{ "en": "Staphylococcus aureus, commonly known as staph, is a bacteria that commonly causes skin infections in otherwise healthy people.", "ja": "䞀般的にブドり球菌ずしお知られおいる黄色ブドり球菌は、健康な人でなければ、よく皮膚の感染症を匕き起こす现菌である。" }
{ "en": "However, as a persistent threat in hospitals, it tends to infect patients who are already sick and whose systems are vulnerable due to IV lines that pierce the skin.", "ja": "しかし、病院でずっず恐れられおいるこずであるが、それはすでに病気を抱えおいる患者に感染しやすく、圌らの噚官は皮膚を突き刺す静脈ラむンが原因で感染に察する抵抗力が䜎い。" }
{ "en": "Doctors have already battled for years against drug-resistant strains of the bacteria, but the struggle has generally been confined to hospitals.", "ja": "医垫はすでに䜕幎間も现菌の薬剀耐性ず戊っおいるが、その取組みは通垞、病院内に留たっおいた。" }
{ "en": "Now, however, Methicillin Resistant Staph Aureus (MRSA) has been spreading in communities outside hospitals.", "ja": "しかし、珟圚では、メチシリン耐性黄色ブドり球菌は病院倖の地域に広がっおいる。" }
{ "en": "Cases have multiplied by 25 times since 1998 at the University of Chicago.", "ja": "シカゎ倧孊で、事䟋は1998幎から25倍に増えた。" }
{ "en": "A Los Angeles hospital documented 14 cases of the flesh-eating infection, where patients required substantial time in intensive care and surgery.", "ja": "ロサンれルス病院は、患者が長期の集䞭的な治療や手術を必芁ずした14の肉食现菌感染症の事䟋を文曞にたずめた。" }
{ "en": "The infections are particularly problematic because nearly a quarter of people who get a staph infection require hospitalization.", "ja": "ブドり球菌に感染した人の4人に1人は入院を必芁ずしたため、感染は極めお問題ずなった。" }
{ "en": "Staph infections are spread much like other diseases, with crowded conditions, poor hygiene, and skin-to-skin contact most frequently to blame.", "ja": "ブドり球菌感染は他の疟患より拡散しやすく、人混み、䞍十分な衛生管理、そしお皮膚同士の接觊が最も倚い感染原因である。" }
{ "en": "At higher risk are prison inmates, homeless people, military personnel, and families with kids in day care.", "ja": "感染リスクがより高いのは、刑務所の受刑者、ホヌムレスの人々、軍人、そしお日䞭子䟛ず過ごしおいる家族である。" }
{ "en": "Athletes also have a higher risk, because sweating makes it easier for bacteria to infect the skin.", "ja": "汗をかくず现菌が皮膚に感染しやすくなるので、アスリヌトも感染リスクが高い。" }
{ "en": "An overnight explosion and fire at a Washington State oil refinery in Anacortes, Washington, United States, a city about 80 miles south of Vancouver, Canada, yesterday killed four people and critically injured three others.", "ja": "カナダのバンクヌバヌから玄80マむル南にある、アメリカのワシントン州アナコヌテスにあるワシントン州補油所で䞀晩䞭、爆発ず火灜があり、昚日4人が死亡しお3人が負傷しお危節状態にある。" }
{ "en": "A Tesoro Corp. refinery caught fire at about 0030 local time (0830 GMT) while maintenance work was being performed in preparation for returning a part of the plant to operation in a dangerous procedure involving increasing heat and pressure in the unit involved.", "ja": "装眮の䞭で加熱ず加圧を䌎う危険な行皋を操䜜するための蚭備の䞀郚を戻す準備をするメンテナンス䜜業䞭に、テ゜ロ補油所で珟地時間の030グリニッゞ暙準時で830に火灜が発生した。" }
{ "en": "Some people reportedly felt the explosion, which sent flames as high as the tower in the refinery, from as far as five miles away.", "ja": "䌝えられたずころによるず、炎は補油所の塔ず同じ高さにたで達し、5マむル先でも爆発を感じたずいうこずだ。" }
{ "en": "The fire, whose cause is not yet known, burned for around an hour and a half before being extinguished.", "ja": "その火灜は、ただ原因が分からず、消火たで1時間半に枡っお燃え続けた。" }
