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Bagusss sesuai ekspetasi tidak seperti perasaan aku, aku kira endingnya bakal bahagia terbyata menyakitkan | good according to expectations unlike my feelings, i thought the ending would be happy but painful | 1 |
Barang bagus, cuma sayang Admin nya di chat ga pernah bales.. Alhamdulillah barang aman thank's | good stuff, it's just a shame the admin is chatted and never replies. thank god the item is safe thank's | 0 |
Harus bersabar dengan pengirimannya, bener2 hari terakhir sampe nya 🙃 | have to be patient with the delivery, it's the last day to arrive | 0 |
dipasang di tv tabung kok tidak berhasil ya, apa harus di tv lcd? | how come it doesn't work on a tube tv, does it have to be on an lcd tv? | 0 |
Perbaiki lagi utk admin nya msh slow respon | fix it again for the admin, it's still slow in response | 0 |
lambat sekali balas chat nya | very slow reply to chat | 0 |
Mantap pengiriman ke pandeglang cuma 3 hari | great delivery to pandeglang only one day | 1 |
Mantap gan... respon cpt... packing aman... TOP | that's great. fast response safe packaging. top | 1 |
Fitur Terbaik:kurang respon admin nya
Barang pecah kok tetap di kirim.. tolong di perhatikan dong kan itu barang nya mahal. | the best feature: the lack of response from the admin. broken items are still being sent. please pay attention, they are expensive items. | 0 |
Produk mantap, sesuai harapan, nonton bola lancar, pakai mirroring juga asik. Kualitas produk sangat baik, installnya gampang. | great product, as expected, watching football smoothly, using mirroring is also fun. product quality is very good, easy to install. | 1 |
First buyer...?
Packing ny solid dan aman... Walau dus ny terkesan kusam, tp yg penting barang ny aman dan berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya...
Fitur nfc ny jg berfungsi dgn baik... Suara ny sesuai dgn harga yg diberikan...
Pengiriman super cepat...
Moga barang ny awet...
Terima kasih... | first buyer.? the packing is solid and safe. even though the box looks dull, the important thing is that the item is safe and functions as it should. the nfc feature also works well. the sound is in accordance with the price given. super fast delivery. hopefully the item lasts. thank you. | 1 |
Barang aman sampai tujuan, barang sesuai deskripsi, pokoknya mantap, polytron is the best | goods safely arrived at destination, goods according to the description, just great, polytron is the best | 1 |
Paket sudh sampai, cuma gk tau kenapa bunyi bising | the package has arrived, i just don't know why it's noisy | 0 |
Alhamdulillah mesin cuci nya udh dateng...semoga awet ya | thank god the washing machine has arrived. i hope it will last | 1 |
Fitur Terbaik:sangat baik
Sepadan dengan Harga:Sangat
Kualitas bagus, sampe dengan baik | best features: very good worth the price: very good quality, arrived well | 1 |
sesuai dan kualitas speaker mantap hanya pengiriman lama sekitar 1minggu | according and the quality of the speakers is great, only the long delivery is about a week | 0 |
Pesan Jumat. Selasa sampe... Toppppp bgt
Gak ada cacat / lcet..
