question or not
2 values
4 values
['I rented out my house and when I came back it was filthy and smelly']
That's terrible, what did you do?
I rented out my house and when I came back it was filthy.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I got a new smart haircut and shave my shaggy beard yesterday!', 'Cool. You should look totally different?', 'Yes and people compliment me and I feel confident now.']
That is nice.
I got a new haircut and shaved my beard.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I was very impressed to find out that my partner did not receive any tickets or citations within two years of driving']
Same as me! Everyone is always shocked to know that
My partner did not receive any driving citations for two consequent years. I am very thrilled with her
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["My friend left her cactus under my care. It's been with her for 5 years. It's kinda dead now I think."]
How can you tell if a cactus is dead?
My friend left her cactus under my care. It's been with her for 5 years. It's kinda dead now I think.
ask me for further details
["I asked my friend to get stuff for a party, I knew he'd pull through though.", 'What kind of party?', 'It was a birthday party for someone else.']
A close friend? What kind of decorations did he get?
I asked my friend to get stuff for a party, I knew he'd pull through though.
ask me for further details
['my cat vomited on my rug today']
Is she sick or was it was one time thing?
my cat vomited on my rug today
ask me for further details
['i felt sad when I was all alone the other day']
That's too bad. Why were you all alone?
i felt sad when I was all alone the other day
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I was in a car accident one time.', "Oh, that's awful. Were you okay, or did you have to go to the hospital?", 'I was okay, just shook up. I could see the other car coming at me before the impact.']
That sounds terrifying! I've never been in a car accident, and sure wouldn't like to be in one.
I was in a car accident one time. I could see the other car coming at me before the impact.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I am so pumped for the new Super Smash Bros game, it looks amazing']
I saw that, I can't wait to play!
I am so pumped for the new Super Smash Bros game, it looks amazing
['The weather has been irritating this week. I am tired of the rain']
Oh damn. Me too. What area are you in?
The weather has been irritating all week. I am tired of the rain
ask me for further details
['Just got dumped by my Girlfriend.', 'Ouch! I am sorry to hear that!', 'On christmas too, how could you do that to someone?']
That's just evil, no matter what the circumstances may be. I'd never do that.
My girlfriend left me for another man. It was on christmas.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['Some stories terrifies me']
Well then avoid the stories that scare you.
I was alwals terrified about the unknown
['My son got his first ear infection last week.', 'Uh oh. Is he better now?', 'Yes, thank goodness. The antibiotics fixed him right up.', 'OK, good. What do you think caused the infection in the first place?', 'The doctor mentioned his congestion might have contributed, but I got the impression that they just happen sometimes with no real cause.']
Is he a baby? I heard it happens often.
My son got his first ear infection last week. He was so miserable. He perked up after the antibiotic kicked in.
ask me for further details
['My brother applied for an Ivy League school this year, and we just found out he was accepted!']
Nice, I am glad to hear about that
My brother recently applied to an Ivy League school. We just found out he was accepted.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["My youngest son is in the Army and been stationed all over...hasn't seen him in a while now."]
I bet you miss him a lot?
My youngest son is in the Army. He has been stationed all over, once even in japan. Now he's in California...haven't seen him in a long time..
ask me for further details
['it was so embarasing to do that', 'What did you do', 'picked them up quick']
I am not sure what you picked up
dropped my pants in a store
['Kids need to stay away from me, they are too loud!', "That's funny! I agree and it's worse when they aren't your kids.", 'I dont even want my own kids.']
To each their own. I have 3 and to be honest, I'm glad they are getting older. Babies suck.
Young children need to stay far away from me!
['I was so scared by the movie the Grudge, even to this day it still scares me today', 'Really? Are you scared by lots of movies?', 'I guess I sort of am, any horror pretty much']
Awwww... That's cute.
I was so scared by the movie the Grudge, even to this day it still scares me today
['My friend broke up with his girlfriend of 10 years after she lost a lot of weight.']
He did not like the way she looked?
My friend broke up with his girlfriend of 10 years after she lost a lot of weight.
ask me for further details
["Can't believe my friends got me a stick.", 'Like a stick shift car? You got some pretty rich friends!', 'Nope a hockey stick actually, I wish though!']
Oh lol. I hear those are expensive too, so, you got some rich friends! Lol
When my friends got me a hockey stick. They want me to play with them.
["I got a new job, but I'm going to finish this last project with my current job before leaving.", 'I wish I had a expedition', 'An expedition? Do you mean a trip or car?']
