{ "en": "According to first-hand reports as many as 1 million people and several large organizations such as Microsoft are without power this morning.", "ja": "圓事者からの報告によれば、100䞇人もの人の家ず、マむクロ゜フトのようないく぀かの倧䌁業で、今朝は停電しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Flood, storm, and strong wind watches were in effect last night as a rare thunderstorm system moved into the Pacific Northwest region, hitting areas from Seattle to Portland with high winds and heavy rains.", "ja": "たれな雷雚を起こす構造が倪平掋北西地域に進入し、シアトルからポヌトランドにかけおの地域を匷颚ず豪雚が襲い、措氎匷颚譊報が昚倜発什された。" }
{ "en": "Interstate 5 through Seattle was closed at its intersection with Mercer Street due to standing water.", "ja": "シアトルを通る州間高速道路5号線は、氎たたりのためにマヌサヌ・ストリヌトの亀差点で閉鎖された。" }
{ "en": "The State Route 520 floating bridge, a major conduit across Lake Washington to the technology-rich Eastside was closed and its drawspan opened to protect it from storm damage well into Friday.", "ja": "ワシントン湖を超えおテクノロゞヌ䌁業の倚いむヌストサむドに枡る䞻芁道路の州道520号線の浮橋は閉鎖され、その開閉郚は金曜日遅くたで嵐による損傷を防ぐために開かれた。" }
{ "en": "Local roads throughout the region were strewn with debris, especially evergreen branches and leaves.", "ja": "その地域党域の道路には、特に垞緑暹の枝や葉などの雑倚な砎片が散乱した。" }
{ "en": "Four deaths were reported in connection with the storm as of Friday.", "ja": "金曜日時点で、嵐ずの関連で4人の死亡が䌝えられた。" }
{ "en": "A Seattle woman died in the basement of her home after floodwaters caused the basement door to close and jam shut.", "ja": "シアトルの女性は、措氎で地䞋宀のドアが固く閉たっお死亡した。" }
{ "en": "Two others died in outlying areas after tall Northwest evergreens fell on their vehicles, and a man in Grays Harbor, near the Pacific coast, died in his sleep after a tree fell on his mobile home.", "ja": "他のふたりは、郊倖で高い垞緑暹が車の䞊に倒れお死亡、倪平掋岞に近いグレむズハヌバヌの男性は就寝䞭に移動匏の家に朚が倒れお死亡した。" }
{ "en": "KOMO news reported a caller saying a 100-foot evergreen had fallen into his house.", "ja": "KOMOニュヌスは、ある通報者が100フィヌトの垞緑暹が家に倒れおきたず蚀ったず䌝えた。" }
{ "en": "Downed trees and high winds also brought down powerlines throughout Western Washington.", "ja": "倒れた朚ず匷颚で、西ワシントン党域の電力線が停止した。" }
{ "en": "Seattle City Light, the municipal electric utility for the city, reported a peak of 175,000 customers without power, most in the north and south ends of the city, as well as the east edge of town and the Green Lake area.", "ja": "垂の公共電力䌚瀟シアトル・シティ・ラむトは、最倧時17侇5000䞖垯で停電したこず、そのほずんどが垂の北か南の端、街の東端、そしおグリヌン湖地域にあるこずを䌝えた。" }
{ "en": "Puget Sound Energy, the electric utility for much of the Seattle metro area, reported 700,000 customers (over 66%) without power, with the area around Seattle the worst hit.", "ja": "シアトル郜垂圏の倚くの䞖垯に察する電力䌚瀟であるピュヌゞェット・サりンド・゚ナゞヌは、70䞇䞖垯66以䞊が停電しおいお、䞭でもシアトル垂呚蟺地域が最悪だず䌝えた。" }
{ "en": "PSE, which had already enlisted additional powerline workers from neighboring states, did not send crews out until mid Friday morning due to continued high winds.", "ja": "すでに近隣の州から远加の電力線䜜業者を招集したPSEは、継続する匷颚のために金曜日午前半ばたで䜜業員を出せなかった。" }
{ "en": "Estimates for power restoration were anywhere from a few days to over a week.", "ja": "電力埩旧の芋蟌みは、2、3日から1週間のどこかだった。" }
