Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Dewin Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Sorcerer bard Output:
Dewin thought he was a wizard, but it turned out it was the draconic blood in his veins that brought him eldritch power. Music classes in wizarding college taught him yet another use for his power, and when he was expelled he took up adventuring
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Joe Pageturner Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Paladin Output:
Orphaned and brought up in a library, Joe read about adventure and wanted to be a hero. Slowly rising through the librarian ranks, he eventually became part of the holy order of Librarian Knights, dedicated to hunting down information and stories, both new and forgotten.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Drae Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Rogue/bard Output:
A foundling, raised by a troupe of traveling performers/small time criminals, she learned both of the group's trades as she grew up with them. The troupe disbanded after their leader was killed during a job gone wrong - Drae took up the adventuring life figuring it was the best use of her eclectic skill set.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Patrel Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Rogue/sorcerer Output:
Always dissatisfied with being called a 'halfling', Patrel decided adventuring was the best way to travel the lands in order to change peoples perceptions about his race and adopt the term 'felwyn' when referring to his people. As a follower of the trickster god, he used his abilities and wits to triumph over his enemies.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Tobi Secondson Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Fighter Output:
A normal farmer in a normal halfling town Tobi one day got the wanderlust that afflicts his kind off an on. Looking at his skills he realized that he could only plow, cook and swing a sword. And with this in hand he took the only marketable skill for the road... a cook for adventurers and travelers who could lend a sword in a pinch.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Trynleigh Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Rogue Output:
Trynleigh was raised as a relatively well-off merchant's daughter, but always hung with the hoodlums in her town. She was well-versed in the five finger discount, talking her way out of situations, and loud tantrums when neither of those worked. She met the party when she was stealing a wheel off of their wagon while they were in the pub. They let her accompany them on their journey under sufferance.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Zo Regata Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Rogue Output:
They joined in on a rigged bet to provide for their siblings but accidentally won the fight out of sheer luck, resulting in a huge money loss for the people they allied with, which got their siblings killed. They fought tooth and nail to join up with the corrupt government and use their power to cover up the mysterious deaths of everyone involved and condemn their families to pit fighting in revenge.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Happy Horseshoes Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Monk Output:
Happy Horseshoes was an orphan, raised in the monastery of St. Cuthbert's Home for Good People. One day he decided to "borrow" all the money that the monastery had saved and try to make it larger by gambling it. He won and returned the money, but was very confused that the monks were still angry with him! He set out into the world to do good, make a name for himself, and make tons of money so he can someday send it back to the monastery.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Lalia D'escarpe Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Rogue Output:
Lalia was orphaned at the age of seven along with her twin sister when a flood killed her parents. On the streets of Neverwinter, she learned the crafts of pickpocketing and burglary. She witnessed a man killed for refusing to pay a bribe to a corrupt city official, and attacked the official, maiming him. While on the run from the city guard, Lalia met a group of adventurers and traveled with them. She met up with her twin sister and along with the party, they fight to prevent evil in all of it's forms.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Calcol Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Fighter Output:
A young fellow who decided to seek out adventure. Along with his brothers Darda and Hemin, he set out at a ripe young age and essentially decided to never return to the barrows from which he was born. The three of them would end up, through the most unlikeliest of chances, entangled in the conflict that would eventually end up sundering the world and causing an age of twilight. But, hey, they got to preserve their own race because of their heroic actions, so even if they receive no recognition for it they're all good.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Mad Daisy Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Barbarian Output:
NobodyÕs sure what Mad Daisy's deal is. Her home is a shack far on the outskirts of territory settled by halflings, and she sustains herself by hunting and scrounging. In fact, she's not crazy, just ferociously independent and ill-disposed toward tight-knit halfling societyÑor any society. Whatever the circumstances, she'd rather be alone. Every day she spends adventuring with others is a concession, which she tolerates in the hope that it will let her return home with more resources to sustain herself with than before. She's shrewd, no-nonsense and relentlessly pragmatic, and she doesnÕt mince words. If there's nothing in it for her, sheÕs not interested.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Brio Dando Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Warlock Output:
Brio Dando was just a young halfling around the age of 22. He spent his days travelling with his parents in a travelling delicatessen until one day, in order to satisfy a particularly nagging craving, he made a bargain with an unseen force for a trout sandwich. In return, he unwittingly received Warlock powers along with his requested meal, and was bound to a mysterious fiend that allowed him to shoot lasers drom his hands. Afterwards, his parents (not understanding of the arcane arts, and thus assumed their son was a Wizard), sent their beloved son on an adventure with a hug, a kiss, and bag full of sandwiches.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Tavis Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Rogue Output:
Tavis was a former bandit who, along with his elven sorceress companion, decided to take up a charter to explore and map a piece of wilderness. They needed to lay low until the local authorities stopped looking for them and the charter was a great excuse to get out of town. They hooked up with a dwarf who had more money than sense and was looking for adventure. Rusalka's enthusiasm (and many axes) made up for her general lack of intelligence. Together the trio set out to explore (and loot) everything in their path. Despite the odds they actually survive to found their own very small kingdom. Tavis served as the spymaster.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Callie Tealeaf Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Cleric Output:
Callie Tealeaf was raised in a monastery by her father, who was the head priest. She trained dutifully in the ways of her deity, Ilmater. Her life was relatively uneventful until a plague swept through the town. In caring for the sick and dying, her father too contracted the illness. In his dying moments, he gave Callie his holy symbol and implored her to seek out her mother and father, revealing that he was not in fact related to her, and that had found her under mysterious circumstances. Callie then fled the monastery as troops approached to contain the contagion with fire. With the holy symbol as her only clue, she set out to find the truth of her mysterious heritage.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Finley Goodwil Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Wizard Output:
At the tender age of 81, Finley was tired of taking care of his parents while his younger brother was constantly out spending their fortune. He had recently picked up a talent for the arcane from Rehirrim, a diplomat, and was unknowingly itching for adventure. So when on his 82nd birthday he foresaw his own death, he decided he wanted to go out with a bang. That same day, there was an attempt on his life, probably as retribution for the Pavai heir his brother had killed (accidentally, not directly, they were friends) while drunk. He realised there was no time for a farewell feast as he intended, so he left with a smile on his face like great grandmother Madelgrad had done, ready for adventure.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Fancy Pants Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Bard Output:
Fancy Pants was stolen from has parents as a baby by a band of wondering Orcs named the Skull Crushers. The only memories he has of his parents are his mother's golden necklace and the tune from a song his father used to sing to him. As a baby the only way the orcs could calm him was by letting him play with shiny things, thus they named him Fancy Pants. Through the years he survived by keeping the orcs entertained with bad jokes and songs. Eventually growing to be accepted by the orcs, they made him an official member of the tribe. One day the tribe elder told Fancy Pants the general area where they took him, and allowed Fancy Pants to start his journey in search of his parents.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Chai Thistlefoot Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Sorcerer Output:
Chai is the daughter of the primary grain farmer in Falonde. She lived a peaceful, hardworking life helping her father ship grain to the local brewery and attending regular prayer and sacrifices for the goddess Chauntea. She believed her whole life would be that peaceful, culminating in the beginning of a family of her own when she found the right man. . . until tears of wild magic ravaged Falonde, leaving her stranded in her father's barn, surrounded by undead. When a team of adventurers rescued her from that encounter, she found herself touched with magic, able to conjure and protect in ways she never could before. Her control on her magic is limited, though, and often creates unpredictable side effects. Leaving her life of peace and industry behind, Chai joined her rescuers on their quest, hoping that the adventuring life would help her gain control of her abilities and be a force for good in the world.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Rooster Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Sorcerer Output:
Rooster's family traded with humans in the area, it was a decent life until bandits raided the caravan. The bandits killed all of Rooster's family but missed Rooster, setting the tone from tragedy and luck for the rest of Rooster's life. Rooster was found by wolves who took pity and raised Rooster. At the age of 10 Rooster was struck by lightening when magic went wild in the world. Ze began to be able to control the magic in the universe, but not very predictably. Ze lead a very happy life with the wolves until a hunting party killed them too. After the death of zer wolf family Rooster wandered around trading and adventuring. Ze eventually fell in with an adventuring party. Slow to talk and slower to trust, but never on the fringe of the group. As Rooster got closer and their adventures got wilder, Rooster's magic became more reliable. Until on day a spell took away all of Rooster's memories and Ze reverted to feral child.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Shaena Underbough Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Monk Output:
Shaena was raised at a monastery to Oghma on a secluded island; she was left there too young to remember anything about her parents, and the monks that raised her told her nothing of her birth family. She was isolated as a child, considering that the monks rarely left the monastery, and she was by far the youngest person there (in addition to being one of the only girls and halflings). As a child, she spent most of her time playing with woodland animals and reading every book in the library. In the twenty years she spent at the monastery, she read through much of the library, even finding a forgotten book that detailed a ritual for devil summoning (although the page with the exact prescriptions had been stolen). However, as she got older, she came to the conclusion that it is important that knowledge be shared and added to by venturing out into the world, rather than staying as a recluse. It was at this point that she decided to leave the monastery, starting her path as an adventurer.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Perrin Thornwall Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Rogue sorceror Output:
Perrin was a difficult child. As the son of the lord of the Lowlands Valley, his pranks, sneaking about, and general disregard for the rules was an unacceptable distraction and political risk. Dragon's blood flowed within his lineage and was known to assert itself every few generations, so Perrin was sent away to a school of magic and politics. Perrin learned a great deal at the school, mostly how to pick locks, move quietly, go unnoticed, and, most importantly, the art of interrogating others without their realizing it. He was almost an adult before he finally was kicked out of the school. The irony that he was expelled for a theft he, in fact, did not commit, was not lost on Perrin. With nowhere else to go, Perrin turned towards home after his expulsion. A day's journey before reaching the boarders to the Lowlands Valley, he overheard news of a coupe. His family had been killed and another family had seized power. Perrin now travels, searching for the means to retake the lands of his family and hoping the power dormant within his bloodline will awaken to aid him in his quest.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Seneon Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Rogue Output:
Seneon always had nimble fingers. Those fingers brought shame to his family. His family lived in poverty so he pick pocketed little things, like a coin or two,. He moved to bigger heists, spreading he gains over several days so his family wouldn't get suspicious at a sudden influx. One day, he got caught red handed, on a heist he planned for months. His family, who never thought Seneon could do such a thing, cast him out. He smuggled a few coins out from prison as he was being released, and moved into Rhoona. He bought a building and started a tavern. He "stole" from his own tavern at night so people could donate to help the "poor little halfling". He gave the money to his family, though secretly, as his family hated him. When the Duke started to make crazy announcements, it affected his business. The dwarves ran to their homelands, fleeing from the Dukes watch. His tavern couldn't pay tax in beer! How was he going to give money to his family! So when the High Priest came looking for people to join a adventuring party, he jumped at the chance. Though secretly, it may not be only about his business and his family, it may be that Seneon has a little spark of adventure in him.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Jeeha the Tiller Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Warlock Output:
Jeeha was a simple halfling farmhand who was avoiding his responsibilities when he took a rest by a standing stone. In a state between dream and wakefulness he was greeted by a beautiful green-skinned woman in a scholar's spectacles and agreed to the simple task of pruning thirteen branches for her and her liege-lord, in exchange for avoiding the wrath of his angry employer. She gave to him a book bound in woven leaves with a golden clasp, then strode fully clothed into the nearby brook and vanished, not realizing that a contract had been sealed. When Jeeha awoke, the book still in his possession, he meandered back to the shire where a huge, monstrous boar, corrupted by some unknown force, smelling of sulfur and dripping with ichor, was trampling crops and had gored a farmer to death. He felt the powers of the First World flare to life inside him and strike down the boar with eldritch might; as he did so, the first of thirteen verses scrawled itself inside the sewn-leaf cover. He was hailed as the hero of the village by all, including his employer, who had no memory of having met him, or the work he'd been paid for but hadn't completed. Though he enjoyed the favor of the village for a fortnight, he was soon compelled to leave their adulation and walk the earth by an inexplicable wanderlust, which he could no more resist than the last autumn leaf could hold against the wind, in search of twelve more branches.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Gardenia Bayport Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Life cleric Output:
Gardenia had a normal childhood and upbringing on a busy merchant island populated by fishing and agriculture. She had loving parents who passed of old age and a wonderful family. She chose to become a cleric of life due to the care she gave her parents towards their end. For the time, everything flourished. An untreatable plague, called The Scurge, of divine origins wipes out the halfling town. The event starts by manipulating residents into wanting to stay within town limits, preventing majority of its food sources from leaving, the disease itself transforms victims into grotesque black ooze covered monsters that only seek to feast and turn others, all coherence and personality gone from the being, the incubation time getting shorter with every transfer. Gardenia was a young adult, married with 2 offspring when the town was hit. Her spouse was the first to turn, as they hid in their home, and she sent the children to the cellar so she could eliminate the threat her spouse had become. When she went to check on her children, the eldest was already turning, mutilating and devouring the younger. Gardenia had to immediately kill her eldest child in order to start healing the younger, who did not make it. She snuck off the island while it collapsed on itself, the monsters unable to leave the town and left starving. She spends her time wandering, healing those who need it, and chasing The Scurge to study it and find a cure. Or any dangerous adventure that leads is fulfilling and helpful.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Bessir Keepstair Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Wizard Output:
Bessir was the sole survivor of a very small village of Halflings. He was very young when a Dragon became agitated and started burning down his village, but was saved, mostly as an after thought, by the Wizard who had come to slay the Dragon (and, in fact, originally stirred it from slumber and made it agitated). The Wizard, Triskell, adopted Bessir as his servant, and took him back to his tower. Triskell was a brilliant Wizard, always pushing forward to bounds of understood magic, but he was sloppy and idle-minded a lot of the time, so many of his experiments would get loose, or cause havoc in his tower. Bessir learned how to use magic from the scraps of knowledge his master threw away, that Bessir was forced to clean up, and learned how to use this magic of Abjuration to calm and banish the horrors that his master unleashed and then abandoned. Bessir bound together his one and only true possession - a diary/grimmoire - out of the scraps his master left behind. When Bessir asked his master - who he saw as a distant but uncaring father, who definitely didn't reciprocate those feelings - who his parents were, and in turn, what his last name was, Triskell gave him a half answer. Triskell told him that he was no one, a nothing, a no body. He told him that all he was good for was keeping the stairs of Triskell's tower. Bessir wrote in his diary, that evening, his own last name: Keepstair. When Triskell was approached by a group of adventurers to aid them in their quest to rid the world of a terrible evil, Triskell was busy elsewhere, and instead sent his servant who he admitted would pass for the lowest of Wizards - but a Wizard none-the-less.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Gwynnifer Glimfinger Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Bard Output:
Gwynnifer Shoemaker was born in a small village, the youngest of four, raised by a family of (you guessed it) shoemakers. And while Gwynnifer was undoubtedly an excellent shoemaker (no she wasn't), it never held her interest. Instead, Gwynn would wander the fields and forests surrounding her quaint home, dreaming of epic and fantastical adventures. During one of her escapades, Gwynnifer came across a discarded ocarina in a hollowed out tree. While the instrument was but an amusing pastime for her, it was a treasured item for the trickster archfey, Efnysien, the Lord of Luck and Song, who had misplaced the ocarina. Once while she played the ocarina, Efnysien heard the sound of his misplaced instrument through a fey crossing nearby. He approached her, disguised as an elf and begged her to cease her audial assault, even going so far as to offer her lessons for her compliance. Gwynn should have perhaps been more suspicious of meeting a strange elf in the forest, but instead she was captivated by the strange and unknown. They would meet several times a week for GwynniferÕs lessons. Although her musical skill was quite appalling, Efnysien saw potential. As a bard himself, there was much he could teach her, and the young halfling was willing to learn if only to hear his tales of mischief and intrigue to fuel her wild imagination. It wasnÕt long before the archfey picked up on GwynniferÕs wanderlust and offered to spirit her away from the quaintness of the village and she simply could not refuse. She left with the fey in the middle of the night, leaving but a loving farewell letter to her family, letting them know that she, unfortunately, was no shoemaker. And so, the duet Gwynnifer Glimfinger and the Magnificent Efnysien came to be. Together they set out, looking for the adventure Gwynn always dreamt of.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Gaia Troff Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Bard/ranger Output:
In a desolate snowy area of the world, there was little to no magic among the people who lived there, and since it was so rare to see magic, it was seen as a dark power, given to evil souls. Gaia was born into a small village of mixed races of Hunter / gatherers. As a child he used to wander off into the woods singing to himself and playing in the snow. One day when he was walking around he was distracted from his singing from a strange melody coming from behind. Upon futher inspection of the strange noise he found a lyre that was gifted to him from a dieity. Not knowing the magic power he held within, Gaia played this instrument with joy. Though he had never played an instrument before he played this lyre like he had been playing it for years. On his way home he heard whispers coming from the lyre. Telling him he should embrace his magical ability. We wondered too close to the camp site without realizing it and was heard by the villagers. Almost out of nowhere they surrounded him snatching the woode, instrument and putting a bag over his head. As he screamed and cried he felt himself being bonded and hoisted. They removed the bag and he was on a steak. Cry for his life his parents could only turn their head at the sight of their only son being a evil magic user. If only they had known the rest of the world's abilities. As they were about to start the fire a green light shit from the lyre underneath him and tore through the ropes. Gaia fell to the ground but was quickly surrounded again, a burst of loud waves rang out from the lyre knocking everyone unconcious, except him. He picked up the lyre graver as much food and water he could hold and ran off into the woods. He's been on his own ever since. Living off the land and digging alongside his spiritual lyre companion, Ritter.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Cora Talespinner Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Rogue Output:
The Talespinners are a family of traveling bards with a fairly unique show, weaving songs and stories with illusion magics to captivate audiences. Occasionally, they even enchant willing audience members and bring them into the performance. Alton, the head of the family, serves as Òmaster of ceremonies,Ó playing narrator more often than not. His wife Callie is responsible for most of the magic, and their children Cade, Finnan, Jillian, and Cora play rotating roles throughout the night. Cade is a master of disguise, able to slip into any role with ease. Fin and Jill, the twins, are singers, and often perform duets together. Cora takes more of a behind-the-scenes role, assisting with the various illusions the show requires, as well as ÒotherÓ things. It is a well-known fact that where there are bards, pickpockets follow. The shows bards provide are excellent distractions, and pickpockets love distracted people. It just so happens that the Talespinners have their own resident thief in Cora. Her parents noticed her deft, quick fingers and propensity to shy away from the limelight early, and encouraged her talents as much as they had encouraged those of her older siblings. Alton enlisted the help of his son Cade to teach her the best ways to hide; to slip in and out unnoticed, or if noticed, at least in the guise of another person. Callie taught her the basics of illusion and enchantment, small tricks to distract and confuse her targets that helped just as much with theft as escape. The twins, who had Òworked the crowdÓ until Cora was old enough, taught her how to pick out likely targets; fat purses arenÕt always the easiest to find, and theyÕre not always carried by easy marks. Growing up a Talespinner meant hearing stories of heroes and villians, great beasts and great battles, magic and adventure. While her family was content to tell these stories, reveling in the rapt attention and adoration of their audiences, Cora wanted more. She wanted her own stories, her own adventures. Her family traveled, sure, but she often only saw the roads and towns, the relatively safe places in the world. She wanted to see the mountains, caves, oceans, and dark forests, to fight some of the great beasts from the stories. After a few years of adulthood, she set out on her own, with her familyÕs blessing, so long as she remembered to bring back new stories for them to tell.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Algher Chan del Corbo Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Bard Output:
Search for a Higher Power What was once a trip to learn more recipes, pick up a few songs, and enjoy the decadent and playful life of a wandering musician has changed the halfling from Bixby. Opening his eyes to the world, finding that there are more influences on the world than that of his father Corbo's inn where the key worries were the local farm supplies, watered wine, clipped coins and paying off the Hardesty family for "protection." A jaunt into the sewers brought him some cash, an amulet tied to what is now seen as a global conspiracy, and effective control of his first Inn. Control that was later taken away by powers that he had never even considered or acknowledged.Ê It is those very powers that have haunted his dreams, influenced his music, and altered his carefree outlook. Now, control, power, safety and the effective methods of permanently dealing with threats have crept into his repertoire of skills and general attitude. All of this has brought him to today. Having arrived at his oldest standing inn still under his control, he finds once again threats beyond the pale. Threats that seem to emanate from far beyond the typical corruption of local tax collectors and importers of strange drinks. He faces Gods, their followers, and those who have killed them. He stares at the listing of spells he has observed and purloined, and one keeps on reaching out to him. A spell for making a Hallowed location. The cost of each casting is high, but the protection it offers is far more than ever possible from slipping a few coins to the local constabulary. But how can he embrace this new magic without first needing to bow down to yet another God? And if he must pull power from the Gods, who shall he approach? Pelor seems to allow any to pull power, allowed deep corruption in the church. The Raven Queen is fascinating, but hands off and only seems to tolerate him. So he sits in his room, playing the strange lute he found so long ago. He calls out to the multiverse, seeking not a God to quake before - but rather a God that speaks to him. A God that shares his love of food, music and joy - while also a bit of the trickster. A God who sees the need to heal steadfast allies, but also to quietly and secretively slip the blade through the ribs of a mortal enemy without pause. A God who does not want to Hallow a formal temple, but rather an Inn where the choir sings drinking songs of people of questionable repute, where communion is done from a pitcher, and where enemies fear to tread. Is there a God such as this hearing his music? Or must he become one himself?
