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Barang Bagus, namun Penjual sangat lambat respon dan tdk teliti dalam menerima pesanan, | good stuff, and the seller is very slow to respond and not careful in receiving orders, | 0 |
Di Pandeglang (antena tidak terlalu tinggi) dapat 29 channel | in pandeglang (the antenna is not too high) get the channel | 1 |
Lumayan lama sih pengirimanya | it's been a long time for delivery | 0 |
Fitur Terbaik:Baik
Sepadan dengan Harga:ada harga ada kualitas
Barang oke, ukurannya cocok untuk keluarga kecil, ukuran box sayur/box buahnya ternyata kecil ukurannya (P: 40 cm x L:18 cm x T:20 cm) selebihnya oke, ada ice makernya juga, freezer jumbo dibanding merk lain.
Admin shoppe dan polytron dua2 nya slowrespon. CO tanggal 11 resi dikirim tgl 18 nov. Barang sy dikirim dari bandung bukan dari tangsel. | best features: good worth the price: there is a price there is quality the goods are okay, the size is suitable for a small family, the size of the vegetable box / fruit box is surprisingly small in size (l: cm x w: cm x h: cm) the rest is okay, there is an ice maker too , jumbo freezer compared to other brands. cons: both shoppe and polytron admins are slow to respond. co the receipt date was sent on nov. my goods were sent from bandung, not from tangsel. | 0 |
hanya kurang di packingnya saja. tanpa dibungkus dengan apapun. hanya dilakban langsung dikotaknya. untung isinya dalam keadaan aman. | just lacking in packing. without being wrapped in anything. just duct tape directly in the box. fortunately the contents are safe. | 0 |
Bisa muat banyak. Hemat listrik ⚡. Ada garansi resmi. Ada garansi resmi. Bisa muat banyak. | can fit a lot. saving electricity . there is an official guarantee. there is an official guarantee. can fit a lot. | 1 |
pengirman sangat amat lama, | very very long delivery | 0 |
Fitur Terbaik:bagus sih pak, cuman bluetooth nya suka putus putus kalo dari tv | best features: it's good, sir, but the bluetooth tends to break up when it's from the tv | 0 |
lumayan cepet untuk pengirimannya. ke daerah pasuruan padahal.
mantep | quite fast for delivery. to the pasuruan area though. steady | 1 |
kecepatan pengiriman lambat | slow delivery speed | 0 |
Pengiriman lama sekali kadang was was sampai sampai di garansi mungkin karena gratis ongkir kali ya kn tp selebihnya bagus mulus berfungsi semoga awet | delivery takes a very long time, sometimes it's awkward until it arrives at the warranty, maybe because it's free shipping, but the rest is good, smooth, hopefully it lasts | 0 |
Fitur Terbaik:menjaga nutrisi jus tetap terjaga
Sepadan dengan Harga:murah
Oke bgt hasil jus halus dan tidak teroksidasi seperti claimnya...desian ok cantik elegan... | best features: keeps juice nutrients well worth the price: cheap okay, the juice results are smooth and not oxidized like the claim. the design is ok, it's beautiful, elegant. | 1 |
Bagus ngebas semoga awet pengiriman terbilang cepat 3hari nyampe | it's good, i hope it lasts, the delivery is fairly fast, the day it arrives | 1 |
barang bagus, mantap suaranya | good stuff, great sound | 1 |
kulkas oke , pengiriman 20 hari total , dan 9 hari kerja ,, admin tidak responsive | refrigerator okay, total day delivery, and working days ,, admin is not responsive | 0 |
Bisa muat banyak. Mutu terjamin SNI. Desainnya elegan ✨. Barangnya original 👍. Penjualnya ramah banget. Ada garansi resmi. Hemat listrik ⚡. Gampang dipakai. Respon penjualnya top. Packaging rapi. Packaging aman 🙏. Proses pesanan cepat. | can fit a lot. sni guaranteed quality. the design is elegant. the goods are original. the seller is very friendly. there is an official guarantee. saving electricity . easy to use. top seller response. neat packaging. safe packaging. fast order process. | 1 |
Promonya siipp,. Responses kolom chat kurang responsif.. | siipp promo. the chat column responses are less responsive.. | 0 |
