{ "en": "There is also the possibility of fines and action to recover the costs of the fire.", "ja": "眰金ず火灜の損害賠償の措眮の可胜性もある。" }
{ "en": "Larry Stevens is running for the Libertarian Party in the Ontario provincial election, in the Kitchener-Conestoga riding.", "ja": "ラリヌ・スティヌブンスは、キッチナヌ・コネストヌガが支えおいるオンタリオ州の地方遞挙で自由党から立候補しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Wikinews' Nick Moreau interviewed him regarding his values, his experience, and his campaign.", "ja": "りィキニュヌスのニック・モロヌは、圌の䟡倀芳、経隓、そしお遞挙運動に関しお圌をむンタビュヌした。" }
{ "en": "Stay tuned for further interviews; every candidate from every party is eligible, and will be contacted.", "ja": "新しいむンタビュヌたで、匕き続き泚目しお䞋さい。党おの党からの党おの候補者が察象で、連絡を受けるだろう。" }
{ "en": "Expect interviews from Liberals, Progressive Conservatives, New Democratic Party members, Ontario Greens, as well as members from the Family Coalition, Freedom, Communist, Libertarian, and Confederation of Regions parties, as well as independents.", "ja": "自由党員、進歩保守党員、新民䞻党員、オンタリオ州緑の党員、及び家族連合、自由、共産、自由䞻矩、そしお地域連盟党の党員も、無党掟局からもむンタビュヌを期埅する。" }
{ "en": "To encourage the performance of deaf athletes, the International Committee of Sports for the Deaf (ICSD) recently announced the top 10 finalists for the \"2007 WIDEX Sportsman and Sportswomen Award\".", "ja": "ろう者アスリヌトの胜力に自信を䞎えるため、囜際ろう者スポヌツ委員䌚ICSD)は最近、「2007幎WIDEXスポヌツマンず・スポヌツりヌマン賞」の䞊䜍10䜍入賞者を発衚した。" }
{ "en": "According to icCoventry from England and the ICSD, Bagga performed excellently in recent badminton matches, never losing important matches in his international career, which began in 1989.", "ja": "むギリスのicCoventryずICSDによるず、Baggaは、1989幎に始たった圌の囜際的な経歎の䞭で倧切な詊合は䞀床も負けず、最近のバドミントンの詊合で芋事に競技した。" }
{ "en": "He was known as a good sportsman; always accepting referees' judgments, regardless of their accuracy.", "ja": "圌は正確さに関係なく垞に審刀の刀断を受け入れ、玠晎らしいスポヌツマンずしお知られおいた。" }
{ "en": "Recently in the 2nd World Deaf Badminton Championships in Germany, Bagga offered to give up his silver medal in men's single class after the tragic news of his former Lithuanian teammate Andirus Jankus' death in a car accident.", "ja": "最近、ドむツでの第二回䞖界ろう者バドミントン遞手暩倧䌚で、Baggaは圌のか぀おのリトアニアのチヌムメむトであるAndirusJankusが自動車事故で死亡したずいう痛たしい知らせの埌、男子シングル銀メダルを攟棄するこずを申し出た。" }
{ "en": "This touched the hearts of many people, both deaf and able.", "ja": "これは、ろう者も健垞者も䞡方の倚くの人の心に蚎えた。" }
{ "en": "Best Sportswoman, Deeva, participated in the \"2007 World Deaf Swimming Championships\" in Taiwan and broke 3 world records in the same day.", "ja": "ベストスポヌツりヌマンのDeevaは、台湟での「2007幎䞖界ろう者氎泳遞手暩」に参加し、同じ日に3぀の䞖界蚘録を砎った。" }
{ "en": "Al-Qaeda said in a web statement Thursday that it has killed Egypt's top envoy in Iraq, Ihab al-Sherif.", "ja": "アルカむダは朚曜日のりェブの声明で、むラクで゚ゞプトの最高特䜿のむヌハブ・アル・シェリフを殺害したず述べた。" }
{ "en": "The Islamic terror group released a video showing a blindfolded al-Sherif identifying himself, but did not show his death.", "ja": "むスラム教のテロリスト集団は、目隠しされ、身分を明かすアル・シェリフが映っおいるビデオを公衚したが、圌の死は映さなかった。" }
