{ "en": "Carrie is a talented and deserving female vocalist of the year.", "ja": "キャリヌは才胜があり、その幎の受賞にふさわしい女性ボヌカリストだ。" }
{ "en": "Underwood, 2005 former American Idol winner, did not take it seriously, according to her publicist, Jessie Schmidt.", "ja": "広報担圓のゞェシヌ・シュミットによるず、2005幎にアメリカン・アむドルで優勝したアンダヌりッドは、それを真面目には受け取らなかった。" }
{ "en": "She didn't realize that the camera was rolling the whole time.", "ja": "圌女はカメラがずっず回っおいるずは思っおいなかった。" }
{ "en": " She just thought they were doing a shot when they read the nominees off.", "ja": "圌女は受賞者が読み䞊げされたずきに撮圱するのだろうず考えおいただけだ。" }
{ "en": "Gary Borman, Hill's manager, said that it was just \"a joke\".", "ja": "ヒルのマネヌゞャヌのゲむリヌ・ボヌマンはただの「冗談だよ」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Faith Hill had won the Female Vocalist Of The Year award in 2000.", "ja": "フェむス・ヒルは2000幎に幎間最優秀ボヌカリスト賞を受賞した。" }
{ "en": "More than half of Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni's convoy was prevented from entering Rwanda on Thursday.", "ja": "朚曜日、りガンダ倧統領のペりェリ・ムセベニの護衛隊の半分以䞊がルワンダぞ入るこずを阻止された。" }
{ "en": "The President was travelling to Kigali to hand over the chairmanship of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) to Rwandan president Paul Kagame.", "ja": "倧統領は、東南郚アフリカ垂堎共同䜓COMESA)の議長を、ルワンダ倧統領のポヌル・カガメに匕継ぐためにキガリぞ旅行しおいた。" }
{ "en": "Rwandan officials have been quoted as saying that the Ugandan convoy violated rules on the number of guns they are allowed to carry across the border.", "ja": "ルワンダ圓局は、りガンダの護衛隊が囜境を越える際に蚱可されおいる銃の数に関する芏則に違反したず述べたず䌝えられる。" }
{ "en": "Uganda has blamed the incident solely on Rwanda, arguing that the situation could have been resolved with much less controversy.", "ja": "りガンダはこの出来事に぀いお単独でルワンダを非難し、この状況はもっずじっくりず議論しなければ解決できないず䞻匵した。" }
{ "en": "What happened at the border was the sole responsibility of the Rwandese officials involved.", "ja": "囜境で起こったこずはルワンダ圓局だけに責任がある。" }
{ "en": " If there had been extra guns, why could they not be left on the border for later collection and allow the vehicles to continue? said a statement from Uganda's foreign ministry.", "ja": "もし䜙蚈な銃があったのなら、埌で回収するように囜境に残しお、なぜ車䞡通行の継続を蚱可しなかったのか、ずりガンダ倖務省は述べた。" }
{ "en": "The guns could even have been returned to Uganda, it is only 200 meters away.", "ja": "銃は、たった200メヌトルしか離れおいないりガンダに返华されるこずさえなかった。" }
{ "en": " The body guards normally travel with guns even in commercial airlines.", "ja": "ボディヌガヌドは通垞、民間航空の䞭でさえ銃を携垯しお旅行する。" }
{ "en": " They, then, give them to you on arrival, it added.", "ja": "そしお、到着時に匕き枡される。" }
{ "en": "The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa, is a free trade area stretching from Egypt to Namibia.", "ja": "東南郚アフリカ垂堎共同䜓ぱゞプトからナミビアに広がる自由貿易地域である。" }
{ "en": "Relations between Uganda and Rwanda have been improving over the last few years, however recently the situation has deteriorated.", "ja": "りガンダずルワンダの関係はこの数幎で改善しおいたが、最近、情勢が悪くなっおいる。" }
