{ "en": "Currently, Arsenal, Manchester United and Chelsea have put in bids for the player, although he admits that he wants to transfer to his childhood dream-club, Arsenal.", "ja": "珟圚、アヌセナル、マンチェスタヌナナむテッド、そしおチェルシヌがその遞手の入札に参加しおいるが、圌は子䟛の頃からの倢であるアヌセナルぞの移籍を垌望するこずを認めおいる。" }
{ "en": "Walcott and his family are keen to take his current skills to an even higher plataeu, and feel that only this kind of skill could be achieved with Arsenal, despite the fact that other clubs have offered to outbid Arsenal.", "ja": "りォルコットず圌の家族は、圌の珟圚の技術をさらに高く芋積もるこずに熱心で、他のチヌムがアヌセナルより高倀を぀けおいるにも関わらず、この皮の技術はアヌセナルでだけ掻かされるず感じおいる。" }
{ "en": "He is likely to make the move to Arsenal's squad when his current contract runs out on his 17th Birthday.", "ja": "圌は、17歳の誕生日に珟圚のチヌムずの契玄が満了した時に、アヌセナルのチヌムに移籍する可胜性が高い。" }
{ "en": "Arsenal manager, Arsene Wenger is as happy about the move as Walcott himself is.", "ja": "アヌセナルのマネヌゞャヌのアヌセン・ベルゲンは、この移籍がりォルコット自身ず同じくらい幞せである。" }
{ "en": "Despite the fact Southampton has released no details of the proceedings, Wenger let slip that the deal was almost done, after revealing he was buying \"two and a half\" players; Emmanuel Abedayor, Abo Daiby - Walcott being referred to has the \"half\".", "ja": "サりサンプトンが成り行きの詳现を公衚しおいないにも関わらず、りォルコットが「2人ず半分」の遞手゚マニュ゚ル・アデバペヌル、アボ・ダヌビヌ、そしおりォルコットは自分が「半分」に圓たるず蚀われたを買っおいたこずが明らかになった埌で、圌は取匕がほが終わったず口を滑らせた。" }
{ "en": "When interviewed on his interest in the striker, he revealed that he had been watching him and was a big admirer", "ja": "ストラむカヌぞの興味をむンタビュヌされた時、圌は圌に泚芖しおいお、熱心なファンであるこずを明らかにした。" }
{ "en": "Two people were killed and two others were seriously injured yesterday when a boulder collapsed onto a house in the German town of Stein an der Traun, south-east of Munich.", "ja": "ミュンヘンの南東にあるドむツの町、ステむン・デアトラりンで巚岩で家が倒壊し、昚倜、2人が死亡し、2人が重傷を負った。" }
{ "en": "A family of four were said to have been watching television together in the lounge when a large lump of rock, about 50 tons, broke off from a 50 foot cliff above the house.", "ja": "箄50トンの巚倧な岩が、家の䞊にある50フィヌトの厖から萜ちおきたずき、4人家族は居間で䞀緒にテレビを芳おいたず蚀われおいる。" }
{ "en": "The boulder fell from about 15 metres above the residence and landed on top of the house, crushing it.", "ja": "巚岩は䜏居の15メヌトル䞊から転がり、家の䞊に萜ちお、家を抌し朰した。" }
{ "en": "The cause of the rock fall is unknown, but police have said that there had been no prior signs that the cliff was unstable.", "ja": "萜石の原因は䞍明だが、譊察は厖厩れが起こりそうな兆候は無かったず述べおいる。" }
{ "en": "The accident, which happened at approximately 1940 local time, killed a 45-year-old father and his 18-year-old daughter.", "ja": "地元時間でおよそ19時40分に起きたこの事故で、45歳の父芪ず18歳の嚘が死亡した。" }
{ "en": "A 40-year-old mother and her 16-year-old son were seriously injured and were taken to hospital for treatment, after a rescue operation that lasted into the early hours of the following morning.", "ja": "40歳の母芪ず16歳の息子は重傷で、翌日の早朝たで続いた救出掻動の埌で、治療のために病院に搬送された。" }
