1 value
15 values
# explore.py """ Module containing functionality for exploratory data analysis and visualization. """ import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt __all__ = [ 'class_proportions', 'see_nulls', 'distplots', 'pairplots' ] # ====== Data Statistics def class_proportions(y): """ Function to calculate the proportion of classes for a given set of class labels. Returns a dictionary of class proportions where the keys are the labels and the values are the percentage of the total number of samples that occur for each class label. :param y: (int) List of class labels (typically int in classification problems, but can be passed as strings) :return: """ if not isinstance(y, list): y = list(y) counts_dict = {i: y.count(i) for i in y} prop_dict = {} for key, val in zip(counts_dict.keys(), counts_dict.values()): print('Class: %10s | counts: %i (%0.2f%%)' % (key, val, (100 * val / len(y)))) prop_dict[key] = (100 * val / len(y)) print('Total number of samples:', len(y)) return prop_dict # ====== Visualization def see_nulls(df): """ Function to visualize columns with null values for features in a pandas DataFrame :param df: pandas DataFrame with feature data :return: """ plt.figure(figsize=(14, 9)) sns.heatmap(df.isnull(), cmap='viridis', yticklabels=False, xticklabels=True, cbar=True) plt.title("Visualization of Null Values in Data") plt.xticks(rotation=30) plt.show() return None def distplots(df, features): """ Function to show the distribution of a selected feature(s) :param df: Dataframe containing features :param features: (str/list): Feature(s) to be plotted in a distribution plot :return: """ if not isinstance(features, list): title_str = features features = [features] else: title_str = ", ".join(features) ax_label = "" for feature in features: ax_label += ('| %s |' % feature) sns.distplot(df[feature].values, label=feature, norm_hist=True) plt.xlabel(s=ax_label) plt.legend(fontsize=12) plt.title('Distribution of %s' % title_str) plt.show() def pairplots(df, features, kind='reg', diag_kind='kde'): """ Function to make a quick pairplot of selected features :param df: DataFrame containing the feature matrix :param features: (str/list) Features selected for inclusion in pairplot. :param kind: (str) Kind of plot for the non-identity relationships ('scatter', 'reg'). :param diag_kind: (str) Kind of plot for the diagonal subplots ('hist', 'kde'). :return: """ if not isinstance(features, list): features = [features] data = df[features] sns.pairplot(data=data, vars=features, kind=kind, diag_kind=diag_kind, dropna=True) plt.show()
#!/usr/bin/python # coding=utf-8 """ Project MCM - Micro Content Management SDOS - Secure Delete Object Store Copyright (C) <2016> Tim Waizenegger, <University of Stuttgart> This software may be modified and distributed under the terms of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details. """ import logging, coloredlogs, sys from mcm.sdos import configuration log_format = '%(asctime)s %(module)s %(name)s[%(process)d][%(thread)d] %(levelname)s %(message)s' field_styles = {'module': {'color': 'magenta'}, 'hostname': {'color': 'magenta'}, 'programname': {'color': 'cyan'}, 'name': {'color': 'blue'}, 'levelname': {'color': 'black', 'bold': True}, 'asctime': {'color': 'green'}} coloredlogs.install(level=configuration.log_level, fmt=log_format, field_styles=field_styles) #logging.getLogger("werkzeug").setLevel(level=logging.WARNING) #logging.getLogger("swiftclient").setLevel(level=logging.WARNING) """ logging.basicConfig(level=configuration.log_level, format=configuration.log_format) """ logging.error("###############################################################################") logging.error("SDOS service running") logging.error("Python {}".format(sys.version)) logging.error("###############################################################################")
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os,logging from google.appengine.api import users from google.appengine.ext import db from google.appengine.ext.db import Model as DBModel from google.appengine.api import memcache from google.appengine.api import mail from google.appengine.api import urlfetch from google.appengine.api import datastore from datetime import datetime import urllib, hashlib,urlparse import zipfile,re,pickle,uuid #from base import * logging.info('module base reloaded') rootpath=os.path.dirname(__file__) def vcache(key="",time=3600): def _decorate(method): def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if not g_blog.enable_memcache: return method(*args, **kwargs) result=method(*args, **kwargs) memcache.set(key,result,time) return result return _wrapper return _decorate class Theme: def __init__(self, name='default'): self.name = name self.mapping_cache = {} self.dir = '/themes/%s' % name self.viewdir=os.path.join(rootpath, 'view') self.server_dir = os.path.join(rootpath, 'themes',self.name) if os.path.exists(self.server_dir): self.isZip=False else: self.isZip=True self.server_dir =self.server_dir+".zip" #self.server_dir=os.path.join(self.server_dir,"templates") logging.debug('server_dir:%s'%self.server_dir) def __getattr__(self, name): if self.mapping_cache.has_key(name): return self.mapping_cache[name] else: path ="/".join((self.name,'templates', name + '.html')) logging.debug('path:%s'%path) ## if not os.path.exists(path): ## path = os.path.join(rootpath, 'themes', 'default', 'templates', name + '.html') ## if not os.path.exists(path): ## path = None self.mapping_cache[name]=path return path class ThemeIterator: def __init__(self, theme_path='themes'): self.iterating = False self.theme_path = theme_path self.list = [] def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): if not self.iterating: self.iterating = True self.list = os.listdir(self.theme_path) self.cursor = 0 if self.cursor >= len(self.list): self.iterating = False raise StopIteration else: value = self.list[self.cursor] self.cursor += 1 if value.endswith('.zip'): value=value[:-4] return value #return (str(value), unicode(value)) class LangIterator: def __init__(self,path='locale'): self.iterating = False self.path = path self.list = [] for value in os.listdir(self.path): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.path,value)): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.path,value,'LC_MESSAGES')): try: lang=open(os.path.join(self.path,value,'language')).readline() self.list.append({'code':value,'lang':lang}) except: self.list.append( {'code':value,'lang':value}) def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): if not self.iterating: self.iterating = True self.cursor = 0 if self.cursor >= len(self.list): self.iterating = False raise StopIteration else: value = self.list[self.cursor] self.cursor += 1 return value def getlang(self,language): from django.utils.translation import to_locale for item in self.list: if item['code']==language or item['code']==to_locale(language): return item return {'code':'en_US','lang':'English'} class BaseModel(db.Model): def __init__(self, parent=None, key_name=None, _app=None, **kwds): self.__isdirty = False DBModel.__init__(self, parent=None, key_name=None, _app=None, **kwds) def __setattr__(self,attrname,value): """ DataStore api stores all prop values say "email" is stored in "_email" so we intercept the set attribute, see if it has changed, then check for an onchanged method for that property to call """ if (attrname.find('_') != 0): if hasattr(self,'_' + attrname): curval = getattr(self,'_' + attrname) if curval != value: self.__isdirty = True if hasattr(self,attrname + '_onchange'): getattr(self,attrname + '_onchange')(curval,value) DBModel.__setattr__(self,attrname,value) class Cache(db.Model): cachekey = db.StringProperty(multiline=False) content = db.TextProperty() class Blog(db.Model): owner = db.UserProperty() author=db.StringProperty(default='admin') rpcuser=db.StringProperty(default='admin') rpcpassword=db.StringProperty(default='') description = db.TextProperty() baseurl = db.StringProperty(multiline=False,default=None) urlpath = db.StringProperty(multiline=False) title = db.StringProperty(multiline=False,default='Micolog') subtitle = db.StringProperty(multiline=False,default='This is a micro blog.') entrycount = db.IntegerProperty(default=0) posts_per_page= db.IntegerProperty(default=10) feedurl = db.StringProperty(multiline=False,default='/feed') blogversion = db.StringProperty(multiline=False,default='0.30') theme_name = db.StringProperty(multiline=False,default='default') enable_memcache = db.BooleanProperty(default = False) link_format=db.StringProperty(multiline=False,default='%(year)s/%(month)s/%(day)s/%(postname)s.html') comment_notify_mail=db.BooleanProperty(default=True) #评论顺序 comments_order=db.IntegerProperty(default=0) #每页评论数 comments_per_page=db.IntegerProperty(default=20) #comment check type 0-No 1-算术 2-验证码 3-客户端计算 comment_check_type=db.IntegerProperty(default=1) #0 default 1 identicon avatar_style=db.IntegerProperty(default=0) blognotice=db.TextProperty(default='') domain=db.StringProperty() show_excerpt=db.BooleanProperty(default=True) version=0.736 timedelta=db.FloatProperty(default=8.0)# hours language=db.StringProperty(default="en-us") sitemap_entries=db.IntegerProperty(default=30) sitemap_include_category=db.BooleanProperty(default=False) sitemap_include_tag=db.BooleanProperty(default=False) sitemap_ping=db.BooleanProperty(default=False) default_link_format=db.StringProperty(multiline=False,default='?p=%(post_id)s') default_theme=Theme("default") allow_pingback=db.BooleanProperty(default=False) allow_trackback=db.BooleanProperty(default=False) theme=None langs=None application=None def __init__(self, parent=None, key_name=None, _app=None, _from_entity=False, **kwds): from micolog_plugin import Plugins self.plugins=Plugins(self) db.Model.__init__(self,parent,key_name,_app,_from_entity,**kwds) def tigger_filter(self,name,content,*arg1,**arg2): return self.plugins.tigger_filter(name,content,blog=self,*arg1,**arg2) def tigger_action(self,name,*arg1,**arg2): return self.plugins.tigger_action(name,blog=self,*arg1,**arg2) def tigger_urlmap(self,url,*arg1,**arg2): return self.plugins.tigger_urlmap(url,blog=self,*arg1,**arg2) def get_ziplist(self): return self.plugins.get_ziplist(); def save(self): self.put() def initialsetup(self): self.title = 'Your Blog Title' self.subtitle = 'Your Blog Subtitle' def get_theme(self): self.theme= Theme(self.theme_name); return self.theme def get_langs(self): self.langs=LangIterator() return self.langs def cur_language(self): return self.get_langs().getlang(self.language) def rootpath(self): return rootpath @vcache("blog.hotposts") def hotposts(self): return Entry.all().filter('entrytype =','post').filter("published =", True).order('-readtimes').fetch(8) @vcache("blog.recentposts") def recentposts(self): return Entry.all().filter('entrytype =','post').filter("published =", True).order('-date').fetch(8) @vcache("blog.postscount") def postscount(self): return Entry.all().filter('entrytype =','post').filter("published =", True).order('-date').count() class Category(db.Model): uid=db.IntegerProperty() name=db.StringProperty(multiline=False) slug=db.StringProperty(multiline=False) parent_cat=db.SelfReferenceProperty() @property def posts(self): return Entry.all().filter('entrytype =','post').filter("published =", True).filter('categorie_keys =',self) @property def count(self): return self.posts.count() def put(self): db.Model.put(self) g_blog.tigger_action("save_category",self) def delete(self): for entry in Entry.all().filter('categorie_keys =',self): entry.categorie_keys.remove(self.key()) entry.put() for cat in Category.all().filter('parent_cat =',self): cat.delete() db.Model.delete(self) g_blog.tigger_action("delete_category",self) def ID(self): try: id=self.key().id() if id: return id except: pass if self.uid : return self.uid else: #旧版本Category没有ID,为了与wordpress兼容 from random import randint uid=randint(0,99999999) cate=Category.all().filter('uid =',uid).get() while cate: uid=randint(0,99999999) cate=Category.all().filter('uid =',uid).get() self.uid=uid print uid self.put() return uid @classmethod def get_from_id(cls,id): cate=Category.get_by_id(id) if cate: return cate else: cate=Category.all().filter('uid =',id).get() return cate @property def children(self): key=self.key() return [c for c in Category.all().filter('parent_cat =',self)] @classmethod def allTops(self): return [c for c in Category.all() if not c.parent_cat] class Archive(db.Model): monthyear = db.StringProperty(multiline=False) year = db.StringProperty(multiline=False) month = db.StringProperty(multiline=False) entrycount = db.IntegerProperty(default=0) date = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True) class Tag(db.Model): tag = db.StringProperty(multiline=False) tagcount = db.IntegerProperty(default=0) @property def posts(self): return Entry.all('entrytype =','post').filter("published =", True).filter('tags =',self) @classmethod def add(cls,value): if value: tag= Tag.get_by_key_name(value) if not tag: tag=Tag(key_name=value) tag.tag=value tag.tagcount+=1 tag.put() return tag else: return None @classmethod def remove(cls,value): if value: tag= Tag.get_by_key_name(value) if tag: if tag.tagcount>1: tag.tagcount-=1 tag.put() else: tag.delete() class Link(db.Model): href = db.StringProperty(multiline=False,default='') linktype = db.StringProperty(multiline=False,default='blogroll') linktext = db.StringProperty(multiline=False,default='') linkcomment = db.StringProperty(multiline=False,default='') createdate=db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True) @property def get_icon_url(self): "get ico url of the wetsite" ico_path = '/favicon.ico' ix = self.href.find('/',len('http://') ) return (ix>0 and self.href[:ix] or self.href ) + ico_path def put(self): db.Model.put(self) g_blog.tigger_action("save_link",self) def delete(self): db.Model.delete(self) g_blog.tigger_action("delete_link",self) class Entry(BaseModel): author = db.UserProperty() author_name = db.StringProperty() published = db.BooleanProperty(default=False) content = db.TextProperty(default='') readtimes = db.IntegerProperty(default=0) title = db.StringProperty(multiline=False,default='') date = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True) mod_date = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True) tags = db.StringListProperty() categorie_keys=db.ListProperty(db.Key) slug = db.StringProperty(multiline=False,default='') link= db.StringProperty(multiline=False,default='') monthyear = db.StringProperty(multiline=False) entrytype = db.StringProperty(multiline=False,default='post',choices=[ 'post','page']) entry_parent=db.IntegerProperty(default=0)#When level=0 show on main menu. menu_order=db.IntegerProperty(default=0) commentcount = db.IntegerProperty(default=0) trackbackcount = db.IntegerProperty(default=0) allow_comment = db.BooleanProperty(default=True) #allow comment #allow_pingback=db.BooleanProperty(default=False) allow_trackback=db.BooleanProperty(default=True) password=db.StringProperty() #compatible with wordpress is_wp=db.BooleanProperty(default=False) post_id= db.IntegerProperty() excerpt=db.StringProperty(multiline=True) #external page is_external_page=db.BooleanProperty(default=False) target=db.StringProperty(default="_self") external_page_address=db.StringProperty() #keep in top sticky=db.BooleanProperty(default=False) postname='' _relatepost=None @property def content_excerpt(self): return self.get_content_excerpt(_('..more').decode('utf8')) def get_author_user(self): if not self.author: self.author=g_blog.owner return User.all().filter('email =',self.author.email()).get() def get_content_excerpt(self,more='..more'): if g_blog.show_excerpt: if self.excerpt: return self.excerpt+' <a href="/%s">%s</a>'%(self.link,more) else: sc=self.content.split('<!--more-->') if len(sc)>1: return sc[0]+u' <a href="/%s">%s</a>'%(self.link,more) else: return sc[0] else: return self.content def slug_onchange(self,curval,newval): if not (curval==newval): self.setpostname(newval) def setpostname(self,newval): #check and fix double slug if newval: slugcount=Entry.all()\ .filter('entrytype',self.entrytype)\ .filter('date <',self.date)\ .filter('slug =',newval)\ .filter('published',True)\ .count() if slugcount>0: self.postname=newval+str(slugcount) else: self.postname=newval else: self.postname="" @property def fullurl(self): return g_blog.baseurl+'/'+self.link; @property def categories(self): try: return db.get(self.categorie_keys) except: return [] @property def post_status(self): return self.published and 'publish' or 'draft' def settags(self,values): if not values:tags=[] if type(values)==type([]): tags=values else: tags=values.split(',') if not self.tags: removelist=[] addlist=tags else: #search different tags removelist=[n for n in self.tags if n not in tags] addlist=[n for n in tags if n not in self.tags] for v in removelist: Tag.remove(v) for v in addlist: Tag.add(v) self.tags=tags def get_comments_by_page(self,index,psize): return self.purecomments().fetch(psize,offset = (index-1) * psize) @property def strtags(self): return ','.join(self.tags) @property def edit_url(self): return '/admin/%s?key=%s&action=edit'%(self.entrytype,self.key()) def comments(self): if g_blog.comments_order: return Comment.all().filter('entry =',self).order('-date') else: return Comment.all().filter('entry =',self).order('date') def purecomments(self): if g_blog.comments_order: return Comment.all().filter('entry =',self).filter('ctype =',0).order('-date') else: return Comment.all().filter('entry =',self).filter('ctype =',0).order('date') def trackcomments(self): if g_blog.comments_order: return Comment.all().filter('entry =',self).filter('ctype IN',[1,2]).order('-date') else: return Comment.all().filter('entry =',self).filter('ctype IN',[1,2]).order('date') def commentsTops(self): return [c for c in self.purecomments() if c.parent_key()==None] def delete_comments(self): cmts = Comment.all().filter('entry =',self) for comment in cmts: comment.delete() self.commentcount = 0 self.trackbackcount = 0 def update_commentno(self): cmts = Comment.all().filter('entry =',self).order('date') i=1 for comment in cmts: comment.no=i i+=1 comment.store() def update_archive(self,cnt=1): """Checks to see if there is a month-year entry for the month of current blog, if not creates it and increments count""" my = self.date.strftime('%B %Y') # September-2008 sy = self.date.strftime('%Y') #2008 sm = self.date.strftime('%m') #09 archive = Archive.all().filter('monthyear',my).get() if self.entrytype == 'post': if not archive: archive = Archive(monthyear=my,year=sy,month=sm,entrycount=1) self.monthyear = my archive.put() else: # ratchet up the count archive.entrycount += cnt archive.put() g_blog.entrycount+=cnt g_blog.put() def save(self,is_publish=False): """ Use this instead of self.put(), as we do some other work here @is_pub:Check if need publish id """ g_blog.tigger_action("pre_save_post",self,is_publish) my = self.date.strftime('%B %Y') # September 2008 self.monthyear = my old_publish=self.published self.mod_date=datetime.now() if is_publish: if not self.is_wp: self.put() self.post_id=self.key().id() #fix for old version if not self.postname: self.setpostname(self.slug) vals={'year':self.date.year,'month':str(self.date.month).zfill(2),'day':self.date.day, 'postname':self.postname,'post_id':self.post_id} if self.entrytype=='page': if self.slug: self.link=self.postname else: #use external page address as link if self.is_external_page: self.link=self.external_page_address else: self.link=g_blog.default_link_format%vals else: if g_blog.link_format and self.postname: self.link=g_blog.link_format.strip()%vals else: self.link=g_blog.default_link_format%vals self.published=is_publish self.put() if is_publish: if g_blog.sitemap_ping: Sitemap_NotifySearch() if old_publish and not is_publish: self.update_archive(-1) if not old_publish and is_publish: self.update_archive(1) self.removecache() self.put() g_blog.tigger_action("save_post",self,is_publish) def removecache(self): memcache.delete('/') memcache.delete('/'+self.link) memcache.delete('/sitemap') memcache.delete('blog.postcount') g_blog.tigger_action("clean_post_cache",self) @property def next(self): return Entry.all().filter('entrytype =','post').filter("published =", True).order('date').filter('date >',self.date).fetch(1) @property def prev(self): return Entry.all().filter('entrytype =','post').filter("published =", True).order('-date').filter('date <',self.date).fetch(1) @property def relateposts(self): if self._relatepost: return self._relatepost else: if self.tags: self._relatepost= Entry.gql("WHERE published=True and tags IN :1 and post_id!=:2 order by post_id desc ",self.tags,self.post_id).fetch(5) else: self._relatepost= [] return self._relatepost @property def trackbackurl(self): if self.link.find("?")>-1: return g_blog.baseurl+"/"+self.link+"&code="+str(self.key()) else: return g_blog.baseurl+"/"+self.link+"?code="+str(self.key()) def getbylink(self): pass def delete(self): g_blog.tigger_action("pre_delete_post",self) if self.published: self.update_archive(-1) self.delete_comments() db.Model.delete(self) g_blog.tigger_action("delete_post",self) class User(db.Model): user = db.UserProperty(required = False) dispname = db.StringProperty() email=db.StringProperty() website = db.LinkProperty() isadmin=db.BooleanProperty(default=False) isAuthor=db.BooleanProperty(default=True) #rpcpwd=db.StringProperty() def __unicode__(self): #if self.dispname: return self.dispname #else: # return self.user.nickname() def __str__(self): return self.__unicode__().encode('utf-8') COMMENT_NORMAL=0 COMMENT_TRACKBACK=1 COMMENT_PINGBACK=2 class Comment(db.Model): entry = db.ReferenceProperty(Entry) date = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True) content = db.TextProperty(required=True) author=db.StringProperty() email=db.EmailProperty() weburl=db.URLProperty() status=db.IntegerProperty(default=0) reply_notify_mail=db.BooleanProperty(default=False) ip=db.StringProperty() ctype=db.IntegerProperty(default=COMMENT_NORMAL) no=db.IntegerProperty(default=0) comment_order=db.IntegerProperty(default=1) @property def mpindex(self): count=self.entry.commentcount no=self.no if g_blog.comments_order: no=count-no+1 index=no / g_blog.comments_per_page if no % g_blog.comments_per_page or no==0: index+=1 return index @property def shortcontent(self,len=20): scontent=self.content scontent=re.sub(r'<br\s*/>',' ',scontent) scontent=re.sub(r'<[^>]+>','',scontent) scontent=re.sub(r'(@[\S]+)-\d{2,7}',r'\1:',scontent) return scontent[:len].replace('<','&lt;').replace('>','&gt;') def gravatar_url(self): # Set your variables here if g_blog.avatar_style==0: default = g_blog.baseurl+'/static/images/homsar.jpeg' else: default='identicon' if not self.email: return default size = 50 try: # construct the url imgurl = "http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/" imgurl +=hashlib.md5(self.email.lower()).hexdigest()+"?"+ urllib.urlencode({ 'd':default, 's':str(size),'r':'G'}) return imgurl except: return default def save(self): self.put() self.entry.commentcount+=1 self.comment_order=self.entry.commentcount if (self.ctype == COMMENT_TRACKBACK) or (self.ctype == COMMENT_PINGBACK): self.entry.trackbackcount+=1 self.entry.put() memcache.delete("/"+self.entry.link) return True def delit(self): self.entry.commentcount-=1 if self.entry.commentcount<0: self.entry.commentcount = 0 if (self.ctype == COMMENT_TRACKBACK) or (self.ctype == COMMENT_PINGBACK): self.entry.trackbackcount-=1 if self.entry.trackbackcount<0: self.entry.trackbackcount = 0 self.entry.put() self.delete() def put(self): g_blog.tigger_action("pre_comment",self) db.Model.put(self) g_blog.tigger_action("save_comment",self) def delete(self): db.Model.delete(self) g_blog.tigger_action("delete_comment",self) @property def children(self): key=self.key() comments=Comment.all().ancestor(self) return [c for c in comments if c.parent_key()==key] def store(self, **kwargs): rpc = datastore.GetRpcFromKwargs(kwargs) self._populate_internal_entity() return datastore.Put(self._entity, rpc=rpc) class Media(db.Model): name =db.StringProperty() mtype=db.StringProperty() bits=db.BlobProperty() date=db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True) download=db.IntegerProperty(default=0) @property def size(self): return len(self.bits) class OptionSet(db.Model): name=db.StringProperty() value=db.TextProperty() #blobValue=db.BlobProperty() #isBlob=db.BooleanProperty() @classmethod def getValue(cls,name,default=None): try: opt=OptionSet.get_by_key_name(name) return pickle.loads(str(opt.value)) except: return default @classmethod def setValue(cls,name,value): opt=OptionSet.get_or_insert(name) opt.name=name opt.value=pickle.dumps(value) opt.put() @classmethod def remove(cls,name): opt= OptionSet.get_by_key_name(name) if opt: opt.delete() NOTIFICATION_SITES = [ ('http', 'www.google.com', 'webmasters/sitemaps/ping', {}, '', 'sitemap') ] def Sitemap_NotifySearch(): """ Send notification of the new Sitemap(s) to the search engines. """ url=g_blog.baseurl+"/sitemap" # Cycle through notifications # To understand this, see the comment near the NOTIFICATION_SITES comment for ping in NOTIFICATION_SITES: query_map = ping[3] query_attr = ping[5] query_map[query_attr] = url query = urllib.urlencode(query_map) notify = urlparse.urlunsplit((ping[0], ping[1], ping[2], query, ping[4])) # Send the notification logging.info('Notifying search engines. %s'%ping[1]) logging.info('url: %s'%notify) try: result = urlfetch.fetch(notify) if result.status_code == 200: logging.info('Notify Result: %s' % result.content) if result.status_code == 404: logging.info('HTTP error 404: Not Found') logging.warning('Cannot contact: %s' % ping[1]) except : logging.error('Cannot contact: %s' % ping[1]) def InitBlogData(): global g_blog OptionSet.setValue('PluginActive',[u'googleAnalytics', u'wordpress', u'sys_plugin']) g_blog = Blog(key_name = 'default') g_blog.domain=os.environ['HTTP_HOST'] g_blog.baseurl="http://"+g_blog.domain g_blog.feedurl=g_blog.baseurl+"/feed" os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'settings' lang="zh-cn" if os.environ.has_key('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'): lang=os.environ['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'].split(',')[0] from django.utils.translation import activate,to_locale g_blog.language=to_locale(lang) from django.conf import settings settings._target = None activate(g_blog.language) g_blog.save() entry=Entry(title=_("Hello world!").decode('utf8')) entry.content=_('<p>Welcome to micolog. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!</p>').decode('utf8') entry.save(True) link=Link(href='http://xuming.net',linktext=_("Xuming's blog").decode('utf8')) link.put() return g_blog def gblog_init(): global g_blog try: if g_blog : return g_blog except: pass g_blog = Blog.get_by_key_name('default') if not g_blog: g_blog=InitBlogData() g_blog.get_theme() g_blog.rootdir=os.path.dirname(__file__) return g_blog try: g_blog=gblog_init() os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'settings' from django.utils.translation import activate from django.conf import settings settings._target = None activate(g_blog.language) except: pass
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4 ## ## Copyright (C) 2012 Async Open Source <http://www.async.com.br> ## All rights reserved ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ## Foundation, Inc., or visit: http://www.gnu.org/. ## ## Author(s): Stoq Team <[email protected]> ## import datetime import mock import gtk from stoqlib.api import api from stoq.gui.purchase import PurchaseApp from stoq.gui.test.baseguitest import BaseGUITest from stoqlib.domain.purchase import PurchaseItem, PurchaseOrder, PurchaseOrderView from stoqlib.domain.receiving import (ReceivingOrderItem, ReceivingOrder, PurchaseReceivingMap) from stoqlib.gui.dialogs.purchasedetails import PurchaseDetailsDialog from stoqlib.gui.search.searchresultview import SearchResultListView from stoqlib.gui.wizards.consignmentwizard import ConsignmentWizard from stoqlib.gui.wizards.productwizard import ProductCreateWizard from stoqlib.gui.wizards.purchasefinishwizard import PurchaseFinishWizard from stoqlib.gui.wizards.purchasequotewizard import QuotePurchaseWizard from stoqlib.gui.wizards.purchasewizard import PurchaseWizard from stoqlib.reporting.purchase import PurchaseReport class TestPurchase(BaseGUITest): def create_app(self, *args, **kwargs): app = BaseGUITest.create_app(self, *args, **kwargs) app.branch_filter.combo.select_item_by_data(None) return app def test_initial(self): app = self.create_app(PurchaseApp, u'purchase') for purchase in app.results: purchase.open_date = datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1) self.check_app(app, u'purchase') def test_select(self): self.create_purchase_order() app = self.create_app(PurchaseApp, u'purchase') results = app.results results.select(results[0]) @mock.patch('stoq.gui.purchase.PurchaseApp.run_dialog') def test_edit_quote_order(self, run_dialog): api.sysparam.set_bool(self.store, 'SMART_LIST_LOADING', False) purchase = self.create_purchase_order() app = self.create_app(PurchaseApp, u'purchase') for purchase in app.results: purchase.open_date = datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1) olist = app.results olist.select(olist[0]) with mock.patch('stoq.gui.purchase.api', new=self.fake.api): self.fake.set_retval(purchase) self.activate(app.NewQuote) self.assertEquals(run_dialog.call_count, 1) args, kwargs = run_dialog.call_args wizard, store, edit_mode = args self.assertEquals(wizard, QuotePurchaseWizard) self.assertTrue(store is not None) self.assertEquals(edit_mode, None) @mock.patch('stoq.gui.purchase.PurchaseApp.print_report') def test_print_report(self, print_report): api.sysparam.set_bool(self.store, 'SMART_LIST_LOADING', False) app = self.create_app(PurchaseApp, u'purchase') self.activate(app.window.Print) self.assertEquals(print_report.call_count, 1) args, kwargs = print_report.call_args report, results, views = args self.assertEquals(report, PurchaseReport) self.assertTrue(isinstance(results, SearchResultListView)) for view in views: self.assertTrue(isinstance(view, PurchaseOrderView)) @mock.patch('stoq.gui.purchase.PurchaseApp.select_result') @mock.patch('stoq.gui.purchase.PurchaseApp.run_dialog') @mock.patch('stoq.gui.purchase.api.new_store') def test_new_quote_order(self, new_store, run_dialog, select_result): new_store.return_value = self.store self.clean_domain([ReceivingOrderItem, PurchaseReceivingMap, ReceivingOrder, PurchaseItem, PurchaseOrder]) quotation = self.create_quotation() quotation.purchase.add_item(self.create_sellable(), 2) quotation.purchase.status = PurchaseOrder.ORDER_PENDING api.sysparam.set_bool(self.store, 'SMART_LIST_LOADING', False) app = self.create_app(PurchaseApp, u'purchase') olist = app.results olist.select(olist[0]) self.store.retval = olist[0] with mock.patch.object(self.store, 'close'): with mock.patch.object(self.store, 'commit'): self.activate(app.Edit) run_dialog.assert_called_once_with(PurchaseWizard, self.store, quotation.purchase, False) select_result.assert_called_once_with(olist[0]) @mock.patch('stoq.gui.purchase.PurchaseApp.run_dialog') def test_details_dialog(self, run_dialog): self.clean_domain([ReceivingOrderItem, PurchaseReceivingMap, ReceivingOrder, PurchaseItem, PurchaseOrder]) purchase = self.create_purchase_order() purchase.add_item(self.create_sellable(), 2) api.sysparam.set_bool(self.store, 'SMART_LIST_LOADING', False) app = self.create_app(PurchaseApp, u'purchase') olist = app.results olist.select(olist[0]) olist.double_click(0) self.assertEquals(run_dialog.call_count, 1) args, kwargs = run_dialog.call_args dialog, store = args self.assertEquals(dialog, PurchaseDetailsDialog) self.assertTrue(store is not None) self.assertEquals(kwargs[u'model'], purchase) @mock.patch('stoq.gui.purchase.yesno') @mock.patch('stoq.gui.purchase.api.new_store') def test_confirm_order(self, new_store, yesno): new_store.return_value = self.store yesno.return_value = True self.clean_domain([ReceivingOrderItem, PurchaseReceivingMap, ReceivingOrder, PurchaseItem, PurchaseOrder]) purchase = self.create_purchase_order() purchase.add_item(self.create_sellable(), 2) purchase.status = PurchaseOrder.ORDER_PENDING api.sysparam.set_bool(self.store, 'SMART_LIST_LOADING', False) app = self.create_app(PurchaseApp, u'purchase') olist = app.results olist.select(olist[0]) with mock.patch.object(self.store, 'close'): with mock.patch.object(self.store, 'commit'): self.activate(app.Confirm) yesno.assert_called_once_with(u'The selected order will be ' u'marked as sent.', gtk.RESPONSE_YES, u"Confirm order", u"Don't confirm") self.assertEquals(purchase.status, PurchaseOrder.ORDER_CONFIRMED) @mock.patch('stoq.gui.purchase.PurchaseApp.run_dialog') @mock.patch('stoq.gui.purchase.api.new_store') def test_finish_order(self, new_store, run_dialog): new_store.return_value = self.store self.clean_domain([ReceivingOrderItem, PurchaseReceivingMap, ReceivingOrder, PurchaseItem, PurchaseOrder]) purchase = self.create_purchase_order() purchase.add_item(self.create_sellable(), 2) purchase.get_items()[0].quantity_received = 2 purchase.status = PurchaseOrder.ORDER_CONFIRMED purchase.received_quantity = 2 api.sysparam.set_bool(self.store, 'SMART_LIST_LOADING', False) app = self.create_app(PurchaseApp, u'purchase') olist = app.results olist.select(olist[0]) with mock.patch.object(self.store, 'close'): with mock.patch.object(self.store, 'commit'): self.activate(app.Finish) run_dialog.assert_called_once_with(PurchaseFinishWizard, self.store, purchase) @mock.patch('stoq.gui.purchase.yesno') @mock.patch('stoq.gui.purchase.api.new_store') def test_cancel_order(self, new_store, yesno): new_store.return_value = self.store yesno.return_value = True self.clean_domain([ReceivingOrderItem, PurchaseReceivingMap, ReceivingOrder, PurchaseItem, PurchaseOrder]) purchase = self.create_purchase_order() purchase.add_item(self.create_sellable(), 2) purchase.status = PurchaseOrder.ORDER_PENDING api.sysparam.set_bool(self.store, 'SMART_LIST_LOADING', False) app = self.create_app(PurchaseApp, u'purchase') olist = app.results olist.select(olist[0]) with mock.patch.object(self.store, 'close'): with mock.patch.object(self.store, 'commit'): self.activate(app.Cancel) yesno.assert_called_once_with(u'The selected order will be ' u'cancelled.', gtk.RESPONSE_YES, u"Cancel order", u"Don't cancel") self.assertEquals(purchase.status, PurchaseOrder.ORDER_CANCELLED) @mock.patch('stoqlib.gui.wizards.productwizard.run_dialog') @mock.patch('stoqlib.gui.wizards.productwizard.api.new_store') def test_new_product(self, new_store, run_dialog): run_dialog.return_value = False new_store.return_value = self.store self.clean_domain([ReceivingOrderItem, PurchaseReceivingMap, ReceivingOrder, PurchaseItem, PurchaseOrder]) purchase = self.create_purchase_order() purchase.add_item(self.create_sellable(), 2) purchase.status = PurchaseOrder.ORDER_PENDING api.sysparam.set_bool(self.store, 'SMART_LIST_LOADING', False) app = self.create_app(PurchaseApp, u'purchase') olist = app.results olist.select(olist[0]) with mock.patch.object(self.store, 'close'): with mock.patch.object(self.store, 'commit'): self.activate(app.NewProduct) run_dialog.assert_called_once_with(ProductCreateWizard, app, self.store) @mock.patch('stoq.gui.purchase.PurchaseApp.run_dialog') def test_new_consignment(self, run_dialog): api.sysparam.set_bool(self.store, 'SMART_LIST_LOADING', False) purchase = self.create_purchase_order() app = self.create_app(PurchaseApp, u'purchase') for purchase in app.results: purchase.open_date = datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1) olist = app.results olist.select(olist[0]) with mock.patch('stoq.gui.purchase.api', new=self.fake.api): self.fake.set_retval(purchase) self.activate(app.NewConsignment) self.assertEquals(run_dialog.call_count, 1) args, kwargs = run_dialog.call_args wizard, store = args self.assertEquals(wizard, ConsignmentWizard) self.assertTrue(store is not None) self.assertEquals(kwargs[u'model'], None)
import argparse, requests, sys, configparser, zipfile, os, shutil from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs appname="ConverterUpdater" author="Leo Durrant (2017)" builddate="05/10/17" version="0.1a" release="alpha" filesdelete=['ConUpdate.py', 'Converter.py', 'LBT.py', 'ConverterGUI.py', 'LBTGUI.py'] directoriesdelete=['convlib\\', 'LBTLIB\\', "data\\images\\", "data\\text\\"] def readvaluefromconfig(filename, section, valuename): try: config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read(filename) try: val = config[section][valuename] return val except Exception as e: print("Cannot find value %s in %s. Check %s.\n Exception: %s" % (valuename, section, filename, str(e))) return None except Exception as e: print("Cannot read %s.\n Exception: %s" % (filename, str(e))) return None parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Updater for Converter') parser.add_argument('-cfg', '--config', nargs="?", help="The path to the configuration file. (Usually generated by Converter.)") args= parser.parse_args() parameterfile=args.config if parameterfile == None: parameterfile="updater.ini" else: parameterfile=str(parameterfile) executeafterupdate=True updatedownloadurl=urlparse(readvaluefromconfig(parameterfile, "updater", "downloadurl")) appinstall=readvaluefromconfig(parameterfile, "updater", "appinstall") executablefile=readvaluefromconfig(parameterfile, "updater", "executablefn") keepconfig=readvaluefromconfig(parameterfile, "updater", "keepconfig") if os.path.exists(appinstall): if os.path.isdir(appinstall): print("Directory found!") else: print("Path is not a directory.") sys.exit(1) else: print("Path doesn't exist.") sys.exit(1) if not os.path.exists("{}\\{}".format(appinstall, executablefile)): executeafterupdate=False temporaryfile="download.tmp" # print(str(args.config)) def downloadfile(): try: with open(temporaryfile, "wb") as f: print("Connecting...", end="") response = requests.get(updatedownloadurl.geturl(), stream=True) print("\rConnected! ") total_length = response.headers.get('content-length') if not total_length is None: print("Downloading %s to %s (%s B)" % (str(updatedownloadurl.geturl()), temporaryfile, total_length)) else: print("Downloading %s..." % (temporaryfile)) if total_length is None: f.write(response.content) else: total_length=int(total_length) for data in response.iter_content(chunk_size=4096): # done = int(50 * dl / total_length) # print("\r%s/%sB" % (done, total_length)) # dl += len(data) f.write(data) cleanfiles() #print("\r%s/%sB" % (done, total_length)) except Exception as e: print("\n\nFailed to connect to %s. Check the update parameters or try again later.\nException: %s" % (str(updatedownloadurl.geturl()), str(e))) def cleanfiles(): for file in filesdelete: fullpath="{}\\{}".format(appinstall, file) if not os.path.exists(fullpath): print("%s does not exist." % (fullpath)) else: try: os.remove(fullpath) print("Deleted %s!" % (fullpath)) except Exception as e: print("\n\nFailed to delete %s!\nException: %s" % (fullpath, str(e))) for dirs in directoriesdelete: fullpath="{}\\{}".format(appinstall, dirs) if not os.path.exists(fullpath): print("%s does not exist." % (fullpath)) else: try: shutil.rmtree(fullpath) print("Deleted %s!" % (fullpath)) except Exception as e: print("\n\nFailed to delete %s!\nException: %s" % (fullpath, str(e))) extractfile(temporaryfile) def extractfile(file): print("Extracting %s to %s. Please wait!" % (str(file), appinstall)) try: with zipfile.ZipFile(file, "r") as zip_r: zip_r.extractall(appinstall) except zipfile.BadZipfile as e: print("\n\nAttempted to extract a bad zip file '%s'!\nException: %s" % (file, str(e))) except Exception as e: print("\n\nAn error occurred while trying to extract '%s'.\nException %s" % (file, str(e))) print("Cleaning temporary files...") try: os.remove(file) except Exception as e: print("\n\nAn erro occurred while trying to delete temporary files.\n Exception: %s" % (str(e))) runapp() def runapp(): try: pythonlocation=sys.executable executablefullpath="{}\\{}".format(appinstall, executablefile) print("Attempting to run app...") os.system('{} {}'.format(pythonlocation, executablefullpath)) except Exception as e: raise e downloadfile()
from jobman import DD, expand, flatten import pynet.layer as layer from pynet.model import * from pynet.layer import * from pynet.datasets.mnist import Mnist, Mnist_Blocks import pynet.datasets.spec as spec import pynet.datasets.mnist as mnist import pynet.datasets.transfactor as tf import pynet.datasets.mapping as mapping import pynet.learning_method as learning_methods from pynet.learning_rule import LearningRule from pynet.log import Log from pynet.train_object import TrainObject from pynet.cost import Cost import pynet.datasets.preprocessor as preproc import pynet.datasets.dataset_noise as noisy import pynet.layer_noise as layer_noise import cPickle import os from hps.models.model import AE import theano from theano.sandbox.cuda.var import CudaNdarraySharedVariable floatX = theano.config.floatX class Laura_Two_Layers(AE): def __init__(self, state): self.state = state def build_model(self, input_dim): with open(os.environ['PYNET_SAVE_PATH'] + '/' + self.state.hidden1.model + '/model.pkl') as f1: model1 = cPickle.load(f1) with open(os.environ['PYNET_SAVE_PATH'] + '/' + self.state.hidden2.model + '/model.pkl') as f2: model2 = cPickle.load(f2) model = AutoEncoder(input_dim=input_dim) while len(model1.encode_layers) > 0: model.add_encode_layer(model1.pop_encode_layer()) while len(model2.encode_layers) > 0: model.add_encode_layer(model2.pop_encode_layer()) while len(model2.decode_layers) > 0: model.add_decode_layer(model2.pop_decode_layer()) while len(model1.decode_layers) > 0: model.add_decode_layer(model1.pop_decode_layer()) return model def run(self): dataset = self.build_dataset() learning_rule = self.build_learning_rule() learn_method = self.build_learning_method() model = self.build_model(dataset.feature_size()) model.layers[0].dropout_below = self.state.hidden1.dropout_below if self.state.log.save_to_database_name: database = self.build_database(dataset, learning_rule, learn_method, model) database['records']['h1_model'] = self.state.hidden1.model database['records']['h2_model'] = self.state.hidden2.model log = self.build_log(database) log.info("Fine Tuning") for layer in model.layers: layer.dropout_below = None layer.noise = None train_obj = TrainObject(log = log, dataset = dataset, learning_rule = learning_rule, learning_method = learn_method, model = model) train_obj.run()
from muntjac.ui.vertical_layout import VerticalLayout from muntjac.ui.menu_bar import MenuBar, ICommand from muntjac.terminal.external_resource import ExternalResource class MenuBarItemStylesExample(VerticalLayout): def __init__(self): super(MenuBarItemStylesExample, self).__init__() self._menubar = MenuBar() menuCommand = MenuCommand(self) # Save reference to individual items so we can add sub-menu items to # them f = self._menubar.addItem('File', None) newItem = f.addItem('New', None) f.addItem('Open f...', menuCommand) f.addSeparator() # Add a style name for a menu item, then use CSS to alter the visuals f.setStyleName('file') newItem.addItem('File', menuCommand) newItem.addItem('Folder', menuCommand) newItem.addItem('Project...', menuCommand) f.addItem('Close', menuCommand) f.addItem('Close All', menuCommand).setStyleName('close-all') f.addSeparator() f.addItem('Save', menuCommand) f.addItem('Save As...', menuCommand) f.addItem('Save All', menuCommand) edit = self._menubar.addItem('Edit', None) edit.addItem('Undo', menuCommand) edit.addItem('Redo', menuCommand).setEnabled(False) edit.addSeparator() edit.addItem('Cut', menuCommand) edit.addItem('Copy', menuCommand) edit.addItem('Paste', menuCommand) edit.addSeparator() find = edit.addItem('Find/Replace', menuCommand) # Actions can be added inline as well, of course find.addItem('Google Search', SearchCommand(self)) find.addSeparator() find.addItem('Find/Replace...', menuCommand) find.addItem('Find Next', menuCommand) find.addItem('Find Previous', menuCommand) view = self._menubar.addItem('View', None) view.addItem('Show/Hide Status Bar', menuCommand) view.addItem('Customize Toolbar...', menuCommand) view.addSeparator() view.addItem('Actual Size', menuCommand) view.addItem('Zoom In', menuCommand) view.addItem('Zoom Out', menuCommand) self.addComponent(self._menubar) class SearchCommand(ICommand): def __init__(self, c): self._c = c def menuSelected(self, selectedItem): er = ExternalResource('http://www.google.com') self._c.getWindow().open(er) class MenuCommand(ICommand): def __init__(self, c): self._c = c def menuSelected(self, selectedItem): self._c.getWindow().showNotification('Action ' + selectedItem.getText())
############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2013-2018, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. # Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. # # This file is part of Spack. # Created by Todd Gamblin, [email protected], All rights reserved. # LLNL-CODE-647188 # # For details, see https://github.com/spack/spack # Please also see the NOTICE and LICENSE files for our notice and the LGPL. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (as # published by the Free Software Foundation) version 2.1, February 1999. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the IMPLIED WARRANTY OF # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the terms and # conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ############################################################################## from spack import * import glob import os.path import re class Picard(Package): """Picard is a set of command line tools for manipulating high-throughput sequencing (HTS) data and formats such as SAM/BAM/CRAM and VCF. """ homepage = "http://broadinstitute.github.io/picard/" url = "https://github.com/broadinstitute/picard/releases/download/2.9.2/picard.jar" _urlfmt = "https://github.com/broadinstitute/picard/releases/download/{0}/picard.jar" _oldurlfmt = 'https://github.com/broadinstitute/picard/releases/download/{0}/picard-tools-{0}.zip' # They started distributing a single jar file at v2.6.0, prior to # that it was a .zip file with multiple .jar and .so files version('2.18.3', '181b1b0731fd35f0d8bd44677d8787e9', expand=False) version('2.18.0', '20045ff141e4a67512365f0b6bbd8229', expand=False) version('2.17.0', '72cc527f1e4ca6a799ae0117af60b54e', expand=False) version('2.16.0', 'fed8928b03bb36e355656f349e579083', expand=False) version('2.15.0', '3f5751630b1a3449edda47a0712a64e4', expand=False) version('2.13.2', '3d7b33fd1f43ad2129e6ec7883af56f5', expand=False) version('2.10.0', '96f3c11b1c9be9fc8088bc1b7b9f7538', expand=False) version('2.9.4', '5ce72af4d5efd02fba7084dcfbb3c7b3', expand=False) version('2.9.3', '3a33c231bcf3a61870c3d44b3b183924', expand=False) version('2.9.2', '0449279a6a89830917e8bcef3a976ef7', expand=False) version('2.9.0', 'b711d492f16dfe0084d33e684dca2202', expand=False) version('2.8.3', '4a181f55d378cd61d0b127a40dfd5016', expand=False) version('2.6.0', '91f35f22977d9692ce2718270077dc50', expand=False) version('1.140', '308f95516d94c1f3273a4e7e2b315ec2') depends_on('java@8:', type='run') def install(self, spec, prefix): mkdirp(prefix.bin) # The list of files to install varies with release... # ... but skip the spack-{build.env}.out files. files = [x for x in glob.glob("*") if not re.match("^spack-", x)] for f in files: install(f, prefix.bin) # Set up a helper script to call java on the jar file, # explicitly codes the path for java and the jar file. script_sh = join_path(os.path.dirname(__file__), "picard.sh") script = prefix.bin.picard install(script_sh, script) set_executable(script) # Munge the helper script to explicitly point to java and the # jar file. java = self.spec['java'].prefix.bin.java kwargs = {'ignore_absent': False, 'backup': False, 'string': False} filter_file('^java', java, script, **kwargs) filter_file('picard.jar', join_path(prefix.bin, 'picard.jar'), script, **kwargs) def setup_environment(self, spack_env, run_env): """The Picard docs suggest setting this as a convenience.""" run_env.prepend_path('PICARD', join_path(self.prefix, 'bin', 'picard.jar')) def url_for_version(self, version): if version < Version('2.6.0'): return self._oldurlfmt.format(version) else: return self._urlfmt.format(version)
from feedgen.feed import FeedGenerator def format_itunes_duration(td): return "{hours:02d}:{minutes:02d}:{seconds:02d}".format( hours=td.seconds//3600, minutes=(td.seconds//60)%60, seconds=int(td.seconds%60) ) def add_entry(fg, md): fe = fg.add_entry() fe.id(md.id) fe.title(md.title) fe.enclosure(md.link, str(md.length), "audio/mpeg") if md.duration is not None: fe.podcast.itunes_duration(format_itunes_duration(md.duration)) def generate_feed(channel_dict, file_metadatas): fg = FeedGenerator() fg.load_extension("podcast") fg.link(href=channel_dict["url"], rel="self") fg.title(channel_dict["title"]) fg.description(channel_dict["description"]) for file_metadata in file_metadatas: add_entry(fg, file_metadata) return fg.rss_str(pretty=True)
# Izhikevich.py --- # # Filename: Izhikevich.py # Description: # Author: Subhasis Ray # Maintainer: # Created: Fri May 28 14:42:33 2010 (+0530) # Version: # Last-Updated: Tue Sep 11 14:27:18 2012 (+0530) # By: subha # Update #: 1212 # URL: # Keywords: # Compatibility: # # # Commentary: # # threhold variablity to be checked. # Bistability not working. # DAP working with increased parameter value 'a' # inhibition induced spiking kind of working but not matching with the paper figure # inhibition induced bursting kind of working but not matching with the paper figure # Accommodation cannot work with the current implementation: because the equation for u is not what is mentioned in the paper # it is: u = u + tau*a*(b*(V+65)); [It is nowhere in the paper and you face it only if you look at the matlab code for figure 1]. # It is not possible to tune a, b, c, d in any way to produce this from: u = u + tau*a*(b*V - u) # # Change log: # # # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to # the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth # Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # # Code: import time from numpy import * import os import sys import moose class IzhikevichDemo: """Class to setup and simulate the various kind of neuronal behaviour using Izhikevich model. Fields: """ # Paramteres for different kinds of behaviour described by Izhikevich # (1. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS, VOL. 14, NO. 6, NOVEMBER 2003 # and 2. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS, VOL. 15, NO. 5, SEPTEMBER # 2004) # Modified and enhanced using: http://www.izhikevich.org/publications/figure1.m # The entries in the tuple are as follows: # fig. no. in paper (2), parameter a, parameter b, parameter c (reset value of v in mV), parameter d (after-spike reset value of u), injection current I (uA), initial value of Vm, duration of simulation (ms) # # They are all in whatever unit they were in the paper. Just before use we convert them to SI. parameters = { "tonic_spiking": ['A', 0.02 , 0.2 , -65.0, 6.0 , 14.0, -70.0, 100.0], # Fig. 1.A "phasic_spiking": ['B', 0.02 , 0.25 , -65.0, 6.0 , 0.5, -64.0, 200.0], # Fig. 1.B "tonic_bursting": ['C', 0.02 , 0.2 , -50.0, 2.0 , 15.0, -70.0, 220.0], # Fig. 1.C "phasic_bursting": ['D', 0.02 , 0.25 , -55.0, 0.05 , 0.6, -64.0, 200.0], # Fig. 1.D "mixed_mode": ['E', 0.02 , 0.2 , -55.0, 4.0 , 10.0, -70.0, 160.0], # Fig. 1.E "spike_freq_adapt": ['F', 0.01 , 0.2 , -65.0, 8.0 , 30.0, -70.0, 85.0 ], # Fig. 1.F # spike frequency adaptation "Class_1": ['G', 0.02 , -0.1 , -55.0, 6.0 , 0, -60.0, 300.0], # Fig. 1.G # Spikining Frequency increases with input strength "Class_2": ['H', 0.2 , 0.26 , -65.0, 0.0 , 0, -64.0, 300.0], # Fig. 1.H # Produces high frequency spikes "spike_latency": ['I', 0.02 , 0.2 , -65.0, 6.0 , 7.0, -70.0, 100.0], # Fig. 1.I "subthresh_osc": ['J', 0.05 , 0.26 , -60.0, 0.0 , 0, -62.0, 200.0], # Fig. 1.J # subthreshold oscillations "resonator": ['K', 0.1 , 0.26 , -60.0, -1.0 , 0, -62.0, 400.0], # Fig. 1.K "integrator": ['L', 0.02 , -0.1 , -55.0, 6.0 , 0, -60.0, 100.0], # Fig. 1.L "rebound_spike": ['M', 0.03 , 0.25 , -60.0, 4.0 , -15, -64.0, 200.0], # Fig. 1.M "rebound_burst": ['N', 0.03 , 0.25 , -52.0, 0.0 , -15, -64.0, 200.0], # Fig. 1.N "thresh_var": ['O', 0.03 , 0.25 , -60.0, 4.0 , 0, -64.0, 100.0], # Fig. 1.O # threshold variability "bistable": ['P', 0.1 , 0.26 , -60.0, 0.0 , 1.24, -61.0, 300.0], # Fig. 1.P "DAP": ['Q', 1.15 , 0.2 , -60.0, -21.0 , 20, -70.0, 50.0], # Fig. 1.Q # Depolarizing after-potential - a had to be increased in order to reproduce the figure "accommodation": ['R', 0.02 , 1.0 , -55.0, 4.0 , 0, -65.0, 400.0], # Fig. 1.R "iispike": ['S', -0.02 , -1.0 , -60.0, 8.0 , 75.0, -63.8, 350.0], # Fig. 1.S # inhibition-induced spiking "iiburst": ['T', -0.026, -1.0 , -45.0, 0.0 , 75.0, -63.8, 350.0] # Fig. 1.T # inhibition-induced bursting } documentation = { "tonic_spiking": """ Neuron is normally silent but spikes when stimulated with a current injection.""", "phasic_spiking": """ Neuron fires a single spike only at the start of a current pulse.""", "tonic_bursting": """ Neuron is normally silent but produces bursts of spikes when stimulated with current injection.""", "phasic_bursting": """ Neuron is normally silent but produces a burst of spikes at the beginning of an input current pulse.""", "mixed_mode": """ Neuron fires a burst at the beginning of input current pulse, but then switches to tonic spiking.""", "spike_freq_adapt": """ Neuron fires spikes when a current injection is applied, but at a gradually reducing rate.""", "Class_1": """ Neuron fires low frequency spikes with weak input current injection.""", "Class_2": """ Neuron fires high frequency (40-200 Hz) spikes when stimulated with current injection.""", "spike_latency": """ The spike starts after a delay from the onset of current injection. The delay is dependent on strength of input.""", "subthresh_osc": """ Even at subthreshold inputs a neuron exhibits oscillatory membrane potential.""", "resonator": """ Neuron fires spike only when an input pulsetrain of a frequency similar to that of the neuron's subthreshold oscillatory frequency is applied.""", "integrator": """ The chances of the neuron firing increases with increase in the frequency of input pulse train.""", "rebound_spike": """ When the neuron is released from an inhibitory input, it fires a spike.""", "rebound_burst": """ When the neuron is released from an inhibitory input, it fires a burst of action potentials.""", "thresh_var": """ Depending on the previous input, the firing threshold of a neuron may change. In this example, the first input pulse does not produce spike, but when the same input is applied after an inhibitory input, it fires.""", "bistable": """ These neurons switch between two stable modes (resting and tonic spiking). The switch happens via an excitatory or inhibitory input.""", "DAP": """ After firing a spike, the membrane potential shows a prolonged depolarized after-potential.""", "accommodation": """ These neurons do not respond to slowly rising input, but a sharp increase in input may cause firing.""", "iispike": """ These neurons fire in response to inhibitory input.""", "iiburst": """ These neurons show bursting in response to inhibitory input.""" } def __init__(self): """Initialize the object.""" self.model_container = moose.Neutral('/model') self.data_container = moose.Neutral('/data') self.neurons = {} self.Vm_tables = {} self.u_tables = {} self.inject_tables = {} self.inputs = {} self.simtime = 100e-3 self.dt = 0.25e-3 self.steps = int(self.simtime/self.dt) moose.setClock(0, self.dt) moose.setClock(1, self.dt) moose.setClock(2, self.dt) self.scheduled = {} # this is to bypass multiple clock issue self.neuron = None def setup(self, key): neuron = self._get_neuron(key) pulsegen = self._make_pulse_input(key) if pulsegen is None: print((key, 'Not implemented.')) def simulate(self, key): self.setup(key) return self.run(key) def run(self, key): try: Vm = self.Vm_tables[key] u = self.u_tables[key] except KeyError as e: Vm = moose.Table(self.data_container.path + '/' + key + '_Vm') nrn = self.neurons[key] moose.connect(Vm, 'requestOut', nrn, 'getVm') utable = moose.Table(self.data_container.path + '/' + key + '_u') utable.connect('requestOut', self.neurons[key], 'getU') self.Vm_tables[key] = Vm self.u_tables[key] = utable try: Im = self.inject_tables[key] except KeyError as e: Im = moose.Table(self.data_container.path + '/' + key + '_inject') # May be different for non-pulsegen sources. Im.connect('requestOut', self._get_neuron(key), 'getIm') self.inject_tables[key] = Im self.simtime = IzhikevichDemo.parameters[key][7] * 1e-3 for obj in moose.wildcardFind('%s/##' % (self.model_container.path)): if obj not in self.scheduled: moose.useClock(0, obj.path, 'process') self.scheduled[obj] = True for obj in moose.wildcardFind('%s/##' % (self.data_container.path)): if obj not in self.scheduled: moose.useClock(2, obj.path, 'process') self.scheduled[obj] = True moose.reinit() moose.start(self.simtime) while moose.isRunning(): time.sleep(100) t = linspace(0, IzhikevichDemo.parameters[key][7], len(Vm.vector)) # DEBUG nrn = self._get_neuron(key) print(('a = %g, b = %g, c = %g, d = %g, initVm = %g, initU = %g' % (nrn.a,nrn.b, nrn.c, nrn.d, nrn.initVm, nrn.initU))) #! DEBUG return (t, Vm, Im) def _get_neuron(self, key): try: params = IzhikevichDemo.parameters[key] except KeyError as e: print((' %s : Invalid neuron type. The valid types are:' % (key))) for key in IzhikevichDemo.parameters: print(key) raise e try: neuron = self.neurons[key] return neuron except KeyError as e: neuron = moose.IzhikevichNrn(self.model_container.path + '/' + key) if key == 'integrator' or key == 'Class_1': # Integrator has different constants neuron.beta = 4.1e3 neuron.gamma = 108.0 if key == 'accommodation': neuron.accommodating = True neuron.u0 = -0.065 self.neuron = neuron neuron.a = params[1] * 1e3 # ms^-1 -> s^-1 neuron.b = params[2] * 1e3 # ms^-1 -> s^-1 neuron.c = params[3] * 1e-3 # mV -> V neuron.d = params[4] # d is in mV/ms = V/s neuron.initVm = params[6] * 1e-3 # mV -> V neuron.Vmax = 0.03 # mV -> V if key != 'accommodation': neuron.initU = neuron.initVm * neuron.b else: neuron.initU = -16.0 # u is in mV/ms = V/s moose.showfield(neuron) self.neurons[key] = neuron return neuron def _make_pulse_input(self, key): """This is for creating a pulse generator for use as a current source for all cases except Class_1, Class_2, resonator, integrator, thresh_var and accommodation.""" try: return self.inputs[key] except KeyError: pass # continue to the reset of the function baseLevel = 0.0 firstWidth = 1e6 firstDelay = 0.0 firstLevel = IzhikevichDemo.parameters[key][5] * 1e-6 secondDelay = 1e6 secondWidth = 0.0 secondLevel = 0.0 if key == 'tonic_spiking': firstDelay = 10e-3 elif key == 'phasic_spiking': firstDelay = 20e-3 elif key == 'tonic_bursting': firstDelay = 22e-3 elif key == 'phasic_bursting': firstDelay = 20e-3 elif key == 'mixed_mode': firstDelay = 16e-3 elif key == 'spike_freq_adapt': firstDelay = 8.5e-3 elif key == 'spike_latency': firstDelay = 10e-3 firstWidth = 3e-3 elif key == 'subthresh_osc': firstDelay = 20e-3 firstWidth = 5e-3 firstLevel = 2e-9 elif key == 'rebound_spike': firstDelay = 20e-3 firstWidth = 5e-3 elif key == 'rebound_burst': firstDelay = 20e-3 firstWidth = 5e-3 elif key == 'bistable': input_table = self._make_bistable_input() self.inputs[key] = input_table return input_table elif key == 'DAP': firstDelay = 9e-3 firstWidth = 2e-3 elif (key == 'iispike') or (key == 'iiburst'): baseLevel = 80e-9 firstDelay = 50e-3 firstWidth = 200e-3 fisrtLevel = 75e-9 elif key == 'Class_1': input_table = self._make_Class_1_input() self.inputs[key] = input_table return input_table elif key == 'Class_2': input_table = self._make_Class_2_input() self.inputs[key] = input_table return input_table elif key == 'resonator': input_table = self._make_resonator_input() self.inputs[key] = input_table return input_table elif key == 'integrator': input_table = self._make_integrator_input() self.inputs[key] = input_table return input_table elif key == 'accommodation': input_table = self._make_accommodation_input() self.inputs[key] = input_table return input_table elif key == 'thresh_var': input_table = self._make_thresh_var_input() self.inputs[key] = input_table return input_table else: raise RuntimeError( key + ': Stimulus is not based on pulse generator.') pulsegen = self._make_pulsegen(key, firstLevel, firstDelay, firstWidth, secondLevel, secondDelay, secondWidth, baseLevel) self.inputs[key] = pulsegen return pulsegen def _make_pulsegen(self, key, firstLevel, firstDelay, firstWidth=1e6, secondLevel=0, secondDelay=1e6, secondWidth=0, baseLevel=0): pulsegen = moose.PulseGen(self.model_container.path + '/' + key + '_input') pulsegen.firstLevel = firstLevel pulsegen.firstDelay = firstDelay pulsegen.firstWidth = firstWidth pulsegen.secondLevel = secondLevel pulsegen.secondDelay = secondDelay pulsegen.secondWidth = secondWidth pulsegen.baseLevel = baseLevel nrn = self._get_neuron(key) moose.connect(pulsegen, 'output', nrn, 'injectMsg') # self.stimulus_table = moose.Table(self.data_container.path + '/stimulus') # self.stimulus_table.connect('requestOut', pulsegen, 'getOutputValue') return pulsegen def _make_Class_1_input(self): input_table = moose.StimulusTable(self.model_container.path + '/' + 'Class_1_input') input_table.stepSize = self.dt input_table.startTime = 30e-3 # The ramp starts at 30 ms input_table.stopTime = IzhikevichDemo.parameters['Class_1'][7] * 1e-3 # matlab code: if (t>T1) I=(0.075*(t-T1)); else I=0; input_vec = np.arange(0, int(ceil((input_table.stopTime - input_table.startTime) / input_table.stepSize)), 1.0) * 0.075 * self.dt * 1e3 * 1e-9 input_table.vector = input_vec input_table.connect('output', self._get_neuron('Class_1'), 'injectMsg') self.stimulus_table = moose.Table(self.data_container.path + '/stimulus') moose.connect(input_table, 'output', self.stimulus_table, 'input') return input_table def _make_Class_2_input(self): key = 'Class_2' input_table = moose.StimulusTable(self.model_container.path + '/' + key + '_input') input_table.stepSize = self.dt input_table.startTime = 30e-3 # The ramp starts at 30 ms input_table.stopTime = IzhikevichDemo.parameters[key][7] * 1e-3 # The matlab code is: if (t>T1) I=-0.5+(0.015*(t-T1)); else I=-0.5 # convert dt from s to ms, and convert total current from nA to A. input_vec = np.arange(0, int(ceil((input_table.stopTime - input_table.startTime) / input_table.stepSize)), 1.0) * 0.015 * self.dt * 1e3 * 1e-9 - 0.05*1e-9 input_table.vector = input_vec input_table.connect('output', self._get_neuron(key), 'injectMsg') return input_table def _make_bistable_input(self): key = 'bistable' input_table = moose.StimulusTable(self.model_container.path + '/' + key + '_input') input_table.stepSize = self.dt input_table.startTime = 0 input_table.stopTime = IzhikevichDemo.parameters[key][7] * 1e-3 t1 = IzhikevichDemo.parameters[key][7] * 1e-3/8 t2 = 216e-3 t = np.arange(0, int(ceil((input_table.stopTime - input_table.startTime) / input_table.stepSize))) * self.dt input_vec = np.where(np.logical_or(np.logical_and(t > t1, t < t1+5e-3), np.logical_and(t > t2, t < t2+5e-3)), 1.24e-9, 0.24e-9) input_table.vector = input_vec input_table.connect('output', self._get_neuron(key), 'injectMsg') return input_table def _make_resonator_input(self): key = 'resonator' input_table = moose.StimulusTable(self.model_container.path + '/' + key + '_input') input_table.stepSize = self.dt input_table.startTime = 0 input_table.stopTime = IzhikevichDemo.parameters[key][7] * 1e-3 t1 = IzhikevichDemo.parameters[key][7] * 1e-3/10 t2 = t1 + 20e-3 t3 = 0.7 * IzhikevichDemo.parameters[key][7] * 1e-3 t4 = t3 + 40e-3 t = np.arange(0, int(ceil((input_table.stopTime - input_table.startTime) / input_table.stepSize)), 1) * self.dt input_vec = np.zeros(t.shape) idx = np.nonzero(((t > t1) & (t < t1 + 4e-3)) | ((t > t2) & (t < t2 + 4e-3)) | ((t > t3) & (t < t3 + 4e-3)) | ((t > t4) & (t < t4 + 4e-3)))[0] input_vec[idx] = 0.65e-9 input_table.vector = input_vec input_table.connect('output', self._get_neuron(key), 'injectMsg') return input_table def _make_integrator_input(self): key = 'integrator' input_table = moose.StimulusTable(self.model_container.path + '/' + key + '_input') input_table.stepSize = self.dt input_table.startTime = 0 input_table.stopTime = IzhikevichDemo.parameters[key][7] * 1e-3 t1 = IzhikevichDemo.parameters[key][7] * 1e-3/11 t2 = t1 + 5e-3 t3 = 0.7 * IzhikevichDemo.parameters[key][7] * 1e-3 t4 = t3 + 10e-3 t = np.arange(0, int(ceil((input_table.stopTime - input_table.startTime) / input_table.stepSize))) * self.dt input_vec = np.where(((t > t1) & (t < t1 + 2e-3)) | ((t > t2) & (t < t2 + 2e-3)) | ((t > t3) & (t < t3 + 2e-3)) | ((t > t4) & (t < t4 + 2e-3)), 9e-9, 0.0) input_table.vector = input_vec input_table.connect('output', self._get_neuron(key), 'injectMsg') return input_table def _make_accommodation_input(self): key = 'accommodation' input_table = moose.StimulusTable(self.model_container.path + '/' + key + '_input') input_table.stepSize = self.dt input_table.startTime = 0 input_table.stopTime = IzhikevichDemo.parameters[key][7] * 1e-3 input_vec = np.zeros(int(ceil((input_table.stopTime - input_table.startTime) / input_table.stepSize))) t = 0.0 for ii in range(len(input_vec)): if t < 200e-3: input_vec[ii] = t * 1e-6/25 elif t < 300e-3: input_vec[ii] = 0.0 elif t < 312.5e-3: input_vec[ii] = 4e-6 * (t-300e-3)/12.5 else: input_vec[ii] = 0.0 t = t + self.dt input_table.vector = input_vec input_table.connect('output', self._get_neuron(key), 'injectMsg') return input_table def _make_thresh_var_input(self): key = 'thresh_var' input_table = moose.StimulusTable(self.model_container.path + '/' + key + '_input') input_table.stepSize = self.dt input_table.startTime = 0 input_table.stopTime = IzhikevichDemo.parameters[key][7] * 1e-3 t = np.arange(0, int(ceil((input_table.stopTime - input_table.startTime) / input_table.stepSize)), 1) * self.dt input_vec = np.zeros(t.shape) input_vec[((t > 10e-3) & (t < 15e-3)) | ((t > 80e-3) & (t < 85e-3))] = 1e-9 input_vec[(t > 70e-3) & (t < 75e-3)] = -6e-9 input_table.vector = input_vec nrn = self._get_neuron(key) input_table.connect('output', nrn, 'injectMsg') return input_table def getEquation(self, key): params = IzhikevichDemo.parameters[key] if key != 'accommodation': equationText = "<i>v' = 0.04v^2 + 5v + 140 - u + I</i><br><i>u' = a(bv - u)</i><p>If <i>v >= 30 mV, v = c</i> and <i>u = u + d</i><br>where <i>a = %g</i>, <i>b = %g</i>, <i>c = %g</i> and <i>d = %g</i>." % (params[1], params[2], params[3], params[4]) else: equationText = "<i>v' = 0.04v^2 + 5v + 140 - u + I</i><br><i>u' = ab(v + 65)</i><p>If <i>v >= 30 mV, v = c</i> and <i>u = u + d</i><br>where <i>a = %g</i>, <i>b = %g</i>, <i>c = %g</i> and <i>d = %g</i>." % (params[1], params[2], params[3], params[4]) return equationText import sys try: from pylab import * if __name__ == '__main__': key = 'thresh_var' if len(sys.argv) > 1: key = sys.argv[1] demo = IzhikevichDemo() (t, Vm, Im) = demo.simulate(key) title(IzhikevichDemo.parameters[key][0] + '. ' + key) subplot(3,1,1) plot(t, Vm.vector) subplot(3,1,2) plot(t, Im.vector) subplot(3,1,3) show() print('Finished simulation.') except ImportError: print('Matplotlib not installed.') # # Izhikevich.py ends here
############################################################################### # # Tests for XlsxWriter. # # Copyright (c), 2013, John McNamara, [email protected] # import unittest from ...compatibility import StringIO from ...vml import Vml class TestWriteOidmap(unittest.TestCase): """ Test the Vml _write_idmap() method. """ def setUp(self): self.fh = StringIO() self.vml = Vml() self.vml._set_filehandle(self.fh) def test_write_idmap(self): """Test the _write_idmap() method""" self.vml._write_idmap(1) exp = """<o:idmap v:ext="edit" data="1"/>""" got = self.fh.getvalue() self.assertEqual(got, exp) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
