question or not
2 values
4 values
['i cant wait until tomorrow. i get to see my favorite band korn play', "I didn't know they still toured. I saw Korn years ago.", 'yes they are still out there. listening to them takes me back to the good high schoo days']
Me too
going to see my favorite band
["I'm going shopping tomorrow! yay"]
What are you planning on buying?
I'm going shopping with my mom tomorrow. I can't wait.
ask me for further details
["I think surgery is so gross.I know it is helpful but I can't help it.", 'It can help, but I could not watch it...', 'Yeah I could never be a doctor.']
Me neither, which sucks cause it pays well
I think surgery is so gross.
['I found $100 in an old pair of pants.', "OH! That is the best isn't it? What will you do with it?", "I haven't decided yet. Maybe buy some new sandals. My old pair broke a couple of weeks ago."]
Oh awesome! It's always nice to have those little surprises in life.
I found $100 in an old pair of pants.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I saw a clown walking down my street yesterday. I got so scared because I thought he was after me.', 'Why did you think he was after you?', 'He kept looking at me and walking towards me. I locked my door and hid under my bed cowering in fear.']
Although you might have really been scared your story sound kind of funny!
Yesterday I saw a clown walking down the street. I am afraid of clowns. I thought he would start chasing after me.
['i was pissed when the gate was left open and our dog got out', 'Oh no. Did it run off or stay close by?', 'he ended up a few streets away']
Hopefully he didn't get hurt. It might be time to put a lock on the gate.
i was pissed when the gate was left open and our dog got out
['I am impressed how Canadian gouvernment stand against Trump new tax policy.']
Are they against Trump?
I am impressed how Canadian gouvernment stand against Trump new tax policy.
ask me for further details
['my cat vomited on my rug today']
Oh no! Hope your cat is feeling okay.
my cat vomited on my rug
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['Everything is going great right now.', 'That is good news! My life is also going great!', 'There is nothing that I would even want to change.']
Im happy for you!
Everything is going great right now. I would not want to change a thing.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I lie to my boyfriend constantly.', 'Oh no, how come?', "I always tell him I'm broke so I don't have to spend my own money. That's bad I know"]
Well, he sounds like he really loves you.
I always tell my boyfriend I have no money no matter what I have in my pocket.
["These days I'm trusting my intuition and following my gut to achieve my goals. They've gotten me this far and haven't let me down yet"]
your intuition seems to be trustful and the right way to go
I fully trust in my intuition and dreams. They have gotten me this far and I'm going all the way to the top
['I was surprised when my dad got me my first car. I was not expecting it']
That must have been exciting for you. What car was it?
I was surprised but happy when my dad got me my first truck. I was happy
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I was sad when my grandmother passed away, that was not a good time in my life', "I'm sorry to hear that. Did you spend a lot of time with her?", 'I did, we were very close, it really hit me hard']
That's terrible. I hope she's at least at peace now.
I was sad when my grandmother passed away, that was not a good time in my life
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['i got madden today, i cant wait to play', 'Oh cool, for what console?', 'ps4, do you play?']
Yes, but for Xbox one.
i got madden today i cant wait to play it
['I ate 50 Big Macs yesterday. Felt slightly bad for the herd of homeless across the street, gazing enviously upon my pile of gluttony.']
Wow. How did you manage to eat that many? Maybe you should have shared.
I ate 50 Big Macs yesterday. Felt so bad about all the hungry folks hanging around across the street.
ask me for further details
["My neighbor threw their nasty trash all over their yard and won't clean it up! It's sooo gross!", "Oh, that's disgusting! Have you tried to talk to them about it?", 'I did and they are crazy or something, they told me that I deserve to smell and see it!']
Oh my god! I would contact your city or DHEC. I bet if they started to get fined they would clean it up!
Neighbor threw their trash all over their yard.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['We are having our family reunion this weekend. It should be a lot of fun', 'I love family reunions.', "I'm gald we are doing it because we didn't have one last year. I proud that we can overcome our difference and hang out.", 'Thats great. Where did you meet?', "My dad's side of my family."]
That's great. Where did you meet?
