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Politíka Redasaun Kanál Mídia entre Influensia Politíka no Interese Pùbliku\nRelasaun entre mídia ho politíka, ema dehan, “antara cinta dan benci.” maske hanesan ne’e, parte rua ne’e presiza malu. Ida fò informasaun no ida seluk hato’o informasaun. Iha kontestuprosesu harii demokrasia, mídia hola papel importante laos hato’o deit informasaun ba pùbliku. Maibé liu ida-ne’e nia hala’o mòs funsaun kontrolu sosiál ba lalaok prosesu governasaun no servisu pùbliku ne’ebé entidade sira Estadu nian hala’o. Jornalista profesionál sira fiar katak atu realiza papel ne’e presiza iha prinsípiu universál jornalistíku, hanesan fair and balance reporting, independensia no prinsípiu sira seluk-tan, nune’e pùbliku nia direitu atu asesu informasaun bele hakunu ho loloos. Kualidade demokrasia depende mòs oinsa opiniaun pùbliku ne’e forma ho di’ak iha ambiente ida-ne’ebé diversu no livre.\nEntau, mídia iha responsabilidade boot atu forma opiniaun pùbliku liu-husi ninia notisia no programa sira relevante. Tan-ne’e mídia tenke hala’o ninia papel tuir prinsípiu sira jornalizmu nian. Atu asegura mídia hala’o ninia papel ho di’ak nia tenke moris iha ambiente ida ne’ebé livre no lahetan presaun ruma husi parte ne’ebé deit. Misaun prinsipál mídia nian iha tempu modernu agora mak tau aas-liu interese ùmanu duke interese grupu. Mídia tenke sees husi influensia hotuhotu, tantu influensia politíka ka ekonòmia. Iha kontestu eleisaun, jornalista sira tenke hakerek no hato’o notisia ka programa sira ho independente no imparsiál. Maibé, faktu empiris hatudu katak jornalista balu iha relasaun ho politíku sira no balu fali afilia ba partidu politíka balu. Mídia presiza duni konsidera fraze Inglés tuir mai ne’e, relationship can be close, but not too close. Fraze husi lian Inglés ne’e ezije oinsa jornalista ida jere ninia an-rasik atu limita relasaun ho politíku sira iha situasaun espesifíku ida, nunee nia bele serbisu ho independente no imparsiál.\nLaos ne’e deit, politíka redasaun kada kanál mídia mòs tenke independente husi influensia politíka ka ekonòmia tamba prosesu tomak serbisu no atividade jornalistíku nian ne’e liu-husi dapur redasaun nian. Politíka redasaun kanál mídia sira tenke hasoru mós realidade katak mídia nain balu involve iha partidu politíka no balu fali iha relasaun ho politíku sira. Ida-ne’e tau pozisaun politíka redasaun kanál mídia sira iha dilema nia laran. Saida mak mídia presiza halo iha situasaun ne’e? Jornalista ka Kanál mídia sira tenke konsiente katak sira serbisu ba interese públiku laos interese mídia nain sira nian. Entau, kada kanál midia tenke asegura kedas ninia independensia no imparsialidade politika redasaun nian husi relasaun politika hanesan ne’e.\nPolitíka redasaun nu’udar matadalan ida, entau iha ninia artigu tenke hatuur kedas katak politíka redasaun husi kanál mídia ne’e independente husi interese politíka, ekonòmia no interese hotuhotu ne’ebé afeita atividade jornalistíku kanál mídia nian. Siknifika estrutura kanál mídia nian husi diretòr to’o iha xefe redasaun tenke sees husi influensia politíka. Maske jornalista sira mòs iha direitu politíka hanesan sidadaun sira seluk, maibé misaun ne’ebé sira hala’o ne’e ezije duni atu sira serbisu ho independente no imparsiál. Kanál mídia tenke asegura ona katak jornalista hotuhotu tenke kompriende no kumpri Kòdigu Étika jornalistíka ne’ebé eziste. Kumpri Kòdigu Étika laos deit ezijensia étika, maibé mòs nu’udar dalan ida atu jornalista sira la’o-tuir hodi evita akuzasaun legál ne’ebé kauza husi mídia nia pùblikasaun rasik.\nIha kontestu tinan politíka [eleisaun] ne’e, RTTL no ANTIL nu’udar kanál mídia pùblika ne’ebé potensiál tebes ba influensia politíka tamba sira hetan fundu husi Estadu liu-husi governu ne’ebé ukun. Esperansa públiku nia mak politíka redasaun RTTL no ANTIL nia tenke independente duni husi lasu no influensia politíka sira. Entau, estrutura kanál mídia públiku rua ne’e tenke lidera husi ema sira ne’ebé laiha relasaun ruma ho politíku, partidu sira no sátan governu. Se lae, independensia, imparsialidade no objetividade husi kanál midia rua ne’e sei lakon. Prezensa eis-Ministru Finansia, Emilia Pires iha programa sala redasaun TVTL nian iha tinan hirak-liu ba sai pólemika iha momentu ne’ebá. Sra. Emilia halo defeza ba nia-an iha programa forum públiku ne’e relasióna ho ninia julgamentu iha tribunál. Públika kestióna independensia no fairness redasaun RTTL nian tamba laiha fonte selukmak mosu iha progama ne’e. Loloos ne’e, TVTL konvida parte instituisaun judisiál no sosidade sivil atu hato’o mós sira nia hanoin kona-ba kazu ne’e, maibé ida-ne’e laakontese.\nIndependensia lasiknifika tenke independente makaas hanesan BBC, maibé maizu-menus besik ida-ne’e, ne’e mak ema barak ka públiku nia mehi ba independensia RTTL no ANTIL nu’udar kanál mídia pùbliku. Molok tama iha tinan politíka 2017, jornalista balu RTTL nian deskonfia hetan envelope [osan] husi governante balu ho intensaun atu transmiti atividade tomak husi instituisaun ne’ebé sira lidera. Ho aktu ne’e, mosu impresaun katak entidade ka instituisaun governu sira seluk nunka serbisu no laiha atividade atu hala’o tamba TVTL ladun kovre atividade instituisaun sira seluk nian. Iha town hall meeting ne’ebé foin dadauk ne’e Asosiasaun Jornalista Timor Loro Sa’e (AJTL) organiza, Xefe Departmentu Informasaun RTTL nian, Elisio “Nito” Pinto hato’o oinsa RTTL nia jornalista balu simu osan husi politíku sira ne’ebé dadauk ne’e ukun. Nia uza biban ne’e hodi husu Conselho de Imprensa (CI) atu haree asuntu refere tamba afeita makaas independensia jornalista no politíka redasaun RTTL nian iha nia pùblikasaun.\nLoos duni, deklarasaun husi Sr. Nito ne’e halo ema barak hakfodak tamba pùblikamente hato’o parsialidade jornalista RTTL nian balu ne’ebé durante ne’e hala’o atividade jornalistíku. Pergunta mak ne’e, karik jornalista ne’e simu duni osan husi instituisaun ka governante ruma hodi halo kobertura ba sira nia atividade, tansa notisia husi atividade ne’e públika? Iha situasaun hanesan ne’e, redasaun mak iha kompetensia atu foti desizaun katak notisia ne’e bele ka labele atu hatuun. Difisil duni atu siik razaun tansa notisia hirak ne’e hatuun. Maibé, buat ne’ebé importante-liu iha ne’e mak xefe departementu informasaun RTTL nia onestidade ba asuntu ne’e tamba nia hakarak mudansa. Nia frankamente hato’o ba entidade tomak mídia nian atu haree situasaun ne’e tamba afeita independensia redasaun RTTL nian. Hahalok simu osan ka sasan ruma husi ema ka instituisaun ruma, jornalista ne’e viola ona Kòdigu Étika jornalistíka tamba ida-ne’e subornu no konsidera mòs nu’udar aktu krime tuir Kòdigu Penál.\nSaida mak mídia tenke halo iha tinan politíka ne’e? Mídia laos deit atu hato’o informasaun hodi lori votante sira bá sentru votasaun, maibé mòs eduka no hakbit sidadaun sira atu hetene sira nia direitu. Oinsa atu kontrola orgaun sira ne’ebé organiza eleisaun husi manipulasaun no oinsa hato’o keisa kona-ba fraùde ne’ebé mosu iha eleisaun ho independente no balansiu. Mídia mòs presiza konvense sidadaun hotuhotu atu ezerse sira nia direitu tamba iha sidadaun balu dalaruma lakohi atu vota iha eleisaun tamba sira lagosta politíku sira ne’ebé dadaun ne’e ukun. Tuir sira, politíku sira ne’e durante ukun lahalo mudansa ba povu nia moris. Sidadaun sira ne’e mak ativista no mahasiswa sira, loloos ne’e sira nia votu ne’e nu’udar votu alternativa, nune’e bele halo mudansa politika, selae status quo sei iha nafatin. “Golput” bele mosu iha eleisaun jerál ida-ne’e, entau midia tenke halo esforsu makaas duni atu bele konvense ema hirak ne’e, nune’e sira bele ezerse sira nia direitu iha loron eleisaun tamba sira ninia votu iha impaktu boot ba mudansa politíka no dezenvolvimentu iha periòdu tinan lima mai.\nIha sorin seluk, mídia mòs tenke kuidu ho politíku sira ninia lasu tamba iha prosesu kampaña eleitorál sira sempre hato’o susesu ne’ebé sira iha. Liuliu, partidu sira ne’ebé ukun, sertamente sira sei hato’o buat di’ak deit, nunee bele hetan rekuinesimentu husi povu. Iha aspeitu jornalizmu, politíku sira hakarak valor notisia ne’ebé babain, hanesan “asu tata ema” maibé jornalista tenke buka leet hodi hato’o valor notisia ne’ebé lababain [unusual] “ema tata asu”. Siknifika jornalista tenke kritíku no analitíku iha kestaun ne’e. Wartawan tidak hanya sekedar bertanya, tetapi mempertanyakanapa yang disampaikan oleh para politisi itu. Atu konkretiza ida-ne’e, presiza iha “fair and balance reporting” husi kada jornalista. Siknifika, laiha favoritizmu iha atividade jornalistíku durante kanál mídia sira nia públikasaun kona-ba eleisaun. Balansiu siknifika espasu no tempu públikasaun ba kada kanditadu ka partidu tenke hanesan. Laiha kandidatu ka partidu ida mak hetan espasu ka tempu barak ka boot-liu ida seluk. Konserteza ne’e sai dezafiu boot ba kanál mídia sira ne’ebé falta rekursu úmanu, osamentu no falta fasiladade apoiu, hanesan transporte no fasilidade sira seluk. Agora ida-ne’e depende ba mídia idaidak nia estratejia oinsa atu hakunu ezijensia prinsípu sira jornalizmu nian iha leten.\nFinalmente, mídia ka jornalista tenke hala’o nia serbisu ho profesionál, siknfika tenke serbisu tuir prinsípiu universál jornalistíku no Kòdigu Ètika jornalistíka, nune’e pùbliku lakestiòna sira nia independensia, imparsialidade no bele hasees-an husi ameasa oioin. Iha aprezentasaun paper ida, Porta Voz NATO, Dr. J.P. Shea hateten, “Politisi dan jurnalis mesti saling melayani satu satu sama lain dengan saling menghargai, akan tetapi bukan dengan persahabatan – politisi yang meyakini bahwa dia mengontrol jurnalis, itu akan hanya mengecewakan; jurnalis yang terlalu dekat dengan politisi akan kehilangan obyektivitasnya. Hubungan boleh dekat, namun jangan terlalu dekat. Hein katak fraze ida-ne’e bele sai motivasaun ba kanál mídia sira no jornalista Timor Oan hotuhotu atu serbisu ho independente no imparsiál iha tinan politíka 2017. Viva jornalista Timor-Leste!\nDiretór Dezenvolvimentu no Análiza Mídia Conselho de Imprensa,\nno Prezidente Konsellu Étika Asosiasaun Jornalista Timor Lorosa’e (AJTL)\nMore in this category: « Elisaun Parlamentar 2017: Hili Representantes Partidu Politiku Ka Representantes Povu?\tKnaar Média no Dezafiu iha Eleisaun Lejizlativa 2017 »\n/Politíka Redasaun Kanál Mídia entre Influensia Politíka no Interese Pùbliku | [
"Politika Redasaun Kanal Midia entre Influensia Politika no Interese Publiku Relasaun entre midia ho politika, ema dehan, \"antara cinta dan benci.\" maske hanesan ne'e, parte rua ne'e presiza malu.",
"Ida fo informasaun no ida seluk hato'o informasaun.",
"Iha kontestuprosesu harii demokrasia, midia hola papel importante laos hato'o deit informasaun ba publiku.",
"Maibe liu ida-ne'e nia hala'o mos funsaun kontrolu sosial ba lalaok prosesu governasaun no servisu publiku ne'ebe entidade sira Estadu nian hala'o.",
"Jornalista profesional sira fiar katak atu realiza papel ne'e presiza iha prinsipiu universal jornalistiku, hanesan fair and balance reporting, independensia no prinsipiu sira seluk-tan, nune'e publiku nia direitu atu asesu informasaun bele hakunu ho loloos.",
"Kualidade demokrasia depende mos oinsa opiniaun publiku ne'e forma ho di'ak iha ambiente ida-ne'ebe diversu no livre.",
"Entau, midia iha responsabilidade boot atu forma opiniaun publiku liu-husi ninia notisia no programa sira relevante.",
"Tan-ne'e midia tenke hala'o ninia papel tuir prinsipiu sira jornalizmu nian.",
"Atu asegura midia hala'o ninia papel ho di'ak nia tenke moris iha ambiente ida ne'ebe livre no lahetan presaun ruma husi parte ne'ebe deit.",
"Misaun prinsipal midia nian iha tempu modernu agora mak tau aas-liu interese umanu duke interese grupu.",
"Midia tenke sees husi influensia hotuhotu, tantu influensia politika ka ekonomia.",
"Iha kontestu eleisaun, jornalista sira tenke hakerek no hato'o notisia ka programa sira ho independente no imparsial.",
"Maibe, faktu empiris hatudu katak jornalista balu iha relasaun ho politiku sira no balu fali afilia ba partidu politika balu.",
"Midia presiza duni konsidera fraze Ingles tuir mai ne'e, relationship can be close, but not too close.",
"Fraze husi lian Ingles ne'e ezije oinsa jornalista ida jere ninia an-rasik atu limita relasaun ho politiku sira iha situasaun espesifiku ida, nunee nia bele serbisu ho independente no imparsial.",
"Laos ne'e deit, politika redasaun kada kanal midia mos tenke independente husi influensia politika ka ekonomia tamba prosesu tomak serbisu no atividade jornalistiku nian ne'e liu-husi dapur redasaun nian.",
"Politika redasaun kanal midia sira tenke hasoru mos realidade katak midia nain balu involve iha partidu politika no balu fali iha relasaun ho politiku sira.",
"Ida-ne'e tau pozisaun politika redasaun kanal midia sira iha dilema nia laran.",
"Saida mak midia presiza halo iha situasaun ne'e?",
"Jornalista ka Kanal midia sira tenke konsiente katak sira serbisu ba interese publiku laos interese midia nain sira nian.",
"Entau, kada kanal midia tenke asegura kedas ninia independensia no imparsialidade politika redasaun nian husi relasaun politika hanesan ne'e.",
"Politika redasaun nu'udar matadalan ida, entau iha ninia artigu tenke hatuur kedas katak politika redasaun husi kanal midia ne'e independente husi interese politika, ekonomia no interese hotuhotu ne'ebe afeita atividade jornalistiku kanal midia nian.",
"Siknifika estrutura kanal midia nian husi diretor to'o iha xefe redasaun tenke sees husi influensia politika.",
"Maske jornalista sira mos iha direitu politika hanesan sidadaun sira seluk, maibe misaun ne'ebe sira hala'o ne'e ezije duni atu sira serbisu ho independente no imparsial.",
"Kanal midia tenke asegura ona katak jornalista hotuhotu tenke kompriende no kumpri Kodigu Etika jornalistika ne'ebe eziste.",
"Kumpri Kodigu Etika laos deit ezijensia etika, maibe mos nu'udar dalan ida atu jornalista sira la'o-tuir hodi evita akuzasaun legal ne'ebe kauza husi midia nia publikasaun rasik.",
"Iha kontestu tinan politika [eleisaun] ne'e, RTTL no ANTIL nu'udar kanal midia publika ne'ebe potensial tebes ba influensia politika tamba sira hetan fundu husi Estadu liu-husi governu ne'ebe ukun.",
"Esperansa publiku nia mak politika redasaun RTTL no ANTIL nia tenke independente duni husi lasu no influensia politika sira.",
"Entau, estrutura kanal midia publiku rua ne'e tenke lidera husi ema sira ne'ebe laiha relasaun ruma ho politiku, partidu sira no satan governu.",
"Se lae, independensia, imparsialidade no objetividade husi kanal midia rua ne'e sei lakon.",
"Prezensa eis-Ministru Finansia, Emilia Pires iha programa sala redasaun TVTL nian iha tinan hirak-liu ba sai polemika iha momentu ne'eba.",
"Emilia halo defeza ba nia-an iha programa forum publiku ne'e relasiona ho ninia julgamentu iha tribunal.",
"Publika kestiona independensia no fairness redasaun RTTL nian tamba laiha fonte selukmak mosu iha progama ne'e.",
"Loloos ne'e, TVTL konvida parte instituisaun judisial no sosidade sivil atu hato'o mos sira nia hanoin kona-ba kazu ne'e, maibe ida-ne'e laakontese.",
"Independensia lasiknifika tenke independente makaas hanesan BBC, maibe maizu-menus besik ida-ne'e, ne'e mak ema barak ka publiku nia mehi ba independensia RTTL no ANTIL nu'udar kanal midia publiku.",
"Molok tama iha tinan politika 2017, jornalista balu RTTL nian deskonfia hetan envelope [osan] husi governante balu ho intensaun atu transmiti atividade tomak husi instituisaun ne'ebe sira lidera.",
"Ho aktu ne'e, mosu impresaun katak entidade ka instituisaun governu sira seluk nunka serbisu no laiha atividade atu hala'o tamba TVTL ladun kovre atividade instituisaun sira seluk nian.",
"Iha town hall meeting ne'ebe foin dadauk ne'e Asosiasaun Jornalista Timor Loro Sa'e (AJTL) organiza, Xefe Departmentu Informasaun RTTL nian, Elisio \"Nito\" Pinto hato'o oinsa RTTL nia jornalista balu simu osan husi politiku sira ne'ebe dadauk ne'e ukun.",
"Nia uza biban ne'e hodi husu Conselho de Imprensa (CI) atu haree asuntu refere tamba afeita makaas independensia jornalista no politika redasaun RTTL nian iha nia publikasaun.",
"Loos duni, deklarasaun husi Sr. Nito ne'e halo ema barak hakfodak tamba publikamente hato'o parsialidade jornalista RTTL nian balu ne'ebe durante ne'e hala'o atividade jornalistiku.",
"Pergunta mak ne'e, karik jornalista ne'e simu duni osan husi instituisaun ka governante ruma hodi halo kobertura ba sira nia atividade, tansa notisia husi atividade ne'e publika?",
"Iha situasaun hanesan ne'e, redasaun mak iha kompetensia atu foti desizaun katak notisia ne'e bele ka labele atu hatuun.",
"Difisil duni atu siik razaun tansa notisia hirak ne'e hatuun.",
"Maibe, buat ne'ebe importante-liu iha ne'e mak xefe departementu informasaun RTTL nia onestidade ba asuntu ne'e tamba nia hakarak mudansa.",
"Nia frankamente hato'o ba entidade tomak midia nian atu haree situasaun ne'e tamba afeita independensia redasaun RTTL nian.",
"Hahalok simu osan ka sasan ruma husi ema ka instituisaun ruma, jornalista ne'e viola ona Kodigu Etika jornalistika tamba ida-ne'e subornu no konsidera mos nu'udar aktu krime tuir Kodigu Penal.",
"Saida mak midia tenke halo iha tinan politika ne'e?",
"Midia laos deit atu hato'o informasaun hodi lori votante sira ba sentru votasaun, maibe mos eduka no hakbit sidadaun sira atu hetene sira nia direitu.",
"Oinsa atu kontrola orgaun sira ne'ebe organiza eleisaun husi manipulasaun no oinsa hato'o keisa kona-ba fraude ne'ebe mosu iha eleisaun ho independente no balansiu.",
"Midia mos presiza konvense sidadaun hotuhotu atu ezerse sira nia direitu tamba iha sidadaun balu dalaruma lakohi atu vota iha eleisaun tamba sira lagosta politiku sira ne'ebe dadaun ne'e ukun.",
"Tuir sira, politiku sira ne'e durante ukun lahalo mudansa ba povu nia moris.",
"Sidadaun sira ne'e mak ativista no mahasiswa sira, loloos ne'e sira nia votu ne'e nu'udar votu alternativa, nune'e bele halo mudansa politika, selae status quo sei iha nafatin.",
"\"Golput\" bele mosu iha eleisaun jeral ida-ne'e, entau midia tenke halo esforsu makaas duni atu bele konvense ema hirak ne'e, nune'e sira bele ezerse sira nia direitu iha loron eleisaun tamba sira ninia votu iha impaktu boot ba mudansa politika no dezenvolvimentu iha periodu tinan lima mai.",
"Iha sorin seluk, midia mos tenke kuidu ho politiku sira ninia lasu tamba iha prosesu kampana eleitoral sira sempre hato'o susesu ne'ebe sira iha.",
"Liuliu, partidu sira ne'ebe ukun, sertamente sira sei hato'o buat di'ak deit, nunee bele hetan rekuinesimentu husi povu.",
"Iha aspeitu jornalizmu, politiku sira hakarak valor notisia ne'ebe babain, hanesan \"asu tata ema\" maibe jornalista tenke buka leet hodi hato'o valor notisia ne'ebe lababain [unusual] \"ema tata asu.\"",
"Siknifika jornalista tenke kritiku no analitiku iha kestaun ne'e.",
"Wartawan tidak hanya sekedar bertanya, tetapi mempertanyakanapa yang disampaikan oleh para politisi itu.",
"Atu konkretiza ida-ne'e, presiza iha \"fair and balance reporting\" husi kada jornalista.",
"Siknifika, laiha favoritizmu iha atividade jornalistiku durante kanal midia sira nia publikasaun kona-ba eleisaun.",
"Balansiu siknifika espasu no tempu publikasaun ba kada kanditadu ka partidu tenke hanesan.",
"Laiha kandidatu ka partidu ida mak hetan espasu ka tempu barak ka boot-liu ida seluk.",
"Konserteza ne'e sai dezafiu boot ba kanal midia sira ne'ebe falta rekursu umanu, osamentu no falta fasiladade apoiu, hanesan transporte no fasilidade sira seluk.",
"Agora ida-ne'e depende ba midia idaidak nia estratejia oinsa atu hakunu ezijensia prinsipu sira jornalizmu nian iha leten.",
"Finalmente, midia ka jornalista tenke hala'o nia serbisu ho profesional, siknfika tenke serbisu tuir prinsipiu universal jornalistiku no Kodigu Etika jornalistika, nune'e publiku lakestiona sira nia independensia, imparsialidade no bele hasees-an husi ameasa oioin.",
"Iha aprezentasaun paper ida, Porta Voz NATO, Dr. J.P. Shea hateten, \"Politisi dan jurnalis mesti saling melayani satu satu sama lain dengan saling menghargai, akan tetapi bukan dengan persahabatan - politisi yang meyakini bahwa dia mengontrol jurnalis, itu akan hanya mengecewakan; jurnalis yang terlalu dekat dengan politisi akan kehilangan obyektivitasnya.",
"Hubungan boleh dekat, namun jangan terlalu dekat.",
"Hein katak fraze ida-ne'e bele sai motivasaun ba kanal midia sira no jornalista Timor Oan hotuhotu atu serbisu ho independente no imparsial iha tinan politika 2017.",
"Viva jornalista Timor-Leste!",
"Diretor Dezenvolvimentu no Analiza Midia Conselho de Imprensa, no Prezidente Konsellu Etika Asosiasaun Jornalista Timor Lorosa'e (AJTL) More in this category: \" Elisaun Parlamentar 2017: Hili Representantes Partidu Politiku Ka Representantes Povu?",
"Knaar Media no Dezafiu iha Eleisaun Lejizlativa 2017 \" /Politika Redasaun Kanal Midia entre Influensia Politika no Interese Publiku"
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"Politics Media Channels Editorial Between Political Influence and Public Interest The relationship between the media & politics, it is said to be \"before love then hatred.\""
"One provides information and the other presents it."
"In the context of democracy-building processes, media play an important role not only in informing public opinion."
"But through this it also carries out the function of social control over governance processes and public services performed by State entities."
"Professional journalists believe that to fulfil this role, they must respect universal journalism principled such as fair and balance reporting; independence of the media. The public' s right for access can only be properly protected if all other fundamental rights are upheld in a manner which is consistent with their professional responsibilities defined by law (especially those relating To freedom Of Expression)."
"The quality of democracy also depends on how well public opinion is formed in a diverse and free environment."
"The media therefore have a great responsibility to form public opinion through their news and relevant programmes."
"The media must therefore play its role in accordance with the principles of journalism."
"To ensure that the media can perform its role properly, it must live in an environment of freedom and without pressure from any side."
"The main mission of the media in modern times is now to put human interests above group ones."
"The media must be free from all influences, whether political or economic."
"In the context of an election, journalists must write and report news or programs with independence."
"However, empirical evidence shows that some journalists have ties to politician and others are affiliated with certain political parties."
"The media should consider the following English phrase: relationship can be close, but not too near."
"This phrase requires how a journalist manage his or her self-control to limit relations with politician in specific situation, so that he/she can work independently and impartially."
"Not only that, but the editorial policy of each media channel must also be independent from political or economic influences as all processes and journalistic activities are carried out through its editor' s office."
"Editorial policies of media channel are also confronted with the reality that some news outlet is involved in political parties and others have relations to politician."
"This puts the political position of media channel editor-in–chief in a dilemma."
"What should the media do in this situation?"
"Journalists or media outlet must be aware that they are working in the public interest and not for their own."
"Therefore, each media channel must immediately ensure its independence and political neutrality of the editorial staff from such a policy relationship."
"Editorial policy is a guideline, but in its article it must be stated immediately that the editorial policies of media outlet are independent from political and economic interest or any other concern affecting journalistic activity."
"This means that the structure of a media channel from director to editor-in–chief must be freed off political influence."
"While journalists enjoy political rights as all other citizens, the mission they carry out require them to work independently and impartially."
"The media outlets must ensure that all their staff understand and comply with the existing Code of Journalistic Ethics."
"Complying with the Code of Ethics is not only an ethical requirement, but also a way for journalists to avoid legal charged by their own media publications."
"In the context of this political [election] year, RTTL and ANTIL are public media channels with a high potential to influence politics because they receive funding from state rather than ruling government."
"The public expectation is that the editorial policy of RTTL and ANTIL should be independent from political influences."
"Therefore, the structure of these two public media channels must be led by people who have no connection with politician and parties or government."
"Otherwise the independence, impartiality and objectivity of these two media channels will be lost."
"The presence of former Finance Minister Emilia Pires in TVTL' s newsroom program over the past few years became controversial at that time."
"Ms. Annette Krüger"
"Emilia defended herself on the public forum program in connection with his trial."
"The public questioned the independence and fairness of RTTL's editorial staff because no other source appeared in this program."
"Instead, TVTL invited the judiciary and civil society to express their views on this case but they did not do so."
"Independence does not mean to be as highly independent, like the BBC but more or less this is what many people and public desire for independence of RTTL/ANTIL."
"Ahead of the 2017 political year, some RTTL journalists suspected receiving envelopes [money] from certain rulers with a view to broadcasting all activities in their institutions."
"With this act, the impression is created that other government entities or institutions never work and have no activities to carry out because TVTL does not cover their activity."
"At a recent town hall meeting organized by the Timor Loro Sa'e Journalists Association (AJTL), Head of Information Department, Elisio \"Nito\" Pinto outlined how some RT TL journalist receive money from politician in power."
"He took the opportunity to ask that Conselho de Imprensa (CI) look into this matter as it seriously affects journalistic independence and RTTL'S editorial policy in its publications."
"Indeed, Mr. Nito's statement has upset many people because it publicly exposes the partiality of some RTTL journalist who have been carrying out journalism activities during this time period"
"The question is, if the journalist indeed receives money from an institution or a government to cover their activities why does he publish news about them?"
"In such a situation, the editorial board has competence to decide whether or not it should publish that story."
"It is difficult to find reasons why such news should be believed."
"But what is most important here, however was the head of RTTL's information department being honest on this issue because he wanted change."
"He frankly appealed to the entire media entity for a look at this situation as it affects RTTL'S editorial independence."
"By accepting money or goods from a person, institution and/or body the journalist violates Journalism Code of Ethics as this is bribery which also constitute an act criminalized under Criminal Law."
"What should the media do in this political year?"
"The media is not only responsible for conveying information to get voters into the polling stations, but also educate and empower citizens in respecting their rights."
"How to control the bodies that organize elections from manipulation and how complaints about fraud occurring in an election can be lodged with independence."
"The media also need to convince all citizens that they should exercise their right, as some of them sometimes refuse voting in elections because the politicians who are currently at power dislike it."
"According to them, these politicians were not willing during their tenure of office for change in the lives."
"These citizens are activists and students, whose vote is supposed to be an alternative one so that political change can take place or the status quo will remain."
"\"Golputs\" may occur in this general election, but the media must make a great effort to convince these people so that they can exercise their right on polling day because your vote has an enormous impact for political change and development over five years."
"On the other hand, media should also be careful with politicians' laziness because in electoral campaigning they always report on their successes."
"Liuliu, the ruling parties will certainly bring only good things so that they can get recognition from people."
"In terms of journalism, politicians want the value in news that is unusual like \"a man with a dog\" but journalist must look beyond to present this uncommon “man-dog” story."
"It means that journalists must be critical and analytical on this issue."
"The journalists did not just ask questions, but questioned what was being said by the politician."
"In order to achieve this, fair and balanced reporting is required from each journalist."
"In other words, there was no favouritism in journalistic activity during media outlets’ publications on the elections."
"Balance means that the space and time of publication for each candidate or party should be equal."
"No single candidate or party has been given too much space, time and attention as the other."
"This has become a major challenge for media channels that lack human resources, equipment and supporting facilities such as transportation or other amenities."
"Now it depends on the strategy of each media outlet to align itself with these requirements."
"Finally, the media or journalists must carry out their work in a professional manner and according to universal journalism principle of Journalistic Ethics Code so that public does not question its independence."
"In a paper presented to Porta Voz NATO, Dr J.P Shea said: \"Politicians and journalists must serve each other with mutual respect but not in friendship - the politician who believe that he can control him will only be disappointed; if they are too closely associates of one another then their objectivity is lost.\""
"Relationships can be close, but not too much."
"I hope that this phrase will be a motivation for all Timorese media channels and journalist to work independently, impartially in the political year of2017."
"Long live journalist Timor-Leste!"
"Director of Development and Media Analysis Press Council, President Ethics Board Timorese Journalist Association (AJTL) More in this category: \" Parliamentary Elections 2017 - Choose Representatives from Political Parties or the People?"
"Knaar Media no Dezafiu iha Eleisaun Lejiztiva 2017\" /Politika Redação Kanal Midia between political influence and public interest."
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Roma 6 | Bíblia online | New World Translation\nMoris foun liuhusi batizmu iha Kristu (1-11)\nKeta husik sala ukun imi-nia isin (12-14)\nSai livre ona husi sala no sai atan ba Maromak (15-23)\nSala nia kolen mak mate; Maromak nia prezente mak moris (23)\n6 Tan neʼe, ita sei dehan saida? Ita bele kontinua halo sala atu nuneʼe Maromak nia laran-diʼak neʼebé boot bele sai barak liután ka? 2 Lae duni! Tanba ita mate ona kona-ba sala,+ entaun ita labele kontinua atu moris iha sala laran, loos ka lae?+ 3 Imi hatene ka lae katak ita hotu neʼebé hetan ona batizmu* iha Kristu Jesus,+ ita hetan batizmu iha nia mate?+ 4 Entaun, ita hakoi tiha ona hamutuk ho nia liuhusi ita-nia batizmu iha nia mate,+ atu nuneʼe, hanesan Kristu moris fali husi mate liuhusi Aman nia glória, ita mós tenke laʼo iha moris neʼebé foun.+ 5 Se ita mate ona hanesan nia, ita sei moris fali duni hanesan nia,+ no iha buat sira-neʼe mak ita sai ida deʼit ho nia.+ 6 Tanba ita hatene katak ita-nia hahalok tuan nian prega tiha ona ba ai-riin hamutuk ho nia,+ atu nuneʼe ita-nia isin neʼebé sala la domina tan ita,+ no ita la kontinua tan sai atan ba sala.+ 7 Tanba ema neʼebé mate, nia selu ona tusan hotu* ba ninia sala. 8 Liután neʼe, se ita mate ona ho Kristu, ita fiar katak ita mós sei moris ho nia. 9 Tanba ita hatene katak Kristu moris fali ona husi mate,+ no nia sei la mate tan,+ no mate la iha tan kbiit atu ukun nia. 10 Tanba nia mate dala ida deʼit ba nafatin atu halakon sala, no nia sei la mate tan ba nafatin,+ maibé nia moris ona atu bele halo Maromak nia hakarak. 11 Nuneʼe mós ho imi, imi tenke haree imi-nia an hanesan mate ona kona-ba sala maibé imi moris atu halo Maromak nia hakarak liuhusi Kristu Jesus.+ 12 Tan neʼe, keta husik sala ukun nafatin imi nuʼudar liurai iha imi-nia isin neʼebé sei mate,+ hodi halo tuir isin nia hakarak sira. 13 No mós keta kontinua entrega imi-nia isin ba sala nuʼudar armas atu halo hahalok la loos. Maibé entrega imi-nia an ba Maromak nuʼudar ema neʼebé moris ona husi mate, no mós entrega imi-nia isin ba Maromak nuʼudar armas atu halo hahalok loos.+ 14 Keta husik sala domina imi nuʼudar imi-nia naʼi, tanba imi laʼós iha ukun-fuan nia okos,+ maibé imi simu ona Maromak nia laran-diʼak neʼebé boot.+ 15 Neʼe katak sá? Neʼe katak ita bele halo sala tanba ita laʼós tan iha ukun-fuan nia okos maibé simu ona Maromak nia laran-diʼak neʼebé boot ka?+ Lae duni! 16 Imi hatene ka lae? Se imi entrega imi-nia an ba ema ida hodi sempre halo tuir nia, imi mak ninia atan.+ Tan neʼe, se imi atan ba sala,+ ida-neʼe sei lori imi ba mate.+ Maibé se imi atan ba Maromak no halo tuir nia, imi sei sai ema laran-loos. 17 Entaun mai ita fó obrigadu ba Maromak. Uluk imi atan ba sala, maibé agora husi imi-nia laran imi halo tuir hanorin neʼebé Maromak entrega ona ba imi. 18 Neʼe duni, tanba imi sai livre ona husi sala,+ imi sai atan ba Maromak no halo buat neʼebé loos.+ 19 Haʼu koʼalia ho liafuan neʼebé simples tanba imi-nia isin fraku. Hanesan uluk imi uza imi-nia liman-ain nuʼudar atan ba hahalok la moos no kontra lei hodi halo hahalok neʼebé la tuir lei, agora fó imi-nia liman-ain nuʼudar atan ba buat loos hodi halo hahalok santu.+ 20 Tanba kuandu imi atan ba sala, hahalok loos laʼós nuʼudar imi-nia naʼi. 21 Entaun, saida mak rezultadu husi imi-nia hahalok iha tempu neʼebá? Neʼe mak hahalok neʼebé agora halo imi moe. Tanba buat sira-neʼe lori ba mate.+ 22 Maibé agora, tanba imi sai livre ona husi sala no sai atan ba Maromak, rezultadu mak imi-nia moris santu,+ no ikusmai neʼe lori imi ba moris rohan-laek.+ 23 Tanba sala nia kolen mak mate,+ maibé prezente neʼebé Maromak fó mak moris rohan-laek+ liuhusi Kristu Jesus ita-nia Naʼi.+\n^ Ka “nia livre; hetan perdua ona”. | [
"Roma 6 | Biblia online | New World Translation Moris foun liuhusi batizmu iha Kristu (1-11) Keta husik sala ukun imi-nia isin (12-14) Sai livre ona husi sala no sai atan ba Maromak (15-23) Sala nia kolen mak mate; Maromak nia prezente mak moris (23) 6 Tan ne'e, ita sei dehan saida?",
"Ita bele kontinua halo sala atu nune'e Maromak nia laran-di'ak ne'ebe boot bele sai barak liutan ka?",
"2 Lae duni!",
"Tanba ita mate ona kona-ba sala,+ entaun ita labele kontinua atu moris iha sala laran, loos ka lae?+ 3 Imi hatene ka lae katak ita hotu ne'ebe hetan ona batizmu* iha Kristu Jesus,+ ita hetan batizmu iha nia mate?+ 4 Entaun, ita hakoi tiha ona hamutuk ho nia liuhusi ita-nia batizmu iha nia mate,+ atu nune'e, hanesan Kristu moris fali husi mate liuhusi Aman nia gloria, ita mos tenke la'o iha moris ne'ebe foun.+ 5 Se ita mate ona hanesan nia, ita sei moris fali duni hanesan nia,+ no iha buat sira-ne'e mak ita sai ida de'it ho nia.+ 6 Tanba ita hatene katak ita-nia hahalok tuan nian prega tiha ona ba ai-riin hamutuk ho nia,+ atu nune'e ita-nia isin ne'ebe sala la domina tan ita,+ no ita la kontinua tan sai atan ba sala.+ 7 Tanba ema ne'ebe mate, nia selu ona tusan hotu* ba ninia sala.",
"8 Liutan ne'e, se ita mate ona ho Kristu, ita fiar katak ita mos sei moris ho nia.",
"9 Tanba ita hatene katak Kristu moris fali ona husi mate,+ no nia sei la mate tan,+ no mate la iha tan kbiit atu ukun nia.",
"10 Tanba nia mate dala ida de'it ba nafatin atu halakon sala, no nia sei la mate tan ba nafatin,+ maibe nia moris ona atu bele halo Maromak nia hakarak.",
"11 Nune'e mos ho imi, imi tenke haree imi-nia an hanesan mate ona kona-ba sala maibe imi moris atu halo Maromak nia hakarak liuhusi Kristu Jesus.+ 12 Tan ne'e, keta husik sala ukun nafatin imi nu'udar liurai iha imi-nia isin ne'ebe sei mate,+ hodi halo tuir isin nia hakarak sira.",
"13 No mos keta kontinua entrega imi-nia isin ba sala nu'udar armas atu halo hahalok la loos.",
"Maibe entrega imi-nia an ba Maromak nu'udar ema ne'ebe moris ona husi mate, no mos entrega imi-nia isin ba Maromak nu'udar armas atu halo hahalok loos.+ 14 Keta husik sala domina imi nu'udar imi-nia na'i, tanba imi la'os iha ukun-fuan nia okos,+ maibe imi simu ona Maromak nia laran-di'ak ne'ebe boot.+ 15 Ne'e katak sa?",
"Ne'e katak ita bele halo sala tanba ita la'os tan iha ukun-fuan nia okos maibe simu ona Maromak nia laran-di'ak ne'ebe boot ka?+ Lae duni!",
"16 Imi hatene ka lae?",
"Se imi entrega imi-nia an ba ema ida hodi sempre halo tuir nia, imi mak ninia atan.+ Tan ne'e, se imi atan ba sala,+ ida-ne'e sei lori imi ba mate.+ Maibe se imi atan ba Maromak no halo tuir nia, imi sei sai ema laran-loos.",
"17 Entaun mai ita fo obrigadu ba Maromak.",
"Uluk imi atan ba sala, maibe agora husi imi-nia laran imi halo tuir hanorin ne'ebe Maromak entrega ona ba imi.",
"18 Ne'e duni, tanba imi sai livre ona husi sala,+ imi sai atan ba Maromak no halo buat ne'ebe loos.+ 19 Ha'u ko'alia ho liafuan ne'ebe simples tanba imi-nia isin fraku.",
"Hanesan uluk imi uza imi-nia liman-ain nu'udar atan ba hahalok la moos no kontra lei hodi halo hahalok ne'ebe la tuir lei, agora fo imi-nia liman-ain nu'udar atan ba buat loos hodi halo hahalok santu.+ 20 Tanba kuandu imi atan ba sala, hahalok loos la'os nu'udar imi-nia na'i.",
"21 Entaun, saida mak rezultadu husi imi-nia hahalok iha tempu ne'eba?",
"Ne'e mak hahalok ne'ebe agora halo imi moe.",
"Tanba buat sira-ne'e lori ba mate.+ 22 Maibe agora, tanba imi sai livre ona husi sala no sai atan ba Maromak, rezultadu mak imi-nia moris santu,+ no ikusmai ne'e lori imi ba moris rohan-laek.+ 23 Tanba sala nia kolen mak mate,+ maibe prezente ne'ebe Maromak fo mak moris rohan-laek+ liuhusi Kristu Jesus ita-nia Na'i.+ ^ Ka \"nia livre; hetan perdua ona.\""
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"Romans 6 | Bible online - New World Translation A new life through baptism in Christ (1-2) Let not sin rule over your bodies, but be freed from it. Become slaves of God by being set at liberty for him who has made you his own children and delivered the world to Himself as a gift! The fruit is death; yet what he gives us now are living things..."
"Can we continue to make mistakes in order for God' s great goodness and mercy, which is so abundant on the face of this earth."
"2 Let the world be!"
"Since we have died to sin,+ can’t, do you think?+ 3 Does it not come into your knowledge that all of us who were baptized* in Christ Jesus are also baptisms for his death?+10:4 So now by our Baptism with him is a new life brought on the world; so as he was raised from among dead through His glory and Fatherly power—so must be walked. If therefore God has resurrected Himself again like He did when We had already been born.+25 And if this will take place at some time or another,* then let Us know how much greater grace Jehovah gives unto those Whose sins [are] saved because they believe!"
"8 But if we are dead with Christ, then believe that also will live together."
"9 For we know that Christ, having been raised from the dead,+ will not die anymore; death no longer has dominion over him."
"10 For he died once for all to take away sin, and will never die again,+ but live so that He may do God’s Will."
"12 Therefore, do not let sin rule over you as king in your mortal bodies,+ so that it does what the flesh desires. Just like this is true of us: we are dead to our sins and alive for God through Christ Jesus.+"
"13 Neither do ye present yourselves to sin as instruments of iniquity."
"Rather, give yourselves to God as those who have come alive from the dead and also deliver up our bodies for righteousness.+ 14 Don’t let sin rule over us because we are not in possession of evil,+ but you received greater mercy than that."
"That is to say, can we make mistakes because of the greater mercy that God has shown us when you are no longer under his rule?+ No indeed!"
"16 Did you know?"
"If you give yourselves over to a man and follow him forever, then are his servants.+ Therefore if ye be the bondmen of sin,+ it will bring death upon them;+ but when they have become God' s slave-bearers in obedience unto Him;"
"17 Therefore let us give thanks to God. Let's thank him for all that he has done in our behalf!"
"You were formerly slaves of sin, but now you have become obedient to the word which God has given us."
"18 Therefore, having been set free from sin,+ you have become servants of God and do what is righteous."
"As you used to give your hands as servants of uncleanness and against the law, in order that they might do things which are not according To The Law; so now offer up Your hand for slavery unto truth+ with a view towards sanctification.+ 20 For when You serve sin,+ Truth is no longer Lord overYou."
"21 What then is the result of your deeds at that time?"
"This is the practice that now makes you sick."
"For these things led to death.+ 21 But now that you have been set free from sin and become slaves of God, your fruit is holiness,+ but the end result will be eternal life."
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CNE: Prosesu la'o ho normalidade - TIMOR AGORA\nCNE: Prosesu la'o ho normalidade\nPrezidente Komisaun Nasional ba Eleisaun (CNE) timoroan nian hatete iha loron-segunda katak votasaun ba eleisaun prezidensial sira ne'ebé halo iha loron-segunda la'o ho normalidade no ho hakmatek, lahó insidente tékniku todan sira.\n"Laiha rejistu ba akontesimentu todan sira no buat hotu funsiona ho normalmente iha kuaze fatin tomak", Alcino de Araújo Baris explika ba jornalista sira iha balansu dahuluk hosi jornada eleitoral ne'ebé hotu iha tuku tolu loraik, oras lokal.\nAlcino de Araújo Baris, maski la avansa ho informasaun konkretu sira, antesipa ona katak taxa partisipasaun "karik sei aas liu duké iha tinan 2012" - bainhira vota ona eleitor hamutuk 78,2% - ho ema barak sei hein atu vota, maski liutiha oras previstu hodi taka urna sira.\n"Ha'u bele hatete katak iha partisipasaun maka'as duké taxa partisipasaun iha tinan 2012. Informasaun ne'ebé ha'u iha, ho baze hosi movimentu ne'ebé ami rejista no tanba iha ema barak ne'ebé maka sei hein atu vota, maka sei iha númeru aas tebes", nia afirma ona.\nIha jeral, Alcino de Araújo Baris destaka ona faktu hosi eleisaun ne'ebé la'o "kalma" ho partisipasaun maka'as hosi eleitor sira "hahú hosi dadeer sedu" to'o oras taka urna sira.\n"Eleitor sira hatudu ánimu tebes no hakarak partisipa iha prosesu ne'e no buat hotu funsiona hela iha teritóriu tomak", nia hatete.\n"Laiha rejistu ba insidente todan sira ka iregularidade ho gravidade", nia afirma ona.\nAlcino de Araújo Baris ko'alia ba jornalista sira iha deklarasaun dahuluk iha momentu taka urna sira iha Timor-Leste no bainhira seidauk iha informasaun sira kona-ba partisipasaun ka rezultadu sira.\nInformasaun dahuluk sira kona-ba partisipasaun mai hosi fatin rua votasaun nian iha Austrália, liuliu iha Darwin ne'ebé vota ona eleitor na'in 118 hosi eleitor na'in 228 ne'ebé inskritu no iha Sydney ne'ebé vota de'it ema na'in 75 hosi na'in 658 ne'ebé inskritu.\nTo'o agora seidauk iha informasaun kona-ba votasaun iha Lisboa ne'ebé, hanesan mós ho sidade australianu rua, ema timoroan sira bele vota ona ba dala uluk iha asaun eleitoral ida hosi nia nasaun.\nEntre insidente tékniku ki'ik sira ne'ebé rejistadu, Alcino de Araújo Baris hatete kona-ba problema ida iha sentru votasaun iha Dom Caileto, iha munisípiu Bobonaro, ne'ebé votasaun hahú tarde minutu 30 duké oras markadu tanba prezidente meza ne'ebé to'o tarde.\nKonfirma mós detensaun ba mane na'in ida ne'ebé bosok hanesan ema seluk hodi halo votasaun iha Cotalala, iha Manufahi.\nIha mós problema sira ba impresaun hosi boletin sira votu nian, ne'ebé iha marka sira iha kandidatu ida no ne'ebé maka halakon ona, la uza iha asaun eleitoral sira.\nCNE hato'o mós kesar hosi kondisaun aat sira ne'ebé hetan iha sentru votasaun iha aldeia Lolowa, iha suku Holsa, iha munisípiu Maliana.\nMaski hosi urna sira taka ofisial iha tuku 15:00 oras lokal, iha ema balun iha dila hodi hein halo votasaun no bainhira ema tomak hato'o ona nia direitu maka sei taka urna no sei hahú kontajen.\nIha Sekretariadu Tékniku hosi Asisténsia Eleitoral (STAE) no iha Komisaun Nasional ba Eleisaun (CNE) besik hakotu ona preparativu sira hodi simu prosesu ida ne'ebé demora ba kontajen ne'ebé bele demora to'o oras 72 nia laran.\nIha faze dahuluk votu sira nian sei konta nível lokal no hafoin ne'e nível munisipal no ikusmai maka maka sei hahú halo rejistu iha tabela, iha CNE, iha nível nasional.\nSalaun ida hosi kompleksu CNE prepara tiha ona hanesan sentru imprensa ida no ida seluk hanesan fatin ne'ebé sei akompaña kontajen sira, ho ekran boot rua no fatin ba jornalista sira no observador nasional sira no estranjeiru sira.\nSAPO TL ho Lusa - Foto@ Mast Irham /EPA | [
"CNE: Prosesu la'o ho normalidade - TIMOR AGORA CNE: Prosesu la'o ho normalidade Prezidente Komisaun Nasional ba Eleisaun (CNE) timoroan nian hatete iha loron-segunda katak votasaun ba eleisaun prezidensial sira ne'ebe halo iha loron-segunda la'o ho normalidade no ho hakmatek, laho insidente tekniku todan sira.",
"\"Laiha rejistu ba akontesimentu todan sira no buat hotu funsiona ho normalmente iha kuaze fatin tomak,\" Alcino de Araujo Baris explika ba jornalista sira iha balansu dahuluk hosi jornada eleitoral ne'ebe hotu iha tuku tolu loraik, oras lokal.",
"Alcino de Araujo Baris, maski la avansa ho informasaun konkretu sira, antesipa ona katak taxa partisipasaun \"karik sei aas liu duke iha tinan 2012\" - bainhira vota ona eleitor hamutuk 78,2% - ho ema barak sei hein atu vota, maski liutiha oras previstu hodi taka urna sira.",
"\"Ha'u bele hatete katak iha partisipasaun maka'as duke taxa partisipasaun iha tinan 2012.",
"Informasaun ne'ebe ha'u iha, ho baze hosi movimentu ne'ebe ami rejista no tanba iha ema barak ne'ebe maka sei hein atu vota, maka sei iha numeru aas tebes,\" nia afirma ona.",
"Iha jeral, Alcino de Araujo Baris destaka ona faktu hosi eleisaun ne'ebe la'o \"kalma\" ho partisipasaun maka'as hosi eleitor sira \"hahu hosi dadeer sedu\" to'o oras taka urna sira.",
"\"Eleitor sira hatudu animu tebes no hakarak partisipa iha prosesu ne'e no buat hotu funsiona hela iha teritoriu tomak,\" nia hatete.",
"\"Laiha rejistu ba insidente todan sira ka iregularidade ho gravidade,\" nia afirma ona.",
"Alcino de Araujo Baris ko'alia ba jornalista sira iha deklarasaun dahuluk iha momentu taka urna sira iha Timor-Leste no bainhira seidauk iha informasaun sira kona-ba partisipasaun ka rezultadu sira.",
"Informasaun dahuluk sira kona-ba partisipasaun mai hosi fatin rua votasaun nian iha Australia, liuliu iha Darwin ne'ebe vota ona eleitor na'in 118 hosi eleitor na'in 228 ne'ebe inskritu no iha Sydney ne'ebe vota de'it ema na'in 75 hosi na'in 658 ne'ebe inskritu.",
"To'o agora seidauk iha informasaun kona-ba votasaun iha Lisboa ne'ebe, hanesan mos ho sidade australianu rua, ema timoroan sira bele vota ona ba dala uluk iha asaun eleitoral ida hosi nia nasaun.",
"Entre insidente tekniku ki'ik sira ne'ebe rejistadu, Alcino de Araujo Baris hatete kona-ba problema ida iha sentru votasaun iha Dom Caileto, iha munisipiu Bobonaro, ne'ebe votasaun hahu tarde minutu 30 duke oras markadu tanba prezidente meza ne'ebe to'o tarde.",
"Konfirma mos detensaun ba mane na'in ida ne'ebe bosok hanesan ema seluk hodi halo votasaun iha Cotalala, iha Manufahi.",
"Iha mos problema sira ba impresaun hosi boletin sira votu nian, ne'ebe iha marka sira iha kandidatu ida no ne'ebe maka halakon ona, la uza iha asaun eleitoral sira.",
"CNE hato'o mos kesar hosi kondisaun aat sira ne'ebe hetan iha sentru votasaun iha aldeia Lolowa, iha suku Holsa, iha munisipiu Maliana.",
"Maski hosi urna sira taka ofisial iha tuku 15:00 oras lokal, iha ema balun iha dila hodi hein halo votasaun no bainhira ema tomak hato'o ona nia direitu maka sei taka urna no sei hahu kontajen.",
"Iha Sekretariadu Tekniku hosi Asistensia Eleitoral (STAE) no iha Komisaun Nasional ba Eleisaun (CNE) besik hakotu ona preparativu sira hodi simu prosesu ida ne'ebe demora ba kontajen ne'ebe bele demora to'o oras 72 nia laran.",
"Iha faze dahuluk votu sira nian sei konta nivel lokal no hafoin ne'e nivel munisipal no ikusmai maka maka sei hahu halo rejistu iha tabela, iha CNE, iha nivel nasional.",
"Salaun ida hosi kompleksu CNE prepara tiha ona hanesan sentru imprensa ida no ida seluk hanesan fatin ne'ebe sei akompana kontajen sira, ho ekran boot rua no fatin ba jornalista sira no observador nasional sira no estranjeiru sira.",
"SAPO TL ho Lusa - Foto@ Mast Irham /EPA"
] | [
"CNE: Process runs normally - TIMOR AGORA The President of the National Electoral Commission (CNA) said on Monday that voting for Tuesday' s presidential elections went smooth and fair, without any serious technical incident."
"\"There was no record of incidents and everything functioned normally almost throughout the country,\" Alcino de Araujo Bares explaining to journalist in a first balance sheet on an election day that ended at three o'clock local time."
"Alcino de Araujo Baris, although not advancing with concrete information has predicted that the turnout rate \"will be somewhat higher than in 2013\" - when voters totaled to about (78.5%) of all electorate voted- and many people will wait for their ballots even though it is late at night after closing hours are set out by election commissioners as they close polling booths on Sunday morning"
"\"I can say that there has been a very high turnout compared to the 2013 voter registration rate."
"The information I have, based on the movements we've registered and because there are a lot of people waiting to vote it will be very high numbers\", he said."
"In general, Alcino de Araujo Baris has highlighted the fact of an election that went \"calmly\" with a high participation rate by voters “from morning seat time” until ballot boxes closed."
"\"The voters are very enthusiastic and want to participate in this process, so everything is functioning throughout the territory\", he said."
"\"There have been no recorded fatal incidents or serious irregularities,\" he said."
"Alcino de Araujo Baris spoke to journalist in his first statement after the closing of polling stations across Timor-Leste and while there is no information on turnout or results."
"Initial information on turnout came from two polling stations in Australia, namely Darwin where a total of just over one hundred and eighty-eight voters voted out Of the twenty‑twoty‐five registered electors there were only seventeen who did so."
"So far, there is no information about the voting in Lisbon where - like two Australian cities – Tongans have been able to vote for first time at an electoral action of their country."
"Among the minor technical incidents recorded, Alcino de Araujo Barís said about a problem in Dom Caileto polling station (Bobonaro), where voting started 30 minutes later than scheduled due to late arrival of presidential delegates."
"He also confirmed the arrest of a man who lies as someone else to vote in Cotalala, Manufahi."
"There are also problems with the printing of ballot papers, which have marks on one candidate and who has already been defeated is not used in electoral actions."
"The CNE also complained of the poor conditions found at a polling station in Lolowa village, Holsa municipality (Malina county)."
"Although the ballot boxes officially closed at 3 p.m local time, some people were waiting in line to vote and when everyone had made their right known they would close them for counting of voters on Sunday mornings (10 a; m)."
"The Technical Secretariat of Electoral Assistance (STAE) and the National Elections Commission are close to completing their preparations for a lengthy process, which may take up 72 hours."
"In the first phase, votes will be counted locally and then at municipal level before finally starting to register on tables in CNE national."
"One room of the CNE complex has been prepared as a press centre and another is used for accompanying counts, with two big screen rooms to host journalist-related events."
"SAPO TL ho Lusa - Foto@ Mast Irham /EPA"
] |
Kazu internet ilegál, PNTL sei identifika tan suspeitu balun | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Kazu internet ilegál, PNTL sei identifika tan suspeitu balun\nKazu internet ilegál, PNTL sei identifika tan suspeitu balun\nDILI, 11 dezembru 2020 (TATOLI)- Komandante Jerál Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL), Komisáriu Faustino da Costa, deklara posibilidade PNTL sei halo tan identifikasaun ba suspeitu balun ba kazu ligasaun internet ilegál.\nKomisáriu Faustino da Costa, la fó sai suspeitu sira-nia identidade, maibé nia garante katak parte Servisu Investigasaun Kriminál (SIC) sei halo prosesu investigasaun no rekolla evidénsia balun tan.\n“Prosesu investigasaun sei la’o hela, ita hein de’it,” Komisáriu Faustino da Costa, hateten ba jornalista iha Sentru Formasaun Polísia, Comoro, kinta (10/12).\nSIC ezekuta mandadu tribunál hodi detein jestór prinsipál kompañia Elite Computer no jestór prinsipál operadór Telekomunikasaun Telemor no investiga Prezidente Autoridade Nasionál Komunikasaun (ANC) ne’ebé deskonfia halo korrelasaun servisu fornese rede koneksaun internet ilegál hosi Atambua, Indonézia mai Timor-Leste.\nAntes ne’e, Tribunál Distritál Dili liuhosi primeiru interrogatóriu kondena suspeitu nu’udar jestór prinsipál Telemor ho inisiál TVB no jestór prinsipál Eleite Computer ho inisiál DP komete kazu burla informátika no kazu fraude fiskál.\nSuspeitu na’in-rua ne’e kumpre hela prizaun preventiva hodi hein prosesu investigasaun.\nKazu prezidente ANC, João Oliveira Freitas, Tribunál Distritál Dili liuhosi desizaun julgamentu primeiru interrogatóriu aplika Termu Identidade Rezisténsia (TIR) hodi hein prosesu investigasaun.\nMinistériu Públiku nu’udar na’in ba asaun penál kondena Prezidente ANC, João komete krime lima, hanesan administrasaun danoza previstu iha artigu 274, korrupsaun pasiva iha artigu 292, brankamentu kapitais previstu iha artigu 313, burla informátika agravadu ne’ebé previstu no punida iha artigu 292, no krime fraude fiskál iha artigu 314, hotu- hotu hosi kódigu penál Timor-Leste.\nPrevious articleSegundu Sarjentu Manuel João Baptista rezigna-aan hosi F-FDTL tama ba partidu polítiku\nNext articlePN aprova orsamentu ba Agência TATOLI,I.P | [
"Kazu internet ilegal, PNTL sei identifika tan suspeitu balun | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Kazu internet ilegal, PNTL sei identifika tan suspeitu balun Kazu internet ilegal, PNTL sei identifika tan suspeitu balun DILI, 11 dezembru 2020 (TATOLI) - Komandante Jeral Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL), Komisariu Faustino da Costa, deklara posibilidade PNTL sei halo tan identifikasaun ba suspeitu balun ba kazu ligasaun internet ilegal.",
"Komisariu Faustino da Costa, la fo sai suspeitu sira-nia identidade, maibe nia garante katak parte Servisu Investigasaun Kriminal (SIC) sei halo prosesu investigasaun no rekolla evidensia balun tan.",
"\"Prosesu investigasaun sei la'o hela, ita hein de'it,\" Komisariu Faustino da Costa, hateten ba jornalista iha Sentru Formasaun Polisia, Comoro, kinta (10/12).",
"SIC ezekuta mandadu tribunal hodi detein jestor prinsipal kompania Elite Computer no jestor prinsipal operador Telekomunikasaun Telemor no investiga Prezidente Autoridade Nasional Komunikasaun (ANC) ne'ebe deskonfia halo korrelasaun servisu fornese rede koneksaun internet ilegal hosi Atambua, Indonezia mai Timor-Leste.",
"Antes ne'e, Tribunal Distrital Dili liuhosi primeiru interrogatoriu kondena suspeitu nu'udar jestor prinsipal Telemor ho inisial TVB no jestor prinsipal Eleite Computer ho inisial DP komete kazu burla informatika no kazu fraude fiskal.",
"Suspeitu na'in-rua ne'e kumpre hela prizaun preventiva hodi hein prosesu investigasaun.",
"Kazu prezidente ANC, Joao Oliveira Freitas, Tribunal Distrital Dili liuhosi desizaun julgamentu primeiru interrogatoriu aplika Termu Identidade Rezistensia (TIR) hodi hein prosesu investigasaun.",
"Ministeriu Publiku nu'udar na'in ba asaun penal kondena Prezidente ANC, Joao komete krime lima, hanesan administrasaun danoza previstu iha artigu 274, korrupsaun pasiva iha artigu 292, brankamentu kapitais previstu iha artigu 313, burla informatika agravadu ne'ebe previstu no punida iha artigu 292, no krime fraude fiskal iha artigu 314, hotu- hotu hosi kodigu penal Timor-Leste.",
"Previous articleSegundu Sarjentu Manuel Joao Baptista rezigna-aan hosi F-FDTL tama ba partidu politiku Next articlePN aprova orsamentu ba Agencia TATOLI,I.P"
] | [
"Illegal Internet Case, PNTL Will Identify Some More Suspects | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI ILLEGAL INTERNET CASE: POLICE WILL IDENTIFY SOME MORE SUSPECTILLS ITALIANO) - The Commander General of the National Police (PNTL), Commissioner Faustino da Costa declares that there is a possibility for police to identify some more suspect in illegal internet connection cases."
"Commissioner Faustino da Costa did not reveal the identities of suspects, but assured that Criminal Investigation Service (SIC) will carry out investigations and collect further evidence."
"\"The investigation process is ongoing, we are just waiting for it to be completed\", Commissioner Faustino da Costa told journalists at the Police Training Center in Comoro on Tuesday (10/2)."
"The SIC executed a court warrant to arrest the chief executive of Elite Computer Company and Chief Executive Operator Telekomunikasaun Telmor Telecommunications, investigating President National Communications Authority (ANC) who is suspectingly involved in providing illegal internet connection network from Atambua Indonesia into Timor-Leste."
"Earlier, the Dili District Court through first interrogation convicted suspects as chief executive officer of Telemor with initial TVB and Chief Executive Officer Eleite Computer (DP) for committing computer fraud cases."
"The two suspects are in pretrial detention pending the investigation process."
"In the case of ANC president Joao Oliveira Freitas, Dili District Court by decision first interrogation trial applied Term Identity Resistance (TIR) pending investigation."
"The Public Prosecutor's Office as the owner of criminal action convicted ANC President Joao committed five offences, such a harmful administration provided for in article 274; passive corruption under Article198(a) and (b); money laundering pursuant to Art.306-A/5)(c), aggravated computer fraud which is foreseen by art"
"Previous articleSecond Sergeant Manuel Joao Baptista resigns from F-FDTL to join a political party Next ArticlePN approves budget for Agência TATOLI,I.P"
] |
Reprejentanate EU-Plan Internasional intrega simbolikamente nesesidade bazika ba reprejentante MSSI, sesta (9/4), iha salaun MSSI. Foto Saturnina da Costa/INDEPENDENTE\nUE-Plan Internasional Apoiu Nesesidade Bazika ba Vitima Inundasaun Liuhusi MSSI Featured\nApoiu nesesidade bazika sira hanesan, fós 20kg hamutuk saka 3.365, mina 500ML hamutuk kaixa 282 no mós ikan deho hamutuk kaixa 134.\nEmbaixador Uniaun Europeia mai Timor-Leste, Andrew Jacobs hatoo nia sentidu kondolensia no solidariedade ba familia ne'ebé afeitada husi pandemia Covi-19 no vitima ba inundasaun no Uniaun Europeia hamriik ho povu Timor-Leste durante tempu susar ida ne'e.\n“Ami kontente ho suporta ne'ebé iha no mós iha forma ai-han no material ijene ba sira ne'ebé afeitadu husi dezastre foin lalais, ne'ebé aumenta liu tan difikuldade kauza husi Covid-19,”dehan nia iha nia diskursu, iha salaun MSSI, Kaikoli,(09/04).\nIha fatin hanesan, Country Director Plan International Timor-Leste, Dillyana Ximenes hatete, simbolikamente entrega ai-han no material ijene ba Ministeriu Solidariedade Sosial no Inkluzaun (MSSI) hodi suporta familia afeita husi pandemia Covid-19 no afeita husi inundasaun foin lalais iha Dili.\nDurante iha periudo konfinamentu tanba moras Covid-19, familia barak mak hasoru difikuldade, inklui redusaun ba sira nia rendimentu no menus nesesidade baziku, espesialmente hahan.\nSituasaun ida ne'e pior liu tan husi inundasaun, familia rihun ba rihun afeitadu tanba udan bo’ot iha loron 4 Abril 2021.\n“Ema rihun ba rihun deslokadu, uma no infrastrutura hetan estragus no mout. Dezastre ne'e mos hamate ema barak no balun mos sei lakon. Feto, labarik, grupu vulneravel no ema ho difisiensia partikulamente risku durante emerjensia,”tenik nia\nHusu mós autoridade sira, doador, organizasaun naun govermental no komunidade atu servisu hamutuk hodi ajuda familia, liliu ba sira ne'ebé iha sentru evakuasaun.\nEntretantu Diretor Jeral MSSI, Rui Manuel Expostu hatete, sira servisu hamutuk ho Plan Internasional no Uniaun Europeia hodi responde ba situasaun ne’ebé afeita ba komunidade sira iha Munisipiu Dili, liuliu ba familia vulneravel sira.\nTuir dadus MSSI, apoiu sira ne'e sei benefisia ba uma kain rihun 5,755, konsentra liu ba feto, labarik feto, grupu vulneravel no mós ba ema ho defisiensia na’in 500.\nRead 430 times Last modified on Sexta, 09 Abril 2021 19:14\nMore in this category: « EUA Oferese Rihun $100 Ba TL Responde Inundasaun EhD 500 Sei Hetan Nesesidade Bazika Husi MSSI »\n/UE-Plan Internasional Apoiu Nesesidade Bazika ba Vitima Inundasaun Liuhusi MSSI | [
"Reprejentanate EU-Plan Internasional intrega simbolikamente nesesidade bazika ba reprejentante MSSI, sesta (9/4), iha salaun MSSI.",
"Foto Saturnina da Costa/INDEPENDENTE UE-Plan Internasional Apoiu Nesesidade Bazika ba Vitima Inundasaun Liuhusi MSSI Featured Apoiu nesesidade bazika sira hanesan, fos 20kg hamutuk saka 3.365, mina 500ML hamutuk kaixa 282 no mos ikan deho hamutuk kaixa 134.",
"Embaixador Uniaun Europeia mai Timor-Leste, Andrew Jacobs hatoo nia sentidu kondolensia no solidariedade ba familia ne'ebe afeitada husi pandemia Covi-19 no vitima ba inundasaun no Uniaun Europeia hamriik ho povu Timor-Leste durante tempu susar ida ne'e.",
"\"Ami kontente ho suporta ne'ebe iha no mos iha forma ai-han no material ijene ba sira ne'ebe afeitadu husi dezastre foin lalais, ne'ebe aumenta liu tan difikuldade kauza husi Covid-19,\"dehan nia iha nia diskursu, iha salaun MSSI, Kaikoli, (09/04).",
"Iha fatin hanesan, Country Director Plan International Timor-Leste, Dillyana Ximenes hatete, simbolikamente entrega ai-han no material ijene ba Ministeriu Solidariedade Sosial no Inkluzaun (MSSI) hodi suporta familia afeita husi pandemia Covid-19 no afeita husi inundasaun foin lalais iha Dili.",
"Durante iha periudo konfinamentu tanba moras Covid-19, familia barak mak hasoru difikuldade, inklui redusaun ba sira nia rendimentu no menus nesesidade baziku, espesialmente hahan.",
"Situasaun ida ne'e pior liu tan husi inundasaun, familia rihun ba rihun afeitadu tanba udan bo'ot iha loron 4 Abril 2021.",
"\"Ema rihun ba rihun deslokadu, uma no infrastrutura hetan estragus no mout.",
"Dezastre ne'e mos hamate ema barak no balun mos sei lakon.",
"Feto, labarik, grupu vulneravel no ema ho difisiensia partikulamente risku durante emerjensia,\"tenik nia Husu mos autoridade sira, doador, organizasaun naun govermental no komunidade atu servisu hamutuk hodi ajuda familia, liliu ba sira ne'ebe iha sentru evakuasaun.",
"Entretantu Diretor Jeral MSSI, Rui Manuel Expostu hatete, sira servisu hamutuk ho Plan Internasional no Uniaun Europeia hodi responde ba situasaun ne'ebe afeita ba komunidade sira iha Munisipiu Dili, liuliu ba familia vulneravel sira.",
"Tuir dadus MSSI, apoiu sira ne'e sei benefisia ba uma kain rihun 5,755, konsentra liu ba feto, labarik feto, grupu vulneravel no mos ba ema ho defisiensia na'in 500.",
"Read 430 times Last modified on Sexta, 09 Abril 2021 19:14 More in this category: \" EUA Oferese Rihun $100 Ba TL Responde Inundasaun EhD 500 Sei Hetan Nesesidade Bazika Husi MSSI \" /UE-Plan Internasional Apoiu Nesesidade Bazika ba Vitima Inundasaun Liuhusi MSSI"
] | [
"Representative of EU-Plan International symbolically handed over basic necessities to representative MSSI, Saturday (9/4), in the hall."
"Photo Saturnina da Costa/INDEPENDENTE EU-Plan International Basic Needs Support for Flood Victim through MSSI Featured The basic needs support is, a total of about.20kg soil to make up the number:3165; mines in quantity (size) -478ML and also fish deho together with cases amounting onto countless numbers such as..."
"The European Union Ambassador to Timor-Leste, Andrew Jacobs expressed his condolences and solidarity with the families of those who have been hit by Covid 19 pandemic as well a victim in flood."
"\"We are pleased with the support that has been provided and also in form of foodstuff, hygiene material for those affected by recent disasters which have further increased their hardship due to Covid-19\", he said during his speech at MSSI hall Kaikoli on April 04."