""" @name: PyHouse/src/Modules/Families/Insteon/_test/test_Insteon_HVAC.py @author: D. Brian Kimmel @contact: [email protected] @copyright: (c) 2014-2020 by D. Brian Kimmel @license: MIT License @note: Created on Dec 6, 2014 @Summary: Passed all 2 tests - DBK - 2015-07-29 """ __updated__ = '2020-02-17' # Import system type stuff from twisted.trial import unittest # Import PyMh files from _test.testing_mixin import SetupPyHouseObj from Modules.House.Lighting.Controllers.controllers import Api as controllerApi from Modules.House.Lighting.Lights.lights import Api as lightingApi from Modules.Core.Utilities.debug_tools import PrettyFormatAny from Modules.House.Family.Insteon.insteon_utils import Decode as utilDecode from Modules.House.Family.Insteon import insteon_decoder from Modules.House.Family.Insteon.insteon_light import DecodeResponses as Decode_Light # 16.C9.D0 = # 1B.47.81 = MSG_50_A = bytearray(b'\x02\x50\x16\x62\x2d\x1b\x47\x81\x27\x09\x00') MSG_50_B = bytearray(b'\x02\x50\x21\x34\x1F\x1b\x47\x81\x27\x6e\x4f') class DummyApi: def MqttPublish(self, p_topic, p_msg): return class SetupMixin(object): """ """ def setUp(self): self.m_pyhouse_obj = SetupPyHouseObj().BuildPyHouseObj() self.m_xml = SetupPyHouseObj().BuildXml() self.m_cntl_api = controllerApi() self.m_light_api = lightingApi() class A0(unittest.TestCase): def test_00_Print(self): _x = PrettyFormatAny.form('_test', 'title', 190) # so it is defined when printing is cleaned up. print('Id: test_Insteon_Light') class A1_Prep(SetupMixin, unittest.TestCase): """ This section tests the setup """ def setUp(self): SetupMixin.setUp(self) self.m_device = None def test_01_PyHouse(self): """ Did we get everything set up for the rest of the tests of this class. """ self.assertIsInstance(self.m_pyhouse_obj.House, HouseInformation) def test_02_FindXml(self): """ Did we get everything set up for the rest of the tests of this class. """ self.assertEqual(self.m_xml.root.tag, TESTING_PYHOUSE) self.assertEqual(self.m_xml.house_div.tag, 'HouseDivision') self.assertEqual(self.m_xml.lighting_sect.tag, 'LightingSection') self.assertEqual(self.m_xml.light_sect.tag, 'LightSection') self.assertEqual(self.m_xml.button_sect.tag, 'ButtonSection') self.assertEqual(self.m_xml.controller_sect.tag, 'ControllerSection') def test_03_House(self): """ Did we get everything set up for the rest of the tests of this class. """ pass def test_04_Objs(self): """ Did we get everything set up for the rest of the tests of this class. """ pass def test_05_XML(self): """ Did we get everything set up for the rest of the tests of this class. """ pass def test_06_Device(self): """ Be sure that the XML contains the right stuff. """ class B1_Util(SetupMixin, unittest.TestCase): """This tests the utility section of decoding """ def setUp(self): SetupMixin.setUp(self) self.m_ctrlr = ControllerInformation() def test_01_GetObjFromMsg(self): self.m_ctrlr._Message = MSG_50_A self.m_controllers = self.m_cntl_api.read_all_controllers_xml(self.m_pyhouse_obj) self.m_pyhouse_obj.House.Lighting.Controllers = self.m_controllers print(PrettyFormatAny.form(self.m_pyhouse_obj.House.Lighting, 'B1-01-A Lighting')) l_ctlr = self.m_pyhouse_obj.House.Lighting.Controllers[0] print(PrettyFormatAny.form(l_ctlr, 'B1-01-B Controller')) self.assertEqual(l_ctlr.Name, TESTING_CONTROLLER_NAME_0) def test_02_NextMsg(self): self.m_ctrlr._Message = MSG_50_A # l_msg = Util().get_next_message(self.m_ctrlr) # print(PrintBytes(l_msg)) # self.assertEqual(l_msg[1], 0x50) # self.m_ctrlr._Message = bytearray() # l_msg = self.m_util.get_next_message(self.m_ctrlr) # self.assertEqual(l_msg, None) # self.m_ctrlr._Message = MSG_62 + MSG_50 # l_msg = self.m_util.get_next_message(self.m_ctrlr) # print('Msg {}'.format(FormatBytes(l_msg))) # print('remaning: {}'.format(FormatBytes(self.m_ctrlr._Message))) # self.assertEqual(l_msg[1], 0x62) self.assertEqual(self.m_ctrlr._Message[1], 0x50) class B2_Decode(SetupMixin, unittest.TestCase): """This tests the utility section of decoding """ def setUp(self): SetupMixin.setUp(self) self.m_ctrlr = ControllerInformation() self.m_decode = Insteon_decoder.DecodeResponses(self.m_pyhouse_obj, self.m_ctrlr) def test_01_GetObjFromMsg(self): self.m_ctrlr._Message = MSG_50_A l_ctlr = self.m_decode.decode_message(self.m_ctrlr) print(l_ctlr, 'B2-01-A Controller') class C1_Light(SetupMixin, unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): SetupMixin.setUp(self) self.m_pyhouse_obj.House.Lighting.Controllers = self.m_cntl_api.read_all_controllers_xml(self.m_pyhouse_obj) self.m_pyhouse_obj.House.Lighting.Lights = self.m_light_api.read_all_lights_xml(self.m_pyhouse_obj) self.m_ctrlr = self.m_pyhouse_obj.House.Lighting.Controllers[0] # print(PrettyFormatAny.form(self.m_ctrlr, "C1-0Controlelrs")) self.m_pyhouse_obj.Core.MqttApi = DummyApi() def test_01_x(self): self.m_ctrlr._Message = MSG_50_A l_device_obj = utilDecode().get_obj_from_message(self.m_pyhouse_obj, self.m_ctrlr._Message[2:5]) l_decode = Decode_Light().decode_0x50(self.m_pyhouse_obj, self.m_ctrlr, l_device_obj) print(PrettyFormatAny.form(l_device_obj, "C1-01-A - Decode")) self.assertEqual(len(self.m_ctrlr._Message), 0) def test_02_x(self): self.m_ctrlr._Message = MSG_50_B l_device_obj = utilDecode().get_obj_from_message(self.m_pyhouse_obj, self.m_ctrlr._Message[2:5]) l_decode = Decode_Light().decode_0x50(self.m_pyhouse_obj, self.m_ctrlr, l_device_obj) print(PrettyFormatAny.form(l_device_obj, "C1-02-A - Decode")) self.assertEqual(len(self.m_ctrlr._Message), 0) # ## END DBK
# from server.utility.service_utility import count_total_page
import json from django.contrib.auth import authenticate from django.contrib.auth import login from django.contrib.auth import logout from django.contrib.auth import update_session_auth_hash from rest_framework import status from rest_framework import views from rest_framework import viewsets from rest_framework.permissions import IsAuthenticated from rest_framework.response import Response from authentication.models import Account from authentication.permissions import CanCreateAccount from authentication.permissions import IsAccountAdminOrAccountOwner from authentication.serializers import AccountSerializer from attendance.models import Band from emails.tasks import send_unsent_emails from members.models import BandMember class AccountViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): queryset = Account.objects.all() serializer_class = AccountSerializer permission_classes = ( IsAccountAdminOrAccountOwner, IsAuthenticated, ) def create(self, request): serializer = self.serializer_class(data=request.data) if serializer.is_valid(): serializer.save() return Response(serializer.validated_data, status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED) return Response({ 'status': 'Bad request', 'message': 'Account could not be created with received data.', }, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) def partial_update(self, request, pk=None): data = json.loads(request.body) if 'password' in data and request.user.id != int(pk): return Response({ 'status': "Forbidden", 'message': "Don't have permission to update password", }, status=status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN) return super(AccountViewSet, self).partial_update(request, pk=pk) class LoginView(views.APIView): def post(self, request, format=None): data = json.loads(request.body) email = data.get('email', None) password = data.get('password', None) account = authenticate(email=email, password=password) if account is not None: if account.is_active: login(request, account) serialized = AccountSerializer(account) return Response(serialized.data) else: return Response({ 'status': 'Unauthorized', 'message': 'This account has been disabled.' }, status=status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED) else: return Response({ 'status': 'Unauthorized', 'message': 'Email/password combination invalid.' }, status=status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED) class LogoutView(views.APIView): permission_classes = (IsAuthenticated,) def post(self, request, format=None): logout(request) return Response({}, status=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT) class CreateAccountsView(views.APIView): permission_classes = (CanCreateAccount, IsAuthenticated,) def post(self, request, format=None): data = json.loads(request.body) for account_data in data['accounts']: section = account_data.pop('section') account = Account.objects.create_user(**account_data) band_member = BandMember.objects.create(section=section, account=account) for band in Band.objects.all(): band.unassigned_members.add(band_member) band.save() return Response({}, status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED) class CreatePasswordView(views.APIView): def post(self, request, format=None): data = json.loads(request.body) email = request.user.email password = data.get('password') if not email or not password: return Response({}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) try: account = Account.objects.get(email=email) account.is_registered = True account.set_password(password) account.save() update_session_auth_hash(request, account) return Response({}, status=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT) except Account.DoesNotExist: return Response({}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
## {{{ http://code.activestate.com/recipes/496882/ (r8) ''' http://code.activestate.com/recipes/496882/ Author: Michael Palmer 13 Jul 2006 a regex-based JavaScript code compression kludge ''' import re class JSCompressor(object): def __init__(self, compressionLevel=2, measureCompression=False): ''' compressionLevel: 0 - no compression, script returned unchanged. For debugging only - try if you suspect that compression compromises your script 1 - Strip comments and empty lines, don't change line breaks and indentation (code remains readable) 2 - Additionally strip insignificant whitespace (code will become quite unreadable) measureCompression: append a comment stating the extent of compression ''' self.compressionLevel = compressionLevel self.measureCompression = measureCompression # a bunch of regexes used in compression # first, exempt string and regex literals from compression by transient substitution findLiterals = re.compile(r''' (\'.*?(?<=[^\\])\') | # single-quoted strings (\".*?(?<=[^\\])\") | # double-quoted strings ((?<![\*\/])\/(?![\/\*]).*?(?<![\\])\/) # JS regexes, trying hard not to be tripped up by comments ''', re.VERBOSE) # literals are temporarily replaced by numbered placeholders literalMarker = '@_@%d@_@' # temporary replacement backSubst = re.compile('@_@(\d+)@_@') # put the string literals back in mlc1 = re.compile(r'(\/\*.*?\*\/)') # /* ... */ comments on single line mlc = re.compile(r'(\/\*.*?\*\/)', re.DOTALL) # real multiline comments slc = re.compile('\/\/.*') # remove single line comments collapseWs = re.compile('(?<=\S)[ \t]+') # collapse successive non-leading white space characters into one squeeze = re.compile(''' \s+(?=[\}\]\)\:\&\|\=\;\,\.\+]) | # remove whitespace preceding control characters (?<=[\{\[\(\:\&\|\=\;\,\.\+])\s+ | # ... or following such [ \t]+(?=\W) | # remove spaces or tabs preceding non-word characters (?<=\W)[ \t]+ # ... or following such ''' , re.VERBOSE | re.DOTALL) def compress(self, script): ''' perform compression and return compressed script ''' if self.compressionLevel == 0: return script lengthBefore = len(script) # first, substitute string literals by placeholders to prevent the regexes messing with them literals = [] def insertMarker(mo): l = mo.group() literals.append(l) return self.literalMarker % (len(literals) - 1) script = self.findLiterals.sub(insertMarker, script) # now, to the literal-stripped carcass, apply some kludgy regexes for deflation... script = self.slc.sub('', script) # strip single line comments script = self.mlc1.sub(' ', script) # replace /* .. */ comments on single lines by space script = self.mlc.sub('\n', script) # replace real multiline comments by newlines # remove empty lines and trailing whitespace script = '\n'.join([l.rstrip() for l in script.splitlines() if l.strip()]) if self.compressionLevel == 2: # squeeze out any dispensible whitespace script = self.squeeze.sub('', script) elif self.compressionLevel == 1: # only collapse multiple whitespace characters script = self.collapseWs.sub(' ', script) # now back-substitute the string and regex literals def backsub(mo): return literals[int(mo.group(1))] script = self.backSubst.sub(backsub, script) if self.measureCompression: lengthAfter = float(len(script)) squeezedBy = int(100*(1-lengthAfter/lengthBefore)) script += '\n// squeezed out %s%%\n' % squeezedBy return script if __name__ == '__main__': script = ''' /* this is a totally useless multiline comment, containing a silly "quoted string", surrounded by several superfluous line breaks */ // and this is an equally important single line comment sth = "this string contains 'quotes', a /regex/ and a // comment yet it will survive compression"; function wurst(){ // this is a great function var hans = 33; } sthelse = 'and another useless string'; function hans(){ // another function var bill = 66; // successive spaces will be collapsed into one; var bob = 77 // this line break will be preserved b/c of lacking semicolon var george = 88; } ''' for x in range(1,3): print '\ncompression level', x, ':\n--------------' c = JSCompressor(compressionLevel=x, measureCompression=True) cpr = c.compress(script) print cpr print 'length', len(cpr) ## end of http://code.activestate.com/recipes/496882/ }}}
#!/usr/bin/env python __author__ = 'waroquiers' import unittest import numpy as np from pymatgen.util.testing import PymatgenTest from pymatgen.analysis.chemenv.coordination_environments.coordination_geometries import ExplicitPermutationsAlgorithm from pymatgen.analysis.chemenv.coordination_environments.coordination_geometries import SeparationPlane from pymatgen.analysis.chemenv.coordination_environments.coordination_geometries import AllCoordinationGeometries from pymatgen.analysis.chemenv.coordination_environments.coordination_geometries import CoordinationGeometry allcg = AllCoordinationGeometries() class FakeSite: def __init__(self, coords): self.coords = coords class CoordinationGeometriesTest(PymatgenTest): def test_algorithms(self): expl_algo = ExplicitPermutationsAlgorithm(permutations=[[0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3]]) expl_algo2 = ExplicitPermutationsAlgorithm.from_dict(expl_algo.as_dict) self.assertEqual(expl_algo.permutations, expl_algo2.permutations) sepplane_algos_oct = allcg['O:6'].algorithms self.assertEqual(len(sepplane_algos_oct[0].safe_separation_permutations()), 24) self.assertEqual(len(sepplane_algos_oct[1].safe_separation_permutations()), 36) sepplane_algos_oct_0 = SeparationPlane.from_dict(sepplane_algos_oct[0].as_dict) self.assertEqual(sepplane_algos_oct[0].plane_points, sepplane_algos_oct_0.plane_points) self.assertEqual(sepplane_algos_oct[0].mirror_plane, sepplane_algos_oct_0.mirror_plane) self.assertEqual(sepplane_algos_oct[0].ordered_plane, sepplane_algos_oct_0.ordered_plane) self.assertEqual(sepplane_algos_oct[0].point_groups, sepplane_algos_oct_0.point_groups) self.assertEqual(sepplane_algos_oct[0].ordered_point_groups, sepplane_algos_oct_0.ordered_point_groups) self.assertTrue(all([np.array_equal(perm, sepplane_algos_oct_0.explicit_optimized_permutations[iperm]) for iperm, perm in enumerate(sepplane_algos_oct[0].explicit_optimized_permutations)])) self.assertEqual(sepplane_algos_oct[0].__str__(), 'Separation plane algorithm with the following reference separation :\n' '[[4]] | [[0, 2, 1, 3]] | [[5]]') def test_hints(self): hints = CoordinationGeometry.NeighborsSetsHints(hints_type='single_cap', options={'cap_index': 2, 'csm_max': 8}) myhints = hints.hints({'csm': 12.0}) self.assertEqual(myhints, []) hints2 = CoordinationGeometry.NeighborsSetsHints.from_dict(hints.as_dict()) self.assertEqual(hints.hints_type, hints2.hints_type) self.assertEqual(hints.options, hints2.options) def test_coordination_geometry(self): cg_oct = allcg['O:6'] cg_oct2 = CoordinationGeometry.from_dict(cg_oct.as_dict()) self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(cg_oct.central_site, cg_oct2.central_site) self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(cg_oct.points, cg_oct2.points) self.assertEqual(cg_oct.__str__(), 'Coordination geometry type : Octahedron (IUPAC: OC-6 || IUCr: [6o])\n' '\n' ' - coordination number : 6\n' ' - list of points :\n' ' - [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]\n' ' - [0.0, 0.0, -1.0]\n' ' - [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]\n' ' - [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0]\n' ' - [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]\n' ' - [0.0, -1.0, 0.0]\n' '------------------------------------------------------------\n') self.assertEqual(cg_oct.__len__(), 6) self.assertEqual(cg_oct.ce_symbol, cg_oct.mp_symbol) self.assertTrue(cg_oct.is_implemented()) self.assertEqual(cg_oct.get_name(), 'Octahedron') self.assertEqual(cg_oct.IUPAC_symbol, 'OC-6') self.assertEqual(cg_oct.IUPAC_symbol_str, 'OC-6') self.assertEqual(cg_oct.IUCr_symbol, '[6o]') self.assertEqual(cg_oct.IUCr_symbol_str, '[6o]') cg_oct.permutations_safe_override = True self.assertEqual(cg_oct.number_of_permutations, 720.0) self.assertEqual(cg_oct.ref_permutation([0, 3, 2, 4, 5, 1]), (0, 3, 1, 5, 2, 4)) sites = [FakeSite(coords=pp) for pp in cg_oct.points] faces = [[[0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, -1.0, 0.0]], [[0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, -1.0]], [[0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, -1.0, 0.0]], [[0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, -1.0]], [[-1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, -1.0, 0.0]], [[-1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, -1.0]], [[-1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, -1.0, 0.0]], [[-1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, -1.0]]] self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(cg_oct.faces(sites=sites, permutation=[0, 3, 2, 4, 5, 1]), faces) faces = [[[0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]], [[0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, -1.0, 0.0]], [[0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]], [[0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, -1.0, 0.0]], [[0.0, 0.0, -1.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]], [[0.0, 0.0, -1.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, -1.0, 0.0]], [[0.0, 0.0, -1.0], [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]], [[0.0, 0.0, -1.0], [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, -1.0, 0.0]]] self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(cg_oct.faces(sites=sites), faces) edges = [[[0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]], [[0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]], [[0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [0.0, -1.0, 0.0]], [[0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.0, -1.0]], [[-1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]], [[-1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]], [[-1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, -1.0, 0.0]], [[-1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, -1.0]], [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, -1.0, 0.0]], [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, -1.0]], [[0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, -1.0, 0.0]], [[0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, -1.0]]] self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(cg_oct.edges(sites=sites, permutation=[0, 3, 2, 4, 5, 1]), edges) edges = [[[0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]], [[0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0]], [[0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]], [[0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [0.0, -1.0, 0.0]], [[0.0, 0.0, -1.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]], [[0.0, 0.0, -1.0], [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0]], [[0.0, 0.0, -1.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]], [[0.0, 0.0, -1.0], [0.0, -1.0, 0.0]], [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]], [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, -1.0, 0.0]], [[-1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]], [[-1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, -1.0, 0.0]]] self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(cg_oct.edges(sites=sites), edges) self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(cg_oct.solid_angles(), [2.0943951, 2.0943951, 2.0943951, 2.0943951, 2.0943951, 2.0943951]) pmeshes = cg_oct.get_pmeshes(sites=sites) self.assertEqual(pmeshes[0]['pmesh_string'], '14\n 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.00000000\n' ' 0.00000000 0.00000000 -1.00000000\n' ' 1.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000\n' ' -1.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000\n' ' 0.00000000 1.00000000 0.00000000\n' ' 0.00000000 -1.00000000 0.00000000\n' ' 0.33333333 0.33333333 0.33333333\n' ' 0.33333333 -0.33333333 0.33333333\n' ' -0.33333333 0.33333333 0.33333333\n' ' -0.33333333 -0.33333333 0.33333333\n' ' 0.33333333 0.33333333 -0.33333333\n' ' 0.33333333 -0.33333333 -0.33333333\n' ' -0.33333333 0.33333333 -0.33333333\n' ' -0.33333333 -0.33333333 -0.33333333\n' '8\n4\n0\n2\n4\n0\n4\n0\n2\n5\n0\n4\n0\n3\n4\n0\n' '4\n0\n3\n5\n0\n4\n1\n2\n4\n1\n4\n1\n2\n5\n1\n4\n' '1\n3\n4\n1\n4\n1\n3\n5\n1\n') allcg_str = allcg.__str__() self.assertTrue('\n#=======================================================#\n' '# List of coordination geometries currently implemented #\n' '#=======================================================#\n' '\nCoordination geometry type : Single neighbor (IUCr: [1l])\n\n' ' - coordination number : 1\n' ' - list of points :\n' ' - [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]\n' '------------------------------------------------------------\n\n' in allcg_str) self.assertTrue('Coordination geometry type : Trigonal plane (IUPAC: TP-3 || IUCr: [3l])\n\n' ' - coordination number : 3\n' ' - list of points :\n' in allcg_str) all_symbols = [u'S:1', u'L:2', u'A:2', u'TL:3', u'TY:3', u'TS:3', u'T:4', u'S:4', u'SY:4', u'SS:4', u'PP:5', u'S:5', u'T:5', u'O:6', u'T:6', u'PP:6', u'PB:7', u'ST:7', u'ET:7', u'FO:7', u'C:8', u'SA:8', u'SBT:8', u'TBT:8', u'DD:8', u'DDPN:8', u'HB:8', u'BO_1:8', u'BO_2:8', u'BO_3:8', u'TC:9', u'TT_1:9', u'TT_2:9', u'TT_3:9', u'HD:9', u'TI:9', u'SMA:9', u'SS:9', u'TO_1:9', u'TO_2:9', u'TO_3:9', u'PP:10', u'PA:10', u'SBSA:10', u'MI:10', u'S:10', u'H:10', u'BS_1:10', u'BS_2:10', u'TBSA:10', u'PCPA:11', u'H:11', u'SH:11', u'CO:11', u'DI:11', u'I:12', u'PBP:12', u'TT:12', u'C:12', u'AC:12', u'SC:12', u'S:12', u'HP:12', u'HA:12', u'SH:13', u'DD:20', u'UNKNOWN', u'UNCLEAR'] self.assertEqual(len(allcg.get_geometries()), 68) self.assertEqual(len(allcg.get_geometries(coordination=3)), 3) self.assertEqual(sorted(allcg.get_geometries(returned='mp_symbol')), sorted(all_symbols)) self.assertEqual(sorted(allcg.get_geometries(returned='mp_symbol', coordination=3)), ['TL:3', 'TS:3', 'TY:3']) self.assertEqual(allcg.get_symbol_name_mapping(coordination=3), {u'TY:3': u'Triangular non-coplanar', u'TL:3': u'Trigonal plane', u'TS:3': u'T-shaped'}) self.assertEqual(allcg.get_symbol_cn_mapping(coordination=3), {u'TY:3': 3, u'TL:3': 3, u'TS:3': 3}) self.assertEqual(sorted(allcg.get_implemented_geometries(coordination=4, returned='mp_symbol')), [u'S:4', u'SS:4', u'SY:4', u'T:4']) self.assertEqual(sorted(allcg.get_not_implemented_geometries(returned='mp_symbol')), [u'CO:11', u'DD:20', u'H:10', u'S:10', u'S:12', u'UNCLEAR', u'UNKNOWN']) self.assertEqual(allcg.get_geometry_from_name('Octahedron').mp_symbol, cg_oct.mp_symbol) with self.assertRaises(LookupError) as cm: allcg.get_geometry_from_name('Octahedran') self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), 'No coordination geometry found with name "Octahedran"') self.assertEqual(allcg.get_geometry_from_IUPAC_symbol('OC-6').mp_symbol, cg_oct.mp_symbol) with self.assertRaises(LookupError) as cm: allcg.get_geometry_from_IUPAC_symbol('OC-7') self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), 'No coordination geometry found with IUPAC symbol "OC-7"') self.assertEqual(allcg.get_geometry_from_IUCr_symbol('[6o]').mp_symbol, cg_oct.mp_symbol) with self.assertRaises(LookupError) as cm: allcg.get_geometry_from_IUCr_symbol('[6oct]') self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), 'No coordination geometry found with IUCr symbol "[6oct]"') with self.assertRaises(LookupError) as cm: allcg.get_geometry_from_mp_symbol('O:7') self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), 'No coordination geometry found with mp_symbol "O:7"') self.assertEqual(allcg.pretty_print(maxcn=4), '+-------------------------+\n| Coordination geometries |\n+-------------------------+\n' '\n==>> CN = 1 <<==\n - S:1 : Single neighbor\n\n' '==>> CN = 2 <<==\n' ' - L:2 : Linear\n - A:2 : Angular\n\n' '==>> CN = 3 <<==\n' ' - TL:3 : Trigonal plane\n - TY:3 : Triangular non-coplanar\n - TS:3 : T-shaped\n\n' '==>> CN = 4 <<==\n - T:4 : Tetrahedron\n - S:4 : Square plane\n' ' - SY:4 : Square non-coplanar\n - SS:4 : See-saw\n\n') self.assertEqual(allcg.pretty_print(maxcn=2, type='all_geometries_latex'), '\\subsection*{Coordination 1}\n\n\\begin{itemize}\n' '\\item S:1 $\\rightarrow$ Single neighbor (IUPAC : None - IUCr : $[$1l$]$)\n' '\\end{itemize}\n\n\\subsection*{Coordination 2}\n\n\\begin{itemize}\n' '\\item L:2 $\\rightarrow$ Linear (IUPAC : L-2 - IUCr : $[$2l$]$)\n' '\\item A:2 $\\rightarrow$ Angular (IUPAC : A-2 - IUCr : $[$2n$]$)\n' '\\end{itemize}\n\n') self.assertEqual(allcg.pretty_print(maxcn=2, type='all_geometries_latex_images'), '\\section*{Coordination 1}\n\n\\subsubsection*{S:1 : Single neighbor}\n\n' 'IUPAC : None\n\nIUCr : [1l]\n\n\\begin{center}\n' '\\includegraphics[scale=0.15]{images/S_1.png}\n' '\\end{center}\n\n\\section*{Coordination 2}\n\n' '\\subsubsection*{L:2 : Linear}\n\nIUPAC : L-2\n\n' 'IUCr : [2l]\n\n\\begin{center}\n\\includegraphics[scale=0.15]{images/L_2.png}\n' '\\end{center}\n\n\\subsubsection*{A:2 : Angular}\n\nIUPAC : A-2\n\nIUCr : [2n]\n\n' '\\begin{center}\n\\includegraphics[scale=0.15]{images/A_2.png}\n\\end{center}\n\n') self.assertDictEqual(allcg.minpoints, {6: 2, 7: 2, 8: 2, 9: 2, 10: 2, 11: 2, 12: 2, 13: 3}) self.assertDictEqual(allcg.maxpoints, {6: 5, 7: 5, 8: 6, 9: 7, 10: 6, 11: 5, 12: 8, 13: 6}) self.assertDictEqual(allcg.maxpoints_inplane, {6: 5, 7: 5, 8: 6, 9: 7, 10: 6, 11: 5, 12: 8, 13: 6}) self.assertDictEqual(allcg.separations_cg, {6: {(0, 3, 3): [u'O:6', u'T:6'], (1, 4, 1): [u'O:6'], (0, 5, 1): [u'PP:6'], (2, 2, 2): [u'PP:6'], (0, 4, 2): [u'T:6']}, 7: {(1, 3, 3): [u'ET:7', u'FO:7'], (2, 3, 2): [u'PB:7', u'ST:7', u'ET:7'], (1, 4, 2): [u'ST:7', u'FO:7'], (1, 5, 1): [u'PB:7']}, 8: {(1, 6, 1): [u'HB:8'], (0, 4, 4): [u'C:8', u'SA:8', u'SBT:8'], (1, 4, 3): [u'SA:8', u'SBT:8', u'BO_2:8', u'BO_3:8'], (2, 4, 2): [u'C:8', u'TBT:8', u'DD:8', u'DDPN:8', u'HB:8', u'BO_1:8', u'BO_1:8', u'BO_2:8', u'BO_2:8', u'BO_3:8', u'BO_3:8']}, 9: {(3, 3, 3): [u'TT_1:9', u'TT_1:9', u'TT_2:9', u'SMA:9', u'SMA:9', u'TO_1:9', u'TO_3:9'], (0, 6, 3): [u'TC:9'], (2, 4, 3): [u'TC:9', u'TT_2:9', u'TT_3:9', u'TI:9', u'SS:9', u'TO_1:9', u'TO_1:9', u'TO_2:9', u'TO_3:9'], (1, 3, 5): [u'TI:9'], (1, 4, 4): [u'TT_1:9', u'SMA:9', u'SS:9'], (2, 3, 4): [u'TC:9'], (2, 5, 2): [u'TT_3:9', u'SS:9', u'TO_2:9'], (1, 7, 1): [u'HD:9']}, 10: {(0, 5, 5): [u'PP:10', u'PA:10'], (3, 4, 3): [u'PA:10', u'SBSA:10', u'MI:10', u'BS_2:10', u'TBSA:10'], (2, 6, 2): [u'BS_1:10'], (2, 4, 4): [u'PP:10', u'MI:10', u'BS_2:10'], (3, 3, 4): [u'SBSA:10'], (1, 4, 5): [u'BS_2:10'], (0, 4, 6): [u'BS_1:10', u'TBSA:10']}, 11: {(4, 3, 4): [u'PCPA:11'], (3, 4, 4): [u'DI:11'], (1, 5, 5): [u'PCPA:11', u'DI:11'], (3, 5, 3): [u'H:11']}, 12: {(3, 3, 6): [u'TT:12'], (2, 4, 6): [u'TT:12'], (0, 6, 6): [u'HP:12', u'HA:12'], (3, 6, 3): [u'C:12', u'AC:12'], (4, 4, 4): [u'I:12', u'PBP:12', u'C:12', u'HP:12'], (0, 8, 4): [u'SC:12']}, 13: {(0, 6, 7): [u'SH:13']}}) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
from Vintageous.ex.ex_error import ERR_NO_RANGE_ALLOWED from Vintageous.ex.ex_error import VimError from Vintageous.ex.parser.tokens import TokenDigits from Vintageous.ex.parser.tokens import TokenDollar from Vintageous.ex.parser.tokens import TokenDot from Vintageous.ex.parser.tokens import TokenMark from Vintageous.ex.parser.tokens import TokenOffset from Vintageous.ex.parser.tokens import TokenOfSearch from Vintageous.ex.parser.tokens import TokenPercent from Vintageous.ex.parser.tokens import TokenSearchBackward from Vintageous.ex.parser.tokens import TokenSearchForward from Vintageous.vi.search import reverse_search_by_pt from Vintageous.vi.utils import first_sel from Vintageous.vi.utils import R from Vintageous.vi.utils import row_at class Node(object): pass class RangeNode(Node): ''' Represents a Vim line range. ''' def __init__(self, start=None, end=None, separator=None): self.start = start or [] self.end = end or [] self.separator = separator def __str__(self): return '{0}{1}{2}'.format( ''.join(str(x) for x in self.start), str(self.separator) if self.separator else '', ''.join(str(x) for x in self.end), ) def __rpr__(self): return ('RangeNode<{0}(start:{1}, end:{2}, separator:{3}]>' .format(self.__class__.__name__, self.start, self.end, self.separator)) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, RangeNode): return False return (self.start == other.start and self.end == other.end and self.separator == other.separator) @property def is_empty(self): ''' Indicates whether this range has ever been defined. For example, in interactive mode, if `true`, it means that the user hasn't provided any line range on the command line. ''' return not any((self.start, self.end, self.separator)) def resolve_notation(self, view, token, current): ''' Returns a line number. ''' if isinstance(token, TokenDot): pt = view.text_point(current, 0) return row_at(view, pt) if isinstance(token, TokenDigits): return max(int(str(token)) - 1, -1) if isinstance(token, TokenPercent): return row_at(view, view.size()) if isinstance(token, TokenDollar): return row_at(view, view.size()) if isinstance(token, TokenOffset): return current + sum(token.content) if isinstance(token, TokenSearchForward): start_pt = view.text_point(current, 0) match = view.find(str(token)[1:-1], start_pt) if not match: # TODO: Convert this to a VimError or something like that. raise ValueError('pattern not found') return row_at(view, match.a) if isinstance(token, TokenSearchBackward): start_pt = view.text_point(current, 0) match = reverse_search_by_pt(view, str(token)[1:-1], 0, start_pt) if not match: # TODO: Convert this to a VimError or something like that. raise ValueError('pattern not found') return row_at(view, match.a) if isinstance(token, TokenMark): return self.resolve_mark(view, token) raise NotImplementedError() def resolve_mark(self, view, token): if token.content == '<': sel = list(view.sel())[0] view.sel().clear() view.sel().add(sel) if sel.a < sel.b: return row_at(view, sel.a) else: return row_at(view, sel.a - 1) if token.content == '>': sel = list(view.sel())[0] view.sel().clear() view.sel().add(sel) if sel.a < sel.b: return row_at(view, sel.b - 1) else: return row_at(view, sel.b) raise NotImplementedError() def resolve_line_reference(self, view, line_reference, current=0): ''' Calculates the line offset determined by @line_reference. @view The view where the calculation is made. @line_reference The sequence of tokens defining the line range to be calculated. @current Line number where we are now. ''' last_token = None # XXX: what happens if there is no selection in the view? current = row_at(view, first_sel(view).b) for token in line_reference: # Make sure a search forward doesn't overlap with a match obtained # right before this search. if isinstance(last_token, TokenOfSearch) and isinstance(token, TokenOfSearch): if isinstance(token, TokenSearchForward): current += 1 current = self.resolve_notation(view, token, current) last_token = token return current def resolve(self, view): ''' Returns a Sublime Text range representing the Vim line range that the ex command should operate on. ''' start = self.resolve_line_reference(view, self.start or [TokenDot()]) if not self.separator: if start == -1: return R(-1, -1) if len(self.start) == 1 and isinstance(self.start[0], TokenPercent): return R(0, view.size()) return view.full_line(view.text_point(start, 0)) new_start = start if self.separator == ';' else 0 end = self.resolve_line_reference(view, self.end or [TokenDot()], current=new_start) return view.full_line(R(view.text_point(start, 0), view.text_point(end, 0))) class CommandLineNode(Node): def __init__(self, line_range, command): # A RangeNode self.line_range = line_range # A TokenOfCommand self.command = command def __str__(self): return '{0}, {1}'.format(str(self.line_range), str(self.command)) def validate(self): ''' Raises an error for known conditions. ''' if not (self.command and self.line_range): return if not self.command.addressable and not self.line_range.is_empty: raise VimError(ERR_NO_RANGE_ALLOWED)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Kevin Deldycke <[email protected]> # and contributors. # All Rights Reserved. # # This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. from __future__ import ( absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals ) import os from boltons.cacheutils import cachedproperty from boltons.strutils import indent, strip_ansi from packaging.specifiers import SpecifierSet from packaging.version import parse as parse_version from . import logger from .bitbar import run from .platform import current_os try: from shutil import which except ImportError: from backports.shutil_which import which # Rendering format of CLI in JSON fields. CLI_FORMATS = frozenset(['plain', 'fragments', 'bitbar']) class CLIError(Exception): """ An error occured when running package manager CLI. """ def __init__(self, code, output, error): """ The exception internally keeps the result of CLI execution. """ super(CLIError, self).__init__() self.code = code self.output = output self.error = error def __str__(self): """ Human-readable error. """ margin = ' ' * 2 return indent(( "\nReturn code: {}\n" "Output:\n{}\n" "Error:\n{}").format( self.code, indent(str(self.output), margin), indent(str(self.error), margin)), margin) class PackageManager(object): """ Base class from which all package manager definitions should inherits. """ # Systematic options passed to package manager CLI. Might be of use to # force silencing or high verbosity for instance. cli_args = [] # List of platforms supported by the manager. platforms = frozenset() # Version requirement specifier. requirement = None def __init__(self): # Tell the manager either to raise or continue on errors. self.raise_on_cli_error = False # Some managers have the ability to report or ignore packages # possessing their own auto-update mecanism. self.ignore_auto_updates = True # Log of all encountered CLI errors. self.cli_errors = [] @cachedproperty def cli_name(self): """ Package manager's CLI name. Is derived by default from the manager's ID. """ return self.id @cachedproperty def cli_path(self): """ Fully qualified path to the package manager CLI. Automaticcaly search the location of the CLI in the system. Returns `None` if CLI is not found or is not a file. """ cli_path = which(self.cli_name, mode=os.F_OK) logger.debug( "CLI found at {}".format(cli_path) if cli_path else "{} CLI not found.".format(self.cli_name)) return cli_path def get_version(self): """ Invoke the manager and extract its own reported version. """ raise NotImplementedError @cachedproperty def version_string(self): """ Raw but cleaned string of the package manager version. Returns `None` if the manager had an issue extracting its version. """ if self.executable: version = self.get_version() if version: return version.strip() @cachedproperty def version(self): """ Parsed and normalized package manager's own version. Returns an instance of ``packaging.Version`` or None. """ if self.version_string: return parse_version(self.version_string) @cachedproperty def id(self): """ Return package manager's ID. Defaults based on class name. This ID must be unique among all package manager definitions and lower-case as they're used as feature flags for the :command:`mpm` CLI. """ return self.__class__.__name__.lower() @cachedproperty def name(self): """ Return package manager's common name. Defaults based on class name. """ return self.__class__.__name__ @cachedproperty def supported(self): """ Is the package manager supported on that platform? """ return current_os()[0] in self.platforms @cachedproperty def executable(self): """ Is the package manager CLI can be executed by the current user? """ if not self.cli_path: return False if not os.access(self.cli_path, os.X_OK): logger.debug("{} not executable.".format(self.cli_path)) return False return True @cachedproperty def fresh(self): """ Does the package manager match the version requirement? """ # Version is mandatory. if not self.version: return False if self.requirement: if self.version not in SpecifierSet(self.requirement): logger.debug( "{} {} doesn't fit the '{}' version requirement.".format( self.id, self.version, self.requirement)) return False return True @cachedproperty def available(self): """ Is the package manager available and ready-to-use on the system? Returns True only if the main CLI: 1 - is supported on the current platform, 2 - was found on the system, 3 - is executable, and 4 - match the version requirement. """ return bool( self.supported and self.cli_path and self.executable and self.fresh) def run(self, args, dry_run=False): """ Run a shell command, return the output and keep error message. Removes ANSI escape codes, and returns ready-to-use strings. """ assert isinstance(args, list) logger.debug("Running `{}`...".format(' '.join(args))) code = 0 output = None error = None if not dry_run: code, output, error = run(*args) else: logger.warning("Dry-run mode active: skip execution of command.") # Normalize messages. if error: error = strip_ansi(error) error = error if error else None if output: output = strip_ansi(output) output = output if output else None if code and error: exception = CLIError(code, output, error) if self.raise_on_cli_error: raise exception else: logger.error(error) self.cli_errors.append(exception) logger.debug(output) return output @property def sync(self): """ Refresh local manager metadata from remote repository. """ logger.info('Sync {} package info...'.format(self.id)) @property def installed(self): """ List packages currently installed on the system. Returns a dict indexed by package IDs. Each item is a dict with package ID, name and version. """ raise NotImplementedError @staticmethod def exact_match(query, result): """ Compare search query and matching result. Returns `True` if the matching result exactly match the search query. Still pplies a light normalization and tokenization of strings before comparison to make the "exactiness" in the human sense instead of strictly machine sense. """ # TODO: tokenize. return query.lower() == result.lower() def search(self, query): """ Search packages whose ID contain exact or partial query. Returns a dict indexed by package IDs. Each item is a dict with package ID, name, version and a boolean indicating if the match is exact or partial. """ raise NotImplementedError @property def outdated(self): """ List currently installed packages having a new version available. Returns a dict indexed by package IDs. Each item is a dict with package ID, name, current installed version and latest upgradeable version. """ raise NotImplementedError def upgrade_cli(self, package_id=None): """ Return a bash-compatible full-CLI to upgrade a package. """ raise NotImplementedError def upgrade(self, package_id=None, dry_run=False): """ Perform the upgrade of the provided package to latest version. """ return self.run(self.upgrade_cli(package_id), dry_run=dry_run) def upgrade_all_cli(self): """ Return a bash-compatible full-CLI to upgrade all packages. """ raise NotImplementedError def upgrade_all(self, dry_run=False): """ Perform a full upgrade of all outdated packages to latest versions. If the manager doesn't implements a full upgrade one-liner, then fall-back to calling single-package upgrade one by one. """ try: return self.run(self.upgrade_all_cli(), dry_run=dry_run) except NotImplementedError: logger.warning( "{} doesn't seems to implement a full upgrade subcommand. " "Call single-package upgrade CLI one by one.".format(self.id)) log = [] for package_id in self.outdated: output = self.upgrade(package_id, dry_run=dry_run) if output: log.append(output) if log: return '\n'.join(log) @staticmethod def render_cli(cmd, cli_format='plain'): """ Return a formatted CLI in the provided format. """ assert isinstance(cmd, list) assert cli_format in CLI_FORMATS if cli_format != 'fragments': cmd = ' '.join(cmd) if cli_format == 'bitbar': cmd = PackageManager.render_bitbar_cli(cmd) return cmd @staticmethod def render_bitbar_cli(full_cli): """ Format a bash-runnable full-CLI with parameters into bitbar schema. """ cmd, params = full_cli.strip().split(' ', 1) bitbar_cli = "bash={}".format(cmd) for index, param in enumerate(params.split(' ')): bitbar_cli += " param{}={}".format(index + 1, param) return bitbar_cli
# Copyright 2016 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Common logging helpers.""" import logging import requests from google.cloud.logging.entries import LogEntry from google.cloud.logging.entries import ProtobufEntry from google.cloud.logging.entries import StructEntry from google.cloud.logging.entries import TextEntry try: from google.cloud.logging_v2.gapic.enums import LogSeverity except ImportError: # pragma: NO COVER class LogSeverity(object): """Map severities for non-GAPIC usage.""" DEFAULT = 0 DEBUG = 100 INFO = 200 NOTICE = 300 WARNING = 400 ERROR = 500 CRITICAL = 600 ALERT = 700 EMERGENCY = 800 _NORMALIZED_SEVERITIES = { logging.CRITICAL: LogSeverity.CRITICAL, logging.ERROR: LogSeverity.ERROR, logging.WARNING: LogSeverity.WARNING, logging.INFO: LogSeverity.INFO, logging.DEBUG: LogSeverity.DEBUG, logging.NOTSET: LogSeverity.DEFAULT, } METADATA_URL = "http://metadata.google.internal./computeMetadata/v1/" METADATA_HEADERS = {"Metadata-Flavor": "Google"} def entry_from_resource(resource, client, loggers): """Detect correct entry type from resource and instantiate. :type resource: dict :param resource: One entry resource from API response. :type client: :class:`~google.cloud.logging.client.Client` :param client: Client that owns the log entry. :type loggers: dict :param loggers: A mapping of logger fullnames -> loggers. If the logger that owns the entry is not in ``loggers``, the entry will have a newly-created logger. :rtype: :class:`~google.cloud.logging.entries._BaseEntry` :returns: The entry instance, constructed via the resource """ if "textPayload" in resource: return TextEntry.from_api_repr(resource, client, loggers) if "jsonPayload" in resource: return StructEntry.from_api_repr(resource, client, loggers) if "protoPayload" in resource: return ProtobufEntry.from_api_repr(resource, client, loggers) return LogEntry.from_api_repr(resource, client, loggers) def retrieve_metadata_server(metadata_key): """Retrieve the metadata key in the metadata server. See: https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/storing-retrieving-metadata :type metadata_key: str :param metadata_key: Key of the metadata which will form the url. You can also supply query parameters after the metadata key. e.g. "tags?alt=json" :rtype: str :returns: The value of the metadata key returned by the metadata server. """ url = METADATA_URL + metadata_key try: response = requests.get(url, headers=METADATA_HEADERS) if response.status_code == requests.codes.ok: return response.text except requests.exceptions.RequestException: # Ignore the exception, connection failed means the attribute does not # exist in the metadata server. pass return None def _normalize_severity(stdlib_level): """Normalize a Python stdlib severity to LogSeverity enum. :type stdlib_level: int :param stdlib_level: 'levelno' from a :class:`logging.LogRecord` :rtype: int :returns: Corresponding Stackdriver severity. """ return _NORMALIZED_SEVERITIES.get(stdlib_level, stdlib_level)
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- from openvpnzone import extract_zones_from_status_file from IPy import IP def test_empty_server(): assert extract_zones_from_status_file('tests/samples/empty.ovpn-status-v1') \ == {} def test_one_client_on_server(): assert extract_zones_from_status_file('tests/samples/one.ovpn-status-v1') \ == {'one.vpn.example.org': [IP('')]} def test_multiple_client_on_server(): assert extract_zones_from_status_file('tests/samples/multiple.ovpn-status-v1') \ == { 'one.vpn.example.org': [IP('')], 'two.vpn.example.org': [IP('')], 'three.vpn.example.org': [IP('')] } def test_subnet_for_client(): assert extract_zones_from_status_file('tests/samples/subnet.ovpn-status-v1') \ == {'one.vpn.example.org': [IP('')]} def test_cached_route(): assert extract_zones_from_status_file('tests/samples/cached-route.ovpn-status-v1') \ == {'one.vpn.example.org': [IP('')]}
import unittest from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys class NewVisitorTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.browser = webdriver.Firefox() def tearDown(self): self.browser.quit() def test_can_show_main_menu_and_go_to_each_section(self): # Jon has heard about a cool new online data joining app. He goes # to check out its homepage self.browser.get('http://localhost:8000') # The page title and header mention data center self.assertIn('InfoJoiner DataCenter', self.browser.title) header_text = self.browser.find_element_by_tag_name('h1').text self.assertIn('InfoJoiner DataCenter', header_text) # There is a HTML5 nav menu # Iterate all menu items "sources","views","tags" # Foreach menu item enter in page and check title is # "Menu Title - IJDC" """ # He is invited to enter a to-do item straight away inputbox = self.browser.find_element_by_id('id_new_item') self.assertEqual( inputbox.get_attribute('placeholder'), 'Enter a to-do item' ) # He types "Buy peacock feathers" into a text box (Edith's hobby # is tying fly-fishing lures) inputbox.send_keys('Buy peacock feathers') # When He hits enter, the page updates, and now the page lists # "1: Buy peacock feathers" as an item in a to-do list table inputbox.send_keys(Keys.ENTER) table = self.browser.find_element_by_id('id_list_table') rows = table.find_elements_by_tag_name('tr') self.assertTrue( any('1: Buy peacock feathers' in row.text for row in rows), "New to-do item did not appear in table" ) # There is still a text box inviting her to add another item. He # enters "Use peacock feathers to make a fly" (Edith is very # methodical) self.fail('Finish the test!') # The page updates again, and now shows both items on her list # Edith wonders whether the site will remember her list. Then He sees # that the site has generate a unique URL for her -- there is some # explanatory text to that effect. # He visits that URL - her to-do list is still there. # Satisfied, He goes back to sleep """ if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
# Copyright (C) 2016 Pierre Marchand <[email protected]> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. from pathlib import Path from .parser import TemplateParser parser = TemplateParser() def load_template (dirpath, name, required=True): home = Path(dirpath) template_path = home.joinpath(name + '.html') try: with template_path.open() as template_file: template = template_file.read() except Exception as exc: if required: raise exc else: return '' return template def apply_template (template, data): data_local = dict(data) return parser.apply_template(template, data)
from config import Prefix from sigma.core.blacklist import check_black async def custom_command_detection(ev, message, args): if message.guild: if message.content.startswith(Prefix): cmd = message.content[len(Prefix):].lower() if cmd not in ev.bot.plugin_manager.commands: if not check_black(ev.db, message): try: custom_commands = ev.db.get_settings(message.guild.id, 'CustomCommands') except: ev.db.set_settings(message.guild.id, 'CustomCommands', {}) custom_commands = {} if cmd in custom_commands: response = custom_commands[cmd] await message.channel.send(response)
# Copyright (c) 2013-2017 CodeReclaimers, LLC # Public API v3 description: https://btc-e.com/api/3/documentation from collections import namedtuple from . import common, scraping PairInfoBase = namedtuple("PairInfoBase", ["decimal_places", "min_price", "max_price", "min_amount", "hidden", "fee"]) class PairInfo(PairInfoBase): def format_currency(self, value): return common.formatCurrencyDigits(value, self.decimal_places) def truncate_amount(self, value): return common.truncateAmountDigits(value, self.decimal_places) def validate_order(self, trade_type, rate, amount): if trade_type not in ("buy", "sell"): raise common.InvalidTradeTypeException("Unrecognized trade type: %r" % trade_type) if rate < self.min_price or rate > self.max_price: raise common.InvalidTradePriceException( "Allowed price range is from %f to %f" % (self.min_price, self.max_price)) formatted_min_amount = self.format_currency(self.min_amount) if amount < self.min_amount: msg = "Trade amount %r too small; should be >= %s" % \ (amount, formatted_min_amount) raise common.InvalidTradeAmountException(msg) class APIInfo(object): def __init__(self, connection): self.connection = connection self.currencies = None self.pair_names = None self.pairs = None self.server_time = None self._scrape_pair_index = 0 self.update() def update(self): info = self.connection.makeJSONRequest("/api/3/info") if type(info) is not dict: raise TypeError("The response is not a dict.") self.server_time = info.get(u"server_time") pairs = info.get(u"pairs") if type(pairs) is not dict: raise TypeError("The pairs item is not a dict.") self.pairs = {} currencies = set() for name, data in pairs.items(): self.pairs[name] = PairInfo(**data) a, b = name.split(u"_") currencies.add(a) currencies.add(b) self.currencies = list(currencies) self.currencies.sort() self.pair_names = list(self.pairs.keys()) self.pair_names.sort() def validate_pair(self, pair): if pair not in self.pair_names: if "_" in pair: a, b = pair.split("_", 1) swapped_pair = "%s_%s" % (b, a) if swapped_pair in self.pair_names: msg = "Unrecognized pair: %r (did you mean %s?)" msg = msg % (pair, swapped_pair) raise common.InvalidTradePairException(msg) raise common.InvalidTradePairException("Unrecognized pair: %r" % pair) def get_pair_info(self, pair): self.validate_pair(pair) return self.pairs[pair] def validate_order(self, pair, trade_type, rate, amount): self.validate_pair(pair) pair_info = self.pairs[pair] pair_info.validate_order(trade_type, rate, amount) def format_currency(self, pair, amount): self.validate_pair(pair) pair_info = self.pairs[pair] return pair_info.format_currency(amount) def scrapeMainPage(self): parser = scraping.BTCEScraper() # Rotate through the currency pairs between chat requests so that the # chat pane contents will update more often than every few minutes. self._scrape_pair_index = (self._scrape_pair_index + 1) % len(self.pair_names) current_pair = self.pair_names[self._scrape_pair_index] response = self.connection.makeRequest('/exchange/%s' % current_pair, with_cookie=True) parser.feed(parser.unescape(response.decode('utf-8'))) parser.close() r = scraping.ScraperResults() r.messages = parser.messages r.devOnline = parser.devOnline r.supportOnline = parser.supportOnline r.adminOnline = parser.adminOnline return r Ticker = namedtuple("Ticker", ["high", "low", "avg", "vol", "vol_cur", "last", "buy", "sell", "updated"]) def getTicker(pair, connection=None, info=None): """Retrieve the ticker for the given pair. Returns a Ticker instance.""" if info is not None: info.validate_pair(pair) if connection is None: connection = common.BTCEConnection() response = connection.makeJSONRequest("/api/3/ticker/%s" % pair) if type(response) is not dict: raise TypeError("The response is a %r, not a dict." % type(response)) elif u'error' in response: print("There is a error \"%s\" while obtaining ticker %s" % (response['error'], pair)) ticker = None else: ticker = Ticker(**response[pair]) return ticker def getDepth(pair, connection=None, info=None): """Retrieve the depth for the given pair. Returns a tuple (asks, bids); each of these is a list of (price, volume) tuples.""" if info is not None: info.validate_pair(pair) if connection is None: connection = common.BTCEConnection() response = connection.makeJSONRequest("/api/3/depth/%s" % pair) if type(response) is not dict: raise TypeError("The response is not a dict.") depth = response.get(pair) if type(depth) is not dict: raise TypeError("The pair depth is not a dict.") asks = depth.get(u'asks') if type(asks) is not list: raise TypeError("The response does not contain an asks list.") bids = depth.get(u'bids') if type(bids) is not list: raise TypeError("The response does not contain a bids list.") return asks, bids Trade = namedtuple("Trade", ['pair', 'type', 'price', 'tid', 'amount', 'timestamp']) def getTradeHistory(pair, connection=None, info=None, count=None): """Retrieve the trade history for the given pair. Returns a list of Trade instances. If count is not None, it should be an integer, and specifies the number of items from the trade history that will be processed and returned.""" if info is not None: info.validate_pair(pair) if connection is None: connection = common.BTCEConnection() response = connection.makeJSONRequest("/api/3/trades/%s" % pair) if type(response) is not dict: raise TypeError("The response is not a dict.") history = response.get(pair) if type(history) is not list: raise TypeError("The response is a %r, not a list." % type(history)) result = [] # Limit the number of items returned if requested. if count is not None: history = history[:count] for h in history: h["pair"] = pair t = Trade(**h) result.append(t) return result
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Elanz (<http://www.openelanz.fr>). # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # ############################################################################## from openerp.osv import fields, osv from openerp.tools.translate import _ class sale_order(osv.osv): _inherit = 'sale.order' def action_button_confirm(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): # fetch the partner's id and subscribe the partner to the sale order assert len(ids) == 1 order = self.browse(cr, uid, ids[0], context=context) add_delivery_method = True only_service = True delivery_method = self.pool.get('delivery.carrier').search(cr, uid, [('default_in_sales', '=', True)]) if delivery_method: delivery_method = self.pool.get('delivery.carrier').browse(cr, uid, delivery_method[0]) if order.amount_untaxed < delivery_method.min_amount and not order.carrier_id: if order.partner_id.without_delivery: add_delivery_method = False else: for order_line in order.order_line: if order_line.product_id: if order_line.product_id.without_delivery: add_delivery_method = False break elif order_line.product_id.type != 'service': only_service = False if only_service: add_delivery_method = False if add_delivery_method: delivery_method = delivery_method.id self.write(cr, uid, ids[0], {'carrier_id': delivery_method}) return super(sale_order, self).action_button_confirm(cr, uid, ids, context=context)
#!/usr/bin/env python import argparse import getpass import sys import csv from cassandra.auth import PlainTextAuthProvider from cassandra.cqlengine import connection from ddb import configuration import utils from coveragestore import SampleCoverage from collections import defaultdict def get_target_amplicons(filename): amplicons_list = list() sys.stdout.write("Opening file {} to retrieve reporting amplicons\n".format(filename)) with open(filename, "r") as bedfile: reader = csv.reader(bedfile, dialect='excel-tab') for row in reader: amplicons_list.append(row[3]) return amplicons_list if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-s', '--samples_file', help="Input configuration file for samples") parser.add_argument('-c', '--configuration', help="Configuration file for various settings") parser.add_argument('-r', '--report', help="Root name for reports (per sample)") parser.add_argument('-a', '--address', help="IP Address for Cassandra connection", default='') parser.add_argument('-u', '--username', help='Cassandra username for login', default=None) args = parser.parse_args() sys.stdout.write("Parsing configuration data\n") config = configuration.configure_runtime(args.configuration) sys.stdout.write("Parsing sample data\n") samples = configuration.configure_samples(args.samples_file, config) if args.username: password = getpass.getpass() auth_provider = PlainTextAuthProvider(username=args.username, password=password) connection.setup([args.address], "variantstore", auth_provider=auth_provider) else: connection.setup([args.address], "variantstore") sys.stdout.write("Processing samples\n") for sample in samples: sys.stdout.write("Processing coverage for sample {}\n".format(sample)) report_panel_path = "/mnt/shared-data/ddb-configs/disease_panels/{}/{}".format(samples[sample]['panel'], samples[sample]['report']) target_amplicons = get_target_amplicons(report_panel_path) reportable_amplicons = list() for amplicon in target_amplicons: coverage_data = SampleCoverage.objects.timeout(None).filter( SampleCoverage.sample == samples[sample]['sample_name'], SampleCoverage.amplicon == amplicon, SampleCoverage.run_id == samples[sample]['run_id'], SampleCoverage.library_name == samples[sample]['library_name'], SampleCoverage.program_name == "sambamba" ) ordered_variants = coverage_data.order_by('amplicon', 'run_id').limit(coverage_data.count() + 1000) for variant in ordered_variants: reportable_amplicons.append(variant) with open("{}_{}.txt".format(sample, args.report), "w") as coverage_report: coverage_report.write("Sample\tLibrary\tAmplicon\tNum Reads\tCoverage\n") for amplicon in reportable_amplicons: coverage_report.write("{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n".format(amplicon.sample, amplicon.library_name, amplicon.amplicon, amplicon.num_reads, amplicon.mean_coverage))
