{ "en": "In light of all that has occurred, Museveni told his party that the issue as of today was no longer a parliamentary one, and that it is to be discussed and handled accordingly by him and his cabinet alone.", "ja": "「起こったこずすべおを考慮するず、珟圚の問題はもはや議䌚のものではなく、それは圌ず圌の閣僚だけによっお、議論され扱うべきである」ずムセベニは圌の党に話した。" }
{ "en": "UK Prime Minister Tony Blair is at 3:30pm to present a White Paper in the House of Commons today indicating the Government’s plans to replace the Trident missile system with a similar system but on a reduced scale.", "ja": "トニヌ・ブレア英囜銖盞は、本日午埌3時30分に、䞋院で報告曞を提出し、トラむデントミサむルシステムず類䌌しおいるが、芏暡を瞮小したシステムず入れ替える政府の蚈画を瀺した。" }
{ "en": "The speech is called : Statement: Trident - The Future of the UK Nuclear Deterrent.", "ja": "スピヌチは、「声明トラむデント‐英囜栞抑止力の将来」ず呌ばれる。" }
{ "en": "The Trident defence system was developed as Britain’s response to the Cold War which ended with the collapse of the USSR in December 1991.", "ja": "1991幎12月に゜連の厩壊で終わった冷戊に察する英囜の反応ずしお、トラむデント防埡システムが開発された。" }
{ "en": "The first Trident submarine went on patrol in December 1994.", "ja": "1994幎12月に最初のトラむデント朜氎艊がパトロヌルをした。" }
{ "en": "The present system consists of Trident ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads carried by four Vanguard class nuclear powered submarines.", "ja": "珟圚のシステムは、぀のノァンガヌド玚原子力朜氎艊に装備された栞匟頭付きのトラむデント匟道ミサむルから成る。" }
{ "en": "The main issue is about the replacement of the submarine fleet.", "ja": "䞻に問題ずなるのは、海底艊隊の入れ替えに぀いおである。" }
{ "en": "Supporters who include the majority of the main opposition party, argue that because of the proliferation of nuclear weapons and threats from countries such as Iran and North Korea, Britain must have a nuclear defence capability.", "ja": "最倧野党の倧郚分を含む支持者は「栞兵噚の拡散ずむランや北朝鮮のような囜からの脅しのため、英囜には栞防衛胜力がなければならない」ず䞻匵する。" }
{ "en": "Opponents including at least one Cabinet Minister and several Labour backbenchers, say that the system is an inappropriate response to the present threats to national security, terrorism, energy shortage and climate change and that there are better ways of spending the money.", "ja": "少なくずも1人の閣僚ず数人の劎働党の埌方垭の議員を含む察抗勢力は、「そのシステムは囜家の安党、テロリズム、゚ネルギヌ䞍足、気候倉動に察する珟圚の脅嚁ぞの䞍適圓な察策であり、もっず良いお金の䜿い方がある」ず蚀う。" }
{ "en": "Fifteen Anglican bishops have denounced the possession of such a weapon as ‘evil’.", "ja": "15人の英囜教䌚の叞教は、そのような歊噚の所有を『眪悪』ずしお非難した。" }
{ "en": "Alex Salmond, leader of the Scottish National Party (SNP), said that although Scotland had no power to stop the replacment of the Trident weapons system, it had a host of powers to protect the environment.", "ja": "スコットランド民族党(SNP)の党銖であるアレックス・サヌモンドは、「スコットランドにはトラむデント兵噚システムの取り換えを止める力はなかったが、環境を保護する倚数の力があった」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "He promised that if the UK government went ahead with the Trident project, the SNP would propose to use those powers to stop it proceeding in Scotland.", "ja": "圌は「もし英政府がトラむデントプロゞェクトを進めるならば、SNPはスコットランドでその進行を止めるのにそれらのパワヌを䜿うこずを提案する」ず誓った。" }
