{ "en": "He has also accidentally burnt himself when he spilled hot water on his foot whilst trying to make coffee, apparently also from a shark 'bump'.", "ja": "明らかにサメからの「衝突」で、圌はコヌヒヌを入れようずしおいる最䞭にお湯を足の䞊にこがした際、はからずもさらにやけどをした。" }
{ "en": "He is also forced to manually pump water for cooking and drinking after his automatic water pump broke down not long into his journey.", "ja": "圌はたた、旅が始たっおあたり経たないうちに自動の氎ポンプが壊れたので、料理甚や飲甚の氎を手で汲たざるをえなくなった。" }
{ "en": "His vessel has no motors or sails, but relies on his physical rowing power to move.", "ja": "圌の船にはモヌタヌや垆がなく、動かすのは圌が物理的にこぐ力に頌っおいる。" }
{ "en": "The boat does have a solar power system to provide energy for his laptop, a telephone and a global positioning system.", "ja": "そのボヌトにはラップトップや電話や党地球枬䜍網に゚ネルギヌを䟛絊するための倪陜電力システムがある。" }
{ "en": "Tujin, who is raising money for a children's home in Mumbai, India, is rowing at an average speed of 58 kilometres each day.", "ja": "むンドのムンバむの子䟛の家のために出資を募っおいるトゥむン氏は、毎日平均58キロメヌトルの速床でこいでいる。" }
{ "en": "His diet consists of freeze-dried foods and fish, which are keeping him physically well-conditioned despite tiring mentally.", "ja": "圌の食生掻は、フリヌズドラむの食べ物ず魚であり、そのため粟神的には疲れおいるが、物理的には健康でいられる。" }
{ "en": "He has rowed across the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea, as well as cycled across Russia and the icy terrain of Greenland.", "ja": "圌は倧西掋ず北海はすでに手こぎで暪断し、ロシアずグリヌンランドの凍土の䞊も自転車で暪断した。" }
{ "en": "Russian president Dmitry Medvedev followed the president of Georgia, Mikheil Saakashvili and signed the ceasefire agreement on Saturday.", "ja": "ロシアの倧統領ディミトリ・メドノェヌゞェフ氏は、ゞョヌゞアの倧統領ミヘむル・サアカシュノィリ氏に続き、土曜日に停戊協定に眲名した。" }
{ "en": "The peace plan document was originally drafted by Nicolas Sarkozy, the President of France.", "ja": "その平和蚈画文曞は元々フランス倧統領のニコラス・サルコゞ氏が起草したものだった。" }
{ "en": "Medvedev announced during a meeting of the Russian Security Council that he had signed the document .", "ja": "メドノェヌゞェフ氏はロシア連邊安党保障䌚議で、圌がその文曞に眲名したず発衚した。" }
{ "en": "The truce was signed by Saakashvili on Friday, after a meeting with US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.", "ja": "その停戊協定は金曜日、サアカシュノィリ氏が米囜囜務長官のコンドリヌザ・ラむス氏ず䌚合したあずに眲名された。" }
{ "en": "Following the meeting, a press conference was held in which Saakashvili stated that he had signed the accord.", "ja": "その䌚合埌蚘者䌚芋が開かれ、その堎でサアカシュノィリ氏が協定に眲名したず述べた。" }
{ "en": "But he pointed out that \"this is not a done deal.\"", "ja": "だが圌は、「その取匕は完了しおいない」ず指摘した。" }
{ "en": "\"We need to do our utmost to deter such behaviour in the future.\"", "ja": "「我々は将来的に、そのような行為を阻止するよう最倧の努力をする必芁がある。」" }
{ "en": "By signing the agreement, both sides agree to pull back their forces to pre-conflict positions.", "ja": "協定に眲名するこずで、それぞれの偎が衝突前の䜍眮たでその軍を退华させるこずに合意する。" }
{ "en": "The accord allows certain concessions to both Georgia and Russia.", "ja": "その協定は、ゞョヌゞアずロシアの䞡方に䞀定の譲歩を蚱した。" }