"Meanwhile, Country Director of Plan International Timor-Leste Dillyana Ximenes said that she symbolically handed over food and hygiene materials to the Ministry for Social Solidarity & Inclusion (MSSI) in order To support families affecting by Covid 19 pandemic as well a recent flood."
"During the period of lockdown due to Covid-19, many families have faced difficulties including a reduction in their incomes and lack on basic needs especially food."
"This situation is worsened by the floods, with thousand and one families affecting as a result of heavy rains on April 4th."
"\"Thousands after thousands of people have been displaced, homes and infrastructure damaged or destroyed."
"The disaster also killed many people and some will be lost."
"Women, children and vulnerable groups are particularly at risk during emergencies.\" He also urged authorities to work together with donors for the relief of families in need."
"Meanwhile, Director General of MSSI Rui Manuel Expostu said that they are working with Plan International and the European Union to address situations affecting communities in Dili Municipality especially vulnerable families."
"According to MSSI data, this support will benefit 570.6 thousand households with a focus on women and girls as well vulnerable groups including people who have disabilities (about five hundred)."
"Read 103 times Last modified on Friday, April-9th -25:48 More in this category \" US Offers $7.6 Million To TL Respond Flood EhD'S Helping With Basic Need from MSSI\" /EU International Plan Supported By Flood Victim Base Necessities Through EMS"
] |
S.E. PREZIDENTE TAUR MATAN RUAK IHA DIÁLOGU KOMUNITÁRIU HO KOMUNIDADE IHA SUKU UMA BOCO NO ABAT OAN - Presidência da República de Timor-Leste\nNatarbora, 5 Setembru, 2016 – S.E. Prezidente Repúblika, Taur Matan Ruak, segunda-feira ne’e hala’o diálogu komunitáriu ba loron dahuluk ho komunidade sira Suku Uma Boco no Abat Oan, Postu Administrativu Natarbora, Munisípiu Manatuto.\nWainhira hakat ba hahú diálogu, S.E. Prezidente Repúblika, hahú nia klarifikasaun hanesan baibain halo ona iha suku hirak ne’ebé nia vizita ona hodi esplika sobre razaun ka objetivu husi nia vizita. Hafoin Xefe Estadu mós aproveita okaziaun ne’e hodi esplika mós sobre dezafius no progresu ne’ebé maka Timor-Leste hasoru daudaun oras ne’e iha prosesu harii nasaun. Depois, Xefe Estadu mós fó korajen ba komunidade sira atu: hadi’ak sira-nia ekonomia hodi hala’o atividade hirak-ne’ebé iha benefísiu ekonomia ba sira-nia an, husu atu komunidade sira mós atu investe iha oan sira-nia edukasaun, husu liután mós ba komunidade sira atu kuidadu sira-nia saúde, no ikusmai husu ba komunidade sira atu kontinua fó sira-nia kontribuisaun iha períodu Ukun Rasik-An hodi serbisu no koopera ho sira-nia autoridade lokál.\nHafoin esplikasaun hirak-ne’e, Xefe Estadu mós konta esperiénsia no fó referénsia ba suku hirak ne’ebé maka susesu ona iha hadi’ak jestaun ekonomia atu hametin liután nia klarifikasaun, no husu ba suku rua refere atu halo tuir suku ne’ebé maka nia uza hanesan referénsia.\nInforma mós katak, molok hahú diálogu komunitáriu, Xefe Estadu fó uluk omenajen ba restus mortais sira ne’ebé maka komunidade sira rekolla no tau hamutuk ona iha suku refere.\nIha diálogu ne’ebé refere, Xefe Estadu mós hato’o nia agradesimentu ba família eroi sira ne’ebé maka oferese ona sira-nia oan atu luta ba Ukun Rasik An Timor-Leste nian.\n“Agradese ba família sira ne’ebé oferese ona imi-nia oan sira hodi sosa ukun-an. Lori imi maka ami moris, lori imi maka nasaun moris, karik imi la apoiu ami mate mohu iha ai-laran. Tanba ne’e, imi maka eroi loloos, liuliu inan-aman ne’ebé lakon família. Ita-Boot sira la terus para ha’u sai Prezidente Repúblika, ha’u mós la terus atu sai Prezidente Repúblika, ita terus para hakarak hetan moris-di’ak, mas atu to’o ne’ebá dalan sei naruk, tanba ne’e ita tenke iha ne’e ba oin serbisu maka’as hodi bele hetan moris-di’ak”, dehan Xefe Estadu.\nHakat fali ba iha sesaun husu, Padre Kuaze-Parókia Natarbora, Pe. Benedictus Randong, preokupa ho kualidade ensinu superiór, inklui mós amu nia preokupasaun sobre mentalidade Timoroan sira nian. Tan ne’e, amu sujere atu Governu Timor-Leste atu hapara fó akreditasaun ba universidade, ka institutu balun ne’ebé maka la iha kualidade.\nHatán ba ida-ne’e, Xefe Estadu rekoñese katak, edukasaun iha duni problema, tanba Xefe Estadu subliña katak, iha nasaun seluk, ema nia sistema edukasaun tau matan liu ba implementa dixiplina, depois maka hanorin matéria. Maibé, iha Timor-Leste kontráriu, hanorin de’it, mas la fó importánsia ba dixiplina, tanba ne’e, Timoroan (estudante no foin sa’e) iha problema mentalidade.\nHaree fali ba preokupasaun seluk hirak ne’ebé maka komunidade sira levanta durante diálogu maka hanesan: loke sentru vokasionál, loke eskola sekundária no universidade, halo barrajen ba mota Sahe ne’ebé estraga komunidade nia plantasaun, grupu feto ne’ebé prodús hudi-sona maibé MCIA la sosa, uma MGD’s la iha bee moos, inklui problema reál seluseluk tan.\nDiálogu iha Suku Uma Boco no Abat Oan nu’udar série diálogu komunitáriu iha fulan-Setembru ne’e, ne’ebé sei kontinua ba suku hirak iha Munisípiu Viqueque no Baucau nian durante semana ida resin.\nInforma mós katak, bainaka espesiál Xefe Estadu nian, hanesan, Administradór Postu Fatululik, Munisípiu Covalima, Xefe-Suku Lobunu no Leimea Leten, Postu Administrativu Atsabe, Munisípiu Ermera, Xefe-Suku Duyung, Postu Administrativu Metinaro, Munisípiu Dili, no Xefe-Suku Fatucalo, Postu Administrativu Turiscai, Munisípiu Manufahi.\nIkusmai, hakarak atu hato’o katak, tuir programa, diálogu hirak tuirmai, sei hala’o iha Suku Ahic, Postu Administrativu Lacluta iha parte dadeer, no iha parte lokraik iha Suku Bibileo, Postu Administrativu Viqueque Villa, Munisípiu Viqueque. | [
"S.E. PREZIDENTE TAUR MATAN RUAK IHA DIALOGU KOMUNITARIU HO KOMUNIDADE IHA SUKU UMA BOCO NO ABAT OAN - Presidencia da Republica de Timor-Leste Natarbora, 5 Setembru, 2016 - S.E. Prezidente Republika, Taur Matan Ruak, segunda-feira ne'e hala'o dialogu komunitariu ba loron dahuluk ho komunidade sira Suku Uma Boco no Abat Oan, Postu Administrativu Natarbora, Munisipiu Manatuto.",
"Wainhira hakat ba hahu dialogu, S.E. Prezidente Republika, hahu nia klarifikasaun hanesan baibain halo ona iha suku hirak ne'ebe nia vizita ona hodi esplika sobre razaun ka objetivu husi nia vizita.",
"Hafoin Xefe Estadu mos aproveita okaziaun ne'e hodi esplika mos sobre dezafius no progresu ne'ebe maka Timor-Leste hasoru daudaun oras ne'e iha prosesu harii nasaun.",
"Depois, Xefe Estadu mos fo korajen ba komunidade sira atu: hadi'ak sira-nia ekonomia hodi hala'o atividade hirak-ne'ebe iha benefisiu ekonomia ba sira-nia an, husu atu komunidade sira mos atu investe iha oan sira-nia edukasaun, husu liutan mos ba komunidade sira atu kuidadu sira-nia saude, no ikusmai husu ba komunidade sira atu kontinua fo sira-nia kontribuisaun iha periodu Ukun Rasik-An hodi serbisu no koopera ho sira-nia autoridade lokal.",
"Hafoin esplikasaun hirak-ne'e, Xefe Estadu mos konta esperiensia no fo referensia ba suku hirak ne'ebe maka susesu ona iha hadi'ak jestaun ekonomia atu hametin liutan nia klarifikasaun, no husu ba suku rua refere atu halo tuir suku ne'ebe maka nia uza hanesan referensia.",
"Informa mos katak, molok hahu dialogu komunitariu, Xefe Estadu fo uluk omenajen ba restus mortais sira ne'ebe maka komunidade sira rekolla no tau hamutuk ona iha suku refere.",
"Iha dialogu ne'ebe refere, Xefe Estadu mos hato'o nia agradesimentu ba familia eroi sira ne'ebe maka oferese ona sira-nia oan atu luta ba Ukun Rasik An Timor-Leste nian.",
"\"Agradese ba familia sira ne'ebe oferese ona imi-nia oan sira hodi sosa ukun-an.",
"Lori imi maka ami moris, lori imi maka nasaun moris, karik imi la apoiu ami mate mohu iha ai-laran.",
"Tanba ne'e, imi maka eroi loloos, liuliu inan-aman ne'ebe lakon familia.",
"Ita-Boot sira la terus para ha'u sai Prezidente Republika, ha'u mos la terus atu sai Prezidente Republika, ita terus para hakarak hetan moris-di'ak, mas atu to'o ne'eba dalan sei naruk, tanba ne'e ita tenke iha ne'e ba oin serbisu maka'as hodi bele hetan moris-di'ak,\" dehan Xefe Estadu.",
"Hakat fali ba iha sesaun husu, Padre Kuaze-Parokia Natarbora, Pe.",
"Benedictus Randong, preokupa ho kualidade ensinu superior, inklui mos amu nia preokupasaun sobre mentalidade Timoroan sira nian.",
"Tan ne'e, amu sujere atu Governu Timor-Leste atu hapara fo akreditasaun ba universidade, ka institutu balun ne'ebe maka la iha kualidade.",
"Hatan ba ida-ne'e, Xefe Estadu rekonese katak, edukasaun iha duni problema, tanba Xefe Estadu sublina katak, iha nasaun seluk, ema nia sistema edukasaun tau matan liu ba implementa dixiplina, depois maka hanorin materia.",
"Maibe, iha Timor-Leste kontrariu, hanorin de'it, mas la fo importansia ba dixiplina, tanba ne'e, Timoroan (estudante no foin sa'e) iha problema mentalidade.",
"Haree fali ba preokupasaun seluk hirak ne'ebe maka komunidade sira levanta durante dialogu maka hanesan: loke sentru vokasional, loke eskola sekundaria no universidade, halo barrajen ba mota Sahe ne'ebe estraga komunidade nia plantasaun, grupu feto ne'ebe produs hudi-sona maibe MCIA la sosa, uma MGD's la iha bee moos, inklui problema real seluseluk tan.",
"Dialogu iha Suku Uma Boco no Abat Oan nu'udar serie dialogu komunitariu iha fulan-Setembru ne'e, ne'ebe sei kontinua ba suku hirak iha Munisipiu Viqueque no Baucau nian durante semana ida resin.",
"Informa mos katak, bainaka espesial Xefe Estadu nian, hanesan, Administrador Postu Fatululik, Munisipiu Covalima, Xefe-Suku Lobunu no Leimea Leten, Postu Administrativu Atsabe, Munisipiu Ermera, Xefe-Suku Duyung, Postu Administrativu Metinaro, Munisipiu Dili, no Xefe-Suku Fatucalo, Postu Administrativu Turiscai, Munisipiu Manufahi.",
"Ikusmai, hakarak atu hato'o katak, tuir programa, dialogu hirak tuirmai, sei hala'o iha Suku Ahic, Postu Administrativu Lacluta iha parte dadeer, no iha parte lokraik iha Suku Bibileo, Postu Administrativu Viqueque Villa, Munisipiu Viqueque."
] | [
"HIS EXCELLENCY PRESIDENT TAUR MATAN RUAK IN COMMUNITY DIALOGUE WITH THE CIVIL SOCIETY OF SUKU UM BOCO AND ABAT OAN - Presidencia da Republica de Timor-Leste Natarbora, September the President of Republic Taur Matan Ruak on Monday held a community dialogue for its first day with communities in Suku Uma Boco and Abat oan."
"As the dialogue was about to begin, His Excellency President of Republic began his clarifications as usual in each village he had visited explaining why and for what purpose."
"Afterwards, the Head of State also took advantage to explain about challenges and progress that Timor-Leste is currently facing in its nation building process."
"The Head of State then encouraged the communities to: improve their economy by carrying out activities that have economic benefits for themselves, asked them also invest in children's education and take care about health. Finally he urged community members continue making contributions during this period through working together with local authorities as they work on improving public services at all levels;"
"Following these explanations, the Head of State also shared his experience and gave references to communities that have been successful in improvings their economic management as a basis for further clarification. He requested those two community members who had already done so from other countries with similar successes like this one which he has taken into consideration when making recommendation on how they can improve themselves financially by following up upon what was said before him;"
"He also informed that, before starting the community dialogue sessions with local communities and families of deceased civilians who have been buried there by their own family members or friends."
"During the dialogue, Head of State also expressed his gratitude to heroes' families who have offered their children in fighting for Timor-Leste’s Independence."
"\"Thank you to the families who have offered your children in exchange for independence."
"We live on you, we survive with your country; if not for the support of all our friends and relatives in this land."
"For this reason, you are the real heroes of our time - especially mothers who have lost their families."
"You didn't suffer for me to be President of the Republic, I also did not endure being a president. We have been struggling in order that we may live well but it will take us long time before this is achieved and therefore here on our way forwards you must work hard so as your lives can become better.\""
"Returning to the session, Father Kuaze-Parochia Natarbora asked Fr."
"Benedictus Randong, concerned about the quality of higher education including his concerns over Timorese mentality."
"Therefore, we suggest that the Government of Timor-Leste should stop giving accreditation to universities or institute which are not quality."
"In response, the Head of State acknowledged that education is indeed a problem. He stressed also how other countries' systems pay more attention to implementing discipline and then teaching subjects afterwards; he said this was not true for his own country as it had no such system at all (see above)."
"However, in Timor-Leste on the contrary they only teach but do not give importance to discipline. Therefore there is a mentality problem among students and young people of that country's educational system"
"Other concerns raised by the communities during dialogue were: opening vocational centres, secondary schools and universities; dam building on Sahe River which damaged community plantations. Women' s groups that produce sugarcane but MCIA does not buy it from them are also being addressed as well - there is no clean water in many of their homes..."
"Dialogue in the Villages of Uma Boco and Abat Oan is a community dialogue series this September, which will continue for more than one week to village-level dialogues throughout Viqueque Municipality."
"It was also reported that the Head of State’s special visitors were: Administrator Post Fatululik, Covalima Municipality; Chief-Suc Lobunu and Leimea Leten Administrative post Atsabe in Ermera Metropolitan Area. Duyung heading up administrative posts Metinaro (Dili), Fatucalo with Turiscai Administration Station Manufahi)."
"Finally, I would like to inform you that the following dialogues will be held in Ahic Village of Lacluta Administrative Post at noon and Bibileo village (Administrative post Viqueque Villa) by night."
] |
Saláriu F-FDTL no PNTL aumenta 5% no atualiza suplementu remuneratóriu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA Saláriu F-FDTL no PNTL aumenta 5% no atualiza suplementu remuneratóriu\nPrimeiru Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, prezide reuniaun Konsellu Ministru, Iha Palásiu Governu, segunda (24/09). Imajen TATOLI/Francisco Sony\nDILI, 24 setembru 2021 (TATOLI)–Governu liuhosi reuniaun Konsellu Ministru (KM) aprova ho alterasaun, Dekretu-Lei kona-ba rejime remuneratóriu FALINTIL–Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), ne’ebé aprezenta hosi Ministru Defeza, Filomeno da Paixão de Jesus.\n“Projetu ne’e halo aumentu salariál besik 5% iha postu militár sira hotu no halo atualizaun ba suplementu rumenatóriu sira,” Ministru Prezidénsia Konsellu Ministru, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães, relata hafoin reuniaun ezekutivu, iha Palásiu Governu, sesta ne’e.\nTuir Portavóz Governu, intervensaun lejizlativa ne’e ho objetivu atu hetan karreira militár ne’ebé atrativa liu, ho kondisaun salariál ida tuir modernizasaun no profisionalizasaun hosi Forsa Armada sira.\nNune’e mós, Ezekutivu sira hakarak mós atu armoniza diploma ne’e ho proposta alterasaun ba Estatutu Militár sira.\nAleinde ne’e, aprova mós ho alterasaun, Projetu Dekretu-Lei kona-ba rejime remuneratótiu hosi Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL), ne’ebé aprezenta hosi Primeiru-Ministru no Ministru Interiór, Taur Matan Ruak no hosi Vise-Ministru Interiór, António Armindo.\n“Ho projetu ida-ne’e, halo aumentu remuneratóriu globál ho valór 5% hosi remunerasaun baze no halo atualizasaun ba suplementu remuneratóriu,” Ministru esplika.\nNune’e, intervensaun lejizlativa ne’e ho intensaun hakarak estimula membru PNTL sira bele prestasaun di’ak kumprimentu misaun polisiál atu dignifika no hasa’e profisaun.\nHo inisiativa hadi’a remuneratóriu bele halo armonizasaun sistema remuneratóriu PNTL, ho forsa seguransa seluk.\nPrevious articleAutoridade RAEOA husu autoridade lokál enkoraja komunidade simu vasina\nNext articleCEFOBOM kapasita joven sira liuhosi área emprendedorizmu\nLEO C MAIA September 26, 2021 at 9:38 am\nHa’u pesoal gosta lee. Jornál tatoli liu husi telemobile\nI info mós klaru no kapás tebes\nTanba n mka hu hakarak langganan ho J. Tatoli | [
"Salariu F-FDTL no PNTL aumenta 5% no atualiza suplementu remuneratoriu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Salariu F-FDTL no PNTL aumenta 5% no atualiza suplementu remuneratoriu Primeiru Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, prezide reuniaun Konsellu Ministru, Iha Palasiu Governu, segunda (24/09).",
"Imajen TATOLI/Francisco Sony DILI, 24 setembru 2021 (TATOLI) -Governu liuhosi reuniaun Konsellu Ministru (KM) aprova ho alterasaun, Dekretu-Lei kona-ba rejime remuneratoriu FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), ne'ebe aprezenta hosi Ministru Defeza, Filomeno da Paixao de Jesus.",
"\"Projetu ne'e halo aumentu salarial besik 5% iha postu militar sira hotu no halo atualizaun ba suplementu rumenatoriu sira,\" Ministru Prezidensia Konsellu Ministru, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhaes, relata hafoin reuniaun ezekutivu, iha Palasiu Governu, sesta ne'e.",
"Tuir Portavoz Governu, intervensaun lejizlativa ne'e ho objetivu atu hetan karreira militar ne'ebe atrativa liu, ho kondisaun salarial ida tuir modernizasaun no profisionalizasaun hosi Forsa Armada sira.",
"Nune'e mos, Ezekutivu sira hakarak mos atu armoniza diploma ne'e ho proposta alterasaun ba Estatutu Militar sira.",
"Aleinde ne'e, aprova mos ho alterasaun, Projetu Dekretu-Lei kona-ba rejime remuneratotiu hosi Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL), ne'ebe aprezenta hosi Primeiru-Ministru no Ministru Interior, Taur Matan Ruak no hosi Vise-Ministru Interior, Antonio Armindo.",
"\"Ho projetu ida-ne'e, halo aumentu remuneratoriu global ho valor 5% hosi remunerasaun baze no halo atualizasaun ba suplementu remuneratoriu,\" Ministru esplika.",
"Nune'e, intervensaun lejizlativa ne'e ho intensaun hakarak estimula membru PNTL sira bele prestasaun di'ak kumprimentu misaun polisial atu dignifika no hasa'e profisaun.",
"Ho inisiativa hadi'a remuneratoriu bele halo armonizasaun sistema remuneratoriu PNTL, ho forsa seguransa seluk.",
"Previous articleAutoridade RAEOA husu autoridade lokal enkoraja komunidade simu vasina Next articleCEFOBOM kapasita joven sira liuhosi area emprendedorizmu LEO C MAIA September 26, 2021 at 9:38 am Ha'u pesoal gosta lee.",
"Jornal tatoli liu husi telemobile I info mos klaru no kapas tebes Tanba n mka hu hakarak langganan ho J. Tatoli"
] | [
"F-FDTL and PNTL salary increases 5% with updated supplement Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak chaired a meeting of the Council, in Government Palace on Monday (24/09). The prime minister said that he was pleased to announce this decision. “We are very happy about it.”"
"Image TATOLI/Francisco Sony DILI, September-24th (IHA) - The Government through the Council of Ministers meeting has approved with amendments Decree Law on remuneration regime for FALINTIL – Timorese defence forces F–FDTL), presented by Defense minister Filomeno da Paixao."
"\"This bill increases salaries by nearly 5% in all military posts and updates the ruminatory supplement,\" said Minister of Presidency for Cabinet Affairs Fidelis Manuel Leite MagalhaES after an executive meeting at Government Palace on Saturday."
"According to the Government Spokesman, this legislative intervention is aimed at making military careers more attractive with a salary condition that reflected modernization and professionalisation of Armé."
"In addition, the Executive also wants to harmonize this decree with proposed amendments of Military Statutes."
"In addition, it also approved with amendments the Draft Decree-Law on remuneration regime of PNTL (Polisia Nasional Timor Leste), presented by Prime Minister and Interior minister Taur Matan Ruak as well As Deputy Home Secretary Antonio Armindo."
"\"With this draft, the overall remuneration is increased by 5% of base salary and there are updates to supplementary pay\", explained Minister."
"Thus, this legislative intervention is intended to stimulate PNTL members so that they can perform well and fulfil their police missions with a view of dignifying the profession."
"With the initiative to improve remuneration, harmonization of PNTL's salary system with other security forces can be made."
"Previous articleCEFOBOM empowers young people through entrepreneurship LEO C MAIA September 26,10:38 am I like to read."
"Jornal report via telemobile I info is also very clear and capable Because n mka hu want to subscribe with J. Tatoli"
] |
Governu halo esplikasaun kona-ba Rejime Kontributivu molok Lei ne’e vigora « Governu Timor-Leste\nKuarta-feira, 27 outubru 2021 | 22:38\n27 outubru 2021Sorumutuk Konsellu Ministrus nian iha loron 27 fulan-outubru tinan 2021hare tan\n20 outubru 2021Sorumutuk Konsellu Ministrus nian iha loron 20 fulan-outubru tinan 2021hare tan\n13 outubru 2021Sorumutuk Konsellu Ministrus nian iha loron 13 fulan-outubru tinan 2021hare tan\nGovernu halo esplikasaun kona-ba Rejime Kontributivu molok Lei ne’e vigora\nSeg. 19 juñu 2017, 16:23h\nLei Rejime Kontributivu Seguransa Sosiál tama iha vigór iha loron 1 fulan-agostu, ba setór públiku no parte setór privadu. To’o loron 23 fulan-juñu, Ministériu Sosidaridade Sosiál daudaun ne’e hala’o hela asaun esklaresimetu iha territóriu nasionál, hodi esplika ba órgaun soberania sira, servisu públiku (husi administrasaun direta no indireta Estadu nian, servisu no fundu autónomu no empreza públika sira) no setór privadu kona-ba kestaun importante hirak ne’ebé mak envolve iha aplikasaun kona-ba Lei ne’e.\nEkipa sira husi Diresaun Nasionál Rejime Kontributivu Seguransa Sosiál nian dezloka ba Munisípiu sira hotu no ba Rejiaun Administrativa Espesiál Oekusi-Ambenu (RAEOA), ne’ebé prevee ona mós kontaktu sira ho emprezáriu lokál sira (no organizasaun naun-governamentál sira ne’ebé maka husu).\nTo’o iha fulan-agostu nia rohan, entidade empregadór públika sira no empreza privada sira hotu hamutuk ho serbisu-na’in 100 resin, tenke halo Adezaun Obrigatória ba Seguransa Sosiál. Iha empreza privada sira ho serbisu-na’in ne’ebé liu husi 100, tenke rejista sira hotu ne’ebé hala’o atividade profesionál hetan renumerasaun, ho kontratu serbisu tuir tempu ne’ebé maka determinadu ka indeterminadu, tuir Lei Serbisu nian. Iha serbisu públiku sira, tenke tau-naran kona-ba sira hotu ne’ebé hala’o funsaun ne’ebé selu husi Estadu (funsionáriu públiku, ajente, kargu nomeasaun polítika, ne’ebé kontrata iha termu loloos, asesór sira ne’ebé la halo prova sei la-konta iha rejime seluk ne’ebé maka hanesan, nsst.).\nSira mós bele tau naran, iha kazu ida ne’e la obrigatóriu - emprezáriu individuál, serbisu na’in sira ne’ebé privadu, jerente no administradór empreza sira nian no serbisu-na’in doméstiku sira.\nOras ne’e benefisiáriu sira Seguransa Sosiál nian, sei ko’a sira-nia osan, atu iha tempu ne’ebé loos, bele hetan pensaun reforma ida, pensaun invalidez, subsídiu maternidade no paternidade, no subsídiu mate nian ne’ebé maka sei husik helaba familia sira. | [
"Governu halo esplikasaun kona-ba Rejime Kontributivu molok Lei ne'e vigora \" Governu Timor-Leste Kuarta-feira, 27 outubru 2021 | 22:38 27 outubru 2021Sorumutuk Konsellu Ministrus nian iha loron 27 fulan-outubru tinan 2021hare tan 20 outubru 2021Sorumutuk Konsellu Ministrus nian iha loron 20 fulan-outubru tinan 2021hare tan 13 outubru 2021Sorumutuk Konsellu Ministrus nian iha loron 13 fulan-outubru tinan 2021hare tan Governu halo esplikasaun kona-ba Rejime Kontributivu molok Lei ne'e vigora Seg.",
"19 junu 2017, 16:23h Lei Rejime Kontributivu Seguransa Sosial tama iha vigor iha loron 1 fulan-agostu, ba setor publiku no parte setor privadu.",
"To'o loron 23 fulan-junu, Ministeriu Sosidaridade Sosial daudaun ne'e hala'o hela asaun esklaresimetu iha territoriu nasional, hodi esplika ba orgaun soberania sira, servisu publiku (husi administrasaun direta no indireta Estadu nian, servisu no fundu autonomu no empreza publika sira) no setor privadu kona-ba kestaun importante hirak ne'ebe mak envolve iha aplikasaun kona-ba Lei ne'e.",
"Ekipa sira husi Diresaun Nasional Rejime Kontributivu Seguransa Sosial nian dezloka ba Munisipiu sira hotu no ba Rejiaun Administrativa Espesial Oekusi-Ambenu (RAEOA), ne'ebe prevee ona mos kontaktu sira ho emprezariu lokal sira (no organizasaun naun-governamental sira ne'ebe maka husu).",
"To'o iha fulan-agostu nia rohan, entidade empregador publika sira no empreza privada sira hotu hamutuk ho serbisu-na'in 100 resin, tenke halo Adezaun Obrigatoria ba Seguransa Sosial.",
"Iha empreza privada sira ho serbisu-na'in ne'ebe liu husi 100, tenke rejista sira hotu ne'ebe hala'o atividade profesional hetan renumerasaun, ho kontratu serbisu tuir tempu ne'ebe maka determinadu ka indeterminadu, tuir Lei Serbisu nian.",
"Iha serbisu publiku sira, tenke tau-naran kona-ba sira hotu ne'ebe hala'o funsaun ne'ebe selu husi Estadu (funsionariu publiku, ajente, kargu nomeasaun politika, ne'ebe kontrata iha termu loloos, asesor sira ne'ebe la halo prova sei la-konta iha rejime seluk ne'ebe maka hanesan, nsst.).",
"Sira mos bele tau naran, iha kazu ida ne'e la obrigatoriu - emprezariu individual, serbisu na'in sira ne'ebe privadu, jerente no administrador empreza sira nian no serbisu-na'in domestiku sira.",
"Oras ne'e benefisiariu sira Seguransa Sosial nian, sei ko'a sira-nia osan, atu iha tempu ne'ebe loos, bele hetan pensaun reforma ida, pensaun invalidez, subsidiu maternidade no paternidade, no subsidiu mate nian ne'ebe maka sei husik helaba familia sira."
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"The Government gives explanation on the Contributory Regime before this Law comes into force \" Timor-Leste Wednesday, 27th of October -10:38pm (GMT+5) from Monday to Friday. From Tuesday until Thursday and Saturday between November's first week in December through its last weekend after Christmas is a day for celebration with all people who are working or studying outside their home country as well..."
"June 19th,2047:53 PM The Law on the Contributory Social Security System enters into force August first for both public and private sector."
"Until June 23, the Ministry of Social Welfare is currently carrying out an explanatory action in national territories to explain sovereign bodies and public services (direct or indirect State administrations; autonomous funds & service provider-public enterprise) as well os private sector about important issues involved with application regarding this law."
"Teams from the National Directorate of Social Security Contributory Regime have been deployed to all municipalities and Oekusi-Ambenu Special Administration Region (RAEOA), which has also envisaged contacts with local entrepreneurial groups, as well As non government organization that requested them."
"By the end of August, all public employers and private companies with more than a hundred employees will have to register for Compulsory Social Security."
"In private enterprises with more than 102 employees, it is necessary to register all those who carry out a professional activity for remuneration on an indefinite or fixed-term contract of work as per the Services Act."
"In the public service, it is necessary to disclose all those who perform functions paid by state (civil officials and agents of political appointment with contractual terms; advisers without proof shall not be counted under any other similar regime etc.)."
"They may also list their names, in this case optionally - individual entrepreneurs; private employers and the manager or administrator of a company. Domestic workers"
"Now the beneficiaries of Social Security, will be paying their money so that in due time they can receive a retirement pension and disability allowance as well maternity/paternity benefits or death benefit for those who leave families behind."
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By Tempo Timor October 27, 2020 227\nSekretáriu Estadu Kooperativa (SEKoop) Lansa revista ba atividade SEKoop nian durante loron 100. Tersa (27/10). Foto Tempo Timor\nElizário mós rekoñese katak iha kooperativa balun taka duni, maibé la'ós SEKoop mak taka.\n"Iha kooperatva balun Ia'o's ha'u mak taka maibé sira mak taka rasik, tanba antes ne'e iha, maibé sira la dezenvolve entaun sira rasik taka aan, maibé sira ne’ebé seidauk taka SEKoop tenta hadi’a no haburas fila fali Iiuhusi formasaun no reativa fali atividade, nune‘e bele tuir valor no prinsipiu kooperativa nian," dehan Elizário iha edifísiu SEKoop hafoin lasa buletin ba mandatu durante loron 100, Tersa (27/10).\nGovernante ne'e afirma, kooperativa ne'ebé taka ne'e maioria kooperativa produsaun la'ós kooperativa kréditu.\n"Kooperativa besik 60 mak reativa fali, tanba kooperativa produsaun ne'e kuaze 100 resin, maibé 60 mak reativa fila fali ba sira ne'ebé rejistradu no kooperativa kreditu ne'e 137 sira ne'e ativu hotu," katak SEKoop.\nNia mós hakle'an, husi kooperativa kreditu ne'e, SEKoop fahe ba kategória A, B no C ne'ebé númeru kapitál kooperativa nian diferente.\n"Kategória A mak kooperativa sira ne'ebé mak iha kapitál liu ona rihun $500, iha sede rasik no funsionáriu minimu na'in lima. Ida kategória B ne'e mak kapitál kooperativa nian menus husi rihun $500 to'o rihun $250 no kategória C mak ida ne'ebé nia kapitál husi rohun $250 mai kraik," nia tenik.\nAlende husi identifikasaun ne'e, SEKoop mós promete iha momentu ne'ebé toma pose katak, sei harii kooperativa lima no fó formasaun ba membru husi grupu rua kooperativa lima, maibé durante loron 100, liu ona tarjeitu ne'ebé iha.\n"Ha'u hahú serbisu iha Ioron 29 Juñu 2020 no ha'u deklara, prioridade lima durante Ioron 100, katak sei estabelese kooperativa lima maibé agora estabelese one 15, depois fó formasaun ba membru sira husi grupu kooperativa lima, maibé agora SEKoop fó ona formasaun ba membru husi grupu kooperativa 18.(*)\nLast modified on Wednesday, 28 October 2020 08:09\n« Kooperativa Haburas Baguia ho Kapitál $3,950 SEKoop Prontu Apoia Kooperativa NEHEK Maununo » | [
"By Tempo Timor October 27, 2020 227 Sekretariu Estadu Kooperativa (SEKoop) Lansa revista ba atividade SEKoop nian durante loron 100.",
"Tersa (27/10).",
"Foto Tempo Timor Elizario mos rekonese katak iha kooperativa balun taka duni, maibe la'os SEKoop mak taka.",
"\"Iha kooperatva balun Ia'o's ha'u mak taka maibe sira mak taka rasik, tanba antes ne'e iha, maibe sira la dezenvolve entaun sira rasik taka aan, maibe sira ne'ebe seidauk taka SEKoop tenta hadi'a no haburas fila fali Iiuhusi formasaun no reativa fali atividade, nune'e bele tuir valor no prinsipiu kooperativa nian,\" dehan Elizario iha edifisiu SEKoop hafoin lasa buletin ba mandatu durante loron 100, Tersa (27/10).",
"Governante ne'e afirma, kooperativa ne'ebe taka ne'e maioria kooperativa produsaun la'os kooperativa kreditu.",
"\"Kooperativa besik 60 mak reativa fali, tanba kooperativa produsaun ne'e kuaze 100 resin, maibe 60 mak reativa fila fali ba sira ne'ebe rejistradu no kooperativa kreditu ne'e 137 sira ne'e ativu hotu,\" katak SEKoop.",
"Nia mos hakle'an, husi kooperativa kreditu ne'e, SEKoop fahe ba kategoria A, B no C ne'ebe numeru kapital kooperativa nian diferente.",
"\"Kategoria A mak kooperativa sira ne'ebe mak iha kapital liu ona rihun $500, iha sede rasik no funsionariu minimu na'in lima.",
"Ida kategoria B ne'e mak kapital kooperativa nian menus husi rihun $500 to'o rihun $250 no kategoria C mak ida ne'ebe nia kapital husi rohun $250 mai kraik,\" nia tenik.",
"Alende husi identifikasaun ne'e, SEKoop mos promete iha momentu ne'ebe toma pose katak, sei harii kooperativa lima no fo formasaun ba membru husi grupu rua kooperativa lima, maibe durante loron 100, liu ona tarjeitu ne'ebe iha.",
"\"Ha'u hahu serbisu iha Ioron 29 Junu 2020 no ha'u deklara, prioridade lima durante Ioron 100, katak sei estabelese kooperativa lima maibe agora estabelese one 15, depois fo formasaun ba membru sira husi grupu kooperativa lima, maibe agora SEKoop fo ona formasaun ba membru husi grupu kooperativa 18. (*) Last modified on Wednesday, 28 October 2020 08:09 \" Kooperativa Haburas Baguia ho Kapital $3,950 SEKoop Prontu Apoia Kooperativa NEHEK Maununo \""
] | [
"By Tempo Timor October 27,198 The Secretariat of State for Cooperatives (SEKoop) has launched a magazine on the activities carried out by SEKeup during its first hundred days."
"Tuesday (27/10). Tersa."
"Foto Tempo Timor Elizario also acknowledged that some cooperatives do close, but it is not SEKoop."
"\"In some co-operatives I closed them, but they shut themselves down because before there were ones that did not develop and then closed on their own. But those which haven't yet been sealed by SEKoop are trying to improve the conditions of work in these cooperatives through training programs or reactivating activities so as it can continue following its value & principle\", Elizario said at a press conference after releasing his bulletin for mandate period during day one hundred Tuesday (27/10)."
"The governor affirms that the cooperative which is closing down are mostly production cooperatives not credit cooperations."
"\"Nearly 60 cooperatives have been reactivated, because the production co-operatives are almost over a hundred. But only about sixty of them returned to those that were registering and all credit kooperative (137) remain active\", SEKoop said in an email sent by SECoops' press office on Monday afternoon.\""
"He also explained that from the credit cooperative, SEKoop is divided into categories A and B which have different capital numbers."
"\"Category A is for cooperatives with a capital of more than $50, 127 thousand and having their own headquarters. They have to employ at least five people.\""
"\"Category B is for cooperative capital of less than $50, 127 to more then$349.6 million and category C are those with a total equity from under the threshold value (the minimum) or above it.\""
"In addition to this identification, SEKoop also promised at the time of taking office that it would establish five co-operatives and provide training for members from two groups. However during 105 days they have already exceedet their target which was set in December last year when a group had been established with only three cooperatives but now there are more than fifty such associations across Brazil!"
"\"I started work on June 29,10 and I declared priority five during the year of one hundred that we will establish cooperative fifteen but now established a single. Then training for members from group cooperation sixty-five; however SEKoop has already given education to memberships in groups cooperatives eleven.\" (*) Last modified: Wednesday October (3rd),(5th)."
] |
Prevene variante Delta COVID-19, F-FDTL sei reforsa seguransa iha fronteira | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVID-19 Prevene variante Delta COVID-19, F-FDTL sei reforsa seguransa iha fronteira\nPrevene variante Delta COVID-19, F-FDTL sei reforsa seguransa iha fronteira\nTanente Jenerál Lere Anan Timur. Imajen TATOLI/Egas Cristovão\nDILI, 07 jullu 2021 (TATOLI)--Xefe Estadu Maiór Jenerál Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), Tenente Jenerál Lere Anan Timur, hateten atu prevene virus variante Delta COVID-19 ne’ebé agora espalla iha Indonézia, FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) sei reforsa seguransa iha fronteira.\n“Atu Timor-Leste labele lori todan ba virus variante COVID-19 ne’e, entaun ita tenke reforsa seguransa iha fronteira. Tanba, ita-nia própriu komunidade ne’ebé iha fronteira mak fasilita sira tama-sai, entaun bainhira reforsa ona seguransa mak tenke reforsa medida,” Tenente Jenerál Lere Anan Timur hateten ba jornalista sira, hafoin hala’o enkontru ho Prezidente Repúblika, Francisco Guterres Lú Olo, iha Palásiu Prezidensiál Nicolau Lobato, Bairru Pite, Dili, ohin.\nTenente Jenerál hatutan, medida ne’e tenke aplika ba sira-ne’ebé tama-sai iha fronteira ne’e tenke kumpre kuarentena depois ba hatán iha Tribunál.\nTuir nia, medida hanesan mós tenke aplika ba ema sira-ne’ebé mak fasilita ema seluk tama-sai fronteira, nune’e ema sira-ne’e bele tauk.\n“Ha’u hanoin buat hotu-hotu presiza konsiénsia tanba moras (variante Delta COVID-19) ne’e mai, família ida bele mate hotu. Tanba ne’e, ita sei reforsa tan seguransa maibé dahuluk ami mós presiza kria kondisaun liuliu alojamentu ba sira inklui sasán ba prevensaun COVID-19 nian,” nia dehan.\nIha enkontru ne’e, nia dehan, Xefe Estadu hateten haree di’ak forsa sira no ninia apoiu tomak ba PNTL tanba sira-nia misaun mak lutu nasaun no la’o tuir regra no orden iha rai-laran.\nSala Situasaun, Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (SIJK), tersa (06.07) rejista kazu pozitivu 46, rekoperadu 29 no kazu ativu 942. Hosi kazu foun 46 ne’e maihosi Dili 31 no munisípiu-sira iha na’in-15 ne’ebé kompostu hosi mane 29 no feto 17.\nKumulativu kazu konfirmadu sura hosi 21 marsu 2020 to’o 06 jullu 2021 hamutuk 9.558. Iha 06 jullu 2021, izolamentu Vera Cruz halo tratamentu ba kazu detetadu na’in-19, iha área obstetrisia na’in-ualu (8) no iha medisina interna na’in-ualu (8) no sirurjia nain-tolu (3), ia obstetrisia na’in-ualu (8) kategoria leve (mild) hotu, iha área medisina interna na’in-ualu (8), ida (1) grave, uza oksijéniu na’in-rua (2), moderadu na’in-lima 95) leve (mild).\nEntretantu iha Indonézia deteta kazu COVID-19 iha tokon 2,31, rekoperadu tokon 1,9 no mate hamutuk 61.140.\nF-FDTL sei reforsa seguransa iha fronteira\nPrevious articleVeteranu nia-oan na’in-47 hetan subsídiu Governu ba sira-nia estudu\nNext articleIzolamentu inan isin-rua iha Baucau hetan ‘atake’ hosi joven ida | [
"Prevene variante Delta COVID-19, F-FDTL sei reforsa seguransa iha fronteira | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID-19 Prevene variante Delta COVID-19, F-FDTL sei reforsa seguransa iha fronteira Prevene variante Delta COVID-19, F-FDTL sei reforsa seguransa iha fronteira Tanente Jeneral Lere Anan Timur.",
"Imajen TATOLI/Egas Cristovao DILI, 07 jullu 2021 (TATOLI) --Xefe Estadu Maior Jeneral Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), Tenente Jeneral Lere Anan Timur, hateten atu prevene virus variante Delta COVID-19 ne'ebe agora espalla iha Indonezia, FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) sei reforsa seguransa iha fronteira.",
"\"Atu Timor-Leste labele lori todan ba virus variante COVID-19 ne'e, entaun ita tenke reforsa seguransa iha fronteira.",
"Tanba, ita-nia propriu komunidade ne'ebe iha fronteira mak fasilita sira tama-sai, entaun bainhira reforsa ona seguransa mak tenke reforsa medida,\" Tenente Jeneral Lere Anan Timur hateten ba jornalista sira, hafoin hala'o enkontru ho Prezidente Republika, Francisco Guterres Lu Olo, iha Palasiu Prezidensial Nicolau Lobato, Bairru Pite, Dili, ohin.",
"Tenente Jeneral hatutan, medida ne'e tenke aplika ba sira-ne'ebe tama-sai iha fronteira ne'e tenke kumpre kuarentena depois ba hatan iha Tribunal.",
"Tuir nia, medida hanesan mos tenke aplika ba ema sira-ne'ebe mak fasilita ema seluk tama-sai fronteira, nune'e ema sira-ne'e bele tauk.",
"\"Ha'u hanoin buat hotu-hotu presiza konsiensia tanba moras (variante Delta COVID-19) ne'e mai, familia ida bele mate hotu.",
"Tanba ne'e, ita sei reforsa tan seguransa maibe dahuluk ami mos presiza kria kondisaun liuliu alojamentu ba sira inklui sasan ba prevensaun COVID-19 nian,\" nia dehan.",
"Iha enkontru ne'e, nia dehan, Xefe Estadu hateten haree di'ak forsa sira no ninia apoiu tomak ba PNTL tanba sira-nia misaun mak lutu nasaun no la'o tuir regra no orden iha rai-laran.",
"Sala Situasaun, Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (SIJK), tersa (06.07) rejista kazu pozitivu 46, rekoperadu 29 no kazu ativu 942.",
"Hosi kazu foun 46 ne'e maihosi Dili 31 no munisipiu-sira iha na'in-15 ne'ebe kompostu hosi mane 29 no feto 17.",
"Kumulativu kazu konfirmadu sura hosi 21 marsu 2020 to'o 06 jullu 2021 hamutuk 9.558.",
"Iha 06 jullu 2021, izolamentu Vera Cruz halo tratamentu ba kazu detetadu na'in-19, iha area obstetrisia na'in-ualu (8) no iha medisina interna na'in-ualu (8) no sirurjia nain-tolu (3), ia obstetrisia na'in-ualu (8) kategoria leve (mild) hotu, iha area medisina interna na'in-ualu (8), ida (1) grave, uza oksijeniu na'in-rua (2), moderadu na'in-lima 95) leve (mild).",
"Entretantu iha Indonezia deteta kazu COVID-19 iha tokon 2,31, rekoperadu tokon 1,9 no mate hamutuk 61.140.",
"F-FDTL sei reforsa seguransa iha fronteira Previous articleVeteranu nia-oan na'in-47 hetan subsidiu Governu ba sira-nia estudu Next articleIzolamentu inan isin-rua iha Baucau hetan 'atake' hosi joven ida"
] | [
"Prevente variante Delta COVID-19, F -FDTL sei reforçar segurança na fronteira | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor Leste PREVIOUS POST Previous post: Preveente variant delta covid –20485673 Precaution against the variation of coronavirus (COVID) will strengthen security at borders Lieutenant General Lere Anan Timur."
"DILI, July 7th (Agência Tatoli) --Chief of General Staff Timor-Leste Defence Forces(FDTL), Lt. Gen Lere Anan Timur said that in order to prevent the Delta COVID -19 variant virus which is now spreading across Indonesia FALINTIL – Força de Defensa do Leste/Forças Armadas da República Democrática Popular Portuguesa will reinforce security at border points with other countries and strengthen control on illegal entry into their territories from foreigners who are not vaccinated or have a negative test result for coronavirus before entering Papua New Guinea by sea crossings between these two nations"
"\"In order for Timor-Leste not to carry the variant of this virus, we must strengthen border security."
"Because, our own community at the border facilitates their entry and exit. So when we have reinforced security then measures must be strengthened,” Lieutenant General Lere Anan Timur told journalist-led press conference after meeting with President Francisco Guterres Lu Olo in Nicolau Lobato Presidential Palace today (Thursday)."
"The Lieutenant-General added that the measure should be applied to those who enter and leave through this border must comply with quarantine after answering in court."
"According to him, the same measures should also be applied for people who facilitate others' entry into and exit from border areas so that they can escape."
"\"I think everything needs consciousness because the disease (Delta COVID-19 variant) comes, a family can die."
"Therefore, we will reinforce security but first of all it is necessary to create conditions especially accommodation for them including items needed in the fight against COVID-19.\""
"During the meeting, he said that Head of State expressed his appreciation and full support for PNTL because their mission is to keep order in our country."
"The Situation Room, Integrated Crisis Management Centre (SIJK), on Tuesday 06/29 registered a total of fourty-six positive cases and twenty nine recoveries."
"Of the 46 new cases, Dili has reported a total of31 and municipalities have recorded one (29 men) with seventeen females."
"The cumulative number of confirmed cases from 21 March to July totalled a whopping $9,560."
"On 06 July, Vera Cruz isolation was treating the detected cases of nineteen (19), in obstetrics area seven-eight(8) and internal medicine areas sixty five/seventeen patients were all mild category. In hospitalization there are three surgical units with a total capacity for one hundred twenty four people; an intensive care unit has been used by two thousand fiftenfive patient who have had to be admitted on oxygen because their condition is not serious or moderately critical:"
"Meanwhile, in Indonesia COVID-19 cases have been detected at 2.30 million; recoveries totalled to a record high of over one billion and the death toll reached an all time low level with just under sixty thousand people dying from this disease since it first emerged on June nineth (6/7)."
"F-FDTL will reinforce security at border Previous article47 veterans' children receive government subsidies for their studies Next artikelIsolation centre in Baucau has been 'attacked by a young woman."
] |
PDHJ Lansa Fim do Relatóriu Monitorizasaun Estadu Emerjênsia Ba Periodu Primeiro no Segundo - PDHJ - Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justiça\nBy Joana da Cruz On 13 May 2020 In Uncategorized\nDili : PDHJ Lansa Relatório Fim do Relatóriu Monitorizasaun Estadu Emerjênsia Primeiro (I) ba período 28 Marsu – 26 Abril 2020, nomos Lansa Relatório Semanal Estadu Emerjênsia Segundo (II) ba período 28 Abril to’o 10 de Maio 2020.\nRelatório Fim do Relatóriu Monitorizasaun Estadu Emerjênsia Primeiro (I) ba período 28 Marsu – 26 Abril 2020\nProvedoria dos Direitos HumanoseJustiça (PDHJ) fo sai ba públiku relatório monitorizasaun Estadu Emerjênsia ba período 28 Marsu to’o 26 Abril 2020 ne’ebé instituisaun independente ne’e realiza iha 12 Munisípius no Região Administrativa Especial Oecusse-Ambeno (RAEOA).\nRelatório ne’e kompila husi fiskalizadores PDHJ sira, ne’ebé deskreve:Prevensaun hada’et COVID-19, Identifikasaun no Tratamentu COVID-19, Garantia ba Ema nia Privasidade, Diskriminasaun no Stigma hasoru suspeitu no pasiente COVID-19, Asesu ba Informasaun, Direitu ba Ai-Han, Moris Adekuadu no Direitu Traballu, Asesu ba Edukasaun, Direitu ba Asisténsia Médiku iha ámbitu jerál, Moris la hó violénsia, inklui violénsia doméstika, no Atendimentu públiku iha tempo Estado Emerjênsia periodo primeiro. Relatório ho página 18 ne’e hato’o sucesso ne’ebé Governo alkansa durante EE, nomos hato’o rekomendasaun hamutuk 33 ba Governo hodi hadia servisu sira iha tempo tuir mai.\nPontos principais husi relatorio:\nEm relasaun ho konfinamentu obrigatório, PDHJ rekoñese katak iha dezafiu oi-oin atu garante izolamentu fíziku hosi ema sira iha kuarentena, haree ba limitasaun kuartu atu garante akomodasaun individuál no dezafiu lojístika atu garante ai-han ho kualidade no kuantidade ne’ebé nesesáriu. PDHJ rekomenda atu Governo kontinua halo esforsu hodi hadi’ak fasilidade kuarentena atu garante tratamentu dignu no kondisaun di’ak no promove elaborasaun hosi autoridade saúde orientasaun klaru kona-ba disponibilidade ai-moruk, tratamentu no ai-hán ne’ebé bele garante sidadaun nia saúde durante tempu iha kuarentena.\nPDHJ rekoñese PNTL nia esforsu ne’ebé rezulta katak, ein jerál, hala’o ninia funsaun ho di’ak, liu-liu asegura implementasaun medida sira atu prevene COVID-19 hanesan distansiamentu sosiál no bandu halibur ema ho númeru a’as liu duké ema na’in-lima. PDHJ rekomenda atu PNTL kontinua promove medidas necessárias sira hodi garante katak oficiais policias sira halao funsaun tuir deit regras Estadu Emerjênsia nian.\nPDHJ nota ho preokupasaun katak durante tempu estadu emerjênsia atu foti medida hodi kontrola sidadaun sira ne’ebé mai husi rai liur, líder instituisaun publika no seguransa no reprezentante husi orgaun soberano balun utiliza mídia atu fó-sai deklarasaun ne’ebé promove uzu forsa esesivu ba forsa ho serbisu seguransa sira. PDHJ rekomenda atu garante katak sei la iha autoridade públika ne’ebé sei konsidera uzu violénsia esesivu nu’udar medida atu promove kumprimentu regra ida, ho ezaltasaun ka promosaun ba asaun ne’ebé viola legalidade demokrátika ne’ebé hatu’ur bazeia ba garantia fundamentál sira.\nIha monitorizasaun PDHJ nian, komunidade barak mak expressa katak sira laiha kapasidade atu sosa no acesso ba máskara. Alem de ida ne’e, tamba difikuldade acesso ba bé, komunidade barak mak la halo tuir rekomendasaun husi Governo no Organizasaun Mundia Saude hodi fase liman bebeik. Tan ne’e, konsidera kapasidade financeira sidadaun sira nian iha tempo Estadu Emerjênsia, PDHJ rekomenda ba Governo atu fornece máskara protesaun nomos matérias sira hanesan hand sanitazer/alcol ba sidadaun sira liliu sira ne’ebe kbi’it laek hodi garante kumprimentu ba regras sira Estadu Emerjênsia nian. PDHJ mos rekomenda ba Governo atu kontinua fasilita fornesimentu bé mos no sabaun iha via públicas nomos merkadu hodi fasilita komunidade sira kumpri regra no conselho Governo nian hodi moris higiene.\nPDHJ simu informasaun husi sidadaun sira iha fatin konfinamentu obrigatóriu balun, hanesan otél Novo Horizonte, katak autoridade kompetente viola sira-nia privasidade tanba fó-sai sira-nia imajen la hó konsentimentu ka autorizasaun husi sira. PDHJ rekomenda ba Governu atu garante katak informasaun kona-ba sidadaun nia identidade iha konfinamentu obrigatóriu bele fó-sai de’it bainhira iha autorizasaun ka konsentimentu husi sidadaun refere.\nPDHJ haree katak membru populasaun balun sente livre atu espresa a’an sentimentu diskriminatóriu no stigma ne’ebé mós promove uza violénsia nu’udar meiu potensiál atu hatán ba preokupasaun bazeia ba diskriminasaun ne’e. PDHJ rekomenda ba entidade públika hot-hotu tenke halo esforsu ida atu foti asaun hodi hatudu katak violénsia no diskriminasaun la’ós hanesan valór ne’ebé sosiedade Timor-Leste simu.\nDurante monitorizasaun, fiskalizadores PDHJ sira nota katak komunidades sira iha área rural ladun kumpri regras Estadu Emerjênsia hanesan distansiamentu sosial, nomos uza máskara wainhira halao atividades komersial sira iha merkadu, ba halo tratamentu dokumentus iha sede suco nomos lao iha via públika sira. Kumprimentu ba regras Estadu Emerjênsia nian importante tebes hodi prevene propagasaun moras Covid-19 iha Timor-Leste. Tan ne’e, PDHJ rekomenda ba Governo atu intensifika sosializasaun no sensibilizasaun medida preventiva COVID-19 ba komunidade sira iha área urbana no rural hodi garante kumprimentu regra sira Estadu Emerjénsia, inklui mobiliza lider komunitáriu atu sai ajente iha báze atu garante alkanse ema hotu ba informasaun sira-ne’e no hametin kapasidade fiskalizasaun implementasaun regra, inklui ba fatin komersiál sira husi entidade públika relevante.\nPDHJ kongratula Governu nia desizaun atu implementa medida apoiu finanseiru ba uma ka’in, maibé nota katak ho limitasaun ba transporte públiku no ho difikuldade atu sosa aihán sei la garante katak apoiu finanseiru ne’e sei reflete garantia nutrisaun no hahan ba ferik no katuas sira, ema ne’ebé inkapasidade liuliu ba labarik sira. PDHJ rekomenda atu Governu implementa ho lalais medida apoiu finanseiru ba uma ka’in sira no mós atu konsidera distribuisaun sasán báziku nian ba família vulnerável, inklui sira ne’ebé hela iha área remotas.\nPDHJ mós fahe preokupasaun ne’ebé populasaun balun hato’o kona-ba difikuldade asesu ba materiál iha área rurál no husu Ministério da Educação, Juventude e Desporto atu aselera distribuisaun materiál sira ba área rurál atu promove asesu ho kondisaun igualdade ba labarik hotuhotu. PDHJ mós rekomenda atu Governu bele konsidera distribuisaun materiál hamutuk distribuisaun ai-hán ka apoiu umanitáriu seluk.\nPDHJ simu kesar 8 ne’ebé relasiona ho uza forsa esesivu hosi membro PNTL la relasiona ho medida prevensaun COVID-19 durante Estadu Emerjénsia. Numeru ne’e hatudu katak komportamentu husi membro PNTL balun laos reprezenta atitude no atuasaun husi membro PNTL hotu ne’ebe halo servisu ho dedikasaun no profesionalismu.\nDurante monitorizasaun, PDHJ nota katak lideres komunitarias sira halibur hamutuk komunidade barak iha sede sucos nomos sede aldeias hodi promove tratamento documentos ficha famílias hodi hetan subsidiu husi Governo hanesan iha Suku Letefoho, Munisípiu Manufahi, Suku Lahomea no Suku Karabau, Munisipiu Bobonaro. Medida ida ne’e diak hodi garante sidadaun sira bele apoio subsidio husi Governo, maibe iha tempo hanesan mos fo risku ba komunidade sira hodi hetan hadaet husi moras Covid-19. Tan PDHJ rekomenda ba Governo atu orienta ba lider komunitarias sira (Chefe Suco no Chefe Aldeia) atu labele halo atividade ne’ebé halibur ema liu nain liman hanesan halo tratamento ficha família uma kain sira no seluk tan. Lider komunitarias sira presisa promove medidas sira ne’ebé hadok ema husi propagasaun moras Covid-19 liu husi visita ba sidadaun sira nia ema, en vez de, sidadaun sira mak ba iha sede suco.\nPDHJ congratula Governo ba aprovasaun medidas social no econômico sira hodi hatan ba impaktu negativu husi Estadu Emerjênsia nian ne’ebé sei hetan financiamento husi Fundo Covid-19. Tamba medidas hirak ne’e hatur ona iha enkuadramento legal sira, PDHJ rekomenda ba Governo atu garante katak jestaun orsamentu Fundo Covid-19 nian halo tuir deit regras sira ne’ebé iha. Precisa promove transparansia iha exekusaun orçamento ida ne’e hodi nune bele hasae konfiansa públiku nian ba órgão administrasaun pública sira iha tempo defisil ida ne’e.\nRelatório Semanal Estadu Emerjênsia Segundo (II) ba período 28 Abril to’o 10 de Maio 2020.\nHahu husi 28 Abril 2020, Timor-Leste tama iha faze segundo husi Estadu Emerjênsia (EE) nian nudar estensaun ba período primeiro husi EE. PDHJ kontinua realiza monitorizasaun implementasaun regra EE iha faze segundo ne’e. PDHJ identifica susesu no desafios ne’ebé hetan husi Governo durante monitorizasaun. Alem de ida ne’e, iha relatório ne’e, PDHJ mos hato’o rekomendasaun balun ba Governo hodi hadia implementasaun EE durante resto do período.\nSusesu ne’ebé halo husi entidade públika sira:\nHaforsa sosializasaun kona-ba COVID-19 iha Munisípiu sira no iha nível lokál, inklui promove fahe informasaun iha nível Aldeia balun no iha entidade públikane’ebé oferese serbisu públiku oinoin;\nPolísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL) hatudu kapasidade atu hala’o serbisu promove prevensaun ba moras COVID-19 iha situasaun emerjénsia saúde nian, no iha tempu refere rezulta menus alegasaun uza forsa ka abuzu autoridade hosi PNTL sira;\nPromove manutensaun ba apoiu sosiál ba feto sira vítima violénsia ho atensaun espesiál ba prevensaun da’et COVID-19 nian, liuhosi asegura hosi autoridade públika apoiu atu loke filafali Uma Mahon iha RAEOA no mós estabelesimentu Uma Tranzitóriu iha Baucau ne’ebé sei garante tempu kuarentena ba feto no labarik sira hotu ne’ebé presiza protesaun hosi uma mahon;\nGarante atendimentu saúde iha fasilidade saúde sira nafatin fó asesu asisténsia saúde baibain durante períodu Estadu Emerjénsia, inklui garante funsionamentu atendimentu emerjénsia, atendimentu iha HNGV no mós iha klínika iha Ataúro;\nReativa transporte públiku fó oportunidade ba populasaun bele kontinua hala’o atividade komersiál, inklui fa’an sira-nia produtu iha merkadu lokál;\nHahú hala’o distribuisaun materiál eskolár iha eskola sira nu’udar mekamizmu ida atu implementa edukasaun inkluzivu liuliu iha área balun no hosi uma ka’in vulnerável;\nEsforsu hosi Gabinete Integrado Gestão Crise atu hametin privasidade ema-nian lori rezultadu pozitivu durante períodu monitorizasaun semana dahuluk nian no PDHJ la observa violasaun grave ba direitu privasidade ema-nian durante períodu monitorizasaun;\nDezafiu no difikuldade ne’ebé mosu hosi realidade kombate COVID-19 rezulta hametin sentimentu solidariedade iha komunidade nia leet, no ho pozitivu grupu oinoin fó apoiu ba komunidade vulnerável liu\nPrinsipál desafio ne’ebé PDHJ identifka mak:\nDifikuldade ba Governu atu garante populasaun mantein nafatin sentimentu ne’ebé hatudu nesesidade hodi iha vijilánsia totál no kumpre nafatin regra konfinamentu voluntáriu, distansiamentu fíziku no fase liman nian, karik mai hosi sentimentu rezulta hosi susesu inisiál kontrola COVID-19. PDHJ observa movimentu maka’as hosi populasaun kuaze iha teritóriu tomak hahú hosi semana daruak estensaun Estadu Emerjénsia;\nKumprimentu ba regra distansiamentu fíziku la halo ho uniforme iha teritóriu tomak, no PDHJ haree rasik katak iha fatin balun kumpre ho regra, balun la kumpre, situasaun ida-ne’ebé bele lori impaktu negativu loos ba hada’et COVID-19 no mós Estadu Direitu nian;\nGarante nutrisaun ba komunidade vulnerável dezafiu boot ida, ne’ebé risku atu sai situasaun grave haree ba dadus nutrisaun ne’ebé hatudu katak molok Estadu Emerjénsia besik labarik 50% iha situasaun mal nutrisaun nian. Durante semana dahuluk Estadu Emerjénsia seidauk iha distribuisaun ai-hán ka apoiu finanseiru ba komunidade hosi Governu;\nKobransa hosi lideransa komunitáriu atu hala’o atividade hanesan rejistu Ficha Família la prevé iha lejislasaun no ho nune’e bainhira xefe suku halo kobransa komete ilegalidade ida;\nDifikuldade atu asegura asesu fasilidade oinoin ba populasaun iha Ataúro haree ba limitasaun transporte ne’ebé bele lori ba-mai sasán no ema atu garante moris adekuadu no asesu ba serbisu sira;\nBazeia ba rezultadu monitorizasaun ne’ebé deskreve ho detalle iha relatóriu ida-ne’e, PDHJ rekomenda atu:\nEntidade públika sira hotu no reprezentante hosi entidade públiku, ho espesiál lideransa komunitáriu, tenke sai ezemplu di’ak ba komunidade tomak no tenke garante sira rasik no entidade ne’ebé sira lidera kumpre ho rigorozu regra Estadu Emerjénsia, liuliu distansiamentu fíziku nian;\nGovernu intensifika informasaun iha nível komunidade no foti asaun relevante liuhosi metodolojia ne’ebé bele duni iha impaktu pozitivu muda komunidade nia hahalok;\nEntidade públika sira hotu ne’ebé oferese serbisu ba públiku tenke ho urjente garante:\nIha fasilidade fase liman ho asesu ba bé no sabaun, ne’ebé mós asesível ba ema ho defisiénsia;\nIha sistema klaru atu ajuda komunidade mai hetan atendimentu atu respeitu distansiamentu fíziku nian, hanesan dada talin ka pinta iha rai, no garante katak iha funsionáriu dedikadu ida atu mantein kumprimentu ba regra sira;\nAsegura funsionáriu iha asesu ba ekipamentu hanesan máskara no katak iha duni monitorizasaun regulár hosi supervizór atu garante funsionáriu sira uza máskara, no ho nune’e sira bele hala’o atendimentu públiku la hó risku ba sira-nia saúde no hatudu ezemplu pozitivu ba komunidade tomak\nPDHJ fó-hanoin katak komérsiu sira-nia responsabilidade mós inklui atu garante distánsia fíziku hosi sira-ne’ebé sei hein atendimentu, no husu ba autoridade públiku sira atu fiskaliza fatin sira komersiál ne’ebé baibain iha movimentu boot.\nGovernu tomak, ho kolaborasaun hosi autoridade sira iha nível Munisipál, no forsa seguransa tenke haforsa kapasidade atu fiskaliza no monitora implementasaun regra Estadu Emerjénsia iha teritóriu tomak, liuliu distansiamentu fíziku nian no bandu halibur malu, tanba bainhira la iha kumprimentu uniforme bele hafraku Estadu Direitu iha tempu Estadu Emerjénsia;\nKontinua garante forsa seguransa sei implementa regra Estadu Emerjénsia ho profisionalizmu no ho métodu edukativu nian, ne’ebé lalenok natureza Estadu Emerjénsia relasiona ho moras da’et;\nGovernu tenke halais medida apoiu ekonómiku ba komunidade sira no konsidera posibilidade atu halo distribuisaun ai-hán, ho parseria ho sosiedade sivil, ba Uma Ka’in ne’ebé hela iha fatin izoladu liu no ne’ebé vulnerável liu;\nMinistériu Administrasaun Estatál tenke garante sosializasaun ba regra katak Xefe Suku labele halo kobransa atu rejistu Ficha Família nian tanba seidauk prevé iha lejislasaun posibilidade atu halo kobransa refere. Karik lideransa komunitáriu kontinua nafatin halo kobransa depois hetan informasaun klaru hosi Governu, entaun MInistériu Administrasaun Estatál tenke foti medida atu halo partisipasaun krime ba Comissão Anti-Corrupção ka Ministério Público;\nPrevious: Implementasaun Estadu de-Emerjênsia iha Baucau, Same no RAEOA\nNext: ESTADU EMERJÊNSIA: Monitorizasaun ba Servisu Atendimentu iha Centru Saúde Becora no Eskola Tékniku Vokasionál Ospitalidade no Turizmu-Becora durante Estadu Emerjênsia (EE) | [
"PDHJ Lansa Fim do Relatoriu Monitorizasaun Estadu Emerjensia Ba Periodu Primeiro no Segundo - PDHJ - Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justica By Joana da Cruz On 13 May 2020 In Uncategorized Dili: PDHJ Lansa Relatorio Fim do Relatoriu Monitorizasaun Estadu Emerjensia Primeiro (I) ba periodo 28 Marsu - 26 Abril 2020, nomos Lansa Relatorio Semanal Estadu Emerjensia Segundo (II) ba periodo 28 Abril to'o 10 de Maio 2020.",
"Relatorio Fim do Relatoriu Monitorizasaun Estadu Emerjensia Primeiro (I) ba periodo 28 Marsu - 26 Abril 2020 Provedoria dos Direitos HumanoseJustica (PDHJ) fo sai ba publiku relatorio monitorizasaun Estadu Emerjensia ba periodo 28 Marsu to'o 26 Abril 2020 ne'ebe instituisaun independente ne'e realiza iha 12 Munisipius no Regiao Administrativa Especial Oecusse-Ambeno (RAEOA).",
"Relatorio ne'e kompila husi fiskalizadores PDHJ sira, ne'ebe deskreve:Prevensaun hada'et COVID-19, Identifikasaun no Tratamentu COVID-19, Garantia ba Ema nia Privasidade, Diskriminasaun no Stigma hasoru suspeitu no pasiente COVID-19, Asesu ba Informasaun, Direitu ba Ai-Han, Moris Adekuadu no Direitu Traballu, Asesu ba Edukasaun, Direitu ba Asistensia Mediku iha ambitu jeral, Moris la ho violensia, inklui violensia domestika, no Atendimentu publiku iha tempo Estado Emerjensia periodo primeiro.",
"Relatorio ho pagina 18 ne'e hato'o sucesso ne'ebe Governo alkansa durante EE, nomos hato'o rekomendasaun hamutuk 33 ba Governo hodi hadia servisu sira iha tempo tuir mai.",
"Pontos principais husi relatorio: Em relasaun ho konfinamentu obrigatorio, PDHJ rekonese katak iha dezafiu oi-oin atu garante izolamentu fiziku hosi ema sira iha kuarentena, haree ba limitasaun kuartu atu garante akomodasaun individual no dezafiu lojistika atu garante ai-han ho kualidade no kuantidade ne'ebe nesesariu.",
"PDHJ rekomenda atu Governo kontinua halo esforsu hodi hadi'ak fasilidade kuarentena atu garante tratamentu dignu no kondisaun di'ak no promove elaborasaun hosi autoridade saude orientasaun klaru kona-ba disponibilidade ai-moruk, tratamentu no ai-han ne'ebe bele garante sidadaun nia saude durante tempu iha kuarentena.",
"PDHJ rekonese PNTL nia esforsu ne'ebe rezulta katak, ein jeral, hala'o ninia funsaun ho di'ak, liu-liu asegura implementasaun medida sira atu prevene COVID-19 hanesan distansiamentu sosial no bandu halibur ema ho numeru a'as liu duke ema na'in-lima.",
"PDHJ rekomenda atu PNTL kontinua promove medidas necessarias sira hodi garante katak oficiais policias sira halao funsaun tuir deit regras Estadu Emerjensia nian.",
"PDHJ nota ho preokupasaun katak durante tempu estadu emerjensia atu foti medida hodi kontrola sidadaun sira ne'ebe mai husi rai liur, lider instituisaun publika no seguransa no reprezentante husi orgaun soberano balun utiliza midia atu fo-sai deklarasaun ne'ebe promove uzu forsa esesivu ba forsa ho serbisu seguransa sira.",
"PDHJ rekomenda atu garante katak sei la iha autoridade publika ne'ebe sei konsidera uzu violensia esesivu nu'udar medida atu promove kumprimentu regra ida, ho ezaltasaun ka promosaun ba asaun ne'ebe viola legalidade demokratika ne'ebe hatu'ur bazeia ba garantia fundamental sira.",
"Iha monitorizasaun PDHJ nian, komunidade barak mak expressa katak sira laiha kapasidade atu sosa no acesso ba maskara.",
"Alem de ida ne'e, tamba difikuldade acesso ba be, komunidade barak mak la halo tuir rekomendasaun husi Governo no Organizasaun Mundia Saude hodi fase liman bebeik.",
"Tan ne'e, konsidera kapasidade financeira sidadaun sira nian iha tempo Estadu Emerjensia, PDHJ rekomenda ba Governo atu fornece maskara protesaun nomos materias sira hanesan hand sanitazer/alcol ba sidadaun sira liliu sira ne'ebe kbi'it laek hodi garante kumprimentu ba regras sira Estadu Emerjensia nian.",
"PDHJ mos rekomenda ba Governo atu kontinua fasilita fornesimentu be mos no sabaun iha via publicas nomos merkadu hodi fasilita komunidade sira kumpri regra no conselho Governo nian hodi moris higiene.",
"PDHJ simu informasaun husi sidadaun sira iha fatin konfinamentu obrigatoriu balun, hanesan otel Novo Horizonte, katak autoridade kompetente viola sira-nia privasidade tanba fo-sai sira-nia imajen la ho konsentimentu ka autorizasaun husi sira.",
"PDHJ rekomenda ba Governu atu garante katak informasaun kona-ba sidadaun nia identidade iha konfinamentu obrigatoriu bele fo-sai de'it bainhira iha autorizasaun ka konsentimentu husi sidadaun refere.",
"PDHJ haree katak membru populasaun balun sente livre atu espresa a'an sentimentu diskriminatoriu no stigma ne'ebe mos promove uza violensia nu'udar meiu potensial atu hatan ba preokupasaun bazeia ba diskriminasaun ne'e.",
"PDHJ rekomenda ba entidade publika hot-hotu tenke halo esforsu ida atu foti asaun hodi hatudu katak violensia no diskriminasaun la'os hanesan valor ne'ebe sosiedade Timor-Leste simu.",
"Durante monitorizasaun, fiskalizadores PDHJ sira nota katak komunidades sira iha area rural ladun kumpri regras Estadu Emerjensia hanesan distansiamentu sosial, nomos uza maskara wainhira halao atividades komersial sira iha merkadu, ba halo tratamentu dokumentus iha sede suco nomos lao iha via publika sira.",
"Kumprimentu ba regras Estadu Emerjensia nian importante tebes hodi prevene propagasaun moras Covid-19 iha Timor-Leste.",
"Tan ne'e, PDHJ rekomenda ba Governo atu intensifika sosializasaun no sensibilizasaun medida preventiva COVID-19 ba komunidade sira iha area urbana no rural hodi garante kumprimentu regra sira Estadu Emerjensia, inklui mobiliza lider komunitariu atu sai ajente iha baze atu garante alkanse ema hotu ba informasaun sira-ne'e no hametin kapasidade fiskalizasaun implementasaun regra, inklui ba fatin komersial sira husi entidade publika relevante.",
"PDHJ kongratula Governu nia desizaun atu implementa medida apoiu finanseiru ba uma ka'in, maibe nota katak ho limitasaun ba transporte publiku no ho difikuldade atu sosa aihan sei la garante katak apoiu finanseiru ne'e sei reflete garantia nutrisaun no hahan ba ferik no katuas sira, ema ne'ebe inkapasidade liuliu ba labarik sira.",
"PDHJ rekomenda atu Governu implementa ho lalais medida apoiu finanseiru ba uma ka'in sira no mos atu konsidera distribuisaun sasan baziku nian ba familia vulneravel, inklui sira ne'ebe hela iha area remotas.",
"PDHJ mos fahe preokupasaun ne'ebe populasaun balun hato'o kona-ba difikuldade asesu ba material iha area rural no husu Ministerio da Educacao, Juventude e Desporto atu aselera distribuisaun material sira ba area rural atu promove asesu ho kondisaun igualdade ba labarik hotuhotu.",
"PDHJ mos rekomenda atu Governu bele konsidera distribuisaun material hamutuk distribuisaun ai-han ka apoiu umanitariu seluk.",
"PDHJ simu kesar 8 ne'ebe relasiona ho uza forsa esesivu hosi membro PNTL la relasiona ho medida prevensaun COVID-19 durante Estadu Emerjensia.",
"Numeru ne'e hatudu katak komportamentu husi membro PNTL balun laos reprezenta atitude no atuasaun husi membro PNTL hotu ne'ebe halo servisu ho dedikasaun no profesionalismu.",
"Durante monitorizasaun, PDHJ nota katak lideres komunitarias sira halibur hamutuk komunidade barak iha sede sucos nomos sede aldeias hodi promove tratamento documentos ficha familias hodi hetan subsidiu husi Governo hanesan iha Suku Letefoho, Munisipiu Manufahi, Suku Lahomea no Suku Karabau, Munisipiu Bobonaro.",
"Medida ida ne'e diak hodi garante sidadaun sira bele apoio subsidio husi Governo, maibe iha tempo hanesan mos fo risku ba komunidade sira hodi hetan hadaet husi moras Covid-19.",
"Tan PDHJ rekomenda ba Governo atu orienta ba lider komunitarias sira (Chefe Suco no Chefe Aldeia) atu labele halo atividade ne'ebe halibur ema liu nain liman hanesan halo tratamento ficha familia uma kain sira no seluk tan.",
"Lider komunitarias sira presisa promove medidas sira ne'ebe hadok ema husi propagasaun moras Covid-19 liu husi visita ba sidadaun sira nia ema, en vez de, sidadaun sira mak ba iha sede suco.",
"PDHJ congratula Governo ba aprovasaun medidas social no economico sira hodi hatan ba impaktu negativu husi Estadu Emerjensia nian ne'ebe sei hetan financiamento husi Fundo Covid-19.",
"Tamba medidas hirak ne'e hatur ona iha enkuadramento legal sira, PDHJ rekomenda ba Governo atu garante katak jestaun orsamentu Fundo Covid-19 nian halo tuir deit regras sira ne'ebe iha.",
"Precisa promove transparansia iha exekusaun orcamento ida ne'e hodi nune bele hasae konfiansa publiku nian ba orgao administrasaun publica sira iha tempo defisil ida ne'e.",
"Relatorio Semanal Estadu Emerjensia Segundo (II) ba periodo 28 Abril to'o 10 de Maio 2020.",
"Hahu husi 28 Abril 2020, Timor-Leste tama iha faze segundo husi Estadu Emerjensia (EE) nian nudar estensaun ba periodo primeiro husi EE.",
"PDHJ kontinua realiza monitorizasaun implementasaun regra EE iha faze segundo ne'e.",
"PDHJ identifica susesu no desafios ne'ebe hetan husi Governo durante monitorizasaun.",
"Alem de ida ne'e, iha relatorio ne'e, PDHJ mos hato'o rekomendasaun balun ba Governo hodi hadia implementasaun EE durante resto do periodo.",
"Susesu ne'ebe halo husi entidade publika sira: Haforsa sosializasaun kona-ba COVID-19 iha Munisipiu sira no iha nivel lokal, inklui promove fahe informasaun iha nivel Aldeia balun no iha entidade publikane'ebe oferese serbisu publiku oinoin; Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) hatudu kapasidade atu hala'o serbisu promove prevensaun ba moras COVID-19 iha situasaun emerjensia saude nian, no iha tempu refere rezulta menus alegasaun uza forsa ka abuzu autoridade hosi PNTL sira; Promove manutensaun ba apoiu sosial ba feto sira vitima violensia ho atensaun espesial ba prevensaun da'et COVID-19 nian, liuhosi asegura hosi autoridade publika apoiu atu loke filafali Uma Mahon iha RAEOA no mos estabelesimentu Uma Tranzitoriu iha Baucau ne'ebe sei garante tempu kuarentena ba feto no labarik sira hotu ne'ebe presiza protesaun hosi uma mahon; Garante atendimentu saude iha fasilidade saude sira nafatin fo asesu asistensia saude baibain durante periodu Estadu Emerjensia, inklui garante funsionamentu atendimentu emerjensia, atendimentu iha HNGV no mos iha klinika iha Atauro; Reativa transporte publiku fo oportunidade ba populasaun bele kontinua hala'o atividade komersial, inklui fa'an sira-nia produtu iha merkadu lokal; Hahu hala'o distribuisaun material eskolar iha eskola sira nu'udar mekamizmu ida atu implementa edukasaun inkluzivu liuliu iha area balun no hosi uma ka'in vulneravel; Esforsu hosi Gabinete Integrado Gestao Crise atu hametin privasidade ema-nian lori rezultadu pozitivu durante periodu monitorizasaun semana dahuluk nian no PDHJ la observa violasaun grave ba direitu privasidade ema-nian durante periodu monitorizasaun; Dezafiu no difikuldade ne'ebe mosu hosi realidade kombate COVID-19 rezulta hametin sentimentu solidariedade iha komunidade nia leet, no ho pozitivu grupu oinoin fo apoiu ba komunidade vulneravel liu Prinsipal desafio ne'ebe PDHJ identifka mak: Difikuldade ba Governu atu garante populasaun mantein nafatin sentimentu ne'ebe hatudu nesesidade hodi iha vijilansia total no kumpre nafatin regra konfinamentu voluntariu, distansiamentu fiziku no fase liman nian, karik mai hosi sentimentu rezulta hosi susesu inisial kontrola COVID-19.",
"PDHJ observa movimentu maka'as hosi populasaun kuaze iha teritoriu tomak hahu hosi semana daruak estensaun Estadu Emerjensia; Kumprimentu ba regra distansiamentu fiziku la halo ho uniforme iha teritoriu tomak, no PDHJ haree rasik katak iha fatin balun kumpre ho regra, balun la kumpre, situasaun ida-ne'ebe bele lori impaktu negativu loos ba hada'et COVID-19 no mos Estadu Direitu nian; Garante nutrisaun ba komunidade vulneravel dezafiu boot ida, ne'ebe risku atu sai situasaun grave haree ba dadus nutrisaun ne'ebe hatudu katak molok Estadu Emerjensia besik labarik 50% iha situasaun mal nutrisaun nian.",
"Durante semana dahuluk Estadu Emerjensia seidauk iha distribuisaun ai-han ka apoiu finanseiru ba komunidade hosi Governu; Kobransa hosi lideransa komunitariu atu hala'o atividade hanesan rejistu Ficha Familia la preve iha lejislasaun no ho nune'e bainhira xefe suku halo kobransa komete ilegalidade ida; Difikuldade atu asegura asesu fasilidade oinoin ba populasaun iha Atauro haree ba limitasaun transporte ne'ebe bele lori ba-mai sasan no ema atu garante moris adekuadu no asesu ba serbisu sira; Bazeia ba rezultadu monitorizasaun ne'ebe deskreve ho detalle iha relatoriu ida-ne'e, PDHJ rekomenda atu: Entidade publika sira hotu no reprezentante hosi entidade publiku, ho espesial lideransa komunitariu, tenke sai ezemplu di'ak ba komunidade tomak no tenke garante sira rasik no entidade ne'ebe sira lidera kumpre ho rigorozu regra Estadu Emerjensia, liuliu distansiamentu fiziku nian; Governu intensifika informasaun iha nivel komunidade no foti asaun relevante liuhosi metodolojia ne'ebe bele duni iha impaktu pozitivu muda komunidade nia hahalok; Entidade publika sira hotu ne'ebe oferese serbisu ba publiku tenke ho urjente garante: Iha fasilidade fase liman ho asesu ba be no sabaun, ne'ebe mos asesivel ba ema ho defisiensia; Iha sistema klaru atu ajuda komunidade mai hetan atendimentu atu respeitu distansiamentu fiziku nian, hanesan dada talin ka pinta iha rai, no garante katak iha funsionariu dedikadu ida atu mantein kumprimentu ba regra sira; Asegura funsionariu iha asesu ba ekipamentu hanesan maskara no katak iha duni monitorizasaun regular hosi supervizor atu garante funsionariu sira uza maskara, no ho nune'e sira bele hala'o atendimentu publiku la ho risku ba sira-nia saude no hatudu ezemplu pozitivu ba komunidade tomak PDHJ fo-hanoin katak komersiu sira-nia responsabilidade mos inklui atu garante distansia fiziku hosi sira-ne'ebe sei hein atendimentu, no husu ba autoridade publiku sira atu fiskaliza fatin sira komersial ne'ebe baibain iha movimentu boot.",
"Governu tomak, ho kolaborasaun hosi autoridade sira iha nivel Munisipal, no forsa seguransa tenke haforsa kapasidade atu fiskaliza no monitora implementasaun regra Estadu Emerjensia iha teritoriu tomak, liuliu distansiamentu fiziku nian no bandu halibur malu, tanba bainhira la iha kumprimentu uniforme bele hafraku Estadu Direitu iha tempu Estadu Emerjensia; Kontinua garante forsa seguransa sei implementa regra Estadu Emerjensia ho profisionalizmu no ho metodu edukativu nian, ne'ebe lalenok natureza Estadu Emerjensia relasiona ho moras da'et; Governu tenke halais medida apoiu ekonomiku ba komunidade sira no konsidera posibilidade atu halo distribuisaun ai-han, ho parseria ho sosiedade sivil, ba Uma Ka'in ne'ebe hela iha fatin izoladu liu no ne'ebe vulneravel liu; Ministeriu Administrasaun Estatal tenke garante sosializasaun ba regra katak Xefe Suku labele halo kobransa atu rejistu Ficha Familia nian tanba seidauk preve iha lejislasaun posibilidade atu halo kobransa refere.",
"Karik lideransa komunitariu kontinua nafatin halo kobransa depois hetan informasaun klaru hosi Governu, entaun MInisteriu Administrasaun Estatal tenke foti medida atu halo partisipasaun krime ba Comissao Anti-Corrupcao ka Ministerio Publico; Previous: Implementasaun Estadu de-Emerjensia iha Baucau, Same no RAEOA Next: ESTADU EMERJENSIA: Monitorizasaun ba Servisu Atendimentu iha Centru Saude Becora no Eskola Tekniku Vokasional Ospitalidade no Turizmu-Becora durante Estadu Emerjensia (EE)"
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"PDHJ Launches End of Monitoring Report State Emergency First and Second Periods By Joana da Cruz On 13 May.2049 In Uncategorized Dili: The Prosecutor for Human Rights (PDH) has launched the end report on monitoring state emergency first period from March to April, as well a weekly status-of -emergency second rapportoorship which will be published in two parts during this month' s timeframe between February – June"
"First (I) State of Emergency Monitoring Report for the period 28 March - April,19th. The Human Rights and Justice Ombudsman's Office has released its first report on monitoring in connection with state emergency during this time frame that was carried out by an independent institution from February to May at twelve municipalities within Oecusse-Ambeno special administrative region(RAEOA)."