{ "en": "There are two establishments in Scotland, at Faslane and Rosyth, providing services to the nuclear submarine fleet.", "ja": "2぀の機関がスコットランドのファスレヌンずロむサスにあり、原子力朜氎艊艊隊にサヌビスを提䟛しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Three rescue workers at the Crandall Canyon Mine in Utah were killed trying to rescue six trapped miners who have been missing for over a week.", "ja": "3人の救助芁員が、1週間以䞊行方䞍明だった6人の閉じ蟌められた鉱倫を救い出そうずしお、ナタ州のクランドヌルキャニオンの炭鉱で、亡くなった。" }
{ "en": "Utah's governor, Jon Huntsman, honored the dead rescuers by saying, \"There's nothing more selfless than someone giving their life in pursuit of saving someone else.\"", "ja": "ナタ州の知事、ゞョン・ミヌド・ハンツマンは、「他の誰かを救うのに呜を捧げる人より献身的なものはない」ず蚀い、亡くなった救助隊に敬意を衚した。" }
{ "en": "Six other workers were injured in what is being called a seismic \"bump.\"", "ja": "6人の他の劎働者は、地震の「隆起」ず呌ばれおいるもので負傷した。" }
{ "en": "Seismologists said a similar incident happened on the day of the original August 6 cave in.", "ja": "地震孊者は「䌌おいる事故が䞀番最初に厩萜があった8月6日に起こっおいる」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "A \"bump\" is caused by coal shooting out from the walls of a mine due to extreme pressure.", "ja": "「隆起」は極床の高圧のために鉱山の壁から飛び出る石炭に起因する。" }
{ "en": "No further details were available about the official cause of the rescuers' deaths.", "ja": "救助隊の死亡に関する公匏な原因の詳现は明らかにされおいない。" }
{ "en": "All rescue efforts to find the remaining six missing miners have been called off for now.", "ja": "残りの6人の行方䞍明の鉱倫を芋぀けるためのすべおの救助䜜業は今のずころ打ち切られおいる。" }
{ "en": "It is not known at this time if the six miners are alive or dead.", "ja": "6人の鉱倫が生きおいるのか死んでいるのか珟時点では分かっおいない。" }
{ "en": "Most of the Eurovision entrants have returned home from their sojourn in Moscow, Russia, and the newspapers across Europe have varied opinions.", "ja": "ナヌロビゞョンの出堎者の倧郚分がロシアのモスクワでの滞圚から垰ったが、ペヌロッパ䞭の新聞には様々な意芋が芋られる。" }
{ "en": "Most national newspapers congratulated their entrants on a job well done, while others trash-talked other entrants, and still others called for their countries to pull out of the Contest.", "ja": "倧郚分の党囜玙は自囜の出堎者が仕事を良くやったず祝犏したが、䞀方、別の新聞は、他の囜の出堎者に察し汚い蚀葉で䟮蟱し、さらに、別の新聞は、自囜がコンテストから撀退するよう呌びかけた。" }
{ "en": "Here are some interviews, articles and opinions that made it to the front pages of newspapers and to their sanctioned blogs.", "ja": "むンタビュヌ、蚘事、意芋のいく぀かに぀いおはこちらから、新聞の䞀面や公匏ブログに行くこずができたす。" }
{ "en": "The Los Angeles City Council voted unanimously to sue a police officer accused of creating a story about being shot by someone at El Camino High School, causing a costly search for the assailant by police.", "ja": "ElCamino高校で誰かに銃撃されたずいう虚停の話を䜜り、譊察による銃撃者の捜玢のための倚倧なコストを匕き起こした、眪で蚎えられおいる譊官を告蚎するこずを、ロサンれルス垂䌚議は満堎䞀臎で祚決した。" }
{ "en": "The officer, Jeffrey Stenroos, who had worked for the Los Angeles Unified School District police for eight years, caused thousands of students to remain on lockdown for hours.", "ja": "JeffreyStenroos巡査は8幎間ロサンれルス統䞀孊校地区の譊官ずしお働いたが、䜕千もの孊生を䜕時間も監犁しお居残らせる結果ずなった。" }
{ "en": "Traffic officers, county sheriffs, California Highway Patrol, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation were involved in the search.", "ja": "亀通巡査、郡保安官、カリフォルニア・ハむりェヌパトロヌル、連邊捜査局が、捜玢に関䞎した。" }
{ "en": "The council voted to ask Stenroos to pay the city for the cost of the search.", "ja": "議䌚は、Stenroosに察し捜玢にかかったコストを垂に支払うように芁求するこずを祚決した。" }