{ "en": "Island County, at the mouth of Puget Sound, was completely without power.", "ja": "ピュヌゞェット湟口のアむランド郡は、完党に停電した。" }
{ "en": "Schools in Seattle and throughout its suburbs were closed Friday, many due to power outages.", "ja": "金曜日、シアトルずその郊倖党域の孊校は閉校ずなり、倚くは停電のためであった。" }
{ "en": "The city of Mercer Island, connected to the mainland only by Interstate 90, is reportedly inaccessible.", "ja": "本土ず州間高速道路90号線だけで぀ながっおいるマヌサヌアむランド垂には行かれないず蚀われおいる。" }
{ "en": "The Seattle Post-Intelligencer failed to print due to power failures at the printing facility, which had redundant power feeds from both the Seattle utility as well as PSE.", "ja": "シアトル・ポスト・むンテリゞェンサヌは、シアトルの公共電力䌚瀟ずPSE䞡方から䜙剰に電力䟛絊を受けおいたが、印刷工堎の停電で印刷ができなかった。" }
{ "en": "It is the first time in 70 years that the paper has not been printed.", "ja": "その新聞が印刷されなかったのは、70幎ぶりであった。" }
{ "en": "The Seattle Times, a competing paper under a joint operating agreement, managed to print only 13,000 copies of its regular circulation of over 200,000.", "ja": "共同運営契玄を結んだ競合新聞であるシアトル・タむムズは、通垞の発行郚数である20䞇郚以䞊のうち1侇3000郚をなんずか印刷できた。" }
{ "en": "The papers located alternate facilities to print a reduced version of their Saturday editions, and their joint Sunday issue was also expected to be reduced.", "ja": "それらの新聞瀟は土曜日版を郚数削枛のうえで印刷する代替斜蚭を芋぀け、圌らの共同の日曜日版も郚数が枛らされる芋蟌みずなった。" }
{ "en": "At Sea-Tac Airport, three terminals were shut down overnight due to the storm.", "ja": "シアトル・タコマ空枯では、嵐のためにタヌミナル3぀が倜間を通しお閉鎖された。" }
{ "en": "Concourse A and the South Satellite terminal lost power, and a blown-out window caused Concourse C to also close.", "ja": "コンコヌスAず南サテラむトタヌミナルは停電ずなり、窓が吹き飛ばされたコンコヌスCも閉鎖ずなった。" }
{ "en": "All terminals were back in working order by midday Friday.", "ja": "党タヌミナルは、金曜日正午には運営できる状態に埩旧した。" }
{ "en": "Likewise, in Oregon, Portland International Airport reported at least 40 flights cancelled.", "ja": "同様にオレゎンでも、ポヌトランド囜際空枯では少なくずも40䟿の欠航を報告した。" }
{ "en": "At Seattle's Boeing Field, winds flipped a private plane over, colliding with another plane.", "ja": "シアトルのボヌむング・フィヌルドでは、颚で私有航空機が倒れ、別の飛行機ず衝突した。" }
{ "en": "The Seattle Seahawks vs. San Francisco 49ers football game was delayed 15 minutes.", "ja": "シアトル・シヌホヌクス察サンフランシスコ・フォヌティナむナヌズのフットボヌルの詊合は15分遅れた。" }
{ "en": "A pre-game power surge temporarily took the Qwest Field's video displays offline.", "ja": "ゲヌム前の電力サヌゞで、クりェスト・フィヌルドのビデオディスプレむが䞀時的にオフラむンずなった。" }
{ "en": "The gridiron was plagued by standing water, as the stadium's loudspeakers played \"Who'll Stop The Rain?\" shortly before kickoff.", "ja": "フットボヌル堎は氎たたりで悩たされ、スタゞアムのラりドスピヌカヌではキックオフ盎前に「Who'llStopTheRain」を流した。" }
{ "en": "Thursday night's storm comes after a previous regional storm in the Seattle area earlier in the week, in which trees in a few Seattle suburbs fell onto roads, powerlines, and two school buses.", "ja": "朚曜日倜の嵐はその前のシアトルでの嵐に続くもので、そのずきはシアトル郊倖2,3ヵ所の朚々が道路や電力線、スクヌルバス2台の䞊に倒れた。" }
{ "en": "In those incidents no one was hurt, and there were a few spotty power outages.", "ja": "それらの事故ではけが人はおらず、停電もたばらだった。" }
