listlengths 2
"content": "Can you help by translating the following sentence from French to English?\r\nFrench: Comité de sélection et des rémunérations",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: Selection and Remuneration Committee",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Would you mind translating the following sentence from French into English?\r\nFrench: Risque d’accident du travail lors du déploiement de 5G et du FTTH c par des sous-traitants",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: Risk of workplace accident for subcontractors when installing 5G and FTTH b",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Would you mind translating the following sentence from French into English?\r\nFrench: Accessible à l'adresse, la plateforme permet à tout collaborateur (interne, externe ou occasionnel) et à tout tiers d'identifier le métier concerné par son alerte et de signaler tout fait contraire à l'éthique ou à la loi.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: and may be used by all employees, external or occasional workers and third parties to identify the business segment implicated in the alert and report all unethical or unlawful behaviour.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Would you mind translating the following sentence from French into English?\r\nFrench: Y compris la quote-part de résultat des co-promotions, le résultat opérationnel courant serait en hausse de 1 million d'euros.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: Including the share of co-promotions, current operating profit would show an increase of €1 million.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Would you translate the following sentence in French into the equivalent in English?\r\nFrench: L'objectif est d'intensifier les efforts, de les rationaliser et de mesurer leurs effets sur le long terme.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: The aim is to step up and rationalise efforts in that direction and measure their long- term effects.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Please render the following sentence in English from its French form.\r\nFrench: L’information sectorielle ci-après est présentée par métier (UGT) : Bouygues Construction (Construction et services) ; Bouygues Immobilier (Immobilier) ; Colas (Infrastructures de transport) ; TF1 (Médias) ; Bouygues Telecom (Télécoms) ; Bouygues SA et autres.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: The segment information below is presented by business segment (CGU): Bouygues Construction (Construction & Services), Bouygues Immobilier (Property), Colas (Transport Infrastructure), TF1 (Media), Bouygues Telecom (Telecoms), and “Bouygues SA & other”.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Could I get a English translation of the following sentence from French?\r\nFrench: Un avenant à ce contrat a été approuvé par l'assemblée générale du 21 avril 2016.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: An amendment to this agreement was approved by the Combined Annual General Meeting of 21 April 2016.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Would you translate the following sentence in French into the equivalent in English?\r\nFrench: BOUYGUES - RAPPORT INTÉGRÉ 2022 - 49",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: BOUYGUES - 2022 INTEGRATED REPORT - 49",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Would you translate the following sentence in French into the equivalent in English?\r\nFrench: BOUYGUES DOCUMENT D’ENREGISTREMENT UNIVERSEL 2020 Alternance",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: BOUYGUES ● 2020 UNIVERSAL REGISTRATION DOCUMENT",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Would you provide the English translation for the following sentence in French?\r\nFrench: En 2023, en France, Equans a recruté environ 4 300 nouveaux collaborateurs en CDI, sur des marchés de l'emploi en tension dans la plupart de ses métiers et pays d'implantation.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: In 2023, Equans welcomed around 4,300 new hires on permanent contracts in France, despite tight labour-market conditions in most of its lines of business and countries of operation.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Would you provide the English translation for the following sentence in French?\r\nFrench: Le programme de mentorat féminin Groupe (mentors hommes ou femmes, « mentees » femmes) a lancé en 2020 sa troisième promotion (148 femmes du Groupe en trois ans).",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: The annual Group-wide mentoring scheme for women (mentored by either a man or a woman) was run for a third time in 2020. A total of 148 women have been mentored through this scheme since it began.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Please render the following sentence in English from its French form.\r\nFrench: Composition du conseil d'administration",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: Membership of the Board of Directors",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Please render the following sentence in English from its French form.\r\nFrench: En septembre 2021, une dernière procédure a été initiée entre le Client et Arup (bureau d'études) pour une demande d'environ 12,1 millions d'euros.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: A last arbitration between the Client and Arup (design office) began in September 2021 involving a claim of around €12.1 million.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "I need the following sentence translated from French to English.\r\nFrench: conserver des actions et, le cas échéant, les remettre ultérieurement en paiement ou en échange dans le cadre d'opérations de croissance externe, de fusion, de scission ou d'apport, conformément à la réglementation applicable; et",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: retain shares and, as the case may be, deliver them subsequently as a medium of payment or exchange in an acquisition, merger, spin-off or asset-for-share exchange, in accordance with applicable regulations; and",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "I need the following sentence translated from French to English.