{ "en": "Initially, Tesoro announced that three people had died in the fire.", "ja": "圓初、テ゜ロ瀟は火灜で3人が死亡したず発衚した。" }
{ "en": "According to a spokesperson from Harborview Medical Center in Seattle, a fourth person, a 29-year-old woman, later died from her injuries at the hospital, while three other people, a woman and two men, all remain in critical condition with major burns.", "ja": "シアトルのハヌバヌビュヌ医療センタヌの広報担圓者によるず、4人目は、29歳の女性で、負傷しお病院に運ばれた埌で死亡した。たた、他の3人は女性1名ず男性2名で、党員がひどい火傷によっお危険な状態だが生存しおいた。" }
{ "en": "Three of the dead were named as Matthew Bowen, Darren Hoines and Daniel Aldridge, while the person who died in the hospital has not been identified.", "ja": "病院で死亡者が特定されないたた、3人の死亡者の名前はマシュヌ・ボヌ゚ン、ダレン・ホむンズそしおダニ゚ル・オルドリッゞだずされた。" }
{ "en": "According to CNN, three workers are still missing, and a search has begun for them.", "ja": "によるず、3人の劎働者がただ行方䞍明で、圌らの捜玢掻動が始たった。" }
{ "en": "The incident was the first fire at an oil refinery in Anacortes since 2007, when a fire at the Shell Puget Sound Refinery damaged a storage, resulting in three minor injuries.", "ja": "その事件は、2007幎にシェルピュヌゞェット湟補油所の火灜で貯蔵庫が被害に遭い、3人が軜傷を負っお以来、アナコヌテスの石油粟補所で初めおの火灜だった。" }
{ "en": "A Tesoro-owned refinery was involved in another fire in 2002, also with no reported injuries.", "ja": "テ゜ロの所有する補油所では他にも、2002幎に火灜が発生し、けが人の報告は無かった。" }
{ "en": "The 15-year-old Australian boy charged on Sunday night related to the alleged theft of a Tram, faces another nine charges over prior incidents, bringing the total to 18 charges.", "ja": "15歳のオヌストラリアの少幎が日曜日の倜のトラム盗難疑惑に関係した容疑がかかり、過去の事件に぀いお9の眪が刀明し、合蚈18の眪状に問われた。" }
{ "en": "The new allegations relate to theft of a bus, attempted theft of a train, and another incident with a tram.", "ja": "新たに刀明した容疑は、バスの盗難、電車の盗難未遂、そしおトラムに関する事件である。" }
{ "en": "On Monday he was also charged over an incident, in which a tram was allegedly stolen from Southbank on Friday.", "ja": "月曜日に、圌は金曜日にサりスバンクからトラムが盗たれたずされる事件に関しおも容疑がかかった。" }
{ "en": "The boy was arrested yesterday at his Sunshine home and bailed to appear in Melbourne Children's Court in June, over the nine new charges.", "ja": "少幎は昚日、サンシャむンにある自宅で逮捕され、6月に9を越える新たな眪によっおメルボルン児童裁刀所に出頭するこずを前提に、保釈された。" }
{ "en": "On Monday, Yarra Trams spokesperson Colin Tyrus told The Age that there had been \"a mystery collision in the depot on April 10\".", "ja": "月曜日に、ダラトラムの広報担圓者であるコリン・タむラスはゞ・゚むゞに「4月10日の停留所での衝突の謎」があるず述べた。" }
{ "en": "After what happened on Sunday we obviously reported all of that to the police and we are continuing to assist them with their inquiries, Mr Tyrus said.", "ja": "日曜日に䜕が起こったか、私たちは譊察に包み隠さず党おを話しお、圌らの捜査に協力を続けおいる、ずタむラス氏は語った。" }
{ "en": "Police allege he drove a vehicle in the Southbank yard and hit another tram, on April 10, causing $2000 damage.", "ja": "譊察は、圌がサりスバンクの庭で車を運転し、4月10日にトラムにぶ぀かっお2000ドルの損害を䞎えたず䞻匵した。" }
{ "en": "And on April 9, it is alleged, he jumped a fence at a Footscray bus depot, found some keys and drove a bus around the yard.", "ja": "そしお4月9日に、圌はフッツクレむのバス発着所でフェンスを飛び越えお鍵を芋぀け、庭の呚りでバスを運転した、ずいう䞻匵だった。" }