""" The WCS package provides functions to parse World Coordinate System (WCS) coordinates for solar images as well as convert between various solar coordinate systems. The solar coordinates supported are * Helioprojective-Cartesian (HPC): The most often used solar coordinate system. Describes positions on the Sun as angles measured from the center of the solar disk (usually in arcseconds) using cartesian coordinates (X, Y) * Helioprojective-Radial (HPR): Describes positions on the Sun using angles, similar to HPC, but uses a radial coordinate (rho, psi) system centered on solar disk where psi is measured in the counter clock wise direction. * Heliocentric-Cartesian (HCC): The same as HPC but with positions expressed in true (deprojected) physical distances instead of angles on the celestial sphere. * Heliocentric-Radial (HCR): The same as HPR but with rho expressed in true (deprojected) physical distances instead of angles on the celestial sphere. * Stonyhurst-Heliographic (HG): Expressed positions on the Sun using longitude and latitude on the solar sphere but with the origin which is at the intersection of the solar equator and the central meridian as seen from Earth. This means that the coordinate system remains fixed with respect to Earth while the Sun rotates underneath it. * Carrington-Heliographic (HG): Carrington longitude is offset from Stonyhurst longitude by a time-dependent scalar value, L0. At the start of each Carrington rotation, L0 = 360, and steadily decreases until it reaches L0 = 0, at which point the next Carrington rotation starts. Some definitions * b0: Tilt of the solar North rotational axis toward the observer (helio- graphic latitude of the observer). Note that SOLAR_B0, HGLT_OBS, and CRLT_OBS are all synonyms. * l0: Carrington longitude of central meridian as seen from Earth. * dsun_meters: Distance between observer and the Sun. Default is 1 AU. * rsun_meters: Radius of the Sun in meters. Default is 6.955e8 meters. This valued is stored locally in this module and can be modified if necessary. References ---------- | Thompson (2006), A&A, 449, 791 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361:20054262> | PDF <http://fits.gsfc.nasa.gov/wcs/coordinates.pdf> """ from __future__ import absolute_import from sunpy.wcs.wcs import *
#Convert to lower (lol) string = input() print (string.lower())
import logging import random import urllib.parse import collections import aiohttp import discord import motor.motor_asyncio from discord.ext import commands from .common import Cog log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class BooruError(Exception): pass class BooruProvider: url = '' @classmethod def transform_file_url(cls, url): return url @classmethod def get_author(cls, post): return post['author'] @classmethod async def get_posts(cls, bot, tags, *, limit=15): headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Yiffmobile v2 (José, https://github.com/lnmds/jose)' } tags = urllib.parse.quote(' '.join(tags), safe='') async with bot.session.get( f'{cls.url}&limit={limit}&tags={tags}', headers=headers) as resp: results = await resp.json() if not results: return [] try: # e621 sets this to false # when the request fails if not results.get('success', True): raise BooruError(results.get('reason')) except AttributeError: # when the thing actually worked and # its a list of posts and not a fucking # dictionary # where am I gonna see good porn APIs? pass # transform file url for post in results: post['file_url'] = cls.transform_file_url(post['file_url']) return results class E621Booru(BooruProvider): url = 'https://e621.net/post/index.json?' url_post = 'https://e621.net/post/show/{0}' class HypnohubBooru(BooruProvider): url = 'http://hypnohub.net/post/index.json?' url_post = 'https://hypnohub.net/post/show/{0}' @classmethod def transform_file_url(cls, url): return 'https:' + url.replace('.net//', '.net/') class GelBooru(BooruProvider): url = 'https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=dapi&s=post&json=1&q=index' url_post = 'https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id={0}' @classmethod def get_author(cls, post): return post['owner'] class NSFW(Cog, requires=['config']): """NSFW commands. Fetching works on a "non-repeataibility" basis (unless the bot restarts). This means that with each set of tags you give for José to search, it will record the given post and make sure it doesn't repeat again. """ def __init__(self, bot): super().__init__(bot) self.whip_coll = self.config.jose_db['whip'] self.repeat_cache = collections.defaultdict(dict) def key(self, tags): return ','.join(tags) def mark_post(self, ctx, tags: list, post: dict): """Mark this post as seen.""" cache = self.repeat_cache[ctx.guild.id] k = self.key(tags) used = cache.get(k, []) used.append(post['id']) cache[k] = used def filter(self, ctx, tags: list, posts): """Filter the posts so we get the only posts that weren't seen.""" cache = self.repeat_cache[ctx.guild.id] used_posts = cache.get(self.key(tags), []) return list(filter(lambda post: post['id'] not in used_posts, posts)) async def booru(self, ctx, booru, tags: list): if ctx.channel.topic and '[jose:no_nsfw]' in ctx.channel.topic: return # taxxx await self.jcoin.pricing(ctx, self.prices['API']) try: # grab posts posts = await booru.get_posts(ctx.bot, tags) posts = self.filter(ctx, tags, posts) if not posts: return await ctx.send('Found nothing.\n' '(this can be caused by an exhaustion ' f'of the tags `{ctx.prefix}help NSFW`)') # grab random post post = random.choice(posts) self.mark_post(ctx, tags, post) post_id = post.get('id') post_author = booru.get_author(post) log.info('%d posts from %s, chose %d', len(posts), booru.__name__, post_id) tags = (post['tags'].replace('_', '\\_'))[:500] # add stuffs embed = discord.Embed(title=f'Posted by {post_author}') embed.set_image(url=post['file_url']) embed.add_field(name='Tags', value=tags) embed.add_field(name='URL', value=booru.url_post.format(post_id)) # hypnohub doesn't have this if 'fav_count' in post and 'score' in post: embed.add_field( name='Votes/Favorites', value=f"{post['score']} votes, " f"{post['fav_count']} favorites") # send await ctx.send(embed=embed) except BooruError as err: raise self.SayException(f'Error while fetching posts: `{err!r}`') except aiohttp.ClientError as err: log.exception('nsfw client error') raise self.SayException(f'Something went wrong. Sorry! `{err!r}`') @commands.command() @commands.is_nsfw() async def e621(self, ctx, *tags): """Randomly searches e621 for posts.""" async with ctx.typing(): await self.booru(ctx, E621Booru, tags) @commands.command(aliases=['hh']) @commands.is_nsfw() async def hypnohub(self, ctx, *tags): """Randomly searches Hypnohub for posts.""" async with ctx.typing(): await self.booru(ctx, HypnohubBooru, tags) @commands.command() @commands.is_nsfw() async def gelbooru(self, ctx, *tags): """Randomly searches Gelbooru for posts.""" async with ctx.typing(): await self.booru(ctx, GelBooru, tags) @commands.command() @commands.is_nsfw() async def penis(self, ctx): """get penis from e621 bb""" await ctx.invoke(self.bot.get_command('e621'), 'penis') @commands.command() @commands.cooldown(5, 1800, commands.BucketType.user) async def whip(self, ctx, *, person: discord.User = None): """Whip someone. If no arguments provided, shows how many whips you received. The command has a 5/1800s cooldown per-user """ if not person: whip = await self.whip_coll.find_one({'user_id': ctx.author.id}) if not whip: return await ctx.send(f'**{ctx.author}** was never whipped') return await ctx.send(f'**{ctx.author}** was whipped' f' {whip["whips"]} times') if person == ctx.author: return await ctx.send('no') uid = person.id whip = await self.whip_coll.find_one({'user_id': uid}) if not whip: whip = { 'user_id': uid, 'whips': 0, } await self.whip_coll.insert_one(whip) await self.whip_coll.update_one({ 'user_id': uid }, {'$inc': { 'whips': 1 }}) await ctx.send(f'**{ctx.author}** whipped **{person}** ' f'They have been whipped {whip["whips"] + 1} times.') @commands.command() async def whipboard(self, ctx): """Whip leaderboard.""" e = discord.Embed(title='Whip leaderboard') data = [] cur = self.whip_coll.find().sort('whips', motor.pymongo.DESCENDING).limit(15) async for whip in cur: u = self.bot.get_user(whip['user_id']) u = str(u) data.append(f'{u:30s} -> {whip["whips"]}') joined = '\n'.join(data) e.description = f'```\n{joined}\n```' await ctx.send(embed=e) def setup(bot): bot.add_jose_cog(NSFW)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import logging import logging.handlers import radio import datetime import sys import os class RadioLogger(): """Radio logger""" def __init__(self, LOG_FILE, VERBOSE): """init the logger""" # set up formatting for console and the two log files confor = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s :: %(levelname)s :: %(message)s', '%H:%M:%S') warfor = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s :: %(levelname)-8s :: %(message)s', '%b-%d %H:%M:%S') # set up logging to STDOUT for all levels DEBUG and higher con = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) con.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) con.setFormatter(confor) # set up logging to a file for all levels DEBUG and higher war = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(LOG_FILE, maxBytes=500000, backupCount=3) war.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) war.setFormatter(warfor) # create Logger object self.mylogger = logging.getLogger('MAIN') self.mylogger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if VERBOSE: self.mylogger.addHandler(con) self.mylogger.addHandler(war) from radio import DEVELOPMENT if DEVELOPMENT: werkzeug_logger = logging.getLogger('werkzeug') werkzeug_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) werkzeug_logger.addHandler(con) werkzeug_logger.addHandler(war) def log(self, toLog, logLevel): """wrapper for logger output""" try: if logLevel == 'DEBUG': self.mylogger.debug(toLog) elif logLevel == 'INFO': self.mylogger.info(toLog) elif logLevel == 'WARNING': self.mylogger.warning(toLog) elif logLevel == 'ERROR': self.mylogger.error(toLog) elif logLevel == 'CRITICAL': self.mylogger.critical(toLog) time = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') radio.LOG_LIST.append({'level': logLevel, 'message': toLog, 'time': time}) except ValueError: pass
from __future__ import division import numpy as np from Tkinter import * import json import io import unicodecsv as csv #import csv #file = open("moviesTest-1970.txt",'r') act = open("invertedIndexActorsWeightedAll.txt",'r') dir = open("invertedIndexDirectorsWeightedAll.txt", 'r') wri = open("invertedIndexWritersWeightedAll.txt", 'r') #line = file.readline() lact = act.readline() ldir = dir.readline() lwri = wri.readline() #gson = json.loads(line) jact = json.loads(lact) jdir = json.loads(ldir) jwri = json.loads(lwri) #file.close() act.close() dir.close() wri.close() class Test: def calcolaMedie(self,actors,directors,writers): mediaAct = 0 mediaDir = 0 mediaWri = 0 for elem in actors: print elem mediaAct += float(jact.get(elem).get("rating")) for elem in directors: mediaDir += float(jdir.get(elem).get("rating")) for elem in writers: mediaWri += float(jwri.get(elem).get("rating")) mediaAct = float(mediaAct/len(actors)) mediaDir = float(mediaDir/len(directors)) mediaWri = float(mediaWri/len(writers)) return mediaAct,mediaDir,mediaWri #### extract data from the json files #### def readData(self,filename): file = open(filename, 'r') line = file.readline() print line gson = json.loads(line) file.close() vector = [] input = [] labels = [] titles = [] #indice = 0 for elem in gson: #titles.append(gson.get(elem).get("title")) actors = gson.get(elem).get("actors") directors = gson.get(elem).get("director") writers = gson.get(elem).get("writer") input.append([actors,directors,writers]) #imdbRating = float(gson.get(elem).get("imdbRating")) mediaAct, mediaDir, mediaWri = self.calcolaMedie(actors, directors, writers) vect = [1,mediaAct, mediaDir, mediaWri] vector.append(vect) #labels.append(int(imdbRating)) ## CAST PER CLASSI DISCRETE ## data = np.array(vector) #labels = np.array(labels) #train_data,test_data,train_labels,test_labels = train_test_split(data,labels, train_size= 0.5) #return train_data, train_labels,test_data,test_labels print "lettura terminata" return data,input def hypothesis(self,x,theta): l_theta = [] for i in range(len(theta)): #print theta[i] thetaX = x.dot(theta[i])# wx thetaX_exp = np.exp(thetaX) # exp(wx) l_theta.append(thetaX_exp) l_theta = np.array(l_theta) #print np.shape(l_theta) thetaX_exp_sum = np.sum(l_theta) # sum of exp(wx) #print thetaX_exp_sum p = l_theta.T / thetaX_exp_sum # 5xlen(x) predicted results if np.isinf(p).any(): # deal with overflow in results. inf_idx = np.isinf(p) # idx where overflow occurs val = np.sum(p, 0) / np.sum(inf_idx, 0) * inf_idx # values to be used to substitution p[inf_idx] = val[inf_idx] # substitute values return p.T #### predict the labels for a set of observations #### def test(self,data,theta): pred_lab = [] correct = 0 for i in range(len(data)): p = self.hypothesis(data[i], theta) max = 0 ind = 0 for k, x in enumerate(p): if x > max: max = x ind = k pred_lab.append(ind+1) '''for j in range(len(labels)): if labels[j] == pred_lab[j]: correct += 1 correctness = (correct * 100) / len(labels)''' return pred_lab #### predict the label for a single observation #### def singleTest(self,data,theta): max = 0 ind = 0 p = self.hypothesis(data,theta) for k, x in enumerate(p): if x > max: max = x ind = k pred_lab = ind+1 return pred_lab #### reads the theta from file #### def getTheta(self): filenameTheta = "thetas.txt" fileTheta = open(filenameTheta, 'r') lines = fileTheta.readlines() theta = [] for line in lines: line = line.replace("\n", "") line = line.rstrip() l = line.split(' ') for i in range(len(l)): l[i] = float(l[i]) theta.append(l) theta = np.array(theta) return theta #### print the results on a file in the case of a batch prediction #### def results(self,fileResult,input,pred_lab): fileRes = open(fileResult,'w') writer = csv.writer(fileRes,delimiter = ',') writer.writerow(("ACTORS","DIRECTORS","WRITERS","PREDICTED")) for i in range(len(pred_lab)): writer.writerow((input[i][0],input[i][1],input[i][2],pred_lab[i])) #writer.writerow(unicode(titles[i]) + unicode("\t") + unicode(labels[i]) + unicode("\t") + unicode( #pred_lab[i]) + unicode("\n")) fileRes.close() #### initialization for a set of predictions #### def init2(self,filename,fileResult): data,input =self.readData(filename) theta = self.getTheta() pred_lab = self.test(data,theta) self.results(fileResult,input,pred_lab) #print "ACCURACY ON TEST FILE IS: " + str(correctness) + "% " return 1 #### initialization for a single prediction #### def init(self,actors,directors,writers): act = [x for x in actors if x != "None"] dir = [x for x in directors if x != "None"] wri = [x for x in writers if x != "None"] mediaAct,mediaDir,mediaWri = self.calcolaMedie(act,dir,wri) data = [1,mediaAct,mediaDir,mediaWri] data = np.array(data) #data,labels = self.readData() filenameTheta = "thetas.txt" fileTheta = open(filenameTheta,'r') lines = fileTheta.readlines() theta = [] for line in lines: line = line.replace("\n","") line = line.rstrip() l = line.split(' ') for i in range(len(l)): l[i] = float(l[i]) theta.append(l) theta = np.array(theta) label = self.singleTest(data,theta) return label #print " LABEL PREDICTED: "+ str(label)
from google.appengine.ext import db class Stuff (db.Model): owner = db.UserProperty(required=True, auto_current_user=True) pulp = db.BlobProperty() class Greeting(db.Model): author = db.UserProperty() content = db.StringProperty(multiline=True) avatar = db.BlobProperty() date = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True) class Placebo(db.Model): developer = db.StringProperty() OID = db.StringProperty() concept = db.StringProperty() category = db.StringProperty() taxonomy = db.StringProperty() taxonomy_version = db.StringProperty() code = db.StringProperty() descriptor = db.StringProperty()
""" Care about audio fileformat """ try: from mutagen.flac import FLAC from mutagen.oggvorbis import OggVorbis except ImportError: pass import parser import mutagenstripper class MpegAudioStripper(parser.GenericParser): """ Represent mpeg audio file (mp3, ...) """ def _should_remove(self, field): return field.name in ("id3v1", "id3v2") class OggStripper(mutagenstripper.MutagenStripper): """ Represent an ogg vorbis file """ def _create_mfile(self): self.mfile = OggVorbis(self.filename) class FlacStripper(mutagenstripper.MutagenStripper): """ Represent a Flac audio file """ def _create_mfile(self): self.mfile = FLAC(self.filename) def remove_all(self): """ Remove the "metadata" block from the file """ super(FlacStripper, self).remove_all() self.mfile.clear_pictures() self.mfile.save() return True def is_clean(self): """ Check if the "metadata" block is present in the file """ return super(FlacStripper, self).is_clean() and not self.mfile.pictures def get_meta(self): """ Return the content of the metadata block if present """ metadata = super(FlacStripper, self).get_meta() if self.mfile.pictures: metadata['picture:'] = 'yes' return metadata
from .ctp_gateway import CtpGateway
from unittest import TestCase import neuropsydia as n n.start(open_window=False) class TestColor(TestCase): def test_is_string(self): c = n.color("w") self.assertTrue(isinstance(c, tuple))
"""The tower of Hanoi.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import division def tower_of_hanoi(height, from_pole, to_pole, with_pole, counter): """Tower of Hanoi. Time complexity: T(1) = 1, T(n) = 2T(n - 1) + 1 => O(2^n). Space complexity: O(1). """ if height == 1: counter[0] += 1 print('{0} -> {1}'.format(from_pole, to_pole)) else: tower_of_hanoi(height - 1, from_pole, with_pole, to_pole, counter) tower_of_hanoi(1, from_pole, to_pole, with_pole, counter) tower_of_hanoi(height - 1, with_pole, to_pole, from_pole, counter) def main(): from_pole = 'A' to_pole = 'B' with_pole = 'C' height = 1 counter = [0] print('height: {}'.format(height)) tower_of_hanoi(height, from_pole, to_pole, with_pole, counter) print('counter: {}'.format(counter[0])) height = 2 counter = [0] print('height: {}'.format(height)) tower_of_hanoi(height, from_pole, to_pole, with_pole, counter) print('counter: {}'.format(counter[0])) height = 5 counter = [0] print('height: {}'.format(height)) tower_of_hanoi(height, from_pole, to_pole, with_pole, counter) print('counter: {}'.format(counter[0])) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
from allauth.socialaccount import providers from allauth.socialaccount.providers.base import ProviderAccount from allauth.socialaccount.providers.oauth2.provider import OAuth2Provider class ShopifyAccount(ProviderAccount): pass class ShopifyProvider(OAuth2Provider): id = 'shopify' name = 'Shopify' account_class = ShopifyAccount def get_auth_params(self, request, action): ret = super(ShopifyProvider, self).get_auth_params(request, action) shop = request.GET.get('shop', None) if shop: ret.update({'shop': shop}) return ret def get_default_scope(self): return ['read_orders', 'read_products'] def extract_uid(self, data): return str(data['shop']['id']) def extract_common_fields(self, data): # See: https://docs.shopify.com/api/shop # User is only available with Shopify Plus, email is the only # common field return dict(email=data['shop']['email']) providers.registry.register(ShopifyProvider)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue Apr 18 12:04:44 2017 @author: rstreet """ from os import getcwd, path, remove, environ from sys import path as systempath cwd = getcwd() systempath.append(path.join(cwd,'..')) import artemis_subscriber import log_utilities import glob from datetime import datetime import pytz import survey_data_utilities import event_classes def test_read_ogle_param_files(): """Function to test whether the OGLE parameter files can be parsed properly """ # Note that OGLE lenses.par files are searched for using a glob call # which resolves the year suffices so that need not be given here config = { 'ogle_data_local_location': '../../data/', 'ogle_time_stamp_file': 'ogle.last.changed', 'ogle_lenses_file': 'lenses.par', 'ogle_updated_file': 'ogle.last.updated', } ogle_data = survey_data_utilities.read_ogle_param_files(config) last_changed = datetime(2016, 11, 2, 1, 4, 39, 360000) last_changed= last_changed.replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC) assert ogle_data.last_changed == last_changed last_updated = datetime(2017, 1, 23, 22, 30, 16) last_updated= last_updated.replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC) assert ogle_data.last_updated == last_updated assert len(ogle_data.lenses) == 1927 lens = event_classes.Lens() assert type(ogle_data.lenses['OGLE-2016-BLG-0110']) == type(lens) def test_read_moa_param_files(): """Function to test whether the MOA parameter files can be parsed properly """ config = { 'moa_data_local_location': '../../data/', 'moa_time_stamp_file': 'moa.last.changed', 'moa_lenses_file': 'moa_lenses.par', 'moa_updated_file': 'moa.last.updated', } moa_data = survey_data_utilities.read_moa_param_files(config) last_changed = datetime(2016, 11, 4, 4, 0, 35) last_changed= last_changed.replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC) assert moa_data.last_changed == last_changed last_updated = datetime(2017, 1, 23, 22, 30, 19) last_updated= last_updated.replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC) assert moa_data.last_updated == last_updated assert len(moa_data.lenses) == 618 lens = event_classes.Lens() assert type(moa_data.lenses['MOA-2016-BLG-618']) == type(lens) def test_scrape_rtmodel(): year = 2019 event='OB190011' output = survey_data_utilities.scrape_rtmodel(year, event) assert len(output) == 5 assert 'http' in output[0] assert 'http' in output[2] assert type(output[3]) == type(True) assert type(output[4]) == type(True) def test_scrape_mismap(): year = 2019 event='OB190011' output = survey_data_utilities.scrape_mismap(year, event) assert len(output) == 4 assert 'http' in output[0] assert 'png' in output[1] assert type(output[2]) == type(True) assert type(output[3]) == type(True) def test_scrape_moa(): year = 2019 event='OB190011' output = survey_data_utilities.scrape_moa(year, event) assert len(output) == 4 assert 'http' in output[0] assert 'jpg' in output[1] assert type(output[2]) == type(True) assert type(output[3]) == type(True) def test_scrape_kmt(): year = 2019 event='OB190335' output = survey_data_utilities.scrape_kmt(year, event) assert len(output) == 4 assert 'http' in output[0] assert 'jpg' in output[1] or 'N/A' in output[1] assert type(output[2]) == type(True) assert type(output[3]) == type(True) print(output) def test_fetch_ogle_fchart(): year = 2019 event='OB190011' output = survey_data_utilities.fetch_ogle_fchart(year, event) assert len(output) == 2 assert 'http' in output[0] assert 'jpg' in output[0] assert type(output[1]) == type(True) if __name__ == '__main__': #test_scrape_rtmodel() #test_scrape_mismap() #test_scrape_moa() test_scrape_kmt() #test_fetch_ogle_fchart()
## ## # File auto-generated against equivalent DynamicSerialize Java class # and then modified post-generation to use AbstractGfeRequest and # implement str(), repr() # # SOFTWARE HISTORY # # Date Ticket# Engineer Description # ------------ ---------- ----------- -------------------------- # xx/xx/?? dgilling Initial Creation. # 03/13/13 1759 dgilling Add software history header. # 05/13/15 4427 dgilling Add siteIdOverride field. # # from dynamicserialize.dstypes.com.raytheon.uf.common.dataplugin.gfe.request import AbstractGfeRequest from dynamicserialize.dstypes.com.raytheon.uf.common.message import WsId class ExecuteIfpNetCDFGridRequest(AbstractGfeRequest): def __init__(self, outputFilename=None, parmList=[], databaseID=None, startTime=None, endTime=None, mask=None, geoInfo=False, compressFile=False, configFileName=None, compressFileFactor=0, trim=False, krunch=False, userID=None, logFileName=None, siteIdOverride=None): super(ExecuteIfpNetCDFGridRequest, self).__init__() self.outputFilename = outputFilename self.parmList = parmList self.databaseID = databaseID self.startTime = startTime self.endTime = endTime self.mask = mask self.geoInfo = geoInfo self.compressFile = compressFile self.configFileName = configFileName self.compressFileFactor = compressFileFactor self.trim = trim self.krunch = krunch self.userID = userID self.logFileName = logFileName self.siteIdOverride = siteIdOverride if self.userID is not None: self.workstationID = WsId(progName='ifpnetCDF', userName=self.userID) if self.databaseID is not None: self.siteID = self.databaseID.getSiteId() def __str__(self): retVal = "ExecuteIfpNetCDFGridRequest[" retVal += "wokstationID: " + str(self.workstationID) + ", " retVal += "siteID: " + str(self.siteID) + ", " retVal += "outputFilename: " + str(self.outputFilename) + ", " retVal += "parmList: " + str(self.parmList) + ", " retVal += "databaseID: " + str(self.databaseID) + ", " retVal += "startTime: " + str(self.startTime) + ", " retVal += "endTime: " + str(self.endTime) + ", " retVal += "mask: " + str(self.mask) + ", " retVal += "geoInfo: " + str(self.geoInfo) + ", " retVal += "compressFile: " + str(self.compressFile) + ", " retVal += "configFileName: " + str(self.configFileName) + ", " retVal += "compressFileFactor: " + str(self.compressFileFactor) + ", " retVal += "trim: " + str(self.trim) + ", " retVal += "krunch: " + str(self.krunch) + ", " retVal += "userID: " + str(self.userID) + ", " retVal += "logFileName: " + str(self.logFileName) + ", " retVal += "siteIdOverride: " + str(self.siteIdOverride) retVal += "]" return retVal def __repr__(self): retVal = "ExecuteIfpNetCDFGridRequest(" retVal += "wokstationID=" + repr(self.workstationID) + ", " retVal += "siteID=" + repr(self.siteID) + ", " retVal += "outputFilename=" + repr(self.outputFilename) + ", " retVal += "parmList=" + repr(self.parmList) + ", " retVal += "databaseID=" + repr(self.databaseID) + ", " retVal += "startTime=" + repr(self.startTime) + ", " retVal += "endTime=" + repr(self.endTime) + ", " retVal += "mask=" + repr(self.mask) + ", " retVal += "geoInfo=" + repr(self.geoInfo) + ", " retVal += "compressFile=" + repr(self.compressFile) + ", " retVal += "configFileName=" + repr(self.configFileName) + ", " retVal += "compressFileFactor=" + repr(self.compressFileFactor) + ", " retVal += "trim=" + repr(self.trim) + ", " retVal += "krunch=" + repr(self.krunch) + ", " retVal += "userID=" + repr(self.userID) + ", " retVal += "logFileName=" + repr(self.logFileName) + ", " retVal += "siteIdOverride: " + str(self.siteIdOverride) retVal += ")" return retVal def getOutputFilename(self): return self.outputFilename def setOutputFilename(self, outputFilename): self.outputFilename = outputFilename def getParmList(self): return self.parmList def setParmList(self, parmList): self.parmList = parmList def getDatabaseID(self): return self.databaseID def setDatabaseID(self, databaseID): self.databaseID = databaseID def getStartTime(self): return self.startTime def setStartTime(self, startTime): self.startTime = startTime def getEndTime(self): return self.endTime def setEndTime(self, endTime): self.endTime = endTime def getMask(self): return self.mask def setMask(self, mask): self.mask = mask def getGeoInfo(self): return self.geoInfo def setGeoInfo(self, geoInfo): self.geoInfo = geoInfo def getCompressFile(self): return self.compressFile def setCompressFile(self, compressFile): self.compressFile = compressFile def getConfigFileName(self): return self.configFileName def setConfigFileName(self, configFileName): self.configFileName = configFileName def getCompressFileFactor(self): return self.compressFileFactor def setCompressFileFactor(self, compressFileFactor): self.compressFileFactor = compressFileFactor def getTrim(self): return self.trim def setTrim(self, trim): self.trim = trim def getKrunch(self): return self.krunch def setKrunch(self, krunch): self.krunch = krunch def getUserID(self): return self.userID def setUserID(self, userID): self.userID = userID def getLogFileName(self): return self.logFileName def setLogFileName(self, logFileName): self.logFileName = logFileName def getSiteIdOverride(self): return self.siteIdOverride def setSiteIdOverride(self, siteIdOverride): self.siteIdOverride = siteIdOverride
from __future__ import absolute_import from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod import weakref import functools # Decorator to target specific messages. def targets(target_messages, no_first=False): if isinstance(target_messages, str): target_messages = [target_messages] def wrapper(f): @functools.wraps(f) def _(self, *args, **kwargs): message = args[0] if message in target_messages: if no_first and kwargs["i"] == 0: return f(self, *args, **kwargs) return _ return wrapper class Observer(object): __metaclass__ = ABCMeta @abstractmethod def update(self, *args, **kwargs): pass class Observable(object): def __init__(self): self.observers = weakref.WeakSet() def register(self, observer): self.observers.add(observer) def unregister(self, observer): self.observers.discard(observer) def unregister_all(self): self.observers.clear() def update_observers(self, *args, **kwargs): for observer in self.observers: observer.update(*args, **kwargs) def __getstate__(self): state = self.__dict__.copy() # Do not try to pickle observers. del state["observers"] return state
import numpy as np from numpy.testing import * from numpy.testing.noseclasses import KnownFailureTest import nose def test_slow(): @dec.slow def slow_func(x,y,z): pass assert_(slow_func.slow) def test_setastest(): @dec.setastest() def f_default(a): pass @dec.setastest(True) def f_istest(a): pass @dec.setastest(False) def f_isnottest(a): pass assert_(f_default.__test__) assert_(f_istest.__test__) assert_(not f_isnottest.__test__) class DidntSkipException(Exception): pass def test_skip_functions_hardcoded(): @dec.skipif(True) def f1(x): raise DidntSkipException try: f1('a') except DidntSkipException: raise Exception('Failed to skip') except nose.SkipTest: pass @dec.skipif(False) def f2(x): raise DidntSkipException try: f2('a') except DidntSkipException: pass except nose.SkipTest: raise Exception('Skipped when not expected to') def test_skip_functions_callable(): def skip_tester(): return skip_flag == 'skip me!' @dec.skipif(skip_tester) def f1(x): raise DidntSkipException try: skip_flag = 'skip me!' f1('a') except DidntSkipException: raise Exception('Failed to skip') except nose.SkipTest: pass @dec.skipif(skip_tester) def f2(x): raise DidntSkipException try: skip_flag = 'five is right out!' f2('a') except DidntSkipException: pass except nose.SkipTest: raise Exception('Skipped when not expected to') def test_skip_generators_hardcoded(): @dec.knownfailureif(True, "This test is known to fail") def g1(x): for i in xrange(x): yield i try: for j in g1(10): pass except KnownFailureTest: pass else: raise Exception('Failed to mark as known failure') @dec.knownfailureif(False, "This test is NOT known to fail") def g2(x): for i in xrange(x): yield i raise DidntSkipException('FAIL') try: for j in g2(10): pass except KnownFailureTest: raise Exception('Marked incorretly as known failure') except DidntSkipException: pass def test_skip_generators_callable(): def skip_tester(): return skip_flag == 'skip me!' @dec.knownfailureif(skip_tester, "This test is known to fail") def g1(x): for i in xrange(x): yield i try: skip_flag = 'skip me!' for j in g1(10): pass except KnownFailureTest: pass else: raise Exception('Failed to mark as known failure') @dec.knownfailureif(skip_tester, "This test is NOT known to fail") def g2(x): for i in xrange(x): yield i raise DidntSkipException('FAIL') try: skip_flag = 'do not skip' for j in g2(10): pass except KnownFailureTest: raise Exception('Marked incorretly as known failure') except DidntSkipException: pass def test_deprecated(): @dec.deprecated(True) def non_deprecated_func(): pass @dec.deprecated() def deprecated_func(): import warnings warnings.warn("TEST: deprecated func", DeprecationWarning) @dec.deprecated() def deprecated_func2(): import warnings warnings.warn("AHHHH") raise ValueError @dec.deprecated() def deprecated_func3(): import warnings warnings.warn("AHHHH") # marked as deprecated, but does not raise DeprecationWarning assert_raises(AssertionError, non_deprecated_func) # should be silent deprecated_func() # fails if deprecated decorator just disables test. See #1453. assert_raises(ValueError, deprecated_func2) # first warnings is not a DeprecationWarning assert_raises(AssertionError, deprecated_func3) if __name__ == '__main__': run_module_suite()
""" WSGI config for mng_files project. It exposes the WSGI callable as a module-level variable named ``application``. For more information on this file, see https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.0/howto/deployment/wsgi/ """ import os import sys path = os.path.abspath(__file__+'/../..') if path not in sys.path: sys.path.append(path) from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "mng_files.settings") application = get_wsgi_application()
__author__ = 'bromix' import xbmcgui from ..abstract_progress_dialog import AbstractProgressDialog class XbmcProgressDialog(AbstractProgressDialog): def __init__(self, heading, text): AbstractProgressDialog.__init__(self, 100) self._dialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() self._dialog.create(heading, text) # simple reset because KODI won't do it :( self._position = 1 self.update(steps=-1) def close(self): if self._dialog: self._dialog.close() self._dialog = None def update(self, steps=1, text=None): self._position += steps position = int(float(100.0 / self._total) * self._position) if isinstance(text, basestring): self._dialog.update(position, text) else: self._dialog.update(position) def is_aborted(self): return self._dialog.iscanceled()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ test_transaction.py :copyright: (C) 2014-2015 by Openlabs Technologies & Consulting (P) Limited :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. """ import unittest import datetime import random import authorize from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta from trytond.tests.test_tryton import DB_NAME, USER, CONTEXT, POOL import trytond.tests.test_tryton from trytond.transaction import Transaction from trytond.exceptions import UserError class TestTransaction(unittest.TestCase): """ Test transaction """ def setUp(self): """ Set up data used in the tests. """ trytond.tests.test_tryton.install_module('payment_gateway') self.Currency = POOL.get('currency.currency') self.Company = POOL.get('company.company') self.Party = POOL.get('party.party') self.User = POOL.get('res.user') self.Journal = POOL.get('account.journal') self.PaymentGateway = POOL.get('payment_gateway.gateway') self.PaymentTransaction = POOL.get('payment_gateway.transaction') self.AccountMove = POOL.get('account.move') self.PaymentProfile = POOL.get('party.payment_profile') self.UseCardView = POOL.get('payment_gateway.transaction.use_card.view') def _create_fiscal_year(self, date=None, company=None): """ Creates a fiscal year and requried sequences """ FiscalYear = POOL.get('account.fiscalyear') Sequence = POOL.get('ir.sequence') Company = POOL.get('company.company') if date is None: date = datetime.date.today() if company is None: company, = Company.search([], limit=1) fiscal_year, = FiscalYear.create([{ 'name': '%s' % date.year, 'start_date': date + relativedelta(month=1, day=1), 'end_date': date + relativedelta(month=12, day=31), 'company': company, 'post_move_sequence': Sequence.create([{ 'name': '%s' % date.year, 'code': 'account.move', 'company': company, }])[0], }]) FiscalYear.create_period([fiscal_year]) return fiscal_year def _create_coa_minimal(self, company): """Create a minimal chart of accounts """ AccountTemplate = POOL.get('account.account.template') Account = POOL.get('account.account') account_create_chart = POOL.get( 'account.create_chart', type="wizard") account_template, = AccountTemplate.search( [('parent', '=', None)] ) session_id, _, _ = account_create_chart.create() create_chart = account_create_chart(session_id) create_chart.account.account_template = account_template create_chart.account.company = company create_chart.transition_create_account() receivable, = Account.search([ ('kind', '=', 'receivable'), ('company', '=', company), ]) payable, = Account.search([ ('kind', '=', 'payable'), ('company', '=', company), ]) create_chart.properties.company = company create_chart.properties.account_receivable = receivable create_chart.properties.account_payable = payable create_chart.transition_create_properties() def _get_account_by_kind(self, kind, company=None, silent=True): """Returns an account with given spec :param kind: receivable/payable/expense/revenue :param silent: dont raise error if account is not found """ Account = POOL.get('account.account') Company = POOL.get('company.company') if company is None: company, = Company.search([], limit=1) accounts = Account.search([ ('kind', '=', kind), ('company', '=', company) ], limit=1) if not accounts and not silent: raise Exception("Account not found") if not accounts: return None account, = accounts return account def setup_defaults(self): """ Creates default data for testing """ currency, = self.Currency.create([{ 'name': 'US Dollar', 'code': 'USD', 'symbol': '$', }]) with Transaction().set_context(company=None): company_party, = self.Party.create([{ 'name': 'Openlabs' }]) self.company, = self.Company.create([{ 'party': company_party, 'currency': currency, }]) self.User.write([self.User(USER)], { 'company': self.company, 'main_company': self.company, }) CONTEXT.update(self.User.get_preferences(context_only=True)) # Create Fiscal Year self._create_fiscal_year(company=self.company.id) # Create Chart of Accounts self._create_coa_minimal(company=self.company.id) # Create Cash journal self.cash_journal, = self.Journal.search( [('type', '=', 'cash')], limit=1 ) self.Journal.write([self.cash_journal], { 'debit_account': self._get_account_by_kind('expense').id }) self.auth_net_gateway = self.PaymentGateway( name='Authorize.net', journal=self.cash_journal, provider='authorize_net', method='credit_card', authorize_net_login='327deWY74422', authorize_net_transaction_key='32jF65cTxja88ZA2', test=True ) self.auth_net_gateway.save() # Create parties self.party1, = self.Party.create([{ 'name': 'Test party - 1', 'addresses': [('create', [{ 'name': 'Test Party %s' % random.randint(1, 999), 'street': 'Test Street %s' % random.randint(1, 999), 'city': 'Test City %s' % random.randint(1, 999), }])], 'account_receivable': self._get_account_by_kind( 'receivable').id, }]) self.party2, = self.Party.create([{ 'name': 'Test party - 2', 'addresses': [('create', [{ 'name': 'Test Party', 'street': 'Test Street', 'city': 'Test City', }])], 'account_receivable': self._get_account_by_kind( 'receivable').id, }]) self.party3, = self.Party.create([{ 'name': 'Test party - 3', 'addresses': [('create', [{ 'name': 'Test Party', 'street': 'Test Street', 'city': 'Test City', }])], 'account_receivable': self._get_account_by_kind( 'receivable').id, }]) self.card_data1 = self.UseCardView( number='4111111111111111', expiry_month='04', expiry_year=str(random.randint(2016, 2020)), csc=str(random.randint(100, 555)), owner='Test User -1', ) self.card_data2 = self.UseCardView( number='4111111111111111', expiry_month='08', expiry_year=str(random.randint(2016, 2020)), csc=str(random.randint(556, 999)), owner='Test User -2', ) self.invalid_card_data = self.UseCardView( number='4111111111111111', expiry_month='08', expiry_year='2022', csc=str(911), owner='Test User -2', ) self.payment_profile = self.PaymentProfile( party=self.party1, address=self.party1.addresses[0].id, gateway=self.auth_net_gateway.id, last_4_digits='1111', expiry_month='01', expiry_year='2018', provider_reference='27527167', authorize_profile_id='28545177', ) self.payment_profile.save() def test_0010_test_add_payment_profile(self): """ Test adding payment profile to a Party """ with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, context=CONTEXT): self.setup_defaults() ProfileWizard = POOL.get( 'party.party.payment_profile.add', type="wizard" ) profile_wizard = ProfileWizard( ProfileWizard.create()[0] ) profile_wizard.card_info.owner = self.party2.name profile_wizard.card_info.number = self.card_data1['number'] profile_wizard.card_info.expiry_month = self.card_data1[ 'expiry_month'] profile_wizard.card_info.expiry_year = self.card_data1[ 'expiry_year'] profile_wizard.card_info.csc = self.card_data1['csc'] profile_wizard.card_info.gateway = self.auth_net_gateway profile_wizard.card_info.provider = self.auth_net_gateway.provider profile_wizard.card_info.address = self.party2.addresses[0] profile_wizard.card_info.party = self.party2 with Transaction().set_context(return_profile=True): profile = profile_wizard.transition_add() self.assertEqual(profile.party.id, self.party2.id) self.assertEqual(profile.gateway, self.auth_net_gateway) self.assertEqual( profile.last_4_digits, self.card_data1['number'][-4:] ) self.assertEqual( profile.expiry_month, self.card_data1['expiry_month'] ) self.assertEqual( profile.expiry_year, self.card_data1['expiry_year'] ) self.assertIsNotNone(profile.authorize_profile_id) def test_0020_test_transaction_capture(self): """ Test capture transaction """ with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, context=CONTEXT): self.setup_defaults() with Transaction().set_context({'company': self.company.id}): # Case I: Payment Profile transaction1, = self.PaymentTransaction.create([{ 'party': self.party1.id, 'address': self.party1.addresses[0].id, 'payment_profile': self.payment_profile.id, 'gateway': self.auth_net_gateway.id, 'amount': random.randint(1, 5), }]) self.assert_(transaction1) self.assertEqual(transaction1.state, 'draft') # Capture transaction self.PaymentTransaction.capture([transaction1]) self.assertEqual(transaction1.state, 'posted') # Case II: No Payment Profile transaction2, = self.PaymentTransaction.create([{ 'party': self.party2.id, 'address': self.party2.addresses[0].id, 'gateway': self.auth_net_gateway.id, 'amount': random.randint(6, 10), }]) self.assert_(transaction2) self.assertEqual(transaction2.state, 'draft') # Capture transaction transaction2.capture_authorize_net(card_info=self.card_data1) self.assertEqual(transaction2.state, 'posted') # Case III: Transaction Failure on invalid amount transaction3, = self.PaymentTransaction.create([{ 'party': self.party1.id, 'address': self.party1.addresses[0].id, 'payment_profile': self.payment_profile.id, 'gateway': self.auth_net_gateway.id, 'amount': 0, }]) self.assert_(transaction3) self.assertEqual(transaction3.state, 'draft') # Capture transaction self.PaymentTransaction.capture([transaction3]) self.assertEqual(transaction3.state, 'failed') # Case IV: Assert error when new customer is there with # no payment profile and card info transaction4, = self.PaymentTransaction.create([{ 'party': self.party3.id, 'address': self.party3.addresses[0].id, 'gateway': self.auth_net_gateway.id, 'amount': random.randint(1, 5), }]) self.assert_(transaction4) self.assertEqual(transaction4.state, 'draft') self.assertEqual( transaction4.get_authorize_net_request_data(), {'amount': transaction4.amount} ) # Capture transaction with self.assertRaises(UserError): self.PaymentTransaction.capture([transaction4]) def test_0030_test_transaction_auth_only(self): """ Test auth_only transaction """ with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, context=CONTEXT): self.setup_defaults() with Transaction().set_context({'company': self.company.id}): # Case I: Payment Profile transaction1, = self.PaymentTransaction.create([{ 'party': self.party1.id, 'address': self.party1.addresses[0].id, 'payment_profile': self.payment_profile.id, 'gateway': self.auth_net_gateway.id, 'amount': random.randint(6, 10), }]) self.assert_(transaction1) self.assertEqual(transaction1.state, 'draft') # Authorize transaction self.PaymentTransaction.authorize([transaction1]) self.assertEqual(transaction1.state, 'authorized') # Case II: No Payment Profile transaction2, = self.PaymentTransaction.create([{ 'party': self.party2.id, 'address': self.party2.addresses[0].id, 'gateway': self.auth_net_gateway.id, 'amount': random.randint(1, 5), }]) self.assert_(transaction2) self.assertEqual(transaction2.state, 'draft') # Authorize transaction transaction2.authorize_authorize_net(card_info=self.card_data1) self.assertEqual(transaction2.state, 'authorized') # Case III: Transaction Failure on invalid amount transaction3, = self.PaymentTransaction.create([{ 'party': self.party1.id, 'address': self.party1.addresses[0].id, 'payment_profile': self.payment_profile.id, 'gateway': self.auth_net_gateway.id, 'amount': 0, }]) self.assert_(transaction3) self.assertEqual(transaction3.state, 'draft') # Authorize transaction self.PaymentTransaction.authorize([transaction3]) self.assertEqual(transaction3.state, 'failed') # Case IV: Assert error when new customer is there with # no payment profile and card info transaction3, = self.PaymentTransaction.create([{ 'party': self.party3.id, 'address': self.party3.addresses[0].id, 'gateway': self.auth_net_gateway.id, 'amount': random.randint(1, 5), }]) self.assert_(transaction3) self.assertEqual(transaction3.state, 'draft') # Authorize transaction with self.assertRaises(UserError): self.PaymentTransaction.authorize([transaction3]) def test_0040_test_transaction_auth_and_settle(self): """ Test auth_and_settle transaction """ with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, context=CONTEXT): self.setup_defaults() with Transaction().set_context({'company': self.company.id}): # Case I: Same or less amount than authorized amount transaction1, = self.PaymentTransaction.create([{ 'party': self.party3.id, 'address': self.party3.addresses[0].id, 'gateway': self.auth_net_gateway.id, 'amount': random.randint(6, 10), }]) self.assert_(transaction1) self.assertEqual(transaction1.state, 'draft') # Authorize transaction transaction1.authorize_authorize_net(card_info=self.card_data1) self.assertEqual(transaction1.state, 'authorized') # Assert if transaction succeeds self.PaymentTransaction.settle([transaction1]) self.assertEqual(transaction1.state, 'posted') # Case II: More amount than authorized amount transaction2, = self.PaymentTransaction.create([{ 'party': self.party3.id, 'address': self.party3.addresses[0].id, 'gateway': self.auth_net_gateway.id, 'amount': random.randint(1, 5), }]) self.assert_(transaction2) self.assertEqual(transaction2.state, 'draft') # Authorize transaction transaction2.authorize_authorize_net(card_info=self.card_data2) self.assertEqual(transaction2.state, 'authorized') # Assert if transaction fails. self.PaymentTransaction.write([transaction2], { 'amount': 6, }) self.PaymentTransaction.settle([transaction2]) self.assertEqual(transaction2.state, 'failed') def test_0050_test_transaction_auth_and_cancel(self): """ Test auth_and_void transaction """ with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, context=CONTEXT): self.setup_defaults() with Transaction().set_context({'company': self.company.id}): transaction1, = self.PaymentTransaction.create([{ 'party': self.party2.id, 'address': self.party2.addresses[0].id, 'gateway': self.auth_net_gateway.id, 'amount': random.randint(6, 10), 'state': 'in-progress', }]) self.assert_(transaction1) self.assertEqual(transaction1.state, 'in-progress') # Assert User error if cancel request is sent # in state other than authorized with self.assertRaises(UserError): self.PaymentTransaction.cancel([transaction1]) transaction1.state = 'draft' transaction1.save() # Authorize transaction transaction1.authorize_authorize_net(card_info=self.card_data1) self.assertEqual(transaction1.state, 'authorized') # Settle transaction self.PaymentTransaction.cancel([transaction1]) self.assertEqual(transaction1.state, 'cancel') def test_0060_test_duplicate_payment_profile(self): """ Test that workflow is not effected if duplicate payment profile is there on authorize.net """ with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, context=CONTEXT): self.setup_defaults() customer = authorize.Customer.create() authorize.CreditCard.create(customer.customer_id, { 'card_number': '4111111111111111', 'card_code': '523', 'expiration_date': '05/2023', 'billing': self.party2.addresses[0].get_authorize_address( 'Test User' ), }) # Create a payment profile with some random payment id payment_profile = self.PaymentProfile( party=self.party2, address=self.party2.addresses[0].id, gateway=self.auth_net_gateway.id, last_4_digits='1111', expiry_month='05', expiry_year='2023', provider_reference='67382920', authorize_profile_id=customer.customer_id, ) payment_profile.save() # Create payment profile with same details as above ProfileWizard = POOL.get( 'party.party.payment_profile.add', type="wizard" ) profile_wizard = ProfileWizard( ProfileWizard.create()[0] ) profile_wizard.card_info.owner = 'Test User' profile_wizard.card_info.number = '4111111111111111' profile_wizard.card_info.expiry_month = '05' profile_wizard.card_info.expiry_year = '2023' profile_wizard.card_info.csc = '523' profile_wizard.card_info.gateway = self.auth_net_gateway profile_wizard.card_info.provider = self.auth_net_gateway.provider profile_wizard.card_info.address = self.party2.addresses[0] profile_wizard.card_info.party = self.party2 with Transaction().set_context(return_profile=True): profile = profile_wizard.transition_add() self.assertEqual(profile.party.id, self.party2.id) self.assertEqual(profile.gateway, self.auth_net_gateway) self.assertEqual( profile.last_4_digits, '1111' ) self.assertEqual( profile.expiry_month, '05' ) self.assertEqual( profile.expiry_year, '2023' ) self.assertIsNotNone(profile.authorize_profile_id) self.assertEqual( profile.authorize_profile_id, payment_profile.authorize_profile_id ) def test_0070_test_duplicate_shipping_address(self): """ Test that workflow is not effected if duplicate shipping address is sent. """ with Transaction().start(DB_NAME, USER, context=CONTEXT): self.setup_defaults() customer = authorize.Customer.create() authorize.Address.create( customer.customer_id, self.party1.addresses[0].get_authorize_address() ) # Try creating shipping address with same address new_address_id = self.party2.addresses[0].send_to_authorize( customer.customer_id ) self.assert_(new_address_id) def suite(): "Define suite" test_suite = trytond.tests.test_tryton.suite() test_suite.addTests( unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestTransaction) ) return test_suite if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite())
""" CursorWrapper (like django.db.backends.utils) """ import decimal import logging import warnings from itertools import islice from typing import Any, Callable, Iterable, Iterator, List, Tuple, TypeVar, Union, overload from django.db import models, NotSupportedError from django.db.models.sql import subqueries, Query, RawQuery from salesforce.backend import DJANGO_30_PLUS from salesforce.dbapi.driver import ( DatabaseError, InternalError, SalesforceWarning, merge_dict, register_conversion, arg_to_json) from salesforce.fields import NOT_UPDATEABLE, NOT_CREATEABLE V = TypeVar('V') if not DJANGO_30_PLUS: # a "do nothing" stub for Django < 3.0, where is no decorator @async_unsafe F = TypeVar('F', bound=Callable) F2 = TypeVar('F2', bound=Callable) @overload def async_unsafe(message: F) -> F: ... @overload def async_unsafe(message: str) -> Callable[[F2], F2]: ... def async_unsafe(message: Union[F, str]) -> Union[F, Callable[[F2], F2]]: def decorator(func: F2) -> F2: return func # If the message is actually a function, then be a no-arguments decorator. if callable(message): func = message message = 'You cannot call this from an async context - use a thread or sync_to_async.' return decorator(func) return decorator else: from django.utils.asyncio import ( # type: ignore[import,no-redef] # noqa pylint:disable=unused-import,ungrouped-imports async_unsafe ) log = logging.getLogger(__name__) DJANGO_DATETIME_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f-00:00' MIGRATIONS_QUERY_TO_BE_IGNORED = "SELECT django_migrations.app, django_migrations.name FROM django_migrations" def extract_values(query): """ Extract values from insert or update query. Supports bulk_create """ if isinstance(query, subqueries.UpdateQuery): row = query.values return extract_values_inner(row, query) if isinstance(query, subqueries.InsertQuery): ret = [] for row in query.objs: ret.append(extract_values_inner(row, query)) return ret raise NotSupportedError def extract_values_inner(row, query): d = dict() fields = query.model._meta.fields for _, field in enumerate(fields): sf_read_only = getattr(field, 'sf_read_only', 0) is_date_auto = getattr(field, 'auto_now', False) or getattr(field, 'auto_now_add', False) if field.get_internal_type() == 'AutoField': continue if isinstance(query, subqueries.UpdateQuery): if (sf_read_only & NOT_UPDATEABLE) != 0 or is_date_auto: continue value_or_empty = [value for qfield, model, value in query.values if qfield.name == field.name] if value_or_empty: [value] = value_or_empty else: assert len(query.values) < len(fields), \ "Match name can miss only with an 'update_fields' argument." continue if hasattr(value, 'default'): warnings.warn( "The field '{}.{}' has been saved again with DEFAULTED_ON_CREATE value. " "It is better to set a real value to it or to refresh it from the database " "or restrict updated fields explicitly by 'update_fields='." .format(field.model._meta.object_name, field.name), SalesforceWarning ) continue elif isinstance(query, subqueries.InsertQuery): value = getattr(row, field.attname) if (sf_read_only & NOT_CREATEABLE) != 0 or hasattr(value, 'default'): continue # skip not createable or DEFAULTED_ON_CREATE else: raise InternalError('invalid query type') d[field.column] = arg_to_json(value) return d class CursorWrapper: """ A wrapper that emulates the behavior of a database cursor. This is the class that is actually responsible for making connections to the SF REST API """ # pylint:disable=too-many-instance-attributes,too-many-public-methods def __init__(self, db): """ Connect to the Salesforce API. """ self.db = db self.query = None self.session = db.sf_session # this creates a TCP connection if doesn't exist self.rowcount = None self.first_row = None self.lastrowid = None # not moved to driver because INSERT is implemented here self.cursor = self.db.connection.cursor() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.close() @property def oauth(self): return self.session.auth.get_auth() def execute(self, q, args=()): """ Send a query to the Salesforce API. """ # pylint:disable=too-many-branches self.rowcount = None response = None if self.query is None: self.execute_select(q, args) else: response = self.execute_django(q, args) if isinstance(response, list): return # the encoding is detected automatically, e.g. from headers if response and response.text: # parse_float set to decimal.Decimal to avoid precision errors when # converting from the json number to a float and then to a Decimal object # on a model's DecimalField. This converts from json number directly # to a Decimal object data = response.json(parse_float=decimal.Decimal) # a SELECT query if 'totalSize' in data: # SELECT self.rowcount = data['totalSize'] # a successful INSERT query, return after getting PK elif 'success' in data and 'id' in data: self.lastrowid = data['id'] return elif 'compositeResponse' in data: # TODO treat error reporting for composite requests self.lastrowid = [x['body']['id'] if x['body'] is not None else x['referenceId'] for x in data['compositeResponse']] return elif data['hasErrors'] is False: # it is from Composite Batch request # save id from bulk_create even if Django don't use it if data['results'] and data['results'][0]['result']: self.lastrowid = [item['result']['id'] for item in data['results']] return # something we don't recognize else: raise DatabaseError(data) if not q.upper().startswith('SELECT COUNT() FROM'): self.first_row = data['records'][0] if data['records'] else None def prepare_query(self, query): self.query = query def execute_django(self, soql: str, args: Tuple[Any, ...] = ()): """ Fixed execute for queries coming from Django query compilers """ response = None sqltype = soql.split(None, 1)[0].upper() if isinstance(self.query, subqueries.InsertQuery): response = self.execute_insert(self.query) elif isinstance(self.query, subqueries.UpdateQuery): response = self.execute_update(self.query) elif isinstance(self.query, subqueries.DeleteQuery): response = self.execute_delete(self.query) elif isinstance(self.query, RawQuery): self.execute_select(soql, args) elif sqltype in ('SAVEPOINT', 'ROLLBACK', 'RELEASE'): log.info("Ignored SQL command '%s'", sqltype) return elif isinstance(self.query, Query): self.execute_select(soql, args) else: raise DatabaseError("Unsupported query: type %s: %s" % (type(self.query), self.query)) return response def execute_select(self, soql: str, args) -> None: if soql != MIGRATIONS_QUERY_TO_BE_IGNORED: # normal query query_all = self.query and self.query.sf_params.query_all tooling_api = self.query and self.query.model._meta.sf_tooling_api_model self.cursor.execute(soql, args, query_all=query_all, tooling_api=tooling_api) else: # Nothing queried about django_migrations to SFDC and immediately responded that # nothing about migration status is recorded in SFDC. # # That is required by "makemigrations" to accept this query. # Empty results are possible. # (It could be eventually replaced by: "SELECT app__c, Name FROM django_migrations__c") self.cursor._iter = iter([]) # pylint:disable=protected-access self.cursor.rowcount = 0 self.rowcount = self.cursor.rowcount def execute_insert(self, query): table = query.model._meta.db_table if table == 'django_migrations': return post_data = extract_values(query) obj_url = self.db.connection.rest_api_url('sobjects', table, relative=True) if len(post_data) == 1: # single object post_data = post_data[0] return self.handle_api_exceptions('POST', obj_url, json=post_data) if self.db.connection.composite_type == 'sobject-collections': # SObject Collections records = [merge_dict(x, type_=table) for x in post_data] all_or_none = query.sf_params.all_or_none ret = self.db.connection.sobject_collections_request('POST', records, all_or_none=all_or_none) self.lastrowid = ret self.rowcount = len(ret) return # composite by REST composite_data = [{'method': 'POST', 'url': obj_url, 'referenceId': str(i), 'body': row} for i, row in enumerate(post_data)] ret = self.db.connection.composite_request(composite_data) return ret def get_pks_from_query(self, query): """Prepare primary keys for update and delete queries""" where = query.where sql = None if where.connector == 'AND' and not where.negated and len(where.children) == 1: # simple cases are optimized, especially because a suboptimal # nested query based on the same table is not allowed by SF child = where.children[0] if (hasattr(child, 'lookup_name') and child.lookup_name in ('exact', 'in') and child.lhs.target.column == 'Id' and not child.bilateral_transforms and child.lhs.target.model is self.query.model): pks = child.rhs if child.lookup_name == 'exact': assert isinstance(pks, str) return [pks] # lookup_name 'in' assert not child.bilateral_transforms if isinstance(pks, (tuple, list)): return pks # 'sf_params' are also in 'pks' only in Django >= 2.0, therefore check query.sf_params assert (isinstance(pks, Query) and type(pks).__name__ == 'SalesforceQuery' or query.sf_params.edge_updates), ( "Too complicated queryset.update(). Rewrite it by two querysets. " "See docs wiki/error-messages") # # alternative solution: # return list(salesforce.backend.query.SalesforceQuerySet(pk.model, query=pk, using=pk._db)) sql, params = pks.get_compiler('salesforce').as_sql() if not sql: # a subquery is necessary in this case where_sql, params = where.as_sql(query.get_compiler('salesforce'), self.db.connection) sql = "SELECT Id FROM {}".format(query.model._meta.db_table) if where_sql: sql += " WHERE {}".format(where_sql) with self.db.cursor() as cur: cur.execute(sql, params) assert len(cur.description) == 1 and cur.description[0][0] == 'Id' return [x[0] for x in cur] def execute_tooling_update(self, query): table = query.model._meta.db_table post_data = extract_values(query) pks = self.get_pks_from_query(query) assert len(pks) == 1 pk = pks[0] value_map = {qfield.db_column: value for qfield, _, value in query.values} if 'Metadata' in value_map and 'FullName' in value_map and 'DurableId' in value_map: ret = self.db.connection.handle_api_exceptions( 'PATCH', 'tooling/sobjects', table, value_map['DurableId'], json={'Metadata': value_map['Metadata'], 'FullName': value_map['FullName']} ) elif pk == '000000000000000AAA': pks = value_map['DurableId'] post_data = dict(**{"attributes": {"type": query.model._meta.db_table}}, **post_data) obj_url = self.db.connection.rest_api_url('tooling/sobjects', table, value_map['DurableId'], relative=True) ret = self.db.connection.handle_api_exceptions('PATCH', obj_url, json=value_map) else: obj_url = self.db.connection.rest_api_url('tooling/sobjects', table, pk, relative=True) ret = self.db.connection.handle_api_exceptions('PATCH', obj_url, json=post_data) assert ret.status_code == 204 self.rowcount = 1 def execute_update(self, query): if query.model._meta.sf_tooling_api_model: return self.execute_tooling_update(query) table = query.model._meta.db_table post_data = extract_values(query) pks = self.get_pks_from_query(query) log.debug('UPDATE %s(%s)%r', table, pks, post_data) if not pks: return obj_url = self.db.connection.rest_api_url('sobjects', table, '', relative=True) if len(pks) == 1: # single request ret = self.handle_api_exceptions('PATCH', obj_url + pks[0], json=post_data) self.rowcount = 1 return ret if self.db.connection.composite_type == 'sobject-collections': # SObject Collections records = [merge_dict(post_data, id=pk, type_=table) for pk in pks] all_or_none = query.sf_params.all_or_none ret = self.db.connection.sobject_collections_request('PATCH', records, all_or_none=all_or_none) self.lastrowid = ret self.rowcount = len(ret) return # composite by REST composite_data = [{'method': 'PATCH', 'url': obj_url + pk, 'referenceId': pk, 'body': post_data} for pk in pks] ret = self.db.connection.composite_request(composite_data) self.rowcount = len([x for x in ret.json()['compositeResponse'] if x['httpStatusCode'] == 204]) return ret def execute_delete(self, query): table = query.model._meta.db_table pks = self.get_pks_from_query(query) log.debug('DELETE %s(%s)', table, pks) if not pks: self.rowcount = 0 return if len(pks) == 1: ret = self.handle_api_exceptions('DELETE', 'sobjects', table, pks[0]) self.rowcount = 1 if (ret and ret.status_code == 204) else 0 return ret if self.db.connection.composite_type == 'sobject-collections': # SObject Collections records = pks all_or_none = None # sf_params not supported by DeleteQuery ret = self.db.connection.sobject_collections_request('DELETE', records, all_or_none=all_or_none) self.lastrowid = ret self.rowcount = len(ret) return # bulk by REST url = self.db.connection.rest_api_url('sobjects', table, '', relative=True) composite_data = [{'method': 'DELETE', 'url': url + pk, 'referenceId': pk} for pk in pks] ret = self.db.connection.composite_request(composite_data) self.rowcount = len([x for x in ret.json()['compositeResponse'] if x['httpStatusCode'] == 204]) def __iter__(self): return self.cursor def fetchone(self): return self.cursor.fetchone() def fetchmany(self, size=None): return self.cursor.fetchmany(size=size) def fetchall(self): return self.cursor.fetchall() @property def description(self): return self.cursor.description def close(self): self.cursor.close() def commit(self): self.cursor.commit() def rollback(self): self.cursor.rollback() def handle_api_exceptions(self, method, *url_parts, **kwargs): return self.cursor.handle_api_exceptions(method, *url_parts, **kwargs) def chunked(iterable: Iterable[V], n: int) -> Iterator[List[V]]: """ Break an iterable into lists of a given length:: >>> assert list(chunked([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 3)) == [[1, 2, 3], [4,5]] """ iterable = iter(iterable) while True: chunk = list(islice(iterable, n)) if not chunk: return yield chunk def sobj_id(obj): assert obj._salesforce_object # pylint:disable=protected-access return obj.pk # this JSON conversion is important for QuerySet.update(foreign_key_field=some_object) register_conversion(models.Model, json_conv=sobj_id, subclass=True)