\r\nFrench: Ces nouvelles reconnaissances illustrent la performance du Groupe en matière d'intégration de la RSE b dans l'ensemble de ses pratiques, processus et solutions commerciales éco-responsables.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: These new distinctions reflect the Group's achievements in integrating CSR b into all its business practices, processes and environmentally responsible commercial solutions.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Can you help by translating the following sentence from French to English?\r\nFrench: La demande en matière de construction durable (bâtiments à basse consommation ou à énergie positive, écoquartiers, etc.) est de plus en plus forte.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: Demand is growing for sustainable construction, especially low-energy and positive-energy buildings and eco-neigh- bourhoods.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Would you mind translating the following sentence from French into English?\r\nFrench: res de Bouygues Immobilier en 2008 résulte des importantes réservations des années précédentes.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: The jump in sales at Bouygues Immobilier in 2008 was due to the high level of reservations in previous years.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Please render the following sentence in English from its French form.\r\nFrench: • Maîtriser les incontournables sécurité, éthique et cybersécurité.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: • Double down on safety, ethics and cybersecurity.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Would you translate the following sentence in French into the equivalent in English?\r\nFrench: Le principe est de couvrir, au niveau de chaque sous-groupe, tout ou partie des actifs ou des passifs financiers dans la mesure où ces derniers présentent un caractère prévisible et récurrent.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: Group policy is for each business segment to hedge some or all of its financial assets and liabilities, where those are foreseeable and recurring.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Can you help by translating the following sentence from French to English?\r\nFrench: Les acquisitions et cessions de la période se sont traduites par un décaissement net de 27 millions d’euros et concernent principalement :",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: Acquisitions and divestments during the period generated a net cash outflow of €27 million, and mainly comprised:",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Please convert the following sentence in French into English.\r\nFrench: Les durées d'amortissement sont revues annuellement et peuvent être modifiées si les attentes d'utilisation diffèrent des estimations précédentes.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: Depreciation periods are reviewed annually, and may be adjusted if expected use differs from previous estimates.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Can you help by translating the following sentence from French to English?\r\nFrench: Dans le cadre de cet engagement, l'équipe interne de représentants « Be Fair » a suivi une formation pour renforcer ses compétences.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: As part of this commitment, the in-house team of Be Fair representatives took additional skills training.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Please render the following sentence in English from its French form.\r\nFrench: Les actions de maintien dans l'emploi ont été menées par l'accompagnement des collaborateurs, les adaptations de poste, la mise à disposition d'appareillage et l'amélioration d'accessibilité des locaux dans les métiers du Groupe.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: In the Group's business segments, job retention actions involved supporting those employees concerned, adapting workstations, providing specialist equipment and improving access to premises.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Would you mind translating the following sentence from French into English?\r\nFrench: l'intégration de la nouvelle documentation éthique du Groupe; la mise à jour du guide éthique de Bouygues Telecom; DÉCLARATION DE PERFORMANCE EXTRA- FINANCIÈRE (DPEF)",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: integrating the Group's new ethics documents; updating Bouygues Telecom's business ethics guide; the Bouygues group's policy on gifts and hospitality; the procedure for dealing with patronage and sponsorship activities; boosting the visibility of the Group's whistleblowing platform.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "I need the following sentence translated from French to English.\r\nFrench: décembre 2020 380 759 842 514 767 427",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: December 2020 380,759,842 514,767,427",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Please render the following sentence in English from its French form.\r\nFrench: Il est réalisé en coordination avec les apiculteurs locaux et les maires des communes voisines de la carrière.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: It is conducted in partnership with local beekeepers and the mayors of the towns neighbouring the quarry.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Would you mind translating the following sentence from French into English?\r\nFrench: Chez Colas, à l’international, en particulier en Europe et en Afrique, les trois quarts des sociétés dont l’effectif est supérieur à 300 personnes sont dotés d’une représentation du personnel comparable à celles qui existent en France.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: At international Colas entit ies, particularly in Europe and Africa, three-quarters of companies employing over 300 people had employee representation at a similar level as in France.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Could I get a English translation of the following sentence from French?