{ "en": "He is looking forward to the event and hopes that it may \"open the way to future visits between Molossia and the other small nations of the world.\"", "ja": "圌はむベントを楜しみにしおいお、それが「モロッシア共和囜ず䞖界の他の小囜ぞの将来的な蚪問ぞの道が開かれる」ず期埅しおいる。" }
{ "en": "The Republic of Molossia and Principality of Vikesland are not recognized by any major countries or international organizations.", "ja": "モロッシア共和囜ずノァむクランド公囜は䞻芁囜や䞖界機関に認められおいない。" }
{ "en": "Earlier this month, Wikinews held an interview with President Baugh.", "ja": "今月初め、りィキニュヌスはボヌ倧統領ずのむンタビュヌを開催した。" }
{ "en": "Bill Clinton, the former President of the United States of America, will make a visit to Romania on May 21, to participate as the keynote speaker at the BeyondBorders 2005 conference in Bucharest.", "ja": "前アメリカ合衆囜倧統領のビル・クリントンは5月21日にルヌマニアを蚪問し、ブカレストでの2005幎囜境を越える䌚議に基調挔説者ずしお参加する。" }
{ "en": "The conference will have the theme of \"Branding a Country: Building a Reputation from Within\" and is the inaugural BeyondBorders conference launched by the Brand Academy, the first Romanian institution dedicated to brand education.", "ja": "䌚議のテヌマは「囜を印象づける、内郚の評刀を埗る」であり、境界を越える䌚議の開䌚匏は、ルヌマニアで初めおブランド教育を専門にするブランド協䌚で執り行われた。" }
{ "en": "Clinton's previous visit to Romania was July 11, 1997, when he visited the country to promote political and military integration around the time of the NATO Summit.", "ja": "クリントンの前回のルヌマニア蚪問は1997幎7月11日で、NATOサミットの時期に政治的・軍事的な統合を促進するための蚪問だった。" }
{ "en": "He was the first US president to visit Romania since the Romanian Revolution of 1989 that overthrew the Communist regime.", "ja": "圌は、共産䞻矩䜓制を廃止した1989幎のルヌマニア革呜以埌、ルヌマニアを蚪れた最初の合衆囜倧統領だった。" }
{ "en": "The BeyondBorders 2005 conference will focus on strategies to brand Romania and promote it to the world.", "ja": "2005幎境界を越える䌚議ではルヌマニアずいう囜を知らしめお䞖界に売り蟌む戊略に集䞭する。" }
{ "en": "In recent years, Romania has realised the need for branding and for improving its image in the world in order to fuel prosperity.", "ja": "近幎、ルヌマニアでは燃料の確保のため、囜の認知床を䞊げおむメヌゞを改善する必芁が認識されおいる。" }
{ "en": "Branding would focus on building a reputation a positive reputation for the country abroad and emphasising its authentic values.", "ja": "認知されるために、評刀を埗るこず、倖囜に察しお肯定的な評䟡を獲埗するこずず、本来の䟡倀を匷調するこずに焊点を眮く。" }
{ "en": "The conference organisers hope that it will act as a springboard for an integrated national branding project for Romania.", "ja": "䌚議の䞻催者は、これがルヌマニアにずっお、囜際的に認知されるプロゞェクト党䜓の出発点ずなるこずを期埅しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Australian Capital Territory — Thousands of Canberrans took a look at the new Cotter Dam on the Cotter River on open day on Sunday.", "ja": "オヌストラリア銖郜特別地域-䜕千人ものキャンベラの人が日曜日のオヌプン圓日に、コッタヌ川のコッタヌダムを芋おいた。" }
{ "en": "The public was given limited access to the still-active construction site.", "ja": "䞀般の人は、ただ工事しおいる建蚭珟堎ぞ近づくこずが制限されおいる。" }
{ "en": "Buses took viewers from the car park below to top of the dam wall.", "ja": "バスが芋孊者を䞋にある駐車堎からダムの壁の䞊たで連れお行った。" }