Why do you think that?
I got a new job, but I'm going to finish this last project with my current job before leaving.
ask me for further details
['I had to work late the other night and had to walk outside to my car alone.']
I imagine that would be a bit unnerving. It being dark and anything being possible.
I had to work late the other night and had to walk out to my car alone. It was very dark outside.
["I played Ice Hockey when i was younger and i wasn't that great at first."]
When did you start getting better
When i first started playing hockey i wasn't great at it. When i was finally into the game on my last year of playing i finally scored a goal.
["I swear as I get older I need to take my time in getting dress. I'm afraid I'm going to be on one of those Walmart meme. I've left home and before you know it I realize I have something on wrong.", "Oh no! I always like to pick out what I'm wearing the night before. Maybe that would help?", 'Funny you say that. I just told my mom she needs to pick out her clothes for the week and church on Sundays to avoid being frustrated. I think I should take my own advice.']
It really could help. I heard Einstein used to wear the same clothes everyday because it would help him stay focused on his studies!
I'm not sure if it comes with age, but I have to make sure that I have my children make sure that I have my clothes and shoes on right. One time, I left home with two different shoes on. One of them black and the other blue.
['sadly we got word our grandmothers canceris back', 'That is unfortunate, is it possible to go through chemotherapy again?', 'im not sure she is really old']
I hope everything works out for you
we got news my grandmas cancer is back. we are praying for the best
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I trust my family with my life, they are the first people I go to']
It is really nice to have a great family. Do they live close by?
I trust my family with my life, they are the first people I go to
ask me for further details
["Every time we get pizza my husband wants to order Hawaiian pizza. But I just can't get down with pineapple on pizza."]
I'm right there with you! I hate pineapple on pizza, it doesn't belong!
My husband likes Hawaiian pizza. Pineapple on pizza is so gross!
["I bought a pomegranate the other day on a whim. I haven't had one since I was a kid, so it brought back from memories when I was snacking on it."]
I have never actually had one of those! We don't get very exotic fruits here in the midwest. What do they taste like?
I had a pomegranate for the first time since I was a kid recently and made me think about to my childhood.
ask me for further details
['My aunt died last year and I was thinking about her yesterday.', "That's very hard. I lost my uncle in january and it's so hard to think about.", 'She was like a mom to be and raised me in my younger years.']
I'm so sorry. Are you doing all right?
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["Hey dude! I'm so pumped. I just got a beautiful new dress for my friend's wedding."]
It's always fun to get new clothes! Is the wedding soon?
I just got a new dress for a wedding! It made me feel so good to wear it. I felt like a star.
ask me for further details
['I went to the public toilet and went out with a toilet paper sticking out of my pants...']
Oh no! That's awkward. Are you able to laugh about it now?
I went to the public toilet and went out with a toilet paper sticking out of my pants...
ask me for further details
['My buddy just rented a moving truck over 30 feet long.', 'Wow that is huge. He must have a lot of stuff to haul.', 'Yeah. I was surprise at how well he could maneuver that thing around though!']
As long as he remembers to make wide turns. Otherwise bad things happen haha.
My friend rented a moving truck that is over 30 feet long. He actually was driving it around pretty well.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['My son got into a fight with a bully.', 'That does not sounds good! Are you proud of him for standing up?', 'I am so happy he won!']
I am glad for him. Bullies should not be allowed to behave badly towards others.
My son got into a fight with a bully. I am so happy. that he won.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I knew my team was going to win over the weekend. I had a good feeling']
did they?
I knew my team was going to win over the weekend. I just knew
ask me for further details
['oh man I fell down a flight of stairs at the LSU game last weekend. I was mortified because everyone laughed.', "I hate it when people laugh at me, it's so humiliating!", "Its the worst. I didn't want to come out of the bathroom afterwards."]
Oh god, that's the worst part. The shame afterwards....
I fell down a flight of stairs at a college football game in a skirt. Everyone laughed at me.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["My friends went to a bar tonight and I didn't get to go.", 'How come?', "I didn't have enough money to go out with them so I had to stay home by myself."]
Oh no! Your friends didn't offer to buy you a drink or something? I would if I wanted my friend to come
I didn't get to go out with my friends tonight. I had to stay home by myself.
ask me for further details
['My gradma has been dead for awhile. I really miss spending time with her.', 'Maybe pray and she will hear you.', "I'm not really religious so I don't think she would hear me."]