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Garim Gamwort Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Rogue Output:
I was raised in Amnwater by my mother, Valyse Gamwort (nee Hatrix). My father, Gorim Gamwort, was a member of the city militia, and was killed when attempting to arrest a murderer. She escaped, having taken three other militia constables out during the arrest attempt. I had a happy childhood, aside from losing my father a young age, with many extended family members around helping to raise me. My father's mother, who I called Gamgee, would feed me butterscotch candies when I helped her in her garden. My aunt on my father's side, Grayra Gamwort, helped my mother bring me up, and kept my father's memory alive with me through stories. The only family that I have regular contact with is my mum, and my Aunt Grayra. I try to send letters and care packages to them regularly, and will pack up and return to Amnwater, sometimes with little warning. Grayra lives with mum, caring for her in her illness. I've been married twice. The first time, in my youth, was to Bregwen Odiwyn, also from Amnwater. That marriage lasted about 2 years... she didn't like that I was on the road constantly, so she left me. We remain friendly, and she checks in on mum regularly. She's a blessed soul that deserved better. I have a tattoo with her initials on my left shoulder. My second marriage happened ten years later. Idazana Trynlyse was her name. She was a fellow smuggler, and we got along famously. We worked many routes and scams together... until she decided that the stakes on one job were much better suited to her alone. She stole away in the middle of the night, taking the money and my heart, leaving nothing but a note, sealed with a kiss, saying that she loved me but the gold was too good. I haven't seen her since. The pain of her betrayal has faded over the past twenty years, with only a small resentment remaining. I'm originally from Amnwater. I lived there for my entire childhood, but once I started as a courier / smuggler in my early adulthood, I moved around a lot. I initially returned quickly to Amnwater between jobs, but as the contracts got bigger (and less legitimate), I'd take longer and longer to return. I was an only child, and as older family members passed, the task of providing for the family fell to me. To do this, I began to work as a courier. Initially, I was a legitimate businessman, taking packages and parcels to various places for various people. Soon, though, I found that taking jobs from less mainstream sources lead to more money, which meant I was able to keep my mum more comfortable. She didn't ask questions, but Grayra is suspicious, and questions me regularly, reminding me that my father was a member of the constabulary, without saying outright that I'm dishonouring his memory. Right now, I am just trying to keep my mum comfortable. I'll send my cut of the profits back to Amnwater via a trusted courier from my own network. She's very sick though, and no doctor or sage knows why. She's old, but if she were healthy, she'd have quite a few years left in her. Otherwise, I'm certain it won't be more than a couple of years until she dies. After that? Perhaps finding the third wife, perhaps gathering enough wealth to start a legitimate courier business. Of late, I found myself in Neverwinter, after hearing of an opportunity for a big score. I figure that if he can make one more big job, I will be able to head home and give mum the rest she truly deserves before she dies. I wear, currently, a heavy leather overcoat that functions as leather armour, sporting a bright purple shirt beneath. I brandish my rapier on his belt, and when traveling, strap my short-bow to his back. I keep a neatly trimmed and sculpted beard, and my wavy, brown hair falls nearly to my shoulders. I've been bestowed the honour of "Cloak Garim Gamwort", member of the Lord's Alliance, by Sildar Hallwinter.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Gwynn Bitterleaf Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Ranger Output:
Gwynn was a humble young halfling, born to humble halfling parents in a humble halfling village, near a normal sized river and an equally normal sized forest. She doesn't remember much about said humble halfling village as she was separated from her family and friends at a young age. She remembers her parents always told her not to play near the river. She remembers playing by the river anyways. She remembers losing her footing while playing on a bridge over the river. She remembers falling into the river. Young Gwynn was able to cling to a large piece of debris, but unable to direct it to the banks of the river as the current was too swift and she was too small. She rode that chunk of drift wood for hours before, luckily, she was fished out of the river by a group of exceptionally dumb goblins fishing on that river. Unluckily, she wasn't what the goblins were fishing for, she they threw her back into the river. She floated along for hours more before, fortunately, she was fished out again by a group of exceptionally mean kobolds fishing on that river. Unfortunately, those kobolds were dicks, and they took her drift wood and threw her back in the river. These kobolds had no use for the drift wood, they just didn't want Gwynn to have it, so they threw it back as well and Gwynn and her drift wood were reunited a short distance downstream. Gwynn drifted along for hours more, even days, before she was fished out again for a third and final time by a group of exceptionally competitive goliaths. She was able to convince these goliaths that she did, in fact, count as a catch, and that as she was the largest thing pulled from the river that day, her savior was to be named the best fisher-goliath, but only if they didn't throw her back. The river was full of fish, so the goliaths decided not to eat young Gwynn. In fact, the kind-hearted nomads allowed her to travel with them, in hopes that she may one day find her way home. Determined not to be a burden, Gwynn learned to pull her own comparatively small weight. She learned to track from her very tall friends, and thanks to her close proximity to the ground, she proved to have a knack for it. She learned to fire a bow, and thanks to her natural halfling dexterity, she excelled at it. Gwynn learned to survive, thrive even in the wild forests their group traveled through, and she loved every minute of it. As a group of hunters and trackers, the goliaths would often take on bounties for fugitives and monsters troubling the settlements they traveled to, and it was in that endeavor that Gwynn found her true calling. She threw herself into tracking the group's targets and delighted in the battles to subdue their prey. She especially relished in any contract for goblins and kobolds, as she nursed quite a grudge for those that threw her back in the river. Gwynn and her gang of gargantuan goliaths soon became good friends. She listened very carefully to all of their stories and learned a great deal about the world from her nomadic buddies. They even came to see her like a mascot of the group, and she grew to be more like them every day. By the time the nomads found their way to Gwynn's humble halfling village, nothing remained of the quiet young halfling girl that fell into the river many months before. In almost every way except physically, she had become one of the goliaths. Even her own parents didn't recognize her as they entered the settlement. Within hours, she grew bored of the quiet halfling life she had lived before, and within days, she had pissed off most of the village with her now decidedly goliath antics and sensibilities. Only a week after her return, she said goodbye to her humble halfling parents and set out on the path again with her new nomadic goliath family to find adventure.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Varris Shortcloak Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Rogue Output:
Varis has very little knowledge of her past before her 4th year, where she was found badly injured following an incident with a relic that flattened her entire hometown. No one came to claim her as she was being nursed to health over many months. When she was back on her feet, it seemed to her the kindness of the strangers who saved her ran out and an ultimatum was made: she had a home as long as she was willing to be a servant. Faced with what would potentially be indefinite servitude by her 'saviors', she chose to escape during the dead of night. Young and alone in the unfamiliar city of Daftoros, she did her best to survive using her wits, guile, and inherent charm. For a while, she was taken under the wing of a dwarven man named Belven, an older member of the local thieves' guild. He took pity on the girl and helped foster some of her earliest talents at survival. Though he never took her as a charge, he was as close to a companion she had, and he often came in and out of her life at random times. When she was on her own, many gave her food simply because they found the odd little halfling girl to be adorable, not knowing that moments ago she had likely picked the pockets of some rich member of society that passed through. Still, despite honing less than reputable talents in thieving to stay afloat - and it truly was the only way to keep her from dying on the streets from hunger - she did her best to never steal from someone who looked like they needed the coin. It somehow made what she was doing a little more justifiable in her mind, especially as she got older. That those rich folk were easy targets didn't hurt, and she always managed to slip in and out without getting caught. At least, she thought she had been under the radar. In truth, the hardy little halfling had grabbed the attention of the Keep from the very beginning. The fact a child survived the relic's devastation had been a miracle to begin with, and her being saved had all been part of a plan to watch her development to see if she could be of use someday. When she chose to leave who she'd been initially placed with, the decision was made to give her a bit of a wide berth to see where things went. Years passed. The young halfling grew up to become a woman that tried not to be hardened by years of poverty and homelessness. Despite keeping to herself and trying not to get into any more trouble beyond the type that kept food in her belly, she gained a reputation with the criminal element of town as being rather skillful at keeping out of sight and taking things. Because of her own moral code, she never really considered the offers of various thieving groups over the years to join them. She never thought she'd consider an offer, truly. Until she did. When her talent finally garnered her the attention of a well-known thieves' guild, she had initially resisted...until they promised her a payoff that could get her off the streets for good. It was an offer too tempting to be true, but in her desperation for a better life, a life without scrounging to survive, a life she always /wanted/, she agreed to it. In the end, she succeeded. Despite the job being been far more complicated than she ever imagined, she got her hands on the object she had been told to take. It would've been a clean getaway, if not for the fact that the entire thing had been a set-up. Though she had been initially terrified and even tried to escape, she eventually was fully captured. She assumed she was going to be carted off to jail. Instead, a woman named Ane Mone explained to her that she had been personally monitored and chosen for her abilities to do something for the greater good of the kingdom. That she had just past a test she hadn't even known she had been taken and had proven that she was ready to join the Keep. In the end, the offer included exactly what she had wanted to begin with - a place to stay. Coin. Food. That she was going to be tasked with helping keep the same kind of relics that laid waste to her childhood village just felt like a bonus if you asked her. They did not have to say much more for her to agree with the terms laid in front of her.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Ngangkari High-hill Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Paladin Output:
Ngangkari (Corrin) is a Halfling Paladin hailing from the faraway town of Maningrida. He goes by Corrin (the local Halfling name most similar to his nickname, Kari, but more easily pronounceable to people in the region). Maningrida is a rural halfing town in a steppe area near the coast. Its primary industry is fishing and herding. Llira, the goddess of Joy, is the primary diety worshipped there. Kari was trained as a painter and storyteller growing up, two roles which often go hand in hand in his town. He learned the traditional Plains halfling painting style from his mentor, a woman named Tulloun. It involves painting scenes from the history and religion of the area onto the walls of mud brick homes, with heavy use of of bright pigments and especially shades of red and purple. He also made his own, nontraditional art which drew on traditional styles but was super weird and conceptual. A lot of his pieces involved painting features from different landscape scenes on top of each other without regards to perspective. Naturally nobody would let him do this on their homes, so he had to use canvas. He also learned many stories from ManingridaÕs history by heart, along with two other young halflings, Wonambi and Yero, as part of their training as keepers of the oral tradition. There are always three keepers who pass on their histories independently for the purpose of keeping them as accurate as possible. Tulloun was the one in charge of Kari, the other two older generation historykeepers were assigned to the others. Despite the fact that they were not allowed to study together or talk to each other about the stories they were learning, Kari become close friends with Wonambi (nicknamed Ambi) and Yero. Possibly because of their shared role, they felt a bond that was stronger than that of their other friends, who grew up learning a craft or to herd or fish. Several years after becoming friends, they ended up in a rather unexpected poly relationship when Kari and Yero, by complete coincidence, both asked Ambi out on a date just two days apart from each other. She didnÕt want to turn either of them down and so the idea of all dating each other was proposed. Aside from Ambi and Yero, KariÕs closest friend was a half-human girl named Josina (her mother was a human traveler who had settled in the region and ran a general store). He would often follow Josina when she tended her familyÕs herds, in order to find cool landscapes to paint. Josina was also a nontraditional artist in her free time, so they got along well. Kari is agender and comfortable with any pronouns; most people initially gender him as male because he was assigned male at birth and presents vaguely masculine most of the time, but some of his closer friends use other pronouns. The plains Halfling dialect doesnÕt use gendered pronouns but there is a general term for transfeminine people, which he was grouped under. He was never particularly bothered by this classificationÑit was understood that there was considerable diversity of gender identities covered by itÑbut he was also more masculine than most such classified people. Traditionally, though this wasnÕt a hard and fast social rule, transfeminine people were also considered to be particularly good history-keepers. Tulloun and Ambi are both transgender women, while Yero is a cis girl and Ambi and YeroÕs mentors are cis men. At age 20, Tulloun was teaching Kari one day when she was suddenly possessed by Llira. Llira warned Kari that, in 5 years time, an unknown danger would threaten Maningrida from the west. She told him that, as the town was a place of joy that she very much wanted to protect, she had decided to choose Kari to be a holy warrior and a representative for the town, to go west and train while learning about the coming danger in order to return to protect the town 5 years later. He was not happy about this development at all. Kari loved his town, and his family, friends and girlfriends and really didnÕt want to leave. Not only that, he thought he was the worst possible person to choose for the task. He had no experience with either fighting or magic and was super anxious about any sort of battle. There were plenty of young halflings much stronger and braver than him. But you canÕt exactly argue with your townÕs patron goddess. So reluctantly, he took up his sword and a holy symbol of Llira, and set off. He also rolled up some of his canvas paintings that he hadnÕt given away to friends and relatives, to bring as keepsakes of his home. Leaving Maningrida wasnÕt an entirely negative experience, though. He was excited to see the world outside the coastal plains where he grew up. Travelling merchants from faraway lands had sparked his curiosity with their stories of life in the cities, in places with different climates and different people. His excitement dampened considerably after a few weeks travelling west. He didnÕt really know if he was even in the right place, and Llira never came back to give him any clarification. He decided the best course of action was to settle down somewhere, train in his paladin powers and hope the other part of his quest became apparent in its own time. Now going by Corrin, he joined an adventurerÕs guild known as the League of Hardcore Finest, met some interesting people, and got up to some adventurous shenaningans while learning to use the powers Llira had given him. He started going out with a kind but misunderstood half-orc named Guz after convincing him to stop working with an evil wizard. He also asked out a Halfling named Schmidt after rescuing them from an airship slowly being consumed by mysterious forces form the far realm (heÕs still waiting on their answer though). He is a bit happier now than when he first arrived in town, but is still feeling rather lost and directionless.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Micah Starbloom Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Bard Output:
The name is Micah Starbloom, contributing writer to the Hathar Gazette. YouÕve probably heard of me. Or at least read one my articles. Probably. Unless youÕre one of those philistines getting their news from such contemptibly biased publications as This WeekÕs Good Work or Tower School Times. At least the Gazette sells itself as unsubstantiated rumor. Anyway, the boss suggested that I pull together a bio for that big column coming my way. Berna Fen: A bit harsh kid. The hard-bitten reporter angle might not do it for you. Keep trying. The Enduring Tale of Micah Starbloom (working title) Born to Lyrus and Penelope Starbloom, MicahÕs early life was that of farmerÕs son. Never as strong or dedicated as his siblings, Micah often struggled to help around the farm. Finding it easier to persuade neighboring children of the joys of hard work, Micah spent his earliest years learning the value of words well spoken. Unfortunately, his mother decided to cultivate this skill with schooling in letters, numbers, and logic, claiming Micah might be bound for a future beyond Farlow village. Naturally, this meant nothing to the boy who was often stuck inside learning, while his brother and sister finished their chores and had the rest of the day to themselves. But after a few years, Micah found himself tending ledgers for many of his neighbors, and even recording official crop yields for KernÕs Harvesters. Of course, MicahÕs parents left him some time to enjoy himself. On one childhood expedition, Micah and his brother, Joren, decided to explore a local cave. Down they went, damp and squeezing darkness outside the light of their one lantern. Too many twists and turns ended in a wide cavern. After some searching, Joren found a pile of old bones and was immediately pounced on by a centipede thing the size of a cart. The lantern was smashed, plunging everything into darkness. Micah heard a few moments of struggle, followed by a whimper and silence. Then the clack, clack, clack of far too many legs slowly making their way toward him. Micah tried to run, but was paralyzed with fear. He felt a slimy tentacle work its way across his face, then a paralyzing poison flood into his arms and legs. Micah smelled decay all around him and saw as a corona of tentacles opened around gaping mandibles. Somehow his mind had conjured the face of this monster. And then Micah was thrown from the grasping tentacles. He watched as a silhouette stabbed and slashed at the centipede against a backdrop of silver light. Bursts of lightning flew from the source of the light. After hours, which couldnÕt have been more than a few seconds, the creature fell to the ground. Micah heard a familiar voice call to him as darkness flooded his vision again. Awakened to a lullaby he was far too old for, Micah found himself in his bed with Penelope at his side. A frantic moment revealed Joren was also in the room, bandaged and bruised but otherwise fine. After trying to tell his story, Penelope described how she and Lyrus had found the boys, having fallen and hurt themselves in the cave. She discounted the tale of some gallant figure battling a monster as MicahÕs imagination running a little wild in the dark. The years that followed were filled with study as Micah scoured the village for some explanation of what he saw. He learned much of the world from the few books he found, and gained a particular fondness for the travelling storytellers who came through Farlow on festival days. Stories were told of great battles between heroes and monsters in the deepest pits of the world and on the highest mountain tops. Someone else may have accepted some mythical hero or a panic induced delusion, but Micah was set on uncovering a greater truth. These years also brought tragedy; Penelope began to fall ill. Despite the ministrations of medicine and magic, a wasting disease set into her bones. Increasingly, Penelope spent her days bed ridden, singing harsh and haunting melodies in a language Micah had never heard. As a final gift, Penelope taught her son his mother tongue, Orcish. In his motherÕs final moments, Micah sang the same lullaby he had heard years ago, after the cave. Until that moment Micah had never really questioned his family. He knew his mother was an orc and his father was a human, that his brother and sister looked similar to his parents. He knew orcs were supposed to be vicious monsters, but his mother had never been anything but loving. It had been explained that he was a Halfling and understood he was adopted. Strangers had always seemed uncomfortable around his family, but Micah always thought that was strangers being strange. The people of Farlow had always seemed happy to see Lyrus and Penelope. While his family grieved, Micah scoured the farm for some clue to his parentsÕ past. And he found it. In a chest hidden in a corner of the attic, Micah found some relics of a past life, including the journal of Lycinius Atrarch, Spell-Shield of the Realm of Kaith. It told the story of a minor noble battling orcs on the Western front, eventually imprisoning a vicious and cunning orc shamaness. During the return from the Roving Lands, LyciniusÕ troop was ambushed by a pair of hill giants. As his comrades were slain and one of the giant raised its great club, Lycinius prepared to embrace a warriorÕs end. Then lightning tore from the sky, striking the giant dead. Lycinius watched as his prisoner called forth elemental powers in his defense. Together, the pair slew the final giant. The journal continued, detailing a grudging respect and growing attraction between Lycinius and ParenÕha, spirit-speaker of the Crow Clan. The pair travelled to Hathar, skirting both the Kaith Expeditionary Force and outriders of the orc tribes. There they found more allies, foiled a plot to incite a bloody war between humans and orcs, and stopped the sorcerer behind it from summoning one of the Deep Ones. Having gained the kingÕs favor, this bunch of adventurers went onto many more adventures, even saving a village named Farlow from a child-stealing Creature of the Corn. The journal entries end abruptly as Lycinius and ParenÕha travel to investigate a fallen star in the Verite Mountains with their friends, the Halfling burglar Marrian Farstride, and the Wood Elf ranger Quentarin Red-String. In the chest, Micah found a rawhide packet of Orcish songs and rituals, including his motherÕs lullaby, ÒLittle One Come Home.Ó Between the pages was black-bone flute and as Micah touched it, for a moment he could hear the horns and taste the dust of his motherÕs homeland. Night had come by the time Micah took notice of his surroundings. He rushed out find the entire village around PenelopeÕs funeral pyre. Many kind words were said of her character and her service to Farlow, though none mentioned a shaman who negotiated the release of children from a monster. After all others had left, Lyrus spent one last night by his wifeÕs side. Micah tried more than once to ask his father about the journal, but Lyrus was no longer the jovial farmer with the easy smile. He stumbled through his routine lifelessly. With his children grown and Penelope dead, Lyrus lost his purpose and he would not entertain the inquiries of his youngest child into stories better left untold. So, Micah left with a set of scrivenerÕs tools, a flute, and a book of Orcish songs. A note on the hearth stated that he was bound for Hathar and that he would find out the truth of his mother, father, and maybe even his birth parents. And the note thanked his father for protecting Micah on a night many years ago. The journey to Hathar and MicahÕs early time there involved some small adventures of minor consequence. Robbed, swindled, and generally unprepared for the wider-world, MicahÕs travels made for a difficult lesson. His skill with writing did land him a short-lived position with Barley and Oats law firm. Micah was eventually deemed persuasive but lacking the backbone to pursue a legal career. Other jobs were similarly unsuccessful until Micah found a position as a freelance writer for the Hathar Gazette. Today the Gazette provides a living while Micah works to uncover his familyÕs past. Despite the paperÕs utter lack of reasonable reputation, Micah has found a knack for convincing people to reveal their secrets. And really, who could possibly care that the Dean of Transmutation is having an affair with a research assistant. Or that the King and Queen have been sleeping in separate rooms for the past week. Or that a Justice has been seen dispensing more alms than nooses lately. No one believes this trash anyway. Berna Fen: As much as I know you admire our work here, do remember that I provide that living as you search for some sacred truth of your past. Otherwise IÕll bet this little sob story will get you dedicated readers one day. Keep the stories coming, that piece on the merciful Justice was particularly juicy.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Neeto Silverspeak Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Bard Output:
Neeto Silverspeak is a halfling bard, hailing from the rolling hills of Evermeadow Plot in central Faerun. He was born Nelan Nimblepipe, and raised by his parents on a mid-sized tobacco farm in the countryside. His father was strict, yet loving, and set him to work in the tobacco fields at the age of 8. His mother was a lovely lady, whose every waking hour was spent in the kitchen, preparing food for her "big strong farm boys". Neeto had a strong relationship with his mother, but his laziness and aptitude for the eloquent clashed with his father's simple, rustic way of life. Neeto and his father often fought, his father insisting that Neeto stay with the family and eventually inherit the farm, while Neeto shunned the manual labor and preferred to stay indoors studying poetry and orations with the hopes of eventually becoming a noble at a high court. At the age of 14, after a particularly nasty argument, Neeto decided he had had enough. That night, he snuck into his father's bedroom, and stole the entirety of his family's fortune: a measly 27 gold and 42 copper pieces. Telling himself it was an early inheritance, he left his home and set off for greater heights. After weeks of travel and many close calls, Neeto made it to the city of Canyonrun. The capital of the region of Stavin's Desert, it was here that he took on the persona of Neeto Silverspeak. It wasn't long before Neeto discovered how expensive it could be to be rich, and he spent nearly all his money on a secondhand cloak from an upscale street vendor. Not having enough to afford a room at the inn, he slept under a parked wagon. The next day, he confidently strode to the castle to request an audience with the king. "If I can just meet him", he thought, "Surely any noble would be amazed at the most intellectual 14-year-old halfling in the land." His dreams were shattered by the guards at the entrance to the castle, who laughed at his pitiful, bombastic, and meticulously rehearsed request, and sent him away. Out of money, and now homeless in an unfamiliar land, Neeto had no choice but to turn to thieving to survive. Joining a pack of street urchins, Neeto learned much about the arts of deception, thievery, and, when things turned south, escape. After dozens of strikes, tackles, and pursuits from various shopkeepers and street vendors, Neeto learned quickly how to leverage his small frame to get out of a sticky situation. Often, he ended a chase by climbing the exterior of a building, and leaping from rooftop to rooftop. As a result, he is amazingly nimble when need be, and completely at home at dizzying heights. After a while, Neeto grew bored of the simplicity of the snatch and grab or simple "distract the mark" con. He began developing more elaborate scams and incorporated his urchin friends into them. Eventually, he established himself as sort of a de facto leader, a position he enjoyed greatly. Under his guidance, the urchins began making significantly more from unsuspecting targets, and even established a sort of communal hideout in an old house with a caved in ceiling. The next step was to pay off a few of the worse off guards to either look the other way, or even openly join in racketeering scams. This proved to be immensely profitable, and as his wealth increased, Neeto found himself diving further and further into his alter ego, until Nelan Nimblepipe was just a faint glimmer in his memory. The corruption of city guards did not go unnoticed by the authorities however. One day, after a particularly successful day and an appropriately large meal from his favorite inn, Neeto returned to his hideout to find the royal guard waiting for him. Despite his surprise, he managed to escape and fled the city, leaving behind his urchin clan and all of his wealth, save the clothes on his back. He traveled to the Southern reaches of Faerun, to the city of Hammerglass, where he adopted the identity of a used wagon salesman. After a good sanding and a coat of paint, his rotting, decrepyt wagons passed for nearly new, and he found that outgoing merchants were more than happy to trade their worn carriages (plus a little gold) for a shiny, "like new" model. After a few days at one location, he would pack up his inventory and move elsewhere, simultaneously avoiding unhappy customers and local merchant's taxes. Neeto kept up this racket for years, moving from abandoned plot to abandoned plot, selling wagons and making just enough to live a lavish life - at least, lavish for a halfling farmer. At night, Neeto often slept in one of his wagons, a trade-in that was in good shape. He spent much of his money on books, poems, and even hearing tales told by skillful storytellers. However, for every copper he spent on money, two were spent on food and drink. A potent combination of halfling disposition and a burning curiosity about the life of societies elite lead Neeto to indulge tremendously in food, drink, and other pleasures. His fortune never fully disappeared, but it also never accumulated. Instead, he lived wagon sale to wagon sale, never more than a week or two from being broke, but also just as close to an ill-earned paycheck. As Neeto's rhetoric and command of speech improved, he began to grow dissatisfied with simply manipulating words and people. Instead, he set his sights on magics, and the powers that they could unlock. He studied the works of Eludrian, Corestus, Ragh-tor, Himmel Stayne, and Grosh, all master bards and inspiring leaders with a great many works. He began dabbling in magic, carrying a materials pouch and even pretending to cast spells and ward off spirits for gullible individuals. However, the magic eluded him. Nearly ten years after his escape from Canyonrun, Neeto met a teifling who professed to sell magical components that could unlock hidden magical secrets within yourself. The teifling then demonstrated, having Neeto crush a dried acorn, which, when thrown to the ground, appeared to spawn a beautiful flash of light. Unbeknownst to Neeto, the light was created by the teifling himself, and the dried acorn was picked up off of the road moments beforehand. Blinded by his desperation, Neeto bought the sales pitch, but slyly offered to trade his "finest" wagon for the materials. The teifling agreed, and Neeto gleefully made off with the "magical components." In no time at all, Neeto discovered that the compnents had mysteriously lost their power, and it was about that time that an angry, sweaty teifling came stomping into his wagon yard, carrying the majority of a splintered wagon wheel, with a large chunk of rotted axle. Wouldn't you know it, said the teifling, but the "fine" wagon had just happened to break down a half mile down the road. Neeto countered by raising the question of how it just so happened that the materials only worked when the magical was around. The two parties, each afraid of being exposed, but even more indignant at being conned by the other, began a heated argument. Before it could come to blows, the two were interrupted by a group of armed men. As it so happened, one of Neeto's unhappy customers had finally managed to track him down, and had arrived with some mercenaries to exact his revenge. The teifling surprised Neeto by informing the man, in no uncertain terms, to kindly go pound sand. A fight ensued, and Neeto watched in terror as the sorcerer engulfed his would-be murderers in a spout of flame. After a minute of silence, Neeto cautiously proposed an alliance, whereby the two teamed up to double their con. Neeto, the friendlier face, would act as the face of the duo, while the exotic teifling could flex his magical muscles as an enforcer and intimidator. To his surprise, the teifling accepted, and the prolific duo of Neeto and Griffin were born. After liquidating his wagon stock, Neeto and Griffin traveled north to Waterdeep, where they ran various scams and racketeering. Neeto found himself intimidated by Griffin's presence and propensity for violence, but was grateful for the companionship and protection. After months of travel, Neeto finally worked up the courage to admit to Griffin that he had always envied the magic that he wielded, and that he would like to know if Griffin could teach him how to use his own magical potential. Griffin laughed at Neeto, touting his magical heritage and assuring the halfling that true magic came from ancestry. However, Neeto insisted, and offered to give up most of his earnings for Griffin to teach him. Griffin agreed, if only to prove that he was right. For many weeks, Griffin and Neeto trained near nightly to cast the most basic spells. However, one night, after a long night of failures, and not-so-passive aggression from Griffin, Neeto had enough. Frustrated, he yelled a string of insults at his teifling companion, channeling his rage and mixing it with flowery speech borrowing from his many stories. Much to his surprise, the sorcerer stumbled backwards and clutched his head, looking dazed. Neeto stood uneasy, as a look of shock, and then a slow smile spread across his friend's face. "You did it" he said, looking up and chuckling. "You actually did it". After a few more days of practice, Neeto learned to channel his words into magic, stunning opponents, empowering allies, and even winning over skeptics. He learned to weave words that could bring an audience's imagination to life, deceiving their eyes and presenting a convincing illusion. He crafted masterful jokes that would seize the mind of it's target, trapping them in uncontrollable laughter. His words could embolden anyone, make them more charismatic, or stronger, or even a little bit smarter. He reached new heights as a con man, and practiced his magic whenever he could. This led to many failures and a lot of narrow escapes, much to Griffin's annoyance, but the duo managed to do well, and eventually found themselves living relatively lavishly for a pair of vagabond criminals. They traveled to the city of Priencia, where they set up a con as the fictional Duke of Everhollow. The duo managed to scam a not insignificant amount of money from the citizens of the city, but a few more missteps necessitated a hasty exit. Neeto and Griffin decided to set sail to the city of Certosa, to the north, contracting out a small shipping boat with a handful of other guests. It was on this voyage that Griffin and Neeto discovered a powerful cube, and, on promise of money by a mysterious scholar, set out on a journey to unlock the secrets of its shrines.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Cayenne Killsure Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Rogue Output:
Life is an adventure and I donÕt want to miss it. IÕve learned a few things about staying alive and taking others before they get me. My family thinks IÕm crazy and IÕm sure theyÕve long sense washed their hands of me. IÕm not worried as when I left there were 10 others and ma was due any day. They all liked the farm and didnÕt mind doing the same thing day after day. I couldnÕt stand it. I always knew there was adventure and treasure and all kinds of things out there that I just couldnÕt get out of that stupid little dirt farm. I stuck it out as long as I could but my nature was always getting me in trouble. One day IÕd heard ÓYouÕll live by my rules and earn your keep as long as youÕre under my roofÓ once to often. I walked out right in the middle of the lecture and only stopped long enough to grab the stuff IÕd been stashing against such a day. That was my 13th birthday and I havenÕt been back sense. As far as I know they are still there doing the same things as they were doing when I left except IÕm sure there are alot more of them by now. I hooked up for a while with a group of bandits but soon realized IÕd be better off elsewhere. It wasnÕt just that they werenÕt very skilled, they were just down right stupid. I stole their stuff right from under the leaderÕs nose while he was asleep and spent 2 days putting as much distance as I could between us. 2 weeks later they were completely wiped out by some group of mercs that were hired by the locals to end their petty tyrany. I hooked up with a traveling band of entertainers next. They were a fun bunch of people. By the time we hit the 3rd town I had proof of what IÕd started to suspect on the 1st. There were certain members of the team with extremely useful tricks that they practiced to benefit the whole troop. I mean this troop cleared a very hefty profit that had nothing to do with entertainment rewards. When I confronted one of them and gave him a choice, I could turn them in or he could teach me all he knew. This highly amused him and he decided to take me up on the offer. I spent the next 6 years learning my trade. Not only the fine art of lifting the things that I knew would be put to better use by me. They also taught me the fine art of eliminating peoplesÕ problems in a permanent way for an appropriate, some might say exorbiant, price. However you get what you pay for. Permanent solutions arenÕt cheap. I was a wild card that no one would look at twice. I always had a cover, after all who would suspect a seemingly child jester of being in reality a master assasin? My professional handle is Death Rattle and I became well known in certain circles as being very efficient. I finally decided to strike out on my own as the whole entertainment thing was wearing thin. We parted on good terms and it was agreed that we would keep in touch professionally. I would continue to take jobs and make contacts thru their network and they would take 10% of all jobs that went thru them ( while I traveled with the troop I only made 60% as the other 40% went to the troops profit/operating expence fund). However I would travel across the country on my own to find new adventures as well. By this time I could take the jobs that interested me and ignore the rest. I was welcome to return any time I got tired of adventuring on my