1 value
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...and does the same exact thing I do.
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He aIso has a penchant for VaIentino suits and OIiver PeopIe's gIasses.
他也爱穿华伦天奴西服, 戴Oliver Peoples眼镜
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-It's aII right. -ReaIIy? That's interesting. It's not...
是吗?有趣 你没说好极了
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CaII me.
给我打电话 星期五怎么样?
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Great sea urchin ceviche.
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I think he's Iying.
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New card. What do you think?
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-Good coIouring. -That's bone.
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And the Iettering is something caIIed SiIian RaiI.
用了一种叫Silian Rail的字体
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It's very cooI, Bateman. But that's nothing.
很酷,Bateman,但算不了啥 看这个
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EggsheII with RomaIian type.
淡褐色,Romalian字体 你看怎么样?
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But wait. You ain't seen nothin' yet.
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Impressive. Very nice.
令人难忘 太好了
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Let's see PauI AIIen's card.
让我们见识一下Paul Allen的名片
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Look at that subtIe off-white coIouring.
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The tastefuI thickness of it.
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Oh, my God, it even has a watermark.
哦,上帝啊 它还带了水印
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Is something wrong? Patrick? You're sweating.
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HeIIo. Pat Bateman.
你好,我是Pat Bateman
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You want some money?
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Some food?
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Yeah, it's coId out too, isn't it?
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Why don't you get a job?
干吗不找份活干? 你这么饿,干吗不找份活干?
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Why? You're drinking?
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Is that why you Iost it?
你就是为此丢了饭碗的吗? 还是做了什么内部交易?
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Insider trading?
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-AI. -Speak up! Come on.
嗯?说响点,快点 -Al
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-AI. -Get a goddamn job, AI.
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You've got a negative attitude.
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That's what's stopping you. You've got to get your act together.
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I'II heIp you.
你真好,先生 你是个--是个好人
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PIease, you got to teII me what to do. You got to heIp me. I'm so coId.
求求你,你要告诉我该怎么做 你得帮帮我
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I'm hungry.
我冻坏了 也饿极了
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I'm sorry.
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It's just that....
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I don't have anything in common with you.
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Thank you, mister. Thank you.
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What beautifuI skin you have, Mr. Bateman.
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So fine. So smooth.
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I have aII the characteristics of a human being:
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But not a singIe cIear, identifiabIe emotion...
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...except for greed and disgust.
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Something horribIe is happening inside of me.
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And I don't know why.
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My nightIy bIoodIust has overfIowed into my days.
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I feeI IethaI, on the verge of frenzy.
我感到了垂死的气息 处于狂怒的边缘
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I think my mask of sanity is about to sIip.
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Hey, McCIoy, what do you say?
嘿,Mc Cloy,是说什么?
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-No. -Yes, you are.
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Say heIIo to SnowbaII. SnowbaII says, ''Merry Christmas, Patrick.''
跟雪球说声好 雪球说“圣诞快乐,Patrick”
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Stop scowIing, Patrick. You're such a Grinch.
别闷闷不乐的,Patrick 你简直就和Grinch一样了
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What's Mr. Grinch want for Christmas? And don't say breast impIants again.
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Haven't seen you in a whiIe.
嘿,Hamilton,我们要去Nell饭店了 车子在前面等着呢
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CeceIia wouId adore it.
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WeII then, Iet's do it, Marcus.
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MistIetoe aIert!
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No, I want to know....
不,我想知道,行不行? 我就是为这里的芫荽龙虾汤来的
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It's the onIy excuse one couId have for being here, which is...
Translate this from Chinese to English the way, aImost compIeteIy empty.
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Yes, sir.
好的,先生 要听听今晚的特色菜吗?
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This is a reaI beehive of activity, HaIberstram.
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-I couId've gotten us a tabIe. -Nobody goes there anymore.
我应该在那儿订个位的 -没人再去那儿了
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Is that Ivana Trump?
那是Ivana Trump吗?
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Jeez, Patrick. I mean Marcus. What are you thinking?
哦,天,Patrick 我是说,Marcus,你在想什么?
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So, wasn't RothschiId originaIIy handIing the Fisher account?
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...but then I'd have to kiII you.
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I Iike to dissect girIs. Did you know I'm utterIy insane?
我喜欢肢解少女 你不知道我已经极度疯狂了吗?
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Great tan, Marcus. ReaIIy impressive.
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I've got a tanning bed at home. You shouId Iook into it.
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I think she's having dinner with EveIyn WiIIiams.
我想她在和,嗯,Evelyn Williams共进晚餐呢
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Great ass. Goes out with that Ioser, Patrick Bateman. What a dork!
和那个窝囊废Patrick Bateman 混在一起,真可惜
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You Iike Huey Lewis & the News?
你喜欢Huey Lewis & the News的歌吗?
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Their earIy work was a IittIe too New Wave for my taste.
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...I think they reaIIy came into their own, commerciaIIy and artisticaIIy.
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The whoIe aIbum has a cIear, crisp sound...
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...and a new sheen of consummate professionaIism...
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...that reaIIy gives the songs a big boost.
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He's been compared to EIvis CosteIIo.
他已经和Elvis Costello相提并论
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But I think Huey has a far more bitter, cynicaI sense of humour.
但我以为Huey具有更为良好的 愤世嫉俗的的幽默感
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Why are there copies of the StyIe section aII over the pIace?
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Do you have a dog? A IittIe chow or something?
你有--你有养狗吗? 有狗粮之类的东西吗?
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I think their undisputed masterpiece is Hip To Be Square.
我认为最佳单曲毫无疑问应归于Hip to Be Square
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A song so catchy that most peopIe probabIy don't Iisten to the Iyrics.
这首歌如此吸引人, 以至大多数人可能都不会去听歌词
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But they shouId because it's not just about the pIeasures of conformity...
但歌词是值得回味的 因为它不光是说
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-Is that you? -No, Luis. It's not me.
不,Luis,不是我 你搞错了
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You're mistaken.
这是我最好的朋友,Patrick Bateman
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Where are you going? We're going to NeII's.
你去哪儿?我们要去Nell餐馆 Gwendolyn的父亲要把它买下来
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Where did you get that overnight bag?
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Jean PauI GauItier.
在Jean-Paul Gaultier买的
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When I get to PauI AIIen's pIace, I use the keys I took from his pocket...
我到了Paul Allen的家
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...before disposing of the body.
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There is a moment of sheer panic...
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...when I reaIise that PauI's apartment overIooks the park.
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And is obviousIy more expensive than mine.
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I caIm myseIf, and move into the bedroom...
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...where I find his suitcase and start to pack.
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Where to send the bastard?
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What is it?
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Send him in, I guess.