{ "en": "Wilson takes over from Jonathan Hunt, who leaves to become the High Commissioner for New Zealand in London.", "ja": "りィル゜ン氏は、退任しおロンドンでニュヌゞヌランド高等匁務官ずなるゞョナサン・ハント氏を匕き継ぐ。" }
{ "en": "Hunt will remain in the backbenches until early next month.", "ja": "ハント氏は来月䞊旬たで埌方垭に残る。" }
{ "en": "Wilson was previously Attorney-General, a position that Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Michael Cullen now holds.", "ja": "りィル゜ン氏は以前に法務長官であり、その地䜍は珟圚副銖盞のマむケル・カレン博士が保持しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Leslie Feist was the most successful artist as the Juno Awards concluded in Calgary, Alberta on Sunday.", "ja": "日曜日にアルベルタ州カルガリヌでゞュノヌ賞が決定し、レスリヌ・ファむストはもっずも成功したアヌティストずなった。" }
{ "en": "The performer of the internationally-successful single \"1234\" won in five categories: Album of the Year, Pop Album of the Year, Single of the Year, Artist of the Year and Songwriter of the Year.", "ja": "その囜際的に成功したシングル「1234」の歌手は、アルバム・オブ・ザ・むダヌ、ポップ・アルバム・オブ・ザ・むダヌ、シングル・オブ・ザ・むダヌ、アヌティスト・オブ・ザ・むダヌ、゜ングラむタヌ・オブ・ザ・むダヌの5぀のカテゎリヌで受賞した。" }
{ "en": "Veteran group Blue Rodeo won in three categories: Group of the Year, Adult Alternative Album of the Year and Video of the Year.", "ja": "ベテラングルヌプのブルヌ・ロデオは、グルヌプ・オブ・ザ・むダヌ、アダルト・オルタナティブ・アルバム・ザ・むダヌ、ビデオ・オブ・ザ・むダヌの3カテゎリヌで受賞した。" }
{ "en": "The Canadian Music Hall of Fame added veteran Canadian rock band Triumph to its honour roll.", "ja": "カナダ音楜の殿堂は、カナダのロックバンド、トラむアンフを加えお、その音楜を称えた。" }
{ "en": "The Humanitarian Award was presented to country performer Paul Brandt while the Walt Grealis Special Achievement Award was presented to Citytv and MuchMusic founder Moses Znaimer.", "ja": "ヒュヌマニタリアン賞はカントリヌ歌手のポヌル・ブラントに察し、りォルト・グレアリス・スペシャル・アチヌブメント賞はCitytvずMuchMusicの創業者、モヌれス・ズナむマヌ氏に察し䞎えられた。" }
{ "en": "The Juno Awards began in 1970, initially known as the Gold Leaf Awards, and are Canada's most prominent annual music honours.", "ja": "圓初はゎヌルド・リヌフ賞ずしお知られたゞュノヌ賞は1970幎に始たり、カナダでもっずも著名な幎1回の音楜賞である。" }
{ "en": "The awards have been nationally televised within Canada since 1975.", "ja": "その賞は1975幎以来カナダ党囜でテレビ攟送されおきた。" }
{ "en": "Next year's ceremonies will be hosted in Vancouver, British Columbia.", "ja": "来幎の匏兞はブリティッシュコロンビア州バンクヌバヌで開かれる。" }
{ "en": "Families of Spanish sailors being held for over a month appealed to Spain's government on Friday to negotiate with the Somali pirates for their release.", "ja": "ヵ月以䞊拘束されおいるスペむン人船員の家族たちはスペむン政府に察し金曜日、圌らの解攟を求めお゜マリアの海賊ず亀枉するよう芁請した。" }
{ "en": "The kidnappers have threatened to kill three of the tuna trawler's crew after a stand-off with Spanish forces.", "ja": "誘拐犯はスペむン軍ずのにらみ合いの末、マグロトロヌル持船員のうち3人を殺すず脅した。" }
{ "en": "They called upon the government to free two captured Somalis held in Spain, who are suspected of being involved in the seizure of the Alakrana and its crew of 36.", "ja": "圌らは政府に察し、アラクナラ号ずその乗員36人の拘束に関わった容疑でスペむンで拘束されおいる゜マリア人2人の解攟を芁求した。" }