untuk didaerah rumah di tambun bekasi kode pos 17510 ga dapat chanel transtv trans7 metrotv tvone, apa antenanya harus pindah? | for the house area in tambun, bekasi, the zip code can't get the transtv channel, trans metrotv tvone, do you have to move the antenna? | 0 |
bagus tp pengiriman lamaa sekali sampai 9 hari, kalo tdk komplain ke toped mgkn tdk sampai2 | it's good but the delivery takes a long time to arrive, if you don't complain to toped it may not arrive | 0 |
Pengiriman lama & tidak ada pilhan lain yg lebih cepat. Semoga bisa dipertimbangkan utk menambah kurir lain agar bisa lebih cepat. | long delivery & there are no other options that are faster. hopefully it can be considered to add another courier so it can be faster. | 0 |
sudah sampai, paket lengkap, tanpa cacad, ukuran & produk sesuai, smoga awet, tp pengiriman lama sekali | arrived, complete package, without defects, size & product are appropriate, hopefully it will last, but the delivery took too long | 0 |
chat g ad yang dibalas sama ***,pengiriman bener2 nunggu di akhir estimasi,lama | chat g ad who replied the same *, delivery is really waiting at the end of the estimate, long | 0 |
gak pake packing bubble, seller gak respon atas chat pelanggannya. | don't use packing bubble, seller doesn't respond to customer chat. | 0 |
barang baik, pengiriman ga jelas kapan datangnya | good product, not sure when it will arrive | 0 |
gilaa... lama bangettt pengirimannya......... | crazy. very long delivery. | 0 |
😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 | machine off total washer off dryer off | 0 |
hampir 2 mnggu baru terima | almost weeks just received | 0 |
keren dan mantap | cool and steady | 1 |
barang bagus... berkualitas dengan pengemasan yang bagus. hanya saja pengiriman sangat lama | good stuff. quality with good packaging. it's just that the delivery is very long | 0 |
Pengiriman cepat
Harga bersaing barang original
Cuma sayang bukan tv android | fast delivery competitive prices for original goods it's just a shame it's not an android tv | 1 |
Antena biasa gabisa nangkep digital. 👎🏽 | ordinary antennas can't capture digital. | 0 |
Di kira jumbo. Soal ya ada keterangan jumbo. 😁 Tapi bagus kulkas ya. Cuma lama pengirimannya. Thanks. Ya sdh sampai . | think jumbo. the question is, there is a jumbo description. but it's a good fridge. just long delivery. thanks. yes, arrived. | 0 |
Kualitas barang si oke, hanya saja pengiriman barang sangat lama, dan respond admin yang kurang cepat | the quality of the goods is okay, it's just that the delivery of goods is very long, and the admin's response is not fast enough | 0 |
Mantab barang penyok ancur semua tp masker bisa dipakai | it's great that all the dented items are broken but the mask can be used | 0 |
Mendarat dengan aman . Thanks ya
Sayang nya selang buat mengisi air nya terlalu kecil .
Pesan hari Rabu sampai hari Jum'at
Cepet banget... 🤩 | land safely. thanks, unfortunately the hose for filling the water is too small. order wednesday to friday very fast. | 0 |
Kulkas nya bagus mantap 😍 pengiriman juga cepat 1 hari pesan besoknya sampai 🙏 | the refrigerator is good, the delivery is also fast, the day i ordered it arrived the next day | 1 |
respon ny lama ketika di chat. produk nya oke. | the response is long when in chat. the product is ok. | 0 |
Barang original hanya adminnya no respon, itu yang bikin kesel sih nanya kapan dikirim, seenggaknya dibalas donk, pelayanan adminnya kurang memuaskan, karena barangnya oke saya kasih bintang 5 saja. Lebih ditingkatkan pelayanan adminnya yah. | the original item is only the admin no response, that's what annoys me when i ask when it's sent, at least a reply please, the admin service is unsatisfactory, because the item is okay i'll just give it a star. the admin service is further improved. | 0 |
Dingin nya cuma bertahan 4 hari,minta penjelasan ke di jawab". | the cold only lasts a day, ask for an explanation to the operator. no answer". | 0 |
Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Ada banyak fiturnya. Kualitas suaranya bagus. Desain ramping. Desain elegan 😍. Ringan tapi kokoh.
