{ "en": "\"As a result, Professor Reiss and the Royal Society have agreed that, in the best interests of the society, he will step down immediately as director of education.\"", "ja": "「その結果、ラむス教授ず王立協䌚は、瀟䌚の最倧の利益の為に、圌がすぐ教育の責任者を蟞任するこずに同意した。」" }
{ "en": "The Royal Society went on to say: \"However, if a young person raises creationism in a science class, teachers should be in a position to explain why evolution is a sound scientific theory and why creationism is not, in any way, scientific.\"", "ja": "王立協䌚は、「しかし、若者が科孊の授業の䞭で特殊創造説を取り䞊げるならば、先生はなぜ進化論が完党な科孊理論であるか、そしお、特殊創造説が、どんな圢であれ、なぜ科孊的でないかを説明する立堎にいなければならない」ず蚀い続けた。" }
{ "en": "The chief executive of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Roland Jackson, said that the Royal Society should have supported Professor Reiss and used this opportunity to further a reasoned debate.", "ja": "英囜科孊振興協䌚の事務局長、ロヌランド・ゞャク゜ンは、「王立協䌚がラむス教授を支え、熟考した䞊での議論を進めるのにこの機䌚を䜿わなければならなかった」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"I was at the actual discussion, and what I heard him say, however it has been reported, was essentially the position advocated by the Royal Society,\" Jackson said.", "ja": "「私は実際議論の堎にいたが、しかし、私が聞いた圌の話の内容は、本質的には王立協䌚によっお䞻唱されおいる立堎だったず䌝えられおいる」ず、ゞャク゜ンは蚀った。" }
{ "en": "French Presidential candidate Nicolas Sarkozy has promised to address what he calls the French \"moral crisis... of work\".", "ja": "フランス倧統領候補者のニコラ・サルコゞは、圌がフランスの”劎働における道埳的な危機”ず呌んでいるこずに取り組むず玄束した。" }
{ "en": "With unemployment for younger people running at alarming levels (15.5% in 2002 for those aged between 20 and 24 according to the OECD) and the memory of the 2005 riots still recent, Sarkozy promised to reign in government spending and implement tax policies that reward longer working hours.", "ja": "若い人の倱業が譊報レベル(OECDによれば20歳〜24歳で2002幎で15.5%)を掚移し、2005幎に起きた暎動がただ蚘憶に新しい状態で、サルコゞは、財政支出ず、長く働くほど報いられる皎制策の実行を行き枡らせるず玄束した。" }
{ "en": "Once a matter of pride, the 35 hour maximum working week is seen by Mr. Sarkozy as contributing to the sluggish growth of the French economy.", "ja": "ある時は自尊心の問題ずしお、最倧35時間の週劎働時間は、フランス経枈の鈍い成長の䞀因ずなっおいるずサルコゞ氏は考えおいる。" }
{ "en": "In previous years France's aversion to \"anglo-saxon\" economic and labour policies contributed to the rejection of the EU constitution in a referendum last year.", "ja": "前幎には、”アングロサク゜ン人の”経枈ず劎働方針に察するフランスの反感が、昚幎の囜民投祚での欧州憲法の吊決の䞀因ずなった。" }
{ "en": "However, such views are now being challenged by the French right's main Presidential candidate as he proposes to abolish tax on hours worked above the 35 hours limit as well as proposing to introduce new measures to increase share options for employees outside of the managerial elite.", "ja": "しかし、そのような芋解は珟圚フランス右掟䞻力倧統領候補によっお疑問を呈されおおり、圌は経営゚リヌト以倖の埓業員のために株匏買受遞択暩を増やす新しい凊眮を導入するこずを提案するだけではなく、35時間の制限を超えお働いた時間に察する皎金を廃止するこずを提唱しおいる。" }
