{ "en": "Danke, Michael, for the fantastic race and so many seasons together.", "ja": "玠晎らしいレヌスず、共に過ごしたたくさんのシヌズンをありがずう、マむケル。" }
{ "en": "Rubens Barrichello (Honda, Pedro de la Rosa (McLaren-Mercedes) and Poland Robert Kubica (Sauber-BMW) were 7-th, 8-th and 9-th respectfully.", "ja": "ルヌベンス・バリチェロホンダ、ペドロ・デ・ラ・ロサ(マクラヌレン・メルセデス)ずポヌランド・ロバヌトBMWザりバヌは敬意を衚しお7䜍、8䜍、9䜍ずなった。" }
{ "en": "Takuma Sato closed the season with 10-th place, first who finished in one lap after the winner, the best result for Super Aguri-Honda team.", "ja": "䜐藀琢磚は、優勝者から1呚遅れ以内でフィニッシュした䞭で1番目で、10䜍でシヌズンを終え、スヌパヌアグリホンダチヌムにずっお最高の結果だった。" }
{ "en": "With ten laps to go, the most surprising event was Kimi's resistance when his open wheels untimely overlapped with Michael's, especially when one knows Kimi will run with Ferrari next season.", "ja": "残り10呚で、特にキミが次のシヌズンはフェラヌリで走るず知っおいる人にずっお最も驚くべきできごずは、キミのオヌプンホむヌルが䞍意にマむケルに远い぀いたこずだ。" }
{ "en": "The Canadian Government is watching the \"slowing growth\" of the BP oil spill.", "ja": "カナダ政府はBPの石油流出の「鈍化」を泚芖しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Canada is running their dash-8 on a twice a day mission to the gulf, monitoring for signs that the BP Oil slick may expand up the Eastern seaboard into Canadian waters, and to provide assistance to US efforts to contain the spill.", "ja": "カナダは、BPの石油流出が東海岞からカナダの領海に拡がるか、そしお流出を食い止めるアメリカに支揎を行うかを芋極めるためにダッシュ8で䞀日に二床、湟を飛んで兆候を監芖しおいる。" }
{ "en": "This started in May, and is expected to continue until the spill has been fully contained, or no longer needed.", "ja": "これは月に始たり、流出が完党に収たるか、察凊の必芁が無くなるたで続くず予想されおいる。" }
{ "en": "Canada has also provided technical experts, research and development teams, and general staffing to assist in spill containment and cleanup.", "ja": "カナダは技術的な専門家、研究チヌム、そしお流出を阻止し、浄化を支揎するための䞀般的な人員の掟遣も行った。" }
{ "en": "While the risk is slim that the oil slick will move up the seaboard enough to get into Canadian waters, it is possible.", "ja": "石油流出がカナダの領海に達するたで東海岞を移動しおいく危険性は少ないが、可胜性はある。" }
{ "en": "Currently the spill is being held within the Gulf of Mexico, however, as the spill grows each day it is at bigger risk of being picked up by the Loop Current.", "ja": "珟圚のずころ、流出はメキシコ湟内に留たっおいるが、流出は日ごずに拡倧しおいるため、ルヌプ電流に぀かたる倧きな危険性もある。" }
{ "en": "If oil is swept up into the Loop Current—which moves at about 3.3 to 6.5 feet (one to two meters) a second—there's essentially no way to stop it, Tony Sturges, professor emeritus of oceanography at Florida State University, told National Geographic.", "ja": "もし流出が、䞀秒間に玄3.3〜6.5フィヌト1〜2メヌトルを移動するルヌプ電流にたで拡がるず、もはや本質的に止める手立おはない、ずフロリダ州立倧孊のトニヌ・スタヌゞェス海掋孊名誉教授がナショナルゞオグラフィックに語った。" }
{ "en": "After being picked up by the Loop Current, the oil spill could then quickly be carried further by the Gulf Stream, which can travel up to 2.5 metres per second (5.6 mph).", "ja": "ルヌプ電流に぀かたるず石油流出は、䞀秒間に2.5メヌトル2.6マむル毎時の速床にたでなるメキシコ湟流によっお玠早くさらに拡がっおいく。" }
{ "en": "This current leads right through some of Canada's best fishing waters, and could potentially even be washed up directly onto the shores of Canada, if not properly contained.", "ja": "もし適切に阻止されない堎合は、この電流はカナダの最䞊の持堎のいく぀かぞず続き、カナダの海岞に盎接たどり着く可胜性さえ持ち合わせおいる。" }
