question or not
2 values
4 values
['I have to make a cheesecake later.']
Is it for a special event?
I have to make a cheesecake later. I am sure I can get it done.
ask me for further details
['I was running in the park, I slipped on a banana peel and fell.']
oh no thats embarrassing. did anyone see?
I was running in the park and I slipped on a banana peel and fell.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["For various reasons, my mother and I haven't been able to visit each other for 5 years. She's in town now and I am so happy."]
What do you have planned?
My mom is visiting me after not seeing her for 5 years!
ask me for further details
["I was feeling nostalgic when I went to my brother's recent birthday party."]
Oh that's always nice. What made you feel that?
I went to my brother's birthday party, and I was remembering the good old days.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['So, I have a dark confession to make. I ate 24 burritos from Chipotle the other day. Felt so bad about myself.', "I hate overeating especially when I'm on a diet. I feel so guilty about it all the time.", "I know, felt the same thing yesterday. They had to lift me to my car because I couldn't move at all."]
24 burritos, my god. You are a eating terminator!
I ate 24 burritos at Chipotle the other day. Felt so bad about myself.
["I'm sad, tomorrow I have to go back to school and I'm going to miss the summer with my old friends."]
Awh, I'm sorry to hear that. Do you have any friends at school?
I'm sad, tomorrow I have to go back to school and I'm going to miss the summer with my old friends.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I am really happy with my tattoo artist. He is not charging me a lot for great work', "That's great. I don't have any tattoos myself, but a lot of people I know do. And it seems expensive. So I'm glad he's not charging you much.", 'They can be very expensive']
It seems that a decent one is several hundred dollars. I just don't have that kind of money.
I am pretty happy with my tattoo artist. He is not charging me a lot work great work
['i got up to get cereal this morning, but my roommate drank all my milk.', 'did he get a beat down ?', 'Yeah, most definitely. I used my belt.']
hah.. thats cool.
My roommate drank all my milk. I wanted to have cereal for breakfast.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I've lived in my house for 19 years and I'm finally remodeling my kitchen!", "I can relate - we've been in our house 18 years and have yet to do anything. What style are you doing it in?", "We are picking out stainless steel appliances, white cabinets and quartz countertops. It's so much fun to pick everything out!"]
I bet you are having a blast!!! How long do you think the renovations will take until you are done?
After living in my home for 19 years, I'm remodeling my kitchen! It's so much fun to pick everything out!
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I am sick of what Harvey Weinstein did.']
What happened? I don't know of this news.
I am sick of what Harvey Weinstein did.
ask me for further details
['My mom and grandma were supposed to visit last week but cancelled last minute.', 'Oh no. What happened?', "My mom said she had to go to work but I'm not sure I believe her."]
Must feel terrible. Well, at least, you don't have to look after them then.
My mom and grandma were supposed to come visit and backed out at the last minute.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I was thinking about my high school prom and what a great night it was. I was so cool back then.']
Isn't it fun to think of times like that. When you were free of most responsibilites?
I was thinking about my high school prom and I really miss those days. I was so cool then.
ask me for further details
['I got some bad news from my doctor today. :( All I want to do is cry.', 'Im sorry, but you should still try to remain positive about it', "Thank you. My husband said the same thing. I am trying, but it's hard."]
I know, You just have to take it one day at a time
I got some bad news today. It has made me feel down and depressed.
["I drank some of my mother's rum a few years back and I still feel bad about it, especially since she found out and scolded me for it.", 'Oh no! That stuff is no good, did you have fun or was it more of a mistake? Haha.', 'I had fun, but at the same time stealing it from my mom was not my best moment haha.']
Oh yeah but we all make those mistakes as kids, it's good you've matured since then! Haha.
A few years back, I drank some of my mother's rum and didn't ask her. She found out and scolded me for it and it made me feel bad.
['One time me and some friends were out driving and we almost crashed since it was so dark and rainy.']
Oh no that sounds really scary!
