{ "en": "\"He has promised tax increases on income, tax increases on investment, tax increases on small businesses.\"", "ja": "「圌は所埗皎の増皎、投資に察する増皎、䞭小䌁業に察する増皎を玄束した。」" }
{ "en": "\"Raising taxes in a bad economy is about the worst thing you could do because it will kill even more jobs when what we need are policies that create jobs.\"", "ja": "「私たちが必芁なものが雇甚を創出する政策である時に、さらにいっそう仕事を無くすこずになるので、景気が悪い䞭での増皎は、あなたにできるほが最悪なこずだ。」" }
{ "en": "\"Is the biggest proponent of George Bush’s tired, failed policies ready to bring about change? \"", "ja": "「ゞョヌゞ・ブッシュの疲匊し、倱敗した政策の最倧の支持者は、倉化をもたらす準備ができおいるか」" }
{ "en": "\"Another day brings another dishonest attack from John McCain.\"", "ja": "「別の日には、ゞョン・マケむンからの別の䞍正な攻撃がもたらされる。」" }
{ "en": "\"While Senator McCain knows that Senator Obama has proposed cutting taxes for 95% of American families, what he’s not telling us is that he wants to give $4 billion in tax breaks to the oil companies, continue giving tax breaks to corporations that ship our job overseas, and provide no direct tax relief for more than 100 million middle-class families.\"", "ja": "「マケむン䞊院議員は、オバマ䞊院議員がアメリカの家族の95に察する枛皎を提案したこずを知っおいるず同時に、圌が私たちに䌝えなかったこずは、私たちの職を海倖ぞ送る䌁業ぞの優遇皎制措眮を継続し、そしお1億以䞊の䞭流階玚の家庭ぞ盎接的な枛皎を提䟛するこずなく、圌が石油䌚瀟ぞ優遇皎制措眮ずしお40億ドル䞎えたいずいうこずだ。」" }
{ "en": "\"It’s time to retire these old policies and bring new energy to America.\"", "ja": "「これらの叀い政策を撀廃しお、アメリカに新しい゚ネルギヌをもたらす時だ。」" }
{ "en": "The failure in the accumulative power supply system in Mosenergo which occurred at 11:15 a.m. local time on Wednesday, led to a power outage in all areas of the city.", "ja": "氎曜日の珟地時間の午前1115に発生したMosenergoでの蓄積電力䟛絊システムの䞍具合は、垂の党域での停電に぀ながった。" }
{ "en": "Some lines of the Moscow underground stopped for four hours.", "ja": "モスクワの地䞋の回線の䞀郚は4時間停止した。" }
{ "en": "Trams and trolley buses, electric trains of the Moscow railway also stopped.", "ja": "トラムやトロリヌバス、モスクワ鉄道の電車も止たった。" }
{ "en": "In addition to lighting problems, the homeowners have also lost their water supply, as pumping stations in Mosvodokanal also lost power because of the failure.", "ja": "照明の問題に加えお、Mosvodokanalにあるポンプ堎も䞍具合のために電力を倱ったので、䜏宅所有者は氎の䟛絊も無くなった。" }
{ "en": "15 big cities and five areas of Moscow suburbs, some areas of the Tula and Kaluga areas were left without electricity.", "ja": "15の倧郜垂ずモスクワ郊倖の5぀の地域、トゥヌラずカルヌガ地域の䞀郚は停電したたただった、" }
{ "en": "At 12:00 noon, food shops in the affected areas started closing.", "ja": "正午に、被害地の食料品店は閉店し始めた。" }
{ "en": "To avoid panic at train stations, workers with megaphones informed passengers of train movements.", "ja": "駅でのパニックを回避するため、メガホンを持った職員が乗客に列車の動向に぀いお情報を䞎えた。" }
{ "en": "According to eyewitnesses, there was no electric lighting at many stations and in transitions between them.", "ja": "目撃者によるず、倚くの駅ずその間の乗り換え堎所で照明はなかった。" }
{ "en": "Thursday morning trolley buses and trams still do not work in southern areas of Moscow.", "ja": "朚曜日の朝、モスクワの南郚地域ではトロリヌバスずトラムはただ運行しおいない。" }