Maybe she could if you tried.
My grandma just died. I really miss here and spending time with her.
['My dog has cancer.']
I am sorry to hear that. Unfortunately a lot of dog breeds have a high risk of cancer. Is it treatable?
My dog has cancer. The surgery did not fix it so we have to put her down.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I sang last night at the bar. I am a bad singer, I am fool for singing.', 'haha, why did you go on? peer pressure?', "I was drinking so I didn't care at the time."]
That makes sense! I bet it didn't go as bad as you think!
I sang last night at the bar. I am a bad singer, I am a fool.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['So i am really mad right now. Brother took my car without asking and i have to go to work.', 'That would really upset me! How are you going to get to work?', 'I dunno all my friends are busy and no one is even answering the phone at work.']
Can you take an uber?
Brother took my car without asking and i had to go to work. I was so furious at him and wasn't happy at all.
ask me for further details
['Hey. I dated with my ex girlfriend for more than a year and i was never with another girl, not even once', 'That sounds sweet.', 'It was actually. I was so in love with her that I almost ask her to marry me three months ago']
Why didn't you?
Once i had a couple. I only was with her for arround 2 entire years and no one else.
ask me for further details
["I found my deceased grandfathers watch in an old box in my parents attic. It is actually quite valuable, but I don't think I could bring myself to sell it. It has way too much meaning to myself and my family.", "I believe there are things in life that are irreplaceable and priceless! There is no amount of money that can give you the true value of your grandfather's watch. I think you should pass it down to your grandchildren.", 'I agree. No amount of money could replace it. I will end up giving to my kids for sure.']
I consider this a family heirloom and your children would be happy to share this story for years to come.
I found my deceased grandfathers watch in an old box in my parents attic. It is actually quite valuable, but I don't think I could bring myself to sell it. It has way too much meaning to myself and my family.
["My husband's sister was living with us. She was acting rude so we had to kick her out.", 'Oh no that is terrible. Are you guys still talking now?', "No not at all it's a little tense."]
Well that is not good. What did she do that was so bad?
My husband's sister was living with us. She was acting rude, and we ended up kicking her out.
ask me for further details
["I'm not looking forward to tomorrow :/", 'Why? What happened?', "We're taking the kiddos to six flags and they're gonna make me ride coasters lol"]
Oh! I thought it was something bad, I hate roller coasters too!
Riding coasters this weekend
["My Junior year in high school we made it to the state championship in football. The coach would let the captains say a few motivational words before we got off the bus. So he called me to say something. I told my teammates that if they didn't plan on winning the trophy don't get off the bus then I sat down.", "That's not a bad response, how did the team take it?", 'They were quiet it was supposed to be a two minute speech. The bus driver said you guys better listen he looks serious.', "That's great, Did yall win?", 'WE won 60 - 3']
I remember going to State Football Championship. I told my teammates on the bus before we got off that if anybody isn't ready to leave this field with the trophy stay on the bus. The whole bus was quiet. The bus driver looked at me and said I think you guys need the listen to him he doesn't look like he's playing. We eventually won that game .
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I saw my old room over the summer when I went back home from college.']
Had it changed at all? I hope not if you are just away for college.
I saw my old room over the summer
ask me for further details
['My basement got very damaged last year during a storm, so this year I decided to buy a bunch of supplies.', 'god it repaired ?', 'Yeah its all repaired now. I also bought lots of food in case we loose power.']
thats cool.
We had a big storm last summer, so this year I bought a ton of supplies in case we lost power or had flooding. Last year our basement got very damaged.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I've been working hard to better things for my family."]
Good for you! I know that can be difficult, but it will pay off in the end
I'm happy with myself for my commitment to my family.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My credit score has seen a 50 point decrease in the last month. I think this is a result of my debt accumulation', 'Ouch. Debt ration does play a big factor in the scoring.', 'Indeed. I think i need to be more careful with my spending and careful plan everything in detail']
(*ratio) I watch my score like a hawk.
My credit score has fallen by some 50 points in the last month. My debts are accumulating.
['I couldnt hide the evidence, I was all over my face!', 'The evidence of what?', 'All of the chocolate that I scarfed down!']
Did you get in trouble with anyone?