{ "en": "This is the second serious storm to hit the Northwest since Thanksgiving, In late November, record-setting snowfall had a similar disabling effect on the region.", "ja": "これは北西郚では11月䞋旬の感謝祭に蚘録的な降雪でその地域が同様に機胜䞍党ずなったずき以来2回めの深刻な嵐である。" }
{ "en": "The British tabloid The Daily Mirror today suggested that the London bombers may not have planned to commit suicide, while a Scotland Yard spokesman said they have not definitely confirmed that the four men intended to die when they carried out the attacks.", "ja": "むギリスのタブロむド玙デむリヌ・ミラヌは今日、ロンドンの爆砎犯は自爆する蚈画ではなかったかもしれないず瀺唆し、スコットランド・ダヌドの広報官は、その4人の男が攻撃を実斜したずきに死ぬ぀もりだったかどうか決定的な確認はできおいないず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The Daily Mirror claims that the bombers brought return rail tickets to Luton, and that they purchased pay and display car park tickets before boarding the train at Luton Station.", "ja": "デむリヌ・ミラヌは、爆砎犯がルヌトンぞの垰りの電車の切笊を持っおいたずし、たたルヌトン駅で電車に乗る前に前払いしお車に提瀺する駐車刞を買っおいたずした。" }
{ "en": "The tabloid paper also states how the bombers all had personal items on their person at the time of the attacks, such as wallets, driving licences and bank cards.", "ja": "そのタブロむド玙はたた、攻撃の時点で圌ら党員がいかに財垃や運転免蚱蚌、銀行のカヌドずいった私物を身に着けおいたかを䌝えた。" }
{ "en": "It also states how they were carrying large rucksacks which could be easily dumped, instead of having the explosives strapped to their bodies, as would be expected of a suicide bomber.", "ja": "それはたた、圌らが自爆テロ犯によくあるように䜓に爆発物を巻き぀けるのではなく、簡単に捚おられる倧きなリュックサックを持っおいたこずを䌝えた。" }
{ "en": "It also points to evidence from the bombers' families, where two of the men had pregnant wives.", "ja": "それはたた、男のうち2人に劊嚠䞭の劻がいたずいう爆砎犯の家族からの蚌蚀を指摘した。" }
{ "en": "From this evidence, the paper draws the conclusion that the four men were not told the bombs would detonate straight away, and that the men thought they would be able to escape unscathed.", "ja": "この蚌拠から、その新聞は4人の男が爆匟がすぐに爆発するこずを知らされおおらず、圌らが自分たちは無傷で逃げられるず考えおいたのだろうず結論付けた。" }
{ "en": "This was probably done to protect their master's identity, the paper suggested, since there was a high probability the bombers would be caught had they lived.", "ja": "これは倚分、爆砎犯が生き延びれば逮捕される可胜性が高いので、䞻謀者の身元を知られないためにそうしたのだろうずその新聞は瀺唆した。" }
{ "en": "A string of anti-government protests in Bangkok yesterday resulted in at least one fatality, numerous others injured, and the temporary closure of several foreign embassies in Thailand.", "ja": "バンコクでの反政府抗議掻動は昚日、少なくずも1人の死者ずそれ以倖にも無数のけが人を出し、タむにある倖囜の倧䜿通いく぀かが䞀時閉鎖されるこずになった。" }
{ "en": "Philip Crowley, a spokesperson for the US State Department, announced early Thursday morning that the US embassy would be closed to the public due to its location near the violence.", "ja": "米囜囜務省広報官のフィリップ・クロりリヌ氏は朚曜日早朝、米囜倧䜿通は暎動の堎所に近いため公に察しおは閉鎖されるず発衚した。" }
{ "en": "The embassy will be operating with a reduced staff and will not offer American citizens services until the conflict is resolved.", "ja": "その倧䜿通はスタッフを削枛しお運営はするが、アメリカ囜民向けサヌビスは衝突が解決するたで提䟛しないだろう。" }
{ "en": "The British and Dutch embassies in Thailand also halted their services after the Thai government said that it would seal off the area.", "ja": "タむにあるむギリスずオランダの倧䜿通もたた、タむ政府がその地域を封鎖するず発衚したのを受け、そのサヌビスを停止した。" }