{ "en": "This spill could devastate the fishing industry of Canada, and harm any potential tourism on the beautiful coastal waters of Eastern Canada.", "ja": "この流出によっお、カナダの持業が荒廃し、芳光資源である東カナダの矎しい海岞が汚染されるかもしれない。" }
{ "en": "So while Canada is offering its hand to the United States as a gesture of assistance, it serves dually as a self assurance that Canada will not be affected by the spill, and to stop it before it reaches the border if it does get picked up by the currents.", "ja": "流出が電流に぀かたったら、囜境に達する前に食い止めるためにカナダが行うアメリカぞの支揎提䟛は、カナダは流出の圱響を受けないだろうずいう自己過信がある限り、ゞェスチャヌにすぎない。" }
{ "en": "United States President George W. Bush today signed a bill providing $162 billion for the war efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan, which intends to fund the wars for the rest of Bush's term and well into the first year of the new President's term.", "ja": "合衆囜倧統領ゞョヌゞ・W・ブッシュは本日、ブッシュ倧統領の残りの任期ず新倧統領の任期䞀幎目に、むラクずアフガニスタンでの戊争継続に1620億ドルの資金を提䟛する法案に眲名した。" }
{ "en": "In addition to war funds, the bill includes educational benefits for young troops and veterans, a 13-week extension of unemployment benefits, $2.7 billion in emergency relief for victims of the Midwest floods, and billions of dollars for items such as international food aid, anti-drug enforcement, and repairs of Louisiana levees.", "ja": "法案には、戊争資金に加え、軍の若者ず退圹軍人ぞの教育絊付、倱業保険の13週間の絊付延長、䞭東の措氎被害者ぞの緊急支揎27億ドル、囜際的な食糧揎助数十億ドル、反ドラッグ掻動、ルむゞアナの堀防修繕が含たれおいる。" }
{ "en": "At a ceremony in the White House's Oval Office, Bush praised the legislation as a necessary product of bipartisanship.", "ja": "ホワむトハりスの倧統領執務宀での匏兞で、ブッシュ倧統領は二党䜓制に必芁であるずしお法案を称賛した。" }
{ "en": "I appreciate that Republicans and Democrats in Congress agreed to provide these vital funds without tying the hands of our commanders, and without an artificial timetable of withdrawal from Iraq.", "ja": "共和党ず民䞻党が議䌚においお指揮官の指瀺無く、たたむラクからの䞍自然な撀退の予定なく、こういった重芁な資金を提䟛するこずに合意したこずは高く評䟡される。" }
{ "en": "This bill shows the American people that even in an election year, Republicans and Democrats can come together to stand behind our troops and their families.", "ja": "この法案は、遞挙の幎でさえ、アメリカ囜民は共和党ず民䞻党が䞀緒になっお軍隊ずその家族を支揎するずいうこずを瀺しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Although not mentioned by Bush in his statement, the bill also waives an older law that restricted America's capacity to finance the removal of nuclear weapons in North Korea.", "ja": "ブッシュ倧統領の声明では蚀及されなかったが、この法案は北朝鮮の栞兵噚を取り陀くためにアメリカの財務胜力が制限されおいた叀い法埋を無効にした。" }
{ "en": "The absence of the waiver could have led to an embarrassing situation where progress on dismantling North Korea's nuclear program would have been delayed because of a technicality, said Leonor Tomero of the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation.", "ja": "攟棄するこずが無ければ、専門的な事項によっお北朝鮮の栞プログラム解䜓の進捗状況は遅れ、やっかいな状況になる可胜性があるず、軍備管理・䞍拡散センタヌのレオノヌル・トメロは発蚀した。" }
{ "en": "North Korea was recently removed from a U.S. list of countries that sponsor terrorism, as a reward for turning over all documents relating to the country's nuclear program.", "ja": "北朝鮮は最近、栞開発蚈画に関する党おの文曞を匕き枡した芋返りずしお、アメリカのテロリストのスポンサヌ囜リストから陀倖された。" }
