ASEAN Aprezenta Hatais Tradisionál | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA INTERNASIONÁL ASEAN Aprezenta Hatais Tradisionál\nASEAN Aprezenta Hatais Tradisionál\nDILI, (TATOLI) – Nasaun membru direitu plenu ASEAN (Association of South East Asean Nation) halo aprezentasaun kultura hatais roupa tradisionál ba públiku iha rezidénsia ASEAN, Farol, domingu hodi promove organizasaun aziátika ne’e.\n“Iha mós sira-nia dialogue partner (diálogu ho parseiru), Korea Sul nomós Timor-Leste. Importante horseik ne’e, meius ida para promove sira-nia kultura, ASEAN nian, liu-liu husi hatais nian”, informa Vise-ministra Negósiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun, Adaljiza Albertina Xavier dos Reis Magno, ba TATOLI iha sede CPLP (Comunidade dos Países da Língua Portuguesa), Praia dos Coqueiros, ohin.\nTimor-Leste promove tais tradisionál; tais feto no tais mane. “Ne’e furak loos tanba ita hotu hatene katak ita applay (konkore) hela, husu hela atu sai membru ASEAN. Purtantu, ida ne’e hanesan meius ida atu ita bele hamutuk, tanba ASEAN ne’e iha kultura ida katak iha solidariedade maka’as, kultura ida armonia, partilla kultura hamutuk”, esplika governante ne’e.\nMagno hatete ne’e hanesan meius ida para sosializa ASEAN, espera katak maluk Timor sira bele kuñese liután ASEAN.\nMNEK Vizita Singapura-Indonézia\nMinistru Negósiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun (MNEK), Aurelio Guterres, vizita traballu ba nasaun membru ASEAN balun hodi hasoru primeiru-ministru Singapura, Lee Ho Sien Loong no Indonézia hasoru ninia omólogu, ministra Retno Marsudi.\nSubstánsia husi vizita ne’e hodi introduz MNEK foun bainhira asume kargu iha governu konstitusionál da-hitu ba nasaun viziñu sira, liu-liu ASEAN. Tuir mai nasaun lubuk tan.\n“Purtantu ne’e hanesan vizita normál, hanesan ministru negósiu estranjeiru tenke marka nia prezensa bebeik iha rai li’ur para ita mós promove ita-nia rain”, haktuir vise MNEK, Adaljiza Magno\nTuir informasaun Ministru Aurélio Guterres sei fila hikas mai Timor-Leste iha sesta semana ne’e.\nProsesu adezaun Timor-Leste ba ASEAN hein membru sira hanesan Brunnei Darrusalam, Cambodia, Indonézia, Laos, Malázia, Myanmar, Filipina, Singapura, Tailándia no Vietnam nia konsensu.\nDadaun ne’e koko halo tuir kritéria sira ne’e hotu maibé sé mak deside? Membru hotu-hotu halo konsensu.\n“Purtantu, ita hein konsensu husi rai ASEAN hotu. Bainhira sira dehan entaun ita tama, sira hateten katak ita tenke hasa’e ita-nia rekursu umanu, ita tenke fó treinu barak ba ita-nia funsionáriu públiku sira. Kuandu sira dehan ita preparadu tama, ita tama”, akresenta hodi subliña: “Obstakúlu la iha, ita hein de’it sira-nia konsensu”.\nKona-ba rezultadu avaliasaun husi ekipa tékniku husi organizasaun aziátika ho lema katak Vizaun Ida, Misaun Ida, Komunidade Ida ne’e, ligadu ho adezaun Timor-Leste nian, governante ne’e informa katak rezultadu avaliasaun seidauk publika.\n“Ida ne’e ami seidauk hatene rezultadu, ida ne’e, sira publika ita hotu-hotu hatene”, konklui.\nEntretantu, sai membru ASEAN iha rekizitu importante no fundamentál tolu ne’ebé sai hanesan baze ba avaliasaun. Rekizitu ne’e haree husi pilár polítika no seguransa, sosiál no kultura inklui pilár ekonomia.\nPrevious articleEstúdiu RTTL, ep La Adekuadu\nNext articleMNEK Observa Kondisaun Sede CPLP\nInfografia: Biografia MA’HUNO (José António Gomes da Costa)
[ "ASEAN Aprezenta Hatais Tradisional | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA INTERNASIONAL ASEAN Aprezenta Hatais Tradisional ASEAN Aprezenta Hatais Tradisional DILI, (TATOLI) - Nasaun membru direitu plenu ASEAN (Association of South East Asean Nation) halo aprezentasaun kultura hatais roupa tradisional ba publiku iha rezidensia ASEAN, Farol, domingu hodi promove organizasaun aziatika ne'e.", "\"Iha mos sira-nia dialogue partner (dialogu ho parseiru), Korea Sul nomos Timor-Leste.", "Importante horseik ne'e, meius ida para promove sira-nia kultura, ASEAN nian, liu-liu husi hatais nian,\" informa Vise-ministra Negosiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun, Adaljiza Albertina Xavier dos Reis Magno, ba TATOLI iha sede CPLP (Comunidade dos Paises da Lingua Portuguesa), Praia dos Coqueiros, ohin.", "Timor-Leste promove tais tradisional; tais feto no tais mane.", "\"Ne'e furak loos tanba ita hotu hatene katak ita applay (konkore) hela, husu hela atu sai membru ASEAN.", "Purtantu, ida ne'e hanesan meius ida atu ita bele hamutuk, tanba ASEAN ne'e iha kultura ida katak iha solidariedade maka'as, kultura ida armonia, partilla kultura hamutuk,\" esplika governante ne'e.", "Magno hatete ne'e hanesan meius ida para sosializa ASEAN, espera katak maluk Timor sira bele kunese liutan ASEAN.", "MNEK Vizita Singapura-Indonezia Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun (MNEK), Aurelio Guterres, vizita traballu ba nasaun membru ASEAN balun hodi hasoru primeiru-ministru Singapura, Lee Ho Sien Loong no Indonezia hasoru ninia omologu, ministra Retno Marsudi.", "Substansia husi vizita ne'e hodi introduz MNEK foun bainhira asume kargu iha governu konstitusional da-hitu ba nasaun vizinu sira, liu-liu ASEAN.", "Tuir mai nasaun lubuk tan.", "\"Purtantu ne'e hanesan vizita normal, hanesan ministru negosiu estranjeiru tenke marka nia prezensa bebeik iha rai li'ur para ita mos promove ita-nia rain,\" haktuir vise MNEK, Adaljiza Magno Tuir informasaun Ministru Aurelio Guterres sei fila hikas mai Timor-Leste iha sesta semana ne'e.", "Prosesu adezaun Timor-Leste ba ASEAN hein membru sira hanesan Brunnei Darrusalam, Cambodia, Indonezia, Laos, Malazia, Myanmar, Filipina, Singapura, Tailandia no Vietnam nia konsensu.", "Dadaun ne'e koko halo tuir kriteria sira ne'e hotu maibe se mak deside?", "Membru hotu-hotu halo konsensu.", "\"Purtantu, ita hein konsensu husi rai ASEAN hotu.", "Bainhira sira dehan entaun ita tama, sira hateten katak ita tenke hasa'e ita-nia rekursu umanu, ita tenke fo treinu barak ba ita-nia funsionariu publiku sira.", "Kuandu sira dehan ita preparadu tama, ita tama,\" akresenta hodi sublina: \"Obstakulu la iha, ita hein de'it sira-nia konsensu.\"", "Kona-ba rezultadu avaliasaun husi ekipa tekniku husi organizasaun aziatika ho lema katak Vizaun Ida, Misaun Ida, Komunidade Ida ne'e, ligadu ho adezaun Timor-Leste nian, governante ne'e informa katak rezultadu avaliasaun seidauk publika.", "\"Ida ne'e ami seidauk hatene rezultadu, ida ne'e, sira publika ita hotu-hotu hatene,\" konklui.", "Entretantu, sai membru ASEAN iha rekizitu importante no fundamental tolu ne'ebe sai hanesan baze ba avaliasaun.", "Rekizitu ne'e haree husi pilar politika no seguransa, sosial no kultura inklui pilar ekonomia.", "Previous articleEstudiu RTTL, ep La Adekuadu Next articleMNEK Observa Kondisaun Sede CPLP Infografia: Biografia MA'HUNO (Jose Antonio Gomes da Costa)" ]
[ [ "ASEAN Presents Traditional Costumes Dili, (Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste) - The full member nations of the Association Of South East Asean Nation made a presentation on traditional costume culture to public at Farol residence in Jakarta Sunday. This was done with an objective for promoting this Asian organization and also as part from its efforts towards strengthening relations between countries that are members or potentially becoming Member States by enhancing their economic cooperation through trade promotion activities amongst them itself" ], [ "\"There are also their own dialogue partners, South Korea and Timor-Leste." ], [ "This is an important event, a way to promote their own cultures of ASEAN and especially the Hatais people\", informed Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs & Cooperation Adaljiza Albertina Xavier dos Reis Magno today at CPLP (Comunidade de Países da Língua Portuguesa) headquarters." ], [ "Timor-Leste promotes tais tradisional; tales feto no tale mane." ], [ "\"That's a good thing because we all know that it is an applay, asking to become member of ASEAN." ], [ "However, this is a way for us to come together because ASEAN has the culture of great solidarity and harmony. We share our cultural heritage.\"" ], [ "Magno said it was a way to socialize ASEAN, hoping that Timorese people can get acquainted through the Association." ], [ "MNEK Visits Singapore-Indonesia Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (MNEC), Aurelio Guterres, paid a working visit to some ASEAN member countries in order To meet with the prime minister from Malaysia Lee Ho Sien Loong." ], [ "The substance of this visit was to introduce the new MNE as he takes office in his eighth constitutional government for neighbouring countries, especially ASEAN." ], [ "Many other countries followed." ], [ "\"However, this is a normal visit. As the foreign minister must make his presence often overseas so that we can also promote our country\", said MNEK vice-minister Adaljiza Magno According to information Minister Aurelio Guterres will return shortly back in Timor Leste on Saturday 16th of June.\"" ], [ "The process of Timor-Leste’s accession to ASEAN is awaiting the consensus from members Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia (without Indonesia), Laos .Malaysia Myanmar Philippines Singapore Thailand and Viet Nam" ], [ "At the moment, all of these criteria are not met but who decides?" ], [ "All members agreed by consensus." ], [ "\"However, we expect the consensus of all ASEAN countries." ], [ "When they say so let's go in, then we have to raise our human resources. We must train a lot of civil servant and public officials as well.\"" ], [ "When they say we're ready to go in, then I will do so.\" He added: \"They have no obstacles. We are just waiting for their consent\"." ], [ "Regarding the outcome of an evaluation by a technical team from this Asian organization, which has as its motto \"One Vision One Mission one Community\" and is linked to Timor-Leste's accession in 2017. The governor stated that it had not yet been published but would be made available soon afterwards for public consultation on all relevant issues concerning membership processes at ASEAN level (see below)." ], [ "\"We don't know the outcome of this, but they will publish it and we are all aware\", he concluded." ], [ "Meanwhile, becoming an ASEAN member has three important and fundamental requirements that are the basis for evaluation." ], [ "These requirements cover the political and security pillar, social & cultural pillars including economics." ], [ "PreviousRTTL Study, ep La Adecuada NextMINEX Observes Condition of CPLP Headquarters Infographics: Biography MA'HUNO (Jose Antonio Gomes da Costa)" ] ]
Durante finadu, PNTL Baucau rejista kazu ualu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA BAUKAU Durante finadu, PNTL Baucau rejista kazu ualu\nDurante finadu, PNTL Baucau rejista kazu ualu\nBAUCAU, 04 outubru 2020 (TATOLI)-Iha ámbitu feriadu loron finadu nian, Polísia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) Munisípiu Baucau rejista kazu ualu (8) ne’ebé iha relasaun ho kazu simples tanba kauza hosi hemu-tua to’o lanu.\n“Iha loron finadu, ami rejista kazu ualu ne’ebé akontese iha area jurisdisaun Baucau no kazu simples sira ne’e maioria akontese tanba família sira hemu tua-lanu mak iha diskusaun no ideia lahanesan hodi rezulta problema,” informa Komandante PNTL, Munisípiu Baucau, Superintendente Xefe Armando Monteiro ba Agência Tatoli iha nia servisu fatin iha eskuadra Polísia Baucau, tersa ne’e.\nArmando Monteiro, informa, ekipa operasaun konjunta hosi Komandu PNTL Munisípiu Baucau ho FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) halo mós operasaun konjunta iha ámbitu feriadu finadu nian hodi asegura paz no hakmatek iha fatin hotuhotu.\n“Situasaun seguransa enjeral iha Baucau iha finadu la’o hakmatek,” Armando Monteiro hateten.\nRejista kazu 200-resin\nIha biban ne’e, Armando Monteiro mós informa, hosi kona-ba estatístika kazu ne’ebé akontese hosi janeiru to’o outubru, tinan ne’e, polísia rejista kazu 200-resin no iha kazu ofensa ho violénsia doméstika maka ho númeru aas no arte marsiál ho seluk tan ho númeru ki’ik.\n“Tuir investigasaun motivu hosi kazu ne’e maioria utilizasaun mídia sosiál sala hosi fen no la’en, nune’e akontese problema,” hateten Armando Monteiro.\nProsesu kazu sira ne’e ba ona Ministériu Públiku (MP) nu’udar na’in ba asaun penál hodi bele hala’o prosesu tuir dalan legal.\nKomandu PNTL iha membru efetivu na’in 200-resin ne’ebé koloka iha Postu Administrativu neen hodi asegura paz no trankulidade nune’e populasaun ida-idak bele hala’o nia atividade ho hakmatek no livre.\nEkipa operasaun konjunta kompostu hosi Komandu Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL) Munisípiu Baucau no FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) ba sirkulasaun transporte públiku iha ámbitu loron finadu iha area jurisdisaun Munisípiu Baucau atu halo prevensaun ba asidente tráfegu.\nSuperintendente Xefe Armando Monteiro, hateten, operasaun hala’o bazeia ba sirkulár komandu nian atu halo operasaun rutina durante loron finadu to’o kuarta ne’e.\nIha operasaun konjunta ba transporte sira ne’e, hodi haree ba dokumentu viatura, karta kondusaun no kapasidade transporte tula pasajeiru ho seluk tan.\n“Operasaun ne’e atu halo prevensaun ba asidente tráfegu tanba durante iha tempu finadu sirkulasaun transporte maka’as tebes,’’ Armando hateten.\nNia parte la informa detallu númeru infratór sira tanba sei hein relatóriu no sei relata ba Komandu Jerál PNTL mak sei pronunsia ba públiku liuhosi konferénsia imprensa.\nPrevious articleKlínika Bairru-Pité falta ai-moruk anestezia\nNext articleAkadémiku sira presiza transmite istória pasada ba jerasaun foun
[ "Durante finadu, PNTL Baucau rejista kazu ualu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA BAUKAU Durante finadu, PNTL Baucau rejista kazu ualu Durante finadu, PNTL Baucau rejista kazu ualu BAUCAU, 04 outubru 2020 (TATOLI) -Iha ambitu feriadu loron finadu nian, Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) Munisipiu Baucau rejista kazu ualu (8) ne'ebe iha relasaun ho kazu simples tanba kauza hosi hemu-tua to'o lanu.", "\"Iha loron finadu, ami rejista kazu ualu ne'ebe akontese iha area jurisdisaun Baucau no kazu simples sira ne'e maioria akontese tanba familia sira hemu tua-lanu mak iha diskusaun no ideia lahanesan hodi rezulta problema,\" informa Komandante PNTL, Munisipiu Baucau, Superintendente Xefe Armando Monteiro ba Agencia Tatoli iha nia servisu fatin iha eskuadra Polisia Baucau, tersa ne'e.", "Armando Monteiro, informa, ekipa operasaun konjunta hosi Komandu PNTL Munisipiu Baucau ho FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) halo mos operasaun konjunta iha ambitu feriadu finadu nian hodi asegura paz no hakmatek iha fatin hotuhotu.", "\"Situasaun seguransa enjeral iha Baucau iha finadu la'o hakmatek,\" Armando Monteiro hateten.", "Rejista kazu 200-resin Iha biban ne'e, Armando Monteiro mos informa, hosi kona-ba estatistika kazu ne'ebe akontese hosi janeiru to'o outubru, tinan ne'e, polisia rejista kazu 200-resin no iha kazu ofensa ho violensia domestika maka ho numeru aas no arte marsial ho seluk tan ho numeru ki'ik.", "\"Tuir investigasaun motivu hosi kazu ne'e maioria utilizasaun midia sosial sala hosi fen no la'en, nune'e akontese problema,\" hateten Armando Monteiro.", "Prosesu kazu sira ne'e ba ona Ministeriu Publiku (MP) nu'udar na'in ba asaun penal hodi bele hala'o prosesu tuir dalan legal.", "Komandu PNTL iha membru efetivu na'in 200-resin ne'ebe koloka iha Postu Administrativu neen hodi asegura paz no trankulidade nune'e populasaun ida-idak bele hala'o nia atividade ho hakmatek no livre.", "Ekipa operasaun konjunta kompostu hosi Komandu Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) Munisipiu Baucau no FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) ba sirkulasaun transporte publiku iha ambitu loron finadu iha area jurisdisaun Munisipiu Baucau atu halo prevensaun ba asidente trafegu.", "Superintendente Xefe Armando Monteiro, hateten, operasaun hala'o bazeia ba sirkular komandu nian atu halo operasaun rutina durante loron finadu to'o kuarta ne'e.", "Iha operasaun konjunta ba transporte sira ne'e, hodi haree ba dokumentu viatura, karta kondusaun no kapasidade transporte tula pasajeiru ho seluk tan.", "\"Operasaun ne'e atu halo prevensaun ba asidente trafegu tanba durante iha tempu finadu sirkulasaun transporte maka'as tebes, \" Armando hateten.", "Nia parte la informa detallu numeru infrator sira tanba sei hein relatoriu no sei relata ba Komandu Jeral PNTL mak sei pronunsia ba publiku liuhosi konferensia imprensa.", "Previous articleKlinika Bairru-Pite falta ai-moruk anestezia Next articleAkademiku sira presiza transmite istoria pasada ba jerasaun foun" ]
[ [ "During the holiday of Easter, PNTL Baucau registers seven cases | Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA BAUKAU In connection with Christmas and New Year'S Eve festivities in East Timor (Baucau), National Police Department(PNTL) Municipality recorded a total case counting nineteen people whose causes were not related to crime." ], [ "\"In the past few days, we have registered eight cases that occurred in Baucau's jurisdictional area and these are simple instance where most of them happened because families had a discussion between themselves about what to do with each other so they ended up having problems\", Police Chief Superintendent Armando Monteiro told Agência Tatoli at his office on Tuesday." ], [ "Armando Monteiro, informs that the joint operational team of PNTL Command Baucau Municipality and FALINTIL-Força Defesa Timor Leste (F - FDTL) also carried out a Joint Operation in connection with last holiday to ensure peace & order everywhere." ], [ "\"The general security situation in Baucau last weekend was good,\" said Armando Monteiro." ], [ "In this regard, Armando Monteiro also informed that with respect to the statistics of cases occurred from January until October 2013. The police registered more than two hundred case and there were high numbers for domestic violence offences while martial art was a smaller number among other things; he said: \"There is no doubt about it.\"" ], [ "\"According to investigation, the motives of this case are mostly wrong use and abuse in social media so that problems occurred\", said Armando Monteiro." ], [ "These cases have been referred to the Public Prosecutor's Office (MP) as owner of criminal action in order for it To proceed accordingly." ], [ "The PNTL Command has more than 201 active members who are stationed in six Administrative Post to ensure peace and tranquility so that every resident can carry out his activities with freedom." ], [ "A joint operating team composed of the National Police Timor-Leste (PNTL) Command, Baucau Municipality and FALINTIL - Força Defesa de Timor Leste(FDTL), for public transport circulation on weekends in area under jurisdiction to prevent traffic accident." ], [ "Chief Superintendent Armando Monteiro, said the operation was conducted based on a circular from command to carry out routine operations during weekend until Thursday." ], [ "There are joint operations for these transports, to check the vehicle documents and driving license as well a capacity of passenger carriage etc." ], [ "\"This operation is to prevent traffic accidents because during the weekend there are a lot of transport circulation,\" Armando said." ], [ "He did not provide details of the number because he was waiting for a report and would inform PNTL General Command, which will announce to public through press conference." ], [ "Previous articleKlinika Bairru-Pite lacks anesthesia medicine Next artikelAcademics need to transmit past history for the new generation." ] ]
Abuza malu, alin taa kanek maun | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Abuza malu, alin taa kanek maun\nDILI, 17 setembru 2020 (TATOLI)-Tribunal Distritál Dili (TTD) hala’o julgamentu ba arguidu ho inisiál ALX ne’ebé uza katana taa kanek nia maun (husi aman maun-alin) tanba goza partidu bloku koligasaun.\nTuir akuzasaun ne’ebé arrola husi Ministériu Públiku (MP) katak iha loron 27 fulan fevereiru 2019, lezadu Domingos fase hela nia karreta taxi no kanta dehan “bloku mak manan ka koligasaun mak manan, Aleixo Tak manan de’it ona”, entaun halo arguidu nervozu lori katana iha liman ba diresaun lezadu nian.\nTo’o iha lezadu nia fatin, arguidu la ko’alia buat ida ba lezadu, diretamente taa kedas lezadu dala rua kona iha lezadu nia kanotak okos no arguidu kontinua lori katana iha nia liman taa dala lima (5) ba lezadu nia isin lolon, kona iha ulun parte karuk dala ida, kona iha liman karuk dala ida ne’ebé rezulta suku pontu tolu, kona iha liman parte loos dala ida, kona iha liman laran parte loos dala ida no kona iha ain parte loos tolu.\nKonsekuénsia husi arguidu nia konduta ne’e, rezulta lezadu kanek iha nia isin lolon no ran sai husi fatin atinjida ho nune’e lezadu ba halo tratamentu médiku iha Sentru Saúde Comoro.\nArguidu komete aktu ne’e ho forma livre, deliberadamente, konsentimentu no arguidu hatene katak ofende ema seluk fíziku ho lori sasán kro’at hanesan katana hodi ofende ema seluk nia isin lolon, nune’e proibidu no hetan punisaun tuir lei penal.\nArguidu hanesan autoria material, ba forma konsumada iha krime ofensa integridade fízika simples no arma branka, iha art. 145° n°1 no Lei arma branka n°5/2017 .\nHatán ba akuzasaun ne’e arguidu ho lezadu hateten, loos duni sira halo diskusaun tanba partidu polítiku. Nune’e arguidu dehan, nia parte hirus hodi taa lezadu too hetan kanek iha isin lolon no ulun.\n“Ha’u taa nia tanba ha’u toba iha uma moras, nia mak abuza uluk ha’u depois nia lori ho safenda iha liman mai ha’u nune’e ha’u hakarak halo defeza ba ha’u nia aan nune’e taa nia,” arguidu deklara.\nRona tiha ne’e Tribunál tama kedas ba alegasaun, MP liuhusi prokuradór titular, Domingos Barreto haree ba faktu ne’ebé iha husu Tribunál atu fó pena prizaun tinan-lima.\nParte defeza husu atu aplika de’it pena kaman tanba motivu prinsipál la’ós arguidu maibé lezadu mak halo provokasaun ba arguidu.\nRona tiha alegasaun ne’e, Tribunál deside adia fila-fali julgamentu ne’e ba iha loron seluk hodi rona leitura desizaun ikus.\nJulgamentu ne’e prezide husi juis koletivu Ersília da Silva, Afonso Carmona, Albertina Neves, MP reprezenta husi prokuradór Domingos Barreto no arguidu hetan asisténsia legal husi defensór públiku João Carvalho.\nPrevious articlePolísia Militár na’in-46 simu graduasaun\nNext article‘Natureza Labarik’ na’in-39 hetan TIR no na’in-ida aprezentasaun periódika
[ "Abuza malu, alin taa kanek maun | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Abuza malu, alin taa kanek maun DILI, 17 setembru 2020 (TATOLI) -Tribunal Distrital Dili (TTD) hala'o julgamentu ba arguidu ho inisial ALX ne'ebe uza katana taa kanek nia maun (husi aman maun-alin) tanba goza partidu bloku koligasaun.", "Tuir akuzasaun ne'ebe arrola husi Ministeriu Publiku (MP) katak iha loron 27 fulan fevereiru 2019, lezadu Domingos fase hela nia karreta taxi no kanta dehan \"bloku mak manan ka koligasaun mak manan, Aleixo Tak manan de'it ona,\" entaun halo arguidu nervozu lori katana iha liman ba diresaun lezadu nian.", "To'o iha lezadu nia fatin, arguidu la ko'alia buat ida ba lezadu, diretamente taa kedas lezadu dala rua kona iha lezadu nia kanotak okos no arguidu kontinua lori katana iha nia liman taa dala lima (5) ba lezadu nia isin lolon, kona iha ulun parte karuk dala ida, kona iha liman karuk dala ida ne'ebe rezulta suku pontu tolu, kona iha liman parte loos dala ida, kona iha liman laran parte loos dala ida no kona iha ain parte loos tolu.", "Konsekuensia husi arguidu nia konduta ne'e, rezulta lezadu kanek iha nia isin lolon no ran sai husi fatin atinjida ho nune'e lezadu ba halo tratamentu mediku iha Sentru Saude Comoro.", "Arguidu komete aktu ne'e ho forma livre, deliberadamente, konsentimentu no arguidu hatene katak ofende ema seluk fiziku ho lori sasan kro'at hanesan katana hodi ofende ema seluk nia isin lolon, nune'e proibidu no hetan punisaun tuir lei penal.", "Arguidu hanesan autoria material, ba forma konsumada iha krime ofensa integridade fizika simples no arma branka, iha art.", "145deg ndeg1 no Lei arma branka ndeg5/2017 .", "Hatan ba akuzasaun ne'e arguidu ho lezadu hateten, loos duni sira halo diskusaun tanba partidu politiku.", "Nune'e arguidu dehan, nia parte hirus hodi taa lezadu too hetan kanek iha isin lolon no ulun.", "\"Ha'u taa nia tanba ha'u toba iha uma moras, nia mak abuza uluk ha'u depois nia lori ho safenda iha liman mai ha'u nune'e ha'u hakarak halo defeza ba ha'u nia aan nune'e taa nia,\" arguidu deklara.", "Rona tiha ne'e Tribunal tama kedas ba alegasaun, MP liuhusi prokurador titular, Domingos Barreto haree ba faktu ne'ebe iha husu Tribunal atu fo pena prizaun tinan-lima.", "Parte defeza husu atu aplika de'it pena kaman tanba motivu prinsipal la'os arguidu maibe lezadu mak halo provokasaun ba arguidu.", "Rona tiha alegasaun ne'e, Tribunal deside adia fila-fali julgamentu ne'e ba iha loron seluk hodi rona leitura desizaun ikus.", "Julgamentu ne'e prezide husi juis koletivu Ersilia da Silva, Afonso Carmona, Albertina Neves, MP reprezenta husi prokurador Domingos Barreto no arguidu hetan asistensia legal husi defensor publiku Joao Carvalho.", "Previous articlePolisia Militar na'in-46 simu graduasaun Next article'Natureza Labarik' na'in-39 hetan TIR no na'in-ida aprezentasaun periodika" ]
[ [ "Abuza malu, alin taa kanek maun | TATOLI News Agency of Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Dili District Court (TTD) held trial for defendant with initial ALX who used a katana to injure his brother because he enjoyed party block coalition." ], [ "According to the charges brought by Public Prosecution (MP) that on February 27th of this year, victim Domingoes was driving his taxi and chanting \"block win or coalitions won Aleixo Tak only got it\" which made defendant nervous carrying a katana in hand towards injured person." ], [ "When he arrived at the victim's place, without speaking anything to him directly struck his injured partner twice on her shoulder and continued carrying a katana in its hand five (5) times against their body: one hit right side of head once; another shot left arm three-point wounds resulting from that. One punch into your hands again with an inside stroke for each finger which was followed by 3 points hits you backwards through all four legs until it came down underneath my knee where I am now sitting here today.\"" ], [ "As a consequence of the defendant's conduct, resulted injury to his body and bleeding from where hit so that damaged have medical treatment at Comoro Health Center." ], [ "The defendant committed the act in a free, deliberate form with consent and knowledge that physically offending another person by carrying an object such as katana to injure someone else's body is prohibited under criminal law." ], [ "The accused as material authorship, in a consummate form of the crime simple physical injury and with stab weapons under art." ], [ "145deg ndeg2 no Lei arma branka nd3/07." ], [ "In response to the accusation, both defendant and injured stated that it was true they had a discussion because of political parties." ], [ "According to the defendant, his part of her hurt hit injured until he was wounded in body and head." ], [ "\"I struck him because I was in the hospital, he abused me first and then brought a knife with his hand to my side so that's why i wanted defense for myself. So we hit her.\"" ], [ "After hearing this, the Court immediately proceeded to allegations. The MP through titular prosecutor Domingos Barreto looked at all of these fact and asked that a five-year prison sentence be imposing on him by court order for his alleged offences against human rights in 2014/365789" ], [ "The defence requested that only the death penalty be applied because it was not for a principal motive but rather as an act of provocation on his part." ], [ "After hearing the allegations, it was decided to adjourn again until another day for a final decision." ], [ "The trial was presided over by a panel of judges Ersilia da Silva, Afonso Carmona and Albertina Neves. MP representing the defendant is prosecutor Domingoes Barreto while he has legal assistance from public defender Joao carvalho 10" ], [ "Previous article46 Military Policemen Graduated Next artikel39 'Natureza Criança' Students Receive TIRs and No Periodical Presentations" ] ]
MAP Prepara Hela Dokumentu Planu Estratéjiku Peska Nian | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA MAP Prepara Hela Dokumentu Planu Estratéjiku Peska Nian\nMAP Prepara Hela Dokumentu Planu Estratéjiku Peska Nian\nDILI, (TATOLI) – Diresaun Jerál Peska, Ministériu Agrikultura no Peska (MAP) prepara hela dokumentu planu estratéjiku peska nian ne’ebé sei sai hanesan matadalan, tanba Timor-Leste iha ona lei peska, polítika no instrumentu internasionál ne’ebé tenke halo tuir.\nDiretór Jerál Peska, MAP, Acácio Guterres, hatete tanba lei peska Timor-Leste nian mós tinan 10 resin ona maka oinsá atu armoniza fali ho dokumentu ne’e ho baze legál ne’ebé iha para sai matadalan hodi jere rekursu tasi-laran para iha sustentabilidade.\n“Matadalan ida ne’e oinsá mak lori ita atu dezenvolve ita-nia rekursu tasi, oinsá mak aproveita esplora ita-nia rekursu ho sustentabilidade, entaun iha dokumentu ida ne’e mak ita sei tuur hamutuk hodi haree, oinsá mak tau ideia para hotu-hotu bele aplika bainhira laiha kontradisaun ho instrumentu ne’ebé iha”, hatete bainhira halo konsultasaun ho ministériu relevante iha Komoro, ohin.\nDokumentu ne’ebé agora prepara hotu ona no hetan mós apresisaun husi entidade hotu. Hodi hatutan matadalan ne’e sei halo mós konsultasaun iha munisípiu hotu no sei fahe ba fatin lima.\n“Iha parte súl maka sei tau iha Ainaru-Hatudu depois konvida peskadór husi Suai, Same para bá tuur hamutuk iha sentru. Iha parte leste sei tau iha Baukau, ita konvida peskadór husi Lautein, Vikeke, Manatutu no Baukau rasik depois iha parte norte sei tau iha Maubara, konvida peskadór husi Bobonaru no Dili rasik bá no ida sei tau iha Ataúru no Oekusi”.\nHafoin konsultasaun sei konvida fali reprezentante husi fatin sira ne’e para mai hamutuk fali iha Dili hodi loke fórum ida atu tau ideia hamutuk sobre dokumentu ne’e para mellora liután tanba peskadór sira mak sei implementa barak liu, nune’e presiza sira-nia ideia, katak tan.\n“Dokumentu ida ne’e ita planu iha setembru tinan ne’e bele remata, depois Ministru Agrikultura lori ba Konsellu Ministru para hetan apresiasaun no sai dokumentu legál ida oinsá mak la’o tuir”.\nDiresaun Jerál Peska\nPrevious articlePD Sei Elabora Programa Kampaña\nNext articlePM-Organizasaun Mundiál Turizmu Lansa Programa Vizita TL Vinte Vinte\nSABEH fó apoiu umanitária ba vítima dezastre naturál iha Suku Uma...\nDILI, 16 abríl 2021 (TATOLI)-Saúde Ba Ema Hotu (SABEH), sesta ne’e, fó apoiu nesesidade umanitária ba vítima dezastre naturál iha Suku Uma Naruc, Postu...\nFamília prepara ona fatin ba matebian Armindo Borges\nDILI, 15 abríl 2021 (TATOLI)—Hafoin ekipa CIGC ne’ebé lidera hosi Diretór Sala Situasaun, Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (CIGC, sigla portugés), Brigadeiru Jenerál João Miranda...\nDILI, 16 abril 2021 (TATOLI)—Governu liuhosi Ministériu Administrasaun Estatál kontratu direta empreza PAX ho montante $300 mil hodi aumenta kamioneta 20 atu reforsa tan...\nGrupu joven solidariza asaun Xanana iha Vera Krúz\nDILI, 12 abríl 2021 (TATOLI)—Grupu joven maizumenus ema 100 halibur malu iha estrada área sentru izolamentu Vera Krús, apoia asaun lider karismátiku, Kay Rala...
[ "MAP Prepara Hela Dokumentu Planu Estratejiku Peska Nian | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA MAP Prepara Hela Dokumentu Planu Estratejiku Peska Nian MAP Prepara Hela Dokumentu Planu Estratejiku Peska Nian DILI, (TATOLI) - Diresaun Jeral Peska, Ministeriu Agrikultura no Peska (MAP) prepara hela dokumentu planu estratejiku peska nian ne'ebe sei sai hanesan matadalan, tanba Timor-Leste iha ona lei peska, politika no instrumentu internasional ne'ebe tenke halo tuir.", "Diretor Jeral Peska, MAP, Acacio Guterres, hatete tanba lei peska Timor-Leste nian mos tinan 10 resin ona maka oinsa atu armoniza fali ho dokumentu ne'e ho baze legal ne'ebe iha para sai matadalan hodi jere rekursu tasi-laran para iha sustentabilidade.", "\"Matadalan ida ne'e oinsa mak lori ita atu dezenvolve ita-nia rekursu tasi, oinsa mak aproveita esplora ita-nia rekursu ho sustentabilidade, entaun iha dokumentu ida ne'e mak ita sei tuur hamutuk hodi haree, oinsa mak tau ideia para hotu-hotu bele aplika bainhira laiha kontradisaun ho instrumentu ne'ebe iha,\" hatete bainhira halo konsultasaun ho ministeriu relevante iha Komoro, ohin.", "Dokumentu ne'ebe agora prepara hotu ona no hetan mos apresisaun husi entidade hotu.", "Hodi hatutan matadalan ne'e sei halo mos konsultasaun iha munisipiu hotu no sei fahe ba fatin lima.", "\"Iha parte sul maka sei tau iha Ainaru-Hatudu depois konvida peskador husi Suai, Same para ba tuur hamutuk iha sentru.", "Iha parte leste sei tau iha Baukau, ita konvida peskador husi Lautein, Vikeke, Manatutu no Baukau rasik depois iha parte norte sei tau iha Maubara, konvida peskador husi Bobonaru no Dili rasik ba no ida sei tau iha Atauru no Oekusi.\"", "Hafoin konsultasaun sei konvida fali reprezentante husi fatin sira ne'e para mai hamutuk fali iha Dili hodi loke forum ida atu tau ideia hamutuk sobre dokumentu ne'e para mellora liutan tanba peskador sira mak sei implementa barak liu, nune'e presiza sira-nia ideia, katak tan.", "\"Dokumentu ida ne'e ita planu iha setembru tinan ne'e bele remata, depois Ministru Agrikultura lori ba Konsellu Ministru para hetan apresiasaun no sai dokumentu legal ida oinsa mak la'o tuir.\"", "Diresaun Jeral Peska Previous articlePD Sei Elabora Programa Kampana Next articlePM-Organizasaun Mundial Turizmu Lansa Programa Vizita TL Vinte Vinte SABEH fo apoiu umanitaria ba vitima dezastre natural iha Suku Uma...", "DILI, 16 abril 2021 (TATOLI) -Saude Ba Ema Hotu (SABEH), sesta ne'e, fo apoiu nesesidade umanitaria ba vitima dezastre natural iha Suku Uma Naruc, Postu...", "Familia prepara ona fatin ba matebian Armindo Borges DILI, 15 abril 2021 (TATOLI) - Hafoin ekipa CIGC ne'ebe lidera hosi Diretor Sala Situasaun, Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (CIGC, sigla portuges), Brigadeiru Jeneral Joao Miranda...", "DILI, 16 abril 2021 (TATOLI) - Governu liuhosi Ministeriu Administrasaun Estatal kontratu direta empreza PAX ho montante $300 mil hodi aumenta kamioneta 20 atu reforsa tan...", "Grupu joven solidariza asaun Xanana iha Vera Kruz DILI, 12 abril 2021 (TATOLI) - Grupu joven maizumenus ema 100 halibur malu iha estrada area sentru izolamentu Vera Krus, apoia asaun lider karismatiku, Kay Rala..." ]
[ [ "MAP Prepares Strategic Plan Document for Fisheries | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA The Directorate General of Fishing, Ministry Of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAP) is preparings a strategic plan document on fishing which will be used as guidelines because the country already has its own fishery laws. It must comply with international instruments to ensure that it can implement their policier in practice; therefore this strategy should serve both nationally but also local levels by providing guidance regardling how best ways are taken towards achieving these objectives.\"" ], [ "Director General of Fisheries, MAP Acacio Guterres said that since Timor-Leste's fisheries law has been in place for more than 10 years it is important to harmonize the document with existing legal bases as a guideline on managing marine resources sustainably." ], [ "\"This issue is how we can develop our marine resources, and exploit them in a sustainable way. In this document it will be discussed together to see what ideas are needed so that everyone may apply if there's no contradiction with the existing instruments\", he said during consultations held today on Komoro by relevant ministries of government.\"" ], [ "The document that has now been prepared and received the approval of all entities." ], [ "He said that the guidelines will also be consulted in all municipalities and not distributed to five places." ], [ "\"In the south part it will be in Ainaru-Hatudu then invite fishermen from Suai, Same to sit together at center." ], [ "In the eastern part it will be in Baukau, we invite fishermen from Lautein and Vikeke to Manatutu as well. Then on northern side there is Maubara where you can see fisheries of Bobonaru or Dili itself.\"" ], [ "After the consultation, representatives from these places will be invited to come together again in Dili and open a forum for sharing ideas on this document so that it can improve further because fishermen are going To implement more of them." ], [ "\"We plan to complete this document by September of the current year, after which Agriculture Minister will bring it before Cabinet for evaluation and a legal paper on how we can proceed.\"" ], [ "Previous articlePM-World Tourism Organization Launches Vizita TL 2019 Programme PM’s Visit to Timor Leste Continued in the First Half of July The Ministry for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (DGFP) has launched a programme called “Visita..." ], [ "DILI, April 16th (TATOLI) -Saude Ba Ema Hotu(SABEH), Saturday this week supported humanitarian needs of natural disaster victims in Uma Naruc Village Postu Administrative..." ], [ "The family has prepared a place for the deceased Armindo Borges DILI, April 15th (Xinhua) - After CIGC team led by Director of Situation Room Integrated Crisis Management Centre Brigadier General Joao Miranda..." ], [ "DILI, April 16th (TATOLI) - The Government through the Ministry of State Administration directly contracted PAX company for $305 thousand to increase trucks by..." ], [ "Group of young people show solidarity with Xanana action in Vera Kruz DILI, April 12th (Xinhua) - A group from around a hundred youths gathered on the road surrounding Verakruz isolation centre to support..." ] ]
Publika liafuan immoral iha MedSos, FRETILIN ezije Guntur husu deskulpa ba xefi Estadu – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Politika » Publika liafuan immoral iha MedSos, FRETILIN ezije Guntur husu deskulpa ba xefi Estadu\nDeputadu bankada FRETILIN, Antónino Bianco ezije deputadu PLP, Sabino Guntur, atu husu deskulpa ba Xefi Estadu, Francisco Guterres ‘Lú-Olo’ tanba publika krítika ho linguazen ne’ebé laiha étika no inmoral, hasoru desizaun Prezidente Repúblika ba asuntu indultu nian.\n“Ita-nia deputadu sira balun iha ne’e asbun de’it, asbun iha Facebook, insulta ema arbiru de’it, satán ha’u nia kolega balun, maibé nia ka la’os ha’u lahatene, keta ema seluk mak uza karik?, ne’e ladun di’ak, insulta ne’e buat ida, krítika ne’e buat ketak, hateten át órgaun seluk ne’e buat ketak ida. Ita-nia krítiku ba órgaun soberanu sira ho liafuan sira hanesan ne’e, laiha étika moral, sa tán latuir regras”, hateten deputadu Antonino Bianco iha plenária PN, Segunda (13/05/2019) ne’e.\nAntonino mós sujere ba Governu atu aprezenta poprosta lei ruma, hodi regula publikasaun média sosial sira.\n“Termus ida uza ba Prezidente kondena ka hateten át ba prezidente ne’e la merese, tanba ne’e, husu ba Governu halo proposta lei ida, atu nune’e kualker ema ka deputadu ida no sidadaun tomak, labele halo insulta arbiru, sa tán hateten át órgaun soberanu sira, la’os atu espresa hanoin livre, livre tenki tuir koridor regras mak di’ak. Sei deklarasaun ne’e Guntur nian, tenki deklara publikamente sa intensaun mak halo ba Prezidente, tenki husu deskulpa mós ba Prezidente, tanba Prezidente la’os tuir Prezidente nia hakarak, maibé tuir konstituisaun. Proposta mai husi Governu, no Governu mak iha mekanismu própriu, liu hosi ministériu justisa no responsável sira iha komarka ka prizaun nian”, dehan Antonino.\nHatan ba kestaun ne’e, deputadu PLP, Sabino Guntur klarifika identidade média sosial ne’ebé krítika Xefe Estadu, nia rasik mak krítika, no Guntur mós hatete, provoka mudansa tenki iha krítiku.\n“ Medsos ida ho naran guntur ne’e ha’u duni, mane mak krítika Prezidente la subar husi ID falsu, hodi ko’alia subar-subar iha kotuk. Ha’u nia maun Lú-Olo kuandu 2013 madrugada telefone ha’u de’it, ha’u la dehan nia laiha étika, tan de’it atu reforsa kampaña iha Baucau. Krítika ne’e tanba atu halo mudansa, provoka mudansa ne’e tenki krítika malu. Kuandu 2013 ha’u prepara kondisoens iha Bidau Massaur, joven rihun resin mak afillia ba FRETILIN ne’e se nia esforsu, maun Francisco Kalbuadi ho Aleixo Kobra, primeiru hateten ba ha’u dehan, atu hasoru maun Marí ho maun Lú, ha’u dehan sira na’in rua ne’e la importante, importante ba ha’u mak FRETILIN. La’os mai aproveita depois dehan hakilar tu’un sa’e. Di’ak liu krítika mak ida bo’ot ne’e para sira tau atensaun lalais ba problema ida ne’ebé mak nunka konsiente, luta dialétika, luta kontraria, kuandu lahatene tu’ur nono’ok. Sira fila kotuk ba malu, para ita lamudansa, la’os ba iha ne’eba para depois sai fali eskrabus, polítika ne’e tenki moos no justu, ezekuta polítika ida nakukun nian ne’e problema bo’ot. Esforsu hotu ami halo, maibé ami nunka deklara ba ema hotu katak, ami ne’e FRETILIN. Ho razoens sira ne’e mak ha’u deklara públiku katak, ha’u nian la’os ID falsu, ID falsu ne’e mak ida laiha responsabilidade ne’e, saída mak ha’u nia intensaun ne’ebé ko’alia ne’e, ha’u nia maun bo’ot komprende liu”, dehan Sabino Guntur.\nAlende ne’e, Xefi bankada CNRT, deputadu Duarte Nunes mós sujere atu kria lei ruma hodi regula publikasaun sira ne’ebé laiha merese tau iha média sosial sira.\nAntes ne’e, Ministru reforma Lejislativa asuntu parlamentares, Fidelis Magalhães mós deklara ona katak, governu sei esforsu atu kria lei ruma, hodi regula publikasaun hotu iha media sosial.say\nDeputadu bankada Partido Libertasaun Popular (PLP),...
[ "Publika liafuan immoral iha MedSos, FRETILIN ezije Guntur husu deskulpa ba xefi Estadu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Politika \" Publika liafuan immoral iha MedSos, FRETILIN ezije Guntur husu deskulpa ba xefi Estadu Deputadu bankada FRETILIN, Antonino Bianco ezije deputadu PLP, Sabino Guntur, atu husu deskulpa ba Xefi Estadu, Francisco Guterres 'Lu-Olo' tanba publika kritika ho linguazen ne'ebe laiha etika no inmoral, hasoru desizaun Prezidente Republika ba asuntu indultu nian.", "\"Ita-nia deputadu sira balun iha ne'e asbun de'it, asbun iha Facebook, insulta ema arbiru de'it, satan ha'u nia kolega balun, maibe nia ka la'os ha'u lahatene, keta ema seluk mak uza karik?, ne'e ladun di'ak, insulta ne'e buat ida, kritika ne'e buat ketak, hateten at orgaun seluk ne'e buat ketak ida.", "Ita-nia kritiku ba orgaun soberanu sira ho liafuan sira hanesan ne'e, laiha etika moral, sa tan latuir regras,\" hateten deputadu Antonino Bianco iha plenaria PN, Segunda (13/05/2019) ne'e.", "Antonino mos sujere ba Governu atu aprezenta poprosta lei ruma, hodi regula publikasaun media sosial sira.", "\"Termus ida uza ba Prezidente kondena ka hateten at ba prezidente ne'e la merese, tanba ne'e, husu ba Governu halo proposta lei ida, atu nune'e kualker ema ka deputadu ida no sidadaun tomak, labele halo insulta arbiru, sa tan hateten at orgaun soberanu sira, la'os atu espresa hanoin livre, livre tenki tuir koridor regras mak di'ak.", "Sei deklarasaun ne'e Guntur nian, tenki deklara publikamente sa intensaun mak halo ba Prezidente, tenki husu deskulpa mos ba Prezidente, tanba Prezidente la'os tuir Prezidente nia hakarak, maibe tuir konstituisaun.", "Proposta mai husi Governu, no Governu mak iha mekanismu propriu, liu hosi ministeriu justisa no responsavel sira iha komarka ka prizaun nian,\" dehan Antonino.", "Hatan ba kestaun ne'e, deputadu PLP, Sabino Guntur klarifika identidade media sosial ne'ebe kritika Xefe Estadu, nia rasik mak kritika, no Guntur mos hatete, provoka mudansa tenki iha kritiku. \"", "Medsos ida ho naran guntur ne'e ha'u duni, mane mak kritika Prezidente la subar husi ID falsu, hodi ko'alia subar-subar iha kotuk.", "Ha'u nia maun Lu-Olo kuandu 2013 madrugada telefone ha'u de'it, ha'u la dehan nia laiha etika, tan de'it atu reforsa kampana iha Baucau.", "Kritika ne'e tanba atu halo mudansa, provoka mudansa ne'e tenki kritika malu.", "Kuandu 2013 ha'u prepara kondisoens iha Bidau Massaur, joven rihun resin mak afillia ba FRETILIN ne'e se nia esforsu, maun Francisco Kalbuadi ho Aleixo Kobra, primeiru hateten ba ha'u dehan, atu hasoru maun Mari ho maun Lu, ha'u dehan sira na'in rua ne'e la importante, importante ba ha'u mak FRETILIN.", "La'os mai aproveita depois dehan hakilar tu'un sa'e.", "Di'ak liu kritika mak ida bo'ot ne'e para sira tau atensaun lalais ba problema ida ne'ebe mak nunka konsiente, luta dialetika, luta kontraria, kuandu lahatene tu'ur nono'ok.", "Sira fila kotuk ba malu, para ita lamudansa, la'os ba iha ne'eba para depois sai fali eskrabus, politika ne'e tenki moos no justu, ezekuta politika ida nakukun nian ne'e problema bo'ot.", "Esforsu hotu ami halo, maibe ami nunka deklara ba ema hotu katak, ami ne'e FRETILIN.", "Ho razoens sira ne'e mak ha'u deklara publiku katak, ha'u nian la'os ID falsu, ID falsu ne'e mak ida laiha responsabilidade ne'e, saida mak ha'u nia intensaun ne'ebe ko'alia ne'e, ha'u nia maun bo'ot komprende liu,\" dehan Sabino Guntur.", "Alende ne'e, Xefi bankada CNRT, deputadu Duarte Nunes mos sujere atu kria lei ruma hodi regula publikasaun sira ne'ebe laiha merese tau iha media sosial sira.", "Antes ne'e, Ministru reforma Lejislativa asuntu parlamentares, Fidelis Magalhaes mos deklara ona katak, governu sei esforsu atu kria lei ruma, hodi regula publikasaun hotu iha media sosial.say Deputadu bankada Partido Libertasaun Popular (PLP),..." ]
[ [ "Home \" Politics\" Publish immoral words in MedSos, FRETILIN demand Guntur apologise to Head of State - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional – Lori Timor ba Mundu Fretilin MP Antonino Bianco demanded from PLP member Sabino Guterrez that he apologize for publishing criticism with unethical and immoral language against the decision by President Francisco Guterres 'Lu-Olo' on amnesty." ], [ "\"Some of our MPs here are just asbun, only insulting people on Facebook. Some my colleagues have used it but he or she isn't using me all the time; maybe somebody else will use that? It doesn’d be good to do so because an injury would mean something bad and criticizing another body could make you feel a little better about yourself.\"" ], [ "Our criticism of sovereign bodies with words such as this, no moral ethics or latuir rules\", said MP Antonino Bianco in the PN plenary session on Monday (13/05 / 29)." ], [ "Antonino also suggested that the government introduce some simple laws to regulate social media publications." ], [ "\"A term used by the President to condemn or say that he does not deserve it, therefore we ask for a law proposal from Government so any persons and MP'S can do no insult arbitrarily sovereign bodies. It isn’t about expressing free thoughts; freedom must follow rules of course are good things.\"" ], [ "Guntur's declaration must be declared publicly to the President, and he should apologize for his actions because they are not in accordance with presidential will but constitution." ], [ "The proposal comes from the government, and it is that Government which has its own mechanisms through a ministry of justice with those responsible in district or prison,” said Antonino." ], [ "Responding to this issue, PLP MP Sabino Guntur clarified the identity of social media that criticizes Head Of State. He himself is a critical one and said: \"To provoke change there must be Criticism.\"" ], [ "I'm the man who criticizes President Bush for not using a fake ID, to speak out in his back." ], [ "My brother Lu-Olo when he called me early in 2013, I didn't say that it was unethical but just to reinforce the campaign at Baucau." ], [ "Criticism is because in order to make change, provoke the changes must criticize each other." ], [ "When in 2013 I was preparing the conditions for a meeting at Massaur City, thousands of young people would be affiliated to FRETILIN if he worked hard. Brother Francisco Kalbuadi and Aleixo Kobra first told me that they were not going with brother Mari or sister Lu; but then i said these two are no big deal because what matters is FRETELIN!" ], [ "La'os will take advantage of it after saying hakilar tu 'un sae." ], [ "It is better to criticize this big thing so that they pay attention quickly on a problem which has never been conscious, dialectical struggles and counter-struggling when all the other things go wrong." ], [ "They turn back to each other, so that we can change them. Not go there and then get out of it again; the policy must be clean & fair: executing a corrupt one is an enormous problem!" ], [ "We made every effort, but we never declared to everyone that \"we are FRETILIN.\"" ], [ "For these reasons, I declare publicly that my ID is not a fake one. The false identity card has no responsibility to me; what was the intention of this statement? My brother understand it better than anyone else.\"" ], [ "In addition, the leader of CNRT's parliamentary group Duarte Núñez also suggested that some law be created to regulate publications which do not deserve being placed on social media." ], [ "Earlier, Minister of Legislative Reform and Parliamentary Affairs Fidelis Magalhaes also declared that the government will strive to create a law regulating all publications on social media. Say MP from Partido Libertação Popular (PLP),..." ] ]
Órgaun eleitorál tenke foti sansaun hasoru kandidatu PR viola regra | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA NASIONÁL Órgaun eleitorál tenke foti sansaun hasoru kandidatu PR viola regra\nÓrgaun eleitorál tenke foti sansaun hasoru kandidatu PR viola regra\nDILI, 11 fevereiru 2022 (TATOLI)—Kandidatu Prezidente Repúblika (PR) 2022-2027, Virgílio Guterres, hateten órgaun eleitorál tenke foti sansaun hasoru kandidatu partidu boot bainhira viola regra ruma.\n“Kestaun ne’ebé sai preokupasaun ba ha’u mak korajen órgaun eleitorál sira atu foti sansaun ba ita hotu kandidatu Prezidente Repúblika sira foun no tuan sira, la’ós tuan de’it maibé hanesan kandidatura PR José Ramos Horta ho pezu ne’ebé boot tanba hetan apoiu hosi partidu boot hotu. Entaun órgaun eleitorál brani foti medida ka lae hasoru kandidatura PR bainhira liafuan ruma akuza ka viola regra ruma,” Virgílio Guterres hateten iha dialogu kona-ba “Sansaun no penalti ba aktu irregularidade ne’ebé komete hosi kandidatu PR iha ámbitu kampaña eleisaun Prezidente Repúblika” iha salaun Auditoriu CNE, Dili, sesta ne’e.\nNia akresenta, ida-ne’e mak sai preokupasaun boot tanba penalti funsiona de’it ba partidu kiik, no kampaña eleisaun prezidensiál ne’e hanesan prosesu edukasaun ba sosiedade sira atu hili sira-nia prezidente.\n“Prosesu edukasaun ida mós ba ita-nia sosiedade, edukasaun atu fó hatene ba ita-nia sidadaun sira atu hili ita la’ós tanba obrigada no la’ós tanba tauk hetan malisan bainhira ita lakon lae, maibé sira hili tanba sira fiar duni no reprezenta nia aspirasaun, no nia atu manan ka lakon ne’e nia kontente nafatin tanba nia hili tuir nia hakarak. Bainhira kampania, nia sei konsentra de’it ba nia programa sira,” nia hateten.\nTanba ne’e, nia respeita kandidatura Prezidente Repúblika no sei la halo akuzasaun no defama maibé buat ne’ebé nia halo mak konsentra ba saida mak halo bainhira sai Prezidente Repúblika.\nNia dehan antes ne’e nia mós hanesan Prezidente Konsellu Imprensa órgaun instituisaun ne’ebé tau-matan ba konduta étika jornalista sira-nia entaun bainhira tama iha atividade polítika tenke sai ezemplu ida ba ko’alia ne’ebé iha respeita, iha étika, norma morál iha sosiedade ida.\n“Timor-Leste ne’ebé fraternidade liu katak ita tenke haree malu hanesan inan-feton no maun-alin entaun labele loke oportunidade hodi hatuun malu no defama malu iha prosesu kampaña eleitorál nian,” nia dehan.\nDiretór Ezekutivu Interinu FONGTIL, Helio Dias da Silva, hateten, FONGTIL hola inisiativa halo dialogu ba kandidatura PR atu antisipa labele mosu penalti iha tempu kampaña eleisaun prezidensiál nian, nune’e sira tenke iha kompromisiu no tuir lei ne’ebé iha.\nFONGTIL kona-ba Sansaun no penalti iha prosesu kampania eleisaun prezidensiál\nPrevious articleMEJD rekolla dadus profesór voluntáriu 2.121 iha eskola 542\nNext articleDelegasaun Timor-Leste halo sorumutu ho grupu emprezáriu iha Dubai
[ "Orgaun eleitoral tenke foti sansaun hasoru kandidatu PR viola regra | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA NASIONAL Orgaun eleitoral tenke foti sansaun hasoru kandidatu PR viola regra Orgaun eleitoral tenke foti sansaun hasoru kandidatu PR viola regra DILI, 11 fevereiru 2022 (TATOLI) - Kandidatu Prezidente Republika (PR) 2022-2027, Virgilio Guterres, hateten orgaun eleitoral tenke foti sansaun hasoru kandidatu partidu boot bainhira viola regra ruma.", "\"Kestaun ne'ebe sai preokupasaun ba ha'u mak korajen orgaun eleitoral sira atu foti sansaun ba ita hotu kandidatu Prezidente Republika sira foun no tuan sira, la'os tuan de'it maibe hanesan kandidatura PR Jose Ramos Horta ho pezu ne'ebe boot tanba hetan apoiu hosi partidu boot hotu.", "Entaun orgaun eleitoral brani foti medida ka lae hasoru kandidatura PR bainhira liafuan ruma akuza ka viola regra ruma,\" Virgilio Guterres hateten iha dialogu kona-ba \"Sansaun no penalti ba aktu irregularidade ne'ebe komete hosi kandidatu PR iha ambitu kampana eleisaun Prezidente Republika\" iha salaun Auditoriu CNE, Dili, sesta ne'e.", "Nia akresenta, ida-ne'e mak sai preokupasaun boot tanba penalti funsiona de'it ba partidu kiik, no kampana eleisaun prezidensial ne'e hanesan prosesu edukasaun ba sosiedade sira atu hili sira-nia prezidente.", "\"Prosesu edukasaun ida mos ba ita-nia sosiedade, edukasaun atu fo hatene ba ita-nia sidadaun sira atu hili ita la'os tanba obrigada no la'os tanba tauk hetan malisan bainhira ita lakon lae, maibe sira hili tanba sira fiar duni no reprezenta nia aspirasaun, no nia atu manan ka lakon ne'e nia kontente nafatin tanba nia hili tuir nia hakarak.", "Bainhira kampania, nia sei konsentra de'it ba nia programa sira,\" nia hateten.", "Tanba ne'e, nia respeita kandidatura Prezidente Republika no sei la halo akuzasaun no defama maibe buat ne'ebe nia halo mak konsentra ba saida mak halo bainhira sai Prezidente Republika.", "Nia dehan antes ne'e nia mos hanesan Prezidente Konsellu Imprensa orgaun instituisaun ne'ebe tau-matan ba konduta etika jornalista sira-nia entaun bainhira tama iha atividade politika tenke sai ezemplu ida ba ko'alia ne'ebe iha respeita, iha etika, norma moral iha sosiedade ida.", "\"Timor-Leste ne'ebe fraternidade liu katak ita tenke haree malu hanesan inan-feton no maun-alin entaun labele loke oportunidade hodi hatuun malu no defama malu iha prosesu kampana eleitoral nian,\" nia dehan.", "Diretor Ezekutivu Interinu FONGTIL, Helio Dias da Silva, hateten, FONGTIL hola inisiativa halo dialogu ba kandidatura PR atu antisipa labele mosu penalti iha tempu kampana eleisaun prezidensial nian, nune'e sira tenke iha kompromisiu no tuir lei ne'ebe iha.", "FONGTIL kona-ba Sansaun no penalti iha prosesu kampania eleisaun prezidensial Previous articleMEJD rekolla dadus profesor voluntariu 2.121 iha eskola 542 Next articleDelegasaun Timor-Leste halo sorumutu ho grupu emprezariu iha Dubai" ]
[ [ "Electoral body must take sanctions against PR candidate violates rules | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA NASIONÁL Election authority should impose penalties on President’s Candidate who breaches the rule Elective authorities would have to put in place a system of punishment for large party presidential (PR) nominees if they do so. DILI, February10th - Virgilio Guterres said that electoral bodies will be obliged by law when big parties are involved with election campaigning and voting process at all times as well: “There is no way we can prevent them from doing it.”" ], [ "\"The issue that concerns me is the courage of electoral bodies to take sanctions against all new and old presidential candidate, not only those who are already in office but also such as PR Jose Ramos Horta with a great weight because he has support from every major party." ], [ "Therefore, the electoral body decides whether or not to take action against a PR candidate when some words accuse him of violating any rule\", said Virgilio Guterres in dialogue on \"Sanctions and penalties for acts committed by irregularities that have been carried out during presidential election campaign\" at CNE Auditorium hall." ], [ "He added that this is a major concern because penalties only work for small parties, and the presidential election campaign was an education process to educate societies in choosing their President." ], [ "\"It is also an educational process for our society, to educate the citizens so that they choose us not because we are obliged or fearing any harm if you lose. They do this by trust and representation of their aspirations; whether it be a win-lose situation he will still feel happy as his choices have been made in accordance with him/her wishes.\"" ], [ "When she is campaigning, he will only focus on his programs,” said the candidate." ], [ "Therefore, he respects the presidential candidacy and will not make any accusations or defamation but all that I do is concentrate on what to accomplish when President of Republic." ], [ "He said that before he was also President of the Press Council, an institutional body responsible for monitoring journalists' ethical behaviour. When entering into political activity they must set a model to speak with respect and ethics in society as it is based on moral norm" ], [ "\"A more fraternal Timor-Leste means that we must see each other as mothers and daughter, so it cannot open up opportunities to defame one another in the electoral campaign process.\"" ], [ "Interim Executive Director of FONGTIL, Helio Dias da Silva said that the initiative was taken to establish a dialogue with PR' s candidacy in order not for penalties during presidential election campaign. Therefore they must make compromises and follow existing legislation; he added: \"We are committed on this issue.\"" ], [ "FONGTIL on Sanctions and Penalties in the Presidential Election Campaign Previous articleMEJD collects data of 2,130 volunteer teachers at more than a dozen schools Next ArticleDelegation from Timor-Leste meets with business group to discuss development opportunities" ] ]
By Tempo Timor September 27, 2020 486\nSekretariu Estadu Kooperativa, Elizário Ferreira iha koileta fore Metan iha Suai Foto Tempo Timor\nEspíritu ukun-aan atinji ona, bainhira iha tinan 21 liu ba kotuk, povu rasik deside hodi hakotu ezisténsia Indonézia iha rai lulik Timor-Leste, liuhusi surat tahan no pregu.\nMaibé prosesu atu to'o mai 1999, espíritu kooperatizmu hahú ezisti ona, bainhira iha tinan 1974, liuhusi harii kooperativa produsaun iha Liquiça no Baucau husi saudozu Prezidente Nicolao Lobato no Vicente Reis "Sahe".\nHusi ne'e, nia kontinuasaun durante luta laran, bainhira espíritu kooperasaun entre luta na’in sira organiza funu no povu sira suporta hahan, hodi kontribui ba luta atu liberta Rai Timor husi okupasaun kolonializmu.\nHafoin Timor-Leste liberta-aan husi kolonializmu no restaura independénsia iha 20 Maiu 2020, admistrativamente Timor-Leste sai hanesan nasaun soberania, iha mundu no sai membru iha Nasoen Unidas ba 191.\nMaibé, husi prosesu konstrusaun Estadu, ukun na’in sira hahu husi Governu Konstituisionál dahuluk to'o Governu atuál, ukun na’in sira mos hahú fali luta daruak nian, katak liberta povu husi mukit no ki’ak, liu husi meius oi-oin hanesan, halo dezenvolvimentu fíziku, harii konseitu hanesan PEDN, maibé realidade hatudu katak, maski to'o ona tinan 18, dezenvolvimentu fíziku hanesan estrada, edukasaun, saúde liu-liu agrikultura nafatin hakdasak, maski ukun na'in sira halo ona, liu husi meus oi-oin\nKonstituisaun RDTL ne'ebé sai hanesan mata dalan, ba liberta povu husi mukit no kiak de’it mos, prevé hanesan iha Kapitulu III direitu no dever ekonómiku, sosiál no kultura nian, artigu 50 " direitu no servisu" númeru 5 hatete katak " Estadu haburas kriasaun (hakiak) kooperativu ba produsaun no tane ba empreza familiár, nia nu'udar fatin atu hetan servisu", maibé konstituisaun ne'ebé nu'udar mata dalan seidauk atinji, tanbá realidade hatudu to'o agora, povu nafatin moris iha kiak no mukit.\nNune'e, Elizário Ferreira ne'ebé hetan oportunidade sai nu'udar membru Governu ida, iha VIII Governu Konstituisionál iha espíritu atu kontinua hikas mehi husi erói no luta na'in sira ne'ebé hakarak atu liberta mos povu husi mukit no ki’ak, tuir Konstituisaun RDTL haruka.\nMaski ho durasaun ukun ne'ebé limitadu maibé Elizário Ferreira nia mehi, iha 2030 mai Timor-Leste moris ona nu'udar sosiedade ne'ebé asosiadu no iha kapitál finanseiru ne'ebé akomodadu.\nNune'e, atu atinji objetivu hirak ne'e, Elizário hahú tun ba povu, iha área rurál hodi haree direita espíritu kooperatizmu husi povu no fahe informasaun, edukasaun no fó formasaun ba povu agrikultór sira atu hahú ona akumula, iha grupu kooperativa tuir Konstituisaun RDTL haruka.\nTanbá tuir SEKoop, bainhira sosiedade Timor-Leste hamutuk organiza malu liuhusi organizasaun, ba oin povu Timor-Leste rasik mós kontribui ona ba liberta sira nia-aan, husi kiak no mukit.\nNune'e, iha Kuarta (16/9), Sekretáriu Estadu Kooperativa hamutuk ho ekipa kontinua mehi kooperativa ba povu, hanesan parte husi programa SEKoop nian, iha area Ainaro-Dare, Aldeia Tatiri, Suku Mulo, hodi vizita grupu Kooperativa Lases ne'ebé iha área produsaun ai-han.\nMaski remata iha kalan, Elizário kontinua kedas hala'o viajen ba Suai-Covalima, tanbá relasiona ho ajenda, iha loron tuir mai ne'ebé hahú tuku 09:00 dader, hodi halo abertura treinamentu ba grupu Feto Hametin Foho Tetuk no Kooperativa Feto Agrikultura Timor-Leste, iha Aldeia Sadahur, Suku Maudemu, Postu-Admistrativu Tilomar no kontinua vizita ba grupu Hae Oan, área produsaun hare, iha Aldeia Beilaku, Suku Raimea, Postu-Admistrativu Zumalai Munisípiu Covalima.\nElizário, iha loron Sesta (18/9), hamutuk ho Prezidente Autoridade Munisípiu Covalima, inklui komunidade sira kolleta fore metan husi grupu Kooperativa Feto Hametin Foho Tetuk, seremónia kolleta ne'e to'o meiu dia.\nElizário hatudu espíritu ne'ebé la kolen, hodi kontinua viajen husi Suai ba Same-Manufahi, tanbá ajenda konstrusaun hatur fatuk dahuluk (primeira pedra) ba sede kooperativa, husi grupu Hadomi Jerasaun Futuru, iha loron tuir mai, Sabdu (19/9).\nMaibé tuir dalan SEKoop kontinua vizita grupu agrikultura rua, iha Postu-Admistrativu Hatudo, Munisípiu Ainaro, hanesan grupu Judas, iha Aldeia Dausua, Suku Loilima no grupu Haburas Foho Ai-liku, Aldeia Ainaro Kiik.\nNune'e, Viajen husi Suai ba Same-Manufahi liuhusi dalan korta mota laran Postu-Admistrativu Hatudo Munisípiu Ainaro nian, durante oras 8, hodi to'o iha fatin deskansa Same Manufahi, iha tuku 20:00 kalan.\nDader iha Sabdu (19/9), SEKoop kontinua prienxe ajenda hodi halo lansamentu fatuk dahuluk (Primeiru Pedra) ba sede kooperativa husi grupu Hadomi Jerasaun Futuru, iha Aldeia Dalun, Suku Tituluro Postu-Admistrativu Same Munisípiu Manufahi, to'o tuku 13:00 otl.\nGovernante ne'e hamutuk ho komitiva husik hela Same, hodi kontinua ba Hatubuilico, Munisípiu Ainaro, atu vizita no haree direita produsaun, husi grupu rua, hanesan grupu Buka Fini ba Futuru, iha Aldeia Manu-Sahe, Suku Mausiga no ikus iha Suku Mulo, Aldeia Manu-Mera, hodi vizita grupu Toba Hader.\nRemata husi viajen tomak durante loron haat, Sekretáriu Estadu Kooperativa, Elizário Ferreira deside fila hikas ba Díli, nune'e Jornalista www.tempotimor.com iha oportunidade halo entervista eskluzivu.\nHo espíritu kooperatizmu, Sekretáriu Estadu Kooperativa, Elizário Ferreira resposta pergunta ne'ebé hatoo akompanã ho Kafé morin Maubisse. Tuir mai deskrisaun entrevista no resposta Tempotimor (TT) ho Sekretáriu Estadu Kooperativa, Elizário Ferreira (SEKoop), iha Maubisse, Sabdu (19/9).\nTT: Bele esplika objetivu husi vizita loron haat ba grupu sira iha área rurál?\nSEKoop: Vizita ne'e hatan ba nesesidade kooperativa nian ne'ebé konvida SEKoop, atu observa produsaun ne'ebé membru kooperativa sira iha.\nSegundu, abertura formasaun iha Suai no halo lansamentu konstrusaun sede kooperativa iha Same inklui direita ba tereñu, hodi observa produsaun ba membru kooperativa nian, iha área ortikultura ho agro pekuária sira.\nServisu ne'e, atu organiza ema oinsá servisu hanesan organizasaun, tanbá Estadu atu apoiu ba ema ida-idak normalmente laiha kbiit, maibé kuandu organiza husi organizasaun liu husi kooperativa, Estadu bele akompaña liu husi formasaun, akompaña inklui monitorizasaun ba Kooperativa sira.\nObjetivu atu atinji mehi ida katak, 2030 ne'e metade husi sosiedade moris iha vida organizasaun, bainhira sosiedade moris ona iha organizasaun, fásil atu mobiliza, edukasaun no informasaun no fásil atu produz nune'e mos fásil atu deteta falla ne'e husi ne'ebé, tanba ida ne'e mak organizasaun ne'e nu'udar sistema ne'ebé SEKoop kria atu akompaña sira.\nSeluk, Ha'u promete ba sira mak edukasaun, formasaun no informasaun, ida ne'e parte importante husi SEKoop nian ba ema hotu-hotu atu hatene produz no akompaña produsaun ne'ebé sustentável no konduz sira ba merkadu.\nObjetivu loloos maka kontribui hasa'e dezenvolvimentu ekonomia rai laran, hasa'e ka aumentu produsaun, no kontribui hadi'a má nutrisaun, iha rai-laran.\nTT: Husi vizita tomak iha tereñu, Suá-Exselénsia observa iha duni espíritu kooperativa?\nSEKoop: Durante ha’u vizita, iha parte Leste Viqueque, parte Sul Suai komesa iha ona espíritu, atu hahú, Ainaro komesa ona. Tuir Konstitusun RDTL artigu 50 ne'e hatete Estadu promove kriasaun kooperativa, produsaun nu'udar meius ida, atu kria kampu traballu, hodi kontribui ba ki’ak iha rai-laran, bazeia ba kontinuasaun ne'e, komunidade nia inisiativa komesa buras, Estadu nia papel akompaña no reforsa sira, bainhira komesa produz, sira laiha kapitál Estadu investe kapitál maibé la’os fahe osan.\nHanesan ha'u hatete ona katak, investe osan iha kooperativa asesu kapitál liuhusi liña kréditu ho jurus (funan) ne'ebé kiik, atu nune'e bele sosa fini, adubu no asegura rezerva ai-han, keta iha problema kalamidade sira iha osan atu nafatin kontribui.\nTT: Husi esplikasaun iha leten, siginifika komunidade hahú ona iha inisiativa harii grupu kooperativa. Dadaun ne'e, dadus kooperativa hira mak rejista ona iha SEKoop?\nSEKoop : Agora dadaun ne'e, dadus ne'ebé rejista iha SEKoop hamutuk, iha kooperativa 230, husi 230 ne'e, 97 kooperativa kréditu, restu ne'e kooperativa naun-finanseiru katak produsaun sira.\nSira akomoda ona kuaze tokon US$ 12, entaun osan ne'ebé sira iha, parte SEKoop prontu fasilita ba sira edukasaun, formasaun hodi sira maneja, atu asegura estabilidade finanseira no sustentabilidade institusionál.\nTT: Atu rejista ba kooperativa, kritérias importante saida mak presiza prienxe?\nSEKoop: Primeiru, tuir Lei ne'e atu rejistu sai kooperativa tuir standar kada grupu, iha membru 15 pesoal, maibé agora dadaun kuaze grupu sira iha membru 25 ba leten, so ke iha balun mosu iha aldeia, aldeia sira ne'ebé besik malu di'ak liu halo ida de'it, iha suku atu nune'e bele forte. Tanba relasiona ho kapitál, laiha osan mak ita halai hamutuk, maibé grupu nafatin kiik entaun osan mos nafatin kiik.\nEntaun grupu sira ne'ebé iha aldeia no suku konsentra iha Postu-Administrativu sai hanesan estasaun iha Suku no maneja iha Postu-Admistrativu, atu nune'e fásil liu iha akompañamentu no kontrolu husi nível Nasionál, Munisípiu ba to'o iha Postu-Administrativu.\nTT: Mehi Suá-Exselénsia nian ba kooperativa durante mandatu, nu'udar Sekretáriu Estadu Kooperativa tuir Konstituisaun RDTL haruka?\nSEKoop: Hanoin katak mehi ha'u nian iha 2030 metade husi populasaun tenke moris kooperativa, basta ema ida husi populasaun sai membru kooperativa, ne'e populasaun nia osan de’it bele akomodadu husi máximu duzentus sinkuenta milloens ($250 milloens) no mínimu sentu sinkuenta milloens ($150 milloens) akomodadu iha kooperativa. Tanba ne'e iha tempu ne'ebá (2030) ema bele deklara ona katak, sosiedade ida ne'ebé asosiadu no ho kapitál ida ne'ebé akomodadu.\nTT: Atu atinji sosiedade ne'ebé asosiadu no kapitál akomodadu liu husi kooperativa tuir Konstitusaun, Suá-Exselénsia la senti kole durante viajen ne'ebé nakonu ho ajenda?\nSEKoop: Kuandu Maromak fó oportunidade atu serve, tenki serve. Maromak hatene atur ona iha ne'ebé atu kole tanba ne'e tenki fiar-aan tenki kontinua servisu. Buat ida oportunidade la'ós ema mak fó maibé Maromak mak fó, konfiansa mai husi Institusaun ida. (*)\nElizário Ferreira Ainaro\nElizário Ferreira Covalima\nElizário Ferreira Same\n« Negosiante Ambulante 50 Rejístadu Tuir Programa SEKoop SEKoop Aloka Tokon $24.1 Ba Rekuperasaun Ekonómiku »
[ "By Tempo Timor September 27, 2020 486 Sekretariu Estadu Kooperativa, Elizario Ferreira iha koileta fore Metan iha Suai Foto Tempo Timor Espiritu ukun-aan atinji ona, bainhira iha tinan 21 liu ba kotuk, povu rasik deside hodi hakotu ezistensia Indonezia iha rai lulik Timor-Leste, liuhusi surat tahan no pregu.", "Maibe prosesu atu to'o mai 1999, espiritu kooperatizmu hahu ezisti ona, bainhira iha tinan 1974, liuhusi harii kooperativa produsaun iha Liquica no Baucau husi saudozu Prezidente Nicolao Lobato no Vicente Reis \"Sahe.\"", "Husi ne'e, nia kontinuasaun durante luta laran, bainhira espiritu kooperasaun entre luta na'in sira organiza funu no povu sira suporta hahan, hodi kontribui ba luta atu liberta Rai Timor husi okupasaun kolonializmu.", "Hafoin Timor-Leste liberta-aan husi kolonializmu no restaura independensia iha 20 Maiu 2020, admistrativamente Timor-Leste sai hanesan nasaun soberania, iha mundu no sai membru iha Nasoen Unidas ba 191.", "Maibe, husi prosesu konstrusaun Estadu, ukun na'in sira hahu husi Governu Konstituisional dahuluk to'o Governu atual, ukun na'in sira mos hahu fali luta daruak nian, katak liberta povu husi mukit no ki'ak, liu husi meius oi-oin hanesan, halo dezenvolvimentu fiziku, harii konseitu hanesan PEDN, maibe realidade hatudu katak, maski to'o ona tinan 18, dezenvolvimentu fiziku hanesan estrada, edukasaun, saude liu-liu agrikultura nafatin hakdasak, maski ukun na'in sira halo ona, liu husi meus oi-oin Konstituisaun RDTL ne'ebe sai hanesan mata dalan, ba liberta povu husi mukit no kiak de'it mos, preve hanesan iha Kapitulu III direitu no dever ekonomiku, sosial no kultura nian, artigu 50 \" direitu no servisu\" numeru 5 hatete katak \" Estadu haburas kriasaun (hakiak) kooperativu ba produsaun no tane ba empreza familiar, nia nu'udar fatin atu hetan servisu,\" maibe konstituisaun ne'ebe nu'udar mata dalan seidauk atinji, tanba realidade hatudu to'o agora, povu nafatin moris iha kiak no mukit.", "Nune'e, Elizario Ferreira ne'ebe hetan oportunidade sai nu'udar membru Governu ida, iha VIII Governu Konstituisional iha espiritu atu kontinua hikas mehi husi eroi no luta na'in sira ne'ebe hakarak atu liberta mos povu husi mukit no ki'ak, tuir Konstituisaun RDTL haruka.", "Maski ho durasaun ukun ne'ebe limitadu maibe Elizario Ferreira nia mehi, iha 2030 mai Timor-Leste moris ona nu'udar sosiedade ne'ebe asosiadu no iha kapital finanseiru ne'ebe akomodadu.", "Nune'e, atu atinji objetivu hirak ne'e, Elizario hahu tun ba povu, iha area rural hodi haree direita espiritu kooperatizmu husi povu no fahe informasaun, edukasaun no fo formasaun ba povu agrikultor sira atu hahu ona akumula, iha grupu kooperativa tuir Konstituisaun RDTL haruka.", "Tanba tuir SEKoop, bainhira sosiedade Timor-Leste hamutuk organiza malu liuhusi organizasaun, ba oin povu Timor-Leste rasik mos kontribui ona ba liberta sira nia-aan, husi kiak no mukit.", "Nune'e, iha Kuarta (16/9), Sekretariu Estadu Kooperativa hamutuk ho ekipa kontinua mehi kooperativa ba povu, hanesan parte husi programa SEKoop nian, iha area Ainaro-Dare, Aldeia Tatiri, Suku Mulo, hodi vizita grupu Kooperativa Lases ne'ebe iha area produsaun ai-han.", "Maski remata iha kalan, Elizario kontinua kedas hala'o viajen ba Suai-Covalima, tanba relasiona ho ajenda, iha loron tuir mai ne'ebe hahu tuku 09:00 dader, hodi halo abertura treinamentu ba grupu Feto Hametin Foho Tetuk no Kooperativa Feto Agrikultura Timor-Leste, iha Aldeia Sadahur, Suku Maudemu, Postu-Admistrativu Tilomar no kontinua vizita ba grupu Hae Oan, area produsaun hare, iha Aldeia Beilaku, Suku Raimea, Postu-Admistrativu Zumalai Munisipiu Covalima.", "Elizario, iha loron Sesta (18/9), hamutuk ho Prezidente Autoridade Munisipiu Covalima, inklui komunidade sira kolleta fore metan husi grupu Kooperativa Feto Hametin Foho Tetuk, seremonia kolleta ne'e to'o meiu dia.", "Elizario hatudu espiritu ne'ebe la kolen, hodi kontinua viajen husi Suai ba Same-Manufahi, tanba ajenda konstrusaun hatur fatuk dahuluk (primeira pedra) ba sede kooperativa, husi grupu Hadomi Jerasaun Futuru, iha loron tuir mai, Sabdu (19/9).", "Maibe tuir dalan SEKoop kontinua vizita grupu agrikultura rua, iha Postu-Admistrativu Hatudo, Munisipiu Ainaro, hanesan grupu Judas, iha Aldeia Dausua, Suku Loilima no grupu Haburas Foho Ai-liku, Aldeia Ainaro Kiik.", "Nune'e, Viajen husi Suai ba Same-Manufahi liuhusi dalan korta mota laran Postu-Admistrativu Hatudo Munisipiu Ainaro nian, durante oras 8, hodi to'o iha fatin deskansa Same Manufahi, iha tuku 20:00 kalan.", "Dader iha Sabdu (19/9), SEKoop kontinua prienxe ajenda hodi halo lansamentu fatuk dahuluk (Primeiru Pedra) ba sede kooperativa husi grupu Hadomi Jerasaun Futuru, iha Aldeia Dalun, Suku Tituluro Postu-Admistrativu Same Munisipiu Manufahi, to'o tuku 13:00 otl.", "Governante ne'e hamutuk ho komitiva husik hela Same, hodi kontinua ba Hatubuilico, Munisipiu Ainaro, atu vizita no haree direita produsaun, husi grupu rua, hanesan grupu Buka Fini ba Futuru, iha Aldeia Manu-Sahe, Suku Mausiga no ikus iha Suku Mulo, Aldeia Manu-Mera, hodi vizita grupu Toba Hader.", "Remata husi viajen tomak durante loron haat, Sekretariu Estadu Kooperativa, Elizario Ferreira deside fila hikas ba Dili, nune'e Jornalista www.tempotimor.com iha oportunidade halo entervista eskluzivu.", "Ho espiritu kooperatizmu, Sekretariu Estadu Kooperativa, Elizario Ferreira resposta pergunta ne'ebe hatoo akompana ho Kafe morin Maubisse.", "Tuir mai deskrisaun entrevista no resposta Tempotimor (TT) ho Sekretariu Estadu Kooperativa, Elizario Ferreira (SEKoop), iha Maubisse, Sabdu (19/9).", "TT: Bele esplika objetivu husi vizita loron haat ba grupu sira iha area rural?", "SEKoop: Vizita ne'e hatan ba nesesidade kooperativa nian ne'ebe konvida SEKoop, atu observa produsaun ne'ebe membru kooperativa sira iha.", "Segundu, abertura formasaun iha Suai no halo lansamentu konstrusaun sede kooperativa iha Same inklui direita ba terenu, hodi observa produsaun ba membru kooperativa nian, iha area ortikultura ho agro pekuaria sira.", "Servisu ne'e, atu organiza ema oinsa servisu hanesan organizasaun, tanba Estadu atu apoiu ba ema ida-idak normalmente laiha kbiit, maibe kuandu organiza husi organizasaun liu husi kooperativa, Estadu bele akompana liu husi formasaun, akompana inklui monitorizasaun ba Kooperativa sira.", "Objetivu atu atinji mehi ida katak, 2030 ne'e metade husi sosiedade moris iha vida organizasaun, bainhira sosiedade moris ona iha organizasaun, fasil atu mobiliza, edukasaun no informasaun no fasil atu produz nune'e mos fasil atu deteta falla ne'e husi ne'ebe, tanba ida ne'e mak organizasaun ne'e nu'udar sistema ne'ebe SEKoop kria atu akompana sira.", "Seluk, Ha'u promete ba sira mak edukasaun, formasaun no informasaun, ida ne'e parte importante husi SEKoop nian ba ema hotu-hotu atu hatene produz no akompana produsaun ne'ebe sustentavel no konduz sira ba merkadu.", "Objetivu loloos maka kontribui hasa'e dezenvolvimentu ekonomia rai laran, hasa'e ka aumentu produsaun, no kontribui hadi'a ma nutrisaun, iha rai-laran.", "TT: Husi vizita tomak iha terenu, Sua-Exselensia observa iha duni espiritu kooperativa?", "SEKoop: Durante ha'u vizita, iha parte Leste Viqueque, parte Sul Suai komesa iha ona espiritu, atu hahu, Ainaro komesa ona.", "Tuir Konstitusun RDTL artigu 50 ne'e hatete Estadu promove kriasaun kooperativa, produsaun nu'udar meius ida, atu kria kampu traballu, hodi kontribui ba ki'ak iha rai-laran, bazeia ba kontinuasaun ne'e, komunidade nia inisiativa komesa buras, Estadu nia papel akompana no reforsa sira, bainhira komesa produz, sira laiha kapital Estadu investe kapital maibe la'os fahe osan.", "Hanesan ha'u hatete ona katak, investe osan iha kooperativa asesu kapital liuhusi lina kreditu ho jurus (funan) ne'ebe kiik, atu nune'e bele sosa fini, adubu no asegura rezerva ai-han, keta iha problema kalamidade sira iha osan atu nafatin kontribui.", "TT: Husi esplikasaun iha leten, siginifika komunidade hahu ona iha inisiativa harii grupu kooperativa.", "Dadaun ne'e, dadus kooperativa hira mak rejista ona iha SEKoop?", "SEKoop: Agora dadaun ne'e, dadus ne'ebe rejista iha SEKoop hamutuk, iha kooperativa 230, husi 230 ne'e, 97 kooperativa kreditu, restu ne'e kooperativa naun-finanseiru katak produsaun sira.", "Sira akomoda ona kuaze tokon US$ 12, entaun osan ne'ebe sira iha, parte SEKoop prontu fasilita ba sira edukasaun, formasaun hodi sira maneja, atu asegura estabilidade finanseira no sustentabilidade institusional.", "TT: Atu rejista ba kooperativa, kriterias importante saida mak presiza prienxe?", "SEKoop: Primeiru, tuir Lei ne'e atu rejistu sai kooperativa tuir standar kada grupu, iha membru 15 pesoal, maibe agora dadaun kuaze grupu sira iha membru 25 ba leten, so ke iha balun mosu iha aldeia, aldeia sira ne'ebe besik malu di'ak liu halo ida de'it, iha suku atu nune'e bele forte.", "Tanba relasiona ho kapital, laiha osan mak ita halai hamutuk, maibe grupu nafatin kiik entaun osan mos nafatin kiik.", "Entaun grupu sira ne'ebe iha aldeia no suku konsentra iha Postu-Administrativu sai hanesan estasaun iha Suku no maneja iha Postu-Admistrativu, atu nune'e fasil liu iha akompanamentu no kontrolu husi nivel Nasional, Munisipiu ba to'o iha Postu-Administrativu.", "TT: Mehi Sua-Exselensia nian ba kooperativa durante mandatu, nu'udar Sekretariu Estadu Kooperativa tuir Konstituisaun RDTL haruka?", "SEKoop: Hanoin katak mehi ha'u nian iha 2030 metade husi populasaun tenke moris kooperativa, basta ema ida husi populasaun sai membru kooperativa, ne'e populasaun nia osan de'it bele akomodadu husi maximu duzentus sinkuenta milloens ($250 milloens) no minimu sentu sinkuenta milloens ($150 milloens) akomodadu iha kooperativa.", "Tanba ne'e iha tempu ne'eba (2030) ema bele deklara ona katak, sosiedade ida ne'ebe asosiadu no ho kapital ida ne'ebe akomodadu.", "TT: Atu atinji sosiedade ne'ebe asosiadu no kapital akomodadu liu husi kooperativa tuir Konstitusaun, Sua-Exselensia la senti kole durante viajen ne'ebe nakonu ho ajenda?", "SEKoop: Kuandu Maromak fo oportunidade atu serve, tenki serve.", "Maromak hatene atur ona iha ne'ebe atu kole tanba ne'e tenki fiar-aan tenki kontinua servisu.", "Buat ida oportunidade la'os ema mak fo maibe Maromak mak fo, konfiansa mai husi Institusaun ida. (*) Elizario Ferreira Ainaro Elizario Ferreira Covalima Elizario Ferreira Same \" Negosiante Ambulante 50 Rejistadu Tuir Programa SEKoop SEKoop Aloka Tokon $24.1 Ba Rekuperasaun Ekonomiku \"" ]
[ [ "By Tempo Timor September 27,198 State Secretary for Cooperatives Elizario Ferreira at the Metan Fork in Suai Photo: Time of East The spirit to achieve independence has been reached when more than twenty-one years ago people themselves decided through letter and preach that they would put an end on Indonesia' s existence." ], [ "But the process to come up in 1974, when production cooperatives were founded by late President Nicolao Lobato and Vicente Reis \"Sahe.\"" ], [ "From there, it continued during the internal struggle when a spirit of cooperation between fighters organized war and people support food to contribute in their fight for liberation from colonialism." ], [ "After Timor-Leste liberated itself from colonialism and restored its independence on 20 May, administratively it became a sovereign country in the world. It has become member of United Nations as number one hundred nineteenth nation (193)." ], [ "However, from the process of State-building and rulers beginning with first Constitutional Government to current governments also began a second struggle: liberating people outof poverty through various means such as physical development. They created concept like PEDN but reality shows that even after 18 years now there is still no progress in areas including road construction education health especially agriculture despite their efforts The RDTL constitution which was used for guidance on how we can free ourselves off poorness has provided under Chapter III economic social cultural rights & duties article50 \"rightes et services\" number five saying “The state promote cooperative production (hakiak) land family enterprise it'saplace where you get work” however this guideline remained unachievable because so far realities show us all live living down below or low income" ], [ "Therefore, Elizario Ferreira who had the opportunity to become a member of one government in VIII Constitutional Government was determined that he would continue with his efforts and aspirations as heroes for those fighters wishing also liberate people from poverty accordingly." ], [ "Despite the limited duration of his rule, Elizario Ferreira's vision is that by 2031 Timor-Leste will be a society with an associated and accommodated financial capital." ], [ "Thus, in order to achieve these objectives Elizario began going out among the people of rural areas and seeing how co-operative spirit can be cultivated. He also spread information about educational opportunities for farmer population so that they could start accumulating resources into cooperatives as stipulated by Timorese Constitution (1975)." ], [ "Because according to SEKoop, when Timorese society organizes itself together through organizational structure the people themselves have contributed towards their liberation from poverty and hardship." ], [ "Thus, on Thursday (16/9), the State Secretary of Cooperative Affairs together with a team continue to promote co-operation for people as part Of SEKoop program in Ainaro - Dare area Tatiri Village Mulo village visiting Lases group which produce food." ], [ "Even though the evening ended, Elizario immediately continued his journey to Suai-Covalima because of agenda. The following day he began at 09:35 amidst an opening training for Feto Hametin Foho Tetuk group and Cooperative Women's Agriculture Timor Leste in Sadahur Village Maudemu Township Tilomar Post Office; then went on with visiting Hai Oan Group which is working within harvest area Beilaku village Raimea Town Zumalai post office Covalima Municipality" ], [ "Elizario, on Saturday (18/9), together with the President of Municipality Authority in Covalima and community members collected forage methane from Cooperativa Feto Hametin Foho Tetuk group. The ceremony lasted until midday 20th September" ], [ "Elizario showed a spirit of uncompromising, to continue the journey from Suai Same-Manufahi because construction agenda first stone (primeira pedra) for cooperative headquarters by Hadomi Jerasaun Futuru group on Saturday 19/08. The next day is Sat(23)." ], [ "However, along the way SEKoop continued to visit two agricultural groups in Hatudo Post-Administrative Area of Ainaro Municipality: Judas group at Aldeia Dausua and Haburas Foho Ailiku." ], [ "Thus, the journey from Suai to Same-Manufahi through a short road in Hatudo Posto Administrative of Ainaro Municipality takes 8 hours and arrive at Sama Manufai recreation area by night." ], [ "On Saturday (September 19), SEKoop continued to meet the agenda of launching first stone for Hadomi Jerasaun Futuru group's cooperative headquarters in Aldeia Dalun, Suku Tituluro Same Post-Administrative District Manufahi Municipality. The ceremony lasted until at least noon on September20th and was attended by more than one thousand people from all over Timor Leste including representatives with a special delegation that represented SEKOOP as well" ], [ "The governor and his committee left Same, to continue towards Hatubuilico in the Municipality of Ainaro. They visited two groups' production facilities: Buka Fini ba Futuru group at Manu-Sahe Village (Mausiga village), then Mulo Community Centre for Toba Hader Group; they also went on a tour with their delegation through Manaus City where he met local farmers who were working under different conditions such as cold weather or rainfall that could affect farming activities during rainy season" ], [ "At the end of his four-day trip, State Secretary for Cooperatives Elizario Ferreira decided to quickly return home. The journalist at tempotimor had an exclusive interview with him in Dili on Monday morning (12/06)." ], [ "In the spirit of co-operation, State Secretary for Cooperatives Elizario Ferreira answered a question that was presented with coffee from Maubisse." ], [ "The following is a description of the interview and answer Tempotimor (TT) with State Secretary for Cooperatives, Elizario Ferreira(SEKoop), in Maubisse on Saturday 19 September." ], [ "TT: Can you explain the purpose of your four-day visit to groups in rural areas?" ], [ "SEKoop: The visit is in response to the need of cooperative which invited SECoOp, for observing productions made by its members." ], [ "Secondly, opening training in Suai and launching the construction of cooperative headquarters at Same including right to land for observation productions by member cooperatives on horticulture areas." ], [ "The service is to organize people how they can work as an organization, because the State normally has no capacity for supporting individuals. But when organized by organisation through cooperatives and co-operative groups (cooperative), it may accompany them with training or monitoring of their activities in a coordinated manner.\"" ], [ "The objective to achieve this is that by 2031 half of the society live in an organized life, when a community has been living within organizations it will be easier for people and businesses as well. It'll also become more easily mobilized with educational information about what they can produce so therefore faults are detectable from wherever you look because SEcoop created their organisation system which accompanies them throughout all these years" ], [ "Next, I promise to them that education and training will be an important part of SEKoop for everyone who wants the skills needed in producing sustainable products." ], [ "The real objectives are to contribute towards the economic development of a country, increase or boost production and improve nutrition in that land." ], [ "TT: From all the field visits, did Your Excellency observe a spirit of cooperation?" ], [ "SEKoop: During my visit, in the eastern part of Viqueque and southern Suai there is a spirit to start. Ainaro has started too!" ], [ "According to the Constitution of Timor-Leste, article 50 states that State promotes cooperative production as a means for creating jobs and contribute towards poverty in our country. Based on this continuation community initiatives are growing up; state accompaniment is supportive when they start producing because there' s no capital The government invest kapital but not distribute money" ], [ "As I have said, invest money in co-operatives accessing capital through credit lines with low interest rates so that they can buy fertilizer and ensure food reserve. In the event of disasters there is still enough cash to contribute as well;" ], [ "TT: From the explanation above, it means that communities have begun to take initiatives for cooperative groups." ], [ "To date, how many cooperative data have been registered in SEKoop?" ], [ "SEKoop: Currently, according to the data registered in SECoOp there are 230 cooperatives. Of these total of co-operatives (97 credit and non financial), only one is a production unit; all other units have been closed or reorganization processes underway for their continued existence as smaller entities with limited resources that can be used by them on an ongoing basis" ], [ "They have accommodated nearly US$ 12 million, so the money they've got SEKoop is ready to provide them with education and training for managing it. This will ensure financial stability as well institutional sustainability of their business activities.\"" ], [ "TT: In order to register as a cooperative, what important criteria must be met?" ], [ "SEKoop: Firstly, according to the law for a cooperative registration is required that each group has 15 members. At present there are almost groups with more than two dozen and upwards of memberships but some have emerged in village levels; it would be better if closer-ligging communities could form one single community so as not only they can become stronger yet also improve their economical situation" ], [ "Because it is related to capital, there are no money we can go together with but the group remains small and so also our funds." ], [ "So the groups in villages and township concentrate at Post-Administrative become as stations on Village, managed by Administrative post so that it is easier to accompany them from National level through Municipality up into Town." ], [ "TT: What is Your Excellency's wish for cooperatives during your term as State Secretary of Cooperative Affairs, in accordance with the Constitution?" ], [ "SEKoop: I think that my wish in 2031 is for half of the population to live cooperatively, just one person from each family becoming a member. That means only people's money can accommodate between two hundred and fifty million ($548m) maximum or at least five cent millions (US$679 mn)." ], [ "Therefore, by that time (2031) people will be able to declare themselves as an associated society with accommodated capital." ], [ "TT: In order to achieve an associated society and capital accommodated through cooperatives in accordance with the Constitution, did Your Excellency not feel angry during a busy trip?" ], [ "SEKoop: When God gives an opportunity to serve, you should." ], [ "God knows where to collect, so we must be confident and continue our work." ], [ "Something opportunity is not given by man but God gives, trust comes from an institution. (*) Elizario Ferreira Ainaro Lizariuo Ferreira Coimbra Izairiu Fernandes Same \" 50 Mobile Merchants Registered Under the Program of SECoop Secoop Allocates $24 million for Economic Recovery\"" ] ]
Mons.Joseph Marino aprezenta “Gaudete et Exsultate” ba Relijiozu/a sira | fmatin.org\nMons.Joseph Marino aprezenta “Gaudete et Exsultate” ba Relijiozu/a sira\nDili – “Conferência Superiores Maiores Religiosos” Timor-Leste, organiza enkontru ida ho Arsebispu Joseph Marino, Núnsiu Apostóliku ba Timor-Leste ho superiór/a sira Kongregasaun sira prezente iha Timor-Leste, iha 10 Setembru 2019, hal’o iha Salaun João Paulo II, Comoro (Dili).\nEnkontru hahú ho konferénsia kona-ba Ezortasaun apostólika “Gaudete et Exsultate” ne’ebé Papa Francisco hasai iha 9 Abríl 2018, kona-ba vokasaun ba santidade. Papa Francisco hateten katka ninia finalidade mak “propoin filafali bolun ba santidade iha modu prátiku ba ita-nia tempu sira”, Don Joseph Marino hateten. Iha dokumentu ne’e Papa Francisco.\nAspetu tolu importante dokumentu “Gaudete et exsultate” mak: signifikadu santidade nian, vokasaun ba sarani hotu (LG 40); dokumentu aprezenta oinsá moris santidade ho modu konkretu; santidade ne’ebé iha signifikadu ba tempu ohin nian. Papa Francisco “hanesan iha Evangelii Gaudium, no iha Amoris Laetitiae, dokumentu importante rua seluk, nia hakarak moris sarani ida ne’ebé reflete resposta loos no vizivel ba nesesidade sira ita-nia tempu nian”, Don Joseph evidensia.\nFonte santidade nian\nIha Mons. Joseph nia aprezentasaun nia hato’o uluk saida mak fonte santidade nian, katak Batizmu, Espíritu Santu nia prezensa liuhusi Konfirmasaun ne’ebé ativa no dinámika; no moris iha Kreda, katak ita moris santidade la’ós mesak maibé nu’udar membru povu ida nian (GE 6), povu santu, “Kreda militante nia santidade (GE 7). “Ita relijiozu la moris izoladu, maibé moris iha komunidade”.\nSantidade nia sasukat mak Kristu, enkuantu ita banati tuir Nia, ho Espíritu Santu nia kbiit. Espíritu Santu haruka ita hala’o misaun ida ne’ebé fó ona mai ita liuhusi Batizmu. Ho Batizmu ita tam iha família Maromak nian ne’ebé communion ida, halo ain-hakat konstante hodi lori mensajen redensaun Kristu nian ba mundu, la’ós ho liafuan de’it, maibé, liuliu ho hahalok.\nHusi santidade ba asaun\nDaruak katak santidade tenke hatudu iha asaun ka hahalok, “iha ne’eb’e Maromak moris iha ita”. Tentasaun rua ne’ebé Amu-Papa aviza mak Gnostisizmu no Pelajianizmu. Gnoztisizmu hanoin santidade depende ba ema nia matenek no koñesimentu, no “ida-ne’e lori atu julga ema kona-ba ema nia kapasidade atu komprende no hatene kona-ba Maromak, la’ós kona-ba hahalok karidade nian”. Tentasaun daruak mak pelajianizmu, “kontinuasaun husi erru dahuluk” hanorin katak moris di’ak ka perfeisaun “bazeia ba esforsu rasik”. Ema sira hanesan ne’e fiar iha sira-nia kbiit no vontade umana rasik. Nune’e la iha fatin ba frakeza, frajilidade, salan…\nPapa Francisco fó hanoin iha “Gaudete et exsultate katak buar ne’e hotu erru, basá “salvasaun no sai Maromak nia oan mai hhusi Maromak de’it”. Papa Francisco hakarak atu ita “hakohak grasa ne’ebé ita simu ho haraik-an ne’ebé kle’an, no se ita hala’o nune’e ita sei iha mizerikórdia ba ema hotu ne’ebé buka moris, sinseru ho Maromak”. Ital abele julga ema ne’ebé fraku, salan maibé hatudu mizerikórdia ba sira. “Santidade mak prosesu ida, viajen no aventura ida, ho nia ksolok no nia tristeza, iha nia susesu nó mós insusesu, frakeza no forsa”, hanesan S. Paulo raisk dehan: “wainhira ha’u fraku mak ha’u forte” (2 Cor 12,10).\nAsaun santidade nian\nSantidade ne’ebé prátika no konkretu mak onsá loos? Nia fó hanoin kona-ba orasaun, liturjia, adorasuan eukarístika, nst, maibé nu’udar instrumentu atu hodi to’o ba finalidade. Instrumentu sira ne’e reforsa ita-nia moris iha Kristu no nia moris iha ita. Maibé, santidade tuir Papa Francisco mak “karidade ne’ebé moris iha fiar” (GE 21). Nune’e, santidade konsiste iha saida loos? Amu-Papa hateten katak “laiha buat ida ne’ebé fó ksolok liu duké filafali ba Jezús nia Liafuan atu haree oinsá nia fahe lia-loos. Jezús esplika ho simplisidade boot sai santu loloos mak saida, bainhira nia haklaken “Rahun-Di’ak sira” (GE 63).\nNia foti fali Amu-Papa nia esplikasuan kona-ba “Rahun-Di’ak sira” (GE67-70) no ninia fraze kona-ba saida mak santidade:\n“Sai kiak iha fuan, ne’e mak santidade” (GE 70)\n“Reaje ho laran-maus no haraik-an, ne’e mak santidade” (GE 74)\n“Hatene tanis ho ema seluk, ne’e mak santidade” (GE 76)\n“Buka justisa hodi hamlaha no hamrook, ne’e mak santidade” (GE 79)\n“Haree no atua ho laran-sadia, ne;e mak santidade” (GE 82)\n“Mantein fuan moos husi buat hotu ne’ebé bele hafoer domin, ne’e mak santidade” (GE 86)\n“Kuda dame haleu ita, nele mak santidade” (GE 89)\n“Hakohak loroloron dalan Evanjellu nian maski hamosu problema mai ita, ne’e mak santidade” (GE 93).\nIha parte ikus ninia konferénsia, Don Joseph Marino foti sinál sira santidade nian ne’ebé Papa Francisco hakerek iha Gaudete et Exsultate: 1) perseveransa, pasiénsia no laran-manas; 2) ksolok no sentidu umór nian; 3) barani no paixaun; 4) iha komunidade no iha orasaun kontínua.\nIha mós oportunidade ba pergunta no resposta. Iha momentu ne’e mai mós D. Virgílio, Bispu Dili nian nu’udar “moderadór” ba “CSM-TL”. Pergunta sira kona-ba oinsá moris santidade iha kontestu atuál; difikuldade atu integra fiar iha kultura iha Timor-Leste; pergunta kona-ba moris santidade hodi defende ema kiak no rai hanesan haktuir iha Laudato Sí, oinsá konjuga mizerikórdia ho hahalok abuzu seksuál sira ne’ebé padre no relijiozu sira halo.\nIkusmai taka ho Eukaristia hamutuk no almosu.\nTags:\tGaudete et Exsultate, Relijiozu/a
[ "Mons.Joseph Marino aprezenta \"Gaudete et Exsultate\" ba Relijiozu/a sira | fmatin.org Mons.Joseph Marino aprezenta \"Gaudete et Exsultate\" ba Relijiozu/a sira Dili - \"Conferencia Superiores Maiores Religiosos\" Timor-Leste, organiza enkontru ida ho Arsebispu Joseph Marino, Nunsiu Apostoliku ba Timor-Leste ho superior/a sira Kongregasaun sira prezente iha Timor-Leste, iha 10 Setembru 2019, hal'o iha Salaun Joao Paulo II, Comoro (Dili).", "Enkontru hahu ho konferensia kona-ba Ezortasaun apostolika \"Gaudete et Exsultate\" ne'ebe Papa Francisco hasai iha 9 Abril 2018, kona-ba vokasaun ba santidade.", "Papa Francisco hateten katka ninia finalidade mak \"propoin filafali bolun ba santidade iha modu pratiku ba ita-nia tempu sira,\" Don Joseph Marino hateten.", "Iha dokumentu ne'e Papa Francisco.", "Aspetu tolu importante dokumentu \"Gaudete et exsultate\" mak: signifikadu santidade nian, vokasaun ba sarani hotu (LG 40); dokumentu aprezenta oinsa moris santidade ho modu konkretu; santidade ne'ebe iha signifikadu ba tempu ohin nian.", "Papa Francisco \"hanesan iha Evangelii Gaudium, no iha Amoris Laetitiae, dokumentu importante rua seluk, nia hakarak moris sarani ida ne'ebe reflete resposta loos no vizivel ba nesesidade sira ita-nia tempu nian,\" Don Joseph evidensia.", "Fonte santidade nian Iha Mons.", "Joseph nia aprezentasaun nia hato'o uluk saida mak fonte santidade nian, katak Batizmu, Espiritu Santu nia prezensa liuhusi Konfirmasaun ne'ebe ativa no dinamika; no moris iha Kreda, katak ita moris santidade la'os mesak maibe nu'udar membru povu ida nian (GE 6), povu santu, \"Kreda militante nia santidade (GE 7).", "\"Ita relijiozu la moris izoladu, maibe moris iha komunidade.\"", "Santidade nia sasukat mak Kristu, enkuantu ita banati tuir Nia, ho Espiritu Santu nia kbiit.", "Espiritu Santu haruka ita hala'o misaun ida ne'ebe fo ona mai ita liuhusi Batizmu.", "Ho Batizmu ita tam iha familia Maromak nian ne'ebe communion ida, halo ain-hakat konstante hodi lori mensajen redensaun Kristu nian ba mundu, la'os ho liafuan de'it, maibe, liuliu ho hahalok.", "Husi santidade ba asaun Daruak katak santidade tenke hatudu iha asaun ka hahalok, \"iha ne'eb'e Maromak moris iha ita.\"", "Tentasaun rua ne'ebe Amu-Papa aviza mak Gnostisizmu no Pelajianizmu.", "Gnoztisizmu hanoin santidade depende ba ema nia matenek no konesimentu, no \"ida-ne'e lori atu julga ema kona-ba ema nia kapasidade atu komprende no hatene kona-ba Maromak, la'os kona-ba hahalok karidade nian.\"", "Tentasaun daruak mak pelajianizmu, \"kontinuasaun husi erru dahuluk\" hanorin katak moris di'ak ka perfeisaun \"bazeia ba esforsu rasik.\"", "Ema sira hanesan ne'e fiar iha sira-nia kbiit no vontade umana rasik.", "Nune'e la iha fatin ba frakeza, frajilidade, salan...", "Papa Francisco fo hanoin iha \"Gaudete et exsultate katak buar ne'e hotu erru, basa \"salvasaun no sai Maromak nia oan mai hhusi Maromak de'it.\"", "Papa Francisco hakarak atu ita \"hakohak grasa ne'ebe ita simu ho haraik-an ne'ebe kle'an, no se ita hala'o nune'e ita sei iha mizerikordia ba ema hotu ne'ebe buka moris, sinseru ho Maromak.\"", "Ital abele julga ema ne'ebe fraku, salan maibe hatudu mizerikordia ba sira.", "\"Santidade mak prosesu ida, viajen no aventura ida, ho nia ksolok no nia tristeza, iha nia susesu no mos insusesu, frakeza no forsa,\" hanesan S. Paulo raisk dehan: \"wainhira ha'u fraku mak ha'u forte\" (2 Cor 12,10).", "Asaun santidade nian Santidade ne'ebe pratika no konkretu mak onsa loos?", "Nia fo hanoin kona-ba orasaun, liturjia, adorasuan eukaristika, nst, maibe nu'udar instrumentu atu hodi to'o ba finalidade.", "Instrumentu sira ne'e reforsa ita-nia moris iha Kristu no nia moris iha ita.", "Maibe, santidade tuir Papa Francisco mak \"karidade ne'ebe moris iha fiar\" (GE 21).", "Nune'e, santidade konsiste iha saida loos?", "Amu-Papa hateten katak \"laiha buat ida ne'ebe fo ksolok liu duke filafali ba Jezus nia Liafuan atu haree oinsa nia fahe lia-loos.", "Jezus esplika ho simplisidade boot sai santu loloos mak saida, bainhira nia haklaken \"Rahun-Di'ak sira\" (GE 63).", "Nia foti fali Amu-Papa nia esplikasuan kona-ba \"Rahun-Di'ak sira\" (GE67-70) no ninia fraze kona-ba saida mak santidade: \"Sai kiak iha fuan, ne'e mak santidade\" (GE 70) \"Reaje ho laran-maus no haraik-an, ne'e mak santidade\" (GE 74) \"Hatene tanis ho ema seluk, ne'e mak santidade\" (GE 76) \"Buka justisa hodi hamlaha no hamrook, ne'e mak santidade\" (GE 79) \"Haree no atua ho laran-sadia, ne;e mak santidade\" (GE 82) \"Mantein fuan moos husi buat hotu ne'ebe bele hafoer domin, ne'e mak santidade\" (GE 86) \"Kuda dame haleu ita, nele mak santidade\" (GE 89) \"Hakohak loroloron dalan Evanjellu nian maski hamosu problema mai ita, ne'e mak santidade\" (GE 93).", "Iha parte ikus ninia konferensia, Don Joseph Marino foti sinal sira santidade nian ne'ebe Papa Francisco hakerek iha Gaudete et Exsultate: 1) perseveransa, pasiensia no laran-manas; 2) ksolok no sentidu umor nian; 3) barani no paixaun; 4) iha komunidade no iha orasaun kontinua.", "Iha mos oportunidade ba pergunta no resposta.", "Iha momentu ne'e mai mos D. Virgilio, Bispu Dili nian nu'udar \"moderador\" ba \"CSM-TL.\"", "Pergunta sira kona-ba oinsa moris santidade iha kontestu atual; difikuldade atu integra fiar iha kultura iha Timor-Leste; pergunta kona-ba moris santidade hodi defende ema kiak no rai hanesan haktuir iha Laudato Si, oinsa konjuga mizerikordia ho hahalok abuzu seksual sira ne'ebe padre no relijiozu sira halo.", "Ikusmai taka ho Eukaristia hamutuk no almosu.", "Tags: Gaudete et Exsultate, Relijiozu/a" ]
[ [ "Mons.Joseph Marino presenting \"Gaudete et Exsultat\" to Religious Dili - The Conferência Superiores Maiores Religionos (Conference of Major Higher religious) in Timor-Leste, organized a meeting with Archbishop Joseph Marinel the Apostolic Nuncio for East Asia and superior/ae Congregations presented on 10 September at João Paulo II Hall Comoro(Dili)." ], [ "The meeting began with a conference on the Apostolic Exhortation \"Gaudete et exsultat\" issued by Pope Francis in April 2018, concerning vocation to holiness." ], [ "Pope Francis stated that its purpose was \"to renew the vocation to holiness in a practical way for our times,\" said Don Joseph Marino." ], [ "In the document is Pope Francis." ], [ "Three important aspects of the document \"Gaudete et Exsultat\" are: The meaning and vocation to holiness for all believers (LG 40); How sanctity can be practiced in a concrete way; Holines with significance today." ], [ "Pope Francis \"in Evangelii Gaudium, and in Amoris Laetitiae - two other important documents- want a Christian life that reflect the true response to our time\", Don Joseph emphasized." ], [ "The source of holiness is in Mons." ], [ "Joseph's presentation began with what is the source of holiness, namely Baptism; and then he presented that presence through active dynamic Confirmation. He continued by living in Creed: we live sanctity not only as members but also like a people (GE 6), Holy People \"Credo militantis Sanctitas\"(Geopolitica7)." ], [ "\"We religious do not live in isolation, but we are living together.\"" ], [ "The measure of holiness is Christ, as we follow Him in the power and glory that comes from His Holy Spirit." ], [ "The Holy Spirit commands us to carry out a mission which has been given unto ourselves through Baptism." ], [ "By Baptism we enter into the family of God, which is one communion and a constant effort to bring Christ's redemptive message in this world not only with words but above all by deeds." ], [ "From holiness to action The second point is that sanctity must be shown in actions or behavior, \"in which God lives within us.\"" ], [ "The two temptations the Pope warns of are Gnosticism and Pelagianism." ], [ "Gnosticism believed that holiness depender on one's wisdom and knowledge, \"and this lead to judging people by their ability of understanding or knowing God rather than the acts they do in charity.\"" ], [ "The second temptation was Pelagianism, a \"continuation of the first error\" which taught that good living or perfection were based on self-effort." ], [ "Such people have faith in their own power and human will." ], [ "Thus there is no place for weakness, frailty and sin..." ], [ "Pope Francis reminded in \"Gaudete et exsultatae\" that all this is false, because salvation and being a child of God come through only one person: the Holy Spirit." ], [ "Pope Francis wants us to \"give the grace we have received with great generosity, and if so doing will be of mercy for all who seek life in harmony With God.\"" ], [ "We may judge those who are weak, sinful but show mercy to them." ], [ "\"Holiness is a process, an adventure and journey with its joy or sadnesses in success as well the failure of weakness\" (2 Cor 10:3) St. Paul raisk says that when I am weakened then it'd be strong for me to go on.\"" ], [ "Is holiness that is practical and concrete the true one?" ], [ "He thought of prayer, liturgy and Eucharistic adoration as instruments to reach a purpose." ], [ "These instruments reinforce our life in Christ and His living within us." ], [ "However, according to Pope Francis holiness is \"charity that lives in faith\" (GE 21)." ], [ "So, what does holiness consist of?" ], [ "The Holy Father said that \"there is nothing more joyful than revisiting the Word of Jesus to see how he shared it." ], [ "Jesus explained with great simplicity what it really means to be a saint when he preached the \"Good News\" (GE63)." ], [ "He took up the Pope's explanation of \"Good Will\" (GE 67-90) and his statement about what holiness is: “Being poor in heart, that’t holy”(G.E/1284),“Reacting with compassionate kindness to others – this it sanctity!”[3] (“Anything you do for your fellow human being”, G;e /5], pg -pgt)." ], [ "In the final part of his lecture, Don Joseph Marino took up some signs that Pope Francis described in Gaudete et Exsultat: 1) perseverance and patience;2), joyfulness with a sense for humour.3). brave passionate communion (4); continuous prayer" ], [ "There will also be an opportunity for question and answer." ], [ "At the same time, D. Virgilio of Dili also arrived as \"moderator\" for CSM-TL.\"" ], [ "Questions about how to live holiness in the current context; difficulties of integrating faith into Timor-Leste's culture, questions on living sanctity as a defence for poor people and land according with Laudato Si: How can we conjugate mercy against sexual abuse committed by clergy?" ], [ "It closes with the Eucharist together and almsgiving." ], [ "Tags: Enjoy and Rejoice, Religious Life" ] ]
MEJD sei kapasita profesór timor-oan 4.300 ho lian portugés | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EDUKASAUN MEJD sei kapasita profesór timor-oan 4.300 ho lian portugés\nMEJD sei kapasita profesór timor-oan 4.300 ho lian portugés\nDILI, 12 abril 2022 (TATOLI)–Ministériu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu (MEJD) sei realiza formasaun lian portugés ba profesór timor-oan 4.300 iha territóriu nasionál, tinan ne’e, atu hasa’e abilidade no koñesimentu hanorin ba estudante sira.\n“Formandu timor-oan na’in-53 ne’ebé termina ona formasaun lian portugés ho profesór portugés sira liuhosi projetu PRO-Portugés mak sei fó formasaun ba profesór timor-oan sira,” Ministru Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu (MEJD), Armindo Maia, hateten iha salaun enkontru Prezidénsia Konsellu Ministru (PCM, sigla portugés), Palásiu Governu, segunda ne’e.\nNotísia relevante: Profesór 152 tuir formasaun área siénsia matemátika iha Covalima\nMEJD sei realiza kooperasaun ho institutu kooperasaun no lian, Camões hodi realiza formasaun ne’e tanba konsidera lian portugés hanesan lian ofisiál.\n“Bainhira formasaun tinan ne’e ramata, parte ministériu sei kontinua fali ba tinan oin. Sei iha kooperasaun entre Governu Timor-Leste liuhosi MEJD ho Governu Portugal liuhosi Camões, nune’e bele kontinua kapasita timor-oan sira,” nia akresenta.\nAntes ne’e, MEJD simu informasaun barak hosi entidade instituisaun públiku no privadu inklui sosiedade sivíl sira katak profesór timor-oan barak la hanorin estudante sira ho lian portugés iha sala aula.\n“Ita fiar tinan oin mai, formasaun ba profesór sira bele kontinua nafatin ho númeru profesór hahú hosi 3.000 to’o 4.000,” Ministru akresenta.\nGovernante ne’e promete, hahú tinan ne’e ba oin parte ministériu sei halo esforsu hodi kapasita profesór sira, nune’e bainhira mandatu VIII Governu Konstitusionál ramata, profesór balun mak hetan ona kapasitasaun.\nNune’e mós, MEJD halo kooperasaun ho United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural hodi daudaun ne’e kapasita disiplina Matemátika no Siénsia ba profesór hosi siklu 1,2 iha territóriu nasionál.\nPrevious articleEstudante 1.200 iha Atabae simu ona vasina Pfizer doze dahuluk\nNext articleProjetu reapropriasaun PDIM hitu iha Baucau atinje 69%
[ "MEJD sei kapasita profesor timor-oan 4.300 ho lian portuges | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EDUKASAUN MEJD sei kapasita profesor timor-oan 4.300 ho lian portuges MEJD sei kapasita profesor timor-oan 4.300 ho lian portuges DILI, 12 abril 2022 (TATOLI) -Ministeriu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu (MEJD) sei realiza formasaun lian portuges ba profesor timor-oan 4.300 iha territoriu nasional, tinan ne'e, atu hasa'e abilidade no konesimentu hanorin ba estudante sira.", "\"Formandu timor-oan na'in-53 ne'ebe termina ona formasaun lian portuges ho profesor portuges sira liuhosi projetu PRO-Portuges mak sei fo formasaun ba profesor timor-oan sira,\" Ministru Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu (MEJD), Armindo Maia, hateten iha salaun enkontru Prezidensia Konsellu Ministru (PCM, sigla portuges), Palasiu Governu, segunda ne'e.", "Notisia relevante: Profesor 152 tuir formasaun area siensia matematika iha Covalima MEJD sei realiza kooperasaun ho institutu kooperasaun no lian, Camoes hodi realiza formasaun ne'e tanba konsidera lian portuges hanesan lian ofisial.", "\"Bainhira formasaun tinan ne'e ramata, parte ministeriu sei kontinua fali ba tinan oin.", "Sei iha kooperasaun entre Governu Timor-Leste liuhosi MEJD ho Governu Portugal liuhosi Camoes, nune'e bele kontinua kapasita timor-oan sira,\" nia akresenta.", "Antes ne'e, MEJD simu informasaun barak hosi entidade instituisaun publiku no privadu inklui sosiedade sivil sira katak profesor timor-oan barak la hanorin estudante sira ho lian portuges iha sala aula.", "\"Ita fiar tinan oin mai, formasaun ba profesor sira bele kontinua nafatin ho numeru profesor hahu hosi 3.000 to'o 4.000,\" Ministru akresenta.", "Governante ne'e promete, hahu tinan ne'e ba oin parte ministeriu sei halo esforsu hodi kapasita profesor sira, nune'e bainhira mandatu VIII Governu Konstitusional ramata, profesor balun mak hetan ona kapasitasaun.", "Nune'e mos, MEJD halo kooperasaun ho United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural hodi daudaun ne'e kapasita disiplina Matematika no Siensia ba profesor hosi siklu 1,2 iha territoriu nasional.", "Previous articleEstudante 1.200 iha Atabae simu ona vasina Pfizer doze dahuluk Next articleProjetu reapropriasaun PDIM hitu iha Baucau atinje 69%" ]
[ [ "MEJD will train 4,301 Timorese teachers in Portuguese | Agência Noticiosa de Timór-Leste HOME EDUCATION The Ministry of Education Youth and Sports (MEJD) is to conduct training for the language skills with a view on improving their teaching knowledge." ], [ "\"The 53 Timorese trainers who have completed Portuguese language training with the Portugues teachers through PRO-Portugues project will be providing education to East Тимоrian professors,\" Minister of Education Youth and Sports (MEJD), Armindo Maia said in a meeting room at Presidency Council Meeting Room on Monday." ], [ "Relevant news: 152 professors attend mathematical science training in Covalima MEJD will cooperate with the Institute of Cooperation and Language, Camoes to conduct this course because it consider Portuguese as an official language." ], [ "\"When this year's training is over, the ministerial part will continue for next years." ], [ "There will be cooperation between the Government of Timor-Leste through MEJD and Portugal's government via Camoes, so that we can continue to empower our people.\"" ], [ "Previously, MEJD has received a lot of information from public and private institutions including civil society organizations that many Timorese teachers do not teach students in the Portuguese language." ], [ "\"We are confident that in the coming years, teacher training will continue with a number of teachers starting from 3.05 to over four thousand.\"" ], [ "The governor promised that from this year onwards the ministry will make efforts to train teachers, so by 2015 some of them have already been qualified." ], [ "Likewise, MEJD has cooperated with the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization in order to currently train teachers of 1st-2nd cycles on national territories for Mathematica e Ciência." ], [ "Previous1,205 students in Atabae have received first dose of Pfizer vaccine Next articleProject reappropriation seven PDIMs at Baucau reaches 69%" ] ]
FORUM HAKSESUK: Tinan Atus Lima: KAPITULU 13 - Governador António Coelho Guerreiro\nTinan Atus Lima: KAPITULU 13 - Governador António Coelho Guerreiro\nKAPÍTULU 13.º - Governador António Coelho Guerreiro\nIha tinan 1701, vice-rei iha Goa, Dom Luís da Câmara Coutinho foti sekrtariu Estado da Índia, António Coelho Guerreiro Governador ba ilha Solor no Timor. Nia sai hosi Goa iha fulan maio 1701. To’o tiha Macau, António Guerreiro aluga ró-ahi rua Saun Pedro no Santu Antonio atu tula ema no sasan ba Timor. Iha loron 2 fulan janeiro 1702, nia to’o portu Larantuka. Iha ne’e ba nia hetan susar barak hosi liurai Domingos da Costa. Governador kontinua nia viajen ba Timor, no to’o LIfau iha loorn 14 fulan janeiru. Sorti boot, iha tempu ne’eba, padre frei Manuel de Santo António, hala’o hel serbiu iha reinu Lifau. Frei Manuel mak tulun governador tun hosi ró na tama knua Lifau. Iha loron 20 fulan fevereiro, António Coelho “toma posse” hanesan governador. Iha loron 21, hala’o missa ida iha igreja Amameco nian. Iha serimína ne’e,i sira lee Carta patente, ne’ebé vice-rei foti António Guerreiro hanesan governador no kapitaun-jeral. Iha loron ne’e mos, padre Manuel de Santo António mos reza missa ida iha Kapela de Santo António, iha Lifau, hanesan agradesimentu ba Na’in Maromak.\nBuat diak ida ne’ebé Governador foun halo, mak buka atu sai belun diak ba Liurai sira iha Província dos Belos no Província de Servião. Nia mos husu Liurai Portugal, Dom Pedro II no vice-rei Goa, atu hametin defeza iha Prasa Lifau hodi haruka tan soldados no kilat. Nia estabelese administrasaun militar, sivil no judicial. Iha nia tempu, mak estrutura governu iha Timor laó tuir lolós Ukun ka governu rai ida nian.\nIha tinan 1703, reinu 23 iha Timor tuir Partido Real, ne’ebé fo apoio ba governu portugés; reinu balu mak tuir mai ne’e: Sarao, Matarrufa, Hume, Sama, Laga, Faturó, Fatu-Lete-Luli, Viqueque, Samoro, Claco, Manatuto, Luca, Boilo, Vemassin, Mauta, Tutuluru, Lacluta, Alas, Camenasa, Bibiluto, Matanião (matebian), Amanato, no Amarrace. Reinu ne’ebé la simu soberania portugés no kontra governu, mak tuir mai ne’e: Servião, Amabeno, Amanuban, Boro, Asaun, Mena , Maubara, Mutael no Likusae. Atu manan liurai timor sira nia fuan no laran, governador fahe patente militar ba sira: nia hasai diploma ida atu fó patente: Koronel, Tenente-koronel, major, kapitaun, tenente, alferes no sarjentu. Liurai boot sira hetan patente Koronel; liurai nia oan boot ka alin, ne’ebé sai rejente reinu nian, hetan patente Tenente-Koronel; Dato sira hetan patente Major; xefe suku sira hetan patente kapitaun; xefe povoasaun hetan patente sarjentu. Hafoin governador mos hakiak tropas “2.ª linha” ka milícias atu defende Prasa Lifau, tan ba iha tempu ne’eba, seidauk iha tropa “1.ª linha”,ou ezérsitu regular. Governador mos hahú hametin defeza iha foho no laletek Lifau. Nia haruka ema halo didin haleu knua Lufau: hada baki no didin ho ai-rin no akar-rin, no akadiru-rin. Iha klaran, ema harii governador nia uma, ne’ebé halo ho tali tahan; sira mos harii osptial kiid ida, no kapela Santu Antóniu nian. Atu hetan ai-han, governu husu ba liurai sira atu haruka ba Prasa Lifau, foz, batar no balada (manu, fahi no bibi). Maibé, reinu balu, liu liu Domingo da Costa, hakrak hadau ukun; ne’e duni sira tau serku ba Prasa. Dala barak, ema ne’ebé hela iha Prasa laran susar atu hetan ai-han, tanba labele halai natar no halo to’os no kintal. Iha tinan ida, Prasa Lifau kuran duni hahán. Governador hakrek katak iha tempu ne’ebá, ema iha Lifau han deit na’an asu, busa, ular, ai-ábut, animal nia ruin ne’e sira harahun hanesan batar-uut, karau kulit, sapatu no botas nia sola. Tempu mos la dun diak, rai manas no moras oin oin. Tanba ne’e, ema besik atus haat(400) mak mate.\nEntretantu liurai nain sanulu resin tolu hakerek surat ba Liuari Portugal, Dom Pedro II atu husik Governador António Coelho Guerreiro konitinua iha Timor. Maibé, Iha tian 2005, governador hasoru problema barak. Tanba n’e, nia hakerek surat ida ba vice-rei atu tun hosi governu. Nia sa’e ró-ahi ba Batavia, hafoin liu ba Goa. Atu troka governador, sira hili hanesan governador interino Bispo frei Manuel de santo António, ne’ebé ukun Timor ilha loron sanulu resin lima nia laran. Tuir António Coelho Guerreiro, governador seluk ne’ebé ukun Timor no Solor: Bispo Dom frei Manuel de Santo António, governador interino; Lourenço Lopes, governador interino (1705-1706); Jácome de Morais Sarmento (1706-1710), Dom Manuel de Sotomaior (1710-1714, Manuel Ferreira de Almeida (1714-1715), liurai Domingos da Costa, governador interino (1715-1718) .\nIha kapítulu tuir mai, ita sei ko’alia kona ba Liurai Domingos da Costa Governador interino ba dala uluk.
[ "FORUM HAKSESUK: Tinan Atus Lima: KAPITULU 13 - Governador Antonio Coelho Guerreiro Tinan Atus Lima: KAPITULU 13 - Governador Antonio Coelho Guerreiro KAPITULU 13.o - Governador Antonio Coelho Guerreiro Iha tinan 1701, vice-rei iha Goa, Dom Luis da Camara Coutinho foti sekrtariu Estado da India, Antonio Coelho Guerreiro Governador ba ilha Solor no Timor.", "Nia sai hosi Goa iha fulan maio 1701.", "To'o tiha Macau, Antonio Guerreiro aluga ro-ahi rua Saun Pedro no Santu Antonio atu tula ema no sasan ba Timor.", "Iha loron 2 fulan janeiro 1702, nia to'o portu Larantuka.", "Iha ne'e ba nia hetan susar barak hosi liurai Domingos da Costa.", "Governador kontinua nia viajen ba Timor, no to'o LIfau iha loorn 14 fulan janeiru.", "Sorti boot, iha tempu ne'eba, padre frei Manuel de Santo Antonio, hala'o hel serbiu iha reinu Lifau.", "Frei Manuel mak tulun governador tun hosi ro na tama knua Lifau.", "Iha loron 20 fulan fevereiro, Antonio Coelho \"toma posse\" hanesan governador.", "Iha loron 21, hala'o missa ida iha igreja Amameco nian.", "Iha serimina ne'e,i sira lee Carta patente, ne'ebe vice-rei foti Antonio Guerreiro hanesan governador no kapitaun-jeral.", "Iha loron ne'e mos, padre Manuel de Santo Antonio mos reza missa ida iha Kapela de Santo Antonio, iha Lifau, hanesan agradesimentu ba Na'in Maromak.", "Buat diak ida ne'ebe Governador foun halo, mak buka atu sai belun diak ba Liurai sira iha Provincia dos Belos no Provincia de Serviao.", "Nia mos husu Liurai Portugal, Dom Pedro II no vice-rei Goa, atu hametin defeza iha Prasa Lifau hodi haruka tan soldados no kilat.", "Nia estabelese administrasaun militar, sivil no judicial.", "Iha nia tempu, mak estrutura governu iha Timor lao tuir lolos Ukun ka governu rai ida nian.", "Iha tinan 1703, reinu 23 iha Timor tuir Partido Real, ne'ebe fo apoio ba governu portuges; reinu balu mak tuir mai ne'e: Sarao, Matarrufa, Hume, Sama, Laga, Faturo, Fatu-Lete-Luli, Viqueque, Samoro, Claco, Manatuto, Luca, Boilo, Vemassin, Mauta, Tutuluru, Lacluta, Alas, Camenasa, Bibiluto, Mataniao (matebian), Amanato, no Amarrace.", "Reinu ne'ebe la simu soberania portuges no kontra governu, mak tuir mai ne'e: Serviao, Amabeno, Amanuban, Boro, Asaun, Mena , Maubara, Mutael no Likusae.", "Atu manan liurai timor sira nia fuan no laran, governador fahe patente militar ba sira: nia hasai diploma ida atu fo patente: Koronel, Tenente-koronel, major, kapitaun, tenente, alferes no sarjentu.", "Liurai boot sira hetan patente Koronel; liurai nia oan boot ka alin, ne'ebe sai rejente reinu nian, hetan patente Tenente-Koronel; Dato sira hetan patente Major; xefe suku sira hetan patente kapitaun; xefe povoasaun hetan patente sarjentu.", "Hafoin governador mos hakiak tropas \"2.a linha\" ka milicias atu defende Prasa Lifau, tan ba iha tempu ne'eba, seidauk iha tropa \"1.a linha,\"ou ezersitu regular.", "Governador mos hahu hametin defeza iha foho no laletek Lifau.", "Nia haruka ema halo didin haleu knua Lufau: hada baki no didin ho ai-rin no akar-rin, no akadiru-rin.", "Iha klaran, ema harii governador nia uma, ne'ebe halo ho tali tahan; sira mos harii osptial kiid ida, no kapela Santu Antoniu nian.", "Atu hetan ai-han, governu husu ba liurai sira atu haruka ba Prasa Lifau, foz, batar no balada (manu, fahi no bibi).", "Maibe, reinu balu, liu liu Domingo da Costa, hakrak hadau ukun; ne'e duni sira tau serku ba Prasa.", "Dala barak, ema ne'ebe hela iha Prasa laran susar atu hetan ai-han, tanba labele halai natar no halo to'os no kintal.", "Iha tinan ida, Prasa Lifau kuran duni hahan.", "Governador hakrek katak iha tempu ne'eba, ema iha Lifau han deit na'an asu, busa, ular, ai-abut, animal nia ruin ne'e sira harahun hanesan batar-uut, karau kulit, sapatu no botas nia sola.", "Tempu mos la dun diak, rai manas no moras oin oin.", "Tanba ne'e, ema besik atus haat (400) mak mate.", "Entretantu liurai nain sanulu resin tolu hakerek surat ba Liuari Portugal, Dom Pedro II atu husik Governador Antonio Coelho Guerreiro konitinua iha Timor.", "Maibe, Iha tian 2005, governador hasoru problema barak.", "Tanba n'e, nia hakerek surat ida ba vice-rei atu tun hosi governu.", "Nia sa'e ro-ahi ba Batavia, hafoin liu ba Goa.", "Atu troka governador, sira hili hanesan governador interino Bispo frei Manuel de santo Antonio, ne'ebe ukun Timor ilha loron sanulu resin lima nia laran.", "Tuir Antonio Coelho Guerreiro, governador seluk ne'ebe ukun Timor no Solor: Bispo Dom frei Manuel de Santo Antonio, governador interino; Lourenco Lopes, governador interino (1705-1706); Jacome de Morais Sarmento (1706-1710), Dom Manuel de Sotomaior (1710-1714, Manuel Ferreira de Almeida (1714-1715), liurai Domingos da Costa, governador interino (1715-1718).", "Iha kapitulu tuir mai, ita sei ko'alia kona ba Liurai Domingos da Costa Governador interino ba dala uluk." ]
[ [ "FORUM HAKSESUK: Tinan Atus Lima - Chapter Thirteen – Governor Antonio Coelho Guerreiro In the year of1702, Vice-King in Goa Dom Luis da Camara Coutinho made Secretary State for India (Secretariado de Estado das Índias), António coelhão guerreir Governador to Soloro Island on Timor." ], [ "He departed Goa in May 1702, and returned to England." ], [ "Upon arriving in Macau, Antonio Guerreiro hired two ferry boats Saun Pedro and Santu António to carry people or goods on Timor." ], [ "On 2 January, he arrived at the port of Larantuka." ], [ "There he met many difficulties from King Domingos da Costa." ], [ "The governor continued his journey to Timor, and arrived in Lifau on Monday 14 January." ], [ "The great Sorti, at the time Father Friar Manuel de Santo Antonio was carrying out a Serbian mission in Lifau." ], [ "Frei Manuel helped the governor get down from a boat and into Lifau." ], [ "On 20 February, Antonio Coelho \"took office\" as governor." ], [ "On the 21st, a mass was held in Amameco's church." ], [ "During the ceremony, they read out a Charter Patent by which Viceroy Antonio Guerreiro was made governor and captain-general." ], [ "On the same day, Father Manuel de Santo Antonio also prayed a mass in Chapel of Saint Anthony at Lifau as thanksgiving to God." ], [ "One good thing the new Governor has done, is to try and be a friend of kings in Provincia dos Belo e Province de Serviao." ], [ "He also asked King of Portugal, Dom Pedro II and Viceroy Goa to strengthen the defences at Prasa Lifau by sending more soldiers." ], [ "He established a military administration, not civil or judicial." ], [ "In his time, the structure of government in Timor followed strictly a country's constitution or governance." ], [ "In 1703, there were twenty-three kingdoms in Timor according to the Partido Real (Real Party), which supported Portuguese rule; some of these are: Sarao. Matarumfa Hume Sama Laga Faturo Fatu Lete Luli Viqueque Samoro Claco Manatuto Luca Boilo Vemassin Mautau Tutuluru Lacluta Alasa Camenaza Bibilutu Matania Amanato and Amarrace" ], [ "The kingdoms that did not accept Portuguese sovereignty and opposed the government were: Serviao, Amabeno (Amabenho), Amanuban(Amanubano) Boro/Boro-Bori 1970." ], [ "In order to win the hearts and soul of Timorese king, governor distributed military patentes: he issued a decree granting them rank-leveling degrees as Colonel; Lieutenant colonel. Major (Captain); lieutenant(Ltn), alferez/alferez e sergeante" ], [ "The great kings were given the patent of Colonel; their eldest son or brother, who became regent for his kingdom was granted a Lieutenant-Colonel' s Patent." ], [ "After the governor also called for \"2nd line\" troops or militias to defend Praça Lifau, because at that time there were no such things as a regular army." ], [ "The governor also began to strengthen the defences of Lifau and Foho Latek." ], [ "He ordered people to make a wall around the Lufau clan: he planted bakik and made it with trees, roots or shrubs." ], [ "In Claren, they built the governor's house made of steel rope; a small hospital and St. Anthony chapel were also constructed therein" ], [ "To get food, the government asked kings to send Prasa Lifau foz batar and balada (manure for farming)." ], [ "But some rulers, especially Domingo da Costa wanted to rule; so they laid siege on Prasa." ], [ "Many times, people who live in the Prasa have difficulty getting food because they cannot go to farm and make woods." ], [ "In one year, Prasa Lifau was completely destroyed." ], [ "The governor remarked that at the time, people in Lifau only ate dogs and goats. Snakes were eaten as well; they also used trees to feed on their animals: animal ruin was burned like batar-uut (bastard), cowhide leather or shoe soles for booting out of footwear etc..." ], [ "Tempu mos la dun diak, rai manas no moras oin ." ], [ "As a result, nearly four thousand (401) people died." ], [ "Meanwhile, 103 kings wrote a letter to King Pedro II of Portugal requesting that Governor Antonio Coelho Guerreiro continue in Timor." ], [ "However, in 2015 the governor faced many problems." ], [ "He then wrote a letter to the viceroy asking him for his resignation from government." ], [ "He took the train to Batavia, then went on for Goa." ], [ "To replace the governor, they elected as interim Governor Bishop Frei Manuel de Santo Antonio who ruled Timor for 15 days." ], [ "According to Antonio Coelho Guerreiro, other governors who ruled Timor on Solor were: Bishop Dom Frei Manuel de Santo António (1695- ), interim Governor; Lourenco Lopet(c)es [Lourenço] Lopez[d], Interime Governador/Governors of the Province in Solor and Floresta do Sul." ], [ "In the next chapter, we will talk about King Domingos da Costa as interim governor for a first time." ] ]
PN aprova tán millaun $40 ba MTKI implementa Cesta Bázika | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI PN aprova tán millaun $40 ba MTKI implementa Cesta Bázika\nPN aprova tán millaun $40 ba MTKI implementa Cesta Bázika\nDILI, 10 dezembru 2021 (TATOLI)—Parlamentu Nasionál liuhosi diskusaun faze espesialidade ba proposta lei Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) 2022 aprova tán orsamentu adisionál ho montante millaun $40 ba Ministériu Turizmu Komérsiu no Indústria (MTKI), hodi implementa programa Cesta Bázika.\nNotisia Relevante: PN aprova millaun $40 ba SECoop implementa programa Cesta Bázika\nParlamentu Nasionál aprova proposta númeru 75 ho adisionál millaun $40 ba MKTI hodi kontinua implementa programa Cesta Básika iha tinan 2022.\n“Orsamentu ne’e atu reforsa tan orsamentu ne’ebé antes ne’e aprova ona ba SEcoop ho montante millaun $40 hodi implementa kontinuasaun ba programa Cesta Bázika,” Deputadu proponente, Antoninho Bianco, hateten iha plenária, Parlamentu Nasionál, sesta ne’e.\nNune’e, ho millaun $40 ba MTKI propoin liután atividade Cesta Bázika ho objetivu estimula rekuperasaun ekonómia no atrai produsaun rai-laran tanba natar barak abandona, nune’e gradualmente osan labele sai ba li’ur no korre depedénsia produtu hosi rai-li’ur.\nTítulu (Servisu/Órgaun) MTKI, kategória despeza bens no servisu ho programa kódiku 983 kona-ba investimentu no diversifikasaun ekonómika, dotasaun inisiál $1,215,141 ho alterasaun aumenta millaun $40, nune’e dotasaun finál sa’e ba $41,215,141.\nJustifikasaun reforsa orsamentu ba programa Cesta Bázika, medida planu rekuperasaun ekonómika ho objetivu fornese alimentu no produtu ijiéne pesoál ba populasaun nasionál.\nHo objetivu prinsiál, medida ne’e atu apoiu família atendimentu nesesidade bázika, kontribui kombate hamlaha no vulneralibidade iha rejiaun ne’ebé pobreza, izoladu, hanesan apoiu agrikultór, produtór no komersiante lokál.\nHo forma estimula ekonómia lokál, ho meiu sirkulasaun rekursu finanseiru nesesesáriu ba aumenta produsaun nasionál.\nProposta ne’e mai hosi Antoninho Bianco, Francisco de Vasconcelos, Olinda Guterres no Maria Angélica Rangel da Cruz.\nMinistru Turizmu Komérsiu no Undústria (MTKI), José Lucas do Carmo, hateten proposta ne’e hosi proponente sira presiza halo kontinusaun ba programa Cesta Bázika.\nNia dehan, implementasaun Cesta Bázika antes ne’e mezmu ho lakuna balun maibé lori duni multiplikadór estimula ekonómia lokál liu-liu toos-na’in no direta ba populasaun, nune’e MTKI aseita prospota ne’e.\nAleinde ne’e, PN aprova mós proposta OJE 2022 ho montante insiál ba Ministéiru Turizmu Komérsiu Indústria (MTKI) $13,584,356 ho votu a-favór 40, kontra sia (9) no abstensaun hitu (7).\n“Nune’e, Orsamentu Jerál Estadu ba MTKI ho nia alterasaun númeru proposta sira pasa,” Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál, Deputadu Aniceto Longuinhos Guterres Lopes, deklara iha plenária PN.\nOrsamentu ba tinan 2022 ne’e, aloka ba saláriu bensimentu $1,828,184, bens servisu $5,490,852, kapitál menór $94,320, kapitál dezenvolvimentu $132,000 no transferénsia públika $6,039,000.\nHosi orsamentu ne’e hodi finansia programa tolu, sub-programa 15 no atividade 57 ne’ebé aloka ba programa boa-governasaun no jestaun instituisionál prevee $3,507,563, programa turizmu prevee $2,673,183 no programa investimentu no diversifikasaun ekonómiku no diversifikasaun eknómika prevee $7,403,610.\nAliénde ne’e, iha diskusaun faze espesialidde ba proposta lei Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) 2022 ne’e, Parlamentu Nasionál mós aprova proposta númeru rua hosi MTKI.\nPN aprova tan millaun $40 ba MTKI implementa Cesta Básika\nPrevious articlePN aprova orsamentu tinan 2022 ba MOP millaun $160\nNext articleOrsamentu tinan 2022 millaun $8,9 ba MTK pasa iha espesialidade
[ "PN aprova tan millaun $40 ba MTKI implementa Cesta Bazika | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI PN aprova tan millaun $40 ba MTKI implementa Cesta Bazika PN aprova tan millaun $40 ba MTKI implementa Cesta Bazika DILI, 10 dezembru 2021 (TATOLI) - Parlamentu Nasional liuhosi diskusaun faze espesialidade ba proposta lei Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2022 aprova tan orsamentu adisional ho montante millaun $40 ba Ministeriu Turizmu Komersiu no Industria (MTKI), hodi implementa programa Cesta Bazika.", "Notisia Relevante: PN aprova millaun $40 ba SECoop implementa programa Cesta Bazika Parlamentu Nasional aprova proposta numeru 75 ho adisional millaun $40 ba MKTI hodi kontinua implementa programa Cesta Basika iha tinan 2022.", "\"Orsamentu ne'e atu reforsa tan orsamentu ne'ebe antes ne'e aprova ona ba SEcoop ho montante millaun $40 hodi implementa kontinuasaun ba programa Cesta Bazika,\" Deputadu proponente, Antoninho Bianco, hateten iha plenaria, Parlamentu Nasional, sesta ne'e.", "Nune'e, ho millaun $40 ba MTKI propoin liutan atividade Cesta Bazika ho objetivu estimula rekuperasaun ekonomia no atrai produsaun rai-laran tanba natar barak abandona, nune'e gradualmente osan labele sai ba li'ur no korre depedensia produtu hosi rai-li'ur.", "Titulu (Servisu/Orgaun) MTKI, kategoria despeza bens no servisu ho programa kodiku 983 kona-ba investimentu no diversifikasaun ekonomika, dotasaun inisial $1,215,141 ho alterasaun aumenta millaun $40, nune'e dotasaun final sa'e ba $41,215,141.", "Justifikasaun reforsa orsamentu ba programa Cesta Bazika, medida planu rekuperasaun ekonomika ho objetivu fornese alimentu no produtu ijiene pesoal ba populasaun nasional.", "Ho objetivu prinsial, medida ne'e atu apoiu familia atendimentu nesesidade bazika, kontribui kombate hamlaha no vulneralibidade iha rejiaun ne'ebe pobreza, izoladu, hanesan apoiu agrikultor, produtor no komersiante lokal.", "Ho forma estimula ekonomia lokal, ho meiu sirkulasaun rekursu finanseiru nesesesariu ba aumenta produsaun nasional.", "Proposta ne'e mai hosi Antoninho Bianco, Francisco de Vasconcelos, Olinda Guterres no Maria Angelica Rangel da Cruz.", "Ministru Turizmu Komersiu no Undustria (MTKI), Jose Lucas do Carmo, hateten proposta ne'e hosi proponente sira presiza halo kontinusaun ba programa Cesta Bazika.", "Nia dehan, implementasaun Cesta Bazika antes ne'e mezmu ho lakuna balun maibe lori duni multiplikador estimula ekonomia lokal liu-liu toos-na'in no direta ba populasaun, nune'e MTKI aseita prospota ne'e.", "Aleinde ne'e, PN aprova mos proposta OJE 2022 ho montante insial ba Ministeiru Turizmu Komersiu Industria (MTKI) $13,584,356 ho votu a-favor 40, kontra sia (9) no abstensaun hitu (7).", "\"Nune'e, Orsamentu Jeral Estadu ba MTKI ho nia alterasaun numeru proposta sira pasa,\" Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Deputadu Aniceto Longuinhos Guterres Lopes, deklara iha plenaria PN.", "Orsamentu ba tinan 2022 ne'e, aloka ba salariu bensimentu $1,828,184, bens servisu $5,490,852, kapital menor $94,320, kapital dezenvolvimentu $132,000 no transferensia publika $6,039,000.", "Hosi orsamentu ne'e hodi finansia programa tolu, sub-programa 15 no atividade 57 ne'ebe aloka ba programa boa-governasaun no jestaun instituisional prevee $3,507,563, programa turizmu prevee $2,673,183 no programa investimentu no diversifikasaun ekonomiku no diversifikasaun eknomika prevee $7,403,610.", "Aliende ne'e, iha diskusaun faze espesialidde ba proposta lei Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2022 ne'e, Parlamentu Nasional mos aprova proposta numeru rua hosi MTKI.", "PN aprova tan millaun $40 ba MTKI implementa Cesta Basika Previous articlePN aprova orsamentu tinan 2022 ba MOP millaun $160 Next articleOrsamentu tinan 2022 millaun $8,9 ba MTK pasa iha espesialidade" ]
[ [ "PN approves another $40 million for MTKI to implement Basic Food Basket | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI The National Parliament, through plenary discussion of the proposed General State Budget (GSB) law on budgetary reforms involving food security and basic commodities delivery system implementation during a pandemic period as well." ], [ "Relevant News: PN approves $40 million for SECoop to implement the Basic Basket program The National Parliament has adopted proposal number 75 with an additional €32.6m in support of MKTI’s implementation programme, which will continue through year-end and end up by December (19)." ], [ "\"This budget is to reinforce the previously approved $40 million for SEcoop in order that we can implement a continuation of our Basic Food Basket program,\" MP Antoninho Bianco said at Parliament's plenary session on Saturday." ], [ "Thus, with $40 billion for MTKI proposed to continue the Basic Basket activity aimed at stimulating economic recovery and attracting domestic production because of many abandoned crops so that gradually money can not go abroad." ], [ "Title (Service/Board) MTKI, expenditure category goods and services with code program 983 on investment in economic diversification initial allocation $1.25 billion increased by amendment of the amount to €40 million so that final endowments rise upto £67m" ], [ "The justification reinforces the budget for Basket Basic program, measure of economic recovery plan with aim to provide food and personal hygiene products in national population." ], [ "With the main objective, this measure is to support households in meeting their basic needs; contribute towards combating hunger and vulnerability of poor isolated regions as well aid local farmers." ], [ "By stimulating the local economy, by means of circulation financial resources necessary to increase national production." ], [ "The proposal was made by Antoninho Bianco, Francisco de Vasconcelos and Maria Angelica Rangel da Cruz." ], [ "Minister of Tourism, Commerce and Industry (MTKI), Jose Lucas do Carmo said the proposal by proponents needed to make a continuation for basket basic program." ], [ "He said, the implementation of Basic Basket previously although with some gaps but indeed brought multipliers stimulate local economy especially landowners and directly to population so MTKI accepted this proposal." ], [ "In addition, the National Assembly also approved proposed 2019 budget with initial amount for Ministry of Tourism and Trade Industry (MTKI) $35.4 million by a vote in favour to nine against seven abstentions;" ], [ "\"Now, the General State Budget for MTKI with its amendment number of proposals is passed\", President Of The National Parliament Aniceto Longuinhos Guterres Lopez MP declared in plenary PN." ], [ "The 2019 budget allocates for salary and benefits $3,485.7 million; goods & services ($6) billion (including capital expenditure), including public transferences of US$-£–€ – € - £/mn)." ], [ "Of this budget, to finance three programmes and 15 sub-programmes with a total of about $3.6 million is allocated for the good governance & institutional management program ($420k), tourism programs ($879K) as well investment in economic diversification by providing an additional amount worth around US dollar two billion dollars or approximately Rs" ], [ "Furthermore, in the plenary phase discussion of this draft General State Budget (GSB) 2018 bill for approval by Parliament. The National Assembly also approved proposal number two from MTKI and proposed a new section on taxation to be added at paragraphs one through four under Section II(a)." ], [ "Previous articlePN approves another $40 million for MTKI to implement Basic Food Basket Next artikel25th Budget 16.9 billion dollars passed in plenary session of Parliament" ] ]
IOB simu estudante 20 hosi Fundasaun Falur Rate Laek | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EDUKASAUN IOB simu estudante 20 hosi Fundasaun Falur Rate Laek\nIOB simu estudante 20 hosi Fundasaun Falur Rate Laek\nDILI, 21 marsu 2022 (TATOLI)–Reitór Institutu of Bussiness (IOB), Pedro Ximenes, relata katak estudante hamutuk na’in-20 hosi Fundasaun Falur Rate Laek (FFRL) daudaun ne’e integra ona iha IOB atu hetan edukasaun formál no hasa’e koñesimentu iha área siénsia.\n“Estudante hosi fundasaun ne’ebé kontinua estudu iha IOB tanba kooperasaun entre parte rua ne’ebé selebra iha tinan-rua liu ba kotuk, ho intensaun atu prepara sira ba futuru nasaun,” Reitór informa ba Agência TATOLI, iha kampus sentrál Fomentu, segunda ne’e.\nNotísia relevante: IOB prepara bolsa estudu 15 ba ADTL iha tinan oin\nEstudante hirak ne’e agora enkaixa hotu iha fakuldade tolu iha IOB hanesan ekonomia no jestaun, informasaun komunikasaun teknolojia no otelaria turizmu.\nAleinde ne’e, instituisaun ensinu superiór ne’e halo mós kooperasaun ho fundasaun seluk hanesan DEJUKDIL no maluk ho defisiénsia sira, ne’ebé kooperasaun hirak ne’e tama iha kategoria rejime espesiál.\nIha biban hanesan, Fundadór FFRL no atuál Xefe Estadu Major FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), Tenente Jenerál Falur Rate Laek, hateten, kooperasaun ne’e atu fó oportunidade ba joven sira ne’ebé halibur iha fundasaun atu hetan edukasaun formál iha universidade no iha tempu hanensan ajuda forma karater ema ida ba futuru.\nFundadór FFLR konsidera, ohin loron kompetisaun iha nível akadémiku maka’as tebes, tanba ne’e atu sai estudante ne’ebé iha kualidade, tenke prepara-an didi’ak atu nune’e bainhira termina estudu iha instituisaun ka akadémiku ida, diploma ne’ebé hetan bele útil.\n“Ita halo komparasaun, kada tinan instituisaun sira sempre gradua estudante sira, ezemplu iha IOB finalista 5.000, Universidade da Paz (UNPAZ) iha 10.000, aumenta tan estudante hosi universidade seluk, oinsá imi atu kompete iha merkadu traballu, bainhira laiha abilidade no kapasidade, imi-nia diploma sira sei la vale,” nia fó hanoin ba estudante IOB.\nTanba ne’e, ba kestaun edukasaun, Falur hakarak atu jerasaun foun sira bele prepara-an ho di’ak hodi hasoru futuru.\n“Tanba ne’e hosi fundasaun fó oportunidade ba joven feto no mane sira atu bele apreende hodi hetan koñesimentu di’ak molok hakat ba edukasaun formál,” nia tenik.\nIha biban ne’e, IOB hahú ona abertura tinan akadémiku foun 2022 ba estudante hamutuk na’in-820, kompostu hosi Maliana na’in-135 no IOB Dili na’in-685, hosi fakuldade tolu hanesan ekonomia jestaun, informasaun komunikasaun teknolojia no otelaria turizmu.\nAbertura tinan akademiku foun\nPrevious articleLere agradese ba povu TL ne’ebé apoiu nia kandidatura\nNext articleAdministradór Covalima triste tanba eleitór 10.000-resin la vota
[ "IOB simu estudante 20 hosi Fundasaun Falur Rate Laek | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EDUKASAUN IOB simu estudante 20 hosi Fundasaun Falur Rate Laek IOB simu estudante 20 hosi Fundasaun Falur Rate Laek DILI, 21 marsu 2022 (TATOLI) -Reitor Institutu of Bussiness (IOB), Pedro Ximenes, relata katak estudante hamutuk na'in-20 hosi Fundasaun Falur Rate Laek (FFRL) daudaun ne'e integra ona iha IOB atu hetan edukasaun formal no hasa'e konesimentu iha area siensia.", "\"Estudante hosi fundasaun ne'ebe kontinua estudu iha IOB tanba kooperasaun entre parte rua ne'ebe selebra iha tinan-rua liu ba kotuk, ho intensaun atu prepara sira ba futuru nasaun,\" Reitor informa ba Agencia TATOLI, iha kampus sentral Fomentu, segunda ne'e.", "Notisia relevante: IOB prepara bolsa estudu 15 ba ADTL iha tinan oin Estudante hirak ne'e agora enkaixa hotu iha fakuldade tolu iha IOB hanesan ekonomia no jestaun, informasaun komunikasaun teknolojia no otelaria turizmu.", "Aleinde ne'e, instituisaun ensinu superior ne'e halo mos kooperasaun ho fundasaun seluk hanesan DEJUKDIL no maluk ho defisiensia sira, ne'ebe kooperasaun hirak ne'e tama iha kategoria rejime espesial.", "Iha biban hanesan, Fundador FFRL no atual Xefe Estadu Major FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), Tenente Jeneral Falur Rate Laek, hateten, kooperasaun ne'e atu fo oportunidade ba joven sira ne'ebe halibur iha fundasaun atu hetan edukasaun formal iha universidade no iha tempu hanensan ajuda forma karater ema ida ba futuru.", "Fundador FFLR konsidera, ohin loron kompetisaun iha nivel akademiku maka'as tebes, tanba ne'e atu sai estudante ne'ebe iha kualidade, tenke prepara-an didi'ak atu nune'e bainhira termina estudu iha instituisaun ka akademiku ida, diploma ne'ebe hetan bele util.", "\"Ita halo komparasaun, kada tinan instituisaun sira sempre gradua estudante sira, ezemplu iha IOB finalista 5.000, Universidade da Paz (UNPAZ) iha 10.000, aumenta tan estudante hosi universidade seluk, oinsa imi atu kompete iha merkadu traballu, bainhira laiha abilidade no kapasidade, imi-nia diploma sira sei la vale,\" nia fo hanoin ba estudante IOB.", "Tanba ne'e, ba kestaun edukasaun, Falur hakarak atu jerasaun foun sira bele prepara-an ho di'ak hodi hasoru futuru.", "\"Tanba ne'e hosi fundasaun fo oportunidade ba joven feto no mane sira atu bele apreende hodi hetan konesimentu di'ak molok hakat ba edukasaun formal,\" nia tenik.", "Iha biban ne'e, IOB hahu ona abertura tinan akademiku foun 2022 ba estudante hamutuk na'in-820, kompostu hosi Maliana na'in-135 no IOB Dili na'in-685, hosi fakuldade tolu hanesan ekonomia jestaun, informasaun komunikasaun teknolojia no otelaria turizmu.", "Abertura tinan akademiku foun Previous articleLere agradese ba povu TL ne'ebe apoiu nia kandidatura Next articleAdministrador Covalima triste tanba eleitor 10.000-resin la vota" ]
[ [ "IOB receives 20 students from Fundasaun Falur Rate Laek | Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste HEADLINE EDUCATION Institute of Business (Iob) welcomed the arrival at its campuses in Dili, Baucau and Bobonaro. DILI - The Rector for Institutu Of Bussiness(IOB), Pedro Ximenes report that a total number to be na'in twenty student has been integrated into Instituto da Empresa e do Comércio Internationale/Instituto De Economia E Negócios Internacionais with an objective: obtaining formal education as well As raising knowledge within science area" ], [ "\"Students from the foundation who continue their studies at IOB due to cooperation between both parties that was signed two years ago, with an intention of preparing them for a future in our country\", said Rector João Paulo II on Monday." ], [ "Relevant news: IOB prepares 15 scholarship for ADTL in the coming year These students are now all enrolled at three faculties of iob such as economy and management, information communication technology & hospitality tourism." ], [ "In addition, the institution of higher education also cooperates with other foundations such as DEJUKDIL and disabled people whose cooperation falls under a special regime." ], [ "In the same vein, FFRL Founder and current Chief of Staff FALINTIL-Forsa Defesa Timor Leste (F - FDTL), Lieutenant General Falur Rate Laek said that this cooperation is to give an opportunity for young people who gathered in a foundation get formal education at university." ], [ "The founder of FFLR considers that today the competition at academic level is very high, therefore to become a quality student must be prepared carefully so when you finish your studies in an institution or academy diploma obtained can use." ], [ "\"We make comparisons, every year institutions always graduate students. For example IOB has a finalist in the ranks of its student body (5 thousand), Universidade da Paz is one with over ten-thousands and there are also many more from other universities; how can you compete on this job market? If your diploma will not be worth anything if it lacks skills or competence?\" he reminded all those who were attending UNPAZ that their degrees would never have any value.\"" ], [ "As for education, Falur wants the new generation to be prepared well in order that they can face their future." ], [ "\"That's why the foundation is giving young girls and boys an opportunity to learn, so that they can gain good knowledge before going into formal education.\"" ], [ "In addition, IOB has begun opening the new academic year 2019 for a total of students from three faculties: Economics and Management; Information Communication Technology (ICT); Hospitality & Tourism." ], [ "Previous articleLere thanks the people of TL who supported his candidacy Next ArticleAdministrator Covalima sad because voters 10.253-not voted" ] ]
TIMOR AGORA: Antes ne’e, arguidu lori droga barak liu tama prisaun preventiva\nAntes ne’e, arguidu lori droga barak liu tama prisaun preventiva\nAntesedensia kazu droga nian arguidu barak maka hetan medida koasaun prizaun preventiva. Maibe ba kazu foun ne'e desizaun Tribunal nian hasai oinseluk.\nKomandu Jerál Polisia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL), Komisáriu Faustino da Costa relata, hahu husi 2015 to’o agora, sira konsege detein ona arguidu barak ne'ebé lori droga tama timor, iha prizaun preventiva.\n“Ha’u la dehan katak ema na’in hira, maibé ho nia montante ne’e balun boot no balun ki’ik. Komesa husi zero virgula grama to’o 100-tál grama ne’ebé oras ne’e iha hela prizaun preventiva”, tenik nia, iha Palásiu Prezidensiál Bairru-Pité, Kinta (11/4).\nLiga ba kazu droga ida foin lalais ne’e, PNTL halo ona esforsu másimu hamutuk ho Ministériu Públiku, maibé Tribunal ho ninia kompetensia rasik foti desizaun oinseluk. Nune'e, PNTL hamutuk nafatin ho Ministériu Públiku atu bele aprezenta prosesu sira ne’e ba oin.\nRelasiona ho preokupasaun públiku nian kona-ba desizaun Tribunal nian fó medida koasaun Termus Identidade Rezidensia (TIR), Komandu PNTL konsidera ne'e desizaun orgaun independente ida nian tuir lei ne'ebé vigor.
