8 values
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Sites should be dug deeply and all large clods broken up to make a fi ne tilth. Construct beds 20 to 25 cm high, 1m wide and to a convenient length
Malo ake akumbidwe mwakuya ndipo dothi loundana liphwanyidwe ndikupanga dothi lofewa. Konzani mabedi okwera 20cm mpaka 25cm, 1m mulifupi pamene kutalika kutengera kufuna kwanu
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They should be separated by paths 45 to 60cm wide. On sloppy lands seedbeds should be constructed on the contour.
Asiyanitsidwe ndi njira zokula 45cm kufika 60cm. Pamalo otsetsereka, mabedi akonzedwe motsatira milambala
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Apply 3 to 5kg of well decomposed manure per square meter and mix thoroughly with the soil.
Thirani makilogalamu atatu mpaka asanu a manyowa pa mtunda wa 1mx1m ndikusakaniza bwinobwino ndi dothi
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To reduce damping off disease and nematodes, seedbeds should be sterilized by burning maize stalks heaped at least 1m high
Pofuna kuchepetsa matenda opha mbewu zikangomera ndi mbozi, mabedi awotchedwe ndi mapesi owinjikidwa mokwera ndi 1m pofuna kupha tizilombo toyambitsa matenda
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This should be done preferably in the morning or afternoon when the weather is calm
Izi zichitike makamaka mmamawa kapena madzulo kwambiri pamene nyengo yadekha
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Cabbages are commonly grown throughout the country but there is need to improve quality through recommended methods of production
Kabichi amalimidwa mmadera onse a mdziko muno koma pali kufunika kopititsa patsogolo ubwino potsatira ndondomeko zoyenera zakalimidwe
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They grow well in cool areas of over 750m above sea level. Soils should be free draining and rich in organic matter
Zimakula bwino mmalo ozizira omwe ali pamtunda wa 750m pamwamba panyanja. Dothi likhale lotaya madzi komanso lachonde chambiri
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Cabbage can yield 11,000kg to 70,000kg per hectare depending on variety and management
Zokolola za kabichi zimafika makilogalamu 11,000 mpaka 70,000 pa hectare kutengera mtundu ndi kasamalidwe
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Tomatoes are widely grown throughout the country but there is need to improve quality and availability throughout the year
Tomato amalimidwa mmadera onse mdziko muno koma pali kufunika kopititsa patsogolo ubwino ndi kupezeka mchaka chonse
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They can be grown all year round except in extremely hot dry conditions because, heat retards growth and fruit set
Akhoza kulimidwa chaka chonse kuoatula munyengo yotentha komanso youma kwambiri chifukwa kuthentha kumachedwetsa kukula ndi kubeleka zipatso
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The soil should be free draining and rich inorganic matter. Potential yield for tomatoes ranges from 18,000 to 50,000kg per hectare depending on variety
Dothi likhale lotaya madzi ndi lachonde chambiri. Zokolola za tomato zimafika makilogalamu 18,000 mpaka 50,000 pa hectare kutengera mtundu
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Plough deeply and incorporate 5 to 10 kg of compost or khola manure per square meter. Make beds 120cm wide and to a convenient length
Tipulani mokuya ndikuthira makilogalamu 5 mpaka 10 a manyowa pa mtunda wa 1mx1m. Konzani mabedi okula 120cm mulifupi ndipo kutalika kutengera kufuna kwanu
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The beds should be 20 to 25cm high. Sunken beds are recommended for dry season cultivation. Pathways should be 50cm between beds
Mabedi akhale okwera 20cm kufika 25cm. Mabedi olowa ndiwoyenera nthawi yadzuwa. Njira zodutsira zikhale zotalika 50cm pakati pa mabedi
