question or not
2 values
4 values
['I left my adult son home for a few days and just came back to a sink full of gross old dishes!']
Did you ask him to wash the dishes?
I left my adult son home for a few days and just came back to a sink full of gross old dishes. The whole house is a mess!
ask me for further details
['Someone keyed my new car yesterday at work.']
Oh no! Did you find out who?
Someone keyed my new car yesterday at work. I don't know who that was and it is better for them it keeps that way, or I will make them pay for it and denounce them to the police.
ask me for further details
['I will be starting Law School in January.']
That's seriously impressive. Sounds like a lot of work, though. Hope it all works out. Are you nervous?
I am nervous about going to law school soon
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I was walking home from work, and I saw somebody put their used gum in a homeless man's cup!", "That's just disgusting!", "Yeah I was shocked someone could be so callous. I went and bought the homeless guy a sandwich just to show him not everyone's a jerk."]
I'm glad you were there to show that people still care.
I saw someone put use gum in a homeless man's cup.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I saw someone who was making much more money than me doing a the same thing as me but a very bad job. But I still wished I was on their place and paid as much']
I know what you mean, maybe ask if the place is hiring?
I saw someone who was making much more money than me doing a very bad job. But I still wished I was on their place and paid as much!
ask me for further details
['I keep heading a noises coming from my attic']
Uh oh!!! Better go investigate!
I keep heading a noise coming from my attic
['I lost my favorite bracelet... but after looking for a few hours I found it']
Glad to hear you found it I know your heart was racing to find it especially if it was your favorite.
I lost my favorite bracelet... but after looking for a few hours I found it
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['This time of year makes me miss being a kid. And hanging out with my parents']
That's funny, I was thinking almost the same thing.
This time of year makes me miss being a kid. And hanging out with my parents
['I got a check in the mail today!', 'Yaya! what are you going to spend it on?', "Don't know yet! I was blown away when I got it. Didn't expect that!"]
Amazing! i need some luck like that in my life.
Got a check in the mail
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["Last month, my boss gave me a 10% raise, even though I didn't ask fo it. It was quite the welcome surprise!"]
That is great. Probably he think that you are doing a great job.
I was given a large raise at work.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['The level of attention to details in the new BMW sedans blows me away', 'Really? In what way?', 'Interior designs and the comfort']
Nice. I suppose you get what you pay for.
The level of attention to details in the new BMW sedans blows me away
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My dad was there for me when I dropped out of college. I knew things would be okay because of him']
That is an example of an awesome parent. It is good to know he has got your back!
knew things were going to be alright for me when I dropped out of college. My dad was there for me a lot
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My friend invited me over to share Thanksgiving with him and his family a while ago.', 'That sounds lovely!', 'Yea it was very cool and I was able to familiarize myself with their cooking. I cherished the evening.']
What a wonderful time for you and your friend!
My friend invited me over to share thanksgiving with him and his family a while ago.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My co-workers were really sweet to me a few days ago.']
That's awesome! What did they do?
My coworkers unexpectedly gave me a birthday cake this past week. It was a sweet gesture.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["Man I've had such an awesome week! How about you?"]
That's awesome! Mine has been just fine, not bad
It's been such a terrific week!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My friend was supposed to be on her trip for months and months but she came home early! I missed her!']
That must have been a wonderful feeling! It must have been hard not having your friend around for awhile.
My friend shocked me by coming back from her months long trip early!
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['My dog ran away and some kind person brought him back to me', "That's so awesome! So many times they don't come back.", 'I know I was so thankful and happy to have him back']
Fantastic! What kind of dog is he?
My dog ran away and some kind person brought him back to me.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My dog threw up on my $10,000 tuxedo that I purchased with my lottery winnings.', "That's awful!", 'It is! I spent all my winnings on it after pouring $500,000 down the shame. I was so angry.']
I would have been angry too, is it cleanable?
My dog threw up all over my $10,000 tuxedo. I was quite irate.
ask me for further details
['Have you ever tried skydiving before?', "I haven't, but it's definitely on my bucket list!", 'I thought I was going to pee my pants until the instructor told me how many years of experience he has under his belt.']
I bet it helped having someone there who knew what they were doing.
