Produk bagus, oke banget. Semua tombol air berfungsi. Low watt jg. Cuma pengiriman agak lama sih, overall okee deh..
good product, very okay. all water buttons work. low watts too. it's just that the delivery is a bit long, overall it's okay..
barang standard, namun respon penjual kurang ramah.. agak kecewa
standard goods, but the seller's response is not friendly . a bit disappointed
Fitur Terbaik:kulkas nya berfungsi dengan baik, cuma kadang2 sukak bunyi di bagian freezer atas. bunyinya gede kayak pompa air. Sepadan dengan Harga:Design oke, bagian dalam juga luas. Problem paling utama itu soal pengiriman, even bahkan admin polytron sendiri gak bisa kasih kepastian kapan barang dikirim. Cuma dikasih range waktu dari 1 - 7 hari. Kalau butuh kulkas cepat better cari merk lain deh. Terus kalau chat admin via shoppee gak pernah dibalas, harus pake urat dlu ngmgnya baru dibalas. Dikurang2i deh ya admin yg begitu.
best features: the fridge works fine, only sometimes it makes a lot of noise in the upper freezer section. it sounds like a big water pump. worth the price: the design is okay, the inside is also spacious. the main problem is delivery, even the polytron admin himself cannot give certainty when the goods will be sent. only given a time range of - days. if you need a fridge quickly, it's better to look for another brand. then if the admin chat via shoppee is never replied to, you have to use the veins first, only then do you reply. it's minus the admin like that.
sesuai deskripsi.... cuman packing kurang bagus... jadi dus sedikit penyok... pengiriman juga lumayan lama...
according to the description. only packing is not good. so it's a little dented. delivery is also quite long.
Fitur Terbaik:bagus elegan Sepadan dengan Harga:murah banget Lebih murah dari toko2 yg lain,bagus murah ,berfungsi dg SGT baik,semoga awet, warna bagus n mulus,puaas pokoknyah
best features:good elegant worth the price:very cheap cheaper than other shops,good cheap,works very well,hope it lasts,color is nice n smooth,satisfied anyway
pengiriman sangat lama. lebih 1 bulan. seharusnya toko2 seperti ini harus profesional.kecewa berat..
very long delivery. more months. a store like this should be professional. very disappointed..
(+) : Kualitas barang bagus. (-) : Respon admin sangat jelek, tdk ada respon. Pengiriman lama, butuh 6 hari ke bks. Perubahan status selesai tidak ada. Koq bisa yaa official store kek gini? 🥴
(+): good product quality. (-): admin response is very bad, no response. long delivery, takes days to bks. completed status change does not exist. how come it can be an official store like this?
mantap, packing rapih dan juga kualitas gambarnya oke. cuma kadang pas ganti channel agak glitch dan lag dikit.
great, neat packaging and also the picture quality is okay. only sometimes when changing the channel it's a bit glitchy and a little laggy.
belum dicoba sih karena ounya customer.. tapi semoga bagus..
haven't tried it yet because it's a customer.. but hopefully it's good..
pengiriman cepat hanya kecewa barang kaya bekas display banyak debu
fast delivery only disappointed items rich in used displays a lot of dust
barang sudah sampai, sudah dipasang juga. gampang banget setting ke tv nya, mantap!
item arrived, already installed too. it's really easy to set it to the tv, great!
Unit Berfungsi dengan baik , ini adalah seri Speaker yg ada Port Hdmi untuk koneksi ke TV modern. sudah di test , bisa untuk Play Audio Mp3 per folder, Movie dengan format Mp4 , codec H.264 standar & ganool dkk dengan Resolusi sepertinya 720p HD ( pada Tv 4k,source film 1080p ). Budget cocok untuk Menengah ke Bawah.Kualitas boleh diadu. Bahannya kokoh. Suaranya mantap 🔊. Desain elegan.
the unit works well, this is a series of speakers that have an hdmi port for connection to modern tvs. already tested, able to play audio mp per folder, movies with mp format, standard h. codec & ganool et al with resolution like p hd (on tv k, film source p). budget suitable for middle to lower. quality can be pitted. the material is sturdy. the sound is steady. elegant design.
kondisi produk oke, walaupun box sedikit penyok pada saat pengiriman, unit masih kami coba.. terimakasih polytron🙏
the product is in good condition, although the box was slightly dented during delivery, we are still trying the unit. thank you polytron
Utk hp murah lumayan bgs....dan simple... Cm syg ga ada handsfree...😂....buat ortu yg cm buat tlp ok...Tq
for a cheap cellphone, it's pretty good. and simple. cp that doesn't have hands-free. for parents who only make calls ok. tq
Pengiriman lama setelah smpai ternyata mesin cuci ny bocor. Tolong a acc pengajuan pengembaliannya Ternyata dalem nya pecah ,sangat mengecewakan sekali.
after a long delivery, it turned out that the washing machine was leaking. please acc the return application it turns out that the inside is broken, very disappointing.