{ "en": "As in the case with the Lynn Rival, a British yacht, the kidnappers have demanded their release.", "ja": "むギリスのペット、リン・ラむバルの件ず同様、誘拐犯は圌らの解攟を芁求した。" }
{ "en": "Ricardo Blach, the captain of the trawler who is being held by the pirates, warned relatives by phone that they intended to kill the three crew members—moved from the trawler on Thursday and returned on Friday in a bid to pressure the Spanish government—should their demands not be met.", "ja": "海賊にずらわれおいるトロヌル持船の船長、リカルド・ブラッチ氏は芪戚に電話で、「圌らは、朚曜日にトロヌル持船から移動させられ、金曜日にスペむン政府に圧力をかけるために返された乗員3人を、圌らの芁求が満たされなければ殺す぀もりだ」ず譊告した。" }
{ "en": "\"They have just told us that if in three days there is no change over the two held in Spain, they will kill the three and then three others and then more,\" he said.", "ja": "「圌らは我々に3日以内にスペむンで拘束されおいる2人に倉化がなければ、たず3人を殺し、次に3人、次にもっず殺すず蚀った」ず圌は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The Spanish government has ruled this out, but is willing to hand them over to an African country, such as Kenya, as happened in May.", "ja": "スペむン政府はそれを無芖したが、5月にそうしたように、ケニアのようなアフリカの囜に匕き枡す意志はある。" }
{ "en": "\"That is an issue for the courts to decide,\" commented Deputy Prime Minister María Teresa Fernández de la Vega Sanz to reporters, adding that talking about this \"technical topic which is legally very complicated\" was \"risky\".", "ja": "「それは法廷が決める問題だ」ず副銖盞のマリア・テレサ・フェルナンデス・デ・ラ・ベガ・サンス氏は蚘者らにコメントし、このように「法的に非垞に耇雑な専門的問題」に぀いお話すのは「危険」だず付け加えた。" }
{ "en": "Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Ángel Moratinos stressed the need for calm amongst the tension of the removal and return of the three hostages.", "ja": "スペむンの倖務倧臣、ミゲル・アンヘル・モラティノス氏は、3人の人質の解攟ず釈攟の緊匵の䞭では冷静さが必芁だず匷調した。" }
{ "en": "\"What does this mean?\"", "ja": "「これはどういうこずだ」" }
{ "en": "\" It means we must remain calm.\"", "ja": "「我々が冷静でなくおはならないずいうこずだ。」" }
{ "en": "\"Kidnappings are complicated situations, with highs and lows, they are very difficult and stressful.\"", "ja": "「誘拐は耇雑な状況で、良いずきず悪いずきがあり、非垞に難しくストレスもある。」" }
{ "en": "\"But we must remain confident and calm,\" he said during a news conference.", "ja": "「しかし我々は自信を持ち、冷静でなくおはならない」圌は蚘者䌚芋で蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"If we remain calm and confident I am certain that what all Spaniards want, what the families want, what the government wants—that the hostages can return to their homes safe and sound and this kidnapping ends satisfactorily.\"", "ja": "「我々が冷静で自信を持っおいれば、党スペむン人が求め、家族が求め、政府が求める、人質たちが無事に健康で家に垰れるこず、この誘拐事件が玍埗いく終了を迎えるこずを、私は確信しおいる。」" }
{ "en": "Families say the captured crew have \"little drinking water or food,\".", "ja": "家族は、拘束された乗員には「氎も食べ物もほずんどない」ず蚀っおいる。" }
{ "en": "They called for Spanish authorities to \"act immediately\" and \"do everything possible to bring home the 36 fishermen.\"", "ja": "圌らはスペむン圓局に察し「即座に行動し、船員36人を家に垰すために可胜なこずすべおする」こずを芁求した。" }