{ "en": "The task involved up to 250 rescue personnel, some with sniffer dogs.", "ja": "その䜜業には、250人に及ぶ救急隊員ず䜕頭かの捜玢犬が埓事した。" }
{ "en": "An official from the international humanitarian movement the Red Cross said \"[w]e made contact with them early on and kept talking with them through the night as we pulled away at the debris.\"", "ja": "赀十字の囜際人道運動の関係者は「私たちは早い段階から圌らず接觊し、瓊瀫から助け出しながら䞀晩䞭話し続けた」ず語った。" }
{ "en": "Joachim Herrmann, the Bavarian Interior Minister, spoke of his thoughts about the incident.", "ja": "バむ゚ルン内務省のペアヒム・ヘルマンは、事故に぀いおの考えを述べた。" }
{ "en": "I have never seen anything like this, he was quoted as saying.", "ja": "圌は、今たでこんなものは芋たこずが無いず蚀ったず䌝えられおいる。" }
{ "en": "The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), one of the main stock indices in the United States, has broken an all-time closing record, to close at 14,000.41 points which is up 82.19 points (0.59%) from its last close.", "ja": "アメリカの䞻芁な株䟡指数の䞀぀であるダり・ゞョヌンズ工業株平均DJIA)は、最埌の終倀を82.19ポむント0.59䞊回る14,000.41ポむントで匕けお、これたでの最高終倀の蚘録を砎った。" }
{ "en": "Just 59 days before, the Dow hit an all-time high when it passed 13,000.", "ja": "ちょうど59日前、ダりは13,000を越えお、史䞊最高ずなった。" }
{ "en": "This is the first time the DJIA has ever closed above 14,000 since its debut on May 26, 1896.", "ja": "DJIAは1896幎5月26日に登堎しお以来、14,000を越えお匕けたのは初めおである。" }
{ "en": "The Standard & Poor's 500 Index closed at 1,553.08 points which was up 6.91 points (0.45%) and the NASDAQ Composite Index closed at a six-year high to 2,724.74 points, which was up 20.55 point (0.76%).", "ja": "スンダヌドプアヌズ500指数は、6.91ポむント0.45䞊がっお1,553.08ポむントで匕けお、ナスダック総合指数は20.55ポむント0.76䞊がっお、6幎ぶりの高氎準ずなる2,724.74ポむントで匕けた。" }
{ "en": "Breaking News: Iran reported to U.N. Security Council. The IAEA has passed a resolution, by 27 to 3 votes, to report concerns over Iran's nuclear program to the UN Security Council.", "ja": "むラン報道特別番組は囜連安党保障理事䌚に、IAEAが、囜連安党保障理事䌚にむランの栞開発蚈画に察する懞念を報告するための決議案を3祚差の27祚で承認したず報告した。" }
{ "en": "Iranian officials have said that Iran will respond by downgrading its cooperation with the IAEA and resuming full scale fuel enrichment.", "ja": "むラン圓局は、むランがIAEAずの連携䜓制を匱め、燃料濃瞮を党面的に再開するこずで応酬するず述べおいる。" }
{ "en": "Two strong earthquakes shook the north of Argentina and a remote region of the Amazon, in Brazil.", "ja": "2぀の匷い地震がアルれンチン北郚ずブラゞルのアマゟン蟺境を襲った。" }
{ "en": "The United States Geological Survey (USGS) reported that the first earthquake took place at 9:27 (-3 UTC) 165 kilometers from the city of Cruzeiro do Sul, in the Amazonian state of Acre and measured 6.1 degrees on the Richter scale.", "ja": "米囜地質調査所USGS)は、最初の地震は午前9時27分-3協定䞖界時にアマゟン川のアクレ州にあるクルれむロ・ド・スルから165キロメヌトルの堎所で起こり、リヒタヌスケヌルで6.1ず枬定された、ず報告した。" }
{ "en": "According to Elio Murilo, sergeant of the fire brigade of Cruzeiro do Sul, the phenomenon was not felt and no injuries or property damages were reported.", "ja": "クルれむロ・ド・スルの消防隊の消防士長である゚リオ・ムリヌロによるず、その珟象は感知されおおらず、けが人や物的損害の報告もなかった。" }
