question or not
2 values
4 values
["I've been unhappy with my work today."]
Why is that?
I was angry about my work today, It's been frustrating.
ask me for further details
['My son is so energetic. I miss when he was a little baby.', 'Why is he 2 now?', 'he is 3. He just loves to climb and jump. He never sits still']
It won't last much longer. Before you know it he will be grown up and married.
I miss when my son was just a baby. Now he is four and he just runs and jumps off of everything.
['My boyfriend always does thing thing that gets me so jealous.', 'Maybe he has no respect for you.', "It's not that! The thing he does is sometimes, he'll go get food without me and it's usually the last good thing to eat!"]
Have you try talk to him about those issues.If he likes you he should work on the relationship.
The time my boyfriend got food without me.
selling a family item
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Hi friend, I like to go to church and pray.']
That's great. The community aspect of church is fun.
I felt good when I go into the church. I pray with all the people in there and that is an experience.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I found out my wife is pregnant today!', 'Oh wow, congratulations!', "Thanks, we've been trying for ~3 months now"]
I'm sure you'll be great parents!
I found out my wife is pregnant today!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My boyfriend and I celebrated our sixth anniversary the other week. I was pretty sure he was planning to propose because of the nice plans he had made- and he was. For a couple of days leading up to it I was so excited and just could hardly wait.', 'Wow that is exciting for sure. You must have been filled with anticipation.', 'I was, even though I was a bit just antsy to find out if I was even right. I was really happy!']
I certainly hope he did propose and that you are still happily living.
It was my sixth anniversary the other day. I was pretty sure my boyfriend was planning on proposing. For a couple of days leading up to the day I was so excited I could hardly wait.
['My neighbor keeps parking in my parking spot!', 'That sounds really annoying! You should confront him and request he stop.', 'I have asked him a few times, but he obviously doesnt care.']
That would make me really angry. Call a tow truck to teach him a lesson.
when my neighbor kept parking in my spot
['I just ate 4 donuts by myself']
did they taste good?
I just ate 4 donuts by myself
ask me for further details
['My neighbor grabbed my dog that was running in the street.']
im glad the pupper was returned
My neighbor grabbed my dog that was running in the street. I am very thankful they did that.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I cant wait til I get paid']
what are you going to get
I can't wait until I get paid. I am going SHOPPING
['Classes start back for me on Monday']
Are you excited or dreading it?
Classes start back for me on Monday. I am so ready
ask me for further details
['I never finished college']
That sucks. Neither did I. I know how you feel.
I never finished college.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I am so happy. I met this really hot guy on Live Chat.', 'Really? Tell me about him.', 'OMG he is so dreamy!! Everything I want in a man.']
Are you two gonna date?!
I am so happy. I met this really hot guy on Live Chat.
ask me for further details
['I was not happy when the car pissed on my new rug.', 'Oh no. can you wash it?', 'Yes but I can never get the smell out.']
That is worrying, you might have to throw it out?
I was angry when my car peed on the rug.
ask me for further details
['I get some great supplements tomorrow in the mail that I think will really help a lot of my health issues.']
I get some great supplements tomorrow in the mail that I think will really help a lot of my health issues. They are real food type powders and seem to help a lot of people!
ask me for further details
['I went on a date tonight. I was a little upset with how it turned out', "That bad huh? what was wrong with'em", 'They were just not nice and did not want anything to do with me']
They? you went on a date with more than one person??
I went on a date tonight. I was a little upset with how it turned out
ask me for further details
["I have faith my car is going to make it 3 hours away to my parent's house", 'I hope so, is your car in bad shape?', "Yeah, to put it nicely, it's a junker. I'm saving for a new car but won't be able to get one for another month."]
Just a month? Not that long to wait, but better be careful in the meantime so you won't be left somewhere far from help.
I have faith my car is going to make it 3 hours away to my parent's house
ask me for further details
['I am grateful for my girlfriend, she is one of a kind']
she's a lucky girl.
I am grateful for my girlfriend, she is one of a kind
["I'm feeling a little sad about my son turning two in a few months.", 'Yeah they always seem to grow up so fast.', 'Time goes by so fast!']
Yeah but just think. The best is yet to come!
