Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Adila Character Race: Human Character Class: Bard Output:
Raised in the backwater, Adila was eventually given to the temple after flooding destroyed her parents' fields and they couldn't afford to feed her. There, she excelled at the arts and music, until she was hand selected for the government orchestra. She rose quickly in prominence, and moved on to private performance and espionage for a Duchess. She spied and played until her closest friend betrayed her and pinned a magical crime on her. Her career was only saved by the good graces of a mysterious benefactor who ensured she was given the role of Lorekeeper at the Wizard school. Not unimportant, but certainly lacking the prestige and political influence of a court ensemble performer. She is striving to clear her name and return to her former power.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Klaetus Asphandler Character Race: Human Character Class: Paladin Output:
A tobacco-spitting evangelical snake-handler from the plains, Klaetus jovially invites any who wish to feel exalted accept the bitter sacrament of venom from his hand. In a former life, Klaetus traveled village to village with his parents while demonstrating the pristine and unsullied glory hidden in the poison, blessing those who endured the fever and illness with insight. So prepared, Klaetus wades into combat with a pair of trained asps wrapped around his arms which he so employs to pass divine judgement on his foes. As a boy, though, it was challenging for Klaetus to find and retain friends for very long, such was the demand of travel. When he does find a friend, his loyalty is as a perfect as the white hot venom he endures each day.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: "Wild" Mag Whitley Character Race: Human Character Class: Rogue Output:
Some people run away to sea. Mag ran away to land. The early part of her life was spent aboard the corsair The Red Wyvern, a mercenary/pirate ship. For a time, life was grand. Merchant ships were plundered, coastal towns "encouraged" to give up supplies. By-and-large the crew of the Wyvern were not especially blood-thirsty - they didn't kill if it wasn't necessary, and preferred to rely on their violent reputation rather than actual violence. But eventually, a more cut-throat captain seized power. A captain who enjoyed the bloodshed as much as the profits (and kept a little too much of the profits for himself). And so Mag decided that her life on the ocean was over, for now, and she would head inland to seek her fortune on solid ground...
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Arden Sul Character Race: Human Character Class: Sorcerer - favoured soul Output:
Born into nobility, Arden grew up learning how he were responsible for the peasants. When he first manifested his powers it were a happy time for hos family, it meant that Arden could take the family power to new heights. But when he also manifested the potential to controll the divine magics at will. When this knowlege reached the church, he were branded as a heretic. The divine magic should be the property of the gods and their followers. Unable to be a proper heir to his family Arden left. His purpose to ruin the church responisble, and the best way to do so, is to make its follower worship him instead. Afterall his magic is the sign that he might be a god in human form. The peasants will never know the difference....
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Raymond Waveharp Character Race: Human Character Class: Druid Output:
Second Son of a wealthy merchant family, he was to be inducted into the Platinum Order to serve as a knight and then return with his experience to be the warmaster of the house. During his vigil in the forest of the lady he was tempted by a nymph and absconded with her in passionate romance that led him into the faewild and from there he was taken to the winter court to be inducted in the way of their Queen, the lady of darkness and ice, and while he spent years at court only a few weeks passed on the material plane. When he returned to the world and understood his errors he set out into the world to prove himself correct instead of turning to face the judgement of his mother for failing his vigil.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Lady Vilina Character Race: Human Character Class: Berserker Output:
Vilina was the daughter of a minor duke. She grew up accustomed to being the most important person in her region, as the towns and farms would become her responsibility to lead and protect. Though no one ever told her to her face, she always knew she was neither smart nor beautiful. She tried hard. She studied for hours each day, learned gracefulness and the lady's arts from her mother, but knew that she would be a mediocre leader at best. But on the eve of her sixteenth birthday, a horde of barbarians ravaged the manor and slaughtered everyone. She took refuge in a basement storeroom with a single maid. Afterward, she took up her younger brother's armor and the family's legendary battleaxe and aet out, vowing she would not allow any barbarian to meet her and live.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Julia Minor Character Race: Human Character Class: Wizard Output:
Julia used to be a fairly normal, if spoiled, child. Her family's wealth and prestige combined with her parents' inability to actually parent meant she got almost anything she wanted. However, there was one thing her parents kept forbidden: she was to never enter the reading room on the third floor of the west wing. Needless to say, she entered. Inside, she found a shriveled and withered corpse surrounded by the ashes of burned books. However, one book had managed to partially escape the flames. She picked it up, and then she was his. A ghost appeared before her, claiming to be her grandfather, and promised her whatever she wanted if she would just help him return to the land of the living. Now, she searches for arcane tomes, hoping that one will contain the knowledge she seeks.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Cassandra Chisholm Character Race: Human Character Class: Cleric Output:
She fled a bad home at a very young age, working various low-reputation jobs and barely managing to afford a roof over her head. Struggling to survive, it didn't help that she had frequent nightmares that sometimes turned into waking visions, usually of terrible events in far-off places that she had no possible chance to prevent. Ignorant of her past lives, she didn't recognize Apollo when he appeared to her as a man, whispering her true name and impregnating her with his child. Mika was her shining light, her one source of pure joy amongst the cruelty of the world and the madness that lived within her own mind. They cared for each other, through truthfully Cassandra struggled more often than not, some days only barely hanging onto lucidity, some days drowning the visions in strong drink and stronger potions.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Sa'ar Goldor Character Race: Human Character Class: Cleric Output:
Sa'ar was a no-good thief, in his home city, and was on the chopping block to be executed. The city he lived in was dedicated to the God of Trickery, who opposed laws, and Sa'ar ruminated in his final moments about how ridiculous it is to be condemned to death for breaking a law in a city dedicated to lawlessness. The next thing Sa'ar knew, HE was holding the Executioners Axe, and standing over the form of the former Executioner. Everyone around, Sa'ar included, saw this as a holy sign from their God, that Sa'ar was chosen as a servant of chaos. Sa'ar slew everyone who had condemned him to die, and left the city on a pilgrimage to the other temples of his God. He had dedicated his everything to his God, and would see the world of Laws torn down.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Arcan Character Race: Human Character Class: Wizard, divination Output:
Born to a powerful and wealthy family in the great city of Waterdeep, she went with her parents to visit another town when she was only 3. Being her first time outside the city and amongst nature, she was enchanted by it and wandered off one night. She stumbled through a fey crossing and found herself hopelessly lost. After wandering for about a day, she happened upon two old elven planewalker women who were native to the Material Plane. They took her under their wing and into their home in the upper end of the expansive High Forest. They taught her their ways of naturalism and the arcane, and after they passed she took the role of protector of the upper High Forest at 16. She also made contact with a nearby town and does arcane favors for its citizens.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Skeimfrig Character Race: Human Character Class: Barbarian Output:
Raised in a nomadic clan of humans and orcs and taught that Betrayal, in all its forms, is the greatest and only sin, he was devastated when a splinter group of the clan staged a coup and caused a complete regime change. He was even more devastated when all the children, and his only remaining relative, his little sister, were taken by the new leaders to be forced to do labour, as slaves. "To toughen the lil' bastards up." _ _Strength is there to protect the weak, and so a reserve was discovered within him. Pure unrivalled rage. But it was not enough. He tried to fight when they came, but he was struck down. And the leader's disdain for him saved him, they carved deep cuts into his face, torso, and arms, and left him to bleed out. _ _Needless to say, he didn't.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Thewnar the Mighty Character Race: Human Character Class: Barbarian Output:
Born with thews larger than his head, Thewnar strangled his first ox at the age of four. As puberty dawned, his skin began to secrete a viscous oil, gaining him the sobriquet "Thewnar the Ever-glistening". He was renowned far and wide for his strength, and he became an apprentice to the local woodcutter, eschewing axes in favour of simply tearing the logs apart with his bare hands. Alas, his peaceful existence was not to last. When he was only fourteen years old, a marauding band of bandits attacked his village, razing it to the ground. Thewnar, vowing revenge, hunted down the bandits. When he found them, he dismembered the members of their band by hand. As the last bandit died, Thewnar read in his scattered entrails (the bandit's entrails, not Thewnar's, his entrails were fine) an omen... Thus began Thewnar's quest for revenge!
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Guillermo George Rodriguez Rodrigues Character Race: Human Character Class: Duellist Output:
Debonair rogue and philanderer Guillermo got a taste for the ladies young, it was a desire that never went away. Young or old each woman is a gem with their own mysteries and beauty to be treasured. Guillermo grew up in a wealthy merchant family (Argentaria) that married into nobility (Aunt Isy). Despite GuillermoÕs anti-classism he thrives on the fringes of noble society, where there are ladies aplenty, some in unfulfilled arranged marriages that are looking for a discrete cicisbeo others unmarried that are looking for a walk on the wild side without the risk of an infatuated lover ruining their future marriage prospects. That they are invariably wealthy does not hurt. Barely tolerated by the noble males it is GuillermoÕs reputation as a duellist (and having killed a man in duel) that has stayed many a hand, that and some powerful patronesses.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Rilana Character Race: Human Character Class: Blood mage Output:
Raised in a tavern, adored by her parents and three brothers, she was the baby not only of the family, but also of the inns regulars. She led a charmed life, sheÕd always felt like there was someone else looking out for her, guiding her steps. She had always known that she was waiting for something, a sign. One hazy summer evening, whilst she was helping her mother serve drinks in the inn she overheard some strangers talking of Òthe path of AshakrisÓ, a name unknown to her but immediately something resonated within her, this was it! The learnt that there was a small sect devoted to following Ashakris, the goodness of suffering and renewal, in the far off city of Phyris. Three weeks later with the blessing of her bemused and worried parents she set off with her pony Yuna, her first steps on her path to become a blood mageÉ
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Alina Elowyn Character Race: Human Character Class: Cleric Output:
Cursed as a child to turn into a swan every night from sunset to sunrise, she was protected not only as a princess, but also because of her weakened nighttime state. Tutored in literature, music, calligraphy, languages, and some maths and sciences, her true skill blossomed under the tutelage of the court high priest. With an affinity for light spells, she learned to channel magic from the gods, though she can't cast any while in the form of a swan. It took all of her skill in persuasion to convince her parents to allow her to travel to perform her diplomatic duties, promising to always stay with her retainers and keep her curse a secret. Truthfully, she does wish to make connections with foreign governments and increase her kingdom's reputation, but she also has been searching for a cure to her condition, hopefully before her parents try to marry her off.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Benny Havarak Character Race: Human Character Class: Wizard Output:
Having adventured a little in his youth, then spent some odd decades as a librarian at a wizard's college, Benny has since retired to live a quiet life with his grandson, Roman, and a few old friends. He shares an apartment with Margaret, a wiry old woman nearly as old as he is, and lives next door to a witch named Gothel, who generally doesn't like men but finds Benny agreeable enough. He misses helping out students, and has something of an open-door policy with the nearby magic school, always ready and willing to lend an ear, or a book, or a quick escape portal, provided they help him draw out the runes for a magic circle. His hands don't work very well anymore, and he walks and talks about as slow as one might expect for a human his age, but he's unfailingly optimistic and always has a kind word for everyone.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Ara Haik Character Race: Human Character Class: Barbarian Output:
Ara is the bastard daughter of the female chieftain of her tribe. Her younger half-brother, jealous of the eldest's inheritance, got into some dark magic. The oldest brother/heir and Chieftain were concerned but the youngest brother convinced Ara to have them all sit down together to talk things out, except by "talk" he actually meant "kill the heir and use his blood to put my cool new demon familiar in Mom". Ara killed the youngest brother and her demon-possessed mother before the demon could fully take her over, and barely escaped with her life since her tribe assumed she killed the chieftain and the two heirs out of jealousy. Now she mostly prefers to keep her head down and let others make decisions since she is clearly bad at that; though sometimes a little arrogance of But I'm the Chief's Daughter still creeps in when she's not being careful to be annoyingly obsequious.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Emerich Gustave Character Race: Human Character Class: Rogue Output:
Emerich was born to a rich noble family, who made there money off of giving adventurers gear for the Abyss, in return for a portion of the treasure. His parents gave him the best tutors in many subjects, and even a famous rogue taught him knife skills, which Emerich used for hunting. Soon, his parents died. His siblings squabbled to take the lead of the family. However, unknown to him, his family took peasants from the Southern section of Terrace and put them to work, making custom adventurers gear, treating them like slaves. Soon, as the peasants learned about the weakness, there was an uprising. The peasants needed help, and the contacted Emerich. Emerich agreed to help them, and the uprising occurred. Deferring from the plan, the peasant force killed all of Emerich's siblings. Emerich was struck with guilt and anger. He needed to disappear. He took the name Gustave, and went to go into the Abyss.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Jorma Stormtyde Character Race: Human Character Class: Cleric Output:
Jorma was found as an infant floating in the ocean by a group of fisherman after a storm that killed his parents and destroyed their boat. They took him back to their fishing village of Rydehook, which is actually a collection of house boats lashed together, where he was taken in by the local healer, and follower of Habbakuk, Petros. In addition to learning martial combat to defend the village from pirates, Petros raised Jordan to respect nature and the sea in keeping with the traditions of Habbakuk. One day during a particularly violent pirate attack, Jorma called upon Habbakuk for help and unleashed a Thunderwave that killed the pirates but also destroyed a portion of the docks. This village, being wary of magic users of any kind, exiled Jorma for his "neglectful use of magics." Before leaving, Petros encouraged Jorma to explore the world, helping anyone he could, always be learning, and to call on Habbakuk if he needed help.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Kerri Coldwater Character Race: Human Character Class: Fighter Output:
Kerri is the daughter of a noble house, but she is a noble in name only. As natural disasters shook Neverwinter, most of her family's land was devastated, with only a remote manor left to their name. Thus, Kerri grew up desiring a comfortable lifestyle, but being strongly aware of what she would have to do to earn it. Kerri began training as a fighter when young. She took to it well, and while she was also a capable student when it came to history or courtly manners, she felt comfortable with a weapon in her hand. It wasn't until a failed kidnapping attempt, thwarted by herself and her bodyguard, Ser Battlehammer, that she began to think of leaving her family estate for good, and embracing the life of an adventurer. While other adventurers aim to explore the world or become more powerful, Kerri wants to stay close to her homeland, gaining riches, knowledge and connections which will help her improve her family's standing.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Shankar Character Race: Human Character Class: Rogue Output:
Shandra Karlen was raised by her mother to be the perfect noble's wife taught how to dance and sing, to understand court intrigues and navigate the world into which she would be entering. Not having a son her father quietly passed on his own knowledge of battle and war through instructors carefully picked from the men who had returned with him from the wars in the south when he retired. At the age of 14 just four days before she was to be officially presented at the annual gathering of all the noble families in Silverbay she was returning from a hunting ride with her favorite instructor Davin to find her home aflame and men ready to take her. Davin threw himself upon them yelling to her ÒRun Shandra! Run and hideÓÉ É five long years later Shankar has learned to hide amongst the dregs of Silverbay. Adapting skills sheÕd been taught to navigate high society and using them to survive in the underworld of thieves and murderers.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Berger Minder Character Race: Human Character Class: Fighter Output:
We know his given name was Bregget. We don't remember how we came to use the surname Minder- some say that it was because his pa was seen minding sheep, some that his pa was clearly a miner, and it has changed from that. Bregget came to town at a young age with his father, who was mugged and killed, without knowing a soul. The boy ended up in a gutter rat gang pretty quickly, as this small town had very little means to support an orphanage. As he aged, he was quickly one of the largest boys, and was selected as leadership as an enforcer. This earned him the name "Berk the jerk" among the smaller boys- to chide him. In later years, Berk left the gutter rat gangs because he didn't like what he was being asked to do. He qualified as a town guard simply by his size and strength, and all was okay...until his gutter gang past and city guard present ran afoul of each other...
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Danann Stormbranch Character Race: Human Character Class: Bard Output:
Danann was an up and coming soldier assigned to a small regiment located east of Red Larch. He became a friend to the villagers and a brother to his fellow soldiers. While patrolling the fields on the outskirt of town, he was knocked unconscious by an unknown assaliant. When he awoken the fields were hot cinders and the livestock inflames. A searing pain was felt on his neck, a brand of the mark of those that burned all the villagers that were in town, and all the soldiers that were meant to protect them. Nobody blamed him for the outcome. No one except Danann himself. To cope with the pain he felt, Danann resigned from active duty, and became a wandering bard. telling stories, singing songs, entertaining and brightening the day of everyone he meets. But don't let the performance fool you, he still keeps an eye out for any clues about what happened to the people he cared for, and any sign for those that are to blame.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Charani Maelstrovich Character Race: Human Character Class: Barbarian Output:
She is the wife of the head of the Maelstrovich crime family, Dominic Maelstrovich, a purple-skinned tiefling warlock pact-sworn to the Great Old One Ithaqua. Of their family, she is the only one who has not made the warlock pact, though she was present for her son's initiation, and will be there when her daughter Nikola turns eighteen and is imbued with the ancient power that has kept their family powerful. Charani's magic is different, darker and far more primal, and it was their mutual darkness that drew her and Dominic together. Despite his heavy-handedness and her rough nature, they managed to raise their children in a loving and supportive household. After all, if Alexei turns out to be better at diplomacy than interrogation, or Nikola at invention rather than socializing, their family will still benefit from their talents and fill in the gaps with other employees. She herself has no qualms about getting her hands dirty, and often acts as her husband's personal guard or, if no one capable is available, his brute squad.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Serenity Character Race: Human Character Class: Ranger Output:
Serenity's father was a blacksmith. Evil empire rolled into town and demanded her father craft the Emperor the finest sword. He refused and took his family and hid out in the mountains. Empire found him, and slaughtered Serenity's family. She escaped into the woods and grew up there as a wild child. Serenity was discovered many years later by the Empire, the emperor was with the soldiers, and kept them from killing her. Instead seeing her ferocity as a tool for his army. She had become quite feral and didn't remember the empire, or what happened anymore. Just the forest. He took her from the forest, educated her, and taught her to be a killing machine. She rose through the ranks and became a feared general for the evil empire. She was sent on a special ops mission from the emperor to infiltrate the party, and ensure they failed in rescuing the princess of the good nation. She would assassinate them if the need arose. This is where she entered the story, game, and set forth. Backstory.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Xathis Severus Character Race: Human Character Class: Assassin Output:
Born on an Adeptus Mechanicus forge world his family was loyal to the ways of the Machine God with family becoming priests or artisans. Xanthis however showed little affinity for technology he was withdrawn and uncaring. He ran away while young and hid in dark places, of his world, where upon he saw heretics learning and taking apart technology, his skin crawled so much at the sight of this heresy against the blessed Machine God he killed them as they slept. In the fires of their death Xanthis rose made a new, fresh with purpose from the Machine God itself, he would purge the world of weakness and heresy, and their spilt blood would fuel its eternal cogs. Eventually he caught the eyes of the ever watchful Mechanicus and was brought into their fold, a weapon, a tool to be used to further their ends, even in the folds of the Inquisition itself, although the urges within Xanthis were difficult to control he did his best only occasionally seeking out weakness to be purged when not directed.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Lucius Character Race: Human Character Class: Wizard Output:
Lucius grew up in a monastery dedicated to to Theidon, the God of Knowledge. A few generations prior, the wizards of Glyndor raised their continent into the sky to live among the clouds, opening a rift to the underworld whence hordes of demons erupted into the world. They sewed devastation wherever they went, but eventually the neighboring kingdoms managed to achieve balance and peace. Lucius grandfather was a Paladin of the God of Knowledge, wandering the land in search of old tomes and stories. He disappeared when the continent ascended. Lucius's people learned to fear magic, even those in the monastery nominally dedicated to learning and study, and it became outlawed in the Kingdom of Ardellon. When his latent magical abilities began to surface, he experimented with some old scrolls he found in a forbidden area of the library. But he could not fully control the magic, and he caused a portion of the monastery to burn down. He fled, vowing to continue to studying and championing knowledge in the face of ignorance, and to find out what happened to his grandfather.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Ronen Character Race: Human Character Class: Ranger Output:
Not much is known of the Rangers of Azilla and what is known is mostly rumour. It is said that they roam the wilderness south of Silverbay, preying on the brigands and other wild things that plague the land. Their skill with both bow and blade is renowned. They hold with no code or forms of fighting but are driven by a voracious appetite for survival. They shun human contact and choose a path to go around villages and towns where they can. This isolation fosters suspicion and fear in the minds of locals and it has been known for rangers to be driven off when venturing near the border towns. Not much more is known of Ronen. He has made the wilderness his home for eight short years and still his name is known to only a handful of fellow Rangers. He is marked by a darker complexion and olive skin that are unusual to find among the people of the wilds. He is accompanied by his faithful hunting dog Fenton. Fenton is a young hunting dog, trained to follow orders, but still young and over eager.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Ozvanna Cherlotte Character Race: Human Character Class: Rogue/ sorceress Output:
Ozvanna is a gypsy child. A member of a ragged, traveling band. Her parentage isn't quite known...maybe just not talked about. It doesn't matter in this clan, where all of the children are raised by all of the parents. As a young girl, Ozvanna assisted a crooked old fortune teller. She would help gather crowds, and talk people into getting their fortune told. She'd spy, flirt and wheedle to get information to pass the old woman- to assist with her fortune telling swindles. Here and there she would pick a pocket or two, maybe arrange a bigger score by finding out details on local homes and personal wealth. Minor magical learning was a part of her training, as the fortune teller used charms and beguilments to get cash and information out of her clients, and was teaching Ozvanna to do the same. Now, in her teenage years, she has felt grief and guilt over the lies and theft that she has always practiced. In the still of a moonless night, she decides to leave. She steals a handful of needed supplies (she helped to collect it all anyway), and sneaks away...vowing never to see her clan again.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Older Ander Ravenhorn Character Race: Human Character Class: Fighter Output:
Born into a military family of watchmen, Older Ander thought that he would live out his days on the high tower keeping watch for orc raiders, bandits, forest fires, storms, armies, and caravans. His childhood was interupted by an Ogre incursion which his family got eaten alive. The raid was harrowing and the keep endured heavy fighting and losses for two weeks before the army saved them. The good monks of Magere, god of disipline and the Mantis in the Rose, brought him up and taught him the virtue of hardwork. He took up the family post for a while as a watchman, but after the resurgence of the great Ogre wars, he retired and vowed to heal rather than to injure. He became a guild Apothecary and lived to a ripe old age. But then the King gave the called to all available hunters. Something had gone wrong with the great Hinkley hunt 200 years ago. Evil's festering had blossomed and threatened the nation. So, Older Ander Ravenhorn dusted off his city issued armor and weapons, packed up as much healing herbs as his horse could carried and answered the call to do his duty.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Rufus Brannhane Character Race: Human Character Class: Druid Output:
Rufus is a man of the people, through and through. Growing up with his druidic tribe, he was often the one chosen to interact with outsiders, managing to find common ground between the Druids and others. He is not as zealous as some of his bretheren, and while he feels uncomfortable in cities, he doesn't react as violently as some druids he knows. This has helped cement his role in his circle and village as the go-between. Rufus is married and currently has seven children. They all live in a small village on the Dessarin River, where Rufus mediates disputes between villagers, and helps farmers with their fields. It is a happy life, and he is content. However, recently their village has been raided by bandits coming from the south. During one such attack, Rufus was able to lead some of his fellow villagers in the town's defence, and managed to thwart the raid. During an interrogation of captured bandits, he found the bandits were acting on the behest of a man called Gar Shatterkeel. Rufus knows of this Gar, being a fellow druid, and he makes plans to travel south to find this Gar and convince him to stop.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Iris Sorrowkeep Character Race: Human Character Class: Cleric Output:
Born with the mark of Istus (goddess of fate and destiny) on her shoulder, Iris was raised in the temple as soon as she was old enough to leave her parents. For the first eleven years of her life, it wasn't clear why she had been chosen. She was a competent fighter, a good student and a passable healer, but showed no exceptional skills or talents. Then, the nightmares started. And then they started coming true. Iris spent the next five years of her life poring over ancient tomes and heavy manuscripts in an attempt to understand the visions of the future that plagued her, but gathered no substantial information. Eventually, at the age of sixteen, she grew restless, and chose to the leave the temple that she had called home for as long as she could remember. Resenting the burden Istus had placed upon her, Iris shied away from the destiny that seemed to be laid out in front of her, becoming a thief on the streets and rooftops of the city of Kerrel. But try as she might to avoid her destiny, it seemed Istus had other plans, as a vision led her straight into the path of a misfit group of adventurers.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Ander Shemov Character Race: Human Character Class: Paladin Output:
As a child, he grew up without his parent who died due to a famine in his village. He lived in the church of Tyr, the god of justice. The priest looked after him and helped him find odd jobs around the village to do. When he was a teenager, he began training to fight to help support the village and possibly get a job as a malitia man. His training was greatly influenced by his teaching and his goal became to help rid the world of injustice. Soon, another drought came upon the village and all the villagers put together their money to afford to pay a caravan for water. Ander, seeing a huge injustice took it upon himself to rob the rich Lord that lived nearby. He made his way into the castle by persuading the guards that he wanted to build a small shrine on order of the Lord. As if by some divine luck, the door to the treasure room was unlocked. He then locked himself in and threw all the gold he could out the window to the town below. Now hunted by the Lord he robbed, he continues his journey to rid injustice and wrong doing from the world and help every creature he can....