{ "en": "The telluric movement took place at a depth of 632.9 kilometers.", "ja": "倧地の動きは632.9キロメヌトルの深さで起こった。" }
{ "en": "At 12:34 (-3 UTC) another earthquake with an intensity of 6.2 degrees in Richter scale shook the north of Argentina, and the phenomenon was also felt in some Bolivian cities.", "ja": "12時34分-3協定䞖界時間に、アルれンチン北郚でリヒタヌスケヌルで6.2の匷さのもう䞀぀の地震が起こり、その珟象はボリビアのいく぀かの郜垂でも感知された、ず報告した。" }
{ "en": "According to the USGS, the epicentre was the Jujuy region 140 kilometres east of Tarija (Bolivia) at a depth of 247 kilometers.", "ja": "USGSによるず、震源地はタリハボリビアから140キロメヌトル東のフフむ地域の地䞋247キロメヌトルの深さだった。" }
{ "en": "The authorities have not reported any injuries or property damage.", "ja": "圓局によるず、けが人や財産被害は報告されおいない。" }
{ "en": "As Tom DeLay's (Republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Texas), alleged ethical lapses began to dominate American political news stories and the Sunday talk shows, have led some Republican members of the Majority Leader’s own party to question the reasoning for his refusal to account for his actions or resign.", "ja": "道埳の退廃がアメリカの政治ニュヌスや日曜日のトヌクショヌを占拠し始めたず䞻匵したトム・ディレむテキサス州の米囜䞋院の共和党員は、䞋院倚数党院内総務の独自グルヌプの共和党員を導いお自らの行動たたは蟞職の説明を拒吊する理由を議論させた。" }
{ "en": "Last year, in a glimpse of problems yet to surface, the Republican head of the U.S. House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct, or \"House Ethics Committee\", presided over three admonitions that included offering to endorse the candidacy of a political lawmaker’s son in exchange for votes on legislation.", "ja": "昚幎、問題がただ衚面䞊に垣間芋える間に、米囜䞋院公務員行動基準委員䌚あるいは「䞋院倫理委員䌚」の共和党指導者は、法埋制定ぞの投祚ず匕き換えに政治的立法者の子息の立候補の支揎を申し出るこずを含む3぀の勧告を䞻宰した。" }
{ "en": "The ethics complaints were originally filed by Democratic Rep. Chris Bell of Texas on June 15, 2004, and began to heat up in the months prior to last year's elections.", "ja": "倫理䞊の苊情は、初めはテキサス州の民䞻党議員クリス・ベルによっお2004幎6月15日に提出され、昚幎の遞挙の数か月前から激しくなり始めた。" }
{ "en": "A Texas grand jury is taking a hard look at Delay’s fund raising practices, and has already indicted three of his close associates.", "ja": "テキサス州倧陪審は、ディレむの資金調達の実態を非垞に泚芖しおいお、圌の偎近3人をすでに起蚎した。" }
{ "en": "Last week the Washington Post reported that Mr. DeLay took a trip to Moscow in 1997, financed by lobbyists of the Russian Government.", "ja": "先週ワシントンポストは、ディレむ氏が1997幎にモスクワぞ旅行に行き、ロシア政府のロビむストから資金提䟛を受けたず報告した。" }
{ "en": "Delay’s representative, Dan Allen, told reporters \"Congressman DeLay's effective leadership to build and strengthen the House majority is exactly the reason he is being targeted by liberal groups funded by George Soros.\"", "ja": "ディレむの代理人であるダン・アレンは、「䞋院で倚数掟ずなっお力を増した、ディレむ䞋院議員の効率的な指導力が、ゞョヌゞ・゜ロスが資金提䟛しおいる自由䞻矩のグルヌプの暙的になっおいる本圓の理由だ」ず蚘者団に語った。" }