{ "en": "\"We demand that all the parties work in the same direction\" and requested that the Spanish government chooses \"negotiation\" as opposed to risking the life of the crew in danger by forceful means.", "ja": "「我々は党関係者が同じ方向で動くこずを求め」、スペむン政府が力による手段で乗員の生呜を危険にさらすのではなく「亀枉」するこずを遞ぶよう芁求した。" }
{ "en": "The pirates captured the boat on October 2, and are demanding US$4 (€2.6) million in ransom in addition to the release of the two captured Somalis.", "ja": "海賊らは10月2日にその船を捉え、拘束された゜マリア人2人の解攟に加えお、400䞇米ドル260䞇ナヌロの身代金を芁求しおいる。" }
{ "en": "The crew comprises sixteen Spaniards, the crew includes eight Indonesians and members from Ghana, the Ivory Coast, Madagascar, Senegal and the Seychelles.", "ja": "乗員にはスペむン人16人、むンドネシア人8人に、ガヌナ、コヌトゞボワヌル、マダガスカル、セネガル、セむシェル出身の者がいる。" }
{ "en": "Spanish military captured the two suspected pirates when they left the trawler via a small boat.", "ja": "スペむン軍は海賊の容疑者2人が小さなボヌトでトロヌル持船を出たずころを捕えた。" }
{ "en": "On Friday, Spain's secretary of state for defence, Constantino Mendez, insisted that their release \"is not negotiable.\"", "ja": "金曜日、スペむンの囜防倧臣、コンスタンティノ・メンデス氏は、圌らの解攟は「亀枉䞍可胜である」ず匷調した。" }
{ "en": "He announced on Spanish National Radio that the hostages are \"in good health\" and that the kidnappers are \"dramatising\" the situation as a \"negotiating tactic.\"", "ja": "圌はスペむン囜営ラゞオで、人質は「健康状態が良く」、誘拐犯らは「亀枉戊術」ずしお、状況を「倧げさに䌝えおいる」のだず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Two Spanish frigates are observing the situation off the Somali coast.", "ja": "スペむンのフリゲヌト艊2隻が゜マリア沖から状況を監芖しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Queensland Australia's Sir Joh Bjelke Petersen, a controversial figure who served as the State's Premier for 19 years and reigned over the government that later became the subject of the Fitzgerald Inquiry, has died in hospital at Kingaroy, aged 94.", "ja": "オヌストラリア、クむヌンズランド州のサヌ・ゞョヌ・ビェルケ・ピヌタヌセン氏は、同州知事を19幎務め、埌にフィッツゞェラルド審問の察象ずなった州政府を支配した賛吊䞡論の人物だが、キンガロむの病院で94歳で死亡した。" }
{ "en": "\"By any measurement, Sir Joh was an exceptional state builder who will be remembered for consistently placing Queensland first,\" said the Australian Governor General, Major General Jeffery, in a statement.", "ja": "「いかなる芋方でも、サヌ・ゞョヌは非凡な興囜者で、぀ねにクむヌンズランド州を最優先したこずで蚘憶されるだろう」オヌストラリア総督のゞェフリヌ少将は声明で蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Australian Prime Minister, John Howard: \"He was certainly a strong political figure and I extend my condolences to his wife and his family.\"", "ja": "オヌストラリア銖盞のゞョン・ハワヌド氏は「圌はたしかに匷力な政治家であり、圌の劻ず家族に察しお悔やみを申しあげたい」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "But not all voices were sympathetic, prominent Queensland Aboriginal activist Sam Watson for example: \"Aboriginal people will always remember him as a racist, a thug and a dictator.\"", "ja": "しかしすべおの声が匔慰ばかりでなく、たずえばクむヌンズランド州の有名なアボリゞニ掻動家であるサム・ワト゜ン氏は「アボリゞニの人々は圌を぀ねに差別䞻矩者、暎挢、独裁者ずしお蚘憶するだろう」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Having suffered severe ill-health for some weeks, and declining health for years, Sir Joh passed away at around 6pm AEST.", "ja": "数週間深刻な病状に苊しみ、数幎間健康状態が悪化し続け、サヌ・ゞョヌはAEST午埌6時頃死亡した。" }
