8 values
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There is no prescribed number or density of trees to retain on farms. This depends on the species selected and interests of individual farmers
Palibe chiwerengero choyikika kapena kuthithikana kwa mitengo yosungidwa pamunda. Izi zimadalira mitundu yamitengo yomwe yasankhidwa komanso chidwi cha mlimi aliyense
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The critical issue is to allow adequate space and light for crops to grow normally. This can be assisted by managing the canopy of the trees and trimming branches which can be collected for a variety of uses
Chofunikira kwambiri ndikupeleka mpata wokwanira komanso dzuwa kuti mbewu zidzikula bwino. Izi zikhoza kuthandizidwa posamala kufunga kwa mitengo ndi kusadza mthambi zomwe zingathe kutoleledwa ndikugwiritsidwa ntchito zosiyanasiyana
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Multiple benefits and products – helps to restore the biodiversity of the natural landscape and to protect the local environment against adverse climate conditions while providing multiple products and uses by communities and households – firewood, building material, fodder, fruits, wood for farm tools, and many medicinal and cultural uses
Ubwino wochuluka komanso zinthu zopezeka- zimathandiza kubwezeretsa zachilengedwe kudera ndi kuteteza chilengedwe chakudera ku nyengo zoyipa pomwe zikupeleka zinthu ndi ntchito zosiyanasiyana ku midzi ndi makomo - nkhuni, zipangizo zomangira nyumba, zakudya za ziweto, matabwa opangira zida zapamunda ndi ntchito zina zamankhwala ndi chikhalidwe
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Note – Protecting trees from fire and cutting by people ensures good tree survival and growth, which will provide farmers with a diverse range of products and uses at low cost.
Dziwani: Kuteteza mitengo ku moto wolusa ndi kudulidwa ndi anthu zimathandiza kuti mutengo ipulumuke ndi kukula, zomwe zimapezetsa alimi zinthu ndi ntchito zosiyanasiyana pamtengo wotsika
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There is no prescribed density or spatial arrangement although the size and type of trees are an important consideration depending on the interests of the farmer. Typically, densities range from 25/ha for large trees to 200/ha for small trees
Palibe kuthithikana kapena kuyalana kwa mitengo ngakhale kukula ndi mtundu wa mitengo ndi zinthu zofunika kudziganizira potengera zokhumba za mlimi. Kwambiri, kuthithikana kuyambire mitengo 25 pa hectare pa mitundu yamitengo ikuluikulu mpaka mitengo 200 pa hectare pa mitundu yamitengo ing'onoing'ono
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The first task is to select the trees to retain on the land based on the interests of the farmer and desired uses of the trees
Ntchito yoyamba ndukusankha mitengo yoti isungidwe pamalopo potengera zokhumba za mlimi komanso ntchito zomwe akufuna adzagwiritse
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This means removing other trees to provide space and light for growing crops. As mentioned above, the density or spacing depends on the type and size of the trees present on the land
Izi zikutanthauza kuchotsa mitengo ina kuti ipeleke danga ndi dzuwa ku mbewu zomwe zikukula. Monga tanenera mmwambamu, kuthithikana kapena kutalikirana kumadalira mitundu ndi kukula kwa mitengo yomwe ili pamalopo
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After selecting the trees to manage, thin the stems or shoots as needed to 1 or 2 dominant stems to promote vertical growth
Pambuyo posankha mitengo yoti isamalidwe, chotsani mthambi kapena mphukira monga kufunika kuti zikhale imodzi kapena ziwiri zikuluzikulu polimbikitsa kukula moloza mmwamba
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This avoids the development of scrubby bush which reduces space for crop production
Izi zimapewa kukula kwa mafutu omwe amachepetsa mpata ku ulimi wa mbewu
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Scrubby growth also produces low quantities of wood of a size to meet the different needs of farmers
Kukula kwa mafutu kumatulutsa chiwerengero chochepa chamitengo yomwe imakula kufikira zofuna zosiyanasiyana za alimi
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The best tool for pruning and trimming is a bow saw, but a sharp panga is adequate for small diameter stems and branches