Our family is getting together for our family reunion next weekend. Im' glad that we are all still coming together since we didn't have one last year.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['There was such a bad thunderstorm last night that the power went out']
That's not good! I'm assuming they got it back on for you?
There was such a bad thunderstorm last night that the power went out
ask me for further details
["Recently, I've been working on a presentation for a client at work", 'Interesting. What is your presentation about?', "It's a pitch about an app our company is developing, like a chatbot"]
That's so cool! Is it like a best friend for someone who may be lonely?
I prepared for a presentation for a client at work
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['i thought someone was talking to me , turns out they were talking to someone behind me. i answerd them', 'That is always a bit embarrassing. Did you blush?', 'i did blush and wanted to hide from everyone around. i played it cool though']
That is pretty funny, to be honest.
thought someone was talking to me
['Some one lied to my girl friend']
I hope it wasn't a close friend that lied.
Some one told a lie about me
['I really dont mind when my girlfriends goes out on a girls night.']
i'm the same way with my wife, i trust her.
My girlfriend like to go out for girls night about once a month. I dont mind it because she wont do anything stupid.
["My car was parked on the street last night and someone hit it. They didn't even leave a note", 'Oh man! That sucks! Did anyone happen to see it?', "Not that I've spoken to yet. Now my insurance is trying to claim it as an at fault accident. I'm so mad!"]
I am sorry you have to deal with that. What a pain!
My car was parked in a street spot last night and someone hit it. They didn't leave a note or anything. Now my insurance company is trying to tell me it's an at fault accident
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I miss the good old days when my kids were just babies.', 'haha so what are they like now?', 'The are evil little busy bodies who think money grows on trees.']
I hope you taught them that it doesn't!
I miss when my children were babies. They were the sweetest.
['The UFC fights last night were intense! Did you watch?']
No, I missed it, but I do usually watch UFC fights! Were there quick knock outs?
I watched the UFC fights last night and was shocked by the outcome of the main events. The champ lost in one of the fights.
ask me for further details
['i cant wait for this weekend!', 'What is happening this weekend?', 'gonna get chocolate wasted!']
Sounds fun, where at?
i cant wait for this weekend!
ask me for further details
['I dropped the stromboli.', 'Dang, that must have been difficult to clean up, what did you eat after that?', 'My friend was really looking forward to it. We had ramen instead.']
Ramen, ah you must be in college?
I dropped the stromboli.
ask me for further details
['I miss my ex', "That's understandable. What happened?", 'we broke up a long time ago but we used to be friends before.']
That's hard. Are they in a new relationship? I hope it wasn't a bad breakup?
I miss my ex even though we have been broken up two years.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["Don't you hate it when you are not sure you can trust someone?", "yes i do, that's why i only trust one person, my wife", 'My son went on a field trip and needed some money for a snack and drink. Unfortunately, I only had a $20.']
im sorry, what did happend next? how does that make you feel?
My son went on a field trip at school. I had no change, so I had to give him a $20. I was nervous he would spend it all or lose it.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I am a little nervous about dating', 'why is that', 'It has been a really long time and I am not happy with the way I look anymore']
i hope it turns out well for you!
I am a little nervous about dating
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I believe that most people are good people, deep down.']
I agree with that. I always try to give the benefit of the doubt at first.
I believe that most people are good people, deep down.
['I was sad when I had to give my dog away. She was a good dog']
Aww I'm sorry to hear that. I hope she went to a good home.
I was pretty sad when I had to give me dog away. She was a good dog
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I told someone something that I didn't want repeated. I had to believe that they would keep what I said private.", 'and... im guessing they didnt.', "Actually they did. It's hard to put that kind of faith in someone, so I'm glad that I did. It gives me hope."]
wow you dont see that everyday. thats a good friend to have by your side
I told someone something that I didn't want repeated. I had to believe that they would keep what I said private.
["Unfortunately, I forgot it was my wife's birthday yesterday!"]
Oh man that's a good way to end up on the couch.
I forgot my wife's birthday.