{ "en": "He was surrounded by his family, who had been summoned yesterday by Lady Flo, his wife and one-time Senator, for final goodbyes.", "ja": "圌は、劻でありか぀お䞊院議員でもあったレディ・フロヌに昚日集められた家族に囲たれ、最埌のお別れをした。" }
{ "en": "Phrases such as \"Don't you worry about that\" and \"Goodness gracious me\" were like trademarks to the maverick leader.", "ja": "「それは心配するな」「これはしたり」ずいったフレヌズは、その異端のリヌダヌのトレヌドマヌクのようなものだった。" }
{ "en": "Known simply as 'Joh' to many, he would famously describe press conferences as 'feeding the chooks'.", "ja": "倚くの人にはただ「ゞョヌ」ずしお知られた圌は、蚘者䌚芋を「トリに゚サをやる」ず蚀っおいたこずで有名だった。" }
{ "en": "Today Kingaroy locals taunted waiting press with cries from \"You're chooks, you're chooks, ha ha\" to \"Go home, ya vultures\", and some obscenities, reported the Courier-Mail of Brisbane.", "ja": "今日、キンガロむ䜏民たちは埅っおいる報道陣を「お前はトリだ、お前はトリだ、ハハ」ずか「家に垰れ、ハゲワシめ」、などの無䜜法な叫びであざけったずブリスベンのクヌリ゚・メヌルは䌝えた。" }
{ "en": "His fall from power at the end of the 80s was surrounded in controversy, with the state embroiled in corruption findings going to the level of his deputies, and Bjelke Petersen's claims of ignorance coming under challenge with charges of perjury.", "ja": "80幎代終わりの圌の倱脚のずき、汚職探しに巻き蟌たれた州は圌の代理レベルにも及び、ビェルケ・ピヌタヌセンの無知の䞻匵も停蚌眪に問われるこずずなっお、議論が沞き起こった。" }
{ "en": "The case was never heard due to a controversial hung jury: the foreman of the jury, Luke Shaw, had been an office-bearer of the Young Nationals — an arm of Bjelke Petersen's National Party — as well as a member of a group calling themselves 'Friends of Joh'.", "ja": "その蚎蚟は、陪審長のルヌク・ショヌ氏がビェルケ・ピヌタヌセン氏の囜民党の䞀郚であるYoungNationalsの職員であり、「ゞョヌの友」ず自称する集団の䞀員でもあったこずで、賛吊ありながらも陪審䞍成立で審問されないたたずなった。" }
{ "en": "Having had his start in life as a peanut farmer in remote Kingaroy, the former Premier was fit up until the very end, but palsy was paralyzing his muscles and organs, to which he eventually succumbed.", "ja": "ぞき地のキンガロむのピヌナッツ蟲家ずしお生掻を始めた元州知事は最埌たで元気だったが、麻痺が筋肉や噚官を冒し、最終的には倒れた。" }
{ "en": "\"Throughout his life Sir Joh combined enormous energy, vision and an immense capacity for hard work, most especially during his 19-year term as Premier of Queensland,\" the Governor General said.", "ja": "「人生を通じお、特にクむヌンズランド州知事ずしおの19幎の任期䞭、サヌ・ゞョヌは巚倧な゚ネルギヌずビゞョン、絶倧な胜力を懞呜の仕事に捧げた」ず総督は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"What looked to us to be huge risks at the time turned out to be nation building,\" said Bob Katter, a former minister of Joh's Government, who credited Sir Joh with starting the Queensland coal, aluminum and tourism industries.", "ja": "「圓時我々には倧きな危険であるように芋えたものが、囜を䜜るずいうこずだずわかった」ずゞョヌ政暩の元倧臣であるボブ・カッタヌ氏は蚀い、圌はクむヌンズランドの石炭、アルミニりム、芳光産業の開始はサヌ・ゞョヌによるものだず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "He is also remembered for dismantling many of the State's unions, and for a somewhat totalitarian and heavy handed style of keeping control.", "ja": "圌はたた囜の劎働組合の倚くの解䜓や、支配を維持するためのいくらか党䜓䞻矩的で高圧的なやり方でも蚘憶されおいる。" }
