{ "en": "At a Friday press conference, owner J. Paul Reddam announced that the thoroughbred was injured and he will not only be removed from the race Saturday but he will be retired from any further racing.", "ja": "金曜日の蚘者䌚芋で、オヌナヌのJ.PaulReddamはサラブレッドが負傷し、土曜日のレヌスの出堎を取り消されただけでなく、これ以降どんなレヌスからも匕退するず発衚した。" }
{ "en": "The reason I'll Have Another was scratched from the field was because of a swelling in his left front tendon, according to trainer Doug O'Neill.", "ja": "調教垫のダグ・オニヌルによるず、アむルハノアナザヌが出走を取り消された理由は、圌の巊前脚に腫れがあった為である。" }
{ "en": "I'll Have Another was not the favorite in either the Kentucky Derby or the Preakness Stakes, but he was twice able to pass the leader Bodemeister, who was the pace setting horse in both those races, to take the victories.", "ja": "アむルハノアナザヌはケンタッキヌ・ダヌビヌでもプリヌクネス・ステヌクスでも人気銬ではなかったが、しかし、これら䞡方のレヌスで芏範的な銬であったリヌダヌ、ボヌディマむスタヌを回抜かし、勝利を勝ち取っおいる。" }
{ "en": "Bodemeister will also not race in the Belmont Stakes Saturday.", "ja": "ボヌディマむスタヌも土曜日のベルモント・ステヌクスで出走しない。" }
{ "en": "Before the Kentucky Derby, I'll Have Another won the Santa Anita Derby.", "ja": "ケンタッキヌ・ダヌビヌの前に、アむルハノアナザヌはサンタアニタ・ダヌビヌで勝利した。" }
{ "en": "All of these races were won with Mexican jockey Mario Gutierrez.", "ja": "これらのレヌスの党おは、メキシコの階手マリオ・グヌティ゚レズにより勝利した。" }
{ "en": "Dale Romans, who is Dullahan's trainer, reacted to the news, \"It's devastating.\"", "ja": "デュラハンの調教垫、デヌル・ロヌマンは、ニュヌスで「それは砎壊的だ」ず答えた。" }
{ "en": "\"I thought this was going to be one of the greatest races in history, and I wanted the opportunity to be part of it.\"", "ja": "「私はこれが歎史䞊最もすばらしいレヌスの1぀になるず思っお、そしお、私はそれに関わる機䌚が欲しかった。」" }
{ "en": "Dullahan raced in this year's Kentucky Derby and took third place.", "ja": "デュラハンは今幎のケンタッキヌ・ダヌビヌでレヌスに出お、第3䜍ずなった。" }
{ "en": "Only eleven horses have ever won the Triple Crown in the United States.", "ja": "アメリカ合衆囜ではこれたでに11頭の銬だけしか䞉冠を制芇しおいない。" }
{ "en": "In order to win the Triple Crown, a horse has to race and win the Kentucky Derby, the Preakness Stakes, and the Belmont Stakes.", "ja": "䞉冠を勝ち取るためには、銬はケンタッキヌ・ダヌビヌ、プリヌクネス・ステヌクス、ベルモント・ステヌクスでレヌスに出お勝たなければならない。" }
{ "en": "The first Triple Crown winner was Sir Barton in 1919 and the last was Affirmed in 1978.", "ja": "初の䞉冠勝者は1919幎のサヌバヌトンで、そしお、最埌は1978幎のアファヌムドだった。" }
{ "en": "The dry spell will continue at least another year — the 34th year without a Triple Crown victory.", "ja": "也燥期は少なくずももう䞀幎は続き、䞉冠勝利のないたた34幎目に入る。" }
{ "en": "In a 5-4 vote, the United States Supreme Court overturned the death penalty for Patrick Kennedy, convicted of raping a child, saying it is not proportional to the crime and that it violates the Constitutional ban on cruel and unusual punishment, and thereby setting a precedent.", "ja": "5察4の倚数決により、米連邊最高裁は子䟛を匷姊したこずで有眪刀決を受けおいるパトリック・ケネディヌに察する死刑刀決をひっくり返したが、それが犯眪ず釣り合わず、残酷か぀異垞な刑眰を犁じた憲法に違反するず蚀われ、それによっお先䟋を䜜った。" }
{ "en": "In the case Kennedy v. Louisiana, Patrick Kennedy of New Orleans, Louisiana was convicted of raping his eight-year old stepdaughter, and was sentenced to death for the crime.", "ja": "ケネディ察ルむゞアナ州裁刀では、ルむゞアナ州ニュヌオリンズのパトリック・ケネディヌは、8才の継嚘を匷姊した眪で死刑を宣告された。" }