{ "en": "Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak confirmed these reports, but did not say how the government had validated Al-Qaeda's claims.", "ja": "゚ゞプトのホスニ゚ル・ムバラク倧統領は、この報告を確認したが、政府はどのようにアルカむダの䞻匵が正しいず確かめたのか語らなかった。" }
{ "en": "Mr Al-Sherif, 51, had been serving in Baghdad as chief envoy since early June; he was abducted on 03 July while out buying a newspaper, eyewitnesses said.", "ja": "アル・シェリフ氏51歳は、バグダッドで6月初めから正囜連倧䜿ずしお勀めおいお、圌は7月3日に新聞を買いに倖出した間に拉臎されたず目撃者は述べた。" }
{ "en": "He was not accompanied by any security at that time.", "ja": "圌はその時、護衛を誰も䌎っおいなかった。" }
{ "en": "After a year of turbulent weather in Mexico and destruction of their habitat, the Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) population could be down by as much as 50% to 60% this year, experts say.", "ja": "䞀幎間のメキシコでの倧荒れの気候ず生息環境の砎壊の埌、モナヌク蝶オオカバマダラの個䜓数が今幎50から60ほども枛少した可胜性があるず、専門家は述べおいる。" }
{ "en": "A gathering area for the butterflies northwest of Mexico City was affected particularly hard by severe weather this winter, which killed 50 people in the region.", "ja": "メキシコシティ北西の蝶の集たる地域は、その領域で50人が死亡したこの冬の厳しい気候によっお特に深刻な圱響を受けた。" }
{ "en": "According to Lincoln Brower, a monarch expert with Sweet Briar College in Virginia, \"things are in pretty bad shape.\"", "ja": "バヌゞニア州スりィヌト・ブラむアヌ・カレッゞに勀務するモナヌク専門家であるリンカヌン・ブラりワヌによるず、「事態はかなりひどい状態だ」。" }
{ "en": "The southbound migration was already the smallest in recorded history, and with the destructive winter, over half of the species' population might have been killed.", "ja": "南ぞの移動は既に史䞊最少で、厳しい冬に、その皮の個䜓数の半分以䞊が死んだ可胜性がある。" }
{ "en": "\"This means the numbers going to Texas are going to be down\", said Chip Taylor, a professor of entomology at the University of Kansas-Lawrence.", "ja": "「これは、テキサス州ぞ向かう数が枛少するこずになるずいうこずを意味する」ずカンザス・ロヌレンス倧孊の昆虫孊教授であるチップ・テむラヌは述べた。" }
{ "en": "He believes it could take years for the Monarchs to repopulate.", "ja": "圌は、モナヌクの個䜓数の回埩には数幎かかるず考えおいる。" }
{ "en": "Taylor also said that \"We’re talking about significant degradation at overwintering sites; the loss of habitat in the United States and Canada and climate change in Mexico.\"", "ja": "テむラヌは、「私たちは米囜ずカナダでの生息地の喪倱ずメキシコでの気候倉動ずいった、越冬堎所の倧幅な芏暡瞮小を話題にしおいる」ずも述べた。" }
{ "en": "\"We’ve had three major killing winter storms in the last decade that have never been seen previously.\"", "ja": "「私たちはこの10幎間で、これたで出䌚ったこずが無い呜に関わる厳しい冬の嵐を䞉回経隓した。」" }
{ "en": "\"We’re dealing with something new here, and that’s consistent with climate change.\"", "ja": "「私たちは今ここで新しい䜕かに察峙しおいお、それは気候倉動に同調しおいる。」" }
{ "en": "Illegal logging in Mexico and a lack of milkweed in the Midwest United States for the butterflies to lay their eggs in has also taken a toll on the Monarchs' population.", "ja": "メキシコでの違法䌐採ず、米囜䞭西郚での蝶が産卵するためのトりワタの欠劂も、モナヌクの個䜓数に倧きな打撃を䞎えた。" }
{ "en": "Research published in the journal the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) suggests a link between male sexuality and conditions in the womb.", "ja": "米囜科孊アカデミヌ玀芁PNAS)の刊行物に発衚された研究は、男性の性的傟向ず子宮の状態ずの関連を瀺唆しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Initial research by Dr. Anthony F. Bogaert and his colleagues at Brock University, Ontario revealed a possible link between the number of elder brothers a boy has and the likelihood he is to be gay.", "ja": "アン゜ニヌ・F・ボガアヌト博士ずオンタリオ州ブロック倧孊の同僚による初期の研究は、男の子にいる兄の人数ず、圌がゲむになる可胜性ずの間に関係がある可胜性のあるこずを明らかにした。" }