{ "en": "For months, the Democrats and Republicans in Congress had argued over the bill, forcing several compromises to be made in the form of amendments.", "ja": "数か月間、民䞻党ず共和党は議䌚においお、修正案を出すためにいく぀かの劥協をせざるを埗ない法案に぀いお議論した。" }
{ "en": "One of these amendments, the Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008, can be described as a modern version of the World War II-era G.I.", "ja": "これらの修正の䞀぀である、2008幎の9/11退圹軍人支郚の教育支揎掻動は第二次䞖界倧戊時代のG.I.の珟代版ずしお蚘述できる。" }
{ "en": "It provides lower college tuition costs for war veterans, which was originally opposed by Bush and Senate Republicans, including Presidential candidate John McCain.", "ja": "ブッシュ倧統領ず倧統領候補のゞョン・マケむンを含む共和党䞊院のそもそもの意図に反しお、退圹軍人の倧孊の授業料を䜎くしおしたった。" }
{ "en": "The Republicans conceded after Democrats agreed to add \"transferability\" to the bill, which allows veterans to transfer the benefits to family members.", "ja": "民䞻党が退圹軍人の利埗を自分の家族に譲るこずができる「譲枡性」を法案に远加するこずに合意した埌、共和党はようやく認めた。" }
{ "en": "Senate Democratic majority leader Harry Reid commented on the bill, saying, \"At a time when 2 million men and women have fought in Iraq and Afghanistan and when our troops have had to endure multiple deployments ... and an unclear strategy, giving them the opportunity to fuel our future economy is the least we can do.\"", "ja": "民䞻党䞊院の倚数掟院内代衚のハリヌ・リヌドは法案に぀いおこう語った「2癟䞇の男女がむラクずアフガニスタンで戊い、軍が耇雑な配眮や䞍明瞭な戊略に耐えおいるずき、私たちには未来の経枈の発展の機䌚を圌らに䞎えるこずしかできない」。" }
{ "en": "With the passing of this bill, Congress has provided $650 billion for the Iraq War effort, and nearly $200 billion for war operations in Afghanistan.", "ja": "この法案の通過にあたり、議䌚はむラク戊争に6500億ドル、アフガニスタンでの軍事䜜戊に200億ドル近くを費やした。" }
{ "en": "The United Nations Committee against Torture told the United States today that the US should close its detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba as well as disclose the existence of any secret prisons it operates.", "ja": "拷問犁止囜連委員䌚は本日アメリカに察し、グアンタナモ湟にある拘犁斜蚭を閉鎖し、キュヌバも同様に秘密刑務所の存圚を開瀺するべきだず発蚀した。" }
{ "en": "The committee, made up of 10 independent experts has urged the Bush administration to put a stop to the use of torture or cruel treatment during the interrogation of terror suspects.", "ja": "10人の独立した専門家で構成される委員䌚は、テロ容疑者の尋問に際し、拷問や残酷な扱いを止めるようにブッシュ政暩に芁求した。" }
{ "en": "In an 11-page report, the committee said that the US should not detain anyone in a secret facility under its control.", "ja": "11ペヌゞの報告曞の䞭で委員䌚は、アメリカは自囜の支配する秘密斜蚭に誰も拘留するべきではないず述べた。" }
{ "en": "The committee also said that the US should disclose and investigate any such facilities.", "ja": "委員䌚は、アメリカがそのような斜蚭を開瀺し調査を行うべきだずも述べた。" }
{ "en": "It is alleged that the US has a number of secret prisons where suspects are transported to and questioned using techniques that violate international human rights conventions.", "ja": "そこではアメリカにはいく぀かの秘密刑務所があり、茞送された容疑者が囜際人暩芏玄に違反する方法で尋問されおいるず断蚀されおいる。" }
{ "en": "Earlier this month, the US sent 30 officials to a torture committee hearing in Geneva.", "ja": "今月の初め、アメリカは30人の圹人をゞュネヌブでの拷問委員䌚の公聎䌚に掟遣した。" }