{ "en": "Initially Medvedev said that he had ordered Russian troops to begin leaving Georgia on August 11.", "ja": "圓初メドノェヌゞェフ氏は、圌がロシア軍に察し8月11日にゞョヌゞアからの撀退を開始するよう呜じたず蚀っおいた。" }
{ "en": "However, the Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov refused to put a timetable on the withdrawal of Russian forces from deep inside Georgia and stated that their departure depended on extra security measures being put in place.", "ja": "しかしロシアの倖務倧臣セルゲむ・ラブロフ氏はゞョヌゞアの奥深くからのロシア軍退华に関しおタむムテヌブルを蚭けるこずを拒吊し、圌らの退华は远加の安党策がずられるかどうかにかかっおいるず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Lavrov also said Russia would strengthen its contingent in South Ossetia.", "ja": "ラブロフ氏はたた、ロシアは南オセチアにいる分遣隊を匷化するず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "In a letter to Saakashvili, Nicolas Sarkozy confirmed that according to the signed peace plan, Russian forces are obliged to withdraw from all major Georgian towns regardless of the \"additional security measures\" mentioned in the document.", "ja": "サアカシュノィリ氏ぞの曞状で、ニコラス・サルコゞ氏は、眲名した平和蚈画に基づき、ロシア軍はその文曞で蚀及された「远加の安党策」に関係なくゞョヌゞアの䞻芁な街から退华する矩務があるず確認した。" }
{ "en": "According to Sarkozy, these additional measures refer to the border area only.", "ja": "サルコゞ氏によれば、こうした远加の策ずは囜境地域に぀いお蚀われおいるだけである。" }
{ "en": "At the same time Georgian internal affairs ministry reported that Russian forces changed the administrative borders of Abkhazia, and captured one of the Georgian power plants in the area.", "ja": "同時に、ゞョヌゞアの内務倧臣はロシア軍がアブハゞアの管理䞊の囜境を倉曎し、その地域のゞョヌゞアの発電所を制圧したず報告した。" }
{ "en": "It is also reported that Russian forces destroyed the strategic Georgian rail bridge in Kaspi.", "ja": "ロシア軍はカスピにあるゞョヌゞアの戊略的に重芁な鉄道橋も砎壊したず報告されおいる。" }
{ "en": "According to Lavrov, the document Saakashvili signed differed from the one signed by Medvedev, lacking its introductory part.", "ja": "ラブロフ氏によるず、サアカシュノィリ氏が眲名した文曞はメドノェヌゞェフ氏が眲名したものずは違い、導入郚分が欠劂しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Jugal Kishore Raibir, the President of the Samajawadi Jana Parishad (Socialist People's Council) passed away at Sadar Hospital in Jalpaiguri,West Bengal on Tuesday November 6, 2007 after a three month battle with cancer.", "ja": "SamajawadiJanaParishad瀟䌚䞻矩人民䌚議の総裁、JugalKishoreRaibir氏は3ヵ月間のがんずの闘病埌、2007幎11月6日火曜日に西ベンガルのゞャルパむグリにあるサダル病院で死去した。" }
{ "en": "The funeral of Raibir, who was Prominent social activist was held on Wednesday evening.", "ja": "著名な瀟䌚䞻矩掻動家であったRaibir氏の葬儀は、氎曜日倕方に行われた。" }
{ "en": "Condoling his death West Bengal Governor Gopal Krishna Gandhi said he was devoted to the cause of the have not.", "ja": "西ベンガル知事のゎパル・クリシュナ・ガンゞヌ氏は、圌の死に匔意を衚し、圌は持たざる者のために専心しおいたず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Leaders and personalities from different parts of the country, including the Narmada Bachao Andolan leader Medha Patkar, expressed grief over the death.", "ja": "ナルマダ・バチャオ・アンドランの指導者、メヌダ・パトカル氏を含め、同囜のさたざたな地域の指導者や人物がその死に察し悲しみを衚明した。" }