['Last week I was at the park with my kid and got distracted by my phone. I looked up and my daughter was gone! My stomach dropped and became really scared. Luckily I found her in the tube slide.']
oh god that's worse than thinking you lost your phone for a second, i am aware of the feeling, how are you feeling now
Last week I was at the park with my kid and got distracted by my phone. I looked up and my daughter was gone! My stomach dropped and became really scared. Luckily I found her in the tube slide.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I'm going to meet characters in disney world!", 'That sounds like so much fun! Is this your first time?', 'This is my first time since I was much smaller as a kid.']
You will have a lot of fun. It really is nice there.
Meeting characters in Disney world!
['Ye, peole are so greedy of what they dont have']
Yeah, it's true.... What happened??
I dont know why some people are greedy
ask me for further details
['My mother died last night my friend. I am pretty out of it right now.']
oh im so sorry, please don't worry, i know it's tough but i learned that death is only a beginning not the end
My mother died yesterday it was just so sudden. I am just a mess right now and can't believe it's happening.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['My favorite cake stand that my aunt gave me was stolen.']
That's a shame. Do you know who stole it?
My favorite cake stand was stolen.
ask me for further details
['So I am really looking forward to the new Avengers movie.', 'I am too, it looks good', 'Yep I am excite after watching all the trailers and interviews!']
That has been fun
I am really looking forward to the new movie.
['I was scared when I had to go to the doctor for a lump on my side. I was really expecting the worst.', 'Omg. I know exactly how you feel. I had a lump on my back but got it removed. Turned out to be just fatty tissue. Size of a tennis ball !', 'It was pretty much the same, just a fatty tumor']
Good deal. I think it was stress related.
I felt scared when I had to go to the doctor to have a lump checked out on my side. I thought it was going to be for the worse.
['I am really excited about this weekend!', 'Awesome! What are your plans for this weekend.', 'I am going to spend some quality time with my family. How about you?', 'That is wonderful. I will be spending time at home.', 'I think that is what we will be doing mostly, but they are normally gone all week and I am alone so it is nice when I get to see them.']
That is so sweet. Family is very important
I am anticipating the weekend. After everyone gets home we are going to spend time together as a family.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Super upset with a company I thought was trustworthy.', 'Why what did they do to betray your trust?', "Well I looked up reviews..I didn't see anything bad in my FB groups about them either..and they decided to charge me early and didn't want to refund me!", "I would be so mad I dislike when company's charge my card did you call to get a refund for the charge?", 'They had NO number, support was super rude but finally refunded me..not without a lot of threats though :/']
I would make a complaint and try contacting the BBB that is so unfair or even get your bank to dispute the charge.
Super upset with a company I thought was trustworthy.
['I woke up this morning only to find out that some wild animal had destroyed my garden!']
oh no, did you catch them?
I woke up to something quite terrible this morning. My vegetable garden has been ravaged through by some strange animal.
ask me for further details
['Its time for quarterly taxes but I feel good about it. I have been very diligent about recording keeping', 'How did you accomplish this?', 'I just stayed on top of it this time. I have all receipts, income, deductions organized and ready', 'Where do you keep everything?', 'I bought a big rubbermaid portable file box that has folders']
Do you have some sort of method of organizing everything?
Getting ready to file quarterly taxes and I have been very diligent with organization this year so I am prepared
ask me for further details
['My husband is out of town for work. This sucks', 'Sorry to hear that. Must feel quite lonely for you.', "Yes I don't like being home alone at night"]
Luckily you can always contact your husband to see how he is doing and hear his voice.
My husband is out of town for work. This sucks
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I stop taking people serious after i realize that my wife of 5 years had a baby without telling me']
Oh my god that's crazy, I'm sorry to hear that.
I stop taking people serious after i realize that my wife of 5 years had a baby without telling me
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I let my friend move into my house, I own 2 properties and figured she could live there for free because she is having a hard time in life.', 'thats is really nice of you as a friend', 'I know I have to believe she wont ruin the house, or her children.']
she wont, good deeds arent punished
I own 2 properties because I recently moved, and I let my friend move into my house to live there for free.
