question or not
2 values
4 values
['My husband is talking so loud on his headset playing video games. Ugh']
lol. Put some headphones on yourself and tune him out!
My husband is talking so loud on his headset playing video games. ?ugh
["I'm sorry to keep you waiting I had a technical issue. I just got a new deep fryer, and I fried my very first turkey today. I know it doesn't seem like much, but I am very excited about it.", "I'm happy that you got a new turkey friar and fried your first turkey. You do seem like you would enjoy that.", "Thank you for understanding. It's been annoying my family but I bet they're excited for me as well. I love frying birds that's for sure haha."]
Hey, some people are on this planet to fry birds, and some people aren't. I guess that's just how it is.
I just deep fried a whole turkey all by myself, first try! I can't wait to share the feast with the rest of my family they're gonna be so excited.
["I moved out of my dad's house when I was 19 and moved to Atlanta.", "That's pretty impressive! Was it scary to move away from home at such a young age?", 'It was - even though the company I worked for moved us all down here, it was still very hard to adjust. I mean, being in a big city and not having family around was hard.']
I'll bet it was! I don't have family around, so I know how lonely that can feel!
I moved out of my dads' house when I was 19 and moved to Atlanta. The company I worked for moved all of us down actually. But it was so strange being without my dad, or any family, around.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I was hit by a car today and just found out the other driver does not have insurance']
Oh no, that is so unfortunate and so unthoughtful of the other driver!
Just had a wreck the driver that hit me was not insured not sure how this will turn out
['My boss embarrassed me infront of the investors the other day.']
Oh no! What happened?
My boss embarrassed me infront of the investors.
ask me for further details
['I dumped my girlfriend for a younger woman.']
Oh my, why on earth did you do that?
I dumped my girlfriend for a younger woman. I feel so ashamed.
ask me for further details
['I am fortunate that I had good parents growing up.', 'You are', 'Yes, they both were educated and taught me well.']
i had one parent like that
I am fortunate that I had good parents growing up.
['My daughter is going to be a senior in high school this year. She is a National Honor Society student. This is such a huge accomplishment.']
That is very impressive! my brother in law is starting his senior year as well
My daughter is a National Honor Society student. She will be a senior this year and I am so proud of her. She amazes me more and more every day.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I am so scared of horror movies, it is my most hated genre by far', "I understand. Some people doesn't like those kind of movies. I am not a fan also.", 'Yeah they are not fun to watch in my opinion, like at all']
I understand
I am so scared of horror movies, it is my most hated genre by far
["My kids wouldn't clean their room yesterday. I was quite displeased.", 'Oh no, I hope you pardon them.', "I shan't! I will put them up for adoption on the morrow!"]
This is too much of punishment for kids.
My kids wouldn't clean up their room yesterday. I was quite displeased with them.
['Last week, when I was in the meeting, my boss got an acute heart attack.']
I bet that was scary.
Last week, when I was in the meeting, my boss got an acute heart attack. I was very shocked. He is very young and now he is in coma.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I watched a movie the other night with my kids, they really enjoyed it and we had a lot of cute conversation about it.', "What was the movie? I'm always looking for something new to watch with my kids!", "It's called Ponyo. They've been singing a song from it for the last couple of days."]
I will have to check it out! Thanks for the suggestion.
My children watched a movie with me the other night and we really enjoyed it.
['I went to the first day of class knowing it was going to be easy.', "that's good. did it actually turn out easy?", 'Yes I passed with flying colors. But that feeling made it that much easier.']
that's wonderful! Congrats! I didn't have a lot of easy classes when i was in college
I went into class knowing I was going to get an A.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I just started this new book about the American Revolution. It's not something I usually read about, so I hope it's good.", "That's cool, I'm not too familiar with it myself. Is it pretty interesting so far?", "So far it is. I really think it's going to be a great book."]
It's always nice to get lost in a good book. One of my favorite hobbies.
I just started a new book, and I really want it to be good. I hope it is.
