question or not
2 values
4 values
['My dog pooped on the rug today.']
Ruh Roh! Did it come out of the rug easily?
My dog pooped on the rug today. I was so peeved!
ask me for further details
['My husband brought me a birthday present last month that I was very excited to receive', 'What did he buy you?', "An iPhone 8! I sooo needed a new one, I've been using a 5 for years and it would barely hold a charge. I really like the 8."]
I have an iphone7.
My husband brought me a present for my birthday. It was a iphone 8 and i love it
['I went skydiving the other day and was so frightened to take the leap out of the plane.']
I feel you, that feeling is the worse.
I went skydiving the other day and was so scared to hop out of the plane. It was a chilling experience.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['So you ever break something and blame the dog?', "Ha, many times. I once blamed my dog for breaking a friend's TV, but it was me", 'I did it with a vase which i willing threw down the stairs. Felt bad for the dog after i said it was him.']
Was it a good reason? I can't say I've ever done that before
One time i threw a vase down the stairs. The vase broke and i blamed it on the dog. It didn't feel right after doing that.
ask me for further details
["I can't believe my dog just passed away."]
I'm sorry to hear that. Are you OK?
My dog just passed away. I am so hurt right now.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['My son used to give me such a hard time in the morning when he had to get up for school.', 'I experience that too. It is frustrating', 'Thank goodness since he has gotten older he has grown out of that.']
That is good to hear
My son used to be so stubborn about getting up in the morning and gong to school. It would make me so angry. It was always a huge fight. I'm so glad he has grown out of that..
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["My computer keeps overheating when I play intense games, it won't stop bugging me. Ugh", 'That sucks. I hate when my games are interrupted for any reason.', 'Me too, it sucks when the screen starts to tear.']
Oh no. You should invest in something new.
My computer keeps overheating when I play intense games, it won't stop bugging me. Ugh
please give me some advices.
['Hey, I was at this talent show recently. I saw this guy playing a whole song by himself it was crazy.', 'What song was it? Did you know it?', "Yeah it was Ride the Lightning by Metallica, which made it even more impressive because it's a very technical and fast song."]
Man that is crazy! Especially that song!
I was at a talent show and I saw a man playing an entire song by himself, he played the guitar, drums, and sang all at once, it was really crazy to see.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I was heartbroken when my grandma passed away, I was not equipped to handle that', 'how did you manage', 'Not well, but it was years ago now, so you learn to adapt']
I was heartbroken when my grandma passed away, I was not equipped to handle that
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["It took me 3 hours to mow the lawn. I'm glad it's done."]
damn did you do it all alone or you had help? are you lebron james living in a mansion?
It took me 3 hours to mow the lawn. I'm glad it's done.
ask me for further details
['I went to the grocery store the other day and filled two carts full, but left with nothing!', 'That always is annoying', "Yep it was. My debit card was declined and I still don't know why."]
Oh no that isnt good
I went to the grocery store the other day and filled two carts, but left with nothing. My card was declined and I don't know why.
["I'm looking for a new job.", 'Ok. Had any interviews yet?', "A few. None at Rentokill - so I can't solve your problems :-)"]
Lol. Well good luck. Job searches can be tough.
I am hopeful that I find a new job very soon.
['im going to a concert sunday and its going to be amazing', 'You must be excited! Will it go on the whole day?', 'nope just 2 bands']
That's still awesome. Have a great time!
going to a concert on sunday and i cant wait it is going to be great
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I hate it when you have to wait for the results of creating a new bank account. The waiting is killing me!']
Waiting always kills me! How much longer do you have to wait?
I hate it when you have to wait for the results of creating a new bank account. The waiting is killing me!
ask me for further details
['Feeling real good about myself in this new jacket.', 'Oh nice! Where did you buy it?', 'J Crew was the store, also got a new hair cut.']
Sounds like you're looking real sharp :)
When I got my hair cut and a new jacket. I was very stylish.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Hello! I was really worried about my son the other day.', 'Oh no, what was wrong?', 'He came home from school and said it was a bad day. He seemed very down.']
Aw, did it turn out okay?