I was scared to skydive, but the instructor reassured me with his 15 years of experience.
['Well I rescued another dog the other day and thankfully she is very calm and sweet but I was so worried when I saw her as I already have more then enough animals.']
That's so awesome. Is she little or big?
I felt anxious when I saw a new dog and knew she needed help but I didn't want another dog.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I took the garbage to the road last night and the bag burst. Got nasty stuff all over my shirt.', "Ugh, that's the worst! Bright side - at least you weren't far from home that you were able to clean everything up, right?", 'No, my garbage can is 2 miles away. The smell was so strong that a herd of possums jumped me on the way back.', "*blinks* One, I didn't know possums travelled in herds and two, I am only hoping your day didn't get worse from there?", "Oh, but it did. When I was almost there...ALMOST...a gaggle of ravenous hobos shanked me. I'm not sure why, but it happened, I swear."]
Bless it! And you survived all of that to tell the tale! And all of this over a busted garbage bag! We gotta get you a better brand of garbage bags, friend. :)
I took out the garbage yesterday. The bag exploded as I took it to the street. It was so gross.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["My old high school is being sold and turned into an old people's apartment complex. Sad to see it go."]
Nostalgia. Is there another HS nearby for the kids to go to?
My old high school is being turned into an old people's apartments building. So sad.
ask me for further details
['I am repulsed by my neighbor.', "Ugh I've been there before... What do they do?", "He sits in his front yard with his shirt off and does everything out there like that. The freshest assault on my senses was clipping his toenails. I mean come on, he has a back yard, why can't he go back there?"]
Eeeewwww... some people have no shame
I am repulsed by my neighbor.
['I really like to ask my friends for advice']
thats nice of you to rely on a friend.
I really like to ask my friends for advice
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["Hi! So recently I applied for this barista job. I've been waiting forever for them to get back to me!"]
They haven't called you back yet? I hate when that happens, they make you wait by the phone on pins and needles!
I applied for a barista job recently and wasn't sure I would get the job. I was very nervous waiting for the call.
ask me for further details
['I placed a sports bet last Saturday. I knew I was going to be right and get paid out!']
That would be exciting! What do you plan to do with your winnings?
I placed a wager/bet on a UFC fight last Saturday. I knew I was going to be right and get paid.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["finally got my house, don't have to deal with apartment living anymore"]
It must be nice to have a house
so happy i don't have to live in an apartment anymore. a house is so much more free
['Im a little nervous.. I just finished my online class and the grades are still not up yet.']
That can be nerve wrecking.
Im a little nervous. I just finished my online class and the grades still aren't up yet.
["There a guy parked right in front of my house the past few hours. He keeps looking towards my house, I'm getting kind of freaked out."]
That's creepy, do you think you're in trouble for something or is it someone random?
A van has been parked out front of my house all night. There's a man in the front seat who keeps on looking towards my house. I have no idea what he's doing, but I'm pretty scared right about now.
ask me for further details
["I was at Target the other day with my daughter and I saw that they are selling Teddy Ruxpin that I used to have from the 80's! Man, that brought back some great memories!"]
Oh wow! I remember the commercials too! He looked like the coolest toy out there! Did your daughter like it?
I was at Target the other day with my daughter and I saw that they are selling Teddy Ruxpin that I used to have from the 80's! Man, that brought back some great memories!
ask me for further details
['A homeless woman asked me for money and I said no.']
I don't blame you. I don't like giving out money like that - you just never know what they may do with it.
A homeless woman asked me for money and I said no. I feel so ashamed not to give her anything.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I've been going through old photos and trying to figure out how to store them, but then I just spend half the time crying."]
brought back good memories?
I've been going through old photos and trying to figure out how to store them. I found a lot of my kids when they were babies, I cannot believe they are 18 and 16 now!
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I was so excited about moving to the new house with my wife two days ago.']
That is something to be excited about. How far away are you moving?
I've felt excited two days ago about moving to my new house.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I got an older car for my 16th birthday, but my best friend got a BRAND new BMW! Ugh, life is so unfair.']
Life is not fair for anybody
My parents bought me an older car, but my friend just got a brand new BMW from his parents! Life is so not fair at all!