Harus konfirmasi dulu mau beli ini padahal dari 2021 awal mantengin Mulu ternyta harus chat admin nya 🤭 | order friday. tuesday arrived. it's top notch there are no defects/scuffs. i have to confirm that i want to buy this even though from the beginning you have to chat with the admin | 1 |
mesin nya alus tidak berisik. sudah otomatis mudah mengoperasionakannya | the engine is smooth and not noisy. it's easy to operate automatically | 1 |
Barang bgusss mic kurang sinkron… | good stuff, the mic is out of sync. | 0 |
Saya beri saran kepada pembeli yang tidak cukup sabar untuk menunggu paket datang, mohon jangan beli disini. Mengapa? Pengiriman sangat lama, bahkan melebihi batas estimasi. Di status pengiriman tertulis sudah dikirim tapi teryata sebenernya blm dikirim. Admin sangat tidak responsif, bintang 1. | i give advice to buyers who are impatient enough to wait for the package to arrive, please don't buy here. why? delivery is very long, even exceeding the estimated limit. on the delivery status it says it has been sent but in fact it hasn't actually been sent. very unresponsive admin, star . | 0 |
dlm waktu 5 hari barang sampai dengan selamat, free ongkir pula. ga kecewa pokoknya. mudah2an awet. | within days the goods arrive safely, free island shipping. not disappointed at all. hopefully durable. | 1 |
Suara mantap oke, seller baik banget, meskipun ada masalah di unitnta, tapi sudah diganti dengan unit yang baru, hanya proses pengirimannya saja yang sangat lama, tp terimakasih | the sound is great, okay, the seller is very kind, even though there is a problem with the unit, but it has been replaced with a new unit, only the delivery process is very long, but thank you | 0 |
Brg ori garansi resmi. Sesuai deskription, bagus hanya pengiriman sedikit lebih lama. | brg ori official warranty. corresponds to the description, good, but the delivery took a little longer. | 1 |
Kualitas oke
Produk original
Bagus semua berfungsi dengan baik
Cuma pengiriman lamaaaaaaa pake banget padahal cuma d Cikupa dan saya Balaraja harusnya ga sampe Se jam juga udah sampe tapi ini seminggu an | good quality original product good everything works well only the delivery took really long even though it was only in cikupa and i was balaraja it shouldn't have arrived an hour has arrived but it's been a week | 0 |
Sepadan dengan Harga:ok
Belum di coba nyalain, baru liat kelengkapan & kondisi barang, karena di tinggal kerja ke luar kota dlu,
Pengiriman nya lama juga ya min,, | worth the price: ok haven't tried it yet, just looked at the completeness & condition of the goods, because i'm just working out of town first, the delivery takes too long, bro. | 0 |
Alhamdulillah pesanan sdh sampai dalam kondisi baik tapi, tidak sesuai jadwal pengiriman, luuuuaaaama dan Alhamdulillah bisa berfungsi dengan baik. | thank god the order arrived in good condition but, it didn't go according to the delivery schedule, it was luama and alhamdulillah it could function properly. | 0 |
Barang sudah sampai walau pengiriman nya kaya naik kura-kura lambat banget. Setelah di komplain ke CS Tokopedia baru gercep ga sampai 3 jam barang datang. terima kasih Tokopedia saya selalu percaya belanja di Tokopedia | the goods have arrived even though the delivery is like a turtle ride, it's really slow. after being complained to tokopedia cs, it didn't arrive until the goods arrived. thank you tokopedia, i always believe in shopping at tokopedia | 0 |
pengiriman nya lama bngt ampe 8 hari | the delivery took so long until the day | 0 |
cepat sampai | come quickly | 1 |
Kualitas produk sangat baik, suaranya endul, desainnya bagus bener, minus di pengiriman aja ya lama huhu, tapi ini bener2 bagus temen-temen, produknya original polytrin, respon penjualnya baik banget💖💖 | the quality of the product is very good, the sound is endul, the design is really good, minus the shipping, it just takes a long time huhu, but this is really good, friends, the product is original polytrin, the seller's response is very good | 1 |
barang berfungsi dengan normal, tapi pelayan tidak memuaskan di chat tidak balas, paket dikirim dari tanggal 8 nov sampai 14 nov | the goods function normally, but the service is not satisfactory on chat, no reply, packages are sent from november to november | 0 |
Alhamdulillah paket sampai dengan selamat tanpa cacat sedikitpun. Semoga awet. Cuma kendalanya di pengirimannya yg lama dan kurirnya tidak ramah malah marah" pdhl udah dikasih shareloc yg bener. But overall produknya aman. Makasih | thank god the package arrived safely without the slightest defect. hope it lasts. the only problem is that the delivery takes a long time and the courier isn't friendly and gets angry "even though i've been given the correct shareloc. but overall the product is safe. thank you | 0 |
TV nya bagus tanpa kendala, yang kirim dari partner logistik 2-3hari kerja.