I am feeling this way because my son will be turning 2 in a few months.
['I saw a movie last night that made me think of old times. When I was a kid']
What was the name of the movie?
I think of old times when this movie comes on tv. It makes me think of when I was a kid
ask me for further details
['My dog died 5 minutes ago. I am so distraught.', 'That is a real bummer. Maybe you should take some time to reflect on their life.', 'I think you are right. I am so upset that I am afraid that I am going to electrocute myself with all the tears splashing on my keyboard.']
Yeah, no need to talk to me about it right now. Think about all the good times you had together.
My dog died 5 minutes ago. I am so distraught.
['Im making about 200 or 400 a month on taking surbeys and 400 donating plasma, all of it is going to savings and putting it down on our house.', '400 plasma?', 'yeah, $400 a month just for going in 8 times a month to donate the plasma from my blood.']
Oh really?
I picked up 2 part time jobs on top of my full time job, I am gaining momentum to get our house in the future
ask me for further details
['I feel a bit down in the dumps now.']
What's got you feeling down?
I am a little down because my computer stopped working yesterday.
ask me for further details
["My uncle is going to come after me. I didn't graduate."]
Why would your uncle be upset? And how do you feel about the situation? It sounds like there's a lot to unpack there.
I was so scared of my uncle. He is so mad at me for not graduating.
ask me for further details
['I just had a little girl 3 weeks ago and she had to go into the NICU for breathing problems. I am so happy that we got to bring her home yesterday.']
Oh goodness, is she okay?
I just had a little girl 3 weeks ago and she had to go into the NICU for breathing problems. I am so happy that we got to bring her home yesterday.
ask me for further details
['I am a bit freaked out at the moment.']
Aww! Tell me about it will you?
My girlfriend showed me the scariest YouTube video last night and it freaked me out.
ask me for further details
['So my father cheated on my mom once.', "That's horrible. Did they divorce?", 'No they figured there problems out. But i was really annoyed at him for it.']
Of course! betrayal is horrifying to go through. I hope he became a better man for it?
My father was caught cheating on my mother. I was really mad but overall i didn't want to talk to him.
ask me for further details
['I feel horrible. I cheated on my husband last night.']
You continues a series on Netflix I hope and not the other thing
I feel horrible. I cheated on my husband last night.
['My parents won the lottery last week.']
thats awesome, i bet they are thrilled
My parents won the lottery last week.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I lost my wallet at a store that I frequent near my home.']
Oh no. Did you get it back?
I lost my wallet at the store yesterday. I go there all the time. I can't believe no one turnes it in.
ask me for further details
['Last night my new dog finally played! She was so starved and abused but she is so young!', "I also have a dog that was starved when she was young! She is so afraid of everything even to this day, but she's almost 8!", "Yes! I have some who don't ever get over the abuse (just like people) but this gal- I didn't think she knew how to play or was just very docile but she took of running with my boxer when he ran and even mouthed him in play!", "What breed of dog is she and how old? That's so awesome! Dogs are so resilient and it can teach us a lot about how we should live our own lives.", 'She is a pitbull mix..low rider- SO docile and sweet..I thought she might be pregnant but no- She sticks right to me leg everywhere. Good with all my pets! She is under a year old :(']
Awesome! Mine is also a pitbull mix! I call her my little bunny in pitbull form! They are the best dogs ever.
Last night my new dog finally played! She was so starved and abused but she is so young! I didn't think she knew how to play or was just very docile but she took of running with my boxer when he ran and even mouthed him in play!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I am going to get to see Taylor Swift live for the first time.', 'oh nice! she will be in my town this weekend', "That's cool, I heard she puts on such a good show."]
i have hear so as well, i love concerts
I am going to see Taylor Swift.
["At night, my neighbors dog keeps barking and barking and I have no idea why. I've avoided bringing it up to him, but I'm trying to avoid drama.", 'That must be annoying, what kind of dog?', "It's a little terrier, but man can that thing bark! I don't know how my neighbor doesn't hear him."]
Maybe try asking the neighbor about him?
My neighbors dog does not shut up at night and it's agitating me. I've been avoiding bringing it up to him, but it's getting to me n ow.
ask me for further details
["I cannot wait until tomorrow! I'm going to my favorite amusement park!", 'Are you going to ride roller coasters', 'Yes!!! The roller coasters are my favorite part!']