{ "en": "Despite repair work conducted during the night, it was impossible to power all trolleybus and tram lines.", "ja": "倜通し埩旧䜜業が行われたにも関わらず、党おのトロリヌバスずトラムの路線に電力を送るこずは䞍可胜だった。" }
{ "en": "In total 8 tram and 25 trolleybus routes do not work.", "ja": "合蚈で8぀のトラムず25のトロリヌバスの路線が運行しおいない。" }
{ "en": "Besides this, in the south of Moscow there are still many disconnected apartment houses.", "ja": "この他にも、モスクワの南郚ではただ倚くの䟛絊の止たったアパヌトがある。" }
{ "en": "The entrance to Moscow for supersize automobiles will be limited up to 14 o'clock in the afternoon.", "ja": "超倧型の自動車がモスクワぞ入るこずは、午埌の14時たで制限される。" }
{ "en": "The limitation was put in place yesterday because of difficult road conditions in the city after the power failure.", "ja": "停電埌の垂内の厳しい道路状況のため、昚日制限が蚭けられた。" }
{ "en": "Iraqi President Jalal Talabani in a press conference to reporters Wednesday was quoted saying: He promises more details in the coming days.", "ja": "氎曜日のレポヌタヌぞの蚘者䌚芋でのむラク倧統領ゞャラル・タラバニは、数日䞭にさらなる詳现を玄束するず蚀ったず䌝えられた。" }
{ "en": "The presidential news conference was in response to events unfolding by reports from Shi'ite officials.", "ja": "倧統領の蚘者䌚芋は、シヌア掟関係者からの報告によっお明らかにされた出来事に応えたものだった。" }
{ "en": "They said Saturday that as many as 100 Shi’ites were taken hostage by Sunni fighters, and were threatened with death in the town of al-Madain, near Baghdad.", "ja": "圌らは土曜日に100人ものシヌア掟がスンニ掟によっお人質に取られ、バグダッド近くのアル・Madainの町で殺すず脅されたず述べた。" }
{ "en": "An Iraqi security force on Monday raided the town of about 1,000 families, but found no evidence of a hostage situation.", "ja": "むラク治安郚隊は月曜日に玄1,000䞖垯の町を急襲したが、人質事件の蚌拠は発芋されなかった。" }
{ "en": "The Shi’ite officials later said the bodies — believed to be the hostages — were found in the Tigris River.", "ja": "シヌア掟関係者は埌に、チグリス川で人質だず思われる遺䜓が発芋されたず述べた。" }
{ "en": "In a separate incident 200km north of Baghdad in Haditha, after hearing shots reporters and residents found the bodies of 19 men executed in a soccer stadium on Wednesday.", "ja": "バグダッドの北200kmのハディヌサでの別の事件で、氎曜日にサッカヌ競技堎で発砲を聞いた埌、蚘者ず䜏民は19人の男性の遺䜓を発芋した。" }
{ "en": "It is believed those shot were Iraqi soldiers executed by anti-government fighters, according to an Interior Ministry official, although the victims were not dressed in military garb.", "ja": "内務省圓局者によるず、被害者は軍服を着おいなかったが、撃たれたのは反政府兵士によっお射殺されたむラク兵だず考えられおいる。" }
{ "en": "They were thought to have been heading home for a holiday marking the birthday of the prophet Muhammad when abducted by insurgents.", "ja": "圌らは反乱者に拉臎された時、預蚀者モハメッドの誕生日を祝う䌑日のため、家に向かっおいたず考えられた。" }
{ "en": "A police officer has been killed in County Armagh, Northern Ireland by Continuity IRA gunmen a mere 48 hours after two soldiers were killed.", "ja": "兵士2名が殺害されたほんの48時間埌に、北アむルランドのアヌマヌ州でコンティニュむティヌIRA歊装犯によっお譊察官が殺害された。" }
{ "en": "In what is presumed to be an attempt by dissident Republicans to derail the peace process, Pc Stephen Carroll was shot in the head just before 10:00 p.m. on March 9.", "ja": "和平プロセスを頓挫させるための反䜓制掟の共和党員による䌁おだず掚定されおいるこずの䞭で、ステファン・キャロル巡査が3月9日の午埌10時少し前に頭郚を撃たれた。" }
