is to_gpu(cdf) # test series sdata = data.iloc[:, 0] series = from_pandas_series(sdata) cseries = to_gpu(series) assert series.index_value == cseries.index_value assert cseries.op.gpu is True series, cseries = tile(series, cseries) assert series.nsplits == cseries.nsplits assert series.chunks[0].index_value == cseries.chunks[0].index_value assert cseries.chunks[0].op.gpu is True assert cseries is to_gpu(cseries) def test_to_cpu(): data = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(10, 10), index=np.random.randint(-100, 100, size=(10,)), columns=[np.random.bytes(10) for _ in range(10)]) df = from_pandas_df(data) cdf = to_gpu(df) df2 = to_cpu(cdf) assert df.index_value == df2.index_value assert df.columns_value == df2.columns_value assert df2.op.gpu is False pd.testing.assert_series_equal(df.dtypes, df2.dtypes) df, df2 = tile(df, df2) assert df.nsplits == df2.nsplits assert df.chunks[0].index_value == df2.chunks[0].index_value assert df.chunks[0].columns_value == df2.chunks[0].columns_value assert df2.chunks[0].op.gpu is False pd.testing.assert_series_equal(df.chunks[0].dtypes, df2.chunks[0].dtypes) assert df2 is to_cpu(df2) def test_rechunk(): raw = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(10, 10)) df = from_pandas_df(raw, chunk_size=3) df2 = tile(df.rechunk(4)) assert df2.shape == (10, 10) assert len(df2.chunks) == 9 assert df2.chunks[0].shape == (4, 4) pd.testing.assert_index_equal(df2.chunks[0].index_value.to_pandas(), pd.RangeIndex(4)) pd.testing.assert_index_equal(df2.chunks[0].columns_value.to_pandas(), pd.RangeIndex(4)) pd.testing.assert_series_equal(df2.chunks[0].dtypes, raw.dtypes[:4]) assert df2.chunks[2].shape == (4, 2) pd.testing.assert_index_equal(df2.chunks[2].index_value.to_pandas(), pd.RangeIndex(4)) pd.testing.assert_index_equal(df2.chunks[2].columns_value.to_pandas(), pd.RangeIndex(8, 10)) pd.testing.assert_series_equal(df2.chunks[2].dtypes, raw.dtypes[-2:]) assert df2.chunks[-1].shape == (2, 2) pd.testing.assert_index_equal(df2.chunks[-1].index_value.to_pandas(), pd.RangeIndex(8, 10)) pd.testing.assert_index_equal(df2.chunks[-1].columns_value.to_pandas(), pd.RangeIndex(8, 10)) pd.testing.assert_series_equal(df2.chunks[-1].dtypes, raw.dtypes[-2:]) for c in df2.chunks: assert c.shape[1] == len(c.dtypes) assert len(c.columns_value.to_pandas()) == len(c.dtypes) columns = [np.random.bytes(10) for _ in range(10)] index = np.random.randint(-100, 100, size=(4,)) raw = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(4, 10), index=index, columns=columns) df = from_pandas_df(raw, chunk_size=3) df2 = tile(df.rechunk(6)) assert df2.shape == (4, 10) assert len(df2.chunks) == 2 assert df2.chunks[0].shape == (4, 6) pd.testing.assert_index_equal(df2.chunks[0].index_value.to_pandas(), df.index_value.to_pandas()) pd.testing.assert_index_equal(df2.chunks[0].columns_value.to_pandas(), pd.Index(columns[:6])) pd.testing.assert_series_equal(df2.chunks[0].dtypes, raw.dtypes[:6]) assert df2.chunks[1].shape == (4, 4) pd.testing.assert_index_equal(df2.chunks[1].index_value.to_pandas(), df.index_value.to_pandas()) pd.testing.assert_index_equal(df2.chunks[1].columns_value.to_pandas(), pd.Index(columns[6:])) pd.testing.assert_series_equal(df2.chunks[1].dtypes, raw.dtypes[-4:]) for c in df2.chunks: assert c.shape[1] == len(c.dtypes) assert len(c.columns_value.to_pandas()) == len(c.dtypes) # test Series rechunk series = from_pandas_series(pd.Series(np.random.rand(10,)), chunk_size=3) series2 = tile(series.rechunk(4)) assert series2.shape == (10,) assert len(series2.chunks) == 3 pd.testing.assert_index_equal(series2.index_value.to_pandas(), pd.RangeIndex(10)) assert series2.chunk_shape == (3,) assert series2.nsplits == ((4, 4, 2), ) assert series2.chunks[0].shape == (4,) pd.testing.assert_index_equal(series2.chunks[0].index_value.to_pandas(), pd.RangeIndex(4)) assert series2.chunks[1].shape == (4,) pd.testing.assert_index_equal(series2.chunks[1].index_value.to_pandas(), pd.RangeIndex(4, 8)) assert series2.chunks[2].shape == (2,) pd.testing.assert_index_equal(series2.chunks[2].index_value.to_pandas(), pd.RangeIndex(8, 10)) series2 = tile(series.rechunk(1)) assert series2.shape == (10,) assert len(series2.chunks) == 10 pd.testing.assert_index_equal(series2.index_value.to_pandas(), pd.RangeIndex(10)) assert series2.chunk_shape == (10,) assert series2.nsplits == ((1,) * 10, ) assert series2.chunks[0].shape == (1,) pd.testing.assert_index_equal(series2.chunks[0].index_value.to_pandas(), pd.RangeIndex(1)) # no need to rechunk series2 = tile(series.rechunk(3)) series = tile(series) assert series2.chunk_shape == series.chunk_shape assert series2.nsplits == series.nsplits def test_data_frame_apply(): cols = [chr(ord('A') + i) for i in range(10)] df_raw = pd.DataFrame(dict((c, [i ** 2 for i in range(20)]) for c in cols)) old_chunk_store_limit = options.chunk_store_limit try: options.chunk_store_limit = 20 df = from_pandas_df(df_raw, chunk_size=5) def df_func_with_err(v): assert len(v) > 2 return v.sort_values() with pytest.raises(TypeError): df.apply(df_func_with_err) r = df.apply(df_func_with_err, output_type='dataframe', dtypes=df_raw.dtypes) assert r.shape == (np.nan, df.shape[-1]) assert r.op._op_type_ == opcodes.APPLY assert r.op.output_types[0] == OutputType.dataframe assert r.op.elementwise is False r = df.apply('ffill') assert r.op._op_type_ == opcodes.FILL_NA r = tile(df.apply(np.sqrt)) assert all(v == np.dtype('float64') for v in r.dtypes) is True assert r.shape == df.shape assert r.op._op_type_ == opcodes.APPLY assert r.op.output_types[0] == OutputType.dataframe assert r.op.elementwise is True r = tile(df.apply(lambda x: pd.Series([1, 2]))) assert all(v == np.dtype('int64') for v in r.dtypes) is True assert r.shape == (np.nan, df.shape[1]) assert r.op.output_types[0] == OutputType.dataframe assert r.chunks[0].shape == (np.nan, 1) assert r.chunks[0].inputs[0].shape[0] == df_raw.shape[0] assert r.chunks[0].inputs[0].op._op_type_ == opcodes.CONCATENATE assert r.op.elementwise is False r = tile(df.apply(np.sum, axis='index')) assert np.dtype('int64') == r.dtype assert r.shape == (df.shape[1],) assert r.op.output_types[0] == OutputType.series assert r.chunks[0].shape == (20 // df.shape[0],) assert r.chunks[0].inputs[0].shape[0] == df_raw.shape[0] assert r.chunks[0].inputs[0].op._op_type_ == opcodes.CONCATENATE assert r.op.elementwise is False r = tile(df.apply(np.sum, axis='columns')) assert np.dtype('int64') == r.dtype assert r.shape == (df.shape[0],) assert r.op.output_types[0] == OutputType.series assert r.chunks[0].shape == (20 // df.shape[1],) assert r.chunks[0].inputs[0].shape[1] == df_raw.shape[1] assert r.chunks[0].inputs[0].op._op_type_ == opcodes.CONCATENATE assert r.op.elementwise is False r = tile(df.apply(lambda x: pd.Series([1, 2], index=['foo', 'bar']), axis=1)) assert all(v == np.dtype('int64') for v in r.dtypes) is True assert r.shape == (df.shape[0], np.nan) assert r.op.output_types[0] == OutputType.dataframe assert r.chunks[0].shape == (20 // df.shape[1], np.nan) assert r.chunks[0].inputs[0].shape[1] == df_raw.shape[1] assert r.chunks[0].inputs[0].op._op_type_ == opcodes.CONCATENATE assert r.op.elementwise is False r = tile(df.apply(lambda x: [1, 2], axis=1, result_type='expand')) assert all(v == np.dtype('int64') for v in r.dtypes) is True assert r.shape == (df.shape[0], np.nan) assert r.op.output_types[0] == OutputType.dataframe assert r.chunks[0].shape == (20 // df.shape[1], np.nan) assert r.chunks[0].inputs[0].shape[1] == df_raw.shape[1] assert r.chunks[0].inputs[0].op._op_type_ == opcodes.CONCATENATE assert r.op.elementwise is False r = tile(df.apply(lambda x: list(range(10)), axis=1, result_type='reduce')) assert np.dtype('object') == r.dtype assert r.shape == (df.shape[0],) assert r.op.output_types[0] == OutputType.series assert r.chunks[0].shape == (20 // df.shape[1],) assert r.chunks[0].inputs[0].shape[1] == df_raw.shape[1] assert r.chunks[0].inputs[0].op._op_type_ == opcodes.CONCATENATE assert r.op.elementwise is False r = tile(df.apply(lambda x: list(range(10)), axis=1, result_type='broadcast')) assert all(v == np.dtype('int64') for v in r.dtypes) is True assert r.shape == (df.shape[0], np.nan) assert r.op.output_types[0] == OutputType.dataframe assert r.chunks[0].shape == (20 // df.shape[1], np.nan) assert r.chunks[0].inputs[0].shape[1] == df_raw.shape[1] assert r.chunks[0].inputs[0].op._op_type_ == opcodes.CONCATENATE assert r.op.elementwise is False finally: options.chunk_store_limit = old_chunk_store_limit raw = pd.DataFrame({'a': [np.array([1, 2, 3]), np.array([4, 5, 6])]}) df = from_pandas_df(raw) df2 = df.apply(lambda x: x['a'].astype(pd.Series), axis=1, output_type='dataframe', dtypes=pd.Series([np.dtype(float)] * 3)) assert df2.ndim == 2 def test_series_apply(): idxes = [chr(ord('A') + i) for i in range(20)] s_raw = pd.Series([i ** 2 for i in range(20)], index=idxes) series = from_pandas_series(s_raw, chunk_size=5) r = tile(series.apply('add', args=(1,))) assert r.op._op_type_ == opcodes.ADD r = tile(series.apply(np.sqrt)) assert np.dtype('float64') == r.dtype assert r.shape == series.shape assert r.op._op_type_ == opcodes.APPLY assert r.op.output_types[0] == OutputType.series assert r.chunks[0].shape == (5,) assert r.chunks[0].inputs[0].shape == (5,) r = tile(series.apply('sqrt')) assert np.dtype('float64') == r.dtype assert r.shape == series.shape assert r.op._op_type_ == opcodes.APPLY assert r.op.output_types[0] == OutputType.series assert r.chunks[0].shape == (5,) assert r.chunks[0].inputs[0].shape == (5,) r = tile(series.apply(lambda x: [x, x + 1], convert_dtype=False)) assert np.dtype('object') == r.dtype assert r.shape == series.shape assert r.op._op_type_ == opcodes.APPLY assert r.op.output_types[0] == OutputType.series assert r.chunks[0].shape == (5,) assert r.chunks[0].inputs[0].shape == (5,) s_raw2 = pd.Series([np.array([1, 2, 3]), np.array([4, 5, 6])]) series = from_pandas_series(s_raw2) r = series.apply(np.sum) assert r.dtype == np.dtype(object) r = series.apply(lambda x: pd.Series([1]), output_type='dataframe') expected = s_raw2.apply(lambda x: pd.Series([1])) pd.testing.assert_series_equal(r.dtypes, expected.dtypes) dtypes = pd.Series([np.dtype(float)] * 3) r = series.apply(pd.Series, output_type='dataframe', dtypes=dtypes) assert r.ndim == 2 pd.testing.assert_series_equal(r.dtypes, dtypes) assert r.shape == (2, 3) r = series.apply(pd.Series, output_type='dataframe', dtypes=dtypes, index=pd.RangeIndex(2)) assert r.ndim == 2 pd.testing.assert_series_equal(r.dtypes, dtypes) assert r.shape == (2, 3) with pytest.raises(AttributeError, match='abc'): series.apply('abc') with pytest.raises(TypeError): # dtypes not provided series.apply(lambda x: x.tolist(), output_type='dataframe') def test_transform(): cols = [chr(ord('A') + i) for i in range(10)] df_raw = pd.DataFrame(dict((c, [i ** 2 for i in range(20)]) for c in cols)) df = from_pandas_df(df_raw, chunk_size=5) idxes = [chr(ord('A') + i) for i in range(20)] s_raw = pd.Series([i ** 2 for i in range(20)], index=idxes) series = from_pandas_series(s_raw, chunk_size=5) def rename_fn(f, new_name): f.__name__ = new_name return f old_chunk_store_limit = options.chunk_store_limit try: options.chunk_store_limit = 20 # DATAFRAME CASES # test transform with infer failure def transform_df_with_err(v): assert len(v) > 2 return v.sort_values() with pytest.raises(TypeError): df.transform(transform_df_with_err) r = tile(df.transform(transform_df_with_err, dtypes=df_raw.dtypes)) assert r.shape == df.shape assert r.op._op_type_ == opcodes.TRANSFORM assert r.op.output_types[0] == OutputType.dataframe assert r.chunks[0].shape == (df.shape[0], 20 // df.shape[0]) assert r.chunks[0].inputs[0].shape[0] == df_raw.shape[0] assert r.chunks[0].inputs[0].op._op_type_ == opcodes.CONCATENATE # test transform scenarios on data frames r = tile(df.transform(lambda x: list(range(len(x))))) assert all(v == np.dtype('int64') for v in r.dtypes) is True assert r.shape == df.shape assert r.op._op_type_ == opcodes.TRANSFORM assert r.op.output_types[0] == OutputType.dataframe assert r.chunks[0].shape == (df.shape[0], 20 // df.shape[0]) assert r.chunks[0].inputs[0].shape[0] == df_raw.shape[0] assert r.chunks[0].inputs[0].op._op_type_ == opcodes.CONCATENATE r = tile(df.transform(lambda x: list(range(len(x))), axis=1)) assert all(v == np.dtype('int64') for v in r.dtypes) is True assert r.shape == df.shape assert r.op._op_type_ == opcodes.TRANSFORM assert r.op.output_types[0] == OutputType.dataframe assert r.chunks[0].shape == (20 // df.shape[1], df.shape[1]) assert r.chunks[0].inputs[0].shape[1] == df_raw.shape[1] assert r.chunks[0].inputs[0].op._op_type_ == opcodes.CONCATENATE r = tile(df.transform(['cumsum', 'cummax', lambda x: x + 1])) assert all(v == np.dtype('int64') for v in r.dtypes) is True assert r.shape == (df.shape[0], df.shape[1] * 3) assert r.op._op_type_ == opcodes.TRANSFORM assert r.op.output_types[0] == OutputType.dataframe assert r.chunks[0].shape == (df.shape[0], 20 // df.shape[0] * 3) assert r.chunks[0].inputs[0].shape[0] == df_raw.shape[0] assert r.chunks[0].inputs[0].op._op_type_ == opcodes.CONCATENATE r = tile(df.transform({'A': 'cumsum', 'D': ['cumsum', 'cummax'], 'F': lambda x: x + 1})) assert all(v == np.dtype('int64') for v in r.dtypes) is True assert r.shape == (df.shape[0], 4) assert r.op._op_type_ == opcodes.TRANSFORM assert r.op.output_types[0] == OutputType.dataframe assert r.chunks[0].shape == (df.shape[0], 1) assert r.chunks[0].inputs[0].shape[0] == df_raw.shape[0] assert r.chunks[0].inputs[0].op._op_type_ == opcodes.CONCATENATE # test agg scenarios on series r = tile(df.transform(lambda x: x.iloc[:-1], _call_agg=True)) assert all(v == np.dtype('int64') for v in r.dtypes) is True assert r.shape == (np.nan, df.shape[1]) assert r.op._op_type_ == opcodes.TRANSFORM assert r.op.output_types[0] == OutputType.dataframe assert r.chunks[0].shape == (np.nan, 1) assert r.chunks[0].inputs[0].shape[0] == df_raw.shape[0] assert r.chunks[0].inputs[0].op._op_type_ == opcodes.CONCATENATE r = tile(df.transform(lambda x: x.iloc[:-1], axis=1, _call_agg=True)) assert all(v == np.dtype('int64') for v in r.dtypes) is True assert r.shape == (df.shape[0], np.nan) assert r.op._op_type_ == opcodes.TRANSFORM assert r.op.output_types[0] == OutputType.dataframe assert r.chunks[0].shape == (2, np.nan) assert r.chunks[0].inputs[0].shape[1] == df_raw.shape[1] assert r.chunks[0].inputs[0].op._op_type_ == opcodes.CONCATENATE fn_list = [rename_fn(lambda x: x.iloc[1:].reset_index(drop=True), 'f1'), lambda x: x.iloc[:-1].reset_index(drop=True)] r = tile(df.transform(fn_list, _call_agg=True)) assert all(v == np.dtype('int64') for v in r.dtypes) is True assert r.shape == (np.nan, df.shape[1] * 2) assert r.op._op_type_ == opcodes.TRANSFORM assert r.op.output_types[0] == OutputType.dataframe assert r.chunks[0].shape == (np.nan, 2) assert r.chunks[0].inputs[0].shape[0] == df_raw.shape[0] assert r.chunks[0].inputs[0].op._op_type_ == opcodes.CONCATENATE r = tile(df.transform(lambda x: x.sum(), _call_agg=True)) assert r.dtype == np.dtype('int64') assert r.shape == (df.shape[1],) assert r.op._op_type_ == opcodes.TRANSFORM assert r.op.output_types[0] == OutputType.series assert r.chunks[0].shape == (20 // df.shape[0],) assert r.chunks[0].inputs[0].shape[0] == df_raw.shape[0] assert r.chunks[0].inputs[0].op._op_type_ == opcodes.CONCATENATE fn_dict = { 'A': rename_fn(lambda x: x.iloc[1:].reset_index(drop=True), 'f1'), 'D': [rename_fn(lambda x: x.iloc[1:].reset_index(drop=True), 'f1'), lambda x: x.iloc[:-1].reset_index(drop=True)], 'F': lambda x: x.iloc[:-1].reset_index(drop=True), } r = tile(df.transform(fn_dict, _call_agg=True)) assert all(v == np.dtype('int64') for v in r.dtypes) is True assert r.shape == (np.nan, 4) assert r.op._op_type_ == opcodes.TRANSFORM assert r.op.output_types[0] == OutputType.dataframe assert r.chunks[0].shape == (np.nan, 1) assert r.chunks[0].inputs[0].shape[0] == df_raw.shape[0] assert r.chunks[0].inputs[0].op._op_type_ == opcodes.CONCATENATE # SERIES CASES # test transform scenarios on series r = tile(series.transform(lambda x: x + 1)) assert np.dtype('int64') == r.dtype assert r.shape == series.shape assert r.op._op_type_ == opcodes.TRANSFORM assert r.op.output_types[0] == OutputType.series assert r.chunks[0].shape == (5,) assert r.chunks[0].inputs[0].shape == (5,) finally: options.chunk_store_limit = old_chunk_store_limit def test_string_method(): s = pd.Series(['a', 'b', 'c'], name='s') series = from_pandas_series(s, chunk_size=2) with pytest.raises(AttributeError): _ = series.str.non_exist r = series.str.contains('c') assert r.dtype == np.bool_ assert == pd.testing.assert_index_equal(r.index_value.to_pandas(), s.index) assert r.shape == s.shape r = tile(r) for i, c in enumerate(r.chunks): assert c.index == (i,) assert c.dtype == np.bool_ assert == pd.testing.assert_index_equal(c.index_value.to_pandas(), s.index[i * 2: (i + 1) * 2]) assert c.shape == (2,) if i == 0 else (1,) r = series.str.split(',', expand=True, n=1) assert r.op.output_types[0] == OutputType.dataframe assert r.shape == (3, 2) pd.testing.assert_index_equal(r.index_value.to_pandas(), s.index) pd.testing.assert_index_equal(r.columns_value.to_pandas(), pd.RangeIndex(2)) r = tile(r) for i, c in enumerate(r.chunks): assert c.index == (i, 0) pd.testing.assert_index_equal(c.index_value.to_pandas(), s.index[i * 2: (i + 1) * 2]) pd.testing.assert_index_equal(c.columns_value.to_pandas(),
'''ResNet in PyTorch. For Pre-activation ResNet, see ''. Reference: [1] <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME> Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition. arXiv:1512.03385 Please Note that, this version is a hack, it's super hacky, never call this one for normal use ''' import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from torch.autograd import Variable import pandas as pd import numpy as np from mpi4py import MPI import sys sys.path.insert(0, '../compress_gradient') from compress_gradient import compress from utils import err_simulation LAYER_DIGITS= int(1e+3) TIMEOUT_THRESHOLD_=10 # only use for maj vote #SEED_=428 #torch.manual_seed(SEED_) def generate_tag(layer_tag, step_token): ''' Tag component [current-step-token (which help to recogize stale gradient) +layer-tag] we only limit the digits for layer tag here since step token can be extremely large e.g. 10k steps :param layer_tag :param step token :return: ''' tag = step_token * LAYER_DIGITS \ + layer_tag tag = int(tag) return tag class BasicBlockSplit(nn.Module): expansion = 1 def __init__(self, in_planes, planes, stride=1): super(BasicBlockSplit, self).__init__() self.full_modules = [] self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(in_planes, planes, kernel_size=3, stride=stride, padding=1, bias=False) self.full_modules.append(self.conv1) self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(planes) self.full_modules.append(self.bn1) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(planes, planes, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, bias=False) self.full_modules.append(self.conv2) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(planes) self.full_modules.append(self.bn2) self.relu = nn.ReLU() self.shortcut = nn.Sequential() if stride != 1 or in_planes != self.expansion*planes: self.shortcut = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(in_planes, self.expansion*planes, kernel_size=1, stride=stride, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(self.expansion*planes) ) self.full_modules.append(self.shortcut[0]) self.full_modules.append(self.shortcut[1]) def forward(self, x, input_list, output_list): ''' the input_list and output_list here is similar to input/output in ResNet class ''' # we skip the detach and append operation on the very first x here # since that's done outside of this function out = self.conv1(x) output_list.append(out) out = Variable(, requires_grad=True) input_list.append(out) out = self.bn1(out) output_list.append(out) out = Variable(, requires_grad=True) input_list.append(out) out = self.relu(out) output_list.append(out) out = Variable(, requires_grad=True) input_list.append(out) out = self.conv2(out) output_list.append(out) out = Variable(, requires_grad=True) input_list.append(out) out = self.bn2(out) output_list.append(out) # TODO(hwang): figure out if this part also need hack out += self.shortcut(x) out = Variable(, requires_grad=True) input_list.append(out) out = self.relu(out) output_list.append(out) return out, input_list, output_list class Bottleneck(nn.Module): expansion = 4 def __init__(self, in_planes, planes, stride=1): super(Bottleneck, self).__init__() self.full_modules = [] self.relu = nn.ReLU() self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(in_planes, planes, kernel_size=1, bias=False) self.full_modules.append(self.conv1) self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(planes) self.full_modules.append(self.bn1) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(planes, planes, kernel_size=3, stride=stride, padding=1, bias=False) self.full_modules.append(self.conv2) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(planes) self.full_modules.append(self.bn2) self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(planes, self.expansion*planes, kernel_size=1, bias=False) self.full_modules.append(self.conv3) self.bn3 = nn.BatchNorm2d(self.expansion*planes) self.full_modules.append(self.bn3) self.shortcut = nn.Sequential() if stride != 1 or in_planes != self.expansion*planes: self.shortcut = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(in_planes, self.expansion*planes, kernel_size=1, stride=stride, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(self.expansion*planes) ) self.full_modules.append(self.shortcut[0]) self.full_modules.append(self.shortcut[1]) def forward(self, x, input_list, output_list): # we skip the detach operation on the very first x here since that's done outside of this function #out = F.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x))) #out = F.relu(self.bn2(self.conv2(out))) #out = self.bn3(self.conv3(out)) #out += self.shortcut(x) #out = F.relu(out) #return out out = self.conv1(x) output_list.append(out) out = Variable(, requires_grad=True) input_list.append(out) out = self.bn1(out) output_list.append(out) out = Variable(, requires_grad=True) input_list.append(out) out = self.relu(out) output_list.append(out) out = Variable(, requires_grad=True) input_list.append(out) out = self.conv2(out) output_list.append(out) out = Variable(, requires_grad=True) input_list.append(out) out = self.bn2(out) output_list.append(out) out = Variable(, requires_grad=True) input_list.append(out) out = self.relu(out) output_list.append(out) out = Variable(, requires_grad=True) input_list.append(out) out = self.conv3(out) output_list.append(out) out = Variable(, requires_grad=True) input_list.append(out) out = self.bn3(out) output_list.append(out) # TODO(hwang): figure out if this part also need hack out += self.shortcut(x) out = Variable(, requires_grad=True) input_list.append(out) out = self.relu(out) output_list.append(out) return out, input_list, output_list class ResNetSplit(nn.Module): def __init__(self, block, num_blocks, num_classes=10): super(ResNetSplit, self).__init__() global TIMEOUT_THRESHOLD_ self.in_planes = 64 self.full_modules = [] self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(3, 64, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, bias=False) self.full_modules.append(self.conv1) self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(64) self.full_modules.append(self.bn1) self.layer1 = self._make_layer(block, 64, num_blocks[0], stride=1) self.layer2 = self._make_layer(block, 128, num_blocks[1], stride=2) self.layer3 = self._make_layer(block, 256, num_blocks[2], stride=2) self.layer4 = self._make_layer(block, 512, num_blocks[3], stride=2) self.linear = nn.Linear(512*block.expansion, num_classes) self.full_modules.append(self.linear) self.relu = nn.ReLU() self.avg_pool2d = nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=4) self._init_channel_index = self.count_channel_index() @property def fetch_init_channel_index(self): return self._init_channel_index def _make_layer(self, block, planes, num_blocks, stride): strides = [stride] + [1]*(num_blocks-1) layers = [] for stride in strides: block_layers = block(self.in_planes, planes, stride) layers.append(block_layers) for m in block_layers.full_modules: self.full_modules.append(m) self.in_planes = planes * block.expansion layers_split = nn.ModuleList(layers) return layers_split def forward(self, x): # use these containers to save intermediate variables self.output = [] self.input = [] # start the forward process right here implement the following logic to every intermediate var: # detach from previous history x = Variable(, requires_grad=True) self.input.append(x) x = self.conv1(x) # add to list of outputs self.output.append(x) x = Variable(, requires_grad=True) self.input.append(x) x = self.bn1(x) self.output.append(x) x = Variable(, requires_grad=True) self.input.append(x) x = self.relu(x) self.output.append(x) # start to handle blocks for layer in self.layer1: # each `layer` here is either a `BasicBlockSplit` or `BottleneckSplit` x = Variable(, requires_grad=True) self.input.append(x) # call the `.forward()` func in `BasicBlockSplit` or `BottleneckSplit` here x, self.input, self.output = layer(x, self.input, self.output) for layer in self.layer2: # each `layer` here is either a `BasicBlockSplit` or `BottleneckSplit` x = Variable(, requires_grad=True) self.input.append(x) # call the `.forward()` func in `BasicBlockSplit` or `BottleneckSplit` here x, self.input, self.output = layer(x, self.input, self.output) for layer in self.layer3: # each `layer` here is either a `BasicBlockSplit` or `BottleneckSplit` x = Variable(, requires_grad=True) self.input.append(x) # call the `.forward()` func in `BasicBlockSplit` or `BottleneckSplit` here x, self.input, self.output = layer(x, self.input, self.output) for layer in self.layer4: # each `layer` here is either a `BasicBlockSplit` or `BottleneckSplit` x = Variable(, requires_grad=True) self.input.append(x) # call the `.forward()` func in `BasicBlockSplit` or `BottleneckSplit` here x, self.input, self.output = layer(x, self.input, self.output) x = Variable(, requires_grad=True) self.input.append(x) x = self.avg_pool2d(x) self.output.append(x) x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) x = Variable(, requires_grad=True) self.input.append(x) x = self.linear(x) self.output.append(x) return x def count_channel_index(self): channel_index_ = 0 for k, v in self.state_dict().items(): if "running_mean" in k or "running_var" in k: continue else: channel_index_ += 1 return channel_index_ def backward(self, g, communicator, req_send_check, cur_step): mod_avail_index = len(self.full_modules)-1 channel_index = self._init_channel_index-2 mod_counters_ = [0]*len(self.full_modules) for i, output in reversed(list(enumerate(self.output))): # send layer only after the last layer is received req_send_check[-1].wait() if i == (len(self.output) - 1): # for last node, use g output.backward(g) # get gradient here after some sanity checks: tmp_grad = self.full_modules[mod_avail_index].weight.grad if not pd.isnull(tmp_grad): grads = #req_isend = communicator.Isend([grads, MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0, tag=88+channel_index) req_isend = communicator.Isend([grads, MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0, tag=generate_tag(layer_tag=88+channel_index, step_token=cur_step)) req_send_check.append(req_isend) # update counters mod_avail_index-=1 channel_index-=1 else: continue else: if output.size() == self.input[i+1].grad.size(): output.backward(self.input[i+1] else: tmp_grad_output = self.input[i+1].grad.view(output.size()) output.backward(tmp_grad_output) # since in resnet we do not use bias weight for conv layer if pd.isnull(self.full_modules[mod_avail_index].bias): tmp_grad_weight = self.full_modules[mod_avail_index].weight.grad if not pd.isnull(tmp_grad_weight): grads = #req_isend = communicator.Isend([grads, MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0, tag=88+channel_index) req_isend = communicator.Isend([grads, MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0, tag=generate_tag(layer_tag=88+channel_index, step_token=cur_step)) req_send_check.append(req_isend) channel_index-=1 mod_counters_[mod_avail_index]=2 # update counters mod_avail_index-=1 else: continue else: tmp_grad_weight = self.full_modules[mod_avail_index].weight.grad tmp_grad_bias = self.full_modules[mod_avail_index].bias.grad if not pd.isnull(tmp_grad_weight) and not pd.isnull(tmp_grad_bias): # we always send bias first if mod_counters_[mod_avail_index] == 0: grads = #req_isend = communicator.Isend([grads, MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0, tag=88+channel_index) req_isend = communicator.Isend([grads, MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0, tag=generate_tag(layer_tag=88+channel_index, step_token=cur_step)) req_send_check.append(req_isend) channel_index-=1 mod_counters_[mod_avail_index]+=1 elif mod_counters_[mod_avail_index] == 1: grads = #req_isend = communicator.Isend([grads, MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0, tag=88+channel_index) req_isend = communicator.Isend([grads, MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0, tag=generate_tag(layer_tag=88+channel_index, step_token=cur_step)) req_send_check.append(req_isend) channel_index-=1 mod_counters_[mod_avail_index]+=1 # update counters mod_avail_index-=1 else: continue # handle the remaining gradients here to send to parameter server while channel_index >= 0: req_send_check[-1].wait() if pd.isnull(self.full_modules[mod_avail_index].bias): tmp_grad_weight = self.full_modules[mod_avail_index].weight.grad grads = #req_isend = communicator.Isend([grads, MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0, tag=88+channel_index) req_isend = communicator.Isend([grads, MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0, tag=generate_tag(layer_tag=88+channel_index, step_token=cur_step)) req_send_check.append(req_isend) channel_index-=1 mod_counters_[mod_avail_index]=2 # update counters mod_avail_index-=1 else: tmp_grad_weight = self.full_modules[mod_avail_index].weight.grad tmp_grad_bias = self.full_modules[mod_avail_index].bias.grad # we always send bias first if mod_counters_[mod_avail_index] == 0: grads = #req_isend = communicator.Isend([grads, MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0, tag=88+channel_index) req_isend = communicator.Isend([grads, MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0, tag=generate_tag(layer_tag=88+channel_index, step_token=cur_step)) req_send_check.append(req_isend) channel_index-=1 mod_counters_[mod_avail_index]+=1 elif mod_counters_[mod_avail_index] == 1: grads = #req_isend = communicator.Isend([grads, MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0, tag=88+channel_index) req_isend = communicator.Isend([grads, MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0, tag=generate_tag(layer_tag=88+channel_index, step_token=cur_step)) req_send_check.append(req_isend) channel_index-=1 mod_counters_[mod_avail_index]+=1 # update counters mod_avail_index-=1 return req_send_check def backward_normal(self, g, communicator, req_send_check, cur_step, fail_workers, err_mode, compress_grad): mod_avail_index = len(self.full_modules)-1 channel_index = self._init_channel_index-2 mod_counters_ = [0]*len(self.full_modules) for i, output in reversed(list(enumerate(self.output))): # send layer only after the last layer is received req_send_check[-1].wait() if i == (len(self.output) - 1): # for last node, use g output.backward(g) # get gradient here after some sanity checks: tmp_grad = self.full_modules[mod_avail_index].weight.grad if not pd.isnull(tmp_grad): grads = ###################################################################################### if communicator.Get_rank() in fail_workers: simulation_grad = err_simulation(grad=grads, mode=err_mode) if compress_grad == 'compress': _compressed_grad = compress(simulation_grad) req_isend = communicator.isend(_compressed_grad, dest=0, tag=88+channel_index) else: req_isend = communicator.Isend([simulation_grad, MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0, tag=88+channel_index) else: if compress_grad == 'compress': _compressed_grad = compress(grads) req_isend = communicator.isend(_compressed_grad, dest=0, tag=88+channel_index) else: req_isend = communicator.Isend([grads, MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0, tag=88+channel_index) ###################################################################################### req_send_check.append(req_isend) # update counters mod_avail_index-=1 channel_index-=1 else: continue else: if output.size() == self.input[i+1].grad.size(): output.backward(self.input[i+1] else: tmp_grad_output = self.input[i+1].grad.view(output.size()) output.backward(tmp_grad_output) # since in resnet we do not use bias weight for conv layer if
import sys from comet_ml import Experiment from sklearn.metrics import classification_report from datetime import datetime from typing import Dict import pandas as pd import pickle import json import os import module_results #____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DATA_DIR_KEY = 'data' MODEL_DIR_KEY = 'model' CV_DIR_KEY = 'cv' PLOTS_DIR_KEY = 'plots' PICKLE_DIR_KEY = 'pickle' JSON_DIR_KEY = 'json' TEST_DIR_KEY = 'test' #____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ def clear_vars_packages() -> None: """Clear all loaded variables""" for name in dir(): if not name.startswith('_'): del globals()[name] #____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ def get_workflow_dirs(which_pc: str = 'mine', data_dir: str = None, model_id: str = None, num_iter: int = 0) -> Dict: """ Create a dictionary of directories which are needed for the ML workflow. Keys: 'data' - the data dir. 'model' - the model dir. sub: 'cv' - the cross validation results. sub: 'plots' - the plots for the model. sub: 'pickle' - the serializing directory. :param which_pc: the pc used :param data_dir: the data directory name :param model_id: model short discription i.e. ID :param num_iter: number of iterations of the hyparparam search :return: dict with the keys described and the appropriate dirs as their values """ # get data and project root dir based on pc if which_pc.startswith('pano'): root_dir = f"C:\\Users\\Inno\\Documents\\IV\\GLYCO" data_dir = f"C:\\Users\\Inno\\Documents\\IV\\PREPROCESSED_DATA\\{data_dir}" else: root_dir = f"C:\\Users\\ilija\\Pycharm Projects\\GLYCO" data_dir = f"{root_dir}\\_DATA_PREPROCESSED\\{data_dir}" # define the model directory (if less than 10 iter it is only a debugging/test try) if num_iter < 10: model_id ='TRY_____' + model_id model_dir = f'{root_dir}\\RESULTS\\September\\{str(}\\' \ f'{model_id}_{num_iter}_{str(}h{str(}m' # create the workflow directories dictionary with global constants # that will be used throughout the module workflow_dirs_dict = { DATA_DIR_KEY: data_dir, MODEL_DIR_KEY: model_dir, CV_DIR_KEY: f'{model_dir}\\CV', PLOTS_DIR_KEY: f'{model_dir}\\Plots', PICKLE_DIR_KEY: f'{model_dir}\\Pickled_Models', JSON_DIR_KEY: f'{model_dir}\\JSON', TEST_DIR_KEY: f'{model_dir}\\Test', } # if debugging or prototyping, delete old dir with same name # that is created not more than a minute ago if num_iter < 10 and os.path.exists(model_dir): os.remove(model_dir) # create the directories os.makedirs(model_dir) print(f'Created dir: {model_dir}') os.makedirs(workflow_dirs_dict[CV_DIR_KEY]) print(f'Created dir: {workflow_dirs_dict[CV_DIR_KEY]}') os.makedirs(workflow_dirs_dict[PLOTS_DIR_KEY]) print(f'Created dir: {workflow_dirs_dict[PLOTS_DIR_KEY]}') os.makedirs(workflow_dirs_dict[PICKLE_DIR_KEY]) print(f'Created dir: {workflow_dirs_dict[PICKLE_DIR_KEY]}') os.makedirs(workflow_dirs_dict[JSON_DIR_KEY]) print(f'Created dir: {workflow_dirs_dict[JSON_DIR_KEY]}') os.makedirs(workflow_dirs_dict[TEST_DIR_KEY]) print(f'Created dir: {workflow_dirs_dict[TEST_DIR_KEY]}') return workflow_dirs_dict #____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ def train_and_save_sklearn(hyperparameters_optimizer, train_test_sets:Dict = None, submodel_id_dict: Dict = None, workflow_dirs: Dict = None, comet_dict: Dict = None, ): X_train = train_test_sets['X_train'] y_train = train_test_sets['y_train'] # train model and save training time start_time =, y_train) end_time = training_time = end_time - start_time # save serialized model pickle.dump(hyperparameters_optimizer.best_estimator_, open(f'{workflow_dirs[PICKLE_DIR_KEY]}\\PICKLED_{submodel_id_dict["full_string"]}.sav', 'wb')) # save cross validation results
import requests import re import pandas as pd import json def get_webtoon_genre_list(): url = "" querystring = {"language":"en"} headers = { 'x-rapidapi-host': "", 'x-rapidapi-key': "200898dbd8msh7effe9f4aca8119p1f02a4jsn9f53b70ac5e8" } response_gen = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, params=querystring) webtoon_gen_json = response_gen.json() webtoon_json_gen_df = pd.DataFrame(webtoon_gen_json['message']['result']['genreList']['genres']) print(webtoon_json_gen_df['name'].tolist()) def get_webtoon_list_ranking(genre): url = "" querystring = {"count":"30","language":"en"} headers = { 'x-rapidapi-host': "", 'x-rapidapi-key': "200898dbd8msh7effe9f4aca8119p1f02a4jsn9f53b70ac5e8" } response_rank = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, params=querystring) webtoon_rank_json = response_rank.json() webtoon_json_rank_df =
from abc import ABC, abstractproperty from collections import namedtuple from pathlib import Path import typing as t import dill import numpy as np import pandas as pd from loguru import logger from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline SentimentType = t.NamedTuple( "Sentiment", [ ("sentiment", str), ("positive_probability", float), ("negative_probability", float), ], ) Sentiment = namedtuple( "Sentiment", ["sentiment", "positive_probability", "negative_probability"] ) @logger.catch def persist_model(name: str, clf: Pipeline = None, method: str = "load") -> None: """Persist Model Function use to save or load model Arguments: name {str} -- name of the saved model Keyword Arguments: clf {trained model} -- required only during save (default: {None}) method {str} -- [takes in 'load' or 'save' argument to load or save models] (default: {'load'}) Raises: ValueError: [raised when the arguments are not correct] """ if method == "load": with open(name, "rb") as f: return dill.load(f) elif method == "save":"[+] Persisting {name} ...") if clf is None: raise ValueError("Pass Model/Pipeline/Transformation") with open(name, "wb") as f: dill.dump(clf, f)"[+] Persistence Complete. Model {name} is saved") else: raise ValeuError("Wrong arguments") MODEL_PATH = Path(__file__).parent / "models/base_model.pkl" PRE_LOAD_MODEL = persist_model(f"{MODEL_PATH}", method="load") class HisiaLoad(ABC): def __init__(self, model_path: str = None): """Factory Class This is used to ensure a single model loading instance and a abstract property sentiment that is overiden in child classes Keyword Arguments: model_path {str} -- path to the trained model (default: {None}) """ if model_path is None: self.model = PRE_LOAD_MODEL else: self.model = persist_model(model_path, method="load") def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(Model=Logistic Regression)" @abstractproperty def sentiment(self): pass class Hisia(HisiaLoad): """Hisia Keyword Arguments: text {str} -- text to analyze model_path {str} -- path to the trained model (default: {None}) ... Attributes ---------- text : str a text to analyze nmodel : Pipeline a loaded model as a scikit-learn pipeline with both features transformers and classifier Property ------- sentiment returns the sentiment of text explain returns a dictionary of sentiment score explanation calculation decission = W1(word1) + W2(word2) + .. + intercept Usage: ```python from hisia import Hisia positive_gro = Hisia('det var super deligt') print(positive_gro.sentiment) print(positive_gro.explain) ``` """ def __init__(self, text: str, model_path: str = None): super().__init__(model_path) self.text = text self.sentiment def __repr__(self): return ( f"Sentiment(sentiment={self.sentiment.sentiment}, " f"positive_probability={self.sentiment.positive_probability}, " f"negative_probability={self.sentiment.negative_probability})" ) @property def sentiment(self) -> SentimentType: if isinstance(self.text, str): self.X = [self.text] else: self.X = self.text response = self.model.predict_proba(self.X) response = pd.DataFrame(response) response.columns = ["negative_probability", "positive_probability"] response["sentiment"] = np.where( response["negative_probability"] > 0.5, "negative", "positive" ) self.results = Sentiment(**response.round(3).to_dict(orient="index")[0]) return self.results @property def explain(self) -> t.Dict[str, float]: feature_names = self.model.named_steps[ "count_verctorizer" ].get_feature_names_out() best_features = [ feature_names[i] for i in self.model.named_steps["feature_selector"].get_support( indices=True ) ] coefficients = self.model.named_steps["logistic_regression"].coef_[0] index_range = range(len(best_features)) look_table = { index: (token, coef) for index, coef, token in zip(index_range, coefficients, best_features) } v = self.model.named_steps["count_verctorizer"].transform(self.X) v = self.model.named_steps["feature_selector"].transform(v) v =
import pytz import pytest import dateutil import warnings import numpy as np from datetime import timedelta from itertools import product import pandas as pd import pandas._libs.tslib as tslib import pandas.util.testing as tm from pandas.errors import PerformanceWarning from pandas.core.indexes.datetimes import cdate_range from pandas import (DatetimeIndex, PeriodIndex, Series, Timestamp, Timedelta, date_range, TimedeltaIndex, _np_version_under1p10, Index, datetime, Float64Index, offsets, bdate_range) from pandas.tseries.offsets import BMonthEnd, CDay, BDay from pandas.tests.test_base import Ops START, END = datetime(2009, 1, 1), datetime(2010, 1, 1) class TestDatetimeIndexOps(Ops): tz = [None, 'UTC', 'Asia/Tokyo', 'US/Eastern', 'dateutil/Asia/Singapore', 'dateutil/US/Pacific'] def setup_method(self, method): super(TestDatetimeIndexOps, self).setup_method(method) mask = lambda x: (isinstance(x, DatetimeIndex) or isinstance(x, PeriodIndex)) self.is_valid_objs = [o for o in self.objs if mask(o)] self.not_valid_objs = [o for o in self.objs if not mask(o)] def test_ops_properties(self): f = lambda x: isinstance(x, DatetimeIndex) self.check_ops_properties(DatetimeIndex._field_ops, f) self.check_ops_properties(DatetimeIndex._object_ops, f) self.check_ops_properties(DatetimeIndex._bool_ops, f) def test_ops_properties_basic(self): # sanity check that the behavior didn't change # GH7206 for op in ['year', 'day', 'second', 'weekday']: pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda x: getattr(self.dt_series, op)) # attribute access should still work! s = Series(dict(year=2000, month=1, day=10)) assert s.year == 2000 assert s.month == 1 assert == 10 pytest.raises(AttributeError, lambda: s.weekday) def test_asobject_tolist(self): idx = pd.date_range(start='2013-01-01', periods=4, freq='M', name='idx') expected_list = [Timestamp('2013-01-31'), Timestamp('2013-02-28'), Timestamp('2013-03-31'), Timestamp('2013-04-30')] expected = pd.Index(expected_list, dtype=object, name='idx') result = idx.asobject assert isinstance(result, Index) assert result.dtype == object tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) assert == assert idx.tolist() == expected_list idx = pd.date_range(start='2013-01-01', periods=4, freq='M', name='idx', tz='Asia/Tokyo') expected_list = [Timestamp('2013-01-31', tz='Asia/Tokyo'), Timestamp('2013-02-28', tz='Asia/Tokyo'), Timestamp('2013-03-31', tz='Asia/Tokyo'), Timestamp('2013-04-30', tz='Asia/Tokyo')] expected = pd.Index(expected_list, dtype=object, name='idx') result = idx.asobject assert isinstance(result, Index) assert result.dtype == object tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) assert == assert idx.tolist() == expected_list idx = DatetimeIndex([datetime(2013, 1, 1), datetime(2013, 1, 2), pd.NaT, datetime(2013, 1, 4)], name='idx') expected_list = [Timestamp('2013-01-01'), Timestamp('2013-01-02'), pd.NaT, Timestamp('2013-01-04')] expected = pd.Index(expected_list, dtype=object, name='idx') result = idx.asobject assert isinstance(result, Index) assert result.dtype == object tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) assert == assert idx.tolist() == expected_list def test_minmax(self): for tz in # monotonic idx1 = pd.DatetimeIndex(['2011-01-01', '2011-01-02', '2011-01-03'], tz=tz) assert idx1.is_monotonic # non-monotonic idx2 = pd.DatetimeIndex(['2011-01-01', pd.NaT, '2011-01-03', '2011-01-02', pd.NaT], tz=tz) assert not idx2.is_monotonic for idx in [idx1, idx2]: assert idx.min() == Timestamp('2011-01-01', tz=tz) assert idx.max() == Timestamp('2011-01-03', tz=tz) assert idx.argmin() == 0 assert idx.argmax() == 2 for op in ['min', 'max']: # Return NaT obj = DatetimeIndex([]) assert pd.isna(getattr(obj, op)()) obj = DatetimeIndex([pd.NaT]) assert pd.isna(getattr(obj, op)()) obj = DatetimeIndex([pd.NaT, pd.NaT, pd.NaT]) assert pd.isna(getattr(obj, op)()) def test_numpy_minmax(self): dr = pd.date_range(start='2016-01-15', end='2016-01-20') assert np.min(dr) == Timestamp('2016-01-15 00:00:00', freq='D') assert np.max(dr) == Timestamp('2016-01-20 00:00:00', freq='D') errmsg = "the 'out' parameter is not supported" tm.assert_raises_regex(ValueError, errmsg, np.min, dr, out=0) tm.assert_raises_regex(ValueError, errmsg, np.max, dr, out=0) assert np.argmin(dr) == 0 assert np.argmax(dr) == 5 if not _np_version_under1p10: errmsg = "the 'out' parameter is not supported" tm.assert_raises_regex( ValueError, errmsg, np.argmin, dr, out=0) tm.assert_raises_regex( ValueError, errmsg, np.argmax, dr, out=0) def test_round(self): for tz in rng = pd.date_range(start='2016-01-01', periods=5, freq='30Min', tz=tz) elt = rng[1] expected_rng = DatetimeIndex([ Timestamp('2016-01-01 00:00:00', tz=tz, freq='30T'), Timestamp('2016-01-01 00:00:00', tz=tz, freq='30T'), Timestamp('2016-01-01 01:00:00', tz=tz, freq='30T'), Timestamp('2016-01-01 02:00:00', tz=tz, freq='30T'), Timestamp('2016-01-01 02:00:00', tz=tz, freq='30T'), ]) expected_elt = expected_rng[1] tm.assert_index_equal(rng.round(freq='H'), expected_rng) assert elt.round(freq='H') == expected_elt msg = pd.tseries.frequencies._INVALID_FREQ_ERROR with tm.assert_raises_regex(ValueError, msg): rng.round(freq='foo') with tm.assert_raises_regex(ValueError, msg): elt.round(freq='foo') msg = "<MonthEnd> is a non-fixed frequency" tm.assert_raises_regex(ValueError, msg, rng.round, freq='M') tm.assert_raises_regex(ValueError, msg, elt.round, freq='M') # GH 14440 & 15578 index = pd.DatetimeIndex(['2016-10-17 12:00:00.0015'], tz=tz) result = index.round('ms') expected = pd.DatetimeIndex(['2016-10-17 12:00:00.002000'], tz=tz) tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) for freq in ['us', 'ns']: tm.assert_index_equal(index, index.round(freq)) index = pd.DatetimeIndex(['2016-10-17 12:00:00.00149'], tz=tz) result = index.round('ms') expected = pd.DatetimeIndex(['2016-10-17 12:00:00.001000'], tz=tz) tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) index = pd.DatetimeIndex(['2016-10-17 12:00:00.001501031']) result = index.round('10ns') expected = pd.DatetimeIndex(['2016-10-17 12:00:00.001501030']) tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) with tm.assert_produces_warning(): ts = '2016-10-17 12:00:00.001501031' pd.DatetimeIndex([ts]).round('1010ns') def test_repeat_range(self): rng = date_range('1/1/2000', '1/1/2001') result = rng.repeat(5) assert result.freq is None assert len(result) == 5 * len(rng) for tz in index = pd.date_range('2001-01-01', periods=2, freq='D', tz=tz) exp = pd.DatetimeIndex(['2001-01-01', '2001-01-01', '2001-01-02', '2001-01-02'], tz=tz) for res in [index.repeat(2), np.repeat(index, 2)]: tm.assert_index_equal(res, exp) assert res.freq is None index = pd.date_range('2001-01-01', periods=2, freq='2D', tz=tz) exp = pd.DatetimeIndex(['2001-01-01', '2001-01-01', '2001-01-03', '2001-01-03'], tz=tz) for res in [index.repeat(2), np.repeat(index, 2)]: tm.assert_index_equal(res, exp) assert res.freq is None index = pd.DatetimeIndex(['2001-01-01', 'NaT', '2003-01-01'], tz=tz) exp = pd.DatetimeIndex(['2001-01-01', '2001-01-01', '2001-01-01', 'NaT', 'NaT', 'NaT', '2003-01-01', '2003-01-01', '2003-01-01'], tz=tz) for res in [index.repeat(3), np.repeat(index, 3)]: tm.assert_index_equal(res, exp) assert res.freq is None def test_repeat(self): reps = 2 msg = "the 'axis' parameter is not supported" for tz in rng = pd.date_range(start='2016-01-01', periods=2, freq='30Min', tz=tz) expected_rng = DatetimeIndex([ Timestamp('2016-01-01 00:00:00', tz=tz, freq='30T'), Timestamp('2016-01-01 00:00:00', tz=tz, freq='30T'), Timestamp('2016-01-01 00:30:00', tz=tz, freq='30T'), Timestamp('2016-01-01 00:30:00', tz=tz, freq='30T'), ]) res = rng.repeat(reps) tm.assert_index_equal(res, expected_rng) assert res.freq is None tm.assert_index_equal(np.repeat(rng, reps), expected_rng) tm.assert_raises_regex(ValueError, msg, np.repeat, rng, reps, axis=1) def test_representation(self): idx = [] idx.append(DatetimeIndex([], freq='D')) idx.append(DatetimeIndex(['2011-01-01'], freq='D')) idx.append(
DatetimeIndex(['2011-01-01', '2011-01-02'], freq='D')
""" TO-DO: 1. Get all features data sets [X] 2. Add labels to the data sets[X] 3. Obtain results of the training ( of all three algos)[X] 4. Obtain the plots and confussion matrix[] """ from pathlib import Path import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import re from sklearn import metrics from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score,confusion_matrix, precision_score,f1_score,recall_score,accuracy_score,RocCurveDisplay from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from matplotlib import font_manager from sklearn.model_selection import KFold def label_dist(label): one_n = np.count_nonzero(label==1) zero_n = np.count_nonzero(label==0) return print(f"Unos:{one_n}\t Ceros:{zero_n}") kf = KFold(n_splits=5) font_dirs = ['../otros/lmr'] font_files = font_manager.findSystemFonts(fontpaths=font_dirs) for font_file in font_files: font_manager.fontManager.addfont(font_file) plt.rcParams[''] = 'Latin Modern Roman' def plot_roc_curve(y_test,y_pred,fname): with"seaborn-paper"): fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (5,5)) roc = RocCurveDisplay.from_predictions(y_test,y_pred) roc.plot(ax = ax) ax.set_xlabel("False Positive Rate") ax.set_ylabel("True Positive Rate") fig.savefig(fname,dpi = 300) def gen_score(y_test,y_pred,feature_name,algo_name,panda_index = 0): accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test,y_pred) precission = precision_score(y_test,y_pred) f1 = f1_score(y_test,y_pred) recall = recall_score(y_test,y_pred) try: roc_score = roc_auc_score(y_test,y_pred) except: roc_score =0 results = pd.DataFrame({"feature_name":feature_name,"algo":algo_name,"accuracy":accuracy,"precission":precission, "f1":f1,"recall":recall,"roc_score":roc_score},index = [panda_index]) return results RANDOM_STATE = 42 kneigh = KNeighborsClassifier() dtree = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=RANDOM_STATE) forest = RandomForestClassifier(random_state=RANDOM_STATE) algos = {"kneigh":kneigh,"dtree":dtree,"forest":forest} scaler = MinMaxScaler() input_labels ={"pca":Path("../data/labels/labels_pca"), "lin_auto":Path("../data/labels/labels_lineal"), "conv_auto":Path("../data/labels/labels_conv")} input_path = Path("../data/feature_data") output_path = Path("../data/con_auto_classification_results") output_rocplots_path = output_path/"pca_roc_plots" if not output_path.exists(): output_path.mkdir() if not output_rocplots_path.exists(): output_rocplots_path.mkdir() # 1. Loading the features features_paths = [] for i in input_path.glob("*"): if i.is_dir(): for j in i.glob("*.pkl"): features_paths.append(j) data1 = [] data2 = [] data3 = [] for data in features_paths: if "1" in re.findall(r"\d+",str(data)): data1.append(data) elif "2" in re.findall(r"\d+",str(data)): data2.append(data) else: data3.append(data) data1.sort() data2.sort() data3.sort() labels_paths = [i for i in input_labels["conv_auto"].glob("*.pkl")] labels_paths.sort() labels = [pd.read_pickle(i) for i in labels_paths] #labels_paths_lin= [i for i in input_labels["lin_auto"].glob("*.pkl")] #labels_paths_conv = [i for i in input_labels["conv_auto"].glob("*.pkl")] # 2. Add labels to the dataset and train outer_index = 0 for index, dir_paths in enumerate([data1,data2,data3]): training_results =
import os from multiprocessing import Pool import pandas as pd import numpy as np import vcf from pysam import AlignmentFile class Extract: """ Class for extracting genotype information from alignment file using the user supplied VCF file. """ def __init__(self, args): self.db = args.database self.threads = args.threads self.min_mapping_quality = args.min_mapping_quality self.min_base_quality = args.min_base_quality self.default_genotype = args.default_genotype self.vcf = args.vcf self.bed = args.bed self.fafile = args.fafile self.overwrite = args.overwrite self.min_coverage = args.min_coverage self.min_homozygous_thresh = args.min_homozygous_thresh self.sites = [] self.regions = None self._parse_vcf() self._parse_bed_file() def _parse_vcf(self): if self.vcf is None: return for record in vcf.Reader(open(self.vcf, 'r')): self.sites.append({ 'chrom': record.CHROM, 'start': record.POS-1, 'end': record.POS, 'ref_allele': str(record.REF), 'alt_allele': str(record.ALT[0]) }) def _parse_bed_file(self): if self.bed is None: return self.regions = pd.read_csv(self.bed, sep='\t', header=None) # only keep Y chrom regions self.regions = self.regions[self.regions[0].isin(['Y', 'chrY'])] if len(self.regions) == 0: print('There are no Y chromosome regions. Cannot determine if there is a sex mismatch.') self.regions.columns = range(self.regions.shape[1]) def _extract_regions(self, sample): """ Code to extract the coverage information for the regions listed in the BED file. """ if self.regions is None: return sample # get the pileup bam = AlignmentFile(sample.sample_bam) region_counts = [] for i in self.regions.index: chrom =[i, 0] start = int([i, 1]) end = int([i, 2]) count = bam.count(chrom, start, end) region_counts.append({ 'chrom': chrom, 'start': start, 'end': end, 'count': count}) if len(region_counts) > 0: region_counts =
import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def plot_rec_results(self, metric_name='recall'): """ self is an instance of Experiment or ExperimentResult """ ir = pd.DataFrame(self.item_rec).T ur =
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Script for 5' assignment of 5'P-Seq data # input is BAM file must contain NH tag # reads with the tag NH:i:1 only included # output 1: raw counts in *_iv.h5 - single indexed # output 2: normalised RPM in _idx_iv.h5 - double indexed # __author__ = "<NAME>" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2020" __version__ = "0.1.2" __email__ = "<EMAIL>" __status__ = "beta" import re import sys import pysam import argparse import pandas as pd from collections import Counter parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="five prime assinment of 5'P-Seq data" ) parser.add_argument('-i', type=str, help='aligned_sorted.bam') args = parser.parse_args() sys.stderr.write("\n\ -i input : {}\n\n".format(args.i)) usage = 'python -i aligned_sorted.bam"' if args.i==None: sys.exit("\n usage:\n\t{}\n".format(usage)) raw_out = False # bool # output file name from infilename f = re.sub(r'_sorted.bam', '', re.sub(r'.*\/', '', args.i)) outf_raw_hdf = "{}_raw_iv.h5".format(f) outf_rpm_hdf = "{}_rpm_iv.h5".format(f) outf_idx_hdf = "{}_idx_iv.h5".format(f) def yeastChr(): # Ordered yeast Chr list short names from ensembl return ['I','II','III','IV','V','VI','VII','VIII','IX','X','XI','XII','XIII','XIV','XV','XVI','Mito'] def update_df(df, Chr, strand): df.fillna(0, inplace=True) columns = list(df.columns) columns = ["Chr", "Position", "Strand"] + columns df["Chr"] = Chr df["Strand"] = strand df["Position"] = df.index return df[columns] def restructurate_hd5(infile, outfile, close_outfile=True): """ infile.h5 keys - "/For_raw", "/Rev_raw", ... outfile.h2 keys - "/For_raw/I", "/For_raw/II", ... etc "Position" is set to index :param infile: :param outfile: :return: reindexed 2 level hdf """ # open inp_HDF inp__h5 =
pd.HDFStore(infile, "r")
#! python3 """Process data acquired from the Malvern Mastersizer 2000. The csv output contains lots of factor information with the numeric data towards the end. A common feature of the classes and modules is to split thse datasets into associate 'head' and 'data' subsets so that the numerical data can be processed independantly.""" import os from os.path import join import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd from ..database.csv import MetaData from .psa import Test as PSA def csv_to_df(path): """Load an exported Mastersizer 2000 csv into a pandas dataframe. Two headers exist and dates should be parsed.""" df = pd.read_csv(path, header = [0,1], parse_dates = [5,6]) return(df) class MS2000(PSA): """Create an object from a row of Mastersizer 2000 CSV.""" def __init__(self, row): """""" m, d = self._split_row(row) self._meta_to_self(m) self.dist = self._get_distribution(d) self.precision = 6 def _split_row(self, row): """Return the metadata from a row.""" h2 = row.index.get_level_values(1) hix, dix = [], [] for n, i in enumerate(h2): try: float(i) dix += [n] except: hix += [n] h = row[row.index[(hix)]] d = row[row.index[(dix)]] h.index = h.index.droplevel(1) d.index = d.index.droplevel(0) return(h, d) def _meta_to_self(self, meta): """Add metadata as attributes of the current object.""" row = meta for i in meta.keys(): v = getattr(row, i) k = i.replace('[4, 3] - ','').replace('[3, 2] - ','') k = k.replace('(0.1)','10').replace('(0.5)','50').replace('(0.9)','90') k = k.rstrip() k = k.replace(' ','_') k = k.lower() setattr(self, k, v) def _get_distribution(self, dat): """Return data as a dataframe of size limits and frequency""" df = dat.reset_index() df['index'] = df['index'].astype('float') / 1000 df.columns = ['mm', 'frequency'] df['frequency'] = [round(i,6) for i in df['frequency']] df.dropna(inplace=True) return(df) class CSV(MS2000): """""" def __init__(self, path): """Import a Mastersizer 2000 exported CSV and split into data and metadata.""" df = self._load_csv(path) self.df = df def _load_csv(self, path): """""" df = csv_to_df(path) return(df) def _splitdf(self, df): """Split the raw dataframe into separate data and metadata dataframes""" h2 = df.columns.get_level_values(1) hix, dix = [], [] for n, i in enumerate(h2): try: float(i) dix += [n] except: hix += [n] h = df[df.columns[(hix)]] d = df[df.columns[(dix)]] h.columns = h.columns.droplevel(level = 1) d.columns = d.columns.droplevel(level = 0) return(h, d) def idx_from_sample_name(self, name): """Return a row from """ def idx_to_object(self, idx): """Return an MS2000 object from an idx""" ms2 = MS2000(self.df.iloc[idx]) return(ms2) class Wee: def row_to_object(self, idx): """Convert a row of Mastersizer 2000 metadata to an object.""" ms2 = type('MS2000', (PSA,), {})() row = self.metadata.iloc[idx] for i in row.keys(): v = getattr(row, i) k = i.replace('[4, 3] - ','').replace('[3, 2] - ','') k = k.replace('(0.1)','10').replace('(0.5)','50').replace('(0.9)','90') k = k.rstrip() k = k.replace(' ','_') k = k.lower() setattr(ms2, k, v) df = pd.DataFrame([idx]).reset_index() df.columns = ['um', 'frequency'] df.dropna(inplace=True) setattr(ms2, 'distribution', df) return(ms2) def sample_names(self): """Return unique sample names.""" names = self.meta['Sample Name'].unique().tolist() return(names) def subset_metadata(self, df): """Define the metadata to process by a subsetted pandas dataframe. The pandas dataframe should be subsetted externally as required.""" self.metadata = df.copy() print(df) class MasterSizer2000(PSA): def __init__(self, df): """Useful operations for mastersizer 2000 data""" self.original_metadata, = self._splitdf(df) self.metadata = self.original_metadata.copy() self.psa = [self.row_to_object(i) for i in self.metadata.index] def _splitdf(self, df): """Split the raw dataframe into separate data and metadata dataframes""" h2 = df.columns.get_level_values(1) hix, dix = [], [] for n, i in enumerate(h2): try: float(i) dix += [n] except: hix += [n] h = df[df.columns[(hix)]] d = df[df.columns[(dix)]] h.columns = h.columns.droplevel(level = 1) d.columns = d.columns.droplevel(level = 0) return(h, d) def row_to_object(self, idx): """Convert a row of Mastersizer 2000 metadata to an object.""" ms2 = type('MS2000', (PSA,), {})() row = self.metadata.iloc[idx] for i in row.keys(): v = getattr(row, i) k = i.replace('[4, 3] - ','').replace('[3, 2] - ','') k = k.replace('(0.1)','10').replace('(0.5)','50').replace('(0.9)','90') k = k.rstrip() k = k.replace(' ','_') k = k.lower() setattr(ms2, k, v) df = pd.DataFrame([idx]).reset_index() df.columns = ['um', 'frequency'] df.dropna(inplace=True) setattr(ms2, 'distribution', df) return(ms2) def sample_names(self): """Return unique sample names.""" names = self.meta['Sample Name'].unique().tolist() return(names) def subset_metadata(self, df): """Define the metadata to process by a subsetted pandas dataframe. The pandas dataframe should be subsetted externally as required.""" self.metadata = df.copy() print(df) def pkeys(self): """Return primary keys as a list of tuples""" m = self.meta df = pd.concat([m['Sample Name'], pd.to_datetime(m['Measurement date and time'].dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))], axis=1).drop_duplicates() tuples = [tuple(i) for i in df.values] return(tuples) def idx(self, pkey): """Return indices for a given primary key""" m = self.meta idx = m[m['Sample Name']==pkey[0]].index return(idx) def replicates(self, indices): """Return a list of replicate series from given dataframe indices""" d = lst = [self.row2series(i) for i in indices] return(lst) def row2series(self, idx): """Return a pandas series of a given replicate""" # retrieve dataframe row d = # drop first column of NaN values d = d.drop('0.010000', axis=1) s = d.iloc[idx] # convert index from microns to mm and drop maximum size; this converts the size boundaries to lower limits to conform with traditional numerical methods s.index = self.sizes_mm()[0:100] return(s) def sizes_mm(self): """Return a list of floats of the sizes in mm""" d = mm = [round(float(i) * 10**-3, 9) for i in d.columns] return(mm) class SampleMetaData(MetaData): """Create a csv to establish groups of samples.""" def __init__(self, folder, filename='metadata.csv', columns=[], lab_id=[], groups=['group']): """ Attributes: datdir <str>: A filesystem path to the folder to place the output csv; filename <str>: Name of a CSV file containing, or to contain, segment coordinate data; columns <list>: List of field names to override the default. """ self.csv_path = join(folder, filename) MetaData.__init__(self, self.csv_path, self._columns(columns, groups)) if self.metadata_is_empty(): if lab_id: self.append(lab_id) print('WARNING: No metadata exists.') def _columns(self, columns, groups): """Return a list of column names.""" lst = [ 'id', # unique integer identifier 'sample_name', # unique name of sample ] + groups + [ 'note' ] c = columns if columns else lst return(c) ####################################################################### ######################################### def splitdf(df): """Split the raw dataframe into seperate data and metadata dataframes""" h2 = df.columns.get_level_values(1) hix, dix = [], [] for n, i in enumerate(h2): try: float(i) dix += [n] except: hix += [n] h = df[df.columns[[hix]]] d = df[df.columns[[dix]]] h.columns = h.columns.droplevel(level = 1) d.columns = d.columns.droplevel(level = 0) return(h, d) def replicatesafvafvafv(df, pkeys = None): """Return a dictionary of data frame indices corresponding to unique sample names and measurement dates; unique groups of replicates are assumed here to be represented by a unique sample name and a unique date. Attributes: df <pd.DataFrame>: A pandas data frame including the columns 'Sample Name' and 'Measurement date and time' """ # convert dataframe timestamp to date if not pkeys: dfk = pd.concat([df['Sample Name'], pd.to_datetime(df['Measurement date and time'].dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))], axis=1).drop_duplicates() pkeys = [tuple(i) for i in dfk.values] else: pkeys = [(i[0], pd.to_datetime(i[1])) for i in pkeys] print(df2pkeys(df)) #df = df.drop_duplicates() #if not pkeys: # pkeys = df #print(df[['Sample Name','Measurement date and time']]) #print(df['Sample Name', 'Measurement date and time']) #g = df.groupby(['Sample Name', 'Measurement date and time']) #return(g.groups) def keycols(): """Return a list of column names defining the primary keys of Mastersizer 2000 data""" lst = ['Sample Name', 'Measurement date and time'] return(lst) def df2pkeys(df, cols = keycols()): """Return a list of tuples of primary keys for Mastersizer data""" subset = pd.concat([df[cols[0]], pd.to_datetime(cols[1].dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))], axis=1).drop_duplicates() pkeys = [tuple(i) for i in dfk.values] ################# REVISE ALL BELOW ########################### def create_index(df): """Create dataframe index""" class data(object): """A class to handleMastersizer 2000 data Attributes: paths <string or list>: a single string or list of strings """ def __init__(self, csvpath): """Load a mastersizer 2000 csv""" try: raw = csv2df(csvpath) print(raw) df = formatIndices(raw) h, d = splitdf(df) d = cols2lower(d) self.head = h = d except Exception as e: print(e) def formatIndices(df): """Set the indices of a Mastersizer dataset to primary keys""" fmt = pkeys2MultiIndex(df) fmt.columns = df.columns fmt.index.set_names(pkcols(), inplace = True) return(fmt) def pkeys2MultiIndex(df): """Return a Mastersizer 2000 dataframe with primary keys set as indices""" pk = get_pkeys(df) pknames = ['pk1', 'pk2'] pk.columns = pknames df = pd.concat([df, pk], axis = 1) df = df.set_index(pknames, drop = True) return(df) def pkcols(): """Return the names of the primary key columns""" lst = ['Sample Name', 'Measurement date and time'] return(lst) def get_pkeys(df): """Return formatted primary key columns from head dataset""" colnames = pkcols() tmp = df[colnames] tmp.columns = colnames col1 = tmp[colnames[0]] col2 = timestamp2day(tmp[colnames[1]]) pk =
pd.concat([col1, col2], axis=1)
import operator import numpy as np import pytest import pandas as pd import pandas._testing as tm from pandas.core.arrays.numpy_ import PandasDtype from .base import BaseExtensionTests class BaseSetitemTests(BaseExtensionTests): def test_setitem_scalar_series(self, data, box_in_series): if box_in_series: data = pd.Series(data) data[0] = data[1] assert data[0] == data[1] def test_setitem_sequence(self, data, box_in_series): if box_in_series: data = pd.Series(data) original = data.copy() data[[0, 1]] = [data[1], data[0]] assert data[0] == original[1] assert data[1] == original[0] def test_setitem_sequence_mismatched_length_raises(self, data, as_array): ser = pd.Series(data) original = ser.copy() value = [data[0]] if as_array: value = data._from_sequence(value) xpr = "cannot set using a {} indexer with a different length" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=xpr.format("list-like")): ser[[0, 1]] = value # Ensure no modifications made before the exception self.assert_series_equal(ser, original) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=xpr.format("slice")): ser[slice(3)] = value self.assert_series_equal(ser, original) def test_setitem_empty_indxer(self, data, box_in_series): if box_in_series: data = pd.Series(data) original = data.copy() data[np.array([], dtype=int)] = [] self.assert_equal(data, original) def test_setitem_sequence_broadcasts(self, data, box_in_series): if box_in_series: data = pd.Series(data) data[[0, 1]] = data[2] assert data[0] == data[2] assert data[1] == data[2] @pytest.mark.parametrize("setter", ["loc", "iloc"]) def test_setitem_scalar(self, data, setter): arr = pd.Series(data) setter = getattr(arr, setter) operator.setitem(setter, 0, data[1]) assert arr[0] == data[1] def test_setitem_loc_scalar_mixed(self, data): df = pd.DataFrame({"A": np.arange(len(data)), "B": data}) df.loc[0, "B"] = data[1] assert df.loc[0, "B"] == data[1] def test_setitem_loc_scalar_single(self, data): df = pd.DataFrame({"B": data}) df.loc[10, "B"] = data[1] assert df.loc[10, "B"] == data[1] def test_setitem_loc_scalar_multiple_homogoneous(self, data): df = pd.DataFrame({"A": data, "B": data}) df.loc[10, "B"] = data[1] assert df.loc[10, "B"] == data[1] def test_setitem_iloc_scalar_mixed(self, data): df = pd.DataFrame({"A": np.arange(len(data)), "B": data}) df.iloc[0, 1] = data[1] assert df.loc[0, "B"] == data[1] def test_setitem_iloc_scalar_single(self, data): df = pd.DataFrame({"B": data}) df.iloc[10, 0] = data[1] assert df.loc[10, "B"] == data[1] def test_setitem_iloc_scalar_multiple_homogoneous(self, data): df = pd.DataFrame({"A": data, "B": data}) df.iloc[10, 1] = data[1] assert df.loc[10, "B"] == data[1] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "mask", [ np.array([True, True, True, False, False]), pd.array([True, True, True, False, False], dtype="boolean"), pd.array([True, True, True, pd.NA, pd.NA], dtype="boolean"), ], ids=["numpy-array", "boolean-array", "boolean-array-na"], ) def test_setitem_mask(self, data, mask, box_in_series): arr = data[:5].copy() expected = arr.take([0, 0, 0, 3, 4]) if box_in_series: arr = pd.Series(arr) expected = pd.Series(expected) arr[mask] = data[0] self.assert_equal(expected, arr) def test_setitem_mask_raises(self, data, box_in_series): # wrong length mask = np.array([True, False]) if box_in_series: data = pd.Series(data) with pytest.raises(IndexError, match="wrong length"): data[mask] = data[0] mask = pd.array(mask, dtype="boolean") with pytest.raises(IndexError, match="wrong length"): data[mask] = data[0] def test_setitem_mask_boolean_array_with_na(self, data, box_in_series): mask = pd.array(np.zeros(data.shape, dtype="bool"), dtype="boolean") mask[:3] = True mask[3:5] = pd.NA if box_in_series: data =
import anonypy import pandas as pd data = [ [6, "1", "test1", "x", 20], [6, "1", "test1", "x", 30], [8, "2", "test2", "x", 50], [8, "2", "test3", "w", 45], [8, "1", "test2", "y", 35], [4, "2", "test3", "y", 20], [4, "1", "test3", "y", 20], [2, "1", "test3", "z", 22], [2, "2", "test3", "y", 32], ] columns = ["col1", "col2", "col3", "col4", "col5"] categorical = set(("col2", "col3", "col4")) def test_k_anonymity(): df = pd.DataFrame(data=data, columns=columns) print(df) for name in categorical: df[name] = df[name].astype("category") feature_columns = ["col1", "col2", "col3"] sensitive_column = "col4" p = anonypy.Preserver(df, feature_columns, sensitive_column) rows = p.anonymize_k_anonymity(k=2) dfn =
""" Function to do speed tests easily. """ import numpy as np import pandas as pd from timeit import default_timer def speedtest(speed_inputs, speed_input_labels, funcs): """ Runs speed tests, and asserts outputs are all the same. Runs the first test before timing anything to make sure numba functions are initialized properly. :param speed_inputs: list of tuples of (args, kwargs) where args is the *args and kwargs is the **kwargs :param speed_input_labels: names to use for each speed_input test :param funcs: the functions to test """ func_times, outputs = [], [] # Initialize numba for func in funcs: func(*speed_inputs[0][0], **speed_inputs[0][1]) # Run timing tests for func in funcs: times = [] these_outputs = [] for args, kwargs in speed_inputs: t = default_timer() these_outputs.append(func(*args, **kwargs)) times.append(default_timer() - t) func_times.append(times) outputs.append(these_outputs) for i in range(1, len(outputs)): for j in range(len(outputs[0])): np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(outputs[i][j], outputs[i - 1][j]) print("Timings:\n") print(
pd.DataFrame(func_times, columns=speed_input_labels, index=[f.__name__ for f in funcs])
