question or not
2 values
4 values
['Hey i had a lot of fun graduating!', 'Congratulations on your graduation! You must be so proud.', 'I felt like i could do anything! So many people supporting me!']
It's nice to have supportive people around you. It really builds up your confidence.
I graduated and was very excited for the future.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My 15 year old son took my ferrari out for a test drive and crashed it.', 'I hope you had insurance.', 'Oh of course, but I still only have three ferraris left so you can imagine the length of the time out I gave him!']
Sure, it must be a real pain to be in your imaginary shoes.
My 15 year old son took my ferrari out for a test drive and crashed it. I only have three more of those!
['My friend Phil really bugs me.', 'Does he have good characteristics too, or is he just annoying all the time?', 'He is a nice guy but talks too much.']
Does he at least have interesting things to say when he talks?
My friend Phil really bugs me.
ask me for further details
['I participated in a marathon with my friend last week']
Wow that is impressive! how long did you train for it?
I was hesitant to run a marathon with my friend
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['i am so happy the kids are going back to school.', "I'm sure they aren't though, hahahaha.", 'one of them is, the other does not want to return.. oh well.']
I hope the one who doesn't want to return at least gets to spend more time with their friends.
I am so happy the kids are going back to school!
['i was pissed when i saw someone had put a dent in my door', "Your car door? That's awful - did they at least leave you a note so you could contact them?", 'yea my door.. no note left.. happened at walmart']
Disgusting. Did you contact the police? Walmarts have surveillance cameras in their parking lots. Perhaps they could find the culprit that way.
i was pissed when i saw someone had put a dent in my door
ask me for further details
['Have you ever just gone with your gut feeling and it was correct but you are nervous that it IS correct?']
Yes I certainly have. I know exactly what you are talking about.
My girlfriend who I've been dating for a year still has to talk to and work with her x sometimes and I'm convived there is still something going on there but she won't tell me.
["I didn't get the promotion I work hard for at work.", 'Me neither, how do you feel about it?', 'I was pretty upset, but I will just try harder next time.']
me too, best of luck!
I felt this way when I did not get the promotion at work that I worked so hard for.
["I'm going hiking with my friends tomorrow. I have everything I need and I forget bug spray like last time! I am ready!", 'Sounds pretty neat! Where are you going to hike?', 'A local trail about 5 mi from us. Last time I went, I forgot so many things. I am more than prepared this time!']
That's good to hear. Just don't forget that bug spray!
I'm going hiking with my friends tomorrow. I have everything I need and I forget bug spray like last time! I am ready!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['So ive been talking to this really cute girl at work for a few weeks. I really like her..', 'Oh good luck man! Hopefully everything works out!', "Im going to ask her on a date. I think she likes me, so i really think she'll say yes"]
We can only hope so! Get her some flowers!
I have been flirting with this girl at work for the past few weeks. I think she really likes me. Im going to ask her on a date
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["Going to the lake after work. Can't wait to see all the dogs and just relax."]
That sounds so relaxing! What kind of dog do you have.
Going to the lake after work. Can't wait to see all the dogs and just relax.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['My mom raised me and my brother by herself. I wish I could take care of her in her old age.']
wow thats great, I hope you are able to do that
My mom raised me and my brother by herself. I wish I could take care of her in her old age.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I've been waiting all day for this maintenance guy to come. They guaranteed me he would come within this 3-hour window, and that it would be today. Looks like it'll be neither. Love wasting time!", 'gosh that is horrible! Did you try to call the company? next time chooe a company that guarantees they will come or the service is free', "It's for internet. Not much I can do in terms of calling other people to come. They just gave me some standard excuse, and told me that they'd be there at some point soon. I wish there was more selection for ISPs!"]
oh yes, i understand, i had no choice either. there is only one provider in my area
I've been waiting all day for this maintenance guy to come. They guaranteed me he would come within this 3-hour window, and that it would be today. Looks like it'll be neither. Love wasting time!
['I was kinda shocked the other night to run into my boss while I was out at a bar.', 'did you all have some drinks together', "No just said hello. Was kind of awkward. We've never hung out outside of work before."]
thats cool
I was out the other night and ran into my boss at a bar. It was kind of shocking.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My brother got a promotion at work. I was surprised in a good way at his paycheck']
That's great, good for him! It's always makes you feel good when your hard work is appreciated.