{ "en": "Later, it is believed he tried unsuccessfully to start a diesel train at a rail yard in North Melbourne, and then absconded carrying the keys.", "ja": "その埌、圌はノヌスメルボルンの車䞡基地でディヌれル電車を発車させるこずに倱敗しお、鍵を持ったたた逃走したず思われる。" }
{ "en": "Police forces in India have ended the hostage sieges which followed the Mumbai attacks, which began on Wednesday in Mumbai, the financial capital of India.", "ja": "むンドの譊察郚隊は、むンドの金融䞭心地であるムンバむで氎曜日に始たったムンバむ攻撃に続いお起こった人質包囲を終わらせた。" }
{ "en": "It ended when commandos finally caught up with a lone gunman, who had played a cat-and-mouse game in the Taj Mahal Palace & Tower, nearly 56 hours after the attacks began.", "ja": "攻撃が始たっおから56時間埌に、タヌゞマハルパレスアンドタワヌで远い぀远われ぀しおいた孀独なガンマンを郚隊が捕たえお、終結ずなった。" }
{ "en": "According to Indian television and radio, 155 people have been killed and 327 others wounded.", "ja": "むンドのテレビやラゞオによるず、155人が死亡し、327人が負傷した。" }
{ "en": "Police say that they are in control of both the Taj Mahal and Oberoi Trident hotels.", "ja": "譊察は、圌らはタヌゞマハルずオベロむ・トラむデントホテルの䞡方を制圧しおいるず述べた。" }
{ "en": "These people were very, very familiar with the hotel layouts and it appears they had carried out a survey before, said an unidentified commander of MARCOS, India's elite marine commandos.", "ja": "これらの人々はホテルのレむアりトを非垞に熟知しおいお、圌らが事前に調査を行っおいたこずが分かる、ずむンドの゚リヌト海掋郚隊であるの叞什官の誰かが語った。" }
{ "en": "The commandos were hampered because they feared injuring hotel guests if they used overwhelming force.", "ja": "奇襲隊が圧倒的な歊力を発揮するず、ホテルの宿泊客が負傷する恐れがあるため、圌らは突入できなかった。" }
{ "en": "Bodies were strewn all over the place, and there was blood everywhere, he said.", "ja": "遺䜓はあちこちに散らばり、至る所が血に染たった、ず圌は語った。" }
{ "en": "The commander also noted that his unit found a backpack belonging to one of the gunmen.", "ja": "叞什官はたた、歊装勢力の䞀人がリュックを背負っおいるのに気付いた。" }
{ "en": "Inside they found dried fruit, 400 rounds of AK-47 ammunition, four grenades, Indian rupees and American dollars, and seven credit cards from some of the world’s leading banks and a national ID card for the island nation of Mauritius.", "ja": "䞭に入っおいたのは、ドラむフルヌツ、AK-47匟薬400発、手抎匟4個、むンドルピヌずアメリカドル、䞖界の倧手銀行のクレゞットカヌド7枚ずモヌリシャス島のIDカヌドだった。" }
{ "en": "Once the bodies are collected, the number of deaths might go up to 200, said India's Minister of Home Affairs Sri Prakash Jaiswal.", "ja": "遺䜓を回収するず、死者の数は200人に達するかもしれない、ずむンド内務省のSriPrakashJaiswalは述べた。" }
{ "en": "We came up against highly motivated terrorists, said Vice-Admiral J.S.", "ja": "我々が察峙したのは、非垞に匷い動機をも぀テロリストだった、ず副提督のJ.S.は語った。" }
{ "en": "India's foreign minister, Pranab Mukherjee, said, \"Preliminary evidence indicates that elements with links to Pakistan are involved,\" stirring a diplomatic row between India and Pakistan.", "ja": "むンド倖盞であるプラナヌブ・ムカゞヌは「事前の痕跡が、集団がパキスタンず関係しおいるこずを瀺しおいる」ず、むンドずパキスタンずの倖亀論争を煜りながら述べた。" }
{ "en": "Observers have said that the attacks bear the hallmarks of Lashkar-e-Toiba or Jaish-e-Mohammed, both of which are believed to be based in Pakistan and also responsible for previous attacks on India.", "ja": "オブザヌバヌは、攻撃は、ラシュカレ-タむバずゞャむシェ=゚ヌムハンマドによるものであるこずを瀺しおいお、その䞡方がパキスタンに本拠地があり、前回のむンドぞの攻撃にも関䞎しおいるず思われる、ず語った。" }
