1 value
15 values
#! /usr/bin/env python from openturns import * TESTPREAMBLE() RandomGenerator.SetSeed(0) try: distribution = ClaytonCopula(1.5) size = 1000 sample = distribution.getSample(size) factory = ClaytonCopulaFactory() estimatedDistribution = factory.build(sample) print "distribution=", repr(distribution) print "Estimated distribution=", repr(estimatedDistribution) estimatedDistribution = factory.build() print "Default distribution=", estimatedDistribution estimatedDistribution = factory.build( distribution.getParametersCollection()) print "Distribution from parameters=", estimatedDistribution estimatedClaytonCopula = factory.buildAsClaytonCopula(sample) print "ClaytonCopula =", distribution print "Estimated claytonCopula=", estimatedClaytonCopula estimatedClaytonCopula = factory.buildAsClaytonCopula() print "Default claytonCopula=", estimatedClaytonCopula estimatedClaytonCopula = factory.buildAsClaytonCopula( distribution.getParametersCollection()) print "ClaytonCopula from parameters=", estimatedClaytonCopula except: import sys print "t_ClaytonCopulaFactory_std.py", sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright 2011, Alexandre Strzelewicz # Licensed under the MIT Version # ######################################################### # # Widget generic controller # ######################################################### xss = local_import('xss') def can_modify(): if session.can_modify == False: raise HTTP(404) def get_widget(): session.forget(response) widgets = db((db.widgets.desktop_link==session.desktop_id)).select() return dict(widgets=widgets) def new_widget(): can_modify() # Xss prevention for req in request.vars: request.vars[req] = xss.xssescape(request.vars[req]) ids = db.widgets.insert(x=request.vars.x, y=request.vars.y, width=request.vars.width, height=request.vars.height, type=request.vars.type, data1=request.vars.data1, data2=request.vars.data2, data3=request.vars.data3, title=request.vars.title, user_link=auth.user.id, desktop_link=session.desktop_id) return response.json({'success':'true', 'id':ids}) def remove_widget(): can_modify() row = db((db.widgets.user_link==auth.user.id) & (db.widgets.desktop_link==session.desktop_id) & (db.widgets.id==request.vars.id)).delete() return response.json({'success':'true'}) #@security.xssremove def update_widget(): can_modify() # Xss prevention for req in request.vars: request.vars[req] = xss.xssescape(request.vars[req]) db((db.widgets.user_link==auth.user.id) & (db.widgets.desktop_link==session.desktop_id) & (db.widgets.id==request.vars.id)) \ .update(x=request.vars.x, y=request.vars.y, width=request.vars.width, height=request.vars.height, type=request.vars.type, data1=request.vars.data1, data2=request.vars.data2, data3=request.vars.data3, title=request.vars.title) return response.json({'success':'true'}) # # entr widgets to share widget (to put in desk.py) # # widgets = db((db.desktop.id==db.entr_desktop_widgets.desktop_link) # & (db.widgets_entr.id==db.entr_desktop_widgets.widget_link) # & (db.desktop.id==desktop.id))\ # .select(db.widgets_entr.ALL) # logger.debug(widgets) # # # # def new_widget_entr(): # widget = db.widgets_entr.insert(x=request.vars.x, # y=request.vars.y, # width=request.vars.width, # height=request.vars.height, # type=request.vars.type, # data1=request.vars.data1, # data2=request.vars.data2, # data3=request.vars.data3, # title=request.vars.title) # db.entr_desktop_widgets.insert(desktop_link=session.desktop_id, # widget_link=widget.id) # return response.json({'success':'true', 'id':widget.id})
""" Given an integer, write an algorithm to convert it to hexadecimal. For negative integer, two's complement method is used. Note: All letters in hexadecimal (a-f) must be in lowercase. The hexadecimal string must not contain extra leading 0s. If the number is zero, it is represented by a single zero character '0'; otherwise, the first character in the hexadecimal string will not be the zero character. The given number is guaranteed to fit within the range of a 32-bit signed integer. You must not use any method provided by the library which converts/formats the number to hex directly. Example 1: Input: 26 Output: "1a" Example 2: Input: -1 Output: "ffffffff" """ class Solution(object): def toHex(self, num): """ :type num: int :rtype: str """ if 0 == num: return "0" # both OK mapping = dict(zip(range(0, 16), "0123456789abcdef")) mapping = "0123456789abcdef" if num < 0: num += 2 ** 32 remains = [] while num: remains.append(mapping[num % 16]) num /= 16 return "".join(remains[::-1])
import pysam from readtagger.pysamtools_view import view INPUT = 'tagged_dm6.bam' def test_pysamtoolsview(datadir_copy, tmpdir): # noqa: D103 input_bam = str(datadir_copy[INPUT]) output_bam = tmpdir.join('out.bam').strpath region = '3R:8121625-8121731' view(input_bam=input_bam, output_bam=output_bam, region=region) assert len(pysam.AlignmentFile(output_bam).header['SQ']) == 1
#!/usr/bin/env python -i # preceeding line should have path for Python on your machine # plot.py # Purpose: plot Temp of running LIGGGHTS simulation via GnuPlot in Pizza.py # Syntax: plot.py in.liggghts Nfreq Nsteps compute-ID # in.liggghts = LIGGGHTS input script # Nfreq = plot data point every this many steps # Nsteps = run for this many steps # compute-ID = ID of compute that calculates temperature # (or any other scalar quantity) import sys sys.path.append("./pizza") from gnu import gnu # parse command line argv = sys.argv if len(argv) != 5: print "Syntax: plot.py in.liggghts Nfreq Nsteps compute-ID" sys.exit() infile = sys.argv[1] nfreq = int(sys.argv[2]) nsteps = int(sys.argv[3]) compute = sys.argv[4] me = 0 # uncomment if running in parallel via Pypar #import pypar #me = pypar.rank() #nprocs = pypar.size() from liggghts import liggghts lmp = liggghts() # run infile all at once # assumed to have no run command in it lmp.file(infile) lmp.command("thermo %d" % nfreq) # initial 0-step run to generate initial 1-point plot lmp.command("run 0 pre yes post no") value = lmp.extract_compute(compute,0,0) ntimestep = 0 xaxis = [ntimestep] yaxis = [value] # wrapper on GnuPlot via Pizza.py gnu tool # just proc 0 handles plotting if me == 0: gn = gnu() gn.plot(xaxis,yaxis) gn.xrange(0,nsteps) gn.title(compute,"Timestep","Temperature") # run nfreq steps at a time w/out pre/post, query compute, refresh plot while ntimestep < nsteps: lmp.command("run %d pre no post no" % nfreq) ntimestep += nfreq value = lmp.extract_compute(compute,0,0) xaxis.append(ntimestep) yaxis.append(value) if me == 0: gn.plot(xaxis,yaxis) lmp.command("run 0 pre no post yes") # uncomment if running in parallel via Pypar #print "Proc %d out of %d procs has" % (me,nprocs), lmp #pypar.finalize()
import codecs from uuid import uuid4 from io import BytesIO import six from six import b from .fields import RequestField writer = codecs.lookup('utf-8')[3] def choose_boundary(): """ Our embarassingly-simple replacement for mimetools.choose_boundary. """ return uuid4().hex def iter_field_objects(fields): """ Iterate over fields. Supports list of (k, v) tuples and dicts, and lists of :class:`~urllib3.fields.RequestField`. """ if isinstance(fields, dict): i = six.iteritems(fields) else: i = iter(fields) for field in i: if isinstance(field, RequestField): yield field else: yield RequestField.from_tuples(*field) def iter_fields(fields): """ .. deprecated:: 1.6 Iterate over fields. The addition of :class:`~urllib3.fields.RequestField` makes this function obsolete. Instead, use :func:`iter_field_objects`, which returns :class:`~urllib3.fields.RequestField` objects. Supports list of (k, v) tuples and dicts. """ if isinstance(fields, dict): return ((k, v) for k, v in six.iteritems(fields)) return ((k, v) for k, v in fields) def encode_multipart_formdata(fields, boundary=None): """ Encode a dictionary of ``fields`` using the multipart/form-data MIME format. :param fields: Dictionary of fields or list of (key, :class:`~urllib3.fields.RequestField`). :param boundary: If not specified, then a random boundary will be generated using :func:`mimetools.choose_boundary`. """ body = BytesIO() if boundary is None: boundary = choose_boundary() for field in iter_field_objects(fields): body.write(b('--%s\r\n' % (boundary))) writer(body).write(field.render_headers()) data = field.data if isinstance(data, int): data = str(data) # Backwards compatibility if isinstance(data, six.text_type): writer(body).write(data) else: body.write(data) body.write(b'\r\n') body.write(b('--%s--\r\n' % (boundary))) content_type = str('multipart/form-data; boundary=%s' % boundary) return body.getvalue(), content_type
from functools import wraps from uuid import uuid4 from app.globals import get_session_store from app.utilities.schema import load_schema_from_session_data def with_schema(function): """Adds the survey schema as the first argument to the function being wrapped. Use on flask request handlers or methods called by flask request handlers. May error unless there is a `current_user`, so should be used as follows e.g. ```python @login_required @with_schema @full_routing_path_required def get_block(routing_path, schema, *args): ... ``` """ @wraps(function) def wrapped_function(*args, **kwargs): session_data = get_session_store().session_data schema = load_schema_from_session_data(session_data) return function(schema, *args, **kwargs) return wrapped_function def get_group_instance_id(schema, answer_store, location, answer_instance=0): """Return a group instance_id if required, or None if not""" if not schema.location_requires_group_instance(location): return None dependent_drivers = schema.get_group_dependencies(location.group_id) if dependent_drivers: return _get_dependent_group_instance(schema, dependent_drivers, answer_store, location.group_instance) existing_answers = [] if location.group_id in schema.get_group_dependencies_group_drivers() or \ location.block_id in schema.get_group_dependencies_group_drivers(): group_answer_ids = schema.get_answer_ids_for_group(location.group_id) existing_answers = answer_store.filter(answer_ids=group_answer_ids, group_instance=location.group_instance) if location.block_id in schema.get_group_dependencies_block_drivers(): block_answer_ids = schema.get_answer_ids_for_block(location.block_id) existing_answers = answer_store.filter(answer_ids=block_answer_ids, answer_instance=answer_instance) # If there are existing answers with a group_instance_id existing_answers_with_group_instance_id = [answer for answer in existing_answers if answer.get('group_instance_id')] if existing_answers_with_group_instance_id: return existing_answers_with_group_instance_id[0]['group_instance_id'] return str(uuid4()) def _get_dependent_group_instance(schema, dependent_drivers, answer_store, group_instance): group_instance_ids = [] for driver_id in dependent_drivers: if driver_id in schema.get_group_dependencies_group_drivers(): if schema.get_group(driver_id): driver_answer_ids = schema.get_answer_ids_for_group(driver_id) group_instance_ids.extend(_get_group_instance_ids_for_group(answer_store, driver_answer_ids)) else: driver_answer_ids = schema.get_answer_ids_for_block(driver_id) group_instance_ids.extend(_get_group_instance_ids_for_group(answer_store, driver_answer_ids)) if driver_id in schema.get_group_dependencies_block_drivers(): driver_answer_ids = schema.get_answer_ids_for_block(driver_id) group_instance_ids.extend(_get_group_instance_ids_for_block(answer_store, driver_answer_ids)) return group_instance_ids[group_instance] def _get_group_instance_ids_for_group(answer_store, group_answer_ids): group_instance_ids = [] group_instances = 0 for answer in list(answer_store.filter(answer_ids=group_answer_ids)): group_instances = max(group_instances, answer['group_instance']) for i in range(group_instances + 1): answers = list(answer_store.filter(answer_ids=group_answer_ids, group_instance=i)) if answers: group_instance_ids.append(answers[0]['group_instance_id']) return group_instance_ids def _get_group_instance_ids_for_block(answer_store, block_answer_ids): group_instance_ids = [] answer_instances = 0 for answer in list(answer_store.filter(answer_ids=block_answer_ids)): answer_instances = max(answer_instances, answer['answer_instance']) for i in range(answer_instances + 1): answers = list(answer_store.filter(answer_ids=block_answer_ids, answer_instance=i)) if answers: group_instance_ids.append(answers[0]['group_instance_id']) return group_instance_ids
# login methods are dynamically imported if auth is enabled import logging from .logout import Logout import tornado.web import _ @_.components.Register('auth') class Authentication(tornado.web.RequestHandler): @classmethod def _pyConfig(cls, config): cls.URL = config.pop('login_page', '/login')
from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np import theano from theano import tensor from theano.sandbox.rng_mrg import MRG_RandomStreams as RandomStreams from scipy.io import wavfile import os import sys from kdllib import audio_file_iterator from kdllib import numpy_one_hot, apply_quantize_preproc from kdllib import numpy_softmax, numpy_sample_softmax from kdllib import param, param_search, print_param_info from kdllib import LearnedInitHidden from kdllib import Linear from kdllib import Embedding from kdllib import Igor from kdllib import load_checkpoint, theano_one_hot, concatenate from kdllib import fetch_fruitspeech, list_iterator from kdllib import np_zeros, GRU, GRUFork from kdllib import make_weights, make_biases, relu, run_loop from kdllib import as_shared, adam, gradient_clipping from kdllib import get_values_from_function, set_shared_variables_in_function from kdllib import soundsc, categorical_crossentropy from kdllib import relu, softmax, sample_softmax if __name__ == "__main__": import argparse fs = 16000 minibatch_size = 128 cut_len = 64 n_epochs = 1000 # Used way at the bottom in the training loop! checkpoint_every_n_epochs = 1 checkpoint_every_n_updates = 1000 checkpoint_every_n_seconds = 60 * 60 random_state = np.random.RandomState(1999) filepath = "/Tmp/kastner/blizzard_wav_files/*flac" train_itr = audio_file_iterator(filepath, minibatch_size=minibatch_size, stop_index=.9, preprocess="quantize") valid_itr = audio_file_iterator(filepath, minibatch_size=minibatch_size, start_index=.9, preprocess="quantize") X_mb, X_mb_mask = next(train_itr) train_itr.reset() input_dim = 256 n_embed = 256 n_hid = 512 n_bins = 256 desc = "Speech generation" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=desc) parser.add_argument('-s', '--sample', help='Sample from a checkpoint file', default=None, required=False) def restricted_int(x): if x is None: # None makes it "auto" sample return x x = int(x) if x < 1: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("%r not range [1, inf]" % (x,)) return x parser.add_argument('-sl', '--sample_length', help='Number of steps to sample, default is automatic', type=restricted_int, default=None, required=False) def restricted_float(x): if x is None: # None makes it "auto" temperature return x x = float(x) if x <= 0: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("%r not range (0, inf]" % (x,)) return x parser.add_argument('-t', '--temperature', help='Sampling temperature for softmax', type=restricted_float, default=None, required=False) parser.add_argument('-c', '--continue', dest="cont", help='Continue training from another saved model', default=None, required=False) args = parser.parse_args() if args.sample is not None: import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt checkpoint_file = args.sample if not os.path.exists(checkpoint_file): raise ValueError("Checkpoint file path %s" % checkpoint_file, " does not exist!") print(checkpoint_file) checkpoint_dict = load_checkpoint(checkpoint_file) X_mb, X_mb_mask = next(train_itr) train_itr.reset() prev_h1, prev_h2, prev_h3 = [np_zeros((minibatch_size, n_hid)) for i in range(3)] sample_function = checkpoint_dict["sample_function"] if args.temperature is None: args.temperature = 1. if args.sample_length is None: raise ValueError("NYI - use -sl or --sample_length ") else: fixed_steps = args.sample_length temperature = args.temperature completed = [] # 0 is in the middle # CANNOT BE 1 timestep - will get floating point exception! # 2 may still be buggy because X_sym gets sliced and scan gets mad with 1 timestep usually... init_x = 127 + np_zeros((3, minibatch_size, 1)).astype(theano.config.floatX) for i in range(fixed_steps): if i % 100 == 0: print("Sampling step %i" % i) rvals = sample_function(init_x, prev_h1, prev_h2, prev_h3) sampled, h1_s, h2_s, h3_s = rvals pred_s = numpy_softmax(sampled, temperature=temperature) # debug=True gives argmax # use 0 since it is a moving window choice = numpy_sample_softmax(pred_s[0], random_state) choice = choice[None] completed.append(choice) # use 3 since scan is throwing exceptions init_x = np.concatenate((choice[..., None], choice[..., None], choice[..., None]), axis=0) init_x = init_x.astype(theano.config.floatX) # use next step prev_h1 = h1_s[0] prev_h2 = h2_s[0] prev_h3 = h3_s[0] print("Completed sampling after %i steps" % fixed_steps) # mb, length completed = np.array(completed)[:, 0, :] completed = completed.transpose(1, 0) # all samples would be range(len(completed)) for i in range(10): ex = completed[i].ravel() s = "gen_%i.wav" % (i) """ ex = ex.astype("float32") ex -= ex.min() ex /= ex.max() ex -= 0.5 ex *= 0.95 wavfile.write(s, fs, ex) """ wavfile.write(s, fs, soundsc(ex)) print("Sampling complete, exiting...") sys.exit() else: print("No plotting arguments, starting training mode!") X_sym = tensor.tensor3("X_sym") X_sym.tag.test_value = X_mb[:cut_len] X_mask_sym = tensor.matrix("X_mask_sym") X_mask_sym.tag.test_value = X_mb_mask[:cut_len] init_h1_i = tensor.matrix("init_h1") init_h1_i.tag.test_value = np_zeros((minibatch_size, n_hid)) init_h2_i = tensor.matrix("init_h2") init_h2_i.tag.test_value = np_zeros((minibatch_size, n_hid)) init_h3_i = tensor.matrix("init_h3") init_h3_i.tag.test_value = np_zeros((minibatch_size, n_hid)) init_h1, init_h2, init_h3 = LearnedInitHidden( [init_h1_i, init_h2_i, init_h3_i], 3 * [(minibatch_size, n_hid)]) inpt = X_sym[:-1] target = X_sym[1:] mask = X_mask_sym[:-1] embed_dim = 256 embed1 = Embedding(inpt, 256, embed_dim, random_state) in_h1, ingate_h1 = GRUFork([embed1], [embed_dim], n_hid, random_state) in_h2, ingate_h2 = GRUFork([embed1], [embed_dim], n_hid, random_state) in_h3, ingate_h3 = GRUFork([embed1], [embed_dim], n_hid, random_state) def step(in_h1_t, ingate_h1_t, in_h2_t, ingate_h2_t, in_h3_t, ingate_h3_t, h1_tm1, h2_tm1, h3_tm1): h1_t = GRU(in_h1_t, ingate_h1_t, h1_tm1, n_hid, n_hid, random_state) h1_h2_t, h1gate_h2_t = GRUFork([h1_t], [n_hid], n_hid, random_state) h1_h3_t, h1gate_h3_t = GRUFork([h1_t], [n_hid], n_hid, random_state) h2_t = GRU(h1_h2_t + in_h2_t, h1gate_h2_t + ingate_h2_t, h2_tm1, n_hid, n_hid, random_state) h2_h3_t, h2gate_h3_t = GRUFork([h2_t], [n_hid], n_hid, random_state) h3_t = GRU(h2_h3_t + in_h3_t + h1_h3_t, h2gate_h3_t + ingate_h3_t + h1gate_h3_t, h3_tm1, n_hid, n_hid, random_state) return h1_t, h2_t, h3_t (h1, h2, h3), updates = theano.scan( fn=step, sequences=[in_h1, ingate_h1, in_h2, ingate_h2, in_h3, ingate_h3], outputs_info=[init_h1, init_h2, init_h3]) out = Linear([embed1, h1, h2, h3], [embed_dim, n_hid, n_hid, n_hid], n_bins, random_state) pred = softmax(out) shp = target.shape target = target.reshape((shp[0], shp[1])) target = theano_one_hot(target, n_classes=n_bins) # dimshuffle so batch is on last axis cost = categorical_crossentropy(pred, target) cost = cost * mask.dimshuffle(0, 1) # sum over sequence length and features, mean over minibatch cost = cost.dimshuffle(1, 0) cost = cost.mean() # convert to bits vs nats cost = cost * tensor.cast(1.44269504089, theano.config.floatX) params = param_search(cost, lambda x: hasattr(x, "param")) print_param_info(params) grads = tensor.grad(cost, params) grads = [tensor.clip(g, -1., 1.) for g in grads] learning_rate = 1E-3 opt = adam(params, learning_rate) updates = opt.updates(params, grads) if args.cont is not None: print("Continuing training from saved model") continue_path = args.cont if not os.path.exists(continue_path): raise ValueError("Continue model %s, path not " "found" % continue_path) saved_checkpoint = load_checkpoint(continue_path) checkpoint_dict = saved_checkpoint train_function = checkpoint_dict["train_function"] cost_function = checkpoint_dict["cost_function"] predict_function = checkpoint_dict["predict_function"] sample_function = checkpoint_dict["sample_function"] """ trained_weights = get_values_from_function( saved_checkpoint["train_function"]) set_shared_variables_in_function(train_function, trained_weights) """ else: train_function = theano.function([X_sym, X_mask_sym, init_h1_i, init_h2_i, init_h3_i], [cost, h1, h2, h3], updates=updates, on_unused_input="warn") cost_function = theano.function([X_sym, X_mask_sym, init_h1_i, init_h2_i, init_h3_i], [cost, h1, h2, h3], on_unused_input="warn") predict_function = theano.function([inpt, init_h1_i, init_h2_i, init_h3_i], [out, h1, h2, h3], on_unused_input="warn") sample_function = theano.function([inpt, init_h1_i, init_h2_i, init_h3_i], [out, h1, h2, h3], on_unused_input="warn") checkpoint_dict = {} checkpoint_dict["train_function"] = train_function checkpoint_dict["cost_function"] = cost_function checkpoint_dict["predict_function"] = predict_function checkpoint_dict["sample_function"] = sample_function def _loop(function, itr): prev_h1, prev_h2, prev_h3 = [np_zeros((minibatch_size, n_hid)) for i in range(3)] X_mb, X_mb_mask = next(itr) # Sanity check there are no bugs in the mask assert X_mb_mask.min() > 1E-6 n_cuts = len(X_mb) // cut_len + 1 partial_costs = [] for n in range(n_cuts): if n % 100 == 0: print("step %i" % n, end="") else: print(".", end="") start = n * cut_len stop = (n + 1) * cut_len if len(X_mb[start:stop]) < cut_len: # skip end edge case break rval = function(X_mb[start:stop], X_mb_mask[start:stop], prev_h1, prev_h2, prev_h3) current_cost = rval[0] prev_h1, prev_h2, prev_h3 = rval[1:4] prev_h1 = prev_h1[-1] prev_h2 = prev_h2[-1] prev_h3 = prev_h3[-1] partial_costs.append(current_cost) print("") return partial_costs i = Igor(_loop, train_function, train_itr, cost_function, valid_itr, n_epochs=n_epochs, checkpoint_dict=checkpoint_dict, checkpoint_every_n_updates=checkpoint_every_n_updates, checkpoint_every_n_seconds=checkpoint_every_n_seconds, checkpoint_every_n_epochs=checkpoint_every_n_epochs, skip_minimums=True) #i.refresh(_loop, train_function, train_itr, cost_function, valid_itr, # n_epochs, checkpoint_dict) i.run()
from Components.ActionMap import ActionMap from Components.Sensors import sensors from Components.Sources.Sensor import SensorSource from Components.Sources.StaticText import StaticText from Components.ConfigList import ConfigListScreen from Components.config import getConfigListEntry from Screens.Screen import Screen from Plugins.Plugin import PluginDescriptor from Components.FanControl import fancontrol class TempFanControl(Screen, ConfigListScreen): skin = """ <screen position="center,center" size="570,420" title="Fan Control" > <ePixmap pixmap="skin_default/buttons/red.png" position="0,0" size="140,40" alphatest="on" /> <ePixmap pixmap="skin_default/buttons/green.png" position="140,0" size="140,40" alphatest="on" /> <ePixmap pixmap="skin_default/buttons/yellow.png" position="280,0" size="140,40" alphatest="on" /> <ePixmap pixmap="skin_default/buttons/blue.png" position="420,0" size="140,40" alphatest="on" /> <widget source="red" render="Label" position="0,0" zPosition="1" size="140,40" font="Regular;20" halign="center" valign="center" backgroundColor="#9f1313" transparent="1" /> <widget source="green" render="Label" position="140,0" zPosition="1" size="140,40" font="Regular;20" halign="center" valign="center" backgroundColor="#1f771f" transparent="1" /> <widget source="yellow" render="Label" position="280,0" zPosition="1" size="140,40" font="Regular;20" halign="center" valign="center" backgroundColor="#a08500" transparent="1" /> <widget source="blue" render="Label" position="420,0" zPosition="1" size="140,40" font="Regular;20" halign="center" valign="center" backgroundColor="#18188b" transparent="1" /> <widget name="config" position="10,50" size="550,120" scrollbarMode="showOnDemand" /> <widget source="SensorTempText0" render="Label" position="10,150" zPosition="1" size="90,40" font="Regular;20" halign="left" valign="top" backgroundColor="#9f1313" transparent="1" /> <widget source="SensorTemp0" render="Label" position="100,150" zPosition="1" size="100,20" font="Regular;19" halign="right"> <convert type="SensorToText"></convert> </widget> <widget source="SensorTempText1" render="Label" position="10,170" zPosition="1" size="90,40" font="Regular;20" halign="left" valign="top" backgroundColor="#9f1313" transparent="1" /> <widget source="SensorTemp1" render="Label" position="100,170" zPosition="1" size="100,20" font="Regular;19" halign="right"> <convert type="SensorToText"></convert> </widget> <widget source="SensorTempText2" render="Label" position="10,190" zPosition="1" size="90,40" font="Regular;20" halign="left" valign="top" backgroundColor="#9f1313" transparent="1" /> <widget source="SensorTemp2" render="Label" position="100,190" zPosition="1" size="100,20" font="Regular;19" halign="right"> <convert type="SensorToText"></convert> </widget> <widget source="SensorTempText3" render="Label" position="10,210" zPosition="1" size="90,40" font="Regular;20" halign="left" valign="top" backgroundColor="#9f1313" transparent="1" /> <widget source="SensorTemp3" render="Label" position="100,210" zPosition="1" size="100,20" font="Regular;19" halign="right"> <convert type="SensorToText"></convert> </widget> <widget source="SensorTempText4" render="Label" position="10,230" zPosition="1" size="90,40" font="Regular;20" halign="left" valign="top" backgroundColor="#9f1313" transparent="1" /> <widget source="SensorTemp4" render="Label" position="100,230" zPosition="1" size="100,20" font="Regular;19" halign="right"> <convert type="SensorToText"></convert> </widget> <widget source="SensorTempText5" render="Label" position="10,250" zPosition="1" size="90,40" font="Regular;20" halign="left" valign="top" backgroundColor="#9f1313" transparent="1" /> <widget source="SensorTemp5" render="Label" position="100,250" zPosition="1" size="100,20" font="Regular;19" halign="right"> <convert type="SensorToText"></convert> </widget> <widget source="SensorTempText6" render="Label" position="10,270" zPosition="1" size="90,40" font="Regular;20" halign="left" valign="top" backgroundColor="#9f1313" transparent="1" /> <widget source="SensorTemp6" render="Label" position="100,270" zPosition="1" size="100,20" font="Regular;19" halign="right"> <convert type="SensorToText"></convert> </widget> <widget source="SensorTempText7" render="Label" position="10,290" zPosition="1" size="90,40" font="Regular;20" halign="left" valign="top" backgroundColor="#9f1313" transparent="1" /> <widget source="SensorTemp7" render="Label" position="100,290" zPosition="1" size="100,20" font="Regular;19" halign="right"> <convert type="SensorToText"></convert> </widget> <widget source="SensorFanText0" render="Label" position="290,150" zPosition="1" size="90,40" font="Regular;20" halign="left" valign="top" backgroundColor="#9f1313" transparent="1" /> <widget source="SensorFan0" render="Label" position="380,150" zPosition="1" size="150,20" font="Regular;19" halign="right"> <convert type="SensorToText"></convert> </widget> <widget source="SensorFanText1" render="Label" position="290,170" zPosition="1" size="90,40" font="Regular;20" halign="left" valign="top" backgroundColor="#9f1313" transparent="1" /> <widget source="SensorFan1" render="Label" position="380,170" zPosition="1" size="150,20" font="Regular;19" halign="right"> <convert type="SensorToText"></convert> </widget> <widget source="SensorFanText2" render="Label" position="290,190" zPosition="1" size="90,40" font="Regular;20" halign="left" valign="top" backgroundColor="#9f1313" transparent="1" /> <widget source="SensorFan2" render="Label" position="380,190" zPosition="1" size="150,20" font="Regular;19" halign="right"> <convert type="SensorToText"></convert> </widget> <widget source="SensorFanText3" render="Label" position="290,210" zPosition="1" size="90,40" font="Regular;20" halign="left" valign="top" backgroundColor="#9f1313" transparent="1" /> <widget source="SensorFan3" render="Label" position="380,210" zPosition="1" size="150,20" font="Regular;19" halign="right"> <convert type="SensorToText"></convert> </widget> <widget source="SensorFanText4" render="Label" position="290,230" zPosition="1" size="90,40" font="Regular;20" halign="left" valign="top" backgroundColor="#9f1313" transparent="1" /> <widget source="SensorFan4" render="Label" position="380,230" zPosition="1" size="150,20" font="Regular;19" halign="right"> <convert type="SensorToText"></convert> </widget> <widget source="SensorFanText5" render="Label" position="290,250" zPosition="1" size="90,40" font="Regular;20" halign="left" valign="top" backgroundColor="#9f1313" transparent="1" /> <widget source="SensorFan5" render="Label" position="380,250" zPosition="1" size="150,20" font="Regular;19" halign="right"> <convert type="SensorToText"></convert> </widget> <widget source="SensorFanText6" render="Label" position="290,270" zPosition="1" size="90,40" font="Regular;20" halign="left" valign="top" backgroundColor="#9f1313" transparent="1" /> <widget source="SensorFan6" render="Label" position="380,270" zPosition="1" size="150,20" font="Regular;19" halign="right"> <convert type="SensorToText"></convert> </widget> <widget source="SensorFanText7" render="Label" position="290,290" zPosition="1" size="90,40" font="Regular;20" halign="left" valign="top" backgroundColor="#9f1313" transparent="1" /> <widget source="SensorFan7" render="Label" position="380,290" zPosition="1" size="150,20" font="Regular;19" halign="right"> <convert type="SensorToText"></convert> </widget> </screen>""" def __init__(self, session, args = None): Screen.__init__(self, session) templist = sensors.getSensorsList(sensors.TYPE_TEMPERATURE) tempcount = len(templist) fanlist = sensors.getSensorsList(sensors.TYPE_FAN_RPM) fancount = len(fanlist) self["red"] = StaticText(_("Cancel")) self["green"] = StaticText(_("OK")) self["yellow"] = StaticText("") self["blue"] = StaticText("") for count in range(8): if count < tempcount: id = templist[count] self["SensorTempText%d" % count] = StaticText(sensors.getSensorName(id)) self["SensorTemp%d" % count] = SensorSource(sensorid = id) else: self["SensorTempText%d" % count] = StaticText("") self["SensorTemp%d" % count] = SensorSource() if count < fancount: id = fanlist[count] self["SensorFanText%d" % count] = StaticText(sensors.getSensorName(id)) self["SensorFan%d" % count] = SensorSource(sensorid = id) else: self["SensorFanText%d" % count] = StaticText("") self["SensorFan%d" % count] = SensorSource() self.list = [] for count in range(fancontrol.getFanCount()): self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Fan %d Voltage") % (count + 1), fancontrol.getConfig(count).vlt)) self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Fan %d PWM") % (count + 1), fancontrol.getConfig(count).pwm)) self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Standby Fan %d Voltage") % (count + 1), fancontrol.getConfig(count).vlt_standby)) self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Standby Fan %d PWM") % (count + 1), fancontrol.getConfig(count).pwm_standby)) ConfigListScreen.__init__(self, self.list, session = self.session) #self["config"].list = self.list #self["config"].setList(self.list) self["config"].l.setSeperation(300) self["actions"] = ActionMap(["OkCancelActions", "ColorActions", "MenuActions"], { "ok": self.save, "cancel": self.revert, "red": self.revert, "green": self.save, "menu": self.closeRecursive, }, -1) def save(self): for count in range(fancontrol.getFanCount()): fancontrol.getConfig(count).vlt.save() fancontrol.getConfig(count).pwm.save() fancontrol.getConfig(count).vlt_standby.save() fancontrol.getConfig(count).pwm_standby.save() self.close() def revert(self): for count in range(fancontrol.getFanCount()): fancontrol.getConfig(count).vlt.load() fancontrol.getConfig(count).pwm.load() fancontrol.getConfig(count).vlt_standby.load() fancontrol.getConfig(count).pwm_standby.load() self.close() def main(session, **kwargs): session.open(TempFanControl) def startMenu(menuid): if menuid != "system": return [] return [(_("Temperature and Fan control"), main, "tempfancontrol", 80)] def Plugins(**kwargs): return PluginDescriptor(name = "Temperature and Fan control", description = _("Temperature and Fan control"), where = PluginDescriptor.WHERE_MENU, needsRestart = False, fnc = startMenu)
# -*- encoding: UTF-8 -*- import sys import motion import almath from naoqi import ALProxy def StiffnessOn(proxy): # We use the "Body" name to signify the collection of all joints pNames = "Body" pStiffnessLists = 1.0 pTimeLists = 1.0 proxy.stiffnessInterpolation(pNames, pStiffnessLists, pTimeLists) def main(robotIP): ''' Example showing a Hula Hoop Motion with the NAO cartesian control of torso ''' # Init proxies. try: motionProxy = ALProxy("ALMotion", robotIP, 9559) except Exception, e: print "Could not create proxy to ALMotion" print "Error was: ", e try: postureProxy = ALProxy("ALRobotPosture", robotIP, 9559) except Exception, e: print "Could not create proxy to ALRobotPosture" print "Error was: ", e # Set NAO in Stiffness On StiffnessOn(motionProxy) # Send NAO to Pose Init postureProxy.goToPosture("StandInit", 0.5) # Define the changes relative to the current position dx = 0.07 # translation axis X (meter) dy = 0.07 # translation axis Y (meter) dwx = 0.15 # rotation axis X (rad) dwy = 0.15 # rotation axis Y (rad) # Define a path of two hula hoop loops path = [ [+dx, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -dwy, 0.0], # point 01 : forward / bend backward [0.0, -dy, 0.0, -dwx, 0.0, 0.0], # point 02 : right / bend left [-dx, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, dwy, 0.0], # point 03 : backward / bend forward [0.0, +dy, 0.0, dwx, 0.0, 0.0], # point 04 : left / bend right [+dx, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -dwy, 0.0], # point 01 : forward / bend backward [0.0, -dy, 0.0, -dwx, 0.0, 0.0], # point 02 : right / bend left [-dx, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, dwy, 0.0], # point 03 : backward / bend forward [0.0, +dy, 0.0, dwx, 0.0, 0.0], # point 04 : left / bend right [+dx, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -dwy, 0.0], # point 05 : forward / bend backward [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] ] # point 06 : Back to init pose timeOneMove = 0.4 #seconds times = [] for i in range(len(path)): times.append( (i+1)*timeOneMove ) # call the cartesian control API effector = "Torso" space = motion.FRAME_ROBOT axisMask = almath.AXIS_MASK_ALL isAbsolute = False motionProxy.positionInterpolation(effector, space, path, axisMask, times, isAbsolute) if __name__ == "__main__": robotIp = "" if len(sys.argv) <= 1: print "Usage python motion_hulaHoop.py robotIP (optional default:" else: robotIp = sys.argv[1] main(robotIp)
''' Input : n=1 Output: {} Input : n=2 Output: {}{} {{}} https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/print-all-combinations-of-balanced-parentheses/ ''' def printParenthesis(string, openP, closeP): if(openP==0 and closeP==0): # all opening and closing are done print string else: if(openP>closeP): return if(closeP>0): printParenthesis(string+'}',openP,closeP-1) if(openP>0): printParenthesis(string+'{',openP-1,closeP) n = 3 printParenthesis("", n,n)
from ez_setup import use_setuptools use_setuptools() from setuptools import setup, find_packages from distutils import core from distutils.command.install import install import sys, os, subprocess def read(fname): return open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname)).read() def git(*args): return subprocess.check_call(['git'] + list(args)) class low_speed_spidev(install): def run(self): spidev_directory = subprocess.Popen(["pwd"],stdout=subprocess.PIPE) spidev_directory, err = spidev_directory.communicate() spidev_directory = spidev_directory.rstrip() + "/low_speed_spidev" os.chdir("/usr/src/kernel/") subprocess.call(["make", "scripts"]) subprocess.call("make") os.chdir(spidev_directory) subprocess.call(["insmod", "low-speed-spidev.ko"]) os.chdir("..") class install_all(install): def run(self): current_directory = subprocess.Popen(["pwd"],stdout=subprocess.PIPE) current_directory, err = current_directory.communicate() subprocess.call(["sh","depends.sh"]) subprocess.call(["pip install -r requirements.txt --no-clean"], shell=True) install.run(self) setup(name = 'Maker project package', version = '0.4', author = 'Adafruit Industries, Intel Corporation', author_email = '[email protected], [email protected]', description = 'Library to provide a cross-platform GPIO interface on the Raspberry Pi and Beaglebone Black using the RPi.GPIO and Adafruit_BBIO libraries. Python code to run the hardware needed for the Minnowboard maker projects found at wiki.minnowboard.org', license = 'MIT', packages = ['pyDrivers' , 'Adafruit_Python_GPIO/Adafruit_GPIO'], long_description = read('README.md'), cmdclass={'low_speed_spidev':low_speed_spidev, 'install_all':install_all}, install_requires=['PIL', 'numpy'], )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # AZURE CLI EventHub - NAMESPACE TEST DEFINITIONS import time from azure.cli.testsdk import (ScenarioTest, ResourceGroupPreparer, KeyVaultPreparer) # pylint: disable=line-too-long # pylint: disable=too-many-lines class EHNamespaceBYOKCURDScenarioTest(ScenarioTest): from azure.cli.testsdk.scenario_tests import AllowLargeResponse @AllowLargeResponse() @ResourceGroupPreparer(name_prefix='cli_test_eh_namespace') @KeyVaultPreparer(name_prefix='cli', name_len=15, additional_params='--enable-soft-delete --enable-purge-protection') def test_eh_namespace_premium(self, resource_group): self.kwargs.update({ 'loc': 'eastus', 'rg': resource_group, 'namespacename': self.create_random_name(prefix='eventhubs-nscli', length=20), 'namespacename1': self.create_random_name(prefix='eventhubs-nscli', length=20), 'namespacename2': self.create_random_name(prefix='eventhubs-nscli', length=20), 'namespacenamekafka': self.create_random_name(prefix='eventhubs-nscli1', length=20), 'tags': {'tag1=value1'}, 'tags2': {'tag2=value2'}, 'sku': 'Standard', 'skupremium': 'Premium', 'authoname': self.create_random_name(prefix='cliAutho', length=20), 'defaultauthorizationrule': 'RootManageSharedAccessKey', 'accessrights': 'Send', 'accessrights1': 'Listen', 'primary': 'PrimaryKey', 'secondary': 'SecondaryKey', 'istrue': 'True', 'isfalse': 'False', 'enableidentity': 'True', 'maximumthroughputunits': 40, 'maximumthroughputunits_update': 5 }) kv_name = self.kwargs['kv'] key_name = self.create_random_name(prefix='cli', length=15) key_uri = "https://{}.vault.azure.net/".format(kv_name) self.kwargs.update({ 'kv_name': kv_name, 'key_name': key_name, 'key_uri': key_uri }) # Check for the NameSpace name Availability self.cmd('eventhubs namespace exists --name {namespacename}', checks=[self.check('nameAvailable', True)]) # Create Namespace self.cmd('eventhubs namespace create --resource-group {rg} --name {namespacename} --location {loc} --tags {tags}' ' --sku {sku} --maximum-throughput-units {maximumthroughputunits} --disable-local-auth {istrue} --enable-auto-inflate {istrue}', checks=[self.check('maximumThroughputUnits', '{maximumthroughputunits}'), self.check('disableLocalAuth', '{istrue}')]) self.kwargs.update({ 'maximumthroughputunits': 35}) # Update Namespace self.cmd('eventhubs namespace update --resource-group {rg} --name {namespacename} ' '--tags {tags2} --maximum-throughput-units {maximumthroughputunits}', checks=[self.check('maximumThroughputUnits', '{maximumthroughputunits}')]) self.kwargs.update({ 'maximumthroughputunits': 16}) # Create Namespace - premium self.cmd( 'eventhubs namespace create --resource-group {rg} --name {namespacename1} --location {loc} --tags {tags}' ' --sku {skupremium} --disable-local-auth {isfalse}', checks=[self.check('disableLocalAuth', '{isfalse}'), self.check('sku.name', '{skupremium}')]) # Update Namespace self.cmd('eventhubs namespace update --resource-group {rg} --name {namespacename1} --disable-local-auth {istrue} ' '--tags {tags2}') # Delete Namespace list by ResourceGroup self.cmd('eventhubs namespace delete --resource-group {rg} --name {namespacename}') self.cmd('eventhubs namespace delete --resource-group {rg} --name {namespacename1}')
# Copyright (c) 2015 OpenStack Foundation. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import functools from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from sqlalchemy.orm import exc from neutron.api.v2 import attributes from neutron.common import constants from neutron.common import exceptions as n_exc from neutron.common import utils from neutron.db import common_db_mixin from neutron.db import models_v2 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class DbBasePluginCommon(common_db_mixin.CommonDbMixin): """Stores getters and helper methods for db_base_plugin_v2 All private getters and simple helpers like _make_*_dict were moved from db_base_plugin_v2. More complicated logic and public methods left in db_base_plugin_v2. Main purpose of this class is to make getters accessible for Ipam backends. """ @staticmethod def _generate_mac(): return utils.get_random_mac(cfg.CONF.base_mac.split(':')) @staticmethod def _delete_ip_allocation(context, network_id, subnet_id, ip_address): # Delete the IP address from the IPAllocate table LOG.debug("Delete allocated IP %(ip_address)s " "(%(network_id)s/%(subnet_id)s)", {'ip_address': ip_address, 'network_id': network_id, 'subnet_id': subnet_id}) context.session.query(models_v2.IPAllocation).filter_by( network_id=network_id, ip_address=ip_address, subnet_id=subnet_id).delete() @staticmethod def _store_ip_allocation(context, ip_address, network_id, subnet_id, port_id): LOG.debug("Allocated IP %(ip_address)s " "(%(network_id)s/%(subnet_id)s/%(port_id)s)", {'ip_address': ip_address, 'network_id': network_id, 'subnet_id': subnet_id, 'port_id': port_id}) allocated = models_v2.IPAllocation( network_id=network_id, port_id=port_id, ip_address=ip_address, subnet_id=subnet_id ) context.session.add(allocated) def _make_subnet_dict(self, subnet, fields=None, context=None): res = {'id': subnet['id'], 'name': subnet['name'], 'tenant_id': subnet['tenant_id'], 'network_id': subnet['network_id'], 'ip_version': subnet['ip_version'], 'cidr': subnet['cidr'], 'subnetpool_id': subnet.get('subnetpool_id'), 'allocation_pools': [{'start': pool['first_ip'], 'end': pool['last_ip']} for pool in subnet['allocation_pools']], 'gateway_ip': subnet['gateway_ip'], 'enable_dhcp': subnet['enable_dhcp'], 'ipv6_ra_mode': subnet['ipv6_ra_mode'], 'ipv6_address_mode': subnet['ipv6_address_mode'], 'dns_nameservers': [dns['address'] for dns in subnet['dns_nameservers']], 'host_routes': [{'destination': route['destination'], 'nexthop': route['nexthop']} for route in subnet['routes']], } # The shared attribute for a subnet is the same as its parent network res['shared'] = self._make_network_dict(subnet.networks, context=context)['shared'] # Call auxiliary extend functions, if any self._apply_dict_extend_functions(attributes.SUBNETS, res, subnet) return self._fields(res, fields) def _make_subnetpool_dict(self, subnetpool, fields=None): default_prefixlen = str(subnetpool['default_prefixlen']) min_prefixlen = str(subnetpool['min_prefixlen']) max_prefixlen = str(subnetpool['max_prefixlen']) res = {'id': subnetpool['id'], 'name': subnetpool['name'], 'tenant_id': subnetpool['tenant_id'], 'default_prefixlen': default_prefixlen, 'min_prefixlen': min_prefixlen, 'max_prefixlen': max_prefixlen, 'shared': subnetpool['shared'], 'prefixes': [prefix['cidr'] for prefix in subnetpool['prefixes']], 'ip_version': subnetpool['ip_version'], 'default_quota': subnetpool['default_quota']} return self._fields(res, fields) def _make_port_dict(self, port, fields=None, process_extensions=True): res = {"id": port["id"], 'name': port['name'], "network_id": port["network_id"], 'tenant_id': port['tenant_id'], "mac_address": port["mac_address"], "admin_state_up": port["admin_state_up"], "status": port["status"], "fixed_ips": [{'subnet_id': ip["subnet_id"], 'ip_address': ip["ip_address"]} for ip in port["fixed_ips"]], "device_id": port["device_id"], "device_owner": port["device_owner"]} # Call auxiliary extend functions, if any if process_extensions: self._apply_dict_extend_functions( attributes.PORTS, res, port) return self._fields(res, fields) def _get_ipam_subnetpool_driver(self, context, subnetpool=None): if cfg.CONF.ipam_driver: return ipam_base.Pool.get_instance(subnetpool, context) else: return subnet_alloc.SubnetAllocator(subnetpool, context) def _get_network(self, context, id): try: network = self._get_by_id(context, models_v2.Network, id) except exc.NoResultFound: raise n_exc.NetworkNotFound(net_id=id) return network def _get_subnet(self, context, id): try: subnet = self._get_by_id(context, models_v2.Subnet, id) except exc.NoResultFound: raise n_exc.SubnetNotFound(subnet_id=id) return subnet def _get_subnetpool(self, context, id): try: return self._get_by_id(context, models_v2.SubnetPool, id) except exc.NoResultFound: raise n_exc.SubnetPoolNotFound(subnetpool_id=id) def _get_all_subnetpools(self, context): # NOTE(tidwellr): see note in _get_all_subnets() return context.session.query(models_v2.SubnetPool).all() def _get_port(self, context, id): try: port = self._get_by_id(context, models_v2.Port, id) except exc.NoResultFound: raise n_exc.PortNotFound(port_id=id) return port def _get_dns_by_subnet(self, context, subnet_id): dns_qry = context.session.query(models_v2.DNSNameServer) return dns_qry.filter_by(subnet_id=subnet_id).all() def _get_route_by_subnet(self, context, subnet_id): route_qry = context.session.query(models_v2.SubnetRoute) return route_qry.filter_by(subnet_id=subnet_id).all() def _get_router_gw_ports_by_network(self, context, network_id): port_qry = context.session.query(models_v2.Port) return port_qry.filter_by(network_id=network_id, device_owner=constants.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_GW).all() def _get_subnets_by_network(self, context, network_id): subnet_qry = context.session.query(models_v2.Subnet) return subnet_qry.filter_by(network_id=network_id).all() def _get_subnets_by_subnetpool(self, context, subnetpool_id): subnet_qry = context.session.query(models_v2.Subnet) return subnet_qry.filter_by(subnetpool_id=subnetpool_id).all() def _get_all_subnets(self, context): # NOTE(salvatore-orlando): This query might end up putting # a lot of stress on the db. Consider adding a cache layer return context.session.query(models_v2.Subnet).all() def _get_subnets(self, context, filters=None, fields=None, sorts=None, limit=None, marker=None, page_reverse=False): marker_obj = self._get_marker_obj(context, 'subnet', limit, marker) make_subnet_dict = functools.partial(self._make_subnet_dict, context=context) return self._get_collection(context, models_v2.Subnet, make_subnet_dict, filters=filters, fields=fields, sorts=sorts, limit=limit, marker_obj=marker_obj, page_reverse=page_reverse) def _make_network_dict(self, network, fields=None, process_extensions=True, context=None): res = {'id': network['id'], 'name': network['name'], 'tenant_id': network['tenant_id'], 'admin_state_up': network['admin_state_up'], 'mtu': network.get('mtu', constants.DEFAULT_NETWORK_MTU), 'status': network['status'], 'subnets': [subnet['id'] for subnet in network['subnets']]} # The shared attribute for a network now reflects if the network # is shared to the calling tenant via an RBAC entry. shared = False matches = ('*',) + ((context.tenant_id,) if context else ()) for entry in network.rbac_entries: if (entry.action == 'access_as_shared' and entry.target_tenant in matches): shared = True break res['shared'] = shared # TODO(pritesh): Move vlan_transparent to the extension module. # vlan_transparent here is only added if the vlantransparent # extension is enabled. if ('vlan_transparent' in network and network['vlan_transparent'] != attributes.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED): res['vlan_transparent'] = network['vlan_transparent'] # Call auxiliary extend functions, if any if process_extensions: self._apply_dict_extend_functions( attributes.NETWORKS, res, network) return self._fields(res, fields) def _make_subnet_args(self, detail, subnet, subnetpool_id): gateway_ip = str(detail.gateway_ip) if detail.gateway_ip else None args = {'tenant_id': detail.tenant_id, 'id': subnet['id'], 'name': subnet['name'], 'network_id': subnet['network_id'], 'ip_version': subnet['ip_version'], 'cidr': str(detail.subnet_cidr), 'subnetpool_id': subnetpool_id, 'enable_dhcp': subnet['enable_dhcp'], 'gateway_ip': gateway_ip} if subnet['ip_version'] == 6 and subnet['enable_dhcp']: if attributes.is_attr_set(subnet['ipv6_ra_mode']): args['ipv6_ra_mode'] = subnet['ipv6_ra_mode'] if attributes.is_attr_set(subnet['ipv6_address_mode']): args['ipv6_address_mode'] = subnet['ipv6_address_mode'] return args def _make_fixed_ip_dict(self, ips): # Excludes from dict all keys except subnet_id and ip_address return [{'subnet_id': ip["subnet_id"], 'ip_address': ip["ip_address"]} for ip in ips]
import keras from keras.optimizers import SGD, adadelta, rmsprop, adam from keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator from keras.utils import np_utils from keras.metrics import matthews_correlation, precision, recall import keras.backend as K import cPickle import numpy as np import getpass username = getpass.getuser() from little_foo3 import foo def sens(y_true, y_pred): y_pred_pos = K.round(K.clip(y_pred, 0, 1)) y_pred_neg = 1 - y_pred_pos y_pos = K.round(K.clip(y_true, 0, 1)) y_neg = 1 - y_pos tp = K.sum(y_pos * y_pred_pos) tn = K.sum(y_neg * y_pred_neg) fp = K.sum(y_neg * y_pred_pos) fn = K.sum(y_pos * y_pred_neg) se = tp / (tp + fn) return se def spec(y_true, y_pred): y_pred_pos = K.round(K.clip(y_pred, 0, 1)) y_pred_neg = 1 - y_pred_pos y_pos = K.round(K.clip(y_true, 0, 1)) y_neg = 1 - y_pos tp = K.sum(y_pos * y_pred_pos) tn = K.sum(y_neg * y_pred_neg) fp = K.sum(y_neg * y_pred_pos) fn = K.sum(y_pos * y_pred_neg) sp = tn / (fp + tn) return sp def get_weights(n_dataset, username): weights='best_weights_v5_labcrossval_{0}_train_3_{1}.h5'.format(i, username) model = foo() model.load_weights(weights) print ('weights loaded') return model def get_data(n_dataset): f = file('MODS_224_224_{0}_test_3.pkl'.format(n_dataset),'rb') data = cPickle.load(f) f.close() validation_data = data[0] training_data = data[1] t_data = training_data[0] t_label = training_data[1] test_data = validation_data[0] test_label = validation_data[1] t_data = np.array(t_data) t_label = np.array(t_label) test_data = np.array(test_data) test_label = np.array(test_label) t_data = t_data.reshape(t_data.shape[0], 1, 224, 224) test_data = test_data.reshape(test_data.shape[0], 1, 224, 224) #less precision means less memory needed: 64 -> 32 (half the memory used) t_data = t_data.astype('float32') test_data = test_data.astype('float32') return (t_data, t_label), (test_data, test_label) def test_net(i): model = get_weights(i, username) print 'using weights from net trained on dataset {0}'.format(i) history = LossAccHistory() (X_train, y_train), (X_test, y_test) = get_data(i) Y_test = np_utils.to_categorical(y_test, nb_classes) X_test /= 255 print(X_test.shape[0], 'test samples') model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer= rmsprop(lr=0.001), #adadelta metrics=['accuracy', 'matthews_correlation', 'precision', 'recall', sens, spec]) score = model.evaluate(X_test, Y_test, verbose=1) print (model.metrics_names, score) if (len(cvscores[0])==0): #if metric names haven't been saved, do so cvscores[0].append(model.metrics_names) else: counter = 1 for k in score: #for each test metric, append it to the cvscores list cvscores[counter].append(k) counter +=1 model.reset_states() def cv_calc(): #calculate mean and stdev for each metric, and append them to test_metrics file test_metrics.append(cvscores[0]) other_counter = 0 for metric in cvscores[1:]: v = 'test {0}: {1:.4f} +/- {2:.4f}%'.format(cvscores[0][0][other_counter], np.mean(metric), np.std(metric)) print v test_metrics.append(v) other_counter +=1 if other_counter == 7: other_counter=0 return cvscores, test_metrics def save_metrics(cvscores, test_metrics): #save test metrics to txt file file = open('MODS_test_metrics_labscrossval.txt', 'w') for j in cvscores: file.write('\n%s\n' % j) for i in test_metrics: file.write('\n%s\n' % i) file.close() print test_metrics class LossAccHistory(keras.callbacks.Callback): def on_train_begin(self, logs={}): self.losses = [] self.accu = [] def on_batch_end(self, batch, logs={}): self.losses.append(logs.get('loss')) self.accu.append(logs.get('acc')) nb_classes = 2 nb_epoch = 100 n_dataset = 5 dropout = 0.5 batch_size = 72 optimizer = 'rmsprop' test_metrics = [] cvscores = [[],[],[],[],[],[], [], []] #cvscores = [[metrics],[loss],[acc],[mcc],[precision],[recall], [sens], [spec]] for i in xrange(n_dataset): test_net(i) cvscores, test_metrics = cv_calc() print cvscores, test_metrics save_metrics(cvscores, test_metrics)