It was really dark and rainy one time when we were driving. We also crashed and it scared the hell outta me.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I heard on the radio that Beyonce will be performing in my city soon.']
That's cool. Are you a big fan of her?
I heard on the radio that there will be a Beyonce concert coming to my city soon.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Caught my daughter sneaking on her laptop late last night']
what was she hiding ?
I found my daughter sneaking on her computer late last night. I have warned her about that
ask me for further details
['My nephew joined the football team this year', 'How exciting? What position will he be playing?', "Not sure yet they haven't told him. I can't wait to go to one of his games and watch him play though", 'That is always so much fun, and the kids love having people there to watch them.', "Yeah! He's pretty darn good at it. I hope they give him a good position."]
Me too, and good luck to him.
My nephew made the football team!
['My neighbor returned my wallet today.']
That's so nice of them. Where did they find it?
My neighbor returned my wallet today. I was so thankful.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['i was irked when the lakers got Lebron', 'They wont win anything', 'they will when curry brakes his ankles']
They have 4 other stars
i was irked when the lakers got Lebron
['I am so happy to be working and making money..']
Yes, thats always a good thing. Have you been working long?
I am so happy to be working and making money.
ask me for further details
['I have a lot of nerves today!']
Hm, thats not good. How so, if I may ask?
I have a lot of nerves today! I am sick a lot in my health and I can't seem to figure out what sets off my fibro a lot, it gives me anxiety and depression and I am just so overwhelmed with it I don't know what to do anymore!
ask me for further details
["I can't believe my son decided to draw on the seats of my car with permanent marker!"]
Oh no. It's hard to get mad at them when there really isn't anything you can do about it now.
My son drew all over my car with permanent marker!
["I'm not sure if my boyfriend wants to get married yet. I won't rush him though."]
Communication is key, have you talked to him about it?
I'm not sure if my boyfriend wants to get married yet. I won't rush him though.
ask me for further details
["I got a wonderful surprise package the other day from my godmother. I haven't heard from her in years."]
That's really awesome! You are a really lucky person!
I got a surprise package the other day. It was from my godmother. She sent me an adorable quilt.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["There was a person who had to do twice the amount of work that they usually do. Sounded like they need to fire whoever didn't do their job", 'Yeah, or at least do something to correct that.', 'Maybe there should be a training day where they do back over everything,']
or hire more people maybe also
I had a co-worker open at my jb and instead of getting anything done she spent the enitre time on the phone. When I got to work I had to do her job and my own.
['A man walked up to me in a parking lot and told me to give him a dollar.', "That's strange. Did you?", 'Yes, I did. He looked mean.']
Did he walk away afterwards?
A man approached me in a parking lot and told me to give him a dollar. He told me he used to rob banks. I was paralyzed, but I managed to give him a dollar, and he walked away.
ask me for further details
["My best friend got such a pretty girlfriend. I don't know how he does it. I look better than him but he gets the pretty girls."]
I totally know what you mean.
I can't believe how pretty my best friend's new girlfriend is. I look better than him but he always gets the pretty girls. Wish I had as much game as him.
["My friends threw me a sudden party for my birthday. Didn't see it coming at all."]
That's great! Did you enjoy it?
My friends threw a sudden party for my birthday. I had no idea it was coming.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I feel very happy when my children are happ']
That is the greatest feeling in the world, to see them smiling.
I feel very happy when my children are happy!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['im very sure that I will have straight As in the exam']
That is good, have you studied hard?
im very sure that I will have straight As in the exam
ask me for further details
['I was supposed to go to Busch Gardens last weekend.', 'Did you not go?', 'It was raining and we had to cancel.']
That stinks. You should go this weekend?
I was supposed to go to Busch Gardens last weekend , but it was raining and we had to cancel.
ask me for further details
['I knew I was going to get this job. I was prepared for it', "I'm really glad to hear that! What kind of job is it, if you don't mind me asking?", 'Its in production']
Oh, that sounds pretty cool. I kind of had my eye on a career like that when I was in school, but ultimately didn't go that route. What will you be doing specifically?