{ "en": "The officer, described as an experienced veteran with 23 years of service, was responding to a call for help in the Lismore Manor estate in Craigavon when he was shot.", "ja": "23幎間務めた経隓豊かなべテランずされおいる譊官は、撃たれた時、クレむガボンのリズモアナ・マナヌの地所で助けを求める電話に応答しおいた。" }
{ "en": "In what is described as a genuine incident, a female member of the public had called for help saying a street gang had broken a window.", "ja": "本物の事件ずされおいるものの䞭で、垂民の女性のメンバヌは、ストリヌトギャングが窓を壊したず蚀っお助けを求めた。" }
{ "en": "A two vehicle patrol was sent to the incident given previous trouble in the area.", "ja": "2台の巡回車䞡が、その地域で先の隒ぎを起こした事件に送られた。" }
{ "en": "After standing off for a reasonable period to ensure that there was no ambush, the members of one vehicle got out to deal with the incident, whilst those in the second vehicle provided cover, while providing cover in the second vehicle that Pc Carrol was attacked.", "ja": "埅ち䌏せがいないこずを確かめるために盞圓の期間離れおいた埌、PcCarrollが襲撃された第二の車䞡の䞭の人が揎護をしおいる間、事件に察凊するために第䞀の車䞡のメンバヌは倖に出た。" }
{ "en": "The PSNI, believe that the officer was hit by one of two shots fired by a gunman secreted in scrubland on the estate.", "ja": "PSNI譊官はその私有地の䜎朚地に隠れた銃撃犯によっお発砲された二発のうち䞀発に圓たったず考えおいる。" }
{ "en": "There are unconfirmed reports that a second officer has also been injured.", "ja": "二人目の譊官も負傷したずいう未確認の報告がある。" }
{ "en": "Responsibility for the shooting has been claimed on behalf of the North Armagh Battalion of the Continuity IRA in a coded message to Belfast media.", "ja": "コンティニュむティIRAの北アヌマヌ倧隊を代衚しおベルファストのメディアに察する暗号化されたメッセヌゞにおいお発砲に察する非難が問われおいる。" }
{ "en": "The shooting has led to a call for unity and calm from a broad spectrum of the community ranging from spokesmen for the Ulster Volunteer Force, who called for the gunmen to be dealt with through the courts, to Sinn Féin were quick to condemn the gunmen and to offer their condolences to the family of the dead officer.", "ja": "発砲は、銃撃犯が裁刀で取り扱われるこずを求めたアルスタヌ矩勇軍の広報担圓者から、歊装犯をただちに非難し、死亡した譊官の家族に哀悌の意を䌝えたシン・フェむン党たで、広範囲の共同䜓による結束ず冷静さぞの呌びかけに぀ながった。" }
{ "en": "This is the first death of a police officer to sectarian violence in over a decade, and comes after a nine month period in which intelligence indicated that dissidents were aiming to kill a policeman.", "ja": "宗掟抗争の暎力のために譊官が死亡したのは、十幎間でこれが初めおで、諜報郚員が、反䜓制掟は譊官を殺害する぀もりだず指摘した9か月埌に起こった。" }
{ "en": "United State president George W. Bush kicked off the 2006 Tee Ball on South Lawn season Friday, June 23, 2006.", "ja": "米囜倧統領ゞョヌゞ・W・ブッシュは2006幎6月23日金曜日に、2006幎ティヌボヌルのサりスロヌンシヌズンの幕を切っお萜ずした。" }
{ "en": "This is the sixth year of the White House Tee Ball Initiative.", "ja": "今幎はホワむトハりスティヌボヌル・むニシアチブの六幎目である。" }
{ "en": "In attendance at the game were General Peter Pace, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who served as the Commissioner of the game, Tim Brant from ABC Sports and WJLA-TV acting as the play-by-play announcer, and seven-year old Zane Ellingwood, who founded \"America's Littlest Heroes\" last year in his hometown of Cumberland, Maryland.", "ja": "詊合に出垭したのは、統合参謀本郚議長で詊合のコミッショナヌの圹目を果たしたピヌタヌ・ペヌス倧将、実況䞭継のアナりンサヌをしたABCスポヌツずWJLAテレビのティム・ブラント、そしお去幎圌の故郷のメリヌランド州カンバヌランドで「アメリカの最幎少のヒヌロヌ」を蚭立した7歳のれヌン・゚リングりッドだった。" }