\r\nFrench: TRÉSORERIE NETTE DE CLÔTURE 1 942 877",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: CASH POSITION AT END OF PERIOD 1,942 877",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Could I get a English translation of the following sentence from French?\r\nFrench: Note 12 Chiffre d'affaires",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: Note 12 Sales",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Please convert the following sentence in French into English.\r\nFrench: Le film publicitaire Les Français fait écho au nouveau positionnement plus optimiste de la chaîne qui invite le public à voir les choses de façon plus positive.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: The TV spot Les Français echoed the channel's new, more upbeat stance, inviting viewers to see things in a more positive light.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Please render the following sentence in English from its French form.\r\nFrench: Ceci représente 25 000 tonnes de matériaux réemployés sur le site.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: As a result, 25,000 tonnes of materials from the site were reused.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Would you mind translating the following sentence from French into English?\r\nFrench: Raphaëlle Deflesselle a été administratrice représentant les salariés de mai 2014 à mai 2018.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: Raphaëlle Deflesselle was a director representing employees from May 2014 to May 2018.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Would you provide the English translation for the following sentence in French?\r\nFrench: Chez Colas, l’activité et la trésorerie liée à l’activité sont soumises à de fortes variations saisonnières.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: At Colas, operations and cash flows from operations, are su bject to marked seasonal fluctuations.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Would you translate the following sentence in French into the equivalent in English?\r\nFrench: Certains sujets spécifiques du plan de vigilance ont également été abordés par les comités Climat et Biodiversité, Achats responsables, QSE, Développement durable et Reporting extra-financier. Par ailleurs, un second comité de parties prenantes composé de huit personnalités extérieures choisies pour leur représentativité et leur",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: Some specific matters addressed in the vigilance plan were also addressed by the Climate and Biodiversity, Responsible Purchasing, QSE, Sustainability and Non-financial Reporting committees.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Please convert the following sentence in French into English.\r\nFrench: Présence dans le monde",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: Worldwide presence",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Please render the following sentence in English from its French form.\r\nFrench: La variation du besoin en fonds de roulement lié à l'activité présentée dans l'état des flux de trésorerie résulte de la variation :",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: \"Changes in working capital requirements related to operating activities\" as presented in the cash flow statement is obtained by aggregating net changes in:",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Please convert the following sentence in French into English.\r\nFrench: Le carnet en France métropolitaine (3,6 milliards d'euros) est en baisse de 1 %, en lien avec la diminution des prises de commandes de la Route Métropole (impacts de la Covid-19 et du contexte électoral).",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: The backlog in mainland France was €3.6 billion, down 1% related to lower order intake in the roads activities in mainland France (impacts of Covid-19 and context of municipal elections).",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Would you provide the English translation for the following sentence in French?\r\nFrench: En application de l’article 5 de l’ordonnance n⁰ 2019-697 du 3 juillet 2019, la société Bouygues entend transférer les droits aléatoires au titre du présent régime, régi par l’article L.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: Pursuant to Article 5 Order No. 2019-697 of 3 July 2019, Bouygu es intends to transfer the contingent rights under this scheme (governed b y Article L.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "I need the following sentence translated from French to English.\r\nFrench: Cette mise à jour a fait l'objet d'une consultation des instances représentatives du personnel de Bouygues SA et des métiers.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: This revision was submitted to the staff representative bodies of Bouygues SA and the business segments for consultation.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Could I get a English translation of the following sentence from French?\r\nFrench: Le lancement début 2015 de Bbox Miami (25,99 euros par mois) est venu renforcer les bonnes performances commerciales de Bbox ADSL lancée en 2014.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: The launch of the Bbox Miami triple-play offer in early 2015, at a price of € 25.99 per month, boosted the good commercial performance of Bbox ADSL fixed broadband offers, launched in 2014.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "I'd like the following sentence translated from French to English, please.\r\nFrench: (1 087) (292) (1 461) Cessions, virements de rubriques et autres mouvements 48 404 174 626",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: Changes in scope of consolidation 12 48 9 69 Net expense for the period (82) (1,087) (292) (1,461) Disposals, transfers and other movements 48 404 174 626",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Would you provide the English translation for the following sentence in French?\r\nFrench: La mécanisation très poussée des chantiers de travaux publics se traduit par une exposition des collab orateurs au bruit.