["I'm so hungry and my husband is taking long bringing me food", 'eat a snack', "Yes I probably will since it's taking so long"]
thats a good plan
I'm so hungry and my husband is taking long bringing me food
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I was walking down the street when a homeless man tried to stop me. He asked me for some money and even though I had plenty money I just ignored him.']
I do sometimes too
I was walking down the street when a homeless man tried to stop me. He asked me for some money and even though I had plenty money I just ignored him.
['I wish I was Lebron James.', 'Why? You should be happy with who you are.', 'I want to be rich and tall like Lebron.']
Height you can not change but if you work hard anyone can be rich.
I wish I was Lebron James.
["Just came home from the buffet. Oh man, I'm stuffed", 'what did you have? everything?', "It's Chinese and they have a bit of American food, too."]
that sounds good
Just came home from the buffet. Oh man, I'm stuffed.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['MY friend is moving out of state', 'That sucks. I hate when friends move away. Are you really good friends with them?', 'Best friends for 10 years. Her husband got a good job so Im happy for her']
At least she's moving for a good reason. I had a similar thing with a childhood friend who moved for school.
My best friend is moving away. We have lived close to each other for 10 years
["I an so tired of competing for my boyfriend's attention."]
Oh no, that's a horrible feeling
I am so tired of having to compete for my own boyfriend's attention. He cares more about his step sister and her problems than he does me.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['Its amazing how a picture can bring back so many memories and take you back to a moment in time']
I agree....were you just looking through some photos or what
I was cleaning out an old drawer and I found some pictures. Me and an old girlfriend and of my high school graduation. Brought back so many memories
['I am so ready for summer to be over', 'Me too! This heat in Texas is killing me.', 'The tennessee heat is probably the same']
Yes, I have family in Nashville and they said it's been hot!
I can't wait for summer to be over. I want the heat to be over.
['I usually study hard and get my grades but sometimes it doesnt work out.']
Brain just wants to work against you?
I studied really hard for my annual exam but did not get my desired grade. it left me very disappointed in myself.
ask me for further details
['I am afraid of the upcoming economic crisis in the USA.It will affect all of us.', "I almost don't want to talk about it, you know? Are you doing anything to try to move from a place of fear to one of preparation or opportunity?", 'yes. I am saving all i can for when the storm comes.']
Good for you. And I hope you have moments of joy while you prepare for that?
I am afraid of the upcoming economic crisis in the USA
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I watch youtube videos all day because I'm so bored"]
That really stinks. Maybe you should try and find something that your good at and do that!
I watch youtube videos all day because I'm so bored
please give me some advices.
['I bought a lottery ticket and won 20 dollars!']
Well done! What are you going to spend it on?
I bought a lottery ticket and won 20 dollars. I am so shocked it happened.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['so this past sunday i cooked my first meal for my family. it turned out really good.', 'Oh, that sounds so exciting! What did you make?', 'seafood pasta, im so proud of myself.']
Oh, sounds yummy! I love seafood.
i prepared my first meal this past sunday
['So, I got home from work yesterday and I found out that my girlfriend threw me a surprise birthday party!', 'Thats great! How old are you.', "I turned 28! I was so excited for the party, even though I think I'm too old for them."]
You're never too old to have fun! Don't ever think that. Always stay a kid at heart
Yesterday, my girlfriend threw me a surprise party.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['My birthday is in less than a week!', 'Are you doing anything special for it?', "I'm not sure yet but I'm hoping someone will throw me a party."]
You could always throw yourself a party. That way you can invite who you want, and avoid seeing people you don't want. Haha
My birthday is next week! I can't wait!
["It's crazy the amount of drivers running a red light near my house every day."]
That sounds very dangerous
It's crazy the amount of people running the red light near my house every day. So frustrating.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I'm feeling pretty lucky this month."]
Yeah, did something in particular make you feel that way?
my boyfriend and I have an anniversary coming up at the end of this month. We were talking last night how we met and things. I felt so lucky to have him.
ask me for further details
['I was visiting a high school for my job recently and I slipped and fell in the hallway with many students watching.']
Oh I'm sorry. I hope you weren't hurt!