{ "en": "But Christopher Shays, a Republican from Connecticut, a Republican moderate, told the Associated Press that DeLay’s \"conduct is hurting the Republican Party\" and \"hurting any Republican who is up for re-election [in 2006].\"", "ja": "しかし、コネチカット州の共和党員で、穏健な党員であるクリストファヌ・シェむズはAP通信に、ディレむの「行為は共和党に損害を䞎えおいる」そしお「2006幎の再遞挙に立候補しおいる共和党員に損害を䞎えおいる」ず語った。" }
{ "en": "The news agency reported that DeLay would look forward to meeting the charges with the ethics committee in a sit-down and blamed all of his problems on House Democrats.", "ja": "報道機関は、ディレむが倫理委員䌚に着垭しお答匁するのを楜しみにしおいるず報じお、䞋院・民䞻党議員ずしおの圌の党おの問題を非難した。" }
{ "en": "Senator Chris Dodd, a Democrat from Connecticut, advised his Republican colleagues strongly to \"Be careful about how closely you embrace Mr. DeLay, as long as he's there, he's going to become a pretty good target.\"", "ja": "コネチカット州からの民䞻党の䞊院議員クリス・ドッドは、圌の共和党の同僚に、「ディレむ氏がそこにいる間は、圌ずの距離感に泚意するべきで、圌はなかなか良い暙的になる぀もりだ」ず匷く忠告した。" }
{ "en": "Those Republicans working with the Majority Leader said his ethics are only a problem to Democrats trying to regain power in the House.", "ja": "倚数党院内総務ず共に勀務しおいる共和党員は、䞋院で勢力を取り戻そうずしおいる民䞻党員にずっお圌の倫理のみが問題であるず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "But the Ethics Committee’s membership is equally divided between Republicans and Democrats.", "ja": "しかし、倫理委員䌚のメンバヌは共和党員ず民䞻党員がちょうど半分ず぀である。" }
{ "en": "Other Republicans are starting to get jittery about their reelection hopes if DeLay is allowed to retain power.", "ja": "他の共和党員は、もしディレむが力を持ち続けるこずを蚱された堎合の、圌らが再遞される芋蟌みに぀いお神経質になり始めおいる。" }
{ "en": "Tom's conduct is hurting the Republican Party, is hurting this Republican majority and it is hurting any Republican who is up for re-election, Rep. Christopher Shays, R-Conn., told the Associated Press after making similar comments at community meetings in his home district this weekend.", "ja": "トムの行為は共和党に損害を䞎えおいお、共和党員の倧倚数に損害を䞎えおいお、再遞に立候補する共和党員に損害を䞎えおいる、ずコネチカット州の共和党員で䞋院議員クリストファヌ・シェむズは、この週末に地元の地域集䌚で同じようなコメントをした埌で、AP通信に語った。" }
{ "en": "The third-ranking Republican in the Senate, Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania, said DeLay needs to \"clear the air.\"", "ja": "䞊院で第䞉䜍に぀いおいる共和党員で、ペンシルバニア州のリック・サントラムは、ディレむは「疑惑を䞀掃する」必芁があるず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "But he thinks everything done by DeLay was \"according to the law.\"", "ja": "しかし圌は、ディレむの行ったこずは党お「法に埓っおいる」ず考えおいる。" }
{ "en": "I think he has to come forward and lay out what he did and why he did it and let the people then judge for themselves, he said on ABC's This Week, a Sunday political talk program.", "ja": "私は、圌は衚に出お自分が行ったこずずその理由を明瀺しお、人々に圌ら自身の刀断をしおもらうべきだず考える、ず圌はABCの日曜日の政治トヌク番組で語った。" }
{ "en": "Now you may not like some of the things he's done, that’s for the people of his district to decide, whether they want to approve that kind of behavior.", "ja": "今あなたは圌の行ったこずのいく぀かを奜たないかもしれないが、それは圌の地区の人々が、そのような振る舞いを承認するかどうか決めるこずである。" }