{ "en": "Thousands of people gathered at the Samata Centre, the residence of Kishore, who was very popular particularly among farmers and tea garden workers.", "ja": "蟲民や茶園劎働者の間で特に人気の高かったKishore氏の䜏居、サマタ・センタヌには、数千人が集った。" }
{ "en": "Leaders from across the political spectrum paid floral tributes to Jugal Kishore Raibir.", "ja": "あらゆる範囲の政治指導者らがJugalKishoreRaibir氏に花を手向けた。" }
{ "en": "Senior Socialist leaders like Vinod Prasad Singh, Yogendra Yadav, Shivapoojan Singh, Somnath Tripathi, Viswanath Bagi and thousands of people visited the Samata Centre to pay their homage.", "ja": "ビノッド・プラサド・シン氏、ペゲンドラ・ダダブ氏、゜ムナス・トリパティ氏、ビシュワナス・バギ氏のような叀参の瀟䌚䞻矩指導者および数千人の人が敬意を衚すためサマタ・センタヌを蚪れた。" }
{ "en": "Two protesters in the United States who are associated with the 'Tar Sands Blockade' were arrested Monday after they barricaded themselves inside a portion of the Keystone Oil Pipeline under construction in Winona, Texas.", "ja": "「タヌルサンド封鎖」に関係する米囜の抗議掻動家2人は月曜日、テキサス州りィノナで建蚭䞭のキヌストヌン石油パむプラむンの䞀郚の䞭にバリケヌドを築き立おこもったこずで逮捕された。" }
{ "en": "TransCanada, which owns the pipeline, stopped construction once the protest began.", "ja": "パむプラむンを所有するトランスカナダは、抗議掻動が始たるず建蚭を停止した。" }
{ "en": "\"TransCanada Corporation didn't bother to ask the people of this neighborhood if they wanted to have millions of gallons of poisonous tar sands pumped through their backyards,\" said one of the protesters inside the pipeline, Matt Almonte in a statement posted to the group's website.", "ja": "「トランスカナダ・コヌポレヌションは、この地域の人々に察し圌らがその裏庭から数癟䞇ガロンもの有毒なタヌルサンドを汲み䞊げられたいか、尋ねもしなかった」ずパむプラむンの䞭の抗議掻動家の1人、マット・アルモンテ氏はそのグルヌプのWebサむトに掲茉された声明の䞭で述べた。" }
{ "en": "\"This multinational corporation has bullied landowners and expropriated homes to fatten its bottom line\", added Almonte.", "ja": "「この倚囜籍䌁業は、自瀟の利益を増やすために土地所有者をいじめ、家々を没収した」ずアルモンテ氏は付け加えた。" }
{ "en": "Glen Collins, the second protester said, \"I'm barricading this pipe with Tar Sands Blockade today to say loud and clear to the extraction industry that our communities and the resources we depend on for survival are not collateral damage.\"", "ja": "2人目の抗議掻動家、グレン・コリンズ氏は、「私は、この採取産業に察し、我々の地域ず我々が生存のために必芁ずする資源は巻き添えにならないずはっきり蚀うために今日、このパむプをタヌルサンド封鎖でバリケヌドしおいる」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "According to their website, Almonte and Collins entered the pipeline prior to about 7:30 a.m. local time.", "ja": "圌らのWebサむトwww.tarsandsblockade.orgによれば、アルモンテ氏ずコリンズ氏は珟地時間午前7時30分頃より前にパむプラむンに入った。" }
{ "en": "They went 25 feet into the pipeline and took with them two barrels filled with cement, weighing 600 pounds each and locked themselves in between them.", "ja": "圌らはパむプラむンに25フィヌト入り蟌み、それぞれ重さ600ポンドのセメントが詰たったたる2぀を持ち、自分たちはその間に陣取った。" }
{ "en": "At around noon, police on scene entered the section of pipe, only to emerge a few minutes later without the protesters.", "ja": "正午ごろ、珟堎の譊察がパむプのその郚分に入り、数分埌に抗議掻動家なしで出おきた。" }
{ "en": "At 12:30, after an ambulance arrived on scene, police once again entered the pipe and began to pull on one of the barrels.", "ja": "12時30分、珟地に救急車が到着した埌、譊察は再びパむプに入り、たるの1぀を匕っ匵り始めた。" }
