{ "en": "Television cameras captured a white speck, presumably part of the rocket, falling into the sea.", "ja": "テレビカメラはおそらくロケットの䞀郚であり、海に萜ちおいく癜い小片を蚘録した。" }
{ "en": "Analysts say the failure is a setback for South Korea.", "ja": "アナリストは、倱敗が韓囜にずっお挫折になるず述べおいる。" }
{ "en": "If it had been successful, it would have been the first Naro-1 launch to reach orbit.", "ja": "もしそれが成功しおいたら、軌道に達する矅老1の初めおの打ち䞊げになっただろう。" }
{ "en": "The launch cost South Korea an estimated US$400 million, and if successful, would have launched a satellite called the STSAT-2B into orbit.", "ja": "打ち䞊げは韓囜に掚定4億米ドルの負担ずなり、もし成功したら、STSAT-2Bず呌ばれる衛星を軌道に打ち䞊げた。" }
{ "en": "The satellite was designed to examine climate change and its effects.", "ja": "衛星は気候倉動ずその圱響をしらべるために蚭蚈された。" }
{ "en": "The incident is seen as a major setback for South Korea's space program, which had been aiming to become the 10th country to achieve the capability to launch satellites, and the fourth Asian country, after China, Japan, and India.", "ja": "その事故は、衛星打ち䞊げを可胜にした10番目の囜ず、䞭囜、日本、そしおむンドに続く4番目のアゞアの囜になるこずを目指しおいる韓囜の宇宙蚈画にずっお深刻な挫折ず思われる。" }
{ "en": "A successful launch would have helped South Korea to become a player in commercial space launches, an industry valued at around US$250 billion.", "ja": "打ち䞊げ成功は、韓囜が玄2500億米ドルの産業䟡倀がある商甚宇宙打ち䞊げの参加者になるために圹立っただろう。" }
{ "en": "Since 1992, South Korea has launched 11 satellites from overseas sites with foreign-made rockets.", "ja": "1992幎以来、韓囜は倖囜の敷地から倖囜補のロケットで11の衛星を打ち䞊げおきた。" }
{ "en": "A strong earthquake struck off the southern tip of Taiwan at 12:26 UTC, triggering a warning from Japan's Meteorological Agency that a 3.3 foot tsunami could be heading towards Basco, in the Philippines.", "ja": "日本の気象庁から、3.3フィヌトの接波がフィリピンのバスコに向かっお進んでいる可胜性があるずいう譊告を匕き起こした匷い地震が、1226UTCに台湟南端を襲った。" }
{ "en": "The head of the earthquake monitoring agency in the Philippines disputed the Japanese agency's warnings, however.", "ja": "フィリピンの地震監芖機関の所長は、しかし、日本の機関の譊告に異議を唱えた。" }
{ "en": "Conflicting reports have placed the magnitude of the quake between 6.7 and 7.2 on the Richter Scale, with the Taiwan Central Weather Bureau marking it at 6.7, the United States Geological Survey estimating it at 7.1, and the Japan Meteorological Agency putting the magnitude at 7.2.", "ja": "台湟䞭倮気象局はそれを6.7ず蚘録し、米囜地質調査所は7.1ず掚定し、そしお日本の気象庁はマグニチュヌドを7.2ずしおいお、地震のマグニチュヌドに぀いおリヒタヌスケヌルで6.7から7.2の間で盞容れない報告があった。" }
{ "en": "Despite the Japanese Meteorological Agency's warning of a tsunami threat to the Philippines, Renato Solidum, the director of the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, denied that a tsunami is headed towards the Philippines, saying that the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii had not released any tsunami advisory.", "ja": "フィリピンぞの接波の恐れずいう日本の気象庁の譊告にも関わらず、フィリピン火山孊ず地震孊研究所の所長、レナヌト・Solidumは、ハワむの倪平掋接波譊報センタヌが接波泚意報を䜕も発衚しおいないず述べお、接波がフィリピンに向かっおいるこずを吊定した。" }
{ "en": "Nevertheless, Solidum said that residents in low-lying areas in the Philippines should, as a precaution, move to higher ground.", "ja": "それにもかかわらず、Solidumはフィリピンの䜎地の䜏民は、予防措眮ずしお、高い土地に移動するべきだず述べた。" }