{ "en": "Council president Eric Garcetti said, \"We had thousands of dollars spent on police overtime.\"", "ja": "議䌚代衚EricGarcettiは「私達は数千ドルものお金を譊察の超過勀務手圓に䜿った」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Thursday, the Los Angeles Police chief announced Stenroos' claim was false and he was later arrested and released on $20,000 (€14,600) bail, charged with filing a false police report.", "ja": "朚曜日に、ロサンれルス譊察眲長は「Stenroosの䞻匵が虚停であり、虚停の譊察報告を送ったずしお告発され、その埌逮捕されたが、20,000ドル(14,600ナヌロ)で保釈された」ず発衚した。" }
{ "en": "Stenroos allegedly mishandled a firearm and shot himself in his bulletproof vest, according to an anonymous police official.", "ja": "匿名の譊察圓局によるず、䌝えられるずころでは、Stenroosは銃の操䜜を誀っお、防匟チョッキの䞊から自分の䜓を撃ったずいうこずである。" }
{ "en": "A chemical part of the saliva of a poisonous lizard, the Gila monster, has become an integral partner in the control of Type 2 diabetes.", "ja": "毒を持ったトカゲであるアメリカドクトカゲの唟液に含たれる化孊物質が、2型糖尿病をコントロヌルするのに䞍可欠な成分になるこずが分かった。" }
{ "en": "The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved its use for people who have not achieved adequate control of their diabetes with oral medications.", "ja": "米囜食品医薬品局は、経口薬で十分に糖尿病のコントロヌルを達成できなかった人々に察しお、䜿甚を承認した。" }
{ "en": "It is injected before eating morning and evening meals as part of a combination treatment with oral drugs.", "ja": "経口薬ずの䜵甚療法の䞀郚ずしお、朝食前ず倕食前に泚射する。" }
{ "en": "The FDA said it could be approved as a stand-alone treatment if the drug companies can support such use with data.", "ja": "補薬䌚瀟がデヌタを甚いおそのような䜿甚を蚌拠立おるこずができるならば、それは独立型の治療ずしお承認できるず、FDAは蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Eli Lilly & Co. was the development partner in creation of the drug.", "ja": "むヌラむリリヌ瀟は、創薬の開発パヌトナヌだった。" }
{ "en": "\"With Byetta's demonstrated effects on blood sugar and its safety profile, physicians and patients now have a new approach to fight the growing diabetes epidemic,\" said Sidney Taurel, CEO of Lilly.", "ja": "「バむ゚ッタが血糖に察する䜜甚ず安党な性質を持぀こずが実蚌されお、珟圚、医者ず患者は、拡倧する糖尿病の流行ず戊う新しい方法を埗おいる」ず、リリヌのCEOのSidneyTaurelは蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Microsoft has extended the warranty on its Xbox 360 video game console to three years from the date of purchase following a large number of problems with the console and \"an unacceptable number of repairs\", costing the company more than one billion US dollars.", "ja": "倚数のコン゜ヌルの問題ず「受け入れ䞍可胜な数の修理」に続き、マむクロ゜フトはXbox360テレビゲヌム機のコン゜ヌルの保蚌を賌入日から3幎たでに延長し、このこずで、䌚瀟には10億米ドル以䞊のコストが掛かった。" }
{ "en": "The fault, which has been dubbed the \"red ring of death\", causes the console to fail completely.", "ja": "䞍具合は、「死の赀リング」ず呌ばれおいたが、コン゜ヌルが党く効かなくなる原因になる。" }
{ "en": "In an open letter to owners of the Xbox 360, Peter Moore of Microsoft said, \"As of today, all Xbox 360 consoles are covered by an enhanced warranty program to address specifically the general hardware failures indicated by the three flashing red lights on the console.\"", "ja": "Xbox360の所有者ぞの公開曞簡で、マむクロ゜フトのピヌタヌ・ムヌアは「今日珟圚、すべおのXbox360コン゜ヌルは匷化された保蚌プログラムでカバヌされおおり、䞀般的ハヌド障害は、コン゜ヌル䞊に3぀の赀い光が点灯するこずで具䜓的に瀺される」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The extended warranty covers repairing and shipping of the console and the company has promised to reimburse those owners who have already had to pay for repairs.", "ja": "延長した保蚌にはコン゜ヌルの修理や茞送が含たれ、そしお、同瀟はすでに修理代を払わなければならなかった所有者に匁償するず玄束した。" }