Cuma kritik cs/adminnya lebih giat bales pesan, pesan engga dibales2 kalo diskusi dibales.
Polytron harus rekrut karyawan khusus balesin chat dari customer. saya komplain ke IG/email baru di respon pesanan. Overall oke kok. Catatan untuk lebih fast lagi. | the tv is good without any problems, which is sent from a logistics partner - working days. only criticism is that the cs/admin are more active in responding to messages, messages are not answered when discussions are answered. polytron has to recruit employees specifically to answer chats from customers. i complained to ig / new email in response to the order. overall okay really. note for even faster. | 0 |
Muantulllll | muantul | 1 |
Memang lama sampenya sama seperti review yang lain, untuk saya sendiri pesan tanggal 26 sampai rumah tanggal 4 jam 9 malam ke depok. Sampai dengan selamat sesuai pesanan dan langsung di pakai karna memang mesin cuci dirumah sudah rusak, gampang pengoprasiannya semoga awet | it took a long time to arrive, just like the other reviews, for myself, i ordered the date to arrive home at night to depok. it arrived safely according to the order and was used immediately because the washing machine at home was broken, it's easy to operate, hopefully it lasts | 0 |
Terimakasih seller akhirnya pesanan sampai juga pengiriman lama semoga awet berkah bisa berlangganan | thank you seller, finally the order arrived, the delivery took a long time, hopefully it will last, the blessing can subscribe | 0 |
Barang bagus. Sesuai dengan harga. | good stuff. according to the price. | 1 |
Sudah diterima dengan baik.. lebih ditingkatkan lagi yaaaa untuk responnyaa.. gada respon sama sekali terkait pengiriman.. smoga seller bisa lebih ramah lg | it's been well received. even more improvement for the response. no response at all regarding delivery. i hope the seller can be more friendly again | 0 |
Udah dua kali beli d sini bagus bgt puas, gak swmpet foto soalnya bukan beli untuk sendiri | i've bought here twice, it's really good, i'm satisfied, i can't take photos, because i didn't buy it for myself | 1 |
Fitur Terbaik:berfungsi dengan baik
Sepadan dengan Harga:sesuai
Barang datang sesuai pesanan dan berfungsi dengan baik hanya slow respon seller nya | best features:works well worth the price:according goods come as ordered and work fine only the seller's response is slow | 0 |
produknya berfungsi dg baik.bagus.cma pelayanannya sbg toko official sekelas polytron buruk ya..agar lbh ditingkatkan lg.dichat berhari2 baru bales.pengiriman kalo ga dilaporkan ke blibli mungkin akan lbh lama lagi.3 hari dr pembayaran baru dikirim.itupun harus telfon ke CS nya blibli dlu.padahal gudang polytron hanya 1km an jaraknya dr rumah saya.ketika barang nyampe,faktur sya cek.dan benar dr gudang polytron dekat rumah saya.agar lbh ditingkatkan lg pelayanannya | the product works well.good.only the service as an official store is in the same class as polytron is that it can be improved takes a day to if not reported to blibli it might take even longer. the day after the payment was sent. even then i had to call the bblibli cs first. even though the polytron warehouse was only km away from my house. when the goods arrived, i checked the invoice. and it was correct from the polytron warehouse near my house. | 0 |
Kwalitas tv dengan suaranya lumayan puas hanya seller kurang responsive sempet h2c kapan barang dikirimnya tapi akhirnya datang juga tv nya .. mohon admin penjualan online nya diperbaiki 🙏 | the quality of the tv with the sound is quite satisfied, only the sealer is not responsive, i can hc when the goods are sent, but finally the tv comes . i hope the online sales admin can fix it | 0 |
Barangnya oke tp pelayananya ga banget | the goods are okay but the service is not great | 0 |
TV Polytron sudah sampai, tapi memang pengantaran agak lama dan tidak bisa dilacak. Pesan Sabtu pagi di proses hari Senin, sampai nya hari Rabu. Kalau TV digital nya bisa dapat 50 channel | the polytron tv arrived, but the delivery took quite a while and it couldn't be traced. ordered saturday morning, processed monday, arrived wednesday. for digital tv, you can get channels | 0 |
petunjuk pemasangan tidak lengkap, barang tidak ready to use ...