["My husband has been studying for over a year for this exam he needed to take. It's taken a lot of time away from our family."]
That must be very hard for you all, but I'm sure it will be worth it in the end. What's the exam for?
My husband has been studying for over a year for this exam. And today he was notified that he passed everything needed for the CPA license.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['My small dog lunged and killed a baby bird that had fallen out of its nest.', 'Did anyone else see what happened?', 'No, just me. I was holding back my other dog. It was really hard to watch, even though I know it was his instinct.']
Dogs can get crazy like that sometimes, I'm glad no one else saw it happen!
My small dog lunged and killed a baby bird that had fallen out of its nest. I know it was his instinct, but it was rough to watch.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My son and I just checked out a gym he wants to join. The owner has built a really nice business for himself. It was really cool.', "That's pretty neat. It's always good to hear that people are getting fit to feel swell about themselves.", "Yes, it's good that people get fit. I also like to see people taking what they love to do and making a living out of it. It takes guts!"]
It does. I worked my butt off trying to get in shape at mine. What kind of gym do you go to?
I just got back from checking out a workout facility with my son. The guy who owns it has done an incredible job building his business from scratch. It was really something to see.
ask me for further details
['our lord and saviour will help us! he will guide us all to paradise, i have faith !', 'wow thats very faithful of you', 'do you believe ?']
not really but i can respect it
our lord has placed us on this earth for a reason
["I can't believe what happened to my dog.", 'Uh oh. What happened?', 'She decided protecting me from a stalking cougar was the good girl move.', 'Wow! Are you ok? Is she ok?', "I'm alright, She had to get about 60 stiches under her legs and near her neck. She got so many treats, and is doing just fine, if not a little wary of cats.", "Omg. I'm glad you're both ok. That had to be scary. She deserves extra love. What a good dog.", 'Such a good doggo!']
I'll bring you both something special next time I'm over. So glad you had her there. Wish she didn't get hurt though.
My dog got attacked by a cougar, I think she was protecting me, I was so scared.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["My dad and I were talking about the past, just reminiscing a bit. I'm going to miss these times.", 'I miss my dad.. been so long. What did you guys talk about?', "Mostly just my childhood and some of his. His mind is going quickly, there won't be too many more conversations like that."]
my mom had Alzheimers.. it sucks!
My dad and I were talking about the past, just reminiscing a bit. His mind is going quickly, I know I won't have many more conversations with him like this.
["I've gotten some bad publicity in the past.", 'What is deserved or undeserved?', "Undeserved, buy I'm the only one that thought so."]
I see, dont worry though. Nowadays everyone finds an excuse to grab their pitchfork and point it at someone.
My face was on the front page of the newspaper for a bad reason.
['I lost my ipad the othe day', 'Have you found it?', 'No I think it was stolen. We went to the park and i dont know what happened.']
It very well could have been. I'm sorry, that sucks.
I lost my ipad the other day. I can't believe it. I think it was stolen
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I was.. at home alone.. doing some self-pleasuring, if you will... and my roommate almost walked in on me. I managed to jump into my closet while pulling up my pants before he could see me. So happy I didn't have to have that awkward conversation", 'Haha good timing by your roommate. Does he not knock?', "He did.. and I said, Hold up, but I guess he heard something else? I mean... c'mon man. It's annoying. I wish my door had a lock, but it's some old 1950s apartment complex and everything is old. I guess people from the 50s didn't need to lock their doors. Lucky them. But I guess they had lamer porn back then, too."]
Hahahaa that's funny. I am sure you can install a lick pretty easily if the door is wooden.
I was.. at home alone.. doing some self-pleasuring, if you will... and my roommate almost walked in on me. I managed to jump into my closet while pulling up my pants before he could see me. So happy I didn't have to have that awkward conversation.
["A friend of mine is a self-published writer. She put out 22 books this year! I can't believe how many she did."]
That is wild, I wish i could write and make money.
A friend of mine is a writer. She put out 22 books this year! I can't believe how many she did!