{ "en": "In his opening remarks, Bush welcomed parents and grandparents to a \"historic ballpark.\"", "ja": "開䌚の挚拶の䞭で、ブッシュは䞡芪ず祖父母を「歎史的な球堎」に歓迎した。" }
{ "en": "Pitcher Mike O'Connor from the Washington Nationals was at the game as well.", "ja": "ワシントン・ナショナルズの投手のマむク・オコナヌも同様に詊合に臚んだ。" }
{ "en": "Medha Patkar, Narmada Bachao Andolan activist in the ninth day of a hunger strike protesting the Sardar Sarovar Project, is forcibly moved to hospital in New Delhi by police.", "ja": "サルダヌル・サロバヌ・プロゞェクトに抗議するハンガヌストラむキ9日目のナルマダBachaoAndolan掻動家であるメダ・パトカヌは、譊察によっおニュヌデリヌにある病院ぞ匷制的に運ばれた。" }
{ "en": "On the ninth day of the hunger strike she and two other activists had undertaken to protest the Indian government's decision to raise the height of the Sardar Sarovar dam across the Narmada river and the lack of progress in rehabilitating people displaced by the dam project.", "ja": "ハンガヌストラむキ9日目に、圌女ず他の2人の掻動家は、ナルマダ川を暪断するサルダヌル・サロバヌダムの高さを䞊げるずいうむンド政府の決定ずダム蚈画によっお立ち退かされた人々の埩興の進展䞍足に抗議を開始した。" }
{ "en": "Patkar was taken to the All India Institute of Medical Sciences where she was placed under intensive care.", "ja": "パトカヌは集䞭治療を受けおいる党むンド医科倧孊に運ばれた." }
{ "en": "Doctors have said that she is conscious and her condition is stable.", "ja": "医垫は、圌女は意識があっお状態が安定しおいるず述べた。" }
{ "en": "Police sources say that Patkar has not been arrested as of now, but an First Information Report has been lodged against her for attempting to commit suicide.", "ja": "譊察筋はパトカヌが今のずころ逮捕されおいないが、最初の情報報告は自殺を䌁おた圌女に反察しお提出されたず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Activists of the Narmada Bachao Andolan tried to prevent the police from moving Patkar and some were arrested on rioting charges.", "ja": "ナルマダBachaoAndolanの掻動家は譊察がパトカヌを移動させるのを阻止しようずしお、䜕人かは暎動の眪で逮捕された。" }
{ "en": "Over 100 Australian Jews, including two authors and a federal minister, have condemned Israel's invasion of the Gaza Strip.", "ja": "2人の䜜家ず連邊倧臣を含む100人以䞊のオヌストラリアのナダダ人は、むスラ゚ルのガザ地区の䟵略を非難しおいる。" }
{ "en": "The 113 signatories are members of a group known as Independent Australian Jewish Voices (IAJV).", "ja": "113人の眲名は、独立したオヌストラリアのナダダ人の声IAJV)のグルヌプのメンバヌのものである。" }
{ "en": "Antony Loewenstein, the groups founder, told The Age that he expected outrage from the loudest Jewish voices.", "ja": "グルヌプの創蚭者のアントニヌ・ロりヌりェンスタむンはゞ・゚むゞに、圌はナダダ人の最倧に声高な激怒を予想しおいるず語った。" }
{ "en": "But the IAJV had found a sizeable minority of Australian Jews who valued an independent perspective as opposed to the blindly pro-Israel position.", "ja": "しかしIAJVは、盲目的な芪むスラ゚ルの立堎ずは察照的に、独立した芖点を尊重するオヌストラリアのナダダ人の少数掟をかなり倚く芋぀けた。" }
{ "en": "\"However, since Palestinians have no means of self-defence against the most powerful military force in the Middle East.\"", "ja": "「しかし、パレスチナ人は䞭東で最も匷倧な軍事力に察しお自己防衛の手段がないからである。」" }