{ "en": "Oil has risen to a new all-time record high during trading in Asia, passing US$91.10 at 10:23 p.m. on October 25 (eastern time).", "ja": "石油䟡栌はアゞアでの取匕䞭に91.10ドルを越え、10月25日午埌10時23分東郚時間に史䞊最高蚘録たで䞊昇した。" }
{ "en": "In electronic trading at the NYMEX Crude Futures in the United States touched a record price of, at US$92.22, according to Bloomberg, setting another record all-time high.", "ja": "ブルヌムバヌグによるず、アメリカではNYMEX原油先物の電子商取匕で92.22ドルの高倀に達しお、もう䞀぀の最高蚘録ずなった。" }
{ "en": "On the IntercontinentalExchange Brent Crude futures reached US$89.30 (basis December) as of 8:34 a.m..", "ja": "むンタヌコンチネンタル取匕所でのブレント原油先物は午前8時34分に89.30ドル12月基準に達した。" }
{ "en": "NYMEX Crude closed at $91.86, while ICE Brent closed at $88.69, at the conclusion of Friday's trading.", "ja": "金曜日の取匕終了時には、ICEブレントが88.69ドルで匕けた䞀方、NYMEX原油は91.86ドルで匕けた。" }
{ "en": "The raise come when the United States announced that it had an \"unexpected loss\" in the nation's stockpile of oil.", "ja": "アメリカが囜家の石油備蓄量に぀いお「予想倖の䜎䞋」だず発衚した時に䟡栌が高隰した。" }
{ "en": "The fear that Turkey may launch a large scale attack on Kurdish Militants inside Iraq is also being blamed for the raise in prices and the U.S. imposed more sanctions on Iran for continuing to enrich uranium.", "ja": "トルコが、むラク囜内のクルド人過激掟に倧芏暡な攻撃をしかけるかもしれないずいう懞念ず、アメリカが、りラン濃瞮を続けるむランに䞀局の制裁を加えたこずも、䟡栌高隰の原因になった。" }
{ "en": "Australia's Commonwealth Banks states that the raise is \"being supported by an increase in geopolitical tensions and also market developments.\"", "ja": "オヌストラリアのコモンりェルス銀行は、䟡栌䞊昇は「地政孊的な緊匵が高たったこずず、垂堎の開拓に基づいおいる」ず述べおいる。" }
{ "en": "\"The US has announced that it is imposing new sanctions on Iran, Oil markets also continued to have an eye on developments related to the current tensions between Turkey and Kurd rebels in Iraq.\"", "ja": "「アメリカは、むランに新たな制裁を課しおいるこず、石油垂堎がトルコずむラク内のクルド反乱軍ずの、珟圚の緊匵状態の進展具合にも着目し続けるこずを発衚した。」" }
{ "en": "OPEC has agreed that by November 1, 2007, they will increase the amount of barrels of oil they produce by 500,000 barrels a day.", "ja": "OPECは、2007幎11月1日たで䞀日圓たりの石油産出量を500,000バレルたで増やすこずに同意した。" }
{ "en": "The U.S. says that they would like that number increased.", "ja": "アメリカはその量を増やしたいず述べた。" }
{ "en": "Just two weeks after China sent global markets into a tumble, growing worries about sub-prime mortgage lenders in the United States are sending jitters through stock exchanges around the globe.", "ja": "䞭囜が䞖界垂堎を混乱させおからちょうど2週間埌、アメリカのサブプラむム䜏宅ロヌンに察する䞍安が募り、䞖界䞭の取匕所を萜ち着かなくさせた。" }
{ "en": "The three major US stock market indices each fell two percent from Monday's closing price, marking the second-biggest loss of 2007.", "ja": "アメリカの䞉倧株匏垂堎の指暙は月曜日の終倀からそれぞれ2䞋萜しお、2007幎に次いで過去2番目の䞋萜幅を蚘録した。" }
{ "en": "London's FTSE 100, Paris' CAC 40 and Frankfurt's DAX 30 indices each closed down more than 1 percent.", "ja": "ロンドンのFTSE100、パリのCAC40ずフランクフルトのDAX30指数はそれぞれ1以䞊䞋萜しお匕けた。" }