# Copyright (c) 2020 ING Bank N.V. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of # this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in # the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to # use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of # the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, # subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR # COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER # IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN # CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. import pandas as pd import numpy as np from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from probatus.utils import preprocess_labels, get_single_scorer, preprocess_data, \ BaseFitComputePlotClass from probatus.utils.shap_helpers import shap_calc, calculate_shap_importance from sklearn.inspection import permutation_importance import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import shap import warnings class BaseResemblanceModel(BaseFitComputePlotClass): """ This model checks for similarity of two samples. A possible use case is analysis whether train sample differs from test sample, due to e.g. non-stationarity. This is a base class and needs to be extended by a fit() method, which implements how data is split, how model is trained and evaluated. Further, inheriting classes need to implement how feature importance should be indicated. """ def __init__(self, clf, scoring='roc_auc', test_prc=0.25, n_jobs=1, verbose=0, random_state=None): """ Initializes the class. Args: clf (model object): Binary classification model or pipeline. scoring (string or probatus.utils.Scorer, optional): Metric for which the model performance is calculated. It can be either a metric name aligned with predefined [classification scorers names in sklearn]( Another option is using probatus.utils.Scorer to define a custom metric. Recommended option for this class is 'roc_auc'. test_prc (float, optional): Percentage of data used to test the model. By default 0.25 is set. n_jobs (int, optional): Number of parallel executions. If -1 use all available cores. By default 1. verbose (int, optional): Controls verbosity of the output: - 0 - nether prints nor warnings are shown - 1 - 50 - only most important warnings - 51 - 100 - shows other warnings and prints - above 100 - presents all prints and all warnings (including SHAP warnings). random_state (int, optional): Random state set at each round of feature elimination. If it is None, the results will not be reproducible and in random search at each iteration a different hyperparameters might be tested. For reproducible results set it to integer. """ self.clf = clf self.test_prc = test_prc self.n_jobs = n_jobs self.random_state = random_state self.verbose = verbose self.scorer = get_single_scorer(scoring) def _init_output_variables(self): """ Initializes variables that will be filled in during fit() method, and are used as output """ self.X_train = None self.X_test = None self.y_train = None self.y_test = None self.train_score = None self.test_score = None = None def fit(self, X1, X2, column_names=None, class_names=None): """ Base fit functionality that should be executed before each fit. Args: X1 (np.ndarray or pd.DataFrame): First sample to be compared. It needs to have the same number of columns as X2. X2 (np.ndarray or pd.DataFrame): Second sample to be compared. It needs to have the same number of columns as X1. column_names (list of str, optional): List of feature names of the provided samples. If provided it will be used to overwrite the existing feature names. If not provided the existing feature names are used or default feature names are generated. class_names (None, or list of str, optional): List of class names assigned, in this case provided samples e.g. ['sample1', 'sample2']. If none, the default ['First Sample', 'Second Sample'] are used. Returns: (BaseResemblanceModel): Fitted object """ # Set seed for results reproducibility if self.random_state is not None: np.random.seed(self.random_state) # Set class names self.class_names = class_names if self.class_names is None: self.class_names = ['First Sample', 'Second Sample'] # Ensure inputs are correct self.X1, self.column_names = preprocess_data(X1, X_name='X1', column_names=column_names, verbose=self.verbose) self.X2, _ = preprocess_data(X2, X_name='X2', column_names=column_names, verbose=self.verbose) # Prepare dataset for modelling self.X = pd.DataFrame(pd.concat([ self.X1, self.X2 ], axis=0), columns = self.column_names).reset_index(drop=True) self.y = pd.Series(np.concatenate([ np.zeros(self.X1.shape[0]), np.ones(self.X2.shape[0]), ])).reset_index(drop=True) # Assure the type and number of classes for the variable self.X, _ = preprocess_data(self.X, X_name='X', column_names=self.column_names, verbose=self.verbose) self.y = preprocess_labels(self.y, y_name='y', index=self.X.index, verbose=self.verbose) # Reinitialize variables in case of multiple times being fit self._init_output_variables() self.X_train, self.X_test, self.y_train, self.y_test = train_test_split(self.X, self.y, test_size=self.test_prc, random_state=self.random_state, shuffle=True, stratify=self.y), self.y_train) self.train_score = np.round(self.scorer.score(self.clf, self.X_train, self.y_train), 3) self.test_score = np.round(self.scorer.score(self.clf, self.X_test, self.y_test), 3) self.results_text = f'Train {self.scorer.metric_name}: {np.round(self.train_score, 3)},\n' \ f'Test {self.scorer.metric_name}: {np.round(self.test_score, 3)}.' if self.verbose > 50: print(f'Finished model training: \n{self.results_text}') if self.verbose > 0: if self.auc_train > self.auc_test: warnings.warn(f'Train {self.scorer.metric_name} > Test {self.scorer.metric_name}, which might indicate ' f'an overfit. \n Strong overfit might lead to misleading conclusions when analysing ' f'feature importance. Consider retraining with more regularization applied to the model.') self.fitted = True return self def get_data_splits(self): """ Returns the data splits used to train the Resemblance model. Returns: (pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame, pd.Series, pd.Series): X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test. """ self._check_if_fitted() return self.X_train, self.X_test, self.y_train, self.y_test def compute(self, return_scores=False): """ Checks if fit() method has been run and computes the output variables. Args: return_scores (bool, optional): Flag indicating whether the method should return a tuple (feature importances, train score, test score), or feature importances. By default the second option is selected. Returns: (tuple(pd.DataFrame, float, float) or pd.DataFrame): Depending on value of return_tuple either returns a tuple (feature importances, train AUC, test AUC), or feature importances. """ self._check_if_fitted() if return_scores: return, self.train_score, self.test_score else: return def fit_compute(self, X1, X2, column_names=None, class_names=None, return_scores=False, **fit_kwargs): """ Fits the resemblance model and computes the report regarding feature importance. Args: X1 (np.ndarray or pd.DataFrame): First sample to be compared. It needs to have the same number of columns as X2. X2 (np.ndarray or pd.DataFrame): Second sample to be compared. It needs to have the same number of columns as X1. column_names (list of str, optional): List of feature names of the provided samples. If provided it will be used to overwrite the existing feature names. If not provided the existing feature names are used or default feature names are generated. class_names (None, or list of str, optional): List of class names assigned, in this case provided samples e.g. ['sample1', 'sample2']. If none, the default ['First Sample', 'Second Sample'] are used. return_scores (bool, optional): Flag indicating whether the method should return a tuple (feature importances, train score, test score), or feature importances. By default the second option is selected. **fit_kwargs: In case any other arguments are accepted by fit() method, they can be passed as keyword arguments Returns: (tuple of (pd.DataFrame, float, float) or pd.DataFrame): Depending on value of return_tuple either returns a tuple (feature importances, train AUC, test AUC), or feature importances. """, X2, column_names=column_names, class_names=class_names, **fit_kwargs) return self.compute(return_scores=return_scores) def plot(self): raise(NotImplementedError('Plot method has not been implemented.')) class PermutationImportanceResemblance(BaseResemblanceModel): """ This model checks for similarity of two samples. A possible use case is analysis whether train sample differs from test sample, due to e.g. non-stationarity. It assigns to labels to each sample, 0 to first sample, 1 to the second. Then, It randomly selects a portion of data to train on. The resulting model tries to distinguish which sample does a given test row comes from. This provides insights on how distinguishable these samples are and which features contribute to that. The feature importance is calculated using permutation importance. If the model achieves test AUC significantly different than 0.5, it indicates that it is possible to distinguish the samples, and therefore, the samples differ. Features with high permutation importance contribute to that effect the most. Thus, their distribution might differ between two samples. Examples: ```python from sklearn.datasets import make_classification from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from probatus.sample_similarity import PermutationImportanceResemblance X1, _ = make_classification(n_samples=100, n_features=5) X2, _ = make_classification(n_samples=100, n_features=5, shift=0.5) clf = RandomForestClassifier(max_depth=2) perm = PermutationImportanceResemblance(clf) feature_importance = perm.fit_compute(X1, X2) perm.plot() ``` <img src="../img/sample_similarity_permutation_importance.png" width="500" /> """ def __init__(self, clf, iterations=100, scoring='roc_auc', test_prc=0.25, n_jobs=1, verbose=0, random_state=None): """ Initializes the class. Args: clf (model object): Binary classification model or pipeline. iterations (int, optional): Number of iterations performed to calculate permutation importance. By default 100 iterations per feature are done. scoring (string or probatus.utils.Scorer, optional): Metric for which the model performance is calculated. It can be either a metric name aligned with predefined [classification scorers names in sklearn]( Another option is using probatus.utils.Scorer to define a custom metric. Recommended option for this class is 'roc_auc'. test_prc (float, optional): Percentage of data used to test the model. By default 0.25 is set. n_jobs (int, optional): Number of parallel executions. If -1 use all available cores. By default 1. verbose (int, optional): Controls verbosity of the output: - 0 - nether prints nor warnings are shown - 1 - 50 - only most important warnings - 51 - 100 - shows other warnings and prints - above 100 - presents all prints and all warnings (including SHAP warnings). random_state (int, optional): Random state set at each round of feature elimination. If it is None, the results will not be reproducible and in random search at each iteration a different hyperparameters might be tested. For reproducible results set it to integer. """ super().__init__(clf=clf, scoring=scoring, test_prc=test_prc, n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=verbose, random_state=random_state) self.iterations = iterations self.iterations_columns = ['feature', 'importance'] self.iterations_results =
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Covid-19 em São Paulo Gera gráficos para acompanhamento da pandemia de Covid-19 na cidade e no estado de São Paulo. @author: """ from datetime import datetime, timedelta from io import StringIO import locale import math from tableauscraper import TableauScraper import traceback import unicodedata import pandas as pd import plotly.graph_objects as go import as pio from plotly.subplots import make_subplots import requests def main(): locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'pt_BR.UTF-8') print('Carregando dados...') hospitais_campanha, leitos_municipais, leitos_municipais_privados, leitos_municipais_total = carrega_dados_cidade() dados_munic, dados_estado, isolamento, leitos_estaduais, internacoes, doencas, dados_raciais, dados_vacinacao, doses_aplicadas, doses_recebidas, dados_imunizantes, atualizacao_imunizantes = carrega_dados_estado() print('\nLimpando e enriquecendo dos dados...') dados_cidade, dados_munic, hospitais_campanha, leitos_municipais, leitos_municipais_privados, leitos_municipais_total, dados_estado, isolamento, leitos_estaduais, internacoes, doencas, dados_raciais, dados_vacinacao, dados_imunizantes = pre_processamento(hospitais_campanha, leitos_municipais, leitos_municipais_privados, leitos_municipais_total, dados_estado, isolamento, leitos_estaduais, internacoes, doencas, dados_raciais, dados_vacinacao, doses_aplicadas, doses_recebidas, dados_munic, dados_imunizantes, atualizacao_imunizantes) evolucao_cidade, evolucao_estado = gera_dados_evolucao_pandemia(dados_munic, dados_estado, isolamento, dados_vacinacao, internacoes) evolucao_cidade, evolucao_estado = gera_dados_semana(evolucao_cidade, evolucao_estado, leitos_estaduais, isolamento, internacoes) print('\nGerando gráficos e tabelas...') gera_graficos(dados_munic, dados_cidade, hospitais_campanha, leitos_municipais, leitos_municipais_privados, leitos_municipais_total, dados_estado, isolamento, leitos_estaduais, evolucao_cidade, evolucao_estado, internacoes, doencas, dados_raciais, dados_vacinacao, dados_imunizantes) print('\nAtualizando serviceWorker.js...') atualiza_service_worker(dados_estado) print('\nFim') def carrega_dados_cidade(): hospitais_campanha = pd.read_csv('dados/hospitais_campanha_sp.csv', sep=',') leitos_municipais = pd.read_csv('dados/leitos_municipais.csv', sep=',') leitos_municipais_privados = pd.read_csv('dados/leitos_municipais_privados.csv', sep=',') leitos_municipais_total = pd.read_csv('dados/leitos_municipais_total.csv', sep=',') return hospitais_campanha, leitos_municipais, leitos_municipais_privados, leitos_municipais_total def carrega_dados_estado(): hoje = data_processamento ano = hoje.strftime('%Y') mes = hoje.strftime('%m') data = hoje.strftime('%Y%m%d') try: print('\tAtualizando dados dos municípios...') URL = '' dados_munic = pd.read_csv(URL, sep=';', decimal=',') opcoes_zip = dict(method='zip', archive_name='dados_munic.csv') dados_munic.to_csv('dados/', sep=';', decimal=',', index=False, compression=opcoes_zip) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exception(type(e), e, e.__traceback__) print('\tErro ao buscar dados_covid_sp.csv do GitHub: lendo arquivo local.\n') dados_munic = pd.read_csv('dados/', sep=';', decimal=',') try: print('\tAtualizando dados estaduais...') URL = '' dados_estado = pd.read_csv(URL, sep=';') dados_estado.to_csv('dados/dados_estado_sp.csv', sep=';') except Exception as e: traceback.print_exception(type(e), e, e.__traceback__) print('\tErro ao buscar dados_estado_sp.csv do GitHub: lendo arquivo local.\n') dados_estado = pd.read_csv('dados/dados_estado_sp.csv', sep=';', decimal=',', encoding='latin-1', index_col=0) try: print('\tCarregando dados de isolamento social...') isolamento = pd.read_csv('dados/isolamento_social.csv', sep=',') except Exception as e: print(f'\tErro ao buscar isolamento_social.csv\n\t{e}') try: print('\tAtualizando dados de internações...') URL = ('') internacoes = pd.read_csv(URL, sep=';', decimal=',', thousands='.') internacoes.to_csv('dados/internacoes.csv', sep=';', decimal=',') except Exception as e: try: print(f'\tErro ao buscar internacoes.csv do GitHub: lendo arquivo da Seade.\n\t{e}') URL = (f'{ano}/{mes}/Leitos-e-Internacoes.csv') internacoes = pd.read_csv(URL, sep=';', encoding='latin-1', decimal=',', thousands='.', engine='python', skipfooter=2) except Exception as e: print(f'\tErro ao buscar internacoes.csv da Seade: lendo arquivo local.\n\t{e}') internacoes = pd.read_csv('dados/internacoes.csv', sep=';', decimal=',', thousands='.', index_col=0) try: print('\tAtualizando dados de doenças preexistentes...') URL = ('') doencas = pd.read_csv(URL, sep=';') if len(doencas.asma.unique()) == 3: opcoes_zip = dict(method='zip', archive_name='doencas_preexistentes.csv') doencas.to_csv('dados/', sep=';', compression=opcoes_zip) else: global processa_doencas processa_doencas = False raise Exception('O arquivo de doeças preexistentes não possui registros SIM/NÃO/IGNORADO para todas as doenças.') except Exception as e: try: print(f'\tErro ao buscar doencas_preexistentes.csv do GitHub: lendo arquivo local.\n\t{e}') doencas = pd.read_csv('dados/', sep=';', index_col=0) except Exception as e: print(f'\tErro ao buscar doencas_preexistentes.csv localmente: lendo arquivo da Seade.\n\t{e}') URL = f'{ano}/{mes}/casos_obitos_doencas_preexistentes.csv' doencas = pd.read_csv(URL, sep=';', encoding='latin-1') try: print('\tAtualizando dados de casos/óbitos por raça e cor...') URL = ('') dados_raciais = pd.read_csv(URL, sep=';') opcoes_zip = dict(method='zip', archive_name='dados_raciais.csv') dados_raciais.to_csv('dados/', sep=';', compression=opcoes_zip) except Exception as e: print(f'\tErro ao buscar dados_raciais.csv do GitHub: lendo arquivo local.\n\t{e}') dados_raciais = pd.read_csv('dados/', sep=';', index_col=0) print('\tAtualizando dados da campanha de vacinação...') headers = {'User-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) ' 'AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) ' 'Chrome/88.0.4324.182 ' 'Safari/537.36 ' 'Edg/88.0.705.74'} try: print('\t\tDoses aplicadas por município...') URL = f'{ano}/{mes}/{data}_vacinometro.csv' req = requests.get(URL, headers=headers, stream=True) req.encoding = req.apparent_encoding doses_aplicadas = pd.read_csv(StringIO(req.text), sep=';', encoding='utf-8-sig') except Exception as e: print(f'\t\tErro ao buscar {data}_vacinometro.csv da Seade: {e}') doses_aplicadas = None try: print('\t\tDoses recebidas por cada município...') URL = f'{ano}/{mes}/{data}_painel_distribuicao_doses.csv' req = requests.get(URL, headers=headers, stream=True) req.encoding = req.apparent_encoding doses_recebidas = pd.read_csv(StringIO(req.text), sep=';', encoding='utf-8-sig') except Exception as e: print(f'\t\tErro ao buscar {data}_painel_distribuicao_doses.csv da Seade: {e}') doses_recebidas = None try: print('\t\tAtualizando doses aplicadas por vacina...') url = '' scraper = TableauScraper() scraper.loads(url) sheet = scraper.getWorkbook().getWorksheet('donuts imunibiológico') atualizacao_imunizantes = atualizacao_imunizantes['data'] = data_processamento atualizacao_imunizantes = atualizacao_imunizantes[['data', 'Imunibiológico_Ajustado-alias', 'CNT(Imunibiológico_Ajustado)-alias']] atualizacao_imunizantes.columns = ['data', 'vacina', 'aplicadas'] atualizacao_imunizantes.sort_values(by='vacina', inplace=True) except Exception as e: print(f'\t\tErro ao buscar dados de vacinas do Tableau: {e}') traceback.print_exception(type(e), e, e.__traceback__) atualizacao_imunizantes = None leitos_estaduais = pd.read_csv('dados/leitos_estaduais.csv', index_col=0) dados_vacinacao = pd.read_csv('dados/') dados_imunizantes = pd.read_csv('dados/dados_imunizantes.csv') return dados_munic, dados_estado, isolamento, leitos_estaduais, internacoes, doencas, dados_raciais, dados_vacinacao, doses_aplicadas, doses_recebidas, dados_imunizantes, atualizacao_imunizantes def pre_processamento(hospitais_campanha, leitos_municipais, leitos_municipais_privados, leitos_municipais_total, dados_estado, isolamento, leitos_estaduais, internacoes, doencas, dados_raciais, dados_vacinacao, doses_aplicadas, doses_recebidas, dados_munic, dados_imunizantes, atualizacao_imunizantes): print('\tDados municipais...') dados_cidade, hospitais_campanha, leitos_municipais, leitos_municipais_privados, leitos_municipais_total = pre_processamento_cidade(dados_munic, hospitais_campanha, leitos_municipais, leitos_municipais_privados, leitos_municipais_total) print('\tDados estaduais...') dados_estado, isolamento, leitos_estaduais, internacoes, doencas, dados_raciais, dados_vacinacao, dados_munic, dados_imunizantes = pre_processamento_estado(dados_estado, isolamento, leitos_estaduais, internacoes, doencas, dados_raciais, dados_vacinacao, doses_aplicadas, doses_recebidas, dados_munic, dados_imunizantes, atualizacao_imunizantes) return dados_cidade, dados_munic, hospitais_campanha, leitos_municipais, leitos_municipais_privados, leitos_municipais_total, dados_estado, isolamento, leitos_estaduais, internacoes, doencas, dados_raciais, dados_vacinacao, dados_imunizantes def pre_processamento_cidade(dados_munic, hospitais_campanha, leitos_municipais, leitos_municipais_privados, leitos_municipais_total): dados_cidade = dados_munic.loc[dados_munic.nome_munic == 'São Paulo', ['datahora', 'casos', 'casos_novos', 'obitos', 'obitos_novos', 'letalidade']] dados_cidade.columns = ['data', 'confirmados', 'casos_dia', 'óbitos', 'óbitos_dia', 'letalidade'] dados_cidade['letalidade'] = dados_cidade.letalidade * 100 dados_cidade['data'] = pd.to_datetime( dados_cidade['dia'] = d: d.strftime('%d %b %y')) hospitais_campanha['data'] = pd.to_datetime(, format='%d/%m/%Y') hospitais_campanha['dia'] = d: d.strftime('%d %b %y')) leitos_municipais['data'] = pd.to_datetime(, format='%d/%m/%Y') leitos_municipais['dia'] = d: d.strftime('%d %b %y')) leitos_municipais_privados['data'] = pd.to_datetime(, format='%d/%m/%Y') leitos_municipais_privados['dia'] = d: d.strftime('%d %b %y')) leitos_municipais_total['data'] = pd.to_datetime(, format='%d/%m/%Y') leitos_municipais_total['dia'] = d: d.strftime('%d %b %y')) return dados_cidade, hospitais_campanha, leitos_municipais, leitos_municipais_privados, leitos_municipais_total def formata_municipio(m): return m.title() \ .replace(' Da ', ' da ') \ .replace(' De ', ' de ') \ .replace(' Do ', ' do ') \ .replace(' Das ', ' das ') \ .replace(' Dos ', ' dos ') def pre_processamento_estado(dados_estado, isolamento, leitos_estaduais, internacoes, doencas, dados_raciais, dados_vacinacao, doses_aplicadas, doses_recebidas, dados_munic, dados_imunizantes, atualizacao_imunizantes): dados_estado.columns = ['data', 'total_casos', 'total_obitos'] dados_estado['data'] = pd.to_datetime( dados_estado['dia'] = d: d.strftime('%d %b %y')) dados_munic['datahora'] = pd.to_datetime(dados_munic.datahora) isolamento['data'] =
# coding: utf-8 # Copyright (c) <NAME>. # Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. """ This module implements utility functions for other modules in the package. """ import string from io import StringIO import os import re import math import sys from typing import List, Dict, Union, Tuple, Optional, Any from typing_extensions import Final import numpy as np import pandas as pd from pymatgen.core import Molecule from import CombinedData from MDAnalysis import Universe from MDAnalysis.core.groups import Atom, Residue, AtomGroup from mdgo.volume import molecular_volume __author__ = "<NAME>" __version__ = "1.0" __maintainer__ = "<NAME>" __email__ = "<EMAIL>" __date__ = "Feb 9, 2021" MM_of_Elements: Final[Dict[str, float]] = { "H": 1.00794, "He": 4.002602, "Li": 6.941, "Be": 9.012182, "B": 10.811, "C": 12.0107, "N": 14.0067, "O": 15.9994, "F": 18.9984032, "Ne": 20.1797, "Na": 22.98976928, "Mg": 24.305, "Al": 26.9815386, "Si": 28.0855, "P": 30.973762, "S": 32.065, "Cl": 35.453, "Ar": 39.948, "K": 39.0983, "Ca": 40.078, "Sc": 44.955912, "Ti": 47.867, "V": 50.9415, "Cr": 51.9961, "Mn": 54.938045, "Fe": 55.845, "Co": 58.933195, "Ni": 58.6934, "Cu": 63.546, "Zn": 65.409, "Ga": 69.723, "Ge": 72.64, "As": 74.9216, "Se": 78.96, "Br": 79.904, "Kr": 83.798, "Rb": 85.4678, "Sr": 87.62, "Y": 88.90585, "Zr": 91.224, "Nb": 92.90638, "Mo": 95.94, "Tc": 98.9063, "Ru": 101.07, "Rh": 102.9055, "Pd": 106.42, "Ag": 107.8682, "Cd": 112.411, "In": 114.818, "Sn": 118.71, "Sb": 121.760, "Te": 127.6, "I": 126.90447, "Xe": 131.293, "Cs": 132.9054519, "Ba": 137.327, "La": 138.90547, "Ce": 140.116, "Pr": 140.90465, "Nd": 144.242, "Pm": 146.9151, "Sm": 150.36, "Eu": 151.964, "Gd": 157.25, "Tb": 158.92535, "Dy": 162.5, "Ho": 164.93032, "Er": 167.259, "Tm": 168.93421, "Yb": 173.04, "Lu": 174.967, "Hf": 178.49, "Ta": 180.9479, "W": 183.84, "Re": 186.207, "Os": 190.23, "Ir": 192.217, "Pt": 195.084, "Au": 196.966569, "Hg": 200.59, "Tl": 204.3833, "Pb": 207.2, "Bi": 208.9804, "Po": 208.9824, "At": 209.9871, "Rn": 222.0176, "Fr": 223.0197, "Ra": 226.0254, "Ac": 227.0278, "Th": 232.03806, "Pa": 231.03588, "U": 238.02891, "Np": 237.0482, "Pu": 244.0642, "Am": 243.0614, "Cm": 247.0703, "Bk": 247.0703, "Cf": 251.0796, "Es": 252.0829, "Fm": 257.0951, "Md": 258.0951, "No": 259.1009, "Lr": 262, "Rf": 267, "Db": 268, "Sg": 271, "Bh": 270, "Hs": 269, "Mt": 278, "Ds": 281, "Rg": 281, "Cn": 285, "Nh": 284, "Fl": 289, "Mc": 289, "Lv": 292, "Ts": 294, "Og": 294, "ZERO": 0, } SECTION_SORTER: Final[Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]] = { "atoms": { "in_kw": None, "in_header": ["atom", "charge", "sigma", "epsilon"], "sec_number": None, "desired_split": None, "desired_cols": None, "out_kw": None, "ff_header": ["epsilon", "sigma"], "topo_header": ["mol-id", "type", "charge", "x", "y", "z"], }, "bonds": { "in_kw": "Stretch", "in_header": ["atom1", "atom2", "k", "r0"], "sec_number": 5, "desired_split": 2, "desired_cols": 4, "out_kw": ["Bond Coeffs", "Bonds"], "ff_header": ["k", "r0"], "topo_header": ["type", "atom1", "atom2"], }, "angles": { "in_kw": "Bending", "in_header": ["atom1", "atom2", "atom3", "k", "theta0"], "sec_number": 6, "desired_split": 1, "desired_cols": 5, "out_kw": ["Angle Coeffs", "Angles"], "ff_header": ["k", "theta0"], "topo_header": ["type", "atom1", "atom2", "atom3"], }, "dihedrals": { "in_kw": "proper Torsion", "in_header": ["atom1", "atom2", "atom3", "atom4", "v1", "v2", "v3", "v4"], "sec_number": 7, "desired_split": 1, "desired_cols": 8, "out_kw": ["Dihedral Coeffs", "Dihedrals"], "ff_header": ["v1", "v2", "v3", "v4"], "topo_header": ["type", "atom1", "atom2", "atom3", "atom4"], }, "impropers": { "in_kw": "improper Torsion", "in_header": ["atom1", "atom2", "atom3", "atom4", "v2"], "sec_number": 8, "desired_split": 1, "desired_cols": 5, "out_kw": ["Improper Coeffs", "Impropers"], "ff_header": ["v1", "v2", "v3"], "topo_header": ["type", "atom1", "atom2", "atom3", "atom4"], }, } BOX: Final[ str ] = """{0:6f} {1:6f} xlo xhi {0:6f} {1:6f} ylo yhi {0:6f} {1:6f} zlo zhi""" MOLAR_VOLUME: Final[Dict[str, float]] = {"lipf6": 18, "litfsi": 100} # empirical value ALIAS: Final[Dict[str, str]] = { "ethylene carbonate": "ec", "ec": "ec", "propylene carbonate": "pc", "pc": "pc", "dimethyl carbonate": "dmc", "dmc": "dmc", "diethyl carbonate": "dec", "dec": "dec", "ethyl methyl carbonate": "emc", "emc": "emc", "fluoroethylene carbonate": "fec", "fec": "fec", "vinyl carbonate": "vc", "vinylene carbonate": "vc", "vc": "vc", "1,3-dioxolane": "dol", "dioxolane": "dol", "dol": "dol", "ethylene glycol monomethyl ether": "egme", "2-methoxyethanol": "egme", "egme": "egme", "dme": "dme", "1,2-dimethoxyethane": "dme", "glyme": "dme", "monoglyme": "dme", "2-methoxyethyl ether": "diglyme", "diglyme": "diglyme", "triglyme": "triglyme", "tetraglyme": "tetraglyme", "acetonitrile": "acn", "acn": "acn", "water": "water", "h2o": "water", } # From PubChem MOLAR_MASS: Final[Dict[str, float]] = { "ec": 88.06, "pc": 102.09, "dec": 118.13, "dmc": 90.08, "emc": 104.05, "fec": 106.05, "vc": 86.05, "dol": 74.08, "egme": 76.09, "dme": 90.12, "diglyme": 134.17, "triglyme": 178.23, "tetraglyme": 222.28, "acn": 41.05, "water": 18.01528, } # from Sigma-Aldrich DENSITY: Final[Dict[str, float]] = { "ec": 1.321, "pc": 1.204, "dec": 0.975, "dmc": 1.069, "emc": 1.006, "fec": 1.454, # from "vc": 1.355, "dol": 1.06, "dme": 0.867, "egme": 0.965, "diglyme": 0.939, "triglyme": 0.986, "tetraglyme": 1.009, "acn": 0.786, "water": 0.99707, } def atom_vec(atom1: Atom, atom2: Atom, dimension: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculate the vector of the positions from atom2 to atom1. Args: atom1: Atom obj 1. atom2: Atom obj 2. dimension: box dimension. Return: The obtained vector """ vec = [0, 0, 0] for i in range(3): diff = atom1.position[i] - atom2.position[i] if diff > dimension[i] / 2: vec[i] = diff - dimension[i] elif diff < -dimension[i] / 2: vec[i] = diff + dimension[i] else: vec[i] = diff return np.array(vec) def position_vec( pos1: Union[List[float], np.ndarray], pos2: Union[List[float], np.ndarray], dimension: Union[List[float], np.ndarray], ) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculate the vector from pos2 to pos2. Args: pos1: Array of 3d coordinates 1. pos2: Array of 3d coordinates 2. dimension: box dimension. Return: The obtained vector. """ vec: List[Union[int, float, np.floating]] = [0, 0, 0] for i in range(3): diff = pos1[i] - pos2[i] if diff > dimension[i] / 2: vec[i] = diff - dimension[i] elif diff < -dimension[i] / 2: vec[i] = diff + dimension[i] else: vec[i] = diff return np.array(vec) def angle(a: np.ndarray, b: np.ndarray, c: np.ndarray) -> np.floating: """ Calculate the angle between three atoms. Args: a: Coordinates of atom A. b: Coordinates of atom B. c: Coordinates of atom C. Returns: The degree A-B-C. """ ba = a - b bc = c - b cosine_angle =, bc) / (np.linalg.norm(ba) * np.linalg.norm(bc)) cosine_angle = np.clip(cosine_angle, -1.0, 1.0) angle_in_radian = np.arccos(cosine_angle) return np.degrees(angle_in_radian) def mass_to_name(masses: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Map atom names to element names. Args: masses: The masses array of atoms in an ``Universe``. Return: The element name array. """ names = [] for mass in masses: for item in MM_of_Elements.items(): if math.isclose(mass, item[1], abs_tol=0.1): names.append(item[0]) assert len(masses) == len(names), "Invalid mass found." return np.array(names) def lmp_mass_to_name(df: pd.DataFrame) -> Dict[int, str]: """ Create a dict for mapping atom type id to element from the mass information. Args: df: The masses attribute from LammpsData object Return: The element dict. """ atoms = {} for row in df.index: for item in MM_of_Elements.items(): if math.isclose(df["mass"][row], item[1], abs_tol=0.01): atoms[int(row)] = item[0] return atoms def assign_name(u: Universe, names: np.ndarray): """ Assign resnames to residues in a MDAnalysis.universe object. The function will not overwrite existing names. Args: u: The universe object to assign resnames to. names: The element name array. """ u.add_TopologyAttr("name", values=names) def assign_resname(u: Universe, res_dict: Dict[str, str]): """ Assign resnames to residues in a MDAnalysis.universe object. The function will not overwrite existing resnames. Args: u: The universe object to assign resnames to. res_dict: A dictionary of resnames, where each resname is a key and the corresponding values are the selection language. """ u.add_TopologyAttr("resname") for key, val in res_dict.items(): res_group = u.select_atoms(val) res_names = res_group.residues.resnames res_names[res_names == ""] = key res_group.residues.resnames = res_names def res_dict_from_select_dict(u: Universe, select_dict: Dict[str, str]) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Infer res_dict (residue selection) from select_dict (atom selection) in a MDAnalysis.universe object. Args: u: The universe object to assign resnames to. select_dict: A dictionary of atom species, where each atom species name is a key and the corresponding values are the selection language. return: A dictionary of resnames. """ saved_select = [] res_dict = {} for key, val in select_dict.items(): res_select = "same resid as (" + val + ")" res_group = u.select_atoms(res_select) if key in ["cation", "anion"] or res_group not in saved_select: saved_select.append(res_group) res_dict[key] = res_select if ( "cation" in res_dict and "anion" in res_dict and u.select_atoms(res_dict.get("cation")) == u.select_atoms(res_dict.get("anion")) ): res_dict.pop("anion") res_dict["salt"] = res_dict.pop("cation") return res_dict def res_dict_from_datafile(filename: str) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Infer res_dict (residue selection) from a LAMMPS data file. Args: filename: Path to the data file. The data file must be generated by a CombinedData object. return: A dictionary of resnames. """ res_dict = {} with open(filename, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() if lines[0] == "Generated by\n" and lines[1].startswith("#"): elyte_info = re.findall(r"\w+", lines[1]) it = iter(elyte_info) idx = 1 for num in it: name = next(it) if name.isnumeric(): frag = int(name) name = next(it) names = [name + c for c in string.ascii_lowercase[0:frag]] start = idx idx += int(num) * frag for i, n in enumerate(names): res_dict[n] = "same mass as resid " + str(start + i) else: start = idx idx += int(num) end = idx res_dict[name] = "resid " + str(start) + "-" + str(end - 1) return res_dict raise ValueError("The LAMMPS data file should be generated by") def res_dict_from_lammpsdata(lammps_data: CombinedData) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Infer res_dict (residue selection) from a LAMMPS data file. Args: lammps_data: A CombinedData object. return: A dictionary of resnames. """ assert isinstance(lammps_data, CombinedData) idx = 1 res_dict = {} if hasattr(lammps_data, "frags"): for name, num, frag in zip(lammps_data.names, lammps_data.nums, lammps_data.frags): if frag == 1: start = idx idx += num end = idx res_dict[name] = "resid " + str(start) + "-" + str(end - 1) else: names = [name + c for c in string.ascii_lowercase[0:frag]] start = idx idx += int(num) * frag for i, n in enumerate(names): res_dict[n] = "same mass as resid " + str(start + i) else: for name, num in zip(lammps_data.names, lammps_data.nums): start = idx idx += num end = idx res_dict[name] = "resid " + str(start) + "-" + str(end - 1) return res_dict def select_dict_from_resname(u: Universe) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Infer select_dict (possibly interested atom species selection) from resnames in a MDAnalysis.universe object. The resname must be pre-assigned already. Args: u: The universe object to work with. return: A dictionary of atom species. """ select_dict: Dict[str, str] = {} resnames = np.unique(u.residues.resnames) for resname in resnames: if resname == "": continue residue = u.select_atoms("resname " + resname).residues[0] if np.isclose(residue.charge, 0, atol=1e-5): # np.sum(residue.atoms.charges) if len(residue.atoms.fragments) == 2: for i, frag in enumerate(residue.atoms.fragments): charge = np.sum(frag.charges) if charge > 0.001: extract_atom_from_ion(True, frag, select_dict) elif charge < -0.001: extract_atom_from_ion(False, frag, select_dict) else: extract_atom_from_molecule(resname, frag, select_dict, number=i + 1) elif len(residue.atoms.fragments) >= 2: cation_number = 1 anion_number = 1 molecule_number = 1 for frag in residue.atoms.fragments: charge = np.sum(frag.charges) if charge > 0.001: extract_atom_from_ion(True, frag, select_dict, cation_number) cation_number += 1 elif charge < -0.001: extract_atom_from_ion(False, frag, select_dict, anion_number) anion_number += 1 else: extract_atom_from_molecule(resname, frag, select_dict, molecule_number) molecule_number += 1 else: extract_atom_from_molecule(resname, residue, select_dict) elif residue.charge > 0: extract_atom_from_ion(True, residue, select_dict) else: extract_atom_from_ion(False, residue, select_dict) return select_dict def extract_atom_from_ion(positive: bool, ion: Union[Residue, AtomGroup], select_dict: Dict[str, str], number: int = 0): """ Assign the most most charged atom and/or one unique atom in the ion into select_dict. Args: positive: Whether the charge of ion is positive. Otherwise negative. Default to True. ion: Residue or AtomGroup select_dict: A dictionary of atom species, where each atom species name is a key and the corresponding values are the selection language. number: The serial number of the ion. """ if positive: if number == 0: cation_name = "cation" else: cation_name = "cation_" + str(number) if len(ion.atoms.types) == 1: select_dict[cation_name] = "type " + ion.atoms.types[0] else: # The most positively charged atom in the cation pos_center = ion.atoms[np.argmax(ion.atoms.charges)] unique_types = np.unique(ion.atoms.types, return_counts=True) # One unique atom in the cation uni_center = unique_types[0][np.argmin(unique_types[1])] if pos_center.type == uni_center: select_dict[cation_name] = "type " + uni_center else: select_dict[cation_name + "_" + + pos_center.type] = "type " + pos_center.type select_dict[cation_name] = "type " + uni_center else: if number == 0: anion_name = "anion" else: anion_name = "anion_" + str(number) if len(ion.atoms.types) == 1: select_dict[anion_name] = "type " + ion.atoms.types[0] else: # The most negatively charged atom in the anion neg_center = ion.atoms[np.argmin(ion.atoms.charges)] unique_types = np.unique(ion.atoms.types, return_counts=True) # One unique atom in the anion uni_center = unique_types[0][np.argmin(unique_types[1])] if neg_center.type == uni_center: select_dict[anion_name] = "type " + uni_center else: select_dict[anion_name + "_" + + neg_center.type] = "type " + neg_center.type select_dict[anion_name] = "type " + uni_center def extract_atom_from_molecule( resname: str, molecule: Union[Residue, AtomGroup], select_dict: Dict[str, str], number: int = 0 ): """ Assign the most negatively charged atom in the molecule into select_dict Args: resname: The name of the molecule molecule: The Residue or AtomGroup obj of the molecule. select_dict: A dictionary of atom species, where each atom species name is a key and the corresponding values are the selection language. number: The serial number of the molecule under the name of resname. """ # neg_center = residue.atoms[np.argmin(residue.atoms.charges)] # select_dict[resname + "-" + + neg_center.type] = "type " + neg_center.type # pos_center = residue.atoms[np.argmax(residue.atoms.charges)] # select_dict[resname + "+" + + pos_center.type] = "type " + pos_center.type # The most negatively charged atom in the anion if number > 0: resname = resname + "_" + str(number) neg_center = molecule.atoms[np.argmin(molecule.atoms.charges)] select_dict[resname] = "type " + neg_center.type def ff_parser(ff_dir: str, xyz_dir: str) -> str: """ A parser to convert a force field field from Maestro format to LAMMPS data format. Args: ff_dir: The path to the Maestro force field file. xyz_dir: The path to the xyz structure file. Return: The output LAMMPS data string. """ with open(xyz_dir, "r") as f_xyz: molecule =
pd.read_table(f_xyz, skiprows=2, delim_whitespace=True, names=["atom", "x", "y", "z"])
import pandas as pd import numpy as np # import tensorflow as tf import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf def data_prepare(): tf.disable_v2_behavior() ratings_df =
import logging, os, time, multiprocessing, sys, signal logging.disable(logging.WARNING) os.environ["TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL"] = "3" import tensorflow as tf import gym import pybullet, pybullet_envs, pybullet_data import numpy as np import pandas as pd from stable_baselines.sac.policies import MlpPolicy from stable_baselines.clac.policies import MlpPolicy as CLAC_MlpPolicy from stable_baselines.common.vec_env import DummyVecEnv from stable_baselines import SAC, CLAC #from tensorflow.python.client import device_lib #print(device_lib.list_local_devices()) #ENVIRONMENT_NAMES = [Walker2DBulletEnv-v0, Robots/AntBulletEnv-v0 , "HopperBulletEnv-v0" , "HumanoidBulletEnv-v0", "HalfCheetahBulletEnv-v0"] #FOLDERS = [ "Robots/AntBulletEnv" , "Robots/HopperBulletEnv" , "Robots/HumanoidBulletEnv", "Robots/HumanoidFlagrunBulletEnv"] #physicsClient = pybullet.connect(pybullet.GUI) #or p.DIRECT for non-graphical version #pybullet.setAdditionalSearchPath(pybullet_data.getDataPath()) #optionally # Robots # RobotsGen # RobotsExtremeGen FOLDER = "Robots/AntBulletEnv" # Create target Directory if don't exist if not os.path.exists(FOLDER): os.mkdir(FOLDER) if not os.path.exists(FOLDER + "/models"): os.mkdir(FOLDER + "/models") if not os.path.exists(FOLDER + "/results"): os.mkdir(FOLDER + "/results") if not os.path.exists(FOLDER + "/features"): os.mkdir(FOLDER + "/features") NUM_RESAMPLES = 0 NUM_TRAINING_STEPS = 1000000 ENVIRONMENT_NAME = "AntBulletEnv-v0" RANDOMIZATION_LEVEL = "None" #RANDOMIZATION_LEVEL = "Test" #RANDOMIZATION_LEVEL = "Normal" #RANDOMIZATION_LEVEL = "Extreme" CLAC_COEFS = [2.0] agent_step = 9 for coef_index in range(len(CLAC_COEFS)): mut_coef = CLAC_COEFS[coef_index] if(agent_step == 1): print(mut_coef, " ", NUM_TRAINING_STEPS, " ", ENVIRONMENT_NAME, " ", FOLDER) features =
#!/usr/bin/python3 import json import sys import subprocess import pandas import os import shutil import pprint from deepdiff import DeepDiff current_report = "/opt/ptx/trivy/reports_raw/current_report.json" last_known = "/opt/ptx/trivy/last_known/last_output.json" severity = "HIGH,CRITICAL" def run_cmd(cmd): cmd = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) cmd = return cmd docker_images_l = run_cmd("docker image ls -q").split() docker_images_l = [ image.decode("utf-8") for image in docker_images_l ] js_output= [] for image_id in docker_images_l: cmd = run_cmd("docker image inspect " + image_id) get_docker_image_info = json.loads(cmd) name = "".join(get_docker_image_info[0]["RepoTags"]) tempd = { "image_name": name, "image_id": image_id } ### perform the Trivy scan on the image try: report = run_cmd("trivy -f json -q --severity " + severity + " " + name) except Exception as e: pass print(str(e)) continue tempd["report"] = json.loads(report) ### We may encouner multiple vulnerabilities list from different subpackages all_vuln = [] for result in tempd["report"]["Results"]: all_vuln.append(result["Vulnerabilities"]) tempd["report"] = [i for l in all_vuln for i in l] js_output.append(tempd) current_report_content = js_output def analyze_report(vulnerabilities): temp =
# Copyright (c) 2020-2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION. import datetime import operator import re import cupy as cp import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pytest import cudf from cudf.core._compat import PANDAS_GE_120 from cudf.testing import _utils as utils from cudf.testing._utils import assert_eq, assert_exceptions_equal _TIMEDELTA_DATA = [ [1000000, 200000, 3000000], [1000000, 200000, None], [], [None], [None, None, None, None, None], [12, 12, 22, 343, 4353534, 435342], np.array([10, 20, 30, None, 100]), cp.asarray([10, 20, 30, 100]), [1000000, 200000, 3000000], [1000000, 200000, None], [1], [12, 11, 232, 223432411, 2343241, 234324, 23234], [12, 11, 2.32, 2234.32411, 2343.241, 23432.4, 23234], [1.321, 1132.324, 23223231.11, 233.41, 0.2434, 332, 323], [ 136457654736252, 134736784364431, 245345345545332, 223432411, 2343241, 3634548734, 23234, ], [12, 11, 2.32, 2234.32411, 2343.241, 23432.4, 23234], ] _TIMEDELTA_DATA_NON_OVERFLOW = [ [1000000, 200000, 3000000], [1000000, 200000, None], [], [None], [None, None, None, None, None], [12, 12, 22, 343, 4353534, 435342], np.array([10, 20, 30, None, 100]), cp.asarray([10, 20, 30, 100]), [1000000, 200000, 3000000], [1000000, 200000, None], [1], [12, 11, 232, 223432411, 2343241, 234324, 23234], [12, 11, 2.32, 2234.32411, 2343.241, 23432.4, 23234], [1.321, 1132.324, 23223231.11, 233.41, 0.2434, 332, 323], [12, 11, 2.32, 2234.32411, 2343.241, 23432.4, 23234], ] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "data", [ [1000000, 200000, 3000000], [1000000, 200000, None], [], [None], [None, None, None, None, None], [12, 12, 22, 343, 4353534, 435342], [0.3534, 12, 22, 343, 43.53534, 4353.42], np.array([10, 20, 30, None, 100]), cp.asarray([10, 20, 30, 100]), ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", utils.TIMEDELTA_TYPES) def test_timedelta_series_create(data, dtype): if dtype not in ("timedelta64[ns]"): pytest.skip( "Bug in pandas" "" ) psr = pd.Series( cp.asnumpy(data) if isinstance(data, cp.ndarray) else data, dtype=dtype ) gsr = cudf.Series(data, dtype=dtype) assert_eq(psr, gsr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "data", [ [1000000, 200000, 3000000], [12, 12, 22, 343, 4353534, 435342], [0.3534, 12, 22, 343, 43.53534, 4353.42], cp.asarray([10, 20, 30, 100]), ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", utils.TIMEDELTA_TYPES) @pytest.mark.parametrize("cast_dtype", ["int64", "category"]) def test_timedelta_from_typecast(data, dtype, cast_dtype): if dtype not in ("timedelta64[ns]"): pytest.skip( "Bug in pandas" "" ) psr = pd.Series( cp.asnumpy(data) if isinstance(data, cp.ndarray) else data, dtype=dtype ) gsr = cudf.Series(data, dtype=dtype) if cast_dtype == "int64": assert_eq(psr.values.view(cast_dtype), gsr.astype(cast_dtype).values) else: assert_eq(psr.astype(cast_dtype), gsr.astype(cast_dtype)) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "data", [ [1000000, 200000, 3000000], [12, 12, 22, 343, 4353534, 435342], [0.3534, 12, 22, 343, 43.53534, 4353.42], cp.asarray([10, 20, 30, 100]), ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("cast_dtype", utils.TIMEDELTA_TYPES) def test_timedelta_to_typecast(data, cast_dtype): psr = pd.Series(cp.asnumpy(data) if isinstance(data, cp.ndarray) else data) gsr = cudf.Series(data) assert_eq(psr.astype(cast_dtype), gsr.astype(cast_dtype)) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "data", [ [1000000, 200000, 3000000], [1000000, 200000, None], [], [None], [None, None, None, None, None], [12, 12, 22, 343, 4353534, 435342], [0.3534, 12, 22, 343, 43.53534, 4353.42], np.array([10, 20, 30, None, 100]), cp.asarray([10, 20, 30, 100]), ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", utils.TIMEDELTA_TYPES) def test_timedelta_from_pandas(data, dtype): psr = pd.Series( cp.asnumpy(data) if isinstance(data, cp.ndarray) else data, dtype=dtype ) gsr = cudf.from_pandas(psr) assert_eq(psr, gsr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "data", [ [1000000, 200000, 3000000], [1000000, 200000, None], [], [None], [None, None, None, None, None], [12, 12, 22, 343, 4353534, 435342], np.array([10, 20, 30, None, 100]), cp.asarray([10, 20, 30, 100]), ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", utils.TIMEDELTA_TYPES) def test_timedelta_series_to_numpy(data, dtype): gsr = cudf.Series(data, dtype=dtype) expected = np.array( cp.asnumpy(data) if isinstance(data, cp.ndarray) else data, dtype=dtype ) expected = expected[~np.isnan(expected)] actual = gsr.dropna().to_numpy() np.testing.assert_array_equal(expected, actual) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "data", [ [1000000, 200000, 3000000], [1000000, 200000, None], [], [None], [None, None, None, None, None], [12, 12, 22, 343, 4353534, 435342], np.array([10, 20, 30, None, 100]), cp.asarray([10, 20, 30, 100]), ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", utils.TIMEDELTA_TYPES) def test_timedelta_series_to_pandas(data, dtype): gsr = cudf.Series(data, dtype=dtype) expected = np.array( cp.asnumpy(data) if isinstance(data, cp.ndarray) else data, dtype=dtype ) expected = pd.Series(expected) actual = gsr.to_pandas() assert_eq(expected, actual) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "data,other", [ ([1000000, 200000, 3000000], [1000000, 200000, 3000000]), ([1000000, 200000, None], [1000000, 200000, None]), ([], []), ([None], [None]), ([None, None, None, None, None], [None, None, None, None, None]), ( [12, 12, 22, 343, 4353534, 435342], [12, 12, 22, 343, 4353534, 435342], ), (np.array([10, 20, 30, None, 100]), np.array([10, 20, 30, None, 100])), (cp.asarray([10, 20, 30, 100]), cp.asarray([10, 20, 30, 100])), ([1000000, 200000, 3000000], [200000, 34543, 3000000]), ([1000000, 200000, None], [1000000, 200000, 3000000]), ([None], [1]), ( [12, 12, 22, 343, 4353534, 435342], [None, 1, 220, 3, 34, 4353423287], ), (np.array([10, 20, 30, None, 100]), np.array([10, 20, 30, None, 100])), (cp.asarray([10, 20, 30, 100]), cp.asarray([10, 20, 30, 100])), ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", utils.TIMEDELTA_TYPES) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "ops", [ "eq", "ne", "lt", "gt", "le", "ge", "add", "radd", "sub", "rsub", "floordiv", "truediv", "mod", ], ) def test_timedelta_ops_misc_inputs(data, other, dtype, ops): gsr = cudf.Series(data, dtype=dtype) other_gsr = cudf.Series(other, dtype=dtype) psr = gsr.to_pandas() other_psr = other_gsr.to_pandas() expected = getattr(psr, ops)(other_psr) actual = getattr(gsr, ops)(other_gsr) if ops in ("eq", "lt", "gt", "le", "ge"): actual = actual.fillna(False) elif ops == "ne": actual = actual.fillna(True) if ops == "floordiv": expected[actual.isna().to_pandas()] = np.nan assert_eq(expected, actual) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "datetime_data,timedelta_data", [ ([1000000, 200000, 3000000], [1000000, 200000, 3000000]), ([1000000, 200000, None], [1000000, 200000, None]), ([], []), ([None], [None]), ([None, None, None, None, None], [None, None, None, None, None]), ( [12, 12, 22, 343, 4353534, 435342], [12, 12, 22, 343, 4353534, 435342], ), (np.array([10, 20, 30, None, 100]), np.array([10, 20, 30, None, 100])), (cp.asarray([10, 20, 30, 100]), cp.asarray([10, 20, 30, 100])), ([1000000, 200000, 3000000], [200000, 34543, 3000000]), ([1000000, 200000, None], [1000000, 200000, 3000000]), ([None], [1]), ( [12, 12, 22, 343, 4353534, 435342], [None, 1, 220, 3, 34, 4353423287], ), (np.array([10, 20, 30, None, 100]), np.array([10, 20, 30, None, 100])), (cp.asarray([10, 20, 30, 100]), cp.asarray([10, 20, 30, 100])), ( [12, 11, 232, 223432411, 2343241, 234324, 23234], [11, 1132324, 2322323111, 23341, 2434, 332, 323], ), ( [12, 11, 2.32, 2234.32411, 2343.241, 23432.4, 23234], [11, 1132324, 2322323111, 23341, 2434, 332, 323], ), ( [11, 1132324, 2322323111, 23341, 2434, 332, 323], [12, 11, 2.32, 2234.32411, 2343.241, 23432.4, 23234], ), ( [1.321, 1132.324, 23223231.11, 233.41, 0.2434, 332, 323], [12, 11, 2.32, 2234.32411, 2343.241, 23432.4, 23234], ), ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("datetime_dtype", utils.DATETIME_TYPES) @pytest.mark.parametrize("timedelta_dtype", utils.TIMEDELTA_TYPES) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "ops", ["add", "sub"], ) def test_timedelta_ops_datetime_inputs( datetime_data, timedelta_data, datetime_dtype, timedelta_dtype, ops ): gsr_datetime = cudf.Series(datetime_data, dtype=datetime_dtype) gsr_timedelta = cudf.Series(timedelta_data, dtype=timedelta_dtype) psr_datetime = gsr_datetime.to_pandas() psr_timedelta = gsr_timedelta.to_pandas() expected = getattr(psr_datetime, ops)(psr_timedelta) actual = getattr(gsr_datetime, ops)(gsr_timedelta) assert_eq(expected, actual) if ops == "add": expected = getattr(psr_timedelta, ops)(psr_datetime) actual = getattr(gsr_timedelta, ops)(gsr_datetime) assert_eq(expected, actual) elif ops == "sub": assert_exceptions_equal( lfunc=operator.sub, rfunc=operator.sub, lfunc_args_and_kwargs=([psr_timedelta, psr_datetime],), rfunc_args_and_kwargs=([gsr_timedelta, gsr_datetime],), compare_error_message=False, ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "df", [ pd.DataFrame( { "A": pd.Series(pd.date_range("2012-1-1", periods=3, freq="D")), "B": pd.Series([
import pandas as pd from nltk.corpus import stopwords from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize from nltk.stem.porter import PorterStemmer from collections import Counter import csv import itertools as IT import operator def preprocessing(): train = pd.read_csv('original_dataset.csv') newdict = {'status':[],'o':[],'c':[],'e':[],'a':[],'n':[]} train.sort_values(by="#AUTHID") authid = '' for row in train.itertuples(): if row[1]==authid: newdict['status'][-1] += ' ' + row[2] else: newdict['status'].append(row[2]) newdict['o'].append((row[12])) newdict['c'].append((row[11])) newdict['e'].append((row[8])) newdict['a'].append((row[10])) newdict['n'].append((row[9])) authid = row[1] df=
import numpy as np import pandas as pd from decisionengine.framework.modules import Source PRODUCES = ["provisioner_resources"] class ProvisionerResourceList(Source.Source): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def produces(self, schema_id_list): return PRODUCES # The DataBlock given to the source is t=0 def acquire(self): resource_list = [ {"ResourceName": "AWS1", "ResourceCpus": 2, "ResourceMemory": 8, "EC2Type": "m4.large"}, {"ResourceName": "AWS2", "ResourceCpus": 4, "ResourceMemory": 16, "EC2Type": "m4.xlarge"}, {"ResourceName": "AWS3", "ResourceCpus": 2, "ResourceMemory": 7.5, "EC2Type": "m3.large"}, {"ResourceName": "AWS4", "ResourceCpus": 4, "ResourceMemory": 15, "EC2Type": "m3.xlarge"}, {"ResourceName": "AWS5", "ResourceCpus": 4, "ResourceMemory": 7.5, "EC2Type": "c4.xlarge"} ] resource_keys = resource_list[0].keys() pandas_data = {} for key in resource_keys: pandas_data[key] = pd.Series([d[key] for d in resource_list]) return {"provisioner_resources":
""" Updated on Thursday December 10th, 2020 @author: <NAME> The object of this script is to perform the following tasks: 1. Grab the current List of S&P 500 Company Tickers 2. Using the Yahoo Finance API, Download all the data for a given time period and save them to a csv. (open, high, low, close,volume, dividends, stock splits) 3. Update the data when called. In this case the update period will be calculated. If the data has not been updated in greater than 3 months, the data should be refreshed using the original grab function, as opposed to the update function. 4. Using any csv list of stock tickers, download or update the data accordingly. 5. Read a CSV with stock tickers and import them into a csv file for use as above. Notes: Yahoo Finance acceptable time periods: valid periods: 1d,5d,1mo,3mo,6mo,1y,2y,5y,10y,ytd,max Valid intervals: 1m,2m,5m,15m,30m,60m,90m,1h,1d,5d,1wk,1mo,3mo Intraday data cannot extend last 60 days MIT License Copyright (c) 2020 <NAME> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ #imports import bs4 as bs import requests import os import time import yfinance as yf import pandas as pd from datetime import datetime import glob as g import sys ''' Function Name: save_sp_500_tickers(data_directory) Function Purpose: To get the current list of S&P500 ticker Symbols from wikipedia and save them to a file tickers.csv Arguments: data_directory: A string representing the data directory where csv files containing tickers are stored Output: sp500tickers.csv ''' def save_sp_500_tickers(data_directory): resp=requests.get('') soup=bs.BeautifulSoup(resp.text, 'lxml') table=soup.find('table',{'class': 'wikitable sortable'}) tickers=[] tickers.append("Ticker") for row in table.findAll('tr')[1:]: ticker = row.findAll('td')[0].text.replace('.','-') ticker = ticker[:-1] tickers.append(ticker) if os.path.exists(data_directory+'sp500tickers.csv'): os.remove(data_directory+'sp500tickers.csv') with open(data_directory+'sp500tickers.csv',"a",newline='') as f: tickersDf=
# %load import pandas as pd import os import numpy as np from datetime import datetime import json from os import listdir from os.path import isfile, join def pdf(data): return pd.DataFrame(data) def read_csv_power_file(file_path, filename): csv_path = os.path.join(file_path, filename) df =
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns import os from copy import deepcopy from sklearn.utils import shuffle from tqdm import tqdm ############ Make test networks ############ def make_triangonal_net(): """ Make a triangonal network. """ dict_nodes = {'x': [1,3,2], 'y': [2,2,1], 'a': [1,0,0], 'b': [0,1,0], 'c': [0,0,1]} nodes = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict_nodes) data_edges = [[0,1], [1,2], [2,0]] edges = pd.DataFrame(data_edges, columns=['source','target']) return nodes, edges def make_trigonal_net(): """ Make a trigonal network. """ dict_nodes = {'x': [1,3,2,0,4,2], 'y': [2,2,1,3,3,0], 'a': [1,0,0,1,0,0], 'b': [0,1,0,0,1,0], 'c': [0,0,1,0,0,1]} nodes = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict_nodes) data_edges = [[0,1], [1,2], [2,0], [0,3], [1,4], [2,5]] edges = pd.DataFrame(data_edges, columns=['source','target']) return nodes, edges def make_P_net(): """ Make a P-shaped network. """ dict_nodes = {'x': [0,0,0,0,1,1], 'y': [0,1,2,3,3,2], 'a': [1,0,0,0,0,0], 'b': [0,0,0,0,1,0], 'c': [0,1,1,1,0,1]} nodes = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict_nodes) data_edges = [[0,1], [1,2], [2,3], [3,4], [4,5], [5,2]] edges = pd.DataFrame(data_edges, columns=['source','target']) return nodes, edges def make_high_assort_net(): """ Make a highly assortative network. """ dict_nodes = {'x': np.arange(12).astype(int), 'y': np.zeros(12).astype(int), 'a': [1] * 4 + [0] * 8, 'b': [0] * 4 + [1] * 4 + [0] * 4, 'c': [0] * 8 + [1] * 4} nodes = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict_nodes) edges_block = np.vstack((np.arange(3), np.arange(3) +1)).T data_edges = np.vstack((edges_block, edges_block + 4, edges_block + 8)) edges = pd.DataFrame(data_edges, columns=['source','target']) return nodes, edges def make_high_disassort_net(): """ Make a highly dissassortative network. """ dict_nodes = {'x': [1,2,3,4,4,4,3,2,1,0,0,0], 'y': [0,0,0,1,2,3,4,4,4,3,2,1], 'a': [1,0,0] * 4, 'b': [0,1,0] * 4, 'c': [0,0,1] * 4} nodes = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict_nodes) data_edges = np.vstack((np.arange(12), np.roll(np.arange(12), -1))).T edges = pd.DataFrame(data_edges, columns=['source','target']) return nodes, edges def make_random_graph_2libs(nb_nodes=100, p_connect=0.1, attributes=['a', 'b', 'c'], multi_mod=False): import networkx as nx # initialize the network G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(nb_nodes, p_connect, directed=False) pos = nx.kamada_kawai_layout(G) nodes = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(pos, orient='index', columns=['x','y']) edges = pd.DataFrame(list(G.edges), columns=['source', 'target']) # set attributes if multi_mod: nodes_class = np.random.randint(0, 2, size=(nb_nodes, len(attributes))).astype(bool) nodes = nodes.join(pd.DataFrame(nodes_class, index=nodes.index, columns=attributes)) else: nodes_class = np.random.choice(attributes, nb_nodes) nodes = nodes.join(pd.DataFrame(nodes_class, index=nodes.index, columns=['nodes_class'])) nodes = nodes.join(pd.get_dummies(nodes['nodes_class'])) if multi_mod: for col in attributes: # nx.set_node_attributes(G, df_nodes[col].to_dict(), col.replace('+','AND')) # only for glm extension file nx.set_node_attributes(G, nodes[col].to_dict(), col) else: nx.set_node_attributes(G, nodes['nodes_class'].to_dict(), 'nodes_class') return nodes, edges, G ############ Assortativity ############ def count_edges_undirected(nodes, edges, attributes): """Compute the count of edges whose end nodes correspond to given attributes. Parameters ---------- nodes : dataframe Attributes of all nodes edges : dataframe Edges between nodes given by their index attributes: list The attributes of nodes whose edges are selected Returns ------- count : int Count of edges """ pairs = np.logical_or(np.logical_and(nodes.loc[edges['source'], attributes[0]].values, nodes.loc[edges['target'], attributes[1]].values), np.logical_and(nodes.loc[edges['target'], attributes[0]].values, nodes.loc[edges['source'], attributes[1]].values)) count = pairs.sum() return count def count_edges_directed(nodes, edges, attributes): """Compute the count of edges whose end nodes correspond to given attributes. Parameters ---------- nodes : dataframe Attributes of all nodes edges : dataframe Edges between nodes given by their index attributes: list The attributes of nodes whose edges are selected Returns ------- count : int Count of edges """ pairs = np.logical_and(nodes.loc[edges['source'], attributes[0]].values, nodes.loc[edges['target'], attributes[1]].values) count = pairs.sum() return count def mixing_matrix(nodes, edges, attributes, normalized=True, double_diag=True): """Compute the mixing matrix of a network described by its `nodes` and `edges`. Parameters ---------- nodes : dataframe Attributes of all nodes edges : dataframe Edges between nodes given by their index attributes: list Categorical attributes considered in the mixing matrix normalized : bool (default=True) Return counts if False or probabilities if True. double_diag : bool (default=True) If True elements of the diagonal are doubled like in NetworkX or iGraph Returns ------- mixmat : array Mixing matrix """ mixmat = np.zeros((len(attributes), len(attributes))) for i in range(len(attributes)): for j in range(i+1): mixmat[i, j] = count_edges_undirected(nodes, edges, attributes=[attributes[i],attributes[j]]) mixmat[j, i] = mixmat[i, j] if double_diag: for i in range(len(attributes)): mixmat[i, i] += mixmat[i, i] if normalized: mixmat = mixmat / mixmat.sum() return mixmat # NetworkX code: def attribute_ac(M): """Compute assortativity for attribute matrix M. Parameters ---------- M : numpy array or matrix Attribute mixing matrix. Notes ----- This computes Eq. (2) in Ref. [1]_ , (trace(e)-sum(e^2))/(1-sum(e^2)), where e is the joint probability distribution (mixing matrix) of the specified attribute. References ---------- .. [1] <NAME>, Mixing patterns in networks, Physical Review E, 67 026126, 2003 """ try: import numpy except ImportError: raise ImportError( "attribute_assortativity requires NumPy: ") if M.sum() != 1.0: M = M / float(M.sum()) M = numpy.asmatrix(M) s = (M * M).sum() t = M.trace() r = (t - s) / (1 - s) return float(r) def mixmat_to_df(mixmat, attributes): """ Make a dataframe of a mixing matrix. """ return pd.DataFrame(mixmat, columns=attributes, index=attributes) def mixmat_to_columns(mixmat): """ Flattens a mixing matrix taking only elements of the lower triangle and diagonal. To revert this use `series_to_mixmat`. """ N = mixmat.shape[0] val = [] for i in range(N): for j in range(i+1): val.append(mixmat[i,j]) return val def series_to_mixmat(series, medfix=' - ', discard=' Z'): """ Convert a 1D pandas series into a 2D dataframe. To revert this use `mixmat_to_columns`. """ N = series.size combi = [[x.split(medfix)[0].replace(discard, ''), x.split(medfix)[1].replace(discard, '')] for x in series.index] # get unique elements of the list of mists from itertools import chain uniq = [*{*chain.from_iterable(combi)}] mat =
pd.DataFrame(data=None, index=uniq, columns=uniq)
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QDialog from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QVBoxLayout from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QGridLayout from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QTabWidget from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QWidget from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QLabel from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QLineEdit from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QPushButton from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QComboBox from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QFileDialog from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QTableWidget from PyQt5 import QtGui from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt5agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg as FigureCanvas from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt5agg import NavigationToolbar2QT as NavigationToolbar import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns import pandas as pd class LearnerTabs(QDialog): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setWindowTitle("Learning Analytics Dashboard") tabwidget = QTabWidget() tabwidget.addTab(SupportTab(), "Support") tabwidget.addTab(AnalyticsTab(), "Analytics") tabwidget.addTab(TrackerTab(), "Tracking") vboxLayout = QVBoxLayout() vboxLayout.addWidget(tabwidget) self.setLayout(vboxLayout) class SupportTab(QWidget): def __init__(self): super().__init__() filenameLabel = QLabel("Name:") fileNameEdit = QLineEdit() dob = QLabel("Birth Date:") dobedit = QLineEdit() age = QLabel("Age:") ageedit = QLineEdit() PhoneNu = QLabel("Phone:") phonedit = QLineEdit() ftablayout = QVBoxLayout() ftablayout.addWidget(filenameLabel) ftablayout.addWidget(fileNameEdit) ftablayout.addWidget(dob) ftablayout.addWidget(dobedit) ftablayout.addWidget(age) ftablayout.addWidget(ageedit) ftablayout.addWidget(PhoneNu) ftablayout.addWidget(phonedit) self.setLayout(ftablayout) class AnalyticsTab(QWidget): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(AnalyticsTab, self).__init__(parent) # a figure instance to plot on self.figure = plt.figure() # this is the Canvas Widget that displays the `figure` # it takes the `figure` instance as a parameter to __init__ self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self.figure) self.adjustSize() # this is the Navigation widget # it takes the Canvas widget and a parent self.toolbar = NavigationToolbar(self.canvas, self) self.module_idx = 0 self.tracker_idx = 0 self.comboBox = QComboBox() self.comboBox.addItem('Registration Tracking Board') self.comboBox.addItem('Learning Progress Tracking Board') self.comboBox.addItem('Performance Tracking Board') self.comboBox.addItem('Learning Behavior Tracking Board') self.comboBox.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.select_tracker) course_modules = ['AAA','BBB','CCC','DDD','EEE','FFF','GGG'] self.moduleBox = QComboBox() for module in course_modules: self.moduleBox.addItem(f'Course Module - {module}') self.moduleBox.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.select_module) # Just some button connected to `plot` method self.button = QPushButton('Plot') self.button.clicked.connect(self.plot) # set the layout layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(self.toolbar) layout.addWidget(self.canvas) layout.addWidget(self.comboBox) layout.addWidget(self.moduleBox) layout.addWidget(self.button) self.setLayout(layout) def select_module(self, i): self.module_idx = i def select_tracker(self, i): self.tracker_idx = i def regi_hist(self,course): df_student_regi = pd.read_csv("../../data/studentRegistration.csv") group = df_student_regi.groupby(['code_module']).get_group(course) ax = group['date_registration'].hist(cumulative=True, histtype='bar') ax.set_xlabel('registration date (relative to day 0)') ax.set_ylabel('learners (cumulative)') ax.set_title(f'Course Module - {course}') def progress_plot(self,course): df_stu_assess =
from .base import Controller from .base import Action import numpy as np import pandas as pd import logging from collections import namedtuple from tqdm import tqdm logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONTROL_QUEST = 'simglucose/params/Quest.csv' PATIENT_PARA_FILE = 'simglucose/params/vpatient_params.csv' ParamTup = namedtuple('ParamTup', ['basal', 'cf', 'cr']) class BBController(Controller): """ This is a Basal-Bolus Controller that is typically practiced by a Type-1 Diabetes patient. The performance of this controller can serve as a baseline when developing a more advanced controller. """ def __init__(self, target=140): =
import datetime as dt import pandas as pd import numpy as np def OpenFace(openface_features, PID, EXP): """ Tidy up OpenFace features in pandas data.frame to be stored in sqlite database: - Participant and experiment identifiers are added as columns - Underscores in column names are removed, because sqlite does not like underscores in column names. - Only column names with 'AU' in the column name are considered relevant features and kept, the rest is removed. Parameters ---------- video_features : pandas.core.frame.DataFrame Data frame with columns participant_id (str), experiment_id (str), timestamp (datetime64), and columns for the OpenFace derived video features: AU01r (float64), AU02r (float64), AU01c (float64), AU02c (float64) PID : str Participant identifier EXP : str Experiment identifier. Returns ------- video_features : pandas.core.frame.DataFrame New data frame """ # tidy up data frame: filter_col = [col for col in openface_features if col.startswith('AU')] filter_col.insert(0,'time') filter_col.insert(0,'participant_id') filter_col.insert(0,'experiment_id') openface_features['participant_id'] = PID openface_features['experiment_id'] = EXP openface_features = openface_features[filter_col] openface_features.columns = openface_features.columns.str.replace('_', '') openface_features = openface_features.rename(columns = {'experimentid':'experiment_id'}) openface_features = openface_features.rename(columns = {'participantid':'participant_id'}) return openface_features def Librosa(librosa_features, PID, EXP): """ Tidy up Librosa features in pandas data.frame to be stored in sqlite database: - Participant and experiment identifiers are added as columns - Underscores in column names are removed, because sqlite does not like underscores in column names. - Column zrc is renamed as zcrate - Only column names 'participant_id','experiment_id','time','pitch', 'rmse', 'zcrate are kept. Parameters ---------- audio_features : pandas.core.frame.DataFrame Data frame with columns participant_id (str), experiment_id (str), timestamp (datetime64), and columns for the librosa derived audio features: pitch (float64), rmse (float32), zcrate (float64) PID : str Participant identifier EXP : str Experiment identifier. Returns ------- audio_features : pandas.core.frame.DataFrame New data frame. """ librosa_features['participant_id'] = PID librosa_features['experiment_id'] = EXP librosa_features = librosa_features.rename(columns={'zrc': 'zcrate'}) librosa_features.drop(['timestamp'], axis = 1, inplace = True, errors = 'ignore') librosa_features = librosa_features[['participant_id','experiment_id','time','pitch','rmse','zcrate']] return librosa_features def downsample(time_series,res = '0.2S'): """ Downsamples time_series pandas data frame Parameters ---------- time_series: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame A pandas data.frame for which there is a column 'timestamps' with numeric timestamps. res: str Desired resolution in time after downsampling used by 'resample' function. Returns ------- time_series: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame New resampled data frame. """ Nvalues = len(time_series.index) samplerate = 1/ ((time_series.timestamp[Nvalues-1] - time_series.timestamp[0]) / Nvalues) timestart = dt.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) start = pd.Timestamp(timestart) end = pd.Timestamp(timestart + dt.timedelta(seconds=Nvalues/samplerate)) t = np.linspace(start.value, end.value, Nvalues) t =
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize from xgboost import XGBClassifier from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix # read data sets train = pd.read_csv(r"E:\MyDrive-2\DataScience\av-amexpert\train.csv") test = pd.read_csv(r"E:\MyDrive-2\DataScience\av-amexpert\test.csv") campaign_data = pd.read_csv(r"E:\MyDrive-2\DataScience\av-amexpert\campaign_data.csv") coupon_item_mapping = pd.read_csv(r"E:\MyDrive-2\DataScience\av-amexpert\coupon_item_mapping.csv") customer_demographics = pd.read_csv(r"E:\MyDrive-2\DataScience\av-amexpert\customer_demographics.csv") customer_transaction_data = pd.read_csv(r"E:\MyDrive-2\DataScience\av-amexpert\customer_transaction_data.csv") item_data =
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Scenario # # As an analyst for OilyGiant mining company our task is to find the best place for a new well. # # We will use several techniques, including machine learning and bootstrapping, to select the region with the highest profit margin. # # Machine learning prediction question: What is the predicted volume of reserves in thousand barrels for each region? # # Target (response): product (volume of reserves in thousand barrels) # # Useful Features (predictor variables): f0, f1, f2 unknown features important to analysis # # Datasets: geo_data_0.csv, geo_data_1.csv, geo_data_2.csv # # Analysis done December 2021 # In[1]: # import libraries # sklearn used for basic machine learning from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression from sklearn import tree from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error import matplotlib.pyplot as plt get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') import seaborn as sns from sklearn import metrics import pandas as pd import numpy as np import math from scipy import stats as st from numpy.random import RandomState state = RandomState(12345) # import sys and insert code to ignore warnings import sys if not sys.warnoptions: import warnings warnings.simplefilter("ignore") # # Step 1: Download and prepare the data # In[2]: # load the data for region0 try: region0 = pd.read_csv('/datasets/geo_data_0.csv') except: print('ERROR: Unable to find or access file.') # load the data for region1 try: region1 = pd.read_csv('/datasets/geo_data_1.csv') except: print('ERROR: Unable to find or access file.') # load the data for region2 try: region2 =
__author__ = "<NAME>" __license__ = 'MIT' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # IMPORTS # Modules import pandas as pd import os from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import numpy as np from scipy.stats import linregress import datetime # RiBuild Modules from delphin_6_automation.file_parsing import delphin_parser from delphin_6_automation.delphin_setup import damage_models # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # RIBuild # Functions def acronym_table(path): table_ = pd.read_excel(path).dropna() return table_ def load_results(folder, quantity, name, result_folder): df = pd.DataFrame() indices = 0 result_folder_ = f"{folder}/{result_folder}/results" for file in os.listdir(result_folder_): if quantity in file: value_dict = delphin_parser.d6o_to_dict(result_folder_, file)[0]['result'] cell = list(value_dict.keys())[0] values = value_dict[cell] df[file.split('.')[0][-1]] = values[8760:] indices += 1 df.index = pd.DatetimeIndex(start=datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 1), freq='h', periods=len(values[8760:])) df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([df.columns, [name, ] * indices], names=['location', 'brick type']) df = df.sort_index(axis=1) return df def abs_diff(x1, x2): return x2 - x1 def rel_diff(x1, x2): return np.absolute(x2 - x1) / np.absolute(x2) * 100 def compute_differences(data_frame): for column in data_frame.columns.levels[0]: data_frame[column, 'brick', 'rel_diff'] = rel_diff(data_frame[column, 'brick', 'out'], data_frame[column, '2d', 'out']) data_frame[column, 'brick', 'abs_diff'] = abs_diff(data_frame[column, 'brick', 'out'], data_frame[column, '2d', 'out']) data_frame[column, 'mortar', 'rel_diff'] = rel_diff(data_frame[column, 'mortar', 'out'], data_frame[column, '2d', 'out']) data_frame[column, 'mortar', 'abs_diff'] = abs_diff(data_frame[column, 'mortar', 'out'], data_frame[column, '2d', 'out']) data_frame = data_frame.sort_index(axis=1) return data_frame def save_to_hdf(data_frame, quantity, folder): hdf_file = folder + f'/{quantity}.h5' data_frame.to_hdf(hdf_file, key='data', append=True) def process_results(excel_file, result_folder, out_folder): table = acronym_table(excel_file) quantities = ['heat loss', 'temperature', 'relative humidity', 'moisture content', 'moisture integral'] for quantity in quantities: big_table = pd.DataFrame() for index in range(table.shape[0]): new_table = load_results(result_folder, quantity, table['Brick Type'][index], table['Result IDs'][index]) big_table = pd.concat([big_table, new_table], axis=1) save_to_hdf(big_table, quantity, out_folder) def create_totals(out_folder, quantity): hdf_file = out_folder + '/' + quantity + '.h5' store = pd.HDFStore(hdf_file) store_names = {'1a': {'48': {'insulated': [], 'uninsulated': []}, '36': {'insulated': [], 'uninsulated': []}, '24': {'insulated': [], 'uninsulated': []} }, '2a': {'48': {'insulated': [], 'uninsulated': []}, '36': {'insulated': [], 'uninsulated': []}, '24': {'insulated': [], 'uninsulated': []} }, '3a': {'48': {'insulated': [], 'uninsulated': []}, '36': {'insulated': [], 'uninsulated': []}, '24': {'insulated': [], 'uninsulated': []} }, '4a': {'48': {'insulated': [], 'uninsulated': []}, '36': {'insulated': [], 'uninsulated': []}, '24': {'insulated': [], 'uninsulated': []} }} for group in store.groups(): group_name = group._v_name if '_4a' in group_name: if '_48_' in group_name: if '_insulated_' in group_name: store_names['4a']['48']['insulated'].append(group_name) else: store_names['4a']['48']['uninsulated'].append(group_name) elif '_36_' in group_name: if '_insulated_' in group_name: store_names['4a']['36']['insulated'].append(group_name) else: store_names['4a']['36']['uninsulated'].append(group_name) elif '_24_' in group_name: if '_insulated_' in group_name: store_names['4a']['24']['insulated'].append(group_name) else: store_names['4a']['24']['uninsulated'].append(group_name) for key0 in store_names.keys(): for key1 in store_names[key0].keys(): for key2 in store_names[key0][key1].keys(): if store_names[key0][key1][key2]: frame_list = [] for frame in store_names[key0][key1][key2]: frame_list.append( store.append(value=pd.concat(frame_list), key=f'total_{key0}_{key1}_{key2}') store.close() def plot_linear_relation(data_frame, material, bounds, quantity, title): quantities = ['heat loss', 'temperature', 'relative humidity', 'moisture content', 'moisture integral', 'damage', 'wood rot', 'mould index', 'frost'] units = ['W/m$^2$', '$^o$C', '%', 'kg/m$^3$', 'kg', '-', '%', '-', '-'] i = quantities.index(quantity.lower()) if quantity.lower() in ['heat loss', 'moisture integral']: fig, axes = plt.subplots(figsize=(16, 8), ) fig.suptitle(f'{title} - {quantity}\n{material.title()}') elif quantity.lower() in ['mould index', 'wood rot', 'frost']: fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=2, nrows=1, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(16, 8), ) fig.suptitle(f'{title} - {quantity}\n{material.title()}') axes = axes.flatten() elif 'Uninsulated' in title: fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=3, nrows=2, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(16, 8), ) fig.suptitle(f'{title} - {quantity}\n{material.title()}') axes = axes.flatten() else: fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=4, nrows=2, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(16, 8), ) fig.suptitle(f'{title} - {quantity}\n{material.title()}') axes = axes.flatten() for location in data_frame.columns.levels[0]: if quantity.lower() in ['heat loss', 'moisture integral', ]: ax = axes else: ax = axes[int(location)] ax.set_title(f'Location {location}') slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = linregress(data_frame[location, material, 'out'], data_frame[location, '2d', 'out']) ax.scatter(data_frame[location, material, 'out'], data_frame[location, '2d', 'out'], label='Data') ax.plot(data_frame[location, material, 'out'], intercept + slope * data_frame[location, material, 'out'], 'r', label=f'f(x) = {slope:.4f} * x + {intercept:.4f}\nR$^2$ = {r_value:.2f}') ax.set_ylim(bounds[0], bounds[1]) ax.set_xlim(bounds[0], bounds[1]) ax.set_ylabel(f'2D Result - {units[i]}') ax.set_xlabel(f'1D Result - {units[i]}') ax.legend() def abs_diff_boxplot(data_frame, bounds, quantity, title): quantities = ['heat loss', 'temperature', 'relative humidity', 'moisture content', 'moisture integral', 'wood rot', 'mould index'] units = ['W/m$^2$', '$^o$C', '%', 'kg/m$^3$', 'kg', '%', '-'] i = quantities.index(quantity.lower()) abs_frame = data_frame.loc[:, pd.IndexSlice[:, :, 'abs_diff']] abs_frame.columns = abs_frame.columns.droplevel(level=2) plt.figure(figsize=(16, 8), tight_layout=True) plt.title(f'Absolute Difference - {quantity}\n' f'{title}') abs_frame.boxplot(showfliers=False) plt.ylim(bounds[0], bounds[1]) plt.ylabel(f'{quantity} - {units[i]}') def rel_diff_boxplot(data_frame, bounds, quantity, title, log=False): rel_frame = data_frame.loc[:, pd.IndexSlice[:, :, 'rel_diff']] rel_frame.columns = rel_frame.columns.droplevel(level=2) plt.figure(figsize=(16, 8), tight_layout=True) plt.title(f'Relative Difference - {quantity}\n' f'{title}') rel_frame.boxplot(showfliers=False) plt.ylim(bounds[0], bounds[1]) plt.ylabel(f'Relative Difference - %') if log: plt.gca().set_yscale('log') def compute_damage_models(excel_file, folder): table = acronym_table(excel_file) acro_dict = match_2d_1d(table) def frost(location): damage_df[location, 'brick', 'out'] = damage_models.frost_risk( pd.read_hdf(relative_humidity_file, key=acro_key)[location, 'brick', 'out'], pd.read_hdf(temperature_file, key=acro_key)[location, 'brick', 'out']) damage_df[location, 'mortar', 'out'] = damage_models.frost_risk( pd.read_hdf(relative_humidity_file, key=acro_key)[location, 'mortar', 'out'], pd.read_hdf(temperature_file, key=acro_key)[location, 'mortar', 'out']) damage_df[location, '2d', 'out'] = damage_models.frost_risk( pd.read_hdf(relative_humidity_file, key=acro_key)[location, '2d', 'out'], pd.read_hdf(temperature_file, key=acro_key)[location, '2d', 'out']) def rot(location): damage_df[location, 'brick', 'out'] = damage_models.wood_rot( pd.read_hdf(relative_humidity_file, key=acro_key)[location, 'brick', 'out'], pd.read_hdf(temperature_file, key=acro_key)[location, 'brick', 'out'])[0] damage_df[location, 'mortar', 'out'] = damage_models.wood_rot( pd.read_hdf(relative_humidity_file, key=acro_key)[location, 'mortar', 'out'], pd.read_hdf(temperature_file, key=acro_key)[location, 'mortar', 'out'])[0] damage_df[location, '2d', 'out'] = damage_models.wood_rot( pd.read_hdf(relative_humidity_file, key=acro_key)[location, '2d', 'out'],
pd.read_hdf(temperature_file, key=acro_key)