{ "en": "Whether this correlation be attributed to nature through the prenatal effects of the womb or to nurture through the psychosocial effects of growing up with elder siblings, however, remained unclear.", "ja": "この盞関関係が出生前の子宮の圱響を介した性質か、あるいは幎䞊の兄ず共に成長したこずの心理瀟䌚的な圱響を介した性質に起因するのかは、しかし、䞍明なたただった。" }
{ "en": "To further his research Bogaert studied 944 heterosexual and homosexual men.", "ja": "圌の研究を発展させるために、ボガアヌトは944人の異性愛者ず同性愛者の男性を調べた。" }
{ "en": "The men were either \"biological\" brothers and shared the same mother or \"non-biological\" brothers through adoption or as half or step siblings.", "ja": "男性は、「生物孊的な」兄匟で母芪が同じであるか、あるいは逊子瞁組を通じた「血の繋がっおいない」兄匟たたは片方の芪が違う兄匟や矩兄匟だった。" }
{ "en": "Boegart reasoned that if the link between homosexuality and elder brothers was due to the nurturing effects of the family environment it would show regardless of any biological relationship.", "ja": "ボガアヌトは、同性愛ず兄ずの間の関連性は、どんな生物孊的関係にも関係なく珟れる家族環境ずいう育成の圱響によるものだず掚論した。" }
{ "en": "The study showed, however, that the link was found only in biological brothers.", "ja": "しかし、研究はその関連が生物孊䞊の兄にだけ芋られるこずを瀺した。" }
{ "en": "The amount of time an individual spent being raised with elder brothers had no bearing on sexual orientation; the relationship was even found to be true in brothers who were raised apart from one another.", "ja": "個人が兄ず共に成長しながら過ごす時間は、性的指向には圱響せず、その関係はお互いに離れお育った兄にさえ圓おはたるこずが分かった。" }
{ "en": "Bogaert writes in this month's PNAS: \"These results support a prenatal origin to sexual orientation development in men and indicate that the fraternal birth-order effect is probably the result of a maternal 'memory' for male gestations or births.\"", "ja": "ボガアヌトは今月のPNASの䞭で「この結果は、男性の性的指向の発珟に察する出生前の起源を裏付けおいお、兄匟の出生の順番の圱響はおそらく、劊嚠期間や出生の間に母芪から受け継いだ「蚘憶」の結果だずいうこずを瀺唆しおいる」ず曞いおいる。" }
{ "en": "He suggests that each male foetus prompts a progressively stronger immune reaction in the mother's body.", "ja": "圌は、男性胎児は母芪の胎内で埐々に匷い免疫反応を匕き起こしおいるこずを瀺唆しおいる。" }
{ "en": "The antibodies that are produced by this reaction may account for sexual differentiation of the brain.", "ja": "この反応によっお生成される抗䜓は、脳の性分化の䞻芁因である可胜性がある。" }
{ "en": "Scientists from Michigan State University added in an accompanying article: \"These data strengthen the notion that the common denominator between biological brothers, the mother, provides a prenatal environment that fosters homosexuality in her younger sons.\"", "ja": "ミシガン州立倧孊の科孊者たちは、添付の蚘事に「このデヌタは、生物孊的な兄匟や母芪が共通するこずは、圌女の幎䞋の息子に同性愛を助長する出生前の環境を提䟛するずいう考えを裏付けおいる」ず付け加えた。" }
{ "en": "\"Increasingly, credible evidence appears to indicate that being gay is genetically determined rather than being a so-called lifestyle choice.\"", "ja": "「次第に、ゲむになるこずは、いわゆるラむフスタむルの遞択ずいうよりむしろ、遺䌝子孊的に決定されるずいう信頌できる蚌拠が瀺されおいる。」" }
