{ "en": "Ross Brawn, who was brought into the Honda team with much fan fare before the 2008 season, has spoken of his shock at finding out about the sale of the team.", "ja": "2008幎のシヌズン前に倚くのファンを䌎っおホンダチヌムに加入したロス・ブラりンは、チヌムの売华を知っお衝撃を受けたず語った。" }
{ "en": "Brawn, who is credited with helping Michael Schumacher and Ferrari dominate Formula One for much of the last decade, indicated he was expected funding cuts and had prepared a reduced budget but hadn't expected the full withdrawal of support that Honda announced.", "ja": "特にこの10幎間フォヌミュラヌワンで優䜍を占めるマむケル・シュヌマッハずフェラヌリを支揎しおいるず信じられおいるブラりンは、資金の切り厩しず予算削枛の準備を期埅されたが、ホンダの発衚した揎助の党おを受けるこずはなかったず明らかにした。" }
{ "en": "Brawn has also indicated understanding of Honda's reasoning, with their sales down 40% in some markets and Honda F1's £200m+ budget a cost they were unwilling to bear.", "ja": "ブラりンはたた、ホンダの蚀い分にも理解を瀺した。ホンダは垂堎で40も売り䞊げが枛少し、ホンダのF1での200䞇ポンドを超える予算の負担には気が進たなかった。" }
{ "en": "Though Honda has committed to providing a budget for the team until March, the budget is lower than that which had been expected and so the team has had to pull out of the crucial winter tests at Jerez.", "ja": "ホンダは3月たでに予算を準備するず玄束したが、その予算は期埅より䜎かったので、チヌムはぞレスでの冬の重芁なテストをあきらめなければならなかった。" }
{ "en": "This has denied Formula One hopeful Bruno Senna another test with the team and has combined with the engine implications of Honda's withdrawal to push the new car's final testing from January to March, just weeks before the first Grand Prix in Australia.", "ja": "これではフォヌミュラヌワン期埅のブルヌノ・セナがチヌムずのテストができないし、オヌストラリアでの最初のグランプリのわずか数週間前に圓たる1月から3月にある、新車の最終テストを行わないこずで゚ンゞンに及がす圱響も発生する。" }
{ "en": "Ross Brawn however remains confident of competing with new Formula One frontrunners BMW Sauber and Formula One supremo Bernie Ecclestone has tipped the team as a great buy, saying \"I've no doubt Honda would have been in top four next year without any problems.\"", "ja": "しかしロス・ブラりンは新しいフォヌミュラヌワンを牜匕するBMWザりバヌず競い合い、フォヌミュラヌワンの最高暩力者バヌニヌ・゚クレストンがチヌムを手に入れたのはいい買い物だず考えるず自信を持ち続けおいお、「間違いなくホンダは䜕の問題もなくこの先4幎間トップをいくだろう」ず語った。" }
{ "en": "\"They've spent a lot of money to put themselves in that position so if anyone does want to be in F1 this is a team they should look to buy.\"", "ja": "「この地䜍を埗るために倚額を費やしたので、F1に本圓に参加したいず考えるならだれでも賌入を怜蚎するチヌムだ。」" }
{ "en": "\"It's a big opportunity for any company that's run efficiently to benefit.\"", "ja": "「これは䌁業が効率的に利益を獲埗する倧きな機䌚だ。」" }
{ "en": "Two activists who helped identify a vagrant Genetically Modified (GM) crop of papaya, which was later confirmed and destroyed by Thai officials, now face prison over their actions, says Greenpeace.", "ja": "パパむダを遺䌝子組み換え䜜物GM)だず鑑定した2人の掻動家は、その行為によっお刑務所行きずなり、そのパパむダは埌にタむ政府に発芋され、廃棄されたずグリヌンピヌスは語った。" }
{ "en": "They were charged with theft, trespassing and destruction of property.", "ja": "圌らは窃盗、䜏居䟵入、そしお噚物砎損の眪に問われた。" }
{ "en": "Instead of getting to the bottom of who precisely was responsible for the contamination, the very department that was responsible for the contamination decided to take legal action against Pat and Jay.", "ja": "この汚染は本圓は誰に責任があるのかに぀いお真盞を究明する代わりに、汚染物に責任のあるたさにその省が、パットずゞェむに法的措眮をずるこずを決定した。" }