# http://codingbat.com/prob/p184853 def big_diff(nums): max_num = nums[0] min_num = nums[0] for num in nums: max_num = max(num, max_num) min_num = min(num, min_num) return abs(max_num - min_num)
"""Public interface managing the workflow for peer assessments. The Peer Assessment Workflow API exposes all public actions required to complete the workflow for a given submission. """ import logging from django.db import DatabaseError, IntegrityError, transaction from django.utils import timezone from dogapi import dog_stats_api from openassessment.assessment.errors import (PeerAssessmentInternalError, PeerAssessmentRequestError, PeerAssessmentWorkflowError) from openassessment.assessment.models import (Assessment, AssessmentFeedback, AssessmentPart, InvalidRubricSelection, PeerWorkflow, PeerWorkflowItem) from openassessment.assessment.serializers import (AssessmentFeedbackSerializer, InvalidRubric, RubricSerializer, full_assessment_dict, rubric_from_dict, serialize_assessments) from submissions import api as sub_api logger = logging.getLogger("openassessment.assessment.api.peer") PEER_TYPE = "PE" def submitter_is_finished(submission_uuid, peer_requirements): """ Check whether the submitter has made the required number of assessments. If the requirements dict is None (because we're being updated asynchronously or when the workflow is first created), then automatically return False. Args: submission_uuid (str): The UUID of the submission being tracked. peer_requirements (dict): Dictionary with the key "must_grade" indicating the required number of submissions the student must grade. Returns: bool """ if peer_requirements is None: return False try: workflow = PeerWorkflow.objects.get(submission_uuid=submission_uuid) if workflow.completed_at is not None: return True elif workflow.num_peers_graded() >= peer_requirements["must_grade"]: workflow.completed_at = timezone.now() workflow.save() return True return False except PeerWorkflow.DoesNotExist: return False except KeyError: raise PeerAssessmentRequestError(u'Requirements dict must contain "must_grade" key') def assessment_is_finished(submission_uuid, peer_requirements): """ Check whether the submitter has received enough assessments to get a score. If the requirements dict is None (because we're being updated asynchronously or when the workflow is first created), then automatically return False. Args: submission_uuid (str): The UUID of the submission being tracked. peer_requirements (dict): Dictionary with the key "must_be_graded_by" indicating the required number of assessments the student must receive to get a score. Returns: bool """ if not peer_requirements: return False workflow = PeerWorkflow.get_by_submission_uuid(submission_uuid) if workflow is None: return False scored_items = workflow.graded_by.filter( assessment__submission_uuid=submission_uuid, assessment__score_type=PEER_TYPE ) return scored_items.count() >= peer_requirements["must_be_graded_by"] def on_start(submission_uuid): """Create a new peer workflow for a student item and submission. Creates a unique peer workflow for a student item, associated with a submission. Args: submission_uuid (str): The submission associated with this workflow. Returns: None Raises: SubmissionError: There was an error retrieving the submission. PeerAssessmentInternalError: Raised when there is an internal error creating the Workflow. """ try: with transaction.atomic(): submission = sub_api.get_submission_and_student(submission_uuid) workflow, __ = PeerWorkflow.objects.get_or_create( student_id=submission['student_item']['student_id'], course_id=submission['student_item']['course_id'], item_id=submission['student_item']['item_id'], submission_uuid=submission_uuid ) workflow.save() except IntegrityError: # If we get an integrity error, it means someone else has already # created a workflow for this submission, so we don't need to do anything. pass except DatabaseError: error_message = ( u"An internal error occurred while creating a new peer " u"workflow for submission {}" .format(submission_uuid) ) logger.exception(error_message) raise PeerAssessmentInternalError(error_message) def get_score(submission_uuid, peer_requirements): """ Retrieve a score for a submission if requirements have been satisfied. Args: submission_uuid (str): The UUID of the submission. requirements (dict): Dictionary with the key "must_be_graded_by" indicating the required number of assessments the student must receive to get a score. Returns: A dictionary with the points earned, points possible, and contributing_assessments information, along with a None staff_id. """ if peer_requirements is None: return None # User hasn't completed their own submission yet if not submitter_is_finished(submission_uuid, peer_requirements): return None workflow = PeerWorkflow.get_by_submission_uuid(submission_uuid) if workflow is None: return None # Retrieve the assessments in ascending order by score date, # because we want to use the *first* one(s) for the score. items = workflow.graded_by.filter( assessment__submission_uuid=submission_uuid, assessment__score_type=PEER_TYPE ).order_by('-assessment') submission_finished = items.count() >= peer_requirements["must_be_graded_by"] if not submission_finished: return None # Unfortunately, we cannot use update() after taking a slice, # so we need to update the and save the items individually. # One might be tempted to first query for the first n assessments, # then select items that have those assessments. # However, this generates a SQL query with a LIMIT in a subquery, # which is not supported by some versions of MySQL. # Although this approach generates more database queries, the number is likely to # be relatively small (at least 1 and very likely less than 5). for scored_item in items[:peer_requirements["must_be_graded_by"]]: scored_item.scored = True scored_item.save() assessments = [item.assessment for item in items] return { "points_earned": sum( get_assessment_median_scores(submission_uuid).values() ), "points_possible": assessments[0].points_possible, "contributing_assessments": [assessment.id for assessment in assessments], "staff_id": None, } def create_assessment( scorer_submission_uuid, scorer_id, options_selected, criterion_feedback, overall_feedback, rubric_dict, num_required_grades, scored_at=None ): """Creates an assessment on the given submission. Assessments are created based on feedback associated with a particular rubric. Args: scorer_submission_uuid (str): The submission uuid for the Scorer's workflow. The submission being assessed can be determined via the peer workflow of the grading student. scorer_id (str): The user ID for the user giving this assessment. This is required to create an assessment on a submission. options_selected (dict): Dictionary mapping criterion names to the option names the user selected for that criterion. criterion_feedback (dict): Dictionary mapping criterion names to the free-form text feedback the user gave for the criterion. Since criterion feedback is optional, some criteria may not appear in the dictionary. overall_feedback (unicode): Free-form text feedback on the submission overall. num_required_grades (int): The required number of assessments a submission requires before it is completed. If this number of assessments is reached, the grading_completed_at timestamp is set for the Workflow. Keyword Args: scored_at (datetime): Optional argument to override the time in which the assessment took place. If not specified, scored_at is set to now. Returns: dict: the Assessment model, serialized as a dict. Raises: PeerAssessmentRequestError: Raised when the submission_id is invalid, or the assessment_dict does not contain the required values to create an assessment. PeerAssessmentInternalError: Raised when there is an internal error while creating a new assessment. Examples: >>> options_selected = {"clarity": "Very clear", "precision": "Somewhat precise"} >>> criterion_feedback = {"clarity": "I thought this essay was very clear."} >>> feedback = "Your submission was thrilling." >>> create_assessment("1", "Tim", options_selected, criterion_feedback, feedback, rubric_dict) """ try: # Retrieve workflow information scorer_workflow = PeerWorkflow.objects.get(submission_uuid=scorer_submission_uuid) peer_workflow_item = scorer_workflow.find_active_assessments() if peer_workflow_item is None: message = ( u"There are no open assessments associated with the scorer's " u"submission UUID {}." ).format(scorer_submission_uuid) logger.warning(message) raise PeerAssessmentWorkflowError(message) peer_submission_uuid = peer_workflow_item.submission_uuid assessment = _complete_assessment( rubric_dict, scorer_id, peer_submission_uuid, options_selected, criterion_feedback, scorer_workflow, overall_feedback, num_required_grades, scored_at ) _log_assessment(assessment, scorer_workflow) return full_assessment_dict(assessment) except PeerWorkflow.DoesNotExist: message = ( u"There is no Peer Workflow associated with the given " u"submission UUID {}." ).format(scorer_submission_uuid) logger.exception(message) raise PeerAssessmentWorkflowError(message) except InvalidRubric: msg = u"The rubric definition is not valid." logger.exception(msg) raise PeerAssessmentRequestError(msg) except InvalidRubricSelection: msg = u"Invalid options were selected in the rubric." logger.warning(msg, exc_info=True) raise PeerAssessmentRequestError(msg) except DatabaseError: error_message = ( u"An error occurred while creating an assessment by the scorer with this ID: {}" ).format(scorer_id) logger.exception(error_message) raise PeerAssessmentInternalError(error_message) @transaction.atomic def _complete_assessment( rubric_dict, scorer_id, peer_submission_uuid, options_selected, criterion_feedback, scorer_workflow, overall_feedback, num_required_grades, scored_at ): """ Internal function for atomic assessment creation. Creates a peer assessment and closes the associated peer workflow item in a single transaction. Args: rubric_dict (dict): The rubric model associated with this assessment scorer_id (str): The user ID for the user giving this assessment. This is required to create an assessment on a submission. peer_submission_uuid (str): The submission uuid for the submission being assessed. options_selected (dict): Dictionary mapping criterion names to the option names the user selected for that criterion. criterion_feedback (dict): Dictionary mapping criterion names to the free-form text feedback the user gave for the criterion. Since criterion feedback is optional, some criteria may not appear in the dictionary. scorer_workflow (PeerWorkflow): The PeerWorkflow associated with the scorer. Updates the workflow item associated with this assessment. overall_feedback (unicode): Free-form text feedback on the submission overall. num_required_grades (int): The required number of assessments a submission requires before it is completed. If this number of assessments is reached, the grading_completed_at timestamp is set for the Workflow. scored_at (datetime): Optional argument to override the time in which the assessment took place. If not specified, scored_at is set to now. Returns: The Assessment model """ # Get or create the rubric rubric = rubric_from_dict(rubric_dict) # Create the peer assessment assessment = Assessment.create( rubric, scorer_id, peer_submission_uuid, PEER_TYPE, scored_at=scored_at, feedback=overall_feedback ) # Create assessment parts for each criterion in the rubric # This will raise an `InvalidRubricSelection` if the selected options do not # match the rubric. AssessmentPart.create_from_option_names(assessment, options_selected, feedback=criterion_feedback) # Close the active assessment scorer_workflow.close_active_assessment(peer_submission_uuid, assessment, num_required_grades) return assessment def get_rubric_max_scores(submission_uuid): """Gets the maximum possible value for each criterion option Iterates over the rubric used to grade the given submission, and creates a dictionary of maximum possible values. Args: submission_uuid: The submission to get the associated rubric max scores. Returns: A dictionary of max scores for this rubric's criteria options. Returns None if no assessments are found for this submission. Raises: PeerAssessmentInternalError: Raised when there is an error retrieving the submission, or its associated rubric. """ try: assessments = list( Assessment.objects.filter( submission_uuid=submission_uuid ).order_by("-scored_at", "-id").select_related("rubric")[:1] ) if not assessments: return None assessment = assessments[0] rubric_dict = RubricSerializer.serialized_from_cache(assessment.rubric) return { criterion["name"]: criterion["points_possible"] for criterion in rubric_dict["criteria"] } except DatabaseError: error_message = ( u"Error getting rubric options max scores for submission uuid {uuid}" ).format(uuid=submission_uuid) logger.exception(error_message) raise PeerAssessmentInternalError(error_message) def get_assessment_median_scores(submission_uuid): """Get the median score for each rubric criterion For a given assessment, collect the median score for each criterion on the rubric. This set can be used to determine the overall score, as well as each part of the individual rubric scores. If there is a true median score, it is returned. If there are two median values, the average of those two values is returned, rounded up to the greatest integer value. Args: submission_uuid (str): The submission uuid is used to get the assessments used to score this submission, and generate the appropriate median score. Returns: dict: A dictionary of rubric criterion names, with a median score of the peer assessments. Raises: PeerAssessmentInternalError: If any error occurs while retrieving information to form the median scores, an error is raised. """ try: workflow = PeerWorkflow.objects.get(submission_uuid=submission_uuid) items = workflow.graded_by.filter(scored=True) assessments = [item.assessment for item in items] scores = Assessment.scores_by_criterion(assessments) return Assessment.get_median_score_dict(scores) except PeerWorkflow.DoesNotExist: return {} except DatabaseError: error_message = ( u"Error getting assessment median scores for submission {uuid}" ).format(uuid=submission_uuid) logger.exception(error_message) raise PeerAssessmentInternalError(error_message) def has_finished_required_evaluating(submission_uuid, required_assessments): """Check if a student still needs to evaluate more submissions Per the contract of the peer assessment workflow, a student must evaluate a number of peers before receiving feedback on their submission. Args: submission_uuid (str): The submission UUID is required to determine if the associated student has completed enough assessments. This argument is required. required_assessments (int): The number of assessments a student has to submit before receiving the feedback on their submission. This is a required argument. Returns: tuple: True if the student has evaluated enough peer submissions to move through the peer assessment workflow. False if the student needs to evaluate more peer submissions. The second value is the count of assessments completed. Raises: PeerAssessmentRequestError: Raised when the submission UUID is invalid, or the required_assessments is not a positive integer. PeerAssessmentInternalError: Raised when there is an internal error while evaluating this workflow rule. Examples: >>> has_finished_required_evaluating("abc123", 3) True, 3 """ workflow = PeerWorkflow.get_by_submission_uuid(submission_uuid) done = False peers_graded = 0 if workflow: peers_graded = workflow.num_peers_graded() done = (peers_graded >= required_assessments) return done, peers_graded def get_assessments(submission_uuid, limit=None): """Retrieve the assessments for a submission. Retrieves all the assessments for a submissions. This API returns related feedback without making any assumptions about grading. Any outstanding assessments associated with this submission will not be returned. Args: submission_uuid (str): The submission all the requested assessments are associated with. Required. Keyword Arguments: limit (int): Limit the returned assessments. If None, returns all. Returns: list: A list of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents a separate assessment. Each assessment contains points earned, points possible, time scored, scorer id, score type, and feedback. Raises: PeerAssessmentRequestError: Raised when the submission_id is invalid. PeerAssessmentInternalError: Raised when there is an internal error while retrieving the assessments associated with this submission. Examples: >>> get_assessments("1", limit=2) [ { 'points_earned': 6, 'points_possible': 12, 'scored_at': datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 29, 17, 14, 52, 649284 tzinfo=<UTC>), 'scorer': u"Tim", 'feedback': u'Your submission was thrilling.' }, { 'points_earned': 11, 'points_possible': 12, 'scored_at': datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 31, 14, 10, 17, 544214 tzinfo=<UTC>), 'scorer': u"Bob", 'feedback': u'Great submission.' } ] """ try: assessments = Assessment.objects.filter( submission_uuid=submission_uuid, score_type=PEER_TYPE )[:limit] return serialize_assessments(assessments) except DatabaseError: error_message = ( u"Error getting assessments for submission {uuid}" ).format(uuid=submission_uuid) logger.exception(error_message) raise PeerAssessmentInternalError(error_message) def get_submitted_assessments(submission_uuid, limit=None): """Retrieve the assessments created by the given submission's author. Retrieves all the assessments created by the given submission's author. This API returns related feedback without making any assumptions about grading. Any outstanding assessments associated with this submission will not be returned. Args: submission_uuid (str): The submission of the student whose assessments we are requesting. Required. Keyword Arguments: limit (int): Limit the returned assessments. If None, returns all. Returns: list(dict): A list of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents a separate assessment. Each assessment contains points earned, points possible, time scored, scorer id, score type, and feedback. If no workflow is found associated with the given submission_uuid, returns an empty list. Raises: PeerAssessmentRequestError: Raised when the submission_id is invalid. PeerAssessmentInternalError: Raised when there is an internal error while retrieving the assessments associated with this submission. Examples: >>> get_submitted_assessments("1", limit=2) [ { 'points_earned': 6, 'points_possible': 12, 'scored_at': datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 29, 17, 14, 52, 649284 tzinfo=<UTC>), 'scorer': u"Tim", 'feedback': u'Your submission was thrilling.' }, { 'points_earned': 11, 'points_possible': 12, 'scored_at': datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 31, 14, 10, 17, 544214 tzinfo=<UTC>), 'scorer': u"Tim", 'feedback': u'Great submission.' } ] """ try: # If no workflow is found associated with the uuid, this returns None, # and an empty set of assessments will be returned. workflow = PeerWorkflow.get_by_submission_uuid(submission_uuid) items = PeerWorkflowItem.objects.filter( scorer=workflow, assessment__isnull=False ) assessments = Assessment.objects.filter( pk__in=[item.assessment.pk for item in items])[:limit] return serialize_assessments(assessments) except DatabaseError: error_message = ( u"Couldn't retrieve the assessments completed by the " " student with submission {uuid}" ).format(uuid=submission_uuid) logger.exception(error_message) raise PeerAssessmentInternalError(error_message) def get_submission_to_assess(submission_uuid, graded_by): """Get a submission to peer evaluate. Retrieves a submission for assessment for the given student. This will not return a submission submitted by the requesting scorer. Submissions are returned based on how many assessments are still required, and if there are peers actively assessing a particular submission. If there are no submissions requiring assessment, a submission may be returned that will be 'over graded', and the assessment will not be counted towards the overall grade. Args: submission_uuid (str): The submission UUID from the student requesting a submission for assessment. This is used to explicitly avoid giving the student their own submission, and determines the associated Peer Workflow. graded_by (int): The number of assessments a submission requires before it has completed the peer assessment process. Returns: dict: A peer submission for assessment. This contains a 'student_item', 'attempt_number', 'submitted_at', 'created_at', and 'answer' field to be used for assessment. Raises: PeerAssessmentRequestError: Raised when the request parameters are invalid for the request. PeerAssessmentInternalError: Raised when there is an internal error retrieving peer workflow information. PeerAssessmentWorkflowError: Raised when an error occurs because this function, or the student item, is not in the proper workflow state to retrieve a peer submission. Examples: >>> get_submission_to_assess("abc123", 3) { 'student_item': 2, 'attempt_number': 1, 'submitted_at': datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 29, 23, 14, 52, 649284, tzinfo=<UTC>), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 29, 17, 14, 52, 668850, tzinfo=<UTC>), 'answer': u'The answer is 42.' } """ workflow = PeerWorkflow.get_by_submission_uuid(submission_uuid) if not workflow: raise PeerAssessmentWorkflowError( u"A Peer Assessment Workflow does not exist for the student " u"with submission UUID {}".format(submission_uuid) ) if workflow.is_cancelled: return None open_item = workflow.find_active_assessments() peer_submission_uuid = open_item.submission_uuid if open_item else None # If there is an active assessment for this user, get that submission, # otherwise, get the first assessment for review, otherwise, # get the first submission available for over grading ("over-grading"). if peer_submission_uuid is None: peer_submission_uuid = workflow.get_submission_for_review(graded_by) if peer_submission_uuid is None: peer_submission_uuid = workflow.get_submission_for_over_grading() if peer_submission_uuid: try: submission_data = sub_api.get_submission(peer_submission_uuid) PeerWorkflow.create_item(workflow, peer_submission_uuid) _log_workflow(peer_submission_uuid, workflow) return submission_data except sub_api.SubmissionNotFoundError: error_message = ( u"Could not find a submission with the uuid {} for student {} " u"in the peer workflow." ).format(peer_submission_uuid, workflow.student_id) logger.exception(error_message) raise PeerAssessmentWorkflowError(error_message) else: logger.info( u"No submission found for {} to assess ({}, {})" .format( workflow.student_id, workflow.course_id, workflow.item_id, ) ) return None def create_peer_workflow(submission_uuid): """Create a new peer workflow for a student item and submission. Creates a unique peer workflow for a student item, associated with a submission. Args: submission_uuid (str): The submission associated with this workflow. Returns: None Raises: SubmissionError: There was an error retrieving the submission. PeerAssessmentInternalError: Raised when there is an internal error creating the Workflow. Examples: >>> create_peer_workflow("1") """ try: with transaction.atomic(): submission = sub_api.get_submission_and_student(submission_uuid) workflow, __ = PeerWorkflow.objects.get_or_create( student_id=submission['student_item']['student_id'], course_id=submission['student_item']['course_id'], item_id=submission['student_item']['item_id'], submission_uuid=submission_uuid ) workflow.save() except IntegrityError: # If we get an integrity error, it means someone else has already # created a workflow for this submission, so we don't need to do anything. pass except DatabaseError: error_message = ( u"An internal error occurred while creating a new peer " u"workflow for submission {}" ).format(submission_uuid) logger.exception(error_message) raise PeerAssessmentInternalError(error_message) def create_peer_workflow_item(scorer_submission_uuid, submission_uuid): """ Begin peer-assessing a particular submission. Note that this does NOT pick the submission from the prioritized list of available submissions. Mainly useful for testing. Args: scorer_submission_uuid (str): The ID of the scoring student. submission_uuid (str): The unique identifier of the submission being scored Returns: None Raises: PeerAssessmentWorkflowError: Could not find the workflow for the student. PeerAssessmentInternalError: Could not create the peer workflow item. """ workflow = PeerWorkflow.get_by_submission_uuid(scorer_submission_uuid) PeerWorkflow.create_item(workflow, submission_uuid) def get_assessment_feedback(submission_uuid): """ Retrieve a feedback on an assessment. Args: submission_uuid: The submission we want to retrieve assessment feedback for. Returns: dict or None Raises: PeerAssessmentInternalError: Error occurred while retrieving the feedback. """ try: feedback = AssessmentFeedback.objects.get( submission_uuid=submission_uuid ) return AssessmentFeedbackSerializer(feedback).data except AssessmentFeedback.DoesNotExist: return None except DatabaseError: error_message = ( u"An error occurred retrieving assessment feedback for {}." .format(submission_uuid) ) logger.exception(error_message) raise PeerAssessmentInternalError(error_message) def set_assessment_feedback(feedback_dict): """ Set a feedback object for an assessment to have some new values. Sets or updates the assessment feedback with the given values in the dict. Args: feedback_dict (dict): A dictionary of all the values to update or create a new assessment feedback. Returns: None Raises: PeerAssessmentRequestError PeerAssessmentInternalError """ submission_uuid = feedback_dict.get('submission_uuid') feedback_text = feedback_dict.get('feedback_text') selected_options = feedback_dict.get('options', list()) if feedback_text and len(feedback_text) > AssessmentFeedback.MAXSIZE: error_message = u"Assessment feedback too large." raise PeerAssessmentRequestError(error_message) try: # Get or create the assessment model for this submission # If we receive an integrity error, assume that someone else is trying to create # another feedback model for this submission, and raise an exception. if submission_uuid: feedback, created = AssessmentFeedback.objects.get_or_create(submission_uuid=submission_uuid) else: error_message = u"An error occurred creating assessment feedback: bad or missing submission_uuid." logger.error(error_message) raise PeerAssessmentRequestError(error_message) # Update the feedback text if feedback_text is not None: feedback.feedback_text = feedback_text # Save the feedback model. We need to do this before setting m2m relations. if created or feedback_text is not None: feedback.save() # Associate the feedback with selected options feedback.add_options(selected_options) # Associate the feedback with scored assessments assessments = PeerWorkflowItem.get_scored_assessments(submission_uuid) feedback.assessments.add(*assessments) except DatabaseError: msg = u"Error occurred while creating or updating feedback on assessment: {}".format(feedback_dict) logger.exception(msg) raise PeerAssessmentInternalError(msg) def _log_assessment(assessment, scorer_workflow): """ Log the creation of a peer assessment. Args: assessment (Assessment): The assessment model that was created. scorer_workflow (dict): A dictionary representation of the Workflow belonging to the scorer of this assessment. Returns: None """ logger.info( u"Created peer-assessment {assessment_id} for submission " u"{submission_uuid}, course {course_id}, item {item_id} " u"with rubric {rubric_content_hash}; scored by {scorer}" .format( assessment_id=assessment.id, submission_uuid=assessment.submission_uuid, course_id=scorer_workflow.course_id, item_id=scorer_workflow.item_id, rubric_content_hash=assessment.rubric.content_hash, scorer=scorer_workflow.student_id, ) ) tags = [ u"course_id:{course_id}".format(course_id=scorer_workflow.course_id), u"item_id:{item_id}".format(item_id=scorer_workflow.item_id), u"type:peer", ] score_percentage = assessment.to_float() if score_percentage is not None: dog_stats_api.histogram('openassessment.assessment.score_percentage', score_percentage, tags=tags) # Calculate the time spent assessing # This is the time from when the scorer retrieved the submission # (created the peer workflow item) to when they completed an assessment. # By this point, the assessment *should* have an associated peer workflow item, # but if not, we simply skip the event. try: workflow_item = assessment.peerworkflowitem_set.get() except ( PeerWorkflowItem.DoesNotExist, PeerWorkflowItem.MultipleObjectsReturned, DatabaseError ): msg = u"Could not retrieve peer workflow item for assessment: {assessment}".format( assessment=assessment.id ) logger.exception(msg) workflow_item = None if workflow_item is not None: time_delta = assessment.scored_at - workflow_item.started_at dog_stats_api.histogram( 'openassessment.assessment.seconds_spent_assessing', time_delta.total_seconds(), tags=tags ) dog_stats_api.increment('openassessment.assessment.count', tags=tags) def _log_workflow(submission_uuid, workflow): """ Log the creation of a peer-assessment workflow. Args: submission_uuid (str): The UUID of the submission being assessed. workflow (PeerWorkflow): The Peer Workflow of the student making the assessment. """ logger.info( u"Retrieved submission {} ({}, {}) to be assessed by {}" .format( submission_uuid, workflow.course_id, workflow.item_id, workflow.student_id, ) ) tags = [ u"course_id:{course_id}".format(course_id=workflow.course_id), u"item_id:{item_id}".format(item_id=workflow.item_id), u"type:peer" ] # Over-grading is always turned on # Keep this tag for backwards-compatibility tags.append(u"overgrading") dog_stats_api.increment('openassessment.assessment.peer_workflow.count', tags=tags) def is_workflow_cancelled(submission_uuid): """ Check if workflow submission is cancelled. Args: submission_uuid (str): The UUID of the workflow's submission. Returns: True/False """ if submission_uuid is None: return False try: workflow = PeerWorkflow.get_by_submission_uuid(submission_uuid) return workflow.is_cancelled if workflow else False except PeerAssessmentWorkflowError: return False def on_cancel(submission_uuid): """Cancel the peer workflow for submission. Sets the cancelled_at field in peer workflow. Args: submission_uuid (str): The submission UUID associated with this workflow. Returns: None """ try: workflow = PeerWorkflow.get_by_submission_uuid(submission_uuid) if workflow: workflow.cancelled_at = timezone.now() workflow.save() except (PeerAssessmentWorkflowError, DatabaseError): error_message = ( u"An internal error occurred while cancelling the peer" u"workflow for submission {}" .format(submission_uuid) ) logger.exception(error_message) raise PeerAssessmentInternalError(error_message)
import datetime from dateutil.relativedelta import * ## give final date and time after parsing by changing current date-time def change_datetime ( c="0", y=0, mt=0, w=0, d=0, h=0, m=0, s=0): #mt = mt + 12*y #d = d + 30*mt now = datetime.datetime.now() change = relativedelta( years =+ y, months =+ mt, weeks =+ w, days =+ d, hours =+ h, minutes =+ m, seconds =+ s) #print (now + change) if c == "date": return (now + change).date() elif c == "time": return (now + change).time() ## make separate date and time functions #def change_date (y=0, m=0, w=0, d=0): #def change_time (h=0, m=0, s=0): ## make separate functions for setting date and time and print -- if not provided the data ## give final date and time after parsing by setting date-time def set_datetime (y=0, mt=0, d=0, h=0, m=0, s=0, c="0"): a = "" if d!=0: a = a + str(d) + "/" if mt!=0: a = a + str(mt) + "/" if y!=0: a = a + str(y) #a = a + " " if h!=0: a = a + str(h) + ":" if m!=0: a = a + str(m) + ":" if s!=0: a = a + str(s) if c!="0": a = a + " " a = a + str(c) #print (a, "a") return a ## make function for am/pm def get_disease (string): with open("dataset.txt") as f: content = f.readlines() names = [] definitions = [] values = [] check = 1 ## TODO ## remove the common words from defintion (or input) (or use replace) like a, the,disease, etc. while splitting definition in words ## Also do stemming ## Go through dataset once manually to get these words for word in content: if word[0] == 'n': ## TODO think better way in which pop is not required, directly append only if required if check == 1: names.append(word) check = 0 if check == 0: names.pop() names.append(word) if word[0] == 'd': definitions.append(word) check = 1 values.append(0) #string = input("Give Text:") words = string.split(" ") for word in words: for defintion in definitions: defintion.replace('. ',' ') defintion.replace(', ',' ') definition_words = defintion.split(" ") if word in definition_words: values[definitions.index(defintion)] += 1 #print (word) highest = 0 index_of_highest = 0 answer = [] ## TODO if there are more than one highest for value in values: if value > highest: highest = value index_of_highest = values.index(value) answer.append(names[index_of_highest]) answer.append(highest) answer.append(definitions[index_of_highest]) for word in words: newd = definitions[index_of_highest].replace('. ',' ') newda = newd.replace(', ',' ') definition_words = newda.split(" ") ## cannot pass with or in split, find better way #print (definition_words) if word in definition_words: values[definitions.index(defintion)] += 1 answer.append(word) # print (definitions[index_of_highest][defintion.index(word)]) ## make definition sort only usable things ## find a way like , and parameters for passing more than value in relplace return answer def get_sentences(str): import re ## use of regular expressions ## str cannot be changed further, always make a new object words = str.split(" ") Abbrs = ['Mr.', 'mr.', 'Mrs.', 'mrs.', 'Dr.', 'dr.' , 'Er.', 'er.', 'Prof.', 'prof.', 'Br.', 'br.', 'Fr.', 'fr.', 'Sr.', 'sr.', 'Jr.', 'jr.'] SentenceType = [] for abbr in Abbrs: if abbr in words: new_word = abbr.replace(abbr[len(abbr)-1], "") str = str.replace(abbr, new_word) #print (new_str) ## str.replace(abbr[len(abbr)-1], " ") ## Do directly in string without using words for word in words: if re.findall(r'\.(.)+\.', word): new_word = word.replace('.','') str = str.replace(word, new_word) #print (word) #print (new_word) #print (new_str2) if '.' in word[0:len(word)-2]: new_word = word.replace('.', '[dot]') str = str.replace(word, new_word) for letter in str: if letter == '.': SentenceType.append("Assertive") if letter == '?': SentenceType.append("Interrogative") if letter == '!' or letter == '!!': SentenceType.append('Exclamatory') sentences = re.split("[ ]*[.|?|!|!!]+[ ]*", str) if (str[len(str)-1] == '.') or (str[len(str)-1] == '?') or (str[len(str)-1] == '!'): sentences.pop() return dict(zip(sentences, SentenceType)) ## TODOs ## Extend Abbrs list ## Dots back in sentences ## If abbr of acronyms with dots at end of a sentence? ## what if sentence doesn't end with !!? Get the expression from this word. ## If already a new line exist. ## Also implement through machine learning to obtain results without help of punctuation. ## Sentence Type : What about Imperative, compound, complex etc. Exclamatory Sentence or Word ## ensure sentences are returned sequentially def get_tokens(str): words = str.split(" ") return words ## Make an algorithm for different kind of words for forming effective tokens before returning
from cocosCairo.cocosCairo import * # Convenience module to import all other modules from splash import * BACKGROUND_COLOR = Color(0.1, 0.3, 0.7) MAZE_PATHS = ["maze01.maze", "maze02.maze", "maze03.maze"] # an ordered list of the maze files PATH_INDEX = 0 # the index of the next maze file to load class MazeScene(Scene): def __init__(self, modelPath): Scene.__init__(self) self._modelPath = modelPath def setup(self): self.setBackgroundColor(BACKGROUND_COLOR) def onEnterFromFinishedTransition(self): Scene.onEnterFromFinishedTransition(self) self._mazePathController = MazePathController(self._modelPath) self.addController(self._mazePathController) x = self.getSize().width/2 y = self.getSize().height/2 self._mazePathController.getNode().setPosition(Point(x,y)) self._mazePathController.getNode().setOpacity(0.0) action = EaseSineInOut(FadeIn(1.0)) cbAction = CallbackInstantAction(self._onFadeInCompletion) sequence = Sequence(action, cbAction) self._mazePathController.getNode().runAction(sequence) def _onFadeInCompletion(self): self._mazePathController.getNode().showPieces() class MazePathModel(AbstractModel): def __init__(self, filepath): AbstractModel.__init__(self) self._modelArray = [] self._playerLocation = [0,0] self._goalLocation = [0,0] self._moveCount = 0 f = open(filepath) # populate the model array for line in f: line = line.strip() if len(line) < 1 or line[0] is "#" or line[:2] is "//": # if the line is a comment or empty continue # then move on to the next line row = line.split(',') row = [int(x[:1]) for x in row if (len(x) > 0 and x != '\n')] # trim and convert to int self._modelArray.append(row) # look for special characters for i in range(0, len(self._modelArray[0])): for j in range(0, len(self._modelArray)): if self._modelArray[j][i] is 2: self._playerLocation = [i, j] self._modelArray[j][i] = 1 elif self._modelArray[j][i] is 3: self._goalLocation = [i, j] self._modelArray[j][i] = 1 f.close() self.didChange() def getModelArray(self): return self._modelArray def getPlayerLocation(self): return self._playerLocation def getGoalLocation(self): return self._goalLocation def getMoveCount(self): return self._moveCount def movePlayerLocation(self, direction): self._moveCount += 1 row = self._playerLocation[1] col = self._playerLocation[0] if direction == "left": if col-1 < 0 or self._modelArray[row][col-1] != 1: return else: self._playerLocation = [col-1, row] self.didChange() elif direction == "right": if col+1 >= len(self._modelArray[0]) or self._modelArray[row][col+1] != 1: return else: self._playerLocation = [col+1, row] self.didChange() elif direction == "up": if row-1 < 0 or self._modelArray[row-1][col] != 1: return else: self._playerLocation = [col, row-1] self.didChange() elif direction == "down": if row+1 >= len(self._modelArray) or self._modelArray[row+1][col] != 1: return else: self._playerLocation = [col, row+1] self.didChange() class MazePathNode(Node): def __init__(self, rect=None): Node.__init__(self, rect) self._hasRenderedTiles = False self._hasFinishedActions = False self._player = None self._goal = None self._tileSize = 50 self.setAnchorPoint(Point(0.5, 0.5)) def setOpacity(self, opacity): Node.setOpacity(self, opacity) for child in self.getChildren(): child.setOpacity(opacity) def onModelChange(self, model): if not model: return # render the tiles if not self._hasRenderedTiles: self._hasRenderedTiles = True modelArray = model.getModelArray() width = self._tileSize * len(modelArray[0]) height = self._tileSize * len(modelArray) self.setSize(Size(width, height)) for i in range(0, len(modelArray[0])): for j in range(0, len(modelArray)): x = i*self._tileSize y = j*self._tileSize w = self._tileSize h = self._tileSize rect = MakeRect(x, y, w, h) if modelArray[j][i] is 0: # 'matrix' lookup is [row,col], but that's equivalent to (y,x) instead of (x,y), so switch the i,j indices continue else: color = WhiteColor() rectangle = RectangleNode(rect, color) self.addChild(rectangle, 1) # set up the player's sprite x = model.getPlayerLocation()[0] * self._tileSize y = model.getPlayerLocation()[1] * self._tileSize if not self._player: self._player = Sprite("images/character.png", Point(x,y)) self.addChild(self._player,3) self._player.setScale(0.01) self._player.setAnchorPoint(Point(0.5,0.5)) size = self._player.getSize().width self._player.setPosition(pointAdd(self._player.getPosition(), Point(size/2, size/2))) else: self._hasFinishedActions = False action = EaseSineInOut(MoveTo(0.05, Point(x,y))) cbAction = CallbackInstantAction(self.onPlayerMotionCompletion) sequence = Sequence(action, cbAction) self._player.runAction(sequence) # set up the goal sprite x = model.getGoalLocation()[0] * self._tileSize y = model.getGoalLocation()[1] * self._tileSize if not self._goal: self._goal = Sprite("images/goal.png", Point(x,y)) self.addChild(self._goal,2) self._goal.setScale(0.01) self._goal.setAnchorPoint(Point(0.5,0.5)) size = self._goal.getSize().width self._goal.setPosition(pointAdd(self._goal.getPosition(), Point(size/2, size/2))) else: self._goal.setPosition(Point(x,y)) def showPieces(self): if self._goal: action = EaseBounceOut(ScaleTo(0.75, 1.0)) sequence = Sequence(action, CallbackInstantAction(self.onGoalScaleCompletion)) self._goal.runAction(sequence) def onGoalScaleCompletion(self): self._goal.setAnchorPoint(PointZero()) size = self._goal.getSize().width self._goal.setPosition(pointSub(self._goal.getPosition(), Point(size/2, size/2))) if self._player: action = EaseBounceOut(ScaleTo(0.75, 1.0)) sequence = Sequence(action, CallbackInstantAction(self.onPlayerScaleCompletion)) self._player.runAction(sequence) def onPlayerScaleCompletion(self): self._player.setAnchorPoint(PointZero()) size = self._player.getSize().width self._player.setPosition(pointSub(self._player.getPosition(), Point(size/2, size/2))) self._hasFinishedActions = True def onPlayerMotionCompletion(self): self._hasFinishedActions = True def reset(self): self._hasRenderedTiles = False self._hasFinishedActions = False self.removeAllChildren() self._player = None self._goal = None def hasFinishedActions(self): return self._hasFinishedActions class MazePathController(AbstractController): def __init__(self, modelPath): AbstractController.__init__(self, MazePathNode(RectZero()), MazePathModel(modelPath)) def onKeyPress(self, event): if not self.getNode().hasFinishedActions(): return key = event.key if key == "Left": self.getModel().movePlayerLocation("left") elif key == "Right": self.getModel().movePlayerLocation("right") elif key == "Up": self.getModel().movePlayerLocation("up") elif key == "Down": self.getModel().movePlayerLocation("down") if self.getModel().getPlayerLocation() == self.getModel().getGoalLocation(): winScene = WinScene(self.getModel().getMoveCount()) transition = MoveInTopTransition(.5, winScene) self.getDirector().replaceScene(transition) return True class WinScene(Scene, GestureListener): def __init__(self, moveCount): Scene.__init__(self) self._currentCount = 0 self._moveCount = moveCount def setup(self): self.setBackgroundColor(WhiteColor()) self._label = PangoLabel() self.setMarkupText(0) self._label.setAnchorPoint(Point(0.5, 0.5)) self._label.setAlignment("center") self._label.setFontSize(48) self.addChild(self._label) def onEnter(self): Scene.onEnter(self) self.getDirector().getGestureDispatch().addListener(self) x = self.getSize().width/2 y = self.getSize().height/2 self._label.setPosition(Point(x,y)) def onEnterFromFinishedTransition(self): Scene.onEnterFromFinishedTransition(self) self.scheduleCallback(self._updateCount, 0.005) def onExit(self): Scene.onExit(self) self.getDirector().getGestureDispatch().removeListener(self) def _updateCount(self, dt): self._currentCount += 1 self.setMarkupText(self._currentCount) if self._currentCount >= self._moveCount: self.unscheduleCallback(self._updateCount) def setMarkupText(self, count): if count < 10: countString = "0"+str(count) else: countString = str(count) markupText = '<span foreground="#000000" size="xx-large">You win!</span>' + \ '<span size="xx-small">\n\n</span>' + \ '<span foreground="#003399">You took\n' + \ '<span size="xx-large">' + countString + \ ' moves\n</span>to complete the maze!</span>' self._label.setMarkupText(markupText) def onKeyPress(self, event): self._onEvent() return True def onMousePress(self, event): self._onEvent() return True def _onEvent(self): global PATH_INDEX global MAZE_PATHS if PATH_INDEX < len(MAZE_PATHS): path = MAZE_PATHS[PATH_INDEX] PATH_INDEX += 1 transition = RotoZoomTransition(1.0, MazeScene(path)) self.getDirector().replaceScene(transition) else: PATH_INDEX = 0 # for right now, just loop through the mazes self._onEvent() if __name__ == "__main__": director = Director() director.setWindow() path = MAZE_PATHS[PATH_INDEX] PATH_INDEX += 1 transition = MoveInTopTransition(1.0, MazeScene(path)) director.runWithScene(SplashScene(transition)) #director.runWithScene(MazeScene("maze02.txt"))
#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """ A chain with four possible intermediates with different notBefore and notAfter dates, for testing path bulding prioritization. """ import sys sys.path += ['../..'] import gencerts DATE_A = '150101120000Z' DATE_B = '150102120000Z' DATE_C = '180101120000Z' DATE_D = '180102120000Z' root = gencerts.create_self_signed_root_certificate('Root') root.set_validity_range(DATE_A, DATE_D) int_ac = gencerts.create_intermediate_certificate('Intermediate', root) int_ac.set_validity_range(DATE_A, DATE_C) int_ad = gencerts.create_intermediate_certificate('Intermediate', root) int_ad.set_validity_range(DATE_A, DATE_D) int_ad.set_key(int_ac.get_key()) int_bc = gencerts.create_intermediate_certificate('Intermediate', root) int_bc.set_validity_range(DATE_B, DATE_C) int_bc.set_key(int_ac.get_key()) int_bd = gencerts.create_intermediate_certificate('Intermediate', root) int_bd.set_validity_range(DATE_B, DATE_D) int_bd.set_key(int_ac.get_key()) target = gencerts.create_end_entity_certificate('Target', int_ac) target.set_validity_range(DATE_A, DATE_D) gencerts.write_chain('The root', [root], out_pem='root.pem') gencerts.write_chain('Intermediate with validity range A..C', [int_ac], out_pem='int_ac.pem') gencerts.write_chain('Intermediate with validity range A..D', [int_ad], out_pem='int_ad.pem') gencerts.write_chain('Intermediate with validity range B..C', [int_bc], out_pem='int_bc.pem') gencerts.write_chain('Intermediate with validity range B..D', [int_bd], out_pem='int_bd.pem') gencerts.write_chain('The target', [target], out_pem='target.pem')