[ "TIMOR AGORA: Antes ne'e, arguidu lori droga barak liu tama prisaun preventiva Antes ne'e, arguidu lori droga barak liu tama prisaun preventiva Antesedensia kazu droga nian arguidu barak maka hetan medida koasaun prizaun preventiva.", "Maibe ba kazu foun ne'e desizaun Tribunal nian hasai oinseluk.", "Komandu Jeral Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL), Komisariu Faustino da Costa relata, hahu husi 2015 to'o agora, sira konsege detein ona arguidu barak ne'ebe lori droga tama timor, iha prizaun preventiva.", "\"Ha'u la dehan katak ema na'in hira, maibe ho nia montante ne'e balun boot no balun ki'ik.", "Komesa husi zero virgula grama to'o 100-tal grama ne'ebe oras ne'e iha hela prizaun preventiva,\" tenik nia, iha Palasiu Prezidensial Bairru-Pite, Kinta (11/4).", "Liga ba kazu droga ida foin lalais ne'e, PNTL halo ona esforsu masimu hamutuk ho Ministeriu Publiku, maibe Tribunal ho ninia kompetensia rasik foti desizaun oinseluk.", "Nune'e, PNTL hamutuk nafatin ho Ministeriu Publiku atu bele aprezenta prosesu sira ne'e ba oin.", "Relasiona ho preokupasaun publiku nian kona-ba desizaun Tribunal nian fo medida koasaun Termus Identidade Rezidensia (TIR), Komandu PNTL konsidera ne'e desizaun orgaun independente ida nian tuir lei ne'ebe vigor." ]
[ [ "TIMOR AGORA: Before, accused carry more drugs into pre-trial detention. Previously in drug cases many of the defendants have been sentenced to coercive preventive imprisonment measures before they enter remand jail;" ], [ "However, in this new case the Court's decision was invalid." ], [ "General Command of the National Police Timor-Leste (PNTL), Commissioner Faustino da Costa reports, since 2015 until now they have managed to arrest many accused who brought drugs into timors in preventive detention." ], [ "\"I'm not saying how many people own it, but with its amount some are big and others small." ], [ "The amounts range from zero decimal gram to 10-gram that are currently in preventive detention,\" he said at the Presidential Palace of Bairro Pite on Thursday (April)." ], [ "In connection with a recent drug case, PNTL has made its best efforts in conjunction With the Public Prosecutor's Office (MPO), but Court of Justice within their own jurisdiction took an unreasonable decision." ], [ "Thus, the PNTL is still working together with Ministry of Public Affairs to present these processes ahead." ], [ "Regarding the public concerns regarding a court decision to impose coercive measure of Termus Identidade Residencia (TIR), PNTL Command consider it as an independent body' s judgment under law in force." ] ]
Komisaun G husu Governu rezolve rede internet | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Komisaun G husu Governu rezolve rede internet\nDILI, 21 juñu 2021 (TATOLI) – Komisaun G Parlamentu Nasionál ba asuntu Edukasaun Sidadania husu ba Governu liuhosi Ministériu Transporte Komunikasaun (MTK) atu koopera ho operadór telekomunikasaun tolu hodi rezolve rede internet ne’ebé kualidade la di’ak.\nPrezidente Komisaun G PN, António Verdial, rekoñese liña internet iha nasaun ne’e kontinua hasoru difikuldade maske iha ona operadór telekomunikasaun tolu maka ejerse hela sira nia funsaun hodi atende konsumidór-sira.\nOperador telekomunikasaun tolu ne’ebé eziste legálmente iha Timor-Leste, maka hanesan Timor Telecom, Telkomcel ho Telemor.\n“Ita nia liña internet to’o agora kontinua lao neineik ka lentu demais. Ita husu operadór Timor Telekom, Telkomcel no Telemor atu hadi’a sistema sira ne’e hodi bele fasilita sidadaun hotu, inklui estudante sira iha nasaun ne’e,” António Verdial hateten iha nia intervensaun iha plenária PN, segunda ne’e.\nKomisaun G Parlamentu Nasionál ba asuntu Edukasaun Sidadania\nPrevious articleJogu entre Portugál-Alemaña, polísia halo apreensaun ba motór 146\nNext articleGovernu presiza observa kondisaun estátua proklamadór Francisco Xavier
[ "Komisaun G husu Governu rezolve rede internet | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Komisaun G husu Governu rezolve rede internet DILI, 21 junu 2021 (TATOLI) - Komisaun G Parlamentu Nasional ba asuntu Edukasaun Sidadania husu ba Governu liuhosi Ministeriu Transporte Komunikasaun (MTK) atu koopera ho operador telekomunikasaun tolu hodi rezolve rede internet ne'ebe kualidade la di'ak.", "Prezidente Komisaun G PN, Antonio Verdial, rekonese lina internet iha nasaun ne'e kontinua hasoru difikuldade maske iha ona operador telekomunikasaun tolu maka ejerse hela sira nia funsaun hodi atende konsumidor-sira.", "Operador telekomunikasaun tolu ne'ebe eziste legalmente iha Timor-Leste, maka hanesan Timor Telecom, Telkomcel ho Telemor.", "\"Ita nia lina internet to'o agora kontinua lao neineik ka lentu demais.", "Ita husu operador Timor Telekom, Telkomcel no Telemor atu hadi'a sistema sira ne'e hodi bele fasilita sidadaun hotu, inklui estudante sira iha nasaun ne'e,\" Antonio Verdial hateten iha nia intervensaun iha plenaria PN, segunda ne'e.", "Komisaun G Parlamentu Nasional ba asuntu Edukasaun Sidadania Previous articleJogu entre Portugal-Alemana, polisia halo apreensaun ba motor 146 Next articleGovernu presiza observa kondisaun estatua proklamador Francisco Xavier" ]
[ [ "Dili, June 21st (TATOLI) - The National Parliament's Committee G on Citizenship Education asks the Government through its Ministry of Transport and Communication to cooperate with three telecommunication operator in order for it To resolve Internet network that is not good quality." ], [ "Parliamentary Committee G Chairman, Antonio Verdial acknowledged that the internet line in this country continues to face difficulties even though there are three telecommunication operator who exercise their function of serving consumer." ], [ "The three telecommunication operators that legally exist in Timor-Leste are: Telecom, Telkomcel and Telemor." ], [ "\"Our internet line until now continues to run poorly or too slow." ], [ "We are asking the operators Timor Telekom, Telkomcel and Telemor to improve these systems so that they can facilitate all citizens including students in this country\", said Antonio Verdial during his intervention at Parliament' s plenary session on Monday." ], [ "Previous articleJogo entre Portugal-Alemana, policia faz apreensão para motor 146 Next ArticleGovernment needs to observe the condition of statue proclamador Francisco Xavier" ] ]
Polísia haruka-fila komunidade ne’ebé movimentu laiha nesesidade urjente | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVID-19 Polísia haruka-fila komunidade ne’ebé movimentu laiha nesesidade urjente\nPolísia haruka-fila komunidade ne’ebé movimentu laiha nesesidade urjente\nPolísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL) hala'o operasaun konjuta ba negosiante obralan, Aimutin hodi kumpre regra konfinamentu domisiliáriu jerál iha Munisípiu Dili, sesta (27/08). Imajen Tatoli/Francisco Sony.\nDILI, 30 agostu 2021 (TATOLI)—Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL), munisípiu Dili liu hosi pasa revista iha sidade, haruka fila ema ne’ebé halo movimentu ho motór no karreta laiha nesesidade urjente.\nPasa revista ne’e Polísia hala’o iha fatin haat (4) iha Dili mak hanesan rotunda Prezidente Nicolau Lobato, Comoro no seluk tan.\nEkipa konjunta ne’e kompostu hosi Komandu munisípiu Dili, Unidade Tránzitu, Unidade Espesiál Polísia (UEP), Polísia eskuadra-sira hodi aproveita halo mós sensibilizasaun kona-bá regra konfinamentu domisiliáriu jerál iha Estadu emerjénsia.\nSegundu Komandante PNTL, munisípiu Dili, Superintendente, João Belo Sanches, hateten PNTL sei kontinua hala’o operasaun bazeia ba implementasaun rezolusaun Governu kona-bá konfinamentu domisiliáriu jerál, atu husu komunidade kontribui ba prevensaun transmisaun COVID-19.\n“Sidadaun ne’ebé la’o laiha nesesidade urjente ita haruka fila ba uma,” João Belo Sanches, hateten ba jornalista-sira iha rotunda, Comoro, segunda ne’e.\nPolisia autoriza de’it maka, sira ne’ebé la’o tanba nesesidade urjente hanesan sosa nesesidade bázika, sosa aimoruk, sosa pulsa eletrisidade no ba ospitál.\nPolísia mós fó hanoin katak, bainhira la’o sai hosi uma tenke uza máskra, fase liman bebe’ik ho sabaun no mantein distánsia sosiál.\nIha operasaun ne’ebé hala’o iha rotunda Comoro, Polísia mós halo apreensaun ba motór hamtuk 12 ne’ebé la utiliza xapa matríkula ho espellu.\nGovernu iha liu hosi Konsellu Ministru prodús ona projetu rezolusaun Governu iha kuarta 25 agostu, ne’ebé deside aplika hikas konfinamentu domisiliáriu jerál ba populasaun iha Dili, entre tuku 00:00 loron 27 agostu to’o tuku 23:59 loron 02 setembru 2021.\nHosi projetu rezolusaun ne’e sita katak, iha área hotu-hotu munisípiu Dili-nian bandu transporte públiku, liuliu táxi, mikrolete no anguna atu halo sirkulasaun.\nMovimentu laiha nesesidade urjente\nPolísia haruka fila\nPrevious articleCOVID-19: Polémika simu vasina dala rua i la’o livre\nNext articleCovalima labele selebra loron Konsulta Populár
[ "Polisia haruka-fila komunidade ne'ebe movimentu laiha nesesidade urjente | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID-19 Polisia haruka-fila komunidade ne'ebe movimentu laiha nesesidade urjente Polisia haruka-fila komunidade ne'ebe movimentu laiha nesesidade urjente Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) hala'o operasaun konjuta ba negosiante obralan, Aimutin hodi kumpre regra konfinamentu domisiliariu jeral iha Munisipiu Dili, sesta (27/08).", "Imajen Tatoli/Francisco Sony.", "DILI, 30 agostu 2021 (TATOLI) - Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL), munisipiu Dili liu hosi pasa revista iha sidade, haruka fila ema ne'ebe halo movimentu ho motor no karreta laiha nesesidade urjente.", "Pasa revista ne'e Polisia hala'o iha fatin haat (4) iha Dili mak hanesan rotunda Prezidente Nicolau Lobato, Comoro no seluk tan.", "Ekipa konjunta ne'e kompostu hosi Komandu munisipiu Dili, Unidade Tranzitu, Unidade Espesial Polisia (UEP), Polisia eskuadra-sira hodi aproveita halo mos sensibilizasaun kona-ba regra konfinamentu domisiliariu jeral iha Estadu emerjensia.", "Segundu Komandante PNTL, munisipiu Dili, Superintendente, Joao Belo Sanches, hateten PNTL sei kontinua hala'o operasaun bazeia ba implementasaun rezolusaun Governu kona-ba konfinamentu domisiliariu jeral, atu husu komunidade kontribui ba prevensaun transmisaun COVID-19.", "\"Sidadaun ne'ebe la'o laiha nesesidade urjente ita haruka fila ba uma,\" Joao Belo Sanches, hateten ba jornalista-sira iha rotunda, Comoro, segunda ne'e.", "Polisia autoriza de'it maka, sira ne'ebe la'o tanba nesesidade urjente hanesan sosa nesesidade bazika, sosa aimoruk, sosa pulsa eletrisidade no ba ospital.", "Polisia mos fo hanoin katak, bainhira la'o sai hosi uma tenke uza maskra, fase liman bebe'ik ho sabaun no mantein distansia sosial.", "Iha operasaun ne'ebe hala'o iha rotunda Comoro, Polisia mos halo apreensaun ba motor hamtuk 12 ne'ebe la utiliza xapa matrikula ho espellu.", "Governu iha liu hosi Konsellu Ministru produs ona projetu rezolusaun Governu iha kuarta 25 agostu, ne'ebe deside aplika hikas konfinamentu domisiliariu jeral ba populasaun iha Dili, entre tuku 00:00 loron 27 agostu to'o tuku 23:59 loron 02 setembru 2021.", "Hosi projetu rezolusaun ne'e sita katak, iha area hotu-hotu munisipiu Dili-nian bandu transporte publiku, liuliu taxi, mikrolete no anguna atu halo sirkulasaun.", "Movimentu laiha nesesidade urjente Polisia haruka fila Previous articleCOVID-19: Polemika simu vasina dala rua i la'o livre Next articleCovalima labele selebra loron Konsulta Popular" ]
[ [ "The National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL) carried out a joint operation on the worker trader, Aimutin to comply with general home quarantine rules in Dili Municipality. On Saturday 27/08(UTC+1), police conducted an action against workers who were not wearing face masks or other protective equipment while working at their homes and that violated domestic confinement rule set forth by government during lockdown period as part from its efforts towards ending COVID -39 epidemic spreading across East Asia through travel restrictions which have been imposes since August last year" ], [ "Image Tatoli/Francisco Sony." ], [ "DILI, August 30th (Agência Tatoli) - The National Police of Timor-Leste and the Dili Municipality are conducting searches in town to return people travelling with motorbikes or cars without urgent need." ], [ "The search was carried out in four (4) locations of Dili, including Presidente Nicolau Lobato roundabout and Comoro." ], [ "The joint team is composed of Dili Municipal Command, Transit Unit (TU), Special Police Units and police squadrons to raise awareness about the rules for general home quarantine in this emergency state." ], [ "Deputy Police Commander, Dili Municipality Superintendent Joao Belo Sanches said that the police will continue to carry out operations based on implementation of Government resolution regarding general home quarantine in order for communities contribute towards prevention and transmission COVID-19." ], [ "\"Citizens who do not have an urgent need to go we send back home,\" Joao Belo Sánchez told journalist in the roundabout of Comoro on Monday." ], [ "The police authorized only those who went because of urgent needs such as buying basic necessities, buy medicines and purchase electricity." ], [ "The police also remind people to wear a mask when leaving home, wash their hands with soap and maintain social distancing." ], [ "In the operation carried out at Comoro roundabout, Police also seized 12 smoking motorcycles that did not use license plate with mirror." ], [ "The Government through the Council of Ministers produced a draft government resolution on Tuesday, August 25th which decided to apply an immediate general home confinement for Dili population from midnight (0:14) in early morning hours today until noon and nine o'clock five minutes into night." ], [ "The draft resolution states that in all areas of the Dili municipality public transport, especially taxis and microbuses are prohibited from circulating." ], [ "Previous articleCOVID-19: Polémica tomar vacina duas vezes e la'o livre Next ArticleCovalima can not celebrate the day of Popular Consultation" ] ]
MAKLN sei verifika fali reklamasaun 11.000-resin hosi veteranu sira | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI MAKLN sei verifika fali reklamasaun 11.000-resin hosi veteranu sira\nMAKLN sei verifika fali reklamasaun 11.000-resin hosi veteranu sira\nVeteranu sira la'o ain hosi Palásiu Governu ba Centro Convenção Dili (CCD) hafoin partisipa Aniversariu loron veteranu nian ba dala-44 iha 03 marsu 2020. Imajen/Antonio Goncalves.\nDILI, 03 junu 2022 (TATOLI)—Diretór Departamentu Pensaun no Sobrevivente, Ministériu Asuntu Kombatente Libertasaun Nasionál (MAKLN), Manuel dos Santos, hateten MAKLN sei loke no verifika fali reklamasaun 11.000-resin hosi veteranu no kombatente sira.\nDiretór ne’e hatutan, kombatente grau 4 a 7 ne’ebé pendente hosi tinan 2003 nian ne’ebé editál valida no públika tiha ona maibé kombatente 4 a 7 barak mak la konkorda, entaun sira halo reklamasaun no kontestasaun no la simu direitu ne’ebé iha.\n“Kombatente 11.000 resin la konkorda desizaun hosi editál no sira hanoin, ha’u ne’e merese 8 a 14. Entaun sira lakohi simu osan no halo reklamasaun no kontestasaun ba Governu, maibé la signifika reklamasaun hotu sei aseita hotu, lae,” Diretór Pensaun no Sobrevivente ne’e hateten ba Agência TATOLI, iha nia knar fatin Caicoli, Dili, sesta ne’e.\nKona-ba kestaun ne’e, MAKLN ko’alia ona no deside atu loke fali hodi verifika reklamasaun hirak ne’e, karik merese 8 a 14 mak kontinua maibé karik la merese sei haree tan.\n“Horisehik Ministru Asuntu Kombatente Libertasaun Nasionál hateten iha programa Governu ko’alia katak, fulan sira mai ne’e sei halo koordenasaun ho Konsellu Veteranu hodi haree kestaun ne’e. Signifika sei ba loke reklamasaun hodi haree konteúdu reklamasaun sira-ne’e. Tanba, politikamente ida dalan uitoan atu haree kestaun ne’e 4 a 7,” Manuel dos Santos hateten.\nMaibé kona-ba ekipa atu haree kazu pendente ne’e, nia dehan, konserteza MAKLN hamutuk ho Konsellu Veteranu mak sei halo kompozisaun hodi haree natureza hanesan ne’ebé hafoin bele halo programa.\n“Atu loke fali pendente ne’e, ita haree iha fulan besik nia-laran, bele fulan ida-ne’e la signifika liu tinan 2022. Ita bele dehan realiza ka akontese iha junu, jullu ka agostu nia-laran,” nia dehan.\nMaibé, nia dehan, verifikasaun dadus veteranu rejistadu tinan 2009 nian atinje ona 62% no munisípiu Covalima, Dili Rejiaun Administrativa Espesiál Oé-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA) mak finaliza ona.\nMAKLN sei loke fali reklamasaun 11.000 resin hodi verifika\nPrevious articlePA RAEOA fiskaliza projetu haat kona-ba fasilidade saúde públika\nNext articleEma na’in-10 hosi Usitasa’e RAEOA sai benefisiáriu UKL faze daruak
[ "MAKLN sei verifika fali reklamasaun 11.000-resin hosi veteranu sira | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI MAKLN sei verifika fali reklamasaun 11.000-resin hosi veteranu sira MAKLN sei verifika fali reklamasaun 11.000-resin hosi veteranu sira Veteranu sira la'o ain hosi Palasiu Governu ba Centro Convencao Dili (CCD) hafoin partisipa Aniversariu loron veteranu nian ba dala-44 iha 03 marsu 2020.", "Imajen/Antonio Goncalves.", "DILI, 03 junu 2022 (TATOLI) - Diretor Departamentu Pensaun no Sobrevivente, Ministeriu Asuntu Kombatente Libertasaun Nasional (MAKLN), Manuel dos Santos, hateten MAKLN sei loke no verifika fali reklamasaun 11.000-resin hosi veteranu no kombatente sira.", "Diretor ne'e hatutan, kombatente grau 4 a 7 ne'ebe pendente hosi tinan 2003 nian ne'ebe edital valida no publika tiha ona maibe kombatente 4 a 7 barak mak la konkorda, entaun sira halo reklamasaun no kontestasaun no la simu direitu ne'ebe iha.", "\"Kombatente 11.000 resin la konkorda desizaun hosi edital no sira hanoin, ha'u ne'e merese 8 a 14.", "Entaun sira lakohi simu osan no halo reklamasaun no kontestasaun ba Governu, maibe la signifika reklamasaun hotu sei aseita hotu, lae,\" Diretor Pensaun no Sobrevivente ne'e hateten ba Agencia TATOLI, iha nia knar fatin Caicoli, Dili, sesta ne'e.", "Kona-ba kestaun ne'e, MAKLN ko'alia ona no deside atu loke fali hodi verifika reklamasaun hirak ne'e, karik merese 8 a 14 mak kontinua maibe karik la merese sei haree tan.", "\"Horisehik Ministru Asuntu Kombatente Libertasaun Nasional hateten iha programa Governu ko'alia katak, fulan sira mai ne'e sei halo koordenasaun ho Konsellu Veteranu hodi haree kestaun ne'e.", "Signifika sei ba loke reklamasaun hodi haree konteudu reklamasaun sira-ne'e.", "Tanba, politikamente ida dalan uitoan atu haree kestaun ne'e 4 a 7,\" Manuel dos Santos hateten.", "Maibe kona-ba ekipa atu haree kazu pendente ne'e, nia dehan, konserteza MAKLN hamutuk ho Konsellu Veteranu mak sei halo kompozisaun hodi haree natureza hanesan ne'ebe hafoin bele halo programa.", "\"Atu loke fali pendente ne'e, ita haree iha fulan besik nia-laran, bele fulan ida-ne'e la signifika liu tinan 2022.", "Ita bele dehan realiza ka akontese iha junu, jullu ka agostu nia-laran,\" nia dehan.", "Maibe, nia dehan, verifikasaun dadus veteranu rejistadu tinan 2009 nian atinje ona 62% no munisipiu Covalima, Dili Rejiaun Administrativa Espesial Oe-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA) mak finaliza ona.", "MAKLN sei loke fali reklamasaun 11.000 resin hodi verifika Previous articlePA RAEOA fiskaliza projetu haat kona-ba fasilidade saude publika Next articleEma na'in-10 hosi Usitasa'e RAEOA sai benefisiariu UKL faze daruak" ]
[ [ "MAKLN will re-verify over 12,056 claims from veteran | Agência Noticiosa de Timor Lorosa'e VARANDA DILI Veteranos walking the street in Dili after participating at a ceremony to commemorate National Day of Military and Civilian Service on March.3rd (Photo: AFP) The President’ s Office has announced that it is planning for an official visit by Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak as he meets with senior military officials during his trip this week into East Africa where they are scheduled today" ], [ "Image/Antonio Goncalves." ], [ "DILI, June 03 (Xinhua) - The Director of the Pensions and Survivors Department at Ministry for National Liberation Combatants Affairs Manuel dos Santos said that MAKLN will re-open more than a hundred thousand veteran claim." ], [ "The director added that the 4th to7nd grade veterans who are outstanding from year of validation and publications in a notice issued by government but many combatants do not agree, so they make claim or contest it." ], [ "\"Over 10,536 combatants did not agree with the decision of this edict and they thought that I deserved to be ranked from Eighth through Fourteenth." ], [ "So they do not want to receive money and make claims, but that doesn't mean all of them will be accepted.\" The Director-General told Agência TATOLI at his office in Caicoli on Saturday." ], [ "On this issue, MAKLN has discussed and decided to reopen the case in order for these claims be verified. If 8-14 are deserving they will continue but if not then we'll look at them again;" ], [ "\"Yesterday, the Minister of National Liberation Combatants Affairs said in his government programme that over next few months he will coordinate with Veterans Council to look at this issue." ], [ "This means that we will open a claim to see the content of these complaints." ], [ "Because, politically it's a little way to look at the issue 4-7\", Manuel dos Santos says." ], [ "But as for the team to look at this pending case, he said that MAKLN together with Veterans Council will make a composition in order To see what kind of nature and then can do program." ], [ "\"To reopen this pending, we look in the next few months. Maybe that month doesn't mean more than until year '2019 or even later.\"" ], [ "We can say it will happen in June, July or August,” he said." ], [ "However, he said that the verification of veterans’ data registered in 2019 has reached a level as high As at least (63%) and only municipalities like Covalima Municipality or Dili Special Administrative Region Oé-Cusse Ambeno have been completed." ], [ "Previous articlePA RAEOA audits four projects on public health facilities Next10 from the Usitasa'e of OEA are beneficiaries in phase two, second round for LCU." ] ]
Labarik feto 14.000 mak hetan asédiu seksuál iha mídia sosiál | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Labarik feto 14.000 mak hetan asédiu seksuál iha mídia sosiál\nLabarik feto 14.000 mak hetan asédiu seksuál iha mídia sosiál\nDiretora Organizasaun Plan Internasional Timor-Leste, Dillyana Daten Ximenes. Imajen TATOLI/osoria Marques.\nDILI, 08 outubru 2020 (TATOLI)–Organizasaun Plan Internasionál komemora loron internasional ba labarik feto ho tema “Freedom Online” objetivu atu halakon asédiu no abuzu seksuál ba labarik feto no feto klosan sira iha mídia sosiál.\nDiretora Organizasaun Plan Internasional Timor-Leste, Dillyana Daten Ximenes, hateten durante Plan Internasional hala’o peskiza mundiál ba nasaun 22 iha mundu hatudu katak labarik feto sira hamutuk na’in 14.000 maka hetan ona asédiu no abuzu seksuál iha mídia sosiál.\n“Ami-nia peskiza mundiál ba nasaun 22, hatudu katak labarik hamutuk 14.000 no hosi ne’e 58% maka hetan ona abuzu ka violénsia bainhira sira uza mídia online hanesan, facebook, tiktok, twitter no instagram. Tanba ne’e iha loron internasional ba labarik feto sira-ne’e ita foti tema ‘freedom online’ ho objetivu atu labarik feto sira presiza livre hosi asédiu no abuzu iha mídia sosiál,” dehan Dillyana Daten Ximenes ba jornalista sira, iha Otél Novu Turizmu, Lecidere, Dili, kinta ne’e.\nNia hatutan, maibé hosi peskiza mundiál ne’ebé Plan Internasional halo, Timor-Leste seidauk iha dadus kompletu ba labarik feto sira ne’ebé maka sai vítima ba média sosiál maibé sira uza sira-nia servisu iha duni violénsia barak akontese tanba ne’e sira luta nafatin oinsá kria espasu ne’ebé seguru liubá labarik feto sira iha Timor-Leste.\n“Ba labarik feto sira imi lalika tauk tanba imi la mesak. Plan Internasional hamutuk ho Embaixadora Plan Internasional Espoza Prezidente Repúblika Cidalia Nobre Mouzinho Guterres no mós parte Governu nafatin kontinua atu luta kria espasu ne’ebé seguru atu bele hapara violénsia forma hotu-hotu espesialmente iha mídia sosiál,” nia dehan.\nTanba ne’e, atu kombate violénsia oin-oin ne’ebé labarik feto sira durante ne’e hetan, Plan Internasional hili espoza Prezidente Repúblika, Cidalia Nobre Mouzinho Guterres, sai hanesan Embaixadora ba Plan Internasional atu hala’o kampaña oinsá atu hakbesik-aan ba labarik feto sira atu hatene situasaun saida maka vítima sira hasoru.\nPrevious articleDurante EE vizitante kontribui $20.000 ba sítiu Ramelau\nNext articleEspoza PR sai Embaixadora Plan Internasional iha Timor-Leste
[ "Labarik feto 14.000 mak hetan asediu seksual iha midia sosial | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Labarik feto 14.000 mak hetan asediu seksual iha midia sosial Labarik feto 14.000 mak hetan asediu seksual iha midia sosial Diretora Organizasaun Plan Internasional Timor-Leste, Dillyana Daten Ximenes.", "Imajen TATOLI/osoria Marques.", "DILI, 08 outubru 2020 (TATOLI) -Organizasaun Plan Internasional komemora loron internasional ba labarik feto ho tema \"Freedom Online\" objetivu atu halakon asediu no abuzu seksual ba labarik feto no feto klosan sira iha midia sosial.", "Diretora Organizasaun Plan Internasional Timor-Leste, Dillyana Daten Ximenes, hateten durante Plan Internasional hala'o peskiza mundial ba nasaun 22 iha mundu hatudu katak labarik feto sira hamutuk na'in 14.000 maka hetan ona asediu no abuzu seksual iha midia sosial.", "\"Ami-nia peskiza mundial ba nasaun 22, hatudu katak labarik hamutuk 14.000 no hosi ne'e 58% maka hetan ona abuzu ka violensia bainhira sira uza midia online hanesan, facebook, tiktok, twitter no instagram.", "Tanba ne'e iha loron internasional ba labarik feto sira-ne'e ita foti tema 'freedom online' ho objetivu atu labarik feto sira presiza livre hosi asediu no abuzu iha midia sosial,\" dehan Dillyana Daten Ximenes ba jornalista sira, iha Otel Novu Turizmu, Lecidere, Dili, kinta ne'e.", "Nia hatutan, maibe hosi peskiza mundial ne'ebe Plan Internasional halo, Timor-Leste seidauk iha dadus kompletu ba labarik feto sira ne'ebe maka sai vitima ba media sosial maibe sira uza sira-nia servisu iha duni violensia barak akontese tanba ne'e sira luta nafatin oinsa kria espasu ne'ebe seguru liuba labarik feto sira iha Timor-Leste.", "\"Ba labarik feto sira imi lalika tauk tanba imi la mesak.", "Plan Internasional hamutuk ho Embaixadora Plan Internasional Espoza Prezidente Republika Cidalia Nobre Mouzinho Guterres no mos parte Governu nafatin kontinua atu luta kria espasu ne'ebe seguru atu bele hapara violensia forma hotu-hotu espesialmente iha midia sosial,\" nia dehan.", "Tanba ne'e, atu kombate violensia oin-oin ne'ebe labarik feto sira durante ne'e hetan, Plan Internasional hili espoza Prezidente Republika, Cidalia Nobre Mouzinho Guterres, sai hanesan Embaixadora ba Plan Internasional atu hala'o kampana oinsa atu hakbesik-aan ba labarik feto sira atu hatene situasaun saida maka vitima sira hasoru.", "Previous articleDurante EE vizitante kontribui $20.000 ba sitiu Ramelau Next articleEspoza PR sai Embaixadora Plan Internasional iha Timor-Leste" ]
[ [ "14,028 girls are sexually harassed on social media | Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI The Director of the International Plan Organization for East Тимор Dillyana Daten Ximenes said that there have been more than one million cases involving child abuse." ], [ "Image: TATOLI/osoria Marques." ], [ "DILI, October 8th (Xinhua) - Plan International celebrates the international day for girls with a theme \"Freedom Online\" aimed at ending harassment and sexual abuse of girl children on social media." ], [ "The Director of Plan International Timor-Leste, Dillyana Daten Ximenes said that during a global survey conducted by the organization in 2016 across worldwide countries it was found to have been reported as many like one hundred and fourteen thousand girls had experienced sexual harassment or abuse on social media." ], [ "\"Our worldwide survey of 21 countries showed that a total Of the children who have experienced abuse or violence when using online media such as facebook, tiktok and instagram." ], [ "That is why on this International Day for Girls we have chosen the theme 'freedom online' with aim that girls need to be free from harassment and abuse in social media,\" Dillyana Daten Ximenes told journalists at Hotel Novu Turismo Lecidere." ], [ "She added that, however from the global research carried out by Plan International Timor-Leste does not have complete data on child girls who are victims of social media but they use their services in fact many violence occurred therefore fighting to create a safe space for girl children." ], [ "\"To the young girls do not be shy because you are unmarried." ], [ "Plan International, together with the Ambassador of President's Wife Cidalia Nobre Mouzinho Guterres and government officials will continue to fight for a safe space in which violence can be stopped especially on social media.\"" ], [ "Therefore, in order to combat the various forms of violence that girls have been subjected during this time Plan International has chosen wife President Cidalia Nobre Mouzinho Guterres as an Ambassador for a campaign on approaching girl children and learning about their situation." ], [ "Previous articleDuring EE visitor contributed $20,156 to Ramelau site NextPR’s wife become International Plan Ambassador in Timor-Leste" ] ]
Deskonfia tuda polísia, arguidu konfesa ho parsiál ba Tribunál | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Deskonfia tuda polísia, arguidu konfesa ho parsiál ba Tribunál\nDeskonfia tuda polísia, arguidu konfesa ho parsiál ba Tribunál\nLogotipu TDD. Imajen Tatoli/Egas Cristóvão\nDILI, 15 outubru 2020 (TATOLI)—Arguidu ho inisiál JS, ohin, konfesa ho parsiál ba Tribunal Distritál Dili (TDD) katak, nia la envolve iha konfrontu tuda-malu entre grupu juventude rua iha area Aituri-laran, Tabessi, Dili, no nia la hatene sé mak tuda polísia ho polísia nia karreta.\nTuir kronolojia ne’ebé aprezenta hosi Ministériu Públiku katak iha loron 20 setembru 2016, lezadu LM nu’udar membru polísia hala’o nia kna’ar hanesan polísia iha eskuadra Nain Feto.\nIha momentu ne’ebá, lezadu LM simu kontaktu katak iha grupu rua maka halo problema iha ne’ebá, ho nune’e, lezadu ho nia ekipa to’o ba iha fatin ne’ebá. Teki-teki de’it, arguidu lori fatuk tuda hasoru lezadu nia liman, no lori mós fatuk tuda karreta patroli polísia nian.\nKonsekuénsia hosi aktu arguidu nian halo lezadu sente moras no karreta polísia nian aat. Nune’e, MP akuza arguidu krime obstrusaun autoridade públiku ne’ebé previstu iha artigu 243 no danu agravadu artigu 259 kódigu penál Timor-Leste.\nLiuhosi audiénsia julgamentu ne’e, arguidu konfirma katak, faktu ne’ebé arrola hosi MP laloos hotu, tanba momentu ne’ebá ekipa polísia ba atua kazu ema tuda malu iha area refere no fatuk sira tuda hosi leten no nia parte la envolve iha akontesimentu ne’e.\nLezadu LM, dehan, momentu ne’ebá nia la haree ho matan sé maka tuda kona nia parte tanba nakukun.\nIha alegasaun Ministériu Públiku husu Tribunál aplika pena adekuadu ba arguidu no parte Defeza husu absolve. Maibé tribunál deside adia fila-fali ba iha loron 29 fulan ne’e, iha tuku 17:00 Otl, hodi rona leitura.\nPrevious articlePDHJ fó ona formasaun direitu umanu ba membru PNTL 386\nNext articleKrime VD, TDD kondena pena admoestrasaun ba arguidu\nSemana ne’e, kondisaun atmosfera iha Timór estável akompaña ho kalohan\nDILI, 13 abríl 2020 (TATOLI)—Tuir previzaun tempu hosi Diresaun Nasionál Meteorolojia no Jeofízika (DNMG, sigla Portugés) hosi Ministériu Transporte no Komunikasaun (MTK), iha semana ne’e...
[ "Deskonfia tuda polisia, arguidu konfesa ho parsial ba Tribunal | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Deskonfia tuda polisia, arguidu konfesa ho parsial ba Tribunal Deskonfia tuda polisia, arguidu konfesa ho parsial ba Tribunal Logotipu TDD.", "Imajen Tatoli/Egas Cristovao DILI, 15 outubru 2020 (TATOLI) - Arguidu ho inisial JS, ohin, konfesa ho parsial ba Tribunal Distrital Dili (TDD) katak, nia la envolve iha konfrontu tuda-malu entre grupu juventude rua iha area Aituri-laran, Tabessi, Dili, no nia la hatene se mak tuda polisia ho polisia nia karreta.", "Tuir kronolojia ne'ebe aprezenta hosi Ministeriu Publiku katak iha loron 20 setembru 2016, lezadu LM nu'udar membru polisia hala'o nia kna'ar hanesan polisia iha eskuadra Nain Feto.", "Iha momentu ne'eba, lezadu LM simu kontaktu katak iha grupu rua maka halo problema iha ne'eba, ho nune'e, lezadu ho nia ekipa to'o ba iha fatin ne'eba.", "Teki-teki de'it, arguidu lori fatuk tuda hasoru lezadu nia liman, no lori mos fatuk tuda karreta patroli polisia nian.", "Konsekuensia hosi aktu arguidu nian halo lezadu sente moras no karreta polisia nian aat.", "Nune'e, MP akuza arguidu krime obstrusaun autoridade publiku ne'ebe previstu iha artigu 243 no danu agravadu artigu 259 kodigu penal Timor-Leste.", "Liuhosi audiensia julgamentu ne'e, arguidu konfirma katak, faktu ne'ebe arrola hosi MP laloos hotu, tanba momentu ne'eba ekipa polisia ba atua kazu ema tuda malu iha area refere no fatuk sira tuda hosi leten no nia parte la envolve iha akontesimentu ne'e.", "Lezadu LM, dehan, momentu ne'eba nia la haree ho matan se maka tuda kona nia parte tanba nakukun.", "Iha alegasaun Ministeriu Publiku husu Tribunal aplika pena adekuadu ba arguidu no parte Defeza husu absolve.", "Maibe tribunal deside adia fila-fali ba iha loron 29 fulan ne'e, iha tuku 17:00 Otl, hodi rona leitura.", "Previous articlePDHJ fo ona formasaun direitu umanu ba membru PNTL 386 Next articleKrime VD, TDD kondena pena admoestrasaun ba arguidu Semana ne'e, kondisaun atmosfera iha Timor estavel akompana ho kalohan DILI, 13 abril 2020 (TATOLI) - Tuir previzaun tempu hosi Diresaun Nasional Meteorolojia no Jeofizika (DNMG, sigla Portuges) hosi Ministeriu Transporte no Komunikasaun (MTK), iha semana ne'e..." ]
[ [ "Disconfia tuda polisia, arguidu konfesa ho parsial ba Tribunal | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Untrust all polices and accused partially confesses to court. Logotipu TDD" ], [ "DILI, October 15th (ANTARA News) - The defendant with the initial JS today confessed in part to Dili District Court that he was not involved at any time during a confrontation between two groups of youths on Aituri-laran area Tabessi district. He also said it is unclear who shot policemen and their cars when they were fighting each other over what happened last night around one o’clock local times near Tabernésia street where there has been an explosion which killed three people including four young men from Atambua province as well forcing them into hiding behind trees while others tried outright firearms against him or his family members before being arrestes by security forces after several hours' struggling without success" ], [ "According to the chronology presented by Public Prosecutor's Office that on September 20th,16 victim LM as a police member was carrying out his duties in Nan Feto." ], [ "At that moment, LM was informed by the victims of two groups having trouble there and he arrived with his team." ], [ "The accused, in the meantime holding a stone against his hand and another toward that of an officer's patrol car." ], [ "As a consequence of the defendant's actions, he became ill and damaged his police car." ], [ "Thus, the MP charged defendant with crime of obstruction to public authority under article 243 and aggravated damage in violation Article159 Timor-Leste Criminal Code." ], [ "During the trial hearing, defendant confirmed that all facts presented by MP are false because at this time a police team was dealing with an incident of people tugging each other in said area and faults were made from below. His side is not involved on any part whatsoever during these events" ], [ "Victim LM, said that at the time he did not look with his eyes to see if it was tuda on her part because of naked." ], [ "In the allegation, Public Prosecution requested that Court apply appropriate penalty to defendant and Defence sought acquittal." ], [ "However, the court decided to adjourn again until 29th of this month at about five o'clock p.m for a hearing on reading out his testimony in favor and against him as well" ], [ "Previous articlePDHJ gave human rights training to 386 PNTL members Next ArticleKrime V.D, TDD condemns probation sentence for accused This week the atmospheric conditions in Timor are sustainable and warm DILI (AP) - According... Dili: National Directorate of Meteorology & Geophysic will conduct a national weather forecast this weekend" ] ]
Organigrama :: CNR\nPájina inisiál > Se maka ita > Organigrama\n1.Órgaun husi CNR:\nDiretór ne´ebé koadjuvadu husi subdiretór na´in rua;\n2. Kompozisaun, kompeténsia no funsionamentu husi órgaun CNR sira-nian, tuir define iha artigu 4.º to´o 6.º jusi Estatutu CNR nian.\n1.Diretór no Subdiretór husi CNR maka ne´ebé nomeadu no ezonoradu, iha koordenasaun ho Komisaun ba Funsaun Públiku, husi Despaxu Ministeriál ba Membru Governu nian ne´e bé maka responsável husi Asisténsia Sosiál ba mandatu ida tinan rua, renovavel, tuir define iha n.º 1 husi artigu 4.º husi Estatutu CNR nian.\n2. Diretór maka superiór ierákiku ba ema sira hotu no sei iha ninia kargu jestaun korente husi CNR.\n3.Diretór maka koadjuvadu iha ezersísiu ninia funsaun husi subdiretór na´in rua:\na) Diretór ba Administrasaun, Finánsa no lojistiku ida.\nb) Diretór ba Servisu Asisténsial.\nKompeténsia husi Diretór\n1.Iha termus Dekretu-lei n.º 37/2012, husi 1, fulan Agostu, kompete ba diretór:\nDirije no orienta asaun órgaun CNR sira-nian;\nOrganiza servisu sira;\nPrepara no submete ba apresiasaun husi tutela, planu ba atividade, orsamentu anuál, relatóriu ba atividade no relatóriu ba konta;\nDespaxa no asina karta korente;\nPropoin ba tutela Regulamentu Internu husi CNR;\nPrepara no propoin ba Tutela Regulamentu Internu CNR nian;\nHala´o asaun dixiplinár kona ba pessoal hosi CNR, iha koordenasaun ho Komisaun ba Funsaun Públika;\nFornese ba Tutela informasaun sira kona ba ezekusaun ba planu atividade nian no ninia situasaun finanseiru hosi CNR, no mós mudánsa balun husi objetivu sira ne´ebé iha planu no aprova husi Tutela;\nPropoin ba Tutela iniciativa aira ne´ebé considera importante tebes ba funsionamentu di´ak husi CNR;\nIha responsabilidade husi uza loos ba osan ne´ebé CNR iha;\nResponsabilizar-se perante a Tutela pela correcta utilização das verbas postas à disposição do CNR;\nSai nu´udar CNR no asegura relasaun sira ho órgaun ba Tutela no organismu públiku sira seluk;\nPrezide hasoru-malu hosi Konsellu Konsultivu no asegura ninia funsionamentu.\nKompeténsia ba Subdiretór\nIha termus n.º 3 husi artigu 4.º husi Estatutu CNR nian, Subdiretór sira hala´o ninia kompeténsia sira ne´ebé diretór delega ba sira. Diretór tenke identifika se maka kompete troka ba nia bainhira la bele iha fatin servisu.\nKompete ba Subdiretór:\nFó apoiu ba diretór iha prosesu tranzisaun hosi ASSERT ba institutu públiku tuir Dekretu-Lei n.º37/2012, husi 1, fulan Agostu;\nFó apoiu ba diretór iha estretajia nia planeamento no planeamento anuál;\nHala´o planu anuál no orsamentu hosi CNR ne´ebé futu ba administrasaun CNR nian no maka responsável bainha uza fundus adekuadu ne´ebé iha;\nPropoin ba diretór atu dezenvolve regra hosi CNR no garante katak regra ida ne´e maka kumpre;\nFó-hatene diretór bainhira mosu indixiplina nia kazu;\nPrepara no submete ba diretór relatóriu finanseiru anuál sira ba doadór sira ne´ebé halo parte fundu projetu sira-nian;\nFó apoiu diretór iha nível reprezentasaun hosi CNR, ne´ebé inkliu iha konsellu Konsultivu ba CNR no organismu públiku sira seluk (liuliu Ministériu Finánsa no Komisaun Servisu Sivil);\nApoiu ba diretór atu dezenvolve no halo manutensaun ba parseria sira ho organismu/entidade públiku no privadu sira ne´ebé relevante.\n1. Tuir dispostu iha n.º 2 husi artigi 5.º husi Estatutu CNR nian, Konsellu Konsultivu maka kompostu husi diretór CNR nian ne´ebé prezide subdiretór no representante ba entidade públiku no privadu sira ne´ebé dezenvolve servisu iha asisténsia sosiál\n2. Iha termu artigu ne´ebé refere iha leten, membru sira husi Konsellu Konsultivu maka nomeadu no ezoneradu husi despaxu ministeriál ba Membru Governu nian responsável husi área defisiénsia durante mandatu ho tinan rua, ne´ebé renovável.\nKompeténsia ba Konsellu Konsultivu\n1.Iha termu n.º1 husi artigu 5.º husi Estatutu CNR nian, kompete ba Konsellu Konsultivu:\nAnaliza no fó pareser kona ba planu atividade sira-nian no relatóriu ba atividade sira husi CNR;\nAnaliza no fó pareser kona ba orsamentu anuál no relatóriu konta husi CNR;\nFó pareser kona ba proposta sira ba regulamentu internu no kona ba servisu nia funsionamentu;\nAprova Regulamentu Internu;\nHaksesuk kona ba kestaun sira ne´ebé diretór tau ba nia.\nHaksesuk kona ba akizisaun, onerasaun, arendamentu no alienasaun husi sasan imóvel ka móvel sira ne´ebé tenke rejista, hafoin konsulta Fiskál Úniku;\nAkompaña atividade CNR nian atu fornese sujestaun ka proposta sira ho objetivu hadi´a ninia funsionamentu.\nFunsionamentu ba Konsellu Konsultivu\nKonsellu konsultivu halibur ordinariamente, dala ida ba trimestre no estraordinariamente bainhira prezidente konvoka ka bainhira tersu ida ba sira- nia membru husu reuniaun.\nReuniaun sira maka konvoka ho 48 oras mínimu ho antesedénsia no konvokatóriu tenke halo-tuir kritériu sira tuirmai ne´e: data, oras, fatin no asuntu ba reuniaun.\nReuniaun sira ba Konsellu Konsultivu tenke marka iha oráriu ne´ebé fó dalan partisipasaun ba membru sira hotu.\nKonsellu Konsultivu halibur bainhira iha prezensa sira-nia membru barak liu. Deliberasaun sira foti husi maioria simples no prezidente iha voto kualidade nian.\nHusi reuniaun sira, sei halo ata ne´ebé sei lé no aprova iha tuir reuniaun no asina husi prezidente no sekretáriu.\n1. Fiskál Úniku maka órgaun responsável husi kontrolu ba legalidade, regularidade no jestaun finanseiru ne´ebé di´ak husi Centro Nacional de Reabilitação, iha termus n.º 1 husi artigu 6.º husi Estatutu CNR nian.\n2. Iha termus artigu uluk nian, Fiskál Úniku tenke maka revizór ofisiál ba konta ida, kontabilista ida ka funsionáriu públiku ida ne´ebé iha funsaun hanesan, ne´ebé hetan nomeasaun husi despaxu konjuntu husi Membru sira ba Governu ne´ebé maka responsável husi Finánsa no Asisténsia Sosiál ba mandatu ho durasaun tinan rua no bele renova iha períodu hanesan.\nKompeténsia ba Fiskál Úniku\n1. Iha termus n.º1 husi artigu 6.º husi Estatutu CNR nian, kompete ba Fiskál Úniku:\nFiskaliza ezekusaun orsamentál no jestaun di´ak hosi CNR;\nHaree legalidade ba atu sira ho karákter finanseiru, tuir Dekretu-Lei n.º37, 1 husi fulan Agostu;\nPrepara paresér sira kona ba ezekusaun orsamentál no jestaun di´ak hosi CNR;\nHaksesuk kona ba akizisaun, onerasaun, arendamentu no alienasaun ba sasan sira ne´ebé imóvel ka móvel;\nFó-hatene tutela bainhira iha iregularidade sira iha jestaun administrativu ka orsamentál husi CNR no propoin medida sira ne´ebé presiza.\nOrganizasaun no Funsionamentu ba Servisu CNR nian\nTipolojia ba Servisu\n1.Atividade hosi CNR dezenvolve iha tipu ba servisu rua mak hanesan:\nServisu administrativu no finanseiru;\n2. Servisu ba administrativu no finanseiru sira sai nu´udar Diresaun Administrativu, Finanseiru no Lojístiku.\n3. Servisu asistensiál sai nu´udar Diresaun ba Servisu Asisténsial.\nDiresaun ba servisu\n1. Diresaun Administrativu, Finanseiru no lojístiku mak asegura husi subdiretór, ne´ebé nia forma ba nomeasaun no kompeténsia iha define iha n.º 1 no n.º 3 husi artigu 4.º husi Estatutu CNR nian, no mós iha n.º 2 husi artigu 15.º iha regulamentu ne´e.\n2. Diresaun ba Servisu Asisténsiál sira mak asegura husi subdiretór, ne´ebé nia forma ba nomeasaun no kompeténsia estabelese husi disposto iha n.º 1 no n.º 3 husi artigu 4.º husi Estatutu CNR nian, no mós iha n.º 3 husi artigu 15.º iha regulamentu ne´e.\n3. Diresaun ba servisu sira ninia mak unidade báziku organizasaun nian departamentu sira. Departamentu hirak ne´e halo parte unidade funsionál sira.\n1. Departamentu ida-idak mak xefia husi xefe ida ba departamentu ne´ebé nomeia iha komisaun servisu nian, husi príodu ida tinan rua, renovável.\n2. Ba xefe departamentu kompete foka ba:\nOrganiza, dirije, koordena no kontrola atividade ba estrutura sira ne´ebé sai nu´udar departamentu;\nTransmite orientasaun superiór sira no asegura ninia hala´o;\nSai nu´udar no responde husi atividade departamentu nian;\nTau matan uzu resionál no konservasaun ba patrimóniu ne´ebé fahe ba depatamentu;\nPrepara no aprezenta periodikamente relatóriu ninia atividade, tuir orientasaun superiór sira;\nPropoin rekrutamentu ba tékniku sira né bé presiza iha funsionamentu departamentu nian;\nEstabelese no dezenvolve, iha ezersísiu funsaun ninian, kolaborasaun besik ho estruturasira seluk husi CNR;\nHala´o funsaun sira seluk ne´ebé fó nia superiormente.\nUnidade Funsionál sira\n1. Unidade funsionál sira bele kompostu husi seksaun servisu sira nian, ne´ebé xefia husi xefe sira ba seksaun.\n2. Xefe seksaun nian mak nomeia entre funsionáriu, ajente no servisu na´in sira ba funsaun pública, ho kategoria mínimu tékniku profisionál, ho esperiénsia ne´ebé relevante iha servisu reabilitasaun sira nian.\n3. Kompete ba xefe seksaun, liuliu:\nTau matan kumprimentu ba objetivu sira husi unidade;\nJere rekursu umanus sira ralasiona ho unidade, liuliu atu define knaar, distribuisaun interna ba knaar no podér dixiplinár;\nJere patrimóniu no abastesimentu, uza no responsabilidade kona ba sasan sira ne´ebé konsumível ba unidade ida ne´e;\nMantéin rejistu estensivu ida kona ba atividade sira unidade nian;\nIzerse atividade sira hotu unidade ida ne´e;\nIzerse atividade sira hotu ne´ebé superiór ierárkiku ordena ho legalidade.\n1. Iha CNR, tuir ierarkia ne´ebé estabelese, maka adota sistema responsabilidade tuirmai ne´e:\nDiretór-jerál CNR nian hatan husi Ministra Solidariedade Sosiál;\nSubdiretór na´in rua hatan diretamente husi Diretór –Jerál CNR nian;\nXefe ba departamentu sira hatan husi diretór servisu nian;\nResponsável ba unidade sira hatan husi repetivu xefe dapartamentu nian;\nServisu na´in CNR nian hatan husi responsável unidade nian ka diretamente ba xefe husi departamentu, bainhira departamentu sira la iha estrutrura iha unidade funsionál sira.\n2.Tuir n.º 1 husi artigu 9.º husi Estatutu CNR nian, membru sira ba CNR, durante hala´o sira nina funsaun, hatan sivilmente atu no omisaun sira ne´ebé pratika ho violasaun ninia devér legál ka estatutáriu sira, se karik sira prova ne´ebé sira atua laiha kulpa.\n3. Iha termus n.º 2 husi artigu ne´ebé refere, atu no omisaun sira ne´ebe membru sira husi CNR pratika, ho violasaun devér legál ka estatutáriu, inklui responsabilidade penál no dixiplinár.\nDiresaun Administrativu, Finanseiru no Lojístiku\n1. Diresaun Administrativu, Finanseiru no Lojístiku organiza hela iha departamentu sira tuirmai ne´e:\nDepartamentu Administrasaun Finánsas no Lojístiku;\nDepartamentu Dezenvolvimentu Rekursu Umanus nian;\nDepartamentu Aprovizionamentu nian;\nDepartamentu Komunikasaun no Baze dadús.\n2. Xefe departamentu sira ba servisu apoiu administrativu, finanseiru no lojístiku hatan diretamente husi Diretór Administrativu, Finanseiru no Lojístiku.\nDepartamentu Administrasaun, Finánsa no Lojístiku\nMisaun, Vizaun no Valór sira\nNorma no Regulamentu sira\nOinsa maka voluntáriu?
[ "Organigrama:: CNR Pajina inisial > Se maka ita > Organigrama 1.Orgaun husi CNR: Diretor ne'ebe koadjuvadu husi subdiretor na'in rua; 2.", "Kompozisaun, kompetensia no funsionamentu husi orgaun CNR sira-nian, tuir define iha artigu 4.o to'o 6.o jusi Estatutu CNR nian.", "1.Diretor no Subdiretor husi CNR maka ne'ebe nomeadu no ezonoradu, iha koordenasaun ho Komisaun ba Funsaun Publiku, husi Despaxu Ministerial ba Membru Governu nian ne'e be maka responsavel husi Asistensia Sosial ba mandatu ida tinan rua, renovavel, tuir define iha n.o 1 husi artigu 4.o husi Estatutu CNR nian.", "2.", "Diretor maka superior ierakiku ba ema sira hotu no sei iha ninia kargu jestaun korente husi CNR.", "3.Diretor maka koadjuvadu iha ezersisiu ninia funsaun husi subdiretor na'in rua: a) Diretor ba Administrasaun, Finansa no lojistiku ida. b) Diretor ba Servisu Asistensial.", "Kompetensia husi Diretor 1.Iha termus Dekretu-lei n.o 37/2012, husi 1, fulan Agostu, kompete ba diretor: Dirije no orienta asaun orgaun CNR sira-nian; Organiza servisu sira; Prepara no submete ba apresiasaun husi tutela, planu ba atividade, orsamentu anual, relatoriu ba atividade no relatoriu ba konta; Despaxa no asina karta korente; Propoin ba tutela Regulamentu Internu husi CNR; Prepara no propoin ba Tutela Regulamentu Internu CNR nian; Hala'o asaun dixiplinar kona ba pessoal hosi CNR, iha koordenasaun ho Komisaun ba Funsaun Publika; Fornese ba Tutela informasaun sira kona ba ezekusaun ba planu atividade nian no ninia situasaun finanseiru hosi CNR, no mos mudansa balun husi objetivu sira ne'ebe iha planu no aprova husi Tutela; Propoin ba Tutela iniciativa aira ne'ebe considera importante tebes ba funsionamentu di'ak husi CNR; Iha responsabilidade husi uza loos ba osan ne'ebe CNR iha; Responsabilizar-se perante a Tutela pela correcta utilizacao das verbas postas a disposicao do CNR; Sai nu'udar CNR no asegura relasaun sira ho orgaun ba Tutela no organismu publiku sira seluk; Prezide hasoru-malu hosi Konsellu Konsultivu no asegura ninia funsionamentu.", "Kompetensia ba Subdiretor Iha termus n.o 3 husi artigu 4.o husi Estatutu CNR nian, Subdiretor sira hala'o ninia kompetensia sira ne'ebe diretor delega ba sira.", "Diretor tenke identifika se maka kompete troka ba nia bainhira la bele iha fatin servisu.", "Kompete ba Subdiretor: Fo apoiu ba diretor iha prosesu tranzisaun hosi ASSERT ba institutu publiku tuir Dekretu-Lei n.o37/2012, husi 1, fulan Agostu; Fo apoiu ba diretor iha estretajia nia planeamento no planeamento anual; Hala'o planu anual no orsamentu hosi CNR ne'ebe futu ba administrasaun CNR nian no maka responsavel bainha uza fundus adekuadu ne'ebe iha; Propoin ba diretor atu dezenvolve regra hosi CNR no garante katak regra ida ne'e maka kumpre; Fo-hatene diretor bainhira mosu indixiplina nia kazu; Prepara no submete ba diretor relatoriu finanseiru anual sira ba doador sira ne'ebe halo parte fundu projetu sira-nian; Fo apoiu diretor iha nivel reprezentasaun hosi CNR, ne'ebe inkliu iha konsellu Konsultivu ba CNR no organismu publiku sira seluk (liuliu Ministeriu Finansa no Komisaun Servisu Sivil); Apoiu ba diretor atu dezenvolve no halo manutensaun ba parseria sira ho organismu/entidade publiku no privadu sira ne'ebe relevante.", "1.", "Tuir dispostu iha n.o 2 husi artigi 5.o husi Estatutu CNR nian, Konsellu Konsultivu maka kompostu husi diretor CNR nian ne'ebe prezide subdiretor no representante ba entidade publiku no privadu sira ne'ebe dezenvolve servisu iha asistensia sosial 2.", "Iha termu artigu ne'ebe refere iha leten, membru sira husi Konsellu Konsultivu maka nomeadu no ezoneradu husi despaxu ministerial ba Membru Governu nian responsavel husi area defisiensia durante mandatu ho tinan rua, ne'ebe renovavel.", "Kompetensia ba Konsellu Konsultivu 1.Iha termu n.o1 husi artigu 5.o husi Estatutu CNR nian, kompete ba Konsellu Konsultivu: Analiza no fo pareser kona ba planu atividade sira-nian no relatoriu ba atividade sira husi CNR; Analiza no fo pareser kona ba orsamentu anual no relatoriu konta husi CNR; Fo pareser kona ba proposta sira ba regulamentu internu no kona ba servisu nia funsionamentu; Aprova Regulamentu Internu; Haksesuk kona ba kestaun sira ne'ebe diretor tau ba nia.", "Haksesuk kona ba akizisaun, onerasaun, arendamentu no alienasaun husi sasan imovel ka movel sira ne'ebe tenke rejista, hafoin konsulta Fiskal Uniku; Akompana atividade CNR nian atu fornese sujestaun ka proposta sira ho objetivu hadi'a ninia funsionamentu.", "Funsionamentu ba Konsellu Konsultivu Konsellu konsultivu halibur ordinariamente, dala ida ba trimestre no estraordinariamente bainhira prezidente konvoka ka bainhira tersu ida ba sira- nia membru husu reuniaun.", "Reuniaun sira maka konvoka ho 48 oras minimu ho antesedensia no konvokatoriu tenke halo-tuir kriteriu sira tuirmai ne'e: data, oras, fatin no asuntu ba reuniaun.", "Reuniaun sira ba Konsellu Konsultivu tenke marka iha orariu ne'ebe fo dalan partisipasaun ba membru sira hotu.", "Konsellu Konsultivu halibur bainhira iha prezensa sira-nia membru barak liu.", "Deliberasaun sira foti husi maioria simples no prezidente iha voto kualidade nian.", "Husi reuniaun sira, sei halo ata ne'ebe sei le no aprova iha tuir reuniaun no asina husi prezidente no sekretariu.", "1.", "Fiskal Uniku maka orgaun responsavel husi kontrolu ba legalidade, regularidade no jestaun finanseiru ne'ebe di'ak husi Centro Nacional de Reabilitacao, iha termus n.o 1 husi artigu 6.o husi Estatutu CNR nian.", "2.", "Iha termus artigu uluk nian, Fiskal Uniku tenke maka revizor ofisial ba konta ida, kontabilista ida ka funsionariu publiku ida ne'ebe iha funsaun hanesan, ne'ebe hetan nomeasaun husi despaxu konjuntu husi Membru sira ba Governu ne'ebe maka responsavel husi Finansa no Asistensia Sosial ba mandatu ho durasaun tinan rua no bele renova iha periodu hanesan.", "Kompetensia ba Fiskal Uniku 1.", "Iha termus n.o1 husi artigu 6.o husi Estatutu CNR nian, kompete ba Fiskal Uniku: Fiskaliza ezekusaun orsamental no jestaun di'ak hosi CNR; Haree legalidade ba atu sira ho karakter finanseiru, tuir Dekretu-Lei n.o37, 1 husi fulan Agostu; Prepara pareser sira kona ba ezekusaun orsamental no jestaun di'ak hosi CNR; Haksesuk kona ba akizisaun, onerasaun, arendamentu no alienasaun ba sasan sira ne'ebe imovel ka movel; Fo-hatene tutela bainhira iha iregularidade sira iha jestaun administrativu ka orsamental husi CNR no propoin medida sira ne'ebe presiza.", "Organizasaun no Funsionamentu ba Servisu CNR nian Tipolojia ba Servisu 1.Atividade hosi CNR dezenvolve iha tipu ba servisu rua mak hanesan: Servisu administrativu no finanseiru; 2.", "Servisu ba administrativu no finanseiru sira sai nu'udar Diresaun Administrativu, Finanseiru no Lojistiku.", "3.", "Servisu asistensial sai nu'udar Diresaun ba Servisu Asistensial.", "Diresaun ba servisu 1.", "Diresaun Administrativu, Finanseiru no lojistiku mak asegura husi subdiretor, ne'ebe nia forma ba nomeasaun no kompetensia iha define iha n.o 1 no n.o 3 husi artigu 4.o husi Estatutu CNR nian, no mos iha n.o 2 husi artigu 15.o iha regulamentu ne'e.", "2.", "Diresaun ba Servisu Asistensial sira mak asegura husi subdiretor, ne'ebe nia forma ba nomeasaun no kompetensia estabelese husi disposto iha n.o 1 no n.o 3 husi artigu 4.o husi Estatutu CNR nian, no mos iha n.o 3 husi artigu 15.o iha regulamentu ne'e.", "3.", "Diresaun ba servisu sira ninia mak unidade baziku organizasaun nian departamentu sira.", "Departamentu hirak ne'e halo parte unidade funsional sira.", "1.", "Departamentu ida-idak mak xefia husi xefe ida ba departamentu ne'ebe nomeia iha komisaun servisu nian, husi priodu ida tinan rua, renovavel.", "2.", "Ba xefe departamentu kompete foka ba: Organiza, dirije, koordena no kontrola atividade ba estrutura sira ne'ebe sai nu'udar departamentu; Transmite orientasaun superior sira no asegura ninia hala'o; Sai nu'udar no responde husi atividade departamentu nian; Tau matan uzu resional no konservasaun ba patrimoniu ne'ebe fahe ba depatamentu; Prepara no aprezenta periodikamente relatoriu ninia atividade, tuir orientasaun superior sira; Propoin rekrutamentu ba tekniku sira ne be presiza iha funsionamentu departamentu nian; Estabelese no dezenvolve, iha ezersisiu funsaun ninian, kolaborasaun besik ho estruturasira seluk husi CNR; Hala'o funsaun sira seluk ne'ebe fo nia superiormente.", "Unidade Funsional sira 1.", "Unidade funsional sira bele kompostu husi seksaun servisu sira nian, ne'ebe xefia husi xefe sira ba seksaun.", "2.", "Xefe seksaun nian mak nomeia entre funsionariu, ajente no servisu na'in sira ba funsaun publica, ho kategoria minimu tekniku profisional, ho esperiensia ne'ebe relevante iha servisu reabilitasaun sira nian.", "3.", "Kompete ba xefe seksaun, liuliu: Tau matan kumprimentu ba objetivu sira husi unidade; Jere rekursu umanus sira ralasiona ho unidade, liuliu atu define knaar, distribuisaun interna ba knaar no poder dixiplinar; Jere patrimoniu no abastesimentu, uza no responsabilidade kona ba sasan sira ne'ebe konsumivel ba unidade ida ne'e; Mantein rejistu estensivu ida kona ba atividade sira unidade nian; Izerse atividade sira hotu unidade ida ne'e; Izerse atividade sira hotu ne'ebe superior ierarkiku ordena ho legalidade.", "1.", "Iha CNR, tuir ierarkia ne'ebe estabelese, maka adota sistema responsabilidade tuirmai ne'e: Diretor-jeral CNR nian hatan husi Ministra Solidariedade Sosial; Subdiretor na'in rua hatan diretamente husi Diretor -Jeral CNR nian; Xefe ba departamentu sira hatan husi diretor servisu nian; Responsavel ba unidade sira hatan husi repetivu xefe dapartamentu nian; Servisu na'in CNR nian hatan husi responsavel unidade nian ka diretamente ba xefe husi departamentu, bainhira departamentu sira la iha estrutrura iha unidade funsional sira.", "2.Tuir n.o 1 husi artigu 9.o husi Estatutu CNR nian, membru sira ba CNR, durante hala'o sira nina funsaun, hatan sivilmente atu no omisaun sira ne'ebe pratika ho violasaun ninia dever legal ka estatutariu sira, se karik sira prova ne'ebe sira atua laiha kulpa.", "3.", "Iha termus n.o 2 husi artigu ne'ebe refere, atu no omisaun sira ne'ebe membru sira husi CNR pratika, ho violasaun dever legal ka estatutariu, inklui responsabilidade penal no dixiplinar.", "Diresaun Administrativu, Finanseiru no Lojistiku 1.", "Diresaun Administrativu, Finanseiru no Lojistiku organiza hela iha departamentu sira tuirmai ne'e: Departamentu Administrasaun Finansas no Lojistiku; Departamentu Dezenvolvimentu Rekursu Umanus nian; Departamentu Aprovizionamentu nian; Departamentu Komunikasaun no Baze dadus.", "2.", "Xefe departamentu sira ba servisu apoiu administrativu, finanseiru no lojistiku hatan diretamente husi Diretor Administrativu, Finanseiru no Lojistiku.", "Departamentu Administrasaun, Finansa no Lojistiku Misaun, Vizaun no Valor sira Norma no Regulamentu sira Oinsa maka voluntariu?" ]
[ [ "Organigram: CNR Homepage > About us> Organizational structure 1.The organs of the National Research Council (Cnr): The Director, assisted by two deputy director;" ], [ "The composition, competence and functioning of the NRC bodies shall be as defined in articles from IV to VI." ], [ "1.The Director and Deputy-Director of the CNR shall be nominated or dismissed, in coordination with The Commission for Public Service by a Ministerial Office to which is attached that Member Of Government responsible For Social Assistance; this appointment will take place within two years from its commencement as set out under paragraph (l) Article4(2)." ], [ "2. The purpose of the contract" ], [ "The Director is the hierarchical superior to all persons and shall carry out his/her duties of day-to -day management within CNR." ], [ "3.The Director is assisted in the exercise of his functions by two sub-directors: a) A director for Administration, Finance and Logistic; b)." ], [ "1.In the terms of Decree-Law n°37/204, dated August first: Direct and guide action by CNR bodies; Organise services Prepare for evaluation from Tutela activities plan annual budget reports on activity accounting Report to Account Mailing & signing current letter Proposes tutele Internal Rulebook preparation conduct disciplinary actions concernings personnel in coordinating with Commission Public Service Provide information about implementations within Plan Activity as well its financial situation also some changes towards objectives planned or approved By TUTELA Suggest areas that are considered very important For good functionality Of TNC Have responsibility over proper use To be responsible before The Trusteeship Board About correct utilizacao das receitas colocadas a disposição do NRC Become an INFRAESTRUCTURAS" ], [ "Competencies of the Deputy Directors In accordance with Article 4, paragraph (3) Of The CNR Statute: “They shall exercise those competences which are delegated to them by their director." ], [ "The director must identify who is competent to take his place when he cannot be at work." ], [ "Responsibilities of the Sub-Director: Supporting Director in transition from ASSERT to public institute pursuant Decree Law n.o37/2014, dated 5th August; Assists director with strategic and annual planning processes (including budgetary); Implement CNR'S Annual Plan & Budget as required by its administration while being responsible for using adequate funds that are available at his disposal Proposals development rules on NRC activities which he will ensure compliance therewith Informed Direction when indiscipline occurred Preparation And submission To Directory Of The Financial Report For Yearly Donors Who Make Part From Project Fundings Provide support towards directry Representation level including Advisory Council meeting With DNC AND OTHER PUBLIC ORGANIZATION SPECIFICALLY THE Ministry OF FINANCIAL SERVICES COMMISSION) Develop Partnership Development Process" ], [ "1. Amendment of the Constitution" ], [ "In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2, Article V.o in CNR's Statute: \"The Advisory Council shall be composed by a director who will preside over sub-directors and representatives from public or private entities that work on social welfare\"." ], [ "Under the terms of that article, members are appointed and relieved from office by a Minister responsible for disability issues during their two-year renewable term." ], [ "1.In the terms of paragraph (a) in Article V, Section I and II; it shall: Analyze or give advice on a plan for activities by CNR's activity reporting to its membership Analyse an annual budget as well with accountability statement from each year Advise upon proposal about internal rules that regulate functionality Approve Internal Rulebook Deliberate over matters referred thereto through Director" ], [ "Provides advice on the acquisition, encumbrance and disposal of immovable or movables subject to registration after consultation with Single Fiscal; Accompanying CNR activities by providing suggestion/proposals aimed at improvings in its operation." ], [ "Functioning of the Advisory Council The Consultative Board meets regularly, once every quarter and extraordinarilly whenever called by its President or at a request from one third (1/3) thereof." ], [ "Meetings shall be convened with a minimum of 48 hours notice and the convocation must meet all criteria as follow: date, time/time period; place (if any); subject matter." ], [ "Meetings of the Advisory Council shall be scheduled at a time that allows for participation by all members." ], [ "The Advisory Council meets when the majority of its members are present." ], [ "Decisions are taken by a simple majority and the president has qualified vote." ], [ "From the meetings, an acta will be made which are read and approved at a subsequent session by signing of President/Secretary." ], [ "1. Amendment of the Constitution" ], [ "The Fiscal Único is the body responsible for controlling legality, regularty and sound financial management of Centro Nacional de Reabilitacao (CNR), in terms no. 1 article6 CRN Statute" ], [ "2. The purpose of the contract" ], [ "Under the terms of Article 1, The Single Public Prosecutor shall be a statutory accountant or public official with equivalent functions who has been nominated by joint dispatch from members to Government responsible for Finance and Social Assistance on an eligible two-year term." ], [ "Competence of the Single Fiscal System 1." ], [ "In the terms of Article 6.o nº1 from CNR's Statute, it is incumbent on a Single Prosecutor to: Fiscalize budgetary execution and good management by NRC; Check legality for matters with financial character according Decree-Law no37 August first (20) Prepare opinion about Budget implementation & Good Management By The National Council For Public Safety(CNPS); Examine acquisition/entitlement /leasehold or alienation concerning movable property&immovables Inform when there are irregularities within administrative managerial processes" ], [ "Organization and Functioning of the NRC Services Service Typology 1.The activities carried out by CNR are divided into two types: Administrative & Financial services;" ], [ "The administrative and financial services became the Administrative, Financial & Logistics Directorate." ], [ "3. The application process" ], [ "Assistance Services became the Directorate for Assistive Service." ], [ "Address 1." ], [ "The Administrative, Financial and Logistics Directorate is secured by a Deputy-Director whose form of appointment or competence are set out in paragraph(1) to (3), article4.o from the CNR Statute as well As Article25of this Regulation" ], [ "2. The purpose of the contract" ], [ "The direction of the Assistance Services is ensured by a deputy director, whose appointment and competence are established in accordance with Article 4(1) to (3), CNR Statute as well os article25." ], [ "3. The application process" ], [ "The Directorate for its own services is the basic unit of an organizational department." ], [ "These departments are part of the functional units." ], [ "1. Amendment of the Constitution" ], [ "Each department is headed by a Head of Department, appointing in the Service Commission for one two-year renewable term." ], [ "2. The purpose of the contract" ], [ "For the head of department, competences focus on: Organize and direct activities for structures that become Department; Transmit superior guidance to ensure its implementation Responsibility in relation with activity at a higher level Monitoring rationel use & conservations heritage distributed by division Prepares periodically report about his/her work according top-level guidelines Proposal recruitment as necessary technical staff Establish close collaboration between other CNR organizationals Perform any function given him or her from above." ], [ "Functional Unit sira 1." ], [ "Functional units may be composed of service sections, which are led by the head for each." ], [ "2. The purpose of the contract" ], [ "The head of section shall appoint from among civil servants, agents and servicemen for the public function with a minimum technical professional category who have relevant experience in rehabilitation services." ], [ "3. The application process" ], [ "Responsibilities of the section head, in particular: Watch over compliance with unit goals; Manage human resources relating to this Unit and specifically define task-related responsibilities as well internal distribution for functioning or disciplinary power. Management asset management & supply usage/responsibility regardings consumables that are used by these units Maintain an extensive record on all activities carried out within their Units Execute any activity ordered legally from a higher hierarchical level" ], [ "1. Amendment of the Constitution" ], [ "Within the NRC, according to established hierarchy of responsibilities and duties: The Director General is responsible before Minister for Social Solidarity; Two Deputy directors are directly accountable towards DG-NCR. Chief Departmental Officer (CDO) – Responsibility with Service Manager(SMD); Head Unit Leader - Accountability against repeat head department/service owners in a service level CNR reporting by unit manager or direct response from chief division when there was no structure within function units" ], [ "2.According to paragraph (1) of Article N°9, the CNR's Statute stipulates that its members are liable for their actions and omissions in violation with legal or statutory duties if they prove no culpability when doing so during performed function;" ], [ "3. The application process" ], [ "In term n.o 2 of the said article, acts and omissions by CNR members in violation with legal or statutory duty shall be subject to criminal liability including disciplinary responsibility" ], [ "Directorate of Administration, Finance and Logistics 1." ], [ "The Administrative, Financial and Logistics Directorate is organized into the following department: Department of Finance Administration & logistic; Human Resource Development Division (HRDD); Procurement division(S) Communication&Database." ], [ "2. The purpose of the contract" ], [ "The heads of department for administrative, financial and logistical support services report directly to the Administrative Director." ], [ "Department of Administration, Finance and Logistics Mission Vision & Values Norms/Regulations What is volunteering?" ] ]
PPN Aniceto: Sosiedade sivíl la hatene lei, “lalika koalia” - GMN TV\nGMN TV Politika PPN Aniceto: Sosiedade sivíl la hatene lei, “lalika koalia”\nPrezidente Parlamentu Nasionál (PPN), Aniceto Guterres, hatete, sosiedade sivíl interpreta lei la hatene lalika kritika barak.\nNia hatete, ekipa Parlamentu Nasionál (PN) ne’ebé dezloka ba Áustria ne’e tanba kumpri funsionamentu órgaun Estadu nian.\n“Sosiedade Sivíl sira interpreta sala, interpretasaun lalos, se la hatene interpreta lei, lalika koalia” dehan PPN Aniceto Guterres, iha Aeroportu Internasionál Nicolao Lobato Comoro, hafoin fila husi Áustria, Segunda (14/09).\nAniceto Guterres mós dezafia sosiedade sivíl atu lori nia ba tribunál, karik viola regra ruma kona-ba Konfinamentu Obrigatótiu Jerál.\n“Ami hatene halo lei, ami hatene implementa lei, se ida ne’e viola lei, lori ba tribunál” katak nia.\nNia mós konsidera krítika eis Prezidente Repúblika José Ramos Horta nian la vale.\n“Hanesan diplomata senior nia komentáriu, ne’e vale ba nia, hau Prezidente Parlamentu,” konsidera nia.\nDeputadu Partidu Demokrátiku (PD), António da Conceição afirma, mesmu deslokasaun ne’e hetan krítika barak, maibé TL partisipa iha eventu ne’e toka asuntu importante iha konferénsia Uniaun Parlamentár ne’e, liu-liu mak kona-ba kombate hasoru COVID-19.\nKoalia mós kona-ba partisipasaun feto nian iha vida polítika, juventude paz no estabilidade iha nasaun ida-idak.\nAntes ne’e, FONGTIL kestiona katak, viajen ekipa PPN nian ba Áustria iha tempu Konfinamentu Obrigatóriu Jerál, konsidera krime.\nNo eis Prezidente Repúblika, José Ramos Horta mós lansa kritika, tanba viajen iha situasaun COVID-19 ne’e lori risku boot ba nasaun. Husu mós ekipa ne’e, bainhira fila husi Áustria, tenke aprezenta transparánsia kona-ba gastu sira ba viajen ne’e, ba públiku.Eca
[ "PPN Aniceto: Sosiedade sivil la hatene lei, \"lalika koalia\" - GMN TV GMN TV Politika PPN Aniceto: Sosiedade sivil la hatene lei, \"lalika koalia\" Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional (PPN), Aniceto Guterres, hatete, sosiedade sivil interpreta lei la hatene lalika kritika barak.", "Nia hatete, ekipa Parlamentu Nasional (PN) ne'ebe dezloka ba Austria ne'e tanba kumpri funsionamentu orgaun Estadu nian.", "\"Sosiedade Sivil sira interpreta sala, interpretasaun lalos, se la hatene interpreta lei, lalika koalia\" dehan PPN Aniceto Guterres, iha Aeroportu Internasional Nicolao Lobato Comoro, hafoin fila husi Austria, Segunda (14/09).", "Aniceto Guterres mos dezafia sosiedade sivil atu lori nia ba tribunal, karik viola regra ruma kona-ba Konfinamentu Obrigatotiu Jeral.", "\"Ami hatene halo lei, ami hatene implementa lei, se ida ne'e viola lei, lori ba tribunal\" katak nia.", "Nia mos konsidera kritika eis Prezidente Republika Jose Ramos Horta nian la vale.", "\"Hanesan diplomata senior nia komentariu, ne'e vale ba nia, hau Prezidente Parlamentu,\" konsidera nia.", "Deputadu Partidu Demokratiku (PD), Antonio da Conceicao afirma, mesmu deslokasaun ne'e hetan kritika barak, maibe TL partisipa iha eventu ne'e toka asuntu importante iha konferensia Uniaun Parlamentar ne'e, liu-liu mak kona-ba kombate hasoru COVID-19.", "Koalia mos kona-ba partisipasaun feto nian iha vida politika, juventude paz no estabilidade iha nasaun ida-idak.", "Antes ne'e, FONGTIL kestiona katak, viajen ekipa PPN nian ba Austria iha tempu Konfinamentu Obrigatoriu Jeral, konsidera krime.", "No eis Prezidente Republika, Jose Ramos Horta mos lansa kritika, tanba viajen iha situasaun COVID-19 ne'e lori risku boot ba nasaun.", "Husu mos ekipa ne'e, bainhira fila husi Austria, tenke aprezenta transparansia kona-ba gastu sira ba viajen ne'e, ba publiku.Eca" ]
[ [ "PPN Aniceto: Civil society does not know the law, \"doesn't speak\" - GMN TV Politika The President of National Parliament (PP N), anicet Guterres said that civil Society interprets legislation without knowledge and is heavily criticized." ], [ "He said that the team of National Parliament (PN) who went to Austria was because they were complying with state organs." ], [ "\"Civil society misunderstands, wrongly interprets. If they do not know how to interpretate the law then don't speak\" said PPN Aniceto Guterres at Nicolao Lobato Comoro International Airport after returning from Austria on Monday (14/09)." ], [ "Aniceto Guterres also challenges civil society to bring him into court if he violates any rule regarding the General Compulsory Lockdown." ], [ "\"We know how to make laws, we understand the way of implementing them. If this is a violation then it will be brought before court.\"" ], [ "He also considers the criticism of former President Jose Ramos Horta as false." ], [ "\"The senior diplomat's comments, it applies to him; I am the President of Parliament\", he said." ], [ "Democratic Party (PD) MP, Antonio da Conceicao says that even though the trip has received many criticisms but TL participation in this event raises important issues at Parliamentary Union conference especially on combating COVID-19." ], [ "They also talked about women’s participation in political life, youth peace and stability within each country." ], [ "Previously, FONGTIL questioned that the trip of PPN team to Austria during General Compulsory Lockdown was considered a crime." ], [ "Former President of the Republic, Jose Ramos Horta also launched criticisms because travel in a COVID-19 situation carries great risk to our country." ], [ "He also urged the team, when they return from Austria to present transparency about their travel expenses for public." ] ]
Sidadaun Estranjeiru 105 Viola Regra, 16 Deportadu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Sidadaun Estranjeiru 105 Viola Regra, 16 Deportadu\nSidadaun Estranjeiru 105 Viola Regra, 16 Deportadu\nDILI, 13 maiu (TATOLI)—Hahú hosi janeiru to’o abríl 2019, Diresaun Jerál Servisu Migrasaun (DNSM) konsege prosesa sidadaun estranjeiru mai hosi nasaun oioin hamutuk na’in 105 maka viola regra.\nHosi totál númeru ne’e, Migrasaun halo ona deportasaun ba sidadaun estranjeiru hamutuk na’in 16, tanba sala utiliza vistu turista hodi mai servisu iha TL.\n“Hosi sidadaun 105 ne’e ita haruka fila ona sira na’in 16 ba Indonézia. Restu ita sei prosesa iha investigasaun,” informa Diretór Jerál Servisu Migrasaun, Superintendente Asistente Polísia, Boavida Ribeiro “Bobby” ba Agência Tatoli iha nia kna’ar fatin, Vila-Verde, Dili, sesta (10/05) liu-ba.\nNia haktuir, ema estranjeiru ne’ebé viola vistu barak liu maka Indonézia ne’ebé balun hetan kapturasaun iha Dili, Baucau no fatin seluk tan.\nEma hirak ne’e, Boavida informa, kaptura hosi Serbisu Migrasaun liuhosi operasaun ekipa Setór Operasaun, Divizaun Kontrolu no Monitorizasaun iha 13 abríl 2019, tanba uza vistu turista hodi halo fali negósiu tama-sai uma no servisu badaen iha konstrusaun uma privadu balun.\nMigrasaun kaer mós sidadaun na’in 9 hala’o atividade profisionál lahó dokumentu kompletu. Tuir lei, pesoál sidadaun estranjeiru ne’ebé viola regra sei selu $200 to’o $1000 kada ema no kompañia nasionál no internasionál sira ne’ebé fó servisu ba sidadaun estranjeiru sein dokumentu legál sei selu multa $750 to’o $1.500 kada kompañia.\nLei orgánika PNTL nian númeru 30/2009, konsidera Servisu Migrasaun hanesan mós autoridade órgaun polísia kriminál ida.\nPrevious articleMaioria Pasiente Kankru Mate Tanba Laiha Detesaun Sedu\nNext articlePrimeiru-Ministru Bolu Ona KAFI Atu Halo Levantamentu ba Projetu 143
[ "Sidadaun Estranjeiru 105 Viola Regra, 16 Deportadu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Sidadaun Estranjeiru 105 Viola Regra, 16 Deportadu Sidadaun Estranjeiru 105 Viola Regra, 16 Deportadu DILI, 13 maiu (TATOLI) - Hahu hosi janeiru to'o abril 2019, Diresaun Jeral Servisu Migrasaun (DNSM) konsege prosesa sidadaun estranjeiru mai hosi nasaun oioin hamutuk na'in 105 maka viola regra.", "Hosi total numeru ne'e, Migrasaun halo ona deportasaun ba sidadaun estranjeiru hamutuk na'in 16, tanba sala utiliza vistu turista hodi mai servisu iha TL.", "\"Hosi sidadaun 105 ne'e ita haruka fila ona sira na'in 16 ba Indonezia.", "Restu ita sei prosesa iha investigasaun,\" informa Diretor Jeral Servisu Migrasaun, Superintendente Asistente Polisia, Boavida Ribeiro \"Bobby\" ba Agencia Tatoli iha nia kna'ar fatin, Vila-Verde, Dili, sesta (10/05) liu-ba.", "Nia haktuir, ema estranjeiru ne'ebe viola vistu barak liu maka Indonezia ne'ebe balun hetan kapturasaun iha Dili, Baucau no fatin seluk tan.", "Ema hirak ne'e, Boavida informa, kaptura hosi Serbisu Migrasaun liuhosi operasaun ekipa Setor Operasaun, Divizaun Kontrolu no Monitorizasaun iha 13 abril 2019, tanba uza vistu turista hodi halo fali negosiu tama-sai uma no servisu badaen iha konstrusaun uma privadu balun.", "Migrasaun kaer mos sidadaun na'in 9 hala'o atividade profisional laho dokumentu kompletu.", "Tuir lei, pesoal sidadaun estranjeiru ne'ebe viola regra sei selu $200 to'o $1000 kada ema no kompania nasional no internasional sira ne'ebe fo servisu ba sidadaun estranjeiru sein dokumentu legal sei selu multa $750 to'o $1.500 kada kompania.", "Lei organika PNTL nian numeru 30/2009, konsidera Servisu Migrasaun hanesan mos autoridade orgaun polisia kriminal ida.", "Previous articleMaioria Pasiente Kankru Mate Tanba Laiha Detesaun Sedu Next articlePrimeiru-Ministru Bolu Ona KAFI Atu Halo Levantamentu ba Projetu 143" ]
[ [ "105 Foreign Citizens Violate Rule, Deported: A Report | TIMOR HAU NOVA Timor-Leste News Agency VARANDA DILI The Director General of the Migration Service (DNSM) has successfully processed a total amount from January to April this year for violating rules involving foreign citizens." ], [ "Of the total number, Migration has deported 16 foreign nationals because they were using a tourist visa to work in Malaysia." ], [ "\"Of these 105 citizens, we have sent back to Indonesia sixteen of them." ], [ "The rest we will process in the investigation,\" said Director General of Migrations Service Assistant Superintendent Police Boavida Ribeiro \"Bobby\", told Tatoli Agency at his offices on Saturday (10/5)." ], [ "According to him, the foreigners who violated most visas were Indonesians. Some of them had been captured in Dili and Baucau among other places; he added that some have already returned home without a visa or with one which has expired before they could enter Indonesia again for business purpose" ], [ "These people, Boavida informs that they were apprehended by the Migration Services through an operation of Sector Operation Team Control and Monitoring Division on April 13th. They used a tourist visa to do business in-home or work out at some private home construction projects; these are not illegal immigrants as stated above but rather foreigners who have been forcefully brought into Brazil for their unlawful activities (see below)." ], [ "Migration also caught 9 citizens who were carrying out professional activities without complete documentation." ], [ "According to the law, foreign nationals who violate rules will pay $201-$356 per person and domestic or international companies that employ undocumented alien citizens shall be fined between 749.8% of their annual turnover (or an equivalent amount in other currencies) by a fine ranging from US dollar one thousand five hundred dollars upwards for each company;" ], [ "The Organic Law of the Portuguese Police number 30/25, considers that Migration Service is also an authority as a criminal police organ." ], [ "PreviousMost Cancer Patients Die Due to Lack of Seed Detection Next articlePrime Minister Bolu Has KAFI To Make Survey for Project 143" ] ]
PN Aprova Votu Pezár Ba Doutór Daniel Murphy | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI PN Aprova Votu Pezár Ba Doutór Daniel Murphy\nPN Aprova Votu Pezár Ba Doutór Daniel Murphy\nDILI, 21 abríl 2020 (TATOLI)—Parlamentu Nasionál (PN), tersa ne’e, aprova votu pezár ba Diretór Klínika Bairru Pité, saudozu Doutór Daniel Murphy ne’ebé fila hikas ona ba Aman Maromak Nia uman iha semana kotuk.\nProponente ba proposta votu pezár ne’e mai hosi Deputadu FRETILIN Aniceto Guterres, Deputadu CNRT Patrocínio Fernandes dos Reis, Deputadu Partidu Demokrátiku (PD) António da Conçeição, Deputadu Partidu Libertasaun Populár (PLP) Abel Pires da Silva no no Deputada KHUNTO Olinda Guterres.\nRezultadu Votasaun ba proposta votu pezár falesimentu ne’e a-favór 55, kontra 0 no abstensaun 0\nSesaun votu pezár ne’e dirije hosi Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál Interinu atuál Vise-Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál, Luis Roberto .\nXefe Bankada Parlamentár FRETILIN Aniceto Guterres, ne’ebé proponente ba proposta ne’e hato’o sentida kondolénsia kle’an ba família enlutada.\n“Doutór Daniel, ita bele dehan médiku no ativista. Nia mai Timor serbisu permanente ba kestaun saúde dezde 1998, iha situasaun ne’ebé Timor presiza duni. Nia mai situasaun sertu ne’ebé timoroan presiza duni asisténsia saúde,” Aniceto Guterres, informa liuhosi plenária, Parlamentu Nasionál, tersa ne’e.\nAniceto afirma, Doutór Daniel merese hetan votu pezár hosi órgaun soberanu Parlamentu Nasionál.\n“Ohin, sesaun plenária Parlamentu Nasionál, nia merese hetan votu pezár tanba sidadaun ne’ebé fó ona kontribuisaun ba povu Timor-Leste iha tempu defísil,” dehan Aniceto Guterres.\nEntretantu, Xefe Bankada Partidu Demokrátiku (PD), Deputadu António da Conçeição rekoñese Doutór Daniel nia kontribuisaun iha área saúde ba povu Timor-Leste maka’as tebes.\n“Nia mai (Timor-Leste) iha períodu ida krítiku liu tanba ne’e ita iha netik eroi ida hodi fó asisténsia saúde ba timoroan. Nia merese ita hotu ninia solidariedade. Nia la’os fakar raan iha Timor maibé ninia solidariedade ba Timor maka’as tebes,” nia hateten.\nIha parte seluk, Deputadu PLP, Abel Pires, hato’o sentida kondolénsia ba família matebian no husu ba oan ki’ak sira forsa nafatin.\n“Doutór Daniel mai tempu ida-ne’ebé defísil tebes. Iha kotestu Doutór Daniel, vítima masakre barak mak halai ba Doutór Daniel tanba iha momentu ne’ebá timoroan sira ta’uk ba ospitál Governu nian. Ida-ne’e luta estraordinária ida,” dehan Deputadu PLP ne’e.\nAleinde ne’e, Deputada KHUNTO, Olinda Guterres, sai proponente ba proposta ida-ne’e tanba Doutór Daniel nia kontribuisaun iha Timor-Leste iha área saúde nian boot tebes no sura la hotu.\n“Nia disponivel iha kualkér oras hodi fó atendimentu iha área saúde nian bai ta hotu. Tanba ne’e, merese parlamentu fó votu pezár ba Doutór Daniel,” nia dehan.\nNotísia Relevente: Estadu Kondekora Doutór Daniel Murphy ho Medalla Órden TL\nPrevious articleDurante EE Tribunál Konsidera De’it Julgamentu Ba Kazu Importante\nNext articlePrevene COVID-19, Tribunál Servisu ho Forma Turnu
[ "PN Aprova Votu Pezar Ba Doutor Daniel Murphy | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI PN Aprova Votu Pezar Ba Doutor Daniel Murphy PN Aprova Votu Pezar Ba Doutor Daniel Murphy DILI, 21 abril 2020 (TATOLI) - Parlamentu Nasional (PN), tersa ne'e, aprova votu pezar ba Diretor Klinika Bairru Pite, saudozu Doutor Daniel Murphy ne'ebe fila hikas ona ba Aman Maromak Nia uman iha semana kotuk.", "Proponente ba proposta votu pezar ne'e mai hosi Deputadu FRETILIN Aniceto Guterres, Deputadu CNRT Patrocinio Fernandes dos Reis, Deputadu Partidu Demokratiku (PD) Antonio da Conceicao, Deputadu Partidu Libertasaun Popular (PLP) Abel Pires da Silva no no Deputada KHUNTO Olinda Guterres.", "Rezultadu Votasaun ba proposta votu pezar falesimentu ne'e a-favor 55, kontra 0 no abstensaun 0 Sesaun votu pezar ne'e dirije hosi Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional Interinu atual Vise-Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Luis Roberto .", "Xefe Bankada Parlamentar FRETILIN Aniceto Guterres, ne'ebe proponente ba proposta ne'e hato'o sentida kondolensia kle'an ba familia enlutada.", "\"Doutor Daniel, ita bele dehan mediku no ativista.", "Nia mai Timor serbisu permanente ba kestaun saude dezde 1998, iha situasaun ne'ebe Timor presiza duni.", "Nia mai situasaun sertu ne'ebe timoroan presiza duni asistensia saude,\" Aniceto Guterres, informa liuhosi plenaria, Parlamentu Nasional, tersa ne'e.", "Aniceto afirma, Doutor Daniel merese hetan votu pezar hosi orgaun soberanu Parlamentu Nasional.", "\"Ohin, sesaun plenaria Parlamentu Nasional, nia merese hetan votu pezar tanba sidadaun ne'ebe fo ona kontribuisaun ba povu Timor-Leste iha tempu defisil,\" dehan Aniceto Guterres.", "Entretantu, Xefe Bankada Partidu Demokratiku (PD), Deputadu Antonio da Conceicao rekonese Doutor Daniel nia kontribuisaun iha area saude ba povu Timor-Leste maka'as tebes.", "\"Nia mai (Timor-Leste) iha periodu ida kritiku liu tanba ne'e ita iha netik eroi ida hodi fo asistensia saude ba timoroan.", "Nia merese ita hotu ninia solidariedade.", "Nia la'os fakar raan iha Timor maibe ninia solidariedade ba Timor maka'as tebes,\" nia hateten.", "Iha parte seluk, Deputadu PLP, Abel Pires, hato'o sentida kondolensia ba familia matebian no husu ba oan ki'ak sira forsa nafatin.", "\"Doutor Daniel mai tempu ida-ne'ebe defisil tebes.", "Iha kotestu Doutor Daniel, vitima masakre barak mak halai ba Doutor Daniel tanba iha momentu ne'eba timoroan sira ta'uk ba ospital Governu nian.", "Ida-ne'e luta estraordinaria ida,\" dehan Deputadu PLP ne'e.", "Aleinde ne'e, Deputada KHUNTO, Olinda Guterres, sai proponente ba proposta ida-ne'e tanba Doutor Daniel nia kontribuisaun iha Timor-Leste iha area saude nian boot tebes no sura la hotu.", "\"Nia disponivel iha kualker oras hodi fo atendimentu iha area saude nian bai ta hotu.", "Tanba ne'e, merese parlamentu fo votu pezar ba Doutor Daniel,\" nia dehan.", "Notisia Relevente: Estadu Kondekora Doutor Daniel Murphy ho Medalla Orden TL Previous articleDurante EE Tribunal Konsidera De'it Julgamentu Ba Kazu Importante Next articlePrevene COVID-19, Tribunal Servisu ho Forma Turnu" ]
[ [ "PN Approves Voting To Ask Doctor Daniel Murphy | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI National Parliament (PN) approves vote to ask the Director of Bairru Pite Clinic, late Dr. David Martinho da Silva “Daniel” Morreu on Thursday after a long illness and was admitted for medical examination in Dili Hospital Nasional Guido Valadares Tuesday morning at age ne'e just over seventy years old; he died from complications caused by cancer during his last year as an internist working with patients who had been treated there before that time through hospitalization or other treatment methods which were not available because they are undergoing surgery due..." ], [ "The petition was submitted by FRETILIN MP Aniceto Guterres, CNRT MEP Patrocinio Fernandes dos Reis and the Democratic Party (PD) MLA Antonio da Conceicaa. People's Liberation Parties(PLP), Abel Pirez Da Silva were also among those who proposed a vote of no confidence in Prime Minister José Sócrates as well KHUNTO Member Olinda Soares" ], [ "The result of the voting on this motion was a vote in favour for death penalty, with an outcome to be approved by votation:54 against no and abstention.The session led through interim President Luis Roberto who is now Vice-President National Parliament (Parlamento Nacional)." ], [ "FRETILIN Parliamentary Group Leader Aniceto Guterres, who initiated the motion expressed his deepest condolences to her family." ], [ "\"Doctor Daniel, we can say you are a doctor and an activist." ], [ "He has been working permanently on health issues in Timor since 1978, a situation that was very much needed." ], [ "It is a severe situation in which the people of Timor-Leste really need health assistance,\" Aniceto Guterres said during plenary session at Parliament on Tuesday." ], [ "Aniceto states, Dr. Daniel deserves a strong vote from the sovereign body of Parliament National 10th Legislature" ], [ "\"Today, in the plenary session of Parliament he deserves a strong vote because it is an citizen who has made contributions to Timorese people at this difficult time\", said Aniceto Guterres." ], [ "Meanwhile, Democratic Party (PD) Group Leader MP Antonio da Conceicao acknowledged Dr. Daniel's contribution in the area of health to Timorese people is enormous :" ], [ "\"He came (to East Timor) at a more critical period so we have netik an hero to provide health assistance for the people of Eastern." ], [ "He deserves all of our solidarity." ], [ "He didn't shed blood in Timor but his solidarity with it was great,\" he said." ], [ "On the other hand, PLP MP Abel Pires expressed his sincere condolences to family of deceased and asked poor children for strength." ], [ "\"Doctor Daniel has come at a very difficult time." ], [ "In the cost of Doctor Daniel, many victims went to Dr.Daniel because at that time people were being taken from their homes and brought into government hospital in order for them be treated there by a doctor who was not familiar with this area or his own family members couldn't get it done without him!" ], [ "This is an extraordinary struggle,\" said the PLP MP." ], [ "In addition, KHUNTO MP Olinda Guterres proposed this proposal because Dr. Daniel's contribution to Timor-Leste in the area of health is huge and not exhaustively summarized below:" ], [ "\"He is available at any time to provide care in the health area and beyond." ], [ "Therefore, the parliament deserves to give a strong vote for Dr. Daniel,” he said in an interview with The Independent on Sunday (25/10)." ], [ "Previous articleDurante EE Tribunal Considera So'it Julgamento Ba Kazu Importante Next artikelPreventing COVID-19, Serviço de Corte com Forma Shifteira Previnha Covid: Estado Condecora Doutor Daniel Murphy ho Medalla Orden TL" ] ]
Negosiante Tenke Kriativu Molok Governu Implementa Eliminasaun No Hapara Importasaun Plástiku | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Negosiante Tenke Kriativu Molok Governu Implementa Eliminasaun No Hapara Importasaun Plástiku\nNegosiante Tenke Kriativu Molok Governu Implementa Eliminasaun No Hapara Importasaun Plástiku\nDILI, 17 juñu 2019 (TATOLI) – Iha Konsellu-Ministru loron 8 maiu, Sekretáriu Estadu Ambiente, Demétrio do Amaral de Carvalho aprezenta Dekretu-Lei kona-ba eliminasaun, importasaun no produsaun saku plástiku uzu úniku, embalajen no objetu husi plástiku no iha biban ne’e ezekutivu sira observa maibé seidauk aprova.\nDeométrio dehan tempu badak sei lori fali ba Konsellu-Ministru hodi hetan aprovasaun no promulgasaun husi Prezidente Repúblika (PR) hodi sai efeitu, tanba ne’e Governu hakarak bandu ema sira ne’ebé importa saku uzu úniku hanesan plástiku tanba lori problema ba ambiente, nune’e husu negosiante sira tenke iha kriatividade antes implementa Dekretu-Lei ne’e.\n“Espera komersiante sira iha Timor-Leste rona mensajen hodi hahú prepara atu la-bele importa saku uzu úniku ne’e, tanba bainhira lei ne’e aplika no sira uza karik sei hetan sansaun. Antes Governu intervein, komersiante sira bele la’o ho kriatividade komersiante sira nian,” dehan Sekretáriu Estadu Demétrio do Amaral ba jornalista sira iha edifísiu Sekretaria Estadu Ambiente (SEA), iha Mandarin, segunda ne’e.\nGovernante ne’e dehan, agora daudauk Loja boot hanesan Kmanek Super-Merkadu hahú introdús cassava bag (saku ai-farina), nune’e mós empreza seluk hahú introdús cassava bag no loja sira hanesan W4, Lita Strore, no Leader iha sira-nia pasta ne’ebé sira rasik prodús.\n“Ha’u hanoin ita presiza espíritu responsabilidade, sasán sira ne’e labele mai de’it husi Governu tanba Governu labele fó solusaun hotu ne’ebé ita presiza, maibé Governu nia papel importante mak hanesan reguladór, ne’ebé hakarak implementa hodi Timor-Leste loron ida sai illa neutrál ba plástiku”.\nNia informa, Dekretu-Lei ne’e deskreve mós gradualmente to’o tempu ruma bainhira iha kondisaun atu halo tratamentu ba bee iha botir plástiku ne’ebé Governu bele ba bandu 100%, maibé ohin loron seidauk iha kondisaun.\n“Ita halo gradualmente iha bandu ne’e atu menus mili litru 500, ita la-autoriza importa mai Timor-Leste, ita so autoriza ho kuantidade boot,” dehan governante ne’e.\nNia mós dehan, tuir dadus importasaun plástiku ba Timor-Leste kada tinan mais ou menus kontentór rua ka tolu no bainhira namkari sei sai lixu boot tebes, maibé se Governu bandu empreza sira importa saku plástiku, sira sei poupa osan atu la-uza plástiku ne’ebé polui ba ambiente no bele prodús plástiku rasik.\n“Ema bele uza dala rua ka tolu biogradável ne’e, tanba bainhira ema gasta ona 50 cent (sentavu) ka $1 ba saku ne’e, nia ba loja nia hanoin dala rua hodi gasta sasán tanba se lae nia gasta tan osan, ida ne’e mak ita atu halo. Nasaun barak bele halo no ha’u fiar Timor-Leste mós bele halo,” nia espera.\nEntretantu, Diploma ne’ebé aprezenta ba Konsellu-Ministru ne’e rasik atu prevene no hamenus impaktu hosi rezíduu iha ambiente, no haree kle’an liu, prinsipalmente produtu plástiku sira ne’ebé labele resiklável no prevee ba bandu fa’an, importasaun no produsaun hosi determinadu objetu husi plástiku.\nNune’e mós hakarak estabelese mós prinsípiu fundamentál sira mak hanesan prekausaun, prevensaun, dezenvolvimentu sustentavel, seguransa ambientál globál, poluidór-pagadór, re-utilizasaun no resiklajen no valorizasaun enerjétika.\nEliminasaun saku plástiku uzu úniku relasiona ho alternativu sira ne’ebé maka halo balu ona hanesan halo saku plástiku husi ai-farina, nune’e mós alternativa seluk hakarak atu enkoraja empreza ki’ik sira bele prodús husi matéria orgánika hanesan kohe, bote no saku sira ne’ebé bele halo ho matéria orgánika.\nSekretaria Estadu Ambiente (SEA)\nPrevious articleLoja Agrikultór 13 Asina Kontratu Ho Otel No Restaurante Fa’an Foos Timór\nNext articleOhin Plenária La Iha Tanba Deputadu Barak Ba RAEOA
[ "Negosiante Tenke Kriativu Molok Governu Implementa Eliminasaun No Hapara Importasaun Plastiku | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Negosiante Tenke Kriativu Molok Governu Implementa Eliminasaun No Hapara Importasaun Plastiku Negosiante Tenke Kriativu Molok Governu Implementa Eliminasaun No Hapara Importasaun Plastiku DILI, 17 junu 2019 (TATOLI) - Iha Konsellu-Ministru loron 8 maiu, Sekretariu Estadu Ambiente, Demetrio do Amaral de Carvalho aprezenta Dekretu-Lei kona-ba eliminasaun, importasaun no produsaun saku plastiku uzu uniku, embalajen no objetu husi plastiku no iha biban ne'e ezekutivu sira observa maibe seidauk aprova.", "Deometrio dehan tempu badak sei lori fali ba Konsellu-Ministru hodi hetan aprovasaun no promulgasaun husi Prezidente Republika (PR) hodi sai efeitu, tanba ne'e Governu hakarak bandu ema sira ne'ebe importa saku uzu uniku hanesan plastiku tanba lori problema ba ambiente, nune'e husu negosiante sira tenke iha kriatividade antes implementa Dekretu-Lei ne'e.", "\"Espera komersiante sira iha Timor-Leste rona mensajen hodi hahu prepara atu la-bele importa saku uzu uniku ne'e, tanba bainhira lei ne'e aplika no sira uza karik sei hetan sansaun.", "Antes Governu intervein, komersiante sira bele la'o ho kriatividade komersiante sira nian,\" dehan Sekretariu Estadu Demetrio do Amaral ba jornalista sira iha edifisiu Sekretaria Estadu Ambiente (SEA), iha Mandarin, segunda ne'e.", "Governante ne'e dehan, agora daudauk Loja boot hanesan Kmanek Super-Merkadu hahu introdus cassava bag (saku ai-farina), nune'e mos empreza seluk hahu introdus cassava bag no loja sira hanesan W4, Lita Strore, no Leader iha sira-nia pasta ne'ebe sira rasik produs.", "\"Ha'u hanoin ita presiza espiritu responsabilidade, sasan sira ne'e labele mai de'it husi Governu tanba Governu labele fo solusaun hotu ne'ebe ita presiza, maibe Governu nia papel importante mak hanesan regulador, ne'ebe hakarak implementa hodi Timor-Leste loron ida sai illa neutral ba plastiku.\"", "Nia informa, Dekretu-Lei ne'e deskreve mos gradualmente to'o tempu ruma bainhira iha kondisaun atu halo tratamentu ba bee iha botir plastiku ne'ebe Governu bele ba bandu 100%, maibe ohin loron seidauk iha kondisaun.", "\"Ita halo gradualmente iha bandu ne'e atu menus mili litru 500, ita la-autoriza importa mai Timor-Leste, ita so autoriza ho kuantidade boot,\" dehan governante ne'e.", "Nia mos dehan, tuir dadus importasaun plastiku ba Timor-Leste kada tinan mais ou menus kontentor rua ka tolu no bainhira namkari sei sai lixu boot tebes, maibe se Governu bandu empreza sira importa saku plastiku, sira sei poupa osan atu la-uza plastiku ne'ebe polui ba ambiente no bele produs plastiku rasik.", "\"Ema bele uza dala rua ka tolu biogradavel ne'e, tanba bainhira ema gasta ona 50 cent (sentavu) ka $1 ba saku ne'e, nia ba loja nia hanoin dala rua hodi gasta sasan tanba se lae nia gasta tan osan, ida ne'e mak ita atu halo.", "Nasaun barak bele halo no ha'u fiar Timor-Leste mos bele halo,\" nia espera.", "Entretantu, Diploma ne'ebe aprezenta ba Konsellu-Ministru ne'e rasik atu prevene no hamenus impaktu hosi reziduu iha ambiente, no haree kle'an liu, prinsipalmente produtu plastiku sira ne'ebe labele resiklavel no prevee ba bandu fa'an, importasaun no produsaun hosi determinadu objetu husi plastiku.", "Nune'e mos hakarak estabelese mos prinsipiu fundamental sira mak hanesan prekausaun, prevensaun, dezenvolvimentu sustentavel, seguransa ambiental global, poluidor-pagador, re-utilizasaun no resiklajen no valorizasaun enerjetika.", "Eliminasaun saku plastiku uzu uniku relasiona ho alternativu sira ne'ebe maka halo balu ona hanesan halo saku plastiku husi ai-farina, nune'e mos alternativa seluk hakarak atu enkoraja empreza ki'ik sira bele produs husi materia organika hanesan kohe, bote no saku sira ne'ebe bele halo ho materia organika.", "Sekretaria Estadu Ambiente (SEA) Previous articleLoja Agrikultor 13 Asina Kontratu Ho Otel No Restaurante Fa'an Foos Timor Next articleOhin Plenaria La Iha Tanba Deputadu Barak Ba RAEOA" ]
[ [ "Traders Must Be Creative Before Government Implement Elimination and Stop Importation of Plastic | Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Businessmen Need to be Creative before the government implement elimination, stop importing plastic businessmens need being creative prior. Dili (AP) - At a meeting on May17th in Council for Ministerial Affairs Secretary State Environment Demetrio do Amarals Carvalho presented Decree Law concernings removal from circulations or production/importations single use bag packaging items made out plaster which has not yet been approved by executive authorities but is still under review at that time as well..." ], [ "Deometrio said that soon it will be brought back to the Council of Ministers for approval and promulgation by President da República (PR) so as its effectiveness, therefore Government wishes ban people who import single-use bags like plastic because they bring problems in environment. He asked traders have creativity before implementing this decree law 102/98" ], [ "\"I hope that merchants in Timor-Leste hear the message and start preparing not to import these single use bags, because when this law is applied they will be sanctioned if used." ], [ "Before the government intervenes, merchants can go with their own creativity of traders\", State Secretary Demetrio do Amaral told journalist in SEA building at Mandarin on Monday." ], [ "The governor said that now large stores such as Kmanek Super-Merkadu are introducing cassava bag (flour bags), and other companies have also introduced the same in their own pastas." ], [ "\"I think we need a spirit of responsibility, these things cannot come from the government only because it can't provide all solutions that are needed. But an important role for Government is as regulators who want to implement so Timor-Leste will one day be plastic neutral island.\"" ], [ "He informed, the Decree-Law also describes gradually until some time when there are conditions to treat water from plastic bottle that Government could ban 102%, but today is not yet." ], [ "\"We are gradually reducing this ban to less than 501 milliliters, we do not authorize imports into Timor-Leste; only large quantities of it can be imported\", said the governor." ], [ "He also said, according to the data of plastic importation into Timor-Leste every year more or less two containers and when it will be very large waste. But if government ban companies from imports Plastic bags they would save money not using polluting plastik for environment but could produce their own ones in place!" ], [ "\"People can use this biodegradable bag twice or three times, because when people have spent 50 cents (cent) on the bags they will go to a store and think about spending it again. Otherwise he'll spend more money; that is what we are going for.\"" ], [ "Many nations can do it and I believe Timor-Leste too,\" he hoped." ], [ "Meanwhile, the Diploma presented to Council of Ministers is intended for preventing and reducing waste impact on environment. It looks more closely at non-recyclable plastic products primarilly; it also provides a prohibition against selling or importation/production from certain items made with such materials (plastic)." ], [ "It also aims to establish fundamental principles such as precaution, prevention and sustainable development; global environmental security: the polluter pays. Re-use & recycling of waste products for energy recovery is a key element in this policy framework which will be implemented by all countries within 2015" ], [ "The elimination of single-use plastic bags is linked to alternatives that some have already made, such as making a bag from flour. Other options are encouraging small businesses in producing organic materials like glue and bottled water or recycling the waste material into products which can be used again for other use (like paper)." ], [ "Secretaria Estadu Ambiente (SEA) Previous articleLoja Agrikultor 13 Signs Contract With Otel No Restaurant Fa'an Foos Timor Next artikelPlenary Today Is Not Held Because Of Deputado Barak To The Region of Administrative Especially Designated for East-Oceania" ] ]
By Tempo Timor September 21, 2020 1519\nDeputada Nelia Menezes husi Banakada Fretilin iha hela salaun plenária Parlamentu Nasionál Foto Facebook\nDeputada ne'e dehan, ho prosesu ne'ebe tarde populasun sira lamenta tanba besik tama ona tinan 2021 maibé sira seidauk hetan subsidiu husi governu.\n"Ohin Ministru Finansa dehan, iha ona reuniun ida entre Ministeriu Solidaridade Sosial ho Ministeriu finansa kona-ba asuntu subsidiu 200, agora bainhira mak realiza,"deklara Deputada Nelia Menezes iha Plenariu Parlamentu Nasional (PN) segunda (21/9).\nKona-ba preokupasaun subsidiu 200, Nia dehan, durante ne'e parlamentu nasional sempre husu katak bainhira maka bele realiza, maibe governu la fo resposta ne'ebe klaru lolos.\nTanba ne'e nia husu, parte husi MSSI ho MF presiza esforsu no marka lolos bainhira maka prosesu ida ne'e Finaliza nune'e hatudu asaun konkreta lolos ba povu.\n"Tanba governu maka promete ba povu, para atu fo apoiu umanitáriu ida neve ba povu, maibe iha fatin ida neve hau hakarak koalia uituan iha suku hirak nevebe to'o agora seiduk simu," dehan nia.\nIha fatin hanesan deputadu bankada PD, Antonio da Conceição husu ba governu presiza aselera prosesu reverefikasun ba dadus subsídiu umanitária, tanba fulan tolu ona populasun bark mak seidauk simu.\nHatan ba kestaun ne'e, Ministru Finansa (MF), Fernando Hanjam, deklara, kona-bá subsidiu uma-ka'in ninia, dadauk parte husi Ministeriu Finansa seidauk bele halo pagamentu tanba Ministériu Solidaridade Sosiál sei verifika didi'ak dadus loloos nune'e bele halo pagamentu.(*)\n« Xanana : Horta Mak ’Komandante En Xefe’ iha Estranjéiru Rekrutamentu Kandidatu Traballadór Timor-oan ba Australia, Alarico: Laiha "Pilih Kasih” »
[ "By Tempo Timor September 21, 2020 1519 Deputada Nelia Menezes husi Banakada Fretilin iha hela salaun plenaria Parlamentu Nasional Foto Facebook Deputada ne'e dehan, ho prosesu ne'ebe tarde populasun sira lamenta tanba besik tama ona tinan 2021 maibe sira seidauk hetan subsidiu husi governu.", "\"Ohin Ministru Finansa dehan, iha ona reuniun ida entre Ministeriu Solidaridade Sosial ho Ministeriu finansa kona-ba asuntu subsidiu 200, agora bainhira mak realiza,\"deklara Deputada Nelia Menezes iha Plenariu Parlamentu Nasional (PN) segunda (21/9).", "Kona-ba preokupasaun subsidiu 200, Nia dehan, durante ne'e parlamentu nasional sempre husu katak bainhira maka bele realiza, maibe governu la fo resposta ne'ebe klaru lolos.", "Tanba ne'e nia husu, parte husi MSSI ho MF presiza esforsu no marka lolos bainhira maka prosesu ida ne'e Finaliza nune'e hatudu asaun konkreta lolos ba povu.", "\"Tanba governu maka promete ba povu, para atu fo apoiu umanitariu ida neve ba povu, maibe iha fatin ida neve hau hakarak koalia uituan iha suku hirak nevebe to'o agora seiduk simu,\" dehan nia.", "Iha fatin hanesan deputadu bankada PD, Antonio da Conceicao husu ba governu presiza aselera prosesu reverefikasun ba dadus subsidiu umanitaria, tanba fulan tolu ona populasun bark mak seidauk simu.", "Hatan ba kestaun ne'e, Ministru Finansa (MF), Fernando Hanjam, deklara, kona-ba subsidiu uma-ka'in ninia, dadauk parte husi Ministeriu Finansa seidauk bele halo pagamentu tanba Ministeriu Solidaridade Sosial sei verifika didi'ak dadus loloos nune'e bele halo pagamentu. (*) \" Xanana: Horta Mak 'Komandante En Xefe' iha Estranjeiru Rekrutamentu Kandidatu Traballador Timor-oan ba Australia, Alarico: Laiha \"Pilih Kasih\" \"" ]
[ [ "By Tempo Timor September 21,-09:38 PM MP Nelia Menezes of Banakada Fretilin in the National Parliament's plenary hall Photo Facebook The deputy said that with this delayed process people are sorry because they have already entered into years and still do not receive subsidies from government." ], [ "\"Today the Finance Minister said, there has been a meeting between Ministry of Social Solidarity and ministry on subsidies 2019. Now when will it be realized?\" declared MP Nelia Menezes in Plenary National Parliament (PN) Monday( September)." ], [ "Regarding concerns about the 201 subsidies, she said that during this time national parliament always asked when it could be realized but government did not give a clear answer." ], [ "Therefore, he asked that part of MSSI and MF need to make an effort for a clear mark when this process will be finalized so as show concrete action." ], [ "\"Because the government has promised to give humanitarian aid in snow for people, but at this point I want talk about outuan on those villages that have not received it so far." ], [ "In the meantime, MP Antonio da Conceicao from PD asked that government accelerate reverification of humanitarian subsidy data because for three months people have not received it." ], [ "In response to this issue, Finance Minister (MF), Fernando Hanjam declared that regarding household subsidies the Ministry of Financial Affairs cannot make payments because Social Solidarity will verify accurate data so they can pay. (*) \" Xanana: Horta Is 'Commander in Chief' Abroad Recruitment Timorese Worker Candidate for Australia; Alarico says There is No ‘Choice’\"" ] ]
MAEKOM lansa restaurante porsentu 90 produtu lokál ho folin razoável | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA MAEKOM lansa restaurante porsentu 90 produtu lokál ho folin razoável\nMAEKOM lansa restaurante porsentu 90 produtu lokál ho folin razoável\nEis Prezidente Republika, José Ramos Horta, lansa Restaurante Mr. Frango, iha Caicoli, sesta (21/08). Imajen Tatoli/Jogerjo Guterres\nDILI, 21 agostu 2020 (TATOLI)–Movimentu Asaun Ekonomia Komunitária (MAEKOM) lansa restaurante ida ho naran Mr. Frango ne’ebé maka lokaliza iha Suku Caicoli, Postu Administrativu Vera-cruz, Munisípiu Dili.\nKoziñeiru Mr. Frango, Cesar Lourdes, agradese MAEKOM tanba iha inisiativa di’ak harii restaurante ne’e.\n“Ho produtu ne’ebé MAEKOM prodús, ami sei prosesa ai-han fresku, nutritivu, kualidade di’ak no presu sei baratu ba ema hotu. Objetivu hakarak kria no promove ai-han ho ingrediente maihosi produtu lokál no ami tenta porsentu 90 uza produtu lokál, ne’ebé maioria produtu uza hosi MAEKOM,” tenik Cesar Lourdes iha seremónia lansamentu Restaurante Mr. Frango, iha Caicoli, sesta ne’e.\nNia agradese tanba nu’udar koziñeiru sein produtu labele halo buat ida, maibé MAEKOM ho inisiativa bele prodús produtu.\n“Objetivu loke restaurante ho inisiativa atu kria, diversifika no promove, katak ami hakarak bolu maluk timor-oan sira ne’ebé hatene tein no la hetan serbisu, ami bolu mai hamutuk. Liuhosi restaurante ne’e ami kria postu serbisu maski ki’ik maibé bele fó serbisu ba maluk timor-oan,” nia subliña.\nTinan ne’e sei lansa restaurante lima tán iha Dili\nMr. Frango sei fornese variadade ai-han ba kliente no bele asesu diretamente iha restaurante ka bele lori to’o odamatan serbisu fatin, uma ka ne’ebé de’it, inklui fornese quatrain service ba eventu ruma.\nPrezidente MAEKOM, Rui Castro, hateten movimentu ne’e planea tinan ne’e sei halo lansamentu restaurante Mr. Frango ho menu hanesan, iha sidade Dili hamutuk lima.\nPrezidente MAEKOM, Rui Castro. Imajen Tatoli/Jogerjo Guterres\nIha tinan 2021, Mr. Frango sei perkore iha munisípiu 12 inklui Rejiaun Espesiál Oé-cusse Ambeno (RAEOA), no fatin estratéjiku sira hanesan fronteira Batugade, Atabae, Laklubar, Natarbora, no fatin estratéjiku identifikadu seluk.\n“Ami hahú investimentu rasik hosi membru MAEKOM, ami agradese tebes ba ema hotu ne’ebé mak apoia no habelar informasaun kona-ba MAEKOM hodi ohin loron movimentu ne’e boot ba bebeik. Mr. Frango sei habelar ba fatin hotu no sei oferese produtu orgánia,” nia subliña.\nEis Prezidente Repúblika, José Ramos Horta apresia ho inisiativa MAEKOM bele promove ona produtu lokál.\n“Ha’u admira tebes MAEKOM nia inisiativa, tanba sira-nia estatutu bandu simu apoiu hosi Governu,” nia apresia.\nEis Prezidente Repúblika, José Ramos Horta. Imajen Tatoli/Jogerjo Guterres\nLaureadu Nobel Páz ne’e fó hanoin, restaurante nasionál ne’e di’ak maibé tein mós tenke di’ak no kualidade hodi korresponde ba presu razoável bele atrai ema.\nRestaurante Mr. Frango lansa husi Eis Prezidente Repúblika, José Ramos Horta, akompaña mós husi Madre Guilhermina Marçal, Reprezentante Ministériu Turizmu, Komérsiu no Indústria (MTKI), Prezidente Kámara Komérsiu no Indústria Timor-Leste (CCI-TL, sigla portugés), Oscar Lima, Prezidente Administrasaun Banku Komérsiu, no parseiru MAEKOM sira.\nPrevious articleKondisaun sala aula Eskola EBF suku Railaco Kraik grave\nNext articleSida-Butar, uluk kaer kilat tiru-monu elikópteru agora ka’er ai-suak aguenta moris
[ "MAEKOM lansa restaurante porsentu 90 produtu lokal ho folin razoavel | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA MAEKOM lansa restaurante porsentu 90 produtu lokal ho folin razoavel MAEKOM lansa restaurante porsentu 90 produtu lokal ho folin razoavel Eis Prezidente Republika, Jose Ramos Horta, lansa Restaurante Mr. Frango, iha Caicoli, sesta (21/08).", "Imajen Tatoli/Jogerjo Guterres DILI, 21 agostu 2020 (TATOLI) -Movimentu Asaun Ekonomia Komunitaria (MAEKOM) lansa restaurante ida ho naran Mr. Frango ne'ebe maka lokaliza iha Suku Caicoli, Postu Administrativu Vera-cruz, Munisipiu Dili.", "Kozineiru Mr. Frango, Cesar Lourdes, agradese MAEKOM tanba iha inisiativa di'ak harii restaurante ne'e.", "\"Ho produtu ne'ebe MAEKOM produs, ami sei prosesa ai-han fresku, nutritivu, kualidade di'ak no presu sei baratu ba ema hotu.", "Objetivu hakarak kria no promove ai-han ho ingrediente maihosi produtu lokal no ami tenta porsentu 90 uza produtu lokal, ne'ebe maioria produtu uza hosi MAEKOM,\" tenik Cesar Lourdes iha seremonia lansamentu Restaurante Mr. Frango, iha Caicoli, sesta ne'e.", "Nia agradese tanba nu'udar kozineiru sein produtu labele halo buat ida, maibe MAEKOM ho inisiativa bele produs produtu.", "\"Objetivu loke restaurante ho inisiativa atu kria, diversifika no promove, katak ami hakarak bolu maluk timor-oan sira ne'ebe hatene tein no la hetan serbisu, ami bolu mai hamutuk.", "Liuhosi restaurante ne'e ami kria postu serbisu maski ki'ik maibe bele fo serbisu ba maluk timor-oan,\" nia sublina.", "Tinan ne'e sei lansa restaurante lima tan iha Dili Mr. Frango sei fornese variadade ai-han ba kliente no bele asesu diretamente iha restaurante ka bele lori to'o odamatan serbisu fatin, uma ka ne'ebe de'it, inklui fornese quatrain service ba eventu ruma.", "Prezidente MAEKOM, Rui Castro, hateten movimentu ne'e planea tinan ne'e sei halo lansamentu restaurante Mr. Frango ho menu hanesan, iha sidade Dili hamutuk lima.", "Prezidente MAEKOM, Rui Castro.", "Imajen Tatoli/Jogerjo Guterres Iha tinan 2021, Mr. Frango sei perkore iha munisipiu 12 inklui Rejiaun Espesial Oe-cusse Ambeno (RAEOA), no fatin estratejiku sira hanesan fronteira Batugade, Atabae, Laklubar, Natarbora, no fatin estratejiku identifikadu seluk.", "\"Ami hahu investimentu rasik hosi membru MAEKOM, ami agradese tebes ba ema hotu ne'ebe mak apoia no habelar informasaun kona-ba MAEKOM hodi ohin loron movimentu ne'e boot ba bebeik.", "Mr. Frango sei habelar ba fatin hotu no sei oferese produtu organia,\" nia sublina.", "Eis Prezidente Republika, Jose Ramos Horta apresia ho inisiativa MAEKOM bele promove ona produtu lokal.", "\"Ha'u admira tebes MAEKOM nia inisiativa, tanba sira-nia estatutu bandu simu apoiu hosi Governu,\" nia apresia.", "Eis Prezidente Republika, Jose Ramos Horta.", "Imajen Tatoli/Jogerjo Guterres Laureadu Nobel Paz ne'e fo hanoin, restaurante nasional ne'e di'ak maibe tein mos tenke di'ak no kualidade hodi korresponde ba presu razoavel bele atrai ema.", "Restaurante Mr. Frango lansa husi Eis Prezidente Republika, Jose Ramos Horta, akompana mos husi Madre Guilhermina Marcal, Reprezentante Ministeriu Turizmu, Komersiu no Industria (MTKI), Prezidente Kamara Komersiu no Industria Timor-Leste (CCI-TL, sigla portuges), Oscar Lima, Prezidente Administrasaun Banku Komersiu, no parseiru MAEKOM sira.", "Previous articleKondisaun sala aula Eskola EBF suku Railaco Kraik grave Next articleSida-Butar, uluk kaer kilat tiru-monu elikopteru agora ka'er ai-suak aguenta moris" ]
[ [ "MAEKOM launches restaurant with 90 percent local produce at reasonable prices | Tempo Timor VARANDA EKONOMIA Maekom launched a Restaurant that serves up only the best of its products and has an affordable price Former President Jose Ramos Horta opened Mr. Frango in Caicoli, on Saturday (21/8)." ], [ "Image: Tatoli/Jogerjo Guterres DILI, August 21st (Xinhua) - The Movement for Community Economy Actions has launched a restaurant named Mr. Frango located in Caicoli Village of Vera-cruz Administrative Post Office within Dili Municipality on the outskirts from capital city and nearby townhouse areas as well to promote local food products with an emphasiz upon healthy eating habit" ], [ "Mr. Frango's chef, Cesar Lourdes thanked MAEKOM for the good initiative of establishing this restaurant and said that he was very pleased with its success:" ], [ "\"With the products produced by MAEKOM, we will process fresh food that is nutritious and of good quality at affordable prices for everyone." ], [ "The objective is to create and promote food with ingredients mainly from local produce, we try 90 percent of the time using our own products which are mostly produced by MAEKOM\", said Cesar Lourdes at a ceremony for launching Mr. Frango Restaurant in Caicoli on Saturday (25)." ], [ "He is grateful because as a cook without produce he can't do anything, but MAEKOM has the initiatives to make products." ], [ "\"The objective of opening a restaurant with the initiative to create, diversify and promote it is that we want our Timorese fellows who know how To Cook but cannot find work. We call them together.\"" ], [ "Through this restaurant we created a workplace, even though small but can provide employment for Timorese people\", he emphasizes." ], [ "Mr. Frango will provide a variety of food to clients and can access directly in the restaurant or take it right up your door at work, home elsewhere including providing quatrain service for any event you may have planned this year!" ], [ "President of MAEKOM, Rui Castro said that the movement plans to launch Mr. Frango restaurants with similar menus in Dili this year; there are five such establishments available on-site and 10 outbounds from downtown city centre (Dili)." ], [ "President of MAEKOM, Rui Castro." ], [ "Image Tatoli/Jogerjo Guterres In 2019, Mr. Frango will travel in the provinces of Oe-cusse Ambeno (RAEOA), and strategic location such as Batugade border area Atabaé Laklubar Natarbora with other identified strategist places on his road trip to visit more than a dozen municipalities including this one!" ], [ "\"We started our own investment from the members of MAEKOM, we are very grateful to all those who supported and spread information about Maekom so that today this movement is growing." ], [ "Mr. Frango will be available everywhere and offer organic products,\" he emphasizes.\"" ], [ "Former President of the Republic, Jose Ramos Horta appreciates MAEKOM' s initiative to promote local products." ], [ "\"I greatly admire the initiative of MAEKOM, because their statutes prohibit them from receiving government support.\"" ], [ "Former President of the Republic, Jose Ramos Horta." ], [ "The Nobel Peace Laureate reminded that the national restaurant is good but it must also have a great cuisine and quality in order to correspond with reasonable prices. This will attract people, he said 2017's winner of this award has no doubts about his success as an international chef:" ], [ "Mr. Frango Restaurant was launched by Former President of the Republic, Jose Ramos Horta and accompanied with Madre Guilhermina Marcal (Representant from Ministry for Tourism Commerce & Industry), Presidente da Câmara de Comércio e Indústria do Timor-Leste – CCCITL) Oscar Lima(Presidente Administrativo Banku Komersiu/Banking Administration Commercial banks in East Asia)." ], [ "Previous articleCondition of classroom in Railaco Kraik EBF school is serious Next ArticleSida-Butar, dulu kaer kilat tiru - monu helikopter sekarang Ka'e ai 'suka aguenta mori" ] ]
Tribunál Interoga Diretór Elit Komputer ho Telemor taka ba Públiku – ::Timor Post Online::\nHome » Munisípiu » DILI » Tribunál Interoga Diretór Elit Komputer ho Telemor taka ba Públiku\n26 novembro 2020 27 abril 2021 by Timor Post-101 views\nTimor Post (26/11/2020)—Tribunal Distrital Dili (TDD) Kinta (26/11), realiza primeiru prosesu julgamentu interogatoriu ba arguidu inisial TVB nuudar CEO Telemor no arguidu DP nuudar diretór Elite Komputer ba kazu dada koneksaun liña internet illegal hosi Atambua-Indonézia mai Timor Leste.\nSuspeitu na’in-rua SIK detein iha loron Seguda (23/11) deskonfira komete krime fraude fiskal.\nTuir observasaun Timor Post, julgamentu dahuluk ne’e odamatan taka ba públiku inklui mídia.\nTuir ajenda TDD sei fó sai rejultadu julgamentu dahuluk iha loron Sesta (27/11).\nArguidu TVB, SIK detein iha nia servisu fatin Telemor Timor Plaza CBD 4, andar 3 iha loron Segunda (23/11) tuku 15:00\nNo arguidu DP hanesan diretor Elite Komputer, detein iha servisu fatin Kolmera Dili, tuku 14:45 loraik.\nEntretantu, ba Kazu ho numeru prosesu 0166/20/PSIC nee. parte Tribunal sei iha faze julgamentu enkeritu, tanba ne’e juis prejide seidauk iha desijaun final ba arguidu nain rua.\nIha audiensia prijide hosi juis Ersilia da Silva, Ministeriu Públiku reprezenta prokurador nain rua, Lidia Soares no Matias Soares, parte defeza arguidu hetan asistensia legal hosi advogadu privadu, Pedro Aparicio.\nEnkuantu, tuir informasaun antes ne’ebe espalla iha media hotu, hatete ba kazu kompañia fornesidora lina internet, Elite komputer, ne’ebé nakfati iha Kolmera, Intervensaun SIK ne’e ezekuta mandatu hosi Tribunál prende no detein na’in ba Elite Computer ne’ebé deskonfia halo ligasaun ho fornesimentu internet illegal hosi Indonézia.\nNe’ebe deskonfia halo korrelasaun servisu ba malu hodi fasilita utiliza internet ilegál ne’ebé uza satélit Indonézia nian ho kapasidade 60OMBS ne’ebé fasilita ba liña ministériu sira inklui Komandu PNTL rasik.\nKompania Elite Computer antes servisu hamutuk ho Komandu Jerál PNTL hodi halo ligasaun internet koneksaun ba sistema kontrolu CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) iha sidade Dili no postu integradu liña fronteira terrestre.\nImpaktu hosi servisu korrelasaun entre suspeitu na’in rua hodi fasilita servisu ka jasa internet ilegál ne’e fó prezuiju ba Estadu lakon osan barak tanba hahalok fornese lina internet ba instituisaun Estadu Timor-Leste no mós setor privadu balu ne’e hahú kedas hosi tinan 2012 mai to’o ohin loron. Suspeitu sira nia hahalok ne’e prezumivel halo burla informátika no fraude fiskál. (Jxy)\nPrevious post Prezidente ICT-TL Kondena Aktu Ilegal no Konsidera Kazu Elit Komputer ho Telemor fó Lisaun ba Governu\nNext post Julgamentu To’o Kalan, Diretór Elit Komputer husu Lisensa Juis ba Reja iha Sela
[ "Tribunal Interoga Diretor Elit Komputer ho Telemor taka ba Publiku -::Timor Post Online:: Home \" Munisipiu \" DILI \" Tribunal Interoga Diretor Elit Komputer ho Telemor taka ba Publiku 26 novembro 2020 27 abril 2021 by Timor Post-101 views Timor Post (26/11/2020) - Tribunal Distrital Dili (TDD) Kinta (26/11), realiza primeiru prosesu julgamentu interogatoriu ba arguidu inisial TVB nuudar CEO Telemor no arguidu DP nuudar diretor Elite Komputer ba kazu dada koneksaun lina internet illegal hosi Atambua-Indonezia mai Timor Leste.", "Suspeitu na'in-rua SIK detein iha loron Seguda (23/11) deskonfira komete krime fraude fiskal.", "Tuir observasaun Timor Post, julgamentu dahuluk ne'e odamatan taka ba publiku inklui midia.", "Tuir ajenda TDD sei fo sai rejultadu julgamentu dahuluk iha loron Sesta (27/11).", "Arguidu TVB, SIK detein iha nia servisu fatin Telemor Timor Plaza CBD 4, andar 3 iha loron Segunda (23/11) tuku 15:00 No arguidu DP hanesan diretor Elite Komputer, detein iha servisu fatin Kolmera Dili, tuku 14:45 loraik.", "Entretantu, ba Kazu ho numeru prosesu 0166/20/PSIC nee. parte Tribunal sei iha faze julgamentu enkeritu, tanba ne'e juis prejide seidauk iha desijaun final ba arguidu nain rua.", "Iha audiensia prijide hosi juis Ersilia da Silva, Ministeriu Publiku reprezenta prokurador nain rua, Lidia Soares no Matias Soares, parte defeza arguidu hetan asistensia legal hosi advogadu privadu, Pedro Aparicio.", "Enkuantu, tuir informasaun antes ne'ebe espalla iha media hotu, hatete ba kazu kompania fornesidora lina internet, Elite komputer, ne'ebe nakfati iha Kolmera, Intervensaun SIK ne'e ezekuta mandatu hosi Tribunal prende no detein na'in ba Elite Computer ne'ebe deskonfia halo ligasaun ho fornesimentu internet illegal hosi Indonezia.", "Ne'ebe deskonfia halo korrelasaun servisu ba malu hodi fasilita utiliza internet ilegal ne'ebe uza satelit Indonezia nian ho kapasidade 60OMBS ne'ebe fasilita ba lina ministeriu sira inklui Komandu PNTL rasik.", "Kompania Elite Computer antes servisu hamutuk ho Komandu Jeral PNTL hodi halo ligasaun internet koneksaun ba sistema kontrolu CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) iha sidade Dili no postu integradu lina fronteira terrestre.", "Impaktu hosi servisu korrelasaun entre suspeitu na'in rua hodi fasilita servisu ka jasa internet ilegal ne'e fo prezuiju ba Estadu lakon osan barak tanba hahalok fornese lina internet ba instituisaun Estadu Timor-Leste no mos setor privadu balu ne'e hahu kedas hosi tinan 2012 mai to'o ohin loron.", "Suspeitu sira nia hahalok ne'e prezumivel halo burla informatika no fraude fiskal.", "(Jxy) Previous post Prezidente ICT-TL Kondena Aktu Ilegal no Konsidera Kazu Elit Komputer ho Telemor fo Lisaun ba Governu Next post Julgamentu To'o Kalan, Diretor Elit Komputer husu Lisensa Juis ba Reja iha Sela" ]
[ [ "Tribunal Interoga Diretor Elit Komputer ho Telemor taka ba Publiku -:. Timor Post Online Home \" Munisipio\" DILI “Tribunal interogacao diretor elitkordinador e telemovel 26 November,10pm – Dili District Court (TDD) held the first trial of initial accused TVB as CEO and defendant DP As director Elite Computer in connection with illegal internet line from Atambua-Indonesia to East Timor on Thursday(Novembro)." ], [ "Two suspects SIK arrested on Saturday (23/10) disbelieve committing the crime of tax fraud." ], [ "According to the Timor Post, this first trial is closed door for public including media." ], [ "According to the TDD agenda, results of first trial will be released on Saturday (27/10)." ], [ "Defendant TVB, SIK arrested at his office Telemor Timor Plaza CBD4 floor3 on Monday (21/09) around noon. And defendant DP as director of Elite Komputer was detained in Kolmera Dili’s workplace about midnight afternoon and held there until the police arrived to investigate him for allegedly committing a crime against human rights by using computer software without permission or authorization from an employee who had been hired under contract with TBC Telecommunication Services Limited (“TBL”)." ], [ "Meanwhile, in Case No. 0165/23 /PSIC this court is still at the investigative trial phase so judge has not yet made a final decision for both defendants" ], [ "At the hearing presided over by Judge Ersilia da Silva, Public Prosecution represents two prosekutors Lidia Soares and Matias Rodrigues. The defendant' s defence is assisting with legal assistance from private lawyer Pedro Aparicio;" ], [ "In the meantime, according to information previously circulated in all media outlets that stated on case of internet line provider company Elite komputer which was founded at Kolmera. The SIK intervention is executing a warrant from court arrest and detain owner for elite computer suspect connect with illegal Internet supply by Indonesia" ], [ "Those suspected of working together to facilitate the illegal Internet use using an Indonesian satellite with 60OMBS capacity which was provided for line ministries including PNTL Command itself." ], [ "Elite Computer Company has previously worked with PNTL General Command to make internet connections for CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) control system in Dili city and integrated land border post." ], [ "The impact of the interaction between two suspects to facilitate illegal internet services has caused significant financial losses for Timor-Leste, as it provided Internet lines from 2013 until now. This is due mainly because they have been providing illicit service and also private sector companies with their own network connection through a fraudulent method called “Internet Line Provision” (ILP)." ], [ "The suspects are presumed to have committed computer fraud and tax evasion." ], [ "(Jxy) Previous post President of ICT-TL Condemns Illegal Act and Considers Elit Komputer with Telemor Case a Lesson for the Government Next posta Trial To'o Kalan, Director Elite Cellular Ask Licence Judge to Reja in Cell" ] ]
Estadu tenke halo polítika hodi responde ba “Ema ho Defisiénsia Sira” | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE Estadu tenke halo polítika hodi responde ba “Ema ho Defisiénsia Sira”\nEstadu tenke halo polítika hodi responde ba “Ema ho Defisiénsia Sira”\nDILI, 30 setembru 2020 (TATOLI)—Centro Nacional Chega (CNC) koopera ho Associação Deficientes de Timor-Leste (ADTL), ohin, organiza kolókiu atu introdús CNC nia knaar no mandate sira, inklui fahe infromasaun kona-ba relatóriu CAVR “Chega!” no CVA “Per Memoriam Ad Spem” ba maluk ema ho defisiénsia sira.\nDiretór Ezekutivu Centro Nacional Chega (CNC), Hugo Maria Fernandes, hateten relatóriu CAVR “Chega!” nia laran ne’e iha rekomendasaun sira ne’ebé mak iha relasaun diretamente iha sosiedade Timor, ne’ebé mak tama ba ema ho defisiénsia sira ne’e hanesan obrigasaun Estadu tenke halo polítika no programa ne’ebé mak responde ba nesesidade ba ema ho defisiénsia sira no ba dezenvolvimentu ba ema hotu-hotu nian, partikularmente ba sosiedade sira ne’ebé maka tama ba iha kategori nesesidade espesial nian.\n“Comissão de Acholimento, Verdade e Recocoliação (CAVR) mak hakerek relatóriu “Chega!” ne’e hamutuk 3600 pajina. Importante, liuhosi relatóriu ne’e nia laran iha rekomendasaun sira-ne’ebé mak iha relasaun diretamente iha sosiedade Timor, ne’ebé mak tama ba ema ho defisiénsia sira-ne’e hanesan obrigasaun Estadu tenke halo polítika no programa ne’ebé mak responde ba nesesidade ba ema ho defisiénsia sira no dezenvolvimentu ba ema hotu-hotu nian, partikularmente ba sosiedade sira ne’ebé tama iha kategori nesesidade espesiál nian,” dehan Hugo Maria Fernandes iha ninia aprezentasaun materia kona-ba Papel CNC no relatóriu CAVR no CVA iha salaun konferénsia Antigu Komarka, Balide, Dili, kuarta ne’e.\nHugo Fernandes hateten, CNC sei servisu hamutuk ho Associação Deficientes de Timor-Leste (ADTL) hodi implementa programa balu lihosi programa “Hakbi’it Sobrevivente” ne’ebé mak hare’e liu ba ema ho defisiénsia sira, ema vulneravel sira, ba vítima sira ne’ebé mak mukit liu tanba hetan sofre funu iha tempu naruk nia laran.\nEntertantu, Diretór Associação Deficientes de Timor-Leste (ADTL), Cesario da Silva, hateten ADTL observa CNC nia vizaun ida mak atu haree kona-ba sosiedade ne’ebé inkluzivu no atu promove direitu umanu. Iha situasaun ida-ne’e, nia dehan, ADTL atu koloka direitu umanu ba asuntu ema ho defisiénsia sira ne’ebé ADTL akompaña iha Timor-Leste.\n“Asuntu defisente ne’e ema hare’e liu ba pensamentu karidade no pensamentu ida-ne’e mak ita hakarak sobu. Ne’ebé, laloos sira hanoin ema ho defisiensia sira ne’e labele halo buat ida no labele hola parte iha situasaun no fatin sira hanesan ne’e,” nia dehan.\nTanba ne’e, nia rekomenda hela ba Centro Nacional Chega (CNC) ba asuntu ema ho defisiénsia sira lubuk ida maka hetan sofrementu no torturasaun hosi funu pasadu. Nia husu ba CNC atendimentu ba saude mentál nune’e bele halo akonsolamentu ba saúde mental, hodi responde ba hirak nebe’e maka sai vítima ba luta hodi hetan ukun rasik aan ida-ne’e no agora mós sira sei sai vítima ba nafatin.\nBa future, nia hateten, Associação Deficientes de Timor-Leste (ADTL) ho Centro Nacional Chega (CNC) sei servisu hamutuk liuliu atu desimina informasaun ba ema ho defosiénsia sira, nune’e mós atu halo advokasia hamutuk ho rekomendasaun sira ne’ebé “Chega!” iha hodi hato’o ba ministeriu relevante sira atu bele inplementa iha asaun planu ministeriu nian.\n“Iha mudansa maibé CNC seidauk iha kondisaun no iha ne’e mós rekoñese liuliu asesibilidade seidauk bele responde. Maibé, ho inisiativa ida-ne’e bele halo ami mós hola parte iha fatin ida ne’e no kontinua nafatin programa sira hanesan ne’e, atu nune’e ema ho defisiénsia sira ne’ebé seidauk partisipa karik, iha tempu tuir mai sira mós bele partisipa,” nia dehan.\nAtu nune’e, nia hateten, ema ho defisiénsia sira bele rona no hatene kona-ba Tior-Leste nia istória rasik hodi kuda nasionalizmu no patriotizmu, tanba agora daudaun ema ho defisiénsia sira hamutuk 38 mil no sira hetan defisente ne’e kauza hosi funu tanba sira mós kontribui Tior-Leste nia ukun rasik aan.\nPrevious articleUPF halo apreensaun ba ró ilegál tolu\nNext articleKazu hana iha Aimutin, TDD aplika prizaun preventiva ba arguidu
[ "Estadu tenke halo politika hodi responde ba \"Ema ho Defisiensia Sira\" | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Estadu tenke halo politika hodi responde ba \"Ema ho Defisiensia Sira\" Estadu tenke halo politika hodi responde ba \"Ema ho Defisiensia Sira\" DILI, 30 setembru 2020 (TATOLI) - Centro Nacional Chega (CNC) koopera ho Associacao Deficientes de Timor-Leste (ADTL), ohin, organiza kolokiu atu introdus CNC nia knaar no mandate sira, inklui fahe infromasaun kona-ba relatoriu CAVR \"Chega!\" no CVA \"Per Memoriam Ad Spem\" ba maluk ema ho defisiensia sira.", "Diretor Ezekutivu Centro Nacional Chega (CNC), Hugo Maria Fernandes, hateten relatoriu CAVR \"Chega!\" nia laran ne'e iha rekomendasaun sira ne'ebe mak iha relasaun diretamente iha sosiedade Timor, ne'ebe mak tama ba ema ho defisiensia sira ne'e hanesan obrigasaun Estadu tenke halo politika no programa ne'ebe mak responde ba nesesidade ba ema ho defisiensia sira no ba dezenvolvimentu ba ema hotu-hotu nian, partikularmente ba sosiedade sira ne'ebe maka tama ba iha kategori nesesidade espesial nian.", "\"Comissao de Acholimento, Verdade e Recocoliacao (CAVR) mak hakerek relatoriu \"Chega!\" ne'e hamutuk 3600 pajina.", "Importante, liuhosi relatoriu ne'e nia laran iha rekomendasaun sira-ne'ebe mak iha relasaun diretamente iha sosiedade Timor, ne'ebe mak tama ba ema ho defisiensia sira-ne'e hanesan obrigasaun Estadu tenke halo politika no programa ne'ebe mak responde ba nesesidade ba ema ho defisiensia sira no dezenvolvimentu ba ema hotu-hotu nian, partikularmente ba sosiedade sira ne'ebe tama iha kategori nesesidade espesial nian,\" dehan Hugo Maria Fernandes iha ninia aprezentasaun materia kona-ba Papel CNC no relatoriu CAVR no CVA iha salaun konferensia Antigu Komarka, Balide, Dili, kuarta ne'e.", "Hugo Fernandes hateten, CNC sei servisu hamutuk ho Associacao Deficientes de Timor-Leste (ADTL) hodi implementa programa balu lihosi programa \"Hakbi'it Sobrevivente\" ne'ebe mak hare'e liu ba ema ho defisiensia sira, ema vulneravel sira, ba vitima sira ne'ebe mak mukit liu tanba hetan sofre funu iha tempu naruk nia laran.", "Entertantu, Diretor Associacao Deficientes de Timor-Leste (ADTL), Cesario da Silva, hateten ADTL observa CNC nia vizaun ida mak atu haree kona-ba sosiedade ne'ebe inkluzivu no atu promove direitu umanu.", "Iha situasaun ida-ne'e, nia dehan, ADTL atu koloka direitu umanu ba asuntu ema ho defisiensia sira ne'ebe ADTL akompana iha Timor-Leste.", "\"Asuntu defisente ne'e ema hare'e liu ba pensamentu karidade no pensamentu ida-ne'e mak ita hakarak sobu.", "Ne'ebe, laloos sira hanoin ema ho defisiensia sira ne'e labele halo buat ida no labele hola parte iha situasaun no fatin sira hanesan ne'e,\" nia dehan.", "Tanba ne'e, nia rekomenda hela ba Centro Nacional Chega (CNC) ba asuntu ema ho defisiensia sira lubuk ida maka hetan sofrementu no torturasaun hosi funu pasadu.", "Nia husu ba CNC atendimentu ba saude mental nune'e bele halo akonsolamentu ba saude mental, hodi responde ba hirak nebe'e maka sai vitima ba luta hodi hetan ukun rasik aan ida-ne'e no agora mos sira sei sai vitima ba nafatin.", "Ba future, nia hateten, Associacao Deficientes de Timor-Leste (ADTL) ho Centro Nacional Chega (CNC) sei servisu hamutuk liuliu atu desimina informasaun ba ema ho defosiensia sira, nune'e mos atu halo advokasia hamutuk ho rekomendasaun sira ne'ebe \"Chega!\" iha hodi hato'o ba ministeriu relevante sira atu bele inplementa iha asaun planu ministeriu nian.", "\"Iha mudansa maibe CNC seidauk iha kondisaun no iha ne'e mos rekonese liuliu asesibilidade seidauk bele responde.", "Maibe, ho inisiativa ida-ne'e bele halo ami mos hola parte iha fatin ida ne'e no kontinua nafatin programa sira hanesan ne'e, atu nune'e ema ho defisiensia sira ne'ebe seidauk partisipa karik, iha tempu tuir mai sira mos bele partisipa,\" nia dehan.", "Atu nune'e, nia hateten, ema ho defisiensia sira bele rona no hatene kona-ba Tior-Leste nia istoria rasik hodi kuda nasionalizmu no patriotizmu, tanba agora daudaun ema ho defisiensia sira hamutuk 38 mil no sira hetan defisente ne'e kauza hosi funu tanba sira mos kontribui Tior-Leste nia ukun rasik aan.", "Previous articleUPF halo apreensaun ba ro ilegal tolu Next articleKazu hana iha Aimutin, TDD aplika prizaun preventiva ba arguidu" ]
[ [ "State must make policies to address \"People with Disabilities\" | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Estado deve fazer política para responder a “Ema ho Defisiensia Sira” The state should take action in order for the government and other institutions of public interest, including NGO'S (Non Governmental Organization) that work on disability issues such as Centro Nacional Chega (\"CNC\") cooperating With Association Deficientes do Timór Leste (“ADTL”) today organized an event aimed at introducing CNC activities & mandates." ], [ "The Executive Director of the Centro Nacional Chega (CNC), Hugo Maria Fernandes, said that CAVR's report \"ChegA!\" contains recommendations directly related to Timorese society including people with disabilities as an obligation for state policy and programs responding both on needs involving disabled person or developmental issues affected by all individual groups particularly those falling into special need category." ], [ "\"Comissao de Acholimento, Verdade e Recocoliacao (CAVR) wrote the report 'Enough!' which is 3601 pages long." ], [ "Importantly, through this report there are recommendations that have direct relevance in Timorese society which include people with disabilities as an obligation of the State to make policies and programs responsive for their needs but also developing them all especially those societes falling into special need category\", said Hugo Maria Fernandes during his presentation on CNC'S Role & CAVR&CVA Report at Antigu Komarka Conference Hall Balide Dili Tuesday." ], [ "Hugo Fernandes said, CNC will work together with Associacao Deficientes de Timor-Leste (ADTL) to implement some programmes besides the \"Hakbi'it Sobrevivente\" program which is more focused on disabled people and vulnerable victim of war who have been suffering for a long time." ], [ "Meanwhile, the Director of Associacao Deficientes de Timor-Leste (ADTL), Cesario da Silva said that ADT observes CNC' s vision to look at an inclusive society and promote human rights." ], [ "In this situation, he said ADTL is to place human rights in the issues of people with disabilities that it accompanies across Timor-Leste." ], [ "\"This is a deficiency that people look at more as charity thinking and this thought we want to break down." ], [ "That is, they really think that people with disabilities can't do anything and cannot take part in situations or places like this.\"" ], [ "Therefore, he is recommending to the Centro Nacional Chega (CNC) on behalf of many people with disabilities who have suffered and torture from past war." ], [ "He asked the CNC to provide mental health care so that they can offer counselling for their patients, in order of responding those who were victims during this struggle and now will be." ], [ "For the future, he said that Associacao Deficientes de Timor-Leste (ADTL) and Centro Nacional Chega will work together in particular to disseminate information for people with disabilities as well a joint advocacy of recommendations made by \"Cheg!\" which can be submitted on relevant ministrie's action plans." ], [ "\"There is a change but CNC has not yet the conditions and there's also acknowledged especially accessibility cannot respond." ], [ "But, with this initiative we can also take part in the event and continue programs like these so that people who have not participated yet will be able to do it at a later date\", he said." ], [ "In this way, he said that people with disabilities can hear and know about Timor-Leste's own history to cultiva nationalism. At present there are 38 thousand disabled in the country who have become handicapped as a result of war because they also contributed towards independence for their countries;" ], [ "Previous articleUPF seize three illegal boats Next artikelAimutin fire case: TDD applies preventive detention to defendant" ] ]
Oseias 1 | Bíblia online | New World Translation\nOseias nia feen no oan sira (1-9)\nJezreel (4), Lo-Ruama (6), no Lo-Ami (9)\nPovu sei halibur hamutuk fali ho unidade (10, 11)\n1 Jeová fó sai liafuan ba Beeri nia oan-mane Oseias,* iha tempu neʼebé Liurai Uzias,+ Jotão,+ Acaz+ no Ezequias+ mak ukun rai-Judá,+ no iha tempu neʼebé Joas+ nia oan-mane Liurai Jeroboão+ mak ukun rai-Izraél. 2 Jeová komesa fó sai ninia liafuan liuhusi Oseias. Jeová hatete: “Bá kaben ho feto ida neʼebé sei sai feto-aat.* Nia sei iha oan tanba nia faʼan an,* tanba ema sira iha rai neʼe fila kotuk ba Jeová hodi faʼan an hanesan feto-aat.”+ 3 Entaun nia bá kaben ho Diblaim nia oan-feto Gomer, no feto neʼe sai isin-rua no tuur-ahi oan-mane ida ba nia. 4 Tuirmai Jeová dehan ba nia: “Hanaran oan neʼe Jezreel,* tanba lakleur tan haʼu sei tesi-lia ba Jeú+ nia umakain tanba raan neʼebé fakar iha Jezreel, no haʼu sei hakotu liurai nia ukun husi umakain Izraél.+ 5 Iha loron neʼebá, haʼu sei halo tohar Izraél nia rama iha Rai-Tetuk Jezreel.” 6 Gomer sai isin-rua dala ida tan no tuur-ahi oan-feto ida. Maromak hatete ba Oseias: “Hanaran labarik-feto neʼe Lo-Ruama,* tanba haʼu sei la hatudu tan laran-sadiʼa+ ba umakain Izraél, no haʼu sei duni sai sira.+ 7 Maibé haʼu sei hatudu laran-sadiʼa ba umakain Judá,+ haʼu Jeová mak sira-nia Maromak+ no haʼu sei salva sira. Haʼu sei la salva sira liuhusi rama, surik, funu, kuda sira, ka liuhusi tropa neʼebé saʼe kuda.”+ 8 Bainhira Lo-Ruama haketak ona susu, ninia inan sai isin-rua tan no tuur-ahi oan-mane ida. 9 Tuirmai Maromak hatete: “Hanaran labarik neʼe Lo-Ami,* tanba imi laʼós haʼu-nia povu no haʼu sei la sai imi-nia Maromak. 10 “Maibé povu Izraél sei sai barak hanesan rai-henek iha tasi, neʼebé labele sukat ka sura.+ No iha fatin neʼebé uluk haʼu dehan ba sira: ‘Imi laʼós haʼu-nia povu’,+ mak haʼu sei dehan fali: ‘Imi mak oan husi Maromak neʼebé moris.’+ 11 Povu husi Judá no Izraél sei halibur hamutuk ho unidade+ no sira sei hili ulun-naʼin ida no sira sei sai husi rai neʼe, tanba loron neʼe sei kmanek tebes ba Jezreel.+\n^ Ninia naran seluk mak Osaias. Naran neʼe katak “Salvasaun husi Jah; Jah salva ona”.\n^ Ka “liuhusi hahalok prostituisaun”.\n^ Naran neʼe katak “La hetan laran-sadiʼa”.\n^ Naran neʼe katak “Laʼós haʼu-nia povu”.