Chida chabwino chosazira ndikuchotsa mthambi ndi mpeni wochekera mitengo wa uta koma chisenga chakuthwa ndichokwanira pa mitengo ndi mthanmbi zomwe tsinde lake ndi laling'ono
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Pruning and thinning should be done with an upward slanting cut to minimize damage to the tree
Kusadza ndi kuchepetsa chiwerengero kuchitike podula mopendekera mmwamba pochepets kuwonongeka kwa mtengo
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For example, a downward cut may cause the branch or stem to split or the bark may be torn downwards along the living branch or stem
Mwachitsanzo, kudula moloza pansi kungayambitse mthambi kapena tsinde kung'ambika kapena khungwa kukhadzuka motsatira nthambi kapena tsinde lomwe latsala
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Collect thinned shoots and trimmings for fuel or other uses. Other products may be collected as and when available such as fruits, fodder and various parts of trees for medicinal or other uses
Tolerani mphukira zozulidwa ndi mthambi zodulidwa ndikuoanga nkhuni kapena ntchito zina. Zinthu zina zingathe kutoledwa pamene zapezeka monga zipatso, zakudya za ziweto, ndi zigawo zina za mitengo ngati mankhwala kapena ntchito zina
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Manage tree canopies before and during the cropping season as necessary by trimming branches to ensure adequate space and light for good crop growth
Samalani kufunga kwa mitengo nyengo yolima isanafike komanso munyengo yolima pomwe pali poyenera posadza mthambi kuti pakhale mipata ndi dzuwa loyenera ku mbewu zidzikula moyenera
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Although most natural trees are fi re resistant, they need protection from fi re in the dry season to minimize damage to young trees. This is best organized through by-laws with communities and their leaders
Ngakhale mitengo yambiri yachilengedwe imapilira ku moto wolusa, ikuyenera kutetezedwa ku moto wolusa munyengo yadzuwa pofuna kuchepetsa kuwonongeka kwa mitengo yaying'ono. Izi zimakonzedwa bwino lomwe popanga malamulo akudera pamodzi ndi anthu ammudzi ndi atsogoleri awo
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Farmers should establish small seed banks in the form of hedges around their homestead or other plots to meet future seed needs, and possibly for sale to other parties
Alimi akhadzikitse nkhokwe zing'onozing'ono za mbewu munjira yamipanda yozungulira makomo awo kapena malo ena kuti adzakhale ndi mbewu yokwanira mtsogolo ikadzafunika komanso kugulitsa kwa ena oyifuna
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Another option is to maintain plants on the perimeter of their undersown plots for seed production
Njira ina ndi kusunga mbewu mozungulira kunja kwa malo omwe agetsedwa mbewu zochepa kuti apange mbewu
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Prune bottom branches of seedlings after the first season to promote straighter, healthier trees and to reduce interference with field operations
Sadzani mthambi zammunsi za mbande pambuyo panyengo yoyamba pofuna kulimbikitsa mitengo yowongoka komanso yathanzi ndipo pochepetsa kusokoneza zochitika zapamunda
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Prune when trees begin active growth to reduced fungal diseases and termite attack
Sadzani pamene mitengo yayamba kuphuka pofuna kuchepetsa matenda a fungus ndi kugwidwa ndi chiswe
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This is April-May for msangu, and October -November for other species. Make clean angled cuts with a sharp blade or saw to reduce injury to the tree
Izi zichitike miyezi ya April ndi May pa mbewu ya Msangu, ndipo October ndi November pa mitundu ina. Dulani mwaukhondo mopendeka ndi mpeni wakuthwa kapena mpeni wodulira matabwa pofuna kuchepetsa kuvulala kwa mitengo
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As trees grow to maturity, a few branches may be selectively lopped (removed) to reduce the density of the canopy
Pamene mitengo ikukula ndikukhwima, mthambi zochepa zikhoza kuchotsedwa pofuna kuchepetsa kuthithikana kwa mafutu
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Spread the cut foliage on the ground as green manure, or use it as animal feed if the tree is a good fodder species. Collect the wood for fuel or other uses
Mwazani masamba omwe adulidwa pansi ngati manyowa obiliwira kapena gwiritsani ntchito ngati zakudya za ziweto ngati mtengowo uli mugulu lazakudya za ziweto zabwino. Tolerani mitengo ndikukaphikira kapena kugwiritsa ntchito zina