# coding=utf-8 r""" This code was generated by \ / _ _ _| _ _ | (_)\/(_)(_|\/| |(/_ v1.0.0 / / """ from twilio.base import deserialize from twilio.base import values from twilio.base.instance_context import InstanceContext from twilio.base.instance_resource import InstanceResource from twilio.base.list_resource import ListResource from twilio.base.page import Page class IpAccessControlListMappingList(ListResource): def __init__(self, version, account_sid, domain_sid): """ Initialize the IpAccessControlListMappingList :param Version version: Version that contains the resource :param account_sid: The unique id of the Account that is responsible for this resource. :param domain_sid: The unique string that identifies the SipDomain resource. :returns: twilio.rest.api.v2010.account.sip.domain.ip_access_control_list_mapping.IpAccessControlListMappingList :rtype: twilio.rest.api.v2010.account.sip.domain.ip_access_control_list_mapping.IpAccessControlListMappingList """ super(IpAccessControlListMappingList, self).__init__(version) # Path Solution self._solution = {'account_sid': account_sid, 'domain_sid': domain_sid, } self._uri = '/Accounts/{account_sid}/SIP/Domains/{domain_sid}/IpAccessControlListMappings.json'.format(**self._solution) def create(self, ip_access_control_list_sid): """ Create the IpAccessControlListMappingInstance :param unicode ip_access_control_list_sid: The unique id of the IP access control list to map to the SIP domain :returns: The created IpAccessControlListMappingInstance :rtype: twilio.rest.api.v2010.account.sip.domain.ip_access_control_list_mapping.IpAccessControlListMappingInstance """ data = values.of({'IpAccessControlListSid': ip_access_control_list_sid, }) payload = self._version.create(method='POST', uri=self._uri, data=data, ) return IpAccessControlListMappingInstance( self._version, payload, account_sid=self._solution['account_sid'], domain_sid=self._solution['domain_sid'], ) def stream(self, limit=None, page_size=None): """ Streams IpAccessControlListMappingInstance records from the API as a generator stream. This operation lazily loads records as efficiently as possible until the limit is reached. The results are returned as a generator, so this operation is memory efficient. :param int limit: Upper limit for the number of records to return. stream() guarantees to never return more than limit. Default is no limit :param int page_size: Number of records to fetch per request, when not set will use the default value of 50 records. If no page_size is defined but a limit is defined, stream() will attempt to read the limit with the most efficient page size, i.e. min(limit, 1000) :returns: Generator that will yield up to limit results :rtype: list[twilio.rest.api.v2010.account.sip.domain.ip_access_control_list_mapping.IpAccessControlListMappingInstance] """ limits = self._version.read_limits(limit, page_size) page = self.page(page_size=limits['page_size'], ) return self._version.stream(page, limits['limit']) def list(self, limit=None, page_size=None): """ Lists IpAccessControlListMappingInstance records from the API as a list. Unlike stream(), this operation is eager and will load `limit` records into memory before returning. :param int limit: Upper limit for the number of records to return. list() guarantees never to return more than limit. Default is no limit :param int page_size: Number of records to fetch per request, when not set will use the default value of 50 records. If no page_size is defined but a limit is defined, list() will attempt to read the limit with the most efficient page size, i.e. min(limit, 1000) :returns: Generator that will yield up to limit results :rtype: list[twilio.rest.api.v2010.account.sip.domain.ip_access_control_list_mapping.IpAccessControlListMappingInstance] """ return list(self.stream(limit=limit, page_size=page_size, )) def page(self, page_token=values.unset, page_number=values.unset, page_size=values.unset): """ Retrieve a single page of IpAccessControlListMappingInstance records from the API. Request is executed immediately :param str page_token: PageToken provided by the API :param int page_number: Page Number, this value is simply for client state :param int page_size: Number of records to return, defaults to 50 :returns: Page of IpAccessControlListMappingInstance :rtype: twilio.rest.api.v2010.account.sip.domain.ip_access_control_list_mapping.IpAccessControlListMappingPage """ data = values.of({'PageToken': page_token, 'Page': page_number, 'PageSize': page_size, }) response = self._version.page(method='GET', uri=self._uri, params=data, ) return IpAccessControlListMappingPage(self._version, response, self._solution) def get_page(self, target_url): """ Retrieve a specific page of IpAccessControlListMappingInstance records from the API. Request is executed immediately :param str target_url: API-generated URL for the requested results page :returns: Page of IpAccessControlListMappingInstance :rtype: twilio.rest.api.v2010.account.sip.domain.ip_access_control_list_mapping.IpAccessControlListMappingPage """ response = self._version.domain.twilio.request( 'GET', target_url, ) return IpAccessControlListMappingPage(self._version, response, self._solution) def get(self, sid): """ Constructs a IpAccessControlListMappingContext :param sid: A 34 character string that uniquely identifies the resource to fetch. :returns: twilio.rest.api.v2010.account.sip.domain.ip_access_control_list_mapping.IpAccessControlListMappingContext :rtype: twilio.rest.api.v2010.account.sip.domain.ip_access_control_list_mapping.IpAccessControlListMappingContext """ return IpAccessControlListMappingContext( self._version, account_sid=self._solution['account_sid'], domain_sid=self._solution['domain_sid'], sid=sid, ) def __call__(self, sid): """ Constructs a IpAccessControlListMappingContext :param sid: A 34 character string that uniquely identifies the resource to fetch. :returns: twilio.rest.api.v2010.account.sip.domain.ip_access_control_list_mapping.IpAccessControlListMappingContext :rtype: twilio.rest.api.v2010.account.sip.domain.ip_access_control_list_mapping.IpAccessControlListMappingContext """ return IpAccessControlListMappingContext( self._version, account_sid=self._solution['account_sid'], domain_sid=self._solution['domain_sid'], sid=sid, ) def __repr__(self): """ Provide a friendly representation :returns: Machine friendly representation :rtype: str """ return '<Twilio.Api.V2010.IpAccessControlListMappingList>' class IpAccessControlListMappingPage(Page): def __init__(self, version, response, solution): """ Initialize the IpAccessControlListMappingPage :param Version version: Version that contains the resource :param Response response: Response from the API :param account_sid: The unique id of the Account that is responsible for this resource. :param domain_sid: The unique string that identifies the SipDomain resource. :returns: twilio.rest.api.v2010.account.sip.domain.ip_access_control_list_mapping.IpAccessControlListMappingPage :rtype: twilio.rest.api.v2010.account.sip.domain.ip_access_control_list_mapping.IpAccessControlListMappingPage """ super(IpAccessControlListMappingPage, self).__init__(version, response) # Path Solution self._solution = solution def get_instance(self, payload): """ Build an instance of IpAccessControlListMappingInstance :param dict payload: Payload response from the API :returns: twilio.rest.api.v2010.account.sip.domain.ip_access_control_list_mapping.IpAccessControlListMappingInstance :rtype: twilio.rest.api.v2010.account.sip.domain.ip_access_control_list_mapping.IpAccessControlListMappingInstance """ return IpAccessControlListMappingInstance( self._version, payload, account_sid=self._solution['account_sid'], domain_sid=self._solution['domain_sid'], ) def __repr__(self): """ Provide a friendly representation :returns: Machine friendly representation :rtype: str """ return '<Twilio.Api.V2010.IpAccessControlListMappingPage>' class IpAccessControlListMappingContext(InstanceContext): def __init__(self, version, account_sid, domain_sid, sid): """ Initialize the IpAccessControlListMappingContext :param Version version: Version that contains the resource :param account_sid: The unique id of the Account that is responsible for this resource. :param domain_sid: A string that uniquely identifies the SIP Domain :param sid: A 34 character string that uniquely identifies the resource to fetch. :returns: twilio.rest.api.v2010.account.sip.domain.ip_access_control_list_mapping.IpAccessControlListMappingContext :rtype: twilio.rest.api.v2010.account.sip.domain.ip_access_control_list_mapping.IpAccessControlListMappingContext """ super(IpAccessControlListMappingContext, self).__init__(version) # Path Solution self._solution = {'account_sid': account_sid, 'domain_sid': domain_sid, 'sid': sid, } self._uri = '/Accounts/{account_sid}/SIP/Domains/{domain_sid}/IpAccessControlListMappings/{sid}.json'.format(**self._solution) def fetch(self): """ Fetch the IpAccessControlListMappingInstance :returns: The fetched IpAccessControlListMappingInstance :rtype: twilio.rest.api.v2010.account.sip.domain.ip_access_control_list_mapping.IpAccessControlListMappingInstance """ payload = self._version.fetch(method='GET', uri=self._uri, ) return IpAccessControlListMappingInstance( self._version, payload, account_sid=self._solution['account_sid'], domain_sid=self._solution['domain_sid'], sid=self._solution['sid'], ) def delete(self): """ Deletes the IpAccessControlListMappingInstance :returns: True if delete succeeds, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ return self._version.delete(method='DELETE', uri=self._uri, ) def __repr__(self): """ Provide a friendly representation :returns: Machine friendly representation :rtype: str """ context = ' '.join('{}={}'.format(k, v) for k, v in self._solution.items()) return '<Twilio.Api.V2010.IpAccessControlListMappingContext {}>'.format(context) class IpAccessControlListMappingInstance(InstanceResource): def __init__(self, version, payload, account_sid, domain_sid, sid=None): """ Initialize the IpAccessControlListMappingInstance :returns: twilio.rest.api.v2010.account.sip.domain.ip_access_control_list_mapping.IpAccessControlListMappingInstance :rtype: twilio.rest.api.v2010.account.sip.domain.ip_access_control_list_mapping.IpAccessControlListMappingInstance """ super(IpAccessControlListMappingInstance, self).__init__(version) # Marshaled Properties self._properties = { 'account_sid': payload.get('account_sid'), 'date_created': deserialize.rfc2822_datetime(payload.get('date_created')), 'date_updated': deserialize.rfc2822_datetime(payload.get('date_updated')), 'domain_sid': payload.get('domain_sid'), 'friendly_name': payload.get('friendly_name'), 'sid': payload.get('sid'), 'uri': payload.get('uri'), } # Context self._context = None self._solution = { 'account_sid': account_sid, 'domain_sid': domain_sid, 'sid': sid or self._properties['sid'], } @property def _proxy(self): """ Generate an instance context for the instance, the context is capable of performing various actions. All instance actions are proxied to the context :returns: IpAccessControlListMappingContext for this IpAccessControlListMappingInstance :rtype: twilio.rest.api.v2010.account.sip.domain.ip_access_control_list_mapping.IpAccessControlListMappingContext """ if self._context is None: self._context = IpAccessControlListMappingContext( self._version, account_sid=self._solution['account_sid'], domain_sid=self._solution['domain_sid'], sid=self._solution['sid'], ) return self._context @property def account_sid(self): """ :returns: The unique id of the Account that is responsible for this resource. :rtype: unicode """ return self._properties['account_sid'] @property def date_created(self): """ :returns: The date that this resource was created, given as GMT in RFC 2822 format. :rtype: datetime """ return self._properties['date_created'] @property def date_updated(self): """ :returns: The date that this resource was last updated, given as GMT in RFC 2822 format. :rtype: datetime """ return self._properties['date_updated'] @property def domain_sid(self): """ :returns: The unique string that identifies the SipDomain resource. :rtype: unicode """ return self._properties['domain_sid'] @property def friendly_name(self): """ :returns: A human readable descriptive text for this resource, up to 64 characters long. :rtype: unicode """ return self._properties['friendly_name'] @property def sid(self): """ :returns: A 34 character string that uniquely identifies this resource. :rtype: unicode """ return self._properties['sid'] @property def uri(self): """ :returns: The URI for this resource, relative to https://api.twilio.com :rtype: unicode """ return self._properties['uri'] def fetch(self): """ Fetch the IpAccessControlListMappingInstance :returns: The fetched IpAccessControlListMappingInstance :rtype: twilio.rest.api.v2010.account.sip.domain.ip_access_control_list_mapping.IpAccessControlListMappingInstance """ return self._proxy.fetch() def delete(self): """ Deletes the IpAccessControlListMappingInstance :returns: True if delete succeeds, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ return self._proxy.delete() def __repr__(self): """ Provide a friendly representation :returns: Machine friendly representation :rtype: str """ context = ' '.join('{}={}'.format(k, v) for k, v in self._solution.items()) return '<Twilio.Api.V2010.IpAccessControlListMappingInstance {}>'.format(context)
#============================================================================== #description : Solves travelling salesman problem by using Hill Climbing. #author : Yakup Cengiz #date : 20151121 #version : 0.1 #notes : #python_version : 3.5.0 #Reference : http://www.psychicorigami.com/category/tsp/ #============================================================================== import math import sys import os import random CommonPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join('..', 'Common')) sys.path.append(CommonPath) import tsp def GenerateInitialPath(tour_length): tour=list(range(tour_length)) random.shuffle(tour) return tour MAX_ITERATION = 50000 def reversed_sections(tour): '''generator to return all possible variations where the section between two cities are swapped''' for i,j in tsp.AllEdges(len(tour)): if i != j: copy=tour[:] if i < j: copy[i:j+1]=reversed(tour[i:j+1]) else: copy[i+1:]=reversed(tour[:j]) copy[:j]=reversed(tour[i+1:]) if copy != tour: # no point returning the same tour yield copy def kirkpatrick_cooling(start_temp, alpha): T = start_temp while True: yield T T = alpha * T def P(prev_score,next_score,temperature): if next_score > prev_score: return 1.0 else: return math.exp( -abs(next_score-prev_score)/temperature ) class ObjectiveFunction: '''class to wrap an objective function and keep track of the best solution evaluated''' def __init__(self,objective_function): self.objective_function=objective_function self.best=None self.best_score=None def __call__(self,solution): score=self.objective_function(solution) if self.best is None or score > self.best_score: self.best_score=score self.best=solution return score def ApplySimulatedAnnealing(init_function,move_operator,objective_function,max_evaluations,start_temp,alpha): # wrap the objective function (so we record the best) objective_function=ObjectiveFunction(objective_function) current = init_function() current_score = objective_function(current) iterationCount = 1 cooling_schedule = kirkpatrick_cooling(start_temp, alpha) for temperature in cooling_schedule: done = False # examine moves around our current position for next in move_operator(current): if iterationCount >= max_evaluations: done=True break next_score=objective_function(next) iterationCount+=1 # probablistically accept this solution always accepting better solutions p = P(current_score, next_score, temperature) # random.random() basic function random() generates a random float uniformly in the range [0.0, 1.0). # p function returns data in range [0.0, 1.0] if random.random() < p: current = next current_score= next_score break # see if completely finished if done: break best_score = objective_function.best_score best = objective_function.best return (iterationCount,best_score,best) def SolveTSP(): print("Starting to solve travel salesman problem") coordinates = tsp.ReadCoordinatesFromFile(".\cityCoordinates.csv") distance_matrix = tsp.ComputeDistanceMatrix(coordinates); init_function = lambda: GenerateInitialPath(len(coordinates)) objective_function = lambda tour: -tsp.ComputeTourLength(distance_matrix, tour) start_temp,alpha = 100, 0.995 iterationCount,best_score,shortestPath = ApplySimulatedAnnealing(init_function, reversed_sections, objective_function, MAX_ITERATION,start_temp,alpha) print(iterationCount, best_score, shortestPath); tsp.DrawPath(coordinates, shortestPath, "TSP.png"); if __name__ == "__main__": SolveTSP();
import math import sys from functools import lru_cache from typing import Optional, Union # noqa import urwid from mitmproxy import contentviews from mitmproxy import http from mitmproxy.tools.console import common from mitmproxy.tools.console import layoutwidget from mitmproxy.tools.console import flowdetailview from mitmproxy.tools.console import searchable from mitmproxy.tools.console import tabs import mitmproxy.tools.console.master # noqa from mitmproxy.utils import strutils class SearchError(Exception): pass class FlowViewHeader(urwid.WidgetWrap): def __init__( self, master: "mitmproxy.tools.console.master.ConsoleMaster", ) -> None: self.master = master self.focus_changed() def focus_changed(self): cols, _ = self.master.ui.get_cols_rows() if self.master.view.focus.flow: self._w = common.format_flow( self.master.view.focus.flow, False, extended=True, hostheader=self.master.options.showhost, max_url_len=cols, ) else: self._w = urwid.Pile([]) class FlowDetails(tabs.Tabs): def __init__(self, master): self.master = master super().__init__([]) self.show() self.last_displayed_body = None def focus_changed(self): if self.master.view.focus.flow: self.tabs = [ (self.tab_request, self.view_request), (self.tab_response, self.view_response), (self.tab_details, self.view_details), ] self.show() else: self.master.window.pop() @property def view(self): return self.master.view @property def flow(self): return self.master.view.focus.flow def tab_request(self): if self.flow.intercepted and not self.flow.response: return "Request intercepted" else: return "Request" def tab_response(self): if self.flow.intercepted and self.flow.response: return "Response intercepted" else: return "Response" def tab_details(self): return "Detail" def view_request(self): return self.conn_text(self.flow.request) def view_response(self): return self.conn_text(self.flow.response) def view_details(self): return flowdetailview.flowdetails(self.view, self.flow) def content_view(self, viewmode, message): if message.raw_content is None: msg, body = "", [urwid.Text([("error", "[content missing]")])] return msg, body else: full = self.master.commands.execute("view.getval @focus fullcontents false") if full == "true": limit = sys.maxsize else: limit = contentviews.VIEW_CUTOFF flow_modify_cache_invalidation = hash(( message.raw_content, message.headers.fields, getattr(message, "path", None), )) # we need to pass the message off-band because it's not hashable self._get_content_view_message = message return self._get_content_view(viewmode, limit, flow_modify_cache_invalidation) @lru_cache(maxsize=200) def _get_content_view(self, viewmode, max_lines, _): message = self._get_content_view_message self._get_content_view_message = None description, lines, error = contentviews.get_message_content_view( viewmode, message ) if error: self.master.log.debug(error) # Give hint that you have to tab for the response. if description == "No content" and isinstance(message, http.HTTPRequest): description = "No request content (press tab to view response)" # If the users has a wide terminal, he gets fewer lines; this should not be an issue. chars_per_line = 80 max_chars = max_lines * chars_per_line total_chars = 0 text_objects = [] for line in lines: txt = [] for (style, text) in line: if total_chars + len(text) > max_chars: text = text[:max_chars - total_chars] txt.append((style, text)) total_chars += len(text) if total_chars == max_chars: break # round up to the next line. total_chars = int(math.ceil(total_chars / chars_per_line) * chars_per_line) text_objects.append(urwid.Text(txt)) if total_chars == max_chars: text_objects.append(urwid.Text([ ("highlight", "Stopped displaying data after %d lines. Press " % max_lines), ("key", "f"), ("highlight", " to load all data.") ])) break return description, text_objects def conn_text(self, conn): if conn: hdrs = [] for k, v in conn.headers.fields: # This will always force an ascii representation of headers. For example, if the server sends a # # X-Authors: Made with ❤ in Hamburg # # header, mitmproxy will display the following: # # X-Authors: Made with \xe2\x9d\xa4 in Hamburg. # # The alternative would be to just use the header's UTF-8 representation and maybe # do `str.replace("\t", "\\t")` to exempt tabs from urwid's special characters escaping [1]. # That would in some terminals allow rendering UTF-8 characters, but the mapping # wouldn't be bijective, i.e. a user couldn't distinguish "\\t" and "\t". # Also, from a security perspective, a mitmproxy user couldn't be fooled by homoglyphs. # # 1) https://github.com/mitmproxy/mitmproxy/issues/1833 # https://github.com/urwid/urwid/blob/6608ee2c9932d264abd1171468d833b7a4082e13/urwid/display_common.py#L35-L36, k = strutils.bytes_to_escaped_str(k) + ":" v = strutils.bytes_to_escaped_str(v) hdrs.append((k, v)) txt = common.format_keyvals( hdrs, key_format="header" ) viewmode = self.master.commands.call("console.flowview.mode") msg, body = self.content_view(viewmode, conn) cols = [ urwid.Text( [ ("heading", msg), ] ), urwid.Text( [ " ", ('heading', "["), ('heading_key', "m"), ('heading', (":%s]" % viewmode)), ], align="right" ) ] title = urwid.AttrWrap(urwid.Columns(cols), "heading") txt.append(title) txt.extend(body) else: txt = [ urwid.Text(""), urwid.Text( [ ("highlight", "No response. Press "), ("key", "e"), ("highlight", " and edit any aspect to add one."), ] ) ] return searchable.Searchable(txt) class FlowView(urwid.Frame, layoutwidget.LayoutWidget): keyctx = "flowview" title = "Flow Details" def __init__(self, master): super().__init__( FlowDetails(master), header = FlowViewHeader(master), ) self.master = master def focus_changed(self, *args, **kwargs): self.body.focus_changed() self.header.focus_changed()
#!/usr/bin/env python """ cpuinfo Copyright 2002 Pearu Peterson all rights reserved, Pearu Peterson <[email protected]> Permission to use, modify, and distribute this software is given under the terms of the NumPy (BSD style) license. See LICENSE.txt that came with this distribution for specifics. NO WARRANTY IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Pearu Peterson """ from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function __all__ = ['cpu'] import sys, re, types import os if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: from subprocess import getstatusoutput else: from commands import getstatusoutput import warnings import platform from numpy.distutils.compat import get_exception def getoutput(cmd, successful_status=(0,), stacklevel=1): try: status, output = getstatusoutput(cmd) except EnvironmentError: e = get_exception() warnings.warn(str(e), UserWarning, stacklevel=stacklevel) return False, "" if os.WIFEXITED(status) and os.WEXITSTATUS(status) in successful_status: return True, output return False, output def command_info(successful_status=(0,), stacklevel=1, **kw): info = {} for key in kw: ok, output = getoutput(kw[key], successful_status=successful_status, stacklevel=stacklevel+1) if ok: info[key] = output.strip() return info def command_by_line(cmd, successful_status=(0,), stacklevel=1): ok, output = getoutput(cmd, successful_status=successful_status, stacklevel=stacklevel+1) if not ok: return for line in output.splitlines(): yield line.strip() def key_value_from_command(cmd, sep, successful_status=(0,), stacklevel=1): d = {} for line in command_by_line(cmd, successful_status=successful_status, stacklevel=stacklevel+1): l = [s.strip() for s in line.split(sep, 1)] if len(l) == 2: d[l[0]] = l[1] return d class CPUInfoBase(object): """Holds CPU information and provides methods for requiring the availability of various CPU features. """ def _try_call(self, func): try: return func() except Exception: pass def __getattr__(self, name): if not name.startswith('_'): if hasattr(self, '_'+name): attr = getattr(self, '_'+name) if isinstance(attr, types.MethodType): return lambda func=self._try_call,attr=attr : func(attr) else: return lambda : None raise AttributeError(name) def _getNCPUs(self): return 1 def __get_nbits(self): abits = platform.architecture()[0] nbits = re.compile(r'(\d+)bit').search(abits).group(1) return nbits def _is_32bit(self): return self.__get_nbits() == '32' def _is_64bit(self): return self.__get_nbits() == '64' class LinuxCPUInfo(CPUInfoBase): info = None def __init__(self): if self.info is not None: return info = [ {} ] ok, output = getoutput('uname -m') if ok: info[0]['uname_m'] = output.strip() try: fo = open('/proc/cpuinfo') except EnvironmentError: e = get_exception() warnings.warn(str(e), UserWarning, stacklevel=2) else: for line in fo: name_value = [s.strip() for s in line.split(':', 1)] if len(name_value) != 2: continue name, value = name_value if not info or name in info[-1]: # next processor info.append({}) info[-1][name] = value fo.close() self.__class__.info = info def _not_impl(self): pass # Athlon def _is_AMD(self): return self.info[0]['vendor_id']=='AuthenticAMD' def _is_AthlonK6_2(self): return self._is_AMD() and self.info[0]['model'] == '2' def _is_AthlonK6_3(self): return self._is_AMD() and self.info[0]['model'] == '3' def _is_AthlonK6(self): return re.match(r'.*?AMD-K6', self.info[0]['model name']) is not None def _is_AthlonK7(self): return re.match(r'.*?AMD-K7', self.info[0]['model name']) is not None def _is_AthlonMP(self): return re.match(r'.*?Athlon\(tm\) MP\b', self.info[0]['model name']) is not None def _is_AMD64(self): return self.is_AMD() and self.info[0]['family'] == '15' def _is_Athlon64(self): return re.match(r'.*?Athlon\(tm\) 64\b', self.info[0]['model name']) is not None def _is_AthlonHX(self): return re.match(r'.*?Athlon HX\b', self.info[0]['model name']) is not None def _is_Opteron(self): return re.match(r'.*?Opteron\b', self.info[0]['model name']) is not None def _is_Hammer(self): return re.match(r'.*?Hammer\b', self.info[0]['model name']) is not None # Alpha def _is_Alpha(self): return self.info[0]['cpu']=='Alpha' def _is_EV4(self): return self.is_Alpha() and self.info[0]['cpu model'] == 'EV4' def _is_EV5(self): return self.is_Alpha() and self.info[0]['cpu model'] == 'EV5' def _is_EV56(self): return self.is_Alpha() and self.info[0]['cpu model'] == 'EV56' def _is_PCA56(self): return self.is_Alpha() and self.info[0]['cpu model'] == 'PCA56' # Intel #XXX _is_i386 = _not_impl def _is_Intel(self): return self.info[0]['vendor_id']=='GenuineIntel' def _is_i486(self): return self.info[0]['cpu']=='i486' def _is_i586(self): return self.is_Intel() and self.info[0]['cpu family'] == '5' def _is_i686(self): return self.is_Intel() and self.info[0]['cpu family'] == '6' def _is_Celeron(self): return re.match(r'.*?Celeron', self.info[0]['model name']) is not None def _is_Pentium(self): return re.match(r'.*?Pentium', self.info[0]['model name']) is not None def _is_PentiumII(self): return re.match(r'.*?Pentium.*?II\b', self.info[0]['model name']) is not None def _is_PentiumPro(self): return re.match(r'.*?PentiumPro\b', self.info[0]['model name']) is not None def _is_PentiumMMX(self): return re.match(r'.*?Pentium.*?MMX\b', self.info[0]['model name']) is not None def _is_PentiumIII(self): return re.match(r'.*?Pentium.*?III\b', self.info[0]['model name']) is not None def _is_PentiumIV(self): return re.match(r'.*?Pentium.*?(IV|4)\b', self.info[0]['model name']) is not None def _is_PentiumM(self): return re.match(r'.*?Pentium.*?M\b', self.info[0]['model name']) is not None def _is_Prescott(self): return self.is_PentiumIV() and self.has_sse3() def _is_Nocona(self): return (self.is_Intel() and (self.info[0]['cpu family'] == '6' or self.info[0]['cpu family'] == '15') and (self.has_sse3() and not self.has_ssse3()) and re.match(r'.*?\blm\b', self.info[0]['flags']) is not None) def _is_Core2(self): return (self.is_64bit() and self.is_Intel() and re.match(r'.*?Core\(TM\)2\b', self.info[0]['model name']) is not None) def _is_Itanium(self): return re.match(r'.*?Itanium\b', self.info[0]['family']) is not None def _is_XEON(self): return re.match(r'.*?XEON\b', self.info[0]['model name'], re.IGNORECASE) is not None _is_Xeon = _is_XEON # Varia def _is_singleCPU(self): return len(self.info) == 1 def _getNCPUs(self): return len(self.info) def _has_fdiv_bug(self): return self.info[0]['fdiv_bug']=='yes' def _has_f00f_bug(self): return self.info[0]['f00f_bug']=='yes' def _has_mmx(self): return re.match(r'.*?\bmmx\b', self.info[0]['flags']) is not None def _has_sse(self): return re.match(r'.*?\bsse\b', self.info[0]['flags']) is not None def _has_sse2(self): return re.match(r'.*?\bsse2\b', self.info[0]['flags']) is not None def _has_sse3(self): return re.match(r'.*?\bpni\b', self.info[0]['flags']) is not None def _has_ssse3(self): return re.match(r'.*?\bssse3\b', self.info[0]['flags']) is not None def _has_3dnow(self): return re.match(r'.*?\b3dnow\b', self.info[0]['flags']) is not None def _has_3dnowext(self): return re.match(r'.*?\b3dnowext\b', self.info[0]['flags']) is not None class IRIXCPUInfo(CPUInfoBase): info = None def __init__(self): if self.info is not None: return info = key_value_from_command('sysconf', sep=' ', successful_status=(0, 1)) self.__class__.info = info def _not_impl(self): pass def _is_singleCPU(self): return self.info.get('NUM_PROCESSORS') == '1' def _getNCPUs(self): return int(self.info.get('NUM_PROCESSORS', 1)) def __cputype(self, n): return self.info.get('PROCESSORS').split()[0].lower() == 'r%s' % (n) def _is_r2000(self): return self.__cputype(2000) def _is_r3000(self): return self.__cputype(3000) def _is_r3900(self): return self.__cputype(3900) def _is_r4000(self): return self.__cputype(4000) def _is_r4100(self): return self.__cputype(4100) def _is_r4300(self): return self.__cputype(4300) def _is_r4400(self): return self.__cputype(4400) def _is_r4600(self): return self.__cputype(4600) def _is_r4650(self): return self.__cputype(4650) def _is_r5000(self): return self.__cputype(5000) def _is_r6000(self): return self.__cputype(6000) def _is_r8000(self): return self.__cputype(8000) def _is_r10000(self): return self.__cputype(10000) def _is_r12000(self): return self.__cputype(12000) def _is_rorion(self): return self.__cputype('orion') def get_ip(self): try: return self.info.get('MACHINE') except Exception: pass def __machine(self, n): return self.info.get('MACHINE').lower() == 'ip%s' % (n) def _is_IP19(self): return self.__machine(19) def _is_IP20(self): return self.__machine(20) def _is_IP21(self): return self.__machine(21) def _is_IP22(self): return self.__machine(22) def _is_IP22_4k(self): return self.__machine(22) and self._is_r4000() def _is_IP22_5k(self): return self.__machine(22) and self._is_r5000() def _is_IP24(self): return self.__machine(24) def _is_IP25(self): return self.__machine(25) def _is_IP26(self): return self.__machine(26) def _is_IP27(self): return self.__machine(27) def _is_IP28(self): return self.__machine(28) def _is_IP30(self): return self.__machine(30) def _is_IP32(self): return self.__machine(32) def _is_IP32_5k(self): return self.__machine(32) and self._is_r5000() def _is_IP32_10k(self): return self.__machine(32) and self._is_r10000() class DarwinCPUInfo(CPUInfoBase): info = None def __init__(self): if self.info is not None: return info = command_info(arch='arch', machine='machine') info['sysctl_hw'] = key_value_from_command('sysctl hw', sep='=') self.__class__.info = info def _not_impl(self): pass def _getNCPUs(self): return int(self.info['sysctl_hw'].get('hw.ncpu', 1)) def _is_Power_Macintosh(self): return self.info['sysctl_hw']['hw.machine']=='Power Macintosh' def _is_i386(self): return self.info['arch']=='i386' def _is_ppc(self): return self.info['arch']=='ppc' def __machine(self, n): return self.info['machine'] == 'ppc%s'%n def _is_ppc601(self): return self.__machine(601) def _is_ppc602(self): return self.__machine(602) def _is_ppc603(self): return self.__machine(603) def _is_ppc603e(self): return self.__machine('603e') def _is_ppc604(self): return self.__machine(604) def _is_ppc604e(self): return self.__machine('604e') def _is_ppc620(self): return self.__machine(620) def _is_ppc630(self): return self.__machine(630) def _is_ppc740(self): return self.__machine(740) def _is_ppc7400(self): return self.__machine(7400) def _is_ppc7450(self): return self.__machine(7450) def _is_ppc750(self): return self.__machine(750) def _is_ppc403(self): return self.__machine(403) def _is_ppc505(self): return self.__machine(505) def _is_ppc801(self): return self.__machine(801) def _is_ppc821(self): return self.__machine(821) def _is_ppc823(self): return self.__machine(823) def _is_ppc860(self): return self.__machine(860) class SunOSCPUInfo(CPUInfoBase): info = None def __init__(self): if self.info is not None: return info = command_info(arch='arch', mach='mach', uname_i='uname_i', isainfo_b='isainfo -b', isainfo_n='isainfo -n', ) info['uname_X'] = key_value_from_command('uname -X', sep='=') for line in command_by_line('psrinfo -v 0'): m = re.match(r'\s*The (?P<p>[\w\d]+) processor operates at', line) if m: info['processor'] = m.group('p') break self.__class__.info = info def _not_impl(self): pass def _is_i386(self): return self.info['isainfo_n']=='i386' def _is_sparc(self): return self.info['isainfo_n']=='sparc' def _is_sparcv9(self): return self.info['isainfo_n']=='sparcv9' def _getNCPUs(self): return int(self.info['uname_X'].get('NumCPU', 1)) def _is_sun4(self): return self.info['arch']=='sun4' def _is_SUNW(self): return re.match(r'SUNW', self.info['uname_i']) is not None def _is_sparcstation5(self): return re.match(r'.*SPARCstation-5', self.info['uname_i']) is not None def _is_ultra1(self): return re.match(r'.*Ultra-1', self.info['uname_i']) is not None def _is_ultra250(self): return re.match(r'.*Ultra-250', self.info['uname_i']) is not None def _is_ultra2(self): return re.match(r'.*Ultra-2', self.info['uname_i']) is not None def _is_ultra30(self): return re.match(r'.*Ultra-30', self.info['uname_i']) is not None def _is_ultra4(self): return re.match(r'.*Ultra-4', self.info['uname_i']) is not None def _is_ultra5_10(self): return re.match(r'.*Ultra-5_10', self.info['uname_i']) is not None def _is_ultra5(self): return re.match(r'.*Ultra-5', self.info['uname_i']) is not None def _is_ultra60(self): return re.match(r'.*Ultra-60', self.info['uname_i']) is not None def _is_ultra80(self): return re.match(r'.*Ultra-80', self.info['uname_i']) is not None def _is_ultraenterprice(self): return re.match(r'.*Ultra-Enterprise', self.info['uname_i']) is not None def _is_ultraenterprice10k(self): return re.match(r'.*Ultra-Enterprise-10000', self.info['uname_i']) is not None def _is_sunfire(self): return re.match(r'.*Sun-Fire', self.info['uname_i']) is not None def _is_ultra(self): return re.match(r'.*Ultra', self.info['uname_i']) is not None def _is_cpusparcv7(self): return self.info['processor']=='sparcv7' def _is_cpusparcv8(self): return self.info['processor']=='sparcv8' def _is_cpusparcv9(self): return self.info['processor']=='sparcv9' class Win32CPUInfo(CPUInfoBase): info = None pkey = r"HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor" # XXX: what does the value of # HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0 # mean? def __init__(self): if self.info is not None: return info = [] try: #XXX: Bad style to use so long `try:...except:...`. Fix it! if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: import winreg else: import _winreg as winreg prgx = re.compile(r"family\s+(?P<FML>\d+)\s+model\s+(?P<MDL>\d+)" r"\s+stepping\s+(?P<STP>\d+)", re.IGNORECASE) chnd=winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, self.pkey) pnum=0 while True: try: proc=winreg.EnumKey(chnd, pnum) except winreg.error: break else: pnum+=1 info.append({"Processor":proc}) phnd=winreg.OpenKey(chnd, proc) pidx=0 while True: try: name, value, vtpe=winreg.EnumValue(phnd, pidx) except winreg.error: break else: pidx=pidx+1 info[-1][name]=value if name=="Identifier": srch=prgx.search(value) if srch: info[-1]["Family"]=int(srch.group("FML")) info[-1]["Model"]=int(srch.group("MDL")) info[-1]["Stepping"]=int(srch.group("STP")) except Exception: print(sys.exc_info()[1], '(ignoring)') self.__class__.info = info def _not_impl(self): pass # Athlon def _is_AMD(self): return self.info[0]['VendorIdentifier']=='AuthenticAMD' def _is_Am486(self): return self.is_AMD() and self.info[0]['Family']==4 def _is_Am5x86(self): return self.is_AMD() and self.info[0]['Family']==4 def _is_AMDK5(self): return self.is_AMD() and self.info[0]['Family']==5 \ and self.info[0]['Model'] in [0, 1, 2, 3] def _is_AMDK6(self): return self.is_AMD() and self.info[0]['Family']==5 \ and self.info[0]['Model'] in [6, 7] def _is_AMDK6_2(self): return self.is_AMD() and self.info[0]['Family']==5 \ and self.info[0]['Model']==8 def _is_AMDK6_3(self): return self.is_AMD() and self.info[0]['Family']==5 \ and self.info[0]['Model']==9 def _is_AMDK7(self): return self.is_AMD() and self.info[0]['Family'] == 6 # To reliably distinguish between the different types of AMD64 chips # (Athlon64, Operton, Athlon64 X2, Semperon, Turion 64, etc.) would # require looking at the 'brand' from cpuid def _is_AMD64(self): return self.is_AMD() and self.info[0]['Family'] == 15 # Intel def _is_Intel(self): return self.info[0]['VendorIdentifier']=='GenuineIntel' def _is_i386(self): return self.info[0]['Family']==3 def _is_i486(self): return self.info[0]['Family']==4 def _is_i586(self): return self.is_Intel() and self.info[0]['Family']==5 def _is_i686(self): return self.is_Intel() and self.info[0]['Family']==6 def _is_Pentium(self): return self.is_Intel() and self.info[0]['Family']==5 def _is_PentiumMMX(self): return self.is_Intel() and self.info[0]['Family']==5 \ and self.info[0]['Model']==4 def _is_PentiumPro(self): return self.is_Intel() and self.info[0]['Family']==6 \ and self.info[0]['Model']==1 def _is_PentiumII(self): return self.is_Intel() and self.info[0]['Family']==6 \ and self.info[0]['Model'] in [3, 5, 6] def _is_PentiumIII(self): return self.is_Intel() and self.info[0]['Family']==6 \ and self.info[0]['Model'] in [7, 8, 9, 10, 11] def _is_PentiumIV(self): return self.is_Intel() and self.info[0]['Family']==15 def _is_PentiumM(self): return self.is_Intel() and self.info[0]['Family'] == 6 \ and self.info[0]['Model'] in [9, 13, 14] def _is_Core2(self): return self.is_Intel() and self.info[0]['Family'] == 6 \ and self.info[0]['Model'] in [15, 16, 17] # Varia def _is_singleCPU(self): return len(self.info) == 1 def _getNCPUs(self): return len(self.info) def _has_mmx(self): if self.is_Intel(): return (self.info[0]['Family']==5 and self.info[0]['Model']==4) \ or (self.info[0]['Family'] in [6, 15]) elif self.is_AMD(): return self.info[0]['Family'] in [5, 6, 15] else: return False def _has_sse(self): if self.is_Intel(): return ((self.info[0]['Family']==6 and self.info[0]['Model'] in [7, 8, 9, 10, 11]) or self.info[0]['Family']==15) elif self.is_AMD(): return ((self.info[0]['Family']==6 and self.info[0]['Model'] in [6, 7, 8, 10]) or self.info[0]['Family']==15) else: return False def _has_sse2(self): if self.is_Intel(): return self.is_Pentium4() or self.is_PentiumM() \ or self.is_Core2() elif self.is_AMD(): return self.is_AMD64() else: return False def _has_3dnow(self): return self.is_AMD() and self.info[0]['Family'] in [5, 6, 15] def _has_3dnowext(self): return self.is_AMD() and self.info[0]['Family'] in [6, 15] if sys.platform.startswith('linux'): # variations: linux2,linux-i386 (any others?) cpuinfo = LinuxCPUInfo elif sys.platform.startswith('irix'): cpuinfo = IRIXCPUInfo elif sys.platform == 'darwin': cpuinfo = DarwinCPUInfo elif sys.platform.startswith('sunos'): cpuinfo = SunOSCPUInfo elif sys.platform.startswith('win32'): cpuinfo = Win32CPUInfo elif sys.platform.startswith('cygwin'): cpuinfo = LinuxCPUInfo #XXX: other OS's. Eg. use _winreg on Win32. Or os.uname on unices. else: cpuinfo = CPUInfoBase cpu = cpuinfo() #if __name__ == "__main__": # # cpu.is_blaa() # cpu.is_Intel() # cpu.is_Alpha() # # print('CPU information:'), # for name in dir(cpuinfo): # if name[0]=='_' and name[1]!='_': # r = getattr(cpu,name[1:])() # if r: # if r!=1: # print('%s=%s' %(name[1:],r)) # else: # print(name[1:]), # print()
#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Above the run-comment and file encoding comment. # TODO FIXME XXX # Keywords with break continue del exec return pass print raise global assert lambda yield for while if elif else import from as try except finally and in is not or yield from def functionname class Classname def 哈哈 class 哈哈 await async def Test async with async for # Builtin objects. True False Ellipsis None NotImplemented # Builtin function and types. __import__ abs all any apply basestring bool buffer callable chr classmethod cmp coerce compile complex delattr dict dir divmod enumerate eval execfile file filter float frozenset getattr globals hasattr hash help hex id input int intern isinstance issubclass iter len list locals long map max min object oct open ord pow property range raw_input reduce reload repr reversed round set setattr slice sorted staticmethod str sum super tuple type unichr unicode vars xrange zip # Builtin exceptions and warnings. BaseException Exception StandardError ArithmeticError LookupError EnvironmentError AssertionError AttributeError EOFError FloatingPointError GeneratorExit IOError ImportError IndexError KeyError KeyboardInterrupt MemoryError NameError NotImplementedError OSError OverflowError ReferenceError RuntimeError StopIteration SyntaxError IndentationError TabError SystemError SystemExit TypeError UnboundLocalError UnicodeError UnicodeEncodeError UnicodeDecodeError UnicodeTranslateError ValueError WindowsError ZeroDivisionError Warning UserWarning DeprecationWarning PendingDepricationWarning SyntaxWarning RuntimeWarning FutureWarning ImportWarning UnicodeWarning # Decorators. @ decoratorname @ object.__init__(arg1, arg2) # Numbers 0 1 2 9 10 0x1f .3 12.34 0j 0j 34.2E-3 0b10 0o77 1023434 0x0 # Erroneous numbers 077 100L 0xfffffffL 0L 08 0xk 0x 0b102 0o78 0o123LaB # Strings " test " ' test ' """ test """ ''' test ''' " \a\b\c\"\'\n\r \x34\077 \08 \xag" r" \" \' " "testтест" b"test" b"test\r\n\xffff" b"тестtest" br"test" br"\a\b\n\r" # Formattings " %f " b" %f " "{0.name!r:b} {0[n]} {name!s: } {{test}} {{}} {} {.__len__:s}" b"{0.name!r:b} {0[n]} {name!s: } {{test}} {{}} {} {.__len__:s}" "${test} ${test ${test}aname $$$ $test+nope" b"${test} ${test ${test}aname $$$ $test+nope" # Doctests. """ Test: >>> a = 5 >>> a 5 Test """ ''' Test: >>> a = 5 >>> a 5 Test ''' # Erroneous symbols or bad variable names. $ ? 6xav && || === # Indentation errors. break # Trailing space errors. break """ test """
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Generated by Django 1.10.2 on 2016-11-22 22:53 from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('socialnet', '0029_auto_20161121_0543'), ] operations = [ migrations.AddField( model_name='author', name='displayname', field=models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255, null=True), ), ]
from django.conf import settings from django.core.mail.backends.base import BaseEmailBackend from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured from django.core.mail import EmailMessage, EmailMultiAlternatives import base64 from postmark.core import PMMail, PMBatchMail class PMEmailMessage(EmailMessage): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if 'tag' in kwargs: self.tag = kwargs['tag'] del kwargs['tag'] else: self.tag = None if 'track_opens' in kwargs: self.track_opens = kwargs['track_opens'] del kwargs['track_opens'] else: self.track_opens = getattr(settings, 'POSTMARK_TRACK_OPENS', False) if 'message_stream' in kwargs: self.message_stream = kwargs['message_stream'] del kwargs['message_stream'] else: self.message_stream = None super(PMEmailMessage, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) class PMEmailMultiAlternatives(EmailMultiAlternatives): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if 'tag' in kwargs: self.tag = kwargs['tag'] del kwargs['tag'] else: self.tag = None if 'track_opens' in kwargs: self.track_opens = kwargs['track_opens'] del kwargs['track_opens'] else: self.track_opens = getattr(settings, 'POSTMARK_TRACK_OPENS', False) if 'message_stream' in kwargs: self.message_stream = kwargs['message_stream'] del kwargs['message_stream'] else: self.message_stream = None super(PMEmailMultiAlternatives, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) class EmailBackend(BaseEmailBackend): def __init__(self, api_key=None, default_sender=None, **kwargs): """ Initialize the backend. """ super(EmailBackend, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.api_key = api_key if api_key is not None else getattr(settings, 'POSTMARK_API_KEY', None) if self.api_key is None: raise ImproperlyConfigured('POSTMARK API key must be set in Django settings file or passed to backend constructor.') self.default_sender = getattr(settings, 'POSTMARK_SENDER', default_sender) self.test_mode = getattr(settings, 'POSTMARK_TEST_MODE', False) self.return_message_id = getattr(settings, 'POSTMARK_RETURN_MESSAGE_ID', False) def send_messages(self, email_messages): """ Sends one or more EmailMessage objects and returns the number of email messages sent. """ if not email_messages: return sent, instance = self._send(email_messages) if sent and self.return_message_id: return [m.message_id for m in instance.messages] elif sent: return len(email_messages) return 0 def _build_message(self, message): """A helper method to convert a PMEmailMessage to a PMMail""" if not message.recipients(): return False recipients = ','.join(message.to) recipients_cc = ','.join(message.cc) recipients_bcc = ','.join(message.bcc) text_body = message.body html_body = None if isinstance(message, EmailMultiAlternatives): for alt in message.alternatives: if alt[1] == "text/html": html_body = alt[0] break if getattr(message, 'content_subtype', None) == 'html': # Don't send html content as plain text text_body = None html_body = message.body reply_to = ','.join(message.reply_to) custom_headers = {} if message.extra_headers and isinstance(message.extra_headers, dict): if 'Reply-To' in message.extra_headers: reply_to = message.extra_headers.pop('Reply-To') if len(message.extra_headers): custom_headers = message.extra_headers attachments = [] if message.attachments and isinstance(message.attachments, list): if len(message.attachments): for item in message.attachments: if isinstance(item, tuple): (f, content, m) = item if isinstance(content, str): content = content.encode() content = base64.b64encode(content) # b64decode returns bytes on Python 3. PMMail needs a # str (for JSON serialization). Convert on Python 3 # only to avoid a useless performance hit on Python 2. if not isinstance(content, str): content = content.decode() attachments.append((f, content, m)) else: attachments.append(item) message_stream = getattr(message, 'message_stream', None) postmark_message = PMMail(api_key=self.api_key, subject=message.subject, sender=message.from_email, to=recipients, cc=recipients_cc, bcc=recipients_bcc, text_body=text_body, html_body=html_body, reply_to=reply_to, custom_headers=custom_headers, attachments=attachments, message_stream=message_stream) postmark_message.tag = getattr(message, 'tag', None) postmark_message.track_opens = getattr(message, 'track_opens', False) return postmark_message def _send(self, messages): """A helper method that does the actual sending.""" if len(messages) == 1: to_send = self._build_message(messages[0]) if to_send is False: # The message was missing recipients. # Bail. return False, None else: pm_messages = list(map(self._build_message, messages)) pm_messages = [m for m in pm_messages if m] if len(pm_messages) == 0: # If after filtering, there aren't any messages # to send, bail. return False, None to_send = PMBatchMail(messages=pm_messages) try: to_send.send(test=self.test_mode) except: if self.fail_silently: return False, to_send raise return True, to_send
import os import os.path as osp import shutil import subprocess from .. api import Installer, parse_version from .. toolbox import find_executable, pushd class StowInstaller(Installer): name = 'stow' def __init__(self, provider, release, config): super(StowInstaller, self).__init__(provider, release, config) self.path = config['path'] self.pkg_path = osp.join(self.path, 'stow') self.activate = config.get('activate', True) self.executable = find_executable( *config.get('stow', ('stow', 'xstow')) ) def release_dir_name(self, version=''): return '{}-{}'.format(self.release.pkg_name, version) def get_local_versions(self): versions = [] if not osp.isdir(self.pkg_path): return versions for p in os.listdir(self.pkg_path): fp = osp.join(self.pkg_path, p) if osp.isdir(fp) and p.startswith(self.release_dir_name()): versions.append(p[len(self.release_dir_name()):]) return versions def installed_version(self): """ :return: most recent version available in stow packages directory. :rtype: string """ installed_version = reduce( lambda a, b: a if a > b else b, map( lambda v: (parse_version(v), v), self.get_local_versions() ), (None, None) ) return installed_version[1] def _stow(self, *args): with pushd(self.pkg_path): subprocess.check_call([self.executable] + list(args)) def disable_package(self, version): self._stow('-D', self.release_dir_name(version)) def enable_package(self, version): self._stow(self.release_dir_name(version)) def install(self, fetched_items_path, version): rdir_name = self.release_dir_name(version) release_path = osp.join(self.pkg_path, rdir_name) if not osp.isdir(self.pkg_path): os.makedirs(self.pkg_path) elif osp.isdir(release_path): raise Exception( "Cannot install {}/{} in {}: directory exists".format( self.provider.name, self.release.name, release_path ) ) shutil.copytree(fetched_items_path, release_path) if self.activate: versions_to_disable = set(self.get_local_versions()) versions_to_disable.remove(version) for v in versions_to_disable: self.disable_package(v) self.enable_package(version)
# Opus/UrbanSim urban simulation software. # Copyright (C) 2005-2009 University of Washington # See opus_core/LICENSE import os from PyQt4 import QtGui, Qt, QtCore from opus_gui.general_manager.views.ui_dependency_viewer import Ui_DependencyViewer class DependencyViewer(QtGui.QDialog, Ui_DependencyViewer): def __init__(self, parent_window): flags = QtCore.Qt.WindowTitleHint | QtCore.Qt.WindowSystemMenuHint | QtCore.Qt.WindowMaximizeButtonHint QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self, parent_window, flags) self.setupUi(self) self.setModal(True) #TODO: this shouldn't be necessary, but without it the window is unresponsive def show_error_message(self): self.lbl_error.setVisible(True) self.scrollArea.setVisible(False) def show_graph(self, file_path, name): self.lbl_error.setVisible(False) self.scrollArea.setVisible(True) self.setWindowTitle("Dependency graph of %s" % name) self.image_file = file_path pix = QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(QtGui.QImage(file_path)) self.label.setPixmap(pix) self.scrollAreaWidgetContents.setMinimumSize(pix.width(), pix.height()) self.label.setMinimumSize(pix.width(), pix.height()) rect = Qt.QApplication.desktop().screenGeometry(self) self.resize(min(rect.width(), pix.width() + 35), min(rect.height(), pix.height() + 80)) self.update() def on_closeWindow_released(self): self.close() os.remove(self.image_file)
""" These are the functions used to process medline (pubmed) files at the backend. They are meant for use internal use by metaknowledge. """ from .recordMedline import MedlineRecord, medlineRecordParser from .medlineHandlers import isMedlineFile, medlineParser from .tagProcessing.tagNames import tagNameDict, authorBasedTags, tagNameConverterDict from .tagProcessing.specialFunctions import medlineSpecialTagToFunc from .tagProcessing.tagFunctions import *
# coding=utf-8 """Module of Data Types (eg. Temperature, Area, etc.) Possesses capabilities for unit conversions and range checks. It also includes descriptions of the data types and the units. Properties: TYPES: A tuple indicating all currently supported data types. BASETYPES: A tuple indicating all base types. Base types are the data types on which unit systems are defined. UNITS: A dictionary containing all currently supported units. The keys of this dictionary are the base type names (eg. 'Temperature'). TYPESDICT: A dictionary containing pointers to the classes of each data type. The keys of this dictionary are the data type names. """ from .base import _DataTypeEnumeration _data_types = _DataTypeEnumeration(import_modules=True) TYPES = _data_types.types BASETYPES = _data_types.base_types UNITS = _data_types.units TYPESDICT = _data_types.types_dict
from engine.services.lib.debug import check_if_debugging check_if_debugging() import inspect import logging import os import sys import traceback from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler from subprocess import check_call, check_output from flask import Flask ## Moved populate & upgrade from webapp from initdb.populate import Populate from initdb.upgrade import Upgrade from pid import PidFile, PidFileAlreadyLockedError, PidFileAlreadyRunningError check_output(("/isard/generate_certs.sh"), text=True).strip() try: p = Populate() except Exception as e: print(traceback.format_exc()) print("Error populating...") exit(1) try: u = Upgrade() except Exception as e: print(traceback.format_exc()) print("Error Upgrading...") exit(1) ## End from engine.services.lib.functions import check_tables_populated check_tables_populated() from engine.models.engine import Engine from engine.services import db def run(app): http_server = WSGIServer(("", 5555), app) http_server.serve_forever() # if app.debug: # from werkzeug.debug import DebuggedApplication # app.wsgi_app = DebuggedApplication( app.wsgi_app, True ) if __name__ == "__main__": p = PidFile("engine") try: p.create() except PidFileAlreadyLockedError: import time err_pid = PidFile(str(time.time())) err_pid.create() while True: time.sleep(1) app = Flask(__name__) app.m = Engine(with_status_threads=False) app.db = db # remove default logging for get/post messages werk = logging.getLogger("werkzeug") werk.setLevel(logging.ERROR) # add log handler handler = RotatingFileHandler("api.log", maxBytes=10000, backupCount=1) handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) app.logger.addHandler(handler) # register blueprints from engine.api import api as api_blueprint app.register_blueprint(api_blueprint, url_prefix="") # url_prefix /api? # run(app) if os.environ.get("LOG_LEVEL") == "DEBUG": app.run(debug=True, host="") else: app.run(host="")