My son had a bad day at school and I was really concerned about him. I made him his favorite dinner and talked with him about what happened.
ask me for further details
['I listened to a song the other day that reminded me of the past.', 'What song was it?', 'Glycerine by Bush. It made me feel odd, like I was in the past.']
I've never heard of it, is it from the 80's?
I listened to a song the other day that reminded me of the past. It made me feel odd.
ask me for further details
['Girl I asked out said no']
Did you propose her?
Girl I asked out said no
ask me for further details
['i was very happy to be incharge', "That's always a nice thing. In charge of what?", 'incharge of the office']
Sounds like you have a fulfilling job. That's very lucky.
when my boss decided i should be incharge of his job when he is not ard
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["It's such a bummer that I did badly on the job interview I had today."]
I'm sorry. Are you sure you did that bad?
I didn't do well on my job interview.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I get nostalgic thinking about all the games I used to lpay with my friends on our street']
I remember those games too. What kinds did you play? My favorite was flashlight tag.
I get nostalgic thinking about all the games I used to lpay with my friends on our street
ask me for further details
["I had to look for another house but couldn't find anything for three months. I thought I was never going to find one.", 'Did you finally manage to find a house you like?', 'Yes, finally I found one. But that was a long and tiring process. I started losing hope at some point.']
I remember how frustrating house hunting was. Glad it has worked out for you.
I had to look for another house but couldn't find anything for three months. I thought I was never going to find one.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Its difficult for me to trust people at times.', 'Why, have you have bad experiences?', 'I have throughout my life and have found it difficult to be vulnerable.']
I'm sorry to hear that.
I find it difficult to trust people at times.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I got surprised by winning a trip to disneyland this weekend! I am overjoyed!', 'Is it all expenses paid?', 'Yes, everything is covered including some money for food!']
Well, congrats on winning that?
I found out I'm going to a surprise Disneyland trip this weekend!
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I walked to an apartment and it took me a while to realize I was in the wrong apartment.', 'Uh oh. Was someone in there?', "They were all asleep. That's pretty dangerous for them."]
Oh wow! That is kind of scary.
I walked to an apartment and it took me a while to realize I was in the wrong apartment.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I am going on a trip with my best friend next month.', "That's awesome. Where to?", 'We are going to vegas! I cannot wait!']
I hope you have a splendid time! That might be great
I am going on a trip with my best friend next month. We are going to vegas! I cannot wait.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['You need to see the customized version', 'The customized version of what?', 'Car I mean']
Oh okay. What kind of car is it?
I visited a car manufacturing company, you need to see the 2019model
ask me for further details
['Went by my old high school, and seeing the students makes me miss my old friends.']
That's sad. I miss most of my childhood friends as well. My best friend actually moved to Korea when I was 13.
Went by my old high school, and seeing the students makes me miss my old friends.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['My best friend is finally able to come back to school after an academic suspension.', "That's good! Was there a reason for the suspension?", "She had failed too many classes. We're in the same classes this semester, so that should help keep her on track."]
It'll be good for her to have your support, so hopefully she'll do better this semester.
My best friend is returning to college after an academic suspension. I hope that this semester will be different since I'm taking the same classes as her.
['I tried OkCupid last year for the first time...the first girl I met was decent in the pictures, but turned out to be a bombshell in person...', 'I do not like OkCupid.', 'Okay buddy what do you like']
I prefer Tinder.
I tried online dating the first time on POF. The girl was decent looking in the photos. But when I met her in real life she was a bombshell.
["My dogs are like my children to me and I can't stand when they are outside to long!"]
Oh yes! I know your feeling. I see my dog as a child as well.
I always feel on edge when the puppies are outside for too long. It makes me worry too much.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['Got to work and ...Boom! It was my birthday', 'Wow,happy belated birthday,make sure you have a blast.', 'A blast that last! I suppose? I love rhymes.. Lol!']
Nice,was what were you up to?
A birthday bash was organized by my colleague without my knowledge
ask me for further details
['I let my coworker in on a secret project and he helped me with it!']
I like secrets. Did it turn out the way that you hoped it would.
