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Bagus, cuma kurang besar. Saran sih mending beli yang diatas ini beda 300rb tapi lebih luas dan tinggi. | good, just not big. the suggestion is that it's better to buy the one above, which is different in thousands, but wider and taller. | 0 |
barang udh sampe. mksh seller, mksh blibli | goods arrived. thanks seller, thanks blibli | 1 |
produk sesuai deskripsi. gbr bagus dan suara mantap. cm harus agak sabar nunggu kurir tokonya yg bs sampe 5 hari. ttp layak krn ongkirnya nol 👍👍 | product according to the description. good gbr and great sound. cm has to be a little patient waiting for the shop courier who can arrive today. it's worth it because the postage is zero | 1 |
Pokoknya top markotop.. Puassss klo bli di official store | anyway, top markotop.. satisfied if i bought it at the official store | 1 |
Barang bagus dan sesuai, tapi sayang pelayanan nya kurang bagus, admin nya kacau.. bales chat ga ada sopan santun nya | the goods are good and appropriate, but it's a shame the service isn't good, the admin is messed up. replying to chat doesn't have any manners | 0 |
alhamdulillah sudah sampai, agak lama ya pengirimannya, dan kurirnya mohon kasih nomor yang bs dihubungin, kasian lama di jalan dy, | alhamdulillah it arrived, it took a while for the delivery, and the courier please give me the number that can be contacted, it's too long on the road, | 0 |
ga di kasih buble wrap di luar tapi barang aman harus ada kabel tambahan saya pake HDMI untuk polytron cinemax | no bubble wrap on the outside, but for safe items, there must be an additional cable. i use hdmi for polytron cinemax | 0 |
barang oke, pengiriman lama | item ok, long delivery | 0 |
Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Desain elegan 😍. Desain ramping. Kualitas suaranya bagus. Ringan tapi kokoh. Ada banyak fiturnya. | sharp image resolution. elegant design. sleek design. the sound quality is good. light but sturdy. there are many features. | 1 |
Barang bagus dan sesuai pesanan maksih shopy | good item and according to the order thanks shopee | 1 |
Pengiriman nya cepat, real pict juga .. Cuman belum. D coba.. | the delivery is fast, real pict too. but not yet. d try.. | 1 |
pokonya super kecewa gue !!! | anyway super disappointed me! | 0 |
top markotop | top markotop | 1 |
Pengiriman lamaaaaaa banget hampir seminggu, chaat gk di bls2 bikin emosi.
Kulkas nya mantap | the delivery took almost a week, the chaat wasn't even able to make me emotional. the refrigerator is solid | 0 |
Mantap!! Dahlah Kalian beli ajalah biar bisa nonton tanpa kabur lagi!! Makasih seller. Lop U | excellent!! bye you guys just buy it so you can watch it without running away again!! thanks seller. lop u | 1 |
buku panduan terlalu sederhana hanya kertas satu lembar, merk lokal tp barang produksi china, untuk kulkas nya sejauh ini berfungsi normal, kualitas bahan ok, kokoh dan elegan, semoga awet thanks blibli buat discount n cashbacknya | the guidebook is too simple, only one sheet of paper, local brand but goods produced in china, so far the refrigerator is functioning normally, the quality of the materials is ok, sturdy and elegant, i hope it will last, thanks bblibli for the discount and cashback | 1 |
bagus barang nya, kurir nya ampuuuun lebih dari 10 hari pengiriman nya. | the goods are good, the courier is sorry, more than the day of delivery. | 0 |
barang aman sekali.. cuman pengiriman agak lama... | the goods are very safe.. just the delivery is a bit long. | 1 |
alhamdulillah, mesin cuci nya sampai dengan aman dan selamat, the best pokoke,
terima kasih seller dan kurir yang baik. 👍👍👍 | alhamdulillah, the washing machine arrived safely and safely, the best principal, thank you seller and good courier. | 1 |
Kualitas produk si lumayan, pengiriman jg lumayan cpt tp penyok kardusnya | the quality of the product is ok, the delivery is also quite fast but the box is dented | 0 |
Tv sih aman.. smpai. Kenapa set top box 2mggu lbih ga sampai2 | tv is safe. arrived. why didn't the set top box arrive more than sunday? | 0 |
pesanan sudah diterima, ongkir gratis, cm ga bisa ditracking, yg penting sdh sampai sesuai perkiraan | the order has been received, free shipping, cm cannot be tracked, the important thing is that it has arrived as expected | 1 |
Untuk pengiriman nya lama
Barang oke | for the long delivery, the goods are okay | 0 |