{ "en": "UN Secretary General Kofi Annan will formally present a plan this morning to the UN General Assembly when it meets in New York later today.", "ja": "アナン囜連事務総長は今朝の蚈画を今日遅くにニュヌペヌクで開かれる囜連総䌚に正匏に提瀺する。" }
{ "en": "The plan, entitled In Larger Freedom, is part of the UN's attempt to revitalise itself during its sixtieth anniversary year.", "ja": "倧きな自由ず題されたその蚈画は囜連誕生60幎の蚘念の幎に囜連を掻性化させる詊みの䞀環である。" }
{ "en": "If implemented, this plan will be the largest change ever to the international body, calling for the addition of nine members to the Security Council, and for the creation of a new Human Rights Council to replace the 53-member Human Rights Commission.", "ja": "もし実行されれば、安党保障理事䌚に9人のメンバヌが远加され、53人のメンバヌによる人暩理事䌚に代わり、新しい人暩委員䌚が創蚭されるこずになり、この蚈画は囜際機関にか぀おない最倧の倉化になる。" }
{ "en": "The Canadian ambassador to the UN, Allan Rock, was the first diplomat to officially respond by saying, \"A lot of hard work lies ahead but we are optimistic.\"", "ja": "カナダのアラン・ロック囜連倧䜿は正匏に回答した最初の倖亀官であり、「倚くの課題があるが、楜芳芖しおいる」ず語った。" }
{ "en": "Oxfam, Amnesty International, and other NGOs, have come out in support of the plan.", "ja": "オックスファム、アムネスティ・むンタヌナショナル、そしお他のNGOがその蚈画の支持を衚明した。" }
{ "en": "Nick Clarke, the UK radio broadcaster, died today from cancer at the age of 58.", "ja": "むギリスのラゞオ攟送者、ニック・クラヌクが本日癌のために58歳で死亡した。" }
{ "en": "He had worked for the BBC for over 20 years, and won the Broadcasting Press Guild Broadcaster of the year award in 2001, but was best known for presenting the Radio 4 news show, The World at One.", "ja": "圌は20幎以䞊BBCで働き、2001幎に攟送プレスギルドを受賞したが、圌が最も知られおいるのは䞖界で同時に4぀のラゞオニュヌス番組に参加したこずである。" }
{ "en": "The Israeli Defence Forces have carried out 5 to 8 air strikes targeting the office of the Palestinian interior ministry's headquarters occupied by the governing party Hamas in Gaza and an office of President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah party in Gaza, Palestinian and Israeli sources say.", "ja": "パレスチナずむスラ゚ルの情報筋によるず、むスラ゚ル囜防軍は䞎党ハマスが占拠しおいるガザのパレスチナ内務省の本郚ずガザにあるファタ掟のマフムヌド・アッバス倧統領府を狙っお5〜8回の空爆を行ったずいうこずである。" }
{ "en": "There were mixed reports of casualties from the air strike, although one source said a member of Islamic Jihad had been killed in the air strikes.", "ja": "空爆の死者の報告は錯綜しおいお、ある情報源によるずむスラム聖戊のメンバヌが空爆で死亡したずいうこずだ。" }
{ "en": "The Israeli military said the ministry office, controlled by Hamas, was \"a meeting place to plan and direct terror activity.\"", "ja": "むスラ゚ル軍はハマスに制圧された政府は「テロ掻動を蚈画し指揮するための䌚合堎所」であるず語った。" }
{ "en": "In addition, an Israeli official stated to the Associated Press that the attacks will only end when the captured Israeli soldier is unconditionally freed.", "ja": "加えお、むスラ゚ル圓局はAP通信に、捕えられたむスラ゚ル兵が無条件に解攟されるたで攻撃は続くず述べた。" }
{ "en": "Days after the initial raid reports from Israeli officials stated that they had found the body of 18-year-old Eliyahu Yitzhak Asheri who was kidnapped by the Palestinian ruling party, Hamas, and shot in the back of the head on Sunday.", "ja": "最初の襲撃の報告から数日埌、むスラ゚ル圓局はパレスチナ䞎党ハマスに誘拐され日曜に埌頭郚を撃たれた18歳の゚リダフ・むツハヌク・アシェリの遺䜓が発芋されたず語った。" }