"The report was compiled by the PDHJ inspectors, which describes: Prevention of COVID-19 spread; Identification and treatment for Covid 20. Guaranteeing privacy to people in case they are suspected or diagnosed as having a covid disease (COVID) Discrimination & Stigma against patients with coronavirus access information right on food adequate living rights at work education health care freedom from violence including domestic Violence Public service during State Emergency period first"
"The 18-page report presents the successes achieved by Government during EE, and makes a total of thirty three recommendations to improve services in subsequent period."
"Main points of the report: In relation to compulsory confinement, PDHJ recognizes that there are various challenges in ensuring physical isolation for people under quarantine; regarding room limitations - guarantee individual accommodation and logistical challenge – ensure food with necessary quality & quantity."
"The PDHJ recommends that the Government continue its efforts to improve quarantine facilities in order To guarantee dignified treatment and good conditions. It also encouraged a clear guidance from health authorities on medicine, food & medical care which will ensure citizens' well-being during their time of confinement 10"
"The PDHJ acknowledges the efforts of PNTL, which resulted in it generally performing its function properly and especially ensured implementation to prevent COVID-19 such as social distancement or prohibiting gatherings with more than five people."
"The PDHJ recommends that PNTL continue to promote the necessary measure in order for police officials perform their duties only under state of emergency rules."
"The PDHJ notes with concern that during the state of emergency period to take measures for controlling citizens coming from abroad, leaders and representatives in some public security institutions used media outlet giving statement which promoted excessive force by police forces."
"The PDHJ recommends guaranteeing that no public authority will consider the use of excessive violence as a measure to promote compliance with any rule, by exalting or encouraging actions which violate democratic legality based on fundamental safeguard."
"In PDHJ monitoring, many communities expressed that they lack the ability to buy and access masks."
"Furthermore, due to difficulty in accessing water many communities do not follow the recommendations of Government and World Health Organization for frequent hand washing."
"Therefore, considering the financial ability of citizens during a State Of Emergency (SOE), PDHJ recommends to Government that it provide protective mask and materials such as hand sanitizer/alcohol for people especially those who are in need so guarantee compliance with state emergency rules."
"The PDHJ also recommends that the Government continue to facilitate supply of clean water and soap on public roadways, as well in market places. This will help communities comply with government rules for good hygiene practice;"
"The PDHJ received information from citizens in some compulsory confinement places, such as the Novo Horizonte hotel that competent authorities were violating their privacy by releasing images of them without consent or permission."
"The PDHJ recommends to the Government that it ensure information regarding a citizen' s identity in compulsory confinement may only be disclosed with his/her authorization or consent."
"The PDHJ considers that some members of the population feel free to express discriminatory feeling and stigma which also promote use violence as a potential means for responding concern based on this type."
"The PDHJ recommends that all public entities should make an effort to take action in showing violence and discrimination is not a value accepted by Timorese society."
"During the monitoring, PDHJ inspectors noted that communities in rural areas did not comply with state of emergency rules such as social distancing and wearing masks when carrying out commercial activities at market places or processing documents on town hall office premises."
"Compliance with the State of Emergency rules is very important to prevent spreading Covid-19 in Timor Leste."
"Therefore, the PDHJ recommends to Government that it intensify awareness-raising and information campaign on preventive measure of COVID -19 for communities in urban areas as well As rural ones. This will ensure compliance with State Emergency rules including mobilizing community leaders so they can become agents at baseline level guarantee all people' s access To these informations And strengthen fiscalization capacity implementation rule inclusively commercial premises by relevant public entities"
"The PDHJ welcomes the Government decision to implement financial support measure for shelters, but notes that with limitations on public transport and difficulties in buying food it will not be guaranteed which this assistance would reflect a nutrition-food security of children or elderly people who are disabled."
"The PDHJ recommends that the Government implement swiftly financial support measure for shelters and also consider distribution of basic good to vulnerable families, including those living in remote areas."
"PDHJ also shared the concerns raised by some of its members regarding difficulties in access to materials for rural areas and requested that MEJ accelerate material distribution into these regions, so as equal conditions can be promoted."
"The PDHJ also recommends that the Government may consider material distribution together with food or other humanitarian assistance."
"The PDHJ received 8 complaints related to the excessive use of force by PNTL members not in connection with COVID-19 prevention measure during State Of Emergency."
"This figure shows that the behaviour of some PNTL members does not represent an attitude and action by all policemen who work with dedication, professionalism."
"During the monitoring, PDHJ noted that community leaders gathered many communities at sucos and villages headquarters to promote document processing of families’ files in order for government subsidies such as Letefoho Village (Manufahi Municipality), Lahomea Town(Bobonaro City)and Karabau Township."
"This measure is good to ensure that citizens can support the subsidies from Government, but at same time it also puts communities in danger of getting infected with Covid-19."
"As PDHJ recommends to the Government that it guide community leaders (Chief Suco and Chief Aldeia) not do activities which gather more than one person like treatment of family records, housekeeping etc."
"Community leaders need to promote measures that protect people from the spread of Covid-19 through visiting their citizens, rather than leaving them at town headquarters."
"The PDHJ congratulates the Government on its approval of social and economic measures to address negative impact from State Emergency, which will be financed by Fundo Covid-19."
"Since these measures are already in the legal framework, PDHJ recommended to Government that it ensure budget management of Covid-19 Fund is only done according existing rules."
"It is necessary to promote transparency in the execution of this contract so as for public confidence and trust into government bodies at these difficult times."
"Weekly Report Second (II) State of Emergency for the period from 28 April to May,10th."
"As of 28 April, Timor-Leste has entered the second phase in its State Of Emergency (SOE) as an extension to a first period."
"The PDHJ continues to monitor the implementation of EE rules in this second phase."
"The PDHJ identifies success and challenges encountered by the Government during its monitoring."
"In addition, in this report the PDHJ also made some recommendations to Government for improving implementation of EE during remainder period."
"Successes achieved by public entities: Strengthening awareness about COVID-19 in the Municipalities and at local level, including promoting information sharing on some Village levels as well As within Public Entity that offer work to citizens; The National Police of Timor Leste (PNTL) showed capacity for carrying out its tasks promote prevention against disease Covid 20 during health emergencies. This has resulting less allegations using force or abusing authority from police officer' s side while also enhancing social support services with special attention towards early detection & controlling HIV/AIDS cases through securing government authority assistance reopenings Uma Mahon In Oecusse Regional Administrative Region And establishing Transition Home For Women At Baucau which will guarantee quarantine time period To all women who need protection under this home Ensure Health Care Services are provided throughout medical facilities providin normal accessibility service especially when there is an emergency situation Enforce privacy rights have had positive results over first week monitoring phase where PDHJ did not observe any serious violations upon private life distribution school materials distributed into schools like mechanism implementation inclusive education particularly among vulnerable people Effort made By Gabinete Integrado Gestao Crisen"
"The PDHJ observed a large movement of population almost throughout the territory starting from week two after extension; Compliance with physical distancing rules was not uniform across all areas, and it saw itself that some places complied but others failed to do so. This situation could have an extremely negative impact on COVID-19 spread as well in respect for Rules Of Law: Guarantee nutrition at vulnerable communities is one big challenge which may become serious given data shown before state emergency nearly half children were malnourished (50%)."
"During the first week of State Of Emergency, there has been no food distribution or financial support to communities from Government; The charging by community leaders for carrying out activities such as registering Ficha Familia is not provided in legislation and thus when a village chief makes charge committing an illegality. Difficulty en-sure accessibility facilities nearby population Atauro given limitations on transport that can bring things around people so guarantee adequate living conditions & work opportunities Based upon monitoring results detailed herein PDHJ recommend: All public entities And representatives Public Entity Especially Community Leadership Should be good example For all Communities In Guarantee Themselves As wellAs Their Leader To Strictly Compliance With Rule state emergency rules especially physical distancement government intensify information at communal level Take relevant action through methodology which may have positive impact change behavioral habit Everyone who offers services must urgent ensure There are hand washing facilitys with water Accessible Soap also available People Disabled Have clear system help members get care respect Physically distancings like tackling floor paint On ground Ensurest That They Are Dedicated Staff Who Will Maintain compliant staff Make sure Employments Include"
"The entire government, with the collaboration of authorities at municipal level and security forces must strengthen their capacity to fiscalize & monitor implementation in all territory on State Emergency rules especially physical distancing or bans upon gatherings because if there is no uniform compliance it can undermine a rule-of law during state emergency; Continue guarantee that Security Force will implement Rule States Emergency professionally by educational methods which recognize nature states emergence related disease da'et. Government should develop economic support measure for communities consider possibilitie distributing food together civil society homeowners who live more isolated places are most vulnerable: Ministry Of Administration Should ensure publicization about ruling village head cannot collect payment from register Ficha Familia since legislations do not provide this option"
"If community leaders continue to collect after receiving clear information from the Government, then Ministry of State Administration must take measures and make criminal participation for Comissao Anti-Corrupção or Public Prosecutor; Previous: Implementation state de emergency in Baucau Same RAEOA Next. EMERGENCY STATE Monitoring Service at Becora Health Center & Hospitality Tourism Technical School during Emergency (EE)"
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CNRT: FRETILIN “kán” ukun forma de’it IX Governu ■ Meza kinta lejislatura mudansa bainhira iha Governu foun - GMN TV\nGMN TV Politika CNRT: FRETILIN “kán” ukun forma de’it IX Governu ■ Meza kinta lejislatura mudansa bainhira iha Governu foun\nVise xefe bankada CNRT, deputadu Patrocinio Fernandes, deklara, partidu FRETILIN laiha dalan atu envolve iha VIII Governu ne’ebé hahoris hosi CNRT, PLP no KHUNTO rasik nu’udar maioria liu hosi koligasaun pre-eleitoral Aliansa Mudansa ba Progresu (AMP) iha Eleisaun Antesipada (EA) 2018, iha ne’ebé FRETILIN rasik sai opozisaun iha PN.\nTuir deputadu CNRT ne’e, FRETILIN bele iha dalan, bainhira forma koligasaun foun no hahoris IX governu, maibe la’os oitavu governu.\n“ FRETILIN kuandu hakarak atu ba ukun, ne’e tenke ba halo koligasaun foun ida, para depois forma Nono Governu, FRETILIN laiha dalan atu tama ba VIII Governu, ne’e hanensan ema haksoit hosi lutu kotuk ba tama ema nia dapur laran, atu buka ema nia etu siin, ne’e laiha dalan. Ba ha’u haree katak destituisaun ne’e baze fundamental laiha, ha’u mós lee hotu sira (FRETILIN, PLP ho KHUNTO) nia rekerimentu ne’e, halo de’it observasaun, ne’e laiha baze fundamental ida, nem legal, maibe ida ne’e hanesan ambisaun ida para halo asaltu de poder. Rejimentu PN mos la fó dalan ba vise atu ajenda, bainhira laiha autorizasaun, karik bainhira akontese, ida ne’e mak dehan asaltu de poder.”hateten deputadu Patrocinio Fernandes ba jornalista sira iha PN, Sesta(08/05/2020).\nKona-bá destituisaun ne’ebé aprezenta hosi bankada FRETILIN, PLP ho KHUNTO, deputadu CNRT ne’e prefere rejeita destituisaun ne’e, tanba konsidera, laiha razaun fundamental ruma atu bele ajenda ba plenária.\nNia mós kompara katak, situasaun iha kuarta lejislatura 2017 grave liu duke agora, tanba FRETILIN hamoris governu ne’ebé ho minoritáriu.\n“ Agora funsionamentu PN la’o hela, prosesu administrasaun mós la’o normal hela, maibe atu EA ka lae ne’e kompetensia PR nian, se mak iha kompetensia ne’e PR mak iha kompetensia bele dekreta ba EA ka lae?, tanba ami deputadu sira mós lor-loron mai iha ne’e hala’o hela nia funsaun. Kona-bá destituisaun, iha sira nia rekerimentu hateten loron lima, maibe PPN iha direitu tomak atu estuda hodi haree katak rekerimentu ne’e iha ninia baze fundamental ruma ka la’e? se iha baze fundamental ruma, PPN sei estuda, depois mak sei haree, depois fó resposta. Se laiha baze fundamental ruma, ne’e di’ak liu Prezidente PN rejeita tiha, indefere tiha de’it rekerimentu ida ne’e. Tanba referensia iha 2017, iha fulan Janeiru, iha mós deputadu sira husi opozisaun nian, CNRT, PLP ho KHUNTO rasik hatama mós rekerimentu destituisaun ida, ba iha Prezidente Aniceto Guterres, eis Prezidente ne’ebé mak agora sai mós proponente ne’e, maibe to’o tiha mandatu termina mós la ajenda ida, la’os de’it loron lima, ita kompara fulan hira kedas ne’e, la ajenda laiha problema ida.”dehan Patrocino Fernandes.\n“Situasaun ne’e lahanesan duni, tanba AMP ida uluk kuandu hatama rekerimentu atu destitui PPN, tanba iha baze fundamental ne’e mak nia iha governu ida minoritáriu, ne’ebé mak la priense konstitusional, maibe Prezidente Repúblika obriga, tenke forma governu ida, lori programa mai, ne’ebé la hetan viabilizasaun hosi PN, nia faktus mak nia programa rejeitadu, tuir fali aprezenta tan proposta orsamentu retifikativu, maibe orsamentu ne’e mós rejeitadu tan, governu ne’e monu tiha, maibe nia lakohi simu realidade ida ne’e katak monu, entaun deputadu sira hatama proposta mosaun sensura, maibe Prezidente PN la ajenda ida ne’e, ho razaun fundamental ida ne’e mak uluk deputadu opozisaun sira hatama destituisaun ba PPN. Situasaun ne’e lahanesan, uluk razaun tanba governu minoritáriu ne’e ita nia KRDTL la fó dalan. Maibe ohin loron governu ida VIII Governu ne’e, priense rekezitus konstitusional, ne’ebé mak CNRT mós mak hahoris, tanba meja PN ne’e refleta ba governu ida AMP ne’ebé forma husi Aliansa Mudansa ba Progresu ninian, maibe kuandu to’o mai iha 2020 orsamentu 2020 nian xumba tiha, ne’e hatudu katak PN ne’e lakon ona nia konfiansa ba governu, no governu ne’e lahetan ona nia lejitimidade polítika, lakon ona konfiansa governu ne’e monu, loloos ne’e kompetensia Prezidente PN ninian atu demite governu, ne’eduni laiha fatin atu halo destituisaun ba meja.”tenik Patrocino Fernandes.\nLíder bankada CNRT ne’e mós afirma, lista kandidatu membru governu na’in 6 hosi FRETILIN ne’ebé Primeiru Ministru aprezenta ba PR, hanesan aktu inkonstitusional, tanba governu da-ualu ne’e forma hosi partidu CNRT, PLP ho KHUNTO de’it.\n“Ida ne’e aktu de inkonstitusional, tanba hafoin eleisaun ne’e, FRETILIN nia pozisaun ne’e opozisaun iha PN, agora dalan husi ne’ebé mak nia atu ba hola parte iha governu da-ualu ne’e? Tanba VIII governu ne’e hanesan sasán ida Aliansa Mudansa ba Progresu nian, iha ne’ebé CNRT rasik mak maioria iha ne’ebá, FRETILIN tama hosi ne’ebé mak atu ba iha ne’ebá? Problema ketak ida, bainhira halo koligasaun foun ida mak hodi forma governu foun, maibe atu tama mai iha VIII Governu, FRETILIN laiha dalan. Depois ita sei haree, tanba ami deputadu CNRT na’in 10 foin lori prosesu ida ba Tribunal, órgaun kompetente mak sei haree ida-ida nia servisu, buat sira lei nian husik Tribunal mak sei deside, ami obrigasaun atu husu ba Tribunal kona-bá aktus sira ne’e, ”tenik polítiku ne’e.\nIha sorin seluk, xefe bankada PD, deputadu António da Conceição Kalohan, reforsa katak, Meza Parlamentu Nasionál kinta lejislatura mak hahoris VIII Governu, tanba ne’e labele halo mudansa ba meza, bainhira governu sei mantein ho VIII Governu la’os nono governu.\n“Ha’u mai fó hanoin mós ba PPN katak meja ida ne’e mak hahoris governu, no Governu ida ne’e sei VIII Governu, signifika legalidade ba meja nian ne’e tenke iha lai, ha’u mós mai fó hanoin hanesan deputadu, bankada ida ne’ebé mak durante ne’e fó a favór ba VIII Governu. Agora dadaun ne’e meja kompostu husi Prezidente husi CNRT, vise rua, ida hosi PLP no ida hosi KHUNTO, ho nia sekretária ida hosi CNRT no vise nain rua ida FM no ida PLP, se hanoin atu sobu, signifika iha ona hanoin ida iha governu foun karik, maibe ne’e mós presiza pronunsiamentu ida mai hosi Preizdente Repúblika, ne’e para ami bele hatene katak planu ba nono governu ninian, ida ne’e sei fó dalan fasilmente atu ko’alia kona-bá meza, la’os destituisaun de’it ona, maibe mós pasajen husi VIII Governu ba nono governu.”subliña Kalohan.\nRelasiona ho asuntu ne’e, GMN tenta konfirma ho xefe bankada ho vise bankada FRETILIN, maibé, polítiku ne’e la marka prezensa iha parlamentu nasionál, tanba ne’e, GMN mós tenta konfirma ho deputadu FRETILIN balun, maibé responde katak, xefe bankada mak iha kompeténsia atu koalia.\nEntretantu pedidu destituisaun ne’e, aprezenta hosi bankada FRETILIN, PLP ho KHUNTO, iha loron 05, fulan Maiu ne’e, ho determinasaun tempu loron lima ba Prezidente atu ajenda, maibé atual Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál, Arão Noe Amaral, hateten, nia parte sei estuda antes foti desizaun atu ajenda ka la’e.Say | [
"CNRT: FRETILIN \"kan\" ukun forma de'it IX Governu # Meza kinta lejislatura mudansa bainhira iha Governu foun - GMN TV GMN TV Politika CNRT: FRETILIN \"kan\" ukun forma de'it IX Governu # Meza kinta lejislatura mudansa bainhira iha Governu foun Vise xefe bankada CNRT, deputadu Patrocinio Fernandes, deklara, partidu FRETILIN laiha dalan atu envolve iha VIII Governu ne'ebe hahoris hosi CNRT, PLP no KHUNTO rasik nu'udar maioria liu hosi koligasaun pre-eleitoral Aliansa Mudansa ba Progresu (AMP) iha Eleisaun Antesipada (EA) 2018, iha ne'ebe FRETILIN rasik sai opozisaun iha PN.",
"Tuir deputadu CNRT ne'e, FRETILIN bele iha dalan, bainhira forma koligasaun foun no hahoris IX governu, maibe la'os oitavu governu. \"",
"FRETILIN kuandu hakarak atu ba ukun, ne'e tenke ba halo koligasaun foun ida, para depois forma Nono Governu, FRETILIN laiha dalan atu tama ba VIII Governu, ne'e hanensan ema haksoit hosi lutu kotuk ba tama ema nia dapur laran, atu buka ema nia etu siin, ne'e laiha dalan.",
"Ba ha'u haree katak destituisaun ne'e baze fundamental laiha, ha'u mos lee hotu sira (FRETILIN, PLP ho KHUNTO) nia rekerimentu ne'e, halo de'it observasaun, ne'e laiha baze fundamental ida, nem legal, maibe ida ne'e hanesan ambisaun ida para halo asaltu de poder.",
"Rejimentu PN mos la fo dalan ba vise atu ajenda, bainhira laiha autorizasaun, karik bainhira akontese, ida ne'e mak dehan asaltu de poder.\"hateten deputadu Patrocinio Fernandes ba jornalista sira iha PN, Sesta (08/05/2020).",
"Kona-ba destituisaun ne'ebe aprezenta hosi bankada FRETILIN, PLP ho KHUNTO, deputadu CNRT ne'e prefere rejeita destituisaun ne'e, tanba konsidera, laiha razaun fundamental ruma atu bele ajenda ba plenaria.",
"Nia mos kompara katak, situasaun iha kuarta lejislatura 2017 grave liu duke agora, tanba FRETILIN hamoris governu ne'ebe ho minoritariu. \"",
"Agora funsionamentu PN la'o hela, prosesu administrasaun mos la'o normal hela, maibe atu EA ka lae ne'e kompetensia PR nian, se mak iha kompetensia ne'e PR mak iha kompetensia bele dekreta ba EA ka lae?, tanba ami deputadu sira mos lor-loron mai iha ne'e hala'o hela nia funsaun.",
"Kona-ba destituisaun, iha sira nia rekerimentu hateten loron lima, maibe PPN iha direitu tomak atu estuda hodi haree katak rekerimentu ne'e iha ninia baze fundamental ruma ka la'e? se iha baze fundamental ruma, PPN sei estuda, depois mak sei haree, depois fo resposta.",
"Se laiha baze fundamental ruma, ne'e di'ak liu Prezidente PN rejeita tiha, indefere tiha de'it rekerimentu ida ne'e.",
"Tanba referensia iha 2017, iha fulan Janeiru, iha mos deputadu sira husi opozisaun nian, CNRT, PLP ho KHUNTO rasik hatama mos rekerimentu destituisaun ida, ba iha Prezidente Aniceto Guterres, eis Prezidente ne'ebe mak agora sai mos proponente ne'e, maibe to'o tiha mandatu termina mos la ajenda ida, la'os de'it loron lima, ita kompara fulan hira kedas ne'e, la ajenda laiha problema ida.\"dehan Patrocino Fernandes.",
"\"Situasaun ne'e lahanesan duni, tanba AMP ida uluk kuandu hatama rekerimentu atu destitui PPN, tanba iha baze fundamental ne'e mak nia iha governu ida minoritariu, ne'ebe mak la priense konstitusional, maibe Prezidente Republika obriga, tenke forma governu ida, lori programa mai, ne'ebe la hetan viabilizasaun hosi PN, nia faktus mak nia programa rejeitadu, tuir fali aprezenta tan proposta orsamentu retifikativu, maibe orsamentu ne'e mos rejeitadu tan, governu ne'e monu tiha, maibe nia lakohi simu realidade ida ne'e katak monu, entaun deputadu sira hatama proposta mosaun sensura, maibe Prezidente PN la ajenda ida ne'e, ho razaun fundamental ida ne'e mak uluk deputadu opozisaun sira hatama destituisaun ba PPN.",
"Situasaun ne'e lahanesan, uluk razaun tanba governu minoritariu ne'e ita nia KRDTL la fo dalan.",
"Maibe ohin loron governu ida VIII Governu ne'e, priense rekezitus konstitusional, ne'ebe mak CNRT mos mak hahoris, tanba meja PN ne'e refleta ba governu ida AMP ne'ebe forma husi Aliansa Mudansa ba Progresu ninian, maibe kuandu to'o mai iha 2020 orsamentu 2020 nian xumba tiha, ne'e hatudu katak PN ne'e lakon ona nia konfiansa ba governu, no governu ne'e lahetan ona nia lejitimidade politika, lakon ona konfiansa governu ne'e monu, loloos ne'e kompetensia Prezidente PN ninian atu demite governu, ne'eduni laiha fatin atu halo destituisaun ba meja.\"tenik Patrocino Fernandes.",
"Lider bankada CNRT ne'e mos afirma, lista kandidatu membru governu na'in 6 hosi FRETILIN ne'ebe Primeiru Ministru aprezenta ba PR, hanesan aktu inkonstitusional, tanba governu da-ualu ne'e forma hosi partidu CNRT, PLP ho KHUNTO de'it.",
"\"Ida ne'e aktu de inkonstitusional, tanba hafoin eleisaun ne'e, FRETILIN nia pozisaun ne'e opozisaun iha PN, agora dalan husi ne'ebe mak nia atu ba hola parte iha governu da-ualu ne'e?",
"Tanba VIII governu ne'e hanesan sasan ida Aliansa Mudansa ba Progresu nian, iha ne'ebe CNRT rasik mak maioria iha ne'eba, FRETILIN tama hosi ne'ebe mak atu ba iha ne'eba?",
"Problema ketak ida, bainhira halo koligasaun foun ida mak hodi forma governu foun, maibe atu tama mai iha VIII Governu, FRETILIN laiha dalan.",
"Depois ita sei haree, tanba ami deputadu CNRT na'in 10 foin lori prosesu ida ba Tribunal, orgaun kompetente mak sei haree ida-ida nia servisu, buat sira lei nian husik Tribunal mak sei deside, ami obrigasaun atu husu ba Tribunal kona-ba aktus sira ne'e, \"tenik politiku ne'e.",
"Iha sorin seluk, xefe bankada PD, deputadu Antonio da Conceicao Kalohan, reforsa katak, Meza Parlamentu Nasional kinta lejislatura mak hahoris VIII Governu, tanba ne'e labele halo mudansa ba meza, bainhira governu sei mantein ho VIII Governu la'os nono governu.",
"\"Ha'u mai fo hanoin mos ba PPN katak meja ida ne'e mak hahoris governu, no Governu ida ne'e sei VIII Governu, signifika legalidade ba meja nian ne'e tenke iha lai, ha'u mos mai fo hanoin hanesan deputadu, bankada ida ne'ebe mak durante ne'e fo a favor ba VIII Governu.",
"Agora dadaun ne'e meja kompostu husi Prezidente husi CNRT, vise rua, ida hosi PLP no ida hosi KHUNTO, ho nia sekretaria ida hosi CNRT no vise nain rua ida FM no ida PLP, se hanoin atu sobu, signifika iha ona hanoin ida iha governu foun karik, maibe ne'e mos presiza pronunsiamentu ida mai hosi Preizdente Republika, ne'e para ami bele hatene katak planu ba nono governu ninian, ida ne'e sei fo dalan fasilmente atu ko'alia kona-ba meza, la'os destituisaun de'it ona, maibe mos pasajen husi VIII Governu ba nono governu.\"sublina Kalohan.",
"Relasiona ho asuntu ne'e, GMN tenta konfirma ho xefe bankada ho vise bankada FRETILIN, maibe, politiku ne'e la marka prezensa iha parlamentu nasional, tanba ne'e, GMN mos tenta konfirma ho deputadu FRETILIN balun, maibe responde katak, xefe bankada mak iha kompetensia atu koalia.",
"Entretantu pedidu destituisaun ne'e, aprezenta hosi bankada FRETILIN, PLP ho KHUNTO, iha loron 05, fulan Maiu ne'e, ho determinasaun tempu loron lima ba Prezidente atu ajenda, maibe atual Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Arao Noe Amaral, hateten, nia parte sei estuda antes foti desizaun atu ajenda ka la'e.Say"
] | [
"CNRT: FRETILIN \"kan\" ukun forma de'it IX Governo # Meza kinta lejislatura mudansa bainhira iha Governu foun - GMN TV Politika Fretilin can only form the 9th Government if there is a new government, says deputy head of Congress Nationalist Party (CNRP) parliamentary group Patrocinio Fernandes. The party has no way to be involved in an VIII Cabinet that was created by CNRM and PLP as majority over pre-electoral coalition Change for Progress Alliance(AMP), which won early elections last year but lost them after being put into opposition at Parliament on its own terms"
"According to the CNRP MP, FRETILIN may be on its way if it forms a new coalition and has an IX government but not eighth. \""
"If FRETILIN wants to come into power, it must make a new coalition and then form the Ninth Government. Fretilin has no way of entering an eighth government; that is as if people were walking from behind you in your kitchen door looking for someone' s pocket money - there was not much room left!"
"For me, the dismissal has no fundamental basis. I have also read all of their (FRETILIN and PLP) requests; it is just an observation that there are neither a basic nor legal base for this destituição but rather one ambitious attempt to take over power by force or assaulting on government authority in order not only hurt them personally yet further damage our country' s reputation as international security partner.\""
"The rules of procedure also do not allow the vice to agenda, if there is no authorization. If this happens it would be an assault on power.\" said MP Patrocinio Fernandes in a press briefing at PN Saturday (05/8) 21:36"
"Regarding the impeachment proposed by FRETILIN, PLP and KHUNTO groups in Parliament this MP of CNRT prefers to reject it because he consider that there is no fundamental reason for putting on agenda."
"He also compares that the situation in third legislature 2017 is more serious than now, because FRETILIN has created a government with minority. \""
"Now the functioning of Parliament is going on, administration processes are also running normally but whether or not to have an EA it's PR competence. Who has that power? The President can decree for AE because we MPS come here every day and they carry out their duties as well!"
"Regarding the dismissal, in their petition they stated five days but PPN has every right to study and see if this request is based on some fundamental basis or not? If there are any basic grounds for such a proposal then it will be studiet by PPN."
"If there is no fundamental basis, it would be better for the President of Parliament to reject this request."
"Because of reference in 2017, on January there were also MPs from the opposition - CNRP and PLP- which submitted a request for impeachment to President Aniceto Guterres. Former president who is now being proposed as well but until after his term ended no agenda was set up not only five days we compare with how many months ago it hasn't been an issue.\" said Patrocino Fernandes"
"\"This situation is unacceptable, because when AMP first submitted a request to remove PPN from office it did so on the fundamental basis that they had an minority government which was not constitutional. But President of Republic obliged them and formed another Government with its own programme but this program has been rejected by Parliament; then he presented his amending budget proposals for replacing those programs as well in fact these were also repelled since there are no other options left than falling down.\""
"The situation is unsettling, the former reason because this minority government our KRDTL does not allow."
"But today the government of this VIII Government, meets constitutional requirements which were also praised by CNRP because that table reflects an AMP cabinet formed from Aliança Mudança para Progresso (Alliance for Change and progress), but when it comes to coming in with a budget decreases after its approval. This shows PN has lost their confidence on governance; they have no political legitimacy as well: if there is not any trust then govt collapsed -it should be within Parliament President' s competence at all times- so he cannot dismiss them.\" said Patrocino Fernandes"
"The leader of the CNRP parliamentary group also affirmed that FRETILIN's six-member cabinet candidate list submitted by Prime Minister to Parliament is unconstitutional, because this second government was formed only from CNRT party and PLP/KHUNTO."
"\"This is an unconstitutional act, because after the election FRETILIN's position was opposition in Parliament. Now where does it want to go from there and take part of this government?"
"Because the 8th government is a product of Aliança Mudança para Progresso, in which CNRT itself has majority there. From where does FRETILIN come into it?"
"A clear problem, when a new coalition is formed to form the government but in order for FRETILIN into Government VIII there was no way."
"Then we will see, because 10 of us CNRT MPs have brought a case to the Court. The competent organ shall look at each other' s work; things that are legal leave it up for court decision and our obligation is asking tribunal about these acts\", said this politician"
"On the other hand, PD group leader Antonio da Conceicao Kalohan emphasized that Parliament's Table of Issues in its next legislature will decide on a new Government and therefore it is impossible to make any changes. The government should remain with an eighth Cabinet rather than having another cabinet for nine months or so if they are not going into office immediately after their appointment as Prime Minister by President Jair Bolsonaro (PT)."
"\"I'm also coming to remind the PPN that this table is responsible for forming a government, and it will be an VIII Government. This means legality must exist in terms of what we are discussing; I am here as deputy from one party which has been supportive during all these years with regards on our participation at VII Governing Council.\""
"Now the table is composed of President from CNRT, two vice-presidents one for PLP and another KHUNTO with its secretariat a CNRT deputy president FM Vice PMP. If there are plans to break it down means that an idea has already been made in new government but this also needs pronunciation by Presidency so we can know which plan will be adopted next year; these would allow us easily talk about meeting not just dismissal only as well transitioning VIII Government into newest administration.\" stresses Kalohan"
"In relation to this issue, GMN tried confirm with the chairperson and vice-chairman of FRETILIN's parliamentary group but they were not present in Parliament. Therefore we also attempted contacting some MEP from Fretilin who responded that it is only their party leaders having competence for speaking out on these issues"
"The impeachment petition was submitted by the FRETILIN, PLP and KHUNTO groups on May.5 with a five-day deadline for President to put it in order but current Speaker of Parliament Arao Noe Amaral said that his party would study before deciding whether or not they should do so (Say)."
] |
PRIMEIRU MINISTRU RETIRA PEDIDU DEMISAUN - Presidência da República de Timor-Leste\nby Mídia PR Posted on 08/04/2020\nPalásiu Prezidensiál Nicolau Lobato, Díli, 8 abril 2020\nPrimeiru Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, iha audiénsia ho Prezidente Repúblika, Francisco Guterres Lú Olo, ohin, 8 abril, retira fila fali pedidu demisaun ne’ebé ofisialmente hato’o ba Xefe Estadu, iha 24 fevereiru 2020.\n“Iha momentu ida hanesan ne’e, nasaun presiza ita hotu, liuliu ha’u hanesan Primeiru Ministru, tenke fó prestasaun boot ba ita-nia nasaun. Ha’u retira fila fali,” Primeiru Ministru hateten.\nBa Prezidente Repúblika, Primeiru Ministru informa mós kona-ba preparativu sira atu minimiza efeitu husi coronavírus ba nasaun. Entrada terrestres ninian sei suspende temporariamente, tanba ne’e Estadu buka hela dalan apoiu estudante sira iha tasibalun, liuliu sira ne’ebé la hetan bolsu estudu atu kontinua hela nafatin iha nasaun refere nu’udar medida preventiva moras coronavírus.\nPrezidente Repúblika husu ba governu halo esforsu masimu hodi minimiza efeitu coronavírus ba nasaun no labele afeta povu.\nIha mensajen ohin ba Povu, iha 8 abril, Prezidente Repúblika apresia entidade hotu-hotu no Povu tomak nia kontribuisaun ba prevensaun no kombate moras coronavírus. Prezidente Repúblika haksolok ho Povu tomak no forsa polítika sira hatudu sira-nia apoiu ba VIII Governu no Primeiru Ministru hodi kombate coronavírus.\nPrezidente Repúblika autoriza levantamentu extraordinária husi Fundu Petrolíferu ho montante miloens $250 nu’udar ne’ebé Parlamentu Nasionál aprova.\nHusi montante osan ne’ebé aprova iha Parlamentu Nasionál, miloens $ 150 sei utiliza ba finansiamentu prevensaun no kombate moras coronavírus.\nAleinde aprova montante osan ba prevensaun no kombate coronavírus, Parlamentu Nasionál harii mós Fundu Covid-19. Fundu Covid-19 sei jere husi Konsellu Jestaun ne’ebé responsabiliza husi Ministra Finansas, Ministru Saúde no Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun. Husi osan miloens 150 sei sosa medikamentus, matérias no ekipamentu médiku, instalasaun noa no manuntensaun kuarentena no izolamentu, formasaun no operasionalizasaun profissionais envolve iha prevensaun no kombate moras Covid-19, protesaun sosiál ba vítimas moras Covid-19 no ba Parlamentu Nasionál atu dezenvolve polítika no progama iha ámbitu prevensaun no kombate coronavírus. | [
"PRIMEIRU MINISTRU RETIRA PEDIDU DEMISAUN - Presidencia da Republica de Timor-Leste by Midia PR Posted on 08/04/2020 Palasiu Prezidensial Nicolau Lobato, Dili, 8 abril 2020 Primeiru Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, iha audiensia ho Prezidente Republika, Francisco Guterres Lu Olo, ohin, 8 abril, retira fila fali pedidu demisaun ne'ebe ofisialmente hato'o ba Xefe Estadu, iha 24 fevereiru 2020.",
"\"Iha momentu ida hanesan ne'e, nasaun presiza ita hotu, liuliu ha'u hanesan Primeiru Ministru, tenke fo prestasaun boot ba ita-nia nasaun.",
"Ha'u retira fila fali,\" Primeiru Ministru hateten.",
"Ba Prezidente Republika, Primeiru Ministru informa mos kona-ba preparativu sira atu minimiza efeitu husi coronavirus ba nasaun.",
"Entrada terrestres ninian sei suspende temporariamente, tanba ne'e Estadu buka hela dalan apoiu estudante sira iha tasibalun, liuliu sira ne'ebe la hetan bolsu estudu atu kontinua hela nafatin iha nasaun refere nu'udar medida preventiva moras coronavirus.",
"Prezidente Republika husu ba governu halo esforsu masimu hodi minimiza efeitu coronavirus ba nasaun no labele afeta povu.",
"Iha mensajen ohin ba Povu, iha 8 abril, Prezidente Republika apresia entidade hotu-hotu no Povu tomak nia kontribuisaun ba prevensaun no kombate moras coronavirus.",
"Prezidente Republika haksolok ho Povu tomak no forsa politika sira hatudu sira-nia apoiu ba VIII Governu no Primeiru Ministru hodi kombate coronavirus.",
"Prezidente Republika autoriza levantamentu extraordinaria husi Fundu Petroliferu ho montante miloens $250 nu'udar ne'ebe Parlamentu Nasional aprova.",
"Husi montante osan ne'ebe aprova iha Parlamentu Nasional, miloens $ 150 sei utiliza ba finansiamentu prevensaun no kombate moras coronavirus.",
"Aleinde aprova montante osan ba prevensaun no kombate coronavirus, Parlamentu Nasional harii mos Fundu Covid-19.",
"Fundu Covid-19 sei jere husi Konsellu Jestaun ne'ebe responsabiliza husi Ministra Finansas, Ministru Saude no Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun.",
"Husi osan miloens 150 sei sosa medikamentus, materias no ekipamentu mediku, instalasaun noa no manuntensaun kuarentena no izolamentu, formasaun no operasionalizasaun profissionais envolve iha prevensaun no kombate moras Covid-19, protesaun sosial ba vitimas moras Covid-19 no ba Parlamentu Nasional atu dezenvolve politika no progama iha ambitu prevensaun no kombate coronavirus."
] | [
"Prime Minister withdraws his resignation request - Presidencia da Republica de Timor-Leste by Midia PR Posted on April,08/24 /19 PM in an audience with the President of Republic Francisco Guterres Lu Olo today (April) revoked a formally submitted petition for dismissal from office."
"\"At a moment like this, the country needs all of us and I in particular as Prime Minister to make great contributions for our nation."
"I've retired,\" the Prime Minister said."
"The Prime Minister also informed the President of Republic about preparations to minimize coronavirus effects on our country."
"Land entry will be temporarily suspended, so the State is looking for ways to support students in exile and especially those who have not received scholarships as a preventive measure of coronavirus disease."
"The President of the Republic asked that government make maximum efforts to minimize coronavirus effect on country and not affect people."
"In his message to the people today, April 8th (2019), President of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro appreciated all entities and everyone’s contribution in preventing coronavirus disease."
"The President of the Republic welcomes all people and political forces showing their support to Government VIII, Prime Minister in fight against coronavirus."
"The President of the Republic authorizes an extraordinary withdrawal from Petroleum Fund amounting to $250 million as approved by Parliament."
"Of the amount of money approved by National Parliament, $150 million will be used to finance prevention and combating coronavirus disease."
"In addition to approving the amount of money for prevention and fight against coronavirus, Parliament also established a Covid-19 Fund."
"The Covid-19 Fund will be managed by a Board of Directors responsible to the Minister for Finance, Health and Foreign Affairs."
"Of the 150 million euros, medicines and medical supplies will be purchased; new facilities for quarantine & isolation are being built or maintained. Professional staff involved in prevention of Covid-29 disease is also going to receive training on how they can work effectively as well a social protection scheme has been set up with regard towards victim’ s health care needs while national parliamentary policy development programs aimed at preventing coronavirus spread have already begun"
] |
Karta Pastoral Kona Ba Elisaun Jeral 2012 – Radio Liberdade Dili – FM 95.8 Mhz\nKarta Pastoral Kona Ba Elisaun Jeral 2012\nRadio, online – Opiniaun ne’e ninia kontiudu tomak responsavel husi hakerek nain. Redasaun fo pasu menu ne’e hodi ejerse ema no instituisoens nia hanoin no ideias konaba asuntu ruma ba prosesu dezenvolvimentu Timor Leste.\nSeja o vosso ‘sim’, sim, e o vosso ‘nao’ nao’’ (Mt. 5.37)\nDoben povo sarani no Timor-Leste oan sira,\nIta moris periodu eleitoral ida importante ba ita nian nasaun ida ne’e. Liu tiha tinan sanulu wainhira rai doben ida ne’e halo restaurasaun ba nia indenpendensia, povo Timor hetan tan oportunidade atu realiza eleisaun jeral ba President da Republika no reprezentante povu nian iha Uma Fukun – Parlamentu Nasional. Nudar povu, rai no nasaun independanti no soberano ida, ita simu oportunidade ida nee ho ksolok hodi hametin ita nian kompromisu atu hasoru ho hakmatek, halao ho reponsabilidade boot no hili ho konsiensia ema no forsa politika sira nebe bele hametin, haburas no haboot destino nasaun ida nee nian.\nIgreja nia knar principal maka haklaken, haburas no habelar Lia Foun Di’ak ba kriatura tomak; (Mrk. 16.15) fo sasin kona ba domin no knar salvifico Maromak nian ba ema hotu; fo hanoin nafatin nian emar sira nebe la’o tuir Kristu nian ain fatin kona ba knar principal tolu Kristu nian: Na’ilulik, Profeta no Liurai. Igreja rekon~ese katak knar hirak nee nia hala’o iha mundu konkretu ida ne’e ho ninia problemas no angustias, ksolok no susar hodi fo nafatin roman esperanca nian (GS.1.) liu hosi nian membrus leigos sira nebe servisu aktivamente iha vida social, ekonomika no politika, Igreja fo nafatin korajem hodi tulun sira atu hala’o knar hirak iha ordem temporal nee ho diak (AA.7) promove nafatin valores fundamentais ba dignidade humana (GS.27), bem comum (GS.26) no justica social (GS.29).\nNudar nasaun foun ida, ita iha mehi boot atu, hamutuk kontinua kontribui ba progressu no diak povu hotu nian iha areas no sektores oi-oin; maibe ita mos hasoru hela difikuldades no dezafius oin oin. Rai doben no nasaun kiik nee, iha riku soyn cultural oin-oin, rekursus naturais barak ho tradisaun relijiosa forte ne’ebe, ciente ka lae, halo rai nee sai fatin ba intresess oin oin.\nMundu ohin loron ne’ebe ita moris ba mak mundu ida globalizado; relativismo mak dominan, katak ohin loron buat loos no diak la depende ba prinsipius, valores no konsiensia moral maibe buat diak no los mak buat nebe maioria hili no deside. Valores humanus prinsipais no valores evangelicos ema hare hanesan ameasa boot e inimigo ida.\nEma buka tane as liberdade maibe liberdade ne’ebe sira tane ne’e la’os liberdade humana e crista ne’ebe lori ema atu haburas nia moris tomak; maibe liberdade ne’ebe hamout ema iha interese individual no egoista no lori ba autodestruisaun.\nTan ne’e, formasaun ba valores ne’ebe bele sai rin ba ita nian sociadade mak buat ida importante tebes atu ema hotu kontribui hodi hari’i Timor foun.\nLiu husi eleisaun jeral, ita hili na’iulun sira nebe hatene hala’o moris ho dignidade no justisa hodi promove valores morais fundamentais: defesa da familia, defesa da vida, hahu husi labarik iha inan nia knotak, halakon korupsaun, kompromete-an atu luta hodi hadi’a moris povu hotu nian no hatene serbi povu ho laran tomak.\nTan nee nudar bibi atan ne’ebe kaer knar apstoliku iha rai doben Timor ne’e, ami Bispo sira Timor Leste nian hato’o ba povu sarani tomak no ema hotu nebe laran diak apelos sira tuir mai nee:\nBa povu sarani tomak no ema hotu ne’be laran di’ak:\n1. Kria situacao ne’be halo ema moris hakamtek, simu malu, dook husi konflitu, livre hosi tauk, atu ema hotu bele tuir prosesu tomak eleisaun nian ho diak.\n2. Eduka no hatoman-an atu hatene respeita malu; fo valor ba haoin sira ne’ebe la hanesan; nakloke-an ba informasoens hosi lideres politikus partidarios sira hodia analiza no ta’is didiak informasoens hirak ne’e atu labele sai vitima husi promessas nebe labele kumpre no informasoens ne’ebe bosok.\n3. Hili responsabilidade tuir idak idak nian konsiensia: labele hakruk ba intimidasaun no manipulasaun.\n4. Simu ho laran kmaan rezultadu eleisaun nian.\nBa lideres politikus sira:\n1. Kontribui ba formasaun politika ne’ebe iha etika hodi hatudu maturidade politika iha eventu tomak, liu liu iha kampa~na politika ba eleisaun jeral ne’e hodi respeita malu, la hatun no sadik malu ho lia fuan kro’at.\n2. Tulun povu hotu atu hetan konsiensia politika ida ne’ebe mos no los atu sira bele hala’o sira nia direitu politiku ho responsabilidade, liberdade no justisa.\n3. Promete deit buat ne’ebe bele halo durante tempu ukun no keta hata’uk povu.\n4. Wainhira hetan konfiansa hosi povu atu ukun rai nee, ukun povu hotu no nasaun tomak ho neon no laran hodi tau rai ida ne’e no povu nia di’ak aas liu interesse particular, grupo, ka partidu nian. 5. Ukun povu hotu hodi promove dezenvolvimentu sustentavel iha areas no sektores oi-oin no tane aas soberania nasaun, rai no povu nee.\nIha orasaun ita husu Na’i Maromak nia tulun atu prossessu tomak eleisaun jeral ne’e la’o ho diak no sussessu. Ami, bibi atan ne’ebe kaer knar apostoliku iha rai doben Timor ne’e hato’o mos Na’i Nia bensaun ba povu hotu.\nDili, 27 de Fevereiro de 2012\nDom Alberto Ricardo da Silva.\nBispo da Diocese de Dili\nDom Basilio do Nascimento.\nBispo da Diocese de Baucau\nDom Norberto do Amaral\nBispo da Diocese de Maliana\nAmeerah Hag Despedida ho SEPI\nTMR Husu Inan-Aman Atende Oan Nia Vida | [
"Karta Pastoral Kona Ba Elisaun Jeral 2012 - Radio Liberdade Dili - FM 95.8 Mhz Karta Pastoral Kona Ba Elisaun Jeral 2012 Radio, online - Opiniaun ne'e ninia kontiudu tomak responsavel husi hakerek nain.",
"Redasaun fo pasu menu ne'e hodi ejerse ema no instituisoens nia hanoin no ideias konaba asuntu ruma ba prosesu dezenvolvimentu Timor Leste.",
"Seja o vosso 'sim', sim, e o vosso 'nao' nao \" (Mt.",
"5.37) Doben povo sarani no Timor-Leste oan sira, Ita moris periodu eleitoral ida importante ba ita nian nasaun ida ne'e.",
"Liu tiha tinan sanulu wainhira rai doben ida ne'e halo restaurasaun ba nia indenpendensia, povo Timor hetan tan oportunidade atu realiza eleisaun jeral ba President da Republika no reprezentante povu nian iha Uma Fukun - Parlamentu Nasional.",
"Nudar povu, rai no nasaun independanti no soberano ida, ita simu oportunidade ida nee ho ksolok hodi hametin ita nian kompromisu atu hasoru ho hakmatek, halao ho reponsabilidade boot no hili ho konsiensia ema no forsa politika sira nebe bele hametin, haburas no haboot destino nasaun ida nee nian.",
"Igreja nia knar principal maka haklaken, haburas no habelar Lia Foun Di'ak ba kriatura tomak; (Mrk.",
"16.15) fo sasin kona ba domin no knar salvifico Maromak nian ba ema hotu; fo hanoin nafatin nian emar sira nebe la'o tuir Kristu nian ain fatin kona ba knar principal tolu Kristu nian: Na'ilulik, Profeta no Liurai.",
"Igreja rekon~ese katak knar hirak nee nia hala'o iha mundu konkretu ida ne'e ho ninia problemas no angustias, ksolok no susar hodi fo nafatin roman esperanca nian (GS.1.) liu hosi nian membrus leigos sira nebe servisu aktivamente iha vida social, ekonomika no politika, Igreja fo nafatin korajem hodi tulun sira atu hala'o knar hirak iha ordem temporal nee ho diak (AA.7) promove nafatin valores fundamentais ba dignidade humana (GS.27), bem comum (GS.26) no justica social (GS.29).",
"Nudar nasaun foun ida, ita iha mehi boot atu, hamutuk kontinua kontribui ba progressu no diak povu hotu nian iha areas no sektores oi-oin; maibe ita mos hasoru hela difikuldades no dezafius oin oin.",
"Rai doben no nasaun kiik nee, iha riku soyn cultural oin-oin, rekursus naturais barak ho tradisaun relijiosa forte ne'ebe, ciente ka lae, halo rai nee sai fatin ba intresess oin oin.",
"Mundu ohin loron ne'ebe ita moris ba mak mundu ida globalizado; relativismo mak dominan, katak ohin loron buat loos no diak la depende ba prinsipius, valores no konsiensia moral maibe buat diak no los mak buat nebe maioria hili no deside.",
"Valores humanus prinsipais no valores evangelicos ema hare hanesan ameasa boot e inimigo ida.",
"Ema buka tane as liberdade maibe liberdade ne'ebe sira tane ne'e la'os liberdade humana e crista ne'ebe lori ema atu haburas nia moris tomak; maibe liberdade ne'ebe hamout ema iha interese individual no egoista no lori ba autodestruisaun.",
"Tan ne'e, formasaun ba valores ne'ebe bele sai rin ba ita nian sociadade mak buat ida importante tebes atu ema hotu kontribui hodi hari'i Timor foun.",
"Liu husi eleisaun jeral, ita hili na'iulun sira nebe hatene hala'o moris ho dignidade no justisa hodi promove valores morais fundamentais: defesa da familia, defesa da vida, hahu husi labarik iha inan nia knotak, halakon korupsaun, kompromete-an atu luta hodi hadi'a moris povu hotu nian no hatene serbi povu ho laran tomak.",
"Tan nee nudar bibi atan ne'ebe kaer knar apstoliku iha rai doben Timor ne'e, ami Bispo sira Timor Leste nian hato'o ba povu sarani tomak no ema hotu nebe laran diak apelos sira tuir mai nee: Ba povu sarani tomak no ema hotu ne'be laran di'ak: 1.",
"Kria situacao ne'be halo ema moris hakamtek, simu malu, dook husi konflitu, livre hosi tauk, atu ema hotu bele tuir prosesu tomak eleisaun nian ho diak.",
"Eduka no hatoman-an atu hatene respeita malu; fo valor ba haoin sira ne'ebe la hanesan; nakloke-an ba informasoens hosi lideres politikus partidarios sira hodia analiza no ta'is didiak informasoens hirak ne'e atu labele sai vitima husi promessas nebe labele kumpre no informasoens ne'ebe bosok.",
"Hili responsabilidade tuir idak idak nian konsiensia: labele hakruk ba intimidasaun no manipulasaun.",
"Simu ho laran kmaan rezultadu eleisaun nian.",
"Ba lideres politikus sira: 1.",
"Kontribui ba formasaun politika ne'ebe iha etika hodi hatudu maturidade politika iha eventu tomak, liu liu iha kampa~na politika ba eleisaun jeral ne'e hodi respeita malu, la hatun no sadik malu ho lia fuan kro'at.",
"Tulun povu hotu atu hetan konsiensia politika ida ne'ebe mos no los atu sira bele hala'o sira nia direitu politiku ho responsabilidade, liberdade no justisa.",
"Promete deit buat ne'ebe bele halo durante tempu ukun no keta hata'uk povu.",
"Wainhira hetan konfiansa hosi povu atu ukun rai nee, ukun povu hotu no nasaun tomak ho neon no laran hodi tau rai ida ne'e no povu nia di'ak aas liu interesse particular, grupo, ka partidu nian.",
"Ukun povu hotu hodi promove dezenvolvimentu sustentavel iha areas no sektores oi-oin no tane aas soberania nasaun, rai no povu nee.",
"Iha orasaun ita husu Na'i Maromak nia tulun atu prossessu tomak eleisaun jeral ne'e la'o ho diak no sussessu.",
"Ami, bibi atan ne'ebe kaer knar apostoliku iha rai doben Timor ne'e hato'o mos Na'i Nia bensaun ba povu hotu.",
"Dili, 27 de Fevereiro de 2012 Dom Alberto Ricardo da Silva.",
"Bispo da Diocese de Dili Dom Basilio do Nascimento.",
"Bispo da Diocese de Baucau Dom Norberto do Amaral Bispo da Diocese de Maliana Ameerah Hag Despedida ho SEPI TMR Husu Inan-Aman Atende Oan Nia Vida"
] | [
"Radio Liberdade Dili - FM 95.8 Mhz Carta Pastoral Kona Ba Elisaun Jerals, online This opinion is the sole responsibility of its author and does not constitute a recommendation or advice on any particular issue involving Timor-Leste's political system; it reflect only his/her own viewpoint as to this subject matter"
"The editors of this menu have taken the steps to exercise people and institutions' thoughts on some issues for Timor-Leste development process."
"Let your yes be yea, and no not\" (Matt."
"5.37) Dear people of Timor-Leste, You are living through an important electoral period for our country this year and I wish you all the best in your election campaigns!"
"Thirty years after this blessed country restored its independence, the Timorese people have had an opportunity to hold general elections for President of Republic and representatives in House Fukun - National Parliament."
"As an independent and sovereign people, country or nation we take this opportunity with joy to strengthen our commitment of honesty in meeting the challenges that lie ahead. We will act responsibly by choosing consciously those political forces which can consolidate it’s destinies for its future development as one more step towards achieving national independence on 25th May next year.”"
"The primary task of the Church is to preach, promote and spread God's Good News among all creation; (Mark."
"16:20) bear witness to the love and salvific ministry of God for all people; remind those who follow Christ in his place about His three principal ministries, that is Lordship (God), Prophethood & Kingdom."
"Recognizing that the Church carries out these tasks in this concrete world with its problems and anguishes, joy or suffering to give hope (GS.1) through her lay members who are actively engaged on a social economical political level; she encourage them also so as they can carry those temporal duties well(AA7), promoting fundamental value of human dignities 26). common good30); justice45):"
"As a new country, we have great hopes to continue contributing together for the progress and well-beings of all people in various areas; but at same time there are many difficulties."
"This beautiful and small country, with its diverse cultural heritage; abundant natural resources as well a strong religious tradition which consciously or not has made it an area of interest to many."
"The world we live in today is a globalized one; relativism prevails, meaning that what's right and good nowadays does not depend on principle or moral consciousness but rather the choice of majority."
"The central human values of the Gospel are perceived as a great threat and enemy."
"People seek freedom, but the liberty they are seeking is not human and Christ's free will that lead to a person developing his whole life; it’d be better if people were given individual selfish interest which would result in their destruction."
"Therefore, the formation of values that can be passed on to our society is something very important for everyone who contributes towards building a new Timor."
"Through general elections, we elect national leaders who know how to lead a life with dignity and justice by promoting fundamental moral values: defense of the family (defesa da família), protection for human lives starting from childhood through maternal care; eradicating corruption. They are committed in their struggle towards improvings on all people' s living conditions while serving them wholeheartedly"
"Therefore, as the servants of God carrying apostolic responsibility in this holy land Timor we Bishop' s East-Timor make to all Catholic people and everyone with good will these appeal: To All Christian People And Everyone With Good Will 1."
"Create a situation where people live in love, accepting each other and free of conflicts or fear so that everyone can follow the entire electoral process properly."
"2. The purpose of the contract"
"Educate and build ourselves to respect each other; value different opinions, be open-minded about the information from political leaders of parties in order analyze them carefully so as not become victimized by unfulfilled promise or false news."
"3. The application process"
"Choose responsibility according to one's conscience: do not give in for intimidation and manipulation."
"4. Amendment of the Regulations"
"I am deeply saddened by the election results."
"To political leaders: 1."
"Contribute to ethical political formation by showing maturity in all events, especially during the campaign for this general election with mutual respect and not insult or harass each other."
"2. The purpose of the contract"
"Help all people to acquire a good and correct political consciousness so that they can exercise their rights with responsibility, freedom & justice."
"3. The application process"
"Promise only what you can do during your term of office and don't deceive the people."
"4. Amendment of the Regulations"
"Once you have the people's trust to govern this country, rule all of it and your whole nation with a spirit that will put our land above any particular group or party interest."
"5. Requirements for the application"
"We urge all people to promote sustainable development in various areas and sectors, while upholding the sovereignty of our country."
