8 values
17 values
Tommy Atkins – A medium size, oblong fruit, very sweet, with deep purple colour when approaching maturity
Tommy Atkins - Wokula chikatikati, zipatso zotalika, zotsekemera kwambiri, zokhala ndi maonekedwe a purple wozama pamene zikukhwima
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Kent – very big fibreless fruit which weighs close to a kg each with moderate sweetness, green skin colour which breaks into lighter purplish orange close to the petiole when mature
Kent - zipatso zikuluzikulu zopanda ulusi zomwe zimalemera pafupifupi 1kg, zotsekemera momvelera, zakhungu lobiliwira lomwe limasweka pamene zakhwima nkusanduka la purple orange pafupi ndi kamtengo kolumikidzitsa kutsinde
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Keit – another medium size sweet oval in shape turning red orange from the stalk at maturity
Keit - chipatso china chokula chikatikati, chobulungira, chotsekemera momvelera, chimasanduka chofiira moyerekeza pamtengo wake pamene chakhwima
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Davis Haden – medium sized fruit, sweet with orange skin colour when ripe
Davis Haden - chipatso chokula chikatikati, chotsekemera chakhungu lachikasu pamene chakhwima
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Irwin – sweet, small size fruit weighing close to 150 grams each with full deep purple skin colour close to maturity
Irwin - zipatso zotsekemera, zimakhala zing'onozing'ono, zolemera pafupifupi 150 grams, zokhala ndi khungu la purple wozama zikayandikira kukhwima
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Boribo – Medium size with green colour which become lighter when ripe
Boribo - Zipatso zokula chikatikati, za mtundu wobiliwira womwe kubiliwira kwake kumachepa zikakhwima
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Ngowe – Oblong sickle in shape, sweet and orange when ripe
Ngowe - Zotalika mokhota ngati chikwakwa, zotsemekera ndi maonekedwe a chikasu zikakhwima
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Local cultivars such as Boloma and Domasi which are big and sweet, and small mangoes such as Waka, Nthulura and Kapantha that are widely adapted should be encouraged
Mitengo yobzala yachilengedwe monga Boloma ndi Domasi yomwe imakhala ndi zipatso zazikulu zotsekemera, komanso mango ang'onoang'ono monga Waka, Nthulura ndi Kapantha omwe amalola mmadera ambiri alimbikitsidwe
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Plant trees in December or January for successful establishment. Cover the new plant root ball with soil up to the collar mark
Bzalani mitengo mu December kapena January kuti igwire bwino. Kwilirani mitsitsi yamitengo yatsopano ndi dothi mpaka mkhosi mwake
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Trees should be spaced at 9m x 9m or 10.5m x 10.5m or 12m x 12m depending on variety, soil type and other environmental conditions
Mitengo italikirane mtunda wa 9 meters ndi 9 meters kapena 10.5 meters ndi 10.5 meters kapena 12 meters ndi 12 meters kutengera mtundu wake, mtundu wa dothi ndi zina zokhuza nyengo
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Closer spacing is for marginal areas and wider spacing is for optimum areas. Commercial planting in ideal areas start with closer spacing of 2m x 2m then thin out as the canopies close up until standard spacing is reached
Kubzala mofupikitsa kuchitike mmadera omwe malo ndiochepa ndipo kutalikitsa kuchitike pomwe malo ndi aakulu. Kubzala mopindulitsa kumalo oyenera kumayamba ndi kufupikitsa mulingo wa 2 meters ndi 2 meters kenako kutalikitsa pamene nthambi zikukula mpaka kufika mulingo woyenera
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Basins should be made around each tree as wide as the canopy and mulched to conserve moisture. During the early stages of fruit tree establishment, low growing crops maybe inter planted