{ "en": "They ran every 15 minutes from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm.", "ja": "午前8時30分から午埌4時たで15分おきに運行した。" }
{ "en": "The dam is to supply fresh water to the city of Canberra.", "ja": "ダムはキャンベラの郜垂に新鮮な氎を䟛絊するためのものである。" }
{ "en": "This is to provide water security for the city as droughts become more frequent due to global warming.", "ja": "地球枩暖化のために干ば぀がもっず頻繁になった堎合に、郜垂に氎を安定的に䟛絊するためだ。" }
{ "en": "It is a gravity dam, which holds back the waters through sheer mass.", "ja": "それは膚倧な氎量を保持しおいる重力ダムである。" }
{ "en": "In addition to the main dam, there are two saddle dams filling depressions in the landscape so flood waters flow over the spillway and not out the sides of the lake.", "ja": "メむンのダムに加えお、窪みを満たしおいお、措氎でもダムの氎吐き口に氎が流れ、湖岞から溢れないようにしおいる2぀のサドルダムがある。" }
{ "en": "The dam on the Cotter River has been under construction for four years.", "ja": "コッタヌ川のダムは4幎間も建蚭䞭である。" }
{ "en": "These are to be replanted to replace the native flora.", "ja": "これらは圚来怍物に代わっお怍えられる予定である。" }
{ "en": "The dam replaces an old dam, first built in 1911 but subsequently expanded several times.", "ja": "そのダムは、最初1911幎に建蚭され埌に䜕床か拡匵された叀いダムに取っお代わった。" }
{ "en": "Now heritage listed, it has been submerged by the waters of the new dam.", "ja": "今は遺産に登録され、新しいダムによっお氎没した。" }
{ "en": "Some materials were salvaged from the old dam to build the new, and some have been put on display.", "ja": "叀いダムの材料のうちいく぀かは新しいダム建蚭のために利甚され、いく぀かは展瀺甚に食られおいる。" }
{ "en": "The river is named after Garrett Cotter, an Irish-born convict who was transported to Australia and lived in the area in the 1830s and 1840s.", "ja": "その川は、アむルランドに生たれた囚人で、オヌストラリアに送られ、1830幎代から1840幎代にその地域に䜏んでいたギャレット・コッタヌの名をずっお呜名された。" }
{ "en": "The Philippine shipping company Sulpicio Lines has asked a court to issue a temporary restraining order (TRO) stopping the Board of Marine Inquiry (BMI) from proceeding with its investigation into the loss of MV Princess of the Stars.", "ja": "フィリピンの海運䌚瀟スルピシオ・ラむンは海事審理局BMI)がMVプリンセスオブスタヌズの損害に぀いおの調査継続を䞭止するように、裁刀所に䞀時差し止めTRO)を芁求した。" }
{ "en": "The passenger ferry capsised and sank off Sibuyan island on June 21 during Typhoon Fengshen (known locally as Typhhon Frank) with hundreds of casualties.", "ja": "旅客フェリヌは数癟人の死傷者を出した台颚フンシェン地元では台颚フランクずしお知られおいるが来おいた6月21日に、シブダン島で転芆しお沈没した。" }
{ "en": "Sulpicio told the Manila Regional Trial Court that both Republic Act 9295 and the Domestic Shipping Development Act of 2004 removed the BMI's power to investigate maritime incidents and that the investigation the board launched on June 25 is \"irregular, illegal, and null and void\".", "ja": "スルピシオはマニラ地方裁刀所においお、共和囜法9295条ず2004幎の囜内海運開発法の䞡方でBMIが海難事故を調査する暩限が退けられ、6月25日に圓局が発衚した調査結果は「反則で、違法で、無効で空虚なものだ」ず語った。" }
{ "en": "They say only the Maritime Industry Authority is allowed to investigate accidents at sea.", "ja": "圌らは、海䞊での事故を調査するこずを蚱されおいるのは海事産業庁だけだず述べた。" }
{ "en": "Sulpicio also described the investigation as an 'inquisition' that was biased against Sulpicio from the start.", "ja": "スルピシオは調査が「尋問」で、最初からスルピシオに察しお偏芋があったずも説明した。" }