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Erect a protective fence around each seedling where livestock damage is a problem
Mangani mpanda woteteza kuzungulira mbande iliyonse pomwe ziweto zingawononge
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Mark other seedlings with stakes to minimize accidental weeding or trampling. Make fire breaks to protect woodlots and other plantings from damage by fires
Ikani zizindikiro pa mbande zina ndi mitengo pofuna kuchepetsa kupalira mwangozi kapena kuziponda. Konzani modukira moto poteteza nkhalango ndi zomera zina kuonongedwa ndi moto
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Mulch or thatching grass placed around the base of the tree will help keep moisture in the soil around the tree
Zophimbira kapena udzu wofolelera woyikidwa kuzungulira pansi pa mtengo zimasunga chinyezi mdothi komanso kuzungulira mtengo
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Make sure the mulch is clear of the tree trunk to minimize termite attack. In the event of disease or pest attack, seek advice from the nearest Forestry or Agriculture Office
Onetsetsani kuti zophimbira sidzinakhuze thunthu lamtengo pofuna kuchepetsa kugwidwa ndi chiswe. Pomwe matenda kapena tizilombo tagwira mtengo, pezani malangizo kuchokera ku mthambi ya zankhalango kapane ulimi yomwe ali pafupi
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Guidelines for establishing and managing live farm sheds are as follows: Carefully match species with the local environment, farmer preferences and availability of planting material. Select species that are fast growing with good coppicing ability
Ndondomeko zokhadzikitsira ndi kusamala mthunzi wamoyo wapamunda zili motere: mosamala fananizani mtundu wa mbewu ndi zachilengedwe zomwe zili mderalo, zofuna za mlimi komanso kupezeka kwa zipangizo zobzala. Sankhani mitundu yomwe imakula mwachangu yokhala ndi kuthekera kophukira mosavuta
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Ideal species are ones that grow well from truncheons to speed up shed construction and use
Mitundu yabwino ndi imene imakula bwino kuchokera ku mthambi zazing'ono kuti mufulimidzitse kupanga kwa mthunzi komanso kugwiritsa ntchito
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Encourage farmers to raise their own nursery seedlings. This can be done adjacent to their crop nurseries or dimba gardens
Limbikitsani alimi kukhala ndi manazale awo a mbande. Izi zikhoza kuchitika moyandikitsa manazale awo a mbewu kapena kudimba
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If cuttings or truncheons are used, identify species and sources of material before the start of the rains
Ngati agwiritsa ntchito ziduswa kapena nthambi zazing'ono, apeze mitundu ndi kopezeka kwa zinthuzo mvula isanayambe
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Cuttings are best taken when the tree is dormant before new leaves appear and not when in flower or fruit
Ziduswa zimatengedwa bwino pamene mtengo usakukula pomwe masamba atsopano sanabwere ndipo osati pomwe wachita maluwa kapena zipatso.
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Provide stake supports and prune branches to encourage a straight-growing trunk
Pelekani thandizo poyimitsira mtengo komanso kusadza mthambi zozafunikira kuti thunthu lidzikula mosapindika
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Locate the shed near the house or farm, preferably not on good farm land. Establish seedlings or truncheons in the configuration of a typical shed
Ikani mthunzi pamalo oyandikana ndi nyumba kapena munda, makamaka osati pamunda wabwino. Khadzikitsani mbande kapena mthambi zazing'ono potsatira mmene mthunzi uyenera kukhalira
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Protect young trees from browsing and other damage to avoid un even or misshapen poles. Fill in gaps where seedlings have died, or where truncheons have failed to grow
Tetezani mitengo yaying'ono ku zoweto ndi kuwonongeka kwina popewa kukhala ndi mitengo yopindika. Tsekani mipata pomwe mbande zafa, kapena pomwe mthambi zalephera kuphuka
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Construct the shed only when the live trees are large and strong enough to support the roof. Ensure coppicing is done evenly so that the roof is uniform, sloping from the center down each side