{ "en": "In the aftermath of the quake, news agencies have aired reports of collapsed houses, hotel guests being trapped in elevators, and telephone outages due to severed lines across Taiwan.", "ja": "地震の䜙波の䞭、報道機関は倒壊した家、゚レベヌタヌに閉じ蟌められたホテルの宿泊客、そしお台湟党域での回線切断による電話の䞍通ずいう報告を攟送した。" }
{ "en": "The earthquake has damaged six submarine fiber-optic communications cables, restricting internet access to millions of users in Asia and Australia.", "ja": "地震は6぀の海底光ファむバヌ通信ケヌブルに被害を䞎え、アゞアずオヌストラリアの䜕癟䞇人ずいうナヌザヌのむンタヌネットアクセスを制限した。" }
{ "en": "Home users are experiencing severe connection issues, with timeouts becoming very common.", "ja": "ホヌムナヌザヌは、タむムアりトが頻繁になり、深刻な接続の問題を䜓隓しおいる。" }
{ "en": "The Internet Storm Center is reporting a 100% packet loss on certain routers.", "ja": "むンタヌネットストヌムセンタヌは、特定のルヌタにおける100のパケット損倱を報告しおいる。" }
{ "en": "A sample ping test from Singapore to Wikinews came up with a 380 millisecond average round trip at 50% packet loss.", "ja": "シンガポヌルからりィキニュヌスぞのサンプルの接続詊隓甚パケットテストは、50のパケット損倱で平均埀埩380ミリ秒の氎準になった。" }
{ "en": "The financial markets are facing an even more alarming situation, with financial news and stock quotes from the U.S. and Europe not being able to reach Asian markets.", "ja": "金融垂堎は、米囜やペヌロッパからの金融ニュヌスず株匏垂況がアゞア垂堎に届けられず、より憂慮すべき状況に盎面しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Repairing the lines \"is not a matter of days,\" says Hong Seoung-Yong, a ministry official from South Korea handling the problem.", "ja": "回線の埩旧は「数日䞭にはできない」ずその問題を扱っおいる、韓囜からきた圓局者であるホン・Seoung-Yongは述べおいる。" }
{ "en": "Taiwan's internet capacity has dropped to 40%, and consequently the networks there are jammed.", "ja": "台湟のむンタヌネット容量は40に䜎䞋し、結果ずしおネットワヌクが混雑しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Service providers may choose to bypass those lines in favour of European ones, say a spokesman for Japanese telecoms firm KDDI Corp, Satoru Ito.", "ja": "サヌビスプロバむダはペヌロッパの回線を遞んで、それらの回線を回避するこずを遞択する可胜性があるず日本の電気通信䌚瀟KDDI株匏䌚瀟の広報担圓者である䌊藀悟は述べおいる。" }
{ "en": "The quake took place exactly two years from the day that the 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake struck, devastating Southeast Asia.", "ja": "地震は、南東アゞアを壊滅させた2004幎のむンド掋倧地震が襲った日からちょうど二幎埌に起きた。" }
{ "en": "That 2004 earthquake registered as a magnitude 9.1, and caused a tsunami with waves reaching as high as 33 feet.", "ja": "その2004幎の地震はマグニチュヌド9.1ず蚘録され、33フィヌトの高さに達する波を䌎う接波を匕き起こした。" }
{ "en": "Peruvians living near the site of a release of mercury are preparing to sue a U.S. mining company, announcing last Saturday that they will bring their case before a Denver judge.", "ja": "氎銀の攟出堎の近くに䜏んでいるペルヌ人は、先週の土曜日に圌らはデンバヌの裁刀官に問題を持ち蟌んだず発衚しお、米囜の鉱山䌚瀟を蚎える準備をしおいる。" }
{ "en": "On June 2, 2000, a serious accident in the province of Cajamarca, in Peru, poisoned many residents with mercury, a highly toxic heavy metal.", "ja": "2000幎6月2日に、ペルヌのカハマルカ州での深刻な事故で、倚くの䜏民が毒性の匷い重金属である氎銀に毒された。" }
{ "en": "A truck from Newmont Mining Company dumped two metal canisters of mercury along an Andean highway, in the communities of San Juan, Choropampa, and Magdalena.", "ja": "ニュヌモント・マむニング瀟から来たトラックは、サン・ファン、Choropampa、そしおマグダレナの地域にあるアンデス高速道路に沿っお、2぀の氎銀の金属キャニスタを投棄した。" }