I let my coworker help me on a secret project.
['Im getting sick of my neighbor. every morning he revs his engine over and over again.']
I dislike people who do that. I never understood why! Have you tried talking to him?
My neighbor revs his engine sometimes early in the morning and it gets on my nerves
ask me for further details
['I was eating some cake and then I saw some mold in it. It was at a restaurant we loved. It was not fun!']
That's so disgusting! I hope you didn't have to pay your bill!
I was eating some cake and then I saw some mold in it. It was at a restaurant we loved. It was not fun!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I think I make a great cheesecake. My friends and family always enjoy it.']
Ooh I love cheesecake! Is it your own recipe or one that was handed down to you or what?
I think I make a great cheesecake. My friends and family always enjoy it.
ask me for further details
["I robbed my grand parents once because of my addiction to drugs. They didn't notice but I feel bad about it."]
Now that is something I would imagine is hard to deal with. I hope you are in a better place.
I robbed my grand parents once because of my addiction to drugs. They didn't notice but I feel bad about it.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I was really happy and appreciative']
what about friend?
My wife gave me a gift for christmas
ask me for further details
['I never realized it as a kid, but... that scene in Bambi, with the mother, it really is sad!']
Yes! I always cried when I watched it as a child.
That scene in bambi, where the mother dies!
['I am so tired of being home and working all day.', 'Yea, between kids, cleaning, and everything else, its hard to stay energetic', 'For real! It is worse for me because no one else is here. :(']
Yea, then you hae to do it all yourself
I am so tired of working at my desk all day like this.
['I have always been faithful to my girlfiend of almost 3 years', "So many people cheat nowadays. That's good to hear!", 'That is true, but very sad as well in my opinion']
It is, but we can learn from them and not do the same thing.
I have always been faithful to my girlfiend of almost 3 years
['I met a new girl and have a date with her tomorrow night. I have a lot of butterflies in my stomach right now!']
Where did you meet her?
I have a date tomorrow night with a someone new I just met. I think I really like her so I am feeling some butterflies right now.
ask me for further details
['I was mad when my friend skipped my moms funeral. It was just a sad time', 'Wow what did they say about skipping it?', 'He said he was sick, but that was not true']
probably won't forgive him for a long time.
I was upset when my friend skipped my mothers funeral. He lied about it too
['i knew i shouldnt have left my dog with my brother', 'What happened?', 'my dog ran away']
Oh no! That's sad
i knew i shouldnt have trusted my brother with my dog
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I forgot to put gas in my car and I ran out of gas on the side of the road!']
Oh my! You must have been pretty embarrassed. Did someone bring you gas?
I forgot to put gas in my car and I ran out of gas on the side of the road!
ask me for further details
["I'm glad it's raining here today.", 'I think I would be mad, too.', "We've been kinda dry lately."]
This chat has three people in it, it seems. I am talking to two separate Worker_2's.
I'm glad that it's raining here today. We've really needed it.
["I'm just enjoying a peaceful Sunday."]
That sounds so relaxing!
I'm really enjoying a peaceful Sunday afternoon.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I am getting started on my work week. I didn't go out much this past weekend and instead worked in my garden. It was very tranquil."]
That sounds very relaxing, what do you grow?
Over the weekend instead of going out, I decided to stay home and work in my garden. It was very relaxing and I wouldn't trade it for anything
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['A year ago, a tornado approached our house.', 'I bet you were afraid. Was everything fine?', 'Yeah, I was ready for it.']
Nice, I bet you were very prepared.
Last year, a tornado approached our house. I was ready for it though.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I was packing for a move to a new city and I stumbled upon my old diary. Brought back so many memories.']
You must have felt nostalgic of the old days.
I stumbled upon my old diary when packing for a move.
['I think I have some pretty decent kids. May be too soon to tell though.', 'Oh, all kids are a little iffy, I think. Are you a teacher or do you mean your own children?', 'My oldest is 13. She is the worst. But my 2 and 3 year old are perfect lol', 'Teenagers are awful! I am really looking forward to my daughter becoming a teenager....not.', 'lol. she is upset about everything all of time. I couldnt have been that way lol', "My mom put the curse on me. She said she hopes my daughter acted 10 times worse than I did. If that's the case, I need to start saving for boarding school, because I was awful!", "That's hilarious. Maybe II was terrible too then."]