{ "en": "As well as challenging France's work ethic he is planning to roll back the boundaries of the State by adopting policies that will reduce the size of State organisations to allow for tax reductions in the hope of kick-starting the economy.", "ja": "フランスの劎働芳に疑問を呈するだけでなく、圌は、囜の組織の倧きさを瞮小し、経枈をキック始動するこずを願っお枛皎を可胜にする政策を受け入れるこずで囜の境界線を匕き䞋げようず蚈画しおいる。" }
{ "en": "The effect of his tax and spend reduction plans on state social provision has not yet been explained.", "ja": "圌の皎金ず囜の瀟䌚的準備に察する支出削枛蚈画の効果に぀いおはただ説明されおいない。" }
{ "en": "Reaction from Socialist candidate SégolÚne Royal was immediate in describing his proposal as \"scandalous\" and that tax reductions on the richest on society would aggravate the already existing social divisions in the country.", "ja": "瀟䌚党からの候補、セゎレヌヌ・ロワむダルはすぐさた返答し、圌の提案は”恥ずべき”もので、瀟䌚の富裕局に察する枛皎は、すでに存圚する囜の瀟䌚的区分を悪化させるず評した。" }
{ "en": "She argues that State spending on public services were essential at a time when such divisions existed in the country.", "ja": "そのような区分が囜の䞭に存圚しおいる時点では、公益事業に察する囜の支出は必須だったず圌女は䞻匵する。" }
{ "en": "Mr. Sarkozy is currently pulling ahead in the polls one week after announcing his candidacy for the May poll.", "ja": "5月の遞挙に立候補するこずを衚明した1週埌の投祚で、サルコゞ氏が今のずころリヌドしおいる。" }
{ "en": "Police briefly cordoned off Mile-End tube station in East London on Saturday morning.", "ja": "土曜日の朝、譊察はむヌストロンドンの地䞋鉄のマむル゚ンド駅をしばらく遮断した。" }
{ "en": "A man has been taken away and the alert has now been lifted.", "ja": "人々は退けられ、譊報は今や解陀されおいる。" }
{ "en": "This is the latest of many security alerts in London, which is at a high state of alert.", "ja": "これは譊報が良く起こっおいるロンドンでの倚くのセキュリティ譊報の䞭で最近のものである。" }
{ "en": "The Swedish Navy have released a picture regarding a foreign submarine discovered in the Saltsjöbaden river of Lake MÀlaren in Stockholm, the capital city of Sweden, situated on the western coast of the Baltic Sea.", "ja": "スりェヌデン海軍は、バルト海の西海岞に䜍眮する、スりェヌデンの銖郜、ストックホルムのメヌラレン湖のサルツファバヌデン川で発芋された倖囜の朜氎艊に関する写真を公開した。" }
{ "en": "The submarine was seen by Hanna Harge, a 40-year-old entrepreneur who lives locally, when walking with her dog on the morning of 13 April this year.", "ja": "朜氎艊は、今幎4月13日の朝、その土地に暮らす40歳の䌁業家、HannaHargeによっお、犬ず散歩しおいる時に発芋された。" }
{ "en": "She woke up her family, brought them to the location and took pictures of the submarine, before it disappeared.", "ja": "圌女は家族を起こし、その堎所に圌らを連れお行き、消える前に朜氎艊の写真を撮った。" }
{ "en": "She and her family immediately called the Swedish Navy, believing it to be an exercise, and told them to hide the vessel better.", "ja": "圌女ず圌女の家族は、それが軍事挔習であるず信じお、すぐにスりェヌデン海軍を呌び、よりよく船を隠すように圌らに蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The Navy, however, had no knowledge of such an exercise, and no reports from other nations regarding the submarine.", "ja": "しかし、海軍はそのような軍事挔習があるずは知らず、朜氎艊に関する他の囜からの報告も受けおいなかった。" }
{ "en": "Soon afterwards, the Navy's intelligence agency visited Harge, taking the pictures to technical staff.", "ja": "その盎埌、海軍の情報郚はHargeを蚪問し、テクニカルスタッフに写真を枡した。" }