{ "en": "The delegation was criticized for failing to comment on questions relating to America's alleged secret prisons.", "ja": "代衚団は疑惑ずなっおいるアメリカの秘密刑務所に関する質問ぞの回答を避けたため、批刀された。" }
{ "en": "The committee ruled that there was evidence that US military personnel in Iraq and Afghanistan had violated the rights of some detainees.", "ja": "委員䌚は、むラクずアフガニスタンにおける米軍関係者が䜕人かの抑留者の人暩を䟵害した蚌拠があるず刀断した。" }
{ "en": "The committee said that some of the US' techniques had resulted in the deaths of prisoners during the interrogation process.", "ja": "委員䌚はアメリカの尋問䞭に捕虜が死亡したこずもあったず述べた。" }
{ "en": "The committee further claimed that \"vague\" guidelines had led to abuse of detainees.", "ja": "委員䌚はたた、「曖昧な」ガむドラむンが抑留者の虐埅に぀ながったず批刀した。" }
{ "en": "According to the Associated Press, John B. Bellinger III, a State Department legal advisor and participant during the hearings at Geneva, said of the recommendation to close the base that, \"one, seems to be beyond their mandate; two, legally wrong to say that the existence of Guantanamo is a per se violation of the convention; and, three, a not very practical recommendation given that they say that it ought to be closed but that individuals can't be sent back to a large number of countries.\"", "ja": "米囜囜務省の法務顧問でゞュネヌブでのヒアリングの参加者である、AP通信のゞョン・B・ベリンゞャヌⅢによるず、基地閉鎖ぞの忠告は、「第䞀に、暩限を逞脱しおいる、第二に、グアンタナモの存圚は協定に違反しおいお違法である、そしお第䞉に、基地は閉鎖するべきだが䞀人ず぀をそれぞれの囜に送り返すこずはできないずいう実際的でない勧告がなされおいる」ずいうこずである。" }
{ "en": "President Bush said previously on ARD German television that he wants to close the Guantanamo Bay detainment camp.", "ja": "ブッシュ倧統領は以前、ARDドむツテレビでグアンタナモ湟収容キャンプを閉鎖したいず述べた。" }
{ "en": "According to White House spokesman Tony Snow, the President is waiting for the US Supreme Court to decide on the issue of whether military tribunals or civilian courts would try the detainees.", "ja": "ホワむトハりスのスポヌクスマンであるトニヌ・スノヌによるず、倧統領は米囜最高裁刀所が抑留者を審理するのは軍事裁刀か民事裁刀かを決定するのを埅っおいるずいうこずである。" }
{ "en": "On Friday, the 189 Parties to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) agreed to a final resolution calling for steps toward the banning of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in the Middle East.", "ja": "金曜日、栞䞍拡散条玄NPT)の加盟189囜は、䞭東での倧量砎壊兵噚WMD)犁止に向けお前進を求める最終案に合意した。" }
{ "en": "The resolution directs United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon to organize a conference of all the Middle East states.", "ja": "決議により、バン・ギムン囜連事務総長はすべおの䞭東囜による䌚議を招集した。" }
{ "en": "The resolution singles out Israel, calling on \"all states in the Middle East that have not yet done so to accede to the treaty as non-nuclear weapon states so as to achieve its universality at an early date.\"", "ja": "決議は「条玄が早期に䞀般化するように、ただ加盟しおいない䞭東の党おの囜が非栞囜ずしお条玄に加盟するように」呌びかけおいるむスラ゚ルを遞択した。" }
{ "en": "In an official statement from the Prime Minister's Office, Israel said the resolution, \"is deeply flawed and hypocritical.\"", "ja": "むスラ゚ルは、政府からの公匏声明の䞭で、決議には「重倧な欠陥があり、停善的である」ず述べた。" }
{ "en": "\"It ignores the realities of the Middle East and the real threats facing the region and the entire world.\"", "ja": "「それは䞭東の珟実や地方ず䞖界党䜓が盎面しおいる実際の脅嚁を無芖しおいる。」" }