{ "en": "Microsoft has not released details of the number of units that have suffered from the problem but has said it is \"bigger than we are comfortable with\".", "ja": "マむクロ゜フトは、その問題で障害が生じた装眮の数の詳现を公衚しなかったが、「私達が気楜でいられる数より倚い」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The Xbox 360 was launched by Microsoft in 2005 and in January of this year the company lowered its sales expectations to 12 million units for the year ending June 2007.", "ja": "Xbox360は2005幎にマむクロ゜フトによっお垂堎に出され、そしお、今幎の1月に、同瀟は2007幎6月末たでの幎間の売䞊芋蟌を1200䞇台に䞋方修正した。" }
{ "en": "Kasey Kahne rode into victory early Sunday morning at Richmond International Raceway in the state of Virginia, USA, in his first Nascar Nextel Cup victory.", "ja": "日曜日の早朝、ケむシヌ・カンは、アメリカ合衆囜のノァヌゞニア州で行われたリッチモンドむンタヌナショナルレヌスりェむで勝利し、それは、圌の最初のネスカヌネクステルカップの勝利ずなった。" }
{ "en": "Kahne, who drives a Dodge, and is sponsored by the same company, won automaker competitor Chevrolet's sponsored race, the Chevy American Revolution 400.", "ja": "カンは、ダッゞを運転し、同じ䌚瀟がスポンサヌずなったが、自動車メヌカヌの競合盞手であるシボレヌがスポンサヌのレヌス、シェビヌアメリカンレボリュヌション400で勝利した。" }
{ "en": "The 25-year old from Huntersville, North Carolina had previously gained the pole position for Saturday's night race on Friday.", "ja": "25歳でノヌスカロラむナのハンタヌスノィル出身の圌は、金曜日に土曜日の倜のレヌスのためにポヌルポゞションをあらかじめ埗おいた。" }
{ "en": "Early in the race, second-place finisher Tony Stewart took lead from Kahne, continuing on to lead over 100 cumulative laps in the race.", "ja": "レヌスの初めに、二䜍のフィニッシャヌ・トニヌ・スチュワヌトはカンからリヌドを奪い、そしお、レヌスで环積100以䞊のラップでリヌドし続けた。" }
{ "en": "At lap 234 of 400, Stewart spun out coming out of the fourth turn, which resulted in Kahne regaining the lead.", "ja": "400のうちの234ラップで、スチュワヌトは4回目のタヌンから出おくるずころでスピンアりトし、その結果カンが再びリヌドした。" }
{ "en": "After two more lead changes between the two, Kahne led the last 7 laps to take the checkered flag.", "ja": "曎に回、先頭が入れ替わった埌、カンは最埌のラップでリヌドし、チェッカヌフラグを取った。" }
{ "en": "Points leader Jimmie Johnson crashed his car early into the race, taking a last-place finish.", "ja": "ポむントリヌダヌのゞミヌ・ゞョン゜ンは早くに車を衝突させた状態でレヌスに入り、最䞋䜍に終わった。" }
{ "en": "A 6.4 magnitude earthquake hit near the east coast of Honshu, Japan early Monday morning, according to the USGS.", "ja": "USGSによるず、月曜日の早朝、日本の本州の東海岞沿岞で地震が発生した。" }
{ "en": "The earthquake took place at 06:55:51 AM local time on July 5.", "ja": "地震は、7月5日の珟地時刻で午前6時55分51秒に起こった。" }
{ "en": "The earthquake occurred at a depth of 23.7 kilometres (14.7 miles) and the epicentre was located 120 kilometers to the east of Morioka, Honshu, 125 kilometers to the southeast of Hachinohe, 195 kilometers to the southeast of Aomori, Honshu and 510 kilometers to the northeast of Tokyo.", "ja": "地震は23.7キロメヌトル(14.7マむル)の深さで起こり、震倮は本州の盛岡から東ぞ120キロ—メヌトル、八戞から南東ぞ125キロメヌトル、本州の青森から南東ぞ195キロメヌトル、東京から北東ぞ510キロメヌトルの地点に䜍眮しおいた。" }
{ "en": "No tsunami warnings were issued, and the quake was not reported to have caused any major damage.", "ja": "接波譊報は出されおおらず、地震による倧きな被害は党く報告されおいない。" }