#!/usr/bin/env python #-*- coding: utf-8 -*- import settings #---------------------------------------- # globals #---------------------------------------- web = settings.web stow = web.utils.storage #---------------------------------------- # 初始化菜单 权限控制 #---------------------------------------- def init_menus(): _ = web.config.get('_gettext') menus = [ stow({ 'id':'base', 'title':_("menu_system_base"), 'menus':[ #stow({ # 'id':'menusystemstatus', #系统状态 # 'icon_class':'icon-speedometer', # 'title':_("menu_system_status"), # 'content':[ # stow({'name':_('system_status'),'url':"javascript:load_page('systemstatus')",'id':'systemstatus'}), # stow({'name':_('service_control'),'url':"javascript:load_page('servicecontrol')",'id':'servicecontrol'}), # ] #}), stow({ 'id':'menunetwork', #网络设置 'icon_class':'icon-network', 'title':_("menu_network"), 'content':[ stow({'name':_('iface_manage'),'url':"javascript:load_page('iface')",'id':'iface'}), stow({'name':_('dns_manage'),'url':"javascript:load_page('dns')",'id':'dns'}), stow({'name':_('route_manage'),'url':"javascript:load_page('route')",'id':'route'}), ] }), stow({ 'id':'menustorage', #存储设置 'icon_class':'icon-storage', 'title':_("menu_storage"), 'content':[ stow({'name':_('mdraid_manage'),'url':"javascript:load_page('mdraid')",'id':'mdraid'}), stow({'name':_('lvm_manage'),'url':"javascript:load_page('lvm')",'id':'lvm'}) ] }) ] }), #stow({ # 'id':'nas', # 'title':_("menu_nas"), # 'menus':[ # # ] #}), stow({ 'id':'san', 'title':_("menu_san"), 'menus':[ stow({ 'id':'menusanbase', #SAN基础配置 'icon_class':'icon-speedometer', 'title':_("menu_san_base"), 'content':[ stow({'name':_('ipsan'),'url':"javascript:load_page('ipsan')",'id':'ipsan'}), stow({'name':_('fcsan'),'url':"javascript:load_page('fcsan')",'id':'fcsan'}), ] }), #stow({ # 'id':'menusanoptional', #SAN高级配置 # 'icon_class':'icon-speedometer', # 'title':_("menu_san_optional"), # 'content':[ # stow({'name':_('ipsan'),'url':"javascript:load_page('ipsan')",'id':'ipsan'}), # stow({'name':_('fcsan'),'url':"javascript:load_page('fcsan')",'id':'fcsan'}), # ] #}) ] }) ] return menus
from .cluster_pb2 import FLNodeDef, FLClusterDef from .cluster_spec import FLClusterSpec
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ HTTP streaming toolbox with flow control, written in Python. :copyright: (c) 2014 Runzhou Li (Leo) :license: The MIT License (MIT), see LICENSE for details. """ __title__ = 'tidehunter' __version__ = '1.0.1' VERSION = tuple(map(int, __version__.split('.'))) __author__ = 'Runzhou Li (Leo)' __license__ = 'The MIT License (MIT)' __copyright__ = 'Runzhou Li (Leo)' from tidehunter.stream import ( Hunter, SimpleStateCounter ) __all__ = [ 'Hunter', 'SimpleStateCounter' ] # Set default logging handler to avoid "No handler found" warnings. import logging try: # Python 2.7+ from logging import NullHandler except ImportError: # pragma: no cover class NullHandler(logging.Handler): def emit(self, record): pass logging.getLogger(__name__).addHandler(NullHandler())
from django import forms from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from .models import Customer, Session, CompanyProfile class CustomerUpdateForm(forms.ModelForm): """ Update Customer form Field enhancements: * therapyCategory uses forms.TypedChoiceField. """ class Meta: model = Customer fields = ['status', 'firstName', 'lastName', 'additionalName', 'ssn', 'address', 'zipCode', 'city', 'telephone', 'email', 'therapyCategory', 'sessionprice', 'sessionpriceKelaRefund' # , 'statementpriceKela' ] labels = { 'firstName': _("Etunimi"), 'additionalName': _("Muut etunimet"), 'lastName': _("Sukunimi"), 'ssn': _("Sosiaaliturvatunnus"), 'address': _("Osoite"), 'zipCode': _("Postinumero"), 'city': _("Postitoimipaikka"), 'telephone': _("Puhelin"), 'email': _("Sähköposti"), 'status': _("Aktiivinen asiakas?"), 'therapyCategory': _("Terapialuokitus"), 'sessionprice': _("Tapaamisen perushinta"), 'sessionpriceKelaRefund': _("Kelan korvaus"), # 'statementpriceKela': _("Kelakorvaus lausunnosta"), } therapyCategory = forms.TypedChoiceField( label=Meta.labels['therapyCategory'], choices=Customer.THERAPY_CATEGORY_CHOICES, widget=forms.Select, required=True ) class CustomerCreateForm(forms.ModelForm): """ Create Customer form. Field enhancements: * therapyCategory uses forms.TypedChoiceField. """ class Meta: model = Customer fields = ['firstName', 'lastName', 'additionalName', 'ssn', 'address', 'zipCode', 'city', 'telephone', 'email', 'status', 'therapyCategory', 'sessionprice', 'sessionpriceKelaRefund'] labels = { 'firstName': _("Etunimi"), 'additionalName': _("Muut etunimet"), 'lastName': _("Sukunimi"), 'ssn': _("Sosiaaliturvatunnus"), 'address': _("Osoite"), 'zipCode': _("Postinumero"), 'city': _("Postitoimipaikka"), 'telephone': _("Puhelin"), 'email': _("Sähköposti"), 'status': _("Aktiivinen asiakas?"), 'therapyCategory': _("Terapialuokitus"), 'sessionprice': _("Tapaamisen perushinta"), 'sessionpriceKelaRefund': _("Kelan korvaus"), } therapyCategory = forms.TypedChoiceField( label=Meta.labels['therapyCategory'], choices=Customer.THERAPY_CATEGORY_CHOICES, widget=forms.Select, required=True ) class SessionUpdateForm(forms.ModelForm): """ Update Customer form. Field enhancements: * time uses forms.TimeField with format '%H:%M' * sessionInvoiceType uses forms.TypedChoiceField choices from Session.SESSION_INVOICE_CHOICES * kelaInvoiceType uses forms.TypedChoiceField choices from Session.KELAINVOICABLE_CHOICES * sessionType uses forms.TypedChoiceField choices from Session.SESSION_TYPE_CHOICES """ class Meta: model = Session fields = [ 'date', 'time', 'sessionType', 'sessionInvoiceType', 'kelaInvoiceType', 'sessionprice', 'sessionpriceKelaRefund', 'sessionDone' ] labels = { 'date': _("Tapaamispäivä"), 'time': _("Tapaamisaika"), 'sessionType': _("Tapaamisen tyyppi"), 'sessionInvoiceType': _("Tapaamisen laskutus"), 'kelaInvoiceType': _("Maksaako Kela osan asiakkaan kustannuksista?"), 'sessionprice': _("Tapaamisen hinta"), 'sessionpriceKelaRefund': _("Kelan maksama osuus tapaamisen hinnasta"), 'sessionDone': _("Onko tapaaminen pidetty?") } time = forms.TimeField( label=Meta.labels['time'], widget=forms.TimeInput(format='%H:%M'), required=True ) sessionInvoiceType = forms.TypedChoiceField( label=Meta.labels['sessionInvoiceType'], choices=Session.SESSION_INVOICE_CHOICES, widget=forms.Select, required=True ) kelaInvoiceType = forms.TypedChoiceField( label=Meta.labels['kelaInvoiceType'], choices=Session.KELAINVOICABLE_CHOICES, widget=forms.Select, required=True ) sessionType = forms.TypedChoiceField( label=Meta.labels['sessionType'], choices=Session.SESSION_TYPE_CHOICES, widget=forms.Select, required=True ) class CompanyProfileUpdateForm(forms.ModelForm): """ CustomerProfile update form. Field enhancements: * time uses forms.TimeField with format '%H:%M' * serviceproviderType uses forms.TypedChoiceField choices from CompanyProfile.SERVICEPROVIDER_TYPE_CHOICES * invoiceRefType uses forms.TypedChoiceField choices from CompanyProfile.INVOICEREF_TYPE_CHOICES * taxAdvanceType uses forms.TypedChoiceField choices from CompanyProfile.TAX_ADVANCE_COLLECTION_TYPE_CHOICES """ class Meta: model = CompanyProfile fields = [ 'companyName', 'firstName', 'additionalName', 'lastName', 'address', 'zipCode', 'city', 'country', 'telephone', 'email', 'vatId', 'iban', 'bic', 'serviceproviderType', 'invoiceRefType', 'taxAdvanceType' ] labels = { 'companyName': _("Oman yrityksen nimi"), 'firstName': _("Etunimi"), 'additionalName': _("Muut etunimet"), 'lastName': _("Sukunimi"), 'address': _("Osoite"), 'zipCode': _("Postinumero"), 'city': _("Postitoimipaikka"), 'country': _("Maa"), 'telephone': _("Puhelin"), 'email': _("Sähköposti"), 'vatId': _("Y-tunnus/Henkilötunnus"), 'iban': _("Pankkitili (IBAN)"), 'bic': _("Pankkiyhteys (BIC)"), 'serviceproviderType': _("Palveluntarjoajatyyppi"), 'invoiceRefType': _("Kelan laskun viitetyyppi"), 'taxAdvanceType': _("Ennakinpidätysperuste") } serviceproviderType = forms.TypedChoiceField( label=Meta.labels['serviceproviderType'], choices=CompanyProfile.SERVICEPROVIDER_TYPE_CHOICES, widget=forms.Select, required=True ) invoiceRefType = forms.TypedChoiceField( label=Meta.labels['invoiceRefType'], choices=CompanyProfile.INVOICEREF_TYPE_CHOICES, widget=forms.Select, required=True ) taxAdvanceType = forms.TypedChoiceField( label=Meta.labels['taxAdvanceType'], choices=CompanyProfile.TAX_ADVANCE_COLLECTION_TYPE_CHOICES, widget=forms.Select, required=True )
# # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from heat.common import exception from heat.common.i18n import _ from heat.engine import constraints from heat.engine import properties from heat.engine import resource from heat.engine import support class KeystoneRoleAssignmentMixin(object): """Implements role assignments between user/groups and project/domain. heat_template_version: 2013-05-23 parameters: ... Group or User parameters group_role: type: string description: role group_role_domain: type: string description: group role domain group_role_project: type: string description: group role project resources: admin_group: type: OS::Keystone::Group OR OS::Keystone::User properties: ... Group or User properties roles: - role: {get_param: group_role} domain: {get_param: group_role_domain} - role: {get_param: group_role} project: {get_param: group_role_project} """ PROPERTIES = ( ROLES ) = ( 'roles' ) _ROLES_MAPPING_PROPERTIES = ( ROLE, DOMAIN, PROJECT ) = ( 'role', 'domain', 'project' ) mixin_properties_schema = { ROLES: properties.Schema( properties.Schema.LIST, _('List of role assignments.'), schema=properties.Schema( properties.Schema.MAP, _('Map between role with either project or domain.'), schema={ ROLE: properties.Schema( properties.Schema.STRING, _('Keystone role'), required=True, constraints=([constraints. CustomConstraint('keystone.role')]) ), PROJECT: properties.Schema( properties.Schema.STRING, _('Keystone project'), constraints=([constraints. CustomConstraint('keystone.project')]) ), DOMAIN: properties.Schema( properties.Schema.STRING, _('Keystone domain'), constraints=([constraints. CustomConstraint('keystone.domain')]) ), } ), update_allowed=True ) } def _add_role_assignments_to_group(self, group_id, role_assignments): for role_assignment in self._normalize_to_id(role_assignments): if role_assignment.get(self.PROJECT) is not None: self.client().client.roles.grant( role=role_assignment.get(self.ROLE), project=role_assignment.get(self.PROJECT), group=group_id ) elif role_assignment.get(self.DOMAIN) is not None: self.client().client.roles.grant( role=role_assignment.get(self.ROLE), domain=role_assignment.get(self.DOMAIN), group=group_id ) def _add_role_assignments_to_user(self, user_id, role_assignments): for role_assignment in self._normalize_to_id(role_assignments): if role_assignment.get(self.PROJECT) is not None: self.client().client.roles.grant( role=role_assignment.get(self.ROLE), project=role_assignment.get(self.PROJECT), user=user_id ) elif role_assignment.get(self.DOMAIN) is not None: self.client().client.roles.grant( role=role_assignment.get(self.ROLE), domain=role_assignment.get(self.DOMAIN), user=user_id ) def _remove_role_assignments_from_group(self, group_id, role_assignments): for role_assignment in self._normalize_to_id(role_assignments): if role_assignment.get(self.PROJECT) is not None: self.client().client.roles.revoke( role=role_assignment.get(self.ROLE), project=role_assignment.get(self.PROJECT), group=group_id ) elif role_assignment.get(self.DOMAIN) is not None: self.client().client.roles.revoke( role=role_assignment.get(self.ROLE), domain=role_assignment.get(self.DOMAIN), group=group_id ) def _remove_role_assignments_from_user(self, user_id, role_assignments): for role_assignment in self._normalize_to_id(role_assignments): if role_assignment.get(self.PROJECT) is not None: self.client().client.roles.revoke( role=role_assignment.get(self.ROLE), project=role_assignment.get(self.PROJECT), user=user_id ) elif role_assignment.get(self.DOMAIN) is not None: self.client().client.roles.revoke( role=role_assignment.get(self.ROLE), domain=role_assignment.get(self.DOMAIN), user=user_id ) def _normalize_to_id(self, role_assignment_prps): role_assignments = [] if role_assignment_prps is None: return role_assignments for role_assignment in role_assignment_prps: role = role_assignment.get(self.ROLE) project = role_assignment.get(self.PROJECT) domain = role_assignment.get(self.DOMAIN) role_assignments.append({ self.ROLE: self.client_plugin().get_role_id(role), self.PROJECT: (self.client_plugin(). get_project_id(project)) if project else None, self.DOMAIN: (self.client_plugin(). get_domain_id(domain)) if domain else None }) return role_assignments def _find_differences(self, updated_prps, stored_prps): updated_role_project_assignments = [] updated_role_domain_assignments = [] # Split the properties into two set of role assignments # (project, domain) from updated properties for role_assignment in updated_prps or []: if role_assignment.get(self.PROJECT) is not None: updated_role_project_assignments.append( '%s:%s' % ( role_assignment[self.ROLE], role_assignment[self.PROJECT])) elif (role_assignment.get(self.DOMAIN) is not None): updated_role_domain_assignments.append( '%s:%s' % (role_assignment[self.ROLE], role_assignment[self.DOMAIN])) stored_role_project_assignments = [] stored_role_domain_assignments = [] # Split the properties into two set of role assignments # (project, domain) from updated properties for role_assignment in (stored_prps or []): if role_assignment.get(self.PROJECT) is not None: stored_role_project_assignments.append( '%s:%s' % ( role_assignment[self.ROLE], role_assignment[self.PROJECT])) elif (role_assignment.get(self.DOMAIN) is not None): stored_role_domain_assignments.append( '%s:%s' % (role_assignment[self.ROLE], role_assignment[self.DOMAIN])) new_role_assignments = [] removed_role_assignments = [] # NOTE: finding the diff of list of strings is easier by using 'set' # so properties are converted to string in above sections # New items for item in (set(updated_role_project_assignments) - set(stored_role_project_assignments)): new_role_assignments.append( {self.ROLE: item[:item.find(':')], self.PROJECT: item[item.find(':') + 1:]} ) for item in (set(updated_role_domain_assignments) - set(stored_role_domain_assignments)): new_role_assignments.append( {self.ROLE: item[:item.find(':')], self.DOMAIN: item[item.find(':') + 1:]} ) # Old items for item in (set(stored_role_project_assignments) - set(updated_role_project_assignments)): removed_role_assignments.append( {self.ROLE: item[:item.find(':')], self.PROJECT: item[item.find(':') + 1:]} ) for item in (set(stored_role_domain_assignments) - set(updated_role_domain_assignments)): removed_role_assignments.append( {self.ROLE: item[:item.find(':')], self.DOMAIN: item[item.find(':') + 1:]} ) return new_role_assignments, removed_role_assignments def create_assignment(self, user_id=None, group_id=None): if self.properties.get(self.ROLES) is not None: if user_id is not None: self._add_role_assignments_to_user( user_id, self.properties.get(self.ROLES)) elif group_id is not None: self._add_role_assignments_to_group( group_id, self.properties.get(self.ROLES)) def update_assignment(self, prop_diff, user_id=None, group_id=None): (new_role_assignments, removed_role_assignments) = self._find_differences( prop_diff.get(self.ROLES), self._stored_properties_data.get(self.ROLES)) if len(new_role_assignments) > 0: if user_id is not None: self._add_role_assignments_to_user( user_id, new_role_assignments) elif group_id is not None: self._add_role_assignments_to_group( group_id, new_role_assignments) if len(removed_role_assignments) > 0: if user_id is not None: self._remove_role_assignments_from_user( user_id, removed_role_assignments) elif group_id is not None: self._remove_role_assignments_from_group( group_id, removed_role_assignments) def delete_assignment(self, user_id=None, group_id=None): if self._stored_properties_data.get(self.ROLES) is not None: if user_id is not None: self._remove_role_assignments_from_user( user_id, (self._stored_properties_data. get(self.ROLES))) elif group_id is not None: self._remove_role_assignments_from_group( group_id, (self._stored_properties_data. get(self.ROLES))) def validate_assignment_properties(self): if self.properties.get(self.ROLES) is not None: for role_assignment in self.properties.get(self.ROLES): project = role_assignment.get(self.PROJECT) domain = role_assignment.get(self.DOMAIN) if project is not None and domain is not None: raise exception.ResourcePropertyConflict(self.PROJECT, self.DOMAIN) if project is None and domain is None: msg = _('Either project or domain must be specified for' ' role %s') % role_assignment.get(self.ROLE) raise exception.StackValidationFailed(message=msg) class KeystoneUserRoleAssignment(resource.Resource, KeystoneRoleAssignmentMixin): """Resource for granting roles to a user.""" support_status = support.SupportStatus( version='5.0.0', message=_('Supported versions: keystone v3')) default_client_name = 'keystone' PROPERTIES = ( USER, ) = ( 'user', ) properties_schema = { USER: properties.Schema( properties.Schema.STRING, _('Name or id of keystone user.'), required=True, update_allowed=True, constraints=[constraints.CustomConstraint('keystone.user')] ) } properties_schema.update( KeystoneRoleAssignmentMixin.mixin_properties_schema) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(KeystoneUserRoleAssignment, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def user_id(self): return (self.client_plugin().get_user_id( self.properties.get(self.USER))) def handle_create(self): self.create_assignment(user_id=self.user_id) def handle_update(self, json_snippet, tmpl_diff, prop_diff): self.update_assignment(user_id=self.user_id, prop_diff=prop_diff) def handle_delete(self): self.delete_assignment(user_id=self.user_id) def validate(self): super(KeystoneUserRoleAssignment, self).validate() self.validate_assignment_properties() class KeystoneGroupRoleAssignment(resource.Resource, KeystoneRoleAssignmentMixin): """Resource for granting roles to a group.""" support_status = support.SupportStatus( version='5.0.0', message=_('Supported versions: keystone v3')) default_client_name = 'keystone' PROPERTIES = ( GROUP, ) = ( 'group', ) properties_schema = { GROUP: properties.Schema( properties.Schema.STRING, _('Name or id of keystone group.'), required=True, update_allowed=True, constraints=[constraints.CustomConstraint('keystone.group')] ) } properties_schema.update( KeystoneRoleAssignmentMixin.mixin_properties_schema) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(KeystoneGroupRoleAssignment, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def group_id(self): return (self.client_plugin().get_group_id( self.properties.get(self.GROUP))) def handle_create(self): self.create_assignment(group_id=self.group_id) def handle_update(self, json_snippet, tmpl_diff, prop_diff): self.update_assignment(group_id=self.group_id, prop_diff=prop_diff) def handle_delete(self): self.delete_assignment(group_id=self.group_id) def validate(self): super(KeystoneGroupRoleAssignment, self).validate() self.validate_assignment_properties() def resource_mapping(): return { 'OS::Keystone::UserRoleAssignment': KeystoneUserRoleAssignment, 'OS::Keystone::GroupRoleAssignment': KeystoneGroupRoleAssignment }
# Copyright (C) 2007-2018 David Aguilar and contributors """Miscellaneous Qt utility functions.""" from __future__ import division, absolute_import, unicode_literals import os from qtpy import compat from qtpy import QtGui from qtpy import QtCore from qtpy import QtWidgets from qtpy.QtCore import Qt from qtpy.QtCore import Signal from . import core from . import hotkeys from . import icons from . import utils from .i18n import N_ from .compat import int_types from .compat import ustr from .models import prefs from .widgets import defs STRETCH = object() SKIPPED = object() def active_window(): """Return the active window for the current application""" return QtWidgets.QApplication.activeWindow() def connect_action(action, fn): """Connect an action to a function""" action.triggered[bool].connect(lambda x: fn()) def connect_action_bool(action, fn): """Connect a triggered(bool) action to a function""" action.triggered[bool].connect(fn) def connect_button(button, fn): """Connect a button to a function""" # Some versions of Qt send the `bool` argument to the clicked callback, # and some do not. The lambda consumes all callback-provided arguments. button.clicked.connect(lambda *args, **kwargs: fn()) def connect_checkbox(widget, fn): """Connect a checkbox to a function taking bool""" widget.clicked.connect(lambda *args, **kwargs: fn(get(checkbox))) def connect_released(button, fn): """Connect a button to a function""" button.released.connect(fn) def button_action(button, action): """Make a button trigger an action""" connect_button(button, action.trigger) def connect_toggle(toggle, fn): """Connect a toggle button to a function""" toggle.toggled.connect(fn) def disconnect(signal): """Disconnect signal from all slots""" try: signal.disconnect() except TypeError: # allow unconnected slots pass def get(widget): """Query a widget for its python value""" if hasattr(widget, 'isChecked'): value = widget.isChecked() elif hasattr(widget, 'value'): value = widget.value() elif hasattr(widget, 'text'): value = widget.text() elif hasattr(widget, 'toPlainText'): value = widget.toPlainText() elif hasattr(widget, 'sizes'): value = widget.sizes() elif hasattr(widget, 'date'): value = widget.date().toString(Qt.ISODate) else: value = None return value def hbox(margin, spacing, *items): """Create an HBoxLayout with the specified sizes and items""" return box(QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout, margin, spacing, *items) def vbox(margin, spacing, *items): """Create a VBoxLayout with the specified sizes and items""" return box(QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout, margin, spacing, *items) def buttongroup(*items): """Create a QButtonGroup for the specified items""" group = QtWidgets.QButtonGroup() for i in items: group.addButton(i) return group def set_margin(layout, margin): """Set the content margins for a layout""" layout.setContentsMargins(margin, margin, margin, margin) def box(cls, margin, spacing, *items): """Create a QBoxLayout with the specified sizes and items""" stretch = STRETCH skipped = SKIPPED layout = cls() layout.setSpacing(spacing) set_margin(layout, margin) for i in items: if isinstance(i, QtWidgets.QWidget): layout.addWidget(i) elif isinstance(i, (QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout, QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout, QtWidgets.QFormLayout, QtWidgets.QLayout)): layout.addLayout(i) elif i is stretch: layout.addStretch() elif i is skipped: continue elif isinstance(i, int_types): layout.addSpacing(i) return layout def form(margin, spacing, *widgets): """Create a QFormLayout with the specified sizes and items""" layout = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() layout.setSpacing(spacing) layout.setFieldGrowthPolicy(QtWidgets.QFormLayout.ExpandingFieldsGrow) set_margin(layout, margin) for idx, (name, widget) in enumerate(widgets): if isinstance(name, (str, ustr)): layout.addRow(name, widget) else: layout.setWidget(idx, QtWidgets.QFormLayout.LabelRole, name) layout.setWidget(idx, QtWidgets.QFormLayout.FieldRole, widget) return layout def grid(margin, spacing, *widgets): """Create a QGridLayout with the specified sizes and items""" layout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() layout.setSpacing(spacing) set_margin(layout, margin) for row in widgets: item = row[0] if isinstance(item, QtWidgets.QWidget): layout.addWidget(*row) elif isinstance(item, QtWidgets.QLayoutItem): layout.addItem(*row) return layout def splitter(orientation, *widgets): """Create a spliter over the specified widgets :param orientation: Qt.Horizontal or Qt.Vertical """ layout = QtWidgets.QSplitter() layout.setOrientation(orientation) layout.setHandleWidth(defs.handle_width) layout.setChildrenCollapsible(True) for idx, widget in enumerate(widgets): layout.addWidget(widget) layout.setStretchFactor(idx, 1) # Workaround for Qt not setting the WA_Hover property for QSplitter # Cf. https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-13768 layout.handle(1).setAttribute(Qt.WA_Hover) return layout def label(text=None, align=None, fmt=None, selectable=True): """Create a QLabel with the specified properties""" widget = QtWidgets.QLabel() if align is not None: widget.setAlignment(align) if fmt is not None: widget.setTextFormat(fmt) if selectable: widget.setTextInteractionFlags(Qt.TextBrowserInteraction) widget.setOpenExternalLinks(True) if text: widget.setText(text) return widget class ComboBox(QtWidgets.QComboBox): """Custom read-only combobox with a convenient API""" def __init__(self, items=None, editable=False, parent=None, transform=None): super(ComboBox, self).__init__(parent) self.setEditable(editable) self.transform = transform self.item_data = [] if items: self.addItems(items) self.item_data.extend(items) def set_index(self, idx): idx = utils.clamp(idx, 0, self.count()-1) self.setCurrentIndex(idx) def add_item(self, text, data): self.addItem(text) self.item_data.append(data) def current_data(self): return self.item_data[self.currentIndex()] def set_value(self, value): if self.transform: value = self.transform(value) try: index = self.item_data.index(value) except ValueError: index = 0 self.setCurrentIndex(index) def combo(items, editable=False, parent=None): """Create a readonly (by default) combobox from a list of items""" return ComboBox(editable=editable, items=items, parent=parent) def combo_mapped(data, editable=False, transform=None, parent=None): """Create a readonly (by default) combobox from a list of items""" widget = ComboBox(editable=editable, transform=transform, parent=parent) for (k, v) in data: widget.add_item(k, v) return widget def textbrowser(text=None): """Create a QTextBrowser for the specified text""" widget = QtWidgets.QTextBrowser() widget.setOpenExternalLinks(True) if text: widget.setText(text) return widget def add_completer(widget, items): """Add simple completion to a widget""" completer = QtWidgets.QCompleter(items, widget) completer.setCaseSensitivity(Qt.CaseInsensitive) completer.setCompletionMode(QtWidgets.QCompleter.InlineCompletion) widget.setCompleter(completer) def prompt(msg, title=None, text='', parent=None): """Presents the user with an input widget and returns the input.""" if title is None: title = msg if parent is None: parent = active_window() result = QtWidgets.QInputDialog.getText( parent, title, msg, QtWidgets.QLineEdit.Normal, text) return (result[0], result[1]) def prompt_n(msg, inputs): """Presents the user with N input widgets and returns the results""" dialog = QtWidgets.QDialog(active_window()) dialog.setWindowModality(Qt.WindowModal) dialog.setWindowTitle(msg) long_value = msg for k, v in inputs: if len(k + v) > len(long_value): long_value = k + v metrics = QtGui.QFontMetrics(dialog.font()) min_width = metrics.width(long_value) + 100 if min_width > 720: min_width = 720 dialog.setMinimumWidth(min_width) ok_b = ok_button(msg, enabled=False) close_b = close_button() form_widgets = [] def get_values(): return [pair[1].text().strip() for pair in form_widgets] for name, value in inputs: lineedit = QtWidgets.QLineEdit() # Enable the OK button only when all fields have been populated lineedit.textChanged.connect( lambda x: ok_b.setEnabled(all(get_values()))) if value: lineedit.setText(value) form_widgets.append((name, lineedit)) # layouts form_layout = form(defs.no_margin, defs.button_spacing, *form_widgets) button_layout = hbox(defs.no_margin, defs.button_spacing, STRETCH, close_b, ok_b) main_layout = vbox(defs.margin, defs.button_spacing, form_layout, button_layout) dialog.setLayout(main_layout) # connections connect_button(ok_b, dialog.accept) connect_button(close_b, dialog.reject) accepted = dialog.exec_() == QtWidgets.QDialog.Accepted text = get_values() ok = accepted and all(text) return (ok, text) class TreeWidgetItem(QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem): TYPE = QtGui.QStandardItem.UserType + 101 def __init__(self, path, icon, deleted): QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem.__init__(self) self.path = path self.deleted = deleted self.setIcon(0, icons.from_name(icon)) self.setText(0, path) def type(self): return self.TYPE def paths_from_indexes(model, indexes, item_type=TreeWidgetItem.TYPE, item_filter=None): """Return paths from a list of QStandardItemModel indexes""" items = [model.itemFromIndex(i) for i in indexes] return paths_from_items(items, item_type=item_type, item_filter=item_filter) def _true_filter(_x): return True def paths_from_items(items, item_type=TreeWidgetItem.TYPE, item_filter=None): """Return a list of paths from a list of items""" if item_filter is None: item_filter = _true_filter return [i.path for i in items if i.type() == item_type and item_filter(i)] def tree_selection(tree_item, items): """Returns an array of model items that correspond to the selected QTreeWidgetItem children""" selected = [] count = min(tree_item.childCount(), len(items)) for idx in range(count): if tree_item.child(idx).isSelected(): selected.append(items[idx]) return selected def tree_selection_items(tree_item): """Returns selected widget items""" selected = [] for idx in range(tree_item.childCount()): child = tree_item.child(idx) if child.isSelected(): selected.append(child) return selected def selected_item(list_widget, items): """Returns the model item that corresponds to the selected QListWidget row.""" widget_items = list_widget.selectedItems() if not widget_items: return None widget_item = widget_items[0] row = list_widget.row(widget_item) if row < len(items): item = items[row] else: item = None return item def selected_items(list_widget, items): """Returns an array of model items that correspond to the selected QListWidget rows.""" item_count = len(items) selected = [] for widget_item in list_widget.selectedItems(): row = list_widget.row(widget_item) if row < item_count: selected.append(items[row]) return selected def open_file(title, directory=None): """Creates an Open File dialog and returns a filename.""" result = compat.getopenfilename(parent=active_window(), caption=title, basedir=directory) return result[0] def open_files(title, directory=None, filters=''): """Creates an Open File dialog and returns a list of filenames.""" result = compat.getopenfilenames(parent=active_window(), caption=title, basedir=directory, filters=filters) return result[0] def opendir_dialog(caption, path): """Prompts for a directory path""" options = (QtWidgets.QFileDialog.ShowDirsOnly | QtWidgets.QFileDialog.DontResolveSymlinks) return compat.getexistingdirectory(parent=active_window(), caption=caption, basedir=path, options=options) def save_as(filename, title='Save As...'): """Creates a Save File dialog and returns a filename.""" result = compat.getsavefilename(parent=active_window(), caption=title, basedir=filename) return result[0] def copy_path(filename, absolute=True): """Copy a filename to the clipboard""" if filename is None: return if absolute: filename = core.abspath(filename) set_clipboard(filename) def set_clipboard(text): """Sets the copy/paste buffer to text.""" if not text: return clipboard = QtWidgets.QApplication.clipboard() clipboard.setText(text, QtGui.QClipboard.Clipboard) clipboard.setText(text, QtGui.QClipboard.Selection) persist_clipboard() # pylint: disable=line-too-long def persist_clipboard(): """Persist the clipboard X11 stores only a reference to the clipboard data. Send a clipboard event to force a copy of the clipboard to occur. This ensures that the clipboard is present after git-cola exits. Otherwise, the reference is destroyed on exit. C.f. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2007103/how-can-i-disable-clear-of-clipboard-on-exit-of-pyqt4-application """ # noqa clipboard = QtWidgets.QApplication.clipboard() event = QtCore.QEvent(QtCore.QEvent.Clipboard) QtWidgets.QApplication.sendEvent(clipboard, event) def add_action_bool(widget, text, fn, checked, *shortcuts): tip = text action = _add_action(widget, text, tip, fn, connect_action_bool, *shortcuts) action.setCheckable(True) action.setChecked(checked) return action def add_action(widget, text, fn, *shortcuts): tip = text return _add_action(widget, text, tip, fn, connect_action, *shortcuts) def add_action_with_status_tip(widget, text, tip, fn, *shortcuts): return _add_action(widget, text, tip, fn, connect_action, *shortcuts) def _add_action(widget, text, tip, fn, connect, *shortcuts): action = QtWidgets.QAction(text, widget) if hasattr(action, 'setIconVisibleInMenu'): action.setIconVisibleInMenu(True) if tip: action.setStatusTip(tip) connect(action, fn) if shortcuts: action.setShortcuts(shortcuts) if hasattr(Qt, 'WidgetWithChildrenShortcut'): action.setShortcutContext(Qt.WidgetWithChildrenShortcut) widget.addAction(action) return action def set_selected_item(widget, idx): """Sets a the currently selected item to the item at index idx.""" if isinstance(widget, QtWidgets.QTreeWidget): item = widget.topLevelItem(idx) if item: item.setSelected(True) widget.setCurrentItem(item) def add_items(widget, items): """Adds items to a widget.""" for item in items: if item is None: continue widget.addItem(item) def set_items(widget, items): """Clear the existing widget contents and set the new items.""" widget.clear() add_items(widget, items) def create_treeitem(filename, staged=False, deleted=False, untracked=False): """Given a filename, return a TreeWidgetItem for a status widget "staged", "deleted, and "untracked" control which icon is used. """ icon_name = icons.status(filename, deleted, staged, untracked) return TreeWidgetItem(filename, icons.name_from_basename(icon_name), deleted=deleted) def add_close_action(widget): """Adds close action and shortcuts to a widget.""" return add_action(widget, N_('Close...'), widget.close, hotkeys.CLOSE, hotkeys.QUIT) def app(): """Return the current application""" return QtWidgets.QApplication.instance() def desktop(): """Return the desktop""" return app().desktop() def desktop_size(): desk = desktop() rect = desk.screenGeometry(QtGui.QCursor().pos()) return (rect.width(), rect.height()) def center_on_screen(widget): """Move widget to the center of the default screen""" width, height = desktop_size() cx = width // 2 cy = height // 2 widget.move(cx - widget.width()//2, cy - widget.height()//2) def default_size(parent, width, height, use_parent_height=True): """Return the parent's size, or the provided defaults""" if parent is not None: width = parent.width() if use_parent_height: height = parent.height() return (width, height) def default_monospace_font(): if utils.is_darwin(): family = 'Monaco' else: family = 'Monospace' mfont = QtGui.QFont() mfont.setFamily(family) return mfont def diff_font_str(context): cfg = context.cfg font_str = cfg.get(prefs.FONTDIFF) if not font_str: font_str = default_monospace_font().toString() return font_str def diff_font(context): return font(diff_font_str(context)) def font(string): qfont = QtGui.QFont() qfont.fromString(string) return qfont def create_button(text='', layout=None, tooltip=None, icon=None, enabled=True, default=False): """Create a button, set its title, and add it to the parent.""" button = QtWidgets.QPushButton() button.setCursor(Qt.PointingHandCursor) button.setFocusPolicy(Qt.NoFocus) if text: button.setText(' ' + text) if icon is not None: button.setIcon(icon) button.setIconSize(QtCore.QSize(defs.small_icon, defs.small_icon)) if tooltip is not None: button.setToolTip(tooltip) if layout is not None: layout.addWidget(button) if not enabled: button.setEnabled(False) if default: button.setDefault(True) return button def tool_button(): """Create a flat border-less button""" button = QtWidgets.QToolButton() button.setPopupMode(QtWidgets.QToolButton.InstantPopup) button.setCursor(Qt.PointingHandCursor) button.setFocusPolicy(Qt.NoFocus) button.setStyleSheet(""" /* No borders */ QToolButton { border: 0; border-style: none; } /* Hide the menu indicator */ QToolButton::menu-indicator { image: none; } """) return button def create_action_button(tooltip=None, icon=None): """Create a small toolbutton for use in dock title widgets""" button = tool_button() if tooltip is not None: button.setToolTip(tooltip) if icon is not None: button.setIcon(icon) button.setIconSize(QtCore.QSize(defs.small_icon, defs.small_icon)) return button def ok_button(text, default=True, enabled=True, icon=None): if icon is None: icon = icons.ok() return create_button(text=text, icon=icon, default=default, enabled=enabled) def close_button(text=None, icon=None): text = text or N_('Close') icon = icons.mkicon(icon, icons.close) return create_button(text=text, icon=icon) def edit_button(enabled=True, default=False): return create_button(text=N_('Edit'), icon=icons.edit(), enabled=enabled, default=default) def refresh_button(enabled=True, default=False): return create_button(text=N_('Refresh'), icon=icons.sync(), enabled=enabled, default=default) def checkbox(text='', tooltip='', checked=None): """Create a checkbox""" return _checkbox(QtWidgets.QCheckBox, text, tooltip, checked) def radio(text='', tooltip='', checked=None): """Create a radio button""" return _checkbox(QtWidgets.QRadioButton, text, tooltip, checked) def _checkbox(cls, text, tooltip, checked): """Create a widget and apply properties""" widget = cls() if text: widget.setText(text) if tooltip: widget.setToolTip(tooltip) if checked is not None: widget.setChecked(checked) return widget class DockTitleBarWidget(QtWidgets.QFrame): def __init__(self, parent, title, stretch=True): QtWidgets.QFrame.__init__(self, parent) self.setAutoFillBackground(True) self.label = qlabel = QtWidgets.QLabel(title, self) qfont = qlabel.font() qfont.setBold(True) qlabel.setFont(qfont) qlabel.setCursor(Qt.OpenHandCursor) self.close_button = create_action_button( tooltip=N_('Close'), icon=icons.close()) self.toggle_button = create_action_button( tooltip=N_('Detach'), icon=icons.external()) self.corner_layout = hbox(defs.no_margin, defs.spacing) if stretch: separator = STRETCH else: separator = SKIPPED self.main_layout = hbox(defs.small_margin, defs.spacing, qlabel, separator, self.corner_layout, self.toggle_button, self.close_button) self.setLayout(self.main_layout) connect_button(self.toggle_button, self.toggle_floating) connect_button(self.close_button, self.toggle_visibility) def toggle_floating(self): self.parent().setFloating(not self.parent().isFloating()) self.update_tooltips() def toggle_visibility(self): self.parent().toggleViewAction().trigger() def set_title(self, title): self.label.setText(title) def add_corner_widget(self, widget): self.corner_layout.addWidget(widget) def update_tooltips(self): if self.parent().isFloating(): tooltip = N_('Attach') else: tooltip = N_('Detach') self.toggle_button.setToolTip(tooltip) def create_dock(title, parent, stretch=True, widget=None, fn=None): """Create a dock widget and set it up accordingly.""" dock = QtWidgets.QDockWidget(parent) dock.setWindowTitle(title) dock.setObjectName(title) titlebar = DockTitleBarWidget(dock, title, stretch=stretch) dock.setTitleBarWidget(titlebar) dock.setAutoFillBackground(True) if hasattr(parent, 'dockwidgets'): parent.dockwidgets.append(dock) if fn: widget = fn(dock) assert isinstance(widget, QtWidgets.QFrame),\ "Docked widget has to be a QFrame" if widget: dock.setWidget(widget) return dock def hide_dock(widget): widget.toggleViewAction().setChecked(False) widget.hide() def create_menu(title, parent): """Create a menu and set its title.""" qmenu = DebouncingMenu(title, parent) return qmenu class DebouncingMenu(QtWidgets.QMenu): """Menu that debounces mouse release action ie. stops it if occurred right after menu creation. Disables annoying behaviour when RMB is pressed to show menu, cursor is moved accidentally 1px onto newly created menu and released causing to execute menu action """ threshold_ms = 400 def __init__(self, title, parent): QtWidgets.QMenu.__init__(self, title, parent) self.created_at = utils.epoch_millis() def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): threshold = DebouncingMenu.threshold_ms if (utils.epoch_millis() - self.created_at) > threshold: QtWidgets.QMenu.mouseReleaseEvent(self, event) def add_menu(title, parent): """Create a menu and set its title.""" menu = create_menu(title, parent) parent.addAction(menu.menuAction()) return menu def create_toolbutton(text=None, layout=None, tooltip=None, icon=None): button = tool_button() if icon is not None: button.setIcon(icon) button.setIconSize(QtCore.QSize(defs.small_icon, defs.small_icon)) if text is not None: button.setText(' ' + text) button.setToolButtonStyle(Qt.ToolButtonTextBesideIcon) if tooltip is not None: button.setToolTip(tooltip) if layout is not None: layout.addWidget(button) return button # pylint: disable=line-too-long def mimedata_from_paths(context, paths): """Return mimedata with a list of absolute path URLs The text/x-moz-list format is always included by Qt, and doing mimedata.removeFormat('text/x-moz-url') has no effect. C.f. http://www.qtcentre.org/threads/44643-Dragging-text-uri-list-Qt-inserts-garbage gnome-terminal expects utf-16 encoded text, but other terminals, e.g. terminator, prefer utf-8, so allow cola.dragencoding to override the default. """ # noqa cfg = context.cfg abspaths = [core.abspath(path) for path in paths] urls = [QtCore.QUrl.fromLocalFile(path) for path in abspaths] mimedata = QtCore.QMimeData() mimedata.setUrls(urls) paths_text = core.list2cmdline(abspaths) encoding = cfg.get('cola.dragencoding', 'utf-16') moz_text = core.encode(paths_text, encoding=encoding) mimedata.setData('text/x-moz-url', moz_text) return mimedata def path_mimetypes(): return ['text/uri-list', 'text/x-moz-url'] class BlockSignals(object): """Context manager for blocking a signals on a widget""" def __init__(self, *widgets): self.widgets = widgets self.values = {} def __enter__(self): for w in self.widgets: self.values[w] = w.blockSignals(True) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): for w in self.widgets: w.blockSignals(self.values[w]) class Channel(QtCore.QObject): finished = Signal(object) result = Signal(object) class Task(QtCore.QRunnable): """Disable auto-deletion to avoid gc issues Python's garbage collector will try to double-free the task once it's finished, so disable Qt's auto-deletion as a workaround. """ def __init__(self, parent): QtCore.QRunnable.__init__(self) self.channel = Channel(parent) self.result = None self.setAutoDelete(False) def run(self): self.result = self.task() self.channel.result.emit(self.result) self.channel.finished.emit(self) # pylint: disable=no-self-use def task(self): return None def connect(self, handler): self.channel.result.connect(handler, type=Qt.QueuedConnection) class SimpleTask(Task): """Run a simple callable as a task""" def __init__(self, parent, fn, *args, **kwargs): Task.__init__(self, parent) self.fn = fn self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs def task(self): return self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs) class RunTask(QtCore.QObject): """Runs QRunnable instances and transfers control when they finish""" def __init__(self, parent=None): QtCore.QObject.__init__(self, parent) self.tasks = [] self.task_details = {} self.threadpool = QtCore.QThreadPool.globalInstance() self.result_fn = None def start(self, task, progress=None, finish=None, result=None): """Start the task and register a callback""" self.result_fn = result if progress is not None: progress.show() # prevents garbage collection bugs in certain PyQt4 versions self.tasks.append(task) task_id = id(task) self.task_details[task_id] = (progress, finish, result) task.channel.finished.connect(self.finish, type=Qt.QueuedConnection) self.threadpool.start(task) def finish(self, task): task_id = id(task) try: self.tasks.remove(task) except ValueError: pass try: progress, finish, result = self.task_details[task_id] del self.task_details[task_id] except KeyError: finish = progress = result = None if progress is not None: progress.hide() if result is not None: result(task.result) if finish is not None: finish(task) # Syntax highlighting def rgb(r, g, b): color = QtGui.QColor() color.setRgb(r, g, b) return color def rgba(r, g, b, a=255): color = rgb(r, g, b) color.setAlpha(a) return color def RGB(args): return rgb(*args) def rgb_css(color): """Convert a QColor into an rgb(int, int, int) CSS string""" return 'rgb(%d, %d, %d)' % (color.red(), color.green(), color.blue()) def rgb_hex(color): """Convert a QColor into a hex aabbcc string""" return '%02x%02x%02x' % (color.red(), color.green(), color.blue()) def hsl(h, s, l): return QtGui.QColor.fromHslF( utils.clamp(h, 0.0, 1.0), utils.clamp(s, 0.0, 1.0), utils.clamp(l, 0.0, 1.0) ) def hsl_css(h, s, l): return rgb_css(hsl(h, s, l)) def make_format(fg=None, bg=None, bold=False): fmt = QtGui.QTextCharFormat() if fg: fmt.setForeground(fg) if bg: fmt.setBackground(bg) if bold: fmt.setFontWeight(QtGui.QFont.Bold) return fmt class ImageFormats(object): def __init__(self): # returns a list of QByteArray objects formats_qba = QtGui.QImageReader.supportedImageFormats() # portability: python3 data() returns bytes, python2 returns str decode = core.decode formats = [decode(x.data()) for x in formats_qba] self.extensions = set(['.' + fmt for fmt in formats]) def ok(self, filename): _, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) return ext.lower() in self.extensions
from cloudify import ctx from cloudify.exceptions import NonRecoverableError from cloudify.state import ctx_parameters as inputs import subprocess import os import re import sys import time import threading import platform from StringIO import StringIO from cloudify_rest_client import CloudifyClient from cloudify import utils if 'MANAGER_REST_PROTOCOL' in os.environ and os.environ['MANAGER_REST_PROTOCOL'] == "https": client = CloudifyClient(host=utils.get_manager_ip(), port=utils.get_manager_rest_service_port(), protocol='https', trust_all=True) else: client = CloudifyClient(host=utils.get_manager_ip(), port=utils.get_manager_rest_service_port()) def convert_env_value_to_string(envDict): for key, value in envDict.items(): envDict[str(key)] = str(envDict.pop(key)) def get_host(entity): if entity.instance.relationships: for relationship in entity.instance.relationships: if 'cloudify.relationships.contained_in' in relationship.type_hierarchy: return relationship.target return None def has_attribute_mapping(entity, attribute_name): ctx.logger.info('Check if it exists mapping for attribute {0} in {1}'.format(attribute_name, entity.node.properties)) mapping_configuration = entity.node.properties.get('_a4c_att_' + attribute_name, None) if mapping_configuration is not None: if mapping_configuration['parameters'][0] == 'SELF' and mapping_configuration['parameters'][1] == attribute_name: return False else: return True return False def process_attribute_mapping(entity, attribute_name, data_retriever_function): # This is where attribute mapping is defined in the cloudify type mapping_configuration = entity.node.properties['_a4c_att_' + attribute_name] ctx.logger.info('Mapping configuration found for attribute {0} is {1}'.format(attribute_name, mapping_configuration)) # If the mapping configuration exist and if it concerns SELF then just get attribute of the mapped attribute name # Else if it concerns TARGET then follow the relationship and retrieved the mapped attribute name from the TARGET if mapping_configuration['parameters'][0] == 'SELF': return data_retriever_function(entity, mapping_configuration['parameters'][1]) elif mapping_configuration['parameters'][0] == 'TARGET' and entity.instance.relationships: for relationship in entity.instance.relationships: if mapping_configuration['parameters'][1] in relationship.type_hierarchy: return data_retriever_function(relationship.target, mapping_configuration['parameters'][2]) return "" def get_nested_attribute(entity, attribute_names): deep_properties = get_attribute(entity, attribute_names[0]) attribute_names_iter = iter(attribute_names) next(attribute_names_iter) for attribute_name in attribute_names_iter: if deep_properties is None: return "" else: deep_properties = deep_properties.get(attribute_name, None) return deep_properties def _all_instances_get_nested_attribute(entity, attribute_names): return None def get_attribute(entity, attribute_name): if has_attribute_mapping(entity, attribute_name): # First check if any mapping exist for attribute mapped_value = process_attribute_mapping(entity, attribute_name, get_attribute) ctx.logger.info('Mapping exists for attribute {0} with value {1}'.format(attribute_name, mapped_value)) return mapped_value # No mapping exist, try to get directly the attribute from the entity attribute_value = entity.instance.runtime_properties.get(attribute_name, None) if attribute_value is not None: ctx.logger.info('Found the attribute {0} with value {1} on the node {2}'.format(attribute_name, attribute_value, entity.node.id)) return attribute_value # Attribute retrieval fails, fall back to property property_value = entity.node.properties.get(attribute_name, None) if property_value is not None: return property_value # Property retrieval fails, fall back to host instance host = get_host(entity) if host is not None: ctx.logger.info('Attribute not found {0} go up to the parent node {1}'.format(attribute_name, host.node.id)) return get_attribute(host, attribute_name) # Nothing is found return "" def _all_instances_get_attribute(entity, attribute_name): result_map = {} # get all instances data using cfy rest client # we have to get the node using the rest client with node_instance.node_id # then we will have the relationships node = client.nodes.get(ctx.deployment.id, entity.node.id) all_node_instances = client.node_instances.list(ctx.deployment.id, entity.node.id) for node_instance in all_node_instances: prop_value = __recursively_get_instance_data(node, node_instance, attribute_name) if prop_value is not None: ctx.logger.info('Found the property/attribute {0} with value {1} on the node {2} instance {3}'.format(attribute_name, prop_value, entity.node.id, node_instance.id)) result_map[node_instance.id + '_'] = prop_value return result_map def get_property(entity, property_name): # Try to get the property value on the node property_value = entity.node.properties.get(property_name, None) if property_value is not None: ctx.logger.info('Found the property {0} with value {1} on the node {2}'.format(property_name, property_value, entity.node.id)) return property_value # No property found on the node, fall back to the host host = get_host(entity) if host is not None: ctx.logger.info('Property not found {0} go up to the parent node {1}'.format(property_name, host.node.id)) return get_property(host, property_name) return "" def get_instance_list(node_id): result = '' all_node_instances = client.node_instances.list(ctx.deployment.id, node_id) for node_instance in all_node_instances: if len(result) > 0: result += ',' result += node_instance.id return result def get_host_node_name(instance): for relationship in instance.relationships: if 'cloudify.relationships.contained_in' in relationship.type_hierarchy: return relationship.target.node.id return None def __get_relationship(node, target_name, relationship_type): for relationship in node.relationships: if relationship.get('target_id') == target_name and relationship_type in relationship.get('type_hierarchy'): return relationship return None def __has_attribute_mapping(node, attribute_name): ctx.logger.info('Check if it exists mapping for attribute {0} in {1}'.format(attribute_name, node.properties)) mapping_configuration = node.properties.get('_a4c_att_' + attribute_name, None) if mapping_configuration is not None: if mapping_configuration['parameters'][0] == 'SELF' and mapping_configuration['parameters'][1] == attribute_name: return False else: return True return False def __process_attribute_mapping(node, node_instance, attribute_name, data_retriever_function): # This is where attribute mapping is defined in the cloudify type mapping_configuration = node.properties['_a4c_att_' + attribute_name] ctx.logger.info('Mapping configuration found for attribute {0} is {1}'.format(attribute_name, mapping_configuration)) # If the mapping configuration exist and if it concerns SELF then just get attribute of the mapped attribute name # Else if it concerns TARGET then follow the relationship and retrieved the mapped attribute name from the TARGET if mapping_configuration['parameters'][0] == 'SELF': return data_retriever_function(node, node_instance, mapping_configuration['parameters'][1]) elif mapping_configuration['parameters'][0] == 'TARGET' and node_instance.relationships: for rel in node_instance.relationships: relationship = __get_relationship(node, rel.get('target_name'), rel.get('type')) if mapping_configuration['parameters'][1] in relationship.get('type_hierarchy'): target_instance = client.node_instances.get(rel.get('target_id')) target_node = client.nodes.get(ctx.deployment.id, target_instance.node_id) return data_retriever_function(target_node, target_instance, mapping_configuration['parameters'][2]) return None def __recursively_get_instance_data(node, node_instance, attribute_name): if __has_attribute_mapping(node, attribute_name): return __process_attribute_mapping(node, node_instance, attribute_name, __recursively_get_instance_data) attribute_value = node_instance.runtime_properties.get(attribute_name, None) if attribute_value is not None: return attribute_value elif node_instance.relationships: for rel in node_instance.relationships: # on rel we have target_name, target_id (instanceId), type relationship = __get_relationship(node, rel.get('target_name'), rel.get('type')) if 'cloudify.relationships.contained_in' in relationship.get('type_hierarchy'): parent_instance = client.node_instances.get(rel.get('target_id')) parent_node = client.nodes.get(ctx.deployment.id, parent_instance.node_id) return __recursively_get_instance_data(parent_node, parent_instance, attribute_name) return None else: return None def parse_output(output): # by convention, the last output is the result of the operation last_output = None outputs = {} pattern = re.compile('EXPECTED_OUTPUT_(\w+)=(.*)') for line in output.splitlines(): match = pattern.match(line) if match is None: last_output = line else: output_name = match.group(1) output_value = match.group(2) outputs[output_name] = output_value return {'last_output': last_output, 'outputs': outputs} def execute(script_path, process, outputNames, command_prefix=None, cwd=None): os.chmod(script_path, 0755) on_posix = 'posix' in sys.builtin_module_names env = os.environ.copy() process_env = process.get('env', {}) env.update(process_env) if outputNames is not None: env['EXPECTED_OUTPUTS'] = outputNames if platform.system() == 'Windows': wrapper_path = ctx.download_resource("scriptWrapper.bat") else: wrapper_path = ctx.download_resource("scriptWrapper.sh") os.chmod(wrapper_path, 0755) command = '{0} {1}'.format(wrapper_path, script_path) else: command = script_path if command_prefix is not None: command = "{0} {1}".format(command_prefix, command) ctx.logger.info('Executing: {0} in env {1}'.format(command, env)) process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env, cwd=cwd, bufsize=1, close_fds=on_posix) return_code = None stdout_consumer = OutputConsumer(process.stdout) stderr_consumer = OutputConsumer(process.stderr) while True: return_code = process.poll() if return_code is not None: break time.sleep(0.1) stdout_consumer.join() stderr_consumer.join() parsed_output = parse_output(stdout_consumer.buffer.getvalue()) if outputNames is not None: outputNameList = outputNames.split(';') for outputName in outputNameList: ctx.logger.info('Ouput name: {0} value : {1}'.format(outputName, parsed_output['outputs'].get(outputName, None))) if return_code != 0: error_message = "Script {0} encountered error with return code {1} and standard output {2}, error output {3}".format(command, return_code, stdout_consumer.buffer.getvalue(), stderr_consumer.buffer.getvalue()) error_message = str(unicode(error_message, errors='ignore')) ctx.logger.error(error_message) raise NonRecoverableError(error_message) else: ok_message = "Script {0} executed normally with standard output {1} and error output {2}".format(command, stdout_consumer.buffer.getvalue(), stderr_consumer.buffer.getvalue()) ok_message = str(unicode(ok_message, errors='ignore')) ctx.logger.info(ok_message) return parsed_output class OutputConsumer(object): def __init__(self, out): self.out = out self.buffer = StringIO() self.consumer = threading.Thread(target=self.consume_output) self.consumer.daemon = True self.consumer.start() def consume_output(self): for line in iter(self.out.readline, b''): self.buffer.write(line) self.out.close() def join(self): self.consumer.join() env_map = {} env_map['NODE'] = ctx.node.id env_map['INSTANCE'] = ctx.instance.id env_map['INSTANCES'] = get_instance_list(ctx.node.id) env_map['HOST'] = get_host_node_name(ctx.instance) env_map['TOMCAT_HOME'] = r'/opt/tomcat' env_map['TOMCAT_PORT'] = r'80' env_map['TOMCAT_URL'] = r'http://mirrors.ircam.fr/pub/apache/tomcat/tomcat-8/v8.0.29/bin/apache-tomcat-8.0.29.tar.gz' new_script_process = {'env': env_map} ctx.logger.info('Operation is executed with inputs {0}'.format(inputs)) if inputs.get('process', None) is not None and inputs['process'].get('env', None) is not None: ctx.logger.info('Operation is executed with environment variable {0}'.format(inputs['process']['env'])) new_script_process['env'].update(inputs['process']['env']) operationOutputNames = None convert_env_value_to_string(new_script_process['env']) parsed_output = execute(ctx.download_resource('artifacts/tomcat-war-types/scripts/tomcat_install.sh'), new_script_process, operationOutputNames) for k,v in parsed_output['outputs'].items(): ctx.logger.info('Output name: {0} value: {1}'.format(k, v)) ctx.instance.runtime_properties['_a4c_OO:tosca.interfaces.node.lifecycle.Standard:create:{0}'.format(k)] = v ctx.instance.runtime_properties['server_url'] = r'http://' + get_attribute(ctx, 'public_ip_address') + r':' + r'80' ctx.instance.update()