I just knew I was going to get this job. I prepared well for it
ask me for further details
["I can't wait to see The Weeknd in concert tonight.", "I don't think I know that band. But, I'm sure you will have lots of fun!", 'He is a singer, not a band.']
Well there ya go, I didn't know. The Weeknd sounds like a band, more than just one person.
I can't wait to see The Weeknd in concert tonight.
['I just got home from vacation and there was an awful stench in my house. Turns out I forgot to take the trash out before I left']
Oh that's not fun! I hope it cleared when you took it out!
After coming home from vacation, there was a horrible smell in the house. I realized I had forgotten to take the trash out before leaving and food had been rotting in my house
['we have daily tests at work to make sure we are on target. I used to be bad at them but I have recently started to be very good.']
how did you get better?
We have daily tests at work to make sure we are on target. I used to be bad at them, but now i am getting good at them.
ask me for further details
['My local store stopped carrying my favorite spring rolls.']
were you able to find them somewhere else
My local store stopped carrying my favorite spring rolls.
['i just ordered some hot wings', 'Did you get the spicy kind', 'well they are hot wings lol', 'They sell them in mild too!', 'oh i got hot. mild is not worth buying. i cnt wait til they get here', 'I prefer mild wings. Did you order them fromore a pizza place?', 'there is a wing place near me. the lemon pepper one are good too']
Oh that's cool they deliver.
I just ordered some hot wings. I cant wait til they get here
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['do you watch cricket? I hope Australia will win the world cup', "No, I don't. What are the teams playing?", 'there are 10 teams around the world, Its gonna happen next year. Eagerly waiting for it']
Nice. I didn't know about it.
Australia will win 2019 cricket world cup. I have a good hope
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I watched a TV show last night where a guy ate a live squid', 'Oh my, that is so disgusting. Why would you watch something like that?', 'I normally like the show - its a travel thing so he eats cuisine in different countries.']
Oh I see, I don't think I would be able to eat something like that!
I watched a show where a guy ate a live squid
['I yelled at my mom, because I was sleepy. I feel so bad.']
What did you yell at her for?
I yelled at my mom, because I was sleepy. I feel so bad.
ask me for further details
['I am so annoyed at President Trump', 'I am too! I am really not a fan on how he is handling relations with Russia. What makes him annoying to you?', 'You just mentioned.His relations with Putin.There is something fishy about it.']
I know right? Doesn't seem right. Especially with the whole Russian interference with the election.
i am so annoyed at President Trump
ask me for further details
['I have a friend who is kind to everyone, even when they are being derps', 'that sounds like a good friend', 'It compels me to be a better person and try to be kinder to everyone for sure']
thats good
I am impressed by a friend who accepts and is kind to everyone.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I felt trusting when I wnet to the docts', 'What happened there?', 'They examined me and gave me prescription']
Are you doing okay? anything serioius?
I felt trusting when I went to the doctors
ask me for further details
['The rain made me feel down yesterday. I wanted to be out and about']
I know what you mean! I got caught out in it by surprise, totally ruined my bike ride.
The rain yesterday made me feel a little down. I wanted to be out and about
['Reading about the Mandela effect always gets me thinking about and missing my childhood for some reason.']
I know what you mean. Theres some crazy stuff out there about it too!
Reading about the Mandela effect always takes me back to my childhood.
["hey. i took my son to the park yesterday and he was going down the slide and i didn't catch him. he fell and hit his face , i feel so bad about it"]
Oh no! I hate to hear that he is hurt. But you shouldn't feel bad. It happens all the time. Kids will find a thousand ways to get hurt.
i took my son to the park yesterday and he fell and hit his face
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['We were cleaning out my parents house the other day and found some pretty cool stuff', 'brought back some old memories?', 'Yea, some pictures of my grandparents. It was amazing to see them so young']
thats nice
We found old pictures of grandparents while cleaning out my house. It was crazy seeing them so young.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Ever been to Niagara Falls? I just went and it blew my mind on the size of it!', "I haven't been. I would really love to go, and it's good to hear such a good review from someone.", 'Yeah, you definitely should go, very worth while.']