""" ============================================== Discrete Fourier transforms (:mod:`scipy.fft`) ============================================== .. currentmodule:: scipy.fft Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs) ============================== .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ fft - Fast (discrete) Fourier Transform (FFT) ifft - Inverse FFT fft2 - Two dimensional FFT ifft2 - Two dimensional inverse FFT fftn - n-dimensional FFT ifftn - n-dimensional inverse FFT rfft - FFT of strictly real-valued sequence irfft - Inverse of rfft rfft2 - Two dimensional FFT of real sequence irfft2 - Inverse of rfft2 rfftn - n-dimensional FFT of real sequence irfftn - Inverse of rfftn hfft - FFT of a Hermitian sequence (real spectrum) ihfft - Inverse of hfft hfft2 - Two dimensional FFT of a Hermitian sequence ihfft2 - Inverse of hfft2 hfftn - n-dimensional FFT of a Hermitian sequence ihfftn - Inverse of hfftn Discrete Sin and Cosine Transforms (DST and DCT) ================================================ .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ dct - Discrete cosine transform idct - Inverse discrete cosine transform dctn - n-dimensional Discrete cosine transform idctn - n-dimensional Inverse discrete cosine transform dst - Discrete sine transform idst - Inverse discrete sine transform dstn - n-dimensional Discrete sine transform idstn - n-dimensional Inverse discrete sine transform Helper functions ================ .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ fftshift - Shift the zero-frequency component to the center of the spectrum ifftshift - The inverse of `fftshift` fftfreq - Return the Discrete Fourier Transform sample frequencies rfftfreq - DFT sample frequencies (for usage with rfft, irfft) next_fast_len - Find the optimal length to zero-pad an FFT for speed set_workers - Context manager to set default number of workers get_workers - Get the current default number of workers Backend control =============== .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ set_backend - Context manager to set the backend within a fixed scope skip_backend - Context manager to skip a backend within a fixed scope set_global_backend - Sets the global fft backend register_backend - Register a backend for permanent use """ from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import from ._basic import ( fft, ifft, fft2, ifft2, fftn, ifftn, rfft, irfft, rfft2, irfft2, rfftn, irfftn, hfft, ihfft, hfft2, ihfft2, hfftn, ihfftn) from ._realtransforms import dct, idct, dst, idst, dctn, idctn, dstn, idstn from ._helper import next_fast_len from ._backend import (set_backend, skip_backend, set_global_backend, register_backend) from numpy.fft import fftfreq, rfftfreq, fftshift, ifftshift from ._pocketfft.helper import set_workers, get_workers __all__ = [ 'fft', 'ifft', 'fft2','ifft2', 'fftn', 'ifftn', 'rfft', 'irfft', 'rfft2', 'irfft2', 'rfftn', 'irfftn', 'hfft', 'ihfft', 'hfft2', 'ihfft2', 'hfftn', 'ihfftn', 'fftfreq', 'rfftfreq', 'fftshift', 'ifftshift', 'next_fast_len', 'dct', 'idct', 'dst', 'idst', 'dctn', 'idctn', 'dstn', 'idstn', 'set_backend', 'skip_backend', 'set_global_backend', 'register_backend', 'get_workers', 'set_workers'] from numpy.dual import register_func for k in ['fft', 'ifft', 'fftn', 'ifftn', 'fft2', 'ifft2']: register_func(k, eval(k)) del k, register_func from scipy._lib._testutils import PytestTester test = PytestTester(__name__) del PytestTester # Hack to allow numpy.fft.fft to be called as scipy.fft import sys class _FFTModule(sys.modules[__name__].__class__): @staticmethod def __call__(*args, **kwargs): import numpy as np return np.fft.fft(*args, **kwargs) import os if os.environ.get('_SCIPY_BUILDING_DOC') != 'True': sys.modules[__name__].__class__ = _FFTModule del os del _FFTModule del sys
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Created on 4 juin 2013 @author: Aristote Diasonama ''' from shop.handlers.event.base import BaseHandler from shop.handlers.base_handler import asso_required from shop.models.event import Event from shop.shop_exceptions import EventNotFoundException class ShowEventHandler(BaseHandler): @asso_required def get(self): try: self.try_to_show_the_event() except EventNotFoundException: self.show_all_events() def try_to_show_the_event(self): if not self.event: raise EventNotFoundException context = self.get_template_context_showing_one_event() self.render_template('view_event.html', context=context) def show_all_events(self): context = self.get_template_context_showing_all_events() self.render_template('view_event.html', context=context) def get_template_context_showing_one_event(self): context = dict() context['event'] = self.event.get_event_in_dict_extended() context['event']['image'] = self.uri_for('imageEvent', event_id = self.event_key.id()) context['isShowingAllEvents'] = False context['sidebar_active'] = "overview" context['url_for_editEvent'] = self.uri_for('editEvent', event_id = self.event_key.id()) context['url_to_publish_event'] = self.uri_for('rpc_publishEvent', event_id = self.event_key.id()) context['url_to_delete_event'] = self.uri_for('rpc_deleteEvent', event_id = self.event_key.id()) if self.event.type == 'paid': context.update(self.get_template_context_paid_event()) return context def get_template_context_paid_event(self): context = dict() tickets = self.event.get_all_tickets() if tickets is not None: tickets_urls = map(lambda ticket: self.uri_for('editTicket', event_id=self.event_key.id(), ticket_id=ticket.key.id()), tickets.fetch()) context['tickets'] = zip(tickets, tickets_urls) if tickets else None context['url_for_createTicket'] = self.uri_for('createTicket', event_id = self.event_key.id()) context['url_for_rpc_create_ticket'] = self.uri_for('rpc_createTicket', event_id=self.event_key.id()) def get_template_context_showing_all_events(self): events = self.user.get_all_events() context = dict() context['events'] = events context['showingAllEvents'] = True context['sidebar_active'] = "allEvent" return context
############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2013-2017, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. # Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. # # This file is part of Spack. # Created by Todd Gamblin, [email protected], All rights reserved. # LLNL-CODE-647188 # # For details, see https://github.com/spack/spack # Please also see the NOTICE and LICENSE files for our notice and the LGPL. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (as # published by the Free Software Foundation) version 2.1, February 1999. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the IMPLIED WARRANTY OF # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the terms and # conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ############################################################################## import argparse from spack.cmd.common import print_module_placeholder_help description = "add package to environment using dotkit" section = "environment" level = "long" def setup_parser(subparser): """Parser is only constructed so that this prints a nice help message with -h. """ subparser.add_argument( 'spec', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, help='spec of package to use with dotkit') def use(parser, args): print_module_placeholder_help()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import datetime from south.db import db from south.v2 import SchemaMigration from django.db import models class Migration(SchemaMigration): def forwards(self, orm): # Adding model 'Settings' db.create_table('operations_settings', ( ('id', self.gf('django.db.models.fields.AutoField')(primary_key=True)), ('name', self.gf('django.db.models.fields.CharField')(max_length=200)), ('value', self.gf('django.db.models.fields.CharField')(max_length=200)), )) db.send_create_signal('operations', ['Settings']) def backwards(self, orm): # Deleting model 'Settings' db.delete_table('operations_settings') models = { 'auth.group': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Group'}, 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '80'}), 'permissions': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['auth.Permission']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}) }, 'auth.permission': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "('content_type__app_label', 'content_type__model', 'codename')", 'unique_together': "(('content_type', 'codename'),)", 'object_name': 'Permission'}, 'codename': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'content_type': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['contenttypes.ContentType']"}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '50'}) }, 'auth.user': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'User'}, 'date_joined': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': 'datetime.datetime.now'}), 'email': ('django.db.models.fields.EmailField', [], {'max_length': '75', 'blank': 'True'}), 'first_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '30', 'blank': 'True'}), 'groups': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['auth.Group']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'is_active': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'is_staff': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'is_superuser': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'last_login': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': 'datetime.datetime.now'}), 'last_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '30', 'blank': 'True'}), 'password': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '128'}), 'user_permissions': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['auth.Permission']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}), 'username': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '30'}) }, 'contenttypes.contenttype': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "('name',)", 'unique_together': "(('app_label', 'model'),)", 'object_name': 'ContentType', 'db_table': "'django_content_type'"}, 'app_label': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'model': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}) }, 'maps.map': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Map'}, 'center_x': ('django.db.models.fields.FloatField', [], {'default': '0.0'}), 'center_y': ('django.db.models.fields.FloatField', [], {'default': '0.0'}), 'created': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'description': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'max_length': '800', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'last_updated': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'projection': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "'EPSG:4326'", 'max_length': '32', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'title': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '75'}), 'zoom': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {}) }, 'operations.agency': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "['name']", 'object_name': 'Agency'}, 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'logo': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '200', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '200'}), 'url': ('django.db.models.fields.URLField', [], {'max_length': '200', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}) }, 'operations.deployment': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Deployment'}, 'closed': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'created': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'deployers': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'max_length': '250', 'to': "orm['auth.User']", 'null': 'True', 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}), 'deployment_location': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '400'}), 'description': ('tinymce.models.HTMLField', [], {'max_length': '1000', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'event': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['operations.Event']"}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'latitude': ('django.db.models.fields.FloatField', [], {}), 'longitude': ('django.db.models.fields.FloatField', [], {}), 'point': ('django.contrib.gis.db.models.fields.PointField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'status': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'default': '1', 'max_length': '1'}) }, 'operations.event': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "['-last_updated']", 'object_name': 'Event'}, 'agencies': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'symmetrical': 'False', 'to': "orm['operations.Agency']", 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'closed': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'collaboration_link': ('django.db.models.fields.URLField', [], {'default': "'https://connect.dco.dod.mil/r3ops?launcher=false'", 'max_length': '200', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'created': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'description': ('tinymce.models.HTMLField', [], {'max_length': '1000', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'event_location': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '200', 'null': 'True'}), 'event_type': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '50'}), 'filedropoff_path': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '200', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'gq_job_ids': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'gq_project_ids': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'last_updated': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now': 'True', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'latitude': ('django.db.models.fields.FloatField', [], {}), 'link': ('django.db.models.fields.URLField', [], {'max_length': '200', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'longitude': ('django.db.models.fields.FloatField', [], {}), 'map': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['maps.Map']", 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '200'}), 'poc': ('tinymce.models.HTMLField', [], {'max_length': '1000', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'point': ('django.contrib.gis.db.models.fields.PointField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'posture': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "'Monitoring'", 'max_length': '25'}), 'product_feed_url': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '200', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'rfi_generator_id': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'services': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'symmetrical': 'False', 'to': "orm['operations.Service']", 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'show_deployments': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'show_event_on_map': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'show_geomedia_triage': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'show_notes': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'show_products': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'show_related_files': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'show_rfis': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'show_services': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'show_supporting_agencies': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'show_timeline': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'slug': ('django.db.models.fields.SlugField', [], {'max_length': '250'}), 'status': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'default': '1', 'max_length': '1'}), 'tags': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '75', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}) }, 'operations.lessonlearned': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "['-created']", 'unique_together': "(('submitted_by', 'description', 'event'),)", 'object_name': 'LessonLearned'}, 'action': ('tinymce.models.HTMLField', [], {'max_length': '1000', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'assigned_to': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'max_length': '250', 'related_name': "'lesson_learned_assignment'", 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True', 'to': "orm['auth.User']"}), 'category': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'max_length': '50', 'to': "orm['operations.LessonLearnedCategory']", 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'closed': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'created': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'description': ('tinymce.models.HTMLField', [], {'max_length': '1000', 'null': 'True'}), 'due': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'event': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['operations.Event']", 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'last_updated': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now': 'True', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '200', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'priority': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "'Low'", 'max_length': '25', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'resolution': ('tinymce.models.HTMLField', [], {'max_length': '1000', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'status': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'default': '1', 'max_length': '1', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'submitted_by': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'max_length': '250', 'related_name': "'lesson_learned_submission'", 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True', 'to': "orm['auth.User']"}), 'work_around': ('tinymce.models.HTMLField', [], {'max_length': '1000', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}) }, 'operations.lessonlearnedcategory': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "['name']", 'object_name': 'LessonLearnedCategory'}, 'description': ('tinymce.models.HTMLField', [], {'max_length': '1000', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '200'}) }, 'operations.service': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "['name']", 'object_name': 'Service'}, 'created': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'description': ('tinymce.models.HTMLField', [], {'max_length': '800', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'last_updated': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now': 'True', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '75'}), 'service_type': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['operations.ServiceType']", 'symmetrical': 'False'}), 'status': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'default': '1', 'max_length': '1'}), 'url': ('django.db.models.fields.URLField', [], {'max_length': '200'}) }, 'operations.servicetype': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "['name']", 'object_name': 'ServiceType'}, 'created': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'description': ('tinymce.models.HTMLField', [], {'max_length': '800', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '15'}), 'status': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'default': '1', 'max_length': '1'}) }, 'operations.settings': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Settings'}, 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '200'}), 'value': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '200'}) }, 'operations.sitrep': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "['-created']", 'object_name': 'SitRep'}, 'closed': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'content': ('tinymce.models.HTMLField', [], {'max_length': '6000'}), 'created': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'event': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['operations.Event']", 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'last_updated': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now': 'True', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '200', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'owner': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'max_length': '250', 'to': "orm['auth.User']", 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'status': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'default': '1', 'max_length': '1', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}) }, 'taggit.tag': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Tag'}, 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'slug': ('django.db.models.fields.SlugField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '100'}) }, 'taggit.taggeditem': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'TaggedItem'}, 'content_type': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'taggit_taggeditem_tagged_items'", 'to': "orm['contenttypes.ContentType']"}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'object_id': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'db_index': 'True'}), 'tag': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'taggit_taggeditem_items'", 'to': "orm['taggit.Tag']"}) } } complete_apps = ['operations']
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys, os my_site = os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], ".local/lib/python2.7/site-packages") sys.path.insert(0, my_site) import h5py import networkx as nx import numpy as np import pycuda.driver as cuda import scipy.stats as st import sys import aux from consts import * def to_graph(connections): graph = nx.DiGraph() ca_size = connections.shape[0] for cell in xrange(ca_size): for neighbor in connections[cell]: graph.add_edge(neighbor, cell) # Count the number of rewired connection this cell has graph.node[cell]['rew'] = (connections[cell] != (np.arange(cell - 3, cell + 4) % ca_size)).sum() return graph class AnalysisIndividual: __cuda_module = False def __init__(self, individual, correct, executions, ca_size, connection_radius, ca_iterations, ca_repeat, k_history, save_executions=0): self.__ca_size = ca_size self.__connection_radius = connection_radius self.__n_connections = 2 * self.__connection_radius + 1 self.__ca_iterations = ca_iterations self.__ca_repeat = ca_repeat self.__k_history = k_history self.__n_possible_history = 2 ** self.__k_history self.__n_observations = self.__ca_repeat * \ (self.__ca_iterations - self.__k_history + 1) self.__save_executions = save_executions self.__individual = individual self.__individual_number = self.__individual.number self.__rules = self.__individual.gene_rules self.__connections = self.__individual.connections self.__graph = to_graph(self.__connections) self.__executions = executions density = np.mean(self.__executions[:, 0], axis=1) self.__majority = np.round(density).astype(np.uint32) # The closer the density is to .5 the harder the configuration is to # decide self.__difficult = 1 - np.abs(density - .5) / .5 # Checking which repetitions converged to a single state self.__converged = np.all(self.__executions[:, -1] == self.__executions[:, -1, 0].reshape(-1, 1), axis=1) # Checking how many cells in each repetition converged to the right # state self.__cells_correct = np.mean(self.__executions[:, -1] == self.__majority.reshape(-1, 1), axis=1) self.__correct = correct self.__fitness = np.mean(self.__correct) self.__gini = None self.__limits = None self.__entropy_rate = None self.__base_table = None self.__correlations = None # Initialize the CUDA module if not AnalysisIndividual.__cuda_module: AnalysisIndividual.__cuda_module = True cuda_module = aux.CudaModule('analysis.cu', (self.__ca_size, self.__ca_iterations, self.__ca_repeat, self.__connection_radius, self.__n_connections, self.__n_observations, self.__k_history, self.__n_possible_history)) AnalysisIndividual.__kernel_calc_diffs = \ cuda_module.get_function("kernel_calc_diffs") AnalysisIndividual.__kernel_probabilities = \ cuda_module.get_function("kernel_probabilities") AnalysisIndividual.__kernel_active_storage = \ cuda_module.get_function("kernel_active_storage") AnalysisIndividual.__kernel_entropy_rate = \ cuda_module.get_function("kernel_entropy_rate") def __calculate_gini(self, values): # Calculate the Gini coefficient to measure the inequality in a # distribution of values cum_values = np.sort(values).cumsum() return 1 - (cum_values[0] + (cum_values[1:] + cum_values[:-1]).sum()) \ / float(cum_values[-1] * cum_values.size) def __get_limits(self): # This function implements a heuristic to calculate how many times a # cell has the role of "limit" of a diffusion in a simulation. # The main idea here is that, usually, information in cellular automata # flows in a given direction at a constant speed. If we know this # direction and speed, we can check how many times a cell interrupts a # flow. sum_diffs = np.zeros(self.__ca_size, dtype=np.uint32) try: self.__kernel_calc_diffs(cuda.In(self.__majority), cuda.In(self.__executions), cuda.InOut(sum_diffs), block=(self.__ca_size, 1, 1), grid=(1,)) cuda.Context.synchronize() except cuda.Error as e: sys.exit("CUDA: Execution failed ('%s')!" % e) # For all repetitions, calculate the ratio of total iterations each # cell acted as a "limit" self.__limits = sum_diffs / \ float(self.__ca_repeat * self.__ca_iterations) def get_individual_info(self): if self.__gini != None: # If all metrics are already computed, just return them! return self.__fitness, self.__gini, self.__prop_max_min, \ self.__individual.epoch, self.__individual_number, \ self.__clustering, self.__average_k_neigh, \ self.__average_shortest_path, self.__diameter self.__get_limits() self.__gini = self.__calculate_gini(self.__limits) self.__prop_max_min = self.__limits.max() / self.__limits.min() # As clustering coefficient is not defined for directed graphs, we # convert the graph to its undirected version self.__clustering = nx.average_clustering(nx.Graph(self.__graph)) self.__average_shortest_path = \ nx.average_shortest_path_length(self.__graph) try: self.__diameter = nx.diameter(self.__graph) except nx.exception.NetworkXError: self.__diameter = float('nan') self.__convergence = np.mean(self.__converged) table_individual = { # Serial number "i_num": np.array([self.__individual_number], dtype=np.int), # Individual fitness "fit": np.array([self.__fitness], dtype=np.float), # Ratio of the repetitions that converged to a single state "conv": np.array([self.__convergence], dtype=np.float), # gini and max_min are metrics intended to measure the inequality # in the number of times each cell is a "limit" "gini": np.array([self.__gini], dtype=np.float), "max_min": np.array([self.__prop_max_min], dtype=np.float), # Epoch in the evolution "epoch": np.array([self.__individual.epoch], dtype=np.float), # Clustering coefficient "clust": np.array([self.__clustering], dtype=np.float), # Average shortests path between each pair of cells "short": np.array([self.__average_shortest_path], dtype=np.float), # Maximum distance between any two cells "diam": np.array([self.__diameter], dtype=np.float)} return table_individual def __get_probs_entropy(self): # Calculate information theoretical metrics to evaluate the # computational role of each cell if self.__entropy_rate != None: # If all metrics are already computed, just return them! return self.__entropy_rate, self.__active_storage, \ self.__cond_entropy p_joint_table = np.zeros((self.__ca_size, self.__n_possible_history, 2), dtype=np.float32) p_prev_table = np.zeros((self.__ca_size, self.__n_possible_history), dtype=np.float32) p_curr_table = np.zeros((self.__ca_size, 2), dtype=np.float32) try: self.__kernel_probabilities(cuda.In(self.__executions), cuda.InOut(p_joint_table), cuda.InOut(p_prev_table), cuda.InOut(p_curr_table), block=(self.__ca_size, 1, 1), grid=(self.__ca_repeat, 1, 1)) cuda.Context.synchronize() except cuda.Error as e: sys.exit("CUDA: Execution failed!\n'%s'" % e) # The entropy rate is a measure of the uncertainty in a cell's state # given its past self.__entropy_rate = np.zeros(self.__ca_size, dtype=np.float32) # The active information storage is the amount of past information # currently in use by a cell, i.e., its memory self.__active_storage = np.zeros(self.__ca_size, dtype=np.float32) try: self.__kernel_entropy_rate(cuda.In(p_joint_table), cuda.In(p_prev_table), cuda.InOut(self.__entropy_rate), block=(self.__ca_size, 1, 1)) cuda.Context.synchronize() for i in xrange(self.__ca_iterations - self.__k_history): ca_aux = np.array(self.__executions[:, i:i + self.__k_history + 1, :]) self.__kernel_active_storage(cuda.In(ca_aux), cuda.In(p_joint_table), cuda.In(p_prev_table), cuda.In(p_curr_table), cuda.InOut(self.__active_storage), block=(self.__ca_size, 1, 1), grid=(self.__ca_repeat, 1, 1)) cuda.Context.synchronize() except cuda.Error as e: sys.exit("CUDA: Execution failed!\n'%s'" % e) aux = np.multiply(p_joint_table, np.log2(np.divide(p_prev_table. reshape(p_prev_table.shape + (1,)), p_joint_table))) aux[p_joint_table == 0] = 0 self.__cond_entropy = np.sum(aux, axis=(1, 2)) / self.__n_observations return self.__entropy_rate, self.__active_storage, self.__cond_entropy def get_cells_info(self): self.__get_limits() self.__get_probs_entropy() full_data = { "lim": self.__limits, "ent_rt": self.__entropy_rate, "act_st": self.__active_storage, "cond_ent": self.__cond_entropy} if self.__base_table == None: # Calculate graph measures order = sorted(self.__graph.nodes()) pagerank = nx.pagerank(self.__graph) pagerank = np.array([pagerank[k] for k in order], dtype=np.float) try: hubs, authorities = nx.hits(self.__graph, 1000) hubs = np.array([hubs[k] for k in order], dtype=np.float) authorities = np.array([authorities[k] for k in order], dtype=np.float) except nx.exception.NetworkXError: hubs = np.repeat(float('nan'), self.__ca_size).astype(np.float) authorities = hubs try: eccentricity = nx.eccentricity(self.__graph) eccentricity = np.array([eccentricity[k] for k in order], dtype=np.float) except nx.exception.NetworkXError: eccentricity = np.repeat(float('nan'), self.__ca_size). \ astype(np.float) closeness = nx.closeness_centrality(self.__graph) closeness = np.array([closeness[k] for k in order], dtype=np.float) closeness_reverse = nx.closeness_centrality( self.__graph.reverse(True)) closeness_reverse = np.array([closeness_reverse[k] for k in order], dtype=np.float) betweenness = nx.betweenness_centrality(self.__graph) betweenness = np.array([betweenness[k] for k in order], dtype=np.float) try: eigenvector = nx.eigenvector_centrality(self.__graph, 1000) eigenvector = np.array([eigenvector[k] for k in order], dtype=np.float) except nx.exception.NetworkXError: eigenvector = np.repeat(float('nan'), self.__ca_size). \ astype(np.float) load = nx.load_centrality(self.__graph) load = np.array([load[k] for k in order], dtype=np.float) clustering = nx.clustering(nx.Graph(self.__graph)) clustering = np.array([clustering[k] for k in order], dtype=np.float) in_degree = nx.in_degree_centrality(self.__graph) in_degree = np.array([in_degree[k] for k in order], dtype=np.float) out_degree = nx.out_degree_centrality(self.__graph) out_degree = np.array([out_degree[k] for k in order], dtype=np.float) rewires = np.array([self.__graph.node[k]['rew'] for k in order], dtype=np.float) average_k_neigh = nx.average_neighbor_degree(self.__graph) average_k_neigh = np.array([average_k_neigh[k] for k in order], dtype=np.float) self.__base_table = { "epoch": np.repeat(self.__individual.epoch, self.__ca_size). \ astype(np.int), "i_num": np.repeat(self.__individual_number, self.__ca_size). \ astype(np.int), "pr": pagerank, "hub": hubs, "auth": authorities, "ecc": eccentricity, "cls": closeness, "cls_rev": closeness_reverse, "btw": betweenness, "eig": eigenvector, "load": load, "cltr": clustering, "ind": in_degree, "outd": out_degree, "rew": rewires, "kneigh": average_k_neigh} return dict(full_data.items() + self.__base_table.items()) def save_executions(self): # Save space-time diagrams of some executions for i in np.random.choice(range(self.__executions.shape[0]), self.__save_executions, replace=False): aux.save_as_image(self.__executions[i], "images/i%04d" % self.__individual_number, "execution-%06d.png" % i) class Analysis: elems = 0 def __init__(self, data_file, ca_size, ca_iterations, ca_repeat, connection_radius, k_history, save_executions=0): self.__ca_size = ca_size self.__ca_iterations = ca_iterations self.__ca_repeat = ca_repeat self.__connection_radius = connection_radius self.__k_history = k_history self.__save_executions = save_executions self.__data_file = h5py.File(data_file, "w-") def add_individual(self, individual): # Run simulations with densities uniformly distributed in [0, 1], # storing execution data for posterio analysis correct, executions = individual.get_execution_data(UNIFORM_RHO) # Perform individual analysis individual = AnalysisIndividual(individual, correct, executions, self.__ca_size, self.__connection_radius, self.__ca_iterations, self.__ca_repeat, self.__k_history, save_executions=self.__save_executions) Analysis.elems += 1 table_cells = individual.get_cells_info() table_individual = individual.get_individual_info() individual.save_executions() del correct del executions del individual # Store the individual analysis in a HDF5 file group = self.__data_file.create_group("individual%d" % table_individual["i_num"]) cells_grp = group.create_group("cells") for key, values in table_cells.iteritems(): cells_grp.create_dataset(key, data=values, shape=values.shape, dtype=values.dtype) individuals_grp = group.create_group("individuals") for key, values in table_individual.iteritems(): individuals_grp.create_dataset(key, data=values, shape=values.shape, dtype=values.dtype) self.__data_file.flush() def get_table(self): table = { "cells": {}, "individuals": {}} for individual_grp in self.__data_file.values(): for group in ["cells", "individuals"]: for key, values in individual_grp[group].iteritems(): try: table[group][key].append(values.value) except KeyError: table[group][key] = [values.value] for group_values in table.values(): for key, values in group_values.iteritems(): group_values[key] = np.concatenate(values) return table def get_correlations(self): table = self.get_table() correlations = {'cells': {}, 'individuals': {}} refs_cells = ['lim', 'cls_rev'] for ref in refs_cells: correlations['cells'][ref] = {} ref_cell = table['cells'][ref] for key, values in table['cells'].iteritems(): if key == ref: continue correlations['cells'][ref][key] = \ st.spearmanr(ref_cell, values) refs_individuals = ['gini', 'max_min', 'short', 'fit'] for ref in refs_individuals: correlations['individuals'][ref] = {} ref_individual = table['individuals'][ref] for key, values in table['individuals'].iteritems(): if key == ref: continue correlations['individuals'][ref][key] = \ st.spearmanr(ref_individual, values) return correlations
from core import C from sympify import sympify from basic import Basic, Atom from singleton import S from evalf import EvalfMixin, pure_complex from decorators import _sympifyit, call_highest_priority from cache import cacheit from compatibility import reduce, as_int, default_sort_key from sympy.mpmath.libmp import mpf_log, prec_to_dps from collections import defaultdict from inspect import getmro class Expr(Basic, EvalfMixin): __slots__ = [] @property def _diff_wrt(self): """Is it allowed to take derivative wrt to this instance. This determines if it is allowed to take derivatives wrt this object. Subclasses such as Symbol, Function and Derivative should return True to enable derivatives wrt them. The implementation in Derivative separates the Symbol and non-Symbol _diff_wrt=True variables and temporarily converts the non-Symbol vars in Symbols when performing the differentiation. Note, see the docstring of Derivative for how this should work mathematically. In particular, note that expr.subs(yourclass, Symbol) should be well-defined on a structural level, or this will lead to inconsistent results. Examples ======== >>> from sympy import Expr >>> e = Expr() >>> e._diff_wrt False >>> class MyClass(Expr): ... _diff_wrt = True ... >>> (2*MyClass()).diff(MyClass()) 2 """ return False @cacheit def sort_key(self, order=None): coeff, expr = self.as_coeff_Mul() if expr.is_Pow: expr, exp = expr.args else: expr, exp = expr, S.One if expr.is_Atom: args = (str(expr),) else: if expr.is_Add: args = expr.as_ordered_terms(order=order) elif expr.is_Mul: args = expr.as_ordered_factors(order=order) else: args = expr.args args = tuple( [ default_sort_key(arg, order=order) for arg in args ]) args = (len(args), tuple(args)) exp = exp.sort_key(order=order) return expr.class_key(), args, exp, coeff def rcall(self, *args): """Apply on the argument recursively through the expression tree. This method is used to simulate a common abuse of notation for operators. For instance in SymPy the the following will not work: ``(x+Lambda(y, 2*y))(z) == x+2*z``, however you can use >>> from sympy import Lambda >>> from sympy.abc import x,y,z >>> (x + Lambda(y, 2*y)).rcall(z) x + 2*z """ return Expr._recursive_call(self, args) @staticmethod def _recursive_call(expr_to_call, on_args): def the_call_method_is_overridden(expr): for cls in getmro(type(expr)): if '__call__' in cls.__dict__: return cls != Expr if callable(expr_to_call) and the_call_method_is_overridden(expr_to_call): if isinstance(expr_to_call, C.Symbol): # XXX When you call a Symbol it is return expr_to_call # transformed into an UndefFunction else: return expr_to_call(*on_args) elif expr_to_call.args: args = [Expr._recursive_call( sub, on_args) for sub in expr_to_call.args] return type(expr_to_call)(*args) else: return expr_to_call # *************** # * Arithmetics * # *************** # Expr and its sublcasses use _op_priority to determine which object # passed to a binary special method (__mul__, etc.) will handle the # operation. In general, the 'call_highest_priority' decorator will choose # the object with the highest _op_priority to handle the call. # Custom subclasses that want to define their own binary special methods # should set an _op_priority value that is higher than the default. # # **NOTE**: # This is a temporary fix, and will eventually be replaced with # something better and more powerful. See issue 2411. _op_priority = 10.0 def __pos__(self): return self def __neg__(self): return Mul(S.NegativeOne, self) def __abs__(self): return C.Abs(self) @_sympifyit('other', NotImplemented) @call_highest_priority('__radd__') def __add__(self, other): return Add(self, other) @_sympifyit('other', NotImplemented) @call_highest_priority('__add__') def __radd__(self, other): return Add(other, self) @_sympifyit('other', NotImplemented) @call_highest_priority('__rsub__') def __sub__(self, other): return Add(self, -other) @_sympifyit('other', NotImplemented) @call_highest_priority('__sub__') def __rsub__(self, other): return Add(other, -self) @_sympifyit('other', NotImplemented) @call_highest_priority('__rmul__') def __mul__(self, other): return Mul(self, other) @_sympifyit('other', NotImplemented) @call_highest_priority('__mul__') def __rmul__(self, other): return Mul(other, self) @_sympifyit('other', NotImplemented) @call_highest_priority('__rpow__') def __pow__(self, other): return Pow(self, other) @_sympifyit('other', NotImplemented) @call_highest_priority('__pow__') def __rpow__(self, other): return Pow(other, self) @_sympifyit('other', NotImplemented) @call_highest_priority('__rdiv__') def __div__(self, other): return Mul(self, Pow(other, S.NegativeOne)) @_sympifyit('other', NotImplemented) @call_highest_priority('__div__') def __rdiv__(self, other): return Mul(other, Pow(self, S.NegativeOne)) __truediv__ = __div__ __rtruediv__ = __rdiv__ @_sympifyit('other', NotImplemented) @call_highest_priority('__rmod__') def __mod__(self, other): return Mod(self, other) @_sympifyit('other', NotImplemented) @call_highest_priority('__mod__') def __rmod__(self, other): return Mod(other, self) def __int__(self): # Although we only need to round to the units position, we'll # get one more digit so the extra testing below can be avoided # unless the rounded value rounded to an integer, e.g. if an # expression were equal to 1.9 and we rounded to the unit position # we would get a 2 and would not know if this rounded up or not # without doing a test (as done below). But if we keep an extra # digit we know that 1.9 is not the same as 1 and there is no # need for further testing: our int value is correct. If the value # were 1.99, however, this would round to 2.0 and our int value is # off by one. So...if our round value is the same as the int value # (regardless of how much extra work we do to calculate extra decimal # places) we need to test whether we are off by one. r = self.round(2) if not r.is_Number: raise TypeError("can't convert complex to int") i = int(r) if not i: return 0 # off-by-one check if i == r and not (self - i).equals(0): isign = 1 if i > 0 else -1 x = C.Dummy() # in the following (self - i).evalf(2) will not always work while # (self - r).evalf(2) and the use of subs does; if the test that # was added when this comment was added passes, it might be safe # to simply use sign to compute this rather than doing this by hand: diff_sign = 1 if (self - x).evalf(2, subs={x: i}) > 0 else -1 if diff_sign != isign: i -= isign return i def __float__(self): # Don't bother testing if it's a number; if it's not this is going # to fail, and if it is we still need to check that it evalf'ed to # a number. result = self.evalf() if result.is_Number: return float(result) if result.is_number and result.as_real_imag()[1]: raise TypeError("can't convert complex to float") raise TypeError("can't convert expression to float") def __complex__(self): result = self.evalf() re, im = result.as_real_imag() return complex(float(re), float(im)) @_sympifyit('other', False) # sympy > other def __ge__(self, other): dif = self - other if dif.is_nonnegative is not None and \ dif.is_nonnegative is not dif.is_negative: return dif.is_nonnegative return C.GreaterThan(self, other) @_sympifyit('other', False) # sympy > other def __le__(self, other): dif = self - other if dif.is_nonpositive is not None and \ dif.is_nonpositive is not dif.is_positive: return dif.is_nonpositive return C.LessThan(self, other) @_sympifyit('other', False) # sympy > other def __gt__(self, other): dif = self - other if dif.is_positive is not None and \ dif.is_positive is not dif.is_nonpositive: return dif.is_positive return C.StrictGreaterThan(self, other) @_sympifyit('other', False) # sympy > other def __lt__(self, other): dif = self - other if dif.is_negative is not None and \ dif.is_negative is not dif.is_nonnegative: return dif.is_negative return C.StrictLessThan(self, other) @staticmethod def _from_mpmath(x, prec): if hasattr(x, "_mpf_"): return C.Float._new(x._mpf_, prec) elif hasattr(x, "_mpc_"): re, im = x._mpc_ re = C.Float._new(re, prec) im = C.Float._new(im, prec)*S.ImaginaryUnit return re + im else: raise TypeError("expected mpmath number (mpf or mpc)") @property def is_number(self): """Returns True if 'self' is a number. >>> from sympy import log, Integral >>> from sympy.abc import x, y >>> x.is_number False >>> (2*x).is_number False >>> (2 + log(2)).is_number True >>> (2 + Integral(2, x)).is_number False >>> (2 + Integral(2, (x, 1, 2))).is_number True """ if not self.args: return False return all(obj.is_number for obj in self.iter_basic_args()) def _random(self, n=None, re_min=-1, im_min=-1, re_max=1, im_max=1): """Return self evaluated, if possible, replacing free symbols with random complex values, if necessary. The random complex value for each free symbol is generated by the random_complex_number routine giving real and imaginary parts in the range given by the re_min, re_max, im_min, and im_max values. The returned value is evaluated to a precision of n (if given) else the maximum of 15 and the precision needed to get more than 1 digit of precision. If the expression could not be evaluated to a number, or could not be evaluated to more than 1 digit of precision, then None is returned. Examples ======== >>> from sympy import sqrt >>> from sympy.abc import x, y >>> x._random() # doctest: +SKIP 0.0392918155679172 + 0.916050214307199*I >>> x._random(2) # doctest: +SKIP -0.77 - 0.87*I >>> (x + y/2)._random(2) # doctest: +SKIP -0.57 + 0.16*I >>> sqrt(2)._random(2) 1.4 See Also ======== sympy.utilities.randtest.random_complex_number """ free = self.free_symbols prec = 1 if free: from sympy.utilities.randtest import random_complex_number a, c, b, d = re_min, re_max, im_min, im_max reps = dict(zip(free, [random_complex_number(a, b, c, d, rational=True) for zi in free])) try: nmag = abs(self.evalf(2, subs=reps)) except TypeError: # if an out of range value resulted in evalf problems # then return None -- XXX is there a way to know how to # select a good random number for a given expression? # e.g. when calculating n! negative values for n should not # be used return None else: reps = {} nmag = abs(self.evalf(2)) if not hasattr(nmag, '_prec'): # e.g. exp_polar(2*I*pi) doesn't evaluate but is_number is True return None if nmag._prec == 1: # increase the precision up to the default maximum # precision to see if we can get any significance # get the prec steps (patterned after giant_steps in # libintmath) which approximately doubles the prec # each step from sympy.core.evalf import DEFAULT_MAXPREC as target L = [target] start = 2 while 1: Li = L[-1]//2 + 2 if Li >= L[-1] or Li < start: if L[-1] != start: L.append(start) break L.append(Li) L = L[::-1] # evaluate for prec in L: nmag = abs(self.evalf(prec, subs=reps)) if nmag._prec != 1: break if nmag._prec != 1: if n is None: n = max(prec, 15) return self.evalf(n, subs=reps) # never got any significance return None def is_constant(self, *wrt, **flags): """Return True if self is constant, False if not, or None if the constancy could not be determined conclusively. If an expression has no free symbols then it is a constant. If there are free symbols it is possible that the expression is a constant, perhaps (but not necessarily) zero. To test such expressions, two strategies are tried: 1) numerical evaluation at two random points. If two such evaluations give two different values and the values have a precision greater than 1 then self is not constant. If the evaluations agree or could not be obtained with any precision, no decision is made. The numerical testing is done only if ``wrt`` is different than the free symbols. 2) differentiation with respect to variables in 'wrt' (or all free symbols if omitted) to see if the expression is constant or not. This will not always lead to an expression that is zero even though an expression is constant (see added test in test_expr.py). If all derivatives are zero then self is constant with respect to the given symbols. If neither evaluation nor differentiation can prove the expression is constant, None is returned unless two numerical values happened to be the same and the flag ``failing_number`` is True -- in that case the numerical value will be returned. If flag simplify=False is passed, self will not be simplified; the default is True since self should be simplified before testing. Examples ======== >>> from sympy import cos, sin, Sum, S, pi >>> from sympy.abc import a, n, x, y >>> x.is_constant() False >>> S(2).is_constant() True >>> Sum(x, (x, 1, 10)).is_constant() True >>> Sum(x, (x, 1, n)).is_constant() # doctest: +SKIP False >>> Sum(x, (x, 1, n)).is_constant(y) True >>> Sum(x, (x, 1, n)).is_constant(n) # doctest: +SKIP False >>> Sum(x, (x, 1, n)).is_constant(x) True >>> eq = a*cos(x)**2 + a*sin(x)**2 - a >>> eq.is_constant() True >>> eq.subs({x:pi, a:2}) == eq.subs({x:pi, a:3}) == 0 True >>> (0**x).is_constant() False >>> x.is_constant() False >>> (x**x).is_constant() False >>> one = cos(x)**2 + sin(x)**2 >>> one.is_constant() True >>> ((one - 1)**(x + 1)).is_constant() # could be 0 or 1 False """ simplify = flags.get('simplify', True) # Except for expressions that contain units, only one of these should # be necessary since if something is # known to be a number it should also know that there are no # free symbols. But is_number quits as soon as it hits a non-number # whereas free_symbols goes until all free symbols have been collected, # thus is_number should be faster. But a double check on free symbols # is made just in case there is a discrepancy between the two. free = self.free_symbols if self.is_number or not free: # if the following assertion fails then that object's free_symbols # method needs attention: if an expression is a number it cannot # have free symbols assert not free return True # if we are only interested in some symbols and they are not in the # free symbols then this expression is constant wrt those symbols wrt = set(wrt) if wrt and not wrt & free: return True wrt = wrt or free # simplify unless this has already been done if simplify: self = self.simplify() # is_zero should be a quick assumptions check; it can be wrong for # numbers (see test_is_not_constant test), giving False when it # shouldn't, but hopefully it will never give True unless it is sure. if self.is_zero: return True # try numerical evaluation to see if we get two different values failing_number = None if wrt == free: # try 0 and 1 a = self.subs(zip(free, [0]*len(free))) if a is S.NaN: a = self._random(None, 0, 0, 0, 0) if a is not None and a is not S.NaN: b = self.subs(zip(free, [1]*len(free))) if b is S.NaN: b = self._random(None, 1, 0, 1, 0) if b is not None and b is not S.NaN: if b.equals(a) is False: return False # try random real b = self._random(None, -1, 0, 1, 0) if b is not None and b is not S.NaN and b.equals(a) is False: return False # try random complex b = self._random() if b is not None and b is not S.NaN: if a != b: return False failing_number = a if a.is_number else b # now we will test each wrt symbol (or all free symbols) to see if the # expression depends on them or not using differentiation. This is # not sufficient for all expressions, however, so we don't return # False if we get a derivative other than 0 with free symbols. for w in wrt: deriv = self.diff(w).simplify() if deriv != 0: if not (deriv.is_Number or pure_complex(deriv)): if flags.get('failing_number', False): return failing_number elif deriv.free_symbols: # dead line provided _random returns None in such cases return None return False return True def equals(self, other, failing_expression=False): """Return True if self == other, False if it doesn't, or None. If failing_expression is True then the expression which did not simplify to a 0 will be returned instead of None. If ``self`` is a Number (or complex number) that is not zero, then the result is False. If ``self`` is a number and has not evaluated to zero, evalf will be used to test whether the expression evaluates to zero. If it does so and the result has significance (i.e. the precision is either -1, for a Rational result, or is greater than 1) then the evalf value will be used to return True or False. """ other = sympify(other) if self == other: return True # they aren't the same so see if we can make the difference 0; # don't worry about doing simplification steps one at a time # because if the expression ever goes to 0 then the subsequent # simplification steps that are done will be very fast. diff = (self - other).as_content_primitive()[1] diff = factor_terms(diff.simplify(), radical=True) if not diff: return True if all(f.is_Atom for m in Add.make_args(diff) for f in Mul.make_args(m)): # if there is no expanding to be done after simplifying # then this can't be a zero return False constant = diff.is_constant(simplify=False, failing_number=True) if constant is False or \ not diff.free_symbols and not diff.is_number: return False elif constant is True: ndiff = diff._random() if ndiff: return False # diff has not simplified to zero; constant is either None, True # or the number with significance (prec != 1) that was randomly # calculated twice as the same value. if constant not in (True, None) and constant != 0: return False if failing_expression: return diff return None def _eval_is_positive(self): if self.is_number: if self.is_real is False: return False try: # check to see that we can get a value n2 = self._eval_evalf(2) if n2 is None: raise AttributeError if n2._prec == 1: # no significance raise AttributeError except AttributeError: return None n, i = self.evalf(2).as_real_imag() if not i.is_Number or not n.is_Number: return False if i: if i._prec != 1: return False elif n._prec != 1: if n > 0: return True return False def _eval_is_negative(self): if self.is_number: if self.is_real is False: return False try: # check to see that we can get a value n2 = self._eval_evalf(2) if n2 is None: raise AttributeError if n2._prec == 1: # no significance raise AttributeError except AttributeError: return None n, i = self.evalf(2).as_real_imag() if not i.is_Number or not n.is_Number: return False if i: if i._prec != 1: return False elif n._prec != 1: if n < 0: return True return False def _eval_interval(self, x, a, b): """ Returns evaluation over an interval. For most functions this is: self.subs(x, b) - self.subs(x, a), possibly using limit() if NaN is returned from subs. If b or a is None, it only evaluates -self.subs(x, a) or self.subs(b, x), respectively. """ from sympy.series import limit if (a is None and b is None): raise ValueError('Both interval ends cannot be None.') if a is None: A = 0 else: A = self.subs(x, a) if A.has(S.NaN): A = limit(self, x, a) if A is S.NaN: return A if b is None: B = 0 else: B = self.subs(x, b) if B.has(S.NaN): B = limit(self, x, b) return B - A def _eval_power(self, other): # subclass to compute self**other for cases when # other is not NaN, 0, or 1 return None def _eval_conjugate(self): if self.is_real: return self elif self.is_imaginary: return -self def conjugate(self): from sympy.functions.elementary.complexes import conjugate as c return c(self) def _eval_transpose(self): from sympy.functions.elementary.complexes import conjugate if self.is_complex: return self elif self.is_hermitian: return conjugate(self) elif self.is_antihermitian: return -conjugate(self) def transpose(self): from sympy.functions.elementary.complexes import transpose return transpose(self) def _eval_adjoint(self): from sympy.functions.elementary.complexes import conjugate, transpose if self.is_hermitian: return self elif self.is_antihermitian: return -self obj = self._eval_conjugate() if obj is not None: return transpose(obj) obj = self._eval_transpose() if obj is not None: return conjugate(obj) def adjoint(self): from sympy.functions.elementary.complexes import adjoint return adjoint(self) @classmethod def _parse_order(cls, order): """Parse and configure the ordering of terms. """ from sympy.polys.monomialtools import monomial_key try: reverse = order.startswith('rev-') except AttributeError: reverse = False else: if reverse: order = order[4:] monom_key = monomial_key(order) def neg(monom): result = [] for m in monom: if isinstance(m, tuple): result.append(neg(m)) else: result.append(-m) return tuple(result) def key(term): _, ((re, im), monom, ncpart) = term monom = neg(monom_key(monom)) ncpart = tuple([ e.sort_key(order=order) for e in ncpart ]) coeff = ((bool(im), im), (re, im)) return monom, ncpart, coeff return key, reverse def as_ordered_factors(self, order=None): """Return list of ordered factors (if Mul) else [self].""" return [self] def as_ordered_terms(self, order=None, data=False): """ Transform an expression to an ordered list of terms. Examples ======== >>> from sympy import sin, cos >>> from sympy.abc import x, y >>> (sin(x)**2*cos(x) + sin(x)**2 + 1).as_ordered_terms() [sin(x)**2*cos(x), sin(x)**2, 1] """ key, reverse = self._parse_order(order) terms, gens = self.as_terms() if not any(term.is_Order for term, _ in terms): ordered = sorted(terms, key=key, reverse=reverse) else: _terms, _order = [], [] for term, repr in terms: if not term.is_Order: _terms.append((term, repr)) else: _order.append((term, repr)) ordered = sorted(_terms, key=key, reverse=True) \ + sorted(_order, key=key, reverse=True) if data: return ordered, gens else: return [ term for term, _ in ordered ] def as_terms(self): """Transform an expression to a list of terms. """ from sympy.core import Add, Mul, S from sympy.core.exprtools import decompose_power gens, terms = set([]), [] for term in Add.make_args(self): coeff, _term = term.as_coeff_Mul() coeff = complex(coeff) cpart, ncpart = {}, [] if _term is not S.One: for factor in Mul.make_args(_term): if factor.is_number: try: coeff *= complex(factor) except TypeError: pass else: continue if factor.is_commutative: base, exp = decompose_power(factor) cpart[base] = exp gens.add(base) else: ncpart.append(factor) coeff = coeff.real, coeff.imag ncpart = tuple(ncpart) terms.append((term, (coeff, cpart, ncpart))) gens = sorted(gens, key=default_sort_key) k, indices = len(gens), {} for i, g in enumerate(gens): indices[g] = i result = [] for term, (coeff, cpart, ncpart) in terms: monom = [0]*k for base, exp in cpart.iteritems(): monom[indices[base]] = exp result.append((term, (coeff, tuple(monom), ncpart))) return result, gens def removeO(self): """Removes the additive O(..) symbol if there is one""" return self def getO(self): """Returns the additive O(..) symbol if there is one, else None.""" return None def getn(self): """ Returns the order of the expression. The order is determined either from the O(...) term. If there is no O(...) term, it returns None. Examples ======== >>> from sympy import O >>> from sympy.abc import x >>> (1 + x + O(x**2)).getn() 2 >>> (1 + x).getn() """ o = self.getO() if o is None: return None elif o.is_Order: o = o.expr if o is S.One: return S.Zero if o.is_Symbol: return S.One if o.is_Pow: return o.args[1] if o.is_Mul: # x**n*log(x)**n or x**n/log(x)**n for oi in o.args: if oi.is_Symbol: return S.One if oi.is_Pow: syms = oi.atoms(C.Symbol) if len(syms) == 1: x = syms.pop() oi = oi.subs(x, C.Dummy('x', positive=True)) if oi.base.is_Symbol and oi.exp.is_Rational: return abs(oi.exp) raise NotImplementedError('not sure of order of %s' % o) def count_ops(self, visual=None): """wrapper for count_ops that returns the operation count.""" from function import count_ops return count_ops(self, visual) def args_cnc(self, cset=False, warn=True, split_1=True): """Return [commutative factors, non-commutative factors] of self. self is treated as a Mul and the ordering of the factors is maintained. If ``cset`` is True the commutative factors will be returned in a set. If there were repeated factors (as may happen with an unevaluated Mul) then an error will be raised unless it is explicitly supressed by setting ``warn`` to False. Note: -1 is always separated from a Number unless split_1 is False. >>> from sympy import symbols, oo >>> A, B = symbols('A B', commutative=0) >>> x, y = symbols('x y') >>> (-2*x*y).args_cnc() [[-1, 2, x, y], []] >>> (-2.5*x).args_cnc() [[-1, 2.5, x], []] >>> (-2*x*A*B*y).args_cnc() [[-1, 2, x, y], [A, B]] >>> (-2*x*A*B*y).args_cnc(split_1=False) [[-2, x, y], [A, B]] >>> (-2*x*y).args_cnc(cset=True) [set([-1, 2, x, y]), []] The arg is always treated as a Mul: >>> (-2 + x + A).args_cnc() [[], [x - 2 + A]] >>> (-oo).args_cnc() # -oo is a singleton [[-1, oo], []] """ if self.is_Mul: args = list(self.args) else: args = [self] for i, mi in enumerate(args): if not mi.is_commutative: c = args[:i] nc = args[i:] break else: c = args nc = [] if c and split_1 and ( c[0].is_Number and c[0].is_negative and c[0] != S.NegativeOne): c[:1] = [S.NegativeOne, -c[0]] if cset: clen = len(c) c = set(c) if clen and warn and len(c) != clen: raise ValueError('repeated commutative arguments: %s' % [ci for ci in c if list(self.args).count(ci) > 1]) return [c, nc] def coeff(self, x, n=1, right=False): """ Returns the coefficient from the term(s) containing ``x**n`` or None. If ``n`` is zero then all terms independent of ``x`` will be returned. When x is noncommutative, the coeff to the left (default) or right of x can be returned. The keyword 'right' is ignored when x is commutative. See Also ======== as_coefficient: separate the expression into a coefficient and factor as_coeff_Add: separate the additive constant from an expression as_coeff_Mul: separate the multiplicative constant from an expression as_independent: separate x-dependent terms/factors from others sympy.polys.polytools.coeff_monomial: efficiently find the single coefficient of a monomial in Poly sympy.polys.polytools.nth: like coeff_monomial but powers of monomial terms are used Examples ======== >>> from sympy import symbols >>> from sympy.abc import x, y, z You can select terms that have an explicit negative in front of them: >>> (-x + 2*y).coeff(-1) x >>> (x - 2*y).coeff(-1) 2*y You can select terms with no Rational coefficient: >>> (x + 2*y).coeff(1) x >>> (3 + 2*x + 4*x**2).coeff(1) 0 You can select terms independent of x by making n=0; in this case expr.as_independent(x)[0] is returned (and 0 will be returned instead of None): >>> (3 + 2*x + 4*x**2).coeff(x, 0) 3 >>> eq = ((x + 1)**3).expand() + 1 >>> eq x**3 + 3*x**2 + 3*x + 2 >>> [eq.coeff(x, i) for i in reversed(range(4))] [1, 3, 3, 