Respon seller cepat dan barang masih segel🎖️👍🏻 | the seller's response was fast and the item was still sealed | 1 |
Fitur Terbaik:barang bagus
Sepadan dengan Harga:oke
barang datang dengan baik, sayang aja kurirnya kurang baik hmmm bintang satu buat kurirnya | best features: good stuff worth the price: okay the goods came in good condition, it's a shame the courier isn't good enough hm one star for the courier | 0 |
admin slow respon banget.. pengiriman lama banget. tp barang nyampe. kacau sih, pelayanan nya.. | admin is very slow to respond. very long delivery. but the goods arrived. what a mess, the service.. | 0 |
barang bagus dan original, cuman pengiriman lama, sebaiknya pengiriman lebih ditingkatkan | good and original goods, only long delivery, delivery should be improved | 0 |
poLATEtronnn seller tidk ramah, admin tidak ramahh , pengiriman sampai h+10harii lambattt pokoknya. Sangat amat mengecewakan saya tidak merekomendasii jika ingij pengiriman cepat | polatetron seller is not friendly, admin is not friendly, delivery is a day + day slow anyway. very very disappointing i do not recommend if you want fast delivery | 0 |
barang oke tapi siaran tv gak semua ada. | the goods are okay but not all tv broadcasts are there. | 0 |
Goodjob.. Mudah-mudahan awet | good job.. hopefully it lasts | 1 |
Mantap sesuai pesanan..
Terima kasih.. | great according to the order.. thank you.. | 1 |
Saya chat tidak di respon tapi di read | i chat no response but read | 0 |
Buat pengiriman diperbaiki, saya menunggu barang tsb sampai 3 minggu. | for shipping to be repaired, i'm waiting for the item until sunday. | 0 |
Pakai antena indoor kode pos 11750 aman dapat 44 channel. | use an indoor antenna, safe zip code, get channel. | 1 |
Produk sesuai
Berfungsi dengan baik..
Pengiriman agak lama | great product fits well.. delivery is a bit long | 1 |
produk sampai tanpa cacat, udah di test semua, suaranya mantapp 👍 | the shampoo product is flawless, all have been tested, the sound is great | 1 |
saya pesan speaker, yang datang layar display ga nyala. udah ngeluh di chat dan cs, gada tanggapan. masa saya harus bayar barang rusak? harap ya kak tanggapannya. cs disini juga jauh | i ordered a speaker, the display screen that came didn't turn on. already complained in chat and cs, no response. do i have to pay for damaged goods? please give me your response. cs here is also far away | 0 |
Bisa muat banyak. Barangnya original 👍. Desainnya elegan ✨. Hemat listrik ⚡. | can fit a lot. the goods are original. the design is elegant. saving electricity . | 1 |
Terimakasih. Tapi knp ya di tempat tinggal saya Kota Sukabumi belum ada sinyal? Jadi ga dapat satupun channel. Mungkin nunggu nanti November kali ya?, | thank you. but why isn't there a signal where i live in sukabumi city? so you can't get any channels. maybe wait until november, huh? | 1 |
barang okey, ori juga.. cuma pengirimannya aja kk lama, di tingkatin lagi ya | the goods are okay, ori too.. it's just that the delivery took a long time, please upgrade again | 0 |
Pngiriman cpet, bngt mantap | fast delivery, very solid | 1 |
Sudah diinfokan sebelumnya di note pakai bubblewrap tambahan tapi tidak dilaksanakan, kurir salah scan nama (kurir bermasalah) | previously informed on the note using additional bubblewrap but it was not implemented, the courier scanned the wrong name (courier problem) | 0 |
Barang okey banget cuma pengiriman aja lama banget | the item is very good but the delivery is very long | 0 |
barang berfungsi bagus, admin seller (bad attitude) no respon, pengiriman lama | item works well, admin seller (bad attitude) no response, long delivery | 0 |
Barangnya original 👍. Tp pengirimannya lama | the goods are original. but the delivery is long | 0 |
tampilan nya bagus, pengiriman nya gak sesuai sama yg tertera di deskripsi nya tertulis pakai kurir toko, tapi pakai ekspedisi KGX, Chat solusi kulkas nya di bagian bawah tidak dingin gak dibalas hanya di read saja.. perekat nya tidak rapi.. | the appearance is good, the delivery does not match what is written in the description it is written using the shop courier, but using the kgx expedition, chat the refrigerator solution at the bottom not cold, no reply, just read it.. the adhesive is not neat.. | 0 |
Alhamdulillah kulkasnya udah sampai dirumah... Bagus banget.. Kurir nya ramah... Terimakasih polytron | thank god the refrigerator has arrived at home. very good.. the courier is friendly. thank you polytron | 1 |