I couldnt hide the chocolate on my mouth.
ask me for further details
["While visiting the zoom, I noticed some of the workers going into a panic and then they began running. I learned later that lion had escaped it's enclosure!", 'omg that is so scary , especially if you took all your little ones with you that day', 'I did. We ran to the closest bathroom and stayed inside for a while! I think the zoo is going to be in big trouble. They gave everyone a refund and also free tickets.']
refund and tickets wont do anything , someone messed up big and they need to be fired
I was at a zoo where a lion broke free.
["I have been driving my little truck around for a while now, but I'm happy with it.", "That's good. As long as at gets you where you need to go. That's what matters.", "That's what I'm saying. So many people need to have bigger and better and new. Not me."]
Same here.
I bought my truck and it's a standard truck. But I enjoy it, and it makes me happy. I don't need anything extra.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["School is about to start back. I think I'm gonna miss having my kids at home"]
I know that feeling, that is no fun, but at least they are learning!
The summer will be over soon and my kids will be back at school. I will miss them
['I was mad when I didnt get paid my entire check', 'I would be mad too. What happened?', 'a payroll error']
How long before you get what is owed to you?
I was mad when I didnt get paid my entire check
ask me for further details
['i went into that interview knowing i was going to get the job']
Do you feel like you interview well regularly? were you qualified?
i went into that interviewing knowing i was going to get the job
ask me for further details
["I'm a bit unhappy with Summer being almost over.", "Its really hot where I live. I'm ready for it to be over. Its 100f out side right now and very humit.", "Yeah, that's too hot. I can see your point."]
I guess its different if you live where it gets cold during the winter.
I'm a bit unhappy with Summer being almost over.
['I was so happy when I finshed high school', "I bet you were. Who isn't?", 'That is so true']
I couldn't wait to not wake up early. Then I got a job lol
I was excuted when I finally finished high school
['I was kinda shocked my co-workers pitched in and got me a cake for my birthday recently.', 'Awe thats so sweet! how long have you worked there?', "I've been there a little over a year now, so I really didn't expect it!"]
Thats amazing! I would feel so loved if someone did that for me, I never get attention like that.
My workplace shocked with with a cake for my birthday.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['i was happy to get the weekend off!', 'you must have enjoyed yourself', 'yes it was nice']
am happy you did
i was happy to get the weekend off!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I am on vacation and I know my girlfriend will get us to the hotel safely.', 'I hope you guys are always safe!', 'Thank you! She is a really good driver.']
I wish I was a good driver!
I have faith my girlfriend can get us safely to the hotel. We are on vacation.
["Went to the rec center today after work, and it was closed. They didn't announce it or anything"]
Thats a bummer. What do you do there?
Went to the rec center today after work, and it was closed. They didn't announce it or anything
ask me for further details
['One time my friend dropped something heavy on my favorite guitar', 'Was the guitar okay?', 'It had a huge dent but, sounded fine. I was pretty mad but, I could tell it was an accident']
I stepped on my uncle's fishing pole, kinda hard to tell if it catches fish worse or not.
One time my friend dropped a heavy object on my favorite guitar
['i am so happy and proud of myself! i am so smart!']
That's great! Is there a particular reason, or just in general?
at myself for being so smart
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I am really looking forward to the next Avatar movie. It seems like I have been waiting forever.']
I didn't even know they were making another, I loved the first!
I can't wait for the next Avatar movie to come out. I have been waiting so long. It is going to be great.
['I am worried I will not be able to go to my fathers birthday party.', 'Oh no! Why not?', "I have a big meeting for my job. It may go later than expected which means I can't go to the birthday party."]
Can it not be rearranged?
I am worried I will not be able to go to my fathers birthday party.
ask me for further details
['i saw a kid by himself crying at the store', 'That is so sad. Did you comfort him?', 'i tried. he lost his parents. i helped him find them']
That is so caring of you! Good on you for being a good Samaritan!
saw a lost kid at the store
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I am ready for my nephew to visit this weekend.']
sounds like fun
I am ready for my nephew to visit this weekend.
['So I was at the mall yesterday and saw my ex having lunch.', 'Did you talk to her?', 'Yea and it made me feel so nostalgic when we talked about old memories!']
It is nice that both of you still share good memories.
i saw my ex at the mall yesterday.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['My dog is getting on my nerves. he never shuts up.']
Sorry to hear that. What is he barking at?
My dogs bark is horrible and he won't stop.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['One day my son broke my facorite lamp']
Oh no. I bet he felt really bad about it.
When my son broke my favorite lamp. I though I was going to hit him
['When my mom got sick i feel sick too. I cannot handle it']
Have you ever spoken to someone else about it? It's always a relief to talk things out.