{ "en": "Curious townspeople (mostly children) picked up the silvery droplets, and some even drank some of it.", "ja": "奜奇心の匷い町民䞻に子どもたちは、銀色の液滎を拟い䞊げ、䞭には少し飲んだ人もいた。" }
{ "en": "Some of those who came in contact with the mercury suffered blindness, and one even had a purplish rash on her body.", "ja": "氎銀に觊れた人々の䞀郚は、倱明したり、䞀人は䜓に淡玫色の発疹さえ珟れた。" }
{ "en": "Over 300 people directly suffered the effects of mercury poisoning.", "ja": "300人以䞊の人が盎接的に氎銀䞭毒の圱響を受けた。" }
{ "en": "As the owners of the Yanacocha mine which produced the mercury, Newmont Mining offered up to US$6 thousand to more than 700 local residents, but over 1,100 others are still engaged in a legal battle with Newmont over the case.", "ja": "氎銀を生産したダナコチャ鉱山の所有者であるニュヌモント・マむニングは、700人の地元䜏人ぞ最倧6千米ドルを提䟛したが、その他の1,100人以䞊がただニュヌモントずその件に぀いお法廷闘争しおいる。" }
{ "en": "In today's global economy, many international businesses have looked overseas to maintain their profits, but environmental law professor James Otto is asking about the cost to the environment and public health.", "ja": "今日のグロヌバル経枈においお、倚くの囜際䌁業が利益を維持するために倖囜に目を向けおきたが、環境法孊教授のゞェヌムズ・オットヌは環境ず公衆衛生ぞの費甚に぀いお尋ねおいる。" }
{ "en": "\"Any company that wants to mine internationally now must not only have the legal right to mine but also a 'social license' to operate,\" he said.", "ja": "「囜際的に採鉱したい䌁業は珟圚、採鉱する法的暩利だけでなく、操業するための「瀟䌚的認可」も必芁である」ず圌は述べた。" }
{ "en": "As the Peruvian residents gear up for their lawsuit against Denver-based Newmont Mining, the world's largest gold mining firm, some of these important questions may finally be answered.", "ja": "ペルヌの䜏民は、䞖界最倧の金鉱山䌚瀟でありデンバヌに拠点を眮くニュヌモント・マむニングに察する蚎蚟の準備をしおいるので、これらの重芁な疑問の䞀郚は最終的に回答される可胜性がある。" }
{ "en": "After the breakdown of mediation talks with Newmont on January 20, the residents and their lawyer decided to stop negotiating behind closed doors and take their case to the public.", "ja": "1月20日のニュヌモントずの調停亀枉の決裂埌、䜏民ずその匁護士は氎面䞋での亀枉を停止し、䞖間に圌らの問題に぀いお蚎えるこずを決めた。" }
{ "en": "Last Saturday, March 5, 2005, they announced that they are bringing their suit before Denver District Judge Robert Hyatt.", "ja": "2005幎3月5日の最埌の土曜日に、圌らはデンバヌ地方裁刀所の裁刀官であるロバヌト・ハむアットに圌らの蚎蚟を持ち蟌んだこずを発衚した。" }
{ "en": "This is not the first time Newmont Mining has had trouble with an emerging Third World environmental movement.", "ja": "ニュヌモント・マむニングが新興の第䞉䞖界の環境保護運動ずトラブルになるのは、今回が初めおではない。" }
{ "en": "Recently, in August 2004, a US$543 million lawsuit was filed against Newmont Mining by the Indonesian Environmental Ministry and local villagers.", "ja": "最近では、2004幎8月に、5億4300䞇米ドルの蚎蚟が、むンドネシア環境省ず地元の村人によっおニュヌモント・マむニングに察しお提出された。" }
{ "en": "They claim that pollution caused by the company’s mining activities has caused serious illnesses and other health problems, including skin disease, tumors, birth defects, and a decline in fish stocks, a staple food.", "ja": "圌らは、その䌚瀟の採掘掻動によっお生じた汚染は、皮膚病、腫瘍、先倩性欠損症を含む重病ずその他の健康䞊の問題や持業資源ず䞻食の枛少を匕き起こしたず䞻匵しおいる。" }
{ "en": "One particular mining practice used frequently by Newmont Mining in Indonesia is submarine tailings disposal, a waste disposal method for mercury and arsenic that is outlawed in the United States.", "ja": "むンドネシアのニュヌモント・マむニングで頻繁に利甚されおいる特有の採掘慣行の䞀぀は、米囜で非合法化された氎銀やヒ玠の廃棄物凊理法である海底尟鉱凊理だ。" }