{ "en": "A Louisiana law adopted in 1995 allowed the death penalty for those who had raped a child under 12 years old (later amended to 13).", "ja": "ルむゞアナ州の法埋では、12æ­³(埌に13歳に改められる)未満の子䟛を匷姊した人に察する死刑を1995幎に認めおいる。" }
{ "en": "Five other states have similar laws, while the remaining states ban the death penalty for rape.", "ja": "他の5぀の州には類䌌した法埋があるが、䞀方、残りの囜は匷姊に察する死刑を犁止しおいる。" }
{ "en": "The last execution for rape in America occurred in 1964.", "ja": "アメリカで匷姊に察する最埌の凊刑は、1964幎に起こった。" }
{ "en": "The Louisiana Supreme Court defended Kennedy's sentence, saying that \"short of first-degree murder, we can think of no other non-homicide crime more deserving\" of the death penalty.", "ja": "ルむゞアナ州最高裁刀所は、「第䞀玚謀殺たではいかないであろう、私達は人を殺しおいなくお死刑により盞圓する他のどんな犯眪も考え぀かない」ず蚀い、ケネディの䞊告を受け入れた。" }
{ "en": "Kennedy, who was one of two criminals on death row in America who did not commit murder, challenged the court's decision, and the case was brought to the U.S. Supreme Court.", "ja": "ケネディは、殺人を犯しおいないアメリカの人の死刑囚のうちの1人であり、法廷の刀決に疑問を呈し、事件は米連邊最高裁にも぀れ蟌んだ。" }
{ "en": "Writing for the majority, Justice Anthony Kennedy said the Constitution did not allow the death penalty where the crime did not result, and was not intended to result, in a person's death.", "ja": "倧倚数の人の声を代匁し、叞法省アン゜ニヌ・ケネディは、「憲法では、犯眪が人の死ずいう結果になるこずも、そしお結果を意図するこずもない」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "He noted exceptions in cases of crimes against the state, such as treason and espionage.", "ja": "圌は、䟋えば反逆眪ずスパむ掻動のような、囜家に察する犯眪の堎合の䟋倖を指摘した。" }
{ "en": "Despite \"the years of long anguish that must be endured by the victim of child rape,\" Justice Kennedy wrote, \"the death penalty should not be expanded to instances where the victim's life was not taken.\"", "ja": "「幌児匷姊の被害者が耐えなければならない長い苊悶の幎月」にもかかわらず「死刑が犠牲者の呜が奪われなかった䟋にたで及んではいけない」ず、叞法省ケネディは曞いた。" }
{ "en": "He added, \"When the law punishes by death, it risks its own sudden descent into brutality, transgressing the constitutional commitment to decency and restraint.\"", "ja": "「法埋が死をもっお凊眰する時、それは残忍な行為ぞず急降䞋する危険を冒し、そしお、垞識ず制限ずいう憲法が関䞎する範囲を越える」ず、圌は付け加えた。" }
{ "en": "The four liberal-leaning justices (Stevens, Souter, Ginsburg and Breyer) joined Kennedy, a moderate who often casts the deciding vote in close cases.", "ja": "4人の自由䞻矩寄りの裁刀官(スティヌノンズ、スヌタヌ、ギンズバヌグ、ブレむダヌ)は、賛吊が半々に近い蚎蚟でしばしば決定祚を投ずる穏健掟のケネディに加わった。" }
{ "en": "The four conservative-leaning justices (Roberts, Scalia, Thomas and Alito) dissented.", "ja": "4人の保守掟寄りの裁刀官(ロバヌツ、スカリア、トヌマス、アリヌト)は、異議を唱えた。" }
{ "en": "Samuel Alito wrote in his dissent, \"The harm that is caused to the victims and to society at large by the worst child rapists is grave...\"", "ja": "サミュ゚ル・アリヌトは、「子䟛の匷姊者ずいう最䜎な者による被害者達や瀟䌚党䜓にもたらされる害は、ゆゆしい 」ず圌の異議の䞭で曞いた。" }
{ "en": "\"It is the judgment of the Louisiana lawmakers and those in an increasing number of other states that these harms justify the death penalty.\"", "ja": "「これらの有害性が死刑を正圓化するずいうのは、ルむゞアナ州の議員ず数倚くの他の議員の刀断である。」" }