['i was shocked when i couldnt go to the game i bought tickets for', 'Oh, wow! What happened?', 'i had to stay at work']
That stinks. What did you do with your tickets?
i was shocked when i couldnt go to the game i bought tickets for
ask me for further details
["I've very happy for my brother. He just finished up graduate school."]
That is great. Did you buy him a present for graduation?
My brother just graduated from grad school. I am so happy for him.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I used to swim competitively when I was a kid. I started around 4th grade.']
That is great. Do you still swim?
swim competition
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I was disgusted to find out my best friend's husband cheated on her. I feel bad for her."]
That is so, so sad. Are they going to separate or is there a chance that he can change his ways and earn her trust again?
I was disgusted to find out my best friend's husband cheated on her. I feel bad for her.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I was content with a B on my exam.']
It is a passing grade. I would be fine with it.
I was content getting a B on my exam.
["I didn't pay my taxes this year."]
On no. Did you get a letter from the IRS?
I didn't pay my taxes this year. I am nervous I may get audited.
ask me for further details
['I just bought my first new car last week.', 'Congradulations. You must be excited and proud. Are you enjoying the new car?', 'I was, until I wrecked it yesterday. Ughhh. I am so mad at myself.']
Oh no! Hopefully you have full coverage?
I just bought my first new car last week.
ask me for further details
['I recently bought a lotto ticket and won $50!']
That is awesome. I love gambling. Was it a scratch off? Pick 3?
I randomly bought a lotto ticket the other day and won $50!
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I am furious at Donald Trump', 'You and the rest of the world, lol. Joking. Joking. Why are you furious?', 'Because the way he separated all those children from their parents.']
Yes, that was horrible what he did. I couldn't imagine what I would do if I had my child ripped from me
I am furious at Trump.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I keet hearing odd sounds at night... I think there is a racoon in the attic!']
I think it's time to call the animal protection unit
I kept hearing odd sounds at night... I think there is a racoon in the attic!
['When I first started working out I dropped a weight on my foot!', 'Oh no. That had to be painful', 'It was more painful to my ego!', 'I know how you feel. At least its not on youtube', 'That is so true. I love those funny youtube videos of people working out.']
and epically failing lol
When I first started working out at the gym, I dropped a weight on my foot. It was so embarrassing.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['She always make me proud']
Who always made you proud?
I came back home and saw that every where was clean,my baby sister did the magic,and i was excited about that
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['my girlfriend has been threatening me recently.....']
Why, that's not good
my girlfriend has been saying some really threatening things lately, and I don't know what she's going to do
['my friends dad died in july']
That is horrible news, so sorry.
My friends dad died last month
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I feel nervous most of the time but when my regional boss comes into town it gets pretty bad']
Oh that sounds awful. Just makes things worse when they show up?
I feel nervous most of the time but when my regional boss comes into town it gets pretty bad
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I am so happy for my dad. He finally paid off his student debt loans after all these years. I can see a change in his demeanor and I feel so ecstatic for him!']
I bet that is so relieving! It sucks how much debt you need to take on in order to go to school these days!
I am so happy for my dad. He finally paid off his student debt loans after all these years. I can see a change in his demeanor and I feel so ecstatic for him!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My girlfriend just left me, this is awful.', 'That sucks. Did she say why?', 'She wanted to try something new, she was bored of me.']
Wow that's harsh.
When my girlfriend broke up with me, she left me heart broken.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I was surprised one day I scratched a lotto ticket to find out I had won £100.', 'So exciting! What did you do with that money?', "I was in shock as I've never won anything before. I took the money home and gave it to my wife for the house shopping."]
Thats good! I would have just spent it on drinks!
I was surprised one day I scratched a lotto ticket to find out I had won £100.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I have an amazing and brilliant wife. I'm so lucky!"]
I am so happy for you. Doe she make you feel special?
I have an amazing wife. She is so smart and in medical school!
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I went to empty the trash outside and the can was covered with maggots.']
Wow, that must be do disgusting
I went to empty the trash outside and the can was covered with maggots.
