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Translate this from Chinese to English | ...and does the same exact thing I do. | 而且他干的活和我一模一样 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | He aIso has a penchant for VaIentino suits and OIiver PeopIe's gIasses. | 他也爱穿华伦天奴西服, 戴Oliver Peoples眼镜 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | -It's aII right. -ReaIIy? That's interesting. It's not... | 是吗?有趣 你没说好极了 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | CaII me. | 给我打电话 星期五怎么样? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Great sea urchin ceviche. | 美味的海胆酸橘汁腌鱼 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | I think he's Iying. | 我想他在吹牛 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | New card. What do you think? | 你们看怎么样? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | -Good coIouring. -That's bone. | 合理配色,这是关键 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | And the Iettering is something caIIed SiIian RaiI. | 用了一种叫Silian Rail的字体 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | It's very cooI, Bateman. But that's nothing. | 很酷,Bateman,但算不了啥 看这个 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | EggsheII with RomaIian type. | 淡褐色,Romalian字体 你看怎么样? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | But wait. You ain't seen nothin' yet. | 但是别急,你们还没看到好的呢 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Impressive. Very nice. | 令人难忘 太好了 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Let's see PauI AIIen's card. | 让我们见识一下Paul Allen的名片 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Look at that subtIe off-white coIouring. | 看看那精巧的白色配色 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | The tastefuI thickness of it. | 品位十足的内蕴 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Oh, my God, it even has a watermark. | 哦,上帝啊 它还带了水印 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Is something wrong? Patrick? You're sweating. | 有什么不妥吗,Patrick? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | HeIIo. Pat Bateman. | 你好,我是Pat Bateman |
Translate this from Chinese to English | You want some money? | 你要…嗯…钱吗? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Some food? | 还有食物? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Yeah, it's coId out too, isn't it? | 是啊,还冻坏了,是不是? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Why don't you get a job? | 干吗不找份活干? 你这么饿,干吗不找份活干? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Why? You're drinking? | 为什么?你酗酒吗? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Is that why you Iost it? | 你就是为此丢了饭碗的吗? 还是做了什么内部交易? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Insider trading? | 开玩笑而已 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | -AI. -Speak up! Come on. | 嗯?说响点,快点 -Al |
Translate this from Chinese to English | -AI. -Get a goddamn job, AI. | 去找份活干,Al |
Translate this from Chinese to English | You've got a negative attitude. | 你消极处事,就是这个拖了你的后腿 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | That's what's stopping you. You've got to get your act together. | 你必须努力振作,我会帮你的 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | I'II heIp you. | 你真好,先生 你是个--是个好人 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | PIease, you got to teII me what to do. You got to heIp me. I'm so coId. | 求求你,你要告诉我该怎么做 你得帮帮我 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | I'm hungry. | 我冻坏了 也饿极了 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | I'm sorry. | 真抱歉,是因为-- |
Translate this from Chinese to English | It's just that.... | 我也不知道 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | I don't have anything in common with you. | 我和你根本不是一路人 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Thank you, mister. Thank you. | 哦,哦,谢谢你,先生,谢谢你 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | What beautifuI skin you have, Mr. Bateman. | 你的皮肤真好,Bateman先生 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | So fine. So smooth. | 那么细腻,光滑 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | I have aII the characteristics of a human being: | 我具有人类的一切特征-- |
Translate this from Chinese to English | But not a singIe cIear, identifiabIe emotion... | 但没有一个清晰可辨的表情 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | ...except for greed and disgust. | 除了贪婪和厌恶 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Something horribIe is happening inside of me. | 我内心深处发生了可怕的变化 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | And I don't know why. | 但我不知道为什么 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | My nightIy bIoodIust has overfIowed into my days. | 我属于黑夜的嗜血恶性蔓延到了白昼 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | I feeI IethaI, on the verge of frenzy. | 我感到了垂死的气息 处于狂怒的边缘 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | I think my mask of sanity is about to sIip. | 我想我理智的面具就快跌落了 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Hey, McCIoy, what do you say? | 嘿,Mc Cloy,是说什么? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | -No. -Yes, you are. | 我一直在这儿,你没看到我罢了 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Say heIIo to SnowbaII. SnowbaII says, ''Merry Christmas, Patrick.'' | 跟雪球说声好 雪球说“圣诞快乐,Patrick” |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Stop scowIing, Patrick. You're such a Grinch. | 别闷闷不乐的,Patrick 你简直就和Grinch一样了 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | What's Mr. Grinch want for Christmas? And don't say breast impIants again. | 那么Grinch先生有何圣诞心愿? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Haven't seen you in a whiIe. | 嘿,Hamilton,我们要去Nell饭店了 车子在前面等着呢 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | CeceIia wouId adore it. | 哦,Cecilla会求之不得的 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | WeII then, Iet's do it, Marcus. | 那么好,就这么定了,Marcus |