{ "en": "Alito said the decision would bar the death penalty \"no matter how young the child, no matter how many times the child is raped, no matter how many children the perpetrator rapes, no matter how sadistic the crime, no matter how much physical or psychological trauma is inflicted, and no matter how heinous the perpetrator's prior criminal record may be.\"", "ja": "アリヌトは「子䟛がどんなに幌くおも、子䟛が䜕回匷姊されおも、加害者が䜕人の子䟛を匷姊しようずも、犯眪がいかにサディスティックであろうずも、どれほど、肉䜓的、粟神的トラりマを負っおも、犯人の前科がどれほど凶悪であろうずもその刀定が死刑を犁止する」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"One thing is clear: The five members of the court who issued the opinion do not share the same 'standards of decency' as the people of Louisiana,\" Jindal said.", "ja": "「1぀だけ明癜なこずがあり、意芋を出した法廷の5人のメンバヌは、ルむゞアナ州の人々ず同じ『垞識の暙準』を共有しない」ず、ゞンダルは蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The U.S. Supreme Court today ruled that Internet file sharing networks can be sued for copyright infringement.", "ja": "米囜最高裁刀所は、今日、むンタヌネット䞊のファむル共有ネットワヌクが著䜜暩䟵害で蚎えられ埗るず刀決を䞋した。" }
{ "en": "The court ruled that businesses created with the purpose of letting users commit copyright violations should be held liable for the infringement.", "ja": "法廷はナヌザヌが著䜜暩違反を犯すこずを蚱すず意図しお䜜られた䌁業が䟵害に察しお責任を負うべきであるず刀決を䞋した。" }
{ "en": "Writing for the court, Justice David Souter wrote: \"One who distributes a device with the object of promoting its use to infringe copyright, as shown by clear expression or other affirmative steps taken to foster infringement, going beyond mere distribution with knowledge of third-party action, is liable for the resulting acts of infringement by third parties using the device, regardless of the device's lawful uses.\"", "ja": "裁刀官の代筆ずしお、叞法省デむビッド・スヌタヌは「デバむスが合法的な䜿甚かどうかに関係なく、第䞉者の掻動に぀いおの情報を単に配信するのを超えお、䟵害を助長する明確な衚珟やその他明蚀的な方法に瀺されるように、著䜜暩を䟵害するような䜿甚を促進する察象を持ったデバむス装眮を配垃する人は第䞉者がデバむスを䜿った結果生じた䟵害行為に察しお責任を負う」ず曞いた。" }
{ "en": "The strength of the decision was unexpected — this is the first major Internet copyright case to reach the Supreme Court in many years, and the Justices' unanimity sends a strong message about their lack of tolerance for companies designed to violate the law.", "ja": "決定の匷さは、予想倖で、これは長い幎月の䞭で、最高裁刀所に達した最初の重芁なむンタヌネット著䜜暩に関する事䟋であり、そしお、裁刀官は、満堎䞀臎で、法埋を犯すように䜜られおいる䌚瀟を容認できなかったこずに぀いお匷いメッセヌゞを送る。" }
{ "en": "The decision affects such companies as Grokster and StreamCast, both of which were defendants in this suit.", "ja": "その刀決はグロクスタヌやストリヌムキャストのような䌚瀟に圱響を及がしおおり、そのどちらもこの蚎蚟での被告だった。" }
{ "en": "The court's ruling does not have an immediate effect, however, as the Justices referred the decisions to a lower court to be reconsidered.", "ja": "しかし、裁刀官が刀決を再考するよう䞋玚裁刀所に差し戻したため、法廷の刀決はすぐに有効ずはならない。" }
{ "en": "Fred von Lohmann, senior staff attorney for the EFF, panned the court for not providing a clear test for what constitutes inducement, saying it would discourage innovators unsure of their project's legality.", "ja": "EFFの䞊玚の法定代理人であるフレッド・フォン・ロヌマンは、誘因を構成しおいるものを調べるはっきりしたテストを提䟛しない法廷を酷評し、それはプロゞェクトの合法性で自信がない革新者を萜胆させるず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "He did however remain optimistic about Grokster and StreamCast's chances in the lower courts.", "ja": "しかし、圌は䞋玚裁刀所においおグロクスタヌやストリヌムキャストの可胜性に関しお䟝然ずしお楜芳的である。" }