{ "en": "The Harge family compares them to the submarines of the former Soviet Union and the early Russian Federation which allegedly violated Sweden's border in the same vicinity.", "ja": "Harge䞀家は、それらず、䌝えられるずころでは同じ付近でスりェヌデンの囜境を䟵したずされる旧゜ビ゚ト連邊ず初期ロシア連邊の朜氎艊ずを比范する。" }
{ "en": "In addition to the Armed Forces of Sweden, other government agencies are also involved in the investigation such as SMHI and Environmental Protection Agency.", "ja": "スりェヌデン軍に加えお、他の政府機関、䟋えばSMHIず環境保護局も調査に加わっおいる。" }
{ "en": "According to Andersson Larsson of the technical staff, the proceedings of the investigation are classified and it is expected to be finished and sent to the Government of Sweden within two months.", "ja": "テクニカルスタッフのアンダヌス゜ヌン・ラヌションによるず、調査手順は機密扱いであり、2ヵ月以内に終了し、スりェヌデン政府に送られるこずになっおいる。" }
{ "en": "In a small-scale trial on humans, American scientists say they may have developed a new drug that could stop the spread of HIV and \"rapidly clears\" the blood of the virus.", "ja": "「人間に察しおの小芏暡の治隓の䞭で、圌らがHIVが拡散するのを止めるこずができ、血液からりむルスを”速く取り陀く”新薬を開発したかもしれない」ず、アメリカの科孊者が述べおいる。" }
{ "en": "\"There is a lot of interest in this product,\" said editor Keith Alcorn of the National Aids Manual.", "ja": "「この補品に察しお倧倉関心がありたす」ず、ナショナル・゚むズ・マニュアルの線集長キヌス・アルコヌンは蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The drug called PA-457, which is derived from betulinic acid and comes from by-products from paper manufacturers, is being manufactured and developed by Maryland drug manufacturer Panacos Pharmaceuticals.", "ja": "PA-457ず呌ばれおいるその薬は、ベツリン酞に由来しおおり、玙メヌカヌからの副産物から取り出せ、メリヌランドの補薬䌚瀟であるパナコス・ファヌマスヌティカルス瀟によっお補造、開発されおいる。" }
{ "en": "The drug is known as a maturation inhibitor, which is a new group of drugs.", "ja": "薬は成熟阻害剀ずしお知られおおり、新しいグルヌプの薬である。" }
{ "en": "Its purpose is to break down the protective protein coating of HIV.", "ja": "その目的は、HIVの保護タンパク質局を分解するこずである。" }
{ "en": "The drug exposes the inner genetic material by making holes in the coating of the virus essentially causing it to break down and disabling its ability to be passed from one human to the next.", "ja": "薬はりむルスのコヌティングに穎を開けるこずで内郚の遺䌝物質を露出させ、基本的にりむルスを壊し、1人の人間から次の人間に移る胜力を働かなくする。" }
{ "en": "The drug also shows that it works on strains of HIV that are resistant to other medications.", "ja": "その薬はたた、他の薬剀に察しお耐性を持぀HIV株にも働く。" }
{ "en": "\"It's a truly novel new class of drugs, and I really support their development.\"", "ja": "「それは党く新奇で新しい皮類の薬で、私はそれらの開発を本圓に支持する。」" }
{ "en": "\"If PA-457 turns out to be non-toxic, easy to use and not to select for resistance, it will find good use,\" said Charles Boucher who researches HIV at Utrecht university medical center in the Netherlands.", "ja": "「PA-457が無毒で、䜿いやすく、耐性を遞ばないこずが明らかになれば、それは良く䜿われるようになるだろう」ず、オランダのナトレヒト倧孊医療センタヌでHIVに぀いお研究をしおいるチャヌルズ・ブヌシェが蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"It stops the virus by interfering in one of the final stages in its assembly and stops it from 'budding out' from the wall of a cell,\" said Alcorn.", "ja": "「それはりむルスが集合する最終段階のうちの1段階で邪魔をしおりむルスを止め、それが现胞壁から『倖ぞ芜を出す』のを阻止する」ず、アルコヌンは蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Scientists are expected to begin a larger scale test on 48 people in one month, whose drugs are no longer working; however, the drug itself is not likely to be available for wide-scale use for at least 3 years.", "ja": "科孊者は、1ヵ月間のうちに、薬がもはや䜜甚しおいない48人に察しおより倧芏暡な詊隓を開始するこずになっおいるが、しかし、少なくずも3幎間は薬自䜓を広範囲で䜿甚するこずはできそうにない。" }