I was visiting a high school for my job recently and I slipped and fell in the hallway with many students watching.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I'm going to watch a film this weekend, but I am not sure if I will like it."]
Did you end up reading any reviews on it first?
I'm going to watch a film this weekend, but I am not sure if I will like it.
ask me for further details
['I was robbed at gunpoint once when i worked as a cashier.', 'Oh wow! Did the guy get caught?', 'Yes he did and I had to testify against him. It was very scary.']
That would be. I am so sorry you had to go through that.
I was robbed at gunpoint once when i worked as a cashier.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['Atimes they do it on purpose']
do what?
I get sad when peolpe dont pick my calls
ask me for further details
['I was pretty mad last week. My ac broke and it was so hot']
Oh that's terrible. It's been so hot lately. I bet you struggled.
I was pretty mad last week when my ac broke. It was very hot
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I am so ready for college football tonight.', 'Are you playing?', 'No, but I will be watching every minute of the first game tonight.']
I understand. What is the name of your team?
I am so ready for college football tonight.
ask me for further details
['My friend gave me his couch when he moved. It was nice of him']
Is it in good shape?
My friend gave me his couch when he moved. I felt pretty nice to have it
ask me for further details
["I don't have anyone to talk to. It can get pretty quiet in this big house I live in", "I'll always talk to you.", 'Why thank you. You are such a good friend.']
I'll always be for you.
I don't have anyone to talk to. It can get pretty quiet in this big house I live in
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I was a little on the fence about letting my daughter go to a party', 'Why is that?', "I didn't know the parents well"]
Well that's understandable.
I was a little on the fence about letting my daughter go to a party
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I wanted to try out a new brand of headphones but instead stuck with the good old Beats. I was loyal to them.']
I usually stick with what I know also
I wanted to try out a new brand of headphones but instead stuck with the good old Beats. I was loyal to them.
['Whenever I see a newborn baby I always think about how I wish their life will be happy and long.', 'That is really sweet, I saw someone tweet about a baby laughing on the beach for 15 minutes today. Happy babies are fun', 'Yes those laughing babies will always bring you a smile.']
Yes babies are so cute but I like being able to send them home with their parents
Whenever I see a newborn baby I always think about how I wish their life will be happy and long.
['My coworkers threw me a birthday party.', 'those are some good coworkers!', 'Yes, I am so thankful for that.']
It's nice to work with people who care
My coworkers threw me a birthday party. I am so thankful for that.
['My daughter sang in a chorus concert. She did so well. She has a beautiful voice.', 'She must have a lovely voice!', 'She does! She is only twelve, but she really sings nicely. She loves to sing.']
You must be a great parent!
My daughter sang in a chorus concert. She did so wonderfully. She has a beautiful voice. She did great.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['We had talked on phone a night before', 'Oh yeah? What about?', 'The news of the demise of a bossom friend I mean']
Oh no, that is sad news indeed. I am sorry to hear that.
I was in complete shock to receive the news of the demise of a bosom friend
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['My girlfriend got me a pet toad today!']
Do you like toads?
My girlfriend got me a toad today! I was so shocked and happy!
ask me for further details
['It shocked me the first time my boyfriend told me he loved me.']
Awe! Was that recently?
It shocked me the first time my boyfriend told me he loved me.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I just got a job interview!', 'You must be so happy? What was the job you got a interview for?', "It's a nanny position watching two twin babies."]
Is the nanny job close to where you live?
I got an interview for a nannying job. It is full-time for two twin babies.
ask me for further details
['I am waiting for an important package.', "Oh cool, what's in it?", "It's a computer. I am worried if I will get it."]
Ah man, I built my own computer about a year had like 10 important, expensive parts, and I had to wait for them all!
I am waiting for an important package. I am worried if I will get it.
['i was so mad. I came home and my back door was left open.']
Did anything get stolen?
i was so mad. I came home and my back door was left open.
ask me for further details
['Do you have any children?']
I do not yet
The other day I wa remembering having my first kid
['I just moved to a new city for work. I do not know anyone that lives here.']
You should put yourself out there and meet some new people. Just start exploring the city and you are bound to meet others!