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Toren Character Race: Human Character Class: Warlock Output:
Toren is an eleven year old child of ambiguous gender. She uses female pronouns for everyone. Her patron is an ambiguous embodiment of Luck, which is a true neutral deity. When crossing a street and a car passes right in front of you, you think yourself lucky because you didn't get hit by the car, but you're not getting hit by a car right now are you? That's Luck in action, neither giving nor taking with intention. Toren joined the circus after growing up on the streets and owes her life to the woman who took her in. Occasionally she stumbles upon an imp she calls One Esk Nineteen who helps her on her adventures. After defeating an ice dragon deep in a glacier, Toren delved deep into a YuanTi temple where she saw her future in its entirety, bought the freedom of a very broken slave who she named Sievarden. She showed the lizard man agency and he died for it and now she seeks his ancestors to return his remains to their sacred rituals. Has seeing the outcomes for every action disproved the existence of her God? Will she find Sievarden's ancestral home? What does the symbol burned into her face after seeing her future mean?
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Kayla Character Race: Human Character Class: Warlock Output:
Kayla was born to a human prostitute in the city of Elmund, her father most probably being one of the many elven adventurers and nobles that visited the brother where her mother worked, given KaylaÕs clear elven heritage. Her mother, kept docile by the matron of the house with a combination of alcohol and drugs provided very little for the growing girl, leading her to spend most of her time running the streets with the gangs of urchins that pickpocketed and stole what they needed to survive. Soon Kayla was leading her gang, her quickness with a knife backing up her forceful personality. One day, when breaking into an old wizardÕs tower she was caught, her lack of arcane understanding proving her undoing. The wizard killed her companions and placed Kayla under a domination spell, forcing her to take part in a ritual, too abhorrent and evil to print here, that bonded Kayla with a terrible demon, birthed from her own body, a demon that killed her master and freed her from her slavery to an evil wizard and instead placing her in command of a power beyond that of most mortals. The demon has not forgotten her, however, and watches her movements with great interest, itÕs goal unknown.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Moriarty Character Race: Human Character Class: Ranger Output:
Born as a bastard from one of the Druidic Sect of the Gatekeepers, a sect based off keeping the world from the unnatural and protecting the world from dimensional threats, Jack Moriarty was placed into a ranger school, at the mercy of his father, and trained there his whole life. He was a promising student, and learned the craft of monster hunting quickly, but the sect was disgusted by his unnatural upcoming. Later down the line the daelkyr started to invade the plane, and during this war his ranger school sent on suicide mission to close a portal used for the invasion of daelkyr. Most of his school died, including the master druid of the school, MoriartyÕs father. With his father out of the picture and no one to say otherwise, Moriarty was discharged from service, as he was the last in line to train new rangers of his school, but deemed to unnatural to be a leader. Moriarty then left his lands to find purpose. With his combat prowess and knowledge of the monstrosities that plague the land, he became a bounty hunter to make a living, and ultimately as a to stave off the civilization from the unnatural and extraplanar. He holds the values and core beliefs of his sect to heart even after being cast aside.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Keold Morgwend Character Race: Human Character Class: Cleric Output:
I am the second son of the Morgwend noble family, the family set up as the next ruler in the cyclical monarchy that exists in the frigid kingdom of Arena. My eldest brother`s untimely death and the uncertainty of the legitimacy of his heirs made my father gather me and my brothers and proclaim that if one of us gets to rule their own land or obtains great power, without defining what "great power" would be, he would become the new heir, instead of the children of the one who planned our brother`s widow and her family, which we suspect of having planned his death. I value power, as I need it. I value carnal pleasures more than I should. I value a peaceful community and my authority as a noble. Friends are things I have very few of. To earn my trust is to earn the right to have me shed my blood for you. I trust no women. To me, they`re like a wine merchant while I`m a poor alcoholic, so I never trust any person who has this kind of power over me. To fulfill the wishes of my father, I decided to travel the world, searching for magical items that produce heat or alter the climate of a large area, to aid in the expansion of our kingdom.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Dren Burrows Character Race: Human Character Class: Monk Output:
Dren grew up in the farming town of Orthantis with his twin sister Nala and his mother Ada. By the time the two of them were born, their father was no longer in the picture, but was never explained to them by their mother the exact reason of his absence, be it either gone or dead. His mother was one to stay sick quite often, so it fell to him and Nala to be able to provide for them. Their official job had always been street performers, usually a form of acrobatics or dance, though Nala had always been the better of the two in that aspect. To supplement this, Dren took to petty theft and always had an excuse for his actions, though never stealing from someone who could not afford to lose it. Eventually he stole from the wrong noble and was caught, faced with imprisonment. Though from the good nature of a traveling monk, Akta, he was given the choice of training and reform under the monk's teachings. Isolated with Akta in the mountains for almost eight years now, he has learned to be self sufficient and has trained much under his teacher in learning peace and the ways of the monk tradition. Akta had set out on a journey some few months prior and while Dren trusted their safety, has started to become concerned.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Cassius Drestin Character Race: Human Character Class: Fighter Output:
Cassius was born in the small village of Valmir off the coast of the Blood Sea. Being small, he was often bullied by the other kids in the village. This led to him becoming very troubled and the more they beat him, the more he began to enjoy it. He began to revel in his pain and the pain of others. Cassius hit puberty and went from a small 5 feet, 100 lbs. to a towering 6'9, 200 lbs. of raw muscle. He left the village and went to join the King's army. After 20 years of being a soldier he was kicked out for being too brutal and it was found that he had been collecting the hands of those he killed in battle. Angry at being kicked out Cassius becomes a drunk and often found himself involved bar fights. Cassius found himself on the wrong side of the law after one bar fight where he resumed his habit of collecting hands. Fleeing from city to city, Cassius's necklace and belt and hands waved menacingly from his neck and waist. Forever growing and becoming a warning to everyone. Wandering the wild, on the run from the law and looking for purpose, Cassius joins a group of adventures on a quest to save the world. It was time for this psychopath to do some good and redeem himself.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Mirellia Wolfsbane Character Race: Human Character Class: Ranger Output:
Mirellia was raised in a rural backwater village on the edge of a forest. The daughter of a blacksmith, she loved nothing more than "testing" the weapons he made for adventurers who came to town. She felt torn between her family and her desire to see the world... until she was fifteen. On a gloomy autumn morning, Mirellia was stalking a deer to kill for venison when she heard the howling of wolves--coming not from the deep woods, but from the village. At the sight of smoke rising over the bare branches, Mirellia sprinted back towards her village... to find her family, and most of the other villagers, dead. Their flesh was carved with deep fang-marks and wolf-tracks surrounded the huts, some of which had been set alight. Mirellia fled to a nearby Elven village, which kindly took her in. There she learned the forest-craft of the rangers, all while cultivating a deep hatred of the beasts that murdered her family. She learned enough to know that those could not have been ordinary wolves; but the elves could tell her little of what they actually were. Still, when it was time to set out on her own and, if she could, avenge her loved ones, Mirellia took on a name that she thought fitting, and became Mirellia Wolfsbane. To this day she is the huntress of all lupine things--werewolves, worgs, and winter wolves alike are her prey.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Tejain Armacre Character Race: Human Character Class: Wizard Output:
Tejain Armacre is the youngest son of a conservative, wealthy, hawkish family. They were instrumental in starting the war, profited from it, and have absolutely no sense of shame or noblesse oblige - only anger at how they were treated. (They ran out of allies, and their extensive estates became battlefields and, later, chips on the bargaining table, leaving them refugees.) Tejain had three older brothers. The two elder died nobly (or pointlessly) in battle, and the youngest carries on the fight even now. They are the pride of the family. Tejain's service was minimal, secret, and totally unappreciated - he saw one engagement at Miton's Wells, an utterly pointless massacre just after Sark River that Sullane and Halcrest both pretend didn't happen. Tejain was trained by an upstart mage named Rindimar who insinuated himself into the government as a sort of secret weapons program. He was a horrible person - his training methods killed several "promising" students, and the rest either hated him or followed him slavishly. His unit of journeymen wizards - "The Red Brigade" Ê- lost badly, and he himself was captured. There are rumors he now serves Halcrest in some function. His most loyal students don't believe this, and fight with the guerillas. Tejain has two younger sisters - young enough to actually adapt to their new lives, if given a chance. Tejain does care for them, to the extent that his father sometimes refers to him as "my eldest daughter."
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Rarian Everfeth Character Race: Human Character Class: Paladin Output:
Rarian Everfeth grew up with a love for reading and learning. He soon became an apprentice librarian, and years after that, became one of the sole proprietors of one of the largest libraries available to the academic and arcane community. His constant immersion in literature, religion, history, and sciences gave him a wide knowledge of virtually anything books could teach him, as well as some of the darker things the library held in some locked shelves, such as books written in infernal and abyssal. Rarian's childhood friend became sick, and even with all of his knowledge, Rarian had no idea what could help his friend recover. After months of searching, and his friend only getting worse, he turned to something he never should have: a pact with a devil. The devil, once summoned, made a pact with Rarian. Rarian would help him pay off a debt and, in turn, the devil would give Rarian the knowledge he needed to save his friend. Once Rarian agreed, the devil revealed that his friend could not be saved, that it was too late, and then took his end of the bargain. The debt the devil held was one to a greater devil. The debt was one human soul. Rarian will lose his rights to his soul once he dies. The demon vanished, and soon after, Rarian left the archives, picked up the sword, calling upon the goddess of knowledge to help him seek vengeance, for his soul, and his friend.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Finn Scalesly Character Race: Human Character Class: Rogue Output:
Finn was born in a large city in an influential province. Him and his best friend Gill have always dreamed of being treasure hunters. One day while reading in the library they learned of an ancient tomb, possibly unopened, nearby. The two journeyed out to it and determined that the seal on the entrance was unbroken. Excited to uncover new treasures, the two delved into the tomb, disarming the traps in the halls with ease. When they finally made it to the treasure room, they discovered that it had been looted. Someone had dug a tunnel into the back and taken all the gold. The only remaining bit of treasure was a golden ring on the finger of a skeletal lord. Gill removed the ring, and in doing so awoke all the skeletons in the room. They attacked him and killed him, ripping the flesh from his bones. Finn barely made it out alive. Unable to stand the thought of his best friend's fate, Finn re-entered the tomb a month later. Using tomb's existing traps and his superior wits Finn systematically killed all the skeletons over the course of a few days. When he finally made it into the treasure room again Finn came face to face with his best friend's skeleton. Without hesitation, he caved in Gill's skull with his crowbar, ending his undead servitude. As a final memento, Finn took the ring off Gill's finger and put it on his own, keeping it as a reminder of his friend. Now, he adventures not only for his own dreams, but for those of his fallen friend.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Lord Eduardo Vizzini Character Race: Human Character Class: Physician Output:
Although marrying outside of the noble bloodline is usually frowned upon the young Lord Alfredo courted a wealthy merchant's daughter (Isabella Argentaria). He finally gained his family's permission, but perhaps not total blessing, to marry her. Their first child Calvados was a natural sportsman compared to the next child, Eduardo. Eduardo after his studies became a rebel against the nobility and decided, against his parents wishes, to be with the comment man and become a physician. Eduardo opened a free clinic and treated all comers. Over this time he also developed an understanding of herbal remedies from local ÔwitchesÕ. Eduardo is very protective of his younger sister Connie. Calvados joined the military but on his second campaign was slain by a mace blow to the head. Barely alive Calvados was returned home, and Eduardo was sent for but it took a couple of days to find him as he was away herb collecting. Calvados died several days later and Eduardo believes had he been there that he could have saved his brother. Because of this he vowed to not leave this family again and setup a workshop in the noble court as a doctor. Connie was brought up to be a lady of the court, but like Eduardo, yearned for learning and became a student. After meeting other like minded students Connie decided that work wasnÕt really for her, or court life for that matter, and she has taken up with playwrights and poets in the city. Her father and mother were not impressed to say the least. Recent events have ended in the vile attempted murder of Lady Isabella Vizzini and the disappearance of Lord Alfredo Vizzini...
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Wheezer Character Race: Human Character Class: Artificer Output:
The Wheezers were a family of artificers - grandfather, grandmother, two mothers and their partners, half a dozen kids. They ran an extensive workshop outside of the Imperial capital; making wands and rings and amulets for the general market and a few homunculi to help make other things & to sell to high-end customers. But it had been getting harder and harder to get supplies; due to the rebellion and the trade embargoes. Then the Imperial regent announced an increase in taxes, to pay for expanding her palace as well as to fund yet another military expansion; and decreed that all artificers would retroactively pay those taxes for the years since she'd been made regent. When the Wheezers refused to pay, because they didn't have the cash or the goods for that, the regent ordered her enforcer; Commander Rubin; to take the workshop by force and "make an example of them all". The last time Wheezer saw his family - from his wife to his daughters to his grandkids - was when Rubin's wizard launched a fireball and the entire workshop went up like alchemist's fire. Shadow, the best of the homunculi, had somehow gotten a wand of dimension door; grabbed Wheezer; and teleported them repeatedly away from the explosion. And that was how Wheezer began to work for the rebellion; and to plan eventual vengeance against now-General Rubin. Or at least, that's what Wheezer told the rebels; when they questioned him in a zone of truth. The reality is a bit more complicated: Every member of his family was teleported away under the cover of the explosion. They all made it out alive. But they'll have to stay in hiding as long as Rubin and the regent are in power.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Elspeth Dharvoon Character Race: Human Character Class: Rogue Output:
Daughter of loving parents but raised in abject poverty near Waterdeep's docks, Elspeth was orphaned at the tender age of six after a bar fight erupted into a fire that engulfed their tenement. She was adopted by her aunt, who dabbled in some minor fence-work on the side of more reputable shop work, but fell under the sway of her eldest son Otilio, a thief and rogue who used a group of street children to orchestrate pickpocketing and robberies. Young Elspeth was not a skilled pickpocket or burglar, but she was naturally sweet and charming, making her ideal as a distraction, often playing the part of a lost child. Otilio later placed her in the home of a spoiled debutante, Elsa Brook, as a servant, where the bright and worldly young girl quickly became a confidante for the heiress. Otilio acted as a young nobleman from outside the city, wooing Lady Brook with his agent on the inside encouraging the affair. Once she had agreed to take his hand, Otilio provided poison for Lady Brook's father which Elspeth was to administer. Despite her misgivings, she went ahead with the plan and the new Lord Brook was set to inherit everything. He murdered his new wife, making it look like a suicide, and told Elspeth that she would be implicated in Lord Brook's murder if she spoke up. Then he banished her from the city on a ship set for Amn. En route, the ship was taken over by pirates who set the passengers adrift somewhere off the Sword Coast. With no home, family and only a small pouch of gold to her name, Elspeth took to adventuring to get back on her feet and, eventually, get her revenge on her treacherous and now-ennobled cousin.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Leyland Character Race: Human Character Class: Paladin/warlock gestalt Output:
Leyland was a young man when he joined an order of paladins who policed the land and confronted evil. But like them, he was dogmatic and merciless and believed himself righteous above judgement. On one expedition he and his fellows came across an evil blade of the Shadowfell, which used a dark power to tempt them into seizing it. Some paladins were able to resist, but not those like Leyland, who were driven by ambition and fury instead of a righteous cause. The enthralled paladins slew their fellows, and then each other, to be the sole owner of the blade. Through luck, more than anything, Leyland triumphed and gained possession of the blade. Afterward, the madness passed and Leyland realized what he had done, but he found that the sword was bound to him and he could not discard it. Sickened by his actions and the revelation that he was not the incorruptible force for good that he had supposed, Leyland vowed to go into exile with the blade and live a life of peace. Decades later, an ageing Leyland was forced to break this vow when a great evil threatened the land. Using the dark blade, and with the help of other adventurers, he was able to save the inhabitants of a nearby village from a group of these villains. Leyland realized that he had a chance to atone by confronting this menace, and to put the sword to a noble purpose. United with his new companions, he swore a new paladin oath - this time driven by a sincere desire to do good, although he knew he could not promise that the sword would never be able to cause him to do harm again. But he has vowed to do all the good he can, and make right any wrongs he might cause.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Jonah Belardo Character Race: Human Character Class: Cleric Output:
Jonah started sailing at sixteen. He got his first job as a crewman on a cargo ship. He spent the next few years hopping from ship to ship, finding work where he could. When Jonah was twenty, he began work on The Royal Fortune, a ship owned by a wealthy merchant Berrian Goldpetal. Jonah spent several years with this crew. He grew especially close to a Halfling named Cade Thorngage. The crew became dissatisfied with the small amount they were being paid to transport such expensive items. They were doing the most work while Goldpetal made by far the most money. Their anger was egged on by Cade and eventually culminated in a mutiny in which Captain Ironscale was killed by Jonah. The Royal Fortune spent over a decade as a pirate ship captained by Cade, and they terrorized a small section of sea in the south. They particularly targeted other ships owned by the Goldpetal Trading Company. Jonah had the position of Quartermaster and commanded the ship while not in battle or actively searching for treasure. The ship was not far from the coast when it got caught unexpectedly in a powerful storm, worse than any any of the crew had seen before. The ship was destroyed. Jonah washed up on shore, badly injured, particularly his right leg which he would eventually lose to an infection. Jonah struggled to understand how he could have survived that storm which he assumed was a direct punishment from Melora. As far as he could tell, he was the only one that did. Jonah became convinced that Melora kept him alive for a purpose, to serve Her and atone for his past actions. As Jonah walked along the shore, collecting the few items from his old ship that had washed up, he found a ordinary looking blank book whose pages were somehow completely dry and undamaged.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Len Character Race: Human Character Class: Nano Output:
Len grew up in a cult. His society lived in caves in a great steep-sided mountain, and developed ways to hide themselves from the world. They were the last survivors of a race long thought to be extinct, and they knew many things. As a child, he cooked and sang and studied with his mother, counted sums and wove images with the golden priests. From his brothers he learned how to smuggle a mouse into a bed, throw a rotten fruit through a window, or make a terrifying beast manifest in a bedroom. One warm day in autumn, he went out to play in the leaves and fell asleep until dusk. He came back and found all the people had gone. A bitter-smelling purple powder was scattered everywhere. It made him cough and he went home to bed but nobody was there and the powder was there, too, and he woke up sick. He wandered the mountain in the full moon, burning with fever. He slept by a waterfall and a lonely road. Someone carried him. He woke up in a cart in a big village full of tall curving buildings and endless rushing people, and he ran away. A kind woman gave him food. A strange dog bit him and he screamed at it and shoved it away with his mind and its face came off. At fifteen, Len has been in the city for six years. He is small for his age, half-starved, and frequently covered in bruises. He speaks with a bizarre accent that nobodyÕs ever heard before, and his pale skin looks forever out of place, but he knows where to beg and where to steal. He lives in condemned building with a small group of similar boys. He is starting to accumulate a few possessions and think in the long term. His highest aspiration is to have money and safety.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Trar Dewstream Character Race: Human Character Class: Druid Output:
Deep in the heart of the Karthas Mountains, there lies a small village of outcasts. Made up of elves, orcs, half-orcs and humans from the surrounding area, this nature worshiping village carves out a meager living off of the land and by offering their skills as guides through the surrounding area. It is in this town that Trar Dewstream was born and raised. Born to human parents, he learned from his druid father to respect nature, care for animals, and how to earn a living as a guide to those looking for passage through the mountains. Not one to care too much for the city dwellers in the valley below, he spent most of his years communing with nature and learning the ways of the wild. That is until his 26th year. A Peryton came down from the mountains and kidnapped Trar's parents while he was in the settlement of Glasspring after just finishing guiding a group down from the mountains. Returning to his village and hearing of the deaths by the beast, Trar left on a quest for revenge. It took a year of mapping the mountains and tracking down rumors to discover the creatures lair. Roosting high in a hidden mountain forest, a mating pair and their two offspring had made a nest. Here, Trar found the remains of his parents. Flying into a rage, he killed the foul beasts without mercy. Taking a trophy from the creature, a stag horn from the head of the beast, he set up a home in the forest to mourn the loss of his parents and commune with nature. Here he had his first vision of the disaster that was coming. For three years he prepared, honing his druid abilities, haunted nightly by the visions of the cataclysm. Until another vision came. A vision that took him down from the mountains to the outskirts of the great city of Waterford.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Eris Nilodian Character Race: Human Character Class: Scout/ranger/dervish Output:
Eris Nilodian is a human scout/ranger from the Elvish Northlands. ErisÕ parents are part of The Order of AlÕAsran, based out of Trezna. The Order of AlÕAsran is a small, secret, militant, secular sect of undead-haters that chose to name themselves after one of PelorÕs aliases solely to signify their commitment to eliminating all undead in the Northlands. Though the Order of AlÕAsran itself is secular, members are not required to be non-religious. The Order of AlÕAsran was founded by the nobles of Trezna, who created it as a means to an end in order to eliminate the lich Xanaphia Siannodel. However, Xanaphia is well-protected by the people, and so the Order has yet to confront her at all. Most of the tireless efforts of the Order have only gone toward destroying minor undead in the area. Eris was raised within the Order, and her speed and dexterity made her a fine candidate to be trained beside scouts and rangers. Before she was old enough to begin her class training Eris developed a passion for dance, and that passion heavily influenced her goals for her career Ð she has known that she wanted to be a dervish, just like some of the quickest and most cunning combatants in the Order, since she was a child. Eris left Trezna two years before she met The Raiders of the Forsaken Dragon on the aisle of Zegara. She has been traveling, with the OrderÕs blessing, to broaden her experiences so that she may return with the power and wisdom to bring down Xanaphia once and for all. She was drawn to Keshiki four months before meeting The Raiders, and has spent the last two months in Zegara completing quests for the Zegaran AdventurerÕs Guild to increase her skills and acquire the funds to buy new equipment. She has a fiery hatred of the undead, and a singular, overarching commitment to becoming a weapon against them.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Kano Character Race: Human Character Class: Monk Output:
In his younger days Kano was a petty criminal. That career came to end when a local street gang, annoyed by the freelancer stepping on their territory, ambushed him and beat him within an inch of his life. Kano was pretty skilled with his bare hands, and managed to take out a few of his assailants. Before long though, he was overpowered by the thugs. The last thing Kano remembered from the fight was a quarterstaff sweeping in take out one of the gang members. Coming to after the fight, Kano was greeted by a monk sitting cross legged on the footpath beside his body. The monk explained that Kano had done pretty well in the fight, all things considered, and that the Monastery of Standing Stone was always looking for people that could fight. I didn't seem like there was very much left for Kano in this town, and the Monastery had skilled healers. Kano took up the Monk's offer. At first he wanted only to train enough to come back and destroy the gang that had attacked him. Over the course of his time at the Monastery he learned to control his instinct for vengeance. Instead, he has dedicated his life to the Monastery's mission of protecting the weak and allowing order and good to flourish in the world. For the most part, the Monks of The Standing Stone achieve this goal by doing good deeds, or perhaps standing up to criminal gangs and would-be tyrants. Kano is special, one of a hand full of field agents free to follow their instincts and fight darkness where ever they find it. Kano's training has allowed him to master his own greed and need for validation or renown. However, he still struggles on control his emotions when he sees people without power being mistreated. Thus, he is likely to act rashly in order to save a few people immediately, even when a more thought-out approach might save others from suffering.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Razalas Character Race: Human Character Class: Wizard Output:
Razalas was born in the Turmish Republic, in the capital city of Alagh™n. Their mother was an actor who achieved minor success on the stage, but turned out to be a great success as an officer of the Turmish Guild of Theatrical Entertainers, eventually serving a term in the Assembly of Stars. (Their father was one of the best musicians in the city who specialized in esoteric forms too obscure to ever achieve much financial success, but made a comfortable living playing for festivals.) She installed in her child a passion for strong guilds and republican democracy, and a love for--if not talent in--the theater. Razalas early on displayed an aptitude for the arcane arts, and after exhausting the magical training available in Alagh™n (and despite their motherÕs dismay that they would never tread the boards), went on to study at the Jedea Academy in Mordulkin, followed by a research position at Candlekeep. They might have gone on to a quiet life of research, unremarked upon except by their fellow specialists in Abjuration, if it were not for their ardent syndicalism and inability to leave a mystery alone. Razalas happened to learn that Lord Frath, a minor scion of the noble Belt family, had conspired to cheat members of the Drovers and Teamsters Guild out of their due payment for a delivery. In their attempts to redress this grievance, their investigation eventually revealed a plot involving arms smuggling, infiltration by the Red Wizards of Thay, and fiendish corruption of several nobles and government officials in the Gate region. This drew the attention of the Harpers and left Razalas now unsuited for the stuffy confines of academia. While their lack of guile would ensure Razalas would never be a master of spycraft, the Harpers were impressed with their zeal and talent for investigation, as well as their considerable arcane prowess. Now Razalas is an agent at large for the Harpers, preserving knowledge and fighting the abuses of the powerful.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Evelynn Character Race: Human Character Class: Cleric Output:
Evelynn has blocked out her childhood memories prior to the age of seven, when the house fire in Brindol killed her parents. Her first real memory is actually that of being pulled from the burning wreckage of her home by her twin brother, Mezzo, and being left at the Church of Pelor. She has no recollection of the beatings she received at the hands of her father or the fact that Mezzo himself set the fire. The quiet life at the Church of Pelor suited Evelynn. The clerics taught her how to read and write, a skill she later passed on to Mezzo on the select occasions when he came to visit. She also quickly picked up the basics of how to treat those afflicted with sickness and disease, and showed surprising skill with healing magics. Because of EvelynnÕs talent, she was often allowed to accompany the priests on short missionary trips outside the city walls, where she helped to spread the word of Pelor and gave succor to those in need. However, as Evelynn aged, she found herself losing interest in the Church of PelorÕs doctrines. She began attending services at other temples in Brindol with the hopes of finding a new god or goddess to dedicate herself to, but was unable to identify with any of their teachings. It wasnÕt until Mezzo exposed her to the tenets of the Raven Queen and Evelynn realized she knew the cold hand of fate firsthand that she found her true calling in life. Believing that everything is predetermined and that circumstances occur in order to guide her throughout her life, Evelynn fled Brindol with her brother after his troubles with the law. She considers herself indebted to Mezzo for showing her the ÒtrueÓ way in life and is reluctant to leave him for more than a few hours at a time. Evelynn does not agree with all of what Mezzo does, however, and hopes to someday guide him to a less violent path.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Onan Bakkal Character Race: Human Character Class: Warlock Output:
Onan had a grandmother who fell ill. No cleric or druid could diagnose her ailment; it seemed a supernatural sickness, and her last few days were in anguish. He spent what time he could with his fading grandmother in her last days. A very unpleasant experience, as the woman he knew and loved now seemed vacant. Her identity, health, and sanity drained. One day, feeling in his heart that he had little time to say goodbye, he rushed to visit his grandmother one last time. As he entered her room, he found not his grandmother, but some other being, hunchbacked and foul. She stood next to his grandmotherÕs empty bed. The last thing Onan saw was this old crone drop his grandmotherÕs heirloom ring into a pouch on her belt, and then vanish in thin air. The theft of the ring robbed him of all heÕd had left of his grandmotherÕs faded memory. Onan learned what he could of this creature: not much. His one lead was a tale set in the moorlands with a villainous witch matching her description. Onan begged to accompany his merchant father, Metin Bakkal, on the way to Duragzhar. When passing through the moorlands Onan wandered off on his own, hoping to find the foul creature who killed his grandmother. He lost his way and was never seen by his family again. He was taken in by druids and attempted to learn their ways, but was never successful. During a coming of age ceremony, he was made to wander the moors alone. He came across some ruins whose strange nature put him in a trance and opened his mind to the power of the Great One. Though he knows little of the Great One, its power flows through him. When he returned, the druids recognized an unnatural power emanating from him and exiled him from the moors. After leaving, he made his way to Duragzhar where he was able to put his warlock powers to use working in black market trades, smuggling, and treasure hunting.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Mathis Greywood Character Race: Human Character Class: Cleric Output:
"You want to know about me. Fine. I'm from a small village you've never heard of. Because it's gone now. See, it existed on the edge of what turned out to be a rather nasty forest. So nasty in fact that the village had its own small group of druids to protect us from the forest and what was in it. When I was young, I was apprenticed to join those druids. But then the war happened. And his royal dipshitness needed every man and strong lad capable of bearing arms to rebuild his losses from being a dumbass. So I "joined" the army. And I "fought" in the war. And I survived because I made a noise at the right time while clerics were searching for the dying among the dead on the battlefield. I don't know why they did it at the time, espeically since I wasn't on their side. Now. Now it'd probably some phrase along the lines of "a dead soldier learns nothing from his time in battle". So I recuperated under the care of a cleric of The Red Knight, until I was healthy enough to be a prisoner until the war ended. And then I went home. But there was no home to return to. The forest had reclaimed it while I was gone. No where else to go, I sought out the cleric of The Red Knight again and "enlisted" as a follower of the goddess of war. Now don't give me that look. They don't call her "Our Lady of Strategy" for nothing. They could tell I was a shit soldier even without my own first hand account of how shit I actually was. But experience and healers make good soldiers into better ones. So I studdied medicine, and tactics, and served my time as a front lines healer. And now that I'm out, I hire on with any adventurers trying to do good. Well, the ones that don't seem to be completely lacking a brain cell between them, at any rate."