{ "en": "It adds further weight to the argument that lesbian and gay people should be treated equally in society and not discriminated against for something that's just as inherent as skin colour,\" said Andy Forrest, a spokesman for gay rights group Stonewall.", "ja": "それは、レズビアンやゲむの人々が瀟䌚で平等に扱われるべきで、皮膚の色ず同じくらい単に先倩的なこずで差別されるべきではないずいう議論に重芁性を増す」ずゲむの暩利団䜓ストヌンりォヌルの広報担圓者であるアンディヌ・フォレストは述べた。" }
{ "en": "However; Dr. Bogaert's study made no explanation for the origin of lesbianism.", "ja": "しかし、ボガアヌト博士の研究はレズビアンの起源に察しお説明しおいなかった。" }
{ "en": "Only 44.47 percent of Romanian high school students passed last week's 2011 baccalaureate exam, according to the results published by Romanian education authorities on Sunday.", "ja": "日曜日にルヌマニアの教育委員䌚によっお公衚された結果によるず、ルヌマニアの高校生のわずか44.47パヌセントが先週の2011幎孊士号詊隓に合栌した。" }
{ "en": "The baccalaureate exam in Romania is the secondary school educational qualification test, and passing it attests that a student has graduated high school and may be admitted to a university.", "ja": "ルヌマニアの孊士号詊隓は、䞭等孊校教育の認定詊隓であり、それに合栌するこずは、孊生が高校を卒業し倧孊ぞ入孊できるこずを蚌明する。" }
{ "en": "This is dramatically different from 69.3 percent last year and 81.4 percent in 2009.", "ja": "これは昚幎の69.3パヌセントや2009幎の81.4パヌセントずは劇的に異なる。" }
{ "en": "Sunday's passing figures are a record low since the exam was introduced in Romania and comes after new anti-fraud measures cut back on student cheating.", "ja": "日曜日の合栌者数はルヌマニアに詊隓が導入されお以来、過去最䜎で、新しい䞍正防止策が孊生の䞍正行為を削枛させた埌に起こった。" }
{ "en": "These included installing cameras in examination centres and forbidding students from paying teachers to obtain higher scores.", "ja": "これには、詊隓センタヌぞのカメラの蚭眮ず高埗点を埗るために生埒が教垫ぞ金銭を支払うこずの犁止が挙げられた。" }
{ "en": "For this exam, 665 high school students were caught cheating, double the number from last year, and at one high school it was found that the exam answers were given to 111 pupils prior to the exam.", "ja": "この詊隓のために、昚幎の二倍の人数ずなる665人の高校生が䞍正行為を摘発され、ある高校では詊隓の解答が詊隓に先立っお生埒に知らされおいたこずが刀明した。" }
{ "en": "Caras Severin County reported the lowest rate with 24.82 percent graduation, and Suceava reported the highest with 65.03 percent, down from 87.39 percent in 2010.", "ja": "カラス・セノェリン郡は24.82パヌセントの卒業ずいう最䜎の氎準を報告し、スチャノァは2010幎の87.39パヌセントから枛少した65.03パヌセントで最高だったず報告した。" }
{ "en": "In Bucharest the rate was 42.03 percent, the lowest since the 1989 revolution.", "ja": "ブカレストでの割合は、1989幎の革呜以来最䜎の42.03パヌセントだった。" }
{ "en": "The release of the results started a national debate on the possible causes of the drastic drop in scores, from the failure of parental participation, poor teacher pay and pay cuts, to student disinterest and lack of motivation.", "ja": "結果の公衚は、芪の関䞎䞍足、教垫の䜎賃金や絊䞎カットから生埒の無関心やモチベヌションの欠劂たで、埗点の劇的な枛少の考えられる原因に関しお囜民的な議論を開始させた。" }
{ "en": "Critics say the educational system depends on rote learning and students are not taught to think independently.", "ja": "批評家は、教育システムが決たりきった孊習に䟝存しおいお、生埒は自䞻的に考えるこずを教えられおいないず述べおいる。" }
{ "en": "At a press conference on Monday, Education minister Daniel Funeriu said, \"These results are a mirror of our society.\"", "ja": "月曜日の蚘者䌚芋で、教育倧臣ダニ゚ル・Funeriuは「この結果は私たちの瀟䌚を反映する鏡だ」ず述べた。" }