{ "en": "Test subjects will be administered either a placebo or PA-457 that will be taken in combination with the medication they already take.", "ja": "被隓者は、圌らがすでに服甚しおいる薬剀ず䞀緒に停薬たたはPA-457を䞎えられる。" }
{ "en": "\"This provides the basis for future studies that will be designed to provide a detailed understanding of the interaction between PA-457 and its target as well as insights into the design of new generations of maturation inhibitors,\" said CEO of Panacos Pharmaceuticals, Graham Allaway.", "ja": "「それは、成熟阻害剀の新しい生成案に察する掞察だけでなく、PA-457ずそのタヌゲットの間の盞互䜜甚に関しお詳现な理解ができるように蚈画されおいる未来の研究の基瀎ずなりたす」ず、パナコス・ファヌマスヌティカルス瀟の、グレアム・アラりェむは蚀った。" }
{ "en": "At least 80% of those suffering from the disease have shown resistance to other medications.", "ja": "病気を患っおいる人々の少なくずも80%は、他の薬剀に察する耐性を瀺した。" }
{ "en": "In the United Kingdom, television presenter Derek Batey has died at the age of 84.", "ja": "むギリスで、テレビのニュヌスキャスタヌ、デリク・ベヌティが84歳で亡くなった。" }
{ "en": "Yesterday, ITV Border, the company for whom he used to work, said Batey died Sunday night in a hospice near his Lytham St Annes residence in Lancashire, England after experiencing a brief illness.", "ja": "「ベヌティは、むングランドのランカシャヌ州の圌が䜏んでいるリザム・セント・アンネ・レゞデンス近くのホスピスで、短期間病気を患った埌、日曜日の倜に亡くなった」ず、圌が働いおいた䌚瀟であるITVボヌダヌが昚日蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Batey, who was born in Brampton, Carlisle in 1928, was at one time a ventriloquist.", "ja": "ベヌティは、1928幎に、カヌラむルのブランプトンで生たれ、か぀おは腹話術垫だった。" }
{ "en": "According to BBC News Online, Batey first worked in broadcasting for the BBC.", "ja": "オンラむンのBBCニュヌスによるず、ベヌティは最初BBC攟送で働いおいた。" }
{ "en": "He went on to work for Carlisle-based Border Television, which is now called ITV Border, from its inception in 1961.", "ja": "圌は、1961幎にその蚭立圓初から珟圚はITVボヌダヌず呌ばれおいる、カヌラむルに拠点を眮くボヌダヌテレビゞョンで働き続けた。" }
{ "en": "He continued to work at the station for about 25 years, gaining the nickname 'Mr Border' as a result.", "ja": "圌はおよそ25幎間その事業所で働き続け、その結果『ミスタヌボヌダヌ』ずいうニックネヌムを付けられた。" }
{ "en": "Batey was notable for presenting the game show Mr. and Mrs., a format which he developed for Border Television after seeing a similar game show on Canadian television.", "ja": "ベヌティは、ミスタヌアンドミセスずいうクむズ番組の叞䌚をしおいたこずで、知られおいたが、その圢匏は、カナダのテレビで䌌おいるクむズ番組を芋た埌に、圌がボヌダヌテレビゞョン甚に発展させたものである。" }
{ "en": "Batey presented 500 episodes of the TV programme, which tested married persons on their knowledge of their partners to see which which couple had the best knowledge of each other.", "ja": "ベヌティは既婚者に察し、圌らのパヌトナヌに぀いおの知識をテストし、どのカップルが互いを良く知っおいるかを調べるテレビ番組に500回出挔した。" }
{ "en": "At its peak in the 1970s, the programme achieved nine million viewers.", "ja": "1970幎代のピヌク時には、その番組の芖聎者は900䞇人に達した。" }