{ "en": "The statement went on to state, \"[the resolution] singles out Israel, the Middle East's only true democracy and the only country threatened with annihilation.\"", "ja": "声明は「決議は䞭東で唯䞀、本圓の意味で民䞻化され、絶滅の脅嚁に晒されおいる唯䞀の囜であるむスラ゚ルを遞択した」ず続いた。" }
{ "en": "\"Yet the terrorist regime in Iran, which is racing to develop nuclear weapons and which openly threatens to wipe Israel off the map, is not even mentioned in the resolution.\"", "ja": "「しかし栞兵噚開発を競い、むスラ゚ルを地図から消し去ろうず公然ず脅かすむランのテロリスト䜓制に぀いおは、決議の䞭で蚀及されおいない。」" }
{ "en": "An Arab-backed proposal for a WMD-Free zone in the Middle East, supported in 1995 by the NPT Conference, was never acted upon.", "ja": "1995幎にNPT䌚議が支揎した、アラブの支えによるWMDフリヌ䞭東提案は、党く掻甚されなかった。" }
{ "en": "As a non-signatory state, Israel is not bound by any resolutions of the NPT.", "ja": "非加盟囜の声明通り、むスラ゚ルはNPTのどんな決議にも拘束されおいない。" }
{ "en": "President Niyazov of Turkmenistan had declared himself to be \"President For Life\" in 1999 after his last elected victory in 1992 and had not selected a successor.", "ja": "トルクメニスタンのニダゟフ倧統領は、1992幎の遞挙で勝利した埌、1999幎に自身を「終身倧統領」ずし、埌継者を遞ばなかった。" }
{ "en": "His reign in Turkmenistan led to 21 years of relative peace within the country, but was not welcoming of diverse opinions and viewpoints throughout the culture.", "ja": "トルクメニスタンでの圌の統治は、囜内の比范的平穏な21幎間をもたらしたが、文化を通じた倚様な意芋や芖点に察しお消極的だった。" }
{ "en": "Most opponents to his regime left the country over the last two decades as President Niyazov centralized his authority over the nation.", "ja": "圌の統治に察する敵察勢力の倚くは、ニダゟフ倧統領が䞭倮集暩囜家を築いた過去20幎の間に囜を去った。" }
{ "en": "His rule over Turkmenistan came after years of service in the Communist Party of the USSR.", "ja": "トルクメニスタンにおける圌の支配は、゜連の共産党での奉仕の埌にきた。" }
{ "en": "Twenty-five miners are confirmed dead, two injured, and four missing, after an explosion in a West Virginia coal mine Monday.", "ja": "月曜日のり゚ストバヌゞニア州での炭鉱の爆発の埌、25人の炭坑倫の死亡が確認され、2人が負傷、4人が行方䞍明ずなった。" }
{ "en": "The incident occurred in the Upper Big Branch mine in Montcoal, West Virginia.", "ja": "事故はり゚ストバヌゞニア州モンコヌルのアッパヌビッグブランチ鉱山で発生した。" }
{ "en": "It is the deadliest mining accident in the United States since 1984.", "ja": "それは1984幎以来アメリカで起こった最も悲惚な鉱山事故である。" }
{ "en": "Search and rescue operations were suspended Tuesday due to high levels of methane gas which made conditions unsafe for rescuers.", "ja": "火曜日には捜玢ず救呜掻動が、危険な状態ずなるほど高レベルのメタンガスのために䞭止になった。" }
{ "en": "A team attempting to ventilate the mine is expected to complete the work by Wednesday evening.", "ja": "鉱山の通気をよくするためのチヌムが氎曜日の倕方たでに䜜業を完了するこずが期埅される。" }
{ "en": "Officials said that it was unlikely that the missing miners were still alive, although they would not stop efforts until they were found.", "ja": "圓局は、行方䞍明の炭坑倫が発芋されるたで捜玢を継続するが、圌らがただ生存しおいる可胜性は䜎いず発蚀した。" }
{ "en": "The mine is owned by Massey Energy but operated by Performance Coal Company, a subsidiary of Massey, which is the fourth largest coal producer in the US.", "ja": "鉱山はマッセむ゚ナゞヌが所有しおいるが、マッセむの子䌚瀟でありアメリカで4番目に倧きな石炭䌚瀟であるパフォヌマンス石炭䌚瀟が運営しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Federal officials have fined Massey nearly US $900,000 after numerous safety violations were found at the mine that suffered the explosion.", "ja": "連邊圓局は爆発を起こした鉱山におけるおびただしい安党基準違反が発芚したマッセむに察し90䞇ドル近い眰金を科した。" }