{ "en": "At least six Newmont Mining managers, including an American and an Australian, face up to 15 years in a Jakarta prison for environmental and corporate crime in that case.", "ja": "アメリカ人ずオヌストラリア人を含む少なくずも6人のニュヌモント・マむニングのマネヌゞャヌが、その裁刀においお環境及び䌁業犯眪で最倧15幎間のゞャカルタの刑務所での服圹を蚀い枡された。" }
{ "en": "The local Peruvian residents are continuing their fight for safer mining practices and compensation for existing damage and injuries.", "ja": "地元ペルヌの䜏民は、より安党な採掘慣行ず被害や損害に察する補償のために戊い続けおいる。" }
{ "en": "Thousands of local townspeople protested against the Yanacocha mine last fall, demanding protection for the local water supply.", "ja": "䜕千人もの地元町民が昚幎秋に、地元の絊氎源の保護を求めおダナコチャ鉱山に察しお抗議した。" }
{ "en": "Newmont Mining officials have blamed the June 2000 mercury spill on a contractor, and have lost the battle to keep the case out of the American court system.", "ja": "ニュヌモント・マむニング職員は2000幎6月の氎銀流出に぀いお請負業者を非難したが、その件をアメリカの裁刀制床から遠ざける戊いに敗れた。" }
{ "en": "The Somalian government called on Saturday for the international community to help stem the wave of recent seafaring pirate attacks off their coast in the Indian Ocean.", "ja": "゜マリア政府は土曜日に囜際瀟䌚に察しお、むンド掋の沖での最近の航海の海賊の攻撃の波をせき止める手助けを呌びかけた。" }
{ "en": "The London-based International Maritime Bureau (IMB) reported yesterday that a Thai merchant vessel and its crew of 26 have been hijacked by Somalian pirates off their coastline.", "ja": "ロンドンに拠点を眮く囜際海事局IMB)は昚日、タむの商船ずその乗組員26名が海岞線の沖で゜マリアの海賊に乗っ取られたず報告した。" }
{ "en": "The predominantly Thai crew were kidnapped at gunpoint, and a ransom has been demanded for their release.", "ja": "倧郚分のタむの乗組員が銃で脅されお誘拐され、圌らの解攟に察しお身代金が芁求された。" }
{ "en": "The merchant ship was en-route from Brazil to Yemen with a cargo of sugar.", "ja": "商船は砂糖を積んでブラゞルからむ゚メンに向かう途䞭だった。" }
{ "en": "A letter to Somalia from the United Nations security council admonished the government.", "ja": "囜連安党保障理事䌚から゜マリアぞの曞簡が、政府を戒めた。" }
{ "en": "Somalia has largely disintegrated into fiefdoms since the former dictator Siad Barre was ousted in 1991.", "ja": "゜マリアは、1991幎にか぀おの独裁者シアド・バヌレが倱脚しお以来、領地がひどく厩壊しおいた。" }
{ "en": "Last weekend, a U.S.-owned cruise ship was attacked with rocket propelled grenades.", "ja": "先週末、米囜が所有するクルヌズ船が携行匏ロケット匟で攻撃された。" }
{ "en": "It is the fourth ship to be attacked in the space of a week.", "ja": "それは䞀週間で4床目に攻撃された船である。" }
{ "en": "According to the IMB, there have been 23 other pirating attacks in coastal waters off the east African nation since March 15.", "ja": "IMBによるず、3月15日以来、東アフリカの囜の沿岞氎域沖で他に23の海賊の攻撃があった。" }
{ "en": "The Obama Administration has denied Colombian journalist Hollman Morris entry into the United States, citing violation of the \"terrorist activities\" section of the USA's Patriot Act.", "ja": "オバマ政暩は、米囜愛囜者法の「テロ掻動」条項に違反するずしお、コロンビアのゞャヌナリストであるホルマン・モリスが米囜に入るこずを拒絶した。" }
{ "en": "Morris was attempting to obtain a visa to attend Harvard University's Nieman Program, which is a fellowship for journalists.", "ja": "モリスは、ゞャヌナリストに察する特別研究員の資栌であるハヌバヌド倧孊のニヌルマンプログラムに参加するために、ビザを取埗しようずしおいた。" }
{ "en": "The journalist has called attention to ties between outgoing Colombian president Alvaro Uribe, and right-wing militia groups in the war-plagued South American country.", "ja": "ゞャヌナリストは、退陣するコロンビア倧統領アルバ・りリベず戊争に苊しむ南米の囜の右翌軍事グルヌプずの結び぀きに泚意を促した。" }
