stringlengths 1
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int64 0
Fitur Terbaik:okk
Sepadan dengan Harga:yes | best feature:okk worth the price:yes | 1 |
Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Ringan tapi kokoh. Kualitas suaranya bagus. Ada banyak fiturnya. Desain elegan 😍. Desain ramping. | sharp image resolution. light but sturdy. the sound quality is good. there are many features. elegant design. sleek design. | 1 |
Barang Bagus, original, sesuai deskripsi, pengiriman lumayan cepat | good product, original, according to the description, quite fast delivery | 1 |
Alhamdulillah paket yg ditunggu tunggu, menanti selama seminggu akhirnya datang dengan selamat, kenapa sih gak pake jasa kurir yg disediain Shopee aja. Kan enak bisa terpantau posisi barang skrg dimana. uang udah masuk tapi gak bisa retur. Besok lagi lebih d utamakan yaa kenyamanan pembeli. Hadiah keyboard nya tolong dikirim ya, ditunggu. Terima kasih | thank god, the package i've been waiting for, waiting for a week has finally arrived safely, why don't you just use the courier service provided by shopee. it's nice to be able to monitor where the item is now. money has been received but cannot be returned. tomorrow will prioritize the convenience of buyers. please send the keyboard prize, please wait. thank you | 0 |
Alhamdulillah sudah sampai, lumayan cukup lama datangnya,belum d coba mudah² bagus dan awet | thank god it arrived, it took quite a long time to arrive, i haven't tried it, it's easy, it's good and durable | 0 |
Barang sudah sampai tapi belum pasang | item arrived but not yet installed | 1 |
barang berfungsi dengan baik, top | item works fine, tops | 1 |
Barang oke gda cacat,Suara Speakernya juga oke, cuma pengiriman ga oke Lama bener tangerang-Jakpus seminggu 🫠🙈 | the goods are okay, there are no defects, the sound of the speakers is also okay, it's just that the delivery isn't okay. it really takes a week from tangerang to central jakarta 🫠 | 0 |
Mesin oke ga ada masalah, ori. Pengiriman sangat lambat pesan hari minggu nyampe hari minggu berikutnya pdh dishoope keterangannya udah dikirim tp ga nyampe2🙆♀️ | the engine is okay, no problem, ori. delivery is very slow, ordered on sunday, arrived the following sunday, at the shop, the information was sent, but it didn't arrive | 0 |
Alhamdulillah sampai juga , walaupun pengiriman nya agak lama.. | thank god it arrived, even though the delivery was a bit long.. | 1 |
Mutu terjamin SNI. Desainnya elegan ✨. Hemat listrik ⚡. Barangnya original 👍. Bisa muat banyak. Ada garansi resmi. Respon penjualnya top. | sni guaranteed quality. the design is elegant. saving electricity . the goods are original. can fit a lot. there is an official guarantee. top seller response. | 1 |
proses pengiriman lama , cs slow respon | long delivery process, cs slow response | 0 |
aku salah beli tv kirain smart tv android 😭😭 bolehh di tuker ga sihh, admin nya juga no respon di chat cuma bot yang jawab, hati hati deh kalo yang mau beli tv harus teliti, nanya nanya ke admin nya juga ga ada respon, pengiriman lumayan lama dari tangerang ke tangerang 3-4 hari, resi juga ga kebaca | i bought the wrong tv, i thought it was a smart android tv, could it be exchanged or not, the admin also had no response in chat, only bots answered, be careful if you want to buy a tv, you have to be careful, asking the admin too, no response, shipping took quite a long time from tangerang to tangerang - day, the receipt can't be read either | 0 |
sesuai deskripsi and suara bagus | according to the description and good sound | 1 |
Maskernya sesuai deskripsi👍 | the mask corresponds to the description | 1 |
Warna yg datang salah, ternyata warna hitam out of stock.Produk berbuyi keras sekali dan alarmnya suka menyala | the wrong color that came, turned out to be black out of stock. the product made a very loud noise and the alarm kept on | 0 |
Kirimannya lama | long post | 0 |
Ada beberapa goresan di pintu | there are some scratches on the door | 0 |
Pengemasan cukup lama, pengiriman standar, barang yang dikirim sesuai pesanan, semoga awettttttttt, gooodjooob sellerrr | packaging took quite a long time, standard delivery, items sent according to order, hopefully it lasts, godjob seller | 1 |