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Tests for L{twisted.python.usage}, a command line option parsing library. """ from twisted.trial import unittest from twisted.python import usage class WellBehaved(usage.Options): optParameters = [['long', 'w', 'default', 'and a docstring'], ['another', 'n', 'no docstring'], ['longonly', None, 'noshort'], ['shortless', None, 'except', 'this one got docstring'], ] optFlags = [['aflag', 'f', """ flagallicious docstringness for this here """], ['flout', 'o'], ] def opt_myflag(self): self.opts['myflag'] = "PONY!" def opt_myparam(self, value): self.opts['myparam'] = "%s WITH A PONY!" % (value,) class ParseCorrectnessTest(unittest.TestCase): """ Test Options.parseArgs for correct values under good conditions. """ def setUp(self): """ Instantiate and parseOptions a well-behaved Options class. """ self.niceArgV = ("--long Alpha -n Beta " "--shortless Gamma -f --myflag " "--myparam Tofu").split() self.nice = WellBehaved() self.nice.parseOptions(self.niceArgV) def test_checkParameters(self): """ Checking that parameters have correct values. """ self.assertEqual(self.nice.opts['long'], "Alpha") self.assertEqual(self.nice.opts['another'], "Beta") self.assertEqual(self.nice.opts['longonly'], "noshort") self.assertEqual(self.nice.opts['shortless'], "Gamma") def test_checkFlags(self): """ Checking that flags have correct values. """ self.assertEqual(self.nice.opts['aflag'], 1) self.assertEqual(self.nice.opts['flout'], 0) def test_checkCustoms(self): """ Checking that custom flags and parameters have correct values. """ self.assertEqual(self.nice.opts['myflag'], "PONY!") self.assertEqual(self.nice.opts['myparam'], "Tofu WITH A PONY!") class TypedOptions(usage.Options): optParameters = [ ['fooint', None, 392, 'Foo int', int], ['foofloat', None, 4.23, 'Foo float', float], ['eggint', None, None, 'Egg int without default', int], ['eggfloat', None, None, 'Egg float without default', float], ] def opt_under_score(self, value): """ This option has an underscore in its name to exercise the _ to - translation. """ self.underscoreValue = value opt_u = opt_under_score class TypedTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ Test Options.parseArgs for options with forced types. """ def setUp(self): self.usage = TypedOptions() def test_defaultValues(self): """ Test parsing of default values. """ argV = [] self.usage.parseOptions(argV) self.assertEqual(self.usage.opts['fooint'], 392) self.assert_(isinstance(self.usage.opts['fooint'], int)) self.assertEqual(self.usage.opts['foofloat'], 4.23) self.assert_(isinstance(self.usage.opts['foofloat'], float)) self.assertEqual(self.usage.opts['eggint'], None) self.assertEqual(self.usage.opts['eggfloat'], None) def test_parsingValues(self): """ Test basic parsing of int and float values. """ argV = ("--fooint 912 --foofloat -823.1 " "--eggint 32 --eggfloat 21").split() self.usage.parseOptions(argV) self.assertEqual(self.usage.opts['fooint'], 912) self.assert_(isinstance(self.usage.opts['fooint'], int)) self.assertEqual(self.usage.opts['foofloat'], -823.1) self.assert_(isinstance(self.usage.opts['foofloat'], float)) self.assertEqual(self.usage.opts['eggint'], 32) self.assert_(isinstance(self.usage.opts['eggint'], int)) self.assertEqual(self.usage.opts['eggfloat'], 21.) self.assert_(isinstance(self.usage.opts['eggfloat'], float)) def test_underscoreOption(self): """ A dash in an option name is translated to an underscore before being dispatched to a handler. """ self.usage.parseOptions(['--under-score', 'foo']) self.assertEqual(self.usage.underscoreValue, 'foo') def test_underscoreOptionAlias(self): """ An option name with a dash in it can have an alias. """ self.usage.parseOptions(['-u', 'bar']) self.assertEqual(self.usage.underscoreValue, 'bar') def test_invalidValues(self): """ Check that passing wrong values raises an error. """ argV = "--fooint egg".split() self.assertRaises(usage.UsageError, self.usage.parseOptions, argV) class WrongTypedOptions(usage.Options): optParameters = [ ['barwrong', None, None, 'Bar with wrong coerce', 'he'] ] class WeirdCallableOptions(usage.Options): def _bar(value): raise RuntimeError("Ouch") def _foo(value): raise ValueError("Yay") optParameters = [ ['barwrong', None, None, 'Bar with strange callable', _bar], ['foowrong', None, None, 'Foo with strange callable', _foo] ] class WrongTypedTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ Test Options.parseArgs for wrong coerce options. """ def test_nonCallable(self): """ Check that using a non callable type fails. """ us = WrongTypedOptions() argV = "--barwrong egg".split() self.assertRaises(TypeError, us.parseOptions, argV) def test_notCalledInDefault(self): """ Test that the coerce functions are not called if no values are provided. """ us = WeirdCallableOptions() argV = [] us.parseOptions(argV) def test_weirdCallable(self): """ Test what happens when coerce functions raise errors. """ us = WeirdCallableOptions() argV = "--foowrong blah".split() # ValueError is swallowed as UsageError e = self.assertRaises(usage.UsageError, us.parseOptions, argV) self.assertEqual(str(e), "Parameter type enforcement failed: Yay") us = WeirdCallableOptions() argV = "--barwrong blah".split() # RuntimeError is not swallowed self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, us.parseOptions, argV) class OutputTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_uppercasing(self): """ Error output case adjustment does not mangle options """ opt = WellBehaved() e = self.assertRaises(usage.UsageError, opt.parseOptions, ['-Z']) self.assertEqual(str(e), 'option -Z not recognized') class InquisitionOptions(usage.Options): optFlags = [ ('expect', 'e'), ] optParameters = [ ('torture-device', 't', 'comfy-chair', 'set preferred torture device'), ] class HolyQuestOptions(usage.Options): optFlags = [('horseback', 'h', 'use a horse'), ('for-grail', 'g'), ] class SubCommandOptions(usage.Options): optFlags = [('europian-swallow', None, 'set default swallow type to Europian'), ] subCommands = [ ('inquisition', 'inquest', InquisitionOptions, 'Perform an inquisition'), ('holyquest', 'quest', HolyQuestOptions, 'Embark upon a holy quest'), ] class SubCommandTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_simpleSubcommand(self): o = SubCommandOptions() o.parseOptions(['--europian-swallow', 'inquisition']) self.assertEqual(o['europian-swallow'], True) self.assertEqual(o.subCommand, 'inquisition') self.failUnless(isinstance(o.subOptions, InquisitionOptions)) self.assertEqual(o.subOptions['expect'], False) self.assertEqual(o.subOptions['torture-device'], 'comfy-chair') def test_subcommandWithFlagsAndOptions(self): o = SubCommandOptions() o.parseOptions(['inquisition', '--expect', '--torture-device=feather']) self.assertEqual(o['europian-swallow'], False) self.assertEqual(o.subCommand, 'inquisition') self.failUnless(isinstance(o.subOptions, InquisitionOptions)) self.assertEqual(o.subOptions['expect'], True) self.assertEqual(o.subOptions['torture-device'], 'feather') def test_subcommandAliasWithFlagsAndOptions(self): o = SubCommandOptions() o.parseOptions(['inquest', '--expect', '--torture-device=feather']) self.assertEqual(o['europian-swallow'], False) self.assertEqual(o.subCommand, 'inquisition') self.failUnless(isinstance(o.subOptions, InquisitionOptions)) self.assertEqual(o.subOptions['expect'], True) self.assertEqual(o.subOptions['torture-device'], 'feather') def test_anotherSubcommandWithFlagsAndOptions(self): o = SubCommandOptions() o.parseOptions(['holyquest', '--for-grail']) self.assertEqual(o['europian-swallow'], False) self.assertEqual(o.subCommand, 'holyquest') self.failUnless(isinstance(o.subOptions, HolyQuestOptions)) self.assertEqual(o.subOptions['horseback'], False) self.assertEqual(o.subOptions['for-grail'], True) def test_noSubcommand(self): o = SubCommandOptions() o.parseOptions(['--europian-swallow']) self.assertEqual(o['europian-swallow'], True) self.assertEqual(o.subCommand, None) self.failIf(hasattr(o, 'subOptions')) def test_defaultSubcommand(self): o = SubCommandOptions() o.defaultSubCommand = 'inquest' o.parseOptions(['--europian-swallow']) self.assertEqual(o['europian-swallow'], True) self.assertEqual(o.subCommand, 'inquisition') self.failUnless(isinstance(o.subOptions, InquisitionOptions)) self.assertEqual(o.subOptions['expect'], False) self.assertEqual(o.subOptions['torture-device'], 'comfy-chair') def test_subCommandParseOptionsHasParent(self): class SubOpt(usage.Options): def parseOptions(self, *a, **kw): self.sawParent = self.parent usage.Options.parseOptions(self, *a, **kw) class Opt(usage.Options): subCommands = [ ('foo', 'f', SubOpt, 'bar'), ] o = Opt() o.parseOptions(['foo']) self.failUnless(hasattr(o.subOptions, 'sawParent')) self.assertEqual(o.subOptions.sawParent , o) def test_subCommandInTwoPlaces(self): """ The .parent pointer is correct even when the same Options class is used twice. """ class SubOpt(usage.Options): pass class OptFoo(usage.Options): subCommands = [ ('foo', 'f', SubOpt, 'quux'), ] class OptBar(usage.Options): subCommands = [ ('bar', 'b', SubOpt, 'quux'), ] oFoo = OptFoo() oFoo.parseOptions(['foo']) oBar=OptBar() oBar.parseOptions(['bar']) self.failUnless(hasattr(oFoo.subOptions, 'parent')) self.failUnless(hasattr(oBar.subOptions, 'parent')) self.failUnlessIdentical(oFoo.subOptions.parent, oFoo) self.failUnlessIdentical(oBar.subOptions.parent, oBar) class HelpStringTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): """ Instantiate a well-behaved Options class. """ self.niceArgV = ("--long Alpha -n Beta " "--shortless Gamma -f --myflag " "--myparam Tofu").split() self.nice = WellBehaved() def test_noGoBoom(self): """ __str__ shouldn't go boom. """ try: self.nice.__str__() except Exception, e: self.fail(e) def test_whitespaceStripFlagsAndParameters(self): """ Extra whitespace in flag and parameters docs is stripped. """ # We test this by making sure aflag and it's help string are on the # same line. lines = [s for s in str(self.nice).splitlines() if s.find("aflag")>=0] self.failUnless(len(lines) > 0) self.failUnless(lines[0].find("flagallicious") >= 0) class PortCoerceTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ Test the behavior of L{usage.portCoerce}. """ def test_validCoerce(self): """ Test the answers with valid input. """ self.assertEqual(0, usage.portCoerce("0")) self.assertEqual(3210, usage.portCoerce("3210")) self.assertEqual(65535, usage.portCoerce("65535")) def test_errorCoerce(self): """ Test error path. """ self.assertRaises(ValueError, usage.portCoerce, "") self.assertRaises(ValueError, usage.portCoerce, "-21") self.assertRaises(ValueError, usage.portCoerce, "212189") self.assertRaises(ValueError, usage.portCoerce, "foo") class ZshCompleterTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ Test the behavior of the various L{twisted.usage.Completer} classes for producing output usable by zsh tab-completion system. """ def test_completer(self): """ Completer produces zsh shell-code that produces no completion matches. """ c = usage.Completer() got = c._shellCode('some-option', usage._ZSH) self.assertEqual(got, ':some-option:') c = usage.Completer(descr='some action', repeat=True) got = c._shellCode('some-option', usage._ZSH) self.assertEqual(got, '*:some action:') def test_files(self): """ CompleteFiles produces zsh shell-code that completes file names according to a glob. """ c = usage.CompleteFiles() got = c._shellCode('some-option', usage._ZSH) self.assertEqual(got, ':some-option (*):_files -g "*"') c = usage.CompleteFiles('*.py') got = c._shellCode('some-option', usage._ZSH) self.assertEqual(got, ':some-option (*.py):_files -g "*.py"') c = usage.CompleteFiles('*.py', descr="some action", repeat=True) got = c._shellCode('some-option', usage._ZSH) self.assertEqual(got, '*:some action (*.py):_files -g "*.py"') def test_dirs(self): """ CompleteDirs produces zsh shell-code that completes directory names. """ c = usage.CompleteDirs() got = c._shellCode('some-option', usage._ZSH) self.assertEqual(got, ':some-option:_directories') c = usage.CompleteDirs(descr="some action", repeat=True) got = c._shellCode('some-option', usage._ZSH) self.assertEqual(got, '*:some action:_directories') def test_list(self): """ CompleteList produces zsh shell-code that completes words from a fixed list of possibilities. """ c = usage.CompleteList('ABC') got = c._shellCode('some-option', usage._ZSH) self.assertEqual(got, ':some-option:(A B C)') c = usage.CompleteList(['1', '2', '3']) got = c._shellCode('some-option', usage._ZSH) self.assertEqual(got, ':some-option:(1 2 3)') c = usage.CompleteList(['1', '2', '3'], descr='some action', repeat=True) got = c._shellCode('some-option', usage._ZSH) self.assertEqual(got, '*:some action:(1 2 3)') def test_multiList(self): """ CompleteMultiList produces zsh shell-code that completes multiple comma-separated words from a fixed list of possibilities. """ c = usage.CompleteMultiList('ABC') got = c._shellCode('some-option', usage._ZSH) self.assertEqual(got, ':some-option:_values -s , \'some-option\' A B C') c = usage.CompleteMultiList(['1','2','3']) got = c._shellCode('some-option', usage._ZSH) self.assertEqual(got, ':some-option:_values -s , \'some-option\' 1 2 3') c = usage.CompleteMultiList(['1','2','3'], descr='some action', repeat=True) got = c._shellCode('some-option', usage._ZSH) expected = '*:some action:_values -s , \'some action\' 1 2 3' self.assertEqual(got, expected) def test_usernames(self): """ CompleteUsernames produces zsh shell-code that completes system usernames. """ c = usage.CompleteUsernames() out = c._shellCode('some-option', usage._ZSH) self.assertEqual(out, ':some-option:_users') c = usage.CompleteUsernames(descr='some action', repeat=True) out = c._shellCode('some-option', usage._ZSH) self.assertEqual(out, '*:some action:_users') def test_groups(self): """ CompleteGroups produces zsh shell-code that completes system group names. """ c = usage.CompleteGroups() out = c._shellCode('some-option', usage._ZSH) self.assertEqual(out, ':group:_groups') c = usage.CompleteGroups(descr='some action', repeat=True) out = c._shellCode('some-option', usage._ZSH) self.assertEqual(out, '*:some action:_groups') def test_hostnames(self): """ CompleteHostnames produces zsh shell-code that completes hostnames. """ c = usage.CompleteHostnames() out = c._shellCode('some-option', usage._ZSH) self.assertEqual(out, ':some-option:_hosts') c = usage.CompleteHostnames(descr='some action', repeat=True) out = c._shellCode('some-option', usage._ZSH) self.assertEqual(out, '*:some action:_hosts') def test_userAtHost(self): """ CompleteUserAtHost produces zsh shell-code that completes hostnames or a word of the form <username>@<hostname>. """ c = usage.CompleteUserAtHost() out = c._shellCode('some-option', usage._ZSH) self.assertTrue(out.startswith(':host | user@host:')) c = usage.CompleteUserAtHost(descr='some action', repeat=True) out = c._shellCode('some-option', usage._ZSH) self.assertTrue(out.startswith('*:some action:')) def test_netInterfaces(self): """ CompleteNetInterfaces produces zsh shell-code that completes system network interface names. """ c = usage.CompleteNetInterfaces() out = c._shellCode('some-option', usage._ZSH) self.assertEqual(out, ':some-option:_net_interfaces') c = usage.CompleteNetInterfaces(descr='some action', repeat=True) out = c._shellCode('some-option', usage._ZSH) self.assertEqual(out, '*:some action:_net_interfaces') class CompleterNotImplementedTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ Using an unknown shell constant with the various Completer() classes should raise NotImplementedError """ def test_unknownShell(self): """ Using an unknown shellType should raise NotImplementedError """ classes = [usage.Completer, usage.CompleteFiles, usage.CompleteDirs, usage.CompleteList, usage.CompleteMultiList, usage.CompleteUsernames, usage.CompleteGroups, usage.CompleteHostnames, usage.CompleteUserAtHost, usage.CompleteNetInterfaces] for cls in classes: try: action = cls() except: action = cls(None) self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, action._shellCode, None, "bad_shell_type")
# Authors: Gael Varoquaux <[email protected]> # Justin Vincent # Lars Buitinck # License: BSD 3 clause import pickle import numpy as np import pytest from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_array_equal from sklearn.utils.fixes import MaskedArray from sklearn.utils.fixes import _joblib_parallel_args from sklearn.utils.fixes import _object_dtype_isnan def test_masked_array_obj_dtype_pickleable(): marr = MaskedArray([1, None, 'a'], dtype=object) for mask in (True, False, [0, 1, 0]): marr.mask = mask marr_pickled = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(marr)) assert_array_equal(marr.data, marr_pickled.data) assert_array_equal(marr.mask, marr_pickled.mask) @pytest.mark.parametrize('joblib_version', ('0.11', '0.12.0')) def test_joblib_parallel_args(monkeypatch, joblib_version): import joblib monkeypatch.setattr(joblib, '__version__', joblib_version) if joblib_version == '0.12.0': # arguments are simply passed through assert _joblib_parallel_args(prefer='threads') == {'prefer': 'threads'} assert _joblib_parallel_args(prefer='processes', require=None) == { 'prefer': 'processes', 'require': None} assert _joblib_parallel_args(non_existing=1) == {'non_existing': 1} elif joblib_version == '0.11': # arguments are mapped to the corresponding backend assert _joblib_parallel_args(prefer='threads') == { 'backend': 'threading'} assert _joblib_parallel_args(prefer='processes') == { 'backend': 'multiprocessing'} with pytest.raises(ValueError): _joblib_parallel_args(prefer='invalid') assert _joblib_parallel_args( prefer='processes', require='sharedmem') == { 'backend': 'threading'} with pytest.raises(ValueError): _joblib_parallel_args(require='invalid') with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): _joblib_parallel_args(verbose=True) else: raise ValueError @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype, val", ([object, 1], [object, "a"], [float, 1])) def test_object_dtype_isnan(dtype, val): X = np.array([[val, np.nan], [np.nan, val]], dtype=dtype) expected_mask = np.array([[False, True], [True, False]]) mask = _object_dtype_isnan(X) assert_array_equal(mask, expected_mask)
# -*- test-case-name: txdav.who.test.test_augment -*- ## # Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ## """ Augmenting Directory Service """ __all__ = [ "AugmentedDirectoryService", ] import time from zope.interface import implementer from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue, succeed from twistedcaldav.directory.augment import AugmentRecord from twext.python.log import Logger from twext.who.directory import DirectoryRecord from twext.who.directory import DirectoryService as BaseDirectoryService from twext.who.idirectory import ( IDirectoryService, RecordType, FieldName as BaseFieldName, NotAllowedError ) from twext.who.util import ConstantsContainer from txdav.common.idirectoryservice import IStoreDirectoryService from txdav.who.directory import ( CalendarDirectoryRecordMixin, CalendarDirectoryServiceMixin, ) from txdav.who.idirectory import ( AutoScheduleMode, FieldName, RecordType as CalRecordType ) log = Logger() def timed(f): """ A decorator which keeps track of the wrapped function's call count and total duration """ def recordTiming(result, key, startTime): """ Figures out how much time to add to the total time spent within the method identified by key and stores that in the timings dict. @param result: the result of the wrapped method @param timings: the dictionary to store timings in @type timings: C{dict} @param key: the method name @type key: C{str} @param startTime: the start time of the call in seconds @type startTime: C{float} """ AugmentedDirectoryService._addTiming(key, time.time() - startTime) return result def timingWrapper(self, *args, **kwds): """ Records the start time of the call and the method's name """ startTime = time.time() d = f(self, *args, **kwds) d.addBoth(recordTiming, f.func_name, startTime) return d return timingWrapper @implementer(IDirectoryService, IStoreDirectoryService) class AugmentedDirectoryService( BaseDirectoryService, CalendarDirectoryServiceMixin ): """ Augmented directory service. This is a directory service that wraps an L{IDirectoryService} and augments directory records with additional or modified fields. """ fieldName = ConstantsContainer(( BaseFieldName, FieldName, )) _timings = {} def __init__(self, directory, store, augmentDB): BaseDirectoryService.__init__(self, directory.realmName) self._directory = directory self._store = store self._augmentDB = augmentDB # An LDAP DS has extra info to expose via the dashboard # This is assigned in buildDirectory() self._ldapDS = None @classmethod def _addTiming(cls, key, duration): if key not in cls._timings: cls._timings[key] = (0, 0.0) count, timeSpent = cls._timings[key] count += 1 timeSpent += duration cls._timings[key] = (count, timeSpent) def flush(self): return self._directory.flush() def stats(self): results = {} results.update(self._timings) # An LDAP DS has extra info to expose via the dashboard if self._ldapDS is not None: results.update(self._ldapDS.poolStats) return succeed(results) @property def recordType(self): # Defer to the directory service we're augmenting return self._directory.recordType def recordTypes(self): # Defer to the directory service we're augmenting return self._directory.recordTypes() @inlineCallbacks def recordsFromExpression( self, expression, recordTypes=None, limitResults=None, timeoutSeconds=None ): records = yield self._directory.recordsFromExpression( expression, recordTypes=recordTypes, limitResults=limitResults, timeoutSeconds=timeoutSeconds ) augmented = [] for record in records: record = yield self._augment(record) augmented.append(record) returnValue(augmented) @inlineCallbacks def recordsWithFieldValue( self, fieldName, value, limitResults=None, timeoutSeconds=None ): records = yield self._directory.recordsWithFieldValue( fieldName, value, limitResults=limitResults, timeoutSeconds=timeoutSeconds ) augmented = [] for record in records: record = yield self._augment(record) augmented.append(record) returnValue(augmented) @timed @inlineCallbacks def recordWithUID(self, uid, timeoutSeconds=None): # MOVE2WHO, REMOVE THIS: if not isinstance(uid, unicode): # log.warn("Need to change uid to unicode") uid = uid.decode("utf-8") record = yield self._directory.recordWithUID( uid, timeoutSeconds=timeoutSeconds ) record = yield self._augment(record) returnValue(record) @timed @inlineCallbacks def recordWithGUID(self, guid, timeoutSeconds=None): record = yield self._directory.recordWithGUID( guid, timeoutSeconds=timeoutSeconds ) record = yield self._augment(record) returnValue(record) @timed @inlineCallbacks def recordsWithRecordType( self, recordType, limitResults=None, timeoutSeconds=None ): records = yield self._directory.recordsWithRecordType( recordType, limitResults=limitResults, timeoutSeconds=timeoutSeconds ) augmented = [] for record in records: record = yield self._augment(record) augmented.append(record) returnValue(augmented) @timed @inlineCallbacks def recordWithShortName(self, recordType, shortName, timeoutSeconds=None): # MOVE2WHO, REMOVE THIS: if not isinstance(shortName, unicode): # log.warn("Need to change shortName to unicode") shortName = shortName.decode("utf-8") record = yield self._directory.recordWithShortName( recordType, shortName, timeoutSeconds=timeoutSeconds ) record = yield self._augment(record) returnValue(record) @timed @inlineCallbacks def recordsWithEmailAddress( self, emailAddress, limitResults=None, timeoutSeconds=None ): # MOVE2WHO, REMOVE THIS: if not isinstance(emailAddress, unicode): # log.warn("Need to change emailAddress to unicode") emailAddress = emailAddress.decode("utf-8") records = yield self._directory.recordsWithEmailAddress( emailAddress, limitResults=limitResults, timeoutSeconds=timeoutSeconds ) augmented = [] for record in records: record = yield self._augment(record) augmented.append(record) returnValue(augmented) @timed def recordWithCalendarUserAddress(self, *args, **kwds): return CalendarDirectoryServiceMixin.recordWithCalendarUserAddress( self, *args, **kwds ) @timed def recordsMatchingTokens(self, *args, **kwds): return CalendarDirectoryServiceMixin.recordsMatchingTokens( self, *args, **kwds ) @timed def recordsMatchingFields(self, *args, **kwds): return CalendarDirectoryServiceMixin.recordsMatchingFields( self, *args, **kwds ) @timed @inlineCallbacks def updateRecords(self, records, create=False): """ Pull out the augmented fields from each record, apply those to the augments database, then update the base records. """ baseRecords = [] augmentRecords = [] for record in records: # Split out the base fields from the augment fields baseFields, augmentFields = self._splitFields(record) # Ignore groups for now if augmentFields and record.recordType != RecordType.group: # Create an AugmentRecord autoScheduleMode = { AutoScheduleMode.none: "none", AutoScheduleMode.accept: "accept-always", AutoScheduleMode.decline: "decline-always", AutoScheduleMode.acceptIfFree: "accept-if-free", AutoScheduleMode.declineIfBusy: "decline-if-busy", AutoScheduleMode.acceptIfFreeDeclineIfBusy: "automatic", }.get(augmentFields.get(FieldName.autoScheduleMode, None), None) kwargs = { "uid": record.uid, "autoScheduleMode": autoScheduleMode, } if FieldName.hasCalendars in augmentFields: kwargs["enabledForCalendaring"] = augmentFields[FieldName.hasCalendars] if FieldName.hasContacts in augmentFields: kwargs["enabledForAddressBooks"] = augmentFields[FieldName.hasContacts] if FieldName.loginAllowed in augmentFields: kwargs["enabledForLogin"] = augmentFields[FieldName.loginAllowed] if FieldName.autoAcceptGroup in augmentFields: kwargs["autoAcceptGroup"] = augmentFields[FieldName.autoAcceptGroup] if FieldName.serviceNodeUID in augmentFields: kwargs["serverID"] = augmentFields[FieldName.serviceNodeUID] augmentRecord = AugmentRecord(**kwargs) augmentRecords.append(augmentRecord) # Create new base records: baseRecords.append(DirectoryRecord(self._directory, record._baseRecord.fields if hasattr(record, "_baseRecord") else baseFields)) # Apply the augment records if augmentRecords: yield self._augmentDB.addAugmentRecords(augmentRecords) # Apply the base records if baseRecords: try: yield self._directory.updateRecords(baseRecords, create=create) except NotAllowedError: pass def _splitFields(self, record): """ Returns a tuple of two dictionaries; the first contains all the non augment fields, and the second contains all the augment fields. """ if record is None: return None augmentFields = {} baseFields = record.fields.copy() for field in ( FieldName.loginAllowed, FieldName.hasCalendars, FieldName.hasContacts, FieldName.autoScheduleMode, FieldName.autoAcceptGroup, FieldName.serviceNodeUID ): if field in baseFields: augmentFields[field] = baseFields[field] del baseFields[field] return (baseFields, augmentFields) @inlineCallbacks def removeRecords(self, uids): yield self._augmentDB.removeAugmentRecords(uids) yield self._directory.removeRecords(uids) def _assignToField(self, fields, name, value): """ Assign a value to a field only if not already present in fields. """ field = self.fieldName.lookupByName(name) if field not in fields: fields[field] = value @inlineCallbacks def _augment(self, record): if record is None: returnValue(None) augmentRecord = yield self._augmentDB.getAugmentRecord( record.uid, self.recordTypeToOldName(record.recordType) ) if augmentRecord is None: # Augments does not know about this record type, so return # the original record returnValue(record) fields = record.fields.copy() if augmentRecord: if record.recordType == RecordType.group: self._assignToField(fields, "hasCalendars", False) self._assignToField(fields, "hasContacts", False) else: self._assignToField( fields, "hasCalendars", augmentRecord.enabledForCalendaring ) self._assignToField( fields, "hasContacts", augmentRecord.enabledForAddressBooks ) # In the case of XML augments, a missing auto-schedule-mode # element has the same meaning an element with a value of "default" # in which case augmentRecord.autoScheduleMode = "default". On # the record we're augmenting, "default" mode means autoScheduleMode # gets set to None (distinct from AutoScheduleMode.none!), # which gets swapped for config.Scheduling.Options.AutoSchedule.DefaultMode # in checkAttendeeAutoReply(). # ...Except for locations/resources which will default to automatic autoScheduleMode = { "none": AutoScheduleMode.none, "accept-always": AutoScheduleMode.accept, "decline-always": AutoScheduleMode.decline, "accept-if-free": AutoScheduleMode.acceptIfFree, "decline-if-busy": AutoScheduleMode.declineIfBusy, "automatic": AutoScheduleMode.acceptIfFreeDeclineIfBusy, }.get(augmentRecord.autoScheduleMode, None) # Resources/Locations default to automatic if record.recordType in ( CalRecordType.location, CalRecordType.resource ): if autoScheduleMode is None: autoScheduleMode = AutoScheduleMode.acceptIfFreeDeclineIfBusy self._assignToField( fields, "autoScheduleMode", autoScheduleMode ) if augmentRecord.autoAcceptGroup is not None: self._assignToField( fields, "autoAcceptGroup", augmentRecord.autoAcceptGroup.decode("utf-8") ) self._assignToField( fields, "loginAllowed", augmentRecord.enabledForLogin ) self._assignToField( fields, "serviceNodeUID", augmentRecord.serverID.decode("utf-8") ) else: self._assignToField(fields, "hasCalendars", False) self._assignToField(fields, "hasContacts", False) self._assignToField(fields, "loginAllowed", False) # print("Augmented fields", fields) # Clone to a new record with the augmented fields augmentedRecord = AugmentedDirectoryRecord(self, record, fields) returnValue(augmentedRecord) @inlineCallbacks def setAutoScheduleMode(self, record, autoScheduleMode): augmentRecord = yield self._augmentDB.getAugmentRecord( record.uid, self.recordTypeToOldName(record.recordType) ) if augmentRecord is not None: autoScheduleMode = { AutoScheduleMode.none: "none", AutoScheduleMode.accept: "accept-always", AutoScheduleMode.decline: "decline-always", AutoScheduleMode.acceptIfFree: "accept-if-free", AutoScheduleMode.declineIfBusy: "decline-if-busy", AutoScheduleMode.acceptIfFreeDeclineIfBusy: "automatic", }.get(autoScheduleMode) augmentRecord.autoScheduleMode = autoScheduleMode yield self._augmentDB.addAugmentRecords([augmentRecord]) class AugmentedDirectoryRecord(DirectoryRecord, CalendarDirectoryRecordMixin): """ Augmented directory record. """ def __init__(self, service, baseRecord, augmentedFields): DirectoryRecord.__init__(self, service, augmentedFields) CalendarDirectoryRecordMixin.__init__(self) self._baseRecord = baseRecord @timed @inlineCallbacks def members(self): augmented = [] records = yield self._baseRecord.members() for record in records: augmented.append((yield self.service._augment(record))) returnValue(augmented) def addMembers(self, memberRecords): return self._baseRecord.addMembers(memberRecords) def removeMembers(self, memberRecords): return self._baseRecord.removeMembers(memberRecords) def setMembers(self, memberRecords): return self._baseRecord.setMembers(memberRecords) @timed @inlineCallbacks def groups(self): augmented = [] def _groupUIDsFor(txn): return txn.groupUIDsFor(self.uid) groupUIDs = yield self.service._store.inTransaction( "AugmentedDirectoryRecord.groups", _groupUIDsFor ) for groupUID in groupUIDs: groupRecord = yield self.service.recordWithUID( groupUID ) if groupRecord: augmented.append((yield self.service._augment(groupRecord))) returnValue(augmented) @timed def verifyPlaintextPassword(self, password): return self._baseRecord.verifyPlaintextPassword(password) @timed def verifyHTTPDigest(self, *args): return self._baseRecord.verifyHTTPDigest(*args) @timed def accessForRecord(self, record): return self._baseRecord.accessForRecord(record)
# # # from BCDataStream import * from enumeration import Enumeration from base58 import public_key_to_bc_address, hash_160_to_bc_address import logging import socket import time from util import short_hex, long_hex def parse_CAddress(vds): d = {} d['nVersion'] = vds.read_int32() d['nTime'] = vds.read_uint32() d['nServices'] = vds.read_uint64() d['pchReserved'] = vds.read_bytes(12) d['ip'] = socket.inet_ntoa(vds.read_bytes(4)) d['port'] = socket.htons(vds.read_uint16()) return d def deserialize_CAddress(d): return d['ip']+":"+str(d['port'])+" (lastseen: %s)"%(time.ctime(d['nTime']),) def parse_setting(setting, vds): if setting[0] == "f": # flag (boolean) settings return str(vds.read_boolean()) elif setting == "addrIncoming": return "" # bitcoin 0.4 purposely breaks addrIncoming setting in encrypted wallets. elif setting[0:4] == "addr": # CAddress d = parse_CAddress(vds) return deserialize_CAddress(d) elif setting == "nTransactionFee": return vds.read_int64() elif setting == "nLimitProcessors": return vds.read_int32() return 'unknown setting' def parse_TxIn(vds): d = {} d['prevout_hash'] = vds.read_bytes(32) d['prevout_n'] = vds.read_uint32() d['scriptSig'] = vds.read_bytes(vds.read_compact_size()) d['sequence'] = vds.read_uint32() return d def deserialize_TxIn(d, transaction_index=None, owner_keys=None): if d['prevout_hash'] == "\x00"*32: result = "TxIn: COIN GENERATED" result += " coinbase:"+d['scriptSig'].encode('hex_codec') elif transaction_index is not None and d['prevout_hash'] in transaction_index: p = transaction_index[d['prevout_hash']]['txOut'][d['prevout_n']] result = "TxIn: value: %f"%(p['value']/1.0e8,) result += " prev("+long_hex(d['prevout_hash'][::-1])+":"+str(d['prevout_n'])+")" else: result = "TxIn: prev("+long_hex(d['prevout_hash'][::-1])+":"+str(d['prevout_n'])+")" pk = extract_public_key(d['scriptSig']) result += " pubkey: "+pk result += " sig: "+decode_script(d['scriptSig']) if d['sequence'] < 0xffffffff: result += " sequence: "+hex(d['sequence']) return result def parse_TxOut(vds): d = {} d['value'] = vds.read_int64() d['scriptPubKey'] = vds.read_bytes(vds.read_compact_size()) return d def deserialize_TxOut(d, owner_keys=None): result = "TxOut: value: %f"%(d['value']/1.0e8,) pk = extract_public_key(d['scriptPubKey']) result += " pubkey: "+pk result += " Script: "+decode_script(d['scriptPubKey']) if owner_keys is not None: if pk in owner_keys: result += " Own: True" else: result += " Own: False" return result def parse_Transaction(vds): d = {} d['version'] = vds.read_int32() n_vin = vds.read_compact_size() d['txIn'] = [] for i in xrange(n_vin): d['txIn'].append(parse_TxIn(vds)) n_vout = vds.read_compact_size() d['txOut'] = [] for i in xrange(n_vout): d['txOut'].append(parse_TxOut(vds)) d['lockTime'] = vds.read_uint32() return d def deserialize_Transaction(d, transaction_index=None, owner_keys=None): result = "%d tx in, %d out\n"%(len(d['txIn']), len(d['txOut'])) for txIn in d['txIn']: result += deserialize_TxIn(txIn, transaction_index) + "\n" for txOut in d['txOut']: result += deserialize_TxOut(txOut, owner_keys) + "\n" return result def parse_MerkleTx(vds): d = parse_Transaction(vds) d['hashBlock'] = vds.read_bytes(32) n_merkleBranch = vds.read_compact_size() d['merkleBranch'] = vds.read_bytes(32*n_merkleBranch) d['nIndex'] = vds.read_int32() return d def deserialize_MerkleTx(d, transaction_index=None, owner_keys=None): tx = deserialize_Transaction(d, transaction_index, owner_keys) result = "block: "+(d['hashBlock'][::-1]).encode('hex_codec') result += " %d hashes in merkle branch\n"%(len(d['merkleBranch'])/32,) return result+tx def parse_WalletTx(vds): d = parse_MerkleTx(vds) n_vtxPrev = vds.read_compact_size() d['vtxPrev'] = [] for i in xrange(n_vtxPrev): d['vtxPrev'].append(parse_MerkleTx(vds)) d['mapValue'] = {} n_mapValue = vds.read_compact_size() for i in xrange(n_mapValue): key = vds.read_string() value = vds.read_string() d['mapValue'][key] = value n_orderForm = vds.read_compact_size() d['orderForm'] = [] for i in xrange(n_orderForm): first = vds.read_string() second = vds.read_string() d['orderForm'].append( (first, second) ) d['fTimeReceivedIsTxTime'] = vds.read_uint32() d['timeReceived'] = vds.read_uint32() d['fromMe'] = vds.read_boolean() d['spent'] = vds.read_boolean() return d def deserialize_WalletTx(d, transaction_index=None, owner_keys=None): result = deserialize_MerkleTx(d, transaction_index, owner_keys) result += "%d vtxPrev txns\n"%(len(d['vtxPrev']),) result += "mapValue:"+str(d['mapValue']) if len(d['orderForm']) > 0: result += "\n"+" orderForm:"+str(d['orderForm']) result += "\n"+"timeReceived:"+time.ctime(d['timeReceived']) result += " fromMe:"+str(d['fromMe'])+" spent:"+str(d['spent']) return result # The CAuxPow (auxiliary proof of work) structure supports merged mining. # A flag in the block version field indicates the structure's presence. # As of 8/2011, the Original Bitcoin Client does not use it. CAuxPow # originated in Namecoin; see # https://github.com/vinced/namecoin/blob/mergedmine/doc/README_merged-mining.md. def parse_AuxPow(vds): d = parse_MerkleTx(vds) n_chainMerkleBranch = vds.read_compact_size() d['chainMerkleBranch'] = vds.read_bytes(32*n_chainMerkleBranch) d['chainIndex'] = vds.read_int32() d['parentBlock'] = parse_BlockHeader(vds) return d def parse_BlockHeader(vds): d = {} header_start = vds.read_cursor d['version'] = vds.read_int32() d['hashPrev'] = vds.read_bytes(32) d['hashMerkleRoot'] = vds.read_bytes(32) d['nTime'] = vds.read_uint32() d['nBits'] = vds.read_uint32() d['nNonce'] = vds.read_uint32() header_end = vds.read_cursor d['__header__'] = vds.input[header_start:header_end] return d def parse_Block(vds): d = parse_BlockHeader(vds) d['transactions'] = [] # if d['version'] & (1 << 8): # d['auxpow'] = parse_AuxPow(vds) nTransactions = vds.read_compact_size() for i in xrange(nTransactions): d['transactions'].append(parse_Transaction(vds)) return d def deserialize_Block(d): result = "Time: "+time.ctime(d['nTime'])+" Nonce: "+str(d['nNonce']) result += "\nnBits: 0x"+hex(d['nBits']) result += "\nhashMerkleRoot: 0x"+d['hashMerkleRoot'][::-1].encode('hex_codec') result += "\nPrevious block: "+d['hashPrev'][::-1].encode('hex_codec') result += "\n%d transactions:\n"%len(d['transactions']) for t in d['transactions']: result += deserialize_Transaction(t)+"\n" result += "\nRaw block header: "+d['__header__'].encode('hex_codec') return result def parse_BlockLocator(vds): d = { 'hashes' : [] } nHashes = vds.read_compact_size() for i in xrange(nHashes): d['hashes'].append(vds.read_bytes(32)) return d def deserialize_BlockLocator(d): result = "Block Locator top: "+d['hashes'][0][::-1].encode('hex_codec') return result opcodes = Enumeration("Opcodes", [ ("OP_0", 0), ("OP_PUSHDATA1",76), "OP_PUSHDATA2", "OP_PUSHDATA4", "OP_1NEGATE", "OP_RESERVED", "OP_1", "OP_2", "OP_3", "OP_4", "OP_5", "OP_6", "OP_7", "OP_8", "OP_9", "OP_10", "OP_11", "OP_12", "OP_13", "OP_14", "OP_15", "OP_16", "OP_NOP", "OP_VER", "OP_IF", "OP_NOTIF", "OP_VERIF", "OP_VERNOTIF", "OP_ELSE", "OP_ENDIF", "OP_VERIFY", "OP_RETURN", "OP_TOALTSTACK", "OP_FROMALTSTACK", "OP_2DROP", "OP_2DUP", "OP_3DUP", "OP_2OVER", "OP_2ROT", "OP_2SWAP", "OP_IFDUP", "OP_DEPTH", "OP_DROP", "OP_DUP", "OP_NIP", "OP_OVER", "OP_PICK", "OP_ROLL", "OP_ROT", "OP_SWAP", "OP_TUCK", "OP_CAT", "OP_SUBSTR", "OP_LEFT", "OP_RIGHT", "OP_SIZE", "OP_INVERT", "OP_AND", "OP_OR", "OP_XOR", "OP_EQUAL", "OP_EQUALVERIFY", "OP_RESERVED1", "OP_RESERVED2", "OP_1ADD", "OP_1SUB", "OP_2MUL", "OP_2DIV", "OP_NEGATE", "OP_ABS", "OP_NOT", "OP_0NOTEQUAL", "OP_ADD", "OP_SUB", "OP_MUL", "OP_DIV", "OP_MOD", "OP_LSHIFT", "OP_RSHIFT", "OP_BOOLAND", "OP_BOOLOR", "OP_NUMEQUAL", "OP_NUMEQUALVERIFY", "OP_NUMNOTEQUAL", "OP_LESSTHAN", "OP_GREATERTHAN", "OP_LESSTHANOREQUAL", "OP_GREATERTHANOREQUAL", "OP_MIN", "OP_MAX", "OP_WITHIN", "OP_RIPEMD160", "OP_SHA1", "OP_SHA256", "OP_HASH160", "OP_HASH256", "OP_CODESEPARATOR", "OP_CHECKSIG", "OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY", "OP_CHECKMULTISIG", "OP_CHECKMULTISIGVERIFY", "OP_NOP1", "OP_NOP2", "OP_NOP3", "OP_NOP4", "OP_NOP5", "OP_NOP6", "OP_NOP7", "OP_NOP8", "OP_NOP9", "OP_NOP10", ("OP_INVALIDOPCODE", 0xFF), ]) def script_GetOp(bytes): i = 0 while i < len(bytes): vch = None opcode = ord(bytes[i]) i += 1 if opcode <= opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4: nSize = opcode if opcode == opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA1: nSize = ord(bytes[i]) i += 1 elif opcode == opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA2: (nSize,) = struct.unpack_from('<H', bytes, i) i += 2 elif opcode == opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4: (nSize,) = struct.unpack_from('<I', bytes, i) i += 4 if i+nSize > len(bytes): vch = "_INVALID_"+bytes[i:] i = len(bytes) else: vch = bytes[i:i+nSize] i += nSize yield (opcode, vch) def script_GetOpName(opcode): try: return (opcodes.whatis(opcode)).replace("OP_", "") except KeyError: return "InvalidOp_"+str(opcode) def decode_script(bytes): result = '' for (opcode, vch) in script_GetOp(bytes): if len(result) > 0: result += " " if opcode <= opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4: result += "%d:"%(opcode,) result += short_hex(vch) else: result += script_GetOpName(opcode) return result def match_decoded(decoded, to_match): if len(decoded) != len(to_match): return False; for i in range(len(decoded)): if to_match[i] == opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4 and decoded[i][0] <= opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4: continue # Opcodes below OP_PUSHDATA4 all just push data onto stack, and are equivalent. if to_match[i] != decoded[i][0]: return False return True def extract_public_key(bytes): decoded = [ x for x in script_GetOp(bytes) ] # non-generated TxIn transactions push a signature # (seventy-something bytes) and then their public key # (33 or 65 bytes) onto the stack: match = [ opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4, opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4 ] if match_decoded(decoded, match): return public_key_to_bc_address(decoded[1][1]) # The Genesis Block, self-payments, and pay-by-IP-address payments look like: # 65 BYTES:... CHECKSIG match = [ opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4, opcodes.OP_CHECKSIG ] if match_decoded(decoded, match): return public_key_to_bc_address(decoded[0][1]) # Pay-by-Bitcoin-address TxOuts look like: # DUP HASH160 20 BYTES:... EQUALVERIFY CHECKSIG match = [ opcodes.OP_DUP, opcodes.OP_HASH160, opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4, opcodes.OP_EQUALVERIFY, opcodes.OP_CHECKSIG ] if match_decoded(decoded, match): return hash_160_to_bc_address(decoded[2][1]) # BIP11 TxOuts look like one of these: # Note that match_decoded is dumb, so OP_1 actually matches OP_1/2/3/etc: multisigs = [ [ opcodes.OP_1, opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4, opcodes.OP_1, opcodes.OP_CHECKMULTISIG ], [ opcodes.OP_2, opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4, opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4, opcodes.OP_2, opcodes.OP_CHECKMULTISIG ], [ opcodes.OP_3, opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4, opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4, opcodes.OP_3, opcodes.OP_CHECKMULTISIG ] ] for match in multisigs: if match_decoded(decoded, match): return "["+[ public_key_to_bc_address(decoded[i][1]) for i in range(1,len(decoded-1)) ]+"]" # BIP16 TxOuts look like: # HASH160 20 BYTES:... EQUAL match = [ opcodes.OP_HASH160, 0x14, opcodes.OP_EQUAL ] if match_decoded(decoded, match): return hash_160_to_bc_address(decoded[1][1], version="\x05") return "(None)"
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # Integrates the web-platform-tests test runner with mach. from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals, print_function import os import sys from mozbuild.base import ( MachCommandBase, MachCommandConditions as conditions, MozbuildObject, ) from mach.decorators import ( CommandProvider, Command, ) # This should probably be consolidated with similar classes in other test # runners. class InvalidTestPathError(Exception): """Exception raised when the test path is not valid.""" class WebPlatformTestsRunner(MozbuildObject): """Run web platform tests.""" def setup_kwargs(self, kwargs): from wptrunner import wptcommandline build_path = os.path.join(self.topobjdir, 'build') if build_path not in sys.path: sys.path.append(build_path) if kwargs["config"] is None: kwargs["config"] = os.path.join(self.topsrcdir, 'testing', 'web-platform', 'wptrunner.ini') if kwargs["binary"] is None: kwargs["binary"] = self.get_binary_path() if kwargs["prefs_root"] is None: kwargs["prefs_root"] = os.path.join(self.topobjdir, '_tests', 