Mangani mthunzi pokhapokha mitengo itakula ndikukhala yamphamvu kuti isenze denga. Onetsetsani kuti mwadula mitengo mofanana kuti denga lidzakhele lofanana, lopendeka kuchokera pakati kupita mbali iliyonse
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A grower’s income is directly related to his plucking skills. Plucking is, therefore, one of the most important activities that a farmer does in his field during the whole year
Phindu la mlimi limayenderana mwachindunji ndi luso lake lotchola. Choncho kuthyola ndi ntchito imodzi yofunikira yomwe mlimi amachita mmunda mwake chaka chonse
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Plucking should be done so that shoots of 42 days old are always plucked during the main growing season
Kuthyola kudzichitika kuti mphukira zomwe zakwanitsa masiku 42 nthawi zonze zidzithyoledwa mkati mwa nyengo yolima
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This is achieved by following a regular plucking round of 7 days, 10 days alternating with 11 days or 14 days from the end of December to the end of April
Izi zimakwaniritsidwa potsatira puthyola mobwereza pamasiku asanu ndi awiri aliwonse, kenako masiku khumi ndikudzasinthana ndi masiku khumi ndi limodzi kapena masiku khumi ndi anayi kuchokera kumapeto kwa December mpaka kumapeto kwa April
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Thereafter, this should be extended to 21 days. Growers should adhere to the plucking round of their choice throughout the season
Kuchokera pamenepo, izi zichitidwe pakutha pamasiku makumi awiwiri ndi mphambu imodzi. Olima atsatire ndondomeko yothyola mobwereza yomwe angakonde mu nyengo yonse
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Growers are strongly advised to pluck only shoots consisting of either 2 leaves and a bud or dormant shoot
Olima akulangizidwa motsindika kuti athyole mphukira zomwe zili ndi masamba awiri ndi mphukira kapena mthambi imodzi yokha
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Plucking of small shoots that consist of one leaf and a bud is not recommended because yields are later on reduced
Kuthyola mthambi zazing'ono zomwe zili ndi tsamba limodzi ndi mphukira sikovomerezedwa chifukwa zokolola zimachepa mtsogolo mwake
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Where 4 leaves and a bud develop because of vigorous growth, only 2 or 3 leaves and a bud should be plucked
Pomwe masamba anayi ndi mphukira zakula chifukwa cha kukula mwachangu, thyolani masamba awiri kapena atatu okha ndi mphukirawo basi
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To maintain the plucking table, the remaining leaf (leaves) should be removed. Th is process is called breaking back
Pofuna kuti malo othyolera akhale abwino, masamba otsala achotsedwe. Njira imatchulida kuti kuthyolera mmbuyo
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Production of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) by smallholder farmers for chewing is nationwide in Malawi
Ulimi wa mzimbe (Saccharum officinarum) yotafuna ndi alimi ang'onoang'ono umachitika ponseponse ku Malawi
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However, production of sugarcane for processing has been confined to Dwangwa in Nkhotakota district and Nchalo in Chikwawa district
Komabe ulimi wa mzimbe zogayidwa ukuchitikira ku Dwangwa mboma la Nkhotakota ndi Nchalo mboma la Chikwawa
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In both Dwangwa and Nchalo, sugar mills are managed by Illovo Sugar Group (Illovo). Illovo has sugar estates in Nkhotakota District (Dwangwa) and Chikwawa district (Nchalo). There are about 4000 smallholder farmers producing sugarcane besides that produced by Illovo estates
Ku Dwangwa ndi Nchalo komwe, zigayo za sugar zimasamalidwa ndi Illovo Sugar Group (Illovo). Illovo ili ndi minda ya mzimbe mboma la Nkhotakota ku Dwangwa ndi mboma la Chikwawa ku Nchalo. Pali alimi ang'onoang'ono okwana 4,000 omwe akulima mzimbe kupatula yomwe ikulimidwa mminda ya Illovo
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These out grower associations and companies produce 21% of total sugarcane that is processed into sugar by Illovo
Magulu a alimi ang'onoang'ono amenewa ndi makampani amalima 21% ya mzimbe zonse zomwe zimagayidwa ndi Illovo
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About 70% of the area for out growers is under irrigation while the rest is rain-fed. The several out grower associations have a national umbrella body called Sugarcane Growers Association of Malawi (SUGAM)