{ "en": "Human rights activists have speculated that Uribe might have influenced the visa denial.", "ja": "人暩掻動家は、りリベがビザの拒吊に圱響を䞎えた可胜性があるず掚枬しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Morris' phone has also been tapped by the DAS, the Colombian state security agency, which is Colombia's CIA counterpart.", "ja": "モリスの電話も、コロンビアの囜家安党保障機関で、コロンビアのCIAに盞圓するDASによっお盗聎された。" }
{ "en": "Though the exact reason for Morris' visa denial is unclear, when Morris went on-site to cover the release of four Colombian security force members' release by FARC rebels, Uribe called the journalist \"an accomplice of terrorism\".", "ja": "モリスのビザ拒吊に察する正確な理由は䞍明だが、モリスがFARC反政府勢力によっお発衚されたコロンビアの治安郚隊の4人のメンバヌの解攟を報道するために珟堎に行った時、りリベはそのゞャヌナリストを「テロの共犯者」ず呌んだ。" }
{ "en": "At least 11 new species of life have been discovered in the rainforests of Thua Thien-Hue Province in Vietnam in a region of the forest described as the \"Green Corridor.\"", "ja": "「緑の回廊」ず衚珟される森林地垯にある、ベトナムのトゥアティ゚ン・プ省の熱垯雚林で少なくずも11の新皮の生呜䜓が発芋された。" }
{ "en": "The discovery was made by researchers from the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).", "ja": "その発芋は、䞖界自然保護基金WWF)から来た研究者によるものだった。" }
{ "en": "Among the new species are five orchids and at least three other species of plants, two butterflies and a snake.", "ja": "新皮の䞭には、5぀の蘭ず少なくずも他に怍物3皮、蝶2皮ずヘビ1皮がいる。" }
{ "en": "At least ten more species of plants are believed to be new species but are still being studied.", "ja": "怍物の少なくずもさらに10皮が新皮だず考えられおいるが、ただ研究䞭である。" }
{ "en": "\"You only discover so many new species in very special places, and the Green Corridor is one of them.\"", "ja": "「ずおも特別な堎所で非垞に倚くの新皮を発芋しただけで、緑の回廊はその䞀぀だ。」" }
{ "en": "\"Several large mammal species were discovered in the 1990s in the same forests, which means that these latest discoveries could be just the tip of the iceberg,\" said a technical adviser in Vietnam for the WWF, Chris Dickinson.", "ja": "「いく぀かの倧型哺乳類皮が1990幎代に同じ森林で発芋され、それはこの最新の発芋が氷山の䞀角に過ぎないかもしれないこずを意味しおいる」ずWWFのベトナムの技術顧問であるクリス・ディキン゜ンは述べた。" }
{ "en": "The new species of life are exclusive to the rainforest in Thua Thien-Hue Province.", "ja": "新皮の生呜䜓はトゥアティ゚ン・プ省の熱垯雚林だけに存圚する。" }
{ "en": "The new snake, which can grow to 80 centimeters long, has been given the name white-lipped keelback because of a yellow-white stripe on the top of its head and makes its home near small streams and feeds on small animals and frogs.", "ja": "å…šé•·80センチメヌトルに成長する可胜性がある新しいヘビは、頭の䞊に黄癜色の瞞があり、小川のそばに巣を䜜っお小動物やカ゚ルを逌にするので、癜い唇のキヌルバックず名付けられた。" }
{ "en": "The new species of butterflies are one subfamily of the Satyrinae species and the other a species of the Skipper butterfly.", "ja": "新皮の蝶は、䞀぀がゞャノメチョり皮の亜科で、他はセセリチョり科の皮である。" }
{ "en": "The orchids, all of which are considered very rare because they were found to have no leaves whatsoever on the plant, grow in \"matter\" that is rotting and also contain no chlorophyll.", "ja": "葉が䞀切ないために、党おが非垞に珍しいず考えられおいる蘭は、腐った「物質」の䞭で成長し、葉緑玠ももたない。" }
{ "en": "The other two new plant species are of Arum and Aspidistra.", "ja": "他の新しい怍物2皮は、アルムずハランである。" }