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: The highly mechanised nature of public work sites means that em ployees are e xposed to noise.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Can you help by translating the following sentence from French to English?\r\nFrench: Il s'agit essentiellement de la part variable de la rémunération des distributeurs versée pour l'acquisition de nouveaux clients.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: This mainly applies to variable consideration paid to distributors and retailers to acquire new customers.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Can you help by translating the following sentence from French to English?\r\nFrench: Signature d’un partenariat avec Saipol pour l’approvisionnement de la flotte de poids lourds de Colas en France avec Oleo100, carburant biosourcé",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: Partnership with Saipol for the supply of Oleo100, a bio-based fuel, to Colas’ truck fleet in France",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "I need the following sentence translated from French to English.\r\nFrench: Plus de 700 d'entre eux ont pris part à ces sessions depuis la création de l'IMB en 2002.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: More than 700 of them have attended these sessions since IMB was set up in 2002.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Could you translate the following sentence from French to English?\r\nFrench: Le texte, adopté par l'Union européenne le 16 janvier 2020, est applicable au 1 er janvier 2020 de manière rétrospective.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: Those amendments were endorsed by the European Union on 16 January 2020, and are applicable retrospectively from 1 January 2020.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "I need the following sentence translated from French to English.\r\nFrench: La croissance du coût de la grille de l'Antenne TF1 sera de l'ordre de 2,5 % à 3 % (hors grands événe-ments sportifs) en 2007.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: The cost of programmes on the TF1 core channel, excluding major sporting events, is expected to rise by 2.5-3% in 2007.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Would you provide the English translation for the following sentence in French?\r\nFrench: La pression promotionnelle a notamment connu une accalmie, tant dans le Mobile que dans le Fixe.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: In particular, promotional pressure eased in both the mobile and fixed segments.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Would you mind translating the following sentence from French into English?\r\nFrench: rappel des devoirs d’abstention ;",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: reminders of the rules on trading restrictions;",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Can you help by translating the following sentence from French to English?\r\nFrench: • La corruption passive consiste à accepter ou solliciter un avantage quelconque répondant aux conditions ci-dessus.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: Passive corruption is accepting or soliciting an undue advantage that meets the above conditions.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Please convert the following sentence in French into English.\r\nFrench: OCTOBRE : ouverture du plus grand réseau 4G de France.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: OCTOBER: launch of France's biggest 4G network.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Can you help by translating the following sentence from French to English?\r\nFrench: Bouygues Telecom atteint ainsi son objectif annuel de capex nets d’environ 1,3 milliard d’euros.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: Bouygues Telecom met its annual guidance for net capex of around €1.3 billion.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Please render the following sentence in English from its French form.\r\nFrench: déploiement d'un outil de suivi des plans d'action RSE commun pour tout le groupe;",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: Roll-out of a CSR action plan monitoring tool common to the entire group;",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "I'd like the following sentence translated from French to English, please.\r\nFrench: Atteindre 20 % de femmes managers ;",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: 20% women managers;",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Can you help by translating the following sentence from French to English?\r\nFrench: Le lancement des Règles Sécurité Groupe par Frédéric Gardès a, directeur général de Colas, lors de la « Safety Week 2020 ».",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: Launch of the Group Safety Rules by Frédéric Gardès a, CEO of Colas, at the",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Could I get a English translation of the following sentence from French?\r\nFrench: Dans l'ensemble des métiers, des renégociations ou négociations des accords de télétravail ont été menées avec la mise en œuvre de principes communs dont la préservation du collectif de travail.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: Across all business segments, teleworking agreements were (re)negotiated to include shared principles ensuring the preservation of cohesive working units.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Would you provide the English translation for the following sentence in French?\r\nFrench: (a) Les actifs nets acquis comprennent principalement des actifs immobilisés pour 1 341 millions d'euros, des créances clients pour 2 218 millions d'euros et des actifs sur contrats clients pour 2 483 millions d'euros ainsi que des dettes fournisseurs et des passifs sur contrats clients pour respectivement 2 179 millions d'euros et 1 922 millions d'euros.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: (a) The net assets acquired mainly comprised non-current assets of €1,341m, trade receivables of €2,218m and customer contract assets of €2,483m, less trade payables of €2,179m and customer contract liabilities of €1,922m.