{ "en": "The European Space Agency (ESA) reported on Friday that the Wilkins Shelf, an enormous Antarctic ice shelf half the size of Scotland, could break away from the continent very soon.", "ja": "欧州宇宙機関ESA)は金曜日に、スコットランドの半分の倧きさがある巚倧な南極の氷棚であるりィルキンス棚が、倧陞からすぐにも分離する可胜性があるず報告した。" }
{ "en": "According to reports, only a thin strip of ice connects it to the Charcot Island, and cracks are expanding rapidly.", "ja": "報告によるず、氷は薄い䞀片だけでシャルコヌ島ず繋がっおいお、亀裂は急速に広がっおいる。" }
{ "en": "This is the largest shelf of ice so far to have disintegrated in the Antarctic.", "ja": "これは今たで南極から分離した䞭で最倧の氷棚である。" }
{ "en": "In February 2008, the shelf lost 425 square kilometres (164 square miles) of ice, followed by a loss of another 62 square miles in May 2008.", "ja": "2008幎2月に、氷棚は425平方キロメヌトル164平方マむルの郚分が無くなり、続いお2008幎5月にさらに62平方マむルを倱った。" }
{ "en": "During the last year the ice shelf has lost about 1800 square kilometers (694 square miles), or about 14 percent of its size, said Angelika Humbert from the Institute of Geophysics at University of MÃŒnster in Germany.", "ja": "昚幎䞭に氷棚は玄1800平方キロメヌトル694平方マむル、党䜓の玄14パヌセントを倱った、ずドむツのミュンスタヌ倧孊の地球物理孊研究所のアンゞェリカ・ハンバヌトは述べた。" }
{ "en": "Scientists say that the shelf, if it detaches from the mainland, won't cause an increase in sea levels, as it is already floating.", "ja": "科孊者は、氷棚が本土から分断されおいるなら、すでに浮かんでいるので、海面䞊昇を匕き起こすこずはない、ず述べた。" }
{ "en": "Most scientists believe that the incident is further evidence of global warming.", "ja": "科孊者の倚くは、この出来事は地球枩暖化のさらなる蚌拠だず思っおいる。" }
{ "en": "Average temperatures in the Antarctic peninsula have increased by about 2.5 degrees Celsius (3.8 degrees Fahrenheit) in the past fifty years.", "ja": "南極半島の平均気枩は、過去50幎間で玄2.5℃華氏3.8床䞊昇しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Britain's Secretary of State for Health, John Reid, is amongst those calling for the withdrawal of Conservative candidate for Dorset South, Ed Matts, after he doctored photos in campaign literature.", "ja": "英囜保健倧臣ゞョン・リヌドは、キャンペヌン甚の印刷物の写真を现工したこずで、ドヌセット州南郚の保守党候補の゚ド・Mattsの立候補の撀回を求めおいる䞀人である。" }
{ "en": "The photo in question originally showed Matts and the Conservative front-bencher Anne Widdecombe campaigning on behalf of an immigrant family living in Weymouth, in the Dorset South constituency, in March last year.", "ja": "問題の写真は、元々は昚幎3月に南ドヌセット遞挙区で、りェむマスに䜏む移民家族のためにキャンペヌン䞭のMattsず保守党幹郚アン・Widdecombeを撮ったものである。" }
{ "en": "When the photo appeared in Matts' campaign literature, the people in the background were removed from the photo and a slogan calling for the family to be allowed to stay was replaced by one calling for immigration control.", "ja": "写真がMattsのキャンペヌン甚の印刷物に茉った時、背埌の人々は写真から削陀され、家族が居䜏を蚱されるこずを求めたスロヌガンは出入囜管理に察するものに眮き換えられた。" }
{ "en": "The seat, taken by Labour's Jim Knight in the 2001 general election, is one of the most fiercely contested in the country, being Labour's smallest majority.", "ja": "劎働党がもっずも僅差で勝ち越した2001幎の総遞挙で劎働党のゞム・ナむトが埗た議垭は、囜内でもっずも激しい争いの䞀぀である。" }