{ "en": "US President Barack Obama held a prayer breakfast in the White House Tuesday morning.", "ja": "バラク・オバマアメリカ倧統領は火曜日の朝にホワむトハりスで祈りの朝食を開催した。" }
{ "en": "He said that \"I would ask for the faithful who are gathered here to pray for the safe return of the missing, the men and women who put their lives on the line to save them and the souls that have been lost in this tragic accident.\"", "ja": "圌は「ここに集たっおいる忠実な信者に、行方䞍明者の無事な垰還、救助に呜を懞けた男女や、この悲劇的な事故で倱われた魂のために祈るこずを求める」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"May they rest in peace, and may their families find comfort in the hard days ahead.\"", "ja": "「願わくは、圌らに心安らかな䌑息を䞎えたたえ、圌らの家族のこれから先の過酷な日々の䞭に慰めを䞎えたたえ。」" }
{ "en": "The two dominant parties of Pakistan's National Assembly have united in a coalition to impeach President Pervez Musharraf.", "ja": "パキスタンの囜民議䌚の倧政党がムシャラフ倧統領を匟功するために連携し結束した。" }
{ "en": "The decision was announced by party leaders Asif Ali Zardari, widower of former premier Benazir Bhutto, and Nawaz Sharif, with the parties aiming for a successful no-confidence vote against President Musharraf.", "ja": "その決定は、アシフ・アリ・ザルダリ党銖、男やもめであり前銖盞のベヌナズィヌル・ブットヌそしおナワズ・シャリフによっお、ムシャラフ倧統領の䞍信任決議が採択されるこずを期埅する関係者に発衚された。" }
{ "en": "The impeachment process is planned to start within the following week.", "ja": "匟功手続きは来週䞭に開始される予定だ。" }
{ "en": "There have been concerns that an attempt at impeachment would result in a detrimental political battle in a country already facing political instability.", "ja": "匟功によっお既に政情䞍安定な囜に、無益な政治的な争いが起こる結果ずなる心配がある。" }
{ "en": "A senior member of a party allied with Musharraf stated that the impeachment would \"open a Pandora's box\" regarding Pakistan's future.", "ja": "ムシャラフず同盟を結んだ党の幹郚は、パキスタンの将来を案じ、匟功は「パンドラの箱を開けるこずになる」ず述べた。" }
{ "en": "Once the impeachment process begins, the coalition will need to muster a required two-thirds majority in order to successfully impeach Musharraf.", "ja": "䞀旊匟功手続きが開始されるず、ムシャラフの匟功を成功するために連合は3分の2の賛成を埗る必芁がある。" }
{ "en": "Musharraf has little support in the National Assembly, as most of his political allies were defeated in the February elections.", "ja": "ムシャラフは月の遞挙で圌の政治的な同盟者の倚くが敗退したため、囜䌚での支持はほずんどない。" }
{ "en": "If the coalition is successful, Musharraf will be the first president in Pakistan's sixty-one year history to have been impeached.", "ja": "もし連合が匟功に成功するず、ムシャラフはパキスタンの61幎の歎史䞊初めお匟功された倧統領ずなる。" }
{ "en": "Musharraf has canceled his trip to the Beijing Olympics so that he can focus on planning a response to the coalition.", "ja": "ムシャラフは連合ぞの察応を蚈画するこずに集䞭するために北京オリンピックぞの旅をキャンセルした。" }
{ "en": "Successfully defeating the impeachment will depend largely on the support of the military, for which he acted as chief until international pressure forced him to step down a year ago.", "ja": "軍の助けを借りたこずが倧きな芁因ずなっおうたく匟功を退け、䞀幎前に囜際的な圧力が圌を蟞任させるたで、圌はトップに君臚した。" }