"In prayer, we ask the Lord's help so that this whole process of general election will go well and successfully."
"We, the servants of God who carry out our apostolic duties in this blessed Timorese land also extend to all people His Blessing."
"Dili, February 27th (IPS) – Bishop Alberto Ricardo da Silva has been elected as the new Archbishop of Timor-Leste."
"Bishop Basilio do Nascimento, of the Diocese Of Dili."
"Bishop of the Diocese Of Baucau Dom Norberto do Amaral Bispo da Diocese de Maliana Ameerah Hag Despedida ho SEPI TMR Husu Inan-Aman Atende Oa Nia Vida"
] |
Virgilio da Silva Guterres Hori Otas Hori Uain 2020-06-20\t Hits: 561\nDalan. Ema hotu hatene sa ida mak ‘dalan.’ Fizikamente, nia nudar marka hodi tudu ita nia hakat. Atu ba natar, ba toos, ba merkadu, ba lia moris ka lia mate ruma, ba eskola ka ba uma-kreda, ita presiza dalan. La’os ita ema de’it mak presiza dalan. Balada sira, atu fuik ka maus, mos presiza dalan. Karau nia dalan, bibi nia dalan, fahi-fuik nia dalan, bibi-rusa nia dalan, nehek nia dalan, samea no ular-oan sira nia dalan. Balada sira be semo mos, ho sira nia instintu (naluri) iha nia dalan rasik atu semo. Ita bele dehan katak, buat hotu-hotu nebe iha kapasidade ka intensaun atu muda-an hosi fatin ida ba fatin seluk, presiza dalan. Meiu-transporte sira mos presiza dalan. Ba transporte terestre, roda rua, roda haat ka liu atu halai ba-mai presiza dalan nebe ita bolu liuron (estrada). Bero kiik sira tasi-ninin to’o ro-ahi boot sira iha tasi-klaran mos iha sira nia dalan nebe. Nune’e mos aviaun sira be semo, iha sira nia dalan-rasik nebe iha lian portugez ita bolu ‘linhas aéreas.’\nLiafuan ‘dalan’ nudar tatudu, aplika mos iha mundu siensia nian. Matenek-na’in (cientista) sira presiza dalan atu hetan no inventa teoria. Estadu ka faze hahuu (inicial) husi invensaun teoria ka deskobrimentu oioin mak bilaan. Iha lian indonezia, dehan ‘bingung.’ Bilaan iha ne’e la’os fak, maibe bilaan ida nebe nakonu ho hakarak atu litik. Iha prosesu litik ne’e mak matenek-na’in sira define nudar faze ‘hipotetik’ ka ‘hipotesa.’ Atu tulun identifika no klasifika prosesu litik hodi konkretiza validade ninia hanoin, nebe nia seidauk hatene los ka la los, matenek na’in sira hamosu buat nebe sira define nudar ‘método (port.).’ Orijem hosi lian Gregu, METHODOS nebe kombina hosi liafuan rua META ho HODOS. META katak objetivu, HODOS katak dalan. Método, katak dalan atu to ba rohan, atu hetan hanoin loloos ba lian-litik sira.\nKlo’ot. La presiza uza metodu atu deskreve magarti hosi liafuan ‘klo’ot.’ Liafuan klo’ot halo ha’u hanoin kona fábula (istoria balada nian) nebe ha’u hetan, bainhira eskola iha tempu portugez. Istoria konaba busa-fuik (raposa) ho manu-bee (cegonha). Atu konkretiza sira nia habelun-malu, sira traktir-malu han. Busa fuik tau hahan iha bikan belar-balgana belar boot ida, manu-been la konsege han, tanba nia ibun meik no klo’ot liu atu bit hahan naklekar iha bikan-laran. Manu-bee fo han busa-fuik ho garrafaun boot ida, maski na’an-fresku barak iha garrafaun laran halo busa-fuik nia kabeen nafurin, maibe busa-fuik labele tata kona na’an musan ida, tanba garrafaun nia ibun klo’ot liu.\nHanesan mos lian Gregu, lian Tetun mos kaan atu kombina lian rua ka tolu atu define buat ida. Hosi Biblia ka katesismu Doutrina-badak, ita rona bebeik liafuan RAHUN-DI’AK. Bainhira ita temi keta-ketak, liafuan rua ne’e iha ninia magarti rasik. Maibe, bainhira ita kombina, nia magarti refere ba buat seluk nebe la iha relasaun ho buat sira nebe liafuan sira ne’e ida-idak hatudu. Hanesan ita hotu hatene katak liafuan RAHUN-DI’AK signifika “bem-aventurados” ka iha lian indonezia ita dehan “berbahagialah.”\nBainhira ita kombina liafuan ‘dalan’ ho liafuan ‘klo’ot’ ita hetan liafuan “DALAN-KLO’OT.”\nKarik ita aplika dalan-klo’ot ba sasan fiziku sira hanesan marka hodi tudu ema ka balada nia hakat, meiu-transporte sira nia movimentu (halai ba-mai), la susar ba ita atu determina ita nia hahalok ka lala’o. Iha dalan klo’ot, ita tenki ses-malu bainhira la’o hasoru-malu. Iha dadolin Timor nian katuas-ferik sira sani ba ita ‘iha laletek ita hakletek, iha tetuk ita hatetek; iha kabubu ita nadodon, ita natar ita nabar (hanesan malus moris iha ai-diik ka ai-lele nia lolon).’\nIha dalan-klo’ot ona mak ita la’o ‘kakareka’ ka les-kelen fali, ita bele halo halo ema seluk nebe atu liu ne’e hanoin-klo’ot. Bainhira ema seluk ne’e nia hanoin-klo’ot, ita nia moris mos bele klo’ot liu tiha dalan nia klo’ot. Iha dalan luan, ita hakarak la’o ‘kakareka’ to’o kalsa-kidun nakles (to’o anin hu tama) tiha mos ‘no problem.’ Ka balun hakarak la’o fo-sorin de’it, maski dalan luan hela, hanesan klosan balun nebe foin sai hosi gym, hatudu liman-kabun, loke-peitu tama portaun luan boot fo-sorin ho hanoin katak nia isin boot liu tiha portaun nia luan mos ‘tidak apa-apa.”\nMaluk sira nebe lori kareta, bainhira liu iha ponte tuan Laleia, bele entende ona hahalok sa ida mak tenki halo bainhira ita haree kareta seluk mai hosi ponte sorin. Se mak to’o uluk iha ponte-rohan, nia mak iha prioridade tama uluk. Iha situasaun balun, bainhira distansia dook, uza posto komunikasaun. Sira nebe lori kareta iha tinan 1960 ba kraik, mos bele ke’e fali sira nia memoria bainhira lori kareta atu liu Subaun-boot no Karimbala.\n“Dalan-klo’ot” baibain ita uza mos nudar lian ‘kiasan’ ho sentidu pejorativu (negatif). Iha konkorensia, desportiva ka politika, parte ida-idak baibain soe-lia (piada) “ita dalan-klo’ot hotu”. Espresaun loloos ne’e atu dehan “o susar atu manan ha’u, maski ha’u mos susar atu manan o”, tanba sasidi (obstáculo) no sasadik (desafio) nebe konkorente sira impoin ba malu nia todan hanesan. Se aplika iha kontekstu istoria busa-fuik ho manu-bee karik dehan “ha’u la hetan hahan tan ha’u nia ibun-klo’ot liu, o mos la hetan tanba garrafaun nia ibun klo’ot liu.”\nIha moris lorloron, ema baibain mos personifika sira nia kbiit atu buka moris ho situasaun bainhira la’o iha dalan-klo’ot. Liuliu bainhira mosu difikuldade. Ses ba sorin la di’ak. Ba oin xoke, hakiduk mos kona.\nSituasaun politika iha ita nia rain bele sai lalenok furak atu fihir. Ho hanoin-klo’ot, ita haree katak independensia nebe ita proklama iha 28 Novembru 1975 no restaura iha 20 Maiu 2002, hanesan tiha na’an-fresku iha garrafaun laran ka sai tiha hahan nebe iha bikan-balgana luan boot ne’e. Povo maubere sai tiha busa-fuik, nakfilak tiha ba manu-bee. Ibun meik no klo’ot liu atu bit hahan iha bikan balgana laran. Garrafaun nia ibun klo’ot liu ba povu nia ibun atu tata na’an fresku iha garrafaun laran. Aswa’in povo maubere sira nebe uluk hanoin-luan no neon-na’in, nakfilak tiha ba politik-wa’in “neon-klo’ot” ho sira nia politika “dalan-klo’ot.” Sira mos nakfilak-an tiha ba busa-fuik no manu-bee: hanoin-luan, maibe neon-klo’ot. Hanoin-luan atu serbi, maibe neon-klo’ot atu tane.\nPartidu politiku sira kaan la’o kakareka (les-kelen) iha dalan-klo’ot hodi hadau tiha povu nia dalan ba moris di’ak. Politik dalan-ko’ot ho hanoin-klo’ot serve de’it atu baku-fila meza no kadeira iha uma-fukun, no haklo’ot de’it povu nia dalan hosi tetuk terus nian ba laletek moris-di’ak nian.\nMatenek sira ko’alia naruk konaba ba buat barak hanesan bidon-mamuk nebe lian boot, halo ema barak haklalak, maibe loron ba loron lian hanesan de’it no nune’e hela de’it. Neon-na’in sira hakerek naba-naba to’o liman-fuan matek, maibe la hamoris esperansa pedasuk ida iha povu nia halerik-laran. Iha sira nia hakerek povu haree ho malorek sira nia laran makerek. Referensia filozofia no dogma relijiaun sai de’it masker atu falun ita nia hahalok vingativu hasoru sira seluk nebe ita la gosta.\nAfinal, ita busa-fuik hotu. Ita hotu mak manu-bee. Hanoin luan, neon klo’ot! Politika dalan-klo’ot, produz de’it ema neon-klo’ot. | [
"Virgilio da Silva Guterres Hori Otas Hori Uain 2020-06-20 Hits: 561 Dalan.",
"Ema hotu hatene sa ida mak 'dalan.'",
"Fizikamente, nia nudar marka hodi tudu ita nia hakat.",
"Atu ba natar, ba toos, ba merkadu, ba lia moris ka lia mate ruma, ba eskola ka ba uma-kreda, ita presiza dalan.",
"La'os ita ema de'it mak presiza dalan.",
"Balada sira, atu fuik ka maus, mos presiza dalan.",
"Karau nia dalan, bibi nia dalan, fahi-fuik nia dalan, bibi-rusa nia dalan, nehek nia dalan, samea no ular-oan sira nia dalan.",
"Balada sira be semo mos, ho sira nia instintu (naluri) iha nia dalan rasik atu semo.",
"Ita bele dehan katak, buat hotu-hotu nebe iha kapasidade ka intensaun atu muda-an hosi fatin ida ba fatin seluk, presiza dalan.",
"Meiu-transporte sira mos presiza dalan.",
"Ba transporte terestre, roda rua, roda haat ka liu atu halai ba-mai presiza dalan nebe ita bolu liuron (estrada).",
"Bero kiik sira tasi-ninin to'o ro-ahi boot sira iha tasi-klaran mos iha sira nia dalan nebe.",
"Nune'e mos aviaun sira be semo, iha sira nia dalan-rasik nebe iha lian portugez ita bolu 'linhas aereas.'",
"Liafuan 'dalan' nudar tatudu, aplika mos iha mundu siensia nian.",
"Matenek-na'in (cientista) sira presiza dalan atu hetan no inventa teoria.",
"Estadu ka faze hahuu (inicial) husi invensaun teoria ka deskobrimentu oioin mak bilaan.",
"Iha lian indonezia, dehan 'bingung.'",
"Bilaan iha ne'e la'os fak, maibe bilaan ida nebe nakonu ho hakarak atu litik.",
"Iha prosesu litik ne'e mak matenek-na'in sira define nudar faze 'hipotetik' ka 'hipotesa.'",
"Atu tulun identifika no klasifika prosesu litik hodi konkretiza validade ninia hanoin, nebe nia seidauk hatene los ka la los, matenek na'in sira hamosu buat nebe sira define nudar 'metodo (port.).'",
"Orijem hosi lian Gregu, METHODOS nebe kombina hosi liafuan rua META ho HODOS.",
"META katak objetivu, HODOS katak dalan.",
"Metodo, katak dalan atu to ba rohan, atu hetan hanoin loloos ba lian-litik sira.",
"La presiza uza metodu atu deskreve magarti hosi liafuan 'klo'ot.'",
"Liafuan klo'ot halo ha'u hanoin kona fabula (istoria balada nian) nebe ha'u hetan, bainhira eskola iha tempu portugez.",
"Istoria konaba busa-fuik (raposa) ho manu-bee (cegonha).",
"Atu konkretiza sira nia habelun-malu, sira traktir-malu han.",
"Busa fuik tau hahan iha bikan belar-balgana belar boot ida, manu-been la konsege han, tanba nia ibun meik no klo'ot liu atu bit hahan naklekar iha bikan-laran.",
"Manu-bee fo han busa-fuik ho garrafaun boot ida, maski na'an-fresku barak iha garrafaun laran halo busa-fuik nia kabeen nafurin, maibe busa-fuik labele tata kona na'an musan ida, tanba garrafaun nia ibun klo'ot liu.",
"Hanesan mos lian Gregu, lian Tetun mos kaan atu kombina lian rua ka tolu atu define buat ida.",
"Hosi Biblia ka katesismu Doutrina-badak, ita rona bebeik liafuan RAHUN-DI'AK.",
"Bainhira ita temi keta-ketak, liafuan rua ne'e iha ninia magarti rasik.",
"Maibe, bainhira ita kombina, nia magarti refere ba buat seluk nebe la iha relasaun ho buat sira nebe liafuan sira ne'e ida-idak hatudu.",
"Hanesan ita hotu hatene katak liafuan RAHUN-DI'AK signifika \"bem-aventurados\" ka iha lian indonezia ita dehan \"berbahagialah.\"",
"Bainhira ita kombina liafuan 'dalan' ho liafuan 'klo'ot' ita hetan liafuan \"DALAN-KLO'OT.\"",
"Karik ita aplika dalan-klo'ot ba sasan fiziku sira hanesan marka hodi tudu ema ka balada nia hakat, meiu-transporte sira nia movimentu (halai ba-mai), la susar ba ita atu determina ita nia hahalok ka lala'o.",
"Iha dalan klo'ot, ita tenki ses-malu bainhira la'o hasoru-malu.",
"Iha dadolin Timor nian katuas-ferik sira sani ba ita 'iha laletek ita hakletek, iha tetuk ita hatetek; iha kabubu ita nadodon, ita natar ita nabar (hanesan malus moris iha ai-diik ka ai-lele nia lolon).'",
"Iha dalan-klo'ot ona mak ita la'o 'kakareka' ka les-kelen fali, ita bele halo halo ema seluk nebe atu liu ne'e hanoin-klo'ot.",
"Bainhira ema seluk ne'e nia hanoin-klo'ot, ita nia moris mos bele klo'ot liu tiha dalan nia klo'ot.",
"Iha dalan luan, ita hakarak la'o 'kakareka' to'o kalsa-kidun nakles (to'o anin hu tama) tiha mos 'no problem.'",
"Ka balun hakarak la'o fo-sorin de'it, maski dalan luan hela, hanesan klosan balun nebe foin sai hosi gym, hatudu liman-kabun, loke-peitu tama portaun luan boot fo-sorin ho hanoin katak nia isin boot liu tiha portaun nia luan mos 'tidak apa-apa.\"",
"Maluk sira nebe lori kareta, bainhira liu iha ponte tuan Laleia, bele entende ona hahalok sa ida mak tenki halo bainhira ita haree kareta seluk mai hosi ponte sorin.",
"Se mak to'o uluk iha ponte-rohan, nia mak iha prioridade tama uluk.",
"Iha situasaun balun, bainhira distansia dook, uza posto komunikasaun.",
"Sira nebe lori kareta iha tinan 1960 ba kraik, mos bele ke'e fali sira nia memoria bainhira lori kareta atu liu Subaun-boot no Karimbala.",
"\"Dalan-klo'ot\" baibain ita uza mos nudar lian 'kiasan' ho sentidu pejorativu (negatif).",
"Iha konkorensia, desportiva ka politika, parte ida-idak baibain soe-lia (piada) \"ita dalan-klo'ot hotu.\"",
"Espresaun loloos ne'e atu dehan \"o susar atu manan ha'u, maski ha'u mos susar atu manan o,\" tanba sasidi (obstaculo) no sasadik (desafio) nebe konkorente sira impoin ba malu nia todan hanesan.",
"Se aplika iha kontekstu istoria busa-fuik ho manu-bee karik dehan \"ha'u la hetan hahan tan ha'u nia ibun-klo'ot liu, o mos la hetan tanba garrafaun nia ibun klo'ot liu.\"",
"Iha moris lorloron, ema baibain mos personifika sira nia kbiit atu buka moris ho situasaun bainhira la'o iha dalan-klo'ot.",
"Liuliu bainhira mosu difikuldade.",
"Ses ba sorin la di'ak.",
"Ba oin xoke, hakiduk mos kona.",
"Situasaun politika iha ita nia rain bele sai lalenok furak atu fihir.",
"Ho hanoin-klo'ot, ita haree katak independensia nebe ita proklama iha 28 Novembru 1975 no restaura iha 20 Maiu 2002, hanesan tiha na'an-fresku iha garrafaun laran ka sai tiha hahan nebe iha bikan-balgana luan boot ne'e.",
"Povo maubere sai tiha busa-fuik, nakfilak tiha ba manu-bee.",
"Ibun meik no klo'ot liu atu bit hahan iha bikan balgana laran.",
"Garrafaun nia ibun klo'ot liu ba povu nia ibun atu tata na'an fresku iha garrafaun laran.",
"Aswa'in povo maubere sira nebe uluk hanoin-luan no neon-na'in, nakfilak tiha ba politik-wa'in \"neon-klo'ot\" ho sira nia politika \"dalan-klo'ot.\"",
"Sira mos nakfilak-an tiha ba busa-fuik no manu-bee: hanoin-luan, maibe neon-klo'ot.",
"Hanoin-luan atu serbi, maibe neon-klo'ot atu tane.",
"Partidu politiku sira kaan la'o kakareka (les-kelen) iha dalan-klo'ot hodi hadau tiha povu nia dalan ba moris di'ak.",
"Politik dalan-ko'ot ho hanoin-klo'ot serve de'it atu baku-fila meza no kadeira iha uma-fukun, no haklo'ot de'it povu nia dalan hosi tetuk terus nian ba laletek moris-di'ak nian.",
"Matenek sira ko'alia naruk konaba ba buat barak hanesan bidon-mamuk nebe lian boot, halo ema barak haklalak, maibe loron ba loron lian hanesan de'it no nune'e hela de'it.",
"Neon-na'in sira hakerek naba-naba to'o liman-fuan matek, maibe la hamoris esperansa pedasuk ida iha povu nia halerik-laran.",
"Iha sira nia hakerek povu haree ho malorek sira nia laran makerek.",
"Referensia filozofia no dogma relijiaun sai de'it masker atu falun ita nia hahalok vingativu hasoru sira seluk nebe ita la gosta.",
"Afinal, ita busa-fuik hotu.",
"Ita hotu mak manu-bee.",
"Hanoin luan, neon klo'ot!",
"Politika dalan-klo'ot, produz de'it ema neon-klo'ot."
] | [
"Virgilio da Silva Guterres Hori Otas hori Uain 2019-567 Hits:348 Dalan."
"Everyone knows what the 'way' is."
"Physically, it is a mark to beat our hakat."
"To go to the fields, farmland or marketplace; a place of birth and death. A schoolhouse: we need roadways!"
"We are not the only people who need roads."
"Ballads, to be good or bad also need a way."
"The way of the deer, and that for beavers; but it is not like this: there shall come a time when they will eat them."
"The ballads are also semo, with their instincts (naluri) going its own way."
"We can say that everything which has the ability or intention to move from one place into another requires a way."
"Means of transport also need roads."
"For land transport, two-wheeled vehicles and four wheelers or more need a road called the liuron (highway) to move on."
"From the small sea breezes to large steamers in clear water, they are all on their way there."
"Similarly, airplanes fly on their own runways which in Portuguese we call 'linhas aéreas.'"
"The word 'path' as a method, also applied in the world of science."
"Scientists need ways to find and invent theories."
"The initial state or phase of invention, theory and discovery varies."
"In Indonesian, they say 'bingung.'"
"The bill here is not a fake, but one filled with the desire to look."
"In this analytical process, philosophers have defined what they call the 'hypothetic' or hypothesis phase."
"In order to help identify and classify the processes of analysis that will concretely validate his ideas, which he does not know whether true or false; sages invented what they defined as a 'method.'"
"Originating from the Greek, METHODOS is a combination of two words META and HOdos."
"META means goal, HODOS is the way."
"The method, that is the way to reach out and get a true idea of what languages are."
"There is no need to use a method of describing the maggarti from 'klo'ot."
"The words remind me of a fabula (a ballad story) that I had in school during the Portuguese period."
"The story of busa-fuik (fox) and manu - bee(stork)."
"In order to concretize their relationship with each other, they treat one another."
"The bus fuik puts its food in a large, oval-shaped bowl; the bird cannot eat it because his head is too small and thick to let any bit of feed leak out."
"The bee feeds the butterfly with a large carafe, and even though there are so many fresh fruit in it that they make its mouth smell like honey; but because of their bigger necks these can't touch one other beetle."
"Like Greek, Tetun is also a language that combines two or three languages to define something."
"From the Bible or Little Doctrine catechism, we often hear words like BAD."
"When we talk about keta-ketak, these two words have their own meaning."
"But when we combine them, they refer to something else that is not related with what each of the words represents."
"As we all know that the word RAHUN-DI'AK means \"blessed\" or in Indonesian language it is called berbahagialah."
"When we combine the words 'way' and \"cloth\" it results in a word called DALAN-KLO’OT."
"If we apply the same rules to physical objects, such as signage on road or bridge sides and movement of vehicles (returns), it is not difficult for us in determining our actions."
"In the long road, we have to kiss each other when walking together."
"In Timor's dadol, the elderly children said to us: 'in tetuk we say that; in kabubu it is a good thing for you. We will natar ourselves (we live on small trees or shrubs)."
"If we are walking on a road that is already very narrow, it can make other people who want to go over the same path think twice."
"When someone else's thoughts are clogged, our lives can also be closed beyond the way of his/her own."
"On the wide road, we want to go 'kakareka' until kalsa-kidun nakles (to anin hu tama) and then also ‘no problem.’"
"Or some just want to walk around, even though the road is wide; like a clown who has come out of gym and shows his hands-only opened chest into an oversized gateway thinking that he'll be fat after crossing it."
"The carriage drivers, when crossing the old bridge of Laleia will understand what to do if we see another vehicle coming from a nearby one."
"The first to arrive at the bridge-road, he has priority in front."
"In some situations, when the distance is too long to use a communication post."
"Those who carried cars in the 1960s to Kraik, can also relive their memories of carrying them through Subaun-boot and Karimbala."
"\"Dalan-klo'ot\" we usually use as a language 'kiasan’ with pejorative (negative)."
"In a competition, sports or politically each party usually jokes that \"it's all over the place.\""
"The correct expression is \"it's hard to beat me, even though I am also difficult for you\", because the sasidi (obstacle) and sasadik(challenge), which competitors impose on each other are equal."
"Applied in the context of a story about an elephant and bee, it would say \"I don't get food because my head is bigger or I do not have enough to feed myself.\""
"In everyday life, ordinary people also embody their ability to survive the situation when walking on a narrow road."
"Liuliu when difficulty arises."
"Ses ba sorin la di'ak."
"Ba oin xoke, hakiduk mos kona."
"The political situation in our country can become a dangerous place to live."
"With deep reflection, we see that the independence which was proclaimed on 28 November of this year and restored to us by our peoples' vote in a referendum held at Skopje (Macedonia) as soon has become like fresh meat or food for all those who live alongside it."
"The Maubere people got out of the bus-fuik, and went to a Manu Bee."
"A smaller and more sturdy mother is better suited for feeding in the bowels."
"The bottle's head is bigger than the people’ s to keep fresh water in it."
"The formerly thoughtful and neon-minded Maubere people's leaders have turned to the \"neocolonial\" politics of their own, with its 'roadblocking policy."
"They have also fallen back on bus-fuik and manu - bee: thoughtful, but neon clo'ot."
"I'm not a witch to serve, but an evil-clown."
"The political parties do not walk on the roads of ignorance to lead people away from a better life."
"The politics of the small roads and big thoughts serve only to throw up a row with chairs in house-fucks, paving people' s way from misery into good life."
"The wise men talk long about many things like a big, loud-speaking bottle of milk that makes people laugh but day by Day the same thing happen and so on."
"The neon-holders write to their death, but they do not leave any hope in the heart of people."
"In their writings the people looked with astonishment at them."
"References to philosophy and religious dogma are only a mask for failing our vengeful behaviour against others we dislike."
"After all, we're just people."
"We are all manu-bee."
"Hanoi luan, neon klo'ot!"
"The politics of the road-clo'ot, only produces neon clo’ots."
] |
By Tempo Timor August 19, 2021 513\n“10 milhões ne'e la to'o, estudu ne'e 90 milhões maibé tau oituan-oituan ne'ebé komforme diskusaun hela ne'ebé ita haree to'ok”, dehan Ministru Defeza Filomeno Paixão iha Palásiu Governu, kuarta (17/08).\nHo orsamentu millaun 90 ne’ebé propoin ba infraestrutura Portu Hera iha Zona A no Zona C, tanba iha Zona B konstrusaun hetan apoiu husi nasaun Austrália.\n“Ne'e hanesan horibairua ha'u dehan ona ne'e ami-nia proposta ba infraestrutura ona estudu ne'e hamutuk 90 milhões maibé ami propoin uluk 10 milhões atu hahú iha tinan oin. Ida ko'alia ho Austrália ne'e ketak, Austrália mak ajuda ita sira ajuda de'it zona B ita atu halo ne'e ba zona A no zona C”, esplika nia.\nNune'e iha parte konstrusaun Ministru Defeza presiza uluk milliaun 10 hodi hahú halo konstrusaun ba Portu Hera iha tinan 2022, maibé sei hein iha prosesu diskusaun. (*)\nKontrusaun Portu Hera\n« Rezultadu Teste Membru Foun FDTL Seidauk iha Data Fiksu UPF Kaptura Sidadaun Na’in-21 Halo Atividade Ilegál » | [
"By Tempo Timor August 19, 2021 513 \"10 milhoes ne'e la to'o, estudu ne'e 90 milhoes maibe tau oituan-oituan ne'ebe komforme diskusaun hela ne'ebe ita haree to'ok,\" dehan Ministru Defeza Filomeno Paixao iha Palasiu Governu, kuarta (17/08).",
"Ho orsamentu millaun 90 ne'ebe propoin ba infraestrutura Portu Hera iha Zona A no Zona C, tanba iha Zona B konstrusaun hetan apoiu husi nasaun Australia.",
"\"Ne'e hanesan horibairua ha'u dehan ona ne'e ami-nia proposta ba infraestrutura ona estudu ne'e hamutuk 90 milhoes maibe ami propoin uluk 10 milhoes atu hahu iha tinan oin.",
"Ida ko'alia ho Australia ne'e ketak, Australia mak ajuda ita sira ajuda de'it zona B ita atu halo ne'e ba zona A no zona C,\" esplika nia.",
"Nune'e iha parte konstrusaun Ministru Defeza presiza uluk milliaun 10 hodi hahu halo konstrusaun ba Portu Hera iha tinan 2022, maibe sei hein iha prosesu diskusaun. (*) Kontrusaun Portu Hera \" Rezultadu Teste Membru Foun FDTL Seidauk iha Data Fiksu UPF Kaptura Sidadaun Na'in-21 Halo Atividade Ilegal \""
] | [
"\"The 10 million is not enough, the study costs $95m but we will add another ten-eight that are in accordance with discussions being held and which have been found to be sufficient\", said Defence Minister Filomeno Paixao at Government Palace on Thursday (August)."
"With a budget of 90 million euros proposed for Port Hera infrastructure in Zone A and Zona C, since the construction is supported by Australia."
"\"It's like a surprise I have already said that our proposal for the infrastructure has been studied at 90 million, but we propose first to start next year with only ten millions."
"One talks with Australia is clear, it'll help us in zone B and we can do this for zona A or C\", he explained."
"In the construction part, Defence Minister needs first 10 million to begin building for Port Hera in year '23 but will wait during discussion process. (*) Construção Porto heru \" Resultado Teste Membro Foun F-FDTL Sendauk no Data Fixsu UPF Kaptura Cidaun Na'in -49 Faz Atividade Illegal\""
] |
MPKM Hametin Relasaun Fraternidade ho Funsionariu - TIMOR AGORA\nMPKM Hametin Relasaun Fraternidade ho Funsionariu\nDILI, (TATOLI) – Ministru Prezidensia Konsellu Ministru (MPKM), Adriano do Nascimento halo enkontru ho funsionariu sira ho objetivu atu hametin relasaun fraternidade ne’ebé pertense iha ministériu, nune’e mós rona informasaun atu oinsá halo planu asaun anuál.\n“Enkontru ne’e pertinente tanba atu hametin relasaun fraternidade iha instituisaun ida tanba ita mesak Timoroan, nune’e ita bele hakbesik ba malu entre ministru ho funsionariu hotu”, hateten ministru ba jornalista sira iha Auditórium Palásiu Governu, kinta (21/9).\nAfirma tan, planu la’ós superiór de’it mak halo maibé tenke rona mós iha kraik liliu hirak ne’ebé tein, hamoos fatin no kondutór sira atu hadia instituisaun ne’e oinsá.\nKlaru katak versaun la hanesan maibé oinsá ema hotu iha vizaun no misaun atu hadi’a parte ne’ebé hala’o kna’ar ba, katak ministru.\n“Sei la eziste grupu ketak tanba funsionáriu hotu, tantu hosi nivel kraik to’o leten ho sentimentu pertensia atu sira sente katak sira mós ema ne’ebé apoiu ha’u nia servisu”, afirma nia.\nHosi hirak ne’e, nia dehan, servisu iha ministériu ne’e hotu-hotu iha objetivu ida de’it atu bele servi públiku tanba ne’e tenke presiza malu nafatin hosi ministru to’o hirak ne’ebé halo bé manas no hamoos fatin.\nEnkuantu, governu da-Hituk liuhosi Primeiru Ministru, Marí Alkatiri fó hanoin katak governu foun ne’e la’ós mai atu sobu no haketak ema maibé mai ho hanoin atu identifika preokupasaun iha planeamentu, sistema no ezekusaun programa sira.\n“Mai atu halo di’ak liu tan, la’ós atu hateten la gosta ema tenke hasai, hanoin hanesan ne’e la’os Timoroan tanba ne’e mak ita presiza tau hanoin hamutuk”, akresenta nia.\nFunsionáriu públiku iha lei nia okos, lei mak regura sira tanba ne’e tenke iha disiplina no dezempeña funsaun ba kada funsionáriu no diretór sira.\nFoto: Ministru Prezidensia Konsellu Ministru, Adriano do Nascimento. | [
"MPKM Hametin Relasaun Fraternidade ho Funsionariu - TIMOR AGORA MPKM Hametin Relasaun Fraternidade ho Funsionariu DILI, (TATOLI) - Ministru Prezidensia Konsellu Ministru (MPKM), Adriano do Nascimento halo enkontru ho funsionariu sira ho objetivu atu hametin relasaun fraternidade ne'ebe pertense iha ministeriu, nune'e mos rona informasaun atu oinsa halo planu asaun anual.",
"\"Enkontru ne'e pertinente tanba atu hametin relasaun fraternidade iha instituisaun ida tanba ita mesak Timoroan, nune'e ita bele hakbesik ba malu entre ministru ho funsionariu hotu,\" hateten ministru ba jornalista sira iha Auditorium Palasiu Governu, kinta (21/9).",
"Afirma tan, planu la'os superior de'it mak halo maibe tenke rona mos iha kraik liliu hirak ne'ebe tein, hamoos fatin no kondutor sira atu hadia instituisaun ne'e oinsa.",
"Klaru katak versaun la hanesan maibe oinsa ema hotu iha vizaun no misaun atu hadi'a parte ne'ebe hala'o kna'ar ba, katak ministru.",
"\"Sei la eziste grupu ketak tanba funsionariu hotu, tantu hosi nivel kraik to'o leten ho sentimentu pertensia atu sira sente katak sira mos ema ne'ebe apoiu ha'u nia servisu,\" afirma nia.",
"Hosi hirak ne'e, nia dehan, servisu iha ministeriu ne'e hotu-hotu iha objetivu ida de'it atu bele servi publiku tanba ne'e tenke presiza malu nafatin hosi ministru to'o hirak ne'ebe halo be manas no hamoos fatin.",
"Enkuantu, governu da-Hituk liuhosi Primeiru Ministru, Mari Alkatiri fo hanoin katak governu foun ne'e la'os mai atu sobu no haketak ema maibe mai ho hanoin atu identifika preokupasaun iha planeamentu, sistema no ezekusaun programa sira.",
"\"Mai atu halo di'ak liu tan, la'os atu hateten la gosta ema tenke hasai, hanoin hanesan ne'e la'os Timoroan tanba ne'e mak ita presiza tau hanoin hamutuk,\" akresenta nia.",
"Funsionariu publiku iha lei nia okos, lei mak regura sira tanba ne'e tenke iha disiplina no dezempena funsaun ba kada funsionariu no diretor sira.",
"Foto: Ministru Prezidensia Konsellu Ministru, Adriano do Nascimento."
] | [
"MPKM Strengthens Fraternity Relationship with Official - TIMOR AGORA Minister of the Presidency (MPK) Adriano do Nascimento met officials in order to strengthen fraternal relationship within his ministry, and also hear information on how they can make an annual action plan."
"\"This meeting is pertinent because it strengthens the fraternity relationship in an institution, since we are all Timorese. This way you can get closer to each other as ministers and officials\", said Minister António Costa at a press conference held on Wednesday (21/9)."
"He affirmed that the plan is not only made by superiors but also needs to be heard from people in their communities, especially those who keep and clean up places as well os conductor. How can this institution improve?"
"Of course, there are different versions but how everyone has a vision and mission to improve the part that performs kna'a ba."
"\"There is no such thing as a tight group because all employees, from the lowest to highest level have that sense of belonging so they feel like people who support my work too.\""
"Of these, he said that everyone working in the ministry has only one goal: to serve public interests. That is why they need each other from minister up until those who do heating and cleaning work at their desks or office rooms; all of them have a responsibility for serving this country as it deserves.\""
"Meanwhile, the da-Hituk government through Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri reminded that this new Government has not come to destroy and kill people but came with a vision of identifying concerns in planning systems as well As programme implementation."
"\"To do better, it's not to say that people should be removed because they don’t like them. Those kind of ideas are unTimorese and therefore we must think together about these issues.\""
"Civil servants are subject to the law, they must be governed by it and therefore each official or director has a duty of discipline."
"Photo: Ministru Prezidensia Council of Ministers, Adriano do Nascimento."
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MNE ko'alia krizi polítika ho grupu diplomátiku akreditadu iha Díli - Notícias SAPO - SAPO Notícias\nPájina aktualizada iha 15:13h, sabado 29 Fevereiru\nMNE ko'alia krizi polítika ho grupu diplomátiku akreditadu iha Díli\n22 de Janeiro de 2020, 01:32\nMinistru Negósiu Estranjeiru husik, iha loron-tersa ne'e, ba diplomata akreditadu sira iha Díli mensajen "serenidade" nian hodi afirma katak ezekutivu kontinua governa ho normalidade, maski iha xumbu ba Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) nian.\nDionísio Babo konvoka ona, iha loron-tersa ne'e, diplomata sira ho responsável sira hosi organizmu internasional sira ne'ebé akreditadu iha Díli hodi haktuir kona-ba situasaun polítika atual nasaun nian, oras balun hafoin primeiru-ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, husu ba ezekutivu hodi kumpri nafatin sira nia funsaun ho normalidade.\nIha kauza maka solusaun hosi krizi polítika ne'ebé mosu tanba xumbu, iha loron-sesta, hosi Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) ba tinan 2020, rezulta hosi votu sira kontra ho abstensaun sira hosi Congresso Nacional da Reconstrução Timorense (CNRT), partidu boot hosi Aliansa Mudansa ba Progresu (AMP), koligasaun Governu nian.\nTaur Matan Ruak, xefe Governu, hasoru malu, iha loron-segunda ho Prezidente, Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo, no afirma ba jornalista sira katak AMP "la ezisti ona" hafoin xumbu.\nFonte diplomátika sira ne'ebé ko'alia ba Lusa esplika ona katak enkontru iha MNE serve ba governante husik mensajen ida serenidade no konfiansa nian, repete katak prosesu agora iha Prezidente Repúblika nia liman, ne'ebé sei rona forsa polítika sira ho sosiedade sivil.\nIha enkontru, Babo hatete katak Governu kumpri hela nia funsaun sira "ho normalidade", aplika rejimi duodesimal.\nBabo esplika katak situasaun seguransa iha nasaun kalma hela no iha normalidade nia laran.\nGovernu konsidera katak hahú konta, dezde loron-sesta, períudu loron 60 ne'ebé defini iha Konstituisaun ba aprovasaun hosi Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) nian, hotu, no bainhira kontinua laiha solusaun, sei nakloke nafatin dalan ba eleisaun antesipadu.\nDiplomata sira kestiona ministru kona-ba asoetu sira hanesan impaktu hosi situasaun iha projetu sira Governu nian no situasaun finanseiru ezekutivu nian, no materia sira seluk.\nPrezidente Repúblika hahú iha loron-kinta rona partidu sira ne'ebé iha fatin iha parlamentu no reprezentante sira hosi sosiedade sivil.\nFrancisco Guterres Lu-Olo konsidera nesesáriu "vontade polítika ho abertura" hosi ema tomak hodi hetan solusaun ida ba situasaun polítika iha nasaun.\n"Prezidente Repúblika konvida líder sira hosi partidu sira ne'ebé iha fatin iha parlamentu hodi rona sira nia ideia ho proposta sira ba solusaun sira kona-ba situasaun polítiku-konstitusional atual", refere iha komunikadu.\nLu-Olo sei rona mós eis-titular sira ho entidade sira seluk, jurista sira, reprezentante sira hosi konfisaun relijiozu sira ho sosiedade sivil.\n"Prezidente Repúblika fiar katak ami sei hetan solusaun di'ak ba povu no Estadu Timor-Leste nian", hatutan iha komunikadu. | [
"MNE ko'alia krizi politika ho grupu diplomatiku akreditadu iha Dili - Noticias SAPO - SAPO Noticias Pajina aktualizada iha 15:13h, sabado 29 Fevereiru MNE ko'alia krizi politika ho grupu diplomatiku akreditadu iha Dili 22 de Janeiro de 2020, 01:32 Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru husik, iha loron-tersa ne'e, ba diplomata akreditadu sira iha Dili mensajen \"serenidade\" nian hodi afirma katak ezekutivu kontinua governa ho normalidade, maski iha xumbu ba Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) nian.",
"Dionisio Babo konvoka ona, iha loron-tersa ne'e, diplomata sira ho responsavel sira hosi organizmu internasional sira ne'ebe akreditadu iha Dili hodi haktuir kona-ba situasaun politika atual nasaun nian, oras balun hafoin primeiru-ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, husu ba ezekutivu hodi kumpri nafatin sira nia funsaun ho normalidade.",
"Iha kauza maka solusaun hosi krizi politika ne'ebe mosu tanba xumbu, iha loron-sesta, hosi Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) ba tinan 2020, rezulta hosi votu sira kontra ho abstensaun sira hosi Congresso Nacional da Reconstrucao Timorense (CNRT), partidu boot hosi Aliansa Mudansa ba Progresu (AMP), koligasaun Governu nian.",
"Taur Matan Ruak, xefe Governu, hasoru malu, iha loron-segunda ho Prezidente, Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo, no afirma ba jornalista sira katak AMP \"la ezisti ona\" hafoin xumbu.",
"Fonte diplomatika sira ne'ebe ko'alia ba Lusa esplika ona katak enkontru iha MNE serve ba governante husik mensajen ida serenidade no konfiansa nian, repete katak prosesu agora iha Prezidente Republika nia liman, ne'ebe sei rona forsa politika sira ho sosiedade sivil.",
"Iha enkontru, Babo hatete katak Governu kumpri hela nia funsaun sira \"ho normalidade,\" aplika rejimi duodesimal.",
"Babo esplika katak situasaun seguransa iha nasaun kalma hela no iha normalidade nia laran.",
"Governu konsidera katak hahu konta, dezde loron-sesta, periudu loron 60 ne'ebe defini iha Konstituisaun ba aprovasaun hosi Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) nian, hotu, no bainhira kontinua laiha solusaun, sei nakloke nafatin dalan ba eleisaun antesipadu.",
"Diplomata sira kestiona ministru kona-ba asoetu sira hanesan impaktu hosi situasaun iha projetu sira Governu nian no situasaun finanseiru ezekutivu nian, no materia sira seluk.",
"Prezidente Republika hahu iha loron-kinta rona partidu sira ne'ebe iha fatin iha parlamentu no reprezentante sira hosi sosiedade sivil.",
"Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo konsidera nesesariu \"vontade politika ho abertura\" hosi ema tomak hodi hetan solusaun ida ba situasaun politika iha nasaun.",
"\"Prezidente Republika konvida lider sira hosi partidu sira ne'ebe iha fatin iha parlamentu hodi rona sira nia ideia ho proposta sira ba solusaun sira kona-ba situasaun politiku-konstitusional atual,\" refere iha komunikadu.",
"Lu-Olo sei rona mos eis-titular sira ho entidade sira seluk, jurista sira, reprezentante sira hosi konfisaun relijiozu sira ho sosiedade sivil.",
"\"Prezidente Republika fiar katak ami sei hetan solusaun di'ak ba povu no Estadu Timor-Leste nian,\" hatutan iha komunikadu."
] | [
"MNE discusses political crisis with diplomatic group accredited in Dili - Noticias SAPO 29 de Janeiro,15:03 The Foreign Affairs Minister left a message of \"serenity\" to the diplomatic groups that are present at Timor-Leste on Tuesday. He said they should remain calm and reaffirm his commitment for continuing normal governance even if there is an impending budget cutoff (Budget)."
"Dionisio Babo has summoned, on Tuesday this week the diplomats and officials of international bodies accrediting in Dili to report about their current political situation. The meeting was held a few hours after Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak called upon all executive branches for normality while carrying out its function"
"There is cause for the solution of a political crisis that emerged after Saturday's rejection, by vote against and abstentions from Congresso Nacional da Reconstrução Timorense (CNRT), major party in Aliança Mudança para Progresso(AMP) government coalition."
"Taur Matan Ruak, the head of government met on Monday with President Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo and told journalists that AMP \"no longer exist\" after its collapse."
"Diplomatic sources speaking to Lusa have explained that the meeting at MNE served as a way for governing bodies of leaving out messages on serenity and confidence, reiterating this process is now in hand with President da República who will hear from political forces alongside civil society."
"At the meeting, Babo said that Government was carrying out its functions \"normally\", applying a duodecimal regime."
"Babo explained that the security situation in his country is calm and normal."
"The Government considers that the 60-day period set by Constitution for approval of a General State Budget (GSB) has been counted off since Saturday, and if there is no solution to this issue it will still open up an early election."
"The diplomats questioned the minister about issues such as impact of situation on government projects and financial position in executive, among other matters."
"The President of the Republic began on Friday hearing with parties that have seats in parliament and representatives from civil society."
"Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo considers that \"political will and openness\" of all people are necessary to find a solution for the political situation in Portugal."
"\"The President of the Republic invites leaders from all parties present in parliament to hear their ideas and proposal for solutions regarding current political-constitutional situation,\" said a statement."
"Lu-Olo will also hear from former officials and other entities, lawyers as well As representatives of religious confessions And civil society."
"\"The President of the Republic is confident that we will find a good solution for Timor-Leste's people and State,\" it added."
] |
PNTL sensibiliza COVID-19 no moras hada’et ba membru sira | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVID-19 PNTL sensibiliza COVID-19 no moras hada’et ba membru sira\nPNTL sensibiliza COVID-19 no moras hada’et ba membru sira\nXefe Klínika Médiku Jerál Komandu PNTL, Inspetora Marcelina E. da C. Ximenes. Imajen Tatoli/Eugénio Pereira\nDILI, 04 fevereiru 2021 (TATOLI)-Komandu Polísia Munisípiu Dili servisu hamutuk ho ekipa Médiku Komandu Jerál PNTL hala’o sensibilizasaun kona-ba COVID-19 relasiona ho moras hada’et no moras la hada’et ba membru PNTL na’in-60.\nXefe Klínika Médiku Jerál Komandu PNTL, Inspetora Marcelina E. da C. Ximenes, dehan sensibilizasaun ne’e importante hodi membru sira halo prevensaun ba sira-nia aan hosi COVID-19 no bele hatene kona-ba tipu moras hada’et no moras la hada’et.\nMoras la hada’et hanesan grupu kondisaun ida ne’ebé kobre moras cardiovascular, problema saúde mentál, diabetes mellitus, no króniku respiratória no moras seluk tan.\nEkipa Médiku PNTL rasik simu ona orientasaun hosi Komandante Jerál PNTL, Komisáriu Faustino da Costa, atu halo vizita ba munisípiu hodi fó konsulta saúde obrigatóriu ba membru sira ne’ebé sofre moras.\nBa membru sira ne’ebé hasoru moras króniku, médiku PNTL koordena ho médiku Ospitál Nasionál Guido Valadares (HNGV) hodi hala’o tratamentu saúde.\n“Programa ne’e ita halo hodi fó konsulta ba membru sira ne’ebé moras sira bele halo tratamentu saúde intensivu ba sira-nia aan fasilita hosi doutór espesialista sira iha Ospitál Guido Valadares Dili,” nia hateten.\nMoras Ispa rejista aas\nDurante tinan 2020, Klínika PNTL rejista pasiente membru PNTL sira ne’ebé sofre moras maioria ispa, hypertense, hepatitis no estómagu.\nKomandu PNTL rasik kada tinan prevee hodi sosa ai-moruk no ekipamentu hodi fasilita médiku sira fó konsulta ba membru sira iha munisípiu 12, inklui Rejiaun Administrativu Espesiál Oe-cusse Ambeno (RAEOA).\nPNTL mós servisu hamutuk ho Ministériu Saúde hodi fornese ai-moruk ba Klinika PNTL.\nIha fatin hanesan, Komandante Polísia Munisípiu Dili, Superintendente Xefe, Hendrique da Costa konsidera sensibilizasaun programa ne’e importante hodi fó atensaun ba membru sira kuidadu sira-nia saúde.\nKomandu Dili mós husu atu ekipa médiku PNTL halo vizita no fó tratamentu saúde ba membru na’in-lima ne’ebé sofre moras no hela de’it iha uma.\nTuir planu, PNTL Dili sei hamutuk ho ekipa médiku jerál Klínika PNTL sei halo vizita ba Postu Administrativu Atauro hodi fó konsulta ba membru PNTL sira.\nIha tinan 2020, membru PNTL na’i- haat maka mate, tanba sofre moras no iha loron 23 janeiru 20201, Ajente Xefe Serafim Maia mate, tanba moras.\nPrevious articleSEKOMS-CVTL diskute divulga informasaun kona-ba prevensaun COVID-19\nNext articleKomandu PNTL aprezenta implementasaun EE da-sanulu ba PR Lú Olo | [
"PNTL sensibiliza COVID-19 no moras hada'et ba membru sira | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID-19 PNTL sensibiliza COVID-19 no moras hada'et ba membru sira PNTL sensibiliza COVID-19 no moras hada'et ba membru sira Xefe Klinika Mediku Jeral Komandu PNTL, Inspetora Marcelina E. da C. Ximenes.",
"Imajen Tatoli/Eugenio Pereira DILI, 04 fevereiru 2021 (TATOLI) -Komandu Polisia Munisipiu Dili servisu hamutuk ho ekipa Mediku Komandu Jeral PNTL hala'o sensibilizasaun kona-ba COVID-19 relasiona ho moras hada'et no moras la hada'et ba membru PNTL na'in-60.",
"Xefe Klinika Mediku Jeral Komandu PNTL, Inspetora Marcelina E. da C. Ximenes, dehan sensibilizasaun ne'e importante hodi membru sira halo prevensaun ba sira-nia aan hosi COVID-19 no bele hatene kona-ba tipu moras hada'et no moras la hada'et.",
"Moras la hada'et hanesan grupu kondisaun ida ne'ebe kobre moras cardiovascular, problema saude mental, diabetes mellitus, no kroniku respiratoria no moras seluk tan.",
"Ekipa Mediku PNTL rasik simu ona orientasaun hosi Komandante Jeral PNTL, Komisariu Faustino da Costa, atu halo vizita ba munisipiu hodi fo konsulta saude obrigatoriu ba membru sira ne'ebe sofre moras.",
"Ba membru sira ne'ebe hasoru moras kroniku, mediku PNTL koordena ho mediku Ospital Nasional Guido Valadares (HNGV) hodi hala'o tratamentu saude.",
"\"Programa ne'e ita halo hodi fo konsulta ba membru sira ne'ebe moras sira bele halo tratamentu saude intensivu ba sira-nia aan fasilita hosi doutor espesialista sira iha Ospital Guido Valadares Dili,\" nia hateten.",
"Moras Ispa rejista aas Durante tinan 2020, Klinika PNTL rejista pasiente membru PNTL sira ne'ebe sofre moras maioria ispa, hypertense, hepatitis no estomagu.",
"Komandu PNTL rasik kada tinan prevee hodi sosa ai-moruk no ekipamentu hodi fasilita mediku sira fo konsulta ba membru sira iha munisipiu 12, inklui Rejiaun Administrativu Espesial Oe-cusse Ambeno (RAEOA).",
"PNTL mos servisu hamutuk ho Ministeriu Saude hodi fornese ai-moruk ba Klinika PNTL.",
"Iha fatin hanesan, Komandante Polisia Munisipiu Dili, Superintendente Xefe, Hendrique da Costa konsidera sensibilizasaun programa ne'e importante hodi fo atensaun ba membru sira kuidadu sira-nia saude.",
"Komandu Dili mos husu atu ekipa mediku PNTL halo vizita no fo tratamentu saude ba membru na'in-lima ne'ebe sofre moras no hela de'it iha uma.",
"Tuir planu, PNTL Dili sei hamutuk ho ekipa mediku jeral Klinika PNTL sei halo vizita ba Postu Administrativu Atauro hodi fo konsulta ba membru PNTL sira.",
"Iha tinan 2020, membru PNTL na'i- haat maka mate, tanba sofre moras no iha loron 23 janeiru 20201, Ajente Xefe Serafim Maia mate, tanba moras.",
"Previous articleSEKOMS-CVTL diskute divulga informasaun kona-ba prevensaun COVID-19 Next articleKomandu PNTL aprezenta implementasaun EE da-sanulu ba PR Lu Olo"
] | [
"PNTL raises awareness of COVID-19 and communicable diseases among members | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor Leste VARANDA Covid -20 Police officer, Chief Medical Clinical Officer at the General Command (CMGP), Inspector Marcelina E. da C Ximenes informed police personnel about how they can be vaccinated against coronavirus as well to prevent them from spreading other infectious illnesses that may affect their family or workplace environment"
"Image Tatoli/Eugenio Pereira DILI, February 4th (TATOLI) - Dili Municipal Police Command in collaboration with the Medical Team of PNTL's General Comando conducted awareness-raising on COVID–19 related to communicable and noncommunicable disease for an estimated sixty police members."
"Chief of the Police Command General Medical Clinic, Inspector Marcelina E. da C Ximenes said that awareness-raising is important for members to prevent themselves from COVID 19 and learn about communicable diseases as well As noncommunicable illnesses"
"Non-communicable diseases are a group of conditions that cover cardiovascular, mental health problems and chronic respiratory illnesses among others."
"The Police Medical Team itself has been instructed by the Chief of PNTL, Commissioner Faustino da Costa to visit municipalities and provide compulsory health consultations for members suffering from illnesses."
"For members suffering from chronic illnesses, PNTL doctors coordinate with the National Guido Valadares Hospital (HNGV) to carry out health treatment."
"\"This program we are doing to provide consultation for members whose illnesses can do intensive health treatments on their own facilitated by the specialist doctor at Ospital Guido Valadares Dili,\" he said."
"During the year, PNTL Clinic registered patients who suffer from diseases such as fever (typhus), hypertension and stomach problems."
"Each year, the PNTL command itself provides for purchase of medicines and equipment to facilitate medical consultations with members in 12 municipalities including Oe-cusse Ambeno Special Administratives Region (RAEOA)."
"The PNTL also works with the Ministry of Health to provide medicines for Police Clinic."
"Dili Municipal Police Commander, Chief Superintendent Hendrique da Costa considers that raising awareness of the program is important to focus attention on members taking care for their health."
"The Dili Command also requested that the PNTL medical team visit and give health treatment to five members who are suffering from illnesses, stay at home."
"According to the plan, PNTL Dili will visit Atauro Administrative Post together with a team of general doctors from Klinika Polisi (Police Clinic) and provide consultations for members."
"In 2019, four members of the National Police died from illness and on Jan.3rd Chief Officer Serafim Maia passed away due to a disease in January"
"Previous articleSEKOMS-CVTL discusses disseminating information on COVID 19 prevention Next ArticlePolice Command presents the implementation of a two week lockdown to PR Lu Olo"
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Família konsidera trajedia Kuluhun planeadu ■PR Lú Olo kondena – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Justica e Segurança » Família konsidera trajedia Kuluhun planeadu ■PR Lú Olo kondena\nFamília matebian konsidera aktu membru Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL) ne’ebé tiru mate komunidade nain tolu no hakanek nain lima, hanesan trajedia ne´ebé planeadu akontese iha Timor-Leste, liu-liu iha Kuluhun de Baixo, Díli.\n“Kazu ne´e ami família konsidera la´os asidente, maibe trajedia ida akontese mai ami família vítima no povu Timor-Leste, liu-liu ami povu Kuluhun de Baixo”,esplika reprezentante família vítima matebian, Georgina da Silva, liu husi testu deklarasaun ne´ebé mak le´e sai Segunda (19/11/18), iha Kuluhun de Baixo.\nTuir kronolojia ne´ebé mak haktuir husi Georgina da Silva katak, kazu ne´e akontese iha Domingu (18/11/18), mais ou menus tuku 1:45 madrugada oras Timor-Leste.\n“Iha diskuasaun entre joven nain rua iha festa laran señor Joanico Batista Carvalho mak hakalma ema nain rua ne´ebé mak halo diskusaun. iha diskusaun ne´e seidauk iha krimi ruma akontese iha festa ne´e, maibe derepenti de´it kilat tarutu dala hira maibe señor Joanico labele sura tanba neon lakon, maibe Joanico sei dudu ses tiha joven ne´ebé mak sei halo diskusaun. Oknum (Pessoal) PQ hanesan festa nain no pessoal JM hanesan kolega diak autor nain rua ne´e partisipa festa ne´e hanesan seguransa ba festa ne´e. Tanba antes festa hahú pessoal Polísia nain rua ne´e deklara katak, sira nain rua mak responsabiliza ba seguransa, maibe ikus mai pessoal nain rua ne´e mak sai autor krimi ne´e”,dehan Georgina da Silva.\nNia hatutan, suspeitu sira oho vítima ho planeadu, tanba antes ne´e pessoal PNTL nain rua ne´e ameasa ona joven balun. Informasaun klaru liu testamuña sei fó deklarasaun iha Ministériu Públiku wainhira presiza.\n“Ami família husu ba Governu no instituisaun Polísia tanbasa armas hirak ne´e fó livre ba Polísia hodi la´o livre no oho povu”,dehan Georgina da Silva.\nHahalok membru Polísia ne´e la´os primeira ves akontese maibe akontese bebeik ona ba família seluk, maibe Governu no instituisaun la tau sériedade, ne´e duni povu kbiit laek mak sai vítima nafatin.\nPessoal PNTL rua ne´e hatais sivil mai tuir festa, instituisaun Polísia hanesan lutu ba nasaun hodi asegura povu la´os atu uza armas hodi oho fali povu.\n“Família vítima husu ba Ministériu Públiku atu kondena membru ne´e tuir lei husi instituisaun atu kondena no fó sansaun ba Polísia rua ne´e. Husu ba instituisaun atu responsabiliza ba família vítima ne´ebé mak mate no kanek hanesan fen ho oan”,dehan Georgina da Silva.\nPR Lú OLo kondena\nNune’e mos, Prezidenti Repúblika (PR), Francisco Guterres ‘Lú Olo’, konsidera atuasaun membru polísia ne’ebé tiru komunidade na’in ualu iha Kuluhun de Baixo, fora husi lei no régra, nune’e Xefe Estadu prefere kazu ne’e tenke prosesa tuir dalan legál atu bele buka lia lós.\n“Kazu ida Kuluhun nian halo ita hotu laran tristi. Maibe ha’u bele hatete sira atua fora de regra polísia sira la tama servisu hatais tan sivil ba tan festa lori kilat ba tiru ita nia joven sira, agora haree ba justisa para haree hodi julga sira-nia sala ne’e to’o iha ne’ebé justisa mak sei hola desizaun, ha’u mos sei koalia ho PNTL rasik ho Ministru titular haree ba situasaun ne’e, ha’u lakohi fo solusaun ba ida ne’e”, hateten, PR Lú Olo, ba jornalista sira iha salaun São José Katedral-Dili, Segunda (19/11/2018).\nHafoin akontesimentu ne’e komando polísia nain feto dezarma kedas no detein suspeitu sira iha sela polísia.\nLee hotu : AJAR kritika Xanana Gusmão\nMembru PNTL nain rua ne’ebé tiru vítima sira mak ida ho inisial FMS husi Unidade Polísia Marítima no ida seluk ho inisial JSA husi Servisu Informasaun Polísia (SIP).\nPNTL responsabiliza seremónia funebre\nHafoin trajedia membru Polísia nain rua tiru mate vítima nain tolu no hakanek vítima lima iha Aldleia Kuluhun de Baixo, Domingu (18/11/18), iha kedas Segunda (19/11/18), Komandante Jeral PNTL Komisariu Julio Hornay hala´o vizita ba vítima ninia rezidensia iha Kuluhun de Baixo no ba vizita vítima sira iha Hospital Nasionál Guido Valadares (HNGV) hodi hato’o sentidu kondelensia no husu deskulpa nune´e sei responsabiliza seremonia funebre ba vítima nain tolu ne´ebé mak mate ona.\n“Ita hanesan responsabilidade moral hanesan ha´u hateten katak, ita sei apoiu ba prosesu funeral ba ita-nia oan nain tulu ne´ebé mate, tanba atuasaun individu Polísia ne´ebé mak fora de lei, fora de prosedimentu”,dehan Julio Hornay.\nEnkuantu mate isin vítima nain tolu ne´e mak, Erick Joni Roberto, Luis Quebia Saldanha Belo, Leonildo Eduardo Ximenes Sequeira, ne’ebé oras ne’e dadaun iha sala mortuáriu Hospital Nasionál Guido Valadares (HNGV) hodi submete ba prosesu autopsia.\nEntretantu vítima na’in lima seluk ne’ebé inklui feto ida Terezinha Vila Nova ho Pinto Gamu, Agrefino da Costa, Paulino de Jesus, Lúcio do Carmo kontinua halo tratamentu intensivu.\nTuir observasaun iha terrenu haree katak, família vítima hakerek iha parede lolon no spanduk sira hodi pilox, katak, Polísia sira tiru komunidade ne’e hanesan hais door, Polísia la’os atu oho povu, maibe salva povu, joven la fiar ona Polísia nia atuasaun ne’ebé la neutru.\nDekretu -Lei n.º 16/2009, lei orgánika PNTL\nLee hotu : PNTL kaptura ona ema na’in tolu lansa isu Lorosa’e-Loromonu\nTuir dekretu Lei n.º 16/2009, lei orgánika Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL) iha Artigu 4° Uzu forsa nian hateten iha númeru 1. Tuir lei, PNTL bele uza forsa bainhira iha perturbasaun ba orden no trankuilidade públika, no bainhira laiha meiu seluk ne’ebé sufisiente hodi hasoru registénsia kontra membru PNTL, bainhira hala’o sira nia funsaun; 2. Forsa bele uza deit hodi defende an ka hodi defende ema seluk, hodi hasoru hahalok ne’ebé agresivu no kontra lei ka kontra integridade fízika membru PNTL ka sidadaun seluk nian; 3. Forsa ne’ebé uza tenke forsa mínimu ne’ebé nesesariu hodi estabelese fila fali orden lejítima no tenke proporsionál ba ameasa ne’ebé hasoru; 4. PNTL labele impoin restrisaun ka uza meius atu obriga ka ameasa bainhira la iha nesesidade; 5. PNTL bele uza armamentu tuir konseitu uzu nian no nesesidade operasional ida-idak nian, ne’ebé modelu no kalibre define iha diploma ne’ebé Governu sei aprova.\nNune’e mos iha fali Artigu 5° kona ba Armamentu no Uniforme sira iha númeru 1. Membru sira PNTL nian, atu kumpre ho sira nia misaun, sei uza armamentu ne’ebé fahe ba sira; 2. Bainhira la tama servisu, membru PNTL proibidu atu lori armas ne’ebé fahe ba sira, armas hirak ne’e tenke halibur hodi rai iha fatin ne’ebé apropriadu iha unidade ka eskuadra ne’ebé membru kolokadu; 3. Membru sira PNTL nian iha direitu atu uza uniforme no insignia PNTL nian tuir regulamentu kona-ba asuntu ne’e.Avi/eus | [
"Familia konsidera trajedia Kuluhun planeadu #PR Lu Olo kondena - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Justica e Seguranca \" Familia konsidera trajedia Kuluhun planeadu #PR Lu Olo kondena Familia matebian konsidera aktu membru Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) ne'ebe tiru mate komunidade nain tolu no hakanek nain lima, hanesan trajedia ne'ebe planeadu akontese iha Timor-Leste, liu-liu iha Kuluhun de Baixo, Dili.",
"\"Kazu ne'e ami familia konsidera la'os asidente, maibe trajedia ida akontese mai ami familia vitima no povu Timor-Leste, liu-liu ami povu Kuluhun de Baixo,\"esplika reprezentante familia vitima matebian, Georgina da Silva, liu husi testu deklarasaun ne'ebe mak le'e sai Segunda (19/11/18), iha Kuluhun de Baixo.",
"Tuir kronolojia ne'ebe mak haktuir husi Georgina da Silva katak, kazu ne'e akontese iha Domingu (18/11/18), mais ou menus tuku 1:45 madrugada oras Timor-Leste.",
"\"Iha diskuasaun entre joven nain rua iha festa laran senor Joanico Batista Carvalho mak hakalma ema nain rua ne'ebe mak halo diskusaun. iha diskusaun ne'e seidauk iha krimi ruma akontese iha festa ne'e, maibe derepenti de'it kilat tarutu dala hira maibe senor Joanico labele sura tanba neon lakon, maibe Joanico sei dudu ses tiha joven ne'ebe mak sei halo diskusaun.",
"Oknum (Pessoal) PQ hanesan festa nain no pessoal JM hanesan kolega diak autor nain rua ne'e partisipa festa ne'e hanesan seguransa ba festa ne'e.",
"Tanba antes festa hahu pessoal Polisia nain rua ne'e deklara katak, sira nain rua mak responsabiliza ba seguransa, maibe ikus mai pessoal nain rua ne'e mak sai autor krimi ne'e,\"dehan Georgina da Silva.",
"Nia hatutan, suspeitu sira oho vitima ho planeadu, tanba antes ne'e pessoal PNTL nain rua ne'e ameasa ona joven balun.",
"Informasaun klaru liu testamuna sei fo deklarasaun iha Ministeriu Publiku wainhira presiza.",
"\"Ami familia husu ba Governu no instituisaun Polisia tanbasa armas hirak ne'e fo livre ba Polisia hodi la'o livre no oho povu,\"dehan Georgina da Silva.",
"Hahalok membru Polisia ne'e la'os primeira ves akontese maibe akontese bebeik ona ba familia seluk, maibe Governu no instituisaun la tau seriedade, ne'e duni povu kbiit laek mak sai vitima nafatin.",
"Pessoal PNTL rua ne'e hatais sivil mai tuir festa, instituisaun Polisia hanesan lutu ba nasaun hodi asegura povu la'os atu uza armas hodi oho fali povu.",
"\"Familia vitima husu ba Ministeriu Publiku atu kondena membru ne'e tuir lei husi instituisaun atu kondena no fo sansaun ba Polisia rua ne'e.",
"Husu ba instituisaun atu responsabiliza ba familia vitima ne'ebe mak mate no kanek hanesan fen ho oan,\"dehan Georgina da Silva.",
"PR Lu OLo kondena Nune'e mos, Prezidenti Republika (PR), Francisco Guterres 'Lu Olo', konsidera atuasaun membru polisia ne'ebe tiru komunidade na'in ualu iha Kuluhun de Baixo, fora husi lei no regra, nune'e Xefe Estadu prefere kazu ne'e tenke prosesa tuir dalan legal atu bele buka lia los.",
"\"Kazu ida Kuluhun nian halo ita hotu laran tristi.",
"Maibe ha'u bele hatete sira atua fora de regra polisia sira la tama servisu hatais tan sivil ba tan festa lori kilat ba tiru ita nia joven sira, agora haree ba justisa para haree hodi julga sira-nia sala ne'e to'o iha ne'ebe justisa mak sei hola desizaun, ha'u mos sei koalia ho PNTL rasik ho Ministru titular haree ba situasaun ne'e, ha'u lakohi fo solusaun ba ida ne'e,\" hateten, PR Lu Olo, ba jornalista sira iha salaun Sao Jose Katedral-Dili, Segunda (19/11/2018).",
"Hafoin akontesimentu ne'e komando polisia nain feto dezarma kedas no detein suspeitu sira iha sela polisia.",
"Lee hotu: AJAR kritika Xanana Gusmao Membru PNTL nain rua ne'ebe tiru vitima sira mak ida ho inisial FMS husi Unidade Polisia Maritima no ida seluk ho inisial JSA husi Servisu Informasaun Polisia (SIP).",
"PNTL responsabiliza seremonia funebre Hafoin trajedia membru Polisia nain rua tiru mate vitima nain tolu no hakanek vitima lima iha Aldleia Kuluhun de Baixo, Domingu (18/11/18), iha kedas Segunda (19/11/18), Komandante Jeral PNTL Komisariu Julio Hornay hala'o vizita ba vitima ninia rezidensia iha Kuluhun de Baixo no ba vizita vitima sira iha Hospital Nasional Guido Valadares (HNGV) hodi hato'o sentidu kondelensia no husu deskulpa nune'e sei responsabiliza seremonia funebre ba vitima nain tolu ne'ebe mak mate ona.",
"\"Ita hanesan responsabilidade moral hanesan ha'u hateten katak, ita sei apoiu ba prosesu funeral ba ita-nia oan nain tulu ne'ebe mate, tanba atuasaun individu Polisia ne'ebe mak fora de lei, fora de prosedimentu,\"dehan Julio Hornay.",
"Enkuantu mate isin vitima nain tolu ne'e mak, Erick Joni Roberto, Luis Quebia Saldanha Belo, Leonildo Eduardo Ximenes Sequeira, ne'ebe oras ne'e dadaun iha sala mortuariu Hospital Nasional Guido Valadares (HNGV) hodi submete ba prosesu autopsia.",
"Entretantu vitima na'in lima seluk ne'ebe inklui feto ida Terezinha Vila Nova ho Pinto Gamu, Agrefino da Costa, Paulino de Jesus, Lucio do Carmo kontinua halo tratamentu intensivu.",
"Tuir observasaun iha terrenu haree katak, familia vitima hakerek iha parede lolon no spanduk sira hodi pilox, katak, Polisia sira tiru komunidade ne'e hanesan hais door, Polisia la'os atu oho povu, maibe salva povu, joven la fiar ona Polisia nia atuasaun ne'ebe la neutru.",
"Dekretu -Lei n.o 16/2009, lei organika PNTL Lee hotu: PNTL kaptura ona ema na'in tolu lansa isu Lorosa'e-Loromonu Tuir dekretu Lei n.o 16/2009, lei organika Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) iha Artigu 4deg Uzu forsa nian hateten iha numeru 1.",
"Tuir lei, PNTL bele uza forsa bainhira iha perturbasaun ba orden no trankuilidade publika, no bainhira laiha meiu seluk ne'ebe sufisiente hodi hasoru registensia kontra membru PNTL, bainhira hala'o sira nia funsaun; 2.",
"Forsa bele uza deit hodi defende an ka hodi defende ema seluk, hodi hasoru hahalok ne'ebe agresivu no kontra lei ka kontra integridade fizika membru PNTL ka sidadaun seluk nian; 3.",
"Forsa ne'ebe uza tenke forsa minimu ne'ebe nesesariu hodi estabelese fila fali orden lejitima no tenke proporsional ba ameasa ne'ebe hasoru; 4.",
"PNTL labele impoin restrisaun ka uza meius atu obriga ka ameasa bainhira la iha nesesidade; 5.",
"PNTL bele uza armamentu tuir konseitu uzu nian no nesesidade operasional ida-idak nian, ne'ebe modelu no kalibre define iha diploma ne'ebe Governu sei aprova.",
"Nune'e mos iha fali Artigu 5deg kona ba Armamentu no Uniforme sira iha numeru 1.",
"Membru sira PNTL nian, atu kumpre ho sira nia misaun, sei uza armamentu ne'ebe fahe ba sira; 2.",
"Bainhira la tama servisu, membru PNTL proibidu atu lori armas ne'ebe fahe ba sira, armas hirak ne'e tenke halibur hodi rai iha fatin ne'ebe apropriadu iha unidade ka eskuadra ne'ebe membru kolokadu; 3.",
"Membru sira PNTL nian iha direitu atu uza uniforme no insignia PNTL nian tuir regulamentu kona-ba asuntu ne'e.Avi/eus"
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"Family considers Kuluhun tragedy planned #PR Lu Olo condemna - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Justica e Seguranca\" The family of the dead believe that action by members from Timor-Leste National Police (PNTL) who shot and killed three people in a community, as well five others injured them is like planned tragedies happening on East Тимор especially at Kaluun de Baixo."