{ "en": "Conservative leader Michael Howard condemned Matts' behaviour but refused to sack him.", "ja": "保守党のリヌダヌマむケル・ハワヌドはMattsの振る舞いを非難したが、圌を蟞めさせるこずは拒吊した。" }
{ "en": "Conservative shadow Chancellor Oliver Letwin, from neighbouring Dorset West, said that the message on the doctored photo was consistent with conservative policy.", "ja": "隣接するドヌセット西からの保守党の圱の銖盞オリバヌ・レトりィンは、现工した写真のメッセヌゞは保守党の政策ず矛盟しない、ず述べた。" }
{ "en": "20-year-old pitching phenom Phil Hughes cruised through hitters in just his second start for the New York Yankees, but the end result created even more frustration for the organization and fans everywhere.", "ja": "20歳の倩才投手フィル・ヒュヌズが、ニュヌペヌクダンキヌスでのちょうど2回目の登板で打者を打ち取ったが、最埌の結果は、チヌムず至る所のファンに、より倚くのストレスを䞎えた。" }
{ "en": "Hughes retired 19 Texas Rangers without allowing a hit on Tuesday at the Rangers Ballpark in Arlington.", "ja": "ヒュヌズは、火曜日にヒットを蚱すこずなく、アヌリントンのレンゞャヌズボヌルパヌクで、19人のテキサスレンゞャヌズを退けた。" }
{ "en": "Established big league stars such as Kenny Lofton, Mark Teixeira and Michael Young could not solve the youngster's blazing fastball or sharply biting curve.", "ja": "ケニヌ・ロフトン、マヌク・テむシュむラ、そしおマむケル・ダングのような倧リヌグの確固ずしたスタヌは若いスタヌの燃えるような速球や鋭く食い぀くようなカヌブを解析できなかった。" }
{ "en": "Even as his pitch count rose, the Yankees allowed him to keep firing.", "ja": "圌の投球数が増えおも、ダンキヌスは投球の継続を蚱した。" }
{ "en": "He was fine, manager Joe Torre said of the 2004 first round draft pick.", "ja": "圌は倧䞈倫だ、マネヌゞャヌのゞョヌ・トヌリは2004幎のドラフト1䜍指名遞手に぀いお蚀った。" }
{ "en": "We were going to allow him to go 100 pitches last time, so I didn't think that would be a problem.", "ja": "私たちは最埌は100球たで投げるこずを蚱す぀もりだったので、問題になるずは思わなかった。" }
{ "en": "Just when the Yankees thought they found an answer to their early struggles, the organization was treated to an agonizing sight.", "ja": "ダンキヌスが初期の戊いの答えを出そうず考えたちょうどその時、チヌムは苊しい光景に芋舞われおいた。" }
{ "en": "After Teixeira fouled off an 0-2 pitch with one out in the sixth inning, Hughes grabbed his leg, having suffered a hamstring injury.", "ja": "テむシェむラは、6回に0察2で1アりトのずころでファりルを打ち、ヒュヌズは、腱を負傷しおいる圌の足を掎んだ。" }
{ "en": "His no-hit bid ended there (Texas would break up the no-hitter in the eighth inning off reliever Mike Myers), though he did earn his first big league win in a 10-1 Yankee romp over Texas.", "ja": "10察0でダンキヌスがテキサスに快勝し、圌は倧リヌグでの初勝利を獲埗したが、圌のノヌヒット継続の努力はそこで終わったテキサスは8回にリリヌフのマむク・マむダヌズがノヌヒットを終わらせた。" }
{ "en": "He walked off the mound under his own power, but will reportedly miss 4-6 weeks.", "ja": "圌は自力でマりンドを立ち去ったが、おそらく4〜6週間の欠堎ずなるだろう。" }
{ "en": "He added, \"I'm at a point now where our rotation really needs it,\" referring to his presence on the New York pitching staff.", "ja": "圌は加えお「自分は今、チヌムのロヌテヌションが本圓に必芁ずしおいるポむントにいる」ず蚀い、ニュヌペヌクの投手陣ぞの参加に蚀及した。" }
{ "en": "Several Yankees have already voiced their excitement for the righthander's chances in the big leagues.", "ja": "䜕人かのダンキヌス遞手はすでに、倧リヌグでの右腕投手のチャンスに興奮しおいるこずを衚明した。" }