My mom was sick when she went on vacation. I wish i was there to care for her. I am feeling so depressed right now
ask me for further details
['i was hoping to get the day off']
Why do you need a day off?
i was hoping to have the day off
ask me for further details
['One time I was having a couple of drinks with a friend and we started roughhousing and I broke my tailbone']
Wow, did you fall on your butt that hard?
One time I embarrassed myself by getting a little too spirited and roughhousing with my friend. i ended up breaking my tailbon
ask me for further details
['I went to the grocery store, while at the cashier i realized that I could not find my debit card.', 'Oh no! Did you end up finding it?', 'No, I felt really bad. I ended up leaving the groceries.', "Aw that's too bad. Sorry to hear. I lost my debit once, I don't think I ever found mine either..", 'It is really sad, I had to call and order a new one.']
Scary situation loosing a card...Hopefully you get your new one quick!
I went to the grocery store, while at the cashier I realized I could not find my debit card.
["I ate a whole gallon of ice cream by myself in one sitting and now I'm not feeling too happy.", "Oh, I could do that if I didn't have bad teeth and can't handle the cold. I would regret it if I did though because I really need to lose some weight.", "Yeah, I'm telling myself that its okay since it was just a one time thing. I'll walk it off tomorrow!"]
Lol, burn those calories. Hope you have a high metabolism.
I ate a whole pint of ice cream by myself in one sitting.
['My daughter graduated high school with a 4.0 GPA.']
Wow impressive! You must be very proud.
My daughter graduated with a 4.0 GPA. I shouldn't say I am shocked, but I know it wouldn't be easy to accomplish.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['The weather the last few days has been irritating. I just want it to be sunny']
Has it been rainy there?
The weather the last few days has been irritating. I just want it to be sunny
ask me for further details
['I was so happy when my son won his swim race.', 'Oh really, congrats! yes when your kids acomplish something it is very happy for us parents!', 'Yes, he swam every day to get ready.']
Thats so cool, do you have any othe children or just one? when you have more they are very competitive
I was so happy when my son won his swim race.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Looking at facebook memories are a fun part of my day.', 'I do that sometimes to you, memories are always nice', 'Its like watching m kids grow up all over again.']
I look forward to that when I have a kid
I love looking at facebook memories. Its like watching my babies grow up all over again.
['i was scared walking home last night']
Why was you scared was it to dark?
i was scared walking home last night
ask me for further details
['My sky diving instructor was strapped to my back, and I had not a care in the world.']
Do you feel their weight?
I had no fear that my sky diving instructor had my life in his hands
ask me for further details
['I took my final exams and I am awaiting the results. I pray that I will pass with a good grade.']
Whew, always a rough time. How do you think you did?
I took my final exams and I am awaiting the results.
ask me for further details
['I bought a really expensive phone that I worked very hard to buy. Sadly, my friend dropped it and broke it.', 'have they offered to buy you a replacement?', 'No, he ran away and is ignoring my messages. I just feel like punching him!']
Thats not a very good friend then. accidents happen but you should own up to them :/ have you considered suing in small claims? youd at least get your money back to get a new phone
My friend broke my phone that I had worked hard to buy
ask me for further details
['One quiet night, I watched a movie on TV.', 'That sounds fun. Was it a scary movie?', 'No, I was an adventure movie.']
Oh okay. Did you watch it all alone?
One night I made myself a bowl of popcorn and some dessert. I then watched a movie on TV while eating this meal.
ask me for further details
['I was teaching my daughter to drive today when I got pulled over by the cops.', 'Oh no, was the cop understanding', 'not really. He gave me a ticket for speeding and running a stop sign, in front of my daughter!']
Oh no, that is a mean thing to do
I was teaching my daughter to drive today. In doing so, I got a speeding ticket.
['Recently, my dad gave me some money to buy e-cig liquid for my vape, I am very thankful!']
That's pretty cool. What flavor do you think you are going to get?
My dad gave me some money to buy some e-cig liquid for my vape, I am so thankful!
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I'm not in the best financial situation right now. Hear me out, these ramen noodles will turn into filet mignon steaks one day!", 'Hey. It happened to me. It could happen to you too!', "Yeah, it's not so tasty but I'm very hopeful that hard work will pay off!", 'Have you ever put butter in your noodles. It elevates them lol', "Butter? I need to try that, I'm just using cheese and chopped vegetables."]