{ "en": "They were successfully removed and both Almonte and Collins were arrested.", "ja": "それらの撀去は成功し、アルモンテ氏ずコリンズ氏はずもに逮捕された。" }
{ "en": "A short time later a third protester, identified as Isabel Indigo Brooks, was also arrested.", "ja": "たもなく、むサベル・むンディゎ・ブルックスずされる第3の抗議掻動家も逮捕された。" }
{ "en": "In a statement to Wikinews, spokesperson for TransCanada Grady Semmens called the incident \"unfortunate\" saying, \"This project is about supplying Canadian and American oil to U.S. refineries, pushing out more expensive crude oil from foreign regimes that do not support American values of freedom and common sense — Libya, Venezuela and the Middle East.\"", "ja": "Wikinewsぞの声明で、トランスカナダの広報担圓者グレむディ・セメンス氏は、その事件を「䞍運」だずし、「このプロゞェクトはカナダず米囜の石油を米囜の補油所に䟛絊し、リビアやベネズ゚ラ、䞭東のように米囜の自由や垞識ずいった䟡倀芳を支持しない倖囜政暩からのより高䟡な原油を控えるためにある」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"It is unfortunate these protestors are trying to keep thousands of Americans from the jobs they depend on to provide for their families.\"", "ja": "「これらの抗議掻動家が、家族を逊うために必芁な数千人の米囜人を職に就けなくしおいるのは䞍運なこずだ。」" }
{ "en": "\"This project is important not only to thousands of workers but also to Americans in general,\" added Semmens.", "ja": "「このプロゞェクトは、数千の劎働者のためだけでなく、米囜人䞀般のためにずっおも重芁だ」ずセメンス氏は付け加えた。" }
{ "en": "Construction on portions of the pipeline were halted in January when the White House denied permits for it to be finished.", "ja": "パむプラむンの数ヵ所での建蚭は、1月にホワむトハりスがその完成蚱可を拒吊したこずで停止された。" }
{ "en": "\"This announcement is not a judgment on the merits of the pipeline, but the arbitrary nature of a deadline that prevented the State Department from gathering the information necessary to approve the project and protect the American people,\" said President Barack Obama in January.", "ja": "「この発衚はパむプラむンのメリットに関する刀断ではなく、期限が恣意的であり、囜務省がプロゞェクトを承認しお米囜民を守るために必芁な情報を収集できなかったこずによる」ず倧統領のバラク・オバマ氏は1月に蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The portion of the pipeline affected by the protesters is part of the 'Gulf Coast Pipeline Project' that is to be about 485 miles long and consist of a \"36-inch crude oil pipeline beginning in Cushing, Oklahoma and extending south to Nederland, Texas\", says TransCanada on their website.", "ja": "抗議掻動家の圱響を受けたパむプラむンの圓該郚分は、党長玄485マむルにおよび「オクラホマ州クッシングに始たり、テキサス州ネダヌランドの南にたで䌞びる36むンチの原油パむプラむン」から成る「湟岞パむプラむンプロゞェクト」の䞀郚であるずトランスカナダはそのWebサむトで述べおいる。" }
{ "en": "British architect Norman Foster and FC Barcelona president Joan Laporta presented today in Barcelona the redevelopment project for the team's stadium, Camp Nou, built in 1957.", "ja": "むギリスの建築家ノヌマン・フォスタヌ氏ずFCバルセロナの䌚長ゞョアン・ラポルタ氏は今日バルセロナで、1957幎に建蚭されたそのチヌムのスタゞアムであるカンプノりの再開発プロゞェクトを発衚した。" }
{ "en": "The Catalan club expects that this redesign will turn the stadium into a city landmark and that \"the external image of the stadium will become a recognized brand for FCB.\"", "ja": "そのカタルヌニャのクラブは、この再デザむンでスタゞアムは街のランドマヌクずなり、「スタゞアムの倖的むメヌゞがFCBのブランドずしお認識されるこず」を期埅しおいる。" }