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Onions are widely grown throughout the country both for food and for cash. They require cool to warm seasons for good bulb formation
Anyezi amalimidwa kwambiri mamdera onse mdziko muno ngati chakudya komanso kugulitsa. Amafuna nyengo yozizira mpaka yofunda pang'ono kuti mitu yake ikule bwino
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Soils should be rich inorganic matter and free draining. The crop should be sown from mid-February to April
Dothi lake likhale lamichere yambiri komanso lotaya madzi. Mbewuyi ifetsedwe mkati mwa February kufika April
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Transplant seedlings when their bases are of pencil thickness, 6 to 8 weeks after sowing
Wokerani mbande pamene kunsi kwawo kwakula kufila mulingo wa pensulo, pakadutsa sabata 6 mpaka 8 mutafetsa
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Spacing should be 30 cm by 10 cm. Water regularly as required. Stop watering in the 5th month to allow bulbs to dry
Siyani mipata yotalika 30cmx 10cm. Thilirani madzi pafupipafupi pomwe ndikoyenera kutero. Lekani kuthilira mwadzi mwezi wa chisanu kuti mitu ya anyezi iwume
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Dry the bulbs in the sun for two to three days to cure them. Very large and thick-necked bulbs should be quickly used or sold because they do not keep well
Yanikani anyezi padzuwa kwa masiku awiri kapena atatu kuti aume. Mitu ikuluikulu ya anyezi igwiritsidwe ntchito msanga kapena kugulitsidwa chifukwa simasungika bwino
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Cured bulbs should be tied in bunches by the leaves and hung along a string in an open sided store where there is free flow of air
Anyezi wouma amagwidwe mmipukutu kumasamba ake ndikupachikidwa pachingwe pamalo otsegula mmbali, pomwe pamadutsa mpweya bwinobwino
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Okra thrives in low altitude areas with warm climate. It grows best in areas below 1,200m above sea level and in plateau areas only in summer
Thelele limalola kwambiri kumadera otsika komwe nyengo yake ndiyofunda. Limakula bwino mmadera omwe ali 1200m pamwamba panyanja ndipo kumadera okwera munyengo yotentha
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It doesn’t do well on too acidic or water logged soil. Yields of 2,000 to 3,000kg per hectare green pods can be achieved over a 4 to 8 week harvesting period
Silimachita bwino mudothi lowawasa kwambiri kapena lodzadza madzi. Zokolola za makilogalamu 2,000 mpaka 3,000 pa hectare za ndolo zobiliwira za thelele zikhoza kutheka pokolola kwa sabata zinayi kufika zisanu ndi imodzi
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Okra does not transplant well and should therefore be directly sown on ridges or beds
Thelele limavuta kwambiri kuwokera choncho liyenera kufetsedwa pamalo olimira, mmizere kapena mabedi
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Sow 2 to 3seeds 2.5cm deep and 30cm apart in rows 60cm apart. For local cultivars sow at 60cm x 60cm. Sow every month from October to January for continuous supply
Fetsani njere ziwiri kapena zitatu padzenje lakuya 2.5cm komanso motalikirana 30cm mmakako otalikirana 60cm. Kwa mitundu yamakolo, fetsani mmakako otalikirana 60cm ndi mizere yotalikira 60cm. Fetsani mwezi uliwonse kuyambita Octiber mpaka January kuti lidzipezeka nthawi zonse
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Carrot is biannual crop but is grown as an annual crop for its root. It will grow in nearly all areas in Malawi, although high soil temperatures will lead to the production of short roots
Kaloti ndi mmbewu yolimidwa kawiri pachaka koma imalimidwa kamodzi pachaka chifukwa cha mtsitsi yake. Ikhoza kukula mmadera onse ku Malawi, ngakhale kutentha kwa dothi kumapangitsa kuti mitsitsi ikhale yayifupi
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A lighter textured soil well enriched with organic matter is best and it should not be very acidic