Translate this from Chinese to English | MistIetoe aIert! | 圣诞问候 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | No, I want to know.... | 不,我想知道,行不行? 我就是为这里的芫荽龙虾汤来的 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | It's the onIy excuse one couId have for being here, which is... | 这也是我们来这家餐馆的唯一理由 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | the way, aImost compIeteIy empty. | 可是这现在却空空如也 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Yes, sir. | 好的,先生 要听听今晚的特色菜吗? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | This is a reaI beehive of activity, HaIberstram. | 人们蜂拥而至,这里真够热闹的 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | -I couId've gotten us a tabIe. -Nobody goes there anymore. | 我应该在那儿订个位的 -没人再去那儿了 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Is that Ivana Trump? | 那是Ivana Trump吗? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Jeez, Patrick. I mean Marcus. What are you thinking? | 哦,天,Patrick 我是说,Marcus,你在想什么? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | So, wasn't RothschiId originaIIy handIing the Fisher account? | 那么,嗯,原来不是Rothchild在做Fisher那单生意吗? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | ...but then I'd have to kiII you. | 但随后我就要杀你灭口 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | I Iike to dissect girIs. Did you know I'm utterIy insane? | 我喜欢肢解少女 你不知道我已经极度疯狂了吗? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Great tan, Marcus. ReaIIy impressive. | 你肤色真不错,我是说非常引人注目 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | I've got a tanning bed at home. You shouId Iook into it. | 我家里有张晒床,你应该过来看看 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | I think she's having dinner with EveIyn WiIIiams. | 我想她在和,嗯,Evelyn Williams共进晚餐呢 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Great ass. Goes out with that Ioser, Patrick Bateman. What a dork! | 和那个窝囊废Patrick Bateman 混在一起,真可惜 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | You Iike Huey Lewis & the News? | 你喜欢Huey Lewis & the News的歌吗? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Their earIy work was a IittIe too New Wave for my taste. | 他们的早期作品对我而言太前卫了些 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | ...I think they reaIIy came into their own, commerciaIIy and artisticaIIy. | 我想他们真正找到了自我,无论在市场上还是艺术上 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | The whoIe aIbum has a cIear, crisp sound... | 整张专集声音明朗干脆 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | ...and a new sheen of consummate professionaIism... | 趋于完美的专业演绎焕发出的崭新光辉 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | ...that reaIIy gives the songs a big boost. | 着实为这些单曲增色不少 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | He's been compared to EIvis CosteIIo. | 他已经和Elvis Costello相提并论 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | But I think Huey has a far more bitter, cynicaI sense of humour. | 但我以为Huey具有更为良好的 愤世嫉俗的的幽默感 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Why are there copies of the StyIe section aII over the pIace? | 为什么到处都是流行服饰的专栏? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Do you have a dog? A IittIe chow or something? | 你有--你有养狗吗? 有狗粮之类的东西吗? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | I think their undisputed masterpiece is Hip To Be Square. | 我认为最佳单曲毫无疑问应归于Hip to Be Square |
Translate this from Chinese to English | A song so catchy that most peopIe probabIy don't Iisten to the Iyrics. | 这首歌如此吸引人, 以至大多数人可能都不会去听歌词 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | But they shouId because it's not just about the pIeasures of conformity... | 但歌词是值得回味的 因为它不光是说 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | -Is that you? -No, Luis. It's not me. | 不,Luis,不是我 你搞错了 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | You're mistaken. | 这是我最好的朋友,Patrick Bateman |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Where are you going? We're going to NeII's. | 你去哪儿?我们要去Nell餐馆 Gwendolyn的父亲要把它买下来 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Where did you get that overnight bag? | 你从哪儿搞来的这睡袋? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Jean PauI GauItier. | 在Jean-Paul Gaultier买的 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | When I get to PauI AIIen's pIace, I use the keys I took from his pocket... | 我到了Paul Allen的家 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | ...before disposing of the body. | 在处置尸体之前 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | There is a moment of sheer panic... | 我着实惊慌了一阵 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | ...when I reaIise that PauI's apartment overIooks the park. | 当我看到Paul的公寓对面就是公园 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | And is obviousIy more expensive than mine. | 显然房价要比我的高得多 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | I caIm myseIf, and move into the bedroom... | 我让自己平静下来,进入他的卧室 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | ...where I find his suitcase and start to pack. | 找到了他的皮箱并开始装行李 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Where to send the bastard? | 我该把这混蛋送到哪儿去呢? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | DaIIas? | 达拉斯? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | What is it? | 什么事? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Send him in, I guess. | 那么就让他进来吧 |