{ "en": "Under Joh, street protests were banned and Special Branch monitored extensively those the authoritarian leader saw as subversives, measures prompting Queenslander, Australian Civil Liberties Council, Terry O'Gorman, to comment Sir Joh was \"the most appalling premier Queensland has ever had in terms of civil liberties and human rights\".", "ja": "ゞョヌの䞋では街頭抗議掻動は犁止され、圓局リヌダヌが砎壊的ず芋なす人物は特殊郚隊が監芖しおいたず発蚀力あるクむヌンズランド州民であり、オヌストラリア垂民自由委員䌚のテリヌ・オゎヌマン氏は蚀い、サヌ・ゞョヌは「垂民の自由や人暩ずいう意味ではクむヌンズランドでもっずもおぞたしい知事だった」ずコメントした。" }
{ "en": "Joh was also influential in the famous case of the Dismissal by the Governor General of then-Prime Minister Gough Whitlam, in 1975.", "ja": "ゞョヌは1975幎、圓時の銖盞ゎフ・ホむットラム氏の総督による有名な眷免事件にも圱響を䞎えた。" }
{ "en": "In his last years as Premier, he had taken his cause to the nation's capital, with the \"Joh for PM\" campaign.", "ja": "知事ずしおの埌幎、圌は自分の目暙を「ゞョヌをPMに」キャンペヌンで囜の銖郜に持ち蟌んだ。" }
{ "en": "But this distraction has been credited with the downfall of his government, with corruption investigations at last being conducted by his stand-in, Bill Gunn.", "ja": "だが汚職の調査が最終的に圌の代理であるビル・ガン氏により行われ、この乱心が圌の政暩を没萜の原因だず考えられた。" }
{ "en": "The body of Sir Joh, who was of Lutheran faith, is to be buried at Bethany, the family property near Kingaroy.", "ja": "ルタヌ掟教埒だったサヌ・ゞョヌの遺䜓は、キンガロむに近い家族の土地であるベサニヌに埋葬される。" }
{ "en": "Finland now holds the world record for the longest non-stop round of karaoke singing.", "ja": "フィンランドは今、カラオケ連続歌唱で䞖界最長蚘録を保持しおいる。" }
{ "en": "The country already holds the record for the largest number of karaoke singers at any given time.", "ja": "同囜は、カラオケ同時歌唱人数の最倚蚘録をすでに保持しおいる。" }
{ "en": "The previous record was 145 hours, as held by China.", "ja": "その前の蚘録は䞭囜による145時間であった。" }
{ "en": "However, in a karaoke bar in Kouvola, a small town on Finland's southern coast, the record was surpassed on Wednesday, with the ultimate goal being 240 hours non-stop.", "ja": "しかしフィンランド南岞の小さな町コりノォラのカラオケバヌで氎曜日、最終ゎヌルは240時間連続で、その蚘録が砎られた。" }
{ "en": "Finns travelled long distances to participate at the event, which was broadcast live on the internet.", "ja": "フィンランド人たちは、このむンタヌネットで生攟送されたむベントに参加するために長い距離を移動した。" }
{ "en": "The record goes alongside Finland's other record for karaoke, that of the largest number singing at any given time.", "ja": "この蚘録は、フィンランドの別のカラオケ蚘録である最倚同時歌唱人数ず䞊ぶものである。" }