I do agree with you
I cannot wait for tomorrow! I'm going to my favorite amusement park! I can't wait to ride the rollercoasters!
['I really do not like doctors. I hate going, I am freaked out by surgery, etc..', 'Oh really? What makes you not like them?', "I don't know exactly, I just don't. When they decided we needed to do a c-section with my first child, I think I about lost it. They had to give me something to calm me down."]
Ugh I feel ya. They talked about that with mine, too. I almost passed out when they were doing the epidural!
I really do not like doctors. When they decided to do a c-section on my 1st child, I was quite upset and worried.
['There was a guy I liked and my friend knew it but she set him up with our other friend instead!', 'What a mean friend person. Did you get mad?', 'I was really upset especially since they are seriously dating now and I have to see them everywhere!', 'That could have been you..', "yes, true, but there's probably someone out there better than him!"]
There is this single guy and I wanted my friend to fix me up on a date with him = but she ended up fixing up another friend with him and now they are serious together.
['My father passed away over the winter and we are huge baseball fans. This is the first season not watching games with him.']
Oh my goodness that is so sad, I am sorry to hear about your father. Are you handling him being gone okay?
I watched a baseball game last night and it made me think of all the times my father and I would goto games growing up. He passed away over the winter so this is the first baseball season not watching games with him.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['Last week we had a fire start in our bathroom.']
Oh no! Is everything okay? What happened?
Last week we had a fire start in our bathroom.
ask me for further details
["I got my associate's degree last year. I had to get an A on my last final exam to get an A in my last class.", 'Wow, that must have been pretty challenging. Where you able to do it?', 'Nope! I got a very sad B after three days of intense waiting. LOL.']
Oh man, that's brutal. So close, but so far.
I got my associate's degree last year, and I had to get an A on my last final exam to get an A in the class. It was three days of intense waiting.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I can't believe my sister stole money from me recently."]
Oh really? That sucks, if they just asked people would usually be ok with it too.
My sister stole money from me once.
ask me for further details
['Someone backed into my truck in the parking lot']
Oh no, did you see who did it?
Someone backed into my truck in the parking lot
ask me for further details
["I love my husband so much. He is an amazing guy that wouldn't do anything to hurt me."]
That is so wonderful! I have the same kind of husband. Aren't we lucky? It gives me hope for when my daughter grows up and finds someone.
Me and my husband have a great relationship. We are determined to be together forever. We love each other so much and would do anything to make the other one happy.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I was at the store and some old guy bought my groceries for me. It helped restore my faith in humanity']
God's Plan! Do you know why he did it?
I was at the store and some old guy bought my groceries for me. It helped restore my faith in humanity
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['i walked out of the restroom on a blind date and my zipper was dowdn']
That's embarrassing, but also funny. How did your date react?
didnt zip my zipper
ask me for further details
['I found out my dog has cancer today', 'Oh no! Is it serious?', "I'm not sure how bad it is yet. Have to wait for tests to come back"]
Well I hope that it isn't serious and your dog makes it through
I found out my dog has cancer today.
['When I got to my job, I was fired without cause.']
Oh no. Did you at least get a severance? Were you able to get another job since?
When I got to my job, I was fired without cause. I was so angry and couldnt contain myself
ask me for further details
['My father died after an illness and I felt as if I could not go on']
That is terrible news.
My father died after an illness and I felt as if I could not go on.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['My fiance found a snake in our yard the other day! It was terrifying!', 'Wow, that is scary. Did you guys do anything or just stay away from it?', 'No he killed it. Somehow, I totally went inside and did not watch. We had to because we have two dogs that play in the yard.']
Yes, I'd be very concerned about pets, too. I'm glad your fiance got it before it caused anyone anymore trouble.
My fiance found a snake in our yard the other day! It was terrifying!
['Last year a student I teach had a house fire.', 'Oh no! How terrible. I hope no one was hurt.', 'Luckily no one was hurt, but he lost his home and all of his belongings. It was awful.']
That is horrible. I can't even imagine.
