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Translate this from Chinese to English | Excuse me. I reaIIy must be going. | 抱歉,我真的得走了 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | I'm not Davis, I'm Patrick Bateman! | 我不是Davis,我就是Patrick Bateman |
Translate this from Chinese to English | We taIk on the phone aII the time! | 我们常在电话上聊天的 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Don't you recognise me? | 你认不出我来了吗? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | You're my Iawyer. | 你是我的律师 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Now Carnes, Iisten. | 现在,Carnes,听我说 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Listen very, very carefuIIy. | 给我仔细听着 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | I kiIIed PauI AIIen... | 我杀了Paul Allen |
Translate this from Chinese to English | ...and I Iiked it. | 我喜欢这么干 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | I can't make myseIf any cIearer. | 我说得再清楚不过了 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | But that's simpIy not possibIe. And I don't find this funny anymore. | 可这根本不可能 而且我也不觉得这有趣了 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | It never was supposed to be! Why isn't it possibIe? | 这绝不是编出来的 为什么不可能? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Because I had dinner with PauI AIIen twice in London... | 因为我和Pual Allen刚吃过两次饭 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | We need to find a way to co-operate... | 当我们意识到外交政策 不能光由一个委员会制定 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | I beIieve there's now the growing sense... | 而且我相信越来越多的人开始认识到 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | ...that we can accompIish more by co-operating. | 相互合作会让我们事半功倍 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | And in the end, this may be the eventuaI bIessing in disguise... | 而最终,这将是对已反伊朗事件面目出现的 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | come out of the Iran-Contra mess. | 混乱局面顺利解决的最好祝福 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | How can he Iie Iike that? | 他怎么能这样瞪着眼睛撒谎? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Now where do we have reservations at? | 好了,你们在哪儿定了座? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | I'm not hungry, but I'd stiII Iike a reservation. | 我不饿,可我想在什么地方定个位子 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | How can he be so fucking... | 你怎么能这么-- |
Translate this from Chinese to English | ...I don't know, cooI about it? | 我不知道该怎么说,对此这么冷血? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Some guys are just born cooI, I guess. | 有些人生来冷血,我想 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Rockin' and a-roIIin'! | 快乐的不得了! |
Translate this from Chinese to English | He presents himseIf as a harmIess oId codger. | 他做出一副无辜的老头的样子, 可是骨子里-- |
Translate this from Chinese to English | But inside... | 可是骨子里-- |
Translate this from Chinese to English | But inside doesn't matter. | 可是骨子里毫无所谓 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Inside? Yes, inside? BeIieve it or not, Bryce, we're actuaIIy Iistening to you. | 骨子里怎么样?相信吗, Bryce,我们真在听你说呢 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Come on, Bateman, what do you think? | 来吧,Bateman,你怎么认为? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | I need a scotch. | 我要苏格兰威士忌 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | There are no more barriers to cross. | 再没有什么障碍需要逾越 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | AII I have in common with the uncontroIIabIe and the insane... | 所有桀傲不驯者,精神错乱者 作奸犯科者所共有的不安 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | ...the vicious and the eviI, aII the mayhem I have caused... | 所有我犯过的罪行造成的伤害 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | My pain is constant and sharp. | 我的痛苦恒久而深切 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | And I do not hope for a better worId for anyone. | 我不希望世界为任何人变得更好 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | In fact, I want my pain to be infIicted on others. | 实际上,我要把我的痛苦加诸别人的身上 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | I want no one to escape. | 我不希望谁能幸免 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | My punishment continues to eIude me. | 我无法逃脱我的罪罚 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | And I gain no deeper knowIedge of myseIf. | 我也不能再更深地认识自我 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | No new knowIedge can be extracted from my teIIing. | 我所说的再无新意可挖 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | This confession has meant nothing. | 这番自白因此…毫无意义 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Rachel, let me see. | 瑞秋,给我看 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | In my garden. | 这是我家的花园 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Finders keepers. | 谁找到就是谁的 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Bruce? | 布鲁斯? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Bruce? | 布鲁斯! |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Mom! Mr. Alfred! | 妈! 阿尔弗雷德! |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Did you have dream? | 你又在做梦吗? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Nightmare. | 可怕的恶梦 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Worse than this place? | 比这地方更可怕? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | They are going to fight you. | 他们要跟你打架 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Can they kill me before breakfast? | 那就在吃早餐前打死我吧 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | You are in hell, little man. | 臭小子,你活在地狱 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | And I am the devil. | 而我就是魔王 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | You're not the devil. | 你不是魔王 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | You're practice. | 你是我的沙包 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Solitary. | 关到禁闭室 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Get in. | 进去 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Are you so desperate to fight criminals... | 你这么想打击罪犯… |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Actually, there were seven of them. | 其实我一共有七个对手 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | I counted six, Mr. Wayne. | 我只算到有六个,韦恩先生 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | How do you know my name? | 你怎么知道我的名字? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | matter how deep he chooses to sink. | 不管你有多么落魄潦倒 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Who are you? | 你是谁? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | My name is merely Ducard, but I speak for Ra's al Ghul... | 敝姓杜卡 我是忍者大师的代言人 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | A man who can offer you a path. | 他可以指引你一条明路 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | What makes you think I need a path? | 你凭什么认为我需要指引? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Someone like you is only here by choice. | 你这种人是自愿来这种地方 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | You have been exploring the criminal fraternity... | 你想深入了解罪犯的世界 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | ...but whatever your original intentions... | 不管你的目的是什么 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | have become truly lost. | 你已经迷失了方向 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | And what path can Ra's al Ghul offer? | 忍者大师能指引我走哪条路? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | The path of a man who shares his hatred of evil... | 你和他一样痛恨邪恶力量 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | ...and wishes to serve true justice. | 你也希望能伸张正义 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | The path of the League of Shadows. | 也就是影武者联盟之路 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | A vigilante is just a man lost in the scramble for his own gratification. | 在你争我夺之中失利的人 才会变成以暴制暴的私刑者 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | He can be destroyed or locked up. | 他们会被击毁或遭囚禁 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | But if you make yourself more than just a man... | 但是…如果你能够超越自我极限 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | ...if you devote yourself to an ideal... | 为一个崇高理想全心投入 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | ...and if they can't stop you... | 他们就无法阻止你 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | ...then you become something else entirely. | 你也将成为另一种人 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Which is? | 什么人? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Legend, Mr. Wayne. | 传奇英雄,韦恩先生 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Tomorrow, you will be released. | 明天你将被释放 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | ...there is a rare blue flower that grows on the eastern slopes. | 东边的山坡有一种罕见的蓝花 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Pick one of these flowers. | 摘下一朵蓝花 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | If you can carry it to the top of the mountain... | 如果你能把它带到山巅 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | may find what you were looking for in the first place. | 也许就能找到你当初在寻找的东西 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | And what was I looking for? | 我在寻找什么? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Only you can know that. | 只有你自己知道 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | You turn back. You go back. | 回去,你一定要回头 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Ra's al Ghul? | 忍者大师? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Wait. | 且慢 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | What are you seeking? | 你在寻找什么? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | I seek... | 我在寻找… |
Translate this from Chinese to English | ...the means to fight injustice. | 打击犯罪、伸张正义的方法 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | To turn fear... | 让制造恐惧的恶徒… |
Translate this from Chinese to English | To manipulate the fears in others... | 你要让别人心生恐惧 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | must first master your own. | 就必须先战胜自己内心的恐惧 |