Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: It is now time to recognise the unfair burden Ireland has borne due to ECB actions at critical points of the financial crisis. ### Response: external relations
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: Keeping our communities safe means strengthening Canada's defence capacity by prioritizing roles and missions for our forces that focus on peacekeeping; ### Response: external relations
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: Before the last election, the future construction of Australia’s submarine fleet was bipartisan, with both Liberal and Labor declaring the next generation of submarines would be built in Australia. ### Response: external relations
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. ### Response: external relations
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: We will increase the number of defence establishments and housing in regional areas to facilitate rapid deployment as needs arise. ### Response: external relations
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: Our nation's future is fundamentally linked to our neighbors in the Western Hemisphere. ### Response: external relations
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: Twelve new regionally-superior submarines to be built in Adelaide, ### Response: external relations
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: And we will continue to get rid of outdated Cold War-era systems so that we can invest in cutting-edge technologies and maintain a versatile set of capabilities required to execute a wide range of military missions. ### Response: external relations
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: This should always be the primary obligation of any government. ### Response: external relations
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: The frequency, sophistication, and intensity of cyberrelated incidents within the United States have increased steadily over the past decade ### Response: external relations
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: Issue an annual call for proposals to assist local events commemorating Europe Day. ### Response: external relations
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: -We will develop new protocols on North/South shared health services and ensure future investment plans have a North/South dimension. ### Response: external relations
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: " He has fulfilled that promise to our troops. ### Response: external relations
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: though severe damage will occur in some parts of the world. ### Response: external relations
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: • Introducing a Tobin tax on currency transactions ### Response: external relations
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: Australian forces will stay in Iraq until they finish their job. ### Response: external relations
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: and impose consequences on those who violate the rules. ### Response: external relations
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: International security must be achieved through adherence to international law. ### Response: external relations
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: We endorse President Bush's personal reaffirmation of America's commitment to the Good Friday Agreement and to its full and complete implementation, as expressed during his visit to Northern Ireland in April 2003. ### Response: external relations