{ "en": "However, Prime Minister of Pakistan Yousaf Raza Gillani said that Pakistan had \"nothing to do with the attacks.\"", "ja": "しかし、パキスタン銖盞のナヌスフ・ラザ・Gillaniは、パキスタンは「攻撃ずは䜕も関係がない」ず語った。" }
{ "en": "It is unfair to blame Pakistan or Pakistanis for these acts of terrorism even before an investigation is undertaken, Husain Haqqani, Pakistan's ambassador to the United States, said in a statement.", "ja": "調査開始前ずは蚀え、テロ掻動をパキスタンずパキスタン人のせいにするのは䞍公平だ、ずパキスタンのアメリカ倧䜿であるフサむン・Haqqaniは声明の䞭で述べた。" }
{ "en": "Instead of scoring political points at the expense of a neighboring country that is itself a victim of terrorism, it is time for India's leaders to work together with Pakistan's elected leaders in putting up a joint front against terrorism.", "ja": "テロの被害を受けおいる隣囜を犠牲にしお、政治的なポむント皌ぎをする代わりに、むンドの指導者が、テロリストに察しお共同戊線をはるず衚明しおいるパキスタンの指導者ず協力しおあたるべき時である。" }
{ "en": "Thursday at Madrid–Barajas Airport, Wikinews interviewed Spanish Paralympic swimmer Marta Gomez, who is scheduled to compete at the 2013 IPC Swimming World Championships that start on Monday in Montreal, Canada.", "ja": "朚曜日にマドリヌド・バラハス空枯でりィキニュヌスは、スペむンのパラリンピック氎泳遞手で、カナダのモントリオヌルで月曜日から開催される、2013幎IPC氎泳䞖界遞手暩倧䌚で競技する予定であるマルタ・ゎメスにむンタビュヌをした。" }
{ "en": "This is Laura Hale, I'm interviewing Marta Gómez, a Spanish Paralympic swimmer going to the 2013 IPC Swimming World Championships in Montreal.", "ja": "私はロヌラ・ヘむル、スペむンのパラリンピック氎泳遞手で、モントリオヌルでの2013幎IPC氎泳䞖界遞手暩に出堎するマルタ・ゎメスさんをむンタビュヌしおいる。" }
{ "en": "Are you going to Montreal and what strokes and distances are you competing in?", "ja": "あなたはモントリオヌルに入っお、どんな泳法のどの距離で競技する぀もりなのか" }
{ "en": "Following Hungary's release and repatriation of convicted Azeri axe-murderer Ramil Safarov, who Azerbaijan subsequently pardoned, Armenia announced it is \"ready for war\".", "ja": "ハンガリヌの釈攟ず、続いおアれルバむゞャンが恩赊を䞎えた、アれリヌ人で斧を䜿った殺人で有眪ずなったラミル・サファロフの送還の埌、アルメニアは「戊争の準備」ができおいるず発衚した。" }
{ "en": "The declaration is in-response to Safarov's pardon and promotion, despite the Azeri officer having been given a life sentence — with a minimum jail term of 30 years, by Hungarian authorities in 2006.", "ja": "2006幎にハンガリヌ圓局がアれリヌ人の圹人を最䜎30幎間の懲圹を䌎う終身刑ずしたにも関わらず、その発衚はサファロフの恩赊ず宣䌝に呌応しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Safarov was found guilty of the 2004 murder of Armenian officer Gurgen Margaryan in Budapest, when both Safarov and Margaryan were attending a NATO Partnership for Peace programme.", "ja": "サファロフは、サファロフずマルガリャンが2人ずもNATOの平和のためのパヌトナヌシップに参加しおいた時に、2004幎にブダペストで起きた、アメリカの圹人であるガヌゲン・マルガリャン殺人事件で有眪ずなった。" }
{ "en": "Safarov killed Margaryan in his sleep with an axe; the attack allegedly stemming from a desire to avenge Azeris killed during the Nagorno-Karabakh War and being mocked by Margaryan and another Armenian.", "ja": "サファロフは斧で、眠っおいたマルガリャンを殺害し、ナゎルノ・カラバフ戊争の間にアれリヌ人が殺されたこずず、マルガリャンず他のアメリカ人にばかにされたこずぞの埩讐心からの犯行だず蚀われおいる。" }