I just moved to a new city for work. I do not know anyone that lives here.
please give me some advices.
['A situation happened to me earlier this week where my faith was tested.', 'What happened?', 'A woman approached me on the street and wanted to sleep with me, but I had to tell her I was married. I stayed true to my loving wife.']
But did you even hesitate and think about it?
A woman approached me and wanted to get together, but I told her I was married
ask me for further details
['I just arrived in a new country after traveling for two months. There arent many people in the new place I am staying. I am starting miss my friends and home.']
What country? If you don't mind sharing...I'm in South Texas and loving it :)
I have been traveling for over a month now solo. The new place I am in is empty and I have no one to talk to. I miss my friends.
ask me for further details
['My brother got suspended for something he did not do in high school by a very vindictive teacher.', 'Wow. What a mature teacher.', 'Yeah she eventually was fired a year later, but it still makes me angry to think about it']
Was the fire related to the incident or did she get in trouble for something else?
When my brother got suspended from high school for something he did not do by a vindictive teach, it really made me angry
ask me for further details
['Have you ever been hurt so bad by someone that you thought to yourself that you would NEVER put yourself in a position to get hurt again?']
Oh absolutely. That's the worst feeling. Who hurt you and how are you doing now?
I had just gotten out of a bad marriage and started to date again. When you've been cheated and abused its hard to even think about bringing someone else into your life and start dating. But I did and its been the best year of my life!
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['i was scared to walk home alone yesterday']
That sounds upseting. Why were you scared?
i was scared to walk home alone yesterday
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I found my grandfather's old watch that I thought was lost"]
You must have been overjoyed. I know what he meant to you.
I found my grandfather's old watch that I thought was lost. I was so happy to find it as he gave it to me as a kid
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I won off a scratch off ticket! I have the absolute worst luck with these things too!', 'Congratulations! How much did you win?', 'I won a hundred bucks! This never happens ever!']
Hey that's awesome. And you're right it doesn't, so live it up my friend!
I bought a scratch off ticket yesterday and won $100 on it! I never win anything off of them so I was very happy!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My buddy ate my leftovers after I asked him not to']
How rude! Are you two roommates?
Once a buddy of mine ate my food after I told him not to
ask me for further details
["My girlfriend has been so busy with work lately, it's left me feeling neglected. But she's working hard to pay off her student loans and to build her savings, so I have to respect that. But at the same time, we're long distance, so the time I have with her when she actually isn't working isn't that fulfilling, either.", "That's really too bad. I know how that feels. Have you tried telling her how you feel about it?", "Yeah, we've had multiple conversations. But it always comes back to her not being able to budge on the time she can commit to her job. And with the long distance thing, there's less of an immediate necessity for her to change her commitment. It's a work in progress."]
That must be really difficult and lonely for you. I hope you guys can get something figured out.
My girlfriend has been so busy with work lately, it's left me feeling neglected. But she's working hard to pay off her student loans and to build her savings, so I have to respect that. But at the same time, we're long distance, so the time I have with her when she actually isn't working isn't that fulfilling, either.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['MY daughter had me get supplies for school from a list for her']
Oh yeah? That's pretty nice that you would help her out like that.
MY daughter had me buy the supplies she wanted and not the ones on the school list. I can't believe they did that.
ask me for further details
['I am so angry at Donald Trump because he order the separation of children from their parents.']
I love Donald Trump.
I am so angry at Donald Trump.
["One of my friends was doing pretty bad in school but he really turned it around recently. I'm really happy about that too."]
Oh thats good
One of my friends was doing really bad in school at first. After he realized that he couldn't do that, he turned his grades around and did almost better than me!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I'm getting to see Pikes Peak for the first time since moving to Colorado."]
oh very cool. I have never been to Colorado. I keep saying i want to go but never do. Maybe for GABF in a couple years. Who knows.
Going up to Pikes Peak in a few weeks for the first time since moving to colorado. Over 14k feet of awesomeness.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I am sad ACDC will not be touring this year.']
I'm sorry, is it because their guitarist died?
I am sad ACDC will be touring this year.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.