My brother got a new promotion at work. I was pretty surprised in a good way to see his paycheck
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My daughter took her first step a few weeks ago.', 'That is great. How old is she?', 'She is 7 months old. Now we can keep her from running everywhere. She is amazing.']
At this age, they are cute.
My daughter took her first step a few weeks ago.
['My brother taught me some things about beer last week. It was pretty cool', 'what did you learn', 'About different styles of beer and beer glasses']
ah thats cool
My brother taught me a lesson on beer. It was pretty cool
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['A co-worker of mine got a promotion over me.', 'How do you feel about that?', 'Pretty annoyed maybe a little jealous. I guess going to lunch with the boss every day has its benefits.', 'It really does, what job do you work at?', 'IT', 'Do you have any plans to try and get back at your boss?', 'Yeah, find a new job.']
You should get on that soon.
A co-worker of mine got a promotion over me.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Me and a classmate compared scores we got on a test.', "How'd it go?", 'He did better than me.']
That sucks. And you guys studied the same amount?
Me and a classmate were comparing scores we got on a test. He got a better grade than me.
ask me for further details
["Hey how's it going, finished college last May, Woot woot", 'That is such a great milestone what is next for your ventures?', "Right now, I'm sending in a bunch of resumes for jobs, no bites yet but i'm going to keep trucking"]
You will get something soon that hard work is going to pay off.
I finished college last may after 4 long years
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I am very sad my best friend didn't come to my wedding."]
Oh no, why didn't they?
I am very sad my best friend didn't come to my wedding.
ask me for further details
['I once left my wallet on a bench outside of the airport.', 'Did you get lucky and some kind person turn it in', "I didn't. I was planning to buy my first car the next day and had my down payment in there too. $2000. True story"]
That is horrible. Just think it could have been worse. You could have wrecked and totaled a car or a house burnt. Lots of things are worse.
I lost my wallet at the airport once when I worked there. It had my down payment for a car in it.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["Recently I've been driving my friend's mom to and from the hospital for her chemo treatments. My friend is in the military and she can't drive so it's about the only way for her to get there.", 'Aww, that is very sweet, kind and thoughtful of you! Has it been troubling for you because I am sure you also have a busy schedule', "A little troubling sometimes but It hasn't been too terribly hard to fit in most of the time"]
That is good, but if it ever becomes too stressful for you I hope that you are able to talk to your friend about it because there are plenty of alternative ways to get her mother to the hospital.
Recently I've been driving my friend's mom to and from the hospital for her chemo treatments. My friend is in the military and she can't drive so it's about the only way for her to get there.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I was at my sons school for an event. A child threw up right in front of me.', 'wow that must be gross, i know it would make me feel like throwing up too', "It was. I couldn't get out of there fast enough!"]
don't blame you, but as a parent you must see a lot of gross things coming from kids
I was attending an event at my sons school. A child came running toward me and threw up all over the floor!
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I went parachuting and had to pull my secondary parachute due to a malfunction in the first. I was FREAKING out.']
That would be so scary! Did it work on the first try?
I went parachuting and had to use my secondary chute due to a malfunction.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['Madden comes out this friday and i can not wait']
I stop playing videogames years ago
A game that i love comes out friday and i cant wait
['I loaned my new neighbor our lawnmower']
Well that's nice of you. Did he give you anything in return?
I loaned my new neighbor our lawnmower.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["Doesn't it always seem like there's a new reboot of something sprouting up wherever you look?"]
Give me an example?
Media reboots, everywhere.
ask me for further details
['I celebrated the winter holidays with family and friends. It was so wonderful to see everyone, enjoy yummy food and exchange gifts.']
that sounds amazing. i haven't seen my family in almost 2 years
I went to celebrate the winter holidays with family. It was so nice to see everyone, enjoy a delicious meal and exchange gifts
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Me and my partner adopted and dog and took great care of it.']
Aw that's wonderful! What kind of dog?
Me and my partner adopted a dog and grew to love it like our own.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I'm surprised with how clean the house was after I came home from my trip. My wife is the best!"]
That's awesome. Would have been a bummer to come home to a messy house.
I'm surprised with how clean the house was after I came home from my trip. My wife is the best!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I was talking crap to this guy for like 10 minutes and he all of a sudden just knocks me out', 'Talk crap get smacked', 'hahah thats right, I guess I learned the hard way.']