What else is there to do there other than see the falls?
When I went to see Niagara Falls for first time, I couldn't believe how big it was. Mind blowing to see in person
ask me for further details
['I walked into the wrong class on the first day of college', 'I bet that was a little scary', "It wasn't as much scary as it was embarrassing and silly. I was too nervous to get up and leave, so I just stayed in the wrong class the whole time..."]
Oh well, I am sure most people forgot about it quickly
I walked into the wrong class on the first day of college
['After my kids were in school, I decided it was time to do something for me.', 'What did you do for you?', 'I went back to college! It was quite a bit scary, being in class with kids that just graduated.']
That is such a bold move to make. Congratulations!
I went back to college as an adult. It was surreal seeing all the young kids around me.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I was very afraid in airplane because of severe turbulence.']
Yes airplanes make me feel queasy too. What do you do to cope with it?
I was very afraid in airplane because of turbulence.
ask me for further details
["I've burn", 'What do you mean?', 'Sorry that was an error ! I hard prepared so hard for the forth coming professional exams']
really - do you feel confident?
Im sure to be successful in my forth coming exams
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I watched Spice World yesterday for the first time in at least 15 years', 'Did you like it? I never liked it!', "I love it! I couldn't help but think about all of the fun times I had with my friends in junior high watching it repeatedly"]
Yeah I agree, those days will never come back!
I watched Spice World yesterday. I couldn't help but think about all of the fun times I had in junior high school watching that movie repeatedly
['saw a huge black snake in my backyard yesterday', 'Oh, I would have screamed and ran. I hate snakes so much!', 'it was a garden snake']
I don't care what kind it is. I will stay far away from them.
i saw a big snake in the in the yard yesterday
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I was getting really weird, aggressive texts from someone and it was starting to really scare me.']
if it's someone you know you should ask them not to do it again
One time I started getting really weird texts from a guy. He had pictures of outside my house and it scared me, but it was just a friend pranking me.
please give me some advices.
['I once got a terrible score on a test that was important to my final grade in the course, I was so scared to tell my parents because it was a very important class', "don't be sad it'll be okay", 'Thanks, it turned out fine as I am now in college haha']
that's great then , glad it didn't affect anything
I once got a terrible score on a test that was important to my final grade in the course
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Last year our football team managed to win the league despite being underdogs the entire season!', 'That is awesome! Congratulations. I can just imagine how excited you were.', 'We were elated, it was such a proud moment for us all as we worked so hard throughout the season.']
You made your coach proud and your family.
When we won our football leauge
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I get to fly up and go see my girlfriend in Boston soon!']
How exciting! Has it been a long time since you've seen her?
I get to fly up and go see my girlfriend in Boston soon!
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['i bought all my school supplies for this semester already. I think I am good to go']
you are prepared more than ever !
i bought all my school supplies for this semester already. I think I am good to go
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I'm having such a great week. Hows your week going?"]
Could be better, but it's nice to know someone is having a great week!
Everything is alright these days
["I'm really said. I'm missing my youthful vigor."]
Your youthful vigor? You think you're too old now? You're only too old if you allow yourself to be. My girlfriend's 90-year-old grandfather was a full-of-life WWII vet who lit up the room when he came in. Of course, you're not as physically active, but you have to learn to utilize your life in different ways.
I miss my childhood.
ask me for further details
["I'm scared my dog will run away, he can't see very well", "Aw, that's a shame. Is he a house dog or an outside one?", "He lives in the house, but sometimes he goes off leash and I'm scared he won't come back"]
I would be as well. I would just keep a close eye on him whenever you can. Be his eyes.
I'm scared my dog will run away, he can't see very well
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I feel abandon these days.']
Whats wrong? Did anything happen? Have you reached out to any friends lately?
I feel abandon these days.
ask me for further details
['I received a call that my friend was dead, when I was in an occasion']
Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry to hear that.