Dikira penyok ternyata memang bgtu wkwk | i thought it was dented, it turned out that it was really bad | 1 |
Sesuai dengan yg dipesan
Terima kasih | as ordered, thank you | 1 |
bagus, sesuai pesanan sayang pengiriman terlalu lama | good, according to the order unfortunately the delivery is too long | 0 |
Alhamdulillah berguna dgn baik, tdk ada kendala saat di gunakan mencuci maupun saat pengeringan pakaian. Semoga awet ya mesin cuci nya, good job teruskhaaannnnnnnnn guys! | thank god it works well, there are no problems when used to wash or dry clothes. hopefully the washing machine will last, good job, guys! | 1 |
Pengiriman lama padahal jarak tidak terlalu jauh, respon penjual lambat. Ketika di chat | long delivery even though the distance is not too far, the seller's response is slow. when in chat | 0 |
Barangnya pas dateng kulkas gak dingin, komplen sama admin 3 hari gak ada jawaban.. Sedangkan batas waktu komplen hanya 3 hari. Akhirnya aku ngehubungin via IG baru dapet respon dan teknisi dateng 3 hari kemudian dan bener mesinmya eror.. Aku juga admin onlineshop cuma ini parah banget pelayanannya | when the item arrived, the refrigerator wasn't cold, i complained to the admin today, there was no answer. meanwhile, the deadline for complaints was only days. in the end i contacted via ig and got a response and the technician came the next day and it's true that the machine has an error. i'm also the admin of the online shop, but the service is really bad | 0 |
Barang datang sesuai dengan pesanan.
Sudah di test, normal dan semoga awet.
Recommended Seller | goods come as ordered. already tested, normal and hopefully durable. recommended seller | 1 |
Bagus, cepat, berfungsi baik | great, fast, works fine | 1 |
Barang bagus sesuai pesanan.. | good product as ordered.. | 1 |
agak lama aja sampai nya | it took a while to arrive | 0 |
yg ditunggu datang jugaa 👏🏻 | what you've been waiting for is coming | 1 |
barangnya ok | the item is ok | 1 |
kualitas produk bagus dan original, respon penjual baik, pengiriman juga cepat, thanks ya... | product quality is good and original, seller's response is good, delivery is also fast, thank you. | 1 |
subwoofernya gede bgt | the subwoofer is great | 1 |
Setelah baca komenan pembeli mengeluhkan terhadap waktu pengiriman ada yang seminggu bahkan lebih. Tapi Alhamdulillah Pesen hari ini 3 hari kemudian barang mendarat di rumah. Soal kualitas sangat bagus, keluhannya hanya getaran mesinnya kerasa banget waktu mengeringkan pakaian. | after reading the comments, buyers complained about the delivery time, some were a week or even more. but alhamdulillah ordered today the day later the goods landed at home. regarding the quality, it is very good, the only complaint is that the vibration of the machine is really felt when drying clothes. | 0 |
Ringan tapi kokoh. Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Kualitas suaranya bagus. Packaging rapi.
Tapi sayang pengirimannya sangat lambat dan proses pesanan juga cukup lama. saya pesan minggu malam baru proses selasa sore, dan resi pengiriman rabu sore pengiriman baru dikirim hari jumat. hampir seminggu saya menunggu. | light but sturdy. sharp image resolution. the sound quality is good. neat packaging. but unfortunately the delivery is very slow and the order process is also quite long. i ordered sunday night and it was processed tuesday afternoon, and the receipt for delivery on wednesday afternoon was sent on friday. i have been waiting almost a week. | 0 |
suara bagus tapi ada penyok sedikit dibelakang | sounds good but there is a slight dent on the back | 0 |
Allhamdulilah pesanan sudah datang..barang bagus..
Tp sayang ada kekurangan nya.. ga bisa karokean.. | thank god the order has arrived..good stuff..but unfortunately there are drawbacks..can't karaoke.. | 0 |
Bad attitude | bad attitude | 0 |
barang bagus nggak cacat, tapi harus sabar aja pas pengiriman nya.
trus knapa ya katanya cicilan 0% tapi nyatanya malah ada bunga 1,25% hadeuuhh | good item not defective, but just have to be patient when it's delivered. then why is it said that it is in installments, % but in fact there is interest, % hadeuuhh | 0 |
Pengiriman sangat lama
Respon via chat jelek, dibalas otomatis cuman awal. selanjut nya tidak respon padahal online.