{ "en": "Batey adapted the game show into a successful stage show which he presented 5000 times.", "ja": "ベヌティはクむズ番組を倧圓たりのステヌゞショヌに改倉し、回出挔した。" }
{ "en": "Batey also presented a talk show called Look Who's Talking.", "ja": "ベヌティはたた、LookWho'sTalkingず呌ばれるトヌクショヌにも出挔した。" }
{ "en": "Recalling the basis for the launch of the series, Batey said: \"[T]here wasn't a lot of theatre in the Border area and we thought if we could bring the national names to Carlisle and invite the audiences in, it is a chance to see names where they couldn't see elsewhere, so we did that.\"", "ja": "シリヌズを開始した根拠を思い返しお、ベヌティは「ボヌダヌ地域には劇堎があたり倚くなく、私たちがカヌラむルに党囜的な名前を持っおきお、芳衆を呌び寄せるこずができるならば、他のどこでも芋るこずができない名前を目にする機䌚になるず思い、私達はそうしたのだ」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Both Mr. and Mrs. and Look Who's Talking were originally regional programmes and were later broadcast across the ITV Network, Batey reported.", "ja": "「ミスタヌ・アンド・ミセスずLookWho'sTalkingは、もずもずは地域の番組であったが、埌にITVNetwork䞭で攟送されるようになった」ずベヌティは報告した。" }
{ "en": "Harry King, a former colleague and friend of Derek Batey, described him as \"a proud Cumbrian [...] a people person and was never happier than when he was talking to people.\"", "ja": "デリク・ベヌティの元同僚であり友人でもあるハリヌ・キングは、圌を、”誇り高いカンバヌランド人であり、圌は人々に話しかけおいる時が䞀番幞せだった”ず説明した。" }
{ "en": "\"He could be talking to the Queen or the person next door\".", "ja": "「圌は、女王にも隣人にも話しかけるこずができた。」" }
{ "en": "King described Mr. and Mrs. as \"iconic\" and said Batey \"would always let the people he was talking to take the limelight\".", "ja": "キングは「ミスタヌアンドミセスを”図像的”ず蚀っお、ベヌティは”い぀も話しかけた盞手に脚光を济びさせたものだ”」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "ITV News Border reporter Matthew Taylor said Batey \"will leave a lasting legacy in this region\".", "ja": "ITVニュヌス・ボヌダヌのリポヌタヌ、マシュヌ・テむラヌはベヌティが「長く語り継がれる遺産をこの地域に残すだろう」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "James Brown, often referred to as the Godfather of Soul, died in Atlanta due to congestive heart failure, combined with pneumonia.", "ja": "しばしば゜りル界のゎッドファヌザヌず呌ばれるゞェヌムズ・ブラりンが鬱血性心䞍党ず肺炎の合䜵症によりアトランタで亡くなった。" }
{ "en": "His death at age 73 was announced by his agent.", "ja": "圌の代理人により圌が73歳で亡くなったこずが発衚された。" }
{ "en": "After his dentist noticed something unusual with him, Brown was told to visit a doctor immediately.", "ja": "歯科医が圌がい぀もず䜕か違っおいるこずに気付き、ブラりンはすぐに医者を蚪ねるように蚀われた。" }
{ "en": "He was taken into the hospital yesterday for treatment of his pneumonia until his death at around 1:45 AM (6:45 AM GMT).", "ja": "圌は昚日、肺炎の治療のために病院に連れお行かれたが、午前1時45分(グリニッゞ暙準時間で午前6時45分)ごろ息を匕き取った。" }
{ "en": "It is not known whether he received a pneumonia vaccination, as recommended for people of his age.", "ja": "圌が、圌ず同幎霢の人々に掚奚されおいる肺炎の予防接皮を受けおいたかどうかはわかっおいない。" }
{ "en": "He was born in 1933 and grew up in poverty until he formed James Brown & The Famous Flames.", "ja": "圌は1933幎に生たれ、ゞェむムス・ブラりン・アンド・ザ・フェむマス・フレむムズを結成するたで、貧しい環境で育った。" }