import datetime import numpy as np import pytest import pytz import pandas as pd from pandas import Timedelta, merge_asof, read_csv, to_datetime import pandas._testing as tm from pandas.core.reshape.merge import MergeError class TestAsOfMerge: def read_data(self, datapath, name, dedupe=False): path = datapath("reshape", "merge", "data", name) x = read_csv(path) if dedupe: x = x.drop_duplicates(["time", "ticker"], keep="last").reset_index( drop=True ) x.time = to_datetime(x.time) return x @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def setup_method(self, datapath): self.trades = self.read_data(datapath, "trades.csv") self.quotes = self.read_data(datapath, "quotes.csv", dedupe=True) self.asof = self.read_data(datapath, "asof.csv") self.tolerance = self.read_data(datapath, "tolerance.csv") self.allow_exact_matches = self.read_data(datapath, "allow_exact_matches.csv") self.allow_exact_matches_and_tolerance = self.read_data( datapath, "allow_exact_matches_and_tolerance.csv" ) def test_examples1(self): """ doc-string examples """ left = pd.DataFrame({"a": [1, 5, 10], "left_val": ["a", "b", "c"]}) right = pd.DataFrame({"a": [1, 2, 3, 6, 7], "right_val": [1, 2, 3, 6, 7]}) expected = pd.DataFrame( {"a": [1, 5, 10], "left_val": ["a", "b", "c"], "right_val": [1, 3, 7]} ) result = pd.merge_asof(left, right, on="a") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_examples2(self): """ doc-string examples """ trades = pd.DataFrame( { "time": pd.to_datetime( [ "20160525 13:30:00.023", "20160525 13:30:00.038", "20160525 13:30:00.048", "20160525 13:30:00.048", "20160525 13:30:00.048", ] ), "ticker": ["MSFT", "MSFT", "GOOG", "GOOG", "AAPL"], "price": [51.95, 51.95, 720.77, 720.92, 98.00], "quantity": [75, 155, 100, 100, 100], }, columns=["time", "ticker", "price", "quantity"], ) quotes = pd.DataFrame( { "time": pd.to_datetime( [ "20160525 13:30:00.023", "20160525 13:30:00.023", "20160525 13:30:00.030", "20160525 13:30:00.041", "20160525 13:30:00.048", "20160525 13:30:00.049", "20160525 13:30:00.072", "20160525 13:30:00.075", ] ), "ticker": [ "GOOG", "MSFT", "MSFT", "MSFT", "GOOG", "AAPL", "GOOG", "MSFT", ], "bid": [720.50, 51.95, 51.97, 51.99, 720.50, 97.99, 720.50, 52.01], "ask": [720.93, 51.96, 51.98, 52.00, 720.93, 98.01, 720.88, 52.03], }, columns=["time", "ticker", "bid", "ask"], ) pd.merge_asof(trades, quotes, on="time", by="ticker") pd.merge_asof( trades, quotes, on="time", by="ticker", tolerance=pd.Timedelta("2ms") ) expected = pd.DataFrame( { "time": pd.to_datetime( [ "20160525 13:30:00.023", "20160525 13:30:00.038", "20160525 13:30:00.048", "20160525 13:30:00.048", "20160525 13:30:00.048", ] ), "ticker": ["MSFT", "MSFT", "GOOG", "GOOG", "AAPL"], "price": [51.95, 51.95, 720.77, 720.92, 98.00], "quantity": [75, 155, 100, 100, 100], "bid": [np.nan, 51.97, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan], "ask": [np.nan, 51.98, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan], }, columns=["time", "ticker", "price", "quantity", "bid", "ask"], ) result = pd.merge_asof( trades, quotes, on="time", by="ticker", tolerance=pd.Timedelta("10ms"), allow_exact_matches=False, ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_examples3(self): """ doc-string examples """ # GH14887 left = pd.DataFrame({"a": [1, 5, 10], "left_val": ["a", "b", "c"]}) right = pd.DataFrame({"a": [1, 2, 3, 6, 7], "right_val": [1, 2, 3, 6, 7]}) expected = pd.DataFrame( {"a": [1, 5, 10], "left_val": ["a", "b", "c"], "right_val": [1, 6, np.nan]} ) result = pd.merge_asof(left, right, on="a", direction="forward") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_examples4(self): """ doc-string examples """ # GH14887 left = pd.DataFrame({"a": [1, 5, 10], "left_val": ["a", "b", "c"]}) right = pd.DataFrame({"a": [1, 2, 3, 6, 7], "right_val": [1, 2, 3, 6, 7]}) expected = pd.DataFrame( {"a": [1, 5, 10], "left_val": ["a", "b", "c"], "right_val": [1, 6, 7]} ) result = pd.merge_asof(left, right, on="a", direction="nearest") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_basic(self): expected = self.asof trades = self.trades quotes = self.quotes result = merge_asof(trades, quotes, on="time", by="ticker") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_basic_categorical(self): expected = self.asof trades = self.trades.copy() trades.ticker = trades.ticker.astype("category") quotes = self.quotes.copy() quotes.ticker = quotes.ticker.astype("category") expected.ticker = expected.ticker.astype("category") result = merge_asof(trades, quotes, on="time", by="ticker") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_basic_left_index(self): # GH14253 expected = self.asof trades = self.trades.set_index("time") quotes = self.quotes result = merge_asof( trades, quotes, left_index=True, right_on="time", by="ticker" ) # left-only index uses right"s index, oddly expected.index = result.index # time column appears after left"s columns expected = expected[result.columns] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_basic_right_index(self): expected = self.asof trades = self.trades quotes = self.quotes.set_index("time") result = merge_asof( trades, quotes, left_on="time", right_index=True, by="ticker" ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_basic_left_index_right_index(self): expected = self.asof.set_index("time") trades = self.trades.set_index("time") quotes = self.quotes.set_index("time") result = merge_asof( trades, quotes, left_index=True, right_index=True, by="ticker" ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_multi_index_on(self): def index_by_time_then_arbitrary_new_level(df): df = df.set_index("time") df = pd.concat([df, df], keys=["f1", "f2"], names=["f", "time"]) return df.reorder_levels([1, 0]).sort_index() trades = index_by_time_then_arbitrary_new_level(self.trades) quotes = index_by_time_then_arbitrary_new_level(self.quotes) expected = index_by_time_then_arbitrary_new_level(self.asof) result = merge_asof(trades, quotes, on="time", by=["ticker"]) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_on_and_index(self): # "on" parameter and index together is prohibited trades = self.trades.set_index("time") quotes = self.quotes.set_index("time") with pytest.raises(MergeError): merge_asof( trades, quotes, left_on="price", left_index=True, right_index=True ) trades = self.trades.set_index("time") quotes = self.quotes.set_index("time") with pytest.raises(MergeError): merge_asof( trades, quotes, right_on="bid", left_index=True, right_index=True ) def test_basic_left_by_right_by(self): # GH14253 expected = self.asof trades = self.trades quotes = self.quotes result = merge_asof( trades, quotes, on="time", left_by="ticker", right_by="ticker" ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_missing_right_by(self): expected = self.asof trades = self.trades quotes = self.quotes q = quotes[quotes.ticker != "MSFT"] result = merge_asof(trades, q, on="time", by="ticker") expected.loc[expected.ticker == "MSFT", ["bid", "ask"]] = np.nan tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_multiby(self): # GH13936 trades = pd.DataFrame( { "time": pd.to_datetime( [ "20160525 13:30:00.023", "20160525 13:30:00.023", "20160525 13:30:00.046", "20160525 13:30:00.048", "20160525 13:30:00.050", ] ), "ticker": ["MSFT", "MSFT", "GOOG", "GOOG", "AAPL"], "exch": ["ARCA", "NSDQ", "NSDQ", "BATS", "NSDQ"], "price": [51.95, 51.95, 720.77, 720.92, 98.00], "quantity": [75, 155, 100, 100, 100], }, columns=["time", "ticker", "exch", "price", "quantity"], ) quotes = pd.DataFrame( { "time": pd.to_datetime( [ "20160525 13:30:00.023", "20160525 13:30:00.023", "20160525 13:30:00.030", "20160525 13:30:00.041", "20160525 13:30:00.045", "20160525 13:30:00.049", ] ), "ticker": ["GOOG", "MSFT", "MSFT", "MSFT", "GOOG", "AAPL"], "exch": ["BATS", "NSDQ", "ARCA", "ARCA", "NSDQ", "ARCA"], "bid": [720.51, 51.95, 51.97, 51.99, 720.50, 97.99], "ask": [720.92, 51.96, 51.98, 52.00, 720.93, 98.01], }, columns=["time", "ticker", "exch", "bid", "ask"], ) expected = pd.DataFrame( { "time": pd.to_datetime( [ "20160525 13:30:00.023", "20160525 13:30:00.023", "20160525 13:30:00.046", "20160525 13:30:00.048", "20160525 13:30:00.050", ] ), "ticker": ["MSFT", "MSFT", "GOOG", "GOOG", "AAPL"], "exch": ["ARCA", "NSDQ", "NSDQ", "BATS", "NSDQ"], "price": [51.95, 51.95, 720.77, 720.92, 98.00], "quantity": [75, 155, 100, 100, 100], "bid": [np.nan, 51.95, 720.50, 720.51, np.nan], "ask": [np.nan, 51.96, 720.93, 720.92, np.nan], }, columns=["time", "ticker", "exch", "price", "quantity", "bid", "ask"], ) result = pd.merge_asof(trades, quotes, on="time", by=["ticker", "exch"]) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_multiby_heterogeneous_types(self): # GH13936 trades = pd.DataFrame( { "time": pd.to_datetime( [ "20160525 13:30:00.023", "20160525 13:30:00.023", "20160525 13:30:00.046", "20160525 13:30:00.048", "20160525 13:30:00.050", ] ), "ticker": [0, 0, 1, 1, 2], "exch": ["ARCA", "NSDQ", "NSDQ", "BATS", "NSDQ"], "price": [51.95, 51.95, 720.77, 720.92, 98.00], "quantity": [75, 155, 100, 100, 100], }, columns=["time", "ticker", "exch", "price", "quantity"], ) quotes = pd.DataFrame( { "time": pd.to_datetime( [ "20160525 13:30:00.023", "20160525 13:30:00.023", "20160525 13:30:00.030", "20160525 13:30:00.041", "20160525 13:30:00.045", "20160525 13:30:00.049", ] ), "ticker": [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2], "exch": ["BATS", "NSDQ", "ARCA", "ARCA", "NSDQ", "ARCA"], "bid": [720.51, 51.95, 51.97, 51.99, 720.50, 97.99], "ask": [720.92, 51.96, 51.98, 52.00, 720.93, 98.01], }, columns=["time", "ticker", "exch", "bid", "ask"], ) expected = pd.DataFrame( { "time": pd.to_datetime( [ "20160525 13:30:00.023", "20160525 13:30:00.023", "20160525 13:30:00.046", "20160525 13:30:00.048", "20160525 13:30:00.050", ] ), "ticker": [0, 0, 1, 1, 2], "exch": ["ARCA", "NSDQ", "NSDQ", "BATS", "NSDQ"], "price": [51.95, 51.95, 720.77, 720.92, 98.00], "quantity": [75, 155, 100, 100, 100], "bid": [np.nan, 51.95, 720.50, 720.51, np.nan], "ask": [np.nan, 51.96, 720.93, 720.92, np.nan], }, columns=["time", "ticker", "exch", "price", "quantity", "bid", "ask"], ) result = pd.merge_asof(trades, quotes, on="time", by=["ticker", "exch"]) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_multiby_indexed(self): # GH15676 left = pd.DataFrame( [ [pd.to_datetime("20160602"), 1, "a"], [pd.to_datetime("20160602"), 2, "a"], [pd.to_datetime("20160603"), 1, "b"], [pd.to_datetime("20160603"), 2, "b"], ], columns=["time", "k1", "k2"], ).set_index("time") right = pd.DataFrame( [ [pd.to_datetime("20160502"), 1, "a", 1.0], [pd.to_datetime("20160502"), 2, "a", 2.0], [pd.to_datetime("20160503"), 1, "b", 3.0], [pd.to_datetime("20160503"), 2, "b", 4.0], ], columns=["time", "k1", "k2", "value"], ).set_index("time") expected = pd.DataFrame( [ [pd.to_datetime("20160602"), 1, "a", 1.0], [pd.to_datetime("20160602"), 2, "a", 2.0], [pd.to_datetime("20160603"), 1, "b", 3.0], [pd.to_datetime("20160603"), 2, "b", 4.0], ], columns=["time", "k1", "k2", "value"], ).set_index("time") result = pd.merge_asof( left, right, left_index=True, right_index=True, by=["k1", "k2"] ) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, result) with pytest.raises(MergeError): pd.merge_asof( left, right, left_index=True, right_index=True, left_by=["k1", "k2"], right_by=["k1"], ) def test_basic2(self, datapath): expected = self.read_data(datapath, "asof2.csv") trades = self.read_data(datapath, "trades2.csv") quotes = self.read_data(datapath, "quotes2.csv", dedupe=True) result =
merge_asof(trades, quotes, on="time", by="ticker")
# pylint: disable=E1101 from datetime import datetime import datetime as dt import os import warnings import nose import struct import sys from distutils.version import LooseVersion import numpy as np import pandas as pd from pandas.compat import iterkeys from pandas.core.frame import DataFrame, Series from pandas.core.common import is_categorical_dtype from import read_csv from import (read_stata, StataReader, InvalidColumnName, PossiblePrecisionLoss, StataMissingValue) import pandas.util.testing as tm from pandas.tslib import NaT from pandas import compat class TestStata(tm.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.dirpath = tm.get_data_path() self.dta1_114 = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'stata1_114.dta') self.dta1_117 = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'stata1_117.dta') self.dta2_113 = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'stata2_113.dta') self.dta2_114 = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'stata2_114.dta') self.dta2_115 = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'stata2_115.dta') self.dta2_117 = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'stata2_117.dta') self.dta3_113 = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'stata3_113.dta') self.dta3_114 = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'stata3_114.dta') self.dta3_115 = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'stata3_115.dta') self.dta3_117 = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'stata3_117.dta') self.csv3 = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'stata3.csv') self.dta4_113 = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'stata4_113.dta') self.dta4_114 = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'stata4_114.dta') self.dta4_115 = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'stata4_115.dta') self.dta4_117 = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'stata4_117.dta') self.dta_encoding = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'stata1_encoding.dta') self.csv14 = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'stata5.csv') self.dta14_113 = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'stata5_113.dta') self.dta14_114 = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'stata5_114.dta') self.dta14_115 = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'stata5_115.dta') self.dta14_117 = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'stata5_117.dta') self.csv15 = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'stata6.csv') self.dta15_113 = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'stata6_113.dta') self.dta15_114 = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'stata6_114.dta') self.dta15_115 = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'stata6_115.dta') self.dta15_117 = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'stata6_117.dta') self.dta16_115 = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'stata7_115.dta') self.dta16_117 = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'stata7_117.dta') self.dta17_113 = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'stata8_113.dta') self.dta17_115 = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'stata8_115.dta') self.dta17_117 = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'stata8_117.dta') self.dta18_115 = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'stata9_115.dta') self.dta18_117 = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'stata9_117.dta') self.dta19_115 = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'stata10_115.dta') self.dta19_117 = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'stata10_117.dta') self.dta20_115 = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'stata11_115.dta') self.dta20_117 = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'stata11_117.dta') self.dta21_117 = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'stata12_117.dta') def read_dta(self, file): # Legacy default reader configuration return read_stata(file, convert_dates=True) def read_csv(self, file): return read_csv(file, parse_dates=True) def test_read_empty_dta(self): empty_ds = DataFrame(columns=['unit']) # GH 7369, make sure can read a 0-obs dta file with tm.ensure_clean() as path: empty_ds.to_stata(path,write_index=False) empty_ds2 = read_stata(path) tm.assert_frame_equal(empty_ds, empty_ds2) def test_data_method(self): # Minimal testing of legacy data method reader_114 = StataReader(self.dta1_114) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: parsed_114_data = reader_114 = StataReader(self.dta1_114) parsed_114_read = tm.assert_frame_equal(parsed_114_data, parsed_114_read) def test_read_dta1(self): reader_114 = StataReader(self.dta1_114) parsed_114 = reader_117 = StataReader(self.dta1_117) parsed_117 = # Pandas uses np.nan as missing value. # Thus, all columns will be of type float, regardless of their name. expected = DataFrame([(np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan)], columns=['float_miss', 'double_miss', 'byte_miss', 'int_miss', 'long_miss']) # this is an oddity as really the nan should be float64, but # the casting doesn't fail so need to match stata here expected['float_miss'] = expected['float_miss'].astype(np.float32) tm.assert_frame_equal(parsed_114, expected) tm.assert_frame_equal(parsed_117, expected) def test_read_dta2(self): if LooseVersion(sys.version) < '2.7': raise nose.SkipTest('datetime interp under 2.6 is faulty') expected = DataFrame.from_records( [ ( datetime(2006, 11, 19, 23, 13, 20), 1479596223000, datetime(2010, 1, 20), datetime(2010, 1, 8), datetime(2010, 1, 1), datetime(1974, 7, 1), datetime(2010, 1, 1), datetime(2010, 1, 1) ), ( datetime(1959, 12, 31, 20, 3, 20), -1479590, datetime(1953, 10, 2), datetime(1948, 6, 10), datetime(1955, 1, 1), datetime(1955, 7, 1), datetime(1955, 1, 1), datetime(2, 1, 1) ), ( pd.NaT, pd.NaT, pd.NaT, pd.NaT, pd.NaT, pd.NaT, pd.NaT, pd.NaT, ) ], columns=['datetime_c', 'datetime_big_c', 'date', 'weekly_date', 'monthly_date', 'quarterly_date', 'half_yearly_date', 'yearly_date'] ) expected['yearly_date'] = expected['yearly_date'].astype('O') with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: warnings.simplefilter("always") parsed_114 = self.read_dta(self.dta2_114) parsed_115 = self.read_dta(self.dta2_115) parsed_117 = self.read_dta(self.dta2_117) # 113 is buggy due to limits of date format support in Stata # parsed_113 = self.read_dta(self.dta2_113) # Remove resource warnings w = [x for x in w if x.category is UserWarning] # should get warning for each call to read_dta tm.assert_equal(len(w), 3) # buggy test because of the NaT comparison on certain platforms # Format 113 test fails since it does not support tc and tC formats # tm.assert_frame_equal(parsed_113, expected) tm.assert_frame_equal(parsed_114, expected) tm.assert_frame_equal(parsed_115, expected) tm.assert_frame_equal(parsed_117, expected) def test_read_dta3(self): parsed_113 = self.read_dta(self.dta3_113) parsed_114 = self.read_dta(self.dta3_114) parsed_115 = self.read_dta(self.dta3_115) parsed_117 = self.read_dta(self.dta3_117) # match stata here expected = self.read_csv(self.csv3) expected = expected.astype(np.float32) expected['year'] = expected['year'].astype(np.int16) expected['quarter'] = expected['quarter'].astype(np.int8) tm.assert_frame_equal(parsed_113, expected) tm.assert_frame_equal(parsed_114, expected) tm.assert_frame_equal(parsed_115, expected) tm.assert_frame_equal(parsed_117, expected) def test_read_dta4(self): parsed_113 = self.read_dta(self.dta4_113) parsed_114 = self.read_dta(self.dta4_114) parsed_115 = self.read_dta(self.dta4_115) parsed_117 = self.read_dta(self.dta4_117) expected = DataFrame.from_records( [ ["one", "ten", "one", "one", "one"], ["two", "nine", "two", "two", "two"], ["three", "eight", "three", "three", "three"], ["four", "seven", 4, "four", "four"], ["five", "six", 5, np.nan, "five"], ["six", "five", 6, np.nan, "six"], ["seven", "four", 7, np.nan, "seven"], ["eight", "three", 8, np.nan, "eight"], ["nine", "two", 9, np.nan, "nine"], ["ten", "one", "ten", np.nan, "ten"] ], columns=['fully_labeled', 'fully_labeled2', 'incompletely_labeled', 'labeled_with_missings', 'float_labelled']) # these are all categoricals expected = pd.concat([expected[col].astype('category') for col in expected], axis=1) tm.assert_frame_equal(parsed_113, expected) tm.assert_frame_equal(parsed_114, expected) tm.assert_frame_equal(parsed_115, expected) tm.assert_frame_equal(parsed_117, expected) # File containing strls def test_read_dta12(self): parsed_117 = self.read_dta(self.dta21_117) expected = DataFrame.from_records( [ [1, "abc", "abcdefghi"], [3, "cba", "qwertywertyqwerty"], [93, "", "strl"], ], columns=['x', 'y', 'z']) tm.assert_frame_equal(parsed_117, expected, check_dtype=False) def test_read_write_dta5(self): original = DataFrame([(np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan)], columns=['float_miss', 'double_miss', 'byte_miss', 'int_miss', 'long_miss']) = 'index' with tm.ensure_clean() as path: original.to_stata(path, None) written_and_read_again = self.read_dta(path) tm.assert_frame_equal(written_and_read_again.set_index('index'), original) def test_write_dta6(self): original = self.read_csv(self.csv3) = 'index' original.index = original.index.astype(np.int32) original['year'] = original['year'].astype(np.int32) original['quarter'] = original['quarter'].astype(np.int32) with tm.ensure_clean() as path: original.to_stata(path, None) written_and_read_again = self.read_dta(path) tm.assert_frame_equal(written_and_read_again.set_index('index'), original) def test_read_write_dta10(self): original = DataFrame(data=[["string", "object", 1, 1.1, np.datetime64('2003-12-25')]], columns=['string', 'object', 'integer', 'floating', 'datetime']) original["object"] = Series(original["object"], dtype=object) = 'index' original.index = original.index.astype(np.int32) original['integer'] = original['integer'].astype(np.int32) with tm.ensure_clean() as path: original.to_stata(path, {'datetime': 'tc'}) written_and_read_again = self.read_dta(path) tm.assert_frame_equal(written_and_read_again.set_index('index'), original) def test_stata_doc_examples(self): with tm.ensure_clean() as path: df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 2), columns=list('AB')) df.to_stata(path) def test_write_preserves_original(self): # 9795 np.random.seed(423) df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(5,4), columns=list('abcd')) df.ix[2, 'a':'c'] = np.nan df_copy = df.copy() df.to_stata('test.dta', write_index=False) tm.assert_frame_equal(df, df_copy) def test_encoding(self): # GH 4626, proper encoding handling raw = read_stata(self.dta_encoding) encoded = read_stata(self.dta_encoding, encoding="latin-1") result = encoded.kreis1849[0] if compat.PY3: expected = raw.kreis1849[0] self.assertEqual(result, expected) self.assertIsInstance(result, compat.string_types) else: expected = raw.kreis1849.str.decode("latin-1")[0] self.assertEqual(result, expected) self.assertIsInstance(result, unicode) with tm.ensure_clean() as path: encoded.to_stata(path,encoding='latin-1', write_index=False) reread_encoded = read_stata(path, encoding='latin-1') tm.assert_frame_equal(encoded, reread_encoded) def test_read_write_dta11(self): original = DataFrame([(1, 2, 3, 4)], columns=['good', compat.u('b\u00E4d'), '8number', 'astringwithmorethan32characters______']) formatted = DataFrame([(1, 2, 3, 4)], columns=['good', 'b_d', '_8number', 'astringwithmorethan32characters_']) = 'index' formatted = formatted.astype(np.int32) with tm.ensure_clean() as path: with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: original.to_stata(path, None) # should get a warning for that format. tm.assert_equal(len(w), 1) written_and_read_again = self.read_dta(path) tm.assert_frame_equal(written_and_read_again.set_index('index'), formatted) def test_read_write_dta12(self): original = DataFrame([(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)], columns=['astringwithmorethan32characters_1', 'astringwithmorethan32characters_2', '+', '-', 'short', 'delete']) formatted = DataFrame([(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)], columns=['astringwithmorethan32characters_', '_0astringwithmorethan32character', '_', '_1_', '_short', '_delete']) = 'index' formatted = formatted.astype(np.int32) with tm.ensure_clean() as path: with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: original.to_stata(path, None) tm.assert_equal(len(w), 1) # should get a warning for that format. written_and_read_again = self.read_dta(path) tm.assert_frame_equal(written_and_read_again.set_index('index'), formatted) def test_read_write_dta13(self): s1 = Series(2**9, dtype=np.int16) s2 = Series(2**17, dtype=np.int32) s3 = Series(2**33, dtype=np.int64) original = DataFrame({'int16': s1, 'int32': s2, 'int64': s3}) = 'index' formatted = original formatted['int64'] = formatted['int64'].astype(np.float64) with tm.ensure_clean() as path: original.to_stata(path) written_and_read_again = self.read_dta(path) tm.assert_frame_equal(written_and_read_again.set_index('index'), formatted) def test_read_write_reread_dta14(self): expected = self.read_csv(self.csv14) cols = ['byte_', 'int_', 'long_', 'float_', 'double_'] for col in cols: expected[col] = expected[col].convert_objects(convert_numeric=True) expected['float_'] = expected['float_'].astype(np.float32) expected['date_td'] = pd.to_datetime(expected['date_td'], coerce=True) parsed_113 = self.read_dta(self.dta14_113) = 'index' parsed_114 = self.read_dta(self.dta14_114) = 'index' parsed_115 = self.read_dta(self.dta14_115) = 'index' parsed_117 = self.read_dta(self.dta14_117) = 'index' tm.assert_frame_equal(parsed_114, parsed_113) tm.assert_frame_equal(parsed_114, parsed_115) tm.assert_frame_equal(parsed_114, parsed_117) with tm.ensure_clean() as path: parsed_114.to_stata(path, {'date_td': 'td'}) written_and_read_again = self.read_dta(path) tm.assert_frame_equal(written_and_read_again.set_index('index'), parsed_114) def test_read_write_reread_dta15(self): expected = self.read_csv(self.csv15) expected['byte_'] = expected['byte_'].astype(np.int8) expected['int_'] = expected['int_'].astype(np.int16) expected['long_'] = expected['long_'].astype(np.int32) expected['float_'] = expected['float_'].astype(np.float32) expected['double_'] = expected['double_'].astype(np.float64) expected['date_td'] = expected['date_td'].apply(datetime.strptime, args=('%Y-%m-%d',)) parsed_113 = self.read_dta(self.dta15_113) parsed_114 = self.read_dta(self.dta15_114) parsed_115 = self.read_dta(self.dta15_115) parsed_117 = self.read_dta(self.dta15_117) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, parsed_114) tm.assert_frame_equal(parsed_113, parsed_114) tm.assert_frame_equal(parsed_114, parsed_115) tm.assert_frame_equal(parsed_114, parsed_117) def test_timestamp_and_label(self): original = DataFrame([(1,)], columns=['var']) time_stamp = datetime(2000, 2, 29, 14, 21) data_label = 'This is a data file.' with tm.ensure_clean() as path: original.to_stata(path, time_stamp=time_stamp, data_label=data_label) reader = StataReader(path) parsed_time_stamp = dt.datetime.strptime(reader.time_stamp, ('%d %b %Y %H:%M')) assert parsed_time_stamp == time_stamp assert reader.data_label == data_label def test_numeric_column_names(self): original = DataFrame(np.reshape(np.arange(25.0), (5, 5))) = 'index' with tm.ensure_clean() as path: # should get a warning for that format. with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: tm.assert_produces_warning(original.to_stata(path), InvalidColumnName) # should produce a single warning tm.assert_equal(len(w), 1) written_and_read_again = self.read_dta(path) written_and_read_again = written_and_read_again.set_index('index') columns = list(written_and_read_again.columns) convert_col_name = lambda x: int(x[1]) written_and_read_again.columns = map(convert_col_name, columns) tm.assert_frame_equal(original, written_and_read_again) def test_nan_to_missing_value(self): s1 = Series(np.arange(4.0), dtype=np.float32) s2 = Series(np.arange(4.0), dtype=np.float64) s1[::2] = np.nan s2[1::2] = np.nan original = DataFrame({'s1': s1, 's2': s2}) = 'index' with tm.ensure_clean() as path: original.to_stata(path) written_and_read_again = self.read_dta(path) written_and_read_again = written_and_read_again.set_index('index') tm.assert_frame_equal(written_and_read_again, original) def test_no_index(self): columns = ['x', 'y'] original = DataFrame(np.reshape(np.arange(10.0), (5, 2)), columns=columns) = 'index_not_written' with tm.ensure_clean() as path: original.to_stata(path, write_index=False) written_and_read_again = self.read_dta(path) tm.assertRaises(KeyError, lambda: written_and_read_again['index_not_written']) def test_string_no_dates(self): s1 = Series(['a', 'A longer string']) s2 = Series([1.0, 2.0], dtype=np.float64) original = DataFrame({'s1': s1, 's2': s2}) = 'index' with tm.ensure_clean() as path: original.to_stata(path) written_and_read_again = self.read_dta(path) tm.assert_frame_equal(written_and_read_again.set_index('index'), original) def test_large_value_conversion(self): s0 = Series([1, 99], dtype=np.int8) s1 = Series([1, 127], dtype=np.int8) s2 = Series([1, 2 ** 15 - 1], dtype=np.int16) s3 = Series([1, 2 ** 63 - 1], dtype=np.int64) original = DataFrame({'s0': s0, 's1': s1, 's2': s2, 's3': s3}) = 'index' with tm.ensure_clean() as path: with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: tm.assert_produces_warning(original.to_stata(path), PossiblePrecisionLoss) # should produce a single warning tm.assert_equal(len(w), 1) written_and_read_again = self.read_dta(path) modified = original.copy() modified['s1'] = Series(modified['s1'], dtype=np.int16) modified['s2'] = Series(modified['s2'], dtype=np.int32) modified['s3'] = Series(modified['s3'], dtype=np.float64) tm.assert_frame_equal(written_and_read_again.set_index('index'), modified) def test_dates_invalid_column(self): original = DataFrame([datetime(2006, 11, 19, 23, 13, 20)]) = 'index' with tm.ensure_clean() as path: with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: tm.assert_produces_warning(original.to_stata(path, {0: 'tc'}), InvalidColumnName) tm.assert_equal(len(w), 1) written_and_read_again = self.read_dta(path) modified = original.copy() modified.columns = ['_0'] tm.assert_frame_equal(written_and_read_again.set_index('index'), modified) def test_date_export_formats(self): columns = ['tc', 'td', 'tw', 'tm', 'tq', 'th', 'ty'] conversions = dict(((c, c) for c in columns)) data = [datetime(2006, 11, 20, 23, 13, 20)] * len(columns) original = DataFrame([data], columns=columns) = 'index' expected_values = [datetime(2006, 11, 20, 23, 13, 20), # Time datetime(2006, 11, 20), # Day datetime(2006, 11, 19), # Week datetime(2006, 11, 1), # Month datetime(2006, 10, 1), # Quarter year datetime(2006, 7, 1), # Half year datetime(2006, 1, 1)] # Year expected = DataFrame([expected_values], columns=columns) = 'index' with tm.ensure_clean() as path: original.to_stata(path, conversions) written_and_read_again = self.read_dta(path) tm.assert_frame_equal(written_and_read_again.set_index('index'), expected) def test_write_missing_strings(self): original = DataFrame([["1"], [None]], columns=["foo"]) expected =
DataFrame([["1"], [""]], columns=["foo"])
# Copyright (c) 2018-2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION. import array as arr import datetime import io import operator import random import re import string import textwrap from copy import copy import cupy import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pyarrow as pa import pytest from numba import cuda import cudf from cudf.core._compat import PANDAS_GE_110, PANDAS_GE_120 from cudf.core.column import column from cudf.tests import utils from cudf.tests.utils import ( ALL_TYPES, DATETIME_TYPES, NUMERIC_TYPES, assert_eq, assert_exceptions_equal, does_not_raise, gen_rand, ) def test_init_via_list_of_tuples(): data = [ (5, "cats", "jump", np.nan), (2, "dogs", "dig", 7.5), (3, "cows", "moo", -2.1, "occasionally"), ] pdf = pd.DataFrame(data) gdf = cudf.DataFrame(data) assert_eq(pdf, gdf) def _dataframe_na_data(): return [ pd.DataFrame( { "a": [0, 1, 2, np.nan, 4, None, 6], "b": [np.nan, None, "u", "h", "d", "a", "m"], }, index=["q", "w", "e", "r", "t", "y", "u"], ), pd.DataFrame({"a": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], "b": ["a", "b", "u", "h", "d"]}), pd.DataFrame( { "a": [None, None, np.nan, None], "b": [np.nan, None, np.nan, None], } ), pd.DataFrame({"a": []}), pd.DataFrame({"a": [np.nan], "b": [None]}), pd.DataFrame({"a": ["a", "b", "c", None, "e"]}), pd.DataFrame({"a": ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]}), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize("rows", [0, 1, 2, 100]) def test_init_via_list_of_empty_tuples(rows): data = [()] * rows pdf = pd.DataFrame(data) gdf = cudf.DataFrame(data) assert_eq( pdf, gdf, check_like=True, check_column_type=False, check_index_type=False, ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "dict_of_series", [ {"a": pd.Series([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])}, {"a": pd.Series([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], index=[4, 5, 6])}, { "a": pd.Series([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], index=[4, 5, 6]), "b": pd.Series([1.0, 2.0, 4.0], index=[1, 2, 3]), }, {"a": [1, 2, 3], "b": pd.Series([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], index=[4, 5, 6])}, { "a": pd.Series([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], index=["a", "b", "c"]), "b": pd.Series([1.0, 2.0, 4.0], index=["c", "d", "e"]), }, { "a": pd.Series( ["a", "b", "c"], index=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3)]), ), "b": pd.Series( ["a", " b", "d"], index=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3)]), ), }, ], ) def test_init_from_series_align(dict_of_series): pdf = pd.DataFrame(dict_of_series) gdf = cudf.DataFrame(dict_of_series) assert_eq(pdf, gdf) for key in dict_of_series: if isinstance(dict_of_series[key], pd.Series): dict_of_series[key] = cudf.Series(dict_of_series[key]) gdf = cudf.DataFrame(dict_of_series) assert_eq(pdf, gdf) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("dict_of_series", "expectation"), [ ( { "a": pd.Series(["a", "b", "c"], index=[4, 4, 5]), "b": pd.Series(["a", "b", "c"], index=[4, 5, 6]), }, pytest.raises( ValueError, match="Cannot align indices with non-unique values" ), ), ( { "a": pd.Series(["a", "b", "c"], index=[4, 4, 5]), "b": pd.Series(["a", "b", "c"], index=[4, 4, 5]), }, does_not_raise(), ), ], ) def test_init_from_series_align_nonunique(dict_of_series, expectation): with expectation: gdf = cudf.DataFrame(dict_of_series) if expectation == does_not_raise(): pdf = pd.DataFrame(dict_of_series) assert_eq(pdf, gdf) def test_init_unaligned_with_index(): pdf = pd.DataFrame( { "a": pd.Series([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], index=[4, 5, 6]), "b": pd.Series([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], index=[1, 2, 3]), }, index=[7, 8, 9], ) gdf = cudf.DataFrame( { "a": cudf.Series([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], index=[4, 5, 6]), "b": cudf.Series([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], index=[1, 2, 3]), }, index=[7, 8, 9], ) assert_eq(pdf, gdf, check_dtype=False) def test_series_basic(): # Make series from buffer a1 = np.arange(10, dtype=np.float64) series = cudf.Series(a1) assert len(series) == 10 np.testing.assert_equal(series.to_array(), np.hstack([a1])) def test_series_from_cupy_scalars(): data = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3] data_np = np.array(data) data_cp = cupy.array(data) s_np = cudf.Series([data_np[0], data_np[2]]) s_cp = cudf.Series([data_cp[0], data_cp[2]]) assert_eq(s_np, s_cp) @pytest.mark.parametrize("a", [[1, 2, 3], [1, 10, 30]]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("b", [[4, 5, 6], [-11, -100, 30]]) def test_append_index(a, b): df = pd.DataFrame() df["a"] = a df["b"] = b gdf = cudf.DataFrame() gdf["a"] = a gdf["b"] = b # Check the default index after appending two columns(Series) expected = df.a.append(df.b) actual = gdf.a.append(gdf.b) assert len(expected) == len(actual) assert_eq(expected.index, actual.index) expected = df.a.append(df.b, ignore_index=True) actual = gdf.a.append(gdf.b, ignore_index=True) assert len(expected) == len(actual) assert_eq(expected.index, actual.index) def test_series_init_none(): # test for creating empty series # 1: without initializing sr1 = cudf.Series() got = sr1.to_string() expect = "Series([], dtype: float64)" # values should match despite whitespace difference assert got.split() == expect.split() # 2: Using `None` as an initializer sr2 = cudf.Series(None) got = sr2.to_string() expect = "Series([], dtype: float64)" # values should match despite whitespace difference assert got.split() == expect.split() def test_dataframe_basic(): np.random.seed(0) df = cudf.DataFrame() # Populate with cuda memory df["keys"] = np.arange(10, dtype=np.float64) np.testing.assert_equal(df["keys"].to_array(), np.arange(10)) assert len(df) == 10 # Populate with numpy array rnd_vals = np.random.random(10) df["vals"] = rnd_vals np.testing.assert_equal(df["vals"].to_array(), rnd_vals) assert len(df) == 10 assert tuple(df.columns) == ("keys", "vals") # Make another dataframe df2 = cudf.DataFrame() df2["keys"] = np.array([123], dtype=np.float64) df2["vals"] = np.array([321], dtype=np.float64) # Concat df = cudf.concat([df, df2]) assert len(df) == 11 hkeys = np.asarray(np.arange(10, dtype=np.float64).tolist() + [123]) hvals = np.asarray(rnd_vals.tolist() + [321]) np.testing.assert_equal(df["keys"].to_array(), hkeys) np.testing.assert_equal(df["vals"].to_array(), hvals) # As matrix mat = df.as_matrix() expect = np.vstack([hkeys, hvals]).T np.testing.assert_equal(mat, expect) # test dataframe with tuple name df_tup = cudf.DataFrame() data = np.arange(10) df_tup[(1, "foobar")] = data np.testing.assert_equal(data, df_tup[(1, "foobar")].to_array()) df = cudf.DataFrame(pd.DataFrame({"a": [1, 2, 3], "c": ["a", "b", "c"]})) pdf = pd.DataFrame(pd.DataFrame({"a": [1, 2, 3], "c": ["a", "b", "c"]})) assert_eq(df, pdf) gdf = cudf.DataFrame({"id": [0, 1], "val": [None, None]}) gdf["val"] = gdf["val"].astype("int") assert gdf["val"].isnull().all() @pytest.mark.parametrize( "pdf", [ pd.DataFrame({"a": range(10), "b": range(10, 20), "c": range(1, 11)}), pd.DataFrame( {"a": range(10), "b": range(10, 20), "d": ["a", "v"] * 5} ), ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "columns", [["a"], ["b"], "a", "b", ["a", "b"]], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("inplace", [True, False]) def test_dataframe_drop_columns(pdf, columns, inplace): pdf = pdf.copy() gdf = cudf.from_pandas(pdf) expected = pdf.drop(columns=columns, inplace=inplace) actual = gdf.drop(columns=columns, inplace=inplace) if inplace: expected = pdf actual = gdf assert_eq(expected, actual) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "pdf", [ pd.DataFrame({"a": range(10), "b": range(10, 20), "c": range(1, 11)}), pd.DataFrame( {"a": range(10), "b": range(10, 20), "d": ["a", "v"] * 5} ), ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "labels", [[1], [0], 1, 5, [5, 9], pd.Index([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("inplace", [True, False]) def test_dataframe_drop_labels_axis_0(pdf, labels, inplace): pdf = pdf.copy() gdf = cudf.from_pandas(pdf) expected = pdf.drop(labels=labels, axis=0, inplace=inplace) actual = gdf.drop(labels=labels, axis=0, inplace=inplace) if inplace: expected = pdf actual = gdf assert_eq(expected, actual) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "pdf", [ pd.DataFrame({"a": range(10), "b": range(10, 20), "c": range(1, 11)}), pd.DataFrame( {"a": range(10), "b": range(10, 20), "d": ["a", "v"] * 5} ), ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "index", [[1], [0], 1, 5, [5, 9], pd.Index([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("inplace", [True, False]) def test_dataframe_drop_index(pdf, index, inplace): pdf = pdf.copy() gdf = cudf.from_pandas(pdf) expected = pdf.drop(index=index, inplace=inplace) actual = gdf.drop(index=index, inplace=inplace) if inplace: expected = pdf actual = gdf assert_eq(expected, actual) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "pdf", [ pd.DataFrame( {"a": range(10), "b": range(10, 20), "d": ["a", "v"] * 5}, index=pd.MultiIndex( levels=[ ["lama", "cow", "falcon"], ["speed", "weight", "length"], ], codes=[ [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1], [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 1], ], ), ) ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "index,level", [ ("cow", 0), ("lama", 0), ("falcon", 0), ("speed", 1), ("weight", 1), ("length", 1), pytest.param( "cow", None, marks=pytest.mark.xfail( reason="" ), ), pytest.param( "lama", None, marks=pytest.mark.xfail( reason="" ), ), pytest.param( "falcon", None, marks=pytest.mark.xfail( reason="" ), ), ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("inplace", [True, False]) def test_dataframe_drop_multiindex(pdf, index, level, inplace): pdf = pdf.copy() gdf = cudf.from_pandas(pdf) expected = pdf.drop(index=index, inplace=inplace, level=level) actual = gdf.drop(index=index, inplace=inplace, level=level) if inplace: expected = pdf actual = gdf assert_eq(expected, actual) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "pdf", [ pd.DataFrame({"a": range(10), "b": range(10, 20), "c": range(1, 11)}), pd.DataFrame( {"a": range(10), "b": range(10, 20), "d": ["a", "v"] * 5} ), ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "labels", [["a"], ["b"], "a", "b", ["a", "b"]], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("inplace", [True, False]) def test_dataframe_drop_labels_axis_1(pdf, labels, inplace): pdf = pdf.copy() gdf = cudf.from_pandas(pdf) expected = pdf.drop(labels=labels, axis=1, inplace=inplace) actual = gdf.drop(labels=labels, axis=1, inplace=inplace) if inplace: expected = pdf actual = gdf assert_eq(expected, actual) def test_dataframe_drop_error(): df = cudf.DataFrame({"a": [1], "b": [2], "c": [3]}) pdf = df.to_pandas() assert_exceptions_equal( lfunc=pdf.drop, rfunc=df.drop, lfunc_args_and_kwargs=([], {"columns": "d"}), rfunc_args_and_kwargs=([], {"columns": "d"}), expected_error_message="column 'd' does not exist", ) assert_exceptions_equal( lfunc=pdf.drop, rfunc=df.drop, lfunc_args_and_kwargs=([], {"columns": ["a", "d", "b"]}), rfunc_args_and_kwargs=([], {"columns": ["a", "d", "b"]}), expected_error_message="column 'd' does not exist", ) assert_exceptions_equal( lfunc=pdf.drop, rfunc=df.drop, lfunc_args_and_kwargs=(["a"], {"columns": "a", "axis": 1}), rfunc_args_and_kwargs=(["a"], {"columns": "a", "axis": 1}), expected_error_message="Cannot specify both", ) assert_exceptions_equal( lfunc=pdf.drop, rfunc=df.drop, lfunc_args_and_kwargs=([], {"axis": 1}), rfunc_args_and_kwargs=([], {"axis": 1}), expected_error_message="Need to specify at least", ) assert_exceptions_equal( lfunc=pdf.drop, rfunc=df.drop, lfunc_args_and_kwargs=([[2, 0]],), rfunc_args_and_kwargs=([[2, 0]],), expected_error_message="One or more values not found in axis", ) def test_dataframe_drop_raises(): df = cudf.DataFrame( {"a": [1, 2, 3], "c": [10, 20, 30]}, index=["x", "y", "z"] ) pdf = df.to_pandas() assert_exceptions_equal( lfunc=pdf.drop, rfunc=df.drop, lfunc_args_and_kwargs=(["p"],), rfunc_args_and_kwargs=(["p"],), expected_error_message="One or more values not found in axis", ) # label dtype mismatch assert_exceptions_equal( lfunc=pdf.drop, rfunc=df.drop, lfunc_args_and_kwargs=([3],), rfunc_args_and_kwargs=([3],), expected_error_message="One or more values not found in axis", ) expect = pdf.drop("p", errors="ignore") actual = df.drop("p", errors="ignore") assert_eq(actual, expect) assert_exceptions_equal( lfunc=pdf.drop, rfunc=df.drop, lfunc_args_and_kwargs=([], {"columns": "p"}), rfunc_args_and_kwargs=([], {"columns": "p"}), expected_error_message="column 'p' does not exist", ) expect = pdf.drop(columns="p", errors="ignore") actual = df.drop(columns="p", errors="ignore") assert_eq(actual, expect) assert_exceptions_equal( lfunc=pdf.drop, rfunc=df.drop, lfunc_args_and_kwargs=([], {"labels": "p", "axis": 1}), rfunc_args_and_kwargs=([], {"labels": "p", "axis": 1}), expected_error_message="column 'p' does not exist", ) expect = pdf.drop(labels="p", axis=1, errors="ignore") actual = df.drop(labels="p", axis=1, errors="ignore") assert_eq(actual, expect) def test_dataframe_column_add_drop_via_setitem(): df = cudf.DataFrame() data = np.asarray(range(10)) df["a"] = data df["b"] = data assert tuple(df.columns) == ("a", "b") del df["a"] assert tuple(df.columns) == ("b",) df["c"] = data assert tuple(df.columns) == ("b", "c") df["a"] = data assert tuple(df.columns) == ("b", "c", "a") def test_dataframe_column_set_via_attr(): data_0 = np.asarray([0, 2, 4, 5]) data_1 = np.asarray([1, 4, 2, 3]) data_2 = np.asarray([2, 0, 3, 0]) df = cudf.DataFrame({"a": data_0, "b": data_1, "c": data_2}) for i in range(10): df.c = df.a assert assert_eq(df.c, df.a, check_names=False) assert tuple(df.columns) == ("a", "b", "c") df.c = df.b assert assert_eq(df.c, df.b, check_names=False) assert tuple(df.columns) == ("a", "b", "c") def test_dataframe_column_drop_via_attr(): df = cudf.DataFrame({"a": []}) with pytest.raises(AttributeError): del df.a assert tuple(df.columns) == tuple("a") @pytest.mark.parametrize("axis", [0, "index"]) def test_dataframe_index_rename(axis): pdf = pd.DataFrame({"a": [1, 2, 3], "b": [4, 5, 6], "c": [7, 8, 9]}) gdf = cudf.DataFrame.from_pandas(pdf) expect = pdf.rename(mapper={1: 5, 2: 6}, axis=axis) got = gdf.rename(mapper={1: 5, 2: 6}, axis=axis) assert_eq(expect, got) expect = pdf.rename(index={1: 5, 2: 6}) got = gdf.rename(index={1: 5, 2: 6}) assert_eq(expect, got) expect = pdf.rename({1: 5, 2: 6}) got = gdf.rename({1: 5, 2: 6}) assert_eq(expect, got) # `pandas` can support indexes with mixed values. We throw a # `NotImplementedError`. with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): gdf.rename(mapper={1: "x", 2: "y"}, axis=axis) def test_dataframe_MI_rename(): gdf = cudf.DataFrame( {"a": np.arange(10), "b": np.arange(10), "c": np.arange(10)} ) gdg = gdf.groupby(["a", "b"]).count() pdg = gdg.to_pandas() expect = pdg.rename(mapper={1: 5, 2: 6}, axis=0) got = gdg.rename(mapper={1: 5, 2: 6}, axis=0) assert_eq(expect, got) @pytest.mark.parametrize("axis", [1, "columns"]) def test_dataframe_column_rename(axis): pdf = pd.DataFrame({"a": [1, 2, 3], "b": [4, 5, 6], "c": [7, 8, 9]}) gdf = cudf.DataFrame.from_pandas(pdf) expect = pdf.rename(mapper=lambda name: 2 * name, axis=axis) got = gdf.rename(mapper=lambda name: 2 * name, axis=axis) assert_eq(expect, got) expect = pdf.rename(columns=lambda name: 2 * name) got = gdf.rename(columns=lambda name: 2 * name) assert_eq(expect, got) rename_mapper = {"a": "z", "b": "y", "c": "x"} expect = pdf.rename(columns=rename_mapper) got = gdf.rename(columns=rename_mapper) assert_eq(expect, got) def test_dataframe_pop(): pdf = pd.DataFrame( {"a": [1, 2, 3], "b": ["x", "y", "z"], "c": [7.0, 8.0, 9.0]} ) gdf = cudf.DataFrame.from_pandas(pdf) # Test non-existing column error with pytest.raises(KeyError) as raises: gdf.pop("fake_colname") raises.match("fake_colname") # check pop numeric column pdf_pop = pdf.pop("a") gdf_pop = gdf.pop("a") assert_eq(pdf_pop, gdf_pop) assert_eq(pdf, gdf) # check string column pdf_pop = pdf.pop("b") gdf_pop = gdf.pop("b") assert_eq(pdf_pop, gdf_pop) assert_eq(pdf, gdf) # check float column and empty dataframe pdf_pop = pdf.pop("c") gdf_pop = gdf.pop("c") assert_eq(pdf_pop, gdf_pop) assert_eq(pdf, gdf) # check empty dataframe edge case empty_pdf = pd.DataFrame(columns=["a", "b"]) empty_gdf = cudf.DataFrame(columns=["a", "b"]) pb = empty_pdf.pop("b") gb = empty_gdf.pop("b") assert len(pb) == len(gb) assert empty_pdf.empty and empty_gdf.empty @pytest.mark.parametrize("nelem", [0, 3, 100, 1000]) def test_dataframe_astype(nelem): df = cudf.DataFrame() data = np.asarray(range(nelem), dtype=np.int32) df["a"] = data assert df["a"].dtype is np.dtype(np.int32) df["b"] = df["a"].astype(np.float32) assert df["b"].dtype is np.dtype(np.float32) np.testing.assert_equal(df["a"].to_array(), df["b"].to_array()) @pytest.mark.parametrize("nelem", [0, 100]) def test_index_astype(nelem): df = cudf.DataFrame() data = np.asarray(range(nelem), dtype=np.int32) df["a"] = data assert df.index.dtype is np.dtype(np.int64) df.index = df.index.astype(np.float32) assert df.index.dtype is np.dtype(np.float32) df["a"] = df["a"].astype(np.float32) np.testing.assert_equal(df.index.to_array(), df["a"].to_array()) df["b"] = df["a"] df = df.set_index("b") df["a"] = df["a"].astype(np.int16) df.index = df.index.astype(np.int16) np.testing.assert_equal(df.index.to_array(), df["a"].to_array()) def test_dataframe_to_string(): pd.options.display.max_rows = 5 pd.options.display.max_columns = 8 # Test basic df = cudf.DataFrame( {"a": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], "b": [11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]} ) string = str(df) assert string.splitlines()[-1] == "[6 rows x 2 columns]" # Test skipped columns df = cudf.DataFrame( { "a": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], "b": [11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16], "c": [11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16], "d": [11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16], } ) string = df.to_string() assert string.splitlines()[-1] == "[6 rows x 4 columns]" # Test masked df = cudf.DataFrame( {"a": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], "b": [11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]} ) data = np.arange(6) mask = np.zeros(1, dtype=cudf.utils.utils.mask_dtype) mask[0] = 0b00101101 masked = cudf.Series.from_masked_array(data, mask) assert masked.null_count == 2 df["c"] = masked # check data values = masked.copy() validids = [0, 2, 3, 5] densearray = masked.to_array() np.testing.assert_equal(data[validids], densearray) # valid position is corret for i in validids: assert data[i] == values[i] # null position is correct for i in range(len(values)): if i not in validids: assert values[i] is cudf.NA pd.options.display.max_rows = 10 got = df.to_string() expect = """ a b c 0 1 11 0 1 2 12 <NA> 2 3 13 2 3 4 14 3 4 5 15 <NA> 5 6 16 5 """ # values should match despite whitespace difference assert got.split() == expect.split() def test_dataframe_to_string_wide(monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setenv("COLUMNS", "79") # Test basic df = cudf.DataFrame() for i in range(100): df["a{}".format(i)] = list(range(3)) pd.options.display.max_columns = 0 got = df.to_string() expect = """ a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 ... a92 a93 a94 a95 a96 a97 a98 a99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ... 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 [3 rows x 100 columns] """ # values should match despite whitespace difference assert got.split() == expect.split() def test_dataframe_empty_to_string(): # Test for printing empty dataframe df = cudf.DataFrame() got = df.to_string() expect = "Empty DataFrame\nColumns: []\nIndex: []\n" # values should match despite whitespace difference assert got.split() == expect.split() def test_dataframe_emptycolumns_to_string(): # Test for printing dataframe having empty columns df = cudf.DataFrame() df["a"] = [] df["b"] = [] got = df.to_string() expect = "Empty DataFrame\nColumns: [a, b]\nIndex: []\n" # values should match despite whitespace difference assert got.split() == expect.split() def test_dataframe_copy(): # Test for copying the dataframe using python copy pkg df = cudf.DataFrame() df["a"] = [1, 2, 3] df2 = copy(df) df2["b"] = [4, 5, 6] got = df.to_string() expect = """ a 0 1 1 2 2 3 """ # values should match despite whitespace difference assert got.split() == expect.split() def test_dataframe_copy_shallow(): # Test for copy dataframe using class method df = cudf.DataFrame() df["a"] = [1, 2, 3] df2 = df.copy() df2["b"] = [4, 2, 3] got = df.to_string() expect = """ a 0 1 1 2 2 3 """ # values should match despite whitespace difference assert got.split() == expect.split() def test_dataframe_dtypes(): dtypes = pd.Series( [np.int32, np.float32, np.float64], index=["c", "a", "b"] ) df = cudf.DataFrame( {k: np.ones(10, dtype=v) for k, v in dtypes.iteritems()} ) assert df.dtypes.equals(dtypes) def test_dataframe_add_col_to_object_dataframe(): # Test for adding column to an empty object dataframe cols = ["a", "b", "c"] df = pd.DataFrame(columns=cols, dtype="str") data = {k: v for (k, v) in zip(cols, [["a"] for _ in cols])} gdf = cudf.DataFrame(data) gdf = gdf[:0] assert gdf.dtypes.equals(df.dtypes) gdf["a"] = [1] df["a"] = [10] assert gdf.dtypes.equals(df.dtypes) gdf["b"] = [1.0] df["b"] = [10.0] assert gdf.dtypes.equals(df.dtypes) def test_dataframe_dir_and_getattr(): df = cudf.DataFrame( { "a": np.ones(10), "b": np.ones(10), "not an id": np.ones(10), "oop$": np.ones(10), } ) o = dir(df) assert {"a", "b"}.issubset(o) assert "not an id" not in o assert "oop$" not in o # Getattr works assert df.a.equals(df["a"]) assert df.b.equals(df["b"]) with pytest.raises(AttributeError): df.not_a_column @pytest.mark.parametrize("order", ["C", "F"]) def test_empty_dataframe_as_gpu_matrix(order): df = cudf.DataFrame() # Check fully empty dataframe. mat = df.as_gpu_matrix(order=order).copy_to_host() assert mat.shape == (0, 0) df = cudf.DataFrame() nelem = 123 for k in "abc": df[k] = np.random.random(nelem) # Check all columns in empty dataframe. mat = df.head(0).as_gpu_matrix(order=order).copy_to_host() assert mat.shape == (0, 3) @pytest.mark.parametrize("order", ["C", "F"]) def test_dataframe_as_gpu_matrix(order): df = cudf.DataFrame() nelem = 123 for k in "abcd": df[k] = np.random.random(nelem) # Check all columns mat = df.as_gpu_matrix(order=order).copy_to_host() assert mat.shape == (nelem, 4) for i, k in enumerate(df.columns): np.testing.assert_array_equal(df[k].to_array(), mat[:, i]) # Check column subset mat = df.as_gpu_matrix(order=order, columns=["a", "c"]).copy_to_host() assert mat.shape == (nelem, 2) for i, k in enumerate("ac"): np.testing.assert_array_equal(df[k].to_array(), mat[:, i]) def test_dataframe_as_gpu_matrix_null_values(): df = cudf.DataFrame() nelem = 123 na = -10000 refvalues = {} for k in "abcd": df[k] = data = np.random.random(nelem) bitmask = utils.random_bitmask(nelem) df[k] = df[k].set_mask(bitmask) boolmask = np.asarray( utils.expand_bits_to_bytes(bitmask)[:nelem], dtype=np.bool_ ) data[~boolmask] = na refvalues[k] = data # Check null value causes error with pytest.raises(ValueError) as raises: df.as_gpu_matrix() raises.match("column 'a' has null values") for k in df.columns: df[k] = df[k].fillna(na) mat = df.as_gpu_matrix().copy_to_host() for i, k in enumerate(df.columns): np.testing.assert_array_equal(refvalues[k], mat[:, i]) def test_dataframe_append_empty(): pdf = pd.DataFrame( { "key": [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4], "value": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12], } ) gdf = cudf.DataFrame.from_pandas(pdf) gdf["newcol"] = 100 pdf["newcol"] = 100 assert len(gdf["newcol"]) == len(pdf) assert len(pdf["newcol"]) == len(pdf) assert_eq(gdf, pdf) def test_dataframe_setitem_from_masked_object(): ary = np.random.randn(100) mask = np.zeros(100, dtype=bool) mask[:20] = True np.random.shuffle(mask) ary[mask] = np.nan test1_null = cudf.Series(ary, nan_as_null=True) assert test1_null.nullable assert test1_null.null_count == 20 test1_nan = cudf.Series(ary, nan_as_null=False) assert test1_nan.null_count == 0 test2_null = cudf.DataFrame.from_pandas( pd.DataFrame({"a": ary}), nan_as_null=True ) assert test2_null["a"].nullable assert test2_null["a"].null_count == 20 test2_nan = cudf.DataFrame.from_pandas( pd.DataFrame({"a": ary}), nan_as_null=False ) assert test2_nan["a"].null_count == 0 gpu_ary = cupy.asarray(ary) test3_null = cudf.Series(gpu_ary, nan_as_null=True) assert test3_null.nullable assert test3_null.null_count == 20 test3_nan = cudf.Series(gpu_ary, nan_as_null=False) assert test3_nan.null_count == 0 test4 = cudf.DataFrame() lst = [1, 2, None, 4, 5, 6, None, 8, 9] test4["lst"] = lst assert test4["lst"].nullable assert test4["lst"].null_count == 2 def test_dataframe_append_to_empty(): pdf = pd.DataFrame() pdf["a"] = [] pdf["b"] = [1, 2, 3] gdf = cudf.DataFrame() gdf["a"] = [] gdf["b"] = [1, 2, 3] assert_eq(gdf, pdf) def test_dataframe_setitem_index_len1(): gdf = cudf.DataFrame() gdf["a"] = [1] gdf["b"] = gdf.index._values np.testing.assert_equal(gdf.b.to_array(), [0]) def test_empty_dataframe_setitem_df(): gdf1 = cudf.DataFrame() gdf2 = cudf.DataFrame({"a": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]}) gdf1["a"] = gdf2["a"] assert_eq(gdf1, gdf2) def test_assign(): gdf = cudf.DataFrame({"x": [1, 2, 3]}) gdf2 = gdf.assign(y=gdf.x + 1) assert list(gdf.columns) == ["x"] assert list(gdf2.columns) == ["x", "y"] np.testing.assert_equal(gdf2.y.to_array(), [2, 3, 4]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("nrows", [1, 8, 100, 1000]) def test_dataframe_hash_columns(nrows): gdf = cudf.DataFrame() data = np.asarray(range(nrows)) data[0] = data[-1] # make first and last the same gdf["a"] = data gdf["b"] = gdf.a + 100 out = gdf.hash_columns(["a", "b"]) assert isinstance(out, cupy.ndarray) assert len(out) == nrows assert out.dtype == np.int32 # Check default out_all = gdf.hash_columns() np.testing.assert_array_equal(cupy.asnumpy(out), cupy.asnumpy(out_all)) # Check single column out_one = cupy.asnumpy(gdf.hash_columns(["a"])) # First matches last assert out_one[0] == out_one[-1] # Equivalent to the cudf.Series.hash_values() np.testing.assert_array_equal(cupy.asnumpy(gdf.a.hash_values()), out_one) @pytest.mark.parametrize("nrows", [3, 10, 100, 1000]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("nparts", [1, 2, 8, 13]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("nkeys", [1, 2]) def test_dataframe_hash_partition(nrows, nparts, nkeys): np.random.seed(123) gdf = cudf.DataFrame() keycols = [] for i in range(nkeys): keyname = "key{}".format(i) gdf[keyname] = np.random.randint(0, 7 - i, nrows) keycols.append(keyname) gdf["val1"] = np.random.randint(0, nrows * 2, nrows) got = gdf.partition_by_hash(keycols, nparts=nparts) # Must return a list assert isinstance(got, list) # Must have correct number of partitions assert len(got) == nparts # All partitions must be DataFrame type assert all(isinstance(p, cudf.DataFrame) for p in got) # Check that all partitions have unique keys part_unique_keys = set() for p in got: if len(p): # Take rows of the keycolumns and build a set of the key-values unique_keys = set(map(tuple, p.as_matrix(columns=keycols))) # Ensure that none of the key-values have occurred in other groups assert not (unique_keys & part_unique_keys) part_unique_keys |= unique_keys assert len(part_unique_keys) @pytest.mark.parametrize("nrows", [3, 10, 50]) def test_dataframe_hash_partition_masked_value(nrows): gdf = cudf.DataFrame() gdf["key"] = np.arange(nrows) gdf["val"] = np.arange(nrows) + 100 bitmask = utils.random_bitmask(nrows) bytemask = utils.expand_bits_to_bytes(bitmask) gdf["val"] = gdf["val"].set_mask(bitmask) parted = gdf.partition_by_hash(["key"], nparts=3) # Verify that the valid mask is correct for p in parted: df = p.to_pandas() for row in df.itertuples(): valid = bool(bytemask[row.key]) expected_value = row.key + 100 if valid else np.nan got_value = row.val assert (expected_value == got_value) or ( np.isnan(expected_value) and np.isnan(got_value) ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("nrows", [3, 10, 50]) def test_dataframe_hash_partition_masked_keys(nrows): gdf = cudf.DataFrame() gdf["key"] = np.arange(nrows) gdf["val"] = np.arange(nrows) + 100 bitmask = utils.random_bitmask(nrows) bytemask = utils.expand_bits_to_bytes(bitmask) gdf["key"] = gdf["key"].set_mask(bitmask) parted = gdf.partition_by_hash(["key"], nparts=3, keep_index=False) # Verify that the valid mask is correct for p in parted: df = p.to_pandas() for row in df.itertuples(): valid = bool(bytemask[row.val - 100]) # val is key + 100 expected_value = row.val - 100 if valid else np.nan got_value = row.key assert (expected_value == got_value) or ( np.isnan(expected_value) and np.isnan(got_value) ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("keep_index", [True, False]) def test_dataframe_hash_partition_keep_index(keep_index): gdf = cudf.DataFrame( {"val": [1, 2, 3, 4], "key": [3, 2, 1, 4]}, index=[4, 3, 2, 1] ) expected_df1 = cudf.DataFrame( {"val": [1], "key": [3]}, index=[4] if keep_index else None ) expected_df2 = cudf.DataFrame( {"val": [2, 3, 4], "key": [2, 1, 4]}, index=[3, 2, 1] if keep_index else range(1, 4), ) expected = [expected_df1, expected_df2] parts = gdf.partition_by_hash(["key"], nparts=2, keep_index=keep_index) for exp, got in zip(expected, parts): assert_eq(exp, got) def test_dataframe_hash_partition_empty(): gdf = cudf.DataFrame({"val": [1, 2], "key": [3, 2]}, index=["a", "b"]) parts = gdf.iloc[:0].partition_by_hash(["key"], nparts=3) assert len(parts) == 3 for part in parts: assert_eq(gdf.iloc[:0], part) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype1", utils.supported_numpy_dtypes) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype2", utils.supported_numpy_dtypes) def test_dataframe_concat_different_numerical_columns(dtype1, dtype2): df1 = pd.DataFrame(dict(x=pd.Series(np.arange(5)).astype(dtype1))) df2 = pd.DataFrame(dict(x=pd.Series(np.arange(5)).astype(dtype2))) if dtype1 != dtype2 and "datetime" in dtype1 or "datetime" in dtype2: with pytest.raises(TypeError): cudf.concat([df1, df2]) else: pres = pd.concat([df1, df2]) gres = cudf.concat([cudf.from_pandas(df1), cudf.from_pandas(df2)]) assert_eq(cudf.from_pandas(pres), gres) def test_dataframe_concat_different_column_types(): df1 = cudf.Series([42], dtype=np.float64) df2 = cudf.Series(["a"], dtype="category") with pytest.raises(ValueError): cudf.concat([df1, df2]) df2 = cudf.Series(["a string"]) with pytest.raises(TypeError): cudf.concat([df1, df2]) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "df_1", [cudf.DataFrame({"a": [1, 2], "b": [1, 3]}), cudf.DataFrame({})] ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "df_2", [cudf.DataFrame({"a": [], "b": []}), cudf.DataFrame({})] ) def test_concat_empty_dataframe(df_1, df_2): got = cudf.concat([df_1, df_2]) expect = pd.concat([df_1.to_pandas(), df_2.to_pandas()], sort=False) # ignoring dtypes as pandas upcasts int to float # on concatenation with empty dataframes assert_eq(got, expect, check_dtype=False) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "df1_d", [ {"a": [1, 2], "b": [1, 2], "c": ["s1", "s2"], "d": [1.0, 2.0]}, {"b": [1.9, 10.9], "c": ["s1", "s2"]}, {"c": ["s1"], "b": [None], "a": [False]}, ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "df2_d", [ {"a": [1, 2, 3]}, {"a": [1, None, 3], "b": [True, True, False], "c": ["s3", None, "s4"]}, {"a": [], "b": []}, {}, ], ) def test_concat_different_column_dataframe(df1_d, df2_d): got = cudf.concat( [cudf.DataFrame(df1_d), cudf.DataFrame(df2_d), cudf.DataFrame(df1_d)], sort=False, ) expect = pd.concat( [pd.DataFrame(df1_d), pd.DataFrame(df2_d), pd.DataFrame(df1_d)], sort=False, ) # numerical columns are upcasted to float in cudf.DataFrame.to_pandas() # casts nan to 0 in non-float numerical columns numeric_cols = got.dtypes[got.dtypes != "object"].index for col in numeric_cols: got[col] = got[col].astype(np.float64).fillna(np.nan) assert_eq(got, expect, check_dtype=False) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "ser_1", [pd.Series([1, 2, 3]), pd.Series([], dtype="float64")] ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("ser_2", [pd.Series([], dtype="float64")]) def test_concat_empty_series(ser_1, ser_2): got = cudf.concat([cudf.Series(ser_1), cudf.Series(ser_2)]) expect = pd.concat([ser_1, ser_2]) assert_eq(got, expect) def test_concat_with_axis(): df1 = pd.DataFrame(dict(x=np.arange(5), y=np.arange(5))) df2 = pd.DataFrame(dict(a=np.arange(5), b=np.arange(5))) concat_df = pd.concat([df1, df2], axis=1) cdf1 = cudf.from_pandas(df1) cdf2 = cudf.from_pandas(df2) # concat only dataframes concat_cdf = cudf.concat([cdf1, cdf2], axis=1) assert_eq(concat_cdf, concat_df) # concat only series concat_s = pd.concat([df1.x, df1.y], axis=1) cs1 = cudf.Series.from_pandas(df1.x) cs2 = cudf.Series.from_pandas(df1.y) concat_cdf_s = cudf.concat([cs1, cs2], axis=1) assert_eq(concat_cdf_s, concat_s) # concat series and dataframes s3 = pd.Series(np.random.random(5)) cs3 = cudf.Series.from_pandas(s3) concat_cdf_all = cudf.concat([cdf1, cs3, cdf2], axis=1) concat_df_all = pd.concat([df1, s3, df2], axis=1) assert_eq(concat_cdf_all, concat_df_all) # concat manual multi index midf1 = cudf.from_pandas(df1) midf1.index = cudf.MultiIndex( levels=[[0, 1, 2, 3], [0, 1]], codes=[[0, 1, 2, 3, 2], [0, 1, 0, 1, 0]] ) midf2 = midf1[2:] midf2.index = cudf.MultiIndex( levels=[[3, 4, 5], [2, 0]], codes=[[0, 1, 2], [1, 0, 1]] ) mipdf1 = midf1.to_pandas() mipdf2 = midf2.to_pandas() assert_eq(cudf.concat([midf1, midf2]), pd.concat([mipdf1, mipdf2])) assert_eq(cudf.concat([midf2, midf1]), pd.concat([mipdf2, mipdf1])) assert_eq( cudf.concat([midf1, midf2, midf1]), pd.concat([mipdf1, mipdf2, mipdf1]) ) # concat groupby multi index gdf1 = cudf.DataFrame( { "x": np.random.randint(0, 10, 10), "y": np.random.randint(0, 10, 10), "z": np.random.randint(0, 10, 10), "v": np.random.randint(0, 10, 10), } ) gdf2 = gdf1[5:] gdg1 = gdf1.groupby(["x", "y"]).min() gdg2 = gdf2.groupby(["x", "y"]).min() pdg1 = gdg1.to_pandas() pdg2 = gdg2.to_pandas() assert_eq(cudf.concat([gdg1, gdg2]), pd.concat([pdg1, pdg2])) assert_eq(cudf.concat([gdg2, gdg1]), pd.concat([pdg2, pdg1])) # series multi index concat gdgz1 = gdg1.z gdgz2 = gdg2.z pdgz1 = gdgz1.to_pandas() pdgz2 = gdgz2.to_pandas() assert_eq(cudf.concat([gdgz1, gdgz2]), pd.concat([pdgz1, pdgz2])) assert_eq(cudf.concat([gdgz2, gdgz1]), pd.concat([pdgz2, pdgz1])) @pytest.mark.parametrize("nrows", [0, 3, 10, 100, 1000]) def test_nonmatching_index_setitem(nrows): np.random.seed(0) gdf = cudf.DataFrame() gdf["a"] = np.random.randint(2147483647, size=nrows) gdf["b"] = np.random.randint(2147483647, size=nrows) gdf = gdf.set_index("b") test_values = np.random.randint(2147483647, size=nrows) gdf["c"] = test_values assert len(test_values) == len(gdf["c"]) assert ( gdf["c"] .to_pandas() .equals(cudf.Series(test_values).set_index(gdf._index).to_pandas()) ) def test_from_pandas(): df = pd.DataFrame({"x": [1, 2, 3]}, index=[4.0, 5.0, 6.0]) gdf = cudf.DataFrame.from_pandas(df) assert isinstance(gdf, cudf.DataFrame) assert_eq(df, gdf) s = df.x gs = cudf.Series.from_pandas(s) assert isinstance(gs, cudf.Series) assert_eq(s, gs) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtypes", [int, float]) def test_from_records(dtypes): h_ary = np.ndarray(shape=(10, 4), dtype=dtypes) rec_ary = h_ary.view(np.recarray) gdf = cudf.DataFrame.from_records(rec_ary, columns=["a", "b", "c", "d"]) df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(rec_ary, columns=["a", "b", "c", "d"]) assert isinstance(gdf, cudf.DataFrame) assert_eq(df, gdf) gdf = cudf.DataFrame.from_records(rec_ary) df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(rec_ary) assert isinstance(gdf, cudf.DataFrame) assert_eq(df, gdf) @pytest.mark.parametrize("columns", [None, ["first", "second", "third"]]) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "index", [ None, ["first", "second"], "name", "age", "weight", [10, 11], ["abc", "xyz"], ], ) def test_from_records_index(columns, index): rec_ary = np.array( [("Rex", 9, 81.0), ("Fido", 3, 27.0)], dtype=[("name", "U10"), ("age", "i4"), ("weight", "f4")], ) gdf = cudf.DataFrame.from_records(rec_ary, columns=columns, index=index) df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(rec_ary, columns=columns, index=index) assert isinstance(gdf, cudf.DataFrame) assert_eq(df, gdf) def test_dataframe_construction_from_cupy_arrays(): h_ary = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], np.int32) d_ary = cupy.asarray(h_ary) gdf = cudf.DataFrame(d_ary, columns=["a", "b", "c"]) df = pd.DataFrame(h_ary, columns=["a", "b", "c"]) assert isinstance(gdf, cudf.DataFrame) assert_eq(df, gdf) gdf = cudf.DataFrame(d_ary) df = pd.DataFrame(h_ary) assert isinstance(gdf, cudf.DataFrame) assert_eq(df, gdf) gdf = cudf.DataFrame(d_ary, index=["a", "b"]) df = pd.DataFrame(h_ary, index=["a", "b"]) assert isinstance(gdf, cudf.DataFrame) assert_eq(df, gdf) gdf = cudf.DataFrame(d_ary) gdf = gdf.set_index(keys=0, drop=False) df = pd.DataFrame(h_ary) df = df.set_index(keys=0, drop=False) assert isinstance(gdf, cudf.DataFrame) assert_eq(df, gdf) gdf = cudf.DataFrame(d_ary) gdf = gdf.set_index(keys=1, drop=False) df = pd.DataFrame(h_ary) df = df.set_index(keys=1, drop=False) assert isinstance(gdf, cudf.DataFrame) assert_eq(df, gdf) def test_dataframe_cupy_wrong_dimensions(): d_ary = cupy.empty((2, 3, 4), dtype=np.int32) with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="records dimension expected 1 or 2 but found: 3" ): cudf.DataFrame(d_ary) def test_dataframe_cupy_array_wrong_index(): d_ary = cupy.empty((2, 3), dtype=np.int32) with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="Length mismatch: Expected axis has 2 elements, " "new values have 1 elements", ): cudf.DataFrame(d_ary, index=["a"]) with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="Length mismatch: Expected axis has 2 elements, " "new values have 1 elements", ): cudf.DataFrame(d_ary, index="a") def test_index_in_dataframe_constructor(): a = pd.DataFrame({"x": [1, 2, 3]}, index=[4.0, 5.0, 6.0]) b = cudf.DataFrame({"x": [1, 2, 3]}, index=[4.0, 5.0, 6.0]) assert_eq(a, b) assert_eq(a.loc[4:], b.loc[4:]) dtypes = NUMERIC_TYPES + DATETIME_TYPES + ["bool"] @pytest.mark.parametrize("nelem", [0, 2, 3, 100, 1000]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("data_type", dtypes) def test_from_arrow(nelem, data_type): df = pd.DataFrame( { "a": np.random.randint(0, 1000, nelem).astype(data_type), "b": np.random.randint(0, 1000, nelem).astype(data_type), } ) padf = pa.Table.from_pandas( df, preserve_index=False ).replace_schema_metadata(None) gdf = cudf.DataFrame.from_arrow(padf) assert isinstance(gdf, cudf.DataFrame) assert_eq(df, gdf) s = pa.Array.from_pandas(df.a) gs = cudf.Series.from_arrow(s) assert isinstance(gs, cudf.Series) # For some reason PyArrow to_pandas() converts to numpy array and has # better type compatibility np.testing.assert_array_equal(s.to_pandas(), gs.to_array()) @pytest.mark.parametrize("nelem", [0, 2, 3, 100, 1000]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("data_type", dtypes) def test_to_arrow(nelem, data_type): df = pd.DataFrame( { "a": np.random.randint(0, 1000, nelem).astype(data_type), "b": np.random.randint(0, 1000, nelem).astype(data_type), } ) gdf = cudf.DataFrame.from_pandas(df) pa_df = pa.Table.from_pandas( df, preserve_index=False ).replace_schema_metadata(None) pa_gdf = gdf.to_arrow(preserve_index=False).replace_schema_metadata(None) assert isinstance(pa_gdf, pa.Table) assert pa.Table.equals(pa_df, pa_gdf) pa_s = pa.Array.from_pandas(df.a) pa_gs = gdf["a"].to_arrow() assert isinstance(pa_gs, pa.Array) assert pa.Array.equals(pa_s, pa_gs) pa_i = pa.Array.from_pandas(df.index) pa_gi = gdf.index.to_arrow() assert isinstance(pa_gi, pa.Array) assert pa.Array.equals(pa_i, pa_gi) @pytest.mark.parametrize("data_type", dtypes) def test_to_from_arrow_nulls(data_type): if data_type == "longlong": data_type = "int64" if data_type == "bool": s1 = pa.array([True, None, False, None, True], type=data_type) else: dtype = np.dtype(data_type) if dtype.type == np.datetime64: time_unit, _ = np.datetime_data(dtype) data_type = pa.timestamp(unit=time_unit) s1 = pa.array([1, None, 3, None, 5], type=data_type) gs1 = cudf.Series.from_arrow(s1) assert isinstance(gs1, cudf.Series) # We have 64B padded buffers for nulls whereas Arrow returns a minimal # number of bytes, so only check the first byte in this case np.testing.assert_array_equal( np.asarray(s1.buffers()[0]).view("u1")[0], gs1._column.mask_array_view.copy_to_host().view("u1")[0], ) assert pa.Array.equals(s1, gs1.to_arrow()) s2 = pa.array([None, None, None, None, None], type=data_type) gs2 = cudf.Series.from_arrow(s2) assert isinstance(gs2, cudf.Series) # We have 64B padded buffers for nulls whereas Arrow returns a minimal # number of bytes, so only check the first byte in this case np.testing.assert_array_equal( np.asarray(s2.buffers()[0]).view("u1")[0], gs2._column.mask_array_view.copy_to_host().view("u1")[0], ) assert pa.Array.equals(s2, gs2.to_arrow()) def test_to_arrow_categorical(): df = pd.DataFrame() df["a"] = pd.Series(["a", "b", "c"], dtype="category") gdf = cudf.DataFrame.from_pandas(df) pa_df = pa.Table.from_pandas( df, preserve_index=False ).replace_schema_metadata(None) pa_gdf = gdf.to_arrow(preserve_index=False).replace_schema_metadata(None) assert isinstance(pa_gdf, pa.Table) assert pa.Table.equals(pa_df, pa_gdf) pa_s = pa.Array.from_pandas(df.a) pa_gs = gdf["a"].to_arrow() assert isinstance(pa_gs, pa.Array) assert pa.Array.equals(pa_s, pa_gs) def test_from_arrow_missing_categorical(): pd_cat = pd.Categorical(["a", "b", "c"], categories=["a", "b"]) pa_cat = pa.array(pd_cat, from_pandas=True) gd_cat = cudf.Series(pa_cat) assert isinstance(gd_cat, cudf.Series) assert_eq( pd.Series(pa_cat.to_pandas()), # PyArrow returns a pd.Categorical gd_cat.to_pandas(), ) def test_to_arrow_missing_categorical(): pd_cat = pd.Categorical(["a", "b", "c"], categories=["a", "b"]) pa_cat = pa.array(pd_cat, from_pandas=True) gd_cat = cudf.Series(pa_cat) assert isinstance(gd_cat, cudf.Series) assert pa.Array.equals(pa_cat, gd_cat.to_arrow()) @pytest.mark.parametrize("data_type", dtypes) def test_from_scalar_typing(data_type): if data_type == "datetime64[ms]": scalar = ( np.dtype("int64") .type(np.random.randint(0, 5)) .astype("datetime64[ms]") ) elif data_type.startswith("datetime64"): scalar = np.datetime64("datetime64[ms]") data_type = "datetime64[ms]" else: scalar = np.dtype(data_type).type(np.random.randint(0, 5)) gdf = cudf.DataFrame() gdf["a"] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] gdf["b"] = scalar assert gdf["b"].dtype == np.dtype(data_type) assert len(gdf["b"]) == len(gdf["a"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("data_type", NUMERIC_TYPES) def test_from_python_array(data_type): np_arr = np.random.randint(0, 100, 10).astype(data_type) data = memoryview(np_arr) data = arr.array(data.format, data) gs = cudf.Series(data) np.testing.assert_equal(gs.to_array(), np_arr) def test_series_shape(): ps = pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4]) cs = cudf.Series([1, 2, 3, 4]) assert ps.shape == cs.shape def test_series_shape_empty(): ps = pd.Series(dtype="float64") cs = cudf.Series([]) assert ps.shape == cs.shape def test_dataframe_shape(): pdf = pd.DataFrame({"a": [0, 1, 2, 3], "b": [0.1, 0.2, None, 0.3]}) gdf = cudf.DataFrame.from_pandas(pdf) assert pdf.shape == gdf.shape def test_dataframe_shape_empty(): pdf = pd.DataFrame() gdf = cudf.DataFrame() assert pdf.shape == gdf.shape @pytest.mark.parametrize("num_cols", [1, 2, 10]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("num_rows", [1, 2, 20]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", dtypes) @pytest.mark.parametrize("nulls", ["none", "some", "all"]) def test_dataframe_transpose(nulls, num_cols, num_rows, dtype): pdf = pd.DataFrame() null_rep = np.nan if dtype in ["float32", "float64"] else None for i in range(num_cols): colname = string.ascii_lowercase[i] data = pd.Series(np.random.randint(0, 26, num_rows).astype(dtype)) if nulls == "some": idx = np.random.choice( num_rows, size=int(num_rows / 2), replace=False ) data[idx] = null_rep elif nulls == "all": data[:] = null_rep pdf[colname] = data gdf = cudf.DataFrame.from_pandas(pdf) got_function = gdf.transpose() got_property = gdf.T expect = pdf.transpose() assert_eq(expect, got_function) assert_eq(expect, got_property) @pytest.mark.parametrize("num_cols", [1, 2, 10]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("num_rows", [1, 2, 20]) def test_dataframe_transpose_category(num_cols, num_rows): pdf = pd.DataFrame() for i in range(num_cols): colname = string.ascii_lowercase[i] data = pd.Series(list(string.ascii_lowercase), dtype="category") data = data.sample(num_rows, replace=True).reset_index(drop=True) pdf[colname] = data gdf = cudf.DataFrame.from_pandas(pdf) got_function = gdf.transpose() got_property = gdf.T expect = pdf.transpose() assert_eq(expect, got_function.to_pandas()) assert_eq(expect, got_property.to_pandas()) def test_generated_column(): gdf = cudf.DataFrame({"a": (i for i in range(5))}) assert len(gdf) == 5 @pytest.fixture def pdf(): return pd.DataFrame({"x": range(10), "y": range(10)}) @pytest.fixture def gdf(pdf): return cudf.DataFrame.from_pandas(pdf) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "data", [ {"x": [np.nan, 2, 3, 4, 100, np.nan], "y": [4, 5, 6, 88, 99, np.nan]}, {"x": [1, 2, 3], "y": [4, 5, 6]}, {"x": [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan], "y": [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]}, {"x": [], "y": []}, {"x": []}, ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "func", [ lambda df, **kwargs: df.min(**kwargs), lambda df, **kwargs: df.max(**kwargs), lambda df, **kwargs: df.sum(**kwargs), lambda df, **kwargs: df.product(**kwargs), lambda df, **kwargs: df.cummin(**kwargs), lambda df, **kwargs: df.cummax(**kwargs), lambda df, **kwargs: df.cumsum(**kwargs), lambda df, **kwargs: df.cumprod(**kwargs), lambda df, **kwargs: df.mean(**kwargs), lambda df, **kwargs: df.sum(**kwargs), lambda df, **kwargs: df.max(**kwargs), lambda df, **kwargs: df.std(ddof=1, **kwargs), lambda df, **kwargs: df.var(ddof=1, **kwargs), lambda df, **kwargs: df.std(ddof=2, **kwargs), lambda df, **kwargs: df.var(ddof=2, **kwargs), lambda df, **kwargs: df.kurt(**kwargs), lambda df, **kwargs: df.skew(**kwargs), lambda df, **kwargs: df.all(**kwargs), lambda df, **kwargs: df.any(**kwargs), ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("skipna", [True, False, None]) def test_dataframe_reductions(data, func, skipna): pdf = pd.DataFrame(data=data) gdf = cudf.DataFrame.from_pandas(pdf) assert_eq(func(pdf, skipna=skipna), func(gdf, skipna=skipna)) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "data", [ {"x": [np.nan, 2, 3, 4, 100, np.nan], "y": [4, 5, 6, 88, 99, np.nan]}, {"x": [1, 2, 3], "y": [4, 5, 6]}, {"x": [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan], "y": [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]}, {"x": [], "y": []}, {"x": []}, ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("func", [lambda df: df.count()]) def test_dataframe_count_reduction(data, func): pdf = pd.DataFrame(data=data) gdf = cudf.DataFrame.from_pandas(pdf) assert_eq(func(pdf), func(gdf)) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "data", [ {"x": [np.nan, 2, 3, 4, 100, np.nan], "y": [4, 5, 6, 88, 99, np.nan]}, {"x": [1, 2, 3], "y": [4, 5, 6]}, {"x": [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan], "y": [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]}, {"x": [], "y": []}, {"x": []}, ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("ops", ["sum", "product", "prod"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("skipna", [True, False, None]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("min_count", [-10, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 10]) def test_dataframe_min_count_ops(data, ops, skipna, min_count): psr = pd.DataFrame(data) gsr = cudf.DataFrame(data) if PANDAS_GE_120 and psr.shape[0] * psr.shape[1] < min_count: pytest.xfail("") assert_eq( getattr(psr, ops)(skipna=skipna, min_count=min_count), getattr(gsr, ops)(skipna=skipna, min_count=min_count), check_dtype=False, ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "binop", [ operator.add, operator.mul, operator.floordiv, operator.truediv, operator.mod, operator.pow, operator.eq,, operator.le,,,, ], ) def