Alhamdulillah dapet 4 chanel Tv | very long delivery. response via chat is bad, automatic reply is just the beginning. then it doesn't respond even though it's online. thank god i got a tv channel | 0 |
pengirimannya cepat dan rapih 🙏👍 | the delivery is fast and neat | 1 |
gilss baguss bangett doong,, bas nya kerenn... udh kek suara yg di bioskop,, ga nyesel bgt beli type yg ini... cuma pengirimannya lamaaaa bgtt,, tapi gapapa yg penting ga kecewa sama suara nyaa.. thankyou sellerr.. | gilss really good, the bass is cool. already like the sound in the cinema,, i don't regret buying this type. it's just that the delivery took a long time, but that's okay, the important thing is you're not disappointed with the sound.. thank you sellerr.. | 1 |
Kualitas bagus & Pelayanan cepat serta Packing tambahan bagus | good quality & fast service and good additional packaging | 1 |
bintang 5 untuk barang nya
bintang 2 buat adminya | stars for the goods, stars for the admin | 0 |
Barang bagus cepet sampainya aman ga ada kendala,, semoga awet ga cpt rusak | good stuff, arrived safely, no problems, i hope it won't break quickly | 1 |
Ringan tapi kokoh. Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Desain elegan 😍. Kualitas suaranya bagus. Packaging aman 🙏. Penjualnya ramah banget. | light but sturdy. sharp image resolution. elegant design. the sound quality is good. safe packaging. the seller is very friendly. | 1 |
Alhamdulillah, terimakasih mesin cucinya bagus, gak ada kekurangan apapun, setelah datang nesoknya lagsung saya coba dan aman, maksih yah :) | thank god, thank you, the washing machine is good, there are no deficiencies, after it came the next day i immediately tried it and it was safe, thank you :) | 1 |
Terimakasii seller | thank you seller | 1 |
Baru test kamera dan lihat body.. mantap banget pokoknya bagus.. mudah-mudahan semua berfungsi dengan baik. paket rapi dan cepat. terimakash | just tested the camera and looked at the body.. it's really good, it's really good.. hopefully everything works fine. neat and fast package. thanks | 1 |
ga respon chat sama sekali, pengiriman lumayan lama | no response to chat at all, delivery is quite long | 0 |
barang nya bagus ..... | its good stuff. | 1 |
kulkasnya bagus, bkm dicoba semoga oke | the fridge is good, bkm try hopefully okay | 1 |
Bahan lembut,tidak gatal ke hidung,saran : ada pilihan warna lain seperti abu | soft material, not itchy to the nose. suggestion: there are other color choices such as gray | 1 |
menyesal | regret | 0 |
smart tv dengan suara yg menggelegar, nonton movie serasa di bioskop | smart tv with blaring sound, watching movies feels like in a cinema | 1 |
Produk ok, sesuai harga. Sayang kabel HDMI ga disertakan. | product ok, according to price. the hdmi cable is not included. | 0 |
Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Ringan tapi kokoh. Kualitas suaranya bagus. Desain elegan 😍. Desain ramping. Desain ramping. Ada banyak fiturnya. | sharp image resolution. light but sturdy. the sound quality is good. elegant design. sleek design. sleek design. there are many features. | 1 |
Bagussss, Cuma lama dipengiriman aja sampe 10 hari | good, it's just that the delivery took a long time to arrive | 0 |
Barang original, pengemasan rapi, pengiriman sesuai, semoga awet.. | original product, well packaged, prompt delivery.. | 1 |
Barang sudah sampai pengirimannya cepat | goods arrived fast delivery | 1 |
Tv bagus berfungsi,,mudah mudahan tahan lama,,pengiriman sih kurir cepet sampai,,tp proses ke pengiriman H+2 setelah pembelian sangat tidak memuaskan... | the tv works fine, hopefully it lasts a long time, the courier delivery is fast, but the process to the h+ delivery after the purchase is very unsatisfactory. | 0 |