Mayenje akumbidwe kuzungulira mtengo uliwonse ndipo akule monga kutambalala kwa mthambi ndi kuwaphimba pofuna kusunga chinyezi. Pachiyambi pamene mitengo yadzipatso ikukhazikika, mbewu zosatalika zikhoza kulimidwa pakati pa mitengo
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This insect damages the seed. The larva enters the fruit during the early stage of fruit development leaving no external sign of its entry
Chilombo chouluka chimenechi chimaononga mbewu. Mphutsi imalowa muchipatso nthawi yomwe zipatso zikubeleka ndikumakula, ndikusiya popanda chizindikiro kunja kuti yalowa
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This may result into premature fruitfall, fruits rotting in storage, in transit and markets. To control the pest collect and bury dropped fruits
Izi zimadzetsa kulakatika kwa zipatso zosakhwima, kuvunda kwa zipatso zikasungidwa, kapena popita nazo kumisika. Pofuna kuthana ndi kachilomboka, tolani ndi kukwilira zipatso zonse zomwe zagwa pansi
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The disease causes discoloration of young leaves, premature ripening and enhanced rotting of fruits
Mthendayi imayambitsa kusintha mtundu kwa masamba osakhwima, kucha zisanakhwime komanso kuvunda kwa zipatso mofulumira
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Fruits of improved mango varieties should be harvested when they are physiologically mature
Zipatso za mitundu ya mango wokwatitsa zikololedwe zikayamba kuyezuka kapena kudengula
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When harvesting avoid bruises on the fruit. The fruits should not drop to the ground. A fully grown tree may yield 200 to 500 fruits or more per year depending on management, variety and age of tree
Pokolola, pewani kusupula zipatso. Zipatso zisagwetsedwe pansi. Mtengo waukulu bwino ukhoza kubereka zipatso zokwana 200 kufika 500 kapena kupitilira apa chaka chilichonse kutengera kasmalidwe, mtundu komanso zaka zobadwira za mtengo
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Avocado pears are important food and cash crop. The crop grows well in cool to warm areas with an average annual rainfall ranging from 750 to 1,800 mm
Mapeyala ndi mbewu yofunikira yachakudya komanso kugulitsa. Mbewuyi imakula bwino madera ozizira kapena ozizira pang'ono komwe mvula imagwa mulingo wa 750mm kufika 1,800mm
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All unwanted trees should be ring-barked two years in advance and left to die. Those that cannot die by ring-barking must be dug out with as much root system as possible
Mitengo yonse yosafunika ichotsedwe khungu lake mozungulira tsinde zaka ziwiri zisanafike ndikuyisiya kuti ife. Yomwe siinafe pochotsa khungu patsinde mozungulira ikumbidwe poonetsetsa kuti mitsitsi yambiri yakumbidwa nawo
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Planting holes should be dug 90cm in diameter and 90cm deep. Holes should be filled with top soil mixed with 5 to 10kg of well decomposed manure
Mayenje obzala mbewu akumbidwe 90cm mulifupi ndi 90cm kuzama. Mayenje akwililidwe ndi dothi lapamwamba lomwe lasakanizidwa ndi 5kg kufika 10kgs ya manyowa owola bwino
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Apply 5 to 10kg of well decomposed manure per tree at the beginning of the rainy season. Fertilizer should be applied on the basis of leaf and soil analysis results
Thirani 5kgs kufika 10kgs ya manyowa pamtengo uliwonse poyambilira panyengo yamvula. Fertilizer athilidwe potengera zotsatira za kauniuni wamasamba ndi dothi
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If the fruits are to be transported for long distances, harvesting should be done before rattling sound is detected
Ngati zipatso zikuyenera kunyamulidwa pamtunda wautali, kukolola kuchitike zipatso zisanayambe kusokosera mkati zikagwedezedwa
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Pawpaws are widely grown in the country. They are an important food and cash crop. The crop grows well up to an altitude of 1,000m above sea level and requires an annual rainfall of 1,000 to 2,000mm which should be well distributed