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Could I get a English translation of the following sentence from French?\r\nFrench: BOUYGUES DOCUMENT D’ENREGISTREMENT UNIVERSEL 2020 353",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: BOUYGUES ● 2020 UNIVERSAL REGISTRATION DOCUMENT ● 353",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Would you provide the English translation for the following sentence in French?\r\nFrench: millions d’euros de charges non courantes ont été comptabilisées au titre de mesures d’adaptation.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: Non-current charges amounting to €8 million were booked to cover adaptation measures.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Please convert the following sentence in French into English.\r\nFrench: Le montant des rentes versées au titre des régimes de retraite relevant des articles L.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: The amount of annuities paid under pension schemes applied with in Bouygues and governed by Articles L.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "I'd like the following sentence translated from French to English, please.\r\nFrench: un prix de transaction est déterminé et affecté aux différentes obligations de performance;",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: a transaction price has been determined, and allocated between the performance obligations;",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Could you translate the following sentence from French to English?\r\nFrench: 225-100-1, I, 1°, L.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: 225-100-1, I, 1, L.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Would you translate the following sentence in French into the equivalent in English?\r\nFrench: Représentant permanent de SCDM Participations",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: Standing representative of SCDM Participations",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Please render the following sentence in English from its French form.\r\nFrench: L'assemblée générale du 29 avril 2010 a approuvé la conclusion d'un contrat de licence portant sur les marques « Bouygues Telecom », « Bouygtel » et « Bouygnet ».",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: The Combined Annual General Meeting of 29 April 2010 approved the conclusion of a trademark licence agreement in respect of the following trademarks: \"Bouygues Telecom\", \"Bouygtel\" and \"Bouygnet\".",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Could I get a English translation of the following sentence from French?\r\nFrench: Au cours de l'exercice 2022, la composition du comité de l'éthique, de la RSE et du mécénat n'a pas évolué.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: During 2022, the composition of the Ethics, CSR and Patronage Committee remained unchanged.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Can you help by translating the following sentence from French to English?\r\nFrench: Bouygues s’inscrit dans une excellente dynamique qui nous rend confiants dans l’avenir ″",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: Bouygues’ excellent momentum makes us confident about our future″",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Please convert the following sentence in French into English.\r\nFrench: Ce montant correspond essentiellement à la rémunération allouée à Martin Bouygues par le conseil d’administration en contrepartie de sa mission de mandataire social, en ce compris les charges sociales et fiscales y afférentes.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: This amount mainly corresponds to the remuneration awarded to Martin Bouygu es by the Board of Directors in respect of his office as corporate officer, including social security and tax charges.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Would you translate the following sentence in French into the equivalent in English?\r\nFrench: Administratrice indépendante Présidente du comité de l'éthique, de la RSE et du mécénat Expertise et expérience",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: She is also a graduate of Institut d'Études Politiques de Paris (IEP) and INSEAD, and has a degree in history.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Please render the following sentence in English from its French form.\r\nFrench: Produits d'impôt des sociétés",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: Financial income",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Please convert the following sentence in French into English.\r\nFrench: Nombre d'accidents mortels des intérimaires",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: Number of temporary staff (FTE)",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Please convert the following sentence in French into English.\r\nFrench: Les contrats de ces consultants ont été dénoncés et tout paiement interdit.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: The contracts with these consultants were terminated and all payments prohibited.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "I need the following sentence translated from French to English.\r\nFrench: Pendant la crise sanitaire liée à la Covid-19, la directi on Relati ons Investi sseurs a maintenu son dialogue avec ses acti onnaires et les investi sseurs.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: The Investor Relati ons department maintained dialogue with the Group’s shareholders and investors throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Could I get a English translation of the following sentence from French?\r\nFrench: Les quatre feuilles de route du projet ACT couvrant plus particulièrement les thématiques du devoir de vigilance vont continuer à être déployées et suivies dans l'outil de plan d'actions RSE.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: The ACT project's four roadmaps that more specifically cover duty of vigilance issues will continue to be rolled out and monitored in the CSR action plan tool.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Could I get a English translation of the following sentence from French?