I was in an occasion and received a call that my friend is dead
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I took a walk through my local park and it was great! I realized that my life was pretty great while I was walking!', 'Going to the park is always nice', 'It really is. I always feel better after taking a walk.']
I do too
I was taking a walk in the park and it was really peaceful. I was just thinking about how great my life is.
['I was under the influence and facebooking LOL. Not something that should go together but I was kinda mean to an ex coworker when she asked me to write a letter of recommendation for her', 'oh wow. Haha Did you talk to them and make it right?', 'Yeah I sure did. felt bad the next day after I had seen the conversation. I then wrote that letter she wanted.']
That is great of you
Said something mean to someone on facebook
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Took my nephew fishing over the weekend']
That sounds like fun!
Nephew caught a fish this weekend
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["One time I ate the rest of my friends leftover food after going out and thought he didn't want it."]
What did your friend say?
I once took my friends left over food and lied about it. I felt really bad afterwards.
ask me for further details
['Im feeling pretty good today.', 'Oh really? Is there any specific reason why?', 'Its been a good day at work, it just put me in a good mood!']
That's great! Do you have good days often?
work is going good
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I lost my keys at the park yesterday.', 'Oh no! Do you have an idea what part of the park?', "I have no clue, I'm so irritated at myself."]
Sorry to hear that. Hopefully you can replace them soon.
I lost my keys at the park yesterday. I was so irritated at myself.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I was praying to god to help out our family']
Oh my, what is the matter?
I was praying to god to help out our family. I wanted my son to get better
ask me for further details
['I am so happy to rekindle my relationship with my parents']
Connecting with the people that mattered the most makes me super excited
I am so happy to rekindle my relationship with my parents
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["If things didn't go as planned we might not be able to make America great again", 'What things are you wanting to go as planned?', 'There was a lot of work to be done, and a lot of election machines to be hacked. Worst thing was, Vlad never sent the instructions on how to backdoor them so we were on our own']
Very true, I am sure those instructions are forth coming. He wouldn't leave us hanging.
The year was 2016, and I was severely worried that Hilary might win the presidency
["I was talking with my brother and he lied to me. I'm so gullible though it takes me awhile to realize it."]
What did he say?
My brother always lies to me, but I never seem to realize it when he does it
ask me for further details
['i met my closest pal of my childhood days\\']
That awesome! Did you guys have a good time and catch up?
i came to a grocery store to pick up some stuff ,but guess who i saw?
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["My neighbor watched my kids at the last minute when I was in a bind, she's awesome."]
That's great, how did you repay her?
My neighbor watched my kids last minute
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I took my car into get serviced and it ended up costing twice what I had budgeted. I'm going to be short again this month."]
That's really bad, what are you going to do?
I took my car into get serviced and it ended up costing twice what I had budgeted. I'm going to be short again this month.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I am horrible at cooking, but I recently tried out a new recipe.', "I have found that using alot of online recipes with good instructions helps. Cannabis also induces hunger and reduced adhd thus it helps me pay better attention, even more so when I'm hungry af!", 'That is awesome! I was shocked to find my recipe came out pretty good!']
yes I always pay attention to the reviews and peoples personal comments, they can often be priceless!
I am horrible at cooking, but I recently tried out a new recipe. It came out really good!
['I am waiting intensely for a call back for a new job! I figure I have it!', 'Oh that is awesome! Im sure you do! Waiting for that can really feel like forever when its only been a few minutes!', "Yeah, it is definitely building up! I can't wait!"]
Its good that you are excited! Im sure you will be a great asset for them!
I am waiting intensely for a call back for a new job! I figure I have it!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I can't wait to get out of these work clothes and into my sweats"]
That's the best part of the day
I can't wait to get out of these work clothes and into my sweats
["No one will watch my Youtube videos and it's frustrating."]
Have you tried sharing it to your friends on social media?
No one will watch my Youtube videos.
ask me for further details
['I lost all my savings in Vegas last week because of my gambling problem.']
I'm so so sorry to hear that, it can't be easy being in that position. Have you spoken to anyone close to you about it?