"\"This case is not considered by our family as an accident, but a tragedy that happened to us victims' families and the people of Timor-Leste in particular those from Kuluhun de Baixo\", explained Georgina da Silva (representative) through her statement which was read out on Monday(19/20), at Kulluhun."
"According to the chronology reported by Georgina da Silva, this case occurred on Sunday (18/09) at about 2:45 am Timor-Leste time."
"\"In a discussion between two young people in the party, Mr. Joanico Batista Carvalho calmed down both of them who were discussing this matter and said that there was no crime at all during these festivities but he regretted to say it had been lightning strikes several times while Senor Juanic could not turn on because neon lights disappeared; however John will blow up his seat after talking with those youth which would be having their own debate.\""
"Oknum (Personal) PQ as the party host and JM personally, a good colleague of both authors participated in this celebration to provide security for it."
"Because before the party began, these two police officers declared that they were responsible for security but in fact it was them who committed this crime\", said Georgina da Silva."
"He added that the suspects had planned to kill their victim, because before this two PNTL personnel have threatened some young people."
"Clearer information witnesses will give statements in the Public Prosecutor' s Office when necessary."
"\"Our family asks the Government and Police because these weapons were given free to police, so that they can go about killing people\", said Georgina da Silva."
"This is not the first time that a police officer has been attacked, but it's happened to other families many times before. The government and institutions are taking this case too lightly so poor people continue being victimized by them again!"
"The two police officers were dressed in civilian clothing and came to the party. Police is a duty for our country, it'll ensure that people are safe but not use weaponry against them again!"
"\"The victim's family asks the Public Prosecutor to convict this member in accordance with institutional law and impose sanctions on these two police officer."
"I call on the institutions to hold responsible for victims' families who died and were injured, such as women with children\", said Georgina da Silva."
"Also, the President of Brazil (PR), Francisco Guterres 'Lu Olo' considers that action by police members who shot seven people in Kuluhun de Baixo is outside law and order. The Head Of State therefore prefer to see this case processed through legal means so as not forge a lie on it elsewise he would be more likely than other leaders from his own party or opposition parties with whom Lu Oló has been closely involved at any time during their tenure within governmental office;"
"\"A case of Kuluhun makes us all sad."
"But I can say that they acted out of the rule, policemen did not go to work and wore civilian clothes for partying. They carried guns in order To shoot our young people; now we look at justice so as it will judge their fault until there where Justice is taking its decision on this matter: i'll also talk with PNTL itself & Minister responsible over these issues -I do NOT want any solution here-\" said PR Lu Olo during press conference held Monday (19th November)."
"Following the incident, female police officers immediately disarmed and detained suspected assailants in a cell."
"The two PNTL members who shot the victims were one with initial FMS from Maritime Police Unit and another, JSA of Service Information Policing (SIP).The police said that they are investigating whether there was a connection between those shootings."
"After the tragedy of two policemen shooting three victims to death and assaulted five others in Aldleia Kuluhun de Baixo, Sunday (18/09) on Monday morning Police Commander General Commissioner Julio Hornay visited a family at their residence for condolences. He also paid tribute as he was responsible from his position by visitingavictim' s home with her parents; then went back into Hospital Nacional Guida Valadares(HNGV)."
"\"It is our moral responsibility, as I have said before that we will support the funeral process for one of my sons who died because individual police actions are outside law and procedure\", Julio Hornay says."
"The bodies of the three victims, Erick Joni Roberto (left), Luis Quebia Saldanha Belo and Leonildo Eduardo Ximenes Sequeira are currently in morgue at National Guido Valadares Hospital for autopsy."
"Meanwhile, five other victims including a woman Terezinha Vila Nova with Pinto Gamu and Agrefino da Costa are still undergoing intensive care. Paulino de Jesus is in critical condition while Lucio do Carmo has been admitted to the hospital for medical treatment after being injured by an explosion at his home near Porto Velho on Thursday morning (15/09)."
"According to observations in the field, victims' families wrote on wall and banners that police shot at community as if they were shooting doors. Police are not there for people but just saving them; youngsters do no longer trust their actions because of its lack Of neutrality!"
"Decree-Law n.o 16/209, organic law of the PNTL Read all: The National Police has arrested three persons in connection with Lorosa'e and Loromune case According to decrees Law no"
"According to the law, PNTL may use force when there is a disturbance of public order and tranquillity or if no other means are sufficiently effective in dealing with protests made against members during their duties; 2."
"Force may only be used in self-defence or the defense of others, against aggressive and unlawful acts that are contrary to laws; 3. Against physical integrity for a PNTL member (Policia Nacional do Timor Leste)or other citizens"
"The force used must be the minimum necessary to restore legitimate order and proportional in respect of threat; 4."
"The Police may not impose restrictions or use means of coercion and threats when there is no need for it; 5."
"The PNTL may use weapons according to the concept of their usage and operational needs, whose model or caliber shall be specified in a decree approved by Government."
"Similarly, there is Article 5deg on Armed Forces and Uniform in number one."
"The members of the PNTL, in order to carry out their missions shall use weapons assigned them; and"
"When not on duty, members of the PNTL are prohibited from carrying weapons that have been assigned to them; such arms must be collected and disposed in an appropriate place within their unit or squadron."
"Members of the PNTL shall have a right to wear uniform and insignia as provided for by regulation on this matter."
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Labele Altera Lei Dala Rua iha Sesaun Lejizlativa Ida | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA LEI Labele Altera Lei Dala Rua iha Sesaun Lejizlativa Ida\nLabele Altera Lei Dala Rua iha Sesaun Lejizlativa Ida\nXefe Bankada FRETILIN, Aniceto Guterres akompañadu hosi Vise Xefe Bankada FRETILIN, Francisco Miranda Branco, halo Konferénsia ba imprensa hodi hato’o pozisaun bankada ba pakote lejizlativa ne’ebé Governu submete. Imajen Mídia Bankada FRETILIN\nDILI, 16 jullu 2019 (TATOLI)–Xefe Bankada opozisaun FRETILIN, Aniceto Guterres liuhosi konferénsia imprensa, deklara pozisaun bankada ne’ebé sei vota kontra pakote lejizlasaun tomak hosi Governu, tanba konsidera hamihis ka halakon respeita ba Konstituisaun no Lei sira.\n“Iha de’it sesaun lejizlativa ida ne’e, lei kona-ba Atividade Petrolífera sei hetan alterasaun dala rua. Loloos, lei ida labele hetan alterasaun liu dala ida iha sesaun lejizlativa ida,” tenik Aniceto iha salaun Bankada FRETILIN, Parlamentu Nasionál (PN), tersa ne’e.\nTuir Xefe Bankada ne’e, razaun Bankada FRETILIN atu vota kontra tanba alterasaun daruak ne’e hatudu katak Governu no Bankada sira ne’ebé aprova alterasaun dahuluk iha sesaun lejizlativa ida ne’e rekoñese katak sira halo ona sala iha alterasaun ida uluk, no alterasaun sira ne’e la halo ho estudu no anáize ne’ebé kle’an no planeadu didi’ak no la halo tuir interese estadu nian.\nAniceto hatutan, razaun seluk mak Lei Fundu Petrolíferu nu’udár lei estruturante ida ne’ebé labele sofre alterasaun no presiza iha konsultasaun públiku.\n“Atu altera lei importante hanesan Lei Fundu Petrolíferu, loloos tenki tuir prosesu diálogu no konsulta ho parte relevante sira hotu, inklui Konsellu Konsultivu ba Fundu Petrolíferu (KKFP) no organizasaun sosiedadi sivíl sira. Maibé, ida ne’e la akontese,” nia esplika.\nNune’e mós, Aniceto argumenta, Lei Fundu Petrolíferu la hola parte ba pakote lejizlasaun sira ne’ebé presiza altera agora ba ratifikasaun Tratadu Fronteira Marítima.\n“Lei Fundu Petrolíferu laiha ligasaun ruma ho Tratadu Fronteira Marítima tanba lei ida ne’e regula de’it jestaun ba Fundu Petróleu, asuntu interna Timor-Leste nian. Bankada FRETILIN la konkorda atu halo alterasaun ba Lei Fundu Petrolíferu, satán altera ho lufu-lafu de’it no atu benefísia de’it grupu balun,” nia dehan tan.\nEis Diretór CAVR ne’e hateten VIII Governu rasik la hato’o inisiativa lei ruma mai PN, Maibé lei hirak ne’ebé atu altera agora ne’e governu lori mai PN atu debate no aprova lalais maski Prezidente Parlamentu rasik la konsidera lei hirak ne’e iha karáter urjénsia.\nAniceto realsa, Bankada FRETILIN mós kestiona kontiúdu balun tratadu nian. “Se Tratadu Fronteira Marítima ne’e defini katak kampu Greater Sunrise tomak iha Timor-Leste nia fronteira laran, tanbasá mak tratadu ida ne’e inklui ona kona-ba partilla rekursu. Nune’e mós, se inklui ona partilla rekursu, tanbasá mak la inklui kedas pipeline tenki mai Timor-Leste no agora ita sosa fali pipeline?,” nia kestiona.\nPrevious articleMESSK Preokupa Ensinu Superiór 11 Hetan Valór Sufisiente\nNext articlePrezidente CI “Surpreza” ho Kazu Diretora CI Na’in Rua iha Tribunál | [
"Labele Altera Lei Dala Rua iha Sesaun Lejizlativa Ida | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA LEI Labele Altera Lei Dala Rua iha Sesaun Lejizlativa Ida Labele Altera Lei Dala Rua iha Sesaun Lejizlativa Ida Xefe Bankada FRETILIN, Aniceto Guterres akompanadu hosi Vise Xefe Bankada FRETILIN, Francisco Miranda Branco, halo Konferensia ba imprensa hodi hato'o pozisaun bankada ba pakote lejizlativa ne'ebe Governu submete.",
"Imajen Midia Bankada FRETILIN DILI, 16 jullu 2019 (TATOLI) -Xefe Bankada opozisaun FRETILIN, Aniceto Guterres liuhosi konferensia imprensa, deklara pozisaun bankada ne'ebe sei vota kontra pakote lejizlasaun tomak hosi Governu, tanba konsidera hamihis ka halakon respeita ba Konstituisaun no Lei sira.",
"\"Iha de'it sesaun lejizlativa ida ne'e, lei kona-ba Atividade Petrolifera sei hetan alterasaun dala rua.",
"Loloos, lei ida labele hetan alterasaun liu dala ida iha sesaun lejizlativa ida,\" tenik Aniceto iha salaun Bankada FRETILIN, Parlamentu Nasional (PN), tersa ne'e.",
"Tuir Xefe Bankada ne'e, razaun Bankada FRETILIN atu vota kontra tanba alterasaun daruak ne'e hatudu katak Governu no Bankada sira ne'ebe aprova alterasaun dahuluk iha sesaun lejizlativa ida ne'e rekonese katak sira halo ona sala iha alterasaun ida uluk, no alterasaun sira ne'e la halo ho estudu no anaize ne'ebe kle'an no planeadu didi'ak no la halo tuir interese estadu nian.",
"Aniceto hatutan, razaun seluk mak Lei Fundu Petroliferu nu'udar lei estruturante ida ne'ebe labele sofre alterasaun no presiza iha konsultasaun publiku.",
"\"Atu altera lei importante hanesan Lei Fundu Petroliferu, loloos tenki tuir prosesu dialogu no konsulta ho parte relevante sira hotu, inklui Konsellu Konsultivu ba Fundu Petroliferu (KKFP) no organizasaun sosiedadi sivil sira.",
"Maibe, ida ne'e la akontese,\" nia esplika.",
"Nune'e mos, Aniceto argumenta, Lei Fundu Petroliferu la hola parte ba pakote lejizlasaun sira ne'ebe presiza altera agora ba ratifikasaun Tratadu Fronteira Maritima.",
"\"Lei Fundu Petroliferu laiha ligasaun ruma ho Tratadu Fronteira Maritima tanba lei ida ne'e regula de'it jestaun ba Fundu Petroleu, asuntu interna Timor-Leste nian.",
"Bankada FRETILIN la konkorda atu halo alterasaun ba Lei Fundu Petroliferu, satan altera ho lufu-lafu de'it no atu benefisia de'it grupu balun,\" nia dehan tan.",
"Eis Diretor CAVR ne'e hateten VIII Governu rasik la hato'o inisiativa lei ruma mai PN, Maibe lei hirak ne'ebe atu altera agora ne'e governu lori mai PN atu debate no aprova lalais maski Prezidente Parlamentu rasik la konsidera lei hirak ne'e iha karater urjensia.",
"Aniceto realsa, Bankada FRETILIN mos kestiona kontiudu balun tratadu nian.",
"\"Se Tratadu Fronteira Maritima ne'e defini katak kampu Greater Sunrise tomak iha Timor-Leste nia fronteira laran, tanbasa mak tratadu ida ne'e inklui ona kona-ba partilla rekursu.",
"Nune'e mos, se inklui ona partilla rekursu, tanbasa mak la inklui kedas pipeline tenki mai Timor-Leste no agora ita sosa fali pipeline?,\" nia kestiona.",
"Previous articleMESSK Preokupa Ensinu Superior 11 Hetan Valor Sufisiente Next articlePrezidente CI \"Surpreza\" ho Kazu Diretora CI Na'in Rua iha Tribunal"
] | [
"Do Not Amend Third Law in One Legislative Session | TATOLI VARANDA LEGISLATIVE DO NOT ALTER THE THREETH LAWS IN JUSTICE'S SESSION The Chairperson of the FRETILIN Group, Aniceto Guterres accompanied by Vice-Chairman Francisco Miranda Branco held a press conference to present his group’s position on legislative package submitted."
"DILI, July 16th (Xinhua) - The leader of the opposition party FRETILIN Aniceto Guterres declared at a press conference that his group will vote against all legislation packages proposed by government because they are considered to be in breach or violate respect for Constitution and Law."
"\"In this legislative session alone, the law on Petroleum Activity will be amended twice."
"Instead, a law cannot be amended more than once in one legislative session,” Aniceto said at the FRETILIN House of Representatives meeting room on Tuesday."
"According to the Chair, FRETILIN's reason for voting against this second amendment is that it shows how both Government and those groups who approved its first draft in these legislative session acknowledged they had already made mistake with their previous proposal. The changes were not based on thorough studies or analysis nor well-planned; neither was any of them done accordingly as would be necessary by state interest.\""
"Aniceto added that another reason is the Petroleum Fund Law as a structuring law which cannot be amended and requires public consultation."
"\"To amend such an important law as the Petroleum Fund Law, it should follow dialogue and consultation processes with all relevant stakeholders including Consultative Council for Petrochemical Foundation (KKFP)and civil society organization."
"But that didn't happen,\" he explained."
"Similarly, Aniceto argues that the Petroleum Fund Act is not part of a package which now needs to be amended for ratification."
"\"The Petroleum Fund Law has no connection with the Maritime Boundary Treaty because this law only regulates management of p petrol fund, which is an internal matter for Timor-Leste."
"The FRETILIN Group does not agree to make any amendments in the Petroleum Fund Law, it is only changing with little effort and just for some groups' benefit.\""
"The former Director of CAVR said that the VIII Government itself did not submit any legislative initiative to Parliament, but those laws which will now be amended are brought by government for debate and quick approval although President himself does NOT consider these as urgent."
"Aniceto emphasizes, FRETILIN’s Parliamentary Group also questions some of the content in this treaty."
"\"If this Maritime Boundary Treaty defines that the entire Greater Sunrise field is within Timor-Leste border, then why does it include a resource sharing."
"Similarly, if resource sharing has been included in the agreement why did it not include that pipeline must go to Timor-Leste and now we buy back pipes?\" he asked."
"PreviousMESSK Preoccupied With 12 Higher Education Institutions Not Achieving Sufficient Value Next articleCI President \"Surprises\" with Case of Four CI Director in Court"
] |
Projecto Fijico Manutesaun no rehabilitasaun Estrada Rural iha Municipiu Lautem atinge ona70% . – Radio Comunidade Lospalos Vox Populy\nVaranda / Foto Galeria Projecto Fijico Manutesaun no rehabilitasaun Estrada Rural iha Municipiu Lautem atinge ona70% .\nRCL VP NEWS 10/09/2021\nEzukasaun orasamentu ba Konstrusaun no rehabilitasaun Estrada Rural iha Municipio Lautem hahu husi tinan Rihun Rua Sanolu resin Ne’en to’o tinan Rihun RuaRua nolu resin Ida (2016 -2021 ) atinge ona pursentu Hitu nolu(70%).\nhusi 2016 ate ohin loron pakote Projecto Konstrusaun Estrada Rural Iha hamutuk Municipio Lautem hamutuk 21,no pakote 6 mak atinji ona Sem Porsento (100%) iha ona retensaun nia laran , no pakote balun sei 50%, balun 60% balun 80% ne’ebe to’o Setembro no Outubru tinan Ida nee balun Remata ona “deklara husi Director servisu Municipal obras publika Municipiu Lautem Abrao Vieira ba Jornalista RCL ihaNia Knar fatin Sexta Feira 10/09/2021 Ne’e.\nDirector ne’e mos informa katak,dadun ne’e progresso Rehabilitasaun Estrada ihasuku home Postu Administrativu Lospalos Municipio Lautem foin mak atinge Porsento Tolu Nolu Resin Ha’at(34 %)no suku soru atinge ona Porsento Ne’en Nolu Resin Hitu (67 %)no tuir planu rehabilitasaun referesei finalize iha tinan ida ne’e nia laran.\nEntertantu :dadun ne’e manutensaun no rehabilitasaun Estrada rural iha municipiu lautem ne’ebe mak finaliza ona mak hanesan iha suku mahina segundu,Parlamento, Laivai, Wairoque, Com no Leuro Sorulua .\nJORNALISTA : Marito xavio& Jack\nPrevious post CDJ prepra Aan ona atu halo inagurasaun ba loza centru juventude no Biblioteka\nNext post Tuir Planu Konstrusaun Estrada Dirasaun Lautem too Vila Lospalos Hahu ona tinan oin | [
"Projecto Fijico Manutesaun no rehabilitasaun Estrada Rural iha Municipiu Lautem atinge ona70% . - Radio Comunidade Lospalos Vox Populy Varanda / Foto Galeria Projecto Fijico Manutesaun no rehabilitasaun Estrada Rural iha Municipiu Lautem atinge ona70% .",
"RCL VP NEWS 10/09/2021 Ezukasaun orasamentu ba Konstrusaun no rehabilitasaun Estrada Rural iha Municipio Lautem hahu husi tinan Rihun Rua Sanolu resin Ne'en to'o tinan Rihun RuaRua nolu resin Ida (2016 -2021) atinge ona pursentu Hitu nolu (70%). husi 2016 ate ohin loron pakote Projecto Konstrusaun Estrada Rural Iha hamutuk Municipio Lautem hamutuk 21,no pakote 6 mak atinji ona Sem Porsento (100%) iha ona retensaun nia laran , no pakote balun sei 50%, balun 60% balun 80% ne'ebe to'o Setembro no Outubru tinan Ida nee balun Remata ona \"deklara husi Director servisu Municipal obras publika Municipiu Lautem Abrao Vieira ba Jornalista RCL ihaNia Knar fatin Sexta Feira 10/09/2021 Ne'e.",
"Director ne'e mos informa katak,dadun ne'e progresso Rehabilitasaun Estrada ihasuku home Postu Administrativu Lospalos Municipio Lautem foin mak atinge Porsento Tolu Nolu Resin Ha'at (34%) no suku soru atinge ona Porsento Ne'en Nolu Resin Hitu (67%) no tuir planu rehabilitasaun referesei finalize iha tinan ida ne'e nia laran.",
"Entertantu:dadun ne'e manutensaun no rehabilitasaun Estrada rural iha municipiu lautem ne'ebe mak finaliza ona mak hanesan iha suku mahina segundu,Parlamento, Laivai, Wairoque, Com no Leuro Sorulua .",
"JORNALISTA: Marito xavio& Jack Previous post CDJ prepra Aan ona atu halo inagurasaun ba loza centru juventude no Biblioteka Next post Tuir Planu Konstrusaun Estrada Dirasaun Lautem too Vila Lospalos Hahu ona tinan oin"
] | [
"Projecto Fijico Manuteção e rehabilitação Estrada Rural no Município Lautem atinge ona70% . - Radio Comunidade Lospalos Vox Populy Varanda / Photo Gallery The project for the maintenance and reconstruction of rural road in Lautem Municipality has reached its final stage, reaching a level that is almost seventy per cent completed"
"RCL VP NEWS September,10th of this year The completion time for the Construction and rehabilitation rural roads in Lautem Municipality starting from Thirty-eight thousand years Ne'en to thirty million Year RuasRua Zero One (2.5 -36) has reached a percentage zero per cent(74%). From that date until today Project package Rural Road construction In total Municipio Lautem is twenty one; six pack have already achieved No Percent: some are still under retention but others will be complete by Sept/Oct \"declared Director municipal services obras publica Município de Latam Abraão Vieira on his Knar site Friday Sept /Xin 'Eir News\"."
"The Director also informed that the progress of Road Rehabilitation at Lospalos Administrative Post, Lautem Municipality has only reached 34% (three hundred and ninety-four percent) while At Soru it is already reaching ne'en zero ten per cent(67%) according to plan referred rehabilitation should be completed within this year."
"Meanwhile: this month the maintenance and rehabilitation of rural roads in Lautem municipality has been completed, such as those at Mana Segundo village . Parliamental Village Laivai Wairoque Com Leuro Sorulua"
"JORNALISTA: Marido xavio& Jack Previous post CDJ prepares to inaugurate youth center and library Next posta According To Plan, Construction Of Road From South Direction Till Vila Lospaloes Will Be Completed In The Future"
] |
Lere Husu Labele Demora Formasaun Governu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA NASIONÁL Lere Husu Labele Demora Formasaun Governu\nLere Husu Labele Demora Formasaun Governu\nDILI (TATOLI)—Xefe Estadu Maior FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), Majór Jenerál Lere Anan Timur husu atu labele dada formasaun Oitavu Governu halo kle’ur tanba hamosu impaktu ba ekonomia rai laran.\n“Ohin Parlamentu foun hamriik tiha, forma estrutura meza Parlamentu no harii bankada sira, hosi ne’e bele harii ona Governu. Pelumenus to’o iha loron 16 Juñu Governu formadu ona no Governu ida ne’e tenke metin to’o tinan lima. Labele monu fali iha dalan klaran,” nia dehan kestaun ne’e ba jornalista sira iha Palásiu Prezidente Nicolau Lobato, Bairru Pité, Dili, kuarta ne’e.\nAtu Governu labele monu, nia sujere atu kria diálogu entre koligasaun ida ne’ebé manán eleisaun ho partidu sira seluk atu garante Governu nia durasaun ukun.\n“Ita Timor ne’e nasaun ki’ik no kiak. Tanba ne’e maka di’ak liu diálogu ho parte ne’ebé kompetente para Governu labele monu. Ita nia líder istóriku sira hanesan Xanana Gusmão, Marí Alkatiti no Ramos Horta presiza túr hamutuk halo oinsá para Governu ne’e bele dura,” nia sujere.\nLere informa bainhira Governu monu sei hakat hikas ba iha eleisaun antesipada, maibé pesoalmente nia sei lakohi ba eleisaun antesipada. “Ha’u lakohi atu vota tan iha eleisaun antesipada. Ema ida la mai obriga ha’u atu ba eleisaun,” nia realsa.\nTuir nia katak labele kompara TL ho nasaun sira ne’ebé repete eleisaun antesipada hanesan Itália, España no Alemaña tanba nasaun hirak ne’e nia dezenvolvimentu la’o di’ak ona ka la fó impaktu ba ekonomia.\nIha biban ne’e, eis Komandante Rezisténsia ne’e afirma katak kuandu sai jenerál ona la’ós haree de’it ba militár maibé bele ko’alia mós polítika.\n“Halo polítika ka tama partidu ida maka ladi’ak, maibé polítika ne’e ami bele ko’alia. Ami bele alerta Governu. Ami bele alerta Prezidente Repúblika nomós Parlamentu Nasionál,” nia esplika.\nPrevious articleSEJT Kurizé Ona Matéria Ezame Kandidatu Traballadór Hamutuk 7.255\nNext articleV Lejizlatura Tenke Dignifika Mandatu Konstitusionál | [
"Lere Husu Labele Demora Formasaun Governu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA NASIONAL Lere Husu Labele Demora Formasaun Governu Lere Husu Labele Demora Formasaun Governu DILI (TATOLI) - Xefe Estadu Maior FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), Major Jeneral Lere Anan Timur husu atu labele dada formasaun Oitavu Governu halo kle'ur tanba hamosu impaktu ba ekonomia rai laran.",
"\"Ohin Parlamentu foun hamriik tiha, forma estrutura meza Parlamentu no harii bankada sira, hosi ne'e bele harii ona Governu.",
"Pelumenus to'o iha loron 16 Junu Governu formadu ona no Governu ida ne'e tenke metin to'o tinan lima.",
"Labele monu fali iha dalan klaran,\" nia dehan kestaun ne'e ba jornalista sira iha Palasiu Prezidente Nicolau Lobato, Bairru Pite, Dili, kuarta ne'e.",
"Atu Governu labele monu, nia sujere atu kria dialogu entre koligasaun ida ne'ebe manan eleisaun ho partidu sira seluk atu garante Governu nia durasaun ukun.",
"\"Ita Timor ne'e nasaun ki'ik no kiak.",
"Tanba ne'e maka di'ak liu dialogu ho parte ne'ebe kompetente para Governu labele monu.",
"Ita nia lider istoriku sira hanesan Xanana Gusmao, Mari Alkatiti no Ramos Horta presiza tur hamutuk halo oinsa para Governu ne'e bele dura,\" nia sujere.",
"Lere informa bainhira Governu monu sei hakat hikas ba iha eleisaun antesipada, maibe pesoalmente nia sei lakohi ba eleisaun antesipada.",
"\"Ha'u lakohi atu vota tan iha eleisaun antesipada.",
"Ema ida la mai obriga ha'u atu ba eleisaun,\" nia realsa.",
"Tuir nia katak labele kompara TL ho nasaun sira ne'ebe repete eleisaun antesipada hanesan Italia, Espana no Alemana tanba nasaun hirak ne'e nia dezenvolvimentu la'o di'ak ona ka la fo impaktu ba ekonomia.",
"Iha biban ne'e, eis Komandante Rezistensia ne'e afirma katak kuandu sai jeneral ona la'os haree de'it ba militar maibe bele ko'alia mos politika.",
"\"Halo politika ka tama partidu ida maka ladi'ak, maibe politika ne'e ami bele ko'alia.",
"Ami bele alerta Governu.",
"Ami bele alerta Prezidente Republika nomos Parlamentu Nasional,\" nia esplika.",
"Previous articleSEJT Kurize Ona Materia Ezame Kandidatu Traballador Hamutuk 7.255 Next articleV Lejizlatura Tenke Dignifika Mandatu Konstitusional"
] | [
"Lere Asks Not to Delay Formation of Government | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA NASIONÁL LERE ASKS NOT TO DELAY FORMING OF GOVERNMENT Dili (INTL) - FALINTIL – Forsade Defensa TLoeste'S Chief General Staff, Major Gen.Lera Anan Timur asked not for the formation and appointment by parliamentary elections because it would have an impact on domestic economy in a time when there is still no clear picture about what will happen after election results are announced tomorrow morning at around midnight UTC/UTC+10:35 GMT +24 hours"
"\"Today, the new Parliament has come together and formed a structure of parliamentary bureaucracy with banks that can now form government."
"By 16 June, the government had been in place and this Government was to last for a period of five years."
"Don't fall back on the clear road,\" he told journalists at Nicolau Lobato Presidential Palace in Pite neighborhood of Dili Tuesday."
"In order to prevent the government from falling, he suggested that a dialogue should be established between an election-winning coalition and other parties so as for guaranteeing its duration."
"\"Timor-Leste is a small and poor country."
"Therefore, it is better to have a dialogue with the competent parties so that Government cannot collapse."
"Our historic leaders such as Xanana Gusmao, Mari Alkatiti and Ramos Horta need to come together in order for this government can last.\""
"Lere informed that if the government collapsed he would be ready to call an early election, but personally did not want it."
"\"I do not want to vote again in the early elections."
"No one has forced me to vote,\" he said."
"According to him, it is not possible for the country of Timor-Leste (TL) be compared with countries that have repeatedly held early elections such as Italy and Germany because these are either developing well or having no impact on their economies."
"In this regard, the former Resistance Commander affirmed that when you are general not only look at military but can talk about politics."
"\"It's not about politics or joining a party, but we can talk politically."
"I can alert the government."
"We can alert the President of Republic and also National Parliament,\" he explained."
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TEMPO SEMANAL: Bispo Apelu Respeitu Prezepiu Maibe Jovens balun halo Prezepiu Hanesan Diskoteka\nBispo Apelu Respeitu Prezepiu Maibe Jovens balun halo Prezepiu Hanesan Diskoteka\nSura oras de’it ona sinu igreija kristaun lian bolu sarani sira ba celebra loron Nai Jesus Cristu nia moris. Iha dalan ninin bairo sira iha Dili laran hias ho prezeviu. Fatin ne’ebe jovens sarani sira expresa sira nia fiar.\nIha sidade dili laran nakonu ho ema no karreta la’o fatin araska hodi hamosu trafiku iha area kompras fatin hanesan kolmera, audian hahu husi stadium too kruzamentu bemori Bidau akadiruhun no akadiru hun ba loja Jacinto. Komunidade sira prepara aan sosa roupa no vividas. Iha area kampong Alor mos tuir observasaun karreta para fatin araska. Lala’ok sira ne’e hotu mosu tan ba sarani sira tenta sosa roupa foun, sapatu foun, mina morin no vividas ba festeiza loron Natal.\nIha misa Domingo loro kraik Padre celebrante iha Igreija sagrado Korasaun de Jesus Bekora iha ninia omilia halo sarani sira hamnasa tan ba dehan labarik sira mos aproveita momentu ida ne’e hodi tanis ezije faru foun no sapatu foun. Feen sira husu la’e osan atu sosa sasan mundu ninian maibe amo ne’e kestiona, “oin sa ho preparasaun fuan ninian?”\nAtu remata misa iha domingu ikus tempu Adventu ninian Padre oan ne’e sani sai apellu husi Bispo Dioseze Dili, Dom Ricardo Alberto da Costa ne’ebe husu atu sarani sira respeita prezepiu. “Labele tuur no toba iha Prezepiu laran. Labele hemu tua la iha Prezepiu. Prezepiu la’os fatin atu halo problema no toka muzika fatin,” dehan iha nota Amo Bispo Ricardo ninian.\nTuir Observasaun iha maioria prezepiu iha Dili laran haktuir duni lia menom eis padre Parko Motael ne’e ninian. Maibe iha fatin balun mos sei abuza hela. Hanesan prezepiu ida iha Audian Bemori entre Otel Audian ho Ailele hun ninian, jovens sira tau lampu piska-piska besik estatua prezepiu ho toka muzika furak hanesan diskoteka. Jovens sira balun tuur iha parte Estrada sorin hodi fihir deit.\nIha prezepiu ida fali besik Ponte Maufelu ninia toka duni muzika maibe tau ses husi prezepiu no jovens sira tuur iha liur maka hemu maibe iha prezepiu ida besik ponte terminal Bekora jovens sira tau kuluna tau besik loos statua minu Jesus, Saun Jose ho Nosa Senhora ninian no foin sa’e sira tuur haleu hela masa jerikan mutin ida iha dalan sorin fali.\nIha Palasiu do Governu ninia oin muzika nain sira prepara hela palku no monta dadaun sira nia ekipamentu hodi anima populasaun no iha Sentru konvensaun eis Merkadu lama MTCI koopera ho komunidade balun loke pazar kalan faan vividas ba vizitante sira hahu husi loron 21/12/2010 too meadu fulan Janeiru 2011. (TS) | [
"TEMPO SEMANAL: Bispo Apelu Respeitu Prezepiu Maibe Jovens balun halo Prezepiu Hanesan Diskoteka Bispo Apelu Respeitu Prezepiu Maibe Jovens balun halo Prezepiu Hanesan Diskoteka Sura oras de'it ona sinu igreija kristaun lian bolu sarani sira ba celebra loron Nai Jesus Cristu nia moris.",
"Iha dalan ninin bairo sira iha Dili laran hias ho prezeviu.",
"Fatin ne'ebe jovens sarani sira expresa sira nia fiar.",
"Iha sidade dili laran nakonu ho ema no karreta la'o fatin araska hodi hamosu trafiku iha area kompras fatin hanesan kolmera, audian hahu husi stadium too kruzamentu bemori Bidau akadiruhun no akadiru hun ba loja Jacinto.",
"Komunidade sira prepara aan sosa roupa no vividas.",
"Iha area kampong Alor mos tuir observasaun karreta para fatin araska.",
"Lala'ok sira ne'e hotu mosu tan ba sarani sira tenta sosa roupa foun, sapatu foun, mina morin no vividas ba festeiza loron Natal.",
"Iha misa Domingo loro kraik Padre celebrante iha Igreija sagrado Korasaun de Jesus Bekora iha ninia omilia halo sarani sira hamnasa tan ba dehan labarik sira mos aproveita momentu ida ne'e hodi tanis ezije faru foun no sapatu foun.",
"Feen sira husu la'e osan atu sosa sasan mundu ninian maibe amo ne'e kestiona, \"oin sa ho preparasaun fuan ninian?\"",
"Atu remata misa iha domingu ikus tempu Adventu ninian Padre oan ne'e sani sai apellu husi Bispo Dioseze Dili, Dom Ricardo Alberto da Costa ne'ebe husu atu sarani sira respeita prezepiu.",
"\"Labele tuur no toba iha Prezepiu laran.",
"Labele hemu tua la iha Prezepiu.",
"Prezepiu la'os fatin atu halo problema no toka muzika fatin,\" dehan iha nota Amo Bispo Ricardo ninian.",
"Tuir Observasaun iha maioria prezepiu iha Dili laran haktuir duni lia menom eis padre Parko Motael ne'e ninian.",
"Maibe iha fatin balun mos sei abuza hela.",
"Hanesan prezepiu ida iha Audian Bemori entre Otel Audian ho Ailele hun ninian, jovens sira tau lampu piska-piska besik estatua prezepiu ho toka muzika furak hanesan diskoteka.",
"Jovens sira balun tuur iha parte Estrada sorin hodi fihir deit.",
"Iha prezepiu ida fali besik Ponte Maufelu ninia toka duni muzika maibe tau ses husi prezepiu no jovens sira tuur iha liur maka hemu maibe iha prezepiu ida besik ponte terminal Bekora jovens sira tau kuluna tau besik loos statua minu Jesus, Saun Jose ho Nosa Senhora ninian no foin sa'e sira tuur haleu hela masa jerikan mutin ida iha dalan sorin fali.",
"Iha Palasiu do Governu ninia oin muzika nain sira prepara hela palku no monta dadaun sira nia ekipamentu hodi anima populasaun no iha Sentru konvensaun eis Merkadu lama MTCI koopera ho komunidade balun loke pazar kalan faan vividas ba vizitante sira hahu husi loron 21/12/2010 too meadu fulan Janeiru 2011.",
] | [
"TEMPO WEMANAL: Bishop Appeals Respect Nativity Scene But Some Young People Make It Like a Disco The bishop has only been an hour into the Christian church calling for faithful to celebrate Mother Jesus Christ's birth day."
"In the streets of these barrios in Dili city center are adorned with presbyteria."
"The house where young people express their faith."
"In the city centre of Dili crowded with people and cars la'o places ariska creating traffic in shopping areas such as kolmera, audian starting from stadium to kruzamentu bemori Bidau akadiruhun acadiru hun loja Jacinto."
"The community is preparing to buy clothes and livings."
"In the area of kampong Alor, he followed a car sighting to an araska spot."
"All of these tricks occurred as the faithful tried to buy new clothes, shoe and oil for Christmas."
"At Sunday morning mass, the Father celebrant at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church in Bekora encouraged faithful to take this moment and say that children also use it as an opportunity for demanding new shoes."
"The girls asked not money to buy the things of this world but her master questioned, \"and what about preparing it?\""
"To conclude Mass on the last Sunday of Advent, this young priest received an appeal from Bishop Ricardo Alberto da Costa who asked that faithful respect crib."
"\"Labele sit and lie in the Nativity scene."
"Do not throw away anything that has no Nativity Scene."
"The nativity scene is not a place to make trouble and it's nowhere for playing music,\" said Bishop Ricardo in his note."
"According to observations in most of the nativity scenes within Dili, this is what was said by former priest Parko Motael."
"But there are some places that will still be abused."
"Like a nativity scene in Audian Bemori between Otel Audion and Ailele house, young people put flashing lights near the statue of Natividad with loud music like disco."
"The young men are sitting on the side of Estrada sorin ho fihir dit."
"In another nativity scene near Ponte Maufelu the music was playing but no one heard from it and young people were sitting outside just laughing. But in a crib next to Bekora terminal bridge, youths put their bell close by Jesus' statue with St Joseph of Nossa Senhora (Our Lady) on its right hand side while newly-crowded children sat watching as they threw mud onto an old man who stood there at that time"
"In front of the Government Palace, musicians are preparing a stage and installed their equipment to animate people. At MTCI Convention Center formerly known as Mercado Lama in cooperation with some communities opens night market selling vividas for visitors from 21 December until mid-January"
"(TS) 2017."
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JJesus moris fali ona | Istória husi Bíblia\nJesus moris fali ona\nHATENE sé mak feto neʼe no mane naʼin-rua iha neʼe? Feto neʼe mak Maria Madalena, Jesus nia kolega ida. Mane sira neʼebé hatais mutin mak anju sira. Maria hateke daudauk ba rate laran neʼebé ema tau Jesus nia isin-mate. Maibé, agora Jesus nia isin la iha ona! Sé mak foti tiha? Mai ita haree hamutuk.\nDepois Jesus mate tiha, amlulik sira hatete ba Pilatos: ‘Kuandu Jesus sei moris, nia hatete katak liutiha loron tolu, nia sei moris fali. Tan neʼe, haruka ema atu hein netik rate neʼe. Nuneʼe, ninia dixípulu sira la bele naʼok ninia mate-isin no hatete katak nia moris fali husi mate!’ Pilatos hatete ba amlulik sira atu haruka soldadu sira hodi hein rate neʼe.\nMaibé dadeer-saan nakukun iha loron terseiru depois Jesus mate, Jeová nia anju ida tun mai derrepente. Nia duir tiha fatuk husi rate. Soldadu sira taʼuk tebes no la bele book an. Ikusmai, bainhira sira hateke ba rate laran, mate-isin la iha ona! Soldadu balu bá sidade no fó-hatene ba amlulik sira. Hatene saida mak amlulik aat sira-neʼe halo? Sira selu osan ba soldadu sira atu koʼalia bosok. Amlulik sira hatete ba soldadu sira: ‘Hatete bá katak ninia dixípulu sira mai iha kalan durante ami toba hela, no naʼok mate-isin neʼe.’\nDurante tempu neʼe, Jesus nia kolega feto balu vizita rate. Sira hakfodak tebes hodi haree rate neʼe mamuk ona! Maria Madalena halai atu fó-hatene Pedro no João. Derrepente, anju naʼin-rua ho hatais nabilan mosu ba feto sira seluk. Sira husu: ‘Tansá mak imi buka Jesus iha neʼe? Nia moris fali ona. Bá lailais no fó-hatene ba ninia dixípulu sira.’ Feto sira-neʼe halai lailais tebes! Maibé iha dalan, mane ida hapara sira. Hatene sé mak neʼe? Jesus! Nia hatete: ‘Bá no fó-hatene ba haʼu-nia dixípulu sira.’\nBainhira feto sira-neʼe hatete ba dixípulu sira katak Jesus moris fali ona no sira hasoru ona nia, kusta tebes ba dixípulu sira atu fiar. Pedro no João halai ba rate atu haree ho sira-nia matan rasik, maibé rate neʼe mamuk hela! Pedro no João sai tiha, maibé Maria Madalena neʼebé mós mai fali rate hela nafatin. Tempu neʼe mak nia hateke ba rate laran no haree anju naʼin-rua neʼe.\nHatene ka lae, saida mak akontese ba Jesus nia isin-mate? Maromak halo lakon tiha. Maromak halo Jesus moris fali ho isin neʼebé la hanesan ho isin antes nia mate. Maromak fó Jesus isin foun espíritu nian, hanesan anju sira iha lalehan. Maibé, Jesus bele mosu ho isin neʼebé ema bele haree atu hatudu ninia dixípulu katak nia moris fali ona. Tuirmai, ita sei aprende kona-ba neʼe.\nMateus 27:62-66; 28:1-15; Lucas 24:1-12; Joao 20:1-12. | [
"JJesus moris fali ona | Istoria husi Biblia Jesus moris fali ona HATENE se mak feto ne'e no mane na'in-rua iha ne'e?",
"Feto ne'e mak Maria Madalena, Jesus nia kolega ida.",
"Mane sira ne'ebe hatais mutin mak anju sira.",
"Maria hateke daudauk ba rate laran ne'ebe ema tau Jesus nia isin-mate.",
"Maibe, agora Jesus nia isin la iha ona!",
"Se mak foti tiha?",
"Mai ita haree hamutuk.",
"Depois Jesus mate tiha, amlulik sira hatete ba Pilatos: 'Kuandu Jesus sei moris, nia hatete katak liutiha loron tolu, nia sei moris fali.",
"Tan ne'e, haruka ema atu hein netik rate ne'e.",
"Nune'e, ninia dixipulu sira la bele na'ok ninia mate-isin no hatete katak nia moris fali husi mate!'",
"Pilatos hatete ba amlulik sira atu haruka soldadu sira hodi hein rate ne'e.",
"Maibe dadeer-saan nakukun iha loron terseiru depois Jesus mate, Jeova nia anju ida tun mai derrepente.",
"Nia duir tiha fatuk husi rate.",
"Soldadu sira ta'uk tebes no la bele book an.",
"Ikusmai, bainhira sira hateke ba rate laran, mate-isin la iha ona!",
"Soldadu balu ba sidade no fo-hatene ba amlulik sira.",
"Hatene saida mak amlulik aat sira-ne'e halo?",
"Sira selu osan ba soldadu sira atu ko'alia bosok.",
"Amlulik sira hatete ba soldadu sira: 'Hatete ba katak ninia dixipulu sira mai iha kalan durante ami toba hela, no na'ok mate-isin ne'e.'",
"Durante tempu ne'e, Jesus nia kolega feto balu vizita rate.",
"Sira hakfodak tebes hodi haree rate ne'e mamuk ona!",
"Maria Madalena halai atu fo-hatene Pedro no Joao.",
"Derrepente, anju na'in-rua ho hatais nabilan mosu ba feto sira seluk.",
"Sira husu: 'Tansa mak imi buka Jesus iha ne'e?",
"Nia moris fali ona.",
"Ba lailais no fo-hatene ba ninia dixipulu sira.'",
"Feto sira-ne'e halai lailais tebes!",
"Maibe iha dalan, mane ida hapara sira.",
"Hatene se mak ne'e?",
"Nia hatete: 'Ba no fo-hatene ba ha'u-nia dixipulu sira.'",
"Bainhira feto sira-ne'e hatete ba dixipulu sira katak Jesus moris fali ona no sira hasoru ona nia, kusta tebes ba dixipulu sira atu fiar.",
"Pedro no Joao halai ba rate atu haree ho sira-nia matan rasik, maibe rate ne'e mamuk hela!",
"Pedro no Joao sai tiha, maibe Maria Madalena ne'ebe mos mai fali rate hela nafatin.",
"Tempu ne'e mak nia hateke ba rate laran no haree anju na'in-rua ne'e.",
"Hatene ka lae, saida mak akontese ba Jesus nia isin-mate?",
"Maromak halo lakon tiha.",
"Maromak halo Jesus moris fali ho isin ne'ebe la hanesan ho isin antes nia mate.",
"Maromak fo Jesus isin foun espiritu nian, hanesan anju sira iha lalehan.",
"Maibe, Jesus bele mosu ho isin ne'ebe ema bele haree atu hatudu ninia dixipulu katak nia moris fali ona.",
"Tuirmai, ita sei aprende kona-ba ne'e.",
"Mateus 27:62-66; 28:1-15; Lucas 24:1-12; Joao 20:1-12."
] | [
"Jesus is risen from the dead | Bible Story HATENE Who are these women and men?"
"The woman was Mary Magdalene, a companion of Jesus."
"The men wearing the ring are angels."
"Mary was looking at the room where Jesus' body had been laid."
"But now Jesus’ body is gone! He has no longer been there."
"Who took it?"
"Let's take a look together."
"After Jesus was dead, the Pharisees said to Pilate: 'When he had risen again from death He told us that after three days I would be raised."
"Therefore, he sent men to wait for the rate."
"Therefore, his disciples could not take the body of Jesus and say that he was raised from dead!'"
"Pilate said to the guards that they should send soldiers and wait for him."
"But suddenly on the third day after Jesus died, an angel of Jehovah came down to him."
"He took a stone from the rat's mouth."
"The soldiers were so timid and unable to keep their breath."
"Finally, when they looked into the house there was no body!"
"Some soldiers went to the city and informed them of what had happened."
"What are these evil-minded people doing?"
"They paid their soldiers to tell them lies."
"27:51 Then the Pharisees said to them, \"See that his discipled came by night while we were sleeping and took away His body.\""
"During this time, some of Jesus' female colleagues visited him."
"They were delighted to see that the cow was fatty!"
"Mary Magdalene went to tell Peter and John."
"All of a sudden, two angels with navy blue hatchlings appeared to the other women."
"They said to him, 'Why are you looking for Jesus here?"
"He is alive again."
"Go away and tell his disciples.'"
"Those girls were so slow to leave!"
"But on the way, a man stops them."
"Hatene se mak ne'e?"
"He said, 'Go and tell my disciples.'"
"When the women told their disciples that Jesus had risen and they saw him, it was hard for them to believe."
"Peter and John went to see with their own eyes, but the sheep were still dead!"
"Peter and John went out, but Mary Magdalene who had also returned stood still."
"And he looked up into the house and saw two angels standing there."
"Answer: What happened to Jesus’ body?"
"God has caused the loss."
"God raised Jesus from the dead in a different body than he had before his death."
"God gave Jesus a new body of spirit, like the angels in heaven."
"However, Jesus could appear in a visible body to show his disciples that he had risen from the dead."
"Later, we will learn about it."
"Luke 24:1-6; John (John the Baptist), Matthew, and Mark."
] |
Ermera Sei Menus Asesu Ba Finanseira Bázika | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA Ermera Sei Menus Asesu Ba Finanseira Bázika\nErmera Sei Menus Asesu Ba Finanseira Bázika\nDILI, 02 dezembru 2019 (TATOLI) – Tuir relatóriu husi Banco Central Timor-Leste (BCTL) iha 2018 hatudu katak populasaun adultu ne’ebé asesu ba finanseira bázika hamutuk porsentu 65. Hosi porsentu 65 ne’e barak liu hosi Dili, no uitoan liu maka Munisípiu Ermera.\n“Númeru ne’e husi munisípiu hothotu, ne’e dadus nasionál, ne’e mós ezersísiu ida ne’ebé Banco Central halo kada tinan rua. Relatóriu primeiru lansa iha 2016 no ida segundu maka iha 2018. Dadus ne’e interesante, konserteza katak asesu boot liu ne’e mak hosi Dili, tanba ema hotu besik iha sentru no fásil ba sira atu loke konta bankária, munisípiu ne’ebé uitoan liu maka Ermera, ha’u lahatene sira iha kafé barak loos maibé, ema ne’ebé iha konta bankária uitoan liu. Maibé, Banco Central tenta hela atu hatene tanba sá?”, haktenik Governadór BCTL, Abraão de Vasconselos, iha Timor Plaza, ohin.\nEntretantu tuir Governadór ne’e katak, konsentrasaun pontu asesu servisu finanseiru iha Munisípiu Ermera ne’e barak liu hanesan instituisaun sira mikro kréditu, kooperativa no banku, más populasaun adultu Ermera mak konta uitoan liu.\nTanba ne’e difísil atu hatene, maibé importante atu Banco Central halo maka intensiva programa edukasaun finanseira no agora daudauk ekipa la’o bá eskola liuhosi estudante sira tanba alunu maka dalan di’ak liu hodi provoka sira-nia inan-aman.\nGovernadór ne’e subliña, konta bankária ne’e ninia benefísiu di’ak tebes. “Benefísiu ne’e boot tebes, primeiru, hala’o ita-nia atividade ne’e hanesan ita formaliza ita-nia atividade no loke oportunidade aban-bainrua atu asesu ba servisu finanseira sira seluk ne’e fásil. Ezemplu ida maka iha ona konta bankária ida no atu kréditu fásil ona tanba banku hatene ona ema ne’e antes sai ona kliente”, katak nia.\nIha selebrasaun aniversáriu BCTL foin lalais ne’e, Governadór liuhusi diskursu haktuir katak rezultadu relatóriu 2018 ne’ebé lansa iha abríl 2019 ne’e interesante tebes tanba aprezenta rezultadu lubuk ida ne’ebé ajuda la’ós de’it ba Banco Central maibé, instituisaun finanseira sira própria Governu atu entende saida maka iha, saida maka atinje ona no dezafiu saida mak sei presiza tau esforsu hamutuk hodi atinje ba objetivu komún ne’ebé estabelese iha Planu Dezenvolvimentu Nasionál.\nGovernadór hatutan rezultadu hosi relatóriu ne’e mak númeru hosi populasaun adultu ne’ebé asesu ba finanseira bázika iha porsentu 65, maibé iha buat ne’ebé interesante maka númeru feto mak partisipa ou iha asesu ba finanseira boot liu mane.\n“Iha parte pontu ba asesu ita Timor-Leste iha asesu avansu ida di’ak tebetebes. Ita kompara hanesan porsentu 94 hosi postu administrativu iha asesu ba rede instituisaun finanseira ninian hela de’it postu administrativu haat mak seidauk. Maibé ida ne’e atu hatete katak ita iha mudansa boot kompara ho tinan rua liubá (2016)”, haktuir Abraão de Vasconselos iha Otél Timór, sesta (13/9).\nLíder másimu BSTL relata mós katak hahú iha 2015, hamosu inisiativa ida oinsá atu moderniza sistema pagamentu nasionál ne’ebé besik ona to’o alvu.\n“Kona-ba jestaun Fundu Petróleu Timor-Leste hatudu tan avansu partikularmente iha Banku Sentrál. Tanba iha fulan hirak liubá ita-nia Fundu Petróleu hahú investe iha private equity mezmu ida ne’e planu ida antesipa tiha ona iha 2009”, Governadór ne’e konklui.\nPrevious articleJornalista Nain Tolu Keixa GMN Ba SEFOPE\nNext articleGovernu Define Liña Orsamentál Lima Husi Proposta OJE 2020 | [
"Ermera Sei Menus Asesu Ba Finanseira Bazika | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Ermera Sei Menus Asesu Ba Finanseira Bazika Ermera Sei Menus Asesu Ba Finanseira Bazika DILI, 02 dezembru 2019 (TATOLI) - Tuir relatoriu husi Banco Central Timor-Leste (BCTL) iha 2018 hatudu katak populasaun adultu ne'ebe asesu ba finanseira bazika hamutuk porsentu 65.",
"Hosi porsentu 65 ne'e barak liu hosi Dili, no uitoan liu maka Munisipiu Ermera.",
"\"Numeru ne'e husi munisipiu hothotu, ne'e dadus nasional, ne'e mos ezersisiu ida ne'ebe Banco Central halo kada tinan rua.",
"Relatoriu primeiru lansa iha 2016 no ida segundu maka iha 2018.",
"Dadus ne'e interesante, konserteza katak asesu boot liu ne'e mak hosi Dili, tanba ema hotu besik iha sentru no fasil ba sira atu loke konta bankaria, munisipiu ne'ebe uitoan liu maka Ermera, ha'u lahatene sira iha kafe barak loos maibe, ema ne'ebe iha konta bankaria uitoan liu.",
"Maibe, Banco Central tenta hela atu hatene tanba sa?,\" haktenik Governador BCTL, Abraao de Vasconselos, iha Timor Plaza, ohin.",
"Entretantu tuir Governador ne'e katak, konsentrasaun pontu asesu servisu finanseiru iha Munisipiu Ermera ne'e barak liu hanesan instituisaun sira mikro kreditu, kooperativa no banku, mas populasaun adultu Ermera mak konta uitoan liu.",
"Tanba ne'e difisil atu hatene, maibe importante atu Banco Central halo maka intensiva programa edukasaun finanseira no agora daudauk ekipa la'o ba eskola liuhosi estudante sira tanba alunu maka dalan di'ak liu hodi provoka sira-nia inan-aman.",
"Governador ne'e sublina, konta bankaria ne'e ninia benefisiu di'ak tebes.",
"\"Benefisiu ne'e boot tebes, primeiru, hala'o ita-nia atividade ne'e hanesan ita formaliza ita-nia atividade no loke oportunidade aban-bainrua atu asesu ba servisu finanseira sira seluk ne'e fasil.",
"Ezemplu ida maka iha ona konta bankaria ida no atu kreditu fasil ona tanba banku hatene ona ema ne'e antes sai ona kliente,\" katak nia.",
"Iha selebrasaun aniversariu BCTL foin lalais ne'e, Governador liuhusi diskursu haktuir katak rezultadu relatoriu 2018 ne'ebe lansa iha abril 2019 ne'e interesante tebes tanba aprezenta rezultadu lubuk ida ne'ebe ajuda la'os de'it ba Banco Central maibe, instituisaun finanseira sira propria Governu atu entende saida maka iha, saida maka atinje ona no dezafiu saida mak sei presiza tau esforsu hamutuk hodi atinje ba objetivu komun ne'ebe estabelese iha Planu Dezenvolvimentu Nasional.",
"Governador hatutan rezultadu hosi relatoriu ne'e mak numeru hosi populasaun adultu ne'ebe asesu ba finanseira bazika iha porsentu 65, maibe iha buat ne'ebe interesante maka numeru feto mak partisipa ou iha asesu ba finanseira boot liu mane.",
"\"Iha parte pontu ba asesu ita Timor-Leste iha asesu avansu ida di'ak tebetebes.",
"Ita kompara hanesan porsentu 94 hosi postu administrativu iha asesu ba rede instituisaun finanseira ninian hela de'it postu administrativu haat mak seidauk.",
"Maibe ida ne'e atu hatete katak ita iha mudansa boot kompara ho tinan rua liuba (2016) ,\" haktuir Abraao de Vasconselos iha Otel Timor, sesta (13/9).",
"Lider masimu BSTL relata mos katak hahu iha 2015, hamosu inisiativa ida oinsa atu moderniza sistema pagamentu nasional ne'ebe besik ona to'o alvu.",
"\"Kona-ba jestaun Fundu Petroleu Timor-Leste hatudu tan avansu partikularmente iha Banku Sentral.",
"Tanba iha fulan hirak liuba ita-nia Fundu Petroleu hahu investe iha private equity mezmu ida ne'e planu ida antesipa tiha ona iha 2009,\" Governador ne'e konklui.",
"Previous articleJornalista Nain Tolu Keixa GMN Ba SEFOPE Next articleGovernu Define Lina Orsamental Lima Husi Proposta OJE 2020"
] | [
"Ermera Will Lose Access To Basic Finance | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA ERMERARA WILL LOSS ACCES TO BASIC FINANCE ERMERA WILLS LOST ACTIVE FUNDING According to a report by the Central Bank of East Тимор (BCTL) in December, it showed that an adult population with access for basic finance totalled about sixty five percent."
"Of these 65 percent, more than half are from Dili and a little less in the Municipality of Ermera."
"\"The number is from all the municipalities, it's national data and also an exercise that Central Bank does every two years."
"The first report was launched in 2016 and the second one is scheduled to be published by EIGE on a regular basis."
"This is an interesting figure, it's clear that the greatest access comes from Dili because people are all close to central and easy for them open a bank account. The smaller municipality was Ermera where there were many coffee shops but very few of those who had their own Bank Account"
"But the Central Bank is still trying to find out why?,\" said BCTL Governor Abraao de Vasconselos at Timor Plaza today."
"Meanwhile, according to the Governor that concentration points access financial services in Ermera Municipality are many such as micro credit institutions cooperative and banks but adult population of ermere is less."
"That's why it is difficult to know, but important for the Central Bank has been intensive financial education program and now teams go school through students because pupils are a better way of provoking their parents."
"The governor emphasizes that the bank account has great benefits."
"\"The benefits are huge, firstly to carry out our activity as we formalize it and open up new opportunities for accessing other financial services is easier."
"One example is that they already have a bank account and it's easier to get credit because the banking system know this person has been their client before,\" he said."
"At the recent celebration of BCTL's anniversary, in his speech to delegates at an event held on April 2019 he said that this report was very interesting because it presented numerous results which help not only Banco Central but also financial institutions and government itself understand what they have achieved so far. What challenges will need joint efforts for achieving common objectives established by National Development Plan?"
"The governor said the results of this report showed that 65 per cent in adult population has access to basic finance, but it is interesting how more women participate or have greater financial availability than men."
"\"In terms of assessment points, we in Timor-Leste have made very good progress."
"We compare that 94 percent of administrative posts have access to the financial institution's network and only four are not."
"But this is to say that we have a big change compared with two years ago (2016) ,\" said Abraao de Vasconselos in Timor Hotel on Saturday."
"BSTL's chief executive also reported that, starting in the year of2015 an effort was made to modernize national payment system which is now almost at its goal."
"\"Regarding the management of Timor-Leste's Petroleum Fund, progress has been made particularly at Central Bank."
"Because a few months ago our Petroleum Fund started investing in private equity, even though this was already an anticipated plan for 2019\", the Governor concluded."
"Previous articleJournalist Nain Tolu Keixa GMN Ba SEFOPE Next ArticleGovernment Define Five Budget Lines From Proposed 2019 FY"
] |
Konsellu Administrasaun Fundu Infraestruturas analiza medida sira ba reabilitasaun zona sira ne’ebé afetada husi inundasaun « Governu Timor-Leste\nDomingu, 12 jullu 2020 | 21:41\nKonsellu Administrasaun Fundu Infraestruturas analiza medida sira ba reabilitasaun zona sira ne’ebé afetada husi inundasaun\nKin. 19 marsu 2020, 18:28h\nGrupu Tékniku Serbisu nian atu responde ba impaktu husi inundasaun hirak ne’ebé akontese iha sidade Dili iha loron-sesta liubá, aprezenta ona ohin, loron 19 fulan-marsu tinan 2020, ba Konsellu Administrasaun Fundu Infraestruturas (KAFI), atu bele halo apresiasaun, lista detallada husi medida urjente sira ne’ebé presiza hodi hatán ba estragu hirak ne’ebé inundasaun ne’e kauza. Sorumutuk ne’e hala’o iha Palásiu Governu, iha Dili.\nNesesidade intervensaun ne’e ninia objetivu mak atu estabelese filafali funsionamentu estrada nian, kontinua fornese enerjia elétrika ho seguransa no garante reparasaun sistema abastesimentu bee ne’ebé naksobu ona, no, liuliu halo serbisu urjente sira atu hamoos drenajen, normaliza no hasai rai-henek husi mota sira no harii muru sira ne’ebé bele evita katak akontesimentu sira, hanesan akontesimentu iha loron 13 fulan-marsu liubá, bele mosu filafali, durante tempu udan ida-ne’e.\nDurante sorumutuk ne’e, halo ona mós análize detallada kona-ba intervensaun hirak ne’ebé presiza no, tuir karakterístika husi projetu ida-idak ne’ebé maka atu realiza, membru KAFI nian sira halo avaliasaun kona-ba opsaun legál ida-idak ba prosesu aprovizionamentu. Projetu hotu-hotu hetan ona aprovasaun no sei finansia iha ámbitu Fundu Infraestruturas nian.\nHusikedas loron-sesta liubá, asaun limpeza halo ona iha fatin oin-oin iha sidade laran no Institutu Jestaun Ekipamentu hahú ona obra reabilitasaun nian ne’ebé urjente liu.\nSekretaria Estadu Protesaun Sivíl fó ona apoiu emerjénsia nian ba sira ne’ebé afetadu husi inundasaun, liuliu liuhusi fahe sasán nesesidade bázika nian no lori sira ne’ebé lakon sira-nia hela-fatin ba hela iha sentru temporáriu sira.\nGrupu Serbisu nian ne’e kompostu husi Diresaun Jerál Obras Públikas, ne’ebé lidera grupu ne’e liuhusi ninia Diretór-Jerál, no integra mós Ajénsia Dezenvolvimentu Nasionál, Diresaun Jerál Água no Saneamentu, Institutu Jestaun Ekipamentu sira, I.P. no Komisaun Nasionál Aprovizionamentu.\nPartisipa iha sorumutuk ne’e maka Ministru Planeamentu no Investimentu Estratéjiku iha ezersísiu, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães, Ministra Finansas iha ezersísiu, Sara Lobo Brites, Ministru Obras Públikas, Salvador Soares dos Reis Pires, Ministru Transportes no Komunikasoins, José Agustinho da Silva, Diretór Sekretariadu Projetu Boot sira (SGP, sigla iha lian portugés), Krispim Fernandes, Diretór-Jerál Autoridade Nasionál Dezenvolvimentu (ADN), Samuel Marçal, Diretór-Jerál Komisaun Nasionál Aprovizionamentu, Aniceto do Rosário, Diretór-Jerál Água no Saneamentu, Gustavo da Cruz, Diretora Jerál Eletrisidade, Arlinda Miranda, Diretór-Jerál Obras Públikas, Rui Guterres, tékniku sira husi Ministériu Finansas no asesór jurídiku sira. | [
"Konsellu Administrasaun Fundu Infraestruturas analiza medida sira ba reabilitasaun zona sira ne'ebe afetada husi inundasaun \" Governu Timor-Leste Domingu, 12 jullu 2020 | 21:41 Konsellu Administrasaun Fundu Infraestruturas analiza medida sira ba reabilitasaun zona sira ne'ebe afetada husi inundasaun Kin.",
"19 marsu 2020, 18:28h Grupu Tekniku Serbisu nian atu responde ba impaktu husi inundasaun hirak ne'ebe akontese iha sidade Dili iha loron-sesta liuba, aprezenta ona ohin, loron 19 fulan-marsu tinan 2020, ba Konsellu Administrasaun Fundu Infraestruturas (KAFI), atu bele halo apresiasaun, lista detallada husi medida urjente sira ne'ebe presiza hodi hatan ba estragu hirak ne'ebe inundasaun ne'e kauza.",
"Sorumutuk ne'e hala'o iha Palasiu Governu, iha Dili.",
"Nesesidade intervensaun ne'e ninia objetivu mak atu estabelese filafali funsionamentu estrada nian, kontinua fornese enerjia eletrika ho seguransa no garante reparasaun sistema abastesimentu bee ne'ebe naksobu ona, no, liuliu halo serbisu urjente sira atu hamoos drenajen, normaliza no hasai rai-henek husi mota sira no harii muru sira ne'ebe bele evita katak akontesimentu sira, hanesan akontesimentu iha loron 13 fulan-marsu liuba, bele mosu filafali, durante tempu udan ida-ne'e.",
"Durante sorumutuk ne'e, halo ona mos analize detallada kona-ba intervensaun hirak ne'ebe presiza no, tuir karakteristika husi projetu ida-idak ne'ebe maka atu realiza, membru KAFI nian sira halo avaliasaun kona-ba opsaun legal ida-idak ba prosesu aprovizionamentu.",
"Projetu hotu-hotu hetan ona aprovasaun no sei finansia iha ambitu Fundu Infraestruturas nian.",
"Husikedas loron-sesta liuba, asaun limpeza halo ona iha fatin oin-oin iha sidade laran no Institutu Jestaun Ekipamentu hahu ona obra reabilitasaun nian ne'ebe urjente liu.",
"Sekretaria Estadu Protesaun Sivil fo ona apoiu emerjensia nian ba sira ne'ebe afetadu husi inundasaun, liuliu liuhusi fahe sasan nesesidade bazika nian no lori sira ne'ebe lakon sira-nia hela-fatin ba hela iha sentru temporariu sira.",
"Grupu Serbisu nian ne'e kompostu husi Diresaun Jeral Obras Publikas, ne'ebe lidera grupu ne'e liuhusi ninia Diretor-Jeral, no integra mos Ajensia Dezenvolvimentu Nasional, Diresaun Jeral Agua no Saneamentu, Institutu Jestaun Ekipamentu sira, I.P. no Komisaun Nasional Aprovizionamentu.",
"Partisipa iha sorumutuk ne'e maka Ministru Planeamentu no Investimentu Estratejiku iha ezersisiu, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhaes, Ministra Finansas iha ezersisiu, Sara Lobo Brites, Ministru Obras Publikas, Salvador Soares dos Reis Pires, Ministru Transportes no Komunikasoins, Jose Agustinho da Silva, Diretor Sekretariadu Projetu Boot sira (SGP, sigla iha lian portuges), Krispim Fernandes, Diretor-Jeral Autoridade Nasional Dezenvolvimentu (ADN), Samuel Marcal, Diretor-Jeral Komisaun Nasional Aprovizionamentu, Aniceto do Rosario, Diretor-Jeral Agua no Saneamentu, Gustavo da Cruz, Diretora Jeral Eletrisidade, Arlinda Miranda, Diretor-Jeral Obras Publikas, Rui Guterres, tekniku sira husi Ministeriu Finansas no asesor juridiku sira."
] | [
"Governing Council of the Infrastructure Fund analyzes measures for rehabilitation in areas affected by flood \" Government Timor-Leste Sunday, 12 July (Xinhua) - The Board analysed steps to rebuild zones that have been severely hit."
"March 19,203:48 PM The Technical Group of the Ministry responsible for responding to floods in Dili last Saturday has presented today (March-6) a detailed list with urgent measure and actions required by this department. This was submitted on Tuesday morning before an evaluation meeting held at KAFI'S board office so that it could make its own decision about what action is necessary as soon As possible after these disasters have occurred"
"The meeting was held in the Government Palace, Dili."
"The need for this intervention aims to restore the functioning of roads, continue providing electricity with security and guarantee repair work on water supply systems that have been damaged. In particular it is necessary urgently clean drainage system as well normalize soil from motorways or build wall which will prevent events like those last March 13th occurring again during these rainy season days"
"During the meeting, a detailed analysis was also made on what interventions are required and according to each project's characteristic that is being carried out KAFI members evaluated every legal option for procurement process."
"All projects have been approved and will be financed under the Infrastructure Fund."
"Since last Saturday, cleaning has been carried out in various areas of the city and Institute for Equipment Management (IEM) have begun rehabilitation work on most urgent issues."
"The State Secretariat for Civil Protection has provided emergency assistance to those affected by the floods, in particular through distribution of basic necessities and relocating people who have lost their homes into temporary centres."
"The Service Group is composed of the Directorate General for Public Works, which leads it through its director-general and also integrates National Development Agency (Agência de Desenvolvimento Nacional), Water & Sanitation Direction general; Institute Management Equipment I.P 1987)"
"The meeting was attended by the Minister of Planning and Strategic Investment in Exercise, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhaes; Finances minister Sara Lobo Britos (in exercise); Public Works Secretary Salvador Soares dos Reis Piret(In exercice), Transportation & Communications secretary Jose Agustinho da Silva [SGP], Krispim Fernandes[ADN] Director-General Samuel Marcal National Procurement Commission General Manager Aniceto do Rosario Water Management Department Gustavo Da Cruz Electricity Division Head Arlinda Miranda Ministry Of Financial Services technicians legal advisers."