Pafupifupi 70% ya malo omwe alimi ang'onoang'ono akulimapo ndi yamthilira pamene yotsalayo imadalira mvula. Magulu ambiri a alimi ang'onang'ono ali ndi bungwe lawo mdziko muno lotchedwa Sugarcane Growers Association of Malawi (SUGAM)
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Considering current investments in sugar milling, smallholders offer the best opportunity for extension of the area under cane and for productivity gains, and are therefore vital to the future success of the Malawian sugarcane industry
Polingalira ntchito zotukula kugaya sugar padakali pano, alimi ang'onoang'ono abweretsa mwayi woonjezera malo omwe akulimidwa mzimbe komanso kupeza phindu choncho ndiwofunika kwambiri popititsa pazatsogolo ulimi wa mzimbe mMalawi muno
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Before planting, furrows are pre-irrigated to moisten the soil. Seed cane obtained from immature plant cane of 8 to 10 months must be topped at the natural breaking point and the roots cut off
Isanabzalidwe, ngalande zimathiliridwa kuti dothi linyowe. Mzimbe ya mbewu yomwe yatengedwa ku mzimbe zosakhwima za miyezi isanu ndi itatu mpaka makumi awiri idulidwe pomwe yatsala pang'ono kumasula ndipo mitsitsi ichotsedwe
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Any dead or damaged buds must be discarded. Cuttings (setts) should have 3-6 nodes. Plant by laying stem cuttings (setts) ‘head to toe’ in furrows to get a better and more even germination
Mphukira zilizonse zowonongeka kapena zakufa zitayidwe, Zodulidwa zikhale ndi mphindo zitatu mpaka zisanu ndi imodzi. Bzalani pogonetsa mzimbe "mutu mpaka kumapazi" mungalande kuti zimere bwino komanso mofanana
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Cover the cuttings thinly with soil using a hoe. When planting on a large scale, whole sticks may be used and chopped into halves while laid into the furrows
Kwilirani mzimbe ndi dothi pang'ono pogwiritsa ntchito khasu. Pobzala malo aakulu, mzimbe wonse ungathe kugwiritsidwa ntchito ndikudulidwa theka pamene ukukwiliridwa mungalandemo
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Irrigation should follow planting as soon as possible to bring the soil to the field capacity.
Mthilira utsatire kubzala kukangochitika kuti dothi likhale ndi kuthekera kwabwino
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Planting can be done as single stick, one and a halve stick or double stick. The planting rate of one and a half stick will use a seed rate of 8 tons per hectare and should be considered only when seed cane is of excellent quality and if the internodes are short
Kubzala kukhoza kuchitika ngati ndodo imodzi, ndodo imodzi ndi theka kapena ndondo ziwiri. Mulingo wobzalira wa ndodo imodzi ndi theka umagwiritsa ntchito matani 8 pa hectare ndipo utsatidwe pokhapokha mzimbe za mbewu ndi zabwino kwambiri ndipo mphindo zake ndi zazifupi
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Using double stick will require 10 tons per hectare or more and is preferred of the seed cane is available
Kugwiritsa ntchito ndondo ziwiri kumafuna matani 10 pa hectare kapena kuposera apo ndipo itsatidwe ngati nbewu ya mzimbe ilipo yokwanira
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Greater attention has to be paid to practices that will lead to increased productivity of livestock and increased offtake while conserving the grazing areas. Farmers should be advised to cull unproductive animals and sell surplus stock
Chidwi chiyikidwe pa zochitika zomwe zingapititse patsogolo ulimi wa ziweto ndi kuchulukitsa zotengedwa pamene malo odyetsera akusamalika. Alimi alangizidwe kuchotsa zinyama zomwe sidzikubweretsa phindu ndi kugulitsa zosafunika
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There is an increasing scope for more smallholder farmers to keep a few productive cattle for beef or milk production
Pali chidwi chachikulu pa alimi ang'onoang'ono kuti adzisunga ng'ombe zochepa zowabweretsera nyama kapena mkaka
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Advice for improved pasture and fodder production is now available to support the programme
Ulangizi wopititsa patsogolo malo odyetsera komanso zakudya za ziweto ukupezeka tsopano kuti uthandizire ntchitozi
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Farmers should be encouraged to use improved bulls and castrate or sell surplus bull calves
Alimi alimbikitsidwe kugwiritsa ntchito atonde amakono ndikuthena kapena kugulitsa atonde onse osafunikira