perbaikan di service center juga lama | the installation instructions are incomplete, the item is not ready to use. repairs at the service center also take a long time | 0 |
barang bagus, packing rapih tapi lumayan lama nunggu nya,dan panduan pemasangan tidak ada, but its oke. | good stuff, neat packing but it's quite a long wait, and there's no installation guide, but its okay. | 1 |
bagusssssssssssssss dua kali | good twice | 1 |
Barangnya apikkk. Tp adminnya amit bgt gaada respon sama sekali ampe emosi kita. Pengiriman lama bgt 7 hari. | good stuff. but the admin, god forbid, doesn't respond at all to our emotions. long delivery days. | 0 |
barang ok. cuman pengiriman nya. ampun dech lamanya. | ok stuff. just delivery. excuse me for so long. | 0 |
pemakaian 5 bulan speaker mati total tidak bisa menyala sma sekali itu posisi on kondisinya kaya gtu apakah bisa claim garansi caranya gmna mhon di respon ka. | after using it for a month, the speaker is completely dead, it can't turn on at all, it's on, the condition is like that, can you claim warranty, how can i respond, please. | 0 |
okeehhh.. d pack aman. trims. | okeeh.. d pack secure. thanks. | 1 |
barang oke pengirimannya lama | item ok long delivery | 0 |
Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Ringan tapi kokoh. Kualitas suaranya bagus. Proses pesanan cepat. | sharp image resolution. light but sturdy. the sound quality is good. fast order process. | 1 |
Mutu terjamin SNI. Ada garansi resmi. sayang slow respon penjualnya | sni guaranteed quality. there is an official guarantee. it's a shame the seller's slow response | 0 |
respon chat sangat buruk, kalau ada pilihan ga kasih bintang, pasti ga akan berikan star.. jijik sama pelayanan chat official ini | the chat response is very bad, if there is a choice not to give a star, i will definitely not give a star. disgusted with this official chat service | 0 |
Kualiatas Polytron emang Juara 👍👍👍👍 | the quality of polytron is indeed champion | 1 |
Cukup bagus, cuman di depannya ada yg baret, lebih hati² saat di Peking | it's pretty good, but there's a beret in front of it, more careful in peking | 0 |
Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Kualitas suaranya bagus. Tapi pengirimannya lama banget pesan tanggal 12 Nov sampai tanggal 26 Nov | sharp image resolution. the sound quality is good. but the delivery took really long, ordered from november to november | 0 |
Beli tgl 12 dikirim tanggal 17 sama penjual
Resi ga di input sama penjual katanya pake kurir sendiri ternyata pake jne
Udah gitu jne nya kirimnya lama suami saya jadi ambil sendiri ke gudang. Jne di cikarang
Kami jadi mundur mudik ke kuar kota gara gara nunggu barangnya lama. Mengecewakan | buy the date sent by the seller. the receipt wasn't inputted by the seller, he said he used his own courier, it turned out to be using jne. that's how it took a long time for my husband to send it, so i took it myself to the warehouse. jne in cikarang we are going back and forth to out of town because of the long wait for the goods. disappointing | 0 |
Dusnya sudah penyok2 | the box is dented | 0 |
puas si tidak.
pengirimannya lama.
kalau untuk prodak bagus. | satisfied no. long delivery. if for good prodak. | 0 |
Air berbau pelastik. | water smells of plastic. | 0 |
👍🏻👍🏻sangat membantu tuk hiburan di jalan (sy pasang di mobil), skaligus bs cek sinyal tv digital sepanjang jln pas mudik 🙂
sayang aja banyak lokasi pemancar tdk efektif lokasinya (jd jangkauan sangat terbatas), meskipun dekat sinyal jelek. antena sdh omni 😡 | very helpful for entertainment on the road (i installed it in the car), as well as being able to check the digital tv signal all the way back and forth, it's a shame that many transmitter locations are ineffective (so the range is very limited), even though the signal is near bad. omni antenna | 0 |
Sudah sampai..
pengiriman super cepat..