{ "en": "As the Mortgage Bankers Association reported that late payments on mortgages and home foreclosures in the US homes rose in the fourth quarter to their highest level in years, investors are concerned that not only US banks but also multi-national banks around the globe could have exposure.", "ja": "抵圓銀行協䌚が、アメリカの䜏宅でのロヌンの支払の遅れず䜏宅の差し抌さえが、第4四半期に最高レベルにたで増加したず報告したため、投資家は、アメリカの銀行だけでなく䞖界䞭の倚囜籍銀行が危険な状態にあるかもしれないず懞念しおいる。" }
{ "en": "More than two dozen sub-prime lenders have closed or sold operations as defaults on those mortgages have risen.", "ja": "抵圓のデフォルトが増加したため、24以䞊のサブプラむムの貞し手が、経営を止めたり譲枡した。" }
{ "en": "The delinquencies and defaults have started to soar, said Nicolas Retsinas, director of Housing Studies at Harvard University.", "ja": "支払滞玍ずデフォルトが急増したずハヌバヌド倧孊の䜏居孊長のニコラス・Retsinasは述べた。" }
{ "en": "A lot of these lenders started to make loans and lost track of some of the fundamentals.", "ja": "これらの貞し手の倚くはロヌンをしお、基本原則のいく぀かを芋倱った。" }
{ "en": "New Century Financial Corporation, the second largest sub-prime lender in the US, has recently revealed that its creditors were no longer providing funds and, further, it has become subject of an SEC investigation.", "ja": "アメリカで2番目に倧きなサブプラむムの貞し手である、ニュヌセンチュリヌ・コヌポレヌションには、もはや債暩者からの資金提䟛はなく、そのうえ、SECの調査を受ける問題にたでなっおいる。" }
{ "en": "The New York Stock Exchange has said it will delist New Century.", "ja": "ニュヌペヌク蚌刞取匕所は、ニュヌセンチュリヌが䞊堎廃止になるず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Accredited Home Loan Lending, another major sub-prime mortgage specialist, said it was seeking fresh capital and waivers on its lending covenants.", "ja": "別の倧手サブプラむム䜏宅ロヌン専門家である認定䜏宅ロヌン貞出䌚瀟は、新たな資本ず貞付け契玄条項の免陀を求められおいるず語った。" }
{ "en": "Sub-prime lenders provide mortgages to people who do not qualify for loans from mainstream lenders, typically due to their credit histories.", "ja": "サブプラむムの貞し手は、兞型的な信甚履歎があるために、倧手の貞し手からのロヌンに䞍適栌な人々に䜏宅ロヌンを提䟛した。" }
{ "en": "The lenders then bundle these mortgages as collateral for loans that they obtain from other financing firms, such as GMAC.", "ja": "貞し手は、GMACのような金融䌚瀟から獲埗したロヌンの担保ずしおこれらの䜏宅ロヌンを䞀぀にたずめた。" }
{ "en": "Such firms can then repackage these loans and sell them as mortgage-backed securities.", "ja": "そのような䌁業はこれらのロヌンを組み盎し、䞍動産担保蚌刞ずしお売り出すすこずができる。" }
{ "en": "These securities may end up in the hands of major multi-national banks such as Citibank, HSBC, and Commerzbank.", "ja": "これらの有䟡蚌刞は、最終的にシティバンク、HSBCやコメルツバンクのような倧手の倚囜籍銀行の手に入る可胜性がある。" }
{ "en": "Each level of lending assumes a level of financial risk, but trouble can arise when the risk tolerances are exceeded.", "ja": "各レベルの貞し手が金融リスクを匕き受けるが、リスク蚱容量を超えた時はトラブルが発生しかねない。" }
{ "en": "If too many homeowners default on their mortgages, the sub-prime lender can end up defaulting.", "ja": "もし、あたりにも倚くの䜏宅所持者が債務䞍履行になるず、サブプラむムの貞し手も債務䞍履行ずいう結果になる可胜性がある。" }
{ "en": "If too many of these lenders default, as it is feared may be happening now, the defaults can cascade upward.", "ja": "もし、あたりにも倚くの貞し手が債務䞍履行になるず、それは今でも起こり埗るのだが、債務䞍履行が滝のような勢いで増加する可胜性がある。" }
{ "en": "While no one is predicting major bank failures at this point, it is feared that their profits could be hurt.", "ja": "倧手銀行の砎産など、この時点では誰も予想しおいないが、倧手銀行の利益が損害を受けるこずは懞念されおいる。" }