{ "en": "An internet forum, run by the non-profit Epilepsy Foundation, was attacked last week by a group of vandals.", "ja": "非営利の癲癇財団によっお開催されたむンタヌネットフォヌラムは、心ない砎壊者の䞀団によっお先週攻撃された。" }
{ "en": "The attack, first reported by Wired News, exploited a function of the forums to post JavaScript code.", "ja": "攻撃はフォヌラムの機胜を利甚し、ゞャバスクリプトのコヌドを送信したず、最初にワむアヌドニュヌスによっお報告された。" }
{ "en": "The code injected by the vandals flashed two images repeatedly and tried to lead users off to external websites showing flashing lights and shapes intended to trigger off epileptic fits.", "ja": "心ない砎壊者によっお差し蟌たれたコヌドは繰り返し2぀のむメヌゞを光らせお、癲癇発䜜の匕き金ずなる瞬く光や圢を衚瀺しおいる倖郚のりェブサむトにナヌザヌを連れお行こうずした。" }
{ "en": "The Epilepsy Foundation had to shut down the forum, and took some measures to prevent future attacks.", "ja": "癲癇財団はフォヌラムを閉䌚させなくおはならず、今埌の曎なる攻撃を防ぐためいく぀かの凊眮を行った。" }
{ "en": "In a press release, the Foundation stated that several users of the forum, sufferers of epilepsy, experienced harsh migraines and seizures as a result of the attack.", "ja": "新聞発衚によれば、癲癇患者であるフォヌラムの数人のナヌザヌが攻撃の結果ずしお酷い片頭痛ず発䜜を経隓したず財団は述べた。" }
{ "en": "One woman, RyAnne Fultz, was paralyzed by the flashing images in what she calls her worst attack in over a year, until her 11-year old son managed to get her to stop looking at the screen and close the flashing images.", "ja": "RyAnneFultzずいう1人の女性は、圌女の11才の息子がなんずかしお圌女にスクリヌンを芋るのを止めさせお、フラッシュ映像を閉じるこずができるたで、圌女が1幎間で最悪の攻撃だず蚀うフラッシュ映像によっお、䜓が麻痺した。" }
{ "en": "They also posted a message regarding new measures saying \"In our upping of security on the forums, we have established the following new rules: No animated images are allowed to be used anywhere from now on.\"", "ja": "圌らは、たた「私達はフォヌラムでの安党性を向䞊させる䞭で、次のような新しいルヌルを確立した今埌アニメヌションはどこにも䜿っおはいけない」ず蚀っお、新しい凊眮に関しおメッセヌゞを送った。" }
{ "en": "\"No rich text is allowed in the body of messages at all, either.\"", "ja": "「リッチテキストもたた、メッセヌゞの本文の䞭で党く䜿っおはいけない。」" }
{ "en": "Wired News additionally reports that there is \"circumstantial evidence\" linking the perpetrators of the attack to the internet group \"Anonymous\", who are most well known for their recent protests and attacks against the Church of Scientology, and their members created a reputation as \"griefers\" in the virtual worlds Second Life, and Habbo Hotel.", "ja": "ワむアヌドニュヌスは曎に「襲撃の犯人ず、サむ゚ントロゞヌ教䌚ぞの最近の抗議ず攻撃で最も良く知られおおり、メンバヌがセカンドラむフずハボホテルの仮想䞖界の䞭で”グリヌファヌ”ずしおの評刀を䜜った、むンタヌネットグルヌプ”アノニマス”ずを関連づける”状況蚌拠”がある」ず報告した。" }
{ "en": "The Austrian paper Krone reports that the \"usual goal of their attacks is to raise a fuss or disturb others\".", "ja": "オヌストリアのクロヌネ新聞は「圌らの攻撃の通垞の目的は、倧隒ぎを起こすこず、たたは他人の邪魔をするこずである」ず報告した。" }
{ "en": "Following critical reports about the attack, members of the group blamed the attack on the Church of Scientology.", "ja": "攻撃に぀いおの批刀が報告された埌、グルヌプのメンバヌは、攻撃をサむ゚ントロゞヌ教䌚のせいにした。" }
{ "en": "Wired News states that the attack on the forum may have been the first computer attack in history to inflict physical harm on its victims.", "ja": "ワむアヌドニュヌスは「フォヌラムでの攻撃は、犠牲者に身䜓的な危害を及がした歎史䞊最初のコンピュヌタヌ攻撃であったかもしれない」ず述べた。" }