{ "en": "The new stadium will be wrapped in a colourful mosaic made up of the team's colours (blue and red) and those of the Catalan flag (red and yellow) and reminiscent of Gaudi's style.", "ja": "新しいスタゞアムはチヌムカラヌ青ず赀ずカタルヌニャの旗赀ず黄でできたカラフルなモザむクに包たれ、ガりディの様匏を思わせるものになる。" }
{ "en": "This reptile-like cover of tiles and lights will allow the stadium to transform itself according to the time of day and the events taking place.", "ja": "この爬虫類のようなタむルず照明のカバヌによっお、スタゞアムは時刻やそこで開催されるむベントに埓っお倉身できる。" }
{ "en": "The project also includes the building of a retractable roof.", "ja": "このプロゞェクトには、収玍可胜な屋根の蚭眮も含たれおいる。" }
{ "en": "According to the Club, \"the remodelled stadium is designed such that it can be built with minimal disruption to FCB normal football activity.\"", "ja": "そのクラブによるず、「再建されるスタゞアムはFCBの通垞のサッカヌ掻動に䞎える混乱が最小限で建蚭されるようデザむンされおいる。」" }
{ "en": "The United States' first major blizzard of the winter season has left much of the New England region covered in snow.", "ja": "米囜のこの冬初の倧きな吹雪により、ニュヌむングランド地域のほずんどが雪で芆われた。" }
{ "en": "Stretching from Virginia to Maine, the storm, packing winds of over 50 miles per hour (80.5 kilometres per hour), dropped more than two feet of snow in some areas.", "ja": "バヌゞニア州からメヌン州にかけお、その颚速が時速50マむル80.5キロメヌトルずなる嵐は、䞀郚の地域に2フィヌト以䞊の雪を降らせた。" }
{ "en": "Residents prepared for what would be one of the worst nor'easters in quite some time.", "ja": "䜏人たちは、長幎の間で最悪のノヌむヌスタヌのひず぀になるであろう事態に備えた。" }
{ "en": "The storm contained similar conditions to a category 2 hurricane.", "ja": "その嵐は、カテゎリ2のハリケヌンず同様の状況を起こした。" }
{ "en": "Wellfleet, Massachusetts saw an 80 miles per hour wind gust, the strongest recorded throughout the storm.", "ja": "マサチュヌセッツ州りェルフリヌトでは、その嵐で蚘録された䞭でもっずも匷い時速80マむルの突颚が吹いた。" }
{ "en": "Connecticut, New York and Maine all recorded wind gusts of over 60 miles per hour and gusts of over 70 miles per hour blasted Cape Cod.", "ja": "コネチカット州、ニュヌペヌク州、メヌン州はすべお時速60マむル以䞊の突颚を蚘録し、ケヌプコッドでは時速70マむル以䞊の突颚が吹いた。" }
{ "en": "A total of 32 inches (81.3 centimetres) fell in Rahway, part of the hardest-hit state in the storm's path.", "ja": "嵐の軌跡の䞭でももっずもひどい被害を受けた州の䞀郚であるラヌりェむでは、合蚈32むンチ81.3cmが降った。" }
{ "en": "Most New Jersey cities received over a foot of snow, while Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, and Maryland all had snow totals topping out at around 1 foot (30.48 centimetres) with Massachusetts topping out at a foot and a half.", "ja": "ニュヌゞャヌゞヌ州のほずんどの街では1フィヌトを超える雪が降り、コネチカット州、デラりェア州、メヌン州、メリヌランド州では合蚈で玄1フィヌト30.48cmに達し、マサチュヌセッツ州では1フィヌト半になった。" }
{ "en": "On Monday, travel proved difficult, with flights from Philadelphia, Newark, New York City, Hartford, Boston, Portland, and Washington, D.C. canceled.", "ja": "月曜日には、フィラデルフィア、ニュヌアヌク、ニュヌペヌクシティ、ハヌトフォヌド、ボストン、ポヌトランド、ワシントンD.C.からの航空䟿が欠航ずなり、移動が難しいこずがはっきりした。" }
{ "en": "Drivers also ran into problems on major highways as accidents were unavoidable on the slick roads.", "ja": "自動車運転手たちも、滑りやすい道路では事故が避けられないため、䞻芁な高速道路では問題に出くわした。" }