['My sister was a little bit depressed, so I bought her gift to cheer her up.', "That's so nice! What did you get her?", 'I bought a hotel stay for a weekend near the beach. I think that could help her.']
Wow, that is really thoughtful.
My sister was a little bit depressed, so I bought her gift to cheer her up.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['im excited about the holidays, i love christmas', 'Oh me too. Have you been saving up for a good one this year?', 'yes, my family is gonna have a good christmas this year.']
Very cool. I'm looking forward to thanksgiving too. love turkey dinner.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["About a month ago i found an old family photo album that i hadn't seen in a while", "That's really nice. Did it make you recall any memories you had forgotten about?", 'It did actually. A ton. It made me miss a lot of them.']
I'm glad you have something to remind you of them!
About a month ago i found an old family photo album that i hadn't seen in a while.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I hasd such a sad day yesterday helping support my friend with a dying pet. It was so sads.']
Im sorry to hear that, how old was the pet?
I had to help my best friend prepare to put her old dog to sleep.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['A co-worker of mine got a promotion over me.', 'How do you feel about that?', 'Pretty annoyed maybe a little jealous. I guess going to lunch with the boss every day has its benefits.']
It really does, what job do you work at?
A co-worker of mine got a promotion over me.
ask me for further details
['i was scared walking home the other night', 'Why were you scared', 'cause it was dark and a wooded area']
That does sound a little scary
i was scared walking home the other night
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['My parrot pooped on my arm last night. I was so mad!', "Oh no! I'm sure it didn't do it on purpose", "I am sure it didn't, but it didn't make me any less angry. I let him loose into the wild because I was so peeved!"]
Poor parrot
My parrot pooped on my arm last night. I was so mad!
["My family keeps saying I should buy a new vehicle, but I'm just fine with my old 1995 pickup truck!", "I wouldn't want another car payment", "Exactly! And as long as my good old truck keeps running, I'm not buying another vehicle. He gets me where I need to go."]
That's all you need.
People are always telling me I should buy a new vehicle, but I'm perfectly happy with my old 1995 pickup!
['I am very satisfied with my life right now', 't', 'indeed i am in a good place']
I am so glad to hearit. What's going right in your life?
I am very satisfied with where my life is right now.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My wife went out of town and I was alone for a whole week.']
Did you enjoy it?
My wife went out of town and I was alone for a whole week.
ask me for further details
["My son should have graduated from high school in 2017, but he didn't.", 'Why did he not graduate?', "He just didn't have the motivation to do what was needed. He did finally graduate this year though."]
Did he go to college?
My son just graduated from high school. He should have graduated last year, but didn't to what he needed to do to finish. I was so unhappy with him.
ask me for further details
['My best friend is supposed to come over next week, but due to weather she may not come until later. I really miss her so I hope she visits soon.', 'Oh that stinks. Does she live far away?', "She lives in Alaska and I live in Indiana, so it's a bit far! And I don't have many real friends so I've been feeling a bit lonely."]
I completely understand that. I'm so busy I hardly socialize at all.
I haven't seen my best friend in a long time. She's supposed to be coming next week, but may not be able to come. I hope she can, though.
['I never brought back a book that I took from the university library.', 'Oh no, how come?', 'I forgot about it. Then I had to pay for not bringing it back on time. So I never brought it back. Now, I feel bad about it.']
It happens sometime. Just try not to forget next time.
I never brought back a book that I took from the university library.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I didn't a giant puddle in the aisle and I tripped on it. I was so humiliated...", 'Did you hurt your self?', 'Just a minor bruise on my ankle but my ego was hurt even more as people laughed at me.']
That wasn't nice of them.
I slipped on the invisible puddle in the aisle and did the splits in front of many people. I was so humiliated.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I miss having a man at home', 'Having someone to call your own i essemtial in life', 'I dont want to fell alone but I still miss it']
i understand, how long has it been?
I rea;;y miss having a man around the house. I have to do too much
ask me for further details
['I recently got a $1,000 scholarship that I even forgot I applied for last year.']