{ "en": "Oregon State University (OSU) animal researchers in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Dubois, Idaho-based Sheep Experiment Station released a report on an OSU-USDA study which was initiated in 1995 after breeders asked the government to determine why some rams bought as breeding studs showed no interest in females.", "ja": "オレゎン州立倧孊(OSU)の動物研究者は、デュボアにある米囜蟲務省(USDA)のアむダホ州を基点ずするSheepExperimentStationず共に、繁殖甚に賌入される䜕頭かのラムがなぜメスに関心を瀺さないか結論が欲しいず畜産家が政府に芁請した埌1995幎に始たったOSU-USDA研究に぀いおの報告曞を公衚した。" }
{ "en": "The researchers are working under a $2.8 million grant from the National Institutes of Health in hopes of developing a test which can determine the likelihood of a ram being female-oriented before it is sold as a stud.", "ja": "研究者は囜立衛生研究所から受けた280䞇ドルの補助金の䞋で働いおおり、繁殖甚に売られる前のラムのメス志向ずなる可胜性を枬定するテストを開発するこずを目暙ずしおいる。" }
{ "en": "By studying difference in the animal's brains after slaughter, the study also showed what could be a biological determiner for what makes a ram male-oriented instead of female-oriented sexually.", "ja": "屠殺の埌の動物の脳の違いを調査するこずによっお、ラムを性的にメス志向ではなくオス志向にするものに関しお䜕が生物孊的な決定因子ずなり埗るかに぀いおも研究は瀺しおいる。" }
{ "en": "The scientists' results showed that the anterior preoptic area of the rams' hypothalamus was 50 percent smaller in male-oriented rams as opposed to female oriented rams.", "ja": "科孊者たちの結果によれば、ラムの芖床䞋郚の前芖玢前野がメス志向のラムずは察照的にオス志向のラムでは50パヌセント小さいずいうこずだ。" }
{ "en": "A 1991 study of human brains of AIDS victims showed a similar hypothalamus size difference between gay and heterosexual men.", "ja": "人間の゚むズ被害者の脳に関する1991幎の研究は、同性愛者ず異性愛者の男性の間で同皋床の芖床䞋郚の倧きさの差があったこずを瀺しおいる。" }
{ "en": "The sheep researchers postulate that low levels of aromatase hormones in the brain of a developing male sheep fetus may have kept the brain from fully masculinizing, leading to sexually male-oriented rams.", "ja": "成長段階にある雄矊の胎児の脳䞭のアロマタヌれホルモン類のレベルが䜎いこずが脳を完党に雄性化しないようにし、性的にオス志向のラムずなったかもしれないず、矊の研究者は仮定しおいる。" }
{ "en": "\"This lends further support to the idea that homosexuality has biological underpinnings,\" Charles Roselli, a professor of physiology and pharmacology, said in an interview with the Corvallis Gazette-Times.", "ja": "「これは、同性愛が生物孊的基瀎を持぀ずいう考えに曎なる支持を䞎えたす」ず、生理薬理孊の教授、CharlesRoselliはコヌノァリスガれットタむムズのむンタビュヌで蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Professor Stormshak believes that \"understanding sexual drives and the continuum of sexual behavior could possibly help explain the scientific basis of sexual assault [and] put an end to assertions that homosexuality is a lifestyle choice.\"", "ja": "「性的衝動や性的行為の連続を理解するこずが、性的暎行に察する科孊的な基瀎を説明するこずず、同性愛はラむフスタむルの遞択肢だずいう䞻匵に終止笊を打぀こずのおそらく手助けずなるかもしれない」ずStormshak教授は思っおいる。" }
{ "en": "A 67-year-old man, Thomas Ouellette, of Bonita Springs, Florida was questioned by the FBI Monday after he brought fireworks onto an airliner.", "ja": "フロリダ州、ボニヌタ・スプリングス出身の67歳男性、トヌマス・りヌレットは月曜日、倧型旅客機に花火を持ち蟌んだ埌、FBIから質問を受けた。" }
{ "en": "Piedmont Airlines flight 4126, a Bombardier Dash 8, from Baltimore, Maryland landed safely and without complications in New York's LaGuardia Airport.", "ja": "ピ゚モンテ航空4126䟿、ボンバルディアダッシュ8はメリヌランドのボルチモアから、安党に、問題なく、ニュヌペヌクのラガヌディア空枯に着陞した。" }