Papaya amalimidwa kwambiri mdziko muno. Papaya ndiwonufinanso ngati chakudya komanso kugulitsa. Amakula bwino mmadera okwera kufika 1,000m kupyola nyanja ndipo amafuna mvula yokwana 1,000mm kufika 2,000mm pachaka yomwe ikuyenera kugwa motalikirana bwino
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All unwanted trees should be ring-barked 2 years in advance and left to die to reduce the risk of infection
Mitengo yonse yosafunika ichotsedwe khungu lake mozungulira tsinde zaka ziwiri zisanafike ndikuyisiya kuti ife pochepetsa chiopsezo cha matenda
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Pawpaws are grown from seed. Seeds collected from the fruit should be washed, dried and dusted
Papaya amabzalidwa kuchokera ku nthanga. Nthanga zomwe zatoleledwa zitsukidwe, kuumitsidwa komanso kudzithira fumbi
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Sow seeds in nursery beds or pots to raise seedlings. Seedling emergence may take 3 to 5 weeks from the time of planting
Fetsani nthanga mmabedi a nazale kapena mmiphika pofuna kupeza mbande. Kumera kwa mbande kukhoza kutenga sabata zitatu kufika zisanu kuchokera nthawi yobzala
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Seed may be stored up to 3 years. It should be noted, however, that germination percentages declines with storage period
Mbewu ikhoza kusungidwa kwa zaka zitatu. Tikuyenera kudziwa kuti chiwerengero cha mbewu zomera chimachepa potengera nthawi yosungira
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Seedlings should be transplanted when 6 weeks old or 30cm tall. Transplanting should be done in the late afternoon or on cloudy, dampy days. Watering should be done every day until the plants are well established
Mbande ziwokeredwe pakatha sabata zisanu ndi imodzi kapena zikatalika kufika 30cm. Kuwokera kuchitike chigawo chakumadzulo kapena kunja kukakhala mitambo, achinyontho. Kuthilira kuchitidwe tsiku lirilonse mpaka mbewu zigwire
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Heavy organic mulching is desirable to conserve moisture, control weeds and keep the soil cool
Kuphimbira pogwiritsa ntchito zotsalira za zomera ndikofunika kuti titeteze chinyezi, kuthana ndi udzu komanso kuziziritsa nthaka
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Apply 5 to 10kg of well decomposed manure per plant annually at the beginning of the rainy season. Chemical fertilizer application should be applied on the basis of leaf and soil analysis results
Thirani 5 kufika 10kg ya manyowa pambewu iliyonse chaka chilichonse kumayambiliro a nyengo yamvula. Fertlizer athiridwe potengera zotsatira zoyeza masamba ndi dothi
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Pawpaw is fairly drought-tolerent but irrigation is required after prolonged dry periods
Papaya amayetsetsa kupilira ku chilala koma kuthilira ndikoyenera ngati nyengo ya chilala yatalika
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Guavas are propagated from seed. Seed collected from fruits should be washed and dried before sowing. Seeds should be sown on nursery beds and potted 2 to 3 weeks after emergence
Gwafa amabzalidwa kuchokera ku nthanga. Nthanga zotoleledwa kuchokera kuzipatso zitsukidwe ndikuumitsidwa zisanafetsedwe. Nthanga zifetsedwe pamanazale ndikuyikidwa mmachubu sabata ziwiri kapena zitatu zikadutsa mbewu itamera
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Training of a young guava tree is recommended to develop a strong framework comprising 3 to 4 main branches
Kuphunzitsa mitengo yaying'ono ndikoyenera kuti ichite thunthu lamphamvu lokhala ndi nthambi zitatu kufika zinayi
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Suckers should be removed from the base. Orchards maybe rejuvenated by cutting off the main stem
Mphukira zichotsedwe kuchokera paphata. Minda yazipatso ikhoza kuwonjezeredwa mphamvu podula tsinde lalikulu