Barang sampai dg aman, barang higenis sesuai description
items arrived safely, hygienic items according to the description
bisa untuk sembunyi anak2 anak kucing
can hide kittens
Fitur Terbaik:bagus Sepadan dengan Harga:sepadan Terbaik
best features:good worth the price:best worth
buat yang butuh cepat gak recommend, tp barang original jd keselnya terobati
for those who need it fast, i don't recommend it, but the original stuff is so annoying that it's cured
Baru beli 10 hari suara mesin kasar pas dpake kaya suara orang lg hub seller uyk kmplain trnyata ceprt sekali responnya selang sehari service politron dateng dan benerin secepatnya.. Yhx ya
just bought it today, the sound of the engine is rough when it's used, it's like the sound of someone else's chainsaw.. uh, the seller's hub complains, it turns out that the response is really fast, the response after a day, the politron service came and fixed it as soon as possible.
Ada kegores over all semoga bagus semua Pengiriman lama
there are scratches over all hopefully all good long delivery
packing tidak ada lapisan bubble warp
packing no bubble wrap layer
Barang Oroginal Kualitas Bagus Cuma Saat akan Konek Ke Smart Phone g bisa2 KET Registrasi Produk Gagal Mhn dibalas chat saya mengenai masalah ini
good quality original goods only when connecting to a smart phone can't ket product registration failed mhn my chat replied about this problem
barang berfungsi dengan baik semoga awet di pakenya barakallah
the item works well, hopefully it will last in use, barakallah
Fitur Terbaik:bagus produk nya ga mengecewakan Sepadan dengan Harga:sepadan, cepat di kirim juga Tapi Admin nya gabalas pesan sama sekali!
best features: the product is good, the product doesn't disappoint worth the price: worth it, sent quickly too but the admin doesn't reply to messages at all!
kualitas plastik,kabel ok. bonus baterai yg bagus, dan dapat 50 channel. Cuma ada sedikit yg mengganggu saat pindah channel, framerate jadi pelan sehingga suara tidak sinkron dengan tayangan selama beberapa detik sebelum kembali normal
plastic quality, cable ok. good battery bonuses, and get channels. there's only a little annoying when changing channels, the framerate is so slow that the sound is out of sync with the broadcast for a few seconds before returning to normal
Sudah sampai, packing aman, cuma minus gbsa tracking sndiri ya perjalanan brg, produk baik, smg awet👍🏻
arrived, packing is safe, only minus gbsa tracking itself, brg trip, good product, hope it lasts
biar capture yamg berbicara, jgn sampe nyesel
let the capture do the talking, don't regret it
harga murah. barang besar pengiriman gratis ke tasik... tp cukup lama nyampenya
cheap price. bulky goods free shipping to lakes. but long enough to arrive
pengiriman sangat lama saya pesan dari tanggal 24 oktober sampai pada bulan 04 november, admin penjual sangat tidak reaponsif, perbaikin kualitas service ke custumer.
i ordered very long delivery from october to november, the seller admin was very unresponsive, improved the quality of service to customers.