['I remember the time when my grandfather died and resulted in a family feud. It made my life quite alone.', 'Sorry to hear that. What was the dispute about?', 'Well, I was quite young at the time with no one I can relate to. It was very difficult to decipher, it was more of feud between aunts and uncle/dad. The life of poppop was especially not easy on them']
I understand. It should have been not easy.
I remember the time when my grandfather died and caused a family feud. It made my life quite alone, with no one I can relate to because I was young.
['Im not sure if this has happened at a job you have had, but it gets me so annoyed when the boss keeps useless employees around just because they suck up to him']
That's the worst, who's he keeping around?
when my boss keeps lazy workers around
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["Have you ever think you've seen a ghost?"]
I have seen things I can't explain. I didn't stick around to ask, I ran. But afterwards I was thinking it was a ghost.
when I was little and moved into a new home I saw lights moving around in my closet one night when I went to bed. I thought it was my brother messing with but no one was around.
['Last night my new dog finally played! She was so starved and abused but she is so young!']
I also have a dog that was starved when she was young! She is so afraid of everything even to this day, but she's almost 8!
Last night my new dog finally played! She was so starved and abused but she is so young! I didn't think she knew how to play or was just very docile but she took of running with my boxer when he ran and even mouthed him in play!
['I have an interview tomorrow for a job i had applied. I feel fully prepared for all the questions and I am confident I will do fine', 'You will. Being prepared always helps', 'Indeed. Display confidence during interviews is very attractive and leave a good impression on people interviewing you']
Thats right. I think you got it already. You know exactly what to do
I have an interview tomorrow for a job. I have prepared for all the questions and I am assured I will do fine
['My cat vomited on my shoes the other day and i had to clean it']
ewww. was it really gross?
My cat vomited on my shoes the other day
ask me for further details
['My 5 year old son is already reading! He picked up on it so fast!']
That is awesome, I was an early reader as well! That is a great accomplishment!!
My 5 year old son is already reading! He picked up on it so fast!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Playing with my children makes me so happy!']
I agree, nothing like seeing them smile and have fun!
I once had the best time at the play playing with my children!
['Oh man it smells SOO good in here!!!', 'Did you just clean your place?', "No. I've got brownies in the oven!!!"]
Mmmm, I love that brownie smell. Also nothing better than fresh brownies.
My brownies are almost done! They smell so gooood!!
['I was shopping at the store the other day and I bumped into a rack and spilled wine bottles everywhere. Everyone was staring.']
Oh geez, that sounds pretty embarrassing. Did any of the bottles break?
I was at the store the other day and I bumped in to a wine rack and knocked over a bunch of bottles, and people were staring which was so embarrassing.
ask me for further details
['I had forgotten to start dinner, even though my husband has asked me to while he was at work, and so when he got home we had no food, and I felt bad.', "Well, he could bring something home. Don't feel bad.", 'Yes but he asked me to start the food so he could finish cooking it, but I forgot even though I said I would.']
Don't feel too guilty. You can have that for dinner tomorrow night. Get pizza tonight.
I had forgotten to start dinner when my husband asked me too, and he got home and there was no food which was sad for him.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I bought a watch from eBay that said 9/10 cosmetic condition, yet when I took it out of the box, there was a huge crack on the watch face! Does that really count as 9/10?!']
hell no it does not , these people out here stealing that is exactly why im afraid of buying from e bay , a lot of bad reviews
I bought a watch on eBay that claimed to be a 9/10 cosmetic condition, but when I got it I noticed a huge crack in the watch face!
['I thought I saw a bat in my kitchen last night', 'Ugh that would freak me out! Did you ever find out if it was a real bat?', "It was a big moth. I'm just afraid of everything. My daughter just opened the door and let it out lol. She is my hero"]
Oh well that's lucky for you haha my three sons hate bugs!
I thought I saw a bat in my kitchen last night. I was so scared.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I was so scared when I watched the new Insidious movie. I am such a scaredy cat!']
I do not like those movies because of that
I was so scared when I watched the new Insidious movie. I am such a scaredy cat!
['My son came first in his English class, which is a big deal since he is Asian.']
Oh that makes sense, aren't academics huge in asian culture?