{ "en": "In his first appearance since the raid began, Palestinian PM and leader of the Hamas organization, Ismail Haniya denounced the raid saying it was a \"premeditated plan\" to bring down the new Hamas government.", "ja": "襲撃埌初めお姿を珟した、パレスチナ銖盞でハマスのリヌダヌであるむスマむル・ハニダは襲撃を非難しお、新しいハマス政府を厩壊させるために「綿密に緎られた蚈画」だったず語った。" }
{ "en": "A significant portion of the American LGBT media landscape is about to become a conglomerate.", "ja": "アメリカのLGBTメディアの様盞はかなり、耇合䌁業に近づいおいる。" }
{ "en": "(, sent out a press release stating it signed a definitive merger agreement with Here Networks LLC (operator of cable network here!) and Regent Entertainment Media Inc. (properties including magazines The Advocate, Out).", "ja": "プラネットアりト・ドットコム、ゲむ・ドットコムはヒダ・ネットワヌクLLCケヌブルネットワヌク・ヒダの経営者ずリヌゞェント・゚ンタヌテむメント・メディアアドボケヌトずアりトの雑誌を含めた所有者ずの間で最終的な合䜵合意に眲名したずいうプレスリリヌスを行った。" }
{ "en": "The deal comes after PlanetOut had been on the market for nearly a year.", "ja": "プラネットアりトに続く取匕は䞀幎近く垂堎に出おいた。" }
{ "en": "The company sold its magazine and book publishing businesses back in April, and its vacation company in December.", "ja": "䌚瀟は4月に雑誌ず本の出版事業を、12月に䌑眠䌚瀟を売华した。" }
{ "en": "The newly formed public holding company, Here Media Inc., will be helmed by Chairman Stephen P. Jarchow and CEO Paul Colichman.", "ja": "新しく蚭立した公共持ち株䌚瀟であるヒダ・メディアはスティヌブン・P・ゞャヌコり瀟長ずCEOのポヌル・コリッチマンが経営する。" }
{ "en": "Its unknown whether any of struggling PlanetOut's jobs will be cut.", "ja": "プラネットアりトの業務を削枛する取り組みがどうなるかは䞍明である。" }
{ "en": "Plans are for all three companies to operate separately, as of subsidiaries of Here Media.", "ja": "ヒダ・メディアの子䌚瀟である時点で、蚈画は、3぀の䌁業党おを個々に経営するためのものだ。" }
{ "en": "The agreement still has to be approved by a majority of PlanetOut common stock holders, comply with regulatory filings and approvals, and meet various closing conditions.", "ja": "合意にはただプラネットアりトの普通株䞻の過半数の承認、芏制圓局ぞの報告曞の提出、賛同の承認が必芁である。" }
{ "en": "PlanetOut shareholders will represent only 20% of Here Media Inc.'s shares.", "ja": "プラネットアりトの株䞻は、ヒダ・メディアのたった20に盞圓するこずになる。" }
{ "en": "A report by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) says rising demand for irrigation to produce food and biofuels will aggravate scarcities of water.", "ja": "囜際氎管理研究所IWMI)の報告によるず、食料生産ずバむオ燃料のために灌挑の需芁が高たるず、氎䞍足を悪化させおしたう。" }
{ "en": "One in three people is enduring one form or another of water scarcity, states the report compiled by 700 experts.", "ja": "700人の専門家がたずめた報告によるず、3人に1人が䜕らかの氎危機に耐えおいる。" }
{ "en": "IWMI warns there has to be a radical transformation in the management of water resources - citing as examples Australia, south-central China, and last year’s devastating drought in India.", "ja": "IWMIはオヌストラリア、䞭囜䞭南郚や昚幎のむンドでの壊滅的な干ば぀の䟋を挙げお、氎資源の管理を根本的に倉えなければならないず譊告しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Report authors claim that the price of water could double or triple over the next two decades.", "ja": "レポヌトの筆者は、この先20幎で氎の䟡栌は2倍か3倍になるず䞻匵しおいる。" }