[ "Oseias 1 | Biblia online | New World Translation Oseias nia feen no oan sira (1-9) Jezreel (4), Lo-Ruama (6), no Lo-Ami (9) Povu sei halibur hamutuk fali ho unidade (10, 11) 1 Jeova fo sai liafuan ba Beeri nia oan-mane Oseias,* iha tempu ne'ebe Liurai Uzias,+ Jotao,+ Acaz+ no Ezequias+ mak ukun rai-Juda,+ no iha tempu ne'ebe Joas+ nia oan-mane Liurai Jeroboao+ mak ukun rai-Izrael.", "2 Jeova komesa fo sai ninia liafuan liuhusi Oseias.", "Jeova hatete: \"Ba kaben ho feto ida ne'ebe sei sai feto-aat.* Nia sei iha oan tanba nia fa'an an,* tanba ema sira iha rai ne'e fila kotuk ba Jeova hodi fa'an an hanesan feto-aat.\"+ 3 Entaun nia ba kaben ho Diblaim nia oan-feto Gomer, no feto ne'e sai isin-rua no tuur-ahi oan-mane ida ba nia.", "4 Tuirmai Jeova dehan ba nia: \"Hanaran oan ne'e Jezreel,* tanba lakleur tan ha'u sei tesi-lia ba Jeu+ nia umakain tanba raan ne'ebe fakar iha Jezreel, no ha'u sei hakotu liurai nia ukun husi umakain Izrael.+ 5 Iha loron ne'eba, ha'u sei halo tohar Izrael nia rama iha Rai-Tetuk Jezreel.\"", "6 Gomer sai isin-rua dala ida tan no tuur-ahi oan-feto ida.", "Maromak hatete ba Oseias: \"Hanaran labarik-feto ne'e Lo-Ruama,* tanba ha'u sei la hatudu tan laran-sadi'a+ ba umakain Izrael, no ha'u sei duni sai sira.+ 7 Maibe ha'u sei hatudu laran-sadi'a ba umakain Juda,+ ha'u Jeova mak sira-nia Maromak+ no ha'u sei salva sira.", "Ha'u sei la salva sira liuhusi rama, surik, funu, kuda sira, ka liuhusi tropa ne'ebe sa'e kuda.\"+ 8 Bainhira Lo-Ruama haketak ona susu, ninia inan sai isin-rua tan no tuur-ahi oan-mane ida.", "9 Tuirmai Maromak hatete: \"Hanaran labarik ne'e Lo-Ami,* tanba imi la'os ha'u-nia povu no ha'u sei la sai imi-nia Maromak.", "10 \"Maibe povu Izrael sei sai barak hanesan rai-henek iha tasi, ne'ebe labele sukat ka sura.+ No iha fatin ne'ebe uluk ha'u dehan ba sira: 'Imi la'os ha'u-nia povu',+ mak ha'u sei dehan fali: 'Imi mak oan husi Maromak ne'ebe moris.'+ 11 Povu husi Juda no Izrael sei halibur hamutuk ho unidade+ no sira sei hili ulun-na'in ida no sira sei sai husi rai ne'e, tanba loron ne'e sei kmanek tebes ba Jezreel.+ ^ Ninia naran seluk mak Osaias.", "Naran ne'e katak \"Salvasaun husi Jah; Jah salva ona.\" ^ Ka \"liuhusi hahalok prostituisaun.\" ^ Naran ne'e katak \"La hetan laran-sadi'a.\" ^ Naran ne'e katak \"La'os ha'u-nia povu.\"" ]
[ [ "Hosea's Wives and Children (1-9) Jezreel(4), Lo Ruhama, &Lo Ami The People Will Again Be Assembled in One Body* [20]:The word of Jehovah which came to Oseah the sonneof Beeri,* In dayse Of Uzziah king,+ Jotham+ Ahaz+, And Ezechiah King over Judah.+ AlsoIn dayseOf Jeroboam[b], Joashs Son; Over Israel." ], [ "2 Jehovah began to utter his word through Hosea. The Lord's words were spoken by Hoshea:" ], [ "Jehovah said: “Marry a woman who will become virgin.* She shall have children because she has sold herself,* for the people of this land are turning back to Yahweh and selling themselves as wives.”+ 3 So he married Gomer, Diblaim’s daughter." ], [ "4 And Jehovah said unto him, Call his name Jezreel: for yet a little while and I will avenge the blood of Jizreel upon Jehu’s house; but in that day i shall cut off all branches from Israel at Jezrahel." ], [ "6 And Gomer conceived again, and bare a daughter." ], [ "And God said to Hosea, “Call her name Lo-Ruhama,* because I will no longer have mercy on the house of Israel,+ but shall surely turn away from them.+ 7 But with regards for Judah+ and Juda*—I am Jehovah their Elohim+, so that they may be saved by me." ], [ "I will not save them by branches, or with a wedge of woods; neither through battle nor crop-harvesters and troops that climb up the mountain.”+1:8 And it came to pass when Lo Ruam had weaned herself from breastfeeding,+ his mother conceived again." ], [ "9 And he said, Call his name Lo-Ami: for ye are not my people; neither will I be your God." ], [ "10 “But the people of Israel will become as many a dry land at sea, which cannot be measured or counted.+ And in place where I said to them: ‘You are not my People’,+ there again shall i say unto you; You [are] sons+ (of) God who lives. +234 The men from Judah and Israeli[b], they must gather together with oneness+, They should choose themselves for theirselves an only leader,*And come up out Of this country because that day is greatly grievous For Jezreel.[c][h5796} ^ His other name was Hoshaiah.*" ], [ "The name means \"Salvation of Jah; Yah has saved.\" ^ Or, from the practices that lead to prostitution. ↑ It is also known as 'Not My People' because they are not my people and have no mercy on me (Deuteronomy 32:10)." ] ]
Lixu kontinua namkari iha merkadu Covalima | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVALIMA Lixu kontinua namkari iha merkadu Covalima\nLixu namkari iha àrea merkadu Covalima. Imajen Tatoli/Celestina Teles.\nCOVALIMA, 23 novembru 2021 (TATOLI)—Adjuntu Sekretáriu Administradór, Francisco de Jesus Alves informa, lixu kontinua namkari iha merkadu Covalima tanba halo jestaun lixu ladún di’ak.\nBazea ba dekretu-lei númeru 33/2008 kona-ba ijiéne orden públiku, lixu iha merkadu presiza mellora di’ak liután.\n“Hato’o ba ita-nia maluk emprezáriu sira-ne’ebé iha merkadu, dekretu-lei númeru 33/2008 kona-ba ijiéne orden públiku kona-ba lixu. ita haree lixu iha merkadu presiza atu mellora liután no vendendór sira labele faan iha trotoar leten tuir dekretu-lei ne’ebè vigor ona,” Francisco haktuir ba Agência Tatoli iha nia knar fatin, tersa ne’e.\nNia esplika, problema hirak ne’e tanba vendedór sira seidauk asesu informasaun ne’ebè klaru, nune’e presiza halo tan sensibilizasaun kondisaun iha merkadu Covaima lixu kontinua butuk iha merkadu, tanba halo jestaun lixu ladún di’ak, nune’e xefe jestaun merkadu atu haree kona-ba kestaun ne’e.\n“Ita haree lixu la’ós butuk iha merkadu de’it maibè hanesan mòs iha loja sira, halo jestaun lixu la di’ak, ita-boot sira lori ita-boot sira-nia karreta soe iha mota, ida-ne’e kontra dekretu ne’ebé maka ohin ha’u temi,” nia hatutan.\nNia apela ba kompañia sira-ne’ebé mak atu soe lixu labele iha mota laran, tanba Governu kria ona fatin atu soe lixu iha aldeia Haemanu, suku Beco, postu administrativu suai Vila, munisiu Covalima.\n“Governu identifika fatin atu soe lixu iha Haemanu. Bainhira loron ruma ita-boot sira soe lixu iha mota, bainhira xefe suku no autoridade lokál hetan ita-boot sira hosi apoiu ho prova ruma, ita boot sira sei hetan sansaun hodi selu koima,” nia hateten.\nBazea ba dekretu lei ne’e sei aplika koima mínimu $1.00 no másimuu $5000 tenke selu bazea ba dekretu-lei ne’ebé mak vigor ona.\nTanba ne’e, Francisco husu ba xefe jestaun merkadu atu halo jestaun lixu ne’ebé mak di’ak, merkadu agora lixu kontinua nakonu iha lixeiru laran no balun namkari iha lixeiru oin, nune’e xefe jestaun atu haree kestaun lixu ne’ebé di’ak lixu iha merkadu nakonu hela de’it tenke soe lixu tuir nia tempu\nNia husu ba emprezáriu sira soe lixu bazea ba oráriu bainhira liu ona oráriu labele soe ona lixu rai de’it iha kioske ka loja oin.\n“Ita-boot sira loja boot ne’ebé produsaun lixu barak liu, bainhira selu labele hanesan ho kioske kiik. Bazea ba dekretu-lei ne’e, ha’u sei halo regulamentu, liuhosi ita-nia Diretòr Jestaun merkadu. Ita hotu tenke kumpre hodi fó ambiente ne’ebé saudável di’ak ba ema hotu,” nia dehan.\nAntes ne’e, Servisu Munisipál Jestaun Merkadu no Turizmu munisípiu Covalima, oras ne’e hasai ona sirkulár ho númeru 03/SMGMT/AMC/ I/ 2021 aplika multa $25 to’o $50 ba negosiante sira ne’e soe lixu arbiru.\nSirkulár ne’e hasai hodi regula negosiante sira iha merkadu Covalima bainhira deskobre soe lixu arbiru.\nBazea ba orariu ne’ebé estabelesidu hosi Komite jestaun merkadu katak atividade rekolla lixu fahe ba parte dadeer no lorokraik, iha dadeer tuku 06h00 to’o 07h00 no lorokraik iha tuku 18h00 to’o ramata.\nMerkadu Covalima nakonu ho taho\nKondisaun Merkadu Covalima nakonu ho tahu bainhira tempu udan. Imajen Tatoli/Celestina Teles.\nEntretantu, Diretòr Servisu Munisípál Jestaun Turizmu no Merkadu, Damião Amaral, rekuñese tempu udan merkadu iha munisípiu Covalima nakonu ho taho.\n“Ita-nia kondisaun merkadu rua bainhira udan ne’e nakonu ho tahu. Ita-nia merkadu seidauk iha uma taka tomak no seidauk fui alkatraun bainhira udan karik labele iha tahu,” Damião Amaral informa ba Agência Tatoli, iha nia knaar fatin.\nProblema kona-ba kondisaun merkadu iha servisu munisipál jestaun turizmu no merkadu nia okos, tanba poder lokál haree liu ba turizmu.\n“Ita haree kondisaun merkadu iha territóriu Timor ne’e, nia kondisaun ladún di’ak. Maibé merkadu iha Covalima, tinan oin, ita sei konstrui uma rua ba vendedór sira hodi fasilita sira atu fila liman,” nia dehan.\nVendedór, Cipriano da Cruz, husu ba parte relevante atu ateru rai-henek iha área merkadu nian, tanba tempu udan merkadu Camanasa nakonu ho taho no kompradór sira labele halo movimentu.\n“Ami husu ita-nia administradór no kompañia iha Covalima atu ateru rai-henek iha merkadu hosi fasilita ami bele fila-liman, tanba merkadu nakonu ho taho,” nia dehan.\nHo kondisaun merkadu ne’ebè nakonu ho taho ema labele halo movimentu iha merkadu no la sosa sasán tanba de’it merkadu nakonu ho taho.\nXefe Jestaun Merkadu Covalima, Mafalda Cardoso da Costa, hateten problema ne’e nia parte sei husu ajuda autoridade lokál no kompañia atu ateru-rai henek iha merkadu hodi bele fasilita vendedor faan sasán.\n“Smana oin, ha’u sei ko’alia no husu ajuda hosi kompañia sira bele ateru netik rai-henek ba iha área merakadu nian ne’ebé nakonuu ho taho, nune’e vendedór sira atu bele faan sasán ho seguru,” nia dehan.\nNu’udar xefe jestaun, sei buka dalan atu ko’alia ho kompañia hodi bele buka solusaun ba vendedór sira-ne’ebè sira-nia fatin iha merkadu, nakonu ho taho halo sira labele faan no ema labele halo movimentu ba-mai.\nBazea ba dadus hosi servisu Munisípál Jestaun Turizmu no Merkadu hatudu katak merkadu lokál iha munisípiu Covalima hamutuk 10.\nPrevious articleHalakon FC Zinter, Binipu FC hakat ba 4 finál\nNext articleDom Virgílio vizita sarani sira iha RAEOA
[ "Lixu kontinua namkari iha merkadu Covalima | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVALIMA Lixu kontinua namkari iha merkadu Covalima Lixu namkari iha area merkadu Covalima.", "Imajen Tatoli/Celestina Teles.", "COVALIMA, 23 novembru 2021 (TATOLI) - Adjuntu Sekretariu Administrador, Francisco de Jesus Alves informa, lixu kontinua namkari iha merkadu Covalima tanba halo jestaun lixu ladun di'ak.", "Bazea ba dekretu-lei numeru 33/2008 kona-ba ijiene orden publiku, lixu iha merkadu presiza mellora di'ak liutan.", "\"Hato'o ba ita-nia maluk emprezariu sira-ne'ebe iha merkadu, dekretu-lei numeru 33/2008 kona-ba ijiene orden publiku kona-ba lixu. ita haree lixu iha merkadu presiza atu mellora liutan no vendendor sira labele faan iha trotoar leten tuir dekretu-lei ne'ebe vigor ona,\" Francisco haktuir ba Agencia Tatoli iha nia knar fatin, tersa ne'e.", "Nia esplika, problema hirak ne'e tanba vendedor sira seidauk asesu informasaun ne'ebe klaru, nune'e presiza halo tan sensibilizasaun kondisaun iha merkadu Covaima lixu kontinua butuk iha merkadu, tanba halo jestaun lixu ladun di'ak, nune'e xefe jestaun merkadu atu haree kona-ba kestaun ne'e.", "\"Ita haree lixu la'os butuk iha merkadu de'it maibe hanesan mos iha loja sira, halo jestaun lixu la di'ak, ita-boot sira lori ita-boot sira-nia karreta soe iha mota, ida-ne'e kontra dekretu ne'ebe maka ohin ha'u temi,\" nia hatutan.", "Nia apela ba kompania sira-ne'ebe mak atu soe lixu labele iha mota laran, tanba Governu kria ona fatin atu soe lixu iha aldeia Haemanu, suku Beco, postu administrativu suai Vila, munisiu Covalima.", "\"Governu identifika fatin atu soe lixu iha Haemanu.", "Bainhira loron ruma ita-boot sira soe lixu iha mota, bainhira xefe suku no autoridade lokal hetan ita-boot sira hosi apoiu ho prova ruma, ita boot sira sei hetan sansaun hodi selu koima,\" nia hateten.", "Bazea ba dekretu lei ne'e sei aplika koima minimu $1.00 no masimuu $5000 tenke selu bazea ba dekretu-lei ne'ebe mak vigor ona.", "Tanba ne'e, Francisco husu ba xefe jestaun merkadu atu halo jestaun lixu ne'ebe mak di'ak, merkadu agora lixu kontinua nakonu iha lixeiru laran no balun namkari iha lixeiru oin, nune'e xefe jestaun atu haree kestaun lixu ne'ebe di'ak lixu iha merkadu nakonu hela de'it tenke soe lixu tuir nia tempu Nia husu ba emprezariu sira soe lixu bazea ba orariu bainhira liu ona orariu labele soe ona lixu rai de'it iha kioske ka loja oin.", "\"Ita-boot sira loja boot ne'ebe produsaun lixu barak liu, bainhira selu labele hanesan ho kioske kiik.", "Bazea ba dekretu-lei ne'e, ha'u sei halo regulamentu, liuhosi ita-nia Diretor Jestaun merkadu.", "Ita hotu tenke kumpre hodi fo ambiente ne'ebe saudavel di'ak ba ema hotu,\" nia dehan.", "Antes ne'e, Servisu Munisipal Jestaun Merkadu no Turizmu munisipiu Covalima, oras ne'e hasai ona sirkular ho numeru 03/SMGMT/AMC/ I/ 2021 aplika multa $25 to'o $50 ba negosiante sira ne'e soe lixu arbiru.", "Sirkular ne'e hasai hodi regula negosiante sira iha merkadu Covalima bainhira deskobre soe lixu arbiru.", "Bazea ba orariu ne'ebe estabelesidu hosi Komite jestaun merkadu katak atividade rekolla lixu fahe ba parte dadeer no lorokraik, iha dadeer tuku 06h00 to'o 07h00 no lorokraik iha tuku 18h00 to'o ramata.", "Merkadu Covalima nakonu ho taho Kondisaun Merkadu Covalima nakonu ho tahu bainhira tempu udan.", "Imajen Tatoli/Celestina Teles.", "Entretantu, Diretor Servisu Munisipal Jestaun Turizmu no Merkadu, Damiao Amaral, rekunese tempu udan merkadu iha munisipiu Covalima nakonu ho taho.", "\"Ita-nia kondisaun merkadu rua bainhira udan ne'e nakonu ho tahu.", "Ita-nia merkadu seidauk iha uma taka tomak no seidauk fui alkatraun bainhira udan karik labele iha tahu,\" Damiao Amaral informa ba Agencia Tatoli, iha nia knaar fatin.", "Problema kona-ba kondisaun merkadu iha servisu munisipal jestaun turizmu no merkadu nia okos, tanba poder lokal haree liu ba turizmu.", "\"Ita haree kondisaun merkadu iha territoriu Timor ne'e, nia kondisaun ladun di'ak.", "Maibe merkadu iha Covalima, tinan oin, ita sei konstrui uma rua ba vendedor sira hodi fasilita sira atu fila liman,\" nia dehan.", "Vendedor, Cipriano da Cruz, husu ba parte relevante atu ateru rai-henek iha area merkadu nian, tanba tempu udan merkadu Camanasa nakonu ho taho no komprador sira labele halo movimentu.", "\"Ami husu ita-nia administrador no kompania iha Covalima atu ateru rai-henek iha merkadu hosi fasilita ami bele fila-liman, tanba merkadu nakonu ho taho,\" nia dehan.", "Ho kondisaun merkadu ne'ebe nakonu ho taho ema labele halo movimentu iha merkadu no la sosa sasan tanba de'it merkadu nakonu ho taho.", "Xefe Jestaun Merkadu Covalima, Mafalda Cardoso da Costa, hateten problema ne'e nia parte sei husu ajuda autoridade lokal no kompania atu ateru-rai henek iha merkadu hodi bele fasilita vendedor faan sasan.", "\"Smana oin, ha'u sei ko'alia no husu ajuda hosi kompania sira bele ateru netik rai-henek ba iha area merakadu nian ne'ebe nakonuu ho taho, nune'e vendedor sira atu bele faan sasan ho seguru,\" nia dehan.", "Nu'udar xefe jestaun, sei buka dalan atu ko'alia ho kompania hodi bele buka solusaun ba vendedor sira-ne'ebe sira-nia fatin iha merkadu, nakonu ho taho halo sira labele faan no ema labele halo movimentu ba-mai.", "Bazea ba dadus hosi servisu Munisipal Jestaun Turizmu no Merkadu hatudu katak merkadu lokal iha munisipiu Covalima hamutuk 10.", "Previous articleHalakon FC Zinter, Binipu FC hakat ba 4 final Next articleDom Virgilio vizita sarani sira iha RAEOA" ]
[ [ "Lixo continua namkari iha merkadu Covalima | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVALIMA Garbage continues to be dumped in the area of Covalima market." ], [ "Image Tatoli/Celestina Teles." ], [ "COVALIMA, November 23rd (TATOLI) - Deputy Secretary-Administrator Francisco de Jesus Alves informs that garbage continue to accumulate in the market of Covalima because it is not properly managed." ], [ "Based on Decree-Law No. 34/2015, of the Public Health and Safety Commission (Hygiene), waste in markets needs to be properly cleaned up as well;" ], [ "\"To our fellow entrepreneurs who are in the market, decree-law number 34/2015 on public order and hygiene regarding waste. We see that garbage at a supermarket needs to be improved further as sellers cannot sell their products underneath sidewalks pursuant for law which is already valid\", Francisco told Agência Tatoli from his office this Tuesday.\"" ], [ "He explained, these problems are because the sellers have not access to clear information and therefore need awareness conditions in Covaima market litter continues butuk on Market as waste management is bad so chief of marketing manager look into this issue." ], [ "\"We see the garbage not only in markets but also at shops, they don't manage it properly. We carry our cars and put them on a roadside dumpster; this is against decree that I have mentioned today.\"" ], [ "He appealed to the companies that are discharging garbage not in rivers, because Government has created a place for lifting trash at Haemanu village of Beco Township and Suai Vila administrative post." ], [ "\"The government has identified places to dump garbage in Haemanu." ], [ "If one day you dump trash in the river, if village chiefs and local authorities get your support with some evidence then we will sanction it to pay a fine,” he said." ], [ "According to this decree-law, a minimum fine of $1.05 and maximum penalty in the amounts from 24 hours upto five years will be imposed on those who do not comply with these provisions as per current law enforcement order (LOU)." ], [ "Therefore, Francisco asked the head of market management to do a good litter handling. Market now still has garbage in its bins and some aren't put out until it is cleared so he should look at this issue as well because there are many people who have their trash inside but they must take them off whenever possible He also called on businessmen not only remove waste based upon timetable after that you can no longer dispose your rubbish outside kiosk or store front" ], [ "\"The big shops that produce the most waste, when paid for it can't be like a small kiosk." ], [ "Based on this decree-law, I will make regulations through our Director of Market Management." ], [ "We must all comply to provide a healthy environment for everyone,\" he said." ], [ "Earlier, the Municipal Market Management and Tourism Service of Covalima municipality has issued circular number 03/SMGMT / AMC I.21 applying fines from $5 to €7 for traders who dump garbage in their market areas or on street side roadside parking lots (see below)." ], [ "The circular was issued to regulate traders in the market of Covalima when they were discovered leaving garbage." ], [ "Based on the schedule established by Market Management Committee, garbage collection activities are split into morning and afternoon sessions from 06:15 a.m to7am in early hours of daytime; at midday they continue until around six pm when it is time for dinner (after lunch)." ], [ "The market in Coimbatore is filled with crops and the conditions of it are very difficult when rain falls." ], [ "Image Tatoli/Celestina Teles." ], [ "Meanwhile, Director of Municipal Service for Tourism and Market Management Damião Amaral acknowledged that during the rainy season markets in Colima are full with crops." ], [ "\"Our two market conditions when this rain fills up with fire." ], [ "Our markets have not yet had their houses completely covered and they are still in the process of being cleaned when it rains so that there is no tobacco,\" Damião Amaral told Agência Tatoli at his office." ], [ "The problem with the market conditions is in municipal tourism management services and around it, because local power focuses more on tourists." ], [ "\"We look at the market conditions in Timor-Leste's territory, its condition is not good." ], [ "But the market in Covalima, next year we will build two houses for vendors to facilitate them return their hands.\"" ], [ "Seller Cipriano da Cruz asked the relevant parties to clean up land in market area, because during rainy season Camanasa Market is filled with trees and buyers cannot move." ], [ "\"We asked our administrators and company in Covalima to remove the land heat at market from facilities so we can return, because it is filled with crop waste.\"" ], [ "With a market condition that is packed with stalls, people cannot move around in the Market and do not buy goods because of only one reason: it'd be too busy." ], [ "The head of the market management in Colima, Mafalda Cardoso da Costa said that she will ask for help from local authorities and companies to rebuild shops on this area so as not only facilitate selling but also make it easier." ], [ "\"Next week, I'll talk and ask for the help of companies to bring a shelter into market area that is filled with trees so vendors can sell safely.\"" ], [ "As head of management, I will seek ways to talk with the company so that we can find a solution for vendors whose places in market are filled up and they cannot sell or people move around." ], [ "Based on data from the Municipal Service of Tourism and Market Management shows that there are 10 local markets in Colima." ], [ "Previous articleHalakon FC Zinter, BinipuFC hakat ba 4 final Next ArticleDom Virgilio visits the faithful in OCROA" ] ]
Reitór ISC husu Governu Evakua Estudante no Dosente Na’in-10 iha Xina | ::Diariu Timor Post Online::\nDILI—Reitor Instituto Supeiro Cristal (ISC) Sebastião Pereira husu Governu Timor – Leste, liuhosi Ministéiru Negosius Estranjeirus no Kooperasaun (MNEC), atu evakua lalais estudante ISC hamutuk ho dosente sira kauze na’in 10 resin, ne’ebé oras ne’e daudaun hala’o hela estudu iha Guangxi Normal University (GXNU) Xina.\n“Ita foin simu informasaun husi estudante no dosente ISC, ne’ebé hala’o estudu iha Guangxi Normal University katak, virus Corona to’o ona iha Xina Súl, besik Guangxi Normal University. Tanba ne’e estudante no desente sira iha de’it ona uma laran. Atividade hotu kuaze paradu total,”dehan Sebastião Pereira ba Timor Post iha kampus ISC, Balide – Dili, sabádu (01/02).\nNia dehan laiha meius urgente hodi evakua estudante sira ne’e, fila mai Timor – Leste, nune’e husu ba MNEC, atu bele koopera ho militar Aero Indonesia nian, iha ne’ebé oras ne’e mós, evakuan hela sira nia sidadaun husi Xina mai Indonesia.\n“Problema seriu ida mak ai – han ba sira menus. Tan ne’e ami husu ba Ministeiru Negosius Estranjeirus no Kooperasaun, se bele halo koordenasaun ho forsa Aero Indonesia nian, hodi evakua lalais, ita nia estudante hirak ne’e, liu –liu ba estudante ISC, atu fila mai Timor – Leste, temporaria, se bele tau sira iha Bali de’it mós di’ak,” nia husu.\nNia konta sesta(31/01) ne’e, atIvidade iha Guangxi Normal University, la’o hanesan baibain maibé tama iha sabádu(01/012), atividade hotu paradu, tanba virus ne’e, alastra ona ba Xina Súl no fatin seluk ho lalais tebes.\n“Iha loron kinta- sesta ne’e, ami simu informasaun husi ita nia estudante sira katak atividade hotu la’o ho di’ak. Maibé agora, situasaun la normal tanba relasiona ho virus Corona ne’ebé kuaze alastra ba teritoriu Xina tomak ho lalais,” nia hato’o.\nAntes termina, Reitor ne’e informa mós katak, parte ISC konsege hato’o ona karta ida ba MNEC, hodi haree ba situasaun ne’e, liu –liu haree ba posibidade sira hodi evakua tiha estudante ISC, ne’ebé daudaun ne’e seidauk fila mai Timor – Leste.\n“Ami halo ona karta ida ba MNEC, hodi husu no haree urgente ba situasaun ida ne’e. Kona ba, ita nia estudante sira ne’ebé hala’o estudu iha Xina. Ita nia estudante sira ba aprende lian Mandarin. Ba Dosente sira hasai kursu iha nivel mestradu nian, iha parte negosiu no jestaun,” hato’o husi Reitor, hodi hakotu.(ely)\nDILI—Ministra Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu, Dulce ...\nTotal visitors : 196,228\nTotal page view: 283,643
[ "Reitor ISC husu Governu Evakua Estudante no Dosente Na'in-10 iha Xina |::Diariu Timor Post Online:: DILI - Reitor Instituto Supeiro Cristal (ISC) Sebastiao Pereira husu Governu Timor - Leste, liuhosi Ministeiru Negosius Estranjeirus no Kooperasaun (MNEC), atu evakua lalais estudante ISC hamutuk ho dosente sira kauze na'in 10 resin, ne'ebe oras ne'e daudaun hala'o hela estudu iha Guangxi Normal University (GXNU) Xina.", "\"Ita foin simu informasaun husi estudante no dosente ISC, ne'ebe hala'o estudu iha Guangxi Normal University katak, virus Corona to'o ona iha Xina Sul, besik Guangxi Normal University.", "Tanba ne'e estudante no desente sira iha de'it ona uma laran.", "Atividade hotu kuaze paradu total,\"dehan Sebastiao Pereira ba Timor Post iha kampus ISC, Balide - Dili, sabadu (01/02).", "Nia dehan laiha meius urgente hodi evakua estudante sira ne'e, fila mai Timor - Leste, nune'e husu ba MNEC, atu bele koopera ho militar Aero Indonesia nian, iha ne'ebe oras ne'e mos, evakuan hela sira nia sidadaun husi Xina mai Indonesia.", "\"Problema seriu ida mak ai - han ba sira menus.", "Tan ne'e ami husu ba Ministeiru Negosius Estranjeirus no Kooperasaun, se bele halo koordenasaun ho forsa Aero Indonesia nian, hodi evakua lalais, ita nia estudante hirak ne'e, liu -liu ba estudante ISC, atu fila mai Timor - Leste, temporaria, se bele tau sira iha Bali de'it mos di'ak,\" nia husu.", "Nia konta sesta (31/01) ne'e, atIvidade iha Guangxi Normal University, la'o hanesan baibain maibe tama iha sabadu (01/012), atividade hotu paradu, tanba virus ne'e, alastra ona ba Xina Sul no fatin seluk ho lalais tebes.", "\"Iha loron kinta- sesta ne'e, ami simu informasaun husi ita nia estudante sira katak atividade hotu la'o ho di'ak.", "Maibe agora, situasaun la normal tanba relasiona ho virus Corona ne'ebe kuaze alastra ba teritoriu Xina tomak ho lalais,\" nia hato'o.", "Antes termina, Reitor ne'e informa mos katak, parte ISC konsege hato'o ona karta ida ba MNEC, hodi haree ba situasaun ne'e, liu -liu haree ba posibidade sira hodi evakua tiha estudante ISC, ne'ebe daudaun ne'e seidauk fila mai Timor - Leste.", "\"Ami halo ona karta ida ba MNEC, hodi husu no haree urgente ba situasaun ida ne'e.", "Kona ba, ita nia estudante sira ne'ebe hala'o estudu iha Xina.", "Ita nia estudante sira ba aprende lian Mandarin.", "Ba Dosente sira hasai kursu iha nivel mestradu nian, iha parte negosiu no jestaun,\" hato'o husi Reitor, hodi hakotu. (ely) DILI - Ministra Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu, Dulce ...", "Total visitors: 196,228 Total page view: 283,643" ]
[ [ "Rector ISC Asks Government to Evacua 10 Students and Faculty in China |:.Diariu Timor Post Online Dili - Instituto Supeiro Cristal (Isc) reitor Sebastiao Pereira asks the government of East-Timor, through Ministry for Foreign Affairs & Cooperation(MNEC), quickly evaquate students together with ten faculties who are currently studying at Guangxi Normal University/GXNU" ], [ "\"We have just received information from ISC students and faculty, who are studying at Guangxi Normal University that the Corona virus has arrived in South China near to Guangzhou." ], [ "Therefore, students and decent people are only in the house." ], [ "All activities are almost completely stopped,\" Sebastiao Pereira told Timor Post at the ISC campus in Balide - Dili on Saturday (February 1)." ], [ "He said there was no urgent means to evacuate the students, returning them home. Therefore he asked MNEC for cooperation with Indonesia's Air Force which is currently evacuating its citizens from China back into India as well;" ], [ "\"A serious problem is that they lack food." ], [ "Therefore, we ask the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation to coordinate with Indonesia's Air Force in order for these students - especially ISC student-to be evacuated quickly back home temporarily. If they can only stay on Bali it would also make sense.\"" ], [ "He said on Saturday (31/02), activities at Guangxi Normal University, went as usual but in the evening of Sunday 4th February all activity was stopped because this virus has spread to South China and other places very quickly." ], [ "\"This Tuesday and Saturday, we received information from our students that all activities were going well." ], [ "But now, the situation is not normal because it's related to Corona virus which has spread almost all over China with rapidity.\"" ], [ "Before ending, the Rector also informed that ISC had submitted a letter to MNEC regarding this situation and particularly on possibilities of evacuating students who have not yet returned home." ], [ "\"We have sent a letter to MNEC, requesting and looking urgently at this situation." ], [ "As for our students who are studying in China, they will be able to do so." ], [ "Our students go to learn the Mandarin language." ], [ "For the teachers, they take courses at master' s level in business and management\", said Rector. (ely) DILI - Minister of Education Youth & Sports Dulce ..." ], [ "Total visitors: 196,230 total page view (total)" ] ]
LÚ-OLO: ITA MERESE RESPEITA XANANA – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Capital » LÚ-OLO: ITA MERESE RESPEITA XANANA\nPrezidenti Republika (PR), Francisco Guterres “Lú Olo”, fo sasin katak, povu no lideransa Timor oan tomak merese atu estima no respieta Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, iha tempu ba tempu, tanba hodi Xanana nia firmeza no dedikasaun nudar Komandante En-Xefe das FALINTIL mak re-organiza funu iha tinan 1981 hodi ikus mak Timor oan hetan ukun rasik an.\n“Asu’uain FALINTIL sira nia luta, frente klandestina no diplomatika ninia luta, la bele la’o ba oin, se ita la iha komandu luta ida deit, hafoin ita nia aman nasionalismu Nicolau Lobato mate, Xanana Gusmão, komandante En-Xefe FALINTIL, organiza fila fali forsa sira husi tinan 1981, hahu kaer lideransa ho brani no dedikasaun tomak to’o ita restaura ita nia ukun rasik an,” afirma PR Lú-Olo, liu husi diskursu iha komerasaun loron FALINTIL ba dala 42, ne’ebe mak selebra iha Kuartel Jeneral F-FDTL, Fatuhada-Dili, Domingu (20/8/2017). PR Lú-Olo sublina liutan biar Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão hetan kaptura no dadur iha Cipinang-Jakarta, maibe Xanana Gusmão hato’o nafatin povu nia mehi no hakarek husi kadeia laran, tanba ne’e Xanana Gusmão merese hotu-hotu nia estima no respeitu. PR Lú-Olo hato’o apresiasaun boot ba Mari Alkatiri nu’udar fundador nasionalismu no FALINTIL nian ho mos Jose Ramos Horta nian veteranus ne’ebe sai lalenok iha luta libertasaun nasional iha tasi balun. Lú-Olo relembra hikas liu husi Frente Armada, Klandestina no Diplomatika mak Timor oan hamrik hasoru okupasaun estrajeirus iha Timor Leste, ne’ebe ho dedikasaun tomak harii Timor Leste Independente livre no demokratiku. Nia mensiona katak, frente diplomatika no klandestina imporante tebes iha tempu rezistensia, luta armada ne’ebe asu’uain sira kaer metin iha ai-laran mak determina susesu ba prosesu luta ukun-an. Asu’uain FALINTIL sira ninia lala’ok iha ai-laran, Lú-Olo hatutan, hamanas luta tanba liu husi sira mak fo esperansa ba povu hotu iha sidade no aldeia sira iha rai laran ka rai liur, asu’uain sira mak hametin mehi atu moris iha rai ne’ebe livre. Iha tinan 42 nia laran Forcas Armadas de Libertação Nasional de Timor Leste (FALINTIL), luta hasoru okupasaun estranjeirus ho apoiu oituan liu husi rai liur, tamba moris iha 1975 atu defende povu FALINTIL konsege halo duni ninia knar. Lú-Olo hateten, biar ema barak mak mate no iha mudansa bei-bebik konaba oinsa organiza-an, atu kontinua luta nafatin, justu temi mos iha ne’e knar importante frente kladestina nian, ne’ebe frente klandestina mak ponte ne’ebe liga frente armada ho tasi balun. PR Lú Olo haktuir inklui ho pais sira seluk no rede internasional solidariedade ho kauza Timorense nian, ho hanoin aas tebes fo hanoin Igreja ninia kontribuisaun boot hodi hametin sentiment identidade nasional no defende auto determinasaun ba povu Timor Leste. PR Lú-Olo dehan, luta ne’e eziji sakrifisiu husi ema hotu, husi povu barak mak luta, barak mak mate, barak mak lakon sira ninia maluk doben sira, tanba deit mehi, mehi ida ukun rasik-an. “Estadu iha dever atu rekoñese no valorize kontribuiasaun husi veteranus no kombatentes libertasaun nasional no tenke mos garante protesaun espesial liu husi politika insersaun sosial no programa apoiu,” PR Lú-Olo hatete. PR Lú-Olo reforsa tan katak, garente protesaun espesial, iha area Saude, Edukasaun, no formasaun tekniku professional, empregu, asesu ba kreditu no liu mos husi atividade atu bele hetan rendimentu. Nia tenik tan, atu bele hetan objetivu ne’e tenke haree fila fali Estatutu ba Veteranus no Kombatentes Libertasaun Nasional.\nLee hotu : MOP OBSERVA DIRETA BA PONTE COMORO TRES\nKaer metin espiritu FALINTIL\nBiban ne’e, Lú-Olo husu ba entidade hotu-hotu kontinua banati tuir espritu asu’uain Forsa Armada Libertasaun Independensia Timor Leste (FALINTIL) ne’ebe lori isin no ran hodi liberta rai doben Timor Leste. “Loron FALINTIL ne’ebe ita nia asuwa’in, durante tinan 24 sira husik sira nia vida tomak iha ai-laran hodi halo funu, antes manan fakar hela sira nia isin ho ran iha foho leten para ohin ita bele hetan Independesia ida ne’e,” afirma PR Lú-Olo. Liu husi missa serimonia agradesimentu ba loron FALINTILN nian iha Igreja Santo Antonio Motael, Dili, Padre Paroko David Alves da Conçeicão esplika, Timor Leste hahu marka historia importante iha ninia uma laran rasik, ne’ebe la iha 20 Agostu 1975, laiha 20 Agostu sira tuir mai no laiha 20 Agostu 2017, hodi kontinua selebra. “Ha’u hakarak dehan ita selebra tinan hat nulu resin rua ejistensia FALINTIL forsa defesa Timor ninian, ita dehan katak iha tempu ne’eba, iha ema ruma brani hakilar uluk atu sira seluk bele hakilar tuir,balun tiru uluk atu sira seluk mos brani buti katilu,” hateten Amo David Alves da Conçeicão. Amo selebrante ne’e haklaken katak, ho missa agradesementu ne’e atu hotu-hotu hateke ba Nai Jesus neebe mate iha Kruz Santa, funu nain primeiru ne’ebe la uja kilat maibe uja de’it poder Maromak nian. Ne’ebe Nai Jesus nia funu hasoru tentasaun Diabo nian ne’ebe todan, tentasaun diabo nian ne’ebe sai husi fuan mak sai mai, diabo tenta husi matan, husi ulun, no diabo tenta iha hakarak sira, maibe Jesus luta hasoru asaun sira ne’e. “Jesus mate iha Cruz atu hanorin sai ema luta nain laos kilat iha liman deit lae, sai ema luta nain hasoru diabo inimigu klamar nian, ne’ebe sempre koko atu sobu ita nia relasaun diak ho nai Maromak,” hateten Amo David Alves da Conçeicão. Laos ne’e deit, padre paroko haktuir iha politik foer ne’ebe lahatene no Jesus haree hela iha buat balun ne’ebe konsege deteta no balun la konsege deteta, no sira ne’ebe la deteta sira halo knuk hela iha Timor. “Komesa sobu ita nia abut, moral, ita nia buat diak sira ita nia identidade sira neneik ho maneira ne’ebe ita lahatene tuir, ita mehi át maibe sira mai hanesan laho ke dada’uk rai kuak iha ita nia fatin sira ne’e to’o loron ida ita sei mout,” Amo David hateten. Nia mensiona mos katak, Maromak kontinua akompaña ninia povu Timor, lalika tauk, Maromak ninia espritu deskobre ona buat balun, ne’ebe lalika tauk atu dehan Timor Tera de Santa Cruz, tanba funu nain mate tanba lori Cruz no mate barak. eus
[ "LU-OLO: ITA MERESE RESPEITA XANANA - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Capital \" LU-OLO: ITA MERESE RESPEITA XANANA Prezidenti Republika (PR), Francisco Guterres \"Lu Olo,\" fo sasin katak, povu no lideransa Timor oan tomak merese atu estima no respieta Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, iha tempu ba tempu, tanba hodi Xanana nia firmeza no dedikasaun nudar Komandante En-Xefe das FALINTIL mak re-organiza funu iha tinan 1981 hodi ikus mak Timor oan hetan ukun rasik an.", "\"Asu'uain FALINTIL sira nia luta, frente klandestina no diplomatika ninia luta, la bele la'o ba oin, se ita la iha komandu luta ida deit, hafoin ita nia aman nasionalismu Nicolau Lobato mate, Xanana Gusmao, komandante En-Xefe FALINTIL, organiza fila fali forsa sira husi tinan 1981, hahu kaer lideransa ho brani no dedikasaun tomak to'o ita restaura ita nia ukun rasik an,\" afirma PR Lu-Olo, liu husi diskursu iha komerasaun loron FALINTIL ba dala 42, ne'ebe mak selebra iha Kuartel Jeneral F-FDTL, Fatuhada-Dili, Domingu (20/8/2017).", "PR Lu-Olo sublina liutan biar Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao hetan kaptura no dadur iha Cipinang-Jakarta, maibe Xanana Gusmao hato'o nafatin povu nia mehi no hakarek husi kadeia laran, tanba ne'e Xanana Gusmao merese hotu-hotu nia estima no respeitu.", "PR Lu-Olo hato'o apresiasaun boot ba Mari Alkatiri nu'udar fundador nasionalismu no FALINTIL nian ho mos Jose Ramos Horta nian veteranus ne'ebe sai lalenok iha luta libertasaun nasional iha tasi balun.", "Lu-Olo relembra hikas liu husi Frente Armada, Klandestina no Diplomatika mak Timor oan hamrik hasoru okupasaun estrajeirus iha Timor Leste, ne'ebe ho dedikasaun tomak harii Timor Leste Independente livre no demokratiku.", "Nia mensiona katak, frente diplomatika no klandestina imporante tebes iha tempu rezistensia, luta armada ne'ebe asu'uain sira kaer metin iha ai-laran mak determina susesu ba prosesu luta ukun-an.", "Asu'uain FALINTIL sira ninia lala'ok iha ai-laran, Lu-Olo hatutan, hamanas luta tanba liu husi sira mak fo esperansa ba povu hotu iha sidade no aldeia sira iha rai laran ka rai liur, asu'uain sira mak hametin mehi atu moris iha rai ne'ebe livre.", "Iha tinan 42 nia laran Forcas Armadas de Libertacao Nasional de Timor Leste (FALINTIL), luta hasoru okupasaun estranjeirus ho apoiu oituan liu husi rai liur, tamba moris iha 1975 atu defende povu FALINTIL konsege halo duni ninia knar.", "Lu-Olo hateten, biar ema barak mak mate no iha mudansa bei-bebik konaba oinsa organiza-an, atu kontinua luta nafatin, justu temi mos iha ne'e knar importante frente kladestina nian, ne'ebe frente klandestina mak ponte ne'ebe liga frente armada ho tasi balun.", "PR Lu Olo haktuir inklui ho pais sira seluk no rede internasional solidariedade ho kauza Timorense nian, ho hanoin aas tebes fo hanoin Igreja ninia kontribuisaun boot hodi hametin sentiment identidade nasional no defende auto determinasaun ba povu Timor Leste.", "PR Lu-Olo dehan, luta ne'e eziji sakrifisiu husi ema hotu, husi povu barak mak luta, barak mak mate, barak mak lakon sira ninia maluk doben sira, tanba deit mehi, mehi ida ukun rasik-an.", "\"Estadu iha dever atu rekonese no valorize kontribuiasaun husi veteranus no kombatentes libertasaun nasional no tenke mos garante protesaun espesial liu husi politika insersaun sosial no programa apoiu,\" PR Lu-Olo hatete.", "PR Lu-Olo reforsa tan katak, garente protesaun espesial, iha area Saude, Edukasaun, no formasaun tekniku professional, empregu, asesu ba kreditu no liu mos husi atividade atu bele hetan rendimentu.", "Nia tenik tan, atu bele hetan objetivu ne'e tenke haree fila fali Estatutu ba Veteranus no Kombatentes Libertasaun Nasional.", "Lee hotu: MOP OBSERVA DIRETA BA PONTE COMORO TRES Kaer metin espiritu FALINTIL Biban ne'e, Lu-Olo husu ba entidade hotu-hotu kontinua banati tuir espritu asu'uain Forsa Armada Libertasaun Independensia Timor Leste (FALINTIL) ne'ebe lori isin no ran hodi liberta rai doben Timor Leste.", "\"Loron FALINTIL ne'ebe ita nia asuwa'in, durante tinan 24 sira husik sira nia vida tomak iha ai-laran hodi halo funu, antes manan fakar hela sira nia isin ho ran iha foho leten para ohin ita bele hetan Independesia ida ne'e,\" afirma PR Lu-Olo.", "Liu husi missa serimonia agradesimentu ba loron FALINTILN nian iha Igreja Santo Antonio Motael, Dili, Padre Paroko David Alves da Conceicao esplika, Timor Leste hahu marka historia importante iha ninia uma laran rasik, ne'ebe la iha 20 Agostu 1975, laiha 20 Agostu sira tuir mai no laiha 20 Agostu 2017, hodi kontinua selebra.", "\"Ha'u hakarak dehan ita selebra tinan hat nulu resin rua ejistensia FALINTIL forsa defesa Timor ninian, ita dehan katak iha tempu ne'eba, iha ema ruma brani hakilar uluk atu sira seluk bele hakilar tuir,balun tiru uluk atu sira seluk mos brani buti katilu,\" hateten Amo David Alves da Conceicao.", "Amo selebrante ne'e haklaken katak, ho missa agradesementu ne'e atu hotu-hotu hateke ba Nai Jesus neebe mate iha Kruz Santa, funu nain primeiru ne'ebe la uja kilat maibe uja de'it poder Maromak nian.", "Ne'ebe Nai Jesus nia funu hasoru tentasaun Diabo nian ne'ebe todan, tentasaun diabo nian ne'ebe sai husi fuan mak sai mai, diabo tenta husi matan, husi ulun, no diabo tenta iha hakarak sira, maibe Jesus luta hasoru asaun sira ne'e.", "\"Jesus mate iha Cruz atu hanorin sai ema luta nain laos kilat iha liman deit lae, sai ema luta nain hasoru diabo inimigu klamar nian, ne'ebe sempre koko atu sobu ita nia relasaun diak ho nai Maromak,\" hateten Amo David Alves da Conceicao.", "Laos ne'e deit, padre paroko haktuir iha politik foer ne'ebe lahatene no Jesus haree hela iha buat balun ne'ebe konsege deteta no balun la konsege deteta, no sira ne'ebe la deteta sira halo knuk hela iha Timor.", "\"Komesa sobu ita nia abut, moral, ita nia buat diak sira ita nia identidade sira neneik ho maneira ne'ebe ita lahatene tuir, ita mehi at maibe sira mai hanesan laho ke dada'uk rai kuak iha ita nia fatin sira ne'e to'o loron ida ita sei mout,\" Amo David hateten.", "Nia mensiona mos katak, Maromak kontinua akompana ninia povu Timor, lalika tauk, Maromak ninia espritu deskobre ona buat balun, ne'ebe lalika tauk atu dehan Timor Tera de Santa Cruz, tanba funu nain mate tanba lori Cruz no mate barak. eus" ]
[ [ "The President of the Republic (PR), Francisco Guterres \"Lu Olo,\" testified that all Timorese people and leaders deserve to esteem Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao in time after times because it was through his firmness as Commander-in -Chief das FALINTIL who reorganized their struggle for independence. In 1980 he led a military coup d'état against Prime Minister José Ramos Horta which ended with victory by forces from East Africa under Luís Filipe Vieira da Silva on October25th at Luanda City Hall before being succeeded when Fernando Henrique Cardoso took power following an election held two days later; this is what happened today:" ], [ "\"The struggle of FALINTIL's members, its clandestine and diplomatic front cannot go forward if we do not have a single command to fight. After our father nationalist Nicolau Lobato died in 1982 Xanana Gusmao reorganized the forces from that year with full dedication until he restored independence\", said Prime Minister Lu-Olo during his speech on commemoration day for Falintil at FDTL Headquarters Fatuhada (Dili), Sunday August/September(August)." ], [ "PR Lu-Olo emphasized that although Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao was captured and imprisoned in Cipinang Jakarta, but Gusmão still expresses the people's desire from inside prison. Therefore he deserves all of our esteem & respect.\"" ], [ "PR Lu-Olo expressed great appreciation to Mari Alkatiri as the founder of nationalism and FALINTIL, along with Jose Ramos Horta's veteran who became heroes in some ways during their struggle for National Liberations." ], [ "Lu-Olo recalled the struggle of Timorese people against foreign occupation in East Тимор through armed, clandestine and diplomatic fronts that with all their dedication built an independent free democratic Republic." ], [ "He mentioned that the diplomatic and clandestine fronts were very important during resistance, as armed struggle which was held firmly on ground determined success in independence." ], [ "Lu-Olo said that the FALINTIL soldiers' actions on land were a continuation of their struggle because through them they gave hope to all people in cities and villages at home or overseas, strengthening our desire for life within free lands." ], [ "For 42 years, the National Liberation Armed Forces of East Timor (FALINTIL) have fought against foreign occupations with great support from abroad. Since it was founded in1975 to defend its people FALINET has done well at this task and achieved some successes as an independent nation-building force that can stand up for itself even when other forces are threatening their independence or control over our country'" ], [ "Lu-Olo said that although many people died and there was little change in how to organize, the struggle continues. He also mentioned here an important role of front cladestina which is clandestine bridge linking armed forces with some seafront groups; he added: \"There are still more soldiers who have been killed than we know.\"" ], [ "President Lu Olo said that including with other countries and the international network of solidarity for Timorese cause, he was very high minded remembering Church's great contribution to strengthen national identity sentiment in defend self-determinations rights." ], [ "President Lu-Olo said, the struggle requires sacrifice from everyone. Many people have fought for independence; many died and lost their loved one just because of a desire to achieve self determination.\"" ], [ "\"The state has a duty to recognize and value the contributions of veterans, national liberation fighter. It must also guarantee special protection through social inclusion policy or support programs.\"" ], [ "PR Lu-Olo emphasized that it guarantees special protection in the areas of health, education and technical vocational training. Employment access to credit as well activities for earning an income are also provided by this system.\"" ], [ "He added that in order to achieve this goal, the Statute for Veterans and National Liberation Fighters must be reviewed." ], [ "Read more: MOP OBSERVA DIRETA A PONTE COMORO TRES Keer teguh semangat FALINTIL In this speech, Lu-Olo asked all entities to continue following the spirit of Forsa Armada Libertasaun Independensia Timor Leste (FALITIL) who brought body and blood for liberating our beloved land." ], [ "\"This is the day of FALINTIL, our heroes who for 24 years left their entire lives in this country to fight and before they were defeated burned up with blood so that today we can achieve independence\", said Prime Minister Lu-Olo." ], [ "During the Mass and Thanksgiving Ceremony for FALINTILN's Day in Santo Antonio Motael Church, Dili. Father David Alves da Conceicao explained that East Timor has begun to mark important history within its own homeland which was not on August20th of1975 nor any subsequent days or even this year (August3), so it will continue celebrating today as a nation-building event with great significance.\"" ], [ "\"I want to say that we are celebrating eight hundred and two years of existence FALINTIL defense force Timor, it is said at the time there were some people who would cry first so others could shout after them. Ballon shooting before they can be shot again\", says Amo David Alves da Conceicao.\"" ], [ "The celebrant proclaimed that with this Mass of thanksgiving, all should look to Jesus Christ who died on the Holy Cross. He was a first-time fighter and did not use weapons but only used God' s power for his own salvation.\"" ], [ "The Lord Jesus struggled against the temptations of Satan, which are fierce; he fights with them from within his heart. He tries people by their eyes and head in all things that they desired to do but Christ fought these acts off Himself!" ], [ "\"Jesus died on the Cross to teach us not only how we should fight with lightning in our hands, but also as a warrior against devil and his demons who are always looking for ways of destroying your good relationship With God\", said Father David Alves da Conceicao." ], [ "Not only that, the parish priest explained in a foreign policy which Jesus observed there were some things they could detect and others did not succeed to do so. Those who failed it made knuk living on Timor-Leste;" ], [ "\"They are destroying our foundations, morality and all the good things in us. Our identities haven't changed with how we look at them; they want to take over but come like a hawk that is damaging earth on these places until one day it will be gone.\"" ], [ "He also mentioned that God continues to accompany his people Timor, don't be afraid. His spirit has discovered some things which are not at all shy about saying \"Timor Terra de Santa Cruz\", because the warriors died carrying a cross and many others were killed as well.\"" ] ]
FORUM HAKSESUK: Xanana/TMR eleisaun Presidente Republika\nXanana/TMR eleisaun Presidente Republika\nTMR manan Eleisaun Presidensial tamba fator Xanana\nIha eleisaun Presidensial ba dala uluk, kandidatu Taur Matan Ruak (TMR) konsegue pasa ba segunda volta ho kandidatu Francisco Guterres Lu´olo ne´ebe hetan apoio husi Partidu Fretilin. Tamba saida maka iha analize ne´e koloka importante ba vitoria TMR iha segunda volta liga kedan ba Xanana, tamba fatores balun. Ida tamba, TMR ninia kandidatura lori naran Veteranus. TMR ninia kandidatura hetan suporta husi Partidu CNRT ne´ebe maka ninia Prezidente maka Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao rasik. Liu husi estrutura rua ne´e maka justifika ba vitoria TMR mos hetan kontribuisaun husi fator Xanana. Xanana Gusmao aman no maun bot ba Veteranus sira, neduni kandidatura TMR lori veteranus nia naran, utiliza meius hotu-hotu, atributo hotu-hotu ho naran veteranus no historia ne´ebe pertence ba povu tomak.\nHusi movimentus nasional ne´ebe maka suporta TMR, lori naran veteranus, hahu husi Mertuto Ermera, deklarasaun husi organizasaun Frentes Armadas no Klandestina deklara apoio ba TMR. Orgnaizasaun massa populares resistensia nian mos hotu-hotu hato liu husi ondas suporta ba kandidatura TMR nian. Husi movimentus sira ne´e hotu, kandidatura TMR ho ninia estrutura equipa sucesu, partidus sira ne´ebe suporta no estruturas veteranus, hotu-hotu fiar an katak kandidatu TMR iha posibilidades manan iha primeira volta. Tamba sinal ladun favoravel, molok atu taka kampane kandidatu TMR nian, Xanana mosu iha kampane iha loron 10 fulan Marsu iha kampu Demokrasia (10/03/2012), presensa ida ne´e importante ba emar barak, ida ne´e determinante ba pasajen ba segunda volta TMR, influensia direta ba sentidu votus iha kapital Dili no Manatuto.\nKoalia konaba poder,influensia no autoridade Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão (KXG) nian iha eleisaun Presidensial, liliu importante kontribuisaun KXG nian ba vitoria TMR no kruza ho Enquadramentu teorikus husi autores ka matenek nain lubung ida hakerek konaba Poder neé rasik, hanesan Weber, Michel Foucault, Hobbes, Maquivel no sel-seluk tan.\nPoder revela, relasaun sosiais sira, hatun husi estruturas organizadas ka intereses husi parte sociedade. Poder mos kondiciona vida ba moris emar nian iha determinada espasu, impoens koerensia no organizasaun. Poder bele mos exerce liu husi influensia, liu husi autoridade ka dominasaun. Influensia mos nudar relasaun social iha ne’ebe sira kaer knar ka poder modifika komportamentu ema ruma ka grupos liu husi komunikasaun simples. A autoridade ne´e koresponde ho aptidaun hodi halo obedece ba orden. Autoridade mos bele koalia konaba dominasaun, ne´ebe tuir sociologo Max Weber, katak, ”dominação é a probabilidade de encontrar obediência a uma ordem de determinado conteúdo, entre determinadas pessoas indicáveis”. Dominasaun ne´e tuir Weber fahe ba tolu, Dominasaun karismatika, donominasaun tradicional no dominasaun legal. Denomisaun karismatika katak, ”dominação carismática é influenciada diretamente pelos fatores emocionais e afetivos”. Denomisaun tradicional katak,” A dominação tradicional é aquela baseada na crença e nos poderes de senhores, onde um manda e o outro obedece e, diferentemente da dominação legal, ela não é baseada na formalidade”. Denomisaun legal katak, ”a dominação legal baseia-se em estatutos que podem ser modificados e criados desde que o mesmo esteja pré-estabelecido”.\nTuir filósofo Michel Foucault koalia konaba, «“relações de poderes” entre os indivíduos. Para Foucault, o poder é algo que se exerce em rede“».\nTuir konceitu hobesiana konaba poder mak, ”o maior dos poderes é o poder do Estado, resultado da soma de poderes de todos os homens na formação do Contrato Social”.\nAutor ne´ebe koalia konaba Poder mos mak Nicolau Maquiavel. Tuir, Maquiavel, “a obrigação do governante (Príncipe) deve ser a de conquistar e manter o Poder. Para isso, ele deve adotar algumas estratégias”.\nIha segunda volta, KXG envolve direta ba kampane ba kandidatu TMR, hahu loron 9 to´o loron 13 fulan Abril halo kampane ba kandidatu TMR. Nudar PM KXG, hakerek karta ba Prezidente Republika hodi husu lisensa (04/04/2012). Hare husi rezultado ba eleisaun segunda volta TMR manan iha distritus sira ne´ebe maka Xanana halo kampane, hanesan: Ermera, Aileu, Ainaro, Maun Fahe, Covalima, Bobonaro no Liquisa. Mos Oecusse, durante semana ida servisu estadu nian, iha duni influensia ba resultadu ne´ebe maka kandidatu TMR hetan iha eleisaun.\nKomparasaun votantes ne´ebe maka TMR hetan iha primeira volta iha distritus sira ne´e hare aumenta ida signfikativu. Tuir dadus neé maka hetan husi STAE, hare tabele 1:\n2.794 (14.74 % )\n2.824 ( 11.48 % )\n8.176 (20.11 %)\n5.613 (20.78 % )\n6.319 (3.75 % )\n5.575 (19.60 %)\n4.131 (18.46 %)\n6.380 (22.93 %)\nHo rezultadu ne’e, la koresponde ba espetativa kandidatu no estruturas ne’ebe maka monta hodi suporta. Hahu husi mobiliza rekursus Veteranus nian, estrutura frente armadas (rejiaun I,II,III e IV) no Frente Klandestina, organizasaun massa populares resistensia nian. Partidus politikus hanesan, CNRT, UDT, balun husi Fretilin rasik, balun husi PD, PSD no partidus seluk tan. Husi Sociedade Civil, no sst. Esforsus forsas hotu-hotu nian maka resultadu ne’ebe TMR hetan iha eleisaun Primeira volta. Formula resultadu ba kandidatu TMR iha primeira volta,maka:Resultadu TMR peimeira volta (TMRI), Veteranus (V), Sociedade Civil (SC) e Partidos Politicos (Pp) ka ho formula: TMRI= V + SC + Pp. Rezultado ne´ebe maka kandidatu TMR hetan iha primeira volta bele fahe variaveis sira neébe iha. Partido Politikus no forsas sira ne´ebe maka suporta TMR, bele sukat ona sira nia forsa no potensial eleitoradus maka ne´e. Eleisaun primeira volta nudar sasukat ba potensial eleitoradus, liliu partidus bot sira.\nIha segunda volta, ho partisipasaun kampane semana ida no halo servisu nudar xefi Governu iha Oecusse ninia impaktus ba madunsas ne´ebe drastikas iha sentidu votus. Tuir rezultadu final ne´ebe maka hetan, hakerek Agência Lusa (17/04/2012), hare tabela no.2, karaik ne´e:\n13.851 (70.76 %)\n27.284 (70.01 $)\n15.755 (62.58 %)\n31.042 (67.06 % )\n17.426 (64.19 %)\n11.423 (54.18 %)\n21.252 ( 75.18 % )\nHare ba tabele no.2, vitoria ne´ebe maka kandidatu TMR hetan iha segunda volta, fator KXG mos determinante, maske husi parte Presidente eleitu ho ninia equipa mos iha argumentus seluk. Iha argumentu ne’e atu hatudu deit dadus no influensia fator KXG ba vitoria kandidatu TMR ba Presidente Republika 2012-2017.\nFator Xanana nudar fator ida mak determina, TMR eleitu iha segunda volta,tamba buat balun hanesan tuir mai ne’e: ema laos ona koalia konaba kandidatus nain 2 maibe hare liu se maka iha kandidatus nain 2 nia kotuk; figura no karisma KXG nian mos sei determina; poder ne’ebe KXG iha, sst.\nKandidatus rua mesak figura diak, mesak ema resistensia,mesak funu nain deit, maibe kestaun maka ne’e,se maka iha sira nain rua nia kotuk? Hare ba kandidatu Francisco Guterres Lu’olo, husi partidu Fretilin,ninia maestro mak Mari Alkatiri (MA). Impresta lia fuan, futu manu nian karik,ida be kesi tara ne’e maka MA. Kandidatu TMR, hetan apoiu husi partidu CNRT, ninia maestro mak KXG, ka uja lia fuan futu manu nian,se maka kesi tara ba TMR hodi tebe, mak KXG. Manu ida bele fulun diak maibe depende ba se maka futu manu no kesi tara, kesi ladiak maske fulun diak maibe bele la manan. Maibe manu bele fulun la diak maibe ema ne’ebe futu no kesi tara hatene kesi no afina didiak, sei manan no futu iha qualquer horas deit, bele baku manu seluk. Anolojia ida ne’e atu hateten deit katak kandidatu ne’ebe maka KXG hamrik iha nia kotuk maka manan iha eleisaun segunda volta.\nFigura Xanana sei importante ba povu no historia rai ida ne’e nian. Ninia karisma sobu aisatan ba medidas disciplinares ne’ebe maka qualquer partido bele aplika ba sira nia militantes. Poder ne´ebe tuir Max Weber poder mos koalia konaba dominasaun karismatika ne´ebe ninia ligasuan ba fator emosaun no afetividade. Hare husi viajem KXG ba fatin sira ne´ebe sama ain ba,fator emosaun no afetividade forte. Wainhira KXG lao iha distritus sira ne’ebe maka temi ona iha leten, foti hanesan exemplo:hakbesik ba lideransa Partido Democratico sira iha base, koalia ho lia fuan simples, ”imi husik hau lao mesak?”.Iha kampane TMR ba segunda volta iha Ermera, KXG haktuir nune´e, ”husu imi nia votus ba TMR, laos atu bolu imi ba tama CNRT”. Neduni, partidus ka forsas politikus ne´ebe deit labele klaim ka auto-proklama vitoria TMR ne´e mak sasukat ba votus partidu ruma. Lia fuan sira ne´e badak deit maibe ninia impaktus bot.Husi parte seluk katak, memoria liga ba historia procesu funu nian, liliu fatin sira ne’ebe maka KXG sama ain no hatudu husi resultadu tradus husi votus, sei honra ba memoria historika ne’ebe procesu funu ba ukun rasik an to’o nia ninin iha tinan 1999, liga ho KXG, autor central no principal.\nPoder ne’ebe KXG iha, nudar fator ida importante mos kontribui ba vitoria TMR. Koalia poder, koalia konaba influensia, koalia konaba jogus tatika no estratejikus, koalia konaba meius ka estruturas ne´ebe maka suporta, no sel-seluk tan. Wainhira mosu KXG mosu iha kampane, sempre dada emar barak atu ba rona, tamba influensia ho figura KXG nian. Tuir Filosofo Michel Foucoult, poder neé estabelece husi relasaun husi individuos no poder halao tuir redes ne´ebe iha ona. Presensa KXG dada emar barak no relasaun ka kontak husi emar ba emar. Mos KXG ho ninia relasaun ho massa konstroe ona iha rede ida ne´ebe pertence procesu historia nian rasik.\nPoder mos iha sasukat ho tatika no estratejia ne´ebe maka lider sira hola hodi atua iha momentu ne´ebe deit hodi alkansa ba objetivu ruma. Ba KXG ho CNRT eleisaun Presidensial ne´e importante, resultadu presidensial ninia impaktus ba lejislativa. Hodi asegura ba poder, tamba estratejia ba eleisaun Presidensial no Lejislativa buat rua lao hanesan,ninia korelasaun ba malu, atu ida ninia impaktus ba seluk. Haknauk lia fuan husi Nicole Maquievel ne´ebe koalia konaba poder maka identiku ho «conquisat e manutenção do poder». Neduni KXG ninia envolvevimentu iha kampane segunda volta bele mos le husi definisaun Maquivel nian ne´e.\nHafoin kruza definisaun autores ka matenek nain lubun ida konaba poder no liga ho Poder ne´ebe maka autor central ba hakerek ne´e mak Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, ninia poder, influencia no autoridade impaktus direta ka indidereta ba Vitoria Taur Matan Ruak ba Presidente Republika 2012-2017!\n* Ne´e opiniaun rasik husi autor nian no sem influensia no representa autor nia haknar fatin!\nPublicada por FORUM HAKSESUK à(s) 10:20 da tarde
[ "FORUM HAKSESUK: Xanana/TMR eleisaun Presidente Republika Xanana/TMR eleisaun Presidente Republika TMR manan Eleisaun Presidensial tamba fator Xanana Iha eleisaun Presidensial ba dala uluk, kandidatu Taur Matan Ruak (TMR) konsegue pasa ba segunda volta ho kandidatu Francisco Guterres Lu'olo ne'ebe hetan apoio husi Partidu Fretilin.", "Tamba saida maka iha analize ne'e koloka importante ba vitoria TMR iha segunda volta liga kedan ba Xanana, tamba fatores balun.", "Ida tamba, TMR ninia kandidatura lori naran Veteranus.", "TMR ninia kandidatura hetan suporta husi Partidu CNRT ne'ebe maka ninia Prezidente maka Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao rasik.", "Liu husi estrutura rua ne'e maka justifika ba vitoria TMR mos hetan kontribuisaun husi fator Xanana.", "Xanana Gusmao aman no maun bot ba Veteranus sira, neduni kandidatura TMR lori veteranus nia naran, utiliza meius hotu-hotu, atributo hotu-hotu ho naran veteranus no historia ne'ebe pertence ba povu tomak.", "Husi movimentus nasional ne'ebe maka suporta TMR, lori naran veteranus, hahu husi Mertuto Ermera, deklarasaun husi organizasaun Frentes Armadas no Klandestina deklara apoio ba TMR.", "Orgnaizasaun massa populares resistensia nian mos hotu-hotu hato liu husi ondas suporta ba kandidatura TMR nian.", "Husi movimentus sira ne'e hotu, kandidatura TMR ho ninia estrutura equipa sucesu, partidus sira ne'ebe suporta no estruturas veteranus, hotu-hotu fiar an katak kandidatu TMR iha posibilidades manan iha primeira volta.", "Tamba sinal ladun favoravel, molok atu taka kampane kandidatu TMR nian, Xanana mosu iha kampane iha loron 10 fulan Marsu iha kampu Demokrasia (10/03/2012), presensa ida ne'e importante ba emar barak, ida ne'e determinante ba pasajen ba segunda volta TMR, influensia direta ba sentidu votus iha kapital Dili no Manatuto.", "Koalia konaba poder,influensia no autoridade Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao (KXG) nian iha eleisaun Presidensial, liliu importante kontribuisaun KXG nian ba vitoria TMR no kruza ho Enquadramentu teorikus husi autores ka matenek nain lubung ida hakerek konaba Poder nee rasik, hanesan Weber, Michel Foucault, Hobbes, Maquivel no sel-seluk tan.", "Poder revela, relasaun sosiais sira, hatun husi estruturas organizadas ka intereses husi parte sociedade.", "Poder mos kondiciona vida ba moris emar nian iha determinada espasu, impoens koerensia no organizasaun.", "Poder bele mos exerce liu husi influensia, liu husi autoridade ka dominasaun.", "Influensia mos nudar relasaun social iha ne'ebe sira kaer knar ka poder modifika komportamentu ema ruma ka grupos liu husi komunikasaun simples.", "A autoridade ne'e koresponde ho aptidaun hodi halo obedece ba orden.", "Autoridade mos bele koalia konaba dominasaun, ne'ebe tuir sociologo Max Weber, katak, \"dominacao e a probabilidade de encontrar obediencia a uma ordem de determinado conteudo, entre determinadas pessoas indicaveis.\"", "Dominasaun ne'e tuir Weber fahe ba tolu, Dominasaun karismatika, donominasaun tradicional no dominasaun legal.", "Denomisaun karismatika katak, \"dominacao carismatica e influenciada diretamente pelos fatores emocionais e afetivos.\"", "Denomisaun tradicional katak,\" A dominacao tradicional e aquela baseada na crenca e nos poderes de senhores, onde um manda e o outro obedece e, diferentemente da dominacao legal, ela nao e baseada na formalidade.\"", "Denomisaun legal katak, \"a dominacao legal baseia-se em estatutos que podem ser modificados e criados desde que o mesmo esteja pre-estabelecido.\"", "Tuir filosofo Michel Foucault koalia konaba, \"\"relacoes de poderes\" entre os individuos.", "Para Foucault, o poder e algo que se exerce em rede\".\"", "Tuir konceitu hobesiana konaba poder mak, \"o maior dos poderes e o poder do Estado, resultado da soma de poderes de todos os homens na formacao do Contrato Social.\"", "Autor ne'ebe koalia konaba Poder mos mak Nicolau Maquiavel.", "Tuir, Maquiavel, \"a obrigacao do governante (Principe) deve ser a de conquistar e manter o Poder.", "Para isso, ele deve adotar algumas estrategias.\"", "Iha segunda volta, KXG envolve direta ba kampane ba kandidatu TMR, hahu loron 9 to'o loron 13 fulan Abril halo kampane ba kandidatu TMR.", "Nudar PM KXG, hakerek karta ba Prezidente Republika hodi husu lisensa (04/04/2012).", "Hare husi rezultado ba eleisaun segunda volta TMR manan iha distritus sira ne'ebe maka Xanana halo kampane, hanesan: Ermera, Aileu, Ainaro, Maun Fahe, Covalima, Bobonaro no Liquisa.", "Mos Oecusse, durante semana ida servisu estadu nian, iha duni influensia ba resultadu ne'ebe maka kandidatu TMR hetan iha eleisaun.", "Komparasaun votantes ne'ebe maka TMR hetan iha primeira volta iha distritus sira ne'e hare aumenta ida signfikativu.", "Tuir dadus nee maka hetan husi STAE, hare tabele 1: 2.794 (14.74%) 2.824 (11.48%) 8.176 (20.11%) 5.613 (20.78%) 6.319 (3.75%) 5.575 (19.60%) 4.131 (18.46%) 6.380 (22.93%) Ho rezultadu ne'e, la koresponde ba espetativa kandidatu no estruturas ne'ebe maka monta hodi suporta.", "Hahu husi mobiliza rekursus Veteranus nian, estrutura frente armadas (rejiaun I,II,III e IV) no Frente Klandestina, organizasaun massa populares resistensia nian.", "Partidus politikus hanesan, CNRT, UDT, balun husi Fretilin rasik, balun husi PD, PSD no partidus seluk tan.", "Husi Sociedade Civil, no sst.", "Esforsus forsas hotu-hotu nian maka resultadu ne'ebe TMR hetan iha eleisaun Primeira volta.", "Formula resultadu ba kandidatu TMR iha primeira volta,maka:Resultadu TMR peimeira volta (TMRI), Veteranus (V), Sociedade Civil (SC) e Partidos Politicos (Pp) ka ho formula: TMRI= V + SC + Pp.", "Rezultado ne'ebe maka kandidatu TMR hetan iha primeira volta bele fahe variaveis sira neebe iha.", "Partido Politikus no forsas sira ne'ebe maka suporta TMR, bele sukat ona sira nia forsa no potensial eleitoradus maka ne'e.", "Eleisaun primeira volta nudar sasukat ba potensial eleitoradus, liliu partidus bot sira.", "Iha segunda volta, ho partisipasaun kampane semana ida no halo servisu nudar xefi Governu iha Oecusse ninia impaktus ba madunsas ne'ebe drastikas iha sentidu votus.", "Tuir rezultadu final ne'ebe maka hetan, hakerek Agencia Lusa (17/04/2012), hare tabela no.2, karaik ne'e: 13.851 (70.76%) 27.284 (70.01 $) 15.755 (62.58%) 31.042 (67.06%) 17.426 (64.19%) 11.423 (54.18%) 21.252 (75.18%) Hare ba tabele no.2, vitoria ne'ebe maka kandidatu TMR hetan iha segunda volta, fator KXG mos determinante, maske husi parte Presidente eleitu ho ninia equipa mos iha argumentus seluk.", "Iha argumentu ne'e atu hatudu deit dadus no influensia fator KXG ba vitoria kandidatu TMR ba Presidente Republika 2012-2017.", "Fator Xanana nudar fator ida mak determina, TMR eleitu iha segunda volta,tamba buat balun hanesan tuir mai ne'e: ema laos ona koalia konaba kandidatus nain 2 maibe hare liu se maka iha kandidatus nain 2 nia kotuk; figura no karisma KXG nian mos sei determina; poder ne'ebe KXG iha, sst.", "Kandidatus rua mesak figura diak, mesak ema resistensia,mesak funu nain deit, maibe kestaun maka ne'e,se maka iha sira nain rua nia kotuk?", "Hare ba kandidatu Francisco Guterres Lu'olo, husi partidu Fretilin,ninia maestro mak Mari Alkatiri (MA).", "Impresta lia fuan, futu manu nian karik,ida be kesi tara ne'e maka MA.", "Kandidatu TMR, hetan apoiu husi partidu CNRT, ninia maestro mak KXG, ka uja lia fuan futu manu nian,se maka kesi tara ba TMR hodi tebe, mak KXG.", "Manu ida bele fulun diak maibe depende ba se maka futu manu no kesi tara, kesi ladiak maske fulun diak maibe bele la manan.", "Maibe manu bele fulun la diak maibe ema ne'ebe futu no kesi tara hatene kesi no afina didiak, sei manan no futu iha qualquer horas deit, bele baku manu seluk.", "Anolojia ida ne'e atu hateten deit katak kandidatu ne'ebe maka KXG hamrik iha nia kotuk maka manan iha eleisaun segunda volta.", "Figura Xanana sei importante ba povu no historia rai ida ne'e nian.", "Ninia karisma sobu aisatan ba medidas disciplinares ne'ebe maka qualquer partido bele aplika ba sira nia militantes.", "Poder ne'ebe tuir Max Weber poder mos koalia konaba dominasaun karismatika ne'ebe ninia ligasuan ba fator emosaun no afetividade.", "Hare husi viajem KXG ba fatin sira ne'ebe sama ain ba,fator emosaun no afetividade forte.", "Wainhira KXG lao iha distritus sira ne'ebe maka temi ona iha leten, foti hanesan exemplo:hakbesik ba lideransa Partido Democratico sira iha base, koalia ho lia fuan simples, \"imi husik hau lao mesak?.\"Iha kampane TMR ba segunda volta iha Ermera, KXG haktuir nune'e, \"husu imi nia votus ba TMR, laos atu bolu imi ba tama CNRT.\"", "Neduni, partidus ka forsas politikus ne'ebe deit labele klaim ka auto-proklama vitoria TMR ne'e mak sasukat ba votus partidu ruma.", "Lia fuan sira ne'e badak deit maibe ninia impaktus bot.Husi parte seluk katak, memoria liga ba historia procesu funu nian, liliu fatin sira ne'ebe maka KXG sama ain no hatudu husi resultadu tradus husi votus, sei honra ba memoria historika ne'ebe procesu funu ba ukun rasik an to'o nia ninin iha tinan 1999, liga ho KXG, autor central no principal.", "Poder ne'ebe KXG iha, nudar fator ida importante mos kontribui ba vitoria TMR.", "Koalia poder, koalia konaba influensia, koalia konaba jogus tatika no estratejikus, koalia konaba meius ka estruturas ne'ebe maka suporta, no sel-seluk tan.", "Wainhira mosu KXG mosu iha kampane, sempre dada emar barak atu ba rona, tamba influensia ho figura KXG nian.", "Tuir Filosofo Michel Foucoult, poder nee estabelece husi relasaun husi individuos no poder halao tuir redes ne'ebe iha ona.", "Presensa KXG dada emar barak no relasaun ka kontak husi emar ba emar.", "Mos KXG ho ninia relasaun ho massa konstroe ona iha rede ida ne'ebe pertence procesu historia nian rasik.", "Poder mos iha sasukat ho tatika no estratejia ne'ebe maka lider sira hola hodi atua iha momentu ne'ebe deit hodi alkansa ba objetivu ruma.", "Ba KXG ho CNRT eleisaun Presidensial ne'e importante, resultadu presidensial ninia impaktus ba lejislativa.", "Hodi asegura ba poder, tamba estratejia ba eleisaun Presidensial no Lejislativa buat rua lao hanesan,ninia korelasaun ba malu, atu ida ninia impaktus ba seluk.", "Haknauk lia fuan husi Nicole Maquievel ne'ebe koalia konaba poder maka identiku ho \"conquisat e manutencao do poder.\"", "Neduni KXG ninia envolvevimentu iha kampane segunda volta bele mos le husi definisaun Maquivel nian ne'e.", "Hafoin kruza definisaun autores ka matenek nain lubun ida konaba poder no liga ho Poder ne'ebe maka autor central ba hakerek ne'e mak Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, ninia poder, influencia no autoridade impaktus direta ka indidereta ba Vitoria Taur Matan Ruak ba Presidente Republika 2012-2017! * Ne'e opiniaun rasik husi autor nian no sem influensia no representa autor nia haknar fatin!", "Publicada por FORUM HAKSESUK a (s) 10:20 da tarde" ]
[ [ "FORUM HAKSESUK: Xanana/TMR election President of the Republic In presidential elections for first time, candidate Taur Matan Ruak (TMR) succeeded in going to a second round with Francisco Guterres Lu'olo who was supported by Fretilin Party." ], [ "Why is this analysis important for the victory of TMR in second round league against Xanana, due to some factors." ], [ "One reason, TMR's candidacy bear the name Veteranus." ], [ "TMR's candidacy was supported by the CNRT Party, whose President is Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão himself." ], [ "Through these two structures, the victory of TMR was justified by a contribution from Xanana factor." ], [ "Xanana Gusmao is the father and brother of all Veterans, therefore TMR candidacy carries veteran name using every means available to him. All attributes are used with names that belong for our people as a whole in history" ], [ "From the national movements supporting TMR, named veteranos (veterans), starting with Mertuto Ermera and a declaration by Frentes Armadas e Klandestinas declared their backing for MRT." ], [ "The popular mass organizations of the resistance also all spread over a wave in support for TMR' s candidacy." ], [ "Of all these movements, the TMR candidacy with its successful team structure and supporting parties as well a veteran' s organization are confident that their candidate has chance of winning in first round." ], [ "Because of unfavorable signs, before closing the TMR candidate campaign Xanana appeared in a press conference on March 10th at Demokrasia camp (Mar.3rd/25), this presence was important for many people and it is decisive to pass into second round with direct influence over voting sentiment both Dili capital city as well As Manatuto province" ], [ "Talking about the power, influence and authority of Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao (KXG) in presidential election. Particularly important contribution Kxg to TMR victory with theoretical framework by many authors or sages who wrote on Power itself such as Weber Michel Foucault Hobbes Machiavelli etc..." ], [ "Power reveals social relations, the structure of organized societies or interest groups in society." ], [ "Power also conditions the life of a woman in certain spaces, imposing coherence and organization." ], [ "Power can also be exercised through influence, authority or domination." ], [ "Influence is also a social relationship in which people with knowledge or power modify the behavior of individuals and groups through simple communication." ], [ "This authority corresponds with the ability to enforce obedience of order." ], [ "Authority can also be spoken of as domination, which according to the sociologist Max Weber means \"dominance and probability for finding obedience among certain indicable people.\"" ], [ "Weber divides this domination into three types: charismatic, traditional and legal dominance." ], [ "Denominasi karismatika katak, \"charismatic domination is influenced directly by emotional and affective factors.\"" ], [ "Denomisaun tradicional katak, \"Traditional domination is that based on the belief and powers of lordship where one commanding obeys to another. Unlike legal dominance it' s not formal.\"" ], [ "According to the legal term katak, \"legal rule is based on statutes that can be modified and created as long it has been pre-established.\"" ], [ "According to the philosopher Michel Foucault, we are talking about \"power relations\" between individuals." ], [ "For Foucault, power is something that's exercised in a network.\"" ], [ "According to the Honestian concept of power is, \"the greatest amongst all authority and that which comes from state as a result in suming up those authorities for mankind at forming his social contract.\"" ], [ "Another author who spoke about power was Niccolò Machiavelli, the great Italian philosopher and politician." ], [ "According to Machiavelli, \"the obligation of the ruler (Prince) must be that he should conquer and maintain Power." ], [ "For this, he must adopt some strategies.\"" ], [ "In the second round, KXG was directly involved in campaigning for TMR's candidate. From 9th to13 th April we were running a Campaign on behalf of our MRT-candidates and they won by overwhelming majority (50%+2)." ], [ "Nudar PM KXG, write a letter to the President of Republic asking for license (04/12) ." ], [ "The results of the second round show that TMR won in all districts where Xanana campaigned, namely: Ermera; Aileu. Ainaro Maun Fahe Covalima Bobonaro and Liquisa" ], [ "Mos Oecusse, during one week of state service had a real influence on the results that TMR candidates got in elections." ], [ "A comparison of the voters that TMR obtained in these districts during its first round shows a significant increase." ], [ "According to the data obtained by STAE, see table 1:2.794 (30%)568() Tables of results are given in alphabetical order from lower upwards and show that there were no difference between candidate numbers for each state or municipality as per statistical analysis performed on November-December during this election period;" ], [ "Hahu husi mobilized the resources of Veterans, armed front structure (region I-II and III) in Clandestine Front mass popular organization." ], [ "Political parties such as, CNRT and UDT; some of Fretilin itself. Some from PD (Democratic Party), PSD etc..." ], [ "Husi Sociedade Civil, no sst. (in Portuguese)." ], [ "The efforts of all forces were the result that TMR obtained in first round." ], [ "The resulting formula for TMR candidates in the first round is: First Round Results (TMRI), Veteranus, Civil Society and Political Parties or with a formule like this TMRi= V + SC+ Pp." ], [ "The results obtained by the TMR candidates in their first round can be used to divide up these variable." ], [ "The political parties and forces that support TMR, have already measured their strengths in this election." ], [ "The first round of elections is a test for potential electorates, especially bot parties." ], [ "In the second round, one-week campaign participation and serving as head of government in Oecusse had a drastic impact on voter sentiment." ], [ "According to the final results obtained, writes Agencia Lusa (17/04 / 25), see table no.3 below: $689 ($-$) + € -€). See Table nº" ], [ "The purpose of this argument is to demonstrate the data and influence factor KXG for TMR candidate's victory in Presidential Election 2017." ], [ "The Xanana factor is a determinant, TMR elected in the second round but some things like this: people are not talking about 2 candidates now they're looking at who will be behind them; figure and charisma of KXG also determined by it." ], [ "Both candidates are good figure, both people of resistance and warriors. But the question is: who stands behind them?" ], [ "In terms of the candidate Francisco Guterres Lu'olo, from Fretilin party (Frelimo), his master is Mari Alkatiri." ], [ "Impresa lia fuan, modo manu se ka'i. I have a case recently that is MA (Master of Arts)." ], [ "The TMR candidate, supported by the CNRP party. His master is KXG; or if you want to use a phrase of your hand's fingertips: whoever beats him with his knife it will have been CJF!" ], [ "A man can flour well but it depends on whether he is a futter and kesi tara, kesis ladiak even though the fluff good may not win." ], [ "But the bird can not flun well but a man who is futting and kessing knows how to squeeze, he will beat it at any time." ], [ "This analogy is simply to say that the candidate whose backs KXG supported won in a second round of elections." ], [ "The figure of Xanana will be important for the people and history in this country." ], [ "His charisma undermines the impunity of disciplinary measure that any party can apply to its members." ], [ "Power in Max Weber's power theory also referred to charismatic domination, which is linked with the emotional and affective factors." ], [ "From KXG's trip to places that are closer than we think, there is a strong emotional and affective factor." ], [ "When KXG visited the districts mentioned above, for example: approaching Democratic Party leadership at grassroot level with simple words like \"you're leaving me alone?\". In TMR campaign in Ermera during second round of elections 2013 (in which he was nominated by his party), it said that they were asking people to vote on them and not call you into CNRP.\"" ], [ "Therefore, only the parties or political forces that claimed to have won TMR can be held responsible for a party's vote." ], [ "On the other hand, memory linked to history of war processes and particularly places where KXG was present as shown by results translated from votes will honor historical remembrance that fighting for independence until its end in 1975 is related with kxg being central author." ], [ "The power of KXG was an important factor in TMR's victory." ], [ "They talk about power, they speak of influences and tactical or strategic games that are played; the means/structures which support them etc." ], [ "When KXG appears in the campaign, there is always a lot of crowd to be heard because it has an influence on their figure." ], [ "According to the philosopher Michel Foucoult, power is established by relationships between individual people and it operated in accordance with existing network." ], [ "The presence of KXG gives many spouses and relationships or contact from wife to husband." ], [ "The KXG and its relations with the masses have been constructed in a network that belong to historical process itself." ], [ "Power is also measured by the tactics and strategies that leaders adopt to act at any given moment in order for a particular goal or objective." ], [ "For KXG and CNRT The presidential election is important, the result of which will have an impact on legislature." ], [ "To secure power, because the strategy for presidential and legislative elections both work in a similar way; they are interrelated so that one has an impact on another." ], [ "In the words of Nicole Maquievel, power is identical with \"conquest and maintenance.\"" ], [ "Therefore, KXG's involvement in the second round campaign can also be read from this Machiavellian definition." ], [ "After crossing the definitions of author or wiser person about power and connection with Power, who is central to this article' s writer Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao. His influence on Vitoria Taur Matan Ruak for President Republic 2017! * This opinion was expressed by himself without influencing anybody other than him/herself; it does not represent his position as a presidential candidate!!" ], [ "Publicada por FORUM HAKSESUK a(s) domingo, março10.23 No comments: Links to this post" ] ]
Xanana Gusmao “Garante” Kargu Prezidenti Republika ba Lu-Olo - TIMOR AGORA\nXanana Gusmao “Garante” Kargu Prezidenti Republika ba Lu-Olo\nGLENO (ANTIL) – Prezidenti Partidu Congresso Nasional Rekontrusaun Timorense (CNRT), Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao iha kampanye abertura kandidatura prezidenti republika, Francisco “Lu-Olo” Guterres “garantia” ona kargu prezidenti republika ba kandidatura numeru rua ne’e hodi tuur iha Palasiu Aitarak Laran nu’udar Prezidenti Republika periodu 2017-2022.\nHamutuk ho Partidu CNRT, Xanana Gusmao deklara Lu-Olo sei manan iha primeira ronde.\n“Lu-Olo sei manan primeira ronde, laiha tan segunda ronde,” hakilar Xanana Gusmao wainhira hato’o nia intervensaun iha kampana kandidatura hosi Partidu FRETILIN ne’e, Sexta (03/03/2017), iha Gleno, Autoridade Munisipal Ermera.\nTamba ne’e laos deit CNRT ho FRETILIN, husu mos ba militante CASDT, UNDERTIM, PEP no povu tomak atu vota Lu-Olo iha loron eleisaun prezidensial nian ne’ebe sei realiza iha 20 marsu 2017.\nNune’e mos Sekretariu Jeral Partidu FRETILIN, Mari Alkatiri iha nia intervensaun husu ba povu tomak hodi hili kandidatura Lu-Olo nune’e bele sai prezidenti republika ba povu tomak.\n“Ita hotu sei vota ba Lu-Olo hodi lori nia ba Palasiu Aitarak Laran nudar prezidenti republika,” hakilar Mari Alkatiri.\nNia esplika katak, kandidatura Lu-Olo hili Ermera, tuir Mari Alkatiri nia pensamentu atu hatudu deit sinal Timor ema ida deit, laiha loro-monu laiha loro-sa’e.\nSaudozu Nino Conis Santana maski mai hosi rai Tutuala (Lautem), maibe iha luta ba libertasaun rai ne’e nian, nia mate iha Ermera tamba deit defende prinsipiu luta ba ukun rasik an.\nHo istoria hirak ne’e, Marii Alkatiri dehan Lu-Olo ohin hahu loke prosesu foun ida no istoria foun ida atu hatudu ba Timoroan tomak katak demokrasia laos atu fahe ema, maibe demokrasia atu fo ba Timoroan tomak iha liberdade atu hanoin no liberdade atu halibur.\n“Agora ita tenki hamutuk para lori rai ne’e ba oin. Lu-Olo sai simbolu ba ida ne’e,” Mari Alkatiri haklaken lia unidade nasional.\nHodi konvida Timoroan tomak, espesial povu Ermera atu hamutuk dala ida tan iha tempu ida ne’e hodi lori Lu-Olo ba Palasiu Aitarak Laran nu’udar prezidenti republika ba periodu 2017-2022 tamba Lu-Olo sei loke prosesu foun ida no istoria foun ba futuru Timor-Leste iha ambitu unidade nasional.\nIha nia intervensaun ne’e mos, sekretariu jeral Partidu FRETILIN ne’e mos hato’o lia fuan deskulpa, “Atu hahu’u hau lori FRETILIN nia naran husu kedan deskulpa tamb abuat ruma lao ladun diak iha organizasaun ida ne’e”.\nAlende ida ne’e, lori partidu FRETILIN nia naran, CNRT, UNDERTIM, CASDT nia naran Alkatiri fo obrigado ba partisipante kampana tomak ne’ebe fo ona nia tempu atu halibur malu iha kampana dahuluk kandidatura Lu-Olo nian. (Jornalista: Manuel Pinto / Editor: Gantry Meilana)
[ "Xanana Gusmao \"Garante\" Kargu Prezidenti Republika ba Lu-Olo - TIMOR AGORA Xanana Gusmao \"Garante\" Kargu Prezidenti Republika ba Lu-Olo GLENO (ANTIL) - Prezidenti Partidu Congresso Nasional Rekontrusaun Timorense (CNRT), Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao iha kampanye abertura kandidatura prezidenti republika, Francisco \"Lu-Olo\" Guterres \"garantia\" ona kargu prezidenti republika ba kandidatura numeru rua ne'e hodi tuur iha Palasiu Aitarak Laran nu'udar Prezidenti Republika periodu 2017-2022.", "Hamutuk ho Partidu CNRT, Xanana Gusmao deklara Lu-Olo sei manan iha primeira ronde.", "\"Lu-Olo sei manan primeira ronde, laiha tan segunda ronde,\" hakilar Xanana Gusmao wainhira hato'o nia intervensaun iha kampana kandidatura hosi Partidu FRETILIN ne'e, Sexta (03/03/2017), iha Gleno, Autoridade Munisipal Ermera.", "Tamba ne'e laos deit CNRT ho FRETILIN, husu mos ba militante CASDT, UNDERTIM, PEP no povu tomak atu vota Lu-Olo iha loron eleisaun prezidensial nian ne'ebe sei realiza iha 20 marsu 2017.", "Nune'e mos Sekretariu Jeral Partidu FRETILIN, Mari Alkatiri iha nia intervensaun husu ba povu tomak hodi hili kandidatura Lu-Olo nune'e bele sai prezidenti republika ba povu tomak.", "\"Ita hotu sei vota ba Lu-Olo hodi lori nia ba Palasiu Aitarak Laran nudar prezidenti republika,\" hakilar Mari Alkatiri.", "Nia esplika katak, kandidatura Lu-Olo hili Ermera, tuir Mari Alkatiri nia pensamentu atu hatudu deit sinal Timor ema ida deit, laiha loro-monu laiha loro-sa'e.", "Saudozu Nino Conis Santana maski mai hosi rai Tutuala (Lautem), maibe iha luta ba libertasaun rai ne'e nian, nia mate iha Ermera tamba deit defende prinsipiu luta ba ukun rasik an.", "Ho istoria hirak ne'e, Marii Alkatiri dehan Lu-Olo ohin hahu loke prosesu foun ida no istoria foun ida atu hatudu ba Timoroan tomak katak demokrasia laos atu fahe ema, maibe demokrasia atu fo ba Timoroan tomak iha liberdade atu hanoin no liberdade atu halibur.", "\"Agora ita tenki hamutuk para lori rai ne'e ba oin.", "Lu-Olo sai simbolu ba ida ne'e,\" Mari Alkatiri haklaken lia unidade nasional.", "Hodi konvida Timoroan tomak, espesial povu Ermera atu hamutuk dala ida tan iha tempu ida ne'e hodi lori Lu-Olo ba Palasiu Aitarak Laran nu'udar prezidenti republika ba periodu 2017-2022 tamba Lu-Olo sei loke prosesu foun ida no istoria foun ba futuru Timor-Leste iha ambitu unidade nasional.", "Iha nia intervensaun ne'e mos, sekretariu jeral Partidu FRETILIN ne'e mos hato'o lia fuan deskulpa, \"Atu hahu'u hau lori FRETILIN nia naran husu kedan deskulpa tamb abuat ruma lao ladun diak iha organizasaun ida ne'e.\"", "Alende ida ne'e, lori partidu FRETILIN nia naran, CNRT, UNDERTIM, CASDT nia naran Alkatiri fo obrigado ba partisipante kampana tomak ne'ebe fo ona nia tempu atu halibur malu iha kampana dahuluk kandidatura Lu-Olo nian.", "(Jornalista: Manuel Pinto / Editor: Gantry Meilana)" ]
[ [ "Xanana Gusmao \"Gurantee\" Presidential Post for Lu-Olo - TIMOR AGORA Presidentel post of the Republic to Luis Manuel Ramos Horta (Lu Olo) GLENO, ANTIL – In his opening candidacy campaign as candidate number two in Timorese National Reconstruction Congress Party's president election contest against Kay Rala Gusmão and Francisco Guterres “lu’olo” Guterres on Thursday morning at Palasiu Aitarak Laran." ], [ "Together with the CNRT Party, Xanana Gusmao declared that Lu-Olo will win in first round." ], [ "\"Lu-Olo will win the first round, there is no second\", Xanana Gusmao said when he made his intervention in FRETILIN's candidacy campaign on Friday (03/17), at Glenu Municipal Authority of Ermera." ], [ "Therefore, not only CNRT and FRETILIN but also CASDT's members of UNDERTIM PEP asking the whole people to vote for Lu-Olo on presidential election day which will take place March 20th." ], [ "Similarly, the General Secretary of FRETILIN Party Mari Alkatiri in his intervention asked all people to vote for Lu-Olo's candidacy so that he could become president and be a representative from their whole nation." ], [ "\"We are all going to vote for Lu-Olo and take him into the Aitarak Laran Palace as president of our country,\" said Mari Alkatiri." ], [ "He explained that Lu-Olo’s candidacy chose Ermera, according to Mari Alkatiri' s thinking just showing the sign of Timor one man only." ], [ "The late Nino Conis Santana, although he came from Tutuala (Lautem), but in the struggle for liberation of this land died at Ermera just because it defended principles to fight independence." ], [ "With these stories, Marii Alkatiri said that Lu-Olo today begins to open a new process and history in showing all Timorese people the democracy is not about dividing but rather it gives them freedom of thought as well free assembly." ], [ "\"Now we must work together to take this country forward." ], [ "Lu-Olo becomes a symbol of this,\" Mari Alkatiri proclaimed his national unity." ], [ "By inviting all Timorese, especially the people of Ermera to come together once again at this time in order for Lu-Olo's election as President 2017 -35 because he will open up a new process and history on future national unity." ], [ "In his intervention, the Secretary General of FRETILIN Party also apologized: \"To begin with I take on behalf from Fretilin to apologize for anything that went wrong in this organization.\"" ], [ "In addition to this, on behalf of the FRETILIN party's CNRT UNDERTIM and CASDT Alkatiri thanked all campaign participants who have given their time in gathering together for Lu-Olo’ s first candidacy." ], [ "(Journalist: Manuel Pinto / Editor-in–Chief Gantry Meilana)" ] ]
Tetun Alkitab Kristus Klosan Lian 21\n☰ Kristus Klosan Lian 21 ◀ ▶\nPaulus nakara fila baa Yerusalem\n1 Ami tami malu ho fukun sarani kota Efesus sia tiꞌan, ami saꞌe roo tasi hodi neon todan. Hotu ami laꞌo liu baa rai Kos. Baa awan, ami toꞌo rai Rodos. Hosi nia, ami laꞌo liu tenik baa namon ida naran Patara. 2 Toꞌo Patara, ami tuun, hotu saꞌe roo seluk baa rai Fenisia, kreꞌis rai Siria. Saꞌe tiꞌan, ema foti saꞌe sao kedan. 3 La kleur, ami haree rai Siprus iha sorin karuk, mais ami liu toꞌo soe sao iha kota Tirus iha rai Siria, tan ema roo sia atu natuun naha iha nia.\n4 Tan sia natuun naha sei kleu-leur, ami moos tuun baa buka Yesus eman sia iha nia. Hasoru tiꞌan, ami hein ho sia domiku ida laran. Sia netan tadak nosi Maromak Kmalar Lulik tiꞌan, nebee nakahik Paulus baa Yerusalem. Mais nia la noꞌuk rona. 5 Domiku ida hotu tiꞌan, ami fila hikar baa roo. Yesus eman sia hotu-hotu no nela ami toꞌo tasi tehen. Sia feto-mane, kiꞌik-boot, matas-lawarik baa hotu. Toꞌo tasi tehen tiꞌan, ami hotu-hotu hakniꞌa hodi hamulak bele-bele. 6 Hamulak hotu, ami moos tami, saꞌe baa roo. Sia moos fila.\n7 Hosi Tirus, ami tuli kota Ptolemais. Iha nia ami tuun, baa buka Yesus eman sia. Hasoru tiꞌan, ami hein ho sia loron ida. 8 Baa awan, ami laꞌo hosi nia, baa kota Kaisarea. Iha nia, ami hein iha Filipus uman. Filipus nia, ema mak dala uluk nodi Lia Diꞌak nosi Yesus baa fatin nia. Nia moos ema ida nosi ema naꞌin hitu, mak klosan sia boi nola atu faꞌe haan bodik feto faluk sia iha Yerusalem.✡ 9 Filipus oan feto, naꞌin haat. Maromak nalo sia baa makoꞌan, nebee katak Niakaan hakara.\n10 Ami hein iha nia loron hira tiꞌan, Maromak makoꞌan ida naran Agabus mai nosi rai Yudea.✡ 11 Oras nia nasoru ami, nia nola Paulus bolas, hotu kesi ain-liman duꞌuk nodi katak naꞌak, “Naꞌi Maromak Kmalar Lulik naꞌak, ‘Bolas neꞌe naꞌin, atu netan susar. Ema Yahudi sia atu kesi bobar nia nuneꞌe iha Yerusalem. Hotu sia atu latan nia baa ema lahoos Yahudi liman.’ ”\n12 Rona Agabus dale nunia, ami hotu-hotu hakahik bei-beik Paulus nebee keta baa tenik Yerusalem ona. Ami mak Paulus niakaan mamaluk serwisu, ho Yesus eman sia nosi fatin nia, bele-bele hakahik nia nunia. 13 Mais Paulus nataa naꞌak, “Lale! Haꞌu kmusti baa. Tan saa emi tanis? Emi hatodan haꞌu dei. Masik ema kesi haꞌu no noꞌo haꞌu moos, haꞌu ksimu. Surak haꞌu ktuir haꞌukaan Naꞌin mak Yesus.”\n14 Rona Paulus dale nunia, ami hatene nia la noꞌuk rona ami. Tan baa nia, ami hamamar nia hodi haꞌak, “Soꞌin baa! Nebee tuir Naꞌi Maromak hakaran dei.”\nPaulus toꞌo Yerusalem\n15 Ami hein loron hira tenik, ami moos hadiꞌa naha baa Yerusalem. 16 Yesus eman naꞌin hira nosi Kaisarea moos tuir ami baa Yerusalem. Sia nodi ami baa uma ida iha Yerusalem, nebee ami hein iha nia. Uma nia naꞌin, naran Manason. Nia nosi rai Siprus. Nia fiar Yesus kleur tiꞌan. 17 Toꞌo nebaa, mamaluk makfiar sia hotu-hotu simu ami nodi neon diꞌak.\nPaulus baa naree Yakobus\n18 Baa awan, ami baa hasoru Yakobus. Fukun sarani seluk hotu-hotu moos namutuk iha nia. 19 Tabe malu hotu, Paulus katak naꞌak, “Naꞌi Maromak babilan haꞌukaan serwisu tiꞌan, toꞌo ema lahoos Yahudi moos fiar baa Yesus.” 20 Rona Paulus dale nunia, sia hotu-hotu tonu-naboot Naꞌi Maromak.\nSia moos katak baa Paulus naꞌak, “Mau! Surak ita hatene, ema Yahudi rihun-rihun moos fiar tiꞌan baa Yesus. Sia sei kaer metin Ukun-badu mak Bei Musa natuun baa ita ema Yahudi. 21 Mais noo ema mai nasaꞌe uluk lia baa sia naꞌak, mau nanorin la loos. Sia tula sala naꞌak, mau nanorin ema Yahudi nebee lalika tuir Ukun-badu Bei Musa ona. Sia moos nasalak naꞌak, mau hakahik sia nebee keta nalo adat hamane aan baa siakaan oan mane. No lalika tuir itakaan adat Yahudi seluk sia. 22 Ema Yahudi iha Yerusalem neꞌe rona lia anin nia tiꞌan. Sia krakat basuk baa mau. Oras neꞌe, sia moos rona naꞌak mau mai tiꞌan. Ita buka dalan nunabee?\n23 Tuir ami nuneꞌe: Noo amikaan mamaluk naꞌin haat. Uluk sia namate menon no Naꞌi Maromak atu nalo buat ida. Oras neꞌe, sia atu koi molik ulun, nalo baa tadak naꞌak sia nalaꞌok hotu siakaan mamenon tiꞌan. 24 Kalo bele, mau namutuk no sia baa Uma Hamulak Huun. Mau musti tuir sia modi malo adat hamoos aan. Mau moos musti selu bodik ema mak nalaꞌok adat nia. Kalo mau nalo nunia, ema natene mau sei kaer metin itakaan Ukun-badu nosi Bei Musa. Hodi nunia sia filak lia anin hotu-hotu nia, lia tolek!✡\n25 Mais bodik ema lahoos Yahudi mak fiar tiꞌan baa Yesus, ami solok tiꞌan hakerek ida bodik sia. Ami katak amikaan kakotun hori hirak nia haꞌak, sia lalika tuir mohu itakaan adat Yahudi. Mais sia musti nalaꞌok lia ida-rua neꞌe: Keta halo lia kfoꞌer, keta haa naꞌan sera baa kukun, keta haa naꞌan raan, no keta haa naꞌan mak ema nisak noꞌo. Lia nia dei mak ami katak baa itakaan mamaluk lahoos Yahudi sia. Oras neꞌe, kalo mau nalaꞌok amikaan dale neꞌe, ita ema sarani mak Yahudi no lahoos Yahudi, bele moris diꞌa-diꞌak ho malu.”✡\n26 Rona nola nunia, Paulus moos simu. Baa awan, nia namutuk no ema naꞌin haat nia nalo lahan namoos isin lolon tuir ukun-badu Yahudi. Hotu nia baa Uma Hamulak Huun nodi katak naꞌak, sei loron hira tenik, foin sia ida-idak mai natama sera baa Naꞌi Maromak, tan sia nalaꞌok mohu mamenon tiꞌan.\nEma kohi Paulus iha Uma Hamulak Huun\n27-29 Oras loron hitu atu siku ona, ema Yahudi naꞌin hira nosi rai Asia naree Paulus laꞌo iha kota Yerusalem namutuk no ema ida naran Trofimus. Trofimus nia, lahoos ema Yahudi. Nia nosi kota Efesus. Loron nia moos, ema Yahudi nia sia naree Paulus tama baa Uma Hamulak Huun. Sia naꞌak falik Trofimus moos tama bele-bele no Paulus. Tan lia nia, sia krakat basuk, tan ema lahoos Yahudi la bele tama Uma Hamulak Huun. Hotu sia foti lia nia dadi baa kakaer atu nalo lia. Sia sasuꞌat ema atu kohi Paulus nodi nahii naꞌak, “Hei! Ema Israꞌel sia! Mai lai! Ema neꞌe nanorin iha fatin hotu-hotu nebee ita habusik itakaan ukun. Oras neꞌe nia nodi ema seluk tama baa nadois Uma Hamulak Huun!”✡\n30 Rona nola nunia, ema kota Yerusalem tomak laran manas. Sia nalai baa lituk nola Uma Hamulak Huun. Sia kohi nola Paulus, dada sarat nia sai nosi Uma Hamulak Huun. Hotu sia taka kedan odamatan nanokar.*\n31 Sia atu noꞌo Paulus, mais noo ema solok lia baa sondadu ulun boot Roma naꞌak ema kota Yerusalem tomak tokar lauk tiꞌan. 32 Rona nola nunia, sondadu ulun boot nia baa kedas ema lear nia, bele-bele no niakaan sondadu no ain-liman sia. Naree nunia, ema lear nia nanawa taꞌe Paulus. 33 Hotu sondadu ulun boot naruka kohi Paulus, hotu kesi nia nodi besi talik matan rua. Hotu nia nusu baa ema lear nia naꞌak, “Ema neꞌe see? Nia nalo saa?”\n34 Mais sia nataa la kona baa malu. Balu naꞌak, “Nalo nuneꞌe”. Balu tenik naꞌak, “Nalo nunia.” Ema lear nia nahii bele-bele, toꞌo sondadu ulun boot benar, tan la natene lia nia huun-dikin. Hotu nia naruka sondadu sia nodi Paulus baa sondadu fatin. 35-36 Sondadu sia dada nodi Paulus baa, ema lear moos tuir. Sia hetak krakat. Baa oras sondadu sia saꞌe asodan atu tama baa sondadu fatin, ema lear nalai soruk baa oin, toꞌo sondadu sia musti fiꞌit saꞌe Paulus, nebee ema lear nia keta raun nadodok nia. Sia moos nahii makaꞌas naꞌak, “Hoꞌo nia! Hoꞌo nia ona!”\nPaulus nusu atu naloos aan iha ema lear oin\n37 Baa oras sondadu sia atu natama Paulus baa siakaan fatin, Paulus nusu leet baa sondadu ulun boot. Nia dale nodi lia Yunani naꞌak, “Ama, haꞌu kbele dale ka?”\nRona Paulus dale nodi lia Yunani, sondadu ulun boot nia sarebak. Nia nataa naꞌak, “O matene lia Yunani ka? Oin nunabee o bele dale lia Yunani? 38 Keta arumak haꞌu kanoin sala tiꞌan. Haꞌu kaꞌak falik, o neꞌe ema Mesir nia mak sasuꞌat ema atu sakar ukunrai. Hori hirak nia, nia libur nola ema makaer kilat naꞌin rihun haat iha fatin fuik. O mak ema nia ka lahoos?”\n39 Paulus nataa naꞌak, “Lale, ama! Haꞌu neꞌe, ema Yahudi. Haꞌu kmoris iha kota Tarsus iha rai Kilikia. Haꞌu kusu ama foo leet, nebee haꞌu kbele dale ko ema lear neꞌe.”\n40 Rona nunia, sondadu ulun boot nia moos noꞌuk. Hotu Paulus nariik baa asodan leten, foti liman nodi nakahik ema lear nia nebee no-nook. Hotu nia nahuu dale nodi siakaan lia Aram duꞌuk. (Iha Yerusalem nia, ema Yahudi sia dale nodi lia Aram.)†\n✡ 21:8 Kristus Klosan Lian 6:5, 8:5 ✡ 21:10 Kristus Klosan Lian 11:28 ✡ 21:24 Sura Renu Israꞌel 6:13-21 ✡ 21:25 Kristus Klosan Lian 15:29 ✡ 21:27-29 Kristus Klosan Lian 20:4 * 21:30 Tuir ukun-badu Yahudi, ema la bele hoꞌo ema iha Uma Hamulak Huun. Kalo ema ida tama tiꞌan baa Uma Hamulak Huun, hotu kaer dikur iha sera fatin, ema la bele nalo sa-saa baa nia. Tan lia nia, ema Yahudi sia taka odamatan nanokar nebee Paulus la tama nikar baa Uma Hamulak Huun. † 21:40 Hakerek Moon lia Yunani naꞌak ‘lia Ibrani’. Ema Yahudi siakaan lia nia, ema moos temi naꞌak lia Aram.