Harusnya bintang 5 nih, kurang cepet di proses pengiriman sama kurang teliti, sampe salah kunci dan pihak service nya juga lama banget datangnya sampe tanggal segini belum datang juga, selebihnya oke, thanx | this should be a star, not fast in the delivery process and not thorough, until the key is wrong and the service also takes a very long time to arrive until this date hasn't arrived yet, the rest is okay, thank you | 0 |
bwat apa saya kasih catatan jgn pake nota kalau tetep dikasih.. | why should i give a note, don't use a note if it's still given.. | 0 |
konek blutot dgn hp bisa keras.. tapi konek sama smart tv suara pelan.. | connect bluetooth and cellphone can be loud.. but connect to smart tv the sound is slow.. | 0 |
Fitur Terbaik:suara mantep
Packing aman meski tanpa packing kayu | best features: steady sound packing is safe even without wooden packing | 1 |
barang mantap bukan kaleng kaleng" | great stuff, not tin cans" | 1 |
barang sampe,bok penyok2 packing diperbaiki | the goods arrived, the dented packaging was repaired | 0 |
barang sudah diterima sesuai dengan pesanan.... | the goods have been received according to the order. | 1 |
hanya lambat dalam pengiriman | just slow on delivery | 0 |
Mantap bening kulkasnya, cepat dingin semoga awet | the fridge is clear, it cools quickly, i hope it lasts | 1 |
Barang mantab, harga bersahabat, kualitas suara jernih, produk lokal kualitas internasional | great stuff, friendly prices, clear sound quality, international quality local products | 1 |
Barang sudah diterima,,berfungsu dgn baik,,ok,,mantap | item received, works fine,, ok,, great | 1 |
bad services, di chat berkali² gak dibalas. cuma jual produk gaada pelayanan sama sekali | bad services, in chat many times not answered. only sell products without service at all | 0 |
Produk bagus. | great product. | 1 |
Barang sudah sampai tujuan. Unit berfungsi dengan baik tapi kayaknya di batre agak boros. Yah buat pakain anak2 Wa, yutuban sm buat ortu ya agk gaptek yg gk neko2 sedang lah.
Terimakasih mimin.. | the goods have reached their destination. the unit works fine but i think the battery is a bit wasteful. well, for children's clothing, wa, youtube for parents, a bit clueless, who isn't adventurous, it's being okay. thank you admin.. | 0 |
Sesuai pesanan. Bagus semua pengiriman juga aman. Cuma dipenyaring yang buat masukin air lewat selangnya kurang rapet jd bocor. Tp its ok bisa langsung pake selang kok. Thanks kak | as ordered. it's good that all shipments are also safe. it's just filtered, which makes water enter through the hose, it's not tight enough so it leaks. but its ok, you can use the hose right away. thanks sis | 1 |
Baik bru aja sampe lgsung di colokin ...
sejauh ini good si .
Cuman pelyanan nya dri toko, awal sampe akhir chat gprnah di balas . Nub banget
Over all . Thanks | it's fine until it's directly plugged in. so far good sis. only the service from the store, from the beginning to the end of the chat, was never answered. very nub over all . thanks | 0 |
ACnya diterima dengan baik dan pengiriman super cepat, unit belum dites hanya baru unboxing | the air conditioner is well received and super fast delivery, the unit has not been tested, only just unboxing | 1 |
Barang bagus banget, gede, harga murah, gratis ongkir lg. | very good item, big, cheap price, free shipping again. | 1 |
Berfungsi dengan baik makasih gan | it works fine thanks bro | 1 |
Packing rapi......... | neat packaging. | 1 |
Kurir cm 1 orang. Gimana mau nurunin barang mana kuat angkat sendirian.
Tdk ada bantuan installasi.
Saya pernah beli merek lain dr merek korea, setelah kurir datang mengantar mesin cuci, diinfokan bbrp hari kemudian akan datang teknisi yg akan melakukan installasi dan comissioning unit. Teknisi tersebut datang dan memasang unit dan mengajarkan kami bagaimana mengoperasikan mesin cuci tsb.
Saya mengharapkan adanya teknisi tsb dr polytron khususnya krn membeli dr toko resmi
Sayang polytron kurang memberi pelayanan yg lebih jauh seperti merek asing tsb
Barang pun begitu sampe ya ditaro aja
Tdk ada pengetesan unit, lha gimana kita tahu barang yg datang memang berfungsi dengan baik.