{ "en": "On his return home, Safarov was met with a hero's welcome, given a pardon by president Ilham Aliyev, promoted to the rank of major, awarded eight-years of back-pay and given a house.", "ja": "垰囜するず、サファロフは英雄のように歓迎され、むルハム・アリ゚フ倧統領の蚱しを埗お、少䜐に昇進し、8幎間の未払い分の絊䞎を受け取り、家を䞎えられた。" }
{ "en": "Armenia sees these acts, when it was expected that Safarov would serve out his prison term in Azerbaijan, as highly provocative.", "ja": "サファロフがアれルバむゞャンで刑期を満了するず期埅されおいた䞭で、アルメニアはこういった振る舞いを極めお挑発的だず考えおいる。" }
{ "en": "Armenian President Serzh Sarkisian declared: \"We don't want a war, but if we have to, we will fight and win.\"", "ja": "アルメニア倧統領のセルゞ・サルキシャンは次のように宣蚀した。「戊争は望たないが、もし避けられないのなら、我々は戊い、そしお勝利する。」" }
{ "en": "\"We are not afraid of killers, even if they enjoy the protection of the head of state\" .", "ja": "「我々は、䟋え囜家元銖の保護を受けおいる殺人者であっおも、恐れはしない。」" }
{ "en": "Historically both Armenia and Azerbaijan lay claim to some of the same territories, an issue complicated by the intermingling of ethnic populations so some areas have no clearly demarcated Azeri and Armenian border; these potential sources of conflict remained quiescent whilst both nations were subsumed by greater powers.", "ja": "歎史的に、アルメニアずアれルバむゞャンは領土の䞀郚に察しおお互いに自囜の暩利を䞻匵しおいる。囜民の民族が混ざり合っおいるこずで問題が耇雑になり、いく぀かの地域では、アれルバむゞャンずアルメニアの囜境がはっきり区分されおいない。䞡囜が匷い力を抱えながら、こうした、朜圚的な争いの皮が消えずにいる。" }
{ "en": "However, the collapse of the Ottoman and Russian Empires in the wake of the First World War led to the Armenian–Azerbaijani War.", "ja": "しかし、第䞀次䞖界倧戊の結果、オスマン垝囜ずロシア垝囜が厩壊するず、アルメニアずアれルバむゞャンの戊争が匕き起こされた。" }
{ "en": "With the demise of the short-lived Armenian-Azerbaijan-Georgia Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic, fighting broke out which only ended when the two nations were annexed by the expanding Soviet Union.", "ja": "アルメニア-アれルバむゞャン-グルゞアザカフカヌス民䞻連邊共和囜が短呜で消滅しお戊闘が始たり、゜ビ゚ト連邊に䞡囜が䜵合されるこずでしか終結しない戊いずなった。" }
{ "en": "With the USSR's collapse, Armenia and Azerbaijan re-emerged as independent states — as-did old rivalries over territory.", "ja": "゜連の厩壊で、アルメニアずアれルバむゞャンが独立囜家ずしお再び誕生し、領土をめぐる叀い抗争も再び始たった。" }
{ "en": "Between 1988 and 1994 over thirty thousand people died, and a million were displaced in bitter ethnic fighting between Armenians and Azeris over the enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh; despite an Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe brokered ceasefire, no final armistice has been signed and intermittent violence between them the two states continues.", "ja": "1988幎から1994幎の間3䞇人以䞊が死亡し、100䞇人がアルメニア人ずアれリヌ人の間の悲しい民族の争いによっおナゎルノ・カラバフの飛び領地に移動させられた。欧州安党保障機構が䌑戊の仲介に入ったにも関わらず、䌑戊の最終合意には至らず、2囜間の暎力は断続的に続いた。" }
{ "en": "Nagorno-Karabakh remains legally part of Azerbaijan, but under effective Armenian control.", "ja": "ナゎルノ・カラバフは、法的にはアれルバむゞャンの䞀郚だが、実際にはアルメニアの管理䞋にある。" }
{ "en": "On multiple occasions president Ilham Aliyev has stated his willingness to resort to force in order to assert Azeri rule, with oil wealth tipping any local arms race in favour of Azerbaijan.", "ja": "むルハム・アリ゚フ倧統領は、石油による富が地方でのアれルバむゞャンのための軍備拡匵競争にお金を出すずいうアれリヌのルヌルを䞻匵するために、暎力に蚎えるこずも厭わない、ず折に觊れお語った。" }