{ "en": "The report, backed by the United Nations and farm research groups, shows that globally, water usage had increased by six times in the past 100 years and would double again by 2050 - driven mainly by irrigation and demands by agriculture.", "ja": "囜連ず蟲業研究グルヌプに認められた報告によるず、氎の䜿甚量は䞖界的に過去100幎で6倍に増えおいお、2050幎たでにさらに2倍増加するずいうこずであり、これは䞻に灌挑ず蟲業甚の需芁による。" }
{ "en": "Record oil prices and concerns about rapid onset climate change are driving more countries to produce biofuels - from sugarcane, corn or wood - as an alternative to fossil fuel.", "ja": "蚘録的な石油䟡栌ず急激な気候倉動によっお、より倚くの囜が、化石燃料の代替ずしおサトりキビ、トりモロコシや朚ずいったバむオ燃料を生産するようになっおいる。" }
{ "en": "If people are growing biofuels and food it will put another new stress, says David Molden, who led the study at the Sri Lanka-based IWMI.", "ja": "もしバむオ燃料ず食料を生産しおいくず、新たなストレスが珟れるだろうずスリランカに本拠地のあるIWMIで研究を぀づけおいるデビッド・マルデンは語った。" }
{ "en": "The big solution is to find ways to grow more food with less water.", "ja": "倧きな解決法は、より少ない氎でより倚くの食料を生産する方法を芋぀けるこずだ。" }
{ "en": "\" The number one recommendation... is to look to improve rain-fed systems in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.\"", "ja": "「最も掚奚されるのは、アフリカのサハラ以南ず南アゞアに雚を降らせる仕組みを開発するこずである。」" }
{ "en": "The report says conquering hunger and coping with an estimated 3 billion more humans by 2050 will result in an 80 percent increase in water use for agriculture.", "ja": "飢逓が解消し2050幎たでに掚定3億人が増加するず、蟲業甚氎の䜿甚量は80増加する結果ずなる、ず報告曞は指摘しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Irrigation absorbs around 74 percent and is likely to surge by 2050.", "ja": "灌挑によっお74パヌセントの氎分が吞収され、2050幎たでに急䞊昇する可胜性が高い。" }
{ "en": "We will have to change business as usual in order to deal with growing scarcity, said Frank Rijsberman, director general of the IWMI, of the report released at the 2006 \"World Water Week\" conference in Stockholm.", "ja": "我々は欠乏が深刻化するこずに察凊するために、ビゞネスを絶えず倉化させなければならない、ず2006幎ストックホルムでの「䞖界氎週間」の䌚議での報告曞でIWMI局長のフランク・リズバヌマンは述べた。" }
{ "en": "Solutions included helping poor countries to grow more food with available fresh water via simple, low-cost measures, a shift from past policies that favoured expensive dams or canals, the report said.", "ja": "ダムや運河を建蚭するような費甚の嵩む過去の政策を倉えお、簡単で䜎䟡栌な方法できれいな氎を調達し、それを䜿っお食料生産量を増やすよう貧しい囜を揎助するこずが解決法の1぀であるず報告曞は述べおいる。" }
{ "en": "According to Rijsberman, there are two types of shortages: those observed in regions where water is over-exploited, causing a lowering of groundwater levels and rivers to dry up; and those in countries lacking the technical and financial resources to capture water - despite its abundance.", "ja": "リズバヌマンによるず、2皮類の䞍足があり、地䞋氎ず川の氎が枯枇しお氎が過剰に利甚されおいる地域ず、もう䞀぀は、氎は豊富にあるものの、氎を確保するための技術や資金が乏しい地域である。" }
{ "en": "Billions of people in Asia and Africa already faced water shortages because of poor water management, he said.", "ja": "アゞアずアフリカでは氎の管理がよくないために、䜕十億ずいう人々が既に氎䞍足に盎面しおいるず圌は語った。" }
{ "en": "We will not run out of bottled water any time soon, but some countries have already run out of water to produce their own food, he said.", "ja": "我々はい぀でもボトル入りの氎を切らさずにいるが、䞀郚の囜ではすでに料理するための氎さえ䞍足しおいる、ず圌は語った。" }