Paking juga cepat..
Produk original
sudah langganan dan gk pernah mengecewakan..
Terimakasih seller😘
Terimakasih shoppe✨ | arrived.. super fast delivery.. packing is also fast.. the original product has been subscribed and never disappoints.. thank you seller thank you shoppe | 1 |
Sorry min lama dalam penilaian. Pokoknya top markotop. Terima kasih min | sorry, min, it took so long to evaluate. anyway top markotop. thank you min | 1 |
mobil nya kegedean jadi gak bisa sampai lokasi | the car is too big so it can't reach the location | 0 |
Fitur Terbaik:kualitas produk baik
Sepadan dengan Harga:harga sesuai sama barang nya
Lambat di pengiriman aja sih menurutku | best features: good product quality worth the price: the price matches the goods it's just slow on delivery in my opinion | 0 |
Suaranya mantap 🔊. Kualitas boleh diadu. Garansi terjamin. Desain elegan. Proses pesanan cepat. Packaging aman 🙏. Packaging rapi. | the sound is steady. quality can be contested. guaranteed warranty. elegant design. fast order process. safe packaging. neat packaging. | 1 |
Penjual tidak amanah, Saya order neuva ice karna saya pernah beli tapi ini dikirim nueva pro gimana ini ,gambar yg sudah terpasang itu neuva ice yg asli yg saya oreder di tempat lain ,AC baru di unboxing karna baru sempat buka, kecewa | the seller is not trustworthy, i ordered neuva ice because i bought it before but this was sent by nueva pro, how about this, the picture that was installed was the original neuva ice that i ordered elsewhere, the air conditioner was just unboxed because it had just been opened, disappointed | 0 |
suara ok, barang nyampe dengan aman cm agak kuatir krn tidak bisa lacak kurir.... | sound ok, the goods arrived safely cm a bit worried because i couldn't track the courier. | 0 |
Sepadan dengan Harga:terjangkau
Fitur Terbaik:baik
Barang datang cepat dan sesuai dengan pesanan terima kasih banyak 🙏 | worth the price: affordable best features: good goods came fast and as ordered thank you very much | 1 |
kualitasnya bagus produk dalam negeri, tp kualitas tokonya menurut saya kurang respon.. | the quality is good for domestic products, but in my opinion the quality of the store is not responsive.. | 0 |
Barang bagus, tapi pengirimannya lama, masa 1 minggu lebih baru sampai | good item, but the delivery took a long time, arrived on sunday more recently | 0 |
Barangnya original 👍. Mudah dipasang. Prngiriman lama. | the goods are original. easy to install. old delivery. | 0 |
Beberapa tombol tidak berfungsi | some buttons don't work | 0 |
Gak di anter sampai rumah 😅 jadi di ambil sendiri barang ok dan sudah d test | i didn't get it delivered to the house, so i took it myself, the goods are ok and have been tested | 0 |
Baguuss, semoga tidak ad kendala u/ kedepan nya... | good, i hope there are no problems in the future. | 1 |
Bagus. Isi paketnya indooe, outdoor, sama remot. Kabel² dan selang semua hrus beli sendiri lg y teman². Saya gagal konek AC ke aplikasi Smart Home Polytron d HP. Bingung. | good. the contents of the package are indoor, outdoor, and remote. you have to buy all the cables and hoses yourself, friends. i failed to connect the ac to the smart home polytron application on hp. confused. | 0 |
Mudah pengoperasian nya, keren pokok nya top deh, dapet harga flashsale pula, gratiss pengiriman | it's easy to operate, it's really cool, it's top, you get flashsale prices too, free shipping | 1 |
Mantab.. Berfungsi dg baik... Semoga berkah | great.. it works fine. hopefully it is blessed | 1 |
Kualitas barang baik. Itu mengapa saya membeli produk ini
Sayangnya pengirimannya lama dan sptnya (kl dilihat dari riwayat pengirimannya) itu bukan disebabkan oleh kurir. Semoga kedepannya bisa lebih baik lg. | good quality goods. that's why i bought this product. unfortunately, the delivery took a long time and (if you look at the shipping history) it wasn't caused by the courier. hopefully in the future it can be better. | 0 |