\r\nFrench: Premiers lancements commerciaux sur Kipolis, projet de transformation d’une ancienne usine en quartier durable avec 518 logements mixtes, à Tours (France)",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: Marketing of Kipolis starts - a project to transform a former factory into a sustainable neighbourhood with 518 mixed housing units in Tours (France)",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Would you translate the following sentence in French into the equivalent in English?\r\nFrench: Provisions liées à l'exploitation",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: Provisions related to the operating cycle",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Would you provide the English translation for the following sentence in French?\r\nFrench: Bouygues Telecom souhaite faire profiter pleinement ses 11 millions de clients Mobile et 2,2 millions de clients Haut Débit Fixe (dont plus de 1,6 million de clients professionnels) des dernières évolutions du numérique.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: Bouygues Telecom wants its 11 million mobile customers and 2.2 million fixed broadband customers (which include 1.6 million business customers) to get the most out of the latest digital technologies.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Could you translate the following sentence from French to English?\r\nFrench: Sur la base de ces travaux, nous attestons l’exactitude et la sincérité de ces informations.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: Based on those procedures, we attest that this information is accurate and fairly presented.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Can you help by translating the following sentence from French to English?\r\nFrench: Régimes collectifs de prévoyance et de frais de santé",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: Collective death, disability and health cover",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Would you provide the English translation for the following sentence in French?\r\nFrench: En cas de note d’évaluation globale Ecovadis insuffisante, contact spécifique avec les fournisseurs et demande de plans d’action.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: encourage customers to use digital technology more sustainably;",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "I need the following sentence translated from French to English.\r\nFrench: Au moins une fois par an (lors de la clôture annuelle), la valeur au bilan des actifs incorporels à durée de vie indéfinie (essentiellement des marques) et des goodwill est comparée à leur valeur recouvrable.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: The carrying amounts of indefinite-lived intangible assets (primarily brands) and goodwill are compared to their recoverable amounts at least at the end of each financial year.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Would you translate the following sentence in French into the equivalent in English?\r\nFrench: Société ayant consenti les options Plan concerné Nombre d'options levées",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: Company awarding the options Plan",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Please render the following sentence in English from its French form.\r\nFrench: Dans le Très Haut Débit, Bouygues Telecom a accéléré le déploiement en propre de son réseau FTTH.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: In superfast, Bouygues Telecom accelerated the roll-out of its own FTTH network.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "I need the following sentence translated from French to English.\r\nFrench: Ces coûts, selon leur nature, sont généralement à comptabiliser en charges, soit reconnues immédiatement soit étalées sur la durée du contrat.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: Depending on their nature, such costs are generally required to be recognised as an expense, either immediately or over the term of the contract.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Please render the following sentence in English from its French form.\r\nFrench: Autres produits opérationnels Autres charges opérationnelles",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: Other operating income Other operating expenses",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Could I get a English translation of the following sentence from French?\r\nFrench: En 2009, pragmatisme et réactivité seront les lignes de conduite du Groupe dans une conjoncture économique incertaine.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: In 2009, pragmatism and reactivity will be the Group's watchwords in an uncertain eco-nomic context.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Can you help by translating the following sentence from French to English?\r\nFrench: Enfin, chaque Métier fait ses meilleurs efforts pour que ses clients, fournisseurs de premier rang, sous-traitants, co-traitants, consultants, intermédiaires ou partenaires respectent le code de conduite ou appliquent des standards équivalents.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: contractors, co-contractors, consultants, intermediaries and partners comply with the Code of Conduct or apply equivalent standards.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Please render the following sentence in English from its French form.\r\nFrench: Elle signale aussi sa volonté de favoriser l'épanouissement professionnel de ses collaborateurs, tout en veillant à préserver leur intégrité physique, et de garantir l'équité.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: It also recognises the Group's policy of promoting the professional fulfilment of its employees while maintaining their physical well-being and guaranteeing equal opportunities.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Could you translate the following sentence from French to English?