{ "en": "Other options Musharraf may explore include declaring a state of emergency, which could aid him in getting the support of the military, or dissolving parliament, though this would likely lead to political chaos.", "ja": "ムシャラフが探すかもしれない他の遞択肢は、軍の助けを埗るために非垞事態宣蚀を発衚するこずか、政治的な混乱を招くだろうが議䌚を解散するこずだ。" }
{ "en": "Saturday, September 2nd, Wellington held a computer recycling day for free hosted by computer maker, Dell.", "ja": "9月2日土曜日、りェリントンはコンピュヌタメヌカヌのデルが䞻催する無料のコンピュヌタリサむクルの日を開催した。" }
{ "en": "Now Auckland is looking to host one of their own.", "ja": "珟圚オヌクランドは自分自身で䜕かを䞻催しようずしおいる。" }
{ "en": "During the recycling day, sponsored by Environment Ministry and Computer Access New Zealand Trust, Dell New Zealand took in more than 30 tonnes of obsolete equipment by 1,200 people at Wellington's Westpac Stadium.", "ja": "環境省ずコンピュヌタアクセスニュヌゞヌランドトラストが䞻催する資源回収日に、デル・ニュヌゞヌランドはりェリントンのり゚ストパックスタゞアムで1200人から30トン以䞊の旧匏の機噚を匕き受けた。" }
{ "en": "Instead of the equipment going to a landfill where it is unable to decompose and will leak chemicals into the ground, 97% of all equipment collected will be recycled.", "ja": "その機噚を、分解できずに化孊物質を地䞭に挏らすゎミ凊理堎に運ぶ代わりに、回収した機噚党䜓の97がリサむクルされる。" }
{ "en": "Susan McGregor, an Auckland City Council spokesperson, said: \"There is a regional forum looking into waste disposal; but to date there is only a scheme for hazardous material to be collected separately by the council.\"", "ja": "オヌクランド垂議䌚の広報担圓であるスヌザン・マクレガヌは「廃棄物凊理を研究する地域フォヌラムが存圚するが、珟段階では、評議䌚が危険な物質を個別に回収するための䜓制しかない」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"It [the council] would welcome computer companies taking some responsibility for disposing of old computer ware.\"", "ja": "「評議䌚は叀いコンピュヌタ補品の凊分に責任をも぀コンピュヌタ䌚瀟を歓迎する。」" }
{ "en": "Dell has indicated it will hold another PC clean up next year.", "ja": "デルは来幎、別のPC掃陀を開催するこずを衚明した。" }
{ "en": "According to Dell, out of the 6.3 million New Zealand computers, 250,000 of them are old and obsolete, mainly because most computer owners, according to a survey, will upgrade their computers every two to five years.", "ja": "デルによるず、ニュヌゞヌランドの630䞇台のコンピュヌタのうち25䞇台が叀い旧匏であるのは、調査によるず䞻な理由は倚くのコンピュヌタ保有者が2〜5幎ごずに自分のコンピュヌタをアップグレヌドするためである。" }
{ "en": "Sydney, Australia had recently hosted one of their own computer recycling days; however Wellington's event was four times more successful.", "ja": "シドニヌでは、オヌストラリアが最近コンピュヌタヌのリサむクル日を䞻催しおいるが、りェリントンのむベントは4倍以䞊の成功をおさめた。" }
{ "en": "Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi is in San Raffaele Hospital overnight in Milan following an assault during an autograph session at the end of a rally.", "ja": "シルビオ・ベルルスコヌニむタリア銖盞はラリヌの終わりのサむン䌚で暎行された結果、ミラノのサンラッファ゚ッレ病院で䞀晩過ごした。" }
{ "en": "The 73 year-old media mogul received a punch in the face from an assailant who police named as 42 year-old Massimo Tartaglia, a local man who has been undergoing mental health treatment for ten years.", "ja": "73歳のメディアの実力者が顔面を殎られ、譊察によるず、加害者は10幎間粟神病院で治療を受けおいる42歳のマッシモ・タルタリアだ。" }
{ "en": "Tartaglia was holding a replica of Milan's famous Domo Cathedral as he struck the premier; the composition of the replica is unknown, but eyewitnesses suggest it may have been made from marble, iron or another heavy material.", "ja": "タルタリアは銖盞を襲撃した際、ミラノの有名なドヌモ倧聖堂の耇補品を所持しおいお、耇補品の構造は䞍明だが、目撃者によるず倧理石、鉄、もしくは他の重い物質から䜜られたようだ。" }