Is this a true story
I was talking big and bad ut got beat up.
['A group of students at the university are extorting money from me. I am too afraid to go back to the university.']
I bet you are apprehensive.
A group of students at the university are extorting money from me. I am too afraid to go back to the university.
['I saw a cook today not wash his hands after using the restroom.', 'yikes that pretty bad', 'It was really nasty to see. I hope no one got sick.']
yea i know what you mean
I saw a cook today not wash his hands after using the restroom. It was so nasty to see.
['MY kids are back on school time. Everyone is asleep!', "Woohooo... I bet you're ecstatic", 'I am!. IT only took two days of school']
I can't wait until my daughter is old enough to go to school lol
I can't believe it took no time to get my kids back on school time. Everyone has been in bed for an hour
["I'm going off to college soon and I'll be leaving the small town that I grew up in. It's a pretty tough thing to do, I really love this place and have a strong attachment to it.", 'Understandably so. You must be pretty anxious over the whole ordeal.', "A little bit, but mostly excited. I do plan, if at all possible, to move back here or at least close enough to visit often. It's hard to let go for sure."]
That's a great idea. No need to let go of the place you call home completely. I hope everything works in your best interests!
I'm going off to college soon so I'll be moving away from the small city I grew up in. It's a bit tough because I loved living here.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['i was upset when i saw my brother pulling up with a brand new BMW', 'Why were you upset', 'cause he doesnt pay his child support but can buy expensive things like that']
Oh, well I wonder how he will pay for that then
i was upset when i saw my brother pulling up with a brand new BMW
['I got a good job, a nice house, a lovely dog, and great food. Life is awesome. I am so happy.', 'Good for you! You are a lucky person!', "Yeah I can't complain. Guess everything has gone right for me!"]
That's great! I'm a bit jealous.
I got a house, a dog, a job, and food. I don't need anything else in life. I am so happy as things are.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I was watching the news and they said we are supposed to get a big storm this weekend']
Oh no im sorry to hear that . Clear skys here
We were supposed to get a big storm. So I went to the store and stocked up so that if we lost power I would be ok and wouldnt have to worry
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['It killed me pretty much when I lost my dad. It was so random and I was not ready for it', "That's awful. It sounds like a freak accident. What happend?", 'He had a brain issue that got him instantly']
Wow, I am sorry to hear. I had a friend with an aneurysm pass suddenly about 2 years ago. It was hard and I can't imagine how you feel with it being your father.
When I lost my dad, it really hurt me. It was just so random
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['When I was at college, some tenagers were extorting money from me.', "That's terrible. How did they do that?", 'They threating me, beating me. I was too afraid to say anything.']
Did it ever get resolved?
When I was at college, some tenagers were extorting money from me.
ask me for further details
['My boss just bought a brand new Range Rover.']
That was nice of him.
My boss just bought a Range Rover. I am envious of him.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I fell down the stairs yesterday I was okay', 'oh my god!!! what happend???', 'I just missed a step. It wasnt bad. My neighbor ran out to see if I was okay. I was mostly embarrased']
now are you ok?
I fell down the stairs outside of my apartment. My neighbor came running out to see if I was okay. I was
ask me for further details
['i hate when someone doesnt take the hint to stop rambling', 'Oh me too. Social cues seem to get lost so easily on people these days.', 'EXACTLY! thank you']
My pleasure. It needs to be said.
when somone wont stop talking
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['My brother has assured me we are going on a trip soon. I am holding him to that', 'do you think its going to happen?', 'I do trust him, so yes']
thats good.
My brother has assured me we are going on a trip soon. I am holding him to it
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I put in vacation request since January for next week. And now they're telling me they're too busy to let me go."]
Oh no! Are they even allowed to do that?
I put in vacation request since January for next week. And now they're telling me they're too busy to let me go.
ask me for further details
['Maybe my paycheck wont come in the mail this month.', "That is not good. Why do you think it won't come?", 'Anything could happen with the mail system.']
That is true. I have lost packages in the past.
Maybe my paycheck wont come in the mail this month.