2] >>> eq -= 2 >>> [eq.coeff(x, i) for i in reversed(range(4))] [1, 3, 3, 0] You can select terms that have a numerical term in front of them: >>> (-x - 2*y).coeff(2) -y >>> from sympy import sqrt >>> (x + sqrt(2)*x).coeff(sqrt(2)) x The matching is exact: >>> (3 + 2*x + 4*x**2).coeff(x) 2 >>> (3 + 2*x + 4*x**2).coeff(x**2) 4 >>> (3 + 2*x + 4*x**2).coeff(x**3) 0 >>> (z*(x + y)**2).coeff((x + y)**2) z >>> (z*(x + y)**2).coeff(x + y) 0 In addition, no factoring is done, so 1 + z*(1 + y) is not obtained from the following: >>> (x + z*(x + x*y)).coeff(x) 1 If such factoring is desired, factor_terms can be used first: >>> from sympy import factor_terms >>> factor_terms(x + z*(x + x*y)).coeff(x) z*(y + 1) + 1 >>> n, m, o = symbols('n m o', commutative=False) >>> n.coeff(n) 1 >>> (3*n).coeff(n) 3 >>> (n*m + m*n*m).coeff(n) # = (1 + m)*n*m 1 + m >>> (n*m + m*n*m).coeff(n, right=True) # = (1 + m)*n*m m If there is more than one possible coefficient 0 is returned: >>> (n*m + m*n).coeff(n) 0 If there is only one possible coefficient, it is returned: >>> (n*m + x*m*n).coeff(m*n) x >>> (n*m + x*m*n).coeff(m*n, right=1) 1 """ x = sympify(x) if not isinstance(x, Basic): return S.Zero n = as_int(n) if not x: return S.Zero if x == self: if n == 1: return S.One return S.Zero if x is S.One: co = [a for a in Add.make_args(self) if a.as_coeff_Mul()[0] is S.One] if not co: return S.Zero return Add(*co) if n == 0: if x.is_Add and self.is_Add: c = self.coeff(x, right=right) if not c: return S.Zero if not right: return self - Add(*[a*x for a in Add.make_args(c)]) return self - Add(*[x*a for a in Add.make_args(c)]) return self.as_independent(x, as_Add=not self.is_Mul)[0] # continue with the full method, looking for this power of x: x = x**n def incommon(l1, l2): if not l1 or not l2: return [] n = min(len(l1), len(l2)) for i in xrange(n): if l1[i] != l2[i]: return l1[:i] return l1[:] def find(l, sub, first=True): """ Find where list sub appears in list l. When ``first`` is True the first occurance from the left is returned, else the last occurance is returned. Return None if sub is not in l. >> l = range(5)*2 >> find(l, [2, 3]) 2 >> find(l, [2, 3], first=0) 7 >> find(l, [2, 4]) None """ if not sub or not l or len(sub) > len(l): return None n = len(sub) if not first: l.reverse() sub.reverse() for i in xrange(0, len(l) - n + 1): if all(l[i + j] == sub[j] for j in range(n)): break else: i = None if not first: l.reverse() sub.reverse() if i is not None and not first: i = len(l) - (i + n) return i co = [] args = Add.make_args(self) self_c = self.is_commutative x_c = x.is_commutative if self_c and not x_c: return S.Zero if self_c: xargs = x.args_cnc(cset=True, warn=False)[0] for a in args: margs = a.args_cnc(cset=True, warn=False)[0] if len(xargs) > len(margs): continue resid = margs.difference(xargs) if len(resid) + len(xargs) == len(margs): co.append(Mul(*resid)) if co == []: return S.Zero elif co: return Add(*co) elif x_c: xargs = x.args_cnc(cset=True, warn=False)[0] for a in args: margs, nc = a.args_cnc(cset=True) if len(xargs) > len(margs): continue resid = margs.difference(xargs) if len(resid) + len(xargs) == len(margs): co.append(Mul(*(list(resid) + nc))) if co == []: return S.Zero elif co: return Add(*co) else: # both nc xargs, nx = x.args_cnc(cset=True) # find the parts that pass the commutative terms for a in args: margs, nc = a.args_cnc(cset=True) if len(xargs) > len(margs): continue resid = margs.difference(xargs) if len(resid) + len(xargs) == len(margs): co.append((resid, nc)) # now check the non-comm parts if not co: return S.Zero if all(n == co[0][1] for r, n in co): ii = find(co[0][1], nx, right) if ii is not None: if not right: return Mul(Add(*[Mul(*r) for r, c in co]), Mul(*co[0][1][:ii])) else: return Mul(*co[0][1][ii + len(nx):]) beg = reduce(incommon, (n[1] for n in co)) if beg: ii = find(beg, nx, right) if ii is not None: if not right: gcdc = co[0][0] for i in xrange(1, len(co)): gcdc = gcdc.intersection(co[i][0]) if not gcdc: break return Mul(*(list(gcdc) + beg[:ii])) else: m = ii + len(nx) return Add(*[Mul(*(list(r) + n[m:])) for r, n in co]) end = list(reversed( reduce(incommon, (list(reversed(n[1])) for n in co)))) if end: ii = find(end, nx, right) if ii is not None: if not right: return Add(*[Mul(*(list(r) + n[:-len(end) + ii])) for r, n in co]) else: return Mul(*end[ii + len(nx):]) # look for single match hit = None for i, (r, n) in enumerate(co): ii = find(n, nx, right) if ii is not None: if not hit: hit = ii, r, n else: break else: if hit: ii, r, n = hit if not right: return Mul(*(list(r) + n[:ii])) else: return Mul(*n[ii + len(nx):]) return S.Zero def as_expr(self, *gens): """ Convert a polynomial to a SymPy expression. Examples ======== >>> from sympy import sin >>> from sympy.abc import x, y >>> f = (x**2 + x*y).as_poly(x, y) >>> f.as_expr() x**2 + x*y >>> sin(x).as_expr() sin(x) """ return self def as_coefficient(self, expr): """ Extracts symbolic coefficient at the given expression. In other words, this functions separates 'self' into the product of 'expr' and 'expr'-free coefficient. If such separation is not possible it will return None. Examples ======== >>> from sympy import E, pi, sin, I, symbols, Poly >>> from sympy.abc import x, y >>> E.as_coefficient(E) 1 >>> (2*E).as_coefficient(E) 2 >>> (2*sin(E)*E).as_coefficient(E) Two terms have E in them so a sum is returned. (If one were desiring the coefficient of the term exactly matching E then the constant from the returned expression could be selected. Or, for greater precision, a method of Poly can be used to indicate the desired term from which the coefficient is desired.) >>> (2*E + x*E).as_coefficient(E) x + 2 >>> _.args[0] # just want the exact match 2 >>> p = Poly(2*E + x*E); p Poly(x*E + 2*E, x, E, domain='ZZ') >>> p.coeff_monomial(E) 2 >>> p.nth(0,1) 2 Since the following cannot be written as a product containing E as a factor, None is returned. (If the coefficient ``2*x`` is desired then the ``coeff`` method should be used.) >>> (2*E*x + x).as_coefficient(E) >>> (2*E*x + x).coeff(E) 2*x >>> (E*(x + 1) + x).as_coefficient(E) >>> (2*pi*I).as_coefficient(pi*I) 2 >>> (2*I).as_coefficient(pi*I) See Also ======== coeff: return sum of terms have a given factor as_coeff_Add: separate the additive constant from an expression as_coeff_Mul: separate the multiplicative constant from an expression as_independent: separate x-dependent terms/factors from others sympy.polys.polytools.coeff_monomial: efficiently find the single coefficient of a monomial in Poly sympy.polys.polytools.nth: like coeff_monomial but powers of monomial terms are used """ r = self.extract_multiplicatively(expr) if r and not r.has(expr): return r def as_independent(self, *deps, **hint): """ A mostly naive separation of a Mul or Add into arguments that are not are dependent on deps. To obtain as complete a separation of variables as possible, use a separation method first, e.g.: * separatevars() to change Mul, Add and Pow (including exp) into Mul * .expand(mul=True) to change Add or Mul into Add * .expand(log=True) to change log expr into an Add The only non-naive thing that is done here is to respect noncommutative ordering of variables. The returned tuple (i, d) has the following interpretation: * i will has no variable that appears in deps * d will be 1 or else have terms that contain variables that are in deps * if self is an Add then self = i + d * if self is a Mul then self = i*d * if self is anything else, either tuple (self, S.One) or (S.One, self) is returned. To force the expression to be treated as an Add, use the hint as_Add=True Examples ======== -- self is an Add >>> from sympy import sin, cos, exp >>> from sympy.abc import x, y, z >>> (x + x*y).as_independent(x) (0, x*y + x) >>> (x + x*y).as_independent(y) (x, x*y) >>> (2*x*sin(x) + y + x + z).as_independent(x) (y + z, 2*x*sin(x) + x) >>> (2*x*sin(x) + y + x + z).as_independent(x, y) (z, 2*x*sin(x) + x + y) -- self is a Mul >>> (x*sin(x)*cos(y)).as_independent(x) (cos(y), x*sin(x)) non-commutative terms cannot always be separated out when self is a Mul >>> from sympy import symbols >>> n1, n2, n3 = symbols('n1 n2 n3', commutative=False) >>> (n1 + n1*n2).as_independent(n2) (n1, n1*n2) >>> (n2*n1 + n1*n2).as_independent(n2) (0, n1*n2 + n2*n1) >>> (n1*n2*n3).as_independent(n1) (1, n1*n2*n3) >>> (n1*n2*n3).as_independent(n2) (n1, n2*n3) >>> ((x-n1)*(x-y)).as_independent(x) (1, (x - y)*(x - n1)) -- self is anything else: >>> (sin(x)).as_independent(x) (1, sin(x)) >>> (sin(x)).as_independent(y) (sin(x), 1) >>> exp(x+y).as_independent(x) (1, exp(x + y)) -- force self to be treated as an Add: >>> (3*x).as_independent(x, as_Add=True) (0, 3*x) -- force self to be treated as a Mul: >>> (3+x).as_independent(x, as_Add=False) (1, x + 3) >>> (-3+x).as_independent(x, as_Add=False) (1, x - 3) Note how the below differs from the above in making the constant on the dep term positive. >>> (y*(-3+x)).as_independent(x) (y, x - 3) -- use .as_independent() for true independence testing instead of .has(). The former considers only symbols in the free symbols while the latter considers all symbols >>> from sympy import Integral >>> I = Integral(x, (x, 1, 2)) >>> I.has(x) True >>> x in I.free_symbols False >>> I.as_independent(x) == (I, 1) True >>> (I + x).as_independent(x) == (I, x) True Note: when trying to get independent terms, a separation method might need to be used first. In this case, it is important to keep track of what you send to this routine so you know how to interpret the returned values >>> from sympy import separatevars, log >>> separatevars(exp(x+y)).as_independent(x) (exp(y), exp(x)) >>> (x + x*y).as_independent(y) (x, x*y) >>> separatevars(x + x*y).as_independent(y) (x, y + 1) >>> (x*(1 + y)).as_independent(y) (x, y + 1) >>> (x*(1 + y)).expand(mul=True).as_independent(y) (x, x*y) >>> a, b=symbols('a b',positive=True) >>> (log(a*b).expand(log=True)).as_independent(b) (log(a), log(b)) See also: .separatevars(), .expand(log=True), .as_two_terms(), .as_coeff_add(), .as_coeff_mul() """ from sympy.utilities.iterables import sift func = self.func # sift out deps into symbolic and other and ignore # all symbols but those that are in the free symbols sym = set() other = [] for d in deps: if isinstance(d, C.Symbol): # Symbol.is_Symbol is True sym.add(d) else: other.append(d) def has(e): """return the standard has() if there are no literal symbols, else check to see that symbol-deps are in the free symbols.""" has_other = e.has(*other) if not sym: return has_other return has_other or e.has(*(e.free_symbols & sym)) if hint.get('as_Add', func is Add): want = Add else: want = Mul if (want is not func or func is not Add and func is not Mul): if has(self): return (want.identity, self) else: return (self, want.identity) else: if func is Add: args = list(self.args) else: args, nc = self.args_cnc() d = sift(args, lambda x: has(x)) depend = d[True] indep = d[False] if func is Add: # all terms were treated as commutative return (Add(*indep), Add(*depend)) else: # handle noncommutative by stopping at first dependent term for i, n in enumerate(nc): if has(n): depend.extend(nc[i:]) break indep.append(n) return Mul(*indep), Mul(*depend) def as_real_imag(self, deep=True, **hints): """Performs complex expansion on 'self' and returns a tuple containing collected both real and imaginary parts. This method can't be confused with re() and im() functions, which does not perform complex expansion at evaluation. However it is possible to expand both re() and im() functions and get exactly the same results as with a single call to this function. >>> from sympy import symbols, I >>> x, y = symbols('x,y', real=True) >>> (x + y*I).as_real_imag() (x, y) >>> from sympy.abc import z, w >>> (z + w*I).as_real_imag() (re(z) - im(w), re(w) + im(z)) """ if hints.get('ignore') == self: return None else: return (C.re(self), C.im(self)) def as_powers_dict(self): """Return self as a dictionary of factors with each factor being treated as a power. The keys are the bases of the factors and the values, the corresponding exponents. The resulting dictionary should be used with caution if the expression is a Mul and contains non- commutative factors since the order that they appeared will be lost in the dictionary.""" d = defaultdict(int) d.update(dict([self.as_base_exp()])) return d def as_coefficients_dict(self): """Return a dictionary mapping terms to their Rational coefficient. Since the dictionary is a defaultdict, inquiries about terms which were not present will return a coefficient of 0. If an expression is not an Add it is considered to have a single term. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.abc import a, x >>> (3*x + a*x + 4).as_coefficients_dict() {1: 4, x: 3, a*x: 1} >>> _[a] 0 >>> (3*a*x).as_coefficients_dict() {a*x: 3} """ c, m = self.as_coeff_Mul() if not c.is_Rational: c = S.One m = self d = defaultdict(int) d.update({m: c}) return d def as_base_exp(self): # a -> b ** e return self, S.One def as_coeff_mul(self, *deps): """Return the tuple (c, args) where self is written as a Mul, ``m``. c should be a Rational multiplied by any terms of the Mul that are independent of deps. args should be a tuple of all other terms of m; args is empty if self is a Number or if self is independent of deps (when given). This should be used when you don't know if self is a Mul or not but you want to treat self as a Mul or if you want to process the individual arguments of the tail of self as a Mul. - if you know self is a Mul and want only the head, use self.args[0]; - if you don't want to process the arguments of the tail but need the tail then use self.as_two_terms() which gives the head and tail; - if you want to split self into an independent and dependent parts use ``self.as_independent(*deps)`` >>> from sympy import S >>> from sympy.abc import x, y >>> (S(3)).as_coeff_mul() (3, ()) >>> (3*x*y).as_coeff_mul() (3, (x, y)) >>> (3*x*y).as_coeff_mul(x) (3*y, (x,)) >>> (3*y).as_coeff_mul(x) (3*y, ()) """ if deps: if not self.has(*deps): return self, tuple() return S.One, (self,) def as_coeff_add(self, *deps): """Return the tuple (c, args) where self is written as an Add, ``a``. c should be a Rational added to any terms of the Add that are independent of deps. args should be a tuple of all other terms of ``a``; args is empty if self is a Number or if self is independent of deps (when given). This should be used when you don't know if self is an Add or not but you want to treat self as an Add or if you want to process the individual arguments of the tail of self as an Add. - if you know self is an Add and want only the head, use self.args[0]; - if you don't want to process the arguments of the tail but need the tail then use self.as_two_terms() which gives the head and tail. - if you want to split self into an independent and dependent parts use ``self.as_independent(*deps)`` >>> from sympy import S >>> from sympy.abc import x, y >>> (S(3)).as_coeff_add() (3, ()) >>> (3 + x).as_coeff_add() (3, (x,)) >>> (3 + x + y).as_coeff_add(x) (y + 3, (x,)) >>> (3 + y).as_coeff_add(x) (y + 3, ()) """ if deps: if not self.has(*deps): return self, tuple() return S.Zero, (self,) def primitive(self): """Return the positive Rational that can be extracted non-recursively from every term of self (i.e., self is treated like an Add). This is like the as_coeff_Mul() method but primitive always extracts a positive Rational (never a negative or a Float). Examples ======== >>> from sympy.abc import x >>> (3*(x + 1)**2).primitive() (3, (x + 1)**2) >>> a = (6*x + 2); a.primitive() (2, 3*x + 1) >>> b = (x/2 + 3); b.primitive() (1/2, x + 6) >>> (a*b).primitive() == (1, a*b) True """ if not self: return S.One, S.Zero c, r = self.as_coeff_Mul(rational=True) if c.is_negative: c, r = -c, -r return c, r def as_content_primitive(self, radical=False): """This method should recursively remove a Rational from all arguments and return that (content) and the new self (primitive). The content should always be positive and ``Mul(*foo.as_content_primitive()) == foo``. The primitive need no be in canonical form and should try to preserve the underlying structure if possible (i.e. expand_mul should not be applied to self). Examples ======== >>> from sympy import sqrt >>> from sympy.abc import x, y, z >>> eq = 2 + 2*x + 2*y*(3 + 3*y) The as_content_primitive function is recursive and retains structure: >>> eq.as_content_primitive() (2, x + 3*y*(y + 1) + 1) Integer powers will have Rationals extracted from the base: >>> ((2 + 6*x)**2).as_content_primitive() (4, (3*x + 1)**2) >>> ((2 + 6*x)**(2*y)).as_content_primitive() (1, (2*(3*x + 1))**(2*y)) Terms may end up joining once their as_content_primitives are added: >>> ((5*(x*(1 + y)) + 2*x*(3 + 3*y))).as_content_primitive() (11, x*(y + 1)) >>> ((3*(x*(1 + y)) + 2*x*(3 + 3*y))).as_content_primitive() (9, x*(y + 1)) >>> ((3*(z*(1 + y)) + 2.0*x*(3 + 3*y))).as_content_primitive() (1, 6.0*x*(y + 1) + 3*z*(y + 1)) >>> ((5*(x*(1 + y)) + 2*x*(3 + 3*y))**2).as_content_primitive() (121, x**2*(y + 1)**2) >>> ((5*(x*(1 + y)) + 2.0*x*(3 + 3*y))**2).as_content_primitive() (1, 121.0*x**2*(y + 1)**2) Radical content can also be factored out of the primitive: >>> (2*sqrt(2) + 4*sqrt(10)).as_content_primitive(radical=True) (2, sqrt(2)*(1 + 2*sqrt(5))) """ return S.One, self def as_numer_denom(self): """ expression -> a/b -> a, b This is just a stub that should be defined by an object's class methods to get anything else. See Also ======== normal: return a/b instead of a, b """ return self, S.One def normal(self): n, d = self.as_numer_denom() if d is S.One: return n return n/d def extract_multiplicatively(self, c): """Return None if it's not possible to make self in the form c * something in a nice way, i.e. preserving the properties of arguments of self. >>> from sympy import symbols, Rational >>> x, y = symbols('x,y', real=True) >>> ((x*y)**3).extract_multiplicatively(x**2 * y) x*y**2 >>> ((x*y)**3).extract_multiplicatively(x**4 * y) >>> (2*x).extract_multiplicatively(2) x >>> (2*x).extract_multiplicatively(3) >>> (Rational(1,2)*x).extract_multiplicatively(3) x/6 """ c = sympify(c) if c is S.One: return self elif c == self: return S.One if c.is_Add: cc, pc = c.primitive() if cc is not S.One: c = Mul(cc, pc, evaluate=False) if c.is_Mul: a, b = c.as_two_terms() x = self.extract_multiplicatively(a) if x is not None: return x.extract_multiplicatively(b) quotient = self / c if self.is_Number: if self is S.Infinity: if c.is_positive: return S.Infinity elif self is S.NegativeInfinity: if c.is_negative: return S.Infinity elif c.is_positive: return S.NegativeInfinity elif self is S.ComplexInfinity: if not c.is_zero: return S.ComplexInfinity elif self is S.NaN: return S.NaN elif self.is_Integer: if not quotient.is_Integer: return None elif self.is_positive and quotient.is_negative: return None else: return quotient elif self.is_Rational: if not quotient.is_Rational: return None elif self.is_positive and quotient.is_negative: return None else: return quotient elif self.is_Float: if not quotient.is_Float: return None elif self.is_positive and quotient.is_negative: return None else: return quotient elif self.is_NumberSymbol or self.is_Symbol or self is S.ImaginaryUnit: if quotient.is_Mul and len(quotient.args) == 2: if quotient.args[0].is_Integer and quotient.args[0].is_positive and quotient.args[1] == self: return quotient elif quotient.is_Integer: return quotient elif self.is_Add: cs, ps = self.primitive() if cs is not S.One: return Mul(cs, ps, evaluate=False).extract_multiplicatively(c) newargs = [] for arg in self.args: newarg = arg.extract_multiplicatively(c) if newarg is not None: newargs.append(newarg) else: return None return Add(*newargs) elif self.is_Mul: args = list(self.args) for i, arg in enumerate(args): newarg = arg.extract_multiplicatively(c) if newarg is not None: args[i] = newarg return Mul(*args) elif self.is_Pow: if c.is_Pow and c.base == self.base: new_exp = self.exp.extract_additively(c.exp) if new_exp is not None: return self.base ** (new_exp) elif c == self.base: new_exp = self.exp.extract_additively(1) if new_exp is not None: return self.base ** (new_exp) def extract_additively(self, c): """Return self - c if it's possible to subtract c from self and make all matching coefficients move towards zero, else return None. Examples ======== >>> from sympy import S >>> from sympy.abc import x, y >>> e = 2*x + 3 >>> e.extract_additively(x + 1) x + 2 >>> e.extract_additively(3*x) >>> e.extract_additively(4) >>> (y*(x + 1)).extract_additively(x + 1) >>> ((x + 1)*(x + 2*y + 1) + 3).extract_additively(x + 1) (x + 1)*(x + 2*y) + 3 Sometimes auto-expansion will return a less simplified result than desired; gcd_terms might be used in such cases: >>> from sympy import gcd_terms >>> (4*x*(y + 1) + y).extract_additively(x) 4*x*(y + 1) + x*(4*y + 3) - x*(4*y + 4) + y >>> gcd_terms(_) x*(4*y + 3) + y See Also ======== extract_multiplicatively coeff as_coefficient """ c = sympify(c) if c is S.Zero: return self elif c == self: return S.Zero elif self is S.Zero: return None if self.is_Number: if not c.is_Number: return None co = self diff = co - c # XXX should we match types? i.e should 3 - .1 succeed? if (co > 0 and diff > 0 and diff < co or co < 0 and diff < 0 and diff > co): return diff return None if c.is_Number: co, t = self.as_coeff_Add() xa = co.extract_additively(c) if xa is None: return None return xa + t # handle the args[0].is_Number case separately # since we will have trouble looking for the coeff of # a number. if c.is_Add and c.args[0].is_Number: # whole term as a term factor co = self.coeff(c) xa0 = (co.extract_additively(1) or 0)*c if xa0: diff = self - co*c return (xa0 + (diff.extract_additively(c) or diff)) or None # term-wise h, t = c.as_coeff_Add() sh, st = self.as_coeff_Add() xa = sh.extract_additively(h) if xa is None: return None xa2 = st.extract_additively(t) if xa2 is None: return None return xa + xa2 # whole term as a term factor co = self.coeff(c) xa0 = (co.extract_additively(1) or 0)*c if xa0: diff = self - co*c return (xa0 + (diff.extract_additively(c) or diff)) or None # term-wise coeffs = [] for a in Add.make_args(c): ac, at = a.as_coeff_Mul() co = self.coeff(at) if not co: return None coc, cot = co.as_coeff_Add() xa = coc.extract_additively(ac) if xa is None: return None self -= co*at coeffs.append((cot + xa)*at) coeffs.append(self) return Add(*coeffs) def could_extract_minus_sign(self): """Canonical way to choose an element in the set {e, -e} where e is any expression. If the canonical element is e, we have e.could_extract_minus_sign() == True, else e.could_extract_minus_sign() == False. For any expression, the set ``{e.could_extract_minus_sign(), (-e).could_extract_minus_sign()}`` must be ``{True, False}``. >>> from sympy.abc import x, y >>> (x-y).could_extract_minus_sign() != (y-x).could_extract_minus_sign() True """ negative_self = -self self_has_minus = (self.extract_multiplicatively(-1) is not None) negative_self_has_minus = ( (negative_self).extract_multiplicatively(-1) is not None) if self_has_minus != negative_self_has_minus: return self_has_minus else: if self.is_Add: # We choose the one with less arguments with minus signs all_args = len(self.args) negative_args = len([False for arg in self.args if arg.could_extract_minus_sign()]) positive_args = all_args - negative_args if positive_args > negative_args: return False elif positive_args < negative_args: return True elif self.is_Mul: # We choose the one with an odd number of minus signs num, den = self.as_numer_denom() args = Mul.make_args(num) + Mul.make_args(den) arg_signs = [arg.could_extract_minus_sign() for arg in args] negative_args = filter(None, arg_signs) return len(negative_args) % 2 == 1 # As a last resort, we choose the one with greater value of .sort_key() return self.sort_key() < negative_self.sort_key() def extract_branch_factor(self, allow_half=False): """ Try to write self as ``exp_polar(2*pi*I*n)*z`` in a nice way. Return (z, n). >>> from sympy import exp_polar, I, pi >>> from sympy.abc import x, y >>> exp_polar(I*pi).extract_branch_factor() (exp_polar(I*pi), 0) >>> exp_polar(2*I*pi).extract_branch_factor() (1, 1) >>> exp_polar(-pi*I).extract_branch_factor() (exp_polar(I*pi), -1) >>> exp_polar(3*pi*I + x).extract_branch_factor() (exp_polar(x + I*pi), 1) >>> (y*exp_polar(-5*pi*I)*exp_polar(3*pi*I + 2*pi*x)).extract_branch_factor() (y*exp_polar(2*pi*x), -1) >>> exp_polar(-I*pi/2).extract_branch_factor() (exp_polar(-I*pi/2), 0) If allow_half is True, also extract exp_polar(I*pi): >>> exp_polar(I*pi).extract_branch_factor(allow_half=True) (1, 1/2) >>> exp_polar(2*I*pi).extract_branch_factor(allow_half=True) (1, 1) >>> exp_polar(3*I*pi).extract_branch_factor(allow_half=True) (1, 3/2) >>> exp_polar(-I*pi).extract_branch_factor(allow_half=True) (1, -1/2) """ from sympy import exp_polar, pi, I, ceiling, Add n = S(0) res = S(1) args = Mul.make_args(self) exps = [] for arg in args: if arg.func is exp_polar: exps += [arg.exp] else: res *= arg piimult = S(0) extras = [] while exps: exp = exps.pop() if exp.is_Add: exps += exp.args continue if exp.is_Mul: coeff = exp.as_coefficient(pi*I) if coeff is not None: piimult += coeff continue extras += [exp] if not piimult.free_symbols: coeff = piimult tail = () else: coeff, tail = piimult.as_coeff_add(*piimult.free_symbols) # round down to nearest multiple of 2 branchfact = ceiling(coeff/2 - S(1)/2)*2 n += branchfact/2 c = coeff - branchfact if allow_half: nc = c.extract_additively(1) if nc is not None: n += S(1)/2 c = nc newexp = pi*I*Add(*((c, ) + tail)) + Add(*extras) if newexp != 0: res *= exp_polar(newexp) return res, n def _eval_is_polynomial(self, syms): if self.free_symbols.intersection(syms) == set([]): return True return False def is_polynomial(self, *syms): """ Return True if self is a polynomial in syms and False otherwise. This checks if self is an exact polynomial in syms. This function returns False for expressions that are "polynomials" with symbolic exponents. Thus, you should be able to apply polynomial algorithms to expressions for which this returns True, and Poly(expr, \*syms) should work if and only if expr.is_polynomial(\*syms) returns True. The polynomial does not have to be in expanded form. If no symbols are given, all free symbols in the expression will be used. This is not part of the assumptions system. You cannot do Symbol('z', polynomial=True). Examples ======== >>> from sympy import Symbol >>> x = Symbol('x') >>> ((x**2 + 1)**4).is_polynomial(x) True >>> ((x**2 + 1)**4).is_polynomial() True >>> (2**x + 1).is_polynomial(x) False >>> n = Symbol('n', nonnegative=True, integer=True) >>> (x**n + 1).is_polynomial(x) False This function does not attempt any nontrivial simplifications that may result in an expression that does not appear to be a polynomial to become one. >>> from sympy import sqrt, factor, cancel >>> y = Symbol('y', positive=True) >>> a = sqrt(y**2 + 2*y + 1) >>> a.is_polynomial(y) False >>> factor(a) y + 1 >>> factor(a).is_polynomial(y) True >>> b = (y**2 + 2*y + 1)/(y + 1) >>> b.is_polynomial(y) False >>> cancel(b) y + 1 >>> cancel(b).is_polynomial(y) True See also .is_rational_function() """ if syms: syms = set(map(sympify, syms)) else: syms = self.free_symbols if syms.intersection(self.free_symbols) == set([]): # constant polynomial return True else: return self._eval_is_polynomial(syms) def _eval_is_rational_function(self, syms): if self.free_symbols.intersection(syms) == set([]): return True return False def is_rational_function(self, *syms): """ Test whether function is a ratio of two polynomials in the given symbols, syms. When syms is not given, all free symbols will be used. The rational function does not have to be in expanded or in any kind of canonical form. This function returns False for expressions that are "rational functions" with symbolic exponents. Thus, you should be able to call .as_numer_denom() and apply polynomial algorithms to the result for expressions for which this returns True. This is not part of the assumptions system. You cannot do Symbol('z', rational_function=True). Examples ======== >>> from sympy import Symbol, sin >>> from sympy.abc import x, y >>> (x/y).is_rational_function() True >>> (x**2).is_rational_function() True >>> (x/sin(y)).is_rational_function(y) False >>> n = Symbol('n', integer=True) >>> (x**n + 1).is_rational_function(x) False This function does not attempt any nontrivial simplifications that may result in an expression that does not appear to be a rational function to become one. >>> from sympy import sqrt, factor, cancel >>> y = Symbol('y', positive=True) >>> a = sqrt(y**2 + 2*y + 1)/y >>> a.is_rational_function(y) False >>> factor(a) (y + 1)/y >>> factor(a).is_rational_function(y) True See also is_rational_function(). """ if syms: syms = set(map(sympify, syms)) else: syms = self.free_symbols if syms.intersection(self.free_symbols) == set([]): # constant rational function return True else: return self._eval_is_rational_function(syms) ################################################################################### ##################### SERIES, LEADING TERM, LIMIT, ORDER METHODS ################## ################################################################################### def series(self, x=None, x0=0, n=6, dir="+"): """ Series expansion of "self" around ``x = x0`` yielding either terms of the series one by one (the lazy series given when n=None), else all the terms at once when n != None. Note: when n != None, if an O() term is returned then the x in the in it and the entire expression represents x - x0, the displacement from x0. (If there is no O() term then the series was exact and x has it's normal meaning.) This is currently necessary since sympy's O() can only represent terms at x0=0. So instead of:: cos(x).series(x0=1, n=2) --> (1 - x)*sin(1) + cos(1) + O((x - 1)**2) which graphically looks like this:: | .|. . . . | \ . . ---+---------------------- | . . . . | \ x=0 the following is returned instead:: -x*sin(1) + cos(1) + O(x**2) whose graph is this:: \ | . .| . . . \ . . -----+\------------------. | . . . . | \ x=0 which is identical to ``cos(x + 1).series(n=2)``. Usage: Returns the series expansion of "self" around the point ``x = x0`` with respect to ``x`` up to O(x**n) (default n is 6). If ``x=None`` and ``self`` is univariate, the univariate symbol will be supplied, otherwise an error will be raised. >>> from sympy import cos, exp >>> from sympy.abc import x, y >>> cos(x).series() 1 - x**2/2 + x**4/24 + O(x**6) >>> cos(x).series(n=4) 1 - x**2/2 + O(x**4) >>> e = cos(x + exp(y)) >>> e.series(y, n=2) cos(x + 1) - y*sin(x + 1) + O(y**2) >>> e.series(x, n=2) cos(exp(y)) - x*sin(exp(y)) + O(x**2) If ``n=None`` then an iterator of the series terms will be returned. >>> term=cos(x).series(n=None) >>> [term.next() for i in range(2)] [1, -x**2/2] For ``dir=+`` (default) the series is calculated from the right and for ``dir=-`` the series from the left. For smooth functions this flag will not alter the results. >>> abs(x).series(dir="+") x >>> abs(x).series(dir="-") -x """ from sympy import collect if x is None: syms = self.atoms(C.Symbol) if len(syms) > 1: raise ValueError('x must be given for multivariate functions.') x = syms.pop() if not self.has(x): if n is None: return (s for s in [self]) else: return self ## it seems like the following should be doable, but several failures ## then occur. Is this related to issue 1747 et al See also XPOS below. #if x.is_positive is x.is_negative is None: # # replace x with an x that has a positive assumption # xpos = C.Dummy('x', positive=True) # rv = self.subs(x, xpos).series(xpos, x0, n, dir) # if n is None: # return (s.subs(xpos, x) for s in rv) # else: # return rv.subs(xpos, x) if len(dir) != 1 or dir not in '+-': raise ValueError("Dir must be '+' or '-'") if x0 in [S.Infinity, S.NegativeInfinity]: dir = {S.Infinity: '+', S.NegativeInfinity: '-'}[x0] s = self.subs(x, 1/x).series(x, n=n, dir=dir) if n is None: return (si.subs(x, 1/x) for si in s) # don't include the order term since it will eat the larger terms return s.removeO().subs(x, 1/x) # use rep to shift origin to x0 and change sign (if dir is negative) # and undo the process with rep2 if x0 or dir == '-': if dir == '-': rep = -x + x0 rep2 = -x rep2b = x0 else: rep = x + x0 rep2 = x rep2b = -x0 s = self.subs(x, rep).series(x, x0=0, n=n, dir='+') if n is None: # lseries... return (si.subs(x, rep2 + rep2b) for si in s) # nseries... o = s.getO() or S.Zero s = s.removeO() if o and x0: rep2b = 0 # when O() can handle x0 != 0 this can be removed return s.subs(x, rep2 + rep2b) + o # from here on it's x0=0 and dir='+' handling if n is not None: # nseries handling s1 = self._eval_nseries(x, n=n, logx=None) o = s1.getO() or S.Zero if o: # make sure the requested order is returned ngot = o.getn() if ngot > n: # leave o in its current form (e.g. with x*log(x)) so # it eats terms properly, then replace it below s1 += o.subs(x, x**C.Rational(n, ngot)) elif ngot < n: # increase the requested number of terms to get the desired # number keep increasing (up to 9) until the received order # is different than the original order and then predict how # many additional terms are needed for more in range(1, 9): s1 = self._eval_nseries(x, n=n + more, logx=None) newn = s1.getn() if newn != ngot: ndo = n + (n - ngot)*more/(newn - ngot) s1 = self._eval_nseries(x, n=ndo, logx=None) # if this assertion fails then our ndo calculation # needs modification assert s1.getn() == n break else: raise ValueError('Could not calculate %s terms for %s' % (str(n), self)) o = s1.getO() s1 = s1.removeO() else: o = C.Order(x**n) if (s1 + o).removeO() == s1: o = S.Zero try: return collect(s1, x) + o except NotImplementedError: return s1 + o else: # lseries handling def yield_lseries(s): """Return terms of lseries one at a time.""" for si in s: if not si.is_Add: yield si continue # yield terms 1 at a time if possible # by increasing order until all the # terms have been returned yielded = 0 o = C.Order(si)*x ndid = 0 ndo = len(si.args) while 1: do = (si - yielded + o).removeO() o *= x if not do or do.is_Order: continue if do.is_Add: ndid += len(do.args) else: ndid += 1 yield do if ndid == ndo: raise StopIteration yielded += do return yield_lseries(self.removeO()._eval_lseries(x)) def lseries(self, x=None, x0=0, dir='+'): """ Wrapper for series yielding an iterator of the terms of the series. Note: an infinite series will yield an infinite iterator. The following, for exaxmple, will never terminate. It will just keep printing terms of the sin(x) series:: for term in sin(x).lseries(x): print term The advantage of lseries() over nseries() is that many times you are just interested in the next term in the series (i.e. the first term for example), but you don't know how many you should ask for in nseries() using the "n" parameter. See also nseries(). """ return self.series(x, x0, n=None, dir=dir) def _eval_lseries(self, x): # default implementation of lseries is using nseries(), and adaptively # increasing the "n". As you can see, it is not very efficient, because # we are calculating the series over and over again. Subclasses should # override this method and implement much more efficient yielding of # terms. n = 0 series = self._eval_nseries(x, n=n, logx=None) if not series.is_Order: if series.is_Add: yield series.removeO() else: yield series raise StopIteration while series.is_Order: n += 1 series = self._eval_nseries(x, n=n, logx=None) e = series.removeO() yield e while 1: while 1: n += 1 series = self._eval_nseries(x, n=n, logx=None).removeO() if e != series: break yield series - e e = series def nseries(self, x=None, x0=0, n=6, dir='+', logx=None): """ Wrapper to _eval_nseries if assumptions allow, else to series. If x is given, x0 is 0, dir='+', and self has x, then _eval_nseries is called. This calculates "n" terms in the innermost expressions and then builds up the final series just by "cross-multiplying" everything out. Advantage -- it's fast, because we don't have to determine how many terms we need to calculate in advance. Disadvantage -- you may end up with less terms than you may have expected, but the O(x**n) term appended will always be correct and so the result, though perhaps shorter, will also be correct. If any of those assumptions is not met, this is treated like a wrapper to series which will try harder to return the correct number of terms. See also lseries(). """ if x and not self.has(x): return self if x is None or x0 or dir != '+': # {see XPOS above} or (x.is_positive == x.is_negative == None): assert logx is None return self.series(x, x0, n, dir) else: return self._eval_nseries(x, n=n, logx=logx) def _eval_nseries(self, x, n, logx): """ Return terms of series for self up to O(x**n) at x=0 from the positive direction. This is a method that should be overridden in subclasses. Users should never call this method directly (use .nseries() instead), so you don't have to write docstrings for _eval_nseries(). """ from sympy.utilities.misc import filldedent raise NotImplementedError(filldedent(""" The _eval_nseries method should be added to %s to give terms up to O(x**n) at x=0 from the positive direction so it is available when nseries calls it.""" % self.func) ) def limit(self, x, xlim, dir='+'): """ Compute limit x->xlim. """ from sympy.series.limits import limit return limit(self, x, xlim, dir) def compute_leading_term(self, x, skip_abs=False, logx=None): """ as_leading_term is only allowed for results of .series() This is a wrapper to compute a series first. If skip_abs is true, the absolute term is assumed to be zero. (This is necessary because sometimes it cannot be simplified to zero without a lot of work, but is still known to be zero. See log._eval_nseries for an example.) If skip_log is true, log(x) is treated as an independent symbol. (This is needed for the gruntz algorithm.) """ from sympy.series.gruntz import calculate_series from sympy import cancel if self.removeO() == 0: return self if logx is None: d = C.Dummy('logx') s = calculate_series(self, x, skip_abs, d).subs(d, C.log(x)) else: s = calculate_series(self, x, skip_abs, logx) s = cancel(s) if skip_abs: s = expand_mul(s).as_independent(x)[1] return s.as_leading_term(x) @cacheit def as_leading_term(self, *symbols): """ Returns the leading (nonzero) term of the series expansion of self. The _eval_as_leading_term routines are used to do this, and they must always return a non-zero value. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.abc import x >>> (1 + x + x**2).as_leading_term(x) 1 >>> (1/x**2 + x + x**2).as_leading_term(x) x**(-2) """ from sympy import powsimp if len(symbols) > 1: c = self for x in symbols: c = c.as_leading_term(x) return c elif not symbols: return self x = sympify(symbols[0]) if not x.is_Symbol: raise ValueError('expecting a Symbol but got %s' % x) if x not in self.free_symbols: return self obj = self._eval_as_leading_term(x) if obj is not None: return powsimp(obj, deep=True, combine='exp') raise NotImplementedError('as_leading_term(%s, %s)' % (self, x)) def _eval_as_leading_term(self, x): return self def as_coeff_exponent(self, x): """ ``c*x**e -> c,e`` where x can be any symbolic expression. """ from sympy import collect s = collect(self, x) c, p = s.as_coeff_mul(x) if len(p) == 1: b, e = p[0].as_base_exp() if b == x: return c, e return s, S.Zero def leadterm(self, x): """ Returns the leading term a*x**b as a tuple (a, b). Examples ======== >>> from sympy.abc import x >>> (1+x+x**2).leadterm(x) (1, 0) >>> (1/x**2+x+x**2).leadterm(x) (1, -2) """ c, e = self.as_leading_term(x).as_coeff_exponent(x) if x in c.free_symbols: from sympy.utilities.misc import filldedent raise ValueError(filldedent(""" cannot compute leadterm(%s, %s). The coefficient should have been free of x but got %s""" % (self, x, c))) return c, e def as_coeff_Mul(self, rational=False): """Efficiently extract the coefficient of a product. """ return S.One, self def as_coeff_Add(self): """Efficiently extract the coefficient of a summation. """ return S.Zero, self ################################################################################### ##################### DERIVATIVE, INTEGRAL, FUNCTIONAL METHODS #################### ################################################################################### def diff(self, *symbols, **assumptions): new_symbols = map(sympify, symbols) # e.g. x, 2, y, z assumptions.setdefault("evaluate", True) return Derivative(self, *new_symbols, **assumptions) ########################################################################### ###################### EXPRESSION EXPANSION METHODS ####################### ########################################################################### # Relevant subclasses should override _eval_expand_hint() methods. See # the docstring of expand() for more info. def _eval_expand_complex(self, **hints): real, imag = self.as_real_imag(**hints) return real + S.ImaginaryUnit*imag @staticmethod def _expand_hint(expr, hint, deep=True, **hints): """ Helper for ``expand()``. Recursively calls ``expr._eval_expand_hint()``. Returns ``(expr, hit)``, where expr is the (possibly) expanded ``expr`` and ``hit`` is ``True`` if ``expr`` was truly expanded and ``False`` otherwise. """ hit = False # XXX: Hack to support non-Basic args # | # V if deep and getattr(expr, 'args', ()) and not expr.is_Atom: sargs = [] for arg in expr.args: arg, arghit = Expr._expand_hint(arg, hint, **hints) hit |= arghit sargs.append(arg) if hit: expr = expr.func(*sargs) if hasattr(expr, '_eval_expand_' + hint): newexpr = getattr(expr, '_eval_expand_' + hint)(**hints) if newexpr != expr: return (newexpr, True) return (expr, hit) @cacheit def expand(self, deep=True, modulus=None, power_base=True, power_exp=True, mul=True, log=True, multinomial=True, basic=True, **hints): """ Expand an expression using hints. See the docstring of the expand() function in sympy.core.function for more information. """ from sympy.simplify.simplify import fraction hints.update(power_base=power_base, power_exp=power_exp, mul=mul, log=log, multinomial=multinomial, basic=basic) expr = self if hints.pop('frac', False): n, d = [a.expand(deep=deep, modulus=modulus, **hints) for a in fraction(self)] return n/d elif hints.pop('denom', False): n, d = fraction(self) return n/d.expand(deep=deep, modulus=modulus, **hints) elif hints.pop('numer', False): n, d = fraction(self) return n.expand(deep=deep, modulus=modulus, **hints)/d # Although the hints are sorted here, an earlier hint may get applied # at a given node in the expression tree before another because of how # the hints are applied. e.g. expand(log(x*(y + z))) -> log(x*y + # x*z) because while applying log at the top level, log and mul are # applied at the deeper level in the tree so that when the log at the # upper level gets applied, the mul has already been applied at the # lower level. # Additionally, because hints are only applied once, the expression # may not be expanded all the way. For example, if mul is applied # before multinomial, x*(x + 1)**2 won't be expanded all the way. For # now, we just use a special case to make multinomial run before mul, # so that at least polynomials will be expanded all the way. In the # future, smarter heuristics should be applied. # TODO: Smarter heuristics def _expand_hint_key(hint): """Make multinomial come before mul""" if hint == 'mul': return 'mulz' return hint for hint in sorted(hints.keys(), key=_expand_hint_key): use_hint = hints[hint] if use_hint: expr, hit = Expr._expand_hint(expr, hint, deep=deep, **hints) if modulus is not None: modulus = sympify(modulus) if not modulus.is_Integer or modulus <= 0: raise ValueError( "modulus must be a positive integer, got %s" % modulus) terms = [] for term in Add.make_args(expr): coeff, tail = term.as_coeff_Mul(rational=True) coeff %= modulus if coeff: terms.append(coeff*tail) expr = Add(*terms) return expr ########################################################################### ################### GLOBAL ACTION VERB WRAPPER METHODS #################### ########################################################################### def integrate(self, *args, **kwargs): """See the integrate function in sympy.integrals""" from sympy.integrals import integrate return integrate(self, *args, **kwargs) def simplify(self, ratio=1.7, measure=None): """See the simplify function in sympy.simplify""" from sympy.simplify import simplify from sympy.core.function import count_ops measure = measure or count_ops return simplify(self, ratio, measure) def nsimplify(self, constants=[], tolerance=None, full=False): """See the nsimplify function in sympy.simplify""" from sympy.simplify import nsimplify return nsimplify(self, constants, tolerance, full) def separate(self, deep=False, force=False): """See the separate function in sympy.simplify""" from sympy.simplify import separate return separate(self, deep) def collect(self, syms, func=None, evaluate=True, exact=False, distribute_order_term=True): """See the collect function in sympy.simplify""" from sympy.simplify import collect return collect(self, syms, func, evaluate, exact, distribute_order_term) def together(self, *args, **kwargs): """See the together function in sympy.polys""" from sympy.polys import together return together(self, *args, **kwargs) def apart(self, x=None, **args): """See the apart function in sympy.polys""" from sympy.polys import apart return apart(self, x, **args) def ratsimp(self): """See the ratsimp function in sympy.simplify""" from sympy.simplify import ratsimp return ratsimp(self) def trigsimp(self, **args): """See the trigsimp function in sympy.simplify""" from sympy.simplify import trigsimp return trigsimp(self, **args) def radsimp(self): """See the radsimp function in sympy.simplify""" from sympy.simplify import radsimp return radsimp(self) def powsimp(self, deep=False, combine='all'): """See the powsimp function in sympy.simplify""" from sympy.simplify import powsimp return powsimp(self, deep, combine) def combsimp(self): """See the combsimp function in sympy.simplify""" from sympy.simplify import combsimp return combsimp(self) def factor(self, *gens, **args): """See the factor() function in sympy.polys.polytools""" from sympy.polys import factor return factor(self, *gens, **args) def refine(self, assumption=True): """See the refine function in sympy.assumptions""" from sympy.assumptions import refine return refine(self, assumption) def cancel(self, *gens, **args): """See the cancel function in sympy.polys""" from sympy.polys import cancel return cancel(self, *gens, **args) def invert(self, g): """See the invert function in sympy.polys""" from sympy.polys import invert return invert(self, g) def round(self, p=0): """Return x rounded to the given decimal place. If a complex number would results, apply round to the real and imaginary components of the number. Examples ======== >>> from sympy import pi, E, I, S, Add, Mul, Number >>> S(10.5).round() 11. >>> pi.round() 3. >>> pi.round(2) 3.14 >>> (2*pi + E*I).round() #doctest: +SKIP 6. + 3.*I The round method has a chopping effect: >>> (2*pi + I/10).round() 6. >>> (pi/10 + 2*I).round() #doctest: +SKIP 2.*I >>> (pi/10 + E*I).round(2) 0.31 + 2.72*I Notes ===== Do not confuse the Python builtin function, round, with the SymPy method of the same name. The former always returns a float (or raises an error if applied to a complex value) while the latter returns either a Number or a complex number: >>> isinstance(round(S(123), -2), Number) False >>> isinstance(S(123).round(-2), Number) True >>> isinstance((3*I).round(), Mul) True >>> isinstance((1 + 3*I).round(), Add) True """ from sympy.functions.elementary.exponential import log x = self if not x.is_number: raise TypeError('%s is not a number' % x) if not x.is_real: i, r = x.as_real_imag() return i.round(p) + S.ImaginaryUnit*r.round(p) if not x: return x p = int(p) precs = [f._prec for f in x.atoms(C.Float)] dps = prec_to_dps(max(precs)) if precs else None mag_first_dig = _mag(x) allow = digits_needed = mag_first_dig + p if dps is not None and allow > dps: allow = dps mag = Pow(10, p) # magnitude needed to bring digit p to units place x += 1/(2*mag) # add the half for rounding i10 = 10*mag*x.n((dps if dps is not None else digits_needed) + 1) rv = Integer(i10)//10 q = 1 if p > 0: q = mag elif p < 0: rv /= mag rv = Rational(rv, q) if rv.is_Integer: # use str or else it won't be a float return C.Float(str(rv), digits_needed) else: return C.Float(rv, allow) class AtomicExpr(Atom, Expr): """ A parent class for object which are both atoms and Exprs. For example: Symbol, Number, Rational, Integer, ... But not: Add, Mul, Pow, ... """ is_Atom = True __slots__ = [] def _eval_derivative(self, s): if self == s: return S.One return S.Zero def _eval_is_polynomial(self, syms): return True def _eval_is_rational_function(self, syms): return True def _eval_nseries(self, x, n, logx): return self def _mag(x): """Return integer ``i`` such that .1 <= x/10**i < 1 Examples ======== >>> from sympy.core.expr import _mag >>> from sympy import Float >>> _mag(Float(.1)) 0 >>> _mag(Float(.01)) -1 >>> _mag(Float(1234)) 4 """ from math import log10, ceil, log xpos = abs(x.n()) if not xpos: return S.Zero try: mag_first_dig = int(ceil(log10(xpos))) except (ValueError, OverflowError): mag_first_dig = int(ceil(C.Float(mpf_log(xpos._mpf_, 53))/log(10))) # check that we aren't off by 1 if (xpos/10**mag_first_dig) >= 1: assert 1 <= (xpos/10**mag_first_dig) < 10 mag_first_dig += 1 return mag_first_dig from mul import Mul from add import Add from power import Pow from function import Derivative, expand_mul from mod import Mod from exprtools import factor_terms from numbers import Integer, Rational
# This file is part of ArcJail. # # ArcJail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # ArcJail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with ArcJail. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. from listeners.tick import Delay from controlled_cvars.handlers import float_handler from ...resource.strings import build_module_strings from ..damage_hook import get_hook, protected_player_manager from ..players import player_manager from .. import build_module_config from .base_classes.jail_game import JailGame from . import game_event_handler, stage strings_module = build_module_strings('lrs/win_reward') config_manager = build_module_config('lrs/win_reward') config_manager.controlled_cvar( float_handler, "duration", default=10, description="Duration of Win Reward" ) config_manager.controlled_cvar( float_handler, "loser_speed", default=0.5, description="Loser's speed" ) class WinReward(JailGame): caption = "Win Reward" stage_groups = { 'winreward-start': [ "equip-damage-hooks", "set-start-status", "winreward-entry", ], 'winreward-timed-out': ["winreward-timed-out", ], } def __init__(self, players, **kwargs): super().__init__(players, **kwargs) self._counters = {} self._results = { 'winner': kwargs['winner'], 'loser': kwargs['loser'], } @stage('basegame-entry') def stage_basegame_entry(self): self.set_stage_group('winreward-start') @stage('equip-damage-hooks') def stage_equip_damage_hooks(self): winner, loser = self._results['winner'], self._results['loser'] def hook_hurt_for_loser(counter, info): return info.attacker == winner.index for player in self._players: p_player = protected_player_manager[player.index] counter = self._counters[player.index] = p_player.new_counter() if player == winner: counter.hook_hurt = get_hook('SW') else: counter.hook_hurt = hook_hurt_for_loser p_player.set_protected() @stage('undo-equip-damage-hooks') def stage_undo_equip_damage_hooks(self): for player in self._players_all: p_player = protected_player_manager[player.index] p_player.delete_counter(self._counters[player.index]) p_player.unset_protected() @stage('winreward-entry') def stage_winreward_entry(self): winner, loser = self._results['winner'], self._results['loser'] loser.speed = config_manager['loser_speed'] def timeout_callback(): self.set_stage_group('winreward-timed-out') self._delays.append( Delay(config_manager['duration'], timeout_callback)) @stage('winreward-timed-out') def stage_wireward_timed_out(self): winner, loser = self._results['winner'], self._results['loser'] loser.take_damage(loser.health, attacker_index=winner.index) @game_event_handler('jailgame-player-death', 'player_death') def event_jailgame_player_death(self, game_event): player = player_manager.get_by_userid(game_event['userid']) if player not in self._players: return self._players.remove(player) winner, loser = self._results['winner'], self._results['loser'] if player == winner: loser.take_damage(loser.health + 1, attacker_index=winner.index) self.set_stage_group('destroy')
import gtk import cairo import gobject class CellRendererEmblems(gtk.CellRenderer): """Cell renderer that accepts list of icon names.""" __gproperties__ = { 'emblems': ( gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, 'Emblem list', 'List of icon names to display', gobject.PARAM_READWRITE ), 'is-link': ( gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'Link indicator', 'Denotes if item is a link or regular file', False, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE ) } def __init__(self): gtk.CellRenderer.__init__(self) self.emblems = None self.is_link = None self.icon_size = 16 self.spacing = 2 self.padding = 1 def do_set_property(self, prop, value): """Set renderer property.""" if prop.name == 'emblems': self.emblems = value elif prop.name == 'is-link': self.is_link = value else: setattr(self, prop.name, value) def do_get_property(self, prop): """Get renderer property.""" if prop.name == 'emblems': result = self.emblems elif prop.name == 'is-link': result = self.is_link else: result = getattr(self, prop.name) return result def do_render(self, window, widget, background_area, cell_area, expose_area, flags): """Render emblems on tree view.""" if not self.is_link and (self.emblems is None or len(self.emblems) == 0): return # cache constants locally icon_size = self.icon_size spacing = self.spacing emblems = self.emblems or [] icon_theme = gtk.icon_theme_get_default() context = window.cairo_create() # add symbolic link emblem if needed if self.is_link: emblems.insert(0, 'emblem-symbolic-link') # position of next icon pos_x = cell_area[0] + cell_area[2] pos_y = cell_area[1] + ((cell_area[3] - icon_size) / 2) # draw all the icons for emblem in emblems: # load icon from the theme pixbuf = icon_theme.load_icon(emblem, 16, 0) # move position of next icon pos_x -= icon_size + spacing # draw icon context.set_source_pixbuf(pixbuf, pos_x, pos_y) context.paint() def do_get_size(self, widget, cell_area=None): """Calculate size taken by emblems.""" count = 5 # optimum size, we can still render more or less emblems width = self.icon_size * count + (self.spacing * (count - 1)) height = self.icon_size result = ( 0, 0, width + 2 * self.padding, height + 2 * self.padding ) return result
#!/usr/bin/env python """ @file pythonPropsMSVC.py @author Michael Behrisch @author Daniel Krajzewicz @author Jakob Erdmann @date 2011 @version $Id: pythonPropsMSVC.py 14425 2013-08-16 20:11:47Z behrisch $ This script rebuilds "../../build/msvc/python.props", the file which gives information about the python includes and library. SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see http://sumo-sim.org/ Copyright (C) 2011-2013 DLR (http://www.dlr.de/) and contributors All rights reserved """ import sys, distutils.sysconfig from os.path import dirname, join propsFile = join(dirname(__file__), '..', '..', 'build', 'msvc10', 'python.props') print('generating %s ' % propsFile) props = open(propsFile, 'w') print >> props, """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Project DefaultTargets="Build" ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003"> <PropertyGroup Label="UserMacros"> <PYTHON_LIB>%s\libs\python%s%s.lib</PYTHON_LIB> </PropertyGroup> <ItemDefinitionGroup> <ClCompile> <AdditionalIncludeDirectories>%s;%%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)</AdditionalIncludeDirectories> <PreprocessorDefinitions>HAVE_PYTHON;%%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions> </ClCompile> </ItemDefinitionGroup> <ItemGroup> <BuildMacro Include="PYTHON_LIB"> <Value>$(PYTHON_LIB)</Value> </BuildMacro> </ItemGroup> </Project>""" % (sys.prefix, sys.version[0], sys.version[2], distutils.sysconfig.get_config_var('INCLUDEPY')) props.close()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Module providing views for the folderish content page type""" from Acquisition import aq_inner from Products.Five.browser import BrowserView from zope.component import getMultiAdapter IMG = '' class ContentPageView(BrowserView): """ Folderish content page default view """ def has_leadimage(self): context = aq_inner(self.context) try: lead_img = context.image except AttributeError: lead_img = None if lead_img is not None: return True return False def display_gallery(self): context = aq_inner(self.context) try: display = context.displayGallery except AttributeError: display = None if display is not None: return display return False def rendered_gallery(self): context = aq_inner(self.context) template = context.restrictedTraverse('@@gallery-view')() return template def image_data(self): data = {} sizes = ['small', 'medium', 'large'] idx = 0 for size in sizes: idx += 0 img = self._get_scaled_img(size) data[size] = '{0} {1}w'.format(img['url'], img['width']) return data def _get_scaled_img(self, size): context = aq_inner(self.context) scales = getMultiAdapter((context, self.request), name='images') if size == 'small': scale = scales.scale('image', width=300, height=300) if size == 'medium': scale = scales.scale('image', width=600, height=600) else: scale = scales.scale('image', width=900, height=900) item = {} if scale is not None: item['url'] = scale.url item['width'] = scale.width item['height'] = scale.height else: item['url'] = IMG item['width'] = '1px' item['height'] = '1px' return item class GalleryPreview(BrowserView): """Preview embeddable image gallery""" def __call__(self): self.has_assets = len(self.contained_images()) > 0 return self.render() def render(self): return self.index() def rendered_gallery(self): context = aq_inner(self.context) template = context.restrictedTraverse('@@gallery-view')() return template class GalleryView(BrowserView): """Provide gallery of contained image content""" def __call__(self): self.has_assets = len(self.contained_images()) > 0 return self.render() def render(self): return self.index() def has_leadimage(self): context = aq_inner(self.context) try: lead_img = context.image except AttributeError: lead_img = None if lead_img is not None: return True return False def leadimage_tag(self): context = aq_inner(self.context) scales = getMultiAdapter((context, self.request), name='images') scale = scales.scale('image', width=900, height=900) item = {} if scale is not None: item['url'] = scale.url item['width'] = scale.width item['height'] = scale.height else: item['url'] = IMG item['width'] = '1px' item['height'] = '1px' return item def contained_images(self): context = aq_inner(self.context) data = context.restrictedTraverse('@@folderListing')( portal_type='Image', sort_on='getObjPositionInParent') return data def image_tag(self, image): context = image.getObject() scales = getMultiAdapter((context, self.request), name='images') scale = scales.scale('image', width=900, height=900) item = {} if scale is not None: item['url'] = scale.url item['width'] = scale.width item['height'] = scale.height else: item['url'] = IMG item['width'] = '1px' item['height'] = '1px' return item def _get_scaled_img(self, size): context = aq_inner(self.context) scales = getMultiAdapter((context, self.request), name='images') if size == 'small': scale = scales.scale('image', width=300, height=300) if size == 'medium': scale = scales.scale('image', width=600, height=600) else: scale = scales.scale('image', width=900, height=900) item = {} if scale is not None: item['url'] = scale.url item['width'] = scale.width item['height'] = scale.height else: item['url'] = IMG item['width'] = '1px' item['height'] = '1px' return item
from distutils.core import setup from distutils.extension import Extension from Cython.Distutils import build_ext exts = [Extension("cython_hello_world", ["cython_hello_world.pyx"], )] setup( cmdclass = {'build_ext': build_ext}, ext_modules = exts, )
# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Dict <--> XML de/serializer. The identity API prefers attributes over elements, so we serialize that way by convention, with a few hardcoded exceptions. """ from lxml import etree import re import six from keystone.i18n import _ DOCTYPE = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' XMLNS = 'http://docs.openstack.org/identity/api/v2.0' XMLNS_LIST = [ { 'value': 'http://docs.openstack.org/identity/api/v2.0' }, { 'prefix': 'OS-KSADM', 'value': 'http://docs.openstack.org/identity/api/ext/OS-KSADM/v1.0', }, ] PARSER = etree.XMLParser( resolve_entities=False, remove_comments=True, remove_pis=True) # NOTE(dolph): lxml.etree.Entity() is just a callable that currently returns an # lxml.etree._Entity instance, which doesn't appear to be part of the # public API, so we discover the type dynamically to be safe ENTITY_TYPE = type(etree.Entity('x')) def from_xml(xml): """Deserialize XML to a dictionary.""" if xml is None: return None deserializer = XmlDeserializer() return deserializer(xml) def to_xml(d, xmlns=None): """Serialize a dictionary to XML.""" if d is None: return None serialize = XmlSerializer() return serialize(d, xmlns) class XmlDeserializer(object): def __call__(self, xml_str): """Returns a dictionary populated by decoding the given xml string.""" dom = etree.fromstring(xml_str.strip(), PARSER) return self.walk_element(dom, True) def _deserialize_links(self, links): return dict((x.attrib['rel'], x.attrib['href']) for x in links) @staticmethod def _qualified_name(tag, namespace): """Returns a qualified tag name. The tag name may contain the namespace prefix or not, which can be determined by specifying the parameter namespace. """ m = re.search('[^}]+$', tag) tag_name = m.string[m.start():] if not namespace: return tag_name bracket = re.search('[^{]+$', tag) ns = m.string[bracket.start():m.start() - 1] # If the namespace is # http://docs.openstack.org/identity/api/ext/OS-KSADM/v1.0 for the # root element, a prefix needs to add in front of the tag name. prefix = None for xmlns in XMLNS_LIST: if xmlns['value'] == ns: prefix = xmlns.get('prefix') break if prefix is not None: return '%(PREFIX)s:%(tag_name)s' % { 'PREFIX': prefix, 'tag_name': tag_name} else: return tag_name def walk_element(self, element, namespace=False): """Populates a dictionary by walking an etree element.""" values = {} for k, v in six.iteritems(element.attrib): # boolean-looking attributes become booleans in JSON if k in ['enabled', 'truncated']: if v in ['true']: v = True elif v in ['false']: v = False values[self._qualified_name(k, namespace)] = v text = None if element.text is not None: text = element.text.strip() # current spec does not have attributes on an element with text values = values or text or {} decoded_tag = XmlDeserializer._qualified_name(element.tag, namespace) list_item_tag = None if (decoded_tag[-1] == 's' and not values and decoded_tag != 'access'): # FIXME(gyee): special-case lists for now unti we # figure out how to properly handle them. # If any key ends with an 's', we are assuming it is a list. # List element have no attributes. values = list(values) if decoded_tag == 'policies': list_item_tag = 'policy' else: list_item_tag = decoded_tag[:-1] if decoded_tag == 'links': return {'links': self._deserialize_links(element)} links = None truncated = False for child in [self.walk_element(x) for x in element if not isinstance(x, ENTITY_TYPE)]: if list_item_tag: # FIXME(gyee): special-case lists for now until we # figure out how to properly handle them. # If any key ends with an 's', we are assuming it is a list. if list_item_tag in child: values.append(child[list_item_tag]) else: if 'links' in child: links = child['links'] else: truncated = child['truncated'] else: values = dict(values.items() + child.items()) # set empty and none-list element to None to align with JSON if not values: values = "" d = {XmlDeserializer._qualified_name(element.tag, namespace): values} if links: d['links'] = links d['links'].setdefault('next') d['links'].setdefault('previous') if truncated: d['truncated'] = truncated['truncated'] return d class XmlSerializer(object): def __call__(self, d, xmlns=None): """Returns an xml etree populated by the given dictionary. Optionally, namespace the etree by specifying an ``xmlns``. """ links = None truncated = False # FIXME(dolph): skipping links for now for key in d.keys(): if '_links' in key: d.pop(key) # NOTE(gyee, henry-nash): special-case links and truncation # attribute in collections if 'links' == key: if links: # we have multiple links raise Exception('Multiple links found') links = d.pop(key) if 'truncated' == key: if truncated: # we have multiple attributes raise Exception(_('Multiple truncation attributes found')) truncated = d.pop(key) assert len(d.keys()) == 1, ('Cannot encode more than one root ' 'element: %s' % d.keys()) # name the root dom element name = d.keys()[0] m = re.search('[^:]+$', name) root_name = m.string[m.start():] prefix = m.string[0:m.start() - 1] for ns in XMLNS_LIST: if prefix == ns.get('prefix'): xmlns = ns['value'] break # only the root dom element gets an xlmns root = etree.Element(root_name, xmlns=(xmlns or XMLNS)) self.populate_element(root, d[name]) # NOTE(gyee, henry-nash): special-case links and truncation attribute if links: self._populate_links(root, links) if truncated: self._populate_truncated(root, truncated) # TODO(dolph): you can get a doctype from lxml, using ElementTrees return '%s\n%s' % (DOCTYPE, etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True)) def _populate_links(self, element, links_json): links = etree.Element('links') for k, v in six.iteritems(links_json): if v: link = etree.Element('link') link.set('rel', six.text_type(k)) link.set('href', six.text_type(v)) links.append(link) element.append(links) def _populate_truncated(self, element, truncated_value): truncated = etree.Element('truncated') self._populate_bool(truncated, 'truncated', truncated_value) element.append(truncated) def _populate_list(self, element, k, v): """Populates an element with a key & list value.""" # spec has a lot of inconsistency here! container = element if k == 'media-types': # xsd compliance: <media-types> contains <media-type>s # find an existing <media-types> element or make one container = element.find('media-types') if container is None: container = etree.Element(k) element.append(container) name = k[:-1] elif k == 'serviceCatalog' or k == 'catalog': # xsd compliance: <serviceCatalog> contains <service>s container = etree.Element(k) element.append(container) name = 'service' elif k == 'roles' and element.tag == 'user': name = 'role' elif k == 'endpoints' and element.tag == 'service': name = 'endpoint' elif k == 'values' and element.tag[-1] == 's': # OS convention is to contain lists in a 'values' element, # so the list itself can have attributes, which is # unnecessary in XML name = element.tag[:-1] elif k[-1] == 's': container = etree.Element(k) element.append(container) if k == 'policies': # need to special-case policies since policie is not a word name = 'policy' else: name = k[:-1] else: name = k for item in v: child = etree.Element(name) self.populate_element(child, item) container.append(child) def _populate_dict(self, element, k, v): """Populates an element with a key & dictionary value.""" if k == 'links': # links is a special dict self._populate_links(element, v) else: child = etree.Element(k) self.populate_element(child, v) element.append(child) def _populate_bool(self, element, k, v): """Populates an element with a key & boolean value.""" # booleans are 'true' and 'false' element.set(k, six.text_type(v).lower()) def _populate_str(self, element, k, v): """Populates an element with a key & string value.""" if k in ['description']: # always becomes an element child = etree.Element(k) child.text = six.text_type(v) element.append(child) else: # add attributes to the current element element.set(k, six.text_type(v)) def _populate_number(self, element, k, v): """Populates an element with a key & numeric value.""" # numbers can be handled as strings self._populate_str(element, k, v) def populate_element(self, element, value): """Populates an etree with the given value.""" if isinstance(value, list): self._populate_sequence(element, value) elif isinstance(value, dict): self._populate_tree(element, value) # NOTE(blk-u): For compatibility with Folsom, when serializing the # v2.0 version element also add the links to the base element. if value.get('id') == 'v2.0': for item in value['links']: child = etree.Element('link') self.populate_element(child, item) element.append(child) elif isinstance(value, six.string_types): element.text = six.text_type(value) def _populate_sequence(self, element, l): """Populates an etree with a sequence of elements, given a list.""" # xsd compliance: child elements are singular: <users> has <user>s name = element.tag if element.tag[-1] == 's': name = element.tag[:-1] if name == 'policie': name = 'policy' for item in l: child = etree.Element(name) self.populate_element(child, item) element.append(child) def _populate_tree(self, element, d): """Populates an etree with attributes & elements, given a dict.""" for k, v in six.iteritems(d): if isinstance(v, dict): self._populate_dict(element, k, v) elif isinstance(v, list): self._populate_list(element, k, v) elif isinstance(v, bool): self._populate_bool(element, k, v) elif isinstance(v, six.string_types): self._populate_str(element, k, v) elif type(v) in [int, float, long, complex]: self._populate_number(element, k, v)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2017 IBM RESEARCH. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================= """ Node for an OPENQASM custom gate statement. """ from ._node import Node class CustomUnitary(Node): """Node for an OPENQASM custom gate statement. children[0] is an id node. children[1] is an exp_list (if len==3) or primary_list. children[2], if present, is a primary_list. Has properties: .id = id node .name = gate name string .arguments = None or exp_list node .bitlist = primary_list node """ def __init__(self, children): """Create the custom gate node.""" Node.__init__(self, 'custom_unitary', children, None) self.id = children[0] self.name = self.id.name if len(children) == 3: self.arguments = children[1] self.bitlist = children[2] else: self.arguments = None self.bitlist = children[1] def qasm(self, prec=15): """Return the corresponding OPENQASM string.""" string = self.name if self.arguments is not None: string += "(" + self.arguments.qasm(prec) + ")" string += " " + self.bitlist.qasm(prec) + ";" return string
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2007-2021 The HyperSpy developers # # This file is part of HyperSpy. # # HyperSpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # HyperSpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with HyperSpy. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import copy import logging import warnings from hyperspy import components1d from hyperspy._signals.eels import EELSSpectrum from hyperspy.components1d import EELSCLEdge, PowerLaw from hyperspy.docstrings.model import FIT_PARAMETERS_ARG from hyperspy.models.model1d import Model1D _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class EELSModel(Model1D): """Build an EELS model Parameters ---------- spectrum : a Signal1D (or any Signal1D subclass) instance auto_background : bool If True, and if spectrum is an EELS instance adds automatically a powerlaw to the model and estimate the parameters by the two-area method. auto_add_edges : bool If True, and if spectrum is an EELS instance, it will automatically add the ionization edges as defined in the Signal1D instance. Adding a new element to the spectrum using the components.EELSSpectrum.add_elements method automatically add the corresponding ionisation edges to the model. ll : {None, EELSSpectrum} If an EELSSPectrum is provided, it will be assumed that it is a low-loss EELS spectrum, and it will be used to simulate the effect of multiple scattering by convolving it with the EELS spectrum. GOS : {'hydrogenic', 'Hartree-Slater', None} The GOS to use when auto adding core-loss EELS edges. If None it will use the Hartree-Slater GOS if they are available, otherwise it will use the hydrogenic GOS. dictionary : {dict, None} A dictionary to be used to recreate a model. Usually generated using :meth:`hyperspy.model.as_dictionary` """ def __init__(self, signal1D, auto_background=True, auto_add_edges=True, ll=None, GOS=None, dictionary=None): Model1D.__init__(self, signal1D) # When automatically setting the fine structure energy regions, # the fine structure of an EELS edge component is automatically # disable if the next ionisation edge onset distance to the # higher energy side of the fine structure region is lower that # the value of this parameter self._min_distance_between_edges_for_fine_structure = 0 self._preedge_safe_window_width = 2 self.signal1D = signal1D self._suspend_auto_fine_structure_width = False self.convolved = False self.low_loss = ll self.GOS = GOS self.edges = [] self._background_components = [] if dictionary is not None: auto_background = False auto_add_edges = False self._load_dictionary(dictionary) if auto_background is True: background = PowerLaw() self.append(background) if self.signal.subshells and auto_add_edges is True: self._add_edges_from_subshells_names() @property def signal1D(self): return self._signal @signal1D.setter def signal1D(self, value): if isinstance(value, EELSSpectrum): self._signal = value else: raise ValueError( "This attribute can only contain an EELSSpectrum " "but an object of type %s was provided" % str(type(value))) def append(self, component): """Append component to EELS model. Parameters ---------- component HyperSpy component1D object. Raises ------ NotImplementedError If the signal axis is a non-uniform axis. """ super(EELSModel, self).append(component) if isinstance(component, EELSCLEdge): # Test that signal axis is uniform if not self.axes_manager[-1].is_uniform: raise NotImplementedError("This operation is not yet implemented " "for non-uniform energy axes") tem = self.signal.metadata.Acquisition_instrument.TEM component.set_microscope_parameters( E0=tem.beam_energy, alpha=tem.convergence_angle, beta=tem.Detector.EELS.collection_angle, energy_scale=self.axis.scale) component.energy_scale = self.axis.scale component._set_fine_structure_coeff() self._classify_components() append.__doc__ = Model1D.append.__doc__ def remove(self, component): super(EELSModel, self).remove(component) self._classify_components() remove.__doc__ = Model1D.remove.__doc__ def _classify_components(self): """Classify components between background and ionization edge components. This method should be called everytime that components are added and removed. An ionization edge becomes background when its onset falls to the left of the first non-masked energy channel. The ionization edges are stored in a list in the `edges` attribute. They are sorted by increasing `onset_energy`. The background components are stored in `_background_components`. """ self.edges = [] self._background_components = [] for component in self: if isinstance(component, EELSCLEdge): if component.onset_energy.value < \ self.axis.axis[self.channel_switches][0]: component.isbackground = True if component.isbackground is not True: self.edges.append(component) else: component.fine_structure_active = False component.fine_structure_coeff.free = False elif (isinstance(component, PowerLaw) or component.isbackground is True): self._background_components.append(component) if self.edges: self.edges.sort(key=EELSCLEdge._onset_energy) self.resolve_fine_structure() if len(self._background_components) > 1: self._backgroundtype = "mix" elif len(self._background_components) == 1: self._backgroundtype = \ self._background_components[0].__repr__() bg = self._background_components[0] if isinstance(bg, PowerLaw) and self.edges and not \ bg.A.map["is_set"].any(): self.two_area_background_estimation() @property def _active_edges(self): return [edge for edge in self.edges if edge.active] @property def _active_background_components(self): return [bc for bc in self._background_components if bc.active] def _add_edges_from_subshells_names(self, e_shells=None): """Create the Edge instances and configure them appropiately Parameters ---------- e_shells : list of strings """ if self.signal._are_microscope_parameters_missing(): raise ValueError( "The required microscope parameters are not defined in " "the EELS spectrum signal metadata. Use " "``set_microscope_parameters`` to set them." ) if e_shells is None: e_shells = list(self.signal.subshells) e_shells.sort() master_edge = EELSCLEdge(e_shells.pop(), self.GOS) # If self.GOS was None, the GOS is set by eels_cl_edge so # we reassing the value of self.GOS self.GOS = master_edge.GOS._name self.append(master_edge) element = master_edge.element while len(e_shells) > 0: next_element = e_shells[-1].split('_')[0] if next_element != element: # New master edge self._add_edges_from_subshells_names(e_shells=e_shells) elif self.GOS == 'hydrogenic': # The hydrogenic GOS includes all the L subshells in one # so we get rid of the others e_shells.pop() else: # Add the other subshells of the same element # and couple their intensity and onset_energy to that of the # master edge edge = EELSCLEdge(e_shells.pop(), GOS=self.GOS) edge.intensity.twin = master_edge.intensity edge.onset_energy.twin = master_edge.onset_energy edge.onset_energy.twin_function_expr = "x + {}".format( (edge.GOS.onset_energy - master_edge.GOS.onset_energy)) edge.free_onset_energy = False self.append(edge) def resolve_fine_structure( self, preedge_safe_window_width=2, i1=0): """Adjust the fine structure of all edges to avoid overlapping This function is called automatically everytime the position of an edge changes Parameters ---------- preedge_safe_window_width : float minimum distance between the fine structure of an ionization edge and that of the following one. Default 2 (eV). """ if self._suspend_auto_fine_structure_width is True: return if not self._active_edges: return while (self._active_edges[i1].fine_structure_active is False and i1 < len(self._active_edges) - 1): i1 += 1 if i1 < len(self._active_edges) - 1: i2 = i1 + 1 while (self._active_edges[i2].fine_structure_active is False and i2 < len(self._active_edges) - 1): i2 += 1 if self._active_edges[i2].fine_structure_active is True: distance_between_edges = ( self._active_edges[i2].onset_energy.value - self._active_edges[i1].onset_energy.value) if (self._active_edges[i1].fine_structure_width > distance_between_edges - self._preedge_safe_window_width): min_d = self._min_distance_between_edges_for_fine_structure if (distance_between_edges - self._preedge_safe_window_width) <= min_d: _logger.info(( "Automatically deactivating the fine structure " "of edge number %d to avoid conflicts with edge " "number %d") % (i2 + 1, i1 + 1)) self._active_edges[i2].fine_structure_active = False self._active_edges[ i2].fine_structure_coeff.free = False self.resolve_fine_structure(i1=i2) else: new_fine_structure_width = ( distance_between_edges - self._preedge_safe_window_width) _logger.info(( "Automatically changing the fine structure " "width of edge %d from %s eV to %s eV to avoid " "conflicts with edge number %d") % ( i1 + 1, self._active_edges[i1].fine_structure_width, new_fine_structure_width, i2 + 1)) self._active_edges[i1].fine_structure_width = \ new_fine_structure_width self.resolve_fine_structure(i1=i2) else: self.resolve_fine_structure(i1=i2) else: return def fit(self, kind="std", **kwargs): """Fits the model to the experimental data. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <model.fitting>`. Parameters ---------- kind : {"std", "smart"}, default "std" If "std", performs standard fit. If "smart", performs a smart_fit - for more details see the :ref:`User Guide <eels.fitting>`. %s Returns ------- None See Also -------- * :py:meth:`~hyperspy.model.BaseModel.fit` * :py:meth:`~hyperspy.model.BaseModel.multifit` * :py:meth:`~hyperspy.model.EELSModel.smart_fit` """ if kind not in ["smart", "std"]: raise ValueError( f"kind must be either 'std' or 'smart', not '{kind}'" ) elif kind == "smart": return self.smart_fit(**kwargs) elif kind == "std": return Model1D.fit(self, **kwargs) fit.__doc__ %= FIT_PARAMETERS_ARG def smart_fit(self, start_energy=None, **kwargs): """Fits EELS edges in a cascade style. The fitting procedure acts in iterative manner along the energy-loss-axis. First it fits only the background up to the first edge. It continues by deactivating all edges except the first one, then performs the fit. Then it only activates the the first two, fits, and repeats this until all edges are fitted simultanously. Other, non-EELSCLEdge components, are never deactivated, and fitted on every iteration. Parameters ---------- start_energy : {float, None} If float, limit the range of energies from the left to the given value. %s See Also -------- * :py:meth:`~hyperspy.model.BaseModel.fit` * :py:meth:`~hyperspy.model.BaseModel.multifit` * :py:meth:`~hyperspy.model.EELSModel.fit` """ # Fit background self.fit_background(start_energy, **kwargs) # Fit the edges for i in range(0, len(self._active_edges)): self._fit_edge(i, start_energy, **kwargs) smart_fit.__doc__ %= FIT_PARAMETERS_ARG def _get_first_ionization_edge_energy(self, start_energy=None): """Calculate the first ionization edge energy. Returns ------- iee : float or None The first ionization edge energy or None if no edge is defined in the model. """ if not self._active_edges: return None start_energy = self._get_start_energy(start_energy) iee_list = [edge.onset_energy.value for edge in self._active_edges if edge.onset_energy.value > start_energy] iee = min(iee_list) if iee_list else None return iee def _get_start_energy(self, start_energy=None): E0 = self.axis.axis[self.channel_switches][0] if not start_energy or start_energy < E0: start_energy = E0 return start_energy def fit_background(self, start_energy=None, only_current=True, **kwargs): """Fit the background to the first active ionization edge in the energy range. Parameters ---------- start_energy : {float, None}, optional If float, limit the range of energies from the left to the given value. Default None. only_current : bool, optional If True, only fit the background at the current coordinates. Default True. **kwargs : extra key word arguments All extra key word arguments are passed to fit or multifit. """ # If there is no active background compenent do nothing if not self._active_background_components: return iee = self._get_first_ionization_edge_energy(start_energy=start_energy) if iee is not None: to_disable = [edge for edge in self._active_edges if edge.onset_energy.value >= iee] E2 = iee - self._preedge_safe_window_width self.disable_edges(to_disable) else: E2 = None self.set_signal_range(start_energy, E2) if only_current: self.fit(**kwargs) else: self.multifit(**kwargs) self.channel_switches = copy.copy(self.backup_channel_switches) if iee is not None: self.enable_edges(to_disable) def two_area_background_estimation(self, E1=None, E2=None, powerlaw=None): """Estimates the parameters of a power law background with the two area method. Parameters ---------- E1 : float E2 : float powerlaw : PowerLaw component or None If None, it will try to guess the right component from the background components of the model """ if powerlaw is None: for component in self._active_background_components: if isinstance(component, components1d.PowerLaw): if powerlaw is None: powerlaw = component else: _logger.warning( 'There are more than two power law ' 'background components defined in this model, ' 'please use the powerlaw keyword to specify one' ' of them') return else: # No power law component return ea = self.axis.axis[self.channel_switches] E1 = self._get_start_energy(E1) if E2 is None: E2 = self._get_first_ionization_edge_energy(start_energy=E1) if E2 is None: E2 = ea[-1] else: E2 = E2 - \ self._preedge_safe_window_width if not powerlaw.estimate_parameters( self.signal, E1, E2, only_current=False): _logger.warning( "The power law background parameters could not " "be estimated.\n" "Try choosing a different energy range for the estimation") return def _fit_edge(self, edgenumber, start_energy=None, **kwargs): backup_channel_switches = self.channel_switches.copy() ea = self.axis.axis[self.channel_switches] if start_energy is None: start_energy = ea[0] # Declare variables active_edges = self._active_edges edge = active_edges[edgenumber] if (edge.intensity.twin is not None or edge.active is False or edge.onset_energy.value < start_energy or edge.onset_energy.value > ea[-1]): return 1 # Fitting edge 'edge.name' last_index = len(self._active_edges) - 1 # Last edge index i = 1 twins = [] # find twins while edgenumber + i <= last_index and ( active_edges[edgenumber + i].intensity.twin is not None or active_edges[edgenumber + i].active is False): if active_edges[edgenumber + i].intensity.twin is not None: twins.append(self._active_edges[edgenumber + i]) i += 1 if (edgenumber + i) > last_index: nextedgeenergy = ea[-1] else: nextedgeenergy = ( active_edges[edgenumber + i].onset_energy.value - self._preedge_safe_window_width) # Backup the fsstate to_activate_fs = [] for edge_ in [edge, ] + twins: if (edge_.fine_structure_active is True and edge_.fine_structure_coeff.free is True): to_activate_fs.append(edge_) self.disable_fine_structure(to_activate_fs) # Smart Fitting # Without fine structure to determine onset_energy edges_to_activate = [] for edge_ in self._active_edges[edgenumber + 1:]: if (edge_.active is True and edge_.onset_energy.value >= nextedgeenergy): edge_.active = False edges_to_activate.append(edge_) self.set_signal_range(start_energy, nextedgeenergy) if edge.free_onset_energy is True: edge.onset_energy.free = True self.fit(**kwargs) edge.onset_energy.free = False _logger.info("onset_energy = %s", edge.onset_energy.value) self._classify_components() elif edge.intensity.free is True: self.enable_fine_structure(to_activate_fs) self.remove_fine_structure_data(to_activate_fs) self.disable_fine_structure(to_activate_fs) self.fit(**kwargs) if len(to_activate_fs) > 0: self.set_signal_range(start_energy, nextedgeenergy) self.enable_fine_structure(to_activate_fs) self.fit(**kwargs) self.enable_edges(edges_to_activate) # Recover the channel_switches. Remove it or make it smarter. self.channel_switches = backup_channel_switches def quantify(self): """Prints the value of the intensity of all the independent active EELS core loss edges defined in the model """ elements = {} for edge in self._active_edges: if edge.active and edge.intensity.twin is None: element = edge.element subshell = edge.subshell if element not in elements: elements[element] = {} elements[element][subshell] = edge.intensity.value print() print("Absolute quantification:") print("Elem.\tIntensity") for element in elements: if len(elements[element]) == 1: for subshell in elements[element]: print("%s\t%f" % ( element, elements[element][subshell])) else: for subshell in elements[element]: print("%s_%s\t%f" % (element, subshell, elements[element][subshell])) def remove_fine_structure_data(self, edges_list=None): """Remove the fine structure data from the fitting routine as defined in the fine_structure_width parameter of the component.EELSCLEdge Parameters ---------- edges_list : None or list of EELSCLEdge or list of edge names If None, the operation is performed on all the edges in the model. Otherwise, it will be performed only on the listed components. See Also -------- enable_edges, disable_edges, enable_background, disable_background, enable_fine_structure, disable_fine_structure, set_all_edges_intensities_positive, unset_all_edges_intensities_positive, enable_free_onset_energy, disable_free_onset_energy, fix_edges, free_edges, fix_fine_structure, free_fine_structure """ if edges_list is None: edges_list = self._active_edges else: edges_list = [self._get_component(x) for x in edges_list] for edge in edges_list: if (edge.isbackground is False and edge.fine_structure_active is True): start = edge.onset_energy.value stop = start + edge.fine_structure_width self.remove_signal_range(start, stop) def enable_edges(self, edges_list=None): """Enable the edges listed in edges_list. If edges_list is None (default) all the edges with onset in the spectrum energy region will be enabled. Parameters ---------- edges_list : None or list of EELSCLEdge or list of edge names If None, the operation is performed on all the edges in the model. Otherwise, it will be performed only on the listed components. See Also -------- enable_edges, disable_edges, enable_background, disable_background, enable_fine_structure, disable_fine_structure, set_all_edges_intensities_positive, unset_all_edges_intensities_positive, enable_free_onset_energy, disable_free_onset_energy, fix_edges, free_edges, fix_fine_structure, free_fine_structure """ if edges_list is None: edges_list = self.edges else: edges_list = [self._get_component(x) for x in edges_list] for edge in edges_list: if edge.isbackground is False: edge.active = True self.resolve_fine_structure() def disable_edges(self, edges_list=None): """Disable the edges listed in edges_list. If edges_list is None (default) all the edges with onset in the spectrum energy region will be disabled. Parameters ---------- edges_list : None or list of EELSCLEdge or list of edge names If None, the operation is performed on all the edges in the model. Otherwise, it will be performed only on the listed components. See Also -------- enable_edges, disable_edges, enable_background, disable_background, enable_fine_structure, disable_fine_structure, set_all_edges_intensities_positive, unset_all_edges_intensities_positive, enable_free_onset_energy, disable_free_onset_energy, fix_edges, free_edges, fix_fine_structure, free_fine_structure """ if edges_list is None: edges_list = self._active_edges else: edges_list = [self._get_component(x) for x in edges_list] for edge in edges_list: if edge.isbackground is False: edge.active = False self.resolve_fine_structure() def enable_background(self): """Enable the background componets. """ for component in self._background_components: component.active = True def disable_background(self): """Disable the background components. """ for component in self._active_background_components: component.active = False def enable_fine_structure(self, edges_list=None): """Enable the fine structure of the edges listed in edges_list. If edges_list is None (default) the fine structure of all the edges with onset in the spectrum energy region will be enabled. Parameters ---------- edges_list : None or list of EELSCLEdge or list of edge names If None, the operation is performed on all the edges in the model. Otherwise, it will be performed only on the listed components. See Also -------- enable_edges, disable_edges, enable_background, disable_background, enable_fine_structure, disable_fine_structure, set_all_edges_intensities_positive, unset_all_edges_intensities_positive, enable_free_onset_energy, disable_free_onset_energy, fix_edges, free_edges, fix_fine_structure, free_fine_structure """ if edges_list is None: edges_list = self._active_edges else: edges_list = [self._get_component(x) for x in edges_list] for edge in edges_list: if edge.isbackground is False: edge.fine_structure_active = True edge.fine_structure_coeff.free = True self.resolve_fine_structure() def disable_fine_structure(self, edges_list=None): """Disable the fine structure of the edges listed in edges_list. If edges_list is None (default) the fine structure of all the edges with onset in the spectrum energy region will be disabled. Parameters ---------- edges_list : None or list of EELSCLEdge or list of edge names If None, the operation is performed on all the edges in the model. Otherwise, it will be performed only on the listed components. See Also -------- enable_edges, disable_edges, enable_background, disable_background, enable_fine_structure, disable_fine_structure, set_all_edges_intensities_positive, unset_all_edges_intensities_positive, enable_free_onset_energy, disable_free_onset_energy, fix_edges, free_edges, fix_fine_structure, free_fine_structure """ if edges_list is None: edges_list = self._active_edges else: edges_list = [self._get_component(x) for x in edges_list] for edge in edges_list: if edge.isbackground is False: edge.fine_structure_active = False edge.fine_structure_coeff.free = False self.resolve_fine_structure() def set_all_edges_intensities_positive(self): for edge in self._active_edges: edge.intensity.ext_force_positive = True edge.intensity.ext_bounded = True def unset_all_edges_intensities_positive(self): for edge in self._active_edges: edge.intensity.ext_force_positive = False edge.intensity.ext_bounded = False def enable_free_onset_energy(self, edges_list=None): """Enable the automatic freeing of the onset_energy parameter during a smart fit for the edges listed in edges_list. If edges_list is None (default) the onset_energy of all the edges with onset in the spectrum energy region will be freeed. Parameters ---------- edges_list : None or list of EELSCLEdge or list of edge names If None, the operation is performed on all the edges in the model. Otherwise, it will be performed only on the listed components. See Also -------- enable_edges, disable_edges, enable_background, disable_background, enable_fine_structure, disable_fine_structure, set_all_edges_intensities_positive, unset_all_edges_intensities_positive, enable_free_onset_energy, disable_free_onset_energy, fix_edges, free_edges, fix_fine_structure, free_fine_structure """ if edges_list is None: edges_list = self._active_edges else: edges_list = [self._get_component(x) for x in edges_list] for edge in edges_list: if edge.isbackground is False: edge.free_onset_energy = True def disable_free_onset_energy(self, edges_list=None): """Disable the automatic freeing of the onset_energy parameter during a smart fit for the edges listed in edges_list. If edges_list is None (default) the onset_energy of all the edges with onset in the spectrum energy region will not be freed. Note that if their atribute edge.onset_energy.free is True, the parameter will be free during the smart fit. Parameters ---------- edges_list : None or list of EELSCLEdge or list of edge names If None, the operation is performed on all the edges in the model. Otherwise, it will be performed only on the listed components. See Also -------- enable_edges, disable_edges, enable_background, disable_background, enable_fine_structure, disable_fine_structure, set_all_edges_intensities_positive, unset_all_edges_intensities_positive, enable_free_onset_energy, disable_free_onset_energy, fix_edges, free_edges, fix_fine_structure, free_fine_structure """ if edges_list is None: edges_list = self._active_edges else: edges_list = [self._get_component(x) for x in edges_list] for edge in edges_list: if edge.isbackground is False: edge.free_onset_energy = True def fix_edges(self, edges_list=None): """Fixes all the parameters of the edges given in edges_list. If edges_list is None (default) all the edges will be fixed. Parameters ---------- edges_list : None or list of EELSCLEdge or list of edge names If None, the operation is performed on all the edges in the model. Otherwise, it will be performed only on the listed components. See Also -------- enable_edges, disable_edges, enable_background, disable_background, enable_fine_structure, disable_fine_structure, set_all_edges_intensities_positive, unset_all_edges_intensities_positive, enable_free_onset_energy, disable_free_onset_energy, fix_edges, free_edges, fix_fine_structure, free_fine_structure """ if edges_list is None: edges_list = self._active_edges else: edges_list = [self._get_component(x) for x in edges_list] for edge in edges_list: if edge.isbackground is False: edge.intensity.free = False edge.onset_energy.free = False edge.fine_structure_coeff.free = False def free_edges(self, edges_list=None): """Frees all the parameters of the edges given in edges_list. If edges_list is None (default) all the edges will be freeed. Parameters ---------- edges_list : None or list of EELSCLEdge or list of edge names If None, the operation is performed on all the edges in the model. Otherwise, it will be performed only on the listed components. See Also -------- enable_edges, disable_edges, enable_background, disable_background, enable_fine_structure, disable_fine_structure, set_all_edges_intensities_positive, unset_all_edges_intensities_positive, enable_free_onset_energy, disable_free_onset_energy, fix_edges, free_edges, fix_fine_structure, free_fine_structure """ if edges_list is None: edges_list = self._active_edges else: edges_list = [self._get_component(x) for x in edges_list] for edge in edges_list: if edge.isbackground is False: edge.intensity.free = True def fix_fine_structure(self, edges_list=None): """Fixes all the parameters of the edges given in edges_list. If edges_list is None (default) all the edges will be fixed. Parameters ---------- edges_list : None or list of EELSCLEdge or list of edge names If None, the operation is performed on all the edges in the model. Otherwise, it will be performed only on the listed components. See Also -------- enable_edges, disable_edges, enable_background, disable_background, enable_fine_structure, disable_fine_structure, set_all_edges_intensities_positive, unset_all_edges_intensities_positive, enable_free_onset_energy, disable_free_onset_energy, fix_edges, free_edges, fix_fine_structure, free_fine_structure """ if edges_list is None: edges_list = self._active_edges else: edges_list = [self._get_component(x) for x in edges_list] for edge in edges_list: if edge.isbackground is False: edge.fine_structure_coeff.free = False def free_fine_structure(self, edges_list=None): """Frees all the parameters of the edges given in edges_list. If edges_list is None (default) all the edges will be freeed. Parameters ---------- edges_list : None or list of EELSCLEdge or list of edge names If None, the operation is performed on all the edges in the model. Otherwise, it will be performed only on the listed components. See Also -------- enable_edges, disable_edges, enable_background, disable_background, enable_fine_structure, disable_fine_structure, set_all_edges_intensities_positive, unset_all_edges_intensities_positive, enable_free_onset_energy, disable_free_onset_energy, fix_edges, free_edges, fix_fine_structure, free_fine_structure """ if edges_list is None: edges_list = self._active_edges else: edges_list = [self._get_component(x) for x in edges_list] for edge in edges_list: if edge.isbackground is False: edge.fine_structure_coeff.free = True def suspend_auto_fine_structure_width(self): """Disable the automatic adjustament of the core-loss edges fine structure width. See Also -------- resume_auto_fine_structure_width """ if self._suspend_auto_fine_structure_width is False: self._suspend_auto_fine_structure_width = True else: warnings.warn("Already suspended, does nothing.") def resume_auto_fine_structure_width(self, update=True): """Enable the automatic adjustament of the core-loss edges fine structure width. Parameters ---------- update : bool, optional If True, also execute the automatic adjustment (default). See Also -------- suspend_auto_fine_structure_width """ if self._suspend_auto_fine_structure_width is True: self._suspend_auto_fine_structure_width = False if update is True: self.resolve_fine_structure() else: warnings.warn("Not suspended, nothing to resume.")
from .util import bucket as tokenbucket from . import wrappers class Limit(object): def __init__(self, command_limiting_initial_tokens, command_limiting_message_cost, command_limiting_restore_rate, override, permissions): """limit(20, 4, 0.13, ["admin"], {"admin": "user!*@*"}) Limits the use of commands Arguments: command_limiting_initial_tokens {Integer} -- Initial tokens for tokenbucket command_limiting_message_cost {Integer} -- Message cost for tokenbucket command_limiting_restore_rate {Integer} -- Restore rate for token bucket override {List} -- List of permissions to override the limit permissions {Dict} -- All of the bots permissions. """ self.command_limiting_initial_tokens = command_limiting_initial_tokens self.command_limiting_message_cost = command_limiting_message_cost self.command_limiting_restore_rate = command_limiting_restore_rate self.buckets = {} self.permissions = wrappers.permissions_class(permissions) self.override = override def command_limiter(self, info): #Check if admin/whatever specified if self.permissions.check(self.override, info.mask): return True if info.nick not in self.buckets: bucket = tokenbucket.TokenBucket(self.command_limiting_initial_tokens, self.command_limiting_restore_rate) self.buckets[info.nick] = bucket else: bucket = self.buckets[info.nick] if bucket.consume(self.command_limiting_message_cost): return True return False
'''winnow/values.py vivify and normalize each of the different field types: - string - collection (values are strings, left operand is collection) - numeric - bool - date To vivify is to turn from a string representation into a live object. So for '2014-01-21T16:34:02', we would make a datetime object. Vivify functions should also accept their return type. So vivify_absolute_date(datetime.datetime.now()) should just return the datetime object. To stringify is to serialize. This would be like turning the list [1, 2, 3] into the JSON string "[1,2,3]" ''' from __future__ import unicode_literals import json from datetime import datetime from dateutil.parser import parse as parse_date from six import string_types from .error import WinnowError from .relative_dates import valid_rel_date_values # TODO : Since we're storing filters denormalized as JSON now, we probably need # Less of this crazy vivification stuff. For another day, perhaps. def stringify_string(value): return str(value) def stringify_collection(value): return json.dumps(value) stringify_single_choice = json.dumps stringify_bool = str def stringify_numeric(value): if isinstance(value, float): return '{:.10f}'.format(value) return str(value) stringify_absolute_date = datetime.isoformat def vivify_string(value): # request for comment -- tighter check on this? return str(value) def vivify_collection(value): try: if not isinstance(value, list): value = json.loads(value) assert isinstance(value, list), "collection values must be lists" assert all(isinstance(v, (dict, string_types)) for v in value), "elements of collection must be dicts (or strings, for backwards compat)" if value and isinstance(value[0], dict): # backwards compat check. value = [v['id'] for v in value] return value except (ValueError, AssertionError) as e: raise WinnowError(e) def vivify_single_choice(value): try: if not isinstance(value, dict): value = json.loads(value) assert isinstance(value, dict), "single choice values must be a dict" assert 'id' in value and 'name' in value, "Choice must have keys for 'name' and 'id'" return value except (ValueError, AssertionError) as e: raise WinnowError(e) def vivify_numeric(value): if value == '': return 0 if isinstance(value, (float, int)): return value try: return int(value) except ValueError: pass # int is more restrictive -- let's not get hasty # and reject before we see if it's a float. try: return float(value) except ValueError as e: raise WinnowError(e) def vivify_relative_date(value): if value.lower().replace(' ', '_') in valid_rel_date_values: return value.lower().replace(' ', '_') raise WinnowError("Invalid relative date value: '{}'".format(value)) stringify_relative_date = vivify_relative_date def vivify_absolute_date(value): try: return parse_date(value) except TypeError: raise WinnowError("invalid literal for date range: '{}'".format(value)) def vivify_bool(value): if isinstance(value, string_types) and value.lower() in ('true', 'false'): return value.lower() == 'true' else: assert isinstance(value, bool), "expected boolean or string. received '{}'".format(value) return value
import pyaf.Bench.TS_datasets as tsds import tests.artificial.process_artificial_dataset as art art.process_dataset(N = 1024 , FREQ = 'D', seed = 0, trendtype = "MovingAverage", cycle_length = 0, transform = "Quantization", sigma = 0.0, exog_count = 20, ar_order = 0);
#!/usr/bin/env python """ poncho.common.utils : Utility Functions """ from datetime import datetime def readable_datetime(dt): """Turn a datetime into something readable, with time since or until.""" if dt is None: return "" dt = dt.replace(microsecond=0) now = datetime.now().replace(microsecond=0) low = min(dt, now) hi = max(dt, now) delta = hi - low relative_times = [ ('year', delta.days // 365), ('month', delta.days // 30), ('week', delta.days // 7), ('day', delta.days), ('hour', delta.seconds // 60 // 60 % 24), ('min', delta.seconds // 60 % 60), ('sec', delta.seconds % 60), ] modifier = "from now" if dt < now: modifier = "ago" two_sizes = [] for name,ammount in relative_times: if len(two_sizes) == 2: break if ammount > 0: name += "s" if ammount != 1 else "" two_sizes.append("%s %s" % (ammount, name)) if len(two_sizes): return "%s (%s %s)" % (dt, ", ".join(two_sizes), modifier) return "%s (right now)" % (dt)
# AUTOGENERATED FILE - DO NOT MODIFY! # This file generated by Djinni from map.djinni from djinni.support import MultiSet # default imported in all files from djinni.exception import CPyException # default imported in all files from djinni.pycffi_marshal import CPyObject, CPyObjectProxy, CPyPrimitive, CPyRecord, CPyString from dh__map_int32_t_int32_t import MapInt32TInt32THelper from dh__map_int32_t_int32_t import MapInt32TInt32TProxy from dh__map_string_int64_t import MapStringInt64THelper from dh__map_string_int64_t import MapStringInt64TProxy from PyCFFIlib_cffi import ffi, lib from djinni import exception # this forces run of __init__.py which gives cpp option to call back into py to create exception class MapRecord: c_data_set = MultiSet() @staticmethod def check_c_data_set_empty(): assert len(MapRecord.c_data_set) == 0 MapStringInt64THelper.check_c_data_set_empty() MapInt32TInt32THelper.check_c_data_set_empty() def __init__(self, map, imap): self.map = map self.imap = imap
# Licensed to the StackStorm, Inc ('StackStorm') under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import six __all__ = [ 'prefix_dict_keys' ] def prefix_dict_keys(dictionary, prefix='_'): """ Prefix dictionary keys with a provided prefix. :param dictionary: Dictionary whose keys to prefix. :type dictionary: ``dict`` :param prefix: Key prefix. :type prefix: ``str`` :rtype: ``dict``: """ result = {} for key, value in six.iteritems(dictionary): result['%s%s' % (prefix, key)] = value return result
#!/home/ela/Python_Django/coworkok/coworkok/bin/python # # The Python Imaging Library. # $Id$ # # convert image files # # History: # 0.1 96-04-20 fl Created # 0.2 96-10-04 fl Use draft mode when converting images # 0.3 96-12-30 fl Optimize output (PNG, JPEG) # 0.4 97-01-18 fl Made optimize an option (PNG, JPEG) # 0.5 98-12-30 fl Fixed -f option (from Anthony Baxter) # from __future__ import print_function import getopt, string, sys from PIL import Image def usage(): print("PIL Convert 0.5/1998-12-30 -- convert image files") print("Usage: pilconvert [option] infile outfile") print() print("Options:") print() print(" -c <format> convert to format (default is given by extension)") print() print(" -g convert to greyscale") print(" -p convert to palette image (using standard palette)") print(" -r convert to rgb") print() print(" -o optimize output (trade speed for size)") print(" -q <value> set compression quality (0-100, JPEG only)") print() print(" -f list supported file formats") sys.exit(1) if len(sys.argv) == 1: usage() try: opt, argv = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "c:dfgopq:r") except getopt.error as v: print(v) sys.exit(1) format = None convert = None options = { } for o, a in opt: if o == "-f": Image.init() id = sorted(Image.ID) print("Supported formats (* indicates output format):") for i in id: if i in Image.SAVE: print(i+"*", end=' ') else: print(i, end=' ') sys.exit(1) elif o == "-c": format = a if o == "-g": convert = "L" elif o == "-p": convert = "P" elif o == "-r": convert = "RGB" elif o == "-o": options["optimize"] = 1 elif o == "-q": options["quality"] = string.atoi(a) if len(argv) != 2: usage() try: im = Image.open(argv[0]) if convert and im.mode != convert: im.draft(convert, im.size) im = im.convert(convert) if format: im.save(argv[1], format, **options) else: im.save(argv[1], **options) except: print("cannot convert image", end=' ') print("(%s:%s)" % (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]))
# $Id: 969e4c5fd51bb174563d06c1357489c2742813ec $ """ Base classes for enhanced DB drivers. """ from __future__ import absolute_import __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en" # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Imports # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- import re import time import os import sys from datetime import date, datetime from collections import namedtuple from grizzled.exception import ExceptionWithMessage from grizzled.decorators import abstract # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Exports # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- __all__ = ['DBDriver', 'DB', 'Cursor', 'DBError', 'Error', 'Warning', 'TableMetadata', 'IndexMetadata', 'RDBMSMetadata'] # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Globals # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Classes # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class DBError(ExceptionWithMessage): """ Base class for all DB exceptions. """ pass class Error(DBError): """Thrown to indicate an error in the ``db`` module.""" pass class Warning(DBError): """Thrown to indicate an error in the ``db`` module.""" pass TableMetadata = namedtuple('TableMetadata', ['column_name', 'type_string', 'max_char_size', 'precision', 'scale', 'nullable']) IndexMetadata = namedtuple('IndexMetadata', ['index_name', 'index_columns', 'description']) RDBMSMetadata = namedtuple('RDBMSMetadata', ['vendor', 'product', 'version']) class Cursor(object): """ Class for DB cursors returned by the ``DB.cursor()`` method. This class conforms to the Python DB cursor interface, including the following attributes. :IVariables: description : tuple A read-only attribute that is a sequence of 7-item tuples, one per column, from the last query executed. The tuple values are: *(name, typecode, displaysize, internalsize, precision, scale)* rowcount : int A read-only attribute that specifies the number of rows fetched in the last query, or -1 if unknown. *Note*: It's best not to rely on the row count, because some database drivers (such as SQLite) don't report valid row counts. """ def __init__(self, cursor, driver): """ Create a new Cursor object, wrapping the underlying real DB API cursor. :Parameters: cursor the real DB API cursor object driver the driver that is creating this object """ self.__cursor = cursor self.__driver = driver self.__description = None self.__rowcount = -1 def __get_description(self): return self.__description description = property(__get_description, doc='The description field. See class docs.') def __get_rowcount(self): return self.__rowcount rowcount = property(__get_rowcount, doc='Number of rows from last query, or -1') def close(self): """ Close the cursor. :raise Warning: Non-fatal warning :raise Error: Error; unable to close """ dbi = self.__driver.get_import() try: return self.__cursor.close() except dbi.Warning, val: raise Warning(val) except dbi.Error, val: raise Error(val) def execute(self, statement, parameters=None): """ Execute a SQL statement string with the given parameters. 'parameters' is a sequence when the parameter style is 'format', 'numeric' or 'qmark', and a dictionary when the style is 'pyformat' or 'named'. See ``DB.paramstyle()``. :Parameters: statement : str the SQL statement to execute parameters : list parameters to use, if the statement is parameterized :raise Warning: Non-fatal warning :raise Error: Error """ dbi = self.__driver.get_import() try: if parameters: result = self.__cursor.execute(statement, parameters) else: result = self.__cursor.execute(statement) try: self.__rowcount = self.__cursor.rowcount except AttributeError: self.__rowcount = -1 self.__description = self.__cursor.description return result except dbi.Warning, val: raise Warning(val) except dbi.Error, val: raise Error(val) except: raise Error(sys.exc_info()[1]) def executemany(self, statement, *parameters): """ Execute a SQL statement once for each item in the given parameters. :Parameters: statement : str the SQL statement to execute parameters : sequence a sequence of sequences when the parameter style is 'format', 'numeric' or 'qmark', and a sequence of dictionaries when the style is 'pyformat' or 'named'. :raise Warning: Non-fatal warning :raise Error: Error """ dbi = self.__driver.get_import() try: result = self.__cursor.executemany(statement, *parameters) self.__rowcount = self.__cursor.rowcount self.__description = self.__cursor.description return result except dbi.Warning, val: raise Warning(val) except dbi.Error, val: raise Error(val) executeMany = executemany def fetchone(self): """ Returns the next result set row from the last query, as a sequence of tuples. Raises an exception if the last statement was not a query. :rtype: tuple :return: Next result set row :raise Warning: Non-fatal warning :raise Error: Error """ dbi = self.__driver.get_import() try: return self.__cursor.fetchone() except dbi.Warning, val: raise Warning(val) except dbi.Error, val: raise Error(val) def fetchall(self): """ Returns all remaining result rows from the last query, as a sequence of tuples. Raises an exception if the last statement was not a query. :rtype: list of tuples :return: List of rows, each represented as a tuple :raise Warning: Non-fatal warning :raise Error: Error """ dbi = self.__driver.get_import() try: return self.__cursor.fetchall() except dbi.Warning, val: raise Warning(val) except dbi.Error, val: raise Error(val) fetchAll = fetchall def fetchmany(self, n): """ Returns up to n remaining result rows from the last query, as a sequence of tuples. Raises an exception if the last statement was not a query. :Parameters: n : int maximum number of result rows to get :rtype: list of tuples :return: List of rows, each represented as a tuple :raise Warning: Non-fatal warning :raise Error: Error """ dbi = self.__driver.get_import() try: self.__cursor.fetchmany(n) except dbi.Warning, val: raise Warning(val) except dbi.Error, val: raise Error(val) fetchMany = fetchmany def get_rdbms_metadata(self): """ Return data about the RDBMS: the product name, the version, etc. The result is a named tuple, with the following fields: vendor The product vendor, if applicable, or ``None`` if not known product The name of the database product, or ``None`` if not known version The database product version, or ``None`` if not known The fields may be accessed by position or name. This method just calls through to the equivalent method in the underlying ``DBDriver`` implementation. :rtype: named tuple :return: the vendor information """ # Default implementation dbi = self.__driver.get_import() try: return self.__driver.get_rdbms_metadata(self.__cursor) except dbi.Warning, val: raise Warning(val) except dbi.Error, val: raise Error(val) def get_table_metadata(self, table): """ Get the metadata for a table. Returns a list of tuples, one for each column. Each tuple consists of the following:: (column_name, type_string, max_char_size, precision, scale, nullable) The tuple elements have the following meanings. column_name the name of the column type_string the column type, as a string max_char_size the maximum size for a character field, or ``None`` precision the precision, for a numeric field; or ``None`` scale the scale, for a numeric field; or ``None`` nullable True if the column is nullable, False if it is not The tuples are named tuples, so the fields may be referenced by the names above or by position. The data may come from the DB API's ``cursor.description`` field, or it may be richer, coming from a direct SELECT against database-specific tables. :rtype: list :return: list of tuples, as described above :raise Warning: Non-fatal warning :raise Error: Error """ # Default implementation dbi = self.__driver.get_import() try: return self.__driver.get_table_metadata(table, self.__cursor) except dbi.Warning, val: raise Warning(val) except dbi.Error, val: raise Error(val) def get_index_metadata(self, table): """ Get the metadata for the indexes for a table. Returns a list of tuples, one for each index. Each tuple consists of the following:: (index_name, [index_columns], description) The tuple elements have the following meanings. index_name the index name index_columns a list of column names description index description, or ``None`` The tuples are named tuples, so the fields may be referenced by the names above or by position. :rtype: list of tuples :return: the list of tuples, or ``None`` if not supported in the underlying database :raise Warning: Non-fatal warning :raise Error: Error """ dbi = self.__driver.get_import() try: return self.__driver.get_index_metadata(table, self.__cursor) except dbi.Warning, val: raise Warning(val) except dbi.Error, val: raise Error(val) def get_tables(self): """ Get the list of tables in the database to which this cursor is connected. :rtype: list :return: List of table names. The list will be empty if the database contains no tables. :raise NotImplementedError: Capability not supported by database driver :raise Warning: Non-fatal warning :raise Error: Error """ dbi = self.__driver.get_import() try: return self.__driver.get_tables(self.__cursor) except dbi.Warning, val: raise Warning(val) except dbi.Error, val: raise Error(val) class DB(object): """ The object returned by a call to ``DBDriver.connect()``. ``db`` wraps the real database object returned by the underlying Python DB API module's ``connect()`` method. """ def __init__(self, db, driver): """ Create a new DB object. :Parameters: db the underlying Python DB API database object driver : DBDriver the driver (i.e., the subclass of ``DBDriver``) that created the ``db`` object """ self.__db = db self.__driver = driver dbi = driver.get_import() for attr in ['BINARY', 'NUMBER', 'STRING', 'DATETIME', 'ROWID']: try: exec 'self.%s = dbi.%s' % (attr, attr) except AttributeError: exec 'self.%s = 0' % attr def paramstyle(self): """ Get the parameter style for the underlying DB API module. The result of this method call corresponds exactly to the underlying DB API module's 'paramstyle' attribute. It will have one of the following values: +----------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | format | The parameter marker is '%s', as in string | | | formatting. A query looks like this:: | | | | | | c.execute('SELECT * FROM Foo WHERE Bar=%s', [x]) | +----------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | named | The parameter marker is ``:name``, and parameters | | | are named. A query looks like this:: | | | | | | c.execute('SELECT * FROM Foo WHERE Bar=:x', {'x':x}) | +----------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | numeric | The parameter marker is ``:n``, giving the parameter's | | | number (starting at 1). A query looks like this:: | | | | | | c.execute('SELECT * FROM Foo WHERE Bar=:1', [x]) | +----------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | pyformat | The parameter marker is ``:name``, and parameters | | | are named. A query looks like this:: | | | | | | c.execute('SELECT * FROM Foo WHERE Bar=%(x)s', {'x':x}) | +----------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | qmark | The parameter marker is "?", and parameters are | | | substituted in order. A query looks like this:: | | | | | | c.execute('SELECT * FROM Foo WHERE Bar=?', [x]) | +----------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ """ return self.__driver.get_import().paramstyle def Binary(self, string): """ Returns an object representing the given string of bytes as a BLOB. This method is equivalent to the module-level ``Binary()`` method in an underlying DB API-compliant module. :Parameters: string : str the string to convert to a BLOB :rtype: object :return: the corresponding BLOB """ return self.__driver.get_import().Binary(string) def Date(self, year, month, day): """ Returns an object representing the specified date. This method is equivalent to the module-level ``Date()`` method in an underlying DB API-compliant module. :Parameters: year the year month the month day the day of the month :return: an object containing the date """ return self.__driver.get_import().Date(year, month, day) def DateFromTicks(self, secs): """ Returns an object representing the date *secs* seconds after the epoch. For example: .. python:: import time d = db.DateFromTicks(time.time()) This method is equivalent to the module-level ``DateFromTicks()`` method in an underlying DB API-compliant module. :Parameters: secs : int the seconds from the epoch :return: an object containing the date """ date = date.fromtimestamp(secs) return self.__driver.get_import().Date(date.year, date.month, date.day) def Time(self, hour, minute, second): """ Returns an object representing the specified time. This method is equivalent to the module-level ``Time()`` method in an underlying DB API-compliant module. :Parameters: hour the hour of the day minute the minute within the hour. 0 <= *minute* <= 59 second the second within the minute. 0 <= *second* <= 59 :return: an object containing the time """ dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(secs) return self.__driver.get_import().Time(dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second) def TimeFromTicks(self, secs): """ Returns an object representing the time 'secs' seconds after the epoch. For example: .. python:: import time d = db.TimeFromTicks(time.time()) This method is equivalent to the module-level ``TimeFromTicks()`` method in an underlying DB API-compliant module. :Parameters: secs : int the seconds from the epoch :return: an object containing the time """ dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(secs) return self.__driver.get_import().Time(dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second) def Timestamp(self, year, month, day, hour, minute, second): """ Returns an object representing the specified time. This method is equivalent to the module-level ``Timestamp()`` method in an underlying DB API-compliant module. :Parameters: year the year month the month day the day of the month hour the hour of the day minute the minute within the hour. 0 <= *minute* <= 59 second the second within the minute. 0 <= *second* <= 59 :return: an object containing the timestamp """ return self.__driver.get_import().Timestamp(year, month, day, hour, minute, second) def TimestampFromTicks(self, secs): """ Returns an object representing the date and time ``secs`` seconds after the epoch. For example: .. python:: import time d = db.TimestampFromTicks(time.time()) This method is equivalent to the module-level ``TimestampFromTicks()`` method in an underlying DB API-compliant module. :Parameters: secs : int the seconds from the epoch :return: an object containing the timestamp """ dt = datetime.now() return self.__driver.get_import().Timestamp(dt.year, dt.month, dt.day, dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second) def cursor(self): """ Get a cursor suitable for accessing the database. The returned object conforms to the Python DB API cursor interface. :return: the cursor :raise Warning: Non-fatal warning :raise Error: Error """ dbi = self.__driver.get_import() try: return Cursor(self.__db.cursor(), self.__driver) except dbi.Warning, val: raise Warning(val) except dbi.Error, val: raise Error(val) def commit(self): """ Commit the current transaction. :raise Warning: Non-fatal warning :raise Error: Error """ dbi = self.__driver.get_import() try: self.__db.commit() except dbi.Warning, val: raise Warning(val) except dbi.Error, val: raise Error(val) def rollback(self): """ Roll the current transaction back. :raise Warning: Non-fatal warning :raise Error: Error """ dbi = self.__driver.get_import() try: self.__db.rollback() except dbi.Warning, val: raise Warning(val) except dbi.Error, val: raise Error(val) def close(self): """ Close the database connection. :raise Warning: Non-fatal warning :raise Error: Error """ dbi = self.__driver.get_import() try: self.__db.close() except dbi.Warning, val: raise Warning(val) except dbi.Error, val: raise Error(val) class DBDriver(object): """ Base class for all DB drivers. """ @abstract def get_import(self): """ Get a bound import for the underlying DB API module. All subclasses must provide an implementation of this method. Here's an example, assuming the real underlying Python DB API module is 'foosql': .. python:: def get_import(self): import foosql return foosql :return: a bound module """ pass def __display_name(self): return self.get_display_name() @abstract def get_display_name(self): """ Get the driver's name, for display. The returned name ought to be a reasonable identifier for the database (e.g., 'SQL Server', 'MySQL'). All subclasses must provide an implementation of this method. :rtype: str :return: the driver's displayable name """ pass display_name = property(__display_name, doc='get a displayable name for the driver') def connect(self, host='localhost', port=None, user=None, password='', database=None): """ Connect to the underlying database. Subclasses should *not* override this method. Instead, a subclass should override the ``do_connect()`` method. :Parameters: host : str the host where the database lives port : int the TCP port to use when connecting, or ``None`` user : str the user to use when connecting, or ``None`` password : str the password to use when connecting, or ``None`` database : str the name of the database to which to connect :rtype: ``db`` :return: a ``db`` object representing the open database :raise Warning: Non-fatal warning :raise Error: Error """ dbi = self.get_import() try: self.