] |
Major Jeneral Lere Preokupa Ho Seguransa Marítima\nDíli, 15 Janeiru 2020 - Xefe Estadu Maior Jenerál Lere Anan Timur iha audiénsia ho Prezidente Repúblika, Francisco Guterres Lú Olo, ohin, hateten katak preokupa tebes ho seguransa fronteira marítima.\nTuir Maijor Jenerál katak foin lalais Prezidente Repúblika iha Komemorasaun Aniversáriu Komponente Naval FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) iha 12 Janeiru ba dala-18 hato’o tiha ona ninian hanoin kona-ba saida mak Governu tenke halo atu hametin seguransa fronteira marítima.\nIha Komemorasaun Aniversáriu Komponente Naval, Xefe Estadu Maior Jenerál hato’o ba Prezidente Repúblika no nu’udar Komandante Supremu F-FDTL katak to’o ona tempu atu asegura tasi Timor tanba ne’e Estadu tenke fó prioridade ba Komponente Naval no Aereo.\nIha oportunidade ne’e, Prezidente Repúblika hateten katak Timor-Leste nu’udar nasaun mesak labele fó seguransa ba nia tasi tanba ne’e presiza promove seguransa koletiva ka seguransa rejionál hamutuk no salienta dala ida tan kona-ba harii Sistema Nasionál Autoridade Marítima.\nSistema Nasionál Autoridade Marítima ne’e foka ba konseitu “duplu uzu” iha operasaun seguransa tasi nian, hodi obriga Mariña atu iha mós kapasidade hatan iha área polisiamentu hodi hatuur lei no partisipa iha konflitu ne’ebé ho intensidade ki’ik.\n“Ita dehan na’in ba tasi, dalaruma ita ko’alia de’it. Mas loloos ita na’in ba tasi ne’e seidauk loos tanba fronteira marítima abandonadu hela. Forsa Tereste seidauk sufisiente maibé bele hala’o ona nia kna’ar”, Lere Anan Timur haktuir. | [
"Major Jeneral Lere Preokupa Ho Seguransa Maritima Dili, 15 Janeiru 2020 - Xefe Estadu Maior Jeneral Lere Anan Timur iha audiensia ho Prezidente Republika, Francisco Guterres Lu Olo, ohin, hateten katak preokupa tebes ho seguransa fronteira maritima.",
"Tuir Maijor Jeneral katak foin lalais Prezidente Republika iha Komemorasaun Aniversariu Komponente Naval FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) iha 12 Janeiru ba dala-18 hato'o tiha ona ninian hanoin kona-ba saida mak Governu tenke halo atu hametin seguransa fronteira maritima.",
"Iha Komemorasaun Aniversariu Komponente Naval, Xefe Estadu Maior Jeneral hato'o ba Prezidente Republika no nu'udar Komandante Supremu F-FDTL katak to'o ona tempu atu asegura tasi Timor tanba ne'e Estadu tenke fo prioridade ba Komponente Naval no Aereo.",
"Iha oportunidade ne'e, Prezidente Republika hateten katak Timor-Leste nu'udar nasaun mesak labele fo seguransa ba nia tasi tanba ne'e presiza promove seguransa koletiva ka seguransa rejional hamutuk no salienta dala ida tan kona-ba harii Sistema Nasional Autoridade Maritima.",
"Sistema Nasional Autoridade Maritima ne'e foka ba konseitu \"duplu uzu\" iha operasaun seguransa tasi nian, hodi obriga Marina atu iha mos kapasidade hatan iha area polisiamentu hodi hatuur lei no partisipa iha konflitu ne'ebe ho intensidade ki'ik.",
"\"Ita dehan na'in ba tasi, dalaruma ita ko'alia de'it.",
"Mas loloos ita na'in ba tasi ne'e seidauk loos tanba fronteira maritima abandonadu hela.",
"Forsa Tereste seidauk sufisiente maibe bele hala'o ona nia kna'ar,\" Lere Anan Timur haktuir."
] | [
"Dili, January 15th (Xinhua) -- Chief of Staff General Lere Anan Timur in an audience with President Francisco Guterres Lu Olo today said that he is deeply concerned about the maritime border security."
"According to Major General, the President of Timor-Leste at his recent remarks on 12 January in commemorating FALINTIL - Força Defesa de Timor Leste (F– FDTL)' s Naval Component Anniversary for its Eighteenth aniversary had already expressed what he thought about how Government should strengthen maritime border security."
"At the Commemoration of Naval Component Anniversary, Chief General Staff presented to President da República and as Supreme Commander F-FDTL that it is time for secure Timor Sea therefore State must prioritize naval components."
"On this occasion, the President of Timor-Leste said that as a single country it cannot provide security to its seas so there is need for promoting collective or regional safety together and emphasized once again on establishing National Maritimes Authority System."
"The National Maritime Authority System focuses on the concept of \"dual use\" in maritimo-security operations, requiring Navy to also have a capacity for responses within policing areas both as law enforcement and participation into low intensity conflict."
"\"Ita say na'in ba tasi, dalaruma ita ko’ala de‘i."
"However, the sea is not ours because of an abandoned maritime border."
"The ground forces are not yet sufficient but they can already carry out their tasks,\" said Lere Anan Timur."
] |
Estudante Finalista Engenaria UNITAL Na’in 81 Tuir Judisium - LAFAEK NEWS LAFAEK NEWS\nEstudante Finalista Engenaria UNITAL Na’in 81 Tuir Judisium\nNovember 24, 2021 November 25, 2021 Pedro almeida 0 Comments\nLafaek News—Estudante finalista husi fakuldade Enjenaria, Universidade Oriental Timor Lorosa’e (UNITAL) na’in ualu-nulu resin ida (81) kompostu husi departamentu hitu (7) partisipa serimonia judisium ba dala-IX.\nIha serimonia judisium ne’e, dekanu fakuldade enjenaria, Juvinal Ximenes Guterres, husu ba finalista sira tenke prepara a’an didi’ak hodi kompete iha kampu traballu, no teoria ne’ebé durante aprende tempu to’o ona tenke implementa iha sosiedade nia le’et.\n“Ha’u fiar katak estudante na’in 81 ne’ebé mak ohin tuir judiusium, sei implementa saida mak durante tinan 4 nia laran aprende sei la saugati,” dehan dekanu fakuldade enjenaria, Juvinal Ximenes Guterres ba lafaek news iha salaun unital kuarta (24/11/2021).\nNune’e mos nia relata, total rekursu umanu ne’ebé fakuldade enjenaria rasik produz hamutuk atus ualu ona no maoria maka hetan ona serbisu.\nIha fatin hanesan finalista husi departamentu geolojia, Juvensio dos Santos, dehan, loron ohin la’os loron ba susesu maibé loron atu termina grau lisensiatura, kona-ba siensia laiha finalidade tanba ne’e esperiensia ne’ebé durante hetan sai valor boot tebes, no kontinua luta hodi kompete iha kampu traballu no implementa iha komunidade, aldeia, suku ba postu administrivu no mós munisipiu.\n“Ha’u hanoin kona-bá kompete iha kampu servisu ha’u la iha duvida, tanbá ema bele lahanesan, maibé siensia ida de’it, la iha siknifikasaun ne’ebé sikat le’et, ho rajaun ida ne’e ha’u fiar atu implementa esperensia ne’ebé mak ha’u iha hodi pratika iha kampu servisu,” dehan finalista Juvensio.\nEntretantu finalista na’in 81 ne’ebé tuir judisium ba dala-IX ne’e kompostu husi deparatmentu 7 maka hanesan departamentu enjenaria informatika no komputasaun, konstrusaun sivil, eletroniku, petroleo, geolojia, minas área konsentrasau, minas ambiental.\nSFLN : Benvida da Costa\n← Governu Deside La Propoin Ona EE\nSEKomS Lansa Radíu Ba Ema Defisiénsia Ho Frekuénsia 102.30 MHZ →\nSEJD-EUA Aborda Programa Bolsa Estdu Ba Timor Oan\nMay 13, 2021 lafeak news 0\nRede Internet La’o “Lenuk” Difikulta Estudante Asesu Aula Online\nMarch 27, 2021 yano lafeaknews 0\nEstudante Ejize Reitór UNTL Fahe Oportunidade Balansu Utiliza Edifisiu Foun\nJuly 6, 2021 July 6, 2021 yano lafeaknews 0\nLast 7 Days Visits: 71,085\nTotal Visits: 3,386,427 | [
"Estudante Finalista Engenaria UNITAL Na'in 81 Tuir Judisium - LAFAEK NEWS LAFAEK NEWS Estudante Finalista Engenaria UNITAL Na'in 81 Tuir Judisium November 24, 2021 November 25, 2021 Pedro almeida 0 Comments Lafaek News - Estudante finalista husi fakuldade Enjenaria, Universidade Oriental Timor Lorosa'e (UNITAL) na'in ualu-nulu resin ida (81) kompostu husi departamentu hitu (7) partisipa serimonia judisium ba dala-IX.",
"Iha serimonia judisium ne'e, dekanu fakuldade enjenaria, Juvinal Ximenes Guterres, husu ba finalista sira tenke prepara a'an didi'ak hodi kompete iha kampu traballu, no teoria ne'ebe durante aprende tempu to'o ona tenke implementa iha sosiedade nia le'et.",
"\"Ha'u fiar katak estudante na'in 81 ne'ebe mak ohin tuir judiusium, sei implementa saida mak durante tinan 4 nia laran aprende sei la saugati,\" dehan dekanu fakuldade enjenaria, Juvinal Ximenes Guterres ba lafaek news iha salaun unital kuarta (24/11/2021).",
"Nune'e mos nia relata, total rekursu umanu ne'ebe fakuldade enjenaria rasik produz hamutuk atus ualu ona no maoria maka hetan ona serbisu.",
"Iha fatin hanesan finalista husi departamentu geolojia, Juvensio dos Santos, dehan, loron ohin la'os loron ba susesu maibe loron atu termina grau lisensiatura, kona-ba siensia laiha finalidade tanba ne'e esperiensia ne'ebe durante hetan sai valor boot tebes, no kontinua luta hodi kompete iha kampu traballu no implementa iha komunidade, aldeia, suku ba postu administrivu no mos munisipiu.",
"\"Ha'u hanoin kona-ba kompete iha kampu servisu ha'u la iha duvida, tanba ema bele lahanesan, maibe siensia ida de'it, la iha siknifikasaun ne'ebe sikat le'et, ho rajaun ida ne'e ha'u fiar atu implementa esperensia ne'ebe mak ha'u iha hodi pratika iha kampu servisu,\" dehan finalista Juvensio.",
"Entretantu finalista na'in 81 ne'ebe tuir judisium ba dala-IX ne'e kompostu husi deparatmentu 7 maka hanesan departamentu enjenaria informatika no komputasaun, konstrusaun sivil, eletroniku, petroleo, geolojia, minas area konsentrasau, minas ambiental.",
"SFLN: Benvida da Costa - Governu Deside La Propoin Ona EE SEKomS Lansa Radiu Ba Ema Defisiensia Ho Frekuensia 102.30 MHZ - SEJD-EUA Aborda Programa Bolsa Estdu Ba Timor Oan May 13, 2021 lafeak news 0 Rede Internet La'o \"Lenuk\" Difikulta Estudante Asesu Aula Online March 27, 2021 yano lafeaknews 0 Estudante Ejize Reitor UNTL Fahe Oportunidade Balansu Utiliza Edifisiu Foun July 6, 2021 July 6, 2021 yano lafeaknews 0 Last 7 Days Visits: 71,085 Total Visits: 3,386,427"
] | [
"81 Finalist Students of UNITAL's Engineering Faculty After Judgment Ceremony - LAFAEK NEWS Estudante finalista Engenaria Unital Na’in, depois do Juízo – Lafaek News The seventy-one (70) finalist students from the engineering faculties at Universidade Oriental Timor Lorosa‘e participated in a jury for nineth time."
"During the jury ceremony, Dean of Engineering School Juvinal Ximenes Guterres urged finalists to prepare themselves well in order for their workplace competition. The theory they learned during this time should be applied within society as a whole and not just on one field or school but across all areas where students are involved with engineering studies at university level"
"\"I am confident that the 81 students who are attending today, will implement what they have learned during their four years of study and it won't be missed out on anything\", said dean Juvinal Ximenes Guterres to lafaek news in unit hall Thursday (24/09)"
"He also reported that the total number of human resources produced by engineering faculty itself is eight thousand and most have already found work."
"As for the finalist of geology department, Juvensio dos Santos said that today is not a day to succeed but it's one in which you finish your bachelor degree. The science has no purpose therefore this experience gained over time became very valuable and continue fighting against competing on workplace implementation at community level as well village administrative posts or municipality levels"
"\"I think about competition in the field of work I have no doubt, because people may not understand it but science is only one thing and there's nothing more complicated than that. For this reason i believe to implement my experience into practice on a job site\", said finalist Juvensio .\""
"The 81 finalists who participated in the jury for this ninth edition were composed of seven department, namely information and computing technology engineering; civil construction: electronical equipment. petroleum & natural gas geology concentration area mining environmental mines"
"SFLN: Benvida da Costa - Governo Deside La Propoin Ona EE SEKomS Lansa Radio Ba Ema Dissiensia Ho Freqüência 102.35 MHZ – SEJD-EUA Aborda Programa Bolsas Estdu Para Timor Oan May, July and August lafeak news June September October November December January February March April Março Abril Maio Junho Julhu Julio Agosto Setembru Novembro Outubros Dezembrus Decembro Janeiro Fevereiro"
] |
Ekipa saúde sei transporta pasiente kazu lizeiru ho bus | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVID-19 Ekipa saúde sei transporta pasiente kazu lizeiru ho bus\nPesoál-sira hosi Diresaun Nasionál Ambulánsia distribui ambulánsia foun ba Munisípiu. Imajen Tatoli/Felicidade Ximenes.\nDILI, 06 maiu 2021 (TATOLI)— Ministériu Saúde (MS) liu hosi Vise Koordenadora Jerál Komisaun Nasionál Prevensaun COVID-19, Odete da Silva Viegas, hateten ekipa saúde halo ona avaliasaun atu transporta pasiente pozitivu COVID-19 ne’ebé ho kazu lizeiru hanesan asintomátiku, ho bus no mini-bus.\n“Ita sei uza transporte baibain tanba ho ambulánsia ita haree katak, bainhira tama iha komunidade-nia leet, dala barak halo ema trauma no komunidade mós lamenta,’’ Odete da Silva Viegas, hateten ba jornalista-sira iha otél Novo Turizmu, kinta ne’e.\nNotísia relevante:PNTL investiga hela ema tuda rahun ambulánsia iha Afaloicai\nTanba ne’e, abulánsia sei uza de’it hodi tula pasiente-sira ne’ebé iha síntoma hanesan isin-manas, mear ka kazu grave no moderdu, ne’ebé detetadu iha HNGV no transfere mai iha Vera Cruz.\nMaski la temi númeru bus no mini-bus ne’ebé MS prepara hodi transporta pasiente lizeiru, maibé Odete deklara katak, sei muda duni mekanizmu transportasaun ne’e.\nMS iha difikuldade ba transportasaun\nParte Ministériu Saúde mós rekoñese katak, ekipa saúde enfrenta duni difikuldade ba transportasaun pasiente pozitivu, ne’ebé loron ida númeru kuaze 100-resin, mai hosi Dili no munisípiu-sira.\n“Númeru ne’ebé boot, difikulta duni ita atu foti ema na’in 100-resin iha loron ida. Maibé, informasaun ne’ebé populasaun fó liu liu kazu pozitivu-sira, ami rejsita no buka nafatin solusaun. Iha balun ne’ebé ami seidauk foti, ne’e ami rekoñese duni,’’ Odete rekoñese.\nNia dehan, iha inísiu, númeru COVID-19 mosu ladún barak, ekipa saúde fásil atu organiza iha terrenu hodi foti, maibé iha fulan hirak ikus ne’e, kazu pozitivu aumenta makaas to’o 100-resin iha loron ida, signifika movimentu hosi serbisu ambulánsia liu-liu pilár VII hetan duni difikuldade.\nHo situasaun ne’e, hahú horisehik no ohin, MS komesa organiza ona atu iha ekipa ida ne’ebé haree diretamente oinsá foti kazu-sira ne’e.\nTanba ne’e, entre pilár II ne’ebé tenki hato’o komunikasaun ba ema no mós pilar III, V, VII uza mekanizmu infomasaun kona-bá kazu pozitivu, liu-liu presija informadu kona-bá diresaun hosi pasiente, naran, númeru kontaktu, ekipa haat ne’e tenke hetan.\nAlende ne’e, durante ne’e MS mós enfreta difikludade iha komunikasaun entre pilar II, III, V no VII, tanba dalaruma balun telephone dezligadu, no rajaun seluk tan, maibé MS hadi’a ona situasaun ne’e.\nPrevious articlePM no ekipa halo teste swab molok dezloka bá munisípiu\nNext articleCOVID-19: MS rekoñese iha fasilidade limitadu | [
"Ekipa saude sei transporta pasiente kazu lizeiru ho bus | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID-19 Ekipa saude sei transporta pasiente kazu lizeiru ho bus Pesoal-sira hosi Diresaun Nasional Ambulansia distribui ambulansia foun ba Munisipiu.",
"Imajen Tatoli/Felicidade Ximenes.",
"DILI, 06 maiu 2021 (TATOLI) - Ministeriu Saude (MS) liu hosi Vise Koordenadora Jeral Komisaun Nasional Prevensaun COVID-19, Odete da Silva Viegas, hateten ekipa saude halo ona avaliasaun atu transporta pasiente pozitivu COVID-19 ne'ebe ho kazu lizeiru hanesan asintomatiku, ho bus no mini-bus.",
"\"Ita sei uza transporte baibain tanba ho ambulansia ita haree katak, bainhira tama iha komunidade-nia leet, dala barak halo ema trauma no komunidade mos lamenta, \" Odete da Silva Viegas, hateten ba jornalista-sira iha otel Novo Turizmu, kinta ne'e.",
"Notisia relevante:PNTL investiga hela ema tuda rahun ambulansia iha Afaloicai Tanba ne'e, abulansia sei uza de'it hodi tula pasiente-sira ne'ebe iha sintoma hanesan isin-manas, mear ka kazu grave no moderdu, ne'ebe detetadu iha HNGV no transfere mai iha Vera Cruz.",
"Maski la temi numeru bus no mini-bus ne'ebe MS prepara hodi transporta pasiente lizeiru, maibe Odete deklara katak, sei muda duni mekanizmu transportasaun ne'e.",
"MS iha difikuldade ba transportasaun Parte Ministeriu Saude mos rekonese katak, ekipa saude enfrenta duni difikuldade ba transportasaun pasiente pozitivu, ne'ebe loron ida numeru kuaze 100-resin, mai hosi Dili no munisipiu-sira.",
"\"Numeru ne'ebe boot, difikulta duni ita atu foti ema na'in 100-resin iha loron ida.",
"Maibe, informasaun ne'ebe populasaun fo liu liu kazu pozitivu-sira, ami rejsita no buka nafatin solusaun.",
"Iha balun ne'ebe ami seidauk foti, ne'e ami rekonese duni, \" Odete rekonese.",
"Nia dehan, iha inisiu, numeru COVID-19 mosu ladun barak, ekipa saude fasil atu organiza iha terrenu hodi foti, maibe iha fulan hirak ikus ne'e, kazu pozitivu aumenta makaas to'o 100-resin iha loron ida, signifika movimentu hosi serbisu ambulansia liu-liu pilar VII hetan duni difikuldade.",
"Ho situasaun ne'e, hahu horisehik no ohin, MS komesa organiza ona atu iha ekipa ida ne'ebe haree diretamente oinsa foti kazu-sira ne'e.",
"Tanba ne'e, entre pilar II ne'ebe tenki hato'o komunikasaun ba ema no mos pilar III, V, VII uza mekanizmu infomasaun kona-ba kazu pozitivu, liu-liu presija informadu kona-ba diresaun hosi pasiente, naran, numeru kontaktu, ekipa haat ne'e tenke hetan.",
"Alende ne'e, durante ne'e MS mos enfreta difikludade iha komunikasaun entre pilar II, III, V no VII, tanba dalaruma balun telephone dezligadu, no rajaun seluk tan, maibe MS hadi'a ona situasaun ne'e.",
"Previous articlePM no ekipa halo teste swab molok dezloka ba munisipiu Next articleCOVID-19: MS rekonese iha fasilidade limitadu"
] | [
"Health team will transport light cases patients by bus | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID -19 health teams to carry patient with ambulances in the Municipality. Personnel from Diresaun Nasional Ambulansia distribute new ambulancies for municipalities"
"Image Tatoli/Felicidade Ximenes."
"DILI, May 6th - The Ministry of Health (MS) through the Deputy General Coordinator for National Commission on COVID-19 Prevention Odete da Silva Viegas said that health teams have evaluated to transport positive patients with asymptomatic cases by bus and minibus."
"\"We will use ordinary transportation because with ambulances we see that when entering the community, it often traumatizes people and communities also lament\", Odete da Silva Viegas told journalist in Novo Turizmu hotel on Wednesday."
"Therefore, the ambulance will only be used to carry patients with symptoms such as fever or severe and moderately serious cases that have been detected at HNGV (National Hospital of Goiás) for transfer in Vera Cruz."
"Although he did not mention the number of buses and mini-buses that MS is preparing to transport patients, Odete declared it will indeed change this mechanism."
"The Ministry of Health also acknowledges that the health team is facing difficulties in transporting positive patients, whose number rises to over 105 per day from Dili and other cities."
"\"The large numbers make it very difficult for us to take more than 105 people in one day."
"However, the information that people provide is mostly about positive cases. We recognize them and continue to seek solutions for these situations;"
"There are some that we have not taken, which is something I acknowledge\", Odete admits."
"He said, initially the number of COVID-19 cases was not high and health teams were easy to organize on site for collection but in recent months positive case numbers have risen so much as over a hundred per day which means that movements by ambulancy workers especially from pillar VII are experiencing difficulties."
"With this situation, starting yesterday and today MS has started to organize a team that will look directly at how these cases are taken."
"Therefore, between pillar II which must communicate to people and also the pillars III V VII use mechanisms of information about positive cases. Especially need informed regarding addresses for patients name contact numbers that these four teams should obtain"
"In addition, during this period the MS also faced difficulties in communication between pillar II. III and VII because sometimes some telephones were disconnected or for other reason; but it has now improvet on that situation"
"Previous articlePM and team take swab test before departing to municipalities Next artikelCOVID-19: MS acknowledges limited facilities"
] |
Pasajeiru Bus Husi Lautem-Manufahi Selu U$15\nIlustrasaun foto Bus tula pasajeirus.\nPasajeiru Bus Husi Lautem-Manufahi Selu U$15 Featured\n14 Maiu 2020\nDILI: Regra Estadu Emerjensia ba daruak hafoin fó autorizasaun ba transporte públiku hala’o operasaun afeita ba tarifa folin sae makaas.\nAntes ne’e, kada pasajeiru selu $8 too $9 ba bus diresaun Lautem-Dili no Manufahi-Dili, maibé agora sae ba $15.\nKondutór Bus Berlaka, Diresaun Manufahi-Dili Martinho Sarmento hatete, antes ne’e Bus halai husi Manufahi mai Dili pasajeiru na’in ida seluk U$9 Dollar Amerikanu, maibé iha Estadu Emerjensia ne’e kada ema selu U$15 tanba tula pasajeiru masimu ema na’in 10 de’it.\n“Ami tula pasazeiru husi na’in 5 to’o 10 de’it, ema ida selu U$9 de’it halai husi Dili to’o Same, entaun ami atu halo hatama osan ba patraun ne’e oinsá, ense mina, karik karreta aat ruma ami konta hotu ida ne’e entaun ami deside folin hanesan ne’e,” dehan nia, iha Terminal Taibesi, horisehik.\nKondutor ne’e dehan, iha situsaun hanesan ne’e Bus halai bele ajuda tula produtu lokal husi munisipiu mai nasional, maibé tula de’it, ema na’in 10 mai kraik, depois DNTT obriga tenke selu nafatin tuir situasaun normal nian entaun diak liu karreta para de’it.\nEntertantu hatan ba kestaun ne’e, Diretór Nasionál Transporte Terrestre (DNTT), Natalino de Rosario hatete, Bus diresaun Lospalos mai Dili antes ne’e selu U$8 maibé sa’e ba U$15 ne’e parte DNTT sei halo intervensaun.\nTuir despaisu legál governu nian ne’ebé iha Dili-Lopalos U$8, Manufahi-Dili U$9 maibé derepennte tarefa sa’e DNTT sei koordena ho Polisia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL), no Tranzitu tuun direita ba terrenu hodi halo pasa revista ba Transporte Públiku ne’ebé hasa’e tarefa ne’e.\n“Ami seidauk simu reklamasaun pasazeiru husi Lautem no Manufahi ne’ebé kada ema ida selu U$15 dollar,” dehan nia, iha DNTT, hoirsehik.\nTuir informasaun ne’ebé Diairiu INDEPENDENTE hetan iha terenu katak, Karreta Angguna Diresaun Maubisse mai Dili antes ne’e ema na’in ida selu U$3 dollar, maibé agora daudaun hasa’e sa’e ona ba U$5 dollar.\nMore in this category: « Lere: Ema Ne’ebé La Gosta, La Gosta Nafatin Hakarak Sobu Unidade Subsidiu Ba Estudante iha Estranjeiru Sei Verifika Dadús »\n/Pasajeiru Bus Husi Lautem-Manufahi Selu U$15 | [
"Pasajeiru Bus Husi Lautem-Manufahi Selu U$15 Ilustrasaun foto Bus tula pasajeirus.",
"Pasajeiru Bus Husi Lautem-Manufahi Selu U$15 Featured 14 Maiu 2020 DILI: Regra Estadu Emerjensia ba daruak hafoin fo autorizasaun ba transporte publiku hala'o operasaun afeita ba tarifa folin sae makaas.",
"Antes ne'e, kada pasajeiru selu $8 too $9 ba bus diresaun Lautem-Dili no Manufahi-Dili, maibe agora sae ba $15.",
"Kondutor Bus Berlaka, Diresaun Manufahi-Dili Martinho Sarmento hatete, antes ne'e Bus halai husi Manufahi mai Dili pasajeiru na'in ida seluk U$9 Dollar Amerikanu, maibe iha Estadu Emerjensia ne'e kada ema selu U$15 tanba tula pasajeiru masimu ema na'in 10 de'it.",
"\"Ami tula pasazeiru husi na'in 5 to'o 10 de'it, ema ida selu U$9 de'it halai husi Dili to'o Same, entaun ami atu halo hatama osan ba patraun ne'e oinsa, ense mina, karik karreta aat ruma ami konta hotu ida ne'e entaun ami deside folin hanesan ne'e,\" dehan nia, iha Terminal Taibesi, horisehik.",
"Kondutor ne'e dehan, iha situsaun hanesan ne'e Bus halai bele ajuda tula produtu lokal husi munisipiu mai nasional, maibe tula de'it, ema na'in 10 mai kraik, depois DNTT obriga tenke selu nafatin tuir situasaun normal nian entaun diak liu karreta para de'it.",
"Entertantu hatan ba kestaun ne'e, Diretor Nasional Transporte Terrestre (DNTT), Natalino de Rosario hatete, Bus diresaun Lospalos mai Dili antes ne'e selu U$8 maibe sa'e ba U$15 ne'e parte DNTT sei halo intervensaun.",
"Tuir despaisu legal governu nian ne'ebe iha Dili-Lopalos U$8, Manufahi-Dili U$9 maibe derepennte tarefa sa'e DNTT sei koordena ho Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL), no Tranzitu tuun direita ba terrenu hodi halo pasa revista ba Transporte Publiku ne'ebe hasa'e tarefa ne'e.",
"\"Ami seidauk simu reklamasaun pasazeiru husi Lautem no Manufahi ne'ebe kada ema ida selu U$15 dollar,\" dehan nia, iha DNTT, hoirsehik.",
"Tuir informasaun ne'ebe Diairiu INDEPENDENTE hetan iha terenu katak, Karreta Angguna Diresaun Maubisse mai Dili antes ne'e ema na'in ida selu U$3 dollar, maibe agora daudaun hasa'e sa'e ona ba U$5 dollar.",
"More in this category: \" Lere: Ema Ne'ebe La Gosta, La Gosta Nafatin Hakarak Sobu Unidade Subsidiu Ba Estudante iha Estranjeiru Sei Verifika Dadus \" /Pasajeiru Bus Husi Lautem-Manufahi Selu U$15"
] | [
"Passajeiru Bus Husi Lautem-Manufahi Talu U$15 Photo illustration of a bus taking passengers."
"Bus Passengers From Lautem-Manufahi Pay U$15 Featured May,20th (DIL) - Dili: State of Emergency Rule for the second time after authorizing public transport to operate affected fare price rise."
"Previously, each passenger paid $8-$9 for the Lautem to Dili and Manufahi -Dili bus routes but now it is out of 15."
"Berlaka Bus Driver, Manufahi-Dili Directorate Martinho Sarmento said that before the bus departed from Manado to Dili another passenger paid U$9 US Dollars but in this state of emergency each person pays $15 because it carries a maximum number 20 passengers."
"\"We only carry 5-10 passengers, one person pays just U$9 to go from Dili until Same. So how do we make money for the passenger? If there is any car that's damaged and it costs us all this then why have a price like these?\" he said at Taibesi Terminal on Monday morning"
"The driver said, in such a situation the Bus could help to carry local products from municipality into national but only take 10 people and then DNTT requires you pay again as per normal so it is better that carriage stop."
"In response to this issue, National Director of Terrestrial Transportation (DNTT), Natalino de Rosario said that bus direction Lospalos Dili previously paid U$8 but rises up 15 USD DNTTI will intervene."
"According to the government's legal dispatch, which is Dili-Lopaleu U$8 and Manufahi -Dili 9 but suddenly task rises DNTT will coordinate with PNTL (Polisi Nasional Timor Leste), Transit goes right down on site for a check of Public Transporte that raise this job."
"\"We have not received any complaints from passengers in Lautem and Manufahi who paid U$15 each,\" he said at DNTT on Thursday."
"According to the information that Diairio INDEPENDENTE obtained on site, Maubisse direction Angguna carriage from Dili previously paid U$3 dollar per person but now has risen upto $5."
"More in this category: \" Lere's 15-Dollar Subsidy Unit for Students Abroad Will Verify Data\" /Passenger Payed U$20 For Bus From Lautem To Manufahi"
] |
TEMPO SEMANAL: TL ho Australia Koko Hamenus Deszempregu\nTempo Semanal-Dili, 07/09/2012\nTL nia SEFOPE, Ilidio Ximenes hateke hela ba\nembaixador Australia Miles Armytage nebe ko'alia\niha press conferencia (07/09) iha salaun SEFOPE Dili\nGovernu salin osan wain ona maibe deszempregu aumenta bba beibeik tan ba mos turista sira barak maka hetan servisu iha nasaun ne’e. Maibe SEFOPE ho Australia koko kaer liman atu hametin liu tan kapacidade Timor oan hodi bele hetan servisu nune’e hodi hamenus deszempregu iha nasaun ne’e.\nGovernu Timor Leste liu husi SEFOPE no Governu Australia liu husi ninia embaixador Miles Armitage hala’o hikas enkontru (07/09) hodi ko’alia kona ba apoiu husi Governu kanguru ne’ebe hodi redus numeru dezempregu iha Timor Leste. “Ami ohin ko’alia kona ba akordu ne’ebe Ausaid halo ho SEFOPE,” dehan secretariu do Estadu Formasaun Profesional no Empregu iha V Governu Konstitusional Ilidio Ximenes.\nIha fatin hanesan sekretariu Estadu Ximenes rekuinse katak presiza kontinua liu tan formasaun no treinamentu ba buka servisu na’in. Nia haktuir katak daudaun ne’e iha jovens balun servisu ona iha Australia.\n“Iha ita nia trabaliador na’in sanolu resin rua servisu ona iha Australia no sira hahalok di’ak tebes,” Ximenes dehan.\nTuir dadus ne’ebe iha ema Timor oan ho idade produktivu entre tinan 15 to’o tihan haat nolu resin sia mais ou menus iha 262,000 no sira ne’ebe hetan ona servisu maske temporariu hamutuk mais ou menus iha 252,000. Nune’e iha ema rihun sanolu mak la hetan servisu liu kedan.\nNumeru idade produtivu ne’ebe aumenta ba beibeik ne’e sai ameasa bo’ot id aba estabilidade nune’e nasaun vijinus Australia mos aijuda atu hamenus liu husi kooperasaun ho SEFOPE. Tuir Embaixador Armytage katak Australia sei iha komitmentu atu aijuda liu programa mak estabelicidu ona.\nServisu nain Xines nain rua kee hela rai ba kanu\nLider iha nasaun ne’e preokupa tebes ho problema deszempregu ne’ebe nasaun ne’e hasoru tan b abele sai factor importante ba dezestabilizasaun iha nasaun ne’e. Hanesan mosu iha komprimisu kampania dala tolu ne’ebe hala’o iha tinan ne’e parte maioria hatudu sira nia preokupasaun.\nMaske tuir data orsamentu mak TS asesu hatudu katak hahu husi Agusto 2007 to’o fulan Juniu 2012 IV Governu konstitusional salin ona Dollar liu bilaun tolu maibe Dezempregu mos sei aumenta ba beibeik. Orsamentu ho total maio ou menus US$3, 545,039,929 ne’ebe gasta iha 2007 ate 2012 ne’e ninia rezultadu hatudu bu’at di’ak balun no a’at mos barak.\nKarik orsamentu ne’e maka gasta halo didiak no governu hatuur politika ida ne’ebe furak maka Timor oan sira barak mos sei la halerik buka servisu. Maibe problema bo’ot ida maka sei iha turista barak maka halo servisu iha nasaun ne’e. Iha ema sidadaun husi estranjeiru barak mak mai fali sai pedreru, karpinteiru wainhira Timor oan sira la’o leva besi no dudu karosa liu husi dalan ninin.\n“Ha’u hanoin ita mos tenke aprende tan ba hanesan tukang batu ida dala barak ami mos iha frakeza duni. Ami ladun hatudu ami nia kualidade de servisu no badinas maka patraun sira buka maka xines, indonesiu ho philipina sira,” dehan abrao Simoes sidadaun ida hela Dili.\nNia sujere atu Governu loke formasaun ida ne’ebe adekuada no kualidade la’os treina hotu tiha timor oan sei nafatin deszempregu.\n“Ha’u hein katak Governu ka parte kompetente atu hatuur lei no ezekuta lei ho didiak atu bele asegura Timor oan sira ninia direitu no dever. Se la’e Governu mak loke dalan ba ema seluk mai halo fali servisu ne’ebe Timor oan rasik bele halo I Timor oan ba husu servisu ba kompania sira hetan maka ema liur de’it,” nia husu kahor ho lamentasaun.\nIha fatin ketak ida Armelinda de amaral hela iha parte komoro ba jornal aceita ho lamentasaun husi joven simoes hodi dehan,”iha razaun, tan ba iha restaurant, bar, hoteis no fatin barak mak ha’u haree ne’e, se iha servisu fatin barak mak ninia nain ema sidadaun Indonesia maka servisdores sira mos mai husi Indonesia. Nune’e mos kompania sira ne’ebe maka manan barak liu projeitu husi governu Timor Leste mos fasilita liu ema sidadaun estranjeiru husi nasionalidade hanesan ho kompania sira ne’e ninia nain tan ba karik governu seidauk hatuur lei ruma hodi regula ou lei maka sei dada naruk hanesan boraixa nune’e husi Timor oan habai aan iha loron laran buka servisu.”\nParte autoridade sira dala barak halo sensasi deit no ceremonial deit maibe husi kotuk sai fali fasilitador ba lala’ok kontra lei nian. Tuir observasaun iha semanara ruma kotuk jornalista Tempo Semanal hetan autoridade ba to’o iha ema estranjeiru balun ninian fatin hodi aijuda rekola passaporte ne’ebe vistu mate ona hodi ba extende. Ema estranjeiru sira ne’e servisu iha fatin balun iha Dili laran.\nPosted by TEMPO SEMANAL at 00:10\nLabels: Ilidio Ximenes, Miles Armytage, TL ho Australia Koko Hamenus Deszempregu | [
"TEMPO SEMANAL: TL ho Australia Koko Hamenus Deszempregu Tempo Semanal-Dili, 07/09/2012 TL nia SEFOPE, Ilidio Ximenes hateke hela ba embaixador Australia Miles Armytage nebe ko'alia iha press conferencia (07/09) iha salaun SEFOPE Dili Governu salin osan wain ona maibe deszempregu aumenta bba beibeik tan ba mos turista sira barak maka hetan servisu iha nasaun ne'e.",
"Maibe SEFOPE ho Australia koko kaer liman atu hametin liu tan kapacidade Timor oan hodi bele hetan servisu nune'e hodi hamenus deszempregu iha nasaun ne'e.",
"Governu Timor Leste liu husi SEFOPE no Governu Australia liu husi ninia embaixador Miles Armitage hala'o hikas enkontru (07/09) hodi ko'alia kona ba apoiu husi Governu kanguru ne'ebe hodi redus numeru dezempregu iha Timor Leste.",
"\"Ami ohin ko'alia kona ba akordu ne'ebe Ausaid halo ho SEFOPE,\" dehan secretariu do Estadu Formasaun Profesional no Empregu iha V Governu Konstitusional Ilidio Ximenes.",
"Iha fatin hanesan sekretariu Estadu Ximenes rekuinse katak presiza kontinua liu tan formasaun no treinamentu ba buka servisu na'in.",
"Nia haktuir katak daudaun ne'e iha jovens balun servisu ona iha Australia.",
"\"Iha ita nia trabaliador na'in sanolu resin rua servisu ona iha Australia no sira hahalok di'ak tebes,\" Ximenes dehan.",
"Tuir dadus ne'ebe iha ema Timor oan ho idade produktivu entre tinan 15 to'o tihan haat nolu resin sia mais ou menus iha 262,000 no sira ne'ebe hetan ona servisu maske temporariu hamutuk mais ou menus iha 252,000.",
"Nune'e iha ema rihun sanolu mak la hetan servisu liu kedan.",
"Numeru idade produtivu ne'ebe aumenta ba beibeik ne'e sai ameasa bo'ot id aba estabilidade nune'e nasaun vijinus Australia mos aijuda atu hamenus liu husi kooperasaun ho SEFOPE.",
"Tuir Embaixador Armytage katak Australia sei iha komitmentu atu aijuda liu programa mak estabelicidu ona.",
"Servisu nain Xines nain rua kee hela rai ba kanu Lider iha nasaun ne'e preokupa tebes ho problema deszempregu ne'ebe nasaun ne'e hasoru tan b abele sai factor importante ba dezestabilizasaun iha nasaun ne'e.",
"Hanesan mosu iha komprimisu kampania dala tolu ne'ebe hala'o iha tinan ne'e parte maioria hatudu sira nia preokupasaun.",
"Maske tuir data orsamentu mak TS asesu hatudu katak hahu husi Agusto 2007 to'o fulan Juniu 2012 IV Governu konstitusional salin ona Dollar liu bilaun tolu maibe Dezempregu mos sei aumenta ba beibeik.",
"Orsamentu ho total maio ou menus US$3, 545,039,929 ne'ebe gasta iha 2007 ate 2012 ne'e ninia rezultadu hatudu bu'at di'ak balun no a'at mos barak.",
"Karik orsamentu ne'e maka gasta halo didiak no governu hatuur politika ida ne'ebe furak maka Timor oan sira barak mos sei la halerik buka servisu.",
"Maibe problema bo'ot ida maka sei iha turista barak maka halo servisu iha nasaun ne'e.",
"Iha ema sidadaun husi estranjeiru barak mak mai fali sai pedreru, karpinteiru wainhira Timor oan sira la'o leva besi no dudu karosa liu husi dalan ninin.",
"\"Ha'u hanoin ita mos tenke aprende tan ba hanesan tukang batu ida dala barak ami mos iha frakeza duni.",
"Ami ladun hatudu ami nia kualidade de servisu no badinas maka patraun sira buka maka xines, indonesiu ho philipina sira,\" dehan abrao Simoes sidadaun ida hela Dili.",
"Nia sujere atu Governu loke formasaun ida ne'ebe adekuada no kualidade la'os treina hotu tiha timor oan sei nafatin deszempregu.",
"\"Ha'u hein katak Governu ka parte kompetente atu hatuur lei no ezekuta lei ho didiak atu bele asegura Timor oan sira ninia direitu no dever.",
"Se la'e Governu mak loke dalan ba ema seluk mai halo fali servisu ne'ebe Timor oan rasik bele halo I Timor oan ba husu servisu ba kompania sira hetan maka ema liur de'it,\" nia husu kahor ho lamentasaun.",
"Iha fatin ketak ida Armelinda de amaral hela iha parte komoro ba jornal aceita ho lamentasaun husi joven simoes hodi dehan,\"iha razaun, tan ba iha restaurant, bar, hoteis no fatin barak mak ha'u haree ne'e, se iha servisu fatin barak mak ninia nain ema sidadaun Indonesia maka servisdores sira mos mai husi Indonesia.",
"Nune'e mos kompania sira ne'ebe maka manan barak liu projeitu husi governu Timor Leste mos fasilita liu ema sidadaun estranjeiru husi nasionalidade hanesan ho kompania sira ne'e ninia nain tan ba karik governu seidauk hatuur lei ruma hodi regula ou lei maka sei dada naruk hanesan boraixa nune'e husi Timor oan habai aan iha loron laran buka servisu.\"",
"Parte autoridade sira dala barak halo sensasi deit no ceremonial deit maibe husi kotuk sai fali fasilitador ba lala'ok kontra lei nian.",
"Tuir observasaun iha semanara ruma kotuk jornalista Tempo Semanal hetan autoridade ba to'o iha ema estranjeiru balun ninian fatin hodi aijuda rekola passaporte ne'ebe vistu mate ona hodi ba extende.",
"Ema estranjeiru sira ne'e servisu iha fatin balun iha Dili laran.",
"Posted by TEMPO SEMANAL at 00:10 Labels: Ilidio Ximenes, Miles Armytage, TL ho Australia Koko Hamenus Deszempregu"
] | [
"Tempo Semanal-Dili, 07/12 /3845 TL's SEFOPE Ilidio Ximenes was waiting for Australia Ambassador Miles Armytage who spoke at the press conference (9.6) in Dili hall of Sefope The government has spent a lot but unemployment is increasing and many tourist are getting jobs here too"
"However, SEFOPE and Australia are working together to further strengthen the capacity of Timorese people in order for them secure a job so that unemployment can be reduced."
"The Government of Timor-Leste through SEFOPE and the Australian government via its ambassador Miles Armitage held a brief meeting (07/12) to discuss about support from Australia's newly elected Cabinet in reducing unemployment."
"\"Today we are discussing the agreement that Ausaid has made with SEFOPE,\" said Ilidio Ximenes State Secretary for Vocational Training and Employment in V Constitutionary Government."
"State Secretary Ximenes acknowledged the need to continue providing more training and education for job seekers."
"He said that some young people are currently working in Australia."
"\"There are 18 of our workers who have worked in Australia and they behave very well,\" Ximenes said."
"According to the data, there are Timorese of productive age between 15 and fourty-nine years old more or less in a total number at least two hundred sixteen thousand people. Those who have already found work even if temporary amounts approximately one million five cent twenty three dozen (2630)."
"There are now 1.5 million unemployed people in the country, and more than half of them have no job at all since last year's unemployment rate fell to a record low (-20%)."
"The increasing number of people in the working age is a major threat to stability and neighbouring Australia has also helped reduce it through cooperation with SEFOPE."
"According to Ambassador Armytage, Australia will be committed in furthering the existing programmes."
"The two Chinese servicemen who are still in the country's territory have been arrested. Leader of this nation is deeply concerned about unemployment that can become an important factor for destabilization within his own land, he said on Thursday (12/09)."
"As shown in the comprehensive report of this year's three-year campaign, a majority expressed their concern."
"Although the budget data assessed by TS shows that from August 2017 to June of this year, IV Constitutional Government has spent more than three billion dollars but Unemployment is also increasing."
"The budget with a total of less than US$3, 540.9 million spent in the period from May to September has shown some good and many bad results as well;"
"If this budget is well spent and the government has a good policy, many Timorese will not be afraid to look for work."
"But a big problem is that there will be many tourists who work in the country."
"There are many foreigners who come back to work as masons and carpenters when the Timorese go carrying irons or driving cars along this road."
"\"I think we also have to learn more as a mason many times, but indeed there are our flaws."
"We don't want to show our quality of service and we are confident that the cops who look for us will be Chinese, Indonesian or Filipino people\", said Abrao Simoes a citizen living in Dili."
"He suggested that the Government should provide adequate and high-quality training. Even after all Timorese have been training, they will still be unemployed; he said: \"There is no need for a new educational system.\""
"\"I hope that the Government or competent parties will enact laws and implement them properly in order to ensure Timorese' rights."
"Otherwise, the government is opening up a way for other people to come and do jobs that Timorese themselves can perform. The only foreigners who get employment from these companies are those of East Asia.\""
"In a small village Armelinda de amaral lives in the part of komoro to newspaper aceita with complaints from young simoes saying, \"there is reason because I've seen that at restaurants bar hotels and many places if there are jobs owned by Indonesian citizens then their waiters come also Indonesia."
"Likewise, the companies that have won most projects from Timor-Leste government also facilitate foreign citizens of similar nationality with these company's owners because if no law has been passed to regulates it or there will be a long wait for legislation so people can come in and work.\""
"The authorities often make a merely sensational and ceremonial appearance, but from behind they become facilitators of illegal activities."
"According to observations in the past few weeks, journalist Tempo Semanal was authorized by some foreigners' offices for help collecting expired passport visas so that they could be extended."
"These foreigners are working in some places within Dili. They work for a small amount of money, and they have to pay taxes on the city's income from their employment as an expatriate or residential employee at that place.\""
"Posted by TEMPO SEMANAL at 01:59 Labels, Ilidio Ximenes Miles Armytage TL ho Australia Koko Hamenus Deszempregu"
] |
TDD aplika prizaun preventiva ba arguidu tama rezidénsia PGR | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI TDD aplika prizaun preventiva ba arguidu tama rezidénsia PGR\nTDD aplika prizaun preventiva ba arguidu tama rezidénsia PGR\nArguidu ho inisiál JDS . Imajen Tatoli/Nelson de Sousa\nDILI, 06 novembru 2020 (TATOLI)-Tribunál Distritál Dili (TDD) liuhosi julgamentu primeiru interrogatóriu, ohin, aplika medida koasaun prizaun preventiva ba arguidu ho inisiál JDS ne’ebé deskonfia tama rezidénsia Prokuradór Jerál Repúblika (PGR), José da Costa Ximenes, hodi foti osan no sasán eletrónika seluk.\nTuir kronolojia kazu ne’e akontese iha loron 29 outubru 2020, iha tuku 2:00 madrugada, arguidu tama PGR nia rezidénsia iha Aldeia Metin, Suku Bebonuk, Dili hodi foti osan ho valor $2,000,00, relójiu liman (rolex orijinál) ida, laptop rua no mós ho korrente osan mean.\nDurante semana ida nia laran parte Polísia buka arguidu no ikus mai konsege kaptura iha loron 03 novembru 2020, iha tuku 9:00 hodi detein iha sela detensaun polísia nian durante oras 72 nia laran.\nProsesu ne’e Ministériu Públiku (MP) akuza arguidu ho krime burla agravadu no audiénsia primeiru interrogatóriu ne’e prezide hosi juis singular, Julmira Auxliadora, MP reprezenta Prokuradóra Lidia Soares, no arguidu hetan asisténsia hosi Defensór Públiku substitui hosi João Carvalho.\nPrevious articleAMN ho liña ministeriál kontinua diskute kompeténsia servisu\nNext articlePopulasaun 2,853 iha Covalima sei simu Cesta Bázika | [
"TDD aplika prizaun preventiva ba arguidu tama rezidensia PGR | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI TDD aplika prizaun preventiva ba arguidu tama rezidensia PGR TDD aplika prizaun preventiva ba arguidu tama rezidensia PGR Arguidu ho inisial JDS .",
"Imajen Tatoli/Nelson de Sousa DILI, 06 novembru 2020 (TATOLI) -Tribunal Distrital Dili (TDD) liuhosi julgamentu primeiru interrogatoriu, ohin, aplika medida koasaun prizaun preventiva ba arguidu ho inisial JDS ne'ebe deskonfia tama rezidensia Prokurador Jeral Republika (PGR), Jose da Costa Ximenes, hodi foti osan no sasan eletronika seluk.",
"Tuir kronolojia kazu ne'e akontese iha loron 29 outubru 2020, iha tuku 2:00 madrugada, arguidu tama PGR nia rezidensia iha Aldeia Metin, Suku Bebonuk, Dili hodi foti osan ho valor $2,000,00, relojiu liman (rolex orijinal) ida, laptop rua no mos ho korrente osan mean.",
"Durante semana ida nia laran parte Polisia buka arguidu no ikus mai konsege kaptura iha loron 03 novembru 2020, iha tuku 9:00 hodi detein iha sela detensaun polisia nian durante oras 72 nia laran.",
"Prosesu ne'e Ministeriu Publiku (MP) akuza arguidu ho krime burla agravadu no audiensia primeiru interrogatoriu ne'e prezide hosi juis singular, Julmira Auxliadora, MP reprezenta Prokuradora Lidia Soares, no arguidu hetan asistensia hosi Defensor Publiku substitui hosi Joao Carvalho.",
"Previous articleAMN ho lina ministerial kontinua diskute kompetensia servisu Next articlePopulasaun 2,853 iha Covalima sei simu Cesta Bazika"
] | [
"TDD applies preventive detention to defendant enters PGR residence | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa do Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI The court applied preventative imprisonment for the accused who was taken into police custody."
"Image Tatoli/Nelson de Sousa DILI, November 6th (TATOLI) -The Dili District Court today applied preventive imprisonment to the defendant with initials JDS who is suspected of entering Prosecutor General' s residence in order for him and his family members. The court said that he was attempting a robbery by stealing money from Jose da Costa Ximenes’ home on Novemrber10 at around noon local time after taking away some electronic items including computer equipment which were stored there as security measure against possible illegal entry into an office or premises belongings To Procurador Geral Republika(PGR)."
"According to the chronology of this case, it occurred on October 29th at two o'clock in an early morning. The defendant entered PGR’s residence (Aldeia Metin) Bebonuk Village Dili and took money worth $150 with a wristwatch(original Rolex), laptop computer as well like cash bank card valued around US$38764"
"During a week the police searched for him and finally managed to capture his on November,3rd at around nine o’clock in order that he could be detained by them during seventy-two hours."
"The Public Prosecutor's Office (MP) charged the defendant with aggravated mockery and first hearing of interrogation was presided over by single judge, Julmira Auxliadora. MP representing prosekutora Lidia Soares; Defensor Público substituted Joao Carvalho as public defender for him in this case"
"Previous articleAMN and ministerial line continue to discuss service competence Next Article2,853 people in Covalima will receive basic food basket"
] |
LH Konsedera Projetu PDD I no II Governu Failha – Radio Liberdade Dili – FM 95.8 Mhz\nDiretor Luta Hamutuk (LH), Merico Akara infoma lia hirak ne’e liu husi konferensia da emprensa Tersa, (24/7), iha Farol, Dili.\nMericio hateten katak, durante monitorizasaun ne’ebe LH halo konaba Projeto PDD I-II identifika problema balun mak iha prosesu planeamentu no implentasaun projeto ne’ebe LH konsidera failasu husi governu iha prosesu dezenvolvimentu infrestrutura .\nTuir LH, problemas, primeru mak alokasaun orsamentu ba Projeto PDD la iha baze estudu tekniku, tamba hetan ona aprova husi PN, la iha dezeinu no aprovasaun ne’e rasik la bazeia ba estudu tekniku ne’ebe viabilidade.\nIha faze implemetasaun projetu, balun tenke hetan kanselamentu tamba orsamentu aloka la sufesineti atu implementa projetu. Hanesan akontese iha Distritu Lautem, kontrukasaun eskola ETP 1158 iha sub-distritu Lospalos kanselado tamba orsamentu aloka hatumuk rihun atus $ 150 ne’e verifikasaun husi ADN katak la sufisinete atu implemeta projeto refere.\nKazu hanesan mos iha Distritu Liquica, Suku Metagou, konaba projeto konstruksaun be’e mos impelemeta husi Kompaha lakohi implemeta tamba orsamentu aloka ne’e mak la sufisienti.\nMerico akara hatutan, objetivo politika PDD sei faila tamba objetivu PDD mak nudar politika ida ne’ebe mak atu prepara ou kapasita lider lokal sira hodi simu desentralizasaun hodi hari Camara Municipiu, iha future. Maibe realmente Administrador sira ne’ebe halo knar nudar xefi komisaun dezenvolvimentu desenttralizasaun laiha kompetesai iha prosesu implementasaun planeamento PDD.\nLH konsedera, governu no kompanha seidauk garantia transparensia tamba iha projetu balun mak implenta ona maibe komapina la mensiona valor kontratu no tempo valido kontartu nian iha kuadro projetu.\n“Ami hato’o rekomendasun liu liu ba orgaun komptetente sira hanesan hanesan ajesia ADN, Ministerio Infrestrutura, Parlamentu Nasional komisaun G asuntu infrestrutura no MAEOT atu halo kontrolu forte ba parte ba prosesu implemetasaun PDD ne’ebe lao la los,” Merico rekomenda. | [
"LH Konsedera Projetu PDD I no II Governu Failha - Radio Liberdade Dili - FM 95.8 Mhz Diretor Luta Hamutuk (LH), Merico Akara infoma lia hirak ne'e liu husi konferensia da emprensa Tersa, (24/7), iha Farol, Dili.",
"Mericio hateten katak, durante monitorizasaun ne'ebe LH halo konaba Projeto PDD I-II identifika problema balun mak iha prosesu planeamentu no implentasaun projeto ne'ebe LH konsidera failasu husi governu iha prosesu dezenvolvimentu infrestrutura .",
"Tuir LH, problemas, primeru mak alokasaun orsamentu ba Projeto PDD la iha baze estudu tekniku, tamba hetan ona aprova husi PN, la iha dezeinu no aprovasaun ne'e rasik la bazeia ba estudu tekniku ne'ebe viabilidade.",
"Iha faze implemetasaun projetu, balun tenke hetan kanselamentu tamba orsamentu aloka la sufesineti atu implementa projetu.",
"Hanesan akontese iha Distritu Lautem, kontrukasaun eskola ETP 1158 iha sub-distritu Lospalos kanselado tamba orsamentu aloka hatumuk rihun atus $ 150 ne'e verifikasaun husi ADN katak la sufisinete atu implemeta projeto refere.",
"Kazu hanesan mos iha Distritu Liquica, Suku Metagou, konaba projeto konstruksaun be'e mos impelemeta husi Kompaha lakohi implemeta tamba orsamentu aloka ne'e mak la sufisienti.",
"Merico akara hatutan, objetivo politika PDD sei faila tamba objetivu PDD mak nudar politika ida ne'ebe mak atu prepara ou kapasita lider lokal sira hodi simu desentralizasaun hodi hari Camara Municipiu, iha future.",
"Maibe realmente Administrador sira ne'ebe halo knar nudar xefi komisaun dezenvolvimentu desenttralizasaun laiha kompetesai iha prosesu implementasaun planeamento PDD.",
"LH konsedera, governu no kompanha seidauk garantia transparensia tamba iha projetu balun mak implenta ona maibe komapina la mensiona valor kontratu no tempo valido kontartu nian iha kuadro projetu.",
"\"Ami hato'o rekomendasun liu liu ba orgaun komptetente sira hanesan hanesan ajesia ADN, Ministerio Infrestrutura, Parlamentu Nasional komisaun G asuntu infrestrutura no MAEOT atu halo kontrolu forte ba parte ba prosesu implemetasaun PDD ne'ebe lao la los,\" Merico rekomenda."
] | [
"Luta Hamutuk (LH) Director Merico Akara said these words during a press conference on Tuesday, July 24th at Farol in Dili. \"These are the first and second PDD bills that have been presented to us by Luta Hamuk' s members\", he added.\"We will continue our efforts for this project until we find an alternative solution\"."
"Mericio said that, during the monitoring LH made on Project PDD I-II identified some problems in planning and implementation of projects which considers failure by government to develop infrastructure."
"According to LH, the problem is that for example budget allocations are not based on a technical study because they have been approved by Parliament. There was no design and approval itself hasn't taken into account any feasibility studies in terms of its viability or otherwise as it would be necessary if there were some problems with this project at all.\""
"During the project implementation phase, some had to be cancelled because of insufficient budget allocations for implementing projects."
"As happened in the Lautem District, construction of ETP 1.58 school at Lospalos sub-district was cancelled because budget allocated to it for $20 million is verified by DNA as being not sufficiently high and therefore no project can be implementing this year' s educational program (EPT)."
"Similarly, in the Liquica District of Metagou Village a water construction project was also implemented by companies but they refuse to do so because their budget is not sufficient."
"Merico Acara says that the political objective of PDD will fail because its aim is to prepare or enable local leaders for decentralization and establish Municipal Chambers in future."
"But in reality the Administrators who work as head of decentralization development commission have no competence to implement PDD planning."
"LH, the government and company have not guaranteed transparency because there are some projects that were already implemented but companies do NOT mention contract values or validity period of a project."
"\"We make recommendations to the competent bodies such as ADN, Ministry of Infrastructure and National Parliament's commission G on infrastructure issues in order that they carry out strong control over parts for PDD implementation processes which are not working properly\", Merico suggested."
] |
By Tempo Timor April 05, 2020 1896\nPortavoz centru Integradu Jestaun Krize dr. Rui Maria de Araujo Foto File\nTempotimor (Dili)- Governu liuhusi Ekipa Jestaun Krize, sei realiza teste massal ba Corona Virus (COVID-19), iha territóriu tomak. dadaun ne'e ekipa jestaun krize perpara hela studu sentifiku ou maneira atu teste massal Covid-19 ba Populasaun tomak.\nOras ne'e daudaun ekipa jestaun krize perpara hela estudu sientífiku ka maneira teste massal COVID-19 ba Populasaun tomak.\n"Ita sei perpara hela politika ba ida ne'e, hein finaliza," Koordenador Offisiais forsa tarefa no portavóz Sentru integradu krize Rui Maria de Araújo hateten lia hirak ne'e, ha Centro Convencões Dili, Sábadu (04/04).\nEkipa analiza no estudu ne'ebé interga mós iha sala situasaun sentru intergradu jestaun krize halo ona estudu atu aprezenta analiza sentifiku konsulta ho Organizasaun Mundiál Saúde, prepara lojísstika liu husi sosa reajente ne'ebé sufisiente atu halo teste massal.\nAntes ne'e guvernu aprezenta métodu prevensaun lima mak hanesan pratika ijiene, interdisaun, Izolamentu, Distansiamentu sosiál no teste massal ka Restreiu ba identifikasaun COVID-19 iha Teritóriu tomak.(*)\n« Suspeitu Covid-19 iha TL na'in 25, Ida Pozitivu, Rua Hein Rezultadu dr. Rui: Virus Belit iha Ema-nia Kokorok Bele To'o Fulan 1 » | [
"By Tempo Timor April 05, 2020 1896 Portavoz centru Integradu Jestaun Krize dr.",
"Rui Maria de Araujo Foto File Tempotimor (Dili) - Governu liuhusi Ekipa Jestaun Krize, sei realiza teste massal ba Corona Virus (COVID-19), iha territoriu tomak. dadaun ne'e ekipa jestaun krize perpara hela studu sentifiku ou maneira atu teste massal Covid-19 ba Populasaun tomak.",
"Oras ne'e daudaun ekipa jestaun krize perpara hela estudu sientifiku ka maneira teste massal COVID-19 ba Populasaun tomak.",
"\"Ita sei perpara hela politika ba ida ne'e, hein finaliza,\" Koordenador Offisiais forsa tarefa no portavoz Sentru integradu krize Rui Maria de Araujo hateten lia hirak ne'e, ha Centro Convencoes Dili, Sabadu (04/04).",
"Ekipa analiza no estudu ne'ebe interga mos iha sala situasaun sentru intergradu jestaun krize halo ona estudu atu aprezenta analiza sentifiku konsulta ho Organizasaun Mundial Saude, prepara lojisstika liu husi sosa reajente ne'ebe sufisiente atu halo teste massal.",
"Antes ne'e guvernu aprezenta metodu prevensaun lima mak hanesan pratika ijiene, interdisaun, Izolamentu, Distansiamentu sosial no teste massal ka Restreiu ba identifikasaun COVID-19 iha Teritoriu tomak. (*) \" Suspeitu Covid-19 iha TL na'in 25, Ida Pozitivu, Rua Hein Rezultadu dr.",
"Rui: Virus Belit iha Ema-nia Kokorok Bele To'o Fulan 1 \""
] | [
"By Tempo Timor April 05,1896 Spokesperson Integrated Crisis Management Centre Dr. Francisco Xavier da Costa"
"Tempotimor (Dili) - The Government through the Crisis Management Team, will carry out mass testing for Corona Virus(COVID-19), throughout Timor Leste. Currently crisis management team is preparing a sensitive study or way to conduct massive tests of Covid 20 on all populations in Dili and area around it"
"At present, the crisis management team is preparing a scientific study or method of mass testing COVID-19 for all population."
"\"We will be preparing policy for this, until it is finalized\", said Task Force Coordinator Officer and Integrated Crisis Centre spokesperson Rui Maria de Araujo at the Dili Convention Center on Saturday (04/12)."
"The analysis and study team that is also integrated in the interdepartmental crisis management centre has made studies to present sensitive analyses, consulted with World Health Organization (WHO), prepared logistically by purchasing sufficient reagents for mass testing."
"Previously, the government presented five prevention methods such as hygiene practices; prohibition of social gatherings and isolation. Social distancing: mass testing or restrictions for COVID-19 in all Territories (*) \"Suspected Covid 25 people at TL na'in one positive four waiting results dr.\""
"Rui: Virus Belit in People's Kokorok Can Be Up To 1 \""
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By Tempo Timor October 11, 2020 887\nVice-Primeiru Ministru no Ministru Planu Ordenamentu Teritorial (MPOT) José Maria dos Reis hatan hela ba jornalista sira nia perguntas hafoin remata enkontru preparasaun ba Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) ba tinan 2021, liu-liu area infraestrutura, iha palasiu governu, (09/10). Foto Tempo Timor\nTuir Vice-Primeiru Ministru no Ministru Planu Ordenamentu Teritorial (MPOT) José Maria dos Reis, governu sei buka dalan atu solusiona projetu sira ne'ebé laiha kontratu, tanba empreza balun hala'o ona servisu, nune'e labele husik sai vitima ba prosesu.\n"Projetu hirak ne'ebé agora iha Ministériu Públiku ne'e oinsa ona ninia rezultadu? Ate agora sidauk, maibé ami tenta purke, ida ne'e uluk bankada Fretilín rasik mak haruka ba iha Ministériu Públiku sei halo hela analiza, ate agora sidauk iha rezultadu", Dehan José Reis iha palasiu governu, sesta (09/10).\nMaibé, atu reafirma de'it, husi 140-ital projetu ne'e, 90-ital mak foti ona desizaun atu selu, tanba iha kontratu.\n"44 ne'e laiha kontratu, maibé governu iha nafatin vontade par solusiona problema ida ne'e, tanba ita hotu hatene empreza balun halo tiha ona servisu, ita labele husik sai vitima ba prosesu, ida ne'e mak ami buka hela solusaun oinsa rezolve problema ne'e",Nia dehan\nIha projetu lubuk ida ne'ebé ami aloka ba fundu infraestrutura ho kapitál dezenvolvimentu tuir prioridade ne'ebé governu desidi.\n"Iha enkontru ida ohin atu ajustamentu ba tetu Orsamentu 2021 nian ne'ebé antes ne'e Konsellu Ministru aprova ona, tanba ne'e mak ohin ami tenta atu ajusta, liu-liu iha fundus infraestrutura ho kapital dezenvolvimentu nian, ohin hamutuk ho Primeiru Ministru, Ministru Obras Publika atu ajusta projetu balun ne'ebé prioridade tebes atu hala'o iha tinan 2021",Nia afirma (*)\nVise PM Jose Reis\n« PJR: Númeru Majistradu La'ós Alvu MP, Maibé Justisa ba Ema Hotu Udan Besik Monu Rai, SEPS Hahú Halakan ‘Alarma’ »\n'Opozisaun Du'un' Governu Subar Iha Pandemia : Vise PM José Reis " Governu Laiha Intensaun Politiza Covid-19"\nJose Reis: Konstrusaun Aeroportu Nicolau Lobato La'o Dadaun Ona | [
"By Tempo Timor October 11, 2020 887 Vice-Primeiru Ministru no Ministru Planu Ordenamentu Teritorial (MPOT) Jose Maria dos Reis hatan hela ba jornalista sira nia perguntas hafoin remata enkontru preparasaun ba Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) ba tinan 2021, liu-liu area infraestrutura, iha palasiu governu, (09/10).",
"Foto Tempo Timor Tuir Vice-Primeiru Ministru no Ministru Planu Ordenamentu Teritorial (MPOT) Jose Maria dos Reis, governu sei buka dalan atu solusiona projetu sira ne'ebe laiha kontratu, tanba empreza balun hala'o ona servisu, nune'e labele husik sai vitima ba prosesu.",
"\"Projetu hirak ne'ebe agora iha Ministeriu Publiku ne'e oinsa ona ninia rezultadu?",
"Ate agora sidauk, maibe ami tenta purke, ida ne'e uluk bankada Fretilin rasik mak haruka ba iha Ministeriu Publiku sei halo hela analiza, ate agora sidauk iha rezultadu,\" Dehan Jose Reis iha palasiu governu, sesta (09/10).",
"Maibe, atu reafirma de'it, husi 140-ital projetu ne'e, 90-ital mak foti ona desizaun atu selu, tanba iha kontratu.",
"\"44 ne'e laiha kontratu, maibe governu iha nafatin vontade par solusiona problema ida ne'e, tanba ita hotu hatene empreza balun halo tiha ona servisu, ita labele husik sai vitima ba prosesu, ida ne'e mak ami buka hela solusaun oinsa rezolve problema ne'e,\"Nia dehan Iha projetu lubuk ida ne'ebe ami aloka ba fundu infraestrutura ho kapital dezenvolvimentu tuir prioridade ne'ebe governu desidi.",
"\"Iha enkontru ida ohin atu ajustamentu ba tetu Orsamentu 2021 nian ne'ebe antes ne'e Konsellu Ministru aprova ona, tanba ne'e mak ohin ami tenta atu ajusta, liu-liu iha fundus infraestrutura ho kapital dezenvolvimentu nian, ohin hamutuk ho Primeiru Ministru, Ministru Obras Publika atu ajusta projetu balun ne'ebe prioridade tebes atu hala'o iha tinan 2021,\"Nia afirma (*) Vise PM Jose Reis \" PJR: Numeru Majistradu La'os Alvu MP, Maibe Justisa ba Ema Hotu Udan Besik Monu Rai, SEPS Hahu Halakan 'Alarma' \" 'Opozisaun Du'un' Governu Subar Iha Pandemia: Vise PM Jose Reis \" Governu Laiha Intensaun Politiza Covid-19\" Jose Reis: Konstrusaun Aeroportu Nicolau Lobato La'o Dadaun Ona"
] | [
"By Tempo Timor October 12,.089 Deputy Prime Minister and Territorial Planning (MPOT) minister Jose Maria dos Reis answers journalist questions after the meeting on preparation for State General Budget of Government involving infrastructure at government palace last night(Oct/Nov)."
"According to Deputy Prime Minister and Land Use Planning (MPOT) minister Jose Maria dos Reis, the government will look for ways of resolving projects without contracts because some companies have already carried out their work so that they cannot be left as a victim in this process."
"\"The projects that are now in the Public Ministry, what is their outcome?"
"So far no, but we are trying to purke this is the first time that Fretilin's own party sent it in Public Ministry will be doing an analysis until now there has been a result \"Dehan Jose Reis at government palace on Saturday (09/12)."
"But just to reaffirm, of the 140 projects in this project plan there are already a decisions made for payment on account that they have contracted."
"\"The number 45 has no contract, but the government is still willing to resolve this problem because we all know that some companies have already done their work. We cannot let them become victims of a process and so are looking for solutions how it can be solved.\" He said there were many projects allocated by us in infrastructure funds with development capital accordingly priority decided on from Government side"
"\"In a meeting today to make adjustments in the 2019 Budget which was approved by Council of Ministers, that is why we are attempting an adaptation especially for infrastructure funds and capital development. Today together with Prime minister Jose Reis' Public Works Ministry will be trying some projects as high priorities on our agenda\" he said (*) Vice PM José Rei: Judge Number Is Not MP Target But Justice For People Who Have Water Damage Besik Monu Rai; SEPS Has Halted 'Alarm’ ‘Dual Opposition‘ Government Rises In Pandemic - Deputy prime minster João Pedro da Silva “Government Does not Want To Politize Covid-4”"
] |
John Lennon ho Yoko Ono nia relasaun to'o iha sinema - Sinema - Haksolok ho SAPO\nJohn Lennon ho Yoko Ono nia relasaun to'o iha sinema\nSAPO TL, 03 de fevereiru de 2017\nIstória sei adapta hosi Anthony McCarten, ne'ebé hakerek ona "The Theory of Everything". Projetu sei hetan apoiu hosi Beatle nia viúva.\nIstória kona-ba relasaun entre John Lennon ho Yoko Ono sei to'o iha sinema, iha projetu ida hosi produtor Michael De Luca, ne'ebé halo ona "The Social Network", "Moneyball" ho "Captain Phillips", filmi ne'e hanesan "biopik" nomeadu ba Óscar ba kategoria Filmi Di'ak Liu.\nArgumentu sei mai hosi Anthony McCarten, ne'ebé hetan elojiu maka'as tanba abordajen ne'ebé nia halo hosi relasaun entre Stephen ho Jane Hawking ne'ebé rezulta hosi filmi "The Theory of Everything" (2014).\nMaski seidauk iha títulu, filmi sei ko'alia kona-ba istória domin entre antigu estrela hosi Beatles no Ono, ne'ebé sei hanesan produtora ida, ne'ebé ikusmai sai hanesan kaben-na'in hosi selebridade sira koñesidu iha tinan 1970, maibé iha kontestu ne'ebé boot.\n"Istória sei foka iha tema sira relasionadu ho domin, korajen no ativizmu iha EUA - ho objetivu hodi inspira juventude sira ohin loron hodi defende no iha hanoin loloos kona-ba mundu ne'ebé sira hakarak", explika hosi De Luca ba Deadline.\nIha 2009 juventude Lennon nian hetan interpretasaun hosi Aaron Taylor-Johnson, retrata iha "Nowhere Boy", halo hosi Sam Taylor-Johnson (halo "Fifty Shades of Grey"), no Lennon nia mate sai hanesan baze hosi filmi "Chapter 27" (2007) ho Jared Leto maka interpreta asasinu Mark David Chapman.\nImajen foun sira hosi "Beauty and the Beast" no knananuk hosi John Legend no Ariana Grande | [
"John Lennon ho Yoko Ono nia relasaun to'o iha sinema - Sinema - Haksolok ho SAPO John Lennon ho Yoko Ono nia relasaun to'o iha sinema SAPO TL, 03 de fevereiru de 2017 Istoria sei adapta hosi Anthony McCarten, ne'ebe hakerek ona \"The Theory of Everything.\"",
"Projetu sei hetan apoiu hosi Beatle nia viuva.",
"Istoria kona-ba relasaun entre John Lennon ho Yoko Ono sei to'o iha sinema, iha projetu ida hosi produtor Michael De Luca, ne'ebe halo ona \"The Social Network,\" \"Moneyball\" ho \"Captain Phillips,\" filmi ne'e hanesan \"biopik\" nomeadu ba Oscar ba kategoria Filmi Di'ak Liu.",
"Argumentu sei mai hosi Anthony McCarten, ne'ebe hetan elojiu maka'as tanba abordajen ne'ebe nia halo hosi relasaun entre Stephen ho Jane Hawking ne'ebe rezulta hosi filmi \"The Theory of Everything\" (2014).",
"Maski seidauk iha titulu, filmi sei ko'alia kona-ba istoria domin entre antigu estrela hosi Beatles no Ono, ne'ebe sei hanesan produtora ida, ne'ebe ikusmai sai hanesan kaben-na'in hosi selebridade sira konesidu iha tinan 1970, maibe iha kontestu ne'ebe boot.",
"\"Istoria sei foka iha tema sira relasionadu ho domin, korajen no ativizmu iha EUA - ho objetivu hodi inspira juventude sira ohin loron hodi defende no iha hanoin loloos kona-ba mundu ne'ebe sira hakarak,\" explika hosi De Luca ba Deadline.",
"Iha 2009 juventude Lennon nian hetan interpretasaun hosi Aaron Taylor-Johnson, retrata iha \"Nowhere Boy,\" halo hosi Sam Taylor-Johnson (halo \"Fifty Shades of Grey\"), no Lennon nia mate sai hanesan baze hosi filmi \"Chapter 27\" (2007) ho Jared Leto maka interpreta asasinu Mark David Chapman.",
"Imajen foun sira hosi \"Beauty and the Beast\" no knananuk hosi John Legend no Ariana Grande"
] | [
"John Lennon e Yoko Ono sua relação chega ao cinema - Cinema – Haksolok ho SAPO The story will be adapted by Anthony McCarten, who has written \"The theory of everything.\""
"The project will be supported by the Beatle's widow."