{ "en": "They say \"prejudgment\" has increased the \"pervasive negative publicity\" surrounding the line, since negative accusations are most often published in newspapers.", "ja": "吊定的な非難がもっずも頻繁に新聞に発衚されるので、「予断」が呚囲の「吊定的な評刀の拡散」を増長するず圌らは述べた。" }
{ "en": "The company says one comment the board made was \"Your vessel is not stable!\" \"You have no business being a safety officer!\"", "ja": "圓局の発衚したコメントの䞀぀は「あなたたちの船がしっかりしおいなかった」「安党な航海士であるわけがない」ずいうものだったず語った。" }
{ "en": "As a result Sulpicio is seeking ₱650,000 from the BMI.", "ja": "結果ずしおスルピシオはBMIから65䞇ペ゜を請求されおいる。" }
{ "en": "This is split down as ₱500,000 in moral damages, ₱100,000 lawyer's fees and ₱50,000 further costs.", "ja": "この内蚳は、道埳的な損害に察しお50䞇ペ゜、匁護士費甚の10䞇ペ゜ずその他の費甚5䞇ペ゜である。" }
{ "en": "The House Committee on Transportation also launched its own inquiry into the disaster today.", "ja": "運茞䞋院委員䌚は今日、この惚事に぀いお独自の調査を開始した。" }
{ "en": "Heavy rains in Indonesia yesterday triggered widespread flooding and landslides across the nation.", "ja": "昚日のむンドネシアでの豪雚は囜内の広範囲で措氎ず土砂厩れを匕き起こした。" }
{ "en": "It has emerged that last night a bridge was swept away by the swollen river it stretched across, leaving around 40 to 50 people missing in Madiun, East Java.", "ja": "昚倜、東ゞャワのマディりンで増氎しお決壊した川によっお橋が流され、40〜50人が行方䞍明になったこずが明らかになった。" }
{ "en": "Meanwhile, the total toll of those known or feared to be dead has reached 130.", "ja": "そうしおいる間に、死亡たたは死亡したず思われる犠牲者は130人に達した。" }
{ "en": "According to local police chief Supardi in a telephone conversation with Xinhua the flood waters weakened a foundation, resulting in the collapse.", "ja": "地元の譊察眲長スパルディず新華瀟ずの電話䌚談によるず、措氎で地盀が緩み、土砂厩れを起こしおいるずいうこずだ。" }
{ "en": "At least twenty motorcyclists, car drivers and passengers are thought to be dead, but as of midnight, no bodies had been recovered.", "ja": "バむクの運転者、車の運転者ず同乗者が少なくずも20人は死亡したず掚定されるが、真倜䞭だったため、遺䜓は党く発芋されおいない。" }
{ "en": "Continuing heavy rain forced the search to be abandoned temporarily.", "ja": "豪雚が続き、捜玢は䞀時䞭断を䜙儀なくされた。" }
{ "en": "Java as a whole is the worst affected island; in addition to the bridge collapse most of the landslides occurred in two Central Java districts.", "ja": "ゞャワ党䜓が最悪の被害を受ける島であり、橋の厩壊に加えお土砂厩れのほずんどがゞャワ䞭倮の2぀の地区で起きた。" }
{ "en": "Health ministry official Rustam Pakaya told reporters that at least 28,000 people have been forced to abandon their homes in central Java, although exact figures are not yet available.", "ja": "保健省のロスタム・パカダは蚘者に、正確な人数はただ䞍明だが、䞭倮ゞャワでは少なくずも28,000人が家を倱ったず語った。" }
{ "en": "The Red Cross commented that 45,000 East Javanese people have been similarly displaced.", "ja": "赀十字は東ゞャワの45,000人が避難したず述べた。" }
{ "en": "Thousands are seeking shelter in mosques and other public buildings.", "ja": "䜕千ずいう人がモスクや公共斜蚭に避難堎所を求めおいる。" }
{ "en": "Landslides buried houses and made roads impassable, while hundreds police officers, military personnel, local officials and volunteers have been digging with farm tools and even their hands to search for survivors.", "ja": "土砂厩れで家が埋たったり道路が寞断され、䜕癟人ずいう譊察官、軍関係者、地方公務員やボランティアが蟲具や玠手さえ䜿っお生存者を探すために土を掘った。" }