["I was getting excited about my upcoming birthday, I didn't know if my husband had planned a secret party!", 'Has he given you any hints that he might be planning a party? That would be so much fun to be with all your family and friends in one place to celebrate you!!', 'He dropped a few but was careful not to ruin the surprise! When I came home on my birthday, 40 people surprised me!', 'That is a lot of people!! You are loved and appreciated! Now, its time to start planning his suprise birthday', 'Thank you! I agree, he deserves a great surprise after this awesome birthday party he planned me!']
Husbands can be so thoughtful... You have a good one..
My birthday was last month and I had a feeling my husband was planning a surprise birthday party. I was excited!!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My friend just bought a really nice house that he can barely afford.']
That must be stressful to your friend.
My friend just bought a really nice new house that he can barely afford. bUt I'm super happy with my humble abode
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I really wanted to get an A in physics but I didn't.", 'What happened?? You did not studied hard enough?', "I just didn't try that hard so I got a C."]
the best thing for you is learn from this and do better next time
I really wanted to get an A in physics. I was pretty sad when I got a C instead.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I'm tired of this hot weather. I'm ready for Fall."]
Me too! I love fall weather!
I'm ready for Fall weather to arrive.
["I've been single for some time now. It really sucks...", 'How long are we talking about ?', "A couple years, I think it's mainly my fault though for not putting myself out there."]
Sounds like you know what to do.
I've been single for some time now. It really sucks...
['I just watched my first born graduate from High school.']
Congrats to your son/daughter! They grow up so fast
I just watched my first born graduate from High school.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I am excited for the new super smash bros, I cannot wait any longer']
When does it come out?
I am excited for the new super smash bros, I cannot wait any longer
ask me for further details
['I wont forget the one time I stole from a store when I was a child.']
was that the only time you stole in your life?
i stole from the store as a child
ask me for further details
['I was at a crowded coffee shop last week and decided to to run to the bathroom leaving my macbook behind. I never thought about someone stealing it.\\']
Oh no that sounds like a nightmare. Did you get it back?
I was at a crowded coffee shop last week and decided to to run to the bathroom leaving my macbook behind. I never thought about someone stealing it.
ask me for further details
["My mom borrowed my car last week. I wasn't worried."]
That's good! It can sometimes be hard trusting others with expensive belongings.
My mother had my car and I wasn't worried.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["With all the climate change happening in the word, I don't know what's going to happen where I live, specially since i live near the coast"]
It's very scary! I live near the coast too! I don't know if my home will still be here in 50 years.
With all the climate change happening in the word, I don't know what's going to happen where I live, specially since i live near the coast
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['My best friend is finally able to come back to school after an academic suspension.']
That's good! Was there a reason for the suspension?
My best friend is returning to college after an academic suspension. I hope that this semester will be different since I'm taking the same classes as her.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I hope my dog returns home!', 'Oh gosh I hope so too!', 'Only time will tell!']
I guess you got to just wait and see.
I hope my dog returns home!
["My white dog doesn't want to go outside lately but once he is out there, he is fine like he normally is!"]
Do you have more than one dog??
My white dog doesn't want to go outside lately but once he is out there, he is fine like he normally is! I don't understand what is going on.
ask me for further details
['So the other week we were swimming and my one year old almost fell in the pool.']
Oh no, have you made adjustments to ensure that wont happen again?
The other week my one year old daughter almost fell in the pool
ask me for further details
['I have never had a decent car', "That's too bad. In all fairness, no one really needs a good car. I have a beater, but it's get me from place to place. That's all that really matters.", 'mine doesnt get me anywhere anymore but I am saving for something nice']
I am sure you'll reach your goal one day. I do hope you get that brand spanking new car.
I have had bad luck in the past with cars but I know its about to turn around
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I didn't go to school today.", 'Do you want to do something special today?', 'No, I feel sick and stayed in hostel. I miss my mom today.']
you can read something
As i was sick, I'm unable to go to my school and I stayed in room. I miss my mom now.
["I survived cancer and I'm thankful"]
That would be difficult, so glad you survived.
I survived cancer and I'm thankful
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I lost my friend's dog.", 'Have you tried driving around and looking for it? Or calling the neighbors for help? Maybe they have seen it.', "I've been searching all night. I'm on hold right now with the local shelter."]
I hope they are able to locate him! Check to see if your friend had it microchipped.
I lost my friend's dog.