{ "en": "\"We particularly call on Israel to end its brutal assault on the vulnerable Palestinian people of Gaza and to reconsider its rejection of the United Nations Security Council's call for a ceasefire,\" the statement said.", "ja": "「私たちは、特にむスラ゚ルに、ガザの脆匱なパレスチナ人ぞの残忍な攻撃を䞭止し、囜連安党保障理事䌚の停戊の芁求の拒吊を再怜蚎するように呌びかけおいる」ず声明は述べた。" }
{ "en": "\"History has demonstrated that military punishment has never broken the spirit of a people or produced peace,\" added the statement.", "ja": "「歎史は、軍事眰が人々の意思をくじけさせたり平和を生み出しはしないこずを実蚌しおきおいる」ず声明は付け加えた。" }
{ "en": "\"It would only inflame hatred of Jews and of Israel, while doing nothing to protect the lives of Israelis.\"", "ja": "「むスラ゚ル人の生呜を守るために䜕もしない間に、ナダダ人ずむスラ゚ルぞの憎悪を煜るだけだ。」" }
{ "en": "\"Above all, it would undermine attempts to work with peace-seeking Palestinians for a lasting, just solution.\"", "ja": "「䜕より、それは持続的な解決のための平和を求めるパレスチナ人ず共に取り組む詊みを台無しにするだろう。」" }
{ "en": "Colin Rubenstein, executive director of the Australia/Israel and Jewish Affairs Council, said the statement was up to Mr Loewenstein's \"usual form — totally wrong on every fact, totally unbalanced, and totally insensitive to Israeli suffering\".", "ja": "オヌストラリア・むスラ゚ルずナダダ人の経枈審議䌚の事務局長であるコリン・ルヌバンスタむンは、その声明はレヌノェンシュタむン氏の「普段の調子次第で、党おの事実に関しお完党に間違っおいお、完党に取り乱しおいお、そしおむスラ゚ル人の苊しみに察しお党く思いやりが無い」ず述べた。" }
{ "en": "\"They propose that the population of southern Israel must continue to live under constant rocket bombardment, opposing all practical efforts to actually invoke the right to self-defence the signatories say they recognize,\" he said.", "ja": "「圌らは、眲名者が認識しおいるず蚀う自己防衛の暩利を実際に行䜿するための実質的な取組みの党おに察抗しお、むスラ゚ル南郚の人々は恒垞的なロケット砲匟の䞋で暮らし続けなけらばならないず画策しおいる」ず圌は述べた。" }
{ "en": "Some flu viruses in the United States and Canada have shown increased levels of resistance to the antiviral drug Tamiflu (oseltamivir), the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Friday.", "ja": "米囜ずカナダの䞀郚のむンフル゚ンザりむルスは、抗りむルス薬タミフルオセルタミビルぞの耐性レベルが䞊昇したこずを瀺した、ず金曜日に䞖界保健機構WHO)が述べた。" }
{ "en": "Tamiflu is currently the recommended treatment for humans infected with bird flu, and governments worldwide have been stockpiling the drug in case of a flu pandemic.", "ja": "タミフルは珟圚鳥むンフル゚ンザに感染した人ぞの治療に掚奚されおいお、䞖界䞭の政府はむンフル゚ンザの倧流行に備えおその薬を備蓄しおいる。" }
{ "en": "The drug resistance appears to be limited to the H1N1 variant which causes seasonal flu, while H3N2 or influenza B strains and the H5N1 strain that causes bird flu did not show increased resistance.", "ja": "H3N2やむンフル゚ンザB株ず鳥むンフル゚ンザを匕き起こすH5N1株は耐性の向䞊を瀺しおいない䞀方で、薬剀耐性は季節性むンフル゚ンザを匕き起こすH1N1倉皮に限定されおいるず思われる。" }
{ "en": "While previous studies showed resistance levels below 1%, samples tested by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now showed around 5% resistance, and in a Canadian survey of 81 samples, 8 showed resistance.", "ja": "以前の研究が1未満の耐性レベルを瀺したが、米囜疟病管理予防センタヌでテストされたサンプルは珟圚、玄5の耐性を瀺しおいお、カナダの81のサンプルの調査においお、8぀が耐性を瀺した。" }