__db = self.do_connect(host=host, port=port, user=user, password=password, database=database) return DB(self.__db, self) except dbi.Warning, val: raise Warning(val) except dbi.Error, val: raise Error(val) @abstract def do_connect(self, host='localhost', port=None, user='', password='', database='default'): """ Connect to the actual underlying database, using the driver. Subclasses must provide an implementation of this method. The method must return the result of the real DB API implementation's ``connect()`` method. For instance: .. python:: def do_connect(): dbi = self.get_import() return dbi.connect(host=host, user=user, passwd=password, database=database) There is no need to catch exceptions; the ``DBDriver`` class's ``connect()`` method handles that. :Parameters: host : str the host where the database lives port : int the TCP port to use when connecting user : str the user to use when connecting password : str the password to use when connecting database : str the name of the database to which to connect :rtype: object :return: a DB API-compliant object representing the open database :raise Warning: Non-fatal warning :raise Error: Error """ pass def get_rdbms_metadata(self, cursor): """ Return data about the RDBMS: the product name, the version, etc. The result is a named tuple, with the following fields. vendor The product vendor, if applicable, or ``None`` if not known product The name of the database product, or ``None`` if not known version The database product version, or ``None`` if not known :Parameters: cursor : Cursor a ``Cursor`` object from a recent query :rtype: named tuple :return: the vendor information """ return RDBMSMetadata('unknown', 'unknown', 'unknown') def get_index_metadata(self, table, cursor): """ Get the metadata for the indexes for a table. Returns a list of tuples, one for each index. Each tuple consists of the following:: (index_name, [index_columns], description) The tuple elements have the following meanings. index_name the index name index_columns a list of column names description index description, or ``None`` The tuples are named tuples, so the fields may be referenced by the names above or by position. The default implementation of this method returns `None` :Parameters: table : str table name cursor : Cursor a ``Cursor`` object from a recent query :rtype: list of tuples :return: the list of tuples, or ``None`` if not supported in the underlying database :raise Warning: Non-fatal warning """ return None def get_table_metadata(self, table, cursor): """ Get the metadata for a table. Returns a list of tuples, one for each column. Each tuple consists of the following:: (column_name, type_string, max_char_size, precision, scale, nullable) The tuple elements have the following meanings. column_name the name of the column type_string the column type, as a string max_char_size the maximum size for a character field, or ``None`` precision the precision, for a numeric field; or ``None`` scale the scale, for a numeric field; or ``None`` nullable ``True`` if the column is nullable, ``False`` if it is not The tuples are named tuples, so the fields may be referenced by the names above or by position. The default implementation uses the DB API's ``cursor.description`` field. Subclasses are free to override this method to produce their own version that uses other means. :Parameters: table : str the table name for which metadata is desired cursor : Cursor a ``Cursor`` object from a recent query :rtype: list :return: list of tuples, as described above :raise Warning: Non-fatal warning :raise Error: Error """ self._ensure_valid_table(cursor, table) dbi = self.get_import() cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM %s WHERE 1=0' % table) result = [] for col in cursor.description: name = col[0] type = col[1] size = col[2] internalSize = col[3] precision = col[4] scale = col[5] nullable = col[6] sType = None try: if type == dbi.BINARY: stype = 'blob' elif type == dbi.DATETIME: stype = 'datetime' elif type == dbi.NUMBER: stype = 'numeric' elif type == dbi.STRING: sz = internalSize if sz == None: sz = size elif sz <= 0: sz = size if sz == 1: stype = 'char' else: stype = 'varchar' size = sz elif type == dbi.ROWID: stype = 'id' except AttributeError: stype = None if not sType: stype = 'unknown (type code=%s)' % str(type) data = TableMetadata(name, stype, size, precision, scale, nullable) result += [data] return result def get_tables(self, cursor): """ Get the list of tables in the database. :Parameters: cursor : Cursor a ``Cursor`` object from a recent query :rtype: list :return: List of table names. The list will be empty if the database contains no tables. :raise NotImplementedError: Capability not supported by database driver :raise Warning: Non-fatal warning :raise Error: Error """ raise NotImplementedError def _ensure_valid_table(self, cursor, table_name): """ Determines whether a table name represents a legal table in the current database, throwing an ``Error`` if not. :Parameters: cursor : Cursor an open ``Cursor`` table_name : str the table name :raise Error: bad table name """ if not self._is_valid_table(cursor, table_name): raise Error, 'No such table: "%s"' % table_name def _is_valid_table(self, cursor, table_name): """ Determines whether a table name represents a legal table in the current database, throwing an ``Error`` if not. :Parameters: cursor : Cursor an open ``Cursor`` table_name : str the table name :rtype: bool :return: ``True`` if the table is valid, ``False`` if not """ tables = self.get_tables(cursor) return table_name in tables
########################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2011-2012, John Haddon. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 2011-2013, Image Engine Design Inc. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer. # # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with # the distribution. # # * Neither the name of John Haddon nor the names of # any other contributors to this software may be used to endorse or # promote products derived from this software without specific prior # written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS # IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR # CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR # PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING # NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ########################################################################## from __future__ import with_statement import unittest import IECore import Gaffer import GafferTest class UndoTest( GafferTest.TestCase ) : def testSetName( self ) : s = Gaffer.ScriptNode() self.assertEqual( s.undoAvailable(), False ) self.assertEqual( s.redoAvailable(), False ) self.assertRaises( Exception, s.undo ) n = Gaffer.Node() s["a"] = n self.assertEqual( n.getName(), "a" ) n.setName( "b" ) self.assertEqual( n.getName(), "b" ) self.assertEqual( s.undoAvailable(), False ) self.assertEqual( s.redoAvailable(), False ) self.assertRaises( Exception, s.undo ) with Gaffer.UndoContext( s ) : n.setName( "c" ) self.assertEqual( s.undoAvailable(), True ) self.assertEqual( s.redoAvailable(), False ) s.undo() self.assertEqual( s.undoAvailable(), False ) self.assertEqual( s.redoAvailable(), True ) self.assertEqual( n.getName(), "b" ) s.redo() self.assertEqual( s.undoAvailable(), True ) self.assertEqual( s.redoAvailable(), False ) self.assertEqual( n.getName(), "c" ) self.assertRaises( Exception, s.redo ) def testSetInput( self ) : s = Gaffer.ScriptNode() n1 = GafferTest.AddNode() n2 = GafferTest.AddNode() s["n1"] = n1 s["n2"] = n2 with Gaffer.UndoContext( s ) : n1["op1"].setInput( n2["sum"] ) self.assert_( n1["op1"].getInput().isSame( n2["sum"] ) ) s.undo() self.assertEqual( n1["op1"].getInput(), None ) s.redo() self.assert_( n1["op1"].getInput().isSame( n2["sum"] ) ) def testChildren( self ) : s = Gaffer.ScriptNode() n = Gaffer.Node() self.assertEqual( n.parent(), None ) with Gaffer.UndoContext( s ) : s["n"] = n self.assert_( n.parent().isSame( s ) ) s.undo() self.assertEqual( n.parent(), None ) s.redo() self.assert_( n.parent().isSame( s ) ) def testDelete( self ) : s = Gaffer.ScriptNode() n1 = GafferTest.AddNode() n2 = GafferTest.AddNode() n3 = GafferTest.AddNode() s.addChild( n1 ) s.addChild( n2 ) s.addChild( n3 ) n2["op1"].setInput( n1["sum"] ) n2["op2"].setInput( n1["sum"] ) n3["op1"].setInput( n2["sum"] ) n3["op2"].setInput( n2["sum"] ) self.assert_( n2["op1"].getInput().isSame( n1["sum"] ) ) self.assert_( n2["op2"].getInput().isSame( n1["sum"] ) ) self.assert_( n3["op1"].getInput().isSame( n2["sum"] ) ) self.assert_( n3["op2"].getInput().isSame( n2["sum"] ) ) with Gaffer.UndoContext( s ) : s.deleteNodes( filter = Gaffer.StandardSet( [ n2 ] ) ) self.assertEqual( n2["op1"].getInput(), None ) self.assertEqual( n2["op2"].getInput(), None ) self.assert_( n3["op1"].getInput().isSame( n1["sum"] ) ) self.assert_( n3["op2"].getInput().isSame( n1["sum"] ) ) s.undo() self.assert_( n2["op1"].getInput().isSame( n1["sum"] ) ) self.assert_( n2["op2"].getInput().isSame( n1["sum"] ) ) self.assert_( n3["op1"].getInput().isSame( n2["sum"] ) ) self.assert_( n3["op2"].getInput().isSame( n2["sum"] ) ) with Gaffer.UndoContext( s ) : s.deleteNodes( filter = Gaffer.StandardSet( [ n2 ] ), reconnect = False ) self.assertEqual( n2["op1"].getInput(), None ) self.assertEqual( n2["op2"].getInput(), None ) self.assertEqual( n3["op1"].getInput(), None ) self.assertEqual( n3["op2"].getInput(), None ) s.undo() self.assert_( n2["op1"].getInput().isSame( n1["sum"] ) ) self.assert_( n2["op2"].getInput().isSame( n1["sum"] ) ) self.assert_( n3["op1"].getInput().isSame( n2["sum"] ) ) self.assert_( n3["op2"].getInput().isSame( n2["sum"] ) ) def testDisable( self ) : s = Gaffer.ScriptNode() s["n"] = GafferTest.AddNode() with Gaffer.UndoContext( s, Gaffer.UndoContext.State.Disabled ) : s["n"]["op1"].setValue( 10 ) self.assertFalse( s.undoAvailable() ) with Gaffer.UndoContext( s, Gaffer.UndoContext.State.Enabled ) : with Gaffer.UndoContext( s, Gaffer.UndoContext.State.Disabled ) : s["n"]["op1"].setValue( 20 ) self.assertFalse( s.undoAvailable() ) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
# Copyright (C) 2015, Carlo de Franchis <[email protected]> # Copyright (C) 2015, Gabriele Facciolo <[email protected]> # Copyright (C) 2015, Enric Meinhardt <[email protected]> from __future__ import print_function import os import numpy as np from s2plib import common from s2plib import rpc_utils from s2plib import estimation from s2plib.config import cfg def image_keypoints(im, x, y, w, h, max_nb=None, extra_params=''): """ Runs SIFT (the keypoints detection and description only, no matching). It uses Ives Rey Otero's implementation published in IPOL: http://www.ipol.im/pub/pre/82/ Args: im: path to the input image max_nb (optional): maximal number of keypoints. If more keypoints are detected, those at smallest scales are discarded extra_params (optional): extra parameters to be passed to the sift binary Returns: path to the file containing the list of descriptors """ keyfile = common.tmpfile('.txt') if max_nb: cmd = "sift_roi %s %d %d %d %d --max-nb-pts %d %s -o %s" % (im, x, y, w, h, max_nb, extra_params, keyfile) else: cmd = "sift_roi %s %d %d %d %d %s -o %s" % (im, x, y, w, h, extra_params, keyfile) common.run(cmd) return keyfile def keypoints_match(k1, k2, method='relative', sift_thresh=0.6, F=None, model=None): """ Find matches among two lists of sift keypoints. Args: k1, k2: paths to text files containing the lists of sift descriptors method (optional, default is 'relative'): flag ('relative' or 'absolute') indicating wether to use absolute distance or relative distance sift_thresh (optional, default is 0.6): threshold for distance between SIFT descriptors. These descriptors are 128-vectors, whose coefficients range from 0 to 255, thus with absolute distance a reasonable value for this threshold is between 200 and 300. With relative distance (ie ratio between distance to nearest and distance to second nearest), the commonly used value for the threshold is 0.6. F (optional): affine fundamental matrix model (optional, default is None): model imposed by RANSAC when searching the set of inliers. If None all matches are considered as inliers. Returns: if any, a numpy 2D array containing the list of inliers matches. """ # compute matches mfile = common.tmpfile('.txt') cmd = "matching %s %s -%s %f -o %s" % (k1, k2, method, sift_thresh, mfile) if F is not None: fij = ' '.join(str(x) for x in [F[0, 2], F[1, 2], F[2, 0], F[2, 1], F[2, 2]]) cmd = "%s -f \"%s\"" % (cmd, fij) common.run(cmd) matches = np.loadtxt(mfile) if matches.ndim == 2: # filter outliers with ransac if model == 'fundamental' and len(matches) >= 7: common.run("ransac fmn 1000 .3 7 %s < %s" % (mfile, mfile)) elif model == 'homography' and len(matches) >= 4: common.run("ransac hom 1000 1 4 /dev/null /dev/null %s < %s" % (mfile, mfile)) elif model == 'hom_fund' and len(matches) >= 7: common.run("ransac hom 1000 2 4 /dev/null /dev/null %s < %s" % (mfile, mfile)) common.run("ransac fmn 1000 .2 7 %s < %s" % (mfile, mfile)) if os.stat(mfile).st_size > 0: # return numpy array of matches return np.loadtxt(mfile) def matches_on_rpc_roi(im1, im2, rpc1, rpc2, x, y, w, h): """ Compute a list of SIFT matches between two images on a given roi. The corresponding roi in the second image is determined using the rpc functions. Args: im1, im2: paths to two large tif images rpc1, rpc2: two instances of the rpc_model.RPCModel class x, y, w, h: four integers defining the rectangular ROI in the first image. (x, y) is the top-left corner, and (w, h) are the dimensions of the rectangle. Returns: matches: 2D numpy array containing a list of matches. Each line contains one pair of points, ordered as x1 y1 x2 y2. The coordinate system is that of the full images. """ x2, y2, w2, h2 = rpc_utils.corresponding_roi(rpc1, rpc2, x, y, w, h) # estimate an approximate affine fundamental matrix from the rpcs rpc_matches = rpc_utils.matches_from_rpc(rpc1, rpc2, x, y, w, h, 5) F = estimation.affine_fundamental_matrix(rpc_matches) # if less than 10 matches, lower thresh_dog. An alternative would be ASIFT thresh_dog = 0.0133 for i in range(2): p1 = image_keypoints(im1, x, y, w, h, extra_params='--thresh-dog %f' % thresh_dog) p2 = image_keypoints(im2, x2, y2, w2, h2, extra_params='--thresh-dog %f' % thresh_dog) matches = keypoints_match(p1, p2, 'relative', cfg['sift_match_thresh'], F, model='fundamental') if matches is not None and matches.ndim == 2 and matches.shape[0] > 10: break thresh_dog /= 2.0 else: print("WARNING: sift.matches_on_rpc_roi: found no matches.") return None return matches
"""Nearest Neighbor Regression""" # Authors: Jake Vanderplas <[email protected]> # Fabian Pedregosa <[email protected]> # Alexandre Gramfort <[email protected]> # Sparseness support by Lars Buitinck # Multi-output support by Arnaud Joly <[email protected]> # # License: BSD 3 clause (C) INRIA, University of Amsterdam import numpy as np from .base import _get_weights, _check_weights, NeighborsBase, KNeighborsMixin from .base import RadiusNeighborsMixin, SupervisedFloatMixin from ..base import RegressorMixin from ..utils import check_array class KNeighborsRegressor(NeighborsBase, KNeighborsMixin, SupervisedFloatMixin, RegressorMixin): """Regression based on k-nearest neighbors. The target is predicted by local interpolation of the targets associated of the nearest neighbors in the training set. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <regression>`. Parameters ---------- n_neighbors : int, optional (default = 5) Number of neighbors to use by default for :meth:`k_neighbors` queries. weights : str or callable weight function used in prediction. Possible values: - 'uniform' : uniform weights. All points in each neighborhood are weighted equally. - 'distance' : weight points by the inverse of their distance. in this case, closer neighbors of a query point will have a greater influence than neighbors which are further away. - [callable] : a user-defined function which accepts an array of distances, and returns an array of the same shape containing the weights. Uniform weights are used by default. algorithm : {'auto', 'ball_tree', 'kd_tree', 'brute'}, optional Algorithm used to compute the nearest neighbors: - 'ball_tree' will use :class:`BallTree` - 'kd_tree' will use :class:`KDtree` - 'brute' will use a brute-force search. - 'auto' will attempt to decide the most appropriate algorithm based on the values passed to :meth:`fit` method. Note: fitting on sparse input will override the setting of this parameter, using brute force. leaf_size : int, optional (default = 30) Leaf size passed to BallTree or KDTree. This can affect the speed of the construction and query, as well as the memory required to store the tree. The optimal value depends on the nature of the problem. metric : string or DistanceMetric object (default='minkowski') the distance metric to use for the tree. The default metric is minkowski, and with p=2 is equivalent to the standard Euclidean metric. See the documentation of the DistanceMetric class for a list of available metrics. p : integer, optional (default = 2) Power parameter for the Minkowski metric. When p = 1, this is equivalent to using manhattan_distance (l1), and euclidean_distance (l2) for p = 2. For arbitrary p, minkowski_distance (l_p) is used. metric_params : dict, optional (default = None) Additional keyword arguments for the metric function. n_jobs : int, optional (default = 1) The number of parallel jobs to run for neighbors search. If ``-1``, then the number of jobs is set to the number of CPU cores. Doesn't affect :meth:`fit` method. Examples -------- >>> X = [[0], [1], [2], [3]] >>> y = [0, 0, 1, 1] >>> from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor >>> neigh = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=2) >>> neigh.fit(X, y) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS KNeighborsRegressor(...) >>> print(neigh.predict([[1.5]])) [ 0.5] See also -------- NearestNeighbors RadiusNeighborsRegressor KNeighborsClassifier RadiusNeighborsClassifier Notes ----- See :ref:`Nearest Neighbors <neighbors>` in the online documentation for a discussion of the choice of ``algorithm`` and ``leaf_size``. .. warning:: Regarding the Nearest Neighbors algorithms, if it is found that two neighbors, neighbor `k+1` and `k`, have identical distances but but different labels, the results will depend on the ordering of the training data. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K-nearest_neighbor_algorithm """ def __init__(self, n_neighbors=5, weights='uniform', algorithm='auto', leaf_size=30, p=2, metric='minkowski', metric_params=None, n_jobs=1, **kwargs): self._init_params(n_neighbors=n_neighbors, algorithm=algorithm, leaf_size=leaf_size, metric=metric, p=p, metric_params=metric_params, n_jobs=n_jobs, **kwargs) self.weights = _check_weights(weights) def predict(self, X): """Predict the target for the provided data Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape (n_query, n_features), \ or (n_query, n_indexed) if metric == 'precomputed' Test samples. Returns ------- y : array of int, shape = [n_samples] or [n_samples, n_outputs] Target values """ X = check_array(X, accept_sparse='csr') neigh_dist, neigh_ind = self.kneighbors(X) weights = _get_weights(neigh_dist, self.weights) _y = self._y if _y.ndim == 1: _y = _y.reshape((-1, 1)) if weights is None: y_pred = np.mean(_y[neigh_ind], axis=1) else: y_pred = np.empty((X.shape[0], _y.shape[1]), dtype=np.float64) denom = np.sum(weights, axis=1) for j in range(_y.shape[1]): num = np.sum(_y[neigh_ind, j] * weights, axis=1) y_pred[:, j] = num / denom if self._y.ndim == 1: y_pred = y_pred.ravel() return y_pred class RadiusNeighborsRegressor(NeighborsBase, RadiusNeighborsMixin, SupervisedFloatMixin, RegressorMixin): """Regression based on neighbors within a fixed radius. The target is predicted by local interpolation of the targets associated of the nearest neighbors in the training set. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <regression>`. Parameters ---------- radius : float, optional (default = 1.0) Range of parameter space to use by default for :meth:`radius_neighbors` queries. weights : str or callable weight function used in prediction. Possible values: - 'uniform' : uniform weights. All points in each neighborhood are weighted equally. - 'distance' : weight points by the inverse of their distance. in this case, closer neighbors of a query point will have a greater influence than neighbors which are further away. - [callable] : a user-defined function which accepts an array of distances, and returns an array of the same shape containing the weights. Uniform weights are used by default. algorithm : {'auto', 'ball_tree', 'kd_tree', 'brute'}, optional Algorithm used to compute the nearest neighbors: - 'ball_tree' will use :class:`BallTree` - 'kd_tree' will use :class:`KDtree` - 'brute' will use a brute-force search. - 'auto' will attempt to decide the most appropriate algorithm based on the values passed to :meth:`fit` method. Note: fitting on sparse input will override the setting of this parameter, using brute force. leaf_size : int, optional (default = 30) Leaf size passed to BallTree or KDTree. This can affect the speed of the construction and query, as well as the memory required to store the tree. The optimal value depends on the nature of the problem. metric : string or DistanceMetric object (default='minkowski') the distance metric to use for the tree. The default metric is minkowski, and with p=2 is equivalent to the standard Euclidean metric. See the documentation of the DistanceMetric class for a list of available metrics. p : integer, optional (default = 2) Power parameter for the Minkowski metric. When p = 1, this is equivalent to using manhattan_distance (l1), and euclidean_distance (l2) for p = 2. For arbitrary p, minkowski_distance (l_p) is used. metric_params : dict, optional (default = None) Additional keyword arguments for the metric function. Examples -------- >>> X = [[0], [1], [2], [3]] >>> y = [0, 0, 1, 1] >>> from sklearn.neighbors import RadiusNeighborsRegressor >>> neigh = RadiusNeighborsRegressor(radius=1.0) >>> neigh.fit(X, y) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS RadiusNeighborsRegressor(...) >>> print(neigh.predict([[1.5]])) [ 0.5] See also -------- NearestNeighbors KNeighborsRegressor KNeighborsClassifier RadiusNeighborsClassifier Notes ----- See :ref:`Nearest Neighbors <neighbors>` in the online documentation for a discussion of the choice of ``algorithm`` and ``leaf_size``. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K-nearest_neighbor_algorithm """ def __init__(self, radius=1.0, weights='uniform', algorithm='auto', leaf_size=30, p=2, metric='minkowski', metric_params=None, **kwargs): self._init_params(radius=radius, algorithm=algorithm, leaf_size=leaf_size, p=p, metric=metric, metric_params=metric_params, **kwargs) self.weights = _check_weights(weights) def predict(self, X): """Predict the target for the provided data Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape (n_query, n_features), \ or (n_query, n_indexed) if metric == 'precomputed' Test samples. Returns ------- y : array of int, shape = [n_samples] or [n_samples, n_outputs] Target values """ X = check_array(X, accept_sparse='csr') neigh_dist, neigh_ind = self.radius_neighbors(X) weights = _get_weights(neigh_dist, self.weights) _y = self._y if _y.ndim == 1: _y = _y.reshape((-1, 1)) if weights is None: y_pred = np.array([np.mean(_y[ind, :], axis=0) for ind in neigh_ind]) else: y_pred = np.array([(np.average(_y[ind, :], axis=0, weights=weights[i])) for (i, ind) in enumerate(neigh_ind)]) if self._y.ndim == 1: y_pred = y_pred.ravel() return y_pred
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from datetime import datetime from django.http import HttpResponse from smsbrana import SmsConnect from smsbrana import signals from smsbrana.const import DELIVERY_STATUS_DELIVERED, DATETIME_FORMAT from smsbrana.models import SentSms def smsconnect_notification(request): sc = SmsConnect() result = sc.inbox() # print result for delivered in result['delivery_report']: sms_id = delivered['idsms'] if delivered['status'] != DELIVERY_STATUS_DELIVERED: continue try: sms = SentSms.objects.get(sms_id=sms_id) if sms.delivered: continue sms.delivered = True sms.delivered_date = datetime.strptime(delivered['time'], DATETIME_FORMAT) sms.save() except SentSms.DoesNotExist: # logger.error('sms delivered which wasn\'t sent' + str(delivered)) pass # delete the inbox if there are 100+ items if len(result['delivery_report']) > 100: sc.inbox(delete=True) signals.smsconnect_notification_received.send(sender=None, inbox=result, request=request) return HttpResponse('OK')
# -*- coding: utf-8; -*- # # This file is part of Superdesk. # # Copyright 2013, 2014 Sourcefabric z.u. and contributors. # # For the full copyright and license information, please see the # AUTHORS and LICENSE files distributed with this source code, or # at https://www.sourcefabric.org/superdesk/license import os from superdesk.io.feed_parsers.dpa_iptc7901 import DPAIPTC7901FeedParser from superdesk.tests import TestCase def fixture(filename): dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(dirname, '../fixtures', filename)) class DPAIptcTestCase(TestCase): parser = DPAIPTC7901FeedParser() def open(self, filename): provider = {'name': 'Test'} return self.parser.parse(fixture(filename), provider) def test_open_iptc7901_file(self): with self.app.app_context(): item = self.open('IPTC7901.txt') self.assertEqual('text', item['type']) self.assertEqual('062', item['ingest_provider_sequence']) self.assertEqual('i', item['anpa_category'][0]['qcode']) self.assertEqual(211, item['word_count']) self.assertEqual('Germany Social Democrats: Coalition talks with Merkel could fail =', item['headline']) self.assertRegex(item['body_html'], '^<p></p><p>Negotiations') self.assertEqual('Germany-politics', item['slugline']) self.assertEqual(4, item['priority']) self.assertEqual([{'qcode': 'i'}], item['anpa_category']) self.assertTrue(item['ednote'].find('## Editorial contacts')) self.assertEqual(item['dateline']['source'], 'dpa') self.assertEqual(item['dateline']['located']['city'], 'Berlin') def test_open_dpa_copyright(self): with self.app.app_context(): item = self.open('dpa_copyright.txt') self.assertEqual('text', item['type']) self.assertEqual('rs', item['anpa_category'][0]['qcode']) self.assertEqual('(Achtung)', item['headline']) self.assertEqual('Impressum', item['slugline'])
import attr import pandas as pd import re from ..base import TohuBaseGenerator from ..logging import logger __all__ = ['get_tohu_items_name', 'make_tohu_items_class'] def make_tohu_items_class(clsname, attr_names): """ Parameters ---------- clsname: string Name of the class to be created attr_names: list of strings Names of the attributes of the class to be created """ item_cls = attr.make_class(clsname, {name: attr.ib() for name in attr_names}, repr=False, cmp=True, frozen=True) def new_repr(self): all_fields = ', '.join([f'{name}={repr(value)}' for name, value in attr.asdict(self).items()]) return f'{clsname}({all_fields})' orig_eq = item_cls.__eq__ def new_eq(self, other): """ Custom __eq__() method which also allows comparisons with tuples and dictionaries. This is mostly for convenience during testing. """ if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return orig_eq(self, other) else: if isinstance(other, tuple): return attr.astuple(self) == other elif isinstance(other, dict): return attr.asdict(self) == other else: return NotImplemented item_cls.__repr__ = new_repr item_cls.__eq__ = new_eq item_cls.keys = lambda self: attr_names item_cls.__getitem__ = lambda self, key: getattr(self, key) item_cls.as_dict = lambda self: attr.asdict(self) item_cls.to_series = lambda self: pd.Series(attr.asdict(self)) return item_cls def get_tohu_items_name(cls): """ Return a string which defines the name of the namedtuple class which will be used to produce items for the custom generator. By default this will be the first part of the class name (before '...Generator'), for example: FoobarGenerator -> Foobar QuuxGenerator -> Quux However, it can be set explicitly by the user by defining `__tohu_items_name__` in the class definition, for example: class Quux(CustomGenerator): __tohu_items_name__ = 'MyQuuxItem' """ assert issubclass(cls, TohuBaseGenerator) try: tohu_items_name = cls.__dict__['__tohu_items_name__'] logger.debug(f"Using item class name '{tohu_items_name}' (derived from attribute '__tohu_items_name__')") except KeyError: m = re.match('^(.*)Generator$', cls.__name__) if m is not None: tohu_items_name = m.group(1) logger.debug(f"Using item class name '{tohu_items_name}' (derived from custom generator name)") else: msg = ( "Cannot derive class name for items to be produced by custom generator. " "Please set '__tohu_items_name__' at the top of the custom generator's " "definition or change its name so that it ends in '...Generator'" ) raise ValueError(msg) return tohu_items_name
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """ Invokes concatenate_application_code for applications specified on the command line. """ from os import path import concatenate_application_code import modular_build import sys try: import simplejson as json except ImportError: import json def main(argv): try: input_path_flag_index = argv.index('--input_path') input_path = argv[input_path_flag_index + 1] output_path_flag_index = argv.index('--output_path') output_path = argv[output_path_flag_index + 1] application_names = argv[1:input_path_flag_index] debug_flag_index = argv.index('--debug') minify = argv[debug_flag_index + 1] == '0' except: print('Usage: %s app_1 app_2 ... app_N --input_path <input_path> --output_path <output_path> --debug <0_or_1>' % argv[0]) raise loader = modular_build.DescriptorLoader(input_path) for app in application_names: concatenate_application_code.build_application(app, loader, input_path, output_path, minify) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv))
from .meta import BaseModelDependent import warnings import numpy as np import scipy.sparse as sp from scipy.special import i0 as bessi0 class BaseSource(BaseModelDependent): pass class FakeSource(BaseSource): def __call__(self, loc): return loc class SimpleSource(BaseSource): def __init__(self, systemConfig): super(BaseSource, self).__init__(systemConfig) if hasattr(self, 'ny'): raise NotImplementedError('Sources not implemented for 3D case') self._z, self._y, self._x = np.mgrid[ self.zorig : self.dz * self.nz : self.dz, self.yorig : self.dy * self.ny : self.dy, self.xorig : self.dx * self.nx : self.dx ] else: self._z, self._x = np.mgrid[ self.zorig : self.dz * self.nz : self.dz, self.xorig : self.dx * self.nx : self.dx ] def dist(self, loc): nsrc = len(loc) if hasattr(self, 'ny'): raise NotImplementedError('Sources not implemented for 3D case') dist = np.sqrt((self._x.reshape((1, self.nz, self.ny, self.nx)) - loc[:,0].reshape((nsrc, 1, 1, 1)))**2 + (self._y.reshape((1, self.nz, self.ny, self.nx)) - loc[:,1].reshape((nsrc, 1, 1, 1)))**2 + (self._z.reshape((1, self.nz, self.ny, self.nx)) - loc[:,2].reshape((nsrc, 1, 1, 1)))**2) else: dist = np.sqrt((self._x.reshape((1, self.nz, self.nx)) - loc[:,0].reshape((nsrc, 1, 1)))**2 + (self._z.reshape((1, self.nz, self.nx)) - loc[:,1].reshape((nsrc, 1, 1)))**2) return dist def vecIndexOf(self, loc): return self.toVecIndex(self.linIndexOf(loc)) def linIndexOf(self, loc): nsrc = loc.shape[0] dists = self.dist(loc).reshape((nsrc, self.nrow)) return np.argmin(dists, axis=1) def __call__(self, loc): nsrc = loc.shape[0] q = np.zeros((nsrc, self.nrow), dtype=np.complex128) for i, index in enumerate(self.linIndexOf(loc)): q[i,index] = 1. return q.T class StackedSimpleSource(SimpleSource): def __call__(self, loc): q = super(StackedSimpleSource, self).__call__(loc) return np.vstack([q, np.zeros(q.shape, dtype=np.complex128)]) class SparseKaiserSource(SimpleSource): initMap = { # Argument Required Rename as ... Store as type 'ireg': (False, '_ireg', np.int64), 'freeSurf': (False, '_freeSurf', tuple), } HC_KAISER = { 1: 1.24, 2: 2.94, 3: 4.53, 4: 6.31, 5: 7.91, 6: 9.42, 7: 10.95, 8: 12.53, 9: 14.09, 10: 14.18, } def kws(self, offset): ''' Finds 2D source terms to approximate a band-limited point source, based on Hicks, Graham J. (2002) Arbitrary source and receiver positioning in finite-difference schemes using Kaiser windowed sinc functions. Geophysics (67) 1, 156-166. KaiserWindowedSinc(ireg, offset) --> 2D ndarray of size (2*ireg+1, 2*ireg+1) Input offset is the 2D offsets in fractional gridpoints between the source location and the nearest node on the modelling grid. ''' try: b = self.HC_KAISER.get(self.ireg) except KeyError: print('Kaiser windowed sinc function not implemented for half-width of %d!'%(ireg,)) raise freg = 2*self.ireg+1 xOffset, zOffset = offset # Grid from 0 to freg-1 Zi, Xi = np.mgrid[:freg,:freg] # Distances from source point dZi = (zOffset + self.ireg - Zi) dXi = (xOffset + self.ireg - Xi) # Taper terms for decay function with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') tZi = np.nan_to_num(np.sqrt(1 - (dZi / self.ireg)**2)) tXi = np.nan_to_num(np.sqrt(1 - (dXi / self.ireg)**2)) tZi[tZi == np.inf] = 0 tXi[tXi == np.inf] = 0 # Actual tapers for Kaiser window taperZ = bessi0(b*tZi) / bessi0(b) taperX = bessi0(b*tXi) / bessi0(b) # Windowed sinc responses in Z and X responseZ = np.sinc(dZi) * taperZ responseX = np.sinc(dXi) * taperX # Combined 2D source response result = responseX * responseZ return result def __call__(self, sLocs): ireg = self.ireg freeSurf = self.freeSurf N = sLocs.shape[0] M = self.nz * self.nx # Scale source based on the cellsize so that changing the grid doesn't # change the overall source amplitude srcScale = 1. / (self.dx * self.dz) qI = self.linIndexOf(sLocs) if ireg == 0: # Closest gridpoint q = sp.coo_matrix((srcScale, (np.arange(N), qI)), shape=(N, M)) else: # Kaiser windowed sinc function freg = 2*ireg+1 nnz = N * freg**2 lShift, sShift = np.mgrid[-ireg:ireg+1,-ireg:ireg+1] shift = lShift * self.nx + sShift entries = np.zeros((nnz,), dtype=np.complex128) columns = np.zeros((nnz,)) rows = np.zeros((nnz,)) dptr = 0 for i in xrange(N): Zi, Xi = (qI[i] / self.nx, np.mod(qI[i], self.nx)) offset = (sLocs[i][0] - Xi * self.dx, sLocs[i][1] - Zi * self.dz) sourceRegion = self.kws(offset) qshift = shift.copy() if Zi < ireg: index = ireg-Zi if freeSurf[2]: lift = np.flipud(sourceRegion[:index,:]) sourceRegion = sourceRegion[index:,:] qshift = qshift[index:,:] if freeSurf[2]: sourceRegion[:index,:] -= lift if Zi > self.nz-ireg-1: index = self.nz-ireg-1 - Zi if freeSurf[0]: lift = np.flipud(sourceRegion[index:,:]) sourceRegion = sourceRegion[:index,:] qshift = qshift[:index,:] if freeSurf[0]: sourceRegion[index:,:] -= lift if Xi < ireg: index = ireg-Xi if freeSurf[3]: lift = np.fliplr(sourceRegion[:,:index]) sourceRegion = sourceRegion[:,index:] qshift = qshift[:,index:] if freeSurf[3]: sourceRegion[:,:index] -= lift if Xi > self.nx-ireg-1: index = self.nx-ireg-1 - Xi if freeSurf[1]: lift = np.fliplr(sourceRegion[:,index:]) sourceRegion = sourceRegion[:,:index] qshift = qshift[:,:index] if freeSurf[1]: sourceRegion[:,index:] -= lift data = srcScale * sourceRegion.ravel() cols = qI[i] + qshift.ravel() dlen = data.shape[0] entries[dptr:dptr+dlen] = data columns[dptr:dptr+dlen] = cols rows[dptr:dptr+dlen] = i dptr += dlen q = sp.coo_matrix((entries[:dptr], (rows[:dptr],columns[:dptr])), shape=(N, M), dtype=np.complex128) return q.T @property def ireg(self): return getattr(self, '_ireg', 4) class KaiserSource(SparseKaiserSource): def __call__(self, sLocs): q = super(KaiserSource, self).__call__(sLocs) return q.toarray()
# This module imports names for backwards compatibility and to ensure # that pickled objects in existing sessions can be unpickled. __all__ = ['DAObject', 'DAList', 'DADict', 'DAOrderedDict', 'DASet', 'DAFile', 'DAFileCollection', 'DAFileList', 'DAStaticFile', 'DAEmail', 'DAEmailRecipient', 'DAEmailRecipientList', 'DATemplate', 'DAEmpty', 'DALink', 'RelationshipTree', 'DAContext'] from docassemble.base.util import DAObject, DAList, DADict, DAOrderedDict, DASet, DAFile, DAFileCollection, DAFileList, DAStaticFile, DAEmail, DAEmailRecipient, DAEmailRecipientList, DATemplate, DAEmpty, DALink, RelationshipTree, DAContext, DAObjectPlusParameters, DACatchAll, RelationshipDir, RelationshipPeer, DALazyTemplate, DALazyTableTemplate, selections, DASessionLocal, DADeviceLocal, DAUserLocal
""" Django settings for chatbot_website project. Generated by 'django-admin startproject' using Django 1.10. For more information on this file, see https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/topics/settings/ For the full list of settings and their values, see https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/ref/settings/ """ import os # Build paths inside the project like this: os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ...) BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) # Quick-start development settings - unsuitable for production # See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/howto/deployment/checklist/ # SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret! SECRET_KEY = os.environ['CHATBOT_SECRET_KEY'] # SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production! DEBUG = True ALLOWED_HOSTS = [] # Application definition INSTALLED_APPS = [ 'django.contrib.admin', 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.messages', 'django.contrib.staticfiles', 'channels', 'chatbot_interface', ] MIDDLEWARE = [ 'django.middleware.security.SecurityMiddleware', 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', 'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware', 'django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware', ] ROOT_URLCONF = 'chatbot_website.urls' TEMPLATES = [ { 'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates', 'DIRS': [], 'APP_DIRS': True, 'OPTIONS': { 'context_processors': [ 'django.template.context_processors.debug', 'django.template.context_processors.request', 'django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth', 'django.contrib.messages.context_processors.messages', ], }, }, ] WSGI_APPLICATION = 'chatbot_website.wsgi.application' # Database # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/ref/settings/#databases DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'db.sqlite3'), } } # Password validation # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/ref/settings/#auth-password-validators AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS = [ { 'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.UserAttributeSimilarityValidator', }, { 'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.MinimumLengthValidator', }, { 'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.CommonPasswordValidator', }, { 'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.NumericPasswordValidator', }, ] CHANNEL_LAYERS = { "default": { "BACKEND": "asgi_redis.RedisChannelLayer", "CONFIG": { "hosts": [os.environ.get('REDIS_URL', 'redis://localhost:6379')], }, "ROUTING": "chatbot_interface.routing.channel_routing", }, } LOGGING = { 'version': 1, 'disable_existing_loggers': False, 'handlers': { 'file_django': { 'level': 'DEBUG', 'class': 'logging.FileHandler', 'filename': 'logs/debug_django.log', }, 'file_chatbot': { 'level': 'DEBUG', 'class': 'logging.FileHandler', 'filename': 'logs/debug_chatbot.log', }, 'console': { 'level': 'DEBUG', 'class': 'logging.StreamHandler', 'stream': 'ext://sys.stdout', }, }, 'loggers': { 'django': { 'handlers': ['console', 'file_django'], 'level': 'INFO', 'propagate': True, }, 'chatbot_interface': { 'handlers': ['console', 'file_chatbot'], 'level': os.getenv('DJANGO_LOG_LEVEL', 'INFO'), }, }, } # Internationalization # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/topics/i18n/ LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en-us' TIME_ZONE = 'UTC' USE_I18N = True USE_L10N = True USE_TZ = True # Static files (CSS, JavaScript, Images) # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/howto/static-files/ STATIC_URL = '/static/'
# MIT License # # Copyright (C) IBM Corporation 2019 # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated # documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the # rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit # persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the # Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, # TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. """ Machine learning models with differential privacy """ from diffprivlib.models.naive_bayes import GaussianNB from diffprivlib.models.k_means import KMeans from diffprivlib.models.linear_regression import LinearRegression from diffprivlib.models.logistic_regression import LogisticRegression from diffprivlib.models.pca import PCA from diffprivlib.models.standard_scaler import StandardScaler from diffprivlib.models.forest import RandomForestClassifier
# # Copyright 2014-2015 Boundary, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # from boundary import ApiCli class SourceList(ApiCli): def __init__(self): ApiCli.__init__(self) self.path = "v1/account/sources/" self.method = "GET" def getDescription(self): return "Lists the sources in a Boundary account"
import torch from base_model import Loss from train import dboxes300_coco from opt_loss import OptLoss # In: # ploc : N x 8732 x 4 # plabel : N x 8732 # gloc : N x 8732 x 4 # glabel : N x 8732 data = torch.load('loss.pth') ploc = data['ploc'].cuda() plabel = data['plabel'].cuda() gloc = data['gloc'].cuda() glabel = data['glabel'].cuda() dboxes = dboxes300_coco() # loss = Loss(dboxes).cuda() loss = OptLoss(dboxes).cuda() loss = torch.jit.trace(loss, (ploc, plabel, gloc, glabel)) # print(traced_loss.graph) # timing timing_iterations = 1000 import time # Dry run to eliminate JIT compile overhead dl = torch.tensor([1.], device="cuda") l = loss(ploc, plabel, gloc, glabel) l.backward(dl) # fprop torch.cuda.synchronize() start = time.time() with torch.no_grad(): for _ in range(timing_iterations): l = loss(ploc, plabel, gloc, glabel) print('loss: {}'.format(l)) torch.cuda.synchronize() end = time.time() time_per_fprop = (end - start) / timing_iterations print('took {} seconds per iteration (fprop)'.format(time_per_fprop)) # fprop + bprop torch.cuda.synchronize() start = time.time() for _ in range(timing_iterations): l = loss(ploc, plabel, gloc, glabel) l.backward(dl) torch.cuda.synchronize() end = time.time() time_per_fprop_bprop = (end - start) / timing_iterations print('took {} seconds per iteration (fprop + bprop)'.format(time_per_fprop_bprop)) print(loss.graph_for(ploc, plabel, gloc, glabel))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from django.db import migrations, models from django.conf import settings class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ migrations.swappable_dependency(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL), ] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name='Session', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', serialize=False, auto_created=True, primary_key=True)), ('begin', models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)), ], ), migrations.CreateModel( name='Variable', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', serialize=False, auto_created=True, primary_key=True)), ('timestamp', models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)), ('name', models.CharField(max_length=32)), ('type', models.IntegerField(choices=[('Integer', int), ('Floating Point', float), ('Text', str), ('Flag', bool)])), ('value', models.CharField(max_length=130)), ('session', models.ForeignKey(to='hs_tracking.Session')), ], ), migrations.CreateModel( name='Visitor', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', serialize=False, auto_created=True, primary_key=True)), ('first_seen', models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)), ('user', models.ForeignKey(blank=True, to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, null=True)), ], ), migrations.AddField( model_name='session', name='visitor', field=models.ForeignKey(to='hs_tracking.Visitor'), ), ]
import random from ..simulator import Simulator class RandomMover(Simulator): ACTIONS = ('up', 'down', 'left', 'right') def start(self): self.init_game() while True: self._check_pygame_events() for drone in self.drones: drone.do_move(random.choice(self.ACTIONS)) self.print_map() self._draw()
import logging import re import markdown from django.conf import settings from django.db import models from django.template import Template, Context, loader import sys from selvbetjening.core.mail import send_mail logger = logging.getLogger('selvbetjening.email') class EmailSpecification(models.Model): BODY_FORMAT_CHOICES = ( ('html', 'HTML'), ('markdown', 'Markdown') ) CONTEXT_CHOICES = ( ('user', 'User'), ('attendee', 'Attendee') ) # template subject = models.CharField(max_length=128) body = models.TextField() body_format = models.CharField(max_length=32, choices=BODY_FORMAT_CHOICES, default='markdown') # context template_context = models.CharField(max_length=32, choices=CONTEXT_CHOICES, default='user') # meta date_created = models.DateField(editable=False, auto_now_add=True) def send_email_user(self, user, internal_sender_id): if self.template_context == 'attendee': raise ValueError ok, email, err = self.render_user(user) if not ok: # Warn an admin and log the error silently logger.exception('Failure rendering e-mail (template pk: %s) -- Addressed to %s', self.pk, user.email, exc_info=err, extra={ 'related_user': user}) return instance = self._send_mail(user.email, email, internal_sender_id) logger.info('E-mail queued (%s) -- Addressed to %s', email['subject'], user.email, extra={ 'related_user': user, 'related_email': instance }) def send_email_attendee(self, attendee, internal_sender_id): ok, email, err = self.render_attendee(attendee) if not ok: # Warn an admin and log the error silently logger.exception('Failure rendering e-mail (template pk: %s) -- Addressed to %s', self.pk, attendee.user.email, exc_info=err, extra={ 'related_user': attendee.user, 'related_attendee': attendee}) return instance = self._send_mail(attendee.user.email, email, internal_sender_id) logger.info('E-mail queued (%s) -- Addressed to %s', email['subject'], attendee.user.email, extra={ 'related_user': attendee.user, 'related_attendee': attendee, 'related_email': instance }) def _send_mail(self, to_address, email, internal_sender_id): mails = send_mail(email['subject'], email['body_plain'], settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, [to_address], body_html=email['body_html'], internal_sender_id=internal_sender_id) return mails[0] def render_user(self, user): """ Renders the e-mail template using a user object as source. An error is thrown if the template context is Attendee. """ if self.template_context == 'attendee': raise ValueError return self._render(self._get_context(user)) def render_attendee(self, attendee): """ Renders the e-mail template using a user object as source. """ return self._render(self._get_context(attendee.user, attendee=attendee)) def render_dummy(self): context = { # user context 'username': 'johndoe', 'full_name': 'John Doe', 'email': '[email protected]', # attendee.event context 'event_title': 'Dummy Event', 'invoice_plain': 'INVOICE', 'invoice_html': 'INVOICE_HTML' } return self._render(context) def _get_context(self, user, attendee=None): # lazy import, prevent circular import in core.events from selvbetjening.core.events.options.dynamic_selections import SCOPE, dynamic_selections context = { # user context 'username': user.username, 'full_name': ('%s %s' % (user.first_name, user.last_name)).strip(), 'email': user.email } if attendee is not None: invoice = dynamic_selections(SCOPE.VIEW_USER_INVOICE, attendee) invoice_html = loader.render_to_string('events/parts/invoice.html', { 'attendee': attendee, 'invoice': invoice }) invoice_text = loader.render_to_string('events/parts/invoice_text.html', { 'attendee': attendee, 'invoice': invoice }) context.update({ # attendee.event context 'event_title': attendee.event.title, 'attendee': attendee, 'invoice_plain': invoice_text, 'invoice_html': invoice_html, }) for option, selection in invoice: context['selected_%s' % option.pk] = selection is not None return context def _render(self, context): context = Context(context) try: email = { 'subject': self.subject, 'body_plain': self._get_rendered_body_plain(context), 'body_html': self._get_rendered_body_html(context) } return True, email, None except Exception: return False, None, sys.exc_info() def _get_rendered_body_plain(self, context): if self.body_format == 'markdown': body = self.body else: body = re.sub(r'<[^>]*?>', '', self.body) context['invoice'] = context.get('invoice_plain', None) return Template(body).render(context) def _get_rendered_body_html(self, context): if self.body_format == 'markdown': body = markdown.markdown(self.body) else: body = self.body context['invoice'] = context.get('invoice_html', None) return Template(body).render(context) def __unicode__(self): return self.subject
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2019 The GraphicsFuzz Project Authors # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import pathlib2 import pytest import sys from typing import List, Optional HERE = os.path.abspath(__file__) sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(HERE)) + os.sep + "drivers") import inspect_compute_results def test_unknown_command_rejected(tmp_path: pathlib2.Path): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as value_error: inspect_compute_results.main_helper(['unknown', '1.json', '2.json']) assert 'ValueError: Unknown command' in str(value_error) def test_show_rejects_multiple_args(tmp_path: pathlib2.Path): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as value_error: inspect_compute_results.main_helper(['show', '1.json', '2.json']) assert 'ValueError: Command "show" requires exactly 1 input; 2 provided' in str(value_error) def test_exactdiff_rejects_one_arg(tmp_path: pathlib2.Path): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as value_error: inspect_compute_results.main_helper(['exactdiff', '1.json']) assert 'ValueError: Command "exactdiff" requires exactly 2 inputs; 1 provided' in str(value_error) def test_exactdiff_rejects_three_args(tmp_path: pathlib2.Path): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as value_error: inspect_compute_results.main_helper(['exactdiff', '1.json', '2.json', '3.json']) assert 'ValueError: Command "exactdiff" requires exactly 2 inputs; 3 provided' in str(value_error) def test_fuzzydiff_rejects_one_arg(tmp_path: pathlib2.Path): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as value_error: inspect_compute_results.main_helper(['fuzzydiff', '1.json']) assert 'ValueError: Command "fuzzydiff" requires exactly 2 inputs; 1 provided' in str(value_error) def test_fuzzydiff_rejects_three_args(tmp_path: pathlib2.Path): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as value_error: inspect_compute_results.main_helper(['fuzzydiff', '1.json', '2.json', '3.json']) assert 'ValueError: Command "fuzzydiff" requires exactly 2 inputs; 3 provided' in str(value_error) def test_show_handles_file_not_found(tmp_path: pathlib2.Path): with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError) as file_not_found_error: inspect_compute_results.main_helper(['show', 'nofile.json']) assert 'FileNotFoundError: Input file "nofile.json" not found' in str(file_not_found_error) def test_exactdiff_handles_first_file_not_found(tmp_path: pathlib2.Path): onefile = tmp_path / 'something.json' onefile.touch(exist_ok=False) with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError) as file_not_found_error: inspect_compute_results.main_helper(['exactdiff', 'nofile.json', str(onefile)]) assert 'FileNotFoundError: Input file "nofile.json" not found' in str(file_not_found_error) def test_exactdiff_handles_second_file_not_found(tmp_path: pathlib2.Path): onefile = tmp_path / 'something.json' onefile.touch(exist_ok=False) with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError) as file_not_found_error: inspect_compute_results.main_helper(['exactdiff', str(onefile), 'nofile.json']) assert 'FileNotFoundError: Input file "nofile.json" not found' in str(file_not_found_error) def test_fuzzydiff_handles_first_file_not_found(tmp_path: pathlib2.Path): onefile = tmp_path / 'something.json' onefile.touch(exist_ok=False) with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError) as file_not_found_error: inspect_compute_results.main_helper(['fuzzydiff', 'nofile.json', str(onefile)]) assert 'FileNotFoundError: Input file "nofile.json" not found' in str(file_not_found_error) def test_fuzzydiff_handles_second_file_not_found(tmp_path: pathlib2.Path): onefile = tmp_path / 'something.json' onefile.touch(exist_ok=False) with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError) as file_not_found_error: inspect_compute_results.main_helper(['fuzzydiff', str(onefile), 'nofile.json']) assert 'FileNotFoundError: Input file "nofile.json" not found' in str(file_not_found_error) def check_diff(tmp_path: pathlib2.Path, output1: str, output2: str, is_exact: bool, extra_args: Optional[List[str]]=None) -> int: results1_path = tmp_path / '1.info.json' results2_path = tmp_path / '2.info.json' with results1_path.open(mode='w') as results1_file: results1_file.write(output1) with results2_path.open(mode='w') as results2_file: results2_file.write(output2) args = ['exactdiff' if is_exact else 'fuzzydiff', str(results1_path), str(results2_path)] if extra_args: args += extra_args return inspect_compute_results.main_helper(args) def check_exact_diff(tmp_path: pathlib2.Path, output1: str, output2: str) -> int: return check_diff(tmp_path, output1, output2, is_exact=True) def check_fuzzy_diff(tmp_path: pathlib2.Path, output1: str, output2: str, extra_args: Optional[List[str]]=None) -> int: return check_diff(tmp_path, output1, output2, is_exact=False, extra_args=extra_args) def test_exactdiff_pass1(tmp_path: pathlib2.Path): assert 0 == check_exact_diff(tmp_path, ( '{"status": "SUCCESS", "log": "#### Start compute shader", "outputs": ' '{"ssbo":[[88],[28,12,14,14,18,16,18,18,28,22,24,24,28,26]]}}'), ( '{"status": "IGNORED_DURING_DIFF", "log": "#### Different stuff", "outputs": ' '{"ssbo":[[88],[28,12,14,14,18,16,18,18,28,22,24,24,28,26]]}}')) def test_exactdiff_pass2(tmp_path: pathlib2.Path): assert 0 == check_exact_diff(tmp_path, ( '{"status": "SUCCESS", "log": "#### Start compute shader", "outputs": ' '{"ssbo":[[2.0]]}}'), ( '{"status": "IGNORED_DURING_DIFF", "log": "#### Different stuff", "outputs": ' '{"ssbo": [ [2.0] ] } }')) def test_exactdiff_pass3(tmp_path: pathlib2.Path): assert 0 == check_exact_diff(tmp_path, ( '{"status": "SUCCESS", "log": "#### Start compute shader", "outputs": ' '{"ssbo":[[88.0, 12.3],[28,12,14],[1]]}}'), ( '{"status": "IGNORED_DURING_DIFF", "log": "#### Different stuff", "outputs": ' '{"ssbo":[[88.0, 12.3],[28,12,14],[1]]}}')) def test_exactdiff_fail_first_invalid(tmp_path: pathlib2.Path): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as value_error: check_exact_diff(tmp_path, ( 'not_json'), ( '{"status": "IGNORED_DURING_DIFF", "log": "#### Different stuff", "outputs": ' '{"ssbo": [ [2.0] ] } }')) assert 'ValueError: First input file did not contain valid SSBO data' in str(value_error) def test_exactdiff_fail_second_invalid(tmp_path: pathlib2.Path): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as value_error: check_exact_diff(tmp_path, ( '{"status": "IGNORED_DURING_DIFF", "log": "#### Different stuff", "outputs": ' '{"ssbo": [ [2.0] ] } }'), ( 'not_json')) assert 'ValueError: Second input file did not contain valid SSBO data' in str(value_error) def test_exactdiff_fail_mismatched_number_of_fields(tmp_path: pathlib2.Path): assert 0 != check_exact_diff(tmp_path, ( '{"status": "SUCCESS", "log": "...", "outputs": ' '{"ssbo":[[88],[28,12,14,14,18,16,18,18,28,22,24,24,28,26]]}}'), ( '{"status": "SUCCESS", "log": "...", "outputs": ' '{"ssbo":[[88]]}}')) def test_exactdiff_fail_mismatched_field_length(tmp_path: pathlib2.Path): assert 0 != check_exact_diff(tmp_path, ( '{"status": "SUCCESS", "log": "...", "outputs": ' '{"ssbo":[[88],[28,12,14,14,18,16,18,18,28,22,24,24,28,26]]}}'), ( '{"status": "SUCCESS", "log": "...", "outputs": ' '{"ssbo":[[88],[28,12,14,14,18,16,18,18,28,22,24,24,28]]}}')) def test_exactdiff_fail_mismatched_field_element(tmp_path: pathlib2.Path): assert 0 != check_exact_diff(tmp_path, ( '{"status": "SUCCESS", "log": "...", "outputs": ' '{"ssbo":[[88],[28,12,14,14,18,16,18,18,28,22,24,24,28]]}}'), ( '{"status": "SUCCESS", "log": "...", "outputs": ' '{"ssbo":[[88],[28,12,14,14,18,16,18,17,28,22,24,24,28]]}}')) def test_fuzzydiff_pass1(tmp_path: pathlib2.Path): float1 = 88.0 float2 = 1e+6 float3 = 1.3e-6 float4 = 0.0 float1ish = float1 + 0.00000001 float2ish = float2 + 0.0001 float3ish = float3 + 1.3e-15 float4ish = float4 + 1e-20 assert float1 != float1ish assert float2 != float2ish assert float3 != float3ish assert float4 != float4ish output1 = ('{"status": "SUCCESS", "log": "...", "outputs": {"ssbo":[[' + str(float1) + '],[' + str(float2) + ',' + str(float3) + ',' + str(float4) + ']]}}') output2 = ('{"status": "SUCCESS", "log": "...", "outputs": {"ssbo":[[' + str(float1ish) + '],[' + str(float2ish) + ',' + str(float3ish) + ',' + str(float4ish) + ']]}}') assert 0 != check_exact_diff(tmp_path, output1, output2) assert 0 == check_fuzzy_diff(tmp_path, output1, output2) def test_fuzzydiff_pass2(tmp_path: pathlib2.Path): float1 = 88.0 float2 = 1e+6 float3 = 1.3e-6 float4 = 0.0 float1ish = float1 + 0.00009 float2ish = float2 + 0.00009 float3ish = float3 + 0.00009 float4ish = float4 + 0.00009 assert float1 != float1ish assert float2 != float2ish assert float3 != float3ish assert float4 != float4ish output1 = ('{"status": "SUCCESS", "log": "...", "outputs": {"ssbo":[[' + str(float1) + '],[' + str(float2) + ',' + str(float3) + ',' + str(float4) + ']]}}') output2 = ('{"status": "SUCCESS", "log": "...", "outputs": {"ssbo":[[' + str(float1ish) + '],[' + str(float2ish) + ',' + str(float3ish) + ',' + str(float4ish) + ']]}}') assert 0 != check_exact_diff(tmp_path, output1, output2) assert 0 == check_fuzzy_diff(tmp_path, output1, output2, extra_args=['--abs_tol=0.0001']) def test_fuzzydiff_pass3(tmp_path: pathlib2.Path): float1 = 88.0 float2 = 1e+6 float3 = 1.3e-6 float4 = 0.0 float1ish = float1 + 0.0000001 float2ish = float2 + 1.0 float3ish = float3 + 1e-12 float4ish = float4 + 1e-6 assert float1 != float1ish assert float2 != float2ish assert float3 != float3ish assert float4 != float4ish output1 = ('{"status": "SUCCESS", "log": "...", "outputs": {"ssbo":[[' + str(float1) + '],[' + str(float2) + ',' + str(float3) + ',' + str(float4) + ']]}}') output2 = ('{"status": "SUCCESS", "log": "...", "outputs": {"ssbo":[[' + str(float1ish) + '],[' + str(float2ish) + ',' + str(float3ish) + ',' + str(float4ish) + ']]}}') assert 0 != check_exact_diff(tmp_path, output1, output2) assert 0 == check_fuzzy_diff(tmp_path, output1, output2, extra_args=['--rel_tol=1e-06', '--abs_tol=1e-06']) def test_fuzzydiff_fail_first_invalid(tmp_path: pathlib2.Path): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as value_error: check_exact_diff(tmp_path, ( 'not_json'), ( '{"status": "IGNORED_DURING_DIFF", "log": "#### Different stuff", "outputs": ' '{"ssbo": [ [2.0] ] } }')) assert 'ValueError: First input file did not contain valid SSBO data' in str(value_error) def test_fuzzydiff_fail_second_invalid(tmp_path: pathlib2.Path): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as value_error: check_exact_diff(tmp_path, ( '{"status": "IGNORED_DURING_DIFF", "log": "#### Different stuff", "outputs": ' '{"ssbo": [ [2.0] ] } }'), ( 'not_json')) assert 'ValueError: Second input file did not contain valid SSBO data' in str(value_error) def test_fuzzydiff_fail_mismatched_number_of_fields(tmp_path: pathlib2.Path): assert 0 != check_exact_diff(tmp_path, ( '{"status": "SUCCESS", "log": "...", "outputs": ' '{"ssbo":[[88],[28,12,14,14,18,16,18,18,28,22,24,24,28,26]]}}'), ( '{"status": "SUCCESS", "log": "...", "outputs": ' '{"ssbo":[[88]]}}')) def test_fuzzydiff_fail_mismatched_field_length(tmp_path: pathlib2.Path): assert 0 != check_exact_diff(tmp_path, ( '{"status": "SUCCESS", "log": "...", "outputs": ' '{"ssbo":[[88],[28,12,14,14,18,16,18,18,28,22,24,24,28,26]]}}'), ( '{"status": "SUCCESS", "log": "...", "outputs": ' '{"ssbo":[[88],[28,12,14,14,18,16,18,18,28,22,24,24,28]]}}')) def test_fuzzydiff_fail_mismatched_field_element(tmp_path: pathlib2.Path): float1 = 88.0 float2 = 1e+6 float3 = 1.3e-6 float4 = 0.0 float1ish = float1 + 0.0000001 float2ish = float2 + 1.0 float3ish = float3 + 1e-12 float4ish = float4 + 1e-4 ## Too big a difference assert float1 != float1ish assert float2 != float2ish assert float3 != float3ish assert float4 != float4ish output1 = ('{"status": "SUCCESS", "log": "...", "outputs": {"ssbo":[[' + str(float1) + '],[' + str(float2) + ',' + str(float3) + ',' + str(float4) + ']]}}') output2 = ('{"status": "SUCCESS", "log": "...", "outputs": {"ssbo":[[' + str(float1ish) + '],[' + str(float2ish) + ',' + str(float3ish) + ',' + str(float4ish) + ']]}}') assert 0 != check_exact_diff(tmp_path, output1, output2) assert 0 != check_fuzzy_diff(tmp_path, output1, output2, extra_args=['--rel_tol=1e-06', '--abs_tol=1e-06']) def test_bad_rel_tol(): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as value_error: inspect_compute_results.main_helper(['fuzzydiff', '1.json', '2.json', '--rel_tol=notafloat']) assert 'ValueError: Positive floating-point value required for --rel_tol argument'\ in str(value_error) def test_bad_rel_tol2(): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as value_error: inspect_compute_results.main_helper(['fuzzydiff', '1.json', '2.json', '--rel_tol=0.0']) assert 'ValueError: Positive floating-point value required for --rel_tol argument'\ in str(value_error) def test_bad_rel_tol3(): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as value_error: inspect_compute_results.main_helper(['fuzzydiff', '1.json', '2.json', '--rel_tol=-0.1']) assert 'ValueError: Positive floating-point value required for --rel_tol argument'\ in str(value_error) def test_bad_abs_tol(): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as value_error: inspect_compute_results.main_helper(['fuzzydiff', '1.json', '2.json', '--abs_tol=notafloat']) assert 'ValueError: Non-negative floating-point value required for --abs_tol argument'\ in str(value_error) def test_bad_abs_tol2(): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as value_error: inspect_compute_results.main_helper(['fuzzydiff', '1.json', '2.json', '--abs_tol=-0.1']) assert 'ValueError: Non-negative floating-point value required for --abs_tol argument'\ in str(value_error)