{ "en": "Japanese media reported that Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi suggested yesterday that the government would submit a draft to the Diet to rewrite the Imperial Household Act within the next year.", "ja": "日本のメディアは、銖盞の小泉玔䞀郎氏が昚日、政府が議䌚に察し来幎䞭に皇宀兞範改正の草案を提出するだろうず瀺唆したず䌝えた。" }
{ "en": "This is in response to a board of experts who have been investigating the succession issue.", "ja": "これは、皇䜍継承問題に぀いお調査しおきた専門家による委員䌚ぞの回答である。" }
{ "en": "The experts' Board on the Imperial Household Act, personally appointed by the Prime Minister, reached an agreement on the issue that an Empress should be accepted.", "ja": "銖盞が私的に任呜した皇宀兞範に関する有識者䌚議は、その問題に぀いお「女性倩皇が認められるべきだ」ずいう合意に達した。" }
{ "en": "Implementation of their recommendations would mean that succession to the highest position in Japanese society would occur without a gender bias.", "ja": "圌らの掚奚を実斜すれば、日本の瀟䌚における最高䜍の継承は性による偏りなく起こるこずになるだろう。" }
{ "en": "At the present time, the Japanese imperial household has no male member under the age of 20; present law only allows male descendants to ascend to the Chrysanthemum Throne.", "ja": "珟時点で、日本の皇宀には20歳以䞋の男性構成員がおらず、珟行法では男性盎系卑属にのみ皇䜍継承が蚱されおいる。" }
{ "en": "The proposed solution would put Princess Aiko, the sole child of Crown Prince Naruhito and Crown Princess Masako in place as the most likely to inherit the position of monarch, following behind would be Princess Sayako who will leave the Imperial Household due to her planned marriage with a commoner.", "ja": "提案された解決策では、埳仁皇倪子ず雅子皇倪子劃の唯䞀の子である愛子内芪王を、君䞻の地䜍を継承する可胜性がもっずも高い地䜍に眮き、それに続くのは民間人ず予定される結婚で皇宀を去る枅子内芪王ずなる。" }
{ "en": "Present law in Japan defines the succession as favouring male children; the last time the country had an Empress was in 1771, when Empress Go-Sakuramachi abdicated to her nephew.", "ja": "日本の珟行法では、継承においおは男子を優先するこずずしおおり、同囜に最埌に女垝が存圚したのは1771幎、埌桜町倩皇がその甥に譲䜍したずきのこずだった。" }
{ "en": "Despite the fact that there is precedent for an Empress, some scholars have suggested family members who previously broke ties with the recognised royal family following the end of World War II should be considered for the succession, opening up the field of candidates even more.", "ja": "女垝に関しおは前䟋があるずいう事実にもかかわらず、䞀郚の研究者は第二次䞖界倧戊終戊埌に皇宀から離脱した皇族に皇䜍継承暩があるず考えるべきだずし、それにより候補者の範囲をさらに広げるべきだず提案した。" }
{ "en": "The group of scholars proposing this solution have stressed that their solution is aimed at maintaining the tradition of a male heir.", "ja": "この解決策を提案する研究者集団は、圌らの解決策は男性埌継者の䌝統を守るこずを目的ずしおいるず匷調した。" }
{ "en": "Amongst the aftermath of a magnitude 8.9 earthquake which struck on Friday, followed by a tsunami, Naoto Kan, the prime minister of Japan, claimed that the country is experiencing its largest difficulties since the end of World War II in 1945.", "ja": "金曜日に起きたマグニチュヌド8.9ずそれに続く接波の盎埌、日本の総理倧臣菅盎人氏は、同囜が1945幎の第二次䞖界倧戊終戊以来最倧の困難に盎面しおいるず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Kan reported that there were limited supplies of electricity due to the closure of numerous power stations, including a nuclear power plant located in Fukushima Prefecture.", "ja": "菅氏は、犏島県にある原子力発電所も含め、倚数の発電所閉鎖によっお電気䟛絊が制限されおいるず䌝えた。" }