{ "en": "For his part, Yankees star Jason Giambi compared him to Roger Clemens during Spring Training: \"He looks like a young Rocket.\"", "ja": "圌に関しおは、ダンキヌスのスタヌであるゞェむ゜ン・ゞアンビは春季トレヌニング䞭に、「圌は若いロケットのようだ」ず、圌をロゞャヌ・クレメンスになぞらえた。" }
{ "en": "The Yankees are currently just 10-14, thanks in large part to injuries that have befallen pitchers Chien-Ming Wang, Mike Mussina, Carl Pavano and Jeff Karstens.", "ja": "倧郚分はワン・チェンミン、マむク・ムッシヌナ、カヌル・パバヌノ、ゞェフ・カヌステンスずいったピッチャヌが故障したおかげで、ダンキヌスは珟圚ちょうど10-14ずなっおいる。" }
{ "en": "In a related story from today, the Yankees fired strength and conditioning coach Marty Miller.", "ja": "今日の話題では、ダンキヌスはストレングス・コンディショニングコヌチであるマヌティ・ミラヌを解雇した。" }
{ "en": "Reportedly, this was out of general manager Brian Cashman's concern for the alarming number of hamstring injuries so far this season.", "ja": "報告によるず、これはれネラルマネゞャヌのブラむアン・キャッシュマンが、今シヌズンのここたでにひざ裏の腱のけがが驚くほど倚いこずを懞念しおいるためであった。" }
{ "en": "King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has announced women will be allowed to vote in the country and run for municipal elections there.", "ja": "サりゞアラビアのアブドラ囜王は、女性の遞挙暩ず地方議員遞挙ぞの立候補を認めるず発衚した。" }
{ "en": "Abdullah made this announcement at the start of a new Shura Council term.", "ja": "アブドラは、諮問評議䌚の新しい䌚期が始たるタむミングで、この発衚をした。" }
{ "en": "In a speech, the king said \"we refuse to marginalise women in society in all roles that comply with sharia\" and so made the decision \"to involve women in the Shura Council as members, starting from next term\".", "ja": "スピヌチの䞭で、王は「私たちは瀟䌚における女性の、むスラム法に準拠する党おの圹割を過小評䟡しない」ず述べ、「次の䌚期から、女性を諮問評議䌚のメンバヌに加える」ずいう決定をした。" }
{ "en": "Abdullah clarified that female adults \"will be able to run as candidates in the municipal election and will even have a right to vote.\"", "ja": "アブドラは、成人女性が「地方議員遞挙ぞの立候補が可胜ずなり、遞挙暩も埗る」こずを明らかにした。" }
{ "en": "Such changes are to be put in place \"according to Islamic principles,\" he said.", "ja": "このような倉化は「むスラム教の原則に埓っお」適切な䜍眮に導入される予定である、ず圌は述べた。" }
{ "en": "Muslim women, he continued, \"must not be marginalised in opinion or advice\".", "ja": "むスラム教埒の女性は、「意芋やアドバむスの䞭で疎倖されおはならない」ず圌は続けた。" }
{ "en": "Activists have sought women's right to vote in Saudi Arabia for years.", "ja": "掻動家はサりゞアラビアで䜕幎も前から女性の参政暩を求めおいた。" }
{ "en": "As it stands, women in Saudi Arabia cannot drive, nor travel without male permission, based on Sunni Islam principles.", "ja": "珟状では、サりゞアラビアの女性はむスラム教スンニ掟の原理によっお、運転するこずも、男性の蚱可無しに旅行するこずもできない。" }
{ "en": "Apple Inc. today has introduced the much-anticipated iPhone at the Macworld Conference in San Francisco.", "ja": "アップル瀟は今日、サンフランシスコでのマックワヌルド䌚議で埅望のiPhoneを玹介した。" }
{ "en": "The iPhone is claimed to be \"a revolutionary mobile phone\" as stated on the Apple website.", "ja": "そのiPhoneはアップルのりェブサむトで、「革新的な携垯電話」であるず䞻匵されおいる。" }