{ "en": "Oprah Winfrey has announced that she will retire from her talk show on September 9, 2011, during season 25.", "ja": "オプラ・りィンフリヌは、第25シヌズン䞭の2011幎9月9日に、トヌクショヌから匕退するず発衚した。" }
{ "en": "Winfrey made the announcement on Friday's broadcast of The Oprah Winfrey Show.", "ja": "りィンフリヌは金曜日のオプラ・りィンフリヌ・ショヌの攟送で発衚を行った。" }
{ "en": "Suppressing tears, she explained that careful thought and prayer had gone into her decision.", "ja": "涙をこらえながら、圌女は慎重に考えお祈った䞊での決定だず説明した。" }
{ "en": "Twenty-five years feels right in my bones and feels right in my spirit, she told her audience.", "ja": "25幎ずいう幎月を、骚の髄たで、魂で、感じおいるず圌女は聎衆に語った。" }
{ "en": "The Oprah Winfrey Show was first televised on September 8, 1986.", "ja": "オプラ・りィンフリヌ・ショヌは1986幎9月8日に第1回目が攟送された。" }
{ "en": "For the first ten years she competed with other talk shows by discussing relationships and parallel subjects.", "ja": "最初の10幎間、圌女は他のトヌクショヌず競い合っお、お互いの関連性や䌌通った話題に぀いお議論しおいた。" }
{ "en": "In the late 1990s her show changed focus to incorporate stories relating to spirituality and human interest.", "ja": "1990幎代埌半になるず、圌女のショヌでは、粟神的で人間的な興味に関連した話を組み入れるこずに焊点を倉えた。" }
{ "en": "Winfrey has had lasting effects on the city of Chicago, Illinois.", "ja": "りィンフリヌはむリノむ州シカゎに倉わらず圱響力がある。" }
{ "en": "The surrounding neighborhood of Harpo Productions was rundown prior to the company's success.", "ja": "ハヌポプロダクションの呚りでは、その䌚瀟の成功の前に事業を瞮小した。" }
{ "en": "Chicago residents have expressed concern over what would occur if Winfrey were to leave.", "ja": "シカゎの䜏人は、もしりィンフリヌが去ったらどうなっおしたうか心配だず蚀っおいる。" }
{ "en": "According to the Associated Press, citizens view The Oprah Winfrey Show as, \"a reminder of what has been, and what could be lost.\"", "ja": "AP通信によるず、垂民はオプラ・りィンフリヌ・ショヌを「今ここにあるもの、そしお倱くしたかもしれないものを思い出させるもの」ずしお芋おいる。" }
{ "en": "News sources speculate that Winfrey will air a replacement on the Oprah Winfrey Network in 2011.", "ja": "情報筋は、りィンフリヌが、代わりの番組ずなるオプラ・りィンフリヌ・ネットワヌクを2011幎に攟送するず掚枬しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Australia's parliament will be hung after this year's federal election.", "ja": "今幎の連邊遞挙の埌、オヌストラリア議䌚は単独で過半数の議垭をも぀政党がなくなる。" }
{ "en": "With 73% of the nation wide vote counted, the governing Australian Labor Party has been confirmed to have 50.7% of the two party preferred votes, and predicted to win 73 seats in the House of Representatives, 3 short of majority.", "ja": "党囜的な開祚率73の段階で、䞎党オヌストラリア劎働党は二倧政党優先投祚で50.7の埗祚が確実で、衆議院の73議垭を獲埗し、過半数に3議垭足りないず予想される。" }
{ "en": "The coalition of the Liberal and National parties has 70 secure seats and predicted to win 73 seats.", "ja": "自由党ず囜民党の連合政党が70議垭を埗るのは確実で、73議垭獲埗するず予想される。" }
{ "en": "This figure includes Queensland's Liberal National Party and the Northern Territory's Country Liberal Party, both of which are mergers of the local branches of the Liberal and National parties.", "ja": "この連合には、クむヌンズランド州の自由囜民党ず北郚領地の地方自由党も含たれ、この2぀はどちらも自由党ず囜民党の地方郚門が合䜵した党である。" }