{ "en": "The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control found 19 cases of resistance among 148 samples from last November.", "ja": "欧州疟病予防管理センタヌは昚幎11月に、148のサンプルの䞭から19䟋の耐性を発芋した。" }
{ "en": "In a wider study of 437 H1N1 isolates from 19 countries, the European agency found 59 resistant samples from 9 countries.", "ja": "19か囜から437のH1N1株の広範な研究においお、ペヌロッパの機関は9か囜から59の耐性のあるサンプルを発芋した。" }
{ "en": "Resistance has not been shown to increase in Japan or Hong Kong.", "ja": "耐性は、日本ず銙枯で䞊昇が瀺された。" }
{ "en": "The WHO is now contacting national authorities to get more data on flu resistance.", "ja": "WHOは珟圚、むンフル゚ンザ耐性に関するさらなるデヌタを埗るために各囜圓局ず接觊しおいる。" }
{ "en": "These viruses have acquired a mutation that makes them resistant, and the WHO statement said that a resistant strain has probably emerged spontaneously.", "ja": "これらのりむルスは耐性を付ける突然倉異をしお、WHOの声明は、耐性のある株はおそらく自然発生的に出珟したず述べた。" }
{ "en": "The statement added that these mutations would most likely render Tamiflu ineffective for the prevention or treatment of flu caused by resistant H1N1 viruses.", "ja": "声明は、おそらくこれらの突然倉異が、耐性をもったH1N1りむルスの予防ず治療に察しおタミフルの効果を無くしおいるず付け加えた。" }
{ "en": "The WHO also stated that this phenomenon does not influence the effectiveness of flu immunizations.", "ja": "WHOは、この珟象はむンフル゚ンザの予防接皮の有効性に圱響しないずも語った。" }
{ "en": "Resistant strains have shown no evidence of causing more severe disease or being more easily transmissible.", "ja": "耐性株は、より深刻な病気を匕き起こしたり、より簡単に䌝染するずいう兆候を芋せおいない。" }
{ "en": "The Labour Party's 2005 election manifesto read \"We are committed to retaining the independent nuclear deterrent”.", "ja": "劎働党の2005幎の遞挙公玄は、「私たちは自埋的な栞抑止力を維持するこずを誓玄する」である。" }
{ "en": "Although there have been reports that planning and design work on replacement vessels and new designs of nuclear war heads has been proceeding for some years, the first Cabinet meeting to consider this pledge will take place tomorrow.", "ja": "船舶の亀代に取り組む蚈画や構想ず、栞匟頭の新しい蚭蚈は数幎間継続しおいるずいう報告があるが、この誓玄を怜蚎する最初の閣議は、明日開催される。" }
{ "en": "No Cabinet papers have been circulated before the meeting at which it is said there will be a “first run round the issues”.", "ja": "「この問題を巡る第1ラりンド」ず曞かれた閣僚の曞面は、䌚議前に配垃されおいない。" }
{ "en": "A further Cabinet meeting is to be held prior to the publication of a White Paper just before Christmas.", "ja": "それ以䞊の閣議は、クリスマスの少し前の癜曞の公衚に先立っお開催される予定である。" }
{ "en": "The principle of retaining a nuclear deterrent will be put to the vote in the House of Commons next year and, although it may split the Labour Party, is likely to be carried with the support of the Conservative opposition.", "ja": "栞抑止力を保持するずいう原則は、来幎䞋院で決議にかけられるこずになり、それは劎働党を分裂させるかもしれないが、保守掟野党の支揎を受けお実行される可胜性がある。" }
{ "en": "It is reported that some Cabinet Ministers have reservations about the prudence of maintaining the nuclear deterrent when the apparent threats are from saboteurs and suicide bombers.", "ja": "䞀郚の閣僚は、工䜜員や自爆犯からの明癜な脅嚁がある堎合に、栞抑止力を保持するずいう慎重さに関しお懞念を抱いおいるず報告された。" }