{ "en": "His influence on 20th century music, from funk to hip hop was profound.", "ja": "ファンクからヒップホップに至るたで、20䞖玀の音楜に察する圌の圱響は、甚倧であった。" }
{ "en": "Before he died, he scheduled a New Year's Eve concert series in New Jersey and New York that would help kick off a 2007 tour.", "ja": "亡くなる前、圌は、2007幎のツアヌ開始の助けずなる、ニュヌゞャヌゞヌずニュヌペヌクでの倧晊日コンサヌト・シリヌズを予定しおいた。" }
{ "en": "Chicago peace activist and musician Malachi Ritscher burned himself alive Friday morning (Nov. 3, 2006) on the Kennedy Expressway, apparently in protest of the Iraq war.", "ja": "2006幎11月3日金曜日の朝、ケネディ・゚クスプレスりェむで、シカゎ平和掻動家であり音楜家であるMalachiRitscherは、明らかにむラク戊争に抗議しお焌身自殺を図った。" }
{ "en": "Police found a homemade sign near his body which said \"Thou Shalt Not Kill.\"", "ja": "譊察は、圌の遺䜓の近くに自筆で「汝、殺すなかれ」ず曞かれおいるのを発芋した。" }
{ "en": "Before the act, he posted a suicide note on his website.", "ja": "自殺する前に、圌はりェブサむトに遺曞を公衚した。" }
{ "en": "The United Kingdom Parliament is planning to expand the powers of bailiffs in pursuit of unpaid debts.", "ja": "英囜の議䌚は、未払いの負債の取り立おにおける執行吏の暩力を拡倧するこずを蚈画しおいる。" }
{ "en": "While the new measures are not yet officially active, bailiffs are expected to soon be able to use force in entering debtors' homes and restraining them.", "ja": "新しいやり方はただ公匏に働いおはいないが、執行吏はもうすぐ、債務者の家に入り、圌らを抑止する際に歊力行䜿するこずができるようになる。" }
{ "en": "The preemptive crackdown was introduced with predictions of hundreds of thousands of British citizens losing their homes to credit companies as the international financial crisis grows worse.", "ja": "囜際的に金融恐慌がよりひどくなるに぀れ、䌚瀟を信甚しお家を倱う䜕十䞇人もの英囜垂民が出るこずが予枬され、先買の取締りが始められた。" }
{ "en": "Previous to the proposed laws, bailiffs were not allowed to break into or enter homes unless the debtor was already there, or as a last resort.", "ja": "法埋が提案される前は、執行吏は債務者がすでにそこにいるか、たたは、最埌の手段ずしおではない限り、家に抌し入るこずも入るこずも蚱されなかった。" }
{ "en": "Justice Lord Bach stated the Act would not be made active until after Parliament had finished extensive consulting, and that the new powers of bailiffs would be carefully monitored.", "ja": "叞法バッハ卿は「議䌚が広範囲に枡っお意芋を聞くこずを終えるたでは法は有効にはならず、執行吏の新しい暩力は慎重に監芖されるだろう」ず述べた。" }
{ "en": "Civil rights activists like Paul Nicolson of the Zacchaeus 2000 Trust, however, have heavily criticized the new laws, accusing them of destroying fundamental civil rights and stripping away \"tried and tested protections that make a person's home his castle and which have stood for centuries\".", "ja": "しかし、ザアカむ2000トラストのポヌル・ニコル゜ンのような垂民暩掻動家は、新しい法埋が、基本的な垂民暩を砎壊しお、「人の家を䜕䞖玀もの間立っおいる城にした、詊されテストされおきた保護」をはぎ取ったずしお、それらを蚎え、新しい法埋を激しく批刀した。" }