Dothi lopepuka, lachonde chokwanira ndilabwino kwambiri koma lisakhale lowawasa kwambiri
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When the root is cut across, it shows two distinct layers, an outer and inner layer. High quality carrots have a larger outer area compared to the inner one
Pomwe mtsitsi wadulidwa pakati, umaonetsa magawo awiri odzindikirika bwino, gawo lakunja komanso gawo lamkati. Kaloti wabwino kwambiri amakhala ndi gawo lakunja lalikulu kusiyana ndi gawo lamkati
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The outer layer contains more sugars and vitamins than inner layer. In order to improve yields and quality, the following cultural practices are recommended
Gawo lakunja limakhala ndi sugar ndi ma vitamin ambiri kuposa gawo lamkati. Pofuna kupititsa patsogolo zokolola komanso ubwino, njira zotsatirazi ndizoyenera
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Sow seed directly and thinly in drills 30cm apart and 1.25cm deep. After emergence thin out the young plants to a spacing of 5 to 8cm apart
Fetsani njere mwachindunji ndipo mosinira mmayenje otakilirana 30cm ndipo akuya 1.25cm. Zikamera, patulirani mbewu zazing'ono kuti zitalikirane 5cm mpaka 8cm
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Final thinning can be done later to 10 to 15cm. The seedlings being removed are usually suitable for consumption
Kupatulira komaliza kukhoza kuchitika kuti zitalikirane 10cm mpaka 15cm. Mbande zomwe zikuzulidwa ndizoyenera kudyedwa
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About 14g of seed is required for every 30m of drill. Sow on beds during the rains and on the flat during the dry season. Sowings in January and February are difficult to establish due to heavy rains.
Pafupifupi magalamu 14 a njere ndiwoneyera pa ngalande iliyonse yotalika 30m. Fetsani pamabedi nthawi yamvula ndipo pamalo athyathyatha munyengo yadzuwa. Zofetsedwa mu January ndi February ndizovuta kukula chifukwa cha mvula yambiri
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Irrigation is critical during crop establishment. Frequent application of water may prevent crusting and also burning off of young seedlings especially when grown during the dry season
Kuthilira ndikofunikira kwambiri kuti mbewu ikule. Kuthira madzi pafupipafupi kungathandize kupewa kulimba kwa dothi komanso kupya kwa mbewu makamaka pomwe zalimidwa nu nyengo youma
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Roots are ready for harvesting when they are 3months old from sowing. Pull or lift the roots carefully
Mitsitsi imakhwima pakadutsa miyezi itatu pambuyo pakufetsa. Zulani kapena nyamulani mitsitsi mosamala
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At this stage they are usually 1.5 to 2.5cm wide at the shoulders depending upon the variety
Panthawi imeneyi imakhala itakula 1.5cm kufika 2.5cm mmapewa mwake kutengera mtundu
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Eggplants grow in nearly all areas satisfactorily, with the exception of the high plateau areas of 1,500m above sea level
Mabilingano amakula pafupifupi mmadera onse bwino lomwe kupatula mmadera okwera kuposa 1,500m pamwamba panyanja
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They grow faster and yield better during summer. Soils should be well drained, fertile and relatively high inorganic matter
Amakula mwachangu ndipo zokolola zimakhala zochuluka nyengo yotentha. Dothi likhale lotaya madzi, lachonde lokhala ndi michere yochulukirapo
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The fruits are harvested 75 to 90days after transplanting. Maturity can be tested by pressing a thumb against the side of the fruit
Zipatso zimakololedwa pakutha pa masiku 75 mpaka 90 pambuyo powokera. Kukhwima kungadziwidwe pofinya chala chachikulu mbali mwa zipatso
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If the indentation springs back to its original shape, the fruit is immature. If the thumb pressure leaves an indentation in the flesh of the fruit, then the fruits are mature