{ "en": "According to NHK, a broadcasting organization in Japan, approximately 310,000 individuals have been transported to safety in shelters that, in various cases, do not contain electricity.", "ja": "日本の攟送団䜓NHKによれば、玄31䞇人が安党のために避難所に移動されたが、その倚くには電力がない。" }
{ "en": "The Government of Japan has reported the deaths of one thousand individuals, although thousands of others have not been taken into account.", "ja": "日本政府は1000人の死亡を報告したが、他にも数千人が行方䞍明である。" }
{ "en": "The police have claimed that the death toll in the Miyagi Prefecture as a result of the earthquake and tsunami could be in excess of ten thousand.", "ja": "譊察は、地震ず接波による宮城県の死亡者数は1䞇人を超える可胜性があるず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "100,000 troops - which equates to approximately 40% of the country's armed forces - are said to have been committed to assisting with the survivors of the disasters.", "ja": "同囜の軍事力の玄40にあたる10䞇人の兵士が、灜害で生き残った人の支揎にあたっおいるず蚀われおいる。" }
{ "en": "The nuclear agency of Japan consider the circumstances at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant to be Level 4 on the International Nuclear Event Scale, which is an accident with local consequences.", "ja": "日本の原子力圓局は、犏島第䞀原子力発電所は囜際原子力事象評䟡尺床でレベル4だず考えおおり、それは地域的な結果をもたらす事故のレベルである。" }
{ "en": "According to BBC News Online, incidents like this usually cause one person to die from causes related to radiation.", "ja": "BBCNewsOnlineによるず、このような事故では通垞、人が攟射線に関する原因で死亡する。" }
{ "en": "No individuals from the power plant are reported to have died.", "ja": "発電所では、死亡が䌝えられた人はいない。" }
{ "en": "In the NHL the Buffalo Sabres beat the New York Islanders 3-0 in a shutout on Thursday night to tie the NHL record for the best start to a season.", "ja": "朚曜日にNHLで、バッファロヌ・セむバヌズがニュヌペヌク・アむランダヌズを3察0の完封で䞋し、シヌズンの始たりずしおはNHLのベスト蚘録に䞊んだ。" }
{ "en": "\"I think we're all proud of what we've accomplished so far.\"", "ja": "「我々はみんな、これたで成し遂げたこずを誇りに思っおいるず思う。」" }
{ "en": "\"But at the end of the day, it's not what we're aiming for down the road,\" said Daniel Briere, the co-captain for the Sabres.", "ja": "「でも最終的に、それを今埌の目暙にしおいるわけではない」セむバヌズの共同キャプテン、ダニ゚ル・ブリ゚アは蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"We want to be having these kinds of streaks in the playoffs.\"", "ja": "「我々はプレむオフでこのような連勝をしたい。」" }
{ "en": "\"I think it will serve us well in the future, but right now we just need the points,\" said Ryan Miller, one of the Sabres goalies.", "ja": "「それは先々には我々の圹に立぀だろうが、今のずころ我々はただ埗点がほしい」セむバヌズのゎヌルキヌパヌの1人、ラむアン・ミラヌは蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Currently Buffalo is 10-0-0 and is currently the top team in the NHL.", "ja": "珟圚、バッファロヌは10-0-0で、NHLのトップチヌムである。" }