harus sabar sih dpengirimannya lumayan 4hari | sharp image resolution. there are many features. the sound quality is good. sleek design. elegant design. light but sturdy. you have to be patient with the delivery, it's quite a day | 1 |
mantap jiwa kulkasnya gede bosss . mewah kurirnya juyga baik . tapi sayang frezernya gak ada buat atur temparatur suhunya | great, the soul of the refrigerator is big, boss. luxury, the courier is also good. but unfortunately there is no freezer to set the temperature | 0 |
pengiriman dari agen terdekat, tetapi luamaa banget
padahal cuma beda kecamatan
tujuan cikarang utara
pengiriman dari cikarang selatan
adminya kaya robot
balas chat nya pakai template semua | delivery from the nearest agent, but it's really weekly even though it's only a different sub-district to the destination of north cikarang shipping from south cikarang, the admin is rich in robots replying to chats using all templates | 0 |
mantap suara nya | steady voice | 1 |
barang sudah pasti original karena memang official store... yang jadi masalah itu pengiriman nya lumayan lama... padahal harusnya official store bisa lebih cepat lagi dari toko biasa... | the item is definitely original because it is the official store. the problem is that the delivery is quite long. even though the official store should be even faster than regular stores. | 0 |
Pengirimannya lama. Product sesuai | long delivery. products are suitable | 0 |
status nya dikirim dari senin. sampainya hari sabtu. waktu ditanyakan ke kurir pengiriman, infonya baru keluar dari gudang hari sabtu. status nya gak sesuai dengan kenyataan. | the status was sent from monday. arrived saturday. when asked to the shipping courier, the info was just out of the warehouse on saturday. the status does not correspond to reality. | 0 |
Pengiriman sangat lama sekali, padahal official store. Bila toko kekurangan kurir pengiriman, alangkah baiknya menggunakan kurir pihak ketiga agar customer tidak kelamaan nunggu. Dan packing tolong yang rapi dengan menggunakan bubble wrap, agar dus tidak penyok2 (packing hanya menggunakan plastik tipis saja, bila hujan habis sudah produknya dijamin jadi rusak). | delivery took a very long time, even though it's official store. if the shop is short of delivery couriers, it would be nice to use a third party courier so that customers don't wait too long. and please pack neatly using bubble wrap, so that the box won't be dented (packaging only uses thin plastic, when the rain runs out the product is guaranteed to be damaged). | 0 |
barang original dan mantap lah tokopedia amanah toko nya meskipun lama pengirimanya | the goods are original and steady, the shop is trustworthy, even though the delivery takes a long time | 1 |
Fitur Terbaik:sesuai dengan pesana
Sepadan dengan Harga:sesuai dengan harga | best features: fits the ordera worth the price: fits the price | 1 |
Suaranya mantap 🔊. Kualitas boleh diadu.