'web-platform', "prefs") if kwargs["certutil_binary"] is None: kwargs["certutil_binary"] = self.get_binary_path('certutil') if kwargs["stackfix_dir"] is None: kwargs["stackfix_dir"] = os.path.split( self.get_binary_path(validate_exists=False))[0] here = os.path.split(__file__)[0] if kwargs["ssl_type"] in (None, "pregenerated"): if kwargs["ca_cert_path"] is None: kwargs["ca_cert_path"] = os.path.join(here, "certs", "cacert.pem") if kwargs["host_key_path"] is None: kwargs["host_key_path"] = os.path.join(here, "certs", "web-platform.test.key") if kwargs["host_cert_path"] is None: kwargs["host_cert_path"] = os.path.join(here, "certs", "web-platform.test.pem") kwargs["capture_stdio"] = True kwargs = wptcommandline.check_args(kwargs) def run_tests(self, **kwargs): from wptrunner import wptrunner self.setup_kwargs(kwargs) logger = wptrunner.setup_logging(kwargs, {"mach": sys.stdout}) result = wptrunner.run_tests(**kwargs) return int(not result) def list_test_groups(self, **kwargs): from wptrunner import wptrunner self.setup_kwargs(kwargs) wptrunner.list_test_groups(**kwargs) class WebPlatformTestsUpdater(MozbuildObject): """Update web platform tests.""" def run_update(self, **kwargs): import update from update import updatecommandline if kwargs["config"] is None: kwargs["config"] = os.path.join(self.topsrcdir, 'testing', 'web-platform', 'wptrunner.ini') if kwargs["product"] is None: kwargs["product"] = "firefox" updatecommandline.check_args(kwargs) logger = update.setup_logging(kwargs, {"mach": sys.stdout}) try: update.run_update(logger, **kwargs) except Exception: import pdb import traceback traceback.print_exc() # pdb.post_mortem() class WebPlatformTestsReduce(WebPlatformTestsRunner): def run_reduce(self, **kwargs): from wptrunner import reduce self.setup_kwargs(kwargs) kwargs["capture_stdio"] = True logger = reduce.setup_logging(kwargs, {"mach": sys.stdout}) tests = reduce.do_reduce(**kwargs) if not tests: logger.warning("Test was not unstable") for item in tests: logger.info(item.id) class WebPlatformTestsCreator(MozbuildObject): template_prefix = """<!doctype html> %(documentElement)s<meta charset=utf-8> """ template_long_timeout = "<meta name=timeout content=long>\n" template_body_th = """<title></title> <script src=/resources/testharness.js></script> <script src=/resources/testharnessreport.js></script> <script> </script> """ template_body_reftest = """<title></title> <link rel=%(match)s href=%(ref)s> """ template_body_reftest_wait = """<script src="/common/reftest-wait.js"></script> """ def rel_path(self, path): if path is None: return abs_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(path)) return os.path.relpath(abs_path, self.topsrcdir) def rel_url(self, rel_path): upstream_path = os.path.join("testing", "web-platform", "tests") local_path = os.path.join("testing", "web-platform", "mozilla", "tests") if rel_path.startswith(upstream_path): return rel_path[len(upstream_path):].replace(os.path.sep, "/") elif rel_path.startswith(local_path): return "/_mozilla" + rel_path[len(local_path):].replace(os.path.sep, "/") else: return None def run_create(self, context, **kwargs): import subprocess path = self.rel_path(kwargs["path"]) ref_path = self.rel_path(kwargs["ref"]) if kwargs["ref"]: kwargs["reftest"] = True if self.rel_url(path) is None: print("""Test path %s is not in wpt directories: testing/web-platform/tests for tests that may be shared testing/web-platform/mozilla/tests for Gecko-only tests""" % path) return 1 if ref_path and self.rel_url(ref_path) is None: print("""Reference path %s is not in wpt directories: testing/web-platform/tests for tests that may be shared testing/web-platform/mozilla/tests for Gecko-only tests""" % ref_path) return 1 if os.path.exists(path) and not kwargs["overwrite"]: print("Test path already exists, pass --overwrite to replace") return 1 if kwargs["mismatch"] and not kwargs["reftest"]: print("--mismatch only makes sense for a reftest") return 1 if kwargs["wait"] and not kwargs["reftest"]: print("--wait only makes sense for a reftest") return 1 args = {"documentElement": "<html class=reftest-wait>\n" if kwargs["wait"] else ""} template = self.template_prefix % args if kwargs["long_timeout"]: template += self.template_long_timeout if kwargs["reftest"]: args = {"match": "match" if not kwargs["mismatch"] else "mismatch", "ref": self.rel_url(ref_path) if kwargs["ref"] else '""'} template += self.template_body_reftest % args if kwargs["wait"]: template += self.template_body_reftest_wait else: template += self.template_body_th try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path)) except OSError: pass with open(path, "w") as f: f.write(template) if kwargs["no_editor"]: editor = None elif kwargs["editor"]: editor = kwargs["editor"] elif "VISUAL" in os.environ: editor = os.environ["VISUAL"] elif "EDITOR" in os.environ: editor = os.environ["EDITOR"] else: editor = None proc = None if editor: proc = subprocess.Popen("%s %s" % (editor, path), shell=True) if not kwargs["no_run"]: p = create_parser_wpt() wpt_kwargs = vars(p.parse_args(["--manifest-update", path])) context.commands.dispatch("web-platform-tests", context, **wpt_kwargs) if proc: proc.wait() class WPTManifestUpdater(MozbuildObject): def run_update(self, check_clean=False, **kwargs): import manifestupdate from wptrunner import wptlogging logger = wptlogging.setup(kwargs, {"mach": sys.stdout}) wpt_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.topsrcdir, 'testing', 'web-platform')) manifestupdate.update(logger, wpt_dir, check_clean) def create_parser_wpt(): from wptrunner import wptcommandline return wptcommandline.create_parser(["firefox"]) def create_parser_update(): from update import updatecommandline return updatecommandline.create_parser() def create_parser_reduce(): from wptrunner import wptcommandline return wptcommandline.create_parser_reduce() def create_parser_create(): import argparse p = argparse.ArgumentParser() p.add_argument("--no-editor", action="store_true", help="Don't try to open the test in an editor") p.add_argument("-e", "--editor", action="store", help="Editor to use") p.add_argument("--no-run", action="store_true", help="Don't try to update the wpt manifest or open the test in a browser") p.add_argument("--long-timeout", action="store_true", help="Test should be given a long timeout (typically 60s rather than 10s, but varies depending on environment)") p.add_argument("--overwrite", action="store_true", help="Allow overwriting an existing test file") p.add_argument("-r", "--reftest", action="store_true", help="Create a reftest rather than a testharness (js) test"), p.add_argument("-ref", "--reference", dest="ref", help="Path to the reference file") p.add_argument("--mismatch", action="store_true", help="Create a mismatch reftest") p.add_argument("--wait", action="store_true", help="Create a reftest that waits until takeScreenshot() is called") p.add_argument("path", action="store", help="Path to the test file") return p def create_parser_manifest_update(): import manifestupdate return manifestupdate.create_parser() @CommandProvider class MachCommands(MachCommandBase): def setup(self): self._activate_virtualenv() @Command("web-platform-tests", category="testing", conditions=[conditions.is_firefox], parser=create_parser_wpt) def run_web_platform_tests(self, **params): self.setup() if "test_objects" in params: for item in params["test_objects"]: params["include"].append(item["name"]) del params["test_objects"] wpt_runner = self._spawn(WebPlatformTestsRunner) if params["list_test_groups"]: return wpt_runner.list_test_groups(**params) else: return wpt_runner.run_tests(**params) @Command("wpt", category="testing", conditions=[conditions.is_firefox], parser=create_parser_wpt) def run_wpt(self, **params): return self.run_web_platform_tests(**params) @Command("web-platform-tests-update", category="testing", parser=create_parser_update) def update_web_platform_tests(self, **params): self.setup() self.virtualenv_manager.install_pip_package('html5lib==0.99') self.virtualenv_manager.install_pip_package('requests') wpt_updater = self._spawn(WebPlatformTestsUpdater) return wpt_updater.run_update(**params) @Command("wpt-update", category="testing", parser=create_parser_update) def update_wpt(self, **params): return self.update_web_platform_tests(**params) @Command("web-platform-tests-reduce", category="testing", conditions=[conditions.is_firefox], parser=create_parser_reduce) def unstable_web_platform_tests(self, **params): self.setup() wpt_reduce = self._spawn(WebPlatformTestsReduce) return wpt_reduce.run_reduce(**params) @Command("wpt-reduce", category="testing", conditions=[conditions.is_firefox], parser=create_parser_reduce) def unstable_wpt(self, **params): return self.unstable_web_platform_tests(**params) @Command("web-platform-tests-create", category="testing", conditions=[conditions.is_firefox], parser=create_parser_create) def create_web_platform_test(self, **params): self.setup() wpt_creator = self._spawn(WebPlatformTestsCreator) wpt_creator.run_create(self._mach_context, **params) @Command("wpt-create", category="testing", conditions=[conditions.is_firefox], parser=create_parser_create) def create_wpt(self, **params): return self.create_web_platform_test(**params) @Command("wpt-manifest-update", category="testing", parser=create_parser_manifest_update) def wpt_manifest_update(self, **params): self.setup() wpt_manifest_updater = self._spawn(WPTManifestUpdater) return wpt_manifest_updater.run_update(**params)
# # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ This module contains Facebook Ads Reporting hooks """ import time from enum import Enum from typing import Any, Dict, List from cached_property import cached_property from facebook_business.adobjects.adaccount import AdAccount from facebook_business.adobjects.adreportrun import AdReportRun from facebook_business.adobjects.adsinsights import AdsInsights from facebook_business.api import FacebookAdsApi from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException from airflow.hooks.base_hook import BaseHook class JobStatus(Enum): """ Available options for facebook async task status """ COMPLETED = 'Job Completed' STARTED = 'Job Started' RUNNING = 'Job Running' FAILED = 'Job Failed' SKIPPED = 'Job Skipped' class FacebookAdsReportingHook(BaseHook): """ Hook for the Facebook Ads API .. seealso:: For more information on the Facebook Ads API, take a look at the API docs: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/marketing-apis/ :param facebook_conn_id: Airflow Facebook Ads connection ID :type facebook_conn_id: str :param api_version: The version of Facebook API. Default to v6.0 :type api_version: str """ def __init__( self, facebook_conn_id: str = "facebook_default", api_version: str = "v6.0", ) -> None: super().__init__() self.facebook_conn_id = facebook_conn_id self.api_version = api_version self.client_required_fields = ["app_id", "app_secret", "access_token", "account_id"] def _get_service(self) -> FacebookAdsApi: """ Returns Facebook Ads Client using a service account""" config = self.facebook_ads_config return FacebookAdsApi.init(app_id=config["app_id"], app_secret=config["app_secret"], access_token=config["access_token"], account_id=config["account_id"], api_version=self.api_version) @cached_property def facebook_ads_config(self) -> Dict: """ Gets Facebook ads connection from meta db and sets facebook_ads_config attribute with returned config file """ self.log.info("Fetching fb connection: %s", self.facebook_conn_id) conn = self.get_connection(self.facebook_conn_id) config = conn.extra_dejson missings_keys = self.client_required_fields - config.keys() if missings_keys: message = "{missings_keys} fields are missing".format(missings_keys=missings_keys) raise AirflowException(message) return config def bulk_facebook_report( self, params: Dict[str, Any], fields: List[str], sleep_time: int = 5, ) -> List[AdsInsights]: """ Pulls data from the Facebook Ads API :param fields: List of fields that is obtained from Facebook. Found in AdsInsights.Field class. https://developers.facebook.com/docs/marketing-api/insights/parameters/v6.0 :type fields: List[str] :param params: Parameters that determine the query for Facebook https://developers.facebook.com/docs/marketing-api/insights/parameters/v6.0 :type fields: Dict[str, Any] :param sleep_time: Time to sleep when async call is happening :type sleep_time: int :return: Facebook Ads API response, converted to Facebook Ads Row objects :rtype: List[AdsInsights] """ api = self._get_service() ad_account = AdAccount(api.get_default_account_id(), api=api) _async = ad_account.get_insights(params=params, fields=fields, is_async=True) while True: request = _async.api_get() async_status = request[AdReportRun.Field.async_status] percent = request[AdReportRun.Field.async_percent_completion] self.log.info("%s %s completed, async_status: %s", percent, "%", async_status) if async_status == JobStatus.COMPLETED.value: self.log.info("Job run completed") break if async_status in [JobStatus.SKIPPED.value, JobStatus.FAILED.value]: message = "{async_status}. Please retry.".format(async_status=async_status) raise AirflowException(message) time.sleep(sleep_time) report_run_id = _async.api_get()["report_run_id"] report_object = AdReportRun(report_run_id, api=api) insights = report_object.get_insights() self.log.info("Extracting data from returned Facebook Ads Iterators") return list(insights)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Generated by Django 1.9.2 on 2016-02-21 15:33 from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('pages', '0006_auto_20160221_1241'), ] operations = [ migrations.AlterField( model_name='page', name='image', field=models.ImageField(default='none.jpg', upload_to='uploads/'), ), ]
# imports/modules import os import random import json import collections from PIL import Image # Convert (r, g, b) into #rrggbb color def getRGBstring( (r, g, b) ): s = "#" s = s + format(r, '02x') s = s + format(g, '02x') s = s + format(b, '02x') return s def do_compute(): # Open the image origImgFile = 'res/bryce.jpg' origImg = Image.open(origImgFile) # Process the image # Save the processed information output = { 'file': origImgFile, 'freq': freq } f = open("res/freq.json",'w') s = json.dumps(output, indent = 4) f.write(s)
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.ticker as ticker import matplotlib.colors import sys matplotlib.rc('text', usetex=True) fontsize = 22 font = {'family' : 'serif', 'serif' : 'Times Roman', 'size' : fontsize} matplotlib.rc('font', **font) output_dir = "doc/naacl2016/" # load in data data_fname = sys.argv[1] labels = np.unique(np.loadtxt(data_fname, usecols=[2], dtype='str')) print labels data = np.loadtxt(data_fname, converters = {2: lambda y: np.where(labels==y)[0]}) labels = ["LSTM", "USchema"] colors = ['0.25', '0.6'] width = 4 print data recall_idx = 0 precision_idx = 1 model_idx = 2 # initialize figures fig1 = plt.figure() ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111) ax1.set_title("LSTM + USchema: Recall vs. Precision", fontsize=fontsize) ax1.set_xlabel("Recall") ax1.set_ylabel("Precision") plt.xlim((0.075, 0.5,)) plt.ylim((0.075, 0.7,)) plt.yticks((0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7)) plt.xticks((0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5)) for i in range(len(labels)): indices = np.where(data[:,model_idx] == i) ax1.plot(data[indices,recall_idx][0], data[indices,precision_idx][0], label=labels[i], color=colors[i], lw=width) ax1.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda y, pos: ('%.1f')%(y))) ax1.xaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos: ('%.1f')%(x))) # add legend ax1.legend(fontsize=18) plt.tight_layout() fig1.savefig("%s/pr-curve.pdf" % (output_dir), bbox_inches='tight') plt.show()
import numpy as n import scipy.interpolate import scipy.ndimage def congrid(a, newdims, method='linear', centre=False, minusone=False): '''Arbitrary resampling of source array to new dimension sizes. Currently only supports maintaining the same number of dimensions. To use 1-D arrays, first promote them to shape (x,1). Uses the same parameters and creates the same co-ordinate lookup points as IDL''s congrid routine, which apparently originally came from a VAX/VMS routine of the same name. method: neighbour - closest value from original data nearest and linear - uses n x 1-D interpolations using scipy.interpolate.interp1d (see Numerical Recipes for validity of use of n 1-D interpolations) spline - uses ndimage.map_coordinates centre: True - interpolation points are at the centres of the bins False - points are at the front edge of the bin minusone: For example- inarray.shape = (i,j) & new dimensions = (x,y) False - inarray is resampled by factors of (i/x) * (j/y) True - inarray is resampled by(i-1)/(x-1) * (j-1)/(y-1) This prevents extrapolation one element beyond bounds of input array. ''' if not a.dtype in [n.float64, n.float32]: a = n.cast[float](a) m1 = n.cast[int](minusone) ofs = n.cast[int](centre) * 0.5 old = n.array( a.shape ) ndims = len( a.shape ) if len( newdims ) != ndims: print "[congrid] dimensions error. " \ "This routine currently only support " \ "rebinning to the same number of dimensions." return None newdims = n.asarray( newdims, dtype=float ) dimlist = [] if method == 'neighbour': for i in range( ndims ): base = n.indices(newdims)[i] dimlist.append( (old[i] - m1) / (newdims[i] - m1) \ * (base + ofs) - ofs ) cd = n.array( dimlist ).round().astype(int) newa = a[list( cd )] return newa elif method in ['nearest','linear']: # calculate new dims for i in range( ndims ): base = n.arange( newdims[i] ) dimlist.append( (old[i] - m1) / (newdims[i] - m1) \ * (base + ofs) - ofs ) # specify old dims olddims = [n.arange(i, dtype = n.float) for i in list( a.shape )] # first interpolation - for ndims = any mint = scipy.interpolate.interp1d( olddims[-1], a, kind=method ) newa = mint( dimlist[-1] ) trorder = [ndims - 1] + range( ndims - 1 ) for i in range( ndims - 2, -1, -1 ): newa = newa.transpose( trorder ) mint = scipy.interpolate.interp1d( olddims[i], newa, kind=method ) newa = mint( dimlist[i] ) if ndims > 1: # need one more transpose to return to original dimensions newa = newa.transpose( trorder ) return newa elif method in ['spline']: oslices = [ slice(0,j) for j in old ] oldcoords = n.ogrid[oslices] nslices = [ slice(0,j) for j in list(newdims) ] newcoords = n.mgrid[nslices] newcoords_dims = range(n.rank(newcoords)) #make first index last newcoords_dims.append(newcoords_dims.pop(0)) newcoords_tr = newcoords.transpose(newcoords_dims) # makes a view that affects newcoords newcoords_tr += ofs deltas = (n.asarray(old) - m1) / (newdims - m1) newcoords_tr *= deltas newcoords_tr -= ofs newa = scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates(a, newcoords) return newa else: print "Congrid error: Unrecognized interpolation type.\n", \ "Currently only \'neighbour\', \'nearest\',\'linear\',", \ "and \'spline\' are supported." return None
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2020 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! # # Snippet for ReloadDocument # NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. # It may require modifications to work in your environment. # To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: # python3 -m pip install google-cloud-dialogflow # [START dialogflow_generated_dialogflow_v2_Documents_ReloadDocument_async] from google.cloud import dialogflow_v2 async def sample_reload_document(): # Create a client client = dialogflow_v2.DocumentsAsyncClient() # Initialize request argument(s) request = dialogflow_v2.ReloadDocumentRequest( content_uri="content_uri_value", name="name_value", ) # Make the request operation = client.reload_document(request=request) print("Waiting for operation to complete...") response = await operation.result() # Handle the response print(response) # [END dialogflow_generated_dialogflow_v2_Documents_ReloadDocument_async]
from kona.linalg.matrices.hessian.basic import BaseHessian class ReducedSchurPreconditioner(BaseHessian): """ An IDF-Schur preconditioner designed to precondition the KKT system for multidisciplinary design optimization problems formulated using the IDF architecture. The preconditioner solves a system defined by the matrix: .. math:: \\begin{bmatrix} I && A^T \\\\ A && 0 \\end{bmatrix} This solution is used as the preconditioner to the complete KKT system. Unlike the complete KKT system, this solution can be performed using FGMRES. Attributes ---------- krylov : KrylovSolver cnstr_jac : TotalConstraintJacobian """ def __init__(self, vector_factories, optns=None): super(ReducedSchurPreconditioner, self).__init__( vector_factories, optns) self.primal_factory.request_num_vectors(3) if self.eq_factory is not None: self.eq_factory.request_num_vectors(1) else: raise RuntimeError( "ReducedSchurPreconditioner >> " + "Problem must have equality constraints!") if self.ineq_factory is not None: self.ineq_factory.request_num_vectors(1) # initialize the internal FGMRES solver krylov_opts = { 'subspace_size' : 5, 'rel_tol' : 1e-2, 'check_res' : False, 'check_LS_grad' : False, 'krylov_file' : KonaFile( 'kona_schur.dat', self.primal_factory._memory.rank)} self.krylov = FGMRES(self.primal_factory, optns=krylov_opts) # initialize an identity preconditioner self.eye = IdentityMatrix() self.precond = self.eye.product # initialize the total constraint jacobian block self.cnstr_jac = TotalConstraintJacobian(vector_factories) # set misc settings self.diag = 0.0 self._allocated = False def prod_target(self, in_vec, out_vec): self.design_prod.equals(in_vec) self.design_prod.restrict_to_target() self.cnstr_jac.approx.product(self.design_prod, self.dual_prod) out_vec.equals(0.0) self.dual_prod.convert_to_design(out_vec) def prod_target_t(self, in_vec, out_vec): self.dual_prod.equals(0.0) in_vec.convert_to_dual(self.dual_prod) self.cnstr_jac.T.approx.product(self.dual_prod, out_vec) out_vec.restrict_to_target() def linearize(self, at_primal, at_state, scale=1.0): # store references to the evaluation point if isinstance(at_primal, CompositePrimalVector): self.at_design = at_primal.design else: self.at_design = at_primal self.at_state = at_state # save the scaling on constraint terms self.scale = scale # linearize the constraint jacobian self.cnstr_jac.linearize(self.at_design, self.at_state, scale=self.scale) # if this is the first linearization, allocate some useful vectors if not self._allocated: # design vectors self.design_prod = self.primal_factory.generate() self.design_work = [] for i in xrange(2): self.design_work.append(self.primal_factory.generate()) # dual vectors self.dual_prod = None if self.eq_factory is not None and self.ineq_factory is not None: self.dual_prod = CompositeDualVector( self.eq_factory.generate(), self.ineq_factory.generate()) else: self.dual_prod = self.eq_factory.generate() def product(self, in_vec, out_vec): # do some aliasing try: in_design = in_vec.primal.design out_design = out_vec.primal.design out_vec.primal.slack.equals(in_vec.primal.slack) except Exception: in_design = in_vec.primal out_design = out_vec.primal in_dual = in_vec.dual out_dual = out_vec.dual design_work = self.design_work out_design.equals(0.0) out_dual.equals(0.0) # Step 1: Solve A_targ^T * v_dual = u_targ design_work[1].equals(in_design) design_work[1].restrict_to_target() design_work[0].equals(0.0) self.prod_target_t(design_work[1], design_work[0]) self.krylov.solve( self.prod_target_t, design_work[1], design_work[0], self.precond) design_work[0].convert_to_dual(out_dual) # Step 2: Compute v_x = u_x - A_x^T * v_dual design_work[0].equals(0.0) self.cnstr_jac.T.approx.product(out_dual, design_work[0]) out_design.equals_ax_p_by(1., in_design, -1., design_work[0]) out_design.restrict_to_design() # Step 3: Solve A_targ * v_targ = u_dual - A_x * v_x self.dual_prod.equals(0.0) self.cnstr_jac.approx.product(out_design, self.dual_prod) self.dual_prod.equals_ax_p_by(1., in_dual, -1., self.dual_prod) self.dual_prod.convert_to_design(design_work[1]) design_work[1].restrict_to_target() design_work[0].equals(0.0) self.krylov.solve( self.prod_target, design_work[1], design_work[0], self.precond) design_work[0].restrict_to_target() out_design.plus(design_work[0]) # imports here to prevent circular errors import numpy as np from kona.linalg.vectors.composite import CompositePrimalVector from kona.linalg.vectors.composite import CompositeDualVector from kona.linalg.matrices.common import IdentityMatrix from kona.linalg.matrices.hessian import TotalConstraintJacobian from kona.linalg.solvers.krylov import FGMRES from kona.linalg.memory import KonaFile
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import models, migrations class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('artwork', '0011_auto_20160217_1921'), ] operations = [ migrations.AlterModelOptions( name='artwork', options={'ordering': ('name', 'id')}, ), ]
# Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco Systems # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from barbican.tests import utils from functionaltests.api import base from functionaltests.api.v1.behaviors import acl_behaviors from functionaltests.api.v1.behaviors import container_behaviors from functionaltests.api.v1.behaviors import secret_behaviors from functionaltests.api.v1.models import acl_models from functionaltests.api.v1.models import container_models from functionaltests.api.v1.models import secret_models from functionaltests.common import config CONF = config.get_config() admin_a = CONF.rbac_users.admin_a creator_a = CONF.rbac_users.creator_a observer_a = CONF.rbac_users.observer_a auditor_a = CONF.rbac_users.auditor_a admin_b = CONF.rbac_users.admin_b observer_b = CONF.rbac_users.observer_b def get_acl_default(): return {'read': {'project-access': True}} def get_acl_one(): return {'read': {'users': ['reader1'], 'project-access': False}} def get_acl_two(): return {'read': {'users': ['reader2'], 'project-access': False}} test_data_set_secret_acl = { 'with_admin_a': {'user': admin_a, 'expected_return': 200}, 'with_creator_a': {'user': creator_a, 'expected_return': 200}, 'with_observer_a': {'user': observer_a, 'expected_return': 403}, 'with_auditor_a': {'user': auditor_a, 'expected_return': 403}, 'with_admin_b': {'user': admin_b, 'expected_return': 403}, 'with_observer_b': {'user': observer_b, 'expected_return': 403}, } test_data_get_secret_acl = { 'with_admin_a': {'user': admin_a, 'expected_return': 200}, 'with_creator_a': {'user': creator_a, 'expected_return': 200}, 'with_observer_a': {'user': observer_a, 'expected_return': 200}, 'with_auditor_a': {'user': auditor_a, 'expected_return': 403}, 'with_admin_b': {'user': admin_b, 'expected_return': 403}, 'with_observer_b': {'user': observer_b, 'expected_return': 403}, } test_data_update_secret_acl = { 'with_admin_a': {'user': admin_a, 'expected_return': 200}, 'with_creator_a': {'user': creator_a, 'expected_return': 200}, 'with_observer_a': {'user': observer_a, 'expected_return': 403}, 'with_auditor_a': {'user': auditor_a, 'expected_return': 403}, 'with_admin_b': {'user': admin_b, 'expected_return': 403}, 'with_observer_b': {'user': observer_b, 'expected_return': 403}, } test_data_delete_secret_acl = { 'with_admin_a': {'user': admin_a, 'expected_return': 200}, 'with_creator_a': {'user': creator_a, 'expected_return': 200}, 'with_observer_a': {'user': observer_a, 'expected_return': 403}, 'with_auditor_a': {'user': auditor_a, 'expected_return': 403}, 'with_admin_b': {'user': admin_b, 'expected_return': 403}, 'with_observer_b': {'user': observer_b, 'expected_return': 403}, } test_data_set_container_acl = { 'with_admin_a': {'user': admin_a, 'expected_return': 200}, 'with_creator_a': {'user': creator_a, 'expected_return': 200}, 'with_observer_a': {'user': observer_a, 'expected_return': 403}, 'with_auditor_a': {'user': auditor_a, 'expected_return': 403}, 'with_admin_b': {'user': admin_b, 'expected_return': 403}, 'with_observer_b': {'user': observer_b, 'expected_return': 403}, } test_data_get_container_acl = { 'with_admin_a': {'user': admin_a, 'expected_return': 200}, 'with_creator_a': {'user': creator_a, 'expected_return': 200}, 'with_observer_a': {'user': observer_a, 'expected_return': 200}, 'with_auditor_a': {'user': auditor_a, 'expected_return': 403}, 'with_admin_b': {'user': admin_b, 'expected_return': 403}, 'with_observer_b': {'user': observer_b, 'expected_return': 403}, } test_data_update_container_acl = { 'with_admin_a': {'user': admin_a, 'expected_return': 200}, 'with_creator_a': {'user': creator_a, 'expected_return': 200}, 'with_observer_a': {'user': observer_a, 'expected_return': 403}, 'with_auditor_a': {'user': auditor_a, 'expected_return': 403}, 'with_admin_b': {'user': admin_b, 'expected_return': 403}, 'with_observer_b': {'user': observer_b, 'expected_return': 403}, } test_data_delete_container_acl = { 'with_admin_a': {'user': admin_a, 'expected_return': 200}, 'with_creator_a': {'user': creator_a, 'expected_return': 200}, 'with_observer_a': {'user': observer_a, 'expected_return': 403}, 'with_auditor_a': {'user': auditor_a, 'expected_return': 403}, 'with_admin_b': {'user': admin_b, 'expected_return': 403}, 'with_observer_b': {'user': observer_b, 'expected_return': 403}, } @utils.parameterized_test_case class RBACAclsTestCase(base.TestCase): """Functional tests exercising RBAC Policies for ACL Operations""" def setUp(self): super(RBACAclsTestCase, self).setUp() self.secret_behaviors = secret_behaviors.SecretBehaviors(self.client) self.container_behaviors = container_behaviors.ContainerBehaviors( self.client) self.acl_behaviors = acl_behaviors.AclBehaviors(self.client) def tearDown(self): self.acl_behaviors.delete_all_created_acls() self.secret_behaviors.delete_all_created_secrets() self.container_behaviors.delete_all_created_containers() super(RBACAclsTestCase, self).tearDown() @utils.parameterized_dataset(test_data_set_secret_acl) def test_set_secret_acl(self, user, expected_return): secret_ref = self.store_secret() status = self.set_secret_acl(secret_ref, get_acl_one(), user_name=user) self.assertEqual(expected_return, status) @utils.parameterized_dataset(test_data_get_secret_acl) def test_get_secret_acl(self, user, expected_return): secret_ref = self.store_secret() status = self.set_secret_acl(secret_ref, get_acl_one()) self.assertEqual(200, status) resp = self.acl_behaviors.get_acl(secret_ref + '/acl', user_name=user) self.assertEqual(expected_return, resp.status_code) if expected_return == 200: self.assertIn('reader1', resp.model.read['users']) else: self.assertIsNone(resp.model) @utils.parameterized_dataset(test_data_update_secret_acl) def test_update_secret_acl(self, user, expected_return): secret_ref = self.store_secret() status = self.set_secret_acl(secret_ref, get_acl_one()) self.assertEqual(200, status) status, model = self.update_secret_acl(secret_ref, get_acl_two(), user_name=user) self.assertEqual(expected_return, status) get_resp = self.acl_behaviors.get_acl(secret_ref + '/acl', user_name=admin_a) if expected_return == 200: self.assertIsNotNone(model.acl_ref) # verify update happened self.assertIn('reader2', get_resp.model.read['users']) else: self.assertIsNone(model) # verify no update happened self.assertIn('reader1', get_resp.model.read['users']) @utils.parameterized_dataset(test_data_delete_secret_acl) def test_delete_secret_acl(self, user, expected_return): secret_ref = self.store_secret() status = self.set_secret_acl(secret_ref, get_acl_one()) self.assertEqual(200, status) resp = self.acl_behaviors.delete_acl(secret_ref + '/acl', user_name=user) self.assertEqual(expected_return, resp.status_code) get_resp = self.acl_behaviors.get_acl(secret_ref + '/acl', user_name=admin_a) if expected_return == 200: # verify delete happened (return to default ACL) self.assertTrue(get_resp.model.read['project-access']) else: # verify no delete happened self.assertIn('reader1', get_resp.model.read['users']) @utils.parameterized_dataset(test_data_set_container_acl) def test_set_container_acl(self, user, expected_return): container_ref = self.store_container() status = self.set_container_acl(container_ref, get_acl_one(), user_name=user) self.assertEqual(expected_return, status) @utils.parameterized_dataset(test_data_get_container_acl) def test_get_container_acl(self, user, expected_return): container_ref = self.store_container() status = self.set_container_acl(container_ref, get_acl_one()) self.assertEqual(200, status) resp = self.acl_behaviors.get_acl(container_ref + '/acl', user_name=user) self.assertEqual(expected_return, resp.status_code) if expected_return == 200: self.assertIn('reader1', resp.model.read['users']) else: self.assertIsNone(resp.model) @utils.parameterized_dataset(test_data_update_container_acl) def test_update_container_acl(self, user, expected_return): container_ref = self.store_container() status = self.set_container_acl(container_ref, get_acl_one()) self.assertEqual(200, status) status, model = self.update_container_acl(container_ref, get_acl_two(), user_name=user) self.assertEqual(expected_return, status) get_resp = self.acl_behaviors.get_acl(container_ref + '/acl', user_name=admin_a) if expected_return == 200: self.assertIsNotNone(model.acl_ref) # verify update happened self.assertIn('reader2', get_resp.model.read['users']) else: self.assertIsNone(model) # verify no update happened self.assertIn('reader1', get_resp.model.read['users']) @utils.parameterized_dataset(test_data_delete_container_acl) def test_delete_container_acl(self, user, expected_return): container_ref = self.store_container() status = self.set_container_acl(container_ref, get_acl_one()) self.assertEqual(200, status) resp = self.acl_behaviors.delete_acl(container_ref + '/acl', user_name=user) self.assertEqual(expected_return, resp.status_code) get_resp = self.acl_behaviors.get_acl(container_ref + '/acl', user_name=admin_a) if expected_return == 200: # verify delete happened (return to default ACL) self.assertTrue(get_resp.model.read['project-access']) else: # verify no delete happened self.assertIn('reader1', get_resp.model.read['users']) # ----------------------- Helper Functions --------------------------- def store_secret(self, user_name=creator_a, admin=admin_a): test_model = secret_models.SecretModel( **get_default_secret_data()) resp, secret_ref = self.secret_behaviors.create_secret( test_model, user_name=user_name, admin=admin) self.assertEqual(201, resp.status_code) return secret_ref def set_secret_acl(self, secret_ref, acl, user_name=creator_a): test_model = acl_models.AclModel(**acl) resp = self.acl_behaviors.create_acl( secret_ref, test_model, user_name=user_name) return resp.status_code def update_secret_acl(self, secret_ref, acl, user_name=creator_a): test_model = acl_models.AclModel(**acl) resp = self.acl_behaviors.update_acl( secret_ref + '/acl', test_model, user_name=user_name) return resp.status_code, resp.model def store_container(self, user_name=creator_a, admin=admin_a): secret_ref = self.store_secret(user_name=user_name, admin=admin) test_model = container_models.ContainerModel( **get_container_req(secret_ref)) resp, container_ref = self.container_behaviors.create_container( test_model, user_name=user_name, admin=admin) self.assertEqual(201, resp.status_code) return container_ref def set_container_acl(self, container_ref, acl, user_name=creator_a): test_model = acl_models.AclModel(**acl) resp = self.acl_behaviors.create_acl( container_ref, test_model, user_name=user_name) return resp.status_code def update_container_acl(self, container_ref, acl, user_name=creator_a): test_model = acl_models.AclModel(**acl) resp = self.acl_behaviors.update_acl( container_ref + '/acl', test_model, user_name=user_name) return resp.status_code, resp.model # ----------------------- Support Functions --------------------------- def get_default_secret_data(): return { "name": "AES key", "expiration": "2050-02-28T19:14:44.180394", "algorithm": "aes", "bit_length": 256, "mode": "cbc", "payload": get_default_payload(), "payload_content_type": "application/octet-stream", "payload_content_encoding": "base64", } def get_default_payload(): return 'Z0Y2K2xMb0Yzb2hBOWFQUnB0KzZiUT09' def get_container_req(secret_ref): return {"name": "testcontainer", "type": "generic", "secret_refs": [{'name': 'secret1', 'secret_ref': secret_ref}]}
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the (LGPL) GNU Lesser General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Library Lesser General Public License for more details at # ( http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html ). # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # written by: Jeff Ortel ( [email protected] ) """ Provides sx typing classes. """ from logging import getLogger from suds import * from suds.mx import * from suds.sax import Namespace as NS from suds.sax.text import Text log = getLogger(__name__) class Typer: """ Provides XML node typing as either automatic or manual. @cvar types: A dict of class to xs type mapping. @type types: dict """ types = { int : ('int', NS.xsdns), int : ('long', NS.xsdns), float : ('float', NS.xsdns), str : ('string', NS.xsdns), str : ('string', NS.xsdns), Text : ('string', NS.xsdns), bool : ('boolean', NS.xsdns), } @classmethod def auto(cls, node, value=None): """ Automatically set the node's xsi:type attribute based on either I{value}'s class or the class of the node's text. When I{value} is an unmapped class, the default type (xs:any) is set. @param node: An XML node @type node: L{sax.element.Element} @param value: An object that is or would be the node's text. @type value: I{any} @return: The specified node. @rtype: L{sax.element.Element} """ if value is None: value = node.getText() if isinstance(value, Object): known = cls.known(value) if known.name is None: return node tm = (known.name, known.namespace()) else: tm = cls.types.get(value.__class__, cls.types.get(str)) cls.manual(node, *tm) return node @classmethod def manual(cls, node, tval, ns=None): """ Set the node's xsi:type attribute based on either I{value}'s class or the class of the node's text. Then adds the referenced prefix(s) to the node's prefix mapping. @param node: An XML node @type node: L{sax.element.Element} @param tval: The name of the schema type. @type tval: str @param ns: The XML namespace of I{tval}. @type ns: (prefix, uri) @return: The specified node. @rtype: L{sax.element.Element} """ xta = ':'.join((NS.xsins[0], 'type')) node.addPrefix(NS.xsins[0], NS.xsins[1]) if ns is None: node.set(xta, tval) else: ns = cls.genprefix(node, ns) qname = ':'.join((ns[0], tval)) node.set(xta, qname) node.addPrefix(ns[0], ns[1]) return node @classmethod def genprefix(cls, node, ns): """ Generate a prefix. @param node: An XML node on which the prefix will be used. @type node: L{sax.element.Element} @param ns: A namespace needing an unique prefix. @type ns: (prefix, uri) @return: The I{ns} with a new prefix. """ for n in range(1, 1024): p = 'ns%d' % n u = node.resolvePrefix(p, default=None) if u is None or u == ns[1]: return (p, ns[1]) raise Exception('auto prefix, exhausted') @classmethod def known(cls, object): try: md = object.__metadata__ known = md.sxtype return known except: pass
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from setuptools import setup setup(name='my_project', version='0.1.0', packages=['my_project'], entry_points={ 'console_scripts': [ 'my_project = crawler.__main__:main' ] }, install_requires='requests' )
from distutils.dir_util import copy_tree, remove_tree import os import shutil def _copy_function(source, destination): print('Bootstrapping project at %s' % destination) copy_tree(source, destination) def create_app(): cwd = os.getcwd() game_logic_path = os.path.join(cwd, 'game_logic') game_app_interface = os.path.join(cwd, 'game_app.py') app_template = os.path.join(cwd, 'engine', 'app_template') _game_logic_path_exists = os.path.exists(game_logic_path) _game_app_interface_exists = os.path.exists(game_app_interface) if _game_logic_path_exists or _game_app_interface_exists: answer = input( 'game_app.py or game_logic module already exists. Continue? (y/n). ' + '\nWARNING: This will remove all contents of game_logic module, use at your own risk:'.upper() ) if answer == 'y': if _game_app_interface_exists: os.remove(game_app_interface) if _game_logic_path_exists: remove_tree(game_logic_path) _copy_function(app_template, cwd) else: _copy_function(app_template, cwd) if not os.path.exists('settings.yaml'): shutil.copy2('settings.yaml.template', 'settings.yaml') if not os.path.exists('logging.yaml'): shutil.copy2('logging.yaml.template', 'logging.yaml') if __name__ == '__main__': create_app()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2012-2014 CoNWeT Lab., Universidad Politécnica de Madrid # This file is part of Wirecloud. # Wirecloud is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # Wirecloud is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with Wirecloud. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import json from django.http import HttpResponse from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from wirecloud.commons.baseviews import Resource from wirecloud.commons.utils.http import get_absolute_reverse_url from wirecloud.fiware.marketAdaptor.marketadaptor import MarketAdaptor from wirecloud.platform.models import Market, MarketUserData market_adaptors = {} def get_market_adaptor(market_user, market): if market_user is None or market_user == 'public': market_user = None username = '' else: username = market_user if market_user not in market_adaptors: market_adaptors[username] = {} if market not in market_adaptors[username]: m = get_object_or_404(Market, user__username=market_user, name=market) options = json.loads(m.options) market_adaptors[username][market] = MarketAdaptor(options['url']) return market_adaptors[username][market] def get_market_user_data(user, market_user, market_name): if market_user == 'public': market_user = None user_data = {} for user_data_entry in MarketUserData.objects.filter(market__user__username=market_user, market__name=market_name, user=user): try: user_data[user_data_entry.name] = json.loads(user_data_entry.value) except: user_data[user_data_entry.name] = None try: user_data['idm_token'] = user.social_auth.filter(provider='fiware').get().tokens['access_token'] except: pass return user_data class ServiceCollection(Resource): def read(self, request, market_user, market_name, store): adaptor = get_market_adaptor(market_user, market_name) user_data = get_market_user_data(request.user, market_user, market_name) try: result = adaptor.get_all_services_from_store(store, **user_data) except: return HttpResponse(status=502) return HttpResponse(json.dumps(result), content_type='application/json; charset=UTF-8') class ServiceSearchCollection(Resource): def read(self, request, market_user, market_name, store='', search_string='widget'): adaptor = get_market_adaptor(market_user, market_name) user_data = get_market_user_data(request.user, market_user, market_name) try: result = adaptor.full_text_search(store, search_string, user_data) except: return HttpResponse(status=502) return HttpResponse(json.dumps(result), content_type='application/json; chaset=UTF-8') class ServiceEntry(Resource): def read(self, request, market_user, market_name, store, offering_id): adaptor = get_market_adaptor(market_user, market_name) user_data = get_market_user_data(request.user, market_user, market_name) try: offering_info = adaptor.get_offering_info(store, offering_id, user_data)[0] except: return HttpResponse(status=502) return HttpResponse(json.dumps(offering_info), content_type='application/json; charset=UTF-8') class AllStoresServiceCollection(Resource): def read(self, request, market_user, market_name): adaptor = get_market_adaptor(market_user, market_name) user_data = get_market_user_data(request.user, market_user, market_name) result = {'resources': []} try: stores = adaptor.get_all_stores() for store in stores: store_services = adaptor.get_all_services_from_store(store['name'], **user_data) result['resources'].extend(store_services['resources']) except: return HttpResponse(status=502) return HttpResponse(json.dumps(result), content_type='application/json; charset=UTF-8') class StoreCollection(Resource): def read(self, request, market_user, market_name): adaptor = get_market_adaptor(market_user, market_name) try: result = adaptor.get_all_stores() except: return HttpResponse(status=502) return HttpResponse(json.dumps(result), content_type='application/json; chaset=UTF-8') def start_purchase(request, market_user, market_name, store): adaptor = get_market_adaptor(market_user, market_name) user_data = get_market_user_data(request.user, market_user, market_name) data = json.loads(request.body) redirect_uri = get_absolute_reverse_url('wirecloud.fiware.store_redirect_uri', request) try: result = adaptor.start_purchase(store, data['offering_url'], redirect_uri, **user_data) except: return HttpResponse(status=502) return HttpResponse(json.dumps(result), content_type='application/json; chaset=UTF-8')
# encoding: utf-8 import datetime from south.db import db from south.v2 import SchemaMigration from django.db import models class Migration(SchemaMigration): def forwards(self, orm): # Adding model 'Country' db.create_table('locations_country', ( ('id', self.gf('django.db.models.fields.AutoField')(primary_key=True)), ('name', self.gf('django.db.models.fields.CharField')(max_length=255)), )) db.send_create_signal('locations', ['Country']) # Adding model 'Region' db.create_table('locations_region', ( ('id', self.gf('django.db.models.fields.AutoField')(primary_key=True)), ('country', self.gf('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey')(to=orm['locations.Country'])), ('name', self.gf('django.db.models.fields.CharField')(max_length=255)), )) db.send_create_signal('locations', ['Region']) # Adding model 'City' db.create_table('locations_city', ( ('id', self.gf('django.db.models.fields.AutoField')(primary_key=True)), ('region', self.gf('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey')(to=orm['locations.Region'])), ('name', self.gf('django.db.models.fields.CharField')(max_length=255)), )) db.send_create_signal('locations', ['City']) def backwards(self, orm): # Deleting model 'Country' db.delete_table('locations_country') # Deleting model 'Region' db.delete_table('locations_region') # Deleting model 'City' db.delete_table('locations_city') models = { 'locations.city': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'City'}, 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255'}), 'region': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['locations.Region']"}) }, 'locations.country': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Country'}, 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255'}) }, 'locations.region': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Region'}, 'country': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['locations.Country']"}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255'}) } } complete_apps = ['locations']
class intSet(object): """An intSet is a set of integers The value is represented by a list of ints, self.vals. Each integer in the set occurs in self.vals exactly once.""" def __init__(self): """Create an empty set of integers""" self.vals = [] def __str__(self): """Returns a string representation of self""" self.vals.sort() return '{' + ','.join([str(e) for e in self.vals]) + '}' def __len__(self): return len(self.vals) def intersect(self, other): result = intSet() for e in self.vals: if e in other.vals: result.insert(e) return result def insert(self, e): """Assumes e is an integer and inserts e into self""" if not e in self.vals: self.vals.append(e) def member(self, e): """Assumes e is an integer Returns True if e is in self, and False otherwise""" return e in self.vals def remove(self, e): """Assumes e is an integer and removes e from self Raises ValueError if e is not in self""" try: self.vals.remove(e) except: raise ValueError(str(e) + ' not found') s = intSet() print s s.insert(3) s.insert(4) s.insert(9) s.insert(5) print s t = intSet() print t t.insert(1) t.insert(4) t.insert(15) t.insert(90) print t print t.__len__() print len(t) print s.intersect(t)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import unittest from manolo_scraper.spiders.mincu import MincuSpider from utils import fake_response_from_file class TestMincuSpider(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.spider = MincuSpider() def test_parse_item(self): filename = os.path.join('data/mincu', '18-08-2015.html') items = self.spider.parse(fake_response_from_file(filename, meta={'date': u'18/08/2015'})) item = next(items) self.assertEqual(item.get('full_name'), u'INGRID BARRIONUEVO ECHEGARAY') self.assertEqual(item.get('time_start'), u'16:40') self.assertEqual(item.get('institution'), u'mincu') self.assertEqual(item.get('id_document'), u'DNI') self.assertEqual(item.get('id_number'), u'10085172') self.assertEqual(item.get('entity'), u'PARTICULAR') self.assertEqual(item.get('reason'), u'REUNIÓN DE TRABAJO') self.assertEqual(item.get('host_name'), u'JOIZ ELIZABETH DOBLADILLO ORTIZ') self.assertEqual(item.get('title'), u'[SERVICIOS DE UN ASISTENTE EN COMUNICACIONES]') self.assertEqual(item.get('office'), u'QHAPAQ ÑAN') self.assertEqual(item.get('time_end'), u'16:53') self.assertEqual(item.get('date'), u'2015-08-18') number_of_items = 1 + sum(1 for x in items) self.assertEqual(number_of_items, 15)
# Copyright (c) 2020, DjaoDjin inc. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED # TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR # CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; # OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR # OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF # ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. from django.conf.urls import url, include urlpatterns = [ url(r'^campaign/', include('survey.urls.api.campaigns')), url(r'^', include('survey.urls.api.matrix')), # No trailing '/' # because of PATH_RE. url(r'^sample/', include('survey.urls.api.sample')), ]
import unittest import pandas as pd from pandas_schema import Column from pandas_schema.validation import CanConvertValidation, LeadingWhitespaceValidation, TrailingWhitespaceValidation class SingleValidationColumn(unittest.TestCase): """ Test a column with one single validation """ NAME = 'col1' col = Column(NAME, [CanConvertValidation(int)], allow_empty=False) ser = pd.Series([ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]) def test_name(self): self.assertEqual(self.col.name, self.NAME, 'A Column does not store its name correctly') def test_outputs(self): results = self.col.validate(self.ser) self.assertEqual(len(results), len(self.ser), 'A Column produces the wrong number of errors') for i in range(2): self.assertTrue(any([r.row == i for r in results]), 'A Column does not report errors for every row') class DoubleValidationColumn(unittest.TestCase): """ Test a column with two different validations """ NAME = 'col1' col = Column(NAME, [TrailingWhitespaceValidation(), LeadingWhitespaceValidation()], allow_empty=False) ser = pd.Series([ ' a ', ' b ', ' c ' ]) def test_outputs(self): results = self.col.validate(self.ser) # There should be 6 errors, 2 for each row self.assertEqual(len(results), 2 * len(self.ser), 'A Column produces the wrong number of errors') for i in range(2): in_row = [r for r in results if r.row == i] self.assertEqual(len(in_row), 2, 'A Column does not report both errors for every row') class AllowEmptyColumn(unittest.TestCase): """ Test a column with one single validation that allows empty columns """ NAME = 'col1' col = Column(NAME, [CanConvertValidation(int)], allow_empty=True) ser = pd.Series([ '', ]) def test_outputs(self): results = self.col.validate(self.ser) self.assertEqual(len(results), 0, 'allow_empty is not allowing empty columns')