{ "en": "The report said that a calorie of food took roughly 1 litre of water to produce, with a kilo of grain needing only 500-4,000 litres compared to a kilo of industrially produced meat taking 10,000 litres.", "ja": "1カロリヌの食物にはざっず1リットルの氎が芁り、工業的に肉を1キロ生産するには10,000リットルの氎が必芁なのに比べお、1キロの穀物はたった500〜4000リットルしか必芁ずしないず報告曞は述べおいる。" }
{ "en": "Without improvements in water productivity the consequences of this will be even more widespread water scarcity and rapidly increasing water prices.", "ja": "氎の生産性を向䞊させなければ、氎䞍足はさらに深刻化し、氎の䟡栌は急速に䞊昇する結果になるだろう。" }
{ "en": "Rijsberman said water scarcity in Africa was caused by a lack of infrastructure to get the water to the people who needed it.", "ja": "リズバヌマンはアフリカの氎䞍足は、必芁ずする人々に氎を䟛絊する蚭備が敎っおいないこずが原因であるず述べた。" }
{ "en": "The water is there, the rainfall is there, but the infrastructure isn't there, Rijsberman told reporters.", "ja": "氎はある、雚も降る、しかし蚭備が無い、ずリズバヌマンは蚘者たちに語った。" }
{ "en": "Other recommendations for certain regions include the extension and the improvement of agriculture using rainwater, the introduction of cereal varieties that need less water as well as the development of irrigation systems.", "ja": "䞀定の地域に他に掚奚されるこずは、降雚を利甚する蟲業を改良し広めるこずや、灌挑システムを改良するのず同時に少ない氎で生育する皮類の穀物を取り入れるこずである。" }
{ "en": "But the priority, Rijsberman stresses, is to change mentalities and often outdated government policies.", "ja": "しかし最優先されるのは、考え方や旧態䟝然ずした政府の政策を倉えるこずであるずリズバヌマンは匷調した。" }
{ "en": "Government policies and their approach to water are probably the most urgent that need changing in the short term, he said.", "ja": "氎問題に察する政府の政策ず取り組み方はおそらくもっずも切迫しおいおすぐにも倉わる必芁がある、ず圌は語った。" }
{ "en": "There is, he says, enough land, water and human capacity to produce enough food for a growing population over the next 50 years, but one of the challenges is to provide enough water for agriculture without damaging the environment.", "ja": "この先50幎の人口増加に察応できるだけの十分な土地、氎そしお食料生産力はあるが、環境にダメヌゞを䞎えずに蟲業甚の氎を十分に確保するこずが課題の䞀぀である、ず圌は語った。" }
{ "en": "Agriculture is driving water scarcity and water scarcity is driving environmental degradation and destruction, he said.", "ja": "蟲業は氎䞍足を招き、氎䞍足が環境汚染や環境砎壊を匕き起こしおいる、ず圌は語った。" }
{ "en": "In Australia last week, Rijsberman said he would \"not be surprised to see the price of water double or triple over the next two decades.\"", "ja": "先週オヌストラリアでリズバヌマンは「この先20幎で氎の䟡栌が2倍や3倍になっおも驚かない」ず語った。" }
{ "en": "On Thursday the 22nd of March, 2005, Anna Ayala, a woman from Las Vegas, claimed to have found a human finger in her bowl of chili at a Wendy's restaurant located at 1405 Monterey Highway, just south of downtown San Jose, California, owned by Fresno-based Jern Management..", "ja": "2005幎3月22日火曜日に、ラスベガスから来たアンナ・アラダは、カリフォルニア州サンノれ繁華街の南、モントレヌ・ハむりェむ1405にあり、フレズノベヌス・ゞヌンの経営するりェンディヌズレストランでチリ料理のボヌルの䞭に人間の指を芋぀けたず䞻匵した。" }
{ "en": "The finger, which probably belonged to a woman as it had a long and manicured fingernail, did not belong to any of the restaurant employees.", "ja": "その指は長く、爪にマニキュアが塗られおいたのでおそらく女性のものであり、レストランの埓業員ではなかった。" }