A student I teach was in a house fire. He lost his home and all of his belongings
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['My wife and I have been quite scared lately. There has been a rash of burglaries and robberies in our neighborhood lately and some have involved violence against the home owners!', 'Good reason to be scared. What steps are you both taking to increase security?', 'We have an alarm system with cameras and I also have a gun for self defense. I have to protect my wife and daughter!']
A good sound plan. You're right it is a father's responsibility to protect his family.
My wife and I have been quite scared lately. There has been a rash of burglaries and robberies in our neighborhood lately and some have involved violence against the home owners!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Back in senior year my brother moved out and my mom started to work a lot more.']
Did you start to feel a bit lonely?
Back in senior year of high school, my brother went to college and my mom worked a lot so I was the only one in the house a lot. It was a pretty sad time.
ask me for further details
["My oldest girls are just over a year apart. I wasn't expecting to have another baby so soon."]
How many kids would that be now?
My oldest girls are just over a year apart. I wasn't expecting to have another baby so soon.
ask me for further details
['I lent my friend a thousand dollars recently.', 'Do you trust your friend?', 'Yes, I have complete faith he will pay me back.']
That's great. Its good to have a friend you can trust that much.
I lent my friend a thousand dollars. I have complete faith he will pay me back.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I just finished doing all my laundry and packing for my trip. Finally.. ready to go!', 'Congrats! Where are you going?', 'I am going on a cruise to the Bahamas. Ive been getting ready all day.']
OH I'm so jealous! Have lots of fun!
I finally finished all my laundry and packing for my trip. I am glad I finally have everything together.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I practiced hours and hours to get ready for a big meeting', 'Oh, how did that go? It sounds important.', 'It went so well, people were impressed']
That's wonderful, it must feel good to see your preparation pay off.
For a big meeting I practices hours and hours to get everything ready
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I've been working at my job for several years and I'm very comfortable here.", 'Thats a nice feeling to have job security. Do you enjoy your work?', 'Not especially. Also, I feel bad for getting so comfortable here because this is really not where I want to spend most of my career.']
Well sometimes you have to leave comfort behind and take a chance doing something you like.
I've been working at my job for several years and I'm very comfortable here. Not sure if that is a negative or positive thing.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I lied to my girlfriend. I felt bad', 'why did you lie to her?', 'I was being selfish']
Say sorry to her and develop your love!!
I lied to my girlfriend. I feel bad
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I had to leave my dog at the vet overnight, so they can run some tests. She hasn't been eating much lately, and she's just been really lackadaisical and lazy. I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight, knowing she's there in a weird environment, all alone", "Aw, I'm sorry to hear that, is she getting up there in age?", "She's almost 10, yeah. I know sometimes you just have to let go. But she was fine a few days ago! I'm still holding on to the idea that it's nothing. We'll see!"]
Hopefully they will diagnose her correctly and she becomes her normal self. Fingers crossed!
I had to leave my dog at the vet overnight, so they can run some tests. She hasn't been eating much lately, and she's just been really lackadaisical and lazy. I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight, knowing she's there in a weird environment, all alone.
['Yesterday I took a test for a promotion at work. I felt pretty good about it.']
Did you pass?
I took a test for a promotion at work. I had studied for weeks and knew the material, so it was easy.
ask me for further details
["The site I have a subscription hasnt updated in 1 week with no news as to what's happening. I paid for 2 years."]
Gee that's sucks. Have you tried contacting them?
The site I have a subscription hasnt updated in 1 week with no news as to what's happening. I paid for 2 years.
ask me for further details
["My brother's wife told me not to come her house again for just no reason", "what? why would she say that? that's mean", 'Really mean. She is planning something weird']
like what? you think she wanna do something bad to you or your brother?
My brother got married to a wrong person
ask me for further details
['I wish I could go back to the first date my girlfriend and I had', 'Why did things end between you?', "Oh, they didn't end. I just miss that time, since everything felt new and alive and different"]
Oh, yeah I understand that, it is the same way with my girlfriend now
I wish I could go back to the first date my girlfriend and I had
['I cheated on my girlfriend.', 'Why did you cheat on her?', 'Heard she cheated on me, but I should have broken up first.']
Sometimes, it feels good to get revenge
I cheated on my girlfriend.
