Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: the alternate would be on a list published at the time of the election, in a similar way to european Parliamentary elections. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: We need a Prime Minister who will take the people into his confidence, not least about his own intentions. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: We successfully amended the Criminal Justice Bill 2004 to ensure that the Criminal Law Codification Advisory Committee includes human rights expertise. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: The cornerstones of our society are free, healthy, educated individuals with adequate accommodation and the opportunity to enjoy stable family and community life. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: In parliamentary democracy as the best system for the expression and fulfilment of the aspirations of a free people. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: Strengthening the capacity of the National Assembly to scrutinise legislation and hold the Welsh Government to account. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: - Encourage flexible working patterns. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: made unconstitutional “recess” appointments to Senate-confirmed positions, ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: Propose a referendum to introduce a mixed list/PR-STV system. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: Legislation to reform the structure of government in Northern Ireland; ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: At the same time, massive budgetary increases and the growing complexity of a globalised world mean that the need for accountability in government has never been greater. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: • amend fisheries legislation to include public participation when setting catch limits, environmental controls, and management strategies ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: Under this policy, regulatory impact statements, cabinet submissions and ministers’ introductory speeches for bills in Parliament will need to state clearly that “but for this proposal, your income tax rate would be X percentage points lower”. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: We were active supporters of the EU Stádás campaign. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: This is the triumph of extremism over common sense, and Congress must stop it. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: Where necessary, we will create more forums for direct interaction with communities and various sectors of our society. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: We will overhaul the “Fair” Elections Act, establishing mechanisms that increase voter participation, and ensure greater fairness, transparency, and accountability in election financing. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: The level of Parliamentary debate should be lifted through improvements to standing orders and committee work programmes. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: and community consultations. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: In ensuring that the rights and freedoms of Australians are protected as well as their physical security, transparency and accountability safeguards also help ensure that Australians have confidence in their security and law enforcement agencies. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: and that individuals - not governments - know best how to lead their lives and spend their own money. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: Seek that aid, as well as addressing basic human needs, should assist in developing democratic structures. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: and it denied workers and employers full freedom of contract – most egregiously in respect of its unjustified dismissal impositions. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: We will: Give lead responsibility to Ofcom and enable it to conduct reviews periodically, as well as when triggered by proposed mergers and acquisitions, ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: The Schools' Consultative Group will advise the Government on the future of this concept. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: • Reduce other regulations and red tape restricting the freedom of artists along with other entrepreneurs. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: We welcome students, tourists, and investors, who can see for themselves our vibrant American democracy and how real democracy works. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: We will reduce the minimum age for election to Dáil Éireann from 21 to 17. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: such as requiring private organizations to publicly disclose their donors to the government. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: The Constitution wisely distributes important roles in the area of national security to both the President and Congress. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: Delivering these nations from tyranny has required sacrifice and loss. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: An entrenched constitution and bill of individual rights; ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: - Continue public engagement on the future use of the Waimakariri red zone through the "Canvas" consultation programme. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: And we propose to introduce more direct accountability for public spending and participation in public spending decisions through mechanisms ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: Where Agencies can justify continued separate legal identities and boards of governance, we will strengthen their democratic accountability by introducing parliamentary scrutiny of the appointment of their chairpersons. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: We urged full inquiries into the policy of collusion by which British forces and their agents carried out hundreds of killings, ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: ministers to be held accountable when they deliver poor performance. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: The laws that we make form the basis of judgments in our courts, which are respected around the world. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: Detention without trial will be done away with. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: Our current voting system is outdated. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: with stakeholder input and in consideration of the impact on the development of lands and natural resources. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: Makes democracy more democratic ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: It is not a party of the right or the left, but of the liberal centre. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: There should never be a repeat of Zimbabwe again. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: while retaining legitimate democratic accountability. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: where democracy could flourish. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: Like all elections, the election on the 9th of October is about a choice. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: Make private companies running public services more transparent. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: amend the preamble to the Australian constitution to recognise the prior occupation and sovereignty of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders as the traditional owners of the land. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: 7) The EFF Government will protect the independence of the Public Protector, the Auditor General and all corruption watch institutions to independently oversee government programmes. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: Every individual is free to pursue personal ful<U+FB01>lment so long as he or she does not harm others. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: liberty, ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: As such Dail Eireann and Seanad Eireann lack the basic freedom to produce legislation and determine what items are debated, when and how. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: and widespread understanding of sexual consent law, ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: remove all unnecessary rules and regulations based on misguided political correctness, ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: Just as many felt that power was too centralised and unaccountable in Brussels, so many feel that about Westminster. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: The Greens’ Defence Amendment Bill would require parliamentary approval when such a grave decision is made. The bill provides for emergency deployment of armed personnel when Parliament is not sitting ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: Amend the Constitution to Give Dáil committees Full Powers of Investigation: The Abbeylara Supreme Court decision currently limits the ability of Dáil committees to hold investigations into crucial issues of public concern, such as the banking crisis ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: These included provisions that the Police Ombudsman can use the full range of its powers, ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: We would change this system to ensure distribution of resources in such a way that parliamentarians have more control over the funding allocated to them. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: But we will: Promote a weekly two-hour debate slot on a popular national radio station that deals with current affairs, with the aim of being educative, provocative and driving people to connect with other South Africans. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: We support a human life amendment to the Constitution, and we endorse legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment's protections apply to unborn children. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: Religious minorities across the Middle East are being driven from their ancient homelands, fanaticism leaves its bloody mark on both West and East Africa, and even among America’s Western friends and allies, pastors and families are penalized for their religious convictions. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: We will continue to <U+FB01>ght to ensure that judges are free from pressure by any political organisations. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: This new approach aims to give people with disabilities more control over which support they choose in order to lead the lives they want. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: Discrimination and inequality can hold people back just as much as a lack of legal freedoms. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: In order to preserve the principle of one person, one vote, we urge our elected representatives to ensure that citizenship, ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: Critics of the regime have been kidnapped by its agents in foreign countries. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: They must not undermine democratic decision-making through special privileges and private courts for corporations, ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: It is not enough for us to have the vote. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: The investigator would provide a mechanism for the timely and costeffective investigation of issues giving rise to signi<U+FB01>cant public concern. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: Prohibiting parliamentarians from receiving compensation to serve on external boards. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: We will remain signatories to the European Convention on Human Rights for the duration of the next parliament. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: Ensured that all professionals without discrimination are able to participate in the formulation of government policy, and in working with their peers to build a better world. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: The Commission will help us to develop the principles and rules that will give people confidence that their data is being handled properly. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: • Giving young people between the ages of 16 and 18 the option to vote and the right to hold public office ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: We ask you to do so. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: Use a variety of measures to ensure that there is a vibrant local and ‘hyperlocal’ media to help inform citizens about their local area and their local politics, including: Redirecting the current subsidies for ‘local TV’, which have failed to contribute significantly to cultural life. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: A confident Australia needs an Australian head of state that will placeAustralian people and institutions at the heart of their work. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: - Give people more say in decision-making. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: We will support the tightening of the law on maternity discrimination, with legislation introduced within the first year of a new UK government. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: Legislative changes required to ensure that the Freedom of Information regime operates effectively to ensure transparency, ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: The ANC thanks all the citizens of our country for their input into the development of this Manifesto and we look forward to continuing our dialogue with you in the next five years. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: To promote the independence of the media from political influence we will remove Ministers from any role in appointments to the BBC Trust or the Board of Ofcom. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: Unlike the Bush Administration, which waited too long to recognize the new democratic governments in the Baltic countries and the nations of the former Soviet Union, we must act decisively with our European allies to support freedom, diminish ethnic tensions, and oppose aggression in the former communist countries, such as Bosnia-Herzegovina, which are struggling to make the transition from communism to democracy. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: Since no single approach can meet the needs of those diverse communities, we emphasize respect for their wishes regarding their relationship to the rest of the Union. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: The foundations of modern Australia are its freedom, its opportunity, its tolerance ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: For us Te Tiriti o Waitangi remains a covenant of utmost meaning. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: As it currently stands the Irish parliamentary and political funding systems work to the benefit of established parties, with the complex regulations governing both often resulting in confusion for those peering in from the outside. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: with the aim of developing reform options on issues such as a written constitution and the role of the Treaty of Waitangi ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: In 1985 a Royal Commission examined New Zealand's voting system and unanimously recommended MMP. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: We believe people flourish and prosper when they have control over their own lives, ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: The health of our democracy depends on electing Members of Parliament who are accountable to their constituents. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: This means removing the power from unelected, unaccountable government. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: Labour’s core ideals of freedom, equality, community and democracy have always informed our solidarity with all people in all nations, ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: The S.I.S. Act will be amended so that only the Chief Justice will have power to issue interception warrants, and the definition of its activities revised. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: UKIP will campaign for a new, proportional voting system that delivers a Parliament truly reflective of the number of votes cast, while retaining a constituency link, so every vote really does count. ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: We will work with the media to ensure they actively strengthen their standards so they meet community expectations of the levels of journalism Australians expect and deserve ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: Shut the detention camps on Manus Island and Nauru and abolish the practice of offshore detention ### Response: freedom and democracy
Here is an instruction that describes a text classification task. ### Instruction: Analyze the following texts from electoral programs. Classify the text into the following categories: freedom and democracy, fabric of society, no topic, economy, political system, welfare and quality of life, social groups, external relations. ### Input: Parliament is unrepresentative of the electorate and weak in restraining the power of the government, ### Response: freedom and democracy
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