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Merry Wrenwright Character Race: Human Character Class: Hexblade Output:
Merry Wrenwright was born in the bustling metropolis of Bichi to a retired mercenary (Anthony Wrenwright) and an independent courtesan of minor renown (Luna Misteye). Merry's life has been shaped by unfortunate events borne from her budding magic, her young adulthood peppered by incidents of bad luck and loss. Around the beginning of her puberty Merry's peers began noticing that her presence usually guaranteed that someone would get hurt a lot more than usual; when Merry came out to play bruises and cuts rarely occurred, but instead more severe injuries were the norm: sprained ankles, dislocated shoulders, and broken bones. The children began avoiding her, causing Merry to spend the bulk of her time alone or with her little brother, Thomas. When Merry was 12 she lost track of 4-year-old Thomas as he played on a busy side street, catching sight of him just in time to witness him trip and fall beneath a runaway wagon. Heartbroken at the loss of their youngest child, Anthony and Luna made a special effort to invest in Merry's development, passing on their wisdom to her. While Merry's mother made an effort to direct her in channeling rudimentary arcane abilities, Merry grew especially close to her father as he taught her about the arts of combat and gambling. All of the time that she would have spent playing with other children was instead spent developing her martial prowess. Over the years Merry grew into a relatively solitary adult, eschewing friendship in favor of a life free of commitments and intimate entanglements with anyone except her family. Merry's father introduced her to a number of contacts throughout the city, and at 17 she began working for them as muscle for hire, usually performing small jobs like debt collection, protection, and intimidation. Anthony died of a fatal stab wound from a mugging months later, and Merry moved out of her mother's home into a shabby room above a blacksmith's shop. Merry received her mysterious letter on the day she turned 19, and departed from Bichi without telling her mother she was leaving town.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Elise Character Race: Human Character Class: Cleric Output:
Elise has little recollection of her parents, as they both were killed during Szass TamÕs abortive attempt to become immortal and live without his phylactery when she was a toddler. Orphaned on the streets of Eltabbar, she was discovered outside the church of Ilmater by the prelate, LÕeric Wrightsdale. She lived with LÕeric and the other Ilmatari for several weeks, as the undead threat in the country became increasingly worse. Eventually one of the Chosen of Ilmater, known only as Òthe Soft,Ó moved the main church of Ilmater out of the hazardous location of Thay to the town of Riverdale, south of Waterdeep. Accompanying Òthe Soft,Ó LÕeric was reunited with his sister, Erin Wrightsdale, the current head of the church of St. Evelith of the White Gardenia in Riverdale. Knowing that she had no living family and no place to go, LÕeric decided to keep Elise with him in Riverdale. After several years growing up in town as a normal child should, Elise was no longer recognizable as the scared, malnourished youth that had taken shelter with the church of Ilmater in Eltabbar. She showed surprising promise with divine magic and quickly took to IlmaterÕs tenets, perhaps as a result of having seen suffering firsthand. Upon EliseÕs sixteenth birthday, both LÕeric and Erin were pleased to formally accept her as an Adorned in the ranks of the Ilmatari. The church of St. Evelith of the White Gardenia has a history of accepting orphaned children into their fold, so their subsequent adoption of Elise was not considered unusual. It was then that EliseÕs real training began. Forgoing the traditional method of fighting unarmed as the Chosen Evelith had, Elise trained with an elite group of blunt weapon wielding warriors under LÕericÕs guidance. Known as the ÒPainbearers of the Pure,Ó they act as the fighting arm of the church of the White Gardenia, going on covert missions to punish those who harm others. After four years of intense instruction, Elise was given her first assignment. Instead of being tasked to secretly eliminate a tyrannical leader, she was instead to search for any information or evidence regarding the disappearance of Evelith, who had gone missing a year before.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Fellan Character Race: Human Character Class: Bard Output:
Fellan has dedicated her life to recording and sharing the history of her tribe. Libraries and scriptoriums would not survive long in the lush rain forests of Bhiena, so this history is not recorded in dusty tomes or hidden scriptoriums. Instead, Fellan herself is a repository for her ancestor's wisdom. As one of the Lore Keepers, she preserves this history in songs, epic poems, plays and stories passed from one generation to the next. The Lore Keepers are an important part of Bheinan society. In addition to sharing their knowledge with the tribe at large, they council their chiefs and perform for the governing council. They are shrewd political operators in their own right, and the particular stories or songs they share at a given meeting are carefully chosen. Fellan loves the thrill of performing her works. Though she takes her formal role very seriously, she get's a great deal of joy from launching into a song or recalling a memorable line from a poem at less formal social gatherings. She is very socially adept, and finds it easy to navigate Bhienan society and bring almost anyone around to her way of thinking. Though she knows many stories of heroes conquering wild places, she has never had any desire to be in one. She is happiest in society and has not enjoyed the wilderness on the few occasions she has been subjected to it. As the first born of Berlon, another Lore Keeper, Fellan was brought up be a Lore Keeper. From an early age she received training in performance and learned the stories and songs that recorded the ancient knowledge. She never could pick up an instrument, but she shone as an actor and story teller and could sing well enough to get by. Before long she was playing for audiences, and even before the chief of her tribe. As she has matured she has taken up a more senior role among the Lore Keepers, and is know part of the inner circle of the group and is teaching new initiates. Her life has largely been dedicated to her own tribe, she has never been beyond Bhiena and only travels outside of her tribe's lands to attend the annual governing council.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Avain Wellen Character Race: Human Character Class: Fighter Output:
Dear Korra, I don't know where to begin. But I do know where I'm going to end, and so I'll start from there. I think your mother gave me the bug. Ever since she left on that final adventure of hers, and even more when we found out she'll never return, I've felt empty. And anything I do doesn't make it better. I've felt the way she described feeling since she told me she was pregnant with you. Don't get me wrong, we were both overjoyed. And she was determined to give you the proper raising her parents never gave her. She loved you so much, no one can begin to understand. But she had to leave on one last trip after ten years of none. She promised it wouldn't take long, and she cried as much as you did. But I couldn't stop her. And even knowing what I know now, knowing that I'd never see her again, I couldn't stop her. Not just because of her stubbornness, but I couldn't keep her away from what made her truly happy. This is hurting as much as it's hurting you, but I have to do the same. I have to see what was so alluring to her, I have to go on these adventures she loved so much. You're your own woman now, I've taught you all that I know. All you need is experience, and you'll be better than I ever was. You can manage the shop yourself. You're strong, gods you're strong. You finally beat me, didn't you? That smile on your face was the widest I've ever seen on you. It suits you you know. Don't ever stop. You have your mother's face, my eyes, but her face. Did I ever tell you that? You're so much like her, without the sense of adventure of course. I suppose it's kind of funny when I think about it, I thought you'd be the one who'll eventually write this letter. But no, adventure's not for you. You have a smithy to operate! And you love it as much as I do, or as much as your mother loved you-know-what. At the beginning I said she'll never return. I was wrong, she's always with us. She gave me her bug, and you, everything else. I love you, Don't hate me, Dad
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Bella Marchand Character Race: Human Character Class: Fighter Output:
After her mother died, Belle's father took her to a small village in an attempt to find a soft, lovely place where they could both heal and escape the memories of the past. Unfortunately, it was not long after they arrived that they discovered the woods were much more sinister than any they had ever seen. A darkness was creeping over the land, and soon packs of wolves twisted by dark magic prowled closer and closer to the settlement, making leaving the village next to impossible. They made a life for themselves, even if Belle constantly chafed at the rest of the villagers, considering them stupid and shallow. She dreamed of the day she could leave, but did not expect that day to come in the form of her father disappearing into the woods. Loathe to tell Gaston or anyone else of her plans, and convinced she could handle the situation herself, she trailed her father to the castle deep in the woods and confronted the monster within. While tales of heroic sacrifice and impossible romance in her head, she agreed to stay in the castle forever if her father was set free, unable to comprehend what horrors awaited her. The prince of the castle was no fairytale prince, and he cared not for her attempts at kindness. She was chained to a demonic altar as a virgin sacrifice when Gaston burst in, the magnanimous hero come to save her, the damsel in distress, the very thing she'd always loathed and swore never to become. In that moment, she honestly didn't know which was worse: being sacrificed to open a portal to hell, or having to witness Gaston save her and then never shut up about it. By time he listened to her angry screams and released her, every evil thing was already dead, every mirror smashed, and there was nothing left to take out her rage on except her own psyche. Her belief in romance and fairy tales died in that castle as well, and while she still found Gaston to be boorish and pigheadedly misogynistic, she found she didn't care nearly as much as she used to. When Gaston, Claudette, and Scarlett set plans to leave the village to go "adventuring," Belle asked to join them. At least finally she would get out, even if she now knew there was nothing out there but more blood and ichor.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: C. Sativa Character Race: Human Character Class: Druid Output:
C. Sativa was content with his life, living in the woods outside a village in the Southern Wildlands. They seemed inappropriately named to him, as the days passed peacefully, and saw him growing herbs and foraging for mushrooms to sell to the locals. He kept himself to himself, but he didnÕt mind that; he was happy to spend his evenings enjoying his own produce. He spent so much time in the woods there was even a rumour that he was part tree himself. When asked, he would rub unusually calloused hands together and smile slightly and ask ÒHow would that work, then?Ó And if anyone asked what the C stood for in his name, he would say ÒsecretÓ and no-one would pull him up on his spelling. But he was well-liked nonetheless. If the local Baron thought that maybe the herbs Sativa sold to the villagers made them a bitÉ relaxed, then he turned a blind eye, since the mushrooms Sativa sold to the Baron were sure to make a party go with a bang. One day, all that changed. He noticed the smell first, as though an enormous bonfire had been lit nearby. At first he thought there was a party that he had forgotten about. But then he heard shouts, and they werenÕt shouts of joy. He climbed a tree and looked across to the village. The BaronÕs castle was a ruin. The village was ablaze. Dead bodies were everywhere. And approaching, very close already, were dozens of bugbears wielding swords and axes and clad in rusty armour. Bugbears run fast, and they had already seen him, and who knows how many more there were spread through the woods? It is likely the only thing which saved him was an overeager bugbear bearing a flaming torch. It grinned, and thrust the firebrand into SativaÕs latest crop. Smoke billowed. Bugbears coughed and stumbled. Even Sativa, with his high tolerance, felt faint. Disliking violence, and with nothing to stay for, he stepped over the now-snoring bugbears and salvaged what he could - some clothes, food, and a half kilo of his finest greenery and a stock of seeds. Now, he travels the land, hoping to find a new home. To his astonishment, few places are grateful for his skill in herb growing and mushroom gathering, and he finds himself run out of town after town. One day, he hopes to find a place where he can be happy again.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Danell Razzberry Character Race: Human Character Class: Bard Output:
Danell was a street urchin for most of his childhood, up until the revolution. When Magenta's outer city fell into a state of civil unrest and eventually all-out war following the assassination of the king in the inner city by the visitors from another universe, Danell and his fellow kids formed a gang of child soldiers to help defend the townspeople from the royal guard, who had begun to be increasingly harsh, blaming the townspeople for the king's death. Eventually a group of mercenary ex-artisans recruited the kids into a formal role in the war, and Danell personally helped to steal supplies from the barracks and run them to the city through the sewage lines. In doing so, he befriended a flutemaker who happened to be a retired bard, Geo Nester, who taught Danell the basics of bardistry and even introduced him to the last surviving member of the group of outsiders. During a particularly important raid, one member of the group of artisans betrayed the group to the guards for a paltry sum, and the children were all captured. Just as Danell was about to be executed, Geo and a few other artisans stormed the courtyard. They were killed within minutes, but this gave Geo and a few of the other children time to escape. Danell was supposed to meet up with the others, but he instead ran back to try to at least bury Geo's body ÑÊonly to find it had already been fed to the wild animals. He went back to the spot where they were supposed to meet, but nobody was there. The gang of child soldiers was no more. Some consolation could be found, however, in the fact that their ÒsideÓ of the revolution, spearheaded by a relatively small religious group, did end up winning. After the city settled into order, renaming itself Fuchsia and forbidding any mention of Magenta, Danell was eventually recruited to the new city watch, where he worked to protect the citizens. He would use his position to help out those less fortunate, and while not a major political player, was a member of a political organization devoted to easing the burden off the lower classes (so as to prevent another civil war). He honed his skills at both the flute and the rapier, as well as practicing and improving the bardic magic taught by Geo. Until one day, when he would be assigned to a very important missionÉ
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Ander Brightwood Character Race: Human Character Class: Fighter Output:
Ander Brightwood grew up as the son of a farmer in a nameless village. His life was mundane and simple, the normal life of a peasant. At the age of 16 Ander was conscripted into the army of a passing lord, forever changing his life. There is a need for more than soldiers in an army and Ander's stocky build and history with animals made him a good choice for the wagon trains that kept up with the army. He honed his ability to drive wagons and cook. He also picked up some of the Halfling language from the friendly folk that accompanied him. After a particularly bloody battle, Ander was pulled from the teamsters to fill a gap in the line. Despite his easy going demeanor and less than average intelligence, he became an adept spearman and would continue to serve in the line for several years. Ander's sergeant saw promise in the young boy and recommended him for training with sword and shield. Here, his size and strength made him a formidable soldier. He would attain the rank of corporal and become the standard bearer for his unit. He served with distinction and pride until and ambush his unit was caught in the path of dueling wizards on a battlefield. The group of swordsmen rushed to attack the enemy sorcerer, but most of them were burned alive by firebolts. Ander, dismayed by the deaths of his comrades around him, planted his banner and charged. Miraculously, he was not hit in the melee around him and was able to slay the mage. A promotion to the rank of sergeant was Ander's reward for surviving the battle, but he saw little point in continuing with the army. He had lost too much. After mustering out, returning home was Ander's goal. Unfortunately, being from an unnamed village and lacking the ability to read made for a difficult return journey. After wandering for a year and spending most of his funds from the army, Ander settled for mercenary work and a life of tavern gambling. When he sleeps, his dreams are a constant reminder of the oceans of blood he has waded through, but this does not deter his will to fight if he thinks it is for the greater good. He carries a piece of the robe from the wizard that wiped out his unit and harbors a hatred for combat magic and sorcerers. His combat experience makes him an adept fighter and his rank of sergeant proves that he is a leader of men.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Avric Tholomyes Character Race: Human Character Class: Fighter Output:
Avric was born the second son of innkeepers in the south of the country of Thaver. When war came to Thaver, both Avric and his elder brother Felix joined the army, Avric as a footsoldier, Felix, who was more intellectually gifted, as a Lieutenant. The war lasted for 6 years, and when it was over, Thaver was defeated. There wasn't much glory or use for the defeated soldiers in a lost war, so Avric was left to serve as a day laborer in the town of Parrick. He could not afford a house, so he rented a room in the inn. He was a jovial sort, and managed to brighten the common room with his presence, which the innkeepers appreciated. He wrote to his brother often. After a couple years, however, a new road was made in Thaver, and traders passed less and less through Parrick. With fewer traders, the wages of a laborer grew less and less. He stopped responding to his brother's letters. Eventually, the jobs became scarce and Avric fell unemployed, and soon thereafter, homeless. During a rainstorm, Avric broke into the local temple for shelter and a place to sleep. Come morning, the Priest saw him and took pity on him, and hired him to work around the temple, and offered him lodgings and food. Avric never was much for religion, especially after the war, but the priest's kindness inspired something in him, and he devoted himself to caring for the temple. About a year later, the priest died and a new priest was brought in to shepherd the town. The new priest was not fond of Avric and threw him to the streets. Angry that his devotion was rewarded with such an injustice, Avric once again broke into the temple, and the new priest called the guards on him. He was arrested and sent to the regional prison, where he was cellmates with a halfling Jonn. Avric was a man of great stature, and as such he required more food than the prisoners' allowance. Jonn, as a halfling, did not need as much, and was inclined to share his meals. The two became friends soonafter. Five years into his imprisonment, there was a riot at the prison. Avric decided not to take part in it, but Jonn was killed in the battle. From then on Avric became much more solitary and cut off from the world. At the end of his ten year prison sentence, Avric was a broken man. He had no wealth to his name and a lifetime of weariness. The only thing he was ever any good at, in his mind, was fighting, so he became a mercenary, and traveled through the towns to look for work.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Shaelyn d'Lyrandar Character Race: Human Character Class: Sorceress Output:
The youngest child and only daughter of Vennic and Alis dÕLyrandar, Shaelyn was born in the island city of Stormhome, the seat of House Lyrandar in Aundair. Though stemming from an obscure branch of the Lyrandar bloodline, ShaelynÕs parents were longstanding members of the Windwrights Guild and raised their children to be as comfortable on dry land as on the deck of an elemental galleon. Expected to follow in her older brothersÕ footsteps working as crew or dockside support for the elemental galleons and airships of House Lyrandar, Shaelyn was instead apprenticed into the Windwrights Guild after her Mark of Storm manifested at age thirteen. Though her parents were at first disappointed that her arcane and navigation training would take her away from them and Stormhome, they quickly came around after realizing that Shaelyn would now be in a position to brush shoulders with some of the more powerful members of House Lyrandar in Sharn. After arriving in Sharn, Shaelyn was set up with one of the masters of the Windwrights Guild to begin her in-depth training. Loraste was considered an expert, though a bit extreme in his teaching methods. Shaelyn was quickly tossed into a Òsink or swimÓ situation to learn a mix of everything Ð how to control the elements, predict and change the weather, minute details of navigation, and the finer points of sailing. In her off time, she was expected to take geography classes a Morgrave University, and to study the many, many maps in the extensive library. With the end of the Last War and the current state of peace in Khorvaire, the viceroy of LyrandarÕs affairs in Sharn, Solia dÕLyrandar, decided that it was high time for the newest crop of recruits to begin hands-on training. Under the guidance of Loraste, Shaelyn has spent the last few months as an apprentice navigator on several elemental galleons and airships voyaging in and out of Sharn. In addition to gaining practical knowledge of sailing and navigation, these trips taught Shaelyn other important skills. She learned how to mediate between crews and captains, placate angry passengers, and to make small repairs. She also learned more about Baron Esravash dÕLyrandar, the young and bold female head of House Lyrandar, and has dreamed about gaining prestige within the house through discovery of new experimental magic weapons for naval use. After returning from one such trip for a well-earned week of shore leave, Shaelyn bumped into two friends she had made while living in Sharn Ð Pippin and (GuidÕs character). Knowing that they would enjoy a getaway, she convinced the two to (stow away/buy a ticket/whatever fits with their backgrounds). This pleasure cruise will be ShaelynÕs last as an apprentice under Loraste before being conferred the rank of navigator within the WindwrightÕs Guild.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Bronze Fury Character Race: Human Character Class: Barbarian Output:
He calls himself Bronze Fury, though it's unclear if that's what others in his clan called him or if it's a nickname of his own devising. Bronze Fury is young, rash, and thirsting for glory. A compact young man, wandering to prove himself, he comes from a proud race, the people of the dragon. They live on sere and rocky land, the northern face of Naemara's central mountain range. They make a yearly trek up and down the north-western coast of Naemara. His war pick is really a native weapon, used for climbing, digging, and killing. Bronze Fury carries a chip on his shoulder. People do not like him when he's angry. Bronze Fury longs for the simpler time of his heroes, brave warriors of the tribe who defeated their enemies and protected their clan. These days his matriarchal society emphasizes trade and the precepts of society. Even the men, traditionally raised for an ordered defense of the tribe or foraging sorties into the jungle now end up fishing and gathering more than the women. So Bronze Fury takes his strength and his pride and strikes out his own path, as did the heroes of legends. He knows he will have a special place in his clan's history, he must first prove himself out in the world. Bronze Fury seeks renown and glory. The old stories tell of dragons, or at least one dragon, who patronized the People of the Dragon, visiting its rulership from across the sea. In a lot of ways the tribe of today reflects the ancient one subservient to the dragons: they are a LG nomadic tribe of ~200 humans that migrate between the frigid north then down south and west to the sea, staying in the foothills. They have close ties to the dwarves found under these mountains. The more mystically-inclined seek out the Renmul wood elves to learn their craft. The People of the Dragon used to be thought of as barbarians by the humans who inhabit the fishing villages of the coast and the outposts in the mountains, though in the last century they have gained some acceptance. This has been an active pursuit of the People, as they moved to adopt more modern ways. Some families have even settled permanently and taken up agriculture. Historically, the People have used the phrase "seeking a dragon" literally to mean searching for a dragon guardian for wisdom and guidance. Nowadays the phrase has a derogatory connotation, and refers to when a young tribesman does not agree with the Mothers, sometimes striking off to forge their own way. But in Bronze Fury's great-grandmother's stories to "seek a dragon" is to go find find yourself and prove your bravery. This is what Bronze Fury plans to do.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Vaalia Jassan Character Race: Human Character Class: Archfey warlock Output:
On one rainy night, Sabira Basha showed up at the home of Aseir Jassan, with a baby in her arms. The child was their illegitimate child born out of wedlock, and now that Sabira had birthed her, Sabira wanted nothing to do with her or with Aseir. Aesir took their child, and named her Vaalia. Unlike the mother of his child, he was instantly smitten with her, and vowed she would have a happy life. Vaalia had a happy, but mediocre upbringing, with her father rising through the guild artisan ranks to become a high-ranking guild artisan. Vaalia, however, had no interest in the world of the artisans, and found herself drawn to the arcane. Encouraging her scholarly pursuits, Aesir sought out a kindly wizard for her to study under. She was sent to live in the neighbouring town, under the tutelage of the wizard, away from her father, though they wrote often. Whilst she enjoyed and excelled in the scholarly aspects of her apprenticeship, and became fast friends with his other apprentice, she was dismayed to learn that her own magical capabilities were non-existent. The wizard, kind as he was, could do nothing to help her use magic. When Vaalia received news that her father was ill, the wizard sent her home with a potion to cure him, and the grave news that perhaps she was never meant to use magic. Distressed, she travelled back through the woods to her home town. She carried the potion, and some food in a basket, with the wizard assuring that he would send on the rest of her belongings in the morning, when they could arrange a cart and protection for it. In her haste and the dimming light of the setting sun, Vaalia tripped over a root, breaking her basket and along with it, the potion with the cure. As she watched all the potion sink into the ground, forever lost to her, a stranger appeared. A seemingly kind fellow, he offered to help her in exchange for some favours. The man offered his hand, seemingly to help her up, and as she took it he gave her a sly grin that revealed his arch fey nature. As she felt new magic course through her, she realised that she unwittingly entered into a pact with a fey. When he withdrew her hand, she was left with a small crystal in her palm, and an empty forest. When Vaalia made it home, she administered her fatherÕs potion, and he made a swift recovery. She stayed for some time to care for him, but eventually the time came for Vaalia to leave her home town and strike out into the world to see what else she could learn about magic, warlock pacts and the fey.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Nyiah Character Race: Human Character Class: Warlock Output:
Nyiah grew up in a small village on the borders of the Eldwin Forest. Her father was a blacksmith and her mother a leatherworker. She spent the majority of her childhood either in her fathers shop, watching the forge fire or out playing in the woods with her best friend Loric. As she got older she became fascinated with fire, getting in trouble frequently for setting fires, though she was always careful not to let them damage other peopleÕs property or harm anyone. Soon she discovered she had a spark for magic, able to perform small tricks and start small flames with a click of her finger. The only person she shared this secret with was her friend Loric, now grown up somewhat into a handsome young man. Soon they grew from friends to lovers and on NyiahÕs 16th birthday they were married in the town. Loric worked with NyiahÕs father as an apprentice blacksmith while Nyiah worked as a washerwoman to save up for a house. Soon she fell pregnant, and the couple moved into a house a few months before she gave birth to a child she named Emma. She continued working to provide for her daughter and the three of them lived happily together. A year later she was pregnant again and she hoped for a boy. One day as she was delivering a load of clean washing to her neighbour she heard a cry of alarm come from the towns edge and turned to see the sky turning red and grey from flames and smoke. Throwing the clothes to the ground she ran towards her house. As she approached, her worst fears were realised. Her house stood aflame, surrounded by bandits carrying torches and wicked axes. She screamed and threw fire before dashing inside with no fear for her own safety. ÒEmma! Loric!Ó Inside she found her parents, consumed by flame, ignoring the flames licking her skins she rushed back outside in time to see Loric being cut down by a bandit as her daughter screamed. Nyiah fired a bolt of fire at the bandit and killed him instantly as another bandit picked the crying Emma of the ground and drove a knife through the childÕs body. Nyiah was consumed with rage and the flames around her swelled to cover her body, lashing out, she sent waves of fire through the entire town, incinerating townsfolk and bandits alike, when she came too nothing but ash and bones remained. Feeling a great pain in her stomach she looked down to find her legs covered in blood, an arrow imbedded in her belly and her unborn child miscarried. In the years to follow Nyiah wandered the wilds, killing bandits and other beings that threatened innocent villagers, soon she found herself in Tor amol, searching for something.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Calanthe Character Race: Human Character Class: Alchemist Output:
Calanthe ÒCallieÓ Tommard was born and raised in Yalistar and is the only child of Janna and Arden Tommard. She spent her younger years helping her mother with her apothecary and learning about herbalism from anyone willing to entertain her questioning. On the days that Callie spent in the forest with her father, a woodsman, she would try to bring back odd items including plant and animal parts, minerals, and colorful insects. Eventually these collections became harmless decoctions and infusions as Callie experimented making tonics, play-acting that she was one of the famous druid healers of Yalistar. Her reclusive nature hindered making friends with the other children of the city, and she had a relatively lonely childhood until her teenage years. Fed up with CallieÕs antisocial behavior, her parents forced her to travel to Mandilin for a month to visit her cousins during the summer, coinciding with the Drawbridge Festival. It was during one of these month-long visits, made every year, that Callie met Bronwyn Ryll and Finnegan Dunn. Bronwyn bullied Callie into joining their game of hoodsmanÕs blind and though Callie disliked the other girlÕs strong-willed nature at first, she realized she had fun playing with Bronwyn. When Finn was able to escape from his duties as an apprentice smith, Callie would tempt him into playing piquet and draughts, though he always beat her at both. At the end of the month when they presented Callie with a piece of onyx to take home to Yalistar as protection against the White Woman, Callie realized she had made new friends. The yearly visits to Mandilin never seemed so bad after that, even though she hated the crowds attracted by the Drawbridge Festival. Upon returning to Yalistar, Callie would spend several days sequestered in the back of her motherÕs apothecary adjusting to the quiet without her friends. She would lose herself in the stillness grinding herbs and making tisanes, and occasionally experimenting with a decoction of her own. Though she had caused a few small accidents by overheating glass phials or mixing healing herbs with poisonous ones, no one expected the explosion. In addition to almost killing Callie, part of the root of the divine tree beneath which the shop was built was scorched and the outcry from the community was immediate. The Tommard name was blackened, and Callie was exiled from the city. She has yet to tell any of her friends what she did, and why she had to move to Mandilin for good. Through Bronwynn and Finnegan, Callie met Marin Caen. The group was together in Mandilin during the Emerald Lottery when all four of their names were drawn from the crystal vessel. Callie suspects her name bring drawn was a convenient way for her to disappear so she will be unable to cause more destruction, but has no real proof that the lottery was rigged.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Ezen Awoshan Character Race: Human Character Class: Wizard Output:
Ezen is an old man now, but he's been studying magic since he was 17 years old. He was raised by loving parents and grew up well. They we're not poor, but they we're not wealthy either. Ezen had a fair life, if not a bit cold for some. Ezen grew up in the town of Holden in The Ever Reaching Rise, an area of very tall, snowy, and secluded, mountains in the north. His family had moved there before he was born seeking a close-knit community away from the bustle and trouble of the rest of the world. Ezen and his family found a home there. Ezen, and he grew up, began to take interest in Rummiara, the town Magic College. The magic fascinated him, especially how the basic elements of the earth could be manipulated and summoned at will. After his regular schooling, he enrolled at Rummiara as soon as he could. He is an old man now. He's 73 and studied magic for 56 years, and his taking a delicious nap. Suddenly, interrupting his sleep, a dull pinging rings in his head signifying someone has dropped a letter through his mail slot. It's a rare event, and Ezen is both curious and cautious. He lives alone near the top of the mountain now, not many know his address, and no one has ever delivered mail. He runs down the 161 stairs of his perfectly round mage tower to pick up the letter. It reads: "Ezen, I remember when you were so excited for magic and i hope you haven't dulled in your curiosity in your old age as some of my colleagues have. If you're up for some adventure, we at the college think we've located an object you may be very interested in. The Frozen Star. We don't know much expect that it's an object capable of near limitless power in the area of Evocation, and especially cold and ice. We at the college can't pursue it, either because we're either teaching students or are too lazy! If you find it, come drop by and show us." The letter was signed, "Fargrim". Fargrim was the most scholarly dwarf Ezen had ever met, and was his Evocation professor at the college. Fargrim was like Ezen's second father. He'd be about 250 now. The letter also contained a map with a circle around the area they believed The Star was. Overjoyed at this information, Ezen let out an excited YA-HOO. He's been looking for a reason to get out and quest, test out all his research, and an artifact of cold? what could be better? He grabbed as much adventuring supplies as he could stuff in his backpack along with his leather-bound spellbook that had a quite ornate snowflake on the front. Then donned his hat hung on a hook by the door, blew out all his candles, grabbed his staff, tipped his hat to the tower, and limped out the door.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Alicia Maria de Luna Character Race: Human Character Class: Wizard Output:
Alicia comes from a wealthy family of minor nobles. She took naturally to wizardry, but her extraplanar interests confounded her tutors. So, she began to consort not (particularly) with dark powers, but with strange powers - many who speak dead tongues or live deep beneath the sea. Her behavior as of late has led to a certain amount of estrangement from her family. Her parents believe that Alicia's experimentations are having an adverse affect on her health and sanity, and have curtly refused to fund them any further. The relationship between Alicia and her parents is further complicated by the fact that AliciaÕs elder sister, Esme Merideth de Luna, has recently pledged herself to serve the church of Cyndor as a paladin, renouncing her claim to the title of Contessa...which will now, unexpectedly, fall to Alicia. Alicia is undaunted. She considers herself bohemian, and cares little for any law but her own - including the natural laws of the prime material plane. She respects that others maintain and act upon their own beliefs, however, and does not court conflict with them - to each their own. She has an extensive correspondence with experts in a variety of fields, from diverse backgrounds with wide-ranging philosophical views. With them she is known (often under a pseudonym) as an expert in history, spellcraft, and the arcane - and most especially, of the planes. She quotes often from her readings, and has published a small number of well-regarded monographs, one of which has been censored by three churches - a fact of which she is quietly proud. Alicia is surprisingly well kempt for someone so distracted from the mundane, an appearance she maintains with cantrips out of habit. She has light brown skin that seems paler than it ought to, and fine features. Though petite, her breeding and training have gifted her with what actors call ÒpresenceÓ. She is polite and generally without malice, though ruthless under provocation. As a result of the meditations that allow her to command shadows of the denizens of alien planes, she has somewhat rearranged the furniture in her head, and her affect is subtly askew. (To give one small example, she has not yawned in over eleven years.) She tends to unnerve people, a fact which she is aware of - and unashamed of! - though she will make an effort to compensate for it if circumstances demand it. She is a talented liar, but only for advantage - she does not lie reflexively, or to toy with others. Her sense of humor is...unique. Her right eye is bright blue with an unusually small pupil; the left is charcoal grey; dark enough that itÕs often difficult to tell where the pupil begins. (This is a physical consequence of her budding transcendence). When she wants to, she can become the nightmare image of the craftily and capriciously mad gentry. Lately that also seems to happen when she is short on sleep or abstracted.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Jackson Kickass Character Race: Human Character Class: Monk Output:
I tell many stories of my origin, but none are true. I can't risk letting anyone know how I became what I am today. That information is just... too dangerous for ordinary men. So anyway, it began when I was a young man, ready to take on the world with nothing more than my bare fists and the clothes on my back. I was a high-flying and cocky rookie of the Domestic Protection Unit. We weren't much more than glorified exterminators, but damn near everyone in town knew our names. Every once in a while, we'd get something fun to do; fight some goblins, kill some raiders. This was one of those times. We were dispatched in the dead of night, with a map that lead to a supposed bandit outpost that was just a bit too close for comfort. We were prepared to kick more ass than a Taiwanese donkey trainer, but when we got there we were ambushed. They had hidden their numbers, and planned to swarm us. My entire group was decimated. I saw my best friend die in front of my very eyes. At that very moment, just as I charged in with my fist held high, something happened. Suddenly, I was struck by lightning, bitten by a radioactive rattlesnake, bombarded with gamma rays, and set on fire. Also my parents died. I blacked out harder than a drunken dwarf. When I woke up, I was standing on the top of a mountain. I was surrounded by the souls of dozens of kung-fu masters. They told me I was the spirit-descendant of the greatest martial artist of all time, and I was destined to carry on his incredible legacy. They used their ki to unlock a power inside me, and suddenly... I was a kung-fu master. They sent me back to the material world, and I woke up to find a scene so horrible it would make a succubus blush. The raiders had killed everyone. Filled with righteous fury, I charged into battle, and fought for hours. They were clearly no match for my incredible powers, but they were tenacious. After dispatching the rabble, I confronted the leader. We fought hand-to-hand, mano-a-mano. Of course, I was victorious. Before he died however, he knocked over a candle and it set fire to a nearby lamp-shade. Fire engulfed the building. I know that I ran, but I barely remember what happened. Eventually, I collapsed from exhaustion. I woke up in the courtyard, the warlord and his men were gone and I was left in the rubble. Realizing the immense responsibility that had been placed on my shoulders, I ventured out into the world, determined to fulfill my destiny. But I knew if this was to be accomplished, I would have to change my entire life. I took a new name, and promised to tell only the closest of souls my true origin. When I ran through the gates of the encampment, there was no more Lawrence Wolfgang. There was only Jackson Kickass.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Joannes Zonaras Character Race: Human Character Class: Warlock Output:
I was once a professor at a university in Proliet, with my own office and my own private collection of books, teaching the next generation of geniuses, philosophers, and researchers that were bound to come out of this school. I was fairly young to be teaching, especially at a Proliet university, but that was my passion, I never went in depth into a particular study. I had a wife at home, Alahna, whom I had only recently married, and she, of course, was more brains than beauty. But that is what made her perfect: a brain to challenge and compliment my own. It was the perfect life for me..... Was. One day, as I arrived home after a late lecture, I saw the door to my - our - house broken inward. Fearing the worst, I ran inside. All of the valuables in the house were gone. Okay. A robbery. A simple thief. A thief is there for the money, not blood, so no one was hurt, right? My Alahna must not have been home, otherwise they wouldn't have went through with it, right? I knew I was just trying to come up with a logical explanation for an unlikely outcome. As I knelt there, above who was once one the two most important things in my life, I came to a shocking realization.... Knowledge.... knowledge doesn't matter. Knowledge doesn't give power. I could guarantee that Alahna was smarter than at least half of my fellow professors. What did that get her? Nothing. It didn't protect her or give her the ability to protect herself. What use was there in knowledge when this world was dictated by violence and strength? And if there was no use for knowledge, what use was there for me? Coming to a decision that would not, could not, be changed, I left for my office at the university. As I entered, I closed the door behind me. I had intended to end myself alongside the physical representation of the last rock in my life, my rare book collection. Looking at the tomes now, I was disgusted. I strode towards them, destructive intent that I would have thought impossible for me earlier that day was on my mind. Reaching for the shelf, my hand grasped a delicate tome..... And I was in a different place. Looking forward, I saw my hand clasping the same book I had grabbed on my shelf. But this wasn't my shelf. I looked side to side, and saw a seemingly endless aisle stretching on either side, lined with rows upon rows of books. These shelves looked ancient, yet in pristine condition, at the same time. A voice spoke into my mind. Since that day, that has been the only time I heard that voice, and yet I cannot recall what it said. Despite this, I know what I learned. Knowledge was power. And that meant this place was power, as it was knowledge incarnate. Now I work to preserve and expand that power, if not for my own sake, then for Alahna's.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Quillion Merchant Character Race: Human Character Class: Warlock Output:
Background Quill is a 23-year-old human merchant and recent warlock. His great grandfather made a pact with a demon pledging a son in exchange for his house having one hundred years of prosperity. He was born with a brand on his hand and his birth was met with a volcanic explosion destroying his houseÕs lands. Further disturbing maladies and coincidences in his family have left him the last scion of a once proud house. Distant relatives (3rd cousins) of the house Goldthorn took him in after his parents died. They trained him in their family business as weapons merchants. Owing to his significant skills of persuasion he was quickly able to prove his capability to pursue lucrative contracts with the guild and his adoptive family's support. Despite his successes the leadership of the guild keep a wary eye on him due to his severe temper, especially after the incident where he nearly strangled to death a small town mayor who tried to renege on a deal with his bare hands. His temper has always been quick but as he has gotten older heÕs begun to feel power emanating from his brand. It seems to whisper to him in his moments of passion. After a few years of working on others behalf the perfect opportunity arose. It was a gamble taking that large of a loan from the Goldthorns against everything he owned, but the temptation to tackle a lucrative contract on his own was too promising of an opportunity to pass up. He put together a caravan including a young half orc named Biter as a caravan guard. After successfully delivering the weapons, he and his caravan celebrated that evening by drinking BiterÕs potent "experiments" at the local tavern. In the pre dawn morning he awoke with a powerful hangover and the previous night a blur. Confused he should have awoken to a hot bath and payment awaiting at the townÕs bursar. Instead he awoke to the ruins of a smoldering tavern. It took all of his presence of mind to grab Biter (his only other surviving caravanner), and take them on his cart out of the village as quick as the mule would go. Soon the villagers would be looking for the cause of destruction with pitchforks (or worse considering the recent delivery of weapons). With a worrying glance at his brand as the smoke from the inn fades in the distance he reflects on his change of fortune. He contemplates a new path, at least until he can figure out what happened that night and how to repair all the things that have gone wrong and the bridges heÕs burnt. Since fleeing the town he has discovered new powers that he has begun practicing with. Additionally he has been surprised and touched that Biter has stayed with him through this trying time. What do you do when you when you want to turn over a new leaf in life? You head home! Upon reaching Neverwinter the town where he was born, he found work with a dwarf named Gundren Rockseeker. He will join an escort to protect a caravan en route to Philandren. Some day he will figure out what is this dark power in him is, he will repair relations with the Goldthorns, and he will restore his house from the ruins of Corlinn Hill. Until then he will survive.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Tristram Arverus Character Race: Human Character Class: Wizard Output:
Tristram was born in Katagia, the first and only son of Starn and Vinvella Arverus. Like many citizens of the ÒLast Bastion of Atlantis,Ó Tristram is of Atlantean blood, and has always lived like one, born with a silver spoon in his mouth. The wealth of a three-generation-long mercantile empire of the Arverus family combined with VinvellaÕs youth and wits (being that she is twenty years younger than her aging husband), led Tristram to have a pampered, perhaps even spoiled, upbringing. As the child of such doting parents, Tristram was provided an education on a small but sizable fortune. Starn and Vinvella wanted nothing but the best for their son and hired only the best tutors to cultivate their sonÕs growing mind. Tristram excelled in the subjects that interested him: history, medicine, religion, and most importantly, magic. It wasnÕt long before Starn and Vinvella realized they would need to find a teacher of more occult leanings. By chance, while gambling at the Katagian pits, Starn met a surly, but well-spoken man named Graeme, a self-proclaimed ÒscientistÓ who conducted necromantic experiments on the unwanted corpses of pit fighters who perished in the arena. Although Graeme was never the mentoring type (unsurprising considering how irritable and antisocial he was most of the time) he was in need of an assistant. StarnÕs goodwill and trusting character got the better of him, and at the age of fifteen, Tristram began to study science and magic under Graeme as his apprentice. Graeme and TristramÕs relationship was rocky at the best of times. While Graeme acknowledged TristramÕs intellect in private, he never professed such thoughts aloud and instead often patronized Tristram to the point of bitter arguments. Despite their differences, Tristram always came back the next day and Graeme continued to tutor him for the next six years. However, as Tristram grew older and began to more adamantly challenge GraemeÕs theories, the old wizard pushed back harder and their already unstable relationship fell apart. For a few years, Tristram studied on his own during the twilight hours, while working for the family business during a more reasonable time of day. Mind you, it wasnÕt genuine interest that brought Tristram to the family business, but the prospect of freedom, coin, and power. You see, over the years Tristram had developed a want for importance, lusting for fame and glory, but not from simple merchantry or with GraemeÕs name attached. Tristram wanted real power, the power of conquest, the power over life and death, to seek forgotten relics, forbidden knowledge and making coin all along the way. Tristram had a plan: escort a merchant galley along the coasts of Thule, all the way to Quodeth and make off with the merchandise, the gold, all of it, leave his parents, his teacher, all of Katagia behind him and make a name for himself, a name to be respected, perhaps even feared. Unfortunately, his plan never quite came to fruition, as the merchant galley was sacked by pirates outside Marg and he was left with nothing but the gold on him as he washed up on the shores of Thule. Marooned, Tristram trekked through the wilderness and found himself, by chance in Quodeth, ragged, hungry, and injured, but demoralized? Oh, no. His tenacity was fueled on pure spite, and desire for vengeance against the pirates that took the gold that was his to steal.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Arthos Character Race: Human Character Class: Warrior Output:
At 6 feet tall and 158 pounds, Arthos is tall and skinny. He has fair skin and light, almost white hair. His origins are a mystery. He was found as a baby by the Wizards of the Green Eye in the doorway of their tower one morning. Hoping that this would bring them fortune, or possibly that it was a test of the Gods, they decided to bring him up and teach him the ways of magic. Sadly this was an almost complete failure as he demonstrated absolutely no talent whatsoever. However, he retains a fascination for all things magical and will invariably opt to get hold of magical seeming things if possible. Misguidedly he believes that is merely practice that he lacks rather than native intelligence. He only speaks Common but knows lots of magical words, without necessarily understanding their significance. The Wizards of the Green Eye retain a great fondness for him (even though they make fun of him behind his back), and he a loyalty to them for their support. In part this comes from the services he has done for them over the years, using his strength and nimbleness for things like cleaning gargoyle poo out of the gutters (the bursar told him that it was a valuable ingredient for spells). In spite of his attempts to become a magician coming to nothing, he nevertheless has the soul of an adventurer. His facility for combat first came to light when a failed experiment created a swarm of giant bees which began to menace the residents of the tower. He rescued one wizard, out of spells, by hurling ornamental stones from the rockery with great accuracy at the bess, smashing them to pulp. He subsequently extracted an intact stinger from one of the insects, prizing it for its lustrous qualities. However he began to annoy the wizards owing to his tendency to slaughter any flying creatures Ð friendly or otherwise - that he came across, though they admired his skill with missiles. His reputation was sealed when the Wizard's Tower was attacked by a force of brigands who used a spell that put all magic using creatures inside the building to sleep. Arthos was, of course, unaffected, and leapt to defend the tower from being pillaged. He took out several bandits with hurled crockery filled with gargoyle poo before being cornered by the leader. In desperation he pulled out his stinger and fenced with it, scratching the man's unprotected wrist. To his surprise the bandit collapsed, swelled up and died. The other bandits ran for their lives. Arthos is convinced either that the stinger is magical or that he somehow performed a spell to save his friends, in spite of no divination showing any evidence of either. The locals nicknamed him ÒStingerÓ in honour of this feat (a definite step up from Bonehead), something he is quite proud of. Recognising his talents and the need to get rid of someone with a tendency to assassinate homunculi, familiars and butterflies, the Wizards suggested that he had the potential to be a ÒWarrior MageÓ. This naturally involved him going somewhere else to learn the Warrior part. After some initial lessons at the local fighting school he has set off to find his fortune, vowing to return when he has mastered both magic and combat so that the wizards will be truly proud of him.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Viktor Katz Character Race: Human Character Class: Cleric Output:
Viktor Katz was born on a farm near a village in Krynn. A small village, surrounded by hilly woods on one side and farm lands on the other. As he came into the world, he was possessed by a newly spawned demon. The demon would randomly take control of his body and commit mischief, causing ViktorÕs family a lot of grief. Putting fragile objects close to edges, putting round objects in walkways to cause trips, etc. At first Viktor, being the innocent child he is, was amused by the mischief. However, as the years progressed the mischief turned more gruesome. Harming small animals, dissecting the barn cats, etc. When Viktor was 10, the demon caused his 4 year old brother Alexander to drown in the river near the farm. Viktor, not knowing being possessed is not normal, tells his parents he did it. His parents just think he says it out of survivor guilt. At the age of 12 the demon inside Viktor escalates to murdering a couple of the villagers, and does so undetected. Except Viktor, who witnessed every murder. On his 13th birthday, the demon decides to kill his family. The demon sneaks up on ViktorÕs parents as they sleep and knocks them out with a club. The demon then has Viktor tying up both of them, before overpowering his little sister Anna and tying her up as well. Then, once ViktorÕs father is awake, the demon uses Viktor to kill his sister and mother while his father is helpless. As the demon controlled Viktor finally cuts his fatherÕs throat, a neighbor happened to be dropping by and hears the screaming from outside. The demon takes the backseat again, and watches as Viktor collapses in horror and grief. The neighbor returns with a posse he rallied, and they lock him away. As they discuss what to do with him, a traveling cleric of Mishakal called Lukas hears of the horrible murders, and comes to investigate. The town elders allow Lukas to examine Viktor, while they watch. The demon responds fiercely to the clericÕs holy powers and, with Viktor being restrained, finally leaves the boyÕs body to battle the cleric in its true form. The cleric manages to vanquish the demon after a hard fought battle. The town elders, having witnessed the battle, set the boy free, but are not willing to take him in. Lukas takes him with him to the main temple of Mishakal, where Viktor is raised by the acolytes of the temple, who also train him over the years to be a cleric, as Viktor has made it his mission in life to prevent what happened to him from happening to anyone else. At the age of 18, having become an actual cleric with MishakalÕs blessing, he starts traveling the world, at first along with Lukas, and after a couple of years decides to set out on his own. After multiple decades of travel, in his 59th year, MishakalÕs calling leads him to travel into the mists that lead to Barovia. Unbeknownst to him Mishakal had sent Lukas to Barovia many years before, where he had been driven insane by Strahd. Mishakal sent Viktor to rescue Lukas, and to aid him in what might be a lengthy mission, she slows his aging down to a mere trickle. As always, his goddess leads him to places, but that is the extent of the interaction. He himself has to figure out what needs doing.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Rayleigh Ormound Character Race: Human Character Class: Warlock/fighter Output:
Denizens of the Kymal Badlands are no strangers to dark deals and backstabbing. The political landscape of the region is tumultuous at best and open war at worst. The warlords who call themselves the Barons of the land are in a constant struggle against one another to grab any small amount of power they can. Rayleigh Oromund spent his formative years witness to countless treacherous pacts. He was fortunate enough to be born into the relative wealth of a ÒroyalÓ family in the Kymal Badlands. His uncle is the greedy and bloodthirsty Baron Morgan. His mother and father, loyal servants to Morgan, were granted a lavish lifestyle and Rayleigh had a privileged upbringing. He was trained to fight from an early age and groomed for command of part of MorganÕs army. Rayleigh takes great pride in his skill as duelist, even if he isnÕt keen on fighting fair. He will go to any length to defeat an enemy, honor is meaningless to him. After all, in the Kymal Badlands honor and chivalry will leave you on the ground with a knife in your back. Rayleigh was seemingly set to live in relative ease compared to the majority of residents of Kymal. Perhaps thatÕs why he caught the ire of Baron Morgan. In his paranoia, the Baron saw Rayleigh as a treat to his rule. He invited Rayleigh on a hunting trip, during which he was set upon by the Baron and his men who tortured him, lashed him to a tree, and left him for dead, telling his family he had died in an hunting accident. For 4 days and nights he suffered. Delusional from hunger and dehydration he slipped in and out of consciousness and lost all sense of time. In what felt like his dying moments, in a last ditch effort for survival, he called out for aid from anyone who was listening. Recalling books he had read about powerful extraplanar entities, he begged for a chance at life, whatever the cost be. An obscure and ominous entity reached out to him. It offered him power and a chance at revenge. It offered a deal: Become a soldier in itÕs army, a piece in itÕs plan, and in return have a chance at revenge. Rayleigh accepted. He awoke the next day invigorated, unbound, and with a mysterious pendant around his neck. Rayleigh traveled south towards the wall, instructed by his patron to hone his powers before confronting his family. Rayleigh had 2 impossible tasks ahead of him. Crossing the wall into Acelia was nigh impossible, and once across he would have to hide his identity, lest he be deported or killed on the spot. He was fortunate enough to happen upon a group of freelancers, the dwarf Ukrag ÒKragÓ Duli and his party from. Rayleigh begged for help and gave a show of his newly acquired powers. Ukrag helped Rayleigh recover and inducted into his group where Rayleigh worked for free as repayment doing various odd jobs of questionable morality. Krag and Rayleigh eventually went their separate ways. ItÕs been more than a year since they last spoke and Rayleigh has been wandering around as a sellsword doing various odd jobs. Rayleigh has received no guidance from his patron since he was ordered to hone his skills. He is hiding his background and offering his services as a mercenary. He loves the work he does even if he is relatively poor and under-equipped at the moment.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Bobert Dobbs Character Race: Human Character Class: Wizard Output:
Bobert Dobbs is a neutral human illusionist. He's out to find and loot an ancient temple for artifacts. He also occasionally makes references to being a Duke of Waterdeep, and has a great fake signet ring to go with his charlatan backstory. In reality he's got a wife and three daughters who live next to his mentor's mage tower. His recent jail time was for running a ball and cups scam on a town guardsman. While technically it was an illusion discovered it was really subconsciously self-inflicted so he could get some breathing space away from Connie and the girls. You would think a learned wizard with an unnaturally high IQ and eidetic memory would remember to take the garbage out at night, but Connie always seems to be reminding him to do chores and constantly reminds him of his other failings as a member of a functioning household. Bobert met his wife while they were running scams together in the city and she's quite a talented rogue herself. Once the kids arrived, Connie got sensible, Grew Up and Became Responsible. Bobert is a bit baffled by the change. Like, he gets the concept of Responsibility and knows why it's good to have. He has nothing but respect for the responsible people (when he isn't scamming them). But, when the boots hit the trail it's just not something that he applies to his everyday life. His usual coping mechanism when faced with things he doesn't want to deal with is to reduce it down to immediate comforts like "Why is there no good wine on this Demiplane of Evil?" or "Instead of talking to these spooky druids why don't we just fireball them and be back at the inn by sunset?" He's realized illusions are one of the best ways to avoid thinking/dealing with the truly awful things that happen in the world. That said, Bobert adores his wife as much as anyone (other than himself) in the world. Leaving home on a moment's notice to find and loot a temple wasn't really a family decision. The intensely angry response when he got home was answered with a "Sorry honey, trapped on a Demiplane of Evil! No way to get a message back! Hey look at this amazing staff and chest of gold!" Although he does drive Connie crazy she realizes he's still the wild and fun guy she fell in love with. She just expected him to, you know, GROW UP eventually. She's still waiting. Bobert's daughters LOVE their dad. With his illusions he is the BEST quasi-adult playmate EVER and stuffed monster tea parties with Dad are AWESOME. He's a 'kids should be free to be kids' type in his head but it actually turns out more as an 'I don't set healthy boundaries with children and really most things they break can be fixed with a mending cantrip so why worry' absentee parent. He has a soft spot for kids but after saving them he's blind to any supervisory needs and just kind of assumes they more or less take care of themselves (kind of like cats). Once he learns the secrets of Ultimate Wisdom and gains Artifacts of Awesome Power his plan is to make the entire family thing actually work for a change and give them all a good life. Unfortunately a few steps in The Plan For Family Success are a bit hazy and his general plan is to simply throw an excessive amount of money and/or magic at things until they're fixed. It's also more than likely he'll just move on to some other messed up scheme and end up back where they started. Anyway, after looting that temple and getting rich, maybe he'll get Connie a maid and this whole 'you never take out the trash Bob' thing will blow over.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: "Shay" Beshaba Milliner Character Race: Human Character Class: Ranger Output:
Shay was born to the Milliners in Harstvale. Her father was a milliner by profession, but Harstvale was not a place that ever seemed in particular need for fancy hats. Her father had never really fit in at Harstvale and he'd always wanted to leave and take his hat-making skills to one of the big cities, but he and her mother, the butcher's daughter, had accidentally conceived Shay when they were fooling around for the first time. When her mother was discovered to be pregnant, her father was forced into a spearpoint wedding that would tie him down to Harstvale forever. Being tied down was particularly difficult because her father never really liked women in that way, but people like him didn't fit in in Harstvale, so he had tried to make things work that one time with her mother, and he was a shocked as she was to find out that she was pregnant. Oddly she doesn't really bear much of the features of either her father or her mother. The person that bears the most resemblance to her is the town drunk, a half-elf with green eyes and auburn hair that had been an archer in the wars against Tiamat and had come to the town with nightmares and a habit for drinking. Her mother says that the resemblance with this half-elf is pure coincidence. Her mother named her Beshada, after the goddess of ill fortune. There might be some truth to her name; her mother was watching her one day near the edge of the forest when a group of Goblins came out of the forest and abducted her mother and left her screaming alone for help near the trees. Since then, she has been raised only by her father, who calls her Shay. She was always mischievous and the town of Harstvale all took an interest in trying to raise her, and it was when she was young that she first took up archery. The town drunk, Delaan, gave her a bow on her 6th birthday, the year after her mother disappeared. He has always claimed that he was too drunk to remember buying it for her, but Shay thought it looked curiously like it had been hand-made in the style of Delaan's own bow. It was almost as if Shay had some elven blood in herself, since she took to archery so naturally. She had soon surpassed the abilities of all the grown men in town except for Delaan who would always stand by and watch her shoot in competitions and the like, and it seemed to be the only time when he wasn't laying about drunk. Like her father, Shay also loves to make hats, and she creates them in a variety of colors. For herself, she likes to wear a green hat with a red feather in the hat, but she's frequently putting something together in her spare time. Once she was older, her village was besieged by a band of Goblin that had decided to work together for some ridiculous reason. No one could really fight them, and the whole town was destined to die, until Beshaba challenged their bugbear leader to a fight. He came out ready to crush her, but she pulled out a sling and a stone and hit him right in the eye, and he fell down dead. Shortly after this, her father sat her down and explained that he couldn't stand to see her get stuck in Harstvale just like he did. It was difficult, but he told her how much he admired her, and that it was her responsibility to get out and be his eyes to see the world. He taught her too that it was her duty to use her talents to help those that cannot help themselves and that change only happens when people stand up and fight for it. So she left, determined to make the world a better place.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Shula Shaga Character Race: Human Character Class: Eldritch knight Output:
Shula Shaga was Riverbridge born and Riverbridge bred. Although her family was never particularly wealthy, they always had enough to get by, and going hungry was a rarity, typically happening only during the occasional economic downturn. At 14, when she was old enough, she began her apprenticeship to Glimrock Axenhammer, one of the guild's finest blacksmiths, and though she was neither the fastest learner, nor the most skilled, she was certainly the most persistent, and by far the slowest to give up in the face of frustration and failure. A few months after her apprenticeship finished at age 20, however, a mercantile caravan with which she was traveling found itself ambushed near an entrance to the Underdark by what appeared to be some manner of fish-men. A blow to the head knocked her senseless, and before long she was bound, paralyzed by some manner of poisoned crossbow bolt that was now sticking out of her left shoulder, and being dragged toward the entrance. At some point, her consciousness left her; when she awakened, she found herself right back where she had been captured, slumped unceremoniously over one of the caravan's dead, slightly-rotted horses alongside the corpses of the caravan's guards, although not all of them. Despite having no idea what had happened during that time, she also discovered that she somehow knew roughly how long she had been gone Ñ nearly a week. Additionally, however, she found that she had absolutely no curiosity whatsoever about how she came by that information, nor about what had happened during that time; and nor did she find her lack of curiosity at all strange. So, barring any feeling that anything was amiss, aside from the caravan attack itself, she simply made her way back to town by way of hitching a ride with a passing carriage; and, after some medical attention for her shoulder wound Ñ sadly too late to avoid a prominent, and always slightly sore, scar Ñ she returned to her life of forging weapons and armor for the city guard, the local militia, and anyone else with coin, and occasionally volunteering with said militia to help take out minor threats outside town, be they bandits or bears. And thus did it continue for a number of years. But ever-present in Shula's mind, whispering at both her conscious and unconscious, was a deep and abiding desire to do *something's* bidding Ñ and not just any something, but that of an Ulitharid, a tentacled flayer of the mind from the darkest parts of the underground; and moreover, that of the Elder Brain with which leads and directs the colony. Alongside that desire came a second one: The desire to keep that knowledge, the information about her servitude, to herself. Unknown to both Shula *and* the Elder Brain, however, was that this Ulitharid, the very same being that had led the process of enthralling her in the first place, was no ordinary one of its kind (if any of them could indeed be called ordinary at all), but one who had secretly turned to the arts arcane to augment its own natural abilities Ñ a being known among the Illithid as an Alhoon, seen as a deviant to be purged once discovered, for Alhoons worked not for the continued survival and betterment of the colony and the Elder Brain, but for their own self-interest, with many striving toward lichdom. And indeed, unknown to the Elder Brain, its own control over Shula was entirely a sham, with the Alhoon simply relaying the same commands when given in order to maintain the Brain's illusion of control. These desires and orders conflicted frequently with her innate desire for independence and honesty, and the mental anguish produced by the clash was extreme, particularly during the times when the Alhoon compelled her against her will to perform actions she found distasteful or even abhorrent: Revealing information about the goings-on in the city, or spying on certain important individuals, or even the removal of others. To what end, she did not know, and with the control exerted by the Alhoon, she had not even the *ability* to desire to speculate. But she did have the ability, very much so, to be afraid.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Augustanna Fortune Character Race: Human Character Class: Rogue Output:
Long ago, when her name was Brynd, she lived in the distant border land of Odrith, among the vineyards tended by her father. Her mother was a known adventuress, the town witch-doctor, and a local hero of no small repute. All this was fine and normal for a country girl. The land even enjoyed peaceable co-existence with the nearby goblins of the Yk_d, but there were so many of them. Then came the day when the hobgoblins and orcs came down from the mountains and whipped the Yk_d into a frenzy. The people of Odrith rallied around their heroes, and in mortal combat withstood the onslaught of the horde at tragic cost. Her mother fell in battle, and despite all help and good intention, her father was ruined afterward. The vineyard failed and there was not enough food for either of them, until the Winter Carnival came to town. The master of ceremonies expressed an interest in her singing and dancing talents, so her father let them take her. But when he later realized he had sold his daughter to the circus for food, he fell into darkness and despair. The child travelled with the Winter Carnival for months and years. Never one for book-learning, she quickly enough caught on to the tricks of the carnies, the acrobatics of the tumblers, and the Sword Dance of the Bessarabian Cossacks. (Though the clowns really creeped her out.) When she came of age, she made her debut as ÒAugustanna FortuneÓ and delighted audiences around the countryside with her dazzling displays. In due time, the Winter Carnival arrived in the Imperial City of Rochaven, and performed for the Garnok Emperor himself. Augustanna caught the eye of the Emperor, and he took her in among his court, where she quickly became recognized as a favorite of the Emperor. This led to all kinds of unwanted attention from obsequious courtiers, and especially drew the ire of the evil Barnaby, the court jester, who was always plotting against the throne. Now, the Emperor was a good patron to Augustanna, and a noble steward of the Empire. He was, though, not bold and visionary like his predecessor, nor brash and ruthless like those who would follow him. He was an old warrior, just keeping the throne warm between ages of Imperial glory. Barnaby never saw Augustanna as more than the EmperorÕs tart of the moment, until she foiled his plots to bring about the EmperorÕs downfall. Though BarnabyÕs treachery was not fully revealed, the Emperor saw that it was no longer safe for Augustanna in the Imperial court. He released her from his service, but gave her the protection of his finest Assassin of the Imperial Guard, Colonel Nors Spikes and his henchmen (Rolf and Pauly). She made her own way in the city of Rochaven, avoiding the truly abhorrent, but ultimately falling in with a vile, fat tiefling named Tobin Chort for a manager. With help from Col. Spikes, she learned the ways of the street, rising above ChortÕs machinations to become quite the celebrity in town. Against better judgement, she was still a frequent guest at the Imperial palace, until the night the Emperor died. (It should be noted that he passed peacefully, in his sleep, through no obvious fault of hers.) It all happened so fast É Augustanna was ushered out of the palace that night by Col. Spikes to safety, but Barnaby made sure to raise implications that she was involved in the murder plot when the new emperor started an investigation. She finally had to leave the city. Col. Spikes had arranged for her passage on board the clipper ÒMarathonÓ, captained by Laras Trent. They learned that Rolf had been killed. Col. Spikes then ordered Pauly to escort her through the murky back streets of Rochaven to the harbor, but they were beset by the jesterÕs goons. She saw Pauly die before they could reach the rendez-vous point. On her own, Augustanna lurked on the docks while the watchmen of the Imperial Guard confronted Captain Trent. Yes, he was supposed to carry a girl out of the city, but she had never shown up. They searched the ship and found nothing; only after the guards departed did she sneak aboard and disappear onto the midnight seas.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Markus Drakarhis IV Character Race: Human Character Class: Fighter/cleric Output:
The fourth son of a military commander, Markus grew up idolizing his father and the military. Dreaming of becoming a soldier like his father, Markus did his best to learn as much as possible from his father in the short time that he knew him. When he was 9, the elder Drakarhis was slain by an orc during a night time raid on their camp while defending the border from potential threat. Haunted by the death of his father and racked with guilt at his inability to do anything to save him, Markus IV sunk into depression. Despite his age, Markus blamed himself for his father's death, believing that if only he were old enough to join the military then he would have been able to save his father. After years of private training and education, 14-year-old Markus enrolled in the military academy with the aim at being the soldier that he knew he could be, the one that would make his father proud. Shortly after enrollment, it became obvious to those around him that he was gifted. His peers became jealous while Markus developed a sense of superiority over them. While he was not outwardly callous in his treatment of his peers, he developed a sense of arrogance towards them that his teachers picked up on almost immediately. In order to curb this, the head of the academy immediately withdrew Markus from his martial training and placed him in the care of the army clerics of Vartiel - hoping that it would prevent the young Markus from further developing his arrogance, while teaching him the structure that he sorely needed. In the beginning, Markus rebelled against the teachings of Vartiel, viewing them as overly regimented and pointless in his ultimate goal in becoming a soldier. It was not until he met Kildrak Ungar, a battle-priest of Valtiel, did he become aware of just how connected the teachings of his God and the tenets of the military were. With renewed vigor, Markus set out become not only the best soldier in the military, but a battle-priest beyond compare. Upon graduation, which coincided with his 21st birthday, Markus had made a name for himself that would have undoubtedly made his father happy. The arrogance banished and his training over, Markus was assigned to a small border town that had come under attack several times by bands of orcs and the occasional group of bandits. All of his dreams were finally coming true and he relished the opportunity to further make a name for himself and rise in the ranks of the military. Unbeknownst to Markus, however, his time in the military would be a short one. The first night after his arrival, the town came under attack by a large band of orcs. They burned, killed, and pillaged anything in sight and the small regiment was no match for them. Knowing this must be what his father had seen before drawing his last breath, Markus was paralyzed with fear and guilt, unable to assist in the defense despite having every desire to do so. The town was almost completely destroyed and most of his regiment, his friends and new family, were murdered. The few survivors blamed Markus and his inaction for the slaughter and he was immediately discharged with great shame. Unable to face his family back home, Markus wandered the wilds on his own, trying to seek solace in whatever he could find. He blamed himself, he blamed the orcs, but mostly he blamed Vartiel for seemingly abandoning him. Turning his back on his faith, Markus attempted several times to take his own life as the depression of his youth resurfaced. Unsuccessful, he continued to wander from town-to-town doing odd jobs when he could and sleeping in stables when he could not. This continued for some years until a fateful encounter with a priest of Stagg. Who, after some time in his company, managed to convince Markus that his past was nothing to be ashamed of and that all was not lost. At 27, he converted to the worship of Stagg, believing that the warrior God enabled him to use his skills as a battle-priest while avoiding the rigid tenets of Vartiel. Deciding that while his military life was a failure, his life did not need to be and his name did not have to remain sullied. And so, with renewed vigor, he would reinvent himself as a mercenary and guardian for the poor, downtrodden and helpless. Protecting them from the evils that would do them harm... with a hammer and a prayer.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Tess Evenwood Character Race: Human Character Class: Healer Output:
Tess Evenwood is a good person at heart, though gives the first impression of an inconsiderate jerk. She cares about helping people, she just has none of the social skills to show it. She speaks very directly, without regard for common courtesy, has a tendency to ignore people when she's doing something important, and is often oblivious to her surroundings and the people in them. All that aside, Tess has expert focus when plying her trade. Tess grew up in the enormous metropolis of Waterdeep, City of Splendors, exposing her to all sorts of people and faiths. And while her parents held very free-thinking views on the subject of the gods, they still insisted she find and devote herself to one above all others. Uncertain, she often wandered the temple districts to eavesdrop on services or clerics discussing their faiths. All these gods seemed so far above common men and women, she could smell their apathy for their followers and she failed to embrace any major faith which distressed her parents to no end. Then, as she wandered near the city gates to watch travelers arrive she met someone a bit different. He had to be the most jovial, high-spirited elf ever to visit Waterdeep. Rhistel, or Rhis, noticed her stares and came to greet her. Befuddled by his convivial attitude, she asked why he did not take his visit more seriously. ÒLife should be filled with good times and laughter! These merchants work so hard for their wealth, but I never see them enjoy it!Ó That took her aback as she thought of her own dour-faced parents in their all too serious lives. Seeing her interest, he told her about his adventures in the High Forest and his many travels. When she expressed shock that he could just go off adventuring on a whim, he laughed, ÒHow else would you go? After heavy thought? Best to go on a whim, before you can change your mind.Ó That too left her stunned, and as she asked more about him, Rhis began to tell her about his goddess Lurue, the Unicorn Queen. Far from the distant and uncaring gods of the temple district, Lurue felt more connected to her followers and the world. When she mentioned that, Rhis nodded and told her about his trip to the Unicorn Run: a river descending the southern face of the Star Mounts. SheÕd heard of the place, a pristine forest where tradition held the gods of the forest walked. He smiled again, and nodded. HeÕd seen his goddess there, walking the forest in the guise of a unicorn. Then he knew which of all the gods deserved his worship. Awed as only a ten-year-old could be, Tess found her faith in service to the demi-god Lurue. Stories about heroic adventurers and daring deeds abounded, as more than a few of those adventurers passed through the cityÕs markets in search of rare items or provisions on their journeys further north. Tess stood in awe of themÉ they were all soÉ stupid. Running around in ancient ruins or fighting off hordes of monsters! Getting maimed or killed! Stabbed, shot, bitten, clawed, poisoned, plague-stricken. Driven mad by horrors below. What kind of fool ran off into that sort of danger? And yetÉ they did so much good, even as they ran off in search of dubious treasures. Someone needed to keep an eye on those morons. Patch them up. At the age of 14, Tess saw the gods cast from the heavens during the Time of Troubles, causing her to doubt their real power and the nature of her world. At the time, she had been studying LurueÕs faith and seeking guidance as to her future profession. The crisis of the gods did at last conclude, with the fallen deities returning to their celestial homes. Sadly, that happy ending came at WaterdeepÕs expense. Myrkul, Lord of Bones and former god of death, attacked the city in a desperate bid for power. He attempted to slay the adventurers who had resisted him, the very people whose actions brought this chaos to an end. With Myrkul slain, two of those adventurers ascended to become gods themselves. Leaving behind ruins in WaterdeepÕs dock district. Tess ran out to volunteer what little medical aid she could. She saw the importance of healing those brave heroes that had stood against such evil, and too in the healing of all those wounded in those battles. She took it as a sign from Lurue, dedicating herself to the healing arts so that she could keep adventurers alive and clean up after their messes.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Adelina Thann Character Race: Human Character Class: Sorceress Output:
The downward slide in prominence of many noble Waterdhavian Houses has been just one of the many consequences of the Spellplague. Though once powerful and influential, House Thann and House Wands had both slowly diminished in status since the initial outbreak in 1385, the Year of Blue Fire. Determined to reverse this decrease in standing, Rhammas Thann III and Marcina Wands saw a union between their houses as an ideal beginning to restore their previous prominence. The result of the union? Adelina Cassandra Thann - her parentsÕ best hope for the future of their bloodlines. From an early age Adelina showed her proclivity towards arcane magic, perhaps a result of both sides of her lineage breeding true. She was tutored briefly by her cousins in House Wands before they abruptly canceled the lessons, stating that Adelina was Òtoo stubbornÓ to be taught. She lasted even less time at the fabled Blackstaff Tower, where she was dismissed within a week for being Òtoo unsuited to a life of quiet study and scholarship.Ó Though the apple of RhammasÕ eye, her father was livid upon learning that Adelina was discharged from the very school of magic created by her many times great-grandfather, Khelben Arunsun. Upon reaching her majority at the age of sixteen, Adelina was granted several vineyards in the South to control and maintain. Meant as a way for her to prove herself worthy of managing the family business, she considers the job tedious and prefers to delegate the work to others. Paying only enough attention to be able to take a controlling hand when things go badly, she has charmed her bailiff and steward into performing all the menial, though necessary, day-to-day management duties. Adelina is only known to visit her holdings when her quarterly percentage of profits is due, which she promptly fritters away in the typical spendthrift ways associated with young nobles. This attitude towards work and money had gotten Adelina through most of her teenage years and into her early twenties, right up until she met Renaer. When not slumming it at the taverns and festhalls in the Dock Ward with other bored young nobles, Adelina can often be found at TymoraÕs Fancy, a gambling establishment in the North Ward. It was there that she first laid eyes on Renaer Neverember, the son of the Open Lord of Waterdeep. Though Renaer has only spoken to her once or twice, Adelina harbors a secret crush on him and is jealous of his relationship with Laraelra Harsard. In an effort to draw his attention towards her and away from Laraelra, Adelina accepted an invitation to join the ÒDisciples of Darkness,Ó a group of indolent noble scions who claim to supplicate devils for their own petty ends. In reality, the false cult laughed their way through pseudo-religious rituals around smoky braziers before degenerating into bouts of excessive drinking and partying, customarily held on the first of each month. On the first of Flamerule, Adelina was held late supervising a meeting of vintners at one of House ThannÕs warehouses in the Trades Ward. When she arrived at the meeting of the Disciples of Darkness, it was to discover a ritual chamber covered in blood and gore. Her fellow cultists had been brutally dismembered and the pieces appeared ravaged by claws and fangs. As Adelina surveyed the room in shock, the central brazier blazed up, radiating a malevolent crimson hue. Drawn towards the light like a moth to a flame, she approached the brazier only to have a searing pain drive into her chest like a lance. When Adelina woke the next day, it was in her own bed in House ThannÕs villa. She was about to dismiss the horrible memory as a nightmare until she felt an echo of the searing pain from the prior evening emanating from her chest. Ripping open her bedrobe, Adelina could only stare in shock at the crimson mark of Asmodeus branded into her chest. Raising her eyes slowly to the mirror across the room, she was further shocked to discover a book imp grinning maliciously at her from atop the furnishing. Confused and scared out of her mind, she threw on the nearest clothes to hand and rushed out of the house, only stopping when she made it to one of the seedy establishments in the Dock Ward. Tossing a handful of gold at the proprietor, she ran up the stairs to the first vacant room and locked the door behind her, only to hear a voice squeak out in a language she didnÕt know but she could understand, ÒWe can do this alllll day!Ó Adelina spun around, her hands covering her mouth in surprise. The imp had followed her! And it was speaking! As the enormity of what had happened the previous night slowly sunk in, Adelina knew her life would never be the same.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Andom Perronick Character Race: Human Character Class: Cleric Output:
His father, Jurgo, was a local official in the mountain town of Pinyon Fork, and pushed him to enter the bureaucracy. He secures Andom a position as a clerk for the regional governor. Growing up, the family was not particularly religious, but AndomÕs father would sometimes bring the family to attend services at the temple of Amaunator. His motherÕs name is Pret. He is an only child. When he was growing up, he would often go climbing on the rocky cliffs surrounding the town. At the governorate in Cupriston, as an official clerk, Andom had privileged access to all the texts in the state library. One day, while perusing the titles, he happened to come across a text called ÒThe Ashes of the GodsÓ, by La Rang Chen. ItÕs an encyclopedia of all the gods thought to have died. As he flips through the book, he comes across an entry for Auppenser. When he reads the name, itÕs like an icicle is driven into his brain, as he is exposed, for just a second, to the divine essence of Auppenser. When he comes to, heÕs captivated. He reads the entry on Auppenser in the book, then he pours through the library for all the texts which might mention the god, He pieces together that Auppenser still lives, but in a deep sleep, and that his followers are all gone. In reading about his values and precepts, Andom feels a sense of real connection. Over the next few year, he pores over the few texts in the library that give even a passing mention to Auppenser, and tries to learn everything he can from them. He teaches himself to meditate. As well, he focuses on trying to develop a more stoic outlook on life. During this period, one of his biggest supports was his friend Birmo Stubb, a halfling and a fellow clerk. Initially, when Andom told Birmo about his new interest in Auppenser, he was not taken seriously. But after some time, Birmo finally understood that Andom was a sincere believer. Shortly before AndomÕs departure, Birmo converted to the Church of Auppenser in a private ceremony in his apartment. Departure: It was in the back of his head for a while, but when he converts Birmo, he becomes acutely aware of how little he still knows about Auppenser or His former church. He realizes that he cannot solidly reestablish the church if he remains ignorant about the fundamentals of his faith. He resolves to go wandering in order to learn, both to find texts and other sources of knowledge that might not have made it to his library, and to try to find spiritual enlightment and wisdom, which could point the way to Auppenser, in his travels. Andom bought some travelling equipment, resigned his commission, said his farewells, and left. Birmo stayed behind to continue work as a clerk. When Andom had brought up the issue of Auppenser, and especially when he resigned his commission, his father Jurgo Perronick strongly disapproved, seeing the Slumbering God as being even less worth the trouble of working with than a regular, living god. As a going away present, Birmo gave him a poncho he had made; this poncho is now one of AndomÕs most prized possessions. Andom carries a journal with him as he tries to reassemble the shattered faith. In it, he writes down all the information on Auppenser that he is able to find in his researches, as well as the sensations and thoughts he experienced during profound moments and contacts with the divine, his personal musings, and any other information or bits of wisdom which might help to guide a future Church of Auppenser. The book is thus both a personal journal and a holy text. After leaving Cupriston, Andom wandered the land looking for libraries and ruins that might contain shreds of information about his adopted faith. As he traveled, he would pick up odd jobs here and there. He had some skill with cooking (simple stews mainly) and so was able to find some work as a chef for merchant caravans. Although he strives towards the stoic ideal of a servant of Auppenser, he often falls short in rage and frustration. Although he would be unwilling to admit it, much of his motivation for seeking to achieve great deeds is selfish; he wants the respect that comes from heroics and mighty accomplishments. Preoccupied with proving himself, especially to himself. Because of this, he will often choose the bolder, flashier, more ambitious choice out of an array of options, even when that may not be well advised. He is scared of deep water. He is close friends with his first convert, Birmo Stubb, a clerk in Cupriston. His father Jurgo Perronick tried to steer him into the bureaucracy, and strongly discouraged his new faith. AndomÕs attitude towards his father contains elements of resentment and pride, despite genuinely loving him.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Sigrid Thorbendotter Character Race: Human Character Class: Barbarian Output:
The birth of Sigrid was received with mixed feelings by the people of Rek. For one, it was a blessing, after years of being childless, the Chief finally had an offspring. On the other hand, that offspring turned out to be a girl; tradition dictates that the firstborn is supposed to succeed the Chief, however, the law forbids women from becoming Chieftains. Two years later, Liulfr was born and anointed as the successor to the throne of Rek. ItÕs not that women are regarded as inferior or that they need protection, the gods know that Rek women need no one to protect them, but their roles are far more important than government or war, they are tasked with the spiritual and social wellbeing of the society. As such, from a small age young Sigrid was taught the traditions, laws and history of her people, molding her to one day succeed the eldest. And for a time, she was happy, that is until she was 12, the age when all Rek citizens, men and women alike, are required to learn basic defense and weapons training. The axes became an extension of herself, battle training was the highlight of her days and soon, one day becoming the elder, was no longer as important as the excitement of combat. Training after Òboot campÓ was an uphill battle for Sigrid, her mother and father were not eager to allow her ÒhobbyÓ to continue, yet she pressed on and became one of the fiercest warriors of her age. She trained and trained in her ever shrinking free time. Yet no matter how much she trained, her fate was sealed, real combat or chief hood were out of her reach, she was almost ready to give up and accept her face and then, Liulfr turned 12 and began his combat training, what she saw horrified her. LiulfrÕs combat style was not honorable, he bragged about his dirty triumphs and humiliated his opponents, this, was not the way a future chief was supposed to behave. Attempts were made to modify this behavior, but sometimes it is futile to fight against someoneÕs nature. 5 years passed, Sigrid was now 19 and Liulfr 17. The two of them and a small contingent were sent to a frontier village facing raids from an expanding neighbor. Having talked to envoys declaring their intentions to annex Rek territory, Sigrid concluded that staying and fight was the obvious course of action, however, Liulfr had ideas of his own. He arranged a secret meeting with the envoys and gave up the town in exchange for some gold and exotic items from foreign lands. Hours later, Sigrid, Liulfr, the warriors and the villagers who agreed to leave town without a fight were en route back to the capital. Sigrid watched as those brave villagers who stayed behind to defend their property were being slaughtered and their town razzed to the ground. This was the last straw, by Tempus, she would no longer stand by and allow her cowardly brother to shame her family name. When they were back and Liulfr explained how the raidersÕ numbers were superior and the town served no strategic or economic value, Sigrid lost it, she charged at her brother. He was bigger and stronger, but Sigrid smarter and more determined, they battled for minutes that seemed like hours, at the end Sigrid stood above a defeated Liulfr. Her time studying and learning the laws of traditions of Rek were finally put to good use, citing old law concerning the wives of death Chiefs, Sigrid issued a challenge to his brother, she would leave, and return only in glorious triumph, which meant having earned the admiration and respect of both enemies and friends upon which a final duel between her and her brother would decide who would finally become Chief. Storming out of the great hall before anyone could stop or talk to her, she walked away with only what was already on her, her trusty axes, her battle armor and the few rations left from her trip to the frontier. 3 weeks into her pilgrimage, she met a group of villagers who were trying to hunt down a slave party who had raided their village and took their possessions and women. Sigrid was able to track them down and simply walked into their camp with the villagers behind her, demanded the release the prisoners, and when the slavers refused, Asvald and Athils (her two small axes) flew across the air and found their targets in the chest of two slavers, using the ensuing confusion to charge against the biggest man, who was possibly the leader. In a swift move, she took her battle axe and slayed the man. The villagers were successful in killing or apprehending the rest of the slavers, soon, the slavers were inside the cages and the women free. Upon returning to the village, a small elf girl who didnÕt seem to belong there, caught SigridÕs attention. The frail elf didnÕt seem to have a home and was eager to follow Sigrid on her journey, for her part, Sigrid was happy to have someone to talk to, also believing that if she ever wants to be Chief, she must take care of the defenseless first.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Tanna Bramsdottir Character Race: Human Character Class: Barbarian Output:
The first time she tried to summon her totem animal, she nearly froze to death before returning to the barbarian encampment empty-handed. Five days she spent out in the wilderness, slowly growing more hungry and more numb as the certainty that this was her path faded into nothingness and she was left with only herself, small and empty and alone. She'd tried so hard to learn their ways, despite not being one of them, honing herself to be stronger and work harder and be as harsh and severe as the north winds. But no spirit animal came, and only then did she let the truth sink into her heart like a cold heavy stone. She was unworthy. Too civilized, too ignorant, an outsider. Maybe it was cowardly to leave. She'd learned much from the tribe, made friends, learned their ways to the best of her ability, learned how to live off even the most uninhabitable tundra lands, and somewhere deep down she was grateful for that, but the rawness of her heart made it impossible for her to stay. So she wandered in the only direction she knew, finally arriving home to her modest childhood home. Her father had always been a wild soul, so different from her quarter-dwarf mother, who was calm and solid and steady as the earth. He was gone often, always wandering the wilds and bringing home strange artifacts and stranger creatures, spouting cliche little proverbs about protecting nature and the magic of the earth. He always grew restless before even a fortnight passed, promised to be back soon, and left again. If Tanna's mother ever minded his long absences, she never showed it, content with taking good care of her home. He barely made it home the day he died, weak and ashen with a death rattle already in his throat. He told Tanna and her mother he loved them, and as his weathered hand weakly grasped Tanna's, he whispered, the last hoarse words of an old man, "Be good. Be good." She stayed with her mother for a little while, but before long her soul ached with wanderlust once more. "You have much of your father in you," her mother finally said, "and you're wearing holes in my carpet," and all but pushed her out the front door. Finding her cousin Adric was both harder and more joyful than she'd anticipated. Deep in some caves finding treasure and fighting elementals, he was nearly impossible to track down, but seeing his face again after a year and a half was like seeing the sun for the first time. When was the last time she'd laughed, or even truly smiled without the weight of the world on her shoulders? He didn't comment on her appearance, but she caught his sidelong looks, and she knew him well enough to recognize his concern. They'd practically grown up together, only one town apart, and everything Adric had learned about fighting he'd taught her as well. They both shared the same hint of dwarf blood from their mothers, naturally strong and wide and both possessing the same love of the thrill of battle. And the same love of good strong drink, and good food, and beautiful women. They sat around a fire that night, drinking all of Adric's ale and telling each other all the stories they'd missed over the past eighteen months, embellishing and exaggerating until they were in stitches from laughter. It hit her like a wave, deeper than oceans, the way she loved him, the way she loved this, aching with travel and laughter, drunk and overwhelmed with joy, once again filled with the surety that the world was a vast and unimaginably beautiful place. They traveled together for a while, drinking and laughing and camping their way through every imaginable climate, making friends wherever they could and fighting all manner of beasts and fiends, picking up companions here and there and staying up nights staring at the stars and telling stories and laughing themselves sick. They stayed in taverns when it was clean and convenient, but Tanna loved sleeping on a bedroll on the dirt under a canopy of trees and clouds and wild night sky more than any bed. As much as she loved the camaraderie of a party of like-minded adventurers, even more entrancing was every new village they found, every new and wild and far-flung tribe that she could convince or bribe to teach her about the land, what plants were good to eat and how to find water and what to avoid and how to survive. She made every climate and every biome her friend, coaxing out its secrets with bright-eyed adoration, and those nights when she fell asleep with charred meat and sweet mead in her stomach with stars whirling overhead, she thought she could happily live like that forever. But there was something that still whispered to her, in her heart of hearts, something deep in the earth that was ancient and powerful and benevolent and was ever calling her by name. She began dreaming of the sun, of warm wind and fast clouds and the soft susurrus of tall grass. And a voice, deep and mellow and honey-gold, speaking words she couldn't yet understand. So she and Adric parted ways, he compelled home for the love of his family, and she unable to shake the thought of south, south from her mind.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Evgeni Character Race: Human Character Class: Sorcerer Output:
The Patrin are a nomadic community of Central Europe-like place. They are stereoypically thought of as vagrants and theives. But, they have a full robust culture of mystics, entertainers, traders, artisans, and philosophers. They have dark hair usually grown long. Patrin make fine wigs which command a fair price but take quite some time to make due to the nature of the materials. Skin tones range from pale olive and tan all the way to deep chestnut brown with close relatives typically sharing similar complexions. Eye colors other than brown or black are extremely rare. Body types also range from short and slight to tall and broad, with little variation between men and women. There are occasional pockets of half evles among the Patrin. Evgeni is not one of that sort of Patrin. He is a thief, a burgler to be exact. Bands of Patrin will sometimes sneak into communities at night to rob from unattended businesses or carry away other valuables. These items will then be sold at the next town for a much better price than would be availble from a local fence. Abraxas the Unfathomable is one of the dreaded Demon Kings that Conn defeated and sealed away before the founding of the Empire. Evgeni accidentally freed Abraxas while robbing the Temple of Bufkabufta, a monlithic monument built nearly 600 years ago. This is considered an equally heinous crime in the Citystate of Nexus, the Connen Empire, and among the Council of Free Kingdoms. Bufkabufta was a king allied to the Empire who ruled the area during the Decline. He is considered one of the honored Host of Kings in the Connen theocracy but is also celebrated locally for his benevolence and wisdom. Bufkabufta is known in legend across most of the civilized world as a proxy for especially kind, benevolent rulership. Abraxas gifted him the power to use magic and commanded him to sow chaos and destruction. Evgeni has not seen or been contacted by Abraxas since that time. He is unsure if the command was meant to be taken literally or if Abraxas has any interest in checking in on him. That is for the best as Evgeni is wanted in most civilized nations and traveling has been difficult. "Ok, so... We were in the Temple of Bufkabufta and we were robbing the place. Granted we, we were but it didn't start like that. We were told that the temple was built on top of a ruin from even earlier than Bufkabufta that we could get into an find something to make a little money. The ruins were there but it took forever to get to them because of all the people trying to keep us out of the temple. Once we got in there were a ton of traps, bad ones. We were almost ready to cut our losses and get out of there and we found the tomb thing. It was a big stone door probably 20 feet high and just as wide. And there was this poem, and it said something, but it was a riddle. And the answer to the riddle was that you had to light something on fire, we didn't really know the language, I mean we did, but in retrospect, no. No, I guess we didn't. But, we figured out that you had to light something on fire to "unlock" something. And we had to light a couple of things on fire, but we put em out when they didn't work. Until the last one, the last fire did something because the whole door of the "tomb" thing shifted and moved and rolled over to the side and this thing comes out. And it's got like the body and arms of a man but snakes for legs, and it has a rooster's head and a golden sheild but it's not holding the shield it's just like wearing it up on it's shoulder. It's got a scourge in one hand and in the other, the arm with the sheild, it's got the reins of these four huge white warhorses. And they're hooked up to this gold chariot, but the thing isn't in the chariot it's just floating in the air above the chariot. And this thing is probably 14' tall and the horses are huge and there's four of them and a gold chariot so all of this comes rushing up out of this tomb thing and it knocks over the oil lamp we were using to light things on fire. And there was no wick in the lamp. We took it out to get a bigger flame to light stuff on fire. In retrospect, that was a mistake. But anyway I honestly didn't see it get knocked over because the whole time this thing is talking and not like with its mouth... beak. It's talking inside my head, and the guys I was with too I guess, but they're dead. Probably. And its all talking about how it's "Abraxas the Unfathomable" and we freed it and it's going to give us power and then it screams at us to "Go forth into the world and bring CHAOS AND RUIN!" And then it flew away. Like the horses ran but they ran up the air and the whole thing just flew off. And that's when we noticed the fire which by this time is admittedly, pretty huge. I got separated from Hristo and Petya while we were escaping and haven't seen them since then. And now I can cast spells."