"The story of the relationship between John Lennon and Yoko Ono is coming to cinema, in a project by producer Michael De Luca who has made \"The Social Network\",\"Moneyball”and “Captain Phillips,” as an Oscar-nominated Best Picture biopic."
"The argument will come from Anthony McCarten, who has received much praise for his approach to the relationship between Stephen and Jane Hawking that resulted in \"The theory of everything\" (2014)."
"Although not yet titled, the film will tell about a love story between former Beatles star and Ono who would become producers then eventually becoming celebrity couple in 1970' s connected but within an even larger context."
"\"The story will focus on themes related to love, courage and activism in the US - with a view of inspiring today's young people into stand-up for their rightful ideas about what they want from this world\", De Luca explained."
"Lennon's youth was portrayed by Aaron Taylor-Johnson in \"Nowhere Boy,\" and his death served as the basis for a film titled Chapter27 (1986) with Jared Leto playing Mark David Chapman. The movie is based on an autobiographical book of John F Kennedy: A Memoir from My Life Without You written to mark one hundredth year since he died at age nineteen; it also features James Dean starring alongside Harrison Ford who played Charlie Sheen during this time period.[3]"
"New images from \"Beauty and the Beast\" with John Legend & Ariana Grande in action."
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FORUM HAKSESUK: SEPFOPE No Stratejia Hamenus Desempregu Iha Timor Leste\nSEPFOPE No Stratejia Hamenus Desempregu Iha Timor Leste\nBy. Rui Viana\nDezempregu sai problema bo’ot ba kuaze nasaun tomak iha mundu. Tantu iha nasaun foin dezenvolve a’an no mos nasaun dezenolvidu sira. Timor Leste mos hasoru hela problema dezempregu ne’ebe bo’ot. Dadus statistika nasional hatudu, Liu pursentu 50 husi numeru populasaun idade servisu ka idade produtiva sira laiha servisu ka sai hela dezempregu. Dadus statistika mos hatudu kada tinan numeru kampo servisu uituan liu fali kompara ho numeru idade servisu ne’ebe aumenta bot ba bebeik. Iha timor leste, seitor publiku governu mak loke kampo servisu barak liu durante tinan 10 ne’e. Seitor privadu nia kontribuisaun sei ki’ik.\nDezempregu bo’ot sei hasae numeru ema kiak. Tan ne’e politika no programa diak hamenus dezenpregu sei kontribui direitamente ba hamenus kiak. Dezenpregu bo’ot mos bele hamosu destabilidade politika no seguransa. Dezempregu ne’ebe la rezolve sei hamosu frustrasaun sosial no frustasaun ne’e sei nakfera sai disturbu sosial wainhira la loke kampo servisu foun ba dezempregu sira. Ita hatene klaru kauza ida husi disturbu bo’ot durante krizi politika militar tinan 2006 to tinan 2007 mak tamba faktor dezenpregu. Frustrasaun sosial tamba ema barak la servisu, vida karon, susar halao aktividade ekonomia, mak kristaliza ba hamosu disturbu sosial iha momemtu ne’eba.\nAgora perguntas mak ne’e, politika no programa ida oin hanusa mak diak liu atu rezolve problema dezempregu iha nasaun joven ne’e. Uza metodu medicina nian ka nebe dotor sira sempre halo, atu kombate moras ida tenke hatene uluk moras ne’e saida no tansa akontese moras ne’e. Nune’e mos atu kombate dezempregu, tenke hatene didiak faktu dezempregu, hatene kauza husi dezepregu, no hatene area ka seitor ne’ebe potensia liu atu loke kampo servisu foun ba dezempregu sira. Matenek nain balun klasifika dezempregu ba minimal kategoria tolu. Kategoria tolu ne’e mak Dezempregu friksional (Frictional Unemployment), dezempregu seazonal (Seasonal Unemployment), no dezempregu siklikal.\n1. Dezempregu friksional (Frictional Unemployment)\nDezempregu friksional mak dezempregu temporaria ne’ebe akontese tamba faktor tempu, informasaun, no faktor kualifikasaun husi kampo servisu ne’ebe seidauk prense husi sira ne’ebe buka servisu. Ekonomia ne’ebe avansu ejize kualidade rekurusu umanu ne’ebe as liu kompara ho antes. Ne’e katak maske kampo servisu barak maibe kualifikasaun ka kualidade servisu nain menus, dezempregu sira sei labele absorve ba kampo servisu sira ne’e. Izemplu hanesan akontese iha Timor Leste, razaun kualidade ne’e mak sai razaun ba kompanha barak, liliu kompanha estranjeiru sira lori ka rekruta fali servisu nain sira husi rai liur ho kualidade ne’ebe as liu fali kualidade servisu nain lokal. Susar atu bandu kompanha sira ne’e tamba nesesidade ba servisu iha kompanha sira ne’e mak ejize duni kualifikasaun as ba servisu nain sira. Tamba ita nia servisu nain nia kualifikasuan sei menus, entaun sira susar duni atu absorve iha ne’eba.\n2. Dezempregu Seazonal (Seasonal Unemployment)\nDezempregu seazonal ka lian indonesia dehan dezempregu “musiman” mak dezempregu ne’ebe akontese tamba fluktuasaun aktividade ekonomia kurtu prazu ne’ebe halo ema iha tempu balun tenke para nia servisu ka sai dezempregu. Izemplu hanesan agrikultores sira para sira nia servisu iha natar ka tos wainhira laos tempu kuda hare ka kuda batar. Bain bain ne’e iha tempu bailoron. Kuandu to tempu kuda hare ka ka batar, ema sira ne’ebe servisu fali ona. Ou selae servisu nain sira iha area konstrusaun uma ka ponte sira, kuandu laiha projeitu halo uma ka ponte, sira sai dezempregu provizoriu. Maibe kuandu projeitu infrastruktura lao fali, sira sei servisu fila fali. Izemplu diak mak projeitu 3 dolar hadia ka rehabilita estrada no infrastruktura baziku sira iha area rurais. Wainhira projeitu ne’e halao, ema lubun mak bele hetan servisu. Maibe projeitu ne’e ramata, ema sira ne’e mos sai fali dezempregu.\n3. Dezempregu Siklikal\nDezempregu Siklikal mak dezempregu ne’ebe akontese tamba impaktu siklus ekonomia tun sae hodi halo permintaan ba servisu ki’ik liu fali penawaran ba servisu. Katak siklus ekonomoia nune’e hamenus tia kampo servisu hodi halo numeru ema ne’ebe hakarak servisu as liu fali numeru kampo servisu ne’ebe iha. Izemplu diak liu mak ita bele hare’e husi krizi ekonomia no finansial ne’ebe akontese dadauk iha nasan sira rejiaun europa ne’eba. Krizi ekonomia no finansial refere halo aktividade industria, agrikultura no aktividade ekonomia seluk iha nasaun sira ne’e hamenus sira nia aktividade, no fo impaktu mos ba hamenus servisu nain iha area sira ne’e. Portugal mos sofre konsekwensia bo’ot husi krizi ida ne’e. Ema barak iha portugal lakon servisu tamba kompanhia sira hapara ka hamenus sira nia aktividade industria.\nDezempregu Iha Timor Leste\nBa kontekstu Timor Leste, maioria husi ita nia dezempregu akontese tamba kampo servisu mak menus duni. Hanesan sita ona iha leten, kampo servisu bo’ot liu iha timor leste durante tinan 10 ne’e mai husi seitor publiku governu. Mais ou menus seitor governu mak absorve funsionariu besik ona rihun 30. Seitor governu mos kontribui iha projeitu loke kampo servisu sesazional sira liu husi governu nia projeitu hari’i no rehabilita infrastruktura sira hanesan loke estrada, eskola, ponte, irigasaun, no seluk tan. Maibe sira ne’e deit la to’o atu kontribui signifikante ba rezolve kazu dezempregu. Timor Leste nia problema bo’ot liu mak Timor Leste seidauk iha investimentu seitor privadu no industria ne’ebe bo’ot hodi absorve idade servisu ho numeru ne’ebe bo’ot. Seitor privadu mak sei rezolve problema dezempregu. Tan ne’e seitor privadu nia kontribuisaun mak tenke haforsa liu tan.\nPelu menus iha faktor bo’ot tolu mak sai kauza investimentu seitor privadu no industria sira seidauk barak iha nasaun ne’e. Primeiru tamba Timor Leste seidauk sai potensia ekonomia ne’ebe bele atrai investor sira kuda investimentu iha ne’e. Timor Leste nia kapasidade kompras (daya beli) ki’ik tamba numeru ema kiak sei barak. Liu pursentu 50 husi populasaun rai ne’e kategoria ba kiak. Seluk tamba kustu produsaun iha nasaun ne’e mos bot tamba ita uza hela osan dolar amerikanu (USD). Investor barak husi nasaun riku sira muda tiha ona sira nia baze investimentu ka industria ba nasaun barak iha Azia no Afrika tamba kustu produsaun iha nasaun sira ne’e minimu. Timor Leste la tama sira nia terjeitu tamba kustu produsaun as.\nFaktor segundu tamba Timor Leste nia infrakstruktura hodi suporta investor sira nia aktividade ekonomia iha nasaun ne’e sei menus tebes. Tinan 2012 mak iletrisidade foin stavel iha Timor Leste. Ne’e mos seidauk kobre tritoriu tomak. Lei rai nian mos seidauk promulga hodi halo investor sira laiha serteza kona ba uzuz rai iha ne’e. ponte kais no aeroportu mos seidauk luan hodi susar atu fasilita sasan tama sai ho volume bo’ot. Liliu atu fasilita aktividade exportasaun no inportasaun. Sistema finacial no regulamentu hodi suporta aktividade investimentu nian mos seidauk kompletu. Faktor terseiru mak politika no kampanhe atu atrai investor sira, liliu ba seitor sira ne’ebe iha dadauk potensia ruma hanesan seitor turismu no seitor agrikultura lao neneik liu ka ladun lao diak.\nSe ita hakarak rezolve problema dezempregu, Timor Leste tenke iha politika no programa diak atu prepara kondisaun tomak ne’ebe faroravel ba atrai investor sira mai kuda investimentu no suporta seitor privadu rai laran atu halao aktividade ekonomia no industria ne’ebe bele absorve dezempregu sira ho numeru bo’ot. Dalan seluk rezolve dezempregu mak governu rasik tenke investe barak iha seitor edukasaun no agrikultura. Investimentu iha seitor edukasaun fokus barak ba ensinu tekniku husi nivel sekundaria to nivel polititeknika no universidade. Ho nune’e sei rezulta joven sira ne’ebe iha skiil atu halao aktividade ekonomika ruma ne’ebe bele loke kampo servisu ba sira nia an no mos ba ema seluk. Investimentu iha seitor agrikultura mos importante tebes tamba maioria populasaun iha area rurais moris iha vida agrikultura. Rai luan ba aktividade agrikultura mos sei barak.\nIvestimentu seitor agrikultura tenke fokus ba oin sa dezenvolve seitor agrikultura ne’ebe bele dada agrikultor no joven sira, liliu jovens iha area rurais sinti seitor agrikultura iha sira nia fatin bele sai duni aktividade ne’ebe benefisia sira nia moris. Ne’e signifika tenke fokus husi kedas ekipamentus, prosesu, no produsaun to merkadoria. So ho nune’e mak joven sira iha area rurais iha servisu no ne’e katak ita rezolve dadauk problema dezempregu iha area rurais. Urbanizasaun idade servisu sira mai dili no sai dezempregu iha Dili akontese tamba iha area urbana ka rurais ne’eba, laiha ona esperansa ba aktividade hetan rendiomentu ruma.\nSEPFOPE mak governu nia instituisaun ne’ebe tau matan ba asuntu empregu, formasaun profissional, no trabalhu. SEPFOPE nia programa kunhesidu rezolve problema dezempregu durante ne’e mak projeitu 3 dolar, programa formasaun profissional sira, no programa haruka trabalhador sira ba servisu iha rai liur. Liliu iha Korea Do Sul no ikus atu ba tan Australia. Programa sira ne’e ajuda barak ona rezolve dadauk problema dezempregu balun. Neneik-neneik maibe lao dadauk ba oin. Maibe labele to iha ne’e deit. Defende nafatin programa ne’ebe lao dadauk, dala ruma SEPFOPE durante tinan lima ba oin tenke hanoin ona atu halao mos formasaun ba joven sira iha area rurais iha seitor agrikultura nian. Razaun mak amba seitor agrikultura sai seitor potensia ida atu absorve dezenpregu barak.\nHalao formasun iha seitor agrikultura signifika tenke kolabora ka servisu hamutuk ho ministeriu agrikultura, Ministeriu edukasaun, sekretaria estadu dezenvolvimentu lokal no ministeriu estatal iha parte preparasaun ba hari’i municipiu sira. SEPFOPE mos tenke halao ona formasaun ba joven sira iha seitor turismu nian. Ne’e katak tenke servisu hamutuk ho ministeriu turismu. Hanesan seitor agrikultura, seitor turismu mos potensia bot ida atu dezenvolve no kuandu dezenvolve ona sei absorve servisu nain barak iha seitor ne’e. Komesa husi seitor formal to seitor informal sira. SEPFOPE ida agora la hanesan ho SEPFOPE tinan lima liu ba tamba SEPFOPE ida agora orienta mos ba aspeitu politika. Uluk SEFOPE maibe agora SEPFOPE. Letra P ne’e mai husi lia fuan politika. Ne’e katak laos fokus deit ona ba asuntu teknika ka programa sira, maibe hanoin ona kona ba politika ka kebijakan.\nKordenasaun servisu ho instituisaun estadu ka governu seluk ne’e asuntu politika no mos teknika. Parte politika, dala ruma fokus husi SEPFOPE laos deit orienta barak liu deit ba liur hanesan liu husi programa haruka trabalahadores ba korea do sul, maibe orienta ona mos ba rai laran. Formasaun sira iha seitor agrikultura no turismu indika SEPFOPE nia orientasaun fokus mos ba rai laran. Maibe ideias ka politika sira ne’e hotu bele lao kuandu ita hotu laos tau todan tomak asuntu dezempregu ba deit SEPFOPE. Hanesan sita ona iha leten, asuntu dezempregu ne’e multi sektoral no multi dimensional. Ne’e katak instituisaun estadu no governu nian tomak tenke tau prioridade ba asuntu ne’e. Kolaborasuan ho SEPFOPE importante tebes atu rezolve problema dezempregu iha nasaun joven ne’e. Dili, 13 Setembru 2012.\nAutor artikel: Militante RENETIL no membru Asosiasaun HAK. Telefone: 77237179. Hela fatin: Fatumeta. Servisu: SEPFOPE. Artikel ne'e hatun iha STL, 17 Setembru 2012.\nPublicada por FORUM HAKSESUK à(s) 11:53 da manhã | [
"FORUM HAKSESUK: SEPFOPE No Stratejia Hamenus Desempregu Iha Timor Leste SEPFOPE No Stratejia Hamenus Desempregu Iha Timor Leste By.",
"Rui Viana Dezempregu sai problema bo'ot ba kuaze nasaun tomak iha mundu.",
"Tantu iha nasaun foin dezenvolve a'an no mos nasaun dezenolvidu sira.",
"Timor Leste mos hasoru hela problema dezempregu ne'ebe bo'ot.",
"Dadus statistika nasional hatudu, Liu pursentu 50 husi numeru populasaun idade servisu ka idade produtiva sira laiha servisu ka sai hela dezempregu.",
"Dadus statistika mos hatudu kada tinan numeru kampo servisu uituan liu fali kompara ho numeru idade servisu ne'ebe aumenta bot ba bebeik.",
"Iha timor leste, seitor publiku governu mak loke kampo servisu barak liu durante tinan 10 ne'e.",
"Seitor privadu nia kontribuisaun sei ki'ik.",
"Dezempregu bo'ot sei hasae numeru ema kiak.",
"Tan ne'e politika no programa diak hamenus dezenpregu sei kontribui direitamente ba hamenus kiak.",
"Dezenpregu bo'ot mos bele hamosu destabilidade politika no seguransa.",
"Dezempregu ne'ebe la rezolve sei hamosu frustrasaun sosial no frustasaun ne'e sei nakfera sai disturbu sosial wainhira la loke kampo servisu foun ba dezempregu sira.",
"Ita hatene klaru kauza ida husi disturbu bo'ot durante krizi politika militar tinan 2006 to tinan 2007 mak tamba faktor dezenpregu.",
"Frustrasaun sosial tamba ema barak la servisu, vida karon, susar halao aktividade ekonomia, mak kristaliza ba hamosu disturbu sosial iha momemtu ne'eba.",
"Agora perguntas mak ne'e, politika no programa ida oin hanusa mak diak liu atu rezolve problema dezempregu iha nasaun joven ne'e.",
"Uza metodu medicina nian ka nebe dotor sira sempre halo, atu kombate moras ida tenke hatene uluk moras ne'e saida no tansa akontese moras ne'e.",
"Nune'e mos atu kombate dezempregu, tenke hatene didiak faktu dezempregu, hatene kauza husi dezepregu, no hatene area ka seitor ne'ebe potensia liu atu loke kampo servisu foun ba dezempregu sira.",
"Matenek nain balun klasifika dezempregu ba minimal kategoria tolu.",
"Kategoria tolu ne'e mak Dezempregu friksional (Frictional Unemployment), dezempregu seazonal (Seasonal Unemployment), no dezempregu siklikal.",
"Dezempregu friksional (Frictional Unemployment) Dezempregu friksional mak dezempregu temporaria ne'ebe akontese tamba faktor tempu, informasaun, no faktor kualifikasaun husi kampo servisu ne'ebe seidauk prense husi sira ne'ebe buka servisu.",
"Ekonomia ne'ebe avansu ejize kualidade rekurusu umanu ne'ebe as liu kompara ho antes.",
"Ne'e katak maske kampo servisu barak maibe kualifikasaun ka kualidade servisu nain menus, dezempregu sira sei labele absorve ba kampo servisu sira ne'e.",
"Izemplu hanesan akontese iha Timor Leste, razaun kualidade ne'e mak sai razaun ba kompanha barak, liliu kompanha estranjeiru sira lori ka rekruta fali servisu nain sira husi rai liur ho kualidade ne'ebe as liu fali kualidade servisu nain lokal.",
"Susar atu bandu kompanha sira ne'e tamba nesesidade ba servisu iha kompanha sira ne'e mak ejize duni kualifikasaun as ba servisu nain sira.",
"Tamba ita nia servisu nain nia kualifikasuan sei menus, entaun sira susar duni atu absorve iha ne'eba.",
"Dezempregu Seazonal (Seasonal Unemployment) Dezempregu seazonal ka lian indonesia dehan dezempregu \"musiman\" mak dezempregu ne'ebe akontese tamba fluktuasaun aktividade ekonomia kurtu prazu ne'ebe halo ema iha tempu balun tenke para nia servisu ka sai dezempregu.",
"Izemplu hanesan agrikultores sira para sira nia servisu iha natar ka tos wainhira laos tempu kuda hare ka kuda batar.",
"Bain bain ne'e iha tempu bailoron.",
"Kuandu to tempu kuda hare ka ka batar, ema sira ne'ebe servisu fali ona.",
"Ou selae servisu nain sira iha area konstrusaun uma ka ponte sira, kuandu laiha projeitu halo uma ka ponte, sira sai dezempregu provizoriu.",
"Maibe kuandu projeitu infrastruktura lao fali, sira sei servisu fila fali.",
"Izemplu diak mak projeitu 3 dolar hadia ka rehabilita estrada no infrastruktura baziku sira iha area rurais.",
"Wainhira projeitu ne'e halao, ema lubun mak bele hetan servisu.",
"Maibe projeitu ne'e ramata, ema sira ne'e mos sai fali dezempregu.",
"Dezempregu Siklikal Dezempregu Siklikal mak dezempregu ne'ebe akontese tamba impaktu siklus ekonomia tun sae hodi halo permintaan ba servisu ki'ik liu fali penawaran ba servisu.",
"Katak siklus ekonomoia nune'e hamenus tia kampo servisu hodi halo numeru ema ne'ebe hakarak servisu as liu fali numeru kampo servisu ne'ebe iha.",
"Izemplu diak liu mak ita bele hare'e husi krizi ekonomia no finansial ne'ebe akontese dadauk iha nasan sira rejiaun europa ne'eba.",
"Krizi ekonomia no finansial refere halo aktividade industria, agrikultura no aktividade ekonomia seluk iha nasaun sira ne'e hamenus sira nia aktividade, no fo impaktu mos ba hamenus servisu nain iha area sira ne'e.",
"Portugal mos sofre konsekwensia bo'ot husi krizi ida ne'e.",
"Ema barak iha portugal lakon servisu tamba kompanhia sira hapara ka hamenus sira nia aktividade industria.",
"Dezempregu Iha Timor Leste Ba kontekstu Timor Leste, maioria husi ita nia dezempregu akontese tamba kampo servisu mak menus duni.",
"Hanesan sita ona iha leten, kampo servisu bo'ot liu iha timor leste durante tinan 10 ne'e mai husi seitor publiku governu.",
"Mais ou menus seitor governu mak absorve funsionariu besik ona rihun 30.",
"Seitor governu mos kontribui iha projeitu loke kampo servisu sesazional sira liu husi governu nia projeitu hari'i no rehabilita infrastruktura sira hanesan loke estrada, eskola, ponte, irigasaun, no seluk tan.",
"Maibe sira ne'e deit la to'o atu kontribui signifikante ba rezolve kazu dezempregu.",
"Timor Leste nia problema bo'ot liu mak Timor Leste seidauk iha investimentu seitor privadu no industria ne'ebe bo'ot hodi absorve idade servisu ho numeru ne'ebe bo'ot.",
"Seitor privadu mak sei rezolve problema dezempregu.",
"Tan ne'e seitor privadu nia kontribuisaun mak tenke haforsa liu tan.",
"Pelu menus iha faktor bo'ot tolu mak sai kauza investimentu seitor privadu no industria sira seidauk barak iha nasaun ne'e.",
"Primeiru tamba Timor Leste seidauk sai potensia ekonomia ne'ebe bele atrai investor sira kuda investimentu iha ne'e.",
"Timor Leste nia kapasidade kompras (daya beli) ki'ik tamba numeru ema kiak sei barak.",
"Liu pursentu 50 husi populasaun rai ne'e kategoria ba kiak.",
"Seluk tamba kustu produsaun iha nasaun ne'e mos bot tamba ita uza hela osan dolar amerikanu (USD).",
"Investor barak husi nasaun riku sira muda tiha ona sira nia baze investimentu ka industria ba nasaun barak iha Azia no Afrika tamba kustu produsaun iha nasaun sira ne'e minimu.",
"Timor Leste la tama sira nia terjeitu tamba kustu produsaun as.",
"Faktor segundu tamba Timor Leste nia infrakstruktura hodi suporta investor sira nia aktividade ekonomia iha nasaun ne'e sei menus tebes.",
"Tinan 2012 mak iletrisidade foin stavel iha Timor Leste.",
"Ne'e mos seidauk kobre tritoriu tomak.",
"Lei rai nian mos seidauk promulga hodi halo investor sira laiha serteza kona ba uzuz rai iha ne'e. ponte kais no aeroportu mos seidauk luan hodi susar atu fasilita sasan tama sai ho volume bo'ot.",
"Liliu atu fasilita aktividade exportasaun no inportasaun.",
"Sistema finacial no regulamentu hodi suporta aktividade investimentu nian mos seidauk kompletu.",
"Faktor terseiru mak politika no kampanhe atu atrai investor sira, liliu ba seitor sira ne'ebe iha dadauk potensia ruma hanesan seitor turismu no seitor agrikultura lao neneik liu ka ladun lao diak.",
"Se ita hakarak rezolve problema dezempregu, Timor Leste tenke iha politika no programa diak atu prepara kondisaun tomak ne'ebe faroravel ba atrai investor sira mai kuda investimentu no suporta seitor privadu rai laran atu halao aktividade ekonomia no industria ne'ebe bele absorve dezempregu sira ho numeru bo'ot.",
"Dalan seluk rezolve dezempregu mak governu rasik tenke investe barak iha seitor edukasaun no agrikultura.",
"Investimentu iha seitor edukasaun fokus barak ba ensinu tekniku husi nivel sekundaria to nivel polititeknika no universidade.",
"Ho nune'e sei rezulta joven sira ne'ebe iha skiil atu halao aktividade ekonomika ruma ne'ebe bele loke kampo servisu ba sira nia an no mos ba ema seluk.",
"Investimentu iha seitor agrikultura mos importante tebes tamba maioria populasaun iha area rurais moris iha vida agrikultura.",
"Rai luan ba aktividade agrikultura mos sei barak.",
"Ivestimentu seitor agrikultura tenke fokus ba oin sa dezenvolve seitor agrikultura ne'ebe bele dada agrikultor no joven sira, liliu jovens iha area rurais sinti seitor agrikultura iha sira nia fatin bele sai duni aktividade ne'ebe benefisia sira nia moris.",
"Ne'e signifika tenke fokus husi kedas ekipamentus, prosesu, no produsaun to merkadoria.",
"So ho nune'e mak joven sira iha area rurais iha servisu no ne'e katak ita rezolve dadauk problema dezempregu iha area rurais.",
"Urbanizasaun idade servisu sira mai dili no sai dezempregu iha Dili akontese tamba iha area urbana ka rurais ne'eba, laiha ona esperansa ba aktividade hetan rendiomentu ruma.",
"SEPFOPE mak governu nia instituisaun ne'ebe tau matan ba asuntu empregu, formasaun profissional, no trabalhu.",
"SEPFOPE nia programa kunhesidu rezolve problema dezempregu durante ne'e mak projeitu 3 dolar, programa formasaun profissional sira, no programa haruka trabalhador sira ba servisu iha rai liur.",
"Liliu iha Korea Do Sul no ikus atu ba tan Australia.",
"Programa sira ne'e ajuda barak ona rezolve dadauk problema dezempregu balun.",
"Neneik-neneik maibe lao dadauk ba oin.",
"Maibe labele to iha ne'e deit.",
"Defende nafatin programa ne'ebe lao dadauk, dala ruma SEPFOPE durante tinan lima ba oin tenke hanoin ona atu halao mos formasaun ba joven sira iha area rurais iha seitor agrikultura nian.",
"Razaun mak amba seitor agrikultura sai seitor potensia ida atu absorve dezenpregu barak.",
"Halao formasun iha seitor agrikultura signifika tenke kolabora ka servisu hamutuk ho ministeriu agrikultura, Ministeriu edukasaun, sekretaria estadu dezenvolvimentu lokal no ministeriu estatal iha parte preparasaun ba hari'i municipiu sira.",
"SEPFOPE mos tenke halao ona formasaun ba joven sira iha seitor turismu nian.",
"Ne'e katak tenke servisu hamutuk ho ministeriu turismu.",
"Hanesan seitor agrikultura, seitor turismu mos potensia bot ida atu dezenvolve no kuandu dezenvolve ona sei absorve servisu nain barak iha seitor ne'e.",
"Komesa husi seitor formal to seitor informal sira.",
"SEPFOPE ida agora la hanesan ho SEPFOPE tinan lima liu ba tamba SEPFOPE ida agora orienta mos ba aspeitu politika.",
"Uluk SEFOPE maibe agora SEPFOPE.",
"Letra P ne'e mai husi lia fuan politika.",
"Ne'e katak laos fokus deit ona ba asuntu teknika ka programa sira, maibe hanoin ona kona ba politika ka kebijakan.",
"Kordenasaun servisu ho instituisaun estadu ka governu seluk ne'e asuntu politika no mos teknika.",
"Parte politika, dala ruma fokus husi SEPFOPE laos deit orienta barak liu deit ba liur hanesan liu husi programa haruka trabalahadores ba korea do sul, maibe orienta ona mos ba rai laran.",
"Formasaun sira iha seitor agrikultura no turismu indika SEPFOPE nia orientasaun fokus mos ba rai laran.",
"Maibe ideias ka politika sira ne'e hotu bele lao kuandu ita hotu laos tau todan tomak asuntu dezempregu ba deit SEPFOPE.",
"Hanesan sita ona iha leten, asuntu dezempregu ne'e multi sektoral no multi dimensional.",
"Ne'e katak instituisaun estadu no governu nian tomak tenke tau prioridade ba asuntu ne'e.",
"Kolaborasuan ho SEPFOPE importante tebes atu rezolve problema dezempregu iha nasaun joven ne'e.",
"Dili, 13 Setembru 2012.",
"Autor artikel: Militante RENETIL no membru Asosiasaun HAK.",
"Telefone: 77237179.",
"Hela fatin: Fatumeta.",
"Servisu: SEPFOPE.",
"Artikel ne'e hatun iha STL, 17 Setembru 2012.",
"Publicada por FORUM HAKSESUK a (s) 11:53 da manha"
] | [
"FORUM HAKSESUK: SEPFOPE No Stratejia Hamenus Desempregu Iha Timor Leste By."
"Rui Viana Unemployment has become a major problem for almost every country in the world."
"Both the newly developed countries and developing nations have their own problems."
"Timor-Leste is also facing a huge problem of unemployment."
"National statistical data show that more than 50 percent of the working-age or productive age population is unemployed."
"Statistical data also show that every year the number of working camps exceeds by a hundred thousand as compared to an ever-increasing workable age group."
"In East Timor, the public sector has opened more work camps than any other government over these 10 years."
"The private sector's contribution is small."
"Unemployment will rise and the number of poor people increase."
"Therefore, good policies and programs to reduce poverty will contribute directly towards reducing unemployment."
"High unemployment can also lead to political and security instability."
"Unsolved unemployment will lead to social frustration, and this frustration can turn into public unrest if new jobs are not created for the people who have lost their job."
"It is clearly known that one of the causes for major disturbances during 2016-7's political and military crisis was discontent."
"Social frustration with the large number of unemployed, daily life and difficulties in carrying out economic activity crystallized into social disturbances at that time."
"Now the question is, which policy and programme will be better to solve unemployment in this young country?"
"Using the methods of medicine or what doctors always do, in order to combat a disease you must first know how it is and why."
"Similarly, in order to combat unemployment we must know the facts of unemployed people and their causes. We also need information on which areas or sector have more potential for creating new employment opportunities that can be used by those who are not employed at present;"
"Some graduates classify unemployment at a minimum of category three."
"These three categories are frictional unemployment, seasonally unemployed and cyclic Unemployment."
"1. Amendment of the Constitution"
"Frictional unemployment is temporary unemployment that occurs because of time, information and qualification factors in the field which have not been preserved by job seekers."
"Advanced economies require a higher quality of human resources than ever before."
"This means that although there are many fields of employment but fewer qualified or quality jobs, the unemployed will not be able to absorb these work camp."
"For example, in East Timor the reason for quality has become a motive of many companies and especially foreign firms to bring or recruit workers from overseas with higher qualifications than their local counterpart."
"The reason for banning these companies is that the need to work in them requires high-qualified workers."
"Because our employees are less qualified, it is very difficult for them to be taken up there."
"2. The purpose of the contract"
"Seasonal Unemployment (Indonesian: \"musiman\") is unemployment that occurs because of short-term fluctuations in economic activity which cause people to stop working or become unemployed for a certain period."
"For example, farmers can leave their work in the field or grove when it is not time to sow crops."
"But that's in everyday life."
"When it was time to harvest, the people who had been working returned."
"Or the people who work in building houses or bridges, when there is no project to build a house and/or make an overpass they are temporarily unemployed."
"But when the infrastructure projects go back on track, they will be working again."
"A good example is the $3 project to improve or rehabilitate roads and basic infrastructure in rural areas."
"When the project is completed, many people will be able to find a job."
"But when the project was completed, these people also went unemployed."
"3. The application process"
"Cyclical unemployment is the type of joblessness that occurs when a downward economic cycle causes demand for labour to exceed supply."
"In other words, the economic cycle thus decreases employment so that more people want to work than there are jobs available."
"A better example can be seen in the recent economic and financial crisis that has hit many European regions."
"The economic and financial crisis has led to a reduction in industrial, agricultural or other activities of these countries. This also affected the job markets there by reducing jobs within those areas as well.\""
"Portugal has also suffered greatly from the consequences of this crisis."
"Many people in Portugal have lost their jobs because companies are shutting down or reducing industrial activities."
"Unemployment in East Timor In the context of east timor, most our unemployment occurs because there are few jobs."
"As mentioned above, the largest number of jobs in East Timor over these 10 years came from public sector government."
"More or less the government sector has absorbed nearly 30 thousand employees."
"The government sector also contributes to the project by opening seasonal work camps through its projects of building and rehabilitating infrastructure such as road, school bridge."
"However, these alone are not enough to make any significant contribution towards solving unemployment."
"Timor-Leste's bigger problem is that it does not have private sector investment and large industries to absorb the greater number of people in working age."
"The private sector will solve the unemployment problem."
"Therefore, the private sector's contribution must be strengthened."
"There are at least three major factors that cause the lack of private sector investment and industry in this country."
"Firstly, because East Timor has not yet become an economic potential that can attract investors to invest here."
"East Timor's purchasing power is low because there are too many poor people."
"More than 50 percent of the country's population is classified as poor."
"Not only is the cost of production in this country too high because we are still using US dollars (USD)."
"Many investors from wealthy countries have shifted their investment or industrial bases to many Asian and African nations because of the low production costs in these regions."
"East Timor does not enter their jurisdiction because of the high production cost."
"The second factor is that Timor-Leste's infrastructure to support investor economic activity in the country are very limited."
"In 2014, the country's illiteracy rate was only slightly lower than that of East Timor."
"This does not cover the entire triority."
"The land law has not been promulgated, leaving investors with uncertainty about the use of their lands. Bridge and airport are also still in construction making it difficult to facilitate large-scale importation or exportations from this area;"
"It is designed to facilitate export and import activities."
"The financial system and regulations to support investment activity are also not complete."
"The third factor is the policies and campaign to attract investor, especially in sector with some potential such as tourism or agriculture."
"If we want to solve the problem of unemployment, Timor-Leste must have good policies and programs in place that will prepare all conditions conducive for attracting investment from foreigners as well support domestic private sector economic activities which can absorb unemployed people with large numbers."
"Another way to solve unemployment is that the government itself should invest heavily in education and agriculture."
"Investment in the education sector focuses heavily on technical training from secondary level to politechnical and university levels."
"This will result in young people with the skills to carry out some economic activity that can open up employment opportunities for themselves and others."
"Investment in the agricultural sector is also very important because most of rural areas’ populations live on agriculture."
"The area is rich in agricultural land and there are many farms."
"Investments in the agricultural sector should focus on developing an agriculture that can give farmer and young people, especially rural youth a sense of how their farm could be beneficial for them."
"This means focusing from equipment, processes and production to markets."
"This is the only way to get young people in rural areas into work and that means we'll solve unemployment problems forever."
"The urbanization of working-age people who come to Dili and become unemployed in the city occurs because there is no longer any hope for activity that will yield income, either from rural or urbana areas."
"SEPFOPE is the government agency responsible for employment, professional training and labour."
"SEPFOPE's cohesive program to solve the unemployment problem during this period is Project $3, a programme of professional training and sending workers for work overseas."
"Lily is in South Korea and will not return to Australia."
"These programmes have helped to solve some of the unemployment problems."
"Don't shy away, but move forward."
"But we can't stop here."
"He also defended the ongoing programs, sometimes SEPFOPE for five years to come should have thought of training young people in rural areas on agricultural sector."
"The reason for this is that the agricultural sector has a potential to absorb many jobs."
"To carry out training in the agricultural sector means to collaborate or work together with ministries of agriculture, education and state secretariat for local development as well a State ministry on preparations towards establishing municipalities."
"SEPFOPE should also have conducted training for young people in the tourism sector."
"This means working in conjunction with the Ministry of Tourism."
"Like the agricultural sector, tourism also has a lot of potential to develop and once developed it will absorb many jobs in this field."
"Trade from the formal sector to informal ones."
"SEPFOPE is not the same now as it was five years ago, because a newly created Sepofe also focuses on politics."
"Uluk SEFOPE but now SEPFEPE."
"The letter P comes from the word politika."
"This means that the focus is not only on technical or programmatic issues, but also political and policy considerations."
"Coordination of work with other state or government institutions is a political and technical matter."
"On the political side, sometimes SEPFOPE's focus is not only more oriented abroad through programs sending workers to South Korea but also domestically."
"The training in the agricultural and tourism sectors indicate SEPFOPE’S orientation to focus also on domestically."
"But all these ideas and policies can work if we don't just put the entire burden of unemployment on SEPFOPE."
"As mentioned above, the issue of unemployment is multi-sectoral and not only one dimensional."
"This means that all state and government institutions must give priority to this issue."
"Collaboration with SEPFOPE is very important to solve the unemployment problem in this young country."
"Dili, September 13th (Xinhua) -- Timor-Leste's Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak said on Monday that the country is ready to face a new crisis."
"Author article: RENETIL militant and member of HAK Association."
"Telephone: 72310956."
"Hela fatin: Fatumeta."
"Serviced by: SEPFOPE."
"This article was originally published in STL, 17 Setembru de.2039"
"Publicada por FORUM HAKSESUK a(s) domingo, abril10th (23:59)."
] |
MAP Ho Parseru, Lansa Rezultadu Peskiza – STL Online\nMAP Ho Parseru, Lansa Rezultadu Peskiza\nDILI – Ministeriu Agrikultura Peskas (MAP) servisu hamutuk ho parseru Dezenvolvimentu halo lansamentu rezultadu peskiza iha Munisipiu hitu mak hanesan Baucau, Bobonaro, Covalima, Manufahi, Lautem, Oecusse no Viqueque.\nKooperasaun servisu hamutuk nee, MAP ho parseru Dezenvolvimentu inklui NGO Internasional sira halo lebantamentu ida konaba inpaktu mudansa klimatika ninian.\nAlterasaun klimatika neebe mak ita ohin loron Agrikultor sira infrenta iha areas rurais, aihan sira nebe mak kuda ba han no ba faan, iha nee sira apresenta resultadu nebe mak ladiak. Tuir lolos ita iha bailoro, maibe agora udan nafatin entaun ohin nee ami tuur hamutuk, oinsa buka medidas bainhira situasaun nee akontese,” dehan Ministru Agrikultura e Peskas, Estanislau Aleixo da Silva ba STL Segunda (10/7/2017) iha salaun enkontru MAP Comoro Dili.\nLansamentu rezultadu peskiza nee, partidipa husi CLN ninian hodi halo intervensaun ruma husi parte governu ninian ba fini no medidas saida maka tenke hola bainhira fini nee hotu ona ou lae batar ka hare neebe mak mate fini foun iha kalae.\nIta agora hare liu mak inpaktu para ita nia komunidade sira moris iha area rurais labele hetan sofre makaas, liu-liu asesu ba aihan nutrisaun depois hare mos variedade batar ninian para ita kuda nee labele mate arbiru para too iha tempu bele halo koileta,” dehan nia.\nEstanislau salienta peskiza nebe mak halao iha Munisipiu hitu nee, hanesan amostra signifika katak bele halo extrakulasaun, dadus sira nee bele habelar mos ba iha Munisipiu sira seluk tanba impaktu ba mudansa klimatika nee kuaze iha teritoriu Timor laran tomak.\nIha fatin hanesan Diretor Nasional Seguransa Alimentar e Coperasaun (DNSAC), Justino dos Santos Silva hateten, peskiza nee hanesan kontinuasaun husi tinan 2015-2016.\nNinian peskiza nee halo husi fulan Fevereiru too Marsu, depois aprezenta nia rezultadu iha fulan Junu, depois iha segunda faze maibe iha momentu neeba, loro naruk entaun atu halo iha fulan Novembru maibe paradu tiha.\nJustino hateten, Munisipiu neen nee baze ba ajensia sira hodi ajuda halo peskiza ba Munisipiu sira hanesan Baucau, Bobonaro, Covalima, Manufahi, Lautem, Oecusse no Viqueque ho total suku hamutuk 29 no aldea 68. EST6\nPrevious article PSACLN Desimina Lei No.12/2016\nNext article CITRA MARES Sei Prepara-an Maximu Kompete LVTL Finais | [
"MAP Ho Parseru, Lansa Rezultadu Peskiza - STL Online MAP Ho Parseru, Lansa Rezultadu Peskiza DILI - Ministeriu Agrikultura Peskas (MAP) servisu hamutuk ho parseru Dezenvolvimentu halo lansamentu rezultadu peskiza iha Munisipiu hitu mak hanesan Baucau, Bobonaro, Covalima, Manufahi, Lautem, Oecusse no Viqueque.",
"Kooperasaun servisu hamutuk nee, MAP ho parseru Dezenvolvimentu inklui NGO Internasional sira halo lebantamentu ida konaba inpaktu mudansa klimatika ninian.",
"Alterasaun klimatika neebe mak ita ohin loron Agrikultor sira infrenta iha areas rurais, aihan sira nebe mak kuda ba han no ba faan, iha nee sira apresenta resultadu nebe mak ladiak.",
"Tuir lolos ita iha bailoro, maibe agora udan nafatin entaun ohin nee ami tuur hamutuk, oinsa buka medidas bainhira situasaun nee akontese,\" dehan Ministru Agrikultura e Peskas, Estanislau Aleixo da Silva ba STL Segunda (10/7/2017) iha salaun enkontru MAP Comoro Dili.",
"Lansamentu rezultadu peskiza nee, partidipa husi CLN ninian hodi halo intervensaun ruma husi parte governu ninian ba fini no medidas saida maka tenke hola bainhira fini nee hotu ona ou lae batar ka hare neebe mak mate fini foun iha kalae.",
"Ita agora hare liu mak inpaktu para ita nia komunidade sira moris iha area rurais labele hetan sofre makaas, liu-liu asesu ba aihan nutrisaun depois hare mos variedade batar ninian para ita kuda nee labele mate arbiru para too iha tempu bele halo koileta,\" dehan nia.",
"Estanislau salienta peskiza nebe mak halao iha Munisipiu hitu nee, hanesan amostra signifika katak bele halo extrakulasaun, dadus sira nee bele habelar mos ba iha Munisipiu sira seluk tanba impaktu ba mudansa klimatika nee kuaze iha teritoriu Timor laran tomak.",
"Iha fatin hanesan Diretor Nasional Seguransa Alimentar e Coperasaun (DNSAC), Justino dos Santos Silva hateten, peskiza nee hanesan kontinuasaun husi tinan 2015-2016.",
"Ninian peskiza nee halo husi fulan Fevereiru too Marsu, depois aprezenta nia rezultadu iha fulan Junu, depois iha segunda faze maibe iha momentu neeba, loro naruk entaun atu halo iha fulan Novembru maibe paradu tiha.",
"Justino hateten, Munisipiu neen nee baze ba ajensia sira hodi ajuda halo peskiza ba Munisipiu sira hanesan Baucau, Bobonaro, Covalima, Manufahi, Lautem, Oecusse no Viqueque ho total suku hamutuk 29 no aldea 68.",
"EST6 Previous article PSACLN Desimina Lei No.12/2016 Next article CITRA MARES Sei Prepara-an Maximu Kompete LVTL Finais"
] | [
"STL Online - Dili – The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAP) in collaboration with the Development Partnership launched research results from seven municipalities: Baucau, Bobonaro. Covalima; Manufahi 2017-365498"
"In cooperation, MAP and development partners including international NGOs have conducted a survey on the impact of climate change."
"The climate change we are facing today, farmers in rural areas who grow crops for food and trade have shown poor results."
"Of course we are in a bad situation, but now it is still raining so today I sit together to find measures if this happen\", said Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries Estanislau Aleixo da Silva for STL Monday (10/7 / 25) at the MAP Comoro Dili meeting room."
"The launch of the research results, participated by CLN to make some intervention from government on fertilizers and what measures should be taken when all these are gone or not batar o hare nee maete new fine in kalae."
"We are now looking more at the impact so that our communities living in rural areas do not suffer greatly, especially access to nutritional food and also seeing this variety of potatoes for us cultivate it doesn't die arbiru until time can make a harvest\", he said."
"Estanislau emphasizes that the research carried out in these seven municipalities, as a sample means it can be extrapolated. The data may also apply to other Municipality because impacts of climate change are almost all over Timor-Leste territory"
"The National Director of Food Safety and Cooperation (DNSAC), Justino dos Santos Silva, said that the research is a continuation from 2015-6."
"His research was carried out from February to March, then presented its results in June. Then the second phase but at that time it took too long so he would have done this work by November and had put a stop on his studies until now 2013-"
"Justino said, the newest municipalities are based on agencies to help research for Municipality like Baucau (Baucau), Bobonaro(Bobonaro) and Viqueque with a total of 29 villages."
"EST6 Previous article PSACLN Decides Law No.12/ 305 Next Article CITRA MARES Will Prepare Maximum Compete Finals of LVTLS"
] |
CIGC Anúnsia Tan Kazu Pozitivu Foun Rua ba COVID-19 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVID-19 CIGC Anúnsia Tan Kazu Pozitivu Foun Rua ba COVID-19\nDILI, 13 abríl 2020 (TATOLI) – Governu Timor-Leste liuhosi Portavós Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (CIGC, sigla portugés), Odete Viegas, iha Sala Situasaun, anúnsia tan kazu rua pozitivu ba COVID-19 ne’ebé mai husi kuarentena Otél Katuas.\nNune’e, totál kazu konfirmadu COVID-19 foun hamutuk tolu, konfirma hanesan pasiente ba COVID-19 na’in-haat, maibé hosi haat ne’e ida rekopera ona no daudaun hala’o hela auto-kuarentena durante loron 40.\n“Kazu konfirmadu na’in-haat, pozitivu foun tolu. Loron hirak liubá iha kazu ida no orseik aumenta tan kazu foun rua. Portantu kazu foun hamutuk tolu no kazu ida mak rekuperadu. Tanba ida-ne’e mak ita dehan kazu konfirmadu hamutuk ema na’in-haat”, dehan Portavós CIGC iha Sentru Mídia COVID-19, iha Sentru Konvensaun Dili (CCD, sigla portugés), segunda ne’e.\nNia haktuir, ema na’in-rua ne’ebé daudaun konfirmadu pozitivu, tama ho grupu ida horiseik ema na’in-ida hetan pozitivu ne’e.\n“Sira hamutuk ema na’in-ualu ne’ebé halo viajen husi Kupang mai Batugade no sira na’in-ualu iha travel ida. Entaun na’in-rua ne’ebé pozitivu ne’e inklui na’in-ualu ne’e. Husi Kupang to’o Batugade sira sa’e travel no husi Batugade ba Dili sira sa’e Bis Maliana, no iha Bis laran ne’e hamutuk ema na’in-25, la inklui kondutór no ajudante rua”, Odete Viegas adianta.\nAtuál Diretora Jerál Prestasaun Servisu Saúde ne’e informa, ema na’in-rua pozitivu ne’e daudaun halo ona izolamentu iha Sentru Saúde Vera Cruz.\n“Pasiente tolu ona maka iha Vera Cruz, maibé felizmente sira nia kondisaun di’ak. Isin manas laiha no mear mós komesa laiha ona. Signifika sira agora iha observasaun no iha médiku jerál na’in-rua maka haree inklui infermeiru sira, no mós espesialista ne’ebé dedikadu duni ba kazu ida ne’e”, nia subliña.\nNia refere liután, ba maluk ne’ebé mai hamutuk ho ema ne’ebé konfirmadu pozitivu ona no daudaun hela iha Otél Katuas, sira ne’e hasai ona teste.\n“Ita halo hotu teste ba sira ne’ebé daudaun hela iha Otél Katuas no ita hein rezultadu orsida ka aban sei fó sai tan rezultadu. Aban lorokraik sei fó sai rezultadu”, nia dehan tan.\nTuir Portavós CIGC ne’e, normalmente ema sira ne’ebé iha kuarentena bainhira hatudu ona sintoma maka ekipa ambulánsia sei foti kedas no ba tau iha fatin izolamentu.\n“Maibé la signifika katak nia tama ona izolamentu, nia tenke pozitivu. Tanba ema ne’ebé hela iha kuarentena kuandu nia iha ona sintoma maka husi laboratóriu mai hasai amostra, ambulánsia tenke halo kedan mudansa ba fatin izolamentu hodi hein rezultadu. Bainhira nia pozitivu ita kontinua, sei negativu ita prepara atu hasai fali sira mai iha fatin kuarentena”, nia informa tan.\nTuir Odete Viegas, sira ne’ebé negativu sei tau iha fatin kuarentena ketak no la hamutuk ho ema na’ebé seidauk hasai teste.\n“Daudaun ne’e ekipa vijilánsia no ambulánsia organiza hela hamutuk ho Ministru Turizmu, Komérsiu no Industria, atu buka otél sira ne’ebé maluk sira kumpre ona kuarentena loron 14, ita uza fali fatin hirak ne’e atu tau maluk sira ne’ebé negativu”, nia dehan tan.\nTuir dadus ne’ebé CIGC fó sai, haktuir númeru suspeitu ne’ebé ekipa hasai teste hamutuk 168.\nHosi númeru ne’e, ema na’in-111 hatudu rezultadu negativu, enkuantu na’in-53 mak sei hein ninian rezultadu.\nDadus seluk, husi munisípiu Dili mak ema na’in-524 maka daudaun iha kuarentena obrigatóriu, auto-kuarentena na’in-ida, enkuantu kumpre ona konfinamentu obrigatóriu durante loron 14 hamutuk na’in-1.051.\nEntretantu, husi munisípiu ema-na’in-113 mak hela iha kuarentena obrigatóriu, auto-kuarentena na’in-neen no pasa ona loron 14 hamutuk 210.\nPrevious articlePNTL Munisípiu Dili Rejista Kazu Ualu\nNext articleMinistériu Saúde Hahú Aplika Iha Kuarentena Ema Ida Kuartu Ida\nHelena Neto April 13, 2020 at 4:34 pm\nHo laran hein informasaun updated husi website nee\nJaime Soares April 13, 2020 at 8:53 pm\nOhin husi belun Jornalista sira husu klarifikasaun kona ba BIS maliana nee aluga husi MdS ka BIS nebee halo operasaun hanesan babain tula pasajeirus lokal sira mak sira nain 8 nee sae tan ba?\nJaimito de Vasconcelos April 14, 2020 at 10:55 am\ndiak liu bis konditor ho konjak husi bis refere ho ema sira sa’e iha laran ne’ebe presizaa ba cekup hotu tanba moras ne’e ita la bele hatene los keta halo sira ne’e mos balu kona karik bele daet mos ba ema seluk. | [
"CIGC Anunsia Tan Kazu Pozitivu Foun Rua ba COVID-19 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID-19 CIGC Anunsia Tan Kazu Pozitivu Foun Rua ba COVID-19 DILI, 13 abril 2020 (TATOLI) - Governu Timor-Leste liuhosi Portavos Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (CIGC, sigla portuges), Odete Viegas, iha Sala Situasaun, anunsia tan kazu rua pozitivu ba COVID-19 ne'ebe mai husi kuarentena Otel Katuas.",
"Nune'e, total kazu konfirmadu COVID-19 foun hamutuk tolu, konfirma hanesan pasiente ba COVID-19 na'in-haat, maibe hosi haat ne'e ida rekopera ona no daudaun hala'o hela auto-kuarentena durante loron 40.",
"\"Kazu konfirmadu na'in-haat, pozitivu foun tolu.",
"Loron hirak liuba iha kazu ida no orseik aumenta tan kazu foun rua.",
"Portantu kazu foun hamutuk tolu no kazu ida mak rekuperadu.",
"Tanba ida-ne'e mak ita dehan kazu konfirmadu hamutuk ema na'in-haat,\" dehan Portavos CIGC iha Sentru Midia COVID-19, iha Sentru Konvensaun Dili (CCD, sigla portuges), segunda ne'e.",
"Nia haktuir, ema na'in-rua ne'ebe daudaun konfirmadu pozitivu, tama ho grupu ida horiseik ema na'in-ida hetan pozitivu ne'e.",
"\"Sira hamutuk ema na'in-ualu ne'ebe halo viajen husi Kupang mai Batugade no sira na'in-ualu iha travel ida.",
"Entaun na'in-rua ne'ebe pozitivu ne'e inklui na'in-ualu ne'e.",
"Husi Kupang to'o Batugade sira sa'e travel no husi Batugade ba Dili sira sa'e Bis Maliana, no iha Bis laran ne'e hamutuk ema na'in-25, la inklui kondutor no ajudante rua,\" Odete Viegas adianta.",
"Atual Diretora Jeral Prestasaun Servisu Saude ne'e informa, ema na'in-rua pozitivu ne'e daudaun halo ona izolamentu iha Sentru Saude Vera Cruz.",
"\"Pasiente tolu ona maka iha Vera Cruz, maibe felizmente sira nia kondisaun di'ak.",
"Isin manas laiha no mear mos komesa laiha ona.",
"Signifika sira agora iha observasaun no iha mediku jeral na'in-rua maka haree inklui infermeiru sira, no mos espesialista ne'ebe dedikadu duni ba kazu ida ne'e,\" nia sublina.",
"Nia refere liutan, ba maluk ne'ebe mai hamutuk ho ema ne'ebe konfirmadu pozitivu ona no daudaun hela iha Otel Katuas, sira ne'e hasai ona teste.",
"\"Ita halo hotu teste ba sira ne'ebe daudaun hela iha Otel Katuas no ita hein rezultadu orsida ka aban sei fo sai tan rezultadu.",
"Aban lorokraik sei fo sai rezultadu,\" nia dehan tan.",
"Tuir Portavos CIGC ne'e, normalmente ema sira ne'ebe iha kuarentena bainhira hatudu ona sintoma maka ekipa ambulansia sei foti kedas no ba tau iha fatin izolamentu.",
"\"Maibe la signifika katak nia tama ona izolamentu, nia tenke pozitivu.",
"Tanba ema ne'ebe hela iha kuarentena kuandu nia iha ona sintoma maka husi laboratoriu mai hasai amostra, ambulansia tenke halo kedan mudansa ba fatin izolamentu hodi hein rezultadu.",
"Bainhira nia pozitivu ita kontinua, sei negativu ita prepara atu hasai fali sira mai iha fatin kuarentena,\" nia informa tan.",
"Tuir Odete Viegas, sira ne'ebe negativu sei tau iha fatin kuarentena ketak no la hamutuk ho ema na'ebe seidauk hasai teste.",
"\"Daudaun ne'e ekipa vijilansia no ambulansia organiza hela hamutuk ho Ministru Turizmu, Komersiu no Industria, atu buka otel sira ne'ebe maluk sira kumpre ona kuarentena loron 14, ita uza fali fatin hirak ne'e atu tau maluk sira ne'ebe negativu,\" nia dehan tan.",
"Tuir dadus ne'ebe CIGC fo sai, haktuir numeru suspeitu ne'ebe ekipa hasai teste hamutuk 168.",
"Hosi numeru ne'e, ema na'in-111 hatudu rezultadu negativu, enkuantu na'in-53 mak sei hein ninian rezultadu.",
"Dadus seluk, husi munisipiu Dili mak ema na'in-524 maka daudaun iha kuarentena obrigatoriu, auto-kuarentena na'in-ida, enkuantu kumpre ona konfinamentu obrigatoriu durante loron 14 hamutuk na'in-1.051.",
"Entretantu, husi munisipiu ema-na'in-113 mak hela iha kuarentena obrigatoriu, auto-kuarentena na'in-neen no pasa ona loron 14 hamutuk 210.",
"Previous articlePNTL Munisipiu Dili Rejista Kazu Ualu Next articleMinisteriu Saude Hahu Aplika Iha Kuarentena Ema Ida Kuartu Ida Helena Neto April 13, 2020 at 4:34 pm Ho laran hein informasaun updated husi website nee Jaime Soares April 13, 2020 at 8:53 pm Ohin husi belun Jornalista sira husu klarifikasaun kona ba BIS maliana nee aluga husi MdS ka BIS nebee halo operasaun hanesan babain tula pasajeirus lokal sira mak sira nain 8 nee sae tan ba?",
"Jaimito de Vasconcelos April 14, 2020 at 10:55 am diak liu bis konditor ho konjak husi bis refere ho ema sira sa'e iha laran ne'ebe presizaa ba cekup hotu tanba moras ne'e ita la bele hatene los keta halo sira ne'e mos balu kona karik bele daet mos ba ema seluk."
] | [
"CIGC Announces Two New Positive Cases of COVID-19 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor -Leste VARANDA Covid –20 Cigc announce two new positive cases for the coronavirus Dili, Apr.3rd (Agencia News) — The Government through its Integrated Crisis Management Centre spokespeople Odete Viegas announced in Situation Room that there are now three more people with a confirmed case from Otel Katuas quarantine facility who have been tested and found to be infectious by PCR test results on Thursday afternoon at their arrival home since Monday morning when they were taken into hospital as suspecting covid patients during an overnight stay within one hotel building near Baucau city center"
"Thus, the total of newly confirmed COVID-19 cases amount to three; they are all eight people who have been diagnosed as having had contact with a positive case. However one person has recovering and is currently in self quarantine for about four decades now (40 days)."
"\"Eighteen confirmed cases, three new positives."
"A few days ago there was one case and today two new cases were added."
"Therefore, three new cases and one recovered."
"Because this is what we say confirmed cases total ninety people,\" said CIGC Spokesperson in the COVID-19 Media Center at Dili Convention Centre (CCD), Monday."
"He said that the two people who are currently confirmed positive, came with a group of one hour ago."
"\"They were eight people who made a trip from Kupang to Batugade and they all went on one journey."
"So the two positives include these seven."
"From Kupang to Batugade they take the travel bus and from Batogade for Dili, Malina Bus. There are 25 people on board of this Bis not including a driver or two helpers,” Odete Viegas said in advance.”"
"The current Director General of Health Service Provision informs that the two positive people are currently being isolated at Vera Cruz health center."
"\"Three patients have already been admitted to Vera Cruz, but fortunately they are in good condition."
"Nothing is going on, no one's feeling good."
"It means that they are now under observation and there is two general practitioners who look after them, including the nursing staff. There also has been a specialist really dedicated to this case.\""
"He also said that those who came together with people confirmed positive and are currently staying at the Katuas Hotel, have taken a test."
"\"We have done all the tests on those who are currently staying at Hotel Katuas and we're waiting for results or tomorrow will give out another result."
"Tomorrow morning will give the results,\" he said."
"According to the CIGC spokesperson, normally people in quarantine when they show symptomatics will be taken by an ambulance team and put into isolation."
"\"But it doesn't mean that he has gone into isolation, they have to be positive."
"Because a person who is in quarantine when he has symptoms will have to take sample from the laboratory, an Ambulance must be transferred immediately into isolation while waiting for results."
"If they are positive, we continue; if negatives – prepare to take them back into quarantine facilities,” he said."
"According to Odete Viegas, those who are negative will be kept in strict quarantine and not together with people that haven't tested."
"\"Today the surveillance and ambulance team is organizing together with Minister of Tourism, Trade & Industry to find hotels where people have complied 14 days quarantine. We will use these places again for those who are negative.\""
"According to CIGC data, the number of suspects tested by teams totalled 168."
"Out of this number, 109 people showed a negative test result and another one is waiting for the results."
"In other data, from the Dili municipality 524 people are currently in compulsory quarantine and two self-quarantine while there have been a total of -1.069 who complied with mandatory confinement for fourteen days"
"Meanwhile, from the municipalities 13 people are in compulsory quarantine and nine have self-quarantined for at least fourteen days."
"Previous articlePNTL Dili Municipality Registers 5 Case Next ArticleMinistry of Health Applies In Quarantine One Quarter Of People Helena Neto April,13th at4:29 pm Waiting for information updated from this website Jaime SoaresApril.08/6 /-7pm Today the journalist asked clarification about Mali’S BRS being rented by MDS or is it a local carrier that operated as an airline to take passengers who are they?"
"Jaimito de Vasconcelos April 14,.2039 at -7:56 am better bus conditioner with cognac than the mentioned bis and people sailing in it who need to be taken care of all because this disease we can not know los do them are also some about if they could daet others as well"
] |
PNTL Kontinua Halo Operasaun Ba Atributu Militar – STL Online\nPNTL Kontinua Halo Operasaun Ba Atributu Militar\nDILI—Polisia Nasional Timor Leste (PNTL) liu hosi komando operasaun inklui komando PNTL distrito 13, kontinua halo operasaun ba atributu militar no sasan kroat.\nTuir Komadante Operasaun Nasional, superintedente xefi Armando Monteiro hatete maske ulun bo’ot grupu tolu hanesan Mauk Moruk, Aitahan Matak no Komandante Labarik entrega a’an ona, maibe operasaun ba atributu militar no sasan kroat sira nebe’e maka ema sivil balun sei uja.\nTanba PNTL mos lakohi iha loron ikus ema balun maka uja fali atributu militar no sasan kroat, tanba nee bazeia ba rejolusaun koamndo PNTL liga nafatin ba iha komando PNTL distrito 13, atu kontinua oeparsaun ba iha atributu militar sira nebe’e maka karik ema sivil balun sei uja inklui mos sasan kroat sira, dehan Armando ba STL iha nia knar fatin Kuartel jeral PNTL Kaikoli Dili, Segunda (17/03/2014).\nNia hatutan operasaun ida nee PNTL la sei hapara, maibe’e operasaun sei kontinua to’o membru balun hosi grupu CPD-RDTL karik sei uja atributu militar bele kopera ho PNTL para bele entrega. Informasaun kompletu iha STL Jornal no STL Web, edisaun Tersa (18/3/2014). Sonia Ferreira-Carmen Ximenes\nPrevious article TDD Halo PI Ba MM-L7 no KL, Sabado Tuku 2 Tribunal Hatun Despaisu\nNext article PN Fo Sentidu Kondelensia Ba fimilia Pe.Rafael | [
"PNTL Kontinua Halo Operasaun Ba Atributu Militar - STL Online PNTL Kontinua Halo Operasaun Ba Atributu Militar DILI - Polisia Nasional Timor Leste (PNTL) liu hosi komando operasaun inklui komando PNTL distrito 13, kontinua halo operasaun ba atributu militar no sasan kroat.",
"Tuir Komadante Operasaun Nasional, superintedente xefi Armando Monteiro hatete maske ulun bo'ot grupu tolu hanesan Mauk Moruk, Aitahan Matak no Komandante Labarik entrega a'an ona, maibe operasaun ba atributu militar no sasan kroat sira nebe'e maka ema sivil balun sei uja.",
"Tanba PNTL mos lakohi iha loron ikus ema balun maka uja fali atributu militar no sasan kroat, tanba nee bazeia ba rejolusaun koamndo PNTL liga nafatin ba iha komando PNTL distrito 13, atu kontinua oeparsaun ba iha atributu militar sira nebe'e maka karik ema sivil balun sei uja inklui mos sasan kroat sira, dehan Armando ba STL iha nia knar fatin Kuartel jeral PNTL Kaikoli Dili, Segunda (17/03/2014).",
"Nia hatutan operasaun ida nee PNTL la sei hapara, maibe'e operasaun sei kontinua to'o membru balun hosi grupu CPD-RDTL karik sei uja atributu militar bele kopera ho PNTL para bele entrega.",
"Informasaun kompletu iha STL Jornal no STL Web, edisaun Tersa (18/3/2014).",
"Sonia Ferreira-Carmen Ximenes Previous article TDD Halo PI Ba MM-L7 no KL, Sabado Tuku 2 Tribunal Hatun Despaisu Next article PN Fo Sentidu Kondelensia Ba fimilia Pe.Rafael"
] | [
"PNTL Kontinua Halo Operasaun Ba Atributu Militar - STL Online DILI – The National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL) through its operational command including the district 13, continues to carry out operations for military attributes and croat stuff."
"According to the Commander of National Operations, Chief Superintendent Armando Monteiro said that although three big headed groups such as Mauk Moruk and Aitahan Matak have surrendered but operations for military attributes are still going on."
"Because the PNTL also refused to allow some people using military attributes and croat items on last day, therefore based upon a resolution of Police Command linking again with police command district 13 for continuation in separation into Military Attribute which would be used by civilians including Croate objects. Armando told STL at his workplace General Headquarters Kaikoli Dili Monday (02/457)."
"He added that the operation will not be stopped by PNTL, but it is going to continue until some members of CPD-RDTL group who are using military attributes can cooperate with them and surrender."
"Full information in STL Jornal and on the website, edition of Tuesday (18/3) 2054."