cuma saya pengiriman y ja yg lama, padahal lokasi y deket | the sound is steady. quality can be contested. i just sent it for a long time, even though the location is close | 0 |
tanpa soundbar ga ada remote mola tv nya .. tv ok bgt | without a soundbar there is no remote for the mola tv . the tv is really good | 1 |
di cantumkan free ongkir ,ternyata masih di tagih ongkir 25.000 | listed free shipping, apparently still billed shipping. | 0 |
Semuanya bagus dan kurir dari ekspedisinya pun ramah sangat baik . Tetapi saya keceewa dengan PT Sarana Kencana Mulya Polytron Cikarang yg menuliskan alamat dan nomer hp saya salah dan tidak sesuai dengan yg tertera di shoope menyebabkan pengiriman sangat lama . Tolong di perbaiki lagi ! | everything is good and the courier from the expedition is very friendly. but i was disappointed with pt sarana kencana mulya polytron cikarang, who wrote down my address and cellphone number wrong and didn't match what was written on the shoope, causing very long delivery. please fix it again! | 0 |
Seller dan delivery nya sangat memuaskan...terima kasih Polytron dan TokoPedia | the seller and delivery are very satisfying. thank you polytron and tokopedia | 1 |
waktu proses & pengiriman yg cukup lama | long processing and shipping times | 0 |
Chat tidak pernah di respond. Pengiriman lama, 5 hari baru sampai. Packing cuma di bungkus double plastik wrap aja. Produk sesuai iklan. Sudah dicoba, tidak dapat beberapa channel (RCTI, MNC, dan Global tv) padahal sudah pakai antena booster. Setelah 10 harian di coba setting lagi, sekarang baru dapet semua channel. Tapi kemungkinan tergantung jangkauan area dan cuaca, kalau cuaca jelek kadang gambarnya macet2 dan berkotak2 gitu. Untuk kualitas HDnya lebih bagus daripada STB matrix. | chat never responded. old delivery, new day arrived. the packaging is only wrapped in double plastic wrap. product as advertised. tried it, couldn't get a few channels (rcti, mnc, and global tv) even though i was using an antenna booster. after daily trying the settings again, now i just got all the channels. but maybe it depends on the coverage area and the weather, if the weather is bad, sometimes the picture gets stuck and is boxy. for hd quality it is better than stb matrix. | 0 |
Pesan jumat siang, nyampe senin siang. Pengiriman ke Kota Tangerang pakai KGXpress. Dikirim dari Polytron Cikarang. Produk mantap.👍 | order friday afternoon, received monday afternoon. delivery to tangerang city using kgxpress. sent from polytron cikarang. great product. | 1 |
Fitur Terbaik:mantap
Sepadan dengan Harga:pass banget
Pengiriman gaspol cepet banget, tengkyu Polytron! | best features: great worth the price: really pass gaspol delivery is really fast, thank you polytron! | 1 |
tidak di ragukan lagi, sangat memuaskan selebihnya biar bintang yg berbicara😎😎😎 | no doubt, very satisfying, let the stars do the talking | 1 |
kurir y ramah cuma Pengiriman lama doang maklum sih gede barang y | the courier is friendly, only the delivery takes a long time, you know, the goods are big | 1 |
kereen banget | really cool | 1 |
untuk kualitas produk tidak ada masalah sesuailah dengan mereknya, tetapi pelayanan penjual yang berpredikat official terhadap pelanggan/pembeli adalah sangat buruk, tidak komunikatif, selain itu waktu pengemasan amat sangat lama dan tidak transparan padahal kurir/ekpedisi yang mengantar sangat gercep. Sangat kecewa belanja di toko official ini, tidak akan ada kedua kalinya lagi. | as for the quality of the product, there is no problem according to the brand, but the seller's service with the official title to customers/buyers is very bad, not communicative, besides that the packaging time is very, very long and not transparent even though the courier/expedition that delivered it was very fast. very disappointed shopping at this official store, there won't be a second time. | 0 |
sdh diterima dgn baik.