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Apply 5 to 10kg of well decomposed manure per tree annually at the beginning of the rainy season
Thirani manyowa okwana 5kgs kufika 10kgs pamtengo uliwonse chaka chilichonse kumayambiliro kwa nyengo yamvula
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Plant trees in August or September when they are dormant. Trees should be watered weekly or as required until rains start
Bzalani mitengo mwezi wa August kapena September pamene yasiya kukula. Mitengo ithililidwe madzi sabata iliyonse kapena pamene kuli koyenera kutero mpaka mvula itayamba kugwa
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Mulching is essential to conserve soil moisture and supress weeds. The basin should be extended each year to the edge of the canopy
Kuphimbira ndi udzu ndikofunika pofuna kusunga chinyezi munthaka ndikuchepetsa udzu. Dzenje likuzidwe chaka chilichonse kupyola malire a mthunzi
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Trees should be pruned annually when they are dormant for maintenance of vigour and high productivity
Mitengo isadzidwe chaka chilichonse pamene yasiya kukula kuti ikhale yamphamvu komanso yopindulitsa kwambiri
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When pruning, remove dead or broken wood, one of the rubbing branches, water shoots and tall branches
Pamene mukusadza mitengo, chotsani mitengo youma kapena yothyoka, yomwe ilikhulana, mphukira kapena nthambi zazitali
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Macadamia nuts are left to drop on the ground and collected at least weekly in wet weather or fortnightly in dry weather
Mtedza wa Macademia umasiyidwa kuti ugwe pansi kenako kutoleredwa kamodzi pasabata pamene kunja kuli chinyezi kapena kamodzi pasabata ziwiri kunja kutauma
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Macadamia nuts can be harvested from the tree once the entire crop is mature, this is determined by the inner husk colour which turns brown when mature
Mtedza wa Macademia ungathe kukololedwa kuchokera mmitengo kamodzi pamene wakhwima, ndipo izi zimadziwika poona maonekedwe a masamba a mkati mwa mtedza omwe amasintha kumaoneka monkera kofiira ukakhwima
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To avoid kernel sweating and mould development, nuts should be dehusked on the day of harvest and dried on racks in layers of a maximum 10cm deep under shade
Popewa mtedza kutulutsa madzi komanso kuchita chuku, mtedza uswedwe tsiku lokolola ndikuumitsidwa pathandala, poumwaza pamulingo wozama 10cm ndipo uumitsidwe pamthunzi
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Suitable racks can be made from chicken wire or bamboo to allow aeration. Nuts should be turned daily during drying and allowed to dry to below 10% moisture which can take 6 weeks during fine weather
Thandala labwino likhoza kupangidwa kuchokera ku waya wankhuku kapena msungwi kuti mpweya udzidutsa. Mtedza udzitembenuzidwa tsiku ndi tsiku nthawi youmitsa ndi kuloledwa kuti uwume mpaka chinyezi chisapyole 10% zomwe zingatenge sabaya zisanu ndi imodzi ngati nyengo ili bwino
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When moisture is reduced to10%, the kernel can be heard rattling when shaken. Sorting is required to remove damaged and discoloured nuts before delivery to the factory
Chinyezi chikachepa kufika pa 10%, mtedza umamveka kusokosera ukagwedezedwa. Kusankha ndikoyenera kuti mtedza wosweka ndi wovunda uchotsedwe usanapititsidwe ku fakitale
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Avoid storing nuts on the farm for longer than 2 months as quality will be reduced
Pewani kusunga mtedza pamunda kwanthawi yopitilira miyezi iwiri pakuti umaguga
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Collect seed from vigorous high yielding disease free plants
Tolani mbewu kuchokera ku mbewu zobeleka kwambiri komanso zopanda matenda.