['Hi, how are you doing today', 'I am great! HOw are you doing today?', "I'm doing good! Super excited today"]
I wanted my sister to get everything she deserved in life. She struggled for 7 months trying to have a baby with her husband, but I had no doubt that it would eventually happen for them on God's time.
ask me for further details
['I was so worried before I did my calculus midterm.']
Did you not study for it?
I had no idea if I was gonna do well on my midterm. It made me so worried.
ask me for further details
['I won a raffle for a hunting trip.', 'Congrats! When are you going?', "I don't know. I just got the call that I won. I've got to set a date."]
That sounds really exciting. Are you taking someone along?
I won a raffle for a hunting trip.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['i was crushed when i didnt get approved for a day off last week', "I'm sorry to hear that! Is it that busy at work?", 'yes its very busy right now with all the kids returning to school']
Oh are you a teacher?
i was crushed when i didnt get approved for a day off last week
ask me for further details
['My best friend always interrupts me when I talk.', 'lol. Maybe you should talk to them about it!', 'I would probably get interrupted. It is so irritating!']
Yeah I understand. Maybe you should pay them back by interrrupting them?
My best friend always interrupts me when I talk. It is so irritating.
ask me for further details
['I feel disgusted when I see or smell any form of thing with bad odour.']
Same, I can never go into public bathrooms for this exact reason. It is amazing how bad it smells in one of those!
I feel disgusted when I see or smell any form of thing with bad odour.
['So my boss sent me over to close the deal with the Mr Harris. I felt so happy closeing a big client like that.', 'Thats great, was the result good?', 'He signed right away and we had a drink to celebrate.']
That's great. How happy were you?
I was sent to close a deal with a client.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['MY children are making me mad']
What are they doing?
My kids still arent sleep. I sent them to bed hours ago
ask me for further details
['My cat pooped on the bed the other day, I threw away the sheet']
Do you have a pet
My cat pooped on the bed the other day, I threw away the sheet
['I am so luck that I had healthy children.']
Healthy is important
I sometimes feel so blessed that I had happy healthy children. Some parents are so lucky
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I am jealous of my coworker, he is very smart and athletic']
Have you considered tring to work out?
I am jealous of my coworker, he is very smart and athletic
ask me for further details
['I lost my job yesterday.', 'Sorry about that.I know how it feels,especially with the family concerns', 'yes, i just want to be able to feed my kids.']
Please never stay idle ,fix yourself anywhere, I mean somewhere
I lost my job yesterday
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['My cat threw up a hairball on bed yesterday. I was so peeved!', 'Those are so gross.', 'I know! I was almost too afraid to pick it to throw it away.']
Did you put the cat in time out?
My cat threw up a hairball on my bed yesterday. I was so peeved at her.
ask me for further details
['I just took a very hard test in math. Tomorrow I will see how I did', 'Did you study for it?', 'Yes and I know I did really well.']
Great then! You can ace any hard test as long as you put in the work and time! I hope you did well.
I just took a very difficult test in my math class. I cannot wait to see how i did. I know I did great
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I caused a car wreck today, I pulled out in front of someone.', 'Oh no! Are you okay?', "I'm fine but I don't think the other driver was. I felt really bad about it but I didn't see them,"]
It's okay, everyone makes mistakes sometimes. I hope the other driver is okay.
I pulled out in front of someone and caused an accident today. I felt really bad about wrecking their car.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I get embarrassed very easily', 'Give me an example of something that happened then.', "Theres loads. Its just being around people. You see, I'm a very shy person and have always been. For example when somebody laughs, that triggers it."]
I know what you mean, I'm really really shy too.
I get embarrassed very easily.
["Luckily it didn't end unhappily, the dog came back"]
It ran away? Better make sure can't do that again. Stressful
The other week I was walking a friend's dog as a favour, but while out with the dog I lost it and could not find it for ages. It had run off into some trees, I was really getting anxious about it
ask me for further details
["I stole money from my son's piggy bank.", 'Why did you do that?', 'I need money for beer. I feel so ashamed for my behavior.']
That is terrible, I hope things get better for you both
I stole money from my son's piggy bank. I feel so ashamed for my behavior.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I saw a man put ketchup in his milkshake.']
Yuck, that sounds really gross.
I saw a man put ketchup in his milkshake. It looked really gross.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I have not learned swimming since childhood. I have a phobia for water i guess. Now its difficult to learn']
Do you think you could overcome it?