sesuai diskripsi. dan sangat memuaskan , sehingga sdh pesan ber xx
trm ksh.🙏 | it's well received. according to the description. and very satisfying, so that i have ordered xx thanks. | 1 |
chat respon lambat, pengiriman jg lambat, jd sempat complain ke tokopedia care krn tertulis di toko stok habis. akhirnya datang jg dan di pasang sdh ok. terima kasih | chat response was slow, delivery was also slow, so i had time to complain to tokopedia care because it was written in the shop that the stock was out. finally it came and it was installed ok. thank you | 0 |
mantaB | mantab | 1 |
Barang nya bagus. Admin chat nya sombong mentang2 banyak yg beli 🙁 | good stuff. the admin chat is arrogant because many people buy it | 0 |
Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Kualitas suaranya bagus. .....mantulll gan.sukses selalu ya gan | sharp image resolution. the sound quality is good. .mantul bro.success always, bro | 1 |
Fitur Terbaik:baik
Sepadan dengan Harga:worth it
Ga usah bli disni klo mau cepat soalnya yg saya pesen tgl 5 bru smpai tgl 18 dichat ga dibllas2,susah bgt dihubungi.klo klkasnya bgus cma ya itu nunggu lma | best features: good worth the price: worth it no need to buy here if you want it fast, the problem is what i ordered until the date of the chat was not answered, it's really hard to contact. if it's good, it's just a long wait | 0 |
Mantap Barang Datang Dalam Keadaan Baik Tanpa Ada Cacat Sedikitpun,Dan Paling Baik Pengirimannya Sangat Cepat Cuma 4 Hari Udah Sampai Padahal Estimasi 7-8 hari,TERIMA KASIH BANYAK POLYTRON | it's great that the goods come in good condition without any defects, and at best the delivery is very fast, only the day has arrived, even though the estimate is , days, thank you very much polytron | 1 |
barang bagus dan sesuai deskripsi tpi barang nya lama bnget nyampe nya | the item is good and according to the description but the item took a long time to arrive | 0 |
barang pesanan saya sudah sampai tapi ko tidak ada packing pengaman nya, harapan saya semoga barangnya tidak mengecewakan, walau agak terlambat barang nya sampai ditangan saya.
kasih bintang 3,aja deh.. | my order has arrived but how come there is no safety packaging, i hope that the goods will not disappoint, even though it is a bit late for the goods to arrive in my hands. give me a star, please.. | 0 |
Dah nyampeee... Makasih polytron... Tinggal nunggu tuannya menjemput... | it's arrived. thanks polytron. just waiting for his master to pick him up. | 1 |
pengiriman sangat lambat | very slow delivery | 0 |
kualitas barang sangat bagus. tapi sayang pelayanan toko sangat jelek. pengiriman super lambat. semoga bisa di perbaiki. makasih. | the quality of the goods is very good. but unfortunately the store service is very bad. super slow delivery. hopefully it can be fixed. thanks. | 0 |
Mantep bagus , suaranya jos gondos , sampai tujuan dengan aman tanapa lecet | it's great, the sound is jos gondos, it reaches its destination safely without a scratch | 1 |
produk berfungsi dengan baik, thanks | the product works fine, thanks | 1 |
barangnya bagus banget gambar jernih ga pake video soalnya udah percaya pasti bagus semoga awet amin | the item is really good, the picture is clear, i don't use video, because i already believe it will be good, i hope it lasts amen | 1 |
Kulkas sudah di terima dengan baik | refrigerator is well received | 1 |
Bismiillah ..barang diterima ok ..bagus ..semoga amet yaa | bismillah..item received ok..good..hope it lasts | 1 |
bagus cuma pengiriman nya lama, ini harus pake anteba luar dah keknya | it's good, it's just that the delivery takes a long time, you have to use an external antenna | 0 |
Barang sesuai, tersegel hologram.. | goods fit, hologram sealed.. | 1 |
STB-nya bagus. Dapat lebih dari 40 channel, jernih dan bagus.