I lost all my money in gambling.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I got stuck in an elevator recently.']
oof thats a sucky situation
I got stuck in an elevator recently. I was so scared that I would die in there.
['I am so angry my co-worker stole from me yesterday. How could they do this to me...', 'What was it that they stole from you there?', "My YMCA membership card and some of office supplies. I've let my co-worker borrow that stuff a couple times but now they feel entitled to it so they steal from me I guess."]
If they feel entitled though then maybe they are thinking that all is normal?
I am so angry my co-worker stole from me yesterday. How could they do this to me...
ask me for further details
['My friends threw me a surprise birthday party last year!']
That is very nice
My friends threw me a surprise birthday party. I was so shocked and felt so incredibly loved. It was amazing.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Someone bumped the back of my car while they were talking on their phone.', 'wht did you do', 'I called the police. It really made me angry.']
yea i can see that
Someone bumped the back of my car while they were talking on their phone. That really made me angry.
['I like buying picture frames']
I do too. Which ones do you like to buy?
I love seing the happy couples in the picture frames that I buy
ask me for further details
['Hi friend, you should have seen what just happened to me..']
what happened?
I am embarrased because I was just going to get coffee and when I left the shop I slipped and fell..
ask me for further details
['my dog died.', "Oh that's so rough. I had a dog die a few years ago and it was traumatic.", 'I had her for 10 years.']
How did she die?
my dog died.
ask me for further details
['Went to a restaurant where people were eating live squids', 'That sounds so gross! Did you try any yourself?', "Oh definitely not. I can't eat something alive and basically crawling across the table afraid!"]
Likewise! I even too terrified to try sushi. It just looks so slimy.
Went to a restaurant where people were eating live squids.
['My friends left him in the middle of the night. I feel sick for him', 'who did they leave and where?', 'Sorry, My friends wife left him in the middle the night. It made me sick']
wow thats crazy.
My friends wife left him in the middle of the night. I feel sick for him
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My friends are the best of all time']
You must be really glad to have them. Did they do something nice for you recentyl?
When my friends brought my cake to work. I love them.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I'm super mad at people around my apartment complex. They keep tossing their used cigarettes all over the sidewalk.", 'Ugh they do that at my apartment too. You should put a can outside with a big sign that says THROW YOUR NASTY BUTTS HERE', "That's a good idea. It's crazy that we'd have to do something like that though. Just disgusting."]
I know, it's like it's not that hard to just put them in an ash tray or put it out and throw it in a trash can.
I'm so mad at people around my apartment just throwing their used cigarettes all over the sidewalk.
['It killed me pretty much when I lost my dad. It was so random and I was not ready for it']
That's awful. It sounds like a freak accident. What happend?
When I lost my dad, it really hurt me. It was just so random
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I got a hamburger earlier and they forgot to put cheese on it.', 'i hate when they forget the cheese', 'I was so upset about it!']
i would have been too.. i love my cheese burgers
I got a hamburger earlier and they forgot to put cheese on it. I was so upset about it.
['Man on the months before my move across country, Time seemed to go so slow.']
cross country, thats awesome
In the months before my move across the country , it was all I could think about and the days felt so short.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I'm so eager to go on my first cruise next week. I have been waiting forever."]
wow. a cruise sounds pretty amazing. where to?
I am so stoked because next week I will finally go on my first cruise. I have been waiting a long time for it. My whole family is meeting on the ship!
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I happened to walk up on a snake in my backyard a few days ago.']
and what happened next?
I was scared the other day when I walked upon a snake in my backyard.
ask me for further details
["I had eggs for breakfast this morning. I don't think I cooked the eggs enough and the yolk was raw, I felt like vomiting.", "Oh no, that's the worst to spend time cooking something and then taking a bite and it's awful.", 'I could have gotten sick. It was so disgusting..']
I've done it before so I feel your pain.
I had eggs for breakfast this morning. I don't think I cooked the eggs enough and the yolk was raw, I felt like vomiting.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.