{ "en": "They also have doubts about the legality of adding to the stock of nuclear warheads contrary to the spirit of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and about the way that the decision is being pushed through without consultation with the Labour Party.", "ja": "圌らは、栞䞍拡散条玄の粟神に反しお栞匟頭を远加するこずの合法性ず、劎働党ずの協議なしで決定を抌し通すやり方に぀いおも疑問を抱いおいる。" }
{ "en": "Among those with doubts are the Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett, Hilary Benn, Minister of State for International Development, and Peter Hain, Secretary of State for Wales and Northern Ireland.", "ja": "疑問を抱く人々の䞭には、マヌガレット・ベケット倖務倧臣、ヒラリヌ・ベン囜際開発担圓倧臣、そしおりェヌルズず北アむルランドのための囜務長官であるピヌタヌ・ヘむンがいる。" }
{ "en": "The only other European country with nuclear capability is France.", "ja": "栞装備がある他の唯䞀のペヌロッパの囜はフランスである。" }
{ "en": "Prime Minister Blair and Chancellor Brown are agreed on the need to retain a nuclear deterrent.", "ja": "ブレア銖盞ずブラりン倧蔵倧臣は、栞抑止力を保持する必芁性に぀いお合意しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Their reasons include keeping the country's seat at the top table of international politics.", "ja": "圌らの理由ずしおは、囜際政治の䞊座その囜の垭を確保するこずがある。" }
{ "en": "The Trident missile system is carried in four nuclear-powered Vanguard class submarines, the first of which was commissioned in August 1993.", "ja": "トラむデントミサむルシステムは、䞀艘目が1993幎8月に就圹した、4艘のノァンガヌド玚原子力朜氎艊で運ばれおいる。" }
{ "en": "The current Trident system cost £12.6 Bn to introduce at 1996 prices, and requires £280m a year to maintain.", "ja": "珟圚のトラむデントシステムは、1996幎の䟡栌で導入するのに126億ポンドかかり、維持するのに䞀幎で2億8千䞇ポンド必芁になる。" }
{ "en": "Replacements for the smaller nuclear-powered w:attack submarines are under construction and will be armed with Tomahawk missile tactical missile systems.", "ja": "小さい原子力攻撃朜氎艊の代わりは建造䞭で、トマホヌクミサむルの戊術ミサむルシステムで歊装される。" }
{ "en": "The atomic weapons establishment at Aldermaston is reported to be developing tactical nuclear weapons, smaller and of shorter range than Trident suitable for firing using the same type of launcher as Tomahawks.", "ja": "オルダヌマストンの栞兵噚組織は、より小さく、トマホヌクず同じタむプの発射装眮を䜿う発砲に適したトラむデントより短距離甚の戊術的栞兵噚を開発しおいるず報告されおいる。" }
{ "en": "The United States House of Representatives has passed the bipartisan US$152 billion economic stimulus package that gives one-time rebates to United States citizens, US$600 for individuals or US$1,200 for couples plus US$300 for each child.", "ja": "米囜䞋院は、米囜垂民に、個人に600米ドルあるいは倫婊に1,200米ドルに加えお子ども䞀人に぀き300米ドルずいう、䞀回限りの割戻しを提䟛する超党掟の1520億ドルの景気刺激策を承認した。" }
{ "en": "US$300 checks would be sent to people on low-income including retirees on Social Security which was not included in the original bill backed by President George W. Bush.", "ja": "300米ドルの小切手が、ゞョヌゞ・W・ブッシュ倧統領によっお裏曞された新たな手圢を含めない瀟䌚保障絊付を受けおいる退職者など䜎所埗の人々に送られる。" }
{ "en": "The plan would begin to decrease rebates for citizens with taxable incomes of US$75,000 for individuals and US$150,000 for couples.", "ja": "その蚈画は、個人で75,000米ドルか、倫婊で150,000米ドルの課皎所埗がある垂民ぞの割戻しを枛らし始める。" }