Pengiriman 1 minggu | week delivery | 1 |
Total butuh waktu 12 hari untuk barang diterima dari saat pembayaran terkonfirmasi. Seller kurang jujur mengenai status pengiriman, info awal barang sudah dikirim, setelah 4 hari ada perubahan no resi pengiriman, baru 3 hari setelah itu barang sampai. Ekspedisi dari penjual tidak ada fasilitas tracking, jd gak pernah tahu posisinya dimana. Secara keseluruhan sangat lambat prosesnya, info yg disampaikan juga tidak terbuka, balasannya cm template akan dikirimkan secepatnya kakak, haduh. | in total it took days for the item to be received from the time the payment was confirmed. the seller is not honest about the delivery status, the initial information on the item has been sent, after the day there is a change in the delivery receipt number, it is only the day after that the item arrives. the expedition from the seller has no tracking facility, so i never know where it is. overall the process is very slow, the information submitted is also not open, the reply is that the template will be sent as soon as possible brother, ouch. | 0 |
Fitur Terbaik:Fitur bagus banget
Sepadan dengan Harga:Worth it
Product, fiture sma harga semuanya bagus. Cuman yg sangat disayangkan ada penyokan sedikit di samping helas banget. | best features: really good features worth the price: worth it product, features and price are all good. it's just that it's a pity that there is a slight dent on the side that is really smooth. | 0 |
packing ok,proses kirim cepat kurir nya ramah topp barang berfungsi dengan baik ts | packing ok, fast delivery process, the courier is friendly, topp, the item works well, ts | 1 |
order tanggal 28 juni sampai k Cibinong Bogor tgl 2 juli, membingungkan karna ga bisa dilacak lokasi brg sudah dmn... chat seller tidak dibalas sama sekali | order from june to cibinong bogor on july, it was confusing because i couldn't trace the location of the item where it was. chat seller is not answered at all | 0 |
barang sesuai pesanan dalam keadaan baik baik dan waktunya kurang dari 3 hari .. | the goods according to the order are in good condition and the time is less than days .. | 1 |
Pesan mawar yg datang ini lain kalo di cek lagi ya ka untuk pengiriman nya | the rose order that came is different, if you check again, yes, for delivery | 0 |
Barang sudah diterima dengan baik...
Pengemasan cepat dan pengiriman barang juga cepat..
Terima kasih 🙏 | the goods have been well received. fast packaging and fast delivery of goods too.. thank you | 1 |
Good Set Top Box | good set top box | 1 |
bagus kulkasnya berfungsi dgn baik semoga awet. pengiriman juga cpt jarak 2 hari. tp kurirnya nyebelin bgt... | it's good that the refrigerator works well, hopefully it lasts. delivery is also fast within days. but the courier sucks. | 1 |
sdh sampai dengan selamat, packaging sangat amat karena dikasih kardus lgi. Mantep pokoknya. | it arrived safely, the packaging is very very because it was given a cardboard again. steady anyway. | 1 |
Belum dipasang, semoga tidak ada kecacatan | haven't installed yet, hopefully there's no defects | 1 |
Baguss bgt maaf baru kasih nilai ya karna saya pengen tau apakah slama 7hr dipakai ad kerusakan apa ga ternyata normal smua thanks seller | it's really good, sorry i just gave it a rating, because i want to know if it's been used during the day, is there any damage or not, it turns out to be normal, thanks seller | 1 |
Siaran ketangkap cuma sedikit, masi buram | the broadcast was caught only a little, still blurry | 0 |
maaf baru'kasih penilaiyan barang ny mantulll gan🙏 | sorry, i'm new, thank you for the good evaluation of the goods, bro | 1 |
maaf lupa ngreview, pengiriman cepat, kurir ramah, barang berfungsi dengan baik, | sorry forgot to review, fast delivery, friendly courier, item works well, | 1 |
sudah berkali kali diinfokan dan diberikan catatan jangan berikan nota.. | i have been informed many times and given notes, don't give notes. | 0 |
barang sudah sampai cuma channel digitalnya belum ada d tempat saya.. | the item arrived, but the digital channel is not at my place yet.. | 0 |
bunyinya lumayan keras, sama kalau pas bunyi lumayan jadi panas bagian samping kulkasnya
but good at all | the sound is quite loud, it's the same when the sound is good it gets hot on the side of the fridge but it's good at all | 0 |