My son came first in his English class
ask me for further details
['Today I learned I was given a raise. It was out of the blue, I was not expecting it.', "That's a great surprise!", 'Yes, indeed! It is not the time of the year when raises happen.']
That's really nice. I hope it was a big raise!
Today I learned I was been given a raise. I wasn't expecting it at this time of the year.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Hi, how are you?', "I'm doing pretty alright, what about you?", 'I have been better, I just am kind of annoyed with lying. Does lying annoy you also/']
Absolutely, it is one of my biggest pet peeves, especially when people accuse me of lying too.
['I hear stange noises every time I try to go to sleep in my new noise.']
You mean new house? Did you find it for sale really cheap?
I keep hearing strange noises as I try to go to sleep. It's pretty scary.
ask me for further details
['I ate at Mcdonalds. I was sick after.']
Same here. Maybe we ate at the same one?
I ate at Mcdonalds, I was sick after.
ask me for further details
['My tooth has been killing me lately.', 'Why is that?', "I don't know, but I have a dentist appointment next week. I hate going and I really don't want to."]
That is good then, I hope they can fix it for you!!
I have a dentist appointment next week and I don't want to go. My tooth hurts really bad.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I was eating one of those ferrero rocher candies once. A worm was inside it. It was so gross!!', 'Eww, that must have so disgusting. You should report this to the FDA.', 'haha. Nah I just threw it away. It almost made me sick. It was my fault though since it was a little expired']
Oh I see, try and avoid expired food next time!
Found worm in my candy
['i was scared walking home the other day']
Why was that?
i was scared walking home the other day
ask me for further details
['So, what happens next?']
So i safely reached home.
once upon a time my car was break down in middle of the high way at night 2 pm there is no one else to help me. on the time i was workshiped god suddenly one car was came infront of me and help me to lift my car .
['I found out that I had to cancel my vacation. I am pretty bummed.', 'that is awful, hopefully you can plan another one soon', 'I hope so. My friend had to back out at the last minute, so my plans had to change.']
im sorry, thats the worst
I found out that the vacation I planned for had to be cancelled. My friend got sick and is not able to go with me.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["living out in the country when it gets dark it's really hard to see what's going on around you at nite"]
i imagine so, especially when you have no idea what to expect
living out in the country when it gets dark it's really hard to see what's going on around you at nite
["Halloween is scary stuff that's for sure."]
Do little kids dressed as witches and ghosts frighten you?
Entering a haunted house for a halloween tour. There was chainsaws everywhere.
ask me for further details
['I used to rush home from school to catsh a soap opera', 'Really? Which one was it?', 'Passions']
Was that in the United States or somewhere else? I used to love All My Children and General Hospital.
I remember rushing home to watch Passions after school. We would all talk about it it homeroom the next day.
ask me for further details
['I am so happy I graduated college.']
I bet! It has to feel like a huge accomplishment.
I am proud I graduated college.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['my mother passed last week. i have been very down and have not left my house all week', "I'm very sorry for your loss.", 'thank you. i know the pain will never full leave, but eventually it wil all get better']
I hope you will be at peace soon.
passing of my mother
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I think I did very good at my interview. I hope they call me back!', "Good luck. That's always nerve racking waiting for them to call. I'm sure you did well though.", 'I have a really good feeling about this place though :)']
That is really exciting. I bet since you have a good feeling, they will call back.
I was hopeful i got the job after the interview
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I spilled my coffee in the middle of a busy coffee shop. It was horrible!']
I am so sorry. Did they give you another one for free?
I spilled my coffee in the middle of a busy coffee shop. It was horrible!
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I'm in my late 20s and don't have a college degree"]
What are you waiting for to get one?
I'm in my late 20s and don't have a college degree.
ask me for further details
['I really miss living in Montreal, it was a fun city']
I love Canada, do you speak French?
I really miss living in Montreal, it was a fun city
ask me for further details
['I watched a scary movie with my boyfriend.', "i don't know if i could make it thru a scary movie. it gets me too scared.", 'Ever since then I have not been able to sleep.']
i can't imagine even trying to deal. you are braver than i am for sure.