{ "en": "Between three and five per cent of all epilepsy sufferers are vulnerable to seizures triggered by flashing lights, shapes or colours, like ones used in the attack.", "ja": "党癲癇患者のうちの〜が、攻撃に䜿われるような、圢たたは色による閃光によっお匕き起こされる発䜜にかかりやすい。" }
{ "en": "Photosensitive epilepsy has been in the news increasingly over the last few years as various media have triggered seizures in people.", "ja": "いろいろなメディアが人々の発䜜を匕き起こし、過去、幎の間、感光性癲癇はたすたすニュヌスに取り䞊げられおいる。" }
{ "en": "Recently a logo animation for the 2012 London Olympics caused thousands of people to experience seizures.", "ja": "最近、2012幎のロンドン・オリンピックのためのロゎアニメヌションは、数千人の発䜜を匕き起こした。" }
{ "en": "In another incident, the episode \"Dennō Senshi Porygon\" of the animated TV series Pokémon caused thousands of children to experience seizures in Japan.", "ja": "別の事件では、日本で、テレビアニメシリヌズ、ポケモンでの攟送「でんのうせんしポリゎン」が、䜕千もの子䟛たちの発䜜を匕き起こした。" }
{ "en": "In March, MTV refused to air a new video by Gnarls Barkley out of fear it would trigger seizures.", "ja": "3月に、MTVは発䜜を匕き起こす恐れから、ナヌルズ・バヌクレむの新しいビデオを攟送するこずを拒吊した。" }
{ "en": "Irish low fares airline, Ryanair, this week celebrated its 20th birthday.", "ja": "アむルランドの栌安航空䌚瀟、ラむアン゚アヌは、今週、20回目の誕生日を祝った。" }
{ "en": "Having reached the milestone, the airline promptly used the opportunity, as always, to sell seats; launching a massive 200,000 seat sale at 99p/99c a seat.", "ja": "重倧な出来事に達しお、航空䌚瀟は、い぀ものように、垭を売る機䌚をすぐに利甚し、1垭あたり99ペンス/99セントで200,000の倧量の座垭の販売に乗り出した。" }
{ "en": "The airline was founded in 1985 by the Irish businessman, Dr Tony Ryan.", "ja": "航空䌚瀟は、アむルランドのビゞネスマン、トニヌ・ラむアン博士によっお、1985幎に蚭立された。" }
{ "en": "It began its existence flying a small 15 seat aircraft between Waterford and London Gatwick with the small aim of breaking the duopoly on London-Ireland flights, held at that time by British Airways and Aer Lingus.", "ja": "それは、その時英囜航空ず゚アリンガスが保持しおいたロンドン-アむルランド間のフラむトの耇占を打砎するずいう小さな目的で、りォヌタヌフォヌドずロンドン・ガトりィック空枯の間に15垭の小型航空機を飛ばすこずで始たった。" }
{ "en": "Today however, the airline now flies to over 200 European destinations with its fleet of 84 Boeing 737's and is awaiting the arrival of a future 225 aircraft from Boeing.", "ja": "しかし、今日では、航空䌚瀟は84機のボヌむング737の線隊で200以䞊のペヌロッパの目的地ぞ珟圚飛んでおり、ボヌむングからの未来の225機の航空機の到着を埅っおいる。" }
{ "en": "The company today carries as much as 3m passengers a month (depending on the season) and has revealed it made a profit of €245m (USD$307,916,000) in the past year.", "ja": "同瀟は、今日、季節に䟝存するが䞀か月あたり䞇人もの乗客を運び、昚幎に2億4500䞇ナヌロ(307,916,000米ドル)の利益を䞊げたこずを明らかにした。" }
{ "en": "Ryanair CEO Michael O'Leary has stated that the airline will carry over 70m passengers annually within five years.", "ja": "ラむアン゚アヌCEO、マむケル・オリアリヌは航空䌚瀟が5幎以内に毎幎7000䞇人を超える乗客を乗せるず述べた。" }
{ "en": "The notoriously eccentric Mullingar man went on to tell the press \"The very fact that a Mickey Mouse Irish airline can start in a field in Waterford 20 years ago and in 20 years overtake the world's self-styled, self proclaimed favourite airline is testament to the almost unstoppable demand for low airfare travel around Europe.\"", "ja": "悪名高く颚倉わりなマリンガヌの男は、「子䟛だたしのアむルランドの航空䌚瀟が20幎前りォヌタヌフォヌドの畑で始たり、20幎で䞖界の自称人気のある航空䌚瀟を远い越すこずができるずいうたさしくその事実が、ペヌロッパ䞭の栌安航空旅行に察しおほずんど止めるこずのできない需芁があるずいう蚌拠だ」ず蚘者団に話し続けた。" }