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One kilogramme of seed is therefore required for a hectare. Storing seed for long periods will further reduce viability
Kilogalamu imodzi ya mbewu ndiyokwanira hectare imodzi. Kusunga mbewu kwanthawu yayitali kumachepetsa mphamvu zake
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To improve germination, it is recommended that seed should be planted soon after harvest. They should be extracted from the capsule, washed in water and sown immediately
Popititsa patsogolo kumera kwa mbewu, ndikoyenera kuti mbewu zibzalidwe nthawi yomwe mwamaliza kukolola. Zitengedwe mu chikuto chake, kutsukidwa ndi madzi kenako kufetsa nthawi yomweyo
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Alternatively, the washed seed should be mixed with ash and dried for 2 to 9 days before sowing
Njira ina ndi kutsakaniza mbewu zomwe zatsukidwa ndi phulusa ndi kuumitsa masiku awiri kufika asanu ndi anayi zisanafetsedwe
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The crop thrives under moderate shade. Existing trees may be utilized as shade but where they are not available, appropriate shade trees should be planted
Mbewuyi imachita bwino munthunzi wochepa. Mitengo yomwe ilipo ingathe kugwiritsidwa ntchito ngati nthunzi koma pomwe palibe, mitengo yoyenera ibzalidwe
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Cut excess branches and canopy of shade trees to maintain medium shading condition. Where there is no or inadequate shading, more shade trees should be planted
Dulani nthambi zosafunikira ndi mitengo yotchinga dzuwa kuti pakhale mthunzi wapakatikati. Pomwe palibe kapena pali mthunzi wosakwanira, mitengo yambiri ibzalidwe
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The fruits are picked when they are green and fully plump before they develop yellow colour. It is therefore desirable that fruits are harvested individually at the correct stage of maturity
Zipatsozi zimathyoledwa pamene zili zobiliwira ndipo zofufuma bwino zisanayambe kubwera chikasu. Kotero nkofunika kuti zipatso zikololedwe chilichonse pachokha panthawi yoyenera zikakhwima
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Over ripe (yellow colour) fruits tend to split on drying and do not give good green colour on curing
Zipatso zakupsa kwambiri, za chikasu, zimang'ambika pouma ndipo sidzimabweretsa maonekedwe obiliwira podziwumitsa
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On the other hand, immature fruits give uneven, shriveled and badly discoloured products
Kumbali ina, zipatso zosakhwima zimakhala zosalala, zokhwinyata ndiponso mtundu suoneka bwino
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The disease is capable of causing serious root rot. The main source and reservoir of infection is old tree stumps
Nthendayi ili ndi kuthekera kwakukulu koyambitsa kuwola kwa mitsitsi. Imachokera komanso kukhala ku zitsa zakale zamitengo
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Prepare your site by clearing, ploughing, harrowing, fencing and breaking the soil clods to achieve fine tilth
Konzani malo pochotsa tchire, kugaula, kutembenuza dothi, kumanga mpanda ndi kuphwanya dothi kuti likhale lofewa
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Prepare the seed beds of any convenient length, 1m wide, and 20 to 25cm high. Space them with pathways of 45 to 60cm wide
Konzani mabedi a mbewu otalika mmene mwakondera, 1m mulifupi, kutali 20cm kufika 25cm. Siyani mpata woyendamo wotambalala 45cm kufika 60cm.
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5 seed beds of 30m x 1m are enough for 1ha, 3 seedbeds are enough for 0.4ha. Similarly 1.5 seedbeds are enough for 0.2ha
Mabedi asanu otalika 30m ndi 1m mulifupi ndiwokana mbande zobzala hectare imodzi, mabedi atatu ndiwokwana mbewu yobzala 0.4 hectare. Chimodzimodzi bedi imodzi ndi theka ndiwokwana mbewu zobzala 0.2 hectare
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Seedbed should be sterilized by burning with maize stalks to control damping off diseases, soil insect pests, weed seeds and nematodes
Nkoyenera kupha tizilombo powotcha mabedi ndi mapesi a chimanga pothana ndi matenda akufa kwa mbande, tizilombo tamudothi, njere za tchire komanso mbozi
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Maize stalks should be stacked about 1m high and burned slowly during calm weather, preferably early in the morning or late afternoon