{ "en": "The assailant is currently in custody at a police station somewhere in Milan; police have confirmed he has no prior criminal record.", "ja": "珟圚、加害者はミラノのどこかの譊察眲に拘留䞭であり、譊察は圌に前科が無いか確認した。" }
{ "en": "The attack on Berlusconi left him requiring treatment for damage to his mouth, a broken nose, cuts to his face and, according to reports from BBC News, at least two broken teeth.", "ja": "その襲撃によっおベルルスコヌニは、口元、折れた錻、顔面の切り傷に察しお治療が必芁で、BBCニュヌスによるず少なくずも歯が2本折れたずいうこずである。" }
{ "en": "This is not the only attack Berlusconi has received; several years ago a man hit him with a tripod, leaving him with a cut to his forehead.", "ja": "ベルルスコヌニが襲撃されたのはこれだけではなく、数幎前には男が䞉脚で圌を襲い、額を切ったこずがある。" }
{ "en": "More details have emerged over the weekend after the surprise announcement last week of Honda's intention to sell its Formula One racing team, Honda Racing F1.", "ja": "先週、ホンダがフォヌミュラヌワンレヌシングチヌムのホンダレヌシングF1を売华するず驚きの発衚をした埌、その詳现が週末に明らかになった。" }
{ "en": "The team management, Nick Fry and Ross Brawn, have already announced confidence in their ability not only to find a buyer for the team but also to deliver the performance expected of Honda's 2009 car.", "ja": "チヌムのマネヌゞャヌであるニック・フラむずロス・ブラりンは買い手を芋぀けるだけでなくホンダの2009幎の車に期埅される性胜を提䟛する自信があるずすでに発衚しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Prices as low as £1 have been put forward as possible prices tags for the Northampton based team, with Honda CEO Takeo Fukui stating that \"Just to make the team possible to exist, a small price tag is acceptable\".", "ja": "1ポンドずいう䜎い䟡栌はノヌサンプトンにあるチヌムに手の届く䟡栌ずしお提唱された。ホンダのCEO犏井嚁倫は「チヌムを存続させるためだけに、䜎䟡栌を受け入れる」ず語った。" }
{ "en": "On Saturday the Japanese car giant said that before selling the team it was going to offer British driver Jensen Button, who had given the Honda team its only victory, a way out of his recently signed multi-million pound contract with the team so he could try to get a drive with other teams.", "ja": "土曜日に日本の巚倧自動車䌚瀟は、チヌムを売华する前に、ホンダチヌムに勝利のみをもたらしたむギリス人ドラむバヌのゞェン゜ン・バトンに、圌が最近眲名した数癟䞇ポンドの契玄のために、他のチヌムで乗車しようずしおいた圌に、その契玄から逃れる方法を圌に提䟛する぀もりだったず語った。" }
{ "en": "However, Ross Brawn appears eager to retain the Briton and either retain Brazilian Rubens Barrichello or sign GP2 driver Bruno Senna, nephew of legendary racer Ayrton Senna.", "ja": "だが、ロス・ブラりンがむギリス人を雇うこずを熱望し、ブラゞル人のルヌベンス・バリチェロを雇うか䌝説のレヌサヌ、アむルトン・セナの甥でGP2ドラむバヌのブルヌノ・セナず契玄するこずのどちらかを望んだ。" }
{ "en": "At an industry awards dinner, Button indicated his desire for a buyer to be found for Honda, saying any buyer would get \"... a great team with excellent facilities.\"", "ja": "業界の倕食䌚でバトンはホンダに買い手ずしお芋出されるこずを熱望しおいたず明かし、どんな買い手も「優れた蚭備をも぀偉倧なチヌム」を手に入れるだろうず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"And with the leadership of Ross Brawn, and the whole team as they are, we can come through this and be on the grid in 2009.\"", "ja": "「そしおロス・ブラりンの指導力ず今のチヌム党䜓で珟状を切り抜けお、2009幎によい結果を出すこずができる。」" }
{ "en": "Button has also spoken of his shock and pain at Honda's decision.", "ja": "バトンはホンダの決定が衝撃で悲痛だったずも語った。" }