I've never used cheese. Learn something new every day.
I'm not in the best financial situation right now. Hear me out, these ramen noodles will turn into filet mignon steaks one day!
["I needed gas and didn't have cash. Some stranger paid for it without me even asking."]
That's really nice. Sometimes things work out ok.
I needed gas and didn't have cash. Some stranger paid for it without me even asking.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I was shocked in a good way when my dad got my a laptop. It was for school', 'That is so exciting you will definitely need it for school what kind did he get you?', 'It was just for keeping notes and creative writing']
Make sure to save all the notes it will come in handy in the future never know.
I was shocked when my dad got me a laptop. It was for school
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['My dad had cancer and was bed ridden', 'Oh no, How long did he live? is he still alive?', '52 years']
Thats not very long, I am sorry for your loss.
I felt bad while watching my sick father on the bed
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["i don't like the feeling of the unknown", 'Why do you say that', 'it worries me not to know what to expect']
Well that is what makes life fun
i don't like the feeling of the unknown
["A lady friend came over and we had some fun...but she left me high and dry :( but I'm pretty optimistic. She texts me every night asking what I'm doing", 'Thats good, Give it some time, Did everything go good, besides the high and dry?', 'Yes. The original plan was to hit starbucks...but we did a different kind of catching up haha']
That sounds good, Give it time, she will come around.
This chick came over to my place and left me high and dry....I'm pretty optimistic though, she texts me every single night
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["My kids started school last Tuesday and no school supply lists were put out online or in stores. I didn't get a list until 4 days before school started. I had to send them to school with no supplies until I could afford to buy them some on Friday.", 'Oh no that sounds terrible. I would hate to have such a financial burden suddenly sprang on me.', 'Yeah it was awful. Really made me feel crappy. I am just happy that they at least had new clothes and shoes.']
I'm sure you're not the only one.
My kids first day of school was last Tuesday. I couldn't buy them school supplies until Friday.
["there was a time i had no food to eat now i'm so glad i can afford food and my pantry is stocked to the brim", 'Oh man! I so understand that! Did you have to eat ramen and $1 meals? I did! It was awful! I am so glad you are in a better place now', 'not that far but i had to go to a pantry to get food , it was generic foods']
Oh yes, I have been there to! Some food pantries are amazing but some have just crappy sugary foods.
so glad i can have food on the pot and groceries in the fridge
['apple is an evil company, they just become a trillion dollar company today. i feel they betray their customer base by releasing the same phone every year', 'I feel the same! I hate apple products. I refuse to use them', 'and everything the release they claim tis groundbreaking wile other phones had the same features for eyars']
I didn't know that. Another reason to not like them
so sorry apple has hit the trillion dollar value today, i think they are an evil company who bring out the same product year in and year out and call it groundbreaking
['Sometimes I have nobody to talk to.']
Have you ever thought of talking to someone online?
Sometimes I have noone to talk to.
ask me for further details
['I was scared when my dad had a heart attack. I thought he was going to die', 'Sorry to hear that. Is he better now?', 'He is, but it was scary then']
Did the doctors have found what was the issue with his heart?
I was so scared when my dad had a heart attack. I thought he was going to die
ask me for further details
["I was watching TV and stopped on the Discover channel. There was this really gross show on bugs, but I couldn't help but watch.", 'Oh yeah those shows can fascinating!', "Yeah, I don't really know. It was really really gross."]
It's true, but I also can't help but watch. It's exciting to learn in any case.
I watched the discovery channel and saw this show on bugs. It was really gross.
["My son was potty training when he was 2 and he ran out at a party without his pants on! My jaw dropped and I couldn't hide my red face!", 'Were there other parents there? I think that anyone who has kids would understand.', 'No, they were a bunch of single people that my husband works with. They all laughed about it, but I was humiliated. It is funny to think back on now.', 'I can understand being humiliated in the moment. Thankfully most kids grow out of that phase!', 'Yes, he is older now and would never do that. He is such a funny kid though. I was glad when that phase passed!']
2 year olds don't know any better. And when everyone laughs, it can make them want to do it again.
My son ran out without his pants on at a party. I was mortified.
['My friend says she didnt tell anyone my secret, but idk how i feel about that.', 'what exactly were you referring to', 'i think she might have lied to me but im not sure']
oh try to politely get the truth by speaking in a diplomatic manner by not hurting her ego
to believe my friend who said she didnt tell my secret