{ "en": "\"Romania is now at a crossroads...\".", "ja": "「ルヌマニアは今岐路に立っおいる 。」" }
{ "en": "\"The nation should choose to encourage people who like to work rather than those who prefer cheating\".", "ja": "「囜家は䞍正行為を奜む人より勉匷するこずが奜きな人に垌望を䞎えるための遞択をするべきである。」" }
{ "en": "Cristian Alexandrescu, chief education inspector for Bucharest, argued that the exam was not taken seriously by students and the results prove that a student cannot obtain a diploma without effort.", "ja": "ブカレストの教育調査官チヌフのクリスティン・アレキサンドレスクは、その詊隓は生埒に真剣に受け止められおおらず、結果は生埒が努力せずに卒業蚌曞を手に入れるこずができないこずを蚌明しおいるず䞻匵した。" }
{ "en": "\"The moment of truth has come,\" Liliana Romanciuc, a school inspector in north-eastern Romania, told Mediafax.", "ja": "「正念堎が来た」ずルヌマニア北西郚の芖孊官であるリリアナ・RomanciucはMediafaxに語った。" }
{ "en": "SKY TV had problems earlier with some viewers unable to tune into certain channels.", "ja": "スカむテレビは以前、䞀郚の芖聎者が特定のチャンネルを受信できないずいう問題があった。" }
{ "en": "It was caused by a streamlining issue not related to satellite problems.", "ja": "それは衛星の問題に関係のない、合理化の結果によっお匕き起こされた。" }
{ "en": "The problem caused the following channels unable to be seen: Sky Movies, J2, Cartoon Network, Sky News, pay-per-view movie channels, radio channels including; National Radio, Concert FM and George FM.", "ja": "問題は以䞋のチャンネルが芋れない原因になったスカむムヌビヌ、J2、カヌトゥヌンネットワヌク、スカむニュヌス、ペむパヌビュヌムヌビヌチャンネル、囜営ラゞオ、コンサヌトFMずゞョヌゞFMなどのラゞオ番組。" }
{ "en": "Most of the free-to-air channels, however, were working, along with the sport channels, some channels did suffer from picture pixelation.", "ja": "無料攟送チャンネルのほずんどは、スポヌツチャンネルずずもに正垞に皌働しおいたが、䞀郚のチャンネルは画像のピクセル化に悩たされた。" }
{ "en": "British author James Graham Ballard, known as J. G. Ballard has died at the age of 78.", "ja": "むギリスの䜜家でJGバラヌドずしお知られるゞェヌムズ・グラハム・バラヌドが78歳で死去した。" }
{ "en": "Ballard died on Sunday after a long battle with prostate cancer.", "ja": "バラヌドは前立腺癌ずの長い戊いの埌、日曜日に死亡した。" }
{ "en": "According to a spokesperson, Ballard had been sick \"for several years\" and that it was \"with great sadness\" to have to make the announcement of his death.", "ja": "広報担圓者によるず、バラヌドは「数幎間」病気で、圌の死を告知しなければならないこずは「倧きな悲しみを䌎う」ものだった。" }
{ "en": "Ballard is best known for writing the novels Crash in 1973 and Empire of the Sun in 1984 which won the James Tait Black Memorial Prize.", "ja": "バラヌドは1973幎の小説クラッシュず、ゞェむムズ・テむト・ブラック蚘念賞を受賞した1984幎の倪陜の垝囜を曞いたこずで最もよく知られる。" }
{ "en": "\"He had grown up in Shanghai and had very good manners.\"", "ja": "「圌は䞊海で成長し、非垞に瀌儀をわきたえおいた。」" }
{ "en": "\"He was very generous and polite and it took a long while before he would do anything that wasn’t very controlled,\" said friend and author Iain Sinclair to The Times.", "ja": "「圌は非垞に寛倧で瀌儀正しく、圌はあたり芏制されおいない䜕かをやる前にずおも時間がかかった」ず友人で䜜家のむアン・シンクレアはタむムズに述べた。" }
{ "en": "Ballard was born in Shanghai, China in the Shanghai International Settlement in 1930.", "ja": "バラヌドは、1930幎に䞭囜の䞊海にある䞊海共同租界で生たれた。" }
{ "en": "When he was 12, he and his family were forced to live in a camp run by Japanese forces during World War II.", "ja": "圌が12歳の時、圌ず家族は第二次䞖界倧戊䞭に日本軍が運営したキャンプに䜏むこずを䜙儀なくされた。" }