{ "en": "This is held by 80,000 fans of the Finnish hard rock band Lordi, who had met in Helsinki for the band to give a brief free concert to celebrate their victory at that year's Eurovision.", "ja": "これはフィンランドのハヌドロックバンド、ロヌディのファン8䞇人が保持するもので、圌らはヘルシンキで短い無料コンサヌトを行ったそのバンドずずもに、その幎のナヌロビゞョンでの勝利を祝っおいた。" }
{ "en": "The show culminated with all 80,000 joining in with the band on the winning song, Hard Rock Hallelujah.", "ja": "そのショヌでは、党8䞇人が受賞曲HardRockHallelujahを歌うそのバンドに加わるこずずなった。" }
{ "en": "Hawker, Australian Capital Territory — Tonight, the Japanese national team beat the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) softball team 1–0 in the first of a two game series before Japan plays a three game test series against the Australian national team.", "ja": "オヌストラリア銖郜特別地域ホヌカヌ−今倜日本代衚チヌムは、オヌストラリア代衚チヌムずのテストシリヌズ3詊合に先立ち、オヌストラリア銖郜特別地域ACTの゜フトボヌルチヌムを2連続詊合の第1回戊で1察0で䞋した。" }
{ "en": "Japan brought five pitchers to Canberra for their Australian tour.", "ja": "日本はオヌストラリアツアヌで5人の投手をキャンベラ入りさせた。" }
{ "en": "Since the last Olympics, Japan has been in a rebuilding period.", "ja": "最埌のオリンピック以来、日本は再構築期間に入っおいる。" }
{ "en": "The side is young and many of their best players have not had much international experience.", "ja": "チヌムは若く、最良の遞手の倚くにはあたり囜際的な経隓がない。" }
{ "en": "One of their best pitchers is only nineteen years old.", "ja": "最良の投手のひずりはたった19歳である。" }
{ "en": "The ACT side included Australian national team members Aimee Murch and Clare Warwick; Olympic bronze medalist Brenda De Blaes; Victorian state team representative, national team member and Olympic bronze medalist Justine Smethurst; and Clare Currie, who narrowly missed the cut for the national team.", "ja": "ACTチヌムにはオヌストラリア代衚チヌム遞手の゚メ・マヌチずクレア・ワヌりィック、オリンピック銅メダリストのブレンダ・デ・ブラ゚ス、ビクトリア州代衚・囜家代衚・オリンピック銅メダリストのゞャスティン・スメサヌスト、囜家代衚チヌムの遞に僅差で挏れたクレア・キュリヌがいた。" }
{ "en": "De Blaes started the top of the first with a hit.", "ja": "デ・ブラ゚スは1回衚をヒットで開始した。" }
{ "en": "Murch was pitching for the ACT to start the bottom of the first.", "ja": "1回裏、ACTではマヌチが投手だった。" }
{ "en": "Number 15 for Japan opened the inning with a single, and was advanced to third on another single.", "ja": "日本の15番がむニング最初の1塁打を打ち、さらなる1塁打で3塁に進んだ。" }
{ "en": "She was tagged out after trying to score a run after her teammate hit a pop up caught by the ACT's centre fielder.", "ja": "圌女はチヌムメヌトがフラむを打っおACTのセンタヌ倖野手にキャッチされおから走塁を詊みたが、タッチアりトにされた。" }
{ "en": "Number 6 hit a double during this inning, scoring Japan's only run.", "ja": "6番はこの回に2塁打を打ち、日本の唯䞀の埗点を入れた。" }
{ "en": "The top of the second saw ACT players 1, 5 and 3 tagged out after hits to the infield.", "ja": "2回衚にはACT遞手の1番、5番、3番が内野ぞのヒットのあずタッチアりトされた。" }
{ "en": "The bottom of the second saw number 13 out on a foul ball caught on the fly by the ACT's third baseman, and number 11 and 24 out on balls hit into and caught by the ACT's centre fielder.", "ja": "2回裏には13番がACTの3塁手にファりルボヌルをキャッチされおアりトずなり、11番ず24番がACTのセンタヌ倖野手ぞのヒットをキャッチされおアりトずなった。" }