Barang sesuai dengan deskripsi
goods according to the description
lama di pengiriman, kurang lebih seminggu
long time for delivery, about a week
Produk sudah diterima dengan Baik dan sesuai dengan spesifikasinya. Masalah pengiriman perlu diperbaiki serta respon nya lebih cepat .:Terima kasih
the product has been well received and according to the specifications. delivery problems need to be fixed and the response is faster.: thank you
Bintang 4 dlu ya, dispensernya belom dibuka soalnya masih diluar kota, mudah2an ng ada rusak
star first, yes, the dispenser hasn't been opened because it's still out of town, hopefully it's broken
cepat dikirim barang sesuai
quickly sent the right goods
awalnya respon toko cepat karena dibalas dengan sistem. lalu dari jumat tidak diproses2, karena memang weekend, baru diproses senin dan langsung dikirim di hari senin. saya tunggu sampai hari kamis masih belum sampai, tidak bisa lacak pengiriman karena custom logistic dari toko, saya hubungi toko tapi sama sekali tidak direspon. lalu saya komplain melalui tokopedia karena chat ke toko tidak dibalas sama sekali. setelah masuk dana bermasalah baru deh tokonya merespon, baru diganti nomor resinya jadi bisa cek online di google. lucunya pengiriman senin tgl 22 dan baru sampai di ekspedisi tanggal 24. tanggal 25 seharian itu ekspedisi dalam tahap sortir barang dan ga selesai2. saya selalu pilih barang dari official store karena terjamin aslinya, tetapi saya kecewa dengan official store polytron ini. proses barangnya sampai pengiriman terlalu lama, ekspedisi pun sangat lambat, maklum gratisan 🤫 respon tokonya pun ga ada sama sekali, cuma balasan sistem aja di awal polytron ini termasuk mengecewakan untuk kategori official store 😬
initially the store's response was fast because it was answered by the system. then from friday it is not processed, because it is indeed the weekend, it is only processed on monday and immediately sent on monday. i waited until thursday and it still hasn't arrived, i can't track the delivery because of custom logistics from the store, i contacted the store but there was absolutely no response. then i complained through tokopedia because the chat to the store was not answered at all. after entering problem funds, the shop responded, then the receipt number was changed so you can check online on google. the funny thing is that the delivery was monday on the date and just arrived on the expedition date. the date of the day the expedition was in the stage of sorting goods and was not finished. i always choose stuff from the official store because it's guaranteed to be authentic, but i'm disappointed with this polytron official store. the process of the goods until delivery took too long, the expedition was very slow, it's understandable that the shop didn't even respond at all for free, only the system reply at the beginning of this polytron was disappointing for the official store category
cuma lama pengirimannya
only delivery time
Sesuai pesanan, pengiriman cepat.
as ordered, fast delivery.
suara memang mantap. karaoke ok, koneksi bluetooth dgn tv ok, tanpa ribet kabel keren... gratis ongkir langsung dikirim sendiri oleh Polytron.
sound is great. karaoke ok, bluetooth connection with tv ok, without the hassle of cool cables. free postage directly sent by polytron.
barang nya bagus dan sesuai dengan deskripsi hanya sayang nya pengiriman nya lama sekali hampir 2minggu baru sampai tolong di timgkat kan lagi ya untuk pengiriman nya agar jangan terlalu lama terima kasih
the item is good and according to the description it's just a shame the delivery took so long it's almost a new week until it's please increase it again yes for the delivery so it doesn't take too long thank you
respon dan pengiriman yang cepat,serta barang sesuai dengan pesanan.
fast response and delivery, as well as goods in accordance with the order.
Produk original, diantar kurir toko langsung jadi lebih safety. Terimakasih...
original product, delivered by shop courier directly so it's safer. thank you.
Barangnya lama bgt sampenya karna dari luar kota, tp barangnya ok
the goods took a long time to arrive because they were from out of town, but the goods were ok
Pengiriman nya tidak bagus norabene antara toko dan alamat pengiriman dekat, untung hasil stb nya bagus, ada 46 chanel. semua chanel tv nasional dapat siaran.
the delivery is not good norabene between the shop and the delivery address is close, fortunately the stb results are good, there is a channel. all national tv channels can broadcast.
sekali aja beli disini, baru nemuin official store seburuk ini pelayanannya. mungkin adminnya perlu di training lagi gimana cara kasih pelayanan yg baik.
just bought it here once, just found the official store this bad service. maybe the admin needs to be trained again on how to provide good service.
barang bagus..tapi pengirimannya sangat lamban
good item..but the delivery is very slow
Kualitas suaranya bagus. Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. cuma pengiriman nya lama 4 hari
the sound quality is good. sharp image resolution. only the delivery took a long time
Priduk bagus pengiriman cepat terima kasih sellerr... 🤗🌻🌻
good product fast delivery thank you seller.
produk sesuai walau agak lama pengiriman nya.
the product is good although the delivery took a while.