Good luck!
My kids are the best. They get excited about everything. I think I had some good ones.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I'll be giving my first speech in a long time next weekend.", 'That can be scary! Do you feel prepared?', "I'm terrified of public speaking. I'm not sure!"]
You'll be okay! Use the age old public speaking advice, picture everyone in their underwear! Good luck!
I'll be giving my first speech in a long time next weekend.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I couldnt wait to see a movie last weekend. I had wanted to see it all summer']
It seems you were anticipating for a long time. Which movie did you watch/
I was looking forward to seeing a movie last weekend. I wanted to see it all summer
['I have a huge presentation at work this week. I have never done this before and I am not sure if I am prepared yet.']
Oh no, well I'm sure you'll do okay if you just prepare really thoroughly.
I have a huge work presentation coming up Friday and I am very nervous.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I love to think about the past and my childhood days.']
What are your favorite parts about your childhood?
I always feel great when I think about old times.
ask me for further details
['Someone stole one of my pigs.']
You too? One of mine died from food poisoning recently. What are you going to do?
Someone stole one of my pigs. I am so upset about it.
ask me for further details
['I was waiting in a long line to take the bus. Two young women cut the line and go directly in front everybody.']
You need to speak up next time
I was waiting in a long line to take the bus. Two young women cut the line and go directly in front everybody.
['I am rewatching game of thrones', "I hear thats an amazing show but I've never seen it before", 'IT is great. I still get scared when seeing the white walkers']
They sound really scary, I hope I never see one!
I am rewatching game of throne. I always get scared when there are white walkers
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['Some of my daughters classmates in pre-k have been crying since the first day of school.']
Oh no! Are they just scared?
I am so happy my daughter like pre k. Some og her classmates have been crying since the first day.
ask me for further details
["A lady got a promotion for a job, because she's related to the hiring manager."]
Isn't that illegal?
A lady got a promotion for a job, because she's related to the hiring manager.
ask me for further details
['I ate 50 pounds of ramen the other day. Never felt so bad for all the college kids that gazed on in envy and horror.', 'Can they not afford ramen?', 'Nope! Well, I suppose they can, but not as much as I. I am the Ramen King and impose a stiff ramen tax for every ramen meal consumed by all poor college students.']
I'd vote you class president!
I ate 50 pounds of ramen the other day. I felt so bad for all the other starving college students.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Girl I asked out said no', 'Did you propose her?', 'No. Just asked her out on a date.']
Oh, so sad. You may try one more time.
Girl I asked out said no
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['When I was young I loved to spit off of my 10th floor balcony. One day I spit and a lady happened to be walking by at the wrong time.', 'Hahahah, that is hilarious. I used to do that but with coins and stuff. I miss being a little ruthless, careless kid!', 'Well she looked up and was counting the floors. I ran inside terrified and felt so bad.']
I bet she was so confused lol
When I was a kid I thought it was funny to spit off of the balcony. One time a lady was walking by and I spit off the balcony. I spit on her head by accident. I felt so bad about it.
['I felt so dumb when I realized the shirt I was wearing was inside-out. I bet so many people noticed.']
Oh man that had to be embarrassing. I know how you feel though b/c I once went to work with two different shoes on
I felt like such a tool when I realized that the shirt I was wearing was inside-out. I bet so many people noticed and laughed at me.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['The other day i saw the craziest thing.']
What did you see?
I saw a couple homeless people walking completely naked.
ask me for further details
["I'm teaching my son how to change the outlets to our house. Makes me think about how my dad taught me.", "wow what a great thing to teach your son! It's also very bonding", "Yes, he's having a fun time learning!"]
how old is he?
I'm teaching my son how to change the outlets to our house. Makes me think about how my dad taught me.
ask me for further details
['I felt confident when I killed my job interview recently']
i bet you did and i'm sure you got the job
I felt confident when I killed my job interview recently
['My father died a few years ago, and I keep his cologne to remember him by.']