Wow, that is awesome! Bet you were shocked and happy at the same time!
I recently got a $1,000 scholarship that I even forgot I applied for last year.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["My husband has a job interview coming up and we re really hoping he'd get the job.", 'What kind of job is it? I will keep my fingers crossed he gets it!', "It's for health care company. It'll be a better job for him. Thank you."]
THats awesome, does it pay better than the one he has? A pay increase is certainly helpful.
My husband has a job interview coming up and we are really hoping he will get the job. It'll be a really nice job for him and it pays well too.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["My girlfriend will be working abroad for 4 years. She's the only female in her team."]
Ouch... I'd have to admit that it would make me a tad nervous.
My girlfriend will be working abroad for 4 years. She's the only female in her team.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I felt incredibly angry when my mom..who does everything for everyone and with a nice heart was gossiped about by my aunt until none of the family was nice to her', 'Wow. What gripe does your aunt have with your mom?', "She just likes to talk bad about people behind their back. She just isn't very nice. She's one of those."]
Those kinds of people usually have the worse self-esteem.
I was furious when my mom was gossipped about.
['Yesterday was a very hard day, in addition to drama, I felt so alone.']
I'm really sorry to hear that :( What happened? I'm here for you if you wanna talk
Yesterday was a very hard day, in addition to drama, I felt so alone. I live alone and don't see many so it can get hard on days like the weekend.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['My nephew starts 10th grade this year!']
thats awesome
Nephew plays football this year
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My friend was diagnosis with cancer. I am trying my best to help and support him.']
oh wow im sorry to hear that. glad to hear they got a good friend
My friend was diagnosis with cancer. I am trying my best to help and support him.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['So Im a little bummed out today. I couldnt secure tickets to see my favorite band. They sold out really quick.']
That is indeed a bummer. Maybe you can pick some up on a ticket trading website?
I tried to get concert tickets to see my favorite band. I was to late and they sold out. Im a little bummed about that at the moment.
ask me for further details
['When I baked Christmas cookies last year I meant to bring some to my neighbors. But I had to eat a few first.', 'Oh, no. I think I see where this is headed.', 'Well a few turned into a few more and before I knew it there were none left to share. I felt so bad. Next Christmas I will make up for it.']
LOL. Do you really think so? That has happened to me before. Sometimes, it's just too hard to pass up. Thank you for sharing.
I felt so bad when I ate all of the Christmas cookies I baked. I didn't save any for my neighbors. They were just so good!
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I have a fantasy football draft tomorrow, I think all of my research will benefit me!', "You must feel prepared now since you've done all your planning and analysis.", 'I am! I would like to win the league this year.']
its a big ambition but you can do it with the right effort and commitment!
i have a fantasy football draft tomorrow. i have done my research and i'm ready to draft a great team!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I was trying to explain to a friend why something is happening and they just couldn't get it. I don't get why they couldn't understand me.", 'ohh, what did you try to explain them?', 'I was trying to explain to them why the Great Recession was caused by the recycling of petrodollars and an unrestrained financial market.']
Ohh, sometimes people don't understand simple things. I think the words like 'petrodollars' might have confused them.
I'm so upset that people don't understand what I'm saying.
['I have been training for the football match all week. The hardest I have ever trained', 'Do you think you have pushed your self enough or are you worried?', 'I think I have pushed myself enough, I feel prepared and think my team is going to win the match']
Great, I wish you all the lucky in the world.
I have been training for the football match all week
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['When I had my first baby, it was amazing. I was just so happy and joyful that I had been given this blessing.']
That is nice. How many childrens do you have now?
I had a baby. I was so happy and joyful that I had been given this blessing.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['MY car has been down for about a month. Every time I leave the house I see all brand new cars.', 'I absolutely hate car issues. Will you be getting it fixed or buying another one?', "I'm saving for a new one. I didn't even have it a year."]
Did it have any warranty when you bought it?