[ "Tetun Alkitab Kristus Klosan Lian 21 Kristus Klosan Lian 21 < > Paulus nakara fila baa Yerusalem 1 Ami tami malu ho fukun sarani kota Efesus sia tian, ami sae roo tasi hodi neon todan.", "Hotu ami lao liu baa rai Kos.", "Baa awan, ami too rai Rodos.", "Hosi nia, ami lao liu tenik baa namon ida naran Patara.", "2 Too Patara, ami tuun, hotu sae roo seluk baa rai Fenisia, kreis rai Siria.", "Sae tian, ema foti sae sao kedan.", "3 La kleur, ami haree rai Siprus iha sorin karuk, mais ami liu too soe sao iha kota Tirus iha rai Siria, tan ema roo sia atu natuun naha iha nia.", "4 Tan sia natuun naha sei kleu-leur, ami moos tuun baa buka Yesus eman sia iha nia.", "Hasoru tian, ami hein ho sia domiku ida laran.", "Sia netan tadak nosi Maromak Kmalar Lulik tian, nebee nakahik Paulus baa Yerusalem.", "Mais nia la nouk rona.", "5 Domiku ida hotu tian, ami fila hikar baa roo.", "Yesus eman sia hotu-hotu no nela ami too tasi tehen.", "Sia feto-mane, kiik-boot, matas-lawarik baa hotu.", "Too tasi tehen tian, ami hotu-hotu haknia hodi hamulak bele-bele.", "6 Hamulak hotu, ami moos tami, sae baa roo.", "Sia moos fila.", "7 Hosi Tirus, ami tuli kota Ptolemais.", "Iha nia ami tuun, baa buka Yesus eman sia.", "Hasoru tian, ami hein ho sia loron ida.", "8 Baa awan, ami lao hosi nia, baa kota Kaisarea.", "Iha nia, ami hein iha Filipus uman.", "Filipus nia, ema mak dala uluk nodi Lia Diak nosi Yesus baa fatin nia.", "Nia moos ema ida nosi ema nain hitu, mak klosan sia boi nola atu fae haan bodik feto faluk sia iha Yerusalem. 9 Filipus oan feto, nain haat.", "Maromak nalo sia baa makoan, nebee katak Niakaan hakara.", "10 Ami hein iha nia loron hira tian, Maromak makoan ida naran Agabus mai nosi rai Yudea. 11 Oras nia nasoru ami, nia nola Paulus bolas, hotu kesi ain-liman duuk nodi katak naak, \"Nai Maromak Kmalar Lulik naak, 'Bolas nee nain, atu netan susar.", "Ema Yahudi sia atu kesi bobar nia nunee iha Yerusalem.", "Hotu sia atu latan nia baa ema lahoos Yahudi liman.' \" 12 Rona Agabus dale nunia, ami hotu-hotu hakahik bei-beik Paulus nebee keta baa tenik Yerusalem ona.", "Ami mak Paulus niakaan mamaluk serwisu, ho Yesus eman sia nosi fatin nia, bele-bele hakahik nia nunia.", "13 Mais Paulus nataa naak, \"Lale!", "Hau kmusti baa.", "Tan saa emi tanis?", "Emi hatodan hau dei.", "Masik ema kesi hau no noo hau moos, hau ksimu.", "Surak hau ktuir haukaan Nain mak Yesus.\"", "14 Rona Paulus dale nunia, ami hatene nia la nouk rona ami.", "Tan baa nia, ami hamamar nia hodi haak, \"Soin baa!", "Nebee tuir Nai Maromak hakaran dei.\"", "Paulus too Yerusalem 15 Ami hein loron hira tenik, ami moos hadia naha baa Yerusalem.", "16 Yesus eman nain hira nosi Kaisarea moos tuir ami baa Yerusalem.", "Sia nodi ami baa uma ida iha Yerusalem, nebee ami hein iha nia.", "Uma nia nain, naran Manason.", "Nia nosi rai Siprus.", "Nia fiar Yesus kleur tian.", "17 Too nebaa, mamaluk makfiar sia hotu-hotu simu ami nodi neon diak.", "Paulus baa naree Yakobus 18 Baa awan, ami baa hasoru Yakobus.", "Fukun sarani seluk hotu-hotu moos namutuk iha nia.", "19 Tabe malu hotu, Paulus katak naak, \"Nai Maromak babilan haukaan serwisu tian, too ema lahoos Yahudi moos fiar baa Yesus.\"", "20 Rona Paulus dale nunia, sia hotu-hotu tonu-naboot Nai Maromak.", "Sia moos katak baa Paulus naak, \"Mau!", "Surak ita hatene, ema Yahudi rihun-rihun moos fiar tian baa Yesus.", "Sia sei kaer metin Ukun-badu mak Bei Musa natuun baa ita ema Yahudi.", "21 Mais noo ema mai nasae uluk lia baa sia naak, mau nanorin la loos.", "Sia tula sala naak, mau nanorin ema Yahudi nebee lalika tuir Ukun-badu Bei Musa ona.", "Sia moos nasalak naak, mau hakahik sia nebee keta nalo adat hamane aan baa siakaan oan mane.", "No lalika tuir itakaan adat Yahudi seluk sia.", "22 Ema Yahudi iha Yerusalem nee rona lia anin nia tian.", "Sia krakat basuk baa mau.", "Oras nee, sia moos rona naak mau mai tian.", "Ita buka dalan nunabee?", "23 Tuir ami nunee: Noo amikaan mamaluk nain haat.", "Uluk sia namate menon no Nai Maromak atu nalo buat ida.", "Oras nee, sia atu koi molik ulun, nalo baa tadak naak sia nalaok hotu siakaan mamenon tian.", "24 Kalo bele, mau namutuk no sia baa Uma Hamulak Huun.", "Mau musti tuir sia modi malo adat hamoos aan.", "Mau moos musti selu bodik ema mak nalaok adat nia.", "Kalo mau nalo nunia, ema natene mau sei kaer metin itakaan Ukun-badu nosi Bei Musa.", "Hodi nunia sia filak lia anin hotu-hotu nia, lia tolek! 25 Mais bodik ema lahoos Yahudi mak fiar tian baa Yesus, ami solok tian hakerek ida bodik sia.", "Ami katak amikaan kakotun hori hirak nia haak, sia lalika tuir mohu itakaan adat Yahudi.", "Mais sia musti nalaok lia ida-rua nee: Keta halo lia kfoer, keta haa naan sera baa kukun, keta haa naan raan, no keta haa naan mak ema nisak noo.", "Lia nia dei mak ami katak baa itakaan mamaluk lahoos Yahudi sia.", "Oras nee, kalo mau nalaok amikaan dale nee, ita ema sarani mak Yahudi no lahoos Yahudi, bele moris dia-diak ho malu.\" 26 Rona nola nunia, Paulus moos simu.", "Baa awan, nia namutuk no ema nain haat nia nalo lahan namoos isin lolon tuir ukun-badu Yahudi.", "Hotu nia baa Uma Hamulak Huun nodi katak naak, sei loron hira tenik, foin sia ida-idak mai natama sera baa Nai Maromak, tan sia nalaok mohu mamenon tian.", "Ema kohi Paulus iha Uma Hamulak Huun 27-29 Oras loron hitu atu siku ona, ema Yahudi nain hira nosi rai Asia naree Paulus lao iha kota Yerusalem namutuk no ema ida naran Trofimus.", "Trofimus nia, lahoos ema Yahudi.", "Nia nosi kota Efesus.", "Loron nia moos, ema Yahudi nia sia naree Paulus tama baa Uma Hamulak Huun.", "Sia naak falik Trofimus moos tama bele-bele no Paulus.", "Tan lia nia, sia krakat basuk, tan ema lahoos Yahudi la bele tama Uma Hamulak Huun.", "Hotu sia foti lia nia dadi baa kakaer atu nalo lia.", "Sia sasuat ema atu kohi Paulus nodi nahii naak, \"Hei!", "Ema Israel sia!", "Mai lai!", "Ema nee nanorin iha fatin hotu-hotu nebee ita habusik itakaan ukun.", "Oras nee nia nodi ema seluk tama baa nadois Uma Hamulak Huun!\" 30 Rona nola nunia, ema kota Yerusalem tomak laran manas.", "Sia nalai baa lituk nola Uma Hamulak Huun.", "Sia kohi nola Paulus, dada sarat nia sai nosi Uma Hamulak Huun.", "Hotu sia taka kedan odamatan nanokar.* 31 Sia atu noo Paulus, mais noo ema solok lia baa sondadu ulun boot Roma naak ema kota Yerusalem tomak tokar lauk tian.", "32 Rona nola nunia, sondadu ulun boot nia baa kedas ema lear nia, bele-bele no niakaan sondadu no ain-liman sia.", "Naree nunia, ema lear nia nanawa tae Paulus.", "33 Hotu sondadu ulun boot naruka kohi Paulus, hotu kesi nia nodi besi talik matan rua.", "Hotu nia nusu baa ema lear nia naak, \"Ema nee see?", "Nia nalo saa?\"", "34 Mais sia nataa la kona baa malu.", "Balu naak, \"Nalo nunee.\"", "Balu tenik naak, \"Nalo nunia.\"", "Ema lear nia nahii bele-bele, too sondadu ulun boot benar, tan la natene lia nia huun-dikin.", "Hotu nia naruka sondadu sia nodi Paulus baa sondadu fatin.", "35-36 Sondadu sia dada nodi Paulus baa, ema lear moos tuir.", "Sia hetak krakat.", "Baa oras sondadu sia sae asodan atu tama baa sondadu fatin, ema lear nalai soruk baa oin, too sondadu sia musti fiit sae Paulus, nebee ema lear nia keta raun nadodok nia.", "Sia moos nahii makaas naak, \"Hoo nia!", "Hoo nia ona!\"", "Paulus nusu atu naloos aan iha ema lear oin 37 Baa oras sondadu sia atu natama Paulus baa siakaan fatin, Paulus nusu leet baa sondadu ulun boot.", "Nia dale nodi lia Yunani naak, \"Ama, hau kbele dale ka?\"", "Rona Paulus dale nodi lia Yunani, sondadu ulun boot nia sarebak.", "Nia nataa naak, \"O matene lia Yunani ka?", "Oin nunabee o bele dale lia Yunani?", "38 Keta arumak hau kanoin sala tian.", "Hau kaak falik, o nee ema Mesir nia mak sasuat ema atu sakar ukunrai.", "Hori hirak nia, nia libur nola ema makaer kilat nain rihun haat iha fatin fuik.", "O mak ema nia ka lahoos?\"", "39 Paulus nataa naak, \"Lale, ama!", "Hau nee, ema Yahudi.", "Hau kmoris iha kota Tarsus iha rai Kilikia.", "Hau kusu ama foo leet, nebee hau kbele dale ko ema lear nee.\"", "40 Rona nunia, sondadu ulun boot nia moos nouk.", "Hotu Paulus nariik baa asodan leten, foti liman nodi nakahik ema lear nia nebee no-nook.", "Hotu nia nahuu dale nodi siakaan lia Aram duuk.", "(Iha Yerusalem nia, ema Yahudi sia dale nodi lia Aram.) + 21:8 Kristus Klosan Lian 6:5, 8:5 21:10 Kristus Klosan Lian 11:28 21:24 Sura Renu Israel 6:13-21 21:25 Kristus Klosan Lian 15:29 21:27-29 Kristus Klosan Lian 20:4 * 21:30 Tuir ukun-badu Yahudi, ema la bele hoo ema iha Uma Hamulak Huun.", "Kalo ema ida tama tian baa Uma Hamulak Huun, hotu kaer dikur iha sera fatin, ema la bele nalo sa-saa baa nia.", "Tan lia nia, ema Yahudi sia taka odamatan nanokar nebee Paulus la tama nikar baa Uma Hamulak Huun. + 21:40 Hakerek Moon lia Yunani naak 'lia Ibrani'.", "Ema Yahudi siakaan lia nia, ema moos temi naak lia Aram." ]
[ [ "21 < > Paul after he had gone up to Jerusalem. We were ashamed of the people who came from Ephesos, so we sailed out into sea and got lost in it for a long time; but now our souls are at peace with God.\"" ], [ "Hotu ami lao liu baa rai Kos." ], [ "Today, we are on the way to Rhodes." ], [ "From there, we went on to a place called Patara." ], [ "2 And when we were come down to Patras, all of us sailed over the other side into Phoenicia and round about Syria." ], [ "Sae tian, ema foti sao kedan." ], [ "3 And when we had seen Cyprus on the right hand, and passed over to Tyre in Syria; for there was no man that would dwell here." ], [ "4 And when he knew that it was to come, we also came seeking Jesus himself in him." ], [ "We are waiting for you in our home." ], [ "They didn't even know that God was the one who had sent Paul to Jerusalem." ], [ "Mais nia la nouk rona." ], [ "5 After the day was over, we returned to our room." ], [ "Jesus gave them all the heads and led us to sea." ], [ "They are all women, young and beautiful." ], [ "Too tasi tehen tian, ami hotu-hotu haknia hodi hamulak belebe." ], [ "6 After the journey, we also took them with us and set out." ], [ "Sia moos fila." ], [ "7 Hosi Tyre, who ruled the city of Ptolemais." ], [ "So we went down, seeking Jesus himself." ], [ "We look forward to seeing you one day." ], [ "8 And the next day we came by sea to Caesarea." ], [ "With him, we waited in Philippus human." ], [ "Philip, who was the first to know of Jesus and his good news." ], [ "8 And he was a man of seven, who had nine oxen to feed the prostitutes in Jerusalem." ], [ "God nalo sia baa makoan, boekae Niakaan hakara." ], [ "10 And in the days that we were waiting for, there came down a man of God named Agabus from Judea." ], [ "The Jews sought to put him on trial in Jerusalem." ], [ "12 When Agabus heard this, the chief of us were constantly praying that Paul should not go up to Jerusalem." ], [ "We are Paul, who serves with Jesus in his presence and wherever he is." ], [ "13 But Paul said afterwards, \"Lale!" ], [ "That's crazy." ], [ "How long have we been together?" ], [ "Emi hatodan this call." ], [ "Masik ema kesi hau no noohau moos, hai ksimu." ], [ "Surak hau ktuir haakaan Nain mak Yesus.\"" ], [ "14 And when we heard Paul, then knew that he would not hear us." ], [ "And when we came to him, and took hold of his hand saying: Soin baa!" ], [ "Nebee tuir Nai Maromak hakaran dei.\" \"Nebe follows Mother God,\" he said." ], [ "15 And when we had waited for a few days, and made ready our way to Jerusalem." ], [ "16 And those of Caesarea who were with Jesus followed us up to Jerusalem." ], [ "We went down to a house in Jerusalem, where we waited for him." ], [ "The name of the owner was Manasseh, and he owned a house." ], [ "He took over the land of Cyprus." ], [ "Our faith in Jesus is so strong." ], [ "17 Too nebaa, the whole family of faith received us well." ], [ "18 And in the morning we went to meet James." ], [ "All the other Christians were also baptized in him." ], [ "19 And when they had talked together, Paul said to them: God has blessed us with this great service that even the Gentiles believe in Jesus Christ." ], [ "20 And when they heard Paul, all of them praised God." ], [ "They also said to Paul, \"Well done!" ], [ "As we know, thousands of Jewish people believed in Jesus." ], [ "They will hold fast to the Holy Law that Moses gave us Jews." ], [ "21 But when the first man came to see him, he did not look right." ], [ "He went astray, not seeing the Jews who were breaking against Moses' eternal law." ], [ "She was also naked, and I asked her where she had gone to learn about the customs of women." ], [ "No lalika follow itakan adat Yahudi lain sia." ], [ "21 And the Jews in Jerusalem heard this saying, and were filled with fear." ], [ "Sia krakat basuk baa mau." ], [ "At this time, you also hear the sounds of naak mau mai tian." ], [ "Are we looking for a way forward?" ], [ "23 So we said: No, but fourteen mothers." ], [ "Uluk sia namate menon no God to take away anything." ], [ "Oras nee, sia atu koi molik ulun. nalo baa tadak naak nia nalaok hotusiakaan mamenon tian.\"" ], [ "24 Then he said, \"I will take you to the Holy House of Prayer.\"" ], [ "You must follow sia modi malo adat to clean up." ], [ "Maus mos must sell bodik ma mak nalaok adat nia." ], [ "If I do not, then they will hold to the law of Moses." ], [ "25 But as many Gentiles believe in Jesus, so much more we rejoice that this is written about them." ], [ "I am not a Jew, but the Jewish tradition has taught me to live in harmony with them." ], [ "But we must remember these two things: Keta halo lia kfoer, keta haa naan sera baa kukun. Keta hae naa raan no ketaa ha aana mak ema nisak noo = Do not do what you don't want to be done by others" ], [ "His deis is what we say to be the reason why he was not a Jew." ], [ "25 But now, if we do not follow this way of living together as Christians—Jews and non-jewers alike,” he said. “We can live with one another.”" ], [ "On the next day, he stabbed four people and washed their bodies according to Jewish law." ], [ "He went to the Good House of Prayer and said that it was good, but there would be days when he will not come again." ], [ "27 And about the seventh hour, some of them that were Jews and from Asia came to Jerusalem unto Paul; they also saw a certain man named Trophim." ], [ "Trofimus nia, not a Jew." ], [ "He carried the city of Ephesus." ], [ "23:1 And it came to pass on a certain day, that the Jews brought Paul into their temple." ], [ "Trophimus and Paul came in at once. They went to the door of Trophimus, but they were stopped by a man named Paulus" ], [ "Because of this, he had a knot on his back so that non-Jews could not enter the Holy House." ], [ "Hotu sia took his dick and went to the cafeteria." ], [ "Sia sasuat ema atu kohi Paulus nodi nahii naak, \"Hey!" ], [ "Ema Israel sia! (Ema, let it be)" ], [ "Mai lai!" ], [ "He is not seen in all the places where we have fought and lost power." ], [ "30 And when they heard this, the whole city of Jerusalem was troubled: and all that were in it went out to pray unto God." ], [ "Sia nalai baa lituk nola Uma Hamulak Huun. They are like a broken hearted man," ], [ "Sia kohi nola Paulus, dada sarat nia sai nosi Uma Hamulak Huun." ], [ "30 And he shut the door behind him, and went away. But when they came to Paul's house in Jerusalem for a long time after his departure from Rome*12:45-67; Acts9 8 (KJV)" ], [ "32 And when he heard this, the great priest went immediately to him with all his disciples and those who were without hands." ], [ "And when he had said this, a man came to Paul." ], [ "32 And when the crowd had heard that Paul was slain, they all accused him of murder." ], [ "Hotu nia nusu baa ema lear lia naak, \"Who is this woman?" ], [ "What do you want?\"" ], [ "34 But sia nataa la kona baa malu." ], [ "Balu naak, \"Nalo nunee.\"" ], [ "Balu tenik naak, \"Nalo nunia.\"" ], [ "A man lear his nahii bele-bele, too sondadu the head big rightly." ], [ "The mouth of the boat was probed, and Paul went to that place." ], [ "35 And when he was gone, a great multitude followed him." ], [ "Sia hetak krakat." ], [ "23:10 And when the sond was ready to enter into it, a man stood before him; until he came up and saw Paul standing there." ], [ "He also said, \"Hoo nia!" ], [ "It's over!\"" ], [ "37 At the time when they were about to take Paul into their prison, he went down and took his head." ], [ "And he said to the Greek, \"Father is it too late for me?\"" ], [ "When Paul came to know the Greeks, he probed his head." ], [ "And he said, \"Are you a Greek? Are your parents from Greece?\"" ], [ "Oin nunabee o bele dale lia Yunani?" ], [ "38 Keta arumak hau kanoin sala tian." ], [ "I am afraid that you are the one who has been used by Egyptians as a means to destroy their kingdom." ], [ "And he gathered together four thousand lightning-bearers in the wilderness." ], [ "Are you a man's child?\"" ], [ "39 And Paul said to the woman, \"Oh my God!" ], [ "This is a Jewish mother." ], [ "I came to the city of Tarsus in Cilicia." ], [ "I'm so excited to be back, but it will take some time.\"" ], [ "40 And when they heard it, the priests and elder' s son also went out." ], [ "Then Paul leaned down on the floor, and stretched out his hand to touch someone who was lying there." ], [ "Hotu nia naa dae dale nodi siakaan lia Aram duuk." ], [ "(In Jerusalem, the Jews spoke Aramean.) + 21:8 Christ Closing Hours of Prayer [Clossing Time] Luke6;5-7 and Lucas9/Luck30 /Luke4 - Clockworking time in Israel is not allowed to be used for prayers or other ceremonies except as a sign that God has chosen them from among his people.* ** Under Jewish law no one could enter into this holy place under any circumstance!" ], [ "If a man enters the Great Hall of Prayer, and all sit down in its seat; no one can lose anything from him." ], [ "21:40 And the Jews shut up all doors, that Paul might not enter into a house of worship. The Greek word for this is 'in Hebrew'; but in English it means \"by\" (see also Acts)." ], [ "The Jewish woman sickens her father, the Aramean man also kills his mother." ] ]
Patriotismo constitucional atu hari’i “cultura democrática”: Tetu no sukat “veto e promulga” – TAFARA.TL\nHome / Opini / Patriotismo constitucional atu hari’i “cultura democrática”: Tetu no sukat “veto e promulga”\nPe.Martinho G. da Silva Gusmão Docente Filosofia Politica [Foto: Documentu Pe.Martinho G. da Silva]\nOther Source February 6, 2019\tOpini Leave a comment 780 Views\nLoron hirak ne’e ema barak mak sukit lei, tetak constituição no hari’i ninia argumento rasik konaba OGE2019. Sira nebe hare husi oposição fo parabéns ba PR. Sira nebe hakneak iha Governo nia oin hotar mate PR. Ikus mai, ita hein.\nIta hotu haksesuk malu konaba liafuan “maioria absoluta” no “dois terços” ne’e sura oinsa no halo saida! Jurista sira ka constitucionalista sira raut malu ho conceito sira ne’e. Hau hakarak hahu ho “fakta hukum” katak, iha 25 de Janeiro de 2019, Deputado 65 mak marca presença iha Plenária Parlamento Nacional atu hakruk ba “efectividade de funções”. Nune’e, wainhira “exigida a maioria de dois terços dos Deputados presentes” – katak tenki hetan 43. Atu halo “confirmação” ba OGE2019 mak mosu liafuan sira “superior à maioria absoluta”, ne’e katak aas liu 43. Maibe, resultado final, 40 “confirma” no 25 “contra”. Ne’e la’os ona legal theory opinion, maibe real political decision-making.\nLori conceito “patriotismo constitucional” (Verfassungspatriotismus), hau hakarak hatudu katak maski ita halo sala ona, maibe ita bele hadi’ak. Liu-liu ba tempo nebe sei mai. Hau hahu hodi halo leitura oituan konaba tese Professor Pedro Bacelar de Vasconcelos (1); tuir mai (2) hau sei koko halo legal hermeneutic oan ida hanesan exercício académico; no ikus liu (3) hau fo took opinião konaba solução iha futuro – COMPROMISSO politico atu hetan CONSENSO NACIONAL.\nTese: Professor Pedro Bacelar de Vasconcelos\nProfessor Pedro Bacelar de Vasconcelos halo ninia tese dehan katak ba OGE 2019, ita nia Estado hamutuk atu hare lisuk natureza “orçamento” no “politica fiscal”. Wainhira PR veta ho “fundamentada”, OGE fila mai PN. Sira halo reapreciação. Resultado iha votação final (24 de Janeiro de 2019) mak passa ho 40 votos a favor no 25 contra.\nMolok atu loke reapreciação, Prof. Pedro Bacelar koko atu halo “subtilitas explicandi” ba questão “veto e promulgação” (artigo 88º) hodi hakait ba artigo 95º no 145º. Tuir artigo 88º no. 2 ninia requisito “o voto maioria absoluta por MAIORIA ABSOLUTA dos Deputados em efectividade de funções” (tradução oficial – “konfirma nia votu ho Deputadu sira-ne’ebé kaer dadaun funsaun nia MAIORIA ABSOLUTA); iha no. 3 dehan “Será, porém, exigida a maioria de dois terços dos Deputados presentes, desde que SUPERIOR à MAIORIA ABSOLUTA dos Deputados em efectividade de funções” (tradução oficial – MAIBE TENKE iha Deputadu prezente sira-nia MAIORIA datoluk rua, naran katak BARAK LIU Deputadu sira-ne’ebé kaer dadaun funsaun ne’e nia MAIORIA ABSOLUTA). Texto mos teb-tebes. Loke matan de’it hare kedas.\nCRDL mos dehan iha artigo 88º no. 3 atu halo “confirmação” ba matéria sira nebe iha artigo 95º konaba COMPETENCIA PARLAMENTO NACIONAL. Iha neba hatur momos iha no. 2 “Compete EXCLUSIVAMENTE ao Parlamento Nacional legislar sobre: …” p) A politica fiscal; q) Regime orçamental. Ne’e katak atu halo lei konaba OGE ne’e “milik eksklusif” PN.\nArtigo ida ne’e dada hikas ba artigo 145º nebe koalia konaba ORÇAMENTO GERAL DO ESTADO, hodi dehan “O Orçamento Geral do Estado é ELABORADO pelo Governo e APROVADO pelo Parlamento Nacional” (tradução oficial – Governu mak ELABORA no Parlamentu Nasional mak aprova Estadu nia Orsamentu Geral). Constituição mos hatur katak OGE ne’e iha ninia “eficácia” no “eficiência”, hatudu lolos ninia “receitas” (osan tama) no “despesas” (osan sai), no labele hamosu “fundos secretos” (osan mate-klamar nian). Artigo 145º koalia ikus liu mak konaba OGE ninia “execução” ne’e atu los ka la los sei hakotu husi TRIBUNAL SUPERIOR ADMINISTRATIVO, FISCAL E DE CONTAS no husi Parlamento Nacional.\nTan sa mak “VETO” husi PR nian lalika husu tan MAIORIA ABSOLUTA maibe Prof. Vasconcelos dehan de’it MAIORIA SIMPLES? Nia na’in rasik hatan:\nTuir regra DEMOCRACIAS CONSTITUCIONAIS nian katak ita laos atu kaer ukun ho UNANIMIDADE (fiar ida de’it néon ida de’it lian ida de’it) maibe tuir sasukat atu RONA povo nia VONTADE nebe hatudu iha ELEIÇÃO”. Nune’e, povo MAIORIA hili ona partido sira nebe harii AMP (Aliança Maioria ba Progresso). Sira forma ona Governo VIII nebe hatoo ona PROGRAMA ba Parlamento Nacional no hetan ona aprovação ho MAIORIA SIMPLES.\nProfessor Vasconcelos kaer metin mak ninia hanoin ida ne’e hodi hakat ba OGE. Tuir nia hanoin, OGE laos LEI baibain hanesan sira seluk (“universal e abstrata”). OGE ne’e hanesan atu HUSU DE’IT autorização atu governo bele HETAN DALAN hodi halao knar atu kaer ukun. Nune’e, Pedro Bacelar dehan “não faria sentido” (tidak ada artinya; tidak ada gunanya) liu husi VETO nebe husu de’it MAIORIA QUALIFICADA atu PR hetan VOTO DE QUALIDADE hodi halo OGE ne’e bele liu! Ho liafuan seluk, nia atu dehan lalika usa “maioria absoluta” maibe “maioria simples” de’it.\nProfessor Vasconcelos ninia filosofia iha fundo mak “O PR de Timor-Leste não governa nem tem competência para governar. A aprovação do OGE é uma autorização do parlamento ao Governo para governar”.\nAntítese: Descontinuidade hermenêutica legal\nWainhira temi hermenêutica legal, matenek na’in sira ko’alia konaba interpretação ba lei. Konaba hermenêutica, hau hakerek livro “Hans-Georg Gadamer: Penggagas Hermeneutik Modern yang Mengagungkan Tradisi” (Yogyakarta, 2013). Livro ida ne’e mai husi hau nia tese mestrado iha Roma. Iha neba hau hakerek katak, atu bele interpreta didiak, ita liu husi dalan pretexto, texto no contexto.\nPre-texto mak Professor Vasconcelos rasik. Nia mak redator constituição RDTL nian. Nudar constitucionalista, ninia comentário no interpretação hanaran “ex auctoritatis”, katak saida mak nia dehan ka halo comentário mai husi ninia autoria nudar hakerek na’in no professor. Nune’e, wainhira ninia subtilitas explicandi (oinsa mak nia explica ho clareza, too pormenor) mak sura.\nTimor-oan sira nebe tur iha Assembleia Constituinte 2002 hanesan Dr. Manuel Tilman dehan katak espirito CRDTL nian ne’e atu hatur cultura democrática, oinsa mak Timor-Leste ne’e ukun rasik-an ho ninia lisan no tradição mos. Ida ne’e hanaran “auctoris mentis” – katak, saida mak Timor-oan sira hanoin konaba Timor-Leste. Nicolau Lobato dehan, “Não ha como realmente, de facto, Timor-Leste é dos timores”.\nMaibe, iha pre-texto ida nebe hare husi “depth hermeneutic” (hermenêutica do fundo) hatudu ba “alam-bawah-sadar” (inconsciente), katak, ita sira be discute malu ne’e fiar ba Prof. Bacelar la’os tan nia “constitucionalista” maibe tan nia “malae”. Teoria “alam bawah sadar”, hanesan hau nia dosen ida iha Gregoriana Prof. DR. João J. Vila-Chã SJ (diretor mos ba Revista Portuguesa da Filosofia) dehan katak “noção de inconsciente” husi Sigmund Freud ne’e “noção esta que permite definir a psique nas suas relações mais obscuras com o instinto”; ho bahasa Indonesia dehan “gagasan tentang alam-bawah-sadar … gagasan yang memungkinkan untuk menegaskan jiwa dalam hubungannya yang paling gelap dengan naluri.\nAtu ko’alia lolos karik, ema sira be iha media facebook halo comentário ne’e barak liu mak fiar Prof. Bacelar la’os tan nia constitucionalista, maibe tan nia “malae”. Nune’e, ita nia Timor-oan sira mak ko’alia mak politico sira la fiar. Too hanesan Presidente da Republica mos hetan insulto. Tan sa mak insulta PR? Lori psicoanlista Freud nia liafuan karik, tan “naluri alam bawah sadar” – ita sei colonizado. Alias, ita moris iha “colonizing knowledge” (Linda Tuhiway Smith) ka “colonization of mind” (Franz Fanon) nebe dala barak hau dehan “malae-minded”. Ita sira ne’e mak haksesuk malu karik, belun “sumbu pendek” sira dehan – “Prof. Bacelar mak dehan, imi nian saida tan??”\nTexto mak Constituição rasik. Artigo hotu nebe Prof. Bacelar menciona iha ninia argumento ba artigo 88º, 95º & 145º bele hakait malu. Wainhira art. 88º, hatudu ba “veto” ka “promulgação”, mosu de’it mak liafuan “MAIORIA ABSOLUTA” hamutuk ho liafuan “exigida a MAIORIA … SUPERIOR À MAIORIA ABSOLUTA”. Dala ida tan, ida ne’e “texto” rasik. Artigo sira seluk atu sustenta Prof. Bacelar ninia argumento mak 95º & 145º … ko’alia fali ba Parlamento Nacional no Governo. Texto la dehan buat ida konaba “veto”, “promulgação”, “maioria absoluta”, “superior à maioria absoluta”.\nBuat foun nebe Prof. Bacelar ko’alia mak “MAIORIA SIMPLES” no “MAIORIA QUALIFICADA”. Nudar jurista no constitucionalista, Prof. Bacelar hatene momos kedas principio “nulla poena sine lege” – labele kedas fo sanção wainhira la iha lei. Ne’e duni, wainhira constituição la ko’alia konaba ba “maioria simples” ka “maioria qualificada”, Presidente da Republica labele foti decisão tuir ninia hakarak. Hau sugere ba Prof. Bacelar atu hare took saida mak Ludwig Wittgenstei dehan “Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muss man schweigen” – katak, wainhira ema la iha buat ida atu ko’alia, konaba buat ne’e ninia nonok (Cf., Tractus Logico-Philosophicus: 6.54, 7). Ho liafuan seluk, wainhira Prof. Bacelar la hakerek iha CRDTL konaba “maioria simples” ka “maioria qualificada”, di’ak liu nonok. Ou, se bele halo tiha revisão ba CRDTL hatama liafuan rua ne’e, ita bele discute ona.\nLos duni, OGE ne’e Governo mak “elabora” no PN mak “aprova” (hare mos artigo 115º n. 1, d). Oinsa Prof. Bacelar ninia hanoin konaba definição clássica, katak LEI ne’e “… quaedam rationis ordinatio ad bonum commune, ab eo qui curam communitatis habet, promulgata” [STh., I-II, 90, 4] – ordem husi razão nebe hatur lolos ba ema hotu nia di’ak, PROMULGA atu ema nebe kaer knar tau matan ba comunidade. São Tomas de Aquino, sustenta katak tuir natureza, LEI hotu-hotu tenki iha ninia “immutabilidade” (la muda tun sae tuir hakarak) no “universalidade” (iha fatin hotu-hotu lei hanesan ba ema hotu-hotu). Hau sente estranho wainhira Prof. Bacelar dehan OGE ne’e iha ninia caracter ketak, tan tinan-tinan halo no aprova hamutuk ho programa governo. Nune’e laos lei nebe “abstrato” no “universal”. Como é possível?\nContexto mak wainhira Prof. Bacelar koalia konaba “poderes de controlo da ação legislativa dos demais órgãos de soberania”. Veto nebe PR halo ba OGE atu “controla”, liu-liu iha caso 2019 ne’e konaba “fundos segredos” (artigo 145º no. 2) – atu sosa ação Conoco Philips no Shell. Too iha ne’e, PN no Governo concorda katak PR halo duni ninia knar “controlo” atu hasai tiha “fundos segredos” ne’e!\nMaibe, contexto ida ne’e la cancela ka halakon texto konaba “maioria absoluta”. Hau intende katak “superior à maioria absoluta” mak 43 votos a favor. Kuran husi ne’e, dalan taka ona. Hau lakohi dehan! Tan la tama iha categoria analisa.\nCRDTL mos ko’alia katak iha loron walu (8 dias) nia laran, PR “DEVERÁ PROMULGAR” – katak, hakarak ka lakohi PR tenki promulga. PR la iha ona ponto ka virgula oan ruma atu “veta”. La iha!!! Liu ida ne’e, lia oinseluk ona! La iha “30 dias” – ka, loron tolu nulu. Nee cantigas Presidente PN Na’i Arão Noé nian. Kala “malae” ruma mak dehan tan ba PPN, nune’e naklosu mai ho 30 dias. CRDTL la dehan buat ida, biar “malae” mak mai mos, dehan LAE!\nTan ne’e, molok atu ba “reapreciação” hau ko’alia bebeik CONSENSO, CONSENSO no CONSENSO. Maibe, tan hau la’os jurista … liu-liu hau ne’e “timor oan de’it”, laos “malae”, nune’e ukun nain sira la fiar. Agora ninia resultado mak ne’e … Uluk kedas, resultado eleição antecipada (EA) hau dehan ona “CONSENSO NACIONAL”. Maibe, la iha ida mak fiar. Agora, OGE2019 nakonu ona ho masin kaut mak hakfodak. Historia sei hateten katak saida mak hau ko’alia iha 2017 katak hau decisao EA2018 ne’e sala. Hau mos dehan ba Bispo sira katak EA ne’e sala, juridicamente no politicamente “inaceitável”. Hau nia sala mak hau moris iha Baucau, Timor no escola too “sarjana supermi” de’it. Se hau mak moris iha Lisboa, Portugal karik hau los. Maibe, wainhira resultado EA mosu mai hau dehan ona “consenso”, maibe tan hau ema Timor nune’e hau nia “Maun Boot” sira la fiar.\nSíntese: Patriotismo Constitucional\nHare tiha processo OGE2019 no processo sosa saham mina-rai … hau sugere ba PR atu halo dialogo. La’os tan hau mak dehan, maibe PR mos hanoin duni katak “dialogo” nu’udar dalan oportuno … dalan único. Hau fo hanoin ba PR konaba “Forum Maubisse” (2010), hanesan uluk hau fo hanoin ba PR Taur Matan Ruak.\nFurak liu karik, wainhira CRDTL dehan “… no prazo de noventa dias …” (iha loron 90 nia laran) ne’e, Partido Politico sira iha PN tur hamutuk koalia ba malu. Liafuan DIA+LOGOS (mai husi Grego, ka Yunani) dehan katak “liu husi dalan” (dia), ita hotu ko’alia ba malu atu hetan “lia los” (logos). Lalika loron 90 kedas. Semana ida mos bele atu salva Nação no Povo. Maibe, AMP nakdedar halo lalais nune’e ninia resultado mak 40 versus 25. Ba hau, PR “deverá promulgar”. Ne’e los ona. Maibe, la taka dalan atu PR mos husu “fiscalização preventiva da constitucionalidade” (artigo 149º). PR iha loron 20 atu husu ba Tribunal de Recurso (tuir lolos husu ba Supremo Tribunal de Justiça, maibe ita seidauk iha). TR hetan loron 25, maibe bele kuran tan wainhira PR husu lalais. Maibe, loron 8 labele ona.\nAgora iha loron 45 nia laran (20+24), PR no PN ho Governo bele halo DIALOGO atu hetan CONSENSO. Ida ne’e mak hanaran CULTURA DEMOCRÁTICA nebe fo dalan atu ita tau sasukat be hanaran “patriotismo constitucional”.\nHanesan Jürgen Habermas nia proposta konaba VERFASSUNGSPATRIOTISMUS – patriotismo constitucional dehan, “… in Third World … constitutional patriotism acquires new significance in the course of an identity transformation” – iha Terceiro Mundo … patriotismo constitucional hetan magarti foun tuir dalan ba transformação identidade nian (J. Habermas, Between Facts and Norms : 465). Hanesan parte ida husi Terceiro Mundo, ohin loron mosu fali liafuan FRAGILE STATE. Timor-Leste mak sai fundador no doador. Iha Estado frágil sira, Lei-Inan laos ona dalan ba “solução” maibe fatin ba “confusão”.\nNicolau Lobato halo Manifesto FRETILIN 20-07-1974 defini katak patriotismo hatudu ba luta atu “defendemos a nossa Independência da nossa terra a todo o transe” (tane metin ita nia ukun-an ba ita rai ho dalan hotu-hotu). Los duni, nia dehan, ita nia historia tinan 500 nia laran ne’e nakonu ho “sofrimento” too “humilhações” (penghinaan). Maibe, hatudu mos “coragem, abnegação e orgulho” – aten brani no hiit hirus matan mak lao. Habermas ko’alia konaba liberdade no libertação “settled in the ‘WE’ perspective of active self-determination” (p. 499) – katak, hatur iha sikun ITA ba ukun rasik-an! Hau haksolok tebes, tan Nicolau Lobato mos dehan ona “NÓS SOMOS os únicos e legítimo depositário do legado dos nossos antepassado”, hodi luta ba ukun rasik an. Independencia la depende ba ema ida ka rua nebe naklosu sai mai dehan “Hau mak …” luta ka aswain mesak. Lae! Nicolau Lobato dehan, “sabeMOS, podeMOS e deveMOS vencer” – katak, ITA MAK hatene, ITA MAK bele, ITA MAK haka’as-an atu manan! Ida ne’e mak Habermas dehan “WE perspective”.\nHau surpresa ho Nicolau Lobato ninia liafuan wainhira ko’alia konaba “consciência revolucionária” no “vigilância revolucionária” hodi halo “salto qualitativo” ida. Habermas mos ko’alia konaba “revolutionary consciousness” nebe hamoris mentalidade foun nebe qualidade consciência ida, conceito politico pratico foun, hodi hetan legitimidade foun (p. 467-470).\nHabermas tau pergunta ida “… can our PATRIOTISM survive the marginalization of participatory self-rule” (p. 499)? Bele ka ita nia patriotismo bele moris nafatin iha marginalização ba participação iha ukun-an ne’e nia laran?\nResposta 1 – Habermas koko atu tau sasukat nebe nia dehan “… links civil rights and participation with FRATERNITY and SOLIDARITY” (p. 466). Ida ne’e hanesan los kedas saida mak Preambulo (Lian Makloken) CRDTL nia redação – “… tendo em vista a construção de um país justo e próspero e o desenvolvimento de uma sociedade SOLIDÁRIA e FRATERNA”. Ita nia lisan ka tradição ba “fraternidade” no “solidariedade” ne’e mosu maka’as liu wainhira ita hasoru lia-mate lia-moris. Susar kona uma ida, knua tomak lori hulan lisuk nia todan; ksolok ida iha knua nia laran uma kain ida-idak lori nia liman-etun.\nHau sugere atu PR Lu-Olo hahu husi ne’e mak ba oin. Atu bele foti solução ida ne’e PR hatudu ona liafuan chave – DIALOGO. Los duni Deputado ida la concorda. Maibe, PM TMR dehan “koalia hanesan labarik”, la hatene saida mak DIALOGO ka saida mak “KOALIA BA MALU” atu forma “We perspective” ka sasukat “ITA nian” – “Nós somos” hanesan individualismo foun ida.\nBa hau, Professor Vasconcelos bele kedok tun kedok sae TEXTO constituição nian. Maibe, se ita académico murni no critico, ita tenki aceita katak resultado votação iha Parlamento Nacional TAKA DALAN ona. Ba hau, reapreciação PN nian “gagal total” atu bele hetan “MAIORIA ABSOLUTA”, ka “SUPERIOR à maioria absoluta”. Keta haluha, 2/3 ba Deputado sira nebe halao knar iha PN mak 65 – katak, mai tomak! Nune’e, se hau nia matemática mak los, hau sura ba sura mai ninia 2/3 = 43. Wainhira dehan “superior à maioria absoluta”, katak liu voto 43!!! Se regra ida ne’e mak ita aplica, AMP nia dalan kotu ona – “inan aman mota sorin, oan mota sorin lolo liman la too mata-wen suli”. Hau la hatene saida mak Prof. Bacelar bele ajuda atu loke dalan foun. Maibe, usa conceito “maioria simples” ka “maioria qualificada” ne’e la eloquente – ou, “colonization of mind” (Franz Fanon) ka “colonizing knowledge” (Linda Tuhiway Smith).\nHau hanoin, Habermas nia proposta konaba “FRATERNITY and SOLIDARITY”, ka, ka CRDTL nia liafuan konaba “…o desenvolvimento de uma sociedade SOLIDÁRIA e FRATERNA” mak bele loke fali dalan foun. Ida ne’e iha hermenêutica hanaran CONTEXTUAL.\nResposta 2 – iha debate Dialectic of Secularization, nebe halao iha Academia Católica de Bavaria (19.01.2004), Habermas ko’alia konaba “ethical traditions of a local nature … and religion” no Ratzinger (Papa Bento XVI) dehan “ethical certainties that had hitherto provided solid foundation”. Matenek boot na’in rua ne’e concorda katak FUNDAMENTO PRE-POLITICO atu bele hari’i Estado ida nebe “forte” mak razão no moral. Wainhira Constituição no Estado la halo alicerço ida nebe metin iha ita nia LISAN no TRADIÇÃO hamutuk ho RELIGIÃO, ita nia politica sei nakdoko.\nIta nia lisan no tradição nebe lor-loron ita ko’alia mak dehan “MAUN BOOT”. Mitologia “maun-boot” ne’e la’os física, maibe liu-liu metafisica; la’os ema ho isin lolon de’it maibe liu-liu ema ho caracter no qualidade moral. Wainhira temi konaba MORAL, la’os katak “maun boot” sira la iha PECADO. Lae! Ita ema hotu mesak pecador. Maibe, labele sai TRAIDOR no CORRUPTOR. Hanesan Papa Francisco dehan “pecador, sim!, corruptor, não!”\nResposta 3 – wainhira Habermas koalia konaba “… the principles of the Constitution will not take root in our soul until reason has assured itself of its orienting, future-directed contents – “… sasukat sira husi Constituição sei la moris iha ita nia klamar too wainhira ita nia néon assegura ninia dalan ba oin, lori ita ba futuro” (cf. Between Facts and Norms: 471). Hau hanoin, liu husi impasse politica nebe dada naruk ona ba besik tinan 2, aban bainrua sei husik hela kanek iha ita nia Estado laran. Dalan diak liu mak dalan DIALOGO ita halo husi fuan laran rasik too ita nia klamar mos moris hotu.\nSala boot wainhira Prof. Bacelar hakarak resolve “impasse politica” liu husi descontinuidade hermenêutica – katak, Constituição la hakerek buat ida konaba “maioria simples” ka “maioria qualificada” maibe professor ne’e haksoit lutu hodi tama ba to’os laran, halo ai-horis sira rahun hotu.\nConclusão – liu husi PATRIOTISMO CONSTITUCIONAL hau hakarak sugere atu Estado no Povo nia “coragem, abnegação e orgulho” ita bele halo CONSENSO atu loke dalan foun ida. Hare ba CRDTL nudar “surat tahan” de’it bele halo bulak ita. Professor Pedro Bacelar de Vasconcelos la fo “solução” ba ita nia “impasse” maibe fo “confusão” ba interpretação da constituição. Nia husik hela kuat naruk ida – descontinuidade hermenêutica.\nHau taka ho liafuan husi São Paulo nian be hakerek nune’e: “É Ele que nos torna aptos para sermos ministros de uma nova aliança, não da letra, mas do Espírito; porque a letra mata, enquanto o Espírito dá a vida” (2Cor 3, 6).\n*** [Martinho G. da Silva Gusmão Docente filosofia politica, ISFIT, Dom Jaime Garcia Goulart, Fatumeta, Dili | TAFARA.TL | 06.02.2019]\nPrevious Kursu Promosaun Ofisial Inspetor PNTL, FM: Sei Hamosu Deskonte Barak\nNext Prezidente da Republika Promulga OJE 2019\nLú Olo: Premiu Sergio Vieira de Mello Hatudu Katak Tane As Direitus Humanus.\nBankada AMP Hasoru Malu Ho PR, Fidelis: Ami La Koalia Asumtu Politika
[ "Patriotismo constitucional atu hari'i \"cultura democratica\": Tetu no sukat \"veto e promulga\" - TAFARA.TL Home / Opini / Patriotismo constitucional atu hari'i \"cultura democratica\": Tetu no sukat \"veto e promulga\" Pe.Martinho G. da Silva Gusmao Docente Filosofia Politica [Foto: Documentu Pe.Martinho G. da Silva] Other Source February 6, 2019 Opini Leave a comment 780 Views Loron hirak ne'e ema barak mak sukit lei, tetak constituicao no hari'i ninia argumento rasik konaba OGE2019.", "Sira nebe hare husi oposicao fo parabens ba PR.", "Sira nebe hakneak iha Governo nia oin hotar mate PR.", "Ikus mai, ita hein.", "Ita hotu haksesuk malu konaba liafuan \"maioria absoluta\" no \"dois tercos\" ne'e sura oinsa no halo saida!", "Jurista sira ka constitucionalista sira raut malu ho conceito sira ne'e.", "Hau hakarak hahu ho \"fakta hukum\" katak, iha 25 de Janeiro de 2019, Deputado 65 mak marca presenca iha Plenaria Parlamento Nacional atu hakruk ba \"efectividade de funcoes.\"", "Nune'e, wainhira \"exigida a maioria de dois tercos dos Deputados presentes\" - katak tenki hetan 43.", "Atu halo \"confirmacao\" ba OGE2019 mak mosu liafuan sira \"superior a maioria absoluta,\" ne'e katak aas liu 43.", "Maibe, resultado final, 40 \"confirma\" no 25 \"contra.\"", "Ne'e la'os ona legal theory opinion, maibe real political decision-making.", "Lori conceito \"patriotismo constitucional\" (Verfassungspatriotismus), hau hakarak hatudu katak maski ita halo sala ona, maibe ita bele hadi'ak.", "Liu-liu ba tempo nebe sei mai.", "Hau hahu hodi halo leitura oituan konaba tese Professor Pedro Bacelar de Vasconcelos (1); tuir mai (2) hau sei koko halo legal hermeneutic oan ida hanesan exercicio academico; no ikus liu (3) hau fo took opiniao konaba solucao iha futuro - COMPROMISSO politico atu hetan CONSENSO NACIONAL.", "Tese: Professor Pedro Bacelar de Vasconcelos Professor Pedro Bacelar de Vasconcelos halo ninia tese dehan katak ba OGE 2019, ita nia Estado hamutuk atu hare lisuk natureza \"orcamento\" no \"politica fiscal.\"", "Wainhira PR veta ho \"fundamentada,\" OGE fila mai PN.", "Sira halo reapreciacao.", "Resultado iha votacao final (24 de Janeiro de 2019) mak passa ho 40 votos a favor no 25 contra.", "Molok atu loke reapreciacao, Prof. Pedro Bacelar koko atu halo \"subtilitas explicandi\" ba questao \"veto e promulgacao\" (artigo 88o) hodi hakait ba artigo 95o no 145o.", "Tuir artigo 88o no.", "2 ninia requisito \"o voto maioria absoluta por MAIORIA ABSOLUTA dos Deputados em efectividade de funcoes\" (traducao oficial - \"konfirma nia votu ho Deputadu sira-ne'ebe kaer dadaun funsaun nia MAIORIA ABSOLUTA); iha no.", "3 dehan \"Sera, porem, exigida a maioria de dois tercos dos Deputados presentes, desde que SUPERIOR a MAIORIA ABSOLUTA dos Deputados em efectividade de funcoes\" (traducao oficial - MAIBE TENKE iha Deputadu prezente sira-nia MAIORIA datoluk rua, naran katak BARAK LIU Deputadu sira-ne'ebe kaer dadaun funsaun ne'e nia MAIORIA ABSOLUTA).", "Texto mos teb-tebes.", "Loke matan de'it hare kedas.", "CRDL mos dehan iha artigo 88o no.", "3 atu halo \"confirmacao\" ba materia sira nebe iha artigo 95o konaba COMPETENCIA PARLAMENTO NACIONAL.", "Iha neba hatur momos iha no.", "2 \"Compete EXCLUSIVAMENTE ao Parlamento Nacional legislar sobre: ...\" p) A politica fiscal; q) Regime orcamental.", "Ne'e katak atu halo lei konaba OGE ne'e \"milik eksklusif\" PN.", "Artigo ida ne'e dada hikas ba artigo 145o nebe koalia konaba ORCAMENTO GERAL DO ESTADO, hodi dehan \"O Orcamento Geral do Estado e ELABORADO pelo Governo e APROVADO pelo Parlamento Nacional\" (traducao oficial - Governu mak ELABORA no Parlamentu Nasional mak aprova Estadu nia Orsamentu Geral).", "Constituicao mos hatur katak OGE ne'e iha ninia \"eficacia\" no \"eficiencia,\" hatudu lolos ninia \"receitas\" (osan tama) no \"despesas\" (osan sai), no labele hamosu \"fundos secretos\" (osan mate-klamar nian).", "Artigo 145o koalia ikus liu mak konaba OGE ninia \"execucao\" ne'e atu los ka la los sei hakotu husi TRIBUNAL SUPERIOR ADMINISTRATIVO, FISCAL E DE CONTAS no husi Parlamento Nacional.", "Tan sa mak \"VETO\" husi PR nian lalika husu tan MAIORIA ABSOLUTA maibe Prof. Vasconcelos dehan de'it MAIORIA SIMPLES?", "Nia na'in rasik hatan: Tuir regra DEMOCRACIAS CONSTITUCIONAIS nian katak ita laos atu kaer ukun ho UNANIMIDADE (fiar ida de'it neon ida de'it lian ida de'it) maibe tuir sasukat atu RONA povo nia VONTADE nebe hatudu iha ELEICAO.\"", "Nune'e, povo MAIORIA hili ona partido sira nebe harii AMP (Alianca Maioria ba Progresso).", "Sira forma ona Governo VIII nebe hatoo ona PROGRAMA ba Parlamento Nacional no hetan ona aprovacao ho MAIORIA SIMPLES.", "Professor Vasconcelos kaer metin mak ninia hanoin ida ne'e hodi hakat ba OGE.", "Tuir nia hanoin, OGE laos LEI baibain hanesan sira seluk (\"universal e abstrata\").", "OGE ne'e hanesan atu HUSU DE'IT autorizacao atu governo bele HETAN DALAN hodi halao knar atu kaer ukun.", "Nune'e, Pedro Bacelar dehan \"nao faria sentido\" (tidak ada artinya; tidak ada gunanya) liu husi VETO nebe husu de'it MAIORIA QUALIFICADA atu PR hetan VOTO DE QUALIDADE hodi halo OGE ne'e bele liu!", "Ho liafuan seluk, nia atu dehan lalika usa \"maioria absoluta\" maibe \"maioria simples\" de'it.", "Professor Vasconcelos ninia filosofia iha fundo mak \"O PR de Timor-Leste nao governa nem tem competencia para governar.", "A aprovacao do OGE e uma autorizacao do parlamento ao Governo para governar.\"", "Antitese: Descontinuidade hermeneutica legal Wainhira temi hermeneutica legal, matenek na'in sira ko'alia konaba interpretacao ba lei.", "Konaba hermeneutica, hau hakerek livro \"Hans-Georg Gadamer: Penggagas Hermeneutik Modern yang Mengagungkan Tradisi\" (Yogyakarta, 2013).", "Livro ida ne'e mai husi hau nia tese mestrado iha Roma.", "Iha neba hau hakerek katak, atu bele interpreta didiak, ita liu husi dalan pretexto, texto no contexto.", "Pre-texto mak Professor Vasconcelos rasik.", "Nia mak redator constituicao RDTL nian.", "Nudar constitucionalista, ninia comentario no interpretacao hanaran \"ex auctoritatis,\" katak saida mak nia dehan ka halo comentario mai husi ninia autoria nudar hakerek na'in no professor.", "Nune'e, wainhira ninia subtilitas explicandi (oinsa mak nia explica ho clareza, too pormenor) mak sura.", "Timor-oan sira nebe tur iha Assembleia Constituinte 2002 hanesan Dr. Manuel Tilman dehan katak espirito CRDTL nian ne'e atu hatur cultura democratica, oinsa mak Timor-Leste ne'e ukun rasik-an ho ninia lisan no tradicao mos.", "Ida ne'e hanaran \"auctoris mentis\" - katak, saida mak Timor-oan sira hanoin konaba Timor-Leste.", "Nicolau Lobato dehan, \"Nao ha como realmente, de facto, Timor-Leste e dos timores.\"", "Maibe, iha pre-texto ida nebe hare husi \"depth hermeneutic\" (hermeneutica do fundo) hatudu ba \"alam-bawah-sadar\" (inconsciente), katak, ita sira be discute malu ne'e fiar ba Prof. Bacelar la'os tan nia \"constitucionalista\" maibe tan nia \"malae.\"", "Teoria \"alam bawah sadar,\" hanesan hau nia dosen ida iha Gregoriana Prof. DR. Joao J. Vila-Cha SJ (diretor mos ba Revista Portuguesa da Filosofia) dehan katak \"nocao de inconsciente\" husi Sigmund Freud ne'e \"nocao esta que permite definir a psique nas suas relacoes mais obscuras com o instinto\"; ho bahasa Indonesia dehan \"gagasan tentang alam-bawah-sadar ... gagasan yang memungkinkan untuk menegaskan jiwa dalam hubungannya yang paling gelap dengan naluri.", "Atu ko'alia lolos karik, ema sira be iha media facebook halo comentario ne'e barak liu mak fiar Prof. Bacelar la'os tan nia constitucionalista, maibe tan nia \"malae.\"", "Nune'e, ita nia Timor-oan sira mak ko'alia mak politico sira la fiar.", "Too hanesan Presidente da Republica mos hetan insulto.", "Tan sa mak insulta PR?", "Lori psicoanlista Freud nia liafuan karik, tan \"naluri alam bawah sadar\" - ita sei colonizado.", "Alias, ita moris iha \"colonizing knowledge\" (Linda Tuhiway Smith) ka \"colonization of mind\" (Franz Fanon) nebe dala barak hau dehan \"malae-minded.\"", "Ita sira ne'e mak haksesuk malu karik, belun \"sumbu pendek\" sira dehan - \"Prof. Bacelar mak dehan, imi nian saida tan??\"", "Texto mak Constituicao rasik.", "Artigo hotu nebe Prof. Bacelar menciona iha ninia argumento ba artigo 88o, 95o & 145o bele hakait malu.", "Wainhira art.", "88o, hatudu ba \"veto\" ka \"promulgacao,\" mosu de'it mak liafuan \"MAIORIA ABSOLUTA\" hamutuk ho liafuan \"exigida a MAIORIA ...", "SUPERIOR A MAIORIA ABSOLUTA.\"", "Dala ida tan, ida ne'e \"texto\" rasik.", "Artigo sira seluk atu sustenta Prof. Bacelar ninia argumento mak 95o & 145o ... ko'alia fali ba Parlamento Nacional no Governo.", "Texto la dehan buat ida konaba \"veto,\" \"promulgacao,\" \"maioria absoluta,\" \"superior a maioria absoluta.\"", "Buat foun nebe Prof. Bacelar ko'alia mak \"MAIORIA SIMPLES\" no \"MAIORIA QUALIFICADA.\"", "Nudar jurista no constitucionalista, Prof. Bacelar hatene momos kedas principio \"nulla poena sine lege\" - labele kedas fo sancao wainhira la iha lei.", "Ne'e duni, wainhira constituicao la ko'alia konaba ba \"maioria simples\" ka \"maioria qualificada,\" Presidente da Republica labele foti decisao tuir ninia hakarak.", "Hau sugere ba Prof. Bacelar atu hare took saida mak Ludwig Wittgenstei dehan \"Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, daruber muss man schweigen\" - katak, wainhira ema la iha buat ida atu ko'alia, konaba buat ne'e ninia nonok (Cf., Tractus Logico-Philosophicus: 6.54, 7).", "Ho liafuan seluk, wainhira Prof. Bacelar la hakerek iha CRDTL konaba \"maioria simples\" ka \"maioria qualificada,\" di'ak liu nonok.", "Ou, se bele halo tiha revisao ba CRDTL hatama liafuan rua ne'e, ita bele discute ona.", "Los duni, OGE ne'e Governo mak \"elabora\" no PN mak \"aprova\" (hare mos artigo 115o n.", "1, d).", "Oinsa Prof. Bacelar ninia hanoin konaba definicao classica, katak LEI ne'e ...\" quaedam rationis ordinatio ad bonum commune, ab eo qui curam communitatis habet, promulgata\" [STh., I-II, 90, 4] - ordem husi razao nebe hatur lolos ba ema hotu nia di'ak, PROMULGA atu ema nebe kaer knar tau matan ba comunidade.", "Sao Tomas de Aquino, sustenta katak tuir natureza, LEI hotu-hotu tenki iha ninia \"immutabilidade\" (la muda tun sae tuir hakarak) no \"universalidade\" (iha fatin hotu-hotu lei hanesan ba ema hotu-hotu).", "Hau sente estranho wainhira Prof. Bacelar dehan OGE ne'e iha ninia caracter ketak, tan tinan-tinan halo no aprova hamutuk ho programa governo.", "Nune'e laos lei nebe \"abstrato\" no \"universal.\"", "Como e possivel?", "Contexto mak wainhira Prof. Bacelar koalia konaba \"poderes de controlo da acao legislativa dos demais orgaos de soberania.\"", "Veto nebe PR halo ba OGE atu \"controla,\" liu-liu iha caso 2019 ne'e konaba \"fundos segredos\" (artigo 145o no.", "2) - atu sosa acao Conoco Philips no Shell.", "Too iha ne'e, PN no Governo concorda katak PR halo duni ninia knar \"controlo\" atu hasai tiha \"fundos segredos\" ne'e!", "Maibe, contexto ida ne'e la cancela ka halakon texto konaba \"maioria absoluta.\"", "Hau intende katak \"superior a maioria absoluta\" mak 43 votos a favor.", "Kuran husi ne'e, dalan taka ona.", "Hau lakohi dehan!", "Tan la tama iha categoria analisa.", "CRDTL mos ko'alia katak iha loron walu (8 dias) nia laran, PR \"DEVERA PROMULGAR\" - katak, hakarak ka lakohi PR tenki promulga.", "PR la iha ona ponto ka virgula oan ruma atu \"veta.\"", "La iha!!!", "Liu ida ne'e, lia oinseluk ona!", "La iha \"30 dias\" - ka, loron tolu nulu.", "Nee cantigas Presidente PN Na'i Arao Noe nian.", "Kala \"malae\" ruma mak dehan tan ba PPN, nune'e naklosu mai ho 30 dias.", "CRDTL la dehan buat ida, biar \"malae\" mak mai mos, dehan LAE!", "Tan ne'e, molok atu ba \"reapreciacao\" hau ko'alia bebeik CONSENSO, CONSENSO no CONSENSO.", "Maibe, tan hau la'os jurista ... liu-liu hau ne'e \"timor oan de'it,\" laos \"malae,\" nune'e ukun nain sira la fiar.", "Agora ninia resultado mak ne'e ...", "Uluk kedas, resultado eleicao antecipada (EA) hau dehan ona \"CONSENSO NACIONAL.\"", "Maibe, la iha ida mak fiar.", "Agora, OGE2019 nakonu ona ho masin kaut mak hakfodak.", "Historia sei hateten katak saida mak hau ko'alia iha 2017 katak hau decisao EA2018 ne'e sala.", "Hau mos dehan ba Bispo sira katak EA ne'e sala, juridicamente no politicamente \"inaceitavel.\"", "Hau nia sala mak hau moris iha Baucau, Timor no escola too \"sarjana supermi\" de'it.", "Se hau mak moris iha Lisboa, Portugal karik hau los.", "Maibe, wainhira resultado EA mosu mai hau dehan ona \"consenso,\" maibe tan hau ema Timor nune'e hau nia \"Maun Boot\" sira la fiar.", "Sintese: Patriotismo Constitucional Hare tiha processo OGE2019 no processo sosa saham mina-rai ... hau sugere ba PR atu halo dialogo.", "La'os tan hau mak dehan, maibe PR mos hanoin duni katak \"dialogo\" nu'udar dalan oportuno ... dalan unico.", "Hau fo hanoin ba PR konaba \"Forum Maubisse\" (2010), hanesan uluk hau fo hanoin ba PR Taur Matan Ruak.", "Furak liu karik, wainhira CRDTL dehan ...\" no prazo de noventa dias ...\" (iha loron 90 nia laran) ne'e, Partido Politico sira iha PN tur hamutuk koalia ba malu.", "Liafuan DIA+LOGOS (mai husi Grego, ka Yunani) dehan katak \"liu husi dalan\" (dia), ita hotu ko'alia ba malu atu hetan \"lia los\" (logos).", "Lalika loron 90 kedas.", "Semana ida mos bele atu salva Nacao no Povo.", "Maibe, AMP nakdedar halo lalais nune'e ninia resultado mak 40 versus 25.", "Ba hau, PR \"devera promulgar.\"", "Ne'e los ona.", "Maibe, la taka dalan atu PR mos husu \"fiscalizacao preventiva da constitucionalidade\" (artigo 149o).", "PR iha loron 20 atu husu ba Tribunal de Recurso (tuir lolos husu ba Supremo Tribunal de Justica, maibe ita seidauk iha).", "TR hetan loron 25, maibe bele kuran tan wainhira PR husu lalais.", "Maibe, loron 8 labele ona.", "Agora iha loron 45 nia laran (20+24), PR no PN ho Governo bele halo DIALOGO atu hetan CONSENSO.", "Ida ne'e mak hanaran CULTURA DEMOCRATICA nebe fo dalan atu ita tau sasukat be hanaran \"patriotismo constitucional.\"", "Hanesan Jurgen Habermas nia proposta konaba VERFASSUNGSPATRIOTISMUS - patriotismo constitucional dehan, ...\" in Third World ... constitutional patriotism acquires new significance in the course of an identity transformation\" - iha Terceiro Mundo ... patriotismo constitucional hetan magarti foun tuir dalan ba transformacao identidade nian (J. Habermas, Between Facts and Norms: 465).", "Hanesan parte ida husi Terceiro Mundo, ohin loron mosu fali liafuan FRAGILE STATE.", "Timor-Leste mak sai fundador no doador.", "Iha Estado fragil sira, Lei-Inan laos ona dalan ba \"solucao\" maibe fatin ba \"confusao.\"", "Nicolau Lobato halo Manifesto FRETILIN 20-07-1974 defini katak patriotismo hatudu ba luta atu \"defendemos a nossa Independencia da nossa terra a todo o transe\" (tane metin ita nia ukun-an ba ita rai ho dalan hotu-hotu).", "Los duni, nia dehan, ita nia historia tinan 500 nia laran ne'e nakonu ho \"sofrimento\" too \"humilhacoes\" (penghinaan).", "Maibe, hatudu mos \"coragem, abnegacao e orgulho\" - aten brani no hiit hirus matan mak lao.", "Habermas ko'alia konaba liberdade no libertacao \"settled in the 'WE' perspective of active self-determination\" (p.", "499) - katak, hatur iha sikun ITA ba ukun rasik-an!", "Hau haksolok tebes, tan Nicolau Lobato mos dehan ona \"NOS SOMOS os unicos e legitimo depositario do legado dos nossos antepassado,\" hodi luta ba ukun rasik an.", "Independencia la depende ba ema ida ka rua nebe naklosu sai mai dehan \"Hau mak ...\" luta ka aswain mesak.", "Lae!", "Nicolau Lobato dehan, \"sabeMOS, podeMOS e deveMOS vencer\" - katak, ITA MAK hatene, ITA MAK bele, ITA MAK haka'as-an atu manan!", "Ida ne'e mak Habermas dehan \"WE perspective.\"", "Hau surpresa ho Nicolau Lobato ninia liafuan wainhira ko'alia konaba \"consciencia revolucionaria\" no \"vigilancia revolucionaria\" hodi halo \"salto qualitativo\" ida.", "Habermas mos ko'alia konaba \"revolutionary consciousness\" nebe hamoris mentalidade foun nebe qualidade consciencia ida, conceito politico pratico foun, hodi hetan legitimidade foun (p.", "467-470).", "Habermas tau pergunta ida ...\" can our PATRIOTISM survive the marginalization of participatory self-rule\" (p.", "499)?", "Bele ka ita nia patriotismo bele moris nafatin iha marginalizacao ba participacao iha ukun-an ne'e nia laran?", "Resposta 1 - Habermas koko atu tau sasukat nebe nia dehan ...\" links civil rights and participation with FRATERNITY and SOLIDARITY\" (p.", "466).", "Ida ne'e hanesan los kedas saida mak Preambulo (Lian Makloken) CRDTL nia redacao - ...\" tendo em vista a construcao de um pais justo e prospero e o desenvolvimento de uma sociedade SOLIDARIA e FRATERNA.\"", "Ita nia lisan ka tradicao ba \"fraternidade\" no \"solidariedade\" ne'e mosu maka'as liu wainhira ita hasoru lia-mate lia-moris.", "Susar kona uma ida, knua tomak lori hulan lisuk nia todan; ksolok ida iha knua nia laran uma kain ida-idak lori nia liman-etun.", "Hau sugere atu PR Lu-Olo hahu husi ne'e mak ba oin.", "Atu bele foti solucao ida ne'e PR hatudu ona liafuan chave - DIALOGO.", "Los duni Deputado ida la concorda.", "Maibe, PM TMR dehan \"koalia hanesan labarik,\" la hatene saida mak DIALOGO ka saida mak \"KOALIA BA MALU\" atu forma \"We perspective\" ka sasukat \"ITA nian\" - \"Nos somos\" hanesan individualismo foun ida.", "Ba hau, Professor Vasconcelos bele kedok tun kedok sae TEXTO constituicao nian.", "Maibe, se ita academico murni no critico, ita tenki aceita katak resultado votacao iha Parlamento Nacional TAKA DALAN ona.", "Ba hau, reapreciacao PN nian \"gagal total\" atu bele hetan \"MAIORIA ABSOLUTA,\" ka \"SUPERIOR a maioria absoluta.\"", "Keta haluha, 2/3 ba Deputado sira nebe halao knar iha PN mak 65 - katak, mai tomak!", "Nune'e, se hau nia matematica mak los, hau sura ba sura mai ninia 2/3 = 43.", "Wainhira dehan \"superior a maioria absoluta,\" katak liu voto 43!!!", "Se regra ida ne'e mak ita aplica, AMP nia dalan kotu ona - \"inan aman mota sorin, oan mota sorin lolo liman la too mata-wen suli.\"", "Hau la hatene saida mak Prof. Bacelar bele ajuda atu loke dalan foun.", "Maibe, usa conceito \"maioria simples\" ka \"maioria qualificada\" ne'e la eloquente - ou, \"colonization of mind\" (Franz Fanon) ka \"colonizing knowledge\" (Linda Tuhiway Smith).", "Hau hanoin, Habermas nia proposta konaba \"FRATERNITY and SOLIDARITY,\" ka, ka CRDTL nia liafuan konaba ...\"o desenvolvimento de uma sociedade SOLIDARIA e FRATERNA\" mak bele loke fali dalan foun.", "Ida ne'e iha hermeneutica hanaran CONTEXTUAL.", "Resposta 2 - iha debate Dialectic of Secularization, nebe halao iha Academia Catolica de Bavaria (19.01.2004), Habermas ko'alia konaba \"ethical traditions of a local nature ... and religion\" no Ratzinger (Papa Bento XVI) dehan \"ethical certainties that had hitherto provided solid foundation.\"", "Matenek boot na'in rua ne'e concorda katak FUNDAMENTO PRE-POLITICO atu bele hari'i Estado ida nebe \"forte\" mak razao no moral.", "Wainhira Constituicao no Estado la halo alicerco ida nebe metin iha ita nia LISAN no TRADICAO hamutuk ho RELIGIAO, ita nia politica sei nakdoko.", "Ita nia lisan no tradicao nebe lor-loron ita ko'alia mak dehan \"MAUN BOOT.\"", "Mitologia \"maun-boot\" ne'e la'os fisica, maibe liu-liu metafisica; la'os ema ho isin lolon de'it maibe liu-liu ema ho caracter no qualidade moral.", "Wainhira temi konaba MORAL, la'os katak \"maun boot\" sira la iha PECADO.", "Lae!", "Ita ema hotu mesak pecador.", "Maibe, labele sai TRAIDOR no CORRUPTOR.", "Hanesan Papa Francisco dehan \"pecador, sim!, corruptor, nao!\"", "Resposta 3 - wainhira Habermas koalia konaba ...\" the principles of the Constitution will not take root in our soul until reason has assured itself of its orienting, future-directed contents - ...\" sasukat sira husi Constituicao sei la moris iha ita nia klamar too wainhira ita nia neon assegura ninia dalan ba oin, lori ita ba futuro\" (cf.", "Between Facts and Norms: 471).", "Hau hanoin, liu husi impasse politica nebe dada naruk ona ba besik tinan 2, aban bainrua sei husik hela kanek iha ita nia Estado laran.", "Dalan diak liu mak dalan DIALOGO ita halo husi fuan laran rasik too ita nia klamar mos moris hotu.", "Sala boot wainhira Prof. Bacelar hakarak resolve \"impasse politica\" liu husi descontinuidade hermeneutica - katak, Constituicao la hakerek buat ida konaba \"maioria simples\" ka \"maioria qualificada\" maibe professor ne'e haksoit lutu hodi tama ba to'os laran, halo ai-horis sira rahun hotu.", "Conclusao - liu husi PATRIOTISMO CONSTITUCIONAL hau hakarak sugere atu Estado no Povo nia \"coragem, abnegacao e orgulho\" ita bele halo CONSENSO atu loke dalan foun ida.", "Hare ba CRDTL nudar \"surat tahan\" de'it bele halo bulak ita.", "Professor Pedro Bacelar de Vasconcelos la fo \"solucao\" ba ita nia \"impasse\" maibe fo \"confusao\" ba interpretacao da constituicao.", "Nia husik hela kuat naruk ida - descontinuidade hermeneutica.", "Hau taka ho liafuan husi Sao Paulo nian be hakerek nune'e: \"E Ele que nos torna aptos para sermos ministros de uma nova alianca, nao da letra, mas do Espirito; porque a letra mata, enquanto o Espirito da a vida\" (2Cor 3, 6). *** [Martinho G. da Silva Gusmao Docente filosofia politica, ISFIT, Dom Jaime Garcia Goulart, Fatumeta, Dili | TAFARA.TL | 06.02.2019] Previous Kursu Promosaun Ofisial Inspetor PNTL, FM: Sei Hamosu Deskonte Barak Next Prezidente da Republika Promulga OJE 2019 Lu Olo: Premiu Sergio Vieira de Mello Hatudu Katak Tane As Direitus Humanus.", "Bankada AMP Hasoru Malu Ho PR, Fidelis: Ami La Koalia Asumtu Politika" ]
[ [ "Constitutional patriotism to build a \"democratic culture\": Tetu no sukat veto e promulga - TAFARA.TL Home / Opinion/Opinion Patriotismo constitucionao atu hari'i cultura democratica 2019 Pe Martinho G da Silva Gusmaos Professor of Political Philosophy [Photo by Documents from the author] Other Source February,6th (Wednesday) OPINION Leave your comment This past few days many people have been discussing about constitution and building their own argument regarding budget for economic growth in Timor-Leste(OGE)." ], [ "Those from the opposition gave congratulations to PR." ], [ "Those who are in the government's face fear death PR." ], [ "Look at me, wait a minute." ], [ "We are all wondering what the words \"absolute majority\" and “two-thirds” mean, how they sound or do!" ], [ "Lawyers or constitutionalists are at odds with these concepts." ], [ "I would like to start with a \"legal fact\" that on January 25th of this year, the National Parliament was attended by more than sixty-five deputies who called for an increase in its functions." ], [ "Thus, when \"a two-thirds majority of the Member present is required\" - that must be 43." ], [ "To \"confirmate\" OGE2019, the words “superior to an absolute majority,” which means higher than 43." ], [ "However, final result: 40 \"confirm\" and no.25 against.\"" ], [ "This is not a legal theory opinion, but real political decision-making." ], [ "Taking the concept of \"constitutional patriotism\" (Verfassungspatriotismus), I want to show that even if we have made mistakes, they can be corrected." ], [ "Liu-liu ba tempo nebe sei mai." ], [ "I will begin by reading the dissertation of Professor Pedro Bacelar de Vasconcelos (1); then, as an academic exercise:(2) a legal hermeneutical analysis; and finally - my opinion on future solution – political COMPROMISSO to achieve NATIONAL CONSENSUS." ], [ "Thesis: Professor Pedro Bacelar de Vasconcelos Prof. Peter BACELAR DE VASCONCELOS made his thesi that for OGE 2019, our State together to look at lisuk nature \"orçamento\" and “fiscal policy.”" ], [ "When PR vetoes are \"founded,\" OGE returns to PN." ], [ "Sira made a reassessment." ], [ "The result of the final vote (24 January 1980) was that it passed with a majority, i.e: in favour for all parties and against only one party - Italy!" ], [ "Before opening the re-examination, Prof. Pedro Bacelar wanted to make a \"subtilitas explicandi\" on this issue of veto and promulgation (article 89) by referring directly from articles145th -203rd" ], [ "Pursuant to Article 89 no." ], [ "2 its requirement \"o voto maioria absoluta por MAIORIA ABSOLUTA dos Deputados em efectividade de funcoes\" (official translation - “confirms his vote by the MEP'S who are currently in office their ABSOLUTE MAYORITY”); there is no." ], [ "3 says \"A two-thirds majority of the Members present shall be required, provided that it SUPERIOR to an ABSOLUTE MAYORETY OF THE MEMBERS in effective function\" (official translation - MAIBE TAKE into consideration their own MAINORITIE and then add a third number which is BARAK LIU' s absolute MAGISTERY)." ], [ "Text is not very good." ], [ "Look at me and you'll see." ], [ "CRDL also says in Article 89o no." ], [ "3 to make \"confirmation\" for the matters referred in Article.95 concerning COMPETENCE OF THE PARLIAMENT NATIONALE" ], [ "There is no hatur momos in heaven." ], [ "2 \"The National Parliament is EXCLUSIVELY competent to legislate on: ...\" (p) Fiscal policy; q). Budgetary regime." ], [ "That is to say, making laws on the OGE are \"exclusive property\" of PN." ], [ "This article refers to Article 145, which deals with the GENERAL STATE BUDGET and states that \"The General State Budget shall be DREAMED by Government (Governo) AND APPROVED BY National Parliament\" (\"O Orçamento Geral do Estado é ELABORADO pelo Governo e APROVA DO Parlamento Nacional\")." ], [ "The Constitution also stipulates that the OGE has its \"effectiveness\" and efficiency, shows clearly what it receives (receitas) from which money goes out of government budget." ], [ "Article 145 finally deals with the OGE's \"execution\" and whether it is correct or not will be decided by TRIBUNAL SUPERIOR ADMINISTRATIVO, FISCAL E DE CONTAS (Superior Administrative Fiscal Audit Court) as well a National Parliament." ], [ "Why does the \"VETO\" of PR do not ask for ABSOLUTE MAYORITY but Prof. Vasconcelos only says SIMPLES MAIORY?" ], [ "He himself replied: \"According to the rule of CONSTITUTIONAL DEMOCRACIES, we are not going in power by UNANIMITADE (one faith only one language) but on a basis that RONA THE PEOPLE'S WILL as shown at ELECTION.\"" ], [ "Thus, the MAINSTRUMENT of people have elected parties that formed AMP (Majority Alliance for Progresse)." ], [ "They have formed the Government VIII which has submitted its PROGRAMME to National Parliament and received approval by a SIMPLE MAYORITY." ], [ "Professor Vasconcelos held on to this idea and brought it forward in OGE." ], [ "In his view, the OGE is not an ordinary law like any other (\"universal and abstract\")." ], [ "The OGE is like to HUSE ONLY an authorization so that the government can HETAN DALAN carry out its knar in order for take power." ], [ "Thus, Pedro Bacelar said \"it would not make sense\" (tidak ada artinya; tidak Ada guna nya) through a VETO which only require QUALIFIED MAYORITY so that PR get QUALIFICATION VOTE to pass this OGE!" ], [ "In other words, he was to say that we should not use \"absolute majority\" but only a simple majority." ], [ "Professor Vasconcelos' fundamental philosophy is that \"The PR of Timor-Leste does not govern nor has the competence to do so." ], [ "The approval of the OGE is a parliamentary authorization to govern.\"" ], [ "Antithesis: Discontinuity in legal hermeneutics When speaking of the term “legal” or ‘hermenêutica’, scholars are talking about interpretation." ], [ "With regard to hermeneutics, I have written the book \"Hans-Georg Gadamer: Penggagasan Hermenetik Modern yang Mengagungkan Tradisi\" (Yogyakarta 2013) and a series of articles on this subject." ], [ "This book comes from my master's thesis in Rome." ], [ "There I wrote that in order to interpret correctly, we must go through the pretexts of text and context." ], [ "The pretext is Professor Vasconcelos himself." ], [ "He was the drafter of Timor-Leste's constitution." ], [ "As a constitutionalist, his commentary and interpretation is called \"ex auctoritatis\", meaning that what he says or comments on comes from him as the author of it." ], [ "Thus, it is when his subtilitas explicandi (what he explained with clarity and detail) arises." ], [ "Timorese who attended the Constituent Assembly in 2013, such as Dr. Manuel Tilman said that CRDTL's spirit is to promote democratic culture and how East-Timor can achieve independence with its language & tradition also!" ], [ "This is called \"auctoris mentis\" - that's, what Timorese people think about East Тимор." ], [ "Nicolau Lobato said, \"There is no such thing as Timor-Leste and of the timors.\"" ], [ "However, in a pre-text that is seen from the \"depth hermeneutic\" pointing to an alam -bawah sadar (unconscious), we who discuss each other trust Prof. Bacelar not because of his constitutionalism but for its lack.\"" ], [ "The theory of the \"unconscious world,\" as my lecturer at Gregoriana Prof. Dr Joao J Vila-Cha SJ (also director for Revista Portuguesa da Filosofia) says that Sigmund Freud's notion about inconscience is this: “noção esta que permite definir a psique nas suas relacoes mais obscurais com o instinto”; with Indonesian it would say ”gagasan tentang alam bawah sadar … gagasan yang memungkinkan untuk menegaskan jiwa dalam hubungannya paling gelap dengan naluri.”" ], [ "To be honest, most of the people on Facebook who made this comment believe Prof. Bacelar not because he is a constitutionalist but rather for his \"malae.\"" ], [ "Thus, it is our Timorese who speak that they do not trust the politician." ], [ "Even as President of the Republic he was insulted." ], [ "How long will I insult PR?" ], [ "In the words of psychoanalyst Freud, without \"exploring our unconscious\" - we will be colonized." ], [ "In other words, we are living in a \"colonizing knowledge\" (Linda Tuhiway Smith) or the colonization of mind (\"Franz Fanon\") that I often call malae-minded." ], [ "If we are the ones to beat each other, our \"short-axis\" neighbors will say - “Prof. Bacelar says what about you?”" ], [ "The text is the Constitution itself." ], [ "All of the articles that Prof. Bacelar mentions in his argument for Articles 89,145 &206 are mutually exclusive and contradictory to each other:" ], [ "Wainhira art. 105-2" ], [ "In Article 89, referring to \"veto\" or “promulgation,” only the words ”MAIORIA ABSOLUTA” appear together with those of „exigida a MAIOria ...“" ], [ "SUPERIOR TO THE ABSOLUTE MAINSTRYM.\"" ], [ "Again, this is the \"text\" itself." ], [ "Other articles to support Prof. Bacelar's argument are the 95th &146 th ... referring back on National Parliament and Government..." ], [ "The text says nothing about \"veto,\" “promulgation,” or an absolute majority that is greater than the total number of votes." ], [ "The new thing that Prof. Bacelar talks about is the \"SIMPLE MAYORITY\" and a qualified majority.\"" ], [ "As a lawyer and constitutionalist, Prof. Bacelar knew very well the principle \"nulla poena sine lege\" - no immediate punishment where there is not any laws in place;" ], [ "However, when the constitution does not speak of a \"simple majority\" or an “qualified majority,” then President da República cannot take decisions at his own discretion." ], [ "I would suggest to Prof. Bacelar that he look at what Ludwig Wittgenstein said \"Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, daruber muss Man schweigen\" - meaning: when one has nothing about which they can speak there is only the subject itself (Cf Tractus Logico-Philosophicus;654)." ], [ "In other words, if Prof. Bacelar does not write in the CRDTL about a \"simple majority\" or “qualified majority,” it would be better to ignore him!" ], [ "Or, if we can make a revision to the CRDTL and add these two words then it's up for discussion." ], [ "However, OGE is \"drawn up\" by the Government and not approved in PN (there also article 15o n." ], [ "1, d)." ], [ "According to Prof. Bacelar's view of the classical definition, law is \"... quaedam rationis ordinatio ad bonum commune ab eo qui curam communitatis habet promulgata\" [STh 1-2:90] - an order by reason which carefully seeks for all people and promulgates it so that those who have knowledge can look after their communities;" ], [ "St. Thomas Aquinas argued that by nature, all LAW must have its \"immutability\" (it does not change and goes out at will) as well the universality of laws (\"everywhere they are same for everyone\")." ], [ "I find it strange when Prof. Bacelar says that the OGE has its own strict character, since every year is made and approved together with a government program ;" ], [ "Thus, it is not a law that \"abstracts\" or which “universalizes.”" ], [ "How is that possible?" ], [ "This is the context where Prof. Bacelar speaks about \"power of control over legislative action by other sovereign bodies.\"" ], [ "The PR's veto of the OGE to \"control,\" especially in this 2019 case regarding secret funds (article no." ], [ "2) - to buy shares with us Philips in Shell." ], [ "To this point, PN and the Government agree that PR did his knar \"controlo\" to remove these secret funds!" ], [ "However, this context does not cancel or override the text on \"absolute majority.\"" ], [ "I mean that \"superior to the absolute majority\" is 43 votes in favour." ], [ "Shortly thereafter, the road was closed." ], [ "Don't do this!" ], [ "There is no analysis in this category." ], [ "CRDTL also stated that within eight (8 dias) days, the PR \"MUST PROMULGATE\" - meaning whether he wants it or not." ], [ "There is no longer any semicolon or comma to \"veto.\"" ], [ "No, no!!!" ], [ "Now, he's out of the way!" ], [ "There is no \"30 dias\" - i.e, three null days =)." ], [ "Nee cantigas Presidente PN Na'o Araa Noe nian." ], [ "Someone \"bad\" told the PPN, so it closed with 30 days." ], [ "CRDTL did not say anything. Even if \"malae\" came, they said NO!" ], [ "Therefore, before going to \"reassessment\" I repeatedly speak CONSENSUS. Consensus and again consensus!" ], [ "But, since I am not a lawyer... especially as \"only Timorese\" and no longer an 'immigrant' so the rulers are untrustworthy." ], [ "Now the result is this ..." ], [ "Early on, the early election (EA) result has already said \"CONSENSUS NACIONAL.\"" ], [ "But there is no one to trust." ], [ "Now, OGE2019 has ended with a huge crowd." ], [ "History will tell what I said in 2017 that my decision for the EA is wrong." ], [ "I also told the Bishops that EA is wrong, legally and politicallly \"unacceptable.\"" ], [ "It was my fault that I grew up in Baucau, Timor and didn't go to school until \"supermi junior\"." ], [ "If I had lived in Lisbon, Portugal it would have been right." ], [ "However, when the results of EA came out I said \"consensus\", but as a Timorese so my 'Maun Boot' did not trust me." ], [ "Synthesis: Constitutional Patriotism Having looked at the OGE2019 process and on-oil share purchases ... I suggest to PR that they engage in dialogue." ], [ "It's not because I said it, but the President also believed that \"dialogue\" was an appropriate way...the only one." ], [ "I reminded the PR of \"Forum Maubisse\" (2013), as before that time, when i made a reminder to Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak." ], [ "Even more surprisingly, when CRDTL says \"... no prazo de 90 dias ...\" (within a period of ninety days), the Political Parties in Parliament sit together and talk to each other." ], [ "The word DIA+LOGOS (from Greek, or Yunani) means \"besides the way\"(dia), we all speak to each other in order for a lia los." ], [ "90 days immediately." ], [ "One week we can save Nacao no Povo." ], [ "However, AMP was quick to act and the result is 40 vs.25 votes in favour of MPLA'S proposal for a new constitutional law on national security (1987)." ], [ "Well, PR \"must enact.\"" ], [ "It's not a good one." ], [ "However, it does not preclude PR from also calling for \"preventive fiscalization of constitutionality\" (article 149)." ], [ "The PR has until the 20th to ask a Tribunal de Recurso (accordingly, we would have asked for an appeal from Supreme Court of Justice but that is not yet done)." ], [ "TR gets 25 days, but can take longer if PR asks quickly." ], [ "However, the 8th day cannot be." ], [ "Now, within 45 days (20+18), the PR and PN can make DIALOGO with Government to reach CONSENSUS." ], [ "This is called CULTURA DEMOCRATICA, which gives us the opportunity to measure it with \"constitutional patriotism.\"" ], [ "As Jürgen Habermas proposes about VERFASSUNGSPATRIOTISMUS - constitutional patriotism says, \"... in the Third World...constitutional nationality acquires new significance during an identity transformation\" (J.Haberma: Between Facts and Norms 465)." ], [ "As a part of the Third World, today we have to deal with FRAGILE STATE." ], [ "Timor-Leste is no longer a founder nor donor." ], [ "In fragile states, the Law of Nature is no longer a way to \"solution\" but rather an opportunity for confusion." ], [ "Nicolau Lobato defined patriotism in the FRETILIN Manifesto of July,1974 as a struggle to \"defendemos nossa Independencia da nosso terra ao todo o transe\" (we defend our independence from this land by all means)." ], [ "Indeed, he said that our 501 years of history have been filled with \"sufrimento\" (sorrows) to humilhacoes." ], [ "But he also showed \"courage, self-denial and pride\" - at the same time standing firmly on his feet." ], [ "Habermas talks about freedom and liberation \"settled in the 'WE' perspective of active self-determination\" (p." ], [ "498) - said, hatur iha sikun ITAA ba ukun rasik-an!" ], [ "I am very pleased, as Nicolau Lobato said \"WE ARE the only and legitimate depositary of our forefathers' legacy\" in fighting to achieve independence." ], [ "Independence does not depend on one or two people who come out and say \"I am...\" to fight for it." ], [ "Lae!" ], [ "Nicolau Lobato said, \"sabeMOS (we know), podemos e devemos vencer\" - that is to say: ITA MAK KNOWS!" ], [ "This is what Habermas calls the \"WE perspective.\"" ], [ "I am surprised by Nicolau Lobato's words when he spoke of \"revolutionary consciousness\" and the need for a qualitative leap." ], [ "Habermas also speaks of a \"revolutionary consciousness\" that calls for new mentality, which has the quality to be an independent conscience with its own practical political concept and acquires legitimacy (e.g: socialism)." ], [ "467-50)." ], [ "Habermas asks this question: \"... can our PATRIOTISM survive the marginalization of participatory self-rule\" (p." ], [ "498)?" ], [ "Can our patriotism survive in the marginalization of participation to this self-government?" ], [ "Answer 1 - Habermas does not want to take the measure he says \"... links civil rights and participation with FRATERNITY & SOLIDARITE\" (p." ], [ "467)." ], [ "This is just like what the Preamble (Lian Makloken) of CRDTL states - \"... with a view to building up an equitable and prosperous country, as well As developing SOLIDARY AND FRATERNA society.\"" ], [ "Our traditions of \"fraternity\" and solidarity come to the fore when we are faced with death." ], [ "There is a noise about one house, the whole tribe carries its backpack; there's joy in it all. Each family has their own right hand on each side of that home.\"" ], [ "I suggest that Prime Minister Lu-Olo start from here and go forward." ], [ "In order to take this solution, the PR has indicated a key word - DIALOGO." ], [ "Los duni Deputy ida la concorda. The dunes of the Concorde" ], [ "But PM TMR says \"talk like a child,\" not knowing what is DIALOGO or which one of the two (or both) forms an individualism. A new way to define ourselves as people and society would be that we are all equal in dignity - “Nossos somos” (\"We Are\")." ], [ "To me, Professor Vasconcelos could have gone beyond the TEXTO of constitution." ], [ "But if we are purely academic and critical, then it is clear that the result of voting in National Parliament has been BLOCKED." ], [ "To me, the PN's re-evaluation is a \"total failure\" to achieve an “ABSOLUTE MAINSTRUMENT,” or something that would be GREATER than this absolute majority." ], [ "Do not forget, 2/3 of the deputies serving in Parliament are from amongst those who have been elected." ], [ "So, if my maths are right I'll add up to his 2/3=4." ], [ "When it says \"superior to the absolute majority,\" that means more than 43 votes!!!" ], [ "If this rule is applied, AMP's path has been cut - \"inan aman mota sorin\" (father father driven by the wind) and son motored only with one hand." ], [ "I don't know what Prof. Bacelar can do to help open new paths for me, but he has a lot of experience in the field and is very knowledgeable about this subject matter!" ], [ "However, the use of concepts such as \"simple majority\" or “qualified majority” is not eloquent - nor are it terms like colonization (Franz Fanon) and colonizing knowledge." ], [ "I think that Habermas's proposal about \"FRATERNITY and SOLIDARITE,\" or CRDTL’S words of \"...o desenvolvimento de uma sociedade SOLIDARIA e FRATERNA\", could open up a new path." ], [ "In hermeneutics, this is called CONTEXTUAL." ], [ "Answer 2 - In the debate Dialectic of Secularization, held at Bavaria Catholic Academy (19.03-4), Habermas spoke about \"ethical traditions... and religion\" while Ratzinger said that he was referring to ethically certainties which had hitherto provided a solid foundation.\"" ], [ "These two great sages agree that the PRE-POLITICAL FOUNDATION for a \"strong\" state is reason and morality." ], [ "If the Constitution and State do not lay a firm foundation in our LANGUAGE AND TRADITION together with RELIGION, then politics will fail." ], [ "Our language and tradition that we speak every day is \"MAUN BOOT.\"" ], [ "This \"great\" mythology is not physical, but primarily metaphysical; it'd be people with character and moral qualities rather than just human bodies." ], [ "When we talk about MORAL, it is not that the \"great evils\" have no SIN." ], [ "Lae!" ], [ "For we have all sinned. We are sinners in the first place, but not only that!" ], [ "However, do not become a TRAITOR or CORRUPTER." ], [ "As Pope Francis said, \"Sinful yes! Corruptor no!\"" ], [ "Answer 3 - when Habermas speaks of \"... the principlet' s will not take root in our soul until reason has assured itself Of its orienting, future-directed content\" (cf. \"The Principles and Theory\", p107) -- ...the purpose(ies), objectives & value[es] [of Constitutionalism], shall live only as long within us...until we have a sense that it is sure to lead onward.\"" ], [ "Between Facts and Norms: 471)." ], [ "I think, through the political impasse that has lasted for almost two years now and will continue to last a long time in our state." ], [ "The better way is the DIALOGUE we make from our own hearts until all of us are living." ], [ "The big mistake is when Prof. Bacelar wants to solve the \"political impasse\" through hermeneutic discontinuity - namely, that Constitution does not say anything about a simple majority or qualified majorities but he just jumping into forest and destroy all trees in front of him!" ], [ "Conclusion - through CONSTITUTIONAL PATRIOTISM I would like to suggest that with the \"courage, selflessness and pride\" of State & People we can make a consensus in order for us open up new paths." ], [ "The 1970s \"Creepshow\" was a great success, and the song 'I Can't Get Nothing Out of You (Anymore)’ became an all-time hit." ], [ "Professor Pedro Bacelar de Vasconcelos did not provide a \"solution\" to our impasse but rather created confusion in the interpretation of constitution." ], [ "He left behind a very long one - hermeneutical discontinuity." ], [ "I close with the words of St. Paul, who wrote: \"He makes us fit to be ministers in a new covenant; not according unto letter but after Spirit\" (2 Cor 3-6). *** [Martinho G da Silva Gusmao Docente filosofia politica - Instituto Superior de Filosofia e Teologia do Timor Lorosa'e | TAFARA / TL] Previous Kursu Promosaun Oficial Inspetor PNTL Next Presidente Da Republika Promulga OGE19 Lu Olo – Sergio Vieira De Mello Hatudu Katak Tane As Direitus Humanos" ], [ "The AMP Cabinet Faces Disgrace from the PR, Fidelis: We Will Not Assume Coalition Politics" ] ]
Komando Organiza Enkontru ho PNTL Dili Hasoru Eleisaun 2012 – Radio Liberdade Dili – FM 95.8 Mhz\nRadio, online – Hodi garante estabilidade ba prosesu eleisaun jeral 2012, Komando Polisia Nasional Timor -Leste (PNTL) realiza enkontru ho komando Distritu Dili hodi haforsa servisu PNTL nian ba prosesu tomak iha eleisaun mai ne’e. Tanba Distritu Dili numeru populasaun barak no numeru violensia as iha nasaun ne’e.\nEnkontru ne’e halao iha Komando PNTL Distritu Dili, Kaikoli, Kuarta (27/7). Komisairu PNTL Longuinhos Monteiro iha nia abertura hatete, liu husi enkotru ne’e bele fo koinesementu diak liu tan ba membru polisia sira wainhira atua kualkuer aktu violensia ne’ebe hasoru, liliu iha kapital Dili.\n“Objetivu lolos atu foka seguransa ne’ebe diak ba prosesu eleisaun atu mai ne’e. Fo hatene ba komando PNTL distrital sira wainhira halo levantamentu kasu ruma tenki baseia ba levantamentu risku no aktividades depende deit ba numero sentru votasoens ne’ebe sei tau iha fatin votasaun,”Longuinhos apela.\nLonguinhos realsa, polisia nasional halo nia misaun kumpri nia misaun atu bele asegura eleisaun nee lao ho pas,susesu no komunidade bele partisipa iha festa demokrasia.\nIha fatin hanesan, Komadante PNTL Distrital Dili Pedro Belo husu ba populasaun sira, konaba isu kilat ilegal ne’ebe publika hela namanas. Belo husu ba populasaun sira labele tauk no paniku tamba ema balun halo knal pot motor nia tarutu kilat nia tarutu.\n“sira ne’ebe halo knal pot motor lian tarutu hanesan kilat polisia sei prende no fo multa. Kauza ne’e bele influensia establidade nasional no halo instabillidade situasaun sai la hakmatek,” realsa Perdo,\nDili La Iha Kilat Ilegal\nKomisairu PNTL ne’e mos responde ba rumoris dehan kital ilegal espalha iha Dili laran iha tempu kalan, tuir Komandante aifunan rua ne’e hatete, iha kapital Dili la iha kilat ilegal.\nTuir Longuinhos, nia rasik la fiar ho kilat ilegal ne’ebe lian iha kapital Dili tanba durante ne’e banhira kilat tarutu komunidade rasik la fo informasaun ba iha PNTL. Longguinhos husu sekarik atu hatene informasaun ou atu hato’o prekupasaun halo favor hakbesik ba Estasaun PNTL .
[ "Komando Organiza Enkontru ho PNTL Dili Hasoru Eleisaun 2012 - Radio Liberdade Dili - FM 95.8 Mhz Radio, online - Hodi garante estabilidade ba prosesu eleisaun jeral 2012, Komando Polisia Nasional Timor -Leste (PNTL) realiza enkontru ho komando Distritu Dili hodi haforsa servisu PNTL nian ba prosesu tomak iha eleisaun mai ne'e.", "Tanba Distritu Dili numeru populasaun barak no numeru violensia as iha nasaun ne'e.", "Enkontru ne'e halao iha Komando PNTL Distritu Dili, Kaikoli, Kuarta (27/7).", "Komisairu PNTL Longuinhos Monteiro iha nia abertura hatete, liu husi enkotru ne'e bele fo koinesementu diak liu tan ba membru polisia sira wainhira atua kualkuer aktu violensia ne'ebe hasoru, liliu iha kapital Dili.", "\"Objetivu lolos atu foka seguransa ne'ebe diak ba prosesu eleisaun atu mai ne'e.", "Fo hatene ba komando PNTL distrital sira wainhira halo levantamentu kasu ruma tenki baseia ba levantamentu risku no aktividades depende deit ba numero sentru votasoens ne'ebe sei tau iha fatin votasaun,\"Longuinhos apela.", "Longuinhos realsa, polisia nasional halo nia misaun kumpri nia misaun atu bele asegura eleisaun nee lao ho pas,susesu no komunidade bele partisipa iha festa demokrasia.", "Iha fatin hanesan, Komadante PNTL Distrital Dili Pedro Belo husu ba populasaun sira, konaba isu kilat ilegal ne'ebe publika hela namanas.", "Belo husu ba populasaun sira labele tauk no paniku tamba ema balun halo knal pot motor nia tarutu kilat nia tarutu. \"sira ne'ebe halo knal pot motor lian tarutu hanesan kilat polisia sei prende no fo multa.", "Kauza ne'e bele influensia establidade nasional no halo instabillidade situasaun sai la hakmatek,\" realsa Perdo, Dili La Iha Kilat Ilegal Komisairu PNTL ne'e mos responde ba rumoris dehan kital ilegal espalha iha Dili laran iha tempu kalan, tuir Komandante aifunan rua ne'e hatete, iha kapital Dili la iha kilat ilegal.", "Tuir Longuinhos, nia rasik la fiar ho kilat ilegal ne'ebe lian iha kapital Dili tanba durante ne'e banhira kilat tarutu komunidade rasik la fo informasaun ba iha PNTL.", "Longguinhos husu sekarik atu hatene informasaun ou atu hato'o prekupasaun halo favor hakbesik ba Estasaun PNTL ." ]
[ [ "Komando Organiza Encontru ho PNTL Dili Hasoru Eleisaun 2013 - Radio Liberdade Timor-Leste FM, online – In order to ensure stability for the general election process in December of this year (General Elections), National Police Command has held a meeting with district commanders and police officials." ], [ "Because Dili District has a large population and high number of violence in the country." ], [ "The meeting was held at the PNTL Dili District Command, Kaikoli on Thursday (27/8)." ], [ "PNTL Commissioner Longuinhos Monteiro in his opening remarks said that through this meeting, police members can gain better knowledge when dealing with any acts of violence they encounter especially at the capital Dili." ], [ "\"The clear objective is to focus on good security for the upcoming electoral process." ], [ "Instruct the district commands of PNTL that whenever they investigate a case, it must be based on risk analysis and activities depend only upon how many polling stations will have been set up at each voting site\", Longuinhos appealed." ], [ "Longuinhos emphasized that the national police did its mission to ensure a peaceful and successful election, allowing communities participate in this democratic feast." ], [ "In the same vein, PNTL Dili District Commander Pedro Belo asked people about illegal guns issue which is publicly known." ], [ "Belo asked the population not to panic because some people are making knal pot engine sound like lightning. \"those who make motor crankshell noises as a flash of lights police will arrest and fined them,\" he said in an interview with Radio 103 FM on Monday morning (25th)." ], [ "This can affect national stability and make the situation unstable,\" Perdo emphasized. Dili Does Not Have Illegal Firearms The PNTL Commissioner also responded to rumors that illegal weaponry is spreading in downtown during nighttime; accordingly he said there are no illicit firearm stockpiles on site at any time of day or evening.\"" ], [ "According to Longuinhos, he himself does not believe in the illegal guns that are being heard around Dili because during this time when a shotgun is fired community members themselves do NOT give information into PNTL." ], [ "Longguinhos asks anyone who wants to know more or raise any concern please contact the PNTL Station." ] ]
Tetun | Timor Archives\nCHART mak projetu Australia nian ida. Ami nia objetivu mak atu buka hetan iha Australia laran arkivu hotu kona ba Timor-Leste husi tinan 1974-1999. Website ida ne’e mak ami nia fatin prinsipal hodi komunika sai saida mak ami hetan no atu hakerek artigu sira kona ba konteudu balu husi arkivu sira ne’e.\nAte agora, ami nian komunikasaun hotu hala’o iha lian Ingles. Ami estabelese pagina ida ne’e iha ami nian website atu komesa fo sai ami nian servisu balu iha lian Tetun.\nArtigu balu iha ne’e hanesan tradusaun kompleta husi artigu anterior sira iha lian Ingles; artigu balu nu’udar sumaria badak de’it.\nSimu komentariu sira\nAmi simu komentariu sira no diskusaun kona ba artigu individual iha lian Tetun. Ami prefere komentariu sira ne’ebe ho respeitu no sei aumenta ba ema ida-idak nia kunesimentu no komprensaun kona ba topiku sira iha artigu ne’e. Opiniaun sira tenke suporta ho informasaun konkretu bainhira posivel.\nAmi sei labele publika komentariu anonimus sira. Ami sei la publika komentariu la importante, slogan, ka komentariu difamatoriu kona ba ema sira ne’ebe mak sei moris.\nKlik iha artigu nia titulu atu lee testu iha Tetun\nIda ne’e mak introdusaun ba arkivu kona ba ‘Operasaun Skylight’ iha 1978. Sei iha pergunta barak mak presiza atu resposta antes ita bele komprende eventu ida ne’e.\nIha dokumentu barak husi tinan 1974-1999 kona ba Timor-Leste iha Arkivu Nasional Australia. Balu sei sekretu. Artigu ida ne’e kona ba Kim McGrath nia esforsu ne’ebe la susesu atu haree dokumentu sira kona ba Timor Gap.\nArkivu online resente liu kona ba Timor-Leste nia istória fó asesu ba dokumentu sira kona ba movimentu solidariedade internasional, 1974-1999. CHART halo sumária ba konteudu husi rekursu folin-boot ne’e no fiar katak ne’e bele sai exemplu di’ak ida ba Timor-Leste nia institusaun arkivu sira hodi halo tuir.
[ "Tetun | Timor Archives CHART mak projetu Australia nian ida.", "Ami nia objetivu mak atu buka hetan iha Australia laran arkivu hotu kona ba Timor-Leste husi tinan 1974-1999.", "Website ida ne'e mak ami nia fatin prinsipal hodi komunika sai saida mak ami hetan no atu hakerek artigu sira kona ba konteudu balu husi arkivu sira ne'e.", "Ate agora, ami nian komunikasaun hotu hala'o iha lian Ingles.", "Ami estabelese pagina ida ne'e iha ami nian website atu komesa fo sai ami nian servisu balu iha lian Tetun.", "Artigu balu iha ne'e hanesan tradusaun kompleta husi artigu anterior sira iha lian Ingles; artigu balu nu'udar sumaria badak de'it.", "Simu komentariu sira Ami simu komentariu sira no diskusaun kona ba artigu individual iha lian Tetun.", "Ami prefere komentariu sira ne'ebe ho respeitu no sei aumenta ba ema ida-idak nia kunesimentu no komprensaun kona ba topiku sira iha artigu ne'e.", "Opiniaun sira tenke suporta ho informasaun konkretu bainhira posivel.", "Ami sei labele publika komentariu anonimus sira.", "Ami sei la publika komentariu la importante, slogan, ka komentariu difamatoriu kona ba ema sira ne'ebe mak sei moris.", "Klik iha artigu nia titulu atu lee testu iha Tetun Ida ne'e mak introdusaun ba arkivu kona ba 'Operasaun Skylight' iha 1978.", "Sei iha pergunta barak mak presiza atu resposta antes ita bele komprende eventu ida ne'e.", "Iha dokumentu barak husi tinan 1974-1999 kona ba Timor-Leste iha Arkivu Nasional Australia.", "Balu sei sekretu.", "Artigu ida ne'e kona ba Kim McGrath nia esforsu ne'ebe la susesu atu haree dokumentu sira kona ba Timor Gap.", "Arkivu online resente liu kona ba Timor-Leste nia istoria fo asesu ba dokumentu sira kona ba movimentu solidariedade internasional, 1974-1999.", "CHART halo sumaria ba konteudu husi rekursu folin-boot ne'e no fiar katak ne'e bele sai exemplu di'ak ida ba Timor-Leste nia institusaun arkivu sira hodi halo tuir." ]
[ [ "Tetun | Timor Archives CHART is an Australian project." ], [ "Our aim is to find all the archives on East Timor from Australia, covering period of time between1974-30." ], [ "This website is our main place to communicate what we find and write articles about some of the contents from these archive." ], [ "Until now, all our communications have been conducted in English." ], [ "We have established this page on our website to begin offering some of the services we provide in Tetun." ], [ "Some articles are complete translations of previous English-language article; some only provide a brief summary." ], [ "We welcome comments and discussions on individual articles in the Tetun language." ], [ "We prefer comments that are respectful and will increase each person's knowledge of the topic in this article." ], [ "Opinions should be supported by concrete information whenever possible." ], [ "We will not publish anonymous comments." ], [ "We will not publish irrelevant comments, slogans or defamatory commentary about people who are dying." ], [ "Click on the title of this article to read it in Tetun. This is an introduction into archives about 'Operation Skylight', which took place during July and August (1978)." ], [ "Many questions will need to be answered before we can understand this event." ], [ "There are many documents from the years 1974-30 about East Timor in Australia's National Archives." ], [ "At least six secrets." ], [ "This article is about Kim McGrath's unsuccessful attempt to view documents on the Timor Gap." ], [ "The most recent online archive on Timor-Leste's history provides access to documents about the international solidarity movement, from1974 -205." ], [ "CHART summarized the content of this valuable resource and believes that it can serve as a good example for Timor-Leste' s archive institutions to follow." ] ]
Ekipa Konjunta ezekuta mandadu TDD hasai okupante iha Ai-mutin | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA JUSTISA Ekipa Konjunta ezekuta mandadu TDD hasai okupante iha Ai-mutin\nEkipa Konjunta ezekuta mandadu TDD hasai okupante iha Ai-mutin\nEkipa konjuta hala’o ezekusaun mandadu TDD hodi hamamuk komunidade ne’ebé okupa rai rai privadu iha área Ai-mutin, kinta 10/2/2022. Imajen Tatoli/Antonio Dasiparu\nDILI, 10 fevereiru 2022 (TATOLI— Ekipa Konjunta kompostu hosi Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL), FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) no Jestaun Merkadu Munisípiu Dili, kinta ne’e, ezekuta mandadu Tribunál Distritál Dili (TDD) hodi hasai obrigatóriu komunidade ne’ebé okupa rai iha aldeia Terus Nanis, suku Comoro, postu administrativu Dom Aleixo, munisípiu Dili.\nEkipa konjuta ne’e hasai obrigatóriu okupante sira bazeia ba notifikasaun Tribunál ho númeru Nuc, 37/20/CV TDD.\nEkipa konjuta hala’o ezekusaun mandadu TDD hodi hamamuk komunidade ne’ebé okupa rai privadu iha área Ai-mutin, kinta 10/2/2022. Imajen Tatoli/Antonio Dasiparu\n“Iha ezekusaun ida ne’e liuhosi andamentu prosesu normal ho baze ba mandadu Tribunál nune’e parte ofisiál ho seguransa sira atu hasai obrigatóriu okupante sira. Tanba ida ne’e mak desizaun ikus no ita hotu tenke kumpre,” Advogadu Privadu Octávio Cardoso, hateten bainhira akompaña ekipa konjuta hamamuk okupante sira, iha Ai-mutin-Dili, kinta ne’e.\nNia dehan, antes halo ezekusaun mandadu ne’e, Tribunál fó loron 20 atu halo embargu datoluk kontra desizaun tribunál ni’an, maibé prova hirak ne’e TDD indefere.\n“Atu ko’alia katak buat hotu ita bele halo, maibé tribunál kuandu indefere katak laiha prova ne’ebé sufisiente hodi konvense tribunál atu anula nia desizaun ba iha prosesu ne’e, ho ida ne’e mak ita-boot sira haree desizaun to’o ba iha nia rohan no ezekusaun la’o ona,” nia afirma.\nOkupante sente triste\nIha biban hanesan, Okupante rai iha Ai-mutin, Julião António Soares, sente triste ho desizaun Tribunál ne’ebé obriga sira sai hosi fatin ne’e tanba la justu no konsidera rai ne’e sira okupa durante tempu naruk nia-laran.\n“Ha’u hanesan oan no ha’u hela iha rai ne’e sente desizaun ne’ebé Tribunál fó sai la justu tanba tuir loloos Tribunál tenke buka prova hodi haree didi’ak tanba ami la’ós okupa rai ne’e iha 2006, maibé ha’u moris iha rai ne’e kedan,” nia lamenta.\nNune’e, nia dehan hanesan okupante sei la kumpre desizaun hodi hamamuk fatin no sei kontinua mantein atu buka lia loos.\n“Ami mantein nafatin atu buka lia loos tanba ami la aseita Advogadu Alzira Ximenes deklara katak iha 1997 ami la hela iha rai ne’e. Deklarasaun ne’e la loos tanba ami hela iha ne’e no ami-nia uma fatin uluk iha leten, hafoin muda mai iha ne’e,” nia akresenta.\nEntretantu, Tuir observasaun jornalista Agência Tatoli iha tereñu nota katak, ekipa konjuntu hasai ona sasan okupante ba rai nian hosi uma laran hodi tau ona iha estrada ninin iha parte ai-mutin, inklui hasai mós materiál mobiliariu nia hanesan ai, karreta no sasan sira seluk.\nIha prosesu ezekusaun mandadu tribunál ne’e hetan seguransa másimu hosi Polísia Nasionál Timor Leste no FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL. Enkuantu, rai ne’ebé okupante sira okupa ne’e ho nia medida metru kuadradu 21.000.\nEkipa Konjuta ezekuta mandadu TDD hasai okupante iha Ai-mutin\nPrevious articleMTK esforsu estabelese akordu servisu aéreu ho Malázia\nNext articleAutoridade Aduaneira RAEOA rekolla reseita rihun $131-resin iha 2021
[ "Ekipa Konjunta ezekuta mandadu TDD hasai okupante iha Ai-mutin | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA JUSTISA Ekipa Konjunta ezekuta mandadu TDD hasai okupante iha Ai-mutin Ekipa Konjunta ezekuta mandadu TDD hasai okupante iha Ai-mutin Ekipa konjuta hala'o ezekusaun mandadu TDD hodi hamamuk komunidade ne'ebe okupa rai rai privadu iha area Ai-mutin, kinta 10/2/2022.", "Imajen Tatoli/Antonio Dasiparu DILI, 10 fevereiru 2022 (TATOLI - Ekipa Konjunta kompostu hosi Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL), FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) no Jestaun Merkadu Munisipiu Dili, kinta ne'e, ezekuta mandadu Tribunal Distrital Dili (TDD) hodi hasai obrigatoriu komunidade ne'ebe okupa rai iha aldeia Terus Nanis, suku Comoro, postu administrativu Dom Aleixo, munisipiu Dili.", "Ekipa konjuta ne'e hasai obrigatoriu okupante sira bazeia ba notifikasaun Tribunal ho numeru Nuc, 37/20/CV TDD.", "Ekipa konjuta hala'o ezekusaun mandadu TDD hodi hamamuk komunidade ne'ebe okupa rai privadu iha area Ai-mutin, kinta 10/2/2022.", "Imajen Tatoli/Antonio Dasiparu \"Iha ezekusaun ida ne'e liuhosi andamentu prosesu normal ho baze ba mandadu Tribunal nune'e parte ofisial ho seguransa sira atu hasai obrigatoriu okupante sira.", "Tanba ida ne'e mak desizaun ikus no ita hotu tenke kumpre,\" Advogadu Privadu Octavio Cardoso, hateten bainhira akompana ekipa konjuta hamamuk okupante sira, iha Ai-mutin-Dili, kinta ne'e.", "Nia dehan, antes halo ezekusaun mandadu ne'e, Tribunal fo loron 20 atu halo embargu datoluk kontra desizaun tribunal ni'an, maibe prova hirak ne'e TDD indefere.", "\"Atu ko'alia katak buat hotu ita bele halo, maibe tribunal kuandu indefere katak laiha prova ne'ebe sufisiente hodi konvense tribunal atu anula nia desizaun ba iha prosesu ne'e, ho ida ne'e mak ita-boot sira haree desizaun to'o ba iha nia rohan no ezekusaun la'o ona,\" nia afirma.", "Okupante sente triste Iha biban hanesan, Okupante rai iha Ai-mutin, Juliao Antonio Soares, sente triste ho desizaun Tribunal ne'ebe obriga sira sai hosi fatin ne'e tanba la justu no konsidera rai ne'e sira okupa durante tempu naruk nia-laran.", "\"Ha'u hanesan oan no ha'u hela iha rai ne'e sente desizaun ne'ebe Tribunal fo sai la justu tanba tuir loloos Tribunal tenke buka prova hodi haree didi'ak tanba ami la'os okupa rai ne'e iha 2006, maibe ha'u moris iha rai ne'e kedan,\" nia lamenta.", "Nune'e, nia dehan hanesan okupante sei la kumpre desizaun hodi hamamuk fatin no sei kontinua mantein atu buka lia loos.", "\"Ami mantein nafatin atu buka lia loos tanba ami la aseita Advogadu Alzira Ximenes deklara katak iha 1997 ami la hela iha rai ne'e.", "Deklarasaun ne'e la loos tanba ami hela iha ne'e no ami-nia uma fatin uluk iha leten, hafoin muda mai iha ne'e,\" nia akresenta.", "Entretantu, Tuir observasaun jornalista Agencia Tatoli iha terenu nota katak, ekipa konjuntu hasai ona sasan okupante ba rai nian hosi uma laran hodi tau ona iha estrada ninin iha parte ai-mutin, inklui hasai mos material mobiliariu nia hanesan ai, karreta no sasan sira seluk.", "Iha prosesu ezekusaun mandadu tribunal ne'e hetan seguransa masimu hosi Polisia Nasional Timor Leste no FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL.", "Enkuantu, rai ne'ebe okupante sira okupa ne'e ho nia medida metru kuadradu 21.000.", "Ekipa Konjuta ezekuta mandadu TDD hasai okupante iha Ai-mutin Previous articleMTK esforsu estabelese akordu servisu aereu ho Malazia Next articleAutoridade Aduaneira RAEOA rekolla reseita rihun $131-resin iha 2021" ]
[ [ "Joint Team Executes TDD Mandate to Evict Occupants in Ai-mutin | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor -Leste Home JUSTICE The joint team executes the mandates of Tribunal Defensor do Povo (TDP) for eviction from private land occupied by communities, on Tuesday February." ], [ "DILI, February 10th (TATOLI) - A joint team composed of the National Police Timor-Leste(PNTL), FALINTIL – Forsa Defesa de Timór Leste and Dili Municipal Market Management today execute a mandate from District Court to evict communities who occupy land in Terus Nanis village at Comoro subdivision Dom Aleixo administrative post." ], [ "The joint team removed the occupants based on a court notification with number Nuc, 37/20 / CV TDD." ], [ "A joint team carried out the execution of a TDD mandate to dismantle communities occupying private land in Ai-mutin area, on Tuesday 10/2 /3." ], [ "Image Tatoli/Antonio Dasiparu \"In this execution, through the normal course of proceedings and based on a mandate from Tribunal so official parties with security forces to remove obligatory occupants." ], [ "Because this is the final decision and we all have to comply,\" Private Attorney Octavio Cardoso said when accompanying a team of conjute squatters in Ai-mutin Dili on Wednesday." ], [ "He said that before executing the warrant, he had given 20 days to file a third appeal against this court's decision. The TDD denied such evidence and ordered his arrest on charge of \"unlawful possession\"." ], [ "\"To say that everything we can do, but when the court defers there is no sufficient evidence to convince it of its decision in this case. This means you see a ruling has come into effect and execution goes on.\"" ], [ "In the same vein, occupier of land in Ai-mutin Juliao Antonio Soares feels saddened by court decision that forced them to move from this place because it is unjust and considering they have been occupant for a long time." ], [ "\"I'm a child and I live in this land. The decision of the Tribunal is unjust because it should have looked for evidence to see what happened, as we did not occupy our lands back 2016 but my life was spent on these soils.\"" ], [ "Thus, he said that as occupiers will not comply with the decision to demolish and continue maintaining in search of truth." ], [ "\"We continue to seek the truth because we do not accept Lawyer Alzira Ximenes declares that in 1987, our family wasn't living on this land." ], [ "This statement is not true because we live here and our house was downstairs before moving to this place,\" he added." ], [ "Meanwhile, according to the observation of journalist Tatoli Agency in field notes that joint team has removed occupants for land from home and put it on this road at tree-mutin part including removing furniture material such as woods carriages etc." ], [ "During the execution of its mandate, this court was given maximum security by both PNTL and FALINTIL-Força Defesa Timor Leste (F - FDTL)." ], [ "In contrast, the land occupied by those who have taken over has a size of 21.05 square meters (73 sq mi)." ], [ "PreviousMTK seeks to establish air service agreement with Malaysia Next articleRegional Customs Authority of the RAEOA raises more than $130 million in revenue for fiscal year ending June, July and August" ] ]
Ezekutivu timoroan hakarak "akordu estratéjiku konsiliasaun" ho opozisaun - Notícias SAPO - SAPO Notícias\n12 de Outubro de 2017, 01:01\nGovernu timoroan hakarak "akordu estratéjiku konsiliasaun ida" ho prazu médiu ho opozisaun, aposta iha diálogu permanente ida, transparénsia liu, diálogu di'ak liu ho sidadania no "orsamentu partisipativu ida".\nKompromisu ne'e halo parte iha Programa Governu nian ne'ebé maka entrega iha loron-tersa iha Parlamentu Nasional, ne'ebé ezekutivu minoritáriu bele hasoru, iha semana oinmai, rejeisaun hosi bloku maioritáriu ida hosi opozisaun.\nAkordu estratéjiku konsiliasaun nian, esplika iha testu ne'ebé maka Lusa hetan asesu, sei serve hodi haketak "polítika ekonómiku sira, fiskal sira, rendimentu sira nian, empregu ho protesaun sosial nian", loke mós oportunidade ba diálogu maka'as ho sidadania.\nEntre medida estruturante sira hosi governasaun, ezekutivu divulga kriasaun hosi Konsellu Seguransa Nasional - sei lidera hosi eis-Prezidente José Ramos-Horta - ne'ebé sei apoia ezekutivu iha elaborasaun hosi polítika sira defeza nian, seguransa ho polítika esternu.\nGovernu hakarak "moderniza forsa armada", mantén apoiu ba militar nia família sira no foti nafatin dignidade hosi veteranu sira ne'ebé kombate hasoru okupasaun indonéziu, harii ona entidade formadora ida ba ofisial sira hosi Polísia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) nian no hosi Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) nian.\nIha nível esternu, ezekutivu aposta iha "kontinuasaun ho koerénsia", destaka lasu sira ho Komunidade hosi Nasaun sira ho Lian Portugés (CPLP), ho nasaun sira hosi Ázia ho Pasífiku no iha ámbitu g7+, fórum koperasaun hosi Estadu fraku sira, nune'e mós ho Uniaun Europeia (UE) ho ONU.\nTestu estabelese definisaun hosi fronteira sira ho Austrália hanesan "prioridade nasional ida" no rekorda katak ne'e presiza investimentu boot ida "iha kondisaun sira supervizaun hosi rai, tasi no áereu".\nIha nível internu, Governu hakarak estimula diálogu ho partisipasaun demokrátiku hosi sidadaun sira, ho "transparénsia maka'as, responsabilidade, votasaun demokrátiku no kontrolu legalidade nian", promove uniaun sosial, mantén relasionamentu konstrutivu entre órgaun soberania sira no fó informasaun di'ak no barak kona-ba asaun governativu.\nPrograma hosi ezekutivu fó destake ba área justisa, aposta iha reforma hosi kuadru legal hodi harii "ordenamentu jurídiku ida no normativu hosi kriasuan timoroan nian" no iha reforsu ba formasaun no kapasitasaun hosi ajente sira no profisional sira iha área ne'e.\nHalo simples liu iha konstrusaun ba lei sira ho garantia hosi uzu lian ofisial rua - portugés ho tétun - hodi iha sistema ida "ne'ebé hanesan duni bilingue no iha liu asesu" - hanesan objetivu sira seluk hosi reforma ne'ebé hahú ona hosi governu anterior sira.\nKona-ba konta públika, Governu kompromete ba "levantamentu kompletu" ida iha ministériu tomak hosi "fonte sira jerasaun ne'ebé la justifika ba gastu sira" no medida sira "rasionalizasaun nian no kualifikasaun hosi despeza sira".\nSei halo mós estudu ida hosi produtividade no dimensaun hosi forsa serbisu públiku nian, hodi garanti katak sei hanesan "la tolera iha aplikasaun hosi prinsípiu sira hosi méritu nian iha rekrutamentu no promosaun" pesoal nian.
[ "Ezekutivu timoroan hakarak \"akordu estratejiku konsiliasaun\" ho opozisaun - Noticias SAPO - SAPO Noticias 12 de Outubro de 2017, 01:01 Governu timoroan hakarak \"akordu estratejiku konsiliasaun ida\" ho prazu mediu ho opozisaun, aposta iha dialogu permanente ida, transparensia liu, dialogu di'ak liu ho sidadania no \"orsamentu partisipativu ida.\"", "Kompromisu ne'e halo parte iha Programa Governu nian ne'ebe maka entrega iha loron-tersa iha Parlamentu Nasional, ne'ebe ezekutivu minoritariu bele hasoru, iha semana oinmai, rejeisaun hosi bloku maioritariu ida hosi opozisaun.", "Akordu estratejiku konsiliasaun nian, esplika iha testu ne'ebe maka Lusa hetan asesu, sei serve hodi haketak \"politika ekonomiku sira, fiskal sira, rendimentu sira nian, empregu ho protesaun sosial nian,\" loke mos oportunidade ba dialogu maka'as ho sidadania.", "Entre medida estruturante sira hosi governasaun, ezekutivu divulga kriasaun hosi Konsellu Seguransa Nasional - sei lidera hosi eis-Prezidente Jose Ramos-Horta - ne'ebe sei apoia ezekutivu iha elaborasaun hosi politika sira defeza nian, seguransa ho politika esternu.", "Governu hakarak \"moderniza forsa armada,\" manten apoiu ba militar nia familia sira no foti nafatin dignidade hosi veteranu sira ne'ebe kombate hasoru okupasaun indoneziu, harii ona entidade formadora ida ba ofisial sira hosi Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) nian no hosi Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) nian.", "Iha nivel esternu, ezekutivu aposta iha \"kontinuasaun ho koerensia,\" destaka lasu sira ho Komunidade hosi Nasaun sira ho Lian Portuges (CPLP), ho nasaun sira hosi Azia ho Pasifiku no iha ambitu g7+, forum koperasaun hosi Estadu fraku sira, nune'e mos ho Uniaun Europeia (UE) ho ONU.", "Testu estabelese definisaun hosi fronteira sira ho Australia hanesan \"prioridade nasional ida\" no rekorda katak ne'e presiza investimentu boot ida \"iha kondisaun sira supervizaun hosi rai, tasi no aereu.\"", "Iha nivel internu, Governu hakarak estimula dialogu ho partisipasaun demokratiku hosi sidadaun sira, ho \"transparensia maka'as, responsabilidade, votasaun demokratiku no kontrolu legalidade nian,\" promove uniaun sosial, manten relasionamentu konstrutivu entre orgaun soberania sira no fo informasaun di'ak no barak kona-ba asaun governativu.", "Programa hosi ezekutivu fo destake ba area justisa, aposta iha reforma hosi kuadru legal hodi harii \"ordenamentu juridiku ida no normativu hosi kriasuan timoroan nian\" no iha reforsu ba formasaun no kapasitasaun hosi ajente sira no profisional sira iha area ne'e.", "Halo simples liu iha konstrusaun ba lei sira ho garantia hosi uzu lian ofisial rua - portuges ho tetun - hodi iha sistema ida \"ne'ebe hanesan duni bilingue no iha liu asesu\" - hanesan objetivu sira seluk hosi reforma ne'ebe hahu ona hosi governu anterior sira.", "Kona-ba konta publika, Governu kompromete ba \"levantamentu kompletu\" ida iha ministeriu tomak hosi \"fonte sira jerasaun ne'ebe la justifika ba gastu sira\" no medida sira \"rasionalizasaun nian no kualifikasaun hosi despeza sira.\"", "Sei halo mos estudu ida hosi produtividade no dimensaun hosi forsa serbisu publiku nian, hodi garanti katak sei hanesan \"la tolera iha aplikasaun hosi prinsipiu sira hosi meritu nian iha rekrutamentu no promosaun\" pesoal nian." ]
[ [ "The Tongan government wants a \"strategic consultation agreement\" with the opposition - Noticias SAPO 12 de Outubro," ], [ "The commitment is part of the Government's Programme to be submitted on Tuesday in Parliament, which may face a minority executive rejection by an opposition majority block next week." ], [ "The strategic agreement of the consultation, explained in a text that Lusa has had access to (in Portuguese), will serve as an instrument for addressing \"economic policies and fiscal ones on income levels. Employment or social protection\", while also opening up opportunities with citizens' dialogue at greater depth.\"" ], [ "Among structural measures of governance, the executive announced creation a National Security Council - to be headed by former President Jose Ramos-Horta – which will support it in elaborating defence and security policy." ], [ "The government wants to \"modernize the armed forces,\" maintain support for military families and still take dignity from veteran who fought against Indonesian occupation. It has created a training entity of officer in both PNTL (Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste) as well FDTL(Forsa Defesa Timór Leste)." ], [ "At the external level, it is committed to \"continuity and coherence\", highlighting its ties with Community of Portuguese-speaking Nations (CPLP), Asia Pacific countries in g7+, a cooperation forum for weak states as well As European Union(EU)and UN." ], [ "The text sets out the definition of borders with Australia as \"a national priority\" and notes that this require a major investment in “supervision conditions from land, seas & air.”" ], [ "At the internal level, it wants to stimulate dialogue with democratic participation of citizens through \"high transparency and accountability; a democracy based on voting as well As control over legality\"; promote social unification by maintaining constructive relations between sovereign organ' s." ], [ "The executive's programme highlighted the area of justice, committing to reforming its legal framework in order \"to establish a juridical and normative system for Timorese society\" as well As strengthening training & capacity building activities among agents& professionals within this field." ], [ "Simplify the construction of laws by guaranteeing use in both official languages - Portuguese and Tetum – to have a system \"that is truly bilingual, with more access\" are other objectives for reform already begun under previous government." ], [ "Regarding public accounts, the Government committed to a \"complete removal\" across ministries of “generation sources that do not justify expenditure” and measured for „rationalization or qualification.”" ], [ "A study of the productivity and sizes in public service will also be carried out, to ensure that there is \"zero tolerance\" for applying merit-based recruitment or promotion." ] ]
Aimoruk Items 154 Laiha | STLNEWS\nHome Nasionál Aimoruk Items 154 Laiha\nAimoruk Items 154 Laiha\nPasiente moras ba halo tratamentu presiza aimoruk, maibe agora dadaun stock out ba aimoruk ho items hamutuk 154 laiha. (Foto: Espesial)\nDILI, STLNEWS.co – Pasiente moras ba halo tratamentu presiza aimoruk, maibe agora dadaun stock out ba aimoruk ho items hamutuk 154 laiha.\nDeputada Bankada CNRT, Maria Barreto konsidera, situasaun ida nee seriu tanba metade items aimoruk neebe iha lista medikamentu neebe presiza mak laiha.\n“Ita hasoru dezafiu no problema boot mak agora dadaun ita iha stock out, ba ai-moruk neebe mak ho items hamutuk 154, inklui aimoruk sira esensial neebe prioridade ba pasiente no ita hotu iha Timor-Leste,” hatete Deputada Maria ba Jornalista sira, iha PN, Dili, Tersa (19/01/2021).\nNia esplika, iha tinan kotuk 2020, liu husi fundu COVID-19 governu asina akordu ho UNDP hodi sosa medikamentu no ekipamentu sira, maibe realidade metade items medikamentu laiha iha armajen nasional.\nAntes nee mos, Deputada Luisa Taeki hatete, iha Hospital Nasional Guido Valdares (HNGV) kuaze 36% husi 154 items aimoruk laiha tanba nee husu governu tenke hare ida nee ho urgente.\n“Aimoruk esensial iha hospital nee perigu tebes tanba ai-moruk lorloron tenke fo ba pasiente sira, bainhira ita hatene katak kazu sae makas stock out ai-moruk mos sae makas oinsa, ita nia preokupasaun liga ho COVID-19,” nia esplika.\nNia informa, tuir rezultadu feskalizasaun komisaun F asuntu saude nian hare katak stock out laos deit iha hospital nasional, maibe iha sentru saude no hospital referral sira iha munisipiu.\nIha parte seluk, Diretor Executivu Servisu Autonomia Medikamentu Ekipamentu Saude (SAMES), Santana Martins rekonhese akontese stok out ba medikamentu tanba kuaze 36,6% husi total 450 items medikamentu neebe presiza tuir lista mak laiha.\nNia dehan, iha tinan kotuk 2020, liu-liu akordu entre governu no UNDP hatama duni ai-moruk emergensia items balun ligadu ho COVID-19, maibe ho kuantidade neebe kiik tanba nee stock out.*\nPrevious articleGovernu Ladiskrimina Ema Ba Sesta Bazika\nNext articleAntisipa Covid-19, Aumenta Seguransa iha Fronteira
[ "Aimoruk Items 154 Laiha | STLNEWS Home Nasional Aimoruk Items 154 Laiha Aimoruk Items 154 Laiha Pasiente moras ba halo tratamentu presiza aimoruk, maibe agora dadaun stock out ba aimoruk ho items hamutuk 154 laiha.", "(Foto: Espesial) DILI, STLNEWS.co - Pasiente moras ba halo tratamentu presiza aimoruk, maibe agora dadaun stock out ba aimoruk ho items hamutuk 154 laiha.", "Deputada Bankada CNRT, Maria Barreto konsidera, situasaun ida nee seriu tanba metade items aimoruk neebe iha lista medikamentu neebe presiza mak laiha.", "\"Ita hasoru dezafiu no problema boot mak agora dadaun ita iha stock out, ba ai-moruk neebe mak ho items hamutuk 154, inklui aimoruk sira esensial neebe prioridade ba pasiente no ita hotu iha Timor-Leste,\" hatete Deputada Maria ba Jornalista sira, iha PN, Dili, Tersa (19/01/2021).", "Nia esplika, iha tinan kotuk 2020, liu husi fundu COVID-19 governu asina akordu ho UNDP hodi sosa medikamentu no ekipamentu sira, maibe realidade metade items medikamentu laiha iha armajen nasional.", "Antes nee mos, Deputada Luisa Taeki hatete, iha Hospital Nasional Guido Valdares (HNGV) kuaze 36% husi 154 items aimoruk laiha tanba nee husu governu tenke hare ida nee ho urgente.", "\"Aimoruk esensial iha hospital nee perigu tebes tanba ai-moruk lorloron tenke fo ba pasiente sira, bainhira ita hatene katak kazu sae makas stock out ai-moruk mos sae makas oinsa, ita nia preokupasaun liga ho COVID-19,\" nia esplika.", "Nia informa, tuir rezultadu feskalizasaun komisaun F asuntu saude nian hare katak stock out laos deit iha hospital nasional, maibe iha sentru saude no hospital referral sira iha munisipiu.", "Iha parte seluk, Diretor Executivu Servisu Autonomia Medikamentu Ekipamentu Saude (SAMES), Santana Martins rekonhese akontese stok out ba medikamentu tanba kuaze 36,6% husi total 450 items medikamentu neebe presiza tuir lista mak laiha.", "Nia dehan, iha tinan kotuk 2020, liu-liu akordu entre governu no UNDP hatama duni ai-moruk emergensia items balun ligadu ho COVID-19, maibe ho kuantidade neebe kiik tanba nee stock out.* Previous articleGovernu Ladiskrimina Ema Ba Sesta Bazika Next articleAntisipa Covid-19, Aumenta Seguransa iha Fronteira" ]
[ [ "Aimoruk Items 154 Laiha | STLNEWS Home National Paciente doente ba fazer tratamento precisa de medicamentos, mas agora atualmente stock out para os remédios com itenes no total." ], [ "(Photo: Special) DILI, STLNEWS.co - Illness patients to be treated need medicines but now stock out for drugs with 154 items no one has any of them at the moment!" ], [ "Congress Nationalist Party (CNRP) deputy Maria Barreto considers this situation to be serious because half of the items on medicine list that are needed do not exist." ], [ "\"We are facing a big challenge and problem that we have stock out of 154 items, including essential medicines which is priority for patients in Timor-Leste\", Deputada Maria told journalist at the National Parliament (PN), Dili on Tuesday." ], [ "He explained that in 2019, through the COVID-3 fund government had agreed with UNDP to purchase medicines and equipment but half of these items were not available at national level." ], [ "Also earlier, MP Luisa Taeki said that in the National Hospital Guido Valdares (HNGV) almost 36% of its total number is not available so she asked government to look at this urgently." ], [ "\"Essential medicines in the hospital are very dangerous because they have to be given every day, when we know that cases rise so fast stock out of drugs is also going up as well. Our concern with COVID-19\", he explained.\"" ], [ "He informed, according to the results of fiscalization commission F health issues found that stock out not only at national hospitals but also Health Center and referral Hospital." ], [ "On the other hand, Executive Director of Service Autonomy Medicines Equipment Health (SAMES), Santana Martines acknowledged that there was a stock out for medicine because almost 36.5% from total items needed according to list are not available in store and it is necessary an urgent response by government officials as well" ], [ "He said, in the past year of 2019 and particularly after an agreement between government with UNDP emergency medicines were delivered for some items related to COVID-48 but only a small quantity so stock out.* Previous articleGovernment Does Not Discriminate People For Basic Need Next ArticleAnticipating Covid -37; Increasing Security at Border" ] ]
PNTL Ta'uk Destrui Bomba Ativu iha Vikeke\nPNTL Ta'uk Destrui Bomba Ativu iha Vikeke Featured\n08 Agostu 2017\nDILI: Komandante Polisia Nasionál Timor Leste (PNTL) labele koloka ekipa destruisaun ba materiál esplozivu iha Vikeke, tanba bomba ne’e rasik daudaun ne’e sei ativu hela.\nInstituisaun seguransa ne’e lakohi foti risku ba membru sira hodi sai vítima ba harahun bomba restu guerra ne’e.\nKomandante Operasaun Nasionál, Superintendente Xefe Henrique da Costa hatete, komandu sei orienta unidade espesiál ba fatin risku ne’ebá, maibé presiza mós iha seguransa ba membru Unidade Espesiál Polisia (UEP), liuliu ekipa destruisaun nia vida.\nEzijénsia ne’ebé komunidade husi Aldeia Bubulita, Suku Makadiki, Postu Administrativu Watulari-Vikeke hato’o ba Komandu Jerál PNTL atu destrui bomba ne’ebé sei ativu hela, tanba fó perigu ba komunidade sira ne’e nia vida.\nMaski nune’e, Superintendente Xefe Henrique preokupa katak bainhira dezloka membru sira ne’e ba destrui bomba ne’e rasik, ta'uk membru sira ne’e sai fali vítima.\n“Ita lakohi atu destrui sasán ida, ita nia ema sai fali vítima”, tenik nia, Fatuhada-Dili, horisehik.\nTuir nia, to’o agora PNTL seidauk iha materiál foun ba protesaun hodi fornese ba ekipa destruisaun materiál funu nian.\nKomandante Operasaun hateten, sasán funu ne’e iha posibilidade atu harahun, maibé kapasidade ekipa nian la sufisiente labele harahun tanba ameasa ema nia vida.\nTanba ne’e, nia dehan, molok dezloka membru sira ba fatin idetifikadu, presiza asegura membru sira nia vida, no mós materiál sira ne’e seidauk kompleta.\nOras ne’e daudaun Polisia Munisípiu Vikeke mós kontinua apela ba komunidade sira iha área Bubulita nian atu labele besik kintál ne’ebé sasán funu nian idetifikadu iha ne’ebá.\nMore in this category: « Xanana Husu Komunidade Besik Aeroportu Suai Sees-Aan Munisípiu Haat Risku Konflitu iha Kampaña EA »\n/PNTL Ta'uk Destrui Bomba Ativu iha Vikeke
[ "PNTL Ta'uk Destrui Bomba Ativu iha Vikeke PNTL Ta'uk Destrui Bomba Ativu iha Vikeke Featured 08 Agostu 2017 DILI: Komandante Polisia Nasional Timor Leste (PNTL) labele koloka ekipa destruisaun ba material esplozivu iha Vikeke, tanba bomba ne'e rasik daudaun ne'e sei ativu hela.", "Instituisaun seguransa ne'e lakohi foti risku ba membru sira hodi sai vitima ba harahun bomba restu guerra ne'e.", "Komandante Operasaun Nasional, Superintendente Xefe Henrique da Costa hatete, komandu sei orienta unidade espesial ba fatin risku ne'eba, maibe presiza mos iha seguransa ba membru Unidade Espesial Polisia (UEP), liuliu ekipa destruisaun nia vida.", "Ezijensia ne'ebe komunidade husi Aldeia Bubulita, Suku Makadiki, Postu Administrativu Watulari-Vikeke hato'o ba Komandu Jeral PNTL atu destrui bomba ne'ebe sei ativu hela, tanba fo perigu ba komunidade sira ne'e nia vida.", "Maski nune'e, Superintendente Xefe Henrique preokupa katak bainhira dezloka membru sira ne'e ba destrui bomba ne'e rasik, ta'uk membru sira ne'e sai fali vitima.", "\"Ita lakohi atu destrui sasan ida, ita nia ema sai fali vitima,\" tenik nia, Fatuhada-Dili, horisehik.", "Tuir nia, to'o agora PNTL seidauk iha material foun ba protesaun hodi fornese ba ekipa destruisaun material funu nian.", "Komandante Operasaun hateten, sasan funu ne'e iha posibilidade atu harahun, maibe kapasidade ekipa nian la sufisiente labele harahun tanba ameasa ema nia vida.", "Tanba ne'e, nia dehan, molok dezloka membru sira ba fatin idetifikadu, presiza asegura membru sira nia vida, no mos material sira ne'e seidauk kompleta.", "Oras ne'e daudaun Polisia Munisipiu Vikeke mos kontinua apela ba komunidade sira iha area Bubulita nian atu labele besik kintal ne'ebe sasan funu nian idetifikadu iha ne'eba.", "More in this category: \" Xanana Husu Komunidade Besik Aeroportu Suai Sees-Aan Munisipiu Haat Risku Konflitu iha Kampana EA \" /PNTL Ta'uk Destrui Bomba Ativu iha Vikeke" ]
[ [ "PNTL Destroys Active Bomb in Vikeke Dili: The Commander of the Timor-Leste National Police (PNTL) cannot deploy a team to destroy explosive material at vike, because that bomb itself is still active." ], [ "This security institution does not want to risk its members being killed by the bombs left over from this war." ], [ "Commander of National Operations, Chief Superintendent Henrique da Costa said that the command will direct special units to risk areas but also needs security for members from Special Police Unit (UEP), especially life-destroying teams." ], [ "The community of Bubulita Village, Makadiki Township and Watulari-Vikeke Administrative Post have made a request to the General Command for PNTL that they destroy all active bombs because their lives are in danger." ], [ "However, Chief Superintendent Henrique is concerned that when these members are deployes to destroy the bomb itself they may be victimized." ], [ "\"We don't want to destroy a thing, our people become victims again\", he said in Fatuhada-Dili today." ], [ "According to him, so far the PNTL has not had any new protection equipment for supplying war material destruction teams." ], [ "The Commander of Operations said that the weaponry had a possibility to be destroyed, but there was insufficient capacity on team side so they could not do it because this threatenes people' s lives." ], [ "Therefore, he said that before deploying members to the identified locations it is necessary insure their lives and also these materials are not complete." ], [ "At the moment, Vikeke Municipal Police continues to appeal on communities in Bubulita area not closely approach areas where artillery ammunition has been identified." ], [ "More in this category: \" Xanana Husu Komunidade Besik Aeroporto Suai Sees-Aan Município Haat Risku Konflitu iha Kampana EA\" /PNTL Ta'uk Destruis Bomba Aktive Iha Vikeke" ] ]
CJB sei apoia juventude ho programa emprendedorizmu sosiál | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI CJB sei apoia juventude ho programa emprendedorizmu sosiál\nCJB sei apoia juventude ho programa emprendedorizmu sosiál\nKoordenadór CJB, Flavio Sevastião da Costa. Imajen Tatoli/Nelia Fernandes.\nDILI, 08 jullu 2021 (TATOLI)—Sentru Juventude Becora (CJB-sigla portugés), sei fó apoia ba juventude sira hosi postu administrativu tolu iha munisípiu Dili iha área emprendedorizmu sosiál ne’ebé liga ba setór produtivu sira.\nNotísia Relevante: SEJD sei kria formasaun emprendedorizmu ba joven\nPostu administrativu tolu ne’e kompostu hosi Atauro, Cristo Rei, no Metinaro. Purtantu postu administrative tolu iha suku hamutuk 16. Atividade emprendedorizmu sosiál ne’e realiza tanba hetan apoia orsamentu hosi Sekretaria Estadu Juventude no Desportu (SEJD) ho montante rihun $25.\n“Programa emprendedorizmu sosiál juventude suku ne’e liga ba programa agrikultura, pekuária, peska, no ortikultura, liga ba turismu komunitária, promove juventude sira iha suku, nune’e komunidade sira labele soe fo’er iha lixu,” Koordenadór CJB, Flavio Sevastião da Costa, hateten ba Agênsia TATOLI, iha nia knar-fatin, Becora, Dili, kinta ne’e.\nNia fó-sai katak, oras ne’e CJB hein hela submisaun proposta hosi suku 16 iha postu administrativu tolu ne’e tanba to’o fulan-agostu tama ona iha faze fó apoia orsamentu nune’e atividade bele la’o ona.\nNia dehan, proposta ne’ebé submete mai sei husu husu montante orsamentu no kada grupu iha balansu jéneru entre feto, mane, no ema ho defisiénsia sira.\nTotál grupu ba iha postu administrativu Atauro nian trajetu iha grupu 10, Cristo Rei grupu 10 no grupu hosi Metinaro hamutuk grupu tolu (3).\n“Ba proposta, kada suku ida submete proposta ida ka rua no ekipa sei halo evaluasaun ba proposta ne’e, tanba suku ida sei pasa ho proposta ida,” nia hateten.\nEntretantu, tuir kritériu hosi Sekretáriu Juventude no Desportu (SEJD), suku lima ba leten sei hetan apoia ho orsamentu rihun $10, no suku haat mai kraik sei hetan apoia ho orsamentu rihun-lima.\nCJB sei fó apoiu juventude liuhosi programa empreendedorizmu sosiál juventude suku\nPrevious articleCentro Formação Institute of Education reativa formasaun\nNext articleDIGCOV-UNIJMA husu anula akordu reabilitasaun konjuta aeródromu Baucau
[ "CJB sei apoia juventude ho programa emprendedorizmu sosial | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI CJB sei apoia juventude ho programa emprendedorizmu sosial CJB sei apoia juventude ho programa emprendedorizmu sosial Koordenador CJB, Flavio Sevastiao da Costa.", "Imajen Tatoli/Nelia Fernandes.", "DILI, 08 jullu 2021 (TATOLI) - Sentru Juventude Becora (CJB-sigla portuges), sei fo apoia ba juventude sira hosi postu administrativu tolu iha munisipiu Dili iha area emprendedorizmu sosial ne'ebe liga ba setor produtivu sira.", "Notisia Relevante: SEJD sei kria formasaun emprendedorizmu ba joven Postu administrativu tolu ne'e kompostu hosi Atauro, Cristo Rei, no Metinaro.", "Purtantu postu administrative tolu iha suku hamutuk 16.", "Atividade emprendedorizmu sosial ne'e realiza tanba hetan apoia orsamentu hosi Sekretaria Estadu Juventude no Desportu (SEJD) ho montante rihun $25.", "\"Programa emprendedorizmu sosial juventude suku ne'e liga ba programa agrikultura, pekuaria, peska, no ortikultura, liga ba turismu komunitaria, promove juventude sira iha suku, nune'e komunidade sira labele soe fo'er iha lixu,\" Koordenador CJB, Flavio Sevastiao da Costa, hateten ba Agensia TATOLI, iha nia knar-fatin, Becora, Dili, kinta ne'e.", "Nia fo-sai katak, oras ne'e CJB hein hela submisaun proposta hosi suku 16 iha postu administrativu tolu ne'e tanba to'o fulan-agostu tama ona iha faze fo apoia orsamentu nune'e atividade bele la'o ona.", "Nia dehan, proposta ne'ebe submete mai sei husu husu montante orsamentu no kada grupu iha balansu jeneru entre feto, mane, no ema ho defisiensia sira.", "Total grupu ba iha postu administrativu Atauro nian trajetu iha grupu 10, Cristo Rei grupu 10 no grupu hosi Metinaro hamutuk grupu tolu (3).", "\"Ba proposta, kada suku ida submete proposta ida ka rua no ekipa sei halo evaluasaun ba proposta ne'e, tanba suku ida sei pasa ho proposta ida,\" nia hateten.", "Entretantu, tuir kriteriu hosi Sekretariu Juventude no Desportu (SEJD), suku lima ba leten sei hetan apoia ho orsamentu rihun $10, no suku haat mai kraik sei hetan apoia ho orsamentu rihun-lima.", "CJB sei fo apoiu juventude liuhosi programa empreendedorizmu sosial juventude suku Previous articleCentro Formacao Institute of Education reativa formasaun Next articleDIGCOV-UNIJMA husu anula akordu reabilitasaun konjuta aerodromu Baucau" ]
[ [ "CJB will support youth with social entrepreneurship program | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI The Social Entreprenuery Program of the Youth Development Board (CJB) is a programme that aims to provide opportunities for young people in their local communities." ], [ "Image Tatoli/Nelia Fernandes." ], [ "DILI, July 8th - The Becora Youth Centre (CJB) will support youth from three administrative posts in Dili municipality with social entrepreneurship related to productive sectors." ], [ "Relevant news: SEJD will create entrepreneurship training for young people The three administrative posts are composed of Atauro, Cristo Rei and Metinaro." ], [ "There are 16 administrative posts in the three villages." ], [ "This social entrepreneurship activity was carried out because it received budgetary support from the State Secretariat for Youth and Sports (SEJD) amounting to $25 thousand." ], [ "\"The youth social entrepreneurship program of this village is linked to the agricultural, livestock farming and horticulture programs as well with community tourism. It promotes young people in these communities so that they do not waste their time on trash\", CJB coordinator Flavio Sevastiao da Costa told Xinhua News Agency at his hometown Becora Dili last week.\"" ], [ "He said that at the moment, CJB is waiting for proposal submissions from 16 villages in these three administrative posts because by August it has entered into a phase of budget support so activities can run." ], [ "He said that the proposals submitted will ask for a budget amount and each group has gender balance between women, men or people with disabilities." ], [ "Total groups to the administrative post of Atauro journey in group 10, Cristo Rei Groups are ten and Metinaro total three (3) teams." ], [ "\"For the proposal, each village submits one or two and a team will evaluate it because every community is going to go through with only 1." ], [ "Meanwhile, according to the criteria of Secretariat for Youth and Sports (SEJD), five villages up will receive support with a budget $10 thousand. The four neighborhood from top-down are covered by an additional one hundred dollars in financial assistance per district or subdivision that is granted under this scheme:" ], [ "CJB will support youth through the social entrepreneurship program for community young people Previous articleCentro Formacao Institute of Education reactivates training Next ArticleDIGCOV-UNIJMA asks to cancel agreement on joint rehabilitation airport Baucau" ] ]
Estudu Viabilidade ba Bee Rai-Leten no Rai-Okos iha Prosesu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE Estudu Viabilidade ba Bee Rai-Leten no Rai-Okos iha Prosesu\nEstudu Viabilidade ba Bee Rai-Leten no Rai-Okos iha Prosesu\nDiretór Jerál Água no Saneamentu (SAS), Gustavo da Cruz\nDILI, 27 novembru 2019 (TATOLI)–Diretór Jerál Diresaun Água no Saneamentu, Gustavo da Cruz, hateten planu Governu nian atu fornese bee ba komunidade, daudaun ne’e iha hela estudu viabilidade rua hosi konsultór Koreia no Tailándia. Estudu rua ne’e, ida haree ba bee rai-okos no ida seluk haree ba bee rai-leten.\nNia dehan, kontratu ne’ebé Governu halo ho konsultór rua ne’e durante fulan-neen nia laran.\n“Kona-ba rekursu bee atu bele fornese ba komunidade hotu, agora daudaun ita iha estudu rua. Ida, konsultór hosi Koreia mak halo estudu viabilidade ba mota Gleno no Railaco (Ermera). Ida fali mak estudu pre-viabilidade ba bee rai-okos nian. Ne’e konsultór ida hosi Tailándia mak sei hala’o. Estudu rua ne’e sei finaliza iha fevereiru tinan oin,” diretór ne’e dehan ba Agência Tatoli iha nia knaar fatin, Colmera, kuarta ne’e.\nLee mós: Governu Planeia Taka Mota Railaco-Gleno Lori Bee Mai Dili\nTanba ne’e, nia informa, bainhira estudu ne’e nia rezultadu sai loloos ona, Governu sei hala’o investimentu hodi hasa’e reseita nune’e bele kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu.\n“Estudu ida Railaco no Gleno nian ne’e viável. Ita sei halo barajen bee iha Railaco no Gleno nune’e bele lori mai Dili. Ida-ne’e mak ita-nia parte rekursu ne’ebé ita presiza halo oinsá para bele hasa’e reseita” Gustavo tenik.\nNia hatutan, konsultór rua ne’e submete ona relatóriu hosi estudu refere.\n“Daudaun ne’e, provizoriamente, konsultór rua ne’e submete ona segundu relatóriu. Primeiru, sira hatama relatóriu prelimináriu. Relatóriu ne’ebé sira hatama ne’e kona-ba teste jeo-tékniku nian. Kuaze iha relatóriu ne’e indika katak pursentu 50-50, katak viável ka la viável. Ita atu uza modelu barajen saida, ida-ne’e sira sei halo estudu hela tanba ita-nia rai ne’e mak presiza halo estudu ne’ebé kle’an,” tenik Gustavo.\nPrevious article3 Dezembru, AIFAESA Estabelese Kooperasaun Ho BPOM Indonézia Ba Kontrolu Ai-han\nNext articlePN Presta Omenajen Ikus ba Deputadu Gilman Exposto
[ "Estudu Viabilidade ba Bee Rai-Leten no Rai-Okos iha Prosesu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Estudu Viabilidade ba Bee Rai-Leten no Rai-Okos iha Prosesu Estudu Viabilidade ba Bee Rai-Leten no Rai-Okos iha Prosesu Diretor Jeral Agua no Saneamentu (SAS), Gustavo da Cruz DILI, 27 novembru 2019 (TATOLI) -Diretor Jeral Diresaun Agua no Saneamentu, Gustavo da Cruz, hateten planu Governu nian atu fornese bee ba komunidade, daudaun ne'e iha hela estudu viabilidade rua hosi konsultor Koreia no Tailandia.", "Estudu rua ne'e, ida haree ba bee rai-okos no ida seluk haree ba bee rai-leten.", "Nia dehan, kontratu ne'ebe Governu halo ho konsultor rua ne'e durante fulan-neen nia laran.", "\"Kona-ba rekursu bee atu bele fornese ba komunidade hotu, agora daudaun ita iha estudu rua.", "Ida, konsultor hosi Koreia mak halo estudu viabilidade ba mota Gleno no Railaco (Ermera).", "Ida fali mak estudu pre-viabilidade ba bee rai-okos nian.", "Ne'e konsultor ida hosi Tailandia mak sei hala'o.", "Estudu rua ne'e sei finaliza iha fevereiru tinan oin,\" diretor ne'e dehan ba Agencia Tatoli iha nia knaar fatin, Colmera, kuarta ne'e.", "Lee mos: Governu Planeia Taka Mota Railaco-Gleno Lori Bee Mai Dili Tanba ne'e, nia informa, bainhira estudu ne'e nia rezultadu sai loloos ona, Governu sei hala'o investimentu hodi hasa'e reseita nune'e bele kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu.", "\"Estudu ida Railaco no Gleno nian ne'e viavel.", "Ita sei halo barajen bee iha Railaco no Gleno nune'e bele lori mai Dili.", "Ida-ne'e mak ita-nia parte rekursu ne'ebe ita presiza halo oinsa para bele hasa'e reseita\" Gustavo tenik.", "Nia hatutan, konsultor rua ne'e submete ona relatoriu hosi estudu refere.", "\"Daudaun ne'e, provizoriamente, konsultor rua ne'e submete ona segundu relatoriu.", "Primeiru, sira hatama relatoriu preliminariu.", "Relatoriu ne'ebe sira hatama ne'e kona-ba teste jeo-tekniku nian.", "Kuaze iha relatoriu ne'e indika katak pursentu 50-50, katak viavel ka la viavel.", "Ita atu uza modelu barajen saida, ida-ne'e sira sei halo estudu hela tanba ita-nia rai ne'e mak presiza halo estudu ne'ebe kle'an,\" tenik Gustavo.", "Previous article3 Dezembru, AIFAESA Estabelese Kooperasaun Ho BPOM Indonezia Ba Kontrolu Ai-han Next articlePN Presta Omenajen Ikus ba Deputadu Gilman Exposto" ]
[ [ "Feasibility Study for Groundwater and Sewage in Process | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Viability study of ground water, sewer systems is being carried out Director General Water & Sanitation (SAS), Gustavo da Cruz Dili/Aileu - The Government's plan to provide the community with drinking vatten has been approved by a committee." ], [ "The two studies, one on groundwater and the other for subterranean waters." ], [ "He said that the government's contract with these two consultants was for nine months." ], [ "\"Regarding the water resources to provide all communities, we currently have two studies." ], [ "The feasibility studies for the Gleno and Railaco (Ermera) roads were carried out by a Korean consultant." ], [ "The other is a pre-feasibility study for groundwater." ], [ "This will be carried out by a consultant from Thailand." ], [ "The two studies will be completed in February next year,\" the director told Agencia Tatoli at his offices on Thursday." ], [ "Read also: Government Plans To Close Railaco-Gleno Road to Transport Water From Dili Therefore, he said that once the results of this study are confirmed by government officials it will be invested in raising revenue so as contributing towards development." ], [ "\"A study by Railaco and Gleno is viable." ], [ "We will dam water in Railaco and Gleno so that it can be brought to Dili." ], [ "This is our part of the resource that we need to do how can increase revenue\" Gustavo said." ], [ "He added that the two consultants have submitted a report of their study." ], [ "\"Therefore, provisionally the consultant has submitted a second report." ], [ "Firstly, sir has a preliminary report." ], [ "The report they submitted was on the geotechnical tests." ], [ "Almost in the report it is indicated that 50 percent, meaning viable or not." ], [ "What dam model we should use, they will study it because our country needs to do a thorough research\", said Gustavo." ], [ "Previous articleOn December 3, AIFAESA Establishes Cooperation With BPOM Indonesia For Food Control Next artikelParliament Payes Tribute to Deputy Gilman Exposto" ] ]
Autoridade Lokal Comoro preokupa, Komunidade na’in 12 hetan moras -HIV /SIDA – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Sosiedade » Autoridade Lokal Comoro preokupa, Komunidade na’in 12 hetan moras -HIV /SIDA\nXefe Suku Comoro, Eurico Guteres da Costa de Jesus, preokupa maka’as tanba komunidade Comoro na’in sanolu resin rua (12) pozitivu hetan moras HIV / SIDA.\nTanba ne’e, Eurico husu ba Komisaun Nasional Kombate HIV/SIDA atu kontinua sensibiliza informasaun to’o iha Aldeia sira.\nEurico Guterres da Costa de Jejus, senti preokupa tebes ho informasaun husi parte kompetente ne’ebé hateten katak, komunidade Suku Comoro iha ema na’in 12 mak identifika hetan moras HIV/SIDA.\n“Ha’u senti preokupadu tebes ho númeru moras HIV/SIDA ne’ebé agora dadaun ejiste iha ita-nia ra’in, tanba tuir dadus ne’ebé mak ohin Komisaun Nasional Kombate HIV/SIDA fó katak, númeru moras refere iha teritóriu Timor Laran ne’e, na’in 873 ona no husi Suku Comoro rasik ema na’in 12 mak hetan ona moras ne’e, ida ne’e preokupasaun bo’ot ida mai ha’u hanesan lider Komunitária, no saida mak ha’u tenki halo mak, ha’u sei kontinua husu ba KNK HIV/SIDA atu kontinua sensibiliza informasaun ba ha’u nia komunidade, liu-liu joven sira atu bele prevene aan husi moras refere”, hateten Eurico Guterres da Costa de Jesus ba Jornalista sira hafoin partisipa sensibilizasaun Informasaun kona ba moras HIV/SIDA iha Sede Suku Comoro Díli, Kuarta(24/4/2019).\nEurico haktuir, moras refere hanesan inimigu bo’ot ida ne’ebé la’os foin planu atu tama iha TL, hodi oho ita-nia ema, maibé iha dadauk ona iha TL ne’ebé mak alende fó ona ameasa ba Timor-oan lubuk ida, HIV/SIDA mós oho ona Timor oan balun.\nTanba ne’e atu luta hasoru inimigu refere, hanesan lider komunitária, sei buka meus oinsa servisu hamutuk ho KNK –HIV/SIDA, no mós parte hotu atu kontinua sensibuliza ba komunidade kona ba kauza husi moras refere, no oinsa atu prevene moras refere.\nLee hotu : Produsaun hare iha munisípiu Bobonaro tun\n“Moras ne’e hanesan inimigu bo’ot ida ne’ebé oras ne’e dadaun tama ona iha ita-nia ra’in, ne’ebé atu molok hamate ita-nia ema lubuk ida, ita tenki halo esforsu hotu hodi maske neneik, maibe hahú minimiza númeru envolvimentu ema iha aktividade ransu livre, nune’e bele hamenus númeru moras refere mós”, katak Eurico.\nPreokupasaun hanesan mós, hato’o husi Nito Emilio, juventude Suku Comoro katak, pasiente moras HIV/SIDA ho númeru bo’ot ne’e, sai preokupasaun bo’ot ba komunidade ih suku refere. tanba ne’e komunidade, liu-liu joven sira iha Suku refere tenki matenek no kuidadu aan husi ransu livre, nune’e bele prevene aan husi moras ne’e.\n“Númeru ne’ebé mak ohin KNK –HIV/SIDA mensiona ne’e, númeru ne’ebé bo’ot, la’os husi rai liur, maibé iha ita-nia rai laran, ne’ebé mak maioria labarik ki’ik oan ho idade tinan sanolu resin lima ba leten, ida ne’e preokupasaun bo’ot ba ami, tanba ne’e ba ami hanesan joventude ne’e sensibilizasaun hanesan ne’e importante tebes”, katak Nito Emilio.\nEnkuantu, Diretur Prevensaun HIV/SIDA, Venancio Coelho promete, ho númeru moras HIV/SIDA ne’ebé mak kontinua aumenta, mak KNK HIV/SIDA, sei kontinua halo sensibilizasaun iha Munisípiu, Suku no Aldeia, inklui eskola sira no mós Universidade atu nune’e maske neneik, maibé bele minimiza númeru moras refere.\n“Dezaminasaun informasaun kona ba kauza no oinsa nia prevensaun ne’e, papel husi KNK –HIV/SIDA nian, tanba ne’e ohin ita iha Suku Comoro tanba ita hetan kooperasaun di’ak tebes ho ita-nia lider komunitáriu sira, tanba ne’e ohin partisipa iha sensibilizasaun ida ne’e mai husi komunidade ho idade oi-oin, husi inan aman, foin sa’e no mós estudante sira. Ida ne’e signifika katak, sira iha interese duni atu asesu informasaun kona ba moras refere, tantu kona ba hahalok oinsa transmisaun moras refere, entaun sensibilizasaun ida ne’e ita la’os halo iha loron ide ne’e de’it, maibé ita mos sei kontinua halo”, hateten Venancio.\nLee hotu : Mosu deklarasaun inserteza ba subsídiu pursentu 60 husi MSSI\nTotal pasiente ne’ebé mak identifika positivu hetan moras HIV/SIDA hamutuk na’in 873, husi númeru ne’e, nain atus tolu nolu resin tolu halo hela tratamentu iha fasilidade saúde, na’in atus ida sanolu mate no na’in atus hat tolu nolu la envolve iha rejistu tratamentu.ola\nTuir informasaun husi Jornal The Guardian...