test_binops_df(pdf, gdf, binop): pdf = pdf + 1.0 gdf = gdf + 1.0 d = binop(pdf, pdf) g = binop(gdf, gdf) assert_eq(d, g) @pytest.mark.parametrize("binop", [operator.and_, operator.or_, operator.xor]) def test_bitwise_binops_df(pdf, gdf, binop): d = binop(pdf, pdf + 1) g = binop(gdf, gdf + 1) assert_eq(d, g) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "binop", [ operator.add, operator.mul, operator.floordiv, operator.truediv, operator.mod, operator.pow, operator.eq,, operator.le,,,, ], ) def test_binops_series(pdf, gdf, binop): pdf = pdf + 1.0 gdf = gdf + 1.0 d = binop(pdf.x, pdf.y) g = binop(gdf.x, gdf.y) assert_eq(d, g) @pytest.mark.parametrize("binop", [operator.and_, operator.or_, operator.xor]) def test_bitwise_binops_series(pdf, gdf, binop): d = binop(pdf.x, pdf.y + 1) g = binop(gdf.x, gdf.y + 1) assert_eq(d, g) @pytest.mark.parametrize("unaryop", [operator.neg, operator.inv, operator.abs]) def test_unaryops_df(pdf, gdf, unaryop): d = unaryop(pdf - 5) g = unaryop(gdf - 5) assert_eq(d, g) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "func", [ lambda df: df.empty, lambda df: df.x.empty, lambda df: df.x.fillna(123, limit=None, method=None, axis=None), lambda df: df.drop("x", axis=1, errors="raise"), ], ) def test_unary_operators(func, pdf, gdf): p = func(pdf) g = func(gdf) assert_eq(p, g) def test_is_monotonic(gdf): pdf = pd.DataFrame({"x": [1, 2, 3]}, index=[3, 1, 2]) gdf = cudf.DataFrame.from_pandas(pdf) assert not gdf.index.is_monotonic assert not gdf.index.is_monotonic_increasing assert not gdf.index.is_monotonic_decreasing def test_iter(pdf, gdf): assert list(pdf) == list(gdf) def test_iteritems(gdf): for k, v in gdf.iteritems(): assert k in gdf.columns assert isinstance(v, cudf.Series) assert_eq(v, gdf[k]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("q", [0.5, 1, 0.001, [0.5], [], [0.005, 0.5, 1]]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("numeric_only", [True, False]) def test_quantile(q, numeric_only): ts = pd.date_range("2018-08-24", periods=5, freq="D") td = pd.to_timedelta(np.arange(5), unit="h") pdf = pd.DataFrame( {"date": ts, "delta": td, "val": np.random.randn(len(ts))} ) gdf = cudf.DataFrame.from_pandas(pdf) assert_eq(pdf["date"].quantile(q), gdf["date"].quantile(q)) assert_eq(pdf["delta"].quantile(q), gdf["delta"].quantile(q)) assert_eq(pdf["val"].quantile(q), gdf["val"].quantile(q)) if numeric_only: assert_eq(pdf.quantile(q), gdf.quantile(q)) else: q = q if isinstance(q, list) else [q] assert_eq( pdf.quantile( q if isinstance(q, list) else [q], numeric_only=False ), gdf.quantile(q, numeric_only=False), ) def test_empty_quantile(): pdf = pd.DataFrame({"x": []}) df = cudf.DataFrame({"x": []}) actual = df.quantile() expected = pdf.quantile() assert_eq(actual, expected) def test_from_pandas_function(pdf): gdf = cudf.from_pandas(pdf) assert isinstance(gdf, cudf.DataFrame) assert_eq(pdf, gdf) gdf = cudf.from_pandas(pdf.x) assert isinstance(gdf, cudf.Series) assert_eq(pdf.x, gdf) with pytest.raises(TypeError): cudf.from_pandas(123) @pytest.mark.parametrize("preserve_index", [True, False]) def test_arrow_pandas_compat(pdf, gdf, preserve_index): pdf["z"] = range(10) pdf = pdf.set_index("z") gdf["z"] = range(10) gdf = gdf.set_index("z") pdf_arrow_table = pa.Table.from_pandas(pdf, preserve_index=preserve_index) gdf_arrow_table = gdf.to_arrow(preserve_index=preserve_index) assert pa.Table.equals(pdf_arrow_table, gdf_arrow_table) gdf2 = cudf.DataFrame.from_arrow(pdf_arrow_table) pdf2 = pdf_arrow_table.to_pandas() assert_eq(pdf2, gdf2) @pytest.mark.parametrize("nrows", [1, 8, 100, 1000, 100000]) def test_series_hash_encode(nrows): data = np.asarray(range(nrows)) # Python hash returns different value which sometimes # results in enc_with_name_arr and enc_arr to be same. # And there is no other better way to make hash return same value. # So using an integer name to get constant value back from hash. s = cudf.Series(data, name=1) num_features = 1000 encoded_series = s.hash_encode(num_features) assert isinstance(encoded_series, cudf.Series) enc_arr = encoded_series.to_array() assert np.all(enc_arr >= 0) assert np.max(enc_arr) < num_features enc_with_name_arr = s.hash_encode(num_features, use_name=True).to_array() assert enc_with_name_arr[0] != enc_arr[0] @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", NUMERIC_TYPES + ["bool"]) def test_cuda_array_interface(dtype): np_data = np.arange(10).astype(dtype) cupy_data = cupy.array(np_data) pd_data = pd.Series(np_data) cudf_data = cudf.Series(cupy_data) assert_eq(pd_data, cudf_data) gdf = cudf.DataFrame() gdf["test"] = cupy_data = "test" assert_eq(pd_data, gdf["test"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("nelem", [0, 2, 3, 100]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("nchunks", [1, 2, 5, 10]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("data_type", dtypes) def test_from_arrow_chunked_arrays(nelem, nchunks, data_type): np_list_data = [ np.random.randint(0, 100, nelem).astype(data_type) for i in range(nchunks) ] pa_chunk_array = pa.chunked_array(np_list_data) expect = pd.Series(pa_chunk_array.to_pandas()) got = cudf.Series(pa_chunk_array) assert_eq(expect, got) np_list_data2 = [ np.random.randint(0, 100, nelem).astype(data_type) for i in range(nchunks) ] pa_chunk_array2 = pa.chunked_array(np_list_data2) pa_table = pa.Table.from_arrays( [pa_chunk_array, pa_chunk_array2], names=["a", "b"] ) expect = pa_table.to_pandas() got = cudf.DataFrame.from_arrow(pa_table) assert_eq(expect, got) @pytest.mark.skip(reason="Test was designed to be run in isolation") def test_gpu_memory_usage_with_boolmask(): ctx = cuda.current_context() def query_GPU_memory(note=""): memInfo = ctx.get_memory_info() usedMemoryGB = ( - / 1e9 return usedMemoryGB cuda.current_context().deallocations.clear() nRows = int(1e8) nCols = 2 dataNumpy = np.asfortranarray(np.random.rand(nRows, nCols)) colNames = ["col" + str(iCol) for iCol in range(nCols)] pandasDF = pd.DataFrame(data=dataNumpy, columns=colNames, dtype=np.float32) cudaDF = cudf.core.DataFrame.from_pandas(pandasDF) boolmask = cudf.Series(np.random.randint(1, 2, len(cudaDF)).astype("bool")) memory_used = query_GPU_memory() cudaDF = cudaDF[boolmask] assert ( cudaDF.index._values.data_array_view.device_ctypes_pointer == cudaDF["col0"].index._values.data_array_view.device_ctypes_pointer ) assert ( cudaDF.index._values.data_array_view.device_ctypes_pointer == cudaDF["col1"].index._values.data_array_view.device_ctypes_pointer ) assert memory_used == query_GPU_memory() def test_boolmask(pdf, gdf): boolmask = np.random.randint(0, 2, len(pdf)) > 0 gdf = gdf[boolmask] pdf = pdf[boolmask] assert_eq(pdf, gdf) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "mask_shape", [ (2, "ab"), (2, "abc"), (3, "ab"), (3, "abc"), (3, "abcd"), (4, "abc"), (4, "abcd"), ], ) def test_dataframe_boolmask(mask_shape): pdf = pd.DataFrame() for col in "abc": pdf[col] = np.random.randint(0, 10, 3) pdf_mask = pd.DataFrame() for col in mask_shape[1]: pdf_mask[col] = np.random.randint(0, 2, mask_shape[0]) > 0 gdf = cudf.DataFrame.from_pandas(pdf) gdf_mask = cudf.DataFrame.from_pandas(pdf_mask) gdf = gdf[gdf_mask] pdf = pdf[pdf_mask] assert np.array_equal(gdf.columns, pdf.columns) for col in gdf.columns: assert np.array_equal( gdf[col].fillna(-1).to_pandas().values, pdf[col].fillna(-1).values ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "mask", [ [True, False, True], pytest.param( cudf.Series([True, False, True]), marks=pytest.mark.xfail( reason="Pandas can't index a multiindex with a Series" ), ), ], ) def test_dataframe_multiindex_boolmask(mask): gdf = cudf.DataFrame( {"w": [3, 2, 1], "x": [1, 2, 3], "y": [0, 1, 0], "z": [1, 1, 1]} ) gdg = gdf.groupby(["w", "x"]).count() pdg = gdg.to_pandas() assert_eq(gdg[mask], pdg[mask]) def test_dataframe_assignment(): pdf = pd.DataFrame() for col in "abc": pdf[col] = np.array([0, 1, 1, -2, 10]) gdf = cudf.DataFrame.from_pandas(pdf) gdf[gdf < 0] = 999 pdf[pdf < 0] = 999 assert_eq(gdf, pdf) def test_1row_arrow_table(): data = [pa.array([0]), pa.array([1])] batch = pa.RecordBatch.from_arrays(data, ["f0", "f1"]) table = pa.Table.from_batches([batch]) expect = table.to_pandas() got = cudf.DataFrame.from_arrow(table) assert_eq(expect, got) def test_arrow_handle_no_index_name(pdf, gdf): gdf_arrow = gdf.to_arrow() pdf_arrow = pa.Table.from_pandas(pdf) assert pa.Table.equals(pdf_arrow, gdf_arrow) got = cudf.DataFrame.from_arrow(gdf_arrow) expect = pdf_arrow.to_pandas() assert_eq(expect, got) @pytest.mark.parametrize("num_rows", [1, 3, 10, 100]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("num_bins", [1, 2, 4, 20]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("right", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", NUMERIC_TYPES + ["bool"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("series_bins", [True, False]) def test_series_digitize(num_rows, num_bins, right, dtype, series_bins): data = np.random.randint(0, 100, num_rows).astype(dtype) bins = np.unique(np.sort(np.random.randint(2, 95, num_bins).astype(dtype))) s = cudf.Series(data) if series_bins: s_bins = cudf.Series(bins) indices = s.digitize(s_bins, right) else: indices = s.digitize(bins, right) np.testing.assert_array_equal( np.digitize(data, bins, right), indices.to_array() ) def test_series_digitize_invalid_bins(): s = cudf.Series(np.random.randint(0, 30, 80), dtype="int32") bins = cudf.Series([2, None, None, 50, 90], dtype="int32") with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="`bins` cannot contain null entries." ): _ = s.digitize(bins) def test_pandas_non_contiguious(): arr1 = np.random.sample([5000, 10]) assert arr1.flags["C_CONTIGUOUS"] is True df = pd.DataFrame(arr1) for col in df.columns: assert df[col].values.flags["C_CONTIGUOUS"] is False gdf = cudf.DataFrame.from_pandas(df) assert_eq(gdf.to_pandas(), df) @pytest.mark.parametrize("num_elements", [0, 2, 10, 100]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("null_type", [np.nan, None, "mixed"]) def test_series_all_null(num_elements, null_type): if null_type == "mixed": data = [] data1 = [np.nan] * int(num_elements / 2) data2 = [None] * int(num_elements / 2) for idx in range(len(data1)): data.append(data1[idx]) data.append(data2[idx]) else: data = [null_type] * num_elements # Typecast Pandas because None will return `object` dtype expect = pd.Series(data, dtype="float64") got = cudf.Series(data) assert_eq(expect, got) @pytest.mark.parametrize("num_elements", [0, 2, 10, 100]) def test_series_all_valid_nan(num_elements): data = [np.nan] * num_elements sr = cudf.Series(data, nan_as_null=False) np.testing.assert_equal(sr.null_count, 0) def test_series_rename(): pds = pd.Series([1, 2, 3], name="asdf") gds = cudf.Series([1, 2, 3], name="asdf") expect = pds.rename("new_name") got = gds.rename("new_name") assert_eq(expect, got) pds = pd.Series(expect) gds = cudf.Series(got) assert_eq(pds, gds) pds = pd.Series(expect, name="name name") gds = cudf.Series(got, name="name name") assert_eq(pds, gds) @pytest.mark.parametrize("data_type", dtypes) @pytest.mark.parametrize("nelem", [0, 100]) def test_head_tail(nelem, data_type): def check_index_equality(left, right): assert left.index.equals(right.index) def check_values_equality(left, right): if len(left) == 0 and len(right) == 0: return None np.testing.assert_array_equal(left.to_pandas(), right.to_pandas()) def check_frame_series_equality(left, right): check_index_equality(left, right) check_values_equality(left, right) gdf = cudf.DataFrame( { "a": np.random.randint(0, 1000, nelem).astype(data_type), "b": np.random.randint(0, 1000, nelem).astype(data_type), } ) check_frame_series_equality(gdf.head(), gdf[:5]) check_frame_series_equality(gdf.head(3), gdf[:3]) check_frame_series_equality(gdf.head(-2), gdf[:-2]) check_frame_series_equality(gdf.head(0), gdf[0:0]) check_frame_series_equality(gdf["a"].head(), gdf["a"][:5]) check_frame_series_equality(gdf["a"].head(3), gdf["a"][:3]) check_frame_series_equality(gdf["a"].head(-2), gdf["a"][:-2]) check_frame_series_equality(gdf.tail(), gdf[-5:]) check_frame_series_equality(gdf.tail(3), gdf[-3:]) check_frame_series_equality(gdf.tail(-2), gdf[2:]) check_frame_series_equality(gdf.tail(0), gdf[0:0]) check_frame_series_equality(gdf["a"].tail(), gdf["a"][-5:]) check_frame_series_equality(gdf["a"].tail(3), gdf["a"][-3:]) check_frame_series_equality(gdf["a"].tail(-2), gdf["a"][2:]) def test_tail_for_string(): gdf = cudf.DataFrame() gdf["id"] = cudf.Series(["a", "b"], dtype=np.object_) gdf["v"] = cudf.Series([1, 2]) assert_eq(gdf.tail(3), gdf.to_pandas().tail(3)) @pytest.mark.parametrize("drop", [True, False]) def test_reset_index(pdf, gdf, drop): assert_eq( pdf.reset_index(drop=drop, inplace=False), gdf.reset_index(drop=drop, inplace=False), ) assert_eq( pdf.x.reset_index(drop=drop, inplace=False), gdf.x.reset_index(drop=drop, inplace=False), ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("drop", [True, False]) def test_reset_named_index(pdf, gdf, drop): = "cudf" = "cudf" assert_eq( pdf.reset_index(drop=drop, inplace=False), gdf.reset_index(drop=drop, inplace=False), ) assert_eq( pdf.x.reset_index(drop=drop, inplace=False), gdf.x.reset_index(drop=drop, inplace=False), ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("drop", [True, False]) def test_reset_index_inplace(pdf, gdf, drop): pdf.reset_index(drop=drop, inplace=True) gdf.reset_index(drop=drop, inplace=True) assert_eq(pdf, gdf) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "data", [ { "a": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], "b": ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"], "c": [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0], } ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "index", [ "a", ["a", "b"], pd.CategoricalIndex(["I", "II", "III", "IV", "V"]), pd.Series(["h", "i", "k", "l", "m"]), ["b", pd.Index(["I", "II", "III", "IV", "V"])], ["c", [11, 12, 13, 14, 15]], pd.MultiIndex( levels=[ ["I", "II", "III", "IV", "V"], ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five"], ], codes=[[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [4, 3, 2, 1, 0]], names=["col1", "col2"], ), pd.RangeIndex(0, 5), # corner case [pd.Series(["h", "i", "k", "l", "m"]), pd.RangeIndex(0, 5)], [ pd.MultiIndex( levels=[ ["I", "II", "III", "IV", "V"], ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five"], ], codes=[[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [4, 3, 2, 1, 0]], names=["col1", "col2"], ), pd.RangeIndex(0, 5), ], ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("drop", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("append", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("inplace", [True, False]) def test_set_index(data, index, drop, append, inplace): gdf = cudf.DataFrame(data) pdf = gdf.to_pandas() expected = pdf.set_index(index, inplace=inplace, drop=drop, append=append) actual = gdf.set_index(index, inplace=inplace, drop=drop, append=append) if inplace: expected = pdf actual = gdf assert_eq(expected, actual) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "data", [ { "a": [1, 1, 2, 2, 5], "b": ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"], "c": [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0], } ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("index", ["a", pd.Index([1, 1, 2, 2, 3])]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("verify_integrity", [True]) @pytest.mark.xfail def test_set_index_verify_integrity(data, index, verify_integrity): gdf = cudf.DataFrame(data) gdf.set_index(index, verify_integrity=verify_integrity) @pytest.mark.parametrize("drop", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("nelem", [10, 200, 1333]) def test_set_index_multi(drop, nelem): np.random.seed(0) a = np.arange(nelem) np.random.shuffle(a) df = pd.DataFrame( { "a": a, "b": np.random.randint(0, 4, size=nelem), "c": np.random.uniform(low=0, high=4, size=nelem), "d": np.random.choice(["green", "black", "white"], nelem), } ) df["e"] = df["d"].astype("category") gdf = cudf.DataFrame.from_pandas(df) assert_eq(gdf.set_index("a", drop=drop), gdf.set_index(["a"], drop=drop)) assert_eq( df.set_index(["b", "c"], drop=drop), gdf.set_index(["b", "c"], drop=drop), ) assert_eq( df.set_index(["d", "b"], drop=drop), gdf.set_index(["d", "b"], drop=drop), ) assert_eq( df.set_index(["b", "d", "e"], drop=drop), gdf.set_index(["b", "d", "e"], drop=drop), ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("copy", [True, False]) def test_dataframe_reindex_0(copy): # TODO (ptaylor): pandas changes `int` dtype to `float64` # when reindexing and filling new label indices with NaN gdf = cudf.datasets.randomdata( nrows=6, dtypes={ "a": "category", # 'b': int, "c": float, "d": str, }, ) pdf = gdf.to_pandas() # Validate reindex returns a copy unmodified assert_eq(pdf.reindex(copy=True), gdf.reindex(copy=copy)) @pytest.mark.parametrize("copy", [True, False]) def test_dataframe_reindex_1(copy): index = [-3, 0, 3, 0, -2, 1, 3, 4, 6] gdf = cudf.datasets.randomdata( nrows=6, dtypes={"a": "category", "c": float, "d": str} ) pdf = gdf.to_pandas() # Validate labels are used as index when axis defaults to 0 assert_eq(pdf.reindex(index, copy=True), gdf.reindex(index, copy=copy)) @pytest.mark.parametrize("copy", [True, False]) def test_dataframe_reindex_2(copy): index = [-3, 0, 3, 0, -2, 1, 3, 4, 6] gdf = cudf.datasets.randomdata( nrows=6, dtypes={"a": "category", "c": float, "d": str} ) pdf = gdf.to_pandas() # Validate labels are used as index when axis=0 assert_eq( pdf.reindex(index, axis=0, copy=True), gdf.reindex(index, axis=0, copy=copy), ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("copy", [True, False]) def test_dataframe_reindex_3(copy): columns = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"] gdf = cudf.datasets.randomdata( nrows=6, dtypes={"a": "category", "c": float, "d": str} ) pdf = gdf.to_pandas() # Validate labels are used as columns when axis=0 assert_eq( pdf.reindex(columns, axis=1, copy=True), gdf.reindex(columns, axis=1, copy=copy), ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("copy", [True, False]) def test_dataframe_reindex_4(copy): index = [-3, 0, 3, 0, -2, 1, 3, 4, 6] gdf = cudf.datasets.randomdata( nrows=6, dtypes={"a": "category", "c": float, "d": str} ) pdf = gdf.to_pandas() # Validate labels are used as index when axis=0 assert_eq( pdf.reindex(labels=index, axis=0, copy=True), gdf.reindex(labels=index, axis=0, copy=copy), ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("copy", [True, False]) def test_dataframe_reindex_5(copy): columns = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"] gdf = cudf.datasets.randomdata( nrows=6, dtypes={"a": "category", "c": float, "d": str} ) pdf = gdf.to_pandas() # Validate labels are used as columns when axis=1 assert_eq( pdf.reindex(labels=columns, axis=1, copy=True), gdf.reindex(labels=columns, axis=1, copy=copy), ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("copy", [True, False]) def test_dataframe_reindex_6(copy): index = [-3, 0, 3, 0, -2, 1, 3, 4, 6] gdf = cudf.datasets.randomdata( nrows=6, dtypes={"a": "category", "c": float, "d": str} ) pdf = gdf.to_pandas() # Validate labels are used as index when axis='index' assert_eq( pdf.reindex(labels=index, axis="index", copy=True), gdf.reindex(labels=index, axis="index", copy=copy), ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("copy", [True, False]) def test_dataframe_reindex_7(copy): columns = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"] gdf = cudf.datasets.randomdata( nrows=6, dtypes={"a": "category", "c": float, "d": str} ) pdf = gdf.to_pandas() # Validate labels are used as columns when axis='columns' assert_eq( pdf.reindex(labels=columns, axis="columns", copy=True), gdf.reindex(labels=columns, axis="columns", copy=copy), ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("copy", [True, False]) def test_dataframe_reindex_8(copy): index = [-3, 0, 3, 0, -2, 1, 3, 4, 6] gdf = cudf.datasets.randomdata( nrows=6, dtypes={"a": "category", "c": float, "d": str} ) pdf = gdf.to_pandas() # Validate reindexes labels when index=labels assert_eq( pdf.reindex(index=index, copy=True), gdf.reindex(index=index, copy=copy), ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("copy", [True, False]) def test_dataframe_reindex_9(copy): columns = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"] gdf = cudf.datasets.randomdata( nrows=6, dtypes={"a": "category", "c": float, "d": str} ) pdf = gdf.to_pandas() # Validate reindexes column names when columns=labels assert_eq( pdf.reindex(columns=columns, copy=True), gdf.reindex(columns=columns, copy=copy), ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("copy", [True, False]) def test_dataframe_reindex_10(copy): index = [-3, 0, 3, 0, -2, 1, 3, 4, 6] columns = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"] gdf = cudf.datasets.randomdata( nrows=6, dtypes={"a": "category", "c": float, "d": str} ) pdf = gdf.to_pandas() # Validate reindexes both labels and column names when # index=index_labels and columns=column_labels assert_eq( pdf.reindex(index=index, columns=columns, copy=True), gdf.reindex(index=index, columns=columns, copy=copy), ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("copy", [True, False]) def test_dataframe_reindex_change_dtype(copy): if PANDAS_GE_110: kwargs = {"check_freq": False} else: kwargs = {} index = pd.date_range("12/29/2009", periods=10, freq="D") columns = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"] gdf = cudf.datasets.randomdata( nrows=6, dtypes={"a": "category", "c": float, "d": str} ) pdf = gdf.to_pandas() # Validate reindexes both labels and column names when # index=index_labels and columns=column_labels assert_eq( pdf.reindex(index=index, columns=columns, copy=True), gdf.reindex(index=index, columns=columns, copy=copy), **kwargs, ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("copy", [True, False]) def test_series_categorical_reindex(copy): index = [-3, 0, 3, 0, -2, 1, 3, 4, 6] gdf = cudf.datasets.randomdata(nrows=6, dtypes={"a": "category"}) pdf = gdf.to_pandas() assert_eq(pdf["a"].reindex(copy=True), gdf["a"].reindex(copy=copy)) assert_eq( pdf["a"].reindex(index, copy=True), gdf["a"].reindex(index, copy=copy) ) assert_eq( pdf["a"].reindex(index=index, copy=True), gdf["a"].reindex(index=index, copy=copy), ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("copy", [True, False]) def test_series_float_reindex(copy): index = [-3, 0, 3, 0, -2, 1, 3, 4, 6] gdf = cudf.datasets.randomdata(nrows=6, dtypes={"c": float}) pdf = gdf.to_pandas() assert_eq(pdf["c"].reindex(copy=True), gdf["c"].reindex(copy=copy)) assert_eq( pdf["c"].reindex(index, copy=True), gdf["c"].reindex(index, copy=copy) ) assert_eq( pdf["c"].reindex(index=index, copy=True), gdf["c"].reindex(index=index, copy=copy), ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("copy", [True, False]) def test_series_string_reindex(copy): index = [-3, 0, 3, 0, -2, 1, 3, 4, 6] gdf = cudf.datasets.randomdata(nrows=6, dtypes={"d": str}) pdf = gdf.to_pandas() assert_eq(pdf["d"].reindex(copy=True), gdf["d"].reindex(copy=copy)) assert_eq( pdf["d"].reindex(index, copy=True), gdf["d"].reindex(index, copy=copy) ) assert_eq( pdf["d"].reindex(index=index, copy=True), gdf["d"].reindex(index=index, copy=copy), ) def test_to_frame(pdf, gdf): assert_eq(pdf.x.to_frame(), gdf.x.to_frame()) name = "foo" gdf_new_name = gdf.x.to_frame(name=name) pdf_new_name = pdf.x.to_frame(name=name) assert_eq(pdf.x.to_frame(), gdf.x.to_frame()) name = False gdf_new_name = gdf.x.to_frame(name=name) pdf_new_name = pdf.x.to_frame(name=name) assert_eq(gdf_new_name, pdf_new_name) assert gdf_new_name.columns[0] is name def test_dataframe_empty_sort_index(): pdf = pd.DataFrame({"x": []}) gdf = cudf.DataFrame.from_pandas(pdf) expect = pdf.sort_index() got = gdf.sort_index() assert_eq(expect, got) @pytest.mark.parametrize("axis", [0, 1, "index", "columns"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("ascending", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("ignore_index", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("inplace", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("na_position", ["first", "last"]) def test_dataframe_sort_index( axis, ascending, inplace, ignore_index, na_position ): pdf = pd.DataFrame( {"b": [1, 3, 2], "a": [1, 4, 3], "c": [4, 1, 5]}, index=[3.0, 1.0, np.nan], ) gdf = cudf.DataFrame.from_pandas(pdf) expected = pdf.sort_index( axis=axis, ascending=ascending, ignore_index=ignore_index, inplace=inplace, na_position=na_position, ) got = gdf.sort_index( axis=axis, ascending=ascending, ignore_index=ignore_index, inplace=inplace, na_position=na_position, ) if inplace is True: assert_eq(pdf, gdf) else: assert_eq(expected, got) @pytest.mark.parametrize("axis", [0, 1, "index", "columns"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "level", [ 0, "b", 1, ["b"], "a", ["a", "b"], ["b", "a"], [0, 1], [1, 0], [0, 2], None, ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("ascending", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("ignore_index", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("inplace", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("na_position", ["first", "last"]) def test_dataframe_mulitindex_sort_index( axis, level, ascending, inplace, ignore_index, na_position ): pdf = pd.DataFrame( { "b": [1.0, 3.0, np.nan], "a": [1, 4, 3], 1: ["a", "b", "c"], "e": [3, 1, 4], "d": [1, 2, 8], } ).set_index(["b", "a", 1]) gdf = cudf.DataFrame.from_pandas(pdf) # ignore_index is supported in v.1.0 expected = pdf.sort_index( axis=axis, level=level, ascending=ascending, inplace=inplace, na_position=na_position, ) if ignore_index is True: expected = expected got = gdf.sort_index( axis=axis, level=level, ascending=ascending, ignore_index=ignore_index, inplace=inplace, na_position=na_position, ) if inplace is True: if ignore_index is True: pdf = pdf.reset_index(drop=True) assert_eq(pdf, gdf) else: if ignore_index is True: expected = expected.reset_index(drop=True) assert_eq(expected, got) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", dtypes + ["category"]) def test_dataframe_0_row_dtype(dtype): if dtype == "category": data = pd.Series(["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"], dtype="category") else: data = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], dtype=dtype) expect = cudf.DataFrame() expect["x"] = data expect["y"] = data got = expect.head(0) for col_name in got.columns: assert expect[col_name].dtype == got[col_name].dtype expect = cudf.Series(data) got = expect.head(0) assert expect.dtype == got.dtype @pytest.mark.parametrize("nan_as_null", [True, False]) def test_series_list_nanasnull(nan_as_null): data = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, np.nan, None] expect = pa.array(data, from_pandas=nan_as_null) got = cudf.Series(data, nan_as_null=nan_as_null).to_arrow() # Bug in Arrow 0.14.1 where NaNs aren't handled expect = expect.cast("int64", safe=False) got = got.cast("int64", safe=False) assert pa.Array.equals(expect, got) def test_column_assignment(): gdf = cudf.datasets.randomdata( nrows=20, dtypes={"a": "category", "b": int, "c": float} ) new_cols = ["q", "r", "s"] gdf.columns = new_cols assert list(gdf.columns) == new_cols def test_select_dtype(): gdf = cudf.datasets.randomdata( nrows=20, dtypes={"a": "category", "b": int, "c": float, "d": str} ) pdf = gdf.to_pandas() assert_eq(pdf.select_dtypes("float64"), gdf.select_dtypes("float64")) assert_eq(pdf.select_dtypes(np.float64), gdf.select_dtypes(np.float64)) assert_eq( pdf.select_dtypes(include=["float64"]), gdf.select_dtypes(include=["float64"]), ) assert_eq( pdf.select_dtypes(include=["object", "int", "category"]), gdf.select_dtypes(include=["object", "int", "category"]), ) assert_eq( pdf.select_dtypes(include=["int64", "float64"]), gdf.select_dtypes(include=["int64", "float64"]), ) assert_eq( pdf.select_dtypes(include=np.number), gdf.select_dtypes(include=np.number), ) assert_eq( pdf.select_dtypes(include=[np.int64, np.float64]), gdf.select_dtypes(include=[np.int64, np.float64]), ) assert_eq( pdf.select_dtypes(include=["category"]), gdf.select_dtypes(include=["category"]), ) assert_eq( pdf.select_dtypes(exclude=np.number), gdf.select_dtypes(exclude=np.number), ) assert_exceptions_equal( lfunc=pdf.select_dtypes, rfunc=gdf.select_dtypes, lfunc_args_and_kwargs=([], {"includes": ["Foo"]}), rfunc_args_and_kwargs=([], {"includes": ["Foo"]}), ) assert_exceptions_equal( lfunc=pdf.select_dtypes, rfunc=gdf.select_dtypes, lfunc_args_and_kwargs=( [], {"exclude": np.number, "include": np.number}, ), rfunc_args_and_kwargs=( [], {"exclude": np.number, "include": np.number}, ), ) gdf = cudf.DataFrame( {"A": [3, 4, 5], "C": [1, 2, 3], "D": ["a", "b", "c"]} ) pdf = gdf.to_pandas() assert_eq( pdf.select_dtypes(include=["object", "int", "category"]), gdf.select_dtypes(include=["object", "int", "category"]), ) assert_eq( pdf.select_dtypes(include=["object"], exclude=["category"]), gdf.select_dtypes(include=["object"], exclude=["category"]), ) gdf = cudf.DataFrame({"a": range(10), "b": range(10, 20)}) pdf = gdf.to_pandas() assert_eq( pdf.select_dtypes(include=["category"]), gdf.select_dtypes(include=["category"]), ) assert_eq( pdf.select_dtypes(include=["float"]), gdf.select_dtypes(include=["float"]), ) assert_eq( pdf.select_dtypes(include=["object"]), gdf.select_dtypes(include=["object"]), ) assert_eq( pdf.select_dtypes(include=["int"]), gdf.select_dtypes(include=["int"]) ) assert_eq( pdf.select_dtypes(exclude=["float"]), gdf.select_dtypes(exclude=["float"]), ) assert_eq( pdf.select_dtypes(exclude=["object"]), gdf.select_dtypes(exclude=["object"]), ) assert_eq( pdf.select_dtypes(include=["int"], exclude=["object"]), gdf.select_dtypes(include=["int"], exclude=["object"]), ) assert_exceptions_equal( lfunc=pdf.select_dtypes, rfunc=gdf.select_dtypes, ) gdf = cudf.DataFrame( {"a": cudf.Series([], dtype="int"), "b": cudf.Series([], dtype="str")} ) pdf = gdf.to_pandas() assert_eq( pdf.select_dtypes(exclude=["object"]), gdf.select_dtypes(exclude=["object"]), ) assert_eq( pdf.select_dtypes(include=["int"], exclude=["object"]), gdf.select_dtypes(include=["int"], exclude=["object"]), ) def test_select_dtype_datetime(): gdf = cudf.datasets.timeseries( start="2000-01-01", end="2000-01-02", freq="3600s", dtypes={"x": int} ) gdf = gdf.reset_index() pdf = gdf.to_pandas() assert_eq(pdf.select_dtypes("datetime64"), gdf.select_dtypes("datetime64")) assert_eq( pdf.select_dtypes(np.dtype("datetime64")), gdf.select_dtypes(np.dtype("datetime64")), ) assert_eq( pdf.select_dtypes(include="datetime64"), gdf.select_dtypes(include="datetime64"), ) def test_select_dtype_datetime_with_frequency(): gdf = cudf.datasets.timeseries( start="2000-01-01", end="2000-01-02", freq="3600s", dtypes={"x": int} ) gdf = gdf.reset_index() pdf = gdf.to_pandas() assert_exceptions_equal( pdf.select_dtypes, gdf.select_dtypes, (["datetime64[ms]"],), (["datetime64[ms]"],), ) def test_array_ufunc(): gdf = cudf.DataFrame({"x": [2, 3, 4.0], "y": [9.0, 2.5, 1.1]}) pdf = gdf.to_pandas() assert_eq(np.sqrt(gdf), np.sqrt(pdf)) assert_eq(np.sqrt(gdf.x), np.sqrt(pdf.x)) @pytest.mark.parametrize("nan_value", [-5, -5.0, 0, 5, 5.0, None, "pandas"]) def test_series_to_gpu_array(nan_value): s = cudf.Series([0, 1, None, 3]) np.testing.assert_array_equal( s.to_array(nan_value), s.to_gpu_array(nan_value).copy_to_host() ) def test_dataframe_describe_exclude(): np.random.seed(12) data_length = 10000 df = cudf.DataFrame() df["x"] = np.random.normal(10, 1, data_length) df["x"] = df.x.astype("int64") df["y"] = np.random.normal(10, 1, data_length) pdf = df.to_pandas() gdf_results = df.describe(exclude=["float"]) pdf_results = pdf.describe(exclude=["float"]) assert_eq(gdf_results, pdf_results) def test_dataframe_describe_include(): np.random.seed(12) data_length = 10000 df = cudf.DataFrame() df["x"] = np.random.normal(10, 1, data_length) df["x"] = df.x.astype("int64") df["y"] = np.random.normal(10, 1, data_length) pdf = df.to_pandas() gdf_results = df.describe(include=["int"]) pdf_results = pdf.describe(include=["int"]) assert_eq(gdf_results, pdf_results) def test_dataframe_describe_default(): np.random.seed(12) data_length = 10000 df = cudf.DataFrame() df["x"] = np.random.normal(10, 1, data_length) df["y"] = np.random.normal(10, 1, data_length) pdf = df.to_pandas() gdf_results = df.describe() pdf_results = pdf.describe() assert_eq(pdf_results, gdf_results) def test_series_describe_include_all(): np.random.seed(12) data_length = 10000 df = cudf.DataFrame() df["x"] = np.random.normal(10, 1, data_length) df["x"] = df.x.astype("int64") df["y"] = np.random.normal(10, 1, data_length) df["animal"] = np.random.choice(["dog", "cat", "bird"], data_length) pdf = df.to_pandas() gdf_results = df.describe(include="all") pdf_results = pdf.describe(include="all") assert_eq(gdf_results[["x", "y"]], pdf_results[["x", "y"]]) assert_eq(gdf_results.index, pdf_results.index) assert_eq(gdf_results.columns, pdf_results.columns) assert_eq( gdf_results[["animal"]].fillna(-1).astype("str"), pdf_results[["animal"]].fillna(-1).astype("str"), ) def test_dataframe_describe_percentiles(): np.random.seed(12) data_length = 10000 sample_percentiles = [0.0, 0.1, 0.33, 0.84, 0.4, 0.99] df = cudf.DataFrame() df["x"] = np.random.normal(10, 1, data_length) df["y"] = np.random.normal(10, 1, data_length) pdf = df.to_pandas() gdf_results = df.describe(percentiles=sample_percentiles) pdf_results = pdf.describe(percentiles=sample_percentiles) assert_eq(pdf_results, gdf_results) def test_get_numeric_data(): pdf = pd.DataFrame( {"x": [1, 2, 3], "y": [1.0, 2.0, 3.0], "z": ["a", "b", "c"]} ) gdf = cudf.from_pandas(pdf) assert_eq(pdf._get_numeric_data(), gdf._get_numeric_data()) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", NUMERIC_TYPES) @pytest.mark.parametrize("period", [-1, -5, -10, -20, 0, 1, 5, 10, 20]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("data_empty", [False, True]) def test_shift(dtype, period, data_empty): if data_empty: data = None else: if dtype == np.int8: # to keep data in range data = gen_rand(dtype, 100000, low=-2, high=2) else: data = gen_rand(dtype, 100000) gdf = cudf.DataFrame({"a": cudf.Series(data, dtype=dtype)}) pdf = pd.DataFrame({"a": pd.Series(data, dtype=dtype)}) shifted_outcome = gdf.a.shift(period).fillna(0) expected_outcome = pdf.a.shift(period).fillna(0).astype(dtype) if data_empty: assert_eq(shifted_outcome, expected_outcome, check_index_type=False) else: assert_eq(shifted_outcome, expected_outcome) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", NUMERIC_TYPES) @pytest.mark.parametrize("period", [-1, -5, -10, -20, 0, 1, 5, 10, 20]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("data_empty", [False, True]) def test_diff(dtype, period, data_empty): if data_empty: data = None else: if dtype == np.int8: # to keep data in range data = gen_rand(dtype, 100000, low=-2, high=2) else: data = gen_rand(dtype, 100000) gdf = cudf.DataFrame({"a": cudf.Series(data, dtype=dtype)}) pdf = pd.DataFrame({"a": pd.Series(data, dtype=dtype)}) expected_outcome = pdf.a.diff(period) diffed_outcome = gdf.a.diff(period).astype(expected_outcome.dtype) if data_empty: assert_eq(diffed_outcome, expected_outcome, check_index_type=False) else: assert_eq(diffed_outcome, expected_outcome) @pytest.mark.parametrize("df", _dataframe_na_data()) @pytest.mark.parametrize("nan_as_null", [True, False, None]) def test_dataframe_isnull_isna(df, nan_as_null): gdf = cudf.DataFrame.from_pandas(df, nan_as_null=nan_as_null) assert_eq(df.isnull(), gdf.isnull()) assert_eq(df.isna(), gdf.isna()) # Test individual columns for col in df: assert_eq(df[col].isnull(), gdf[col].isnull()) assert_eq(df[col].isna(), gdf[col].isna()) @pytest.mark.parametrize("df", _dataframe_na_data()) @pytest.mark.parametrize("nan_as_null", [True, False, None]) def test_dataframe_notna_notnull(df, nan_as_null): gdf = cudf.DataFrame.from_pandas(df, nan_as_null=nan_as_null) assert_eq(df.notnull(), gdf.notnull()) assert_eq(df.notna(), gdf.notna()) # Test individual columns for col in df: assert_eq(df[col].notnull(), gdf[col].notnull()) assert_eq(df[col].notna(), gdf[col].notna()) def test_ndim(): pdf = pd.DataFrame({"x": range(5), "y": range(5, 10)}) gdf = cudf.DataFrame.from_pandas(pdf) assert pdf.ndim == gdf.ndim assert pdf.x.ndim == gdf.x.ndim s = pd.Series(dtype="float64") gs = cudf.Series() assert s.ndim == gs.ndim @pytest.mark.parametrize( "decimals", [ -3, 0, 5, pd.Series([1, 4, 3, -6], index=["w", "x", "y", "z"]), cudf.Series([-4, -2, 12], index=["x", "y", "z"]), {"w": -1, "x": 15, "y": 2}, ], ) def test_dataframe_round(decimals): pdf = pd.DataFrame( { "w": np.arange(0.5, 10.5, 1), "x": np.random.normal(-100, 100, 10), "y": np.array( [ 14.123, 2.343, np.nan, 0.0, -8.302, np.nan, 94.313, -112.236, -8.029, np.nan, ] ), "z": np.repeat([-0.6459412758761901], 10), } ) gdf = cudf.DataFrame.from_pandas(pdf) if isinstance(decimals, cudf.Series): pdecimals = decimals.to_pandas() else: pdecimals = decimals result = gdf.round(decimals) expected = pdf.round(pdecimals) assert_eq(result, expected) # with nulls, maintaining existing null mask for c in pdf.columns: arr = pdf[c].to_numpy().astype("float64") # for pandas nulls arr.ravel()[np.random.choice(10, 5, replace=False)] = np.nan pdf[c] = gdf[c] = arr result = gdf.round(decimals) expected = pdf.round(pdecimals) assert_eq(result, expected) for c in gdf.columns: np.array_equal(gdf[c].nullmask.to_array(), result[c].to_array()) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "data", [ [0, 1, 2, 3], [-2, -1, 2, 3, 5], [-2, -1, 0, 3, 5], [True, False, False], [True], [False], [], [True, None, False], [True, True, None], [None, None], [[0, 5], [1, 6], [2, 7], [3, 8], [4, 9]], [[1, True], [2, False], [3, False]], pytest.param( [["a", True], ["b", False], ["c", False]], marks=[ pytest.mark.xfail( reason="NotImplementedError: all does not " "support columns of object dtype." ) ], ), ], ) def test_all(data): # Pandas treats `None` in object type columns as True for some reason, so # replacing with `False` if np.array(data).ndim <= 1: pdata = cudf.utils.utils._create_pandas_series(data=data).replace( [None], False ) gdata = cudf.Series.from_pandas(pdata) else: pdata = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=["a", "b"]).replace([None], False) gdata = cudf.DataFrame.from_pandas(pdata) # test bool_only if pdata["b"].dtype == "bool": got = gdata.all(bool_only=True) expected = pdata.all(bool_only=True) assert_eq(got, expected) else: with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): gdata.all(bool_only=False) with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): gdata.all(level="a") got = gdata.all() expected = pdata.all() assert_eq(got, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "data", [ [0, 1, 2, 3], [-2, -1, 2, 3, 5], [-2, -1, 0, 3, 5], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, None, 0], [True, False, False], [True], [False], [], [True, None, False], [True, True, None], [None, None], [[0, 5], [1, 6], [2, 7], [3, 8], [4, 9]], [[1, True], [2, False], [3, False]], pytest.param( [["a", True], ["b", False], ["c", False]], marks=[ pytest.mark.xfail( reason="NotImplementedError: any does not " "support columns of object dtype." ) ], ), ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("axis", [0, 1]) def test_any(data, axis): if np.array(data).ndim <= 1: pdata = cudf.utils.utils._create_pandas_series(data=data) gdata = cudf.Series.from_pandas(pdata) if axis == 1: with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): gdata.any(axis=axis) else: got = gdata.any(axis=axis) expected = pdata.any(axis=axis) assert_eq(got, expected) else: pdata = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=["a", "b"]) gdata = cudf.DataFrame.from_pandas(pdata) # test bool_only if pdata["b"].dtype == "bool": got = gdata.any(bool_only=True) expected = pdata.any(bool_only=True) assert_eq(got, expected) else: with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): gdata.any(bool_only=False) with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): gdata.any(level="a") got = gdata.any(axis=axis) expected = pdata.any(axis=axis) assert_eq(got, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize("axis", [0, 1]) def test_empty_dataframe_any(axis): pdf = pd.DataFrame({}, columns=["a", "b"]) gdf = cudf.DataFrame.from_pandas(pdf) got = gdf.any(axis=axis) expected = pdf.any(axis=axis) assert_eq(got, expected, check_index_type=False) @pytest.mark.parametrize("indexed", [False, True]) def test_dataframe_sizeof(indexed): rows = int(1e6) index = list(i for i in range(rows)) if indexed else None gdf = cudf.DataFrame({"A": [8] * rows, "B": [32] * rows}, index=index) for c in gdf._data.columns: assert gdf._index.__sizeof__() == gdf._index.__sizeof__() cols_sizeof = sum(c.__sizeof__() for c in gdf._data.columns) assert gdf.__sizeof__() == (gdf._index.__sizeof__() + cols_sizeof) @pytest.mark.parametrize("a", [[], ["123"]]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("b", ["123", ["123"]]) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "misc_data", ["123", ["123"] * 20, 123, [1, 2, 0.8, 0.9] * 50, 0.9, 0.00001], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("non_list_data", [123, "abc", "zyx", "rapids", 0.8]) def test_create_dataframe_cols_empty_data(a, b, misc_data, non_list_data): expected = pd.DataFrame({"a": a}) actual = cudf.DataFrame.from_pandas(expected) expected["b"] = b actual["b"] = b assert_eq(actual, expected) expected = pd.DataFrame({"a": []}) actual = cudf.DataFrame.from_pandas(expected) expected["b"] = misc_data actual["b"] = misc_data assert_eq(actual, expected) expected = pd.DataFrame({"a": a}) actual = cudf.DataFrame.from_pandas(expected) expected["b"] = non_list_data actual["b"] = non_list_data assert_eq(actual, expected) def test_empty_dataframe_describe(): pdf = pd.DataFrame({"a": [], "b": []}) gdf = cudf.from_pandas(pdf) expected = pdf.describe() actual = gdf.describe() assert_eq(expected, actual) def test_as_column_types(): col = column.as_column(cudf.Series([])) assert_eq(col.dtype, np.dtype("float64")) gds = cudf.Series(col) pds = pd.Series(pd.Series([], dtype="float64")) assert_eq(pds, gds) col = column.as_column(cudf.Series([]), dtype="float32") assert_eq(col.dtype, np.dtype("float32")) gds = cudf.Series(col) pds = pd.Series(pd.Series([], dtype="float32")) assert_eq(pds, gds) col = column.as_column(cudf.Series([]), dtype="str") assert_eq(col.dtype, np.dtype("object")) gds = cudf.Series(col) pds = pd.Series(
pd.Series([], dtype="str")
from .vcfwrapper import VCFWrapper, get_samples_from_vcf from .annotation_parser import VEPAnnotation from .cli import InputFile, error, warning, info from .filters import VariantFilter, AnnotationFilter from cyvcf2 import VCF from scipy import stats, mean import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import ticker import allel import re import math import os import csv import time # static factory method for returning a vcf object def load_vcf(vcf_file): pass if os.path.exists(vcf_file): vcf = VCF(vcf_file) return vcf else: return None # static factory method for returning a cohort object representing # family relations def load_group(tsv_file): pass def order_chroms(chroms): """ static method for ordering a list of chromosome names correctly without knowledge of the chromosome name format (e.g. "chr1", "chr-1", or "CHROM1") @param chroms : Iterable returning chromosome identifiers used in a vcf file. @return ordered List of chromosomes """ gonosomes = ["X", "Y"] mit_chrom = ["M", "MT"] ordered = [] # find the chromosome-id prefix: i.e.the part that is shared among # all chromosome-ids chrom_prefix_re = re.compile(r"^[a-zA-Z_:\*\+\-]*") chrom_prefix = chrom_prefix_re.match(chroms[0]).group(0) # order in which the chromosomes will be printed: # first chr1 - chr23, then chrX and finally chrY ordered_chromnum = list(str(i) for i in range(1, 25)) \ + gonosomes \ + mit_chrom for i in ordered_chromnum: chrom = chrom_prefix + i if chrom in chroms: ordered.append(chrom) else: chrom = chrom_prefix + i.zfill(2) if chrom in chroms: ordered.append(chrom) else: # chromosome was not originally in the list -> skip it continue return ordered def get_color_map(n, name="hsv"): """ static method for generating a color map. This can be used for plots to create distinct colors. @param n : Number of different colors to be returned @return a color map of distinct colors """ return, n) class AnalysisControl: """ Class for setting up and building cohorts for running analyses from command line input. @param job : An argparse namespace obtained from cli.parse_args() representing command line options controlling an analysis task. @param analysis : One of ["versus", "cohort", "vcfstats"] representing the Anaylsis taks to be run. """ def __init__(self, analysis, job): # analysis task to be run self.analysis = analysis if self.analysis == "vcfstats": = self.run_vcfstats elif analysis == "cohort": = self.run_cohort_analysis elif analysis == "versus": = self.run_versus_analysis else: error("Unexpected Subcommand: {}".format(analysis)) # output options self.base_dir = os.getcwd() self.interactive_report = job.interactive_report self.report_dir = "DiscavarReports" if job.report_dir: self.report_dir = job.report_dir if not os.path.exists(self.report_dir): os.mkdir(self.report_dir) else: warning("Report outdir {} exists".format(self.report_dir)) if not self.analysis == "vcfstats": self.vcf_dir = "Discavar" if job.vcf_dir: self.vcf_dir = job.vcf_dir if not os.path.exists(self.vcf_dir): os.mkdir(self.vcf_dir) else: warning("VCF outdir {} exists".format(self.vcf_dir)) os.chdir(self.vcf_dir) # isec and subt options self.call_rate = job.call_rate self.call_rate2 = job.call_rate2 self.alt_ratio = job.alt_ratio self.alt_ratio2 = job.alt_ratio2 self.cohorts = [] if job.input.is_tsv: self.cohorts = Cohort.from_tsv(job.input.filepath, build_cohort=True) elif job.input.is_vcf: self.cohorts = [Cohort.from_vcf("discavar-cohort", job.input.filepath, outfile=job.vcf_copy)] else: error("Invalid Input file ending.") if self.cohorts: # only apply filters when cohort analysis is selected if self.analysis == "cohort": info("Applying Filters") # set up filters var_filter = VariantFilter( min_gq=job.filter_gq, min_mq=job.filter_mq, min_dp=job.filter_dp, intervals=job.filter_regions, excl_intervals=job.filter_excl_regions, vtypes=job.filter_vtypes, excl_vtypes=job.filter_excl_vtypes, perc_pass=job.filter_perc_pass) # set up vep filter file = self.cohorts[0].vcf_file vcf = VCF(file) vep_parser = VEPAnnotation(list(vcf.header_iter())) vep_filter = AnnotationFilter( vep_parser, IMPACT__in=job.vep_impact, CLIN_SIG__in=job.vep_significance) for c in self.cohorts: c.add_filter(var_filter) c.add_filter(vep_filter) c.apply_filters() else: warning("No Cohorts or VCF specified.") def run_vcfstats(self): info("Gathering VCF Statistics") for c in self.cohorts: # Reporting info("Writing reports for {}".format(c.cohort_id)) os.chdir(self.base_dir) os.chdir(self.report_dir) if not os.path.exists(c.cohort_id): os.mkdir(c.cohort_id) os.chdir(c.cohort_id) c.write(write_vcf=False, write_reports=True) def run_cohort_analysis(self): info("Starting Cohort Analysis") for c in self.cohorts: os.chdir(self.base_dir) # Variant analysis info("Running cohort variant operations on {}".format(c.cohort_id)) os.chdir(self.vcf_dir) affected = c.get_affected_sample_ids() unaffected = c.get_unaffected_sample_ids() time_start = time.time() if affected and unaffected: c.healthy_vs_diseased(self.alt_ratio, self.call_rate, self.alt_ratio2, self.call_rate2) else: c.intersect(self.alt_ratio, self.call_rate) time_stop = time.time() duration = (time_stop - time_start) / 60 info("cohort analysis of {} was completed in {} minutes".format( c.cohort_id, duration)) c.write(write_vcf=True, write_reports=False) # Reporting info("Writing reports for {}".format(c.cohort_id)) os.chdir(self.base_dir) os.chdir(self.report_dir) if not os.path.exists(c.cohort_id): os.mkdir(c.cohort_id) os.chdir(c.cohort_id) c.write(write_vcf=False, write_reports=True) def run_versus_analysis(self): #info("Starting Versus Analysis") error("Versus Analysis not implemented") class Report: """ Class for writing a report textfile with statistics gathered from a cohort object. @param cohort : A Cohort object for which a report is written """ def __init__(self, cohort, commandline="", report_file=""): self.cohort = cohort self.report_file = report_file if not report_file: self.report_file = self.cohort.cohort_id + "_report.txt" = "" def add_line(self, s="", line_prepend=""): """ Adds a line to the report. @param s : a string representing the line that should be added. @param line_prepend : a string representing an arbitrary set of characters that is written before every line """ s = line_prepend + s.replace("\n", "\n"+line_prepend) line = "{}\n".format(s) += line def write(self): """ Write the report to a plain text file. """ with open(self.report_file, "w") as outfile: outfile.write( class CohortReport(Report): def gather(self): self.add_line("Cohort Report for {}".format(self.cohort.cohort_id)) self.add_line("{} Samples in this Cohort: {}".format( len(self.cohort.get_sample_ids()), self.cohort.get_sample_ids()) ) self.add_line() # output gene List genes = self.cohort.gene_list() # Plotting data = self.cohort.to_dataframe() if data is not None and \ isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame) and \ not data.empty: _ = self.cohort.manhattan(df=data) _ = self.cohort.callrate_vs_qual(df=data) _ = self.cohort.qual_dist() dp_dist = self.cohort.dp_dist() mq_dist = self.cohort.mq_dist() vep_csq = self.cohort.vep_consequences() vtypes = self.cohort.vtypes_dist() # Todo: Order by Chromosomes var_stats = data.describe() #dp_stats = dp_dist.describe() #mq_stats = mq_dist.describe() else: error("No Statistics on the Variants could be collected") self.add_line("Variants with Cohort Relevance: {}".format(len(data))) self.add_line("Callrates:") self.add_line("\tMean:\t\t{}".format(var_stats["Callrate"]["mean"])) self.add_line("\tMax:\t\t{}".format(var_stats["Callrate"]["max"])) self.add_line("\tStd:\t\t{}".format(var_stats["Callrate"]["std"])) self.add_line("\t25%:\t\t{}".format(var_stats["Callrate"]["25%"])) self.add_line("\t50%:\t\t{}".format(var_stats["Callrate"]["50%"])) self.add_line("\t75%:\t\t{}".format(var_stats["Callrate"]["75%"])) self.add_line("") self.add_line("Alternate Allele Counts:") self.add_line("\tMean:\t\t{}".format(var_stats["AltAlleles"]["mean"])) self.add_line("\tMax:\t\t{}".format(var_stats["AltAlleles"]["max"])) self.add_line("\tStd:\t\t{}".format(var_stats["AltAlleles"]["std"])) self.add_line("\t25%:\t\t{}".format(var_stats["AltAlleles"]["25%"])) self.add_line("\t50%:\t\t{}".format(var_stats["AltAlleles"]["50%"])) self.add_line("\t75%:\t\t{}".format(var_stats["AltAlleles"]["75%"])) self.add_line() self.add_line("Variant Quality:") self.add_line("\tMean:\t\t{}".format(var_stats["QUAL"]["mean"])) self.add_line("\tMax:\t\t{}".format(var_stats["QUAL"]["max"])) self.add_line("\tStd:\t\t{}".format(var_stats["QUAL"]["std"])) self.add_line("\t25%:\t\t{}".format(var_stats["QUAL"]["25%"])) self.add_line("\t50%:\t\t{}".format(var_stats["QUAL"]["50%"])) self.add_line("\t75%:\t\t{}".format(var_stats["QUAL"]["75%"])) #self.add_line() #self.add_line("Mapping Quality:") #self.add_line(str(mq_stats)) #self.add_line() #self.add_line("Read Depth:") #self.add_line(str(dp_stats)) self.add_line() self.add_line("Variant Scores") self.add_line("\tMean:\t\t{}".format(var_stats["SCORE"]["mean"])) self.add_line("\tMin:\t\t{}".format(min(data["SCORE"]))) self.add_line("\tMax:\t\t{}".format(var_stats["SCORE"]["max"])) self.add_line("\tStd:\t\t{}".format(var_stats["SCORE"]["std"])) self.add_line("\t25%:\t\t{}".format(var_stats["SCORE"]["25%"])) self.add_line("\t50%:\t\t{}".format(var_stats["SCORE"]["50%"])) self.add_line("\t75%:\t\t{}".format(var_stats["SCORE"]["75%"])) self.add_line() self.add_line("Variant Types") self.add_line(str(vtypes), line_prepend="\t") # TODO: Summary statistics self.add_line("VEP Consequences") self.add_line(str(vep_csq), line_prepend="\t") self.add_line() self.add_line("Genes Affected") unknown_gene_rowname = "unknown" num_affected = len(genes[genes["GENES"] != unknown_gene_rowname]) self.add_line("\tTotal number affected:\t\t{}".format(num_affected)) self.add_line("\tMost affected Genes:") self.add_line(str(genes.head(n=10)), line_prepend="\t") class VersusReport(Report): def gather(self): pass class Sample: """ Class to represent a sample with a id, a vcf file, sex and disease status. """ def __init__(self, sample_id, vcf_file, sex, affected): self.sample_id = sample_id self.vcf_file = vcf_file = sex self.affected = affected class Cohort: """ Class to represent a related cohort of Variants from different samples e.g. a family or healthy/diseased study. input_file : cli.InputFile Representation of the user input """ def __init__(self, cohort_id, input_files=None, filters=[], regions=[], info_rules=[], use_database=False, extra_threads=0, build_cohort=False): self.cohort_id = cohort_id self.vcf_file = self.cohort_id + ".vcf.gz" # and instance of a VCFWrapper self.variants = None self.samples = [] self.filters = filters self.regions = regions self.info_rules = info_rules self.build_cohort = False self.use_database = use_database self.extra_threads = extra_threads @classmethod def from_vcf(cls, cohort_id, file, outfile="", use_database=False): """ Instantiate a Cohort from a single multisample vcf file. Assumes the vcf_file to contain a single cohort. vcf_file : String representing the path to a vcf_file """ if not isinstance(file, InputFile): file = InputFile(file) if file.exists and file.is_vcf: info("Loading VCF {}".format(file.filepath)) # new Cohort without VCFWrapper and Samples cohort = cls(cohort_id=cohort_id) # if an outfile is given if outfile != "": cohort.vcf_file = outfile else: cohort.vcf_file = file.filepath # build VCFWrapper variants = VCFWrapper.wrapper_factory( files=[file.filepath], cohort_filename=cohort.vcf_file, use_database=use_database) # extract sample ids from wrapper object sample_ids = variants.get_sample_names() # add VCFWrapper and Sample objects to the new cohort cohort.variants = variants for sid in sample_ids: cohort.add_sample(Sample(sample_id=sid, vcf_file=file.filepath, sex="NA", affected=False)) return cohort else: warning("Invalid VCF Input: " + "File doesn't exist or not in VCF Format") return None @classmethod def from_tsv(cls, file, build_cohort=True, extra_threads=0, use_database=False): """ Instantiate a Cohort from a tsv file. tsv_file : String representing the path to a tsv file. """ if not isinstance(file, InputFile): input_file = InputFile(file) cohorts = [] if input_file.exists and input_file.is_tsv: info("Loading Cohorts from TSV file {}" .format(input_file.filepath)) with open(input_file.filepath, "r") as tsvfile: reader = csv.reader(tsvfile, delimiter="\t") # keep track of all used sample ids for duplicate check used_sids = [] # fetch all data from the tsv for line in reader: # skip header lines if line[0].startswith("#"): continue # unpack the line sample_cohort = line[0] sample_vcffile = os.path.abspath(line[3]) sample_status = line[1] sample_sex = line[2] if len(line) == 5: # read sample ids # the fifth column in the tsv is a comma separated list # of ids. sample_ids = [s.rstrip(" ").strip(" ") for s in line[4].split(",")] else: # get Sample id from vcf file if os.path.exists(sample_vcffile): sample_ids = get_samples_from_vcf(sample_vcffile) else: error("VCF file listed in {} not found: {}" .format(input_file.filepath, sample_vcffile)) while sample_ids: sid = sample_ids.pop() unique_sid = cls.get_unique_sid( sid, used_sids) # reserve the sample_id that was constructed by adding # it to the list of unique sample_ids for this cohort used_sids.append(unique_sid) # instatiate the sample sample = Sample(vcf_file=sample_vcffile, sample_id=unique_sid, affected=sample_status, sex=sample_sex) # if the cohort exists, add the sample object to it for c in cohorts: if c.cohort_id == sample_cohort: c.add_sample(sample) break # else create a new cohort, add the sample to it, # and add the new cohort to the list of cohorts else: cohort = cls(sample_cohort, build_cohort=build_cohort, extra_threads=extra_threads) cohort.add_sample(sample) cohorts.append(cohort) else: warning("Invalid TSV input: " + "File doesn't exist or not in .tsv format") if build_cohort: if extra_threads: # build all cohorts at the same time pass else: for cohort in cohorts: time_build_start = time.time() time_build_stop = time.time() duration = (time_build_stop - time_build_start) / 60 info("Cohort building of {} completed in {} min".format( cohort.cohort_id, duration)) if cohorts: info("{} Samples were loaded into {} Cohorts" .format(len(used_sids), len(cohorts))) else: warning("No Cohorts were build!") return cohorts @classmethod def get_unique_sid(cls, sid, used_sids): """ Finds and returns a unique sample id """ # find a unique sample ID for that cohort # If a sample id already exists inside a cohort, # a unique prefix of the form "<unique-int>:" is # prepended. # This mimicks the behavior of vcftools for dealing # with duplicate ids. unique_prefix = "" unique_sid = unique_prefix + sid # try all prefixes until one has not been used before while (unique_sid in used_sids): # construct a maybe unique prefix # A: No prefix used yet if unique_prefix == "": unique_prefix = "2:" # B: Or by incrementing the previous prefix else: unique_id = int(unique_prefix.strip(":")) + 1 unique_prefix = str(unique_id) + ":" unique_sid = unique_prefix + sid if sid != unique_sid: warning("Sample ID '{}' was changed to the unique ID '{}'" .format(sid, unique_sid)) return unique_sid def get_sample_ids(self): """ Return a list with the ids of all samples """ return [s.sample_id for s in self.samples] def get_affected_sample_ids(self): """ Returns a list with the ids of all affected samples """ affected = [] for s in self.samples: if s.affected: affected.append(s) return affected def get_unaffected_sample_ids(self): """ Returns a list with the ids of all unaffected samples """ unaffected = [] for s in self.samples: if not s.affected: unaffected.append(s) def add_sample(self, sample): """ Add sample object to representation of cohort sample : Sample representing a sample that should be added """ self.samples.append(sample) def add_filter(self, fltr): """ Add a filter of type Filter to the Cohort for building """ self.filters.append(fltr) def add_filters(self, fltrs): """ Add a set of filters to the Cohort for building """ for fltr in fltrs: self.filters.append(fltr) def apply_filters(self, filters=[]): """ Apply all filters. """ if not filters: filters = self.filters time_start = time.time() self.variants.apply(filters) time_stop = time.time() duration = (time_stop - time_start) / 60 info("Filtering of {} was completed in {} minutes".format( self.cohort_id, duration)) def filter(self, filters=[]): """ Query based on all filters. Returns an iterable of variants that passed the filter """ return self.variants.query(filters=filters) def build(self): """ Initialize the underlying wrapper object """ filenames = [s.vcf_file for s in self.samples] self.variants = VCFWrapper.wrapper_factory( filenames, self.vcf_file, use_database=self.use_database) self.apply_filters(filters=self.filters) def intersect(self, alt_ratio, call_rate, sample_groups=[]): """ Intersect all samples in this cohort """ if not sample_groups: # create one sample group containing all samples sample_groups = [ [s.sample_id for s in self.samples] ] info("Computing intersection of {}".format(sample_groups)) self.variants.intersect(sample_groups, alt_ratio, call_rate) def healthy_vs_diseased(self, healthy_ar=1, healthy_cr=1, diseased_ar=0, diseased_cr=0.5): """ Perform a healthy versus diseased analysis of the samples in this cohort. """ healthy = list(filter(lambda s: s.affected, self.samples)) diseased = list(filter(lambda s: not s.affected, self.samples)) self.variants.subtract(minuend=diseased, subtrahend=healthy, call_rate1=healthy_cr, alt_ratio1=healthy_ar, call_rate2=diseased_cr, alt_ratio2=diseased_ar) def versus(self, cohort): """ Versus Analysis of two cohort objects """ pass def gene_list(self, outfile=""): """ Collects a list of genes and the number of variations that occur in each gene. Writes the List to a file """ # currently, VEP Annotations are used to determine the gene name parser = self.variants.vep_parser if not parser: warning("Gene List can't be build without VEP Annotations") return None else: genes = {} for record in self.variants: # get the annotation string from the record ann_string = self.variants. \ get_var_info(record, field=parser.INFO_COL_NAME) # parse the string to obtain a dictionary representation # for every variant in the record as a list csq_annotations = parser.parse_annotation(ann_string) # it is assumed that the gene name is the same for all # variants, given that they all occur at the same # chromosome and position csq_ann = csq_annotations[0] gene_name = csq_ann.get("Gene", "unknown") count = genes.get(gene_name, 0) + 1 genes[gene_name] = count df = pd.DataFrame(dict(GENES=list(genes.keys()), VARIANTS=list(genes.values()))) df.sort_values(by="VARIANTS", inplace=True, ascending=False) if not outfile: outfile = self.cohort_id + "_genelist.tsv" df.to_csv(outfile, sep="\t") return df def to_dataframe(self): """ Build a Dataframe from the underlying vcf. This is more useful for plotting """ fields = ["variants/REF", "variants/ALT", "variants/CHROM", "variants/POS", "variants/QUAL", "calldata/GT"] data = allel.read_vcf(self.variants.cohort_filename, fields=fields) if data is None or \ not isinstance(data, dict): warning("Missing Variant data: " + "No or incomplete data could be read from {}" .format(self.variants.cohort_filename)) return None try: df = pd.DataFrame(dict(CHROM=data["variants/CHROM"], POS=data["variants/POS"], QUAL=data["variants/QUAL"])) g = allel.GenotypeArray(data["calldata/GT"]) except KeyError as e: print(e) warning("Missing Variant data: " + "Not all required data could be read from {}" .format(self.variants.cohort_filename)) gn = g.to_n_alt() df["AltAlleles"] = [sum(vars) for vars in gn] df["Callrate"] = [(g.n_samples - list(vars).count(0)) / g.n_samples for vars in gn] # compute variant score as the log product of their Quality and Callrate df["SCORE"] = [math.log2(qual * cr) for qual, cr in zip(df["QUAL"], df["Callrate"])] # sort by variant position df.sort_values(["POS"]) # sort again by chromosome name df["CHROM"] = df["CHROM"].astype("category") chromnames_ordered = order_chroms(df["CHROM"].unique()) df["CHROM"] = df["CHROM"] \ .cat.reorder_categories(chromnames_ordered) # add an index column df["IDX"] = range(len(df)) return df def manhattan(self, df=None, outfile="", only_data=False, ax=None, save_figure=True): """ Manhattan plot or dataframe for the cohort. """ if df is None or \ type(df) != pd.DataFrame or \ df.empty: df = self.to_dataframe() df_grouped = df.groupby("CHROM") if not only_data: # these colors will be repeated colors = get_color_map(23) if not ax: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: fig = ax.get_figure() save_figure = False x_labels = [] x_labels_pos = [] for i, (name, group) in enumerate(df_grouped): if not "Y" in str(name).upper(): group.plot(kind='scatter', x='IDX', y='SCORE', color=colors(i), ax=ax) x_labels.append(name) x_labels_pos.append((group.IDX.iloc[-1] - (group.IDX.iloc[-1] - group.IDX.iloc[0]) / 2)) ax.set_xticks(x_labels_pos) ax.set_xticklabels(x_labels) # roate the ticks, so each one is nicely readable for label in ax.get_xticklabels(): label.set_rotation(50) ax.set_xlim([0, len(df)]) ax.set_xlabel("Chromosome") ax.set_ylabel("Score") ax.set_title("Manhattan Distribution") # widen the figure fig.set_size_inches(15, 7) # fix cutoff labels fig.tight_layout() if not outfile: outfile = self.cohort_id + "_manhattan.png" if save_figure: fig.savefig(outfile) return df def vtypes_dist(self, outfile="", only_data=False, ax=None, save_figure=True): """ Manhattan plot. """ vtypes_hist = dict() # chromosomes listed in the vcf chroms = set() # vep parser for parse the VEP Annotation in the INFO Column parser = self.variants.vep_parser vep_annotated = True if parser else False for var in self.variants: var_chrom = self.variants.get_var_chrom(var) # save the chromosome the record references for plotting chroms.add(var_chrom) if vep_annotated: # read the raw VEP annotation string from the record INFO ann_string = self.variants. \ get_var_info(var, field=parser.INFO_COL_NAME) # parse the raw annotation string to obtain a dictionary # of <vep-annotation-field>:<vep-annotation> for each # variant in the record as a list. record_annotations = parser.parse_annotation(ann_string) for var_annotation in record_annotations: var_type = var_annotation.get("VARIANT_CLASS", "unknown") # count the variants number chrom_hist = vtypes_hist.get(var_type, dict()) count = chrom_hist.get(var_chrom, 0) + 1 chrom_hist[var_chrom] = count vtypes_hist[var_type] = chrom_hist # read variant type from the VCFWrapper else: # supports only one consensus variant type var_type = self.variants.get_var_type(var) # count the variants number chrom_hist = vtypes_hist.get(var_type, dict()) count = chrom_hist.get(var_chrom, 0) chrom_hist[var_chrom] = count + 1 vtypes_hist[var_type] = chrom_hist chroms = order_chroms(list(chroms)) if not only_data: # plotting if not outfile: outfile = self.cohort_id + "_vartypes.png" if not ax: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: fig = ax.get_figure() save_figure = False idx = range(len(chroms)) bar_width = 0.8 bar_below = [] labels = [] for vtype in vtypes_hist.keys(): labels.append(vtype) freqs = [vtypes_hist[vtype].get(c, 0) for c in chroms] if bar_below:, freqs, width=bar_width, bottom=bar_below) bar_below = [sum(x) for x in zip(freqs, bar_below)] else:, freqs, width=bar_width) bar_below = freqs ax.set_ylabel("Frequency") ax.set_xlabel("Chromosome") ax.set_xticklabels(chroms, rotation=50) ax.legend(labels) ax.set_title("Variant Types by Chromosome") # fix cutoff labels fig.tight_layout() if save_figure: fig.savefig(outfile) return
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Wed Sep 29 10:57:09 2021 @author: luis """ # Regresión lineal múltiple en Spyder con Python # Cómo importar las librerías import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd print("LIBRERÍAS IMPORTADAS") # Importar el data set dataset = pd.read_csv('50_Startups.csv') X = dataset.iloc[:, :-1].values y = dataset.iloc[:, 4].values print("DATATSET IMPORTADO") # Codificar datos categóricos from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder, OneHotEncoder from sklearn.compose import make_column_transformer from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer labelencoder_X = LabelEncoder() X[:, 3] = labelencoder_X.fit_transform(X[:, 3]) # El "3" es el número de la columna que se desea convertir onehotencoder = make_column_transformer((OneHotEncoder(), [3]), remainder = "passthrough") #X = onehotencoder.fit_transform(X), Línea de código original, con está NO se modifica el type a float64 X = np.array(onehotencoder.fit_transform(X), dtype=np.float64) print("DATOS CODIFICADOS X EN TYPE FLOAT64") ## Sentencia para cambiar a type = float64 #ct = ColumnTransformer([('one_hot_encoder', OneHotEncoder(categories='auto'), [0])],remainder='passthrough') #X = np.array(ct.fit_transform(X), dtype=np.float64) #print("CONVERTIDO A TYPE = FLOAT64") ## CÓDIFICAR LA CATEGORÍA Y #labelencoder_y = LabelEncoder() #y = labelencoder_y.fit_transform(y) # Evitar la trampa de las variables ficticias X = X[:, 1:] # Se elimina la una de las variables dummy print("VARIABLES FICTICIAS ELIMINADA") # Dividir el data set en conjunto de entrenamiento y conjunto de testing from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size = 0.2, random_state = 0) print("DATASET DIVIDIDO PARA TRAINING Y TESTING") # Escalado de variables #from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler #sc_X = StandardScaler() #X_train = sc_X.fit_transform(X_train) #X_test = sc_X.transform(X_test) # Ajustar el modelo de Regresión lineal múltiple con el conjunto de entrenamiento from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression regression = LinearRegression(), y_train) print("MODELO DE REGRESIÓN READY!!!") # Predicción de los resultados en el conjunto de testing y_pred = regression.predict(X_test) print("PREDICCIÓN DE RESULTADOS DEL DATASET DE TESTING GENERADO") # NUEVO COMPARACIÓN DE RESULTADOS ENTRE Y_TEST & Y_PREDIC df =
pd.DataFrame({'Actual': y_test, 'Predicted': y_pred})
from datetime import datetime import numpy as np from pandas.tseries.frequencies import get_freq_code as _gfc from pandas.tseries.index import DatetimeIndex, Int64Index from import parse_time_string import pandas.tseries.frequencies as _freq_mod import pandas.core.common as com import pandas.core.datetools as datetools from pandas._tseries import Timestamp import pandas._tseries as lib #--------------- # Period logic def to_period(arg, freq=None): """ Attempts to convert arg to timestamp """ if arg is None: return arg if type(arg) == float: raise TypeError("Cannot convert a float to period") return Period(arg, freq=freq) class Period(object): def __init__(self, value=None, freq=None, year=None, month=1, quarter=None, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0): """ Represents an period of time Parameters ---------- value : Period or basestring, default None The time period represented (e.g., '4Q2005') freq : str, default None e.g., 'B' for businessday, ('T', 5) or '5T' for 5 minutes year : int, default None month : int, default 1 quarter : int, default None day : int, default 1 hour : int, default 0 minute : int, default 0 second : int, default 0 """ # freq points to a tuple (base, mult); base is one of the defined # periods such as A, Q, etc. Every five minutes would be, e.g., # ('T', 5) but may be passed in as a string like '5T' self.freq = None # ordinal is the period offset from the gregorian proleptic epoch self.ordinal = None if value is None: if freq is None: raise ValueError("If value is None, freq cannot be None") if year is None: raise ValueError("If value is None, year cannot be None") if quarter is not None: month = (quarter - 1) * 3 + 1 base, mult = _gfc(freq) self.ordinal = lib.period_ordinal(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, base, mult) elif isinstance(value, Period): other = value if freq is None or _gfc(freq) == _gfc(other.freq): self.ordinal = other.ordinal freq = other.freq else: converted = other.asfreq(freq) self.ordinal = converted.ordinal elif isinstance(value, basestring): value = value.upper() dt, parsed, reso = parse_time_string(value) if freq is None: if reso == 'year': freq = 'A' elif reso == 'quarter': freq = 'Q' elif reso == 'month': freq = 'M' elif reso == 'day': freq = 'D' elif reso == 'hour': freq = 'H' elif reso == 'minute': freq = 'T' elif reso == 'second': freq = 'S' else: raise ValueError("Could not infer frequency for period") elif isinstance(value, datetime): dt = value if freq is None: raise ValueError('Must supply freq for datetime value') elif isinstance(value, (int, long)): if value <= 0: raise ValueError("Value must be positive") self.ordinal = value if freq is None: raise ValueError('Must supply freq for ordinal value') else: msg = "Value must be Period, string, integer, or datetime" raise ValueError(msg) base, mult = _gfc(freq) if self.ordinal is None: self.ordinal = lib.period_ordinal(dt.year, dt.month,, dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second, base, mult) self.freq = _freq_mod._get_freq_str(base, mult) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Period): return (self.ordinal == other.ordinal and _gfc(self.freq) == _gfc(other.freq)) return False def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, (int, long)): return Period(self.ordinal + other, self.freq) raise ValueError("Cannot add with non-integer value") def __sub__(self, other): if isinstance(other, (int, long)): return Period(self.ordinal - other, self.freq) if isinstance(other, Period): if other.freq != self.freq: raise ValueError("Cannot do arithmetic with " "non-conforming periods") return self.ordinal - other.ordinal raise ValueError("Cannot sub with non-integer value") def asfreq(self, freq=None, how='E'): """ Parameters ---------- freq : how : Returns ------- resampled : Period """ how = _validate_end_alias(how) base1, mult1 = _gfc(self.freq) base2, mult2 = _gfc(freq) new_ordinal = lib.period_asfreq(self.ordinal, base1, mult1, base2, mult2, how) return Period(new_ordinal, (base2, mult2)) def start_time(self): return self.to_timestamp(which_end='S') def end_time(self): return self.to_timestamp(which_end='E') def to_timestamp(self, which_end='S'): """ Return the Timestamp at the start/end of the period Parameters ---------- which_end: str, default 'S' (start) 'S', 'E'. Can be aliased as case insensitive 'Start', 'Finish', 'Begin', 'End' Returns ------- Timestamp """ which_end = _validate_end_alias(which_end) new_val = self.asfreq('S', which_end) base, mult = _gfc(new_val.freq) return Timestamp(lib.period_ordinal_to_dt64(new_val.ordinal, base, mult)) @property def year(self): base, mult = _gfc(self.freq) return lib.get_period_year(self.ordinal, base, mult) @property def month(self): base, mult = _gfc(self.freq) return lib.get_period_month(self.ordinal, base, mult) @property def qyear(self): base, mult = _gfc(self.freq) return lib.get_period_qyear(self.ordinal, base, mult) @property def quarter(self): base, mult =