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Inbreeding should be discouraged in favour of using good quality bulls from other distant unrelated herd
Kukwatitsa mkhola momwemo kusalimbikitsidwe ndipo gwiritsitsani ntchito atonde amphamvu omwe mungabwereke kumakola ena akutali omwe sichibale ndi ziweto zanu
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Improved bulls may be bought from Government livestock farms and commercial producers
Atonde amakono akhoza kugulidwa ku minda ya ziweto ya Boma komanso kwa alimi ena azamalonda
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Herds should be allowed at least eight hours of grazing and should not be walked back to the villages at mid-day
Msambi wa ziweto udyetsedwe kwa maola asanu ndi atatu ndipo usakusidwe kubwelera kumudzi tsiku liri pakatipakati
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Farmers are advised to use crop residues and agro-industry by-products such as bran, molasses and cotton seed cake in animal feeding
Alimi akulangizidwa kugwiritsa ntchito zotsalira ndi zina zopangidwa kumafakitale monga deya, ma molasses ndi zotsalira za thonje ngati zakudya za zinyama
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Large number of calves die because of parasites and parasitic diseases, poor nutrition, and poor management in general, particularly housing
Ana ambiri amafa chifukwa cha tizilombo ndi matenda, zakudya zopelewerra ndi kasamalidwe kopelewera makamaka nyumba za ziweto
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Every cattle owner should have a properly roofed calf khola and be advised to follow good husbandry practices. Manure from properly housed cattle is a very valuable by-product
Aliyense yemwe ali ndi ng'ombe akhale ndi khola lofolera bwino la ana ang'ombe ndipo alangizidwe kutsatira njira zabwino zakasamalidwe. Manyowa ochokera ku ng'ombe zomwe zili ndi nyumba yabwino ndiwofunukira kwambiri
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Farmers should consider the advantages of keeping more sheep and goats. Use of improved locally available genetic material is encouraged
Alimi alingalire ubwino wosunga nkhosa ndi mbuzi zambiri. Kugwiritsa ntchito zipangizo zamakono zochulukitsira ziweto zomwe zilipo kale kulimbikitsidwe
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However, exotic rams and bucks and their crosses such as Dorper sheep and Boer goats are available from Government farms, commercial farms and other small scale producers
Komabe, atonde ndi mathanzi obwera ndi ena onse okwatitsa monga nkhosa za Dorper ndi mbuzi za Boer zilipo mminda yaboma, kwa alimi amalonda ndi alimi ena ang'onoang'ono
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Farmers should be advised on improved feeding and housing. Worms and respiratory diseases are common in goats and sheep and should be controlled
Alimi alangizidwe kagwiritsidwe ntchito ka zakudya zabwino komanso nyumba za ziweto. Nyongolosi komanso matenda a mchifuwa amapezeka kwambiri ku mbuzi ndi nkhosa ndipo athetsedwe
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The poultry industry is expanding fast. Commercial breeds of broilers and layers are available from several commercial producers
Ulimi wa nkhuku ukukula mwachangu. Nkhuku zamalonda zanyama komanso mazira zilipo kwa alimi ambiri amalonda
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Animals will not be allowed to move at night unless under special permission given by the veterinary authority.
Zinyama sidzizaloledwa kuyenda usiku pokhapokha pali chilolezo chapadera chopelekedwa ndi mthambi yoona zinyama
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Farmers are urged to comply with the movement control or restriction measures put by veterinary authorities during a notifiable disease outbreak
Alimi akupemphedwa kuti adzitsatira meyendedwe kapena ziletso zomwe mthambi yoona zinyama yayika pamene anthu adziwitsidwa zakubuka kwa matenda
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Farmers are advised to collect and store crop residues including maize stover, wheat and rice straw, groundnut and bean haulms
Alimi akulangizidwa kuti atole ndi kusunga zotsalira za chimanga, tirigu ndi mpunga, mtedza komanso mitengo ya nyemba
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Milk is important for human nutrition and as a source of income for smallholder farmers. Th e overall production of milk in Malawi is low because of low genetic potential and poor management such as housing, nutrition, disease control and breeding