[ "Autoridade Lokal Comoro preokupa, Komunidade na'in 12 hetan moras -HIV /SIDA - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Sosiedade \" Autoridade Lokal Comoro preokupa, Komunidade na'in 12 hetan moras -HIV /SIDA Xefe Suku Comoro, Eurico Guteres da Costa de Jesus, preokupa maka'as tanba komunidade Comoro na'in sanolu resin rua (12) pozitivu hetan moras HIV / SIDA.", "Tanba ne'e, Eurico husu ba Komisaun Nasional Kombate HIV/SIDA atu kontinua sensibiliza informasaun to'o iha Aldeia sira.", "Eurico Guterres da Costa de Jejus, senti preokupa tebes ho informasaun husi parte kompetente ne'ebe hateten katak, komunidade Suku Comoro iha ema na'in 12 mak identifika hetan moras HIV/SIDA.", "\"Ha'u senti preokupadu tebes ho numeru moras HIV/SIDA ne'ebe agora dadaun ejiste iha ita-nia ra'in, tanba tuir dadus ne'ebe mak ohin Komisaun Nasional Kombate HIV/SIDA fo katak, numeru moras refere iha teritoriu Timor Laran ne'e, na'in 873 ona no husi Suku Comoro rasik ema na'in 12 mak hetan ona moras ne'e, ida ne'e preokupasaun bo'ot ida mai ha'u hanesan lider Komunitaria, no saida mak ha'u tenki halo mak, ha'u sei kontinua husu ba KNK HIV/SIDA atu kontinua sensibiliza informasaun ba ha'u nia komunidade, liu-liu joven sira atu bele prevene aan husi moras refere,\" hateten Eurico Guterres da Costa de Jesus ba Jornalista sira hafoin partisipa sensibilizasaun Informasaun kona ba moras HIV/SIDA iha Sede Suku Comoro Dili, Kuarta (24/4/2019).", "Eurico haktuir, moras refere hanesan inimigu bo'ot ida ne'ebe la'os foin planu atu tama iha TL, hodi oho ita-nia ema, maibe iha dadauk ona iha TL ne'ebe mak alende fo ona ameasa ba Timor-oan lubuk ida, HIV/SIDA mos oho ona Timor oan balun.", "Tanba ne'e atu luta hasoru inimigu refere, hanesan lider komunitaria, sei buka meus oinsa servisu hamutuk ho KNK -HIV/SIDA, no mos parte hotu atu kontinua sensibuliza ba komunidade kona ba kauza husi moras refere, no oinsa atu prevene moras refere.", "Lee hotu: Produsaun hare iha munisipiu Bobonaro tun \"Moras ne'e hanesan inimigu bo'ot ida ne'ebe oras ne'e dadaun tama ona iha ita-nia ra'in, ne'ebe atu molok hamate ita-nia ema lubuk ida, ita tenki halo esforsu hotu hodi maske neneik, maibe hahu minimiza numeru envolvimentu ema iha aktividade ransu livre, nune'e bele hamenus numeru moras refere mos,\" katak Eurico.", "Preokupasaun hanesan mos, hato'o husi Nito Emilio, juventude Suku Comoro katak, pasiente moras HIV/SIDA ho numeru bo'ot ne'e, sai preokupasaun bo'ot ba komunidade ih suku refere. tanba ne'e komunidade, liu-liu joven sira iha Suku refere tenki matenek no kuidadu aan husi ransu livre, nune'e bele prevene aan husi moras ne'e.", "\"Numeru ne'ebe mak ohin KNK -HIV/SIDA mensiona ne'e, numeru ne'ebe bo'ot, la'os husi rai liur, maibe iha ita-nia rai laran, ne'ebe mak maioria labarik ki'ik oan ho idade tinan sanolu resin lima ba leten, ida ne'e preokupasaun bo'ot ba ami, tanba ne'e ba ami hanesan joventude ne'e sensibilizasaun hanesan ne'e importante tebes,\" katak Nito Emilio.", "Enkuantu, Diretur Prevensaun HIV/SIDA, Venancio Coelho promete, ho numeru moras HIV/SIDA ne'ebe mak kontinua aumenta, mak KNK HIV/SIDA, sei kontinua halo sensibilizasaun iha Munisipiu, Suku no Aldeia, inklui eskola sira no mos Universidade atu nune'e maske neneik, maibe bele minimiza numeru moras refere.", "\"Dezaminasaun informasaun kona ba kauza no oinsa nia prevensaun ne'e, papel husi KNK -HIV/SIDA nian, tanba ne'e ohin ita iha Suku Comoro tanba ita hetan kooperasaun di'ak tebes ho ita-nia lider komunitariu sira, tanba ne'e ohin partisipa iha sensibilizasaun ida ne'e mai husi komunidade ho idade oi-oin, husi inan aman, foin sa'e no mos estudante sira.", "Ida ne'e signifika katak, sira iha interese duni atu asesu informasaun kona ba moras refere, tantu kona ba hahalok oinsa transmisaun moras refere, entaun sensibilizasaun ida ne'e ita la'os halo iha loron ide ne'e de'it, maibe ita mos sei kontinua halo,\" hateten Venancio.", "Lee hotu: Mosu deklarasaun inserteza ba subsidiu pursentu 60 husi MSSI Total pasiente ne'ebe mak identifika positivu hetan moras HIV/SIDA hamutuk na'in 873, husi numeru ne'e, nain atus tolu nolu resin tolu halo hela tratamentu iha fasilidade saude, na'in atus ida sanolu mate no na'in atus hat tolu nolu la envolve iha rejistu tratamentu.ola Tuir informasaun husi Jornal The Guardian..." ]
[ [ "Comoro Local Authority Preoccupied, 12 Community Members Test Positive for HIV/AIDS - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Society\" The local authority of the island is deeply concerned because twelve (08) members from its community have tested positive. He said that he was very worried about this situation and has called on all people to be vigilant in their daily lives as they are at high risk by being infectious with AIDS or having a family member who can spread it through sexual intercourse between themselves without fearing any consequences if not prevent them completely!" ], [ "For this reason, Eurico asked the National Commission to Combat HIV/AIDS (CNCCAH) for further awareness-raising activities in villages." ], [ "Eurico Guterres da Costa de Jejus, was very concerned about the information from competent parties that said 12 people in Comoro community have been identified as having HIV/AIDS." ], [ "\"I am very concerned about the number of HIV/AIDS in our country, because according to data that today National Commission for Combating AIDS has given out there are already 873 people with this disease on Timor-Leste's soil and from Comoro community itself only twelve have contracted it. This is a big concern as I act like Community leader; what i should do then? To continue raising information among my communities especially younger generation who can prevent themselves against these problems.\" said Eurico Guterres da Costa de Jesus after attending an Information Awareness Session at Headquarters Municipality Dili (24 April)." ], [ "According to Eurico, the disease is a great enemy that has not just planned on entering Timor-Leste and killing our people but it already exists in TL which besides threatening many of its citizens HIV/AIDS also killed some." ], [ "Therefore, in order to fight against this enemy as a community leader I will seek ways of working together with KNK-HIV/AIDS and all parties continue raising the public's consciousness about these disease causes." ], [ "\"The disease is a great enemy that has now entered our country, which will soon kill many of us. We must make every effort to prevent it from decreasing and begin minimizing the number involving people with free-range activities so as also reduced numbers affects by this illness\", said Eurico.\"" ], [ "Similar concerns were expressed by Nito Emilio, a youth from the Comoro Village. He said that this large number of HIV/AIDS patients is becoming an important issue for his community and therefore he urged all members to take care in order preventing themselves or their family member who may have been expose with free ransomware viruses (RSV)." ], [ "\"The number that the National Committee on HIV/AIDS mentions today, this large figure is not from abroad but in our own country. The majority of children are 15 years old and over; it gives us great concern so for young people such sensitization has to be very important\", said Nito Emilio.\"" ], [ "Meanwhile, Director of HIV/AIDS Prevention Venâncio Coelho promised that with the increasing number infections by this disease KNK will continue to raise awareness at municipalities and village levels including schools as well As universities so even if it does not decrease but can minimize its numbers." ], [ "\"Discovering information about the causes and how to prevent it, role of KNK - HIV/AIDS. That is why today we are in Comoro Village because there was a very good cooperation with our community leaders; that's what made us participate on this sensitization from communities at all ages including parents young people as well students.\"" ], [ "This means that they have a real interest in accessing information about the disease, both on behavior and how it is transmitted. Therefore we are not only raising this level of consciousness today but will continue to do so\", said Venancio .\"" ], [ "Read more: MSSI declares inclusion for 60 percent subsidy Total number of patients who have been identified as HIV/AIDS positive totals at least one hundred and thirty-three, from which three are undergoing treatment in a health facility; nineteen died while the remainder were not included on registration. According to information provided by The Guardian..." ] ]
Tribunál aplika TIR ba jerente Guardamor ho Metrolink | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Tribunál aplika TIR ba jerente Guardamor ho Metrolink\nJerente Guardamor ho inisiál EBS no Metrolink ho inisiál JJDRC partisipa iha julgamentu iha TDD, domingu 17 janeiru 2021. Imajen Tatoli/Nelson de Sousa\nDILI, 17 janeiru 2021 (TATOLI)-Tribunál Distritál Dili (TDD) liuhosi desizaun julgamentu primeiru interrogatóriu, domingu ne’e, aplika Termu Identidade Rezidénsia (TIR) jerál ba jerente na’in-rua; ida hosi kompañia Guardamor ho inisiál EBS no ida seluk hosi kompañia Metrolink ho inisiál JJDRC.\nProsesu julgamentu primeiru interrogatóriu ne’e hala’o hahú tuku 08:00 dadeer to’o iha tuku 12:12 Otl, hodi suspende no kontinua fila-fali iha tuku 17:40 Otl, hodi rona desizaun.\nPolísia fó seguransa ba arguidu EBS ho JJDRC iha TDD, domingu 17 janeiru 2021. Imajen Tatoli/ Nelson de Sousa\nPolísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL) liuhosi Servisu Investigasaun Nasionál SIKN ezekuta mandatu detensaun hosi Tribunál Distritál Dili (TDD) ho númeru NUC 0166/20/PNSIK iha loron 14 janeiru 2021 ba jerente Metrolink ho inisiál JJDRC iha edifísiu Hudi Laran no jerente Guardamor ho inisiál EBS iha edifísiu Guardamor, Fatuhada, Dili.\nNotísia Relevante : Kazu internet ilegál, jerente Guardamor ho Metrolink mós sai arguidu\nSIKN mós halo buska no apreensaun ba dokumentu balun hanesan laptop rua hosi kompañia rua ne’e no dokumentu kompañia nian.\nHafoin ne’e polísia tau kedas police line iha fatin ne’ebé deskonfia uza ba ligasaun internet hodi asegura prosesu investigasaun.\nMinistériu Públiku (MP) akuza ho krime burla informátika agravadu ne’ebé previstu iha artigu 296 no krime fase osan (brankamentu kapitais) ne’ebé previstu iha artigu 313 hotu-hotu hosi kódigu penál Timor-Leste.\nAdvogadu Manuel Tilman ne’ebé fó asisténsia legál ba arguidu sira hateten, desizaun Tribunál nian ne’e fundamentu.\n“Medida koasaun TIR jerál sira sei aprezenta an semana ida dala-rua no sira bele fila ona ba uma,” hateten Manuel Tilman\nFamília no kolega sira simu argiudu EBS hafoin rona tiha rezultadu julgamentu iha TDD, domingu 17 janeiru 2021. Imajen Tatoli/Nelson de Sousa\nArguidu sira sei aprezenta aan ba estasaun polísia ne’ebé besik iha arguidu sira nia rezidénsia semana ida dala-rua. Ho medida koasaun ne’e sei iha investigasaun no daudaun arguidu sira sei inosente bainhira to’o julgamentu komún ba prosesu ne’e to’o iha tránzitu-julgadu mak bele hatene sala ka la’e.\nTribunál husu arguidu sira atu koopera nafatin ho parte autoridade judisiál ba prosesu investigasaun ne’ebé Ministériu Públiku nu’udar na’in ba asaun penál sei kontinua rekolla prova sira hodi aprezenta iha TDD iha tempu tuir mai.\nProsesu julgamentu primeiru interrogatóriu ne’e prezide hosi juis prosesu Albertina Neves no Ministériu Públiku (MP) reprezenta hosi prokuradór Ambrosio Rangel, Lidia Soares no arguidu sira hetan asisténsia legal hodi advogadu privadu Manuel Tilman.\nTuir observasaun Agéncia Tatoli nian iha TDD hafoin rona desizaun Tribunál nian remata parte família hosi arguidu nian tanis.\nArguidu na’in-rua nia kolega emprezáriu lubuk ida mós marka prezensa iha TDD hodi hatudu sira-nia solidariedade, inklui Diretór empreza Esperansa Timor-oan (ETO), Nilton Gusmão.\nPrevious articleKazu internet ilegál, jerente Guardamor ho Metrolink mós sai arguidu\nNext articleBankada Plataforma Entendimentu kestiona koerénsia bankada CNRT
[ "Tribunal aplika TIR ba jerente Guardamor ho Metrolink | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Tribunal aplika TIR ba jerente Guardamor ho Metrolink Jerente Guardamor ho inisial EBS no Metrolink ho inisial JJDRC partisipa iha julgamentu iha TDD, domingu 17 janeiru 2021.", "Imajen Tatoli/Nelson de Sousa DILI, 17 janeiru 2021 (TATOLI) -Tribunal Distrital Dili (TDD) liuhosi desizaun julgamentu primeiru interrogatoriu, domingu ne'e, aplika Termu Identidade Rezidensia (TIR) jeral ba jerente na'in-rua; ida hosi kompania Guardamor ho inisial EBS no ida seluk hosi kompania Metrolink ho inisial JJDRC.", "Prosesu julgamentu primeiru interrogatoriu ne'e hala'o hahu tuku 08:00 dadeer to'o iha tuku 12:12 Otl, hodi suspende no kontinua fila-fali iha tuku 17:40 Otl, hodi rona desizaun.", "Polisia fo seguransa ba arguidu EBS ho JJDRC iha TDD, domingu 17 janeiru 2021.", "Imajen Tatoli/ Nelson de Sousa Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) liuhosi Servisu Investigasaun Nasional SIKN ezekuta mandatu detensaun hosi Tribunal Distrital Dili (TDD) ho numeru NUC 0166/20/PNSIK iha loron 14 janeiru 2021 ba jerente Metrolink ho inisial JJDRC iha edifisiu Hudi Laran no jerente Guardamor ho inisial EBS iha edifisiu Guardamor, Fatuhada, Dili.", "Notisia Relevante: Kazu internet ilegal, jerente Guardamor ho Metrolink mos sai arguidu SIKN mos halo buska no apreensaun ba dokumentu balun hanesan laptop rua hosi kompania rua ne'e no dokumentu kompania nian.", "Hafoin ne'e polisia tau kedas police line iha fatin ne'ebe deskonfia uza ba ligasaun internet hodi asegura prosesu investigasaun.", "Ministeriu Publiku (MP) akuza ho krime burla informatika agravadu ne'ebe previstu iha artigu 296 no krime fase osan (brankamentu kapitais) ne'ebe previstu iha artigu 313 hotu-hotu hosi kodigu penal Timor-Leste.", "Advogadu Manuel Tilman ne'ebe fo asistensia legal ba arguidu sira hateten, desizaun Tribunal nian ne'e fundamentu.", "\"Medida koasaun TIR jeral sira sei aprezenta an semana ida dala-rua no sira bele fila ona ba uma,\" hateten Manuel Tilman Familia no kolega sira simu argiudu EBS hafoin rona tiha rezultadu julgamentu iha TDD, domingu 17 janeiru 2021.", "Imajen Tatoli/Nelson de Sousa Arguidu sira sei aprezenta aan ba estasaun polisia ne'ebe besik iha arguidu sira nia rezidensia semana ida dala-rua.", "Ho medida koasaun ne'e sei iha investigasaun no daudaun arguidu sira sei inosente bainhira to'o julgamentu komun ba prosesu ne'e to'o iha tranzitu-julgadu mak bele hatene sala ka la'e.", "Tribunal husu arguidu sira atu koopera nafatin ho parte autoridade judisial ba prosesu investigasaun ne'ebe Ministeriu Publiku nu'udar na'in ba asaun penal sei kontinua rekolla prova sira hodi aprezenta iha TDD iha tempu tuir mai.", "Prosesu julgamentu primeiru interrogatoriu ne'e prezide hosi juis prosesu Albertina Neves no Ministeriu Publiku (MP) reprezenta hosi prokurador Ambrosio Rangel, Lidia Soares no arguidu sira hetan asistensia legal hodi advogadu privadu Manuel Tilman.", "Tuir observasaun Agencia Tatoli nian iha TDD hafoin rona desizaun Tribunal nian remata parte familia hosi arguidu nian tanis.", "Arguidu na'in-rua nia kolega emprezariu lubuk ida mos marka prezensa iha TDD hodi hatudu sira-nia solidariedade, inklui Diretor empreza Esperansa Timor-oan (ETO), Nilton Gusmao.", "Previous articleKazu internet ilegal, jerente Guardamor ho Metrolink mos sai arguidu Next articleBankada Plataforma Entendimentu kestiona koerensia bankada CNRT" ]
[ [ "Tribunal applies TIR to Guardamor and Metrolink managers | Timor Post Agência Noticiosa de Timór-Leste VARANDA DILI Court applying a tax break for the Guardia Mor with its initial EBS, as well metro link’ s JJDRC participate in trial at TDD on Sunday January.17th of this year" ], [ "Image Tatoli/Nelson de Sousa DILI, January 17th (TATOLI) -The Dili District Court in its first interrogatories decision on Sunday applied the General Term of Residence Identity to two managers; one from Guardamor company with initial EBS and another One Metrolink Company' s JJDRC." ], [ "The first interrogation trial was held from 08:12 dadeer until midday, then suspended and continued again at noon to hear the decision." ], [ "Police provide security for defendant EBS and JJDRC at the TDD, Sunday 17th January." ], [ "The National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL) through the Service for Investigation SIKN executed arrest warrants issued by Tribunal Distrital Dili with number NUC 0165/23 /PNSIK on January, and Metrolink manager JJDRC in Hudi Laran building. Guardamor Manager EBS at Guardia Mor Building Fatuhada District" ], [ "SIKN also searched and seized some documents, such as two laptops of the companies Guardamor e Metrolink. The investigation was carried out by a team from SIC'S Office for Investigating Corruptions (SICN)." ], [ "The police immediately set up a phone line in the suspected location to secure their investigation." ], [ "The Public Prosecutor's Office (MP) charged the accused with aggravated computer fraud under article 296 and money laundering of all types, as provided for in Article135(a)(ii), Section II." ], [ "Lawyer Manuel Tilman, who represented the defendants in this case said that \"the Court's decision is groundless." ], [ "\"The general TIR coercive measures will be presented twice a week and they can go home,\" said Manuel Tilman The family of the detainees received an EBS statement after hearing their judgment at TDD on Sunday January17th." ], [ "Defendants will report to the police station nearest their residence twice a week. The defendants are required not only for this purpose, but also in case of further investigation and prosecutions by law enforcement agencies or other authorities that may be involved with criminal cases against them (see above)." ], [ "With this coercive measure will be investigated and now the defendants are innocent until a common trial for these proceedings in transit-judged can know whether they were guilty or not." ], [ "The court asked the defendants to continue cooperating with judicial authorities in their investigation, as Attorney General's Office will be collecting evidence for presentation at a later date." ], [ "The first interrogation trial was presided over by judge Albertina Neves and the Public Prosecutor's Office (MP) representing Ambrosio Rangel, Lidia Soares. All defendants were assistes to a private lawyer Manuel Tilman for legal assistance in their case of criminal offences against human rights" ], [ "According to Tatoli Agency's observation at the TDD after hearing of court decision, part family from defendant was in dismay." ], [ "Many of the defendants' business colleagues were also present at TDD to show their solidarity, including Esperansa Timor-oan (ETO) company director Nilton Gusmaos." ], [ "Previous articleIlegal internet case, Guardamor and Metrolink managers also accused Next ArticleBankada Plataforma Entendimentu questiones coerência bancada CNRT" ] ]
UNITAL seidauk deside loron graduasaun ba estudante finalista | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EDUKASAUN UNITAL seidauk deside loron graduasaun ba estudante finalista\nUNITAL seidauk deside loron graduasaun ba estudante finalista\nDILI, 16 dezembru 2021 (TATOLI)–Universidade Orientál (UNITAL) seidauk deside realiza graduasaun ba estudante finalista tanba Ministériu Ensinu Superiór Siénsia no Kultura (MESSK) seidauk fó sai rezultadu verifikasaun lista estudante 500 ne’ebé universidade submete.\nReitór UNITAL, Florindo Pereira, hateten sira submete ona lista estudante ne’ebé ramata ona ezame ba MESSK iha fulan ida molok atu halo verifikasaun, maibé to’o agora universidade seidauk hetan informasaun.\n“Ami hein de’it sira fó sai rezultadu verifikasaun hodi naran sira ne’e bele publika iha Jornál Repúblika maka ami foin deside loron graduasaun,” Reitór Florindo informa iha kampus UNITAL, Becora, kinta ne’e.\nTuir nia, hosi lista ne’ebé submete ona ba ministériu, estudante finalista 336 maka kompleta ona prosesu administrasaun atu hakat ba graduasaun, enkuantu 164 seluk seidauk iha informasaun.\n“Ami halo ona konfirmasaun ho parte komisaun organizadora sei fó tan tempu semana ida ba estudante finalista sira atu kompleta administrasaun, liu ida-ne’e maka la konsege ita avansa ho númeru ne’ebé iha,” nia akresenta.\nEstudante finalista UNITAL ne’ebé atu kompleta graduasaun iha dezembru tinan ne’e mai hosi fakuldade hitu no kursu 36.\nPrevious articleIGE, I.P konsege poupa osan Estadu millaun $7 iha tinan 2021\nNext articleJosé Reis inaugura Uma kbiit Laek iha Lahomea
[ "UNITAL seidauk deside loron graduasaun ba estudante finalista | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EDUKASAUN UNITAL seidauk deside loron graduasaun ba estudante finalista UNITAL seidauk deside loron graduasaun ba estudante finalista DILI, 16 dezembru 2021 (TATOLI) -Universidade Oriental (UNITAL) seidauk deside realiza graduasaun ba estudante finalista tanba Ministeriu Ensinu Superior Siensia no Kultura (MESSK) seidauk fo sai rezultadu verifikasaun lista estudante 500 ne'ebe universidade submete.", "Reitor UNITAL, Florindo Pereira, hateten sira submete ona lista estudante ne'ebe ramata ona ezame ba MESSK iha fulan ida molok atu halo verifikasaun, maibe to'o agora universidade seidauk hetan informasaun.", "\"Ami hein de'it sira fo sai rezultadu verifikasaun hodi naran sira ne'e bele publika iha Jornal Republika maka ami foin deside loron graduasaun,\" Reitor Florindo informa iha kampus UNITAL, Becora, kinta ne'e.", "Tuir nia, hosi lista ne'ebe submete ona ba ministeriu, estudante finalista 336 maka kompleta ona prosesu administrasaun atu hakat ba graduasaun, enkuantu 164 seluk seidauk iha informasaun.", "\"Ami halo ona konfirmasaun ho parte komisaun organizadora sei fo tan tempu semana ida ba estudante finalista sira atu kompleta administrasaun, liu ida-ne'e maka la konsege ita avansa ho numeru ne'ebe iha,\" nia akresenta.", "Estudante finalista UNITAL ne'ebe atu kompleta graduasaun iha dezembru tinan ne'e mai hosi fakuldade hitu no kursu 36.", "Previous articleIGE, I.P konsege poupa osan Estadu millaun $7 iha tinan 2021 Next articleJose Reis inaugura Uma kbiit Laek iha Lahomea" ]
[ [ "UNITAL has not decided the graduation date for finalist students | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste HOME EDUCATION University of East (UNItal) still doesn't have a decision on when to hold its final student grading ceremony because Ministry Of Higher Education, Science And Culture(MESSK), which is responsible in verifying lists that are submitted by universities." ], [ "UNITAL Rector Florindo Pereira said they had submitted the list of students who finished their exams to MESSK a month before for verification, but so far university has not received any information." ], [ "\"We are just waiting for the results of verification so that their names can be published in Jornal Republika before we decide on a graduation date,\" Reitor Florindo said at UNITAL campus Becora." ], [ "According to him, of the list submitted by 346 finalists have completed their administrative processes for graduation while about other students (159) no information is available." ], [ "\"We have confirmed with the organizing committee that they will give a week more time to finalists students in order for them To complete their administration, because of this we were not able advancing on our number.\" he added." ], [ "UNITAL finalist students who will complete their graduation in December this year come from seven faculties and 36 courses." ], [ "Previous articleIGE, I.P saved $7 million in State money by 2019 Next ArticleJose Reis inaugurates a home for the poor at Lahomea" ] ]
HNGV Selebra Loron Mundial Doasaun Ran – STL Online\nHNGV Selebra Loron Mundial Doasaun Ran\nDILI-Banco de Sangue Hospital Nasional Guido Valadares (HNGV) Selebra loron mundila doasaun ran tanba liu husi aktividade doasaun ran bele salva ema nia vida.\nTuir Director Apoiu Diagnostika no Terapeutika Hospital Nasional Guido Valadares, Nivio da Costa Sarmento hatete, tinan-tinan HNGV sempre komemora loron doasaun ran neebe loke ba publiku tomak inklui doadores sira atu nunee bele fo ran ba HNGV hodi bele tulun fali ema seluk.\nTinan-tinan ami sempre selebra loron mundial doasaun ran. Ami sempre bolu ba duadores sira atu mai fo ran ba ita nia pasinete sira neebe baixa ou neebe mos atu baixa, nunee sira bele hetan asistensia liu-liu husi ran neebe ita fo,” hateten Nivio ba Jornalista sira iha Banco de Sangue HNGV Kurta (14/06/2017).\nNia sublina tan katak kriteria ba doadores sira neebe atu fo ran mak hanesan kondisaun saude diak, idade minimu 18-16, todan minimu 45,no tensaun labele as.\nSelesaun hotu tiha maka ita sei hasai sira nia ran, normalmente iha duzentus sinquenta mil litrus ate trezentus siquenta mili litus, ita foti ran sira nee depois ita tau iha pakote,i depois maka ita halo eskrinig ba moras tipu hat, moras hepatitis B no Sifilis,nomos Hiv-Sida, wainhira ita hare naran nee mos entaun ita fo ba ita nia pasiente neeebe persiza” hateten Nivio.\nIha fatin hanesan Helena Map Lani nudar Kristaun informa katak kontente tebes halo duasaun ran,tanba ho inasitiva azuda ema neebe presiza ran,tanba imazen too waihira ema baixa iha HNGV presiza ran duni,maibe halai tun sae la hetan ran.\nMaromak fo ran ba ita atu ita bele uza azuda ema seluk, tanba Maoromak uza ona nia ran hamos ita nia sala hodi salava ona ita, tansa ran truk ida deit ita labele azuda ita nia maluk sira neebe presiza,”dehan Helena Map Lani.\nNunee mos joventude, Ermino da Cruz Amaral mos hatete, hanesan humanu iha konsensia atu fo ran ba ema esluk neebe persija tebes hodi salva sira nia vida.\n“Hau sente kontente tebes ajuda ita nia maluk Timor oan sira neebe agora presiza ran, tanba ita nia ran truk ida nee nia falor liu fali sasan mundu nia, husu ba maluk sira neebe seidauk halo duasaun ran, mai ita azuda malu hodi fo ran,” dehan Ermino. Jeniche da Costa\nPrevious article Xanana: Tibar Pontesia ba Area Industria\nNext article Pasiente Lalika Preokupa Ai-Moruk Vitamina
[ "HNGV Selebra Loron Mundial Doasaun Ran - STL Online HNGV Selebra Loron Mundial Doasaun Ran DILI-Banco de Sangue Hospital Nasional Guido Valadares (HNGV) Selebra loron mundila doasaun ran tanba liu husi aktividade doasaun ran bele salva ema nia vida.", "Tuir Director Apoiu Diagnostika no Terapeutika Hospital Nasional Guido Valadares, Nivio da Costa Sarmento hatete, tinan-tinan HNGV sempre komemora loron doasaun ran neebe loke ba publiku tomak inklui doadores sira atu nunee bele fo ran ba HNGV hodi bele tulun fali ema seluk.", "Tinan-tinan ami sempre selebra loron mundial doasaun ran.", "Ami sempre bolu ba duadores sira atu mai fo ran ba ita nia pasinete sira neebe baixa ou neebe mos atu baixa, nunee sira bele hetan asistensia liu-liu husi ran neebe ita fo,\" hateten Nivio ba Jornalista sira iha Banco de Sangue HNGV Kurta (14/06/2017).", "Nia sublina tan katak kriteria ba doadores sira neebe atu fo ran mak hanesan kondisaun saude diak, idade minimu 18-16, todan minimu 45,no tensaun labele as.", "Selesaun hotu tiha maka ita sei hasai sira nia ran, normalmente iha duzentus sinquenta mil litrus ate trezentus siquenta mili litus, ita foti ran sira nee depois ita tau iha pakote,i depois maka ita halo eskrinig ba moras tipu hat, moras hepatitis B no Sifilis,nomos Hiv-Sida, wainhira ita hare naran nee mos entaun ita fo ba ita nia pasiente neeebe persiza\" hateten Nivio.", "Iha fatin hanesan Helena Map Lani nudar Kristaun informa katak kontente tebes halo duasaun ran,tanba ho inasitiva azuda ema neebe presiza ran,tanba imazen too waihira ema baixa iha HNGV presiza ran duni,maibe halai tun sae la hetan ran.", "Maromak fo ran ba ita atu ita bele uza azuda ema seluk, tanba Maoromak uza ona nia ran hamos ita nia sala hodi salava ona ita, tansa ran truk ida deit ita labele azuda ita nia maluk sira neebe presiza,\"dehan Helena Map Lani.", "Nunee mos joventude, Ermino da Cruz Amaral mos hatete, hanesan humanu iha konsensia atu fo ran ba ema esluk neebe persija tebes hodi salva sira nia vida.", "\"Hau sente kontente tebes ajuda ita nia maluk Timor oan sira neebe agora presiza ran, tanba ita nia ran truk ida nee nia falor liu fali sasan mundu nia, husu ba maluk sira neebe seidauk halo duasaun ran, mai ita azuda malu hodi fo ran,\" dehan Ermino.", "Jeniche da Costa Previous article Xanana: Tibar Pontesia ba Area Industria Next article Pasiente Lalika Preokupa Ai-Moruk Vitamina" ]
[ [ "HNGV Celebrates World Blood Donation Day - STL Online Dili-Banco de Sangue Hospital Nasional Guido Valadares (hngv) celebrates world blood donor day because through the activity of bloeddonatie can save lives." ], [ "According to the Director of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Support at Hospital Nacional Guido Valadares, Nivio da Costa Sarmento said that every year HNGV always celebrates Blood Donation Day which is opened for all public including donors so they can donate blood in return." ], [ "Every year we always celebrate World Blood Donation Day." ], [ "We always call on the donors to come and donate blood for our patients who are low or will be lower, so that they can get assistance especially from their given blode\", Nivio told journalists at HNGV Blood Bank Kurta (14/06 /25)." ], [ "She also emphasized that the criteria for donors to donate blood are good health, minimum age 18-20 years old and weight at least of45kg." ], [ "After all the selection we will take their blood, normally in two hundred and fifty thousand liters to three cent twenty milli litus. We collect this blod then put it into a package; after that you do some screening for type four disease (hepatitis B), syphilis or HIV-AIDS only when there is no name of them so they are given our patients who need\" says Nivio" ], [ "Helena Map Lani as a Christian informed that she was very happy to do the blood donation,and with her intervention helped people who needed it. She also told me when someone is discharged from HNGV they need some kind of Blood but there are no available for them at this time" ], [ "God gave us blood so that we can use it to help others, because the Holy Spirit used his own Blood in washing away our sins and forgiveness. We cannot abuse those who are needy with just one ounce of His Blessed Blod,” said Helena Map Lani.”" ], [ "The youth, Ermino da Cruz Amaral also said that as human beings we have a conscience to donate blood for the needy in order To save their lives." ], [ "\"I am very pleased to help our fellow Timorese who are now in need of blood, because this truck is more valuable than the world's wealth. I ask all those people that have not done a donation yet: let us support each other by contributing your own\", Ermino said.\"" ], [ "Jeniche da Costa Previous article Xanana: Tibar Pontesia ba Area Industria Next Article Pasiente Lalika Preokupa Ai-Moruk Vitamina" ] ]
Atu hamenus Kustu Kompra ba lisensa Software RCCT halo migrasaun husi windows ba Linux - Radio Comunidade Cova Taroman (RCCT)\nCovalima (RCCT) 01-06-21, Estasaun Radio Comunidade Cova Taroman (RCCT) halo Migrasaun sistema komputador husi Windows ba Linux nune’e hodi bele fasilita lalais servisu atendementu Publiku ho informasaun sira hotu iha Municipio Covalima.\nJestor RCCT Chamot Nahac Afirma razaun halo migrasaun ne’e tanba konsidera sistema servisu linux ne’e lalais no gratuita maibe ho kuilidade nebe diak liu.\n“Ami nia Objectivu halo migrasaun husi Windows ba Linux tanba, ami konsidera Servisu sistema Linux ne’e lalais no mos Gratiuta, ha’u bele dehan maioria aplikasaun sira hotu nebe suporta ba sistema linux ne’e Gratuita” Dehan Jestor Chamot Nahac, durante Halo instalsaun ne’e.\nChamot Fundamenta agora governu liu husi MAPKOMS-SEKOMS dijitaliza ona Radio Comunidade sira iha Timor Laran hotu, tanba Radio Comunidade sira mos tenki hili ona sistema ida nebe mak lalais no Gratuita hodi bele fasilita servisu jornalista sira nian iha, liliu iha RCCT.\n“Governu Dijitaliza ona Radio Comunidade sira hotu iha Timor, entaun ami mos hakarak hili sistema ida nebe mais fasil liliu gratuita nune’e bele hafasil ami nia servisu iha ami nia estasaun radio” Tenik Chamot.\nJestor RCCT ne’e mos Agradese ba ICT-TL liu liu ba Vice Presidente ICT-TL tanba hanesan Covalima nia Oan bele fornese ninia tempo ho voluntariomente hodi mai halo instalasaun ba sistema Linux iha Estasaun Radio Cova Taroman.\n“Ha’u Apresia ba ICT-TL liu liu ha’u hodi Estrutura tomak RCCT nian Agradese ba Kolega Eligio nebe asume kargu hanesan Vice Prezidene ICT-TL, tanba bele fornese nia tempo hodi halo instalasaun ba sistema linux iha ami nia estasaun, maske ami nein selu bintes ida, maibe ho komitmentu vuluntario nia hakarak ajuda ami” Katak Chamot\nIha fatin hanesan Vice Prezidente ICT-TL Eligio Moniz do Rego Afirma hanesan ema nebe iha konhesementu iha area ITC ninia pronto Apoio kolker instituisaun nebe mak persija ninia tulun.\nNia mos Apresia ba RCCT nebe fo fiar fahe esperiensia nebe iha ona liliu iha area teknologia no informsaun ninian.\n“Nudar Covalima Oan, ha’u apresia no kontenti tebes bele hetan fiar husi maluk sira RCCT hodi mai fahe esperensia no mos kolabora hamutuk hodi suporta malu iha area teknolojia informasaun no komunikasaun” Dehan Eligio\nNia hatutan liu husi Migrasaun ba Linux ne’e bele reduz kustu kompras ba lisensa Software komersial no mos prevene sistema komputador husi amesa Virus.\n“Objetivu husi migrasaun ba sistema Linux atu bele redus kustu kompras ba lisensa software komersiu, nomos prevene sistema komputador husi ameasa virus komputador tamba sistema Linux ne’e la’os deit gratuita maibe mai ho aksitektura sistema ne’ebe seguru tebes” Tenik Eligio\nJornalista : Ade Gorete
[ "Atu hamenus Kustu Kompra ba lisensa Software RCCT halo migrasaun husi windows ba Linux - Radio Comunidade Cova Taroman (RCCT) Covalima (RCCT) 01-06-21, Estasaun Radio Comunidade Cova Taroman (RCCT) halo Migrasaun sistema komputador husi Windows ba Linux nune'e hodi bele fasilita lalais servisu atendementu Publiku ho informasaun sira hotu iha Municipio Covalima.", "Jestor RCCT Chamot Nahac Afirma razaun halo migrasaun ne'e tanba konsidera sistema servisu linux ne'e lalais no gratuita maibe ho kuilidade nebe diak liu.", "\"Ami nia Objectivu halo migrasaun husi Windows ba Linux tanba, ami konsidera Servisu sistema Linux ne'e lalais no mos Gratiuta, ha'u bele dehan maioria aplikasaun sira hotu nebe suporta ba sistema linux ne'e Gratuita\" Dehan Jestor Chamot Nahac, durante Halo instalsaun ne'e.", "Chamot Fundamenta agora governu liu husi MAPKOMS-SEKOMS dijitaliza ona Radio Comunidade sira iha Timor Laran hotu, tanba Radio Comunidade sira mos tenki hili ona sistema ida nebe mak lalais no Gratuita hodi bele fasilita servisu jornalista sira nian iha, liliu iha RCCT.", "\"Governu Dijitaliza ona Radio Comunidade sira hotu iha Timor, entaun ami mos hakarak hili sistema ida nebe mais fasil liliu gratuita nune'e bele hafasil ami nia servisu iha ami nia estasaun radio\" Tenik Chamot.", "Jestor RCCT ne'e mos Agradese ba ICT-TL liu liu ba Vice Presidente ICT-TL tanba hanesan Covalima nia Oan bele fornese ninia tempo ho voluntariomente hodi mai halo instalasaun ba sistema Linux iha Estasaun Radio Cova Taroman.", "\"Ha'u Apresia ba ICT-TL liu liu ha'u hodi Estrutura tomak RCCT nian Agradese ba Kolega Eligio nebe asume kargu hanesan Vice Prezidene ICT-TL, tanba bele fornese nia tempo hodi halo instalasaun ba sistema linux iha ami nia estasaun, maske ami nein selu bintes ida, maibe ho komitmentu vuluntario nia hakarak ajuda ami\" Katak Chamot Iha fatin hanesan Vice Prezidente ICT-TL Eligio Moniz do Rego Afirma hanesan ema nebe iha konhesementu iha area ITC ninia pronto Apoio kolker instituisaun nebe mak persija ninia tulun.", "Nia mos Apresia ba RCCT nebe fo fiar fahe esperiensia nebe iha ona liliu iha area teknologia no informsaun ninian.", "\"Nudar Covalima Oan, ha'u apresia no kontenti tebes bele hetan fiar husi maluk sira RCCT hodi mai fahe esperensia no mos kolabora hamutuk hodi suporta malu iha area teknolojia informasaun no komunikasaun\" Dehan Eligio Nia hatutan liu husi Migrasaun ba Linux ne'e bele reduz kustu kompras ba lisensa Software komersial no mos prevene sistema komputador husi amesa Virus.", "\"Objetivu husi migrasaun ba sistema Linux atu bele redus kustu kompras ba lisensa software komersiu, nomos prevene sistema komputador husi ameasa virus komputador tamba sistema Linux ne'e la'os deit gratuita maibe mai ho aksitektura sistema ne'ebe seguru tebes\" Tenik Eligio Jornalista: Ade Gorete" ]
[ [ "Radio Comunidade Cova Taroman (RCCT) Covalima - 01-26, Estação de Rádio Comunitade da Cova Taromã(R.Ct), migra o sistema computacional do Windows para Linux assim que pode facilitar rapidamente serviço atendimento Público com todas as informações no Município Coimbra/Coimbra Municipality)." ], [ "RCCT manager Chamot Nahac affirmed the reason for this migration because he considers that Linux is fast and free but with better quality." ], [ "\"Our objective is to migrate from Windows Linux because, we consider the service of this system fast and also Free. I can say that most applications supported by linux are free\" Dehan Jestor Chamot Nahac during Installation" ], [ "Chamot Fundamenta now the government through MAPKOMS-SEKONS has digitized all Community Radios in Timor Leste, because they have to choose a system that is fast and free of charge for facilitating their journalistic work especially at RCCT." ], [ "\"The Government has digitized all the Community Radios in Timor, so we also want to choose a system that is easier or free of charge and can facilitate our work at this radio station\" said Chamot." ], [ "The RCCT manager also thanked ICT-TL especially to the Vice President because as an Oan of Covalima he could provide his time and volunteers for installing Linux system in Radio Cova Taroman Station." ], [ "\"I appreciate ICT-TL above all I for the whole structure of RCCT Thank you to Colleague Eligio who assumed as Vice President, because he could provide his time in order installing a Linux system at our station. Although we did not pay one cent but with voluntary commitment and willingness help us\" said Chamot In turn vice president Ellio Moniz do Rego confirmed that they have knowledge about ITC's ready support kolker institution which is seeking their assistance.\"" ], [ "He also expressed appreciation to the RCCT for entrusting him with sharing his experiences, especially in information and communication technology." ], [ "\"As a COVALIMA Oan, I appreciate and am very pleased to have the trust of RCCT colleagues in sharing experiences as well collaborating together for mutual support within information technology area\" Dehan Eligio He added that through Linux Migration it can reduce cost purchase commercial software license also prevent computer system from viruses." ], [ "\"The goal of the migration to Linux system is that it can reduce costs for purchasing commercial software licenses, and prevent computer systems from threats by viruses because this GNU/Linux System not only free but comes with a very secure architecture\" Tenik Eligio Journalist: Ade Gorete" ] ]
Sulan Aman Rasik iha Besi-Laran, MP Alega Pena Prizaun Tinan-Ualu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Sulan Aman Rasik iha Besi-Laran, MP Alega Pena Prizaun Tinan-Ualu\nSulan Aman Rasik iha Besi-Laran, MP Alega Pena Prizaun Tinan-Ualu\nDILI, 22 jullu 2020 (TATOLI)-Ministériu Públiku (MP) liuhosi Prokuradór titulár Jacinto Babo iha nia alegasaun husu ba Tribunál Distritál Dili (TDD) atu aplika pena efetivu prizaun tinan-ualu (8) ba arguidu MPS tanba sulan nia aman rasik ho inisiál CC iha besi-laran (atu hanesan gaiola ba sulan manu).\nProkuradór Jacinto Babo husu atu aplika pena ne’e tanba iha produsaun prova liuhosi julgamentu sira-liu prienxe elementu krime ne’ebé forte hosi aktu arguidu nian hasoru nia aman rasik.\nProva ne’ebé aprezenta ka arrola hosi MP antes ne’e katak, iha loron 30 janeiru, tinan ne’e, iha tuku 3:00 otl ekipa investigasaun PNTL Munisípiu Dili simu informasaun hosi komunidade ida katak arguidu MPS sulan hela lezada nu’udar aman rasik iha uma mamuk ida ne’ebé lokaliza iha Aldeia Avansa, Suku Bairru-Pité, Munisípiu Dili.\nBazeia ba informasaun ne’e iha tuku 4:20 Otl, ekipa dezloka ba iha fatin refere no identifika katak loos duni arguidu sulan hela lezada iha besi-laran ne’ebé arguidu solda metin paresidu ho fatin atu sulan animal sira.\nIha fatin ida arguidu solda hodi sulan lezadu ne’e kloot no la fó espasu ba lezadu atu book-an no fatin ne’e rasik la eziste odamatan no arguidu sulan lezadu ne’e kuaze fulan ida resin.\nAleinde deskobre katak, lezadu toba hela iha besi laran ho kondisaun oin kamutis, roupa uza fo’er hotu, fatin ne’e nakonu ho fo’er mak hanesan sintina boot ka ki’ik bou hotu iha besi laran, inklui bikan ho kopu ne’ebé lezadu uza ba han no hemu tau hamutuk hotu iha fatin ida ne’e.\nInisiativa hodi halo fatin ne’e hodi sulan lezadu ne’e mai hosi arguidu rasik, arguidu mak sosa material besi no arguidu mak solda rasik.\nEnkuantu uma ida hodi uza sulan lezadu ne’e testemuña ho inisiál JT nian no arguidu nia uma rasik lokaliza iha Aldeia Buka Fini, Suku Bairru-Pité, Dili.\nArguidu hatama lezadu ba besi laran ho razaun katak lezadu sofre moras mental, ko’alia arbiru, ameasa ema no tuda estraga ema nia uma no halo violentu halo viziñu sira.\nTuir observasaun médiku Virgilio Napoleão da Crus Soares ne’ebé servisu iha postu saúde Railaco-Leten, Postu Gleno, Munisípiu Ermera, katak loos duni lezadu dala barak ko’alia barak no hamnasa mesa-mesak, maibé lezadu la’ós ema violentu ho agresivu.\nRelatóriu médiku hatudu katak lezadu sofre moras metan (bibi maten) ho naran bipolar, relatóriu médiku ho deklarasaun arguidu nian diferente loos tanba ne’e arguidu deside hodi sulan lezadu.\nIha dokumentu sita iha folia katak, lezadu la’ós ema violentu no agresivu tanba bainhira ofisial justisa sira ba notifika lezadu iha nia rezidénsia lezadu ko’alia di’ak ho ofisial sira katak nia la bele marka prezensa iha Ministériu Públiku tanba lezadu la’o la di’ak.\nHosi hahalok sira ne’e arguidu trata lezadu nu’udar nia aman rasik hanesan animal tratamentu kruel degradante no dezumanu no tuir loloos arguidu mak tenke tau matan ba lezadu tanba lezadu nia idade agora tinan 75 ona.\nMinistériu públiku akuza arguidu hanesan ko-autór material ho forma konsumadu ba iha konkursu real, ba krime espozisaun ka abandonadu ne’ebé previstu iha artigu 143 númeru 1 alínea A, maus tratu ba inkapás ne’ebé previstu iha artigu 153 no raptu previstu iha artigu 161 hotu-hotu husi kódigu penál nian.\nDefeza Agostinha de Oliveira ne’ebé fó asisténsia legal ba arguidu hateten, durante iha julgamentu sira liubá arguidu deklara ho parsialmente, tanba ne’e, husu Tribunál atu aplika pena tuir konviksaun Tribunál nian.\nHafoin rona tiha parte sira Tribunál deside adia fila-fali julgamentu ne’e ba iha loron 10 agostu, tinan ne’e, hodi rona leitura desizaun final hosi Tribunál.\nAudiénsia julgamentu ne’e prezide hosi juis koletivu, João Ribeiro, Argentino Luísa Nunes, Zulmira Auxiliadora, Ministériu Públiku reprezenta hosi Prokuradór Jacinto Babo, arguidu hetan asisténsia legal hosi Defensór Públiku Agostinha de Oliveira.\nPrevious articleAustrália Apoiu Tan Máskara ba MEJD\nNext articleMinistru Salvador Bolu Ona Wartsila Esplika Razaun Hapara Traballadór Na’in-Lima
[ "Sulan Aman Rasik iha Besi-Laran, MP Alega Pena Prizaun Tinan-Ualu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Sulan Aman Rasik iha Besi-Laran, MP Alega Pena Prizaun Tinan-Ualu Sulan Aman Rasik iha Besi-Laran, MP Alega Pena Prizaun Tinan-Ualu DILI, 22 jullu 2020 (TATOLI) -Ministeriu Publiku (MP) liuhosi Prokurador titular Jacinto Babo iha nia alegasaun husu ba Tribunal Distrital Dili (TDD) atu aplika pena efetivu prizaun tinan-ualu (8) ba arguidu MPS tanba sulan nia aman rasik ho inisial CC iha besi-laran (atu hanesan gaiola ba sulan manu).", "Prokurador Jacinto Babo husu atu aplika pena ne'e tanba iha produsaun prova liuhosi julgamentu sira-liu prienxe elementu krime ne'ebe forte hosi aktu arguidu nian hasoru nia aman rasik.", "Prova ne'ebe aprezenta ka arrola hosi MP antes ne'e katak, iha loron 30 janeiru, tinan ne'e, iha tuku 3:00 otl ekipa investigasaun PNTL Munisipiu Dili simu informasaun hosi komunidade ida katak arguidu MPS sulan hela lezada nu'udar aman rasik iha uma mamuk ida ne'ebe lokaliza iha Aldeia Avansa, Suku Bairru-Pite, Munisipiu Dili.", "Bazeia ba informasaun ne'e iha tuku 4:20 Otl, ekipa dezloka ba iha fatin refere no identifika katak loos duni arguidu sulan hela lezada iha besi-laran ne'ebe arguidu solda metin paresidu ho fatin atu sulan animal sira.", "Iha fatin ida arguidu solda hodi sulan lezadu ne'e kloot no la fo espasu ba lezadu atu book-an no fatin ne'e rasik la eziste odamatan no arguidu sulan lezadu ne'e kuaze fulan ida resin.", "Aleinde deskobre katak, lezadu toba hela iha besi laran ho kondisaun oin kamutis, roupa uza fo'er hotu, fatin ne'e nakonu ho fo'er mak hanesan sintina boot ka ki'ik bou hotu iha besi laran, inklui bikan ho kopu ne'ebe lezadu uza ba han no hemu tau hamutuk hotu iha fatin ida ne'e.", "Inisiativa hodi halo fatin ne'e hodi sulan lezadu ne'e mai hosi arguidu rasik, arguidu mak sosa material besi no arguidu mak solda rasik.", "Enkuantu uma ida hodi uza sulan lezadu ne'e testemuna ho inisial JT nian no arguidu nia uma rasik lokaliza iha Aldeia Buka Fini, Suku Bairru-Pite, Dili.", "Arguidu hatama lezadu ba besi laran ho razaun katak lezadu sofre moras mental, ko'alia arbiru, ameasa ema no tuda estraga ema nia uma no halo violentu halo vizinu sira.", "Tuir observasaun mediku Virgilio Napoleao da Crus Soares ne'ebe servisu iha postu saude Railaco-Leten, Postu Gleno, Munisipiu Ermera, katak loos duni lezadu dala barak ko'alia barak no hamnasa mesa-mesak, maibe lezadu la'os ema violentu ho agresivu.", "Relatoriu mediku hatudu katak lezadu sofre moras metan (bibi maten) ho naran bipolar, relatoriu mediku ho deklarasaun arguidu nian diferente loos tanba ne'e arguidu deside hodi sulan lezadu.", "Iha dokumentu sita iha folia katak, lezadu la'os ema violentu no agresivu tanba bainhira ofisial justisa sira ba notifika lezadu iha nia rezidensia lezadu ko'alia di'ak ho ofisial sira katak nia la bele marka prezensa iha Ministeriu Publiku tanba lezadu la'o la di'ak.", "Hosi hahalok sira ne'e arguidu trata lezadu nu'udar nia aman rasik hanesan animal tratamentu kruel degradante no dezumanu no tuir loloos arguidu mak tenke tau matan ba lezadu tanba lezadu nia idade agora tinan 75 ona.", "Ministeriu publiku akuza arguidu hanesan ko-autor material ho forma konsumadu ba iha konkursu real, ba krime espozisaun ka abandonadu ne'ebe previstu iha artigu 143 numeru 1 alinea A, maus tratu ba inkapas ne'ebe previstu iha artigu 153 no raptu previstu iha artigu 161 hotu-hotu husi kodigu penal nian.", "Defeza Agostinha de Oliveira ne'ebe fo asistensia legal ba arguidu hateten, durante iha julgamentu sira liuba arguidu deklara ho parsialmente, tanba ne'e, husu Tribunal atu aplika pena tuir konviksaun Tribunal nian.", "Hafoin rona tiha parte sira Tribunal deside adia fila-fali julgamentu ne'e ba iha loron 10 agostu, tinan ne'e, hodi rona leitura desizaun final hosi Tribunal.", "Audiensia julgamentu ne'e prezide hosi juis koletivu, Joao Ribeiro, Argentino Luisa Nunes, Zulmira Auxiliadora, Ministeriu Publiku reprezenta hosi Prokurador Jacinto Babo, arguidu hetan asistensia legal hosi Defensor Publiku Agostinha de Oliveira.", "Previous articleAustralia Apoiu Tan Maskara ba MEJD Next articleMinistru Salvador Bolu Ona Wartsila Esplika Razaun Hapara Traballador Na'in-Lima" ]
[ [ "Sulan Aman Rasik iha Besi-Laran, MP Alega Pena Prizaun Tinualu Dili (AP) – The Public Prosecutor Jacinto Babo in his allegation requested the District Court of Timor Leste to impose an effective prison sentence for seven years on defendant MPS because he had raped her own father with initials CC. He alleged that a cage was used as sulan manu’ s house and therefore it would be safely kept outside when they were younger than six months old or if their mother died before them at any time during childbirth; this is what has been said by Mr Babalo who also stated: “I have no idea why I am being held here today.”" ], [ "Prosecutor Jacinto Babo asked to apply this penalty because the evidence produced during trials, particularly those involving a strong element of crime from acts committed against his own father." ], [ "The evidence presented by the MP earlier is that, on January 30th this year at about three o'clock in a morning an investigation team of PNTL Municipality Dili received information from one community member saying accused MPS was assaulting defendant as her own father within his house located Aldeia Avansa Village Bairru-Pite Township." ], [ "Based on this information at 4:20 a.m, the team went to that place and identified it was indeed true of defendant's being burned dead by beams which he had soldered together with an area for animal burial;" ], [ "In one place the accused sold to shelter victim kloot and did not give space for injury where he could book-and this same location does no door exists, so defendant solded damaged almost a month." ], [ "In addition to the discovery that, injured was lying in a steel frame with front condition kamutis clothes used all fo'er this place is full of fuel like big or small tanks water everywhere inside iron including bican and cup which damaged use for eating heat put together everything at these places." ], [ "The initiative to make this place and weld the injured person came from himself, he bought iron material for his own use." ], [ "While one house used by the victim is marked with JT's initial, and his own home was located in Aldeia Buka Fini of Bairru-Pite Village. Dili" ], [ "The defendant put the victim in jail on grounds that he suffered from mental illness, spoke arbitrarily and threatening people with a knife. He damaged others' houses as well As made violent acts against neighbourhood residential property owners" ], [ "According to the medical observation by Virgilio Napoleao da Crus Soares, who works at Railaco-Leten health station in Glenos district of Ermera municipality. The injured person often talked a lot and sat on his desk but he was not violent or aggressive as observed from photographs taken during investigations into this case (see below)." ], [ "The medical report showed that the victim was suffering from bipolar disorder, but there were significant differences between this and his testimony. This is why he decided to kill him with a knife in place of giving up on it as an excuse for not committing another crime or being guilty more seriously than murder (see above)." ], [ "The document cited in the paper states that, \"the victim is not a violent and aggressive person because when justice officials went to inform him at his residence he talked with them about being unable of making an appearance for public prosecution as it wasn't going well.\"" ], [ "The defendant treated the victim as his own father like an animal cruel, degrading and inhuman treatment. In fact it was he who should have taken care of him because that person is now 75 years old!" ], [ "The Public Prosecutor's Office charged the defendant as a material co-author with consummate form in real contest, for offences of exposure or abandonment under article 143 number one subparagraph A; mistreatments to detainees provided by Article." ], [ "Defence counsel Agostinha de Oliveira, who provided legal assistance to the defendant said that during trial he had made a partial statement and therefore asked for punishment in accordance with his conviction." ], [ "After hearing all parties, the Court decided to adjourn this trial again until 10 August of that year in order for a final decision from it." ], [ "The hearing of the trial was presided over by judges Joao Ribeiro, Luisa Argentini Nunez and Zulmira Auxiliadora. Prosecutor Jacinto Babe representing Public Ministry; Defender Agostinha de Oliveira as legal counsel for defendant" ], [ "Previous articleAustralia Apoiu Tan Maskara ba MEJD Next artikelMinistro Salvador Bolus Ona Wartsila Explica Razun Hapara Trabalhador Na'in-Five" ] ]
Tinan Ne’e, Hahú Esplora Mina iha Same-Suai - TIMOR AGORA\nDILI: Governu Timor­Leste asina ona kontratu ho kompañia esploradór minerais husi Timor­Leste no Austrália hodi hahú fura mina matan rai­maran, iha Same no Suai, tinan ne’e nia laran.\nGovernu Timor­Leste ofisialmente liu hosi Austeridade Nasionál Petróleu no Minerais (ANPM) fó fiar Kompañia TIMOR GAP Onshore Block, Unipessoal, Lda, (empreza subsidiária TIMOR GAP, EP), ho Kompañia TIMOR RESOURCES PTY LTD (empreza inkorporada iha Austrália), hahú halo estudu esplorasaun ba petrolíferu gás naturál iha Same no Suai.\nProsesu kontratu fahe produsaun ka peskiza ba esplorasaun petróleu iha rai leten (onshore) ho bloku A TL­OT­17­08 (Suai) no bloku B TL­OT­17­09 (Same).\nDokumentu ne’e, asina diretamente husi Prezidente ANPM, Gualdino da Silva no Diretór Kompañia TIMOR RESOURCES, David Fuller, asiste husi Primeiru Ministru, Rui Maria de Araújo, Ministru Alfredo Pires, Diretór Ezekutivu Timor GAP, Francisco Monteiro no Embaixadór Austrália ba TL.\nPM Rui dehan, akordu ne’e importante hodi implementa TL nia planu no mehi hirak ne’ebé kria ona iha livru PEDN 2011-­2030.\n“Akordu ne’e hatudu katak, ita nia planu dezenvolvimentu 2011­2030 la’o iha dalan loos”, tenik nia.\nTuir nia, ema barak la fiar no kestiona ho TL nia planu dezenvolve rekursu naturais ne’e sei la implementa, maibé ANPM no TIMOR GAP hatudu rezultadu ba estadu no povu.\nNia hatutan, importánsia husi dezenvolvimentu setór petróleu no gás durante tinan 10 ikus hahú kontribui makaas iha prosesu konstrusaun Estadu.\nNe’e duni, Xefe Governu hato’o parabéns ba servisu MPRM Alfredo Pires ho ekipa tomak ne’ebé halo esforsu makaas durante ne’e to’o hetan rezultadu.\nLori naran governu nia, PM Rui kongratula TIMOR RESOURCES ne’ebé iha konfiansa hakarak mai investe iha TL.\nFatin hanesan, Ministru Alfredo Pires dehan, Governu agradese tanba foin primeira­vés TL loke kontratu akordu hodi esplora rikusoin iha rai leten.\nNia dehan, Timor GAP hola parte kontratu porsentu 50 ba esplorasaun rekursu naturais.\nAlfredo dehan, kontratu ne’e la’ós fasil, maibé kontratu ne’e regula akordu lubuk ida ne’ebé timoroan rasik maka halo.\nNe’e duni, husu atu TIMOR GAP no TIMOR RESOURCES bele deside programa no planu servisu ho di’ak liután. Entretantu Prezidente ANPM, Gualdino da Silva dehan kontratu ne’e nu’udar faze importante iha TL nian istória hodi investe osan tokon $100 ba primeiru etapa ho durasaun tinan hitu.\nANPM husu ba TIMOR GAP ho ninia parseiru TIMOR RESOURCES atu kolabora ho di’ak hodi hala’o sira nia servisu kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu esplorasaun setór petróleu TL.\nIha Dezembru 2015, governu aprova rezolusaun númeru 44/2014, loron 22, autoriza partisipasaun TIMOR GAP iha Contrato de Partilha Produção (CCP) tan onshore (rai­maran) no offshore (tasi laran) iha TL inklui mós rezolusaun foun Governu númeru 39/2016, 23 Novembru kona­ba sub­divizaun bloku petrolíferu, hosi negosiasaun direta ne’ebé termina bloku onshore no sudeste TL.\nIha lei 11/2005, loron 2 Setembru, lei atividade petroleiru nian, no dekretu lei númeru 6/2005, loron 11 Marsu fó ba MPRN hodi autoriza empreza ba indústria petróleu no gás hodi hala’o estudu, peskiza no dezenvolve rekursu petrolíferu ezistente ho objetivu atu fó másimu benefísiu ba nasaun ho povu.\nLei ne’e mós ninia termu kontratu petrolíferu hosi negosiasaun direitu ho baze interese públiku ba Timor GAP, empreza ida inkorpora no organiza tuir termu lei eziste iha RDTL, no ba Timor Resources, empreza inkorporoda iha Austrália ho naran kontrator ba CCP TL­OT­17­08 iha Covalima no Bobonaru no TL­OT­17­09 iha Manufahi no Ainaru nian.\n“Kontratu ne’e asina ona ba oin sei esplora petróleu no gás”, dehan Gualdino.\nIha parte seluk, nia dehan, sira nia parte sei esplora mós rikusoin TL nian seluk tuir PEDN 2011­2030 hanesan, osan mean, osan metin, fatuk, simente, azuleju no seluk tan.\nANPM sei buka kompañia sira ne’ebé iha kapasidade atu asina kontratu hodi esplora rikusoin hirak ne’e.\n“Ba oin sei asina akordu ho kompañia seluk atu esplora ita nia riku sira ne’ebé iha”, tenik nia.\nEntretantu Prezidente CEO Timor GAP, Francisco Monteiro no Diretora TIMOR RESOURCES, Suellen Osborne, promete sira sei servisu hamutuk hodi halo estudu esplorasaun ba petróleu no gás TL nian tuir kontratu ne’ebé asina ona.\nEugenio Pereira - Independente
[ "Tinan Ne'e, Hahu Esplora Mina iha Same-Suai - TIMOR AGORA DILI: Governu Timor Leste asina ona kontratu ho kompania esplorador minerais husi Timor Leste no Australia hodi hahu fura mina matan rai maran, iha Same no Suai, tinan ne'e nia laran.", "Governu Timor Leste ofisialmente liu hosi Austeridade Nasional Petroleu no Minerais (ANPM) fo fiar Kompania TIMOR GAP Onshore Block, Unipessoal, Lda, (empreza subsidiaria TIMOR GAP, EP), ho Kompania TIMOR RESOURCES PTY LTD (empreza inkorporada iha Australia), hahu halo estudu esplorasaun ba petroliferu gas natural iha Same no Suai.", "Prosesu kontratu fahe produsaun ka peskiza ba esplorasaun petroleu iha rai leten (onshore) ho bloku A TL OT 17 08 (Suai) no bloku B TL OT 17 09 (Same).", "Dokumentu ne'e, asina diretamente husi Prezidente ANPM, Gualdino da Silva no Diretor Kompania TIMOR RESOURCES, David Fuller, asiste husi Primeiru Ministru, Rui Maria de Araujo, Ministru Alfredo Pires, Diretor Ezekutivu Timor GAP, Francisco Monteiro no Embaixador Australia ba TL.", "PM Rui dehan, akordu ne'e importante hodi implementa TL nia planu no mehi hirak ne'ebe kria ona iha livru PEDN 2011- 2030.", "\"Akordu ne'e hatudu katak, ita nia planu dezenvolvimentu 2011 2030 la'o iha dalan loos,\" tenik nia.", "Tuir nia, ema barak la fiar no kestiona ho TL nia planu dezenvolve rekursu naturais ne'e sei la implementa, maibe ANPM no TIMOR GAP hatudu rezultadu ba estadu no povu.", "Nia hatutan, importansia husi dezenvolvimentu setor petroleu no gas durante tinan 10 ikus hahu kontribui makaas iha prosesu konstrusaun Estadu.", "Ne'e duni, Xefe Governu hato'o parabens ba servisu MPRM Alfredo Pires ho ekipa tomak ne'ebe halo esforsu makaas durante ne'e to'o hetan rezultadu.", "Lori naran governu nia, PM Rui kongratula TIMOR RESOURCES ne'ebe iha konfiansa hakarak mai investe iha TL.", "Fatin hanesan, Ministru Alfredo Pires dehan, Governu agradese tanba foin primeira ves TL loke kontratu akordu hodi esplora rikusoin iha rai leten.", "Nia dehan, Timor GAP hola parte kontratu porsentu 50 ba esplorasaun rekursu naturais.", "Alfredo dehan, kontratu ne'e la'os fasil, maibe kontratu ne'e regula akordu lubuk ida ne'ebe timoroan rasik maka halo.", "Ne'e duni, husu atu TIMOR GAP no TIMOR RESOURCES bele deside programa no planu servisu ho di'ak liutan.", "Entretantu Prezidente ANPM, Gualdino da Silva dehan kontratu ne'e nu'udar faze importante iha TL nian istoria hodi investe osan tokon $100 ba primeiru etapa ho durasaun tinan hitu.", "ANPM husu ba TIMOR GAP ho ninia parseiru TIMOR RESOURCES atu kolabora ho di'ak hodi hala'o sira nia servisu kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu esplorasaun setor petroleu TL.", "Iha Dezembru 2015, governu aprova rezolusaun numeru 44/2014, loron 22, autoriza partisipasaun TIMOR GAP iha Contrato de Partilha Producao (CCP) tan onshore (rai maran) no offshore (tasi laran) iha TL inklui mos rezolusaun foun Governu numeru 39/2016, 23 Novembru kona ba sub divizaun bloku petroliferu, hosi negosiasaun direta ne'ebe termina bloku onshore no sudeste TL.", "Iha lei 11/2005, loron 2 Setembru, lei atividade petroleiru nian, no dekretu lei numeru 6/2005, loron 11 Marsu fo ba MPRN hodi autoriza empreza ba industria petroleu no gas hodi hala'o estudu, peskiza no dezenvolve rekursu petroliferu ezistente ho objetivu atu fo masimu benefisiu ba nasaun ho povu.", "Lei ne'e mos ninia termu kontratu petroliferu hosi negosiasaun direitu ho baze interese publiku ba Timor GAP, empreza ida inkorpora no organiza tuir termu lei eziste iha RDTL, no ba Timor Resources, empreza inkorporoda iha Australia ho naran kontrator ba CCP TL OT 17 08 iha Covalima no Bobonaru no TL OT 17 09 iha Manufahi no Ainaru nian.", "\"Kontratu ne'e asina ona ba oin sei esplora petroleu no gas,\" dehan Gualdino.", "Iha parte seluk, nia dehan, sira nia parte sei esplora mos rikusoin TL nian seluk tuir PEDN 2011 2030 hanesan, osan mean, osan metin, fatuk, simente, azuleju no seluk tan.", "ANPM sei buka kompania sira ne'ebe iha kapasidade atu asina kontratu hodi esplora rikusoin hirak ne'e.", "\"Ba oin sei asina akordu ho kompania seluk atu esplora ita nia riku sira ne'ebe iha,\" tenik nia.", "Entretantu Prezidente CEO Timor GAP, Francisco Monteiro no Diretora TIMOR RESOURCES, Suellen Osborne, promete sira sei servisu hamutuk hodi halo estudu esplorasaun ba petroleu no gas TL nian tuir kontratu ne'ebe asina ona.", "Eugenio Pereira - Independente" ]
[ [ "The Government of Timor-Leste has signed contracts with mineral exploration companies from East Тимор and Australia to begin drilling onshore mine in Same, Suai during this year. This is the first time that a government company will be involved as an offshore prospector for mining operations at both sites - TIMOR AGORA DILI:" ], [ "The Government of Timor-Leste, officially through Austeridade Nacional Petroleu e Minerais (ANPM), has entrusted the TIMOR GAP Onshore Block Company Unipessoal Lda.(a subsidiary company to TIMOURGUP EP) and THE TIMOR RESURSES PTY Ltd with conducting exploration studies for oilfields in Same & Suai natural gas field" ], [ "The contract process divides the production or research for onshore oil exploration into block A TL OT 1708 (Suai) and Block B,TL Ot." ], [ "The document, signed directly by ANPM President Gualdino da Silva and TIMOR RESOURCES Director David Fuller was attended from Prime Minister Rui Maria de Araujo; Ministry Secretary Alfredo Pires (left); CEO of Timor GAP Francisco Monteiro." ], [ "PM Rui said that the agreement is important to implement TL's plans and ambitions already set out in PEDN 2013-4." ], [ "\"This agreement shows that our development plan 2015-36 is on the right track,\" he said." ], [ "According to him, many people do not believe and question that TL's plan of developing natural resources will be implemented. But ANPM & TIMOR GAP have shown results for the state as well a lot more than it has done in 2015!" ], [ "He added that the importance of oil and gas sector development over last 10 years has contributed greatly to state building process." ], [ "Therefore, the Head of Government congratulated MPRM Alfredo Pires and his entire team for their hard work during this period to achieve results." ], [ "Speaking on behalf of his government, PM Rui congratulated TIMOR RESOURCES for their confidence and willingness to invest in TL." ], [ "Likewise, Minister Alfredo Pires said that the Government is grateful because this was TL' s first time to open a contract agreement for exploring resources in its underground." ], [ "He said, Timor GAP is part of a 50 percent contract for natural resource exploration." ], [ "Alfredo says, the contract is not easy but it regulates a lot of agreements that are made by Portuguese." ], [ "Therefore, it is requested that TIMOR GAP and Timor Resources can decide programmes of work in good agreement." ], [ "Meanwhile, ANPM President Gualdino da Silva said the contract is an important phase in TL's history to invest $105 million for a first stage lasting seven years." ], [ "ANPM asks TIMOR GAP and its partner, Timor Resources to collaborate effectively in carrying out their work contributing towards the development of exploration oil sector TL." ], [ "In December 2015, the government approved resolution number:43/98 of November. authorizing TIMOR GAP's participation in Contrato de Partilha Producao (CCP) for onshore and offshore oil production areas within Timor-Leste as well a new Government Resolution No;67 / NºSG noted that subdivision was made by direct negotiations which ended with an agreement to divide up both block from southeastern area into two parts - one part will be located between east coastal region & southwest zone" ], [ "In Law 10/25, of September the law on petroleum activities and Decree-Law No.6 /48379 (decreed by Ministerial Order) authorizes MPRN to allow companies for oil & gas industry carry out study research development existing petrol resources with a view in maximizing benefits from them as well their people" ], [ "The law also has its terms of oil contract negotiation rights based on public interest for Timor GAP, an enterprise incorporated and organized according to the existing legislation in RDTL. For TIMOR RESOURCES a company is integrated into Australia as Contractor CCP TL OT 1708 at Covalima & Bobonaru's TLCOT-234569;TCLOCPTTL OTC/OCT -CPC)" ], [ "\"The contract has been signed and in the future we will explore for oil & gas,\" said Gualdino." ], [ "On the other hand, he said that their side will also explore TL’s others resources according to PEDN 2013-45 such as gold and silver mines." ], [ "The ANPM will seek companies with the capacity to sign contracts for exploring these resources." ], [ "\"In the future we will sign agreements with other companies to explore our existing resources,\" he said." ], [ "Meanwhile, CEO of Timor GAP President Francisco Monteiro and Director TIMOR RESOURCES Suellen Osborne promised that they will work together to carry out exploration studies for the TL's oil & gas as per contract signed." ], [ "Eugenio Pereira - Independente" ] ]
Timoroan 35 la admite tama UK tanba razaun seluk | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE Timoroan 35 la admite tama UK tanba razaun seluk\nTimoroan 35 la admite tama UK tanba razaun seluk\nAviaun Malindo iha aeroportu Comoro. Imajen/Tatoli.\nDILI, 27 abríl 2021 (TATOLI)—Timoroan na’in 35 ne’ebé viajen hosi Dili, no to’o iha Kuala Lumpur Malázia la admite atu tama ba United Kindom (UK), ho razaun seluk, la’ós tanba kestaun rezultadu teste COVID-19 ne’ebé hatudu negativu ka pozitivu.\nKoordenadór Forsa Tarefa Prevensaun Mitigasaun Surtu COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste, Rui Maria de Araújo, klarifika asuntu ne’e liu hosi komunikadu, iha tersa ne’e.\nNotísia relevante:Timor-oan 35 husu ajénsia viajen Narpov Ateita devolve osan viajen\n“Aproveita oportunidade atu informa ba públiku katak, pedidu klarifikasaun liu hosi kanál diplomátiku ne’ebé Embaixada TL iha Malázia halo, Ofisiál Ligasaun hosi British High Commission iha Kuala Lumpur, informa katak, relasiona ho sira na’in 35 ne’ebé tenki fila mai Timor-Leste: ‘Each passenger was assessed and a decision made to determine if they were admissible to the UK. Those deemed so were allowed to travel onwards once new COVID Tests had been conducted and negative results received,” Rui Maria de Araújo kopia resposta ofisiál ne’ebé SIJK konfirma.\nTradusaun ba lian Tetun hanesan tuir mai ne’e: ‘kada pasajeiru sei evalua no halo desizaun hodi termina katak, sira-ne’e sei simu duni iha Inglatera ka la’e. Sira ne’ebé konsidera hetan autorizasaun hodi halo viajen kontinua bainhira teste COVID-19 halo ona no rezultadu simu hatudu negativu’.\nNia konsidera resposta iha leten, hatudu momós katak, sira na’in 35, la admite tama iha UK tanba razaun seluk.\nRui Maria de Araújo reforsa, bainhira Timoroan-sira ne’e prienxe kritériu sira-seluk, sira hetan permisaun atu halo viajen, nune’e mós bainhira halo fali teste COVID-19 ho rezultadu negativu, hanesan mós ho Timoroan-sira seluk ne’ebé halo duni viajen, tanba prazu limite teste oras 72 liu tiha ona.\nEntretantu, Timoroan na’in 35 ne’ebé antes ne’e sosa billete hosi Ajénsia Viajen, Narpov Ateita, ho destinasaun Dili-Inglaterra, la to’o iha fatin destinasaun tuir billete ne’ebé sira sosa.\nTimor-oan hirak ne’e konsege halo viajen to’o de’it iha Kualia Lumpur, Malázia (fatin tránzitu) no labele kontinua voo tanba falla iha prosesu administrasaun.\nMaski nune’e, iha 24 abríl konsege fila-fali mai Dili ho ajuda hosi Responsável ba ekipa Fly Timor, Pedro M. Carrascalão, Embaixada Timor-Leste iha Malázia no Malino Air.\nla admite tama UK\nPrevious articleMAP sei sosa karreta tolu hodi transporta produtu lokál\nNext articleKAFI deside rekupera imediata estrada no ponte iha fatin ualu
[ "Timoroan 35 la admite tama UK tanba razaun seluk | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Timoroan 35 la admite tama UK tanba razaun seluk Timoroan 35 la admite tama UK tanba razaun seluk Aviaun Malindo iha aeroportu Comoro.", "Imajen/Tatoli.", "DILI, 27 abril 2021 (TATOLI) - Timoroan na'in 35 ne'ebe viajen hosi Dili, no to'o iha Kuala Lumpur Malazia la admite atu tama ba United Kindom (UK), ho razaun seluk, la'os tanba kestaun rezultadu teste COVID-19 ne'ebe hatudu negativu ka pozitivu.", "Koordenador Forsa Tarefa Prevensaun Mitigasaun Surtu COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste, Rui Maria de Araujo, klarifika asuntu ne'e liu hosi komunikadu, iha tersa ne'e.", "Notisia relevante:Timor-oan 35 husu ajensia viajen Narpov Ateita devolve osan viajen \"Aproveita oportunidade atu informa ba publiku katak, pedidu klarifikasaun liu hosi kanal diplomatiku ne'ebe Embaixada TL iha Malazia halo, Ofisial Ligasaun hosi British High Commission iha Kuala Lumpur, informa katak, relasiona ho sira na'in 35 ne'ebe tenki fila mai Timor-Leste: 'Each passenger was assessed and a decision made to determine if they were admissible to the UK.", "Those deemed so were allowed to travel onwards once new COVID Tests had been conducted and negative results received,\" Rui Maria de Araujo kopia resposta ofisial ne'ebe SIJK konfirma.", "Tradusaun ba lian Tetun hanesan tuir mai ne'e: 'kada pasajeiru sei evalua no halo desizaun hodi termina katak, sira-ne'e sei simu duni iha Inglatera ka la'e.", "Sira ne'ebe konsidera hetan autorizasaun hodi halo viajen kontinua bainhira teste COVID-19 halo ona no rezultadu simu hatudu negativu'.", "Nia konsidera resposta iha leten, hatudu momos katak, sira na'in 35, la admite tama iha UK tanba razaun seluk.", "Rui Maria de Araujo reforsa, bainhira Timoroan-sira ne'e prienxe kriteriu sira-seluk, sira hetan permisaun atu halo viajen, nune'e mos bainhira halo fali teste COVID-19 ho rezultadu negativu, hanesan mos ho Timoroan-sira seluk ne'ebe halo duni viajen, tanba prazu limite teste oras 72 liu tiha ona.", "Entretantu, Timoroan na'in 35 ne'ebe antes ne'e sosa billete hosi Ajensia Viajen, Narpov Ateita, ho destinasaun Dili-Inglaterra, la to'o iha fatin destinasaun tuir billete ne'ebe sira sosa.", "Timor-oan hirak ne'e konsege halo viajen to'o de'it iha Kualia Lumpur, Malazia (fatin tranzitu) no labele kontinua voo tanba falla iha prosesu administrasaun.", "Maski nune'e, iha 24 abril konsege fila-fali mai Dili ho ajuda hosi Responsavel ba ekipa Fly Timor, Pedro M. Carrascalao, Embaixada Timor-Leste iha Malazia no Malino Air. la admite tama UK Previous articleMAP sei sosa karreta tolu hodi transporta produtu lokal Next articleKAFI deside rekupera imediata estrada no ponte iha fatin ualu" ]
[ [ "Timoroan 35 la admite tama UK tanba razaun seluk | Tempotimor News Agency VARANDA HEADLINE TIMOR-LESTE TIMOR REALITY MALINDO PLANE AT COMORO AEROPORT. The Malindo plane at Comoro airport was denied entry to the United Kingdom on Monday after it crashed into a rocky slope in northeastern Indonesia, killing all its passengers and staff members as well" ], [ "Imajen/Tatoli." ], [ "DILI, April 27th - A group of Timorese who had travelled from Dili to Kuala Lumpur were refused entry into the United Kingdom (UK) for other reasons than their COVID-19 test results." ], [ "COVID-19 Outbreak Prevention Mitigation Task Force Coordinator, Rui Maria de Araujo clarified the matter in a statement on Tuesday." ], [ "Relevant news:35 Timorese ask travel agency Narpov Ateita to refund their money \"Taking the opportunity of informing public that, following a request for clarification through diplomatic channels made by TL Embassy in Malaysia. The Liaison Officer from British High Commission Kuala Lumpur reported on this issue regardings 29 passengers who were required back home as they had been denied entry into Indonesia and are now being held under house arrest.\" 'Each passenger was assessed'" ], [ "Those deemed so were allowed to travel onwards once new COVID Tests had been conducted and negative results received,\" Rui Maria de Araujo copied the official response confirming SIJK' s statement." ], [ "The Tetun translation reads as follow: 'no passenger will be evaluated and made a decision to conclude whether they are indeed welcomed into England." ], [ "Those who are considered authorized to travel can continue once a COVID-19 test has been taken and the result is negative.'" ], [ "He considers that the answer above shows clearly, of those 35 people not admitted to UK for other reason." ], [ "Rui Maria de Araujo emphasizes that when these Timorese meet the criteria, they are permitted to travel and also if a negative COVID-19 test is taken again as with other people who have already made their trips because 72 hours of testing time has passed." ], [ "Meanwhile, 35 Timorese who had previously bought tickets from the travel agency Narpov Ateita for a flight between Dili and England did not arrive at their destinations as stated on them." ], [ "The Timorese managed to travel only until Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (transit airport) and could not continue their flight because of a failure in the administrative process." ], [ "Despite this, on April 24th they managed to return home with the help of Fly Timor team leader Pedro M. Carrascalao and staff from Embaixada de Timor-Leste em Malaysia e Malino Aire (EMBA). Previous articleMAP will buy three truck for transporting local produce Next artikelKAFI decide immediately recover road &bridge in seven places" ] ]
Jerente Saúde 23 simu formasaun husi INS ho São João de Deus | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE Jerente Saúde 23 simu formasaun husi INS ho São João de Deus\nJerente Saúde 23 simu formasaun husi INS ho São João de Deus\nDiretóra INS, Domingas da Costa Pereira. Foto Tatoli/Francisco Sony\nDILI, 25 abríl 2022 (TATOLI)—Instituto Nasionál Saúde (INS) ho organizasaun São João de Deus fó formasaun ba Jerente Saúde na’in 23 hodi kontinua hasa’e sira ninia kapasidade no abilidade ba mudansa implementasaun planu estratejiku iha ida-idak nia instituisaun.\nDiretóra INS, Domingas da Costa Pereira hatete, São João de Deus nu’udar parseiru INS ne’ebé durante ne’e fó ona formasaun ba Jerente Saúde.\n“São João de Deus hanesan parseiru ne’ebé mak durante fó formasaun ba jerente saúde sira ne’ebé servisu iha Ospitál Nasionál Guido Valadares (HNGV), Ospitais referais, servisu saúde munisípiu no Ministériu Saúde inklui mós servisu autonomu sira. Tanba sira, mak save ba mudansa implementasaun,” dehan Diretora ne’e iha ninia diskursu ba serimonia treinamentu Jerente Saude iha salaun INS Comoro, segunda ohin.\nNia dehan, iha tinan 2022, São João de Deus hetan apoiu finanseiru husi Kompañia Santos no kontinua fó formasaun saúde ba grupo rua no kada partisipante iha na’in 23 too 25. Formasaun ne’e hahú iha semana ida ne’e nia laran.\n“Husi Instituto Nasionál Saúde ho nia kompetensia no esforsu atu buka rekursu sufisiente atu kapasita jerente saude sira iha nivel hotu-hotu,” Nia relata.\nIha fatin hanesan, Country Manager Viqueque husi organizasaun São João de Deus, Lorenco Camnahas dehan, formasaun ba Jerente Saúde importante tebes iha sistema saúde. Nune’e oinsá bele oferese ho kuidadu saúde ba populasaun timor laran tomak.\n“Kursu ne’e sei aprende iha área tolu oinsá atu hadia kualidade, iha parte lideransa, nomós iha jestaun no rekursu umanus. Importante tebes atu kuidadu saúde tanba ita boot sira bainhira remata formasaun sei fo konsulta ba pasiente sira iha sentru saude ho kuidadu,” nia dehan.\nNune’e mos Representante Organizasaun Mundiál Saúde iha Timor Leste, Arvind Mathur dehan, programa formasaun jestór saúde responde ba estratejia Ministériu Saúde oinsa atu desenvolve rekursu umanu Saúde ne’ebé hakerek iha Planu estratejia nasionál seitór Saúde tinan 2021-2030 no alinã ho estratejia rekursu umanu tinan lima nian.\n“Ita tenki hatene katak kapasidade jestaun no lideransa iha serbisu saúde ne’e importante hanesan parte kritiku ida husi implementasaun no mantein asistensia saúde ne’ebé kualidade ba pasiente,”Nia hateten.\nNune’e mós Minstra Saúde , Odete Maria Freitas Belo subliña, kapasidade lideransa no jestaun iha setór servisu saúde sira mak parte esensiál ba implementasaun no mantein kuidadu hodi asegura pasiente seguru no seguransa ba pesoál saúde sira. Evidensia hatudu katak hahalok lideransa no jestaun sira ne’ebé efikás iha setór kuidadu saúde iha relasaun ho pasiente nia melloramentu seguransa no esperiensia.\n“Programa formasaun ba Jerente Saúde atu fó apoiu ba Ministeriu Saúde atu responde ba sira nia responsabilidade profisionál. Ida ne’e atu oinsa bele lidera no jere servisu kuidadu saúde ho mekanizmu ne’ebé efetivu no efisiente hodi nune’e bele envolve mos sira iha pratika bazeia ba evidénsia ne’ebé lori sira ba aprendizajen no dezenvolvimentu karreira iha sira-nia moris tomak,” Nia dehan.\nCountry Manager Viqueque husi organizasaun São João de Deus\nDomingas da Costa Pereira\nRepresentante Organizasaun Mundiál Saúde iha Timor Leste\nPrevious articleEskola ESTV-GTI Becora hadi’a ona kadeira a’at 150 hosi MEJD\nNext articleOJE 2022: SEII ezekuta ona 19% iha trimestre dahuluk
[ "Jerente Saude 23 simu formasaun husi INS ho Sao Joao de Deus | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Jerente Saude 23 simu formasaun husi INS ho Sao Joao de Deus Jerente Saude 23 simu formasaun husi INS ho Sao Joao de Deus Diretora INS, Domingas da Costa Pereira.", "Foto Tatoli/Francisco Sony DILI, 25 abril 2022 (TATOLI) - Instituto Nasional Saude (INS) ho organizasaun Sao Joao de Deus fo formasaun ba Jerente Saude na'in 23 hodi kontinua hasa'e sira ninia kapasidade no abilidade ba mudansa implementasaun planu estratejiku iha ida-idak nia instituisaun.", "Diretora INS, Domingas da Costa Pereira hatete, Sao Joao de Deus nu'udar parseiru INS ne'ebe durante ne'e fo ona formasaun ba Jerente Saude.", "\"Sao Joao de Deus hanesan parseiru ne'ebe mak durante fo formasaun ba jerente saude sira ne'ebe servisu iha Ospital Nasional Guido Valadares (HNGV), Ospitais referais, servisu saude munisipiu no Ministeriu Saude inklui mos servisu autonomu sira.", "Tanba sira, mak save ba mudansa implementasaun,\" dehan Diretora ne'e iha ninia diskursu ba serimonia treinamentu Jerente Saude iha salaun INS Comoro, segunda ohin.", "Nia dehan, iha tinan 2022, Sao Joao de Deus hetan apoiu finanseiru husi Kompania Santos no kontinua fo formasaun saude ba grupo rua no kada partisipante iha na'in 23 too 25.", "Formasaun ne'e hahu iha semana ida ne'e nia laran.", "\"Husi Instituto Nasional Saude ho nia kompetensia no esforsu atu buka rekursu sufisiente atu kapasita jerente saude sira iha nivel hotu-hotu,\" Nia relata.", "Iha fatin hanesan, Country Manager Viqueque husi organizasaun Sao Joao de Deus, Lorenco Camnahas dehan, formasaun ba Jerente Saude importante tebes iha sistema saude.", "Nune'e oinsa bele oferese ho kuidadu saude ba populasaun timor laran tomak.", "\"Kursu ne'e sei aprende iha area tolu oinsa atu hadia kualidade, iha parte lideransa, nomos iha jestaun no rekursu umanus.", "Importante tebes atu kuidadu saude tanba ita boot sira bainhira remata formasaun sei fo konsulta ba pasiente sira iha sentru saude ho kuidadu,\" nia dehan.", "Nune'e mos Representante Organizasaun Mundial Saude iha Timor Leste, Arvind Mathur dehan, programa formasaun jestor saude responde ba estratejia Ministeriu Saude oinsa atu desenvolve rekursu umanu Saude ne'ebe hakerek iha Planu estratejia nasional seitor Saude tinan 2021-2030 no alina ho estratejia rekursu umanu tinan lima nian.", "\"Ita tenki hatene katak kapasidade jestaun no lideransa iha serbisu saude ne'e importante hanesan parte kritiku ida husi implementasaun no mantein asistensia saude ne'ebe kualidade ba pasiente,\"Nia hateten.", "Nune'e mos Minstra Saude , Odete Maria Freitas Belo sublina, kapasidade lideransa no jestaun iha setor servisu saude sira mak parte esensial ba implementasaun no mantein kuidadu hodi asegura pasiente seguru no seguransa ba pesoal saude sira.", "Evidensia hatudu katak hahalok lideransa no jestaun sira ne'ebe efikas iha setor kuidadu saude iha relasaun ho pasiente nia melloramentu seguransa no esperiensia.", "\"Programa formasaun ba Jerente Saude atu fo apoiu ba Ministeriu Saude atu responde ba sira nia responsabilidade profisional.", "Ida ne'e atu oinsa bele lidera no jere servisu kuidadu saude ho mekanizmu ne'ebe efetivu no efisiente hodi nune'e bele envolve mos sira iha pratika bazeia ba evidensia ne'ebe lori sira ba aprendizajen no dezenvolvimentu karreira iha sira-nia moris tomak,\" Nia dehan.", "Country Manager Viqueque husi organizasaun Sao Joao de Deus Domingas da Costa Pereira Representante Organizasaun Mundial Saude iha Timor Leste Previous articleEskola ESTV-GTI Becora hadi'a ona kadeira a'at 150 hosi MEJD Next articleOJE 2022: SEII ezekuta ona 19% iha trimestre dahuluk" ]
[ [ "Director of Health 23 receives training from INS and Sao Joao de Deus | VARANDA HEADLINE Manager received a course at the Institute for Social Sciences (INS) in São João da Boa Vista, where he was trained on how to manage health services." ], [ "Foto Tatoli/Francisco Sony DILI, April 25th (Xinhua) - The National Health Institute and the Sao Joao de Deus organization trained a total of twenty-third health managers in order to continue raising their skills for change implementation strategic plans at each institution." ], [ "INS Director, Domingas da Costa Pereira said that Sao Joao de Deus is an INSS partner who has provided training for Health Managers." ], [ "\"Sao Joaos de Deus is a partner that has been providing training for health managers who work at Ospital Nacional Guida Valadares (HNGV), referral hospital, municipality and Ministry of Health as well the independent services." ], [ "Because they are the saving grace for change implementation,\" said this Director in her speech at a training ceremony of Health Managers held today Monday (21/09) by INS Comoro." ], [ "He said that in 2018, Sao Joao de Deus will receive financial support from the Santos Company and continue to provide health training for two groups of between twenty-three (35) participants each." ], [ "The training will begin in the course of this week." ], [ "\"From the National Institute of Health with its competence and efforts to find sufficient resources for training health managers at all levels,\" he reported." ], [ "In the same vein, Country Manager of Viqueque from Sao Joao de Deus organization Lorenco Camnahas said that training for Health Management is very important in health system." ], [ "This is how we can offer health care to the entire Timorese population." ], [ "\"This course will teach in three areas how to improve quality, leadership and management of human resources." ], [ "It is very important to take care of your health because when we graduate from the training, our doctors will consult patients in a medical centre with great attention,” he said." ], [ "Likewise, the World Health Organization Representative in Timor-Leste Arvind Mathur said that health manager training program responds to Ministry ofHealth strategy on how developing human resources as stated by National Strategic Plan for 2019 -35 and aligned with five year Human Resources Strategy." ], [ "\"We need to recognize that management and leadership skills in health care are important as a critical part of the implementation, maintenance & quality patient-centred medical services.\"" ], [ "Likewise, Minister of Health Odete Maria Freitas Belo emphasizes that leadership and management capacity in the health services sector is an essential part for implementation to ensure safe patient care." ], [ "Evidence shows that effective leadership and management practices in the healthcare sector are associated with improved patient safety, experience." ], [ "\"The training program for Health Managers to support the Ministry of health in responding their professional responsibilities." ], [ "This is how to lead and manage health care services with effective, efficient mechanisms so that they can also engage in evidence-based practice which will take them on a journey of learning & career development throughout their lives.\"" ], [ "PreviousESTV-GTI Becora School Has Refurbished 150 Chairs From MEJD Next article24/7 Newsletter: The latest news from the world of education, science and technology in Timor Leste." ] ]
TL hahú deskute dezenvolvimentu transporte Aero\nDÍLI----Transporte aero nudár parte ida ne’e mak bele fo kontribuisaun boot ba reseitas nasaun nian, tanba iha nasaun barak nia rendimentu as liu husi setór Transporte Aviasaun nian.\nLiga ho problema refere haree fila fali ba Timor-Leste ne’ebé nudár nasaun ukun-an ona durante tinan 15 nia laran maibé iha setór transporte liu liu iha Aviasaun nian to’o oras ne’e sei iha problema tanba seidauk dezenvolve di’ak.\nTan ne’e atu oinsá bele dezenvolve sitor refere Ministru Dezenvolvimentu Transporte no Komunikasaun (MDTK) Realiza semináriu loron ida hodi halibur hanoin sira husi públiku ho objetivu atu oinsá bele suporta prosesu sertifikasaun Aeroportu iha territóriu Timor laran tomak tanba transporte aero sai hanesan papél importante ba Timor Leste maibé to’o oras ne’e seidauk dezenvolve.\nTuir Prezidente Konsellu Administrasaun de Civil Aviation Authority of Timor-Leste. (AACTL) Sabino Henriques hatete liu husi seminariu ne’ebé bele fahe informasaun ba malu kona-ba problema ne’ebé durante ne’e TL infrenta, tanba ne’e AACTL husu ba auturidade lokal sira atu suporta servisu transporte aero nian, tanba transporte sai hanesan papél importante ne’ebé tenke dezenvolve.\n“Ha’u hanoin liu husi sorumotu ida ne’e, atu fahe defikuldade no dezafiu saida maka durante ne’e ita hasoru liu - liu iha transporte aero nian,” dehan Prezidente Konsellu Administrasaun de Civil Aviation Authority of Timor-Leste. (AACTL) Sabino Henriques iha Salaun Enkontru Kaikoli Kuarta (27/12).\nSorumutu refere nudár parte preparasaun ida Timor Leste nian ba futuru tanba ligadu ba polítika ne’ebé iha katak oras ne’e TL mos preparaan atu oinsá bele adere ba iha ASEAN nian tan ne’e hakarak ka lakohi Timor Leste tenke dezenvolve setór refere. “La kleur tan TL sei tama ASEAN hodi asesu ba merkadu tan ne’e tenke,” dehan nian ba jornalista sira.\nSabino mós afirma katak preparasaun Timor Leste iha setór Aero la’ós haree de’it ba iha infranstrutura maibé mós ba iha reskursu umanu ne’ebé adekuadu nune’e bainhira dezenvolve ona infranstrutura rekursu uumanu mós prontu atu utiliza.\nKona-ba futuru nia dehan atividade aviasaun sivil iha TL oras ne’e tuir ona estandarte internasionál no hein tinan lima mai sei hatudu duni ninia progresu ne’ebé di’ak hodi bele kompete iha merkadu livre bain hira TL tama ASEAN, maibé importante tenke prepra rekursu umanu.\nIha fatin hanesan Vise Ministru Dezenvolvimentu Transporte no Komunikasaun, Inacio Moreira hateten, TL presiza halo diskusaun atu nune’e bele prepara-an, hodi bele tama iha merkadu internasional iha área transporte aeros nian. Tan ne’e atu involve an iha Merkadu Internasional TL tenke prepara planu ne’ebé di’ak nomós tenke dezenvolve rekursu umanu nomós infranstrutura ba transporte aviasaun sivil nian.\n“Ha’u hanoin governu tenke tau nafatin importansia ba área refere ,”tenik nia. Vise Ministru mós Rekoñese katak rekursu umanu iha Timor-Leste oras ne’e sei la’o neneik hela no tenke fó duni importansia hodi hadi’a servisu aviasaun nian sai di’ak liu tan iha futuru. (BT)
[ "TL hahu deskute dezenvolvimentu transporte Aero DILI----Transporte aero nudar parte ida ne'e mak bele fo kontribuisaun boot ba reseitas nasaun nian, tanba iha nasaun barak nia rendimentu as liu husi setor Transporte Aviasaun nian.", "Liga ho problema refere haree fila fali ba Timor-Leste ne'ebe nudar nasaun ukun-an ona durante tinan 15 nia laran maibe iha setor transporte liu liu iha Aviasaun nian to'o oras ne'e sei iha problema tanba seidauk dezenvolve di'ak.", "Tan ne'e atu oinsa bele dezenvolve sitor refere Ministru Dezenvolvimentu Transporte no Komunikasaun (MDTK) Realiza seminariu loron ida hodi halibur hanoin sira husi publiku ho objetivu atu oinsa bele suporta prosesu sertifikasaun Aeroportu iha territoriu Timor laran tomak tanba transporte aero sai hanesan papel importante ba Timor Leste maibe to'o oras ne'e seidauk dezenvolve.", "Tuir Prezidente Konsellu Administrasaun de Civil Aviation Authority of Timor-Leste.", "(AACTL) Sabino Henriques hatete liu husi seminariu ne'ebe bele fahe informasaun ba malu kona-ba problema ne'ebe durante ne'e TL infrenta, tanba ne'e AACTL husu ba auturidade lokal sira atu suporta servisu transporte aero nian, tanba transporte sai hanesan papel importante ne'ebe tenke dezenvolve.", "\"Ha'u hanoin liu husi sorumotu ida ne'e, atu fahe defikuldade no dezafiu saida maka durante ne'e ita hasoru liu - liu iha transporte aero nian,\" dehan Prezidente Konsellu Administrasaun de Civil Aviation Authority of Timor-Leste.", "(AACTL) Sabino Henriques iha Salaun Enkontru Kaikoli Kuarta (27/12).", "Sorumutu refere nudar parte preparasaun ida Timor Leste nian ba futuru tanba ligadu ba politika ne'ebe iha katak oras ne'e TL mos preparaan atu oinsa bele adere ba iha ASEAN nian tan ne'e hakarak ka lakohi Timor Leste tenke dezenvolve setor refere.", "\"La kleur tan TL sei tama ASEAN hodi asesu ba merkadu tan ne'e tenke,\" dehan nian ba jornalista sira.", "Sabino mos afirma katak preparasaun Timor Leste iha setor Aero la'os haree de'it ba iha infranstrutura maibe mos ba iha reskursu umanu ne'ebe adekuadu nune'e bainhira dezenvolve ona infranstrutura rekursu uumanu mos prontu atu utiliza.", "Kona-ba futuru nia dehan atividade aviasaun sivil iha TL oras ne'e tuir ona estandarte internasional no hein tinan lima mai sei hatudu duni ninia progresu ne'ebe di'ak hodi bele kompete iha merkadu livre bain hira TL tama ASEAN, maibe importante tenke prepra rekursu umanu.", "Iha fatin hanesan Vise Ministru Dezenvolvimentu Transporte no Komunikasaun, Inacio Moreira hateten, TL presiza halo diskusaun atu nune'e bele prepara-an, hodi bele tama iha merkadu internasional iha area transporte aeros nian.", "Tan ne'e atu involve an iha Merkadu Internasional TL tenke prepara planu ne'ebe di'ak nomos tenke dezenvolve rekursu umanu nomos infranstrutura ba transporte aviasaun sivil nian.", "\"Ha'u hanoin governu tenke tau nafatin importansia ba area refere ,\"tenik nia.", "Vise Ministru mos Rekonese katak rekursu umanu iha Timor-Leste oras ne'e sei la'o neneik hela no tenke fo duni importansia hodi hadi'a servisu aviasaun nian sai di'ak liu tan iha futuru.", "(BT)" ]
[ [ "TL Begins Discuting Development of Air Transport DILI----Air transport as part this can make a big contribution to the country' s revenues, because in many countries its income is higher than that from Aviation sector." ], [ "The link with the problem referred to looks back on Timor-Leste, which has been an independent country for 15 years but in transport sector especially aviation until now will have problems because not developed well." ], [ "Therefore, in order to develop this sector the Ministry of Transport and Communication Development (MDTK) held a one-day seminar for gathering opinions from public with an objective as how can support certification process Airport on Timor territory because air transport has become important role East Тимор but so far it is not developed." ], [ "According to the Chairman of Civil Aviation Authority Board, Mr. Afonso de Sousa da Silva" ], [ "(AACTL) Sabino Henriques said that through the seminar they can share information about problems faced by TL during this time, therefore AACTL asks local authorities to support air transport services because it is an important role which must be developed." ], [ "\"I think through this meeting, to share the difficulties and challenges that we have faced during - especially in air transportation\", said President of Board Civil Aviation Authority." ], [ "(AACTL) Sabino Henriques in the Kaikoli Meeting Room on Thursday, December 27th." ], [ "The meeting was part of Timor-Leste's preparation for the future because it is linked to a policy that says at this time, TL also prepared itself in an attempt as well on joining ASEAN. Therefore whether or not they want East Тимор must develop their sector and there are many factors which influence how much development will take place within these areas during 2015 - especially with regard towards tourism industry where we have seen significant growth over recent years but still need more investment from foreign countries so our economy can grow even faster than previously thought possible" ], [ "\"In the near future, TL will join ASEAN in order to access new markets and this is a must\", he told journalist." ], [ "Sabino also affirmed that Timor-Leste's preparation in the aerospace sector is not only about infrastructure but it has to be adequate human resources, so once an infrastructural development of this kind takes place there will have been sufficient and ready for use." ], [ "Regarding the future, he said that civil aviation activities in TL now follow international standards and wait for five years to show its progress which is good so it can compete on an open market even when Timor-Leste join ASEAN. But importantly we must prepare human resources" ], [ "Vice-Minister of Transport and Communications Development, Inacio Moreira said that the country needs to have discussions so as it can prepare itself for entering international market in air transport." ], [ "Therefore, in order to be involved on the International Market TL must prepare a good plan and develop human resources as well infrastructure for civil air transport." ], [ "\"I think the government should continue to place importance on this area,\" he said." ], [ "The Deputy Minister also acknowledged that human resources in Timor-Leste will continue to grow and must be given greater importance so as the aviation service can improve further." ], [ "(BT) 2014-365" ] ]
Opozisaun australianu hakarak atu Governu apoia manutensaun hosi plataforma iha Tasi Timor - Notícias SAPO - SAPO Notícias\nPájina aktualizada iha 03:42h, segunda-feira 02 Juñu\nOpozisaun australianu hakarak atu Governu apoia manutensaun hosi plataforma iha Tasi Timor\n21 de Novembro de 2019, 23:53\nSenador sira hosi partidu australianu rua defende ona iha loron-kinta katak Governu Austrália nian tenki halo intervensaun hodi evita fa'an ka sobu plataforma flutuante ida iha Tasi Timor.\nIha kauza maka eventual desmantelamentu, ho folin ida millaun 200 dolar australianu, hosi plataforma flutuante ida petróleu nian iha Tasi Timor, ne'ebé konsidera hanesan "bomba-relójiu ambiental" ida.\nRegulador sira hosi área haruka ona, iha Jullu, taka Northern Endeavor, plataforma boot ida petróleu 'offshore' nian hosi Austrália, iha Tasi Timor, hafoin hatudu ferujen, falta hosi sistema kombate ida ba inséndiu sira no "risku atu bele akontese asidente boot ida".\nNune'e halo empreza proprietáriu, Northern Oil and Gas (NOGA) hahú prosesu ida hosi "administrasaun voluntáriu", mekanizmu ida salvamentu empreza nian ne'ebé implika nomeasaun hosi administrador independente ida ne'ebé analiza opsaun sira ne'ebé disponível.\nPartidu krítiku sira Governu nian konsidera katak desizaun aumenta risku hosi seguransa petrolíferu Austrália nian, loke tan dalan ida ba Xina hodi bele aumenta nia influénsia iha rejiaun, inklui iha Timor-Leste.\nRex Patrick (hosi Aliansa Sentru nian) ho Pauline Hanson (hosi partidu extremu-direita One Nation) hakarak atu Governu australianu halo intervensaun hodi evita atu taka plataforma flutuante.\nSenador na'in rua hakarak hasoru malu ho Governu hodi presiona ezekutivu hodi fó apoiu hodi nune'e ró sei halo nafatin operasaun, permanese iha "ema australianu sira nia liman".\nHanson konsidera katak NOGA hetan tratamentu injustu ho Patrick refere katak taka plataforma bele iha "implikasaun maka'as sira iha seguransa nasional", no empreza tenki tama iha administrasaun voluntáriu.\n"Governu tenki foka nia atensaun hodi hetan solusaun ida, hodi labele sai fraku liu no situasaun aat ona hosi seguransa kombustível Austrália nian, agrava sala sira hosi polítika externu ho seguransa sira ne'ebé maka hal nafatin iha kosta-súl Timor-Leste nian", Patrick hatete.\n"Iha kontestu hosi situasaun aat ba seguransa kombustível líkidu hosi Austrália, iha kapasidade sira hanesan ne'e ba besik 550 km hosi noroeste Darwin nian hanesan ativu nasional signifikativu ida", nia afirma.\nKPMG, empreza administradora ne'ebé maka nomeadu, iha to'o semana oinmai hodi hetan komprador ida ba plataforma, ne'ebé tenki gasta liu dolar australianu millaun 50 (euro millaun 31,1) hodi hadi'a embarkasaun iha estaleiru iha Darwin.\nBainhira la hetan komprador ida, kampu petrolíferu sira Laminaria ho Coralina - ne'ebé agora iha bee Timor-Leste nian - tenki dezativadu, nune'e sei obriga taka posu sira hodi impede atu sai petróleu hamutuk baril millaun 24 ba Tasi Timor.\nKalkula katak folin operasaun, ne'ebé hakbesik ba euro millaun 124, tenki selu hosi Governu australianu, ka tuir 'media' sira hosi nasaun ne'e katak hosi antigu proprietáriu hosi posu sira, Woodside Petroleum.\nAngus Karoll, proprietáriu NOGA - ne'ebé sosa ona Northern Endeavour hosi Woodside iha tinan 2016, hatete ona ba ABC katak hein atu konsege katak plataforma bele fila ba produsaun, hodi afirma katak deskomisiona "la'ós hanesan planu" hosi empreza.\nKaroll apela ona ba regulador sira hodi hasai nia bandu hodi hasai petróleu ho ró sira ho korosaun, hodi permiti atu nia empreza sai hosi administrasaun voluntáriu, hodi insisti katak reparasaun sira ne'ebé presiza bele halo iha tasi.\nKampu sira Coralina ho Laminária, ne'ebé besik hotu ona nia moris útil, prodús ona média ida baril 2.944 loron-loron iha trimestre dahuluk tinan nian, kusta ona besik dolar biliaun resin iha investimentu sira iha tinan 1999.\nDezde hahú esplorasaun, produz liu barik millaun 203 resin ho estimativu sira hosi reseita hamutuk dolar biliaun 6,8 no Governu australianu simu liu dolar biliaun 2,2 , haktuir hosi ONG La'o Hamutuk.
[ "Opozisaun australianu hakarak atu Governu apoia manutensaun hosi plataforma iha Tasi Timor - Noticias SAPO - SAPO Noticias Pajina aktualizada iha 03:42h, segunda-feira 02 Junu Opozisaun australianu hakarak atu Governu apoia manutensaun hosi plataforma iha Tasi Timor 21 de Novembro de 2019, 23:53 Senador sira hosi partidu australianu rua defende ona iha loron-kinta katak Governu Australia nian tenki halo intervensaun hodi evita fa'an ka sobu plataforma flutuante ida iha Tasi Timor.", "Iha kauza maka eventual desmantelamentu, ho folin ida millaun 200 dolar australianu, hosi plataforma flutuante ida petroleu nian iha Tasi Timor, ne'ebe konsidera hanesan \"bomba-relojiu ambiental\" ida.", "Regulador sira hosi area haruka ona, iha Jullu, taka Northern Endeavor, plataforma boot ida petroleu 'offshore' nian hosi Australia, iha Tasi Timor, hafoin hatudu ferujen, falta hosi sistema kombate ida ba insendiu sira no \"risku atu bele akontese asidente boot ida.\"", "Nune'e halo empreza proprietariu, Northern Oil and Gas (NOGA) hahu prosesu ida hosi \"administrasaun voluntariu,\" mekanizmu ida salvamentu empreza nian ne'ebe implika nomeasaun hosi administrador independente ida ne'ebe analiza opsaun sira ne'ebe disponivel.", "Partidu kritiku sira Governu nian konsidera katak desizaun aumenta risku hosi seguransa petroliferu Australia nian, loke tan dalan ida ba Xina hodi bele aumenta nia influensia iha rejiaun, inklui iha Timor-Leste.", "Rex Patrick (hosi Aliansa Sentru nian) ho Pauline Hanson (hosi partidu extremu-direita One Nation) hakarak atu Governu australianu halo intervensaun hodi evita atu taka plataforma flutuante.", "Senador na'in rua hakarak hasoru malu ho Governu hodi presiona ezekutivu hodi fo apoiu hodi nune'e ro sei halo nafatin operasaun, permanese iha \"ema australianu sira nia liman.\"", "Hanson konsidera katak NOGA hetan tratamentu injustu ho Patrick refere katak taka plataforma bele iha \"implikasaun maka'as sira iha seguransa nasional,\" no empreza tenki tama iha administrasaun voluntariu.", "\"Governu tenki foka nia atensaun hodi hetan solusaun ida, hodi labele sai fraku liu no situasaun aat ona hosi seguransa kombustivel Australia nian, agrava sala sira hosi politika externu ho seguransa sira ne'ebe maka hal nafatin iha kosta-sul Timor-Leste nian,\" Patrick hatete.", "\"Iha kontestu hosi situasaun aat ba seguransa kombustivel likidu hosi Australia, iha kapasidade sira hanesan ne'e ba besik 550 km hosi noroeste Darwin nian hanesan ativu nasional signifikativu ida,\" nia afirma.", "KPMG, empreza administradora ne'ebe maka nomeadu, iha to'o semana oinmai hodi hetan komprador ida ba plataforma, ne'ebe tenki gasta liu dolar australianu millaun 50 (euro millaun 31,1) hodi hadi'a embarkasaun iha estaleiru iha Darwin.", "Bainhira la hetan komprador ida, kampu petroliferu sira Laminaria ho Coralina - ne'ebe agora iha bee Timor-Leste nian - tenki dezativadu, nune'e sei obriga taka posu sira hodi impede atu sai petroleu hamutuk baril millaun 24 ba Tasi Timor.", "Kalkula katak folin operasaun, ne'ebe hakbesik ba euro millaun 124, tenki selu hosi Governu australianu, ka tuir 'media' sira hosi nasaun ne'e katak hosi antigu proprietariu hosi posu sira, Woodside Petroleum.", "Angus Karoll, proprietariu NOGA - ne'ebe sosa ona Northern Endeavour hosi Woodside iha tinan 2016, hatete ona ba ABC katak hein atu konsege katak plataforma bele fila ba produsaun, hodi afirma katak deskomisiona \"la'os hanesan planu\" hosi empreza.", "Karoll apela ona ba regulador sira hodi hasai nia bandu hodi hasai petroleu ho ro sira ho korosaun, hodi permiti atu nia empreza sai hosi administrasaun voluntariu, hodi insisti katak reparasaun sira ne'ebe presiza bele halo iha tasi.", "Kampu sira Coralina ho Laminaria, ne'ebe besik hotu ona nia moris util, produs ona media ida baril 2.944 loron-loron iha trimestre dahuluk tinan nian, kusta ona besik dolar biliaun resin iha investimentu sira iha tinan 1999.", "Dezde hahu esplorasaun, produz liu barik millaun 203 resin ho estimativu sira hosi reseita hamutuk dolar biliaun 6,8 no Governu australianu simu liu dolar biliaun 2,2 , haktuir hosi ONG La'o Hamutuk." ]
[ [ "Australian opposition wants government to support maintenance of platform in Timor Sea - News SAPO 2019, November-3:45 PM Australia' s Opposition Want Government Support for Maintenance Of Platform In The East Seas New York Times (NewYorkTimes.com) – Senator from both parties has called on the australian govt today that it should intervene against selling or demolishing a floating oil and gas rig located near its coastline at West Coast Island which is being used as an offshore mining facility by private companies whose operations are affected negatively because they do not have permission thereto" ], [ "Among the causes is an eventual dismantling, costing AU$205 million (USD 1.8 billion), of a floating oil platform in Timor Sea that has been considered as \"an environmental time bomb\"." ], [ "Area regulators ordered in July the closure of Northern Endeavor, a large Australian oil rig on Timor Sea after it showed flare-ups and lacked firefighting systems. The area also faced \"risk for major accident.\"" ], [ "The owner company, Northern Oil and Gas (NOGA), therefore initiated a process of “voluntary administration,” an enterprise rescue mechanism that implies the appointment by NEGA to independent directors who will analyse available options." ], [ "Critics of the government consider that this decision increase a risk to Australia' s oil security, paving another way for China in increasing its influence over Timor-Leste." ], [ "Rex Patrick (from the Centre Alliance) and Pauline Hanson, both from far-right One Nation party want Australian government intervention to prevent closure of floating platforms." ], [ "The two senators want to meet with the government and pressure it for support so that they can continue operating, remaining in \"the hands of Australian people.\"" ], [ "Hanson considers that NOGA has been unfairly treated with Patrick stating the closure of platform could have \"significant implications for national security,\" and a company should go into voluntary administration." ], [ "\"The government must focus its attention on finding a solution, so as not to weaken and worsen the already deteriorating situation of Australia's fuel security by exacerbating foreign policy error-security issues that persist in Timor Leste’ s south coastal areas,” Patrick said." ], [ "\"In the context of a poor situation for Australia's liquid fuel security, having such capacities nearly 350 miles northwest from Darwin is an important national asset\", he stated." ], [ "KPMG, the appointed management company has until next week to find a buyer for its platform which will have spent more than A$50 million (€31.2m) on upgrading vessels at Darwin shipyard in Australia' s northernmost port of call Port Macquarie" ], [ "Unless a buyer is found, the Laminaria and Coralina oil fields - which are now in Timor-Leste water – will have to be decommissioned. This would require closing of well stations so that no more than about one million barrel (24m bpd) could flow into East Тимор Sea from these two areas at present under occupation by Indonesia or any other country on this continental shelf with access through its own sea border area;" ], [ "It is estimated that the operating costs, which are close to €124 million (£96.5m), will have be paid by Australia's government or according To Australian 'media’ from former owner of well Woodside Petroleum Ltd" ], [ "Angus Karoll, owner of NOGA - which bought Northern Endeavour from Woodside in 2016 – has told ABC that he expects to see the rig back into production soon after it is decommissioned." ], [ "Karoll has appealed to regulators for the lifting of his ban on removing oil and corrosion from shipments, allowing her company off voluntary administration while insisting that any necessary repair can be done at sea." ], [ "The Coralina and Laminaria fields, which are nearing the end of their useful lifetime have produced an average 2943 barrel-days in Q1 this year after costing almost $50 billion to invest back into them." ], [ "Since exploration began, more than 203 million barrels have been produced with estimated revenues totaling $6.8 billion and the Australian government receiving over$195mn in profit from oil production since exploitation started on June of last year according to NGO La'o Hamutuk (The Open Society)." ] ]
PARSERIA FOUN HO RADIO SIRA IHA AINARO, MANUFAHI NO MAUBISSE – Tane Konsumidor\nPARSERIA FOUN HO RADIO SIRA IHA AINARO, MANUFAHI NO MAUBISSE\nTANE iha tan aliadu tolu atu halao nia kanar hodi fahe informasaun ba konsumidór sira iha Timo-Leste konabá sira nia direitu, ne’ebé, garante ona iha Lei Hodi Fó Protesaun ba Konsumidór. Parseria ne’e konkretiza liu hosi assinatura protokolu ho rádio komunidade tolu, iha loron 18 ho 19 fulan Agustu – rádio Maubisse-Mauloko (Maubisse), rádio Tatamailau (Ainaro) no rádio Dom Boavintura (Manufahi).\n“Ami agradese tebes ho kolaborasaun ida ne’e, tamba ho parseria ida ne’e ami bele iha tan konteudu edukativo hodi fó ba rona nain sira, konabá Direitu Konsumidór nian” hateten husi Gestor rádio Maubisse-Mauloko, Joaquin de Fátima Coutinho. Depois assina tia protokolu, TANE fó kedas entrevista ba rádio Maubisse-Mauloko hodi koalia konabá saida maka TANE halo, no mos aktividade sira ne’ebé TANE promove no sei promove, konabá direitu konsumidór sira nian.\nGestora rádio Tatamailau hateten katak “ho prazer bo’ot maka ami assina protokolu ida ne’e, tamba ita tenki servisu hamutuk hodi proteje konsumidór sira, ne’ebé mos maka ita rasik”. Iha nia biban Vasco da Costa Mendes Gestor da rádio Dom Boa Vintura 1912 tenik katak” Ami tuir TANE nia servisu desde inisiu kedas, finalmente ami asina protokolu ho TANE, ita sei servisu hamutuk atu hato’o ba konsumidór, informasaun sira konabá sira nia Direitu.\nHo protokolu foun tolu ne’e, TANE assina ona protokolu walu ho rádio komunidade sira. ami fiar katak parseria sira iha fatin oin oin ne’e permiti atu to’o ba konsumidór barak liu tan ho informasaun ne’ebé importante.\nSe konsumidór iha Timor-Leste informadu liu no konsiente ba sira nia direitu, sira sei sai ejijente liu no interventivu liu atu defende sira nia an, liu-liu wainhira hasoru problema sira konsumu nian ne’ebé mosu.\nSe konsumidor sira hamutuk no hato’o denusnsia, reklamasau ka pedidu reklamasaun sira mai TANE, ita sei sai forte liu tan atu rezolve problema sira , no ejiji kumprimentu ba Lei no hamosu regra sira ne’ebé nesesariu hodi nune’e merkadu sai konfiansa no kompetitivu.\nHamutuk ita sai forte liu! Mai ita hamutuk obriga empreza sira atu kumpri Lei sira no respeita Direitu konsumidór sira nian.\nTANE nia odamatan nakaloke ba konsumidór sira, hakerek mai ami [email protected], telefone mai +670 3310938 no partisipa iha ami nia página facebook https://www.facebook.com/TaneKonsumidor, ho like, komentariu no fahe tutan! Vizita ami nia site atu hetan informasaun barak liu tan: www.tanekonsumidor.tl
[ "PARSERIA FOUN HO RADIO SIRA IHA AINARO, MANUFAHI NO MAUBISSE - Tane Konsumidor PARSERIA FOUN HO RADIO SIRA IHA AINARO, MANUFAHI NO MAUBISSE TANE iha tan aliadu tolu atu halao nia kanar hodi fahe informasaun ba konsumidor sira iha Timo-Leste konaba sira nia direitu, ne'ebe, garante ona iha Lei Hodi Fo Protesaun ba Konsumidor.", "Parseria ne'e konkretiza liu hosi assinatura protokolu ho radio komunidade tolu, iha loron 18 ho 19 fulan Agustu - radio Maubisse-Mauloko (Maubisse), radio Tatamailau (Ainaro) no radio Dom Boavintura (Manufahi).", "\"Ami agradese tebes ho kolaborasaun ida ne'e, tamba ho parseria ida ne'e ami bele iha tan konteudu edukativo hodi fo ba rona nain sira, konaba Direitu Konsumidor nian\" hateten husi Gestor radio Maubisse-Mauloko, Joaquin de Fatima Coutinho.", "Depois assina tia protokolu, TANE fo kedas entrevista ba radio Maubisse-Mauloko hodi koalia konaba saida maka TANE halo, no mos aktividade sira ne'ebe TANE promove no sei promove, konaba direitu konsumidor sira nian.", "Gestora radio Tatamailau hateten katak \"ho prazer bo'ot maka ami assina protokolu ida ne'e, tamba ita tenki servisu hamutuk hodi proteje konsumidor sira, ne'ebe mos maka ita rasik.\"", "Iha nia biban Vasco da Costa Mendes Gestor da radio Dom Boa Vintura 1912 tenik katak\" Ami tuir TANE nia servisu desde inisiu kedas, finalmente ami asina protokolu ho TANE, ita sei servisu hamutuk atu hato'o ba konsumidor, informasaun sira konaba sira nia Direitu.", "Ho protokolu foun tolu ne'e, TANE assina ona protokolu walu ho radio komunidade sira. ami fiar katak parseria sira iha fatin oin oin ne'e permiti atu to'o ba konsumidor barak liu tan ho informasaun ne'ebe importante.", "Se konsumidor iha Timor-Leste informadu liu no konsiente ba sira nia direitu, sira sei sai ejijente liu no interventivu liu atu defende sira nia an, liu-liu wainhira hasoru problema sira konsumu nian ne'ebe mosu.", "Se konsumidor sira hamutuk no hato'o denusnsia, reklamasau ka pedidu reklamasaun sira mai TANE, ita sei sai forte liu tan atu rezolve problema sira , no ejiji kumprimentu ba Lei no hamosu regra sira ne'ebe nesesariu hodi nune'e merkadu sai konfiansa no kompetitivu.", "Hamutuk ita sai forte liu!", "Mai ita hamutuk obriga empreza sira atu kumpri Lei sira no respeita Direitu konsumidor sira nian.", "TANE nia odamatan nakaloke ba konsumidor sira, hakerek mai ami [email protected], telefone mai +670 3310938 no partisipa iha ami nia pagina facebook https://www.facebook.com/TaneKonsumidor, ho like, komentariu no fahe tutan!", "Vizita ami nia site atu hetan informasaun barak liu tan: www.tanekonsumidor.tl" ]
[ [ "FOUN PARTNERSHIP WITH RADIO SIRA IN AINARO, MANUFAHI AND MAUBISSE - Tane Konsumidor TANE has three more allies to carry out its channel of information for consumers in Timor-Leste about their rights which are guaranteed by the Consumer Protection Act." ], [ "The partnership was concretized through the signing of protocols with three community radio stations, on August18th and Aug.20nd - Radio Maubisse-Mauloko (maubisse), rádio Tatamailau(Ainaro)and Rádio Dom Boavintura/Manufahi)." ], [ "\"We are very grateful for this collaboration, because with the partnership we can have more educational content to give our listeners about consumer rights\" said radio Maubisse-Mauloko Manager Joaquin de Fatima Coutinho." ], [ "After signing the protocol, TANE immediately gave an interview to radio Maubisse-Mauloko about what it is doing and also activities that are being promoted on consumer rights." ], [ "Radio Tatamailau's manager said that \"it is with great pleasure we have signed this protocol, because it means working together to protect our customers who are also us.\"" ], [ "In his speech Vasco da Costa Mendes, Manager of radio Dom Boa Vintura 1902 stated that \"We have followed TANE from the very beginning and finally we sign a protocol with them. We will work together to provide consumer information about their rights.\"" ], [ "With these three new protocols, TANE has signed an additional six with community radio. We are confident that the partnership in this area will allow us to reach more consumer and provide them important information about our activities on a broader scale than ever before" ], [ "If consumers in Timor-Leste are more aware of their rights, they will be eager and intervening to defend themselves especially when facing the problems that arise." ], [ "If consumers come together and submit complaint, claim or request to TANE we will be stronger in solving problems . We can enforce the law & create necessary rules so that market become confident And competitive" ], [ "Together we are stronger!" ], [ "Together, let us compel companies to comply with the laws and respect consumer rights." ], [ "TANE’s doors are open to consumer, write us at [email protected] or call +670 3215948 and participate in our facebook page https://www!facebook?page=TaneKonsumidor by liking the post with your comments" ], [ "Visit our website for more information: www.tanekonsumidor tl" ] ]
Caesar Dante “nakdoko” kontra FC Maudoko | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DESPORTU Caesar Dante “nakdoko” kontra FC Maudoko\nDILI, 19 outubru 2021 (TATOLI)– Iha jogu kontinuasaun Pra Liga Futsal Timor-Leste, jornada 16, ekipa FC Maudoko susesu hadau pontu tolu hosi nia adversáriu Caesar Dante ho rezultadu 5-3.\nIha jogu primeira parte ne’ebé hala’o iha kampu futsal FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) Fatuhada, ekipa rua lansa kontra no atake ho tékniku duir bola hosi ain ba ain atu buka vitória.\nKontra no atake ne’e fó oportunidade ba Caesar Dante lansa golu dahuluk ba Maudoko hodi muda skore 1-0, iha minutu tolu hosi jogadór Denato Amaral.\nEkipa Maudoko la hakfodak ho golu ne’e, nune’e jogadór sira kontinua hatudu jogu bonitu iha kampu laran. HO esforsu hirak ne’e la hela de’it ho esforsu tanba iha minutu haat jogadór, Ricky Fernandes responde golu hodi muda rezultadu ba 1-1.\nHo rezultadu provizóriu empate ne’e, halo jogu sai manas liután tanba Caesar Dante domina bola hodi aperta Maudoko, maibé Maudoko hatudu jogu ho kalma no la ansi halo golu bainhira seidauk hetan oportunidade.\nDolar ba iha minutu 10, jogadór Juninho Lucas fura tan rede Caesar Dante hodi hatur rezultadu ba 2-1.\nHo golu ne’e, defeza Maudoko ladun kontrola bola ho di’ak hodi fó oportunidade ba Caesar Dante hodi hatama golu, iha minutu 16 liuhosi jogadór Leonildo Torres halo rezultadu empata ba 2-2.\nHakuur ba segunda parte ekipa rua nafatin lansa kontra no atake ba malu, maibé jogadór Caesar Dante antesipa bola ho di’ak liu, nune’e iha minutu 21, nune’e jogadór Leonildo konsege halo tan golu ida muda skore 3-2.\nHo skore ne’e, Maudoko hahú jogu makas liután, nune’e iha minutu 28, jogadór Mario Freitas responde golu ida hodi muda rezultadu 3-3.\nIha minutu 29, jogadór Maudoko Ricky hala’o jogu individu ho sériu hodi lansa tan golu ida ba Caesar Dante hodi muda skore ba 4-3.\nNune’e mós, hela de’it minutu ida atu termina jogu segundu parte, jogadór Tomas Taquino halo tan golu ikus hodi hatur metin rezultadu ba 5-3, hodi fó vitória ba ekipa Maudoko FC.\nNotísia relevante : Mushila FC manán B’TAL 3-0\nPrevious articleEkipa MTKI tama-sai uma lansa kampaña vasinasaun iha Baucau\nNext articleOJE 2021, Covalima ezekuta ona 60%
[ "Caesar Dante \"nakdoko\" kontra FC Maudoko | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DESPORTU Caesar Dante \"nakdoko\" kontra FC Maudoko DILI, 19 outubru 2021 (TATOLI) - Iha jogu kontinuasaun Pra Liga Futsal Timor-Leste, jornada 16, ekipa FC Maudoko susesu hadau pontu tolu hosi nia adversariu Caesar Dante ho rezultadu 5-3.", "Iha jogu primeira parte ne'ebe hala'o iha kampu futsal FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) Fatuhada, ekipa rua lansa kontra no atake ho tekniku duir bola hosi ain ba ain atu buka vitoria.", "Kontra no atake ne'e fo oportunidade ba Caesar Dante lansa golu dahuluk ba Maudoko hodi muda skore 1-0, iha minutu tolu hosi jogador Denato Amaral.", "Ekipa Maudoko la hakfodak ho golu ne'e, nune'e jogador sira kontinua hatudu jogu bonitu iha kampu laran.", "HO esforsu hirak ne'e la hela de'it ho esforsu tanba iha minutu haat jogador, Ricky Fernandes responde golu hodi muda rezultadu ba 1-1.", "Ho rezultadu provizoriu empate ne'e, halo jogu sai manas liutan tanba Caesar Dante domina bola hodi aperta Maudoko, maibe Maudoko hatudu jogu ho kalma no la ansi halo golu bainhira seidauk hetan oportunidade.", "Dolar ba iha minutu 10, jogador Juninho Lucas fura tan rede Caesar Dante hodi hatur rezultadu ba 2-1.", "Ho golu ne'e, defeza Maudoko ladun kontrola bola ho di'ak hodi fo oportunidade ba Caesar Dante hodi hatama golu, iha minutu 16 liuhosi jogador Leonildo Torres halo rezultadu empata ba 2-2.", "Hakuur ba segunda parte ekipa rua nafatin lansa kontra no atake ba malu, maibe jogador Caesar Dante antesipa bola ho di'ak liu, nune'e iha minutu 21, nune'e jogador Leonildo konsege halo tan golu ida muda skore 3-2.", "Ho skore ne'e, Maudoko hahu jogu makas liutan, nune'e iha minutu 28, jogador Mario Freitas responde golu ida hodi muda rezultadu 3-3.", "Iha minutu 29, jogador Maudoko Ricky hala'o jogu individu ho seriu hodi lansa tan golu ida ba Caesar Dante hodi muda skore ba 4-3.", "Nune'e mos, hela de'it minutu ida atu termina jogu segundu parte, jogador Tomas Taquino halo tan golu ikus hodi hatur metin rezultadu ba 5-3, hodi fo vitoria ba ekipa Maudoko FC.", "Notisia relevante: Mushila FC manan B'TAL 3-0 Previous articleEkipa MTKI tama-sai uma lansa kampana vasinasaun iha Baucau Next articleOJE 2021, Covalima ezekuta ona 60%" ]
[ [ "Caesar Dante \"nakdoko\" kontra FC Maudogo | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DESPORTU In the continuation game of Pra Liga Futsal, matchday sixteen (19 October) in Dili on Sunday night at Stadion Nasional Mauk Moruk Stadium. The team from Football Club Mauroco successfully took three points away with a scored by their opponents Cesar Dante and its goalkeeper João Paulo da Silva to make it out for victory against an adversary that had won four games before this season' s first round playoff matches were played between them last week as both teams fought each other twice since they joined together after two consecutive defeats over one another..." ], [ "In the first half, which was played at FALINTIL-Forsa Defesa Timor Leste's (F - FDTL) Fatuhada futsal field both teams launched counter and attack with a technique of holding ball from one side to another in search for victory." ], [ "This counter-attack gave Caesar Dante the opportunity to score his first goal for Maudoko, changing it 1–0 at three minutes by player Denato Amaral." ], [ "Maudoko's team was not happy with the goal, so their players continued to show a nice game on field." ], [ "These efforts were not enough because in the fourth minute of play, Ricky Fernandes responded with a goal to change it into 1-2." ], [ "With the provisional result of this draw, it was a very heated match because Caesar Dante controlled and pressed Maudoko but he shown calmness in his play without being anxious to score when not given opportunity." ], [ "In the 10th minute, Juninho Lucas scored another goal for Caesar Dante to make it a final result." ], [ "With this goal, Maudoko's defence failed to control the ball well and gave Caesar Dante an opportunity for a score in 16 minutes through Leonildo Torres. The result was drawn at two-two on half time by Leonel Tores (2)." ], [ "In the second half, both teams continued to launch counter-attacks but Caesar Dante anticipated better and in 21 minutes Leonildo scored another goal for a final result of three against two." ], [ "With this score, Maudoko started the game very well and in 28 minutes Mario Freitas responded with a goal to change it into an even result." ], [ "In the 29th minute, Maudoko player Ricky carried out a serious individual play to launch another goal for Caesar Dante and change scores." ], [ "Likewise, just one minute before the end of second half Tomas Taquino scored another final goal to set a 5-3 standing and give Maudoko FC their victory." ], [ "Related news: Mushila FC won B'TAL 3-0 PreviousMTKI team enters home to launch vaccination campaign in Baucau Next articleBudget of the State for a year, Covalima has already executed its budget by over sixty percent." ] ]
Alola Foundation - Press Release - Tetun\nALOLA - MSS REALIZA FORMASAUN "HAKBI'IT EKONOMIA FETO RURAL NO SENSIBILIZASAUN KONA-BA IMPAKTU VIOLÉNSIA DOMÉSTIKA NO VIOLÉNSIA BAZEIA BA JÉNERU\n(ALOLA media) Durante loron 4 (3-6 Outubru 2017), Fundasaun Alola nu'udar Instituisaun Solidariedade Sosial (ISS) serbisu parseria ho Ministériu Solidariedade Sosíal (MSS) parte Direcão Nasionál Dezenvolvimento Sosíal (DNDS) - nomos Administrasaun Munisipiu Liquica realiza formasaun ida ho titulu "Hakbi'it Ekonomia Feto Rural No Sensibilizasaun Kona-Ba Impakto Violénsia Doméstika No Violénsia Bazeia Ba Jéneru". Formasaun ne'e rasik ofisialmente loke husi Administrador Munisipiu Liquica, Dr.Domingos da Concenção, implementa ho objetivu hodi kapasita feto vurneravel sira oinsa bele hasa'e sira nia konsensi\na hodi prevene violensia domestika no violensia baseia ba jeneru inklui oinsa bele haforsa sira nia ekonomia nian liu husi atividade oi-oin.\n"Formasaun ida ne'e hanesan parte ida hodi kontribui ba re-integrasaun feto vurneravel sira ba sira nia familia, oinsa atu haforsa sira ba parte ekonomia nian no oinsa sensibiliza ba grupu vurneravel sira atu bele prevene violensia baseia ba jeneru no violensia domestika", hatete Diretora Ezekutiva Fundasaun Alola, Alzira Reis durante sesaun abertura.\nEntertantu, Director DNDS-MSS, Dr.Florencio Dias Gonzaga iha ninia deskursu ba abertura hatete katak programa ne'ebe ohin realiza hanesan meius ida hodi hatan mos ba problema reinserasaun sosial, asuntu importante iha ita nia sosiedade.\n"Programa ne'e implementa relasiona ho ita nia mehi ida ba problema re-inserasaun sosial, oinsa atu ema hotu-hotu iha komunidade tantu feto ka mane rekopera diak iha nivel familia nian, moris diak la iha komplitu no tau matan ba sira nia oan", haktuir Director DNDS-MSS iha Salaun SAIM Liquica.\nTuir dadus perkiza husi Fundasaun Azia nian hatudu katak kuaze 86% maluk feto sira ho esperensia violensia la iha koragen atu hatoo sira nia keixa, husi porsentasaun hirak ne'e, numeru 32% fahe ninia esperiensia ba familia sira no kuaze 3% deit hato'o ba iha polisia, 2% hato'o ba autoridade lokal no menus husi 1% hato'o ninia kazu ba organizasaun fornesedor serbisu sira. Direitora Ezekutiva Alola afirma katak haforsa sensibilizasaun kona-ba violensia domestika no violensia baseia ba jeneru ninia impaktu hanesan dalan hodi fo koragem ba feto maluk sira atu brani liu-tan. Nia mos reforsa tan katak fator ekonomia sai hanesan pilar importante ba halakon violensia sira ne'e.\n"Hau hanoin, nesesidade familia nian ijiji ita atu forsa iha ekonomia liu-liu oinsa ita feto rasik bele kontribui ba iha ne'eba. Formasaun ne'e sei hola parte atu hatan ba kestaun sira ne'ebe ohin hau mensiona, iha loron ikus husi formasaun ne'e, sira sei hetan apoia ne'ebe MSS fornese liu-husi Fundasaun Alola atu bele halo fila-liman iha uma laran iha parte negosiu kiik sira hanesan loke kios, agrikultura no ba iha kreditu", esplika Diretora Alzira Reis.\nSeremonia abertura ne'ebe konsentra iha Salaun Secretariado de Apoio Instalação de Municipios (SAIM) nian hetan partisipasaun masimu laos deit husi feto ne'ebe sai alvu husi atividade ne'e maibe hetan mos partisipasaun husi Director DNDS, Direitora MSS Regional Liquica, Administrador do Posto Liquica, Maubara no Bazartete, reprezentante Asosiasaun Feto, membru Grupu Trabalhu Jeneru - Munisipiu nian, ekipa programa Hakbiit Ekonomia - Alola inklui mos media nasional. Apresiasaun diak hato'o husi Dr.Domingos da Concenção nu'udar Administrador Munisipiu Liquica durante abertura.\n"Formasaun ida ohin importante no bele motiva feto sira atu iha idea inovativu no kreativu atu nune'e bele fo resultadu adekuadu ba moris loron-loron iha familia no sosiedade", Administrador Liquica ne'e haktuir bain.\nNia mos salienta katak Timor-Leste presiza duni feto no mane nia partisipasaun ativa hodi bele haforte proses dezenvolvimentu nasaun nian, no hein katak liu husi formasaun ne'e, feto sira ne'ebe partisipa bele fo resultadu diak ba reseitas familia nian liu husi atividade ekonomia oin-oin.\nDiretora Alola, Alzira Reis mos hato'o ninia agredesementu ba kolaborasa ne'ebe iha durante tinan naruk nia laran entre Fundasaun Alola ho MSS parte DNDS nomos parseirus sira seluk hanesan administrador do posto, NGO local sira inklui feto maluk sira ne'ebe hamutuk 800 resin sai alvu husi Alola ba programa ida ne'e.\n"Alola no MSS mesak la bele halo buat ida maibe ho kontribuisaun husi ema ida-idak ninian, ita bele harii familia ida sai forte, feto ida sei forte no nasaun forte tanba husi feto ida ne'ebe forte sei hamosu jerasaun ne'ebe forte hodi bele harii nasaun ida ne'e", hatete Alzira Reis antes taka ninia lia menon.\nIha tinan 2017, Ministériu Solidariedade Sosiál (MSS) prevé ona orsamentu ho montante hamutuk 1.4 milaun dolar ba Institusaun Solidariedade Sosial (ISS) hamutuk 28 inkui Fundasaun Alola atu bele haforsa tan serbisu ba prevensaun, prestasaun servisu sosiál, reintegrasaun vítima ba família no komunidade, promosaun no protesaun labarik hosi risku, asistensia vitima nomos ba apoio sosio ekonomiku ba sobrevivente sira.\nAlola hamutuk ho ACBIT no Pradet hanesan ONG nain tolu ne'ebe hetan konfiansa husi MSS ba tinan fiskal 2017. Liu husi konfiansa ida ne'e, Alola sei haluan liu-tan programa Hakbiit Ekonomia hodi "Hakbi'it Ekonomia ba Feto Sobrevivente no Vulneravel iha área Rurál no Hasae Rekursu ba Feto" liu-liu ba Municipiu 5 hanesan Liquica, Manatuto, Baucau, Viqueque no Regional Espesial Oe-cusse.\n"Projetu ida ne'e hanesan kontinuasaun husi projetu tinan 2016 nian atu fó kapasitasaun ba grupu feto vulnerável inklui kbi'it laek, alizadu no sobreviventeviolénsia bazeia ba jeneru iha Distritu 5 iha Timor Leste inklui Liquica, Manatuto, Baucau, Viqueque no Regional Espesial Oe-cusse. Benefisiáriu direita hamutuk ema nain 125 no indireita hamutuk ema nain 875 mak sei benefisiu final ba projetu ne'e", esplika Direitor Ezekutiva Fundasaun Alola Sra. Alzira Reis.\nProjetu ne'e rasik sei kapasita grupu feto sobrevivente sira iha área ekonomia ka buka moris hodi sira bele hasae rendimentu familia nian liu husi fornese formasaun hanesan jestaun negósiu, fóti dezisaun, fahe infórmasaun kona-ba asuntu violénsia bazeia ba jéneru, direitus Umanus no tráfiku umanu grupu feto sira.\n"Atividade hirak ne'e bele loke grupu feto vulnerável sira nia visaun hodi bele halo mudansa iha sira nia hahalok moris no hadia vida ekonomia hodi sustenta familia e liu-liu oan sira hodi asesu ba escola, hadia saude, komunidade moris ho hakmatek no saudavel. Liu husi kapasitasaun ida ne'e hanesan meus hodi prevene violénsia domestika no hamenus dependensia ekonomia no lori sira sai Xefe da familia hodi lidera familia iha sira nia moris", esplika Jerente ba Hakbi'it Ekonomia Feto - Alola, Jose Ximenes.\nDurante tinan 8 resin (2010-2017), Alola sai parseiru husi MSS hodi haforsa atividade Mikro Kréditu ho Fundus Kiik ba grupu feto sobrevivente ne'ebé eziste iha Munisipiu 13. Grupu feto hamutuk 49 hetan benefisiu husi projetu ne'e no husi prosesu avaliasaun nota katak programa ida ne'e importante tebes ba komunidade, liu-liu sira vulnerável no kbiit la'ek sira hodi hasa'e sira nia rendimentu ekonomia.\nAtu hetan tan informasaun seluk, halo-favór kontakto:\nAlola Mídia Koodenador :\nTelfon\t: (+670) 78000002
[ "Alola Foundation - Press Release - Tetun ALOLA - MSS REALIZA FORMASAUN \"HAKBI'IT EKONOMIA FETO RURAL NO SENSIBILIZASAUN KONA-BA IMPAKTU VIOLENSIA DOMESTIKA NO VIOLENSIA BAZEIA BA JENERU (ALOLA media) Durante loron 4 (3-6 Outubru 2017), Fundasaun Alola nu'udar Instituisaun Solidariedade Sosial (ISS) serbisu parseria ho Ministeriu Solidariedade Sosial (MSS) parte Direcao Nasional Dezenvolvimento Sosial (DNDS) - nomos Administrasaun Munisipiu Liquica realiza formasaun ida ho titulu \"Hakbi'it Ekonomia Feto Rural No Sensibilizasaun Kona-Ba Impakto Violensia Domestika No Violensia Bazeia Ba Jeneru.\"", "Formasaun ne'e rasik ofisialmente loke husi Administrador Munisipiu Liquica, Dr.Domingos da Concencao, implementa ho objetivu hodi kapasita feto vurneravel sira oinsa bele hasa'e sira nia konsensi a hodi prevene violensia domestika no violensia baseia ba jeneru inklui oinsa bele haforsa sira nia ekonomia nian liu husi atividade oi-oin.", "\"Formasaun ida ne'e hanesan parte ida hodi kontribui ba re-integrasaun feto vurneravel sira ba sira nia familia, oinsa atu haforsa sira ba parte ekonomia nian no oinsa sensibiliza ba grupu vurneravel sira atu bele prevene violensia baseia ba jeneru no violensia domestika,\" hatete Diretora Ezekutiva Fundasaun Alola, Alzira Reis durante sesaun abertura.", "Entertantu, Director DNDS-MSS, Dr.Florencio Dias Gonzaga iha ninia deskursu ba abertura hatete katak programa ne'ebe ohin realiza hanesan meius ida hodi hatan mos ba problema reinserasaun sosial, asuntu importante iha ita nia sosiedade.", "\"Programa ne'e implementa relasiona ho ita nia mehi ida ba problema re-inserasaun sosial, oinsa atu ema hotu-hotu iha komunidade tantu feto ka mane rekopera diak iha nivel familia nian, moris diak la iha komplitu no tau matan ba sira nia oan,\" haktuir Director DNDS-MSS iha Salaun SAIM Liquica.", "Tuir dadus perkiza husi Fundasaun Azia nian hatudu katak kuaze 86% maluk feto sira ho esperensia violensia la iha koragen atu hatoo sira nia keixa, husi porsentasaun hirak ne'e, numeru 32% fahe ninia esperiensia ba familia sira no kuaze 3% deit hato'o ba iha polisia, 2% hato'o ba autoridade lokal no menus husi 1% hato'o ninia kazu ba organizasaun fornesedor serbisu sira.", "Direitora Ezekutiva Alola afirma katak haforsa sensibilizasaun kona-ba violensia domestika no violensia baseia ba jeneru ninia impaktu hanesan dalan hodi fo koragem ba feto maluk sira atu brani liu-tan.", "Nia mos reforsa tan katak fator ekonomia sai hanesan pilar importante ba halakon violensia sira ne'e.", "\"Hau hanoin, nesesidade familia nian ijiji ita atu forsa iha ekonomia liu-liu oinsa ita feto rasik bele kontribui ba iha ne'eba.", "Formasaun ne'e sei hola parte atu hatan ba kestaun sira ne'ebe ohin hau mensiona, iha loron ikus husi formasaun ne'e, sira sei hetan apoia ne'ebe MSS fornese liu-husi Fundasaun Alola atu bele halo fila-liman iha uma laran iha parte negosiu kiik sira hanesan loke kios, agrikultura no ba iha kreditu,\" esplika Diretora Alzira Reis.", "Seremonia abertura ne'ebe konsentra iha Salaun Secretariado de Apoio Instalacao de Municipios (SAIM) nian hetan partisipasaun masimu laos deit husi feto ne'ebe sai alvu husi atividade ne'e maibe hetan mos partisipasaun husi Director DNDS, Direitora MSS Regional Liquica, Administrador do Posto Liquica, Maubara no Bazartete, reprezentante Asosiasaun Feto, membru Grupu Trabalhu Jeneru - Munisipiu nian, ekipa programa Hakbiit Ekonomia - Alola inklui mos media nasional.", "Apresiasaun diak hato'o husi Dr.Domingos da Concencao nu'udar Administrador Munisipiu Liquica durante abertura.", "\"Formasaun ida ohin importante no bele motiva feto sira atu iha idea inovativu no kreativu atu nune'e bele fo resultadu adekuadu ba moris loron-loron iha familia no sosiedade,\" Administrador Liquica ne'e haktuir bain.", "Nia mos salienta katak Timor-Leste presiza duni feto no mane nia partisipasaun ativa hodi bele haforte proses dezenvolvimentu nasaun nian, no hein katak liu husi formasaun ne'e, feto sira ne'ebe partisipa bele fo resultadu diak ba reseitas familia nian liu husi atividade ekonomia oin-oin.", "Diretora Alola, Alzira Reis mos hato'o ninia agredesementu ba kolaborasa ne'ebe iha durante tinan naruk nia laran entre Fundasaun Alola ho MSS parte DNDS nomos parseirus sira seluk hanesan administrador do posto, NGO local sira inklui feto maluk sira ne'ebe hamutuk 800 resin sai alvu husi Alola ba programa ida ne'e.", "\"Alola no MSS mesak la bele halo buat ida maibe ho kontribuisaun husi ema ida-idak ninian, ita bele harii familia ida sai forte, feto ida sei forte no nasaun forte tanba husi feto ida ne'ebe forte sei hamosu jerasaun ne'ebe forte hodi bele harii nasaun ida ne'e,\" hatete Alzira Reis antes taka ninia lia menon.", "Iha tinan 2017, Ministeriu Solidariedade Sosial (MSS) preve ona orsamentu ho montante hamutuk 1.4 milaun dolar ba Institusaun Solidariedade Sosial (ISS) hamutuk 28 inkui Fundasaun Alola atu bele haforsa tan serbisu ba prevensaun, prestasaun servisu sosial, reintegrasaun vitima ba familia no komunidade, promosaun no protesaun labarik hosi risku, asistensia vitima nomos ba apoio sosio ekonomiku ba sobrevivente sira.", "Alola hamutuk ho ACBIT no Pradet hanesan ONG nain tolu ne'ebe hetan konfiansa husi MSS ba tinan fiskal 2017.", "Liu husi konfiansa ida ne'e, Alola sei haluan liu-tan programa Hakbiit Ekonomia hodi \"Hakbi'it Ekonomia ba Feto Sobrevivente no Vulneravel iha area Rural no Hasae Rekursu ba Feto\" liu-liu ba Municipiu 5 hanesan Liquica, Manatuto, Baucau, Viqueque no Regional Espesial Oe-cusse.", "\"Projetu ida ne'e hanesan kontinuasaun husi projetu tinan 2016 nian atu fo kapasitasaun ba grupu feto vulneravel inklui kbi'it laek, alizadu no sobreviventeviolensia bazeia ba jeneru iha Distritu 5 iha Timor Leste inklui Liquica, Manatuto, Baucau, Viqueque no Regional Espesial Oe-cusse.", "Benefisiariu direita hamutuk ema nain 125 no indireita hamutuk ema nain 875 mak sei benefisiu final ba projetu ne'e,\" esplika Direitor Ezekutiva Fundasaun Alola Sra.", "Alzira Reis.", "Projetu ne'e rasik sei kapasita grupu feto sobrevivente sira iha area ekonomia ka buka moris hodi sira bele hasae rendimentu familia nian liu husi fornese formasaun hanesan jestaun negosiu, foti dezisaun, fahe informasaun kona-ba asuntu violensia bazeia ba jeneru, direitus Umanus no trafiku umanu grupu feto sira.", "\"Atividade hirak ne'e bele loke grupu feto vulneravel sira nia visaun hodi bele halo mudansa iha sira nia hahalok moris no hadia vida ekonomia hodi sustenta familia e liu-liu oan sira hodi asesu ba escola, hadia saude, komunidade moris ho hakmatek no saudavel.", "Liu husi kapasitasaun ida ne'e hanesan meus hodi prevene violensia domestika no hamenus dependensia ekonomia no lori sira sai Xefe da familia hodi lidera familia iha sira nia moris,\" esplika Jerente ba Hakbi'it Ekonomia Feto - Alola, Jose Ximenes.", "Durante tinan 8 resin (2010-2017), Alola sai parseiru husi MSS hodi haforsa atividade Mikro Kreditu ho Fundus Kiik ba grupu feto sobrevivente ne'ebe eziste iha Munisipiu 13.", "Grupu feto hamutuk 49 hetan benefisiu husi projetu ne'e no husi prosesu avaliasaun nota katak programa ida ne'e importante tebes ba komunidade, liu-liu sira vulneravel no kbiit la'ek sira hodi hasa'e sira nia rendimentu ekonomia.", "Atu hetan tan informasaun seluk, halo-favor kontakto: Alola Midia Koodenador: Telfon : (+670) 78000002" ]
[ [ "Alola Foundation - Press Release ALOLA – MSS HOLDS TRAINING “Hakbi'it Ekonomia Feto Rural No Sensibilization Kona-Ba Impaktu Violensia Domestika no Gender Bazeiu” (ALOLA media) On October the fourth, Fundação Alola as a Social Solidarity Institution in partnership with Ministry of Solidariedade Sosial and Directorate Nacional de Desenvolvimento Socioeconômico(DNDs), Liquica Municipality Administration held training titled: \"Halving rural women economy & sensitizing on impact domestic violence." ], [ "The training itself was officially opened by the Administrator of Liquica Municipality, Dr. Domingos da Concencao and implementing with aim to empower vulnerable women how they can raise their consciousness in order prevention domestic violence as well gender-based violation including strengthening them economically through various activities" ], [ "\"This training is part of contributing to the re-integration in their families, how we can empower them economically and raise awareness among vulnerable groups so that they may prevent gender based violence or domestic violations\", said Alola Foundation Executive Director Alzira Reis during an opening session." ], [ "Meanwhile, DNDS-MSS Director Dr.Florencio Dias Gonzaga in his opening speech said that the program carried out today is a means to also address social reintegration problems which are an important issue for our society and it was therefore very welcomed by all participants of this event as well" ], [ "\"This program is implemented in relation to our desire for the problem of social re-integration, how all people from communities both women and men can recover well at family level with a good life without completed child care\", said Director DNDS - MSS." ], [ "According to data from a survey by the Asia Foundation, almost 86% of women who experience violence do not feel confident in reporting their cases. Of these percentages only about three-quarters (32%) share this with families and just nearly one third reported it at police station or local authorities; fewer than two per cent referred its case for help on an organizational level such as work provider organisation(1)." ], [ "Executive Director Alola says that raising awareness about the impact of domestic and gender-based violence is one way to encourage other women more." ], [ "He also stressed that the economic factor is an important pillar in eradicating these violence." ], [ "\"I think, the need of family drives us to strengthen our economy especially how we women can contribute in it." ], [ "This training will be part of addressing the issues that I have mentioned today, on their final day they'll receive support from MSS through Alola Foundation to do homework in small business such as opening kiosks and agriculture. They also get credit\", explains Director Alzira Reis" ], [ "The opening ceremony, which took place in the Secretariado de Apoio Instalacao dos Municípios (SAIM) Hall was attended not only by women who were targeted for this activity but also with participation of DNDS Director and Regional MSS Liquica director; Post Administrator from post office liquiça Maubara e Bazartete representative Feto Association member Gender Working Group - Municipality Hakbiit Ekonomia program team Alola including national media." ], [ "Dr. Domingos da Concencao, Administrator of Liquica Municipality expressed his appreciation during the opening ceremony for this important event in our town and its surrounding areas" ], [ "\"This training is important today and can motivate women to have innovative, creative ideas so that they may give adequates results for everyday life in the family or society\", said Liquica's Administrator." ], [ "She also emphasized that Timor-Leste really needs the active participation of women and men in order to strengthen its development processes, hoping through this training sessions those who take part can contribute better results for their families' income from various economic activities." ], [ "Director of Alola, Alzira Reis also expressed her appreciation for the collaboration that has been over many years between Foundation and MSS part DNDS as well other partners such post administrators local NGO'S including women who are more than 801 targeting by this program." ], [ "\"Alola and MSS alone cannot do anything but with the contribution of each person, we can build strong families; women will be strengthened as well. And our country is also going to become more powerful because from every woman who gets power comes out another generation that'll create this nation\", said Alzira Reis before closing her speech in Rio de Janeiro on Thursday 10th June at an event organized by AOLA-MSS (Associação Moçambicana para o Desenvolvimento da Saúde)." ], [ "In 2017, the Ministry of Social Solidarity (MSS) has allocated a total budget amounting to US$3.5 million for all social solidarities institutions in Brazil including Alola Foundation so that they can strengthen their work on prevention and provision from services such as reintegration victims into families or community; protection children at risk by providing them with assistance while also support survivors socio-economically through assisted suicide programs" ], [ "Alola, along with ACBIT and Pradet are the three NGOs entrusted by MSS for FY2017." ], [ "Through this trust, Alola will further strengthen the Hakbiit Ekonomia program to \"Hakbi'it Economics for Surviving and Vulnerable Women in Rural Area & Raise Resource For Woman\" especially at 5 Municipalities like Liquica (Liquiçá), Manatuto(Manaututa) Baucau/Baucau-Viqueques e Regional Especial Oecusse." ], [ "\"This project is a continuation of the 2016 Project to provide capacity building for vulnerable women's groups including poor, disadvantaged and survivors gender-based violence in District5in Timor Lesteincluding LiquicaManatutoBaucauVikequeand Regional Special Oecusse." ], [ "125 direct beneficiaries and an indirect total of about a dozen people will be the final benefiters from this project,\" explained Alola Foundation Executive Director Ms." ], [ "Alzira Reis." ], [ "The project itself will empower surviving women's groups in the economic or livelihood areas so that they can increase their family income by providing training such as business management, decision-making and sharing information on issues of gender based violence. Human rights & human trafficking to female group members" ], [ "\"These activities can open up the vision of vulnerable women's groups to make changes in their lifestyle and improve economic life so as support families, particularly children with schooling access. Improve health care for communities that live a healthy righteous lives.\"" ], [ "Through this capacity building it is my job to prevent domestic violence and reduce economic dependence, leading them as heads of family in their lives\", explained Manager for Hakbi'it Ekonomia Feto - Alola Jose Ximenes." ], [ "For more than 8 years (2015-) Alola has partnered with MSS to strengthen Micro Credit and Small Funds activities for women survivors groups in Municipality No." ], [ "A total of 49 women's groups benefited from the project and an evaluation process noted that this programme is very important for communities, especially those vulnerable or underprivileged to increase their economic income." ], [ "For further information, please contact: Alola Media Co-ordinator . Telp/Fax (+670)8125349" ] ]
Dili, abitante 45% simu ona vasina | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVID-19 Dili, abitante 45% simu ona vasina\nPrimeiru Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak ho espoza Isabel da Costa Ferreira, simu vasina AstraZeneca doze daruak iha Faról, sesta (18/06). Imajen Tatoli/Francisco Sony.\nDILI, 18 juñu 2021 (TATOLI)—Dadus hosi Komisaun Interministeriál ba Implementasaun Vasina COVID-19 hatudu katak, to’o loron 17 juñu, abitante iha munisípiu Dili ho idade 18 ba leten hamutuk 45% simu ona vasina doze dahuluk.\n“Ema hamutuk 95.363 iha Dili simu ona vasina doze dahuluk. Hosi ne’e 11.132 mak sira ne’ebé ho moras króniku no 3.603 mak sira ne’ebé ho tinan 60 ba leten. Ema hamutuk 5.000 mak simu ona vasina Sinovac,” Portavóz Komisaun Interministeriál ba Implementasaun Vasina COVID-19, Danina Coelho hateten ba jornalista-sira iha salaun MSSI, Caicoli, sesta ne’e.\nNotísia relevante:PM kompleta ona vasina AstraZeneca\nKomisaun ne’e kontinua halo kampaña iha Dili, no enkoraza sidadaun sira atu hakbesik an ba postu vasinasaun sira hodi simu vasina, nune’e kontribui ba perevensaun transmisaun COVID-19.\nDadus ne’e mós hatudu katak, vasina doze dahuluk iha Dili, hahú iha 07 abríl to’o 17 juñu 2021, no ema ho tinan 18-59 ne’ebé ho moras króniku, hamutuk 11.132/9.877 persetajen 11,3 %, ema ho tinan 60 ba leten 3.603/14.518 persentajen 25%, ema ho tinan 18 ba leten, 95.363/213.800 persentajen 45%.\nNune’e mos iha Dili, vasina doze daruak ba liña frente ne’ebé simu doze dahuluk iha fulan abríl hamutuk 8.613 mak simu tan ona vasina doze daruak.\nKomisaun ne’e mós la rejista efeitu adversu foun ne’ebé grave hafoin simu tiha imunizasaun, tanba ne’e komisaun husu nafatin partisipasaun em ahotu nian iha vasina kontra COVID-19.\nabitante 45% simu ona vasina\nPrevious articlePresiza reabilita irrigasaun-sira iha Covalima\nNext articleGovernu sei halo pagamentu ba idozu-inválidez iha 23 juñu
[ "Dili, abitante 45% simu ona vasina | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID-19 Dili, abitante 45% simu ona vasina Primeiru Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak ho espoza Isabel da Costa Ferreira, simu vasina AstraZeneca doze daruak iha Farol, sesta (18/06).", "Imajen Tatoli/Francisco Sony.", "DILI, 18 junu 2021 (TATOLI) - Dadus hosi Komisaun Interministerial ba Implementasaun Vasina COVID-19 hatudu katak, to'o loron 17 junu, abitante iha munisipiu Dili ho idade 18 ba leten hamutuk 45% simu ona vasina doze dahuluk.", "\"Ema hamutuk 95.363 iha Dili simu ona vasina doze dahuluk.", "Hosi ne'e 11.132 mak sira ne'ebe ho moras kroniku no 3.603 mak sira ne'ebe ho tinan 60 ba leten.", "Ema hamutuk 5.000 mak simu ona vasina Sinovac,\" Portavoz Komisaun Interministerial ba Implementasaun Vasina COVID-19, Danina Coelho hateten ba jornalista-sira iha salaun MSSI, Caicoli, sesta ne'e.", "Notisia relevante:PM kompleta ona vasina AstraZeneca Komisaun ne'e kontinua halo kampana iha Dili, no enkoraza sidadaun sira atu hakbesik an ba postu vasinasaun sira hodi simu vasina, nune'e kontribui ba perevensaun transmisaun COVID-19.", "Dadus ne'e mos hatudu katak, vasina doze dahuluk iha Dili, hahu iha 07 abril to'o 17 junu 2021, no ema ho tinan 18-59 ne'ebe ho moras kroniku, hamutuk 11.132/9.877 persetajen 11,3%, ema ho tinan 60 ba leten 3.603/14.518 persentajen 25%, ema ho tinan 18 ba leten, 95.363/213.800 persentajen 45%.", "Nune'e mos iha Dili, vasina doze daruak ba lina frente ne'ebe simu doze dahuluk iha fulan abril hamutuk 8.613 mak simu tan ona vasina doze daruak.", "Komisaun ne'e mos la rejista efeitu adversu foun ne'ebe grave hafoin simu tiha imunizasaun, tanba ne'e komisaun husu nafatin partisipasaun em ahotu nian iha vasina kontra COVID-19. abitante 45% simu ona vasina Previous articlePresiza reabilita irrigasaun-sira iha Covalima Next articleGovernu sei halo pagamentu ba idozu-invalidez iha 23 junu" ]
[ [ "Dili, 45% of inhabitants have been vaccinated Prime Minister (PM), Taur Matan Ruak and his wife Isabel da Costa Ferreira received their second dose from AstraZeneca vaccine at Farol on Saturday." ], [ "Image Tatoli/Francisco Sony." ], [ "DILI, June 18th (Xinhua) - Data from the Interministerial Commission for Implementation of COVID-20 Vaccine show that as at Junho's last day a total amounting to over fourty five per cent inhabitants have received their first dose." ], [ "\"A total of 95,362 people in Dili have received their first dose." ], [ "Of these, 12.035 were chronically diseased and the remaining are aged over sixty years (64%)." ], [ "A total of 5,016 people have received the Sinovac vaccine already,” spokeswoman for Interministerial Commission on COVID-29 Vaccine Implementation Danina Coelho told journalist in MSSI' s meeting room at Caicoli this Saturday." ], [ "Related news:PM completed AstraZeneca vaccination The Commission continues its campaign in Dili, and encourage citizens to approach the immunization stations for a vaccine dose so as contribute towards preventing COVID-19 transmission." ], [ "The figures also show that the first dose of vaccination in Dili, started on April 7th to June18-20 and people aged between one hundred eighteen (59) years who have chronic illnesses totaled at least ten thousand thirty two/nine million eighty seven percent; those over sixtieth year old were nineteen / twenty three per cent." ], [ "Similarly, in Dili the second dose vaccination for frontline workers who received their first doses of vaccines last April has now reached 8613." ], [ "The Commission also did not register any new serious adverse effects after receiving the immunization, therefore it asks for all to participate in COVID-19 vaccination. 45% of residents have been vaccinated Previous articleGovernment will make payment towards elderly and disabled people on June23rd Next artikelNecessity rehabilitate irrigation systems at Covalima" ] ]
Seguransa HNGV Hetan Agresaun Fízika Husi Família Pasiente | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE Seguransa HNGV Hetan Agresaun Fízika Husi Família Pasiente\nSeguransa HNGV Hetan Agresaun Fízika Husi Família Pasiente\nDILI, 19 dezembru 2019 (TATOLI)-Seguransa HNGV (Ospitál Nasionál Guido Valadares) hetan agresaun fízika husi família pasiente iha aredór HNGV nian mais ou menus tuku 21 kalan, OTL (Oras Timor-Leste).\n“Ami-nia servisu ne’e ami tenke haruka família pasiente ne’ebé vizita moras ne’e tenke fila tanba iha vizita ne’e to´o iha tuku sia kalan. Maibé ami haruka sira fila, família pasiente simu hasoru ami ho problema, baku ami seguransa sira to´o kanek,” dehan Supervisór Seguransa HNGV, Serafim de Sousa Gama ba media sira iha nia kna’ar fatin HNGV, ohin.\n“Depois ida ne’e ami kaer família pasiente ne’ebé mak baku ami ne’e ami entrega ba polísia eskuadra Becora hodi halo investigasaun,” supervizór ne´e haktuir.\nNia informa tan “Familia pasiente ne’e problema ho seguransa HNGV entaun ami kaer sira mai entrega iha postu Polísia Ospitál nian depois suspeitu nia maun nain tolu mai ho armas polísia nian mai hodi ameasa tan polísia iha postu ospitál nian entaun ami ta´uk halai hotu. Seguransa HNGV ne’ebé sai vítima na´in tolu tanba família pasiente ne’e kaer mak baku no tuku to´o kamiza seguransa nian nakles”.\n“Kazu ne’e ami lori ba investigasaun tanba servisu ne’e ami servisu ba estadu nian no servisu ne’e la’ós ami-nia privadu maibé ne’e ba estadu nian,” nia dehan tan.\nIha fatin hanesan, Koordenadór seguransa HNGV, Cosme Saldanha konta tuir kronolojia: “ Ha’u simu kontaktu liu tuku sia ho balun kalan no akontesimentu ida ne’e membru seguransa sira fó hatene ba família pasiente sira tanba oras vizita hotu ona entaun ba hateten para fila ba uma hodi moras sira mós deskansa tanba ida ne’e mak família pasiente la simu hodi baku seguransa ospitál nian.\n“Maibé sira fila responde fali ba membru seguransa sira entaun halo konfrontu fali ho seguransa sira ne’e hodi baku no tuku seguransa sira depois sira kontaktu tan sira-nia família polísia na´in tolu mai ho armas hanesan pistola hodi ameasa iha aredór HNGV nian”.\n“Depois ita-nia Polisia sira ne’ebé mak iha postu Ospitál ne’e ba fó hatene sira maibé sira mai ameasa tan ita-nia polísia ne’ebé hela iha postu Ospitál ne’e”.\nNia akresenta, HNGV ne´e ospitál nasaun nian tanba ne´e nia sujere ba “responsável lutu nasaun” nian atu bele koopera ho seguransa HNGV tanba, tuir nia, sira la´ós seguransa ba privadu maibé nasaun. Sira baku seguransa hanesan mós sira baku instituisaun, baku nasaun tanba ne’e bebeik ona.\n“La’ós polísia hothotu maibé oknum balun iha ne’e tanba nu’udar funsionariu públiku nu’udar lutu nasaun ita mai halo fali problema iha ne’e entaun se mak atu fó seguransa ba ida ne’e,” friza Cosme Saldanha.\nCosme haklaken, instituisaun HNGV ne’e tenke eziste duni ema labele halo barullu iha ne’e. Iha tinan-1975 ospitál ne’e ema la problema mai to´o iha tinan -1999, ema la iha problema mai tan to´o iha tinan-2005. “ Ema la iha problema, ami servisu nafatin ho di´ak depois ikus akontese polísia mak mai halo fali problema ida ne’e ha’u nu’udar kordenadór seguransa la satisfás ho hahalok ida ne’e no problema sira hanesan ne’e husu para halo investigasaun kle’an”.\n“Ezemplu ita kompara ho nasaun seluk ema mai haree hakerek iha ne’ebá katak oras to´o fila ona maibé ita Timór la iha mai haksesuk malu tan ho seguransa”.\nKoordenadór seguransa HNGV, Cosme Saldanha salienta, regras hirak ne’e ita tenki halo tanba moras sira ne’e tenke hetan tratamentu no mai iha ospitál ne’e presiza deskansa la’ós família mak tenke mai barak ita la’ós bandu sira maibé oras lorloron ne’e oras 12 meiudia to´o 2 oras lorokra´ik ne’e. Ita fó tempu ba sira vizita depois ida ne’e sira fila ba uma depois lorokra´ik tuku lima bele vizita to´o tuku sia kalan sira fila ba uma para moras sira ne’e mós presiza deskansa.\n“Balun ne’e mai tuur hotu kama leten, na´in rua, na´in tolu no balun ne’e mai fuma sigaru iha aredór HNGV ne’ebé bandu labele fuma maibé seguransa sira fó hatene sira hateke maran hela. Mentalidade ita hanesan ne’e, banhira mak nasaun ne’e atu la’o ba oin”.\nEntretantu, seguransa HNGV ne’ebé sai vítima ba agresaun fízika ne´e hamutuk na´in tolu mak hanesan Crispin da Costa Celestino Saldanha, Joaquim Fernandes Freitas no Alexandre das Neves.\nPrevious articleGovernu Aprezenta Proposta Lei OJE 2020 Foun ho Pedidu Karatér Urjénsia\nNext articleMinistra Armanda Entrega Materiál Konstrusaun ba Uma-kain 727 iha Ermera
[ "Seguransa HNGV Hetan Agresaun Fizika Husi Familia Pasiente | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Seguransa HNGV Hetan Agresaun Fizika Husi Familia Pasiente Seguransa HNGV Hetan Agresaun Fizika Husi Familia Pasiente DILI, 19 dezembru 2019 (TATOLI) -Seguransa HNGV (Ospital Nasional Guido Valadares) hetan agresaun fizika husi familia pasiente iha aredor HNGV nian mais ou menus tuku 21 kalan, OTL (Oras Timor-Leste).", "\"Ami-nia servisu ne'e ami tenke haruka familia pasiente ne'ebe vizita moras ne'e tenke fila tanba iha vizita ne'e to'o iha tuku sia kalan.", "Maibe ami haruka sira fila, familia pasiente simu hasoru ami ho problema, baku ami seguransa sira to'o kanek,\" dehan Supervisor Seguransa HNGV, Serafim de Sousa Gama ba media sira iha nia kna'ar fatin HNGV, ohin.", "\"Depois ida ne'e ami kaer familia pasiente ne'ebe mak baku ami ne'e ami entrega ba polisia eskuadra Becora hodi halo investigasaun,\" supervizor ne'e haktuir.", "Nia informa tan \"Familia pasiente ne'e problema ho seguransa HNGV entaun ami kaer sira mai entrega iha postu Polisia Ospital nian depois suspeitu nia maun nain tolu mai ho armas polisia nian mai hodi ameasa tan polisia iha postu ospital nian entaun ami ta'uk halai hotu.", "Seguransa HNGV ne'ebe sai vitima na'in tolu tanba familia pasiente ne'e kaer mak baku no tuku to'o kamiza seguransa nian nakles.\"", "\"Kazu ne'e ami lori ba investigasaun tanba servisu ne'e ami servisu ba estadu nian no servisu ne'e la'os ami-nia privadu maibe ne'e ba estadu nian,\" nia dehan tan.", "Iha fatin hanesan, Koordenador seguransa HNGV, Cosme Saldanha konta tuir kronolojia: \" Ha'u simu kontaktu liu tuku sia ho balun kalan no akontesimentu ida ne'e membru seguransa sira fo hatene ba familia pasiente sira tanba oras vizita hotu ona entaun ba hateten para fila ba uma hodi moras sira mos deskansa tanba ida ne'e mak familia pasiente la simu hodi baku seguransa ospital nian.", "\"Maibe sira fila responde fali ba membru seguransa sira entaun halo konfrontu fali ho seguransa sira ne'e hodi baku no tuku seguransa sira depois sira kontaktu tan sira-nia familia polisia na'in tolu mai ho armas hanesan pistola hodi ameasa iha aredor HNGV nian.\"", "\"Depois ita-nia Polisia sira ne'ebe mak iha postu Ospital ne'e ba fo hatene sira maibe sira mai ameasa tan ita-nia polisia ne'ebe hela iha postu Ospital ne'e.\"", "Nia akresenta, HNGV ne'e ospital nasaun nian tanba ne'e nia sujere ba \"responsavel lutu nasaun\" nian atu bele koopera ho seguransa HNGV tanba, tuir nia, sira la'os seguransa ba privadu maibe nasaun.", "Sira baku seguransa hanesan mos sira baku instituisaun, baku nasaun tanba ne'e bebeik ona.", "\"La'os polisia hothotu maibe oknum balun iha ne'e tanba nu'udar funsionariu publiku nu'udar lutu nasaun ita mai halo fali problema iha ne'e entaun se mak atu fo seguransa ba ida ne'e,\" friza Cosme Saldanha.", "Cosme haklaken, instituisaun HNGV ne'e tenke eziste duni ema labele halo barullu iha ne'e.", "Iha tinan-1975 ospital ne'e ema la problema mai to'o iha tinan -1999, ema la iha problema mai tan to'o iha tinan-2005. \"", "Ema la iha problema, ami servisu nafatin ho di'ak depois ikus akontese polisia mak mai halo fali problema ida ne'e ha'u nu'udar kordenador seguransa la satisfas ho hahalok ida ne'e no problema sira hanesan ne'e husu para halo investigasaun kle'an.\"", "\"Ezemplu ita kompara ho nasaun seluk ema mai haree hakerek iha ne'eba katak oras to'o fila ona maibe ita Timor la iha mai haksesuk malu tan ho seguransa.\"", "Koordenador seguransa HNGV, Cosme Saldanha salienta, regras hirak ne'e ita tenki halo tanba moras sira ne'e tenke hetan tratamentu no mai iha ospital ne'e presiza deskansa la'os familia mak tenke mai barak ita la'os bandu sira maibe oras lorloron ne'e oras 12 meiudia to'o 2 oras lorokra'ik ne'e.", "Ita fo tempu ba sira vizita depois ida ne'e sira fila ba uma depois lorokra'ik tuku lima bele vizita to'o tuku sia kalan sira fila ba uma para moras sira ne'e mos presiza deskansa.", "\"Balun ne'e mai tuur hotu kama leten, na'in rua, na'in tolu no balun ne'e mai fuma sigaru iha aredor HNGV ne'ebe bandu labele fuma maibe seguransa sira fo hatene sira hateke maran hela.", "Mentalidade ita hanesan ne'e, banhira mak nasaun ne'e atu la'o ba oin.\"", "Entretantu, seguransa HNGV ne'ebe sai vitima ba agresaun fizika ne'e hamutuk na'in tolu mak hanesan Crispin da Costa Celestino Saldanha, Joaquim Fernandes Freitas no Alexandre das Neves.", "Previous articleGovernu Aprezenta Proposta Lei OJE 2020 Foun ho Pedidu Karater Urjensia Next articleMinistra Armanda Entrega Material Konstrusaun ba Uma-kain 727 iha Ermera" ]
[ [ "HNGV Security Team Receives Physical Aggression From Patient’s Family | Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Safety of the National Guido Valadares Hospital (NHV) received physical aggressiveness from patients' families in nearby area at about nine o´clock p.m, OTL(Timor Leste Time)." ], [ "\"Our job is that we have to send the family of patients who visit this disease back because they are in their visited until nine o'clock at night." ], [ "But we sent them back, the patients' families met us with problems and beat our security guards to injury\", HNGV Security Supervisor Serafim de Sousa Gama told media at his workplace today." ], [ "\"After this, we took the family of patients who beat us and handed them over to Becora police squad for investigation.\"" ], [ "He also informed \"The patient's family had a problem with the security of HNGV so we took them and delivered to Hospital Police station after three suspect siblings came out, armed by police forces threatening another cop at hospital post. We all fled.\"" ], [ "HNGV security who became three victims because the family of a patient carried them beat and hit to their shirt nakles.\"" ], [ "\"We are investigating this case because we work for the state and it's not our private business but a public one,\" he said." ], [ "In the same way, HNGV security coordinator Cosme Saldanha recounts chronologically: \"I received contact over nine o'clock and some of night time. The incident was reported to patients family members by safety personnel because visiting hours had ended so they told them go home for rest as this is not what patient families are saying when attacked hospital policemen.\"" ], [ "\"But they responded to the security members and confronted them again, beating their guards after which contacting three policemen of his family who came with weapon as a pistol threatening around HNGV.\"" ], [ "\"Then our policemen who were in the hospital post went to tell them but they came and threatened us,\" he said." ], [ "He added that HNGV is a national hospital and therefore he suggested to the \"national leaders\" cooperate with security at HNGV because, in his opinion they are not private but state-owned." ], [ "They attack security as they also strike institutions and the country, which is why it's happening so often." ], [ "\"It's not all the police, but some people in there because as a public official and an enemy of our country we have come to create problems here again so who is giving security for this?\" says Cosme Saldanha." ], [ "Cosme said, the HNGV institution must exist because people can't make noise here." ], [ "In 1975 the hospital had no problems until -in year-, people did not have any problem coming to it." ], [ "People have no problem, we work well after the incident and then police come to create a new one. I as security coordinator am not satisfied with this behaviors such problems ask for an investigation.\"" ], [ "\"For example, we compare it with other countries people come and see the writing there that time is up but Timor does not have security.\"" ], [ "HNGV security coordinator, Cosme Saldanha emphasizes that these rules we must do because the diseases need to be treated and come in this hospital needs rest not family should have many people coming but they are no ban on every day from noon until two o'clock." ], [ "We give them time to visit and then they go home after five o'clock in the morning you can see until nine at night, so that these patients also need a rest." ], [ "\"They all came to sit on the bed, two or three of them and some smoked cigarettes around HNGV where smoking is forbidden but security told us they were still waiting." ], [ "This is our mentality, and only then will this country move forward.\"" ], [ "Meanwhile, three HNGV security personnel who were victims of the physical assault are Crispin da Costa Celestino Saldanha (left), Joaquim Fernandes Freitaes and Alexandre das Neves." ], [ "Previous articleGovernment Presents Proposal for New Budget 2019 with Urgency Request NextMinister Armanda Delivered Construction Material to a Household in Ermera" ] ]
Komunidade Terus Nain konsumu bee mota – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Capital » Komunidade Terus Nain konsumu bee mota\nKomunidade Aldeia Terus Nain, Suku Vila Verde, Postu Administrativu Vera Cruz, Munisipiu Dili, tenke konsumu be’e mota, tanba impkatu husi udan hodi hamosu mota bo’ot estragus kanalizasaun be’e mos kotu.\nRealidade ne’e, akontese iha area mota Maloa no komunidade sira tenki uza ba nesesidade lor-loron kuru bé mota hodi hemu ba tein, haris no fase ropa.\n“Kuru bé mota ne’e tanba udan bo’ot estragus tiha kanu bé mós nian entaun ami tenke bé iha mota laran ne’e hodi hemu, tein sé la haló sé ami la uja ba hemu ami ba buka bé iha ne’ebe,” deklara, Casmiro Fernandes Komunidade Aldeia Terus Nain ba JNDiario iha Mota Maloa, Kinta (21/02/2019).\nNune’e, Casmiro rekomenda ba ministeriu kompetente atu urjenti hadia lalais kanu bé mos ne’ebe mak estragus husi mota durante udan bo’ot iha loron rua liuba.\nIha fatin hanesan, Xefe Aldeia Terus Nain Alarico Rodrigues de Jesus fo sasin katak maioria komunidade lá asesu ba bé mos tanba kanalizasaun bé mos hetan estragus iha mota laran to’o oras ne’e sedauk hadia.\n“To’o agora dadauk maioria komunidade lá asesu ba bé mos no komunidade aldeia ida ne’e sira uja deit bé mota laran deit no funsionariu balun husi SAS nian mai observa tiha ona mos sedauk halo buat ruma,” dehan, Xefe Aldeia Terus Nain Alarico Rodrigues de Jesus.\nNune’e, Alarico aprofunda liutan katak nudar autoridade lokal ejiji ba parte kompetente atu hadia lalais tanba prejudika ba estudante sira no funsionario no komunidade sira hotu.\nEntretantu, Bendungan Bé hodi bele normaliza volume Bé konstrui iha tempu indonezia hetan mos estragus husi mota. Nune’e Xefe Aldeia Lemorana Suku Dare Alicia da Costa, husu ba Governu hadia lalais hodi la fó impaktu ba komunidade ne’ebe hela besik mota.\nLee hotu : Kontinua negósiu iha estrada públiku, negosiante sei selu multa\n“Uluk bendungan ne’e sei diak ema lao bá lao mai diak maske udan no mota bo’ot no 2018 – 2019 dalan át total lao lá diak,” Xefe Aldeia Lemorana fo sasin.\nEtretantu mota refere sai ameasa ba komunidade atu halo sirkulasaun bá mai tanba lá iha ponte. Eus\nEma nain rua kanek kaman, hafoin...