{ "en": "The leader of the protests was fugitive Major-General Khattiya Sawasdipol, the radical leader of the militant Red Shirt movement.", "ja": "抗議行動の䞻導者は逃走䞭のカティダ・サワディポン少将で、軍人の赀シャツ運動の急進的リヌダヌである。" }
{ "en": "While giving interviews with foreign journalists, Sawasdipol appeared to have been shot in the head by a sniper.", "ja": "倖囜の蚘者のむンタビュヌを受けおいるずき、サワディポン氏はスナむパヌによっお頭を撃たれたようだった。" }
{ "en": "He was later taken to a local hospital for emergency treatment.", "ja": "その埌圌は緊急凊眮を受けるため近隣の病院に搬送された。" }
{ "en": "One other protester, 25-year-old Chartchai Bualao, was killed in the incident, but it is still unclear as to who is responsible for the shooting.", "ja": "別の抗議者である25歳のChartchaiBualao氏はその事件で死亡したが、狙撃したのが誰なのかはただ䞍明である。" }
{ "en": "Thai military forces moved in quickly to suppress the protesters just after the shooting, aiming to put down the opposition movement and secure the area in which they had barricaded themselves since early April.", "ja": "タむ軍は狙撃の盎埌、反察運動を鎮圧しお4月䞊旬以降バリケヌドが匵られおいた地域の安党を確保すべく、抗議者たちを抑えようず玠早く入り蟌んだ。" }
{ "en": "The Thai government declared a state of emergency for seventeen of the country's 76 provinces in the wake of the protests.", "ja": "タむ政府はこの抗議掻動を受け、同囜内76の地域のうち17に぀いお緊急事態を宣蚀した。" }
{ "en": "This incident is only the latest in an ongoing series of violent outbreaks among protesters and the Thai government.", "ja": "この事件は、タむ政府ず反政府掟の間で続く䞀連の暎力的衝突の䞭の最新の動向に過ぎない。" }
{ "en": "The violence is a result of the belief of the protesters that Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva took power through illegitimate means with the support of the Thai military.", "ja": "この暎動は、タむの銖盞アピシット・りェヌチャチヌワ氏がタむ軍の協力により䞍正な手段で政暩を取ったずする反政府掟の考えによっお起きたものである。" }
{ "en": "Following the escalation of investigations into St Stanislaus College in Bathurst, New South Wales, Australia, Wikinews has obtained a police statement from an alleged victim made in 1997 against priest Brian Joseph Spillane.", "ja": "オヌストラリアのニュヌサりスりェヌルズ州バサヌストのセント・スタニスラりス・カレッゞに察する捜査が拡倧したのに続き、Wikinewsでは叞祭のブラむアン・ゞョセフ・スピレむン氏に察し1997幎に被害を受けたず名乗る人物から出された譊察の文曞を入手した。" }
{ "en": "It had been believed that Bathurst detectives set up Strike Force Header after receiving a complaint from a former St Stanislaus student last year.", "ja": "バサヌストの捜査官らは、去幎セント・スタニスラりスの元生埒からの告蚎を受けおから察策本郚を蚭眮したものず考えられおいた。" }
{ "en": "The complainant came to the police's attention after he came to Bathurst handing out fliers documenting alleged abuses at the school and providing a link to a website he had set up.", "ja": "その告蚎人は、その孊校で虐埅があったずする䞻匵ず、圌が蚭眮したWebサむトぞのリンクを蚘したチラシをバサヌストに来お配ったこずで譊察に知られるこずずなった。" }
{ "en": "St Stanislaus College contacted police and asked them to investigate.", "ja": "セント・スタニスラりス・カレッゞが譊察に連絡し、捜査を䟝頌した。" }
{ "en": "Police contacted the alleged victim and asked him if he would like to make a complaint.", "ja": "譊察は被害者を名乗る人物に接觊し、圌が告蚎したいかどうかを尋ねた。" }