Mkaka ndi wofunika kwambiri pa thanzi lamunthu komanso ngati njira yopezera chuma kw alimi ang'onoang'ono. Ulimi wamkaka ku Malawi kuno ndiwotsika chifukwa cha mitundu yotsika yang'ombe ndi kasamalidwe kosakwanira monga nyumba za ziweto, kadyedwe, kuthana ndi matenda komanso kukwatitsa
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Cattle are the main source of milk, but goat also plays a role. Cow milk production is estimated at 151,411 metric tones
Mkaka wambiri umachokera ku ng'ombe koma mbuzi zimathandizanso kwambiri. Mkaka wang'ombe umalimidwa pafupifupi matani 151,411
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Traditionally milk is produced from the Malawi zebu which has low milk production potential. Special dairy breeds and their crosses produce more milk than indigenous Malawi Zebu
Kwambiri mkaka umachikera ku ng'ombe za Malawi Zebu zomwe zimatulutsa mkaka wochepa. Ng'ombe za mkaka komanso zokwatitsa kuchokera ku zimenezi zimatulutsa mkaka wambiri kuposera zamakolo za Malawi Zebu
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The supply cross bred dairy cows, however, is limited. However government stations like Mikolongwe in the south, Dwambazi in the north and Likasi in the centre, stock these dairy crosses
Kupezeka kwa ng'ombe zamkaka zokwatitsa ndikopelewera. Komabe mthambi za boma monga Mikolongwe ku chigawo chakummwera, Dwambazi kumpoto ndi Likasi mchigawo chapakati zimasunga mitundu yokwatitsayi
agriculture document
Fish farming is the rearing of fish in ponds, tanks and cages. In Malawi fish farming started in the 1950’s
Ulimi wa nsomba ndi kusunga nsomba mzitsime zamsomba, mmalo osungira madzi komanso mmalo otchingwa. Ku Malawi, ulimi wa nsomba unayamba mzaka za 1950
agriculture document
Fish ponds are the dominant production facilities. Presently there are over 6000 farmers owning 7500 ponds
Zitsime za nsomba ndi zomwe zikupezeka kwambiri ngati malo aulimi wa nsomba. Padakali pano, pali alimi opitilira 6,000 omwe ali ndi zitsime zowetera nsomba zoposa 7,500
agriculture document
Fish production from fish farming is estimated at 3600 tonnes. Th e potential to increase production from aquaculture is very high provided that farmers increase the level of production and follow recommended practices
Ulimi wansomba kuchokera zitsime zansomba ukuganiridwa kuti wafika pa matani 3,600. Kuthekera kochulukitsa zokolola kuchokera ku zitsime zansomba ndikwakukulu kwambiri makamaka alimi atawonjezera kalimidwe ndikutsatira ndondomeko za kasamalidwe
agriculture document
The fish farming goal is to increase and sustain fish production from small holder and large fish farming operations in order to improve fish supply in Malawi
Cholinga chachikulu cha ulimi wa nsomba ndi kuwonjezera komanso kukwaniritsa kukhala ndi nsomba zochokera kwa alimi ang'onoang'ono ndi akuluakulu ndi cholinga chofuna kupititsa patsogolo kupezeka kwa nsomba mMalawi muno
agriculture document
There are different production systems that are employed based on the understanding of the fundamental processes
Pali njira zosiyanasiyana zolimira zomwe zimagwiritsidwa ntchito potengera kumvetsetsa kwa nsanamira zofunikira
agriculture document
The Fish Farming goal is to increase and sustain fi sh production from smallholder and large fish farming operations in order to improve fish supply in Malawi
Cholinga chachikulu cha ulimi wa nsomba ndi kuwonjezera komanso kukwaniritsa kukhala ndi nsomba zochokera kwa alimi ang'onoang'ono ndi akuluakulu ndi cholinga chofuna kupititsa patsogolo kupezeka kwa nsomba mMalawi muno
agriculture document
The suitability of the prospective farm site must be as curtained prior to any construction or other planning
Ubwino wa malo oyenera munda utsimikizidwe ntchito yomanga zitsime kapena ntchito zina zonse zisanayambe
agriculture document
The critical parameters are topography, soil character, water quantity and quality, flooding and access or proximity to a dwelling unit
Zofunikira kwambiri kulingalira ndi pomwe malo ali, dothi lake, kuchuluka kwa madzi komanso ubwino wake, kusefukira kwa madzi, komwe nyumba za anthu zikupezeka
agriculture document
The water source should be perennial with enough water all the year round to fill the pond and to compensate for losses due to seepage and evaporation