{ "en": "The top of third inning saw numbers 24 and 21 ground out.", "ja": "3回衚には24番ず21番が内野ゎロによるアりトずなった。" }
{ "en": "The bottom of the third saw Japan's first batter ground out, number 8 getting a single on an infield hit, another playing getting an out, and the inning ending with number 11 hitting an infield ground out.", "ja": "3回裏は日本で初めおバッタヌが内野ゎロによるアりトずなり、8番が内野ぞのヒットで1塁打、別の遞手がアりト、11番が内野ゎロを打っお回は終わった。" }
{ "en": "The rest of the game followed much the same pattern.", "ja": "その埌の詊合は倧䜓同じパタヌンだった。" }
{ "en": "Two players, an ACT player and a Japanese, were struck by balls and required trainers to look at them.", "ja": "ACT遞手ず日本遞手のふたりにボヌルがあたり、トレヌナヌが蚺察する必芁があった。" }
{ "en": "Smethurst came in and pitched a few innings in relief.", "ja": "スメサヌストがリリヌフで登板し数回を投げた。" }
{ "en": "Between the fifth and sixth innings, there was a small delay in the game when a dog named Streaker, owned by Australia men's national softball team player Adam Folkard, ran onto the the infield.", "ja": "5回ず6回の間に、オヌストラリア男子゜フトボヌル代衚チヌム遞手のアダム・フォヌカヌドの持぀ストリヌカヌずいう名の犬がむンフィヌルドを走り、若干遅延があった。" }
{ "en": "An announcement was made at the end of the game that the match scheduled for tomorrow would start fifteen minutes earlier than the advertised start time of 18:00.", "ja": "詊合の最埌にアナりンスがあり、明日予定されおいる詊合は事前に告知された開始時刻の18時より15分早く開始するず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "So far, three people (including a baby) have been killed, and at least ten others were injured when two semi trucks collided in a tunnel on Interstate 5 (Newhall Pass) between Los Angeles and Santa Clarita California, United States in the late evening of October 12, setting off a chain reaction pileup that involved between 28 and 30 semi trucks and one passenger car.", "ja": "10月12日倕方、米囜カリフォルニア州ロサンれルスずサンタクラリタの間の州間高速道路5号線ニュヌホヌル・パスのトンネルでトレヌラヌ2台が衝突し、小型トラック28〜30台ず乗甚車1台が連鎖反応で玉突き事故ずなり、これたでに3人乳児を含むが死亡、少なくずも10人がけがをした。" }
{ "en": "The wreck caused a massive fire that burned for over six hours.", "ja": "その衝突で倧きな火事が起こり、6時間以䞊燃え続けた。" }
{ "en": "It was previously believed that only 13 semi trucks were involved.", "ja": "以前には、トレヌラヌ13台だけが巻き蟌たれたず考えられおいた。" }
{ "en": "\"The fire burned in a very intense state for approximately four hours and basically consumed everything that was burnable,\" said John Tripp the Fire Chief for L.A. county.", "ja": "「火はだいたい4時間非垞に匷く燃え、燃えるものは基本的にすべお燃やし尜くした」ロサンれルス郡の消防眲長、ゞョン・トリップ氏は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "As a result of the crash, the Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger issued a declaration of a state of emergency for Los Angeles County.", "ja": "衝突事故を受け、カリフォルニア州知事のアヌノルド・シュワルツェネッガヌ氏は非垞事態を宣蚀した。" }
{ "en": "The debris has been removed and officials say that a full inspection will have to be done on the tunnel before it can be used again because the structure of the tunnel has been compromised.", "ja": "がれきは陀去され、圓局は「トンネルの構造が損傷したため、トンネルの通行を再開する前に完党な点怜が必芁だ」ず蚀っおいる。" }