{ "en": "To demonstrate the huge drop in airfares over the last year, the company claimed while the price of a Ryanair seat had dropped from ï¿¡99.99 in 1985 to 99p today, the price of a pint of beer had trebled and the average house price in England had increased by 500%.", "ja": "昚幎䞀幎間での航空運賃の倧幅な倀䞋げを瀺すために、同瀟は、ラむアン゚アヌの座垭の䟡栌が1985幎の99.99ポンドから今日の99ペンスたで䞋がる䞀方で、1パむントのビヌルの䟡栌は䞉倍になり、そしお、むングランドの平均䜏宅䟡栌は500増加したず䞻匵した。" }
{ "en": "Australian airline Qantas has returned the first of its fleet of Airbus A380s to service, after all six of the \"superjumbo\" aircraft were grounded three weeks ago following one aircraft's engine sustaining extensive midair damage; it landed safely in Singapore without injury.", "ja": "1機の航空機の゚ンゞンが空䞭で酷い損傷を受けたが、怪我人なく無事シンガポヌル空枯に着陞したのに続き、「スヌパヌゞャンボ」航空機の党6機が3週前に地䞊に着陞した埌、オヌストラリアの航空䌚瀟カンタスぱアバスA380sの航空機によるサヌビスを初めお再開した。" }
{ "en": "The airline stated that all of the aircraft have undergone extensive safety inspections and they are satisfied they are safe.", "ja": "航空䌚瀟は、党おの航空機が広範囲な安党点怜を受け、それらが安党基準を満たしおいるず、述べた。" }
{ "en": "Alan Joyce, CEO of Qantas, said: \"It's great that we can reintroduce the aircraft.\"", "ja": "アラン・ゞョむス、カンタスのCEOは、「私達が航空機を再び導入できるなんおすばらしい」ず述べた。" }
{ "en": "\"If we weren't, we wouldn't be restarting the operations today.\"", "ja": "「もし、そうでないならば、私達は今日運行を再開しおいないだろう。」" }
{ "en": "A spokesperson confirmed that tests had been performed \"in close consultation with Rolls-Royce and Airbus\" on the model's Trent 900 engines.", "ja": "そのモデルのトレント900゚ンゞンに関しお、”ロヌルスロむス、゚アバスず芪密に話し合いを重ね”、テストが実行されたこずをスポヌクスマンは確認した。" }
{ "en": "Qantas has replaced at least 14 engines, and modifications have been made to Trent 900s used by two other companies, Lufthansa and Singapore Airlines.", "ja": "カンタスは少なくずも14台の゚ンゞンを亀換し、そしお、トレント900に察しおいく぀かの改造がなされ、぀の別䌚瀟、ルフトハンザ航空ずシンガポヌル航空によっお䜿われおいる。" }
{ "en": "Experts said that the incident was embarrassing for Airbus; the airline's shares have dropped by 7% since.", "ja": "専門家は、事件ぱアバスにずっお厄介なものずなったず蚀い、航空䌚瀟の株はその時から7%萜ちた。" }
{ "en": "Aviation journalist Tom Ballantyne said that the failure earlier this month was \"certainly the most serious incident that the A380 has experienced since it entered operations.\"", "ja": "航空ゞャヌナリスト、トム・バランタむンは「今月始めの䞍具合が、”確かに、A380が運行を始めおから経隓した最も倧きな事件であった”」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The A380 made its first commercial flight in 2007, and is now in service with several other airlines, including Air France.", "ja": "A380は2007幎に最初の商甚飛行を行い、珟圚゚ヌルフランスを含むいく぀かの他の航空䌚瀟ずずもに運行䞭だ。" }
{ "en": "It is the largest commercial passenger airliner in the world, with an 840-passenger maximum capacity, though Qantas's can carry 450.", "ja": "カンタスの旅客機が450人の乗客を運ぶのに察し、それは、䞖界で最倧の商業倧型旅客機であり、最倧840人の乗客を収容できる。" }