own. Once again I set out to find adventure, only this time I was much better supplied. I had a 1,000 ilb bag of holding and enough trail rations for 2 mos. As well as a decent weapon and armor, enough platinum, gold and gems to last for awhile. The rest of my earnings were invested in the troopÕs investments. IÕm determined not to touch those though. The longer they stay there the more they earn. - I found a big castle to wander in. There were some promising hits, but I ended up teleported to Shadowdale. I hooked up w/ another halfling (or rather he hooked up w/ me). He took me to a magick store where I priced things out. The useful stuff was 1,000 GP and up. Cisreal was interesting and told some wild tales. Well we wondered around town and I spent the night at a good Inn and I plan on working tomorrow. -Every one was talking about some commotion about a male/female, there are several differing stories about that. Anyway it was a new student that had a duel of somesort at the magic college. He/She ended up as a Female. Working around I freed several GP from a fat merchant. Then as I made my way thru town and a came across a fat purse just sitting on the ground behind a thug. I just couldn't pass up the oppurtunity and I got the purse w/o any problems. As I went by I noticed that the interesting group that I followed here was having some sort of confrontation. I decided to double back and check things out. That's when I noticed the thug was wearing several magical items. I decided to relieve him of at least one of them. However he didn't appear amused, even when I flashed him a grin. He drew his sword and I decided to tumble threw the frey. I took refuge under a table that a kid was sitting at. The fighters took out the thugs and I managed to stay unharmed by it. -I decided the area was one worth sticking around in for a while. There were alot of possibilities around here for sure. There isn't even much of a theives guild in this city. Now that's a crying shame. I guess I'll just have to take advantage of it. -I was contacted thru my old friends for a fairly easy job. It only took 2 wks to set up and it was done in a permanent sorta way. I got my gold and sent them their's. I spent most of the last 2 months wandering around and doing some light work. I am after all far more curious about new surroundings than anything else. All in all I've made just under 1,000 gp for the past 2 months. That includes my old friends' cut. I watched the group I came here with as well. They are not to bad. One of them pretends he's royalty and eats anything that is not tied down. The kid is the brain of that particular bunch. The paladin is far more interested in learning fighting than anything else. Typical for that breed. The one magic user is still female although she looks like she switched heads or something. The other magic user has some comfort, useful magic in a day to day way. He just doesn't have real powerful combat stuff from what I've seen. Although he excels at annoying the fuck out of everyone else. The other halfling fits in as well. Usually he bears the brunt of the jokes from the one magic user, and tries to protect the kid from the Royal Pretender. All in all the dynamics are amusing to watch. I have no idea why they stick together but they do. -I was approached and told to go to the inn for another briefing. They said it would definately be profitable though. This contact came straight to me and not thru my old friends. I guess I'm getting a reputation on my own now. Interesting what some profitable working can do. I went, and was told the price is 2,000 gp up front and 8,000 gp ea when we are done. It sounds like it would be fun anyway as it involves planeshifting. Something I've only done when I got here. Did I mention the weird group is hired as well? We are all going to Kalamar, to a city called Thycasha. There is a sage there we have to go see. Apparently, some archeologist known as Mad Raddock borrowed 100,000 gp and started giving it away to everyone but the owners. He was trying to find the "Orb of Midnight". According to the sage, there are actually 2 pieces that make up the Orb. The local Temple of Nightmares or something like that is after it as well. Their symbol is a full moon w/an open eye in it. I will definately keep my eyes open for the symbol and stay away from the anyone who has anything to do with it. If we are indeed after the same thing they are probably more than willing to slit the throat of anyone who gets in there way. Holy Fanactics, there is no one crazier in all the planes. The sage said he could draw us a map and we agreed to wait the 2 days and pay the 500 gp for a very fine, very detailed map. I will try to get ahold of it before all things are said and done. Unfortuneately the other halfling is the groups map carrier. That will work as long as I get it when we are done. While we were waiting on the map, we decided to check out the town and see what was to be had. I found a Ring of Protection +1, that I decided to splurge on. The Royal Pretender placed a 800 gp price on the head of one the mage's familiar. It was tempting but I know better than to fuck w/ a mage's familiar. Someone else didn't know better and killed it with several ice blasts. I looked around but nothing else caught my fancy. A really stupid thief tried to make off w/ my belt pouch but he was very unlucky. I grabbed his wrist and asked him "Don't you know better then to try that on someone else in the trade?" He just kinda panicked and said "Let me go!" I told him I would as soon as he removed his hand from my pouch. He dropped my pouch like a hot potatoe and took off like the hounds of hell were after him. If he is an example of the local talent, I'm not to impressed. Although from the looks of things with the amount of guards all over you gotta give him credit for trying. Any way the next 2 days were fairly uneventful. The mage is mad and the Royal Pretender is carrying around the iceball remains of familiar it cost him 800 gp to have killed. The other halfling was forced to find stabling for his mount as there is no way the beast can take the heat of the desert. To bad, it seemed like a nice St. Bernard. I believe that everyone in the group but me is dead broke now. Some items that looked interesting but I couldn't afford were, Flask of Endless H20 (5,000 gp) ring of protection against the elements +5 (1,500 gp). Maybe when we get back I'll pick them up. I'm trying to decide what else would be useful besides a bag of holding 5,000 ilbs. I think I may try to find one of those stone mounts that go back and forth from stone to flesh. Maybe a bear or a cat of some kind. I know that my dreams are becoming very interesting. They are featuring me casually flinging magic about like a sorceror, sometimes I even have a ethereal type monkey on my shoulder. Other times I'm actually holding a conversation with the monkey. I'm not sure why I've been dreaming these but they seem unusual to say the least. I'll have to talk to the spellcasters and see if I can figure out where they are coming from. They may just be part of this place, but they seem almost familiar, as if I've dreamed them before and just not remembered the dreams when I woke up. We finally got the map from the sage and set out immediately. At the end of the first day we voted to travel at night instead of daylight though. This is my first experience with the desert. I would much rather sleep thru the heat of the day whenever possible. We came across a strange person, almost naked who apparently lived off the blood of vultures. Better vultures than halflings, but he was still pretty weird. I kept my distance, and was releived to leave him behind as we continued our trip. At the rate we are traveling it will take a total of 7 days to reach our destination. At least we don't have to cross the hills as well. We've been staying the night in some sort of magical fort that protects from the elements put up by the mage that lost his familiar. He seems a fairly good sport about it so far though. I don't think I would be in his shoes but to each his own. We came across some people looking for lost mines and found out that there are actually quite a few people populating the desert. Several groups/singles have passed by with the moon/eye symbol as well. I am definately still keeping and eye out for them. We have only had 3 instances where we were troubled by creatures out to do us harm. In all 3 cases the monsters were stopped w/o my direct help. I must admit I'm pleased with the groups determination to totally annihalate anything in their way. The one arrow that I managed to get off completely missed the Manticore. The rest were dead by the time I loaded my cross-bow. That makes me feel better for their survival when we get to the pyramid we are looking for. We came across the Pyramid at the end of the 7th night. We did a basic look around but decided to enter tomorrow when the whole group was fresh. I can't wait until then as then we will be in my element. I'm getting a good night's sleep as tomorrow the real fun begins. I hope we find a bunch of gems and stuff. Wouldn't it be cool if we found some enspelled gems as well. They would be worth a bundle to the right market. Most of the time people don't even think of it though.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Tia Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Rogue Output:
Tia was the daughter of a merchant. One night she wandered away when they were traveling. She was found three days later by an older human couple who brought her back to the tavern they ran. She lived with them and then when she was fifteen she met a group of rouge elves who visited the tavern offend. They taught her everything she knows. She has set out to be an adventure in hopes of finding her family again.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Benkei Character Race: Helf-orc Character Class: Monk/cleric Output:
A monk exiled from his Temple after accidentally killing another monk in a spar when he was overtken by an uncontrollable Rage. He lived as a hermit until eventually rejoining society in order to further understand it and understand himself. And hopefully be redeemed.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Nehl Brisby Character Race: Hengeyokai (rat) Character Class: Vampire Output:
Born into a noble family, Nehl was intentionally infected with vampirism in a ploy to destroy his family. It played out better than expected as the newly-born, blood-starved vampire slaughtered them all in a single night. Horrified and ashamed, Nehl fled into the wilderness, hoping to die an ignoble death, but found himself too cowardly to end himself and his vampire half too strong to allow him to die naturally. Eventually, he turned to religion - Pelor, specifically - in the hopes that the god of sunlight might either cure him of his affliction or burn him in holy fire. The god granted neither wish, but instead appeared to Nehl in a vision, telling him to travel to a certain place and meet with a certain party of adventurers. There, he would find companions that would set him on a path to redemption.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Louis de Breteuil Character Race: High elf Character Class: Fighter Output:
Officer and a gentleman. Mission: escort the party to the high council of the wood elves in Villedelum. Word of the GuardianÕs appearance has reached them and they want to talk.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Cohnal Rinn Character Race: High elf Character Class: Wizard Output:
A young elf born to a well off family in the largest elf city on the continent, left home at the young age of 20 to study at university. After 50 years of university study, K'Calo, with his parents' consent, concluded his studies and struck out into the world to fulfill his curiosity and to learn with practical experience
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Syra Character Race: High elf Character Class: Cleric Output:
Syra is 5'9" tall with pointy ears and brown hair, She wears a long chainmail robe and carries a mace. She has a silver circlet on her head. Syra is incredibly arrogant and often pretends not to know common, so that she doesn't have to speak to non-elves. She is a cleric of Melora, and enjoys whittling. She carries a whittling knife with her.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Aeren the wanderer Character Race: High elf Character Class: Rogue (arcane trickster) Output:
Was once the son of a wizard noble but didn't understand spell casting so got up to mischief, eventually robbery. When he was caught he was forced to fight bandits, who overran the village and killed dad but mum was saved by some adventurers. After the village was rebuilt he learnt some magic in dads honour and then went on to travel to help others.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Aranel Character Race: High elf Character Class: Bladesinger Output:
An immortal warrior born from a fragment of the soul of The First Goddess, Aranel exists to balance the divine and infernal powers of the world so that neither may ever gain too much control over the mortal races. Aranel believes that the freedom of mortals is of utmost importance for the good of the world, and anything that would threaten the world's balance must be stopped.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Oona Character Race: High elf Character Class: Monk, way of the four elements Output:
At a young age, Oona gained the personal notice of Houjin, the ancient dragonlord of the Ilmateran Monastery of the Stone Fist himself. She would often mimic the exercises performed by both the dragons and her elders, mastering them after no more than a casual glance. Houjin recognised hers as a mind with the potential for nearly limitless growth, so she was taken on as a student. Oona quickly mastered not only the exercises but the draconic language itself. But as Oona grew, she began to feel restless. She had a longing, although she was unable to identify what for and she started to question whether or not Houjin truly knew all the answers to the questions of life. When Oona achieved the status of Master, she cared more for the autonomy of the position than the honour. With her newly gained access, he spent many a day alone, exploring the deepest and dustiest cavities in the sanctuaries, slowly piecing together clues that illuminated the forbidden past. Her peer yet competitor, Yashin, warned her of the danger in seeking out knowledge without the dragonlord's permission, but Oona saw no harm in research; besides, something has never felt right in the histories. She discovered the truth of Faerun's past; it was not always a world ruled and feared by dragons as the teachings of Houjin claimed. At one time, humanoid 'Khans' led mighty clans that dominated the land unopposed. Oona also learned legend of a powerful spirit dragon, Tatsuo, from whom all dragons were formed. She felt drawn to find Tatsuo, believing he could quench her longing for clarity. Eventually she was discovered, confronted and ousted by Yashin, who had hoped to use her downfall to further his own stature. Oona managed to overpower and disfigure him then made her escape but was labeled as a heretic to be killed on sight. So, she then set out into Faerun as a Chronicler on a sojourn of discovery.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Araniel Serinade Character Race: High elf Character Class: Sorcerer Output:
Araniel is the son of a powerful and respected sorcerer and a royal guard swordswoman who cannot use magic. He was the middle child of 6 children, three older brothers, one younger brother, and one younger sister. His three brothers, adept magic wielders themselves, were already employed as guardsmen. Araniel focused most on learning magic, but was also trained to become a soldier. He?s the same age as the prince, and because his parents are so high class he actually grew up being friends with the prince, who gave Araniel a lot of really expensive gifts, jewelry in particular. This sparked Araniel?s interest in precious stones, especially when his siblings started getting jealous of his friendship with the prince. It made him feel unique in his very large family. His parents were humble despite their high status and they disliked all the gifts, forcing Araniel to return them, but he kept a ring that remains a special token of his friendship with the prince. Years later, their land was brutally attacked and Araniel fought for the first time. In doing so, he watched his boyfriend and one of his older brothers die, and another get his arm cut off, which traumatized Araniel and made him realize he couldn?t be a soldier for the rest of his life. In confiding with his friend, the prince suggested Araniel become a royal precious stonesmith, Which Araniel was very enthusiastic about, and the prince introduced him to a local jeweler. There, Araniel began to neglect both his guardsman duties and magic studies to learn the art of jewelry making, which his parents eventually had to come to terms with when they realized how happy he was. He?s still technically just an apprentice stonesmith and technically still officially employed as a guardsman, but he periodically takes long expeditions to discover new precious stones/metals. Because he?s dabbled in so many skills, magic, fighting, and artisan, he?s trying to prove he can become truly proficient in one thing for the rest of his life, and he wants that one thing to be jewelry making.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Morwen Liadon Character Race: High elf (moon elf) Character Class: Rogue Output:
Morwen was raised in the isolated Moon Elf city of Evereska. Her parents Carric and Enna, while present, were distant, more prone to wandering the streets of the city and engaging with the community, than spending time with their daughter. By the age of thirty she already felt the wanderlust that plagues her race and her parents apprenticed her to a venerable Bard, local, and a friend of the family, so as to learn his trade. Morwen showed little aptitude for music, though excelled at story telling, making even the most outrageous tales ring with truth. After ten years of learning, her Master unexpectedly died, (old age takes its toll even on Elves, eventually) leaving Morwen without a mentor, and with an incomplete bardic skill set. She returned to her parentsÕ home, heartbroken, lost, and still longing for the freedom that the walls of Evereska could never give her. Rather than find Morwen another mentor, Enna convinced Carric to allow Morwen to choose her own form of study, whether that meant continuing the BardÕs path, or another. Morwen was unsure, and after a few more years of general study she discovered a lesser deity that she had never been taught of before: Fenmarel Mestarine, the lesser deity of outcasts. In her research she found a connection to the deity, and discovered her own ways to give praise, seeking out lonely corners of the city, abandoned buildings and underground gambling circles that those yet to reach adulthood werenÕt meant to see. She found a skill at hiding, at sneaking and sliding through shadows, unseen by many around her. It was only when she was caught that she found her true calling. Faleas Stagswift was his name, and he was also in the shadows. It was in the process of a planned assassination that Morwen got in his way, and rather than kill her for the inconvenience, he was convinced to teach her his ways. It wasnÕt easy, and Morwen never was more grateful for the old BardÕs teaching than when she told Faleas her lifeÕs story. The story was full of lies, of course, and by the time Morwen finished talking she had Faleas convinced that she was an orphan, escaped from a dangerous caretaker, and not only in dire need of his assistance, but also an apt learner for his skills. Morwen did not return to her familyÕs home except once, to retrieve what little belongings she felt were truly hers. Her parents were not home. She didnÕt really wonder if they would miss her, and she felt, truly, that they wouldnÕt really notice she had gone. Faleas didnÕt so much raise her, as he did tolerate her presence and allow her to observe. She found a home in the taverns they circulated between, loving the smells of cooking meats and drunken gambling around her. She was nearly seventy by the time they first ventured from Evereska into the Vine Vale and the Greycloak Hills below, trading odds and ends and scraps of information for anything they could get. There werenÕt many people in the surrounding hills, and they often ventured back into Evereska when supplies ran low, or opportunities for wealth waned. Throughout this time Morwen learned that, more than danger, Faleas traded in information, and that information could be the most dangerous tool of all. She vowed to never tell a truth about herself if she could help it, because if an enemy didnÕt know you, they couldnÕt beat you. Morwen learned more than a little skill with bow and blade through hunting in the hills, but Faleas never asked for her assistance in the messier of his contracts, nor did he allow her to follow him. It was on those nights alone that Morwen would consider her life, her choices, and what those would mean for her once she was old enough to leave. When she was nearing her ninetieth year she began running cons of her own, independent of Faleas and his contracts. She never lost the skills the old Bard taught her, and she found it was much easier to convince someone that she was worthy of trust, than to prove that worthiness with her actions. Disguises became her fare, and it was not uncommon for her to see how many times she could meet a single tavern patron in one night before they caught wind of the ruse. It was also around this time when they first starting hearing tales of a wanted man and his young apprentice, sought in connection with a dozen murders and two dozen burglaries, with descriptions eerily similar to that of Faleas and herself. Descriptions of her were always vague and quite often glaringly inaccurate, but it was the first time Morwen felt more fear than exhilaration when someone looked at them twice in a shady tavern. Faleas, much older and blindingly secure in his skills, didnÕt fear their bounty and continued his work with a tiresome pace. Morwen did not know if he was losing his touch, or perhaps it was simply a string of bad luck, but shortly before her hundredth year, Faleas was arrested and immediately sentenced to prison. She never found out how long his sentence was determined to be, but from every bit of gossip she could gather, they never found FaleasÕ mystery apprentice, and the man denied her very presence. On her own for the first time in her life, and nearing what most elves would consider ÒadulthoodÓ, Morwen began to travel more extensively. Her cons didnÕt work at every tavern, but she found it was easy to play a new role in every town, even without the hassle of disguising her face. She found entertainment and company in many a pub from EvereskaÕs surrounding hills, to the high moors, to the very outskirts of Waterdeep. One of the easiest cons, she learned, was what words to say to convince an attractive stranger to share your bed. She enjoyed the company of every person she conned this way, and though none knew her true name, she had to admit, she fell a little bit in love with each and every one. She felt as if there were infinite parts of her heart, already shattered from too much distance, that she left with each of her lovers, a memory of her presence being perhaps the only true thing about their time together. It didnÕt bother her, but the idea that perhaps someone would demand more of her, pieces of her heart that she wasnÕt willing to give, and that she would be unable to stop it, worried at the back of her mind. She continued this con, and many others, traveling far and wide across the Faerun countryside. She rarely used the same name twice, and never the name she was raised with. Each evening she offered prayers to Fenmarel Mestarine, and embraced the life of an outcast that she had chosen to live, and each morning she moved on, town to town, city to city. She did not live uncomfortably, and her skill with both secrecy and deception gave her a certain leg up in games of cards that relied on more than chance, allowing her to earn an income with very little of what a common man would consider ÒworkÓ. There were many romances that lasted more than a night, many lovers staying at her side for months or even years at a time. She loved them all, though did not mourn their choice to leave, respecting their freedom to travel and love as they wish, just as she would like to be respected. She encountered, laughed and fought and drank, with those of every race, including a fateful encounter with a drow, who strayed near the surface one night when Morwen was alone. The drow female was alone, looking paranoid and scared of the very moon in the sky, but not so evil as she had been raised to believe. They didnÕt share a language, but in their brief exchange they found the word for Fenmarel Mestarine, the lone wolf, was the same, and they found a brief kinship in their worship. The drow, most likely having had her fill of the surface, retreated into the cave from whence she came, but Morwen left changed by the experience, and half wishing she had a reason to adventure into the underdark to see what she could learn. It is this life of adventure-- scam, travel, and entertainment, that Morwen has chosen for herself, and though she sometimes longs for more, a deeper purpose beyond her current learning, sheÕs content in her place.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Enleth Antari Character Race: High moon elf Character Class: Wizard Output:
Originally from a high-class city closed off from the rest of the world, Enleth was taught by her mother that knowledge can be found in vast libraries but trust cannot be found in people. Obsessed with knowledge she read all the books she could find in her great city until her graduation, and the day her mother went missing. Enleth searched the city for 20 years with no sign of her mother and so decided to move on to other ground in order to continue the search, only trouble is that when you leave the city you immediately forget how to find it again, she may never return. Enleth now uses her book smarts to work with a tag team of misfits in the wastelands but never truly stops looking for her mother.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Volston OathForge Character Race: Hill dwarf Character Class: Transmutation wizard10/paladin2 Output:
Volston is a businessman and trickster, always pursuing a true Philosopher Stone to achieve greater wealth. When his Elven husband passed suddenly without any signs of sickness, Volston felt abandoned by his homeland diety. He now pursues deeper arcane secrets, pledging his talents between neutral gods of magic and neutral gods of trickery. His failures have made him vigil and steadfast. His greed compels him to outsmart and plot against more powerful foes.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Mˆiri Blue-Quartz Character Race: Hill dwarf Character Class: Wild magic sorcerer Output:
Mˆiri was born in Kelness, a small Dwarven village centered around a sawmill and an iron mine. Like her father Grier and her older brother Harris, it was expected that she would work the sawmill when she was old enough. But the traces of magic that ran in her family surfaced at a young age. Grier, who thought magic was the stuff of "nobles and time-wasters who don't do honest work", was opposed to her receiving training, but her mother Iona wrote in secret to the House of Mysteries, one of the most renown schools of Arcana in the world. Though unhappy, Grier eventually agreed that Mˆiri's gifts needed honing. Her magic was uncontrolled by her own poor understanding of exactly what she was capable of. Untrained, she might even have been dangerous to have around. So she left Kelness and her family and started her residence in the House of Mysteries. The training was hard, particularly because some of the Senior Arcanists barely bothered to teach her, forcing her to learn a great deal on her own just to keep up. These teachers felt that a Dwarf from a poor family would never truly be capable of measuring up to other mages. Mˆiri intended to prove them wrong. She worked tirelessly, often falling asleep in the libraries and needing to be carried back to her bed. During one of these late library sessions in her second year, she met another student who was struggling. Zaia Aster was an Elf from a prominent magical family who was also struggling with the expectations of her teachers. In her case, they were impossibly high due to her family's fame. She and Mˆiri agreed to help each other, and after a great many long nights studying and practicing together, both realized that they had fallen in love. Sadly, fate intervened in their happiness two years later. Both had progressed in their studies to more than satisfactory levels, and were about to graduate to Junior Arcanists and be given field assignments. Days before the ceremony, a letter arrived from Zaia's parents. They had arranged a marriage for her, to a man from a house of great standing. All of Zaia's protests fell on deaf ears. The wedding would go ahead as planned. So Mˆiri was forced to part with her, but not before Zaia gave her an Elven sword and a promise that she would always love her. The graduation was a more somber affair than Mˆiri had expected, but the promise of getting to go out into the world as an official representative of the House of Mysteries lifted her spirits a little. She vowed that she would work harder than ever, that she would do her teachers, her family, and everyone else proud. And that one day, maybe, she and Zaia would meet again.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Crog Character Race: Homebrew elf Character Class: Fighter Output:
Crog was a typical pirate, enjoying his life manning the crow's nest, until the local navy caught up to their ship. The entire crew was slaughtered for their crimes - except Crog, who survived by hiding in the crow's nest during the fight. After the fight, Crog came down and helmed the now sinking ship amidst the corpses of his friends, getting it close enough to swim back to shore. Now unemployed and homeless, Crog meets a group of lawful adventurers who offer a new lease on life (and good moneymaking opportunity) so Crog can atone and help save the world. Using his longsword, intimidation, and bluff skills, Crog (who calls himself Captain now) will save the world whether they like it or not.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Aurelia Character Race: Humam Character Class: Rogue Output:
She was raised in a loving family. When she grew up, however, her family fell on hard times, and Aurelia decided to start pick-pocketing. After a year or so of this, her family's financial situation improved, but she still wanted to keep pick-pocketing. Eventually she fell in with some people who taught her the finer points of being a rogue, and she started adventuring full time.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Pitung Character Race: Human Character Class: Rogue Output:
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Aurelius Character Race: Human Character Class: Warlock Output:
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Leo Waterfall Character Race: Human Character Class: Fighter Output:
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Jada Keres Character Race: Human Character Class: Ranger Output:
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Cadel Brightleaf Character Race: Human Character Class: Bard Output:
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Tim Character Race: Human Character Class: Fighter Output:
disgraced bodyguard
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Killian Half-Heart Character Race: Human Character Class: Wizard Output:
Cloistered Scholar
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Tim Character Race: Human Character Class: Sorcerer Output:
Shop owner
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Chiffley Character Race: Human Character Class: Rogue Output:
He sought adventure across the sea!
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Crimson Brimstone Character Race: Human Character Class: Wizard Output:
Arch-enemy of a barbarian named Francis.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Emily Character Race: Human Character Class: Sorcerer Output:
An escaped mind-slave of an illithid
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Alfred Lord Hudard Character Race: Human Character Class: Librarian Output:
Curator of all human knowledge, including everything forgotten.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Chaaran Character Race: Human Character Class: Bard Output:
Ex-pirate whore currently adventuring to keep his twin from dying
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Wren McFlurry Character Race: Human Character Class: Rogue Output:
Her family were all bards. Sadly, Wren was tone deaf.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Winston Burr Character Race: Human Character Class: Necromancer Output:
He creates new adventurers to accompany him on his own adventures
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Martell Character Race: Human Character Class: Bard Output:
Grew up in a brothel where his mother was the Madam
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Farthan Nologin Character Race: Human Character Class: Wizard Output:
Trained in secret mind-control magic by the MRA. Searching for new girls.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Tybalt of Dawnstar Character Race: Human Character Class: Monk Output:
Sent on pilgrimage to contribute to the collective experience of the monastery
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Soren Character Race: Human Character Class: Fighter Output:
Soren is a farm boy turned folk hero who isn't very bright.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Garrick Garrickson Character Race: Human Character Class: Fighter Output:
Noble who was cheated out of his family's fortress by his Uncle
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Eldar Stallhart Character Race: Human Character Class: Necromancer Output:
Trained by a cultist sect, upon abandoning the cult they killed his family
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Eskey Bellringer Character Race: Human Character Class: Wizard Output:
After his former adventuring party died horribly, Eskey learned the value of teamwork.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Lee Mainge Character Race: Human Character Class: Fighter Output:
Disgraced knight who slaughtered his hometown's duke in a duel over a woman.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Lily Character Race: Human Character Class: Sorcerer Output:
Young widow who lost both children in accident related to her wizard husband's death.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Buddy Brutus Character Race: Human Character Class: Fighter Output:
A divorced, deadbeat dad with no life skills. Shoots first and axes questions later.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Kyvian Character Race: Human Character Class: Monk Output:
Got stranded in Kara-Tur and was taught martial arts before finding his way back.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Ramala Character Race: Human Character Class: Wizard Output:
Alcoholic, cowardly, underachieving magic school dropout, 15 years older than her classmates. Loves awkward silence.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Reyna Calder Character Race: Human Character Class: Fighter Output:
A sharpshooting jock with a bow who travels the countryside in search of glory and acclaim.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Anemos Asteri Character Race: Human Character Class: Swashbuckler Output:
A reformed thief trying to turn his life around as an entertainer, despite barely restrained kleptomaniacal tendencies.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Otrivush Oto Character Race: Human Character Class: Wizard Output:
Oto is an over weight sage forced to leave his monastery due to over indulgence in spirits.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Dolph ir'Aeolus Character Race: Human Character Class: Artificer Output:
Middle son of noble family, pursuing advanced skill in the augmentation of weapons and tools with magic.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Capriole Character Race: Human Character Class: Warlock Output:
Angry teenager who sold his soul to the devil for the power to rescue his friends from danger.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Derivin Blackstorm Character Race: Human Character Class: Sorceror Output:
Criminal/Highwayman. Retreated to the wilderness after exploding some innocent townspeople (Wild Magic Surge - you know the drill)
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Arno Character Race: Human Character Class: Fighter (eldritch knight) Output:
Former adventurer who lost his party against an evil wizard. Spend the last decades training to fight mages.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Martin Salvator Character Race: Human Character Class: Sorcerer Output:
Protected his town from a monster and then went off in search of ways to help more people
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Dungrym Character Race: Human Character Class: Ranger Output:
Abandoned, he was raised on the borderlands. He stalks Giant-kind in his cloak Twilight, wielding his long sword Eveningstar.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Iron John Character Race: Human Character Class: Ranger Output:
Iron John was disillusioned with castle life and so took to the wilds to champion good and fight evil.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Jericho Character Race: Human Character Class: Necromancer Output:
Born with powers over death, Jericho strives to learn about his gift and use it for the betterment of others
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Cardinal Sin Character Race: Human Character Class: Rogue Output:
The Moon Pope excommunicated me and stole my gender because my hat was bigger than his, and I'm out for revenge.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Nico Character Race: Human Character Class: Blood hunter Output:
Born and raised in the Shadowfell, death was a constant presence. Nico left to experience the gifts life has to offer.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Thean Character Race: Human Character Class: Ranger Output:
His family was killed many years ago, but he recently learned his sister may have survived. He is currently searching for her whereabouts.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Rhea Character Race: Human Character Class: Cleric Output:
Rhea is a chaotic good cleric. She met and enchanted (without him being aware) the lawful good warrior, Noggin. Together, they conquered the dungeon.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Clarence Darmer Character Race: Human Character Class: Assassin Output:
Raised by a merchant family and apprenticed to the thieves guild. Clarence eventually learnt he was better at making thigns dead than unlocking them.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Zaruun Character Race: Human Character Class: Sorcerer Output:
With his wild magic he accidentally killed an agent of a barbarian tyrant. He fled the country and is now victim of an international manhunt
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Charles Dagamond Character Race: Human Character Class: Sorcerer Output:
After the horrendous slaughter of his father, Charles vowed to hunt down and destroy every last Paladin until he could guarantee the safety for his family.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Rayenne Character Race: Human Character Class: Cleric Output:
She was the daughter of a kichen wench and a soldier, brought up in a church compound and taught soldering and healing from an early age.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Thyra Character Race: Human Character Class: Fighter Output:
Outlander, growing up in the haunted forest, orphaned by werewolves. Moved to city, lived on the streets. Hired by the inquisitors of Thraben to stop a necromancer.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Sanguineus Character Race: Human Character Class: Swordmage Output:
Formerly an ancient red dragon, he was cursed by a powerful wizard to be a handsome prince until he learns what it is to be a true hero.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Edwin "Eddy" Mirald Character Race: Human Character Class: Rogue Output:
Raised in the streets. Exposed to a font of dark magic which inscribed dark tattoos on his skin, allowing him to enhance his CQC and teleport (in lowlight conditions).