{ "en": "The food supplies were seized by officials to be traced back to its manufacturers, while the restaurant was permitted to open again later with chili prepared from fresh ingredients.", "ja": "チリ料理が新鮮な材料で調理されおいお、レストランが埌に営業再開が蚱可された䞀方で、提䟛された食べ物は補造業者を蟿るために圹人に抌収された。" }
{ "en": "A British soldier has been killed in Afghanistan, taking the number of British deaths there since 2001 to 222.", "ja": "2001幎以来、222人のむギリス人が死亡する䞭で、むギリス兵がアフガニスタンで殺害された。" }
{ "en": "He was a member of the Royal Military Police, and was killed while on foot patrol in the Helmand province, close to the Gereshk district in Southern Afghanistan.", "ja": "圌はロむダル・ミリタリヌ・ポリスの䞀員で、南アフガニスタンのギリシク地区に近い、ヘルマンド州を歩いおパトロヌル䞭に殺害された。" }
{ "en": "The cause of death has been reported to be an explosion, but the source is unclear.", "ja": "死亡原因は爆発によるものず報告されたが爆発物は䞍明である。" }
{ "en": "It is my sad duty to confirm the death of a soldier, a Royal Military Policeman, in an explosion earlier today in Helmand Province, Lieutenant Colonel David Wakefield said of the incident.", "ja": "今日早い時間にヘルマンド州で起こった爆発に぀いお、兵士の死亡確認をするのは蟛い責務だずデビッド・りェむクフィヌルド䞭䜐は語った。" }
{ "en": " He died doing his duty and we will remember him.", "ja": "圌は任務䞭に死亡し、我々は圌を忘れない。" }
{ "en": "Former Australian Prime Minister John Howard supported the launch of a new book \"How to Get Expelled from School: A Guide to Climate Change for Pupils, Pundits and Parents\", authored by geology professor .", "ja": "前オヌストラリア銖盞ゞョン・ハワヌドは地質孊の教授が執筆した「孊校から远攟される方法孊生、孊者、保護者のための気候倉動ぞのガむド」ずいう新しい本の出版を支揎した。" }
{ "en": "The book includes 101 questions for students to use to challenge their climate science teachers.", "ja": "その本には生埒が気候孊の教垫に挑戊するのに圹立぀101の質問が蚘述されおいる。" }
{ "en": "Professor Plimer said the previous book received feedback from parents concerned about education.", "ja": "プリマヌ教授は前述の本が教育に関心のある保護者から反響があったず語った。" }
{ "en": "This prompted him to address the next book to children.", "ja": "これにより圌は子䟛たちぞの次の本に取り掛かろうず意欲が湧いた。" }
{ "en": "He said, \"After Heaven and Earth came out I had many parents write to me and say, 'Look, what do we do, our kids are being fed activism.\"", "ja": "圌は「倩地創造以来、倚くの保護者が『ほら私たちはやるべきこずをしたのに、子䟛が行動䞻矩に育っおいたす』ず私に手玙を曞いたり話したりした」ず語った。" }
{ "en": "\"I want my children to have the basics of scientists, I don't want to be fed activism'.\"", "ja": "「私は自分の子䟛に科孊の基瀎を習埗しお欲しくお、行動䞻矩には育っお欲しくない。」" }
{ "en": "He says he considered it feasible if the rest of the world acted too, otherwise to introduce carbon trading plans would risk Australian industries.", "ja": "圌は、䞖界の他の囜でも同じこずをするなら、オヌストラリア産業を危うくする炭玠取匕蚈画を導入をしかねないず考えるず語る。" }
{ "en": "Professor Ian Enting, complex system scientist at the University of Melbourne, said the book includes scientific errors and insufficient references.", "ja": "メルボルン倧孊の耇雑なシステムの科孊者であるむアン・゚ンティング教授はその本には科孊的な誀りがあり、非科孊的な内容があるず語った。" }
{ "en": "Margaret Watts, president of the Science Teachers' Association of New South Wales, said the educational bias claim is mistaken.", "ja": "ニュヌサりスりェヌルズ科孊教垫協䌚の䌚長であるマヌガレット・ワッツは教育䞊の偏った䞻匵は間違っおいるず語った。" }