Ngati kuthifuka kwake kukubwelera mmalo mwake, zipatso sidzinakhwime. Ngati kufinya ndi chala kukusiya polowa mkati pa mnofu wa zhipatso, ndiye kuti zipatso zakhwima
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Harvest by cutting off the fruits regularly as soon as they mature. If fruits are not harvested regularly the plant will reduce flowering
Kololani podula zipatso pafupipafupi pamene zikukhwima. Ngati zipatso sidzinakololedwe pafupipafupi, mbewu imachepetsa kuchita maluwa
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Handle with care to avoid bruising. Fruit picking lasts from 4 to 6 weeks depending on variety. Yields are usually 5 to12 fruits per plant
Gwirani mosamala popewa kusupuka. Kukolola zipatso kumatenga sabata zinayi kufika zisanu ndi ziwiri kutengera mtundu. Zokolo zimakhala zipatso zisanu kufika khumi ndi ziwiri pa mbewu
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Lettuce is a cool season crop. It grows best in areas with a mean temperature of 10oC to 20oC
Letesi ndi mbewu yanthawi yozizira. Imakula bwino mmadera omwe nyengo yake ili pakati pa 10oC ndi 20oC
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The crop may however be grown in low altitude areas during the cold season. Cool night temperatures are required for high quality lettuce
Mbewuyi ikhoza kulimidwa kumadera otsika nthawi yozizira. Kuzizira kwa usiku kumafunikira kuti letesi achite bwino
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Well drained fertile soils with pH range of 6 to 7 are desirable for lettuce growing
Dothi lachonde lowawasa 6 mpaka 7 ndiloyenera kulima letesi
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At low altitudes during hot months, lettuce does not produce heads. Yields of 30,000 to 40,000kg per hectare can be obtained depending on variety and management
Mmalo otsika mmiyezi yotentha, letesi samatulutsa mitu. Zokolola za malikogalamu 30,000 mpaka 40,000 pa hectare zimatheka kutengera ndi mtundu komanso kasamalidwe
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Cucumber will grow well in all areas up to an altitude of 1,800m above sea level. The soil should be fertile and well supplied with compost manure
Mkhaka zimakula bwino mmadera onse mpaka madera okwera kuposa 1,800m pamwamba panyanja. Dothi likhale lachonde komanso lothiridwa bwino manyowa
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Cucumbers are usually directly sown although they can be started as transplants, seed can be sown into small pots in the nursery and transplanted later
Mkhaka zimabzalidwa mwachindunji ngakhale zingathe kuyamba ngati mbande, nthanga zikhoza kufetsedwa mmitsuko ing'onoing'ono ku nazale ndi kuwokeredwa pambuyo pake
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Cucumber vines are easily trained on to trellis, fence, or cage. It is best done by erecting a frame on which the trailing vines can be tied
Mitawi ya mkhaka imakoletsedwa mosavuta kumitengo kapena mpanda. Ndi zabwino kuyimitsa mitengo yomwe mitawi ya mkhaka ingakolekedwe
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When vines of long- fruited varieties are supported, the fruits hang free and are long and straight
Pamene mitawi ya mitundu yotalika kwambiri yathandizidwa poyikoleka kumitengo, zipatso zake zimalendewera ndipo zimatalika komanso kuwongoka
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This reduces damage by diseases and results in higher yields of high quality fruit. Remove the main growing points at 90cm to encourage the development of lateral shoots
Izi zimachepetsa kuwonongeka ndi matenda ndipo zimabweretsa zokolola zochuluka zabwino. Chotsani gawo lomwe likukula zikafika mulingo wa 90cm pofuna kulimbikitsa kuphuka kwa mthambi
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Cucumbers are relatively shallow- rooted and require irrigation in most parts of the country. Apply plenty of water especially during the dry season