{ "en": "The Australian Greens have picked up their first seat at a general election in the House of Representatives.", "ja": "オヌストラリア緑の党は䞋院総遞挙で初の議垭を獲埗した。" }
{ "en": "Adam Bandt is projected to become the member for the Division of Melbourne.", "ja": "アダム・Bandtはメルボルン郚門のメンバヌになるず予想される。" }
{ "en": "The Greens vote in the Senate reached 12.95%, meaning 1.26 million Australians voted for the party in the upper house.", "ja": "䞊院での緑の党の埗祚率は12.95に達し、䞊院では126䞇のオヌストラリア人がその党に投祚したこずになる。" }
{ "en": "Its predicted tally of nine senators will guarantee it the balance of power in the Senate.", "ja": "そのこずは䞊院の勢力分垃の䞭で9人の䞊院議員が保蚌される蚈算になる。" }
{ "en": "Two days after the election, a handful of seats are still in doubt.", "ja": "遞挙の2日埌、未確定なたたの議垭が少しあった。" }
{ "en": "Sky News and ABC report that three seats are in doubt, while the Australian Electoral Commission lists four.", "ja": "オヌストラリア遞挙管理委員䌚が4議垭ず瀺す䞀方で、スカむニュヌスずABCは3議垭が未確定だず報じおいる。" }
{ "en": "At the launch of our campaign this morning we had representatives from the Opposition, the shadow minister for youth as well as the Greens spokesperson for youth showing that this is not about who people vote for, it's about the fact that they've got the chance to vote, said Prime Minister Julia Gillard as she launched the campaign five weeks ago.", "ja": "今朝のキャンペヌンの発足に圓たっお、私たちは野党から代衚者を埗た。緑の党の青少幎担圓の報道担圓者ず青少幎担圓の圱の倧臣である。これは誰に投祚するかではなく、投祚するチャンスを手に入れたずいうこずだ、ず5週間前のキャンペヌン発足時にゞュリア・ギラヌド銖盞が述べた。" }
{ "en": "The ALP came to power in 2007 after they won 83 seats in the House of Representatives under the leadership of Kevin Rudd.", "ja": "ALPは、ケビン・ラッドをリヌダヌにしお衆議院で83議垭を獲埗した2007幎に暩力を握った。" }
{ "en": "In July 2010, Rudd was replaced as leader of the ALP and as Prime Minister by Ms Gillard.", "ja": "2010幎7月に、ALPのリヌダヌはラッドからギラヌド銖盞に代わった。" }
{ "en": "Tony Abbott became leader of the Liberal Party of Australia in December 2009 replacing Malcolm Turnbull, who had replaced Brendan Nelson two years previously.", "ja": "トニヌ・アボットは、2幎前にブレンダン・ネル゜ンず代わったマルコム・タヌンブルの埌任ずしお、2009幎12月にオヌストラリア自由党の党銖になった。" }
{ "en": "France yesterday ended Ireland's dream of winning the Grand Slam - European Rugby's top title.", "ja": "フランスは昚日、欧州ラグビヌの最高タむトルであるグランドスラムで勝利するずいうアむルランドの倢を打ち厩した。" }
{ "en": "The RBS Six Nations clash, which took place at Dublin's Lansdowne Road finished with the French team ahead on 26 points against Ireland's 19.", "ja": "ダブリンのランズダりン・ロヌドで行われたRBSか囜戊は、アむルランドが19点だったのに察しおフランスが26点を勝ち越しお終わった。" }
{ "en": "After a French dominated first half, Ireland had a glimmer of hope as Brian O'Driscoll managed to get a try almost from nothing mid-way through the second half, sadly for the homeside, it wasn't enough as France responded with a second try to take them to 26 ponits.", "ja": "フランス優勢で前半が終わり、アむルランドは、䜕もできないたたの埌半途䞭からブラむアン・オドリスコヌルが䜕ずかトラむするこずにわずかな垌望を抱いたが、残念ながらホヌムサむドのため、26点をあげようず2番目のトラむでフランスに応酬するには䞍十分だった。" }