I hate seeing new cars on the road. My car won't even move.
ask me for further details
["o I have this neighbor who lives down the street who walks her dog without a leash. It is so annoying and its some kind of pit mix dog and it scares me that she has him off leash. I also found poop in my yard and I'm prestty sure it was from that dog! ugh!", "well, that's not nice at all.", 'i know! how rude!']
you can confront them about it.
So I have this neighbor who lives down the street who walks her dog without a leash. It is so annoying and its some kind of pit mix dog and it scares me that she has him off leash. I also found poop in my yard and I'm prestty sure it was from that dog! ugh!
["I felt terrible when I realized I had accidentally run over my neighbor's garden. Oops!"]
Oh no! Did you end up talking to your neighbor about it??
I felt so bad when I saw that I had accidentally run over my neighbor's rose bush. She worked so hard growing her flowers.
ask me for further details
["I'm getting to see Pikes Peak for the first time since moving to Colorado.", 'oh very cool. I have never been to Colorado. I keep saying i want to go but never do. Maybe for GABF in a couple years. Who knows.', 'It is definitely worth a visit. If you come from the east, skip kansas, Its flat which is cool for a while, but then just the smell of cow.']
i've heard that. i'd be coming north from Austin so easy enough to avoid cow smell :D
Going up to Pikes Peak in a few weeks for the first time since moving to colorado. Over 14k feet of awesomeness.
["Thanks! Please wait while we match you up with another worker. (Sometimes this takes a few minutes if there aren't many other workers available", 'Hello! How are you.', 'I feel so thankful for having such an accepting family. I recently came out and everyone was beyond supportive.']
That's an incredible blessing that they love you. Some people have different opinions about that so your lucky you come rom a supportive family.
I feel so thankful for having such an accepting family. I recently came out and everyone was beyond supportive.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["My best friend's mom has terminal lung cancer."]
ohh, that's bad. I feel sorry for her
My best friends' mom has lung cancer. It's so hard to know how exactly to help her deal with this, so I just try to be there to listen.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['i sure wish my family didnt find out', 'What? You think you might be in trouble?', 'yes i was stealing underwear']
Why in the world did you do that? I hope they never find out...
I got cought stealing underwear.
ask me for further details
['I finally got cable in my apartment after 5 years. well, satellite', 'wow nice', "I'm not supposed to have it in the front yard though. I couldnt get a signal in the back. I might get in trouble but I did it anyway."]
oh its unfair and really hurts
I got a satellite dish installed today. I know that they are not allowed in my apartments
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['When I was a kid I almost drowned so I would be nervous getting in the pool...but since my parents put me in swimming lessons I gained confidence and even joined the swim team', 'Wow, good for you finding the courage to overcome your fear! I can understand why you were nervous after what you went through.', "Yes it was scary. But I'm grateful for my parents for nipping it in the bud...sometimes that kind of fear stays with a person for the rest of their life"]
I completely understand. Your parents sound like great people.
I used to be nervous getting in the pool when I was a little kid because it would remind me of when I almost drowned...but swimming lessons took care of that, I'm glad my parents pushed me and gave me confidence to be on the swim team
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['i used to collect spawn comics , one time i got home and saw all my comics torn up , it was so mad']
That is horrible. Did you find out who did it?
i was furious when my sister tore all my comics
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['There was a chance to get a bonus at work today and I wanted it really bad.', 'What did you have to do to get it?', 'I think it was just randomly given to one of the employees that had perfect attendance. The girl across from me got it though.']
Better luck next time.
I was hoping to get a bonus at work today. I didn't get it though.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I was terrified when I heard strange noises outside that seemed really close']
That's never good. What was it?
I was terrified when I heard strange noises outside that seemed really close
ask me for further details
['I lived with this girl once and I trusted her. Found out I never should have.']
Oh, sorry to hear that man. Yeah girls are hard to trust these days. What's up with that?
I was trusting of my roommate and found out she was going through my stuff. I set a trap to figure it out.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I do not want my vacation to end.', 'where are you vacationing', 'I am in Bali, I would like to stay here forever, I will shed some tears for sure.']