walaupun pengiriman lama tp not bad lah ,,
even though the delivery is long but it's not bad
Kualitas baguuuuus tidak mengecewakan
good quality does not disappoint
kirim nya 1 minggu
send it sunday
barang itu baru datang hari kamis siang... nah dicoba-coba untuk cari chanel susah, setiap di hidup in semut semua (layar abu2) sampe jumat siang.. akhirnya beli lah tambahan di toko lain baru dapat chanell. disini kurang nya chat gk pernah di bales ..padahal online.. saya bertanya di diskusi pun tidak dijawab.. ampun de kayak saya itu minta bukan beli. padahal beli utk ke dua x nya... pengiriman lama jg ..sempet ganti nomor resi. dr minggu baru sampe kamis
the item just arrived thursday afternoon. so, i tried to find a channel, it was difficult, every time i turned on, all the ants (gray screen) until friday afternoon.. in the end, i bought additional channels at another store and then got the channel. here, the lack of chat has never been answered. even though it's online. i asked in the discussion but it wasn't answered. sorry, it's like i was asking not to buy. even though i bought it for the second time. too long delivery. had to change the receipt number. from new sunday until thursday
barang ok, respon cepat
item ok, fast response
tidak pengaman lgsg kardusnya
not safety lgsg cardboard
Barang sudah sampai....thanks!!!
the goods have arrived. thanks!
Maaap yaa baru kasih ulasan karna d tes dl dingin dan dlm kondisi baik gaak. Ternyata alhamdulilah sejauh ini kondisi baik semua. Dr pengiriman dan kurir nya ramah. Pas sampe d diemin dl seharian baru deh besokan nya d colok alhamdulilah berfungsi dgn baik. Semoga awet dan berkah yaaaa. Terimakasih
map, just gave a review because it was tested in cold and in good condition or not. it turns out alhamdulillah so far all good conditions. the delivery doctor and courier are friendly. when it arrived, it was left in place all day and then the next day, it was plugged in, thank god it worked fine. hopefully it lasts and is a blessing. thank you
Pesanan sudah d terima. Pesan Sabtu. Sampe senin sore. Krn ke potong hari weekend jd tdk ad pengiriman. Ya berasa lama aj nungguny. Respon chat lambat. Moga awet kulkasny.
order received. order saturday. until monday afternoon. because it's cut on weekends so there's no delivery. yes, it's been a long wait. slow chat response. hope it lasts in the fridge.
Serius ini produk bagus banget. Bener bener solid dan kokoh. Murah pula... Mesti pengiriman lama banget tapi tidak menyesal deh dapat produk ini.
seriously, this is a really good product. really solid and sturdy. cheap too. the delivery must have taken a long time but i don't regret getting this product.
belum sempat kepasang, tapi saya yakin karena "merk indonesia kelas dunia"
haven't had the chance to install it yet, but i'm sure because "a world-class indonesian brand"
Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Desain elegan 😍. Kualitas suaranya bagus. Proses pesanan cepat. Packaging aman 🙏.
sharp image resolution. elegant design. the sound quality is good. fast order process. safe packaging.
Pengiriman cepat dan tepat, lebih banyak saluran yang saya dapat dari sebelumnya dari 11 dan sekarang 37 saluran tv Polytron hebat dan mantap. (Video tidak bisa di upload karena gagal)
fast and accurate delivery, i got more channels than before from and now the polytron tv channels are great and steady. (video cannot be uploaded because it failed)
Pengiriman cepat, kurir ramah dan sabar..mudah2an awet..
fast delivery, friendly and patient courier..hope it lasts..
Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Kualitas suaranya bagus. Ada banyak fiturnya. Desain elegan 😍. Ringan tapi kokoh. Packaging aman 🙏. Proses pesanan cepat. Desain ramping. Penjualnya ramah banget. Respon penjualnya top. Packaging rapi.
sharp image resolution. the sound quality is good. there are many features. elegant design. light but sturdy. safe packaging. fast order process. sleek design. the seller is very friendly. top seller response. neat packaging.
barang da dtng mantap... belum coba
the goods arrived solid. haven't tried yet
bilang dong kalo pake ekspedisi. bli bli tolong tingkatkan lagi fitur untuk konsumen agar bisa lgsg komunikasi.
tell me if you use the expedition. bli bli please improve the features for consumers so they can communicate directly.
Barang sudah diterima dengan baik semoga awet... cuma proses pengiriman nya yg lama terakasih
the goods have been well received, hopefully it will last. only the shipping process took a long time, thank you
Bos tolong kasih track and trace. Masa satu minggu full suruh nunggu di rumah Kualitas Produk Bagus.
boss, please give track and trace. the period of one full week is told to wait at home. good product quality.