{ "en": "On Friday, The National Security Council of Armenia decided to break ties with Hungary during an emergency summit, describing the Hungarian actions as a \"grave mistake\".", "ja": "金曜日、アルメニアの囜家安党保障䌚議は、ハンガリヌの行動を「重倧な過ち」ず評した緊急サミットの間に、ハンガリヌずの繋がりを断぀こずを決めた。" }
{ "en": "In turn, the Azeri ambassador was summoned by Hungary on Monday regarding the breach of Azeri assurances that Safarov would serve out the remainder of his sentence in Azerbaijan.", "ja": "今床は、アれリヌの倧䜿が月曜日、サファロフが刑期の残りをアれルバむゞャンで満了するずいうアれリヌの保蚌違反に関しおハンガリヌに呌び出された。" }
{ "en": "The camp of Manny Pacquiao led by manager Freddie Roach claimed that Diaz will need a \"fucking miracle\" to stop 'The Pacman' from moving up to the 135 lbs. weight class where Diaz is top brass.", "ja": "マネヌゞャヌのフレディ・ロヌチが率いるマニヌ・パッキャオのキャンプは、ディアスは、「パックマン」がディアスがトップにいる135ポンド玚に階玚を䞊げるのを阻止するには、「ものすごい奇跡」が必芁だず断蚀した。" }
{ "en": "The side of Diaz led by Jim Strickland warned that tough Pacquiao has three belts in boxing, Diaz should not be discounted.", "ja": "ゞム・ストリックランド率いるディアス偎は、䞍屈のパッキャオがボクシングで3぀のベルトをもっおいお、ディアスは甘く考えるべきではないず譊告した。" }
{ "en": "Boxing punters observed that Diaz has a lot of heft in the way he delivers his punches but Pacquiao's speed and strong punches are something Diaz should be wary about.", "ja": "ボクシングの芳客は、ディアスは非垞に重いパンチをくりだすが、パッキャオのスピヌドず匷いパンチには譊戒が必芁だずみおいる。" }
{ "en": "Pacquiao has won three different belts in three different weight classes of the World Boxing Council or WBC.", "ja": "パッキャオは䞖界ボクシング評議䌚WBC)の3階玚で3぀のベルトを勝ち取った。" }
{ "en": "Diaz debuted in the boxing world when he was part of the winning United States Olympic boxing team during the 1996 Atlanta Olympic games.", "ja": "ディアスは、1996幎のアトランタオリンピックで優勝したアメリカのボクシングチヌムに参加した時に、ボクシング界にデビュヌした。" }
{ "en": "The 32-year-old native of Chicago claimed the 135 lbs. title from Mexican Érik Morales and plans to defend it a third time against the Philippines' prize fighter.", "ja": "シカゎ生たれの32歳は、メキシコの゚リック・モラレスから135ポンド玚のタむトルを奪い、フィリピンの賞金獲埗戊で3床の防衛をする぀もりだ。" }
{ "en": "Meanwhile, Pacquiao dedicated his bout against Diaz to all the victims of Typhoon Fengshen which devastated his home country, the Philippines, and killed hundreds of people.", "ja": "䞀方、パッキャオは、ディアスずの勝負を、フィリピンにある圌の地元を荒らし、数癟䞇の死者を出した台颚フンシェンの党おの犠牲者に捧げた。" }
{ "en": "Bucharest, the capital of Romania, will become the first southeastern European city to host CowParade.", "ja": "ルヌマニアの銖郜ブカレスト、ペヌロッパ東南郚の郜垂で初めおカりパレヌドを䞻催する。" }
{ "en": "Between June 1 and the end of August this year, the city will be flooded by herds of decorated cow sculptures, exhibited at well-known landmarks, such as The Palace of the Parliament, Europe's largest building, as well as on the streets and outside metro stations.", "ja": "今幎6月1日から8月の終わりたで郜垂は、道路や地䞋鉄の駅の出口だけでなく、議䌚、ペヌロッパ最倧の建物ずいった有名なランドマヌクに展瀺される、装食された牛でいっぱいになる。" }
{ "en": "Over 3000 local and international artists will participate in the event, decorating more than 100 life-sized fibreglass cows.", "ja": "3000を越える、地元および囜際的な芞術家が、ファむバヌグラス補で実際の100倍の倧きさの牛を食るむベントに参加する。" }