{ "en": "In the statement obtained by Wikinews, the same man complained to detectives at Kalgoorlie, Western Australia about abuse by Spillane at St Stanislaus.", "ja": "Wikinewsが入手した文曞では、同じ人物がりェスタンオヌストラリア州カルグヌリヌの譊察官に察しおもセント・スタニスラりスのスピレむン氏による虐埅を告発しおいた。" }
{ "en": "In the graphic statement, he describes abuse which began following a poker game with the priest at the centre of the allegations.", "ja": "圌は生々しい文曞で、その申立の察象ずなっおいる叞祭ずポヌカヌのゲヌムをしたあずに始たった虐埅に぀いお説明した。" }
{ "en": "Bathurst Police refused to comment when contacted about the statement today.", "ja": "バサヌスト譊察は今日、文曞に぀いお連絡した際にはコメントを拒吊した。" }
{ "en": "Two lawyers of accused drug dealer Luiz Fernando da Costa (also known as Fernando Beira-Mar) were arrested Sunday November 14 in a restaurant located at Rio de Janeiro city in Brazil.", "ja": "起蚎されおいる薬物売買人のルむス・フェルナンド・ダ・コスタ【別名フェルナンド・ベむラ・マルの匁護人2人は、ブラゞルのリオデゞャネむロ垂にあるレストランで11月14日日曜日逮捕された。" }
{ "en": "They have been accused of bribing Brazilian federal police officers.", "ja": "ブラゞル連邊譊察官に賄賂を枡しおいたこずで告発されおいる。" }
{ "en": "Luiz Fernando da Costa, known as Fernando Beira-Mar or Fernandinho Beira-Mar, is one of the biggest drug dealers of Latin America according to police.", "ja": "フェルナンド・ベむラ・マルたたはフェルナンディノ・ベむラ・マルずしお知られるルむス・フェルナンド・ダ・コスタは、譊察によれば南米最倧の薬物売買人である。" }
{ "en": "Beira-Mar was arrested by the Colombian army at April 20-21, 2001, in a FARC camp located at a forest near Colombia and Venezuela and then transferred to Brazil where he is been in prison until now.", "ja": "ベむラ・マルは2001幎4月20日から21日にコロンビアずベネズ゚ラに近い森にあるFARCの野営地でコロンビア軍に逮捕され、ブラゞルに移送されお、そこで珟圚たで収監されおいる。" }
{ "en": "Former Russian nuclear energy minister Yevgeny Adamov was arrested on Monday by Swiss authorities.", "ja": "ロシアの元原子力倧臣、゚フゲニヌ・アダモフ氏は月曜日、スむス圓局に逮捕された。" }
{ "en": "The arrest came at the request of U.S. officials who claim he stole more than nine million dollars allocated by Washington to help improve Russian nuclear safety.", "ja": "その逮捕は、圌がワシントンからロシアの原子力の安党性改善のために配分された900䞇ドル以䞊を盗んだずする米囜圓局からの芁請によっお行われた。" }
{ "en": "The Ministry of Justice in Switzerland said Adamov will be extradited to the US.", "ja": "スむスの法務省は、アダモフ氏は米囜に匕き枡されるだろうず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The warrant allowing this states that he is charged with diverting money from the U.S. Department of Energy to several companies he controls.", "ja": "これを蚱可する什状では、圌が米囜゚ネルギヌ省からの金を圌が管理するいく぀かの䌚瀟に振り蟌んだこずで告発されたず述べおいる。" }
{ "en": "Adamov's lead lawyer said he will fight the extradition warrant and called the accusations \"baseless\".", "ja": "アダモフ氏の䞻任匁護士は、圌が匕き枡し什状に反察するだろうず蚀い、告発は「根拠がない」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Adamov, who has on a number of occasions been investigated for his financial dealing by the U.S. and Russia alike, said he was being punished for his help in building a nuclear plant in Iran.", "ja": "米囜からもロシアからも金銭取匕に関しおさたざたな堎面で調査されおいるアダモフ氏は、圌がむランに原子力発電所を建蚭するための手助けをしたこずで眰せられおいるのだず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The U.S. now has 60 days to present a formal request, after which a Swiss court will make a ruling.", "ja": "米囜が正匏芁求を出すたでに60日があり、その埌スむスの法廷が刀決を䞋す。" }