It'd nice you have a memento like that to remember him by. Did he wear it often?
I keep a old bottle of my dad's cologne I smell sometimes to remember him by.
ask me for further details
['My daughters started back to school today.', 'My daughters started back to school today.', 'is that a good thing or a bad thing?']
It's good, but I'm a little nervous for them. I know they'll be fine.
I hope my daughters are having a good day at school today.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I am getting my first car tomorrow. I am so pumped!']
It is very nice. Where would you go first with your new car?
I am buying a car tomorrow. I am so stoked!
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My cat is buts. he meows all night long. Its getting ridiculous.', 'Why did you get a cat?', 'I love cats. They are sweet animals.']
They are, I hope yours behaves better in time
My cat will not stop meowing at me. he is a mad man.
["I miss when I was a child. I didn't have to do anything besides school and play with my friends.", 'yes those were the days.', 'Now I have to work and pay bills. Responsibility is overrated. I will take childhood any day!']
Exactly! If only we could go back.
The other day I was thinking how great it was to be a child. I didn't have to work or worry about paying bills. Life was so good back then.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I'm in the middle of breaking down some pork shoulder. I have to slow cook for an eternity haha, it's going to be so tasty.", 'I love pork shoulder.', "I will mail you some, haha! I'm cooking a lot of it, I will be set for a very long time."]
I will take that offer, I could eat pork shoulder every day.
I am slow cooking some pork shoulder at the moment, it's going to take awhile but I bet it's going to be very tasty. I'm cooking a lot of it.
['I get sentimental thinking about the old days when I used to go play outside all the time with neighbors, those were such great days']
I know what you mean. It's not safe to send your kids out now.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['Right now I have my cat next to me, Infinity War on TV, and some spiced rum in my glass.', 'That sounds really good right about now!', "You got that right. Can't ask for anything better after a long Monday."]
I may do the same as you because yes, this has been an extremely long monday
Right now I have my cat at my side, a movie on TV, and rum in my glass. Can't ask for anything more.
['my husband and i are trying to get pregnant by the end of the year']
Good luck are you hoping for a boy or girl?
my husband and i are trying to get pregnant by the end of the year
ask me for further details
['I got cut off in traffic today and I almost hit someone because of it. It made me so angry!']
I bet it did!
Today I was cut off in traffic and almost hit someone. It really mad me mad.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I am jealous of my coworker, he is very athletic and smart', "Don't worry about him. Keep working on you. I'm sure you have a lot of great qualities.", 'Thank you, I like to think that sometimes, but it can be tough']
I understand. Its hard to not compare yourself with others but we're all made differently with our own strengths. Try to shine with those!
I am jealous of my coworker, he is very athletic and smart
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I can't even explain how much I care for this cat I have, it's like my best friend!"]
I am sorry. what happened to the cat?
I can't even explain how much I care for this cat I have, it's like my best friend!
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I am trying hard to get my business going before winter.', 'what kind of buisiness are you running?', 'Retail :) It is really stressing me out as I am just not one that does so good under pressure.']
hrmmm .. seems interesting. hopefully legal.
I am trying hard to get my business going before winter. It is really stressing me out as I am just not one that does so good under pressure.
["Man, it's not easy finding good online work."]
Tell me about it. How long have you been job hunting for?
It's tough to find good online work. I have bills to pay and it's really eating me up.
ask me for further details
['I lost my pet turtle. I am feeling devastated. I think he escaped the yard.']
Oh no, I am so sorry! I hope you find him.
I am so devastated because I lost my pet turtle recently. I think he escaped from the yard. I miss him so much!
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I went to grocery store the other day and completely embarassed myself.', 'What happened?!', 'I filled an entire cart with food for a party and then realized I had forgot me purse at home.']
Oh no. Did you end up having to leave the cart?
I went to the grocery store the other day. I shopprf got sn hour then realized I had left my purse home.
ask me for further details
["I accidentally told my best friend's secret to a mutual friend"]
You must feel awful about it! What are you going to do? Are you telling your friend?