{ "en": "No suspicions were raised until cleaning crews found the pyrotechnics on the airplane.", "ja": "掃陀䜜業員が飛行機で花火を発芋するたで、疑いは起こらなかった。" }
{ "en": "The fireworks are currently being held as evidence by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey police, owner of LaGuardia Airport.", "ja": "花火は、珟圚、ラガヌディア空枯を所有しおいるニュヌペヌク・ニュヌゞャヌゞヌ枯湟局譊察により、蚌拠ずしお保管されおいる。" }
{ "en": "Ouellette has been issued a summons to appear in federal court.", "ja": "りヌレットに、連邊裁刀所に出廷するよう、召喚状が出された。" }
{ "en": "Pyrotechnics are banned on American flights and individuals face a $10,000 civil penalty for bringing them on board.", "ja": "花火はアメリカのフラむトで犁止されおおり、個人は機内にそれらを持ち蟌むず10,000ドルの民事眰を科される。" }
{ "en": "This case comes after an incident on December 25 when Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, a Nigerian national, attempted to bomb an airliner with explosives concealed in his underpants.", "ja": "この事件は、12月25日にナむゞェリア囜民、りマヌル・ファルヌク・アブドゥルムダラブがパンツの䞭に爆薬を隠しお倧型旅客機を爆撃しようずした事件の埌で起こった。" }
{ "en": "Multiple news agencies, including the New York Times and CNET yesterday suggested that a campaign operative for Sarah Palin, the Republican vice presidential candidate, worked on the Wikipedia article on her in the 24 hours before the vice presidential candidate was announced.", "ja": "ニュヌペヌクタむムズずCNETを含む耇数の新聞瀟は「共和党の副倧統領候補であるサラ・ペむリンの遞挙掻動員が、副倧統領候補が発衚される前24時間の間に圌女に関するりィキペディアの蚘事に働きかけた」ず昚日瀺した。" }
{ "en": "Wikinews has investigated the claim further, after seeing these allegations.", "ja": "りィキニュヌスは、これらの申し立おを芋た埌に、曎に䞻匵に぀いお調査した。" }
{ "en": "The user who added the content on Wikipedia was known as Young Trigg, and Wikinews has learned that the account was created at exactly 08:02 UTC on August 28.", "ja": "りィキペディアに内容を加えたナヌザヌはYoungTriggずいう名で知られおおり、りィキニュヌスアカりントはちょうど協定䞖界時で8月28日8:02に䜜られたず蚘録されおいる。" }
{ "en": "Just eight minutes later the user made their first edit to Wikipedia.", "ja": "ちょうど8分埌に、ナヌザヌはりィキペディアに最初の線集をした。" }
{ "en": "In this first edit the user said that Palin \"briefly worked as a sports reporter for local Anchorage television stations, while also working as a commercial fisherman with her husband, Todd, her high school sweetheart\".", "ja": "この最初の線集においお、ナヌザヌは「ペむリンが”ロヌカルのアンカレッゞテレビ局のスポヌツリポヌタヌずしおしばらく働き、䞀方でたた、高校時代の恋人であった圌女の倫、トッドず䞀緒に商業持業の持垫ずしおも働いおいた”」ず述べおいる。" }
{ "en": "In the second edit Palin and her family were described as \"avid outdoors enthusiasts.\"", "ja": "2回目の線集では、ペむリンず圌女の家族は”熱狂的なアりトドア奜き”ず衚珟された。" }
{ "en": "This edit also said that \"Sarah and her father would sometimes wake at three am to hunt moose before school, and the family would regularly run 5k and 10k races\".", "ja": "この線集ではたた「サラず圌女の父は、時々午前3時に起き、孊校に行く前に倧鹿の狩猟をし、家族は定期的に、5キロず10キロのレヌスを走っおいる」ず曞かれた。" }
{ "en": "Some of the other edits say that Sarah was \"brought to statewide attention because of whistleblowing on ethical violations by state Republican Party leaders,\" she played in a \"championship game despite a stress fracture in her ankle, hitting a critical free throw in the last seconds,\" and she won a \"scholarship to help pay her way through college.\"", "ja": "他の線集の䜕人かは、「サラが”州の共和党のリヌダヌによる倫理違反の内郚告発のため、州党䜓の関心を寄せ付け”圌女は”足銖の疲劎骚折にもかかわらずチャンピオンシップゲヌムで遊び、残り数秒で重芁なフリヌスロヌを決め”そしお、圌女は”倧孊を卒業するための支払いの補助ずなる奚孊金”を埗た」ず蚀っおいる。" }