Barang sudah sampai dengan selamat, 🙏 | it has arrived safely, | 1 |
Alhamdulilah kmren sampay pkt'a,mas2 kurir'a ramah bgt,,,pngrmn stndard cma emang gk bisa d lht dri aplksi pket' asdh smpe mna,,,produk'a semoga awet,,, | thank god, yesterday arrived at the pkt'a, but the courier was very friendly, the standard message was just that i couldn't see it from the package application, it's all there, i hope the product will last, | 1 |
Fitur Terbaik:ada di deskripsi
Sepadan dengan Harga:Ya | best feature: it's in the description worth the price: yes | 1 |
Gambarnya Bagus. | nice picture. | 1 |
Sepadan dengan Harga:banget
Fitur Terbaik:josss mantap | worth the price: really best features: great jos | 1 |
Alhamdulillah kulkas nya dah nyampe dengan selamat walaupun agak lama pengiriman nya btw bagus barang nya.. Semoga awet tahan lama | thank god the fridge arrived safely even though the delivery took quite a while btw the goods are good. i hope it lasts a long time | 1 |
barang ok, cuma admin ny kuarang respon, di chat ga di bls² smpe barang dtg... pengiriman juga lumayan cepet... | the goods are ok, it's just that the admin doesn't respond, the chat doesn't work until the goods arrive. delivery is pretty fast too. | 0 |
1 minggu datang barang nya ke pasuruan jatim, tapi admin polytron nya kurang respon. kulkas sampai dengan selamat, terima kasih. | sunday the goods came to pasuruan east java, but the polytron admin was not responding. fridge arrived safely, thank you. | 0 |
Sudah 2x beli disini. Kualitas bagus👍🏻 cuma adminnya slow respon sekali | already bought here. the quality is good, but the admin is very slow to respond | 0 |
Chat dibalas oleh BOT, tidak bisa track pengiriman | chat is replied by bot, can't track delivery | 0 |
original polytron,tp sayang pengirimannya lama banget | original polytron, but it's a shame the delivery took so long | 0 |
Semoga awt | hopefully aww | 1 |
Paket sangat lama untuk dikirim, harus ajukan komplain terlebih dahulu untuk adminnya merespon. | the package took too long to send, had to file a complaint first for the admin to respond. | 0 |
barang dijamin ori | guaranteed original goods | 1 |
Pesen warna merah yg dateng warna hitam.. Pi ga pa2 lah sama aja... 😁 😁
Sempat khawatir karena pengiriman barang lama 1 minggu... Akhirnya dateng dengan selamat..... 😁 😁 | the red color that came was black. it's okay, it's the same. i was worried because the delivery took a long week. finally arrived safely. | 0 |
Kiriman agak lama. Sdh sampai bbrp hr msh "proses pengiriman". Akhirnya sy cari2 "selesaikan pesanan". Tks Bro/Sis. | delivery is a bit long. how many days has it been #;shipping process? finally i searched for &#;finished order". thx bro/sis. | 0 |
Udah gk bisa apa lagi,,,pesen baru kemarin skrng sudah sampai ditengah badai apalgi jalanan trkendala gak sesuai expektasiku yang mngkin lama..makasih sudah dikirim brangnya,bagus,baru tanpa lecet | i can't do anything anymore, ordered just yesterday, now it's arrived in the middle of a storm, especially if the road is having problems, it doesn't match my expectations, which might take a long time. thanks, the goods have been sent, it's good, new without scratches | 1 |
Dingin banget...joss... | it's so cold, joss. | 1 |
pengiriman tidak langsung di kirim hari itu juga. harus menunggu di hari kerja dan bisa sampai dua hari. padahal rumah Deket sama alamat official store-nya. | indirect shipments were sent the same day. have to wait on weekdays and can be up to two days. even though the house is close to the address of the official store. | 0 |
Subsets and Splits