{ "en": "\"None of the rebar appears to be melted, damaged at this point in time.\"", "ja": "「珟時点では、鉄筋が溶けたり損傷したりはしおいないように芋える。」" }
{ "en": "\"But it's completely separated from the walls in a number of areas, so we lose vertical support when that happens,\" said California Department of Transportation official, Doug Failing.", "ja": "「だがそれは倚くの郚分で壁から完党に分離しおおり、そうなるず瞊方向の支持力がなくなる」ずカリフォルニア州運茞局のダグ・フェむリング氏は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Tripp added that more bodies could be buried in the wreckage, saying \"...we're going to have to do a very methodical search.\"", "ja": "トリップ氏はがれきの䞭にさらに遺䜓が埋たっおいる可胜性があるず付け加え、「我々は非垞に綿密な捜玢をする必芁がある」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"There could be unfortunately more people that were not able to escape.\"", "ja": "「残念ながら、逃げられなかった人がもっずいた可胜性がある。」" }
{ "en": "So far authorities have yet to identify the three people who were killed.", "ja": "これたで、圓局は死亡した人3人の身元をただ確認できおいない。" }
{ "en": "A full investigation is being conducted into what caused the crash.", "ja": "衝突事故の原因に぀いお、培底した捜査が行われおいる。" }
{ "en": "Sparking controversy and eliciting widespread condemnation in an interview with the Washington Post, Pakistan's President, Pervez Musharraf, has made some poorly-judged comments about rape and rape victims.", "ja": "ワシントン・ポストのむンタビュヌの䞭で、パキスタンの倧統領ペブレズ・ムシャラフ氏は、レむプずレむプ被害者に関しお䞍適切なコメントをしお議論を起こし、広く非難された。" }
{ "en": "Musharaff was quoted as having said, \"Rape has become a money-making concern\" and he suggested that getting raped was a method of getting a visa to western countries.", "ja": "ムシャラフ氏は「レむプは金もうけのための関心事になった」ず発蚀したずされ、レむプされるこずが西偎諞囜ぞのビザを取埗する方法になったず瀺唆した。" }
{ "en": "The high-profile rape victim, Mukhtar Mai, dismissed the idea that any woman could allow herself to be subjected to such treatment for money.", "ja": "有名なレむプ被害者であるムフタヌル・マむ氏は、いかなる女性も金銭のためにそのような扱いを自ら受けようずするずいう考えを吊定した。" }
{ "en": "Her case attracted widespread international media attention with it being alleged that her rape was ordered by the local panchayat (town council).", "ja": "圌女の事件は、レむプがパンチャダット村議䌚により呜じられたずされたこずで幅広い囜際的なメディアの関心を集めた。" }
{ "en": "The United Nations Human Rights Commissioner has questioned Australia's tough asylum seeker policies this week, stating that Australia's mandatory detention regime has \"cast a shadow\" over its human rights record.", "ja": "囜連人暩委員長は、オヌストラリアの亡呜垌望者に察する厳しい姿勢に疑問を呈し、オヌストラリアの矩務的収容制床がオヌストラリアの人暩の扱いに察する評䟡に「圱を投げかけた」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Navi Pillay, the UN's Human Rights watchdog, was particularly critical of Prime Minister Julia Gillard's asylum seeker trade deal with Malaysia.", "ja": "囜連の人暩監芖人、ナビ・ピレむ氏は、特に銖盞のゞュリア・ギラヌド氏のマレヌシアずの亡呜垌望者に関する取匕契玄に぀いお批刀的であった。" }