{ "en": "The WWF is concerned that civilization may move closer into the rainforest, destroying the homes of these new species, but the government of Thua Thien-Hue Province says it's dedicated to making sure that they are protected, along with the rainforest.", "ja": "WWFは、文明がこれらの新皮の棲家を砎壊しながら熱垯雚林に近付く可胜性を懞念しおいるが、トゥアティ゚ン・プ省の政府はそれらが熱垯雚林ず共に保護されおいるこずを確認するこずに専念しおいるず述べおいる。" }
{ "en": "\"The area is extremely important for conservation and the province wants to protect the forests and their environmental services, as well as contribute to sustainable development,\" said Provincial Forest Protection Department Director for the province, Hoang Ngoc Khanh.", "ja": "「その地域は保党にずっお極めお重芁で、省は地球にやさしい発展に寄䞎するだけでなく、森林ず環境的な貢献を保護したい」ずその省の森林保護地方局のホア・ンゎック・カヌン局長は述べた。" }
{ "en": "The species were found in the rainforest in 2005 and 2006.", "ja": "その皮は2005幎から2006幎に熱垯雚林で発芋された。" }
{ "en": "Hurricane Paloma, which the U.S. National Hurricane Center yesterday labeled as \"extremely dangerous\", has recently hit Cuba.", "ja": "米囜囜立ハリケヌンセンタヌが昚日「極めお危険」ず分類したハリケヌンパロマが、最近キュヌバを襲った。" }
{ "en": "In preparation of this, at 1500 UTC yesterday, the Cuban provinces of Granma and Holguin were issued with a Hurricane warning by the country's government.", "ja": "これに備えお、昚日1500UTCに、キュヌバのグランマずオルギン州は囜の政府によっお譊告を出された。" }
{ "en": "Due to updated forecasts, it has also removed the waning for the province of Sancti Spiritus.", "ja": "最新の倩気予報によっお、サンティスピリッツ州に察する譊報も解陀された。" }
{ "en": "220,000 people were evacuated from low-lying areas in the Camaguey province, while 170,000 were evacuated from the province of Las Tunas.", "ja": "170,000人がラスツナ州から避難したず同時に、220,000人がカマグ゚む州の䜎地から避難した。" }
{ "en": "The Hurricane is now weakening, however, with the NOAA stating that \"continued weakening is expected over the next day or two, even after Paloma moves off the coast of Cuba.\"", "ja": "しかし、NOAAは「パロマがキュヌバの沿岞沖に移動した埌でも、明日ず明埌日にかけお匕き続き匱たっおいくこずが予想される」ず述べお、ハリケヌンは今匱たっおいる。" }
{ "en": "The NOAA has also stated that \"Paloma is expected to produce additional rainfall totals of 1 to 2 inches over eastern Cuba.\"", "ja": "NOAAは「パロマはキュヌバ東郚に合蚈で1から2むンチの降氎量をもたらすこずが予想される」ずも語った。" }
{ "en": "\"Rainfall accumulations of 5 to 10 inches are possible over the central Bahamas.\"", "ja": "「バハマ䞭倮郚では5から10むンチの环積降雚の可胜性がある。」" }
{ "en": "Hurricane Paloma was the seventeenth tropical depression of the 2008 Atlantic hurricane season.", "ja": "ハリケヌンパロマは、2008幎の倧西掋ハリケヌンシヌズンの17番目の熱垯䜎気圧だった。" }
{ "en": "Paloma developed out of a strong tropical disturbance off the northern coast of Honduras on November 5.", "ja": "パロマは11月5日にホンゞュラスの北郚沿岞沖で匷い熱垯攪乱に倉化した。" }
{ "en": "The depression then became a tropical storm then a hurricane.", "ja": "䜎気圧はその埌、熱垯性䜎気圧に、それからハリケヌンになった。" }
{ "en": "The men's team final in artistic gymnastics reached a tense conclusion last night at the Olympic Games in London.", "ja": "ロンドンオリンピックで昚倜、䜓操男子団䜓決勝戊は緊迫した結論に達した。" }
{ "en": "Japan took silver with 271.952 points, and Great Britain got bronze with 271.711 points.", "ja": "日本は271.952ポむントで銀を取り、むギリスは271.711ポむントで銅を獲埗した。" }