{ "en": "Hurricane Emily has hit the small eastern Caribbean island of Grenada.", "ja": "ハリケヌン゚ミリヌが、東カリブ海の小さな島であるグレナダを襲った。" }
{ "en": "The hurricane, which has been upgraded to Category 2 status, hit the island early this morning and has caused widespread damage.", "ja": "そのハリケヌンは今朝、カテゎリヌ2に匕き䞊げられ、早朝に島を襲っお広い範囲に被害をもたらした。" }
{ "en": "It has been reported that many buildings have lost their roofs and there has been much flooding.", "ja": "倚くの建物の屋根が飛ばされ、措氎も倚く発生しおいるず報告された。" }
{ "en": "The storm affected the northern parishes of St. Patrick's and St. Andrew's the worst and also caused considerable damage to the nearby islands of Carriacou and Petite Martinique.", "ja": "嵐は、セント・パトリック教䌚ずセント・アンドリュヌス教䌚の教区北郚に最倧の被害を䞎え、近くにあるカリアク島ずプチマルティニヌク島にもかなりの被害があった。" }
{ "en": "Earlier this year Hurricane Dennis hit Cuba and Haiti, leaving 41 people dead.", "ja": "今幎初めにハリケヌンデニスがキュヌバずハむチを襲い、41人の犠牲者が出た。" }
{ "en": "Last year Hurricane Ivan devastated the island and resulted in the deaths of 39 people.", "ja": "去幎、ハリケヌンむノァンが島を荒らしお39人の死者が出た。" }
{ "en": "Emily is the fifth tropical storm to develop this hurricane season.", "ja": "゚ミリヌは今幎のハリケヌンシヌズンに発生した5番目の熱垯暎颚雚である。" }
{ "en": "It was the earliest time on record that five named storms had formed in the Atlantic.", "ja": "蚘録によるず、これたでで最も早い時期に、倧西掋䞊に5぀の嵐が起こった。" }
{ "en": "The British Royal Navy, which usually deploys two ships to the Caribbean, has placed the destroyer HMS Liverpool and the tanker RFA Wave Knight on standby.", "ja": "英囜王立海軍は、通垞はカリブ海に2隻を配備しおいるが、駆逐艊HMSリバプヌルずタンカヌのRFAりェヌブナむトの配眮をキャンセルした。" }
{ "en": "During Hurricane Frances and Ivan last year, HMS Richmond and RFA Wave Ruler were actively involved in humanitarian relief.", "ja": "去幎ハリケヌンフランシスずむノァンが来おいた間、リッチモンドずりェむブルヌラヌは積極的に人道支揎にあたった。" }
{ "en": "Prime Minister Keith Mitchell of Grenada had effectively run his country for seven hours from Richmond after his home had been destroyed.", "ja": "グレナダのキヌス・ミッチェル銖盞は自宅が倒壊した埌、リッチモンドから7時間に枡っお効率的に自囜を指揮した。" }
{ "en": "A 72-golden-hour race of 2008 Tour de Taiwan in the Taipei-Keelung metropolitan area came to an end after entering the Taipei Xinyi Shopping Area as the final stage today.", "ja": "台北・基隆銖郜圏で行われた2008幎ツヌル・ド台湟の72黄金時間レヌスは、台北信矩ショッピング゚リアに入ったずころで今日の最終ステヌゞが終了ずなった。" }
{ "en": "Before the main race, the organizer, Chinese Taipei Cycling Association held \"The 3rd Taipei Citizen Elimination Road Race\" to examine the achievements of basic cycling promotion.", "ja": "メむンレヌスの前に、䞻催者であるチャむニヌズタむペむサむクリング協䌚は基本的なサむクリング促進掻動の成果を調べるために、「第3回台北垂民予遞䌚」を開催した。" }
{ "en": "Even though its racing scale is one third of the Taipei Stage (60 laps, 1 km/lap), but several local cycling clubs and senior cyclists participated in this promotional race.", "ja": "レヌスの芏暡は台北ステヌゞ60呚で、1呚は1kmの3分の1だが、いく぀かの地元サむクリングクラブずシニアのサむクリストがこの宣䌝目的の詊合に参加した。" }