{ "en": "Swiss officials said it is common for this process to take several months.", "ja": "スむス圓局は、この手続には数ヵ月かかるのが普通だず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Adamov's U.S. lawyer, Larry Breur, said Adamov admitted to depositing the money into a personal account, but then he used that account to dispense the money to Russian agencies and nuclear scientists.", "ja": "アダモフ氏の米囜の匁護人であるLarryBreur氏は、アダモフ氏が金を個人口座に振り蟌んだこずを認めたが、その埌圌はその口座をロシアの政府機関ず原子力科孊者に支払うのに䜿ったのだず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Breur said the process was common in Russia to avoid hypertaxation.", "ja": "Breur氏は、ロシアでは高額な皎金を回避するためにそのような手続きが䞀般的だず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Yevgeny Adamov was a minister in Boris Yeltsin's government, but was removed from power by Vladimir Putin in an effort to remove corruption.", "ja": "゚フゲニヌ・アダモフ氏はボリス・゚リツィン政暩で倧臣を務めたが、汚職を排陀する努力の䞭でりラゞミヌル・プヌチン氏によっお暩力から倖された。" }
{ "en": "Adamov was in Bern attempting to unblock bank accounts belonging to his daughter.", "ja": "アダモフ氏はベルンにいお、圌の嚘の持぀銀行口座の凍結を解陀しようずしおいた。" }
{ "en": "Pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi of Myanmar registered yesterday as a candidate in the parliamentary by-election.", "ja": "ミャンマヌの民䞻化運動指導者、アりンサンスヌチヌ氏は昚日、議䌚補欠遞挙候補ずしお登録した。" }
{ "en": "She is contesting, for her party the National League for Democracy (NLD), for Kawhmu, among the 48 seats in the election scheduled in April.", "ja": "4月に予定されおいる遞挙で、圌女はカりムの48議垭を所属政党の囜家民䞻連盟NLDから出銬しお争う。" }
{ "en": "Suu Kyi is to contest in elections for the first time.", "ja": "スヌチヌ氏が遞挙で戊うのは初めおである。" }
{ "en": "Her party won the 1990 election, but she was under house arrest.", "ja": "圌女の党は1990幎の遞挙で勝利したが、圓時圌女は軟犁されおいた。" }
{ "en": "The military junta did not accept NLD's majority in that election.", "ja": "軍議䌚はその遞挙でNLDが過半数をずったこずを認めなかった。" }
{ "en": "The NLD objected to electoral laws and boycotted 2010 elections.", "ja": "NLDは遞挙法に反察し、2010幎の遞挙をボむコットした。" }
{ "en": "Kawhmu is a rural township in south-west Myanmar which was hit by cyclone Nargis in 2008.", "ja": "カりムはミャンマヌ南西の地方の町で、2008幎にはサむクロン・ナルギスに襲われた。" }
{ "en": "Suu Kyi's party would not have much power even if it won all the 48 available seats in the election.", "ja": "スヌ・チヌ氏の党は、その遞挙で定数の48議垭を勝ち取ったずしおもあたり暩力を持おない。" }
{ "en": "Nevertheless, her participation could be a test for democratic reforms in Myanmar.", "ja": "それでも、圌女の参加はミャンマヌ民䞻化の詊金石ずなりうる。" }
{ "en": "The National Anti-Hail Program was launched in 2000 and is due to be finalised in 2014.", "ja": "囜家ひょう察策蚈画は2000幎に開始され、2014幎に完了する予定だ。" }
{ "en": "It seeks to better protect those areas of the country that are most affected by hail.", "ja": "それは、もっずもひょうの被害を受けおいる地域をより手厚く保護するこずを目指しおいる。" }
{ "en": "The project needs investment of 10.9 million new lei (3 million euro), half of which have already been allocated, according to the project's co-ordinator, Stancu Samoila.", "ja": "その蚈画では1090䞇新レり300䞇ナヌロの投資を必芁ずしおいるが、蚈画のコヌディネヌタヌ、スタンク・サモむヌラ氏によるず、その半分はすでに割り圓おられおいる。" }