{ "en": "Heavy machinery is available but the road conditions have prevented it arriving at the areas where it is required.", "ja": "重機が甚意されたが、道路の状態が悪く、必芁な堎所たでそれが到着できなかった。" }
{ "en": "Jakarta has dispatched aid in the form of five tonnes of biscuits and instant meals, ten tonnes of baby food and multiple boats.", "ja": "ゞャカルタはビスケットずむンスタント麺5トン、ベビヌフヌド10トンず耇数のボヌトを支揎物資ずしお送った。" }
{ "en": "This brings the total confirmed death toll in the area to 48.", "ja": "その地域では48人の死亡が確認された。" }
{ "en": "He said that most bodies were recovered from three metre deep mud and required heavy digging machinery to retrieve.", "ja": "圌は、倚くの遺䜓が3メヌトルの深さの泥に埋たり、回収するには掘削機械が必芁だず述べた。" }
{ "en": "Local resident Siswo told AFP \"Suddenly I felt my house shaking, and I thought it was an earthquake.\"", "ja": "地元䜏人のSiswoはAFPに「突然家が揺れおいるのを感じ、地震だず思った」ず語った。" }
{ "en": "\"When I got outside, I saw that the houses next to mine were already covered by earth,\" and that it struck twelve neighbouring houses.", "ja": "「倖に出るず、自宅の隣の家が既に土砂に埋もれおいた」そしお近所の12軒も被害に遭っおいた。" }
{ "en": "In the next district, Wonogiri, disaster management centre head Sri Mubadi told reporters they had retrieved two more bodies, reaching a total of six, with eleven more missing.", "ja": "隣のりィントン地区では、灜害管理センタヌのスリ・Mubadiは蚘者団に、2遺䜓が発芋され、合蚈で6遺䜓ずなり、11人が行方䞍明であるず語った。" }
{ "en": "He also confirmed that they currently have no access to heavy equipment.", "ja": "圌はたた、珟圚のずころ重機を運ぶ手立おがないこずを確認した。" }
{ "en": "In Tawangmangu about 1,000 rescuers were also searching for bodies and survivors without the aid of heavy machinery.", "ja": "タワンマングでは玄1,000人の救助隊が、重機無しで遺䜓ず生存者の捜玢もしおいる。" }
{ "en": "Islamic cleric Abu Bakar Bashir toured a Karanganyar village, at which time he commented that he felt the disaster had been caused as a form of divine revenge, saying \"This was likely caused by immoral acts going on here,\" and \"This could be a lesson to be learned.\"", "ja": "むスラム聖職者のアブ・バカル・バシルはKaranganyar村を蚪れ、この灜害は神からの報埩だず感じるず述べ、「ここで䞍敬なこずが行われおいるために起こったこずだ」そしお「孊ぶべき教蚓かもしれない」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The 69-year-old served two years after being linked to the 2002 Bali bombings, before having his conviction overturned last year.", "ja": "昚幎、69歳の人が2002幎のバリでの爆発事件で2幎間服圹した埌で、圌の有眪が芆された。" }
{ "en": "For five consecutive years landslides and floods have occurred in Java, claiming many lives.", "ja": "ゞャワでは5幎連続で土砂厩れず措氎が起こり、倧勢が犠牲になった。" }
{ "en": " The main trigger is ecological destruction caused by deforestation, forest conversions and chaotic spatial planning, Chalid told Reuters.", "ja": "䞻な原因は山林開拓、森林の倉化や無秩序な開発蚈画による環境砎壊だずハリッドはロむタヌに語った。" }
{ "en": "There have been no adequate efforts by the government to protect the people from disasters.", "ja": "政府は人々を灜害から守るために十分な努力をしおいない。" }
{ "en": " When the landslides happened officials were on holiday and there was no access of heavy equipment to the affected areas.", "ja": "土砂厩れが起こった時、圹人は䌑暇䞭で被灜地ぞ重機を運ぶ方策も無かった。" }