I watched a scary movie with my boyfriend. Ever since then I have not been able to sleep.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['My friend bought me a programming course.', 'that was nice of them.', 'Yea, it is. I was just talking about how I wanted to learn yesterday, and the next thing is this course in my email.']
always good to have friends like that
My friend bought me a programming course.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I won a contest at work! I never win anything', 'thats awesome! what kind of contest?', 'A visa gift card']
free money is always great!
I won a contest at work! I never win anything
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['i lied to my friend that i was busy this weekend', 'Any particular reason that made you do that?', 'i felt bad for cancelling but i was just feeling really off']
Right, well we can all get that way sometimes. I'd just tell your friend directly that you weren't feeling up to it.
i lied to my friend that i was busy this weekend
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I am ready for my vacation in late August.']
any special plans?
I am ready for my vacation in late August.
ask me for further details
["i lost lots of weight, i can walk around with my shirt off and open now. So proud of myself that i'm not a fatso anymoe", 'Good work. You must be feeling so healthy and fresh.', 'i am and i am planning to keep this up, its just a part of life now for me']
Yes, you will even begin to look years younger as well!
i lost a lot of weight, love walkign around with my shirt off at the beach
['Just sent in my application to Burger King, feeling good.', 'That is great you should follow up with them in a few days.', "I plan on it, it's a manager position too."]
I was going to ask if it was for a manager that is awesome you got this they will be hiring you on the spot.
The time I applied to become a manager at burger king. I have what it takes.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['it s every ones right to get notified.. is it not right', 'Notified of what?', 'about the who actually need it admiration..?']
Ah, that makes sense
not getting the importance that i deserve
['Yesterday I heard a loud sound coming from my kitchen']
was it a bear?
I heard a loud smashing sound from the kitchen.
ask me for further details
['Dangit! They burned!!']
Are you baking? What did you burn.
My brownies burned in the oven. UGH
ask me for further details
['my mother worked alot as a kid, i had some pretty cool babysitters though.']
Well thats a positive spin
my mom was always working, i was alone alot.
["I haven't been getting much sleep lately. Part of my rent on a farm property I live on is making sure hunters don't sneak onto the property. They always sneak in at the worst times."]
Have you set up cameras to monitor the property?
I live on a rural property and part of my rent is making sure people don't trespass on the property to hunt. People keep trying to sneak onto the property and sometimes it keeps me up all night trying to kick them out.
ask me for further details
['yes i felt prepare']
When did you feel prepared?
yes i felt prepare
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['i cant get any sleep. i want to know if i got the job or not.', 'hope you get the job , i would feel the exact same way', 'i have a very good feeling about it!!']
i really hope you get it
waiting to hear if i got a job or not.
['I would like to go vegan, but anytime I try a vegan dish, I REALLY dislike it. Like, stomach turning dislike.', "It really limits your dietary choices. I don't recommend it. Have you considered vegetarian?", "I haven't, but maybe I'll give it a try!"]
Or you could even just drop the vege anything and just minimize your animal protein intake
I recently tried going vegan, but I REALLY disliked a lot of the dishes I tried.
['Hey, I have some good news.', 'What is that?', 'I think my house might finally be sold! ahhh']
Nice, how much did you get for it?
i cant wait to hear if my house sells. i am so nervous
ask me for further details
['I went to my old workplace. A lot of my coworkers were still there. I miss them sometimes']
Why did you leave?
I went to my old workplace. A lot of my coworkers were still there. I miss them sometimes.
ask me for further details
['I am so thankful for invention of cars! Can you imagine have to walk or take a bike to places very far away?', "I couldn't. I would love to be able to walk to work, but it's just too far.", 'Me too, everything is so far nowadays. I am so grateful!']
If we had a better public transportation system where I live, I'd probably choose that over cars.
I am so thankful for invention of cars! Can you imagine have to walk or take a bike to places very far away?
["I'll filled with hope whenever I've been in church."]
Good for you. Religion can be a source of hope and optimism for many people in times of distress
I go to church every week without fail. I filled with full of hope whenever I leave from church.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I felt great after winning a video game tournament.']
That is so cool, what kind of video game was it?
I felt really good after winning a gaming tournament.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['my first year of college i didnt have much contact with people which got old quick.', 'You must felt really lonely because you need friends in college', 'yep it really did get quite lonesome at times.']