Mkhaka zili ndi mitsitsi yomwe silowa pansi kwambiri ndipo imafuna kuthilira mmadera ambiri mdziko muno. Thilirani madzi ambirimbiri makamaka nyengo youma
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Weed regularly to reduce competition for plant nutrients, soil moisture and light
Palirani kawirikawiri kuti muchepetse mpikisano wa michere ya mbewu, dothi, chinyezi ndi kuwala
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Cucumbers are usually harvested immature and are of high quality when they are dark green, firm and crisp
Mkhaka zimakololedwa zosakhwima ndipo zikakhala zabwino pamene zili zobiliwira kwambiri, zolimba komanso zotafunika
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Harvest by cutting fruits regularly, not allowing them to become over mature. Allowing the fruit to fully develop their seeds reduces the vigor of the plant and the yield of the crop
Kololani podula zipatso pafupafupi, osalola kuti zikhwime kwambiri. Kulola zipatso kukhwima mpaka kupanga nthanga kumachepetsa mphamvu ya mbewu komanso zokolola
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Harvesting period varies with variety and can extend from 4 to 8 weeks and even more
Nthawi yokolola imasiyana ndipo ikhoza kupitilira sabata zinayi mpaka zisanu ndi zitatu penanso kuposa apa
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To induce the plant to produce continuously, fruits should be picked every other day, even if the fruits are not required
Kuti mbewu idzibeleka mosadukiza, zipatso zidzdikoloedwa tsiku lina lirilonse, ngakhale zipatsozo sidzikufunika
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For a long time the nation has depended on naturally growing mushrooms, collected from the forests and gardens only during the rainy seasons and sometimes in localized areas
Kwa nthawi yayitali, dziko lino lakhala likudalira pa bowa womera yekha, wotoleledwa munkhalango ndiponso wopezeka mu nyengo yamvula yokha ndipo kumadera okhadzikika
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Wrong identification of mushrooms has resulted in poisoning hence the need to have the cultivated strains that are known and are safe for consumption
Kuzindikira molakwika bowa kwachititsa anthu kudya bowa woyipa motero pali kufunika kokhala ndi mitundu yabowa yobzalidwa yomwe ikudziwika ndiponso yabwino kudya
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Mushrooms are an important source of proteins, vitamins and minerals which are vital for good health
Bowa ndi wofunikira ngati mopezera zakudya zomakha thupi, ma vitamin komanso michere yomwe ndiyofunika kwambiri panthanzi
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They are also a good source of income to growers and can help to save foreign exchange by import substitution
Ndiwabwinonso ngati mopezera chuma kwa alimi ndipo ungathandize kupulumutsa ndalama zakunja posiya kugula kudziko lakunja
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Mushroom production can assist in diversification and provides a better way of utilizing crop, forestry and animal wastes
Ulimi wa bowa ungathandize kuwonjezera komanso kupeleka njira zina zabwino zogwiritsira ntchito mbewu, zamkhalango ndi ndowe zaziweto
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Additionally they don’t require a large piece of land for cultivation and most importantly production can be done at a time when most agricultural activities have ended
Kuphatikizapo, sumafuna malo ambiri olimira ndipo kofunika kwambiri ulimi ukhoza kuchitika panthawi yomwe zochitika zaulimi zatha
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Mushrooms can be grown throughout the year in cool areas but during cool months in warm areas. Presently, 2 types of mushrooms are grown in Malawi, that is oyster and button mushrooms
Bowa ungathe kulimidwa chaka chonse mmadera ozizira koma mmiyezi yozizira kumadera otentha. Padakali pano, mitundu iwiri ya bowa imalimidwa mMalawi, yomwe ndi Oyster ndi bowa wa batani.