from collections import OrderedDict import datetime from datetime import timedelta from io import StringIO import json import os import numpy as np import pytest from pandas.compat import is_platform_32bit, is_platform_windows import pandas.util._test_decorators as td import pandas as pd from pandas import DataFrame, DatetimeIndex, Series, Timestamp, read_json import pandas._testing as tm _seriesd = tm.getSeriesData() _tsd = tm.getTimeSeriesData() _frame = DataFrame(_seriesd) _intframe = DataFrame({k: v.astype(np.int64) for k, v in _seriesd.items()}) _tsframe = DataFrame(_tsd) _cat_frame = _frame.copy() cat = ["bah"] * 5 + ["bar"] * 5 + ["baz"] * 5 + ["foo"] * (len(_cat_frame) - 15) _cat_frame.index = pd.CategoricalIndex(cat, name="E") _cat_frame["E"] = list(reversed(cat)) _cat_frame["sort"] = np.arange(len(_cat_frame), dtype="int64") _mixed_frame = _frame.copy() def assert_json_roundtrip_equal(result, expected, orient): if orient == "records" or orient == "values": expected = expected.reset_index(drop=True) if orient == "values": expected.columns = range(len(expected.columns)) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:the 'numpy' keyword is deprecated:FutureWarning") class TestPandasContainer: @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def setup(self): self.intframe = _intframe.copy() self.tsframe = _tsframe.copy() self.mixed_frame = _mixed_frame.copy() self.categorical = _cat_frame.copy() yield del self.intframe del self.tsframe del self.mixed_frame def test_frame_double_encoded_labels(self, orient): df = DataFrame( [["a", "b"], ["c", "d"]], index=['index " 1', "index / 2"], columns=["a \\ b", "y / z"], ) result = read_json(df.to_json(orient=orient), orient=orient) expected = df.copy() assert_json_roundtrip_equal(result, expected, orient) @pytest.mark.parametrize("orient", ["split", "records", "values"]) def test_frame_non_unique_index(self, orient): df = DataFrame([["a", "b"], ["c", "d"]], index=[1, 1], columns=["x", "y"]) result = read_json(df.to_json(orient=orient), orient=orient) expected = df.copy() assert_json_roundtrip_equal(result, expected, orient) @pytest.mark.parametrize("orient", ["index", "columns"]) def test_frame_non_unique_index_raises(self, orient): df = DataFrame([["a", "b"], ["c", "d"]], index=[1, 1], columns=["x", "y"]) msg = f"DataFrame index must be unique for orient='{orient}'" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): df.to_json(orient=orient) @pytest.mark.parametrize("orient", ["split", "values"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "data", [ [["a", "b"], ["c", "d"]], [[1.5, 2.5], [3.5, 4.5]], [[1, 2.5], [3, 4.5]], [[Timestamp("20130101"), 3.5], [Timestamp("20130102"), 4.5]], ], ) def test_frame_non_unique_columns(self, orient, data): df = DataFrame(data, index=[1, 2], columns=["x", "x"]) result = read_json( df.to_json(orient=orient), orient=orient, convert_dates=["x"] ) if orient == "values": expected = pd.DataFrame(data) if expected.iloc[:, 0].dtype == "datetime64[ns]": # orient == "values" by default will write Timestamp objects out # in milliseconds; these are internally stored in nanosecond, # so divide to get where we need # TODO: a to_epoch method would also solve; see GH 14772 expected.iloc[:, 0] = expected.iloc[:, 0].astype(np.int64) // 1000000 elif orient == "split": expected = df tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize("orient", ["index", "columns", "records"]) def test_frame_non_unique_columns_raises(self, orient): df = DataFrame([["a", "b"], ["c", "d"]], index=[1, 2], columns=["x", "x"]) msg = f"DataFrame columns must be unique for orient='{orient}'" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): df.to_json(orient=orient) def test_frame_default_orient(self, float_frame): assert float_frame.to_json() == float_frame.to_json(orient="columns") @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [False, float]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("convert_axes", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("numpy", [True, False]) def test_roundtrip_simple(self, orient, convert_axes, numpy, dtype, float_frame): data = float_frame.to_json(orient=orient) result = pd.read_json( data, orient=orient, convert_axes=convert_axes, numpy=numpy, dtype=dtype ) expected = float_frame assert_json_roundtrip_equal(result, expected, orient) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [False, np.int64]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("convert_axes", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("numpy", [True, False]) def test_roundtrip_intframe(self, orient, convert_axes, numpy, dtype): data = self.intframe.to_json(orient=orient) result = pd.read_json( data, orient=orient, convert_axes=convert_axes, numpy=numpy, dtype=dtype ) expected = self.intframe.copy() if ( numpy and (is_platform_32bit() or is_platform_windows()) and not dtype and orient != "split" ): # TODO: see what is causing roundtrip dtype loss expected = expected.astype(np.int32) assert_json_roundtrip_equal(result, expected, orient) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [None, np.float64,, "U3"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("convert_axes", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("numpy", [True, False]) def test_roundtrip_str_axes(self, orient, convert_axes, numpy, dtype): df = DataFrame( np.zeros((200, 4)), columns=[str(i) for i in range(4)], index=[str(i) for i in range(200)], dtype=dtype, ) # TODO: do we even need to support U3 dtypes? if numpy and dtype == "U3" and orient != "split": pytest.xfail("Can't decode directly to array") data = df.to_json(orient=orient) result = pd.read_json( data, orient=orient, convert_axes=convert_axes, numpy=numpy, dtype=dtype ) expected = df.copy() if not dtype: expected = expected.astype(np.int64) # index columns, and records orients cannot fully preserve the string # dtype for axes as the index and column labels are used as keys in # JSON objects. JSON keys are by definition strings, so there's no way # to disambiguate whether those keys actually were strings or numeric # beforehand and numeric wins out. # TODO: Split should be able to support this if convert_axes and (orient in ("split", "index", "columns")): expected.columns = expected.columns.astype(np.int64) expected.index = expected.index.astype(np.int64) elif orient == "records" and convert_axes: expected.columns = expected.columns.astype(np.int64) assert_json_roundtrip_equal(result, expected, orient) @pytest.mark.parametrize("convert_axes", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("numpy", [True, False]) def test_roundtrip_categorical(self, orient, convert_axes, numpy): # TODO: create a better frame to test with and improve coverage if orient in ("index", "columns"): pytest.xfail(f"Can't have duplicate index values for orient '{orient}')") data = self.categorical.to_json(orient=orient) if numpy and orient in ("records", "values"): pytest.xfail(f"Orient {orient} is broken with numpy=True") result = pd.read_json( data, orient=orient, convert_axes=convert_axes, numpy=numpy ) expected = self.categorical.copy() expected.index = expected.index.astype(str) # Categorical not preserved = None # index names aren't preserved in JSON if not numpy and orient == "index": expected = expected.sort_index() assert_json_roundtrip_equal(result, expected, orient) @pytest.mark.parametrize("convert_axes", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("numpy", [True, False]) def test_roundtrip_empty(self, orient, convert_axes, numpy, empty_frame): data = empty_frame.to_json(orient=orient) result = pd.read_json( data, orient=orient, convert_axes=convert_axes, numpy=numpy ) expected = empty_frame.copy() # TODO: both conditions below are probably bugs if convert_axes: expected.index = expected.index.astype(float) expected.columns = expected.columns.astype(float) if numpy and orient == "values": expected = expected.reindex([0], axis=1).reset_index(drop=True) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize("convert_axes", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("numpy", [True, False]) def test_roundtrip_timestamp(self, orient, convert_axes, numpy): # TODO: improve coverage with date_format parameter data = self.tsframe.to_json(orient=orient) result = pd.read_json( data, orient=orient, convert_axes=convert_axes, numpy=numpy ) expected = self.tsframe.copy() if not convert_axes: # one off for ts handling # DTI gets converted to epoch values idx = expected.index.astype(np.int64) // 1000000 if orient != "split": # TODO: handle consistently across orients idx = idx.astype(str) expected.index = idx assert_json_roundtrip_equal(result, expected, orient) @pytest.mark.parametrize("convert_axes", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("numpy", [True, False]) def test_roundtrip_mixed(self, orient, convert_axes, numpy): if numpy and orient != "split": pytest.xfail("Can't decode directly to array") index = pd.Index(["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]) values = { "A": [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0], "B": [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0], "C": ["foo1", "foo2", "foo3", "foo4", "foo5"], "D": [True, False, True, False, True], } df = DataFrame(data=values, index=index) data = df.to_json(orient=orient) result = pd.read_json( data, orient=orient, convert_axes=convert_axes, numpy=numpy ) expected = df.copy() expected = expected.assign(**expected.select_dtypes("number").astype(np.int64)) if not numpy and orient == "index": expected = expected.sort_index() assert_json_roundtrip_equal(result, expected, orient) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "data,msg,orient", [ ('{"key":b:a:d}', "Expected object or value", "columns"), # too few indices ( '{"columns":["A","B"],' '"index":["2","3"],' '"data":[[1.0,"1"],[2.0,"2"],[null,"3"]]}', r"Shape of passed values is \(3, 2\), indices imply \(2, 2\)", "split", ), # too many columns ( '{"columns":["A","B","C"],' '"index":["1","2","3"],' '"data":[[1.0,"1"],[2.0,"2"],[null,"3"]]}', "3 columns passed, passed data had 2 columns", "split", ), # bad key ( '{"badkey":["A","B"],' '"index":["2","3"],' '"data":[[1.0,"1"],[2.0,"2"],[null,"3"]]}', r"unexpected key\(s\): badkey", "split", ), ], ) def test_frame_from_json_bad_data_raises(self, data, msg, orient): with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): read_json(StringIO(data), orient=orient) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("convert_axes", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("numpy", [True, False]) def test_frame_from_json_missing_data(self, orient, convert_axes, numpy, dtype): num_df = DataFrame([[1, 2], [4, 5, 6]]) result = read_json( num_df.to_json(orient=orient), orient=orient, convert_axes=convert_axes, dtype=dtype, ) assert np.isnan(result.iloc[0, 2]) obj_df = DataFrame([["1", "2"], ["4", "5", "6"]]) result = read_json( obj_df.to_json(orient=orient), orient=orient, convert_axes=convert_axes, dtype=dtype, ) if not dtype: # TODO: Special case for object data; maybe a bug? assert result.iloc[0, 2] is None else: assert np.isnan(result.iloc[0, 2]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("inf", [np.inf, np.NINF]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [True, False]) def test_frame_infinity(self, orient, inf, dtype): # infinities get mapped to nulls which get mapped to NaNs during # deserialisation df = DataFrame([[1, 2], [4, 5, 6]]) df.loc[0, 2] = inf result = read_json(df.to_json(), dtype=dtype) assert np.isnan(result.iloc[0, 2]) @pytest.mark.skipif( is_platform_32bit(), reason="not compliant on 32-bit, xref #15865" ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "value,precision,expected_val", [ (0.95, 1, 1.0), (1.95, 1, 2.0), (-1.95, 1, -2.0), (0.995, 2, 1.0), (0.9995, 3, 1.0), (0.99999999999999944, 15, 1.0), ], ) def test_frame_to_json_float_precision(self, value, precision, expected_val): df = pd.DataFrame([dict(a_float=value)]) encoded = df.to_json(double_precision=precision) assert encoded == f'{{"a_float":{{"0":{expected_val}}}}}' def test_frame_to_json_except(self): df = DataFrame([1, 2, 3]) msg = "Invalid value 'garbage' for option 'orient'" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): df.to_json(orient="garbage") def test_frame_empty(self): df = DataFrame(columns=["jim", "joe"]) assert not df._is_mixed_type tm.assert_frame_equal( read_json(df.to_json(), dtype=dict(df.dtypes)), df, check_index_type=False ) # GH 7445 result = pd.DataFrame({"test": []}, index=[]).to_json(orient="columns") expected = '{"test":{}}' assert result == expected def test_frame_empty_mixedtype(self): # mixed type df = DataFrame(columns=["jim", "joe"]) df["joe"] = df["joe"].astype("i8") assert df._is_mixed_type tm.assert_frame_equal( read_json(df.to_json(), dtype=dict(df.dtypes)), df, check_index_type=False ) def test_frame_mixedtype_orient(self): # GH10289 vals = [ [10, 1, "foo", 0.1, 0.01], [20, 2, "bar", 0.2, 0.02], [30, 3, "baz", 0.3, 0.03], [40, 4, "qux", 0.4, 0.04], ] df = DataFrame( vals, index=list("abcd"), columns=["1st", "2nd", "3rd", "4th", "5th"] ) assert df._is_mixed_type right = df.copy() for orient in ["split", "index", "columns"]: inp = df.to_json(orient=orient) left = read_json(inp, orient=orient, convert_axes=False) tm.assert_frame_equal(left, right) right.index = np.arange(len(df)) inp = df.to_json(orient="records") left = read_json(inp, orient="records", convert_axes=False) tm.assert_frame_equal(left, right) right.columns = np.arange(df.shape[1]) inp = df.to_json(orient="values") left = read_json(inp, orient="values", convert_axes=False) tm.assert_frame_equal(left, right) def test_v12_compat(self, datapath): df = DataFrame( [ [1.56808523, 0.65727391, 1.81021139, -0.17251653], [-0.2550111, -0.08072427, -0.03202878, -0.17581665], [1.51493992, 0.11805825, 1.629455, -1.31506612], [-0.02765498, 0.44679743, 0.33192641, -0.27885413], [0.05951614, -2.69652057, 1.28163262, 0.34703478], ], columns=["A", "B", "C", "D"], index=pd.date_range("2000-01-03", "2000-01-07"), ) df["date"] = pd.Timestamp("19920106 18:21:32.12") df.iloc[3, df.columns.get_loc("date")] = pd.Timestamp("20130101") df["modified"] = df["date"] df.iloc[1, df.columns.get_loc("modified")] = pd.NaT dirpath = datapath("io", "json", "data") v12_json = os.path.join(dirpath, "tsframe_v012.json") df_unser =
import pathlib import pytest import pandas as pd import numpy as np import gradelib EXAMPLES_DIRECTORY = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / "examples" GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE = gradelib.Gradebook.from_gradescope( EXAMPLES_DIRECTORY / "gradescope.csv" ) CANVAS_EXAMPLE = gradelib.Gradebook.from_canvas(EXAMPLES_DIRECTORY / "canvas.csv") # the canvas example has Lab 01, which is also in Gradescope. Let's remove it CANVAS_WITHOUT_LAB_EXAMPLE = gradelib.Gradebook( points=CANVAS_EXAMPLE.points.drop(columns="lab 01"), maximums=CANVAS_EXAMPLE.maximums.drop(index="lab 01"), late=CANVAS_EXAMPLE.late.drop(columns="lab 01"), dropped=CANVAS_EXAMPLE.dropped.drop(columns="lab 01"), ) # given ROSTER = gradelib.read_egrades_roster(EXAMPLES_DIRECTORY / "egrades.csv") def assert_gradebook_is_sound(gradebook): assert gradebook.points.shape == gradebook.dropped.shape == gradebook.late.shape assert (gradebook.points.columns == gradebook.dropped.columns).all() assert (gradebook.points.columns == gradebook.late.columns).all() assert (gradebook.points.index == gradebook.dropped.index).all() assert (gradebook.points.index == gradebook.late.index).all() assert (gradebook.points.columns == gradebook.maximums.index).all() # assignments property # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_assignments_are_produced_in_order(): assert list(GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.assignments) == list( GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.points.columns ) # keep_pids() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_keep_pids(): # when actual = GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.keep_pids(ROSTER.index) # then assert len(actual.pids) == 3 assert_gradebook_is_sound(actual) def test_keep_pids_raises_if_pid_does_not_exist(): # given pids = ["A12345678", "ADNEDNE00"] # when with pytest.raises(KeyError): actual = GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.keep_pids(pids) # keep_assignments() and remove_assignments() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_keep_assignments(): # when actual = GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.keep_assignments(["homework 01", "homework 02"]) # then assert set(actual.assignments) == {"homework 01", "homework 02"} assert_gradebook_is_sound(actual) def test_keep_assignments_raises_if_assignment_does_not_exist(): # given assignments = ["homework 01", "this aint an assignment"] # then with pytest.raises(KeyError): GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.keep_assignments(assignments) def test_remove_assignments(): # when actual = GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.remove_assignments( GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.assignments.starting_with("lab") ) # then assert set(actual.assignments) == { "homework 01", "homework 02", "homework 03", "homework 04", "homework 05", "homework 06", "homework 07", "project 01", "project 02", } assert_gradebook_is_sound(actual) def test_remove_assignments_raises_if_assignment_does_not_exist(): # given assignments = ["homework 01", "this aint an assignment"] # then with pytest.raises(KeyError): GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.remove_assignments(assignments) # combine() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_combine_with_keep_pids(): # when combined = gradelib.Gradebook.combine( [GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE, CANVAS_WITHOUT_LAB_EXAMPLE], keep_pids=ROSTER.index ) # then assert "homework 01" in combined.assignments assert "midterm exam" in combined.assignments assert_gradebook_is_sound(combined) def test_combine_raises_if_duplicate_assignments(): # the canvas example and the gradescope example both have lab 01. # when with pytest.raises(ValueError): combined = gradelib.Gradebook.combine([GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE, CANVAS_EXAMPLE]) def test_combine_raises_if_indices_do_not_match(): # when with pytest.raises(ValueError): combined = gradelib.Gradebook.combine( [CANVAS_WITHOUT_LAB_EXAMPLE, GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE] ) # number_of_lates() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_number_of_lates(): # when labs = GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.assignments.starting_with("lab") actual = GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.number_of_lates(within=labs) # then assert list(actual) == [1, 4, 2, 2] def test_number_of_lates_with_empty_assignment_list_raises(): # when with pytest.raises(ValueError): actual = GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.number_of_lates(within=[]) def test_number_of_lates_with_no_assignment_list_uses_all_assignments(): # when actual = GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.number_of_lates() # then assert list(actual) == [1, 5, 2, 2] # forgive_lates() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_forgive_lates(): # when labs = GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.assignments.starting_with("lab") actual = GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.forgive_lates(n=3, within=labs) # then assert list(actual.number_of_lates(within=labs)) == [0, 1, 0, 0] assert_gradebook_is_sound(actual) def test_forgive_lates_with_empty_assignment_list_raises(): # when with pytest.raises(ValueError): actual = GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.forgive_lates(n=3, within=[]) def test_forgive_lates_forgives_the_first_n_lates(): # by "first", we mean in the order specified by the `within` argument # student A10000000 had late lab 01, 02, 03, and 07 assignments = ["lab 02", "lab 07", "lab 01", "lab 03"] # when actual = GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.forgive_lates(n=2, within=assignments) # then assert not actual.late.loc["A10000000", "lab 02"] assert not actual.late.loc["A10000000", "lab 07"] assert actual.late.loc["A10000000", "lab 01"] assert actual.late.loc["A10000000", "lab 03"] def test_forgive_lates_does_not_forgive_dropped(): # given labs = GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.assignments.starting_with("lab") dropped = GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.dropped.copy() dropped.iloc[:, :] = True example = gradelib.Gradebook( points=GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.points, maximums=GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.maximums, late=GRADESCOPE_EXAMPLE.late, dropped=dropped, ) # when actual = example.forgive_lates(n=3, within=labs) # then assert list(actual.number_of_lates(within=labs)) == [1, 4, 2, 2] assert_gradebook_is_sound(actual) # drop_lowest() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_drop_lowest_on_simple_example_1(): # given columns = ["hw01", "hw02", "hw03", "lab01"] p1 = pd.Series(data=[1, 30, 90, 20], index=columns, name="A1") p2 = pd.Series(data=[2, 7, 15, 20], index=columns, name="A2") points = pd.DataFrame([p1, p2]) maximums = pd.Series([2, 50, 100, 20], index=columns) gradebook = gradelib.Gradebook(points, maximums) homeworks = gradebook.assignments.starting_with("hw") # if we are dropping 1 HW, the right strategy is to drop the 50 point HW # for A1 and to drop the 100 point homework for A2 # when actual = gradebook.drop_lowest(1, within=homeworks) # then assert actual.dropped.iloc[0, 1] assert actual.dropped.iloc[1, 2] assert list(actual.dropped.sum(axis=1)) == [1, 1] assert_gradebook_is_sound(actual) def test_drop_lowest_on_simple_example_2(): # given columns = ["hw01", "hw02", "hw03", "lab01"] p1 = pd.Series(data=[1, 30, 90, 20], index=columns, name="A1") p2 = pd.Series(data=[2, 7, 15, 20], index=columns, name="A2") points = pd.DataFrame([p1, p2]) maximums = pd.Series([2, 50, 100, 20], index=columns) gradebook = gradelib.Gradebook(points, maximums) homeworks = gradebook.assignments.starting_with("hw") # if we are dropping 1 HW, the right strategy is to drop the 50 point HW # for A1 and to drop the 100 point homework for A2 # when actual = gradebook.drop_lowest(2, within=homeworks) # then assert not actual.dropped.iloc[0, 2] assert not actual.dropped.iloc[1, 0] assert list(actual.dropped.sum(axis=1)) == [2, 2] assert_gradebook_is_sound(actual) def test_drop_lowest_counts_lates_as_zeros(): # given columns = ["hw01", "hw02"] p1 = pd.Series(data=[10, 5], index=columns, name="A1") p2 = pd.Series(data=[10, 10], index=columns, name="A2") points = pd.DataFrame([p1, p2]) maximums = pd.Series([10, 10], index=columns) gradebook = gradelib.Gradebook(points, maximums) gradebook.late.iloc[0, 0] = True # since A1's perfect homework is late, it should count as zero and be # dropped # when actual = gradebook.drop_lowest(1) # then assert actual.dropped.iloc[0, 0] assert list(actual.dropped.sum(axis=1)) == [1, 1] assert_gradebook_is_sound(actual) def test_drop_lowest_ignores_assignments_alread_dropped(): # given columns = ["hw01", "hw02", "hw03", "hw04"] p1 = pd.Series(data=[9, 0, 7, 0], index=columns, name="A1") p2 = pd.Series(data=[10, 10, 10, 10], index=columns, name="A2") points = pd.DataFrame([p1, p2]) maximums = pd.Series([10, 10, 10, 10], index=columns) gradebook = gradelib.Gradebook(points, maximums) gradebook.dropped.loc["A1", "hw02"] = True gradebook.dropped.loc["A1", "hw04"] = True # since A1's perfect homeworks are already dropped, we should drop a third # homework, too: this will be HW03 # when actual = gradebook.drop_lowest(1) # then assert actual.dropped.loc["A1", "hw04"] assert actual.dropped.loc["A1", "hw02"] assert actual.dropped.loc["A1", "hw03"] assert list(actual.dropped.sum(axis=1)) == [3, 1] assert_gradebook_is_sound(actual) # give_equal_weights() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_give_equal_weights_on_example(): # given columns = ["hw01", "hw02", "hw03", "lab01"] p1 = pd.Series(data=[1, 30, 90, 20], index=columns, name="A1") p2 = pd.Series(data=[2, 7, 15, 20], index=columns, name="A2") points = pd.DataFrame([p1, p2]) maximums = pd.Series([2, 50, 100, 20], index=columns) gradebook = gradelib.Gradebook(points, maximums) homeworks = gradebook.assignments.starting_with("hw") # when actual = gradebook.give_equal_weights(within=homeworks) # then assert actual.maximums.loc["hw01"] == 1 assert actual.maximums.loc["hw02"] == 1 assert actual.maximums.loc["hw03"] == 1 assert actual.maximums.loc["lab01"] == 20 assert actual.points.loc["A1", "hw01"] == 1 / 2 assert actual.points.loc["A1", "hw02"] == 30 / 50 # score() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_score_on_simple_example(): # given columns = ["hw01", "hw02", "hw03", "lab01"] p1 = pd.Series(data=[1, 30, 90, 20], index=columns, name="A1") p2 = pd.Series(data=[2, 7, 15, 20], index=columns, name="A2") points = pd.DataFrame([p1, p2]) maximums = pd.Series([2, 50, 100, 20], index=columns) gradebook = gradelib.Gradebook(points, maximums) homeworks = gradebook.assignments.starting_with("hw") # when actual = gradebook.score(homeworks) # then assert np.allclose(actual.values, [121 / 152, 24 / 152], atol=1e-6) def test_score_counts_lates_as_zero(): # given columns = ["hw01", "hw02", "hw03", "lab01"] p1 = pd.Series(data=[1, 30, 90, 20], index=columns, name="A1") p2 = pd.Series(data=[2, 7, 15, 20], index=columns, name="A2") points = pd.DataFrame([p1, p2]) maximums = pd.Series([2, 50, 100, 20], index=columns) gradebook = gradelib.Gradebook(points, maximums) gradebook.late.loc["A1", "hw01"] = True gradebook.late.loc["A1", "hw03"] = True gradebook.late.loc["A2", "hw03"] = True homeworks = gradebook.assignments.starting_with("hw") # when actual = gradebook.score(homeworks) # then assert np.allclose(actual.values, [30 / 152, 9 / 152], atol=1e-6) def test_score_ignores_dropped_assignments(): # given columns = ["hw01", "hw02", "hw03", "lab01"] p1 = pd.Series(data=[1, 30, 90, 20], index=columns, name="A1") p2 = pd.Series(data=[2, 7, 15, 20], index=columns, name="A2") points = pd.DataFrame([p1, p2]) maximums = pd.Series([2, 50, 100, 20], index=columns) gradebook = gradelib.Gradebook(points, maximums) gradebook.dropped.loc["A1", "hw01"] = True gradebook.dropped.loc["A1", "hw03"] = True gradebook.dropped.loc["A2", "hw03"] = True homeworks = gradebook.assignments.starting_with("hw") # when actual = gradebook.score(homeworks) # then assert np.allclose(actual.values, [30 / 50, 9 / 52], atol=1e-6) # total() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_total_on_simple_example(): # given columns = ["hw01", "hw02", "hw03", "lab01"] p1 = pd.Series(data=[1, 30, 90, 20], index=columns, name="A1") p2 = pd.Series(data=[2, 7, 15, 20], index=columns, name="A2") points = pd.DataFrame([p1, p2]) maximums = pd.Series([2, 50, 100, 20], index=columns) gradebook = gradelib.Gradebook(points, maximums) homeworks = gradebook.assignments.starting_with("hw") # when earned, available = # then assert np.allclose(earned.values, [121, 24], atol=1e-6) assert np.allclose(available.values, [152, 152], atol=1e-6) def test_total_counts_lates_as_zero(): # given columns = ["hw01", "hw02", "hw03", "lab01"] p1 = pd.Series(data=[1, 30, 90, 20], index=columns, name="A1") p2 = pd.Series(data=[2, 7, 15, 20], index=columns, name="A2") points = pd.DataFrame([p1, p2]) maximums = pd.Series([2, 50, 100, 20], index=columns) gradebook = gradelib.Gradebook(points, maximums) gradebook.late.loc["A1", "hw01"] = True gradebook.late.loc["A1", "hw03"] = True gradebook.late.loc["A2", "hw03"] = True homeworks = gradebook.assignments.starting_with("hw") # when earned, available = # then assert np.allclose(earned.values, [30, 9], atol=1e-6) assert np.allclose(available.values, [152, 152], atol=1e-6) def test_total_ignores_dropped_assignments(): # given columns = ["hw01", "hw02", "hw03", "lab01"] p1 = pd.Series(data=[1, 30, 90, 20], index=columns, name="A1") p2 = pd.Series(data=[2, 7, 15, 20], index=columns, name="A2") points = pd.DataFrame([p1, p2]) maximums = pd.Series([2, 50, 100, 20], index=columns) gradebook = gradelib.Gradebook(points, maximums) gradebook.dropped.loc["A1", "hw01"] = True gradebook.dropped.loc["A1", "hw03"] = True gradebook.dropped.loc["A2", "hw03"] = True homeworks = gradebook.assignments.starting_with("hw") # when earned, available = # then assert np.allclose(earned.values, [30, 9], atol=1e-6) assert np.allclose(available.values, [50, 52], atol=1e-6) # unify_assignments() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_unify_assignments(): """test that points / maximums are added across unified assignments""" # given columns = ["hw01", "hw01 - programming", "hw02", "lab01"] p1 = pd.Series(data=[1, 30, 90, 20], index=columns, name="A1") p2 = pd.Series(data=[2, 7, 15, 20], index=columns, name="A2") points = pd.DataFrame([p1, p2]) maximums = pd.Series([2, 50, 100, 20], index=columns) gradebook = gradelib.Gradebook(points, maximums) HOMEWORK_01_PARTS = gradebook.assignments.starting_with("hw01") # when result = gradebook.unify_assignments({"hw01": HOMEWORK_01_PARTS}) # then assert len(result.assignments) == 3 assert result.maximums["hw01"] == 52 assert result.points.loc["A1", "hw01"] == 31 assert result.maximums.shape[0] == 3 assert result.late.shape[1] == 3 assert result.dropped.shape[1] == 3 assert result.points.shape[1] == 3 def test_unify_assignments_with_multiple_in_dictionary(): """test that points / maximums are added across unified assignments""" # given columns = ["hw01", "hw01 - programming", "hw02", "hw02 - testing"] p1 = pd.Series(data=[1, 30, 90, 20], index=columns, name="A1") p2 = pd.Series(data=[2, 7, 15, 20], index=columns, name="A2") points = pd.DataFrame([p1, p2]) maximums = pd.Series([2, 50, 100, 20], index=columns) gradebook = gradelib.Gradebook(points, maximums) HOMEWORK_01_PARTS = gradebook.assignments.starting_with("hw01") HOMEWORK_02_PARTS = gradebook.assignments.starting_with("hw02") # when result = gradebook.unify_assignments( {"hw01": HOMEWORK_01_PARTS, "hw02": HOMEWORK_02_PARTS} ) # then assert len(result.assignments) == 2 assert result.maximums["hw01"] == 52 assert result.points.loc["A1", "hw01"] == 31 assert result.maximums["hw02"] == 120 assert result.points.loc["A1", "hw02"] == 110 assert result.maximums.shape[0] == 2 assert result.late.shape[1] == 2 assert result.dropped.shape[1] == 2 assert result.points.shape[1] == 2 def test_unify_assignments_with_callable(): """test that points / maximums are added across unified assignments""" # given columns = ["hw01", "hw01 - programming", "hw02", "hw02 - testing"] p1 = pd.Series(data=[1, 30, 90, 20], index=columns, name="A1") p2 = pd.Series(data=[2, 7, 15, 20], index=columns, name="A2") points = pd.DataFrame([p1, p2]) maximums = pd.Series([2, 50, 100, 20], index=columns) gradebook = gradelib.Gradebook(points, maximums) HOMEWORK_01_PARTS = gradebook.assignments.starting_with("hw01") HOMEWORK_02_PARTS = gradebook.assignments.starting_with("hw02") def assignment_to_key(s): return s.split("-")[0].strip() # when result = gradebook.unify_assignments(assignment_to_key) # then assert len(result.assignments) == 2 assert result.maximums["hw01"] == 52 assert result.points.loc["A1", "hw01"] == 31 assert result.maximums["hw02"] == 120 assert result.points.loc["A1", "hw02"] == 110 assert result.maximums.shape[0] == 2 assert result.late.shape[1] == 2 assert result.dropped.shape[1] == 2 assert result.points.shape[1] == 2 def test_unify_considers_new_assignment_late_if_any_part_late(): # given columns = ["hw01", "hw01 - programming", "hw02", "lab01"] p1 =
pd.Series(data=[1, 30, 90, 20], index=columns, name="A1")
import pandas from bokeh.plotting import figure, gridplot from bokeh.embed import components from bokeh.models import HoverTool, TapTool, OpenURL, WheelZoomTool from bokeh.models import GMapPlot, GMapOptions from bokeh.tile_providers import CARTODBPOSITRON, get_provider from cached_property import cached_property_with_ttl import numpy as np import math x_range,y_range=([-15187814,-6458032], [2505715,6567666]) #FUNCTION TO CONVERT GCS WGS84 TO WEB MERCATOR def wgs84_to_web_mercator(df, lon="long", lat="lat"): k = 6378137 df["x"] = df[lon] * (k * np.pi/180.0) df["y"] = np.log(np.tan((90 + df[lat]) * np.pi/360.0)) * k return df def merc(lo, la): x, y = pyproj.transform(google_projection, project_projection, lo, la) return x, y class Covid(object): def __init__(self, db_engine): self.db = db_engine def update(self): # invalidate the cache if 'df' in self.__dict__.keys(): del self.__dict__['df'] # get all data Confirmed = pandas.read_csv('') Deaths = pandas.read_csv('') Recovered =
import pandas as pd import numpy as np csv_path = "./tweets.csv" save_path = "./fixed_tweets.csv" df =
pd.read_csv(csv_path, header=None)
import os import sys import inspect from copy import deepcopy import numpy as np import pandas as pd from ucimlr.helpers import (download_file, download_unzip, one_hot_encode_df_, xy_split, normalize_df_, split_normalize_sequence, split_df, get_split, split_df_on_column) from ucimlr.dataset import Dataset from ucimlr.constants import TRAIN from ucimlr.constants import REGRESSION def all_datasets(): """ Returns a list of all RegressionDataset classes. """ return [cls for _, cls in inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__]) if inspect.isclass(cls) and issubclass(cls, RegressionDataset) and cls != RegressionDataset] class RegressionDataset(Dataset): type_ = REGRESSION # Is this necessary? @property def num_targets(self): return self.y.shape[1] class Abalone(RegressionDataset): """ Link to the dataset [description]( # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, filename = 'data.csv' file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, filename) url = '' download_file(url, dataset_path, filename) df = pd.read_csv(file_path, header=None) y_columns = df.columns[-1:] one_hot_encode_df_(df) df_test, df_train, df_valid = split_df(df, [0.2, 0.8 - 0.8 * validation_size, 0.8 * validation_size]) normalize_df_(df_train, other_dfs=[df_valid, df_test]) df_res = get_split(df_train, df_valid, df_test, split) self.x, self.y = xy_split(df_res, y_columns) class AirFoil(RegressionDataset): """ Link to the dataset [description]( # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, filename = 'airfoil_self_noise.dat' url = '' download_file(url, dataset_path, filename) file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, filename) df = pd.read_csv(file_path, sep='\t', names =["Frequency(Hz)", "Angle of attacks(Deg)", "Chord length(m)", "Free-stream velocity(m/s)", "Suction side displacement thickness(m)", " Scaled sound pressure level(Db)"]) y_columns = ['Scaled sound pressure level(Db)'] self.x, self.y = split_normalize_sequence(df, y_columns, validation_size, split, self.type_) class AirQuality(RegressionDataset): """ # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, filename = 'AirQualityUCI.csv' url = '' download_unzip(url, dataset_path) file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, filename) df = pd.read_csv(file_path, sep=';', parse_dates=[0, 1]) df.dropna(axis=0, how='all', inplace=True) df.dropna(axis=1, how='all', inplace=True) df.Date = (df.Date - df.Date.min()).astype('timedelta64[D]') # Days as int df.Time = df.Time.apply(lambda x: int(x.split('.')[0])) # Hours as int df['C6H6(GT)'] = df['C6H6(GT)'].apply(lambda x: float(x.replace(',', '.'))) # Target as float # Some floats are given with ',' instead of '.' df = df.applymap(lambda x: float(x.replace(',', '.')) if type(x) is str else x) # Target as float df = df[df['C6H6(GT)'] != -200] # Drop all rows with missing target values df.loc[df['CO(GT)'] == -200, 'CO(GT)'] = -10 # -200 means missing value, shifting this to be closer to # the other values for this column y_columns = ['C6H6(GT)'] self.x, self.y = split_normalize_sequence(df, y_columns, validation_size, split, self.type_) class Appliances_energy_prediction(RegressionDataset): """ Link to the dataset [description]( # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, filename = 'energydata_complete.csv' url = '' download_file(url, dataset_path, filename) file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, filename) df = pd.read_csv(file_path, parse_dates=[0, 1]) = ( -'timedelta64[D]') y_columns = ['Appliances'] self.x, self.y = split_normalize_sequence(df, y_columns, validation_size, split, self.type_) self.problem_type = REGRESSION class AutoMPG(RegressionDataset): """ Link to the dataset [description]( # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, filename = '' url = '' download_file(url, dataset_path, filename) file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, filename) df = pd.read_csv(file_path, sep='\s+', names =["mpg", "cylinders", "displacements", "horsepower", "weight", "acceleration", "model year", "origin", "car name"]) y_columns = ['mpg'] self.x, self.y = split_normalize_sequence(df, y_columns, validation_size, split, self.type_) sel.problem_type=REGRESSION class Automobile(RegressionDataset): """ Link to the dataset [description]( # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, filename = '' url = '' download_file(url, dataset_path, filename) file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, filename) df = pd.read_csv(file_path, names = ["symboling", "normalized-losses", "make", "fuel-type", " aspiration", "num-of-doors", "body-style", "drive-wheels", "engine-location", "wheel-base", " length", "width", " height", "curb-weight", "engine-type", "num-of-cylinders", "engine-size", " fuel-system", " bore", "stroke", " compression-ratio", "horsepower", "peak-rpm", "city-mpg", "highway-mpg", "price"]) y_columns = [''] self.x, self.y = split_normalize_sequence(df, y_columns, validation_size, split, self.type_) class BeijingAirQuality(RegressionDataset): """ Link to the dataset [description]( # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, url = '' download_unzip(url, dataset_path) df = [] for fn in os.listdir(dataset_path): if 'PRSA_Data' not in fn: continue file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, fn) df.append(pd.read_csv(file_path)) class BeijingPM(RegressionDataset): """ Link to the dataset [description]( # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, filename = 'PRSA_data_2010.1.1-2014.12.31.csv' url = '' download_file(url, dataset_path, filename) file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, filename) df = pd.read_csv(file_path) y_columns=['pm2.5'] self.x, self.y = split_normalize_sequence(df, y_columns, validation_size, split, self.type) self.problem_type = REGRESSION class BiasCorrection(RegressionDataset): """ Link to the dataset [description]( # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, filename = 'Bias_correction_ucl.csv' url = '' download_file(url, dataset_path, filename) file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, filename) df = pd.read_csv(file_path, index_col = 'Date', parse_dates= True) class BikeSharing(RegressionDataset): """ Link to the dataset [description]( # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, url = '' download_unzip(url, dataset_path) df = [] for fn in os.listdir(dataset_path): file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, fn) df.append(pd.read_csv(file_path)) class CarbonNanotubes(RegressionDataset): """ Link to the dataset [description]( # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, filename = 'carbon_nanotubes.csv' url = '' download_file(url, dataset_path, filename) file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, filename) df = pd.read_csv(file_path,sep=';') class ChallengerShuttleORing(RegressionDataset): """ Link to the dataset [description]( # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, filename = '' url = '' download_file(url, dataset_path, filename) file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, filename) df = pd.read_csv(file_path,sep='\s+') class BlogFeedback(RegressionDataset): """ Link to the dataset [description]( # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): file_name = 'blogData_train.csv' dataset_path = os.path.join(root, url = '' download_unzip(url, dataset_path) # Iterate all test csv and concatenate to one DataFrame test_dfs = [] for fn in os.listdir(dataset_path): if 'blogData_test' not in fn: continue file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, fn) test_dfs.append(pd.read_csv(file_path, header=None)) df_test = pd.concat(test_dfs) file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, file_name) df_train_valid = pd.read_csv(file_path, header=None) y_columns = [280] df_train_valid[y_columns[0]] = np.log(df_train_valid[y_columns[0]] + 0.01) df_test[y_columns[0]] = np.log(df_test[y_columns[0]] + 0.01) page_columns = list(range(50)) for i, (_, df_group) in enumerate(df_train_valid.groupby(page_columns)): df_train_valid.loc[df_group.index, 'page_id'] = i df_train, df_valid = split_df_on_column(df_train_valid, [1 - validation_size, validation_size], 'page_id') df_train.drop(columns='page_id', inplace=True) df_valid.drop(columns='page_id', inplace=True) normalize_df_(df_train, other_dfs=[df_valid, df_test]) df_res = get_split(df_train, df_valid, df_test, split) self.x, self.y = xy_split(df_res, y_columns) class CommunitiesCrime(RegressionDataset): """ Link to the dataset [description]( # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, filename = '' url = '' download_file(url, dataset_path, filename) file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, filename) df = pd.read_csv(file_path,header=None) class ConcreteSlumpTest(RegressionDataset): """ Link to the dataset [description]( # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, filename = '' url = '' download_file(url, dataset_path, filename) file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, filename) df = pd.read_csv(file_path,sep='\s+') class PropulsionPlants (RegressionDataset): """ Link to the dataset [description]( # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, url = ' CBM' download_unzip(url, dataset_path) filename = 'data.txt' file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, filename) df = pd.read_csv(file_path, index_col='dteday', parse_dates=True) class ConcreteCompressiveStrength (RegressionDataset): """ Link to the dataset [description]( # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, filename = 'Concrete_Data.xls' url = '' download_file(url, dataset_path, filename) file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, filename) df = pd.read_excel(file_path) class ComputerHardware (RegressionDataset): """ Link to the dataset [description]( # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, filename = '' url = '' download_file(url, dataset_path, filename) file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, filename) df = pd.read_csv(file_path, names=["vendor name", "Model Name", "MYCT", "MMIN", "MMAX", "CACH", "CHMIN", "CHMAX", "PRP", "ERP"]) class CommunitiesCrimeUnnormalized (RegressionDataset): """ Link to the dataset [description] # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, filename = 'CommViolPredUnnormalizedData.txt' url = '' download_file(url, dataset_path, filename) file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, filename) df = pd.read_csv(file_path, keep_default_na=False, header=None) class CTSlices(RegressionDataset): """ # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, url = '' download_unzip(url, dataset_path) file_name = 'slice_localization_data.csv' file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, file_name) df = pd.read_csv(file_path) # No patient should be in both train and test set df_train_valid = deepcopy(df.loc[df.patientId < 80, :]) # Pandas complains if it is a view df_test = deepcopy(df.loc[df.patientId >= 80, :]) # - " - df_train, df_valid = split_df_on_column(df_train_valid, [1 - validation_size, validation_size], 'patientId') y_columns = ['reference'] normalize_df_(df_train, other_dfs=[df_valid, df_test]) df_res = get_split(df_train, df_valid, df_test, split) df_res = df_res.drop(columns='patientId') self.x, self.y = xy_split(df_res, y_columns) class ForecastingOrders(RegressionDataset): """ Link to the dataset [description] # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, filename = 'Daily_Demand_Forecasting_Orders.csv' url = '' download_file(url, dataset_path, filename) file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, filename) df = pd.read_csv(file_path,sep=';') class ForecastingStoreData(RegressionDataset): """ Link to the dataset [description] # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, filename = 'Daily_Demand_Forecasting_Orders.csv' url = '' download_file(url, dataset_path, filename) file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, filename) df = pd.read_csv(file_path,sep='\s+') class FacebookComments(RegressionDataset): """ Predict the number of likes on posts from a collection of Facebook pages. Every page has multiple posts, making the number of pages less than the samples in the dataset (each sample is one post). # Note The provided test split has a relatively large discrepancy in terms of distributions of the features and targets. Training and validation splits are also made to ensure that the same page is not in both splits. This makes the distributions of features in training and validation splits vary to a relatively large extent, possible because the number of pages are not that many, while the features are many. Link to the dataset [description]( # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, url = '' download_unzip(url, dataset_path) dataset_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, 'Dataset') # The 5th variant has the most data train_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, 'Training', 'Features_Variant_5.csv') test_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, 'Testing', 'Features_TestSet.csv') df_train_valid = pd.read_csv(train_path, header=None) df_test = pd.read_csv(test_path, header=None) y_columns = df_train_valid.columns[-1:] # Page ID is not included, but can be derived. Page IDs can not be # in both training and validation sets page_columns = list(range(29)) for i, (_, df_group) in enumerate(df_train_valid.groupby(page_columns)): df_train_valid.loc[df_group.index, 'page_id'] = i df_train, df_valid = split_df_on_column(df_train_valid, [1 - validation_size, validation_size], 'page_id') df_train.drop(columns='page_id', inplace=True) df_valid.drop(columns='page_id', inplace=True) normalize_df_(df_train, other_dfs=[df_valid, df_test]) df_res = get_split(df_train, df_valid, df_test, split) self.x, self.y = xy_split(df_res, y_columns) class Facebookmetrics (RegressionDataset): """ Link to the dataset [description]( # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, url = '' download_unzip(url, dataset_path) filename = 'dataset_Facebook.csv' file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, filename) df = pd.read_csv(file_path, sep=';') class ForestFires(RegressionDataset): """ Link to the dataset [description] # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, filename = 'forestfires.csv' url = '' download_file(url, dataset_path, filename) file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, filename) df = pd.read_csv(file_path) class GNFUV(RegressionDataset): """ Link to the dataset [description]( # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, url = ' USV' download_unzip(url, dataset_path) dfs = [] for fn in os.listdir(dataset_path): file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, fn) dfs.append(pd.read_csv(file_path, header=None)) class GNFUV_2(RegressionDataset): """ Link to the dataset [description]( # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, url = '' download_unzip(url, dataset_path) df = [] for fn in os.listdir(dataset_path): file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, fn) df.append(pd.read_csv(file_path, header=None)) class Greenhouse_Gas_Observing_Network (RegressionDataset): """ Link to the dataset [description]( # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, url = '' download_unzip(url, dataset_path) df = [] for fn in os.listdir(dataset_path): file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, fn) df.append(pd.read_csv(file_path, header=None, sep='\s+')) class Hungarian_Chickenpox_Cases (RegressionDataset): """ Link to the dataset [description]( # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, url = '' download_unzip(url, dataset_path) df = [] for fn in os.listdir(dataset_path): file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, fn) df.append(pd.read_csv(file_path, index_col='Date', parse_dates=True)) class IIWA14_R820_Gazebo_Dataset_10Trajectories(RegressionDataset): """ Link to the dataset [description] # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, filename = 'IIWA14-R820-Gazebo-Dataset-10Trayectorias.csv' url = '' download_file(url, dataset_path, filename) file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, filename) df = pd.read_csv(file_path, header=None) class Metro_Interstate_Traffic_Volume(RegressionDataset): """ Link to the dataset [description] # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, filename = 'Metro_Interstate_Traffic_Volume.csv.gz' url = '' download_file(url, dataset_path, filename) file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, filename) df = pd.read_csv(file_path) class News_Popularity_Facebook_Economy(RegressionDataset): """ Link to the dataset [description # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, filename = 'Facebook_Economy.csv' url = '' download_file(url, dataset_path, filename) file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, filename) df = pd.read_csv(file_path) class News_Popularity_Facebook_Microsoft(RegressionDataset): """ Link to the dataset [description # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, filename = 'Facebook_Microsoft.csv' url = '' download_file(url, dataset_path, filename) file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, filename) df = pd.read_csv(file_path) class News_Popularity_Facebook_Palestine(RegressionDataset): """ Link to the dataset [description # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, filename = 'Facebook_Palestine.csv' url = '' download_file(url, dataset_path, filename) file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, filename) df = pd.read_csv(file_path) class News_Popularity_GooglePlus_Economy(RegressionDataset): """ Link to the dataset [description # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, filename = 'GooglePlus_Economy.csv' url = '' download_file(url, dataset_path, filename) file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, filename) df = pd.read_csv(file_path) class News_Popularity_GooglePlus_Microsoft(RegressionDataset): """ Link to the dataset [description # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, filename = 'GooglePlus_Microsoft.csv' url = '' download_file(url, dataset_path, filename) file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, filename) df = pd.read_csv(file_path) class News_Popularity_GooglePlus_Palestine(RegressionDataset): """ Link to the dataset [description # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, filename = 'GooglePlus_Palestine.csv' url = '' download_file(url, dataset_path, filename) file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, filename) df = pd.read_csv(file_path) class News_Popularity_GooglePlus_Obama(RegressionDataset): """ Link to the dataset [description # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, filename = 'GooglePlus_Obama.csv' url = '' download_file(url, dataset_path, filename) file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, filename) df = pd.read_csv(file_path) class News_Popularity_LinkedIn_Economy(RegressionDataset): """ Link to the dataset [description # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, filename = 'LinkedIn_Economy.csv' url = '' download_file(url, dataset_path, filename) file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, filename) df = pd.read_csv(file_path) class News_Popularity_LinkedIn_Microsoft(RegressionDataset): """ Link to the dataset [description # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, filename = 'LinkedIn_Microsoft.csv' url = '' download_file(url, dataset_path, filename) file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, filename) df = pd.read_csv(file_path) class News_Popularity_LinkedIn_Obama(RegressionDataset): """ Link to the dataset [description # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, filename = 'LinkedIn_Obama.csv' url = '' download_file(url, dataset_path, filename) file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, filename) df = pd.read_csv(file_path) class News_Popularity_LinkedIn_Palestine(RegressionDataset): """ Link to the dataset [description # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, filename = 'LinkedIn_Palestine.csv' url = '' download_file(url, dataset_path, filename) file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, filename) df = pd.read_csv(file_path) class News_Popularity_News_Final(RegressionDataset): """ Link to the dataset [description # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, filename = 'News_Final.csv' url = '' download_file(url, dataset_path, filename) file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, filename) df = pd.read_csv(file_path) class Online_Video_Characteristics_and_Transcoding_Time(RegressionDataset): """ Link to the dataset [description]( # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, url = '' download_unzip(url, dataset_path) df = [] for fn in os.listdir(dataset_path): if fn == 'README.txt': continue file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, fn) df.append(pd.read_csv(file_path, sep='\t')) class OnlineNews(RegressionDataset): """ # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, url = '' download_unzip(url, dataset_path) file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, 'OnlineNewsPopularity', 'OnlineNewsPopularity.csv') df = pd.read_csv(file_path, ) df.drop(columns=['url', ' timedelta'], inplace=True) y_columns = [' shares'] df[y_columns[0]] = np.log(df[y_columns[0]]) self.x, self. y = split_normalize_sequence(df, y_columns, validation_size, split, self.type_) class Parkinson(RegressionDataset): """ Link to the dataset [description]( # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, filename = 'data.csv' file_path: str = os.path.join(dataset_path, filename) url = '' \ 'parkinsons/telemonitoring/' download_file(url, dataset_path, filename) df = pd.read_csv(file_path) y_columns = ['motor_UPDRS', 'total_UPDRS'] df_train_valid = df[df['subject#'] <= 30] df_test = deepcopy(df[df['subject#'] > 30]) df_train, df_valid = split_df_on_column(df_train_valid, [1 - validation_size, validation_size], 'subject#') normalize_df_(df_train, other_dfs=[df_valid, df_test]) df_res = get_split(df_train, df_valid, df_test, split) df_res.drop(columns='subject#', inplace=True) self.x, self.y = xy_split(df_res, y_columns) class Physicochemical_Properties_of_Protein_Tertiary_Structure(RegressionDataset): """ Link to the dataset [description] # Parameters root (str): Local path for storing/reading dataset files. split (str): One of {'train', 'validation', 'test'} validation_size (float): How large fraction in (0, 1) of the training partition to use for validation. """ def __init__(self, root, split=TRAIN, validation_size=0.2): dataset_path = os.path.join(root, filename = 'CASP.csv' url = '' download_file(url, dataset_path, filename) file_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, filename) df =
from distutils.version import LooseVersion from warnings import catch_warnings import numpy as np import pytest from pandas._libs.tslibs import Timestamp import pandas as pd from pandas import ( DataFrame, HDFStore, Index, MultiIndex, Series, _testing as tm, bdate_range, concat, date_range, isna, read_hdf, ) from import ( _maybe_remove, ensure_clean_path, ensure_clean_store, tables, ) from import Term pytestmark = pytest.mark.single def test_select_columns_in_where(setup_path): # GH 6169 # recreate multi-indexes when columns is passed # in the `where` argument index = MultiIndex( levels=[["foo", "bar", "baz", "qux"], ["one", "two", "three"]], codes=[[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3], [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2]], names=["foo_name", "bar_name"], ) # With a DataFrame df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 3), index=index, columns=["A", "B", "C"]) with ensure_clean_store(setup_path) as store: store.put("df", df, format="table") expected = df[["A"]] tm.assert_frame_equal("df", columns=["A"]), expected) tm.assert_frame_equal("df", where="columns=['A']"), expected) # With a Series s = Series(np.random.randn(10), index=index, name="A") with ensure_clean_store(setup_path) as store: store.put("s", s, format="table") tm.assert_series_equal("s", where="columns=['A']"), s) def test_select_with_dups(setup_path): # single dtypes df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 4), columns=["A", "A", "B", "B"]) df.index = date_range("20130101 9:30", periods=10, freq="T") with ensure_clean_store(setup_path) as store: store.append("df", df) result ="df") expected = df tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected, by_blocks=True) result ="df", columns=df.columns) expected = df tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected, by_blocks=True) result ="df", columns=["A"]) expected = df.loc[:, ["A"]] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) # dups across dtypes df = concat( [ DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 4), columns=["A", "A", "B", "B"]), DataFrame( np.random.randint(0, 10, size=20).reshape(10, 2), columns=["A", "C"] ), ], axis=1, ) df.index = date_range("20130101 9:30", periods=10, freq="T") with ensure_clean_store(setup_path) as store: store.append("df", df) result ="df") expected = df tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected, by_blocks=True) result ="df", columns=df.columns) expected = df tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected, by_blocks=True) expected = df.loc[:, ["A"]] result ="df", columns=["A"]) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected, by_blocks=True) expected = df.loc[:, ["B", "A"]] result ="df", columns=["B", "A"]) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected, by_blocks=True) # duplicates on both index and columns with ensure_clean_store(setup_path) as store: store.append("df", df) store.append("df", df) expected = df.loc[:, ["B", "A"]] expected = concat([expected, expected]) result ="df", columns=["B", "A"]) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected, by_blocks=True) def test_select(setup_path): with ensure_clean_store(setup_path) as store: with catch_warnings(record=True): # select with columns= df = tm.makeTimeDataFrame() _maybe_remove(store, "df") store.append("df", df) result ="df", columns=["A", "B"]) expected = df.reindex(columns=["A", "B"]) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, result) # equivalently result ="df", [("columns=['A', 'B']")]) expected = df.reindex(columns=["A", "B"]) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, result) # with a data column _maybe_remove(store, "df") store.append("df", df, data_columns=["A"]) result ="df", ["A > 0"], columns=["A", "B"]) expected = df[df.A > 0].reindex(columns=["A", "B"]) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, result) # all a data columns _maybe_remove(store, "df") store.append("df", df, data_columns=True) result ="df", ["A > 0"], columns=["A", "B"]) expected = df[df.A > 0].reindex(columns=["A", "B"]) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, result) # with a data column, but different columns _maybe_remove(store, "df") store.append("df", df, data_columns=["A"]) result ="df", ["A > 0"], columns=["C", "D"]) expected = df[df.A > 0].reindex(columns=["C", "D"]) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, result) def test_select_dtypes(setup_path): with ensure_clean_store(setup_path) as store: # with a Timestamp data column (GH #2637) df = DataFrame( { "ts": bdate_range("2012-01-01", periods=300), "A": np.random.randn(300), } ) _maybe_remove(store, "df") store.append("df", df, data_columns=["ts", "A"]) result ="df", "ts>=Timestamp('2012-02-01')") expected = df[df.ts >= Timestamp("2012-02-01")] tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, result) # bool columns (GH #2849) df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(5, 2), columns=["A", "B"]) df["object"] = "foo" df.loc[4:5, "object"] = "bar" df["boolv"] = df["A"] > 0 _maybe_remove(store, "df") store.append("df", df, data_columns=True) expected = df[df.boolv == True].reindex(columns=["A", "boolv"]) # noqa for v in [True, "true", 1]: result ="df", f"boolv == {v}", columns=["A", "boolv"]) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, result) expected = df[df.boolv == False].reindex(columns=["A", "boolv"]) # noqa for v in [False, "false", 0]: result ="df", f"boolv == {v}", columns=["A", "boolv"]) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, result) # integer index df = DataFrame({"A": np.random.rand(20), "B": np.random.rand(20)}) _maybe_remove(store, "df_int") store.append("df_int", df) result ="df_int", "index<10 and columns=['A']") expected = df.reindex(index=list(df.index)[0:10], columns=["A"]) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, result) # float index df = DataFrame( { "A": np.random.rand(20), "B": np.random.rand(20), "index": np.arange(20, dtype="f8"), } ) _maybe_remove(store, "df_float") store.append("df_float", df) result ="df_float", "index<10.0 and columns=['A']") expected = df.reindex(index=list(df.index)[0:10], columns=["A"]) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, result) with ensure_clean_store(setup_path) as store: # floats w/o NaN df = DataFrame({"cols": range(11), "values": range(11)}, dtype="float64") df["cols"] = (df["cols"] + 10).apply(str) store.append("df1", df, data_columns=True) result ="df1", where="values>2.0") expected = df[df["values"] > 2.0] tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, result) # floats with NaN df.iloc[0] = np.nan expected = df[df["values"] > 2.0] store.append("df2", df, data_columns=True, index=False) result ="df2", where="values>2.0") tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, result) # # bug in selection when 0th row has a np.nan and an index # store.append('df3',df,data_columns=True) # result = # 'df3', where='values>2.0') # tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, result) # not in first position float with NaN ok too df = DataFrame({"cols": range(11), "values": range(11)}, dtype="float64") df["cols"] = (df["cols"] + 10).apply(str) df.iloc[1] = np.nan expected = df[df["values"] > 2.0] store.append("df4", df, data_columns=True) result ="df4", where="values>2.0") tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, result) # test selection with comparison against numpy scalar # GH 11283 with ensure_clean_store(setup_path) as store: df = tm.makeDataFrame() expected = df[df["A"] > 0] store.append("df", df, data_columns=True) np_zero = np.float64(0) # noqa result ="df", where=["A>np_zero"]) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, result) def test_select_with_many_inputs(setup_path): with ensure_clean_store(setup_path) as store: df = DataFrame( { "ts": bdate_range("2012-01-01", periods=300), "A": np.random.randn(300), "B": range(300), "users": ["a"] * 50 + ["b"] * 50 + ["c"] * 100 + [f"a{i:03d}" for i in range(100)], } ) _maybe_remove(store, "df") store.append("df", df, data_columns=["ts", "A", "B", "users"]) # regular select result ="df", "ts>=Timestamp('2012-02-01')") expected = df[df.ts >= Timestamp("2012-02-01")] tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, result) # small selector result ="df", "ts>=Timestamp('2012-02-01') & users=['a','b','c']") expected = df[ (df.ts >= Timestamp("2012-02-01")) & df.users.isin(["a", "b", "c"]) ] tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, result) # big selector along the columns selector = ["a", "b", "c"] + [f"a{i:03d}" for i in range(60)] result ="df", "ts>=Timestamp('2012-02-01') and users=selector") expected = df[(df.ts >= Timestamp("2012-02-01")) & df.users.isin(selector)] tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, result) selector = range(100, 200) result ="df", "B=selector") expected = df[df.B.isin(selector)] tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, result) assert len(result) == 100 # big selector along the index selector = Index(df.ts[0:100].values) result ="df", "ts=selector") expected = df[df.ts.isin(selector.values)] tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, result) assert len(result) == 100 def test_select_iterator(setup_path): # single table with ensure_clean_store(setup_path) as store: df = tm.makeTimeDataFrame(500) _maybe_remove(store, "df") store.append("df", df) expected ="df") results = list("df", iterator=True)) result = concat(results) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, result) results = list("df", chunksize=100)) assert len(results) == 5 result = concat(results) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, result) results = list("df", chunksize=150)) result = concat(results) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) with ensure_clean_path(setup_path) as path: df = tm.makeTimeDataFrame(500) df.to_hdf(path, "df_non_table") msg = "can only use an iterator or chunksize on a table" with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): read_hdf(path, "df_non_table", chunksize=100) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): read_hdf(path, "df_non_table", iterator=True) with ensure_clean_path(setup_path) as path: df = tm.makeTimeDataFrame(500) df.to_hdf(path, "df", format="table") results = list(read_hdf(path, "df", chunksize=100)) result = concat(results) assert len(results) == 5 tm.assert_frame_equal(result, df) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, read_hdf(path, "df")) # multiple with ensure_clean_store(setup_path) as store: df1 = tm.makeTimeDataFrame(500) store.append("df1", df1, data_columns=True) df2 = tm.makeTimeDataFrame(500).rename(columns="{}_2".format) df2["foo"] = "bar" store.append("df2", df2) df = concat([df1, df2], axis=1) # full selection expected = store.select_as_multiple(["df1", "df2"], selector="df1") results = list( store.select_as_multiple(["df1", "df2"], selector="df1", chunksize=150) ) result = concat(results) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, result) def test_select_iterator_complete_8014(setup_path): # GH 8014 # using iterator and where clause chunksize = 1e4 # no iterator with ensure_clean_store(setup_path) as store: expected = tm.makeTimeDataFrame(100064, "S") _maybe_remove(store, "df") store.append("df", expected) beg_dt = expected.index[0] end_dt = expected.index[-1] # select w/o iteration and no where clause works result ="df") tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, result) # select w/o iterator and where clause, single term, begin # of range, works where = f"index >= '{beg_dt}'" result ="df", where=where) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, result) # select w/o iterator and where clause, single term, end # of range, works where = f"index <= '{end_dt}'" result ="df", where=where) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, result) # select w/o iterator and where clause, inclusive range, # works where = f"index >= '{beg_dt}' & index <= '{end_dt}'" result ="df", where=where) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, result) # with iterator, full range with ensure_clean_store(setup_path) as store: expected = tm.makeTimeDataFrame(100064, "S") _maybe_remove(store, "df") store.append("df", expected) beg_dt = expected.index[0] end_dt = expected.index[-1] # select w/iterator and no where clause works results = list("df", chunksize=chunksize)) result = concat(results) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, result) # select w/iterator and where clause, single term, begin of range where = f"index >= '{beg_dt}'" results = list("df", where=where, chunksize=chunksize)) result = concat(results) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, result) # select w/iterator and where clause, single term, end of range where = f"index <= '{end_dt}'" results = list("df", where=where, chunksize=chunksize)) result = concat(results) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, result) # select w/iterator and where clause, inclusive range where = f"index >= '{beg_dt}' & index <= '{end_dt}'" results = list("df", where=where, chunksize=chunksize)) result = concat(results) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, result) def test_select_iterator_non_complete_8014(setup_path): # GH 8014 # using iterator and where clause chunksize = 1e4 # with iterator, non complete range with ensure_clean_store(setup_path) as store: expected = tm.makeTimeDataFrame(100064, "S") _maybe_remove(store, "df") store.append("df", expected) beg_dt = expected.index[1] end_dt = expected.index[-2] # select w/iterator and where clause, single term, begin of range where = f"index >= '{beg_dt}'" results = list("df", where=where, chunksize=chunksize)) result = concat(results) rexpected = expected[expected.index >= beg_dt] tm.assert_frame_equal(rexpected, result) # select w/iterator and where clause, single term, end of range where = f"index <= '{end_dt}'" results = list("df", where=where, chunksize=chunksize)) result = concat(results) rexpected = expected[expected.index <= end_dt] tm.assert_frame_equal(rexpected, result) # select w/iterator and where clause, inclusive range where = f"index >= '{beg_dt}' & index <= '{end_dt}'" results = list("df", where=where, chunksize=chunksize)) result = concat(results) rexpected = expected[(expected.index >= beg_dt) & (expected.index <= end_dt)] tm.assert_frame_equal(rexpected, result) # with iterator, empty where with ensure_clean_store(setup_path) as store: expected = tm.makeTimeDataFrame(100064, "S") _maybe_remove(store, "df") store.append("df", expected) end_dt = expected.index[-1] # select w/iterator and where clause, single term, begin of range where = f"index > '{end_dt}'" results = list("df", where=where, chunksize=chunksize)) assert 0 == len(results) def test_select_iterator_many_empty_frames(setup_path): # GH 8014 # using iterator and where clause can return many empty # frames. chunksize = 10_000 # with iterator, range limited to the first chunk with ensure_clean_store(setup_path) as store: expected = tm.makeTimeDataFrame(100000, "S") _maybe_remove(store, "df") store.append("df", expected) beg_dt = expected.index[0] end_dt = expected.index[chunksize - 1] # select w/iterator and where clause, single term, begin of range where = f"index >= '{beg_dt}'" results = list("df", where=where, chunksize=chunksize)) result = concat(results) rexpected = expected[expected.index >= beg_dt] tm.assert_frame_equal(rexpected, result) # select w/iterator and where clause, single term, end of range where = f"index <= '{end_dt}'" results = list("df", where=where, chunksize=chunksize)) assert len(results) == 1 result = concat(results) rexpected = expected[expected.index <= end_dt] tm.assert_frame_equal(rexpected, result) # select w/iterator and where clause, inclusive range where = f"index >= '{beg_dt}' & index <= '{end_dt}'" results = list("df", where=where, chunksize=chunksize)) # should be 1, is 10 assert len(results) == 1 result = concat(results) rexpected = expected[(expected.index >= beg_dt) & (expected.index <= end_dt)] tm.assert_frame_equal(rexpected, result) # select w/iterator and where clause which selects # *nothing*. # # To be consistent with Python idiom I suggest this should # return [] e.g. `for e in []: print True` never prints # True. where = f"index <= '{beg_dt}' & index >= '{end_dt}'" results = list("df", where=where, chunksize=chunksize)) # should be [] assert len(results) == 0 def test_frame_select(setup_path): df = tm.makeTimeDataFrame() with ensure_clean_store(setup_path) as store: store.put("frame", df, format="table") date = df.index[len(df) // 2] crit1 = Term("index>=date") assert crit1.env.scope["date"] == date crit2 = "columns=['A', 'D']" crit3 = "columns=A" result ="frame", [crit1, crit2]) expected = df.loc[date:, ["A", "D"]] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) result ="frame", [crit3]) expected = df.loc[:, ["A"]] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) # invalid terms df = tm.makeTimeDataFrame() store.append("df_time", df) msg = "could not convert string to Timestamp" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):"df_time", "index>0") # can't select if not written as table # store['frame'] = df # with pytest.raises(ValueError): #'frame', [crit1, crit2]) def test_frame_select_complex(setup_path): # select via complex criteria df = tm.makeTimeDataFrame() df["string"] = "foo" df.loc[df.index[0:4], "string"] = "bar" with ensure_clean_store(setup_path) as store: store.put("df", df, format="table", data_columns=["string"]) # empty result ="df", 'index>df.index[3] & string="bar"') expected = df.loc[(df.index > df.index[3]) & (df.string == "bar")] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) result ="df", 'index>df.index[3] & string="foo"') expected = df.loc[(df.index > df.index[3]) & (df.string == "foo")] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) # or result ="df", 'index>df.index[3] | string="bar"') expected = df.loc[(df.index > df.index[3]) | (df.string == "bar")] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) result = "df", '(index>df.index[3] & index<=df.index[6]) | string="bar"' ) expected = df.loc[ ((df.index > df.index[3]) & (df.index <= df.index[6])) | (df.string == "bar") ] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) # invert result ="df", 'string!="bar"') expected = df.loc[df.string != "bar"] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) # invert not implemented in numexpr :( msg = "cannot use an invert condition when passing to numexpr" with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError, match=msg):"df", '~(string="bar")') # invert ok for filters result ="df", "~(columns=['A','B'])") expected = df.loc[:, df.columns.difference(["A", "B"])] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) # in result ="df", "index>df.index[3] & columns in ['A','B']") expected = df.loc[df.index > df.index[3]].reindex(columns=["A", "B"]) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_frame_select_complex2(setup_path): with ensure_clean_path(["parms.hdf", "hist.hdf"]) as paths: pp, hh = paths # use non-trivial selection criteria parms = DataFrame({"A": [1, 1, 2, 2, 3]}) parms.to_hdf(pp, "df", mode="w", format="table", data_columns=["A"]) selection = read_hdf(pp, "df", where="A=[2,3]") hist = DataFrame( np.random.randn(25, 1), columns=["data"], index=MultiIndex.from_tuples( [(i, j) for i in range(5) for j in range(5)], names=["l1", "l2"] ), ) hist.to_hdf(hh, "df", mode="w", format="table") expected = read_hdf(hh, "df", where="l1=[2, 3, 4]") # scope with list like l = selection.index.tolist() # noqa store = HDFStore(hh) result ="df", where="l1=l") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) store.close() result = read_hdf(hh, "df", where="l1=l") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) # index index = selection.index # noqa result = read_hdf(hh, "df", where="l1=index") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) result = read_hdf(hh, "df", where="l1=selection.index") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) result = read_hdf(hh, "df", where="l1=selection.index.tolist()") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) result = read_hdf(hh, "df", where="l1=list(selection.index)") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) # scope with index store = HDFStore(hh) result ="df", where="l1=index") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) result ="df", where="l1=selection.index") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) result ="df", where="l1=selection.index.tolist()") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) result ="df", where="l1=list(selection.index)") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) store.close() def test_invalid_filtering(setup_path): # can't use more than one filter (atm) df = tm.makeTimeDataFrame() with ensure_clean_store(setup_path) as store: store.put("df", df, format="table") msg = "unable to collapse Joint Filters" # not implemented with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError, match=msg):"df", "columns=['A'] | columns=['B']") # in theory we could deal with this with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError, match=msg):"df", "columns=['A','B'] & columns=['C']") def test_string_select(setup_path): # GH 2973 with ensure_clean_store(setup_path) as store: df = tm.makeTimeDataFrame() # test string ==/!= df["x"] = "none" df.loc[df.index[2:7], "x"] = "" store.append("df", df, data_columns=["x"]) result ="df", "x=none") expected = df[df.x == "none"]
tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected)
"""A collection of Methods to support the Change History feature in DFCX.""" # Copyright 2021 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging from typing import Dict import numpy as np import pandas as pd import requests from dfcx_scrapi.core.scrapi_base import ScrapiBase # logging config logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", ) class ChangeHistory(ScrapiBase): """Tools class that contains methods to support Change History feature.""" def __init__( self, creds_path: str = None, creds_dict: Dict = None, creds = None, scope = False, agent_id = None ): super().__init__( creds_path=creds_path, creds_dict=creds_dict, creds=creds, scope=scope ) if agent_id: self.agent_id = agent_id def get_change_history(self, agent_id: str = None): """Extract the Change History log for a single DFCX Agent. Args: agent_id, the formatted CX Agent ID Returns: logs, a List of logs from the Agent ID """ if not agent_id: agent_id = self.agent_id location = agent_id.split("/")[3] if location != "global": base_url = "https://{}".format( location ) else: base_url = "" url = "{0}/{1}/changelogs".format(base_url, agent_id) headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(self.token)} # Make REST call results = requests.get(url, headers=headers) results.raise_for_status() res = results.json() logs = [] for log in res["changelogs"]: logs.append(log) next_token = res.get("nextPageToken",None) while next_token is not None: results = requests.get( url, headers=headers, params={"page_token": next_token} ) res = results.json() for log in res["changelogs"]: logs.append(log) if "nextPageToken" in res: next_token = res["nextPageToken"] else: next_token = None print("All done!") return logs def change_history_to_dataframe(self, agent_id): """Format the output of get_change_history into a Pandas Dataframe. Args: agent_id, the formatted CX Agent ID Returns: final_dataframe, the final dataframe output of the formatted logs """ change_logs = self.get_change_history(agent_id) final_dataframe =