from qcodes.instrument.base import Instrument from qcodes.utils import validators as vals from qcodes.instrument.parameter import ManualParameter import numpy as np class SimControlCZ(Instrument): """ Noise and other parameters for cz_superoperator_simulation_new """ def __init__(self, name, **kw): super().__init__(name, **kw) # Noise parameters self.add_parameter( "T1_q0", unit="s", label="T1 fluxing qubit", docstring="T1 fluxing qubit", parameter_class=ManualParameter, vals=vals.Numbers(), initial_value=0, ) self.add_parameter( "T1_q1", unit="s", label="T1 static qubit", docstring="T1 static qubit", parameter_class=ManualParameter, vals=vals.Numbers(), initial_value=0, ) self.add_parameter( "T2_q1", unit="s", label="T2 static qubit", docstring="T2 static qubit", parameter_class=ManualParameter, vals=vals.Numbers(), initial_value=0, ) self.add_parameter( "T2_q0_amplitude_dependent", docstring="fitcoefficients giving T2_q0 or Tphi_q0 as a function of inverse sensitivity (in units of w_q0/Phi_0): a, b. Function is ax+b", parameter_class=ManualParameter, vals=vals.Arrays(), initial_value=np.array([-1, -1]), ) # for flux noise simulations self.add_parameter( "sigma_q0", unit="flux quanta", docstring="standard deviation of the Gaussian from which we sample the flux bias, q0", parameter_class=ManualParameter, vals=vals.Numbers(), initial_value=0, ) self.add_parameter( "sigma_q1", unit="flux quanta", docstring="standard deviation of the Gaussian from which we sample the flux bias, q1", parameter_class=ManualParameter, vals=vals.Numbers(), initial_value=0, ) self.add_parameter( "w_q1_sweetspot", docstring="NB: different from the operating point in general", parameter_class=ManualParameter, vals=vals.Numbers(), ) self.add_parameter( "w_q0_sweetspot", docstring="NB: different from the operating point in general", parameter_class=ManualParameter, vals=vals.Numbers(), ) self.add_parameter( "Z_rotations_length", unit="s", docstring="duration of the single qubit Z rotations at the end of the pulse", parameter_class=ManualParameter, vals=vals.Numbers(), initial_value=0, ) self.add_parameter( "total_idle_time", unit="s", docstring="duration of the idle time", parameter_class=ManualParameter, vals=vals.Numbers(), initial_value=0, ) # Control parameters for the simulations self.add_parameter( "dressed_compsub", docstring="true if we use the definition of the comp subspace that uses the dressed 00,01,10,11 states", parameter_class=ManualParameter, vals=vals.Bool(), initial_value=True, ) self.add_parameter( "distortions", parameter_class=ManualParameter, vals=vals.Bool(), initial_value=False, ) self.add_parameter( "voltage_scaling_factor", unit="a.u.", docstring="scaling factor for the voltage for a CZ pulse", parameter_class=ManualParameter, vals=vals.Numbers(), initial_value=1, ) self.add_parameter( "n_sampling_gaussian_vec", docstring="array. each element is a number of samples from the gaussian distribution. Std to guarantee convergence is [11]. More are used only to verify convergence", parameter_class=ManualParameter, vals=vals.Arrays(), initial_value=np.array([11]), ) self.add_parameter( "cluster", docstring="true if we want to use the cluster", parameter_class=ManualParameter, vals=vals.Bool(), initial_value=False, ) self.add_parameter( "look_for_minimum", docstring="changes cost function to optimize either research of minimum of avgatefid_pc or to get the heat map in general", parameter_class=ManualParameter, vals=vals.Bool(), initial_value=False, ) self.add_parameter( "T2_scaling", unit="a.u.", docstring="scaling factor for T2_q0_amplitude_dependent", parameter_class=ManualParameter, vals=vals.Numbers(), initial_value=1, ) self.add_parameter( "waiting_at_sweetspot", unit="s", docstring="time spent at sweetspot during the two halves of a netzero pulse", parameter_class=ManualParameter, vals=vals.Numbers(min_value=0), initial_value=0, ) self.add_parameter( "which_gate", docstring="Direction of the CZ gate. E.g. 'NE'. Used to extract parameters from the fluxlutman ", parameter_class=ManualParameter, vals=vals.Strings(), initial_value="NE", ) self.add_parameter( "simstep_div", docstring="Division of the simulation time step. 4 is a good one, corresponding to a time step of 0.1 ns. For smaller values landscapes can deviate significantly from experiment.", parameter_class=ManualParameter, vals=vals.Numbers(min_value=1), initial_value=4, ) self.add_parameter( "gates_num", docstring="Chain the same gate gates_num times.", parameter_class=ManualParameter, # It should be an integer but the measurement control cast to float when setting sweep points vals=vals.Numbers(min_value=1), initial_value=1, ) self.add_parameter( "gates_interval", docstring="Time interval that separates the gates if gates_num > 1.", parameter_class=ManualParameter, unit='s', vals=vals.Numbers(min_value=0), initial_value=0, ) self.add_parameter( "cost_func", docstring="Used to calculate the cost function based on the quantities of interest (qoi). Signature: cost_func(qoi). NB: qoi's that represent percentages will be in [0, 1] range. Inspect 'pycqed.simulations.cz_superoperator_simulation_new_functions.simulate_quantities_of_interest_superoperator_new??' in notebook for available qoi's.", parameter_class=ManualParameter, unit='a.u.', vals=vals.Callable(), initial_value=None, ) self.add_parameter( "cost_func_str", docstring="Not loaded automatically. Convenience parameter to store the cost function string and use `exec('sim_control_CZ.cost_func(' + sim_control_CZ.cost_func_str() + ')')` to load it.", parameter_class=ManualParameter, vals=vals.Strings(), initial_value="lambda qoi: np.log10((1 - qoi['avgatefid_compsubspace_pc']) * (1 - 0.5) + qoi['L1'] * 0.5)", ) self.add_parameter( "double_cz_pi_pulses", docstring="If set to 'no_pi_pulses' or 'with_pi_pulses' will simulate two sequential CZs with or without Pi pulses simulated as an ideal superoperator multiplication.", parameter_class=ManualParameter, vals=vals.Strings(), initial_value="", # Use empty string to evaluate to false ) # for ramsey/Rabi simulations self.add_parameter( "detuning", unit="Hz", docstring="detuning of w_q0 from its sweet spot value", parameter_class=ManualParameter, vals=vals.Numbers(), initial_value=0, ) self.add_parameter( "initial_state", docstring="determines initial state for ramsey_simulations_new", parameter_class=ManualParameter, vals=vals.Strings(), initial_value="changeme", ) # for spectral tomo self.add_parameter( "repetitions", docstring="Repetitions of CZ gate, used for spectral tomo", parameter_class=ManualParameter, vals=vals.Numbers(), initial_value=1, ) self.add_parameter( "time_series", docstring="", parameter_class=ManualParameter, vals=vals.Bool(), initial_value=False, ) self.add_parameter( "overrotation_sims", docstring="instead of constant shift in flux, we use constant rotations around some axis", parameter_class=ManualParameter, vals=vals.Bool(), initial_value=False, ) self.add_parameter( "axis_overrotation", docstring="", parameter_class=ManualParameter, vals=vals.Arrays(), initial_value=np.array([1, 0, 0]), ) def set_cost_func(self, cost_func_str=None): """ Sets the self.cost_func from the self.cost_func_str string or from the provided string """ if cost_func_str is None: cost_func_str = self.cost_func_str() else: self.cost_func_str(cost_func_str) exec("self.cost_func(" + self.cost_func_str() + ")") def LJP(r, R_min, depth=1., p12=12, p6=6): """ Lennard-Jones potential function Added here to be used with adaptive sampling of a cost function that diverges at zero and might get the adaptive learner stucked from samping the rest of the landscape """ return depth * ((R_min / r)**p12 - 2 * (R_min / r)**p6) def LJP_mod(r, R_min, depth=100., p12=12, p6=6): """ Modiefied Lennard-Jones potential function Modification: moved minum at zero and made positive Added here to be used with adaptive sampling of a cost function that diverges at zero and might get the adaptive learner stucked from samping the rest of the landscape It is a nice wrapping of a cost function because it bounds the [0, +inf] output of any other cost function always between [0, depth] so that there is always an intuition of how good an optimization is doing The derivative at zero is zero and that should help not getting the adaptive sampling stuck arctan could be used for a similar purpose but is more useful in experiment to have high slope at zero """ return LJP(r + R_min, R_min, depth=depth, p12=p12, p6=p6) + depth
import numpy import chainer from chainer import backend from chainer import function_node from chainer.utils import type_check def _as_mat(x): if x.ndim == 2: return x return x.reshape(len(x), -1) def _ij_ik_il_to_jkl(a, b, c): ab = chainer.functions.matmul(a[:, :, None], b[:, None, :]) # ijk return chainer.functions.matmul(_as_mat(ab).T, c).reshape( a.shape[1], b.shape[1], c.shape[1]) def _ij_ik_jkl_to_il(a, b, c): ab = chainer.functions.matmul(a[:, :, None], b[:, None, :]) # ijk c = c.reshape(-1, c.shape[-1]) # [jk]l return chainer.functions.matmul(_as_mat(ab), c) def _ij_il_jkl_to_ik(a, b, c): return _ij_ik_jkl_to_il(a, b, chainer.functions.swapaxes(c, 1, 2)) def _ik_il_jkl_to_ij(a, b, c): return _ij_ik_jkl_to_il(a, b, chainer.functions.rollaxis(c, 0, c.ndim)) class BilinearFunction(function_node.FunctionNode): def check_type_forward(self, in_types): n_in = type_check.eval(in_types.size()) if n_in != 3 and n_in != 6: raise type_check.InvalidType( '{0} or {1}'.format( in_types.size() == 3, in_types.size() == 6), '{0} == {1}'.format(in_types.size(), n_in)) e1_type, e2_type, W_type = in_types[:3] type_check_prod = type_check.make_variable(numpy.prod, 'prod') type_check.expect( e1_type.dtype == numpy.float32, e1_type.ndim >= 2, e2_type.dtype == numpy.float32, e2_type.ndim >= 2, e1_type.shape[0] == e2_type.shape[0], W_type.dtype == numpy.float32, W_type.ndim == 3, type_check_prod(e1_type.shape[1:]) == W_type.shape[0], type_check_prod(e2_type.shape[1:]) == W_type.shape[1], ) if n_in == 6: out_size = W_type.shape[2] V1_type, V2_type, b_type = in_types[3:] type_check.expect( V1_type.dtype == numpy.float32, V1_type.ndim == 2, V1_type.shape[0] == W_type.shape[0], V1_type.shape[1] == out_size, V2_type.dtype == numpy.float32, V2_type.ndim == 2, V2_type.shape[0] == W_type.shape[1], V2_type.shape[1] == out_size, b_type.dtype == numpy.float32, b_type.ndim == 1, b_type.shape[0] == out_size, ) def forward(self, inputs): self.retain_inputs(tuple(range(len(inputs)))) e1 = _as_mat(inputs[0]) e2 = _as_mat(inputs[1]) W = inputs[2] xp = backend.get_array_module(*inputs) # optimize: y = xp.einsum('ij,ik,jkl->il', e1, e2, W) y = xp.tensordot(xp.einsum('ij,ik->ijk', e1, e2), W, axes=2) if len(inputs) == 6: V1, V2, b = inputs[3:] y += e1.dot(V1) y += e2.dot(V2) y += b return y, def backward(self, indexes, grad_outputs): inputs = self.get_retained_inputs() e1, e2, W = inputs[:3] gy, = grad_outputs if len(inputs) == 6: V1, V2 = inputs[3], inputs[4] return BilinearFunctionGrad().apply((e1, e2, W, V1, V2, gy)) return BilinearFunctionGrad().apply((e1, e2, W, gy)) class BilinearFunctionGrad(function_node.FunctionNode): def forward(self, inputs): self.retain_inputs(tuple(range(len(inputs)))) e1 = _as_mat(inputs[0]) e2 = _as_mat(inputs[1]) W, gy = inputs[2], inputs[-1] xp = backend.get_array_module(*inputs) # optimize: gW = xp.einsum('ij,ik,il->jkl', e1, e2, gy) gW = xp.einsum('ij,ik->jki', e1, e2).dot(gy) gy_W = xp.tensordot(gy, W, axes=(1, 2)) # 'il,jkl->ijk' # optimize: ge1 = xp.einsum('ik,jkl,il->ij', e2, W, gy) ge1 = xp.einsum('ik,ijk->ij', e2, gy_W) # optimize: ge2 = xp.einsum('ij,jkl,il->ik', e1, W, gy) ge2 = xp.einsum('ij,ijk->ik', e1, gy_W) ret = ge1.reshape(inputs[0].shape), ge2.reshape(inputs[1].shape), gW if len(inputs) == 6: V1, V2 = inputs[3], inputs[4] gV1 = e1.T.dot(gy) gV2 = e2.T.dot(gy) gb = gy.sum(0) ge1 += gy.dot(V1.T) ge2 += gy.dot(V2.T) ret += gV1, gV2, gb return ret def backward(self, indexes, grad_outputs): inputs = self.get_retained_inputs() e1 = _as_mat(inputs[0]) e2 = _as_mat(inputs[1]) W, gy = inputs[2], inputs[-1] gge1 = _as_mat(grad_outputs[0]) gge2 = _as_mat(grad_outputs[1]) ggW = grad_outputs[2] dge1_de2 = _ij_il_jkl_to_ik(gge1, gy, W) dge1_dW = _ij_ik_il_to_jkl(gge1, e2, gy) dge1_dgy = _ij_ik_jkl_to_il(gge1, e2, W) dge2_de1 = _ik_il_jkl_to_ij(gge2, gy, W) dge2_dW = _ij_ik_il_to_jkl(e1, gge2, gy) dge2_dgy = _ij_ik_jkl_to_il(e1, gge2, W) dgW_de1 = _ik_il_jkl_to_ij(e2, gy, ggW) dgW_de2 = _ij_il_jkl_to_ik(e1, gy, ggW) dgW_dgy = _ij_ik_jkl_to_il(e1, e2, ggW) ge1 = dgW_de1 + dge2_de1 ge2 = dgW_de2 + dge1_de2 gW = dge1_dW + dge2_dW ggy = dgW_dgy + dge1_dgy + dge2_dgy if len(inputs) == 6: V1, V2 = inputs[3], inputs[4] ggV1, ggV2, ggb = grad_outputs[3:] gV1 = chainer.functions.matmul(gge1, gy, transa=True) gV2 = chainer.functions.matmul(gge2, gy, transa=True) ge1 += chainer.functions.matmul(gy, ggV1, transb=True) ge2 += chainer.functions.matmul(gy, ggV2, transb=True) ggy += chainer.functions.matmul(gge1, V1) ggy += chainer.functions.matmul(gge2, V2) ggy += chainer.functions.matmul(e1, ggV1) ggy += chainer.functions.matmul(e2, ggV2) ggy += chainer.functions.broadcast_to(ggb, ggy.shape) ge1 = ge1.reshape(inputs[0].shape) ge2 = ge2.reshape(inputs[1].shape) if len(inputs) == 6: return ge1, ge2, gW, gV1, gV2, ggy return ge1, ge2, gW, ggy def bilinear(e1, e2, W, V1=None, V2=None, b=None): """Applies a bilinear function based on given parameters. This is a building block of Neural Tensor Network (see the reference paper below). It takes two input variables and one or four parameters, and outputs one variable. To be precise, denote six input arrays mathematically by :math:`e^1\\in \\mathbb{R}^{I\\cdot J}`, :math:`e^2\\in \\mathbb{R}^{I\\cdot K}`, :math:`W\\in \\mathbb{R}^{J \\cdot K \\cdot L}`, :math:`V^1\\in \\mathbb{R}^{J \\cdot L}`, :math:`V^2\\in \\mathbb{R}^{K \\cdot L}`, and :math:`b\\in \\mathbb{R}^{L}`, where :math:`I` is mini-batch size. In this document, we call :math:`V^1`, :math:`V^2`, and :math:`b` linear parameters. The output of forward propagation is calculated as .. math:: y_{il} = \\sum_{jk} e^1_{ij} e^2_{ik} W_{jkl} + \\ \\sum_{j} e^1_{ij} V^1_{jl} + \\sum_{k} e^2_{ik} V^2_{kl} + b_{l}. Note that V1, V2, b are optional. If these are not given, then this function omits the last three terms in the above equation. .. note:: This function accepts an input variable ``e1`` or ``e2`` of a non-matrix array. In this case, the leading dimension is treated as the batch dimension, and the other dimensions are reduced to one dimension. .. note:: In the original paper, :math:`J` and :math:`K` must be equal and the author denotes :math:`[V^1 V^2]` (concatenation of matrices) by :math:`V`. Args: e1 (:class:`~chainer.Variable` or :ref:`ndarray`): Left input variable. e2 (:class:`~chainer.Variable` or :ref:`ndarray`): Right input variable. W (:class:`~chainer.Variable` or :ref:`ndarray`): Quadratic weight variable. V1 (:class:`~chainer.Variable` or :ref:`ndarray`): Left coefficient variable. V2 (:class:`~chainer.Variable` or :ref:`ndarray`): Right coefficient variable. b (:class:`~chainer.Variable` or :ref:`ndarray`): Bias variable. Returns: ~chainer.Variable: Output variable. See: `Reasoning With Neural Tensor Networks for Knowledge Base Completion <https://papers.nips.cc/paper/5028-reasoning-with-neural-tensor- networks-for-knowledge-base-completion>`_ [Socher+, NIPS2013]. .. seealso:: :class:`~chainer.links.Bilinear` to manage the model parameters ``W``, ``V1``, ``V2``, and ``b``. """ flags = [V1 is None, V2 is None, b is None] if any(flags): if not all(flags): raise ValueError('All coefficients and bias for bilinear() must ' 'be None, if at least one of them is None.') return BilinearFunction().apply((e1, e2, W))[0] return BilinearFunction().apply((e1, e2, W, V1, V2, b))[0]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This file is part of the Calibre-Web (https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web) # Copyright (C) 2021 OzzieIsaacs # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import abc import dataclasses import os import re from typing import Dict, Generator, List, Optional, Union from cps import constants @dataclasses.dataclass class MetaSourceInfo: id: str description: str link: str @dataclasses.dataclass class MetaRecord: id: Union[str, int] title: str authors: List[str] url: str source: MetaSourceInfo cover: str = os.path.join(constants.STATIC_DIR, 'generic_cover.jpg') description: Optional[str] = "" series: Optional[str] = None series_index: Optional[Union[int, float]] = 0 identifiers: Dict[str, Union[str, int]] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict) publisher: Optional[str] = None publishedDate: Optional[str] = None rating: Optional[int] = 0 languages: Optional[List[str]] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list) tags: Optional[List[str]] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list) class Metadata: __name__ = "Generic" __id__ = "generic" def __init__(self): self.active = True def set_status(self, state): self.active = state @abc.abstractmethod def search( self, query: str, generic_cover: str = "", locale: str = "en" ) -> Optional[List[MetaRecord]]: pass @staticmethod def get_title_tokens( title: str, strip_joiners: bool = True ) -> Generator[str, None, None]: """ Taken from calibre source code It's a simplified (cut out what is unnecessary) version of https://github.com/kovidgoyal/calibre/blob/99d85b97918625d172227c8ffb7e0c71794966c0/ src/calibre/ebooks/metadata/sources/base.py#L363-L367 (src/calibre/ebooks/metadata/sources/base.py - lines 363-398) """ title_patterns = [ (re.compile(pat, re.IGNORECASE), repl) for pat, repl in [ # Remove things like: (2010) (Omnibus) etc. ( r"(?i)[({\[](\d{4}|omnibus|anthology|hardcover|" r"audiobook|audio\scd|paperback|turtleback|" r"mass\s*market|edition|ed\.)[\])}]", "", ), # Remove any strings that contain the substring edition inside # parentheses (r"(?i)[({\[].*?(edition|ed.).*?[\]})]", ""), # Remove commas used a separators in numbers (r"(\d+),(\d+)", r"\1\2"), # Remove hyphens only if they have whitespace before them (r"(\s-)", " "), # Replace other special chars with a space (r"""[:,;!@$%^&*(){}.`~"\s\[\]/]《》「」“”""", " "), ] ] for pat, repl in title_patterns: title = pat.sub(repl, title) tokens = title.split() for token in tokens: token = token.strip().strip('"').strip("'") if token and ( not strip_joiners or token.lower() not in ("a", "and", "the", "&") ): yield token
# coding: utf-8 from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import try: import requests as r except: r = None class TigrisSession(object): """ Base session layer for Tigris. """ def __init__(self, base_url, default_headers={}): """ :param base_url: The customer endpoint docroot. :type base_url: `str` :param default_headers """ self._base_url = base_url self._session = r.Session() self._default_headers = default_headers self._timeout = 80 def _request(self, method, endpoint, headers, post_data=None, files=None): """ Makes an HTTP request :param method: The name of the method :type method: `str` :param endpoint: The name of the endpoint :type endpoint: `str` :param headers: The name of the endpoint :type headers: `dict` :param post_data: PATCH/POST/PUT data. :type post_data: `dict` :rtype: `tuple` of `str`, `int`, `dict` """ url = '{0}/{1}'.format(self._base_url, endpoint) try: try: result = self._session.request(method, url, headers=headers, json=post_data, files=files, timeout=self._timeout) except TypeError as e: raise TypeError( 'WARNING: We couldn\'t find a proper instance of ' 'Python `requests`. You may need to update or install ' 'the library, which you can do with `pip`: ' ' To update `requests`: ' '' ' pip install -U requests ' ' To install `requests`:' '' ' pip install requests. ' 'Alternatively, your POST data may be malformed. ' 'Underlying error: {0}'.format(e)) content = result.json() status_code = result.status_code except Exception as e: raise Exception(e) return content, status_code, result.headers def _delete(self, endpoint, headers={}): """ Executes a DELETE request :param endpoint: The name of the endpoint :type endpoint: `url` :rtype: `tuple` """ joined_headers = dict(headers, **self._default_headers) return self._request('delete', endpoint, joined_headers) def _get(self, endpoint, headers={}): """ Executes a GET request :param endpoint: The name of the endpoint :type endpoint: `url` :rtype: `tuple` """ joined_headers = dict(headers, **self._default_headers) return self._request('get', endpoint, joined_headers) def _head(self, endpoint, headers={}): """ Executes a HEAD request :param endpoint: The name of the endpoint :type endpoint: `url` :rtype: `tuple` """ joined_headers = dict(headers, **self._default_headers) return self._request('head', endpoint, joined_headers) def _patch(self, endpoint, data={}, headers={}): """ Executes a PATCH request :param endpoint: The name of the endpoint :type endpoint: `url` :param data: The payload data to send :type data: `dict` :rtype: `tuple` """ joined_headers = dict(headers, **self._default_headers) return self._request( 'patch', endpoint, joined_headers, post_data=data) def _post(self, endpoint, data={}, headers={}, files=None): """ Executes a POST request :param endpoint: The name of the endpoint :type endpoint: `url` :param data: The payload data to send :type data: `dict` :rtype: `tuple` """ joined_headers = dict(headers, **self._default_headers) return self._request( 'post', endpoint, joined_headers, post_data=data, files=files) def _put(self, endpoint, data={}, headers={}): """ Executes a PATCH request :param endpoint: The name of the endpoint :type endpoint: `url` :param data: The payload data to send :type data: `dict` :rtype: `tuple` """ joined_headers = dict(headers, **self._default_headers) return self._request( 'put', endpoint, joined_headers, post_data=data)
""" This is a subscriber meant for the 'weather' messages example. It uses a custom code loop to get and process messages. """ from __future__ import print_function import sys import threading import time import Pyro4 from messagebus.messagebus import Subscriber from Pyro4.util import excepthook sys.excepthook = excepthook if sys.version_info < (3, 0): input = raw_input Pyro4.config.AUTOPROXY = True @Pyro4.expose class Subber(Subscriber): def consume_message(self, topic, message): # In this case, this consume message method is called by our own code loop. print("\nPROCESSING MESSAGE:") print(" topic:", topic) print(" msgid:", message.msgid) print(" created:", message.created) print(" data:", message.data) def manual_message_loop(self): print("Entering manual message processing loop (5 messages).") processed = 0 while processed < 5: time.sleep(0.5) print("\nApprox. number of received messages:", self.received_messages.qsize()) topic, message = self.received_messages.get() # get a message from the queue (they are put there by the Pyro messagebus) self.consume_message(topic, message) processed += 1 print("\nEnd.") hostname = input("hostname to bind on (empty=localhost): ").strip() or "localhost" # create a messagebus subscriber that uses manual message retrieval (via explicit call) # because we're doing the message loop ourselves, the Pyro daemon has to run in a separate thread subber = Subber(auto_consume=False) d = Pyro4.Daemon(host=hostname) d.register(subber) daemon_thread = threading.Thread(target=d.requestLoop) daemon_thread.daemon = True daemon_thread.start() topics = subber.bus.topics() print("Topics on the bus: ", topics) print("Subscribing to weather-forecast.") subber.bus.subscribe("weather-forecast", subber) # note: we subscribe on the bus *after* registering the subber as a Pyro object # this results in Pyro automatically making a proxy for the subber print("Subscribed on weather-forecast") # run the manual message loop print("Entering message loop, you should see the msg count increasing.") subber.manual_message_loop() subber.bus.unsubscribe("weather-forecast", subber) print("Unsubscribed from the topic.") print("Entering message loop again, you should see the msg count decrease.") subber.manual_message_loop()
# This file is part of Buildbot. Buildbot is free software: you can # redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 # Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # Copyright Buildbot Team Members from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function from future.builtins import range import re import sys from twisted.enterprise import adbapi from twisted.internet import defer from twisted.python import log from buildbot.process.buildstep import LogLineObserver from buildbot.steps.shell import Test class EqConnectionPool(adbapi.ConnectionPool): """This class works the same way as twisted.enterprise.adbapi.ConnectionPool. But it adds the ability to compare connection pools for equality (by comparing the arguments passed to the constructor). This is useful when passing the ConnectionPool to a BuildStep, as otherwise Buildbot will consider the buildstep (and hence the containing buildfactory) to have changed every time the configuration is reloaded. It also sets some defaults differently from adbapi.ConnectionPool that are more suitable for use in MTR. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._eqKey = (args, kwargs) adbapi.ConnectionPool.__init__(self, cp_reconnect=True, cp_min=1, cp_max=3, *args, **kwargs) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, EqConnectionPool): return self._eqKey == other._eqKey else: return False def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) class MtrTestFailData: def __init__(self, testname, variant, result, info, text, callback): self.testname = testname self.variant = variant self.result = result self.info = info self.text = text self.callback = callback def add(self, line): self.text += line def fireCallback(self): return self.callback(self.testname, self.variant, self.result, self.info, self.text) class MtrLogObserver(LogLineObserver): """ Class implementing a log observer (can be passed to BuildStep.addLogObserver(). It parses the output of mysql-test-run.pl as used in MySQL, MariaDB, Drizzle, etc. It counts number of tests run and uses it to provide more accurate completion estimates. It parses out test failures from the output and summarizes the results on the Waterfall page. It also passes the information to methods that can be overridden in a subclass to do further processing on the information.""" _line_re = re.compile( r"^([-._0-9a-zA-z]+)( '[-_ a-zA-Z]+')?\s+(w[0-9]+\s+)?\[ (fail|pass) \]\s*(.*)$") _line_re2 = re.compile( r"^[-._0-9a-zA-z]+( '[-_ a-zA-Z]+')?\s+(w[0-9]+\s+)?\[ [-a-z]+ \]") _line_re3 = re.compile( r"^\*\*\*Warnings generated in error logs during shutdown after running tests: (.*)") _line_re4 = re.compile(r"^The servers were restarted [0-9]+ times$") _line_re5 = re.compile(r"^Only\s+[0-9]+\s+of\s+[0-9]+\s+completed.$") def __init__(self, textLimit=5, testNameLimit=16, testType=None): self.textLimit = textLimit self.testNameLimit = testNameLimit self.testType = testType self.numTests = 0 self.testFail = None self.failList = [] self.warnList = [] LogLineObserver.__init__(self) def setLog(self, loog): LogLineObserver.setLog(self, loog) d = loog.waitUntilFinished() d.addCallback(lambda l: self.closeTestFail()) def outLineReceived(self, line): stripLine = line.strip("\r\n") m = self._line_re.search(stripLine) if m: testname, variant, worker, result, info = m.groups() self.closeTestFail() self.numTests += 1 self.step.setProgress('tests', self.numTests) if result == "fail": if variant is None: variant = "" else: variant = variant[2:-1] self.openTestFail( testname, variant, result, info, stripLine + "\n") else: m = self._line_re3.search(stripLine) # pylint: disable=too-many-boolean-expressions if m: stuff = m.group(1) self.closeTestFail() testList = stuff.split(" ") self.doCollectWarningTests(testList) elif (self._line_re2.search(stripLine) or self._line_re4.search(stripLine) or self._line_re5.search(stripLine) or stripLine == "Test suite timeout! Terminating..." or stripLine.startswith("mysql-test-run: *** ERROR: Not all tests completed") or (stripLine.startswith("------------------------------------------------------------") and self.testFail is not None)): self.closeTestFail() else: self.addTestFailOutput(stripLine + "\n") def openTestFail(self, testname, variant, result, info, line): self.testFail = MtrTestFailData( testname, variant, result, info, line, self.doCollectTestFail) def addTestFailOutput(self, line): if self.testFail is not None: self.testFail.add(line) def closeTestFail(self): if self.testFail is not None: self.testFail.fireCallback() self.testFail = None def addToText(self, src, dst): lastOne = None count = 0 for t in src: if t != lastOne: dst.append(t) count += 1 if count >= self.textLimit: break def makeText(self, done): if done: text = ["test"] else: text = ["testing"] if self.testType: text.append(self.testType) fails = sorted(self.failList[:]) self.addToText(fails, text) warns = sorted(self.warnList[:]) self.addToText(warns, text) return text # Update waterfall status. def updateText(self): self.step.step_status.setText(self.makeText(False)) strip_re = re.compile(r"^[a-z]+\.") def displayTestName(self, testname): displayTestName = self.strip_re.sub("", testname) if len(displayTestName) > self.testNameLimit: displayTestName = displayTestName[ :(self.testNameLimit - 2)] + "..." return displayTestName def doCollectTestFail(self, testname, variant, result, info, text): self.failList.append("F:" + self.displayTestName(testname)) self.updateText() self.collectTestFail(testname, variant, result, info, text) def doCollectWarningTests(self, testList): for t in testList: self.warnList.append("W:" + self.displayTestName(t)) self.updateText() self.collectWarningTests(testList) # These two methods are overridden to actually do something with the data. def collectTestFail(self, testname, variant, result, info, text): pass def collectWarningTests(self, testList): pass class MTR(Test): """ Build step that runs mysql-test-run.pl, as used in MySQL, Drizzle, MariaDB, etc. It uses class MtrLogObserver to parse test results out from the output of mysql-test-run.pl, providing better completion time estimates and summarizing test failures on the waterfall page. It also provides access to mysqld server error logs from the test run to help debugging any problems. Optionally, it can insert into a database data about the test run, including details of any test failures. Parameters: textLimit Maximum number of test failures to show on the waterfall page (to not flood the page in case of a large number of test failures. Defaults to 5. testNameLimit Maximum length of test names to show unabbreviated in the waterfall page, to avoid excessive column width. Defaults to 16. parallel Value of --parallel option used for mysql-test-run.pl (number of processes used to run the test suite in parallel). Defaults to 4. This is used to determine the number of server error log files to download from the worker. Specifying a too high value does not hurt (as nonexisting error logs will be ignored), however if using --parallel value greater than the default it needs to be specified, or some server error logs will be missing. dbpool An instance of twisted.enterprise.adbapi.ConnectionPool, or None. Defaults to None. If specified, results are inserted into the database using the ConnectionPool. The class process.mtrlogobserver.EqConnectionPool subclass of ConnectionPool can be useful to pass as value for dbpool, to avoid having config reloads think the Buildstep is changed just because it gets a new ConnectionPool instance (even though connection parameters are unchanged). autoCreateTables Boolean, defaults to False. If True (and dbpool is specified), the necessary database tables will be created automatically if they do not exist already. Alternatively, the tables can be created manually from the SQL statements found in the mtrlogobserver.py source file. test_type test_info Two descriptive strings that will be inserted in the database tables if dbpool is specified. The test_type string, if specified, will also appear on the waterfall page.""" renderables = ['mtr_subdir'] def __init__(self, dbpool=None, test_type=None, test_info="", description=None, descriptionDone=None, autoCreateTables=False, textLimit=5, testNameLimit=16, parallel=4, logfiles=None, lazylogfiles=True, warningPattern="MTR's internal check of the test case '.*' failed", mtr_subdir="mysql-test", **kwargs): if logfiles is None: logfiles = {} if description is None: description = ["testing"] if test_type: description.append(test_type) if descriptionDone is None: descriptionDone = ["test"] if test_type: descriptionDone.append(test_type) Test.__init__(self, logfiles=logfiles, lazylogfiles=lazylogfiles, description=description, descriptionDone=descriptionDone, warningPattern=warningPattern, **kwargs) self.dbpool = dbpool self.test_type = test_type self.test_info = test_info self.autoCreateTables = autoCreateTables self.textLimit = textLimit self.testNameLimit = testNameLimit self.parallel = parallel self.mtr_subdir = mtr_subdir self.progressMetrics += ('tests',) def start(self): # Add mysql server logfiles. for mtr in range(0, self.parallel + 1): for mysqld in range(1, 4 + 1): if mtr == 0: logname = "mysqld.%d.err" % mysqld filename = "var/log/mysqld.%d.err" % mysqld else: logname = "mysqld.%d.err.%d" % (mysqld, mtr) filename = "var/%d/log/mysqld.%d.err" % (mtr, mysqld) self.addLogFile(logname, self.mtr_subdir + "/" + filename) self.myMtr = self.MyMtrLogObserver(textLimit=self.textLimit, testNameLimit=self.testNameLimit, testType=self.test_type) self.addLogObserver("stdio", self.myMtr) # Insert a row for this test run into the database and set up # build properties, then start the command proper. d = self.registerInDB() d.addCallback(self.afterRegisterInDB) d.addErrback(self.failed) def getText(self, command, results): return self.myMtr.makeText(True) def runInteractionWithRetry(self, actionFn, *args, **kw): """ Run a database transaction with dbpool.runInteraction, but retry the transaction in case of a temporary error (like connection lost). This is needed to be robust against things like database connection idle timeouts. The passed callable that implements the transaction must be retryable, ie. it must not have any destructive side effects in the case where an exception is thrown and/or rollback occurs that would prevent it from functioning correctly when called again.""" def runWithRetry(txn, *args, **kw): retryCount = 0 while(True): try: return actionFn(txn, *args, **kw) except txn.OperationalError: retryCount += 1 if retryCount >= 5: raise excType, excValue, excTraceback = sys.exc_info() log.msg("Database transaction failed (caught exception %s(%s)), retrying ..." % ( excType, excValue)) txn.close() txn.reconnect() txn.reopen() return self.dbpool.runInteraction(runWithRetry, *args, **kw) def runQueryWithRetry(self, *args, **kw): """ Run a database query, like with dbpool.runQuery, but retry the query in case of a temporary error (like connection lost). This is needed to be robust against things like database connection idle timeouts.""" def runQuery(txn, *args, **kw): txn.execute(*args, **kw) return txn.fetchall() return self.runInteractionWithRetry(runQuery, *args, **kw) def registerInDB(self): if self.dbpool: return self.runInteractionWithRetry(self.doRegisterInDB) else: return defer.succeed(0) # The real database work is done in a thread in a synchronous way. def doRegisterInDB(self, txn): # Auto create tables. # This is off by default, as it gives warnings in log file # about tables already existing (and I did not find the issue # important enough to find a better fix). if self.autoCreateTables: txn.execute(""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test_run( id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, branch VARCHAR(100), revision VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, platform VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, dt TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, bbnum INT NOT NULL, typ VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, info VARCHAR(255), KEY (branch, revision), KEY (dt), KEY (platform, bbnum) ) ENGINE=innodb """) txn.execute(""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test_failure( test_run_id INT NOT NULL, test_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, test_variant VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, info_text VARCHAR(255), failure_text TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (test_run_id, test_name, test_variant) ) ENGINE=innodb """) txn.execute(""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test_warnings( test_run_id INT NOT NULL, list_id INT NOT NULL, list_idx INT NOT NULL, test_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (test_run_id, list_id, list_idx) ) ENGINE=innodb """) revision = self.getProperty("got_revision") if revision is None: revision = self.getProperty("revision") typ = "mtr" if self.test_type: typ = self.test_type txn.execute(""" INSERT INTO test_run(branch, revision, platform, dt, bbnum, typ, info) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(), %s, %s, %s) """, (self.getProperty("branch"), revision, self.getProperty("buildername"), self.getProperty("buildnumber"), typ, self.test_info)) return txn.lastrowid def afterRegisterInDB(self, insert_id): self.setProperty("mtr_id", insert_id) self.setProperty("mtr_warn_id", 0) Test.start(self) def reportError(self, err): log.msg("Error in async insert into database: %s" % err) class MyMtrLogObserver(MtrLogObserver): def collectTestFail(self, testname, variant, result, info, text): # Insert asynchronously into database. dbpool = self.step.dbpool if dbpool is None: return defer.succeed(None) run_id = self.step.getProperty("mtr_id") if variant is None: variant = "" d = self.step.runQueryWithRetry(""" INSERT INTO test_failure(test_run_id, test_name, test_variant, info_text, failure_text) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s) """, (run_id, testname, variant, info, text)) d.addErrback(self.step.reportError) return d def collectWarningTests(self, testList): # Insert asynchronously into database. dbpool = self.step.dbpool if dbpool is None: return defer.succeed(None) run_id = self.step.getProperty("mtr_id") warn_id = self.step.getProperty("mtr_warn_id") self.step.setProperty("mtr_warn_id", warn_id + 1) q = ("INSERT INTO test_warnings(test_run_id, list_id, list_idx, test_name) " + "VALUES " + ", ".join(map(lambda x: "(%s, %s, %s, %s)", testList))) v = [] idx = 0 for t in testList: v.extend([run_id, warn_id, idx, t]) idx = idx + 1 d = self.step.runQueryWithRetry(q, tuple(v)) d.addErrback(self.step.reportError) return d
# coding=utf-8 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for # license information. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- from .v2016_09_01.models import *
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import atexit import os.path import tempfile import fixtures from oslo.config import cfg from glance import tests as glance_tests import glance.common.client from glance.common import config import glance.db.sqlalchemy.api import glance.db.sqlalchemy.migration import glance.registry.client.v1.client import glance.store from glance.tests import utils as test_utils TESTING_API_PASTE_CONF = """ [pipeline:glance-api] pipeline = versionnegotiation gzip unauthenticated-context rootapp [pipeline:glance-api-caching] pipeline = versionnegotiation gzip unauthenticated-context cache rootapp [pipeline:glance-api-cachemanagement] pipeline = versionnegotiation gzip unauthenticated-context cache cache_manage rootapp [pipeline:glance-api-fakeauth] pipeline = versionnegotiation gzip fakeauth context rootapp [pipeline:glance-api-noauth] pipeline = versionnegotiation gzip context rootapp [composite:rootapp] paste.composite_factory = glance.api:root_app_factory /: apiversions /v1: apiv1app /v2: apiv2app [app:apiversions] paste.app_factory = glance.api.versions:create_resource [app:apiv1app] paste.app_factory = glance.api.v1.router:API.factory [app:apiv2app] paste.app_factory = glance.api.v2.router:API.factory [filter:versionnegotiation] paste.filter_factory = glance.api.middleware.version_negotiation:VersionNegotiationFilter.factory [filter:gzip] paste.filter_factory = glance.api.middleware.gzip:GzipMiddleware.factory [filter:cache] paste.filter_factory = glance.api.middleware.cache:CacheFilter.factory [filter:cache_manage] paste.filter_factory = glance.api.middleware.cache_manage:CacheManageFilter.factory [filter:context] paste.filter_factory = glance.api.middleware.context:ContextMiddleware.factory [filter:unauthenticated-context] paste.filter_factory = glance.api.middleware.context:UnauthenticatedContextMiddleware.factory [filter:fakeauth] paste.filter_factory = glance.tests.utils:FakeAuthMiddleware.factory """ TESTING_REGISTRY_PASTE_CONF = """ [pipeline:glance-registry] pipeline = unauthenticated-context registryapp [pipeline:glance-registry-fakeauth] pipeline = fakeauth context registryapp [app:registryapp] paste.app_factory = glance.registry.api.v1:API.factory [filter:context] paste.filter_factory = glance.api.middleware.context:ContextMiddleware.factory [filter:unauthenticated-context] paste.filter_factory = glance.api.middleware.context:UnauthenticatedContextMiddleware.factory [filter:fakeauth] paste.filter_factory = glance.tests.utils:FakeAuthMiddleware.factory """ CONF = cfg.CONF CONF.import_opt('filesystem_store_datadir', 'glance.store.filesystem') class ApiTest(test_utils.BaseTestCase): def setUp(self): super(ApiTest, self).setUp() self.init() def init(self): self.test_dir = self.useFixture(fixtures.TempDir()).path self._configure_logging() self._setup_database() self._setup_stores() self._setup_property_protection() self.glance_registry_app = self._load_paste_app( 'glance-registry', flavor=getattr(self, 'registry_flavor', ''), conf=getattr(self, 'registry_paste_conf', TESTING_REGISTRY_PASTE_CONF), ) self._connect_registry_client() self.glance_api_app = self._load_paste_app( 'glance-api', flavor=getattr(self, 'api_flavor', ''), conf=getattr(self, 'api_paste_conf', TESTING_API_PASTE_CONF), ) self.http = test_utils.Httplib2WsgiAdapter(self.glance_api_app) def _setup_property_protection(self): self._copy_data_file('property-protections.conf', self.test_dir) self.property_file = os.path.join(self.test_dir, 'property-protections.conf') def _configure_logging(self): self.config(default_log_levels=[ 'amqplib=WARN', 'sqlalchemy=WARN', 'boto=WARN', 'suds=INFO', 'keystone=INFO', 'eventlet.wsgi.server=DEBUG' ]) def _setup_database(self): sql_connection = 'sqlite:////%s/tests.sqlite' % self.test_dir self.config(sql_connection=sql_connection) glance.db.sqlalchemy.api.clear_db_env() glance_db_env = 'GLANCE_DB_TEST_SQLITE_FILE' if glance_db_env in os.environ: # use the empty db created and cached as a tempfile # instead of spending the time creating a new one db_location = os.environ[glance_db_env] test_utils.execute('cp %s %s/tests.sqlite' % (db_location, self.test_dir)) else: glance.db.sqlalchemy.migration.db_sync() # copy the clean db to a temp location so that it # can be reused for future tests (osf, db_location) = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(osf) test_utils.execute('cp %s/tests.sqlite %s' % (self.test_dir, db_location)) os.environ[glance_db_env] = db_location # cleanup the temp file when the test suite is # complete def _delete_cached_db(): try: os.remove(os.environ[glance_db_env]) except Exception: glance_tests.logger.exception( "Error cleaning up the file %s" % os.environ[glance_db_env]) atexit.register(_delete_cached_db) def _setup_stores(self): image_dir = os.path.join(self.test_dir, "images") self.config(filesystem_store_datadir=image_dir) glance.store.create_stores() def _load_paste_app(self, name, flavor, conf): conf_file_path = os.path.join(self.test_dir, '%s-paste.ini' % name) with open(conf_file_path, 'wb') as conf_file: conf_file.write(conf) conf_file.flush() return config.load_paste_app(name, flavor=flavor, conf_file=conf_file_path) def _connect_registry_client(self): def get_connection_type(self2): def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): return test_utils.HttplibWsgiAdapter(self.glance_registry_app) return wrapped self.stubs.Set(glance.common.client.BaseClient, 'get_connection_type', get_connection_type) def tearDown(self): glance.db.sqlalchemy.api.clear_db_env() super(ApiTest, self).tearDown()
from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals import os from compose.config.config import ConfigDetails from compose.config.config import ConfigFile from compose.config.config import load def build_config(contents, **kwargs): return load(build_config_details(contents, **kwargs)) def build_config_details(contents, working_dir='working_dir', filename='filename.yml'): return ConfigDetails( working_dir, [ConfigFile(filename, contents)], ) def create_host_file(client, filename): dirname = os.path.dirname(filename) with open(filename, 'r') as fh: content = fh.read() container = client.create_container( 'busybox:latest', ['sh', '-c', 'echo -n "{}" > {}'.format(content, filename)], volumes={dirname: {}}, host_config=client.create_host_config( binds={dirname: {'bind': dirname, 'ro': False}}, network_mode='none', ), ) try: client.start(container) exitcode = client.wait(container) if exitcode != 0: output = client.logs(container) raise Exception( "Container exited with code {}:\n{}".format(exitcode, output)) finally: client.remove_container(container, force=True)
""" Django settings for mysite project. Generated by 'django-admin startproject' using Django 1.8.3. For more information on this file, see https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/topics/settings/ For the full list of settings and their values, see https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/ref/settings/ """ # Build paths inside the project like this: os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ...) import os BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) # Quick-start development settings - unsuitable for production # See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/howto/deployment/checklist/ # SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret! SECRET_KEY = 'yd=6gp*c%jj@jmqug!qwb0m)ksf#2gr%_w+)a1t*4t)9yc#cr#' # SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production! DEBUG = True ALLOWED_HOSTS = [] # Application definition INSTALLED_APPS = ( 'django.contrib.admin', 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.messages', 'django.contrib.staticfiles', 'polls', ) MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ( 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', 'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.SessionAuthenticationMiddleware', 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware', 'django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware', 'django.middleware.security.SecurityMiddleware', ) ROOT_URLCONF = 'mysite.urls' TEMPLATES = [ { 'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates', 'DIRS': [os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templates')], 'APP_DIRS': True, 'OPTIONS': { 'context_processors': [ 'django.template.context_processors.debug', 'django.template.context_processors.request', 'django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth', 'django.contrib.messages.context_processors.messages', ], }, }, ] WSGI_APPLICATION = 'mysite.wsgi.application' # Database # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/ref/settings/#databases DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'db.sqlite3'), } } # Internationalization # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/topics/i18n/ LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en-us' TIME_ZONE = 'UTC' USE_I18N = True USE_L10N = True USE_TZ = True # Static files (CSS, JavaScript, Images) # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/howto/static-files/ STATIC_URL = '/static/'
from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand, CommandError from xmodule.contentstore.utils import restore_asset_from_trashcan class Command(BaseCommand): help = '''Restore a deleted asset from the trashcan back to it's original course''' def handle(self, *args, **options): if len(args) != 1 and len(args) != 0: raise CommandError("restore_asset_from_trashcan requires one argument: <location>") restore_asset_from_trashcan(args[0])
from __future__ import absolute_import from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from sentry.models import Environment, Rule from sentry.testutils import APITestCase class ProjectRuleListTest(APITestCase): def test_simple(self): self.login_as(user=self.user) team = self.create_team() project1 = self.create_project(teams=[team], name="foo") self.create_project(teams=[team], name="bar") url = reverse( "sentry-api-0-project-rules", kwargs={"organization_slug": project1.organization.slug, "project_slug": project1.slug}, ) response = self.client.get(url, format="json") assert response.status_code == 200, response.content rule_count = Rule.objects.filter(project=project1).count() assert len(response.data) == rule_count class CreateProjectRuleTest(APITestCase): def test_simple(self): self.login_as(user=self.user) project = self.create_project() conditions = [ { "id": "sentry.rules.conditions.first_seen_event.FirstSeenEventCondition", "key": "foo", "match": "eq", "value": "bar", } ] actions = [{"id": "sentry.rules.actions.notify_event.NotifyEventAction"}] url = reverse( "sentry-api-0-project-rules", kwargs={"organization_slug": project.organization.slug, "project_slug": project.slug}, ) response = self.client.post( url, data={ "name": "hello world", "actionMatch": "any", "actions": actions, "conditions": conditions, "frequency": 30, }, format="json", ) assert response.status_code == 200, response.content assert response.data["id"] rule = Rule.objects.get(id=response.data["id"]) assert rule.label == "hello world" assert rule.data["action_match"] == "any" assert rule.data["actions"] == actions assert rule.data["conditions"] == conditions assert rule.data["frequency"] == 30 def test_with_environment(self): self.login_as(user=self.user) project = self.create_project() Environment.get_or_create(project, "production") conditions = [ { "id": "sentry.rules.conditions.first_seen_event.FirstSeenEventCondition", "key": "foo", "match": "eq", "value": "bar", } ] actions = [{"id": "sentry.rules.actions.notify_event.NotifyEventAction"}] url = reverse( "sentry-api-0-project-rules", kwargs={"organization_slug": project.organization.slug, "project_slug": project.slug}, ) response = self.client.post( url, data={ "name": "hello world", "environment": "production", "conditions": conditions, "actions": actions, "actionMatch": "any", "frequency": 30, }, format="json", ) assert response.status_code == 200, response.content assert response.data["id"] assert response.data["environment"] == "production" rule = Rule.objects.get(id=response.data["id"]) assert rule.label == "hello world" assert rule.environment_id == Environment.get_or_create(rule.project, "production").id def test_with_null_environment(self): self.login_as(user=self.user) project = self.create_project() conditions = [ { "id": "sentry.rules.conditions.first_seen_event.FirstSeenEventCondition", "key": "foo", "match": "eq", "value": "bar", } ] actions = [{"id": "sentry.rules.actions.notify_event.NotifyEventAction"}] url = reverse( "sentry-api-0-project-rules", kwargs={"organization_slug": project.organization.slug, "project_slug": project.slug}, ) response = self.client.post( url, data={ "name": "hello world", "environment": None, "conditions": conditions, "actions": actions, "actionMatch": "any", "frequency": 30, }, format="json", ) assert response.status_code == 200, response.content assert response.data["id"] assert response.data["environment"] is None rule = Rule.objects.get(id=response.data["id"]) assert rule.label == "hello world" assert rule.environment_id is None def test_missing_name(self): self.login_as(user=self.user) project = self.create_project() conditions = [ { "id": "sentry.rules.conditions.first_seen_event.FirstSeenEventCondition", "key": "foo", "match": "eq", "value": "bar", } ] actions = [{"id": "sentry.rules.actions.notify_event.NotifyEventAction"}] url = reverse( "sentry-api-0-project-rules", kwargs={"organization_slug": project.organization.slug, "project_slug": project.slug}, ) response = self.client.post( url, data={"actionMatch": "any", "actions": actions, "conditions": conditions}, format="json", ) assert response.status_code == 400, response.content
# # (c) 2015 Peter Sprygada, <[email protected]> # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # import re import shlex import re from distutils.version import LooseVersion from ansible.module_utils.pycompat24 import get_exception from ansible.module_utils.network import NetworkError, NetworkModule from ansible.module_utils.network import register_transport, to_list from ansible.module_utils.shell import CliBase from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types # temporary fix until modules are update. to be removed before 2.2 final from ansible.module_utils.network import get_module try: from jnpr.junos import Device from jnpr.junos.utils.config import Config from jnpr.junos.version import VERSION from jnpr.junos.exception import RpcError, ConnectError, ConfigLoadError, CommitError from jnpr.junos.exception import LockError, UnlockError if LooseVersion(VERSION) < LooseVersion('1.2.2'): HAS_PYEZ = False else: HAS_PYEZ = True except ImportError: HAS_PYEZ = False try: import jxmlease HAS_JXMLEASE = True except ImportError: HAS_JXMLEASE = False try: from lxml import etree except ImportError: import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree SUPPORTED_CONFIG_FORMATS = ['text', 'set', 'json', 'xml'] def xml_to_json(val): if isinstance(val, string_types): return jxmlease.parse(val) else: return jxmlease.parse_etree(val) def xml_to_string(val): return etree.tostring(val) class Netconf(object): def __init__(self): self.device = None self.config = None self._locked = False self._connected = False self.default_output = 'xml' def raise_exc(self, msg): if self.device: if self._locked: self.config.unlock() self.disconnect() raise NetworkError(msg) def connect(self, params, **kwargs): host = params['host'] port = params.get('port') or 830 user = params['username'] passwd = params['password'] try: self.device = Device(host, user=user, passwd=passwd, port=port, gather_facts=False) self.device.open() except ConnectError: exc = get_exception() self.raise_exc('unable to connect to %s: %s' % (host, str(exc))) self.config = Config(self.device) self._connected = True def disconnect(self): try: self.device.close() except AttributeError: pass self._connected = False ### Command methods ### def run_commands(self, commands): responses = list() for cmd in commands: meth = getattr(self, cmd.args.get('command_type')) responses.append(meth(str(cmd), output=cmd.output)) for index, cmd in enumerate(commands): if cmd.output == 'xml': responses[index] = etree.tostring(responses[index]) elif cmd.args.get('command_type') == 'rpc': responses[index] = str(responses[index].text).strip() return responses def cli(self, commands, output='xml'): '''Send commands to the device.''' try: return self.device.cli(commands, format=output, warning=False) except (ValueError, RpcError): exc = get_exception() self.raise_exc('Unable to get cli output: %s' % str(exc)) def rpc(self, command, output='xml'): name, kwargs = rpc_args(command) meth = getattr(self.device.rpc, name) reply = meth({'format': output}, **kwargs) return reply ### Config methods ### def get_config(self, config_format="text"): if config_format not in SUPPORTED_CONFIG_FORMATS: self.raise_exc(msg='invalid config format. Valid options are ' '%s' % ', '.join(SUPPORTED_CONFIG_FORMATS)) ele = self.rpc('get_configuration', output=config_format) if config_format in ['text', 'set']: return str(ele.text).strip() else: return ele def load_config(self, candidate, update='merge', comment=None, confirm=None, format='text', commit=True): merge = update == 'merge' overwrite = update == 'overwrite' self.lock_config() try: candidate = '\n'.join(candidate) self.config.load(candidate, format=format, merge=merge, overwrite=overwrite) except ConfigLoadError: exc = get_exception() self.raise_exc('Unable to load config: %s' % str(exc)) diff = self.config.diff() self.check_config() if all((commit, diff)): self.commit_config(comment=comment, confirm=confirm) self.unlock_config() return diff def save_config(self): raise NotImplementedError ### end of Config ### def get_facts(self, refresh=True): if refresh: self.device.facts_refresh() return self.device.facts def unlock_config(self): try: self.config.unlock() self._locked = False except UnlockError: exc = get_exception() raise NetworkError('unable to unlock config: %s' % str(exc)) def lock_config(self): try: self.config.lock() self._locked = True except LockError: exc = get_exception() raise NetworkError('unable to lock config: %s' % str(exc)) def check_config(self): if not self.config.commit_check(): self.raise_exc(msg='Commit check failed') def commit_config(self, comment=None, confirm=None): try: kwargs = dict(comment=comment) if confirm and confirm > 0: kwargs['confirm'] = confirm return self.config.commit(**kwargs) except CommitError: exc = get_exception() raise NetworkError('unable to commit config: %s' % str(exc)) def rollback_config(self, identifier, commit=True, comment=None): self.lock_config() try: self.config.rollback(identifier) except ValueError: exc = get_exception() self._error('Unable to rollback config: $s' % str(exc)) diff = self.config.diff() if commit: self.commit_config(comment=comment) self.unlock_config() return diff Netconf = register_transport('netconf')(Netconf) class Cli(CliBase): CLI_PROMPTS_RE = [ re.compile(r"[\r\n]?[\w+\-\.:\/\[\]]+(?:\([^\)]+\)){,3}(?:>|#) ?$"), re.compile(r"\[\w+\@[\w\-\.]+(?: [^\]])\] ?[>#\$] ?$") ] CLI_ERRORS_RE = [ re.compile(r"% ?Error"), re.compile(r"% ?Bad secret"), re.compile(r"invalid input", re.I), re.compile(r"(?:incomplete|ambiguous) command", re.I), re.compile(r"connection timed out", re.I), re.compile(r"[^\r\n]+ not found", re.I), re.compile(r"'[^']' +returned error code: ?\d+"), ] def connect(self, params, **kwargs): super(Cli, self).connect(params, **kwargs) if self.shell._matched_prompt.strip().endswith('%'): self.execute('cli') self.execute('set cli screen-length 0') def configure(self, commands, **kwargs): cmds = ['configure'] cmds.extend(to_list(commands)) if kwargs.get('comment'): cmds.append('commit and-quit comment "%s"' % kwargs.get('comment')) else: cmds.append('commit and-quit') responses = self.execute(cmds) return responses[1:-1] def load_config(self, commands): return self.configure(commands) def get_config(self, output='block'): cmd = 'show configuration' if output == 'set': cmd += ' | display set' return self.execute([cmd])[0] Cli = register_transport('cli', default=True)(Cli) def split(value): lex = shlex.shlex(value) lex.quotes = '"' lex.whitespace_split = True lex.commenters = '' return list(lex) def rpc_args(args): kwargs = dict() args = split(args) name = args.pop(0) for arg in args: key, value = arg.split('=') if str(value).upper() in ['TRUE', 'FALSE']: kwargs[key] = bool(value) elif re.match(r'^[0-9]+$', value): kwargs[key] = int(value) else: kwargs[key] = str(value) return (name, kwargs)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ pid - example of PID control of a simple process with a time constant Copyright (c) 2016 - RocketRedNeck.com RocketRedNeck.net RocketRedNeck and MIT Licenses RocketRedNeck hereby grants license for others to copy and modify this source code for whatever purpose other's deem worthy as long as RocketRedNeck is given credit where where credit is due and you leave RocketRedNeck out of it for all other nefarious purposes. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plot import numpy as np import math tmax = 3.0 dt = 0.01 ts = np.arange(0.0, tmax, dt) pvs = np.zeros(len(ts)) sps = np.zeros(len(ts)) mvs = np.zeros(len(ts)) mps = np.zeros(len(ts)) kf = 0.0 kp = 20.0 #10.0 ki = 0.0 kd = 2.0 #1.0 dt = ts[1] - ts[0] Gp = 1.0 delay = 1 * dt tau = 1000 * dt sp_period = 1.0 err = 0.0 intErr = 0.0 lastErr = 0.0 lastT = ts[0] lastG = 0.0 i = 0 d = 0 exp = -np.exp(-1/tau) mp = 0 for t in ts: if (t > 0): sps[i] = math.sin(sp_period*t) sps[i] = sps[i] / abs(sps[i]) # Square wave else: sps[i] = 0 derr = err - lastErr intErr = intErr + err mv = kf*sps[i] + (kp * err) + (ki * intErr) + (kd * (derr/dt)) mvs[i] = mv mp = mp + (mv * dt) mps[i] = mp G = 0.0 if (t >= delay): G = mp * Gp * (1.0 + exp) - (lastG * exp) else: d += 1 pvs[i] = G lastG = G i += 1 lastErr = err err = 0.0 if (t >= delay): err = sps[i-d] - pvs[i-d] # err += np.random.randn(1)*0.09 plot.figure(1) plot.cla() plot.grid() plot.plot(ts,sps,ts,pvs)
#!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys if __name__ == "__main__": os.environ.setdefault( "DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "garelay.settings") from django.core.management import execute_from_command_line execute_from_command_line(sys.argv)
""" Format the current file with black or isort. Available in Tools/Python/Black and Tools/Python/Isort. """ from __future__ import annotations import logging import subprocess import traceback from functools import partial from pathlib import Path from tkinter import messagebox from porcupine import menubar, tabs, textutils, utils from porcupine.plugins import python_venv log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def run_tool(tool: str, code: str, path: Path | None) -> str: python = python_venv.find_python(None if path is None else utils.find_project_root(path)) if python is None: messagebox.showerror( "Can't find a Python installation", f"You need to install Python to run {tool}." ) return code fail_str = f"Running {tool} failed" try: # run in subprocess just to make sure that it can't crash porcupine # set cwd so that black/isort finds its config in pyproject.toml # # FIXME: file must not be named black.py or similar result = subprocess.run( [str(python), "-m", tool, "-"], check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=(Path.home() if path is None else path.parent), input=code.encode("utf-8"), ) return result.stdout.decode("utf-8") except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: messagebox.showerror( fail_str, utils.tkinter_safe_string(e.stderr.decode("utf-8"), hide_unsupported_chars=True), ) except Exception: log.exception(f"running {tool} failed") messagebox.showerror(fail_str, traceback.format_exc()) return code def format_code_in_textwidget(tool: str, tab: tabs.FileTab) -> None: before = tab.textwidget.get("1.0", "end - 1 char") after = run_tool(tool, before, tab.path) if before != after: with textutils.change_batch(tab.textwidget): tab.textwidget.replace("1.0", "end - 1 char", after) def setup() -> None: menubar.add_filetab_command("Tools/Python/Black", partial(format_code_in_textwidget, "black")) menubar.add_filetab_command("Tools/Python/Isort", partial(format_code_in_textwidget, "isort"))