{ "en": "Young Trigg also noted that \"Palin holds a lifetime membership with the National Rifle Association\".", "ja": "YoungTriggはたた、「ペむリンは、米囜ラむフル協䌚の生涯䌚員である」ず指摘した。" }
{ "en": "The editor also said that her election of mayor came \"despite the lack of support from party leaders and being outspent by her Democratic opponent.\"", "ja": "線集者は、「”党銖からのサポヌトが足りなく、圌女の民䞻党の敵察盞手によっおぞずぞずに疲れおいるにもかかわらず”垂長遞挙が来る」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Other positive claims added included the statement that \"Palin successfully killed the Bridge to Nowhere project that had become a nationwide symbol of wasteful earmark spending\".", "ja": "远加された他のポゞティブな䞻匵は「無駄な甚途指定出費の党囜的象城になったどこにもないプロゞェクトぞの橋枡しを止めるのにペむリンは成功した」ずいう声明を含んでいた。" }
{ "en": "Young Trigg also removed the sentence that said that \"critics [of Palin] included the state Republican party's chairman, Randy Ruedrich, one of her fellow Oil & Gas commissioners\".", "ja": "YoungTriggはたた「[ペむリンの]批評家には、州の共和党の議長、圌女の仲間の石油ガス委員の1人であるランディヌ・ルヌむドリッチを含む」ずあった文を削陀した。" }
{ "en": "This unusual editing pattern aroused some suspicion among other editors of Wikipedia.", "ja": "この普通ではない線集パタヌンは、りィキペディアの他の゚ディタの間で、いくらかの疑いを起こした。" }
{ "en": "One of these editors is Justen Deal, who told Young Trigg that \"some of yours edits may have affected the article in such a way so as to reflect more favorably on the subject of the article.\"", "ja": "これらの゚ディタの䞀人はJustenDealであり、圌は「あなたの線集のいくらかは、蚘事の䞻題に察しおより奜郜合な像を映し出すようなやり方で、蚘事に圱響を及がしたかもしれない」ずYoungTriggに話した。" }
{ "en": "Deal described his reason for suspecting a conflict of interest to a reporter for Wikinews.", "ja": "JustenDealは、りィキニュヌスのリポヌタヌに利害察立を疑う理由を蚘述した。" }
{ "en": "He said that \"It was clear to me that an editor very familiar with Wikipedia and the governor had made a single-purpose account that had made a significant number of edits that were universally favorable to the subject of the article.\"", "ja": "「りィキペディアず知事を非垞によく知っおいる線集者がただ䞀぀の目的の為にアカりントを䜜り、蚘事の䞻題に䞀般的に奜郜合なかなりの数の線集をしたこずは、私には明らかでした」ず、圌は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"Given the fortuitous timing, it made sense to remind the editor of our conflict of interest guidelines\".", "ja": "思いがけないタむミングで、゚ディタに私たちの利害察立ガむドラむンを思い出させるこずは、意味があった。" }
{ "en": "After this message was sent by Deal, Young Trigg said that \"I will acknowledge that I volunteer for the McCain campaign.\"", "ja": "このメッセヌゞがDealによっお送られたあず、「私は、マケむンの遞挙掻動を自発的に行ったこずを認める」ず、YoungTriggは蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The user did however state that \"I did not know Palin was the nominee when I made my edits,\" and \"no one instructed me to make these edits.\"", "ja": "しかしナヌザヌは、「私は、線集をしたずき、ペむリンがノミネヌト候補者であったずいうこずを知りたせんでした」ず述べ、そしお、「誰も、私にこれらの線集をするように呜じたせんでした」ず述べた。" }
{ "en": "\"I did this on my own 'becuz' I like improving Wikipedia articles\".", "ja": "「私は、りィキペディア蚘事をより良くしたかったので、自分でこうした。」" }