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Copyright 2014-2019 OpenEEmeter contributors Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ from datetime import datetime import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pytest from eemeter.features import ( compute_occupancy_feature, compute_temperature_features, compute_temperature_bin_features, compute_time_features, compute_usage_per_day_feature, estimate_hour_of_week_occupancy, get_missing_hours_of_week_warning, fit_temperature_bins, merge_features, ) from eemeter.segmentation import segment_time_series def test_compute_temperature_features_no_freq_index( il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_monthly ): # pick a slice with both hdd and cdd meter_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_monthly["meter_data"] temperature_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_monthly["temperature_data"] temperature_data.index.freq = None with pytest.raises(ValueError): compute_temperature_features(meter_data.index, temperature_data) def test_compute_temperature_features_no_meter_data_tz( il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_monthly ): meter_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_monthly["meter_data"] temperature_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_monthly["temperature_data"] meter_data.index = meter_data.index.tz_localize(None) with pytest.raises(ValueError): compute_temperature_features(meter_data.index, temperature_data) def test_compute_temperature_features_no_temp_data_tz( il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_monthly ): # pick a slice with both hdd and cdd meter_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_monthly["meter_data"] temperature_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_monthly["temperature_data"] temperature_data = temperature_data.tz_localize(None) with pytest.raises(ValueError): compute_temperature_features(meter_data.index, temperature_data) def test_compute_temperature_features_hourly_temp_mean(il_electricity_cdd_hdd_hourly): # pick a slice with both hdd and cdd meter_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_hourly["meter_data"]["2016-03-01":"2016-07-01"] temperature_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_hourly["temperature_data"][ "2016-03-01":"2016-07-01" ] df = compute_temperature_features(meter_data.index, temperature_data) assert list(sorted(df.columns)) == [ "n_hours_dropped", "n_hours_kept", "temperature_mean", ] assert df.shape == (2952, 3) assert round(df.temperature_mean.mean()) == 62.0 def test_compute_temperature_features_hourly_hourly_degree_days( il_electricity_cdd_hdd_hourly, snapshot ): # pick a slice with both hdd and cdd meter_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_hourly["meter_data"]["2016-03-01":"2016-07-01"] temperature_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_hourly["temperature_data"][ "2016-03-01":"2016-07-01" ] df = compute_temperature_features( meter_data.index, temperature_data, heating_balance_points=[60, 61], cooling_balance_points=[65, 66], temperature_mean=False, degree_day_method="hourly", ) assert list(sorted(df.columns)) == [ "cdd_65", "cdd_66", "hdd_60", "hdd_61", "n_hours_dropped", "n_hours_kept", ] assert df.shape == (2952, 6) snapshot.assert_match( [ round(df.hdd_60.mean(), 2), round(df.hdd_61.mean(), 2), round(df.cdd_65.mean(), 2), round(df.cdd_66.mean(), 2), round(df.n_hours_kept.mean(), 2), round(df.n_hours_dropped.mean(), 2), ], "values", ) def test_compute_temperature_features_hourly_hourly_degree_days_use_mean_false( il_electricity_cdd_hdd_hourly, snapshot ): # pick a slice with both hdd and cdd meter_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_hourly["meter_data"]["2016-03-01":"2016-07-01"] temperature_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_hourly["temperature_data"][ "2016-03-01":"2016-07-01" ] df = compute_temperature_features( meter_data.index, temperature_data, heating_balance_points=[60, 61], cooling_balance_points=[65, 66], temperature_mean=False, degree_day_method="hourly", use_mean_daily_values=False, ) assert df.shape == (2952, 6) assert list(sorted(df.columns)) == [ "cdd_65", "cdd_66", "hdd_60", "hdd_61", "n_hours_dropped", "n_hours_kept", ] snapshot.assert_match( [ round(df.hdd_60.mean(), 2), round(df.hdd_61.mean(), 2), round(df.cdd_65.mean(), 2), round(df.cdd_66.mean(), 2), round(df.n_hours_kept.mean(), 2), round(df.n_hours_dropped.mean(), 2), ], "values", ) def test_compute_temperature_features_hourly_daily_degree_days_fail( il_electricity_cdd_hdd_hourly ): # pick a slice with both hdd and cdd meter_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_hourly["meter_data"]["2016-03-01":"2016-07-01"] temperature_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_hourly["temperature_data"][ "2016-03-01":"2016-07-01" ] with pytest.raises(ValueError): compute_temperature_features( meter_data.index, temperature_data, heating_balance_points=[60, 61], cooling_balance_points=[65, 66], degree_day_method="daily", ) def test_compute_temperature_features_hourly_daily_missing_explicit_freq( il_electricity_cdd_hdd_hourly ): # pick a slice with both hdd and cdd meter_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_hourly["meter_data"]["2016-03-01":"2016-07-01"] temperature_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_hourly["temperature_data"][ "2016-03-01":"2016-07-01" ] meter_data.index.freq = None with pytest.raises(ValueError): compute_temperature_features( meter_data.index, temperature_data, heating_balance_points=[60, 61], cooling_balance_points=[65, 66], degree_day_method="daily", ) def test_compute_temperature_features_hourly_bad_degree_days( il_electricity_cdd_hdd_hourly ): # pick a slice with both hdd and cdd meter_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_hourly["meter_data"]["2016-03-01":"2016-07-01"] temperature_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_hourly["temperature_data"][ "2016-03-01":"2016-07-01" ] with pytest.raises(ValueError): compute_temperature_features( meter_data.index, temperature_data, heating_balance_points=[60, 61], cooling_balance_points=[65, 66], degree_day_method="UNKNOWN", ) def test_compute_temperature_features_hourly_data_quality( il_electricity_cdd_hdd_hourly ): # pick a slice with both hdd and cdd meter_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_hourly["meter_data"]["2016-03-01":"2016-07-01"] temperature_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_hourly["temperature_data"][ "2016-03-01":"2016-07-01" ] df = compute_temperature_features( meter_data.index, temperature_data, temperature_mean=False, data_quality=True ) assert df.shape == (2952, 4) assert list(sorted(df.columns)) == [ "n_hours_dropped", "n_hours_kept", "temperature_not_null", "temperature_null", ] assert round(df.temperature_not_null.mean(), 2) == 1.0 assert round(df.temperature_null.mean(), 2) == 0.0 def test_compute_temperature_features_daily_temp_mean(il_electricity_cdd_hdd_daily): meter_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_daily["meter_data"] temperature_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_daily["temperature_data"] df = compute_temperature_features(meter_data.index, temperature_data) assert df.shape == (810, 3) assert list(sorted(df.columns)) == [ "n_days_dropped", "n_days_kept", "temperature_mean", ] assert round(df.temperature_mean.mean()) == 55.0 def test_compute_temperature_features_daily_daily_degree_days( il_electricity_cdd_hdd_daily, snapshot ): meter_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_daily["meter_data"] temperature_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_daily["temperature_data"] df = compute_temperature_features( meter_data.index, temperature_data, heating_balance_points=[60, 61], cooling_balance_points=[65, 66], temperature_mean=False, degree_day_method="daily", ) assert df.shape == (810, 6) assert list(sorted(df.columns)) == [ "cdd_65", "cdd_66", "hdd_60", "hdd_61", "n_days_dropped", "n_days_kept", ] snapshot.assert_match( [ round(df.hdd_60.mean(), 2), round(df.hdd_61.mean(), 2), round(df.cdd_65.mean(), 2), round(df.cdd_66.mean(), 2), round(df.n_days_kept.mean(), 2), round(df.n_days_dropped.mean(), 2), ], "values", ) def test_compute_temperature_features_daily_daily_degree_days_use_mean_false( il_electricity_cdd_hdd_daily, snapshot ): meter_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_daily["meter_data"] temperature_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_daily["temperature_data"] df = compute_temperature_features( meter_data.index, temperature_data, heating_balance_points=[60, 61], cooling_balance_points=[65, 66], temperature_mean=False, degree_day_method="daily", use_mean_daily_values=False, ) assert df.shape == (810, 6) assert list(sorted(df.columns)) == [ "cdd_65", "cdd_66", "hdd_60", "hdd_61", "n_days_dropped", "n_days_kept", ] snapshot.assert_match( [ round(df.hdd_60.mean(), 2), round(df.hdd_61.mean(), 2), round(df.cdd_65.mean(), 2), round(df.cdd_66.mean(), 2), round(df.n_days_kept.mean(), 2), round(df.n_days_dropped.mean(), 2), ], "values", ) def test_compute_temperature_features_daily_hourly_degree_days( il_electricity_cdd_hdd_daily, snapshot ): meter_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_daily["meter_data"] temperature_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_daily["temperature_data"] df = compute_temperature_features( meter_data.index, temperature_data, heating_balance_points=[60, 61], cooling_balance_points=[65, 66], temperature_mean=False, degree_day_method="hourly", ) assert df.shape == (810, 6) assert list(sorted(df.columns)) == [ "cdd_65", "cdd_66", "hdd_60", "hdd_61", "n_hours_dropped", "n_hours_kept", ] snapshot.assert_match( [ round(df.hdd_60.mean(), 2), round(df.hdd_61.mean(), 2), round(df.cdd_65.mean(), 2), round(df.cdd_66.mean(), 2), round(df.n_hours_kept.mean(), 2), round(df.n_hours_dropped.mean(), 2), ], "values", ) def test_compute_temperature_features_daily_hourly_degree_days_use_mean_false( il_electricity_cdd_hdd_daily, snapshot ): meter_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_daily["meter_data"] temperature_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_daily["temperature_data"] df = compute_temperature_features( meter_data.index, temperature_data, heating_balance_points=[60, 61], cooling_balance_points=[65, 66], temperature_mean=False, degree_day_method="hourly", use_mean_daily_values=False, ) assert df.shape == (810, 6) assert list(sorted(df.columns)) == [ "cdd_65", "cdd_66", "hdd_60", "hdd_61", "n_hours_dropped", "n_hours_kept", ] snapshot.assert_match( [ round(df.hdd_60.mean(), 2), round(df.hdd_61.mean(), 2), round(df.cdd_65.mean(), 2), round(df.cdd_66.mean(), 2), round(df.n_hours_kept.mean(), 2), round(df.n_hours_dropped.mean(), 2), ], "values", ) def test_compute_temperature_features_daily_bad_degree_days( il_electricity_cdd_hdd_daily ): meter_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_daily["meter_data"] temperature_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_daily["temperature_data"] with pytest.raises(ValueError): compute_temperature_features( meter_data.index, temperature_data, heating_balance_points=[60, 61], cooling_balance_points=[65, 66], degree_day_method="UNKNOWN", ) def test_compute_temperature_features_daily_data_quality(il_electricity_cdd_hdd_daily): meter_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_daily["meter_data"] temperature_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_daily["temperature_data"] df = compute_temperature_features( meter_data.index, temperature_data, temperature_mean=False, data_quality=True ) assert df.shape == (810, 4) assert list(sorted(df.columns)) == [ "n_days_dropped", "n_days_kept", "temperature_not_null", "temperature_null", ] assert round(df.temperature_not_null.mean(), 2) == 23.99 assert round(df.temperature_null.mean(), 2) == 0.00 def test_compute_temperature_features_billing_monthly_temp_mean( il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_monthly ): meter_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_monthly["meter_data"] temperature_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_monthly["temperature_data"] df = compute_temperature_features(meter_data.index, temperature_data) assert df.shape == (27, 3) assert list(sorted(df.columns)) == [ "n_days_dropped", "n_days_kept", "temperature_mean", ] assert round(df.temperature_mean.mean()) == 55.0 def test_compute_temperature_features_billing_monthly_daily_degree_days( il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_monthly, snapshot ): meter_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_monthly["meter_data"] temperature_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_monthly["temperature_data"] df = compute_temperature_features( meter_data.index, temperature_data, heating_balance_points=[60, 61], cooling_balance_points=[65, 66], temperature_mean=False, degree_day_method="daily", ) assert df.shape == (27, 6) assert list(sorted(df.columns)) == [ "cdd_65", "cdd_66", "hdd_60", "hdd_61", "n_days_dropped", "n_days_kept", ] snapshot.assert_match( [ round(df.hdd_60.mean(), 2), round(df.hdd_61.mean(), 2), round(df.cdd_65.mean(), 2), round(df.cdd_66.mean(), 2), round(df.n_days_kept.mean(), 2), round(df.n_days_dropped.mean(), 2), ], "values", ) def test_compute_temperature_features_billing_monthly_daily_degree_days_use_mean_false( il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_monthly, snapshot ): meter_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_monthly["meter_data"] temperature_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_monthly["temperature_data"] df = compute_temperature_features( meter_data.index, temperature_data, heating_balance_points=[60, 61], cooling_balance_points=[65, 66], temperature_mean=False, degree_day_method="daily", use_mean_daily_values=False, ) assert df.shape == (27, 6) assert list(sorted(df.columns)) == [ "cdd_65", "cdd_66", "hdd_60", "hdd_61", "n_days_dropped", "n_days_kept", ] snapshot.assert_match( [ round(df.hdd_60.mean(), 2), round(df.hdd_61.mean(), 2), round(df.cdd_65.mean(), 2), round(df.cdd_66.mean(), 2), round(df.n_days_kept.mean(), 2), round(df.n_days_dropped.mean(), 2), ], "values", ) def test_compute_temperature_features_billing_monthly_hourly_degree_days( il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_monthly, snapshot ): meter_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_monthly["meter_data"] temperature_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_monthly["temperature_data"] df = compute_temperature_features( meter_data.index, temperature_data, heating_balance_points=[60, 61], cooling_balance_points=[65, 66], temperature_mean=False, degree_day_method="hourly", ) assert df.shape == (27, 6) assert list(sorted(df.columns)) == [ "cdd_65", "cdd_66", "hdd_60", "hdd_61", "n_hours_dropped", "n_hours_kept", ] snapshot.assert_match( [ round(df.hdd_60.mean(), 2), round(df.hdd_61.mean(), 2), round(df.cdd_65.mean(), 2), round(df.cdd_66.mean(), 2), round(df.n_hours_kept.mean(), 2), round(df.n_hours_dropped.mean(), 2), ], "values", ) def test_compute_temperature_features_billing_monthly_hourly_degree_days_use_mean_false( il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_monthly, snapshot ): meter_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_monthly["meter_data"] temperature_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_monthly["temperature_data"] df = compute_temperature_features( meter_data.index, temperature_data, heating_balance_points=[60, 61], cooling_balance_points=[65, 66], temperature_mean=False, degree_day_method="hourly", use_mean_daily_values=False, ) assert df.shape == (27, 6) assert list(sorted(df.columns)) == [ "cdd_65", "cdd_66", "hdd_60", "hdd_61", "n_hours_dropped", "n_hours_kept", ] snapshot.assert_match( [ round(df.hdd_60.mean(), 2), round(df.hdd_61.mean(), 2), round(df.cdd_65.mean(), 2), round(df.cdd_66.mean(), 2), round(df.n_hours_kept.mean(), 2), round(df.n_hours_dropped.mean(), 2), ], "values", ) def test_compute_temperature_features_billing_monthly_bad_degree_day_method( il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_monthly ): meter_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_monthly["meter_data"] temperature_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_monthly["temperature_data"] with pytest.raises(ValueError): compute_temperature_features( meter_data.index, temperature_data, heating_balance_points=[60, 61], cooling_balance_points=[65, 66], degree_day_method="UNKNOWN", ) def test_compute_temperature_features_billing_monthly_data_quality( il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_monthly ): meter_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_monthly["meter_data"] temperature_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_monthly["temperature_data"] df = compute_temperature_features( meter_data.index, temperature_data, temperature_mean=False, data_quality=True ) assert df.shape == (27, 4) assert list(sorted(df.columns)) == [ "n_days_dropped", "n_days_kept", "temperature_not_null", "temperature_null", ] assert round(df.temperature_not_null.mean(), 2) == 729.23 assert round(df.temperature_null.mean(), 2) == 0.0 def test_compute_temperature_features_billing_bimonthly_temp_mean( il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_bimonthly ): meter_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_bimonthly["meter_data"] temperature_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_bimonthly["temperature_data"] df = compute_temperature_features(meter_data.index, temperature_data) assert df.shape == (14, 3) assert list(sorted(df.columns)) == [ "n_days_dropped", "n_days_kept", "temperature_mean", ] assert round(df.temperature_mean.mean()) == 55.0 def test_compute_temperature_features_billing_bimonthly_daily_degree_days( il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_bimonthly, snapshot ): meter_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_bimonthly["meter_data"] temperature_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_bimonthly["temperature_data"] df = compute_temperature_features( meter_data.index, temperature_data, heating_balance_points=[60, 61], cooling_balance_points=[65, 66], temperature_mean=False, degree_day_method="daily", ) assert df.shape == (14, 6) assert list(sorted(df.columns)) == [ "cdd_65", "cdd_66", "hdd_60", "hdd_61", "n_days_dropped", "n_days_kept", ] snapshot.assert_match( [ round(df.hdd_60.mean(), 2), round(df.hdd_61.mean(), 2), round(df.cdd_65.mean(), 2), round(df.cdd_66.mean(), 2), round(df.n_days_kept.mean(), 2), round(df.n_days_dropped.mean(), 2), ], "values", ) def test_compute_temperature_features_billing_bimonthly_hourly_degree_days( il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_bimonthly, snapshot ): meter_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_bimonthly["meter_data"] temperature_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_bimonthly["temperature_data"] df = compute_temperature_features( meter_data.index, temperature_data, heating_balance_points=[60, 61], cooling_balance_points=[65, 66], temperature_mean=False, degree_day_method="hourly", ) assert df.shape == (14, 6) assert list(sorted(df.columns)) == [ "cdd_65", "cdd_66", "hdd_60", "hdd_61", "n_hours_dropped", "n_hours_kept", ] snapshot.assert_match( [ round(df.hdd_60.mean(), 2), round(df.hdd_61.mean(), 2), round(df.cdd_65.mean(), 2), round(df.cdd_66.mean(), 2), round(df.n_hours_kept.mean(), 2), round(df.n_hours_dropped.mean(), 2), ], "values", ) def test_compute_temperature_features_billing_bimonthly_bad_degree_days( il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_bimonthly ): meter_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_bimonthly["meter_data"] temperature_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_bimonthly["temperature_data"] with pytest.raises(ValueError): compute_temperature_features( meter_data.index, temperature_data, heating_balance_points=[60, 61], cooling_balance_points=[65, 66], degree_day_method="UNKNOWN", ) def test_compute_temperature_features_billing_bimonthly_data_quality( il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_bimonthly ): meter_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_bimonthly["meter_data"] temperature_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_bimonthly["temperature_data"] df = compute_temperature_features( meter_data.index, temperature_data, temperature_mean=False, data_quality=True ) assert df.shape == (14, 4) assert list(sorted(df.columns)) == [ "n_days_dropped", "n_days_kept", "temperature_not_null", "temperature_null", ] assert round(df.temperature_not_null.mean(), 2) == 1478.77 assert round(df.temperature_null.mean(), 2) == 0.0 def test_compute_temperature_features_shorter_temperature_data( il_electricity_cdd_hdd_daily ): meter_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_daily["meter_data"] temperature_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_daily["temperature_data"] # drop some data temperature_data = temperature_data[:-200] df = compute_temperature_features(meter_data.index, temperature_data) assert df.shape == (810, 3) assert list(sorted(df.columns)) == [ "n_days_dropped", "n_days_kept", "temperature_mean", ] assert round(df.temperature_mean.sum()) == 43958.0 def test_compute_temperature_features_shorter_meter_data(il_electricity_cdd_hdd_daily): meter_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_daily["meter_data"] temperature_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_daily["temperature_data"] # drop some data meter_data = meter_data[:-10] df = compute_temperature_features(meter_data.index, temperature_data) assert df.shape == (800, 3) assert list(sorted(df.columns)) == [ "n_days_dropped", "n_days_kept", "temperature_mean", ] assert round(df.temperature_mean.sum()) == 43904.0 # ensure last row is NaN'ed assert pd.isnull(df.iloc[-1].n_days_kept) def test_compute_temperature_features_with_duplicated_index( il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_monthly ): meter_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_monthly["meter_data"] temperature_data = il_electricity_cdd_hdd_billing_monthly["temperature_data"] # these are specifically formed to give a less readable error if # duplicates are not caught meter_data = meter_data.append(meter_data).sort_index() temperature_data = temperature_data.iloc[8000:] with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: compute_temperature_features(meter_data.index, temperature_data) assert str(excinfo.value) == "Duplicates found in input meter trace index." def test_compute_temperature_features_empty_temperature_data(): index = pd.DatetimeIndex([], tz="UTC", name="dt", freq="H") temperature_data = pd.Series({"value": []}, index=index).astype(float) result_index = temperature_data.resample("D").sum().index meter_data_hack = pd.DataFrame({"value": 0}, index=result_index) df = compute_temperature_features( meter_data_hack.index, temperature_data, heating_balance_points=[65], cooling_balance_points=[65], degree_day_method="daily", use_mean_daily_values=False, ) assert df.shape == (0, 3) assert list(sorted(df.columns)) == [ "n_days_dropped", "n_days_kept", "temperature_mean", ] assert round(df.temperature_mean.sum()) == 0 def test_compute_temperature_features_empty_meter_data(): index = pd.DatetimeIndex([], tz="UTC", name="dt", freq="H") temperature_data = pd.Series({"value": 0}, index=index) result_index = temperature_data.resample("D").sum().index meter_data_hack = pd.DataFrame({"value": []}, index=result_index) meter_data_hack.index.freq = None df = compute_temperature_features( meter_data_hack.index, temperature_data, heating_balance_points=[65], cooling_balance_points=[65], degree_day_method="daily", use_mean_daily_values=False, ) assert df.shape == (0, 3) assert list(sorted(df.columns)) == [ "n_days_dropped", "n_days_kept", "temperature_mean", ] assert round(df.temperature_mean.sum()) == 0 def test_merge_features(): index = pd.date_range("2017-01-01", periods=100, freq="H", tz="UTC") features = merge_features( [ pd.Series(1, index=index, name="a"), pd.DataFrame({"b": 2}, index=index), pd.DataFrame({"c": 3, "d": 4}, index=index), ] ) assert list(features.columns) == ["a", "b", "c", "d"] assert features.shape == (100, 4) assert features.sum().sum() == 1000 assert features.a.sum() == 100 assert features.b.sum() == 200 assert features.c.sum() == 300 assert features.d.sum() == 400 assert features.index[0] == index[0] assert features.index[-1] == index[-1] def test_merge_features_empty_raises(): with pytest.raises(ValueError): features = merge_features([]) @pytest.fixture def meter_data_hourly(): index = pd.date_range("2017-01-01", periods=100, freq="H", tz="UTC") return pd.DataFrame({"value": 1}, index=index) def test_compute_usage_per_day_feature_hourly(meter_data_hourly): usage_per_day = compute_usage_per_day_feature(meter_data_hourly) assert == "usage_per_day" assert usage_per_day["2017-01-01T00:00:00Z"] == 24 assert usage_per_day.sum() == 2376.0 def test_compute_usage_per_day_feature_hourly_series_name(meter_data_hourly): usage_per_day = compute_usage_per_day_feature( meter_data_hourly, series_name="meter_value" ) assert == "meter_value" @pytest.fixture def meter_data_daily(): index = pd.date_range("2017-01-01", periods=100, freq="D", tz="UTC") return pd.DataFrame({"value": 1}, index=index) def test_compute_usage_per_day_feature_daily(meter_data_daily): usage_per_day = compute_usage_per_day_feature(meter_data_daily) assert usage_per_day["2017-01-01T00:00:00Z"] == 1 assert usage_per_day.sum() == 99.0 @pytest.fixture def meter_data_billing(): index =
pd.date_range("2017-01-01", periods=100, freq="MS", tz="UTC")
# Copyright 2016-present CERN – European Organization for Nuclear Research # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import pandas as pd import re from qf_lib.common.enums.expiration_date_field import ExpirationDateField from qf_lib.common.tickers.tickers import BloombergTicker from qf_lib.containers.futures.future_tickers.future_ticker import FutureTicker from qf_lib.containers.series.qf_series import QFSeries class BloombergFutureTicker(FutureTicker, BloombergTicker): """Representation of a Future Ticker, designed to be used by the BloombergDataProvider. Parameters ---------- name: str Field which contains a name (or a short description) of the FutureTicker. family_id: str Used to to verify if a specific BloombergTicker belongs to a certain futures family and to the active Ticker string, which can be further used by the data provider to download the chain of corresponding Tickers. The family ID pattern - e.g. for Cotton, an exemplary ticker string is of the following form: "CTZ9 Comdty". The "Z9" part denotes the month and year codes - this is the only variable part of the ticker. Thus, in order to verify if a ticker belongs to the cotton family, it should be in form of "CT{} Comdty". For all other ticker families, the family_id should be in the form of specific ticker with the month and year codes replaced with the "{}" placeholder. N: int Used to identify which specific Ticker should be considered by the Backtester, while using the general Future Ticker class. For example N parameter set to 1, denotes the front future contract. days_before_exp_date: int Number of days before the expiration day of each of the contract, when the “current” specific contract should be substituted with the next consecutive one. point_value: int Used to define the size of the contract. designated_contracts: str It is a string, which represents all month codes, that are being downloaded and stored in the chain of future contracts. Any specific order of letters is not required. E.g. providing this parameter value equal to "HMUZ", would restrict the future chain to only the contracts, which expire in March, June, September and December, even if contracts for any other months exist and are returned by the BloombergDataProvider get_futures_chain_tickers function. """ def __init__(self, name: str, family_id: str, N: int, days_before_exp_date: int, point_value: int = 1, designated_contracts: str = "FGHJKMNQUVXZ"): self.designated_contracts = designated_contracts if not len(designated_contracts) > 0: raise ValueError("At least one month code should be provided.") super().__init__(name, family_id, N, days_before_exp_date, point_value) def get_active_ticker(self) -> BloombergTicker: """ Returns the active ticker. """ specific_ticker_string = self.family_id.format("A") return BloombergTicker.from_string(specific_ticker_string) def _get_futures_chain_tickers(self): """ Function used to download the expiration dates of the futures contracts, in order to return afterwards current futures tickers. It uses the list of month codes of designated contracts and filter out these, that should not be considered by the future ticker. """ futures_chain_tickers_df = self._data_provider.get_futures_chain_tickers(self, ExpirationDateField.all_dates())[self] # Get the minimum date futures_chain_tickers = futures_chain_tickers_df.min(axis=1) futures_chain_tickers = QFSeries(data=futures_chain_tickers.index, index=futures_chain_tickers.values) futures_chain_tickers.index =
import pandas as pd from conftest import assert_frame_equal import numpy as np from numpy import dtype, nan import pytest from pvlib.iotools import crn from conftest import DATA_DIR @pytest.fixture def columns(): return [ 'WBANNO', 'UTC_DATE', 'UTC_TIME', 'LST_DATE', 'LST_TIME', 'CRX_VN', 'longitude', 'latitude', 'temp_air', 'PRECIPITATION', 'ghi', 'ghi_flag', 'SURFACE_TEMPERATURE', 'ST_TYPE', 'ST_FLAG', 'relative_humidity', 'relative_humidity_flag', 'SOIL_MOISTURE_5', 'SOIL_TEMPERATURE_5', 'WETNESS', 'WET_FLAG', 'wind_speed', 'wind_speed_flag'] @pytest.fixture def dtypes(): return [ dtype('int64'), dtype('int64'), dtype('int64'), dtype('int64'), dtype('int64'), dtype('O'), dtype('float64'), dtype('float64'), dtype('float64'), dtype('float64'), dtype('float64'), dtype('int64'), dtype('float64'), dtype('O'), dtype('int64'), dtype('float64'), dtype('int64'), dtype('float64'), dtype('float64'), dtype('int64'), dtype('int64'), dtype('float64'), dtype('int64')] @pytest.fixture def testfile(): return DATA_DIR / 'CRNS0101-05-2019-AZ_Tucson_11_W.txt' @pytest.fixture def testfile_problems(): return DATA_DIR / 'CRN_with_problems.txt' def test_read_crn(testfile, columns, dtypes): index = pd.DatetimeIndex(['2019-01-01 16:10:00', '2019-01-01 16:15:00', '2019-01-01 16:20:00', '2019-01-01 16:25:00'], freq=None).tz_localize('UTC') values = np.array([ [53131, 20190101, 1610, 20190101, 910, 3, -111.17, 32.24, nan, 0.0, 296.0, 0, 4.4, 'C', 0, 90.0, 0, nan, nan, 24, 0, 0.78, 0], [53131, 20190101, 1615, 20190101, 915, 3, -111.17, 32.24, 3.3, 0.0, 183.0, 0, 4.0, 'C', 0, 87.0, 0, nan, nan, 1182, 0, 0.36, 0], [53131, 20190101, 1620, 20190101, 920, 3, -111.17, 32.24, 3.5, 0.0, 340.0, 0, 4.3, 'C', 0, 83.0, 0, nan, nan, 1183, 0, 0.53, 0], [53131, 20190101, 1625, 20190101, 925, 3, -111.17, 32.24, 4.0, 0.0, 393.0, 0, 4.8, 'C', 0, 81.0, 0, nan, nan, 1223, 0, 0.64, 0]]) expected =
pd.DataFrame(values, columns=columns, index=index)
''' This script exctracts training variables from all logs from tensorflow event files ("event*"), writes them to Pandas and finally stores in long-format to a CSV-file including all (readable) runs of the logging directory. The magic "5" infers there are only the following v.tags: [lr, loss, acc, val_loss, val_acc] ''' import pandas as pd from tensorboard.backend.event_processing.event_accumulator import EventAccumulator from collections import defaultdict import os import glob import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns # Get all event* runs from logging_dir subdirectories # PATH = "C:/Users/egomez/Documents/Projectos/3D-PROTUCEL/IMAGE-PROCESSING/FULL-VIDEOS/mobilenet_lstm_experiment_decoder_5" def smooth(y, box_pts): box = np.ones(box_pts) / box_pts y = np.array(y) y_smooth = np.convolve(y, box, mode='same') return y_smooth def tabulate_events(dpath): events = ['train', 'validation'] summary_iterators = [EventAccumulator(os.path.join(dpath, dname)).Reload() for dname in events] tags = summary_iterators[0].Tags()['scalars'] # for it in summary_iterators: # assert it.Tags()['scalars'] == tags out = defaultdict(list) steps = [] for tag in tags: if not tag.__contains__('batch'): steps = [e.step for e in summary_iterators[1].Scalars(tag)] for events in zip(*[acc.Scalars(tag) for acc in summary_iterators]): assert len(set(e.step for e in events)) == 1 out[tag].append([e.value for e in events]) return out, steps def logs2dataframe(logging_dir): data_loss =
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # In[1]: import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns # In[2]: def load_and_process(path): data = pd.read_csv(path) newdf = ( pd.DataFrame(data) .rename(columns={"alcohol": "Alc"}) #Abbreviating longer column names .rename(columns={"free sulfur dioxide": "F.S.D."}) .rename(columns={"total sulfur dioxide": "T.S.D."}) .sort_values("quality", ascending=False) #Sorting by wine Quality to answer our research question .reset_index(drop=True) #Adjusted Index to match our new sorted dataframe ) return newdf # In[4]: def load_and_process2(path): df = (
""" Trading environment class data: 12/10/2017 author: Tau """ from ..datafeed import * from ..spaces import * from .utils import * from ..utils import * from ..core import Env import os import smtplib from socket import gaierror from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone from decimal import localcontext, ROUND_UP, Decimal from time import sleep import pandas as pd import empyrical as ec import optunity as ot from bokeh.layouts import column from bokeh.palettes import inferno from bokeh.plotting import figure, show from bokeh.models import HoverTool, Legend, Span, Label from ..exchange_api.poloniex import ExchangeError # Environments class TradingEnvironment(Env): """ Trading environment base class """ ## Setup methods def __init__(self, period, obs_steps, tapi, fiat="USDT", name="TradingEnvironment"): assert isinstance(name, str), "Name must be a string" = name # Data feed api self.tapi = tapi # Environment configuration self.epsilon = dec_zero self._obs_steps = None self._period = None self.pairs = [] self._crypto = [] self._fiat = None = {} # Dataframes self.obs_df = pd.DataFrame() self.portfolio_df = pd.DataFrame() self.action_df = pd.DataFrame() # Logging and debugging self.status = {'OOD': False, 'Error': False, 'ValueError': False, 'ActionError': False, 'NotEnoughFiat': False} if not os.path.exists('./logs'): os.makedirs('./logs') # self.logger = Logger(, './logs/')"Trading Environment initialization", "Trading Environment Initialized!") # Setup self.period = period self.obs_steps = obs_steps # Init attributes for key sharing self.results = None self.action_space = None self.observation_space = None self.init_balance = None self._symbols = [] self.add_pairs(self.tapi.pairs) = fiat self.set_action_space() self.reset_benchmark() self.setup() ## Env properties @property def obs_steps(self): return self._obs_steps @obs_steps.setter def obs_steps(self, value): assert isinstance(value, int), "Obs steps must be a integer." assert value >= 3, "Obs steps must be >= 3. Value: %s" % str(value) self._obs_steps = value @property def period(self): return self._period @period.setter def period(self, value): assert isinstance(value, int) and value >= 1,\ "Period must be a integer >= 1." self._period = value @property def symbols(self): if self._symbols: return self._symbols else: symbols = [] for pair in self.pairs: symbols.append(pair.split('_')[1]) symbols.append(self._fiat) self._symbols = tuple(symbols) return self._symbols @property def fiat(self): try: i = -1 fiat =[self.portfolio_df.index[i], self._fiat] while not convert_to.decimal(fiat.is_finite()): i -= 1 fiat =[self.portfolio_df.index[-i], self._fiat] return fiat except IndexError: Logger.error(TradingEnvironment.crypto, "No valid value on portfolio dataframe.") raise KeyError except KeyError as e: Logger.error(, "You must specify a fiat symbol first.") raise e except Exception as e: Logger.error(, self.parse_error(e)) raise e @fiat.setter def fiat(self, value): try: if isinstance(value, str): symbols = [] for pair in self.pairs: symbols.append(pair.split('_')[1]) symbols.append(self.pairs[0].split('_')[0]) assert value in symbols, "Fiat not in symbols." self._fiat = value symbols.remove(self._fiat) self._crypto = symbols elif isinstance(value, Decimal) or isinstance(value, float) or isinstance(value, int):[self.timestamp, self._fiat] = convert_to.decimal(value) elif isinstance(value, dict): try: timestamp = value['timestamp'] except KeyError: timestamp = self.timestamp[timestamp, self._fiat] = convert_to.decimal(value[self._fiat]) except IndexError: raise AssertionError('You must enter pairs before set fiat.') except Exception as e: Logger.error(, self.parse_error(e)) raise e @property def crypto(self): try: crypto = {} for symbol in self._crypto: crypto[symbol] = self.get_crypto(symbol) return crypto except KeyError as e: Logger.error(TradingEnvironment.crypto, "No valid value on portfolio dataframe.") raise e except Exception as e: Logger.error(TradingEnvironment.crypto, self.parse_error(e)) raise e def get_crypto(self, symbol): try: i = -1 value =[self.portfolio_df.index[i], symbol] while not convert_to.decimal(value).is_finite(): i -= 1 value =[self.portfolio_df.index[i], symbol] return value except IndexError: Logger.error(TradingEnvironment.crypto, "No valid value on portfolio dataframe.") raise KeyError except KeyError as e: Logger.error(TradingEnvironment.crypto, "No valid value on portfolio dataframe.") raise e except Exception as e: Logger.error(TradingEnvironment.crypto, self.parse_error(e)) raise e @crypto.setter def crypto(self, values): try: # assert isinstance(values, dict), "Crypto value must be a dictionary containing the currencies balance." try: timestamp = values['timestamp'] except KeyError: timestamp = self.timestamp for symbol, value in values.items(): if symbol not in [self._fiat, 'timestamp']:[timestamp, symbol] = convert_to.decimal(value) except TypeError: raise AssertionError("Crypto value must be a dictionary containing the currencies balance.") except Exception as e: Logger.error(TradingEnvironment.crypto, self.parse_error(e)) raise e @property def balance(self): # return self.portfolio_df.ffill().loc[self.portfolio_df.index[-1], self.symbols].to_dict() balance = self.crypto balance.update({self._fiat:}) return balance @balance.setter def balance(self, values): try: assert isinstance(values, dict), "Balance must be a dictionary containing the currencies amount." try: timestamp = values['timestamp'] except KeyError: timestamp = self.timestamp for symbol, value in values.items(): if symbol is not 'timestamp':[timestamp, symbol] = convert_to.decimal(value) except Exception as e: Logger.error(TradingEnvironment.balance, self.parse_error(e)) raise e @property def portval(self): return self.calc_total_portval() @portval.setter def portval(self, value): try:[value['timestamp'], 'portval'] = convert_to.decimal(value['portval']) except KeyError:[self.timestamp, 'portval'] = convert_to.decimal(value['portval']) except TypeError:[self.timestamp, 'portval'] = convert_to.decimal(value) except Exception as e: Logger.error(TradingEnvironment.portval, self.parse_error(e)) raise e @property def benchmark(self): return self._benchmark @benchmark.setter def benchmark(self, vector): self._benchmark = self.assert_action(vector) def reset_benchmark(self): n_pairs = len(self.pairs) self.benchmark = np.append(dec_vec_div(convert_to.decimal(np.ones(n_pairs, dtype=np.dtype(Decimal))), dec_con.create_decimal(n_pairs)), [dec_zero]) def add_pairs(self, *args): """ Add pairs for tradeable symbol universe :param args: str, list: :return: """ universe = self.tapi.returnCurrencies() for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, str): if set(arg.split('_')).issubset(universe): self.pairs.append(arg) else: Logger.error(TradingEnvironment.add_pairs, "Symbol not found on exchange currencies.") elif isinstance(arg, list): for item in arg: if set(item.split('_')).issubset(universe): if isinstance(item, str): self.pairs.append(item) else: Logger.error(TradingEnvironment.add_pairs, "Symbol name must be a string") else: Logger.error(TradingEnvironment.add_pairs, "Symbol name must be a string") ## Data feed methods @property def timestamp(self): # return floor_datetime( - timedelta(minutes=self.period), self.period) # Poloniex returns utc timestamp delayed one full bar return - timedelta(minutes=self.period) # Exchange data getters def get_balance(self): """ Get last balance from exchange :return: dict: Dict containing Decimal values for portfolio allocation """ try: balance = self.tapi.returnBalances() filtered_balance = {} for symbol in self.symbols: filtered_balance[symbol] = convert_to.decimal(balance[symbol]) return filtered_balance except Exception as e: try: Logger.error(LiveTradingEnvironment.get_balance, self.parse_error(e, balance)) except Exception: Logger.error(LiveTradingEnvironment.get_balance, self.parse_error(e)) raise e def get_fee(self, symbol, fee_type='takerFee'): """ Return transaction fee value for desired symbol :param symbol: str: Pair name :param fee_type: str: Take or Maker fee :return: Decimal: """ # TODO MAKE IT UNIVERSAL try: fees = self.tapi.returnFeeInfo() assert fee_type in ['takerFee', 'makerFee'], "fee_type must be whether 'takerFee' or 'makerFee'." return dec_con.create_decimal(fees[fee_type]) except Exception as e: Logger.error(TradingEnvironment.get_fee, self.parse_error(e)) raise e # High frequency getter # def get_pair_trades(self, pair, start=None, end=None): # # TODO WRITE TEST # # TODO FINISH THIS # try: # # Pool data from exchage # if isinstance(end, float): # data = self.tapi.marketTradeHist(pair, end=end) # else: # data = self.tapi.marketTradeHist(pair) # df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(data) # # # Get more data from exchange until have enough to make obs_steps rows # if isinstance(start, float): # while datetime.fromtimestamp(start) < \ # datetime.strptime([-1], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"): # # market_data = self.tapi.marketTradeHist(pair, end=datetime.timestamp( # datetime.strptime([-1], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))) # # df2 = pd.DataFrame.from_records(market_data).set_index('globalTradeID') # appended = False # i = 0 # while not appended: # try: # df = df.append(df2.iloc[i:], verify_integrity=True) # appended = True # except ValueError: # i += 1 # # else: # while datetime.strptime([0], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") - \ # timedelta(minutes=self.period * self.obs_steps) < \ # datetime.strptime([-1], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"): # # market_data = self.tapi.marketTradeHist(pair, end=datetime.timestamp( # datetime.strptime([-1], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))) # # df2 = pd.DataFrame.from_records(market_data).set_index('globalTradeID') # appended = False # i = 0 # while not appended: # try: # df = df.append(df2.iloc[i:], verify_integrity=True) # appended = True # except ValueError: # i += 1 # # return df # # except Exception as e: # Logger.error(TradingEnvironment.get_pair_trades, self.parse_error(e)) # raise e # # def sample_trades(self, pair, start=None, end=None): # # TODO WRITE TEST # df = self.get_pair_trades(pair, start=start, end=end) # # period = "%dmin" % self.period # # # Sample the trades into OHLC data # df['rate'] = df['rate'].ffill().apply(convert_to.decimal, raw=True) # df['amount'] = df['amount'].apply(convert_to.decimal, raw=True) # df.index =, raw=True) # # # TODO REMOVE NANS # index = df.resample(period).first().index # out = pd.DataFrame(index=index) # # out['open'] = convert_and_clean(df['rate'].resample(period).first()) # out['high'] = convert_and_clean(df['rate'].resample(period).max()) # out['low'] = convert_and_clean(df['rate'].resample(period).min()) # out['close'] = convert_and_clean(df['rate'].resample(period).last()) # out['volume'] = convert_and_clean(df['amount'].resample(period).sum()) # # return out # Low frequency getter def get_ohlc(self, symbol, index): """ Return OHLC data for desired pair :param symbol: str: Pair symbol :param index: datetime.datetime: Time span for data retrieval :return: pandas DataFrame: OHLC symbol data """ # Get range start = index[0] end = index[-1] # Call for data ohlc_df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(self.tapi.returnChartData(symbol, period=self.period * 60, start=datetime.timestamp(start), end=datetime.timestamp(end)), nrows=index.shape[0]) # TODO 1 FIND A BETTER WAY # TODO: FIX TIMESTAMP # Set index ohlc_df.set_index( x: datetime.fromtimestamp(x).astimezone(timezone.utc)), inplace=True, drop=True) # Get right values to fill nans # TODO: FIND A BETTER PERFORMANCE METHOD # last_close =[ohlc_df.close.last_valid_index(), 'close'] # Get last close value i = -1 last_close =[ohlc_df.index[i], 'close'] while not dec_con.create_decimal(last_close).is_finite(): i -= 1 last_close = dec_con.create_decimal([ohlc_df.index[i], 'close']) # Replace missing values with last close fill_dict = {col: last_close for col in ['open', 'high', 'low', 'close']} fill_dict.update({'volume': '0E-16'}) # Reindex with desired time range and fill nans ohlc_df = ohlc_df[['open','high','low','close', 'volume']].reindex(index).asfreq("%dT" % self.period).fillna(fill_dict) return ohlc_df.astype(str)#.fillna('0.0') # Observation maker def get_history(self, start=None, end=None, portfolio_vector=False): while True: try: obs_list = [] keys = [] # Make desired index is_bounded = True if not end: end = self.timestamp is_bounded = False if not start: start = end - timedelta(minutes=self.period * self.obs_steps) index = pd.date_range(start=start, end=end, freq="%dT" % self.period).ceil("%dT" % self.period)[-self.obs_steps:] is_bounded = False else: index = pd.date_range(start=start, end=end, freq="%dT" % self.period).ceil("%dT" % self.period) if portfolio_vector: # Get portfolio observation port_vec = self.get_sampled_portfolio(index) if port_vec.shape[0] == 0: port_vec = self.get_sampled_portfolio().iloc[-1:] port_vec.index = [index[0]] # Update last observation so it can see possible inter step changes last_balance = self.get_balance()[port_vec.index[-1], list(last_balance.keys())] = list(last_balance.values()) # Get pairs history for pair in self.pairs: keys.append(pair) history = self.get_ohlc(pair, index) history = pd.concat([history, port_vec[pair.split('_')[1]]], axis=1) obs_list.append(history) # Get fiat history keys.append(self._fiat) obs_list.append(port_vec[self._fiat]) # Concatenate dataframes obs = pd.concat(obs_list, keys=keys, axis=1) # Fill missing portfolio observations cols_to_bfill = [col for col in zip(self.pairs, self.symbols)] + [(self._fiat, self._fiat)] obs = obs.fillna(obs[cols_to_bfill].ffill().bfill()) if not is_bounded: assert obs.shape[0] >= self.obs_steps, "Dataframe is to small. Shape: %s" % str(obs.shape) return obs.apply(convert_to.decimal, raw=True) else: # Get history for pair in self.pairs: keys.append(pair) history = self.get_ohlc(pair, index) obs_list.append(history) # Concatenate obs = pd.concat(obs_list, keys=keys, axis=1) # Check size if not is_bounded: assert obs.shape[0] >= self.obs_steps, "Dataframe is to small. Shape: %s" % str(obs.shape) return obs.apply(convert_to.decimal, raw=True) except MaxRetriesException: Logger.error(TradingEnvironment.get_history, "Retries exhausted. Waiting for connection...") except Exception as e: Logger.error(TradingEnvironment.get_history, self.parse_error(e)) raise e def get_observation(self, portfolio_vector=False): """ Return observation df with prices and asset amounts :param portfolio_vector: bool: whether to include or not asset amounts :return: pandas DataFrame: """ try: self.obs_df = self.get_history(portfolio_vector=portfolio_vector) return self.obs_df # except ExchangeError: # sleep(1) # self.obs_df = self.get_history(portfolio_vector=portfolio_vector) # return self.obs_df except Exception as e: Logger.error(TradingEnvironment.get_observation, self.parse_error(e)) raise e def get_sampled_portfolio(self, index=None): """ Return sampled portfolio df :param index: :return: """ if index is None: start = self.portfolio_df.index[0] end = self.portfolio_df.index[-1] else: start = index[0] end = index[-1] # TODO 1 FIND A BETTER WAY if start != end: return self.portfolio_df.loc[start:end].resample("%dmin" % self.period).last() else: return self.portfolio_df.loc[:end].resample("%dmin" % self.period).last() def get_sampled_actions(self, index=None): """ Return sampled action df :param index: :return: """ if index is None: start = self.action_df.index[0] end = self.action_df.index[-1] else: start = index[0] end = index[-1] # TODO 1 FIND A BETTER WAY if start != end: return self.action_df.loc[start:end].resample("%dmin" % self.period).last() else: return self.action_df.loc[:end].resample("%dmin" % self.period).last() ## Trading methods def get_open_price(self, symbol, timestamp=None): """ Get symbol open price :param symbol: str: Pair name :param timestamp: :return: Decimal: Symbol open price """ if not timestamp: timestamp = self.obs_df.index[-1] return[timestamp, ("%s_%s" % (self._fiat, symbol), 'open')] def calc_total_portval(self, timestamp=None): """ Return total portfolio value given optional timestamp :param timestamp: datetime.datetime: :return: Decimal: Portfolio value in fiat units """ portval = dec_zero for symbol in self._crypto: portval = self.get_crypto(symbol).fma(self.get_open_price(symbol, timestamp), portval) portval = dec_con.add(, portval) return portval def calc_posit(self, symbol, portval): """ Calculate current position vector :param symbol: str: Symbol name :param portval: Decimal: Portfolio value :return: """ if symbol == self._fiat: return safe_div(, portval) else: return safe_div(dec_con.multiply(self.get_crypto(symbol), self.get_open_price(symbol)), portval) def calc_portfolio_vector(self): """ Return portfolio position vector :return: numpy array: """ portfolio = np.empty(len(self.symbols), dtype=Decimal) portval = self.calc_total_portval() for i, symbol in enumerate(self.symbols): portfolio[i] = self.calc_posit(symbol, portval) return portfolio def assert_action(self, action): """ Assert that action vector is valid and have norm one :param action: numpy array: Action array :return: numpy array: Valid and normalized action vector """ # TODO WRITE TEST try: action = convert_to.decimal(action) assert self.action_space.contains(action) # normalize if action.sum() != dec_one: action = safe_div(action, action.sum()) action[-1] += dec_one - action.sum() assert action.sum() - dec_one < dec_eps return action except AssertionError: action = safe_div(action, action.sum()) action[-1] += dec_one - action.sum() try: assert action.sum() - dec_one < dec_eps return action except AssertionError: action = safe_div(action, action.sum()) action[-1] += dec_one - action.sum() assert action.sum() - dec_one < dec_eps return action except Exception as e: Logger.error(TradingEnvironment.assert_action, self.parse_error(e)) raise e def log_action(self, timestamp, symbol, value): """ Log action to action df :param timestamp: :param symbol: :param value: :return: """ if symbol == 'online':[timestamp, symbol] = value else:[timestamp, symbol] = convert_to.decimal(value) def log_action_vector(self, timestamp, vector, online): """ Log complete action vector to action df :param timestamp: :param vector: :param online: :return: """ for i, symbol in enumerate(self.symbols): self.log_action(timestamp, symbol, vector[i]) self.log_action(timestamp, 'online', online) def get_last_portval(self): """ Retrieve last valid portfolio value from portfolio dataframe :return: Decimal """ try: i = -1 portval =[self.portfolio_df.index[i], 'portval'] while not dec_con.create_decimal(portval).is_finite(): i -= 1 portval =[self.portfolio_df.index[i], 'portval'] return portval except Exception as e: Logger.error(TradingEnvironment.get_last_portval, self.parse_error(e)) raise e def get_reward(self, previous_portval): """ Payoff loss function Reference: <NAME>. Logarithmic Regret Algorithms for Online Convex ... - cs.Princeton :previous_portval: float: Previous portfolio value :return: numpy float: """ # TODO TEST # Price change pr = self.obs_df.xs('open', level=1, axis=1).iloc[-2:].values pr = np.append(safe_div(pr[-1], pr[-2]), [dec_one]) pr_max = pr.max() # Divide after dot product # pr = safe_div(pr, pr_max) # No taxes this way # port_log_return = rew_con.log10([-1].values[:-1]), pr)) # This way you get taxes from the next reward right after the step init # try: # port_change = safe_div(self.portfolio_df.get_value(self.portfolio_df.index[-1], 'portval'), # self.portfolio_df.get_value(self.portfolio_df.index[-2], 'portval')) # except IndexError: # port_change = dec_one # This way you get taxes from the currently action, after wait for the bar to close try: port_change = safe_div(self.calc_total_portval(), previous_portval) except IndexError: port_change = dec_one # Portfolio log returns port_log_return = rew_con.ln(safe_div(port_change, pr_max)) # Benchmark log returns bench_log_return = rew_con.ln(safe_div(, pr), pr_max)) # Return -regret (negative regret) = Payoff return rew_con.subtract(port_log_return, bench_log_return).quantize(dec_qua) def simulate_trade(self, action, timestamp): """ Simulates trade on exchange environment :param action: np.array: Desired portfolio vector :param timestamp: datetime.datetime: Trade time :return: None """ # TODO: IMPLEMENT SLIPPAGE MODEL try: # Assert inputs action = self.assert_action(action) # Calculate position change given action posit_change = dec_vec_sub(action, self.calc_portfolio_vector())[:-1] # Get initial portval portval = self.calc_total_portval() # Sell assets first for i, change in enumerate(posit_change): if change < dec_zero: symbol = self.symbols[i] crypto_pool = safe_div(dec_con.multiply(portval, action[i]), self.get_open_price(symbol)) with localcontext() as ctx: ctx.rounding = ROUND_UP fee = ctx.multiply(dec_con.multiply(portval, change.copy_abs()),[symbol]) = {self._fiat: dec_con.add(, portval.fma(change.copy_abs(), -fee)), 'timestamp': timestamp} self.crypto = {symbol: crypto_pool, 'timestamp': timestamp} # Uodate prev portval with deduced taxes portval = self.calc_total_portval() # Then buy some goods for i, change in enumerate(posit_change): if change > dec_zero: symbol = self.symbols[i] = {self._fiat: dec_con.subtract(, dec_con.multiply(portval, change.copy_abs())), 'timestamp': timestamp} # if fiat_pool is negative, deduce it from portval and clip if < dec_zero: portval += = {self._fiat: dec_zero, 'timestamp': timestamp} with localcontext() as ctx: ctx.rounding = ROUND_UP fee = ctx.multiply(dec_con.multiply(portval, change.copy_abs()),[symbol]) crypto_pool = safe_div(portval.fma(action[i], -fee), self.get_open_price(symbol)) self.crypto = {symbol: crypto_pool, 'timestamp': timestamp} # Log executed action and final balance self.log_action_vector(self.timestamp, self.calc_portfolio_vector(), True) # Update portfolio_df final_balance = self.balance final_balance['timestamp'] = timestamp self.balance = final_balance # Calculate new portval self.portval = {'portval': self.calc_total_portval(), 'timestamp': timestamp} return True except Exception as e: Logger.error(TradingEnvironment.simulate_trade, self.parse_error(e)) if hasattr(self, 'email'): self.send_email("TradingEnvironment Error: %s at %s" % (e, datetime.strftime(self.timestamp, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")), self.parse_error(e)) raise e ## Env methods def set_observation_space(self): """ Set environment observation space :return: """ # Observation space: obs_space = [] # OPEN, HIGH, LOW, CLOSE for _ in range(4): obs_space.append(Box(0.0, 1e12, 1)) # VOLUME obs_space.append(Box(0.0, 1e12, 1)) # POSITION obs_space.append(Box(0.0, 1.0, 1)) self.observation_space = Tuple(obs_space) def set_action_space(self): """ Set valid action space :return: """ # Action space self.action_space = Box(dec_zero, dec_one, (len(self.symbols),)) #, "Setting environment with %d symbols." % (len(self.symbols))) def reset_status(self): self.status = {'OOD': False, 'Error': False, 'ValueError': False, 'ActionError': False, 'NotEnoughFiat': False} def setup(self): # Reset index self.data_length = self.tapi.data_length # Set spaces self.set_observation_space() self.set_action_space() # Get fee values for symbol in self.symbols:[symbol] = convert_to.decimal(self.get_fee(symbol)) # Start balance self.init_balance = self.get_balance() # Set flag self.initialized = True def reset(self): """ Setup env with initial values :return: pandas DataFrame: observation """ raise NotImplementedError() ## Analytics methods def get_results(self, window=7, benchmark="crp"): """ Calculate metrics :param window: int: :param benchmark: str: crp for constant rebalance or bah for buy and hold :return: """ # Sample portfolio df self.results = self.get_sampled_portfolio().join(self.get_sampled_actions(), rsuffix='_posit')[1:].ffill() # Get history obs = self.get_history(self.results.index[0], self.results.index[-1]) # Init df self.results['benchmark'] = dec_zero self.results['returns'] = convert_to.decimal(np.nan) self.results['benchmark_returns'] = convert_to.decimal(np.nan) self.results['alpha'] = convert_to.decimal(np.nan) self.results['beta'] = convert_to.decimal(np.nan) self.results['drawdown'] = convert_to.decimal(np.nan) self.results['sharpe'] = convert_to.decimal(np.nan) ## Calculate benchmark portfolio # Calc init portval init_portval = dec_zero init_time = self.results.index[0] for symbol in self._crypto: init_portval += convert_to.decimal(self.init_balance[symbol]) * \[init_time, (self._fiat + '_' + symbol, 'open')] init_portval += convert_to.decimal(self.init_balance[self._fiat]) # # Buy and Hold initial equally distributed assets with localcontext() as ctx: ctx.rounding = ROUND_UP for i, symbol in enumerate(self.pairs): self.results[symbol+'_benchmark'] = (dec_one -[symbol.split('_')[1]]) * \ obs[symbol, 'open'] * init_portval / ([init_time, (symbol, 'open')] * Decimal(self.action_space.shape[0] - 1)) if benchmark == 'bah': self.results['benchmark'] = self.results['benchmark'] + self.results[symbol + '_benchmark'] # Best Constant Rebalance Portfolio without taxes hindsight = obs.xs('open', level=1, axis=1).rolling(2, min_periods=2).apply(lambda x: (safe_div(x[-1], x[-2]))).fillna(dec_one).applymap(dec_con.create_decimal) hindsight[self._fiat] = dec_one # hindsight = hindsight.apply(lambda x: safe_div(x, x.max()), axis=1) # Take first operation fee just to start at the same point as strategy if benchmark == 'crp': self.results['benchmark'] =, self.benchmark).cumprod() * init_portval * \ (dec_one -[symbol.split('_')[1]]) # Calculate metrics self.results['returns'] = pd.to_numeric(self.results.portval.rolling(2, min_periods=2).apply(lambda x: (safe_div(x[-1], x[-2]) - 1)).fillna(dec_zero)) self.results['benchmark_returns'] = pd.to_numeric(self.results.benchmark.rolling(2, min_periods=2).apply(lambda x: (safe_div(x[-1], x[-2]) - 1)).fillna(dec_zero)) self.results['alpha'] = ec.utils.roll(self.results.returns, self.results.benchmark_returns, function=ec.alpha_aligned, window=window, risk_free=0.001 ) self.results['beta'] = ec.utils.roll(self.results.returns, self.results.benchmark_returns, function=ec.beta_aligned, window=window) self.results['drawdown'] = ec.roll_max_drawdown(self.results.returns, window=int(window)) self.results['sharpe'] = ec.roll_sharpe_ratio(self.results.returns, window=int(window + 5), risk_free=0.001) return self.results def plot_results(self, window=14, benchmark='crp', subset=None): def config_fig(fig): fig.background_fill_color = "black" fig.background_fill_alpha = 0.1 fig.border_fill_color = "#232323" fig.outline_line_color = "#232323" fig.title.text_color = "whitesmoke" fig.xaxis.axis_label_text_color = "whitesmoke" fig.yaxis.axis_label_text_color = "whitesmoke" fig.yaxis.major_label_text_color = "whitesmoke" fig.xaxis.major_label_orientation = np.pi / 4 fig.grid.grid_line_alpha = 0.1 fig.grid.grid_line_dash = [6, 4] if subset: df = self.get_results(window=window, benchmark=benchmark).astype(np.float64).iloc[subset[0]:subset[1]] else: df = self.get_results(window=window, benchmark=benchmark).astype(np.float64) # Results figures results = {} # Position pos_hover = HoverTool( tooltips=[ ('date', '<span style="color: #000000;">@x{%F, %H:%M}</span>'), ('position', '<span style="color: #000000;">@y{%f}</span>'), ], formatters={ 'x': 'datetime', # use 'datetime' formatter for 'date' field 'y': 'printf', # use 'printf' formatter for 'adj close' field }, # display a tooltip whenever the cursor is vertically in line with a glyph mode='vline' ) p_pos = figure(title="Position over time", x_axis_type="datetime", x_axis_label='timestep', y_axis_label='position', plot_width=900, plot_height=400 + len(self.pairs) * 5, tools=['crosshair','reset','xwheel_zoom','pan,box_zoom', pos_hover, 'save'], toolbar_location="above" ) config_fig(p_pos) palettes = inferno(len(self.symbols)) legend = [] for i, symbol in enumerate(self.symbols): results[symbol + '_posit'] = p_pos.line(df.index, df[symbol + '_posit'], color=palettes[i], line_width=1.2)#, muted_color=palettes[i], muted_alpha=0.2) p_pos.legend.click_policy = "hide" legend.append((str(symbol), [results[symbol + '_posit']])) p_pos.add_layout(Legend(items=legend, location=(0, -31)), 'right') p_pos.legend.click_policy = "hide" # Portifolio and benchmark values val_hover = HoverTool( tooltips=[ ('date', '<span style="color: #000000;">@x{%F, %H:%M}</span>'), ('val', '<span style="color: #000000;">$@y{%0.2f}</span>'), ], formatters={ 'x': 'datetime', # use 'datetime' formatter for 'date' field 'y': 'printf', # use 'printf' formatter for 'adj close' field }, # display a tooltip whenever the cursor is vertically in line with a glyph mode='vline' ) p_val = figure(title="Portfolio / Benchmark Value", x_axis_type="datetime", x_axis_label='timestep', y_axis_label='value', plot_width=900, plot_height=400, tools=['crosshair', 'reset', 'xwheel_zoom', 'pan,box_zoom', val_hover, 'save'], toolbar_location="above" ) config_fig(p_val) results['benchmark'] = p_val.line(df.index, df.benchmark, color='red', line_width=1.2) results['m_bench'] = p_val.line(df.index, df.benchmark.rolling(int(window * 10)).mean(), color='black', line_width=1.2, alpha=0.8) results['portval'] = p_val.line(df.index, df.portval, color='green', line_width=1.2) results['m_portval'] = p_val.line(df.index, df.portval.rolling(int(window * 10)).mean(), color='yellow', line_width=1.2, alpha=0.8) p_val.add_layout(Legend(items=[("portval", [results['portval']]), ("benchmark", [results['benchmark']]), ("mean portval", [results['m_portval']]), ("mean bench", [results['m_bench']]) ], location=(0, -31)), 'right') p_val.legend.click_policy = "hide" # Individual assets portval p_pval = figure(title="Pair Performance", x_axis_type="datetime", x_axis_label='timestep', y_axis_label='performance', plot_width=900, plot_height=400 + len(self.pairs) * 5, tools=['crosshair', 'reset', 'xwheel_zoom', 'pan,box_zoom', val_hover, 'save'], toolbar_location="above" ) config_fig(p_pval) legend = [] for i, symbol in enumerate(self.pairs): results[symbol+'_benchmark'] = p_pval.line(df.index, df[symbol+'_benchmark'], color=palettes[i], line_width=1.2) legend.append((symbol,[results[symbol+'_benchmark']])) p_pval.add_layout(Legend(items=legend, location=(0, -31)), 'right') p_pval.legend.click_policy = "hide" # Portifolio and benchmark returns p_ret = figure(title="Portfolio / Benchmark Returns", x_axis_type="datetime", x_axis_label='timestep', y_axis_label='Returns', plot_width=900, plot_height=400, tools=['crosshair','reset','xwheel_zoom','pan', 'box_zoom', 'save'], toolbar_location="above" ) config_fig(p_ret) roll_mu = df.returns.rolling(int(df.index.shape[0] / 5)).mean() roll_std = df.returns.rolling(int(df.index.shape[0] / 5)).var() results['bench_ret'] = p_ret.line(df.index, df.benchmark_returns, color='red', line_width=1.2) results['port_ret'] = p_ret.line(df.index, df.returns, color='green', line_width=1.2, alpha=0.6) results['ret_mean'] = p_ret.line(df.index, roll_mu, color='yellow', line_width=1.2, alpha=0.6) results['ret_std_1'] = p_ret.line(df.index, roll_mu + roll_std, color='blue', line_width=1.2, alpha=0.6) results['ret_std_2'] = p_ret.line(df.index, roll_mu - roll_std, color='blue', line_width=1.2, alpha=0.6) p_ret.add_layout(Legend(items=[("bench returns", [results['bench_ret']]), ("port returns", [results['port_ret']]), ("returns_mean", [results['ret_mean']]), ("returns_std", [results['ret_std_1'], results['ret_std_2']]) ], location=(0, -31),), 'right') p_ret.legend.click_policy = "hide" # Returns histogram p_hist = figure(title="Portfolio Value Pct Change Distribution", x_axis_label='Pct Change', y_axis_label='frequency', plot_width=900, plot_height=400, tools=['crosshair','reset','xwheel_zoom','pan', 'box_zoom', 'save'], toolbar_location="above" ) config_fig(p_hist) hist, edges = np.histogram(df.returns, density=True, bins=100) p_hist.quad(top=hist, bottom=0, left=edges[:-1], right=edges[1:], fill_color="#036564", line_color="#033649") sigma = df.returns.std() mu = df.returns.mean() quantiles = (df.returns.quantile(0.05), df.returns.quantile(0.95)) results['mhist'] = Span(location=mu, dimension='height', line_color='red', line_dash='dashed', line_width=2) p_hist.add_layout(results['mhist']) p_hist.add_layout(Label(x=mu, y=max(hist), x_offset=4, y_offset=-5, text='%.06f' % mu, text_color='red')) p_hist.add_layout(Label(x=quantiles[0], y=0, text='%.06f' % quantiles[0], text_color='yellow', angle=45,)) p_hist.add_layout(Label(x=quantiles[1], y=0, text='%.06f' % quantiles[1], text_color='yellow', angle=45)) # PDF # x = np.linspace(df.returns.min(), df.returns.max(), 1000) # pdf = 1 / (sigma * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)) * np.exp(-(x - mu) ** 2 / (2 * sigma ** 2)) # # p_hist.line(x, pdf, line_color="#D95B43", line_width=1.8, alpha=0.7) results['cihist'] = p_hist.line(np.linspace(quantiles[0], quantiles[1], 1000), 0, line_color='yellow', line_width=3, alpha=0.7, line_dash='dashed') p_hist.add_layout(Legend(items=[ ("95% credible interval", [results['cihist']]) ], location=(0, -31),), 'right') # Portifolio rolling alpha p_alpha = figure(title="Portfolio rolling alpha", x_axis_type="datetime", x_axis_label='timestep', y_axis_label='alpha', plot_width=900, plot_height=270, tools=['crosshair','reset','xwheel_zoom','pan', 'box_zoom', 'save'], toolbar_location="above" ) config_fig(p_alpha) mu = df.alpha.mean() results['alpha'] = p_alpha.line(df.index, df.alpha, color='yellow', line_width=1.2) p_alpha.add_layout(Span(location=0, dimension='width', line_color='black', line_dash='dashed', line_width=1.5)) results['malpha'] = Span(location=mu, dimension='width', line_color='whitesmoke', line_dash='dashed', line_width=1.5) p_alpha.add_layout(results['malpha']) p_alpha.add_layout(Label(x=df.index[window], y=mu, x_offset=10, y_offset=1, text='mu: %.06f' % mu, text_color='whitesmoke')) p_alpha.add_layout(Legend(items=[("alpha", [results['alpha']]) ], location=(0, -31),), 'right') # Portifolio rolling beta p_beta = figure(title="Portfolio rolling beta", x_axis_type="datetime", x_axis_label='timestep', y_axis_label='beta', plot_width=900, plot_height=270, tools=['crosshair','reset','xwheel_zoom','pan', 'box_zoom', 'save'], toolbar_location="above" ) config_fig(p_beta) mu = df.beta.mean() results['beta'] = p_beta.line(df.index, df.beta, color='yellow', line_width=1.2) p_beta.add_layout(Span(location=0, dimension='width', line_color='black', line_dash='dashed', line_width=1.5)) results['mbeta'] = Span(location=mu, dimension='width', line_color='whitesmoke', line_dash='dashed', line_width=1.5) p_beta.add_layout(results['mbeta']) p_beta.add_layout(Label(x=df.index[window], y=mu, x_offset=10, y_offset=1, text='mu: %.06f' % mu, text_color='whitesmoke')) p_beta.add_layout(Legend(items=[("beta", [results['beta']]) ], location=(0, -31),), 'right') # Portifolio Sharpe ratio p_sharpe = figure(title="Portfolio rolling Sharpe ratio", x_axis_type="datetime", x_axis_label='timestep', y_axis_label='Sharpe ratio', plot_width=900, plot_height=270, tools=['crosshair','reset','xwheel_zoom','pan', 'box_zoom', 'save'], toolbar_location="above" ) config_fig(p_sharpe) mu = df.sharpe.mean() results['sharpe'] = p_sharpe.line(df.index, df.sharpe, color='yellow', line_width=1.2) p_sharpe.add_layout(Span(location=0, dimension='width', line_color='black', line_dash='dashed', line_width=1.5)) results['msharpe'] = Span(location=mu, dimension='width', line_color='whitesmoke', line_dash='dashed', line_width=1.5) p_sharpe.add_layout(results['msharpe']) p_sharpe.add_layout(Label(x=df.index[window], y=mu, x_offset=10, y_offset=1, text='mu: %.06f' % mu, text_color='whitesmoke')) p_sharpe.add_layout(Legend(items=[("sharpe", [results['sharpe']]) ], location=(0, -31),), 'right') # Rolling Drawdown p_dd = figure(title="Portfolio rolling drawdown", x_axis_type="datetime", x_axis_label='timestep', y_axis_label='drawdown', plot_width=900, plot_height=270, tools=['crosshair','reset','xwheel_zoom','pan', 'box_zoom', 'save'], toolbar_location="above" ) config_fig(p_dd) md = df.drawdown.min() results['drawdown'] = p_dd.line(df.index, df.drawdown, color='red', line_width=1.2) results['mdrawdown'] = Span(location=md, dimension='width', line_color='whitesmoke', line_dash='dashed', line_width=2) p_dd.add_layout(results['mdrawdown']) p_dd.add_layout(Label(x=df.index[window], y=md, x_offset=4, y_offset=5, text='max dd: %.06f' % md, text_color='whitesmoke')) p_dd.add_layout(Legend(items=[("drawdown", [results['drawdown']]) ], location=(0, -31),), 'right') print("\n################### > Portfolio Performance Analysis < ###################\n") print("Portfolio excess Sharpe: %f" % ec.excess_sharpe(df.returns, df.benchmark_returns)) print("Portfolio / Benchmark Sharpe ratio: %f / %f" % (ec.sharpe_ratio(df.returns), ec.sharpe_ratio(df.benchmark_returns))) print("Portfolio / Benchmark Omega ratio: %f / %f" % (ec.omega_ratio(df.returns), ec.omega_ratio(df.benchmark_returns))) print("Portfolio / Benchmark max drawdown: %f / %f" % (ec.max_drawdown(df.returns), ec.max_drawdown(df.benchmark_returns))) results['handle'] = show(column(p_val, p_pval, p_pos, p_ret, p_hist, p_sharpe, p_dd, p_alpha, p_beta), notebook_handle=True) return results ## Report methods def parse_error(self, e, *args): error_msg = '\n' + + ' error -> ' + type(e).__name__ + ' in line ' + str( e.__traceback__.tb_lineno) + ': ' + str(e) for args in args: error_msg += "\n" + str(args) return error_msg def set_email(self, email): """ Set Gmail address and password for log keeping :param email: str: Gmail address :param psw: str: account password :return: """ try: assert isinstance(email, dict) = email, "Email report address set to: %s" % (str([email[key] for key in email if key == 'to']))) except Exception as e: Logger.error(TradingEnvironment.set_email, self.parse_error(e)) def send_email(self, subject, body): try: assert isinstance(, dict) and \ isinstance(subject, str) and isinstance(body, str) for key in if key == 'email': gmail_user =[key] elif key == 'psw': gmail_pwd =[key] elif key == 'to': TO =[key] if type([key]) is list else [[key]] FROM = gmail_user SUBJECT = subject TEXT = body # Prepare actual message message = """From: %s\nTo: %s\nSubject: %s\n\n%s """ % (FROM, ", ".join(TO), SUBJECT, TEXT) server = smtplib.SMTP("", 587) server.ehlo() server.starttls() server.login(gmail_user, gmail_pwd) server.sendmail(FROM, TO, message) server.close() # If we have no internet, wait five seconds and retry except gaierror: try: sleep(5) self.send_email(subject, body) except gaierror as e: # If there is no internet yet, log error and move on Logger.error(TradingEnvironment.send_email, self.parse_error(e)) except smtplib.SMTPServerDisconnected as e: # If there is no internet yet, log error and move on Logger.error(TradingEnvironment.send_email, self.parse_error(e)) except smtplib.SMTPSenderRefused as e: # If there is no internet yet, log error and move on Logger.error(TradingEnvironment.send_email, self.parse_error(e)) except Exception as e: try: Logger.error(TradingEnvironment.send_email, self.parse_error(e)) if hasattr(self, 'email'): self.send_email("Error sending email: %s at %s" % (e, datetime.strftime(self.timestamp, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")), self.parse_error(e)) except Exception as e: Logger.error(TradingEnvironment.send_email, self.parse_error(e)) class BacktestEnvironment(TradingEnvironment): """ Backtest environment for financial strategies history testing """ def __init__(self, period, obs_steps, tapi, fiat, name): assert isinstance(tapi, BacktestDataFeed), "Backtest tapi must be a instance of BacktestDataFeed." super().__init__(period, obs_steps, tapi, fiat, name) self.index = obs_steps self.data_length = None = False self.initialized = False @property def timestamp(self): return datetime.fromtimestamp(self.tapi.ohlc_data[self.tapi.pairs[0]].index[self.index]).astimezone(timezone.utc) def get_hindsight(self): """ Stay away from look ahead bias! :return: pandas dataframe: Full history dataframe """ # Save env obs_steps obs_steps = self.obs_steps # Change it so you can recover all the data self.obs_steps = self.data_length self.index = self.obs_steps - 1 # Pull the entire data set hindsight = self.get_observation() # Change env obs_steps back self.obs_steps = obs_steps self.index = self.obs_steps return hindsight def optimize_benchmark(self, nb_steps, verbose=False): # Init var i = 0 ## Acquire open price hindsight hindsight = self.get_hindsight().xs('open', level=1, axis=1).rolling(2, min_periods=2).apply( lambda x: (safe_div(x[-1], x[-2]))).dropna().astype('f') hindsight[self._fiat] = 1.0 # Scale it hindsight = hindsight.apply(lambda x: safe_div(x, x.max()), axis=1) # Calculate benchmark return # Benchmark: Equally distributed constant rebalanced portfolio ed_crp = array_normalize(np.append(np.ones(len(self.symbols) - 1), [0.0])) ed_crp_returns =, ed_crp) initial_benchmark_returns =, np.float64(self.benchmark)) initial_reward = np.log(initial_benchmark_returns).sum() - np.log(ed_crp_returns).sum() ## Define params # Constraints declaration # bench_constraints = [lambda **kwargs: sum([kwargs[key] for key in kwargs]) <= 1] ## Define benchmark optimization routine # @ot.constraints.constrained(bench_constrains) # @ot.constraints.violations_defaulted(-10) def find_bench(**kwargs): try: # Init variables nonlocal i, nb_steps, hindsight, ed_crp_returns # Best constant rebalance portfolio b_crp = array_normalize(np.array([kwargs[key] for key in kwargs])) # Best constant rebalance portfolio returns b_crp_returns =, b_crp) # Calculate sharpe regret reward = np.log(b_crp_returns).sum() - np.log(ed_crp_returns).sum() # Increment counter i += 1 # Update progress if verbose and i % 10 == 0: print("Benchmark optimization step {0}/{1}, step reward: {2}".format(i, int(nb_steps), float(reward)), end="\r") return reward except KeyboardInterrupt: raise # Search space declaration n_assets = len(self.symbols) bench_search_space = {str(i): j for i, j in zip(np.arange(n_assets), [[0, 1] for _ in range(n_assets)])} print("Optimizing benchmark...") # Call optimizer to benchmark BCR, info, _ = ot.maximize_structured( find_bench, num_evals=int(nb_steps), search_space=bench_search_space ) if float(info.optimum) > float(initial_reward): self.benchmark = convert_to.decimal(array_normalize(np.array([BCR[key] for key in BCR]))) print("\nOptimum benchmark reward: %f" % info.optimum) print("Best Constant Rebalance portfolio found in %d optimization rounds:\n" % i, self.benchmark.astype(float)) else: print("Initial benchmark was already optimum. Reward: %s" % str(initial_reward)) print("Benchmark portfolio: %s" % str(np.float32(self.benchmark))) return self.benchmark def get_history(self, start=None, end=None, portfolio_vector=False): while True: try: obs_list = [] keys = [] # Make desired index is_bounded = True if not end: end = self.timestamp is_bounded = False if not start: start = end - timedelta(minutes=self.period * self.obs_steps) index = pd.date_range(start=start, end=end, freq="%dT" % self.period).ceil("%dT" % self.period)[-self.obs_steps:] is_bounded = False else: index = pd.date_range(start=start, end=end, freq="%dT" % self.period).ceil("%dT" % self.period) if portfolio_vector: # Get portfolio observation port_vec = self.get_sampled_portfolio(index) if port_vec.shape[0] == 0: port_vec = self.get_sampled_portfolio().iloc[-1:] port_vec.index = [index[0]] # Get pairs history for pair in self.pairs: keys.append(pair) history = self.get_ohlc(pair, index) history = pd.concat([history, port_vec[pair.split('_')[1]]], axis=1) obs_list.append(history) # Get fiat history keys.append(self._fiat) obs_list.append(port_vec[self._fiat]) # Concatenate dataframes obs = pd.concat(obs_list, keys=keys, axis=1) # Fill missing portfolio observations cols_to_bfill = [col for col in zip(self.pairs, self.symbols)] + [(self._fiat, self._fiat)] obs = obs.fillna(obs[cols_to_bfill].ffill().bfill()) if not is_bounded: assert obs.shape[0] >= self.obs_steps, "Dataframe is too small. Shape: %s" % str(obs.shape) return obs.apply(convert_to.decimal, raw=True) else: # Get history for pair in self.pairs: keys.append(pair) history = self.get_ohlc(pair, index) obs_list.append(history) # Concatenate obs = pd.concat(obs_list, keys=keys, axis=1) # Check size if not is_bounded: assert obs.shape[0] >= self.obs_steps, "Dataframe is to small. Shape: %s" % str(obs.shape) return obs.apply(convert_to.decimal, raw=True) except MaxRetriesException: Logger.error(TradingEnvironment.get_history, "Retries exhausted. Waiting for connection...") except Exception as e: Logger.error(TradingEnvironment.get_history, self.parse_error(e)) raise e def get_ohlc(self, symbol, index): # Get range start = index[0] end = index[-1] # Call for data ohlc_df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(self.tapi.returnChartData(symbol, period=self.period * 60, start=datetime.timestamp(start), end=datetime.timestamp(end)), nrows=index.shape[0]) # TODO 1 FIND A BETTER WAY # TODO: FIX TIMESTAMP # Set index ohlc_df.set_index( x: datetime.fromtimestamp(x).astimezone(timezone.utc)), inplace=True, drop=True) # Disabled fill on backtest for performance. # We assume that backtest data feed will not return nan values # Get right values to fill nans # fill_dict = {col: ohlc_df.loc[ohlc_df.close.last_valid_index(), 'close'] for col in ['open', 'high', 'low', 'close']} # fill_dict.update({'volume': '0E-8'}) # Reindex with desired time range and fill nans ohlc_df = ohlc_df[['open','high','low','close', 'volume']].reindex(index).asfreq("%dT" % self.period)#.fillna(fill_dict) return ohlc_df.astype(str) def reset(self): """ Setup env with initial values :param reset_dfs: bool: Reset log dfs :return: pandas DataFrame: Initial observation """ try: # If need setup, do it if not self.initialized: self.setup() # Get start point if self.index = np.random.random_integers(self.obs_steps, self.data_length - 3) else: self.index = self.obs_steps # Reset log dfs self.obs_df = pd.DataFrame() self.portfolio_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=list(self.symbols) + ['portval']) # Reset balance self.balance = self.init_balance # Get new index self.index += 1 # Get fisrt observation obs = self.get_observation(True) # Reset portfolio value self.portval = {'portval': self.calc_total_portval(self.obs_df.index[-1]), 'timestamp': self.portfolio_df.index[-1]} # Clean actions self.action_df = pd.DataFrame([list(self.calc_portfolio_vector()) + [False]], columns=list(self.symbols) + ['online'], index=[self.portfolio_df.index[-1]]) # Return first observation return obs.astype(np.float64) except IndexError: print("Insufficient tapi data. You must choose a bigger time span or a lower period.") raise IndexError def step(self, action): try: # Get step timestamp timestamp = self.timestamp # Save portval for reward calculation previous_portval = self.calc_total_portval() # Simulate portifolio rebalance self.simulate_trade(action, timestamp) # Check for end condition if self.index >= self.data_length - 2: done = True self.status["OOD"] += 1 else: done = False # Get new index self.index += 1 # Get new observation new_obs = self.get_observation(True) # Get reward for action took reward = self.get_reward(previous_portval) # Return new observation, reward, done flag and status for debugging return new_obs.astype(np.float64), np.float64(reward), done, self.status except KeyboardInterrupt: self.status["OOD"] += 1 # return self.get_observation(True).astype(np.float64), np.float64(0), False, self.status raise KeyboardInterrupt except Exception as e: Logger.error(BacktestEnvironment.step, self.parse_error(e)) if hasattr(self, 'email'): self.send_email("TradingEnvironment Error: %s at %s" % (e, datetime.strftime(self.timestamp, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")), self.parse_error(e)) print("step action:", action) raise e class TrainingEnvironment(BacktestEnvironment): def __init__(self, period, obs_steps, tapi, fiat, name): super(TrainingEnvironment, self).__init__(period, obs_steps, tapi, fiat, name) @property def timestamp(self): return datetime.fromtimestamp([self.index]).astimezone(timezone.utc) def get_history(self, start=None, end=None, portfolio_vector=False): while True: try: obs_list = [] keys = [] # Make desired index end = self.timestamp start = end - timedelta(minutes=self.period * self.obs_steps) index = pd.date_range(start=start, end=end, freq="%dT" % self.period).ceil("%dT" % self.period)[-self.obs_steps:] # Get portfolio observation port_vec = self.get_sampled_portfolio(index) if port_vec.shape[0] == 0: port_vec = self.get_sampled_portfolio().iloc[-1:] port_vec.index = [index[0]] # Get pairs history for pair in self.pairs: keys.append(pair) history = self.get_ohlc(pair, index) history = pd.concat([history, port_vec[pair.split('_')[1]]], axis=1) obs_list.append(history) # Get fiat history keys.append(self._fiat) obs_list.append(port_vec[self._fiat]) # Concatenate dataframes obs =