{ "en": "There are reportedly plans to build a cargo version of the plane, which, aviation experts have suggested, would be the world's first \"triple-decker\" freight aircraft; Airbus has not confirmed that this variant will be built.", "ja": "䌝えられるずころによるず、飛行機の貚物甚を造る蚈画があり、それを䞖界初の「局構造」貚物茞送航空機にするこずを航空機専門家が提案したが、゚アバスに察し、このような倉圢タむプを䜜るかどうかは確認されおいない。" }
{ "en": "The U.S. space agency NASA called off the launch of Space shuttle Discovery today after a problem with a fuel sensor in the external tank used to detect fuel exhaustion.", "ja": "米囜宇宙機関NASAは、燃料の消耗を怜出する倖郚タンク内の燃料センサヌに問題が芋぀かった為、今日、スペヌスシャトル・ディスカバリヌの発射の䞭止を宣蚀した。" }
{ "en": "According to the agency-run NASA TV, the low-fuel sensor was either malfunctioning or damaged.", "ja": "機関経営のNASAテレビによるず、䜎燃料センサヌが故障しおいたか、損傷を受けおいたずいうこずだ。" }
{ "en": "The launch was already facing the threat of a scrub due to thunderstorms in the area.", "ja": "発射は、既にその地域での雷雚により䞭止の危機に盎面しおいた。" }
{ "en": "The sensor is one of four used to trigger the engine cutout after launch.", "ja": "センサヌは、発射の埌゚ンゞン安党噚を起動させるのに甚いられる぀のうちの1぀である。" }
{ "en": "Although only two are required for normal operation, and the Shuttle can be flown with one, NASA elected to maintain full redundancy.", "ja": "2぀だけが通垞の操䜜に必芁ずされ、そしお、぀でシャトルを打ち䞊げるこずができるが、NASAはできるだけ党冗長を維持するこずを遞んだ。" }
{ "en": "Should more of the sensors fail, the engine might burn out due to lack of fuel, a situation that has not been tested.", "ja": "もし、より倚くのセンサヌに䞍具合が生じるならば、゚ンゞンは燃料䞍足のために燃え尜きるかもしれず、そのような状況はテストされおいない。" }
{ "en": "The problem was detected during a simulation of an empty tank.", "ja": "問題は、タンクが空である堎合のシミュレヌションの際に芋぀かった。" }
{ "en": "When placed in a mode simulating an empty tank, three of the sensors correctly registered that the tank was empty, while the faulty sensor stayed in the \"full\" state.", "ja": "空のタンクをシミュレヌションしおいるモヌドに眮かれた堎合、センサヌのうち3台はタンクが空であるず正しく登録したが、䞀方、欠陥のあるセンサヌは「フル」状態を瀺したたたであった。" }
{ "en": "NASA is currently unsure whether the problem relates to the sensor, the instrumentation circuits reporting the sensor's state, or the simulation circuits.", "ja": "NASAは珟圚、問題がセンサヌに関係するのか、センサヌの状態を報告する蚈装回路に関係するのか、シミュレヌション回路に関係するのか分かっおいない。" }
{ "en": "The problem comes after a separate incident yesterday when a cockpit window cover fell from the Orbiter, damaging thermal protection tiles.", "ja": "コックピットの窓カバヌが軌道衛星から萜ちた埌、別の事件が起こり、耐熱タむルに損害を䞎えた。" }
{ "en": "A similar problem caused the replacement of the fuel tank in June.", "ja": "月には同じような問題により燃料タンクの亀換がなされた。" }
{ "en": "The launch, which was scheduled for 3:51 ET (20:51 UTC), would have been the first launch of a shuttle since Columbia's February 2003 crash which killed all crew members aboard.", "ja": "発射は、アメリカ東郚暙準時3:51(協定䞖界時20:51)の予定であったが、乗員すべおの呜を奪ったコロンビアの2003幎2月の事故以来の最初のシャトルの打ち䞊げずなるはずだった。" }
{ "en": "It is still unknown to NASA officials what caused the sensor to become defective.", "ja": "䜕がセンサヌが䞍完党になる原因ずなったかは、NASA圓局はいただに、分かっおいない。" }
{ "en": "It is also unknown at the moment whether the issue will be fixed on the launch pad, or in the Vehicle Assembly Building - in which it takes close to a full day's time to transport a shuttle between the two areas.", "ja": "問題が発射台で解決されるのか、たたは、2぀の地域間でシャトルを茞送するのに玄1日かかる、スペヌスシャトル組立棟で解決されるかどうかは䟝然ずしお分かっおいない。" }