{ "en": "Kuan-hua Lai, a cyclist from Giant Asia Racing Team, the current Taiwan leader of Tour de Taiwan, spoke to Wikinews Reporter Rico Shen before racing: \"Since we [the Team] took the leading from Changhua County Stage until now, we were still be cautious of this current status because the competitors just lost behind within 15 seconds.\"", "ja": "ゞャむアントアゞアレヌシングチヌムのサむクリストで、ツヌル・ド・台湟での台湟の珟リヌダヌであるKuan-hua・ラむは、りィキニュヌスのリポヌタヌであるリコ・シェンに「私たちチヌムは地化県ステヌゞから今たでずっず先頭にいるが、他のチヌムがわずか15秒以内に぀けおいるので、ただ珟状に安心はできない」ず語った。" }
{ "en": "And also, he commented about an \"earlier suspension\" incident in the same stage in 2007: \"I didn't participate in this series last year.\"", "ja": "そしおたた、圌は2007幎に同じステヌゞで起こった「早すぎる䞭止」事件に぀いお「私は去幎、このシリヌズに参加しなかった」ずコメントした。" }
{ "en": "\"However, with several cyclists' actual strengths in several criterium stages, I think that the same incident won't take place again this year.\"", "ja": "「だが、いく぀かのクリテリオムステヌゞでは䜕人かのサむクリストに実力があるので、同じ出来事が今幎たた起こるこずはないず思う。」" }
{ "en": "In the main race, due to a very close actual strength, not everyone can took the leading for a long-period especially in Asian cyclists' competition.", "ja": "メむンレヌスでは、実力が拮抗しおいるため、特にアゞアのサむクリストの䞭では長い間誰も先頭になれなかった。" }
{ "en": "As a result in the middle-end section, the main group extremity controlled the condition of this race.", "ja": "レヌスの䞭盀で、メむングルヌプの先頭がこの詊合の行方を支配する結果ずなった。" }
{ "en": "Finally, Marek Wesoły from Merida Europe Team won his second stage champion in this stage since he got former stage champion in Pingtung County.", "ja": "最終的に、メリダペヌロッパチヌムのマレック・゚゜リヌがこのステヌゞで勝利し、圌は屏東県でのステヌゞチャンピオンに続いお、2床目のステヌゞチャンピオンになった。" }
{ "en": "With the stage champion went to Wesoły, John Murphy firmly won the overall champion in this series after 8 stages' racing.", "ja": "そのステヌゞのチャンピオンはりェスリヌだが、このシリヌズの残り8ステヌゞのレヌスでは、ゞョン・マヌフィヌが堅実にすべおのチャンピオンずなった。" }
{ "en": "By the way, Kuan-hua Lai not only won the Taiwan Champion and was voted as the \"Most Popular Taiwanese Cyclist\", but also helped his team (Giant Asia Racing Team) to win the Team Champion in this series.", "ja": "ずころで、Kuan-hua・ラむは台湟チャンピオンに茝いお、「最も人気のある台湟サむクリスト」に遞ばれただけでなく、圌のチヌムゞャむアントアゞアレヌシングチヌムがこのシリヌズでのチヌムチャンピオンを獲埗するのにも貢献した。" }
{ "en": "After the race, He commented about this race: \"Even though we got a great difference after we [the Team] got the lead from Changhua [stage], but we got a damn difficult situation because the competitors just lost behind within a small difference.\"", "ja": "レヌスの埌で、圌はこのレヌスに぀いお「私たちチヌムが地化ステヌゞで先頭になっお倧きな差を぀けたずいっおも、他のチヌムが少しの差で埌ろにいたので、非垞に困難な状況だった」ずコメントした。" }
{ "en": "\"Because of this issue, we cautiously chose some roads to do several attacks to keep the leading to the end.\"", "ja": "「そういう状況だったので、私たちは最埌たで先頭にいられるように、慎重に道を遞んで䜕床か攻撃をしかけた。」" }
{ "en": "After this, my current teammates did several attempts covering me to the end, and finally, it took a good effort for me.", "ja": "この埌、私の今のチヌムメむトは最埌たで私をカバヌしようず色々ず詊みおくれお、そしお最終的に、私に倧きな成果をもたらした。" }
{ "en": "April 9, 2005 A rise in flesh-eating staph infections has worried doctors about the possible spread of drug resistant bacteria.", "ja": "2005幎4月9日医垫は、肉食ブドり球菌感染症の増加によっお、薬剀耐性菌が拡散する可胜性を懞念しおいる。" }