pd.concat(obs_list, keys=keys, axis=1)
## parse TCGA data import pandas as pd from collections import defaultdict import numpy as np import scipy.stats as stat import os, time def TCGA_ssGSEA(cancer_type, parse_reactome=True, simplify_barcode=True): ''' Input cancer_type: 'BLCA', 'SKCM' (melanoma), 'STAD' (gastric cancer) simplify_barcode: if True, duplicate samples are removed ''' fi_dir = '../../data/TCGA/ssgsea' df = pd.DataFrame() if 'TCGA-%s'%cancer_type in os.listdir(fi_dir): df = pd.read_csv('%s/TCGA-%s/ssgsea.txt'%(fi_dir, cancer_type), sep='\t') df = df.rename(columns={'testType':'pathway'}) df_col = ['pathway'] for sample in df.columns[1:]: if 'TCGA' in sample: df_col.append(sample) df = pd.DataFrame(data=df, columns=df_col) if parse_reactome == True: df = df.loc[df['pathway'].str.contains('REACTOME'),:] if simplify_barcode == True: rename_dic = {} cols = ['pathway'] samples = [] for col in df.columns[1:]: samples.append(col[:12]) for sample, col in zip(samples, df.columns[1:]): if samples.count(sample) == 1: rename_dic[col] = sample cols.append(sample) df = df.rename(columns=rename_dic) df = pd.DataFrame(data=df, columns=cols) return df def TCGA_gene_expression(cancer_type, official_gene_symbol=True, simplify_barcode=True): ''' Input cancer_type: 'BLCA', 'SKCM' (melanoma), 'STAD' (gastric cancer) simplify_barcode: if True, duplicate samples are removed ''' fi_dir = '../../data/TCGA' df = pd.DataFrame() if 'TCGA-%s'%cancer_type in os.listdir(fi_dir): df =
pd.read_csv('%s/TCGA-%s/TMM_rna_seq.txt'%(fi_dir, cancer_type), sep='\t')
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- """ Date: 2021/12/31 13:19 Desc: 股票指数成份股数据, 新浪有两个接口, 这里使用老接口: 新接口: 老接口: """ import math from io import BytesIO import pandas as pd import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from tqdm import tqdm from akshare.utils import demjson def index_stock_cons_sina(symbol: str = "000300") -> pd.DataFrame: """ 新浪新版股票指数成份页面, 目前该接口可获取指数数量较少 :param symbol: 指数代码 :type symbol: str :return: 指数的成份股 :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ if symbol == "000300": symbol = "hs300" url = "" params = {"node": f"{symbol}"} r = requests.get(url, params=params) page_num = math.ceil(int(r.json()) / 80) + 1 temp_df = pd.DataFrame() for page in range(1, page_num): url = "" params = { "page": str(page), "num": "80", "sort": "symbol", "asc": "1", "node": "hs300", "symbol": "", "_s_r_a": "init", } r = requests.get(url, params=params) temp_df = temp_df.append( pd.DataFrame(demjson.decode(r.text)), ignore_index=True ) return temp_df url = "" params = { "page": 1, "num": "3000", "sort": "symbol", "asc": "1", "node": f"zhishu_{symbol}", "_s_r_a": "setlen", } r = requests.get(url, params=params) return pd.DataFrame(demjson.decode(r.text)) def index_stock_info() -> pd.DataFrame: """ 聚宽-指数数据-指数列表 :return: 指数信息的数据框 :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ index_df = pd.read_html("")[0] index_df["指数代码"] = index_df["指数代码"].str.split(".", expand=True)[0] index_df.columns = ["index_code", "display_name", "publish_date", "-", "-"] return index_df[["index_code", "display_name", "publish_date"]] def index_stock_cons(symbol: str = "399639") -> pd.DataFrame: """ 最新股票指数的成份股目录 :param symbol: 指数代码, 可以通过 ak.index_stock_info() 函数获取 :type symbol: str :return: 最新股票指数的成份股目录 :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ url = f"{symbol}.phtml" r = requests.get(url) r.encoding = "gb2312" soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "lxml") page_num = ( soup.find(attrs={"class": "table2"}) .find("td") .find_all("a")[-1]["href"] .split("page=")[-1] .split("&")[0] ) if page_num == "#": temp_df = pd.read_html(r.text, header=1)[3].iloc[:, :3] temp_df["品种代码"] = temp_df["品种代码"].astype(str).str.zfill(6) return temp_df temp_df = pd.DataFrame() for page in range(1, int(page_num) + 1): url = f"{page}&indexid={symbol}" r = requests.get(url) r.encoding = "gb2312" temp_df = temp_df.append(pd.read_html(r.text, header=1)[3], ignore_index=True) temp_df = temp_df.iloc[:, :3] temp_df["品种代码"] = temp_df["品种代码"].astype(str).str.zfill(6) return temp_df def index_stock_cons_csindex(symbol: str = "000300") -> pd.DataFrame: """ 中证指数网站-成份股目录 :param symbol: 指数代码, 可以通过 ak.index_stock_info() 函数获取 :type symbol: str :return: 最新指数的成份股 :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ url = f"{symbol}cons.xls" r = requests.get(url) temp_df = pd.read_excel(BytesIO(r.content)) temp_df.columns = [ "日期", "指数代码", "指数名称", "指数英文名称", "成分券代码", "成分券名称", "成分券英文名称", "交易所", "交易所英文名称", ] temp_df['日期'] = pd.t
o_datetime(temp_df['日期'], format="%Y%m%d")
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 import os import copy import pandas from os.path import join from pandas.core.frame import DataFrame from MyPythonDocx import * def cal_va(df): # df = DataFrame(page[1:], columns=page[0]) severity = ['嚴重', '高', '中', '低', '無'] vas = [] for idx in range(5): mask = df['嚴重程度'] == severity[idx] tmp = df[mask][['弱點名稱', '弱點描述']].values.tolist() vas.append([]) for name in tmp: if name and name not in vas[idx]: vas[idx].append(name) # print(vas) return vas def cal_risk_cnt(page): try: df =
DataFrame(page[1:], columns=page[0])
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Arithmetc tests for DataFrame/Series/Index/Array classes that should # behave identically. from datetime import timedelta import operator import pytest import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pandas.util.testing as tm from pandas.compat import long from pandas.core import ops from pandas.errors import NullFrequencyError, PerformanceWarning from pandas._libs.tslibs import IncompatibleFrequency from pandas import ( timedelta_range, Timedelta, Timestamp, NaT, Series, TimedeltaIndex, DatetimeIndex) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Fixtures @pytest.fixture def tdser(): """ Return a Series with dtype='timedelta64[ns]', including a NaT. """ return Series(['59 Days', '59 Days', 'NaT'], dtype='timedelta64[ns]') @pytest.fixture(params=[pd.offsets.Hour(2), timedelta(hours=2), np.timedelta64(2, 'h'), Timedelta(hours=2)], ids=lambda x: type(x).__name__) def delta(request): """ Several ways of representing two hours """ return request.param @pytest.fixture(params=[timedelta(minutes=5, seconds=4), Timedelta('5m4s'), Timedelta('5m4s').to_timedelta64()], ids=lambda x: type(x).__name__) def scalar_td(request): """ Several variants of Timedelta scalars representing 5 minutes and 4 seconds """ return request.param @pytest.fixture(params=[pd.Index, Series, pd.DataFrame], ids=lambda x: x.__name__) def box(request): """ Several array-like containers that should have effectively identical behavior with respect to arithmetic operations. """ return request.param @pytest.fixture(params=[pd.Index, Series, pytest.param(pd.DataFrame, marks=pytest.mark.xfail(strict=True))], ids=lambda x: x.__name__) def box_df_fail(request): """ Fixture equivalent to `box` fixture but xfailing the DataFrame case. """ return request.param # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Numeric dtypes Arithmetic with Timedelta Scalar class TestNumericArraylikeArithmeticWithTimedeltaScalar(object): @pytest.mark.parametrize('box', [ pd.Index, Series, pytest.param(pd.DataFrame, marks=pytest.mark.xfail(reason="block.eval incorrect", strict=True)) ]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('index', [ pd.Int64Index(range(1, 11)), pd.UInt64Index(range(1, 11)), pd.Float64Index(range(1, 11)), pd.RangeIndex(1, 11)], ids=lambda x: type(x).__name__) @pytest.mark.parametrize('scalar_td', [ Timedelta(days=1), Timedelta(days=1).to_timedelta64(), Timedelta(days=1).to_pytimedelta()], ids=lambda x: type(x).__name__) def test_numeric_arr_mul_tdscalar(self, scalar_td, index, box): # GH#19333 if (box is Series and type(scalar_td) is timedelta and index.dtype == 'f8'): raise pytest.xfail(reason="Cannot multiply timedelta by float") expected = timedelta_range('1 days', '10 days') index = tm.box_expected(index, box) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box) result = index * scalar_td tm.assert_equal(result, expected) commute = scalar_td * index tm.assert_equal(commute, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize('index', [ pd.Int64Index(range(1, 3)), pd.UInt64Index(range(1, 3)), pd.Float64Index(range(1, 3)), pd.RangeIndex(1, 3)], ids=lambda x: type(x).__name__) @pytest.mark.parametrize('scalar_td', [ Timedelta(days=1), Timedelta(days=1).to_timedelta64(), Timedelta(days=1).to_pytimedelta()], ids=lambda x: type(x).__name__) def test_numeric_arr_rdiv_tdscalar(self, scalar_td, index, box): if box is Series and type(scalar_td) is timedelta: raise pytest.xfail(reason="TODO: Figure out why this case fails") if box is pd.DataFrame and isinstance(scalar_td, timedelta): raise pytest.xfail(reason="TODO: Figure out why this case fails") expected = TimedeltaIndex(['1 Day', '12 Hours']) index = tm.box_expected(index, box) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box) result = scalar_td / index tm.assert_equal(result, expected) with pytest.raises(TypeError): index / scalar_td # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Timedelta64[ns] dtype Arithmetic Operations class TestTimedeltaArraylikeAddSubOps(object): # Tests for timedelta64[ns] __add__, __sub__, __radd__, __rsub__ # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Invalid Operations def test_td64arr_add_str_invalid(self, box): # GH#13624 tdi = TimedeltaIndex(['1 day', '2 days']) tdi = tm.box_expected(tdi, box) with pytest.raises(TypeError): tdi + 'a' with pytest.raises(TypeError): 'a' + tdi @pytest.mark.parametrize('other', [3.14, np.array([2.0, 3.0])]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('op', [operator.add, ops.radd, operator.sub, ops.rsub], ids=lambda x: x.__name__) def test_td64arr_add_sub_float(self, box, op, other): tdi = TimedeltaIndex(['-1 days', '-1 days']) tdi = tm.box_expected(tdi, box) if box is pd.DataFrame and op in [operator.add, operator.sub]: pytest.xfail(reason="Tries to align incorrectly, " "raises ValueError") with pytest.raises(TypeError): op(tdi, other) @pytest.mark.parametrize('box', [ pd.Index, Series, pytest.param(pd.DataFrame, marks=pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Tries to cast df to " "Period", strict=True, raises=IncompatibleFrequency)) ], ids=lambda x: x.__name__) @pytest.mark.parametrize('freq', [None, 'H']) def test_td64arr_sub_period(self, box, freq): # GH#13078 # not supported, check TypeError p = pd.Period('2011-01-01', freq='D') idx = TimedeltaIndex(['1 hours', '2 hours'], freq=freq) idx = tm.box_expected(idx, box) with pytest.raises(TypeError): idx - p with pytest.raises(TypeError): p - idx @pytest.mark.parametrize('box', [ pd.Index, Series, pytest.param(pd.DataFrame, marks=pytest.mark.xfail(reason="broadcasts along " "wrong axis", raises=ValueError, strict=True)) ], ids=lambda x: x.__name__) @pytest.mark.parametrize('pi_freq', ['D', 'W', 'Q', 'H']) @pytest.mark.parametrize('tdi_freq', [None, 'H']) def test_td64arr_sub_pi(self, box, tdi_freq, pi_freq): # GH#20049 subtracting PeriodIndex should raise TypeError tdi = TimedeltaIndex(['1 hours', '2 hours'], freq=tdi_freq) dti = Timestamp('2018-03-07 17:16:40') + tdi pi = dti.to_period(pi_freq) # TODO: parametrize over box for pi? tdi = tm.box_expected(tdi, box) with pytest.raises(TypeError): tdi - pi # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Binary operations td64 arraylike and datetime-like def test_td64arr_sub_timestamp_raises(self, box): idx = TimedeltaIndex(['1 day', '2 day']) idx = tm.box_expected(idx, box) msg = "cannot subtract a datelike from|Could not operate" with tm.assert_raises_regex(TypeError, msg): idx - Timestamp('2011-01-01') @pytest.mark.parametrize('box', [ pd.Index, Series, pytest.param(pd.DataFrame, marks=pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Returns object dtype", strict=True)) ], ids=lambda x: x.__name__) def test_td64arr_add_timestamp(self, box): idx = TimedeltaIndex(['1 day', '2 day']) expected = DatetimeIndex(['2011-01-02', '2011-01-03']) idx = tm.box_expected(idx, box) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box) result = idx + Timestamp('2011-01-01') tm.assert_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize('box', [ pd.Index, Series, pytest.param(pd.DataFrame, marks=pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Returns object dtype", strict=True)) ], ids=lambda x: x.__name__) def test_td64_radd_timestamp(self, box): idx = TimedeltaIndex(['1 day', '2 day']) expected = DatetimeIndex(['2011-01-02', '2011-01-03']) idx = tm.box_expected(idx, box) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box) # TODO: parametrize over scalar datetime types? result = Timestamp('2011-01-01') + idx tm.assert_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize('box', [ pd.Index, Series, pytest.param(pd.DataFrame, marks=pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Returns object dtype " "instead of " "datetime64[ns]", strict=True)) ], ids=lambda x: x.__name__) def test_td64arr_add_sub_timestamp(self, box): # GH#11925 ts = Timestamp('2012-01-01') # TODO: parametrize over types of datetime scalar? tdser = Series(timedelta_range('1 day', periods=3)) expected = Series(pd.date_range('2012-01-02', periods=3)) tdser = tm.box_expected(tdser, box) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box) tm.assert_equal(ts + tdser, expected) tm.assert_equal(tdser + ts, expected) expected2 = Series(pd.date_range('2011-12-31', periods=3, freq='-1D')) expected2 = tm.box_expected(expected2, box) tm.assert_equal(ts - tdser, expected2) tm.assert_equal(ts + (-tdser), expected2) with pytest.raises(TypeError): tdser - ts def test_tdi_sub_dt64_array(self, box_df_fail): box = box_df_fail # DataFrame tries to broadcast incorrectly dti = pd.date_range('2016-01-01', periods=3) tdi = dti - dti.shift(1) dtarr = dti.values expected = pd.DatetimeIndex(dtarr) - tdi tdi = tm.box_expected(tdi, box) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box) with pytest.raises(TypeError): tdi - dtarr # TimedeltaIndex.__rsub__ result = dtarr - tdi tm.assert_equal(result, expected) def test_tdi_add_dt64_array(self, box_df_fail): box = box_df_fail # DataFrame tries to broadcast incorrectly dti = pd.date_range('2016-01-01', periods=3) tdi = dti - dti.shift(1) dtarr = dti.values expected = pd.DatetimeIndex(dtarr) + tdi tdi = tm.box_expected(tdi, box) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box) result = tdi + dtarr tm.assert_equal(result, expected) result = dtarr + tdi tm.assert_equal(result, expected) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Operations with int-like others @pytest.mark.parametrize('box', [ pd.Index, Series, pytest.param(pd.DataFrame, marks=pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Attempts to broadcast " "incorrectly", strict=True, raises=ValueError)) ], ids=lambda x: x.__name__) def test_td64arr_add_int_series_invalid(self, box, tdser): tdser = tm.box_expected(tdser, box) err = TypeError if box is not pd.Index else NullFrequencyError with pytest.raises(err): tdser + Series([2, 3, 4]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('box', [ pd.Index, pytest.param(Series, marks=pytest.mark.xfail(reason="GH#19123 integer " "interpreted as " "nanoseconds", strict=True)), pytest.param(pd.DataFrame, marks=pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Attempts to broadcast " "incorrectly", strict=True, raises=ValueError)) ], ids=lambda x: x.__name__) def test_td64arr_radd_int_series_invalid(self, box, tdser): tdser = tm.box_expected(tdser, box) err = TypeError if box is not pd.Index else NullFrequencyError with pytest.raises(err): Series([2, 3, 4]) + tdser @pytest.mark.parametrize('box', [ pd.Index, Series, pytest.param(pd.DataFrame, marks=pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Attempts to broadcast " "incorrectly", strict=True, raises=ValueError)) ], ids=lambda x: x.__name__) def test_td64arr_sub_int_series_invalid(self, box, tdser): tdser = tm.box_expected(tdser, box) err = TypeError if box is not pd.Index else NullFrequencyError with pytest.raises(err): tdser - Series([2, 3, 4]) @pytest.mark.xfail(reason='GH#19123 integer interpreted as nanoseconds', strict=True) def test_td64arr_rsub_int_series_invalid(self, box, tdser): tdser = tm.box_expected(tdser, box) with pytest.raises(TypeError): Series([2, 3, 4]) - tdser @pytest.mark.parametrize('box', [ pd.Index, Series, pytest.param(pd.DataFrame, marks=pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Attempts to broadcast " "incorrectly", strict=True, raises=ValueError)) ], ids=lambda x: x.__name__) def test_td64arr_add_intlike(self, box): # GH#19123 tdi = TimedeltaIndex(['59 days', '59 days', 'NaT']) ser = tm.box_expected(tdi, box) err = TypeError if box is not pd.Index else NullFrequencyError other = Series([20, 30, 40], dtype='uint8') # TODO: separate/parametrize with pytest.raises(err): ser + 1 with pytest.raises(err): ser - 1 with pytest.raises(err): ser + other with pytest.raises(err): ser - other with pytest.raises(err): ser + np.array(other) with pytest.raises(err): ser - np.array(other) with pytest.raises(err): ser + pd.Index(other) with pytest.raises(err): ser - pd.Index(other) @pytest.mark.parametrize('scalar', [1, 1.5, np.array(2)]) def test_td64arr_add_sub_numeric_scalar_invalid(self, box, scalar, tdser): if box is pd.DataFrame and isinstance(scalar, np.ndarray): # raises ValueError pytest.xfail(reason="DataFrame to broadcast incorrectly") tdser = tm.box_expected(tdser, box) err = TypeError if box is pd.Index and not isinstance(scalar, float): err = NullFrequencyError with pytest.raises(err): tdser + scalar with pytest.raises(err): scalar + tdser with pytest.raises(err): tdser - scalar with pytest.raises(err): scalar - tdser @pytest.mark.parametrize('box', [ pd.Index, Series, pytest.param(pd.DataFrame, marks=pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Tries to broadcast " "incorrectly", strict=True, raises=ValueError)) ], ids=lambda x: x.__name__) @pytest.mark.parametrize('dtype', ['int64', 'int32', 'int16', 'uint64', 'uint32', 'uint16', 'uint8', 'float64', 'float32', 'float16']) @pytest.mark.parametrize('vec', [ np.array([1, 2, 3]), pd.Index([1, 2, 3]), Series([1, 2, 3]) # TODO: Add DataFrame in here? ], ids=lambda x: type(x).__name__) def test_td64arr_add_sub_numeric_arr_invalid(self, box, vec, dtype, tdser): if type(vec) is Series and not dtype.startswith('float'): pytest.xfail(reason='GH#19123 integer interpreted as nanos') tdser = tm.box_expected(tdser, box) err = TypeError if box is pd.Index and not dtype.startswith('float'): err = NullFrequencyError vector = vec.astype(dtype) # TODO: parametrize over these four ops? with pytest.raises(err): tdser + vector with pytest.raises(err): vector + tdser with pytest.raises(err): tdser - vector with pytest.raises(err): vector - tdser # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Operations with timedelta-like others def test_td64arr_add_td64_array(self, box_df_fail): box = box_df_fail # DataFrame tries to broadcast incorrectly dti = pd.date_range('2016-01-01', periods=3) tdi = dti - dti.shift(1) tdarr = tdi.values expected = 2 * tdi tdi = tm.box_expected(tdi, box) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box) result = tdi + tdarr tm.assert_equal(result, expected) result = tdarr + tdi tm.assert_equal(result, expected) def test_td64arr_sub_td64_array(self, box_df_fail): box = box_df_fail # DataFrame tries to broadcast incorrectly dti = pd.date_range('2016-01-01', periods=3) tdi = dti - dti.shift(1) tdarr = tdi.values expected = 0 * tdi tdi = tm.box_expected(tdi, box) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box) result = tdi - tdarr tm.assert_equal(result, expected) result = tdarr - tdi tm.assert_equal(result, expected) # TODO: parametrize over [add, sub, radd, rsub]? @pytest.mark.parametrize('box', [ pd.Index, Series, pytest.param(pd.DataFrame, marks=pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Tries to broadcast " "incorrectly leading " "to alignment error", strict=True, raises=ValueError)) ], ids=lambda x: x.__name__) @pytest.mark.parametrize('names', [(None, None, None), ('Egon', 'Venkman', None), ('NCC1701D', 'NCC1701D', 'NCC1701D')]) def test_td64arr_add_sub_tdi(self, box, names): # GH#17250 make sure result dtype is correct # GH#19043 make sure names are propagated correctly tdi = TimedeltaIndex(['0 days', '1 day'], name=names[0]) ser = Series([Timedelta(hours=3), Timedelta(hours=4)], name=names[1]) expected = Series([Timedelta(hours=3), Timedelta(days=1, hours=4)], name=names[2]) ser = tm.box_expected(ser, box) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box) result = tdi + ser tm.assert_equal(result, expected) if box is not pd.DataFrame: assert result.dtype == 'timedelta64[ns]' else: assert result.dtypes[0] == 'timedelta64[ns]' result = ser + tdi tm.assert_equal(result, expected) if box is not pd.DataFrame: assert result.dtype == 'timedelta64[ns]' else: assert result.dtypes[0] == 'timedelta64[ns]' expected = Series([Timedelta(hours=-3), Timedelta(days=1, hours=-4)], name=names[2]) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box) result = tdi - ser tm.assert_equal(result, expected) if box is not pd.DataFrame: assert result.dtype == 'timedelta64[ns]' else: assert result.dtypes[0] == 'timedelta64[ns]' result = ser - tdi tm.assert_equal(result, -expected) if box is not pd.DataFrame: assert result.dtype == 'timedelta64[ns]' else: assert result.dtypes[0] == 'timedelta64[ns]' def test_td64arr_sub_NaT(self, box): # GH#18808 ser = Series([NaT, Timedelta('1s')]) expected = Series([NaT, NaT], dtype='timedelta64[ns]') ser = tm.box_expected(ser, box) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box) res = ser - pd.NaT tm.assert_equal(res, expected) def test_td64arr_add_timedeltalike(self, delta, box): # only test adding/sub offsets as + is now numeric if box is pd.DataFrame and isinstance(delta, pd.DateOffset): pytest.xfail(reason="Returns object dtype instead of m8[ns]") rng = timedelta_range('1 days', '10 days') expected = timedelta_range('1 days 02:00:00', '10 days 02:00:00', freq='D') rng = tm.box_expected(rng, box) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box) result = rng + delta tm.assert_equal(result, expected) def test_td64arr_sub_timedeltalike(self, delta, box): # only test adding/sub offsets as - is now numeric if box is pd.DataFrame and isinstance(delta, pd.DateOffset): pytest.xfail(reason="Returns object dtype instead of m8[ns]") rng = timedelta_range('1 days', '10 days') expected = timedelta_range('0 days 22:00:00', '9 days 22:00:00') rng = tm.box_expected(rng, box) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box) result = rng - delta tm.assert_equal(result, expected) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # __add__/__sub__ with DateOffsets and arrays of DateOffsets @pytest.mark.parametrize('box', [ pd.Index, pytest.param(Series, marks=pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Index fails to return " "NotImplemented on " "reverse op", strict=True)), pytest.param(pd.DataFrame, marks=pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Tries to broadcast " "incorrectly", strict=True, raises=ValueError)) ], ids=lambda x: x.__name__) @pytest.mark.parametrize('names', [(None, None, None), ('foo', 'bar', None), ('foo', 'foo', 'foo')]) def test_td64arr_add_offset_index(self, names, box): # GH#18849, GH#19744 tdi = TimedeltaIndex(['1 days 00:00:00', '3 days 04:00:00'], name=names[0]) other = pd.Index([pd.offsets.Hour(n=1), pd.offsets.Minute(n=-2)], name=names[1]) expected = TimedeltaIndex([tdi[n] + other[n] for n in range(len(tdi))], freq='infer', name=names[2]) tdi = tm.box_expected(tdi, box) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box) with tm.assert_produces_warning(PerformanceWarning): res = tdi + other tm.assert_equal(res, expected) with tm.assert_produces_warning(PerformanceWarning): res2 = other + tdi tm.assert_equal(res2, expected) # TODO: combine with test_td64arr_add_offset_index by parametrizing # over second box? def test_td64arr_add_offset_array(self, box_df_fail): # GH#18849 box = box_df_fail # tries to broadcast incorrectly tdi = TimedeltaIndex(['1 days 00:00:00', '3 days 04:00:00']) other = np.array([pd.offsets.Hour(n=1), pd.offsets.Minute(n=-2)]) expected = TimedeltaIndex([tdi[n] + other[n] for n in range(len(tdi))], freq='infer') tdi = tm.box_expected(tdi, box) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box) with tm.assert_produces_warning(PerformanceWarning): res = tdi + other tm.assert_equal(res, expected) with tm.assert_produces_warning(PerformanceWarning): res2 = other + tdi tm.assert_equal(res2, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize('names', [(None, None, None), ('foo', 'bar', None), ('foo', 'foo', 'foo')]) def test_td64arr_sub_offset_index(self, names, box_df_fail): # GH#18824, GH#19744 box = box_df_fail # tries to broadcast incorrectly tdi = TimedeltaIndex(['1 days 00:00:00', '3 days 04:00:00'], name=names[0]) other = pd.Index([pd.offsets.Hour(n=1), pd.offsets.Minute(n=-2)], name=names[1]) expected = TimedeltaIndex([tdi[n] - other[n] for n in range(len(tdi))], freq='infer', name=names[2]) tdi = tm.box_expected(tdi, box) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box) with tm.assert_produces_warning(PerformanceWarning): res = tdi - other tm.assert_equal(res, expected) def test_td64arr_sub_offset_array(self, box_df_fail): # GH#18824 box = box_df_fail # tries to broadcast incorrectly tdi = TimedeltaIndex(['1 days 00:00:00', '3 days 04:00:00']) other = np.array([pd.offsets.Hour(n=1), pd.offsets.Minute(n=-2)]) expected = TimedeltaIndex([tdi[n] - other[n] for n in range(len(tdi))], freq='infer') tdi = tm.box_expected(tdi, box) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box) with tm.assert_produces_warning(PerformanceWarning): res = tdi - other tm.assert_equal(res, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize('box', [ pd.Index, pytest.param(Series, marks=pytest.mark.xfail(reason="object dtype Series " "fails to return " "NotImplemented", strict=True, raises=TypeError)), pytest.param(pd.DataFrame, marks=pytest.mark.xfail(reason="tries to broadcast " "incorrectly", strict=True, raises=ValueError)) ], ids=lambda x: x.__name__) @pytest.mark.parametrize('names', [(None, None, None), ('foo', 'bar', None), ('foo', 'foo', 'foo')]) def test_td64arr_with_offset_series(self, names, box): # GH#18849 box2 = Series if box is pd.Index else box tdi = TimedeltaIndex(['1 days 00:00:00', '3 days 04:00:00'], name=names[0]) other = Series([pd.offsets.Hour(n=1), pd.offsets.Minute(n=-2)], name=names[1]) expected_add = Series([tdi[n] + other[n] for n in range(len(tdi))], name=names[2]) tdi = tm.box_expected(tdi, box) expected_add = tm.box_expected(expected_add, box2) with tm.assert_produces_warning(PerformanceWarning): res = tdi + other tm.assert_equal(res, expected_add) with tm.assert_produces_warning(PerformanceWarning): res2 = other + tdi tm.assert_equal(res2, expected_add) # TODO: separate/parametrize add/sub test? expected_sub = Series([tdi[n] - other[n] for n in range(len(tdi))], name=names[2]) expected_sub = tm.box_expected(expected_sub, box2) with tm.assert_produces_warning(PerformanceWarning): res3 = tdi - other tm.assert_equal(res3, expected_sub) @pytest.mark.parametrize('obox', [np.array, pd.Index, pd.Series]) def test_td64arr_addsub_anchored_offset_arraylike(self, obox, box_df_fail): # GH#18824 box = box_df_fail # DataFrame tries to broadcast incorrectly tdi = TimedeltaIndex(['1 days 00:00:00', '3 days 04:00:00']) tdi = tm.box_expected(tdi, box) anchored = obox([pd.offsets.MonthEnd(), pd.offsets.Day(n=2)]) # addition/subtraction ops with anchored offsets should issue # a PerformanceWarning and _then_ raise a TypeError. with pytest.raises(TypeError): with tm.assert_produces_warning(PerformanceWarning): tdi + anchored with pytest.raises(TypeError): with tm.assert_produces_warning(PerformanceWarning): anchored + tdi with pytest.raises(TypeError): with tm.assert_produces_warning(PerformanceWarning): tdi - anchored with pytest.raises(TypeError): with tm.assert_produces_warning(PerformanceWarning): anchored - tdi class TestTimedeltaArraylikeMulDivOps(object): # Tests for timedelta64[ns] # __mul__, __rmul__, __div__, __rdiv__, __floordiv__, __rfloordiv__ # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Multiplication # organized with scalar others first, then array-like def test_td64arr_mul_int(self, box_df_fail): box = box_df_fail # DataFrame op returns object instead of m8[ns] idx = TimedeltaIndex(np.arange(5, dtype='int64')) idx = tm.box_expected(idx, box) result = idx * 1 tm.assert_equal(result, idx) result = 1 * idx tm.assert_equal(result, idx) def test_td64arr_mul_tdlike_scalar_raises(self, delta, box): if box is pd.DataFrame and not isinstance(delta, pd.DateOffset): pytest.xfail(reason="returns m8[ns] instead of raising") rng = timedelta_range('1 days', '10 days', name='foo') rng = tm.box_expected(rng, box) with pytest.raises(TypeError): rng * delta def test_tdi_mul_int_array_zerodim(self, box_df_fail): box = box_df_fail # DataFrame op returns object dtype rng5 = np.arange(5, dtype='int64') idx = TimedeltaIndex(rng5) expected = TimedeltaIndex(rng5 * 5) idx = tm.box_expected(idx, box) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box) result = idx * np.array(5, dtype='int64') tm.assert_equal(result, expected) def test_tdi_mul_int_array(self, box_df_fail): box = box_df_fail # DataFrame tries to broadcast incorrectly rng5 = np.arange(5, dtype='int64') idx = TimedeltaIndex(rng5) expected = TimedeltaIndex(rng5 ** 2) idx = tm.box_expected(idx, box) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box) result = idx * rng5 tm.assert_equal(result, expected) def test_tdi_mul_int_series(self, box_df_fail): box = box_df_fail # DataFrame tries to broadcast incorrectly idx = TimedeltaIndex(np.arange(5, dtype='int64')) expected = TimedeltaIndex(np.arange(5, dtype='int64') ** 2) idx = tm.box_expected(idx, box) box2 = pd.Series if box is pd.Index else box expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box2) result = idx * pd.Series(np.arange(5, dtype='int64')) tm.assert_equal(result, expected) def test_tdi_mul_float_series(self, box_df_fail): box = box_df_fail # DataFrame tries to broadcast incorrectly idx = TimedeltaIndex(np.arange(5, dtype='int64')) idx = tm.box_expected(idx, box) rng5f = np.arange(5, dtype='float64') expected = TimedeltaIndex(rng5f * (rng5f + 0.1)) box2 = pd.Series if box is pd.Index else box expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box2) result = idx * Series(rng5f + 0.1) tm.assert_equal(result, expected) # TODO: Put Series/DataFrame in others? @pytest.mark.parametrize('other', [ np.arange(1, 11), pd.Int64Index(range(1, 11)), pd.UInt64Index(range(1, 11)), pd.Float64Index(range(1, 11)), pd.RangeIndex(1, 11) ], ids=lambda x: type(x).__name__) def test_tdi_rmul_arraylike(self, other, box_df_fail): # RangeIndex fails to return NotImplemented, for others # DataFrame tries to broadcast incorrectly box = box_df_fail tdi = TimedeltaIndex(['1 Day'] * 10) expected = timedelta_range('1 days', '10 days') tdi = tm.box_expected(tdi, box) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box) result = other * tdi tm.assert_equal(result, expected) commute = tdi * other tm.assert_equal(commute, expected) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # __div__ def test_td64arr_div_nat_invalid(self, box_df_fail): # don't allow division by NaT (maybe could in the future) box = box_df_fail # DataFrame returns all-NaT instead of raising rng = timedelta_range('1 days', '10 days', name='foo') rng = tm.box_expected(rng, box) with pytest.raises(TypeError): rng / pd.NaT def test_td64arr_div_int(self, box_df_fail): box = box_df_fail # DataFrame returns object dtype instead of m8[ns] idx = TimedeltaIndex(np.arange(5, dtype='int64')) idx = tm.box_expected(idx, box) result = idx / 1 tm.assert_equal(result, idx) def test_tdi_div_tdlike_scalar(self, delta, box_df_fail): box = box_df_fail # DataFrame op returns m8[ns] instead of float64 rng = timedelta_range('1 days', '10 days', name='foo') expected = pd.Float64Index((np.arange(10) + 1) * 12, name='foo') rng = tm.box_expected(rng, box) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box) result = rng / delta tm.assert_equal(result, expected) def test_tdi_div_tdlike_scalar_with_nat(self, delta, box_df_fail): box = box_df_fail # DataFrame op returns m8[ns] instead of float64 rng = TimedeltaIndex(['1 days', pd.NaT, '2 days'], name='foo') expected = pd.Float64Index([12, np.nan, 24], name='foo') rng = tm.box_expected(rng, box) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box) result = rng / delta tm.assert_equal(result, expected) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # __floordiv__, __rfloordiv__ @pytest.mark.parametrize('box', [ pd.Index, Series, pytest.param(pd.DataFrame, marks=pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Incorrectly returns " "m8[ns] instead of f8", strict=True)) ], ids=lambda x: x.__name__) def test_td64arr_floordiv_tdscalar(self, box, scalar_td): # GH#18831 td1 = Series([timedelta(minutes=5, seconds=3)] * 3) td1.iloc[2] = np.nan expected = Series([0, 0, np.nan]) td1 = tm.box_expected(td1, box) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box) result = td1 // scalar_td tm.assert_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize('box', [ pd.Index, Series, pytest.param(pd.DataFrame, marks=pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Incorrectly casts to f8", strict=True)) ], ids=lambda x: x.__name__) def test_td64arr_rfloordiv_tdscalar(self, box, scalar_td): # GH#18831 td1 = Series([timedelta(minutes=5, seconds=3)] * 3) td1.iloc[2] = np.nan expected = Series([1, 1, np.nan]) td1 = tm.box_expected(td1, box) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box) result = scalar_td // td1 tm.assert_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize('box', [ pd.Index, Series, pytest.param(pd.DataFrame, marks=pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Returns m8[ns] dtype " "instead of f8", strict=True)) ], ids=lambda x: x.__name__) def test_td64arr_rfloordiv_tdscalar_explicit(self, box, scalar_td): # GH#18831 td1 = Series([timedelta(minutes=5, seconds=3)] * 3) td1.iloc[2] = np.nan expected = Series([1, 1, np.nan]) td1 = tm.box_expected(td1, box) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box) # We can test __rfloordiv__ using this syntax, # see `test_timedelta_rfloordiv` result = td1.__rfloordiv__(scalar_td) tm.assert_equal(result, expected) def test_td64arr_floordiv_int(self, box_df_fail): box = box_df_fail # DataFrame returns object dtype idx = TimedeltaIndex(np.arange(5, dtype='int64')) idx = tm.box_expected(idx, box) result = idx // 1 tm.assert_equal(result, idx) def test_td64arr_floordiv_tdlike_scalar(self, delta, box_df_fail): box = box_df_fail # DataFrame returns m8[ns] instead of int64 dtype tdi = timedelta_range('1 days', '10 days', name='foo') expected = pd.Int64Index((np.arange(10) + 1) * 12, name='foo') tdi = tm.box_expected(tdi, box) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box) result = tdi // delta tm.assert_equal(result, expected) # TODO: Is this redundant with test_td64arr_floordiv_tdlike_scalar? @pytest.mark.parametrize('scalar_td', [ timedelta(minutes=10, seconds=7), Timedelta('10m7s'), Timedelta('10m7s').to_timedelta64() ], ids=lambda x: type(x).__name__) def test_td64arr_rfloordiv_tdlike_scalar(self, scalar_td, box_df_fail): # GH#19125 box = box_df_fail # DataFrame op returns m8[ns] instead of f8 dtype tdi = TimedeltaIndex(['00:05:03', '00:05:03', pd.NaT], freq=None) expected = pd.Index([2.0, 2.0, np.nan]) tdi = tm.box_expected(tdi, box) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box) res = tdi.__rfloordiv__(scalar_td) tm.assert_equal(res, expected) expected = pd.Index([0.0, 0.0, np.nan]) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box) res = tdi // (scalar_td) tm.assert_equal(res, expected) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Operations with invalid others @pytest.mark.parametrize('box', [ pd.Index, Series, pytest.param(pd.DataFrame, marks=pytest.mark.xfail(reason="__mul__ op treats " "timedelta other as i8; " "rmul OK", strict=True)) ], ids=lambda x: x.__name__) def test_td64arr_mul_tdscalar_invalid(self, box, scalar_td): td1 = Series([timedelta(minutes=5, seconds=3)] * 3) td1.iloc[2] = np.nan td1 = tm.box_expected(td1, box) # check that we are getting a TypeError # with 'operate' (from core/ for the ops that are not # defined pattern = 'operate|unsupported|cannot|not supported' with tm.assert_raises_regex(TypeError, pattern): td1 * scalar_td with tm.assert_raises_regex(TypeError, pattern): scalar_td * td1 def test_td64arr_mul_too_short_raises(self, box): idx = TimedeltaIndex(np.arange(5, dtype='int64')) idx = tm.box_expected(idx, box) with pytest.raises(TypeError): idx * idx[:3] with pytest.raises(ValueError): idx * np.array([1, 2]) def test_td64arr_mul_td64arr_raises(self, box): idx = TimedeltaIndex(np.arange(5, dtype='int64')) idx = tm.box_expected(idx, box) with pytest.raises(TypeError): idx * idx # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Operations with numeric others @pytest.mark.parametrize('box', [ pd.Index, Series, pytest.param(pd.DataFrame, marks=pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Returns object-dtype", strict=True)) ], ids=lambda x: x.__name__) @pytest.mark.parametrize('one', [1, np.array(1), 1.0, np.array(1.0)]) def test_td64arr_mul_numeric_scalar(self, box, one, tdser): # GH#4521 # divide/multiply by integers expected = Series(['-59 Days', '-59 Days', 'NaT'], dtype='timedelta64[ns]') tdser =
tm.box_expected(tdser, box)
import os import numpy as np import pandas as pd import torch from import Dataset, DataLoader # from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from import StandardScaler from utils.timefeatures import time_features import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') class Dataset_ETT_hour(Dataset): def __init__(self, root_path, flag='train', size=None, features='S', data_path='ETTh1.csv', target='OT', scale=True, inverse=False, timeenc=0, freq='h', cols=None): # size [seq_len, label_len, pred_len] # info if size == None: self.seq_len = 24*4*4 self.label_len = 24*4 self.pred_len = 24*4 else: self.seq_len = size[0] self.label_len = size[1] self.pred_len = size[2] # init assert flag in ['train', 'test', 'val'] type_map = {'train':0, 'val':1, 'test':2} self.set_type = type_map[flag] self.features = features = target self.scale = scale self.inverse = inverse self.timeenc = timeenc self.freq = freq self.flag = flag self.root_path = root_path self.data_path = data_path self.__read_data__() def __read_data__(self): self.scaler = StandardScaler() df_raw = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(self.root_path, self.data_path)) self.df_raw = df_raw # lấy lengt() của dataset chia tỉ lệ 70% 20% num_train = int(len(df_raw)*0.15) num_test = int(len(df_raw)*0.80) # vali nghĩa là num_vali = len(df_raw) - num_train - num_test border1s = [0, num_train-self.seq_len, len(df_raw)-num_test-self.seq_len] border2s = [num_train, num_train+num_vali, len(df_raw)] border1 = border1s[self.set_type] border2 = border2s[self.set_type] if self.features=='M' or self.features=='MS': # Cắt lấy dòng tiêu đề và loại bỏ cột date. Dữ liệu bên trong: Index(['open', 'close', 'TT'], dtype='object') cols_data = df_raw.columns[1:] # lọc loại bỏ cột date df_data = df_raw[cols_data] elif self.features=='S': df_data = df_raw[[]] if self.scale: # dữ liệu dùng để train train_data = df_data[border1s[0]:border2s[0]] # tính mean và sdt chuẩn bị cho thu nhỏ dữ liệu # thu nhỏ dữ liệu data = self.scaler.transform(df_data.values) else: data = df_data.values df_stamp = df_raw[['date']][border1:border2] df_stamp['date'] = pd.to_datetime( data_stamp = time_features(df_stamp, timeenc=self.timeenc, freq=self.freq) self.data_x = data[border1:border2] if self.inverse: self.data_y = df_data.values[border1:border2] else: self.data_y = data[border1:border2] self.data_stamp = data_stamp print('Bảng ' + self.flag + ': \n', df_data[border1:border2]) def __getitem__(self, index): s_begin = index s_end = s_begin + self.seq_len r_begin = s_end - self.label_len r_end = r_begin + self.label_len + self.pred_len seq_x = self.data_x[s_begin:s_end] if self.inverse: seq_y = np.concatenate([self.data_x[r_begin:r_begin+self.label_len], self.data_y[r_begin+self.label_len:r_end]], 0) else: seq_y = self.data_y[r_begin:r_end] seq_x_mark = self.data_stamp[s_begin:s_end] seq_y_mark = self.data_stamp[r_begin:r_end] return seq_x, seq_y, seq_x_mark, seq_y_mark def __len__(self): return len(self.data_x) - self.seq_len- self.pred_len + 1 def length(self): print (len(self.data_x) - self.seq_len- self.pred_len + 1, ' / ', len(self.df_raw) ) def inverse_transform(self, data): return self.scaler.inverse_transform(data) class Dataset_ETT_minute(Dataset): def __init__(self, root_path, flag='train', size=None, features='S', data_path='ETTm1.csv', target='OT', scale=True, inverse=False, timeenc=0, freq='t', cols=None): # size [seq_len, label_len, pred_len] # info if size == None: self.seq_len = 24*4*4 self.label_len = 24*4 self.pred_len = 24*4 else: self.seq_len = size[0] self.label_len = size[1] self.pred_len = size[2] # init assert flag in ['train', 'test', 'val'] type_map = {'train':0, 'val':1, 'test':2} self.set_type = type_map[flag] self.features = features = target self.scale = scale self.inverse = inverse self.timeenc = timeenc self.freq = freq self.root_path = root_path self.data_path = data_path self.__read_data__() def __read_data__(self): self.scaler = StandardScaler() df_raw = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(self.root_path, self.data_path)) # lấy lengt() của dataset chia tỉ lệ 70% 20% num_train = int(len(df_raw)*0.97) num_test = int(len(df_raw)*0.0215) # vali nghĩa là num_vali = len(df_raw) - num_train - num_test border1s = [0, num_train-self.seq_len, len(df_raw)-num_test-self.seq_len] border2s = [num_train, num_train+num_vali, len(df_raw)] border1 = border1s[self.set_type] border2 = border2s[self.set_type] if self.features=='M' or self.features=='MS': cols_data = df_raw.columns[1:] df_data = df_raw[cols_data] elif self.features=='S': df_data = df_raw[[]] if self.scale: train_data = df_data[border1s[0]:border2s[0]] data = self.scaler.transform(df_data.values) else: data = df_data.values df_stamp = df_raw[['date']][border1:border2] df_stamp['date'] = pd.to_datetime( data_stamp = time_features(df_stamp, timeenc=self.timeenc, freq=self.freq) self.data_x = data[border1:border2] if self.inverse: self.data_y = df_data.values[border1:border2] else: self.data_y = data[border1:border2] self.data_stamp = data_stamp def __getitem__(self, index): s_begin = index s_end = s_begin + self.seq_len r_begin = s_end - self.label_len r_end = r_begin + self.label_len + self.pred_len seq_x = self.data_x[s_begin:s_end] if self.inverse: seq_y = np.concatenate([self.data_x[r_begin:r_begin+self.label_len], self.data_y[r_begin+self.label_len:r_end]], 0) else: seq_y = self.data_y[r_begin:r_end] seq_x_mark = self.data_stamp[s_begin:s_end] seq_y_mark = self.data_stamp[r_begin:r_end] return seq_x, seq_y, seq_x_mark, seq_y_mark def __len__(self): return len(self.data_x) - self.seq_len - self.pred_len + 1 def inverse_transform(self, data): return self.scaler.inverse_transform(data) class Dataset_Custom(Dataset): def __init__(self, root_path, flag='train', size=None, features='S', data_path='ETTh1.csv', target='OT', scale=True, inverse=False, timeenc=0, freq='h', cols=None): # size [seq_len, label_len, pred_len] # info if size == None: self.seq_len = 24*4*4 self.label_len = 24*4 self.pred_len = 24*4 else: self.seq_len = size[0] self.label_len = size[1] self.pred_len = size[2] # init assert flag in ['train', 'test', 'val'] type_map = {'train':0, 'val':1, 'test':2} self.set_type = type_map[flag] self.features = features = target self.scale = scale self.inverse = inverse self.timeenc = timeenc self.freq = freq self.cols=cols self.root_path = root_path self.data_path = data_path self.flag = flag self.__read_data__() def __read_data__(self): self.scaler = StandardScaler() df_raw = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(self.root_path, self.data_path)) self.df_raw = df_raw ''' df_raw.columns: ['date', ...(other features), target feature] ''' # cols = list(df_raw.columns); if self.cols: cols=self.cols.copy() cols.remove( else: cols = list(df_raw.columns); cols.remove(; cols.remove('date') # đoạn này thấy có vẻ như nó đảo thứ tự các cột, đặt cột ngày lên đầu, cột # cột target về cuối # Nghĩa là bộ dữ liệu chỉ cần có cột date và cột target, chương trình tự đổi thứ tự các cột về chuẩn của nó df_raw = df_raw[['date']+cols+[]] num_test = 4000 num_vali = 4000 num_train = int(len(df_raw)) - num_test - num_vali # Chia dataset thành bộ train và test. Tỉ lệ 70% 20% #num_train = int(len(df_raw)*0.70) #num_test = int(len(df_raw)*0.15) # vali nghĩa là #num_vali = len(df_raw) - num_train - num_test border1s = [0, num_train-self.seq_len, len(df_raw)-num_test-self.seq_len] border2s = [num_train, num_train+num_vali, len(df_raw)] border1 = border1s[self.set_type] border2 = border2s[self.set_type] if self.features=='M' or self.features=='MS': cols_data = df_raw.columns[1:] # Loại bỏ cột ngày, chỉ lấy các cột dữ liệu df_data = df_raw[cols_data] elif self.features=='S': df_data = df_raw[[]] if self.scale: # Chia dữ liệu cho bộ Train train_data = df_data[border1s[0]:border2s[0]] # Tính mean, sdt chuẩn bị thu nhỏ. # Mỗi cột có mean và sdt khác nhau. data = self.scaler.transform(df_data.values) else: data = df_data.values #df_stamp chỉ chứa cột ngày df_stamp = df_raw[['date']][border1:border2] df_stamp['date'] = pd.to_datetime( #Làm gì đấy biến đổi thời gian thành tần suất. Chỉ có mỗi cột date. Tần xuất gì? data_stamp = time_features(df_stamp, timeenc=self.timeenc, freq=self.freq) # data_x được cắt ra từ 1 phần data self.data_x = data[border1:border2] # có một vấn đề ở đây, data_y tại sao lại giống hệt data_x if self.inverse: self.data_y = df_data.values[border1:border2] else: self.data_y = data[border1:border2] self.data_stamp = data_stamp print('Bảng ' + self.flag + ': \n', df_data[border1:border2]) def __getitem__(self, index): s_begin = index s_end = s_begin + self.seq_len r_begin = s_end - self.label_len r_end = r_begin + self.label_len + self.pred_len seq_x = self.data_x[s_begin:s_end] if self.inverse: seq_y = np.concatenate([self.data_x[r_begin:r_begin+self.label_len], self.data_y[r_begin+self.label_len:r_end]], 0) else: seq_y = self.data_y[r_begin:r_end] seq_x_mark = self.data_stamp[s_begin:s_end] seq_y_mark = self.data_stamp[r_begin:r_end] return seq_x, seq_y, seq_x_mark, seq_y_mark def __len__(self): return len(self.data_x) - self.seq_len- self.pred_len + 1 def length(self): print (len(self.data_x) - self.seq_len- self.pred_len + 1, ' / ', len(self.df_raw) ) def inverse_transform(self, data): return self.scaler.inverse_transform(data) # phần này sẽ sử dụng khi chạy dự đoán, chương trình sẽ load dữ liệu bằng cái này. class Dataset_Pred(Dataset): def __init__(self, root_path, flag='pred', size=None, features='S', data_path='ETTh1.csv', target='OT', scale=True, inverse=False, timeenc=0, freq='h', cols=None, pred_dates=None): # size [seq_len, label_len, pred_len] # info if size == None: self.seq_len = 24*4*4 self.label_len = 24*4 self.pred_len = 24*4 else: self.seq_len = size[0] self.label_len = size[1] self.pred_len = size[2] # init assert flag in ['pred'] self.features = features = target self.scale = scale self.inverse = inverse self.timeenc = timeenc self.freq = freq self.cols=cols self.root_path = root_path self.data_path = data_path self.__read_data__() def __read_data__(self): self.scaler = StandardScaler() df_raw = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(self.root_path, self.data_path)) ''' df_raw.columns: ['date', ...(other features), target feature] ''' if self.cols: cols=self.cols.copy() cols.remove( else: cols = list(df_raw.columns); cols.remove(; cols.remove('date') df_raw = df_raw[['date']+cols+[]] border1 = len(df_raw)-self.seq_len border2 = len(df_raw) if self.features=='M' or self.features=='MS': cols_data = df_raw.columns[1:] df_data = df_raw[cols_data] elif self.features=='S': df_data = df_raw[[]] if self.scale: data = self.scaler.transform(df_data.values) else: data = df_data.values # border1 lùi về trước bằng seq_len ngày # border2 bằng ngày hiện tại # tmp_stamp là số ngày từ ngày hiện tại lùi về trước đúng bằng seq_len tmp_stamp = df_raw[['date']][border1:border2] tmp_stamp['date'] = pd.to_datetime( # pred_dates là ngày sẽ dự đoán trong tương lai # pred_dates = ngày cuối cùng + số args.pred_len sẽ dự đoán từ 23-8 đến 22-9 pred_dates =
pd.date_range([-1], periods=self.pred_len+1, freq=self.freq)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ NAME: DESCRIPTION: debugs and fixes with user input .inp format files of CIT (sam file) type data. SYNTAX: ~$ python $INP_FILE FLAGS: -h, --help: prints this help message -dx, --dropbox: Prioritize user's Dropbox folder when searching/debugging sam file paths; the module will attempt to locate the Dropbox folder automatically. Options to explicitly set value of inp fields: --sam_path: Path to .sam file --magic_codes: Magic method codes --loc: Site description given in .sam file; commonly location --nc: Naming convention; see docstring for debug_inp function. Set to -1 if you are sure you want to change the current value but want this module to try to figure out the correct value for you. ** WARNING ** This is not a robust functionality yet; you are safer explicitly specifying the value. --term: Number of terminal characters in sample names (used to define specimens). Default is 1 --no_ave: Import all measurements (do not average repeat measurements) --peak_AF: Peak AF field used in ARM experiments """ import sys import os import argparse import textwrap import pandas as pd import pmagpy.controlled_vocabularies3 as cv from functools import reduce from time import time, asctime from funcs import shortpath import pdb # global top_dir, pkg_dir, data_dir, data_src, inp_dir, usr_configs_read try: # get path names if set from dmgui_au import pkg_dir, data_dir, data_src, inp_dir usr_configs_read = True except: # if is running, don't issue warning if sys.argv[0] != '': print("-W- Local path names have not been set. Please run") usr_configs_read = False nc_info_str =""" Sample naming convention could not be determined. Choose from the list below: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXX[YYY]: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] site name = sample name [6] site name entered in site_name column in the orient.txt format input file -- NOT CURRENTLY SUPPORTED [7-Z] [XXX]YYY: XXX is site designation with Z characters from samples XXXYYY Enter number here: """ class Logger(object): """ log stdout to debug_inp.log """ def __init__(self): self.terminal = sys.stdout self.log = open("debug_inp.log", "a+") self.log.write('\n{:-^80}\n\n'.format(' Starting session at {} '.format(asctime()))) def write(self, message): self.terminal.write(message) self.log.write(message) def flush(self): #this flush method is needed for python 3 compatibility. #this handles the flush command by doing nothing. #you might want to specify some extra behavior here. pass def start_logger(): sys.stdout = Logger() def stop_logger(): sys.stdout.log.write('{:-^80}\n'.format(' Closing session ')) sys.stdout.log.close() sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ def debug_inp(inp_file, dropbox = False, noinput=False, usr_configs_read=None, data_src=None, inp_dir=None, **kwargs): """Fixes .inp files Parameters ---------- inp_file : filename Name of .inp file; can be relative or absolute path. data_src : path Top-level directory to search for data (for debugging sam paths). Defaults to the value provided in dmgui_au.conf, if applicable. dropbox : bool, default is False When searching for the correct paths to data files, prioritize user Dropbox folder. If you have already specified your data directory in the global configuration (with this does nothing. Defaults to False. noinput : bool, default is False bypass all user input; may result in unresolved issues **kwargs : optional Manually overwrite certain fields of the .inp file. Possible fields are abbreviations of the actual header name, as shown in the table below. For calculated fields like `nc` and `term`, setting the keyword argument to -1 will force these to be recalculated by the module. This functionality is still in development, so you may prefer to explicitly pass the correct values instead. ------------------------------------------------------- kwargs --------------> inp fields ------------------------------------------------------- sam_path sam_path magic_codes field_magic_codes loc location nc naming_convention term num_terminal_char no_ave dont_average_replicate_measurements peak_AF peak_AF time time_stamp Returns ------- New .inp file """ inp_directory,inp_file_name = os.path.split(inp_file) if inp_directory=='': inp_directory = '.' inp_file = os.path.abspath(inp_file) print("-I- Running on %s and changing CWD to '%s'" % (inp_file_name, shortpath(inp_directory))) os.chdir(inp_directory) # first deal with any user-specified overrides kwarg_map = { 'sam_path':'sam_path', 'magic_codes':'field_magic_codes', 'loc':'location', 'nc':'naming_convention', 'term':'num_terminal_char', 'no_ave':'dont_average_replicate_measurements', 'peak_AF':'peak_AF', 'time':'time_stamp' } force_rewrite_dict = dict.fromkeys(kwarg_map.values()) for key,value in kwargs.items(): if key in kwarg_map.keys(): force_rewrite_dict[kwarg_map[key]] = value if any(force_rewrite_dict.values()): df = pd.read_csv(inp_file, sep='\t', header=1, dtype=str) old_values = {} for key, value in force_rewrite_dict.items(): if value is not None: if int(str(value)) == -1: print("\n-I- Resetting {} to NULL...".format(key)) old_values[key] = df.ix[0][key] df.ix[0][key]=None else: print("\n-I- Setting {} to {}...".format(key, value)) # df.ix[0][key]=str(value) # print(df.ix[0][key]) df.ix[0][key] = value inp_out = open(inp_file, 'w+') inp_out.write("CIT\r\n") df.to_csv(inp_out, sep="\t", header=True, index=False) inp_out.close() inpf = open(inp_file,'r') inpl = header,sam_path,name_con,num_term_char = inpl[1].split('\t'),'','','' for line in inpl[2:]: if len(line.split('\t')) != len(header): print("""\ -E- Some lines in file -- %s -- have different length entries than the header. You will have to check this manually as this function is not supported yet. Aborting... """%inp_file) return if inpl[0]=='CIT': if 'sam_path' not in header: if noinput: print("-W- No .sam file name or path in .inp file %s"%inp_file) else: sam_path = input("No .sam file name or path in .inp file %s, please provide a path: "%inp_file) if 'naming_convention' not in header: if noinput: print('-W- No naming convention in .inp file %s'%inp_file) else: name_con = input(nc_info_str) if 'num_terminal_char' not in header: if noinput: print("-W- Missing number of terminal characters in .inp file %s"%inp_file) else: num_term_char = input("""\ Missing number of terminal characters that define a specimen. Please enter that number here or press enter to continue with default (=1): """) df = pd.read_csv(inp_file, sep='\t', header=1, dtype=str) for i in range(len(df.index)): if sam_path=='': sam_path = df.ix[i]['sam_path'] while not os.path.isfile(str(sam_path)): directory = os.path.split(str(sam_path))[0] sam_file = os.path.split(str(sam_path))[1] if dropbox or usr_configs_read: if usr_configs_read: search_path = data_src elif dropbox: if os.path.isfile(os.path.expanduser("~/.dropbox/info.json")): drpbx_info_file = os.path.expanduser("~/.dropbox/info.json") drpbx_info = open(drpbx_info_file, 'r') drpbx_dict =[0] drpbx_info.close() drpbx_dict=dict(eval(drpbx_dict.replace('false','False').replace('true','True'))) drpbx_path=drpbx_dict['personal']['path'] else: drpbx_path = input("Option '-dropbox' given but there was a problem finding your Dropbox folder.\n" "Please provide the path to your Dropbox folder here (press Enter to skip): ") if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(drpbx_path,"Hargraves_Data")): drpbx_path = os.path.join(drpbx_path,"Hargraves_Data") search_path = drpbx_path for root, dirs, files in os.walk(search_path): if sam_file in files: new_directory=root df.ix[i]['sam_path'] = os.path.join(new_directory,sam_file) sam_path = df['sam_path'].tolist()[0] break if os.path.isfile(str(sam_path)): break if noinput: print("-W- Could not resolve the file path in .inp file %s. Aborting..."%inp_file_name) return d_or_f = input("The .sam file path in inp_file %s does not exist.\n\n" "Was given directory:\n\n %s\n\nand file:\n\n %s\n\n" "Is the [f]ile name or [d]irectory bad? " "If both, correct the file name first. ( [d] / f , or s to skip): "%(inp_file_name,directory,sam_file)) if d_or_f=='s': return if d_or_f=='f': new_file_name = input("Please input the correct file name for the .sam file: ") df['sam_path'] = os.path.join(directory,new_file_name) else: new_directory = input("If the new directory is known input here. Else just leave blank and the current directory and subdirectories will be searched for file %s and path will be corrected: "%(sam_file)) if new_directory=='': for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.getcwd()): if sam_file in files: break new_directory=root df.ix[i]['sam_path'] = os.path.join(new_directory,sam_file) sam_path = df['sam_path'].tolist()[0] vocab = cv.Vocabulary() # pdb.set_trace() meth_codes, _ = vocab.get_meth_codes() if type(meth_codes)==pd.DataFrame: meth_codes = meth_codes.index.tolist() if meth_codes==None: meth_codes = 'FS-FD:FS-H:FS-LOC-GPS:FS-LOC-MAP:SO-POM:SO-ASC:SO-MAG:SO-SUN:SO-SM:SO-SIGHT'.split(':') meth_codes_to_keep = [] for meth_code in df.ix[i]['field_magic_codes'].split(':'): if meth_code in meth_codes: meth_codes_to_keep.append(meth_code) df.ix[i]['field_magic_codes'] = reduce(lambda x,y: x+':'+y, meth_codes_to_keep) sam_contents = open(sam_path, 'r') sl = sam_contents.close() if 'CIT' not in sl: sl = sl[2:] else: sl = sl[3:] if '' in sl: sl.remove('') nc = df.ix[i]['naming_convention'] if pd.isna(nc): # force rewrite site_name = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(sam_path)) if site_name not in sl[0]: if noinput: print("-W- Trouble with site name {} -- does not match samples (e.g. {}).".format(site_name,sl[0])) print("-W- Naming convention reset to old value of {}".format(old_values['naming_convention'])) else: site_name = input("Trouble with site name {} -- does not match samples (e.g. {}).\n" "Input correct site name: ".format(site_name,sl[0])) # catch delimeter if it is appended to site name (sometimes the case) if not site_name[-1].isalnum(): if site_name[-1]=='-': nc = int(2) elif site_name[-1]=='.': nc = int(3) else: samp_names = [] for samp in sl: samp_names.append(samp.partition(site_name)[-1]) if all([not x[0].isalnum() for x in samp_names]): if all([x[0]=='-' for x in samp_names]): nc = int(2) if all([x[0]=='.' for x in samp_names]): nc = int(3) if not pd.isna(nc): new_nc = nc df.ix[i]['naming_convention']=str(new_nc) else: if noinput: print("-W- Could not determine correct naming convention...resetting to old value of {}".format(old_values['naming_convention'])) nc = old_values['naming_convention'] new_nc = nc else: nc = input(nc_info_str) new_nc = nc df.ix[i]['naming_convention']=str(new_nc) if int(nc) > 7 or int(nc) < 1: new_nc = input(nc_info_str) df.ix[i]['naming_convention']=new_nc nt = df.ix[i]['num_terminal_char'] if pd.isna(nt): # force rewrite nt_ctr = 0 lastchar = pd.Series([t[-1] for t in sl]) the_rest = pd.Series([t[0:-1] for t in sl]) # nt_rename_timeout = 0 while True: if len(the_rest)==len(the_rest.unique()) and len(lastchar.unique())<3: try: nt_ctr += 1 lastchar = pd.Series([t[-1] for t in the_rest]) the_rest =
pd.Series([t[0:-1] for t in the_rest])
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import pytest import os import numpy as np import pandas as pd from pandas.testing import assert_frame_equal, assert_series_equal import numpy.testing as npt from numpy.linalg import norm, lstsq from numpy.random import randn from flaky import flaky from lifelines import CoxPHFitter, WeibullAFTFitter, KaplanMeierFitter, ExponentialFitter from lifelines.datasets import load_regression_dataset, load_larynx, load_waltons, load_rossi from lifelines import utils from lifelines import exceptions from lifelines.utils.sklearn_adapter import sklearn_adapter from lifelines.utils.safe_exp import safe_exp def test_format_p_values(): assert utils.format_p_value(2)(0.004) == "<0.005" assert utils.format_p_value(3)(0.004) == "0.004" assert utils.format_p_value(3)(0.000) == "<0.0005" assert utils.format_p_value(3)(0.005) == "0.005" assert utils.format_p_value(3)(0.2111) == "0.211" assert utils.format_p_value(3)(0.2119) == "0.212" def test_ridge_regression_with_penalty_is_less_than_without_penalty(): X = randn(2, 2) Y = randn(2) assert norm(utils.ridge_regression(X, Y, c1=2.0)[0]) <= norm(utils.ridge_regression(X, Y)[0]) assert norm(utils.ridge_regression(X, Y, c1=1.0, c2=1.0)[0]) <= norm(utils.ridge_regression(X, Y)[0]) def test_ridge_regression_with_extreme_c1_penalty_equals_close_to_zero_vector(): c1 = 10e8 c2 = 0.0 offset = np.ones(2) X = randn(2, 2) Y = randn(2) assert norm(utils.ridge_regression(X, Y, c1, c2, offset)[0]) < 10e-4 def test_ridge_regression_with_extreme_c2_penalty_equals_close_to_offset(): c1 = 0.0 c2 = 10e8 offset = np.ones(2) X = randn(2, 2) Y = randn(2) assert norm(utils.ridge_regression(X, Y, c1, c2, offset)[0] - offset) < 10e-4 def test_lstsq_returns_similar_values_to_ridge_regression(): X = randn(2, 2) Y = randn(2) expected = lstsq(X, Y, rcond=None)[0] assert norm(utils.ridge_regression(X, Y)[0] - expected) < 10e-4 def test_lstsq_returns_correct_values(): X = np.array([[-1.0, -1.0], [-1.0, 0], [-0.8, -1.0], [1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.0]]) y = [1, 1, 1, -1, -1] beta, V = utils.ridge_regression(X, y) expected_beta = [-0.98684211, -0.07894737] expected_v = [ [-0.03289474, -0.49342105, 0.06578947, 0.03289474, 0.49342105], [-0.30263158, 0.46052632, -0.39473684, 0.30263158, -0.46052632], ] assert norm(beta - expected_beta) < 10e-4 for V_row, e_v_row in zip(V, expected_v): assert norm(V_row - e_v_row) < 1e-4 def test_unnormalize(): df = load_larynx() m = df.mean(0) s = df.std(0) ndf = utils.normalize(df) npt.assert_almost_equal(df.values, utils.unnormalize(ndf, m, s).values) def test_normalize(): df = load_larynx() n, d = df.shape npt.assert_almost_equal(utils.normalize(df).mean(0).values, np.zeros(d)) npt.assert_almost_equal(utils.normalize(df).std(0).values, np.ones(d)) def test_median(): sv = pd.DataFrame(1 - np.linspace(0, 1, 1000)) assert utils.median_survival_times(sv) == 500 def test_median_accepts_series(): sv = pd.Series(1 - np.linspace(0, 1, 1000)) assert utils.median_survival_times(sv) == 500 def test_qth_survival_times_with_varying_datatype_inputs(): sf_list = [1.0, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0.0] sf_array = np.array([1.0, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0.0]) sf_df_no_index = pd.DataFrame([1.0, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0.0]) sf_df_index = pd.DataFrame([1.0, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0.0], index=[10, 20, 30, 40, 50]) sf_series_index = pd.Series([1.0, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0.0], index=[10, 20, 30, 40, 50]) sf_series_no_index = pd.Series([1.0, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0.0]) q = 0.5 assert utils.qth_survival_times(q, sf_list) == 2 assert utils.qth_survival_times(q, sf_array) == 2 assert utils.qth_survival_times(q, sf_df_no_index) == 2 assert utils.qth_survival_times(q, sf_df_index) == 30 assert utils.qth_survival_times(q, sf_series_index) == 30 assert utils.qth_survival_times(q, sf_series_no_index) == 2 def test_qth_survival_times_multi_dim_input(): sf = np.linspace(1, 0, 50) sf_multi_df = pd.DataFrame({"sf": sf, "sf**2": sf ** 2}) medians = utils.qth_survival_times(0.5, sf_multi_df) assert medians["sf"].loc[0.5] == 25 assert medians["sf**2"].loc[0.5] == 15 def test_qth_survival_time_returns_inf(): sf = pd.Series([1.0, 0.7, 0.6]) assert utils.qth_survival_time(0.5, sf) == np.inf def test_qth_survival_time_accepts_a_model(): kmf = KaplanMeierFitter().fit([1.0, 0.7, 0.6]) assert utils.qth_survival_time(0.8, kmf) > 0 def test_qth_survival_time_with_dataframe(): sf_df_no_index = pd.DataFrame([1.0, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0.0]) sf_df_index = pd.DataFrame([1.0, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0.0], index=[10, 20, 30, 40, 50]) sf_df_too_many_columns = pd.DataFrame([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) assert utils.qth_survival_time(0.5, sf_df_no_index) == 2 assert utils.qth_survival_time(0.5, sf_df_index) == 30 with pytest.raises(ValueError): utils.qth_survival_time(0.5, sf_df_too_many_columns) def test_qth_survival_times_with_multivariate_q(): sf = np.linspace(1, 0, 50) sf_multi_df = pd.DataFrame({"sf": sf, "sf**2": sf ** 2}) assert_frame_equal( utils.qth_survival_times([0.2, 0.5], sf_multi_df),
pd.DataFrame([[40, 28], [25, 15]], index=[0.2, 0.5], columns=["sf", "sf**2"])
''' 1. 자음,모음,특수문자 제거 (온점, 쉼표 포함) 2. 띄어쓰기 교정 3. 단어 수정 4. 형태소분석기로 명사 and 형용사 추출 5. Fasttext embedding - 사전 추가 ''' from chatspace import ChatSpace from gensim.models import FastText from konlpy.tag import Kkma import json import re import pandas as pd import numpy as np class GlowpickPreprocessing(object): def __init__(self, embed_size=100, random_state=223): self.seed = 223 self.embed_size = embed_size self.kkma = Kkma() def fit(self, x: list, wordfix_path=None, posfix_path=None): ''' args: - x: texts - wordfix_path: replace word directory path - posfix_path: filtering pos directory path return: - texts: preprocessed texts ''' # stopword texts = list(map(self.stopword, x)) print('[{0:15s}]: complete stopword'.format('PREPROCESSING')) # spacefix texts = self.spacefix(texts) print('[{0:15s}]: complete spacefix'.format('PREPROCESSING')) # wordfixclrea if wordfix_path: texts = self.wordfix(texts, wordfix_path) print('[{0:15s}]: complete wordfix'.format('PREPROCESSING')) # posfix if posfix_path: texts = self.posfix(texts, posfix_path) print('[{0:15s}]: complete posfix'.format('PREPROCESSING')) return texts def stopword(self, x): pattern1 = '([ㄱ-ㅎㅏ-ㅣ]+)' pattern2 = '[^\w\s,.]' pattern3 = '[\d]' repl = '' x = re.sub(pattern=pattern1, repl=repl, string=x) x = re.sub(pattern=pattern2, repl=repl, string=x) x = re.sub(pattern=pattern3, repl=repl, string=x) return x def spacefix(self, x): spacer = ChatSpace() x =, batch_size=64) x = pd.Series(x).str.split(' ').tolist() return x def wordfix(self, x, path): # replace old to new def word_replace(x, word_dict): for k, v in word_dict.items(): if k in x: x = x.replace(k, v) return x # load word dictionary word_dict = json.load(open(path,'r')) # replace word x = pd.Series(x).apply(lambda x: ' '.join(x)) x = x.apply(lambda sent: word_replace(sent, word_dict)) x = x.str.split(' ').tolist() return x def posfix(self, x, path): # pos filtering def pos_filtering(x, pos, in_pos, stopwords, words): remove_value = [] for k, v in x: if len(k) == 1: remove_value.append((k,v)) elif (v in pos) & (k in stopwords): remove_value.append((k,v)) elif (v in in_pos) &(k not in words): remove_value.append((k,v)) elif (v not in pos) & (v not in in_pos): remove_value.append((k,v)) for v in remove_value: x.remove(v) try: return list(np.array(x)[:,0]) except: # NT : No Token return ['NT'] # load pos dictionary pos_dict = json.load(open(path,'r')) x =
import glob import math import brewer2mpl import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pandas as pd from matplotlib.lines import Line2D from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator SPINE_COLOR = 'gray' ##################################################### # Process average from files # ##################################################### def process_average(folder, scenarios, labels, header): columns = ['property'] dfs1 = [] for scenario in scenarios: file = glob.glob(folder + '/' + scenario + '/a1*') df = pd.read_csv(file[0], header=header, names=columns)['property'] = labels[scenarios.index(scenario)] dfs1 += [df] result = pd.concat(dfs1, axis=1) return result class Plotter(): ##################################################### # Latexify # ##################################################### @staticmethod def latexify(fig_width=None, fig_height=None, columns=1, fullwidth=False): """Set up matplotlib's RC params for LaTeX plotting. Call this before plotting a figure. Parameters ---------- fig_width : float, optional, inches fig_height : float, optional, inches columns : {1, 2} """ # code adapted from # Width and max height in inches for IEEE journals taken from # assert(columns in [1,2]) if fig_width is None: if fullwidth: fig_width = 3.39*2 if columns==1 else 6.9 # width in inches else: fig_width = 3.39 if columns==1 else 6.9 # width in inches if fig_height is None: golden_mean = (math.sqrt(5)-1.0)/2.0 # Aesthetic ratio if fullwidth: fig_height = fig_width*golden_mean/2.0 # height in inches else: fig_height = fig_width*golden_mean # height in inches MAX_HEIGHT_INCHES = 8.0 if fig_height > MAX_HEIGHT_INCHES: print("WARNING: fig_height too large:" + fig_height + "so will reduce to" + MAX_HEIGHT_INCHES + "inches.") fig_height = MAX_HEIGHT_INCHES params = { 'backend': 'ps', 'text.latex.preamble': ['\\usepackage{amssymb}'], 'axes.labelsize': 5, # fontsize for x and y labels (was 10) 'axes.titlesize': 5, 'lines.markersize' : 3, 'lines.markeredgewidth': 0.3, 'legend.fontsize': 4, # was 10 'text.usetex': True, 'legend.edgecolor': 'w', 'figure.figsize': [fig_width, fig_height], '': 'serif', 'grid.linestyle': 'dashed', 'grid.color': 'grey', 'lines.dashed_pattern' : [150, 150], 'xtick.color': 'k', 'ytick.color': 'k', 'xtick.direction': 'in', 'ytick.direction': 'in', 'xtick.minor.width': 0.05, 'ytick.minor.width': 0.05, 'xtick.major.width': 0.1, 'ytick.major.width': 0.1, 'xtick.labelsize': 4, 'ytick.labelsize': 4, 'lines.linewidth' : 0.2, 'grid.linewidth': 0.01, 'axes.linewidth': 0.2, 'errorbar.capsize' : 1, 'xtick.minor.visible': False, # visibility of minor ticks on x-axis # 'ytick.minor.visible': False, # visibility of minor ticks on x-axis 'boxplot.notch': False, 'boxplot.vertical': True, 'boxplot.whiskers': 1.5, 'boxplot.bootstrap': None, 'boxplot.patchartist': False, 'boxplot.showmeans': False, 'boxplot.showcaps': True, 'boxplot.showbox': True, 'boxplot.showfliers': True, 'boxplot.meanline': False, 'boxplot.flierprops.color': 'lightgrey', 'boxplot.flierprops.marker': 'o', 'boxplot.flierprops.markerfacecolor': 'none', 'boxplot.flierprops.markeredgecolor': 'lightgrey', 'boxplot.flierprops.markersize': 1, 'boxplot.flierprops.linestyle': 'none', 'boxplot.flierprops.linewidth': 0.1, 'boxplot.boxprops.color': 'C2', 'boxplot.boxprops.linewidth': 0.2, 'boxplot.boxprops.linestyle': '-', 'boxplot.whiskerprops.color': 'C2', 'boxplot.whiskerprops.linewidth': 0.2, 'boxplot.whiskerprops.linestyle': '-', 'boxplot.capprops.color': 'C2', 'boxplot.capprops.linewidth': 0.2, 'boxplot.capprops.linestyle': '-', 'boxplot.medianprops.color': 'C2', 'boxplot.medianprops.linewidth': 0.20, 'boxplot.medianprops.linestyle': '-', 'boxplot.meanprops.color': 'C2', 'boxplot.meanprops.marker': '^', 'boxplot.meanprops.markerfacecolor': 'C2', 'boxplot.meanprops.markeredgecolor': 'C2', 'boxplot.meanprops.markersize': 6, 'boxplot.meanprops.linestyle': 'none', 'boxplot.meanprops.linewidth': 0.20, } matplotlib.rcParams.update(params) # for spine in ['top', 'right']: # ax.spines[spine].set_visible(False) # for spine in ['left', 'bottom']: # ax.spines[spine].set_color(SPINE_COLOR) # ax.spines[spine].set_linewidth(0.1) # ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') # ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') # # Or if you want different settings for the grids: # ax.grid(which='minor', alpha=0.2) # ax.grid(which='major', alpha=0.5) # for axis in [ax.xaxis, ax.yaxis]: # axis.set_tick_params(direction='out', color=SPINE_COLOR) # return ax ##################################################### # Latency - Mean - 4 methods # ##################################################### @staticmethod def latency_avg_4methods(folder1, folder2, folder3, folder4, scenarios, labels, output, title, ylim, fullwidth=False): plt.figure() Plotter.latexify(fullwidth=fullwidth) columns = ['latency'] dfs1 = [] for scenario in scenarios: file = glob.glob(folder1 + '/' + scenario + '/a1*') df = pd.read_csv(file[0], header=4, names=columns)['latency'] = labels[scenarios.index(scenario)] dfs1 += [df] result1 = pd.concat(dfs1, axis=1) #print('result1\n', result1.describe()) #print('result1\n', result1.to_string()) std1 = result1.std() ax1 = result1.mean().plot(label="Sourcey", legend = True, yerr=std1, color="red") ax1.set_xticks([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]) dfs2 = [] for scenario in scenarios: file = glob.glob(folder2 + '/' + scenario + '/a1*') df = pd.read_csv(file[0], header=None, names=columns)['latency'] = labels[scenarios.index(scenario)] dfs2 += [df] result2 = pd.concat(dfs2, axis=1) #print('result2\n', result2.describe()) #print('result2\n', result2.to_string()) std2 = result2.std() ax2 = result2.mean().plot(label="Sourcey Fabric", legend = True, yerr=std2, color="orange") ax2.set_xticks([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]) dfs3 = [] for scenario in scenarios: file = glob.glob(folder3 + '/' + scenario + '/a1*') df = pd.read_csv(file[0], header=None, names=columns)['latency'] = labels[scenarios.index(scenario)] dfs3 += [df] result3 =
pd.concat(dfs3, axis=1)