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Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus spp.) is relatively new type of mushroom in Malawi and is picking very well
Bowa wa Oyster (Plurotus spp) ndi mtundu watsopano wa bowa ku Malawi ndipo ukuchita bwino
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It is also very versatile and relatively easy to growth than button mushrooms because of its low input requirement and nature
Ndiwosavuta kulima kusiyana ndi bowa wa batani chifukwa siumafuna zipangizo zochuluka komanso khalidwe lake
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Yield levels are very elastic, varying from one substrate to another. The biological efficacy ranges from a slow as 20% to as high as 10%
Zokolola zimasinthasintha, kutengera malo olimira. Kupilira kuchilengedwe kwake kumayambira motsika pa 20% ndikukwera kufika 10%
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This is where mushroom production takes place. It can be cheaply constructed from a wooden framework covered with a plastic sheet (clear or black) and optionally thatched with grass
Umu ndimomwe ulimi wa bowa umachitikira. Chikhoza kukonzedwa mosalira ndalama zambiri pogwiritsa ntchito matabwa okutidwa ndi pepala la plastic loonekera nkati kapena lakuda ndipo lofoleledwa ndi udzu
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It can either have a rack if the hanging method is to be used. Alternatively, some designs may have an ‘A ‘frame with two shelves at the bottom one on each side
Chikhoza kukhala ndi thandala ngati njira yokoleka mmalele ingatsatidwe. Kapena pogwiritsa ntchito njira ya A-Frame yomwe imakhala ndi malo awiri oyika zinthu pansi pake mbali ziwiri zonse
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Colonization of mycelia does not require light but it is necessary for fruiting
Kufalikira kwa njere za bowa sikumalira kuwala koma ndikofunikira pobeleka
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This is where spawning bags are incubated for substrate colonization. Alternatively a black plastic sheet can be used to cover the bags in the same fruiting house
Umu ndimomwe matumba oyikira bowa amasungidwa kuti mbewu ifalikire. Pena pepala la plastic lakuda likhoza kugwiritsidwa ntchito kuphimba matumba mnyumba yomweyo yobelekera zipatso
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These are required for monitoring the environmental conditions (relative humidity and temperature) in the mushroom house
izi ndi zofunika powunikira nyengo makamaka chinyezi mumpweya ndi kutentha mmnyumba ya bowa
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These are used for water application on to fruiting bags during cropping. The water can or a bucket can be used for watering the floors to control relative humidity and temperature
Izi zimagwiritsidwa ntchito pothilira madzi mmatumba ochitira zipatso pamene ukukula. Ndowa yothililila ikhoza kugwirritsidwa ntchito pothilila pansi pothana ndi kukwera kwa chinyezi komanso kutentha
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Either of these can be used as substrate with good results. Finely chopped dry maize stalks, rice straw
Chimodzi mwa ziwirizi chikhoza kugwiritsidwa ntchito ngati malo olimira ndi zotsatira zabwino. Mapesi ouma a chimanga, mpunga odulidwa bwino
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Shredded maize cobs wither without supplementation. Cotton waste with or without supplementation.
zikonyo zachimanga zonyenyedwa bwino zimawola popanda kuwonjezerapo kanthu. Zotsalira zathonje zokhala ndi zowonjezera kapena zopanda zowonjezera
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Saw dust with supplementation. The most common supplementation includes rice or wheat bran (15-20%), water hyacinth (10-20%) and calcium carbonate (1-2%)
utuchi wokhala ndi zowonjezera. Nthawi zambiri amawonjezera deya wa mpunga kapena wa tirigu pamulingo wa 15% mpaka 20%, namasupuni pamulingo wa 10% mpaka 20% ndi soda
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These should be clear for ease of visualizing mycelia colonization and detection of contaminants. Autoclavable bags can be used if they are easily available
Izi zikhale ziooeneka mkati pofuna kumaona kayendedwe ka mbewu ya bowa komanso kudziwa zoyipitsa. Matumba ophera matenda ndi tizilombo agwiritsdwe ntchito ngati alipo