OMG my dream vacation
I do not want my vacation to end. I would like to stay here forever
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["My youngest children are starting in a new school tomorrow, and I'm kind of nervous."]
I bet! Who do you think it's going to have the most separation anxiety, you or them? Be honest!
My two youngest kids going to school for the first time tomorrow!
ask me for further details
['my sis ate all of my snacks yesterday', 'Oh, no! I bet you were mad! Was she very sorry?', 'no, she wasnt sorry, shes never sorry']
Siblings! You love them but sometimes they can be such a pain!
my sister ate all my snacks that i bought yesterday
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['Hey you will not believe what Sara did last night. She left me at the bar all alone with a random stranger even though she knew I was intoxicated.', 'Dang that Sara! Did you tell her how unhappy you were with her?', 'Yes, I have known her for years so I forgave her but I really expected a lot more from her. You know what I mean?', 'Yeah I understand. Maybe you should pay her back somehow.', "Hmm, yeah any suggestions on what I could do? I don't want to do anything too mean or that could put her in any danger though of course."]
Put sugar in her salt shaker next time you're at her house :D
My best friend left me alone at the bar while I was drunk. I expected her to call a cab and make sure I got home safely, but instead I was left alone with a random stranger.
['I made an amazing pizza the other day']
was it your first time making it or are you a pro
I made an amazing pizza the other day
['I ripped my pants at work.']
Wow. What happened?
I ripped my pants at work.
ask me for further details
['If I knew I was going to meet such incidents in Washington, I should have gone to Florida', 'Sounds like you had a bad experience. What happened in Washington?', 'I met my girl friend sleeping with my best friend :(']
Oh goodness! How did you react?
I should have gone to Florida
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I am so mad that I lost my wallet last night.', "I'm sorry. I hope you find it.", "If not I am in big trouble due to it having all my Id's."]
You also need to cancel any credit cards.
I am so mad that I lost my wallet last night.
["I was so frustrated yesterday. I had to have my mom pick up the kids from school because I had to work late. I'm just glad I can trust her to do that.", 'It is such a wonderful thing to have a mom who one can depend on.', 'Yes. I can trust her with anything.']
I wish my mom was still alive. Just make sure that you show her how much you appreciate her. Even though you were upset because you had to work look at the bright side.
I had to make sure that I had someone to pick up the kids from school. I trusted that my mother would pick them up on time.
["I hate when people are inconsiderate and don't care about others"]
I do too, but seems like most people are like that nowadays
My neighbors were having a party today and one of the people parking infront of my driveway and blocked me in when I needed to leave
['My puppy learned to tap the bell to go outside very quickly!']
Well that's quite the accomplishment! How did you train her?
My puppy learned to tap the bell to go outside!
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I am counting the days until I go on vacation. I can't wait! I am going to Europe for a month.", 'wow that is awesome are you staying at a friends house?', "No. I am staying at a hotel in Rome. I don't know anyone there."]
wow are you looking forward to seeing the coliseum ?
I am counting the days until I go on vacation. I can't wait! I am going to Europe for a month.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I lost my wallet and someone found it and returned it to me.']
Oh that's quite luck and fortunate for you, I've never had a lost wallet returned.
I lost my wallet and someone found it and returned it to me. I am so thankful for that person.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Aliens came down the other day for the first time, and they wanted me to check out the inside of their spaceship!', 'That is a pretty weird thing to have happen', 'Yeah, it was weirder when they hid all the tools as I was walking through the door, but they seemed like nice guys.']
Maybe you should contact the news about it
When the aliens came and said they wanted to show me their spaceship I went in. I asked what the tool were for, but they said something unrelated to me.
please give me some advices.
['I get so aggravated when I clean up the house then my kids make a mess.', 'yeah that makes me mad too', "It's like brushing your teeth while eating oreos."]
that is pretty disgusting
It's so irritating when my kids make a mess right after I cleaned up.