Mapezi a chimanga awunjikidwe kutalika 1m ndipo awotchedwe pang'onopang'ono nthawi yomwe kulibe mphepo, makamaka mmamawa kwambiri kapena madzulo kwambiri
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Apply 2 to 5kg of well decomposed organic manure per square metre and mixed thoroughly with the soil
Thirani makilogalamu awiri kufika asanu a manyowa pa malo a 1m mulitali ndi 1m mulifupi ndipo sakanizani bwino lomwe ndi dothi
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After seedling emergence the mulch should be thinned gradually over time
Mbewu zikamera, kuphimbira kudzichepetsedwa nthawi ikamadutsa
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Start hardening the seedlings 5 weeks after emergence to prepare them with stand field conditions
Yambani kukhwimitsa mbande pakadutsa sabata zisanu zitamera podzikonzekeretsa kunyengo yakumunda
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Clip seedlings when necessary to avoid flowering on the nursery in case there is no rain
Dulani mbande ngati nkofunika popewa kuchita maluwa panazale ngati mvula itachedwa kugwa
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Adequate watering of seedbeds should be done before uprooting seedlings to minimize root damage and enhance early establishment of seedlings in the field
Kuthilira mokwanira mabedi kuchitike mbande zisanazulidwe kuti muchepetse kuwonongeka kwa mitsitsi ndikuthandizira kuti mbande zikagwire msanga kumunda
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Seedlings should not lay drying in the sun waiting to be transplanted. Seedlings must be transplanted absolutely vertical as any slanting will encourage lodging later
Mbande zisasiyidwe kumauma padzuwa podikira kuti zibzalidwe. Mbande zibzalidwe choyima pakuti kupendekeka kulikonse kudzachititsa kupindika
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Roots must be covered completely with soil but not higher than cotyledon nodes of the stem
Mizu yonse ikwiliridwe ndi dothi koma lisadutse mphukira patsinde
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Tap root should not bend and must be placed pointing directly downwards. Bent roots will result in lower yields and poor quality
Mtsitsi wapakati usapindike ndipo uyikidwe mwachindunji, moloza pansi. Mitsitsi yopindika imachepetsa zokolola komanso zosaoneka bwino
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The best time to apply manure is when preparing land. Manure can be spread evenly in the field and when incorporated, place manure in old furrows and ridge and cover it with soil
Nthawi yabwino kuthura manyowa ndi pokonza minda. Manyowa akhoza kumwazidwa mofanana mmunda ndipo ngati aphatikizidwa, ikani manyowa mu ngalande zakale ndi mmizere ndipo kwilirani ndi dothi
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Only well decomposed manure should be used all the time for fear of enhancing weed problem
Ndi manyowa okhawo ovunda bwino omwe angagwiritsidwe ntchito nthawi zonse kuopa kukulitsa mavuto a udzu
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Where no chemical fertilizers will be applied the farmer should aim at applying compost manure at the rate of 10 tons per hectare or 5 to10kg per square metre
Ngati fertilizer sathiridwa mlimi alingalire zothira manyowa pamulingo wa matani 10 pa hectare kapena 5kgs kufika 10kgs pamulingo wa 1m ndi 1m
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Weed regularly to loosen the soil and remove weeds to reduce competition for plant nutrient, sunlight and soil moisture
Palirani kawirikawiri kuti dothi limasuke ndi kuchotsa tchire kuti muchepetse kukanganirana michere ya mbewu, dzuwa ndi chinyezi mdothi
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Pick only fruit pods which have developed a dark red maroon colour with their skin wrinkled and seeds cracking and completely withered
Tolani zipatso zokhazo zomwe zawonetsa kufiira koderapo ndipo khungu lake lakwinyika komanso nthanga zikusweka ndiponso zofota
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Dry withered destalked fruit pods on open drying racks constructed from bamboo, reeds, dry grass, chicken wire, wooden stick sand mats
Yanikani zipatso zonyala zomwe mwachotsa chogwilira pathandala zapabwalo zokonzedwa ndi msungwi, bango, udzu wouma, chicken wire, mphatsa zamitengo
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It takes between 2 to 3 days to dry if harvested at the correct time. Avoid harvesting deep red watery fruit pods as they turn black at drying and not sellable