['I was surprised at a delivery that arrived the other day']
What did you receive?
I received an unexpected parcel the other day
ask me for further details
['Why should I not be jealous, how can a guy that is not educated any more than a masters degree holder']
You shouldn't be jealous. There is no need for that
How can a guy that is not educated any more than a masters degree holder
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I asked my friend to buy stuff for a party, I knew he'd come through though.", "That's good to have reliable friends.", "Yeah we've been friends for a long time so I trusted him."]
How many years now?
I asked my friend to buy stuff for a party, I knew he'd come through though.
ask me for further details
['So tonight I am seeing my favorite band for the first time ever. I have been a big fan for a while now.']
Awesome, do you plan to go early to try and get autographs?
I get to see my favorite band tonight. I have been following them for 10 years and this is the first time I get to see them. I cant wait.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["A boy was being agressive with my son in the bounce house He was twice as large! His parent wasn't supervising!", "I hate when parents don't keep tabs on their kids, especially when they are misbehaving! What did you do?", 'I found someone to tell. Apparently the kids has issues, but he should have been watched then!']
At least you did the right thing and didn't yell at the kid yourself.
A boy started being rude to my son in the bounce house. His parent wasn't watching at all!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I failed most of my Units in my first year of study in college.', "That's terrible, will you be able to stay in school?", 'Yeah just the hustle of having to repeat all the units i failed.']
Well, I hope you do better this year.
When i first joined college i failed most of my units because i had underestimated how good someone needs to prepare before going for an exam paper
['Today, in the subway, someone who wanted to get off at the very last minute, pushed me and made me fall. i was very angry.']
Did you report them to anyone
Today, in the subway, someone who wanted to get off at the very last minute, pushed me and made me fall. i was very angry.
['I hope i find a new job this week', 'you been looking long?', 'A few weeks']
i hope you are able to fnd one soon
I hope I find a new job this week
['Saw a guy drop his phone and kick it back into his hand', 'lol that is impressive', 'yea i was very impressed myself']
lol I bet
Saw a guy drop his phone and kick it back into his hand
["I feel bad. I failed my exams. I was so prepared. I don't understand what happened.", 'Sometimes that happens, maybe you lost focus during?', 'Yes, probably. I feel like a failure.']
I feel bad. I failed my exams. I was so prepared. I don't understand what happened.
['I am very happy to be an American.', 'Me too, do you like Trump?', 'I love him.']
I love how direct he is, he definitely one of the best presidents in recent years.
I am very happy to be an American.
['My boyfriend bought me an outfit by himself and I actually loved it.', "Really, I can't believe you like it. Are you sure he bought it and not his mom lol?", "Hmmm, I hadn't thought of that. Maybe she did! It fit me perfectly and everything!"]
Either way you have the perfect outfit to go on a date with your boyfriend right?
My boyfriend bought me an outfit by himself and I actually loved it. It fit me perfectly and everything!
ask me for further details
['I am very disappointed at the way the political discourse in our country is going. The major parties are so openly hostile toward each other']
I agreee, and I see no point in it, This is all our country we are all one here, why fight.
The way our major parties are behaving toward each other is very hopeless picture to imagine. So sad for our country's political discourse
['Back when I was in the Navy, I hated studying for promotion tests, so you can imagine my reaction when I got selected.']
Oh no haha, were you prepared for it?
When I was still in the Navy, I never studied for promotion tests, so you can imagine my reaction when I was always selected my first time I was eligible.
ask me for further details
['I ended up waking up to the sound of some weird rustling in my vegetable garden.']
Oh goodness, what was it?
Woke up this morning to find my neighbor's dog tearing up my vegetable garden!
ask me for further details
['Hi! Have you been watching the FIFA World Cup recently?', 'I have not, I did hear that England lost recently though.', 'Yes, I was devastated to learn that because England are my favorite team!']
I heard they were doing great before the loss though, hope you at least got to see them in some good matches.
i was devastated when my favorite world cup team was knocked out of the tournament.
['Last night, I did the most unfortunate thing. I ate three entire bags of Totinos 250 count pizza rolls.', "Think I've done that, too. No regrets, my friend.", 'At the time it seemed like a brilliant idea. But afters, I felt like a disgusting blob. God bless the Great and Noble Lord Totino.']