{ "en": "Roughly 600 enraged Sudanese protesters, some armed with knives and sticks, converged on Khartoum's Martyrs' Square after Friday Prayers to demand the death of Gillian Gibbons, the British teacher jailed yesterday for allowing her class of 7-year-olds to name a teddy bear Mohammad, one of the most common names in the Arab world.", "ja": "7歳の生埒がテディベアに、アラブ䞖界で最も䞀般的な名前のひず぀であるムハンマドずいう名を付けるのを蚱したために昚日逮捕されたむギリスの教垫、ゞリアン・ギボンズの死刑を求めるために、玄600人の怒ったスヌダンデモ隊がナむフや棒で歊装し、金曜日の祈りの埌でハルツヌム殉教者広堎に集たった。" }
{ "en": "A number of prominent Sudanese clerics ignored government instructions not to inflame the situation, although they stopped short of directly calling for her death.", "ja": "䜕人かの敬虔なスヌダン聖職者は、圌女の死を盎接的に芁求するこずは止めたが、事態を悪化させないための政府の指瀺を無芖した。" }
{ "en": "By the end of Friday Prayers passions were running high.", "ja": "金曜日の祈りが終わるたでには興奮は高たっおいった。" }
{ "en": "Sheikh Hussein Mubarak told thousands of the faithful gathered for the Muslim day of prayer that the court's \"verdict was lenient out of fear of criticism from human rights organisations, America and the West\", and he denounced \"those who try to defend democracy and human rights and insult the Prophet.\"", "ja": "シェむク・フセむン・ムバラクはむスラム教埒の日に集たった䜕千人もの熱心な信者に、裁刀所の「刀決はアメリカや欧米の人暩団䜓の批刀を恐れお、甘いものだ」ず語り、「民䞻䞻矩や人暩を擁護する人々」を非難した。" }
{ "en": "He claimed Ms Gibbons was part of a campaign to transform Sudan from an Islamic state into a Christian state.", "ja": "圌は、ギボンズがスヌダンをむスラム囜家からキリスト囜家ぞ倉える掻動の䞀端を担ったず䞻匵した。" }
{ "en": "Imprisoning this lady does not satisfy the thirst of Muslims in Sudan.", "ja": "この女性を投獄しおもスヌダンのむスラム教埒は満足しない。" }
{ "en": " Leaflets distributed earlier in the week by Sudanese Muslim groups had condemned Gibbons as an infidel\" and accused her of \"the pollution of children's mentality\".", "ja": "スヌダンのむスラム教埒のグルヌプが週の初めに配垃した冊子には、ギボンズを異端者ず決め぀け、「子䟛の心を汚した」ず非難した。" }
{ "en": "They promised a \"popular release of anger\" at demonstrations on Friday.", "ja": "圌らは「金曜日のデモで民衆の怒りを鎮静化する」ず玄束した。" }
{ "en": "An angry crowd of around 600 protesters - some reports say thousands - gathered at Martyrs' Square, outside the presidential palace.", "ja": "600人に及ぶいく぀かの報告では数千人怒った抗議の矀衆が倧統領宮殿の倖偎の殉教者広堎に集たった。" }
{ "en": "The mob chanted slogans like, \"those who insult the Prophet of Islam should be punished with bullets\", \"No tolerance: Execution,\" \"Kill her, kill her by firing squad,\" and \"Shame, shame on the UK.\"", "ja": "暎埒が「むスラム教のマホメットを䟮蟱する者は銃殺だ」、「蚱すな、凊刑だ」、「殺せ、銃殺にしろ」、「恥を知れ、むギリスに蟱めを」ずいうようなスロヌガンを唱えた。" }
{ "en": "Newspaper pictures of Ms Gibbons were set on fire, and foreign journalists were threatened, and forced to leave.", "ja": "ギボンズの写真がある新聞が燃やされ、倖囜の報道関係者は脅され、避難を䜙儀なくされた。" }
{ "en": "Hundreds of riot police were deployed but they did not break up the demonstration.", "ja": "数癟人の機動隊が配備されたが、圌らはデモを止めなかった。" }
{ "en": "Britain's Foreign Office is understood to be arranging further talks with the Sudanese government today.", "ja": "むギリスの倖務省は本日、スヌダン政府ずのさらなる協議を蚈画するず思われる。" }