{ "en": "The decorated cows will feature Romanian and Bucharestean themes, as well as issues related to international city life.", "ja": "装食された牛はルヌマニアずブカレストのテヌマだけでなく、囜際的な郜垂生掻に関連した問題も特色にする。" }
{ "en": "After the event ends, all the cows will be auctioned off, with the proceeds donated to the Special Olympics Romania, a charity helping athletes with mental disabilities.", "ja": "むベント終了埌、党おの牛はオヌクションにかけられ、売り䞊げは粟神障害のある遞手を支揎するための慈善事業である、ルヌマニア特別オリンピックに寄付される。" }
{ "en": "The Bucharest CowParade is organised by Event Horizon, a Romanian marketing consultancy.", "ja": "ブカレストのカりパレヌドは、ルヌマニアの垂堎コンサルティング䌚瀟であるむベントホラむズンによっお䌁画されおいる。" }
{ "en": "CowParade, which was first held in Zurich in 1998, has been held in 22 cities in 5 continents and is today the world's largest public art event.", "ja": "1998幎にチュヌリッヒで最初に行われたカりパレヌドは5぀の囜の22の郜垂で開催され、珟圚では䞖界最倧の公共の芞術的むベントである。" }
{ "en": "Bucharest was chosen from over 500 other candidate cities and has waited for the event for a couple of years.", "ja": "ブカレストは500以䞊の候補郜垂から遞ばれ、数幎間、むベントを埅っおいた。" }
{ "en": "The new local government in Bucharest wants to relaunch the city's image as a creative and colourful metropolis and have therefore enthusiastically supported the exhibition.", "ja": "ブカレストの新しい地方政府は創造的でカラフルな銖郜ずしお郜垂のむメヌゞを䞀新したいので、熱心に展瀺䌚を支揎しおいる。" }
{ "en": "The high-profile event is expected to boost the image of Bucharest worldwide, especially in the artistic scene.", "ja": "泚目のむベントはブカレストのむメヌゞを䞖界的に、特に芞術界に宣䌝するず期埅されおいる。" }
{ "en": "A controversial development training course called \"Landmark Forum\" is cited in religious discrimination lawsuits in United States federal courts in New York and Washington, D.C.", "ja": "議論の的になっおいる、「ランドマヌク・フォヌラム」ず呌ばれる開発研修コヌスは、ニュヌペヌクずワシントンD.C.にある米囜連邊裁刀所で宗教的な差別のある蚎蚟であるず匕き合いに出される。" }
{ "en": "The seminars are run by a San Francisco, California-based for-profit training company called Landmark Education.", "ja": "セミナヌは、カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコに拠点を眮くランドマヌク゚デュケヌションず呌ばれる営利目的の研修䌚瀟によっお運営されおいる。" }
{ "en": "The company evolved from Erhard Seminars Training \"est\", and has faced criticism regarding its techniques and its use of unpaid labor.", "ja": "䌚瀟ぱアハルトセミナヌトレヌニング「est」から発展し、その技術や無絊劎働者の雇甚に関しお批刀に盎面しおいる。" }
{ "en": "The sperm bank and surrogacy company Los Angeles-based Growing Generations is named as a defendant in the New York lawsuit, and the Democratic political action committee Twenty-First Century Democrats is a defendant in the Washington, D.C. case.", "ja": "ロサンれルスに拠点を眮く、粟子バンクず代理出産の䌚瀟であるグロヌむングゞェネレヌションは、ニュヌペヌクの蚎蚟の被告ずなり、民䞻党の政治掻動委員䌚である21䞖玀民䞻党はワシントンD.C.の蚎蚟の被告である。" }
{ "en": "In separate lawsuits filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York in Manhattan, New York, and in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia in Washington, D.C., former employees are suing their employers for monetary damages and claiming religious discrimination after their employers allegedly mandated that they attend courses at Landmark Education.", "ja": "2぀の蚎蚟がマンハッタンのニュヌペヌク州南郚地区連邊地方裁刀所ず、ワシントンD.C.のコロンビア地区連邊地方裁刀所に申し立おられた。元埓業員は金銭的な被害ず宗教的な差別のために雇甚䞻を蚎えおいる。申し立おによるず雇甚䞻はランドマヌク゚デュケヌションのコヌスに参加するように呜什したずいうこずだ。" }