\r\nFrench: la démarche d’écoconception des box Bouygues Telecom permettant d’allonger au maximum leur durée d’exploitation, d’améliorer leur réparation et valorisation en fin de vie, mais aussi de favoriser le recours à des matières recyclées : - des messages pour accompagner les clients sur un numérique plus sobre ;",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: eco-design of Bouygues Telecom routers to extend their lifetime to the maximum, improve their end-of-lifetime repair and recycling, and promote the use of recycled materials:",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Would you provide the English translation for the following sentence in French?\r\nFrench: En pratique : Le projet « Titanium » a été lancé par la direction QSE début 2022 (et sera poursuivi en 2023) auprès des collaborateurs ayant des responsabilités sur la programmation et l'exécution des chantiers.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: In practice: The \"Titanium\" project was launched by the QSE department in early 2022 (and will continue in 2023) for employees that have site planning and execution responsibilities.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Please convert the following sentence in French into English.\r\nFrench: Ces diligences conduisent à examiner si les causes et conditions de la réduction du capital envisagée, qui n'est pas de nature à porter atteinte à l'égalité des actionnaires, sont régulières.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: Those procedures involved assessing whether or not the reasons for and terms and conditions of the proposed capital reduction, which respects the equal rights of all shareholders, are appropriate.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Could you translate the following sentence from French to English?\r\nFrench: L'usage de caissons en bois remplis de bottes de paille compressées est un mode constructif pré curseur et respectueux de l'environnement, jusqu'ici utilisé à l'échelle des maisons individuelles.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: Compressed straw bales were used to fill the wooden caissons, representing a pioneering, environmentally friendly method that thus far had only been used on single-family houses.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Please convert the following sentence in French into English.\r\nFrench: Dans la zone Asie - Pacifique, l'entité Dragages Singapore a lancé en juillet 2022 une politique d'aménagement flexible du travail dont le travail à domicile et la flexibilité des horaires de travail.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: In Asia-Pacific, Dragages Singapore introduced flexible working arrangements in July 2022, including teleworking and flexible hours.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Could you translate the following sentence from French to English?\r\nFrench: En septembre 2020, le Centre de formation des apprentis (CFA) a ouvert un BTS Électrotechnique avec de nombreux apprentis de Bouygues Energies & Services, qui étaient l’année précédente en bac professionnel.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: In September 2020, the Gustave Eiffel apprentice training centr e (CFA) began offering an electrical engineering vocational qualificati on. Several apprentices from Bouygues Energies & Services enrolled for this course after completing their vocational “bac professionnel” last year.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Would you provide the English translation for the following sentence in French?\r\nFrench: Autres charges opérationnels (5) (17) (71) (75) (14) (2) (184)",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: Other operating expenses (5) (17) (71) (75) (14) (2) (184)",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Would you provide the English translation for the following sentence in French?\r\nFrench: Autres indicateurs financiers 1ᵉʳ trimestre 2021 CAF après coût de l'endettement financier net, charges d'intérêts des obligations locatives et impôts décaissés (I) 129 7 (237) 117 339 (30) 325 Acquisitions nettes de cessions d'immobilisations corporelles et incorporelles (II)",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: Other financial indicators: 3rd quarter 2022 Cash flow after cost of net debt, interest expense on lease obligations and income taxes paid (I)",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "I'd like the following sentence translated from French to English, please.\r\nFrench: 31/12/2018 6 368 (67) 6 301",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: 31/12/2018 6,368 6,301",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "I need the following sentence translated from French to English.\r\nFrench: En parallèle, l'entreprise construit le tunnel hydraulique de Pawtucket, au sud de Boston.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: It is also in the process of building the Pawtucket water management tunnel, south of Boston.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Please render the following sentence in English from its French form.\r\nFrench: Cette solution a déjà été testée sur certains chantiers « Zéro déchet ultime » de Bouygues Bâtiment France Europe.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: This solution has been tested on a selection of Bouygues Bâtiment France Europe’s zero-waste worksites.",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "I'd like the following sentence translated from French to English, please.\r\nFrench: les évolutions des textes et du code Afep-Medef ;",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: changes in laws and regulations and to the Afep-Medef Code;",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Can you help by translating the following sentence from French to English?\r\nFrench: Bouygues, à travers ses six Métiers, répond aux besoins essentiels de ses clients (se loger, se déplacer, bénéficier d'une énergie décarbonée, communiquer, s'informer et se divertir) et les accompagne afin de les aider à réduire leur empreinte carbone.",
"role": "user"
"content": "The English translation is: Through its six business segments, Bouygues meets its customers' essential needs for housing, transportation, low-carbon energy, communication, information and entertainment, and supports them in reducing their carbon footprint.",
"role": "assistant"
] |