I have not learned swimming in childhood, whenever i see water butterflies flies in my stomach. Now its difficult to learn
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["A good friend of mine ended up moving a few states away. We haven't been face to face in over three years."]
wow im sorry to hear that. you still stay in contact?
One of my good friends moved a few states away.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I've had a slight financial struggle recently. I don't see a way out of it.", 'How did you get into this situation?', 'My girlfriend has gone a little crazy with spending frivolously.', 'well I think she should be the one to get you out of it! Otherwise perhaps you could see a financial adviser. They might be able to help you consolidate your debts', "I think I've hadhad an epiphany. After not being serious about religion ever, I may have to turn it over to God...", 'Well I have never heard of God helping with financial situations but perhaps if you pray and scrape together enough money for a ticket to Las Vegas all your troubles will be gone', "Lol... I went to a Christian school. Never cared before but now I'm 47. Maybe He can just give me a quick loan???"]
This is a lot to ask for. I recommend going straight to the pope for something of this magnitude
I've had a slight financial struggle recently. I don'tdon't see a way to get out of it I've got to put my trust in God now.
["I just don't know what to do. I was in such a rush. Should I go back?", 'No just go ahead and keep going. It will be fine.', "Are you sure? What if they got me on camera and accuse me of stealing next time I go in? It's my regular store."]
If they would have had you on camera, they would have already come after you for it. I wouldn't worry about it.
Oh my gosh, I got home from the store and realized I forgot to pay for my dog food!!
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I trust President Trump all the way', 'It seems he is delivering on his promises. As you can see, the economic numbers are truly high', 'I give the credit more to Obama than Trump.The economy is doing great despite Trump']
I think the tax cuts has made investors bullish on capital investment which Trump administration has passed as a law
I trust President Trump all the way.
['For my 30th birthday, my family and friends got together and threw me a surprise birthday party.', 'Very nice! Where was the party?', "It was held at my parent's house in New Orleans."]
That's really sweet of them. Must've been a big party.
I was thrown a surprise party for my 30th birthday.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My landlord is boring everyone in the building. He is here every day asking questions.']
What does he ask about?
My landlord is boring everyone in the building. He is here every day asking questions.
ask me for further details
['My car broke down yesterday and it had to he dropped off at the mechanic. I an really nervous about how much it will cost to fix it!', "Don't worry. Why do you think it will cost higher?", 'The engine was making a horrible sound!']
Oh, hope it will be less cost.
My car broke down yesterday and it had to be dropped off at the mechanic. I am really nervous about how much it will cost to fix it!
['I just finished my a/c condensor, and it was really dirty!', 'Ew! Sounds like a disgusting job.', "It got a little messy, but I'm thinking it's gonna save me a lot of money on my electric bill!"]
That's great! Good to hear you're saving some money!
I just cleaned my a/c condensror, and i'm really hopeful I'm gonna save a lot of money!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["This one time, a girl I've known for a long time lost her place to stay. She had a lot of cats but, I let her crash at my place for a while.", 'What about the cats though?', "Well, they stayed in my room too. They were sweet but, I'm not a huge animal fan"]
You monster! Everyone loves animals
My friend was losing her home and I let her stay with me for a few days
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I'm so proud of my son who just finished 6th grade.", "Wow! 6th grade, that's amazing. Are you planning on celebrating?", "He finished on the A honor roll. We actually went to Dave and Buster's today.", 'Fun! He must be really passionate about learning', "Yes he really does enjoy. He's always telling me about stuff he's learned."]
That's really special, and a great attitude to have
My son finished 6th grade on the honor roll.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Someone stole my lawn mower']
OH no. I really dislike theives.
Some one took away my lawn mover
['My new semester starts next week and I think it will be my best one yet.', 'Aw yeah! What year are you in college?', 'My new semester starts next week and I feel like it is going to be my best one yet.']
Just make sure you focus on getting good grades!
My semester starts next week and I feel like it is going to be my best one yet.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I finally got to see my favorite baseball time team play in person. It was a dream come true.']
I've only been to a couple of minor leagure games in the city.
I finally got to see my favorite baseball time team play in person. It was a dream come true.
['I voted last week', 'oh thats good of you, what for?', 'I voted for city council and clerks.']
nice, its important to vote
I think this recent primary is going to turn my city around
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.