Suruh pasang selang aja ngga bs orang polytonnya
Barang belum dites tdk tahu berfungsi atau tidak | courier cm people. how do you want to put things down where you are strong enough to lift them alone. no installation help. i once bought another brand from the korean brand, after the courier came to deliver the washing machine, i was informed that a few days later a technician would come to do the installation and commissioning of the unit. the technician came and installed the unit and taught us how to operate the washing machine. i was hoping for a technician from polytron, especially because i bought from an official store. it's a shame that polytron doesn't provide further services like those foreign brands. just asking to install a hose doesn't work for polytons. the item hasn't been tested, doesn't know if it's working or not | 0 |
barang sesuai deskripsi sampai dengan selamat kurir nya baik
tapi klo mesen disini kudu sedikit sabar krna pengiriman nya rada lama krna mngkn rame order nya
thanks Polytron
thanks jg tokopedia | the item according to the description arrived safely the courier is good but if you order here you have to be a little patient because the delivery is a bit long because there are probably a lot of orders thanks polytron thanks jg tokopedia | 1 |
pengiriman 10 hari ... | day delivery. | 0 |
suara kulkas ini kasar. | the sound of this refrigerator is rough. | 0 |
jan mantab banget . . puass. oreder mlm. siang udh sampe rmh. good 👍👍🤣 | jan is really great. . satisfied. order mlm. noon arrived at home. good | 1 |
Barang oke tapi pengiriman 1 abad ajiggg | goods okay but slow shipping | 0 |
kualitas sangat baik. semoga bisa awet | very good quality. hope it lasts | 1 |
Barang sesuai dan berfungsi baik.
pelayanan yang kurang
pengiriman tdk bisa dilacak dan sangat lama. total 9 hari sampai sejak pembayaran
admin kurang komunikatif | item fits and works well. services that are less delivery can not be tracked and very long. total days until since payment the admin is less communicative | 0 |
official store emang gak nyeselin. mantaappp
pengiriman cepat. packing rapi dan aman. | the official store doesn't regret it. great fast delivery. packing neat and safe. | 1 |
Kecepatan Pengiriman lambat dan lama padahal tidak yerlalu jauh , respon penjual lambat, ketika di chat responnya lama
Cuma karena Polytron sdhada merck jadi customer masih mau belanja di offical storenya. | delivery speed is slow and long, even though it's not too far away, the seller's response is slow, when chatting, the response is long, just because polytron already has a brand, so customers still want to shop at the official store. | 0 |
Kulkasnya bagus aplagi dapet diskon hehe
Cuma pengirimannya agak lama 5hari. Adminnya dichat alhamdulillah responnya cepet. Sempet deg degan sih soalnya agak lama hehe
Tp bagus bgt kulkasnya dan udh inverter. Semoga awet kulkasnya 🤗 | the refrigerator is good, especially when you get a discount, hehe. it's just that the delivery takes a long time. the admin is in the chat, thank god, the response is fast. i was really excited because it took a while hehe but the fridge is really good and it's already an inverter. hope it lasts in the fridge | 1 |
Berfungsi dengan bsik
Thankyou seller
Tetep amanah untuk jualannya | works well thank you seller. keep trusting in selling it | 1 |
packingnya ga dikasih bubblewarp tambahan dan tidak ada sticker barang pecah belah, padahal barang elektronik. | the packaging was not given additional bubble wrap and there were no broken goods stickers, even though it was electronic goods. | 0 |
Bagus sesuai deskripsi,udah di coba juga. Cuman sayang pengiriman nya yaa udah mau nyampe hari ini udah Deket kelokasi pas gitu salah type kasian kurirnya kasian juga aku sih nunggu sampe gkjadi brangkat, sampe balik LG dan dikirim ulang 2hri setelah mau dikirim tapi salah type hadeuhh. | good according to the description, already tried too. it's just a shame the delivery was about to arrive today, it was already close to the location just like that, the wrong type, it's a pity the courier was too bad, i waited until it didn't leave, came back to lg and it was sent back the day after it was wanted to be sent, but the wrong type hadeuhh. | 0 |
Barangnya original 👍. Ada garansi resmi. Mutu terjamin SNI. | the goods are original. there is an official guarantee. sni guaranteed quality. | 1 |
Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Kualitas suaranya bagus. Ada banyak fiturnya.
Cuma sayang pengiriman seminggu..
Padahal kalau bisa cepat kenapa harus nunggu seminggu baru dikirim | sharp image resolution. the sound quality is good. there are many features. it's just a shame that the delivery is a week.. even if it can be fast, why do you have to wait a week to be sent | 0 |
Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Kualitas suaranya bagus. Desain ramping. | sharp image resolution. the sound quality is good. sleek design. | 1 |
Terimakasihh barangnya sdh mndarat dg aman, hanya utk kabel hdmi nya hrs beli sendiri | thank you, the item has landed safely, only for the hdmi cable, you have to buy it yourself | 1 |
barang bagus
harga terbaik
pengiriman cepat | good product best price fast delivery | 1 |
Subsets and Splits