Paket nya udh nyampe dgn selamat, respon pnjual pun ramah, kpn2 order lgi deh di sini.....
the package arrived safely, the seller's response was friendly, when will i order again here.
Barang sdh diterima dan sesuai dengan deskripsi pesanan. Kenapa saya kasih bintang⭐ karena saya kecewa atas pemrosesan pesanan. Saya pesan tgl 11 Maret tapi barang baru dikirim tgl 20 Maret padahal alamat pengiriman di Jakarta bukan diluar kota. Mustinya kalau Official Store memberikan pelayanan terbaik ke konsumen-nya.
goods received and according to the description of the order. why did i give a star because i was disappointed with the order processing. i ordered on march but the new item was sent on march even though the shipping address in jakarta is not outside the city. it is imperative that the official store provides the best service to its consumers.
Sesuai pesanan, kulkas berkerja baik dan sampai dengan aman tapi saya respon admin agak lama dan pengriman pun agak lambat. Terima kasih.
according to the order, the refrigerator worked well and arrived safely, but the admin's response took a while and the delivery was a bit slow. thank you.
pengiriman lama produk original aBarangnya original 👍.
old delivery original product a the goods are original .
Suaranya mantap 🔊. Desain elegan. Bahannya kokoh. Packaging aman 🙏.
the sound is steady. elegant design. the material is sturdy. safe packaging.
Barang nya sendiri ga ada masalah. Kualitas nya bagus. Tapi yg bikin rating ga maksimal itu service dari toko nya. Dari pesan sampai terima barang, perlu waktu 12 hari. Padahal dari Tangerang ke Tangerang. Setiap ditanya via chat ttg update pengiriman nya, jawabannya template. Selalu bilang akan dicek, tapi in the end ga dikasih tau juga hasil pengecekan nya kaya apa. Setelah barang sampai, pas diliat di resi, ternyata baru dikirim 10 hari setelah tanggal pesan. **note: saya pesan tgl 15, (tulisan di resi) dikirim tgl 25, diterima tgl 27. Kesimpulannya: perlu stok sabar yang buanyak kalau mau transaksi di toko ini.
there is no problem with the item itself. the quality is good. but what makes the rating not optimal is the service from the shop. from ordering to receiving goods, it takes days. even though from tangerang to tangerang. every time i was asked via chat about the delivery update, the answer was a template. always said it would be checked, but in the end i wasn't told what the results of the checking were like. after the item arrived, when i looked at the receipt, it turned out that it was only sent the day after the order date. **note: i ordered the date, (writing on the receipt) was sent on the date, received on the date. in conclusion: you need a lot of patient stock if you want to do transactions at this shop.
cuma sayang xurang responsif
it's just a shame it's not responsive
ruangan 3x3 bergetar padahal volume baru separo,,, bisa dangdutan nih,,, cihuuuyyu
the room isn't vibrating even though the volume is only half, it can be dangdutan, cihuyyu
Fitur Terbaik:bagus Sepadan dengan Harga:kualitas sangat baik Pengiriman sangat rapih, gaada lecet sama sekali, nyampe nya cepet ga sampe semingguu..makasiiiihhhh
best features: good worth the price: very good quality very neat delivery, no scratches at all, arrived fast not even a week..thanks
Barang bagus kualitasnya, gambar jernih, lancar jaya, tapi pelayanannya ampuuunn lama banget. Order tanggal 8, baru di konfirm tanggal 9, diproses sampai keluar nomor resi baru ada tanggal 10, status pengiriman stuck sampe tanggal 20 ga berubah2 (tiap nanya CS jawabannya suru tunggu 2-7 hari kerja), karena dah 7 hari kerja belum datang juga, coba hubungi ke CS lalu ganti nomor resi lagi, alhasil barang baru sampai tanggal 22
the quality of the goods is good, the picture is clear, it works smoothly, but the service is really long. order date, confirmed date, processed until new receipt number comes out with date, delivery status stuck until date doesn't change (every time cs asked, the answer was to wait - working day), because working day hasn't come yet, try contacting cs then replace receipt number again, as a result the new item arrived on date
kualitas barang bagus, recommended seller sih, gak usah ragu klo mau beli barang di toko ini. saya memberikan bintang satu karena penjual tidak pernah merespon chat saya dan setelah saya mengajukan komplain ke tokped barulah penjual mulai merespon.