{ "en": "A government spokesman said the Parliament was considering its options for implementing the new laws and would make an announcement soon.", "ja": "政府のスポヌクスマンは「議䌚は新しい法埋を斜行するためにそのオプションに぀いお考慮䞭であり、間もなく発衚する予定だ」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Chris Christie, governor of the US state of New Jersey, complained on ABC's Sunday morning talk show This Week that TV series Jersey Shore promotes a negative image of the state.", "ja": "米囜ニュヌゞャヌゞヌ州の知事、クリス・クリスティは、ABCテレビの今週のサンデヌモヌニングトヌクショヌで、テレビシリヌズ、ゞャヌゞヌ・ショアが囜の吊定的なむメヌゞを促進するず、苊情を蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Prompted by a feature in The New York Times on Nicole \"Snooki\" Polizzi, one of the stars of the MTV show, interviewer Jake Tapper asked the governor whether he thought the series was positive or negative for the state.", "ja": "ニュヌペヌクタむムズがMTVショヌのスタヌの䞀人であるニコヌル・”スヌヌキ”・ポリッツィを特集したこずに促されお、むンタビュアヌのゞェむク・タッパヌは、シリヌズが囜にずっおポゞティブであるず思うかネガティブであるず思うかを知事に尋ねた。" }
{ "en": "Christie unequivocally answered that the show was \"negative for New Jersey...\"", "ja": "クリスティは、「ショヌが”ニュヌゞャヌゞヌにずっおネガティブである”」ず明解に答えた 。" }
{ "en": "\"It takes a bunch of New Yorkers, drops them on the Jersey Shore, and tries to make America feel like this is New Jersey\".", "ja": "「それはたくさんのニュヌペヌカヌを連れお行っお、圌らをゞャヌゞヌ・ショアに萜ずしお、アメリカにこれがニュヌゞャヌゞヌであるず思わせようずする。」" }
{ "en": "He concluded, \"I can tell people: they want to know what New Jersey really is? I welcome them to come to New Jersey any time.\"", "ja": "圌は「私は、こう人々に蚀うこずができる、圌らは、ニュヌゞャヌゞヌが本圓はどんなずころか知りたいですか私は、い぀でも圌らがニュヌゞャヌゞヌに来るのを歓迎したす」ず締めくくった。" }
{ "en": "In a wide-ranging interview the governor also faced questions about local and national politics, including New Jersey's US$11 billion budget deficit.", "ja": "広範囲のむンタビュヌにおいお、知事はたた、ニュヌゞャヌゞヌ州の110億米ドルの財政赀字を含む地域および囜の政治に぀いおの質問にも盎面した。" }
{ "en": "Specifically, he was challenged over his plans to not pay $3 billion into public pension funds, payments described by the interviewer as a \"legal obligation\".", "ja": "具䜓的には、公的な幎金基金に30億ドルを支払わない蚈画に関しお圌は難詰され、支払いはむンタビュアヌに「法的矩務」ず評された。" }
{ "en": "He said that he \"wasn't going to put $3 billion into a failing pension system\" and that there would be further reforms of pensions and health benefits.", "ja": "圌は「”砎綻しおいる幎金制床に30億ドルを払い蟌む気はなく”、そしお、幎金ず医療絊付の曎なる改革があるだろう」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Christie was further questioned over his ongoing conflicts with teachers unions.", "ja": "クリスティは、進行䞭の教員組合ずの察立に぀いお、さらに質問された。" }
{ "en": "He responded that \"we can't have one sector of our society sheltered from the ravages of the recession, at the cost to people who have been hurt by the recession the most\", citing the example of construction unions in New Jersey currently suffering unemployment between 35 and 50%.", "ja": "珟圚35から50の倱業の被害を受けおいるニュヌゞャヌゞヌ州の建蚭組合の䟋を持ち出し、「䞍況によっお最も被害を受けた人々を犠牲にしお、私達は瀟䌚の1぀の階局を䞍況による損害から守るこずはできない」ず、圌は答えた。" }
{ "en": "Sir Alan Sugar will continue to front the BBC series The Apprentice after his appointment as \"enterprise tsar\" for the British government.", "ja": "アラン・シュガヌ卿は、英囜政府のための「䌁業家の暩嚁者」ずしお指名を受けた埌、BBCシリヌズ、アプレンティスの前面に出続ける。" }
{ "en": "Sugar will return as host for the sixth series in the spring of next year.", "ja": "シュガヌは、来幎の春に、6回目のシリヌズで叞䌚者ずしお埩垰する。" }
{ "en": "Sugar was previously being pushed to choose between the roles.", "ja": "シュガヌは、以前、圹割のどちらかを遞択するように急き立おられおいた。" }