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Alexander Springbreeze Character Race: Human Character Class: Druid Output:
One day a halfling woman named Cora Springbreeze was out gathering herbs near the forest by her village. The baby was covered in moss in a shallow pit at the base of a large tree. She reached for the child, who was giggling and smiling, despite his circumstances. She took the baby home and her and her husband Wellby cleaned all the moss off of him. However, no matter how often they cleaned the moss, the moss on his shoulders always grew back, and would even cover that spot oh his clothing. They looked for his parents, but never managed to find them, and eventually took him in as their own. They named him Alexander Springbreeze, and from that day on he was loved and would want for nothing. Growing up in the Harmonias Knolls was always interesting, the town trived off of being a middle ground for people to meet up and do bussiness. People came from far and wide to meet and do bussiness here, because of how nice the people were, and more importantly, the wonderful food. It wasn't uncommon that older folk would come and vacation, and once and awhile someone would end up staying. When Alexander was a young child the village was entirely Halfling, but by the time he was a teen a few humans, an elf woman, her human husband and thier 2 half elf daughters Tera and April (who Alexander had a crush on), and a grumpy old dwarf had built homes in the village. Alexander was always a bit of an odd child, everyone was a little taken back by the moss that grew on his shoulders and his talking to plants and many off the villagers took to calling him Moss Ball, but his sunny disposition always made them friends in the end. For as long as Alexander could remember he had been talking to plants. They would tell him stories, and he was always at ease in their pressence. The plants always called him Pothos, he never knew why, but also never felt the need to question it. He was actually quite fond of the name, as the name Alexander just never sounded right to him. He loved plants of all varieties and when he was of age to start working would spend his days gathering wild herbs, fruits, and mushrooms. The villagers loved him for it because nobody has ever gathered as much as him, it was as if the plants were finding him they thought. Alexander was truely happy, so much so that nobody could remember him being anything else. One day when Alexander was out strolling through the meddow he ran into a beautiful large blue flower. He spent the entire day talking to that flower and when darkness came and Alexander was about to say his goodbyes, the flower thanked him for his time and asked him to please come by in the morning, and that there would be something waiting for him. The next day Alexander went back into the forest to find the flower, but it was gone. In it's place was a small bundle of leaves, which upon inspection, contained 4 seeds. Alexander asked the surrounding grass what happened, but grass thinks of little besides "bask and eat" so he took bundled the leaves back up and took the seeds back home with him. Just before ariving at his village, he saw a dense black smoke on the horrizon. He ran and found a group of bandits surrounded all of the villagers, pillaging the houses and harrasing the half elf April. For the first time in his life, Alexander became angery, and he leaped on the first bandit he saw and bashed him over the head with his staff. Seeing this 2 of the other bandits grabbed their swords and before they could do get close enough to attack massive thorny vines grew out from the moss on Alexanders' shoulders, wrapped around his arms and lashed out ripping the the throat of one, and choking the life out of the other. Then an arrow went wizzing by alexander, he turned to see another bandit with a bow reloaded and aimed right at him. As he released his arrow Alexander took the bandit he was choking and moved him so that the arrow struck him. He released the now dead bandit and with his other, now vineless hand, reached out towards the bandit and shot out a liquid directly into his face. The bandit screamed with pain as he fell to the ground, the skin on his face bubbeling and melting away. "someone help!" he heard, coming from the burning home of the grumpy old dwarf, Rold Frostbeard. Alexander rushed into the burning home and came back out moments later, with the dwarf in his arms. The moss on his right shoulder on fire he quickly smothered the flame. He then heard a scream, as he looked up he saw April, with a bandit's knife to her throat. Alexander disapeared, and repeared as a massive wolf behind the bandit, tearing at the bandit's throat. With the last bandit dispatched, and all of the villagers saved, Alexander turned back into his normal self, covered in the blood of the bandits and burns covering his right arm. He fell to his knees and cried for the first time in his life. Not entirely sure what he did, or how he did it, all he could think about was all the pain he inflicted. His mother stood up from the crowd and went over to him, as she neared and he looked up at her she stepped back, for just a moment, afraid. Seeing this Alexander returned to his wolf form, and ran away, dropping one of his 4 seeds behind him.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Hideyama Kurimasa Character Race: Human Character Class: Samurai Output:
_Hideyama Kurisuma is a true warrior. With strength, cunning, and leadership, he can best any foe. As a samurai, he goes against custom by being his own master. To most, he is a Ronin. Masterless. Without cause. Lost. But to him, it is more freeing than the greatest fight. Higher than the tallest mountain. Stronger than the hardest steel. Let us start where Hideyama's story began. He was born in a humble monastery in Quyu. Trained from the age of 3, he quickly mastered the art. By age 16, he was taken to the dragon temple, but did not succeed in being selected. His prowess, however, did not go unnoticed. A great samurai master, known as Ryku quickly took a liking to him, and trained him in the military arts. When Hideyama was 20, he fought his first battle, with a small group of bandits that had been harassing the locals. He continued like this for many months, then Ryku decided to teach him tactics. Hideyama, being a good student and eager to learn more, accepted the promotion to Lieutenant, and given a horse. He trained hard and long, and eventually, after 2 long, hard years of work, was granted his own small group of foot soldiers. After many successful raids, Hideyama's name was well known in the area. But the Emperor also took notice. A samurai that seemed to be sworn to no one. The Emperor sent envoys to meet this mysterious samurai, and offer him vassalage under the Emperor, the rightful ruler of the land. Hideyama was surprised that the Emperor had taken such notice, and accepted. His platoon was immediately moved to the temple of the Dragon in the Imperial city. His job was to oversee a small army that defended the city walls. It was a daunting task, but Hideyama accepted the challenge. Nothing eventful happened, until Lord Ido slaughtered the other Dragoneyes , the keepers of the peace, and Lord Sethos became the self proclaimed emperor 3 years later. Hideyama joined the rebellion, along with many of his troops. The battle to escape was long and bloody. Hundreds of good men died that day. Realizing his mistake in trusting that a vassalship would be beneficial to him, he vowed that he would be his own man. Sworn to no one. Commander of himself. He set out to find himself in the wilderness. On his journeys, he met several people. On his journey, he found a great and mighty temple. The monks there were kind to him, and noticed his damaged equipment. They granted him a set of armour, and a few weapons. First, a lordly set of samurai armour, faded red with gold lining, of great thickness. A long cavalry sword called an Odachi, a shorter sword called a Wazikashi, and a long spear with a rectangular banner on it called a Yari. He set off, and with these wapons did many great things. During his exile, there were a few people that stood out to him. His mentor in the woods, Hokichi Royama. A great sensei, and a master of forgotten techniques. Hideyama learned much about being a samurai, and learned the true weight of being a Ronin. His companion, for a time, a fellow ronin, Sakuraba Kojimo, who taught him the art of resisting mental and physical tortures. His Kenjutsu Hansi (master) who did not have a name, but helped him master Kenjutsu himself. His student, Kumage Shohei, whom he taught almost everything he knew, and sent off on his own path. When Hideyama emerged from his self induced exile, 18 years later, he was a changed man. His experiences had taught him much. At the ripe age of 43, his hair was graying, but he was ready. In the woods, he had learned of an ancient temple. One that would lead him to a new land, where civil unrest was unheard of. He searched for this temple for many years, almost losing hope before unearthing a new clue. From book, to artifact to unbelievable rumor, he searched. When he finally got a location, he has much time had passed. 4 long years he had searched, and finally it would come to fruition. He set out for the temple, and the journey was quite peaceful. As he climbed the steps, he began to wonder. What would this new land be like? Who would be in it? Would he be out of place in it? Would he be able to speak with the natives? These thought ran through his head, but did not deter him. He reached the temple. It was not very grand, in fact it was quite small. The temple looked like most other temples, but most of the ornamentation was gone, and the colours faded. The majesty that most temples have was absent. It felt like it had been abandoned, forgotten, or perhaps hidden. Hideyama entered the temple, and immediately was assailed by a horrible stench. His time with Sakuraba served him well, and he pressed on. At the end of the temple, there was a statue of the mirror dragon. He knelt at the statue, and rested for a time. He didnÕt know how long he sat there, but suddenly he felt like he was in a different place. The gods had granted his wish. He opened his eyes and looked around. He was in a large, circular room with a bar in the middle. The barÕs skirting and openings were reminiscent of the entrance to a temple. The walls were mosaics of red and gold. Hideyama was kneeling on a cushion at the bar. A portly white man walked up, and said with a subtle but distinct accent ÒHello. IÕm Mitchever, the barkeep. Can I get you anything to drink?Ó Hideyama was confused by this man, but did not let it show on his face, regardless of his mask. To be polite, he raised the mask and asked for some spring water. When his drink arrived, he inquired about this world, wondering if it was the haven he had been led to believe. Hideyama learned much in the next few hours, from Mitchever, and a few other patrons. But the most intriguing fact was the promise of great power, locked in a mysterious tower. The Tower of the Fool. It only appeared for short times, and quite infrequently. Hideyama felt that finding this power would teach him more about himself, and decided to wait for it to appear...
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Cerise Firevale Character Race: Human Character Class: Fighter Output:
Cerise Firevale was born on the first day of summer alongside her twin sister, Ferra. While the two shared nearly identical faces, they were almost the complete antithesis of one another. Cerise was gifted with the vibrant red hair of her father's, while Ferra inherited her mother's jet-black locks. Cerise grew to be curious, generous and unerringly kind, whereas Ferra became colder and more distant the more she aged. The more the girls grew it became clearer and clearer that they were fated to be polar opposites of one another. It was odd, to say the least, but Cerise never seemed to mind. Being the kindhearted girl that she was, she always tried to get along with her sister when they were younger. That all changed the moment it came time for their schooling at age 7. The Firevale family is a house of nobility that is well-known among the townspeople of Ashbourne. They have a stunning reputation as a family of spellcasters, every single member of the core bloodline becoming a successful sorcerer or sorceress... That is, until Cerise. The polarity that existed between the twins appeared to extend even to their talents, and saw Ferra being gifted with immense magical acuity just begging to be fostered and developed into terrifying thaumaturgical prowess. Cerise, on the other hand, possessed no magical talent whatsoever. Try as she might, she couldn't even conjure a simple Prestidigitation spell. She tried and tried, desperately wanting not to disappoint her parents, but to no avail. She just didn't have what it took to become a sorceress and continue the family tradition. When she begged her sister for help, Ferra simply dismissed her, saying she had always known this would happen, that she would be the one to further the family's tradition. According to her, Cerise hadn't the temperament or the mental fortitude for the magical arts. Ferra then left her there, that conversation marking the beginning of Cerise's new life. Her parents pretended not to mind. They enrolled her in martial training instead, to see if she would be better suited with a sword or an axe in her hand rather than a book or a staff. When she immediately began to excel, Cerise could tell that her parents truly gave up on her. They tried to disguise their disappointment, but Cerise could tell. The longer it went on the more it felt like the love they expressed toward her was just a lie, an obligation. A formality. But it didn't last long. As time went on Cerise's parents grew colder toward her, similar to the way Ferra had. Cerise suspected that she embarrassed them. That they were tired of the residents of Ashbourne asking about her, querying why she wasn't being raised as a sorceress like Ferra was. Cerise began to feel that it was her fault, that something was wrong with her. She felt like a guest in her own home. A guest that was overstaying her welcome. Cerise began to wander outside of her family's estate. She felt claustrophobic within its walls, as if she would be suffocated if she stayed there too long. It was refreshing to talk to the townspeople. They never judged her the way her family did. The streets of Ashbourne soon became Cerise's new home where she would stay whenever she wasn't otherwise kept within the Firevale estate. Her family never cared enough to ask where she was during the day, instead showering Ferra with attention. At the age of 10 Cerise met a man from a party of adventurers that often came to Ashbourne to spend a few nights at the inn and resupply. The man's name was Bardren, a roguish type with a dazzling smile and a kind heart. He gave silver pieces to the children around town, who would always go and spend them on candy. Cerise would always be seen trailing behind him whenever he was around. He told her the most fascinating stories about the outside world. She'd never left the town of Ashbourne, left completely ignorant of life elsewhere. Bardren told her tales of towering castles, crumbling caves, terrifying dungeons, and people of all kinds. The only experience Cerise had with other races was the innkeeper Ð she was an elf. Aside from that, at least as far as she knew, all of Ashbourne was human. Bardren spoke of dwarves, drow elves, halflings, gnomes, even the living dead. The more stories he told her the more she desperately wanted to see it for herself. Eventually Cerise told Bardren of the way her family had been treating her. Though clearly upset by it, he promised her that he wouldn't make any trouble over it. He didn't want to make things worse for her. Instead he continued to do what he always did, telling her stories whenever she asked and allowing her to follow him around. He soon became the caring family Cerise so painfully craved. As long as Bardren continued to visit Ashbourne, Cerise had something to look forward to. Years passed. Cerise began to find that as she matured, the more she thought of Bardren differently. Dreams of him taking her to see the world were sometimes replaced by the two of them having a wedding together. These bittersweet dreams often ended with Cerise waking in the middle of the night, crying. She didn't want to think of him that way. Those feelings would only serve to remind her that he wasn't her real family, that her real family had all but abandoned her when she was just a child. On her 20th birthday Cerise went out to find Bardren, who had promised to meet her. She couldn't find him. She did, however, find his party, looking much worse for wear, as though they had been through hell and back. Fearing the worst, she asked them what had happened. Bardren was dead. Cerise stood there for the better part of an hour. When she looked down at her hand she was holding a bright gold amulet. One of the party members had placed it in her hand, saying Bardren had wanted her to have it. With that they left her there, in shock and very much alone. Cerise decided to leave that night. She wouldn't stay in the house that had shunned her for another moment. Waiting until the dead of night, she gathered the things most important to her and crept outside. She made her way into the guardhouse within her family's estate and took a set of armor, as well as a sword and shield. It was the only time she had ever stolen anything and she felt terrible, but Bardren had taught her that the world is wrought with danger. Cerise had a goal, and that was to earn her family's respect. She refused to be ashamed of her surname, instead embracing it and hoping to one day return as a successful and proud warrior. Until then, she would travel the lands and help as many people as she could.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Randal Wolfswit Character Race: Human Character Class: Fighter Output:
RandalÕs mother, Anet Cor Marak, came from a well-respected merchant family living in the city of Ankhapur on the Lake of Steam. The Òbloodline of fireÓ (hereditary traits passed down from the efreeti rulers of nearby CalimshanÕs past) burned strongly in her family, and showed clearly in Anet. Her hair flickered with all the motion and color of flames, and the ever-present scent of smoke followed wherever she went. When Anet came of age she traveled to Waterdeep to pursue her own ambitions, eager to establish herself as a successful businesswoman. While not the largest or most successful in Waterdeep, her trading company has established itself as a notable authority in coastal trading. Anet met RandalÕs father while living in Waterdeep. A mediocre wizard and member of the Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors, Grim Wolfswit assisted Anet when her distinctive appearance drew hostility from groups who mistook her for a sorcerer. Each sparking curiosity in the other, the two courted and after several years married. Anet & Grim had two sons, Gewar and his younger brother Randal. The bloodline of fire continued, though faintly, in the brothers. Gewar never looked kindly upon his brother, and from his very birth he had seen Randal as a thief. His parentÕs time and love kept being squandered on the little brat, when really he deserved it more. Growing up, Gewar never held back in fights with Randal. Randal in turn learned very quickly how to protect himself, how to take a hit, and how to give back as good as he got. Randal spent his whole childhood fighting someone bigger and stronger who genuinely hated him, and grew up to be someone who never backed down even against overwhelming odds. In RandalÕs teen years, he grew stronger than his brother who chose not to fight him physically after having lost for the first time. GewarÕs resentment only multiplied, while Randal became restless. The frequent fistfights had been a much needed routine for him, and without his usual opponent he sought out an alternative. He discovered vigilante groups like the Red Sashes, and took to the streets at night where he put his fists to good use. He learned cruel things operated in the cityÕs darkest corners, heard names like the XanatharÕs Guild. Gewar had long seen mastering his fatherÕs trade, learning to work magic, would finally prove him the better and smarter son. As they grew older, GewarÕs insistence intensified to a level of harassment that burned into argument when Grim snapped at his demanding son. After the worst of those fights, Gewar despaired thinking his father would never share his arts. His despair turned to rage, his addled mind saw this as just one more thing stolen from him by Randal. He would solve this, and prove his worth all at once. Gewar stole magical implements from his fatherÕs study and prepared a lethal trap. He planned to murder his brother using the very magic his father deemed him unworthy to learn. And he would watch it happen. Gewar set his trap and waited. He knew Randal came home late most nights, and he had prepared perfectly. Grim, laying awake that night, thought to get up and go speak to Gewar. He knew the boy showed promise, but had trouble getting him to proceed at the proper pace. Grim came out to see Randal stepping in, he saw Gewar waiting in the shadows, and his senses soon noted the mystical energies suffusing the room. In a moment of unthinking panic, Grim threw himself forward and knocked Randal out of the way of the trap. Randal looked up to see his father slain in agony as conjured spears of ice skewered him from all directions. Gewar went mad. He lept from hiding to beat his brother with his fists, shouting how Randal had taken his father from him. Randal took the first few hits, still too shocked to believe what he had seen. When he did piece it together, he knocked his brother off him with a single punch. Gewar unconscious on the floor, Randal went to his fatherÕs side. Already he knew nothing could be done. A noise came from the stairs. He looked up to see his mother frozen in place, her features lost in silent horror. Randal couldnÕt think, he felt guilt, imagined Anet blaming him for everything. He couldnÕt face her, but he couldnÕt leave her alone with his murderous brother. He took Gewar and left. Carrying the unconscious Gewar through side alleys and rarely used streets, he left for somewhere unhealthy. Randal met with the Agents of the Eye, what those in the XanatharÕs Guild called themselves. Slavers, blackmailers, thieves, and worse. He dropped his brother at his feet. HeÕd heard the stories, he knew you couldnÕt join the guild without a blood offering. Though XanatharÕs offerings required a family member, dead or given to the slavers. He joined that day, and never went home. Years in service to the XanatharÕs Guild wore on RandalÕs mind. HeÕd tried not to think too much about his work, preferring to just act in service to the guild and collect his pay. He turned to CyricÕs teachings, hoping religion could help him accept his chosen path. Yet as time passed, he started to think himself a fool. HeÕd blamed himself for his fatherÕs death, no one had done that to him. And heÕd never even asked what it was his brother had attempted or why. He hadnÕt cared, just cleaned it up. He didnÕt even know any more whether or not his brother still lived. Randal reached a conclusion one day: heÕd done nothing wrong the night his father died. Not until heÕd joined the XanatharÕs Guild. And heÕd spent years serving them, inflicting pain and death for his masters. Now he had done something worthy of the shame and guilt heÕd felt that night. Randal considered that maybe it was too late, and what heÕd done couldnÕt be redeemed. But he knew trying had to feel better than continuing on this way. He left the XanatharÕs Guild as quietly as he could, hoping to leave little of a trail for them to follow. Similarly, he looked for a way out of CyricÕs churchÉ but feared some divine retribution for his abandonment. His thoughts turned to the gods Cyric hated most: Mystra & Kelemvor. KelemvorÕs church taught the importance of honoring the dead, remembering what they had contributed in life and serving their families in trying times. Randal couldnÕt speak to how many lives he had ended prematurely. He could be sure it hadnÕt been countless, just that his mind struggled to forget what he had done. One day he might die and find himself in KelemvorÕs presence, judged as one of the False for betraying his vows to CyricÕs church. Maybe that inevitable sentence could be lessened by doing penance in service to KelemvorÕs faith. Maybe if he joined a group of adventurers he could find enough opportunities to redeem his past actions. If nothing else, perhaps he could do enough good he could face his mother without feeling so ashamed.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Penandin (Andi) Arewas Character Race: Human Character Class: Wizard Output:
Andi was born in a small town a stoneÕs throw from Telis. Her parents met abroad; since they were from the same area and visited the same markets in Telis, he from within the city and they were from the same area and visited the same markets in Telis, he from within the city and she from a village half a dayÕs journey out, they had a lot to talk about. It was an odd pair. Mother was a second-generation immigrant, raised practical and worldly, while father was a child of a family long known for its doctors of magic and administrators of wizard matters. He was getting older and restless, and she was intrigued with his restlessness despite his privilege. Their choice of place to settle down was tactical, not too close to his origin, not too far from hers, but adjoining Telis for its opportunity. She wasnÕt anxious to start a family, and it was longer than he or his kin liked before Andi was born. When Andi was eight, she gained a brother and her mother left. It wasnÕt entirely clear that the boyÕs father was the same as hers. She hadnÕt seen her mother since. Andi half-raised her much younger brother, adding an extra burden to the intense pressure to be a high achiever. Her father moved back to the family estate in the city and took the kids with him. He was out most of the time. Her brother was a bad combination of defiant and a little dumb. Her father grew sad and cool, and their relationship was turbulent. After an eternity, Andi made it out of first school and her father gladly paid her way to the top-tier boarding school of her choice, at the foot of the mountains outside of Scandrow. Her brother began military training soon after, in his early teens, and she would only see him once in all her time at school. The boarding school was full of rich girls and overqualified teachers who were delighted with any student who really wanted badly to learn. She was such a student. She ate up history, arcana, languages, and wealth studies. She was clearly fast-tracked for advanced wizardry. Always a straight-edge by necessity, she did not indulge much in her freedom away from home, finding more comfort in books than in friends. Her achievement made her unpopular; her skin, one shade darker than the crowd, subtly alienated her. Her strong opinions about the ways the other girls ought to be using their expensive time at school, and her liberty with snapping at them, didnÕt help. Extra time was occupied by two newfound passions: botany and martial magic. Her introductory plants and lifeforms class introduced her to the astonishing variety in land flora. The teacher conspired with the groundskeeper to grant her a tiny plot to garden, eager to see a student pass in her studies from the labeled drawings in the required reading into the real world. Andi was not excellent at gardening, but she found unusually pure joy in her trivial successes at making life. As in many high-end boarding schools, there were exotic options for fitness credit; one on offer was combat spellcasting. The quiet, focused instructor became her first real friend at school. Andi would stay after class, half practicing, half confiding. With shared trust, the pair were able to go further than gym credit, taking on riskier combat techniques: fire, and blinding light. When Andi could finally relax with her magic, she found that she could move small objects or cause people to hear or feel brief illusions without much effort. After that, she had no end of fun sharing subtle magical jokes with her mentor and friend in class at the other girlsÕ expense. There was a cultural enrichment exchange program with the native dwarfish folk of the mountain. Unsophisticated but wise people, they often conferred with local earth elementals about weather or war. Andi studied up on Terran and excitedly enrolled. She would meet briefly with her large and profoundly foreign exchange student, and then she would trek with a donkey, a guide, and a few interested others up the valley. The natives were gruff but generous with their time, laughing at her Terran pronunciation mistakes and sending her on errands to find novel forest foodstuffs. In the evenings, she would be reluctant to leave. Never once did she see an elemental. Still, the folksÕ grounded lifestyle rubbed off on her, feeding a lust for the outdoors and unknown places. Matters of the heart were never tidy for Andi. As an upperclassman, she cautiously tried at romance with the other girls a few times. Andi could never fully connect, and so she broke some hearts before she decided that now was not the time for her. In lulls she would often imagine where her mother had gone, and what kind of person she had become. Her memories of life before she left had become scattered and vague. It was an unconscious certainty to her that someday, she would have to find her and put her story together. The one time she saw her brother when her leave overlapped with his, she found that he was doing frustratingly well. Apparently, his intellect was better suited to tactic than primary math; he had risen to Corporal, re-stationed at a northern city at the border. Andi felt acutely that her life was on pause. Andi graduated half a year early. She rented for a time in metropolitan Scandrow, immediately catching a job as a low-level library administrator. Upper-echelon urban wizarding establishments knew the Arewas name. She did not tell her father she had exited school, and she had no intention to return to his sad and empty home, though she felt awful for scorning him so. Untied from all commitments at last, she experimented tentatively with pubs and intoxicants in her restlessness. Still, guilt over her lapse in discipline nagged her every day. Once, word got around that a bandit camp in the hills had been deserted all at once, leaving valuable goods behind; no one knew why. Seeing adventuring parties emerging, all intent on getting the first pick of the treasure, she decided that enough was enough waiting for her life to begin. She hastily purchased quite a lot of adventuring goods and some very nice leather armor, using up most of the money she had on her. She was able to convince some very loud young men that they could use a wizard on their way to the empty encampment. That partyÕs story ended prematurely when an injury halfway along the trail forced them to return to town. Anyway, she couldnÕt cast in the stiff armor. The last night before arriving back in Scandrow, the young men decided to make up for their unrealized treasure by lifting hers. On returning, empty-handed, Andi found that a weekÕs unannounced time off had cost her the library job. Furious and disappointed, Andi might have spent a good deal of time tracking those idiots down. Instead, before sunrise the following morning, frantic news all over the city made her personal matters seem small: fighting had broken out where her brother was stationed, and war had begun.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Gunnolf Character Race: Human Character Class: Fighter Output:
-38 Edrik is born in a distant country of Tollaug. A mountainous region, Tollaug was somewhat insulated from the brunt of aftermath of the Awakening but not from frequent wars with its neighbors. By the time Edrik was born Tollaug was fighting with three of its four neighbors. The bitterest war was with the largest country on their border, Garstin, and that war had last for hundreds of years. The Tollaugens had needed to adapt their culture to survive and defend their homeland. Nearly every able adult became a warrior in the Tollaugen military and by necessity the state overtook the responsibility for rearing children ((sort of Viking-style spartans but with primitive guns)). Thus Edrik never knew his parents. He grew up with his peers in the capital city of Belstein, raised to fight in a war that seemed would never end. -26 Edrik saw his first battlefield when he was 12. Belstein was seized by Garstin forces and he watched from the ramparts with his peers as his kinsmen fought then opposing forces. Eager to punish the invaders he dedicated himself to his martial training. -28-19 Though most recruits were not accepted into the military until they were 16, Edrik fought for and earned a position in their version of the assault infantry when he was still 14. As one soldier in a battalion of hundreds he traveled over the mountains to fight on Garstin ground. His notoriety grew within the unit, first due to his age and then due to the vicious efficiency with which he fought. His only friends were the other members of his squad, though the brutality of the war meant he was frequently making new friends. He earned their respect through his competence and willingness to keep them alive on the battlefield. By the time he was 17 he was made Captain of his squad. -19-10 Eventually, Edrik's notoriety grew beyond his own battalion and he was reassigned to an experimental new unit: the Kitehawks. Despite their military prowess, the Tollaugens were losing to the Garstin. The Tollaugens had the larger military with better equipment, training, and officers but they had relatively few mages. With their larger population the Garstin were able to embed mages regularly throughout their ranks and more than counter the advantage of the Tollaugens. The mission of the Kitehawks was to infiltrate enemy territory before a battle and eliminate any prominent mages. Initially the team had six members: Sigmar - Commander, Dwarf Male Fighter/Rogue, a cunning old warrior who was equally adept at battle and planning strategies. Sigmar recruited each member of the Kitehawks personally and exercised a lot of autonomy in how the unit was operated. The Kitehawks essentially belonged to Sigmar. ((Hannibal from A-Team)) Larin - XO, Half-Elf Female Rogue; a devious, clever spy who always seems to know what's going through someone else's head (and she might!), functions as the Kitehawk's intel officer ((probably a bit Garik-ish in that it's difficult to tell what side she's on sometimes)) Enger - Male Human Barbarian; a giant man with a gregarious attitude ((Armstrong from FMA)) Reivar - Male Human Ranger, a cunning woodsman and scout, a scary good sniper who used a custom built rifle to kill targets before he was ever seen. Known as "Ghost" by the enemy. ((Saito from GitS)) Edrik - Male Human Fighter, a relatively young fighter who proved quick to pick up new skills. He was trained by each of the members of the team, becoming something of a jack-of-all-trades for the squad. Halin - Female Gnome Rogue, a cheerful gnome, Halin seldom took part in the actual fighting but functioned as the squad's support officer. She developed most of the custom equipment they used and arranged their transportation (often with a good deal of creativity) ((Prolly like that fellow in F4 Railroad)) Other members occasionally joined, died, or were reassigned but the team never numbered more than 9 and the 6 remained its core. Edrik spent much of his time training with his teammates. From Sigmar he learned battlefield tactics. From Enger he learned how to build his strength and hone his body. From Reivar he learned how to survive in nearly any environment. Halin taught him much about their equipment and together the two of them constructed Hrunting, then a prototype. But he may have learned most from Larin who taught him how to move without being seen. Edrik grew very close to his teammates over the years and may have had a more than strictly professional relationship with Larin. The squad itself was such a success that they, almost single-handedly, changed the scope of the war. On a typical mission, Edrik and Larin would infiltrate the enemy's camp while Sigmar, Halin and Reivar observed from a distance, providing field support through "comm MIs". Enger with his large size, was kept in reserve. If a distraction was required or something went wrong, Enger and Sigmar could swoop in while Reivar raised some chaos from a distance. Soon they were targeting more than just mages, taking out enemy commanders and officers as well. Most often they would remove the corpse, or any other sign they had ever been there and leave the Garstin forces to wonder where their General or mage had disappeared to. Sometimes they mutilated the corpse and prominently displayed it. The Garstin tried many tactics, decoys, deployments, guards, but it seldom took the Kitehawks long to foil them. When they began extracting high value targets, rather than killing them, the Tollaugens suddenly had a wealth of intel on their enemy. The tide of the war began to swing and the Tollaugens took back territory they'd lost long ago and they swept into Garstin like a cutlass swings for a bare throat. -10 Eventually the Tollaugens had fought right up to the Garstin capitol, Erba. With the bulk of the Garstin military in ruins behind them their victory seemed assured. The Kitehawks were sent in to capture the Garstin King, their most dangerous mission to date. This time they all went into the field, taking different routes to meet up in the castle itself. They fought/snuck to the King's chambers and found he was already dead, shot from a far through a window. It was then, in the sanctity of the King's chambers, that Sigmar revealed his ultimate plan. He had determined that Tollaug couldn't hold onto Garstin, the other country was just too large. Whether they conquered Garstin or were conquered by Garstin their culture and people would be assimilated into the larger country. What's more, Tollaug had been at war for so long that it had forgotten how to be at peace. With the resources of Garstin they would be able to crush their other neighbors and would soon lose their own identity. Sigmar's plan was to manipulate the political field, to make it seem as though the Garstin King were still alive and commanding the army but in order for his plan to work he would need to destroy most of the Tollaug army outside the city. Hallig was the first to protest, arguing that even if Sigmar might be correct they couldn't kill their own countrymen. The argument went back and forth for a few moments before Sigmar shot her. At that point Edrick moved to draw his own pistol but a move from Larin stopped him. Realizing he'd have to fight his own squad if he stayed, he grabbed Hallig's body (perhaps not realizing she was dead) and dove out the window. He felt a bullet bite into his shoulder half-way to a river hundreds of feet below the castle keep. He lost consciousness before he even hit the water. When he woke up Hallig was nowhere to be seen. The river had carried him far from the city and deposited him on a distant bank. From where he sat he could see smoke and flame in the distance and the river around him had a distinct reddish hue. It almost looked black in the morning light. He had been shot in the back of his shoulder but his armor had kept him from bleeding out, barely. He was too weak to search for Hallig and was forced to escape with whatever he happened to have on him. He resolved that Edrick was killed in the fall and he would become someone else, abandoning his life to that day. He never learned what became of the Kitehawks after that. Sigmar's plan was complicated and Edrick never expected he'd heard all of it. Explosions, either from magic or some hidden chemicals, destroyed 2/3s of the Tollaug army just as they broke the walls of the city. The remainder fled back towards Tollaug but they were caught by the remains of the Garstin army. Very few of those troops would ever return to their mountainous home. Within the next few years Tollaug would be invaded again. They would repel that invasion, construct barricades, be invaded before the barricades were complete and according to myth an allegiance of the Garstin and the other enemies of the Tollaug were able to wipe them out. By -6 years the nation of Tollaug is no longer considered to exist. -9 From the banks of a river in Garstin, he wandered without much purpose. He turned his back to Tollaug and just kept walking south. He found his way to a northernish forest ((similar to Pac NW maybe)) and began to live as a wildman. The events in Erba had left him shattered, a wreck of his former self. His body recovered in time but he had simultaneously lost every purpose he had. Only his training and an inability to give up kept him going. He reasoned he could live out the rest of his life in this remote place and never see another person. By circumstance the cabin he built was close to a wolf's den. He ran into the shaggy grey wolves from time to time but after their initial introduction they left each other alone. The unspoken agreement was that he wouldn't interfere with the wolf or his bitch and they wouldn't try to eat his face. That didn't stop the bitch's cubs from tromping through his cabin once they started leaving the den but he let them do as they would. Months later a clan of trolls moved into their valley. He came back to the cabin to find the wolf, wounded and bloody. He followed it's trail to find a troll squatting by the wolf's den, eating the last of the cubs. Enraged, he attacked the troll, calling on skills and training he hadn't used for a year. When the troll's corpse smoldered next to the den he lit his own cabin, tossed the wolf over his shoulders, and moved on. He nursed the wolf back to health since it seemed like the decent thing to do. There after the wolf followed him, perhaps not quite a friend but a companion. The wolf's wounds left it too weakened to survive on its own but he was content to provide it food in exchange for the company. -8 The man and wolf seldom stayed in one place for terribly long. It seemed everywhere they went there was something trying to eat them. They didn't wish for much, just a place to live in solitude. They avoided cities and people, keeping to the wild. So it was a perhaps a surprise when the man found himself waking in a cage. A box of iron bars, large and strong enough to hold an ogre, encased him and beyond it was an ornate chamber. Walls decorated with art and trickling water forming delicate pools among polished stones. Lush plants lined the room, leading the eye towards a great desk at the far side of the room where a young man sat. At least, he seemed young and quite handsome. His features made it difficult to discern if he were human or elf, probably a mingling of the two, but he exuded charisma and confidence. His name was Kolan and he was a prominent officer within the Order of Scales; a quasi-religious institution outwardly dedicated to maintaining the balance in the world. The organization's roots lay somewhere beyond the Awakening but, like most things about them, were shrouded in mystery. Kolan explained that they had preferred to guide civilization through subtlety but that they had had to change with the times. They were now a global organization that, on the face of things, might seem like another religion with interests in trade. In the shadows they did much more than pray and broker politics. Kolan explained that he was recruiting him to hunt down a particular woman, a sorcerer who had once been a member of the Order. Kolan suggested he was familiar with the Kitehawks and could contact them if so inclined. He could arrange a reunion or assassination, whichever was more likely to motivate his captive. So the man was coerced into adopting the identity of Gunnolf, a roaming bounty hunter specializing in retrieving, or eliminating, mages. Once he had accepted this he was sent to a gnome named Zevan, another agent of the Order. Zevan marked the back of Gunnolf's back hand with a symbol that would only appear under a magical lamp. This would serve to mark Gunnolf as an agent of the Order to members of the Order but would otherwise be invisible. Zevan equipped him as well, with armor and various magical items of some considerable worth. Gunnolf learned that Zevan would be his handler and support officer, supplying him with information and equipment when he was undertaking missions directly for the Order. Most of the time he would be undertaking public bounties and keeping an eye out for the sorceress. And that's how a kid from a government school on the northern edge of the globe came to be a world-class bounty hunter of mage-types.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Severus Trevelyan Character Race: Human Character Class: Warlock Output:
The fading light of day cast elongated shadows across the city of Monarchia, the towers of brass reflecting the crimson red sun of dusk. There was a silent breeze drifting in from the north, causing Severus' cloak to flutter in the still air. He was standing upon the balcony atop the Senate building. It was a large oval building of marble, held up by columns of rune-inscribed white stone, which towered over the rest of the city. Severus was enjoying the spectacular view granted by the vista. He was clad in the traditional robes of the monarchian nobility, a pristine cloth coloured light blue trimmed with purple around the neck area. His back was covered in the cloak that was as dark crimson as the sky he was looking at. He turned and walked to the opposite side of the balcony which offered a different, if not as beautiful, view. Below him, he could see the senate floor where the hundred or so heads of nobility sat in discussion over the intricacies of tax collection. Occasionally a senator would rise from his seat and give a small speech on his opinion of the subject before sitting down to the applause of his supporters and the booing of his rivals. Nothing really changed until the final vote would be called, which would be at least another hour of tedious discussion by Severus' estimation. He sighed. 'Not the most interesting of sessions, is it?' asked a voice behind him. Severus turned and saw an older man in his fifties emerge from the stairs. He was wearing the same traditional clothing as Severus, although this had a golden trim down the middle of the robe, indicating an elected Senator. 'Ah, Senator Tullios.' he remarked. Severus smiled at the old politician, although he groaned inside. 'Always a pleasure. Please join me.' waving his hand to indicate the spot next to him. 'My father sends his thanks for your hospitality during his visit yesterday. He was very pleased that he expect your support during the next election.' said Severus as Tullios came to stand next to him, following his gaze down to the floor below. Tullios smiled. 'Ah, it was no trouble. My home has and will always be open to the Trevelyans.' He turned and looked at Severus. 'And how is the High Legate? I had expected to see him in session today.' Severus wanted to sigh, but he kept up his political correct facade and smiled. 'My father is well, thank you. He regrets that he could not attend session today, his duties as High Legate prevents him so. He is out in the field. You understand, I'm sure.' Tullios nodded. 'Ah, yes. The duties of high office, of course.' He said disappointed. 'I was hoping that he might propose a motion for me as a favour.' 'He did send Axios, however.' Severus cut in. 'My brother is a senator and has the full backing of my father and his supporters. Don't worry, Senator. We Trevelyans remember our friends.' He sighed slightly inwardly as he, yet again, quoted the old maxim. Severus never liked these political conversations. It was all promises, alliances, rivalries, and so it had been for the past three hundred years. One could never be upfront about anything, not even with those who you were publicly known to be friends with. Every relation was to be used as a tool to further ones own goals. Tullios looked relieved 'Ah, excellent. That settles my worries so.' He looked down into the crowd of senators. 'I hope you will not be offended if I take my leave, I believe your brother Axios and I, have something to discussion.' Severus smiled, the first genuine smile at the old man. 'No offense taken. I understand completely. Please, give him my regards.' Tullios vanished down the stairs soon after. Severus noticed that the sun had gone completely now and he stood alone on the light-less balcony. He flicked his wrist at the braziers around him, and fire began to consume them, providing a shadowed light. 'Bastard old goat.' he murmured. 'You shouldn't speak of our friends in such a tone, Severus' said a soft voice behind him. He smiled and turned, recognizing the voice. 'Elyria! Sister, it has been far too long.' he said as they embraced for a moment. 'How have your travels been? We didn't expect you home until next month.' She smiled. 'I got tired of the dreary weather down south. It was quaint for the first week but that novelty quickly wore off.' 'Please.' said Severus indicating the spot where Tullios had stood only a minute before. They looked down in the Senate where a small woman was making a surprising passionate speech about the importance of tax exemptions. 'Same as always.' Elyria mumbled. 'At least you have a chance to travel.' said Severus. 'If father has his way, it will be me in a couple of years who's down there making speeches.' 'If you want for adventure so much, just join the Skitarii, they can always use more men, and it is prestigeous.' she remarked 'Yeah and that is the problem. With fathers influence, I'll be an officer in a day, in two months I'll be commanding a whole brigade, and back to the politics, now with soldiers at my back. Oh yes, that would please him.' Severus said sarcastically. He sighed and leaned on the stone railing. 'No.. I need to leave Monarchia.' he stated with conviction. They were quiet for a while, simply watching the proceedings below. Even the Archon himself looked bored at the whole thing. Severus noticed that Elyria was biting her lower lip, a tic she usually had when she was thinking. 'I may be able to help you, Severus.' She finally uttered. He looked at her curiously, waiting for her to elaborate. 'I came home early, not just because of the weather, but because I was asked to.. find somebody in Monarchia who would be willing to serve a greater purpose. I honestly doubted I'd find such a character in our Monarchia, but neither was I thinking of you.' she explained. Severus was about to speak, but she continued. 'This is not something you should take lightly, this is dangerous work. This.. might kill you if you're not careful.' She had a concerned look on her face. Severus knew her well enough to know that she rarely wore that particular expression. 'What have you gotten yourself into, Elyria?' he asked plainly. 'I can't say.' she said. 'But I need to know if you truely want this. Tell me you want the job, and I'll make sure you get it.' Severus paced back and forth, weighting his options. Elyria continued to watch the exchange in the Senate, almost ignorant of his dilemma. He finally stopped, standing at his regular spot again besides Elyria. His voice dropped to a whisper. 'And what about.. Him?' He asked quietly. Elyria looked up. 'What about Him?' she asked. 'Don't be coy.' Severus said, clearly annoyed. 'You know as well as I that we are bound to.. Him.' He had almost said it's name out loud. He fortunately had been able to hold his tongue, one does not utter the name of Ka'bantha without consequence. All the children of the Trevelyan family was bound to that creature when they turned 16. It was a family secret, one even not the closest friends of the family knew of. It was how the Trevelyans had risen to nobility some three-hundred years ago. Magical power was everything to the nobility of Monarchia, and the entire Senate below them were Wizards, Sorcerers and users of more exotic magics. Mages of all kinds were represented. Elyria smiled. 'Don't worry about Him, Severus. He is too busy with the schemes of the Nine Hells politics himself.' She shot him a glare. 'Just don't mention Him to anyone outside of Monarchia, they care as little for pacts with Devils as the narrow-minded fools down there.' she motioned to the floor below them. Severus nodded. 'I need time to think on this.' he stated. 'Can we meet tomorrow? Perhaps for breakfast?' 'Certainly.' replyed Elyria. 'I will see you tomorrow then, Severus.' 'Yes. See you there.' he said absent-minded and walked down the stairs, home to the family villa. The next morning Severus strode into the atrium of the Trevelyan villa. It was a large open space, with a view to the clear sky where the morning sun was shining brightly. The servants bowed as he took place at the table sitting at the centre of the atrium, they quickly rushed out with plates filled with fruit, meats and breads. He poured himself a glass of wine and took a quiet sip. It was rather warm, likely having been left on the table since the last meal. If he desired he could have one of the servants whipped for that, but he remained silent and simply cooled the wine he was holding with a thought before taking another sip. It was perfect temperature. 'You're up late.' said Elyria as she entered the atrium from the foyer. 'I've had a lot on my mind.' he said, sipping the wine, savoring the flavour as it touched his tongue and rolled around in his mouth before swallowing. He looked up at her as she took a seat and poured a glass for herself. 'I need to know more about this purpose you're suggesting.' Elyria sat the jug of wine down. 'Leave us.' she said to no one in particular as she snapped her fingers. Within moments the servants had left the atrium. She leaned forward and looked Severus in the eyes. 'I can't tell you much. But what I can say is that you'll likely be working with a team of people to find and investigate magical disturbances. That's all I can say.' Severus scuffed 'Why do they need me for that? Don't they have Wizards of their own?' he said mockingly. Elyria shot him a glare. 'You forget that outside of Monarchia, magicians are more rare than they are here. Their nobilities are not made up of mages like they are here.' she explained. 'Hm, maybe there's less arguing in the courts then.' he smiled. 'No, unfortunately there is just as much arguing there as in Monarchia.' She looked around. 'I've been asked by the Archon to attend the court in Forlos. I can take you with me and let you off in the capital, or maybe even one of the smaller towns on the way. It'll be no trouble.' Severus thought about it for a long moment, before finally relenting. 'Very well, I shall accompany you to Forlos.' he paused. 'And see what this job you have for me is.' Elyria clapped her hands in excitement. 'Excellent! I'll make preparations immediately. We should be able to leave in a few days, I'll send word.' They both looked up as footsteps approached from the foyer, until Axios stepped into the atrium. 'Ah, Good morning you two.' he exclaimed as he took a seat at the head of the table. He looked around for a moment. 'Where has all the servants gone? Am I suppose to pour my own wine?' They all laughed at the joke. 'It wouldn't hurt with some humility once in a while, brother.' said Severus as Elyria snapped her fingers at a much louder volume that should have been naturally possible. Moments later, the servants hurried back into the atrium to attend them. 'Oh, I'm sure you're humble enough for both of us, Severus.' he said with a smile. 'Just as you have twice the ambition of the rest of us.' Severus retorted They laughed again. Elyria spoke up after a moments of silence. 'I was just telling Severus that the Archon had requested that I attend court in Forlos.' Axios eyes focused on her. 'Indeed? Forlos.. that is rather far away isn't it?' he said thoughtfully. Elyria nodded 'About two weeks travel with carriage. I've been there once before. A novel people, if rather..' She sighed 'Uncivilized.' Axios scoffed as if that was the most obvious thing in the world. 'She also suggested that I accompany her.' said Severus. Axios gazed at him with a rather surprised look. 'I was unaware that you wanted to play ambassador.' he remarked. 'I could have made arrangements.' he drained the rest of his glass in a single motion. Moments later the glass was full again, filled by a servant without a request. Axios didn't seem to notice it had ever been empty. Severus held up a hand. 'No no, it's quite alright. I'd rather see the people without having the duties of an ambassador hanging over my head. That was I may observe the proceedings with a clear mind.' Axios winked at him. 'Ahh I get it.' he said, likely without getting it. 'We'll be leaving at the end of the week.' said Elyria 'Sadly the Archon said that this was rather urgent.' Axios looked at Severus. 'I know you don't have any proper traveling clothes. We shall have to call the armourer and have him fashion the finest armour for you, Severus.' he proclaimed loudly. Severus was less than enthusiastic. 'That won't be necessary, Axios. Just some plain leather will do me fine. I don't want to outshine the entire court.' Axios laughed 'Non-sense, I insist!' that seemed to be the end of the discussion. Three days later, Severus and Elyria was standing at the edge of the city in front of the city gates. The walls themselves surrounded Monarchia, with the nobilities villa having been built close to the Senate itself, with a marked district in the outer areas. The plebian population was mostly living outside the city-wall where a they were another city onto itself. The carriage that was to bring them to Forlos was rather plain. Severus approved. There were also four Skitarii guard which would escort Elyria on her official visit to Forlos. He looked at himself, in the armour that Axios had commissioned for him. He had been happy when he had seen it, for it was much more plain than he had expected from Axios. It was excellent quality, created to his exact dimensions, but lacking much of the decoration that Axios himself would have demanded. The only exception to this was the family crest which was embroidered onto the chest-piece of the armor: a fiery phoenix embracing a book. 'I listen to you more than you give me credit for.' said Axios with a smirk on his face. 'It would appear so.' said Severus before smiling at his brother. 'Thanks, Axios.' 'Don't mention it.' he said, extending his arm. Severus grasped it, holding his brother in a strong grip at the wrist, as his brother did the same. 'March with fortune.' they both said at once and broke the grip. 'Tell father, I'm sorry I couldn't say goodbye.' Severus said. Axios merely nodded. Axios and Elyria made their own goodbyes as Severus climbed into the carriage. He sighed heavily, filled with an excitement that he could barely contain and nervousness. Elyria climbed inside soon after. 'You can strike that grin off your face, I'm not looking at that for two week.' When they reached the edge of the city-limited, Elyria fished out a letter from the satchel she was carrying and handed it to Severus. It was sealed in wax with her personal heraldry, a slight variation of his own fiery phoenix and book motif, as the stamp. 'Keep that close to you.' she said. 'It will be your entrance into the order when we arrive.' Severus raised an eyebrow at a mention of "the order" but from the fact that Elyria now seemed to ignore that any conversation took place, he merely smiled and put the letter in his own satchel bag.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: The Exile Character Race: Human Character Class: Paladin Output:
The Exile was born into a small clan in the far north. He was raised to be a retainer in his lord's house. As a young retainer, his lord was attacked by a monstrosity. He shied away from fear and allowed his lord to perish. For that, he was banished from his homeland, never to return. Nine years have passed. He has wandered Fae-run looking for purpose. As he rests one night, he has a vision from the goddess, Selune, to go to Waterdeep and redeem his honor. Now, he journeys with a purpose and a calling: to defend all the free peoples of Fae-run.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Shivers Character Race: Human (variant) Character Class: Monk - drunken master Output:
Born in Farview in the Moonshae Isles, Caul comes from a family of sailors and merchants. He worked on his familyÕs ship throughout his childhood and teen years and is very comfortable on the sea. When he was 15 his familyÕs ship was attacked by pirates and most of the crew and his family was put to the swordÉhe escaped with his life because he was knocked unconscious by a sword blow to his head (causing a scar and seemingly dead eye). He awoke shivering in the cold water, floating on the debris of his familyÕs ship, and was discovered by a member of the Order of the Flagon. The Order of the Flagon is a monastic order that resides at the Iron Keep, a small former military stronghold on Omans Isle. Scale, the monk who rescued him, gave Caul the name Shivers because of how he was found. The Order of the Flagon is comprised of ex-military and sailors who have tired of their former lives and seek deeper meaning to their existence. At the Iron Keep the monks focus on a number of things: training their minds and bodies to be weapons, harnessing potential innate magical abilities, assisting all those who may need it, maintaining a proper sense of humor about most things (they consider that the only appropriate response to the randomness of the world), and brewing ale so good that a sip may help you see the workings of the universeÉthey tend to drink their brew pretty heavily. During his years there, Caul discovered an affinity for martial arts, both empty-handed and with a quarterstaff, as well as some innate druid magical ability; he also became the assistant brewer for the order by the time he was 20. The tradition of the Order dictates that individual members go forth into the world for at least 2 years in order to enhance their fighting training, help those who need it, and to research ingredients and techniques to experiment with new beer recipes and styles. Caul left the order at the age of 24 and has now been traveling the Sword Coast for one year. He is currently in Waterdeep working as a bouncer at a popular waterfront tavern and brewery called the Besotted Beholder and experimenting with their brew system whenever he gets a chance. Caul carries a long carved ironwood mash paddle that he uses as a quarterstaff when fighting. It is carved down from an oar that he was clutching after the his family's ship was destroyed. It is reinforced with iron strips along the sides and wrapped in leather at several points.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Jango Dongsworth Character Race: Human male Character Class: Tailor Output:
Young Jango Dongsworth was tailor before to the Duke before he was found mysteriously murdered, garroted with a tailor's measuring tape and stabbed with a pair of tailoring scissors. He now specializes in burglary (the sexy kind), hiding in bushes (both the sexy and not-sexy kind), and seducing everyone he meets. He possesses a truly enormous love trumpet.