Bagus mesin cucinya aman tidak ada kendala terimakasih polytronn | good, the washing machine is safe, there are no problems, thank you polytronn | 1 |
*pengiriman sangat lama (3-7 hari) & barang lebih dr yg dijanjikan (beli tgl 13,barang sampai tgl 23 setelah dikomplen sana sini
& yg lebih parah saat barang dibuka dr kardus ada 2 baris legok di body (sesuai poto)
*semoga kualitas barangnya tdk ikutan jd buruk seperti pelayanannya | very bad * very long delivery (- days) & goods more than promised (buy the date, the goods arrive on the date after being complained here and there & what's worse when the goods are opened from the cardboard there is a legok line on the body (according to the photo) * i hope the quality of the goods is not follow bad like the service | 0 |
Dapet harga terbaik, setelah dipasang antena di spakbor depan dan spakbor belakang. hasilnya pas lagi diem memuaskan, tapi pas lagi jalan putus2. baterai remot nya sudah abis ga bisa dipakai. harus beli terpisah. Puas banget dapet harga promo. | get the best price, after installing the antenna on the front fender and rear fender. the result is satisfying when i'm still silent, but when i stop, i break up. the remote battery is exhausted and can't be used. have to buy separately. very satisfied with the promo price. | 0 |
Pengiriman cepat 2 hari nyampe, kurir pengiriman baik, ramah... Penjualan ramah fast respon | fast delivery, the day of delivery, good delivery courier, friendly. fast response friendly sales | 1 |
Ringan tapi kokoh. Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Kualitas suaranya bagus. Desain ramping. Proses pesanan cepat. Penjualnya ramah banget. Ada banyak fiturnya. Desain elegan 😍. Respon penjualnya top. Packaging rapi. Packaging aman 🙏. | light but sturdy. sharp image resolution. the sound quality is good. sleek design. fast order process. the seller is very friendly. there are many features. elegant design. top seller response. neat packaging. safe packaging. | 1 |
Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Kualitas suaranya bagus. mengglegarDesain elegan 😍. Ringan tapi kokoh. Ada banyak fiturnya. Proses pesanan cepat. Packaging rapi. | sharp image resolution. the sound quality is good. jarring elegant design . light but sturdy. there are many features. fast order process. neat packaging. | 1 |
barang sesuai pesanan, original msh segel.... pengiriman cepat.blm di coba. | items as ordered, original still sealed. fast delivery. yet to try. | 1 |
produk bagus, tp pengiriman lama sekali | good product, but very long delivery | 0 |
Suaranya mantap 🔊. Desain elegan. Bahannya kokoh. Garansi terjamin. | the sound is steady. elegant design. the material is sturdy. guaranteed warranty. | 1 |
Mudah2n awet yaa ..
Kurir nya alhamdulilah ramah bgttt
Next mau beli kulkas nya lg..
Maaf ak ubah bintang nya karna baru brp hari pengering nya udh rusak | hopefully it will last. thank god the courier is very friendly. next i want to buy the refrigerator again.. sorry i changed the stars because it's only been a few days since the dryer is broken | 0 |
Lambat dalam penanganan barang rusak, nyesel saya beli | slow in handling damaged goods, i regret buying it | 0 |
Fitur Terbaik:bagus
Sepadan dengan Harga:yaa bagus
Minus pengiriman ajaa agak lama | best features:good worth the price:yes,good minus the long shipping time | 1 |
Lama pengirimannya hampir 3 minggu ...mudah2 egk ada kendala | the delivery time is almost a week. easy without any problems | 0 |
Pemasangan mudah, signal tergantung jangkauan antena di daerah anda. | easy installation, the signal depends on the antenna coverage in your area. | 1 |
Produknya sesuai, tapi pengirimannya tergolong lama. Padahal domisili Bekasi kota, statusnya pesen Minggu, diproses Senin, di aplikasi dikirim Selasa tapi baru nyampe hari Sabtu itupun setelah ditanya dulu ke CS. CSnya juga ga helpful sih responnya.. Kayaknya gamau beli disini lg deh :( | the product is suitable, but the delivery is quite long. even though the domicile is bekasi city, the status was ordered sunday, processed monday, the application was sent tuesday but it only arrived on saturday and even then after asking cs first. the cs isn't helpful either, the response. i don't think i want to buy here anymore :( | 0 |
mantab.kualitas ok | mantab. quality ok | 1 |
produk sesuai dgn gambar , barang ori jg cm pengiriman agak lama tp gpp .. | the product is in accordance with the picture, the original item is also cm, the delivery is a bit long but it's okay.. | 1 |