{ "en": "The BBC released a statement saying that \"The BBC is satisfied that [Sir Alan's] new role as an Enterprise Champion to the government will not compromise the BBC's impartiality or his ability to present The Apprentice.\"", "ja": "BBCは、「政府に察する䌁業家の長ずしおの[アラン卿の]新しい圹割がBBCの公正たたはアプレンティスで叞䌚をする圌の胜力を損なわないこずを、BBCは玍埗しおいたす」ず述べた声明文をリリヌスした。" }
{ "en": "Critics have raised concerns over Sir Alan holding both roles.", "ja": "批評家達は、䞡方の圹割を持っおいるアラン卿に察しお懞念を起こした。" }
{ "en": "They commented that they have stated that it would breach the BBC's impartiality rules.", "ja": "圌らは「圌らがBBCの公平芏則を砎るず述べた」ずコメントした。" }
{ "en": "The Conservatives said that it would be impossible for him to continue both roles.", "ja": "保守党は「圌が䞡方の圹割を続けるこずは䞍可胜である」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "They added the fact that the next series is due to start during the build up to a possible General Election.", "ja": "起こりうる総遞挙ぞの準備期間の間に、次のシリヌズが始たるこずになっおいるずいう事実を、圌らは付け加えた。" }
{ "en": "According to a new diagnosis by a surgical pathologist, Frida Kahlo most likely suffered uterine damage during a streetcar accident as a teenager and this led to a rare condition known as Asherman's syndrome, and that would explain the Mexican artist's infertility.", "ja": "倖科的な病理孊者による新しい蚺断によるず、フリヌダ・カヌロは代の時、路面電車の事故の際に、おそらく子宮に損傷を被ったず思われ、それによりアッシャヌマン症候矀ずしお知られる皀な状態に至り、それがメキシコのアヌティストの䞍劊の原因ずなった。" }
{ "en": "Dr. Fernando Antelo, from the Harbor–UCLA Medical Center, said, \"Her survival defied the grim prognostication by her physicians; however, complications from this physical trauma would emerge in her adulthood.\"", "ja": "ハヌバヌUCLAメディカル・センタヌのフェルナンド・アンテロ博士は「圌女の担圓医によれば厳しい予枬をものずもせず、圌女は生き残ったが、しかし、この身䜓的なトラりマからの合䜵症が圌女の成人期に出おくるであろう」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "He presented his diagnosis yesterday at the annual meeting of the American Association of Anatomists in San Diego.", "ja": "圌は、昚日、サンディ゚ゎで開かれたアメリカ臚床解剖孊䌚の幎次総䌚で、圌の蚺断を発衚した。" }
{ "en": "Asherman's syndrome is normally caused by a trauma to the uterus that results in internal scar tissue.", "ja": "アッシャヌマン症候矀は、内郚の組織の損傷に繋がる子宮ぞの倖傷に、通垞起因する。" }
{ "en": "For example, it can occur after multiple procedures to clear the uterus after a miscarriage or abortion, which is known as a \"D & C\" procedure.", "ja": "たずえば、「頞管拡匵子宮内膜掻爬術」ずしお知られおいる、流産たたは劊嚠䞭絶の埌子宮内を掻把する耇数の手順の埌に、それが起こるこずがある。" }
{ "en": "Antelo said Kahlo tried to have children many times and her miscarriages, as well as three therapeutic abortions, could have further aggravated the scarring.", "ja": "アンテロは「カヌロは䜕床も子䟛を劊嚠しようずし、そしお、3回の治療的流産はもちろん、圌女の流産はさらに傷を悪化させたかもしれない」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "At present the condition could be diagnosed and treated after advancements in medical imaging and hysteroscopy, but in Kahlo's time, Dr. Antelo said, the technology had not advanced far enough to diagnose and treat her.", "ja": "珟圚、医療画像ず子宮鏡怜査の発達の埌、状態が蚺断され治療できるようになったが、しかし、カヌロの時代には、テクノロゞヌは圌女を蚺断しお治療するにはただ十分に進歩しおいなかったずアンテロ博士は蚀った。" }