"""Executor util helpers.""" from __future__ import annotations from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor import contextlib import logging import queue import sys from threading import Thread import time import traceback from .thread import async_raise _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) MAX_LOG_ATTEMPTS = 2 _JOIN_ATTEMPTS = 10 EXECUTOR_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT = 10 def _log_thread_running_at_shutdown(name: str, ident: int) -> None: """Log the stack of a thread that was still running at shutdown.""" frames = sys._current_frames() # pylint: disable=protected-access stack = frames.get(ident) formatted_stack = traceback.format_stack(stack) _LOGGER.warning( "Thread[%s] is still running at shutdown: %s", name, "".join(formatted_stack).strip(), ) def join_or_interrupt_threads( threads: set[Thread], timeout: float, log: bool ) -> set[Thread]: """Attempt to join or interrupt a set of threads.""" joined = set() timeout_per_thread = timeout / len(threads) for thread in threads: thread.join(timeout=timeout_per_thread) if not thread.is_alive() or thread.ident is None: joined.add(thread) continue if log: _log_thread_running_at_shutdown(thread.name, thread.ident) with contextlib.suppress(SystemError): # SystemError at this stage is usually a race condition # where the thread happens to die right before we force # it to raise the exception async_raise(thread.ident, SystemExit) return joined class InterruptibleThreadPoolExecutor(ThreadPoolExecutor): """A ThreadPoolExecutor instance that will not deadlock on shutdown.""" def shutdown(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: # type: ignore """Shutdown backport from cpython 3.9 with interrupt support added.""" with self._shutdown_lock: # type: ignore[attr-defined] self._shutdown = True # Drain all work items from the queue, and then cancel their # associated futures. while True: try: work_item = self._work_queue.get_nowait() except queue.Empty: break if work_item is not None: work_item.future.cancel() # Send a wake-up to prevent threads calling # _work_queue.get(block=True) from permanently blocking. self._work_queue.put(None) # The above code is backported from python 3.9 # # For maintainability join_threads_or_timeout is # a separate function since it is not a backport from # cpython itself # self.join_threads_or_timeout() def join_threads_or_timeout(self) -> None: """Join threads or timeout.""" remaining_threads = set(self._threads) # type: ignore[attr-defined] start_time = time.monotonic() timeout_remaining: float = EXECUTOR_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT attempt = 0 while True: if not remaining_threads: return attempt += 1 remaining_threads -= join_or_interrupt_threads( remaining_threads, timeout_remaining / _JOIN_ATTEMPTS, attempt <= MAX_LOG_ATTEMPTS, ) timeout_remaining = EXECUTOR_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT - ( time.monotonic() - start_time ) if timeout_remaining <= 0: return
from django.conf.urls import url from . import views urlpatterns = [ url(r'^$', views.index, name='index'), url(r'^new', views.add_post_form, name='add'), url(r'^post/(?P<slug>[\w-]+)/$', views.post_view, name='post'), ]
#!/usr/bin/env python #coding: utf8 #get the list of the scanned election results papers ( proces verbaux ) # sudo apt-get install python-setuptools # easy_install beautifulsoup4 import urllib2 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from string import maketrans from string import whitespace import csv import time import json import os #for the se of wget command to download the files source_url = "http://www.isie.tn/index.php/fr/243-proces-verbaux-de-depouillement-et-les-decisions-de-correction-y-afferentes.html" # using urllib2 to read the remote html page html = urllib2.urlopen(source_url).read() #using BeautifulSoup library for pulling data out of HTML soup = BeautifulSoup(html) #gettting all the disticts represented by a directory tree main_directory =soup.find('ul', class_="php-file-tree") #print main_directory districts = main_directory.find_all('li', recursive=False) for district in districts : district_link = district.findChild('a'); district_name = district_link.contents[0].encode('utf-8').strip().replace(' ', '_') if not os.path.exists(district_name): os.makedirs(district_name) #delegation : electoral level 2 delegation_directory= district.findChild('ul',recursive=False) if delegation_directory == None : print "Error:data unavailable, Level: district , name:"+district_name else: delegations = delegation_directory.find_all('li', recursive=False) #Processing delegation level for delegation in delegations : delegation_link = delegation.findChild('a'); delegation_name = delegation_link.contents[0].encode('utf-8').strip().replace(' ', '_') if not os.path.exists(district_name+ "/" +delegation_name): os.makedirs(district_name+ "/" +delegation_name) polling_center_directory= delegation.findChild('ul',recursive=False) if polling_center_directory == None : print "Error:data unavailable, Level: delegation , name:"+delegation_name else: polling_centers = polling_center_directory.find_all('li', class_='pft-directory', recursive=False) #Processing polling center level for polling_center in polling_centers: polling_center_link = polling_center.findChild('a'); polling_center_name = polling_center_link.contents[0].encode('utf-8').strip().replace(' ', '_') print polling_center_name if not os.path.exists(district_name+ "/" +delegation_name+ "/" + polling_center_name): os.makedirs(district_name+ "/" +delegation_name+ "/" + polling_center_name) #find files list files_directory= polling_center.findChild('ul',recursive=False) if files_directory == None : print "Error:data unavailable, Level: Polling_center , name:"+ polling_center_name else: files = files_directory.find_all('li', class_='pft-file', recursive=False) # pv stands for Proces Verbal which in english means protocol -- in election lexique for pv in files: pv_link = pv.findChild('a', href=True) pv_ref = pv_link['href'] file_link = "http://isie.tn"+ pv_ref fullurl = urllib2.quote(file_link.encode('utf-8'), safe="%/:=&?~#+!$,;'@()*[]") download_path= district_name+ "/" +delegation_name+ "/" + polling_center_name download_command= "wget -P " + download_path + " " + fullurl os.system(download_command)
from otm1_migrator.migration_rules.standard_otm1 import MIGRATION_RULES from treemap.models import ITreeCodeOverride, ITreeRegion, User UDFS = { 'plot': { 'owner_additional_id': { 'udf.name': 'Owner Additional Id' }, 'owner_additional_properties': { 'udf.name': 'Owner Additional Properties' }, 'type': { 'udf.name': 'Plot Type', 'udf.choices': ['Well/Pit', 'Median/Island', 'Tree Lawn', 'Park', 'Planter', 'Other', 'Yard', 'Natural Area'] }, 'powerline_conflict_potential': { 'udf.name': 'Powerlines Overhead', 'udf.choices': ['Yes', 'No', 'Unknown'] }, 'sidewalk_damage': { 'udf.name': 'Sidewalk Damage', 'udf.choices': ['Minor or No Damage', 'Raised More Than 3/4 Inch'] } }, 'tree': { 'sponsor': {'udf.name': 'Sponsor'}, 'projects': {'udf.name': 'Projects'}, 'canopy_condition': { 'udf.name': 'Canopy Condition', 'udf.choices': ['Full - No Gaps', 'Small Gaps (up to 25% missing)', 'Moderate Gaps (up to 50% missing)', 'Large Gaps (up to 75% missing)', 'Little or None (up to 100% missing)'] }, 'condition': { 'udf.name': 'Tree Condition', 'udf.choices': ['Dead', 'Critical', 'Poor', 'Fair', 'Good', 'Very Good', 'Excellent'] } } } SORT_ORDER_INDEX = { 'Bucks': 3, 'Burlington': 4, 'Camden': 5, 'Chester': 6, 'Delaware': 7, 'Gloucester': 8, 'Kent': 9, 'Mercer': 10, 'Montgomery': 11, 'New Castle': 12, 'Salem': 13, 'Sussex': 14, } def create_override(species_obj, species_dict): for region in ['NoEastXXX', 'PiedmtCLT']: override = ITreeCodeOverride( instance_species_id=species_obj.pk, region=ITreeRegion.objects.get(code=region), itree_code=species_dict['fields']['itree_code']) override.save_with_user(User.system_user()) return species_obj MIGRATION_RULES['species']['postsave_actions'] = (MIGRATION_RULES['species'] .get('postsave_actions', []) + [create_override]) def mutate_boundary(boundary_obj, boundary_dict): otm1_fields = boundary_dict.get('fields') if ((boundary_obj.name.find('County') != -1 or boundary_obj.name == 'Philadelphia')): boundary_obj.category = 'County' boundary_obj.sort_order = 1 elif otm1_fields['county'] == 'Philadelphia': boundary_obj.category = 'Philadelphia Neighborhood' boundary_obj.sort_order = 2 else: county = otm1_fields['county'] boundary_obj.category = county + ' Township' boundary_obj.sort_order = SORT_ORDER_INDEX[county] return boundary_obj MIGRATION_RULES['boundary']['presave_actions'] = (MIGRATION_RULES['boundary'] .get('presave_actions', []) + [mutate_boundary]) MIGRATION_RULES['species']['missing_fields'] |= {'other'} # these fields don't exist in the ptm fixture, so can't be specified # as a value that gets discarded. Remove them. MIGRATION_RULES['species']['removed_fields'] -= {'family'} MIGRATION_RULES['tree']['removed_fields'] -= {'pests', 'url'} # this field doesn't exist, so can no longer have a to -> from def del MIGRATION_RULES['species']['renamed_fields']['other_part_of_name']
#!/usr/bin/python -u # Copyright (c) 2010-2012 OpenStack Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import time from os import listdir, unlink from os.path import join as path_join from unittest import main from uuid import uuid4 from swiftclient import client from swift.common import direct_client from swift.common.exceptions import ClientException from swift.common.utils import hash_path, readconf from swift.obj.diskfile import write_metadata, read_metadata, get_data_dir from test.probe.common import ReplProbeTest RETRIES = 5 def get_data_file_path(obj_dir): files = [] # We might need to try a few times if a request hasn't yet settled. For # instance, a PUT can return success when just 2 of 3 nodes has completed. for attempt in xrange(RETRIES + 1): try: files = sorted(listdir(obj_dir), reverse=True) break except Exception: if attempt < RETRIES: time.sleep(1) else: raise for filename in files: return path_join(obj_dir, filename) class TestObjectFailures(ReplProbeTest): def _setup_data_file(self, container, obj, data): client.put_container(self.url, self.token, container, headers={'X-Storage-Policy': self.policy.name}) client.put_object(self.url, self.token, container, obj, data) odata = client.get_object(self.url, self.token, container, obj)[-1] self.assertEquals(odata, data) opart, onodes = self.object_ring.get_nodes( self.account, container, obj) onode = onodes[0] node_id = (onode['port'] - 6000) / 10 device = onode['device'] hash_str = hash_path(self.account, container, obj) obj_server_conf = readconf(self.configs['object-server'][node_id]) devices = obj_server_conf['app:object-server']['devices'] obj_dir = '%s/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s/' % (devices, device, get_data_dir(self.policy), opart, hash_str[-3:], hash_str) data_file = get_data_file_path(obj_dir) return onode, opart, data_file def run_quarantine(self): container = 'container-%s' % uuid4() obj = 'object-%s' % uuid4() onode, opart, data_file = self._setup_data_file(container, obj, 'VERIFY') metadata = read_metadata(data_file) metadata['ETag'] = 'badetag' write_metadata(data_file, metadata) odata = direct_client.direct_get_object( onode, opart, self.account, container, obj, headers={ 'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': self.policy.idx})[-1] self.assertEquals(odata, 'VERIFY') try: direct_client.direct_get_object( onode, opart, self.account, container, obj, headers={ 'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': self.policy.idx}) raise Exception("Did not quarantine object") except ClientException as err: self.assertEquals(err.http_status, 404) def run_quarantine_range_etag(self): container = 'container-range-%s' % uuid4() obj = 'object-range-%s' % uuid4() onode, opart, data_file = self._setup_data_file(container, obj, 'RANGE') metadata = read_metadata(data_file) metadata['ETag'] = 'badetag' write_metadata(data_file, metadata) base_headers = {'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': self.policy.idx} for header, result in [({'Range': 'bytes=0-2'}, 'RAN'), ({'Range': 'bytes=1-11'}, 'ANGE'), ({'Range': 'bytes=0-11'}, 'RANGE')]: req_headers = base_headers.copy() req_headers.update(header) odata = direct_client.direct_get_object( onode, opart, self.account, container, obj, headers=req_headers)[-1] self.assertEquals(odata, result) try: direct_client.direct_get_object( onode, opart, self.account, container, obj, headers={ 'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': self.policy.idx}) raise Exception("Did not quarantine object") except ClientException as err: self.assertEquals(err.http_status, 404) def run_quarantine_zero_byte_get(self): container = 'container-zbyte-%s' % uuid4() obj = 'object-zbyte-%s' % uuid4() onode, opart, data_file = self._setup_data_file(container, obj, 'DATA') metadata = read_metadata(data_file) unlink(data_file) with open(data_file, 'w') as fpointer: write_metadata(fpointer, metadata) try: direct_client.direct_get_object( onode, opart, self.account, container, obj, conn_timeout=1, response_timeout=1, headers={'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': self.policy.idx}) raise Exception("Did not quarantine object") except ClientException as err: self.assertEquals(err.http_status, 404) def run_quarantine_zero_byte_head(self): container = 'container-zbyte-%s' % uuid4() obj = 'object-zbyte-%s' % uuid4() onode, opart, data_file = self._setup_data_file(container, obj, 'DATA') metadata = read_metadata(data_file) unlink(data_file) with open(data_file, 'w') as fpointer: write_metadata(fpointer, metadata) try: direct_client.direct_head_object( onode, opart, self.account, container, obj, conn_timeout=1, response_timeout=1, headers={'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': self.policy.idx}) raise Exception("Did not quarantine object") except ClientException as err: self.assertEquals(err.http_status, 404) def run_quarantine_zero_byte_post(self): container = 'container-zbyte-%s' % uuid4() obj = 'object-zbyte-%s' % uuid4() onode, opart, data_file = self._setup_data_file(container, obj, 'DATA') metadata = read_metadata(data_file) unlink(data_file) with open(data_file, 'w') as fpointer: write_metadata(fpointer, metadata) try: headers = {'X-Object-Meta-1': 'One', 'X-Object-Meta-Two': 'Two', 'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': self.policy.idx} direct_client.direct_post_object( onode, opart, self.account, container, obj, headers=headers, conn_timeout=1, response_timeout=1) raise Exception("Did not quarantine object") except ClientException as err: self.assertEquals(err.http_status, 404) def test_runner(self): self.run_quarantine() self.run_quarantine_range_etag() self.run_quarantine_zero_byte_get() self.run_quarantine_zero_byte_head() self.run_quarantine_zero_byte_post() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ pyvisa.visa ~~~~~~~~~~~ Module to provide an import shortcut for the most common VISA operations. This file is part of PyVISA. :copyright: 2014 by PyVISA Authors, see AUTHORS for more details. :license: MIT, see COPYING for more details. """ from __future__ import division, unicode_literals, print_function, absolute_import from pyvisa import logger, __version__, log_to_screen, constants from pyvisa.highlevel import ResourceManager from pyvisa.errors import (Error, VisaIOError, VisaIOWarning, VisaTypeError, UnknownHandler, OSNotSupported, InvalidBinaryFormat, InvalidSession, LibraryError) # This is needed to registry all resources. from pyvisa.resources import Resource if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='PyVISA command-line utilities') parser.add_argument('--backend', '-b', dest='backend', action='store', default=None, help='backend to be used (default: ni)') subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='command', dest='command') info_parser = subparsers.add_parser('info', help='print information to diagnose PyVISA') console_parser = subparsers.add_parser('shell', help='start the PyVISA console') args = parser.parse_args() if args.command == 'info': from pyvisa import util util.get_debug_info() elif args.command == 'shell': from pyvisa import shell shell.main('@' + args.backend if args.backend else '')
from cornflake import fields from cornflake.exceptions import ValidationError from cornflake.sqlalchemy_orm import ModelSerializer, ReferenceField from cornflake.validators import max_length, min_, none_if_blank, optional, required from radar.api.serializers.common import ( MetaMixin, PatientMixin, SourceMixin, StringLookupField, ) from radar.api.serializers.validators import valid_date_for_patient from radar.models.medications import ( CurrentMedication, Drug, DrugGroup, Medication, MEDICATION_DOSE_UNITS, MEDICATION_ROUTES ) class DrugGroupSerializer(ModelSerializer): class Meta(object): model_class = DrugGroup exclude = ['parent_drug_group_id'] class DrugGroupField(ReferenceField): model_class = DrugGroup serializer_class = DrugGroupSerializer class DrugSerializer(ModelSerializer): drug_group = DrugGroupField() class Meta(object): model_class = Drug exclude = ['drug_group_id'] class DrugField(ReferenceField): model_class = Drug serializer_class = DrugSerializer class MedicationSerializer(PatientMixin, SourceMixin, MetaMixin, ModelSerializer): from_date = fields.DateField() to_date = fields.DateField(required=False) drug = DrugField(required=False) dose_quantity = fields.FloatField(required=False, validators=[min_(0)]) dose_unit = StringLookupField(MEDICATION_DOSE_UNITS, required=False) frequency = fields.StringField(required=False, validators=[none_if_blank(), optional(), max_length(1000)]) route = StringLookupField(MEDICATION_ROUTES, required=False) drug_text = fields.StringField(required=False, validators=[none_if_blank(), optional(), max_length(10000)]) dose_text = fields.StringField(required=False, validators=[none_if_blank(), optional(), max_length(10000)]) class Meta(object): model_class = Medication exclude = ['drug_id'] validators = [ valid_date_for_patient('from_date'), valid_date_for_patient('to_date'), ] def pre_validate(self, data): # Coded drug overrides drug free-text if data['drug']: data['drug_text'] = None return data def validate(self, data): data = super(MedicationSerializer, self).validate(data) # To date must be after from date if data['to_date'] is not None and data['to_date'] < data['from_date']: raise ValidationError({'to_date': 'Must be on or after from date.'}) # Must specify either a coded drug or a free-text drug if data['drug'] is None and data['drug_text'] is None: raise ValidationError({ 'drug': 'Must specify a drug.', 'drug_text': 'Must specify a drug.', }) # Coded dose quantities must have a unit if data['dose_quantity'] is not None: self.run_validators_on_field(data, 'dose_unit', [required()]) return data class CurrentMedicationSerializer(PatientMixin, SourceMixin, MetaMixin, ModelSerializer): date_recorded = fields.DateField() drug = DrugField(required=False) dose_quantity = fields.FloatField(required=False, validators=[min_(0)]) dose_unit = StringLookupField(MEDICATION_DOSE_UNITS, required=False) frequency = fields.StringField(required=False, validators=[none_if_blank(), optional(), max_length(1000)]) route = StringLookupField(MEDICATION_ROUTES, required=False) drug_text = fields.StringField(required=False, validators=[none_if_blank(), optional(), max_length(10000)]) dose_text = fields.StringField(required=False, validators=[none_if_blank(), optional(), max_length(10000)]) class Meta(object): model_class = CurrentMedication exclude = ['drug_id'] validators = [ valid_date_for_patient('date_recorded'), ] def pre_validate(self, data): # Coded drug overrides drug free-text if data['drug']: data['drug_text'] = None return data def validate(self, data): data = super(CurrentMedicationSerializer, self).validate(data) # Must specify either a coded drug or a free-text drug if data['drug'] is None and data['drug_text'] is None: raise ValidationError({ 'drug': 'Must specify a drug.', 'drug_text': 'Must specify a drug.', }) # Coded dose quantities must have a unit if data['dose_quantity'] is not None: self.run_validators_on_field(data, 'dose_unit', [required()]) return data
__author__ = 'j' from tkinter import ttk from tkinter import * from TreeView import * def buildFrame(root): sub_1 = Frame(root) sub_1.pack(side=LEFT,anchor = 'w', fill='both', expand=True) sub_1_1 = Frame(sub_1) sub_1_1.pack(side=TOP, anchor='n',fill='both',expand=True) sub_1_2 = Frame(sub_1) sub_1_2.pack(side=BOTTOM,anchor = 's',expand=False,fill='x') sub_2 = Frame(root) sub_2.pack(side=RIGHT, anchor='w', fill='both', expand=True) sub_2_1 = Frame(sub_2) sub_2_1.pack(side=LEFT, anchor='w',expand=False) sub_2_2 = Frame(sub_2) sub_2_2.pack(side=RIGHT,anchor='e',fill='both',expand=True) sub_2_2_1 = Frame(sub_2_2) sub_2_2_1.pack(side=TOP,anchor='e',fill='both',expand=True) return sub_1, sub_2, sub_1_1, sub_1_2, sub_2_1, sub_2_2, sub_2_2_1 def buildTree(sub_1_1, sub_1_2): treeview = ttk.Treeview(master=sub_1_1,columns=("fullpath", "type"), displaycolumns='') treeview.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky='nsew', in_=sub_1_1) treeview.bind('<<TreeviewOpen>>', update_tree) vsb = Scrollbar(orient="vertical", command=treeview.yview) hsb = Scrollbar(orient="horizontal", command=treeview.xview) treeview.configure(yscrollcommand=vsb.set, xscrollcommand=hsb.set) vsb.grid(column=1, row=0, sticky='ns', in_=sub_1_1) hsb.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky='ew', in_=sub_1_1) sub_1_1.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) sub_1_1.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1) entry = Entry(master=sub_1_2) entry.pack(side=LEFT,anchor="w",expand=True,fill='x') return treeview, entry def buildSelectedBox(sub_2_2_1): selected = Listbox(master=sub_2_2_1,selectmode=EXTENDED) vsb = Scrollbar(orient="vertical", command=selected.yview) hsb = Scrollbar(orient="horizontal", command=selected.xview) selected.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky='nsew', in_=sub_2_2_1) vsb.grid(column=1, row=0, sticky='ns', in_=sub_2_2_1) hsb.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky='ew', in_=sub_2_2_1) sub_2_2_1.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) sub_2_2_1.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1) return selected
""" Support for Unifi WAP controllers. For more details about this platform, please refer to the documentation at https://home-assistant.io/components/device_tracker.unifi/ """ import logging import urllib from homeassistant.components.device_tracker import DOMAIN from homeassistant.const import CONF_HOST, CONF_USERNAME, CONF_PASSWORD from homeassistant.helpers import validate_config # Unifi package doesn't list urllib3 as a requirement REQUIREMENTS = ['urllib3', 'unifi==1.2.5'] _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF_PORT = 'port' CONF_SITE_ID = 'site_id' def get_scanner(hass, config): """Setup Unifi device_tracker.""" from unifi.controller import Controller if not validate_config(config, {DOMAIN: [CONF_USERNAME, CONF_PASSWORD]}, _LOGGER): _LOGGER.error('Invalid configuration') return False this_config = config[DOMAIN] host = this_config.get(CONF_HOST, 'localhost') username = this_config.get(CONF_USERNAME) password = this_config.get(CONF_PASSWORD) site_id = this_config.get(CONF_SITE_ID, 'default') try: port = int(this_config.get(CONF_PORT, 8443)) except ValueError: _LOGGER.error('Invalid port (must be numeric like 8443)') return False try: ctrl = Controller(host, username, password, port, 'v4', site_id) except urllib.error.HTTPError as ex: _LOGGER.error('Failed to connect to unifi: %s', ex) return False return UnifiScanner(ctrl) class UnifiScanner(object): """Provide device_tracker support from Unifi WAP client data.""" def __init__(self, controller): """Initialize the scanner.""" self._controller = controller self._update() def _update(self): """Get the clients from the device.""" try: clients = self._controller.get_clients() except urllib.error.HTTPError as ex: _LOGGER.error('Failed to scan clients: %s', ex) clients = [] self._clients = {client['mac']: client for client in clients} def scan_devices(self): """Scan for devices.""" self._update() return self._clients.keys() def get_device_name(self, mac): """Return the name (if known) of the device. If a name has been set in Unifi, then return that, else return the hostname if it has been detected. """ client = self._clients.get(mac, {}) name = client.get('name') or client.get('hostname') _LOGGER.debug('Device %s name %s', mac, name) return name
import pyaf.Bench.TS_datasets as tsds import tests.artificial.process_artificial_dataset as art art.process_dataset(N = 128 , FREQ = 'D', seed = 0, trendtype = "MovingAverage", cycle_length = 12, transform = "Logit", sigma = 0.0, exog_count = 100, ar_order = 12);
""" Django settings for becours project. Generated by 'django-admin startproject' using Django 1.10.5. For more information on this file, see https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/topics/settings/ For the full list of settings and their values, see https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/ref/settings/ """ import os # Build paths inside the project like this: os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ...) BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) # Quick-start development settings - unsuitable for production # See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/howto/deployment/checklist/ # SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret! SECRET_KEY = 'v8rea$)b8+a)1vbdbdn727zw7#hj$4czarlp)*j&ei@eh%=!9^' # SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production! DEBUG = True ALLOWED_HOSTS = [] # Application definition INSTALLED_APPS = [ 'django.contrib.admin', 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.messages', 'django.contrib.staticfiles', 'cuser', 'booking', 'accounting', ] MIDDLEWARE = [ 'django.middleware.security.SecurityMiddleware', 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', 'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware', 'django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware', 'booking.middleware.CuserMiddleware', ] ROOT_URLCONF = 'becours.urls' TEMPLATES = [ { 'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates', 'DIRS': [ os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'becours/templates'), ], 'APP_DIRS': True, 'OPTIONS': { 'context_processors': [ 'django.template.context_processors.debug', 'django.template.context_processors.request', 'django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth', 'django.contrib.messages.context_processors.messages', ], }, }, ] WSGI_APPLICATION = 'becours.wsgi.application' # Database # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/ref/settings/#databases DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql', 'HOST': 'localhost', 'USER': 'postgres', 'PASSWORD': '', 'NAME': 'becours', } } # Password validation # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/ref/settings/#auth-password-validators AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS = [ { 'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.UserAttributeSimilarityValidator', }, { 'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.MinimumLengthValidator', }, { 'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.CommonPasswordValidator', }, { 'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.NumericPasswordValidator', }, ] # Internationalization # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/topics/i18n/ LANGUAGE_CODE = 'fr-fr' TIME_ZONE = 'Europe/Paris' USE_I18N = True USE_L10N = True USE_TZ = True # Static files (CSS, JavaScript, Images) # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/howto/static-files/ STATICFILES_DIRS = ( os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'becours', 'static'), ) STATIC_URL = '/static/' STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static') MEDIA_URL = '/media/' MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'media') LOGIN_URL = 'auth:login' USE_THOUSAND_SEPARATOR = True
#======================================================================= # Author: Donovan Parks # # Sequence histogram plot. # # Copyright 2011 Donovan Parks # # This file is part of STAMP. # # STAMP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # STAMP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with STAMP. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. #======================================================================= import sys import math from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui from stamp.plugins.samples.AbstractSamplePlotPlugin import AbstractSamplePlotPlugin, TestWindow, ConfigureDialog from stamp.plugins.samples.plots.configGUI.seqHistogramUI import Ui_SeqHistogramDialog class SeqHistogram(AbstractSamplePlotPlugin): ''' Sequence histogram plot. ''' def __init__(self, preferences, parent=None): AbstractSamplePlotPlugin.__init__(self, preferences, parent) self.preferences = preferences self.name = 'Sequence histogram' self.type = 'Exploratory' self.settings = preferences['Settings'] self.figWidth = self.settings.value(self.name + '/width', 7.0).toDouble()[0] self.figHeight = self.settings.value(self.name + '/height', 7.0).toDouble()[0] self.bCustomBinWidth = self.settings.value(self.name + '/custom bin width', False).toBool() self.binWidth = self.settings.value(self.name + '/bin width', 100.0).toDouble()[0] self.yAxisLogScale = self.settings.value(self.name + '/log scale', False).toBool() self.bCustomXaxis = self.settings.value(self.name + '/custom x-axis extents', False).toBool() self.xLimitLeft = self.settings.value(self.name + '/min value', 0.0).toDouble()[0] self.xLimitRight = self.settings.value(self.name + '/max value', 1.0).toDouble()[0] self.legendPos = self.settings.value(self.name + '/legend position', 0).toInt()[0] def mirrorProperties(self, plotToCopy): self.name = plotToCopy.name self.figWidth = plotToCopy.figWidth self.figHeight = plotToCopy.figHeight self.bCustomBinWidth = plotToCopy.bCustomBinWidth self.binWidth = plotToCopy.binWidth self.yAxisLogScale = plotToCopy.yAxisLogScale self.bCustomXaxis = plotToCopy.bCustomXaxis self.xLimitLeft = plotToCopy.xLimitLeft self.xLimitRight = plotToCopy.xLimitRight self.legendPos = plotToCopy.legendPos def plot(self, profile, statsResults): if len(profile.profileDict) <= 0: self.emptyAxis() return # *** Colour of plot elements axesColour = str(self.preferences['Axes colour'].name()) profile1Colour = str(self.preferences['Sample 1 colour'].name()) profile2Colour = str(self.preferences['Sample 2 colour'].name()) # *** Get sequence counts seqs1 = profile.getSequenceCounts(0) seqs2 = profile.getSequenceCounts(1) # *** Set x-axis limit self.xMin = min(min(seqs1),min(seqs2)) if self.xLimitLeft == None: self.xLimitLeft = self.xMin self.xMax = max(max(seqs1),max(seqs2)) if self.xLimitRight == None: self.xLimitRight = self.xMax # Set bin width if not self.bCustomBinWidth: self.binWidth = (self.xMax - self.xMin) / 40 # *** Set size of figure self.fig.clear() self.fig.set_size_inches(self.figWidth, self.figHeight) heightBottomLabels = 0.4 # inches widthSideLabel = 0.5 # inches padding = 0.2 # inches axesHist = self.fig.add_axes([widthSideLabel/self.figWidth,heightBottomLabels/self.figHeight,\ 1.0-(widthSideLabel+padding)/self.figWidth,\ 1.0-(heightBottomLabels+padding)/self.figHeight]) # *** Histogram plot bins = [0] binEnd = self.binWidth while binEnd <= self.xMax: bins.append(binEnd) binEnd += self.binWidth bins.append(binEnd) n, b, patches = axesHist.hist([seqs1, seqs2], bins=bins, log=self.yAxisLogScale) for patch in patches[0]: patch.set_facecolor(profile1Colour) for patch in patches[1]: patch.set_facecolor(profile2Colour) if self.bCustomXaxis: axesHist.set_xlim(self.xLimitLeft, self.xLimitRight) axesHist.set_xlabel('Sequences') axesHist.set_ylabel('Number of features') # *** Prettify plot if self.legendPos != -1: legend = axesHist.legend([patches[0][0], patches[1][0]], (profile.sampleNames[0], profile.sampleNames[1]), loc=self.legendPos) legend.get_frame().set_linewidth(0) for a in axesHist.yaxis.majorTicks: a.tick1On=True a.tick2On=False for a in axesHist.xaxis.majorTicks: a.tick1On=True a.tick2On=False for line in axesHist.yaxis.get_ticklines(): line.set_color(axesColour) for line in axesHist.xaxis.get_ticklines(): line.set_color(axesColour) for loc, spine in axesHist.spines.iteritems(): if loc in ['right','top']: spine.set_color('none') else: spine.set_color(axesColour) self.updateGeometry() self.draw() def configure(self, profile, statsResults): self.profile = profile self.configDlg = ConfigureDialog(Ui_SeqHistogramDialog) self.connect(self.configDlg.ui.chkCustomBinWidth, QtCore.SIGNAL('toggled(bool)'), self.changeCustomBinWidth) self.connect(self.configDlg.ui.chkCustomXaxis, QtCore.SIGNAL('toggled(bool)'), self.changeCustomXaxis) self.connect(self.configDlg.ui.btnXmin, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.setXaxisMin) self.connect(self.configDlg.ui.btnXmax, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.setXaxisMax) self.configDlg.ui.spinFigWidth.setValue(self.figWidth) self.configDlg.ui.spinFigHeight.setValue(self.figHeight) self.configDlg.ui.chkCustomBinWidth.setChecked(self.bCustomBinWidth) self.configDlg.ui.spinBinWidth.setValue(self.binWidth) self.configDlg.ui.chkLogScale.setChecked(self.yAxisLogScale) self.configDlg.ui.chkCustomXaxis.setChecked(self.bCustomXaxis) self.configDlg.ui.spinXmin.setValue(self.xLimitLeft) self.configDlg.ui.spinXmax.setValue(self.xLimitRight) self.changeCustomBinWidth() self.changeCustomXaxis() # legend position if self.legendPos == 0: self.configDlg.ui.radioLegendPosBest.setDown(True) elif self.legendPos == 1: self.configDlg.ui.radioLegendPosUpperRight.setChecked(True) elif self.legendPos == 7: self.configDlg.ui.radioLegendPosCentreRight.setChecked(True) elif self.legendPos == 4: self.configDlg.ui.radioLegendPosLowerRight.setChecked(True) elif self.legendPos == 2: self.configDlg.ui.radioLegendPosUpperLeft.setChecked(True) elif self.legendPos == 6: self.configDlg.ui.radioLegendPosCentreLeft.setChecked(True) elif self.legendPos == 3: self.configDlg.ui.radioLegendPosLowerLeft.setChecked(True) else: self.configDlg.ui.radioLegendPosNone.setChecked(True) if self.configDlg.exec_() == QtGui.QDialog.Accepted: self.figWidth = self.configDlg.ui.spinFigWidth.value() self.figHeight = self.configDlg.ui.spinFigHeight.value() self.bCustomBinWidth = self.configDlg.ui.chkCustomBinWidth.isChecked() self.binWidth = self.configDlg.ui.spinBinWidth.value() self.yAxisLogScale = self.configDlg.ui.chkLogScale.isChecked() self.bCustomXaxis = self.configDlg.ui.chkCustomXaxis.isChecked() self.xLimitLeft = self.configDlg.ui.spinXmin.value() self.xLimitRight = self.configDlg.ui.spinXmax.value() # legend position if self.configDlg.ui.radioLegendPosBest.isChecked() == True: self.legendPos = 0 elif self.configDlg.ui.radioLegendPosUpperRight.isChecked() == True: self.legendPos = 1 elif self.configDlg.ui.radioLegendPosCentreRight.isChecked() == True: self.legendPos = 7 elif self.configDlg.ui.radioLegendPosLowerRight.isChecked() == True: self.legendPos = 4 elif self.configDlg.ui.radioLegendPosUpperLeft.isChecked() == True: self.legendPos = 2 elif self.configDlg.ui.radioLegendPosCentreLeft.isChecked() == True: self.legendPos = 6 elif self.configDlg.ui.radioLegendPosLowerLeft.isChecked() == True: self.legendPos = 3 else: self.legendPos = -1 self.settings.setValue(self.name + '/width', self.figWidth) self.settings.setValue(self.name + '/height', self.figHeight) self.settings.setValue(self.name + '/custom bin width', self.bCustomBinWidth) self.settings.setValue(self.name + '/bin width', self.binWidth) self.settings.setValue(self.name + '/log scale', self.yAxisLogScale) self.settings.setValue(self.name + '/custom x-axis extents', self.bCustomXaxis) self.settings.setValue(self.name + '/min value', self.xLimitLeft) self.settings.setValue(self.name + '/max value', self.xLimitRight) self.settings.setValue(self.name + '/legend position', self.legendPos) self.plot(profile, statsResults) def changeCustomBinWidth(self): self.configDlg.ui.spinBinWidth.setEnabled(self.configDlg.ui.chkCustomBinWidth.isChecked()) def changeCustomXaxis(self): self.configDlg.ui.spinXmin.setEnabled(self.configDlg.ui.chkCustomXaxis.isChecked()) self.configDlg.ui.spinXmax.setEnabled(self.configDlg.ui.chkCustomXaxis.isChecked()) def setXaxisMin(self): seqs1 = self.profile.getSequenceCounts(0) seqs2 = self.profile.getSequenceCounts(1) self.configDlg.ui.spinXmin.setValue(min(min(seqs1), min(seqs2))) def setXaxisMax(self): seqs1 = self.profile.getSequenceCounts(0) seqs2 = self.profile.getSequenceCounts(1) self.configDlg.ui.spinXmax.setValue(max(max(seqs1), max(seqs2))) if __name__ == "__main__": app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) testWindow = TestWindow(SeqHistogram) testWindow.show() sys.exit(app.exec_())
# Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Seafile Ltd. import seahub.settings as settings # OfficeOnlineServer, OnlyOffice, CollaboraOffice OFFICE_SERVER_TYPE = getattr(settings, 'OFFICE_SERVER_TYPE', '') OFFICE_WEB_APP_BASE_URL = getattr(settings, 'OFFICE_WEB_APP_BASE_URL', '') WOPI_ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRATION = getattr(settings, 'WOPI_ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRATION', 12 * 60 * 60) OFFICE_WEB_APP_DISCOVERY_EXPIRATION = getattr(settings, 'OFFICE_WEB_APP_DISCOVERY_EXPIRATION', 7 * 24 * 60 * 60) ENABLE_OFFICE_WEB_APP = getattr(settings, 'ENABLE_OFFICE_WEB_APP', False) OFFICE_WEB_APP_FILE_EXTENSION = getattr(settings, 'OFFICE_WEB_APP_FILE_EXTENSION', ()) ENABLE_OFFICE_WEB_APP_EDIT = getattr(settings, 'ENABLE_OFFICE_WEB_APP_EDIT', False) OFFICE_WEB_APP_EDIT_FILE_EXTENSION = getattr(settings, 'OFFICE_WEB_APP_EDIT_FILE_EXTENSION', ()) ## Client certificates ## # path to client.cert when use client authentication OFFICE_WEB_APP_CLIENT_CERT = getattr(settings, 'OFFICE_WEB_APP_CLIENT_CERT', '') # path to client.key when use client authentication OFFICE_WEB_APP_CLIENT_KEY = getattr(settings, 'OFFICE_WEB_APP_CLIENT_KEY', '') # path to client.pem when use client authentication OFFICE_WEB_APP_CLIENT_PEM = getattr(settings, 'OFFICE_WEB_APP_CLIENT_PEM', '') ## Server certificates ## # Path to a CA_BUNDLE file or directory with certificates of trusted CAs OFFICE_WEB_APP_SERVER_CA = getattr(settings, 'OFFICE_WEB_APP_SERVER_CA', True)
import sys import signal from threading import Thread from BaseHTTPServer import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler class PUTHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def do_PUT(self): print "----- SOMETHING WAS PUT!! ------" print self.headers length = int(self.headers['Content-Length']) content = self.rfile.read(length) self.send_response(200) print content def run_on(port): print("Starting a server on port %i" % port) server_address = ('localhost', port) httpd = HTTPServer(server_address, PUTHandler) httpd.serve_forever() if __name__ == "__main__": server = Thread(target=run_on, args=[81]) server.daemon = True # Do not make us wait for you to exit server.start() signal.pause() # Wait for interrupt signal, e.g. KeyboardInterrupt
""" Support for Xiaomi Mi WiFi Repeater 2. For more details about this platform, please refer to the documentation https://home-assistant.io/components/device_tracker.xiaomi_miio/ """ import logging import voluptuous as vol import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.components.device_tracker import (DOMAIN, PLATFORM_SCHEMA, DeviceScanner) from homeassistant.const import (CONF_HOST, CONF_TOKEN) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend({ vol.Required(CONF_HOST): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_TOKEN): vol.All(cv.string, vol.Length(min=32, max=32)), }) REQUIREMENTS = ['python-miio==0.4.1', 'construct==2.9.41'] def get_scanner(hass, config): """Return a Xiaomi MiIO device scanner.""" from miio import WifiRepeater, DeviceException scanner = None host = config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_HOST) token = config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_TOKEN) _LOGGER.info( "Initializing with host %s (token %s...)", host, token[:5]) try: device = WifiRepeater(host, token) device_info = device.info() _LOGGER.info("%s %s %s detected", device_info.model, device_info.firmware_version, device_info.hardware_version) scanner = XiaomiMiioDeviceScanner(device) except DeviceException as ex: _LOGGER.error("Device unavailable or token incorrect: %s", ex) return scanner class XiaomiMiioDeviceScanner(DeviceScanner): """This class queries a Xiaomi Mi WiFi Repeater.""" def __init__(self, device): """Initialize the scanner.""" self.device = device async def async_scan_devices(self): """Scan for devices and return a list containing found device ids.""" from miio import DeviceException devices = [] try: station_info = await self.hass.async_add_job(self.device.status) _LOGGER.debug("Got new station info: %s", station_info) for device in station_info.associated_stations: devices.append(device['mac']) except DeviceException as ex: _LOGGER.error("Got exception while fetching the state: %s", ex) return devices async def async_get_device_name(self, device): """Return None. The repeater doesn't provide the name of the associated device. """ return None
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright 2015 Nervana Systems Inc. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- from neon.layers.layer import (Linear, Bias, Affine, Conv, Convolution, GeneralizedCost, Dropout, Pooling, Activation, BatchNorm, BatchNormAutodiff, Deconv, GeneralizedCostMask) from neon.layers.merge import Merge, MergeSum, MergeConcat, MergeConcatSequence from neon.layers.recurrent import Recurrent, LSTM, GRU
from datetime import datetime from google.appengine.ext import db from django.utils import simplejson as json from couch import errors from couch.models.util import gen_uuid class DocumentRoot(db.Model): ''' Controls document ''' revno = db.IntegerProperty(default = 0) revsuffix = db.StringProperty() deleted = db.BooleanProperty(default = False) def rev(self): return '%s-%s' % (self.revno, self.revsuffix) class Document(db.Model): id = db.StringProperty() rev = db.StringProperty() dbname = db.StringProperty() docstring = db.TextProperty() deleted = db.BooleanProperty(default = False) def to_dict(self): return json.loads(self.docstring)
import sys from cyvcf2 import VCF from collections import defaultdict def parse_caller_vcfs(sample_dict, caller_list): caller_vcf_records = defaultdict(lambda: dict()) for caller in caller_list: parse_vcf(sample_dict[caller], caller, caller_vcf_records) return caller_vcf_records def parse_vcf(vcf_file, caller, caller_vcf_records): sys.stdout.write("Reading {}\n".format(vcf_file)) vcf = VCF(vcf_file) for record in vcf: if len(record.ALT) > 1: sys.stderr.write("ERROR: More than one alternative allele detected in file " "{}\n Record: {}\n".format(vcf_file, record)) sys.exit() key = ("chr{}".format(record.CHROM), int(record.start), int(record.end), record.REF, record.ALT[0]) caller_vcf_records[caller][key] = record def parse_mutect_vcf_record(record): # Pseudocount. Encountered a division by zero issue in at least one mutect record depth = int(record.gt_depths[0]) if depth < 1: depth = 1 info = {'DP': str(depth), 'FILTER': str(record.FILTER), 'GTF_DP': str(record.gt_depths[0]), 'GTF_AD': str(record.gt_alt_depths[0]), 'MULTIALLELIC': str(record.INFO.get('OLD_MULTIALLELIC')) or None, 'AAF': str(float(record.gt_alt_depths[0]) / float(depth))} return info def parse_vardict_vcf_record(record): info = {'DP': str(record.INFO.get('DP')), 'VD': str(record.INFO.get('VD')), 'AF': str(record.INFO.get('AF')), 'FILTER': str(record.FILTER), 'BIAS': str(record.INFO.get('BIAS')), 'REFBIAS': str(record.INFO.get('REFBIAS')), 'VARBIAS': str(record.INFO.get('VARBIAS')), 'QUAL': str(record.INFO.get('QUAL')), 'QSTD': str(record.INFO.get('QSTD')), 'SBF': str(record.INFO.get('SBF')), 'ODDRATIO': str(record.INFO.get('ODDRATIO')), 'MQ': str(record.INFO.get('MQ')), 'SN': str(record.INFO.get('SN')), 'HIAF': str(record.INFO.get('HIAF')), 'ADJAF': str(record.INFO.get('ADJAF')), 'MSI': str(record.INFO.get('MSI')), 'MSILEN': str(record.INFO.get('MSILEN')), 'SHIFT3': str(record.INFO.get('SHIFT3')), 'NM': str(record.INFO.get('NM')), 'GDAMP': str(record.INFO.get('GDAMP')), 'LSEQ': str(record.INFO.get('LSEQ')), 'RSEQ': str(record.INFO.get('RSEQ')), 'TLAMP': str(record.INFO.get('TLAMP')), 'NCAMP': str(record.INFO.get('NCAMP')), 'AMPFLAG': str(record.INFO.get('AMPFLAG')), 'HICNT': str(record.INFO.get('HICNT')), 'HICOV': str(record.INFO.get('HICOV')), 'GTF_DP': str(record.gt_depths[0]), 'GTF_AD': str(record.gt_alt_depths[0]), 'MULTIALLELIC': str(record.INFO.get('OLD_MULTIALLELIC')) or None, 'AAF': str(float(record.gt_alt_depths[0]) / float(record.gt_depths[0]))} return info def parse_freebayes_vcf_record(record): info = {'DP': str(record.INFO.get('DP')), 'AF': str(record.INFO.get('AF')), 'FILTER': str(record.FILTER), 'AC': str(record.INFO.get('AC')), 'RO': str(record.INFO.get('RO')), 'AO': str(record.INFO.get('AO')), 'PRO': str(record.INFO.get('PRO')), 'PAO': str(record.INFO.get('PAO')), 'QR': str(record.INFO.get('QR')), 'QA': str(record.INFO.get('QA')), 'PQR': str(record.INFO.get('PQR')), 'PQA': str(record.INFO.get('PQA')), 'SRF': str(record.INFO.get('SRF')), 'SRR': str(record.INFO.get('SRR')), 'SAF': str(record.INFO.get('SAF')), 'SAR': str(record.INFO.get('SAR')), 'SRP': str(record.INFO.get('SRP')), 'SAP': str(record.INFO.get('SAP')), 'AB': str(record.INFO.get('AB')), 'ABP': str(record.INFO.get('ABP')), 'RUN': str(record.INFO.get('RUN')), 'RPP': str(record.INFO.get('RPP')), 'RPPR': str(record.INFO.get('RPPR')), 'RPL': str(record.INFO.get('RPL')), 'RPR': str(record.INFO.get('RPR')), 'EPP': str(record.INFO.get('EPP')), 'EPPR': str(record.INFO.get('EPPR')), 'DRPA': str(record.INFO.get('DRPA')), 'ODDS': str(record.INFO.get('ODDS')), 'GTI': str(record.INFO.get('GTI')), 'TYPE': str(record.INFO.get('TYPE')), 'CIGAR': str(record.INFO.get('CIGAR')), 'NUMALT': str(record.INFO.get('NUMALT')), 'MEANALT': str(record.INFO.get('MEANALT')), 'LEN': str(record.INFO.get('LEN')), 'MQM': str(record.INFO.get('MQM')), 'MQMR': str(record.INFO.get('MQMR')), 'PAIRED': str(record.INFO.get('PAIRED')), 'PAIREDR': str(record.INFO.get('PAIREDR')), 'GTF_DP': str(record.gt_depths[0]), 'MULTIALLELIC': str(record.INFO.get('OLD_MULTIALLELIC')) or None, 'AAF': str(float(record.INFO.get('AO')) / float(record.gt_depths[0]))} return info def parse_scalpel_vcf_record(record): info = {'DP': str(record.gt_depths[0]), 'AVGCOV': str(record.INFO.get('AVGCOV')), 'MINCOV': str(record.INFO.get('MINCOV')), 'ALTCOV': str(record.INFO.get('ALTCOV')), 'COVRATIO': str(record.INFO.get('COVRATIO')), 'FILTER': str(record.FILTER), 'ZYG': str(record.INFO.get('ZYG')), 'CHI2': str(record.INFO.get('CHI2')), 'FISHERPHREDSCORE': str(record.INFO.get('FISHERPHREDSCORE')), 'INH': str(record.INFO.get('INH')), 'BESTSTATE': str(record.INFO.get('BESTSTATE')), 'COVSTATE': str(record.INFO.get('COVSTATE')), 'SOMATIC': str(record.INFO.get('SOMATIC')), 'DENOVO': str(record.INFO.get('DENOVO')), 'GTF_DP': str(record.gt_depths[0]), 'GTF_AD': str(record.gt_alt_depths[0]), 'MULTIALLELIC': str(record.INFO.get('OLD_MULTIALLELIC')) or None, 'AAF': str(float(record.gt_alt_depths[0]) / float(record.gt_depths[0]))} return info def parse_platypus_vcf_record(record): multi_allelic = record.INFO.get('OLD_MULTIALLELIC') or False if multi_allelic: tr = record.INFO.get('TR')[0] else: tr = record.INFO.get('TR') if float(record.INFO.get('TC')) < 1: aaf = "0" else: aaf = str(float(tr) / float(record.INFO.get('TC'))) info = {'DP': str(tr), 'FR': str(record.INFO.get('FR')), 'MMLQ': str(record.INFO.get('MMLQ')), 'TCR': str(record.INFO.get('TCR')), 'HP': str(record.INFO.get('HP')), 'WE': str(record.INFO.get('WE')), 'WS': str(record.INFO.get('WS')), 'FS': str(record.INFO.get('FS')), 'TR': str(tr), 'NF': str(record.INFO.get('NF')), 'TCF': str(record.INFO.get('TCF')), 'NR': str(record.INFO.get('NR')), 'TC': str(record.INFO.get('TC')), 'END': str(record.INFO.get('END')), 'MGOF': str(record.INFO.get('MGOF')), 'SbPval': str(record.INFO.get('SbPval')), 'START': str(record.INFO.get('START')), 'ReadPosRankSum': str(record.INFO.get('ReadPosRankSum')), 'MQ': str(record.INFO.get('MQ')), 'QD': str(record.INFO.get('QD')), 'SC': str(record.INFO.get('SC')), 'BRF': str(record.INFO.get('BRF')), 'HapScore': str(record.INFO.get('HapScore')), 'FILTER': str(record.FILTER), 'MULTIALLELIC': str(record.INFO.get('OLD_MULTIALLELIC')) or None, 'AAF': aaf} return info def parse_pindel_vcf_record(record): info = {'DP': str(record.gt_depths[0]), 'END': str(record.INFO.get('END')), 'HOMLEN': str(record.INFO.get('HOMLEN')), 'HOMSEQ': str(record.INFO.get('HOMSEQ')), 'SVLEN': str(record.INFO.get('SVLEN')), 'SVTYPE': str(record.INFO.get('SVTYPE')), 'NTLEN': str(record.INFO.get('NTLEN')), 'GTF_DP': str(record.gt_depths[0]), 'GTF_AD': str(record.gt_alt_depths[0]), 'AAF': str(float(record.gt_alt_depths[0]) / float(record.gt_depths[0])), 'FILTER': str(record.FILTER), 'MULTIALLELIC': str(record.INFO.get('OLD_MULTIALLELIC')) or None} return info def var_is_rare(variant_data, threshold): """Check if variant is rare, as defined by the passed cutoff :param variant_data: A GeminiRow for a single variant. :type variant_data: GeminiRow. :param threshold: Allele frequency rarity threshold. :type threshold: float. :returns: bool -- True or False. """ if variant_data.INFO.get('in_esp') != 0 or variant_data.INFO.get('in_1kg') != 0 or variant_data.INFO.get('in_exac') != 0: if variant_data.INFO.get('max_aaf_all') > threshold: return False else: return True else: return True def var_is_in_cosmic(variant_data): """Check if variant is in the COSMIC database :param variant_data: A GeminiRow for a single variant. :type variant_data: GeminiRow. :returns: bool -- True or False. """ if variant_data.INFO.get('cosmic_ids') is not None: return True else: return False def var_is_in_clinvar(variant_data): """Check if variant is in the ClinVar database :param variant_data: A GeminiRow for a single variant. :type variant_data: GeminiRow. :returns: bool -- True or False. """ if variant_data.INFO.get('clinvar_sig') is not None: return True else: return False def var_is_pathogenic(variant_data): """Check if variant is listed as pathogenic in ClinVar :param variant_data: A GeminiRow for a single variant. :type variant_data: GeminiRow. :returns: bool -- True or False. """ if variant_data.INFO.get('clinvar_sig') is not None: if "pathogenic" in variant_data.INFO.get('clinvar_sig'): return True else: return False else: return False def var_is_protein_effecting(variant_data): """Check if variant has a MED or HIGH impact :param variant_data: A GeminiRow for a single variant. :type variant_data: GeminiRow. :returns: bool -- True or False. """ if variant_data.INFO.get('impact_severity') != "LOW": return True else: return False def var_in_gene(variant_data, genes): """Check if variant has a gene name associated with it :param variant_data: A GeminiRow for a single variant. :type variant_data: GeminiRow. :returns: bool -- True or False. """ if variant_data.INFO.get('gene') in genes: return True else: return False def var_is_lof(variant_data): if variant_data.INFO.get('is_lof'): return True else: return False def var_is_coding(variant_data): if variant_data.INFO.get('is_coding'): return True else: return False def var_is_splicing(variant_data): if variant_data.INFO.get('is_splicing'): return True else: return False def parse_rs_ids(variant_data): if variant_data.INFO.get('rs_ids') is not None: return variant_data.INFO.get('rs_ids').split(',') else: return [] def parse_cosmic_ids(variant_data): if variant_data.INFO.get('cosmic_ids') is not None: return variant_data.INFO.get('cosmic_ids').split(',') else: return []
# # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Example Airflow DAG for Google Cloud Dataflow service """ import os from airflow import models from airflow.providers.google.cloud.operators.dataflow import DataflowStartSqlJobOperator from airflow.utils.dates import days_ago GCP_PROJECT_ID = os.environ.get("GCP_PROJECT_ID", "example-project") BQ_SQL_DATASET = os.environ.get("DATAFLOW_BQ_SQL_DATASET", "airflow_dataflow_samples") BQ_SQL_TABLE_INPUT = os.environ.get("BQ_SQL_TABLE_INPUT", "beam_input") BQ_SQL_TABLE_OUTPUT = os.environ.get("BQ_SQL_TABLE_OUTPUT", "beam_output") DATAFLOW_SQL_JOB_NAME = os.environ.get("DATAFLOW_SQL_JOB_NAME", "dataflow-sql") DATAFLOW_SQL_LOCATION = os.environ.get("DATAFLOW_SQL_LOCATION", "us-west1") with models.DAG( dag_id="example_gcp_dataflow_sql", start_date=days_ago(1), schedule_interval=None, # Override to match your needs tags=['example'], ) as dag_sql: start_sql = DataflowStartSqlJobOperator( task_id="start_sql_query", job_name=DATAFLOW_SQL_JOB_NAME, query=f""" SELECT sales_region as sales_region, count(state_id) as count_state FROM bigquery.table.`{GCP_PROJECT_ID}`.`{BQ_SQL_DATASET}`.`{BQ_SQL_TABLE_INPUT}` WHERE state_id >= @state_id_min GROUP BY sales_region; """, options={ "bigquery-project": GCP_PROJECT_ID, "bigquery-dataset": BQ_SQL_DATASET, "bigquery-table": BQ_SQL_TABLE_OUTPUT, "bigquery-write-disposition": "write-truncate", "parameter": "state_id_min:INT64:2", }, location=DATAFLOW_SQL_LOCATION, do_xcom_push=True, )
#!/usr/bin/env python # # __COPYRIGHT__ # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY # KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # __revision__ = "__FILE__ __REVISION__ __DATE__ __DEVELOPER__" """ Verify that the --srcdir option works to fetch things from a repository. """ import TestSCons test = TestSCons.TestSCons() test.subdir('repository', 'work1') repository = test.workpath('repository') test.write(['repository', 'SConstruct'], r""" env = Environment() env.Command('file.out', 'file.in', Copy('$TARGET', '$SOURCE')) """) test.write(['repository', 'file.in'], "repository/file.in\n") opts = '--srcdir ' + repository # Make the entire repository non-writable, so we'll detect # if we try to write into it accidentally. test.writable('repository', 0) test.run(chdir = 'work1', options = opts, arguments = '.') test.must_match(['work1', 'file.out'], "repository/file.in\n") test.up_to_date(chdir = 'work1', options = opts, arguments = '.') # test.pass_test()
""" Q4- Write a Python function, odd, that takes in one number and returns True when the number is odd and False otherwise. You should use the % (mod) operator, not if. This function takes in one number and returns a boolean """ def odd( number ): return number % 2 == 1 number = int( input( "Enter a number: ") ) print( "Is the number " + str( number ) + " odd? Answer: " + str( odd( number) ) )
Assignment 3/odd.py
import contextlib import gzip import hashlib import io import mmap from builtins import ( map as imap, ) def gzip_compress(data, compresslevel=6): compressed = io.BytesIO() with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=compressed, mode="wb", compresslevel=compresslevel) as compressor: compressor.write(data) return compressed.getvalue() def hash_file(fn, hn): h = hashlib.new(hn) with open(fn, "r") as fh: with contextlib.closing(mmap.mmap(fh.fileno(), 0, prot=mmap.PROT_READ)) as mm: h.update(mm) return h.digest() def indent(text, spaces): spaces = " " * int(spaces) return "\n".join(imap(lambda l: spaces + l, text.splitlines()))
from .views import PageView from django.urls import path urlpatterns = [ path('<path:path>/', PageView.as_view(), name='page_detail'), ]
#### NOTICE: THIS FILE IS AUTOGENERATED #### MODIFICATIONS MAY BE LOST IF DONE IMPROPERLY #### PLEASE SEE THE ONLINE DOCUMENTATION FOR EXAMPLES from swgpy.object import * def create(kernel): result = Creature() result.template = "object/creature/npc/droid/crafted/shared_droideka_advanced.iff" result.attribute_template_id = 3 result.stfName("droid_name","droideka_crafted_advanced") #### BEGIN MODIFICATIONS #### #### END MODIFICATIONS #### return result
from django.db import models from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from ella.core.models import Publishable class XArticle(Publishable): """ ``XArticle`` is extra publishable descendant for testing. Is used for possibility testing descendants of publishable with different content type """ content = models.TextField(_('Content'), default='') class Meta: verbose_name = _('XArticle') verbose_name_plural = _('XArticles')
from django import forms from lists.models import Item EMPTY_LIST_ERROR = "You can't have an empty list item" class ItemForm(forms.models.ModelForm): class Meta: model = Item fields = ('text',) widgets = { 'text': forms.fields.TextInput(attrs={ 'placeholder': 'Enter a to-do item', 'class': 'form-control input-lg' }), } error_messages = { 'text': {'required': "You can't have an empty list item"} }
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ logbook._fallback ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fallback implementations in case speedups is not around. :copyright: (c) 2010 by Armin Ronacher, Georg Brandl. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. """ from itertools import count from logbook.helpers import get_iterator_next_method from logbook.concurrency import (thread_get_ident, greenlet_get_ident, thread_local, greenlet_local, ThreadLock, GreenletRLock, is_gevent_enabled) _missing = object() _MAX_CONTEXT_OBJECT_CACHE = 256 def group_reflected_property(name, default, fallback=_missing): """Returns a property for a given name that falls back to the value of the group if set. If there is no such group, the provided default is used. """ def _get(self): rv = getattr(self, '_' + name, _missing) if rv is not _missing and rv != fallback: return rv if self.group is None: return default return getattr(self.group, name) def _set(self, value): setattr(self, '_' + name, value) def _del(self): delattr(self, '_' + name) return property(_get, _set, _del) class _StackBound(object): def __init__(self, obj, push, pop): self.__obj = obj self.__push = push self.__pop = pop def __enter__(self): self.__push() return self.__obj def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, tb): self.__pop() class StackedObject(object): """Baseclass for all objects that provide stack manipulation operations. """ def push_greenlet(self): """Pushes the stacked object to the greenlet stack.""" raise NotImplementedError() def pop_greenlet(self): """Pops the stacked object from the greenlet stack.""" raise NotImplementedError() def push_thread(self): """Pushes the stacked object to the thread stack.""" raise NotImplementedError() def pop_thread(self): """Pops the stacked object from the thread stack.""" raise NotImplementedError() def push_application(self): """Pushes the stacked object to the application stack.""" raise NotImplementedError() def pop_application(self): """Pops the stacked object from the application stack.""" raise NotImplementedError() def __enter__(self): if is_gevent_enabled(): self.push_greenlet() else: self.push_thread() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, tb): if is_gevent_enabled(): self.pop_greenlet() else: self.pop_thread() def greenletbound(self, _cls=_StackBound): """Can be used in combination with the `with` statement to execute code while the object is bound to the greenlet. """ return _cls(self, self.push_greenlet, self.pop_greenlet) def threadbound(self, _cls=_StackBound): """Can be used in combination with the `with` statement to execute code while the object is bound to the thread. """ return _cls(self, self.push_thread, self.pop_thread) def applicationbound(self, _cls=_StackBound): """Can be used in combination with the `with` statement to execute code while the object is bound to the application. """ return _cls(self, self.push_application, self.pop_application) class ContextStackManager(object): """Helper class for context objects that manages a stack of objects. """ def __init__(self): self._global = [] self._thread_context_lock = ThreadLock() self._thread_context = thread_local() self._greenlet_context_lock = GreenletRLock() self._greenlet_context = greenlet_local() self._cache = {} self._stackop = get_iterator_next_method(count()) def iter_context_objects(self): """Returns an iterator over all objects for the combined application and context cache. """ use_gevent = is_gevent_enabled() tid = greenlet_get_ident() if use_gevent else thread_get_ident() objects = self._cache.get(tid) if objects is None: if len(self._cache) > _MAX_CONTEXT_OBJECT_CACHE: self._cache.clear() objects = self._global[:] objects.extend(getattr(self._thread_context, 'stack', ())) if use_gevent: objects.extend(getattr(self._greenlet_context, 'stack', ())) objects.sort(reverse=True) objects = [x[1] for x in objects] self._cache[tid] = objects return iter(objects) def push_greenlet(self, obj): self._greenlet_context_lock.acquire() try: self._cache.pop(greenlet_get_ident(), None) # remote chance to conflict with thread ids item = (self._stackop(), obj) stack = getattr(self._greenlet_context, 'stack', None) if stack is None: self._greenlet_context.stack = [item] else: stack.append(item) finally: self._greenlet_context_lock.release() def pop_greenlet(self): self._greenlet_context_lock.acquire() try: self._cache.pop(greenlet_get_ident(), None) # remote chance to conflict with thread ids stack = getattr(self._greenlet_context, 'stack', None) assert stack, 'no objects on stack' return stack.pop()[1] finally: self._greenlet_context_lock.release() def push_thread(self, obj): self._thread_context_lock.acquire() try: self._cache.pop(thread_get_ident(), None) item = (self._stackop(), obj) stack = getattr(self._thread_context, 'stack', None) if stack is None: self._thread_context.stack = [item] else: stack.append(item) finally: self._thread_context_lock.release() def pop_thread(self): self._thread_context_lock.acquire() try: self._cache.pop(thread_get_ident(), None) stack = getattr(self._thread_context, 'stack', None) assert stack, 'no objects on stack' return stack.pop()[1] finally: self._thread_context_lock.release() def push_application(self, obj): self._global.append((self._stackop(), obj)) self._cache.clear() def pop_application(self): assert self._global, 'no objects on application stack' popped = self._global.pop()[1] self._cache.clear() return popped
#!/usr/bin/env python # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # Usage: # python bpacking_simd_codegen.py 128 > bpacking_simd128_generated.h # python bpacking_simd_codegen.py 256 > bpacking_simd256_generated.h # python bpacking_simd_codegen.py 512 > bpacking_simd512_generated.h from functools import partial import sys from textwrap import dedent, indent class UnpackGenerator: def __init__(self, simd_width): self.simd_width = simd_width if simd_width % 32 != 0: raise("SIMD bit width should be a multiple of 32") self.simd_byte_width = simd_width // 8 def print_unpack_bit0_func(self): print( "inline static const uint32_t* unpack0_32(const uint32_t* in, uint32_t* out) {") print(" memset(out, 0x0, 32 * sizeof(*out));") print(" out += 32;") print("") print(" return in;") print("}") def print_unpack_bit32_func(self): print( "inline static const uint32_t* unpack32_32(const uint32_t* in, uint32_t* out) {") print(" memcpy(out, in, 32 * sizeof(*out));") print(" in += 32;") print(" out += 32;") print("") print(" return in;") print("}") def print_unpack_bit_func(self, bit): def p(code): print(indent(code, prefix=' ')) shift = 0 shifts = [] in_index = 0 inls = [] mask = (1 << bit) - 1 bracket = "{" print(f"inline static const uint32_t* unpack{bit}_32(const uint32_t* in, uint32_t* out) {{") p(dedent(f"""\ uint32_t mask = 0x{mask:0x}; simd_batch masks(mask); simd_batch words, shifts; simd_batch results; """)) def safe_load(index): return f"SafeLoad<uint32_t>(in + {index})" for i in range(32): if shift + bit == 32: shifts.append(shift) inls.append(safe_load(in_index)) in_index += 1 shift = 0 elif shift + bit > 32: # cross the boundary inls.append( f"{safe_load(in_index)} >> {shift} | {safe_load(in_index + 1)} << {32 - shift}") in_index += 1 shift = bit - (32 - shift) shifts.append(0) # zero shift else: shifts.append(shift) inls.append(safe_load(in_index)) shift += bit bytes_per_batch = self.simd_byte_width words_per_batch = bytes_per_batch // 4 one_word_template = dedent("""\ words = simd_batch{{ {words} }}; shifts = simd_batch{{ {shifts} }}; results = (words >> shifts) & masks; results.store_unaligned(out); out += {words_per_batch}; """) for start in range(0, 32, words_per_batch): stop = start + words_per_batch; p(f"""// extract {bit}-bit bundles {start} to {stop - 1}""") p(one_word_template.format( words=", ".join(inls[start:stop]), shifts=", ".join(map(str, shifts[start:stop])), words_per_batch=words_per_batch)) p(dedent(f"""\ in += {bit}; return in;""")) print("}") def print_copyright(): print(dedent("""\ // Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one // or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file // distributed with this work for additional information // regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance // with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, // software distributed under the License is distributed on an // "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY // KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the // specific language governing permissions and limitations // under the License. """)) def print_note(): print("// Automatically generated file; DO NOT EDIT.") print() def main(simd_width): print_copyright() print_note() struct_name = f"UnpackBits{simd_width}" # NOTE: templating the UnpackBits struct on the dispatch level avoids # potential name collisions if there are several UnpackBits generations # with the same SIMD width on a given architecture. print(dedent(f"""\ #pragma once #include <cstdint> #include <cstring> #include <xsimd/xsimd.hpp> #include "arrow/util/dispatch.h" #include "arrow/util/ubsan.h" namespace arrow {{ namespace internal {{ namespace {{ using ::arrow::util::SafeLoad; template <DispatchLevel level> struct {struct_name} {{ using simd_batch = xsimd::make_sized_batch_t<uint32_t, {simd_width//32}>; """)) gen = UnpackGenerator(simd_width) gen.print_unpack_bit0_func() print() for i in range(1, 32): gen.print_unpack_bit_func(i) print() gen.print_unpack_bit32_func() print() print(dedent(f"""\ }}; // struct {struct_name} }} // namespace }} // namespace internal }} // namespace arrow """)) if __name__ == '__main__': usage = f"""Usage: {__file__} <SIMD bit-width>""" if len(sys.argv) != 2: raise ValueError(usage) try: simd_width = int(sys.argv[1]) except ValueError: raise ValueError(usage) main(simd_width)
from SubChoosers.ISubStagesChooser import ISubStagesChooser from SubRankers.ByFullNameSubStagesRanker import ByFullNameSubStagesRanker from Utils import WriteDebug class FirstInCertainSubStagesChooser(ISubStagesChooser): """ Implementation of ISubStagesChooser. This chooser return results after ranking them in the ByFullNameSubStagesRanker, In practice, the chooser uses the ByFullNameSubStagesRanker ranker, and return the first SubStages after the rank, regardless of the value in first_is_certain. """ @classmethod def chooseMovieSubStageFromMoviesSubStages(cls, movie_sub_stages, query): """ Choose the first MovieSubStage after ranking the Results using the most accurate ranker avaliable (ByFullNameSubStagesRanker). The function will return MovieSubStage even if first_is_certain is False for the first MovieSubStage that the ranker returned. Will return None if movie_sub_stages is empty. """ movie_sub_stage = None if movie_sub_stages: WriteDebug('Got results in movie_sub_stages, sending them to the ranker') (movie_sub_stages, first_is_ceratin) = ByFullNameSubStagesRanker\ .rankMovieSubStages(movie_sub_stages, query) WriteDebug('Ranker returned %s for first_is_certain, but we dont care' % first_is_ceratin) movie_sub_stage = movie_sub_stages[0] WriteDebug('MovieSubStage: %s' % movie_sub_stage.info()) else: WriteDebug('There is not results in movie_sub_stages, returning None') return movie_sub_stage @classmethod def chooseVersionSubStageFromVersionSubStages\ (cls, version_sub_stages, movie_sub_stages, query): """ Choose the first VersionSubStage after ranking the Results using the most accurate ranker avaliable (ByFullNameSubStagesRanker). The function will return VersionSubStage even if first_is_certain is False for the first VersionSubStage that the ranker returned. Will return None if version_sub_stages is empty. """ version_sub_stage = None if version_sub_stages: WriteDebug('Got Versions in version_sub_stages, sending them to the ranker') (version_sub_stages, first_is_ceratin) = ByFullNameSubStagesRanker\ .rankVersionSubStages(version_sub_stages, query) WriteDebug('Ranker returned %s for first_is_certain, but we dont care' % first_is_ceratin) version_sub_stage = version_sub_stages[0] WriteDebug('VersionSubStage: %s' % version_sub_stage.info()) else: WriteDebug('There is not results in version_sub_stages, returning None') return version_sub_stage
#!/usr/bin/env python __all__ = ['acfun_download'] from ..common import * from .letv import letvcloud_download_by_vu from .qq import qq_download_by_vid from .sina import sina_download_by_vid from .tudou import tudou_download_by_iid from .youku import youku_download_by_vid import json, re def get_srt_json(id): url = 'http://danmu.aixifan.com/V2/%s' % id return get_html(url) def acfun_download_by_vid(vid, title, output_dir='.', merge=True, info_only=False, **kwargs): info = json.loads(get_html('http://www.acfun.tv/video/getVideo.aspx?id=' + vid)) sourceType = info['sourceType'] if 'sourceId' in info: sourceId = info['sourceId'] # danmakuId = info['danmakuId'] if sourceType == 'sina': sina_download_by_vid(sourceId, title, output_dir=output_dir, merge=merge, info_only=info_only) elif sourceType == 'youku': youku_download_by_vid(sourceId, title=title, output_dir=output_dir, merge=merge, info_only=info_only, **kwargs) elif sourceType == 'tudou': tudou_download_by_iid(sourceId, title, output_dir=output_dir, merge=merge, info_only=info_only) elif sourceType == 'qq': qq_download_by_vid(sourceId, title, output_dir=output_dir, merge=merge, info_only=info_only) elif sourceType == 'letv': letvcloud_download_by_vu(sourceId, '2d8c027396', title, output_dir=output_dir, merge=merge, info_only=info_only) elif sourceType == 'zhuzhan': a = 'http://api.aixifan.com/plays/%s/realSource' % vid s = json.loads(get_content(a, headers={'deviceType': '1'})) urls = s['data']['files'][-1]['url'] size = urls_size(urls) print_info(site_info, title, 'mp4', size) if not info_only: download_urls(urls, title, 'mp4', size, output_dir=output_dir, merge=merge) else: raise NotImplementedError(sourceType) if not info_only and not dry_run: if not kwargs['caption']: print('Skipping danmaku.') return try: title = get_filename(title) print('Downloading %s ...\n' % (title + '.cmt.json')) cmt = get_srt_json(vid) with open(os.path.join(output_dir, title + '.cmt.json'), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as x: x.write(cmt) except: pass def acfun_download(url, output_dir='.', merge=True, info_only=False, **kwargs): assert re.match(r'http://[^\.]+.acfun.[^\.]+/\D/\D\D(\d+)', url) html = get_html(url) title = r1(r'<h1 id="txt-title-view">([^<>]+)<', html) title = unescape_html(title) title = escape_file_path(title) assert title videos = re.findall("data-vid=\"(\d+)\".*href=\"[^\"]+\".*title=\"([^\"]+)\"", html) for video in videos: p_vid = video[0] p_title = title + " - " + video[1] if video[1] != '删除标签' else title acfun_download_by_vid(p_vid, p_title, output_dir=output_dir, merge=merge, info_only=info_only, **kwargs) site_info = "AcFun.tv" download = acfun_download download_playlist = playlist_not_supported('acfun')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Slave, (c) 2014, see AUTHORS. Licensed under the GNU GPL. from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals) from future.builtins import * from slave.lakeshore import LS340, LS370 from slave.transport import SimulatedTransport def test_ls340(): # Test if instantiation fails LS340(SimulatedTransport()) def test_ls370(): # Test if instantiation fails LS370(SimulatedTransport())
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # (c) 2014, GeekChimp - Franck Nijhof <[email protected]> # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'status': ['stableinterface'], 'supported_by': 'community', 'version': '1.0'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: osx_defaults author: Franck Nijhof (@frenck) short_description: osx_defaults allows users to read, write, and delete Mac OS X user defaults from Ansible description: - osx_defaults allows users to read, write, and delete Mac OS X user defaults from Ansible scripts. Mac OS X applications and other programs use the defaults system to record user preferences and other information that must be maintained when the applications aren't running (such as default font for new documents, or the position of an Info panel). version_added: "2.0" options: domain: description: - The domain is a domain name of the form com.companyname.appname. required: false default: NSGlobalDomain host: description: - The host on which the preference should apply. The special value "currentHost" corresponds to the "-currentHost" switch of the defaults commandline tool. required: false default: null version_added: "2.1" key: description: - The key of the user preference required: true type: description: - The type of value to write. required: false default: string choices: [ "array", "bool", "boolean", "date", "float", "int", "integer", "string" ] array_add: description: - Add new elements to the array for a key which has an array as its value. required: false default: false choices: [ "true", "false" ] value: description: - The value to write. Only required when state = present. required: false default: null state: description: - The state of the user defaults required: false default: present choices: [ "present", "absent" ] notes: - Apple Mac caches defaults. You may need to logout and login to apply the changes. ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - osx_defaults: domain: com.apple.Safari key: IncludeInternalDebugMenu type: bool value: true state: present - osx_defaults: domain: NSGlobalDomain key: AppleMeasurementUnits type: string value: Centimeters state: present - osx_defaults: domain: com.apple.screensaver host: currentHost key: showClock type: int value: 1 - osx_defaults: key: AppleMeasurementUnits type: string value: Centimeters - osx_defaults: key: AppleLanguages type: array value: - en - nl - osx_defaults: domain: com.geekchimp.macable key: ExampleKeyToRemove state: absent ''' import datetime from ansible.module_utils.basic import * from ansible.module_utils.pycompat24 import get_exception # exceptions --------------------------------------------------------------- {{{ class OSXDefaultsException(Exception): pass # /exceptions -------------------------------------------------------------- }}} # class MacDefaults -------------------------------------------------------- {{{ class OSXDefaults(object): """ Class to manage Mac OS user defaults """ # init ---------------------------------------------------------------- {{{ """ Initialize this module. Finds 'defaults' executable and preps the parameters """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): # Initial var for storing current defaults value self.current_value = None # Just set all given parameters for key, val in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, val) # Try to find the defaults executable self.executable = self.module.get_bin_path( 'defaults', required=False, opt_dirs=self.path.split(':'), ) if not self.executable: raise OSXDefaultsException("Unable to locate defaults executable.") # When state is present, we require a parameter if self.state == "present" and self.value is None: raise OSXDefaultsException("Missing value parameter") # Ensure the value is the correct type self.value = self._convert_type(self.type, self.value) # /init --------------------------------------------------------------- }}} # tools --------------------------------------------------------------- {{{ """ Converts value to given type """ def _convert_type(self, type, value): if type == "string": return str(value) elif type in ["bool", "boolean"]: if isinstance(value, basestring): value = value.lower() if value in [True, 1, "true", "1", "yes"]: return True elif value in [False, 0, "false", "0", "no"]: return False raise OSXDefaultsException("Invalid boolean value: {0}".format(repr(value))) elif type == "date": try: return datetime.datetime.strptime(value.split("+")[0].strip(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") except ValueError: raise OSXDefaultsException( "Invalid date value: {0}. Required format yyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.".format(repr(value)) ) elif type in ["int", "integer"]: if not str(value).isdigit(): raise OSXDefaultsException("Invalid integer value: {0}".format(repr(value))) return int(value) elif type == "float": try: value = float(value) except ValueError: raise OSXDefaultsException("Invalid float value: {0}".format(repr(value))) return value elif type == "array": if not isinstance(value, list): raise OSXDefaultsException("Invalid value. Expected value to be an array") return value raise OSXDefaultsException('Type is not supported: {0}'.format(type)) """ Returns a normalized list of commandline arguments based on the "host" attribute """ def _host_args(self): if self.host is None: return [] elif self.host == 'currentHost': return ['-currentHost'] else: return ['-host', self.host] """ Returns a list containing the "defaults" executable and any common base arguments """ def _base_command(self): return [self.executable] + self._host_args() """ Converts array output from defaults to an list """ @staticmethod def _convert_defaults_str_to_list(value): # Split output of defaults. Every line contains a value value = value.splitlines() # Remove first and last item, those are not actual values value.pop(0) value.pop(-1) # Remove extra spaces and comma (,) at the end of values value = [re.sub(',$', '', x.strip(' ')) for x in value] return value # /tools -------------------------------------------------------------- }}} # commands ------------------------------------------------------------ {{{ """ Reads value of this domain & key from defaults """ def read(self): # First try to find out the type rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(self._base_command() + ["read-type", self.domain, self.key]) # If RC is 1, the key does not exists if rc == 1: return None # If the RC is not 0, then terrible happened! Ooooh nooo! if rc != 0: raise OSXDefaultsException("An error occurred while reading key type from defaults: " + out) # Ok, lets parse the type from output type = out.strip().replace('Type is ', '') # Now get the current value rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(self._base_command() + ["read", self.domain, self.key]) # Strip output out = out.strip() # An non zero RC at this point is kinda strange... if rc != 0: raise OSXDefaultsException("An error occurred while reading key value from defaults: " + out) # Convert string to list when type is array if type == "array": out = self._convert_defaults_str_to_list(out) # Store the current_value self.current_value = self._convert_type(type, out) """ Writes value to this domain & key to defaults """ def write(self): # We need to convert some values so the defaults commandline understands it if isinstance(self.value, bool): if self.value: value = "TRUE" else: value = "FALSE" elif isinstance(self.value, (int, float)): value = str(self.value) elif self.array_add and self.current_value is not None: value = list(set(self.value) - set(self.current_value)) elif isinstance(self.value, datetime.datetime): value = self.value.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') else: value = self.value # When the type is array and array_add is enabled, morph the type :) if self.type == "array" and self.array_add: self.type = "array-add" # All values should be a list, for easy passing it to the command if not isinstance(value, list): value = [value] rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(self._base_command() + ['write', self.domain, self.key, '-' + self.type] + value) if rc != 0: raise OSXDefaultsException('An error occurred while writing value to defaults: ' + out) """ Deletes defaults key from domain """ def delete(self): rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(self._base_command() + ['delete', self.domain, self.key]) if rc != 0: raise OSXDefaultsException("An error occurred while deleting key from defaults: " + out) # /commands ----------------------------------------------------------- }}} # run ----------------------------------------------------------------- {{{ """ Does the magic! :) """ def run(self): # Get the current value from defaults self.read() # Handle absent state if self.state == "absent": if self.current_value is None: return False if self.module.check_mode: return True self.delete() return True # There is a type mismatch! Given type does not match the type in defaults value_type = type(self.value) if self.current_value is not None and not isinstance(self.current_value, value_type): raise OSXDefaultsException("Type mismatch. Type in defaults: " + type(self.current_value).__name__) # Current value matches the given value. Nothing need to be done. Arrays need extra care if self.type == "array" and self.current_value is not None and not self.array_add and \ set(self.current_value) == set(self.value): return False elif self.type == "array" and self.current_value is not None and self.array_add and \ len(list(set(self.value) - set(self.current_value))) == 0: return False elif self.current_value == self.value: return False if self.module.check_mode: return True # Change/Create/Set given key/value for domain in defaults self.write() return True # /run ---------------------------------------------------------------- }}} # /class MacDefaults ------------------------------------------------------ }}} # main -------------------------------------------------------------------- {{{ def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( domain=dict( default="NSGlobalDomain", required=False, ), host=dict( default=None, required=False, ), key=dict( default=None, ), type=dict( default="string", required=False, choices=[ "array", "bool", "boolean", "date", "float", "int", "integer", "string", ], ), array_add=dict( default=False, required=False, type='bool', ), value=dict( default=None, required=False, ), state=dict( default="present", required=False, choices=[ "absent", "present" ], ), path=dict( default="/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin", required=False, ) ), supports_check_mode=True, ) domain = module.params['domain'] host = module.params['host'] key = module.params['key'] type = module.params['type'] array_add = module.params['array_add'] value = module.params['value'] state = module.params['state'] path = module.params['path'] try: defaults = OSXDefaults(module=module, domain=domain, host=host, key=key, type=type, array_add=array_add, value=value, state=state, path=path) changed = defaults.run() module.exit_json(changed=changed) except OSXDefaultsException: e = get_exception() module.fail_json(msg=e.message) # /main ------------------------------------------------------------------- }}} if __name__ == '__main__': main()
from __future__ import print_function import pytest from website.app import init_app from tests.json_api_test_app import JSONAPITestApp @pytest.fixture() def app(): return JSONAPITestApp() # NOTE: autouse so that ADDONS_REQUESTED gets set on website.settings @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='session') def app_init(): init_app(routes=False, set_backends=False)
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # COPYRIGHT (c) 2016 Cristóbal Ganter # # GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE # Version 3, 19 November 2007 # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. from functools import partialmethod from weakref import finalize from tornado.gen import coroutine from src import messages as msg from src.db import message_broker as mb from src.pub_sub import MalformedMessageError, \ UnrecognizedOwnerError _path = 'src.swclass' class WSClass(object): """Attaches its methods to a controller.MSGHandler. .. todo:: * Explain this class better XD. """ _path = '.'.join((_path, 'WSClass')) def __init__(self, handler): _path = msg.join_path(self._path, '__init__') self.handler = handler self.pub_subs = { 'w': self.handler.ws_pub_sub, 'd': mb, 'l': self.handler.local_pub_sub, } for attr_name in dir(self): attribute = getattr(self, attr_name) if hasattr(attribute, 'msg_types'): for _type, channels in attribute.msg_types: msg.code_debug( _path, 'Adding action: %r ...' % attribute ) self.register_action_in( msg_type=_type, action=attribute, channels=channels) finalize( self, msg.code_debug, self._path, 'Deleting WSClass {0} from {0.handler} ' '...'.format(self) ) @property def channels(self): return self.pub_subs.keys() def redirect_to(self, channel, message, content=False): """Redirect ``message`` through ``channel``. If ``content`` is ``True``, then the the object corresponding to the ``'content'`` key of ``message`` is sent. :param str channel: The channel through which ``message`` will be sent. :param dict message: The message to be sent. :param bool content: If ``True``, just the object corresponding to the ``'content'`` key of ``message`` will be sent. If ``False``, the whole message will be sent. :raises MalformedMessageError: If ``content`` is ``True``, but ``message`` doesn't have the ``'content'`` key. :raises BadChannelArgumentError: If ``channel`` is not one of ``self.pub_subs`` keys. :raises NotDictError: If ``message`` is not a dictionary. :raises NoMessageTypeError: If the message or it's content doesn't have the ``'type'`` key. :raises NoActionForMsgTypeError: If ``send_function`` of the ``PubSub`` object wasn't specified during object creation and there's no registered action for this message type. """ try: m = message['content'] if content else message self.pub_subs[channel].send_message(m) except KeyError as ke: if 'content' not in message: mme = MalformedMessageError( "If content=True, then message must " "have the 'content' key." ) raise mme from ke elif channel not in self.pub_subs: raise \ BadChannelArgumentError(self.channels) \ from ke else: raise redirect_content_to = partialmethod(redirect_to, content=True) def register_action_in(self, msg_type, action, channels): """Register ``action`` in a set of channels. :param str msg_type: The message type to which ``action`` will be subscribed. :param callable action: The action to be registered in ``channels``. :param set channels: Set of strings, which identify all the channels to which ``action`` will be registered. :raises BadChannelArgumentError: If any channel is not one of ``self.pub_subs`` keys. """ try: for channel in channels: ps = self.pub_subs[channel] ps.register(msg_type, action, self) except KeyError as ke: if not all(c in self.pub_subs for c in channels): raise \ BadChannelArgumentError(self.channels) \ from ke else: raise def unregister(self): for ps in self.pub_subs.values(): try: ps.remove_owner(self) except UnrecognizedOwnerError: pass @coroutine def end(self): self.unregister() class subscribe(object): """Append the ``msg_types`` attribute to a method. Each parameter should have one of the following forms: ``type``, ``(type, channel)`` or ``(type, {channel, ...})``. Where ``type`` is a string containing the message_type to which you want the method to be subscribed and ``channel`` is one of this strings: ``'w'``, ``'d'``, ``'l'``. The channel strings mean: Websocket, Database and Local. If there are only 2 string parameters and the second is one character long then this parameters are interpreted as ``subscribe(type, channel)``. This class should be used as a decorator. :raises TypeError: If any element of ``msg_types`` is not a tuple or a string. :raises ValueError: If any tuple in ``msg_types`` has a length different than 2. """ _path = '.'.join((_path, 'subscribe')) def __init__(self, *msg_types, channels={'w', 'd', 'l'}): if len(msg_types) == 2 and \ isinstance(msg_types[0], str) and \ isinstance(msg_types[1], str) and \ len(msg_types[1]) == 1: msg_types = ((msg_types[0], msg_types[1]),) for t in msg_types: if not isinstance(t, (tuple, str)): raise TypeError( 'msg_types has an element that is not ' 'a tuple or a string.' ) if isinstance(t, tuple) and len(t) != 2: raise ValueError( 'msg_types has a tuple that has a ' 'length different than 2.' ) self.msg_types = [(t, channels) for t in msg_types if isinstance(t, str)] self.msg_types.extend( (t[0], {t[1]}) if isinstance(t[1], str) else t for t in msg_types if isinstance(t, tuple) ) def __call__(self, method): _path = '.'.join((self._path, '__call__')) msg.code_debug( _path, 'Subscribing method {!r} to {!r} message types ' '...'.format(method, self.msg_types) ) method.msg_types = self.msg_types return method class BadChannelArgumentError(ValueError): def __init__(channels, *args): super().__init__( 'The channel argument must be one of the ' 'following strings: {}.'.format(channels), *args )
############################################################################## # # Copyright (C) 2016 Compassion CH (http://www.compassion.ch) # Releasing children from poverty in Jesus' name # @author: Emanuel Cino <[email protected]> # # The licence is in the file __manifest__.py # ############################################################################## from . import models from . import wizards from . import controllers from . import forms
class Foo(object): def set(self, value): self.field = value def get(self): return self.field a = Foo() a.set("hello world") z = a.get() print z z a
# # Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Red Hat, Inc. # # This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, # modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of # the GNU General Public License v.2, or (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY expressed or implied, including the implied warranties of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General # Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the # GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301, USA. Any Red Hat trademarks that are incorporated in the # source code or documentation are not subject to the GNU General Public # License and may only be used or replicated with the express permission of # Red Hat, Inc. # """ This module include functions and classes for dealing with multiple layouts in Anaconda. It wraps the libxklavier functionality to protect Anaconda from dealing with its "nice" API that looks like a Lisp-influenced "good old C" and also systemd-localed functionality. It provides a XklWrapper class with several methods that can be used for listing and various modifications of keyboard layouts settings. """ import gi gi.require_version("GdkX11", "3.0") gi.require_version("Xkl", "1.0") from gi.repository import GdkX11, Xkl import threading import gettext from collections import namedtuple from pyanaconda.core import util from pyanaconda.core.configuration.anaconda import conf from pyanaconda.core.constants import DEFAULT_KEYBOARD from pyanaconda.keyboard import join_layout_variant, parse_layout_variant, KeyboardConfigError, InvalidLayoutVariantSpec from pyanaconda.core.async_utils import async_action_wait from pyanaconda.anaconda_loggers import get_module_logger log = get_module_logger(__name__) Xkb_ = lambda x: gettext.translation("xkeyboard-config", fallback=True).gettext(x) iso_ = lambda x: gettext.translation("iso_639", fallback=True).gettext(x) # namedtuple for information about a keyboard layout (its language and description) LayoutInfo = namedtuple("LayoutInfo", ["lang", "desc"]) class XklWrapperError(KeyboardConfigError): """Exception class for reporting libxklavier-related problems""" pass class XklWrapper(object): """ Class wrapping the libxklavier functionality Use this class as a singleton class because it provides read-only data and initialization (that takes quite a lot of time) reads always the same data. It doesn't have sense to make multiple instances """ _instance = None _instance_lock = threading.Lock() @staticmethod def get_instance(): with XklWrapper._instance_lock: if not XklWrapper._instance: XklWrapper._instance = XklWrapper() return XklWrapper._instance def __init__(self): #initialize Xkl-related stuff display = GdkX11.x11_get_default_xdisplay() self._engine = Xkl.Engine.get_instance(display) self._rec = Xkl.ConfigRec() if not self._rec.get_from_server(self._engine): raise XklWrapperError("Failed to get configuration from server") #X is probably initialized to the 'us' layout without any variant and #since we want to add layouts with variants we need the layouts and #variants lists to have the same length. Add "" padding to variants. #See docstring of the add_layout method for details. diff = len(self._rec.layouts) - len(self._rec.variants) if diff > 0 and conf.system.can_activate_layouts: self._rec.set_variants(self._rec.variants + (diff * [""])) if not self._rec.activate(self._engine): # failed to activate layouts given e.g. by a kickstart (may be # invalid) lay_var_str = ",".join(map(join_layout_variant, self._rec.layouts, self._rec.variants)) log.error("Failed to activate layouts: '%s', " "falling back to default %s", lay_var_str, DEFAULT_KEYBOARD) self._rec.set_layouts([DEFAULT_KEYBOARD]) self._rec.set_variants([""]) if not self._rec.activate(self._engine): # failed to activate even the default layout, something is # really wrong raise XklWrapperError("Failed to initialize layouts") #needed also for Gkbd.KeyboardDrawingDialog self.configreg = Xkl.ConfigRegistry.get_instance(self._engine) self.configreg.load(False) self._layout_infos = dict() self._layout_infos_lock = threading.RLock() self._switch_opt_infos = dict() self._switch_opt_infos_lock = threading.RLock() #this might take quite a long time self.configreg.foreach_language(self._get_language_variants, None) self.configreg.foreach_country(self._get_country_variants, None) #'grp' means that we want layout (group) switching options self.configreg.foreach_option('grp', self._get_switch_option, None) def _get_lang_variant(self, c_reg, item, subitem, lang): if subitem: name = item.get_name() + " (" + subitem.get_name() + ")" description = subitem.get_description() else: name = item.get_name() description = item.get_description() #if this layout has already been added for some other language, #do not add it again (would result in duplicates in our lists) if name not in self._layout_infos: with self._layout_infos_lock: self._layout_infos[name] = LayoutInfo(lang, description) def _get_country_variant(self, c_reg, item, subitem, country): if subitem: name = item.get_name() + " (" + subitem.get_name() + ")" description = subitem.get_description() else: name = item.get_name() description = item.get_description() # if the layout was not added with any language, add it with a country if name not in self._layout_infos: with self._layout_infos_lock: self._layout_infos[name] = LayoutInfo(country, description) def _get_language_variants(self, c_reg, item, user_data=None): lang_name, lang_desc = item.get_name(), item.get_description() c_reg.foreach_language_variant(lang_name, self._get_lang_variant, lang_desc) def _get_country_variants(self, c_reg, item, user_data=None): country_name, country_desc = item.get_name(), item.get_description() c_reg.foreach_country_variant(country_name, self._get_country_variant, country_desc) def _get_switch_option(self, c_reg, item, user_data=None): """Helper function storing layout switching options in foreach cycle""" desc = item.get_description() name = item.get_name() with self._switch_opt_infos_lock: self._switch_opt_infos[name] = desc def get_current_layout(self): """ Get current activated X layout and variant :return: current activated X layout and variant (e.g. "cz (qwerty)") """ # ported from the widgets/src/LayoutIndicator.c code self._engine.start_listen(Xkl.EngineListenModes.TRACK_KEYBOARD_STATE) state = self._engine.get_current_state() cur_group = state.group num_groups = self._engine.get_num_groups() # BUG?: if the last layout in the list is activated and removed, # state.group may be equal to n_groups if cur_group >= num_groups: cur_group = num_groups - 1 layout = self._rec.layouts[cur_group] # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object try: variant = self._rec.variants[cur_group] # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object except IndexError: # X server may have forgotten to add the "" variant for its default layout variant = "" self._engine.stop_listen(Xkl.EngineListenModes.TRACK_KEYBOARD_STATE) return join_layout_variant(layout, variant) def get_available_layouts(self): """A list of layouts""" with self._layout_infos_lock: return list(self._layout_infos.keys()) def get_switching_options(self): """Method returning list of available layout switching options""" with self._switch_opt_infos_lock: return list(self._switch_opt_infos.keys()) def get_layout_variant_description(self, layout_variant, with_lang=True, xlated=True): """ Get description of the given layout-variant. :param layout_variant: layout-variant specification (e.g. 'cz (qwerty)') :type layout_variant: str :param with_lang: whether to include language of the layout-variant (if defined) in the description or not :type with_lang: bool :param xlated: whethe to return translated or english version of the description :type xlated: bool :return: description of the layout-variant specification (e.g. 'Czech (qwerty)') :rtype: str """ layout_info = self._layout_infos[layout_variant] # translate language and upcase its first letter, translate the # layout-variant description if xlated: lang = util.upcase_first_letter(iso_(layout_info.lang)) description = Xkb_(layout_info.desc) else: lang = util.upcase_first_letter(layout_info.lang) description = layout_info.desc if with_lang and lang and not description.startswith(lang): return "%s (%s)" % (lang, description) else: return description def get_switch_opt_description(self, switch_opt): """ Get description of the given layout switching option. :param switch_opt: switching option name/ID (e.g. 'grp:alt_shift_toggle') :type switch_opt: str :return: description of the layout switching option (e.g. 'Alt + Shift') :rtype: str """ # translate the description of the switching option return Xkb_(self._switch_opt_infos[switch_opt]) @async_action_wait def activate_default_layout(self): """ Activates default layout (the first one in the list of configured layouts). """ self._engine.lock_group(0) def is_valid_layout(self, layout): """Return if given layout is valid layout or not""" return layout in self._layout_infos @async_action_wait def add_layout(self, layout): """ Method that tries to add a given layout to the current X configuration. The X layouts configuration is handled by two lists. A list of layouts and a list of variants. Index-matching items in these lists (as if they were zipped) are used for the construction of real layouts (e.g. 'cz (qwerty)'). :param layout: either 'layout' or 'layout (variant)' :raise XklWrapperError: if the given layout is invalid or cannot be added """ try: #we can get 'layout' or 'layout (variant)' (layout, variant) = parse_layout_variant(layout) except InvalidLayoutVariantSpec as ilverr: raise XklWrapperError("Failed to add layout: %s" % ilverr) #do not add the same layout-variant combinanion multiple times if (layout, variant) in list(zip(self._rec.layouts, self._rec.variants)): return self._rec.set_layouts(self._rec.layouts + [layout]) self._rec.set_variants(self._rec.variants + [variant]) if not self._rec.activate(self._engine): raise XklWrapperError("Failed to add layout '%s (%s)'" % (layout, variant)) @async_action_wait def remove_layout(self, layout): """ Method that tries to remove a given layout from the current X configuration. See also the documentation for the add_layout method. :param layout: either 'layout' or 'layout (variant)' :raise XklWrapperError: if the given layout cannot be removed """ #we can get 'layout' or 'layout (variant)' (layout, variant) = parse_layout_variant(layout) layouts_variants = list(zip(self._rec.layouts, self._rec.variants)) if (layout, variant) not in layouts_variants: msg = "'%s (%s)' not in the list of added layouts" % (layout, variant) raise XklWrapperError(msg) idx = layouts_variants.index((layout, variant)) new_layouts = self._rec.layouts[:idx] + self._rec.layouts[(idx + 1):] # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object new_variants = self._rec.variants[:idx] + self._rec.variants[(idx + 1):] # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object self._rec.set_layouts(new_layouts) self._rec.set_variants(new_variants) if not self._rec.activate(self._engine): raise XklWrapperError("Failed to remove layout '%s (%s)'" % (layout, variant)) @async_action_wait def replace_layouts(self, layouts_list): """ Method that replaces the layouts defined in the current X configuration with the new ones given. :param layouts_list: list of layouts defined as either 'layout' or 'layout (variant)' :raise XklWrapperError: if layouts cannot be replaced with the new ones """ new_layouts = list() new_variants = list() for layout_variant in layouts_list: (layout, variant) = parse_layout_variant(layout_variant) new_layouts.append(layout) new_variants.append(variant) self._rec.set_layouts(new_layouts) self._rec.set_variants(new_variants) if not self._rec.activate(self._engine): msg = "Failed to replace layouts with: %s" % ",".join(layouts_list) raise XklWrapperError(msg) @async_action_wait def set_switching_options(self, options): """ Method that sets options for layout switching. It replaces the old options with the new ones. :param options: layout switching options to be set :type options: list or generator :raise XklWrapperError: if the old options cannot be replaced with the new ones """ #preserve old "non-switching options" new_options = [opt for opt in self._rec.options if "grp:" not in opt] # pylint: disable=not-an-iterable new_options += options self._rec.set_options(new_options) if not self._rec.activate(self._engine): msg = "Failed to set switching options to: %s" % ",".join(options) raise XklWrapperError(msg)