Zimatenga masiku awiri kufika atatu kuti ziume ngati zakololedwa panthawi yoyenera. Pewani kukolola zipatso zofiira kwambiri zamadzi chifukwa zimada poumitsa komanso sidzingagulitsidwe
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Proper grading is extremely important and essential for successful marketing. A well graded paprika is of higher value than a poorly grade done
Kusankha koyenera ndikofunika kopambana ndiponso ndikothandiza posatsa malonda. Tsabola wosankhidwa bwino amakhala wokwera mtengo kuposa wosasankhidwa bwino
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Grading is based on the visible color intensity and not on size. Seeding is a process of removing seeds from the fruit pod by hand
Kusankha kumatengera kuzama kwa maonekedwe osati kukula. Seeding ndi ntchito yochotsa nthanga kuchokera mu zibalobalo ndi manja
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De-seeded paprika normally fetches high prices. The seed can be sold separately. Full pod paprika is another style of paprika presentation where only the fruit pod stalk is removed
Tsabola wochotsa nthanga magulidwa pa mitengo yokwera. Nthanga zikhoza kugulitsidwa pazokha. Zibalobalo za tsabola zosang'amba ndi njira ina yogulitsira tsabola pomwe amangochotsa kogwilira kokha
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Full pod paprika normally fetches low price. The seed contained in the fruit pod is not paid for
Tsabola wa paprika wosachotsa nthanga amagulidwa pamtengo wotsika. Nthanga mu tsabola sadziwerengera pogula
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Paprika should be stored in cool dry dark places preferably on a raised platform such as a pallet
Tsabola asungidwe pamalo ozizira, ouma komanso mumdima makamaka pamalo okwera monga pa thandala
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Avoid exposure to high moisture intensities. Stored paprika should be checked regularly for moisture condition, rat damage. Avoid long storage to prevent weight loss and quality deterioration
Pewani kusunga pamalo achinyezi chambiri. Tsabola wosungidwa adzionedwa pafupipafupi kupima chinyezi komanso kuonongedwa ndi makoswe. Pewani kusunga kwa nthawi yayitali kuti asapepuke kwambiri komanso ubwino wake usawonongeke
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Fruits are kept in heaps until the pulp is fermented. They are then washed in water and dried under shade. Seeds should be planted immediately after drying as viability is quickly reduced
Zipatso zisungidwe pounjika malo amodzi mpaka mkazi muphikike. Pambuyo pake zitsukidwe ndi madzi ndikuyanikidwa panthunzi. Nthanga zibzalidwe nthawi yomweyo pambuyo powumitsa pakuti sidzichedwa kuchepa mphamvu
agriculture document
They should be sown in nursery beds. Sites should be properly fenced and well managed
Zifetsedwe panazale. Ndipo zikhale mumpanda komanso zisamalidwe bwino
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Seedlings should be potted after 4 months in the nursery. Transplant seedlings in the field 4 to 5 months after they have been potted
Mbande ziyikidwe mmiphika ing'onoin'gono pakatha miyezi inayi panazale. Mbande ziwokeredwe mminda pakadutsa miyezi inayi kapena isanu pambuyo podziyika mmiphika
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Seedlings should be hardened off before they are transplanted to prepare them for field conditions
Mbande zikhwimitsidwe zisanawokeredwe pozikonzekeretsa ku nyengo yakumunda
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Harvest when stems are 2to 3metres high and 1.2 to 5 cm in diameter. Stems are harvested when the red flush of young leaves is beginning to turn green and the sap is flowing freely
Kololani pamene tsinde latalika mamita awiri kufika atatu ndipo thunthu lake lakula masentimita 1.2 kufika 5. Tsinde likololedwe pamene masamba ofiira ayamba kusanduka obiliwira ndipo utoto ukutuluka mwaokha
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Farmers should test the stems to see if the bark peels off easily. The stems should be cut at 10 to 15 cm above the ground and all unwanted branches and leaves removed
Alimi ayeze tsinde kuti aone ngati khungwa likuchoka wosavuta. Tsinde lidulidwe pa mulingo wa masentimita khumi kufika khumi ndi asanu kuchokera pansi ndipo nthambi zonse zosafunikira ndi masamba zichotsedwe
agriculture document