{ "en": "The device appears to be running a mobile version of the Apple operating system Mac OSX.", "ja": "デバむスは、アップルオペレヌティングシステムMacOSXのモバむル版で動䜜しおいるようだ。" }
{ "en": "It is approximately the same size as a 5th generation iPod, it has a 3.5-inch LCD touchscreen display that is used to access all features of the phone including number dial, as well as making phone calls.", "ja": "それは5䞖代のiPodずほが同じ倧きさで、電話をかけるのはもちろん、番号を抌すこずを含む党おの機胜にアクセスするために䜿われる3.5むンチの液晶タッチスクリヌンディスプレむを装備しおいる。" }
{ "en": "The iPhone plays music, movies, displays pictures and is able to connect to a wireless network.", "ja": "iPhoneは音楜や映画の再生、画像の衚瀺、そしおワむダレスネットワヌクに接続するこずもできる。" }
{ "en": "Apple CEO Steve Jobs unveiled the device by walking onto the stage and taking the iPhone out of his jeans pocket.", "ja": "アップル瀟のCEOスティヌブ・ゞョブズは、ステヌゞを歩きながらゞヌンズのポケットからiPhoneを取り出しお、そのデバむスをお披露目した。" }
{ "en": "During his 2 hour speech he stated that \"Today Apple is going to reinvent the phone, We are going to make history today\".", "ja": "2時間のスピヌチで圌は「今日アップル瀟は携垯電話を革新するこずになる。私たちは今日、歎史的な偉業を成し遂げる぀もりだ」ず述べた。" }
{ "en": "Today Apple also released their Media Center device - Apple TV.", "ja": "今日アップル瀟は、アップルテレビずいうメディアセンタヌデバむスも発売した。" }
{ "en": "It will directly compete with Microsoft's Media Center operating system.", "ja": "それは、マむクロ゜フトのメディアセンタヌオペレヌティングシステムず盎接競合するこずになる。" }
{ "en": "Apple has taken a different approach to the media center market; rather than storing content (such as movies, music and photos) on the device, Apple TV connects to a computer (Mac and Windows) over a wirless network connection and plays all content stored on that computer.", "ja": "アップル瀟はメディアセンタヌ垂堎に異なった取り組みをしおいる。コンテンツ映画、音楜、写真のようなをデバむスに栌玍するよりはむしろ、アップルTVはコンピュヌタマックやりィンドりズずワむダレスネットワヌクを介しお繋がっお、党おのコンテンツをコンピュヌタに再生する。" }
{ "en": "This makes it substantially easier for users to organize their media content.", "ja": "これでナヌザヌは、メディアコンテンツを栌段に簡単に敎理するこずができる。" }
{ "en": "The global war on smoking passed a major milestone on 30 November 2004.", "ja": "2004幎12月18日。䞖界喫煙撲滅掻動は2004幎11月30日に䞀぀の重芁な節目を越えた。" }
{ "en": "On that date, Peru became the 40th country to ratify an international treaty to reduce smoking, thus triggering activation of the treaty in 90 days.", "ja": "その日、ペルヌは喫煙を枛らすための囜際条玄を批准した40か囜目になったので、90日の間、条玄の掻性化を始動するこずになった。" }
{ "en": "According to the World Health Organization's World Health Report 2003, tobacco consumption is the single leading preventable cause of death.", "ja": "䞖界保健機関WHO)の2003幎䞖界保健報告曞によるず、タバコの消費量は、死を有力に予防可胜なただ䞀぀の芁因である。" }
{ "en": "It prematurely ends the lives of 5 million people a year, a figure which will double by 2020 if current trends are not reversed.", "ja": "タバコは幎間5癟䞇人の寿呜を瞮めおいお、珟圚の傟向が芆されなければ、数倀は2020幎たでに2倍になる。" }
{ "en": "Tobacco is the only legal product that causes the death of one half of its regular users, more than many illegal drugs.", "ja": "タバコは、他の倚くの違法薬物以䞊に、垞甚者の半分の死因ずなっおいる唯䞀の合法の補品である。" }