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Used for tying the mouths of the bags after spawning and also for hanging of the bags, if the hanging method is going to be used
Zimagwiritsidwa ntchito pomanga kukamwa kwa matumba pambuyo pomera komanso kukoleka matumba, ngati njira yolokela yatsatidwa
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The mushroom seed is technically known as spawn. Spawning is the sowing of mushroom seed
Mbewu ya bowa imachedwa spawn. Spawning ndi kufetsa mbewu ya bowa
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It should be noted that the higher the nutrient content the substrate has, the higher the yield but also less selective it is
Dziwani kuti ngati michere ndiyochuluka mmalo olimira bowa, zokolola zimakhaka zochulukanso komanso malowo samasankha mbewu
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This also influences the handling of the substrate at pasteurization at spawning stage
Izi zimathandiziranso posamala malo olimira bowa panthawi yopha matenda ndi tizilombo nthawi yofetsa
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Pre-wet the chopped maize stalks or rice/ wheat straw or banana leaves and incubate them on a cemented platform or on a plastic sheet overnight
Nyowetsani mapesi odulidwa kapena deya wampunga kapena tirigu kapena masamba a nthochi ndipo ikani motentha pamalo oyika simenti kapena pa pepala la plastic ndipo zikhale usiku wonse
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Optionally, after soaking overnight and draining, they can be supplemented with rice/ wheat bran, water hyacinth
Njira ina, pambuyo ponyowetsa usiku wonse ndi kuchotsa madzi, zikhoza kuwonjezeredwa ndi deya ya mpunga kapena tirigu kapena namasupuni
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The cotton waste is soaked or wetted for a few hours in water to which a detergent has been added as a softener and disinfectant
Zotsalira zathonje zinyikidwe mmadzi kapena kunyowetsedwa kwa maola angapo mmadzi omwe mwayikidwa mankhwala ochapira kuti zifewetse komanso kupha tizilombo ndi matenda
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The water is squeezed out, the cotton waste loosened. It either can be pasteurized or unpasteurized
Madzi amafinyidwamo, thonje losafunikiralo ndikutakasuka. Likhoza kuphikidwa kupha tizilombo kapena ayi
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Saw dust for the production of oyster mushroom should be that from hardwood or broad leaved trees
Utuchi wochitira ulimi wa bowa ukuyenera kukhakala wochokera kumitengo yachilengedwe kapena wochokera ku mitengo yamasamba akuluakulu
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This is wetted and incubated overnight with supplements added and then pasteurized. Sometimes it can be allowed to ferment for a few days before pasteurization
Izi zimanyowetsedwa ndi kusungidwa pofunda kwausiku umodzi kwinaku akuonjezera zofunikira, pambuyo pake kuphamo tizilombo. Nthawi zina zikhoza kusiidwa kuti zichite mowa kwa masiku angapo tizilombo tisanaphedwemo
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Should be shredded into 1-2 cm pieces. The cobs can be moisturized and incubated for 1-2 days and then pasteurized
Linyenyedwe ntidziduswa ta masentimita 1-2. zikonyo zikhoza kunyowetsedwa ndi kusingidwa pamalo otentha kenako kupha tizilombo ndi matenda
agriculture document
Sometimes the immersion-in-hot-water method is employed with use of corncobs. This is done to leach the readily available nutrients in order to reduce the risks of contamination
Nthawi zina njira yomiza mmadzi otentha ingathe kugwiritsidiwa ntchito pamodzi ndi zikonyo zachimanga. Izi zimachitika kuti michere isuluke pofuna kuchepetsa chiopsezo chamatenda
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The maize stalks and husks should be shredded and these are suitable substrates for oyster mushroom cultivation
Mapesi a chimanga ndi madeya zinyenyedwe ndipo izi ndi zabwino kupangira malo olimira bowa wa Oyster
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These are cheaper means of producing planting spawn as well as improving yields for oyster mushroom
Izi ndi njira zotchipa zokonzera mbeu komanso zochulikitsira zokolola za bowa wa Oyster