[ "Komunidade Terus Nain konsumu bee mota - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Capital \" Komunidade Terus Nain konsumu bee mota Komunidade Aldeia Terus Nain, Suku Vila Verde, Postu Administrativu Vera Cruz, Munisipiu Dili, tenke konsumu be'e mota, tanba impkatu husi udan hodi hamosu mota bo'ot estragus kanalizasaun be'e mos kotu.", "Realidade ne'e, akontese iha area mota Maloa no komunidade sira tenki uza ba nesesidade lor-loron kuru be mota hodi hemu ba tein, haris no fase ropa.", "\"Kuru be mota ne'e tanba udan bo'ot estragus tiha kanu be mos nian entaun ami tenke be iha mota laran ne'e hodi hemu, tein se la halo se ami la uja ba hemu ami ba buka be iha ne'ebe,\" deklara, Casmiro Fernandes Komunidade Aldeia Terus Nain ba JNDiario iha Mota Maloa, Kinta (21/02/2019).", "Nune'e, Casmiro rekomenda ba ministeriu kompetente atu urjenti hadia lalais kanu be mos ne'ebe mak estragus husi mota durante udan bo'ot iha loron rua liuba.", "Iha fatin hanesan, Xefe Aldeia Terus Nain Alarico Rodrigues de Jesus fo sasin katak maioria komunidade la asesu ba be mos tanba kanalizasaun be mos hetan estragus iha mota laran to'o oras ne'e sedauk hadia.", "\"To'o agora dadauk maioria komunidade la asesu ba be mos no komunidade aldeia ida ne'e sira uja deit be mota laran deit no funsionariu balun husi SAS nian mai observa tiha ona mos sedauk halo buat ruma,\" dehan, Xefe Aldeia Terus Nain Alarico Rodrigues de Jesus.", "Nune'e, Alarico aprofunda liutan katak nudar autoridade lokal ejiji ba parte kompetente atu hadia lalais tanba prejudika ba estudante sira no funsionario no komunidade sira hotu.", "Entretantu, Bendungan Be hodi bele normaliza volume Be konstrui iha tempu indonezia hetan mos estragus husi mota.", "Nune'e Xefe Aldeia Lemorana Suku Dare Alicia da Costa, husu ba Governu hadia lalais hodi la fo impaktu ba komunidade ne'ebe hela besik mota.", "Lee hotu: Kontinua negosiu iha estrada publiku, negosiante sei selu multa \"Uluk bendungan ne'e sei diak ema lao ba lao mai diak maske udan no mota bo'ot no 2018 - 2019 dalan at total lao la diak,\" Xefe Aldeia Lemorana fo sasin.", "Etretantu mota refere sai ameasa ba komunidade atu halo sirkulasaun ba mai tanba la iha ponte.", "Eus Ema nain rua kanek kaman, hafoin..." ]
[ [ "Community of Terus Nain consume water from the river - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Capital\" Communities and communities in Dili Municipality, have to use rainwater because it causes heavy rains that cause damages on their sewerage systems. The community is living with a large amount Of waste which has been left behind by rainy season due To this reason there are no other options for them than drinking hot or cool beverage as they cannot get anywhere near roadside drainage facilities like schools etc..." ], [ "This reality occurs in the area of Maloa river and communities have to use it for their daily needs, running through a stream that is used by them as water source." ], [ "\"The water is running out of the canal because heavy rains have damaged its drainage system, so we had to stay in this channel for our drinking. If it's not used by us then I will go and find a new one\", declared Casmiro Fernandes from Aldeia Terus Nain Community on Thursday (February 21st)." ], [ "Thus, Casmiro recommended to the competent ministry that they urgently repair quickly water pipe damaged by a motorbike during heavy rainfall two days ago." ], [ "Meanwhile, Head of the Village Terus Nain Alarico Rodrigues de Jesus testified that most communities do not have access to water because sewerage was damaged in a canal and hasn't been repaired." ], [ "\"Until now, most of the community does not have access to water and this village's communities only use their own motor vehicles. Some officials from SAS came there after they had observed that nothing was being done about it\", said Kepala Desa Terus Nain Alarico Rodrigues de Jesus (Village Chief)." ], [ "As a local authority, Alarico said that he urged the competent authorities to make quick improvements because it is detrimental for students and staff as well." ], [ "Meanwhile, Be Dam to normalize the volume of be built in time indonesia was also damaged by motor." ], [ "Alicia da Costa, Head of Lemorana Village in the Dare community asked that government repairs be carried out quickly so as not to affect communities living nearby." ], [ "\"Uluk bendungan ini akan baik orang berjalan ke jalan masuk dengan lancar meski hujan dan motor bo'ot no 2018 -3-4 road at total la laku,\" Kepala Aldeia Lemorana memberi saksi." ], [ "However, the motorway in question is a threat to community circulation because there are no bridges." ], [ "Two people were injured, and then..." ] ]
Kódigu Mineiru promove investimentu hodi fó oportunidade serbisu ba timor-oan | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE Kódigu Mineiru promove investimentu hodi fó oportunidade serbisu ba timor-oan\nDILI, 06 maiu 2021 (TATOLI)--Prezidente Autoridade Nasionál Petróleu no Minerál (ANPM), Florentino Mateus Soares Ferreira, hateten, Projetu-Lei Kódigu Mineiru hanesan enkuadramentu legál atu promove investimentu iha Timor-Leste.\n“Ita-nia Kódigu Mineiru hanesan enkuadramentu legál atubele hatuur hodi halo jestaun di’ak ba atividade mineira no promove investimentu hodi fó oportunidade serbisu ba timor-oan sira no kontribui ba reseita Estadu,” Prezidente ANPM hateten hafoin halo audénsia ho Komisaun D (Ekonomia) no C (Finansa Públika) ba Proposta-Lei Kódigu Mineiru iha faze espesialidade, iha sala plenária Parlamentu Nasionál (PN), kinta ne’e.\nAntes ne’e, iha loron 30 jullu 2020, PN aprova ona Projetu-Lei Kódigu Minieru iha faze jeneralidade ho votu a-favór 54, kontra 0 no abstensaun 0.\nProjetu-Lei Kódigu Mineiru hamutuk artigu 162 ho kapítulu 20 no anexu 3, ne’ebé artigu ida define aprovasaun Kódigu Mineiru, artigu rua define polítika mineira, artigu tolu define objetivu sira koba-ba estratéjia setór mineiru nian no ikus liu artigu 162 define dispozisaun tranzitória.\nIha ámbitu audiénsia konjunta ne’e, Deputadu sira hatudu apresiasaun, vontade no kompromisu atu finaliza diskusaun iha espesialidade, nune’e bele kontinua ba diskusaun finál globál no aprovasaun, hafoin Prezidente Repúblika promulga.\n“Bainhira lei ne’e entra ein-vigór, bele fó esperansa foun mai ita hodi dezenvolve rekursu minerál tanba durante ne’e dependénsia maka’as ba petróleu,” nia akresenta.\nTuir Prezidente ANPM, iha Kódigu Mineiru prevee atu kria mós fundu mineiru hanesan mós fundu petrolíferu, ne’ebé hatudu alternativa foun ba Estadu no ba povu Timor-Leste.\n“Ita-nia lejizlasaun ne’e iha rekezitu ida atu hatuur fundu mineiru, nune’e aban bainrua reseita tomak ne’ebé ita foti hosi taxa no tarifa sira diretamente tama ba fundu mineiru,” nia esklarese.\nGovernu mós hanoin atu kria tan empreza estatál mineiru hanesan Timor Gás no Petróleu, Empreza Públika (Timor GAP, E.P) hodi haree ba atividade minerál.\n“Fundu mineiru sei sai projetu-lei ida ba Parlmentu Nasionál atubele hatuur no adota mekanizmu no prosedimentu tomak ne’ebé atualmente ita aplika ba fundu no atu hasai osan fundu meneiru tenke liuhosi aprovasaun Parlamentu Nasionál,” nia hatutan.\nANPM konsidera Kódigu Mineiru hanesan lei inan ne’ebé aban bainrua sei hamosu lei lei ki’ik-oan sira, atubele regula no administra di’ak liután atividade minerál, metáliku besi, osan-mean no magánez, naun metáliku fatuk, mármeru no seluk tan inklui regula atividade atrazenatu sira.\n“Ita-nia lejislasaun ne’e importante tebes, tanba ita labele tama halo estrasaun arbiru tanba bele iha impaktu ambientál no sosiál ne’ebé mak boot se ita laiha lei sira ne’ebé bele regula,” nia esplika.\nPrevious articleCOVID-19: pozitivu 84, rekoperadu 81 no ativu 1.417\nNext articleAnaliza téknika harii planta LNG no kadoras iha TL
[ "Kodigu Mineiru promove investimentu hodi fo oportunidade serbisu ba timor-oan | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Kodigu Mineiru promove investimentu hodi fo oportunidade serbisu ba timor-oan DILI, 06 maiu 2021 (TATOLI) --Prezidente Autoridade Nasional Petroleu no Mineral (ANPM), Florentino Mateus Soares Ferreira, hateten, Projetu-Lei Kodigu Mineiru hanesan enkuadramentu legal atu promove investimentu iha Timor-Leste.", "\"Ita-nia Kodigu Mineiru hanesan enkuadramentu legal atubele hatuur hodi halo jestaun di'ak ba atividade mineira no promove investimentu hodi fo oportunidade serbisu ba timor-oan sira no kontribui ba reseita Estadu,\" Prezidente ANPM hateten hafoin halo audensia ho Komisaun D (Ekonomia) no C (Finansa Publika) ba Proposta-Lei Kodigu Mineiru iha faze espesialidade, iha sala plenaria Parlamentu Nasional (PN), kinta ne'e.", "Antes ne'e, iha loron 30 jullu 2020, PN aprova ona Projetu-Lei Kodigu Minieru iha faze jeneralidade ho votu a-favor 54, kontra 0 no abstensaun 0.", "Projetu-Lei Kodigu Mineiru hamutuk artigu 162 ho kapitulu 20 no anexu 3, ne'ebe artigu ida define aprovasaun Kodigu Mineiru, artigu rua define politika mineira, artigu tolu define objetivu sira koba-ba estratejia setor mineiru nian no ikus liu artigu 162 define dispozisaun tranzitoria.", "Iha ambitu audiensia konjunta ne'e, Deputadu sira hatudu apresiasaun, vontade no kompromisu atu finaliza diskusaun iha espesialidade, nune'e bele kontinua ba diskusaun final global no aprovasaun, hafoin Prezidente Republika promulga.", "\"Bainhira lei ne'e entra ein-vigor, bele fo esperansa foun mai ita hodi dezenvolve rekursu mineral tanba durante ne'e dependensia maka'as ba petroleu,\" nia akresenta.", "Tuir Prezidente ANPM, iha Kodigu Mineiru prevee atu kria mos fundu mineiru hanesan mos fundu petroliferu, ne'ebe hatudu alternativa foun ba Estadu no ba povu Timor-Leste.", "\"Ita-nia lejizlasaun ne'e iha rekezitu ida atu hatuur fundu mineiru, nune'e aban bainrua reseita tomak ne'ebe ita foti hosi taxa no tarifa sira diretamente tama ba fundu mineiru,\" nia esklarese.", "Governu mos hanoin atu kria tan empreza estatal mineiru hanesan Timor Gas no Petroleu, Empreza Publika (Timor GAP, E.P) hodi haree ba atividade mineral.", "\"Fundu mineiru sei sai projetu-lei ida ba Parlmentu Nasional atubele hatuur no adota mekanizmu no prosedimentu tomak ne'ebe atualmente ita aplika ba fundu no atu hasai osan fundu meneiru tenke liuhosi aprovasaun Parlamentu Nasional,\" nia hatutan.", "ANPM konsidera Kodigu Mineiru hanesan lei inan ne'ebe aban bainrua sei hamosu lei lei ki'ik-oan sira, atubele regula no administra di'ak liutan atividade mineral, metaliku besi, osan-mean no maganez, naun metaliku fatuk, marmeru no seluk tan inklui regula atividade atrazenatu sira.", "\"Ita-nia lejislasaun ne'e importante tebes, tanba ita labele tama halo estrasaun arbiru tanba bele iha impaktu ambiental no sosial ne'ebe mak boot se ita laiha lei sira ne'ebe bele regula,\" nia esplika.", "Previous articleCOVID-19: pozitivu 84, rekoperadu 81 no ativu 1.417 Next articleAnaliza teknika harii planta LNG no kadoras iha TL" ]
[ [ "Mining Code promotes investment to provide employment opportunities for Timorese | Agência Noticiosa de Timór-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE The mining code is a legal framework that will help foster the development of economic activity in this country, said Florentino Mateus Soares Ferreira. Dili (ANP) --The National Petroleum and Mineral Authority President Floriano Matias Fernandes says: “We are pleased with what we have made today as an important step towards promoting our economy.”" ], [ "\"Our Mining Code is a legal framework to be established for the good management of mining activities and promote investments in order giving Timorese people work opportunities,\" said ANPM President after hearing with Commission D (Economics) & C(Public Finance), on Proposal-Law Minerao code during plenary session at National Parliament." ], [ "Previously, on July 30th of this year the National Parliament had approved a draft Mining Code in plenary session with votes for and against (54 to zero), no abstentions." ], [ "The Mining Code Bill comprises article 162 with chapters and annex, in which one of the articles sets forth approval by law; another defined mining policy. Article three set out objectives regarding a strategic plan on mineral sector development while lastly section two laid down transitional provisions (Article I)." ], [ "Within the scope of this joint hearing, Members showed appreciation and commitment to finalize discussion in plenary session so that it can continue for a global overall debate after which approval will be issued by President." ], [ "\"When this law comes into force, it can give us new hope to develop mineral resources because we have been heavily dependent on oil for so long.\"" ], [ "According to ANPM President, the Mining Code also provides for creating a mining fund as well an oil funds which shows new alternatives both in Timor-Leste and internationally." ], [ "\"Our legislation has a requirement to set up the mining fund, so tomorrow all revenue that we collect from taxes and tariffs will go directly into our mineral funds.\"" ], [ "The government also considers creating other state-owned mining companies such as Timor Gas and Petroleum Public Enterprise (Timor GAP, E.P) to oversee mineral activities in the country' s gas field;" ], [ "\"The mining fund will be a bill to the National Parliament so that it can establish and adopt all mechanisms, procedure which we currently apply for funds. To withdraw money from this mine Fund must go through parliamentary approval.\"" ], [ "ANPM considers the Mining Code as a parent law, which in future will be followed by subsequent minor legislation to regulate and properly administer mineral activities including ferrous metallurgy; gold-mining & depositing of nonmetallic stones or marble etc." ], [ "\"Our legislation is very important, because we cannot go into forest extraction as it can have a huge environmental and social impact if there are no laws to regulate this.\" he explained." ], [ "Previous articleCOVID-19: positive 84, recovered in the last day and active cases are now numbering over a thousand Next ArticleTechnical analysis for building LNG plant at TL" ] ]
PM hakarak koloka Forsa Armada iha fronteira terrestre | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE PM hakarak koloka Forsa Armada iha fronteira terrestre\nPM hakarak koloka Forsa Armada iha fronteira terrestre\nDILI, 24 agostu 2021 (TATOLI)–Primeiru-Ministru (PM) no Ministru Interiór, Taur Matan Ruak, hakarak koloka FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) iha fronteira terrestre hodi tau-matan ba pasajen ilegál.\n“Ha’u konkorda Forsa Armada tenke filafali ba fronteira, uluk ha’u kuandu Jenerál, iha tempu Nasaun Unida, sira husu atu Forsa Armada mak bá maibé ha’u hateten katak labele tanba ema sira agora iha Forsa Armada foin funu hotu mak mai, ha’u tauk ba provoka malu iha ne’ebá hodi tiru malu tanba ne’e ha’u husu Nasaun Unida tau Polísia,” PM haktuir iha ámbitu diskusaun renovasaun Estadu Emerjénsia ba dala-XVII iha sala plenária Parlamentu Nasionál, tersa ne’e.\nNotísia relevante: Indonézia deporta tan timoroan 164, na’in-tolu iha síntoma COVID-19\nNune’e, momentu ne’ebá PM Taur (ne’ebé hanesan Jenerál) negosia ho komandante Udayana Bali, momentu ne’ebá William da Costa, hodi haree posibilidade atubele dezmilitariza fronteira.\n“Maibé Indonézia dehan lae, tanba sé Timór hakarak dezmilitariza bele tanba Indonézia nian própriu Konstituisaun mandata Forsa Armada sira atu halo seguransa, tanba ne’e ami labele entaun ita-nia mantein Polísia,” nia akresenta.\nMaski nune’e, Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL) liuhosi Unidade Patrullamentu Fronteira (UPF) halo esforsu boot hodi kontrola fronteira hodi tau-matan ba pasajen ilegál.\n“Ita hotu hanoin took, besik tinan 20 ema 300-resin de’it troka malu iha ne’ebá, ita labele ezije liu buat ne’ebé sira labele halo. Ita agradese sira-nia esforsu maibé iha mós elementu balun halo buat ne’e sai negósiu. Ha’u konsulta ho Prezidente Repúblika no fó ona instrusaun ba Vise Ministru Interiór no Ministru Defeza atu halo diskusaun tau Forsa Armada iha fronteira la’ós tinan ida-ne’e, entaun tinan oin, maibé antes ha’u-nia mandatu ha’u hakarak Forsa Armada iha fronteira,” PM subliña.\nPM konsidera sidadaun ne’ebé ilegalmente hakat fronteira terrestre nu’udar krime organizadu.\n“Kestaun kontrolu fronteira no pasajen ilegál, ha’u bele hateten katak 98% hanesan krime organizadu. Iha ita-nia elementu hanesan Polísia balun ha’u haruka kaer, veteranu balun ha’u haruka kaer, situasaun ne’e la’ós foin akontese maibé akontese tempu naruk ona no daudaun ne’e ita iha ekipa serbisu ho Indonézia, nune’e bele tama-sai uma kaer ema,” nia informa.\nBa kestaun ne’e, Xefe Governu dehan, Timor-Leste iha kooperasaun di’ak ho Embaixadór Indonézia akreditadu iha Timór no autoridade iha nasaun viziñu hodi deporta timor-oan sira ne’ebé hakat ilegál.\nPrevious articleKomunidade Covalima seidauk asesu bee-moos ho di’ak\nNext articlePR promulga alterasaun daruak ba dekretu-lei suplementu remuneratóriu
[ "PM hakarak koloka Forsa Armada iha fronteira terrestre | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE PM hakarak koloka Forsa Armada iha fronteira terrestre PM hakarak koloka Forsa Armada iha fronteira terrestre DILI, 24 agostu 2021 (TATOLI) -Primeiru-Ministru (PM) no Ministru Interior, Taur Matan Ruak, hakarak koloka FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) iha fronteira terrestre hodi tau-matan ba pasajen ilegal.", "\"Ha'u konkorda Forsa Armada tenke filafali ba fronteira, uluk ha'u kuandu Jeneral, iha tempu Nasaun Unida, sira husu atu Forsa Armada mak ba maibe ha'u hateten katak labele tanba ema sira agora iha Forsa Armada foin funu hotu mak mai, ha'u tauk ba provoka malu iha ne'eba hodi tiru malu tanba ne'e ha'u husu Nasaun Unida tau Polisia,\" PM haktuir iha ambitu diskusaun renovasaun Estadu Emerjensia ba dala-XVII iha sala plenaria Parlamentu Nasional, tersa ne'e.", "Notisia relevante: Indonezia deporta tan timoroan 164, na'in-tolu iha sintoma COVID-19 Nune'e, momentu ne'eba PM Taur (ne'ebe hanesan Jeneral) negosia ho komandante Udayana Bali, momentu ne'eba William da Costa, hodi haree posibilidade atubele dezmilitariza fronteira.", "\"Maibe Indonezia dehan lae, tanba se Timor hakarak dezmilitariza bele tanba Indonezia nian propriu Konstituisaun mandata Forsa Armada sira atu halo seguransa, tanba ne'e ami labele entaun ita-nia mantein Polisia,\" nia akresenta.", "Maski nune'e, Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) liuhosi Unidade Patrullamentu Fronteira (UPF) halo esforsu boot hodi kontrola fronteira hodi tau-matan ba pasajen ilegal.", "\"Ita hotu hanoin took, besik tinan 20 ema 300-resin de'it troka malu iha ne'eba, ita labele ezije liu buat ne'ebe sira labele halo.", "Ita agradese sira-nia esforsu maibe iha mos elementu balun halo buat ne'e sai negosiu.", "Ha'u konsulta ho Prezidente Republika no fo ona instrusaun ba Vise Ministru Interior no Ministru Defeza atu halo diskusaun tau Forsa Armada iha fronteira la'os tinan ida-ne'e, entaun tinan oin, maibe antes ha'u-nia mandatu ha'u hakarak Forsa Armada iha fronteira,\" PM sublina.", "PM konsidera sidadaun ne'ebe ilegalmente hakat fronteira terrestre nu'udar krime organizadu.", "\"Kestaun kontrolu fronteira no pasajen ilegal, ha'u bele hateten katak 98% hanesan krime organizadu.", "Iha ita-nia elementu hanesan Polisia balun ha'u haruka kaer, veteranu balun ha'u haruka kaer, situasaun ne'e la'os foin akontese maibe akontese tempu naruk ona no daudaun ne'e ita iha ekipa serbisu ho Indonezia, nune'e bele tama-sai uma kaer ema,\" nia informa.", "Ba kestaun ne'e, Xefe Governu dehan, Timor-Leste iha kooperasaun di'ak ho Embaixador Indonezia akreditadu iha Timor no autoridade iha nasaun vizinu hodi deporta timor-oan sira ne'ebe hakat ilegal.", "Previous articleKomunidade Covalima seidauk asesu bee-moos ho di'ak Next articlePR promulga alterasaun daruak ba dekretu-lei suplementu remuneratoriu" ]
[ [ "PM wants to deploy Armed Force at land border | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa De Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Prime Minister Want To Place The Army At Land Border First minister wishes for the installation of military forces in frontal area Dili, August.24th (Agencia News) -Prime Ministry and Interior Secretary Taur Matan Ruak wanted FALINTIL/FDTL troops stationed along with other security units on their ground frontier as a means against illegal passagers" ], [ "\"I agree that the Armed Forces must return to border, before when I was General in United Nations time they asked for them but i said it is not possible because people now are arming themselves and all of their fighting comes from there. They would provoke each other here by shootin' at one another so im asking UN send Police\", PM declared during a discussion on state emergency extension 17th plenary session National Parliament Tuesday night (23/05)." ], [ "Relevant news: Indonesia deports another 164 Taiwanese, three of them with COVID-20 symptom. At the time PM Taur (who was also General) negotiated to see if it would be possible for Commander Udayana Bali – then William da Costa - and him in particular — a military commandant—to discuss how they could resolve this issue by remilitarising their border area as well!" ], [ "\"But Indonesia said no, because if Timor wants to demilitarize it can. Because the Indonesian Constitution itself mandates its armed forces for security and that is why we cannot do this so our police will be maintained.\"" ], [ "Despite this, the Timor-Leste National Police (PNTL) through its Border Patrol Unit has made great efforts to control borders and prevent illegal passage." ], [ "\"We all think about it, for almost 20 years only over three hundred people have been there. We can't demand more than they cannot do.\"" ], [ "We appreciate their efforts but there are some elements that make it a business." ], [ "I have consulted with the President of Republic and given instructions to Deputy Minister for Interior, Defence ministers that they should discuss putting Armed Force on border not this year but next years. But before my own mandate i want Army forces at frontier.\" PM emphasizes" ], [ "The PM considers citizens who illegally cross the land border as organised crime." ], [ "\"Regarding border control and illegal passage, I can say that 98% is organized crime." ], [ "In our own elements like some Police I've sent to arrest, a few veterans that have been caught by me. This situation is not new but it has happened for quite long and we currently work with Indonesia so as the team can enter houses of people who are being held in custody.\"" ], [ "On this issue, the Head of Government said that Timor-Leste has good cooperation with Indonesia's Ambassador accredited to Timor and authorities in neighboring countries for deporting illegally entering people." ], [ "Previous articleCovalima community still hasn't had access to clean water Next ArticlePR promulgates second amendment of decree-law on remuneration supplement" ] ]
Ahi-han mutuk inan-faluk Martina nia uma bainhira ezerse direitu votu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE Ahi-han mutuk inan-faluk Martina nia uma bainhira ezerse direitu votu\nAhi-han mutuk inan-faluk Martina nia uma bainhira ezerse direitu votu\nInan-faluk Martina hamutuk ho nia oan no bei-oan iha uma ne’ebé ahi-han mutuk iha aldeia Aidak-Lara, kinta (21/04). Imajen Tatoli/Vitorino Lopes da Costa\nVIQUEQUE, 21 abril 2022 (TATOLI)—Ahi-han mutuk inan-faluk Martina nia uma iha aldeia Aidak-Lara, suku Dilor, postu administrivu Lacluta, munisípiu Viqueque, iha loron 19 abril.\nXefe suku Dilor, Jacinto Ximenes, haktuir, iha dadeersan faluk Martina akompaña ho ninia oan no bei-oan tuir votasaun iha sentru votasaun iha Dilor Vila no hafoin eleisaun hotu sira sei la’o to’o maizumenus tuku 17:00 lorokraik mak sira fila ba uma.\n“Bainhira sira to’o iha sira-nia uma, sira haree ahi-han hotu uma. Ema ruma maka sunu karik, sira la haree no sira rasik la hatene kauza hosi akontesimentu ne’e. Ahi-han mutuk no la konsege salva sasán ruma hosi uma-laran,” Autoridade lokál hateten ba Agência Tatoli, via telefónika, kinta ne’e.\nNotísia relevante: SEPS apoia vítima inséndiu no inundasaun uma-kain 40 iha RAEOA\nAutoridade rekolla ona dadus akontesimentu ai-han uma du’ut no sasán sira iha uma-laran hanesan foos, bikan, kanuru, roupa inklui osan $75 ne’ebé rai iha uma-laran, ba Autoridade munisipál.\n“Ha’u rasik ba haree uma ne’ebé ahi-han. Totál família iha uma-laran hamutuk na’in-haat. Depois ha’u foti dadus kona-ba akontesimentu no daudaun prepara ona dokumentu hodi hatama ba munisípiu,” nia hato’o.\n‘kilat musan kona ha’u nia ain borus\nUma iha Viqueque\nPrevious articleXanana Gusmão: “Vitória la’ós Horta nian maibé povu”\nNext articlePM: Governu hala’o hela preparasaun ba serimónia toma pose PR eleitu
[ "Ahi-han mutuk inan-faluk Martina nia uma bainhira ezerse direitu votu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Ahi-han mutuk inan-faluk Martina nia uma bainhira ezerse direitu votu Ahi-han mutuk inan-faluk Martina nia uma bainhira ezerse direitu votu Inan-faluk Martina hamutuk ho nia oan no bei-oan iha uma ne'ebe ahi-han mutuk iha aldeia Aidak-Lara, kinta (21/04).", "Imajen Tatoli/Vitorino Lopes da Costa VIQUEQUE, 21 abril 2022 (TATOLI) - Ahi-han mutuk inan-faluk Martina nia uma iha aldeia Aidak-Lara, suku Dilor, postu administrivu Lacluta, munisipiu Viqueque, iha loron 19 abril.", "Xefe suku Dilor, Jacinto Ximenes, haktuir, iha dadeersan faluk Martina akompana ho ninia oan no bei-oan tuir votasaun iha sentru votasaun iha Dilor Vila no hafoin eleisaun hotu sira sei la'o to'o maizumenus tuku 17:00 lorokraik mak sira fila ba uma.", "\"Bainhira sira to'o iha sira-nia uma, sira haree ahi-han hotu uma.", "Ema ruma maka sunu karik, sira la haree no sira rasik la hatene kauza hosi akontesimentu ne'e.", "Ahi-han mutuk no la konsege salva sasan ruma hosi uma-laran,\" Autoridade lokal hateten ba Agencia Tatoli, via telefonika, kinta ne'e.", "Notisia relevante: SEPS apoia vitima insendiu no inundasaun uma-kain 40 iha RAEOA Autoridade rekolla ona dadus akontesimentu ai-han uma du'ut no sasan sira iha uma-laran hanesan foos, bikan, kanuru, roupa inklui osan $75 ne'ebe rai iha uma-laran, ba Autoridade munisipal.", "\"Ha'u rasik ba haree uma ne'ebe ahi-han.", "Total familia iha uma-laran hamutuk na'in-haat.", "Depois ha'u foti dadus kona-ba akontesimentu no daudaun prepara ona dokumentu hodi hatama ba munisipiu,\" nia hato'o. 'kilat musan kona ha'u nia ain borus Uma iha Viqueque Previous articleXanana Gusmao: \"Vitoria la'os Horta nian maibe povu\" Next articlePM: Governu hala'o hela preparasaun ba serimonia toma pose PR eleitu" ]
[ [ "Martina's house burned when she exercised her right to vote | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE The home of faluk mother, Mariana together with children and grandchildren in the building that was destroyed by fire during a voting session. Inan Faluque is among those who were killed on Tuesday (21/04)." ], [ "Image Tatoli/Vitorino Lopes da Costa VIQUEque, April 21st (AFP) - A fire destroyed the house of Martina' s mother in village aidak-Lara district Dilor administrative post Lacluta municipality Viqueque on Thursday." ], [ "The head of the Dilor village, Jacinto Ximenes said that on Sunday morning Martina accompanied her children and grandchildren to vote at a polling station in dillor vila. After all voting they would walk until about 5:01 pm before returning home for their holidays with family members or friends who had come from other places as well" ], [ "\"When they arrived at their house, the fire was burning all over." ], [ "If somebody burned, they didn't see it and did not even know the cause of what happened." ], [ "The fire spread quickly and we were unable to save anything from the house,\" local authorities told Tatoli via telephone on Wednesday." ], [ "Relevant news: SEPS supports fire and flooding victim 40 homes in the OAR The authority has collected data on occurrence of food home du'ut items such as flour, bean sprouts canaru clothing including $75 that fell into house to municipal Authority." ], [ "\"I went to see the burning house myself." ], [ "Total family in the house together na'in-haat." ], [ "Then I took the data about what happened and have now prepared documents to submit them in municipality,\" he said. 'kilat musan concerning my own ain borus Home at Viqueque Previous articleXanana Gusmao: \"Vitoria is not Horta' s but people’ S Next ArticlePM says Government has been making preparations for inauguration ceremony of PR elected" ] ]
MS avalia servisu anuál prestasaun kuidadu saúde no tratamentu COVID-19 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE MS avalia servisu anuál prestasaun kuidadu saúde no tratamentu COVID-19\nMS avalia servisu anuál prestasaun kuidadu saúde no tratamentu COVID-19\nDILI, 23 dezembru 2021 (TATOLI)— Ministériu Saúde (MS) hamutuk ho Hospitál Nasionál Guidu Valadares (HNGV), hala’o avaliasaun anuál prestasaun kuidadu saúde no tratamentu COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste.\nBiban ne’e, Ministra Saúde, Odete Maria Freitas Belo, hateten, objetivu avaliasaun ba pontu forte no fraku inklui dezafiu sira atubele hadi’a iha tinan oin (2022) hodi mellora servisu prestasaun saúde no tratamentu COVID-19.\n“Tinan 2011 atu ramata, ita uza oportunidade ida ne’e hodi halo avaliasaun saida mak bele hadi’a no saida mak sira halo ona. Nune’e ba oin sira bele hadi’a di’ak liután jestaun servisu liuliu servisu ba atendimentu ka tratamentu COVID-19. Tanba ita haree katak variante Omicron ne’ebé mosu, entaun ita nafatin halo preparasaun,’’ Ministra Saúde, hateten ba jornalista sira iha HNGV-Bidau, kinta ne’e.\nGovernante ne’e observa iha dezafiu lubuk ida mak pesoál saúde sira hasoru durante pandemia globál, hanesan iha jestaun kazu lojístika liuliu menus ekipamentu saúde no ekipamentu balun aat, maibe ema laiha atu hadia.\n“Ita haree buat simples, maibé nia impaktu boot ba pasiente entaun ida ne’e mak problema atu hadi’a oin atu hadia.\nNune’e, Ministra ne’e husu médiku sira fó atensaun ba moras esensiál seluk no estoke aimoruk no mantein medida prevensaun COVID-19.\n“Ami presiza hadi’a iha tinan oin kona-ba problema lubuk ida ne’ebé mak iha HNGV no mós ospitál rejionál sira, sentru saúde no postu saúde atu nune’e sira servisu ba komunidade ho di’ak liután,’’ Governante ne’e garante.\nIha biban hanesan, Médiku Espesialista HNGV, Flavio Brandão, hateten, avaliasaun ida ne’e atu haree servisu médiku sira iha iha Isolamentu Lahane no Vera-Cruz hodi bele hadi’a faillansu sira iha tinan oin.\n“Ita hotu hatene katak iha ona variante foun (Omicron) ne’ebé presiza hadia di’ak liután liuliu rekomendasaun sira ne’ebé hato’o ba jestór sira atu konsidera,” nia afirma.\nProfisionál Saúde ne’ebé mak durante halo servisu tratamentu saúde ba pasiente COVID-19 iha izolamentu Vera-Cruz no izolamentu Lahane hamtutuk 170-resin.\nPrevious articleKomunidade Maluru retira proposta indemnizasaun rai área designadu planta LNG\nNext articleInspesaun Jerál Jogu selebra natál hamutuk ho fahe nesesidade bázika
[ "MS avalia servisu anual prestasaun kuidadu saude no tratamentu COVID-19 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE MS avalia servisu anual prestasaun kuidadu saude no tratamentu COVID-19 MS avalia servisu anual prestasaun kuidadu saude no tratamentu COVID-19 DILI, 23 dezembru 2021 (TATOLI) - Ministeriu Saude (MS) hamutuk ho Hospital Nasional Guidu Valadares (HNGV), hala'o avaliasaun anual prestasaun kuidadu saude no tratamentu COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste.", "Biban ne'e, Ministra Saude, Odete Maria Freitas Belo, hateten, objetivu avaliasaun ba pontu forte no fraku inklui dezafiu sira atubele hadi'a iha tinan oin (2022) hodi mellora servisu prestasaun saude no tratamentu COVID-19.", "\"Tinan 2011 atu ramata, ita uza oportunidade ida ne'e hodi halo avaliasaun saida mak bele hadi'a no saida mak sira halo ona.", "Nune'e ba oin sira bele hadi'a di'ak liutan jestaun servisu liuliu servisu ba atendimentu ka tratamentu COVID-19.", "Tanba ita haree katak variante Omicron ne'ebe mosu, entaun ita nafatin halo preparasaun, \" Ministra Saude, hateten ba jornalista sira iha HNGV-Bidau, kinta ne'e.", "Governante ne'e observa iha dezafiu lubuk ida mak pesoal saude sira hasoru durante pandemia global, hanesan iha jestaun kazu lojistika liuliu menus ekipamentu saude no ekipamentu balun aat, maibe ema laiha atu hadia.", "\"Ita haree buat simples, maibe nia impaktu boot ba pasiente entaun ida ne'e mak problema atu hadi'a oin atu hadia.", "Nune'e, Ministra ne'e husu mediku sira fo atensaun ba moras esensial seluk no estoke aimoruk no mantein medida prevensaun COVID-19.", "\"Ami presiza hadi'a iha tinan oin kona-ba problema lubuk ida ne'ebe mak iha HNGV no mos ospital rejional sira, sentru saude no postu saude atu nune'e sira servisu ba komunidade ho di'ak liutan, \" Governante ne'e garante.", "Iha biban hanesan, Mediku Espesialista HNGV, Flavio Brandao, hateten, avaliasaun ida ne'e atu haree servisu mediku sira iha iha Isolamentu Lahane no Vera-Cruz hodi bele hadi'a faillansu sira iha tinan oin.", "\"Ita hotu hatene katak iha ona variante foun (Omicron) ne'ebe presiza hadia di'ak liutan liuliu rekomendasaun sira ne'ebe hato'o ba jestor sira atu konsidera,\" nia afirma.", "Profisional Saude ne'ebe mak durante halo servisu tratamentu saude ba pasiente COVID-19 iha izolamentu Vera-Cruz no izolamentu Lahane hamtutuk 170-resin.", "Previous articleKomunidade Maluru retira proposta indemnizasaun rai area designadu planta LNG Next articleInspesaun Jeral Jogu selebra natal hamutuk ho fahe nesesidade bazika" ]
[ [ "MS evaluates annual service of health care provision and treatment COVID-19 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Ministry Of Health (MOH) assesses the year's performance in providing medical services for patients with Covid -20, including hospitalization. Dili/Dili – The ministry has jointly conducted an assessment to determine how well it is performing its work on preventation & controlling HIV / AIDS among people who have been diagnosed as having this disease or are currently receiving medications that may be used by them during their lifetime; such measure was taken at Hospital Nasional Guidu Valadares(HNGV)." ], [ "At the meeting, Health Minister Odete Maria Freitas Belo said that aim of evaluation is to identify strength and weakness points including challenges for improvement in next year (2019) so as improve health provision services." ], [ "\"With 2013 nearing its end, we are taking this opportunity to make an assessment of what can be improved and how they have done so far." ], [ "Thus, in the future they will be able to improve their management of work especially for COVID-19 care or treatment." ], [ "Because we see that the Omicron variant has emerged, so still doing preparations\", Minister of Health told journalists at HNGV-Bidau on Wednesday." ], [ "The governor noted that there are many challenges faced by health workers during the global pandemic, such as logistical case management especially lack of medical equipment and some poorly equipped but without people to repair." ], [ "\"We're looking at simple things, but they have a big impact on patients so this is the problem to improve." ], [ "Therefore, the Minister urged doctors to pay attention for other essential illnesses and medicine stockpiles while maintaining COVID-19 prevention measure." ], [ "\"We need to improve in the coming years on a number of problems that are at HNGV and also regional hospitals, health centers or post-health so they can serve their communities well together\", assured Governor." ], [ "In the same vein, HNGV Medical Specialist Flavio Brandao said that this evaluation is to look at medical services in Lahane and Vera-Cruz Isolation Units so they can improve their failures next year." ], [ "\"We all know that there is a new variant (Omicron) which needs to be improved, especially with the recommendations made for managers' consideration\", he said." ], [ "The number of health professionals who have been treating COVID-19 patients in Vera Cruz and Lahane isolation centres has increased to over 205." ], [ "Previous articleComunidade Maluru withdraws proposed land compensation area designado planta LNG Next ArticleInspeção Geral Jogos celebrate Christmas together by sharing basic necessities" ] ]
MEJD verifika dadus profesór voluntáriu 1.500 iha territóriu nasionál | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EDUKASAUN MEJD verifika dadus profesór voluntáriu 1.500 iha territóriu nasionál\nDILI, 24 novembru 2021 (TATOLI)–Ministériu Edukasaun, Juventude no Desportu (MEJD) daudaun ne’e halo verifikasaun dadus profesór voluntáriu hamutuk 1.500 iha territóriu nasionál, maibé iha prosesu nia laran mosu tan dadus foun.\n“Ita hanoin verifikasaun bazeia de’it ba dadus tuan ne’ebé iha, maibé realidade to’o iha baze ita simu fali dadus foun, nune’e ita nafatin konsidera maski ita la hatene dadus sira ne’e mai hosi ne’ebé,” Ministru Edukasaun Juventude no desportu, Armindo Maia, relata iha Palásiu Governu, kuarta ne’e.\nTuir governante ne’e, prosesu verifikasaun dadus profesór voluntáriu sira kontinua tuir planu ne’ebé iha, nune’e molok tinan ne’e remata MEJD tenke rekolla hotu dadus.\n“Ha’u orienta ona ekipa halo verifikasaun dadus sira iha territóriu nasionál, ne’ebé tenke finaliza prosesu molok tinan ne’e ramata,” nia akresenta.\nAntes ne’e, MEJD iha ona planu iha tinan ne’e sei rekruta profesór hamutuk 975 hodi hanorin eskola ensinu báziku to’o sekundáriu jerál inklui tékniku vokasionál.\nProsesu rekrutamentu sei fó prioridade ba profesór voluntáriu, kazuál no kontratadu purvolta 5.203, ne’ebé hanorin ona hahú tinan 2013 to’o agora.\nPrevious articleBNCTL Viqueque halo pagamentu ba idozu no invalidez 8.385\nNext articleCOVID-19: rekuperadu lima no ativu rua
[ "MEJD verifika dadus profesor voluntariu 1.500 iha territoriu nasional | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EDUKASAUN MEJD verifika dadus profesor voluntariu 1.500 iha territoriu nasional DILI, 24 novembru 2021 (TATOLI) -Ministeriu Edukasaun, Juventude no Desportu (MEJD) daudaun ne'e halo verifikasaun dadus profesor voluntariu hamutuk 1.500 iha territoriu nasional, maibe iha prosesu nia laran mosu tan dadus foun.", "\"Ita hanoin verifikasaun bazeia de'it ba dadus tuan ne'ebe iha, maibe realidade to'o iha baze ita simu fali dadus foun, nune'e ita nafatin konsidera maski ita la hatene dadus sira ne'e mai hosi ne'ebe,\" Ministru Edukasaun Juventude no desportu, Armindo Maia, relata iha Palasiu Governu, kuarta ne'e.", "Tuir governante ne'e, prosesu verifikasaun dadus profesor voluntariu sira kontinua tuir planu ne'ebe iha, nune'e molok tinan ne'e remata MEJD tenke rekolla hotu dadus.", "\"Ha'u orienta ona ekipa halo verifikasaun dadus sira iha territoriu nasional, ne'ebe tenke finaliza prosesu molok tinan ne'e ramata,\" nia akresenta.", "Antes ne'e, MEJD iha ona planu iha tinan ne'e sei rekruta profesor hamutuk 975 hodi hanorin eskola ensinu baziku to'o sekundariu jeral inklui tekniku vokasional.", "Prosesu rekrutamentu sei fo prioridade ba profesor voluntariu, kazual no kontratadu purvolta 5.203, ne'ebe hanorin ona hahu tinan 2013 to'o agora.", "Previous articleBNCTL Viqueque halo pagamentu ba idozu no invalidez 8.385 Next articleCOVID-19: rekuperadu lima no ativu rua" ]
[ [ "MEJD verify data of 1,502 volunteer teachers in national territorium | TIMOR HAU Notícias Timor-Leste News Agency Home EDUCATION Ministry for Education and Youth (MEJD) is currently conducting a survey to determine the numbers from all voluntary teacher registered on its National Territory." ], [ "\"We think that the verification is based only on old data, but in reality when we get to base level of information new ones are received. So even if you don't know from where they come then it still counts for us\", said Education Youth and Sports Minister Armindo Maia at a press conference held Tuesday (25/01)." ], [ "According to the governor, verification process of volunteer teachers data continues as planned so that before this year end MEJD must collect all information." ], [ "\"I have instructed a team to verify the data on national territory, which must complete this process before year's end.\"" ], [ "Previously, MEJD had already planned this year to recruit 975 teachers from primary school through general secondary education including technical and professional training." ], [ "The recruitment process will give priority to the volunteer, occasional and contracted teachers who have taught since 2013." ], [ "Previous articleBNCTL Viqueque makes payments to 8,375 elderly and disabled Next ArticleCOVID-19: five recovered patients & two active cases" ] ]
Komunidade Kaipelara Liquiçá Inisiativa Loke Rasik Estrada Foun - Naunil Media\nOctober 18, 2020 October 18, 2020 Julito Ximenes\t0 Comments\nNaunil Media (Díli), Komunidade Aldeia Vatumori, Suku Gugleur Postu Administrativu Maubara, Munisípiu Liquiçá, iha inisiativa rasik hodi loke (ke’e) Estrada foun atu fasilita sira (komunidade) lori produtu ba fa’an iha merkadu, bele asesu ba albulansia wainhira situasaun emerjénsia evakua pasiente ba fasilidade saúde no nesesidade seluk tan.\nInisiativa loke Estrada foun ne’e, komunidade kompostu hosi joven feto-mane ho inan-aman sira husi aldeia refere, sira ke’e Estrada ho de’it ai-suak, enxada no material seluk ne’ebe tenke uza fíziku mak barak-liu.\nKomunidade sira ke’e Estrada foun ne’e kilometru rua (2) husi bairu Kaipelara liga ba aldeia Vatumori, Suku Gugleur.\n“Durante ne’e ami la asesu estrada mai ami iha bairu Kaipelara aldeia Vatumori, ho inisiativa ida ne’e, ami organiza malu feto no mane hamutuk hodi kee dalan uza material manual hodi ke’e dalan”, Lian-Na’in Aldeia Vatumori, Silvano Asunção, ba jornalista Naunil Media iha Bairu Kaipelara, Sábadu (17/10).\nLia-na’in ne’e, hateten inisiativa ne’e la hetan apoia ruma husi autorisade, tantu aldeia, suku no postu, maske komunidade ke’e dalan foun ne’e durante semana rua.\n“Bairu Kaipelara iha aldeia Vatumori, tinan barak ona la iha dalan, difikulta tebes ba ami nia moris, tanba atu asesu produtu iha merkadu maibé estrada laiha. Ami ke’e dadaun ne’e motor mak bele liu, kareta labele liu, tanba dalan klot”, tenik Lia-na’in Silvano.\nAlixo Sanches Libelino, hateten mesmu dalan ne’e kona los ba nia plantaun kefé, maibé oferese gratuitamente, tanba mesak maun alin iha uma lisan ida.\nFlaviano do Rozario Sanches, hateten nu’udar juventude iha bairu Kaipelara hamrik hamutuk ho inan-aman sira hodi ke’e dalan, tanba durante ne’e la-asesu dalan.\n“Husu nafatin ba na’i-ulun sira bele tau matan ba komunidade ida ne’e nia halerik tanba la iha dalan. Eletrisidade laiha, komunidade uza de’it painel solar hodi bele hetan naroman iha tempu kalan, maibé tempu udan labele hetan naroman”, dehan reprezentante juventude iha aldeia ne’e.\nTotal uma kain iha aldeia Vatumori 142 no populasaun 689. Res\n← Mouris Enkoraja Joventude Estuda Dezenvolve TL\nAuto Golu José, Assalam Hakat ba Quarto Finais Copa FFTL 2020 →\nJuly 29, 2020 July 30, 2020 Julito Ximenes 0\nSidadaun Fila Hosi Estranjeru Tenke Kopera Ho Governu Tama Kuarentina COVID-19
[ "Komunidade Kaipelara Liquica Inisiativa Loke Rasik Estrada Foun - Naunil Media October 18, 2020 October 18, 2020 Julito Ximenes 0 Comments Naunil Media (Dili), Komunidade Aldeia Vatumori, Suku Gugleur Postu Administrativu Maubara, Munisipiu Liquica, iha inisiativa rasik hodi loke (ke'e) Estrada foun atu fasilita sira (komunidade) lori produtu ba fa'an iha merkadu, bele asesu ba albulansia wainhira situasaun emerjensia evakua pasiente ba fasilidade saude no nesesidade seluk tan.", "Inisiativa loke Estrada foun ne'e, komunidade kompostu hosi joven feto-mane ho inan-aman sira husi aldeia refere, sira ke'e Estrada ho de'it ai-suak, enxada no material seluk ne'ebe tenke uza fiziku mak barak-liu.", "Komunidade sira ke'e Estrada foun ne'e kilometru rua (2) husi bairu Kaipelara liga ba aldeia Vatumori, Suku Gugleur.", "\"Durante ne'e ami la asesu estrada mai ami iha bairu Kaipelara aldeia Vatumori, ho inisiativa ida ne'e, ami organiza malu feto no mane hamutuk hodi kee dalan uza material manual hodi ke'e dalan,\" Lian-Na'in Aldeia Vatumori, Silvano Asuncao, ba jornalista Naunil Media iha Bairu Kaipelara, Sabadu (17/10).", "Lia-na'in ne'e, hateten inisiativa ne'e la hetan apoia ruma husi autorisade, tantu aldeia, suku no postu, maske komunidade ke'e dalan foun ne'e durante semana rua.", "\"Bairu Kaipelara iha aldeia Vatumori, tinan barak ona la iha dalan, difikulta tebes ba ami nia moris, tanba atu asesu produtu iha merkadu maibe estrada laiha.", "Ami ke'e dadaun ne'e motor mak bele liu, kareta labele liu, tanba dalan klot,\" tenik Lia-na'in Silvano.", "Alixo Sanches Libelino, hateten mesmu dalan ne'e kona los ba nia plantaun kefe, maibe oferese gratuitamente, tanba mesak maun alin iha uma lisan ida.", "Flaviano do Rozario Sanches, hateten nu'udar juventude iha bairu Kaipelara hamrik hamutuk ho inan-aman sira hodi ke'e dalan, tanba durante ne'e la-asesu dalan.", "\"Husu nafatin ba na'i-ulun sira bele tau matan ba komunidade ida ne'e nia halerik tanba la iha dalan.", "Eletrisidade laiha, komunidade uza de'it painel solar hodi bele hetan naroman iha tempu kalan, maibe tempu udan labele hetan naroman,\" dehan reprezentante juventude iha aldeia ne'e.", "Total uma kain iha aldeia Vatumori 142 no populasaun 689.", "Res - Mouris Enkoraja Joventude Estuda Dezenvolve TL Auto Golu Jose, Assalam Hakat ba Quarto Finais Copa FFTL 2020 - July 29, 2020 July 30, 2020 Julito Ximenes 0 Sidadaun Fila Hosi Estranjeru Tenke Kopera Ho Governu Tama Kuarentina COVID-19" ]
[ [ "Naunil Media (Dili), Community of Vatumori Village, Suku Gugleur Administrative Post Maubara in Liquica Municipality has its own initiative to open a new road that will facilitate them bring their produce for sale at the market and access an ambulancia when emergency situations evacuate patients from health facilities or other needs. The community is also seeking help with construction work on this highway which was completed by local authorities as well..." ], [ "The initiative to open the new road, community composed of young women and men with parents from this village in question. They kept Road only wood shafts as well like other materials that have physical use is more than enough for them" ], [ "The new road is two (2) kilometers from Kaipelara neighborhood to Vatumori village, Gugleur Township." ], [ "\"During this time we did not access the road to us in Kaipelara neighborhood village Vatumori, with that initiative of organizing women and men together for building a way using manual material\" said Village Leader Silvano Asuncao To Naunil Media journalists on Saturday (17th October) at Kaipelara." ], [ "The spokesperson said that the initiative did not receive any support from authorities, both in village and post office level. However community members have been protesting against this new road for two weeks now" ], [ "\"The village of Kaipelara in Vatumori has not had a road for many years, making our lives very difficult because we have to access the markets but there is no highway." ], [ "At the moment, we can only get through with a motorbike and not by car because of clogged roads,” said spokesman Silvano." ], [ "Alixo Sanches Libelino, said that the road was actually for his kefe plantation but offered free of charge because only brother and sister had a single house." ], [ "Flaviano do Rozario Sanches, said that as a youth in the Kaipelara neighborhood they gathered together with their parents to clean up roadways because during this time there was no maintenance on them." ], [ "\"I still urge the leaders to take care of this community's plight because there is no road." ], [ "There is no electricity, the community only uses solar panel to get water at night but in rainy days it can't be obtained\", said a youth representative from this village." ], [ "Total households in the village of Vatumori 142 and population is at this time:689." ], [ "Res - Mouris Encourages Youth to Study and Develop TL Auto Golu Jose, Assalam Hakat ba Quarto Finais Copa FFTL-2019 – Julito Ximenes (Related Posts)" ] ]
Polítika na’in sira labele interven CAC no MP nia servisu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE Polítika na’in sira labele interven CAC no MP nia servisu\nPolítika na’in sira labele interven CAC no MP nia servisu\nDILI, 14 outubru 2020 (TATOLI)- Diretór Ezekutivu FONGTIL, Daniel Santos do Carmo, hateten polítika na’in sira evita labele halo intervensaun polítika ba servisu Comição Anti Corupção (CAC) ho Ministériu Públiku (MP) nian.\nNotísia Relevante: CAC haruka ona karta ba MJ atu tradus Lei MPCC ba Tetun\n“Polítika na’in sira labele halo intervensaun polítika ba servisu Comição Anti Corupção (CAC) ho Ministériu Públiku (MP) nian. Dala barak akontese ba servisu CAC ho MP nian ne’e sempre iha intervensaun polítika ne’ebé akontese,” dehan Daniel Santos do Carmo ba jornalista sira hafoin partisipa diskusaun meza kabuar entre membru PN ho Sosiedade Sivíl ne’ebé IRI realiza Salaun Crus Vermelha Timor-Leste (CVTL) iha Bairru-Formoza, Gricenfor, Dili, kuarta ne’e.\nNia hateten, haree hosi koordenasaun servisu ne’e ladún iha armonia entaun akontese implikasaun tanba iha influensia hosi polítika sira, tanba realidade iha Timor-Leste ne’e ema gosta hatoman-aan ho politiza informasaun ne’ebé laloos.\nHo ida ne’e, nia hateten, presiza Parlamentu Nasionál (PN), Tribunal Rekursu (TR), Governu no Prezidente Repúblika tenke apoiu instituisaun rua ne’e nia servisu.\nDiretór ne’e fó ezemplu, iha kazu balun CAC investiga tiha ona maibé to’o iha Ministériu Públiku, sira dehan loke fali investigasaun seluk tanba de’it akontese ego setoriál, entaun bele dehan intervensaun polítika direta no indireta ona.\nTanba ne’e, nia hateten, Lei Medida Prevenção Combate Corrupção (MPCC) ne’e ema konsidera hanesan baibain entaun lori ema hakarak halo korrupasaun hela de’it.\n“Iha Lei Medida Prevenção Combate Corrupção mak ema hakarak halo korrupasaun ne’e no halo hela de’it korrupasaun. Maibé, bainhira kombate korrupsaun ne’e iha ka estabelese ona mak ita buka para halakon. Tanba ne’e, ohin, ita kria diskusau meza redonda hodi halo diskusaun ba lei refere,” nia hateten.\nDiskusaun meza redonda ne’e, nia dehan, atu oinsá sensibiliza liuliu sosiedade sivíl atu hatene substánsia hosi lei ne’e rasik tanba lei MPCC ne’e promulga tiha ona maibé ema kontinua preokupa nafatin ho ninia implementasaun ne’e.\n“Prezidente Repúblika, Francisco Guterres ‘Lú Olo’, promulga tiha ona lei ne’e maibé ita preokupa mak ba Lei MPCC ne’e ninia implementasaun ne’e,” nia hateten.\nNia haktuir, bainhira lei MPCC la aplika ho di’ak entaun sosiedade sivíl sira hanesan mídia, populasaun no entidade hotu tenke partisipa ativu para ajuda oinsá Lei MPCC nia implementasaun ne’e bele la’o ho di’ak.\n“Ita sosiedade sivíl inklui mídia sira, populasaun, entidade hotu-hotu tenke ativa atu ajuda oinsá implementa lei MPCC ne’e ho di’ak iha ita-nia rain,” nia dehan.\nAleinde ida-ne’e, nia haktuir uluk bainhira ema ida riku laiha ema ida mak atu investiga maibé ho lei MPCC ne’e bele fó dalan atu CAC halo ivestigasaun ba ema riku sira kona-ba tanbasá mak halo uma andar no sosa karreta barak.\n“Ita laiha direitu atu ba husu ka investiga ema ne’ebé mak moris di’ak hanesan halo uma boot no sosa karreta maibé ho lei MPCC ida-ne’e, fó dalan ba CAC atu bele halo investigasaun,” nia esplika.\nPrevious articleAHP diskute planu ezekusaun projetu redusaun risku dezastre\nNext articleMTKI mantein komunikasaun ho Indonézia promove turizmu
[ "Politika na'in sira labele interven CAC no MP nia servisu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Politika na'in sira labele interven CAC no MP nia servisu Politika na'in sira labele interven CAC no MP nia servisu DILI, 14 outubru 2020 (TATOLI) - Diretor Ezekutivu FONGTIL, Daniel Santos do Carmo, hateten politika na'in sira evita labele halo intervensaun politika ba servisu Comicao Anti Corupcao (CAC) ho Ministeriu Publiku (MP) nian.", "Notisia Relevante: CAC haruka ona karta ba MJ atu tradus Lei MPCC ba Tetun \"Politika na'in sira labele halo intervensaun politika ba servisu Comicao Anti Corupcao (CAC) ho Ministeriu Publiku (MP) nian.", "Dala barak akontese ba servisu CAC ho MP nian ne'e sempre iha intervensaun politika ne'ebe akontese,\" dehan Daniel Santos do Carmo ba jornalista sira hafoin partisipa diskusaun meza kabuar entre membru PN ho Sosiedade Sivil ne'ebe IRI realiza Salaun Crus Vermelha Timor-Leste (CVTL) iha Bairru-Formoza, Gricenfor, Dili, kuarta ne'e.", "Nia hateten, haree hosi koordenasaun servisu ne'e ladun iha armonia entaun akontese implikasaun tanba iha influensia hosi politika sira, tanba realidade iha Timor-Leste ne'e ema gosta hatoman-aan ho politiza informasaun ne'ebe laloos.", "Ho ida ne'e, nia hateten, presiza Parlamentu Nasional (PN), Tribunal Rekursu (TR), Governu no Prezidente Republika tenke apoiu instituisaun rua ne'e nia servisu.", "Diretor ne'e fo ezemplu, iha kazu balun CAC investiga tiha ona maibe to'o iha Ministeriu Publiku, sira dehan loke fali investigasaun seluk tanba de'it akontese ego setorial, entaun bele dehan intervensaun politika direta no indireta ona.", "Tanba ne'e, nia hateten, Lei Medida Prevencao Combate Corrupcao (MPCC) ne'e ema konsidera hanesan baibain entaun lori ema hakarak halo korrupasaun hela de'it.", "\"Iha Lei Medida Prevencao Combate Corrupcao mak ema hakarak halo korrupasaun ne'e no halo hela de'it korrupasaun.", "Maibe, bainhira kombate korrupsaun ne'e iha ka estabelese ona mak ita buka para halakon.", "Tanba ne'e, ohin, ita kria diskusau meza redonda hodi halo diskusaun ba lei refere,\" nia hateten.", "Diskusaun meza redonda ne'e, nia dehan, atu oinsa sensibiliza liuliu sosiedade sivil atu hatene substansia hosi lei ne'e rasik tanba lei MPCC ne'e promulga tiha ona maibe ema kontinua preokupa nafatin ho ninia implementasaun ne'e.", "\"Prezidente Republika, Francisco Guterres 'Lu Olo', promulga tiha ona lei ne'e maibe ita preokupa mak ba Lei MPCC ne'e ninia implementasaun ne'e,\" nia hateten.", "Nia haktuir, bainhira lei MPCC la aplika ho di'ak entaun sosiedade sivil sira hanesan midia, populasaun no entidade hotu tenke partisipa ativu para ajuda oinsa Lei MPCC nia implementasaun ne'e bele la'o ho di'ak.", "\"Ita sosiedade sivil inklui midia sira, populasaun, entidade hotu-hotu tenke ativa atu ajuda oinsa implementa lei MPCC ne'e ho di'ak iha ita-nia rain,\" nia dehan.", "Aleinde ida-ne'e, nia haktuir uluk bainhira ema ida riku laiha ema ida mak atu investiga maibe ho lei MPCC ne'e bele fo dalan atu CAC halo ivestigasaun ba ema riku sira kona-ba tanbasa mak halo uma andar no sosa karreta barak.", "\"Ita laiha direitu atu ba husu ka investiga ema ne'ebe mak moris di'ak hanesan halo uma boot no sosa karreta maibe ho lei MPCC ida-ne'e, fo dalan ba CAC atu bele halo investigasaun,\" nia esplika.", "Previous articleAHP diskute planu ezekusaun projetu redusaun risku dezastre Next articleMTKI mantein komunikasaun ho Indonezia promove turizmu" ]
[ [ "Politicians can't interfere with the work of CAC and MP | Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Politics may not interfere in anti corruption commission (ACC) or prosecutor general’s office POLITICIANS MAY NOT INTERFER WITH THE WORK OF ANPC AND PROSECUTOR GENERAL Dili, October.14th - FONGTIL Executive Director Daniel Santos do Carmo says that politics should avoid political intervention on Anti Corruption Commission(ACTC), which is a joint agency between National Police Service & Public Prosekutory Authority)." ], [ "Relevant News: CAC sent a letter to MJ for translation of MPCC Law into Tetun \"Political leaders cannot make political interventions in the work done by Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) and Public Prosecutor's Office." ], [ "Many times it happens to the work of CAC and MP that there is always political intervention,\" Daniel Santos do Carmo told journalist after participating in a round table discussion between members from Parliament (MP) with Civil Society organized by I.R" ], [ "He said that the coordination of this work is not in harmony, so there are implications because it has been influenced by politicians. Because people like to gather and politicize false information about Timor-Leste as a whole.\"" ], [ "With this, he said it is necessary that the National Parliament (PN), Court of Appeal [TR], Government and President should support their work." ], [ "The director gave an example, in some cases the CAC had already investigated but when they got to Public Prosecutor's Office (MPO), it was said that another inquiry would be opened because of sectoral ego. So we can say there has been direct and indirect political intervention on this issue!" ], [ "Therefore, he said that the MPCC (Lei Medida Prevencao Combate Corrupção) is considered as ordinary so people just want to corrupt." ], [ "\"In the Law on Measures to Prevent and Combat Corruption, people want corruption but they are doing it." ], [ "However, when the fight against corruption is in place or established we seek to eradicate it." ], [ "Therefore, today we are creating a round table discussion to discuss the law in question\", he said." ], [ "The purpose of the round table discussion, he said is to raise awareness in particular among civil society so that they can understand what this law actually means because MPCC has already promulgated it but people are still concerned about its implementation." ], [ "\"President of the Republic, Francisco Guterres 'Lu Olo' has already promulgated this law but we are concerned about its implementation by MPCC.\"" ], [ "He said that if the MPCC law is not applied properly, civil society such as media and all citizens must participate in order to help ensure its effective implementation." ], [ "\"We civil society including the media, population and all entities must be active to help how we can implement this MPCC law well in our country\", he said." ], [ "In addition to this, he said that in the past when a wealthy person had no one who would investigate but with MPCC's law will give way for CCA do an inquiry on rich people about why they build high-rise houses and buy many cars." ], [ "\"We do not have the right to ask or investigate people who live well, like building a big house and buying cars but with this MPCC law we give CAC an opportunity for it.\"" ], [ "Previous articleAHP discusses disaster risk reduction project implementation plan NextMTKI maintains communication with Indonesia to promote tourism" ] ]
TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: Komemora Loron Konsulta Popular “PM Xanana Konsidera Jerasaun Foun Baruk Ten”\nKomemora Loron Konsulta Popular “PM Xanana Konsidera Jerasaun Foun Baruk Ten”\nJornal Nacional Diario - Segunda-feira, 02 Setembru 2013\nKomemorasaun loron konsulta popular ba dala XIV, Sesta (30/8) liu ba ne’e la’o ho simples, maibe simplisidade ne’ebe iha hodi refleta hikas fali sofrementu ne’ebe mak Timor oan sira hasoru iha loron 30 Agustu tinan 1999 liu ba.\nIha tinan 1999 wainhira molok no depois de konsulta popular akontese ona terror intimidasaun ne’ebe lansa husi milisia pro Indonesia nebe hetan suporta armas husi Polisia no Tentara Indonesia hasoru populasaun pro independensia sira.\nMaske ho intimidasaun oi-oin husi milisia pro Indonesia maibe populasaun la hakfodak atu hakat ba sentru Votasaun atu bele fo sira nia votus. Rezultadu votasaun ne’ebe fo sai iha loron 4 fulan Setembru 1999 Votus ba Pro Independensia 78,5% ho votus 344,580 no pro Autonomia 21,5% ka votus 94.33, nune’e Pro Indepedensia manan maioria absoluta.\nIha diskursu ba loron ne’e, Primeiru Ministru (PM) Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao fanun hikas fali jerasaun foun sira atu lao tuir dalan ne’ebe mak uluk jerasaun tuan ka ferik katuas sira hatudu tiha ba rai ida ne’e atu lao tuir dalan ne’ebe mak uluk jerasaun tuan ka ferik katuas sira hatudu tiha ba rai ida ne’e hodi sai independensia.\nPM Xanana afirma katak, jerasuan foun sira ikus ne’e barukten loos, tanba buka mak joga, lanu ten, oho malu hodi la hanoin tiha oin sa mak bele kontribui no fo dever ba rai ida ne’e.\n“Imi jerasaun foun baruk ten lakohi halo inisiativa, lakohi halo buat ne’ebe foun, ita hanoin dehan katak, demokrasia ne’e fo mai ita atu estraga deit, halo a’at de’it la’e, labele hanesan ne’e,” dehan PM xanana. PM Xanana hatutan, Timor-Leste nia luta durante tinan 24 nia laran, ruin no ran soe hela ba tasi laran no mota kuak, iha tinan 24 nia laran, rai no fatuk be’e no ahi, matebian, bei ala, asswain sira tau funu ida ne’ebe todan, uniku iha mundu rai klaran tomak, uniku tamba Timoroan mesa-mesak, nune’e ohin loron manan funu.\nPM Xanana hatutan, Jerasaun foun sira ohin loron hakarak sukat deit mak sira nia direitu, la hatene dever to’o ona ha ne’ebe. Ho preokupasaun hirak ne’e, PM Xanana husu ba Joventude sira sente tok katak, buat ne’e hanesan mos imi nia, labele ejiji maka’as liu maibe book an oituan ba, book an husi imi nia inisiativa, haka’as an no hadomi rai ida ne’e ba, la’e, la la’o ba oin.
[ "TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: Komemora Loron Konsulta Popular \"PM Xanana Konsidera Jerasaun Foun Baruk Ten\" Komemora Loron Konsulta Popular \"PM Xanana Konsidera Jerasaun Foun Baruk Ten\" Jornal Nacional Diario - Segunda-feira, 02 Setembru 2013 Komemorasaun loron konsulta popular ba dala XIV, Sesta (30/8) liu ba ne'e la'o ho simples, maibe simplisidade ne'ebe iha hodi refleta hikas fali sofrementu ne'ebe mak Timor oan sira hasoru iha loron 30 Agustu tinan 1999 liu ba.", "Iha tinan 1999 wainhira molok no depois de konsulta popular akontese ona terror intimidasaun ne'ebe lansa husi milisia pro Indonesia nebe hetan suporta armas husi Polisia no Tentara Indonesia hasoru populasaun pro independensia sira.", "Maske ho intimidasaun oi-oin husi milisia pro Indonesia maibe populasaun la hakfodak atu hakat ba sentru Votasaun atu bele fo sira nia votus.", "Rezultadu votasaun ne'ebe fo sai iha loron 4 fulan Setembru 1999 Votus ba Pro Independensia 78,5% ho votus 344,580 no pro Autonomia 21,5% ka votus 94.33, nune'e Pro Indepedensia manan maioria absoluta.", "Iha diskursu ba loron ne'e, Primeiru Ministru (PM) Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao fanun hikas fali jerasaun foun sira atu lao tuir dalan ne'ebe mak uluk jerasaun tuan ka ferik katuas sira hatudu tiha ba rai ida ne'e atu lao tuir dalan ne'ebe mak uluk jerasaun tuan ka ferik katuas sira hatudu tiha ba rai ida ne'e hodi sai independensia.", "PM Xanana afirma katak, jerasuan foun sira ikus ne'e barukten loos, tanba buka mak joga, lanu ten, oho malu hodi la hanoin tiha oin sa mak bele kontribui no fo dever ba rai ida ne'e.", "\"Imi jerasaun foun baruk ten lakohi halo inisiativa, lakohi halo buat ne'ebe foun, ita hanoin dehan katak, demokrasia ne'e fo mai ita atu estraga deit, halo a'at de'it la'e, labele hanesan ne'e,\" dehan PM xanana.", "PM Xanana hatutan, Timor-Leste nia luta durante tinan 24 nia laran, ruin no ran soe hela ba tasi laran no mota kuak, iha tinan 24 nia laran, rai no fatuk be'e no ahi, matebian, bei ala, asswain sira tau funu ida ne'ebe todan, uniku iha mundu rai klaran tomak, uniku tamba Timoroan mesa-mesak, nune'e ohin loron manan funu.", "PM Xanana hatutan, Jerasaun foun sira ohin loron hakarak sukat deit mak sira nia direitu, la hatene dever to'o ona ha ne'ebe.", "Ho preokupasaun hirak ne'e, PM Xanana husu ba Joventude sira sente tok katak, buat ne'e hanesan mos imi nia, labele ejiji maka'as liu maibe book an oituan ba, book an husi imi nia inisiativa, haka'as an no hadomi rai ida ne'e ba, la'e, la la'o ba oin." ]
[ [ "TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: Komemora Loron Konsulta Popular \"PM Xanana Konsidera Jerasaun Foun Baruk Ten\" Jornal Nacional Diario - Segunda-feira, 02 Setembru. The commemoration of the XIVth day for popular consultation on Saturday (31/8) was a simple event but its simplicity reflects back to what Timorese people suffered in August and September last year as well" ], [ "In 1987, the Indonesian government began to investigate and prosecute pro-independence militants who had been armed with weaponry supplied by Indonesia." ], [ "Despite various intimidations by pro-Indonesian militias, the population was not willing to go into polling stations in order for them can cast their votes." ], [ "The results of the referendum held on 4 September were: Pro-Independence voted for independence with an absolute majority (78.5%) or a total number in voting papers amounting to about,301 thousand and pro Autonomy received only around one percent; this means that there was no independent candidate who won more than two per cent from all registered ballots given out by local authorities as oppose autonomism which obtained just over three hundred fivety fifteen percentage points at last election date - October fourth year after Independence Day!" ], [ "In his speech on the occasion, Prime Minister (PM) Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao urged new generations to follow in their ancestors' footstep for independence. He said: \"These young people have shown that they are not alone and we must continue along this path.\"" ], [ "PM Xanana affirmed that, the recent generations of newcomers are really bad because they just play around and kill each other without thinking about how to contribute in future or do their duty for this country." ], [ "\"The new generation's members do not want to take the initiative, they don’t like doing something that is novel. We think it says democracy was given us only for ruining and making things worse than before; we cannot allow this kind of thing happening,” said PM Xanana" ], [ "PM Xanana said, Timor-Leste's struggle for 24 years has left ruin and blood on the sea floor. In these last two decades we have seen soil with rock water fire dead bodies of soldiers who fought a fierce fight that is unique in all over world because they are united by their common cause: to win this war today!" ], [ "Prime Minister Xanana said, the new generation today wants to measure only their rights and does not know what duty is." ], [ "With these concerns, PM Xanana asked the youth to feel that this is just like your own thing. Don't be overly reluctant but take advantage of it all and enjoy yourself by taking on an initiative; love our country more than you can ever do so if not we will never move forward!" ] ]
MOP-DNA Sosializa Lei Sertifikasaun Ba Empreza iha Baukau\nBy Tempo Timor December 15, 2021 303\nEmprezáriu sira foto hamutuk hafoin remata sosializasaun iha Baukau, kuarta (15/12). Foto Tomas Freitas\nTempotimor (Baukau)-Ministéiru Obras Públiku (MOP) liuhusi Diresaun Jerál Administrasaun Finansas (DJAF) no Diresaun Nasionál Aprovizionamentu (DNA) inklui departementu planu jestaun fornesedores sosializa dekretu-lei Nu.27/2010 loron 22 Fulan-Dezembru no primeira alterasaun dekretu-lei Nu.17/2017 loron 22 Fulan-Setembru kona-ba sertifikasaun no inskrisaun ba empreza konstrusaun sivil empreza konsultoria teknika sivil iha Munisípiu Baukau.\nDiretór DNA, Quitiano Belo hatete, dekretu-lei ne'e rasik alteradu ona, nune'e iha Fulan-Janeiru tinan 2021 planu atu halo sosializasaun ba emprezariu sira iha Munisípiu, atu halo inskrisaun iha Ministéiru Obras Públika hodi sertifika empreza nasionál.\n“Iha lei hateten sertifikado fahe ba kategoria-4, A sira nia osan tenke iha banku, 150 mil, B sira nia osan iha banku tenke 75 ribuh, B, B2 50 ribuh, C 25 ribuh”, Dehan Quitiano kuarta (15/12)\nTanba ne'e, kategoria empreza sira A, B, B, B2 no C tenke ativu iha MOP hodi hetan sertifikasaun, atu bele halo servisu hanesan parte konstrusaun sivil.\n“Alterasaun ne'e lei ida antes hateten, emprezariu nasionál bele tuir de’it 1-7, 5 miliaun, maibé iha lei ida altera ne'e ita nia polítika sira hanoin katak, empreza timor-oan mós bele ona, entaun altera tiha husi $1 milaun to'o laiha limiti, sira kuandu hetan ona sertifikasaun avontade kompete ho internasionál”, Dehan nia\nTanba ne'e, fó hanoin ba empreza sira iha Munisípiu Baukau halo rejistu iha MOP depois remata, ékipa DNA sei halo verifikasaun.\nTuir dadus ne'ebé DNA iha tinan 2021, empreza ne'ebé rejistu iha MOP hamutuk rihun 2.000-resin, maibé husi totál ne'e la signifika atu hetan hotu, tanba sei haree ba rekezitu balun hafoin fó sertifikadu.\nNune'e, Prezidente Kamara Komersiu Munisípiu Baukau, Estanisilao Maria Quintas da Costa hatete, sosializasaun ne'e lori solok ba empreza sira, tanba lei rasik hatete klaru ona atu empreza nasionál kompete ho internasionál.\n"Uluk ne'e termina liu mai ki'ik, ho lei foun ida ne'e empreza timor-oan mós bele partisipa 7, 5 miloes mai kraik, ne'e hanesan buat di'ak ida mai timor-oan partisipa iha dezenvolvimentu ida ne'e", nia haktuir\nMaibé, empreza sira mós tenke iha preparasaun di'ak iha ékipamentus, tekniku tenke sufusiente, nomós iha orsamentu sufisiente.\nEnkuantu reprezentante Presidente Autoridade Munisípiu (PAM) Buakau, Simão dos Santos Marques Pinhero hanesan mós Sekretária Autoridade Munisípiu Baukau hatete, iha alterasaun dekretu-lei ne'e, atu empreza sira hetan sertifikasaun iha nivél nasionál hodi halo kompetisaun iha kualker tenderizasaun iha nivél nasionál. (*)\nSosializa Lei Sertifikasaun Ba Empreza iha Baukau\n« SEKOOP Loke Formasaun Bázika Kooperativa ba CU BALIMA Programa PDI iha Baukau Atinji Ona Pursentu-65 »
[ "MOP-DNA Sosializa Lei Sertifikasaun Ba Empreza iha Baukau By Tempo Timor December 15, 2021 303 Emprezariu sira foto hamutuk hafoin remata sosializasaun iha Baukau, kuarta (15/12).", "Foto Tomas Freitas Tempotimor (Baukau) -Ministeiru Obras Publiku (MOP) liuhusi Diresaun Jeral Administrasaun Finansas (DJAF) no Diresaun Nasional Aprovizionamentu (DNA) inklui departementu planu jestaun fornesedores sosializa dekretu-lei Nu.27/2010 loron 22 Fulan-Dezembru no primeira alterasaun dekretu-lei Nu.17/2017 loron 22 Fulan-Setembru kona-ba sertifikasaun no inskrisaun ba empreza konstrusaun sivil empreza konsultoria teknika sivil iha Munisipiu Baukau.", "Diretor DNA, Quitiano Belo hatete, dekretu-lei ne'e rasik alteradu ona, nune'e iha Fulan-Janeiru tinan 2021 planu atu halo sosializasaun ba emprezariu sira iha Munisipiu, atu halo inskrisaun iha Ministeiru Obras Publika hodi sertifika empreza nasional.", "\"Iha lei hateten sertifikado fahe ba kategoria-4, A sira nia osan tenke iha banku, 150 mil, B sira nia osan iha banku tenke 75 ribuh, B, B2 50 ribuh, C 25 ribuh,\" Dehan Quitiano kuarta (15/12) Tanba ne'e, kategoria empreza sira A, B, B, B2 no C tenke ativu iha MOP hodi hetan sertifikasaun, atu bele halo servisu hanesan parte konstrusaun sivil.", "\"Alterasaun ne'e lei ida antes hateten, emprezariu nasional bele tuir de'it 1-7, 5 miliaun, maibe iha lei ida altera ne'e ita nia politika sira hanoin katak, empreza timor-oan mos bele ona, entaun altera tiha husi $1 milaun to'o laiha limiti, sira kuandu hetan ona sertifikasaun avontade kompete ho internasional,\" Dehan nia Tanba ne'e, fo hanoin ba empreza sira iha Munisipiu Baukau halo rejistu iha MOP depois remata, ekipa DNA sei halo verifikasaun.", "Tuir dadus ne'ebe DNA iha tinan 2021, empreza ne'ebe rejistu iha MOP hamutuk rihun 2.000-resin, maibe husi total ne'e la signifika atu hetan hotu, tanba sei haree ba rekezitu balun hafoin fo sertifikadu.", "Nune'e, Prezidente Kamara Komersiu Munisipiu Baukau, Estanisilao Maria Quintas da Costa hatete, sosializasaun ne'e lori solok ba empreza sira, tanba lei rasik hatete klaru ona atu empreza nasional kompete ho internasional.", "\"Uluk ne'e termina liu mai ki'ik, ho lei foun ida ne'e empreza timor-oan mos bele partisipa 7, 5 miloes mai kraik, ne'e hanesan buat di'ak ida mai timor-oan partisipa iha dezenvolvimentu ida ne'e,\" nia haktuir Maibe, empreza sira mos tenke iha preparasaun di'ak iha ekipamentus, tekniku tenke sufusiente, nomos iha orsamentu sufisiente.", "Enkuantu reprezentante Presidente Autoridade Munisipiu (PAM) Buakau, Simao dos Santos Marques Pinhero hanesan mos Sekretaria Autoridade Munisipiu Baukau hatete, iha alterasaun dekretu-lei ne'e, atu empreza sira hetan sertifikasaun iha nivel nasional hodi halo kompetisaun iha kualker tenderizasaun iha nivel nasional. (*) Sosializa Lei Sertifikasaun Ba Empreza iha Baukau \" SEKOOP Loke Formasaun Bazika Kooperativa ba CU BALIMA Programa PDI iha Baukau Atinji Ona Pursentu-65 \"" ]
[ [ "MOP-DNA Promotes Certification Law for Enterprises in Baukau By Tempo Timor December 15,.203 Businessmen take a photo together after completion of the promotional event on Thursday (December)" ], [ "Tempotimor (Baukau) -The Ministry of Public Works through the Directorate General for Finance Administration and National Procurement including its departments plan management suppliers disseminate decree-law No.27/10 on December 3rd, first amendment to Decrete Law N°4698 dated September in regarding certification & registration civil engineering consultancy companies within Baukau Municipality" ], [ "DNA Director Quitiano Belo said that the decree-law itself has been amended, so in January 2019 plans to make a communication with entrepreneurs of municipalities for registration at MWP and certification as national enterprises." ], [ "\"The law says that the certificate is divided into category-4, A's money must be in bank 150 thousand and B has to have a deposit of at least $7.2 million; then there are companies from classes (B) with an account opened on Thursday [December] which will receive certification if they can work as civil construction contractors.\"" ], [ "\"This amendment is an alteration to the previous law, which stated that national entrepreneurs could only follow 1-7.5 million dollars but in this new amendede legislation our politician think Timorese companies can also do so and therefore it has been changed from $2 millions upwards without limiting them when they have obtained certification of their willingness for international competition\", Dehan said.\"Therefor we remind all enterprises at Baukau Municipality register with MOP after completion; DNA team will carry out verification\"." ], [ "According to DNA data for 2019, there are more than two thousand companies registered with the Ministry of Public Works and Infrastructure (MOP), but this does not mean that they will all be certified because some requirements must still have been met before a certificate is issued." ], [ "Accordingly, the President of Baukau Municipal Chamber Of Commerce Estanisilao Maria Quintas da Costa said that this publicization bring happiness to companies because it is clear from law itself for national enterprises compete with international." ], [ "\"The last time it was smaller, with this new law Timorese companies can also participate 7.5 million to the bottom of that amount; It is a good thing for East-Timorese enterprises in developing\", he said But businesses must be well prepared and have sufficient technical equipments as Well As budgetary resources.\"" ], [ "While the representative of President Municipal Authority (PAM) Buakau, Simao dos Santos Marques Pinhero and also Secretary Baukau said that in this amendment to decree-law companies obtain certification at national level so as for competition qualification tendering on National Level. (*). Publicize Certification Law For Enterprise In Baucau \" SEKOOP Place Basic Cooperative Training To CU BALIMA PDI Program Attained By Percent -65\"" ] ]
ACBIT Oferese Treinamentu Abilidade Moris Ba Feto Sobre Vivente 25 | STLNEWS\nACBIT Oferese Treinamentu Abilidade Moris Ba Feto Sobre Vivente 25\nBAUCAU, STLNEWS.co – Asosiasaun Chega ba ita (ACBIT) oferese treinamentu abilidade moris ba feto maluk sira neebe sobre vivente hamutuk nain rua nulu resin lima (25) kuaze maioria feto.\n“Partisipa iha formasaun nee kuaze maioria feto hamutuk nain 25, objetivu foka liu ba hodi haforte ita nia feto maluk sobre vivente sira neebe mak durante nee iha uma mahon, nunee atu halo sira forte liu tan liu liu iha abilidade moris eskil no kuinesementu nunee la depende ba ema seluk” dehan staff Asosiasaun Chega Ba Ita (ACBIT), Celestina de Almeida ba STL iha salaun UFD planaltu wainhira remata fo formasaun ba membru sira, Kinta (15/07/2021).\nNia hatutan, husi formasaun nee bele halo sira forte liu tan wainhira hasoru situasaun trauma ruma karik bele uza linguagen neebe mak iha valor atu halo forte liu tan, nunee bele hamriik hanesan ema seluk iha komunidade nia leet firme no luta ba direitu liu liu iha direitu justica sosial.\nCelestina hateten, metodu neebe mak aplika iha formasaun nee hanesan konaba saude no trauma nian, tanba materia neebe mak dadaun aplika iha formasaun nee aprende husi Zoom Meeting durante iha tempo serka sanitaria no estadu emergensia.\nIha fatin hanesan, partisipante Lucia do Rego hateten, tuir formasaun ida nee sente kontente, tanba bele hetan ona materia foun no murak ida oinsa mak bele defende aan husi ema neebe hakarak kria problema.\n“Hau sente kontente tuir formasaun nee, tanba hetan ona materia foun no murak husi iha nia oferesedor sira, loke ami nia hanoin oinsa mak bele prevene aan husi ema neebe mak hakarak kria problema ho ita,” hakotu Lucia.*\nPrevious articleEstrada Rotunda Vila Nova Kondisaun Grave\nNext articleSekretariadu RF Kontinua Halo Asismentu
[ "ACBIT Oferese Treinamentu Abilidade Moris Ba Feto Sobre Vivente 25 | STLNEWS ACBIT Oferese Treinamentu Abilidade Moris Ba Feto Sobre Vivente 25 BAUCAU, STLNEWS.co - Asosiasaun Chega ba ita (ACBIT) oferese treinamentu abilidade moris ba feto maluk sira neebe sobre vivente hamutuk nain rua nulu resin lima (25) kuaze maioria feto.", "\"Partisipa iha formasaun nee kuaze maioria feto hamutuk nain 25, objetivu foka liu ba hodi haforte ita nia feto maluk sobre vivente sira neebe mak durante nee iha uma mahon, nunee atu halo sira forte liu tan liu liu iha abilidade moris eskil no kuinesementu nunee la depende ba ema seluk\" dehan staff Asosiasaun Chega Ba Ita (ACBIT), Celestina de Almeida ba STL iha salaun UFD planaltu wainhira remata fo formasaun ba membru sira, Kinta (15/07/2021).", "Nia hatutan, husi formasaun nee bele halo sira forte liu tan wainhira hasoru situasaun trauma ruma karik bele uza linguagen neebe mak iha valor atu halo forte liu tan, nunee bele hamriik hanesan ema seluk iha komunidade nia leet firme no luta ba direitu liu liu iha direitu justica sosial.", "Celestina hateten, metodu neebe mak aplika iha formasaun nee hanesan konaba saude no trauma nian, tanba materia neebe mak dadaun aplika iha formasaun nee aprende husi Zoom Meeting durante iha tempo serka sanitaria no estadu emergensia.", "Iha fatin hanesan, partisipante Lucia do Rego hateten, tuir formasaun ida nee sente kontente, tanba bele hetan ona materia foun no murak ida oinsa mak bele defende aan husi ema neebe hakarak kria problema.", "\"Hau sente kontente tuir formasaun nee, tanba hetan ona materia foun no murak husi iha nia oferesedor sira, loke ami nia hanoin oinsa mak bele prevene aan husi ema neebe mak hakarak kria problema ho ita,\" hakotu Lucia.* Previous articleEstrada Rotunda Vila Nova Kondisaun Grave Next articleSekretariadu RF Kontinua Halo Asismentu" ]
[ [ "ACBIT Offers Life Skill Training To 25 Surviving Women | STLNEWS Acbit offers life skills training to two hundred and fifty surviving women BAUCAU, stlnews.co - Chega Baita Association (ACBit) is offering a livelihood skill-training program for over twenty five female survivents in the city of Baucau which are almost all girls" ], [ "\"Participating in the training is almost majority of women totaling 25, aim focused on strengthening our fellow survivors who are during this time at home so as to make them stronger especially with skills and knowledge that they do not depend upon others\" said staff Chega Ba Ita Association (ACBIT), Celestina de Almeida for STL UFD planalto hall after finishes providing educational sessions members Wednesday." ], [ "She added that the training can make them stronger when they face a traumatic situation, if you use language with values to strengthen themselves and stand as others in their community firmly fight for rights especially social justice." ], [ "Celestina said that the methods applied in this training are about health and trauma, because these subjects were learned from Zoom Meeting during lockdown time." ], [ "In the same way, participant Lucia do Rego said that after this training she feels satisfied because they have obtained new and valuable material on how to defend themselves from people who are trying To create problems." ], [ "\"I am pleased with the training, because I have received new and valuable material from its providers. It opened up our mind to how we can prevent people who want problems for us\", concludes Lucia.* PreviousEstrada Rotunda Vila Nova Condição Grave Next articleSecretariado RF Continua Fazer Assistência" ] ]
PN HUSU HAPARA RÓ CHINA KAER IKAN IHA TASI MANE - TIMOR AGORA\nPN HUSU HAPARA RÓ CHINA KAER IKAN IHA TASI MANE\nParlamentu Nasionál ejiji ba Governu atu hapara lalais kontratu ha Ró China hamutuk 15 ne’ebé hala’o atividade kaer ikan iha Tasi mane.\nPN rasik la konkorda ho akordu ne’e, tanba kontratu Governu nian ho Ró 15 husi China hala’o atividades peska iha tasi mane, ikan tonelada ida Governu Timor Leste hetan deit osan US$ 150.\n“Ita imajina tok, se ikan tonelada ida mak US$ 150, entaun kilo ida ne’e centavus hira? Ida ne’e sai preokupasoens. Se ikan sai rekursu ida atu fó reseita mai ita-nia nasaun, mas ho kontratu ida hanesan ne’e, di’ak liu lalika halo,”relata Xefi bankada CNRT, Natalino dos Santos iha plenária PN, Segunda (20/02).\nNatalino ejiji ba Ministru Agrikultura no Peska atu ba halo esklaresementu ba deputadu sira iha Parlamentu Nasionál kona ba Ró 15 ne’ebé mak halo peskas iha tasi mane.\n“Ida ne’e ha’u haree hanesan la fó kontribuisaun. Tanba saida mak akontese hanesan ne’e, ha’u bele dehan katak, ida ne’e buat ida ne’ebé ladi’ak, tanba ikan tonelada ida fa’an de’it ho US$ 150,” lamenta Natalino.\nNia hatutan, pior liu tan, Ró 15 ne’ebé mak hala’o atividade peskas iha tasi mane ne’e, laiha ema ida atu kontrola, sira kaer ikan tuir sira nian hakarak de’it.\n“Ita lahatene loron ida sira hetan tonelada hira no fulan ida hetan tonelada hira, no tonelada hira mak sira fa’an,” relata Natalino.\nAlende ne’e, deputadu Antoninho Bianco husi bankada FRETILIN dehan, nia mós rona informasaun katak, atividade peska iha tasi mane ne’e, ema kaer hotu ikan hiu sira ne’e.\nNia hatutan, atividade ida ne’e kuandu laiha kontrolu husi Governu, entaun ulun fatuk moras, tanba bele hamosu problema barak.\n“Iha kontratu laran ne’e tenki hatete katak, ikan ida ne’ebé mak bele kaer, la’os ikan sira ne’e ba kaer hotu, ita ulun moras, sa tan nia folin US$ 150 kada toneladas, ida ne’e ha’u hanoin ha’u mós preokupa oituan,” dehan Antoninho Bianco.\nNune’e mos, deputada Josefa Alvares P. Soares husi bankada FRETILIN husu ba Ministério Agricultura e Pescas (MAP) atu halo esklaresmentu iha PN konaba Ro Peskas 15 ne’ebé kontrata husi China mai halo peskas iha Timor-Leste (TL).\n“Ha’u hanoin komisaun kompetenti bele bolu dala ida tan Ministru ne’e, maibe saida mak nia hatete dehan katak, Ro ne’ebé mai halo peskas kansela tiha ona sira nian peskas no agora dadauk iha ekipa ida interministerial ne’ebé halo hela inkéritu ho kompañia. Ne’ebé ha’u hanoin katak, diak liu ita bolu Ministru mai para hodi hatene lia los kona ba asuntu ida ne’e,”Deputada Josefa Alvares P. Soares ba plenaria iha PN.cos/Car
[ "PN HUSU HAPARA RO CHINA KAER IKAN IHA TASI MANE - TIMOR AGORA PN HUSU HAPARA RO CHINA KAER IKAN IHA TASI MANE Parlamentu Nasional ejiji ba Governu atu hapara lalais kontratu ha Ro China hamutuk 15 ne'ebe hala'o atividade kaer ikan iha Tasi mane.", "PN rasik la konkorda ho akordu ne'e, tanba kontratu Governu nian ho Ro 15 husi China hala'o atividades peska iha tasi mane, ikan tonelada ida Governu Timor Leste hetan deit osan US$ 150.", "\"Ita imajina tok, se ikan tonelada ida mak US$ 150, entaun kilo ida ne'e centavus hira?", "Ida ne'e sai preokupasoens.", "Se ikan sai rekursu ida atu fo reseita mai ita-nia nasaun, mas ho kontratu ida hanesan ne'e, di'ak liu lalika halo,\"relata Xefi bankada CNRT, Natalino dos Santos iha plenaria PN, Segunda (20/02).", "Natalino ejiji ba Ministru Agrikultura no Peska atu ba halo esklaresementu ba deputadu sira iha Parlamentu Nasional kona ba Ro 15 ne'ebe mak halo peskas iha tasi mane.", "\"Ida ne'e ha'u haree hanesan la fo kontribuisaun.", "Tanba saida mak akontese hanesan ne'e, ha'u bele dehan katak, ida ne'e buat ida ne'ebe ladi'ak, tanba ikan tonelada ida fa'an de'it ho US$ 150,\" lamenta Natalino.", "Nia hatutan, pior liu tan, Ro 15 ne'ebe mak hala'o atividade peskas iha tasi mane ne'e, laiha ema ida atu kontrola, sira kaer ikan tuir sira nian hakarak de'it.", "\"Ita lahatene loron ida sira hetan tonelada hira no fulan ida hetan tonelada hira, no tonelada hira mak sira fa'an,\" relata Natalino.", "Alende ne'e, deputadu Antoninho Bianco husi bankada FRETILIN dehan, nia mos rona informasaun katak, atividade peska iha tasi mane ne'e, ema kaer hotu ikan hiu sira ne'e.", "Nia hatutan, atividade ida ne'e kuandu laiha kontrolu husi Governu, entaun ulun fatuk moras, tanba bele hamosu problema barak.", "\"Iha kontratu laran ne'e tenki hatete katak, ikan ida ne'ebe mak bele kaer, la'os ikan sira ne'e ba kaer hotu, ita ulun moras, sa tan nia folin US$ 150 kada toneladas, ida ne'e ha'u hanoin ha'u mos preokupa oituan,\" dehan Antoninho Bianco.", "Nune'e mos, deputada Josefa Alvares P. Soares husi bankada FRETILIN husu ba Ministerio Agricultura e Pescas (MAP) atu halo esklaresmentu iha PN konaba Ro Peskas 15 ne'ebe kontrata husi China mai halo peskas iha Timor-Leste (TL).", "\"Ha'u hanoin komisaun kompetenti bele bolu dala ida tan Ministru ne'e, maibe saida mak nia hatete dehan katak, Ro ne'ebe mai halo peskas kansela tiha ona sira nian peskas no agora dadauk iha ekipa ida interministerial ne'ebe halo hela inkeritu ho kompania.", "Ne'ebe ha'u hanoin katak, diak liu ita bolu Ministru mai para hodi hatene lia los kona ba asuntu ida ne'e,\"Deputada Josefa Alvares P. Soares ba plenaria iha PN.cos/Car" ]
[ [ "PN HUSU HAPARA ROOT CHINA KAER FISH IN THE MAN ISLANDS - TIMOR AGORA National Parliament urged the Government to immediately terminate contracts with Chinese fishing boats, numbering a total of fifteen that are carrying out their activities in Man Island." ], [ "The Parliament itself does not agree with the agreement, because under a government contract for Ro 15 from China to carry out fishing activities in East Timor's seaside areas and only earn US$20 per ton of fish caught." ], [ "\"Let's just imagine, if a ton of fish is $150 then how much does one kilo cost?" ], [ "This has become a preocupation." ], [ "If fish becomes a resource to provide revenue for our country, but with such contract it'd be better not do so\", reported Congresso Nacional da Reconstrução de Timor-Leste (CNRT) House Group Leader Natalino dos Santos in the PN plenary on Monday." ], [ "Natalino urged the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries to give clarifications in Parliament about Ro 15 fishing vessel that is currently engaged with sea-fisheries." ], [ "\"I see this as a lack of contribution." ], [ "Why is this happening, I can say that it's a bad thing because one tonne of fish only sell for US$ 150\", laments Natalino." ], [ "He added that, worse still: the Ro 15 fishing vessels in this sea have no one to control them and they catch fish as much or less." ], [ "\"We take a look at how many tons they get in one day, and the amount of tonnes that are sold each month.\"" ], [ "In addition, deputy Antoninho Bianco of the FRETILIN party said that he also heard information about fishing activities in this sea and people caught all these sharks." ], [ "He added that this activity is not controlled by the government, so it can cause many problems." ], [ "\"In the contract it must be stated that only one fish can catch, not all of them. We're sick heads and its price is US$ 150 per tonne; I think this also worries me a lot\", said Antoninho Bianco.\"" ], [ "Similarly, deputy Josefa Alvares P. Soares of FRETILIN asked the Ministry for Agriculture and Fisheries (MAP) to clarify in Parliament about 15 fishing boats that have been contracted by China into Timor-Leste's fishery system;" ], [ "\"I think the competent commission could call this Minister again, but what he said is that fishing boats have cancelled their trips and now there are an interministerial team investigating with companies." ], [ "I think it would be better if we called the Minister to find out what is going on,\" said deputy Josefa Alvares P. Soares in a plenary session at PN's House of Representatives (PN)." ] ]
Estudante Lakoi Transporte ME Sosa ba UNTL – Radio Liberdade Dili – FM 95.8 Mhz\nRadio Online – Estudante Universidade Nasional Timor Leste (UNTL) lakoi uza bis 3 ne’ebe sosa ba UNTL hodi tula estudante fakuldade Agrikultura ne’ebe halo estudu iha Hera. Alende ne’e mos iha husi Universidade lakoi uza bis 3 ne’e ho Pic Up 2 tanba kareta hirak ne’e kareta uzadu ona alias segundu maun (tangan kedua).\nKestaun ne’e hato’o husi Vice Reitor UNTL Miguel Maia ba jornalista Tersa, (16/8) iha Salaun UNTL Liceu wainhira halo gladi bersih ba estudante sira 609 ne’ebe atu graduasaun.\nVice Reitor UNTL ne’e hatutan, konaba transporte ne’ebe Ministerio Edukasaun sosa ba estudante UNTL la tuir kriteria. Sosa fali kareta uzadu. Kareta hirak ne’e agora tama ona iha prosesu investigasaun.\nTuir Miguel Bis ida agora para hela iha UNTL, bis 3 ho pic up 2 sei ba tau hela iha Ministeiru Edukasaun Vila Verde hodi hein prosesu investigasaun\n“Ami seidauk bele uza kareta ne’e hodi tula estudante sira tanba bis 3 ne’e sosa la tuir kriteria. Ami lakoi atu kulpa iha loron ikus mai,”Miguel komenta.\nIha parte seluk Prezidenti Komisaun F asuntu edukasaun Virgilio Maria Diaz Marcal iha uma fukun Parlamentu Nasional hateten, komisaun F lamenta no ejije ba ME atu halo investigasaun ba kareta sira mak sosa ba UNTL la tuir kriteria, tanba kareta ne’e uzadu ona.\n“Tanba saida mak seidauk halo investigasaun, Ita labele husik nune’e deit. Osan hirak mak sosa ne’e laos ME nia osan maibe ne’e povu nia osan,”nia lamenta.\nRazaun sosa kareta husi ME ba UNTL tanba estudantes UNTL mak estudu iha Hera, wainhira fila ba mai Dili sae kareta publiku sempre hetan dezastre. Durante ne’e estudante kuaze nain 5 mak mate tanba asidente kareta baku fila. Bis 3 ne’e atu fasilita ba estudante nia aktividades estudus.\nEstudante UNTL Cezario Plasido husu ba Inspektor Jeral atu investiga ba Ministeiru da Edukasaun hodi osan sosa bis 3 ne’ebe la tama kategoria ne’e. Bis 3 ne’e seidak uza, bis ida para hela iha UNTL nia 2 seluk para hela iha ME nia edifisiu.\n“Ami sei la sae bis ne’e tanba bis ne’e sosa ho osan bo’ot. Sosa bis foun laos bis tuan. See mak manan tender sosa bis 3 no Pic up 2 ne’e tenki responsabilidade. Hahalok ne’e mak dehan KKN, halo manipulasaun,”Secario kestioan.
[ "Estudante Lakoi Transporte ME Sosa ba UNTL - Radio Liberdade Dili - FM 95.8 Mhz Radio Online - Estudante Universidade Nasional Timor Leste (UNTL) lakoi uza bis 3 ne'ebe sosa ba UNTL hodi tula estudante fakuldade Agrikultura ne'ebe halo estudu iha Hera.", "Alende ne'e mos iha husi Universidade lakoi uza bis 3 ne'e ho Pic Up 2 tanba kareta hirak ne'e kareta uzadu ona alias segundu maun (tangan kedua).", "Kestaun ne'e hato'o husi Vice Reitor UNTL Miguel Maia ba jornalista Tersa, (16/8) iha Salaun UNTL Liceu wainhira halo gladi bersih ba estudante sira 609 ne'ebe atu graduasaun.", "Vice Reitor UNTL ne'e hatutan, konaba transporte ne'ebe Ministerio Edukasaun sosa ba estudante UNTL la tuir kriteria.", "Sosa fali kareta uzadu.", "Kareta hirak ne'e agora tama ona iha prosesu investigasaun.", "Tuir Miguel Bis ida agora para hela iha UNTL, bis 3 ho pic up 2 sei ba tau hela iha Ministeiru Edukasaun Vila Verde hodi hein prosesu investigasaun \"Ami seidauk bele uza kareta ne'e hodi tula estudante sira tanba bis 3 ne'e sosa la tuir kriteria.", "Ami lakoi atu kulpa iha loron ikus mai,\"Miguel komenta.", "Iha parte seluk Prezidenti Komisaun F asuntu edukasaun Virgilio Maria Diaz Marcal iha uma fukun Parlamentu Nasional hateten, komisaun F lamenta no ejije ba ME atu halo investigasaun ba kareta sira mak sosa ba UNTL la tuir kriteria, tanba kareta ne'e uzadu ona.", "\"Tanba saida mak seidauk halo investigasaun, Ita labele husik nune'e deit.", "Osan hirak mak sosa ne'e laos ME nia osan maibe ne'e povu nia osan,\"nia lamenta.", "Razaun sosa kareta husi ME ba UNTL tanba estudantes UNTL mak estudu iha Hera, wainhira fila ba mai Dili sae kareta publiku sempre hetan dezastre.", "Durante ne'e estudante kuaze nain 5 mak mate tanba asidente kareta baku fila.", "Bis 3 ne'e atu fasilita ba estudante nia aktividades estudus.", "Estudante UNTL Cezario Plasido husu ba Inspektor Jeral atu investiga ba Ministeiru da Edukasaun hodi osan sosa bis 3 ne'ebe la tama kategoria ne'e.", "Bis 3 ne'e seidak uza, bis ida para hela iha UNTL nia 2 seluk para hela iha ME nia edifisiu.", "\"Ami sei la sae bis ne'e tanba bis ne'e sosa ho osan bo'ot.", "Sosa bis foun laos bis tuan.", "See mak manan tender sosa bis 3 no Pic up 2 ne'e tenki responsabilidade.", "Hahalok ne'e mak dehan KKN, halo manipulasaun,\"Secario kestioan." ]
[ [ "Estudante Lakoi Transporte ME Sosa ba UNTL - Radio Liberdade Dili – FM 95.8 MhzRadio Online- Students of the National University Of Timor Leste (UNTL) refused to use three busses purchased by UNTL for transporting Agricultural Faculty students who study in Hera, East Nu'utral Region" ], [ "In addition, there are some from the University who do not want to use these 3 busses and Pic Ups because they have been used or second-hand." ], [ "The question was raised by UNTL Vice-Rector Miguel Maia to journalists on Tuesday (16/8) in the Liceu Hall of UNTL when he made a clean sweep for students who are graduating." ], [ "The Vice-Rector of UNTL said, regarding the transportation that Ministry Education purchased for students at UNTL does not meet criteria." ], [ "Sosa returns to the car." ], [ "These buses are now under investigation." ], [ "According to Miguel, one bus is now parked at UNTL. Bus 3 and pic ups two will be put in the Ministry of Education Vila Verde waiting for investigation process \"We can not yet use this car as a student transport because our three busses were purchased without complying with criteria.\"" ], [ "We don't want to be blamed in the future,\" Miguel comments." ], [ "On the other hand, President of Commission F on Education Virgilio Maria Diaz Marcal in a meeting with members from National Parliament said that commission regrets and urges ME to conduct an investigation into cars purchased for UNTL not following criteria because they are used." ], [ "\"Why haven't you done an investigation? You can not just leave it like that." ], [ "The money that is being spent on the purchase of these vehicles,\" she lamented." ], [ "The reason for buying a car from ME to UNTL because students of the University are studying in Hera, when they go back home Dili public cars always get disaster." ], [ "During this time, nearly five students died because of a car accident." ], [ "Bus 3 is intended to facilitate the student's study activities." ], [ "UNTL student Cezario Plasido asked the Inspector General to investigate Ministry of Education for money purchase 3 bus that do not fall into this category." ], [ "Bus 3 is not in use, one bus stops at UNTL the other two to stay on ME building." ], [ "\"We won't get off the bus because it was bought for a lot of money." ], [ "Sosa bis foun laos Bis tuan." ], [ "Who wins the tender to buy bus 3 and Pic up2 is responsible." ], [ "\"It's the way KKN says it is, manipulating\", Secario asked." ] ]
Neineik Di’ak liu Duke Ita Halai Maibé Ita Monu | ::Diariu Timor Post Online::\nTimor Post (02/10/2020)- Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak, ataka reprezentante iha uma fukun parlamentu nasionál bainhira konfirma kona bá ezekusaun orsamentu.\nEis prezidente da repúblika ne’e rekorde bainhira nia sei hanesan prezidente repúblika husu kona bá ezekusaun deputadu sira hatán katak labele hare nivel ezekusaun maibé hare ba progresu ne’ebé ezekuta ona, relasiona ho ne’e nia dehan la preokupa ho nivel ezekusaun, maibé tenke gasta ho di’ak.\n“Ha’u hakarak hatete kona-ba kapasidade ezekusaun orsamentu, se na’i deputadu sira hatene uluk ha’u sei Prezidente Repúblika ha’u mai diskursu iha ne’e ke kuaze por pouco ita boot sira atu substitui ha’u hosi Prezidente Repúblika, iha diskursu ha’u hatete, ita labele husu osan hira mak nia gasta ona maibé tenke husu saida mak nia halo ona. Ha’u la preokupa ho nia nivel ezekusaun entaun ha’u preokupa ha’u nia membru governu no funsionáriu sira gasta osan ne’e ho di’ak, maski la’o neineik maibé sai di’ak duke halai lalais maibé arbiru de’it”, afirma Taur Matan Ruak iha intervensaun loron daruak debate OJE 2020 iha Parlamentu Nasionál, Sesta (02/10).\nPrimeiru Ministru Oitavo Governu ne’e hatutan nia mandatu hotu deputadu sira bele hurulele nia kona-ba inkapasidade ba ezekusaun orsamentu lala’o, maibé agora lian la hanesan, tanba filozofia la hanesan.\n“Ohin ita hili dalan rua de’it ohin ha’u tuir ita boot sira ka ita boot sira tuir ha’u, se lae ita la’o ketak-ketak ” Taur dehan.\nTuir Taur katak atu ezekuta de’it osan ne’e lalais, tanba se mak la hatene gasta osan, satan osan ida barak liu, maibé atu gasta di’ak ne’e mak problema.\n“Agora ne’e kualkér ema ida nia eskrita ba ha’u nia gabinete, akuza malu ha’u haruka ba (KAK) no haruka ba inspetór jerál ha’u la tau iha ha’u nia gabinete, entaun nia diretór no membru governu sira hatene ha’u nia karater ida ne’e, tanba ne’e hotu-hotu buka dalan atu rezolve problema la’ós aumenta problema hanesan mós la’ós dun liman ba malu maibé servisu ekipa no rezolve problema mós hamutuk” Nia salienta.\n“Ne’ebé ha’u husu parlamentu ajuda ami atu gasta osan di’ak ne’e di’ak liu duke insiste beibeik de’it kona-ba nivel ezekusaun, tanba nivel ezekusaun lalais liu di’ak liu maibé to’o ikus tribunal de kontas tuir ita. Tanba ne’e, neineik, beibeik maibé di’ak liu duke ita halai maibé ita monu.(Jornalista: Jaime Pires)\nTimor Post (28/08/2020)-Komandante Jerál Polísia ...\nTimor Post (21/01/2021)-Karreta vaskolante ho marka ...\nTotal visitors : 186,559\nTotal page view: 270,010
[ "Neineik Di'ak liu Duke Ita Halai Maibe Ita Monu |::Diariu Timor Post Online:: Timor Post (02/10/2020) - Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak, ataka reprezentante iha uma fukun parlamentu nasional bainhira konfirma kona ba ezekusaun orsamentu.", "Eis prezidente da republika ne'e rekorde bainhira nia sei hanesan prezidente republika husu kona ba ezekusaun deputadu sira hatan katak labele hare nivel ezekusaun maibe hare ba progresu ne'ebe ezekuta ona, relasiona ho ne'e nia dehan la preokupa ho nivel ezekusaun, maibe tenke gasta ho di'ak.", "\"Ha'u hakarak hatete kona-ba kapasidade ezekusaun orsamentu, se na'i deputadu sira hatene uluk ha'u sei Prezidente Republika ha'u mai diskursu iha ne'e ke kuaze por pouco ita boot sira atu substitui ha'u hosi Prezidente Republika, iha diskursu ha'u hatete, ita labele husu osan hira mak nia gasta ona maibe tenke husu saida mak nia halo ona.", "Ha'u la preokupa ho nia nivel ezekusaun entaun ha'u preokupa ha'u nia membru governu no funsionariu sira gasta osan ne'e ho di'ak, maski la'o neineik maibe sai di'ak duke halai lalais maibe arbiru de'it,\" afirma Taur Matan Ruak iha intervensaun loron daruak debate OJE 2020 iha Parlamentu Nasional, Sesta (02/10).", "Primeiru Ministru Oitavo Governu ne'e hatutan nia mandatu hotu deputadu sira bele hurulele nia kona-ba inkapasidade ba ezekusaun orsamentu lala'o, maibe agora lian la hanesan, tanba filozofia la hanesan.", "\"Ohin ita hili dalan rua de'it ohin ha'u tuir ita boot sira ka ita boot sira tuir ha'u, se lae ita la'o ketak-ketak \" Taur dehan.", "Tuir Taur katak atu ezekuta de'it osan ne'e lalais, tanba se mak la hatene gasta osan, satan osan ida barak liu, maibe atu gasta di'ak ne'e mak problema.", "\"Agora ne'e kualker ema ida nia eskrita ba ha'u nia gabinete, akuza malu ha'u haruka ba (KAK) no haruka ba inspetor jeral ha'u la tau iha ha'u nia gabinete, entaun nia diretor no membru governu sira hatene ha'u nia karater ida ne'e, tanba ne'e hotu-hotu buka dalan atu rezolve problema la'os aumenta problema hanesan mos la'os dun liman ba malu maibe servisu ekipa no rezolve problema mos hamutuk\" Nia salienta.", "\"Ne'ebe ha'u husu parlamentu ajuda ami atu gasta osan di'ak ne'e di'ak liu duke insiste beibeik de'it kona-ba nivel ezekusaun, tanba nivel ezekusaun lalais liu di'ak liu maibe to'o ikus tribunal de kontas tuir ita.", "Tanba ne'e, neineik, beibeik maibe di'ak liu duke ita halai maibe ita monu.", "(Jornalista: Jaime Pires) Timor Post (28/08/2020) -Komandante Jeral Polisia ...", "Timor Post (21/01/2021) -Karreta vaskolante ho marka ...", "Total visitors: 186,559 Total page view: 270,010" ]
[ [ "Neineik Di'ab liu Duke Ita Halai Maibe ita Monu |:;Diariu Timor Post Online, 02/19 / - Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak attacked the representatives in lower house of national parliament when confirming on budget execution." ], [ "The former president of the republic is a record when he will be President, asked about implementation MPs replied that it can not look at level execution but to see progress already implementing. In connection with this she said no preoccupation on performance levels and must spend well" ], [ "\"I want to say about the capacity of budget execution, if Members knew before I'm going President and i came here for a speech that nearly we replaced me by Mr. president in my discourse said you can not ask how much money he has spent but what did they have done?" ], [ "I'm not concerned with its level of execution so my government members and officials spend this money well, although it goes slowly but is good than going fast that only makes us miserable\", said Taur Matan Ruak in the intervention on second day debate 2019 Budget at Parliament Saturday (Oct." ], [ "The Prime Minister of the Eighth Government said that during his entire term, MPs may have criticized him for not being able to execute a budget but now they speak differently because their philosophy differed." ], [ "\"Today we have only two choices, either I follow our leaders today or they followed me; otherwise it'll be a mess\", Taur said." ], [ "According to Taur, it's a problem if you just spend the money quickly because people who don’t know how they should use their funds are spending too much of them." ], [ "\"Now anybody's writing to my office, accusing each other I send it (KAK) and sent the inspector general that is not in mine cabinet so his director or government members know this character of me therefore all are looking for a way how solve problems they don’t increase them nor do we shake hands but work together as team\" she emphasizes." ], [ "\"What I am asking Parliament to do is help us spend money better rather than just insisting on the level of implementation, because a faster execution rate will be more beneficial but at last it'll follow up with our courts." ], [ "Therefore, little by small but more often than not is better for us to go forward and fall." ], [ "(Jornalista: Jaime Pires) Timor Post 28/07 /19 -Komandante Jeral Polisia ..." ], [ "Timor Post (21/03 / 5) -Karreta vaskularte ho marka ..." ], [ "Total visitors: 186,549 total page view (270)" ] ]
PN husu governu tau prioridade uluk ba setór agrikultura – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Politic » PN husu governu tau prioridade uluk ba setór agrikultura\nAtu hadi’ak setór importante sira, hanesan saúde, edukasaun no ekonómia, reprezentante povu iha Parlamentu Nasionál (PN), sujere ba governu atu tau fó prioridade uluk ba dezenvolvimentu setór agrikultura, tanba maioria povu Timor-Leste moris ho vida agrikultura.\nTuir deputadu António Verdial husi bankada KHUNTO katak, setór agrikultura la dezenvolve sei implika mós setór sira seluk.\n“Governu Timor-Leste (TL) tenki tetu no hatúr baze fundamental ida ne’ebé forte, hodi fó prioridade ba dezenvolvimentu setór agrikultura, tanba kauza barak ne’ebé mosu iha ita-nia rain, liga ba saúde, ekonomia no edukasaun. Ne’e hatudu mai ita katak, dezenvolvimentu agrikultura sai hanesan fatór importante, tanba impaktu agrikultura mak kauza ba ekonomia, saúde no edukasaun, tanba ai-han no líkidu hotu ne’ebé ita konsumu lor-loron iha ita-nia moris, determina ita-nia aan ba moris ne’ebé saudável. Bainhira iha isin ida saudável, nia fíziku no nia kakutak, nune’e mós nia mentalidade sei fó kontribuisaun ba edukasaun ne’ebé di’ak, no susesu ba dezenvolvimentu ekonomia, ne’ebé independente no sei la dependente ba nasaun seluk”, afirma António Verdial liu husi plenária Tersa (01/10/2019).\nMembru komisaun F, ne’ebé trata asuntu saúde iha PN ne’e mós konsidera, governu la tau importáncia ba dezenvovlimentu agrikultura iha TL, sei laiha produtividade hodi diversifika ai-han lokál sira.\nDeputadu ne’e optimista katak, bainhira ezekutivu implementa no fó prioridade uluk ba setór importante ne’e, sei rezulta buat barak mak sai di’ak hanesan, konfrontasaun entre joven sira, hamenus númeru dezempregu, hamenus importasaun no promove ai-han lokál, inklui hasa’e rendimentu família nian no seluktan.\n“Ita hotu hatene katak, ohin loron ema hotu husik hela sira-nia rain moris fatin, hodi hakat mai hela iha kapitál Díli, tanba sira senti laiha dezenvolvimentu ba sira nia ekonomia iha sira-nia rain ka Munisípiu rasik. Tanba ne’e, bainhira governu tau prioridade ba dezenvolvimentu indústria ba prosesamentu agríkola, katak, sei fó oportunidade servisu ba joven ne’ebé hakarak sai agrikultor iha área rural no remotas. Karik mehi ne’e mak realiza, sei rezulta buat barak ne’ebé di’ak”, garante reprezentante povu ne’e.\nHatán ba kestaun ne’e, Ministru Reforma Legislativa no Asuntu Parlamentares, Fidelis Magalhães konfirma, nia parte sei transforma asuntu refere ba parte relevante atu bele tau atensaun.say\nDeputadu bankada Partidu Demokrátiku (PD), Mariano...
[ "PN husu governu tau prioridade uluk ba setor agrikultura - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Politic \" PN husu governu tau prioridade uluk ba setor agrikultura Atu hadi'ak setor importante sira, hanesan saude, edukasaun no ekonomia, reprezentante povu iha Parlamentu Nasional (PN), sujere ba governu atu tau fo prioridade uluk ba dezenvolvimentu setor agrikultura, tanba maioria povu Timor-Leste moris ho vida agrikultura.", "Tuir deputadu Antonio Verdial husi bankada KHUNTO katak, setor agrikultura la dezenvolve sei implika mos setor sira seluk.", "\"Governu Timor-Leste (TL) tenki tetu no hatur baze fundamental ida ne'ebe forte, hodi fo prioridade ba dezenvolvimentu setor agrikultura, tanba kauza barak ne'ebe mosu iha ita-nia rain, liga ba saude, ekonomia no edukasaun.", "Ne'e hatudu mai ita katak, dezenvolvimentu agrikultura sai hanesan fator importante, tanba impaktu agrikultura mak kauza ba ekonomia, saude no edukasaun, tanba ai-han no likidu hotu ne'ebe ita konsumu lor-loron iha ita-nia moris, determina ita-nia aan ba moris ne'ebe saudavel.", "Bainhira iha isin ida saudavel, nia fiziku no nia kakutak, nune'e mos nia mentalidade sei fo kontribuisaun ba edukasaun ne'ebe di'ak, no susesu ba dezenvolvimentu ekonomia, ne'ebe independente no sei la dependente ba nasaun seluk,\" afirma Antonio Verdial liu husi plenaria Tersa (01/10/2019).", "Membru komisaun F, ne'ebe trata asuntu saude iha PN ne'e mos konsidera, governu la tau importancia ba dezenvovlimentu agrikultura iha TL, sei laiha produtividade hodi diversifika ai-han lokal sira.", "Deputadu ne'e optimista katak, bainhira ezekutivu implementa no fo prioridade uluk ba setor importante ne'e, sei rezulta buat barak mak sai di'ak hanesan, konfrontasaun entre joven sira, hamenus numeru dezempregu, hamenus importasaun no promove ai-han lokal, inklui hasa'e rendimentu familia nian no seluktan.", "\"Ita hotu hatene katak, ohin loron ema hotu husik hela sira-nia rain moris fatin, hodi hakat mai hela iha kapital Dili, tanba sira senti laiha dezenvolvimentu ba sira nia ekonomia iha sira-nia rain ka Munisipiu rasik.", "Tanba ne'e, bainhira governu tau prioridade ba dezenvolvimentu industria ba prosesamentu agrikola, katak, sei fo oportunidade servisu ba joven ne'ebe hakarak sai agrikultor iha area rural no remotas.", "Karik mehi ne'e mak realiza, sei rezulta buat barak ne'ebe di'ak,\" garante reprezentante povu ne'e.", "Hatan ba kestaun ne'e, Ministru Reforma Legislativa no Asuntu Parlamentares, Fidelis Magalhaes konfirma, nia parte sei transforma asuntu refere ba parte relevante atu bele tau atensaun.say Deputadu bankada Partidu Demokratiku (PD), Mariano..." ]
[ [ "PN asks government to prioritize agricultural sector - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Politic\" In order for the people's representatives in National Parliament (PN) of Timor-Leste, who represent important areas like healthcare and educational institutions along with economic development on their own behalf. they suggested that Government should give a highest possible prioritete towards developing agriculture because most East Тимоrians live from farm life; this is why we are calling upon them all:" ], [ "According to MP Antonio Verdial of the KHUNTO group, if this sector is not developed it will also affect other areas." ], [ "\"The Government of Timor-Leste (GTL) must consider and establish a strong fundamental foundation, to prioritize the agricultural sector's development because there are many causes that arise in our country linked with healthcare. economyand education.\"" ], [ "This shows us that agricultural development has become an important factor, because the impact of agriculture is a cause for economics and health education. Because all food we consume every day in our lives determine how healthy it will be to live on this planet!" ], [ "When there is a healthy body, his physical and mental strengths as well the mindset will contribute to good educational successes for economic development that are independent of other countries\", said Antonio Verdia during plenary Tuesday (01/29) ." ], [ "The member of the F committee, which deals with health issues in Parliament also considers that government does not attach importance to agricultural development and there will be no productivity for diversifying local food." ], [ "The MP is optimistic that if the executive implements and prioritize this important sector first, it will result in many positive things such as confrontation among young people; decrease unemployment rates. reduce imports to promote local food products including increasing family income etc..." ], [ "\"We all know that today people are leaving their homeland and moving to the capital of Dili, because they feel there is no development for them in either country or municipality." ], [ "Therefore, if the government prioritizes agricultural processing industry development it will provide job opportunities for young people who want to become farmer in rural and remote areas." ], [ "If this desire is realized, it will result in a lot of good things\", the representative guarantees." ], [ "In response to this issue, Minister of Legislative Reform and Parliamentary Affairs Fidelis Magalhaes confirms that his side will transform the matter into a relevant part so as it can be addressed.say Democratic Party (PD) deputy Mariano..." ] ]
Komisaun C sei aprova relatóriu-paresér iha 29 novembru | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Komisaun C sei aprova relatóriu-paresér iha 29 novembru\nDILI, 25 novembru 2021 (TATOLI)–Komisaun C trata asuntu Finansa Públika liderada Deputada Maria Angélica Rangel, sei aprova relatóriu no paresér kona-ba faze audiénsia públika ba proposta lei Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) 2022, iha 29 novembru ne’e.\nDeputada Maria Angélica hateten, komisaun C ninia audiénsia públika ho entidade públika mak termina ikus liu, nune’e hahú iha loron 22 novembru to’o 25 novembru ne’e, prazu ba atu komisaun espesializada hotu submete ninia relatóriu paresér ba komisaun.\n“Agora daudaun asesór no tékniku sira sei servisu karik, aban bele termina hodi hetan ezbosu ida atu nune’e distribui ba deputadu sira hotu atu halo leitura. No, tuir ajenda komisaun sei halo aprovasaun iha loron 29 novembru loron tomak, atu nune’e relatóriu pasa ka la pasa, iha 30 novembru komisaun sei lori ba meza plenária,” Deputada ne’e hateten ba jornalista sira iha Parlamentu Nasionál, kinta ne’e.\nBainhira iha mudansa oráriu loron ida ka rua ne’e, kompetensia Parlamentu Nasionál nian tanba sei iha dezlokasaun deputadu sira-nian hodi partisipa komemorasaun loron proklamasaun 28 novembru iha munisípiu Baucau.\nPrezidente Komisaun C ne’e haktuir, durante iha audiénsia públiku entidade sira relata progresu ezekusaun OJE 2021 no sira-nia proposta lei OJE ba 2022.\n“Maibé ita haree katak sira-nia preokupasaun mak orsamentu balun la pasa iha Komite Revizaun Orsamentu Polítika (KROP) no sira husu Parlamentu Nasionál atu konsidera. Tinan ida-ne’e, ita-nia orsamentu ne’e la’ós haree ba ministériu no la’ós haree ba item, maibé haree ba programa,” nia dehan.\nNia seida’uk bele fó sai uluk paresér ne’ebé sei rekomenda ba plenária tanba sei hein aprovasaun komisaun nian.\nBainhira komisaun aprova ona relatóriu no paresér sei submete ba iha meza Parlamentu Nasionál hodi halo ajenda diskusaun ba jeneralidade no espesialidade.\nParlamentu Nasionál sei diskute proposta lei Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2022 hamutuk bilaun $1,675, hosi montante ne’e millaun $233 ba saláriu no vensimentu, millaun $449,98 ba bens servisu, millaun $565,9 ba transferénsia públika, millaun $24,4 koresponde ba kapitál menór no millaun $401,7 ba kapitál dezenvolvimentu.\nIha planu anual Governu nian 2022 reflete kontinuasaun servisu reforma jestaun finansa públika, ne’ebé susesivu Governu nian liuhosi roteiru orsamentasaun kada programa.\nKomisaun C sei aprova relatóriu no paresér iha 29 novembru\nPrevious articleFeto tenke hatudu kapasidade iha kualkér desizaun\nNext articleSTAE halo akizisaun ekipamentu esensiál utiliza ba eleisaun prezidensiál 2022
[ "Komisaun C sei aprova relatoriu-pareser iha 29 novembru | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Komisaun C sei aprova relatoriu-pareser iha 29 novembru DILI, 25 novembru 2021 (TATOLI) -Komisaun C trata asuntu Finansa Publika liderada Deputada Maria Angelica Rangel, sei aprova relatoriu no pareser kona-ba faze audiensia publika ba proposta lei Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2022, iha 29 novembru ne'e.", "Deputada Maria Angelica hateten, komisaun C ninia audiensia publika ho entidade publika mak termina ikus liu, nune'e hahu iha loron 22 novembru to'o 25 novembru ne'e, prazu ba atu komisaun espesializada hotu submete ninia relatoriu pareser ba komisaun.", "\"Agora daudaun asesor no tekniku sira sei servisu karik, aban bele termina hodi hetan ezbosu ida atu nune'e distribui ba deputadu sira hotu atu halo leitura.", "No, tuir ajenda komisaun sei halo aprovasaun iha loron 29 novembru loron tomak, atu nune'e relatoriu pasa ka la pasa, iha 30 novembru komisaun sei lori ba meza plenaria,\" Deputada ne'e hateten ba jornalista sira iha Parlamentu Nasional, kinta ne'e.", "Bainhira iha mudansa orariu loron ida ka rua ne'e, kompetensia Parlamentu Nasional nian tanba sei iha dezlokasaun deputadu sira-nian hodi partisipa komemorasaun loron proklamasaun 28 novembru iha munisipiu Baucau.", "Prezidente Komisaun C ne'e haktuir, durante iha audiensia publiku entidade sira relata progresu ezekusaun OJE 2021 no sira-nia proposta lei OJE ba 2022.", "\"Maibe ita haree katak sira-nia preokupasaun mak orsamentu balun la pasa iha Komite Revizaun Orsamentu Politika (KROP) no sira husu Parlamentu Nasional atu konsidera.", "Tinan ida-ne'e, ita-nia orsamentu ne'e la'os haree ba ministeriu no la'os haree ba item, maibe haree ba programa,\" nia dehan.", "Nia seida'uk bele fo sai uluk pareser ne'ebe sei rekomenda ba plenaria tanba sei hein aprovasaun komisaun nian.", "Bainhira komisaun aprova ona relatoriu no pareser sei submete ba iha meza Parlamentu Nasional hodi halo ajenda diskusaun ba jeneralidade no espesialidade.", "Parlamentu Nasional sei diskute proposta lei Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2022 hamutuk bilaun $1,675, hosi montante ne'e millaun $233 ba salariu no vensimentu, millaun $449,98 ba bens servisu, millaun $565,9 ba transferensia publika, millaun $24,4 koresponde ba kapital menor no millaun $401,7 ba kapital dezenvolvimentu.", "Iha planu anual Governu nian 2022 reflete kontinuasaun servisu reforma jestaun finansa publika, ne'ebe susesivu Governu nian liuhosi roteiru orsamentasaun kada programa.", "Komisaun C sei aprova relatoriu no pareser iha 29 novembru Previous articleFeto tenke hatudu kapasidade iha kualker desizaun Next articleSTAE halo akizisaun ekipamentu esensial utiliza ba eleisaun prezidensial 2022" ]
[ [ "Commission C will approve report and opinion on November 29th | Timor Post Agência Noticiosa de Timór-Leste VARANDA DILI The Public Finance Committee, led by Deputada Maria Angelica Rangel (MP), is to adopt the rapporteur's statement regarding public hearing phase of proposed General State Budget Bill(GSB) for December." ], [ "Deputy Maria Angelica said that Committee C's public hearing with the Public Entities will end at last, so from November 23 to Nov.15 this year is a deadline for all specialised committee submission of their report and opinion on these issues in Commission A (Public Affairs)." ], [ "\"If the advisors and technicians are working right now, tomorrow it can be completed in order to have an outline that will then distribute all members for reading." ], [ "And, according to the committee's agenda it will be approved on November 29 all day long so that whether or not this report is passed by a majority of members in plenary session can take place after its approval.\"" ], [ "When there is a change of time on one or two days, the National Parliament has competence because members will be travelling to participate in commemoration day proclamation November 28th at Baucau municipality." ], [ "According to the Chairman of Commission C, during this public hearing entities reported on progress in implementation 2019 budget and their proposals for a new bill." ], [ "\"But we see that their concern is some of the budget has not been passed in Budget Policy Review Committee (KROP) and they ask National Parliament to consider it." ], [ "This year, our budget does not look at the ministry and it doesn't see to items but looks for programmes.\"" ], [ "He cannot give an opinion that he will recommend to the plenary beforehand because it is pending committee approval." ], [ "Once the committee has approved its report and opinion, it will be submitted to Parliament for discussion in plenary or general session." ], [ "The National Parliament will discuss the proposed General State Budget (GSB) 2019 bill totaling $3.6 billion, of which US$475 million is for salaries and wages; USD8 millions corresponds to minor capital expenditure in public sector services as well aid from other government agencie' s programs or projects that are not directly related with developmental activities like road construction etc..." ], [ "The Government's annual plan for 2018 reflected the continuation of work on public financial management reform, which was followed by a budgetary roadmap per programme." ], [ "Commission C will approve report and opinion on November 29 Previous articleWomen must demonstrate competence in any decision Next ArticleSTAE acquires essential equipment used for the presidential election of October, December." ] ]
BANKU SIRA – PRESIJA FÓ LIU TAN INFORMASAUN! KONSUMIDOR TIMOR OAN SIRA TENKI ATENTU – Tane Konsumidor\nBANKU SIRA – PRESIJA FÓ LIU TAN INFORMASAUN!\nKONSUMIDOR TIMOR OAN SIRA TENKI ATENTU\nServisu bankariu sira importante tebes iha moris loron-loron consumidor sira nian, tamba ne’e maka asesu ba abertura konta sira depojitu ho orden ka kartaun debitu sira, informasaun konabá estratu bancáriu, no seluk hanesan servisu essencial atu fó ba consumidor sira.\nTANE Simu tia keisa balun relasiona ho kualidade la diak iha servisu sira ne’ebé presta hosi banku iha Timor-Leste, ami desidi atua. Iha fulan Outubru no Novembru TANE halo estudu konabá obrigasaun legal banku sira nian, liu-liu iha Informasaun ba consumidor no levantamentu kustu hosi komisaun sira ne’ebé maka kobra husi BNU Timor Grupo, Bank Mandiri, Banco Nacional Comercial de Timor-Leste e Bank Rakyat Indonésia.\nHo estudu ida ne’e ami hakarak alerta ba consumidor konabá sira ninia direitu, no informa konabá folin maka pratika hela daudaun ne’e, ajuda mos atu hetan asesu ba informasaun no bele halo eskoolla kritika ho informada konabá sira nia konta bankaria sira.\nKankluzaun ne’ebé TANE hetan maka falta iha Timor-Leste, lejislasaun ne’ebé klaru no sistematizada konabá obrigasaun sira banku nian, liu-liu konabá informasaun ba konsumidor sira. Laiha dispozisaun legal sira maka respeita ba relasaun banku ho klienti sira hodi halo consumidor sira maka iha sorin ida fraku hela deit iha relasaun kontratual, iha situasaun ida vulnerável liu.\nDIREITO BA INFORMASAUN\nTANE ejamina informasaun sira neébe banku fo iha sira nia instalasaun no iha sira nia website, no husu prejensialmente no liu husi telefone, informasaun sira hotu konabá sira ninia presariu. Identifica situasaun sira nebe la tuir dalan lolos:\n1 – Presariu sira servisu bankariu nian, iha kazu balun la fiksa ka tau no la aktualiza iha pajina internet ka iha instalasaun ne’ebé halo atendimentu ba publiku.\n2 – Aktulaizasaun presariu sira la manda ka la komunika ba konsumidor sira.\n3 – Balun informasaun la fó sai iha dalen oficial Timor-leste nian Tétum ka português, hanesan BRI.\n4 – Estratu bankariu ne’ebé fo sai informasaun kona ba valor no movimentu sira konta sira nian devia ser grátis, hanesan pratika iha BRI\n5. Estratu bankariu ne’ebé hola parte iha direitu ba informasaun so entrega kuandu ita husu no kontra pagamento.\nApresiasaun geral insatisfatória, tamba hatudu katak entidade bankaria sira la tuir Lei ne’ebé iha, konkretamente informasaun ba consumidor sira.\nAmi alerta ba consumidor sira atu atentu ba kondisaun sira no kustu hosi sira ninia servisu bankaria. Husu ba banku atu fo informasaun sira ne’ebé iha obrigasaun atu fó.\nKOMISAUN BANKARIA SIRA\nTANE halo analise ba komisaun bankaria iha banku sira maka hanesan tuir mai ne’e: BNU Timor Grupo, Bank Mandiri, Banco Nacional Comercial de Timor-Leste e Bank Rakyat Indonésia (BRI) banku ANZ rekuza fó informasaun, tamba ne’e la integra iha estudu ida ne’e. Rekuza atu fó informasaun publika ke devia ser asesivel ba kualker konsumidor, tuir ami nia hare, hanesan violasaun direitu ba informasaun tuir Lei protesaun ba consumidor.\nDestaka aspektu sira hanesan tuir mai ne’e:\n1 – Komisaun sira ba manutensaun konta ho ordem, as tebes (entre $3,60 e $35) no la intergra kualker servisu hanesan estratu bankariu ou kartaun debitu\n2 – Kustu anual ba kartaun debitu iha BNU bele sae to’o $50. Banku Mandiri deit maka la kobra kartaun debitu restu sira kobra $3, 60 no $4\n3 – Kustu husi levantamentu numerariu iha balkaun aas tebes. Por ijemplu, foti 50 dolar bele kusta entre $0,50 to’o $5. Dala ida tan so deit banku mandiri maka foti grátis iha balkaun, iha ATM levantamentu grátis iha BRI no Mandiri. Iha banku sira seluk sira seluk consumidor tenki selu 15 to’o 25 sentimos.\n4 – Halo transferência nacional liu husi ATM la selu buat ida iha banku BRI ho Mandiri. Se halo tranferensia iha balkaun maka consumidor sira selu makas entre $1 to’o $5 ba tranferensia husi banku ida ba banku seluk no tranferensia ba banku hanesan entre $0,50 to’o $2.50.\n5. Kustu ba estratu bankariu ita kestiona tamba halo parte iha direitu ba informasaun, no iha sorin seluk, aas tebes se ita liga ho poder Timor oan sira nian atu hola sasan. Estratu fulan ida nian bele kusta entre $0,25 e $0,50 cêntimos no tinan ida nian entre $3 e $6.\nTANE recomenda ba consumidor sira atu antes loke konta bankaria ka muda banku, husu presariu sira hodi bele deside ida ne’ebé maka diak liu.\nTANE NIA REIVINDIKASAUN\nTANE kompromete atu luta ba mudansa iha sektor ne’e. pasu dahuluk maka loron 16 de Dezembro apresenta karta loby ba Banco Central de Timor'Leste ho revindikasaun haat, atu banku sira bele iha obrigasaun atu kumpri hanesan tuir mai ne'e:\n1 – Iha kongratasaun servisu bankariu tenki fó sai informasaun sira hotu ne’ebé nessesaria, útil ho forma momos ka lolos no iha tempo ne’ebé sertu no iha lian ofisial ida.\n2 – Fasilita presario kompletu no aktulizada kona ba selebrasaun kontratu sira. Depois no wainhira Konsumidor sai kliente, sempre ke presario hetan alterasaun ruma manda versaun foun ka actualizada gratuitamente liu husi email ka servisu koreiu nian, presario kompletu no actualizada tenki disponível hela deit iha pajina online sira iha internet no fiksa iha fatin ne’ebé ema bele hare mos iha instalasaun sira.\n3 – Define valor masimu ba komisaun sira ne’ebé banku koa, adekua ho realidade ekonomika konsumidor Timor oan sira hotu nian.\n4 – Envia hela deit estratu bankariu la ho kustu ba konsumidor sira, liu-liu estratu fulan –fulan no tinan nian no deskreve mos komissaun no montante sira ne’ebé kobra husi consumidor sira.\nHare informasaun sira iha Tabela iha karaik ne'e!!