I bet it can. I had no friends in college either.
my first year of college i didnt have much contact with people
['One of my friends just got a girlfriend and it was really surprising that he would get one before the rest of us.']
Why were you surprised? Is he shy?
One of my friends seemed like one of the last people to get a girlfriend in the friend group. Instead he turned out to be one of the first.
ask me for further details
['I was feeling rather anxious the other day because I smoked a ton of pot', 'Were you doing it in a public place? Weed can do that to someone.', 'No I was home alone. I kept on fearing that I would get caught if someone came home']
You may want to smoke less next time. Do it in moderation.
I got high once I was home alone. I smoked a lot of weed and I was really paranoid
['I had 2 cups of ice cream today.', 'Is that good or bad?', 'Good to have occasionally. I love to have it.']
Good, enjoy it when you get it, that is what I say
I love to have ice creams. I eat 2 cups of ice cream today. I much happy about it.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['When I was a little kid I used to watch The Nighmare Before Christmas with my parents all the time....saw it again just the other day reminded me of my family', 'I think I have seen that movie', 'What kind of movies do you like']
I like animated movies. I have lots of kids lol
I saw The Nighmare Before Christmas the other day with my friend and it reminded me of my childhood
["I didn't have enough money to pay for my groceries and had to put something back. There were a lot of people in line.", 'oof thats not a fun siutation', 'I was mortified. I probably could have started a fire with just the color of my face.']
thats a vivid description haha
I didn't have enough money to pay for my groceries and had to put something back. There were a lot of people in line.
['I ran into an old high school friend while at the store. It was a shock!']
Has it been a long time?
when i seen an old friend at the store
ask me for further details
["Sitting next to my baby brother who's two-years-old, and he's just ripping farts. Really wish I didn't have to stay with my parents during the summer while college is out", 'Wap you must be disgusted with the farting. were you mad? or are you used to this kind of situations?', 'Kind of used to it.Comes with the territory of being with a kid brother. How about you? Any siblings?']
Yes i do have 2 siblings, older brother and younger sister, but we dont fart in front of eachother, i love them!
Sitting next to my baby brother who's two-years-old, and he's just ripping farts. Really wish I didn't have to stay with my parents during the summer while college is out.
['I had a really bad day at work yesterday, and my wife decided to take me out to my favorite place after work.', 'That was nice.', 'It was really thoughtful of her, Im thankful for it. I needed that.']
Wives are awesome like that.
my wife decided to take me out for dinner after a long shift. it was nice of her
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['So when I was younger, my aunt lived in California. We lived on the East Coast. My aunt invited my sister out to see her.', "That's great for your sister, but you must have felt left out.", "Exactly. Even though I was just a little younger, I didn't get to go, too.", 'Did she invite you another year?', 'Yes, but it was several years later.']
Did you have fun when you got to go?
My sister got to go visit our aunt in California by herself, but even though I was only one year younger, I didn't get to go as well.
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['Whenever I have to be assertive or confront someone, I get super nervous.', "I've had that feeling as well, especially if it is with someone that is close to me. Is it because you dont like confrontation or a different reason?", "I think it's just sort of a social anxiety. It's gotten worse the older I get.", 'I used to have social anxiety as well. I dont recall the names off the top of my head but some self help books with the topic have helped me in the past!', 'I think Im just worried about looking stupid and am afraid of rejection.']
I used to be that way too. One thing to think about that might help is even if you do look stupid for a second nobody is going to remember 10 minutes from then. Another thing that helped me was thinking about how good it felt if a stranger started talking with me in public for a 2-5 minute conversation and how it didnt upset me or make them look stupid so I shouldnt look stupid if I did the same thing.
I get really nervous when I have to confront someone and be assertive.
['Okay, this is going to be a weird question, but did you guys ever have any Yo-yo sales people come to your school as a kid?']
I did actually.
When I was a kid, once or twice they had these people come to the school to sell yoyos. I saved up to buy a really expensive fancy one, and low and behold; it was just a yoyo.
['it was suprising when i got approved for the week off']
The whole week?
it was suprising when i got approved for the week off
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