They are tasty sins.
Last night, I ate three 250 count bags of pizza rolls. I was filled with so much regret.
['after quitting school for two years I am finally going back']
Oh wow, good for you. That education will help you the rest of your life!
after quitting school for two years I am finally going back
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I used the last of the milk and didn't replace it."]
Youre a monstor!
I used the last of the milk and didn't replace it.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I have a really good life. I have everything I could want including a house, wife, and a dog.', "That's really great. I'm happy for you.", "Yeah it's a pretty great life."]
Congratulations, it sounds like you've really made it. I envy you.
My life is so good. I have everything I could want.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I just had a baby last month. My husband and I were planning to spend the first few weeks alone just settling in but our grandmother from out of state surprised us at the hospital planning to stay with us to help out.']
Congratulation for the baby. Is a good or bad suprise that our grandmother is coming?
I had a baby last month. We were planning on spending the time privately as a family, just my husband and I. Suddenly our grandmother showed up at the hospital with a plan to stay with us for the week to help out.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I am so hype for the new super smash bros']
MY little cousins are too. They love that game
I am so hype for the new super smash bros
['i was scared walking home']
Why? Is it a dangerous area?
i was scared walking home alone
ask me for further details
['I let my daughter babysit my youngest daughter for the first time']
That must have been nerve-wracking?
I let my daughter babysit my youngest daughter for the first time
ask me for further details
['I wish I was as cool as Brad Pitt.']
Same, especially being as attractive as he is.
I wish I was as cool as Brad Pitt.
['When I got up there was a wasp in my room this morning']
Oh I hate wasps. Did you get it out?
There was a wasp in my room this morning when I got up
ask me for further details
['My boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend! Why would he do that??']
He is a jerk.
My boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend!
["I moved away from my home town last year for a new job. I sort of regret it since I don't have many people to talk to."]
I know how you feel. I moved about 3 hours away from my hometown for school and stayed for 3 years and hated it. I moved back to my hometown and am so happy now. I'm sorry you're having a tough time. Have you gotten out and tried to meet people?
I moved away from my home town last year and I regret it.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I know that I will be the youngest billionaire ever.']
You sound very confident! how will you make that happen?
I know that I will be the youngest billionaire ever.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I cannot wait until next week. I am going on vacation!']
How exciting! Where to?
I am going on vacation next week. I cant wait. I really need time off from work
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My friend had a driving test and he borrowed my car. When he returned it, the right door had scratches on it. I was so mad at him', 'That sucks. did he admit to doing it?', "That is the problem. He did not even mention it. I noticed it myself. People can't be trusted anymore"]
Yeah that's true. I don't let people borrow my car anymore. Too big of an investment
My friend borrowed my car for his driving test. When he returned it, the right door had scratches on it
['I brought lunch to work as usual, and it seems everyone went out to lunch this time around']
Dang! I hate when that happens. It's always the day you don't expect it to happen, it happens.
I brought lunch to work as usual, and it seems everyone went out to lunch this time around.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I have 2 working arms and legs. I am so thankful for not being handicapped in life.', "I'm grateful for my limbs as well, this the reason I'm a hard worker. I appreciate what god gave me.", 'I know right? We could have gotten so much worse in life.']
So t
I have 2 working arms and legs. I am so thankful for not being handicapped in life.
["My boss wants to talk to me after lunch. I don't know what it could be about."]
It could be something good maybe.
My boss wants to talk to me after lunch. I don't know what it could be about.
["You won't believe this, a guy in a box truck cut me off earlier and ran me off the road!", 'Are you ok?', 'I am okay but I was terrified, I thought we were going to collide and I was worried about getting hurt!']
Is your vehicle damaged?
Earlier a guy cut me off on the road, he was driving a box truck and I saw my life flash before my eyes.
ask me for further details
['one time I realized the milk I bought was expired, I went back to the store to buy more only to realized it was expired too.', 'Wow sounds like you need a new store..haha', 'haha, Or maybe just better eyes, Thats not the only time ive done something like that.']
Do you wear glasses or do you have 20/20 vision
I once bought expired food, went back and accidentally bought it again.