After cutting, the stump should be pruned to get rid of all unwanted and distorted shoots leaving new selected 4 to 6 shoots to grow for a further 2 years. More soil should be drawn up around the stumps
Mutatha kudula, sadzani zitsa zonse kuti muchotse mphukira zopindika komanso zosafunika ndipo pasale mphukira zinayi kufika zisanu ndi imodzi kuti zikule kwa zaka zina ziwiri
agriculture document
The stems should be cut into pieces 90 cm long. Two opposite slits be made length wise using a sharp knife. Loosen the inner bark and peel
Tsinde lidulidwe mmagawo otalika masentimita 90. Ng'ambani mbali ziwiri zosiyana mulitali pogwiritsa ntchito mpeni wakuthwa. Masulani mkati mwakhungwa ndipo sendani
agriculture document
The peeled bark should be tied into bundles and left for 24 hours to ferment. The loose outer layer of the bark is then carefully scrapped off
Makungwa amangidwe mtolo ndipo asiyidwe kwa maola 24 kuti asase. Kenako chikopa chakunja kwa khungwa chimachotsedwa mosamala
agriculture document
When the bark is scrapped off, it should be dried. As the bark dries, it curls inward forming a hollow tube-like structure
Khungwa likachotsedwa, liyanikidwe. Pamene khungwa likuuma, limapiringizana chamkati, kupanga bowo mkati
agriculture document
The first harvest usually yields a thick bark of inferior quality which improves with sub- sequent harvests
Zokolola zoyamba khungwa lake limakhala losaoneka bwino ndipo izi zimasintha pa zokolola zotsatira
agriculture document
Vegetables are an important source of mineral salts and vitamins which are vital for good health
Masamba ndi wofunikira potipatsa michere ndi ma vitamin ofunika pa umoyo wathanzi
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In addition to being an important food crop, they provide income. Despite being widely grown in the country, adequate supplies of vegetables are mostly available in the rainy season
Kuphatikiza kuti ndi mbeu yofukika ngati chakudya, imabweretsanso ndalama. Ngakhale imalimidwa mmadera ambiri mdziko muno, masamba okwanira amapezeka munyengo yamvula
agriculture document
As a result, supplies are not adequate throughout the year. Production of some exotic vegetables such as rape, cabbage, lettuce, turnips, tomatoes, onions and leaf mustard should be encouraged
Zotsarira zake ndi zakuti kupezeka kwa zinthuzi sikukhala kokwanira mchaka chonse. Kulima masamba ena monga rape, kabichi, lettuce, tanaposi, tomato, anyezi ndi mustard kulimbikitsidwe
agriculture document
In addition to these exotic vegetables, farmers should also be encouraged to grow and preserve local and indigenous vegetables such as Bonongwe (Amaranthus spp.), nkhwani (Cucurbita maxima), Khwanya (Phaseolous vulgaris), Mwamunaaligone, (Galinsoga parvifl ora), Chisoso (Bidens pilosa), Kamganje (Brassica juncea), Chitambe (Vigna unguiculata) Denje (Corchorus trilocularis, Corchorus aestuans) and many others
Kuphatikizira apa mitundu ya masamba yamakonoyi, alimi akulimbikitsidwa kulima ndikusunga mitundu yamasamba yamakolo monga Bonongwe (Amaranthus ss.), Nkhwani (Cucurbita maxima), Khwanya (Phaseolus vulgaris), Mwamunaligone (Galinsoga parvifl juncea), Chisosos (Bidens pilosa), Kamganje (Brassica juncea) Chitambe (Vigna unguiculata), Denje (Corchorus trilocularis, Corchorus aestuans) ndi zina zotero
agriculture document
To optimize yields it is important to irrigate as need arises. Vegetables are easily attacked by many insect pests and diseases
Pofuna kufika pamulingo wokwera wazokolola, ndikofunika kuthirira pamene pali pofunika. Masamba amagwidwa ndi tizilombo komanso matenda mosavuta
agriculture document
It is therefore important that farmers use only recommended pesticides and observe safety precautions, particularly time allowed between last application and next harvest
Motero ndikofunika kuti alimi adzigwiritsa ntchito mankhwala ovomerezeka okha ndikutsatira njira zodzitetezera zoyenera, makamaka nthawi yololedwa pakati popopera mankhwala ndi nthawi yokolola
agriculture document
Nurseries should be sited near a permanent water supply and located on new land every year so as to reduce the build-up of insect pests, nematodes and diseases
Manazale akhale pafupi ndi madzi osaphwera komanso pamalo atsopano chaka chilichonse pofuna kuchepetsa kuchulukana kwa tizilombo, mbozi ndi matenda
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Soils should be well drained and the site should be away from shaded areas
Dothi likhale lotaya madzi, ndipo malo ake akhale patali ndi mthunzi
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