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After the substrate preparatory stage for the different substrates, the substrates are packed into a home- made sterilizer which can be made from an open drum with a platform with holes
Pambuyo pa gawo lokonza malo olimira bowa, malo olimira bowa amasanjidwa pamalo ophera tizilombo ndi matenda omwe angathe kupangidwa kuchokera ku mgolo wopanda zotsekera wokhala ndi poyimitsira pamabowo
agriculture document
After loading it is tightly covered with a plastics sheet or sealable cover with an opening. This is a semi-bulk pasteurization but where auto-clavable bags are used, pack them into the wire mesh basket and then put the basket into the sterilization unit
Pambuyo poyikamo, chimakutidwa ndi mapepala a plastic kapena chinthu chotsekera chokhala ndi potsegula. Iyi ndi njira yopepuka yophera tizilombo ndi matenda koma pomwe matumba ophera matenda ndi tizilombo agwiritsidwa ntchito, asanjeni mu dengu la ukonde wamawaya ndipo ikani dengulo mu malo ophera tizilombo ndi matenda
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Pasteurize for 1 hour and then empty the pasteurized substrate on to a plastic sheet for it to cool down to about 40oC
Iphani tizilombo kwa ola limodzi kenaka kuthulani malo olimira bowa papepala kuti azizire kufika 40oC
agriculture document
In cases where the hot water immersion is used, immerse the substrate for 30-40 minutes
Pomwe njira yomiza mmadzi otentha yagwiritsidwa ntchito, mizani malo olimira bowa wa mphindi makumi anayi
agriculture document
Pack the substrates into bags while adding planting spawn and then tie the mouth of the bags. This should be done in an enclosed place or where there is no air current
Sanjani malo olimira bowa mmatumba kwinaku mukuyika mbewu kenako mangani kukamwa kwa matumba. Izi zichitidwe pamalo obisika kapena pomwe palibe mphepo
agriculture document
Incubate the spawned bags in the dark or alternatively cover with a plastic sheet until the bags are fully colonized
Matumba omwe ayikidwa mbewu asungidwe pamalo otentha osafika kuwala kulikonse mpaka mbewu ifalikire matumba onse
agriculture document
It normally takes about 14-40 days at 24oC for full colonization to take place. This period depends on the size of the bags and spawn in grate
Zimatenga masiku 14 mpaka 40 pa kutentha kwa 24oC kuti mbewu ifalikire. Nthawi imeneyi imadalira kukula kwa matumba komanso mbewu
agriculture document
When the bags are fully colonized transfer them into the fruiting house. The fruiting house should provide enough light for the mushroom to start forming
Pamene matumba afalikira mbewu, asamutseni ndikuwayika mnyumba yokulira. Nyumba yokulira ikhale ndi kuwala kokwanira kuti bowa uyambe kupangika
agriculture document
Light, which would enable one to read a newspaper when inside the mushroom house, is just enough. The bags should be opened after exposure to light for one day. If tray fruiting is used, open one end facing the passage
Kuwala komwe kungathandize munthu kuwerenga nyuzipepala pamene ali mkati mwa nyumba ndikokwanira. Matumba atsegulidwe akayikidwa powala kwa tsiku limodzi. Ngati pagwiritsidwa ntchito zimbale, tsegulani mbali imodzi yoloza mpata wodutsamo
agriculture document
For the hanging method, tie them on to the racks and make a few long slits on the bags using a clean sharp knife or clean razor blade
Pa njira yopachika, mangani pathandala ndipo chekani motalikitsa malo ochepa pamatumbapo pogwiritsa ntchito mpeni wakuthwa kapena lezala
agriculture document
The air freshness in the mushroom house also needs to be maintained at this stage. Relative humidity is maintained by applying water several times a day on the floors and walls and the air freshness by routine opening of the vents
Kukoma kwa mpweya mnyumba ya bowa kuyenera kusamalidwe panthawi imeneyi. Chinyezi choyenera chimatheka pothira madzi kambirimbiri patsiku pansi komanso mmakoma ndipo kukoma kwa mpweya potsegula mazenera
agriculture document
Insufficient fresh air (too much carbon dioxide) lead to failure to fruiting and or development of deformed fruits
Mpweya wosakwanira wokhala ndi carbon dioxide wambiri amachititsa kuti bowa asabeleke kapena amapangitsa zipatso kukhala zolumala
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