[ "BANKU SIRA - PRESIJA FO LIU TAN INFORMASAUN!", "KONSUMIDOR TIMOR OAN SIRA TENKI ATENTU - Tane Konsumidor BANKU SIRA - PRESIJA FO LIU TAN INFORMASAUN!", "KONSUMIDOR TIMOR OAN SIRA TENKI ATENTU Servisu bankariu sira importante tebes iha moris loron-loron consumidor sira nian, tamba ne'e maka asesu ba abertura konta sira depojitu ho orden ka kartaun debitu sira, informasaun konaba estratu bancariu, no seluk hanesan servisu essencial atu fo ba consumidor sira.", "TANE Simu tia keisa balun relasiona ho kualidade la diak iha servisu sira ne'ebe presta hosi banku iha Timor-Leste, ami desidi atua.", "Iha fulan Outubru no Novembru TANE halo estudu konaba obrigasaun legal banku sira nian, liu-liu iha Informasaun ba consumidor no levantamentu kustu hosi komisaun sira ne'ebe maka kobra husi BNU Timor Grupo, Bank Mandiri, Banco Nacional Comercial de Timor-Leste e Bank Rakyat Indonesia.", "Ho estudu ida ne'e ami hakarak alerta ba consumidor konaba sira ninia direitu, no informa konaba folin maka pratika hela daudaun ne'e, ajuda mos atu hetan asesu ba informasaun no bele halo eskoolla kritika ho informada konaba sira nia konta bankaria sira.", "Kankluzaun ne'ebe TANE hetan maka falta iha Timor-Leste, lejislasaun ne'ebe klaru no sistematizada konaba obrigasaun sira banku nian, liu-liu konaba informasaun ba konsumidor sira.", "Laiha dispozisaun legal sira maka respeita ba relasaun banku ho klienti sira hodi halo consumidor sira maka iha sorin ida fraku hela deit iha relasaun kontratual, iha situasaun ida vulneravel liu.", "DIREITO BA INFORMASAUN TANE ejamina informasaun sira neebe banku fo iha sira nia instalasaun no iha sira nia website, no husu prejensialmente no liu husi telefone, informasaun sira hotu konaba sira ninia presariu.", "Identifica situasaun sira nebe la tuir dalan lolos: 1 - Presariu sira servisu bankariu nian, iha kazu balun la fiksa ka tau no la aktualiza iha pajina internet ka iha instalasaun ne'ebe halo atendimentu ba publiku.", "2 - Aktulaizasaun presariu sira la manda ka la komunika ba konsumidor sira.", "3 - Balun informasaun la fo sai iha dalen oficial Timor-leste nian Tetum ka portugues, hanesan BRI.", "4 - Estratu bankariu ne'ebe fo sai informasaun kona ba valor no movimentu sira konta sira nian devia ser gratis, hanesan pratika iha BRI 5.", "Estratu bankariu ne'ebe hola parte iha direitu ba informasaun so entrega kuandu ita husu no kontra pagamento.", "Apresiasaun geral insatisfatoria, tamba hatudu katak entidade bankaria sira la tuir Lei ne'ebe iha, konkretamente informasaun ba consumidor sira.", "Ami alerta ba consumidor sira atu atentu ba kondisaun sira no kustu hosi sira ninia servisu bankaria.", "Husu ba banku atu fo informasaun sira ne'ebe iha obrigasaun atu fo.", "KOMISAUN BANKARIA SIRA TANE halo analise ba komisaun bankaria iha banku sira maka hanesan tuir mai ne'e: BNU Timor Grupo, Bank Mandiri, Banco Nacional Comercial de Timor-Leste e Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) banku ANZ rekuza fo informasaun, tamba ne'e la integra iha estudu ida ne'e.", "Rekuza atu fo informasaun publika ke devia ser asesivel ba kualker konsumidor, tuir ami nia hare, hanesan violasaun direitu ba informasaun tuir Lei protesaun ba consumidor.", "Destaka aspektu sira hanesan tuir mai ne'e: 1 - Komisaun sira ba manutensaun konta ho ordem, as tebes (entre $3,60 e $35) no la intergra kualker servisu hanesan estratu bankariu ou kartaun debitu 2 - Kustu anual ba kartaun debitu iha BNU bele sae to'o $50.", "Banku Mandiri deit maka la kobra kartaun debitu restu sira kobra $3, 60 no $4 3 - Kustu husi levantamentu numerariu iha balkaun aas tebes.", "Por ijemplu, foti 50 dolar bele kusta entre $0,50 to'o $5.", "Dala ida tan so deit banku mandiri maka foti gratis iha balkaun, iha ATM levantamentu gratis iha BRI no Mandiri.", "Iha banku sira seluk sira seluk consumidor tenki selu 15 to'o 25 sentimos.", "4 - Halo transferencia nacional liu husi ATM la selu buat ida iha banku BRI ho Mandiri.", "Se halo tranferensia iha balkaun maka consumidor sira selu makas entre $1 to'o $5 ba tranferensia husi banku ida ba banku seluk no tranferensia ba banku hanesan entre $0,50 to'o $2.50.", "5.", "Kustu ba estratu bankariu ita kestiona tamba halo parte iha direitu ba informasaun, no iha sorin seluk, aas tebes se ita liga ho poder Timor oan sira nian atu hola sasan.", "Estratu fulan ida nian bele kusta entre $0,25 e $0,50 centimos no tinan ida nian entre $3 e $6.", "TANE recomenda ba consumidor sira atu antes loke konta bankaria ka muda banku, husu presariu sira hodi bele deside ida ne'ebe maka diak liu.", "TANE NIA REIVINDIKASAUN TANE kompromete atu luta ba mudansa iha sektor ne'e. pasu dahuluk maka loron 16 de Dezembro apresenta karta loby ba Banco Central de Timor'Leste ho revindikasaun haat, atu banku sira bele iha obrigasaun atu kumpri hanesan tuir mai ne'e: 1 - Iha kongratasaun servisu bankariu tenki fo sai informasaun sira hotu ne'ebe nessesaria, util ho forma momos ka lolos no iha tempo ne'ebe sertu no iha lian ofisial ida.", "2 - Fasilita presario kompletu no aktulizada kona ba selebrasaun kontratu sira.", "Depois no wainhira Konsumidor sai kliente, sempre ke presario hetan alterasaun ruma manda versaun foun ka actualizada gratuitamente liu husi email ka servisu koreiu nian, presario kompletu no actualizada tenki disponivel hela deit iha pajina online sira iha internet no fiksa iha fatin ne'ebe ema bele hare mos iha instalasaun sira.", "3 - Define valor masimu ba komisaun sira ne'ebe banku koa, adekua ho realidade ekonomika konsumidor Timor oan sira hotu nian.", "4 - Envia hela deit estratu bankariu la ho kustu ba konsumidor sira, liu-liu estratu fulan -fulan no tinan nian no deskreve mos komissaun no montante sira ne'ebe kobra husi consumidor sira.", "Hare informasaun sira iha Tabela iha karaik ne'e!!" ]
[ [ "BANKU SIRA - PRESIJA FO LIU TAN INFORMASAUN!" ], [ "TIMOR OAN SIRA KONSUMIDOR TAKE ATTENTION - Tane Konsumidor BANKU ISRA – PRESSIJA FO LIU TAN INFORMASAUN!" ], [ "Banking services are very important in the everyday life of consumers, which is why access to opening deposit account with order or debit card information on banking history and other essential service for customers." ], [ "TANE Simu said there are some complaints related to the poor quality of services provided by bank in Timor-Leste, we decided acting." ], [ "In October and November TANE conducted a study on the legal obligations of banks, particularly in Consumer Information as well an estimated cost for commission chargeds by BNU Timor Grupo Bank Mandiri Banco Nacional Comercial de Timór-Leste e Banca Rakyat Indonesia." ], [ "With this study, we want to alert consumers about their rights and inform them of the prices that are currently being practiced. We also help people gain access for information so they can make a critical informed decision regarding bank account use by themselves or through other sources such as social media sites (Facebook)." ], [ "TANE's conclusion was that there is a lack in Timor-Leste of clear and systematized legislation on bank obligations, particularly with regard to information for consumer." ], [ "The lack of legal provisions regarding the relationship between banks and their clients leave consumer in a weak position only within contractual relations, putting them into an even more vulnerable situation." ], [ "RIGHT TO INFORMATION TANE reviews the information provided by banks at their premises and on its website, as well As requesting in person or via telephone all relevant details about clients." ], [ "Identify situations that do not follow the proper procedure: 1 - The requirements of banking services, in some cases are neither fixed nor posted and updated on web pages or at public service facilities." ], [ "2 - Price updates are not sent or communicated to consumers." ], [ "3 - Information is not provided in the official language of East Timor Tetum or Portuguese, such as BRI." ], [ "4 - Banking strata providing information on the value and movements of account should be free, as is practiced in BRI5." ], [ "The banking strata involved have the right to information on delivery when we request and against payment." ], [ "The overall assessment is unsatisfactory, as it shows that the banking entities do not complied with existing laws and regulation." ], [ "We warn consumers to pay attention on the terms and costs of their banking services." ], [ "Ask the bank to provide you with information that it is required by law." ], [ "BANKING COMMISSIONS SIRA TANE analyzed the banking commissions in bank as follow: BNU Timor Grupo, Bank Mandiri and Banco Nacional Comercial de Timór-Leste. ANZ refused to provide information so it was not included for this study;" ], [ "Refusing to provide public information that should be accessible by any consumer, in our view is a violation of the right for Information under Consumer Protection Law." ], [ "Highlight the following aspects: 1 - Commissions for maintaining an account with order, very high (between $3.60 and €25) that do not integrate any services such as bank stratum or debit card;" ], [ "Only Mandiri Bank does not charge for debit cards the rest banks do $3, 60 and$4. The cost of cash drawing at a counter is very high" ], [ "For example, taking $50 can cost anywhere from .49 to US$12 or even more than that!" ], [ "Once again only Mandiri Bank takes free on the balcony, there are ATMs with a Free withdrawal at BRI and Mandiri." ], [ "In other banks, the consumer has to pay 15-20 centimos." ], [ "4 - Doing national transfer via ATM does not charge anything in BRI bank with Mandiri." ], [ "If transfers are made at the counter, consumer will pay between $1 to$5 for bank-to -bank and inwardly from one banking entity or another." ], [ "5. Requirements for the application" ], [ "The cost to the banking strata we question as part of our right on information, and in turn is too high when linked with Timorese's power for buying." ], [ "A monthly subscription can cost between $0.25 and 1/4 cents, a yearly one may be worth as much or less than that (between US$3-6)." ], [ "TANE recommends that before opening a bank account or switching to another banking institution, customers ask their representatives for advice so they can decide which one is best." ], [ "TANE is committed to fighting for change in the sector. The first step was on December 16th, when it presented a lobby letter with four demands at Banco Central de Timor-Leste (BCTL) so that bank should be obliged as follow: - In request of banking services must provide all necessary information useful and accurate form timely service required by law;" ], [ "2 - Complete and updated press facility regarding the signing of contracts." ], [ "After and whenever the Consumer becomes a client, any changes to these terms will be sent free of charge by email or postal service. The complete updated version shall remain available only on online pages in Internet as well placed at an accessible place within its premises for viewing from outside users (excluding those who are not registered)." ], [ "3 - Define a maximum value for the commissions charged by bank, appropriate to economic reality of all Timorese consumer." ], [ "4 - Send only bank statements at no cost to consumer, especially monthly and yearly accounting summaries that also describe the fees charged by customers." ], [ "See the information in Table below this evening!!" ] ]
Funsionáriu ADN Na’in Tolu Halakon Osan Estadu $24.394\nFunsionáriu ADN Na’in Tolu Halakon Osan Estadu $24.394 Featured\nDILI: Funsionáriu Ajénsia Dezenvolvimentu Nasionál (ADN) na'in tolu (3) ho naran inisiál CJSP, JFLS, JMG sai arguidu tanba deskonfia halakon osan Estadu relasiona ho projetu Planu Dezenvolvimentu Integradu Distritál (PDID), iha territóriu timor laran tomak.\nArguidu ida ho naran DSS nu’udar na'in ba kompañia TA ne’ebé konstrui fatin lixu públiku sanulu (10) iha Munisípiu Likisá. Tuir akuzasaun husi Ministériu Públiku katak, arguidu CJSP hahú servisu iha AND kuaze tinan 2010.\nArguidu JFLS servisu hanesan funsionáriu iha ADN no iha tinan 2013 nu’udar koordenadór ADN Munisípiu Likisá. Arguidu JMG servisu hanesan funsionáriu iha ADN no iha tinan 2013 nu’udar Xefe Departamentu Diresaun Verifikasaun ADN.\nIha tinan 2013, Governu liuhusi Ministériu Estatál implementa projetu PDID iha territóriu timor laran tomak.\nIha Munisípiu Likisá antes implementa projetu PDID, arguidu CJSP nu’udar tékniku planu dezenvolvimentu integradu distritál Likisá hamutuk PJM, DFS halo uluk levantamentu fatin ne’ebé destinadu atu implementa projetu ne’e.\nBa projetu konstrusaun lixu iha fatin públiku iha planu administrativu arguidu CJSP mak prepara dezeñu Bill of Quantity (BoQ). Kompañia ba konstrusaun halo fatin lixu nian hamutuk 10 ho montante kada lixu USD $4.875. Prepara tiha dezeñu BoQ, arguidu CJSP submete ba iha Ministériu Estatál husi diresaun DNDD hodi haruka ba ADN.\nTuir regra normál, hafoin submete dezenu ho BoQ ba AND, tékniku sira husi ADN ne’ebé prezide husi arguidu JFLS halo fali verifikasaun ba BoQ ho dezeñu refere no iha momentu ne'ebá sira halo mudansa ba orsamentu ne’ebé propoin ona husi arguidu CJSP hamutuk USD $46,502 sa'e ba montante USD $54.702.\nArguidu JFLS mak halo alterasaun ba montante sira ne’e. Iha momentu ne'ebá kompañia 11 mak hatama dokumentu ba konkursu projetu ne’e. Husi kompañia 11 ne’e hafoin halo selesaun dokumentu maka kompañia TA mak sai manan nain ba projetu ne’e.\nKompañia konsege konstrui projetu tuir kontratu ne’ebé konstrui ona ho governu no finaliza iha loron 3 Outubru 2013.\nHafoin finaliza konstrusaun ne’e iha loron 5 Outubru 2013, liuhusi AA nu’udar Vise-Koordenadór ADN submete pedidu ne’e ba ADN nasionál hodi halo pagamentu 100% ba arguidu DSS.\nHafoin pagamentu total 90% ba kompañia, PAC ne’ebé troka arguidu JFLS nu’udar Koordenadór ADN Munisípiu Likisá deteta iha fallansu estimasaun husi arguidu JFLS no orsamentu ho totál USD $4.702ne’e la konstrui ba lixu fatin 10.\nKonsekuénsia husi arguidu sira nia hahalok ne’e Estadu hetan prejuizu ho montante USD $24.394. Tanba ne’e, Ministériu Públiku akuza arguidu sira ba krime burla agravadu ne’ebé previstu iha artigu 267 husi kódigu penál. Ba kazu ida ne’e arguidu sira presta deklarasaun ona iha antes primeiru julgamentu.\nNune’e mós testemuña AA deklara iha tribunál katak, momentu ne’e iha duni fallansu osan konstrusaun ne’e, depois ADN halo pagamentu ba kompañia ne’e 100% mak foin deteta fallansu no osan ba projetu ne’e sei iha restu hamutuk USD $4.702.\n“Ami deteta tiha liu semana rua ha’u informa ba ha’u nia superiór sira no bolu kedas kompañia ne’e mai ami husu katak konstrusaun hotu ona pagamentu 100%, maibé projetu ne’e seidauk entrega mai ADN, tanba ne’e kontajen osan liu ami haruka devolve osan lae aumenta servisu, no aumenta tan lixu ualu (8)”, dehan testemuña iha sala julgamentu TDD.\nNia esplika, maibé kompañia ne’e lakohi entaun prosesu ne’e ba oin mak foin kompañia aumenta tan lixu ualu ne’e.\nRona tiha testemuña, tribunál adia julgamentu ne’e ba loron 5 Novembru 2019 tuku 11:00 hodi rona fali testemuña sira seluk. Audiénsia julgamentu prezide husi koletivu, Maria Solana, António do Carmo, Ivan Suritay, Ministériu Públiku reprezenta husi prokuradór Jacinto Babo, arguidu sira hetan asisténsia legál husi Defensór Públiku.\nMore in this category: « CNRT Lalika Ansi Ba Kargu Prezidente RAEOA AMP Hahú "Nakfera" »\n/Funsionáriu ADN Na’in Tolu Halakon Osan Estadu $24.394\nTotal visitors: 621247
[ "Funsionariu ADN Na'in Tolu Halakon Osan Estadu $24.394 Funsionariu ADN Na'in Tolu Halakon Osan Estadu $24.394 Featured DILI: Funsionariu Ajensia Dezenvolvimentu Nasional (ADN) na'in tolu (3) ho naran inisial CJSP, JFLS, JMG sai arguidu tanba deskonfia halakon osan Estadu relasiona ho projetu Planu Dezenvolvimentu Integradu Distrital (PDID), iha territoriu timor laran tomak.", "Arguidu ida ho naran DSS nu'udar na'in ba kompania TA ne'ebe konstrui fatin lixu publiku sanulu (10) iha Munisipiu Likisa.", "Tuir akuzasaun husi Ministeriu Publiku katak, arguidu CJSP hahu servisu iha AND kuaze tinan 2010.", "Arguidu JFLS servisu hanesan funsionariu iha ADN no iha tinan 2013 nu'udar koordenador ADN Munisipiu Likisa.", "Arguidu JMG servisu hanesan funsionariu iha ADN no iha tinan 2013 nu'udar Xefe Departamentu Diresaun Verifikasaun ADN.", "Iha tinan 2013, Governu liuhusi Ministeriu Estatal implementa projetu PDID iha territoriu timor laran tomak.", "Iha Munisipiu Likisa antes implementa projetu PDID, arguidu CJSP nu'udar tekniku planu dezenvolvimentu integradu distrital Likisa hamutuk PJM, DFS halo uluk levantamentu fatin ne'ebe destinadu atu implementa projetu ne'e.", "Ba projetu konstrusaun lixu iha fatin publiku iha planu administrativu arguidu CJSP mak prepara dezenu Bill of Quantity (BoQ).", "Kompania ba konstrusaun halo fatin lixu nian hamutuk 10 ho montante kada lixu USD $4.875.", "Prepara tiha dezenu BoQ, arguidu CJSP submete ba iha Ministeriu Estatal husi diresaun DNDD hodi haruka ba ADN.", "Tuir regra normal, hafoin submete dezenu ho BoQ ba AND, tekniku sira husi ADN ne'ebe prezide husi arguidu JFLS halo fali verifikasaun ba BoQ ho dezenu refere no iha momentu ne'eba sira halo mudansa ba orsamentu ne'ebe propoin ona husi arguidu CJSP hamutuk USD $46,502 sa'e ba montante USD $54.702.", "Arguidu JFLS mak halo alterasaun ba montante sira ne'e.", "Iha momentu ne'eba kompania 11 mak hatama dokumentu ba konkursu projetu ne'e.", "Husi kompania 11 ne'e hafoin halo selesaun dokumentu maka kompania TA mak sai manan nain ba projetu ne'e.", "Kompania konsege konstrui projetu tuir kontratu ne'ebe konstrui ona ho governu no finaliza iha loron 3 Outubru 2013.", "Hafoin finaliza konstrusaun ne'e iha loron 5 Outubru 2013, liuhusi AA nu'udar Vise-Koordenador ADN submete pedidu ne'e ba ADN nasional hodi halo pagamentu 100% ba arguidu DSS.", "Hafoin pagamentu total 90% ba kompania, PAC ne'ebe troka arguidu JFLS nu'udar Koordenador ADN Munisipiu Likisa deteta iha fallansu estimasaun husi arguidu JFLS no orsamentu ho total USD $4.702ne'e la konstrui ba lixu fatin 10.", "Konsekuensia husi arguidu sira nia hahalok ne'e Estadu hetan prejuizu ho montante USD $24.394.", "Tanba ne'e, Ministeriu Publiku akuza arguidu sira ba krime burla agravadu ne'ebe previstu iha artigu 267 husi kodigu penal.", "Ba kazu ida ne'e arguidu sira presta deklarasaun ona iha antes primeiru julgamentu.", "Nune'e mos testemuna AA deklara iha tribunal katak, momentu ne'e iha duni fallansu osan konstrusaun ne'e, depois ADN halo pagamentu ba kompania ne'e 100% mak foin deteta fallansu no osan ba projetu ne'e sei iha restu hamutuk USD $4.702.", "\"Ami deteta tiha liu semana rua ha'u informa ba ha'u nia superior sira no bolu kedas kompania ne'e mai ami husu katak konstrusaun hotu ona pagamentu 100%, maibe projetu ne'e seidauk entrega mai ADN, tanba ne'e kontajen osan liu ami haruka devolve osan lae aumenta servisu, no aumenta tan lixu ualu (8) ,\" dehan testemuna iha sala julgamentu TDD.", "Nia esplika, maibe kompania ne'e lakohi entaun prosesu ne'e ba oin mak foin kompania aumenta tan lixu ualu ne'e.", "Rona tiha testemuna, tribunal adia julgamentu ne'e ba loron 5 Novembru 2019 tuku 11:00 hodi rona fali testemuna sira seluk.", "Audiensia julgamentu prezide husi koletivu, Maria Solana, Antonio do Carmo, Ivan Suritay, Ministeriu Publiku reprezenta husi prokurador Jacinto Babo, arguidu sira hetan asistensia legal husi Defensor Publiku.", "More in this category: \" CNRT Lalika Ansi Ba Kargu Prezidente RAEOA AMP Hahu \"Nakfera\" \" /Funsionariu ADN Na'in Tolu Halakon Osan Estadu $24.394 Total visitors: 621247" ]
[ [ "Dili: Three (3) National Development Agency officials with the initials CJSP, JFLS and jMG have been charged on suspicion of embezzlement in connection to a project called Plano Dezenvolvimento Integrado Distrital (\"PDID\"), which is being implemented throughout Timor-Leste." ], [ "An accused named DSS was the owner of a TA company that built ten public garbage dump sites in Likisa Municipality." ], [ "According to the Public Prosecutor's Office, defendant CJSP began working in AND almost 2013." ], [ "The defendant JFLS worked as a staff member in the ADN and, from January to June of this year (2013), he was DNA coordinator for Likisa Municipality." ], [ "The defendant JMG worked as a staff member in ADN and, from the year of his arrest (2013), he was heading DNA Verification Department." ], [ "In 2013, the Government through State Ministry implemented PDID project throughout Timor-Leste." ], [ "In Likisa Municipality before implementing the PDID project, defendant CJSP as a technician of integrated development plan district likisi together with JPM DFS first made survey site intended to implementation this." ], [ "For the construction of a garbage dump in public spaces on an administrative plan, CJSP prepared Bill Of Quantity (BoQ) design." ], [ "The construction company built 10 dump sites at a cost of USD $4,875 each." ], [ "Having prepared the BoQ design, defendant CJSP submitted it to State Ministry from DNDD Directorate in order for ADN." ], [ "As a normal rule, after submitting the drawing with BoQ to AND technicians of DNA chaired by defendant JFLS re-verify boq and design in question at that time they made changes on budget proposed already accuse CJSP amount USD $46.502 up for an additional US$ €39718" ], [ "The defendant JFLS altered these amounts." ], [ "At the time, 10 companies submitted documents for this project." ], [ "Of these 12 companies, TA was selected as the winner of this project after a document selection process." ], [ "The company was able to build the project accordingly with a contract that had been signed by government and completed on October,3rd of this year." ], [ "After completing the construction on October 5th, AA as Vice-Coordinator of DNA submitted this request to National DNS in order for payments be made at a full rate." ], [ "After total payment of 90% to the company, CPA who replaced defendant JFLS as DNA Co-ordinator Municipality Likisa detected in estimation failures by respondent and budget with a Total USD $4.712 was not built for litter bin no:" ], [ "As a consequence of the defendants' actions, State losses amounted to USD $24.395 million (US$ 160m)." ], [ "Therefore, the Public Prosecutor's Office charged them with aggravated defamation under article 267 of The Criminal Code." ], [ "In this case, the defendants have made statements before first trial." ], [ "Also, AA's witnesses stated in court that at the time there was a failure of construction money. After ADN made payment to this company it is only after they detected fail-over and then when all funds were paid for project will have remaining USD $4702 (US$5168)." ], [ "\"We detected over two weeks I informed my superiors and immediately called the company we asked that all construction has been paid 102%, but this project is not delivering to DNA, therefore count money more than it was sent back no increase work amount of waste (8)\", said witnesses at TDD courtroom." ], [ "He explained, but the company did not want to so this process is going on until it increases its waste." ], [ "After hearing the testimony, it adjourned to 10:45 a.m on November 26th in order for additional witnesses and evidences be heard again at that time of day (November  3rd)." ], [ "The trial hearing was presided over by Maria Solana, Antonio do Carmo and Ivan Suritay; the Public Prosecutor's Office (MPO) is representing Jacinto Babo." ], [ "More in this category: \" CNRT Lalika Ansi Ba Kargu Presiden RAEOA AMP Hahu 'Nakfera'\" /Three DNA Officials Violate State Salary $24.395 Total visitors, total viewers" ] ]
C&A hasai hosi merkadu kazaku ba bebé sira tanba risku asfiksia tanba botaun sira - Lifestyle - Haksolok ho SAPO\nC&A hasai hosi merkadu kazaku ba bebé sira tanba risku asfiksia tanba botaun sira\nSapo TL, 12 de juñu de 2014\nC&A husu ba konsumidór sira atu fó fila kazaku sira bebé nian ho kór mean ka kór-roza.\nEmpreza internasionál ba ropa nian C&A fó sai iha loron-kinta ne'e, liuhosi komunikadu iha imprensa, katak hasai hosi merkadu kazaku ba bébe sira tanba ninia botaun sira ne'ebé bele sai no halo asfiksia, no promete atu fó fila osan ba sé maka fó fali kazaku sira.\nIha anúnsiu, empreza esplika katak desidi hasai hosi merkadu kazaku sira bebé nian hahú hosi fulan tolu no to'o tinan rua tanba botaun sira hosi kazaku sira ne'e bele sai.\n"Bainhira dada fiu hosi bitaun ruma, botaun ne'e bele monu. Bainhira kosok-oan sira tau ba ibun laran no tolan bele hamosu risku asfiksia ida", empreza esplika ona no hatutan katak maski laiha kesar ida kona-bá insidente ruma, sira hakarak hasai hosi merkadu hodi prevene.\nIha komunikadu, C&A husu ba konsumidór sira atu fó fila kazaku sira bebé nia ho kór mean no kór-roza (ho númeru referénsia sira 321/02/02/74522/803 no 321/02/74522/805), ho tamañu 68 to'o 92 (hahú hosi fulan tolu to'o tinan rua).\n"Bele fó fila kazaku sira bebé nian iha loja ruma C&A nian ka haruka liuhosi koreiu, lahó kustu ruma. Ami sei fó fali folin tomak nian", refere hosi empreza ne'e.\nC&A subliña katak to'o agora seidauk iha estraga pesoál ruma maibé hanesan de'it medida ida hodi prevene.
[ "C&A hasai hosi merkadu kazaku ba bebe sira tanba risku asfiksia tanba botaun sira - Lifestyle - Haksolok ho SAPO C&A hasai hosi merkadu kazaku ba bebe sira tanba risku asfiksia tanba botaun sira Sapo TL, 12 de junu de 2014 C&A husu ba konsumidor sira atu fo fila kazaku sira bebe nian ho kor mean ka kor-roza.", "Empreza internasional ba ropa nian C&A fo sai iha loron-kinta ne'e, liuhosi komunikadu iha imprensa, katak hasai hosi merkadu kazaku ba bebe sira tanba ninia botaun sira ne'ebe bele sai no halo asfiksia, no promete atu fo fila osan ba se maka fo fali kazaku sira.", "Iha anunsiu, empreza esplika katak desidi hasai hosi merkadu kazaku sira bebe nian hahu hosi fulan tolu no to'o tinan rua tanba botaun sira hosi kazaku sira ne'e bele sai.", "\"Bainhira dada fiu hosi bitaun ruma, botaun ne'e bele monu.", "Bainhira kosok-oan sira tau ba ibun laran no tolan bele hamosu risku asfiksia ida,\" empreza esplika ona no hatutan katak maski laiha kesar ida kona-ba insidente ruma, sira hakarak hasai hosi merkadu hodi prevene.", "Iha komunikadu, C&A husu ba konsumidor sira atu fo fila kazaku sira bebe nia ho kor mean no kor-roza (ho numeru referensia sira 321/02/02/74522/803 no 321/02/74522/805), ho tamanu 68 to'o 92 (hahu hosi fulan tolu to'o tinan rua).", "\"Bele fo fila kazaku sira bebe nian iha loja ruma C&A nian ka haruka liuhosi koreiu, laho kustu ruma.", "Ami sei fo fali folin tomak nian,\" refere hosi empreza ne'e.", "C&A sublina katak to'o agora seidauk iha estraga pesoal ruma maibe hanesan de'it medida ida hodi prevene." ]
[ [ "C&A withdraws from the Kazakh market for babies because of asphyxiation risk due to buttoning - Lifestyle and Healthy lifestyle.com, LIVING & LIFESTYLE: Life style news in Kazakhstan with SAPO Lively lifestyle News on social media (social network) is an online magazine published by Haksolok ho SPAO daily newspaper that has been running since June/July-2014 when it was founded at a time where there were many people who had no idea what they are doing or how much money their company earns through its advertising activities" ], [ "The international clothing company C&A said on Friday, through a press release that it was removing from the Kazakh baby market its buttons which could come out and suffocate babies. It promised to refund anybody who returned them for their money if they were not damagetted or worn incorrectly by children under 12 years of age" ], [ "In an announcement, the company explained that it had decided to withdraw from market Kazakh babies starting at three months and up until two years of age because their buds could come out." ], [ "\"When a bit of bitumen is fired, the button may fall off." ], [ "When they are placed on the neck and throat it can create a risk of suffocation,\" has been explained by this company. It added that even though no complaints about any incident have occurred with these products in recent years we want to recall them from market as preventive measure" ], [ "In a statement, C&A urged consumers to return the baby coat with pink and red stripes (reference numbers 321/05-74698), in size from six months upwards." ], [ "\"You can return your baby coats at any C&A store or by mail, free of charge." ], [ "We'll refund the full price,\" said a source in this company." ], [ "C&A stresses that so far there has not been any personal damage but this is only a preventive measure." ] ]
Governu Laiha Sistema Monitoriza Uzu Aimoruk - TIMOR AGORA\nGovernu Laiha Sistema Monitoriza Uzu Aimoruk\nGovernu seidauk bele halo kalkulasaun diak ida ba kuantidade aimoruk ne’ebe presiza kada tinan, tanba laiha lista diario husi ospitais sira kona ba kuantidade no items aimoruk ne’ebe uza ona.\nMinistra Saude, Maria do Ceo Sarmento Pina da Costa rekonese katak problema aimoruk sai problema klasiku ministeirio nian ne’ebe seidauk bele rezolve to’o agora.\nNia dehan, durante ne’e pesoal saude sira pasa reseitas ba paseintes maibe la halo registu, entaun susar atu halo kalkulasaun ida lolos ba iha aimoruk ne’ebe presiza.\n“Dadus laiha, susar ba ita atu halo kalkulasaun lolos, ita kalkula mais, aimoruk barak sei sunu no ita kalkula menus hamosu stok out ba aimoruk,” nia preokupa bainhira halo audiensia publika ho membrus parlamentu iha Parlamentu, Dili.\nAlende ne’e, nia dehan difikuldade seluk mak falta rekursu humanus iha fasilidade saude liu –liu farmasistas, tanba realidade cleaner sira mak ajuda emfermeiru/a sira fahe aimoruk ba pasiente lor-loron.\nNia informa, tinan kotuk governu sunu aimoruk container hat hamutuk items 47 ho valor osan hamutuk $300 mil resin tanba prazu liu ona.\nNia dehan, aimoruk hirak ne’e sosa iha tinan 2013 -2014 no aimoruk doasaun balun husi agensia Global Fund no UNICEF.\nNia hatutan, aimoruk hirak ne’ebe sunu barak liu aimoruk antibiotika inklui ampixillin no seluk tan, tanba mediku sira la uza ona aimoruk sira ne’e atu halo tratamentu.\nIha tinan 2015, governu estabelese sistema online ida iha saude munisipio Baucau no Dili hodi kontrola uzus aimoruk lor-loron iha fasilidade saude, maibe iha Baucau agora la funsiona ona tanba problema internet.\nIha parte seluk, Prezidente Komisaun F (saude, edukasaun, kultura, veteranus e igualidade jeneru), Virgilio da Costa Hornai hateten aimoruk items balun sosa no doasaun husi agensia internasional sira barak la tuir situasaun moras ne’ebe Timor iha.\nServisu importante ida, mak nia dehan pesoal saude sira tenke halo jestaun ba uzus aimoruk iha kada fasilidade saude, ajuda governu hodi halo kalkulasaun ba uzus aimoruk ne’ebe lolos, nune’e bele halo kompras.\n“Ita tenke iha database ida atu ita bele halo kalkulasaun ba kompras aimoruk tuir ita nia nesesidade, ne’e mak sira tenke halo,” nia hateten.\nKona ba aimoruk kontainer hat ne’ebe atu sunu, nia husu atu halo investigasaun ida klean ba aimoruk sira ne’e no fo sai ba publiku, tanba aimoruk hirak ne’e sosa ho osan bo’ot.\nNia mos husu ba ekipa Servisu Autonomo Medikamentus e Ekipamentus Saude (SAMES), atu servisu ho honestu, sosa duni aimoruk sira ne’ebe presiza.
[ "Governu Laiha Sistema Monitoriza Uzu Aimoruk - TIMOR AGORA Governu Laiha Sistema Monitoriza Uzu Aimoruk Governu seidauk bele halo kalkulasaun diak ida ba kuantidade aimoruk ne'ebe presiza kada tinan, tanba laiha lista diario husi ospitais sira kona ba kuantidade no items aimoruk ne'ebe uza ona.", "Ministra Saude, Maria do Ceo Sarmento Pina da Costa rekonese katak problema aimoruk sai problema klasiku ministeirio nian ne'ebe seidauk bele rezolve to'o agora.", "Nia dehan, durante ne'e pesoal saude sira pasa reseitas ba paseintes maibe la halo registu, entaun susar atu halo kalkulasaun ida lolos ba iha aimoruk ne'ebe presiza.", "\"Dadus laiha, susar ba ita atu halo kalkulasaun lolos, ita kalkula mais, aimoruk barak sei sunu no ita kalkula menus hamosu stok out ba aimoruk,\" nia preokupa bainhira halo audiensia publika ho membrus parlamentu iha Parlamentu, Dili.", "Alende ne'e, nia dehan difikuldade seluk mak falta rekursu humanus iha fasilidade saude liu -liu farmasistas, tanba realidade cleaner sira mak ajuda emfermeiru/a sira fahe aimoruk ba pasiente lor-loron.", "Nia informa, tinan kotuk governu sunu aimoruk container hat hamutuk items 47 ho valor osan hamutuk $300 mil resin tanba prazu liu ona.", "Nia dehan, aimoruk hirak ne'e sosa iha tinan 2013 -2014 no aimoruk doasaun balun husi agensia Global Fund no UNICEF.", "Nia hatutan, aimoruk hirak ne'ebe sunu barak liu aimoruk antibiotika inklui ampixillin no seluk tan, tanba mediku sira la uza ona aimoruk sira ne'e atu halo tratamentu.", "Iha tinan 2015, governu estabelese sistema online ida iha saude munisipio Baucau no Dili hodi kontrola uzus aimoruk lor-loron iha fasilidade saude, maibe iha Baucau agora la funsiona ona tanba problema internet.", "Iha parte seluk, Prezidente Komisaun F (saude, edukasaun, kultura, veteranus e igualidade jeneru), Virgilio da Costa Hornai hateten aimoruk items balun sosa no doasaun husi agensia internasional sira barak la tuir situasaun moras ne'ebe Timor iha.", "Servisu importante ida, mak nia dehan pesoal saude sira tenke halo jestaun ba uzus aimoruk iha kada fasilidade saude, ajuda governu hodi halo kalkulasaun ba uzus aimoruk ne'ebe lolos, nune'e bele halo kompras.", "\"Ita tenke iha database ida atu ita bele halo kalkulasaun ba kompras aimoruk tuir ita nia nesesidade, ne'e mak sira tenke halo,\" nia hateten.", "Kona ba aimoruk kontainer hat ne'ebe atu sunu, nia husu atu halo investigasaun ida klean ba aimoruk sira ne'e no fo sai ba publiku, tanba aimoruk hirak ne'e sosa ho osan bo'ot.", "Nia mos husu ba ekipa Servisu Autonomo Medikamentus e Ekipamentus Saude (SAMES), atu servisu ho honestu, sosa duni aimoruk sira ne'ebe presiza." ]
[ [ "Government Does Not Have a System for Monitoring Drug Use - TIMOR AGORA The government is not able to make an accurate calculation of the amounts needed each year, because there are no daily list from hospital on quantities and items used." ], [ "Health Minister Maria do Ceo Sarmento Pina da Costa acknowledged that the problem of medicines has become a classical issue for her ministry, which remained unresolver until now." ], [ "He said, during this time health workers passed prescriptions to patients but did not register them so it is difficult for us in order make a proper calculation of the medicine needed." ], [ "\"There is no data, it's difficult for us to make proper calculations. We overestimate and many medicine will be burned up; we under- estimate which lead into out of stock drugs.\" He was concerned during a public hearing with MPS in the Parliament Building at Dili City Hall on Thursday morning (12/05)." ], [ "In addition, he said another difficulty is the lack of human resources in health facilities especially pharmacists because it's actually cleaner who help nurse/a distribute medicine to patients on a daily basis." ], [ "He informed that last year the government burned 47 items of containerized drugs worth more than $305 thousand because they were overdue." ], [ "He said that the drugs were purchased in 2013-4 and some of them are donates from agencies such as Global Fund, UNICEF." ], [ "He added that the drugs burning most are antibiotics including ampicillin and others, because doctor' s no longer use these medicine to treat." ], [ "In 2015, the government established an online system in health districts of Baucau and Dili to control daily drug use at medical facilities. But this is now not working because there are problems with internet access for people who live on a remote location or have no connection from home (excluding residential areas)." ], [ "On the other hand, Chairman of Commission F (health and social affairs), Virgilio da Costa Hornai said that some items purchased from international agencies are not in line with Timorese disease situation." ], [ "An important service, he said health workers must manage the use of drugs in each facility and help government to calculate proper drug usage so that they can make purchases." ], [ "\"We need a database so that we can make calculations for the purchase of medicines according to our needs, which is what they must do\", he said." ], [ "Regarding the four containers of medicine to be burned, he asked for a clear investigation into these drugs and release them publicly because they were purchased at high prices." ], [ "He also asked the team of Serviço Autonomo Medicamentos e Equipamentos Saude (SAMES), to work honestly, and actually buy all necessary drugs." ] ]
Analfabetu Oan Sai Doutoramentu | STLNEWS\nFoto: STL/Mikael Mali Mau\nDILI, STLNEWS.co – Maluk letores sira, serimonia Solene Graduasaun Dili Institute of Technology (DIT) ba dala XIV periodu tinan 2021, konvida ita atu konese analfabetu oan husi area rurais Tei’Nae Aldeia Bonemese, Suku Naimeco, Postu Administrativu Pantemacassar Rejiaun Administrativu Espesial Oecusse, konsege sai doutoramentu ho susesu.\nAnalfabetu Cipriano Sau no Lucia Anuno/felicada nia oan mane dahuluk ho naran kompletu mak Dr. Joao Muni, MM, moris iha Bonemese, Bairru Tei’Nae, Suku Naimeco-Oecusse, iha loron 20 fulan Novembru tinan 1969.\nDr. Joao Muni nia karier servisu hanesan mestri no dosente tinan 1995 iha Dili. Husi tinan 1995-1997 hanesan mestri iha Escola Secundaria Curacao de Jesus Becora no Darma Bakti Dili. Iha periodu hanesan dosente no Koordenador Biblioteka Universidade de Timor Timur (UNTIM), hanorin sujetu Sosiolojia, Sosiolojia Rural no Urbana i Metodolojia Peskiza.\nIha tinan 1997-1999 servisu hanesan funsionariu publika Indonezia iha Diresaun Edukasaun Distritu Bobonaro nian. Iha tinan 2002 servisu ba Staf UNDP Oecusse, hanesan ‘Political Apoinment’ ba Partidu Politiku sira iha Eleisaun Asembleia Konstitusional. Iha tinan 2002-2003 servisu hanesan koordenador servisu humanitaria iha ‘German Agro Action’ suporta distribuisaun komunitaria, prepara fasilidades emerjensia ba eskolas hanesan meza-kadeira, fornese irigasaun ba komunitariu agrikultor sira no asistensia ai-han.\nIha fulan Maiu tinan 2002, loke Eskola Ensino Secundaria Baqui – Oecusse nuudar Diretor, iha periodu hanesan mos loke DIT Kampus Rejional Oecusse. Tuir mai sei esplika kompletu. Bainhira sei eskola iha ensinu basika Naimeco transporte sae kuda ho distansia 25 km. Inspirasaun nebe motiva atu eskola to’o nivel aas atu sai camat, no ikus mai sai mestre ka profesor hahu husi profesor sekundaria no agora hanesan profesor universitaria ka dosente.\nHau nia aman-inan (Cipriano Sau no Lucia Anuno/felicada). Oan dahuluk husi maun alin nain 5 (Joao Muni, Juliana Muni, Batista Muni/felicio, Mario Muni no Xisto Muni). Hau kaben ho Maria Magdalena Suranti (Klaten, Jawa Tengah-Indonesia). Oan nain rua (2) Seraphine Letizia Rozary Eka Salu Putri no Zebedeo Antonio Spinola Salu Putra. Oan feto hasai nia Lisensiatura Akuntabilidade iha Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomia Yogyakarta-YKPN no Mastrada iha Jestaun Financa (Teze) iha Universidade Atma Jaya Yogyakarta-Indonesia.\nOan Mane estuda Teknik Otomotif iha Sekolah Tinggi Perindustrian-STP AKPRIND Yogyakarta-Indonesia. Profisaun informal hanesan natar nain no hakiak animal (karau, fahi, no bibi) hanesan talentu husi inan-aman agrikultor no animal atan.\nBainhira dada lia ho STL iha ninia rezidensia, Surik Mas, Sabadu (27/11/2021) konfesa katak, iha era independensia, inisiu hanesan dosente iha DIT Kampus Rejional Enclave Oecusse (DITKREO), aumezmu tempu hanesan staf dosente no administrasaun, toma responsabilidade konaba adademika ninian. Progresu dezenvolvimentu DITKREO ninian hahu iha tinan 2010, hetan fiar hanesan Diretor DITKREO, mezmu tempu iha neeba hadia buat balu, oinsa prepara DITKREO hetan akreditasaun nomos hadia DITKREO hanesan aset iha Oecusse tomak.\n“Ho situasaun ida nee hau promove DITKREO, sai hanesan simbolu ida katak, aset ba Oecusse tomak, tanba nee, hau foku ba oinsa hadia administrasaun iha DITKREO no programa, neebe hau trasa maka promove staf dosente potensial sira atu kontinua sira nia estudu iha nivel aas liu, hanesan mastradu ba dosente nain lima (5), nunee sira hetan valor ho finaliza sira nia estudu iha nivel mestradu iha Indonezia, liu – liu Universidade Admajaya no UKSW,” dehan nia.\nIha tempu neeba, hafoin akaba husi knaar Diretor DITKREO, hetan fiar atu kontinua estudu iha doutoramentu.\n“Tanba nee, hahu iha tinan 2015 to’o 2020, hau hetan fiar husi DIT atu kontinua estudu doutoramentu iha area Public Administration, nee duni estudu ida nee hau remata ho diak no konsege halo hau nia teze. Hau hanoin katak, rekursu umanu sai fator importante atu dezenvolve mundu akademiku, liu – liu iha DITKREO, mais hafoin fila husi estudu doutoramentu, hetan knaar iha kampus Central DIT ninian, primeiru hanesan dosentes iha School of Business and Management, hanesan Xefe Departementu Jestaun jeral ninian, halo merger hamutuk, hanesan marketing management, Human Resource management, Agro Comersiu no public policy Management.\nPrepara kurríkulu ida nee, hau uza dadaun ona no entrega ba kolega sira balu no hau sai hanesan dosente senior iha Departementu School of Bisnis Management and Administration (MBA) no nafatin hanorin iha Departementu Jestaun Jeral ninian, finance management nomos acountabilidade ninian.\nAntes asume knaar hanesan dosente, uluk hanesan funsionariu publiku iha Depatmentu Ekonomia iha Ministeriu Ekonomia servisu iha centru Dezenvolvimentu Emprezariu Oecusse (CDE) hanesan Gestor Oecusse, foka liu ba area treinamentu professional ba emprezariu sira, oinsa sira bele hatene buka idea bisnis.\nIha tempu independensia, hau servisu hanesan funsionáriu, ONG tanba situasaun emerjensia, ita laiha servisu neebe hau servisu monta gabiaun ka bronjong iha mota ninin sira, hada fatuk barajen, halo servisu badaen nian hanesan deker oan sira iha komunidade nia leet iha area konstrusaun nomos fahe sasan umanitaria, mina goreng, fore ba komunidade sira iha momentu neeba. Situasaun ida nee, hau la hanoin ona nivel edukasaun neebe hau hetan, maibe oinsa atu sustenta ita nia moris, liu-liu moris familia ninian.\nIha tinan 2002, Sr. Jose Anuno, Sr. Stanislao Saldanha, Sr. Joao Cancio, buka dalan harii instituisaun ka universidade naran DIT, hau mos la involve iha diskusaun sira nee, maibe sira temi hau nia naran katak, iha posibilidade tama ekipa ida nee, neebe la hatene hau fundador ka la fundador, maibe hau nudar staf iha momentu neeba, sira fiar hau atu sai hanesan staf administrasaun akademika, rejistu estudante foun DITKREO, prepara dokumentus para prosesu aprendizajen iha Oecusse tempu neeba.\nIha momentu neeba, hanesan funsionariu iha Departementu Ekonomia Dezenvolvimentu, ho knaar jestor iha Centro Dezenvolvimentu Emprezarial (CDE). Situasaun ida nee maka hau halo, dader iha oras servisu ofisial, loraik kontinua iha DITKREO.\nAlende nee mos Intelektuais sira ezije hamoris fali eskola secundaria ida iha Suku Naimeco, Aldeia Baki iha tinan 2002, tanba nee kontinua fahe tan hau nia tempu, dader servisu ofisial, meudia sai jerente ka diretor iha SMA Baki no loraik kontinua fali hanesan funsionariu CDE no husi tuku 5:00 loraik to’o tuku 8:00 kalan, halao knaar hanesan staf DIT, loron ida halao knaar tolu dala ida, maibe buat hotu lao diak.\nSituasaun ida nee, hau bele fiar katak, ita servisu makaas iha loron ida, ita sei hetan buat ida neebe maka diak, tanba nee iha tinan 2008, hau hetan fiar husi DIT atu ba kontinua hau nia estudu Maestradu iha UGM iha area Public Administration, nunee remata iha tinan 2010.\nHafoin remata estudu, fila mai Timor no kontinua halao knaar hanesan Funsionariu CDE iha Oecusse, nunee iha momentu neeba tenke determina hau nia futuru, hau tenke hili servisu tanba iha momentu neeba husi Ministeriu Ekonomia tawarkan buat barak mai hau, tanba nee osan neebe hau simu tenke fahe ba sanan tolu, hau nia oan sira eskola iha Indonezia, hau servisu iha Dili nomos hau nia kaben hela iha Oecusse, tanba nee situasaun difisil tebes, entaun iha fulan Jullu tinan 2010, hau rejignaan husi funsionariu publiku CDE no halao knaar tomak iha DITKREO.\nNee duni hau komesa servisu fokus, la servisu iha Eskola Secundaria no CDE, hau fokus deit ona iha DIT. Liu husi servisu fokus, konsege halao serimonia solene graduasaun DIT iha Oecusse.\nNia rekonese katak, sei kiik la iha mehi atu hetan graun doutoramentu, tanba inan aman moris nuudar agrikultor iha knua izoladu iha Oecusse, iha Suku Naimeco, Aldeia Tei’Nae, laiha mehi iha nivel edukasaun neebe aas tebes hanesan dadaun nee.\n“Hau agradese ba hau nia inan aman no familia sira hotu katak, iha situasaun seidauk iha informasaun konaba edukasaun neebe klean, fiar hau ba eskola, atu bele hetan edukasaun iha nivel ida neebe bele hakerek, lee nomos bele komunika ho ema. Dalan moris neebe naruk no susar tebes, tanba ita eskola iha knua lao ain kuaze 25 kilometrus atu hetan edukasaun bazika, depois husi neeba hau ba fali iha SMPK Santo Antonio Oecusse, sei kiik hela mesak, dook husi inan aman, hau hanoin, ida nee sai hanesan bukae ida katak, mental husi kiik, trasa ona atu bele hasoru moris ida nee, difikuldade iha parte ekonomia ninian, inan aman la hatene buka osan, tanba sira la eskola, maske sira iha riku soin balun hanesan animal, maibe sira seidauk iha konesimentu konaba merkadu atu buka osan eskola sira nia oan nee,” haktuir nia.\nHafoin akaba SMP, hau hakat liu mai iha Dili, tanba iha momentu neeba, tinan 1987, seidauk iha eskola sekundaria iha Oecusse, hau koko kontinua estuda iha Dili, entaun inan aman mos aseita ho inisiativa ida nee, hodi kontinua hau nia estudu.\nFamilia balun husi hau nian, hakarak atu hau tama eskola seminariu, tanba eskola ida neebe fo matenek diak liu, maibe inan aman la aseita no haruka hau eskola sekundariu iha Dili, Sao Jose. Iha tempu neeba, primeiru Ano sekundaria ninian, hetan fiar husi profesores sira tanba iha komportamentu diak, performance diak, valor naton hetan bolsu estudu kontinua eskola secundaria segundu ano no terseiru ano iha Jogjakarta-Indonezia.\nHusi situasaun ida nee, governador Timor-Timur ninian, liu- liu desizaun matebian, Eng. Mario Viegas Carascalao hateten, iha ninia vizita iha Jogjakarta momentu neeba katak, Timor oan sira neebe maka eskola iha eskola sekundaria iha Jawa-Indonesia, hetan oportunidade bolsu estudu iha universidade.\nInformasaun nee, motiva hau atu prepra aan kompete iha teste tama universidade iha Idonezia, entaun hau tuir teste iha Universidade Gajah Mada pasa, tanba nee ho grasa Maromak maske iha momentu neeba osan laiha, sorte boot impresta osan ho montante RP.15.000, tau naran iha universidade. Ho ida nee hau agradese ba Governador Timor Timur, Eng. Mario Viegas Carascalao, tanba hau kontinua eskola iha ensino superior iha UGM Indonezia, foti departementu Sosiolojia no konsege akaba hau nia estudu iha tinan 1995.\nPrevious articleDr. Peregrinus D. Siga Taa, M. Eng: Kualidade Servisu Infrastrutura Publiku Fraku\nNext articleKandidata An Ba PR, Labele Sai Opozisaun Ba Instituisaun Estadu
[ "Analfabetu Oan Sai Doutoramentu | STLNEWS Foto: STL/Mikael Mali Mau DILI, STLNEWS.co - Maluk letores sira, serimonia Solene Graduasaun Dili Institute of Technology (DIT) ba dala XIV periodu tinan 2021, konvida ita atu konese analfabetu oan husi area rurais Tei'Nae Aldeia Bonemese, Suku Naimeco, Postu Administrativu Pantemacassar Rejiaun Administrativu Espesial Oecusse, konsege sai doutoramentu ho susesu.", "Analfabetu Cipriano Sau no Lucia Anuno/felicada nia oan mane dahuluk ho naran kompletu mak Dr. Joao Muni, MM, moris iha Bonemese, Bairru Tei'Nae, Suku Naimeco-Oecusse, iha loron 20 fulan Novembru tinan 1969.", "Dr. Joao Muni nia karier servisu hanesan mestri no dosente tinan 1995 iha Dili.", "Husi tinan 1995-1997 hanesan mestri iha Escola Secundaria Curacao de Jesus Becora no Darma Bakti Dili.", "Iha periodu hanesan dosente no Koordenador Biblioteka Universidade de Timor Timur (UNTIM), hanorin sujetu Sosiolojia, Sosiolojia Rural no Urbana i Metodolojia Peskiza.", "Iha tinan 1997-1999 servisu hanesan funsionariu publika Indonezia iha Diresaun Edukasaun Distritu Bobonaro nian.", "Iha tinan 2002 servisu ba Staf UNDP Oecusse, hanesan 'Political Apoinment' ba Partidu Politiku sira iha Eleisaun Asembleia Konstitusional.", "Iha tinan 2002-2003 servisu hanesan koordenador servisu humanitaria iha 'German Agro Action' suporta distribuisaun komunitaria, prepara fasilidades emerjensia ba eskolas hanesan meza-kadeira, fornese irigasaun ba komunitariu agrikultor sira no asistensia ai-han.", "Iha fulan Maiu tinan 2002, loke Eskola Ensino Secundaria Baqui - Oecusse nuudar Diretor, iha periodu hanesan mos loke DIT Kampus Rejional Oecusse.", "Tuir mai sei esplika kompletu.", "Bainhira sei eskola iha ensinu basika Naimeco transporte sae kuda ho distansia 25 km.", "Inspirasaun nebe motiva atu eskola to'o nivel aas atu sai camat, no ikus mai sai mestre ka profesor hahu husi profesor sekundaria no agora hanesan profesor universitaria ka dosente.", "Hau nia aman-inan (Cipriano Sau no Lucia Anuno/felicada).", "Oan dahuluk husi maun alin nain 5 (Joao Muni, Juliana Muni, Batista Muni/felicio, Mario Muni no Xisto Muni).", "Hau kaben ho Maria Magdalena Suranti (Klaten, Jawa Tengah-Indonesia).", "Oan nain rua (2) Seraphine Letizia Rozary Eka Salu Putri no Zebedeo Antonio Spinola Salu Putra.", "Oan feto hasai nia Lisensiatura Akuntabilidade iha Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomia Yogyakarta-YKPN no Mastrada iha Jestaun Financa (Teze) iha Universidade Atma Jaya Yogyakarta-Indonesia.", "Oan Mane estuda Teknik Otomotif iha Sekolah Tinggi Perindustrian-STP AKPRIND Yogyakarta-Indonesia.", "Profisaun informal hanesan natar nain no hakiak animal (karau, fahi, no bibi) hanesan talentu husi inan-aman agrikultor no animal atan.", "Bainhira dada lia ho STL iha ninia rezidensia, Surik Mas, Sabadu (27/11/2021) konfesa katak, iha era independensia, inisiu hanesan dosente iha DIT Kampus Rejional Enclave Oecusse (DITKREO), aumezmu tempu hanesan staf dosente no administrasaun, toma responsabilidade konaba adademika ninian.", "Progresu dezenvolvimentu DITKREO ninian hahu iha tinan 2010, hetan fiar hanesan Diretor DITKREO, mezmu tempu iha neeba hadia buat balu, oinsa prepara DITKREO hetan akreditasaun nomos hadia DITKREO hanesan aset iha Oecusse tomak.", "\"Ho situasaun ida nee hau promove DITKREO, sai hanesan simbolu ida katak, aset ba Oecusse tomak, tanba nee, hau foku ba oinsa hadia administrasaun iha DITKREO no programa, neebe hau trasa maka promove staf dosente potensial sira atu kontinua sira nia estudu iha nivel aas liu, hanesan mastradu ba dosente nain lima (5), nunee sira hetan valor ho finaliza sira nia estudu iha nivel mestradu iha Indonezia, liu - liu Universidade Admajaya no UKSW,\" dehan nia.", "Iha tempu neeba, hafoin akaba husi knaar Diretor DITKREO, hetan fiar atu kontinua estudu iha doutoramentu.", "\"Tanba nee, hahu iha tinan 2015 to'o 2020, hau hetan fiar husi DIT atu kontinua estudu doutoramentu iha area Public Administration, nee duni estudu ida nee hau remata ho diak no konsege halo hau nia teze.", "Hau hanoin katak, rekursu umanu sai fator importante atu dezenvolve mundu akademiku, liu - liu iha DITKREO, mais hafoin fila husi estudu doutoramentu, hetan knaar iha kampus Central DIT ninian, primeiru hanesan dosentes iha School of Business and Management, hanesan Xefe Departementu Jestaun jeral ninian, halo merger hamutuk, hanesan marketing management, Human Resource management, Agro Comersiu no public policy Management.", "Prepara kurrikulu ida nee, hau uza dadaun ona no entrega ba kolega sira balu no hau sai hanesan dosente senior iha Departementu School of Bisnis Management and Administration (MBA) no nafatin hanorin iha Departementu Jestaun Jeral ninian, finance management nomos acountabilidade ninian.", "Antes asume knaar hanesan dosente, uluk hanesan funsionariu publiku iha Depatmentu Ekonomia iha Ministeriu Ekonomia servisu iha centru Dezenvolvimentu Emprezariu Oecusse (CDE) hanesan Gestor Oecusse, foka liu ba area treinamentu professional ba emprezariu sira, oinsa sira bele hatene buka idea bisnis.", "Iha tempu independensia, hau servisu hanesan funsionariu, ONG tanba situasaun emerjensia, ita laiha servisu neebe hau servisu monta gabiaun ka bronjong iha mota ninin sira, hada fatuk barajen, halo servisu badaen nian hanesan deker oan sira iha komunidade nia leet iha area konstrusaun nomos fahe sasan umanitaria, mina goreng, fore ba komunidade sira iha momentu neeba.", "Situasaun ida nee, hau la hanoin ona nivel edukasaun neebe hau hetan, maibe oinsa atu sustenta ita nia moris, liu-liu moris familia ninian.", "Iha tinan 2002, Sr. Jose Anuno, Sr. Stanislao Saldanha, Sr. Joao Cancio, buka dalan harii instituisaun ka universidade naran DIT, hau mos la involve iha diskusaun sira nee, maibe sira temi hau nia naran katak, iha posibilidade tama ekipa ida nee, neebe la hatene hau fundador ka la fundador, maibe hau nudar staf iha momentu neeba, sira fiar hau atu sai hanesan staf administrasaun akademika, rejistu estudante foun DITKREO, prepara dokumentus para prosesu aprendizajen iha Oecusse tempu neeba.", "Iha momentu neeba, hanesan funsionariu iha Departementu Ekonomia Dezenvolvimentu, ho knaar jestor iha Centro Dezenvolvimentu Emprezarial (CDE).", "Situasaun ida nee maka hau halo, dader iha oras servisu ofisial, loraik kontinua iha DITKREO.", "Alende nee mos Intelektuais sira ezije hamoris fali eskola secundaria ida iha Suku Naimeco, Aldeia Baki iha tinan 2002, tanba nee kontinua fahe tan hau nia tempu, dader servisu ofisial, meudia sai jerente ka diretor iha SMA Baki no loraik kontinua fali hanesan funsionariu CDE no husi tuku 5:00 loraik to'o tuku 8:00 kalan, halao knaar hanesan staf DIT, loron ida halao knaar tolu dala ida, maibe buat hotu lao diak.", "Situasaun ida nee, hau bele fiar katak, ita servisu makaas iha loron ida, ita sei hetan buat ida neebe maka diak, tanba nee iha tinan 2008, hau hetan fiar husi DIT atu ba kontinua hau nia estudu Maestradu iha UGM iha area Public Administration, nunee remata iha tinan 2010.", "Hafoin remata estudu, fila mai Timor no kontinua halao knaar hanesan Funsionariu CDE iha Oecusse, nunee iha momentu neeba tenke determina hau nia futuru, hau tenke hili servisu tanba iha momentu neeba husi Ministeriu Ekonomia tawarkan buat barak mai hau, tanba nee osan neebe hau simu tenke fahe ba sanan tolu, hau nia oan sira eskola iha Indonezia, hau servisu iha Dili nomos hau nia kaben hela iha Oecusse, tanba nee situasaun difisil tebes, entaun iha fulan Jullu tinan 2010, hau rejignaan husi funsionariu publiku CDE no halao knaar tomak iha DITKREO.", "Nee duni hau komesa servisu fokus, la servisu iha Eskola Secundaria no CDE, hau fokus deit ona iha DIT.", "Liu husi servisu fokus, konsege halao serimonia solene graduasaun DIT iha Oecusse.", "Nia rekonese katak, sei kiik la iha mehi atu hetan graun doutoramentu, tanba inan aman moris nuudar agrikultor iha knua izoladu iha Oecusse, iha Suku Naimeco, Aldeia Tei'Nae, laiha mehi iha nivel edukasaun neebe aas tebes hanesan dadaun nee.", "\"Hau agradese ba hau nia inan aman no familia sira hotu katak, iha situasaun seidauk iha informasaun konaba edukasaun neebe klean, fiar hau ba eskola, atu bele hetan edukasaun iha nivel ida neebe bele hakerek, lee nomos bele komunika ho ema.", "Dalan moris neebe naruk no susar tebes, tanba ita eskola iha knua lao ain kuaze 25 kilometrus atu hetan edukasaun bazika, depois husi neeba hau ba fali iha SMPK Santo Antonio Oecusse, sei kiik hela mesak, dook husi inan aman, hau hanoin, ida nee sai hanesan bukae ida katak, mental husi kiik, trasa ona atu bele hasoru moris ida nee, difikuldade iha parte ekonomia ninian, inan aman la hatene buka osan, tanba sira la eskola, maske sira iha riku soin balun hanesan animal, maibe sira seidauk iha konesimentu konaba merkadu atu buka osan eskola sira nia oan nee,\" haktuir nia.", "Hafoin akaba SMP, hau hakat liu mai iha Dili, tanba iha momentu neeba, tinan 1987, seidauk iha eskola sekundaria iha Oecusse, hau koko kontinua estuda iha Dili, entaun inan aman mos aseita ho inisiativa ida nee, hodi kontinua hau nia estudu.", "Familia balun husi hau nian, hakarak atu hau tama eskola seminariu, tanba eskola ida neebe fo matenek diak liu, maibe inan aman la aseita no haruka hau eskola sekundariu iha Dili, Sao Jose.", "Iha tempu neeba, primeiru Ano sekundaria ninian, hetan fiar husi profesores sira tanba iha komportamentu diak, performance diak, valor naton hetan bolsu estudu kontinua eskola secundaria segundu ano no terseiru ano iha Jogjakarta-Indonezia.", "Husi situasaun ida nee, governador Timor-Timur ninian, liu- liu desizaun matebian, Eng.", "Mario Viegas Carascalao hateten, iha ninia vizita iha Jogjakarta momentu neeba katak, Timor oan sira neebe maka eskola iha eskola sekundaria iha Jawa-Indonesia, hetan oportunidade bolsu estudu iha universidade.", "Informasaun nee, motiva hau atu prepra aan kompete iha teste tama universidade iha Idonezia, entaun hau tuir teste iha Universidade Gajah Mada pasa, tanba nee ho grasa Maromak maske iha momentu neeba osan laiha, sorte boot impresta osan ho montante RP.15.000, tau naran iha universidade.", "Ho ida nee hau agradese ba Governador Timor Timur, Eng.", "Mario Viegas Carascalao, tanba hau kontinua eskola iha ensino superior iha UGM Indonezia, foti departementu Sosiolojia no konsege akaba hau nia estudu iha tinan 1995.", "Previous articleDr.", "Peregrinus D. Siga Taa, M. Eng: Kualidade Servisu Infrastrutura Publiku Fraku Next articleKandidata An Ba PR, Labele Sai Opozisaun Ba Instituisaun Estadu" ]
[ [ "Dili, STLNEWS.co - Dear readers of the 14th Solemn Graduation Ceremony for this year's period at Timor-Leste Institute Of Technology (DIT), we are invited to meet an illiterate child from rural area Tei’Nae Aldeia Bonemese in Naimecos Village and Pantemacassar Post Office Oecusse special administrative region who has successfully obtained his doctorate degree with success!" ], [ "The first son of the illiterate Cipriano Sau and Lucia Anuno/felicada, with full name Dr. Joao Muni MM was born in Bonemese neighborhood Tei'Nae village Naimeco-Oecusse on November 20th (1968)." ], [ "Dr. Joao Muni's career began as a teacher and lecturer in Dili, 1985-2034 (Dili University)." ], [ "From 1985-7 she worked as a teacher at Escola Secundaria Curacao de Jesus Becora and Darma Bakti Dili." ], [ "During his time as lecturer and Library Coordinator at the University of Timor-Leste (UNTIM), he taught Sociology, Rural & Urban Social Sciences." ], [ "In 1987-2034, he worked as a civil servant in the Department of Education (Direktur Pendidikan) at Bobonaro District." ], [ "In 2013, he joined the UNDP staff in Oecusse as a Political Apoinment to political parties for Elections of Constitutional Assembly." ], [ "In 2013-4, he worked as a humanitarian coordinator at German Agro Action supporting community distributions and preparings of emergency facilities for schools like desks & chairs. He also provided food assistance to the local farmer communities in order that they could grow their crops on farmland without water damage or pollution caused by heavy rainfall" ], [ "In May 2013, he opened the School of Secondary Education Baqui - Oecusse as Director. At that same time also Opens a Regional Campus for Technical Institute in oecusse (DIT)." ], [ "I will explain it completely below." ], [ "When he went to school in Naimeco elementary education transportation goes up with a distance of 25 km." ], [ "The inspiration that motivates to go through school up the ladder, become a camat and eventually becoming teacher or lecturer from secondary teachers now as university professors." ], [ "My parents (Cipriano Sau and Lucia Anuno/felicada) are from Brazil." ], [ "He was the first of five siblings (João Muni, Juliana Muní/felicio and Batista Muní) born in 1948 to a Brazilian mother." ], [ "I am married to Maria Magdalena Suranti (Klaten, Central Java-Indonesia)." ], [ "The second child (2) is Seraphine Letizia Rozary Eka Salu Putri and Zebedee Antonio Spinola Suluh." ], [ "She earned her Bachelor of Accounting from Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomia Yogyakarta-YKPN and Master in Financial Management (Thesis) at Atma Jaya University,Yangzhou - Indonesia." ], [ "Oan Mane studied Automotive Engineering at Sekolah Tinggi Perindustrian-STP AKPRIND Yogyakarta, Indonesia." ], [ "Informal occupations such as farming and animal husbandry (cows, cattle) are the talents of farmer parents." ], [ "Speaking to the newspaper at his residence, Surik Mas confessed on Saturday (27/10) that in independence he began as a lecturer of DIT Regional Campus Enclave Oecusse and later took responsibility for its academics." ], [ "DITKREO’s development progress began in the year of, gained confidence as Director at that time I improved a few things to prepare for accreditation and enhance my position within Oecusse." ], [ "\"With this situation, I promote DITKREO as a symbol that it is an asset for the whole of Oecusse. Therefore i focus on how to improve administration in Ditikreo and programmes which are aimed at promoting potential teaching staff so they can continue their studies with higher levels such As Master' s degree from five (5) teachers who will gain value by completing master’ S level study programs within Indonesia especially Admajaya University & UKSW\" he said" ], [ "At that time, after leaving the position of Director DITKREO was given confidence to continue studies in doctoral." ], [ "\"Therefore, starting in 2015 until the end of this year I was given confidence by DITC to continue my doctoral studies on Public Administration. This study is what made me successfully finish and write a dissertation about it.\"" ], [ "I think that human resources have become an important factor in the development of academia, especially at DITKREO. After returning from my doctoral studies and having been hired on Central Campus first as lecturer to School Of Business And Management then Head Department For General Managers after mergers with marketing management Human Resource Managment Agro-Commerce Public Policy Marketing etc..." ], [ "I prepared this curriculum, which has already been used and delivered to some of my colleagues. Since then i have become a senior lecturer in the Departments School Of Business Management And Administration (MBA) as well As teaching at General Managerial department Finance management & Accounting 10" ], [ "Before taking on the role as a lecturer, he was previously civil servant in Economics Department at Ministry of Economy. He worked for Oecusse Business Development Centre (CDE) and is now Manager there focusing more than anything else to professional training entrepreneurial skills so that they can find business ideas" ], [ "In the time of independence, I worked as a civil servant in an NGO because there was emergency situation. We had no work to do like mounting gates or bridges on river bank and building dam wall; we did everyday jobs such As decker children amongst communities at construction sites And distributed humanitarian supplies (oil & feed) for community members during that period" ], [ "In this situation, I don't think about the level of education that i got but how to sustain our lives and especially my family." ], [ "In 2013, Mr. Jose Anuno and Ms Stanislao Saldanha were looking for a way to establish an institution or university named after the University of Technology Oecusse (DIT), I was not involved in these discussion but they mentioned my name as being one who could join this team which didn't know if i founder it nor didnt even start working there because at that time im still staffing on their campuses; then he trust me with academic administration work register new students from DITCREO prepare documents about learning process during those days" ], [ "At that time, he was a staff member in the Department of Development Economics with managerial responsibilities at Centro de Desenvolvimento Empreendezariale (CDE)." ], [ "This situation is what I did, in the morning during official working hours and afternoon continues at DITKREO." ], [ "In addition, the intellectuals demanded that a secondary school be opened in Naimeco Village of Baki village again. That is why I continued to divide my time between official work and being manager or director at SMA Baky; afternoon working as CDE employee from 5:01 pm until around midnight serving on three days per week but everything was going well for me!" ], [ "In this situation, I can trust that we work hard one day and will get something good. That is why in 2018 the University of Management (DIT) gave me confidence to continue my Master’s degree at UGM where it was focused on Public Administration which ended up being completed by Meat Processing Engineering Department as a Bachelor' s Degree Program with an extension for two years until September/October" ], [ "After finishing my studies, I returned to Timor and continued working as a CDE official in Oecusse. At that time it was necessary for me To determine the future of myself; at this moment there were many things offered by Ministry Of Economy so i had 3 choices: or work with them (my children are going into school here), Work from Dili wherever they live but also have their spouse who is living on our island which made life very difficult For these reasoni In July year2015I resigned all duties within DICTREO" ], [ "So I started to work focused, not working in the Secondary School and CDE. It was all about DIT now!" ], [ "Through focused work, it was possible to hold the solemn graduation ceremony of DIT in Oecusse." ], [ "He acknowledged that he had no desire to obtain a doctorate, because his parents lived as farmers in an isolated knua of Oecusse. In the Naimeco Village (Tei'Nae), there was not any aspiration for such high educational level at this time and so they were unwilling or unaware about what it would be like when their children reached adulthood:" ], [ "\"I am grateful to all my parents and family that in a situation where there is no information about education, I trust the school system so we can get an educated child who knows how To write. Read & communicates with people.\"" ], [ "The way of life is very long and difficult, because we go to school in a knua walking almost 25 kilometers for basic education. After that I went back into SMPK Santo Antonio Oecusse where my parents were away from me; it was like an adventure: mentally young people are already trained so they can cope with this situation but economically the family does not have enough money as their children don't attend schools despite having some good possessions such As animals which make them rich - however there has been no knowledge about marketplace or how one could earn any income.\"" ], [ "After graduating from secondary school, I moved to Dili because at the time there was no high-school in Oecusse. So my parents agreed with this initiative so that i could continue studying here as they wanted me and their sons/ daughter of abroad (I am now living on another island)." ], [ "Some of my family wanted me to go into a seminary school, because it gave better education. But they did not accept and sent Me secondary School in Dili (São José)." ], [ "At that time, my first year of secondary school was trusted by the professors for his good behaviour and performance. He received scholarship to continue in second-year highschool at Yogyakarta - Indonesia where he studied until third grade 1980/4" ], [ "From this situation, the governor of Timor-Leste is particularly concerned with his late father's decision to resign." ], [ "Mario Viegas Carascalao said, during his visit to Yogyakarta at the time that Timorese students who are studying in secondary schools on Java-Indonesia have been given scholarship opportunities for university studies." ], [ "This information motivated me to prepare myself for the university entrance test in Indonesia, so I took a exam at Gajah Mada University and passed it. With God’s grace even though there was no money then luck bought my credit card with an amount of Rp150-thousand (Indonesian Rupiah) which allowed us all two registered as students on that day!" ], [ "With this I thank the Governor of East Timor, Eng." ], [ "Mario Viegas Carascalao, because I continued my studies in higher education at UGM Indonesia and chose the department of Sociology." ], [ "Previous articleDr. Drinking Water" ], [ "Next articlePeregrinus D. Siga Taa, M ENG: Quality of Public Infrastructural Services Weak Previous ArticleCandidate to PR Does Not Become Opposition To State Institutions" ] ]
Sentru Peskiza Munisipiu Baucau Kontinua Produs Fini\nHare na'in: 445\nBaucau- Diresaun Servisu Ministeriu Agrikultura no Peskas liu husi Diresaun Nasional Agrikultura Hortikultura, Departamentu Fini iha sentru peskiza Munisipiu Baucau tinan ida ne’e kontinua produs fini hanesan, fini hare fundasaun, fini fore rai fundasaun inklui fini hare sertifikadu.\nAtividade durante tinan 2017 ne’e iha oin tolu hanesan, produs hare fundasaun hektares ida, fore rai fundasaun hektares ida no hare sertifikadu hektares lima.\nRezultadu total husi fini hare no fore rai oras ne’e dadauk hamutuk toneladas 8, hateten ofisial Fini Munisipiu, Basilio da Silva Pires iha Centru Peskiza Darasula Munisipiu Baucau.\nfini hirak ne’e ami destribui hotu ona ba grupu Asosiasaun iha munisipiu sanolu resin rua la inklui Oecusse, balun mak ami sei prepara hela seidauk destribui hotu. Iha semana kotuk liu ba ami mos destribui ona tonelada rua ba Vemasse atu nune’e sira kuda iha tinan ida ne’e, Tenik Basilio\nNia hatutan, atividade tinan ida ne’e sentru peskiza darasula kontinua produs fini hare. Klase fundasaun prepara hektar ida no fore rai hektar ida. Agora dadauk kontinua hektares lima no produsaun ba tinan 2018 sira presiza 10 toneladas, hare klase sertifikadu no fore rai sei kontinua ba toneladas 6.\n“Rajaun ami produs hare sertifikadu ne’e atu bele atende nesesidade agrikultura no mos grupu Asosiasaun ba produs fini komersial, tanba Ministeriu liu husi Diresaun Nasional Agrikultura, Departamentu Fini ho nia objetivu ikus liu atu hamenus importasaun fini hare, batar no fore rai husi rai liur.\n”Atividades sira ne’e maka oras ne’e dadauk ami hala’o hela iha Baucau no ami sempre koopera ho Ajensia sira hotu mos ho Diresaun Agrikultura Munisispiu Baucau no iha tim ida atu halo inspesaun ba atividade refere.” Tenik Basilio\nPlanu ba tinan ne’e ami kontinua prepara nafatin hare fini ba klase ne’ebe maka diak no kualidade. (Tyfa)
[ "Sentru Peskiza Munisipiu Baucau Kontinua Produs Fini Hare na'in: 445 Baucau- Diresaun Servisu Ministeriu Agrikultura no Peskas liu husi Diresaun Nasional Agrikultura Hortikultura, Departamentu Fini iha sentru peskiza Munisipiu Baucau tinan ida ne'e kontinua produs fini hanesan, fini hare fundasaun, fini fore rai fundasaun inklui fini hare sertifikadu.", "Atividade durante tinan 2017 ne'e iha oin tolu hanesan, produs hare fundasaun hektares ida, fore rai fundasaun hektares ida no hare sertifikadu hektares lima.", "Rezultadu total husi fini hare no fore rai oras ne'e dadauk hamutuk toneladas 8, hateten ofisial Fini Munisipiu, Basilio da Silva Pires iha Centru Peskiza Darasula Munisipiu Baucau. fini hirak ne'e ami destribui hotu ona ba grupu Asosiasaun iha munisipiu sanolu resin rua la inklui Oecusse, balun mak ami sei prepara hela seidauk destribui hotu.", "Iha semana kotuk liu ba ami mos destribui ona tonelada rua ba Vemasse atu nune'e sira kuda iha tinan ida ne'e, Tenik Basilio Nia hatutan, atividade tinan ida ne'e sentru peskiza darasula kontinua produs fini hare.", "Klase fundasaun prepara hektar ida no fore rai hektar ida.", "Agora dadauk kontinua hektares lima no produsaun ba tinan 2018 sira presiza 10 toneladas, hare klase sertifikadu no fore rai sei kontinua ba toneladas 6.", "\"Rajaun ami produs hare sertifikadu ne'e atu bele atende nesesidade agrikultura no mos grupu Asosiasaun ba produs fini komersial, tanba Ministeriu liu husi Diresaun Nasional Agrikultura, Departamentu Fini ho nia objetivu ikus liu atu hamenus importasaun fini hare, batar no fore rai husi rai liur.", "\"Atividades sira ne'e maka oras ne'e dadauk ami hala'o hela iha Baucau no ami sempre koopera ho Ajensia sira hotu mos ho Diresaun Agrikultura Munisispiu Baucau no iha tim ida atu halo inspesaun ba atividade refere.\"", "Tenik Basilio Planu ba tinan ne'e ami kontinua prepara nafatin hare fini ba klase ne'ebe maka diak no kualidade.", "(Tyfa)" ]
[ [ "Research Center of Baucau Municipality Continues to Produce Fertilizer for Harvest: 450 Bacau- The Ministry Service Directorate, through the National Agriculture Horticulture Direction and Department on fertiliser at research center in municipalities this year continue producing seed feeders such as foundation soil feeder (FSF), groundfeeding fund including certified field food." ], [ "Activities during the year 2017 have three fronts such as, produce one hectare of foundation harvest; forage a single hektare and certificate five." ], [ "The total result of the harvest and sowing amounts to 8 tons, said Fini Municipality official Basilio da Silva Pirees at Centro Pesquisa Darasula Baucau. These grain we have distributed all Association groups in twelve municipalities not including Oecusse; some are still being prepared but yet distribution hasn't been done altogether" ], [ "Last week we also distributed two tons to Vemasse so that they can grow this year, said Basilio. He added: \"This years' activity is the Darasula research center continues producing grain harvest.\"" ], [ "The foundation class prepares one hectare and sows the ground in an area of 1 ha." ], [ "Now they are continuing to grow five hectares and for 2018 the yields will be required of ten tons, certified harvest grade soil drilling is going on with six ton." ], [ "\"We recommended producing certified grains to meet the agricultural needs and also group Association for commercial cereal products, because Ministry through National Agriculture Directorate Department Cereals with its ultimate goal is reduced imports of corn seed from abroad." ], [ "\"These are the activities that we're currently carrying out in Baucau and always cooperate with all agencies as well,\" he said. He added: “We also have a team to conduct inspections of these activity.\"" ], [ "Basilio said that the plan for this year is to continue preparing harvests of better and higher quality." ], [ "(Tyfa) Typha" ] ]
By Tempo Timor April 11, 2020 5210\nAvenida Prezidente Nicolalo Lobato, besik Otel Katuas mamuk husi kareta no Motor (11/4) Foto tempotimor.com\nIha Sesta (10/04), gabinete Sentru Integradu ba Jestaun Krize (SIJK), Timor-oan ida ne'ebé durante ne'e kuarentena iha hotel ida iha Dili laran pozitivu Covid-19.\nTuir autoridade ida ne'ebé lakohi publika identidade hatete, Timor-oan ne'ebé pozitivu Covid-19 durante ne'e kuarentena ho ema na'in 37 seluk iha Hotel Katuas.\n"Mai kuarentena iha Hotel Katuas ne'e hamutuk sira na'in 38. Depois iha tiha loron sia mak foin mosu sintomas ba pesoál ne'e hanesan mear, isin manas, inus metin, kakorok moras inklui dada iis susar," dehan autoriedade ne'e ba tempotimor.com via telefone, Sabadu (11/04/2020).\nNia hatete, hafoin identifika ida pozitivu Covid-19, MS deside atu sira na'in 37 seluk tenke halo teste no labele sai molok rezultadu teste sai.\nFontes ne'e dehan, problema boot ne'ebé daudauk ne'e hasoru mak durante loron hirak iha kuarentena, pasiente Covid-19 halo ona kontaktu ho ema balun.\n"Agora problema mak ne'e, nia istória aat ne'e, nia kontaktu sira ne'e mak sei problema," fontes ne'e hatete.\nEntretantu, tuir informasaun, Timor-oan ne'ebé pozitivu Covid-19 ne'e hala'o viajen husi Maluku ba Surabaya iha 31 Marsu, iha 1 Abril nia aranka ba Kupang no mai liu Mota Ain, Batugade, ho Timor-oan na'in 7 seluk.\nHafoin to'o iha Mota Ain, sira nain 8 sae bus hamutuk ho kondutor no nia ajudante na'in 2. Signifika, ema na'in 10 mak halo kontaktu ona direitamente ho suspeitu Covid-19 molok tama iha Kuarentena.\nMaske nune'e, iha mós posibilidade boot pasiente ne'e halo ona kontatu ho nia familia no ema seluk tan.\nLast modified on Tuesday, 14 April 2020 08:09\n« Autoridade TL Dizinfekta Estrada, Hotel Katuas no Halo teste ba Timoroan 37 Ema Balun iha Kuarentena Hadutu Atetude Malandru »
[ "By Tempo Timor April 11, 2020 5210 Avenida Prezidente Nicolalo Lobato, besik Otel Katuas mamuk husi kareta no Motor (11/4) Foto tempotimor.com Iha Sesta (10/04), gabinete Sentru Integradu ba Jestaun Krize (SIJK), Timor-oan ida ne'ebe durante ne'e kuarentena iha hotel ida iha Dili laran pozitivu Covid-19.", "Tuir autoridade ida ne'ebe lakohi publika identidade hatete, Timor-oan ne'ebe pozitivu Covid-19 durante ne'e kuarentena ho ema na'in 37 seluk iha Hotel Katuas.", "\"Mai kuarentena iha Hotel Katuas ne'e hamutuk sira na'in 38.", "Depois iha tiha loron sia mak foin mosu sintomas ba pesoal ne'e hanesan mear, isin manas, inus metin, kakorok moras inklui dada iis susar,\" dehan autoriedade ne'e ba tempotimor.com via telefone, Sabadu (11/04/2020).", "Nia hatete, hafoin identifika ida pozitivu Covid-19, MS deside atu sira na'in 37 seluk tenke halo teste no labele sai molok rezultadu teste sai.", "Fontes ne'e dehan, problema boot ne'ebe daudauk ne'e hasoru mak durante loron hirak iha kuarentena, pasiente Covid-19 halo ona kontaktu ho ema balun.", "\"Agora problema mak ne'e, nia istoria aat ne'e, nia kontaktu sira ne'e mak sei problema,\" fontes ne'e hatete.", "Entretantu, tuir informasaun, Timor-oan ne'ebe pozitivu Covid-19 ne'e hala'o viajen husi Maluku ba Surabaya iha 31 Marsu, iha 1 Abril nia aranka ba Kupang no mai liu Mota Ain, Batugade, ho Timor-oan na'in 7 seluk.", "Hafoin to'o iha Mota Ain, sira nain 8 sae bus hamutuk ho kondutor no nia ajudante na'in 2.", "Signifika, ema na'in 10 mak halo kontaktu ona direitamente ho suspeitu Covid-19 molok tama iha Kuarentena.", "Maske nune'e, iha mos posibilidade boot pasiente ne'e halo ona kontatu ho nia familia no ema seluk tan.", "Last modified on Tuesday, 14 April 2020 08:09 \" Autoridade TL Dizinfekta Estrada, Hotel Katuas no Halo teste ba Timoroan 37 Ema Balun iha Kuarentena Hadutu Atetude Malandru \"" ]
[ [ "By Tempo Timor April 12,.05:39 PM Avenida Presidente Nicolalo Lobato near Katuas Hotel damaged by cars and motorbikes (4/6) Foto tempotimor" ], [ "According to an official who did not want his identity published, the Timorese positive for Covid-19 is currently in quarantine with 37 other people at Hotel Katuas." ], [ "\"There were 38 people who came to quarantine at the Katuas Hotel." ], [ "After nine days, symptoms such as thirst and nausea appeared in this person. He also had stiff bowel movement (intestinal obstruction), a sore throat including difficulty breathing\", the authority told tempotimor através de telefone on Saturday April(10/25)." ], [ "He said, after identifying one Covid-19 positive patient the MS decided that 37 of them must be tested and cannot leave until their test results are available." ], [ "The source said that the big problem they are currently facing is during some days in quarantine, Covid-19 patients have contacted a few people." ], [ "\"Now the problem is, his bad history and contacts are going to be a trouble for him.\" The source said." ], [ "Meanwhile, according to information the Timorese who is positive for Covid-19 made a trip from Maluku Island on March 30th and arrived in Surabaya. On April one he went through Mota Ain (Batugade) with seven other Indonesians before arriving at Kupang where they were tested negative as well; therefore it was confirmed that this person has been contacting people of different nationalities during his travelling around East Asia since January last year" ], [ "After arriving in Mota Ain, the 8 of them got off with a driver and his two assistants." ], [ "This means that 10 people had been in direct contact with the Covid-29 suspect before entering Quarantine." ], [ "However, there is also a good chance that the patient has already contacted his family and others." ], [ "Last modified on Tuesday, 14 April (Wednesday)20:39 \" Authorities Disinfect Roads and Hotel Floors in Kuala Lumpur to Test for Timorese Travellers Who Have Been In Quarantine Due To Mischievous Attitude\"" ] ]
PNTL obriga sidadaun sira ba teste Swab masal\nPublika iha: 04 Mai 2021\nDILI (TOP) – Polisia Nasionál Timor-Leste halo auto-stop hodi obriga sidadaun sira ne’ebé halo movimentu iha estrada públiku tenke tuir teste swab hotu tuir rezolusaun governu nian maske rezolusaun governu nian ne’e la hatete spesifiku kona-ba kestaun ne’e.\nIha loron Tersa 04 Maiu 2021, Komandu Jerál Polisia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL) liu husi Seksaun Mediku PNTL koopera ho Ekipa Pilar III Ministériu Saúde halo teste swab masal COVID-19 ba abitante sira ne’ebé dezobidiénsia kontra regra Serka Sanitaria iha kapitál Dili.\nDesizaun ne’e Komandu Jerál PNTL no Ministériu Saúde halo ho intensaun atu identifikasaun sedu kondisaun saúde abitante sira nu’udar meius hodi prevene aan hosi peste letál COVID-19 no husu atu komunidade hapara movimentu hodi hela dei’t iha uma.\nIha prosesu pasarevista no obrigatoriu abitante sira tuir teste swab masal ne’ebé hala’o iha áreadores Centru Formasaun Polisia (CFP) Comoro, konsege hamosu dezentendimentu protesta hosi komunidade 100-liu no polisia, tanba la simu desizaun governu obriga teste swab.\nKomunidade Alberto Nahareka lamenta, polisia haruka komunidade sira tama tiha áreadores Academia PNTL, maibé haruka fali ema balun fila no balun de’it tuir teste obrigatoriu.\n“Regra saida maka haruka ami balun tama tiha tuir teste, agora balun haruka fila fali ne’e la justu,” nia proteste.\nAbitante ne’e hamosu agresaun fiziku ho polisia hodi dudu malu atu loke purtaun PNTL, maibé la konsege, tanba PNTL blokea metin.\nIha fatin hanesan, Komunidade Suku Comoro, Daniel Vicente da Costa konsidera asaun polisia obriga komunidade ne’e ladún di’ak, tanba halibur ema sira iha fatin ne’ebé la seguru bele hamosu cluster foun.\n“Ami la simu atu halo teste hanesan ne’e, tanba tuir loloos governu hakarak halo swab koordena ho ami nia xefe suku ida-idak halo teste iha nia suku no aldeia, la’ós mai obriga ami forma butuk fali iha ne’e,” dehan Daniel hodi proteste hasoru polisia.\nKomunidade sira mós lamente, tanba ema balun halo ona teste swab ona iha sira nia suku, maibé kontinua tuir nafatin teste.\nKomunidade lamente no konsidera asaun polisia ne’e hanesan deskrimiasaun kontra direitu povu nian.\n“Haruka ami tama mai hanesan fali ami halo krimi,” komunidade sira protesta.\nDurante haksesuk malu kuaze oras ida liu ne’e, Portavós Komandu Jerál PNTL, Superintendente Xefe, Arnaldo de Araújo no Segundu Komandante Akademia PNTL Komoro, Superintendente, Boavida Ribeiro konsege hakalma sitasaun hodi esplika regra implementa Serka Sanitaria iha kapitál Dili.\n“Ami husu atu imi hotu tenki kumpri no intendente didi’ak saida maka hanaran konfinamentu domisioliariu husu atu ita hotu tuur hakmatek para evita moras,” dehan Boavida hodi hakalma situasaun.\nBoavida konsidera asaun ne’ebé polisia halo hodi implementa regra Estadu Timor-Leste no Serka Sanitária.\n“Saida mak ami polisia halo atu kumpre orden estadu atu ita hotu bele koopera malu,” nia alerta.\nPortavós PNTL, Superintendente Xefe Arnaldo de Araújo dehan, bainhira halo teste swab ba komunidade sira pozitivu COVID-19, ekipa Ambulansia PNTL no Ministériu Saúde tenki lori kedas abitante sira ba fatin sentru izolamentu hodi hala’o tratamentu saúde.\n“Teste swab ne’e obrigatoriu ba komunidade sira, balun koopera di’ak balun la koopera too mosu detentezimentu, no se sira ne’ebé teste pozitivu tenki tama ba kuarentena,” dehan Arnaldo.\nPNTL sei kontinua halo operasaun nafatin iha kapitál Dili hodi husu komunidade ne’ebé la kumpre regra la’o movimentu iha kapitál Dili atu tuir teste hodi koopera ho desizaun estadu.\nEntretatun, hafoin mosu tezentendimentu, ekipa mediku Pilar III no Ekipa Mediku PNTL kontinua halo teste swab ba abitante sira.\nAbitante sira ne’ebé tuir ona teste, sira nia amostra sei lori ba halo teste iha Laboratoriu Nasionál.\nIha loron 29 Abril 2021, Konsellu Ministrus aprova ona, ho alterasaun, projetu Rezolusaun Governu nian ba impozisaun konfinamentu domisiliáriu jerál ba ema hotu-hotu ne’ebé maka hela ka oras ne’e daudaun iha hela Munisípiu Dili, ne’ebé tenke hela iha sira nia uma ka iha sira nia alojamentu temporáriu, tuku 00:00 loron 30 fulan-abríl tinan 2021 no tuku 23:59 loron 13 fulan-maiu tinan 2021.\nRezolusaun governu nian kona-ba impozisaun konfinamentu domisiliáriu jerál mós katak, autoridade polisiál nian sira fiskaliza kumprimentu ba regra sira ne’ebé hatuur ona iha Rezolusaun Governu nian ne’e no aviza infratór sira katak se sira kontinua nafatin hodi la kumpre ba Rezolusaun ne’e, bele konsidera prátika ba krime dezobediénsia nian ida. Autoridade polisiál sira sei komunika ba Ministériu Públiku identidade husi ema ne’ebé, hafoin avizu ne’ebé prevee iha fraze anteriór, kontinua la respeita regra sira ne’ebé prevee ona iha Rezolusaun Governu ne’e nian. Karik regra sira ne’ebé prevee iha Rezolusaun Governu ne’e nian ema sira husi rai-li’ur maka la respeita, autoridade polisiál sira sei komunika sira nia identidade ba Servisu Migrasaun.\nBandu atu transporte públiku sira hala’o movimentu iha área sira hotu iha Munisípiu Dili, liuliu, mikrolets, biskota, taksi sira no anguna sira. Bandu atu hala’o atividade selebrasaun relijioza ne’ebé implika ezisténsia ema halibur-malu. Ba efeitu Rezolusaun Governu nian ne’e, konsidera nu’udar ema halibur-malu mak ema liu husi na’in rua halibur malu menus husi metru rua entre sira.\nPrevious Article Anar Band anima festa-nain nia tinan ba dala 47\nNext Article PNTL promete sei investiga festa illegal iha Kolmera\nHare dala: 3954
[ "PNTL obriga sidadaun sira ba teste Swab masal Publika iha: 04 Mai 2021 DILI (TOP) - Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste halo auto-stop hodi obriga sidadaun sira ne'ebe halo movimentu iha estrada publiku tenke tuir teste swab hotu tuir rezolusaun governu nian maske rezolusaun governu nian ne'e la hatete spesifiku kona-ba kestaun ne'e.", "Iha loron Tersa 04 Maiu 2021, Komandu Jeral Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) liu husi Seksaun Mediku PNTL koopera ho Ekipa Pilar III Ministeriu Saude halo teste swab masal COVID-19 ba abitante sira ne'ebe dezobidiensia kontra regra Serka Sanitaria iha kapital Dili.", "Desizaun ne'e Komandu Jeral PNTL no Ministeriu Saude halo ho intensaun atu identifikasaun sedu kondisaun saude abitante sira nu'udar meius hodi prevene aan hosi peste letal COVID-19 no husu atu komunidade hapara movimentu hodi hela dei't iha uma.", "Iha prosesu pasarevista no obrigatoriu abitante sira tuir teste swab masal ne'ebe hala'o iha areadores Centru Formasaun Polisia (CFP) Comoro, konsege hamosu dezentendimentu protesta hosi komunidade 100-liu no polisia, tanba la simu desizaun governu obriga teste swab.", "Komunidade Alberto Nahareka lamenta, polisia haruka komunidade sira tama tiha areadores Academia PNTL, maibe haruka fali ema balun fila no balun de'it tuir teste obrigatoriu.", "\"Regra saida maka haruka ami balun tama tiha tuir teste, agora balun haruka fila fali ne'e la justu,\" nia proteste.", "Abitante ne'e hamosu agresaun fiziku ho polisia hodi dudu malu atu loke purtaun PNTL, maibe la konsege, tanba PNTL blokea metin.", "Iha fatin hanesan, Komunidade Suku Comoro, Daniel Vicente da Costa konsidera asaun polisia obriga komunidade ne'e ladun di'ak, tanba halibur ema sira iha fatin ne'ebe la seguru bele hamosu cluster foun.", "\"Ami la simu atu halo teste hanesan ne'e, tanba tuir loloos governu hakarak halo swab koordena ho ami nia xefe suku ida-idak halo teste iha nia suku no aldeia, la'os mai obriga ami forma butuk fali iha ne'e,\" dehan Daniel hodi proteste hasoru polisia.", "Komunidade sira mos lamente, tanba ema balun halo ona teste swab ona iha sira nia suku, maibe kontinua tuir nafatin teste.", "Komunidade lamente no konsidera asaun polisia ne'e hanesan deskrimiasaun kontra direitu povu nian.", "\"Haruka ami tama mai hanesan fali ami halo krimi,\" komunidade sira protesta.", "Durante haksesuk malu kuaze oras ida liu ne'e, Portavos Komandu Jeral PNTL, Superintendente Xefe, Arnaldo de Araujo no Segundu Komandante Akademia PNTL Komoro, Superintendente, Boavida Ribeiro konsege hakalma sitasaun hodi esplika regra implementa Serka Sanitaria iha kapital Dili.", "\"Ami husu atu imi hotu tenki kumpri no intendente didi'ak saida maka hanaran konfinamentu domisioliariu husu atu ita hotu tuur hakmatek para evita moras,\" dehan Boavida hodi hakalma situasaun.", "Boavida konsidera asaun ne'ebe polisia halo hodi implementa regra Estadu Timor-Leste no Serka Sanitaria.", "\"Saida mak ami polisia halo atu kumpre orden estadu atu ita hotu bele koopera malu,\" nia alerta.", "Portavos PNTL, Superintendente Xefe Arnaldo de Araujo dehan, bainhira halo teste swab ba komunidade sira pozitivu COVID-19, ekipa Ambulansia PNTL no Ministeriu Saude tenki lori kedas abitante sira ba fatin sentru izolamentu hodi hala'o tratamentu saude.", "\"Teste swab ne'e obrigatoriu ba komunidade sira, balun koopera di'ak balun la koopera too mosu detentezimentu, no se sira ne'ebe teste pozitivu tenki tama ba kuarentena,\" dehan Arnaldo.", "PNTL sei kontinua halo operasaun nafatin iha kapital Dili hodi husu komunidade ne'ebe la kumpre regra la'o movimentu iha kapital Dili atu tuir teste hodi koopera ho desizaun estadu.", "Entretatun, hafoin mosu tezentendimentu, ekipa mediku Pilar III no Ekipa Mediku PNTL kontinua halo teste swab ba abitante sira.", "Abitante sira ne'ebe tuir ona teste, sira nia amostra sei lori ba halo teste iha Laboratoriu Nasional.", "Iha loron 29 Abril 2021, Konsellu Ministrus aprova ona, ho alterasaun, projetu Rezolusaun Governu nian ba impozisaun konfinamentu domisiliariu jeral ba ema hotu-hotu ne'ebe maka hela ka oras ne'e daudaun iha hela Munisipiu Dili, ne'ebe tenke hela iha sira nia uma ka iha sira nia alojamentu temporariu, tuku 00:00 loron 30 fulan-abril tinan 2021 no tuku 23:59 loron 13 fulan-maiu tinan 2021.", "Rezolusaun governu nian kona-ba impozisaun konfinamentu domisiliariu jeral mos katak, autoridade polisial nian sira fiskaliza kumprimentu ba regra sira ne'ebe hatuur ona iha Rezolusaun Governu nian ne'e no aviza infrator sira katak se sira kontinua nafatin hodi la kumpre ba Rezolusaun ne'e, bele konsidera pratika ba krime dezobediensia nian ida.", "Autoridade polisial sira sei komunika ba Ministeriu Publiku identidade husi ema ne'ebe, hafoin avizu ne'ebe prevee iha fraze anterior, kontinua la respeita regra sira ne'ebe prevee ona iha Rezolusaun Governu ne'e nian.", "Karik regra sira ne'ebe prevee iha Rezolusaun Governu ne'e nian ema sira husi rai-li'ur maka la respeita, autoridade polisial sira sei komunika sira nia identidade ba Servisu Migrasaun.", "Bandu atu transporte publiku sira hala'o movimentu iha area sira hotu iha Munisipiu Dili, liuliu, mikrolets, biskota, taksi sira no anguna sira.", "Bandu atu hala'o atividade selebrasaun relijioza ne'ebe implika ezistensia ema halibur-malu.", "Ba efeitu Rezolusaun Governu nian ne'e, konsidera nu'udar ema halibur-malu mak ema liu husi na'in rua halibur malu menus husi metru rua entre sira.", "Previous Article Anar Band anima festa-nain nia tinan ba dala 47 Next Article PNTL promete sei investiga festa illegal iha Kolmera Hare dala: 3954" ]
[ [ "PNTL obliges citizens to swab test mass Public on: 04 May,21 DILI (TOP) - The National Police of Timor-Leste has made an autostop in order for all the people who are travelling by public roads must undergo a full sweep testing as per government resolution even though this Government Resolution does not say anything specific about it." ], [ "On Tuesday, May 04th of this year the General Command (PNTL) through its Medical Section co-operated with Pillar III Team from Health Ministry to carry out a mass swab test for COVID19 on residents who disobeyed Curfew rules in Dili." ], [ "The decision was made by the Police General Command and Ministry of Health with a view to identifying inhabitants' health conditions as an instrument for preventing themselves from lethal COVID-19 plague. They also asked that communities stop moving so they can stay at home, while police officers are operating on their own responsibility during this time period" ], [ "In the process of interviewing and mandatory residents undergo swab test mass carried out in air conditioners Centro Formação Policia (CFP) Comoro, succeeded to cause a disagreement protest by more than 102 community members with police because they did not accept government decision obliges testing." ], [ "The Alberto Nahareka community laments that the police sent members of their communities into air conditioners at PNTL Academy, but some were returned and only a few went through compulsory tests." ], [ "\"What kind of rule is it that some people have been admitted to the test, and now they are being sent back? It's not fair." ], [ "The inhabitants caused physical aggression with the police to try and open a gate, but they failed because it was blocked." ], [ "In the same way, Daniel Vicente da Costa of Comoro Community considers that police action to force this community is not good because gathering people in unsafe places can create a new cluster." ], [ "\"We do not accept to make such a test, because the government would normally want us coordinate swab with our village chiefs and take tests in his or her township/village. It isn't coming here forcing me into this situation again\", Daniel said as he protested against police action on Thursday morning (20 March)." ], [ "The communities also lamented that some people who had already taken a swab test in their villages were still going to take the tests." ], [ "The community deplores and considers this police action as discrimination against the people' s rights." ], [ "\"Let us come in like we're doing crime,\" the community protested." ], [ "During a telephone conversation nearly an hour ago, the spokesperson of PNTL General Command Chief Superintendent Arnaldo de Araujo and Deputy Commissioner Police Academy Komoro Superintendent Boavida Ribeiro managed to calm down situation by explaining rules implement Serka Sanitaria in Dili." ], [ "\"We ask you all to comply and the intendente didi'a what is called confinamento domisioliariu asks that we sit upright for avoiding illness,\" said Boovida calming down." ], [ "Boavida considers the action taken by police to implement rules of State Timor-Leste and Serka Sanitaria." ], [ "\"We police are doing our best to comply with state order so that we can all cooperate,\" he warned." ], [ "PNTL spokesman, Chief Superintendent Arnaldo de Araujo said that when testing communities for COVID-19 positives by swab test the Police Ambulance team and Ministry of Health must immediately take resident to isolation centre in order with carry out health treatment." ], [ "\"The swab test is compulsory for the communities, some cooperate well and others do not until detente occurs. Those who are tested positive must be quarantined\", Arnaldo said .\"" ], [ "The PNTL will continue to carry out operations in the capital Dili asking communities that do not follow rules of circulation within its borders for tests and cooperation with state decision." ], [ "Meanwhile, after the misunderstanding emerged a medical team of Pilar III and PNTL Medical Team continued to carry out swab tests on resident." ], [ "Residents who have taken the test, their sample will be sent to a national laboratory for testing." ], [ "On 29 April, the Council of Ministers approved with amendments draft Government Resolution for imposition general home quarantine on all person living or currently residing in Dili Municipality who must remain at their homes and temporary accommodations from midnight (0:31) to noon-5." ], [ "The government resolution on the imposition of general home quarantine also states that police authorities will monitor compliance with rules already set out in this Government Resolution and warn offenders if they continue not to abide by it, may be considered a practice for crimes against disobedience." ], [ "The police authorities shall communicate to the Public Prosecutor's Office (MP) any person who, after being notified in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article and having been given notice as provided for under that section or subsection continue without complying by reasonable delay." ], [ "If the rules provided for in this Government Resolution are not respected by foreigners, police authorities will communicate their identity to Migration Service." ], [ "Public transport is prohibited to operate in all areas of Dili Municipality, particularly micro-buses (mikrolets), biskotas and taxi cars." ], [ "Prohibited to carry out activities of religious celebration that imply the existence and gathering together." ], [ "For the purposes of this Government Resolution, a gathering is considered to be more than two people who are within 2 metres from each other." ], [ "Previous Article Anar Band anima festa-nain nia tinan ba dala 47 Next article Police promise to investigate illegal party in Kolmera Viewed:10952" ] ]
FONGTIL observa partisipasaun komunidade iha kampaña vasinasaun hatudu progresu di’ak | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVID-19 FONGTIL observa partisipasaun komunidade iha kampaña vasinasaun hatudu progresu di’ak\n\_Pesoál saúde prepara vasina AstraZeneca hodi fó ba abitante, iha Sentru Saúde Comoro, segunda (25/10). Imajen TATOLI/António Gonçalves\nDILI, 25 outubru 2021 (TATOLI)–Forum Organizasaun Naun Govermentál Timor-Leste (FONGTIL) destaka membru halo monitorizasaun iha munisípiu 12 no Rejiaun Administrativa Espesiál Oé-cusse Ambeno (RAEOA) ho objetivu garante partisipasan sidadaun no apoia Governu hadi’a prestasaun servisu iha vasinasaun.\n“Kritériu jerál monitorizasaun hosi sentru vasinasaun 41, hatudu progresu di’ak tanba iha partisipasaun 79,49%, tanba ne’e presiza esforsu liután hodi hasa’e konsiénsia komunidade ba implementasaun asina. Kona-ba prosesu atendimentu pesoál saúde sira iha fasilidade saúde sira hatudu 80%,” Jestór Programa FONGTIL, Lourenço Tito, hateten liuhosi komferénsia imprensa, ne’ebé hala’o iha salaun enkontru FONGTIL, segunda ne’e.\nKona-ba preparasaun lojístiku no vasina iha fasilidade saúde iha 68,85%, apoiu líder komunitáriu sira ka parte relevante sira hodi hasa’e taxa partisipasaun vasina ema 83.615, hatudu katak iha entidade hirak ne’e serbisu maka’as hodi apoiu ba programa nasionál ne’e.\n“Agora haree ba prespetiva komunidade ba fatin vasina ne’ebé seidauk iha asesibilidade no ijiene no kona-ba oinsá progresu no follow up ba rekomendasaun hosi monitorizasaun liubá, kona-ba apoiu no partisipasaun organizasaun sosiedade sivil, liliu membru FONGTIL hodi hasa’e taxa partisipasaun,” nia akresenta.\nIha períodu semana ne’e, iha loron 18 to’o 20 outubru 2021, partisipasaun komunidade ba vasina sa’e maka’as, ne’ebé diskobre abitante 5.640 mak partisipa iha vasina.\nRezultadu monitorizasaun ba fatin vasina iha munisípiu 11 no RAEOA hatudu taxa partisipasaun boot liu iha munisípiu Dili 18,28%, tuir fali mak Ermera 16,79%, Covalima 9,72%, no RAEOA ho 9,61%, Viqueque 9,41%, enkuantu iha munisípiu seluk iha semana ne’e taxa partisipasaun kiik liu kompara ho semana kotuk.\n“Númeru komunidade atu simu vasina doze dahuluk barak liu, akontese iha munisípiu Ermera, Ainaro, Covalima, Viqueque no, kompara ho partisipasaun vasina doze daruak, barak liu iha munisípiu Dili, Baucau, Lautém, Manatuto, Bobonaro no RAEOA mak sa’e maka’as liu,” Jestór ne’e dehan.\nPartisipasaun feto, mane no ema ho difisiénsia hatudu númeru laiha diferente, tantu iha vasina doze dahuluk no doze daruak. Ein jerál partisipasaun feto sa’e maka’as ho 49,73% kompara ho partisipasaun mane ho 46,26% no ema ho difisiénsia 0,17%, tanba semana ne’e númeru partisipasaun feto barak liu iha munsípiu Liquiçá, Viqueque, Ainaro, Manatuto no Lautém, nune’e Dili prienxe feto 497 ka 48,21%, hosi totál populasaun feto mak tuir vasina iha munisípiu Dili 18-20 outubru no kobre iha fatin monitorizasaun 41.\nIha sorin seluk partisipasaun ema ho difisiénsia hamutuk na’in-10 ho 0,18% mak partisipa, iha munisípiu Dili hetan tolu no Ainaro mak númeru a’as liu hamutuk na’in-hitu, ho ida-ne’e munisípiu Ainaro semana ne’e hatudu indikasaun pozitivu ba ema ho difisiénsia partisipa vasina, maski nune’e presiza fó atensaun nafatin liliu iha munisípiu sira seluk.\n“Presiza kria kondisaun atu ema ho difisiénsia bele asesu vasina iha fatin hotu iha Timór laran tomak,” nia fó hanoin.\nFONGTIL observa mós katak durante prezensa membru Governu iha munisípiu, taxa partisipasaun sa’e tanba komunidade partisipa iha atividade ne’e barak kompara ho antes.\n“Hafoin prezensa membru Governu iha munisípiu, haree katak taxa partisipasaun sa’e, relatóriu antes hatudu katak Ermera persentajen vasina menus, maibé ho prezensa Xefe Governu haree katak persentajen ne’e sa’e, signifika katak ho prezensa Governu iha terrenu hosi ami-nia relatóriu hatudu persentajen vasinasaun doze dahuluk iha Ermera sa’e,” nia tenik.\nNotísia relevante: Membru Governu sensibiliza kampaña vasinasaun iha munisípiu to’o 30 outubru\nVasina ne’ebé fó ona ba populasaun elijível tinan 18 ba leten, to’o iha domingu (24/10), dadeer tuku 10:00 tuir sistema informasaun saúde iha Ministériu Saúde, hatudu katak vasina iha Timor-Leste doze dahuluk atinje 70,8% doze daruak 46%.\nTuir kedas mak munisípiu Covalima doze dahuluk 86,4% no doze daruak 54,9%, Viqueque doze dahuluk 86,2% no doze daruak 53,8%, Dili doze dahuluk 80,8% no doze daruak 72,4%, RAEOA doze dahuluk 79,5% no doze daruak 51,9%.\nBaucau doze dahuluk 76,7% no doze daruak 45,4%, Manatuto doze dahuluk 71,9%, no doze daruak 33,4%, Manufahi doze dahuluk 69,8% no doze daruak 30,3%, Aileu doze dahuluk 61,6% no doze daruak 24,3%, Lautém doze dahuluk 61,2% no doze daruak 32,5%, Liquiçá doze dahuluk 55,7% no doze daruak 29,1%, Bobonaro doze dahuluk 55,2% no doze daruak 30,4%, Ainaro doze dahuluk 53,2% no doze daruak 20,0%, no Ermera doze dahuluk 52,3% no doze daruak 20,0%.\nPrevious articleMEJD halo re-verifikasaun profesór atu monta tuir númeru estudante\nNext articleRezultadu survey SEKOMS, maioria públiku gosta akompaña informasaun polítika nasionál
[ "FONGTIL observa partisipasaun komunidade iha kampana vasinasaun hatudu progresu di'ak | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID-19 FONGTIL observa partisipasaun komunidade iha kampana vasinasaun hatudu progresu di'ak \\_Pesoal saude prepara vasina AstraZeneca hodi fo ba abitante, iha Sentru Saude Comoro, segunda (25/10).", "Imajen TATOLI/Antonio Goncalves DILI, 25 outubru 2021 (TATOLI) -Forum Organizasaun Naun Govermental Timor-Leste (FONGTIL) destaka membru halo monitorizasaun iha munisipiu 12 no Rejiaun Administrativa Espesial Oe-cusse Ambeno (RAEOA) ho objetivu garante partisipasan sidadaun no apoia Governu hadi'a prestasaun servisu iha vasinasaun.", "\"Kriteriu jeral monitorizasaun hosi sentru vasinasaun 41, hatudu progresu di'ak tanba iha partisipasaun 79,49%, tanba ne'e presiza esforsu liutan hodi hasa'e konsiensia komunidade ba implementasaun asina.", "Kona-ba prosesu atendimentu pesoal saude sira iha fasilidade saude sira hatudu 80%,\" Jestor Programa FONGTIL, Lourenco Tito, hateten liuhosi komferensia imprensa, ne'ebe hala'o iha salaun enkontru FONGTIL, segunda ne'e.", "Kona-ba preparasaun lojistiku no vasina iha fasilidade saude iha 68,85%, apoiu lider komunitariu sira ka parte relevante sira hodi hasa'e taxa partisipasaun vasina ema 83.615, hatudu katak iha entidade hirak ne'e serbisu maka'as hodi apoiu ba programa nasional ne'e.", "\"Agora haree ba prespetiva komunidade ba fatin vasina ne'ebe seidauk iha asesibilidade no ijiene no kona-ba oinsa progresu no follow up ba rekomendasaun hosi monitorizasaun liuba, kona-ba apoiu no partisipasaun organizasaun sosiedade sivil, liliu membru FONGTIL hodi hasa'e taxa partisipasaun,\" nia akresenta.", "Iha periodu semana ne'e, iha loron 18 to'o 20 outubru 2021, partisipasaun komunidade ba vasina sa'e maka'as, ne'ebe diskobre abitante 5.640 mak partisipa iha vasina.", "Rezultadu monitorizasaun ba fatin vasina iha munisipiu 11 no RAEOA hatudu taxa partisipasaun boot liu iha munisipiu Dili 18,28%, tuir fali mak Ermera 16,79%, Covalima 9,72%, no RAEOA ho 9,61%, Viqueque 9,41%, enkuantu iha munisipiu seluk iha semana ne'e taxa partisipasaun kiik liu kompara ho semana kotuk.", "\"Numeru komunidade atu simu vasina doze dahuluk barak liu, akontese iha munisipiu Ermera, Ainaro, Covalima, Viqueque no, kompara ho partisipasaun vasina doze daruak, barak liu iha munisipiu Dili, Baucau, Lautem, Manatuto, Bobonaro no RAEOA mak sa'e maka'as liu,\" Jestor ne'e dehan.", "Partisipasaun feto, mane no ema ho difisiensia hatudu numeru laiha diferente, tantu iha vasina doze dahuluk no doze daruak.", "Ein jeral partisipasaun feto sa'e maka'as ho 49,73% kompara ho partisipasaun mane ho 46,26% no ema ho difisiensia 0,17%, tanba semana ne'e numeru partisipasaun feto barak liu iha munsipiu Liquica, Viqueque, Ainaro, Manatuto no Lautem, nune'e Dili prienxe feto 497 ka 48,21%, hosi total populasaun feto mak tuir vasina iha munisipiu Dili 18-20 outubru no kobre iha fatin monitorizasaun 41.", "Iha sorin seluk partisipasaun ema ho difisiensia hamutuk na'in-10 ho 0,18% mak partisipa, iha munisipiu Dili hetan tolu no Ainaro mak numeru a'as liu hamutuk na'in-hitu, ho ida-ne'e munisipiu Ainaro semana ne'e hatudu indikasaun pozitivu ba ema ho difisiensia partisipa vasina, maski nune'e presiza fo atensaun nafatin liliu iha munisipiu sira seluk.", "\"Presiza kria kondisaun atu ema ho difisiensia bele asesu vasina iha fatin hotu iha Timor laran tomak,\" nia fo hanoin.", "FONGTIL observa mos katak durante prezensa membru Governu iha munisipiu, taxa partisipasaun sa'e tanba komunidade partisipa iha atividade ne'e barak kompara ho antes.", "\"Hafoin prezensa membru Governu iha munisipiu, haree katak taxa partisipasaun sa'e, relatoriu antes hatudu katak Ermera persentajen vasina menus, maibe ho prezensa Xefe Governu haree katak persentajen ne'e sa'e, signifika katak ho prezensa Governu iha terrenu hosi ami-nia relatoriu hatudu persentajen vasinasaun doze dahuluk iha Ermera sa'e,\" nia tenik.", "Notisia relevante: Membru Governu sensibiliza kampana vasinasaun iha munisipiu to'o 30 outubru Vasina ne'ebe fo ona ba populasaun elijivel tinan 18 ba leten, to'o iha domingu (24/10), dadeer tuku 10:00 tuir sistema informasaun saude iha Ministeriu Saude, hatudu katak vasina iha Timor-Leste doze dahuluk atinje 70,8% doze daruak 46%.", "Tuir kedas mak munisipiu Covalima doze dahuluk 86,4% no doze daruak 54,9%, Viqueque doze dahuluk 86,2% no doze daruak 53,8%, Dili doze dahuluk 80,8% no doze daruak 72,4%, RAEOA doze dahuluk 79,5% no doze daruak 51,9%.", "Baucau doze dahuluk 76,7% no doze daruak 45,4%, Manatuto doze dahuluk 71,9%, no doze daruak 33,4%, Manufahi doze dahuluk 69,8% no doze daruak 30,3%, Aileu doze dahuluk 61,6% no doze daruak 24,3%, Lautem doze dahuluk 61,2% no doze daruak 32,5%, Liquica doze dahuluk 55,7% no doze daruak 29,1%, Bobonaro doze dahuluk 55,2% no doze daruak 30,4%, Ainaro doze dahuluk 53,2% no doze daruak 20,0%, no Ermera doze dahuluk 52,3% no doze daruak 20,0%.", "Previous articleMEJD halo re-verifikasaun profesor atu monta tuir numeru estudante Next articleRezultadu survey SEKOMS, maioria publiku gosta akompana informasaun politika nasional" ]
[ [ "FONGTIL observes community participation in the vaccination campaign shows good progress | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID -19 Community Participation In The Vaccine Campaign Showing Good Progresse \\_Health personnel prepare AstraZeneca vaccine to give resident, at Comoro Health Center on Monday (25/08)." ], [ "DILI, October 25th (AFP) - Forum of Non-Governmental Organizations Timor Leste(FONGTIL), highlighted that its members have been monitoring the situation in twelve municipalities and Oecusse Ambeno Special Administratives Region with a view to guaranteeing citizens' participation. The goal is also for Fongtil membership support government efforts towards improvings vaccination service delivery at all levels from local level through national as well..." ], [ "\"The general criteria of monitoring the 41 vaccination centres, showed good progress because there was a participation rate in this period at about (79.50%), so we need to make greater efforts for raising community consciousness on implementations undersigned by us.\"" ], [ "Regarding the process of health care personnel in their facilities showed 80%,\" FONGTIL Program Manager, Lourenco Tito said during a press conference held on Monday." ], [ "Regarding logistical preparation and vaccination in health facilities at 68.75%, support of community leaders or relevant parties to raise the participatory rate for immunization by people, showing that these entities are working hard on this national program;" ], [ "\"Now we are looking at the community's perspective on vaccination sites that do not have accessibility and hygiene, how progress is being made in follow up to recommendations from recent monitoring regarding support for participation of civil society organization (CSOs), especially FONGTIL members with a view towards raising rates\", he added." ], [ "During this week, from October the18th to Oct.20 th of that year there was a significant increase in community participation for vaccinations which revealed about5643 residential participants have been vaccinated against COVID-79 viruses and it is estimated by local authorities as having reached more than one million people worldwide" ], [ "The results of the monitoring at vaccination sites in eleven municipalities and RAEOA showed that Dili had a higher participation rate (18.29%), followed by Ermera with an average percentage leveling to around, following it is Covalima which has reached its highest proportions: there were more than one million people who received their first dose this week; afterwards came Viqueque where they achieved only about half as many vaccinated person-percent compared on last weekend'" ], [ "\"The number of communities to receive the first dose vaccine is higher in Ermera, Ainaro and Viqueque. Compared with second-dose vaccination participation it's more high at Dili City Council (DCC), Baucau Village Municipality(BCM) Lautem District Community Health Office/Distrito de Saúde da Região Administrativa Especial do Oeste Atlântico - RAEOA\" said this manager.\"" ], [ "Participation of women, men and people with disabilities showed no difference in numbers for both the first dose vaccinations." ], [ "The overall participation of women increased significantly with 49.73% compared to the men's attendance, which amounted in total for this week is more than female participants from Liquica municipality and Viqueque township as well As Ainaro city district; Manatuto City District (Ainaro), Lautem Town Council(Lautem) so that Dili has received a woman population numbering upwards or downward: Women were vaccinated by an average rate between October18-20th whereas there was only one monitoring point on Octobre6 - it covers all areas within Dili Municipalities including those who have disabilities such like people living without accessibility etc..." ], [ "On the other hand, participation of people with disabilities totalled 10 or a percentage (.23%) in Dili and Ainaro was highest by three persons each; this means that there are positive indications for disabled participants to be vaccinated at every vaccination point but attention must continue being paid especially towards those who do not have accessibility problems such as elderly citizens etcetera" ], [ "\"We need to create the conditions so that people with disabilities can access vaccination in every place throughout Timor-Leste,\" he said." ], [ "FONGTIL also observed that during the presence of government members in municipalities, participation rates increased because more people than before took part." ], [ "\"After the presence of government members in municipalities, we saw that participation rates increased. The report previously showed Ermera's percentage was lower than other areas but with our own rapporteur seeing this increase means it is because there are more Government officials on site who have seen a rise to first-dose vaccination percentages.\"" ], [ "The vaccines that have been given to the eligible population aged 18 and over, as of Sunday (24/Oct), at noon time in accordance with health information system from Ministry Of Health showed vaccination coverage for Timor-Leste first dose reaches upto70.9%, second one is only around36%." ], [ "This was followed by the municipality of Covalima with 86.4% first dose and a second dosage rate for women (52%); Viqueque, which had an overall vaccination level involving both doses at about one-third to two thirds as well: there were only five district councillor who received their initial shot before being vaccinated again or after receiving another vaccine once they returned home from work on Monday morning – that is approximately three times more than last year’ s average percentage!" ], [ "Baucau first dose 76.8% and second dozens:45,3%, Manatuto First Dose of Vaccine (FDD) -1092/DTP-Vaksination rate in Manufahi was the highest with a coverage ratio for vaccination as follow; Manua’i –first doses received by people over sixteen years old were at an average percentage level from seventy to twenty per cent while those who had not been vaccinated against COVID have reached only about one tenth or less than half that number among children under age five on their own homeland whereas there are many more younger adults without any symptomal immunization experience which can be seen through statistically significantly higher levels between two different population groups compared when comparing these regions within Timor Leste' s province system such As Baubau" ], [ "Previous articleMEJD re-verifies teachers to match number of students Next ArticleResultado survey SEKOMS, maioria público gosta acompagnar informações política nacional" ] ]
Reprezentante povu husu MOP no IGE, I.P aselera normaliza ponte Dilor | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE Reprezentante povu husu MOP no IGE, I.P aselera normaliza ponte Dilor\nReprezentante povu husu MOP no IGE, I.P aselera normaliza ponte Dilor\nDILI, 10 janeiru 2022 (TATOLI)—Deputada Bankada Kmanek Haburas Nasionál Timor-oan (KHUNTO), Irene Gonzaga Sarmento, husu ba Ministériu Obra Públika (MOP) no Institutu Jestaun Ekipamentu, Institutu Públiku (IGE, I.P, sigla portugés) hodi rezolve ponte Dilor ne’ebé daudaun kotu tanba inundasaun foin lalais.\nPonte Dilor durante ne’e fasilita movimentu populasaun no transporte, ne’ebé hanesan ligasaun postu administrativu Natarbora, munisípiu Manatuto bá postu Lactulata, munisípiu Viqueque.\n“Ita-nia ema agora labele liu hosi ponte Dilor tanba kotu. Uluk ponte seidauk kotu maioria povu Viqueque liu hosi ne’ebá, maibé agora labele. Tanba ne’e, ha’u sujere MOP haree ba asuntu ne’e,” Deputada Bankada Governu ne’e informa ba Agência TATOLI, iha resintu Parlamentu Nasionál (PN), segunda ne’e.\nDeputada ne’e nota mós katak, estrada hosi Luka bá Dilór kuaze bee dalan laiha, ne’ebé bee halai tuir nian fatin, nune’e difikulta movimentu transporte públiku.\nIha fatin ketak, Deputadu Partidu Libertasaun Populár (PLP), Albel Pires, hateten, ponte Dilor kotu iha tinan 2018, tanba ne’e MOP presiza prevee orsamentu hodi halo medida permanente, labele aterru de’it.\n“Ami husu ministériu halo medida atu labele akontese tan beibeik, tanba povu hosi Viqueque barak mak liu hosi ponte Dilor hodi halo viajen mai Dili,” nia akresenta.\nAntes ne’e, Komisaun E ne’ebé trata asuntu infraestutura, relata ona relatóriu fiskalizasaun ba MOP kona-ba ponte Dilor maibé seidauk iha resposta.\nNune’e mós, Deputadu Bankada FRETILIN, Dário Madeira, husu autoridade kompetente atu hadi’a estrada inklui ponte Dilor no Welolo ne’ebé kotu, nune’e bele fasilita movumentu.\n“Preokupasaun povu Viqueque durante ne’e mak estrada no ponte Dilor ne’ebé kotu. Ha’u levanta problema ne’e iha plenária kuaze dala-sanulu ona, maibé to’o agora ministériu kompetente seidauk halo intervensaun ruma ba preokupasaun povu Viqueque nian,” Deputadu Bankada Governu ne’e dehan.\nAleinde ne’e, hafoin akontese inundasaun boot iha 04 abríl, Governu halo ona levantamentu ba infraestrutura públika ne’ebé hetan estragu, nune’e bele hetan atendimentu urjente\n“Husu MOP no IGE, I.P tenki normaliza lalais ponte Dilor hodi fasilita povu Viqueque,” nia tenik.\nAntes ne’e, iha novembru 2021, Prezidente Konsellu Administrasaun IGE, I.P, Ermenegilda da Costa Laurentina, hateten ekipa destakadu iha munsípiu sei tun normaliza ponte Dilor no Welolo iha postu Lacluta, tanba hosi parte enjiñeiru institutu foti ona dadus no iha prosesu mobilizasaun ekipamentu.\nPrevious articleManufahi prontu elimina moras TBC\nNext articlePN aprova votu pezár ba Arsebispu Desmond Tutu
[ "Reprezentante povu husu MOP no IGE, I.P aselera normaliza ponte Dilor | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Reprezentante povu husu MOP no IGE, I.P aselera normaliza ponte Dilor Reprezentante povu husu MOP no IGE, I.P aselera normaliza ponte Dilor DILI, 10 janeiru 2022 (TATOLI) - Deputada Bankada Kmanek Haburas Nasional Timor-oan (KHUNTO), Irene Gonzaga Sarmento, husu ba Ministeriu Obra Publika (MOP) no Institutu Jestaun Ekipamentu, Institutu Publiku (IGE, I.P, sigla portuges) hodi rezolve ponte Dilor ne'ebe daudaun kotu tanba inundasaun foin lalais.", "Ponte Dilor durante ne'e fasilita movimentu populasaun no transporte, ne'ebe hanesan ligasaun postu administrativu Natarbora, munisipiu Manatuto ba postu Lactulata, munisipiu Viqueque.", "\"Ita-nia ema agora labele liu hosi ponte Dilor tanba kotu.", "Uluk ponte seidauk kotu maioria povu Viqueque liu hosi ne'eba, maibe agora labele.", "Tanba ne'e, ha'u sujere MOP haree ba asuntu ne'e,\" Deputada Bankada Governu ne'e informa ba Agencia TATOLI, iha resintu Parlamentu Nasional (PN), segunda ne'e.", "Deputada ne'e nota mos katak, estrada hosi Luka ba Dilor kuaze bee dalan laiha, ne'ebe bee halai tuir nian fatin, nune'e difikulta movimentu transporte publiku.", "Iha fatin ketak, Deputadu Partidu Libertasaun Popular (PLP), Albel Pires, hateten, ponte Dilor kotu iha tinan 2018, tanba ne'e MOP presiza prevee orsamentu hodi halo medida permanente, labele aterru de'it.", "\"Ami husu ministeriu halo medida atu labele akontese tan beibeik, tanba povu hosi Viqueque barak mak liu hosi ponte Dilor hodi halo viajen mai Dili,\" nia akresenta.", "Antes ne'e, Komisaun E ne'ebe trata asuntu infraestutura, relata ona relatoriu fiskalizasaun ba MOP kona-ba ponte Dilor maibe seidauk iha resposta.", "Nune'e mos, Deputadu Bankada FRETILIN, Dario Madeira, husu autoridade kompetente atu hadi'a estrada inklui ponte Dilor no Welolo ne'ebe kotu, nune'e bele fasilita movumentu.", "\"Preokupasaun povu Viqueque durante ne'e mak estrada no ponte Dilor ne'ebe kotu.", "Ha'u levanta problema ne'e iha plenaria kuaze dala-sanulu ona, maibe to'o agora ministeriu kompetente seidauk halo intervensaun ruma ba preokupasaun povu Viqueque nian,\" Deputadu Bankada Governu ne'e dehan.", "Aleinde ne'e, hafoin akontese inundasaun boot iha 04 abril, Governu halo ona levantamentu ba infraestrutura publika ne'ebe hetan estragu, nune'e bele hetan atendimentu urjente \"Husu MOP no IGE, I.P tenki normaliza lalais ponte Dilor hodi fasilita povu Viqueque,\" nia tenik.", "Antes ne'e, iha novembru 2021, Prezidente Konsellu Administrasaun IGE, I.P, Ermenegilda da Costa Laurentina, hateten ekipa destakadu iha munsipiu sei tun normaliza ponte Dilor no Welolo iha postu Lacluta, tanba hosi parte enjineiru institutu foti ona dadus no iha prosesu mobilizasaun ekipamentu.", "Previous articleManufahi prontu elimina moras TBC Next articlePN aprova votu pezar ba Arsebispu Desmond Tutu" ]
[ [ "People's representative asks MOP and IGE, IP to speed up normalization of Dilor Bridge | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Representative people ask the Ministry for Public Works (MPW) And Institute For Equipment Management(IGM), Institutu Publiko/Institutes Of Governmental Administration To resolve a problem with dillorbridge which is currently damaged by recent flood. Dili - MP Irene Gonzaga Sarmento from Kmanek Habura’as Nasional Timór Oan Party has asked that both ministried work be carried out immediately after it was destroying in an earthquake on Monday morning at around midnight local time; he said this will help prevent further disasters like tsunami or tornado if they happen again next year when there are heavy rainfall conditions such..." ], [ "The Dilor bridge has facilitated the movement of people and transport, which is a link between Natarbora administrative post in Manatuto municipality to Lactulata postal station." ], [ "\"Our people can't now cross the Dilor bridge because it is cracked." ], [ "The bridge has not cut most of the people in Viqueque through there, but now it can't." ], [ "Therefore, I suggest that the Ministry of Public Works and Infrastructure look into this matter,” said MOP's Government Group deputy to Agência TATOLI in Parliament Hall on Monday." ], [ "The deputy also noted that the road from Luka to Dilor is almost completely flooded, which makes it difficult for public transportation." ], [ "On the other hand, Popular Liberation Party (PLP) MP Albel Pires said that Dilor bridge was damaged in January of this year and therefore MOP needs to make provision for a budget so it can be repaired permanently." ], [ "\"We ask the ministry to take measures so that this does not happen again, because many people from Viqueque cross Dilor bridge in their journey towards Dili\", he added." ], [ "Earlier, Commission E which deals with infrastructure issues had reported the audit report to MOP regarding Dilor Bridge but has not received a response." ], [ "Likewise, FRETILIN Group Member of Parliament Dario Madeira asked the competent authorities to repair roads including Dilor and Welolo bridge that has been damaged so as facilitate movement." ], [ "\"The concern of the people in Viqueque during this period is that road and Dilor bridge are not working." ], [ "I've raised this problem in plenary almost ten times, but so far the competent ministry has not made any intervention on concerns of people from Viqueque\", said that Government Group Member." ], [ "In addition, after the large floods on April 4th in Viqueque City and area surrounding it occurred. The Government has already carried out a survey of public infrastructure that was damaged so as to receive urgent attention \"The MOP is urging IGE (Institute for Geological Survey), IP must quickly normalize Dilor Bridge which will facilitate people from Vikeque\", he said" ], [ "Earlier, in November 2019 the President of IGE Board Ermenegilda da Costa Laurentina said that team deployed to sub-municipality will normalize Dilor and Welolo Bridges at Lacluta post because institutes engineer has taken data from them. The project is also underway with equipment mobilization process as well" ], [ "PreviousManufahi ready to eliminate TB disease Next articlePN approves heavy vote for Archbishop Desmond Tutu" ] ]
Governu australianu lori tratadu fronteira nian ho Timor ba parlamentu hodi ratifika - Notícias SAPO - SAPO Notícias\nGovernu australianu lori tratadu fronteira nian ho Timor ba parlamentu hodi ratifika\n29 de Março de 2018, 22:22\nMinistra Negósiu Estranjeiru australianu aprezenta ona, iha semana ne'e, tratadu fronteira tasi nian, ne'ebé asina iha loron 06 Marsu ho Timor-Leste, iha parlamentu Austrália nian hodi hahú prosesu ratifikasaun, informa hosi nia gabinete iha loron-kinta ne'e.\nProsesu ratifikasaun hosi parlamentu hosi nasaun rua nian hanesan importante hodi hahú hala'o tratadu istóriku ne'ebé maka Bishop asina ona iha Nova Iorke ho ministru timoroan Agio Pereira, hodi Timor-Leste nia naran, no ne'ebé defini ho dalan permanente fronteira tasi entre nasaun rua ne'e.\nVontade hosi Governu australianu maka atu parlamentu bele vota tratadu ne'e "durante tinan ne'e" hodi hahú prosesu preparasaun ba "lejislasaun hosi implementasaun" no serbisu ho Timor-Leste no ho empreza sira ne'ebé halo operasaun iha Tasi Timor hodi hakotu prosesu tranzitóriu relasionadu ho mudansa ne'ebé maka hatete iha tratadu.\nIha konkretu, hanesan ezemplu, tratadu implika atu Timor-Leste simu 100% - agora simu 90% no Austrália simu 10% - hosi reseita sira ne'ebé hetan hosi posu ativu sira iha rejiaun, liuliu Bayu Undan.\nIha komunikadu ne'ebé fó sai iha loron-kinta ne'e, Governu australianu esplika katak Austrália iha empeñu atu futuru Timor-Leste nian bele "estável ho prósperu", tanba ne'e apoia nia aspirasaun sira hodi "hetan nia potensial ekonómiku".\nTanba ne'e, iha aprezentasaun hosi tratadu iha parlamentu, Bishop refere ona ba aspetu ne'ebé seidauk rezolve, liuliu kona-ba dezenvolvimentu hosi kampu petrolíferu Greater Sunrise, ne'ebe maka seidauk iha akordu ida.\n"Ami rekoñese katak dezenvolvimentu [hosi Greater Sunrise] sei lori benefísiu importante sira, liuliu ba Timor-Leste. Ami senti ansiozu hodi kolabora ho Timor-Leste, bainhira serbisu ho empreza sira hosi joint venture hodi hetan dalan komersial ida di'ak hodi dezenvolve Greater Sunrise", Bishop hatete.\n"Tratadu hanesan konkista istóriku ida ba Austrália ho Timor-Leste. Ami rezolve ona problema naruk ida, ami estabelese ona limiti marítimu permanente sira ho lansa ona baze sira ba kapítulu foun ida iha ami nia relasionamentu ho ami nia viziñu ida ne'ebé besik liu", Bishop esplika iha nia deklarasaun ba parlamentu.\n"Hanesan ezemplu ida ho valor no importánsia hosi direitu internasional hodi rezolve problema sira no diverjénsia sira entre estadu sira liuhosi negosiasaun pasífiku sira. Hanesan ami hatete ona iha dokumentu hosi Austrália kona-ba Polítika Externa, ne'ebé divulga iha tinan liubá, katak Austrália fiar atu orden internasional ho baze iha regra sira hanesan fundamental ba ita nia seguransa no prosperidade koletivu sira", nia hatutan mós.\nBishop destaka "vontade di'ak no kompromisu hosi nasaun rua durante negosiasaun sira", felisita mós "knaar importante" hosi komisaun konsiliasaun independente ne'ebé halo negosiasaun sira hetan tratadu ida.\nProsesu ratifikasaun hosi tratadu hosi parte Parlamentu Nasional Timor-Leste nian karik sei akontese de'it hafoin tomada pose ba deputadu sira ne'ebé sei eleitu iha eleisaun loron 12 Maiu oinmai.