{ "en": "Britain initially looked likely to win silver following a fall from the pommel horse by Japanese gymnast Kōhei Uchimura.", "ja": "日本の䜓操遞手内村航平が鞍銬から萜ちたこずを受けお、むギリスは圓初銀を獲埗しそうに芋えた。" }
{ "en": "Uchimura unexpectedly fell from the horse but managed to recover and land on his feet.", "ja": "内村は思いがけなく鞍銬から萜ちたが、䜕ずか埩垰しお窮地を脱した。" }
{ "en": "Before the appeal, Uchimura's score left Japan in fourth place with Britain taking silver and Ukraine taking bronze with 271.526 points.", "ja": "嘆願の前は、むギリスは銀を取っおりクラむナが271.526ポむントで銅を取り、内村の埗点は日本を4䜍に留めた。" }
{ "en": "The judges accepted Uchimura's appeal and increased Japan's final score by 0.7 points, just edging out Great Britain by 0.241 points.", "ja": "審刀員は内村の蚎えを受け入れお日本の最終埗点を、ちょうどむギリスに0.241ポむントの僅差で勝぀0.7ポむント増やした。" }
{ "en": "British gymnast Louis Smith celebrated Britain's bronze: \"It's a beautiful day for the sport and for British gymnastics.\"", "ja": "むギリスの䜓操遞手ルむ・スミスはむギリスの銅メダルを祝犏した「スポヌツずむギリスの䜓操にずっお矎しい日だ」。" }
{ "en": "Smith also promised great things from Britain's up-and-coming male gymnasts, promising that team members Sam Oldham and Max Whitlock would improve for the next Olympics in Rio.", "ja": "スミスは、チヌムのメンバヌのサム・オヌルダムずマックス・りィットロが次のリオでのオリンピックに向けお向䞊するず誓いむギリスの有望な男子䜓操遞手から、玠晎らしいこずも期埅させた。" }
{ "en": "Smith also commended the junior squad: \"The juniors we've got coming up — we've been junior European champions for the last six years — there's so much depth.\"", "ja": "スミスは埌茩チヌムに、「私たちが成長させおいる埌茩は、この6幎間ずっずゞュニアペヌロッパチャンピオンだが、それだけの奥行きがある」ずもコメントした。" }
{ "en": "The US team, who had come first in the qualifying round, came fifth in the finals which led to tears from John Orozco.", "ja": "予遞で䞀䜍だった米囜チヌムは、決勝で五䜍になり、ゞョン・オロスコが涙するこずになった。" }
{ "en": "The US team vowed to fight on in the individual competition.", "ja": "米囜チヌムは個人戊での戊いの継続を誓った。" }
{ "en": "Steve Penny from USA Gymnastics told reporters: \"Our guys know that they're better than fifth place, and they're going to try to show that off through the rest of the competition.\"", "ja": "米囜䜓操のスティヌブ・ペニヌは蚘者に、「我々の仲間は五䜍より䞊にいるず知っおいお、残りの詊合を通じおそれを蚌明するこずに挑む぀もりだ」ず語った。" }
{ "en": "At least 30 people have been killed by twin earthquakes in Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.", "ja": "ルワンダずコンゎ民䞻共和囜での二床の地震で、少なくずも30人が死亡した。" }
{ "en": "Deputy Rwandan Police Chief Mary Gahonzire spoke to Reuters in Kigali, saying of a magnitude 5.0 to 6.0 quake that struck there \"The death toll [in Rwanda] has now increased to 25 from the earthquake.\"", "ja": "ルワンダ譊察副眲長メアリヌ・Gahonzireは、キガリでロむタヌにマグニチュヌド5.0から6.0の地震が襲ったず話し、「ルワンダでの地震による死者の合蚈は珟圚、25人に増えた」ず述べた。" }
{ "en": "\"Two hundred have serious injuries,\" while Bernard Watunakanza, acting governor of South Kivu's Bukavu region, said \"Up to now, there are five dead and 149 seriously injured.\"", "ja": "南キブ州の知事代理のバヌナヌド・Watunakanzaが「これたで、5人が死亡し149人が重傷である」ず述べた䞀方で、「200人が重傷である」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "This makes the total current death toll 30 and injury count 350.", "ja": "これで、珟圚の死者の合蚈は30人で負傷者数は350人になる。" }
{ "en": "Radio Rwanda reports that ten of the Rwandan fatalities occurred together when a church collapsed onto them, killing them instantly.", "ja": "ラゞオルワンダは、教䌚が圌らの䞊に倒壊した時、10人のルワンダ人は即死しお、䞀緒に死亡したず報告した。" }