Parah, ini barang beli sampai test cacat produk antenanya, tgl 10 beli, tgl 18 dibawa ke service, sampai tgl 25 ini belum juga selesai, promo sih promo, tapi juga ga nyampah barangnya, kalau mau repot silahkan beli, terima kasih 🙏 | it's bad, this item was bought until the antenna product was tested for defects, the date of purchase, the date it was taken to the service, it hasn't been completed until this date, the promo is a promo, but the goods aren't wasteful either, if you want to bother, please buy it, thank you | 0 |
setelah 3 hari pemakaian, kompresor mulai ngambek, dan kulkas gak dingin walau udah dimentokkin paling dingin ... adoh.... puyeng. dah. | after a day of use, the compressor started cranky, and the refrigerator didn't cool even though it was the coldest one. ouch. dizzy. already. | 0 |
Mantap Keren Seperti Di Bioskop Sound dan Bassnya... Semoga Awet dan Penuh Keberkahan. Aamiin | steady cool like in a cinema sound and bass. hopefully durable and full of blessings. amen! | 1 |
Cepat dan ok good jobbbbbbb | fast and ok good job | 1 |
Pengiriman Cepat, mantap meski admin nya introvert 😂👍 | fast delivery, great even though the admin is an introvert | 1 |
pengiriman lama pesen sabtu datangnya kamis dan tidak bisa download NETFLIX di tv ini | long delivery ordered saturday arrived thursday and can't download netflix on this tv | 0 |
Berfungsi dengan baik. | works fine. | 1 |
channel banyak, daerah tangsel dapat 50 channel, gambar jernih, berfungsi normal, di bagian remote ada buat kontrol langsung ke tv (power, input, volume) namun di saya tidak berfungsi dg baik, tapi tidak masalah overall kualitas oke banget | lots of channels, tangsel area gets channels, clear picture, works normally, on the remote there is for direct control of the tv (power, input, volume) but it doesn't work properly for me, but there's no problem overall the quality is really good | 1 |
Pengiriman lama seminggu.pendingin tidak berfungsi sudah coba di suhu pendingin nya ttp ga bisa & ternyata setelah di cek dari org Polytron, kulkasnya sensitif tidak boleh 1 colokan dgn mesin air, kipas angin dll kecuali charger HP... Ya walaupun responnya lama bangat btw thankyou seller & shopee | delivery took a week. the cooler doesn't work. i've tried it at the cooling temperature but it doesn't work & it turns out that after checking from the polytron people, the refrigerator is sensitive, it can't be plugged in with a water machine, fan, etc. except for a cellphone charger. yes, even though the response took a very long time btw thank you seller & shopee | 0 |
ac nya bagus dan dingin, cukup 24 derajat sudah menggigil, dan irit listrik pula | the air conditioner is nice and cold, enough degrees to chill, and it's also economical on electricity | 1 |
Bagus ori | good ori | 1 |
Pengiriman cepat, maskernya juga enak di pakai nya. | fast delivery, the mask is also comfortable to use. | 1 |
Kasih bintang empat aja, karena pengiriman agak lama | only giving four stars, because the delivery is a bit long | 0 |
lumayan murah pas lagi dapat promo, semoga awet kulkasnya, yg disayangkan adalah lamanya pengantaran, beli jumat pagi sampainya jumat sore minggu depannya setelah bolak balik inbox csnya,, Bisa muat banyak. Barangnya original 👍. Mutu terjamin SNI. Ada garansi resmi. Hemat listrik ⚡. Gampang dipakai. Desainnya elegan ✨. | it's pretty cheap when i get a promo, i hope the refrigerator lasts, what's unfortunate is the long delivery time, bought it friday morning until friday afternoon the next week after going back and forth to the cs inbox. it can fit a lot. the goods are original. sni guaranteed quality. there is an official guarantee. saving electricity . easy to use. the design is elegant. | 1 |
baguss..walau pengiriman lama tpi barang real pict | nice. even though the delivery took a long time but the item is real pict | 1 |
Bagus Suka ..
tapi 1 tv bermasalah pada layar nya .. semoga segera mendapatkan solusi ya min | nice.. but the tv has a problem with the screen.. i hope you get a solution soon, bro | 0 |
Fitur Terbaik:Kulkasnya mulus bagus tanpa.cacat
Yg bikin was was pengiriman nya lama dan gk ada pemberitahuan estimasi pengiriman nya.. seler gk ada respon.. tp toko nya amanah kulkasnya bagus mulus lancar jaya👍🤗😍 | best features: the refrigerator is smooth, good without defects. | 0 |
Subsets and Splits