import numpy as np import pytest from pandas import DataFrame, Series, concat, isna, notna import pandas._testing as tm import pandas.tseries.offsets as offsets @pytest.mark.parametrize( "compare_func, roll_func, kwargs", [ [np.mean, "mean", {}], [np.nansum, "sum", {}], [lambda x: np.isfinite(x).astype(float).sum(), "count", {}], [np.median, "median", {}], [np.min, "min", {}], [np.max, "max", {}], [lambda x: np.std(x, ddof=1), "std", {}], [lambda x: np.std(x, ddof=0), "std", {"ddof": 0}], [lambda x: np.var(x, ddof=1), "var", {}], [lambda x: np.var(x, ddof=0), "var", {"ddof": 0}], ], ) def test_series(series, compare_func, roll_func, kwargs): result = getattr(series.rolling(50), roll_func)(**kwargs) assert isinstance(result, Series) tm.assert_almost_equal(result.iloc[-1], compare_func(series[-50:])) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "compare_func, roll_func, kwargs", [ [np.mean, "mean", {}], [np.nansum, "sum", {}], [lambda x: np.isfinite(x).astype(float).sum(), "count", {}], [np.median, "median", {}], [np.min, "min", {}], [np.max, "max", {}], [lambda x: np.std(x, ddof=1), "std", {}], [lambda x: np.std(x, ddof=0), "std", {"ddof": 0}], [lambda x: np.var(x, ddof=1), "var", {}], [lambda x: np.var(x, ddof=0), "var", {"ddof": 0}], ], ) def test_frame(raw, frame, compare_func, roll_func, kwargs): result = getattr(frame.rolling(50), roll_func)(**kwargs) assert isinstance(result, DataFrame) tm.assert_series_equal( result.iloc[-1, :], frame.iloc[-50:, :].apply(compare_func, axis=0, raw=raw), check_names=False, ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "compare_func, roll_func, kwargs, minp", [ [np.mean, "mean", {}, 10], [np.nansum, "sum", {}, 10], [lambda x: np.isfinite(x).astype(float).sum(), "count", {}, 0], [np.median, "median", {}, 10], [np.min, "min", {}, 10], [np.max, "max", {}, 10], [lambda x: np.std(x, ddof=1), "std", {}, 10], [lambda x: np.std(x, ddof=0), "std", {"ddof": 0}, 10], [lambda x: np.var(x, ddof=1), "var", {}, 10], [lambda x: np.var(x, ddof=0), "var", {"ddof": 0}, 10], ], ) def test_time_rule_series(series, compare_func, roll_func, kwargs, minp): win = 25 ser = series[::2].resample("B").mean() series_result = getattr(ser.rolling(window=win, min_periods=minp), roll_func)( **kwargs ) last_date = series_result.index[-1] prev_date = last_date - 24 * offsets.BDay() trunc_series = series[::2].truncate(prev_date, last_date) tm.assert_almost_equal(series_result[-1], compare_func(trunc_series)) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "compare_func, roll_func, kwargs, minp", [ [np.mean, "mean", {}, 10], [np.nansum, "sum", {}, 10], [lambda x: np.isfinite(x).astype(float).sum(), "count", {}, 0], [np.median, "median", {}, 10], [np.min, "min", {}, 10], [np.max, "max", {}, 10], [lambda x: np.std(x, ddof=1), "std", {}, 10], [lambda x: np.std(x, ddof=0), "std", {"ddof": 0}, 10], [lambda x: np.var(x, ddof=1), "var", {}, 10], [lambda x: np.var(x, ddof=0), "var", {"ddof": 0}, 10], ], ) def test_time_rule_frame(raw, frame, compare_func, roll_func, kwargs, minp): win = 25 frm = frame[::2].resample("B").mean() frame_result = getattr(frm.rolling(window=win, min_periods=minp), roll_func)( **kwargs ) last_date = frame_result.index[-1] prev_date = last_date - 24 * offsets.BDay() trunc_frame = frame[::2].truncate(prev_date, last_date) tm.assert_series_equal( frame_result.xs(last_date), trunc_frame.apply(compare_func, raw=raw), check_names=False, ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "compare_func, roll_func, kwargs", [ [np.mean, "mean", {}], [np.nansum, "sum", {}], [np.median, "median", {}], [np.min, "min", {}], [np.max, "max", {}], [lambda x: np.std(x, ddof=1), "std", {}], [lambda x: np.std(x, ddof=0), "std", {"ddof": 0}], [lambda x: np.var(x, ddof=1), "var", {}], [lambda x: np.var(x, ddof=0), "var", {"ddof": 0}], ], ) def test_nans(compare_func, roll_func, kwargs): obj = Series(np.random.randn(50)) obj[:10] = np.NaN obj[-10:] = np.NaN result = getattr(obj.rolling(50, min_periods=30), roll_func)(**kwargs) tm.assert_almost_equal(result.iloc[-1], compare_func(obj[10:-10])) # min_periods is working correctly result = getattr(obj.rolling(20, min_periods=15), roll_func)(**kwargs) assert isna(result.iloc[23]) assert not isna(result.iloc[24]) assert not isna(result.iloc[-6]) assert isna(result.iloc[-5]) obj2 = Series(np.random.randn(20)) result = getattr(obj2.rolling(10, min_periods=5), roll_func)(**kwargs) assert isna(result.iloc[3]) assert notna(result.iloc[4]) if roll_func != "sum": result0 = getattr(obj.rolling(20, min_periods=0), roll_func)(**kwargs) result1 = getattr(obj.rolling(20, min_periods=1), roll_func)(**kwargs) tm.assert_almost_equal(result0, result1) def test_nans_count(): obj = Series(np.random.randn(50)) obj[:10] = np.NaN obj[-10:] = np.NaN result = obj.rolling(50, min_periods=30).count() tm.assert_almost_equal( result.iloc[-1], np.isfinite(obj[10:-10]).astype(float).sum() ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "roll_func, kwargs", [ ["mean", {}], ["sum", {}], ["median", {}], ["min", {}], ["max", {}], ["std", {}], ["std", {"ddof": 0}], ["var", {}], ["var", {"ddof": 0}], ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("minp", [0, 99, 100]) def test_min_periods(series, minp, roll_func, kwargs): result = getattr(series.rolling(len(series) + 1, min_periods=minp), roll_func)( **kwargs ) expected = getattr(series.rolling(len(series), min_periods=minp), roll_func)( **kwargs ) nan_mask = isna(result) tm.assert_series_equal(nan_mask, isna(expected)) nan_mask = ~nan_mask tm.assert_almost_equal(result[nan_mask], expected[nan_mask]) def test_min_periods_count(series): result = series.rolling(len(series) + 1, min_periods=0).count() expected = series.rolling(len(series), min_periods=0).count() nan_mask = isna(result) tm.assert_series_equal(nan_mask, isna(expected)) nan_mask = ~nan_mask tm.assert_almost_equal(result[nan_mask], expected[nan_mask]) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "roll_func, kwargs, minp", [ ["mean", {}, 15], ["sum", {}, 15], ["count", {}, 0], ["median", {}, 15], ["min", {}, 15], ["max", {}, 15], ["std", {}, 15], ["std", {"ddof": 0}, 15], ["var", {}, 15], ["var", {"ddof": 0}, 15], ], ) def test_center(roll_func, kwargs, minp): obj = Series(np.random.randn(50)) obj[:10] = np.NaN obj[-10:] = np.NaN result = getattr(obj.rolling(20, min_periods=minp, center=True), roll_func)( **kwargs ) expected = getattr( concat([obj,
Series([np.NaN] * 9)
"""Tests suite for Period handling. Parts derived from scikits.timeseries code, original authors: - <NAME> & <NAME> - pierregm_at_uga_dot_edu - mattknow_ca_at_hotmail_dot_com """ from unittest import TestCase from datetime import datetime, timedelta from import assert_equal from pandas.tseries.period import Period, PeriodIndex from pandas.tseries.index import DatetimeIndex, date_range from import to_datetime import pandas.core.datetools as datetools import numpy as np from pandas import Series, TimeSeries from pandas.util.testing import assert_series_equal class TestPeriodProperties(TestCase): "Test properties such as year, month, weekday, etc...." # def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): TestCase.__init__(self, *args, **kwds) def test_interval_constructor(self): i1 = Period('1/1/2005', freq='M') i2 = Period('Jan 2005') self.assertEquals(i1, i2) i1 = Period('2005', freq='A') i2 = Period('2005') i3 = Period('2005', freq='a') self.assertEquals(i1, i2) self.assertEquals(i1, i3) i4 = Period('2005', freq='M') i5 = Period('2005', freq='m') self.assert_(i1 != i4) self.assertEquals(i4, i5) i1 ='Q') i2 = Period(, freq='Q') i3 ='q') self.assertEquals(i1, i2) self.assertEquals(i1, i3) # Biz day construction, roll forward if non-weekday i1 = Period('3/10/12', freq='B') i2 = Period('3/12/12', freq='D') self.assertEquals(i1, i2.asfreq('B')) i3 = Period('3/10/12', freq='b') self.assertEquals(i1, i3) i1 = Period(year=2005, quarter=1, freq='Q') i2 = Period('1/1/2005', freq='Q') self.assertEquals(i1, i2) i1 = Period(year=2005, quarter=3, freq='Q') i2 = Period('9/1/2005', freq='Q') self.assertEquals(i1, i2) i1 = Period(year=2005, month=3, day=1, freq='D') i2 = Period('3/1/2005', freq='D') self.assertEquals(i1, i2) i3 = Period(year=2005, month=3, day=1, freq='d') self.assertEquals(i1, i3) i1 = Period(year=2012, month=3, day=10, freq='B') i2 = Period('3/12/12', freq='B') self.assertEquals(i1, i2) i1 = Period('2005Q1') i2 = Period(year=2005, quarter=1, freq='Q') i3 = Period('2005q1') self.assertEquals(i1, i2) self.assertEquals(i1, i3) i1 = Period('05Q1') self.assertEquals(i1, i2) lower = Period('05q1') self.assertEquals(i1, lower) i1 = Period('1Q2005') self.assertEquals(i1, i2) lower = Period('1q2005') self.assertEquals(i1, lower) i1 = Period('1Q05') self.assertEquals(i1, i2) lower = Period('1q05') self.assertEquals(i1, lower) i1 = Period('4Q1984') self.assertEquals(i1.year, 1984) lower = Period('4q1984') self.assertEquals(i1, lower) i1 = Period('1982', freq='min') i2 = Period('1982', freq='MIN') self.assertEquals(i1, i2) i2 = Period('1982', freq=('Min', 1)) self.assertEquals(i1, i2) def test_freq_str(self): i1 = Period('1982', freq='Min') self.assert_(i1.freq[0] != '1') i2 = Period('11/30/2005', freq='2Q') self.assertEquals(i2.freq[0], '2') def test_to_timestamp(self): intv = Period('1982', freq='A') start_ts = intv.to_timestamp(which_end='S') aliases = ['s', 'StarT', 'BEGIn'] for a in aliases: self.assertEquals(start_ts, intv.to_timestamp(which_end=a)) end_ts = intv.to_timestamp(which_end='E') aliases = ['e', 'end', 'FINIsH'] for a in aliases: self.assertEquals(end_ts, intv.to_timestamp(which_end=a)) from_lst = ['A', 'Q', 'M', 'W', 'B', 'D', 'H', 'Min', 'S'] for i, fcode in enumerate(from_lst): intv = Period('1982', freq=fcode) result = intv.to_timestamp().to_period(fcode) self.assertEquals(result, intv) self.assertEquals(intv.start_time(), intv.to_timestamp('S')) self.assertEquals(intv.end_time(), intv.to_timestamp('E')) def test_properties_annually(self): # Test properties on Periods with annually frequency. a_date = Period(freq='A', year=2007) assert_equal(a_date.year, 2007) def test_properties_quarterly(self): # Test properties on Periods with daily frequency. qedec_date = Period(freq="Q-DEC", year=2007, quarter=1) qejan_date = Period(freq="Q-JAN", year=2007, quarter=1) qejun_date = Period(freq="Q-JUN", year=2007, quarter=1) # for x in range(3): for qd in (qedec_date, qejan_date, qejun_date): assert_equal((qd + x).qyear, 2007) assert_equal((qd + x).quarter, x + 1) def test_properties_monthly(self): # Test properties on Periods with daily frequency. m_date = Period(freq='M', year=2007, month=1) for x in range(11): m_ival_x = m_date + x assert_equal(m_ival_x.year, 2007) if 1 <= x + 1 <= 3: assert_equal(m_ival_x.quarter, 1) elif 4 <= x + 1 <= 6: assert_equal(m_ival_x.quarter, 2) elif 7 <= x + 1 <= 9: assert_equal(m_ival_x.quarter, 3) elif 10 <= x + 1 <= 12: assert_equal(m_ival_x.quarter, 4) assert_equal(m_ival_x.month, x + 1) def test_properties_weekly(self): # Test properties on Periods with daily frequency. w_date = Period(freq='WK', year=2007, month=1, day=7) # assert_equal(w_date.year, 2007) assert_equal(w_date.quarter, 1) assert_equal(w_date.month, 1) assert_equal(w_date.week, 1) assert_equal((w_date - 1).week, 52) def test_properties_daily(self): # Test properties on Periods with daily frequency. b_date = Period(freq='B', year=2007, month=1, day=1) # assert_equal(b_date.year, 2007) assert_equal(b_date.quarter, 1) assert_equal(b_date.month, 1) assert_equal(, 1) assert_equal(b_date.weekday, 0) assert_equal(b_date.day_of_year, 1) # d_date = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=1, day=1) # assert_equal(d_date.year, 2007) assert_equal(d_date.quarter, 1) assert_equal(d_date.month, 1) assert_equal(, 1) assert_equal(d_date.weekday, 0) assert_equal(d_date.day_of_year, 1) def test_properties_hourly(self): # Test properties on Periods with hourly frequency. h_date = Period(freq='H', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0) # assert_equal(h_date.year, 2007) assert_equal(h_date.quarter, 1) assert_equal(h_date.month, 1) assert_equal(, 1) assert_equal(h_date.weekday, 0) assert_equal(h_date.day_of_year, 1) assert_equal(h_date.hour, 0) # def test_properties_minutely(self): # Test properties on Periods with minutely frequency. t_date = Period(freq='Min', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0) # assert_equal(t_date.quarter, 1) assert_equal(t_date.month, 1) assert_equal(, 1) assert_equal(t_date.weekday, 0) assert_equal(t_date.day_of_year, 1) assert_equal(t_date.hour, 0) assert_equal(t_date.minute, 0) def test_properties_secondly(self): # Test properties on Periods with secondly frequency. s_date = Period(freq='Min', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0) # assert_equal(s_date.year, 2007) assert_equal(s_date.quarter, 1) assert_equal(s_date.month, 1) assert_equal(, 1) assert_equal(s_date.weekday, 0) assert_equal(s_date.day_of_year, 1) assert_equal(s_date.hour, 0) assert_equal(s_date.minute, 0) assert_equal(s_date.second, 0) def noWrap(item): return item class TestFreqConversion(TestCase): "Test frequency conversion of date objects" def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): TestCase.__init__(self, *args, **kwds) def test_conv_annual(self): # frequency conversion tests: from Annual Frequency ival_A = Period(freq='A', year=2007) ival_AJAN = Period(freq="A-JAN", year=2007) ival_AJUN = Period(freq="A-JUN", year=2007) ival_ANOV = Period(freq="A-NOV", year=2007) ival_A_to_Q_start = Period(freq='Q', year=2007, quarter=1) ival_A_to_Q_end = Period(freq='Q', year=2007, quarter=4) ival_A_to_M_start = Period(freq='M', year=2007, month=1) ival_A_to_M_end = Period(freq='M', year=2007, month=12) ival_A_to_W_start = Period(freq='WK', year=2007, month=1, day=1) ival_A_to_W_end = Period(freq='WK', year=2007, month=12, day=31) ival_A_to_B_start = Period(freq='B', year=2007, month=1, day=1) ival_A_to_B_end = Period(freq='B', year=2007, month=12, day=31) ival_A_to_D_start = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=1, day=1) ival_A_to_D_end = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=12, day=31) ival_A_to_H_start = Period(freq='H', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0) ival_A_to_H_end = Period(freq='H', year=2007, month=12, day=31, hour=23) ival_A_to_T_start = Period(freq='Min', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0) ival_A_to_T_end = Period(freq='Min', year=2007, month=12, day=31, hour=23, minute=59) ival_A_to_S_start = Period(freq='S', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0) ival_A_to_S_end = Period(freq='S', year=2007, month=12, day=31, hour=23, minute=59, second=59) ival_AJAN_to_D_end = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=1, day=31) ival_AJAN_to_D_start = Period(freq='D', year=2006, month=2, day=1) ival_AJUN_to_D_end = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=6, day=30) ival_AJUN_to_D_start = Period(freq='D', year=2006, month=7, day=1) ival_ANOV_to_D_end = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=11, day=30) ival_ANOV_to_D_start = Period(freq='D', year=2006, month=12, day=1) assert_equal(ival_A.asfreq('Q', 'S'), ival_A_to_Q_start) assert_equal(ival_A.asfreq('Q', 'e'), ival_A_to_Q_end) assert_equal(ival_A.asfreq('M', 's'), ival_A_to_M_start) assert_equal(ival_A.asfreq('M', 'E'), ival_A_to_M_end) assert_equal(ival_A.asfreq('WK', 'S'), ival_A_to_W_start) assert_equal(ival_A.asfreq('WK', 'E'), ival_A_to_W_end) assert_equal(ival_A.asfreq('B', 'S'), ival_A_to_B_start) assert_equal(ival_A.asfreq('B', 'E'), ival_A_to_B_end) assert_equal(ival_A.asfreq('D', 'S'), ival_A_to_D_start) assert_equal(ival_A.asfreq('D', 'E'), ival_A_to_D_end) assert_equal(ival_A.asfreq('H', 'S'), ival_A_to_H_start) assert_equal(ival_A.asfreq('H', 'E'), ival_A_to_H_end) assert_equal(ival_A.asfreq('min', 'S'), ival_A_to_T_start) assert_equal(ival_A.asfreq('min', 'E'), ival_A_to_T_end) assert_equal(ival_A.asfreq('T', 'S'), ival_A_to_T_start) assert_equal(ival_A.asfreq('T', 'E'), ival_A_to_T_end) assert_equal(ival_A.asfreq('S', 'S'), ival_A_to_S_start) assert_equal(ival_A.asfreq('S', 'E'), ival_A_to_S_end) assert_equal(ival_AJAN.asfreq('D', 'S'), ival_AJAN_to_D_start) assert_equal(ival_AJAN.asfreq('D', 'E'), ival_AJAN_to_D_end) assert_equal(ival_AJUN.asfreq('D', 'S'), ival_AJUN_to_D_start) assert_equal(ival_AJUN.asfreq('D', 'E'), ival_AJUN_to_D_end) assert_equal(ival_ANOV.asfreq('D', 'S'), ival_ANOV_to_D_start) assert_equal(ival_ANOV.asfreq('D', 'E'), ival_ANOV_to_D_end) assert_equal(ival_A.asfreq('A'), ival_A) def test_conv_quarterly(self): # frequency conversion tests: from Quarterly Frequency ival_Q = Period(freq='Q', year=2007, quarter=1) ival_Q_end_of_year = Period(freq='Q', year=2007, quarter=4) ival_QEJAN = Period(freq="Q-JAN", year=2007, quarter=1) ival_QEJUN = Period(freq="Q-JUN", year=2007, quarter=1) ival_Q_to_A = Period(freq='A', year=2007) ival_Q_to_M_start = Period(freq='M', year=2007, month=1) ival_Q_to_M_end = Period(freq='M', year=2007, month=3) ival_Q_to_W_start = Period(freq='WK', year=2007, month=1, day=1) ival_Q_to_W_end = Period(freq='WK', year=2007, month=3, day=31) ival_Q_to_B_start = Period(freq='B', year=2007, month=1, day=1) ival_Q_to_B_end = Period(freq='B', year=2007, month=3, day=30) ival_Q_to_D_start = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=1, day=1) ival_Q_to_D_end = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=3, day=31) ival_Q_to_H_start = Period(freq='H', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0) ival_Q_to_H_end = Period(freq='H', year=2007, month=3, day=31, hour=23) ival_Q_to_T_start = Period(freq='Min', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0) ival_Q_to_T_end = Period(freq='Min', year=2007, month=3, day=31, hour=23, minute=59) ival_Q_to_S_start = Period(freq='S', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0) ival_Q_to_S_end = Period(freq='S', year=2007, month=3, day=31, hour=23, minute=59, second=59) ival_QEJAN_to_D_start = Period(freq='D', year=2006, month=2, day=1) ival_QEJAN_to_D_end = Period(freq='D', year=2006, month=4, day=30) ival_QEJUN_to_D_start = Period(freq='D', year=2006, month=7, day=1) ival_QEJUN_to_D_end = Period(freq='D', year=2006, month=9, day=30) assert_equal(ival_Q.asfreq('A'), ival_Q_to_A) assert_equal(ival_Q_end_of_year.asfreq('A'), ival_Q_to_A) assert_equal(ival_Q.asfreq('M', 'S'), ival_Q_to_M_start) assert_equal(ival_Q.asfreq('M', 'E'), ival_Q_to_M_end) assert_equal(ival_Q.asfreq('WK', 'S'), ival_Q_to_W_start) assert_equal(ival_Q.asfreq('WK', 'E'), ival_Q_to_W_end) assert_equal(ival_Q.asfreq('B', 'S'), ival_Q_to_B_start) assert_equal(ival_Q.asfreq('B', 'E'), ival_Q_to_B_end) assert_equal(ival_Q.asfreq('D', 'S'), ival_Q_to_D_start) assert_equal(ival_Q.asfreq('D', 'E'), ival_Q_to_D_end) assert_equal(ival_Q.asfreq('H', 'S'), ival_Q_to_H_start) assert_equal(ival_Q.asfreq('H', 'E'), ival_Q_to_H_end) assert_equal(ival_Q.asfreq('Min', 'S'), ival_Q_to_T_start) assert_equal(ival_Q.asfreq('Min', 'E'), ival_Q_to_T_end) assert_equal(ival_Q.asfreq('S', 'S'), ival_Q_to_S_start) assert_equal(ival_Q.asfreq('S', 'E'), ival_Q_to_S_end) assert_equal(ival_QEJAN.asfreq('D', 'S'), ival_QEJAN_to_D_start) assert_equal(ival_QEJAN.asfreq('D', 'E'), ival_QEJAN_to_D_end) assert_equal(ival_QEJUN.asfreq('D', 'S'), ival_QEJUN_to_D_start) assert_equal(ival_QEJUN.asfreq('D', 'E'), ival_QEJUN_to_D_end) assert_equal(ival_Q.asfreq('Q'), ival_Q) def test_conv_monthly(self): # frequency conversion tests: from Monthly Frequency ival_M = Period(freq='M', year=2007, month=1) ival_M_end_of_year = Period(freq='M', year=2007, month=12) ival_M_end_of_quarter = Period(freq='M', year=2007, month=3) ival_M_to_A = Period(freq='A', year=2007) ival_M_to_Q = Period(freq='Q', year=2007, quarter=1) ival_M_to_W_start = Period(freq='WK', year=2007, month=1, day=1) ival_M_to_W_end = Period(freq='WK', year=2007, month=1, day=31) ival_M_to_B_start = Period(freq='B', year=2007, month=1, day=1) ival_M_to_B_end = Period(freq='B', year=2007, month=1, day=31) ival_M_to_D_start = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=1, day=1) ival_M_to_D_end = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=1, day=31) ival_M_to_H_start = Period(freq='H', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0) ival_M_to_H_end = Period(freq='H', year=2007, month=1, day=31, hour=23) ival_M_to_T_start = Period(freq='Min', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0) ival_M_to_T_end = Period(freq='Min', year=2007, month=1, day=31, hour=23, minute=59) ival_M_to_S_start = Period(freq='S', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0) ival_M_to_S_end = Period(freq='S', year=2007, month=1, day=31, hour=23, minute=59, second=59) assert_equal(ival_M.asfreq('A'), ival_M_to_A) assert_equal(ival_M_end_of_year.asfreq('A'), ival_M_to_A) assert_equal(ival_M.asfreq('Q'), ival_M_to_Q) assert_equal(ival_M_end_of_quarter.asfreq('Q'), ival_M_to_Q) assert_equal(ival_M.asfreq('WK', 'S'), ival_M_to_W_start) assert_equal(ival_M.asfreq('WK', 'E'), ival_M_to_W_end) assert_equal(ival_M.asfreq('B', 'S'), ival_M_to_B_start) assert_equal(ival_M.asfreq('B', 'E'), ival_M_to_B_end) assert_equal(ival_M.asfreq('D', 'S'), ival_M_to_D_start) assert_equal(ival_M.asfreq('D', 'E'), ival_M_to_D_end) assert_equal(ival_M.asfreq('H', 'S'), ival_M_to_H_start) assert_equal(ival_M.asfreq('H', 'E'), ival_M_to_H_end) assert_equal(ival_M.asfreq('Min', 'S'), ival_M_to_T_start) assert_equal(ival_M.asfreq('Min', 'E'), ival_M_to_T_end) assert_equal(ival_M.asfreq('S', 'S'), ival_M_to_S_start) assert_equal(ival_M.asfreq('S', 'E'), ival_M_to_S_end) assert_equal(ival_M.asfreq('M'), ival_M) def test_conv_weekly(self): # frequency conversion tests: from Weekly Frequency ival_W = Period(freq='WK', year=2007, month=1, day=1) ival_WSUN = Period(freq='WK', year=2007, month=1, day=7) ival_WSAT = Period(freq='WK-SAT', year=2007, month=1, day=6) ival_WFRI = Period(freq='WK-FRI', year=2007, month=1, day=5) ival_WTHU = Period(freq='WK-THU', year=2007, month=1, day=4) ival_WWED = Period(freq='WK-WED', year=2007, month=1, day=3) ival_WTUE = Period(freq='WK-TUE', year=2007, month=1, day=2) ival_WMON = Period(freq='WK-MON', year=2007, month=1, day=1) ival_WSUN_to_D_start = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=1, day=1) ival_WSUN_to_D_end = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=1, day=7) ival_WSAT_to_D_start = Period(freq='D', year=2006, month=12, day=31) ival_WSAT_to_D_end = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=1, day=6) ival_WFRI_to_D_start = Period(freq='D', year=2006, month=12, day=30) ival_WFRI_to_D_end = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=1, day=5) ival_WTHU_to_D_start = Period(freq='D', year=2006, month=12, day=29) ival_WTHU_to_D_end = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=1, day=4) ival_WWED_to_D_start = Period(freq='D', year=2006, month=12, day=28) ival_WWED_to_D_end = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=1, day=3) ival_WTUE_to_D_start = Period(freq='D', year=2006, month=12, day=27) ival_WTUE_to_D_end = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=1, day=2) ival_WMON_to_D_start = Period(freq='D', year=2006, month=12, day=26) ival_WMON_to_D_end = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=1, day=1) ival_W_end_of_year = Period(freq='WK', year=2007, month=12, day=31) ival_W_end_of_quarter = Period(freq='WK', year=2007, month=3, day=31) ival_W_end_of_month = Period(freq='WK', year=2007, month=1, day=31) ival_W_to_A = Period(freq='A', year=2007) ival_W_to_Q = Period(freq='Q', year=2007, quarter=1) ival_W_to_M = Period(freq='M', year=2007, month=1) if Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=12, day=31).weekday == 6: ival_W_to_A_end_of_year = Period(freq='A', year=2007) else: ival_W_to_A_end_of_year = Period(freq='A', year=2008) if Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=3, day=31).weekday == 6: ival_W_to_Q_end_of_quarter = Period(freq='Q', year=2007, quarter=1) else: ival_W_to_Q_end_of_quarter = Period(freq='Q', year=2007, quarter=2) if Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=1, day=31).weekday == 6: ival_W_to_M_end_of_month = Period(freq='M', year=2007, month=1) else: ival_W_to_M_end_of_month = Period(freq='M', year=2007, month=2) ival_W_to_B_start = Period(freq='B', year=2007, month=1, day=1) ival_W_to_B_end = Period(freq='B', year=2007, month=1, day=5) ival_W_to_D_start = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=1, day=1) ival_W_to_D_end = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=1, day=7) ival_W_to_H_start = Period(freq='H', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0) ival_W_to_H_end = Period(freq='H', year=2007, month=1, day=7, hour=23) ival_W_to_T_start = Period(freq='Min', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0) ival_W_to_T_end = Period(freq='Min', year=2007, month=1, day=7, hour=23, minute=59) ival_W_to_S_start = Period(freq='S', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0) ival_W_to_S_end = Period(freq='S', year=2007, month=1, day=7, hour=23, minute=59, second=59) assert_equal(ival_W.asfreq('A'), ival_W_to_A) assert_equal(ival_W_end_of_year.asfreq('A'), ival_W_to_A_end_of_year) assert_equal(ival_W.asfreq('Q'), ival_W_to_Q) assert_equal(ival_W_end_of_quarter.asfreq('Q'), ival_W_to_Q_end_of_quarter) assert_equal(ival_W.asfreq('M'), ival_W_to_M) assert_equal(ival_W_end_of_month.asfreq('M'), ival_W_to_M_end_of_month) assert_equal(ival_W.asfreq('B', 'S'), ival_W_to_B_start) assert_equal(ival_W.asfreq('B', 'E'), ival_W_to_B_end) assert_equal(ival_W.asfreq('D', 'S'), ival_W_to_D_start) assert_equal(ival_W.asfreq('D', 'E'), ival_W_to_D_end) assert_equal(ival_WSUN.asfreq('D', 'S'), ival_WSUN_to_D_start) assert_equal(ival_WSUN.asfreq('D', 'E'), ival_WSUN_to_D_end) assert_equal(ival_WSAT.asfreq('D', 'S'), ival_WSAT_to_D_start) assert_equal(ival_WSAT.asfreq('D', 'E'), ival_WSAT_to_D_end) assert_equal(ival_WFRI.asfreq('D', 'S'), ival_WFRI_to_D_start) assert_equal(ival_WFRI.asfreq('D', 'E'), ival_WFRI_to_D_end) assert_equal(ival_WTHU.asfreq('D', 'S'), ival_WTHU_to_D_start) assert_equal(ival_WTHU.asfreq('D', 'E'), ival_WTHU_to_D_end) assert_equal(ival_WWED.asfreq('D', 'S'), ival_WWED_to_D_start) assert_equal(ival_WWED.asfreq('D', 'E'), ival_WWED_to_D_end) assert_equal(ival_WTUE.asfreq('D', 'S'), ival_WTUE_to_D_start) assert_equal(ival_WTUE.asfreq('D', 'E'), ival_WTUE_to_D_end) assert_equal(ival_WMON.asfreq('D', 'S'), ival_WMON_to_D_start) assert_equal(ival_WMON.asfreq('D', 'E'), ival_WMON_to_D_end) assert_equal(ival_W.asfreq('H', 'S'), ival_W_to_H_start) assert_equal(ival_W.asfreq('H', 'E'), ival_W_to_H_end) assert_equal(ival_W.asfreq('Min', 'S'), ival_W_to_T_start) assert_equal(ival_W.asfreq('Min', 'E'), ival_W_to_T_end) assert_equal(ival_W.asfreq('S', 'S'), ival_W_to_S_start) assert_equal(ival_W.asfreq('S', 'E'), ival_W_to_S_end) assert_equal(ival_W.asfreq('WK'), ival_W) def test_conv_business(self): # frequency conversion tests: from Business Frequency" ival_B = Period(freq='B', year=2007, month=1, day=1) ival_B_end_of_year = Period(freq='B', year=2007, month=12, day=31) ival_B_end_of_quarter = Period(freq='B', year=2007, month=3, day=30) ival_B_end_of_month = Period(freq='B', year=2007, month=1, day=31) ival_B_end_of_week = Period(freq='B', year=2007, month=1, day=5) ival_B_to_A = Period(freq='A', year=2007) ival_B_to_Q = Period(freq='Q', year=2007, quarter=1) ival_B_to_M = Period(freq='M', year=2007, month=1) ival_B_to_W = Period(freq='WK', year=2007, month=1, day=7) ival_B_to_D = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=1, day=1) ival_B_to_H_start = Period(freq='H', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0) ival_B_to_H_end = Period(freq='H', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=23) ival_B_to_T_start = Period(freq='Min', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0) ival_B_to_T_end = Period(freq='Min', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=23, minute=59) ival_B_to_S_start = Period(freq='S', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0) ival_B_to_S_end = Period(freq='S', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=23, minute=59, second=59) assert_equal(ival_B.asfreq('A'), ival_B_to_A) assert_equal(ival_B_end_of_year.asfreq('A'), ival_B_to_A) assert_equal(ival_B.asfreq('Q'), ival_B_to_Q) assert_equal(ival_B_end_of_quarter.asfreq('Q'), ival_B_to_Q) assert_equal(ival_B.asfreq('M'), ival_B_to_M) assert_equal(ival_B_end_of_month.asfreq('M'), ival_B_to_M) assert_equal(ival_B.asfreq('WK'), ival_B_to_W) assert_equal(ival_B_end_of_week.asfreq('WK'), ival_B_to_W) assert_equal(ival_B.asfreq('D'), ival_B_to_D) assert_equal(ival_B.asfreq('H', 'S'), ival_B_to_H_start) assert_equal(ival_B.asfreq('H', 'E'), ival_B_to_H_end) assert_equal(ival_B.asfreq('Min', 'S'), ival_B_to_T_start) assert_equal(ival_B.asfreq('Min', 'E'), ival_B_to_T_end) assert_equal(ival_B.asfreq('S', 'S'), ival_B_to_S_start) assert_equal(ival_B.asfreq('S', 'E'), ival_B_to_S_end) assert_equal(ival_B.asfreq('B'), ival_B) def test_conv_daily(self): # frequency conversion tests: from Business Frequency" ival_D = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=1, day=1) ival_D_end_of_year = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=12, day=31) ival_D_end_of_quarter = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=3, day=31) ival_D_end_of_month = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=1, day=31) ival_D_end_of_week = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=1, day=7) ival_D_friday = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=1, day=5) ival_D_saturday = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=1, day=6) ival_D_sunday = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=1, day=7) ival_D_monday = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=1, day=8) ival_B_friday = Period(freq='B', year=2007, month=1, day=5) ival_B_monday = Period(freq='B', year=2007, month=1, day=8) ival_D_to_A = Period(freq='A', year=2007) ival_Deoq_to_AJAN = Period(freq='A-JAN', year=2008) ival_Deoq_to_AJUN = Period(freq='A-JUN', year=2007) ival_Deoq_to_ADEC = Period(freq='A-DEC', year=2007) ival_D_to_QEJAN = Period(freq="Q-JAN", year=2007, quarter=4) ival_D_to_QEJUN = Period(freq="Q-JUN", year=2007, quarter=3) ival_D_to_QEDEC = Period(freq="Q-DEC", year=2007, quarter=1) ival_D_to_M = Period(freq='M', year=2007, month=1) ival_D_to_W = Period(freq='WK', year=2007, month=1, day=7) ival_D_to_H_start = Period(freq='H', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0) ival_D_to_H_end = Period(freq='H', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=23) ival_D_to_T_start = Period(freq='Min', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0) ival_D_to_T_end = Period(freq='Min', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=23, minute=59) ival_D_to_S_start = Period(freq='S', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0) ival_D_to_S_end = Period(freq='S', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=23, minute=59, second=59) assert_equal(ival_D.asfreq('A'), ival_D_to_A) assert_equal(ival_D_end_of_quarter.asfreq('A-JAN'), ival_Deoq_to_AJAN) assert_equal(ival_D_end_of_quarter.asfreq('A-JUN'), ival_Deoq_to_AJUN) assert_equal(ival_D_end_of_quarter.asfreq('A-DEC'), ival_Deoq_to_ADEC) assert_equal(ival_D_end_of_year.asfreq('A'), ival_D_to_A) assert_equal(ival_D_end_of_quarter.asfreq('Q'), ival_D_to_QEDEC) assert_equal(ival_D.asfreq("Q-JAN"), ival_D_to_QEJAN) assert_equal(ival_D.asfreq("Q-JUN"), ival_D_to_QEJUN) assert_equal(ival_D.asfreq("Q-DEC"), ival_D_to_QEDEC) assert_equal(ival_D.asfreq('M'), ival_D_to_M) assert_equal(ival_D_end_of_month.asfreq('M'), ival_D_to_M) assert_equal(ival_D.asfreq('WK'), ival_D_to_W) assert_equal(ival_D_end_of_week.asfreq('WK'), ival_D_to_W) assert_equal(ival_D_friday.asfreq('B'), ival_B_friday) assert_equal(ival_D_saturday.asfreq('B', 'S'), ival_B_friday) assert_equal(ival_D_saturday.asfreq('B', 'E'), ival_B_monday) assert_equal(ival_D_sunday.asfreq('B', 'S'), ival_B_friday) assert_equal(ival_D_sunday.asfreq('B', 'E'), ival_B_monday) assert_equal(ival_D.asfreq('H', 'S'), ival_D_to_H_start) assert_equal(ival_D.asfreq('H', 'E'), ival_D_to_H_end) assert_equal(ival_D.asfreq('Min', 'S'), ival_D_to_T_start) assert_equal(ival_D.asfreq('Min', 'E'), ival_D_to_T_end) assert_equal(ival_D.asfreq('S', 'S'), ival_D_to_S_start) assert_equal(ival_D.asfreq('S', 'E'), ival_D_to_S_end) assert_equal(ival_D.asfreq('D'), ival_D) def test_conv_hourly(self): # frequency conversion tests: from Hourly Frequency" ival_H = Period(freq='H', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0) ival_H_end_of_year = Period(freq='H', year=2007, month=12, day=31, hour=23) ival_H_end_of_quarter = Period(freq='H', year=2007, month=3, day=31, hour=23) ival_H_end_of_month = Period(freq='H', year=2007, month=1, day=31, hour=23) ival_H_end_of_week = Period(freq='H', year=2007, month=1, day=7, hour=23) ival_H_end_of_day = Period(freq='H', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=23) ival_H_end_of_bus = Period(freq='H', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=23) ival_H_to_A = Period(freq='A', year=2007) ival_H_to_Q = Period(freq='Q', year=2007, quarter=1) ival_H_to_M = Period(freq='M', year=2007, month=1) ival_H_to_W = Period(freq='WK', year=2007, month=1, day=7) ival_H_to_D = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=1, day=1) ival_H_to_B = Period(freq='B', year=2007, month=1, day=1) ival_H_to_T_start = Period(freq='Min', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0) ival_H_to_T_end = Period(freq='Min', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=59) ival_H_to_S_start = Period(freq='S', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0) ival_H_to_S_end = Period(freq='S', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=59, second=59) assert_equal(ival_H.asfreq('A'), ival_H_to_A) assert_equal(ival_H_end_of_year.asfreq('A'), ival_H_to_A) assert_equal(ival_H.asfreq('Q'), ival_H_to_Q) assert_equal(ival_H_end_of_quarter.asfreq('Q'), ival_H_to_Q) assert_equal(ival_H.asfreq('M'), ival_H_to_M) assert_equal(ival_H_end_of_month.asfreq('M'), ival_H_to_M) assert_equal(ival_H.asfreq('WK'), ival_H_to_W) assert_equal(ival_H_end_of_week.asfreq('WK'), ival_H_to_W) assert_equal(ival_H.asfreq('D'), ival_H_to_D) assert_equal(ival_H_end_of_day.asfreq('D'), ival_H_to_D) assert_equal(ival_H.asfreq('B'), ival_H_to_B) assert_equal(ival_H_end_of_bus.asfreq('B'), ival_H_to_B) assert_equal(ival_H.asfreq('Min', 'S'), ival_H_to_T_start) assert_equal(ival_H.asfreq('Min', 'E'), ival_H_to_T_end) assert_equal(ival_H.asfreq('S', 'S'), ival_H_to_S_start) assert_equal(ival_H.asfreq('S', 'E'), ival_H_to_S_end) assert_equal(ival_H.asfreq('H'), ival_H) def test_conv_minutely(self): # frequency conversion tests: from Minutely Frequency" ival_T = Period(freq='Min', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0) ival_T_end_of_year = Period(freq='Min', year=2007, month=12, day=31, hour=23, minute=59) ival_T_end_of_quarter = Period(freq='Min', year=2007, month=3, day=31, hour=23, minute=59) ival_T_end_of_month = Period(freq='Min', year=2007, month=1, day=31, hour=23, minute=59) ival_T_end_of_week = Period(freq='Min', year=2007, month=1, day=7, hour=23, minute=59) ival_T_end_of_day = Period(freq='Min', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=23, minute=59) ival_T_end_of_bus = Period(freq='Min', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=23, minute=59) ival_T_end_of_hour = Period(freq='Min', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=59) ival_T_to_A = Period(freq='A', year=2007) ival_T_to_Q = Period(freq='Q', year=2007, quarter=1) ival_T_to_M = Period(freq='M', year=2007, month=1) ival_T_to_W = Period(freq='WK', year=2007, month=1, day=7) ival_T_to_D = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=1, day=1) ival_T_to_B = Period(freq='B', year=2007, month=1, day=1) ival_T_to_H = Period(freq='H', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0) ival_T_to_S_start = Period(freq='S', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0) ival_T_to_S_end = Period(freq='S', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=59) assert_equal(ival_T.asfreq('A'), ival_T_to_A) assert_equal(ival_T_end_of_year.asfreq('A'), ival_T_to_A) assert_equal(ival_T.asfreq('Q'), ival_T_to_Q) assert_equal(ival_T_end_of_quarter.asfreq('Q'), ival_T_to_Q) assert_equal(ival_T.asfreq('M'), ival_T_to_M) assert_equal(ival_T_end_of_month.asfreq('M'), ival_T_to_M) assert_equal(ival_T.asfreq('WK'), ival_T_to_W) assert_equal(ival_T_end_of_week.asfreq('WK'), ival_T_to_W) assert_equal(ival_T.asfreq('D'), ival_T_to_D) assert_equal(ival_T_end_of_day.asfreq('D'), ival_T_to_D) assert_equal(ival_T.asfreq('B'), ival_T_to_B) assert_equal(ival_T_end_of_bus.asfreq('B'), ival_T_to_B) assert_equal(ival_T.asfreq('H'), ival_T_to_H) assert_equal(ival_T_end_of_hour.asfreq('H'), ival_T_to_H) assert_equal(ival_T.asfreq('S', 'S'), ival_T_to_S_start) assert_equal(ival_T.asfreq('S', 'E'), ival_T_to_S_end) assert_equal(ival_T.asfreq('Min'), ival_T) def test_conv_secondly(self): # frequency conversion tests: from Secondly Frequency" ival_S = Period(freq='S', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0) ival_S_end_of_year = Period(freq='S', year=2007, month=12, day=31, hour=23, minute=59, second=59) ival_S_end_of_quarter = Period(freq='S', year=2007, month=3, day=31, hour=23, minute=59, second=59) ival_S_end_of_month = Period(freq='S', year=2007, month=1, day=31, hour=23, minute=59, second=59) ival_S_end_of_week = Period(freq='S', year=2007, month=1, day=7, hour=23, minute=59, second=59) ival_S_end_of_day = Period(freq='S', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=23, minute=59, second=59) ival_S_end_of_bus = Period(freq='S', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=23, minute=59, second=59) ival_S_end_of_hour = Period(freq='S', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=59, second=59) ival_S_end_of_minute = Period(freq='S', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=59) ival_S_to_A = Period(freq='A', year=2007) ival_S_to_Q = Period(freq='Q', year=2007, quarter=1) ival_S_to_M = Period(freq='M', year=2007, month=1) ival_S_to_W = Period(freq='WK', year=2007, month=1, day=7) ival_S_to_D = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=1, day=1) ival_S_to_B = Period(freq='B', year=2007, month=1, day=1) ival_S_to_H = Period(freq='H', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0) ival_S_to_T = Period(freq='Min', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0) assert_equal(ival_S.asfreq('A'), ival_S_to_A) assert_equal(ival_S_end_of_year.asfreq('A'), ival_S_to_A) assert_equal(ival_S.asfreq('Q'), ival_S_to_Q) assert_equal(ival_S_end_of_quarter.asfreq('Q'), ival_S_to_Q) assert_equal(ival_S.asfreq('M'), ival_S_to_M) assert_equal(ival_S_end_of_month.asfreq('M'), ival_S_to_M) assert_equal(ival_S.asfreq('WK'), ival_S_to_W) assert_equal(ival_S_end_of_week.asfreq('WK'), ival_S_to_W) assert_equal(ival_S.asfreq('D'), ival_S_to_D) assert_equal(ival_S_end_of_day.asfreq('D'), ival_S_to_D) assert_equal(ival_S.asfreq('B'), ival_S_to_B) assert_equal(ival_S_end_of_bus.asfreq('B'), ival_S_to_B) assert_equal(ival_S.asfreq('H'), ival_S_to_H) assert_equal(ival_S_end_of_hour.asfreq('H'), ival_S_to_H) assert_equal(ival_S.asfreq('Min'), ival_S_to_T) assert_equal(ival_S_end_of_minute.asfreq('Min'), ival_S_to_T) assert_equal(ival_S.asfreq('S'), ival_S) class TestPeriodIndex(TestCase): def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): TestCase.__init__(self, *args, **kwds) def test_make_time_series(self): index = PeriodIndex(freq='A', start='1/1/2001', end='12/1/2009') series = Series(1, index=index) self.assert_(isinstance(series, TimeSeries)) def test_to_timestamp(self): index = PeriodIndex(freq='A', start='1/1/2001', end='12/1/2009') series = Series(1, index=index, name='foo') exp_index = date_range('1/1/2001', end='12/31/2009', freq='A-DEC') result = series.to_timestamp('D', 'end') self.assert_(result.index.equals(exp_index)) self.assertEquals(, 'foo') exp_index = date_range('1/1/2001', end='1/1/2009', freq='AS-DEC') result = series.to_timestamp('D', 'start') self.assert_(result.index.equals(exp_index)) def _get_with_delta(delta, freq='A-DEC'): return date_range(to_datetime('1/1/2001') + delta, to_datetime('12/31/2009') + delta, freq=freq) delta = timedelta(hours=23) result = series.to_timestamp('H', 'end') exp_index = _get_with_delta(delta) self.assert_(result.index.equals(exp_index)) delta = timedelta(hours=23, minutes=59) result = series.to_timestamp('T', 'end') exp_index = _get_with_delta(delta) self.assert_(result.index.equals(exp_index)) result = series.to_timestamp('S', 'end') delta = timedelta(hours=23, minutes=59, seconds=59) exp_index = _get_with_delta(delta) self.assert_(result.index.equals(exp_index)) def test_constructor(self): ii = PeriodIndex(freq='A', start='1/1/2001', end='12/1/2009') assert_equal(len(ii), 9) ii = PeriodIndex(freq='Q', start='1/1/2001', end='12/1/2009') assert_equal(len(ii), 4 * 9) ii =
PeriodIndex(freq='M', start='1/1/2001', end='12/1/2009')
import json import pandas as pd import os test_score = "tianchi_datasets/test.json" train_data = "tianchi_datasets/track3_round1_train.tsv" test_data = "tianchi_datasets/track3_round1_testA.tsv" def create_new_traindata(test_score, train_data, test_data): tmp = [] dir_path = os.getcwd() with open(os.path.join(dir_path, test_score), "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: for line in f: content = json.loads(line) score = content["label"] idx = content["id"] if score > 0.95: tmp.append([idx, 1]) elif score < 0.05: tmp.append([idx, 0]) else: tmp.append([idx, "unk"]) with open(os.path.join(dir_path, test_data), "r", encoding="utf-8") as fr: with open("tianchi_datasets/track3_round1_testA_label.tsv", "w", encoding="utf-8") as fw: data = fr.readlines() for i in range(len(data)): content = data[i].strip() label = tmp[i][1] if label in [0, 1]: lis = content + "\t" + str(label) + "\n" else: lis = "" fw.write(lis) train = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(dir_path, train_data), sep="\t", header=None, names=["sentence1", "sentence2", "labels"]) test = pd.read_csv("./tianchi_datasets/track3_round1_testA_label.tsv", sep="\t", header=None, names=["sentence1", "sentence2", "labels"]) new_data =
pd.concat([train, test], axis=0)
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns##data visualization資料視覺化 import warnings import gc##garbage collector interface warnings.simplefilter('ignore') matplotlib.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 100 sns.set() building = pd.read_csv(r'C:\Users\Lab408\Desktop\try_model_ashrae_energy_prediction_kaggle/building_metadata_forsmalldata.csv')#load data weather_train = pd.read_csv(r'C:\Users\Lab408\Desktop\try_model_ashrae_energy_prediction_kaggle/weather_train_smalldata.csv') weather_test = pd.read_csv(r'C:\Users\Lab408\Desktop\try_model_ashrae_energy_prediction_kaggle/weather_test_smalldata.csv') train = pd.read_csv(r'C:\Users\Lab408\Desktop\try_model_ashrae_energy_prediction_kaggle/small_data_train_energy.csv') train.head() #test_1 = pd.read_csv('C:/Users/fishi_000/Desktop/try_model_ashrae_energy_prediction_kaggle/test_smallest_data.csv') test =
import pickle from datetime import datetime import re import time import getpass import os import sys import re #requirements import json import pandas as pd import helium as h from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException import pathlib pd.set_option("max_rows",100) #pd.set_option("display.max_columns",100) pd.set_option("max_colwidth",1000) def get_info(df,cod_gr): # nombre_lider missing try: nombre_lider = df['Nombre Líder'].dropna().iloc[0] except IndexError: nombre_lider = 'Sin dato Registrado' info= { 'Nombre_Grupo' : df['Nombre Grupo'].dropna().iloc[0], 'Nombre_Lider' : nombre_lider, 'CCRG Grupo' : cod_gr } dfi = pd.DataFrame(info, index=[0]) return dfi # extra headers by products DBEH = { 'INFO_GROUP': 'TABLE', 'MEMBERS':['Identificación', 'Nacionalidad', 'Tiene afiliación con UdeA', 'Si no tiene afiliación UdeA diligencie el nombre de la Institución','Nro. Horas de dedicación semanales que avala el Coordinador de grupo'], # 2 'NC_P': {'ART_IMP_P': {'ART_P_TABLE':['URL','DOI','Si no tiene URL o DOI agregue una evidencia en el repositorio digital y genere un hipervínculo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?']}, 'ART_ELE_P': {'ART_E_P_TABLE':['URL','DOI','Si no tiene URL o DOI agregue una evidencia en el repositorio digital y genere un hipervínculo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?']}, 'LIB_P': {'LIB_P_TABLE':['Proyecto de investigación del cual se derivó el libro (Código-Título)','Financiador(es) del proyecto del cual se derivó el libro', 'Financiador(es) de la publicación','Agregue las evidencias verificadas al repositorio digital y genere un hipervínculo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?']}, 'CAP_LIB_P': {'CAP_LIB_P_TABLE':['Proyecto de investigación del cual se derivó el libro que contiene el capítulo (Código-Título)','Financiador del proyecto del cual se derivó el libro que contiene el capítulo','Financiador de la publicación','Autores','Agregue las evidencias verificadas al repositorio digital y genere un hipervínculo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?']}, 'NOT_CIE_P': {'NOT_CIE_P_TABLE':['URL','DOI','Si no tiene URL o DOI genere una evidencia en el repositorio digital y genere un hipervínculo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?']}, 'PAT_P': {'PAT_P_TABLE':['Autores', 'Examen de fondo favorable','Examen preliminar internacional favorable','Adjunta opiniones escritas de la bUsqueda internacional','Contrato de explotación','Agregue las evidencias verificadas al repositorio digital y genere un hipervínculo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?']}, # 1 2 3 -1 'PRD_INV_ART_P': {'PAAD_P_TABLE':['Autores','Tiene certificado institucional de la obra','Tiene certificado de la entidad que convoca al evento en el que participa','Tiene certificado de la entidad que convoca al premio en el que obtiene','Agregue las evidencias verificadas al repositorio digital y genere un hipervínculo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?']}, # 1 2 3 -1 'VAR_VEG_P': {'VV_P_TABLE':['Autores','Agregue las evidencias verificadas al repositorio digital y genere un hipervínculo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?']}, 'VAR_ANI_P': {'VA_P_TABLE':['Autores','Agregue las evidencias verificadas al repositorio digital y genere un hipervínculo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?']}, 'RAZ_PEC_P': {'RAZ_PEC_P_TABLE':['Autores','Agregue las evidencias verificadas al repositorio digital y genere un hipervínculo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?']}, 'TRA_FIL_P': {'TRA_FIL_P_TABLE':['Proyecto de investigación del cual se derivó el libro (Código-Título)','Financiador(es) del proyecto del cual se derivó el libro','Financiador(es) de la publicación','Autores','Citas recibidas (si tiene)','Agregue las evidencias verificadas al repositorio digital y genere un hipervínculo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?']} }, 'DTI_P': {'DIS_IND_P': {'DI_P_TABLE':['Autores','Contrato (si aplica)','Nombre comercial (si aplica)','Agregue las evidencias verificadas al repositorio digital y genere un hipervínculo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?']}, 'CIR_INT_P': {'ECI_P_TABLE':['Autores','Contrato (si aplica)','Nombre comercial (si aplica)','Agregue las evidencias verificadas al repositorio digital y genere un hipervínculo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?']}, 'SOFT_P': {'SF_P_TABLE':['Autores','Contrato (si aplica)','Nombre comercial (si aplica)','TRL','Agregue la evidencia verificada al repositorio digital y copie el link del archivo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?']}, 'NUTRA_P': {'NUTRA_P_TABLE':['Autores','Agregue la evidencia verificada al repositorio digital y copie el link del archivo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?']}, # add 'COL_CIENT_P': {'COL_CIENT_P_TABLE':['Autores','Agregue las evidencias verificadas al repositorio digital y genere un hipervínculo en este campo', '¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?']}, 'REG_CIENT_P': {'REG_CIENT_P_TABLE':['Autores','Contrato licenciamiento (si aplica)','Agregue las evidencias verificadas al repositorio digital y copie el link del archivo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?']}, 'PLT_PIL_P': {'PP_P_TABLE':['Autores','Agregue la evidencia verificada al repositorio digital y copie el link del archivo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?']}, 'PRT_IND_P': {'PI_P_TABLE':['Autores','Nombre comercial (si aplica)','TRL','Agregue la evidencia verificada al repositorio digital y copie el link del archivo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?']}, 'SEC_IND_P': {'SE_P_TABLE':['Autores','Agregue la evidencia verificada al repositorio digital y copie el link del archivo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?']}, 'PROT_VIG_EPID_P': {'PROT_VIG_EPID_P_TABLE':['Autores','Agregue la evidencia verificada al repositorio digital y copie el link del archivo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?']}, 'EMP_BSE_TEC_P': {'EBT_P_TABLE':['Autores','Agregue la evidencia verificada al repositorio digital y copie el link del archivo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?']}, 'EMP_CRE_CUL_P': {'ICC_P_TABLE':['Autores','Agregue la evidencia verificada al repositorio digital y copie el link del archivo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?']}, 'INN_GES_EMP_P': {'IG_P_TABLE':['Autores','Contrato (si aplica)','Nombre comercial (si aplica)','Agregue las evidencias verificadas al repositorio digital y genere un hipervínculo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?']}, 'INN_PROC_P': {'IPP_P_TABLE':['Autores','Contrato (si aplica)','Nombre comercial (si aplica)','Agregue las evidencias verificadas al repositorio digital y genere un hipervínculo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?']}, 'REG_NORM_REGL_LEG_P': {'RNR_P_TABLE':['Autores','Contrato (si aplica)','Convenio (si aplica)','Agregue las evidencias verificadas al repositorio digital y genere un hipervínculo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?']}, 'CONP_TEC_P': {'CONP_TEC_P_TABLE':['Autores','Agregue las evidencias verificadas al repositorio digital y genere un hipervínculo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?']}, 'REG_AAD_P': {'AAAD_P_TABLE':['Autores','Agregue las evidencias verificadas al repositorio digital y genere un hipervínculo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?']}, 'SIG_DIS_P': {'SD_P_TABLE':['Autores','Contrato licenciamiento (si aplica)','Agregue las evidencias verificadas al repositorio digital y copie el link del archivo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?']} }, 'ASC_P': {'GEN_CONT_IMP_P': {'GC_I_P_TABLE_5':['Autores','Citas recibidas (si tiene)','Agregue las evidencias verificadas al repositorio digital y genere un hipervínculo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?']}, 'PASC_P': {'PASC_FOR_P_TABLE':['Proyecto/Código','Agregue las evidencias verificadas al repositorio digital y genere un hipervínculo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?'], 'PASC_TRA_P_TABLE':['Proyecto/Código','Agregue las evidencias verificadas al repositorio digital y genere un hipervínculo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?'], 'PASC_GEN_P_TABLE':['Proyecto/Código','Agregue las evidencias verificadas al repositorio digital y genere un hipervínculo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?'], 'PASC_CAD_P_TABLE':['Proyecto/Código','Agregue las evidencias verificadas al repositorio digital y genere un hipervínculo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?']}, 'DC_P': {'DC_CD_P_TABLE':['Proyecto/Código','Agregue las evidencias verificadas al repositorio digital y genere un hipervínculo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?'], 'DC_CON_P_TABLE':['Medio de verificación','Proyecto/Código','Agregue las evidencias verificadas al repositorio digital y genere un hipervínculo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?'], 'DC_TRA_P_TABLE':['Medio de verificación','Proyecto/Código','Agregue las evidencias verificadas al repositorio digital y genere un hipervínculo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?'], 'DC_DES_P_TABLE':['Medio de verificación','Proyecto/Código','Agregue las evidencias verificadas al repositorio digital y genere un hipervínculo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?']}}, 'FRH_P': {'TES_DOC_P': {'TD_P_TABLE':['Número de cédula del graduado','¿La fecha fin coincide con la fecha de grado del estudiante?','Agregue las evidencias verificadas al repositorio digital y genere un hipervínculo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?']}, # 1 -1 'TES_MAST_P': {'TM_P_TABLE':['Número de cédula del graduado','¿La fecha fin coincide con la fecha de grado del estudiante?','Agregue las evidencias verificadas al repositorio digital y genere un hipervínculo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?']}, # 1 -1 'TES_PREG_P': {'TP_P_TABLE':['Número de cédula del graduado','¿La fecha fin coincide con la fecha de grado del estudiante?','Agregue las evidencias verificadas al repositorio digital y genere un hipervínculo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?']}, # 1 -1 'ASE_PRG_ACA_P': {'APGA_P_TABLE':['Agregue las evidencias verificadas al repositorio digital y genere un hipervínculo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?']}, 'ASE_CRE_CUR_P': {'ACC_P_TABLE':['Agregue las evidencias verificadas al repositorio digital y genere un hipervínculo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?']}, 'ASE_PRG_ONDAS_P': {'APO_P_TABLE':['Agregue las evidencias verificadas al repositorio digital y genere un hipervínculo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?']}}, 'NC' : {'LIB' : {'LIB_T_AVAL_TABLE': ['Proyecto de investigación del cual se derivó el libro (Código-Título)','Financiador(es) del proyecto del cual se derivó el libro', 'Financiador(es) de la publicación','Autores','Citas recibidas (si tiene)','Agregue las evidencias verificadas al repositorio digital y genere un hipervínculo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?']}, 'CAP_LIB':{'CAP_LIB_T_AVAL_TABLE':['Proyecto de investigación del cual se derivó el libro que contiene el capítulo (Código-Título)','Financiador del proyecto del cual se derivó el libro que contiene el capítulo','Financiador de la publicación','Autores','Citas recibidas (si tiene)','Agregue las evidencias verificadas al repositorio digital y genere un hipervínculo en este campo','¿El producto cumple con los requisitos para ser avalado?']}} } d = { '1': 'C', '2': 'D', '3': 'E', '4': 'F', '5': 'G', '6': 'H', '7': 'I', '8': 'J', '9': 'K', '10': 'L', '11': 'M', '12': 'N', '13': 'O', '14': 'P', '15': 'Q', '16': 'R', '17': 'S', '18': 'T', '19': 'U', '20': 'V' } def clean_df(df): 'remove innecesari collums' c=[x for x in df.columns if x.find('Unnamed:') == -1 and x.find('Revisar') == -1 and x.find('Avalar integrante') == -1] dfc=df[c] return dfc def clean_tables(df): #droplevel try: df = df.droplevel(0,axis=1) except ValueError: pass #ignore firts(NaN) and last(string:resultados) rows df=df[1:-1] #remove unnamed columns and revisar cols = [x for x in df.columns if x.find('Unnamed:') == -1 and x.find('Revisar') == -1 and x.find('Avalar integrante') == -1] return df[cols] def rename_col(df,colr,colf): df.rename(columns = {colr: colf,}, inplace = True) return df # WORKSHEET 4 - 12. def format_df(df, sheet_name, start_row, writer,eh, veh = None): 'format headers' df.to_excel(writer,sheet_name, startrow = start_row+1, startcol=2,index = False) # Get the xlsxwriter workbook and worksheet objects. worksheet = writer.sheets[sheet_name] merge_format = workbook.add_format({ 'bold': 1, 'border':1, 'text_wrap': True, 'align': 'center', 'valign': 'vcenter', 'font_color': 'blue'}) #form merge cells if not df.empty: start,end = 1,df.shape[1] else: start,end = 1,1 m_range = d.get(str(start)) + str(start_row + 1) + ':' + d.get(str(end)) + str(start_row +1) worksheet.merge_range(m_range, 'Información suministrada por la Vicerrectoría de Investigación', merge_format) # for merge headers cells _m_range = d.get(str(end+1)) + str(start_row +1) + ':' + d.get(str(end+len(eh))) + str(start_row +1) worksheet.merge_range(_m_range, 'Validación del Centro, Instituto o Corporación', merge_format) worksheet.set_row_pixels(start_row+1, 120) #worksheet.set_column('C:C',30,general) # SET COLUMS FORMAT BY SHEET if sheet_name=='3.Integrantes grupo': worksheet.set_column('A:A', 5) worksheet.set_column('B:B', 2) worksheet.set_column('D:K',15,general) if sheet_name=='4.ART y N': worksheet.set_column('A:A', 5) worksheet.set_column('B:B', 2) worksheet.set_column('C:C',20,general) worksheet.set_column('M:O',20, general) if sheet_name=='5.LIB y LIB_FOR': worksheet.set_column('A:A', 5) worksheet.set_column('B:B', 2) worksheet.set_column('C:C',20,general) worksheet.set_column('I:P',20,general) if sheet_name=='6.CAP': worksheet.set_column('A:A', 5) worksheet.set_column('B:B', 2) worksheet.set_column('C:C',20,general) worksheet.set_column('D:H',10,general) worksheet.set_column('I:K',18,general) worksheet.set_column('J:P',20,general) if sheet_name=='7.Patente_Variedades': worksheet.set_column('A:A', 5) worksheet.set_column('B:B', 2) worksheet.set_column('C:C',20,general) worksheet.set_column('D:I',10,general) worksheet.set_column('J:K',20,general) worksheet.set_column('L:S',20,general) if sheet_name=='8.AAD': worksheet.set_column('A:A', 5) worksheet.set_column('B:B', 2) worksheet.set_column('C:C',20,general) worksheet.set_column('F:K',10,general) worksheet.set_column('L:P',25,general) if sheet_name=='9.Tecnológico': worksheet.set_column('A:A', 5) worksheet.set_column('B:B', 2) worksheet.set_column('C:C',20,general) worksheet.set_column('D:I',10,general) worksheet.set_column('J:S',18,general) if sheet_name=='10.Empresarial': worksheet.set_column('A:A', 5) worksheet.set_column('B:B', 2) worksheet.set_column('C:C',20,general) worksheet.set_column('D:H',10,general) worksheet.set_column('I:N',20,general) if sheet_name=='11.ASC y Divulgación': worksheet.set_column('A:A', 5) worksheet.set_column('B:B', 2) worksheet.set_column('C:C',28,general) worksheet.set_column('I:I',15,general) worksheet.set_column('J:N',20,general) if sheet_name=='12.Formación y programas': worksheet.set_column('A:A', 5) worksheet.set_column('B:B', 2) worksheet.set_column('C:C',25,general) worksheet.set_column('D:G',10,general) worksheet.set_column('L:O',15,general) worksheet.set_column('N:N',20,general) worksheet.write(start_row+1, 0, 'VoBo de VRI', merge_format) # Add a header format. fmt_header = workbook.add_format({ 'bold': True, 'align': 'center', 'text_wrap': True, 'valign': 'vcenter', 'fg_color': '#33A584', 'font_color': '#FFFFFF', 'border': 1}) # Write the column headers with the defined format. for col_num, value in enumerate(df.columns.values): worksheet.write(start_row+1, col_num + 2, value, fmt_header) # write extra headers for col_num, value in enumerate(eh): worksheet.write(start_row+1, col_num + df.shape[1] + 2, value, fmt_header) v_range = 'A' + str(start_row +3) + ':' + 'A' + str(df.shape[0] + start_row +2) worksheet.data_validation(v_range,{'validate': 'list', 'source': ['Sí', 'No']}) if sheet_name !='3.Integrantes grupo': v_range = d.get(str(end+len(eh))) + str(start_row +3) + ':' + d.get(str(end+len(eh))) + str(df.shape[0] + start_row +2) worksheet.data_validation(v_range,{'validate': 'list', 'source': ['Sí', 'No']}) # Integrantes if veh == 0: v_range = d.get(str(end+len(eh)-2)) + str(start_row +3) + ':' + d.get(str(end+len(eh)-2)) + str(df.shape[0] + start_row +2) worksheet.data_validation(v_range,{'validate': 'list', 'source': ['Sí', 'No']}) # patentes if veh == 1 : v_range = d.get(str(end+len(eh)-3)) + str(start_row +3) + ':' + d.get(str(end+len(eh)-3)) + str(df.shape[0] + start_row +2) worksheet.data_validation(v_range,{'validate': 'list', 'source': ['Sí', 'No']}) v_range = d.get(str(end+len(eh)-4)) + str(start_row +3) + ':' + d.get(str(end+len(eh)-4)) + str(df.shape[0] + start_row +2) worksheet.data_validation(v_range,{'validate': 'list', 'source': ['Sí', 'No']}) v_range = d.get(str(end+len(eh)-5)) + str(start_row +3) + ':' + d.get(str(end+len(eh)-5)) + str(df.shape[0] + start_row +2) worksheet.data_validation(v_range,{'validate': 'list', 'source': ['Sí', 'No']}) if veh ==2: v_range = d.get(str(end+len(eh)-2)) + str(start_row +3) + ':' + d.get(str(end+len(eh)-2)) + str(df.shape[0] + start_row +2) worksheet.data_validation(v_range,{'validate': 'list', 'source': ['Sí', 'No']}) if veh == 3: v_range = d.get(str(end+len(eh)-2)) + str(start_row +3) + ':' + d.get(str(end+len(eh)-3)) + str(df.shape[0] + start_row +2) worksheet.data_validation(v_range,{'validate': 'list', 'source': ['Sí', 'No']}) v_range = d.get(str(end+len(eh)-3)) + str(start_row +3) + ':' + d.get(str(end+len(eh)-4)) + str(df.shape[0] + start_row +2) worksheet.data_validation(v_range,{'validate': 'list', 'source': ['Sí', 'No']}) v_range = d.get(str(end+len(eh)-4)) + str(start_row +3) + ':' + d.get(str(end+len(eh)-5)) + str(df.shape[0] + start_row +2) worksheet.data_validation(v_range,{'validate': 'list', 'source': ['Sí', 'No']}) ##### WORKSHEET 2 def format_info(df, writer, sheet_name): '''format worksheet''' normal=workbook.add_format({'font_size':12,'text_wrap':True}) merge_format = workbook.add_format({ 'bold': 1, 'border':1, 'text_wrap': True, 'align': 'center', 'valign': 'vcenter', 'font_color': 'black'}) fmt_header = workbook.add_format({ 'align': 'center', 'text_wrap': True, 'valign': 'top', 'fg_color': '#33A584', 'font_color': '#FFFFFF', 'border': 1}) # write df start_row = 6 start_col = 3 df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name, startrow =start_row, startcol=start_col,index = False) # get worksheet object worksheet = writer.sheets[sheet_name] for col_num, value in enumerate(df.columns.values): worksheet.write(start_row, col_num + 3, value, fmt_header) #Prepare image insertion: See → worksheet.set_column('A:A', 15) worksheet.set_column('B:B', 15) logo_path = str(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute()) + '/templates/img/logo.jpeg' worksheet.insert_image('A1', logo_path) # title 1 UNIVERSIDAD DE ANTIOQUIA title = workbook.add_format({'font_size':16,'center_across':True}) # title 2 Vicerrectoria de Investigación title2 = workbook.add_format({'font_size':16,'center_across':True}) # sub title 2 datos identificacion contacto title3 = workbook.add_format({'font_size':12,'center_across':True}) # merge d1:f1 worksheet.merge_range('D1:F1', 'UNIVERSIDAD DE ANTIOQUIA', title) # merge d2:f2 worksheet.merge_range('D2:F2', ' Vicerrectoria de Investigación', title2) # merge d3:f3 worksheet.merge_range('D3:F3', ' Datos de identificación y contacto', title3) # D5: F5 worksheet.merge_range('D5:E5','Número inscripcion a la convocatoria:',merge_format) worksheet.write('F5','#',merge_format) # d6:f6 worksheet.merge_range('D6:F6','Identificación del Grupo',merge_format) # d9:f9 worksheet.merge_range('D10:F10','Identificación del Centro de Investigación',merge_format) # write a='Nombre del Centro, Instituto o Corporación' worksheet.write('D11',a, fmt_header) worksheet.set_column('D11:D11',30, fmt_header) b='Nombre completo del Jefe de Centro, Instituto o Corporación' worksheet.write('E11',b, fmt_header) worksheet.set_column('E11:E11',30, fmt_header) c='Email' worksheet.write('F11',c, fmt_header) worksheet.set_column('F11:F11',30, fmt_header) # d13:f13 worksheet.merge_range('D13:F13','Identificación de quien diligencia el formato',merge_format) a='Nombre completo del encargado de diligenciar el formato' worksheet.write('D14',a, fmt_header) worksheet.set_column('D14:D14',30, normal) b='Email' worksheet.write('E14',b, fmt_header) worksheet.set_column('E14:E14',30, normal) c='Teléfono de contacto' worksheet.write('F14',c, fmt_header) worksheet.set_column('F14:F14',30, normal) # WORKSHEET 1 def format_ptt(workbook): #Global variables abstract_text='VERIFICACIÓN DE INFORMACIÓN PARA OTORGAR AVAL A LOS GRUPOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN E INVESTIGADORES PARA SU PARTICIPACIÓN EN LA CONVOCATORIA 894 DE 2021 DE MINCIENCIAS' instructions='''Los grupos de investigación e investigadores de la Universidad de Antioquia que deseen participar en la Convocatoria Nacional para el reconocimiento y medición de grupos de investigación, desarrollo tecnológico o de innovación y para el reconocimiento de investigadores del Sistema Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación - SNCTI, 894 de 2021, deben presentar la información actualizada en las plataformas CvLAC y GrupLAC validada por el Centro de Investigación en el presente formato, y respaldada en el repositorio digital de evidencias dispuesto para este fin, para la obtención del aval institucional por parte de la Vicerrectoría de Investigación. La información a validar corresponde a los años 2019-2020 y aquella que entra en la ventana de observación y debe ser modificada según el Modelo de medición de grupos. La validación comprende: 1. Verificación de la vinculación de los integrantes a la Universidad de Antioquia y al grupo de investigación. Diligenciar los campos solicitados. 2. Verificación de la producción de GNC, DTeI, ASC y FRH, en los campos habilitados en cada hoja de este formato. Las evidencias requeridas para los productos deben ser anexadas al repositorio digital asignado al grupo y se deben enlazar a cada producto. Este documento debe ser diligenciado en línea. De antemano, la Vicerrectoría de Investigación agradece su participación en este ejercicio, que resulta de vital importancia para llevar a buen término la Convocatoria de Reconocimiento y Medición de Grupos de Investigación ''' #Final part of the first sheet datos=clean_df(pd.read_excel('')) #Capture xlsxwriter object # IMPORTANT → workbook is the same object used in the official document at #*************** #Styles as explained in title=workbook.add_format({'font_size':28,'center_across':True}) subtitle=workbook.add_format({'font_size':24,'center_across':True}) abstract=workbook.add_format({'font_size':20,'center_across':True,'text_wrap':True}) normal=workbook.add_format({'font_size':12,'text_wrap':True}) #*************** #Creates the first work-sheet #IMPORTANT → worksheet is the same object used in the official document at worksheet=workbook.add_worksheet("1.Presentación") #Prepare image insertion: See → worksheet.set_column('A:A', 15) worksheet.set_column('B:B', 15) logo_path = str(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute()) + '/templates/img/logo.jpeg' worksheet.insert_image('A1', logo_path) #Prepare text insertion: See → worksheet.set_column('C:C', 140,general) worksheet.set_row_pixels(0, 60) #Texts worksheet.write('C1', 'UNIVERSIDAD DE ANTIOQUIA',title) worksheet.set_row_pixels(2, 60) worksheet.write('C3', 'VICERRECTORÍA DE INVESTIGACIÓN',subtitle) worksheet.set_row_pixels(5, 100) worksheet.write('C6', abstract_text,abstract) worksheet.set_row_pixels(8, 40) worksheet.write('C9','PRESENTACIÓN DEL EJERCICIO', workbook.add_format({'font_size':18,'center_across':True}) ) worksheet.set_row_pixels(10, 320) worksheet.write('C11',instructions,normal) #*** ADD PANDAS DATAFRAME IN SPECIFIC POSITION **** #Add a data Frame in some specific position. See → # See also → writer.sheets["1.Presentación"]=worksheet datos.to_excel(writer,sheet_name="1.Presentación",startrow=12,startcol=2,index=False) #************************************************** #Fix columns heights for long text worksheet.set_row_pixels(17, 40) worksheet.set_row_pixels(18, 40) worksheet.set_row_pixels(19, 40) worksheet.set_row_pixels(20, 40) worksheet.set_row_pixels(22, 40) def login(user,password,institution='UNIVERSIDAD DE ANTIOQUIA',sleep=0.8,headless=True): #def login(user,password): → browser, otro, otro # MAIN CODE # login = # name_ins = # usser = # passw= # login browser = h.start_firefox('',headless=headless) #browser = h.start_firefox('') time.sleep(sleep)'Consulte Aquí') time.sleep(sleep) h.write(institution,into='Digite el nombre de la Institución') # name ins time.sleep(sleep)'Buscar') time.sleep(sleep)'list_instituciones')) time.sleep(sleep) time.sleep(sleep)'seleccione una',institution) # name_ins time.sleep(sleep) h.write(user,into='Usuario') # user time.sleep(sleep) h.write(password, into='Contraseña') # passw time.sleep(sleep)'Ingresar')) # cookie injection time.sleep(sleep) # implementation cookie injection # get current cookie and store new_cookie=browser.get_cookies()[0] # create new_cookie with time_expire time_expire = (datetime(2022,1,1) - datetime(1970,1,1)).total_seconds() new_cookie['expiry'] = int(time_expire) # delete cookie sites browser.delete_all_cookies() # add new cookie browser.add_cookie(new_cookie) try: error=browser.find_element_by_class_name("error") if error.text.lower().find('fallidos')>-1: print("ERROR! Bad login or password") return False else: pass except NoSuchElementException: pass # navigation 1 time.sleep(sleep)'Aval') time.sleep(sleep)'Avalar grupos') time.sleep(sleep)'Grupos Avalados') # -- end login -- # list of total groups #select max results per page h.wait_until(h.Text('Ver Reporte').exists)'//table[@id="grupos_avalados"]//select[@name="maxRows"]')) time.sleep(sleep)'//table[@id="grupos_avalados"]//select[@name="maxRows"]'),'100') return browser def get_groups(browser,DIR='InstituLAC',sleep=0.8): # catch 1: groups info [name, lider, cod, link to producs] # schema # empty df # select max items per page # while until end # try: # catch table # preproces table # catch urls # add url colums # add df # click next page -> raise error # except Nosuchelement: # break # catch 1: list of groups dfg=pd.DataFrame() cont=True while cont: try: # catch source time.sleep(sleep) source_g=browser.page_source # catch table time.sleep(sleep) df=pd.read_html(source_g, attrs={"id":"grupos_avalados"}, header=2)[0] # and preprocces it c=[x for x in df.columns if x.find('Unnamed:') == -1] dfgp=df[c][1:-1] print(dfgp.columns,dfgp.shape) # catch urls url=[a.get_attribute('href') for a in browser.find_elements_by_xpath('//table[@id="grupos_avalados"]//td[5]/a')] dfgp['Revisar'] = url dfg=dfg.append(dfgp) # click next page. this instruction rise error of the end.'//table[@id="grupos_avalados"]//tr/td[3]/a')) except NoSuchElementException as e: print(e) print('out of cicle') break time.sleep(sleep) time.sleep(sleep) dfg=dfg.reset_index(drop=True) with open(f'{DIR}/dfg.pickle', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(dfg, f) return browser,dfg def get_DB(browser,target_data,DB=[],dfg=pd.DataFrame(),sleep=0.8,DIR='InstituLAC', start=None,end=None,COL_Group='',start_time=0): os.makedirs(DIR,exist_ok=True) if dfg.empty: browser,dfg=get_groups(browser,DIR=DIR,sleep=sleep) dfg = dfg.reset_index(drop=True) #find start and end if COL_Group if COL_Group: dfcg=dfg[dfg['COL Grupo']==COL_Group] if not dfcg.empty: start=dfcg.index[0] end=start+1 #assert dfg.shape[0] == 324 time.sleep(sleep*2) for idx in dfg.index[start:end]: # TEST # create db for store things related to group DBG = {} # HERE V1. DBG.keys = [cat1,cat2,...,catN] # DBG['cat1'].keys = [prod1bycat,...prodnbycat] # part info group print(dfg.loc[idx,'Nombre del grupo']) # specific group url time.sleep(sleep) url_group = dfg.loc[idx,'Revisar'] # go to url group time.sleep(sleep) browser.get(url_group) # catch two tables: info grupo and members source=browser.page_source # Info group l_info=pd.read_html(source, match='Nombre Grupo') info_g=l_info[3].pivot(columns=0,values=1) # Store info group DBG['Info_group'] = info_g # List members l_int = pd.read_html(source,attrs={'id':'tblIntegrantes'},header=2) mem_g=l_int[0] # Store list of members DBG['Members'] = mem_g # Products h.wait_until(lambda: browser.find_element_by_xpath('//td[@id="bodyPrincipal"]//a[text()="Ver productos"]') is not None)'//td[@id="bodyPrincipal"]//a[text()="Ver productos"]')) # Target products = ALL products: no aval, aval, aval pert (Categories) _target_data = [('//*[@id="ProdsNoAval"]', '//div[@id="accordionCatgNoAval"]/h3', 'categoriaNoAval=%s&subcategoriaNoAval=%s&aval=F'), ('//*[@id="ProdsAval"]','//div[@id="accordionCatg"]/h3','categoria=%s&subcategoria=%s&aval=T'), ('//*[@id="ProdsPertenecia"]','//div[@id="accordionCatgP"]/h3','categoriaP=%s&subcategoriaP=%s&aval=P') ] if target_data == 'NoAval': target_data = target_data = _target_data[0:1] print('map NoAvalProds') elif target_data == 'Aval': target_data = _target_data[1:2] print('map institulac NoAvalProds') elif target_data == 'Pert': target_data = _target_data[2:] print('map Pert institulac prods') elif target_data == 'All': target_data = _target_data print('map all institulac prods') lcp = [] # list of categories and prods by cat dif to cero e.g. [[NC_NO_AVAL,ART_IMP_NO_AVAL],[NC,ART_IMP]...] for i in target_data: print('#####')#### time.sleep(sleep) h.wait_until(lambda: browser.find_element_by_xpath(i[0]) is not None)[0])) time.sleep(sleep) url_base=browser.current_url # MAP # map products by macro-Cat (prod aval per) diff to cero sleep = 0.8 for cat in browser.find_elements_by_xpath(i[1]): # exist products id_cat = cat.get_attribute('id') #print(cat.text,'----',id_cat) num_prods_cat = int(re.findall(r'\d+',cat.text)[0]) if num_prods_cat > 0: time.sleep(sleep) print(cat.text,'----',id_cat) else: continue for prod in browser.find_elements_by_xpath('//div[@aria-labelledby="%s"]/h3' % cat.get_attribute('id')): # items in products id_prod = prod.get_attribute('id') #print(' ',prod.text,id_prod) #print(prod) num_items_prod = int(re.findall(r'\d+',prod.text)[0]) if num_items_prod > 0: lcp.append([id_cat,id_prod]) print(' ',prod.text,id_prod) else: continue time.sleep(sleep) # DBG # build database for cat in lcp: if cat[0] not in DBG.keys(): DBG[cat[0]] = {} for prod in lcp: # build query by case no aval, aval rev, pert if 'NO_AV' in prod[0]: query='categoriaNoAval=%s&subcategoriaNoAval=%s&aval=F' % (prod[0],prod[1]) elif '_P' in prod[0]: query='categoriaP=%s&subcategoriaP=%s&aval=P' % (prod[0],prod[1]) else: query='categoria=%s&subcategoria=%s&aval=T' % (prod[0],prod[1]) # HERE url_query = url_base.split('?')[0] + '?' + query + '&' + url_base.split('?')[1] # do query browser.get(url_query) # wait until complete load h.wait_until(h.Button('Guardar').exists,timeout_secs=20) # load page_source = browser.page_source # detect tables try: tables =
import pandas as pd import numpy as np from scipy import sparse import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import patches import matplotlib.colors as colors import textwrap import re class DrawGroup: def __init__(self): self.theta_1 = np.pi * 0.7 self.angle_margin = 3 * np.pi / 25 self.node2color = {} self.angles = None self.radius = 2 self.label_node_margin = 0.35 self.group_arc_node_margin = 0.1 self.edge_norm = lambda x: np.power(x, 1 / 2) self.max_edge_width = 15 self.font_size = 15 self.node_size = 0.25 self.label_width = 15 self.max_label_width = 40 self.group_order = {"source": 0, "target": 1, "reciprocal": 2, "other": 3} def draw( self, group, node_labels=None, cmap=None, ax=None, ): """ Draw citation networks within a citation cartel Parameters ---------- A : scipy.sparse matrix The adjacency matrix for the network with all nodes node_ids : np.array or list The node ids of the nodes in the cartel donor_score : np.array or list The donor score of the nodes in the cartel. We assume the donor_score[i] indicates the donor score for node_ids[i] recipient_score : np.array or list The recipient score of the nodes in the cartel. We assume the recipient_score[i] indicates the recipient score for node_ids[i] theta : float The threshold for the donor and recipient score node_name : list Node names. Assume that node_name[i] indicates the name of the node_ids[i] cmap : matplotlib color map or list Color map or List of strings indicating hex code ax : axis Return ------ ax : axis """ # # Input formatting # # A, # node_ids, # donor_score, # recipient_score, # theta, node_ids = np.array(group.node_ids) donor_score = np.array(group.donor_score) recipient_score = np.array(group.recipient_score) theta = group.threshold if node_labels is None: node_names = ["%d" % i for i in node_ids] else: node_names = [node_labels[i] for i in node_ids] # Classify nodes into donor, recipient and reciprocal node_types = self.classify_nodes(donor_score, recipient_score, theta) # Change the angle for the reciprocal journals based on the number of it num_reciprocal = np.sum( np.array([node_types[i] == "reciprocal" for i in range(len(node_types))]) ) if num_reciprocal > 2: self.theta_1 = np.pi * 0.3 else: self.theta_1 = np.pi * 0.7 # # Construct the adjacency matrix with 'Other' node # As = group.A.copy() node_types += ["other"] node_names += ["Other"] # # Calculate the positions and sizes # # Make node table num_nodes = len(node_types) node_table = pd.DataFrame( {"id": np.arange(num_nodes), "group": node_types, "name": node_names} ) # Calculate the angle of each node node_table, self.angles = self.calc_node_angles(node_table) # Calculate the position of journals based on the angles node_table = self.calc_node_position(node_table) # Text folding node_table = self.fold_node_name(node_table) # Compute the edge positions based on the nodes edge_table = self.make_edge_table(node_table, As) # make color map self.make_color_map(node_table, cmap) # # Plot # self.plot_edges(node_table, edge_table, ax) self.plot_node_label(node_table, ax) self.plot_nodes(node_table, As, node_ids, ax) self.plot_group_arc(node_table, ax) self.trim(ax) return ax def classify_nodes(self, donor_score, recipient_score, threshold): is_recipient = recipient_score >= threshold is_donor = donor_score >= threshold is_reciprocal = is_recipient & is_donor is_recipient = is_recipient & (~is_reciprocal) is_donor = is_donor & (~is_reciprocal) node_type = is_recipient + 2 * is_donor + 3 * is_reciprocal node_type = np.array(["", "target", "source", "reciprocal"])[node_type] return node_type.tolist() def calc_node_angles(self, node_table): # Compute the coordinate of nodes self.theta_2 = np.pi - self.theta_1 - 2 * self.angle_margin node_table["within_group_id"] = -1 node_table["angle"] = -1 angles = {"margin_angle": self.angle_margin} for group_name in ["source", "target", "reciprocal", "other"]: dg = node_table[ == group_name] if group_name == "source": start_angle = -self.angle_margin - self.theta_1 - self.theta_2 / 2 end_angle = start_angle + self.theta_1 elif group_name == "target": start_angle = self.angle_margin + self.theta_2 / 2 end_angle = start_angle + self.theta_1 elif group_name == "reciprocal": start_angle = -self.theta_2 / 2 end_angle = start_angle + self.theta_2 elif group_name == "other": start_angle = self.theta_2 / 2 + self.angle_margin * 2 + self.theta_1 end_angle = start_angle + self.theta_2 ids = np.arange(dg.shape[0]) node_table.loc[dg.index, "within_group_id"] = ids n = dg.shape[0] if (group_name == "reciprocal") and (n >= 2): a = ( (ids) * ((end_angle - start_angle) - self.angle_margin) / (n - 1) + start_angle + 0.5 * self.angle_margin ) else: if n >= 2: a = ( ids * ((end_angle - start_angle) - 1.5 * self.angle_margin) / (n - 1) + start_angle + 0.75 * self.angle_margin ) else: a = ( (ids + 1) * ((end_angle - start_angle) - 1.5 * self.angle_margin) / (n + 1) + start_angle + 0.75 * self.angle_margin ) # node_table.loc[dg.index, "angle"] = (ids +1) * angle_group / (n-1) + start_angle node_table.loc[dg.index, "angle"] = a angles[group_name] = {"start": start_angle, "end": end_angle} return node_table, angles def calc_node_position(self, node_table): nodes = node_table.copy() nodes["x"] = self.radius * np.sin(nodes.angle) nodes["y"] = self.radius * np.cos(nodes.angle) return nodes def make_edge_table(self, node_table, As): # Compute the edge table src, trg = np.where(As) selfloop = src != trg src, trg = src[selfloop], trg[selfloop] w = As[(src, trg)] edge_table =
pd.DataFrame({"src": src, "trg": trg, "w": w})