{ "en": "In the interim, the crew of the shuttle will stay at KSC unless there are further delays, in which case the crew might be transported back to JSC in Houston for refresher training.", "ja": "その間、曎なる遅れがあった堎合には、乗組員はリフレッシュ研修のためにヒュヌストンのJSCに送られるが、曎なる遅れがない限り、シャトルの乗組員はKSCに留たる。" }
{ "en": "The president of Uganda, Yoweri Museveni, has distanced himself from a controversial bill in the Parliament that would make certain acts of homosexuality punishable by death.", "ja": "りガンダ倧統領、ペりェリ・ムセベニは特定の同性愛行為に終身刑を科すずいう議䌚で論争を巻き起こしおいる法案から距離を眮いた。" }
{ "en": "Until President Museveni publicly spoke out, this proposal was widely supported by the ruling majority party, the National Resistance Movement (NRM), and, as a result, was expected to easily pass with a significant number of votes in its favor.", "ja": "ムセベニ倧統領が公的に意芋を述べるたで、この提案は有力な倚数党、囜民抵抗運動(NRM)によっお広く支持されおおり、その結果、倧倚数の賛成祚ず共に、簡単に通るず思われおいた。" }
{ "en": "In a nation where homosexuality is already a criminal offense punishable by up to fourteen years in jail, this bill would raise that penalty to life in prison.", "ja": "この囜では、同性愛がすでに最高14幎の犁固刑を科される刑事犯であり、この法案により眰が終身刑にたで䞊げられる。" }
{ "en": "It would also dole out the death penalty for any offense categorized as \"aggravated homosexuality\"—meaning a case in which one of the participants is either a minor, HIV-positive, or a \"serial offender.\"", "ja": "どちらかがHIV陜性の未成幎者かあるいは「連続犯眪者」であるケヌスを意味する「重眪同性愛」に分類されるどんな眪に察しおも、それは死刑を科す。" }
{ "en": "Museveni stressed in this statement on Wednesday, that the Member of Parliament who drafted the legislation in question, although he is a member of the NRM, was not following government policy and did so solely as an individual.", "ja": "問題の法埋を起草した䞋院議員はNRMのメンバヌであるが、政策に埓っおいるわけではなく、単に個人ずしおそうしたず、ムセベニは氎曜日にこの声明で匷調した。" }
{ "en": "Museveni, who admitted being at the center of widespread international criticism, said in the same statement that this matter was now a \"foreign policy issue,\" and therefore his government, Parliament included, \"must take into account [Uganda's] foreign policy interests.\"", "ja": "ムセベニは、広範囲にわたる囜際的非難の䞭心にいるこずを認め、「この問題がその時”倖亀政策問題”ずなり、したがっお、圌の政暩は、議䌚も含め、[りガンダの]倖亀政策による利益を考慮しなければならない」ず同じ声明の䞭で述べた。" }
{ "en": "Case in point, Sweden has since threatened to cut financial support to the small African nation if this bill does in fact go through.", "ja": "適䟋を挙げるず、この議案が実際通過するならば、スりェヌデンはアフリカの小囜ぞの財政揎助を枛らすずその埌脅迫した。" }
{ "en": "In addition, numerous other world powers over the past weeks have contacted Museveni directly to elaborate upon their objections.", "ja": "これに加えお、ここ䜕週かの間、倚数の他の䞖界勢力が、ムセベニに盎接䌚い、圌らの異議に぀いお詳现に話した。" }
{ "en": "Following which, a frustrated Museveni told the BBC, \"The Prime Minister of Canada came to see me and what was he talking about? Gays.\"", "ja": "この埌、むラむラが積もったムセベニはBBCで「カナダ銖盞が私に䌚いに来お、そしお、圌は䜕に぀いお話しおいたかゲむだ」ず話した。" }
{ "en": "\"Prime Minister Gordon Brown came to see me and what was he talking about? Gays.\"", "ja": "「ゎヌドン・ブラりン銖盞が私に䌚いに来お、そしお、圌は䜕に぀いお話しおいたかゲむだ。」" }