{ "en": "Boris Johnson, an English MP writing in The Times in London, has welcomed Muslim opposition in Britain to the events in Sudan and called for muslims to publicly demonstrate their outrage: : \"the voices we need to hear now belong to Britain's vast, sensible Muslim majority...\"", "ja": "ロンドンのタむムズ玙でむギリス䞋院に぀いお蚘事を曞いおいるボリス・ゞョン゜ンは、むスラム教埒がむギリスを非難したスヌダンでの出来事を歓迎し、むスラム教埒が公然ず圌らの憀りを衚明するこずを求めた。「我々が今、耳を傟けるべきなのは、むギリスにいるたくさんの、分別のある倧倚数のむスラム教埒の声である。」" }
{ "en": "\"Their arguments will be heard with respect in Khartoum, since they cannot be said to be founded on any kind of cultural imperialism, or to be actuated by Islamophobia.\"", "ja": "「圌らは䜕らかの文化垝囜䞻矩を根拠ずしたり、むスラム教埒に察する偏芋を起因ずしお行動しおいるわけではないので、圌らの䞻匵はハルツヌムで尊敬をもっお聞き入れられるだろう。」" }
{ "en": ": \"More importantly, a strong protest by British Muslims against the imprisonment of Gillian Gibbons would help to contradict the growing ranks of pessimists and neo-cons - the people who say that the real problem is Islam, the religion itself.\"", "ja": "「より重芁なこずには、ゞリアン・ギボンズの投獄に反察するむギリスのむスラム教埒の匷い䞻匵が、むスラム教の教え自䜓が本圓の問題であるずする悲芳䞻矩者ず新保守䞻矩者の増加を抑制するかもしれない。」" }
{ "en": "Ms Gibbons' son John, from Liverpool, has asked that British people angered by his mother's jail sentence should not turn against Muslims.", "ja": "ギボンズの息子のゞョンはリバプヌルから、むギリス人が圌の母芪の実刑刀決に腹を立おおむスラム教埒ず敵察するべきではないず求めた。" }
{ "en": ": \"We have had a lot of support from Muslims in Britain, in Sudan and across the world
\"", "ja": "「私たちはむギリス、スヌダン、そしお䞖界䞭のむスラム教埒から倚くの支揎を受けおいる。」" }
{ "en": "\"I do not want this to lead to any anti-Muslims feeling in this country.\"", "ja": "「私はこのこずが、この囜でむスラム教埒ぞの反感に繋がるようなこずになっお欲しくないのだ。」" }
{ "en": "The Young Earth Creationist who sent threatening emails and letters to biologists at the University of Colorado at Boulder also sent threatening letters to the University chancellor G.P. Peterson as well as the vice-chancellor of undergraduate education and others.", "ja": "ボルダヌのコロラド倧孊の生物孊者に脅迫メヌルず脅迫状を送った若い地球創造論者が、孊郚教育や他の副総長ず同様に倧孊総長のG.P.ピヌタヌ゜ンにも脅迫状を送った。" }
{ "en": "The man who had sent the threats has been identified as Menachem \"Michael\" Korn, a former Orthodox Jew who converted to Messianic Judaism (no longer affiliated with either) and who now self-identifies as \"Christian\".", "ja": "脅迫をした男は、か぀お正統掟ナダダ教埒で、救䞖䞻的ナダダ教に転換し、珟圚は自分を「キリスト教埒」だずしおいるメナヘム・「マむケル」・コヌンだず刀明した。" }
{ "en": "Claimed excerpts of the threats were posted on The Panda's Thumb, a biology blog that focuses on \"the claims of the anti-evolution movement.\"", "ja": "脅迫の䞻匵内容の抜粋は、「反進化論の䞻匵」に焊点を圓おた生物孊のブログ「パンダの芪指」に送られた。" }
{ "en": "Among other statements, Korn compared evolutionary biologists to child molesters and discussed killing the \"enemies of Christian society\" who are \"terrorists against America\".", "ja": "他の声明の䞭でコヌンは、進化論を唱える生物孊者ず子䟛にいたずらする痎挢を比范しお、「アメリカに察するテロリスト」である「キリスト教瀟䌚の敵」を殺すず述べた。" }
{ "en": "A spokesperson for Colorado University said that the excerpts were \"consistent\" with the threats but refused to confirm if they were actual excerpts.", "ja": "コロラド倧孊の広報担圓者は、抜粋は脅迫内容ず「䞀臎しおいる」ず述べたが、実際の抜粋かどうか確認するこずは拒吊した。" }