the quality of the goods is good, the seller is recommended, don't hesitate if you want to buy goods at this shop. i gave one star because the seller never responded to my chat and after i filed a complaint with tokped, the seller started to respond.
mantap sob
steady bro
kulkasnya baru 4 hari tp sensor lampunya udh ga sensitif, kulkasnya dibuka tp lampunya ga nyala
the refrigerator is new but the light sensor is already insensitive, the refrigerator is opened but the light doesn't turn on
Alhamdulillah cepat nyampe pengiriman 3 hari ke jawa tengah Pemalang, semoga awet kaya mesin cuci sebelumnya merknya sama polytron awet banget
thank god, it arrived quickly on the day of delivery to central java, pemalang, i hope it lasts like the washing machine before, the brand is the same as polytron, it lasts really long
barang ok, cuma pengiiriman dr expedisi toko nya lama banget
the goods are ok, it's just that the delivery from the shop expedition took a very long time
alhamdulillah berfungsi dgn baik, dpt diskon dan gratis ongkir 🥰 terimakasih seller & tokopedia
alhamdulillah it works well, got a discount and free shipping thanks seller & tokopedia
Ada garansi resmi. Barangnya original 👍. Gampang dipakai. Hemat listrik ⚡. Desainnya elegan ✨. Mutu terjamin SNI. Bisa muat banyak.
there is an official guarantee. the goods are original. easy to use. saving electricity . the design is elegant. sni guaranteed quality. can fit a lot.
barang bagus, walau pengiriman agak lama, dan unboxing nya mudah nggak perlu diangkat mesin cucinya
good item, even though the delivery took a while, and the unboxing was easy, no need to lift the washing machine
Mendarat dengan selamat walaupun lama datangnya, mungkin karena barang nya besar. -punya orang
landed safely even though it took a long time to arrive, maybe because the goods are large. -have people
barangnya sesuai dengan harga pengiriman dan chat penjual terlalu lama.
the goods are in accordance with the shipping price and the seller's chat is too long.
Pesanan sdh diterima dgn baik dan sesuai deskripsi. Terima kasih banyak ya. Semoga makin sukses. Aamiin.
order was well received and according to the description. thank you very much. hopefully more successful. amen.
Barang sdh diterima dan sesuai dengan deskripsi pesanan. Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Kualitas suaranya bagus. Ada banyak fiturnya. Desain elegan 😍. Ringan tapi kokoh. Desain ramping.
goods received and according to the description of the order. sharp image resolution. the sound quality is good. there are many features. elegant design. light but sturdy. sleek design.
barang tidak diberi bublewrap
items are not bubble wrapped
unit ok...cuma admin nya kayaknya mesti dapet penghargaan..admin termales se tokopedia...admin tp males banget nyahutnya....luar biasaaaa
the unit is ok. it's just that the admin seems to have to get an award.. admin thermals se tokopedia. admin but really lazy to answer. it's amazing
barang bagus sesuai harapan tp proses pengiriman lama..
good item as expected but long shipping process..
belanja tenang alias gak was was... barang ori
calm shopping aka not was was. original goods
barang original, tetapi pengirimannya payah banget. Toko ini kurang direkomendasikan jika ingin cepat
original product, but the delivery is really bad. this shop is less recommended if you want fast
pengiriman lama, ga ada respon
long delivery, no response
Barang sesuai deskripsi, suara cukup luas kaya treble minus bass, akan lebih mantap jika sepasang dgn pms r2, tampilan menawan dgn material yg meyakinkan, pilihan source yg beragam dgn teknologi kekinian, hanya saja layanan, respon dan pengiriman mesti ditingkatkan lagi
items according to the description, the sound is quite broad, rich in treble minus bass, it would be even better if it was paired with pms r, beautiful appearance with convincing material, a variety of source options with current technology, it's just that service, response and delivery must be improved again
Meski pengiriman agak lama tapi sampai dengan selamat. Packing rapi, tidak ada yang cacat dan seller responsif. Suara jernih, pokoknya ga mengecewakan. recommended !
although the delivery is a bit long but arrived safely. well packed, no defects and responsive seller. the sound is clear, just doesn't disappoint. recommended!
produk bisa berfungsi dan simpel. tapi ada beberapa tombol yg tidak dapat digunakan
product is functional and simple. but there are some buttons that can not be used
kirain speaker ukuran medium ternyata gede bener mantap dah
i thought the medium size speaker turned out to be really big