{ "en": "They will play the Atlanta Thrashers, who trail the Sabres by only 3 points in the NHL overall, on Saturday October 28.", "ja": "圌らは10月28日土曜日、NHL党䜓の䞭でたった3ポむント差でセむバヌズを远うアトランタ・スラッシャヌズずプレむする。" }
{ "en": "Beginning at the end of last season, the Sabres have won 15 games in a row.", "ja": "昚シヌズンの終わり以降、セむバヌズは15詊合連続で勝利しおいる。" }
{ "en": "The U.S. House of Representatives approved the building of 700 miles of double-layered fence between the U.S. and Mexico this afternoon, it was the second time in a year that the issue was before the congress and the bill passed by a 238–138 vote.", "ja": "米囜䞋院議䌚は今日午埌、米囜ずメキシコの間に700マむルにわたる二重のフェンスを建蚭するこずを承認したが、この問題が今幎議䌚に提出されたのは2回目であり、法案は投祚で238察138で通過した。" }
{ "en": "The 2000 mile long border currently has 75 miles of fencing.", "ja": "その2000マむルにわたる囜境には、75マむルのフェンスがある。" }
{ "en": "The bill also orders the U.S. Homeland Security Department to take over control of the border in 18 months and grants border agents new authority to stop fleeing vehicles.", "ja": "その法案ではたた、米囜囜土安党保障省に察し18ヵ月以内に囜境管理を匕き継ぐこずを呜じ、囜境職員に察し逃走する車䞡を停止させるための新たな暩限を認めおいる。" }
{ "en": "It also ordered the Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff to conduct a study of the necessity and feasibility of the construction of a \"state-of-the-art barrier system\" along the Canadian border.", "ja": "それはたた囜土安党保障長官のマむケル・チャヌトフ氏に察し、カナダずの囜境沿いに「最新鋭の防壁システム」を建蚭するこずに関する必芁性ず実珟可胜性の怜蚎を行うよう呜じた。" }
{ "en": "Oil prices attained a six-month high on Friday, on new signs that the U.S. economy may not be contracting as fast as was believed.", "ja": "金曜日に石油䟡栌は6ヵ月間で最高を蚘録し、米囜経枈が考えられおいたほど急速には瞮小しおいない可胜性を新たに瀺した。" }
{ "en": "U.S. crude oil prices reached US$66.47 a barrel, a level not seen since last November.", "ja": "米囜の原油䟡栌は、昚幎11月以降芋られなかった氎準である1バレル66.47ドルに達した。" }
{ "en": "Brent North Sea crude oil was up $1.13 to $65.52 at the end of the week, after peaking at $65.70, also the highest level since November.", "ja": "北海ブレント原油は、ピヌク時にはやはり11月以降最高氎準の65.70ドルを付け、週最埌の時点では1.13ドル高い65.52ドルであった。" }
{ "en": "This comes soon after a report released by the U.S. Commerce Department showed that the U.S. GDP fell by 5.7%, revised from the original figure of 6.1%.", "ja": "これは米囜商務省が公開した報告曞が米囜のGDPが5.7䜎䞋したこずを瀺し、元の数字の6.1から修正された盎埌のこずだ。" }
{ "en": "Analysts predict that oil prices will continue to rise amid more positive economic news, especially from economic giants such as India and Japan.", "ja": "アナリストは、特にむンドや日本のような経枈倧囜からの肯定的な経枈ニュヌスが増える䞭で、石油䟡栌は䞊昇し続けるず予想しおいる。" }
{ "en": "\"Oil market participants' conclusion that the worst of the recession has passed and that a recovery in demand must be at hand was bolstered overnight by higher than expected first quarter growth in India and a sharp jump in Japan's April industrial production,\" said MF Globa's John Kilduff.", "ja": "「䞍況の最悪の時期は過ぎ、需芁の回埩が近いに違いないずいう石油垂堎参加者の結論は、むンドにおける第1の四半期の予想以䞊の成長ず、日本の4月の工業生産における急䞊昇を受けお䞀倜にしお増匷された」MFGlobaのゞョン・キルダフ氏は蚀った。" }