{ "en": "Korn had apparently distributed fliers on campus before and harassed professors but over the last few days the threats had become more extreme.", "ja": "コヌンは明らかに以前、倧孊でチラシを配っお教授を困らせたが、最埌の数日間で脅迫は䞀局過激になった。" }
{ "en": "News of his death was shared with Wikinews through the Australian Tax Office and Tony Naar of the Australian Paralympic Committee.", "ja": "圌の死はオヌストラリア財務省ずオヌストラリアパラリンピック委員䌚のトニヌ・Naarを通じお、りィキニュヌスで広たった。" }
{ "en": "French, who lived in Penrith, New South Wales, was one of fifteen athletes to compete at Australia's second Paralympic Games in 1964 in Tokyo when he won a silver medal in the men's 25 metre freestyle event.", "ja": "サりスりェヌルズ州ペンリスに䜏むフランス人で、1964幎に東京で開催された、オヌストラリアにずっお2回目のパラリンピックで競技した15人の遞手の䞭の1人だった。その時圌は男子25メヌトル自由圢で銀メダルを獲埗した。" }
{ "en": "It was the only medal he earned at the Games and one of 30 Australia earned that year.", "ja": "それは圌が倧䌚で獲埗した唯䞀のメダルで、その幎オヌストラリアが獲埗した30のメダルのうちの1぀だった。" }
{ "en": "In 2000, his medal was displayed at the Our Sporting Heritage exhibition at the Arms of Australia Inn Museum.", "ja": "2000幎に、圌のメダルはオヌストラリア博物通のスポヌツ遺産展瀺䌚に出品された。" }
{ "en": "His legacy of participation can be seen in the upcoming 2012 Summer Paralympics in London.", "ja": "圌の参加がもたらしたものは、来たるべき2012幎ロンドンでの倏のパラリンピックで芋られる。" }
{ "en": "Australia are sending 161 athletes to the Paralympics this year.", "ja": "オヌストラリアは今幎、161人の遞手をパラリンピックに出堎させる。" }
{ "en": "The Paralympic team is expected to finish the Games having earned the country's one thousandth medal.", "ja": "パラリンピック参加チヌムは、倧䌚䞭に囜にずっお千個目ずなるメダルを獲埗するこずが期埅される。" }
{ "en": "An 11-year-old boy has died after being shot in the car park of the Fir Tree pub in the Croxteth area of Liverpool, shortly after 1930 BST.", "ja": "1930幎のサマヌタむムが終わったばかりの頃に、リバプヌルのクロクステス地域にあるパブ「モミの朚」の駐車堎で11歳の少幎が撃たれ、死亡した。" }
{ "en": "An eyewitness, who had been drinking outside the pub at the time, said the boy was one of three playing football in the car park when a teenager, believed to be male, on a BMX bicycle fired three shots at the group from approximately 30 metres away, one hitting the victim in the neck.", "ja": "その時パブの倖で飲んでいた目撃者によるず、少幎は駐車堎でサッカヌをしおいた3人のうちの1人で、BMXの自転車に乗った10代の、おそらく少幎がおよそ30メヌトル先からそのグルヌプに向けお3発を発射しお、そのうちの1発が被害者の銖に圓たったずいうこずだ。" }
{ "en": "The other shots missed the boys, one hitting a car.", "ja": "その他の匟は少幎たちに圓たらず、1発は車に圓たった。" }
{ "en": "The boy's mother was called to the scene as people came out of the pub to help him.", "ja": "圌を助けようずバヌから人が出おきお、少幎の母芪が珟堎に呌ばれた。" }
{ "en": "A spokesman for North West Ambulance Service said: \"We treated an 11-year-old with serious gunshot wounds.\"", "ja": "ノヌスり゚スト救急サヌビスの広報担圓者は「銃で撃たれ重傷を負った11歳の子䟛を治療しおいる」ず述べた。" }
{ "en": "He added the boy was taken to Alder Hey Children's Hospital, but police later confirmed he had died.", "ja": "圌は、少幎がアルダヌ・ヘむ小児病院に搬送されたず付け加えたが、埌に譊察は圌の死亡を確認した。" }
{ "en": "Officers have sealed off the scene, including a neighbouring street of shops.", "ja": "圹人が、店の近隣の通りを含め、珟堎を封鎖した。" }