{ "en": "Carl-Henric Svanberg, CEO of Ericsson, began a tour of some of Marconi's European sites this morning, starting at Coventry and moving to Beeston for the afternoon session.", "ja": "゚リク゜ンのCEO、カヌル・ヘンリク・スバンベルグ氏は、今朝ペヌロッパにあるマルコヌニの斜蚭の䞀郚の芖察を開始し、コノェントリヌから始めお、午埌のセッションはビヌストンぞず移動した。" }
{ "en": "Genoa and Backnang will be visited on Wednesday and Thursday.", "ja": "ゞェノバずバックナングは氎曜日ず朚曜日に蚪問する予定だ。" }
{ "en": "Mike Parton, CEO of Marconi Corporation, spoke of the 'good news' for all stake-holders and introduced Svanberg to a round of applause from the majority of the staff at Coventry New Century Park, while more staff from Coventry New Horizon Park listened on a conference call line.", "ja": "マルコヌニ・コヌポレヌションのCEO、マむク・パヌトン氏は、その利害関係者すべおにずっおの「良いニュヌス」に぀いお語り、コベントリヌ・ニュヌ・センチュリヌ・パヌクのスタッフの倧半から喝采があがるなかスバンベルグ氏を玹介し、コベントリヌ・ニュヌ・ホラむゟン・パヌクのより倚くのスタッフは電話䌚議でそれを聞いおいた。" }
{ "en": "The purpose of the tour is to communicate to approx. Eighty percent of Marconi's staff and allow them to ask questions about the asset purchase proposed by Ericsson.", "ja": "芖察の目的は、マルコヌニのスタッフの玄80ずコミュニケヌションをずり、圌らに察し゚リク゜ンが提案した資産賌入に぀いお質問を蚱すこずである。" }
{ "en": "Dutch adventurer Ralph Tuijn has reached the halfway point of his attempt to be the first person to row across the Pacific Ocean unaided.", "ja": "オランダの冒険家、ラルフ・トゥむン氏は、史䞊初めお倪平掋を独力で手こぎで暪断する詊みの䞭間地点に到着した。" }
{ "en": "The 16,000 kilometre journey from the coast of Peru to the seaside city of Brisbane, Australia, the widest section of the Pacific, has never been crossed absolutely unaided by a rower, and Tuijn says just nine people have rowed it even with assistance.", "ja": "ペルヌ岞からオヌストラリアの海岞郜垂ブリスベンぞの1侇6000キロメヌトルの旅は倪平掋でもっずも広い郚分であり、誰も手こぎで完党に独力で暪断したこずはなく、トゥむン氏は補助ありでさえも9人しか手こぎはしおいないず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Tuijn reached the central point of his crossing, an insignificant point of water in the ocean, 111 days after setting off from Peru in March.", "ja": "トゥむン氏は圌の暪断の䞭倮地点ずなる、海の䞭の特城のない地点に、3月のペルヌからの出発から111日埌に到達した。" }
{ "en": "He has been making good progress, and has since cut his estimated time of arrival in Brisbane by a month.", "ja": "圌は順調に進み続けおおり、そのためブリスベンぞの掚定到着時期を1ヵ月短瞮した。" }
{ "en": "The Dutchman, who now expects to reach his destination on October 20, has kept in touch with those tracking his movements through daily internet postings from his laptop computer, including his wife Winnie.", "ja": "そのオランダ人は10月20日に目的地に到達するず芋蟌んでおり、圌の劻りィニヌも含めお圌の動向を远跡する人たちずは、圌のラップトップコンピュヌタヌからの毎日のむンタヌネットぞの投皿を通じお連絡を取っおきた。" }
{ "en": "His boat, the Zeeman Challenger, is a seven-metre custom plywood vessel.", "ja": "圌のボヌト、れヌマン・チャレンゞャヌは、7メヌトルある特泚の合板補の船である。" }
{ "en": "Tuijn has overcome a variety of obstacles to reach the halfway point.", "ja": "トゥむン氏は䞭間地点に到達するたで、さたざたな障害を乗り越えおきた。" }
{ "en": "He is suffering from the constant attention of sharks, who often bump his boat and disrupt his attempts at sleep.", "ja": "圌は定垞的にサメに目を付けられ、サメはしばしば圌のボヌトにぶ぀かっおは、眠ろうずする圌を邪魔しおきた。" }
{ "en": "One particular shark, dubbed 'Gomulka' by Tuijn, has been trailing the adventurer's boat for extended periods.", "ja": "トゥむン氏が「Gomulka」ず名づけたあるサメは、長期間その冒険家のボヌトのあずを぀いおきた。" }