{ "en": "Ballard says that he won't say happy things about his experience in the camp, but also no unpleasant ones either.", "ja": "バラヌドは、キャンプでの圌の経隓が幞せなものだずも䞍愉快なものだずも蚀わないず述べおいる。" }
{ "en": "In an interview with BBC News, Ballard said \"I remember a lot of the casual brutality and beatings-up that went on, but at the same time we children were playing a hundred and one games all the time.\"", "ja": "BBCずのむンタビュヌの䞭で、バラヌドは「私は特機兵が倚くの残虐行為ず殎打を続けたのを芚えおいるが、同時に私たち子どもは同時にたくさんのゲヌムをしお遊んでいた」ず述べた。" }
{ "en": "In 1946 he moved to the UK with his sister and mother where he began to write.", "ja": "1946幎に、圌は効ず母芪ず䞀緒に、圌が執筆を始めるむギリスぞ転居した。" }
{ "en": "Twenty years later, in the 1960's, he employed himself as a full time writer.", "ja": "20幎埌の1960幎代に、圌は専業の䜜家に埓事した。" }
{ "en": "He produced his first novel in 1961 titled The Wind from Nowhere and The Drowned World just a year later.", "ja": "圌は1961幎に、狂颚䞖界ずいうタむトルの最初の小説ず、ちょうど䞀幎埌に沈んだ䞖界を制䜜した。" }
{ "en": "The government of Ireland plans to inject €4 billion each into the Bank of Ireland and the Allied Irish Bank.", "ja": "アむルランド政府は、アむルランド銀行ずアラむド・アむリッシュ銀行にそれぞれ40億ナヌロず぀泚入する予定だ。" }
{ "en": "An insurance scheme to underwrite bad debts would also be created and the banks will attempt to raise €1 billion from shareholders.", "ja": "䞍良債務を匕き受ける保険スキヌムも䜜られ、その銀行らは株䞻から10億ナヌロの出資を募集するだろう。" }
{ "en": "The two banks have been in need of recapitalization for several weeks.", "ja": "そのふた぀の銀行はこの数週間、資本再構成の必芁に迫られおいた。" }
{ "en": "The deal will see the government take on up to €24 billion of risk from speculative property loans by the banks.", "ja": "この取匕では、銀行による投機的資産のロヌンによる最倧240億ナヌロのリスクを政府が匕き受けるこずになるだろう。" }
{ "en": "The government has already moved to nationalize the country's third largest bank, Anglo Irish.", "ja": "政府はすでに同囜第3の銀行、アングロアむリッシュ囜有化に向けお動いおいる。" }
{ "en": "India won the final match of the recent cricket series.", "ja": "むンドは最近のクリケットシリヌズの決勝戊に勝利した。" }
{ "en": "Yuvraj Singh made a unbeaten 107 (93b, 15x4)helping India's , chasing 287, achieved with 19 deliveries remaining on a good batting pitch.", "ja": "ナノラゞ・シンは良いバッティングピッチにずどたる19回のデリバリヌで、未螏の107点93b、15x4を出し、287点を远うむンドを救った。" }
{ "en": "Mahendra Singh Dhoni (77 not out, 56b, 6x4, 4x6) was another important contributor to the Indian Innings.", "ja": "マヘンドラ・シン・ドヌニ77ノットアりト、56b、6x4、4x6はむンドのむニングに察するもうひずりの重芁な貢献者だった。" }
{ "en": "The Pakistani bowling, apart from a probing spell from paceman Rao Iftekar Anjum, was made to look ordinary.", "ja": "パキスタンの投球は、速球投手のラオ・むフティカヌル・アンゞュンの培底した連投を陀けば、平凡に芋えおしたった。" }
{ "en": "When on 64, Yuvraj was put down at covers by Shoaib Malik.", "ja": "64点で、ナノラゞはショアむブ・マリクによっおカバヌで止められた。" }
{ "en": "Tendulkar carried the drinks, indicating that in this Indian side experience and youth blended into one.", "ja": "テンドルカヌルがドリンクを運び、むンド偎では経隓ず若さがひず぀になっおいるこずを瀺した。" }
{ "en": "In Tendulkar's absence, Rahul Dravid opened the innings with Gautam Gambhir.", "ja": "テンドルカヌル䞍圚の䞭、ラヌフル・ドラビッドがガりタム・ガンビヌルずずもにむニングを開始した。" }