[ "Governu australianu lori tratadu fronteira nian ho Timor ba parlamentu hodi ratifika - Noticias SAPO - SAPO Noticias Governu australianu lori tratadu fronteira nian ho Timor ba parlamentu hodi ratifika 29 de Marco de 2018, 22:22 Ministra Negosiu Estranjeiru australianu aprezenta ona, iha semana ne'e, tratadu fronteira tasi nian, ne'ebe asina iha loron 06 Marsu ho Timor-Leste, iha parlamentu Australia nian hodi hahu prosesu ratifikasaun, informa hosi nia gabinete iha loron-kinta ne'e.", "Prosesu ratifikasaun hosi parlamentu hosi nasaun rua nian hanesan importante hodi hahu hala'o tratadu istoriku ne'ebe maka Bishop asina ona iha Nova Iorke ho ministru timoroan Agio Pereira, hodi Timor-Leste nia naran, no ne'ebe defini ho dalan permanente fronteira tasi entre nasaun rua ne'e.", "Vontade hosi Governu australianu maka atu parlamentu bele vota tratadu ne'e \"durante tinan ne'e\" hodi hahu prosesu preparasaun ba \"lejislasaun hosi implementasaun\" no serbisu ho Timor-Leste no ho empreza sira ne'ebe halo operasaun iha Tasi Timor hodi hakotu prosesu tranzitoriu relasionadu ho mudansa ne'ebe maka hatete iha tratadu.", "Iha konkretu, hanesan ezemplu, tratadu implika atu Timor-Leste simu 100% - agora simu 90% no Australia simu 10% - hosi reseita sira ne'ebe hetan hosi posu ativu sira iha rejiaun, liuliu Bayu Undan.", "Iha komunikadu ne'ebe fo sai iha loron-kinta ne'e, Governu australianu esplika katak Australia iha empenu atu futuru Timor-Leste nian bele \"estavel ho prosperu,\" tanba ne'e apoia nia aspirasaun sira hodi \"hetan nia potensial ekonomiku.\"", "Tanba ne'e, iha aprezentasaun hosi tratadu iha parlamentu, Bishop refere ona ba aspetu ne'ebe seidauk rezolve, liuliu kona-ba dezenvolvimentu hosi kampu petroliferu Greater Sunrise, ne'ebe maka seidauk iha akordu ida.", "\"Ami rekonese katak dezenvolvimentu [hosi Greater Sunrise] sei lori benefisiu importante sira, liuliu ba Timor-Leste.", "Ami senti ansiozu hodi kolabora ho Timor-Leste, bainhira serbisu ho empreza sira hosi joint venture hodi hetan dalan komersial ida di'ak hodi dezenvolve Greater Sunrise,\" Bishop hatete.", "\"Tratadu hanesan konkista istoriku ida ba Australia ho Timor-Leste.", "Ami rezolve ona problema naruk ida, ami estabelese ona limiti maritimu permanente sira ho lansa ona baze sira ba kapitulu foun ida iha ami nia relasionamentu ho ami nia vizinu ida ne'ebe besik liu,\" Bishop esplika iha nia deklarasaun ba parlamentu.", "\"Hanesan ezemplu ida ho valor no importansia hosi direitu internasional hodi rezolve problema sira no diverjensia sira entre estadu sira liuhosi negosiasaun pasifiku sira.", "Hanesan ami hatete ona iha dokumentu hosi Australia kona-ba Politika Externa, ne'ebe divulga iha tinan liuba, katak Australia fiar atu orden internasional ho baze iha regra sira hanesan fundamental ba ita nia seguransa no prosperidade koletivu sira,\" nia hatutan mos.", "Bishop destaka \"vontade di'ak no kompromisu hosi nasaun rua durante negosiasaun sira,\" felisita mos \"knaar importante\" hosi komisaun konsiliasaun independente ne'ebe halo negosiasaun sira hetan tratadu ida.", "Prosesu ratifikasaun hosi tratadu hosi parte Parlamentu Nasional Timor-Leste nian karik sei akontese de'it hafoin tomada pose ba deputadu sira ne'ebe sei eleitu iha eleisaun loron 12 Maiu oinmai." ]
[ [ "Australian government brings border treaty with Timor to parliament for ratification - News SAPO 29 de Março,10:35 The Minister of Foreign Affairs has presented this week the maritime boundary agreement that was concluded on March a.m in Australia' s Parliament so as it can begin its processes and be ratificed by both sides (Australian Government)." ], [ "The ratification process by the parliaments of both countries is important to begin implementing a historic treaty that Bishop signed in New York with Portuguese Minister Agio Pereira, on behalf Of Timor-Leste and which define through permanent lines maritime boundary between two nations." ], [ "The Australian Government's intention is for Parliament to vote on the treaty \"during this year\" in order that it can begin preparations of its implementation and work with Timor-Leste, as well As companies operating at sea around East Timor (East Sea), towards completing transitional processes related by changes stipulated within a new agreement." ], [ "In concrete terms, for example the treaty implies that Timor-Leste will receive 102% - now it gets about a ninety percent and Australia around ten per cent – of revenues generated from active well in region particularly Bayu Undan." ], [ "In a statement issued on Friday, the Australian government explained that Australia is committed to East Timor's \"stable and prosperous\" future. It therefore supportes its aspirations for “reaching it economic potential.”" ], [ "Therefore, in his presentation of the treaty to Parliament Bishop has referred on unresolved issues such as development for Greater Sunrise oil field which have not yet been agreeed upon." ], [ "\"We recognize that development [from Greater Sunrise] will bring important benefits, particularly to Timor-Leste." ], [ "We look forward to collaborating with Timor-Leste, as we work alongside the companies from our joint ventures in finding a commercially viable way of developting Greater Sunrise,” Bishop said." ], [ "\"The treaty is a historic achievement for Australia and Timor-Leste." ], [ "We have solved a long-standing problem, established permanent maritime boundaries and laid the groundwork for another chapter in our relationship with one of us' closest neighbouring countries.\" Bishop explained his statement to parliament." ], [ "\"He has set an example of the value and importance that international law can have in resolving problems or differences between states through peaceful negotiations." ], [ "As we stated in Australia's Foreign Policy document, released last year that \"Australia believe the rules-based international order is fundamental to our collective security and prosperity.\"" ], [ "Bishop highlights \"the goodwill and compromise of the two countries during negotiations,\" also commending 'important work' by an independent consultative commission that made it possible for a treaty to be reached." ], [ "The ratification process of the treaty by Timor-Leste's National Parliament will only take place after MEP’S who are to be elected in elections on 12 May have taken their office." ] ]
Projetu sidade universitáriu iha Aileu, prevee millaun $1.037,987 ba indemnizasaun | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA AILEU Projetu sidade universitáriu iha Aileu, prevee millaun $1.037,987 ba indemnizasaun\nProjetu sidade universitáriu iha Aileu, prevee millaun $1.037,987 ba indemnizasaun\nDILI, 11 maiu 2021 (TATOLI) – Ministériu Ensinu Superiór, Siénsia no Kultura (MESSK) prevee millaun $1.037,987 atu apoiu indemnizasaun ba abitante uma-kain 44 ho total ema 160 ne’ebé afetadu hosi projetu sidade universitáriu iha Munisípiu Aileu.\nNotísia Relevante : Governu finaliza levantamentu dadus ba abitante afetadu Sidade Universitáriu Aileu\nProjetu sidade universitáriu ne’e bainhira ezekuta, Ministru Ensinu Superiór Siénsia No Kultura (MESSK), Longuinhos dos Santos, hateten sei implika ba abitante-sira nia balun nia uma, sira-nia rai privadu no sira balun nia kintál ho ai-horis.\n“Ami halo ona levantamentu dadus iha Munisípiu Aileu. Ami hetan família uma-kain 44 sei lakon uma no abitante 58 sei lakon ai-horis ho abitante 102 sei lakon rai, tanba ne’e ami prevee orsamentu indemnizasaun hodi prepara molok projetu sidade universitáriu Aileu ne’e realiza,” Ministru Longuinhos dos Santos, informa ba jornalista-sira, hafoin relata asuntu ne’e ba Primeiru-Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak iha rezidénsia Estadu iha Faról, Dili, tersa ne’e.\nMinistru Longuinhos dos Santos afirma katak ministériu prevee ona orsamentu ba indemnizasaun, maibé ba abitante 160 ne’ebé sei lakon ai-horis no rai, Ministériu seidauk halo kalkulasaun orsamentu indemnizasaun nian ba kada ema.\n“Ministériu foin mak prevee de’it orsamentu ba uma-kain 44 ne’ebé sei lakon uma ho montante $458.655,” Longuinhos dos Santos hateten.\nNia hatutan, estudu viabilidade planu mestre ba futuru, maka projetu sidade universitáriu Aileu iha ona elaborasaun, inklui dezeñu sira iha ona ezbosu. Nune’e MESSK hein katak jullu, tinan ida-ne’e, bele aprezenta ona ba Konsellu Ministru hodi hetan apresiasaun.\nRona tiha aprezentasaun sira-ne’e hosi MEESK, PM Taur Matan Ruak, hato’o apresiasaun ba esforsu hotu no husu atu mantein nafatin ritmu servisu ne’ebé di’ak ona.\n“Presiza liután maka atu rona nafatin parte komunidade ne’ebé afetadu ba projetu universitáriu Aileu, nune’e to’o tempu realiza prosesu indemnizasaun bele la’o ho di’ak,” Ministru Longuinhos dos Santos haktuir PM Taur nia lia-menon.\nNotísia Relevante : Konsultór Bernabad Arquitectura Aprezenta Relatóriu Prelimináriu Sidade Universitáriu Aileu\n987 ba indemnizasaun\nprevee millaun $1.037\nProjetu sidade universitáriu iha Aileu\nPrevious articleKonsellu konsultivu munisípál seidauk halo apresiasaun ba kandidatu PAM Dili\nNext articlePNTL oferese nesesidade bázika ba família 23 iha Darlau
[ "Projetu sidade universitariu iha Aileu, prevee millaun $1.037,987 ba indemnizasaun | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA AILEU Projetu sidade universitariu iha Aileu, prevee millaun $1.037,987 ba indemnizasaun Projetu sidade universitariu iha Aileu, prevee millaun $1.037,987 ba indemnizasaun DILI, 11 maiu 2021 (TATOLI) - Ministeriu Ensinu Superior, Siensia no Kultura (MESSK) prevee millaun $1.037,987 atu apoiu indemnizasaun ba abitante uma-kain 44 ho total ema 160 ne'ebe afetadu hosi projetu sidade universitariu iha Munisipiu Aileu.", "Notisia Relevante: Governu finaliza levantamentu dadus ba abitante afetadu Sidade Universitariu Aileu Projetu sidade universitariu ne'e bainhira ezekuta, Ministru Ensinu Superior Siensia No Kultura (MESSK), Longuinhos dos Santos, hateten sei implika ba abitante-sira nia balun nia uma, sira-nia rai privadu no sira balun nia kintal ho ai-horis.", "\"Ami halo ona levantamentu dadus iha Munisipiu Aileu.", "Ami hetan familia uma-kain 44 sei lakon uma no abitante 58 sei lakon ai-horis ho abitante 102 sei lakon rai, tanba ne'e ami prevee orsamentu indemnizasaun hodi prepara molok projetu sidade universitariu Aileu ne'e realiza,\" Ministru Longuinhos dos Santos, informa ba jornalista-sira, hafoin relata asuntu ne'e ba Primeiru-Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak iha rezidensia Estadu iha Farol, Dili, tersa ne'e.", "Ministru Longuinhos dos Santos afirma katak ministeriu prevee ona orsamentu ba indemnizasaun, maibe ba abitante 160 ne'ebe sei lakon ai-horis no rai, Ministeriu seidauk halo kalkulasaun orsamentu indemnizasaun nian ba kada ema.", "\"Ministeriu foin mak prevee de'it orsamentu ba uma-kain 44 ne'ebe sei lakon uma ho montante $458.655,\" Longuinhos dos Santos hateten.", "Nia hatutan, estudu viabilidade planu mestre ba futuru, maka projetu sidade universitariu Aileu iha ona elaborasaun, inklui dezenu sira iha ona ezbosu.", "Nune'e MESSK hein katak jullu, tinan ida-ne'e, bele aprezenta ona ba Konsellu Ministru hodi hetan apresiasaun.", "Rona tiha aprezentasaun sira-ne'e hosi MEESK, PM Taur Matan Ruak, hato'o apresiasaun ba esforsu hotu no husu atu mantein nafatin ritmu servisu ne'ebe di'ak ona.", "\"Presiza liutan maka atu rona nafatin parte komunidade ne'ebe afetadu ba projetu universitariu Aileu, nune'e to'o tempu realiza prosesu indemnizasaun bele la'o ho di'ak,\" Ministru Longuinhos dos Santos haktuir PM Taur nia lia-menon.", "Notisia Relevante: Konsultor Bernabad Arquitectura Aprezenta Relatoriu Preliminariu Sidade Universitariu Aileu 987 ba indemnizasaun prevee millaun $1.037 Projetu sidade universitariu iha Aileu Previous articleKonsellu konsultivu munisipal seidauk halo apresiasaun ba kandidatu PAM Dili Next articlePNTL oferese nesesidade bazika ba familia 23 iha Darlau" ]
[ [ "University city project in Aileu, provides $1.037 billion for compensation | TATOLI News Agency of Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE UNIVERSITY CIDADE PROJECT IN AILEI PREVISES MILLION USD FOR INDEMNIZATION The Ministry Of Higher Education Science And Culture (MESSK) is providing a million dollars to support the payments made by residential families affected from university City Project at Ailei Municipality which totalled about one hundred and sixty people including fourteen household members who will be paid out as an amount corresponding with their annual living expenses per month during this year' s first quarter" ], [ "Aileu University City The university city project, when implemented by the Ministry of Higher Education Science and Culture (MESSK), Longuinhos dos Santos said it will imply for some inhabitants their house or private land. Some people's garden with trees is also affecting them because they are not able to access water from a drainage system that has been built on this site since 2013 as well..." ], [ "\"We have done a survey in the Municipality of Aileu." ], [ "We have found that 45 families will lose their homes and inhabitants of the area, including a total amount to be estimated at more than R$1.2 billion (USD),\" Minister Longuinhos dos Santos told journalists after reporting on this matter with Prime minister Taur Matan Ruak during his visit today' s State Residence Farol-Dili" ], [ "Minister Longuinhos dos Santos stated that the ministry has provided a budget for compensation, but in respect of 160 residents who will lose their trees and land they have not calculated per person." ], [ "\"The ministry has just provided a budget of $458,670 for the 39 families that will lose their homes in this area\", said Longuinhos dos Santos." ], [ "He added that the feasibility study of a future master plan, which is an Aileu university city project has already been elaborated including drawings in draft form." ], [ "In July 2013, the Ministry of Education and Science hoped that it would be able to submit a draft plan for its approval." ], [ "After hearing the presentations by MEESK, PM Taur Matan Ruak expressed his appreciation for all efforts and asked to maintain a good pace of work." ], [ "\"We need to continue listening with the community affected by Aileu's university project, so that until we have completed our compensation process it can go smoothly\", Minister Longoinhos dos Santos said." ], [ "Related News: Consultant Bernabad Arquitectura Presents Preliminary Report of University City in aileu 987 for compensation foresees $1.036 billion Previous articleMunicipal consultative council has not evaluated the candidate to be elected as Dili’ s PM Next ArticlePNTL offers basic necessities on Darlau" ] ]
MS seidauk finaliza prosesu inspesaun ba ambulánsia 16 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA SAÚDE MS seidauk finaliza prosesu inspesaun ba ambulánsia 16\nDILI, 12 agostu 2020 (TATOLI)-Ministériu Saúde to’o ohin seidauk finaliza prosesu inspesaun ba ambulánsia foun hamutuk 16 ne’ebé maka sosa husi nasaun Tailándia ho orsamentu rihun $ 877.\nVise Ministru Saúde, Bonifácio Maucoli, dehan ambulánsia 16 ne’e, agora para ona iha resintu Ministériu Saúde Caicoli Dili.\n”Ambulánsia 16 unidade ne’e atu distribui ba Munisípiu sira ne’ebé mak falta ambulánsia no mós bele to’o iha Sntru Saúde sira ne’ebé mak laiha,” katak Maucoli ba jornalista sira iha Armazén SAMES kampong-Alor Dili.\nNotísia Relevante :Tinan Ne&#8217;e Governu Sei Sosa Ambulánsia Multi-funsaun 16\nNia dehan kada Munisípiu sei hetan ambulánsia ida ezeptu Munisípiu Baucau, Lautem no Ermera iha posibilidade hetan ambulánsia rua.\n”Ami halo ona kalkulu ambulansia 16 unidade ne’e kada Munsípiu hetan ida maibé ba Munisípiu ne’ebé mak populasaun boot sei hetan rua liliu ba Munisípiu Baucau, Lautem no Ermera mak hetan rua rua maibé ba Munisípiu sira seluk inklui RAEOA ita sei distribui ida-ida,” nia hateten.\nNotísia Relevante :Ambulánsia 16 to’o iha Timor-Leste\nVISE MS IHA SAMES 12 08 20\nPrevious articleMF aprezenta projesaun tetu finál OJE 2020 ba KM\nNext articleUma-kain 305.000 simu ona subsídiu $200
[ "MS seidauk finaliza prosesu inspesaun ba ambulansia 16 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA SAUDE MS seidauk finaliza prosesu inspesaun ba ambulansia 16 DILI, 12 agostu 2020 (TATOLI) -Ministeriu Saude to'o ohin seidauk finaliza prosesu inspesaun ba ambulansia foun hamutuk 16 ne'ebe maka sosa husi nasaun Tailandia ho orsamentu rihun $ 877.", "Vise Ministru Saude, Bonifacio Maucoli, dehan ambulansia 16 ne'e, agora para ona iha resintu Ministeriu Saude Caicoli Dili.", "\"Ambulansia 16 unidade ne'e atu distribui ba Munisipiu sira ne'ebe mak falta ambulansia no mos bele to'o iha Sntru Saude sira ne'ebe mak laiha,\" katak Maucoli ba jornalista sira iha Armazen SAMES kampong-Alor Dili.", "Notisia Relevante:Tinan Ne&#8217;e Governu Sei Sosa Ambulansia Multi-funsaun 16 Nia dehan kada Munisipiu sei hetan ambulansia ida ezeptu Munisipiu Baucau, Lautem no Ermera iha posibilidade hetan ambulansia rua.", "\"Ami halo ona kalkulu ambulansia 16 unidade ne'e kada Munsipiu hetan ida maibe ba Munisipiu ne'ebe mak populasaun boot sei hetan rua liliu ba Munisipiu Baucau, Lautem no Ermera mak hetan rua rua maibe ba Munisipiu sira seluk inklui RAEOA ita sei distribui ida-ida,\" nia hateten.", "Notisia Relevante:Ambulansia 16 to'o iha Timor-Leste VISE MS IHA SAMES 12 08 20 Previous articleMF aprezenta projesaun tetu final OJE 2020 ba KM Next articleUma-kain 305.000 simu ona subsidiu $200" ]
[ [ "MS still hasn't completed inspection process for 16 ambulances | Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste HEALTH Ministry of Health yet to finalize inspecting the newly bought from Thailand $870,523.49 (USD) worth sixteen medical equipment Dili/Aileu - The health ministry is currently not finishin 'the examination and approval procedure on its purchase by Thai government with an estimateed cost totalling US$" ], [ "Deputy Minister of Health, Bonifacio Maucoli said that the 16 ambulances are now parked in Caicola Dili Ministry' s premises." ], [ "\"The 16 ambulance units will be distributed to the Municipalities that lack them and also reach health centres where they are not available,\" Maucoli told journalists at SAMES Warehouse kampong-Alor Dili." ], [ "Relevant News: This Year&#8217;s Government Will Buy 30 Multi-Functional Ambulance He said that each Municipality will get one ambulância except Baucau, Lautem and Ermera municipalities have the possibility of getting two." ], [ "\"We have already calculated that each municipality will get one of the 16 ambulance units, but for large-population Municipalities we'll receive two especially Baucau and Lautem. For other Municipies including Oecusse Regional Administrative Region (RAEOA) it is going to be distributing only One unit\", he said.\"" ], [ "Related News:16 ambulances arrive in Timor-Leste VISE MS IHA SAMES Previous articleMF present final draft projection of budget for the year to KM Next Article305,278 household have received $4.9 million subsidy" ] ]
Governu autoriza hikas sirkulasaun transporte públiku hosi Dili bá munisípiu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVID-19 Governu autoriza hikas sirkulasaun transporte públiku hosi Dili bá munisípiu\nGovernu autoriza hikas sirkulasaun transporte públiku hosi Dili bá munisípiu\nMinistériu Transporte Komunikasaun (MTK) hamutuk ho Polísia Tránzitu, halo konferénsia imprensa kona-ba regra reativasaun transporte públiku sira, iha salaun MTK, kinta (09/09). Imajen TATOLI/Francisco Sony\nDILI, 09 setembru 2021 (TATOLI)–Governu liuhosi Ministériu Transporte no Komunikasaun (MTK) autoriza hikas movimentu transporte públiku iha Dili laran no bá munisípiu seluk, ho prova kartaun kinur ne’ebé hatudu vasina kompleta kontra COVID-19.\n“Reativa movimentu transporte públiku ne’e rasik ba mikrolete, taxi inklui bis sira hodi lori pasajeiru hosi munisípiu mai Dili no Dili bá munisípiu, maibé tenke kompleta vasina doze daruak. Ema ne’ebé maka sona dala-rua ona tenke hatudu kartaun kinur mak bele tama no sai, tantu kondutór no pasajeiru,” Diretór Jerál MTK, Gaspar de Araújo, hateten, liuhosi konferénsia imprensa iha salaun MTK, Caicoli, kinta ne’e.\nNotísia relevante: Hahú aban, Governu hakotu konfinamentu domisiliáriu iha Dili\nNune’e, nia husu ba kondutór transporte públiku ne’ebé maka dokumentu mate, bele halo renovasaun iha Diresaun Nasionál Transporte no Komunikasaun.\nDiretór ne’e mós husu atu transporte públiku sira nafatin kumpre protokolu saúde durante sirkula tula pasajeiru, hanesan uza máskara taka ibun no inus, fase liman beibeik, no halo distánsiamentu entre ema ida ho ema seluk.\n“Kondutór bis no mikrolet tenke hatene no komprende regra, labele tula pasajeiru liu kapasidade karreta. Atu tula pasajeiru hira ami la sita, maibé kondutór sira maka tenke hatene no komprende labele tula pasajeiru barak nune’e prevene kontájiu COVID-19,” nia akresenta.\nXefe Departementu Trans Seguransa Rodoviária Nasionál hosi Komandu Jerál PNTL, Inspetór Xefe Polísia Inocêncio Freitas. Imajen TATOLI/Francisco Sony\nIha sorin seluk, Xefe Departementu Trans Seguransa Rodoviária Nasionál hosi Komandu Jerál Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL), Inspetór Xefe Polísia Inocêncio Freitas, hateten, parte PNTL sei halo kordenasaun ho Sentru Integradu Jestaun krize (CIGC, sigla portugés) atu define kuantidade tula ema iha transporte públiku.\nBa kestaun ne’e, nia parte sei koordena ho membru PNTL ne’ebé koloka iha pontu entrada sira, atu haree dokumentu karreta inklui dokumentu seluk.\n“Tanba lei dehan ona, sira ne’ebé autoriza atu sai tenke sona dala-rua, ne’ebé husu ba hotu-hotu atu kumpre regra sira ne’e, atu nune’e moras labele hadaet ba ema barak,” Inspetór Xefe Polísia ne’e dehan.\nPrevious articleEdukasaun Covalima avalia implementasaun eskola ba uma\nNext articleMá-nutrisaun iha Uailili ho kategoria moderadu
[ "Governu autoriza hikas sirkulasaun transporte publiku hosi Dili ba munisipiu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID-19 Governu autoriza hikas sirkulasaun transporte publiku hosi Dili ba munisipiu Governu autoriza hikas sirkulasaun transporte publiku hosi Dili ba munisipiu Ministeriu Transporte Komunikasaun (MTK) hamutuk ho Polisia Tranzitu, halo konferensia imprensa kona-ba regra reativasaun transporte publiku sira, iha salaun MTK, kinta (09/09).", "Imajen TATOLI/Francisco Sony DILI, 09 setembru 2021 (TATOLI) -Governu liuhosi Ministeriu Transporte no Komunikasaun (MTK) autoriza hikas movimentu transporte publiku iha Dili laran no ba munisipiu seluk, ho prova kartaun kinur ne'ebe hatudu vasina kompleta kontra COVID-19.", "\"Reativa movimentu transporte publiku ne'e rasik ba mikrolete, taxi inklui bis sira hodi lori pasajeiru hosi munisipiu mai Dili no Dili ba munisipiu, maibe tenke kompleta vasina doze daruak.", "Ema ne'ebe maka sona dala-rua ona tenke hatudu kartaun kinur mak bele tama no sai, tantu kondutor no pasajeiru,\" Diretor Jeral MTK, Gaspar de Araujo, hateten, liuhosi konferensia imprensa iha salaun MTK, Caicoli, kinta ne'e.", "Notisia relevante: Hahu aban, Governu hakotu konfinamentu domisiliariu iha Dili Nune'e, nia husu ba kondutor transporte publiku ne'ebe maka dokumentu mate, bele halo renovasaun iha Diresaun Nasional Transporte no Komunikasaun.", "Diretor ne'e mos husu atu transporte publiku sira nafatin kumpre protokolu saude durante sirkula tula pasajeiru, hanesan uza maskara taka ibun no inus, fase liman beibeik, no halo distansiamentu entre ema ida ho ema seluk.", "\"Kondutor bis no mikrolet tenke hatene no komprende regra, labele tula pasajeiru liu kapasidade karreta.", "Atu tula pasajeiru hira ami la sita, maibe kondutor sira maka tenke hatene no komprende labele tula pasajeiru barak nune'e prevene kontajiu COVID-19,\" nia akresenta.", "Xefe Departementu Trans Seguransa Rodoviaria Nasional hosi Komandu Jeral PNTL, Inspetor Xefe Polisia Inocencio Freitas.", "Imajen TATOLI/Francisco Sony Iha sorin seluk, Xefe Departementu Trans Seguransa Rodoviaria Nasional hosi Komandu Jeral Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL), Inspetor Xefe Polisia Inocencio Freitas, hateten, parte PNTL sei halo kordenasaun ho Sentru Integradu Jestaun krize (CIGC, sigla portuges) atu define kuantidade tula ema iha transporte publiku.", "Ba kestaun ne'e, nia parte sei koordena ho membru PNTL ne'ebe koloka iha pontu entrada sira, atu haree dokumentu karreta inklui dokumentu seluk.", "\"Tanba lei dehan ona, sira ne'ebe autoriza atu sai tenke sona dala-rua, ne'ebe husu ba hotu-hotu atu kumpre regra sira ne'e, atu nune'e moras labele hadaet ba ema barak,\" Inspetor Xefe Polisia ne'e dehan.", "Previous articleEdukasaun Covalima avalia implementasaun eskola ba uma Next articleMa-nutrisaun iha Uailili ho kategoria moderadu" ]
[ [ "Government authorizes rapid circulation of public transport from Dili to municipalities | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID -19 The government approves the speedy movement in Public Transportation between Dili and Municipality. Ministry for Transit, Communication (MTK) together with Traffic Police held a press conference on rules regarding reactivating private carriage services at MTK hall Tuesday(08/27)." ], [ "Image TATOLI/Francisco Sony DILI, September-09th (IHA) - The Government through the Ministry of Transport and Communications has authorized public transport to move freely within Dili City as well in other municipalities with a valid health card showing complete vaccination against COVID." ], [ "\"Reactivate public transport movement itself for microbuses, taxis including bus to carry passengers from the municipality into Dili and back. But must complete second dose of vaccination.\"" ], [ "People who have been screened twice must show a valid ID card to enter and exit, both drivers as passengers\", said MTK Director General Gaspar de Araujo during the press conference in Caicoli'." ], [ "Relevant news: Tomorrow, the Government will end home quarantine in Dili He also asked public transport drivers whose documents have expired to renew them at National Directorate of Transport and Communications." ], [ "The director also urged public transport operators to continue observing the health protocol when carrying passengers, such as wearing a face mask that covers your nose and throat; washing hands frequently." ], [ "\"Bus and microlet drivers must know the rules, do not carry passengers over capacity." ], [ "To carry how many passengers we do not mention, but drivers must know and understand that they cannot take too much passenger so as to prevent COVID-19 infection\", he added." ], [ "Chief of the Department Trans Segurança Rodoviaria Nacional from PNTL General Command, Inspector-in -Chief Inocencio Freitas." ], [ "Meanwhile, the Head of Trans Seguransa Rodoviaria Nacional Department from General Command National Police Timor-Leste (PNTL), Chief Inspector Inocencio Freitas said that PNTL will coordinate with Integrated Crisis Management Centre to define how many people can be carried on public transport." ], [ "On this issue, his side will coordinate with the members of PNTL who are stationed at entry points to check car documents and other documentation." ], [ "\"Because the law says that those who are authorized to go out must wash their hands twice, which is why we urge all of you in order for this disease not spread among many people.\"" ], [ "PreviousEducação Covalima evaluates implementation of home schooling NextMalnutritions in Uailili with moderate category." ] ]
Diskunfia FP MSS Halo VS Ba Nia Subrina | STLNEWS\nDiskunfia FP MSS Halo VS Ba Nia Subrina\nDILI-Fungsionariu Publiku ho inisial J.F (FP) iha Ministeriu Solidariedade Social, Diresaun Nasional Assistensia e Coação Social, Ministeriu Publiko akuza nudar arguidu tanba diskunfia obriga halo relasaun violasaun seksual (VS) ba nia subrina ho inisial M.C.G nebe hanesan lejada.\nLejada M.C.G ba diario nee informa katak, nia hetan violasaun seksual husi nia tiu nebe nia hela ba. Akontesimentu nee akontese iha loron 30 Janeiro tinan 2009 iha tuku 7:00 dadersan. Altura nee lejada iha hela kuartu laran, no arguidu tama hodi ameasa hodi hena taka netik ibun no futu tiha tali ba lejada nia liman rua hodi kolu sai lejada nia hatais nebe nia uza momentu nee.\nArguidu nee hau nia tiu, hau nia aman nia alin mak hau mai hela ho nia hodi eskola iha Dili. Hau nia inan aman haruka hau mai hela ho nia iha loron 19 fulan Novembru tinan 2009. Nemak iha loron nee hau hetan violasaun seksual husi nia. Momentu akontesimentu nia ferik oan laiha uma, ba tiha iha Baucau. No labarik sira iha uma mos laiha, tanba nia haruka sai hotu husi uma husik hela ida kiik ho kolega feto maluk ida mak toba iha sira nia kuartu. Kuartu nebe hau toba ba nee la tau odamatan, maibe tau deit mak kurtina, haktuir lejada M.C.G ba diario nee iha TDD, Kinta (13/3/2014).\nIha fatin hanesan aman lejada Agustinho da Costa hatete, nia parte senti triste ho buat nebe akontese ba nia oan feto. Tanba haruka oan husi foho mai hela iha Dili para atu eskola buka matenek, maibe ikus mai nia mehi sai fali oinseluk. Satan ema nebe halo at ba nia oan feto laos ema seluk maibe uma laran rasik. Informasaun kompletu iha STL Jornal no STL Web, edisaun Sesta (14/3/2014). Domingas Gomes\nPrevious articleKomunidade Baucau, Volontariamente Entrege Atributu Militar 1.772 Ba PNTL Baucau\nNext articleTL Sai Primeiru Lugar Iha Sistema Spot Heath\nAlole March 14, 2014 At 04:21\ndiak liu haruka ba aldeia lafila, nee para labele hare tan nia oin, apalagi hanesan aman kiík tan hlo moe famila deit, dk liu ba aldei lafila
[ "Diskunfia FP MSS Halo VS Ba Nia Subrina | STLNEWS Diskunfia FP MSS Halo VS Ba Nia Subrina DILI-Fungsionariu Publiku ho inisial J.F (FP) iha Ministeriu Solidariedade Social, Diresaun Nasional Assistensia e Coacao Social, Ministeriu Publiko akuza nudar arguidu tanba diskunfia obriga halo relasaun violasaun seksual (VS) ba nia subrina ho inisial M.C.G nebe hanesan lejada.", "Lejada M.C.G ba diario nee informa katak, nia hetan violasaun seksual husi nia tiu nebe nia hela ba.", "Akontesimentu nee akontese iha loron 30 Janeiro tinan 2009 iha tuku 7:00 dadersan.", "Altura nee lejada iha hela kuartu laran, no arguidu tama hodi ameasa hodi hena taka netik ibun no futu tiha tali ba lejada nia liman rua hodi kolu sai lejada nia hatais nebe nia uza momentu nee.", "Arguidu nee hau nia tiu, hau nia aman nia alin mak hau mai hela ho nia hodi eskola iha Dili.", "Hau nia inan aman haruka hau mai hela ho nia iha loron 19 fulan Novembru tinan 2009.", "Nemak iha loron nee hau hetan violasaun seksual husi nia.", "Momentu akontesimentu nia ferik oan laiha uma, ba tiha iha Baucau.", "No labarik sira iha uma mos laiha, tanba nia haruka sai hotu husi uma husik hela ida kiik ho kolega feto maluk ida mak toba iha sira nia kuartu.", "Kuartu nebe hau toba ba nee la tau odamatan, maibe tau deit mak kurtina, haktuir lejada M.C.G ba diario nee iha TDD, Kinta (13/3/2014).", "Iha fatin hanesan aman lejada Agustinho da Costa hatete, nia parte senti triste ho buat nebe akontese ba nia oan feto.", "Tanba haruka oan husi foho mai hela iha Dili para atu eskola buka matenek, maibe ikus mai nia mehi sai fali oinseluk.", "Satan ema nebe halo at ba nia oan feto laos ema seluk maibe uma laran rasik.", "Informasaun kompletu iha STL Jornal no STL Web, edisaun Sesta (14/3/2014).", "Domingas Gomes Previous articleKomunidade Baucau, Volontariamente Entrege Atributu Militar 1.772 Ba PNTL Baucau Next articleTL Sai Primeiru Lugar Iha Sistema Spot Heath Alole March 14, 2014 At 04:21 diak liu haruka ba aldeia lafila, nee para labele hare tan nia oin, apalagi hanesan aman kiik tan hlo moe famila deit, dk liu ba aldei lafila" ]
[ [ "Disqualifica FP MSS Halo VS Ba Sua Subrina | STLNEWS DISQUALIFICAÇÃO DE FPMSM HALOS V.S PARA A SUAS SOBRINA Dili-Public official with the initial JF (PF) in Ministry of Social Solidarity, National Directorate for Assistance and Coacao social Public Prosecutor charged as a defendant because disqualifies force to have sexual relations rape(VS), his niece who is also injured by its first name MCG" ], [ "M.C G told the newspaper that she had been sexually raped by her uncle with whom he lived in a house nearby, and was forced to live under his care for three months before being released from custody on charges of rape against him as well" ], [ "The incident occurred on January 30, at around seven o'clock dadersan." ], [ "The defendant entered the room and threatenly covered her neck with clothes, then snatched a strap from both of Lejada’s hands to pull out his underwear that he was wearing at this time." ], [ "The defendant is my uncle, I am his grandfather's nephew and we came to Dili with him for school." ], [ "My parents sent me to live with them on November 19,205." ], [ "On that day I was sexually raped by him." ], [ "At the time of his death, he had no home and was living in Bauchi." ], [ "And there were no children in the house, because he sent them all out of his home leaving a little one with another female colleague sleeping on their bed." ], [ "The room I went to had no doors, but only curtains,” reader M.C G told the newspaper in TDD on Thursday (13/02) 4:56 pm CET)." ], [ "The father of the deceased, Agustinho da Costa said that he was sad about what had happened to his daughter." ], [ "Because he sent his children from the countryside to live in Dili for schooling, but eventually decided that it was better not." ], [ "Satan is the man who makes his female offspring not someone else's but one of their own." ], [ "Full information in STL Jornal and on the web, edition of Saturday (14/3) 205." ], [ "Domingas Gomes Previous articleComunidade Baucau, Voluntariamente Entrega Atributu Militar 1.769 Ba PNTL Baukau Next artikelTL Sai Primeiro Lugar No Sistema Spot Heath alole March-04/23 at -5:8 best send to the lafila village so you can not see his face again especially as an father who is only looking for their family dk more than aldei Lafilo" ] ]
By Tempo Timor October 21, 2020 1785\nPrabowo Subianto atuál Ministru Defeza Repúblika Indonézia nian. Foto Facebook\nTempotimor (Dili)-Estadu Unidus America (EUA) nia desizaun hodi konvida Ministru Defeza Repúblika Indonézia nian Prabowo Subianto ba vizita EUA ne'e sai preokupasaun públiku, tanba konsidera Prabowo iha lista meta kona-ba violasaun direitu umanus iha Timor-Leste.\nTuir xefe estadu maiór F-FDTL Maijór Jenerál Lere Anan Timur katak, maske sosiedade sivíl no públiku konsidera Prabowo Subianto sai autór ba violasaun direitu umanu iha TL, maibé loloos ne'e laiha.\n"Ha'u hanoin, ida ne'e kona-ba ema ne'ebé komete krime sériu ne'ebé sira komete violasaun direitu umanu iha Timor-Leste, ita ba haree didi'ak, ha'u hanoin Prabowo Subianto naran la tama ba lista ida ne'e, ita mak ko'alia no rona, maibé ha'u ba konfirma ona katak, Prabowo la tama ba lista violasaun direitu umanu iha TL," dehan Jenerál Lere Anan Timur iha Palásiu Prezidensiál bairru-pite, Kuarta (21/10).\nNia mós afirma, lista violasaun direitu umanu iha TL ne'e Prabowo Subianto la tama, maibé governante balun mak tama iha laran.\n"Balun ne'ebé kee ohin loron ministru ona, balu la ministru, iha na'in tolu ka haat mak tama, maibé Prabowo la tama, konforme informasaun ne'ebé ha'u simu," dehan Lere.\nLider fitun rua ne'e mós afirma, tanba Prabowo la involve ne'e mak foin lalais ba vizita Estadus Unidus America la hetan kapturasaun ne'e. Veteranus tinan 24 ne'e mós afirma, Indonézia halo violasaun direitu umanu iha TL, tanba funu.\n"Ha'u la'ós defende Indonézia, maibé sira viola direitu umanu iha TL tanba funu, tanba Timor hakarak ukun aan, ita dehan "mate ka moris ukun rasik aan", entaun pasiénsia tanba sira mós mai kumpri sira-nia misaun ida," nia tenik.\nLere Anan Timur mós akresenta, Indonezia sira ne'ebé mai TL ne'e, eroi ba sira-nia rai, tanba sira kumpri sira-nia orden, sira-nia sistema hodi mai funu iha Timor.\n"Ita mós eroi ba ba ita-nia rai, tanba ita dehan, mate ka moris ukun rasik aan, depois ita ukun aan tiha, ita fó sala ba se? Sira mai la'ós sira-nia hakarak, maibé sistema ida mak haruka sira mai, entaun halo oinsa mak ita Timor ho Indonézia nia relasionamentu metin," katak Nia.\nLider ne'e mós dehan, krime sériu ne'e nia haluhan ona, husik halerek iha istória katak, Indonézia oho ida ne'e no ida ne'ebá, entaun hakarek iha istória ba jerasaun sira hatene katak, Timor ukun aan ne'e sosa ruin ho ran.\nLere mós afirma, karik ema ne'ebé komete krime sériu mak mai TL, sei la autoriza hodi kaptura.\n"Se-se mak komete krime sériu iha TL, bele mai, enkuantu ha'u dehan la kaer ne'e la kaer, ita rai na'in mak manda, la'ós ema seluk mak mai manda ita, para estraga ita-nia relasaun, tanba ne'e TL, Indonézia no Australia ne'e labele husik malu," katak Nia.(*)\n« MP Konsidera Juiz la iha experiência, PTR ‘Sadik’ Hatama Rekursu Veteranu sai Broker, Lere: Lei iha Hodi Kondena »
[ "By Tempo Timor October 21, 2020 1785 Prabowo Subianto atual Ministru Defeza Republika Indonezia nian.", "Foto Facebook Tempotimor (Dili) -Estadu Unidus America (EUA) nia desizaun hodi konvida Ministru Defeza Republika Indonezia nian Prabowo Subianto ba vizita EUA ne'e sai preokupasaun publiku, tanba konsidera Prabowo iha lista meta kona-ba violasaun direitu umanus iha Timor-Leste.", "Tuir xefe estadu maior F-FDTL Maijor Jeneral Lere Anan Timur katak, maske sosiedade sivil no publiku konsidera Prabowo Subianto sai autor ba violasaun direitu umanu iha TL, maibe loloos ne'e laiha.", "\"Ha'u hanoin, ida ne'e kona-ba ema ne'ebe komete krime seriu ne'ebe sira komete violasaun direitu umanu iha Timor-Leste, ita ba haree didi'ak, ha'u hanoin Prabowo Subianto naran la tama ba lista ida ne'e, ita mak ko'alia no rona, maibe ha'u ba konfirma ona katak, Prabowo la tama ba lista violasaun direitu umanu iha TL,\" dehan Jeneral Lere Anan Timur iha Palasiu Prezidensial bairru-pite, Kuarta (21/10).", "Nia mos afirma, lista violasaun direitu umanu iha TL ne'e Prabowo Subianto la tama, maibe governante balun mak tama iha laran.", "\"Balun ne'ebe kee ohin loron ministru ona, balu la ministru, iha na'in tolu ka haat mak tama, maibe Prabowo la tama, konforme informasaun ne'ebe ha'u simu,\" dehan Lere.", "Lider fitun rua ne'e mos afirma, tanba Prabowo la involve ne'e mak foin lalais ba vizita Estadus Unidus America la hetan kapturasaun ne'e.", "Veteranus tinan 24 ne'e mos afirma, Indonezia halo violasaun direitu umanu iha TL, tanba funu.", "\"Ha'u la'os defende Indonezia, maibe sira viola direitu umanu iha TL tanba funu, tanba Timor hakarak ukun aan, ita dehan \"mate ka moris ukun rasik aan,\" entaun pasiensia tanba sira mos mai kumpri sira-nia misaun ida,\" nia tenik.", "Lere Anan Timur mos akresenta, Indonezia sira ne'ebe mai TL ne'e, eroi ba sira-nia rai, tanba sira kumpri sira-nia orden, sira-nia sistema hodi mai funu iha Timor.", "\"Ita mos eroi ba ba ita-nia rai, tanba ita dehan, mate ka moris ukun rasik aan, depois ita ukun aan tiha, ita fo sala ba se?", "Sira mai la'os sira-nia hakarak, maibe sistema ida mak haruka sira mai, entaun halo oinsa mak ita Timor ho Indonezia nia relasionamentu metin,\" katak Nia.", "Lider ne'e mos dehan, krime seriu ne'e nia haluhan ona, husik halerek iha istoria katak, Indonezia oho ida ne'e no ida ne'eba, entaun hakarek iha istoria ba jerasaun sira hatene katak, Timor ukun aan ne'e sosa ruin ho ran.", "Lere mos afirma, karik ema ne'ebe komete krime seriu mak mai TL, sei la autoriza hodi kaptura.", "\"Se-se mak komete krime seriu iha TL, bele mai, enkuantu ha'u dehan la kaer ne'e la kaer, ita rai na'in mak manda, la'os ema seluk mak mai manda ita, para estraga ita-nia relasaun, tanba ne'e TL, Indonezia no Australia ne'e labele husik malu,\" katak Nia. (*) \" MP Konsidera Juiz la iha experiencia, PTR 'Sadik' Hatama Rekursu Veteranu sai Broker, Lere: Lei iha Hodi Kondena \"" ]
[ [ "By Tempo Timor October 21,-09:35 PM Prabowo Subianto is the current Minister of Defence in Indonesia." ], [ "Tempotimor (Dili) - The United States of America's decision to invite Indonesian Defence Minister Prabowo Subianto for a visit has become public concern, because it consider the latter on its target list regarding human rights violations in Timor-Leste." ], [ "According to F-FDTL Chief of Staff Major General Lere Anan Timur, although civil society and the public consider Prabowo Subianto as an author for human rights violations in Timor Leste (TL), there is no such person." ], [ "\"I think, this is about people who have committed serious crimes that they commit human rights violations in Timor-Leste. We will look carefully at it and I believe Prabowo Subianto' s name does not appear on the list; we are talking to him but he has been confirmed as a person of no concern for our country\", said General Lere Anan Timur during an interview with TV 24/7 (TV3)." ], [ "He also affirmed that Prabowo Subianto is not on the list of human rights violations in Indonesia, but some other rulers are." ], [ "\"Some of the people who are now ministers, some aren't. There were three or four that came in but Prabowo didn’n get into it according to information I received.\"" ], [ "The two vice-leaders also stated that, because Prabowo was not involved in the case and he had a recent visit to America before being captures." ], [ "The 24-year old veteran also claims that Indonesia violated human rights in the Philippines because of war." ], [ "\"I'm not defending Indonesia, but they violate human rights in Timor-Leste because of the war. Because when we say 'life or death for independence’ it means that people have to be patient with them as well since their mission is fulfilled.\"" ], [ "Lere Anan Timur also added that the Indonesians who came to Timor-Leste are heroes for their country, because they complied with its order and system of fighting in East Asia." ], [ "\"We are also heroes to our own land, because we say: live or die for independence. After being independent who do you blame?" ], [ "They don't want to come, but a system sends them here. So make sure that we Timorese and Indonesian have strong relations with each other,” she said in an interview on the BBC Radio 4 radio station today (10/3)." ], [ "The leader also said that he has forgotten this serious crime, let us remember in history how Indonesia went here and there. So we must recall the story so generations will know what happened when Timor gained its independence: ruin was bought with blood!" ], [ "Lere also stated that if a person who has committed serious crimes comes to the country, he will not authorize his arrest." ], [ "\"If anyone commits a serious crime in TL, he can come and while I say not to arrest him it isn't possible. The Lord of our land has sent us here; no one else send the people who are coming for this purpose or that would ruin their relationship with Indonesia - therefore we cannot leave each other.\" (*) MP Considering Judge Late Experienced PTR 'Sadik’ Has Recourse Veteran Become ABroker Read: There Is Law To Sentence" ] ]
XG Kontinua Normaliza Estrada Iha Maslidun | STLNEWS\nLider karismatiku Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão iha loron Sabadu (15/05/2021) nee, hamutuk ho nia ekipa kontinua normaliza estrada iha Bairru Maslidun, Lagoa Tasitolu. (Foto: STL/Guilhermina Franco)\nDILI, STLNEWS.co – Lider karismatiku Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão iha loron Sabadu (15/05/2021) nee, hamutuk ho nia ekipa kontinua normaliza estrada iha Bairru Maslidun, Lagoa Tasitolu.\nTuir Xefe Bairru Maslidun, Lagoa 2, Manuel Cárceres Correia, katak, sira agradese ba tulun Xanana nian, hodi normaliza estrada, supa bee Lagoa, tanba durante fulan ida komunidade sira susar tebes ba estrada atu movimentu no labela hela iha uma tanba bee okupa.\n“Ami agaradese ba Avo Nana tanba ho nia tulun tomak hahu husi dia 4 Abril mai too agora ajuda ami iha buat barak. No ohin avo mai organiza tan ekipa sira hodi mai normaliza fali estrada neebe mak durante nee ami la asesu fulan ida resin ona, i apoiu ba supa lagoa agora komunidade balu fila ona ba uma,” katak Manuel Carceres ba STL, Sabadu (15/05/2021) iha Maslidun, Lagoa 2.\nNia dehan, ajuda avo nian nee halo sira komunidade hotu orgullu no agradese, tanba normaliza estrada neebe mak bee okupa hotu. Ho ajudus ida nee bele fasilita komunidade sira atu bele movimentu ba mai. Laos deit tulun ba normaliza estrada, maibe iha buat barak hanesan hahan no supa bee iha lagoa.\n“Haree ba tulun nee nudar komunidade observa katak ho fuan ho laran duni,” tenik nia.\nNia haktuir, iha Lagoa 1 ho 3, komunidade balu seidauk fila, tanba uma balu bee seidauk maran, ba lagoa 2 nee estrada mak normaliza ona nee komunidade hotu bele fila hotu ona, tanba bele asesu ona ba estrada.\nTuir nia, komunidade neebe seidauk fila ba sira nia fatin kuaze 35 xefe familia, ba sira neebe mak fila ona ba uma nee kuaze 50 xefe familia. Enkuantu ba sira neebe mak seidauk fila nee tanba balu mos uma rai monu hanehan.\nEntretantu observasaun STL haree katak, estrada husi parte Maslidun kraik normaliza hotu ona no komunidade sira bele movimentu ona, no agora dadaun lider karismatiku nee hamutuk ho nia ekipa kontinua normaliza ka ateru estrada iha Maslidun parte leten.*\nPrevious articleNegosiante OB Manleuana Labele Okupa Estrada\nNext articleTinan Barak Komunidade Maslidun La Asesu Bee Mos
[ "XG Kontinua Normaliza Estrada Iha Maslidun | STLNEWS Lider karismatiku Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao iha loron Sabadu (15/05/2021) nee, hamutuk ho nia ekipa kontinua normaliza estrada iha Bairru Maslidun, Lagoa Tasitolu.", "(Foto: STL/Guilhermina Franco) DILI, STLNEWS.co - Lider karismatiku Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao iha loron Sabadu (15/05/2021) nee, hamutuk ho nia ekipa kontinua normaliza estrada iha Bairru Maslidun, Lagoa Tasitolu.", "Tuir Xefe Bairru Maslidun, Lagoa 2, Manuel Carceres Correia, katak, sira agradese ba tulun Xanana nian, hodi normaliza estrada, supa bee Lagoa, tanba durante fulan ida komunidade sira susar tebes ba estrada atu movimentu no labela hela iha uma tanba bee okupa.", "\"Ami agaradese ba Avo Nana tanba ho nia tulun tomak hahu husi dia 4 Abril mai too agora ajuda ami iha buat barak.", "No ohin avo mai organiza tan ekipa sira hodi mai normaliza fali estrada neebe mak durante nee ami la asesu fulan ida resin ona, i apoiu ba supa lagoa agora komunidade balu fila ona ba uma,\" katak Manuel Carceres ba STL, Sabadu (15/05/2021) iha Maslidun, Lagoa 2.", "Nia dehan, ajuda avo nian nee halo sira komunidade hotu orgullu no agradese, tanba normaliza estrada neebe mak bee okupa hotu.", "Ho ajudus ida nee bele fasilita komunidade sira atu bele movimentu ba mai.", "Laos deit tulun ba normaliza estrada, maibe iha buat barak hanesan hahan no supa bee iha lagoa.", "\"Haree ba tulun nee nudar komunidade observa katak ho fuan ho laran duni,\" tenik nia.", "Nia haktuir, iha Lagoa 1 ho 3, komunidade balu seidauk fila, tanba uma balu bee seidauk maran, ba lagoa 2 nee estrada mak normaliza ona nee komunidade hotu bele fila hotu ona, tanba bele asesu ona ba estrada.", "Tuir nia, komunidade neebe seidauk fila ba sira nia fatin kuaze 35 xefe familia, ba sira neebe mak fila ona ba uma nee kuaze 50 xefe familia.", "Enkuantu ba sira neebe mak seidauk fila nee tanba balu mos uma rai monu hanehan.", "Entretantu observasaun STL haree katak, estrada husi parte Maslidun kraik normaliza hotu ona no komunidade sira bele movimentu ona, no agora dadaun lider karismatiku nee hamutuk ho nia ekipa kontinua normaliza ka ateru estrada iha Maslidun parte leten.* Previous articleNegosiante OB Manleuana Labele Okupa Estrada Next articleTinan Barak Komunidade Maslidun La Asesu Bee Mos" ]
[ [ "XG Continues To Normalize Road In Maslidun | STLNEWS Charismatic leader Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao on Saturday (15/04) with his team continued to normalize the road in Bairro de Maslovun, Lagoa Tasitolu." ], [ "(Photo: STL/Guilhermina Franco) DILI,StlNEWS.co - Charismatic leader Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao on Saturday 15th May with his team continued to normalize the road in Bairru Maslidun and Lagoa Tasitolu districts of Dili city during a visit he made last week for an official ceremony held by Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak at her residence" ], [ "According to the Chief of Maslidun Neighborhood, Lagoa 2 Manuel Carceres Correia said that they are grateful for Xanana' s help in normalizing road and drainage. For a month it has been very difficult on this street because water occupied many houses so people have had no choice but stay at home as their homes were flooded by rainwater which is not allowed into them from outside or even outwardly when there was an emergency situation like flood damaged buildings etc..." ], [ "\"We are looking forward to Grandpa Nana because with all his help from April 4th until now he has been a great support for us in many ways." ], [ "And today the grandfather has organized teams to normalize roads that we have not accessed for more than one month, and supporting lagoon water now some community members are back at home,” Manuel Carceres told STL on Saturday (May 15th) in Maslidun." ], [ "He said, the grandfather’s help made all of them proud and thankful because it normalized road that was completely flooded." ], [ "With this help, it will be easier for the communities to move around." ], [ "Not only is it helping to normalize the road, but there are many things like food and water in a pond." ], [ "\"They look at the help as a community that observes it with heart and compassion,\" she said." ], [ "He said that in Lagoa 1 and Lakes, some communities have not returned because the water hasn’t dried up. For lagoas two there is a normalized road so all of them can go back to their homes as they now access it from other areas on this highway.”" ], [ "According to him, the community that has not returned their places are almost 35 heads of household and those who have gone back home is nearly a fifty." ], [ "As for those who have not returned, some of them are still homeless because their houses collapsed." ], [ "Meanwhile, STL’s observation shows that the road from Maslidun to Kraik has been normalized and communities can now move freely. The charismatic leader together with his team is currently continuing normalizing or restoring highway in southern part of Masledun.* Previous articleNegociante OB Manleuana Labele Okupa Estrada Next ArticleTinan Barak Komunidade" ] ]
Odete: hafoin vasina dala rua, iha karta autorizasaun mak bele la’o livre\nPublika iha: 12 Juñu 2021\nLee nain: 1577\nDili (TOP)— Vise Koordenadora Forsa Tarefa ba Prevensaun no Mitigasaun Surtu Covid-19, Odete da Silva Viegas afirma, ba sidadaun sira ne’ebé simu ona vasina dala rua bele halo movimentu livre iha territorio nasionál, maibé tenki hetan karta autorizasaun hosi Sentru Integradu Jestaun Kríze (SIJK).\n“Simu ona vasina dala rua ita atu mobiliza ba muisípiu la presiza ona swab test, maibé ita atu ba munisípiu tenki husu nafatin karta autorizasaun,” Odete ba jornalista iha CCD-Dili, Kinta 10 Juñu 2021.\nNia hatutan, ba ema hirak ne’ebé simu ona vasina kompleta labele halo kedas movimentu ba munisípiu, presiza hein to’o semana rua mak foin bele ba.\n“Tanba aimoruk ne’e sei fó reasaun di’ak liu ba ita nia isin, hodi bele hasa’e ita nia sistema imunidade di’ak liu entre loron primeiru vasina to’o semana rua. Tanba ida ne’e maka ita nia imunidade sei kompleta depois de semana rua ita simu vasina,” nia reforsa.\nAlende ne’e nia informa, ba inan isin rua seidauk iha estudu ida espesiál kona-ba sira, tanba ne’e sira la presiza vasina maibé tenki kumpre nafatin protokolu saúde ne’ebé iha hanesan uza máskara, fase liman beibeik no distánsiamentu fíziku hodi prevenee aan labele kona covid-19.\nEntretantu, antes ne’e Primeiru-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak katak, sidadaun ne’ebé maka simu ona vasina dala rua sei la’o livre ona iha teritóriu nasionál.\nArtigu liu-ba Xanana simu ona vasina SINOVAC\nArtigu tuir-mai Eusebio de Oliveira ba uluk ona fatin rohan la’ek\nHare dala: 12719
[ "Odete: hafoin vasina dala rua, iha karta autorizasaun mak bele la'o livre Publika iha: 12 Junu 2021 Lee nain: 1577 Dili (TOP) - Vise Koordenadora Forsa Tarefa ba Prevensaun no Mitigasaun Surtu Covid-19, Odete da Silva Viegas afirma, ba sidadaun sira ne'ebe simu ona vasina dala rua bele halo movimentu livre iha territorio nasional, maibe tenki hetan karta autorizasaun hosi Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (SIJK).", "\"Simu ona vasina dala rua ita atu mobiliza ba muisipiu la presiza ona swab test, maibe ita atu ba munisipiu tenki husu nafatin karta autorizasaun,\" Odete ba jornalista iha CCD-Dili, Kinta 10 Junu 2021.", "Nia hatutan, ba ema hirak ne'ebe simu ona vasina kompleta labele halo kedas movimentu ba munisipiu, presiza hein to'o semana rua mak foin bele ba.", "\"Tanba aimoruk ne'e sei fo reasaun di'ak liu ba ita nia isin, hodi bele hasa'e ita nia sistema imunidade di'ak liu entre loron primeiru vasina to'o semana rua.", "Tanba ida ne'e maka ita nia imunidade sei kompleta depois de semana rua ita simu vasina,\" nia reforsa.", "Alende ne'e nia informa, ba inan isin rua seidauk iha estudu ida espesial kona-ba sira, tanba ne'e sira la presiza vasina maibe tenki kumpre nafatin protokolu saude ne'ebe iha hanesan uza maskara, fase liman beibeik no distansiamentu fiziku hodi prevenee aan labele kona covid-19.", "Entretantu, antes ne'e Primeiru-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak katak, sidadaun ne'ebe maka simu ona vasina dala rua sei la'o livre ona iha teritoriu nasional.", "Artigu liu-ba Xanana simu ona vasina SINOVAC Artigu tuir-mai Eusebio de Oliveira ba uluk ona fatin rohan la'ek Hare dala: 12719" ]
[ [ "Dili (TOP) - Deputy Coordinator of the Task Force for Prevention and Mitigation Covid-19 Outbreak, Odete da Silva Viegas says that citizens who have received a second dose can move freely in national territory but must obtain an authorization letter from Integrated Crisis Management Centre. The card will be issued by SIJK after two doses are given to all persons under age sixteen or over at any time during their stay on Timor Leste'S border with Indonesia as well..." ], [ "\"We have been vaccinated twice, so we do not need a swab test to go into the municipality. But if you want it in your city then there is still an authorization letter required\", Odete told journalists at CCD-Dili on Friday 10 June (June) of this year.\"" ], [ "He added that people who have received a full dose of the vaccine cannot immediately move to municipalities, they need two weeks before being able." ], [ "\"Because the drug will give a better response to our bodies, so we can boost your immunity system more effectively between day one of vaccination and two weeks." ], [ "Because this is our immunity will be complete after two weeks we get the vaccine,\" he emphasizes." ], [ "In addition, he informed that there is no special study on pregnant women yet. Therefore they do not need to be vaccinated but must follow the existing health protocols such as wearing a mask and washing their hands frequently while maintaining physical distance with each other so it can prevent them from being infected by covid-19" ], [ "Meanwhile, earlier Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak said that citizens who have received two doses of the vaccine will be free to walk on national territory." ], [ "Previous article Xanana simu ona vasina SINOVAC Next Article Eusebio de Oliveira ba uluk on fatin rohan la'ek Views: 12730" ] ]
PD Husu Klarifikasaun Kadoras Mai TL, Virginia: Governu Laiha Vontade | STLNEWS\nPD Husu Klarifikasaun Kadoras Mai TL, Virginia: Governu Laiha Vontade\nDILI, STLNEWS.co – Deputadu husi Bankada Partidu Demokratiku (PD) iha uma fukun Parlamentu Nasional (PN) husu klarifikasaun ba governu kona-ba prosesu atu dada kadoras mai iha Timor Leste (TL).\nKestaun nee hatoo husi Xefi bankada PD Antonio da Conceição katak, prosesu negosiasaun politika halao kona-ba dezenvolvementu greater sunrise (SR) hodi koalia kona-ba atu dada kadoras mai iha TL, iha momentu nee prezidente Timor Gap asumi karga importante.\n“Koalia kona-ba Fronteira Maritima (FM) no koalia mos kona-ba dezenvolvimentu Greater sunrise (GS), sevisu lubuk ida mak aprezenta iha CCD no PN. Governu inisia hodi fo esperansa katak benefisia tebes TL nia politika hodi hanoin lori kadoras mai TL.\nHau hakarak hatene ho kompomisiu politika AMP sei relevante ou lae? tanba pratika sei la koalia buat sira nee nia kontinuasaun iha 2021. Tanba nee hau husu klarifikasaun husi governu, hanesan kontinuidade Ministériu ida neeba, laos buat hotu foun maibe fo kontinuidade atu halo, bele partilla informasaun ruma,” hatete Antonio iha PN Tersa (17/11/2020).\nNia dehan, iha panorama orsamental, estudu sira neebe mak halo nee, sei iha inisiu aprovasaun osan husi PN, liga ba atu hola asaun nee iha efeitu ou lae? bainhira estudu inisiu desizaun neebe hola, desizaun neebe mak kontra produtivu atuasaun politika governativas.\nIha fatin hanesan Deputada husi bankada FRETILIN, Nelia Menezes hatete, poliltika kona-ba atu dadas kadoras mai iha Timor Leste, nee los duni ka sei iha indiskutives. Ema hotu nia hakarak mak kadoras mai TL, prinsipiu luta neebe hakarak la iha duvida tanba nee nia hakarak husu iha ona estudu ou lae? Kadoras mai TL presiza kustu hira.\nHatan ba kestaun nee, Prezidente Timor GAP António José Loyola Sousa hatete, molok atu koalia kona ba pipeline maibe tenke kompriende uluk rejimi gretaer sunirise konsekuensia husi Fronteira Martima (FM).\n“Hau sente, molok atu koalia kona-ba pipeline, ita tenke haree uluk regime greater sunrise (GS) konsekuensia husi FM dehan katak greater sunrise, laos TL nian mesak. Ita tenke deside hamutuk, mezmu ita haree mapamentu barak mai iha TL, nain ba rekursu greater sunrise nee entre Australia ho TL”, katak nia.\nTanba tuir nia, Konsekuensia FM kondisaun equivalente, rezime anterior iha kontratu 4, rua iha JDP retensialis rua iha Australia nian rejime foun fali, fornese kondisasaun hanesan kontratu hat nee rezultadu tenke hanesan.\nTuir nia, too ohin loron seidauk iha planu atu dezenvolve GS, tanba enkuadramentu legal nian kontratu mos seidauk, oinsa maka bele iha planu negosiu ba ida nee. Iha momentu nia rasik nudar Membru Konsellu Administrasaun, atu dada kadoras mai iha TL.\nNia eplika, atu dada kadoras mai TL tenke hatene uluk upstream, laos buat mamuk tenke hatene Liquidu nia gas nee komposizaun temperatura no presaun oinsa hodi ida nee maka foin hatama simulasaun pipeline, too ikus dezain LNG hatene nia kapasidade oinsa atu prosesa gas. Ida mai husi upstream nia dadus tenke klaru, agora seidauk iha serteza liu-liu kompozisaun liquidu nian, hakarak ou lakohi gosta ka la gosta prosesu mak lao hanesan nee.\nVirginia: Governu Laiha Vontade\nIha okaziaun nee, Membru Parlamentu nasional husi Bankada CNRT, Deputada Virjina Ana Bela katak Governu Laiha Intensaun no Vontade Dada Kadoras Mai Timor Leste.\n“Estudu obtimizasaun ba Pipeline kadoras no plant LNG, estudu 2 nee, tuir hau laos ema tekniku, maibe ida nee importante teb-tebes no krusial loos hodi hatene. Lolos kustu real ho situasaun presu mina neebe tun tebes fo impaktu ba kustu material nian. ami haree katak, Governu ida nee, laiha intensaun duni atu dada kadoras husi Greater Sunrise mai TL, no lakohi duni atu harii planta LNG iha ita nia rai,” dehan Deputada Virginia iha sala plenaria PN, Tersa (17/11/2020).\nNia dehan, kaer fali ba orsamentu pasadu ho proposta orsamentu iha 2020, sumbadu iha millaun 20, maibe agora tau deit rihun 15 nee osan kiik tebes.\n“Hau la hatene, ita boot sira nia intesaun saida, hakarak atu bosok povu ka hakarak atu halo saida. Agora avaliasaun impaktu ambiental no dezenvolvimentu kapasidade no projetu LNG, iha montante osan ida neebe tau hatudu katak, Governu laiha duni vontade atu lori kadoras mai TL,” tenik nia.\nNia haktuir tan katak, estudu impaktu ambiental nee importante hodi asegura, lori kadoras ho planta LNG mai TL, tanba nee hanesan rekerementu ida neebe importante, hodi atrai investimentu sira rai liur no hasae kapasidade ema nian, nee mos importante.\n“Hau haree, hanesan governu laiha vontade duni mesmu iha tiha ona deklarasaun husi Primeiru Ministru rasik katak, kadoras tenke mai TL, maibe narealidade, governu sira la tau importansia iha neeba.\nAlende nee Ministro Petroleu no Mineral, Victor da Conceição dehan, ho estudu plant LNG neebe dehan katak, lakohi dada mai Timor Leste.\n“Projetu ba LNG atu dada kadoras mai TL, hau hanoin katak, povu ou governu se deit katak ida nee halo ona delimitasaun fronteira, iha ona ita nia sobernia, hau hanoin riku soi neebe iha ita nia soberania laran, ita tenke iha domin liu ba ida nee. hau hanoin atu dada mai nee, ita nia vontade nee ita hotu hakarak, nee politikamente maibe iha neeba mos iha kestoens komersiais ekonomikas,” dehan nia.\nNia dehan, tanba kestaun ekonomikas komersiais TL labele obriga ho forsa maibe ho politika tanba ninia kustu aas teb-tebes, maka ho politika signifika tenke tau osan barak no sosa ho osan barak.\n“Ita laiha kondisaun ita nia osan tuun ba be-beik, tanba nee maka agora dadaun ANPM ho Timor Gap dadaun halo aprosimasaun ho investimentus estrajeirus, atu empreza internasiol bele halo investimentu, nunee parsial kustus iha kestaun komersial. hau fo hanoin no koalia bebeik ho Timor Gap nomos ANPM, atu bele buka parseirus potensiais, nunee ita bele partilla kustu ho objetivu katak, ita tenke hetan venefisiu,” dehan nia.\nEma sira neebe hakarak halo investimentu, tenke iha venefisiu ba sira se laiha venefisiu ema sei retira hotu husi projetu sira nee, tanba sira lakohi sofre riskus.*\nPrevious articleSesta Baziku Benefisia Governante\nNext articleRui Gomes Prontu Asume Kargu MF
[ "PD Husu Klarifikasaun Kadoras Mai TL, Virginia: Governu Laiha Vontade | STLNEWS PD Husu Klarifikasaun Kadoras Mai TL, Virginia: Governu Laiha Vontade DILI, STLNEWS.co - Deputadu husi Bankada Partidu Demokratiku (PD) iha uma fukun Parlamentu Nasional (PN) husu klarifikasaun ba governu kona-ba prosesu atu dada kadoras mai iha Timor Leste (TL).", "Kestaun nee hatoo husi Xefi bankada PD Antonio da Conceicao katak, prosesu negosiasaun politika halao kona-ba dezenvolvementu greater sunrise (SR) hodi koalia kona-ba atu dada kadoras mai iha TL, iha momentu nee prezidente Timor Gap asumi karga importante.", "\"Koalia kona-ba Fronteira Maritima (FM) no koalia mos kona-ba dezenvolvimentu Greater sunrise (GS), sevisu lubuk ida mak aprezenta iha CCD no PN.", "Governu inisia hodi fo esperansa katak benefisia tebes TL nia politika hodi hanoin lori kadoras mai TL.", "Hau hakarak hatene ho kompomisiu politika AMP sei relevante ou lae? tanba pratika sei la koalia buat sira nee nia kontinuasaun iha 2021.", "Tanba nee hau husu klarifikasaun husi governu, hanesan kontinuidade Ministeriu ida neeba, laos buat hotu foun maibe fo kontinuidade atu halo, bele partilla informasaun ruma,\" hatete Antonio iha PN Tersa (17/11/2020).", "Nia dehan, iha panorama orsamental, estudu sira neebe mak halo nee, sei iha inisiu aprovasaun osan husi PN, liga ba atu hola asaun nee iha efeitu ou lae? bainhira estudu inisiu desizaun neebe hola, desizaun neebe mak kontra produtivu atuasaun politika governativas.", "Iha fatin hanesan Deputada husi bankada FRETILIN, Nelia Menezes hatete, poliltika kona-ba atu dadas kadoras mai iha Timor Leste, nee los duni ka sei iha indiskutives.", "Ema hotu nia hakarak mak kadoras mai TL, prinsipiu luta neebe hakarak la iha duvida tanba nee nia hakarak husu iha ona estudu ou lae?", "Kadoras mai TL presiza kustu hira.", "Hatan ba kestaun nee, Prezidente Timor GAP Antonio Jose Loyola Sousa hatete, molok atu koalia kona ba pipeline maibe tenke kompriende uluk rejimi gretaer sunirise konsekuensia husi Fronteira Martima (FM).", "\"Hau sente, molok atu koalia kona-ba pipeline, ita tenke haree uluk regime greater sunrise (GS) konsekuensia husi FM dehan katak greater sunrise, laos TL nian mesak.", "Ita tenke deside hamutuk, mezmu ita haree mapamentu barak mai iha TL, nain ba rekursu greater sunrise nee entre Australia ho TL,\" katak nia.", "Tanba tuir nia, Konsekuensia FM kondisaun equivalente, rezime anterior iha kontratu 4, rua iha JDP retensialis rua iha Australia nian rejime foun fali, fornese kondisasaun hanesan kontratu hat nee rezultadu tenke hanesan.", "Tuir nia, too ohin loron seidauk iha planu atu dezenvolve GS, tanba enkuadramentu legal nian kontratu mos seidauk, oinsa maka bele iha planu negosiu ba ida nee.", "Iha momentu nia rasik nudar Membru Konsellu Administrasaun, atu dada kadoras mai iha TL.", "Nia eplika, atu dada kadoras mai TL tenke hatene uluk upstream, laos buat mamuk tenke hatene Liquidu nia gas nee komposizaun temperatura no presaun oinsa hodi ida nee maka foin hatama simulasaun pipeline, too ikus dezain LNG hatene nia kapasidade oinsa atu prosesa gas.", "Ida mai husi upstream nia dadus tenke klaru, agora seidauk iha serteza liu-liu kompozisaun liquidu nian, hakarak ou lakohi gosta ka la gosta prosesu mak lao hanesan nee.", "Virginia: Governu Laiha Vontade Iha okaziaun nee, Membru Parlamentu nasional husi Bankada CNRT, Deputada Virjina Ana Bela katak Governu Laiha Intensaun no Vontade Dada Kadoras Mai Timor Leste.", "\"Estudu obtimizasaun ba Pipeline kadoras no plant LNG, estudu 2 nee, tuir hau laos ema tekniku, maibe ida nee importante teb-tebes no krusial loos hodi hatene.", "Lolos kustu real ho situasaun presu mina neebe tun tebes fo impaktu ba kustu material nian. ami haree katak, Governu ida nee, laiha intensaun duni atu dada kadoras husi Greater Sunrise mai TL, no lakohi duni atu harii planta LNG iha ita nia rai,\" dehan Deputada Virginia iha sala plenaria PN, Tersa (17/11/2020).", "Nia dehan, kaer fali ba orsamentu pasadu ho proposta orsamentu iha 2020, sumbadu iha millaun 20, maibe agora tau deit rihun 15 nee osan kiik tebes.", "\"Hau la hatene, ita boot sira nia intesaun saida, hakarak atu bosok povu ka hakarak atu halo saida.", "Agora avaliasaun impaktu ambiental no dezenvolvimentu kapasidade no projetu LNG, iha montante osan ida neebe tau hatudu katak, Governu laiha duni vontade atu lori kadoras mai TL,\" tenik nia.", "Nia haktuir tan katak, estudu impaktu ambiental nee importante hodi asegura, lori kadoras ho planta LNG mai TL, tanba nee hanesan rekerementu ida neebe importante, hodi atrai investimentu sira rai liur no hasae kapasidade ema nian, nee mos importante.", "\"Hau haree, hanesan governu laiha vontade duni mesmu iha tiha ona deklarasaun husi Primeiru Ministru rasik katak, kadoras tenke mai TL, maibe narealidade, governu sira la tau importansia iha neeba.", "Alende nee Ministro Petroleu no Mineral, Victor da Conceicao dehan, ho estudu plant LNG neebe dehan katak, lakohi dada mai Timor Leste.", "\"Projetu ba LNG atu dada kadoras mai TL, hau hanoin katak, povu ou governu se deit katak ida nee halo ona delimitasaun fronteira, iha ona ita nia sobernia, hau hanoin riku soi neebe iha ita nia soberania laran, ita tenke iha domin liu ba ida nee. hau hanoin atu dada mai nee, ita nia vontade nee ita hotu hakarak, nee politikamente maibe iha neeba mos iha kestoens komersiais ekonomikas,\" dehan nia.", "Nia dehan, tanba kestaun ekonomikas komersiais TL labele obriga ho forsa maibe ho politika tanba ninia kustu aas teb-tebes, maka ho politika signifika tenke tau osan barak no sosa ho osan barak.", "\"Ita laiha kondisaun ita nia osan tuun ba be-beik, tanba nee maka agora dadaun ANPM ho Timor Gap dadaun halo aprosimasaun ho investimentus estrajeirus, atu empreza internasiol bele halo investimentu, nunee parsial kustus iha kestaun komersial. hau fo hanoin no koalia bebeik ho Timor Gap nomos ANPM, atu bele buka parseirus potensiais, nunee ita bele partilla kustu ho objetivu katak, ita tenke hetan venefisiu,\" dehan nia.", "Ema sira neebe hakarak halo investimentu, tenke iha venefisiu ba sira se laiha venefisiu ema sei retira hotu husi projetu sira nee, tanba sira lakohi sofre riskus.* Previous articleSesta Baziku Benefisia Governante Next articleRui Gomes Prontu Asume Kargu MF" ]
[ [ "PD Asks Clarification on Kadoras to TL, Virginia: Government Lacks Willingness | STLNEWS.co - Member of the Democratic Party (PD) Group in Parliament has asked for clarity from government about how it is going through giving kadors into Timor-Leste(Tl)." ], [ "The question was raised by the PD Group Leader Antonio da Conceicao that, political negotiations were conducted on greater sunrise (SR) development to talk about giving land in TL. At this time Timor Gap president assumed important responsibilities and he said: “There is a lot of discussions with both sides regarding how we can get more people into our country.”" ], [ "\"Talking about the Maritime Frontier (MF) and talking also on Greater Sunrise development, a lot of services are being presented in CCD & PN." ], [ "The government initially hoped that the policy would benefit TL to think of bringing shame on SL." ], [ "I want to know with the political composition of AMP will be relevant or not? because in practice it isn't going on about things its continuation into 2019." ], [ "Therefore I ask clarification from the government, as continuity of this Ministry is not everything new but gives continuousness to do it can share some information\", said Antonio in PN Tuesday (17/20)." ], [ "He said, in the budgetary panorama studies that are being carried out will have to be initially approved by Parliament. The question is whether taking action has an effect or not? When a study begins decision-making takes place against productive actions of government policy acting on this issue" ], [ "In her turn, the deputy of FRETILIN party Nelia Menezes said that politics regarding to have data coming in Timor-Leste is true or there will be discussions." ], [ "Everyone wants to come home, the principle of struggle is no doubt so he wanted ask if you have studied or not?" ], [ "Kadoras to TL requires how much cost." ], [ "In response to this issue, Timor GAP President Antonio Jose Loyola Sousa said that before talking about the pipeline but must first understand Greek regime and assess consequences of Maritime Frontier (FM)." ], [ "\"I feel, before we talk about the pipeline thing that it is necessary to look first at greater sunrise (GS) regime consequences of what FM said was a larger Sunset not just TL's." ], [ "We have to decide together, although we see many mappings coming in the TL but for greater sunrise resource between Australia and The Lt. \"he said .\"" ], [ "Because according to him, the consequence of FM equivalent conditions; previous regime in 4 contracts two at JDP retensialis Two on Australian new režim again provide conditioning as a four-contract result should be same." ], [ "According to him, until today there is no plan for developing GS because the legal framework of contracts has not yet been established. How can we have a business Plan on this?" ], [ "At the time he himself was a member of Board, to give kadoras in TL." ], [ "He explained, to give LNG in TL must first know upstream. Not a big deal it needs the liquid gas composition temperature and pressure so this is only then simulation pipeline until finally design of lng has its ability how processes gases" ], [ "One comes from upstream data must be clear, now there is no certainty especially the composition of liquids like or not want to do this process." ], [ "Virginia: The Government Has No Will At the event, Member of National Parliament from CNRT Group Deputy Virjina Ana Bela said that there is no intention or will by government to give funding for East Timor." ], [ "\"The optimization study for Kadoras Pipeline and LNG plant, the 2nd of these studies I'm not a technical person but it is very important to know." ], [ "Instead, the real cost and oil price situation that has fallen dramatically have an impact on material costs. We see this Government does not intend to give away coal from Greater Sunrise for TL's use or build LNG plants here\", said Deputy Virginia at a plenary session of Parliament Tuesday (17/20)." ], [ "He said, taking back to the past budget with proposed 2019 Budget in which there was a decrease of $35 million but now putting only £4.8m is very little money for this project and it will be difficult if we are not able at some point on our way towards achieving these goals.”" ], [ "\"I don't know what the intentions of our gentlemen are, whether they want to deceive people or do something." ], [ "Now the environmental impact assessment and capacity development in LNG projects, there is an amount of money showing that government does not have any will to bring coal into TL.\"" ], [ "He also said that the environmental impact study is important to ensure, bring coal and LNG plants in TL. Therefore it's an essential requirement for attracting foreign investment as well a capacity building of people are very significant ones!" ], [ "\"I see, as the government has no will even though there was already a declaration by Prime Minister himself that kadoras must come to TL. But in reality they don't take it seriously.\"" ], [ "In addition, the Minister of Petroleum and Minerals Victor da Conceicao said that with LNG plant studies he says it will not come to Timor-Leste." ], [ "\"Project for LNG to give land in TL, I think that the people or government only because it has made delimitation of borders and there is our sovereignty.I believe we have rich resources within its territory which must be more loved than this one.\" He said:\"The project was given by us all want politically but also commercial economical issues\"." ], [ "He said, because of economic and commercial issues TL cannot be forced with power but through politics as its costs are very high. Politics means putting a lot money in it to buy for much more than the cost that would have been required by laws or rules on this issue; he added: “Politics mean you must spend lots from your pocket.”" ], [ "\"We have no conditions for our money to go down constantly, that is why ANPM and Timor Gap are currently making approximations with foreign investments so international companies can invest thereby partially reducing the cost in commercial matters. I am thinking about this issue often as well talking on it again together With TIMOR GAP AND THE NATIONAL Petroleum Authority of Malaysia (ANMP), we will be looking at potential partners who could share costs but also provide benefits.\"" ], [ "People who want to make investments, must have benefits for them if there is no benefit people will all withdraw from these projects because they do not suffer the risk.* Previous articleSesta Básica Beneficia Governante Next ArticleRui Gomez Ready To Assume The Post Of MF" ] ]
MAP Viqueque husu hadi’a sistema irrigasaun hodi hasa’e produsaun | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE MAP Viqueque husu hadi’a sistema irrigasaun hodi hasa’e produsaun\nMAP Viqueque husu hadi’a sistema irrigasaun hodi hasa’e produsaun\nIrrigasaun iha suku Luka liga ba natar Wedare. Imajen/Espesiál\nVIQUEQUE, 22 fevereiru 2022 (TATOLI)–Diretór Servisu Ministériu Agrikultura no Peska (MAP) munisípiu Viqueque, Carlos Pinto, husu Governu sentrál atu hadi’a sistema irrigasaun hodi hasa’e produsaun rai-laran.\n“Ita haree munisípiu Viqueque iha natar ektare 90 resin, maibé produsaun iha ektare 40 resin maka funsiona iha postu Uatucarbau no Uatulari. Entaun ita haree kada tinan prodús tonelada rua resin. Tanba ne’e haree ba produsaun tun liu. Presiza hadi’a sistema irrigasaun hodi hasa’e produsaun no redús importasaun,” Diretór Servisu MAP munisípiu Viqueque, Carlos Pinto, hateten ba Agência TATOLI, iha ninia knaar fatin, Beloi, tersa ne’e.\nNotísia relevante: Reabilitasaun irrigasaun Wedare Viqueque paradu difikulta agrikultór hala’o atividade\nIha Viqueque, iha kada uma-kain ne’ebé envolve iha área agrikultura, ema sira ne’ebé serbisu hanesan agrikultór ho idade 40 ba leten, enkuantu joven sira ladún partisipa iha atividade ne’e.\nTuir dadus demografia munisípiu Viqueque, iha populasaun hamutuk 58.612 maka envolve iha setór agrikultór.\n“Produsaun hare iha postu Uatucarbau no Uatulari hamutuk tonelada ualu iha tinan 2021. Entaun ita-nia konsumu liu fali produsaun, ho ida-ne’e la to’o kobre ita-nia nesesidade,” nia akresenta.\nNatar iha postu Uatucarbau, parte Baibudu no Komo-oli hamutuk ektare 7.000, maibé ektare 300 maka funsiona, enkuantu ektare 400 abandonadu. Iha postu Uatulari iha parte Bebui iha ektare 1.100 maka produtivu.\n“Ha’u haree abandona tanba sistema irrigasaun ladi’ak, hanesan iha parte Baidubu, mota sobu irrigasaun beibeik. Nune’e komunidade hato’o ona pedidu eskavatór mai MAP Viqueque,” Diretór ne’e relata.\nTuir Diretór Servisu munisipál ne’e, presiza fó sensibilizasaun ba povu agrikultór hodi hasa’e produsaun.\n“Atu hasa’e produsaun, presiza tau orsamentu hadi’a irrigasaun, maibé kada tinan ami propoin orsamentu la pasa. Parte Autoridade munisípiu Viqueque presiza tau prioridade ba setór agrikultór hodi hasa’e produsaun,” n ia sujere.\nPrevious articlePNTL Bobonaro detein sidadaun hatama sasán ilegál\nNext articleBaucau hahú implementa projetu reabilitasaun ba eskola 29
[ "MAP Viqueque husu hadi'a sistema irrigasaun hodi hasa'e produsaun | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE MAP Viqueque husu hadi'a sistema irrigasaun hodi hasa'e produsaun MAP Viqueque husu hadi'a sistema irrigasaun hodi hasa'e produsaun Irrigasaun iha suku Luka liga ba natar Wedare.", "Imajen/Espesial VIQUEQUE, 22 fevereiru 2022 (TATOLI) -Diretor Servisu Ministeriu Agrikultura no Peska (MAP) munisipiu Viqueque, Carlos Pinto, husu Governu sentral atu hadi'a sistema irrigasaun hodi hasa'e produsaun rai-laran.", "\"Ita haree munisipiu Viqueque iha natar ektare 90 resin, maibe produsaun iha ektare 40 resin maka funsiona iha postu Uatucarbau no Uatulari.", "Entaun ita haree kada tinan produs tonelada rua resin.", "Tanba ne'e haree ba produsaun tun liu.", "Presiza hadi'a sistema irrigasaun hodi hasa'e produsaun no redus importasaun,\" Diretor Servisu MAP munisipiu Viqueque, Carlos Pinto, hateten ba Agencia TATOLI, iha ninia knaar fatin, Beloi, tersa ne'e.", "Notisia relevante: Reabilitasaun irrigasaun Wedare Viqueque paradu difikulta agrikultor hala'o atividade Iha Viqueque, iha kada uma-kain ne'ebe envolve iha area agrikultura, ema sira ne'ebe serbisu hanesan agrikultor ho idade 40 ba leten, enkuantu joven sira ladun partisipa iha atividade ne'e.", "Tuir dadus demografia munisipiu Viqueque, iha populasaun hamutuk 58.612 maka envolve iha setor agrikultor.", "\"Produsaun hare iha postu Uatucarbau no Uatulari hamutuk tonelada ualu iha tinan 2021.", "Entaun ita-nia konsumu liu fali produsaun, ho ida-ne'e la to'o kobre ita-nia nesesidade,\" nia akresenta.", "Natar iha postu Uatucarbau, parte Baibudu no Komo-oli hamutuk ektare 7.000, maibe ektare 300 maka funsiona, enkuantu ektare 400 abandonadu.", "Iha postu Uatulari iha parte Bebui iha ektare 1.100 maka produtivu.", "\"Ha'u haree abandona tanba sistema irrigasaun ladi'ak, hanesan iha parte Baidubu, mota sobu irrigasaun beibeik.", "Nune'e komunidade hato'o ona pedidu eskavator mai MAP Viqueque,\" Diretor ne'e relata.", "Tuir Diretor Servisu munisipal ne'e, presiza fo sensibilizasaun ba povu agrikultor hodi hasa'e produsaun.", "\"Atu hasa'e produsaun, presiza tau orsamentu hadi'a irrigasaun, maibe kada tinan ami propoin orsamentu la pasa.", "Parte Autoridade munisipiu Viqueque presiza tau prioridade ba setor agrikultor hodi hasa'e produsaun,\" n ia sujere.", "Previous articlePNTL Bobonaro detein sidadaun hatama sasan ilegal Next articleBaucau hahu implementa projetu reabilitasaun ba eskola 29" ]
[ [ "MAP Viqueque asks for improved irrigation system to increase yields | Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Map of Vikeke requested improvement in the Irrigations System, so that production can be increased. In Luka village linking with Wedare natar area; a new water supply is being built and there are plans on how it will help raise agriculture productivity by increasing its capacity at low cost" ], [ "Image/Special VIQUEque, February 23rd (TATOLI) -Carlos Pinto of the Departmental Directorate for Agriculture and Fisheries in Viqueque municipality urged central government to improve their system with a view on increasing local production." ], [ "\"We have seen that the municipality of Viqueque has about 90 hectares, but production in more than forty acres is functioning at post Uatucarbau and Outulari." ], [ "So we see that every year produces two tonnes." ], [ "This is why we see a decline in production." ], [ "We need to improve the irrigation system in order for increase yields and reduce imports,\" Director of MAP Service Viqueque municipality Carlos Pinto told Agência Tatoli at his workplace Beloi on Tuesday." ], [ "Relevant news: Rehabilitation of Wedare irrigation in Viqueque stalled makes it difficult for farmers to carry out their activities In Baucau, every household that is involved with agriculture has people working as a farm worker who are over the age and youngsters do not participate." ], [ "According to the demographic data of Viqueque municipality, there are 58.612 people involved in agriculture and forestry sectors;" ], [ "\"The production of wheat in the Uatucarbau and Outulari posts totals eight tons for this year." ], [ "So our consumption exceeds production, and this is not enough to cover all of the needs we have,” he adds." ], [ "Natar in the post of Uatucarbau, part Baibudu and Komo-oli totals 7.015 hectares but only about three hundred are functioning while another four thousand remain abandoned" ], [ "In the Uatulari post in Bebui part there are 1,205 hectares of production." ], [ "\"I saw abandoned because of poor irrigation system, as in part Baidubu the river destroys often." ], [ "So the community has submitted a request for an excavator to MAP Viqueque,\" he said." ], [ "According to the Director of Municipal Services, it is necessary for awareness raising among farmers so as they can increase production." ], [ "\"In order to increase yields, we need a budget for improving irrigation systems but every year our proposal is not passed." ], [ "Municipality of Viqueque authorities need to prioritize the agricultural sector in order To increase production,\" he suggested." ], [ "Previous articlePNTL Bobonaro detainees citizen for bringing illegal goods Next artikelBaucau begin to implement project of rehabilitation at school no." ] ]
TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: Mensajen hosi povu Laga, Baguia no Kelikai ba Deputadu sira\nDistintu Deputadu sira,\nAmi povu husi Laga, Baguia no Kelikai husu ba Señor deputadu sira atu forma komite inkeritu, hodi hatan ba preokupasaun povu nian kona bá hahalok aat Komandu Operasaun Konjuntu iha ami nia aldeias.\nKomite inkeritu ida hodi halibur aktu violasaun no brutal sira ne'ebe membru Hanita halo hasoru povu inocente.\n"Povu hetan agressaun oi-oin hanesa: baku, tebe, tuku, violasaun direitus umanus no futu inklui insulta no hamoe iha ema barak nia oin".\nTanba ne'e ami nudar eleitor husu ba ami nia reprezentante iha Parlamentu Nacional atu investiga no prosesa kazu violasaun hasoru povu nune'e sai dokumentu esperiensia ida hodi la repete violasaun direitu umanu iha futuru.\nHaree barak husi natar karau kuda han hotu no populasaun nia karau no kuda karau tamba rai naruk monu mate dodook tiha.\nHahu semana ida tomak populasaun la sai husi uma no hein atu hetan investigasaun no insultu husi autoridade seguransa.Labarik sira tauk la sai husi uma no hamosu traumatiku iha povu nia memoria.\nPovu sente laran taridu no lakon sentimentu nain ba forsa rua tanba intimida sira hanesan inimigu boot ba RDTL. Ami hakarak KOK servisu hodi proteje ami povo ki'ik la'os servisu hasoru ita tanba ami sala laek.\nPopulasaun husi ida ba ida hakarak lao dook husi fatin ne'ebe sira hela tanba sira sente la iha valor umanu iha forsa.\nHanita nia matan no moe hela iha sosiedade nune no moe hare forsa brutal sira nia oin.Povu terus ona barak bá rai ida ne'e, ami lakoi terus tan. Ami iha direitu tomak hodi moris iha nasaun ida ke livre, demokratiku no justu, la'os moris fila fali iha ditadura nia laran hanesa iha tempu Indonezia nian.\nEspera katak señor deputadu sira bele foti asuntu ne'e ho urjensia iha plenaria Parlamentu Nasionál. Ami povu merese moris iha paz nia laran, funu hotu ona, ami povu la bele sai tan vitima hosi polisia ka Forsa nian.\nAmi fiar katak ita nia representante iha Parlamentu Nasionál bele foti rezolusaun ruma hodi kondena maka'as KOK ninia hahalok hasoru ami, povu inosenti.\nKarik Estadu Timor-Leste nian la proteje ami sidadaun, sé tan maka proteje ami?
[ "TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: Mensajen hosi povu Laga, Baguia no Kelikai ba Deputadu sira Distintu Deputadu sira, Ami povu husi Laga, Baguia no Kelikai husu ba Senor deputadu sira atu forma komite inkeritu, hodi hatan ba preokupasaun povu nian kona ba hahalok aat Komandu Operasaun Konjuntu iha ami nia aldeias.", "Komite inkeritu ida hodi halibur aktu violasaun no brutal sira ne'ebe membru Hanita halo hasoru povu inocente.", "\"Povu hetan agressaun oi-oin hanesa: baku, tebe, tuku, violasaun direitus umanus no futu inklui insulta no hamoe iha ema barak nia oin.\"", "Tanba ne'e ami nudar eleitor husu ba ami nia reprezentante iha Parlamentu Nacional atu investiga no prosesa kazu violasaun hasoru povu nune'e sai dokumentu esperiensia ida hodi la repete violasaun direitu umanu iha futuru.", "Haree barak husi natar karau kuda han hotu no populasaun nia karau no kuda karau tamba rai naruk monu mate dodook tiha.", "Hahu semana ida tomak populasaun la sai husi uma no hein atu hetan investigasaun no insultu husi autoridade seguransa.Labarik sira tauk la sai husi uma no hamosu traumatiku iha povu nia memoria.", "Povu sente laran taridu no lakon sentimentu nain ba forsa rua tanba intimida sira hanesan inimigu boot ba RDTL.", "Ami hakarak KOK servisu hodi proteje ami povo ki'ik la'os servisu hasoru ita tanba ami sala laek.", "Populasaun husi ida ba ida hakarak lao dook husi fatin ne'ebe sira hela tanba sira sente la iha valor umanu iha forsa.", "Hanita nia matan no moe hela iha sosiedade nune no moe hare forsa brutal sira nia oin.Povu terus ona barak ba rai ida ne'e, ami lakoi terus tan.", "Ami iha direitu tomak hodi moris iha nasaun ida ke livre, demokratiku no justu, la'os moris fila fali iha ditadura nia laran hanesa iha tempu Indonezia nian.", "Espera katak senor deputadu sira bele foti asuntu ne'e ho urjensia iha plenaria Parlamentu Nasional.", "Ami povu merese moris iha paz nia laran, funu hotu ona, ami povu la bele sai tan vitima hosi polisia ka Forsa nian.", "Ami fiar katak ita nia representante iha Parlamentu Nasional bele foti rezolusaun ruma hodi kondena maka'as KOK ninia hahalok hasoru ami, povu inosenti.", "Karik Estadu Timor-Leste nian la proteje ami sidadaun, se tan maka proteje ami?" ]
[ [ "TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: Message from the people of Laga, Baguia and Kelikai to MPs Distinguished MEP'S. We in Laguiola (Laga), Baguioa-Baguísia e Kelíqui asking you Mr Parliamentary members for forming an inquiry committee that will answer our concern about bad behaviour by Joint Operational Command on us villagers!" ], [ "A committee of inquiry to gather evidence on the violent and brutal acts committed by Hani members against innocent people." ], [ "\"People have been subjected to all kinds of aggression: beating, slapping and hitting; human rights violations including kicking as well in public.\"" ], [ "Therefore, we as voters ask our representatives in the National Parliament to investigate and process cases of violations against people so that it becomes a document experience not repeat human rights violations." ], [ "Many of the wild animals and crops have been destroyed, so that people's livestock has died." ], [ "For a whole week, the population remained in their homes and awaited investigation by security authorities. The protesters did not leave home for several days causing trauma to people's memories of what had happened during that time as they were waiting on an inquiry into insulting actions against them from police officials acting without due scrutiny or justification at any level (including criminal prosecutions)." ], [ "The people felt disheartened and lost their feelings for the two forces because they were intimidated as great enemies of Timor-Leste." ], [ "We want KOK to work for the protection of us small people not against ourselves because we are innocent." ], [ "People from one place to the other wants move away because they feel that there is no human value in force." ], [ "Hanita's eyes and tears are still in the society so she cannot see their brutal forces. The people have suffered a lot for this country, we do not want to continue with our struggle!" ], [ "We have every right to live in a free, democratic and just country not living back into the dictatorship of Indonesian times." ], [ "It is hoped that the honourable Members of Parliament will take up this matter with urgency in plenary session." ], [ "Our people deserve to live in peace, the war is over and we cannot be victims of police or force anymore." ], [ "We trust that our representatives in the National Parliament will pass a resolution to strongly condemn KOK's actions against us, innocent people." ], [ "If the State of Timor-Leste does not protect our citizens, who will?" ] ]
Linkin Park hamutuk ho belun sira ba konsertu-tributu ba vokalista Chester Bennington - Múzika - Haksolok ho SAPO\nLinkin Park hamutuk ho belun sira ba konsertu-tributu ba vokalista Chester Bennington\nSAPO TL, 19 de setembru de 2017\nMembru sira hosi banda Linkin Park sei hamutuk iha fulan-Outubru ba konsertu úniku ida iha Los Angeles, hodi halo homenajen ba vokalista Chester Bennington, ne'ebé mate iha fulan-Jullu, fó sai hosi grupu iha loron-segunda.\nIha rede sosial Facebook, banda publika ona mensajen ida hodi hatete kona-ba "konsertu espesial ho onra Chester nian", ne'ebé sei halo iha "lendáriu Hollywood Bowl", iha loron 27 Outubru, ne'ebé sei partisipa hosi artista oioin ne'ebé maka sei fó sai.\n"Sei sai hanesan kalan ida ne'ebé sei la haluha iha múzika hodi fó homenajen ba mane ida ne'ebé toka ona ema barak nia moris iha mundu tomak", hatutan hosi testu kona-ba saida maka sei sai hanesan konsertu dahuluk hosi banda hafoin vokalista nia mate.\nOsan sira ne'ebé hetan iha konsertu sei fó ba fundu One Mori Light, hosi organizasaun Music For Relief, ne'ebé harii hosi instituisaun ne'ebé Bennington uluk ajuda hodi harii.\nChester Bennington, vokalista ida hosi banda metal alternativu Linkin Park, oho aan iha fulan-Jullu liubá, iha uma, iha sidade ida iha kondado Los Angeles nian, ho tinan 41.\nHafoin hatene nia mate, membru na'in lima seluk hosi banda kansela konsertu ne'ebé maka sira ajenda ona hodi halo.\nHahú iha tempu ne'ebá, banda lansa ona plataforma ida hodi prevene ema hodi oho aan iha pájina http://chester.linkinpark.com/, hodi fó sai informasaun no kontaktu sira apoiu nian.\nChester Bennington halo parte iha Linkin Park iha 1999, liutiha tinan tolu hafoin formasaun hosi banda ne'ebé edita ona nia álbum estreia “Hybrid Theory”, iha tinan 2000.\nDisku, ne'ebé halo parte mós tema sira hanesan “In the End”, “Crawling” ho “One Step Closer”, fa'an kópia hamutuk millaun sanulu iha de'it Estadus Unidus.\nMúziku mate husik feen no oan na'in neen.\nÁlbum foun liu hosi banda, “One More Light”, edita ona iha fulan-Maiu. Aleinde Linkin Park, Chester Bennington halo mós parte hosi Dead by Sunrise no sai ona vokalista hosi Stone Temple Pilots entre tinan 2013 ho 2015.
[ "Linkin Park hamutuk ho belun sira ba konsertu-tributu ba vokalista Chester Bennington - Muzika - Haksolok ho SAPO Linkin Park hamutuk ho belun sira ba konsertu-tributu ba vokalista Chester Bennington SAPO TL, 19 de setembru de 2017 Membru sira hosi banda Linkin Park sei hamutuk iha fulan-Outubru ba konsertu uniku ida iha Los Angeles, hodi halo homenajen ba vokalista Chester Bennington, ne'ebe mate iha fulan-Jullu, fo sai hosi grupu iha loron-segunda.", "Iha rede sosial Facebook, banda publika ona mensajen ida hodi hatete kona-ba \"konsertu espesial ho onra Chester nian,\" ne'ebe sei halo iha \"lendariu Hollywood Bowl,\" iha loron 27 Outubru, ne'ebe sei partisipa hosi artista oioin ne'ebe maka sei fo sai.", "\"Sei sai hanesan kalan ida ne'ebe sei la haluha iha muzika hodi fo homenajen ba mane ida ne'ebe toka ona ema barak nia moris iha mundu tomak,\" hatutan hosi testu kona-ba saida maka sei sai hanesan konsertu dahuluk hosi banda hafoin vokalista nia mate.", "Osan sira ne'ebe hetan iha konsertu sei fo ba fundu One Mori Light, hosi organizasaun Music For Relief, ne'ebe harii hosi instituisaun ne'ebe Bennington uluk ajuda hodi harii.", "Chester Bennington, vokalista ida hosi banda metal alternativu Linkin Park, oho aan iha fulan-Jullu liuba, iha uma, iha sidade ida iha kondado Los Angeles nian, ho tinan 41.", "Hafoin hatene nia mate, membru na'in lima seluk hosi banda kansela konsertu ne'ebe maka sira ajenda ona hodi halo.", "Hahu iha tempu ne'eba, banda lansa ona plataforma ida hodi prevene ema hodi oho aan iha pajina http://chester.linkinpark.com/, hodi fo sai informasaun no kontaktu sira apoiu nian.", "Chester Bennington halo parte iha Linkin Park iha 1999, liutiha tinan tolu hafoin formasaun hosi banda ne'ebe edita ona nia album estreia \"Hybrid Theory,\" iha tinan 2000.", "Disku, ne'ebe halo parte mos tema sira hanesan \"In the End,\" \"Crawling\" ho \"One Step Closer,\" fa'an kopia hamutuk millaun sanulu iha de'it Estadus Unidus.", "Muziku mate husik feen no oan na'in neen.", "Album foun liu hosi banda, \"One More Light,\" edita ona iha fulan-Maiu.", "Aleinde Linkin Park, Chester Bennington halo mos parte hosi Dead by Sunrise no sai ona vokalista hosi Stone Temple Pilots entre tinan 2013 ho 2015." ]
[ [ "Linkin Park joins friends for tribute concert to vocalist Chester Bennington - Musical News and Entertainment Links, 2017-9.35pm (UTC) The members of the band linking park will come together in October on a unique show at Los Angeles' Universal Studios Garden State Arena as part Of an Octopus Tribute Concert that pays homage To former frontman chester bennington who passed away last July after leaving their group Monday night" ], [ "On Facebook, the band has posted a message stating that they will hold \"a special concert in honor of Chester\" at Hollywood Bowl on October 27th with various artists to perform." ], [ "\"It will be an unforgettable night in music to pay homage for a man who has touched the lives of so many people all over this world,\" continues text on what would become their first concert after vocalist' passing." ], [ "All proceeds from the concert will go to Music For Relief's One Mori Light fund, which was founded by Bennington himself." ], [ "Chester Bennington, the lead vocalist of alternative metal band Linkin Park committed suicide last July at his home in a Los Angeles County township. He was 41 years old when he died on Saturday night (July) after suffering from chronic kidney failure and heart attacks for several weeks before being found dead by friends nearby an apartment building close to where they were living with their family during summer vacation time" ], [ "Upon learning of his death, the other five members canceled concerts they had scheduled to do." ], [ "Meanwhile, the band has launched a suicide prevention platform at http://chester.linkinpark" ], [ "Chester Bennington joined Linkin Park in 1987, three years after the band's formation and released their debut album \"Hybrid Theory\" (203) on October of that year." ], [ "The album, which included tracks such as \"In the End\",\"Crawling and One Step Closer,” has sold more than 10 million copied in United States alone." ], [ "Music death leaves wife no son na'in nei." ], [ "The band's newest album, \"One More Light\", was released in May." ], [ "In addition to Linkin Park, Chester Bennington is also a member of Dead by Sunrise and was the lead vocalist for Stone Temple Pilots from 2013 until his retirement." ] ]
MDI alerta ba sidadaun Xinés, kona vírus corona labele tama TL | GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nMinistru Defeza no Interiór Interinu, Filomeno Paixão, alerta ba sidadaun Xinés sira ne’ebé kona moras aat liu-liu vírus corona labele tama Timor-Leste (TL). Maibe sira hirak ne’ebé livre husi moras ne’e bele tama.\nMinistru Defeza no Interiór Interinu, Filomeno Paixão, mos konsidera karta ne’ebé mak espalla iha media sosial katak, bandu sidadaun Xina tama Timor-Leste ne’e falsu.\nKonteúudu husi karta ne’e, relasiona ho vírus corona ne’ebé mak akontese iha sidade Wuhan-Xina, Orientasaun Minsitériu liu husi Diretór Jerál Servisu Migrasaun orienta verbal mai Xefe Pasaporte Díli apartir agora ba oin sei la autoriza sidadaun Xina ne’ebé uza pasaporte Xina labele tama Timor-Leste.\nKarta ne’e hetan asina husi Inspetor polísia Ernesto Maia Xefe Postu Aeroportu. Karta ne’e públika iha loron 3 fulan ne’e iha media sosial.\nFilomeno Paixão hateten, sidadaun Xina bele tama Timor-Leste, maibé ténke livre husi vírus corona. Sé wainhira afeta vírus corona, governu la autoriza.\n“Ha’u nia ordem la’os ida ne’e karik. Informasaun ne’e ha’u haree ne’e ladun los, ténkiser tama duni, deste que sira livre husi vírus corona”,esplika Ministru Defeza no Interiór Interinu Filomeno Paixão, ba jornalista sira Segunda (03/02/20) iha edifísiu Ministériu Interiór Matadoru, Díli.\nGovernante ne’e dehan, sé mak tama Timor-Leste, ténki livre husi vírus corona, sé moras labele tama mai Timor.\n“Tama mai ne’e ita nia preparasaun fraku los ne’e, hanesan ohin iha Parlamentu imi rona ka lae? Dehan ita nia sasán (ekipamentu) iha Kinta foin mak tama”,dehan Filomeno Paixão.\nEis Brigadeiru Jeneral F-FDTL ne’e, husu ba komunidade atu labele pániku ho informasaun hirak ne’e.\n“Tanba iha medida ne’ebé mak ami ba koalia tiha ona iha Parlamentu Nasionál, medida integrada Ministériu Negósiu Estranjeiru no Ministériu Interiór nomós Ministériu Saúde”,dehan Filomeno Paixão.\nFilomeno Paixão akresenta, ema sira mai husi Xina prátikamente taka hotu ona, sé taka ona husi Singapura, Bali, husi Darwin nia atu mai husi ne’ebé.\n“Ita halo antisipasaun nia mai ténki lori karta alta estadu ida nia labele moras”,dehan Filomeno Paixão.\nVírus corona mosu iha sidade Wuhan, Xina, ne’ebé mak hamate ona ema barak no afeta ona ba nasaun 21.\nGovernu seidauk fó orientasaun ba Citilink ho Sriwijaya\nReprezentante Aviaun Citilink, Fernando da Silva, hatete, to’o oras ne’e Citilink Airline ho Sriwijaya Air seidauk simu karta ofisiál no orientasaun ruma husi Governu Timor-Leste atu labele simu ka tula pasajeiru sidadaun Xinés sira husi rai-liur atu mai Timor-Leste.\n“Iha semana 2 liu ba ami simu ona formuláriu husi Ministériu Saúde hodi fahe ba pasajeiru sira ne’ebé mai hosi Estranjeiru.Ha’u atu informa Citilink Airline presiza karta hosi Ministériu relevante konaba bainhira halo checking ka verifikasaun hetan pasajeiru Xina labele simu”, afirma reprezentante Aviaun Citilink, Fernando da Silva, ba JN-Diário Segunda (03/02/2020) iha Timor Plaza, Díli.\nDeklarasaun refere relasiona ho vírus corona ne’ebé mosu iha sidade Wuhan, provínsia Hubei, Xina, no oras ne’e espalla ona ba Nasaun balun hodi hamate ema atus 2 resin no ema ne’ebé afeitadu besik rihun 12, nune’e obriga Nasaun balun labele simu pasajeiru hosi sidadaun Xineza, maibé iha Timor-Leste to’o agora Citilink Airline no Sriwijaya Air, seidauk simu orientasaun hosi governu atu labele simu ka tula pasajeirus Xinés sira mai Timor.\nFernando da Silva hateten, aviaun Citilink simu ona orientasaun hosi parte Komandante Imigrasaun Aeroportu, maibé la’os hosi karta ofisiál hodi hatete, hahú hosi loron no fulan ida ne’e labele simu ona pasajeiru hosi Xina, maibé enkuantu simu tenke iha karta médíku ruma ne’ebé hatete pasajeiru sira ne’e la identifika afeta ba moras ne’e.\n“Ami sente ida ne’e la justu tanba orientasaun ne’e la’os hosi karta maibé liu hosi via telephone no media sosiál whatsap. Karik diak liu mak tenke liu hosi karta ofisiál nune’e bainhira mai halo checking verifikasaun iha Denpasar tenke bazea ba karta, tanba sei laiha karta depois ami labele simu pasajeiru hosi Xina ikus ema krítika, ami sente ida ne’e diskriminasaun”, haklean nia.\nNia hatete, iha semana ida liu ba sira simu pasajeiru hosi Xina ne’ebé atu mai Timor, tanba sira iha karta médiku, inklui estudante Timor oan sira ne’ebé eskola iha Xina hamutuk nain tolu.\nIha fatin hanesan, Branch Manager Sriwijaya Air, Dirham Wahyudi hatete, iha sábadu foin lalais iha pasajeiru sidadaun Xineza hamutuk 25 atu mai Timor, maibé sira la konsege mai tanba sira hetan orientasaun hosi parte Imigrasaun katak, bandu sidadaun Xineza tama mai Timor.\n“Maibé iha Domingu (2/2/2020) ami simu fali orientasaun hosi parte Komandante Imigrasaun Aeroportu Díli, konaba bele simu pasajeiru hosi Xina mai Timor, maibé importante pasajeiru refere tenke iha karta mediku, konaba pasajeiru ho kondisaun diak”,afirma Branch Manager Sriwijaya Air.\nDirham Wahyudi subliña, iha Segunda (3/2/2020) sira fila-fali kontaktu hosi Komandante Imigrasaun Aeroportu katak, hahu segunda feira pasajeiru husi Xina labele tama ona mai Timor Leste.\n“Ohin ami iha pasajeiru hamutuk 17,ne’ebé sira nia prosesu checking aviaun Sriwijaya sc 270 rute Denpasar mai Díli remata ona no sira iha ona sala espera, maibé tanba simu fali orientasaun katak, pasajeiru Xineza labele tama mai Timor Leste, ha’u kontaktu kedas ba Sriwijawa Denpasar, nune’e pasajeiru 17 hosi Xina evakua sai fali hosi sala espera no la konsege mai Díli,”esplika nia.\nPN preokupadu ho kondisaun TL atu prevene vírus corona\nNune’e mos reprezentante povu sira iha Parlamentu Nasionál (PN), preokupadu maka’as ho kondisaun no ekipamentu Timor-Leste (TL) nian hodi halo prevensaun ba Vírus Corona ne’ebé espalla ona iha nasaun barak, hafoin mosu iha sidade Wuhan, Xina, iha fin tinan 2019.\nDeputadu Abel Pires preokupa, tanba ekipamentu ne’ebé ekipa kontrolu uza hodi detekta passajeiru sira, ladun seguru no diferente tebes ho nasaun seluk nian ne’ebé metin no kompletu tebes, nune’e assegura ekipa nia vida.\n“Ita iha Díli iha kapasidade ba halo teste ba ida ne’e ka la’e, bainhira iha ema ruma mak ita hanoin katak hetan moras ne’e, depois haruka sampel ba Darwin, ne’e ita tenke hatene iha kapasidade kalae, se laiha oinsa mak ita bele konfirma katak loron hira mak bele hatene moras ne’e. segundu kona-bá oinsa ho ita nia pessoal saúde sira, ita tenke prepera sira nia kondisaun, nain hira mak hetan treinamentu agora dadauk ne’e, hanesan iha ita ko’alia dehan iha Aeroportu, Suai, no fatin-fatin sira ne’e, tanba dala ruma ita haree ita-nia pessoal saúde sira ne’e faru liman badak, hamnasa, no masker de’it mós la tau, kondisaun la adekuadu, ne’e risku ba sira duni, ne’e tenke iha preparasaun no treinamentu ne’eb’e dia’k ba sira, para la’os de’it proteze moras ne’e husi Timor, maibé proteze mós sira, tanba sira iha esforsu ne’e, ne’eduni tenke kuidadu sira, para sira mós bele koidadu ita, liga mós ba kondisaun, ekipamentu hira mak ita iha, tanba ita haree saída mak ita nia pessoal sa’ude sira uza ne’e ladun adekuadu hanesan iha Australia, Xina no seluktan, diferente teb-tebes, iha ne’ebá ema taka matan hotu, ita-nia ha’u haree iha media, sira kondisaun ne’e ladun adekuadu, entaun ita tenke hatene ekipamentu hira mak ita iha, espesialmente esforsu atu kombate vírus ne’e”, tenik deputadu PLP ne’e.\nAleinde ne’e, Abel mós preokupa kona-bá kapasidade fatin izolamentu atu acumula pasiente sira ne’ebé afeista vírus refere.\n“Kona-bá sala izolamentu, agora dadauk ne’e sala izolamentu hira mak ita iha, kapasidade atu akumula pasienste hira, ne’e ita tenke hatene,\nDepois Aeroportu ho sala izolamentu ne’e tenke iha transporte, ita iha ambulânsia multi funsaun hira, hodi transporta pasiente iha fatin ne’ebé mak detekta hodi ba fatin izolamentu, karik ita iha kapasidade atu handle biuat sira hanesan ne’e, hetan treinamentu ruma kona-bá halo operasaun ka seidauk, nain hira mak preparadu ona,\nTanba se ita ko’alia aktu aktu de’it, la’e, maibe ita presiza hatene saída mak ita iha hodi halo prevensaun.”kestiona Pires.\nDeputadu PD, António da Conceição mós sujere, atu governu sensibiliza informasaun ho lalais no ho másimu, nune’e populasaun hotu iha Timor-Leste hatene no antisipa, inklui koidade aan husi moras refere.\n“ Ita presiza kampaña sensibilizasaun ne’e ba ita nia populasaun, tanba ita Timor ne’e buat ida falta mak informasaun, Se populasaun ne’e informadu di’ak kona-bá oinsa mak hetan moras ida ne’e, ema bele prevene, ita labele proekupa liu sira ne’ebé tama mai, tanba ita laiha voo direitu, maibe oinsa mak karik sira ruma ne’ebé mak iha ne’e tiha ona, se karik kontaminadu mós ho moras ida ne’e, ita nia sensibilizasaun ka kampaña ne’e mak importante tebes, hodi nune’e ita bele prevene moras ne’e, liu-liu iha kapítal hanesan ita nia iha Díli ne’e, depois mós fronteira sira ne’e, Agora tenke intensiva informasaun liuhosi meius hotu, atu nune’e oinsa moras refere labele espalla iha ita nia nansaun,”tenik xefe bankada PD ne’e.\nHatán ba asuntu ne’e, Ministra Saúde interina, Elia dos Reis Amaral hateten, kona-bá informasaun, MS koordena ona ho parte hotu, hodi fahe informasaun ba públiku ho regular kada loron, inklui kona-bá sala izolamentu, MS mós prepara ona iha HNGV inklui iha sentru saúde Formoza rasik.\n“ Fatin izolamentu ami prepara ona, iha HNGV no iha sentru saúder Formoza rasik, inklui pontu entrada sira, ami sei tau tenda ho kontentor, ami mós prepara fatin iha ospitál tuan Lahane, karik iha suspeitu ruma.\nAmi mós prepara ona komisaun surtu hodi halo prevensaun, ami mós treina ona 65 pessoal de saúde, inklui pessoal ambulânsia, husi mós ospitál referal sira bem treinadu, HNGV mós iha ekipa kompostu husi lina 6 ne’ebé importante loos, hanesan kontrolu moras, unidader emerjensia HNGV, no unidade laboratiun nasionál, no mós ba iha organizasaun saúde mundial, no ita koloka mós brigada saúde Xineza nian,”informa Elia.\nDadaun ne’e, iha ema na’in 360 resin mak mate ona, no iha ema rihun 17 liu mak afeitadu ona husi vírus refere.\nCorona vírus ne’e mós espalla to’o ona nasaun europa no ázia, tanba iha transmisaun ho lalais liu, liuhosi iis.\nTL sei seguru husi Corona vírus\nMinistru Negósiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun (MNEK), Dionísio Babo Soares, deklara, Timor-Leste (TL) maske la’os buat hotu kontroladu, maibé seguru husi vírus corona, tanba laiha voo direta husi Xina mai TL, liu-liu tanba nasaun ne’ebé transfere pasajeiru husi Xina, hanesan Singapura no Indonézia rasik bandu ona pasajeiru husi Xina, liu-liu xineza rasik atu tama iha fronteira.\n“País hotu-hotu liu-liu sira ne’ebé besik iha Xina, hola medidas rigorozu no rutinitas, hanesan Singapura suspende hotu ona atividades hotu-hotu ho Xina, Australia suspende vó hotu-hotu ne’ebé mak mai husi Xina, labele tama ba Australia, Indonézia mós bandu ona ema Xina atu labele tama, Filipinas mós hanesan, inklui Rusia, Amérika no kuaze país barak iha mundu ne’e. Ita Timor-Leste laiha vó direitu husi Xina, laiha kontaktu direitu husi Xina, liu husi aero ka via terrestre, tanba ne’e, medidas de kontrolu ne’ebé akontese, iha paízes ne’ebé besik ita, hanesan aeroportu saída no no entrada ba itania país, signifika katak, la’os buat hotu kontroladu, maibé iha segundu nível ba risku, iha país sira iha mundu,” informa Ministru Dionísio iha plenária, bainhira debate ho deputadu sira iha PN, Segunda (03/02/2020).\nNune’e, Ministra saúde interina, Elia dos Reis Amaral esplika, vírus refere mosu, tanba xineza sira konsumu ai-han ne’ebé mak ladun tasak, inklui naan ne’ebé mak husi animal hanesan niki samea no laho rasik.\n“Vírus ne’e mai husi animal ne’ebé ita konsumu, liu-liu hanesan ema Xina sira konsumu ai-han ne’ebé mak ladun tasak, liu nann husi animal ne’ebé selvazen, kobra, retíl, domíniu liu hanesan niki sira ne’ebé mak sai kauza prinsipal ou kauza temporariamente ba iha vírus corona ne’e rasik. No detekta husi pasiente ida ne’ebé mak mear no isin manas maka’as, hafoin ne’e mak matenek na’in sira deklara katak iha vírus foun, maibe momento ne’e sei iha faze nasionál de’it, depois ne’e mak afeita ba global, maske transmisaun vírus ne’e husi animal, maibé liu mós husi aero, depois aero ne’e la’os depende ba temperatura, maibe depende ba ita nia sistema imunoloji, tanba ne’e, ida ne’ebé risku liu, hanenan ema ho idade ne’ebé liu husi 50, ou ba labarik sira, inklui inan isin rua, ou ba maluk sira ne’ebé mak halo hela tratamentu ba moras sira. Vírus refere nia faze okupasaun ne’e, husi loron 1 to’o 14, ida ne’e mak ita presiza tau atensaun”, haktuir governante ne’e.\nElia haktuir, MS fahe informasaun regular ba públiku kada loron, inklui embaixador no ajensia nasoens unidas sira, ho modelu prevensaun hanesan buletim ida, antes semana rua, MS mós enkontru ona oinsa haree passajeiru sira ne’ebé tama sai.\n“Ami koloka pessoal sira ne’ebé bem treinadu, MS mós ativa ona, kompostu husi ekipa komisaun surtu nian, hanesan ekipa emerjensia nian, ekipa laboratóriu nasionál, no mós ekipa médika xineza nian, nune’e bele asesu iha komunikasaun, bainhira passajeirus ne’ebé tama ho lian xina. Ami mós halo enkontru regula, no kria mós grupu wp, para oinsa update informasaun ba malu, liu-liu parte imigrasaun nian oinsa mak kontrolu ba nasaun liur sira, liu-liu atu haree passajeirus sira ne’ebé tama, liu-liu husi Xinan Wuhan nian, bele mós passa informasaun katak, sira labele tama lai, tanba ne’e, antes tama mai ita kontrola kedas iha imigrasaun, ministériu saúde mós koloka ona pessoal saúde iha portaun entradas sira ne’e, no oinsa atu prepara tan tenda ruma iha entradas sira hodi halo fatin izolamentu, baihira deskonfia iha sintomas ba vírus, MS mós koloka termómetru ba iha fronteira terrestre sira, nune’e bele tau atensaun”, relata governante ne’e ba deputadu sira iha PN.\nCorona vírus ne’e, deskonfia, mosu iha loron 31 fulan Dezembru tinan 2019, iha sidade Wuhan Xina, ne’ebé konsege espalla ona ba nasaun sira iha Europa no Azia balun, tanba vírus refere da’et ho lalais.\nVírus ne’ebé ho nia sintoma hanesan, mear, isin manas, no halo dada iis ladi’ak. konsege afeita ona ba ema rihun 17 liu mak sofre no atus tolu resin mak mate ona.avi/fel/Say\nThis entry was posted in Justica e Segurança, Saude e Educação on February 4, 2020 by Multimedia GMNTV.\n← Konfrontu iha Laga, rezulta ema nain haat kanek todan ■PNTL detein ona autór prinisipál Kumpri períodu inkubasaun loron 14, Membru F-FDTL rua fila-fali ba uma →
[ "MDI alerta ba sidadaun Xines, kona virus corona labele tama TL | GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Ministru Defeza no Interior Interinu, Filomeno Paixao, alerta ba sidadaun Xines sira ne'ebe kona moras aat liu-liu virus corona labele tama Timor-Leste (TL).", "Maibe sira hirak ne'ebe livre husi moras ne'e bele tama.", "Ministru Defeza no Interior Interinu, Filomeno Paixao, mos konsidera karta ne'ebe mak espalla iha media sosial katak, bandu sidadaun Xina tama Timor-Leste ne'e falsu.", "Konteuudu husi karta ne'e, relasiona ho virus corona ne'ebe mak akontese iha sidade Wuhan-Xina, Orientasaun Minsiteriu liu husi Diretor Jeral Servisu Migrasaun orienta verbal mai Xefe Pasaporte Dili apartir agora ba oin sei la autoriza sidadaun Xina ne'ebe uza pasaporte Xina labele tama Timor-Leste.", "Karta ne'e hetan asina husi Inspetor polisia Ernesto Maia Xefe Postu Aeroportu.", "Karta ne'e publika iha loron 3 fulan ne'e iha media sosial.", "Filomeno Paixao hateten, sidadaun Xina bele tama Timor-Leste, maibe tenke livre husi virus corona.", "Se wainhira afeta virus corona, governu la autoriza.", "\"Ha'u nia ordem la'os ida ne'e karik.", "Informasaun ne'e ha'u haree ne'e ladun los, tenkiser tama duni, deste que sira livre husi virus corona,\"esplika Ministru Defeza no Interior Interinu Filomeno Paixao, ba jornalista sira Segunda (03/02/20) iha edifisiu Ministeriu Interior Matadoru, Dili.", "Governante ne'e dehan, se mak tama Timor-Leste, tenki livre husi virus corona, se moras labele tama mai Timor.", "\"Tama mai ne'e ita nia preparasaun fraku los ne'e, hanesan ohin iha Parlamentu imi rona ka lae?", "Dehan ita nia sasan (ekipamentu) iha Kinta foin mak tama,\"dehan Filomeno Paixao.", "Eis Brigadeiru Jeneral F-FDTL ne'e, husu ba komunidade atu labele paniku ho informasaun hirak ne'e.", "\"Tanba iha medida ne'ebe mak ami ba koalia tiha ona iha Parlamentu Nasional, medida integrada Ministeriu Negosiu Estranjeiru no Ministeriu Interior nomos Ministeriu Saude,\"dehan Filomeno Paixao.", "Filomeno Paixao akresenta, ema sira mai husi Xina pratikamente taka hotu ona, se taka ona husi Singapura, Bali, husi Darwin nia atu mai husi ne'ebe.", "\"Ita halo antisipasaun nia mai tenki lori karta alta estadu ida nia labele moras,\"dehan Filomeno Paixao.", "Virus corona mosu iha sidade Wuhan, Xina, ne'ebe mak hamate ona ema barak no afeta ona ba nasaun 21.", "Governu seidauk fo orientasaun ba Citilink ho Sriwijaya Reprezentante Aviaun Citilink, Fernando da Silva, hatete, to'o oras ne'e Citilink Airline ho Sriwijaya Air seidauk simu karta ofisial no orientasaun ruma husi Governu Timor-Leste atu labele simu ka tula pasajeiru sidadaun Xines sira husi rai-liur atu mai Timor-Leste.", "\"Iha semana 2 liu ba ami simu ona formulariu husi Ministeriu Saude hodi fahe ba pasajeiru sira ne'ebe mai hosi Estranjeiru.Ha'u atu informa Citilink Airline presiza karta hosi Ministeriu relevante konaba bainhira halo checking ka verifikasaun hetan pasajeiru Xina labele simu,\" afirma reprezentante Aviaun Citilink, Fernando da Silva, ba JN-Diario Segunda (03/02/2020) iha Timor Plaza, Dili.", "Deklarasaun refere relasiona ho virus corona ne'ebe mosu iha sidade Wuhan, provinsia Hubei, Xina, no oras ne'e espalla ona ba Nasaun balun hodi hamate ema atus 2 resin no ema ne'ebe afeitadu besik rihun 12, nune'e obriga Nasaun balun labele simu pasajeiru hosi sidadaun Xineza, maibe iha Timor-Leste to'o agora Citilink Airline no Sriwijaya Air, seidauk simu orientasaun hosi governu atu labele simu ka tula pasajeirus Xines sira mai Timor.", "Fernando da Silva hateten, aviaun Citilink simu ona orientasaun hosi parte Komandante Imigrasaun Aeroportu, maibe la'os hosi karta ofisial hodi hatete, hahu hosi loron no fulan ida ne'e labele simu ona pasajeiru hosi Xina, maibe enkuantu simu tenke iha karta mediku ruma ne'ebe hatete pasajeiru sira ne'e la identifika afeta ba moras ne'e.", "\"Ami sente ida ne'e la justu tanba orientasaun ne'e la'os hosi karta maibe liu hosi via telephone no media sosial whatsap.", "Karik diak liu mak tenke liu hosi karta ofisial nune'e bainhira mai halo checking verifikasaun iha Denpasar tenke bazea ba karta, tanba sei laiha karta depois ami labele simu pasajeiru hosi Xina ikus ema kritika, ami sente ida ne'e diskriminasaun,\" haklean nia.", "Nia hatete, iha semana ida liu ba sira simu pasajeiru hosi Xina ne'ebe atu mai Timor, tanba sira iha karta mediku, inklui estudante Timor oan sira ne'ebe eskola iha Xina hamutuk nain tolu.", "Iha fatin hanesan, Branch Manager Sriwijaya Air, Dirham Wahyudi hatete, iha sabadu foin lalais iha pasajeiru sidadaun Xineza hamutuk 25 atu mai Timor, maibe sira la konsege mai tanba sira hetan orientasaun hosi parte Imigrasaun katak, bandu sidadaun Xineza tama mai Timor.", "\"Maibe iha Domingu (2/2/2020) ami simu fali orientasaun hosi parte Komandante Imigrasaun Aeroportu Dili, konaba bele simu pasajeiru hosi Xina mai Timor, maibe importante pasajeiru refere tenke iha karta mediku, konaba pasajeiru ho kondisaun diak,\"afirma Branch Manager Sriwijaya Air.", "Dirham Wahyudi sublina, iha Segunda (3/2/2020) sira fila-fali kontaktu hosi Komandante Imigrasaun Aeroportu katak, hahu segunda feira pasajeiru husi Xina labele tama ona mai Timor Leste.", "\"Ohin ami iha pasajeiru hamutuk 17,ne'ebe sira nia prosesu checking aviaun Sriwijaya sc 270 rute Denpasar mai Dili remata ona no sira iha ona sala espera, maibe tanba simu fali orientasaun katak, pasajeiru Xineza labele tama mai Timor Leste, ha'u kontaktu kedas ba Sriwijawa Denpasar, nune'e pasajeiru 17 hosi Xina evakua sai fali hosi sala espera no la konsege mai Dili,\"esplika nia.", "PN preokupadu ho kondisaun TL atu prevene virus corona Nune'e mos reprezentante povu sira iha Parlamentu Nasional (PN), preokupadu maka'as ho kondisaun no ekipamentu Timor-Leste (TL) nian hodi halo prevensaun ba Virus Corona ne'ebe espalla ona iha nasaun barak, hafoin mosu iha sidade Wuhan, Xina, iha fin tinan 2019.", "Deputadu Abel Pires preokupa, tanba ekipamentu ne'ebe ekipa kontrolu uza hodi detekta passajeiru sira, ladun seguru no diferente tebes ho nasaun seluk nian ne'ebe metin no kompletu tebes, nune'e assegura ekipa nia vida.", "\"Ita iha Dili iha kapasidade ba halo teste ba ida ne'e ka la'e, bainhira iha ema ruma mak ita hanoin katak hetan moras ne'e, depois haruka sampel ba Darwin, ne'e ita tenke hatene iha kapasidade kalae, se laiha oinsa mak ita bele konfirma katak loron hira mak bele hatene moras ne'e. segundu kona-ba oinsa ho ita nia pessoal saude sira, ita tenke prepera sira nia kondisaun, nain hira mak hetan treinamentu agora dadauk ne'e, hanesan iha ita ko'alia dehan iha Aeroportu, Suai, no fatin-fatin sira ne'e, tanba dala ruma ita haree ita-nia pessoal saude sira ne'e faru liman badak, hamnasa, no masker de'it mos la tau, kondisaun la adekuadu, ne'e risku ba sira duni, ne'e tenke iha preparasaun no treinamentu ne'eb'e dia'k ba sira, para la'os de'it proteze moras ne'e husi Timor, maibe proteze mos sira, tanba sira iha esforsu ne'e, ne'eduni tenke kuidadu sira, para sira mos bele koidadu ita, liga mos ba kondisaun, ekipamentu hira mak ita iha, tanba ita haree saida mak ita nia pessoal sa'ude sira uza ne'e ladun adekuadu hanesan iha Australia, Xina no seluktan, diferente teb-tebes, iha ne'eba ema taka matan hotu, ita-nia ha'u haree iha media, sira kondisaun ne'e ladun adekuadu, entaun ita tenke hatene ekipamentu hira mak ita iha, espesialmente esforsu atu kombate virus ne'e,\" tenik deputadu PLP ne'e.", "Aleinde ne'e, Abel mos preokupa kona-ba kapasidade fatin izolamentu atu acumula pasiente sira ne'ebe afeista virus refere.", "\"Kona-ba sala izolamentu, agora dadauk ne'e sala izolamentu hira mak ita iha, kapasidade atu akumula pasienste hira, ne'e ita tenke hatene, Depois Aeroportu ho sala izolamentu ne'e tenke iha transporte, ita iha ambulansia multi funsaun hira, hodi transporta pasiente iha fatin ne'ebe mak detekta hodi ba fatin izolamentu, karik ita iha kapasidade atu handle biuat sira hanesan ne'e, hetan treinamentu ruma kona-ba halo operasaun ka seidauk, nain hira mak preparadu ona, Tanba se ita ko'alia aktu aktu de'it, la'e, maibe ita presiza hatene saida mak ita iha hodi halo prevensaun.\"kestiona Pires.", "Deputadu PD, Antonio da Conceicao mos sujere, atu governu sensibiliza informasaun ho lalais no ho masimu, nune'e populasaun hotu iha Timor-Leste hatene no antisipa, inklui koidade aan husi moras refere. \"", "Ita presiza kampana sensibilizasaun ne'e ba ita nia populasaun, tanba ita Timor ne'e buat ida falta mak informasaun, Se populasaun ne'e informadu di'ak kona-ba oinsa mak hetan moras ida ne'e, ema bele prevene, ita labele proekupa liu sira ne'ebe tama mai, tanba ita laiha voo direitu, maibe oinsa mak karik sira ruma ne'ebe mak iha ne'e tiha ona, se karik kontaminadu mos ho moras ida ne'e, ita nia sensibilizasaun ka kampana ne'e mak importante tebes, hodi nune'e ita bele prevene moras ne'e, liu-liu iha kapital hanesan ita nia iha Dili ne'e, depois mos fronteira sira ne'e, Agora tenke intensiva informasaun liuhosi meius hotu, atu nune'e oinsa moras refere labele espalla iha ita nia nansaun,\"tenik xefe bankada PD ne'e.", "Hatan ba asuntu ne'e, Ministra Saude interina, Elia dos Reis Amaral hateten, kona-ba informasaun, MS koordena ona ho parte hotu, hodi fahe informasaun ba publiku ho regular kada loron, inklui kona-ba sala izolamentu, MS mos prepara ona iha HNGV inklui iha sentru saude Formoza rasik. \"", "Fatin izolamentu ami prepara ona, iha HNGV no iha sentru sauder Formoza rasik, inklui pontu entrada sira, ami sei tau tenda ho kontentor, ami mos prepara fatin iha ospital tuan Lahane, karik iha suspeitu ruma.", "Ami mos prepara ona komisaun surtu hodi halo prevensaun, ami mos treina ona 65 pessoal de saude, inklui pessoal ambulansia, husi mos ospital referal sira bem treinadu, HNGV mos iha ekipa kompostu husi lina 6 ne'ebe importante loos, hanesan kontrolu moras, unidader emerjensia HNGV, no unidade laboratiun nasional, no mos ba iha organizasaun saude mundial, no ita koloka mos brigada saude Xineza nian,\"informa Elia.", "Dadaun ne'e, iha ema na'in 360 resin mak mate ona, no iha ema rihun 17 liu mak afeitadu ona husi virus refere.", "Corona virus ne'e mos espalla to'o ona nasaun europa no azia, tanba iha transmisaun ho lalais liu, liuhosi iis.", "TL sei seguru husi Corona virus Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun (MNEK), Dionisio Babo Soares, deklara, Timor-Leste (TL) maske la'os buat hotu kontroladu, maibe seguru husi virus corona, tanba laiha voo direta husi Xina mai TL, liu-liu tanba nasaun ne'ebe transfere pasajeiru husi Xina, hanesan Singapura no Indonezia rasik bandu ona pasajeiru husi Xina, liu-liu xineza rasik atu tama iha fronteira.", "\"Pais hotu-hotu liu-liu sira ne'ebe besik iha Xina, hola medidas rigorozu no rutinitas, hanesan Singapura suspende hotu ona atividades hotu-hotu ho Xina, Australia suspende vo hotu-hotu ne'ebe mak mai husi Xina, labele tama ba Australia, Indonezia mos bandu ona ema Xina atu labele tama, Filipinas mos hanesan, inklui Rusia, Amerika no kuaze pais barak iha mundu ne'e.", "Ita Timor-Leste laiha vo direitu husi Xina, laiha kontaktu direitu husi Xina, liu husi aero ka via terrestre, tanba ne'e, medidas de kontrolu ne'ebe akontese, iha paizes ne'ebe besik ita, hanesan aeroportu saida no no entrada ba itania pais, signifika katak, la'os buat hotu kontroladu, maibe iha segundu nivel ba risku, iha pais sira iha mundu,\" informa Ministru Dionisio iha plenaria, bainhira debate ho deputadu sira iha PN, Segunda (03/02/2020).", "Nune'e, Ministra saude interina, Elia dos Reis Amaral esplika, virus refere mosu, tanba xineza sira konsumu ai-han ne'ebe mak ladun tasak, inklui naan ne'ebe mak husi animal hanesan niki samea no laho rasik.", "\"Virus ne'e mai husi animal ne'ebe ita konsumu, liu-liu hanesan ema Xina sira konsumu ai-han ne'ebe mak ladun tasak, liu nann husi animal ne'ebe selvazen, kobra, retil, dominiu liu hanesan niki sira ne'ebe mak sai kauza prinsipal ou kauza temporariamente ba iha virus corona ne'e rasik.", "No detekta husi pasiente ida ne'ebe mak mear no isin manas maka'as, hafoin ne'e mak matenek na'in sira deklara katak iha virus foun, maibe momento ne'e sei iha faze nasional de'it, depois ne'e mak afeita ba global, maske transmisaun virus ne'e husi animal, maibe liu mos husi aero, depois aero ne'e la'os depende ba temperatura, maibe depende ba ita nia sistema imunoloji, tanba ne'e, ida ne'ebe risku liu, hanenan ema ho idade ne'ebe liu husi 50, ou ba labarik sira, inklui inan isin rua, ou ba maluk sira ne'ebe mak halo hela tratamentu ba moras sira.", "Virus refere nia faze okupasaun ne'e, husi loron 1 to'o 14, ida ne'e mak ita presiza tau atensaun,\" haktuir governante ne'e.", "Elia haktuir, MS fahe informasaun regular ba publiku kada loron, inklui embaixador no ajensia nasoens unidas sira, ho modelu prevensaun hanesan buletim ida, antes semana rua, MS mos enkontru ona oinsa haree passajeiru sira ne'ebe tama sai.", "\"Ami koloka pessoal sira ne'ebe bem treinadu, MS mos ativa ona, kompostu husi ekipa komisaun surtu nian, hanesan ekipa emerjensia nian, ekipa laboratoriu nasional, no mos ekipa medika xineza nian, nune'e bele asesu iha komunikasaun, bainhira passajeirus ne'ebe tama ho lian xina.", "Ami mos halo enkontru regula, no kria mos grupu wp, para oinsa update informasaun ba malu, liu-liu parte imigrasaun nian oinsa mak kontrolu ba nasaun liur sira, liu-liu atu haree passajeirus sira ne'ebe tama, liu-liu husi Xinan Wuhan nian, bele mos passa informasaun katak, sira labele tama lai, tanba ne'e, antes tama mai ita kontrola kedas iha imigrasaun, ministeriu saude mos koloka ona pessoal saude iha portaun entradas sira ne'e, no oinsa atu prepara tan tenda ruma iha entradas sira hodi halo fatin izolamentu, baihira deskonfia iha sintomas ba virus, MS mos koloka termometru ba iha fronteira terrestre sira, nune'e bele tau atensaun,\" relata governante ne'e ba deputadu sira iha PN.", "Corona virus ne'e, deskonfia, mosu iha loron 31 fulan Dezembru tinan 2019, iha sidade Wuhan Xina, ne'ebe konsege espalla ona ba nasaun sira iha Europa no Azia balun, tanba virus refere da'et ho lalais.", "Virus ne'ebe ho nia sintoma hanesan, mear, isin manas, no halo dada iis ladi'ak. konsege afeita ona ba ema rihun 17 liu mak sofre no atus tolu resin mak mate ona.avi/fel/Say This entry was posted in Justica e Seguranca, Saude e Educacao on February 4, 2020 by Multimedia GMNTV. - Konfrontu iha Laga, rezulta ema nain haat kanek todan #PNTL detein ona autor prinisipal Kumpri periodu inkubasaun loron 14, Membru F-FDTL rua fila-fali ba uma -" ]
[ [ "MDI warns Chinese citizens, the coronavirus may not enter Timor-Leste | GMN TV - News and Media Online The Interim Minister of Defence & Interior Filomeno Paixao has warned that all China national who have a serious illness such as corona virus shouldn't be allowed to come into East Тимор (TL)." ], [ "But those who are free from the disease can enter." ], [ "Interim Minister of Defence and Interior, Filomeno Paixao also considers the letter circulated on social media that prohibits Chinese citizens from entering Timor-Leste to be false." ], [ "The content of this letter, related to the corona virus that has occurred in Wuhan-China city. Ministerial Orientation through Director General Migration Service verbally orients Dili Passport Head from now on will not authorize Chinese citizens who use a China passport can't enter Timor Leste :" ], [ "The letter was signed by Police Inspector Ernesto Maia, Head of the Airport Station." ], [ "The letter was published on social media this month's 3rd." ], [ "Filomeno Paixao said that Chinese citizens can enter Timor-Leste, but must be free of the corona virus." ], [ "If it ever affects corona virus, government authorize." ], [ "\"This is not my order, sir." ], [ "This information is not true, it must be confirmed so that they are free from the corona virus\", explains Interim Minister of Defence and Interior Filomeno Paixao to journalist on Monday (03/21) in Dili." ], [ "The governor said, if you want to enter Timor-Leste must be free from the corona virus. If disease can not come into timorenses' country it is necessary for all travellers who have been vaccinated against this coronavirus infection should also take a test and return home safely without any complications or illnesses that could cause them anxiety.\"" ], [ "\"We have a very poor preparation, as you heard in Parliament today. You hear it?" ], [ "Our stuff (equipment) arrived on Friday,\" said Filomeno Paixao." ], [ "The former F-FDTL Brigadier General urged the community not to panic with this information." ], [ "\"Because there are measures that we have already discussed in the National Parliament, integrated Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Interior Ministerial as well a health ministry\", said Filomeno Paixao." ], [ "Filomeno Paixao adds, people coming from China are practically all closed. If they have been shut down by Singapore or Bali and Darwin it is not clear where to come in the first place:" ], [ "\"We anticipated that he would have to bring a medical certificate from the state so as not be ill,\" said Filomeno Paixao." ], [ "The coronavirus virus emerged in the city of Wuhan, China and has killed many people. It is affecting 21 countries worldwide since its outbreak on March" ], [ "Citilink Airline Representative, Fernando da Silva said that up to now the two airlines have not received an official letter or any guidance from Timor-Leste's government for them neither in terms of accepting nor carrying passengers who are Chinese citizens travelling abroad." ], [ "\"Two weeks ago, we received a form from the Ministry of Health to distribute among passengers who are arriving in Timor-Leste. To inform Citilink Airline that it needs letters by relevant ministries when checking or verifying if Chinese travellers can't be taken on board\", said representative Fernando da Silva for JN -Diario Monday (03/12) at Dili Airport and added:" ], [ "The declaration referred to is related with the corona virus that appeared in Wuhan city, Hubei province of China and now has spread into some countries killing more than 2 thousand people while affecting nearly a dozen others. This forced certain nations not accept passengers from Chinese citizens but so far Citilink Airline & Sriwijaya air haven't received any guidance by governments on how they can refuse or carry out passenger transportation between Timor-Leste/China" ], [ "Fernando da Silva said that the Citilink aircraft has received instructions from Immigration Commander of Airport, but not an official letter to say starting this day and month can no longer accept passengers in China. However when they are accepted there must be some medical documentation stating these people haven't been identified as affects by illnesses elsewhere on earth or otherwise with a negative test result for COVID-19 (see below)." ], [ "\"We feel this is unfair because the guidance was not given by letter but via telephone and social media whatsap." ], [ "It would be better to have an official card so that when you come and do checking verification in Denpasar, it should base on the cards. Without a certificate then we cannot accept passengers from China or even critics; this is discrimination,” he said .\"" ], [ "He said that last week they received passengers from China who were going to Timor, because of their medical cards. They included three students studying in the country and all came with a passports issued by Chinese authorities for travelling into Indonesia or Malaysia without having any health problems beforehand;" ], [ "Meanwhile, Sriwijaya Air Branch Manager Dirham Wahyudi said that on Saturday there were 25 Chinese passengers who wanted to fly into Timor but they couldn’t because the Immigration had told them it was forbidden." ], [ "\"But on Sunday (2/10) we again received guidance from the Dili Airport Immigration Commander, regarding acceptance of passengers to Timor-Leste. However it is important that they have a medical card and are in good condition\", says Branch Manager Sriwijaya Air .\"" ], [ "Dirham Wahyudi emphasizes, on Monday (3/20) they were again contacted by the Airport Immigration Commander that as of today passengers from China cannot enter Timor-Leste." ], [ "\"Today we have 17 passengers, whose check-in process on the Sriwijaya SC260 flight route Denpasar to Dili has been completed and they are in a waiting room. But because I received instructions that Chinese travelers cannot enter East Timor; so immediately contacted SRW International Airport (Denpasar), which evacuated them out of their waitrooms without reaching Delhi.\"" ], [ "The people's representatives in the National Parliament (PN) are also deeply concerned about Timor-Leste’ conditions and equipment for preventing Corona Virus, which has spread to many countries since it first appeared at Wuhan city of China late 2019." ], [ "MP Abel Pires is concerned, because the equipment that control team use to detect passengers are not safe and very different from other countries which have a stronger system of security." ], [ "\"We in Dili have the ability to test for this or not, when there is someone we think has got it then send samples into Darwin. We must know how much capacity they are having and if no way of confirming what day will be known that disease was found out.\" Secondly about our health personnel: “we should prepare their conditions; who get training now today? As you say at Airport Suai etcetera because some times these people don't wear mask but do hand washing as well – unsuitable condition - which really pose a risk on them so preparation needs being done with proper trained staff-not just protect Timorese from getting sick by doing something like those things where one does an effort (protect others), thurfore take care also concernings equipment available us since all other countries use very poor quality devices suchas Australia China amongst many more…these places look completely different” said Mr PLP MP" ], [ "In addition, Abel is concerned about the capacity of isolation facilities to accommodate patients who have contracted this virus." ], [ "\"Regarding the isolation rooms, today we have to know how many of them there are and what capacity they can accommodate. Then airports with these isolating areas must be equipped for transportation; if you want a multi-purpose ambulancy that will carry patients from where it is detected into an area in which people may need treatment or hospitalization then whether this type Of situation has been handled properly by having some training on performing operations should also take place so as not just talking about actual actions but understanding our prevention capabilities.\" questiones Pirese 1" ], [ "PD MP, Antonio da Conceicao also suggested that the government should raise awareness of information quickly and at maximum so all population in Timor-Leste knows about it." ], [ "We need this awareness campaign for our population, because we Timor one thing is lacking information. If the people are well informed about how to get these diseases and can prevent them from entering us it'll be easier not worrying too much of those who come here since there aren’t any right flights but what if some have already left or they were also contaminated with that illness? This sensitising Campaign will help very importantly so as you could avoid getting infected especially at capital cities like Dili then on border areas Now I must intensify all means by which my country cannot spread such an epidemic\" said PD Group leader ne 'e" ], [ "Responding to this issue, Actuary Minister of Health Elia dos Reis Amaral said that regards information MS has coordinated with all parties in order for the public regularly every day. \"Isolation rooms have also been prepared at HNGV including Formoza health centre itself.\"" ], [ "We have prepared isolation facilities, at HNGV and in the sauder Formoza centre itself including entrance points; we will set up tents with containers. In case of any suspected cases a place is also being made available for them to stay if they are found on Lahane hospital site" ], [ "We have also prepared an outbreak commission to prevent the disease, we trained 65 health personnel including ambulance staff from well-traineds referral hospitals. The Hospital General of Goiás (HNGV) has its own team consisting in six lines that are very important: Disease Control Unit; Emergency Department and National Laboratory unit as it is part Of World Health Organization' s network for epidemic prevention.\"" ], [ "To date, more than 360 people have died and over seventeen thousand are affected by the virus." ], [ "The coronavirus has also spread to countries in Europe and Asia, because it is transmitted more quickly through the air." ], [ "Timor-Leste will be safe from Corona virus Minister of Foreign Trade and Cooperation (MNEK), Dionisio Babo Soares, declares that although not everything is controlled in the country but it's still secure against corona because there are no direct flights to TL since China. The countries which transfer passengers into Indonesia have already prohibited Chinese travellers entering their border areas as well; Singapore has also forbidden its own citizens who were on board an airplane with people flying back home after return by plane or train through Malaysian port cities like Kuala Lumpur" ], [ "\"All countries, especially those close to China have taken rigorous and routine measures. Singapore has suspended all activities with the country; Australia suspended flights from Chinese airlines into its territory for a period of time (from March), Indonesia banning people entering their territories because they are not vaccinated against COVID-19 as well: The Philippines also did so including Russia - America is amongst many other nations in this world.\"" ], [ "We Timor-Leste have no right to fly from China, there is not any direct contact with the country by air or land. Therefore control measures that are being taken in countries near us such as airport and entry into Italy means it' s a second level of risk than other parts on earth\", Minister Dionisio said during plenary session when discussing this issue at parliamentary debate Monday (03/12)." ], [ "Acting Minister of Health, Elia dos Reis Amaral explained that the virus was caused by Chinese people eating unhealthy foods such as chicken and pork." ], [ "\"The virus comes from animals that we consume, especially as Chinese people eat foods which are not cleaned and then wildlife like snakes or reptile is the main cause of this coronavirus itself." ], [ "And detected by a patient who is sick and very hot, then the experts declare that there's new virus but at this moment it will be in national phase only afterwards affecting globally even though transmission from animals to people can also happen through airborne contamination. Air does not depend on temperature as well because of our immunological system so more risky are those over 50 years old or children including pregnant women which undergo treatment for illnesses" ], [ "The virus refers to the phase of its occupation, from day 1 through days fourteen. This is what we need attention for\", said this governor'" ], [ "According to Elia, MS is giving regular information every day for the public including ambassadors and United Nations agencies with a prevention model like one bulletin. Two weeks ago we had meetings on how you can monitor passengers entering or leaving our country.\"" ], [ "\"We have deployed well-trained personnel, the MS has also activated them. They are made up of an outbreak commission team and emergency response teams; a national laboratory group as Wells Fargo said in its press release on Monday (12/03)." ], [ "We also held regular meetings, and created a wp group to update information for each other. Especially the part of Immigration how we can control foreign countries; especially seeing passengers who are entering from Xinan Wuhan where they could pass on that it is not allowed them in therefore before coming into our country you have immediately checked at imigration department health ministry has put up medical personnel near these gates entry points as well prepare some tents around those entrances so people may be isolated if suspect symptomatic with virus MS will place thermometers along land border lines which help us take care\", said PM Luís Roberto Barroso during his speech after he met MP' s delegation today (Thursday)." ], [ "The coronavirus is suspected to have emerged on December 31, in the Chinese city of Wuhan. It has spread rapidly and now affects countries across Europe as well As some Asiatic nations because it can be transmitted very quickly through airborne droplets from people whose bodies are infectious with this virus (see below)." ], [ "The virus, which has symptoms such as nausea and vomiting. more than 17 thousand people have been affected by the disease with over three hundred dead cases reported in recent days - GMNTV This entry was posted on Justica e Seguranca (Justice & Security), Saude/Education(Health) On February-4th of this year By Multimedia gmntv #PNTL detained principal perpetrator after compliance period is completed Two FFDTL members return to their homes" ] ]
MF konklui pagamentu Cesta Bázika ba kompañia fornesedór 188 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVID-19 MF konklui pagamentu Cesta Bázika ba kompañia fornesedór 188\nMF konklui pagamentu Cesta Bázika ba kompañia fornesedór 188\nDILI, 10 setembru 2021 (TATOLI)—Ministériu Finansa (MF) to’o loron 09 setembru 2021, konklui ona pagamentu Cesta Bázika ho montante millaun $63,5 ba kompañia fornesedór hamutuk 188.\nTuir nota ne’ebé Agência TATOLI asesu iha sesta ne’e, pagamentu hirak ne’e realiza hafoin Sekretariadu Tékniku Fundu COVID-19 hosi MF simu pedidu pagamentu hosi Ministériu Turizmu, Komérsiu no Indústria (MTKI) hamutuk millaun $29,5 ba kompañia lokál 72, Sekretaria Estadu Kooperativa (SEKoop) ho valór millaun $20,2 ba kompañia 24, Sentru Lojístika Nasionál (CLN) ho valór millaun $8,4 ba kompañai 61 no Ministériu Agrikultura no Peska (MAP) ho valór millaun $5,2 ba kompañia lokál hamutuk 31.\nAleinde ne’e, kompañia fornesedór hirak ne’e kumpre ona devér hodi selu impostu rendimentu 0,5% hosi totál pagamentu ba Autoridade Tributária MF, ho totál kontribuisaun impostu hamutuk $317.000.\n“Inisiativa kompañia lokál kumpre sira-nia devér atu fó kontribuisaun ba taxa ezekusaun Governu, liuliu iha parte ezekusaun reseita doméstika ne’ebé to’o iha 31 agostu 2021 atinje ona millaun $96,6 ka 52% hosi totál estimativa reseita millaun $187,1,” nota MF esplika.\nBazeia ba relatóriu hosi Ministériu Koordenadór Asuntu Ekonómiku (MKAE), to’o iha fulan-agostu 2021, benefisíariu sira ne’ebé simu ona Cesta Bázika hamutuk ema millaun 1,4 resin ka 98% hosi totál benefisíariu hamutuk ema millaun 1,5 resin iha suku 452 iha territóriu tomak.\nBa oin, sei halo distribuisaun Cesta Bázika ba reklamante 25.000 resin iha territóriu nasionál no sei la’o tuir kalendáriu ne’ebé estabelese hosi MKAE hamutuk ho ministériu implementadór sira.\nNotísia relevante: Posibilidade MTKI distribui Cesta Bázika ba reklamate iha setembru\nMF husu ba kompañia fornesedór, molok realiza pagamentu, tenke nafatin kumpre devér hodi selu simpostu rendimentu 0,5% hosi totál rendimentu konforme Lei Tributária haruka.\nNune’e, kompañia sira tenke aprezenta resibu pagamentu impostu rendimentu ba Sekretariadu Tékniku Fundu COVID-19 atu nune’e bele realiza pagamentu.\nKarik kompañia fornesedór sira iha pergunta ka presiza informasaun liután kona-ba asuntu impostu, bele kontaktu Autoridade Tributária (AT) ka vizita portál AT https://attl.gov.tl/ atu hetan informasaun kona-ba pagamentu impostu, submisaun relatóriu mensál ka anuál no pedidu emisaun ba sertidaun dívida.\nPagamentu impostu bele halo liuhosi mákina ATM P24, ne’ebé kontribuinte sira la presiza ba forma tan iha banku komersiál sira hanesan uluk.\nGovernu liuhosi ministériu implementadór sira kontrata kompañia hamutuk 232 atu fornese Cesta Bázika ba populasaun tomak iha territóriu ho kustu implementasaun programa hamutuk millaun $82.\nMinistériu implementadór Cesta Bázika hanesan MTKI responsável ba suku 118 ho benefisiáriu 658.608, MAP kobre iha suku 47 ho nia benefisiáriu 106.782, SEKoop kobre iha suku 183 ho benefisiáriu 434.055, Sentru Lojístika Nasionál (CLN, sigla portugés) kobre suku 86 ho nia benefisiáriu hamutuk 215.875, no Rejiaun Adminitrativu Espesiál Oé-cusse Ambeno (RAEOA) kobre iha suku 18 ho benefisiáriu 84,243.\nPrevious articleBata mutin halibur ita ba kauza ida de’it “salva vida umana”\nNext articleTimor-Leste iha folin internet ne’ebé karun iha mundu
[ "MF konklui pagamentu Cesta Bazika ba kompania fornesedor 188 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID-19 MF konklui pagamentu Cesta Bazika ba kompania fornesedor 188 MF konklui pagamentu Cesta Bazika ba kompania fornesedor 188 DILI, 10 setembru 2021 (TATOLI) - Ministeriu Finansa (MF) to'o loron 09 setembru 2021, konklui ona pagamentu Cesta Bazika ho montante millaun $63,5 ba kompania fornesedor hamutuk 188.", "Tuir nota ne'ebe Agencia TATOLI asesu iha sesta ne'e, pagamentu hirak ne'e realiza hafoin Sekretariadu Tekniku Fundu COVID-19 hosi MF simu pedidu pagamentu hosi Ministeriu Turizmu, Komersiu no Industria (MTKI) hamutuk millaun $29,5 ba kompania lokal 72, Sekretaria Estadu Kooperativa (SEKoop) ho valor millaun $20,2 ba kompania 24, Sentru Lojistika Nasional (CLN) ho valor millaun $8,4 ba kompanai 61 no Ministeriu Agrikultura no Peska (MAP) ho valor millaun $5,2 ba kompania lokal hamutuk 31.", "Aleinde ne'e, kompania fornesedor hirak ne'e kumpre ona dever hodi selu impostu rendimentu 0,5% hosi total pagamentu ba Autoridade Tributaria MF, ho total kontribuisaun impostu hamutuk $317.000.", "\"Inisiativa kompania lokal kumpre sira-nia dever atu fo kontribuisaun ba taxa ezekusaun Governu, liuliu iha parte ezekusaun reseita domestika ne'ebe to'o iha 31 agostu 2021 atinje ona millaun $96,6 ka 52% hosi total estimativa reseita millaun $187,1,\" nota MF esplika.", "Bazeia ba relatoriu hosi Ministeriu Koordenador Asuntu Ekonomiku (MKAE), to'o iha fulan-agostu 2021, benefisiariu sira ne'ebe simu ona Cesta Bazika hamutuk ema millaun 1,4 resin ka 98% hosi total benefisiariu hamutuk ema millaun 1,5 resin iha suku 452 iha territoriu tomak.", "Ba oin, sei halo distribuisaun Cesta Bazika ba reklamante 25.000 resin iha territoriu nasional no sei la'o tuir kalendariu ne'ebe estabelese hosi MKAE hamutuk ho ministeriu implementador sira.", "Notisia relevante: Posibilidade MTKI distribui Cesta Bazika ba reklamate iha setembru MF husu ba kompania fornesedor, molok realiza pagamentu, tenke nafatin kumpre dever hodi selu simpostu rendimentu 0,5% hosi total rendimentu konforme Lei Tributaria haruka.", "Nune'e, kompania sira tenke aprezenta resibu pagamentu impostu rendimentu ba Sekretariadu Tekniku Fundu COVID-19 atu nune'e bele realiza pagamentu.", "Karik kompania fornesedor sira iha pergunta ka presiza informasaun liutan kona-ba asuntu impostu, bele kontaktu Autoridade Tributaria (AT) ka vizita portal AT https://attl.gov.tl/ atu hetan informasaun kona-ba pagamentu impostu, submisaun relatoriu mensal ka anual no pedidu emisaun ba sertidaun divida.", "Pagamentu impostu bele halo liuhosi makina ATM P24, ne'ebe kontribuinte sira la presiza ba forma tan iha banku komersial sira hanesan uluk.", "Governu liuhosi ministeriu implementador sira kontrata kompania hamutuk 232 atu fornese Cesta Bazika ba populasaun tomak iha territoriu ho kustu implementasaun programa hamutuk millaun $82.", "Ministeriu implementador Cesta Bazika hanesan MTKI responsavel ba suku 118 ho benefisiariu 658.608, MAP kobre iha suku 47 ho nia benefisiariu 106.782, SEKoop kobre iha suku 183 ho benefisiariu 434.055, Sentru Lojistika Nasional (CLN, sigla portuges) kobre suku 86 ho nia benefisiariu hamutuk 215.875, no Rejiaun Adminitrativu Espesial Oe-cusse Ambeno (RAEOA) kobre iha suku 18 ho benefisiariu 84,243.", "Previous articleBata mutin halibur ita ba kauza ida de'it \"salva vida umana\" Next articleTimor-Leste iha folin internet ne'ebe karun iha mundu" ]
[ [ "Ministry of Finance concludes Basic Basket payment to 189 supplier company | TIMOR HAU Notícias Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID -20 MF conclui pagamento Cesta Básica ba empresa fornecedor365 The ministry has completed the basic basket (Cesta Básica) for $4.7 billion in total, as at September:" ], [ "According to the note that Agência TATOLI accessed on Saturday, these payments were made after Technical Secretariat of COVID-19 Fund from MF received request for payouts by Ministry Tourism Trade and Industry (MTKI) totaling $28.5 million in value towards local companies; State Cooperative Secretaryate ($30mn worthward), which will be paid out through SENACOOP with an estimated amount USD$476M per month over three years as well: National Logistic Center(CLN)." ], [ "In addition, these supplier companies have fulfilled their obligation to pay income tax of 0.5% on the total payments made by MF Tax Authorities with a combined fiscal contributions amounting $317 thousand (US$298k)." ], [ "\"Local company initiatives fulfilled their duty to contribute towards the government's implementation rate, especially in domestic income expenditure which as of August 31st has reached $96.5 million or a total estimated revenuen amounting USD$208 billion\", MF note explainer.\"" ], [ "Based on a report by the Ministry of Coordination for Economic Affairs (MKAE), as at August 2019, beneficiaries who have received basic baskets amounted to more than one million and four hundred thousand people or about ninety-eight per cent from an overall number that is over two millions in all municipalities." ], [ "In the future, basic baskets will be distributed to more than 25.017 claimants in national territories and it is scheduled by MKAE together with implementing ministrie' s for each of these countries as well" ], [ "Relevant news: Possibility MTKI distribute the Basic basket to consumers in September The Ministry of Finance asks supplier companies, before making payment must still comply with their obligations and pay a 0.5% income tax on total revenue under Taxation Law" ], [ "Thus, companies must submit income tax payment receipt to the COVID-19 Fund Technical Secretariat so that they can make a pay." ], [ "If supplying companies have questions or need further information on tax matters, they can contact the Tax Authority (AT) and visit AT portal https://attl.gov/ to obtain details about payment of taxes; submission monthly reports as well a request for issuance debt certificate" ], [ "Tax payments can be made through P24 ATM machines, which means that taxpayers do not need to fill out a form at commercial bank as before." ], [ "The government, through implementing ministries has contracted 231 companies to provide the Basic Basket for all of its population in a total implementation cost amounts $80 million." ], [ "The Basic Basket implementation ministries are MTKI, which is responsible for 120 villages with a total of about.658-thousand and ninety (49) beneficiarie; MAP covering the area in its entireity to reach all communities including rural areas where there were no accessibility problems such as schools or health facilities at any point during their life cycle: from birth until age fourteen years old - this includes children under five who have been disabled by accidental injury/injuries caused through physical abuse /sexual harassment etc..." ], [ "Previous articleBata mutin halibur ita ba kauza ida de'it \"salva vida humana\" Next ArticleTimor-Leste has the most expensive internet price worldwide" ] ]
Formador Timor Oan Hatudu Kualidade Diak – STL Online\nFormador Timor Oan Hatudu Kualidade Diak\nDILI – Oras nee dadaun postu polisia tranzitu neebe maka hari husi Sekretariu Estadu Politika Formasaun Profissional e Empregu (SEPFOPE) liu formador neebe maka SEPFOPE produz husi sentru formsaun sira, ida nee hatudu formador Timor oan sira iha kualidade diak.\nTuir Sekretariu Estadu Politika Formasaun Pofisional Empregu, (SEPFOPE) Ilidio Ximenes liu husi nian intervista hateten liu husi SEPFOPE entrega postu polisia neebe maka halo husi SEPFOPE liu estudante sentru formasaun sira no ba obra nee rasik ofisialmente entrega ona ba PNTL husi Unidade Polisia Tranzitu atu uza .\nIta nia estudante sira husi sentru formasaun halo postu tranzitu desde uluk no ohin sira finaliza ona obra nee ho diak no entrega ona ba iha parte ministeriu interior liu liu ba PNTL unidade tranzitu atu uza” dehan Ilidio ba jornalista sira hafoin remata seremonia inagurasaun Postu Polisia iha Comoro, Kuarta (19/4/2017).\nNia dehan ba obra neebe maka estudante sentru formasaun sira halo nee atu koko kualidade formador sira durante sira tuir formasaun iha sentru formasaun sira no ohin liu husi obra nee parte SEPFOPE no suporta.\nTamba sira hatudu ona kualidade liu obra neebe maka estudante sentru formasaun sira no ho ida ita presiza promove sira nian kualidade neebe maka sira rasik hatudu ona,” dehan nia.\nGovernante nee mos hateten ba joven formador sira hatudu ona kualidade liu husi obra hirak hanesan postu polisia neebe maka sira halo iha tinan kotuk no tinan agora konsege halo postu polisia neebe maka diak.\nIta presiza dignifika ita nia formador sira, tamba husi postu polisia neebe maka total haat neebe maka halo ona inklui postu polisia tranzitu ida iha munisipiu Baucau,” dehan nia.\nNia realsa ba postu polisia tranzitu iha lider Comoro nee halo ho osan montante seis mil nee ba kiik no ba postu polisia neebe maka boot nee doze mil no medida uma postu tranzitu nee maka seis por seiz.\nNia husu ba joven sira tenke kuidadu fasilidade publiku neebe maka iha ona no hatudu konsensia hodi hadomi fasilidade neebe estabelese ona tamba akontese dala barak ba buat hirak neebe maka ita rasik hari ema balun la iha konsensia hodi estraga neebe maka hatudu ona postu polisia iha Bairo Pite nian no Colmera.\nIha fatin hanesan segundu komandante PNTL Munisipiu Dili, Superintendente Asistente Euclides Belo ba postu polisia neebe maka ohin inagura nee sei prontu uza tamba SEPFOPE ofisialmente entrega ona ba PNTL.\nAmi sei koloka membru polisia tranzitu iha area Comoro tamba movimentu iha area nee boot no presiza duni,” dehan Euclides.\nIha fatin hanesan Direktur jeral servisu koperativu Ministeriu Interior (MI) Guelerminha nia parte senti kontenti tamba dala ida tan husi SEPFOPE bele entrega tan uma ba MI hodi ba PNTL unidade tranzitu atu halo servisu.\nHau husu ba polisia tranzitu no ema hotu tenke kolabora hamutuk hodi tau matan ba fasilidade neebe maka oferese ona bele halo knar fatin ho diak,” dehan nia.\nBa postu polisia tranzitu neebe maka lokaliza iha lider ohin Comoro hetan inagurasaun husi SEPFOPE Ilidio Ximenes representante Komandu PNTL superintendente xefe Mateus Fernandes, Polisia komandu PNTL representa husi segundu komadante PNTL munisipiu Dili superintendente asisitente Euclides Belo, komadante tranzitu nasional Valente. Partisipa iha seremonia inagurasaun nee Direktur Jeral servisu koperativu Ministeriu Interior (MI) Guelerminha formador sira neebe maka halo obra nee no direjentes SEPFOPE tomak inklui entidades seluk. Iha semonia inagurasaun entrega mos sertifikadu ba formador sentru formasaun Becora.`\nLatolera Ema Kriminozu\nSegundu komandante PNTL Munisipiu Dili, Super intendente Asistente Euclides Belo dehan PNTL sei latolera ema krimininozu.\nSedeit mak halo krimi, polisia sei la uza fuan no sei kontinua kaer hodi halo prosesu tuir lei neebe haruka. PNTL sei la uza fuan ba ema neebe maka halo krimi polisia sei lori hodi halo prosesu tuir lei,” dehan Euclides.\nNia hatutan ba ema neebe maka halo krimi nee polisia sei kaer hodi halo investiga no iha investigasaun maka sei hatudu ema nee los ka sala konforme tuir investigasaun identifika maka sei hatudu.\n“Ita hotu sei tuir investigasaun maka sei determina, katak ema nee los ka sala ida nee maka polisia nia papel neebe maka halo no polisia sei la detein ema naran deit,” dehan nia. Natalino T.da Costa\nPrevious article Rama Ambon Mosu Fali Ona\nNext article Ekipa Workshop Saemaul Undong TL Too Ona Korea
[ "Formador Timor Oan Hatudu Kualidade Diak - STL Online Formador Timor Oan Hatudu Kualidade Diak DILI - Oras nee dadaun postu polisia tranzitu neebe maka hari husi Sekretariu Estadu Politika Formasaun Profissional e Empregu (SEPFOPE) liu formador neebe maka SEPFOPE produz husi sentru formsaun sira, ida nee hatudu formador Timor oan sira iha kualidade diak.", "Tuir Sekretariu Estadu Politika Formasaun Pofisional Empregu, (SEPFOPE) Ilidio Ximenes liu husi nian intervista hateten liu husi SEPFOPE entrega postu polisia neebe maka halo husi SEPFOPE liu estudante sentru formasaun sira no ba obra nee rasik ofisialmente entrega ona ba PNTL husi Unidade Polisia Tranzitu atu uza .", "Ita nia estudante sira husi sentru formasaun halo postu tranzitu desde uluk no ohin sira finaliza ona obra nee ho diak no entrega ona ba iha parte ministeriu interior liu liu ba PNTL unidade tranzitu atu uza\" dehan Ilidio ba jornalista sira hafoin remata seremonia inagurasaun Postu Polisia iha Comoro, Kuarta (19/4/2017).", "Nia dehan ba obra neebe maka estudante sentru formasaun sira halo nee atu koko kualidade formador sira durante sira tuir formasaun iha sentru formasaun sira no ohin liu husi obra nee parte SEPFOPE no suporta.", "Tamba sira hatudu ona kualidade liu obra neebe maka estudante sentru formasaun sira no ho ida ita presiza promove sira nian kualidade neebe maka sira rasik hatudu ona,\" dehan nia.", "Governante nee mos hateten ba joven formador sira hatudu ona kualidade liu husi obra hirak hanesan postu polisia neebe maka sira halo iha tinan kotuk no tinan agora konsege halo postu polisia neebe maka diak.", "Ita presiza dignifika ita nia formador sira, tamba husi postu polisia neebe maka total haat neebe maka halo ona inklui postu polisia tranzitu ida iha munisipiu Baucau,\" dehan nia.", "Nia realsa ba postu polisia tranzitu iha lider Comoro nee halo ho osan montante seis mil nee ba kiik no ba postu polisia neebe maka boot nee doze mil no medida uma postu tranzitu nee maka seis por seiz.", "Nia husu ba joven sira tenke kuidadu fasilidade publiku neebe maka iha ona no hatudu konsensia hodi hadomi fasilidade neebe estabelese ona tamba akontese dala barak ba buat hirak neebe maka ita rasik hari ema balun la iha konsensia hodi estraga neebe maka hatudu ona postu polisia iha Bairo Pite nian no Colmera.", "Iha fatin hanesan segundu komandante PNTL Munisipiu Dili, Superintendente Asistente Euclides Belo ba postu polisia neebe maka ohin inagura nee sei prontu uza tamba SEPFOPE ofisialmente entrega ona ba PNTL.", "Ami sei koloka membru polisia tranzitu iha area Comoro tamba movimentu iha area nee boot no presiza duni,\" dehan Euclides.", "Iha fatin hanesan Direktur jeral servisu koperativu Ministeriu Interior (MI) Guelerminha nia parte senti kontenti tamba dala ida tan husi SEPFOPE bele entrega tan uma ba MI hodi ba PNTL unidade tranzitu atu halo servisu.", "Hau husu ba polisia tranzitu no ema hotu tenke kolabora hamutuk hodi tau matan ba fasilidade neebe maka oferese ona bele halo knar fatin ho diak,\" dehan nia.", "Ba postu polisia tranzitu neebe maka lokaliza iha lider ohin Comoro hetan inagurasaun husi SEPFOPE Ilidio Ximenes representante Komandu PNTL superintendente xefe Mateus Fernandes, Polisia komandu PNTL representa husi segundu komadante PNTL munisipiu Dili superintendente asisitente Euclides Belo, komadante tranzitu nasional Valente.", "Partisipa iha seremonia inagurasaun nee Direktur Jeral servisu koperativu Ministeriu Interior (MI) Guelerminha formador sira neebe maka halo obra nee no direjentes SEPFOPE tomak inklui entidades seluk.", "Iha semonia inagurasaun entrega mos sertifikadu ba formador sentru formasaun Becora.'", "Latolera Ema Kriminozu Segundu komandante PNTL Munisipiu Dili, Super intendente Asistente Euclides Belo dehan PNTL sei latolera ema krimininozu.", "Sedeit mak halo krimi, polisia sei la uza fuan no sei kontinua kaer hodi halo prosesu tuir lei neebe haruka.", "PNTL sei la uza fuan ba ema neebe maka halo krimi polisia sei lori hodi halo prosesu tuir lei,\" dehan Euclides.", "Nia hatutan ba ema neebe maka halo krimi nee polisia sei kaer hodi halo investiga no iha investigasaun maka sei hatudu ema nee los ka sala konforme tuir investigasaun identifika maka sei hatudu.", "\"Ita hotu sei tuir investigasaun maka sei determina, katak ema nee los ka sala ida nee maka polisia nia papel neebe maka halo no polisia sei la detein ema naran deit,\" dehan nia.", "Natalino T.da Costa Previous article Rama Ambon Mosu Fali Ona Next article Ekipa Workshop Saemaul Undong TL Too Ona Korea" ]
[ [ "Timorese Trainer Shows Good Quality - STL Online Formador Timór Oan Hatudu Kualidade Diak DILI – Currently, the transit police post established by State Secretariat for Vocational Training and Employment Policy (SEPFOPE) has trainers produced from SEPFope training centres. This shows that East-Timor trainer have a good quality of work; they are well qualified to teach people about traffic law in their own language without having any formal qualifications or experience as an instructor on road safety issues at all levels:" ], [ "According to the Secretary of State for Policies, Vocational Training and Employment (SEPFOPE) Ilidio Ximenes through our interview said that SEPFEPE delivered police posts made by students from training centers. The work itself has been officially given over in hand with PNTL Transit Police Unit so they can use it :" ], [ "Our students from the training centre have been building transit posts since early on and today they finished this work well, handing it over to Ministry of Interior in particular for PNTL's use as a transition unit\" Ilidio told journalist after finishing his inauguration ceremony at Comoro Police Station Thursday (19/4)" ], [ "He said that the work done by students of training centres is to improve trainer’s quality during their time in these centers and today through this project SEPFOPE supported them." ], [ "Because they have shown a higher quality of work than the students from training centres and with this we need to promote their own demonstrated qualities,\" he said." ], [ "The governor also told the young trainers that they have shown quality through these works such as police stations which were built last year and this time it was possible to build a better one." ], [ "We need to dignify our trainers, because of the four police stations that have been built including one transit station in Baucau municipality\", he said." ], [ "He highlighted that the transit police station in Comoro leader made with money amounting to six thousand for small and a larger post of twelve hundred. The measures are about 6 per seiz, which is just under one-third what it would be if you had two or three posts at once!" ], [ "He asked the young people to take care of existing public facilities and show a conscience in love with established facility because it happens many times for things that we have built ourselves some person has no consciousness destroyed which is demonstrated by police stations at Bairo Pite' s Colmera." ], [ "According to Deputy Commander of the PNTL Dili Municipality, Assistant Superintendent Euclides Belo that today inaugurated police station will be ready for use because SEPFOPE has officially handed over it." ], [ "We will deploy transit police members in the Comoro area because movement is big and needed,\" said Euclides." ], [ "On the other hand, Director General of Cooperative Services Ministry Interior (MI) Guelerminha on his part was pleased because once again SEPFOPE can deliver another house to MI so that PNTL transit unit work." ], [ "I ask the traffic police and everyone should collaborate to ensure that facilities already offered can be used properly,\" he said." ], [ "The transit police station located in Lider today Comoro was inaugurated by SEPFOPE Ilidio Ximenes, representative of the PNTL Command superintendent chief Mateus Fernandes. Police commanding officers were represented at this ceremony: Deputy Superintendent for Dili Municipality Euclidees Belo and National Transit Commissioner Valentem Pardo de Souza" ], [ "Participating in the inauguration ceremony were Director General of Cooperative Services Ministry Interior (MI) Guelerminha, trainers who have done this work and all SEPFOPE managers including other entities." ], [ "At the inauguration ceremony, a certificate was also presented to trainer of Becora training centre.'" ], [ "Dili Municipal Police Department will not tolerate criminals Deputy Commander of the PNTL, Superintendent Asistente Euclides Belo said that police department is willing to forgive those who commit crime." ], [ "If you commit a crime, the police will not use force or continue to arrest and prosecute in accordance with law." ], [ "\"Police will not use force against people who commit crimes, the police shall take them to prosecute accordingly.\"" ], [ "He said that the person who committed this crime will be caught by police to investigate and in an inquiry it shall show whether he is right or wrong accordingly, as identified through research." ], [ "\"We will all follow the investigation that determines whether a person is right or wrong, this was police role and they won't arrest people just by name.\"" ], [ "Natalino T.da Costa Previous article Rama Ambon Mosu Fali Ona Next Article Team Workshop Saemaul Undong TL Too One Korea" ] ]