{ "en": "What science teachers do, she said, \"is put all of the facts, pro and con, against any topic, whatever it is, and show the children how to work through the evidence\".", "ja": "圌女は「科孊教垫がするべきこずは、どんなテヌマに察しおも、それが䜕であれ、賛成であっおも反察であっおも、党おの事実を提瀺し、蚌拠を通じお、どのように䜜甚するかを子䟛に瀺すこずである」ず語った。" }
{ "en": "Professor Plimer said of the 101 questions in his book, \"They're questions that kids should be asking of teachers, because if the teacher can answer it means they might know something about the subject.\"", "ja": "プリマヌ教授はこの本の101の質問に぀いお「これらは子䟛が教垫に問うべき質問だ。もし教垫が答えられたら、子䟛はその問題に䜕らかの知識を埗るかもしれないのだから」ず語った。" }
{ "en": "\"If they can't, or start to promote ideology, it shows that our schools have been captured.\"", "ja": "「もしできなかったり、むデオロギヌを促進し始めたら、孊校が圱響を受けおいるずいうこずだ。」" }
{ "en": "\"Parents are telling me that schools have been captured by a lot of activists and kids are being fed stuff that is not relevant to the real world.\"", "ja": "「保護者は私に孊校はたくさんの掻動に満ちおいお子䟛は珟実䞖界に関係のない物事を䞎えられおいるず蚀っおいる。」" }
{ "en": "At the recently held 22nd ICANN International Conference in Mar del Plata, Argentina, the ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), officially designated three new top level domain names: .jobs and .travel and .eu.", "ja": "アルれンチンのマヌデルプラタで最近開催された第22回ICANN囜際䌚議で、ICANNむンタヌネットのアサむン名ず番号のための法人は3぀の新しいトップレベルのドメむン名、.jobsず.travelず.euを公匏に遞定した。" }
{ "en": "Tralliance will operate the new .travel domain and Employ Media will operate the .jobs. domain.", "ja": "トラリアンスが新しい.travelドメむンを管理し、゚ンプロむ・メディアが.jobsドメむンを管理する。" }
{ "en": ".jobs was created for the use of personnel businesses, .travel for the travel industry, and .eu will be used by organizations based in the European Union.", "ja": ".jobsは人材事業甚に、.travelは旅行産業甚に、そしお.euはEUに拠点のある組織甚に創蚭された。" }
{ "en": "ICANN has also entered into negotiations with registries for .cat, .post and .mobi domains.", "ja": "ICANNはたた、.cat、.postず.mobiドメむンの登録に向けお亀枉を開始した。" }
{ "en": "The ICANN, established by the U.S. Department of Commerce in 1998, is a non-profit corporation responsible for the technical coordination of the Internet through the assignment of domain names and IP addresses.", "ja": "ICANNは1998幎に米囜商務省が蚭立した、ドメむン名ずIPアドレスの割り圓おを通じおむンタヌネットの技術的な調敎を圹目ずする非営利団䜓である。" }
{ "en": "The People's Republic of China has banned free plastic shopping bags in a move to take effect from June 1, 2008.", "ja": "䞭華人民共和囜は無料のプラスチック補買い物袋を犁止する凊眮を2008幎6月1日に発効した。" }
{ "en": "The decision made by the Chinese Cabinet, the State Council, is intended to reduce the amount of plastic bags used in China, currently being estimated at three billion per day.", "ja": "䞭囜の内閣ず囜務院によるこの決定は、䞭囜で珟圚、1日に30億ず掚定されるプラスチック補の袋の䜿甚量を枛らすためのものである。" }
{ "en": "The State Council also announced that at the same time as the ban, the manufacturing, sale and even use of very thin plastic bags, which are defined as being under 0.025mm thick, will be banned.", "ja": "囜務院はたた同時に、補造、販売の犁止、そしお0.025ミリ以䞋ず定矩されおいる非垞に薄いプラスチック袋の䜿甚さえ犁止するず発衚した。" }
{ "en": "Any company that does not follow this ban can be fined.", "ja": "この犁止に違反した䌚瀟には眰金が科せられる。" }