Pochokera madzi pakhale pamgonagona ndipo madzi okwanira adzipezeka chaka chonse kudzadza chitsime ndikubwezeretsa onse omwe akutayika chifukwa cholowa munthaka kapena kuuma
agriculture document
The quantity of water available will amongst other factors determine the size and number of fish ponds. Seasonal rivers and streams are not recommended as direct source of water for fish ponds
Kuchuluka kwa madzi omwe alipo kuthandizira kudziwa kukula kwa zitsime komanso chiwerengero cha zitsime za nsomba. Mitsinje yoyendera nyengo siyovomerezeka ngati kochokera madzi a zitsime za nsomba kodalirika
agriculture document
The main parts/features of a fish pond are as follows: Walls (also called banks, dikes, embankments) are raised above the natural ground. These retain the water in the pond
Zigawo zikuluzikulu za zitsime za nsomba ndi: makoma omwe amakwezedwa kuchokera panthaka. Awa amasunga madzi pachitsime
agriculture document
An inlet, to let water into the pond. Th ere are several types of water inlets such as: Earth channel- This is a canal on the ground leading directly into the pond, this is easier and cheaper to construct
Polowera madzi, kuti madzi adzilowa mchitsime. Pali mitundu ya malo olowera madzi yambiri monga: ngalande yadothi- iyi ndi ngalande yapansi yomwe imalowa mwachindunji pachitsime. Ndiyosavuta kukonza komanso sifuna ndalama zambiri kumanga
agriculture document
Malawi currently experiences high deforestation rate, forest degradation, unpredictable climate shifts and landscape degradation
Padakali pano dziko la Malawi likukumana ndi kukwera kowononga mitengo, kuwononga nkhalango, nyengo zosapanganika komanso kuwonongeka kwa nthaka.
agriculture document
The Department of Forestry has developed a National Forest Landscape Restoration Strategy to address these challenges
Mthambi yoona za nkhalango inakhadzikitsa National Landscape Restoration Strategy kuti ithane ndi mavuto amenewa
agriculture document
The Strategy outlines priority opportunities and interventions that can translate the potential of restoration into multiple benefits such as improved food security, increased biodiversity, improved water supply, job creation, income, carbon sequestration and enhanced resilience to climate change
Ndondomekozi zikufotokoza ntchito ndi zochitika zonse zomwe zingachititse kuti kuthekera kobwezeretsa zachilengedwe kukhale kopindulitsa kwambiri monga kukhala odzidalira pachakudya, kuchulukitsa zachilengedwe, kupititsa patsogolo ntchito zamadzi, kupezetsa anthu ntchito, kuchotsa mpweya wa carbon ndi kulimbikitsa kudzidalira pankhani zakusintha kwa nyengo
agriculture document
Management plans indicate the appropriate seasons for replanting, protection against livestock and wildfires
Ndondomeko zakasamalidwe zionetse moyenera nyengo zobzalira, kuteteza ku ziweto komanso moto wamtchire
agriculture document
Inclusion of legumes in cropping systems would help to improve soil fertility as they have the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen in soils.
Kuphatikiza mbewu za nyemba pa ulimi kungathandize kuti nthaka ikhale yachonde chifukwa zili ndi kuthekera koyika nitrogen wamumpweya munthaka
agriculture document
Make a groove 5-6 cm deep on the middle of the ridge, drop a single seed every 10 cm for Spanish varieties and 15 cm for Virginia varieties.
Pangani ngalande yakuya 5-6 cm pakati pa mzere, gwetsani mbeu imodzi pa 10 cm iliyonse pamitundu ya ku Spain ndi 15 cm ya Virginia.
agriculture document
Groundnuts are attacked by a number of pests and diseases; however the most important and widespread are: Rosette, Early and Late leaf spots and rusts.
mtedza umagwidwa ndi tizilombo komanso matenda osiyanasiya, koma matenda amene amafala kwambiri komanso ovuta ndi khate, early ndi late leaf spots and rusts
agriculture document
After lifting, the groundnut should be quickly and thoroughly dried before storage.
mukamaliza kukumba mtedza wanu uyanikidwe kuti uwume bwino usanasungidwe
agriculture document
Ventilated stacking or Mandela Cock is a modern way of curing the nuts.
kuuwinjika pamodzi mtedza moyang'aniza mmwamba kapena kuti mandela cock ndi njira yamakono yowumisila mtedza
agriculture document
Small stacks are encouraged since the nuts take a few days to cure
Milu ing'onoing'ono ikulimbikitsidwa chifukwa mtedza umatenga masiku ochepa kuti uwume
agriculture document
Dry pods produce rattling sound when shaken.
Ndolo zouma zimasokosela zikakhutchumulidwa
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