Sayangnya pelayanan toko buruk. Proses lama, pengiriman bermasalah, dikomplain tidak ada jawaban. | stb is good. get more than channels, clear and good. unfortunately the store service is bad. long process, problematic delivery, no response to complaints. | 0 |
Bagus belum di pasang semoga awet,dichat gak ada respon dari penjual | it's good that i haven't installed it yet, hopefully it will last, chat there is no response from the seller | 0 |
karena dikirim pake kurir toko jadi ngga bisa dilacak dan saat dichat tidak ada respon. Sekrup untuk kaki tv tidak sesuai ukurannya sehingga tidak bisa masuk ke tv nya | because it was sent using a shop courier so it couldn't be tracked and when chatted there was no response. the screws for the tv legs don't match the size so they can't get into the tv | 0 |
Barang ok. Mantul kiriman cepat
Cm tdk ada update status pengiriman | goods okay. great, fast delivery. cm, there is no shipping status update | 0 |
sama sekali tidak menjawab dalam chat penjualan, meski barang akhirnya dikirim....dan lama sekali. | didn't answer at all in the sales chat, even though the goods were finally sent. and it took a long time. | 0 |
Barang diterima dengan baik. | items well received. | 1 |
Fitur Terbaik:mantapp
Sepadan dengan Harga:polytron jaminan mutu | best features: great value for money: polytron quality assurance | 1 |
Pengiriman cepat. Pesan tanggal 22, sampai tujuan dengan selamat tanggal 24. Produk bagus. Pengemasan rapi. Garansi 5 tahun👍🏻 | fast delivery. order the date, arrive at the destination safely. great product. neat packaging. year warranty | 1 |
Barangnya original 👍. Tapi pengiriman lama sekali. | the goods are original. but very long delivery. | 0 |
produk nya bagus tapi sayang pengiriman nya lama | the product is good but the delivery is too long | 0 |
barang bagus, sesuai pesanan,cm sayang sekali pelayanan sm customer jelek banget... chat cm di bales **** doang... selebihnya boro2 di lihat... tolong admin'y di tambah dong... kalau beli di sini, harus extra sabar, dr Tangerang kirim ke Jakarta pusat 9 hari baru Dateng... | good stuff, according to the order, cm it's a shame the sm customer service is really bad. chat cm in reply * only. see the rest. please add admin'y please. if you buy here, you have to be extra patient. dr. tangerang will send it to central jakarta on new day. | 0 |
tv nya top, lengkap sama subwoofer nya.. mending beli online soalnya di toko elektronik di mall pada indent.
pengiriman 2 hari, worth it laa | the tv is top, complete with the subwoofer.. it's better to buy online because at the electronics store in the mall it's indented. day delivery, worth it laa | 1 |
Sampai dengan selamat, tp kok air ny saat membilas kluarnya jd kecil yah pdhl waktu wash itu airny besar.. | arrived safely, but how come the water when rinsing comes out so small, even though when i wash it the water is big.. | 0 |
Barang ok, berfungsi dengan baik tapi memang bungkusnya wow sekali cuma kotak barangnya langsung tanpa pembungkus/bubblewrap | the item is ok, it works fine but the packaging is really wow, just the box of the item directly without the wrapper/bubblewrap | 0 |
Barang bagus, baterai awet. | great stuff, long lasting battery. | 1 |
Admin slow respon sangat
Pengiriman jgn ditanya lamaaaaaaaaaaa bgt | admin is very slow to respond. delivery doesn't take too long | 0 |
mantappp betulll pokoknya.
Tangerang-cirebon 3 hari sampe😊
hanya sedikit di sayangkan pengiriman tidak bisa di lacak krn nama Ekspedisi nya tidak tercantum. hanya nomor resi saja yg ada. terus respon toko sangat tidak respontif.
selebihnya barang nya Good, mantull boleh di adu.. | really really. tangerang-cirebon arrived only a few days, it's a shame the shipment couldn't be tracked because the name of the expedition wasn't listed. only the receipt number is there. then the store's response was very unresponsive. the rest of the goods are good, mantull can be contested.. | 0 |
Fitur Terbaik:good
Sepadan dengan Harga:good
pengiriman cepat, 2 hr sampai. barang baguss | best features:good worth the price:good fast delivery,hr arrived. good stuff | 1 |
Lancar jaya semua jernih tanpa semut | smooth victorious all clear without ants | 1 |
Subsets and Splits