{ "en": "The ban of free plastic bags and complete ban on very thin bags will, the government hopes, help reduce the amount of crude oil used for plastic packaging, which is currently at five million tonnes per year according to Times Online.", "ja": "無料のプラスチック袋の犁止ず非垞に薄い袋の党面犁止によっお、タむムズオンラむンによるず珟圚は䞀幎に5癟䞇トンに及ぶ、プラスチック包装に䜿われる原油の量が枛少するこずを政府は期埅しおいる。" }
{ "en": "The notice issued by the Chinese government said: \"We should encourage people to return to carrying cloth bags, using baskets for their vegetables.\"", "ja": "䞭囜政府からの通知によるず、「囜民がか぀おのように垃の袋を持ち運び、野菜にはバスケットを䜿甚するこずを奚励するべきだ」ずいうこずだ。" }
{ "en": "The People's Republic of China is not the first country to ban or restrict plastic shopping bags and the notice names Uganda and South Africa according to CNN.", "ja": "CNNによるず、プラスチック補の買い物袋を犁止したり制限したのは䞭華人民共和囜が最初の囜ではなく、りガンダず南アフリカが蚘録されおいる。" }
{ "en": "Many supermarkets in the European Union have voluntarily adopted methods to reduce usage of plastic bags, which often also consist of charging for bags (e.g. Germany) or rewarding customer loyalty points for returning used carrier bags.", "ja": "EUの倚くのスヌパヌマヌケットでは、袋を有料にしたり䟋えばドむツ、買い物袋を再利甚するずポむントを加算するずいうような、プラスチック袋の䜿甚量を枛らす方策が自発的に採甚されおいる。" }
{ "en": "Still, many of the world's leading polluting countries, including the United States of America, have not yet introduced any legislation intended to reduce the usage of plastic bags.", "ja": "それでもただ、アメリカ合衆囜を含め、䞖界的に汚染のひどい囜ではプラスチック袋の䜿甚量を枛らすための法埋が導入されおいない。" }
{ "en": "The United States Environmental Protection Agency claimed that in 2000 only 1% of plastic bags in the United States were recycled.", "ja": "アメリカ合衆囜環境保護庁は2000幎に、合衆囜ではわずか1のプラスチック袋しかリサむクルされおいないず発衚した。" }
{ "en": "The People's Republic of China has attracted a lot of attention in the past for having possibly the highest greenhouse emissions in the world, disproportionate to the size of its economy, according to The Telegraph.", "ja": "テレグラフによるず、䞭華人民共和囜は経枈芏暡に䞍釣り合いな、おそらく䞖界最高の枩宀効果ガスの排出をしお過去に泚目を集めたこずがある。" }
{ "en": "Times Online quoted a Chinese activist as saying that plastic bags are not the main problem and the government needed to make people care more about the environment.", "ja": "タむムズオンラむンは䞭囜の掻動家を匕き合いに出しお、プラスチック袋が䞻芁な問題ではなく、政府が囜民に環境ぞの関心を高めるようにするこずが必芁だず述べた。" }
{ "en": "On March 18, President Kevin Baugh of the Republic of Molossia, a micronation located in Nevada, announced that his country would hold its first ever international summit this June.", "ja": "3月18日に、ネバダ州にあるミクロネヌションであるモロッシア共和囜のケビン・ボヌ倧統領は、6月に初めおの囜際サミットを開催するず発衚した。" }
{ "en": "Grand Prince Christopher I and Princess Erin of the Principality of Vikesland, another micronation located in Canada, will be attending.", "ja": "カナダにあるもう䞀぀のミクロネヌションであるノァむクランド公囜のグランドプリンスクリストファヌ1䞖ず゚リン王女が出垭する。" }
{ "en": "Besides the meeting itself, which is scheduled to take place in Molossia's capital city, Espera, President Baugh is to give them a tour of his country as well as the surrounding areas.", "ja": "モロッシア共和囜の銖郜、゚スペラで開催予定の䌚合の他に、ボヌ倧統領は圌らを囜内ずその呚蟺地域を芳光に連れおいく぀もりだ。" }