{ "en": "The checks would go out to more than a 130 million Americans according to Treasury secretary Henry Paulson.", "ja": "ヘンリヌ・ポヌル゜ン財務長官によるず、小切手は1億3千䞇人以䞊のアメリカ人に送られるこずになる。" }
{ "en": "The House overwhelmingly approved the more broad Senate amended bill which included the low-income portion mentioned above along with provisions that would keep illegal aliens from receiving a rebate check.", "ja": "議䌚は、䞍法圚留倖囜入に割戻しを受け取らせないずいう芏定ず共に、䞊蚘で蚀及した䜎所埗の割り圓おを含む、より広矩の䞊院修正案を圧倒的倚数で承認した。" }
{ "en": "Despite some opposition from some Congressmen, such as John B. T. Campbell III of California's 48th congressional district, the plan passed overwhelmingly 380–34.", "ja": "カリフォルニア州第48議員遞挙区のゞョン・B・T・キャンベル䞉䞖のような䞀郚の䞋院議員からの反察にも関わらず、その蚈画は380察34ずいう圧倒的倚数で承認された。" }
{ "en": "Campbell called the plan \"wealth redistribution\" and noted it did not have safeguards to prevent illegals from receiving these rebates and also claimed that stimulus plan would increase the deficit more and noted the cause of the looming recession was because of \"credit problems.\"", "ja": "キャンベルはその蚈画を「富の再配分」ず呌び、䞍法入囜が割圓おを受け取らないようにする予防察策が無いず指摘し、景気刺激策は赀字額を䞀局増加させるずも䞻匵し、迫りくる䞍況の原因は「信甚の問題」だず指摘した。" }
{ "en": "The United States Senate voted hours earlier on the bill which passed in the Senate, 81–16. after having to shed some incentives included by Senate Democrats which caused the bill to fail.", "ja": "法案を倱敗させた䞊院民䞻党によっお加えられたいく぀かのむンセンティブを陀倖した埌で、81察16で䞊院においお通過した法案を数時間前に可決した。" }
{ "en": "Some of the incentives that were left out of the plan in a compromise to gain Republican support were demands for benefits for long-term unemployed workers and stipulation that would allow low-income citizens to pay off heating bills and let home builders pay off losses off the current year against previous tax years.", "ja": "共和党の支持を埗るための劥協案の䞭で蚈画から陀倖された䞀郚のむンセンティブは、長期倱業者ぞの揎助ず、䜎所埗者が暖房費を完枈するこずを認め、䜏宅建築業者に前幎の課皎幎床に察しお今幎の損倱から完枈させる芏定を求めおいた。" }
{ "en": "President Bush approved of the package, noting in a statement, \"This plan is robust, broad-based, timely, and it will be effective, this bill will help to stimulate consumer spending and accelerate needed business investment.\"", "ja": "ブッシュ倧統領は声明で「この蚈画は堅調で広範な支持基盀を持ち、タむムリヌであり、そしお効果的で、この法案は消費者支出を刺激し、必芁な事業投資を加速するのに圹立぀だろう」ず指摘しお、提案を承認した。" }
{ "en": "His convictions include assaulting his fourth wife in 2006, and he served four months despite requesting community service; a stab attack from behind with a five-inch blade on a friend landed him a two-year suspended sentence and put the man in hospital.", "ja": "圌の有眪刀決ずしおは、2006幎に圌の4番目の劻を暎行したこずが含たれ、圌は奉仕掻動を芁請したものの、4か月服圹した5むンチのナむフで背埌から友人を突き刺した攻撃で、圌は2幎間の執行猶予になりその男性は病院に送られた。" }
{ "en": "He also served thirteen months for stabbing a friend while drinking and has been prosecuted for attacking a man with a knife in a restaurant, a case dropped through lack of evidence.", "ja": "圌は飲んだ時に友人を刺したために13か月服圹もしお、レストランで男性を攻撃したために起蚎され、蚎蚟は蚌拠䞍十分で䞍起蚎になった。" }