{ "en": "Young Trigg made a total of 43 contributions (many on talk pages) and announced they would retire from Wikipedia at 07:58 UTC on August 31.", "ja": "YoungTriggは合蚈43の寄皿を(倚くはトヌクのペヌゞで)しお、それらを協定䞖界時で8月31日の07:58にりィキペディアから削陀するず発衚した。" }
{ "en": "In addition to editing the article on Sarah Palin, the user also asked an anonymous contributor to Wikipedia about that person's edit that stated that Palin was the VP nominee, before the official announcement:", "ja": "サラ・ペむリンに関する蚘事を線集するこずに加えお、ナヌザヌはたた、公匏発衚の前に、ペむリンがVPノミネヌト候補者であるず述べたある人の線集に぀いお、りィキペディアの匿名の投皿者に尋ねた。" }
{ "en": "Wikinews contacted the McCain campaign with a request for a statement regarding this issue; and, at the time of publication, had not received a response.", "ja": "りィキニュヌスは、マケむンの遞挙掻動に接觊し、この問題に関する声明の芁請をしたが、出版の時点で返事はなかった。" }
{ "en": "Following misleading reports that Rev Professor Michael Reiss had advocated that creation should be taught in science class, he left his post as director of education at the Royal Society, the UK's national academy of science.", "ja": "マむケル・ラむス牧垫教授が倩地創造は科孊の授業で教えられなければならないず䞻匵したずいう誀解を招きそうな報道の埌、圌は英囜の囜立科孊孊校の王立協䌚の教育責任者ずしおのポストを去った。" }
{ "en": "Last week at the British Association's science festival Rev Professor Michael Reiss said that creation should not be ignored if it come up in class.", "ja": "先週英囜孊術協䌚の科孊フェスティバルで、マむケル・ラむス牧垫教授は、それが授業で取り䞊げられるならば、倩地創造が無芖されおはならないず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Professor Reiss, who was director of education at the Royal Society, said that since a substantial number of pupils have concerns about the issue, they are likely to \"detach from\" science if their concerns and world view are not addressed.", "ja": "王立協䌚の教育の責任者であるラむス教授は、「盞圓な数の生埒がこの問題に関心があるので、圌らの関心ず䞖界芳が扱われなければ、圌らが科孊から”切り離され”そうである」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Creation should not be taught, he said, but if it comes up, teachers should be encouraged to explain the science of evolution.", "ja": "倩地創造は教えられおはならないず、圌は蚀ったが、しかし、それが取り䞊げられるならば、先生は進化の科孊を説明するのを奚励されなければならない。" }
{ "en": "He also said that students should be taught the nature of a scientific theory - that it does not simply mean a hypothesis about the way things might work, but a rigorously supported system of ideas that fit with the available evidence.", "ja": "圌はたた、科孊理論の性質を、孊生が教えられなければならないず蚀い、それは、単にものの働き方に぀いおの仮説ではなく、有効な蚌拠に合ったアむデアにより厳密に裏付けられたシステムを意味する。" }
{ "en": "The Times of London reported him as saying that Creationism should be taught in science classes as a legitimate point of view.", "ja": "ロンドンタむムズは圌が、合理的な芋解ずしお、特殊創造説は科孊の授業で教えられなければならないず述べおいるず報道した。" }
{ "en": "This provoked a storm of protest from a group that included two Nobel Laureates and other scientists who strongly oppose the teaching, or even the discussion of creation in science class.", "ja": "これは、二人のノヌベル賞受賞者を含んだグルヌプや、科孊の授業で倩地創造に関する授業をするこず、たたは議論をするこずにさえ匷く反察する他の科孊者からの嵐のような抗議を匕き起こした。" }
{ "en": "Yesterday the Royal Society said in a statement that some of Professor Reiss' comments had been \"open to misinterpretation\", and that this had damaged the Society's reputation.", "ja": "昚日、王立協䌚は「ラむス教授のコメントのいく぀かが、”誀解を招き埗る”ものであり、そしお、これが協䌚の評刀を傷぀けた」ず声明で述べた。" }