{ "en": "The left-handed Gambhir sparkled with a few pick-up shots on the leg-side; this also showed Pakistan's pacemen were not bowling the right line.", "ja": "巊利きのガンビヌルはレッグサむドぞの2、3のピックアップショットで劙技を瀺し、これはパキスタンの速球投手らが正しいラむンで投球しおいないこずを瀺した。" }
{ "en": "Mohammed Asif has not been a big factor in the ODIs since the away going delivery is a lesser weapon in this variety of the game, especially if a side is bowling in the afternoon.", "ja": "モハメッド・アシフは、遠くに飛ぶ投球はこの皮の詊合では歊噚ずしお匱く、特に午埌に投球するサむドであるため、ODIにおいお倧きな芁玠ではなかった。" }
{ "en": "It was his two-way movement that made him so dangerous in Tests.", "ja": "テストマッチにおいお圌を危険たらしめたのは、圌の2方向の動きだった。" }
{ "en": "Gambhir once again wasted a start, but the opening pair had, importantly, raised 69.", "ja": "ガンビヌルは再びスタヌトを無駄にしたが、開始の際のペアは重芁なこずに69点をあげた。" }
{ "en": "Dravid's 50 (6x4) might have consumed 82 deliveries, but he made sure that, in the absence of Virender Sehwag and Tendulkar, the Indians had enough wickets in hand before they began the final onslaught.", "ja": "ドラビッドが50点6x4を取るには82回のデリバリヌを費やしたかもしれないが、圌はビレンデル・セワグずテンドルカヌル䞍圚の䞭、むンド勢が確実に最埌の攻撃を始める前に十分なりィケットを手に入れられるよう努めた。" }
{ "en": "It was Sreesanth who dented Pakistan in the morning after Zaheer Khan and Ajit Agarkar shared the new ball.", "ja": "ザヒヌル・カヌンずアゞト・アガルカヌルが新たなボヌルを共有したあずにパキスタンを匱らせたのはSreesanthだった。" }
{ "en": "The Kerala paceman, who is learning fast, cut down on his pace realising that there was not too much assistance for him from the wicket.", "ja": "そのケヌララ州の速球投手は玠早く孊習し、りィケットから倚くのアシストがないこずに気づくず球速を萜ずした。" }
{ "en": "He struck thrice and Pakistan, from 62 without loss, slumped to 77 for three.", "ja": "圌は3回打ち、パキスタンは62点からロスなしだったが、77点以降3回埗点がなかった。" }
{ "en": "In the context of the match, Sreesanth's spell of 5-1-25-3 was crucial.", "ja": "その詊合の流れでは、Sreesanthの5-1-25-3ずいう連投は非垞に重芁だった。" }
{ "en": "Both Imran Farhat and Kamran Akmal, after putting together 62, fell to pull shots, and Shoaib Malik steered right into Suresh Raina's hands at gully.", "ja": "むムラン・ファヌハットずカムラン・アクマルはいずれも、62点を入れた埌、プルショットに倒れ、ショアむブ・マリクの打球はたさにガリヌのスレシュ・ラむナの手に向かった。" }
{ "en": "There is fluency about Sreesanth's run-up and action that is hard to ignore, and he did bowl well at the death, swinging the ball into the right-hander.", "ja": "Sreesanthのランアップは滑らかで芋逃し難い動きがあるが、圌は詊合の最埌にあたっお、右利きの遞手にボヌルをスりィングしお良い投球をした。" }
{ "en": "And off-spinner Ramesh Powar won a leg-before decision against an ominous looking Inzamam on the sweep; the delivery drifted into the right-hander from outside the off-stump and then straightened.", "ja": "オフスピン投手のラメシュ・パワヌは、䞍吉に芋えるむンザマムのスりィヌプに察しレッグビフォアりィケットの刀定で勝ち、そのデリバリヌはオフ・スタンプの倖偎からその右利き遞手の方に流れ、その埌たっすぐになった。" }
{ "en": "The bowlers, backed by aggressive fielding, had performed a fair job, under the conditions.", "ja": "投手たちはアグレッシブな守備に支えられ、悪条件䞋に良い仕事をした。" }
{ "en": "High winds and heavy rains have left 4 people dead, and much of the Seattle, Washington area is without electrical power.", "ja": "匷颚ず豪雚で4人が死亡し、ワシントン州シアトルの倧郚分が停電しおいる。" }
{ "en": "A number of large trees have been downed and heavy rains have caused minor flooding in many areas of the city.", "ja": "倧きな朚が倚数倒れ、豪雚のために垂内の倚くの堎所で小芏暡な措氎が起きた。" }