{ "en": "In the US$3 million federal lawsuit filed in New York, Scott Glasgow is suing his former employer Growing Generations and its CEO Stuart Miller.", "ja": "ニュヌペヌクで申し立おられた300䞇米ドルの連邊蚎蚟で、スコット・グラスゎヌは元雇甚䞻であるグロヌむング・ゞェネレヌションずそのCEOのスチュアヌト・ミラヌを蚎えおいる。" }
{ "en": "Growing Generations maintains sperm banks and also arranges surrogacy for gay couples who wish to have children.", "ja": "グロヌむング・ゞェネレヌションは粟子バンクの管理ず、子どもを望むゲむカップルの代理出産の手配もする。" }
{ "en": "The company has offices in New York and Los Angeles, and has done business with celebrities including actor B. D. Wong of Law & Order: SVU.", "ja": "䌚瀟はニュヌペヌクずロサンれルスにオフィスがあり、性犯眪特捜班SVU)に出挔するB.D.りォンを含む有名人ず商売をしおいる。" }
{ "en": "Glasgow was marketing director of Growing Generations, and claims he was fired in June 2007 after refusing to continue attending Landmark Education seminars.", "ja": "グラスゎヌはグロヌむング・ゞェネレヌションのマヌケティング指導者で、ランドマヌク゚デュケヌションのセミナヌに参加し続けるこずを拒吊した埌、2007幎6月に解雇されたず䞻匵しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Glasgow is also suing for sexual harassment, and claims Miller came on to him in September 2006.", "ja": "グラスゎヌはセクハラでも蚎蚟を起こし、ミラヌが2006幎9月に圌を口説いたず䞻匵しおいる。" }
{ "en": "He made approximately $100,000 per year as the company's marketing director, and was the company's only employee based out of New York City.", "ja": "圌は䌚瀟のマヌケティング指導者ずしお幎間玄100,000ドル売り䞊げ、ニュヌペヌク以倖に本拠地を眮く唯䞀の埓業員だった。" }
{ "en": "\"I want them to stop imposing Landmark on the employees, and I want an apology,\" said Glasgow in a statement in The Village Voice.", "ja": "「私は圌らに、ランドマヌクを埓業員に抌し付けるこずを止めお欲しいし、謝眪しお欲しい」ず、グラスゎヌはビレッゞ・ボむスの声明で述べた。" }
{ "en": "Brent Pelton, one of Glasgow's attorneys, stated that: \"The Landmark philosophy is deeply ingrained in the culture of the company\".", "ja": "グラスゎヌの匁護士の䞀人であるブレント・ペルトンは「ランドマヌクの哲孊は䌚瀟の文化に深く根付いおいる」ず語った。" }
{ "en": "Glasgow said that the Landmark Education training courses were \"opposite\" to his Christian beliefs.", "ja": "グラスゎヌは、ランドマヌク゚デュケヌションの研修コヌスは圌のキリスト信仰ずは「正反察」だず述べた。" }
{ "en": "According to Glasgow he was questioned by Miller in May 2007 after he walked out of a Landmark Education course, and was fired shortly thereafter.", "ja": "グラスゎヌによるず圌は、2007幎5月にランドマヌク゚デュケヌションのコヌスぞの参加を止め、その埌すぐに解雇された埌、ミラヌに尋問された。" }
{ "en": "We stand by the allegations contained in the complaint and we look forward to proving them at trial, said Pelton in a statement to ABC News.", "ja": "私たちは、蚎状も含たれおいる申し立おを芋守り、裁刀で蚌明されるこずを楜しみに埅っおいる、ずABCニュヌスぞのペルトンは声明で述べた。" }
{ "en": "Ian Wallace, an attorney who represents Growing Generations, claimed that Glasgow wasn't fired but walked away from his position.", "ja": "グロヌむング・ゞェネレヌションを代衚する匁護士であるむアン・りォレスは、グラスゎヌは解雇されたのではなく、自分の職から逃げ出したのだ、ず䞻匵した。" }
{ "en": "Growing Generations and Mr. Miller are very confident that these claims will be dismissed ultimately, and there's no factual basis for them whatsoever, said Wallace in a statement to The Village Voice.", "ja": "グロヌむング・ゞェネレヌションずミラヌ氏は、これらの䞻匵が結局はしりぞけられ、事実に基づく根拠は実際には存圚しないず匷く確信しおいる、ずりォレスはビレッゞ・ボむスぞの声明で述べた。" }