I accidentally told my best friend's secret to a mutual friend. I feel so bad about it because I know it was wrong!
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I share a birthday with my cousin and sometimes as a kid I would get envious when we would get different presents of the same gift. We would get different colors and for some reason I would always want the same as her', 'I can understand that. Was there a reason one color was chosen for her and another for you?', "No idea. But you know when you're kids- she would get different barbies too and I was always envious. Seems trivial now but as a kid- I hated it"]
Sounds like you wanted to be the same as your cousin and not set apart. It may seem trivial now, but I know it wasn't trivial to you at the time.
When I was a kid- I was very jealous when my cousin would get different presents then me on our birthday.
["I have a big certification exam coming up in 3 days and I feel like I'm ready to crush it.", 'What is the certification exam for?', "Its the 4th exam of of 7 exams for architecture certification. It allows me to head my own design teams, etc. I have been studying for hours upon hours so I'm ready."]
My father was an architect. So I have heard about these exams.
I have a big certification exam coming up in 3 days and I feel like I'm ready to crush it.
['one day my car would not start, apprehensively I went to a close by home and knocked on the door']
Oh no. That sucks. Good thing you were close to home.
My car would not start, I was close to someones house so I went there to seek help. A man answered and asked me to come in, but I was really scared.
['I have my interview for my new job tomorrow. Been practicing for it all week.', "That's great, how do you feel about it?", 'I feel extremely prepared for it. I have no doubt that I will get the job.']
Congratulations then. What kind of job is it?
I have my interview for my new job tomorrow. Never felt more ready.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My family and friends threw a party for me out of the blue. Did not expect it at all and I felt so appreciated! It was an awesome night yesterday!', 'That sounds great! You must have felt amazing! Was it your birthday?', 'No but I got a promotion at my job recently and I did post about it on social media. The promotion and the party was definitely a surprise.']
Congratulations! What a wonderful surprise!
My family and friends threw a party for me out of the blue. Did not expect it at all and I felt so appreciated! It was an awesome night yesterday!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I really miss my old house sometimes']
I know the feeling. Why did you move
I got really upset when I had to move away from my childhood home. all my memories were there.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I thought I saw a bat in my kitchen last night']
Ugh that would freak me out! Did you ever find out if it was a real bat?
I thought I saw a bat in my kitchen last night. I was so scared.
ask me for further details
['My daughters started back to school today.']
My daughters started back to school today.
I hope my daughters are having a good day at school today.
['I thought my girlfriend was pregnant recently.']
Oh really? How did that make you feel, honestly?
I was once was very nervous and scared when I thought my girlfriend was pregnant. Waiting to find out was what got me so scared. I found out that she wasn't and everything was okay.
ask me for further details
['The guy standing in line next to me at starbucks this morning smelled really bad.', "Oh man. Was it body odor like he hasn't showered or something on him like smoke or animal stink?", "Stink. I don't mind the smell of smoke."]
yeah I typically can't stand the smell of BO either. There really is no excuse. Just take a shower man!
['Me and my mom have always had a trusting relationship.', "That's good to hear, it's always great to have a good relationship with your parents!", "Yeah, it's nice having someone that always has your back. No matter what."]
Yeah, unconditional love is something that is hard to come by.
I remember my mom and I always having a trusting relationship.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['Man this weekend might be weird']
Why weird
Amusement park this weekend
['I thought I won a lot of money in a lottery, but I was just reading the ticket wrong.']
Ouch, that is a bit of a false alarm/bummer.
I thought I won a lot of money in a lottery, but I was just reading the ticket wrong.
['I feel like I have let my family down. I got into trouble with the law.']
Oh that's not good. What did you do?
Lately I feel like I have let my family down. I have gotten myself into trouble.
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['I can not believe the summer is almost over.', 'It is. Now we have to deal with rains and snows. So much to go for the next summer', 'Yes, and winter is close.']
I think climate change will only exacerbate the freezing temperatures during winter season
I can not believe the summer is almost over.
['My decorating skilss are bomb yo']
Ddi you take classes or something?
I bet I have the best looking apartment over here. My decorating skills are on point.
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