"Sonia Ferreira-Carmen Ximenes Previous article TDD Hallo PI Ba MM -L7 no KL, Sabado Tuku 2 Tribunal Hatun Despaisu Next artikel PN Fo Sentimentu KondelensiaBa fimilia Pe.Rafael"
] |
TEMPO SEMANAL: PARTE II: Servidór Estadu TL Sobu Estadu De Direitu\nTempo semanal-Dili, 19/10/2012\nDeskonfia MAZY Uza Dolar Taka Servidór Estadu Balun Nia Ibun\nKOMPARA ho nasaun sira seluk, Timor -Leste ninia idade sei nurak tebes. Ita presiza tane no asegura didi'ak dignidade rai ida ne'e. Tanba, oras ne'e daudauk ema balun koko hakarak atu sobu estadu de direitu ida ne'e liu husi podér ne'ebé sira iha.\nSituasaun hanesan ne'e hahú akontese iha instituisaun estadu nian. Tanba, deskonfia servidór estadu balun ne'ebé serbisu iha Sekretáriu Estadu Polítika Formasaun Profisionál Empregu (SEPFOPE) Departamentu Inspesaun Jerál Trabalhu, Konsulár Nasionál Ministériu Negósiu Estranjeiru (MNE), inklui funsionáriu Servisu Imigrasaun nian balun ne'ebé apoiu sidadaun Filipina iha prosesu sobu estadu de direitu.\nLa'ós ne'e de'it. sidadaun Filipina na'in rua, Mazy Tayamen no Nathaniel Tayamen ne'ebé mai ho vistu turista, hodi serbisu iha Timor-Leste iha koneksaun mós ho ema boot balu iha Ministériu Turizmu. Tanba, deskonfia ema ne'e mak hala'o hela kombinasaun ho funsionáriu MNE nian ida hodi trata vistu de trabalhu ba sidadaun Filipina ne'ebé tuir loos kontra ona Lei imigrasaun nian.\nServidór estadu sira ne'ebé durante ne'e hala'o ligasaun ilegál ho sidadaun Filipina hodi hamenus osan ba tasa estadu nian hodi buka hatama ba sira nia bolsu mak hanesan, husi parte SEPFOPE, Departamentu Inspesaun Jerál Trabalhu Sra. ida ho inisiál JP no deskonfia envolvimentu funsionáriu na'in 2. Nune'e mós, husi parte Serbisu Polisia Imigrasaun nian Sra. ida ho inisiál E, inklui mós membru PNTL ida ho inisiál P.\nObservasaun Jornál Tempo Semanál mós nota katak, sidadaun Filipina ne'ebé daudauk ne'e serbisu iha Kompañia Philweb Lorosa'e Lda nu'udar Country Manager uza osan hodi kompleta rekizitu balu para bele trata vistu servisu ninian ho ninia kaben nian, hanesan buat ne'ebé mosu iha Ospitál Nasionál Guidu Valadares no ba servidór estadu sira seluk.\nTuir informasaun ne'ebé Tempo Semanál rekolla, António Armindo Operasionál Manager Kompañia Philweb husu ajuda ba ninia kolega ida ho inisiál S funsionáriu Ospitál hodi falsifikasaun teze ba Mazy ho Nathaniel hafoin selu ho osan U$$ 140 dolar Amerikanu. Felizmente buat sira ne'e hotu realiza duni. Tanba, husi parte ospitál rasik konsege hasai ona karta Atestadu Médiku ba sidadaun Filipina, maski iha momentu ne'ebá sidadaun Filipina na'in rua ne'e la ba hala'o teze.\nKarta atestadu médiku ne'ebé asina husi Dr. Mateus Pereira iha loron 12 Setembru 2012 ho númeru referénsia 7961/HNGV/AM/IX/2012 ba Mazy Tayamen no ba Nathaniel Tayamen ho númeru referénsia 7942/ HNGV/AM/IX/2012.\nBainhira Jornál ne'e tenta husu konfirmasaun ba funsionáriu ospitál ho inisiál S kona ba karta atestadu médiku ne'ebé hasai ba sidadaun Filipina na'in rua. Maibé, funsionáriu ospitál ne'e sujere ba jornalista Tempo Semanál atu ba husu Sr. João funsionariu ida iha ospital. Funsionáriu ho inisial S hateten nia la simu osan ho valór US$ 140 dolar Amerikanu. “Ai la iha..la iha” tenik S hodi responde pergunta jornalista Tempo Semanál liu husi via telefone.\nTanba deskonfia funsionáriu ne'e komesa nega ona buat balu, entaun jornalista Tempo Semanál tenta klarifika katak, karta atestadu médiku ne'e asina husi Dr Mateus. Maibé, ho lian neineik funsionáriu ospitál responde, ooh.. nega sim..sim buat ne’e ami tes hotu.\n“Rejistu ne’e selu ketak no hasai raan ketak. Buat sira ne’e iha hotu ona ne'ebá maun ba direta iha ne'ebá mak hare de'it. Ema lokál la selu. Maibé, ida ne'e tanba ema estranjeiru.” dehan S hodi taka nia liafuan.\nHataan ba kestaun ne'e, Dr. Mateus Pereira hateten, kuandu iha rezultadu teze buat hotu ne'e negativu, nia parte hein asina de'it. “sira trasa surat atestadu médiku ba iha ha'u nia fatin hodi ha'u asina. Maibé, ha'u nunka hasoru pasiente sira. Klaru katak buat hotu bazeia ba kritériu. Ne’e duni, se buat hotu di'ak, konserteza ha'u hein asina de'it” esplika Dr. Mateus ba Tempo Semanál iha via telefone.\nMaski nune'e, Doutór ne'e hateten iha posibilidade ema balun bele falsifika . Tanba, dokumentu sira ne'ebé tama iha Doutór ninia meza kuaze to'o lima nulu, atus ida no atus rua. Ne'e duni, difisil atu deteta ida-ida.\nDokumentus sira ne'e, la'ós de'it ema estranjeiru nian. Maibé, inklui mós sidadaun lokál nian balu no ha'u hein asina de'it. “ha'u la hare pasiente no ha'u labele cek atestadu médiku ida-ida. 'terkecualia' ba sira ne'ebé mak atu ba rai li'ur hanesan, Amerikanu no rai seluk. Buat sira ne'e mak ita presiza hare bainhira sira dirije mai katak tenke cek ema ne'e, entaun ha'u foin bele hare, ema ne'e loos duni ka lae”, ema ne'e keta iha moras karik. Maibé, atestadu medika ba vistu sira hatama de'it hodi ha'u asina.” tenik Doutór ne'e.\nHusu kona ba prosesu administrasaun, Doutór ne'e hateten, klaru katak ba ema lokál la selu no free. Maibé, ba ema estranjeiru parese selu mais Doutór Mateus rasik ladún hatene kada ema selu hira.\nAntes ne'e, iha loron 25/9/2012 jornalista Tempo Semanál hakat ba Timor Plaza fatin ne'ebé sidadaun estranjeiru Filipina serbisu ba. Iha momentu ne'e jornalista Tempo Semanál tenta inter vista sidadaun Filipina ne'ebé mai ho vistu turista hodi serbisu iha Timor. Maibé, sidadaun Filipina ne'e lakohi fó informasaun klaru no hanesan subar hela segredu balun. “ami rona informasaun katak ema balun mak hato'o keixa ba parte imigrasaun. Ne'e duni, ami mós hirus. Tanba, ema ne'e serbisu iha ne'e.” dehan Mazy Tayamen Country Manager iha kompañia Philweb.\nIha momentu ne'ebá Mazy ho ninia intérprete António Armindo haktuir mós ba jornalista Tempo Semanál katak, prosesu hotu sira iha Konsulár Nasionál MNE mak hatene, ne'e duni ita boot sira bele ba buka hatene de'it iha ne'ebá. Sira mós akuza katak husi parte Konsulár MNE mak atraza sira nia vistu trabalhu.\n“depois ami fó hatene katuas Xanana nia alin lai. Tanba, sira mak iha ne’e. Nune'e mós, imi bele ba husu Sr. Cris iha MNE.” haktuir Mazy ho António Armindo.\nResponde kona ba informasaun ne'ebé deskonfia envolvimentu ema boot balu husi Ministériu Turizmu ne'ebé fó apoiu ba sidadaun Filipina, Diretór Divizaun de Jogus iha Ministériu Turizmu, Miguel Lobato dehan, nia parte la hatene. Tansá, sidadaun estranjeiru ne'e mai ho vistu turista. Maibé serbisu fali iha Timor.\nLobato haktuir tan katak, ninia knaar atu hala'o serbisu ida ne'e no Lei la bandu nia atu hasoru ema sira ne'e. Maibé, la'ós atu trata sira nia dokumentus.\nMaski sidadaun Filipina na'in rua ne'e, sidauk hetan vistu trabalhu. Maibé, sira hahú hala'o ona serbisu iha fulan Juñu liu ba. Ne'e duni, sira viola ona Lei trabalhu. Tanba, molok sidadaun estranjeiru ida atu serbisu iha Timor, nia tenke trata vistu trabalhu iha Konsulár MNE, depois hetan rekomendasaun husi Inspesaun Jerál Trabalhu hafoin bele serbisu iha Timor Leste.\nIronia liu tan, iha loron ida antes Diretór Nasionál Konsulár MNE fó intervista ba jornál Tempo Semanál katak, Sra ne’e viola ona Lei. Ne'e duni, presiza kaer no haruka fila. Maibé, depois de intervista ho jornál Tempo Semanál besik tuku 11: 00 otl dader Diretór ne’e fila, dokumentus sidadaun Filipina nian latan ona iha ninia meza leten.\nHo buat hirak ne'e hotu, deskonfia katak ema balu iha Konsulár MNE nian envolve iha prosesu sobu estadu de direitu nasaun ne’e hodi simu pedidu husi kotuk atu ajuda vistu de trabalhu ba Sra. Mazy tanba iha ligasaun ho ema balun ne'ebé servisu iha Philweb. Antes dokumentus husi sidadaun Filipina nian to'o iha MNE, funsionáriu ida iha Philweb ho funsionáriu ida iha Ministériu Turizmu kontaktu uluk ona Diretór Nasionál Konsulár Crisogno de Araújo ninia staff ida hodi kombina.\nIha karta kontratu ne'e, Sra. Mazy Tayamen sai hanesan Country Manager no kada fulan hetan saláriu US$ 2.000 (dolar rihun rua). Nune'e mós, ninia kaben Nathaniel Tayamen sai hanesan IT Support Profesional no kada fulan hetan saláriu US$ 450 (dolar atus hat lima nulu). períodu kontratu ne'e hahú Juñu 2012 to'o Juñu 2013. (**)\nPosted by TEMPO SEMANAL at 19:14 | [
"TEMPO SEMANAL: PARTE II: Servidor Estadu TL Sobu Estadu De Direitu Tempo semanal-Dili, 19/10/2012 Deskonfia MAZY Uza Dolar Taka Servidor Estadu Balun Nia Ibun KOMPARA ho nasaun sira seluk, Timor -Leste ninia idade sei nurak tebes.",
"Ita presiza tane no asegura didi'ak dignidade rai ida ne'e.",
"Tanba, oras ne'e daudauk ema balun koko hakarak atu sobu estadu de direitu ida ne'e liu husi poder ne'ebe sira iha.",
"Situasaun hanesan ne'e hahu akontese iha instituisaun estadu nian.",
"Tanba, deskonfia servidor estadu balun ne'ebe serbisu iha Sekretariu Estadu Politika Formasaun Profisional Empregu (SEPFOPE) Departamentu Inspesaun Jeral Trabalhu, Konsular Nasional Ministeriu Negosiu Estranjeiru (MNE), inklui funsionariu Servisu Imigrasaun nian balun ne'ebe apoiu sidadaun Filipina iha prosesu sobu estadu de direitu.",
"La'os ne'e de'it. sidadaun Filipina na'in rua, Mazy Tayamen no Nathaniel Tayamen ne'ebe mai ho vistu turista, hodi serbisu iha Timor-Leste iha koneksaun mos ho ema boot balu iha Ministeriu Turizmu.",
"Tanba, deskonfia ema ne'e mak hala'o hela kombinasaun ho funsionariu MNE nian ida hodi trata vistu de trabalhu ba sidadaun Filipina ne'ebe tuir loos kontra ona Lei imigrasaun nian.",
"Servidor estadu sira ne'ebe durante ne'e hala'o ligasaun ilegal ho sidadaun Filipina hodi hamenus osan ba tasa estadu nian hodi buka hatama ba sira nia bolsu mak hanesan, husi parte SEPFOPE, Departamentu Inspesaun Jeral Trabalhu Sra. ida ho inisial JP no deskonfia envolvimentu funsionariu na'in 2.",
"Nune'e mos, husi parte Serbisu Polisia Imigrasaun nian Sra. ida ho inisial E, inklui mos membru PNTL ida ho inisial P. Observasaun Jornal Tempo Semanal mos nota katak, sidadaun Filipina ne'ebe daudauk ne'e serbisu iha Kompania Philweb Lorosa'e Lda nu'udar Country Manager uza osan hodi kompleta rekizitu balu para bele trata vistu servisu ninian ho ninia kaben nian, hanesan buat ne'ebe mosu iha Ospital Nasional Guidu Valadares no ba servidor estadu sira seluk.",
"Tuir informasaun ne'ebe Tempo Semanal rekolla, Antonio Armindo Operasional Manager Kompania Philweb husu ajuda ba ninia kolega ida ho inisial S funsionariu Ospital hodi falsifikasaun teze ba Mazy ho Nathaniel hafoin selu ho osan U$$ 140 dolar Amerikanu.",
"Felizmente buat sira ne'e hotu realiza duni.",
"Tanba, husi parte ospital rasik konsege hasai ona karta Atestadu Mediku ba sidadaun Filipina, maski iha momentu ne'eba sidadaun Filipina na'in rua ne'e la ba hala'o teze.",
"Karta atestadu mediku ne'ebe asina husi Dr. Mateus Pereira iha loron 12 Setembru 2012 ho numeru referensia 7961/HNGV/AM/IX/2012 ba Mazy Tayamen no ba Nathaniel Tayamen ho numeru referensia 7942/ HNGV/AM/IX/2012.",
"Bainhira Jornal ne'e tenta husu konfirmasaun ba funsionariu ospital ho inisial S kona ba karta atestadu mediku ne'ebe hasai ba sidadaun Filipina na'in rua.",
"Maibe, funsionariu ospital ne'e sujere ba jornalista Tempo Semanal atu ba husu Sr. Joao funsionariu ida iha ospital.",
"Funsionariu ho inisial S hateten nia la simu osan ho valor US$ 140 dolar Amerikanu.",
"\"Ai la iha..la iha\" tenik S hodi responde pergunta jornalista Tempo Semanal liu husi via telefone.",
"Tanba deskonfia funsionariu ne'e komesa nega ona buat balu, entaun jornalista Tempo Semanal tenta klarifika katak, karta atestadu mediku ne'e asina husi Dr Mateus.",
"Maibe, ho lian neineik funsionariu ospital responde, ooh.. nega sim..sim buat ne'e ami tes hotu.",
"\"Rejistu ne'e selu ketak no hasai raan ketak.",
"Buat sira ne'e iha hotu ona ne'eba maun ba direta iha ne'eba mak hare de'it.",
"Ema lokal la selu.",
"Maibe, ida ne'e tanba ema estranjeiru.\" dehan S hodi taka nia liafuan.",
"Hataan ba kestaun ne'e, Dr. Mateus Pereira hateten, kuandu iha rezultadu teze buat hotu ne'e negativu, nia parte hein asina de'it. \"sira trasa surat atestadu mediku ba iha ha'u nia fatin hodi ha'u asina.",
"Maibe, ha'u nunka hasoru pasiente sira.",
"Klaru katak buat hotu bazeia ba kriteriu.",
"Ne'e duni, se buat hotu di'ak, konserteza ha'u hein asina de'it\" esplika Dr. Mateus ba Tempo Semanal iha via telefone.",
"Maski nune'e, Doutor ne'e hateten iha posibilidade ema balun bele falsifika .",
"Tanba, dokumentu sira ne'ebe tama iha Doutor ninia meza kuaze to'o lima nulu, atus ida no atus rua.",
"Ne'e duni, difisil atu deteta ida-ida.",
"Dokumentus sira ne'e, la'os de'it ema estranjeiru nian.",
"Maibe, inklui mos sidadaun lokal nian balu no ha'u hein asina de'it. \"ha'u la hare pasiente no ha'u labele cek atestadu mediku ida-ida. 'terkecualia' ba sira ne'ebe mak atu ba rai li'ur hanesan, Amerikanu no rai seluk.",
"Buat sira ne'e mak ita presiza hare bainhira sira dirije mai katak tenke cek ema ne'e, entaun ha'u foin bele hare, ema ne'e loos duni ka lae,\" ema ne'e keta iha moras karik.",
"Maibe, atestadu medika ba vistu sira hatama de'it hodi ha'u asina.\" tenik Doutor ne'e.",
"Husu kona ba prosesu administrasaun, Doutor ne'e hateten, klaru katak ba ema lokal la selu no free.",
"Maibe, ba ema estranjeiru parese selu mais Doutor Mateus rasik ladun hatene kada ema selu hira.",
"Antes ne'e, iha loron 25/9/2012 jornalista Tempo Semanal hakat ba Timor Plaza fatin ne'ebe sidadaun estranjeiru Filipina serbisu ba.",
"Iha momentu ne'e jornalista Tempo Semanal tenta inter vista sidadaun Filipina ne'ebe mai ho vistu turista hodi serbisu iha Timor.",
"Maibe, sidadaun Filipina ne'e lakohi fo informasaun klaru no hanesan subar hela segredu balun. \"ami rona informasaun katak ema balun mak hato'o keixa ba parte imigrasaun.",
"Ne'e duni, ami mos hirus.",
"Tanba, ema ne'e serbisu iha ne'e.\" dehan Mazy Tayamen Country Manager iha kompania Philweb.",
"Iha momentu ne'eba Mazy ho ninia interprete Antonio Armindo haktuir mos ba jornalista Tempo Semanal katak, prosesu hotu sira iha Konsular Nasional MNE mak hatene, ne'e duni ita boot sira bele ba buka hatene de'it iha ne'eba.",
"Sira mos akuza katak husi parte Konsular MNE mak atraza sira nia vistu trabalhu. \"depois ami fo hatene katuas Xanana nia alin lai.",
"Tanba, sira mak iha ne'e.",
"Nune'e mos, imi bele ba husu Sr. Cris iha MNE.\" haktuir Mazy ho Antonio Armindo.",
"Responde kona ba informasaun ne'ebe deskonfia envolvimentu ema boot balu husi Ministeriu Turizmu ne'ebe fo apoiu ba sidadaun Filipina, Diretor Divizaun de Jogus iha Ministeriu Turizmu, Miguel Lobato dehan, nia parte la hatene.",
"Tansa, sidadaun estranjeiru ne'e mai ho vistu turista.",
"Maibe serbisu fali iha Timor.",
"Lobato haktuir tan katak, ninia knaar atu hala'o serbisu ida ne'e no Lei la bandu nia atu hasoru ema sira ne'e.",
"Maibe, la'os atu trata sira nia dokumentus.",
"Maski sidadaun Filipina na'in rua ne'e, sidauk hetan vistu trabalhu.",
"Maibe, sira hahu hala'o ona serbisu iha fulan Junu liu ba.",
"Ne'e duni, sira viola ona Lei trabalhu.",
"Tanba, molok sidadaun estranjeiru ida atu serbisu iha Timor, nia tenke trata vistu trabalhu iha Konsular MNE, depois hetan rekomendasaun husi Inspesaun Jeral Trabalhu hafoin bele serbisu iha Timor Leste.",
"Ironia liu tan, iha loron ida antes Diretor Nasional Konsular MNE fo intervista ba jornal Tempo Semanal katak, Sra ne'e viola ona Lei.",
"Ne'e duni, presiza kaer no haruka fila.",
"Maibe, depois de intervista ho jornal Tempo Semanal besik tuku 11: 00 otl dader Diretor ne'e fila, dokumentus sidadaun Filipina nian latan ona iha ninia meza leten.",
"Ho buat hirak ne'e hotu, deskonfia katak ema balu iha Konsular MNE nian envolve iha prosesu sobu estadu de direitu nasaun ne'e hodi simu pedidu husi kotuk atu ajuda vistu de trabalhu ba Sra.",
"Mazy tanba iha ligasaun ho ema balun ne'ebe servisu iha Philweb.",
"Antes dokumentus husi sidadaun Filipina nian to'o iha MNE, funsionariu ida iha Philweb ho funsionariu ida iha Ministeriu Turizmu kontaktu uluk ona Diretor Nasional Konsular Crisogno de Araujo ninia staff ida hodi kombina.",
"Iha karta kontratu ne'e, Sra.",
"Mazy Tayamen sai hanesan Country Manager no kada fulan hetan salariu US$ 2.000 (dolar rihun rua).",
"Nune'e mos, ninia kaben Nathaniel Tayamen sai hanesan IT Support Profesional no kada fulan hetan salariu US$ 450 (dolar atus hat lima nulu). periodu kontratu ne'e hahu Junu 2012 to'o Junu 2013. (**) Posted by TEMPO SEMANAL at 19:14"
] | [
"TEMPO SEMANAL: PARTE II - Servidor Estadu TL Sobu Estado De Direito Tempo semanal-Dili, 19/08 /25 Desconfia MAZY Usa Dolar Taka Servo Estatal Balun Nia Ibun COMPARED WITH OTHER COUNTRIES Timor Leste is very old."
"We need to cultivate and ensure the dignity of this land."
"Because, right now some people want to undermine this rule of law through the power they have."
"The same situation has begun to occur in the state institutions."
"Because, they suspect some state servants who work in the State Secretariat of Policy Vocational Training Employment (SEPFOPE) Department General Inspection Labor Consular National Ministry for Foreign Affairs(MNE), including officials from Immigration Service that support Filipino citizens to undermine rule-of law."
"Not only that. Two Filipino citizens, Mazy Tayamen and Nathaniel Tajaman who came on tourist visas to work in Timor-Leste also have connections with some high officials at the Ministry of Tourism (MT)."
"He was suspected of colluding with a MNE official to issue work visas for Filipinos who had already violated the Immigration Law."
"The public servants who have been conducting illegal contacts with Filipino citizens to reduce the state taxes and seek money for their own pockets are, from SEPFOPE'S Department of General Labour Inspection: a woman named JP."
"Likewise, from the Immigration Police Service a Ms. with initial E and also an officer of PNP whose first name is not known was arrested in connection to this case observing Jornal Tempo Semanal notes that Filipino national currently working at Philweb Lorosa'e Lda as Country Manager used money for completion some requirements so he could process his work visa together its spouse like what happened on Ospital Nacional Guidu Valadares (National Hospital) or other public servant services"
"According to the information gathered by Tempo Semanal, Antonio Armindo Operational Manager of Philweb Company asked for help from his colleague with initials S who is a hospital employee so that he could falsify Mazy and Nathaniel' s dissertation after paying $140 US dollars."
"Fortunately, all of these things have come true."
"Because, the hospital itself was able to issue a medical certificate for Filipino citizens even though at that time these two Philippine nationals were not carrying out their dissertation."
"Letter of medical certificate signed by Dr. Mateus Pereira on September,12th for Mazy Tayamen and Nathaniel Tajaman with reference number:7960/HNGV / AM-IX -XYZ"
"When the newspaper tried to ask for confirmation from a hospital official with an initial S about medical certificates issued in respect of two Filipino citizens, he refused."
"However, the hospital employee suggested to Tempo Semanal journalist that he should ask Mr. Joao a staff member in his office at Hospital São João da Boa Vista (Hospital of Good Hope)."
"An official with the initial S said he did not receive money worth US$ 140."
"\"Ai la iha. , no there\" said S to answer the journalist Tempo Semanal question via telephone:"
"Because the official began to deny some things, Tempo Semanal journalists tried clarifying that this medical certificate was signed by Dr Mateus."
"But, in a quiet tone the hospital official replied: ooh. ? no yes...yes we tested everything that's all there is to it!"
"\"The registry pays a cent and takes blood from the patient."
"All of these things are already there, you can go directly to them and see it."
"Local woman in the village."
"But it's because of foreigners,\" S concluded."
"In response to this issue, Dr. Mateus Pereira said that when the result of his dissertation is negative everything else he just waits for it' s sign up.\"They send a letter with medical certificate in my place so I can put one on and then they let me do all other things\"."
"However, I have never met patients."
"Of course, everything is based on criteria."
"So, if everything goes well then I'm just waiting to sign the contract\" explained Dr. Mateus via telephone with Tempo Semanal (Portuguese newspaper)."
"However, the doctor said there is a possibility that some people could falsify it."
"Because, the documents that entered his desk almost reached five hundred one and two."
"However, it is difficult to detect each one."
"These documents are not only for foreigners."
"\"I don't see the patients and I can not check every medical certificate. 'Exceptions are made for those who go abroad, like American people or other countries.\""
"That's what we need to see when they tell us that the person needs a check-up, so then I can look at whether this is really he or she.\""
"But, the medical certificates for visa just sent to me so I can sign them.\" said this doctor."
"Asked about the administration process, he said it was clear that for locals there is no fee or free."
"However, for a foreigner it seems to be paid but Dr. Mateus himself does not know how much each person is paying;"
"Earlier, on September 25th of the same year Tempo Semanal journalists visited Timor Plaza where Filipino foreigners work."
"At the same time, Tempo Semanal's journalist tried to interview a Filipino citizen who had come with tourist visas in order for him/her work on Timor."
"However, the Filipino citizen refused to give clear information and seemed as if he was still letting some secrets out. \"We heard that people were making complaint with Immigration Department of State (DILG)."
"Ne'e duni, ami mos hirus."
"Because, the person is working here.\" says Mazy Tayamen Country Manager at Philweb company."
"At the time, Mazy and his interpreter Antonio Armindo also told journalist Tempo Semanal that all processes are in Consular Nacional MNE knows so we can go find out there."
"They also accused the MNE Consular Department of delaying their work visa. \"Then we told Xanana's elder brother lai that they were being detained.\""
"Because, they're here."
"Likewise, you can ask Mr. Cris at the MNE.\" said Mazy with Antonio Armindo telling them that they are going to go and talk about it in a meeting next week"
"Responding to information that suspects the involvement of some high-ranking officials from Tourism Ministry who have given support for Filipino citizens, Director Gaming Division in tourism ministry Miguel Lobato said his side did not know."
"However, this foreign citizen has come with a tourist visa."
"But he returned to work in Timor."
"Lobato said that it was his duty to carry out this work and the law did not forbid him from dealing with these people."
"However, it is not to deal with their documents."
"Despite the fact that they were both Filipino citizens, neither of them was granted a work visa."
"However, they had already begun work in June last year."
"Thus, they have violated the Labour Law."
"Because, before a foreign citizen to work in Timor-Leste he must apply for the working visa at MNE Consulate and then get recommendation from General Labour Inspection after being able To do so."
"More ironic, the day before MNE National Consular Director gave an interview to Tempo Semanal newspaper that she had violated law."
"So, it is necessary to take and send back."
"However, after an interview with the newspaper Tempo Semanal around 10:35 o'clock when Director returned to his desk he found documents of Filipino nationals lying there."
"With all this, I suspect that some people in the Consulate of MNE are involved with a process to undermine our country's rule Of Law by receiving request from behind for help obtaining work visa."
"Mazy because he has connections with some people who work at Philweb."
"Before the documents of Filipino nationals arrive at MNE, an official from Philweb and a staff member in Tourism Ministry first contacted National Consular Director Crisogno de Araujo' s personnel to combine them."
"There is a letter of contract, Mrs."
"Mazy Tayamen became the Country Manager and received a monthly salary of US$ 2,015."
"Likewise, her husband Nathaniel Tayamen became an IT Support Professional and each month received a salary of US$ 450 (one thousand forty-five dollars). The contract period began June.21st in the year to run until July last years' ends on September one hundred thirteenth day after his death at age nineteen months old"
] |
Direitos – Tane Konsumidor\nDIREITO FUNDAMENTAl SIRA KONSUMIDOR SIRA NIAN\nDireitu hirak ne’e nuudar irrenunsiavel no buka atu kaer-metin ekilibriu relasaun entre ita-ema no empreza ne’ebé maka dala-wa’in la hanesan.\nDireitu protesaun ba vida, saúde no seguransa\nDireitu ba informasaun konabá konsumu\nDireitu ba kualidade bein no servisu sira\nDireitu ba prevensaun no reparasaun danu sira\nDireitu ba protesaun interese ekonómiku sira\nDireitu ba protessaun hasoru publisidade bosok-ten no abuziva\nDireitu ba protesaun jurídika\nDireitu ba partisipasaun, hosi dalan reprezentativan\nDireitu ba formasaun no edukasaun ba konsumu\nlabele faan bein sira ne’ebé bele kauza problema saúde ka mate ba konsumidór sira, hanesan ekipamentu sira ne’ebé labele aprezenta risku asidente. Labele faan bein sira ne’ebé maka estraga ona, mal-akondisionadu, ho defeitu ka laiha kualidade nesesária.\nkonsumidór sira iha direitu hodi simu informasaun relevante hotu molok hola/kompra, liuliu konabá karakterístika sira, folin, kuantidade, kompozisaun, kualidade, validade/vijénsia kontratu nian, risku, garantia no asisténsia hafoin-faan.\nProdutu no servisu hotu tenke iha satisfasaun ba fin ne’ebé destina no hatan ba konsumidór sira nia lejítima espetativa. Fornesedór tenke garante ninia di’ak no funsionamentu di’ak ba bein sira ne’ebé adkiri tiha ona, pelu menus durante tinan 1 ba beins movel sira no tinan 5 ba bein imovel sira.\nIha períodu garantia produtu nian, hahú hosi uzu normál, tenke repara gratuitamente ba defeitu sira ne’ebé iha. Karik produtu sira ne’e labele atu halo reparasaun konsumidór ida direitu hodi simu fali produtu ida ne’ebé hanesan ka ekivalente ka fó-fila (devolução) ba valór ne’ebé maka selu tiha ona.\nkosumidór sira la obriga atu simu ka halo tuir kontratu sira ne’ebé kláuzula abuziva, ka kontratu hirak ne’ebé la kaer-metin (assegura) ekilíbriu-justu iha direitu no obrigasaun hosi parte rua. Relasaun entre fornesedór no konsumidór sira tenke iha igualdade material, lealdade no boa-fé. Ezemplu hanesan, konsumidór sira la obriga atu selu bein/servisu ne’ebé la solisita.\nKonsumidór sira iha direitu atu hetan informasaun ne’ebé loloos konabá buat ne’ebé atu hola/kompra. Labele iha sala/erro iha publisidade ne’ebé dalaruma la iha verdade, omite ka taka informasaun ne’ebé ezajera ka duvidozu konabá karakterístika sira ka folin bein no servsu nian.\nDireitu no lejítmu interese konsumidór sira nian ne’e defende tiha ona iha lei ba defeza direitu no interese ne’ebé lei ida ne’e proteje sei admite asaun hotu-hotu be adekuada ba ninia tutela.\nKonsumidór sira iha direitu atu reprezenta liu-hosi asosiasaun konsumidór sira nian, ida ne’ebé tenke rona hanesan matéria lejislasaun nian, direitu ba antena no aprezentasaun keixa no denúnsia sira.\nKonsumidór sira tenke simu formasaun no informasaun hosi Estadu no organizasaun sosiedade sivil nian atu nune’e konsumidór sira bele iha informasaun liu, konsiente no ativu iha defeza ba sira nia direitu. | [
"Direitos - Tane Konsumidor DIREITO FUNDAMENTAl SIRA KONSUMIDOR SIRA NIAN Direitu hirak ne'e nuudar irrenunsiavel no buka atu kaer-metin ekilibriu relasaun entre ita-ema no empreza ne'ebe maka dala-wa'in la hanesan.",
"Direitu protesaun ba vida, saude no seguransa Direitu ba informasaun konaba konsumu Direitu ba kualidade bein no servisu sira Direitu ba prevensaun no reparasaun danu sira Direitu ba protesaun interese ekonomiku sira Direitu ba protessaun hasoru publisidade bosok-ten no abuziva Direitu ba protesaun juridika Direitu ba partisipasaun, hosi dalan reprezentativan Direitu ba formasaun no edukasaun ba konsumu labele faan bein sira ne'ebe bele kauza problema saude ka mate ba konsumidor sira, hanesan ekipamentu sira ne'ebe labele aprezenta risku asidente.",
"Labele faan bein sira ne'ebe maka estraga ona, mal-akondisionadu, ho defeitu ka laiha kualidade nesesaria. konsumidor sira iha direitu hodi simu informasaun relevante hotu molok hola/kompra, liuliu konaba karakteristika sira, folin, kuantidade, kompozisaun, kualidade, validade/vijensia kontratu nian, risku, garantia no asistensia hafoin-faan.",
"Produtu no servisu hotu tenke iha satisfasaun ba fin ne'ebe destina no hatan ba konsumidor sira nia lejitima espetativa.",
"Fornesedor tenke garante ninia di'ak no funsionamentu di'ak ba bein sira ne'ebe adkiri tiha ona, pelu menus durante tinan 1 ba beins movel sira no tinan 5 ba bein imovel sira.",
"Iha periodu garantia produtu nian, hahu hosi uzu normal, tenke repara gratuitamente ba defeitu sira ne'ebe iha.",
"Karik produtu sira ne'e labele atu halo reparasaun konsumidor ida direitu hodi simu fali produtu ida ne'ebe hanesan ka ekivalente ka fo-fila (devolucao) ba valor ne'ebe maka selu tiha ona. kosumidor sira la obriga atu simu ka halo tuir kontratu sira ne'ebe klauzula abuziva, ka kontratu hirak ne'ebe la kaer-metin (assegura) ekilibriu-justu iha direitu no obrigasaun hosi parte rua.",
"Relasaun entre fornesedor no konsumidor sira tenke iha igualdade material, lealdade no boa-fe.",
"Ezemplu hanesan, konsumidor sira la obriga atu selu bein/servisu ne'ebe la solisita.",
"Konsumidor sira iha direitu atu hetan informasaun ne'ebe loloos konaba buat ne'ebe atu hola/kompra.",
"Labele iha sala/erro iha publisidade ne'ebe dalaruma la iha verdade, omite ka taka informasaun ne'ebe ezajera ka duvidozu konaba karakteristika sira ka folin bein no servsu nian.",
"Direitu no lejitmu interese konsumidor sira nian ne'e defende tiha ona iha lei ba defeza direitu no interese ne'ebe lei ida ne'e proteje sei admite asaun hotu-hotu be adekuada ba ninia tutela.",
"Konsumidor sira iha direitu atu reprezenta liu-hosi asosiasaun konsumidor sira nian, ida ne'ebe tenke rona hanesan materia lejislasaun nian, direitu ba antena no aprezentasaun keixa no denunsia sira.",
"Konsumidor sira tenke simu formasaun no informasaun hosi Estadu no organizasaun sosiedade sivil nian atu nune'e konsumidor sira bele iha informasaun liu, konsiente no ativu iha defeza ba sira nia direitu."
] | [
"These rights are inalienable and seek to maintain a balance in the relationship between you as an individual, one of us with our company."
"Right to protection of life, health and safety The right for information on consumers' rights To the quality in good & services Rights For prevention And Remedy Of Damage Injuries Law Protection Economic Interests Protected Against False or Abusive Advertising Legal Protection Participation By Representative Means Consumer Education Cannot sell products that may cause problems with their Health Or Death As Equipment That May Not Present Accidental Risk."
"Consumers are entitled to receive all relevant information before purchasing, in particular on the characteristic of products and services (including their price), quantity or composition; quality/validity / expiration date."
"All products and services must satisfy the purpose for which they are intended, meet legitimate expectations of consumers."
"The supplier shall guarantee the goods acquired for at least 1 year in respect of movable property and five years, as far As immovables are concerned."
"During the warranty period of a product, starting from normal use and without charge for repairs to defective products."
"Consumers are not obliged to accept or comply with contractual provisions that contain unfair terms, nor those which do Not ensure a fair balance of rights and obligations between the parties."
"The relationship between suppliers and consumers must be based on material equality, loyalty or good faith."
"For example, consumers are not obliged to pay for unsolicited good/service."
"Consumers have the right to accurate information about what they are buying."
"There must be no errors in advertising, which may include untrue information or omission of misleading and dubious details about the characteristic/price specification for a product."
"The rights and legitimate interests of the consumer are protected by law. In defence to these, all actions appropriated for their protection shall be admitted in accordance with this Act;"
"Consumers have the right to be represented through consumer associations, which must hear them on matters of legislation and antennae as well."
"Consumers should receive education and information from the State as well As civil society organization in order to be better-informed, more aware And actively defending their rights."
] |
By Tempo Timor July 10, 2021 3592\nFunsionáriu Públiku sira hala'o hela atividade marsa saudável ne'ebe hahú husi Pantai Kelapa to'o Largo Lecidere, sábadu (10/7). Foto Suplay\nProsesu ba atividade marsa saudável hala'o husi edifísiu Ministériu Negósiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun (MENK) Pantai Kelapa to'o mai iha Largo Lesidere.\nPrezidente Komisaun Funsaun Públika (KFP), Faustono Cardoso hatete, tuir ajenda no planu ba marsa saudável ne’ebé sira hala'o lolos hetan partisipasaun husi ema atushaat, tanba covid-19 entaun ema atus-ida-resin de'it mak partisipa.\n“Ohin dia 10 de jullu 2021, dadersan de'it, Ministériu Saúde, hamutuk ho Komisaun Funsaun Públika (KFP), liuhusi ekipa organizadora ba komemorasun dia nasionál KFP, ba dala-hitu, hala'o atividade ne’ebé ami hanaran marsa saudável, la'o saudavel. Ne'ebé partisipasaun ne'e barak, ema atusida-resin, maske planu ba ema atushaat tuir ajenda, kalendáriu, planu ne'ebè mak iha”, dehan nia iha Largo Lesidere, sábadu (10/07).\nProsesu husi atividade marsa saudável ida ne'e, sai nu’udar lisaun ida ba funsionáriu públiku hotu, liliu mákina estadu hotu, oinsá mak sira bele tau importánsia ba ida-idak nia saúde.\nTanba, situasaun ida Timor-Leste enfrenta agora mak pandemia covid-19, ne’ebé halo sidadaun hotu preokupa, maibé tenke sai ona realidade, gosta ka la gosta, hothotu sei moris hamutuk ho covid-19.\n“Katak oinsá liuhusi marsa ida ne'e, bele fó lisaun ida, fó alerta, fó hanoin, kona-ba importánsia ema ida-idak, atu haree saúde ne'e ho sériu, hahú husi nia-an, katak oinsá mak bele hala'o atividade ne’ebé mak saúde di’ak”, dehan nia.\nHo ida ne'e, husu ema hotu tenke okupadu ho sira ida-idak nia servisu, maibé buka atu haluha nafatin tempu halo ezersisiu hodi kuidadu nafatin saúde.\nEnkuantu, loron 15 jullu nu’udar loron, nasionál ba funsaun públiku, no ko’alia kona-ba funsaun públiku ne'e sei haree kona-ba funsionáriu públiku ne’ebé mak halo parte husi mákina estadu hodi serbi no presta servisu ba povu no nasaun, oinsá buka realiza mehi lulik sira ne'ebé konstituisaun mós dehan katak oinsá mak akompaña lori povu hakbesik ba moris di’ak, tuir setór ida-idak nian. (*)\nMinistériu Negósiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun (MENK)\n« Governu Kontinua Haluha Estrada Iha Suku Edi OPMT Entrega Sertifikadu ba Membru CPEHLMT no Kontribuiente 93 » | [
"By Tempo Timor July 10, 2021 3592 Funsionariu Publiku sira hala'o hela atividade marsa saudavel ne'ebe hahu husi Pantai Kelapa to'o Largo Lecidere, sabadu (10/7).",
"Foto Suplay Prosesu ba atividade marsa saudavel hala'o husi edifisiu Ministeriu Negosiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun (MENK) Pantai Kelapa to'o mai iha Largo Lesidere.",
"Prezidente Komisaun Funsaun Publika (KFP), Faustono Cardoso hatete, tuir ajenda no planu ba marsa saudavel ne'ebe sira hala'o lolos hetan partisipasaun husi ema atushaat, tanba covid-19 entaun ema atus-ida-resin de'it mak partisipa.",
"\"Ohin dia 10 de jullu 2021, dadersan de'it, Ministeriu Saude, hamutuk ho Komisaun Funsaun Publika (KFP), liuhusi ekipa organizadora ba komemorasun dia nasional KFP, ba dala-hitu, hala'o atividade ne'ebe ami hanaran marsa saudavel, la'o saudavel.",
"Ne'ebe partisipasaun ne'e barak, ema atusida-resin, maske planu ba ema atushaat tuir ajenda, kalendariu, planu ne'ebe mak iha,\" dehan nia iha Largo Lesidere, sabadu (10/07).",
"Prosesu husi atividade marsa saudavel ida ne'e, sai nu'udar lisaun ida ba funsionariu publiku hotu, liliu makina estadu hotu, oinsa mak sira bele tau importansia ba ida-idak nia saude.",
"Tanba, situasaun ida Timor-Leste enfrenta agora mak pandemia covid-19, ne'ebe halo sidadaun hotu preokupa, maibe tenke sai ona realidade, gosta ka la gosta, hothotu sei moris hamutuk ho covid-19.",
"\"Katak oinsa liuhusi marsa ida ne'e, bele fo lisaun ida, fo alerta, fo hanoin, kona-ba importansia ema ida-idak, atu haree saude ne'e ho seriu, hahu husi nia-an, katak oinsa mak bele hala'o atividade ne'ebe mak saude di'ak,\" dehan nia.",
"Ho ida ne'e, husu ema hotu tenke okupadu ho sira ida-idak nia servisu, maibe buka atu haluha nafatin tempu halo ezersisiu hodi kuidadu nafatin saude.",
"Enkuantu, loron 15 jullu nu'udar loron, nasional ba funsaun publiku, no ko'alia kona-ba funsaun publiku ne'e sei haree kona-ba funsionariu publiku ne'ebe mak halo parte husi makina estadu hodi serbi no presta servisu ba povu no nasaun, oinsa buka realiza mehi lulik sira ne'ebe konstituisaun mos dehan katak oinsa mak akompana lori povu hakbesik ba moris di'ak, tuir setor ida-idak nian. (*) Ministeriu Negosiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun (MENK) \" Governu Kontinua Haluha Estrada Iha Suku Edi OPMT Entrega Sertifikadu ba Membru CPEHLMT no Kontribuiente 93 \""
] | [
"By Tempo Timor July 10,.3592 Public servants are carrying out a healthy march that started from Pantai Kelapa to Largo Lecidere on Saturday (July) October(7)."
"The process for the health march activity was conducted from Ministry of Foreign Trade and Cooperation (MENK) building Pantai Kelapa to Largo Lesidere."
"President of the Public Service Commission (KFP), Faustono Cardoso said, according to agenda and plan for a healthy march that they carried out should have had participation by thousands people because covid-19 so only one hundred participants."
"\"On July 10, the Ministry of Health together with Public Service Commission (KFP), through its organizing team for commemorating KPF national day held an activity we call a healthy march."
"The participation is large, thousands of people even though the plan for a dozen according to agenda and calendar that we have,” he said in Largo Lesidere on Saturday (10/7)."
"The process of this healthy march activity became a lesson for all public servants, especially the whole state machine as to how they can put importance on their own health."
"Because, a situation that Timor-Leste is facing now it's the pandemic covid 19 which makes all citizens worried but must become reality like or not we will live together with this disease."
"\"I hope that through this march, we can give a lesson to others and make them aware of the importance for each person in taking their health seriously. Starting with themselves they should learn how you could do healthy activities.\""
"With this, he asked everyone to be busy with their work but try not forget the time of doing exercises in order take good care."
"Meanwhile, July 15 is the national day for public service and speaking about it we will look at civil servants who are part of state machinery to serve people in their country. We'll see how they can achieve those aspirations that our constitution also says: \"How do I accompany my nation towards a better life?\" (*) Ministry Of Foreign Affairs And Cooperation (MENK): Government Continued To Renovating Road In Edi OPMT Village Handed Over Certificate For Member OF THE CPEHLMT & Contributor No93"
] |
Departamentu Hakerek nian iha Estadus Unidus\nAtu bele haklaken “liafuan diʼak” ba “nasaun, suku, língua no povu hotu”, ami halo ona livru sira iha língua 900 liu. (Apokalipse 14:6) Oinsá mak ami bele halo serbisu boot neʼe? Neʼe tanba ami iha hakerek-naʼin iha rai oioin no ami mós iha irmaun-irmán barak neʼebé halo serbisu atu tradús livru sira.\nUlukliu informasaun sira hakerek iha lian Inglés. Grupu Administradór tau matan ba serbisu neʼebé Departamentu Hakerek nian halo iha sede-jerál. Departamentu neʼe organiza serbisu ba hakerek-naʼin sira iha sede-jerál no mós iha sukursál balu. Tanba hakerek-naʼin sira mai husi rai oioin, ida-neʼe ajuda ami atu fó sai informasaun neʼebé diʼak ba ema hotu iha mundu tomak.\nHaruka informasaun ba tradutór sira. Depois Departamentu Hakerek nian hadiʼa informasaun hotu no hetan lisensa, sira haruka ida-neʼe liuhusi internét ba grupu tradutór sira iha rai oioin. Grupu sira-neʼe hakaʼas an atu tradús ho loloos informasaun husi lian Inglés ba sira-nia língua rasik, hodi uza “liafuan neʼebé loos”.—Eclesiastes 12:10.\nKomputadór ajuda atu halo serbisu lalais liu. Komputadór sira labele halo ema nia serbisu atu hakerek no tradús. Maski nuneʼe, hodi uza programa oioin iha komputadór, ida-neʼe ajuda tradutór sira halo serbisu lalais liu. Testemuña ba Jeová halo programa komputadór ida naran MEPS (Multilanguage Electronic Publishing System). Bele hatama testu iha língua atus ba atus ba programa neʼe no tau testu neʼe hamutuk ho dezeñu hodi bele sai livru neʼebé prontu atu print.\nTanbasá mak ami-nia organizasaun hakaʼas an atu tradús livru sira ba língua oioin? Ami halo ida-neʼe tanba Maromak Jeová hakarak “ema hotu hetan salvasaun no hetan koñesimentu neʼebé loos kona-ba lia-loos”.—1 Timóteo 2:3, 4.\nSerbisu atu hakerek ami-nia livru sira envolve saida deʼit?\nTanbasá mak ami-nia organizasaun hakaʼas an atu tradús livru sira ba língua barak? | [
"Departamentu Hakerek nian iha Estadus Unidus Atu bele haklaken \"liafuan di'ak\" ba \"nasaun, suku, lingua no povu hotu,\" ami halo ona livru sira iha lingua 900 liu.",
"(Apokalipse 14:6) Oinsa mak ami bele halo serbisu boot ne'e?",
"Ne'e tanba ami iha hakerek-na'in iha rai oioin no ami mos iha irmaun-irman barak ne'ebe halo serbisu atu tradus livru sira.",
"Ulukliu informasaun sira hakerek iha lian Ingles.",
"Grupu Administrador tau matan ba serbisu ne'ebe Departamentu Hakerek nian halo iha sede-jeral.",
"Departamentu ne'e organiza serbisu ba hakerek-na'in sira iha sede-jeral no mos iha sukursal balu.",
"Tanba hakerek-na'in sira mai husi rai oioin, ida-ne'e ajuda ami atu fo sai informasaun ne'ebe di'ak ba ema hotu iha mundu tomak.",
"Haruka informasaun ba tradutor sira.",
"Depois Departamentu Hakerek nian hadi'a informasaun hotu no hetan lisensa, sira haruka ida-ne'e liuhusi internet ba grupu tradutor sira iha rai oioin.",
"Grupu sira-ne'e haka'as an atu tradus ho loloos informasaun husi lian Ingles ba sira-nia lingua rasik, hodi uza \"liafuan ne'ebe loos.\" - Eclesiastes 12:10.",
"Komputador ajuda atu halo serbisu lalais liu.",
"Komputador sira labele halo ema nia serbisu atu hakerek no tradus.",
"Maski nune'e, hodi uza programa oioin iha komputador, ida-ne'e ajuda tradutor sira halo serbisu lalais liu.",
"Testemuna ba Jeova halo programa komputador ida naran MEPS (Multilanguage Electronic Publishing System).",
"Bele hatama testu iha lingua atus ba atus ba programa ne'e no tau testu ne'e hamutuk ho dezenu hodi bele sai livru ne'ebe prontu atu print.",
"Tanbasa mak ami-nia organizasaun haka'as an atu tradus livru sira ba lingua oioin?",
"Ami halo ida-ne'e tanba Maromak Jeova hakarak \"ema hotu hetan salvasaun no hetan konesimentu ne'ebe loos kona-ba lia-loos.\" - 1 Timoteo 2:3, 4.",
"Serbisu atu hakerek ami-nia livru sira envolve saida de'it?",
"Tanbasa mak ami-nia organizasaun haka'as an atu tradus livru sira ba lingua barak?"
] | [
"To preach the \"good word\" to all nations, tribes and tongues we have produced books in more than 905 languages."
"(Revelation 14:6) What can we do for this great work?"
"This is because we have writers in many different countries, and there are a lot of brother-sisters who work to translate the books."
"Please note that the information is written in English."
"The Administrators Group oversees the work carried out at headquarters by our Copyright Department."
"The department organises the work of writers at headquarters and in some branch office."
"Because the authors come from different countries, this help us to provide good information for all people in every country."
"Send information to translators."
"After the Copyright Department has corrected all information and obtained a license, they send it via Internet to translator groups in different countries."
"These groups strive to accurately translate information from English into their own language, using \"the right word.\" - Ecclesiastes 12:9."
"Computers help to get work done faster."
"Computers cannot do the human work of writing and translating."
"However, the use of various computer programs helps translator to work faster."
"Jehovah’s Witnesses have developed a computer program called MEPS (Multilanguage Electronic Publishing System)."
"You can enter text in hundreds of languages into the program and combine that with your design to create a book ready for print."
"Why does our organization strive to translate books into different languages?"
"We do this because Jehovah God wants \"that all men may be saved and come to the knowledge of truth.\" - 1 Timothy2:3,4."
"What does the service to write our own books involve?"
"Why does our organization strive to translate books into many languages?"
] |
12 novembru, Governu sei hatuur fatuk dahuluk ba Monumentu 12 Novembru | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE 12 novembru, Governu sei hatuur fatuk dahuluk ba Monumentu 12 Novembru\n12 novembru, Governu sei hatuur fatuk dahuluk ba Monumentu 12 Novembru\nMinistru Kombatente Libertasaun Nasionál, Julio Sarmento da Costa "Meta Malik". Imajen Tatoli/Francisco Sony.\nDILI, 09 novembru 2021 (TATOLI)—Ministéiru Asuntu Kombatente Libertasaun Nasionál (MAKLN), selesiona kompañia Bobolait Unipesoál Lda sai vensedór ba projetu konstrusaun monumentu masakre 12 Novembru iha semitéiru Santa Krus no sei hatuur fatuk dahuluk iha selebrasaun masakre 12 novembru 2021.\n“Konkursu manan hosi komapañia Bobolai ne’ebé tenderizasaun asina iha fulan rua liu-ba ninia prosesu kontratu liu hotu ona agora iha komapañia nia liman. Projetu ne’e dalaruma iha konbinasaun kompañia ho Komite 12 Novembru, nune’e sei hatur fatuk dahuluk iha selebrasaun masakre 12 novembru ba dala-XXX iha 12 novembru 2021,” Ministéiru ba Asuntu Kombatente Libertasaun Nasionál (MAKLN), Julio Sarmento da Costa ‘Meta Malik’, hateten ba Agência Tatoli iha Parlamentu Nasionál, tersa ne’e.\nOrsamentu ba obra ne’e gasta millaun $1-resin no tuir planu prazu ezekusaun projetu konstrusaun monuumentu 12 Novembru ne’e sei la’o durante tinan ida-nia laran.\nParte ministéiru rasik kria ona ekipa ida hamutuk ho Konsellu Administrasaun Fundu Infraestrutura (KAFI), Komite 12 Novembru atu bele halo kontrolu ba kompañia ne’ebé hala’o servisu hodi konstrui monumentu 12 Novembru ne’e\nGovernante ne’e klarifika, kona-ba monumentu 12 Novembru ne’ebé harii ona iha jardin Motael, tuir loloos monumentu refere ba saudozu Sebastião Gomes nian tanba saudozu mate iha igreja Motael.\n“Maibé, konstrusaun harii ona iha ne’ebá seida’uk inaugural. Tanba ne’e, ami tetu hela sei inaugura no labele hakerek iha ne’eba 12 Novembru no bele tau iha falesidu saudozu Sebastião nia naran,” nia hateten.\nTanba ne’e, ministéiru sei hamutuk reuni ho Komité 12 Novembru hodi fó solusaun kona-ba monument 12 Novembru maibé daudaun ne’e seida’uk ko’alia to’o iha ne’ebá.\nAntes ne’e, Komité 12 Novembru hamutuk ho ekipa hosi Ministériu Asuntu Kombatente Libertasaun Nasionál (MAKLN) hala’o sorumutu ida ho Centro Nacional Chega (CNC) hodi aprenzenta dezeñu kona-ba kontrusaun monumentu memoriál 12 novembru no reabilitasaun moru semitériu Santa-Cruz Dili.\nPrezidente Komité 12 Novembru, Gregório Saldanha hateten sorumutu ne’e atu hametin liña koordenasaun no kooperasaun servisu entre instuisaun hirak ne’e, nune’e bele akompaña prosesu implementasaun projetu ne’e to’o ramata ho susesu.\nDezeñu no orsamentu\nOinsá kona-ba dezeñu, antes ne’e Meta Malik hatán, dezeñu ne’e kontinua de’it dezenu ne’ebé mak Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão nia tempu prepara ona. Agora, hein atu hala’o de’it ona maibé husu nafatin ba Komité 12 Novembru atu bele kontribui másimu hodi bele realiza ona duké dada-malu no defísil atu hala’o.\nNia hatutan, Komité 12 Novembru konkorda ona maibé téknikamente mak sei prosesu hela tanba obra mak Ministériu Asuntu Kombatente Libertasaun Nasionál (MAKLN) nian maibé orsamentu ne’e mai hosi Komité 12 Novembru.\nMeta Malik hateten, tenke kontribui katak tenke rona malu no halo konkordánsia ho dezenu ne’ebé mak iha no téknikamente presiza Comité 12 Novembru nia kontribuisaun mós tanba Comite 12 Novembru mak sai autór iha momentu ne’ebá.\n“Obra ne’e, Estadu mak halo maibé konsidera katak sira rasik mak hahú. Nune’e, atu bele identifika loron ne’e sei sai loron importante ba loriku asswa’in iha rai doben ida-ne’e, Komite 12 Novembru mós tenke involve planu konstrusaun hamutuk ho Governu no kompañia, nune’e iha buat balun sala bele kurije malu, labele halo ulun toos depois la konsege halo,” nia dehan.\nKonsellu Administrasaun Fundu Infraestrutura (KAFI) husu kompañia ho MAKLN hamutuk hodi hala’o konstrusaun no sira husu atu MAKLN sai konsultan maibé MAKLN la prevee osan ba konsultan nian.\nTuir nia, konstrusaun Monumentu 12 Novembru servisu hamutuk ho MAKLN no Komisaun Nasionál Aprovizionamentu (CNA).\nEntretantu, osan ne’ebé mak Governu gastu ba konstrusaun Jardin 12 Novembru Motael ho montante $95,000 ho empreza ALGIS Constraction Lda.\nIha tinan 2010, Governu Aliansa Maiória Parlamentár (AMP) inisía atu harii Monumentu 12 Novembru ne’ebé atu estabelese iha Semitériu Santa Cruz nia oin. Tanba ne’e Governu propoin orsamentu ho montante $500,000 iha polítika Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) tinan fiskál 2011 nian atu ba nesesidade dezeñu ho estudu viabilidade ne’ebé hetan aprovasaun iha Parlamentu Nasionál.\nMonumentu ne’ebé atu fó onra ba sakrifísiu juventude loriku asswa’in ne’ebé mate iha masakre 12 Novembru 1991 iha semitériu Santa Cruz to’o agora seidauk bele estabelese, tanba Eis Primeiru-Ministru, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão la konkorda ho Monumentu 12 Novembru ninia dezeñu ne’e tanba ladún iha valor artístiku.\nIha 18 outubru 2010, liuhosi konferénsia imprensa, Ministériu Solidariedade Sosiál (MSS) hamutuk ho ekipa ida-ne’ebé kompostu hosi Sekretaria Estadu Asuntu Antigu Kombatente Libertasaun Nasionál (SEAAKLN) no Comité 12 Novembru, anunsia abertura konkursu ida ba dezeñu di’ak-liu kona-ba monumentu nasionál Masakre 12 Novembru 1991 nian ne’ebé atu haríi iha rate Santa Cruz.\nPrezidente Comité 12 Novembru, Gregório Saldanha, hateten dezeñu ne’e tenke hakonu kritériu sira hanesan dezeñu tenke iha valór istóriku, kulturál no relijiozu; tenke reflete mós espíritu asswa’in, patriotizmu, nasionalizmu juventude sira-nian iha tempu ne’ebá; tenke iha ekilíbriu entre arkitetura tradisionál no arkitetura moderna; tenke iha vizaun artístika iha parte arkitetónika nian, kona-ba ordenasaun espasu hodi haree ho aspetu jeográfiku no istóriku, liuliu kona-ba akontesimentu 12 Novembru 1991.\nKritériu seluk mak tenke iha valór edukativu no turístiku, asegura utilizasaun símbolu rezisténsia nasionál nian ne’ebé mak juventude Lorico Asswa’in sira utiliza iha tempu ne’ebá no ikusliu, atu hatete de’it katak laiha restrisaun relasiona ho tipu meteriál konstrusaun ne’ebé atu utiliza.\nHosi konkursu refere dezeñu sanulu ne’ebé di’ak sei hetan prémiu tuir klasifikasaun mak hanesan ba manan-na’in hetan prémiu $10.000, ba segundu klasifikadu prémiu ida $4.000, ba terseiru klasifikadu $3.000, kuartu klasifikadu $2.000 no sira seluk na’in neen (6i) da-ida $1.500.\nNotísia Relevante: Comité 12 Novembru aprezenta dezeñu konstrusaun monumentu 12 novembru ba CNC\nkonpañia Bobolai vensedór projeitu konstrusaun monumentu 12 Novembru\nPrevious articleCNC realiza simpóziu internasionál komemora tinan 30 Masakre Santa Cruz\nNext articlePNTL kontinua buka tuir suspeitu taa kanek ema iha Tirilolo | [
"12 novembru, Governu sei hatuur fatuk dahuluk ba Monumentu 12 Novembru | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE 12 novembru, Governu sei hatuur fatuk dahuluk ba Monumentu 12 Novembru 12 novembru, Governu sei hatuur fatuk dahuluk ba Monumentu 12 Novembru Ministru Kombatente Libertasaun Nasional, Julio Sarmento da Costa \"Meta Malik.\"",
"Imajen Tatoli/Francisco Sony.",
"DILI, 09 novembru 2021 (TATOLI) - Ministeiru Asuntu Kombatente Libertasaun Nasional (MAKLN), selesiona kompania Bobolait Unipesoal Lda sai vensedor ba projetu konstrusaun monumentu masakre 12 Novembru iha semiteiru Santa Krus no sei hatuur fatuk dahuluk iha selebrasaun masakre 12 novembru 2021.",
"\"Konkursu manan hosi komapania Bobolai ne'ebe tenderizasaun asina iha fulan rua liu-ba ninia prosesu kontratu liu hotu ona agora iha komapania nia liman.",
"Projetu ne'e dalaruma iha konbinasaun kompania ho Komite 12 Novembru, nune'e sei hatur fatuk dahuluk iha selebrasaun masakre 12 novembru ba dala-XXX iha 12 novembru 2021,\" Ministeiru ba Asuntu Kombatente Libertasaun Nasional (MAKLN), Julio Sarmento da Costa 'Meta Malik', hateten ba Agencia Tatoli iha Parlamentu Nasional, tersa ne'e.",
"Orsamentu ba obra ne'e gasta millaun $1-resin no tuir planu prazu ezekusaun projetu konstrusaun monuumentu 12 Novembru ne'e sei la'o durante tinan ida-nia laran.",
"Parte ministeiru rasik kria ona ekipa ida hamutuk ho Konsellu Administrasaun Fundu Infraestrutura (KAFI), Komite 12 Novembru atu bele halo kontrolu ba kompania ne'ebe hala'o servisu hodi konstrui monumentu 12 Novembru ne'e Governante ne'e klarifika, kona-ba monumentu 12 Novembru ne'ebe harii ona iha jardin Motael, tuir loloos monumentu refere ba saudozu Sebastiao Gomes nian tanba saudozu mate iha igreja Motael.",
"\"Maibe, konstrusaun harii ona iha ne'eba seida'uk inaugural.",
"Tanba ne'e, ami tetu hela sei inaugura no labele hakerek iha ne'eba 12 Novembru no bele tau iha falesidu saudozu Sebastiao nia naran,\" nia hateten.",
"Tanba ne'e, ministeiru sei hamutuk reuni ho Komite 12 Novembru hodi fo solusaun kona-ba monument 12 Novembru maibe daudaun ne'e seida'uk ko'alia to'o iha ne'eba.",
"Antes ne'e, Komite 12 Novembru hamutuk ho ekipa hosi Ministeriu Asuntu Kombatente Libertasaun Nasional (MAKLN) hala'o sorumutu ida ho Centro Nacional Chega (CNC) hodi aprenzenta dezenu kona-ba kontrusaun monumentu memorial 12 novembru no reabilitasaun moru semiteriu Santa-Cruz Dili.",
"Prezidente Komite 12 Novembru, Gregorio Saldanha hateten sorumutu ne'e atu hametin lina koordenasaun no kooperasaun servisu entre instuisaun hirak ne'e, nune'e bele akompana prosesu implementasaun projetu ne'e to'o ramata ho susesu.",
"Dezenu no orsamentu Oinsa kona-ba dezenu, antes ne'e Meta Malik hatan, dezenu ne'e kontinua de'it dezenu ne'ebe mak Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao nia tempu prepara ona.",
"Agora, hein atu hala'o de'it ona maibe husu nafatin ba Komite 12 Novembru atu bele kontribui masimu hodi bele realiza ona duke dada-malu no defisil atu hala'o.",
"Nia hatutan, Komite 12 Novembru konkorda ona maibe teknikamente mak sei prosesu hela tanba obra mak Ministeriu Asuntu Kombatente Libertasaun Nasional (MAKLN) nian maibe orsamentu ne'e mai hosi Komite 12 Novembru.",
"Meta Malik hateten, tenke kontribui katak tenke rona malu no halo konkordansia ho dezenu ne'ebe mak iha no teknikamente presiza Comite 12 Novembru nia kontribuisaun mos tanba Comite 12 Novembru mak sai autor iha momentu ne'eba.",
"\"Obra ne'e, Estadu mak halo maibe konsidera katak sira rasik mak hahu.",
"Nune'e, atu bele identifika loron ne'e sei sai loron importante ba loriku asswa'in iha rai doben ida-ne'e, Komite 12 Novembru mos tenke involve planu konstrusaun hamutuk ho Governu no kompania, nune'e iha buat balun sala bele kurije malu, labele halo ulun toos depois la konsege halo,\" nia dehan.",
"Konsellu Administrasaun Fundu Infraestrutura (KAFI) husu kompania ho MAKLN hamutuk hodi hala'o konstrusaun no sira husu atu MAKLN sai konsultan maibe MAKLN la prevee osan ba konsultan nian.",
"Tuir nia, konstrusaun Monumentu 12 Novembru servisu hamutuk ho MAKLN no Komisaun Nasional Aprovizionamentu (CNA).",
"Entretantu, osan ne'ebe mak Governu gastu ba konstrusaun Jardin 12 Novembru Motael ho montante $95,000 ho empreza ALGIS Constraction Lda.",
"Iha tinan 2010, Governu Aliansa Maioria Parlamentar (AMP) inisia atu harii Monumentu 12 Novembru ne'ebe atu estabelese iha Semiteriu Santa Cruz nia oin.",
"Tanba ne'e Governu propoin orsamentu ho montante $500,000 iha politika Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) tinan fiskal 2011 nian atu ba nesesidade dezenu ho estudu viabilidade ne'ebe hetan aprovasaun iha Parlamentu Nasional.",
"Monumentu ne'ebe atu fo onra ba sakrifisiu juventude loriku asswa'in ne'ebe mate iha masakre 12 Novembru 1991 iha semiteriu Santa Cruz to'o agora seidauk bele estabelese, tanba Eis Primeiru-Ministru, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao la konkorda ho Monumentu 12 Novembru ninia dezenu ne'e tanba ladun iha valor artistiku.",
"Iha 18 outubru 2010, liuhosi konferensia imprensa, Ministeriu Solidariedade Sosial (MSS) hamutuk ho ekipa ida-ne'ebe kompostu hosi Sekretaria Estadu Asuntu Antigu Kombatente Libertasaun Nasional (SEAAKLN) no Comite 12 Novembru, anunsia abertura konkursu ida ba dezenu di'ak-liu kona-ba monumentu nasional Masakre 12 Novembru 1991 nian ne'ebe atu harii iha rate Santa Cruz.",
"Prezidente Comite 12 Novembru, Gregorio Saldanha, hateten dezenu ne'e tenke hakonu kriteriu sira hanesan dezenu tenke iha valor istoriku, kultural no relijiozu; tenke reflete mos espiritu asswa'in, patriotizmu, nasionalizmu juventude sira-nian iha tempu ne'eba; tenke iha ekilibriu entre arkitetura tradisional no arkitetura moderna; tenke iha vizaun artistika iha parte arkitetonika nian, kona-ba ordenasaun espasu hodi haree ho aspetu jeografiku no istoriku, liuliu kona-ba akontesimentu 12 Novembru 1991.",
"Kriteriu seluk mak tenke iha valor edukativu no turistiku, asegura utilizasaun simbolu rezistensia nasional nian ne'ebe mak juventude Lorico Asswa'in sira utiliza iha tempu ne'eba no ikusliu, atu hatete de'it katak laiha restrisaun relasiona ho tipu meterial konstrusaun ne'ebe atu utiliza.",
"Hosi konkursu refere dezenu sanulu ne'ebe di'ak sei hetan premiu tuir klasifikasaun mak hanesan ba manan-na'in hetan premiu $10.000, ba segundu klasifikadu premiu ida $4.000, ba terseiru klasifikadu $3.000, kuartu klasifikadu $2.000 no sira seluk na'in neen (6i) da-ida $1.500.",
"Notisia Relevante: Comite 12 Novembru aprezenta dezenu konstrusaun monumentu 12 novembru ba CNC konpania Bobolai vensedor projeitu konstrusaun monumentu 12 Novembru Previous articleCNC realiza simpoziu internasional komemora tinan 30 Masakre Santa Cruz Next articlePNTL kontinua buka tuir suspeitu taa kanek ema iha Tirilolo"
] | [
"November 12, Government to lay first stone for Monument of the National Liberation Fighter | Tempotimor Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Nov.30: Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao lays groundstone on Memorial in Dili Notícias News Agency (ANP) - The President and Vice president are present at a ceremony held by Ministro Kombatente Libertasaun Nasional Julio Sarmento da Costa \"Meta Malik.\""
"Image Tatoli/Francisco Sony."
"DILI, 09 November (Xinhua) - The Ministry of Affairs for National Liberation Combatants has selected Bobolait Unipesoal Lda as the winner in a tender to build an Nov.12 massacre memorial at Santa Cruz cemetery and will laid first stone on commemoration day this year"
"\"The competition was won by Bobolai, whose tenders were signed two months ago. The contract process is now almost completed and in the hands of this company.\""
"The project is the result of a partnership between this company and 12 de Novembro Committee, so it will be laid in commemoration for XXXth time on November's massacre\" Minister para Assuntos dos Combatentes da Libertação Nacional (MAKLN), Julio Sarmento Da Costa 'Meta Malik’ told Agência Tatoli at National Parliament Tuesday."
"The budget for the work is more than $1 million and according to a scheduled deadline, construction of this November 26th monument will be carried out within one year."
"The ministry itself has created a team together with the Board of Directors Infrastructure Fund (KAFI), Committee 12 November to control companies that carry out work on building monument this Governor clarified, regarding Monumento de Novembro is built in Motael garden. Actually it referred for Sebastiaos Gomez because he died at church motal"
"\"But, the building that has been built there is not inaugural."
"Therefore, we are considering to inaugurate it and not write there 12 de Novembro (November the twelfth) but put in a tombstone with Sebastiao's name.\""
"Therefore, the minister will meet with 12 November Committee to find a solution regarding this monument but at present they have not reached that point."
"Earlier, the 12 November Committee together with a team from Ministry of Affairs for National Liberation Combatants (MAKLN) held meetings in Dili and Centro Nacional Chega to discuss plans on constructioning an memorial monumento de novembro e rehabilitação do cemitériu Santa-Cruz."
"November 12th Committee President, Gregorio Saldanha said the meeting was held to strengthen coordination and cooperation between these institutions so that they can accompany this project's execution process until it is successfully completed."
"Asked about the design, Meta Malik replied earlier that it was just a continuation of what had been prepared in Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao's time."
"Now, we are just waiting for it to be carried out but still asking the November 12th Committee that they can contribute maximum so this could happen rather than slowly and difficult."
"He added that the 12 November Committee has agreed but technically it is still being processed because this work belongs to Ministry of Combatants for National Liberation Affairs (MAKLN), although budget comes from Comité de Novembro."
"Meta Malik said, we have to contribute that you must hear each other and make concordance with the design which is there. Technically it requires contribution of November 12th Committee also because Comite de Novembro was author at this time.\""
"\"The work is done by the state but they consider that it was started themselves."
"Thus, in order to identify this day will be an important one for loriku asswa'in on the good land. November 12th Committee must also involve construction plans together with Government and company so that there are some things wrong can cure each other not make headache after failed it \"he said.\""
"The Board of Directors (KAFI) asked the company and MAKLN to work together on construction, asking for a consultant but no money was provided."
"According to him, the construction of 12 de Noviembre Monument works in cooperation with MAKLN and National Procurement Commission (CNA)."
"Meanwhile, the Government has spent $95.0 thousand on construction of Jardin 12 Novembro Motael with ALGIS Constraction Lda company in Portugal for a total cost amounting to US$36 million (US)"
"In 2013, the Government of Parliamentary Majority Alliance (AMP) initiated to build a Monument for November The Twelfth which will be established at Santa Cruz Cemetery."
"Therefore, the Government proposed a budget of $501.6 million in its General State Budget (GSB) policy for fiscal year 29 to cover design and feasibility studies that were approved by Parliament at this time"
"The monument to honour the sacrifice of young Loriku assassins who died in November 12th massacre at Santa Cruz cemetery has not yet been established, because Former Prime Minister Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao disagreed with its design as it lacks artistic value."
"On 18 October, the Ministry of Social Solidarity (MSS), together with a team composed by State Secretariat for Anti-National Liberation Combatants' Affairs and Committee on November The Twelfth announced in an official press conference that it was opening up competitions to design best designs regarding national memorial about Massacre at Santa Cruz."
"The President of the November 12th Committee, Gregorio Saldanha said that this design must meet criteria such as: it has to have historical value; reflects patriotism and nationalist spirit among youth at its time. There should be a balance between traditional architecture with modern one in order for an artistic vision on space planning from geographical or historic perspective particularly regarding events occurred during Novemrber' s first day (November)"
"Other criteria were to have an educational and tourist value, ensure the use of national resistance symbols used by Lorico Asswa'in youth at that time. Finally there was no restriction on what kind Of construction materials could be utilized in a building or structure for example: stone stones can only serve as decorative elements but they are not necessary because it is also possible with other material types like wood etc..."
"The eleven best designs from the contest will receive prizes according to their ranking, as follow: winner $10.5 million; second place winning one award of US$4k and third-place awarded an additional USD2K each while six (6i) others received respectively USD3M ($7m)."
"Related News: Comite 12 Novembro presented the design for construction of a monument to CNC company Bobolai, who won project on building an memorial Previous articleCNC conducts international symposium commemorating three decades since Santa Cruz massacre Next ArticlePNTL continue searching after suspected injurer in Tirilolo"
] |
FORUM HAKSESUK: Diskursu Prezidente Partido Democrático Hato’o iha Abertura 1ª Plenaria Conselho Politico Nacional (CPN).\nDiskursu Prezidente Partido Democrático Hato’o iha Abertura 1ª Plenaria Conselho Politico Nacional (CPN).\nHa’u nia respeitu ba Companheiro Prezidente Conselho Politico Nacional ho ninia estrutura tomak,\nHau nia respeitu ba Companheiro Sekretariu-Jeral,\nHau nia Respeitu ba Membru Conselho Politico Nacional tomak,\nCompanheiros no Companheiras,\nHo orgulho tebes, ohin ita hahuu ho 1ª Plenaria Conselho Politico Nacional nian, hodi diskute no aprova programa husi orgaun importante ne’e nian.\nConselho Politico Nacional mak orgaun reprezentativu Partido Democrático nian, reprezentasaun ida loloos duni Partidu nian, tanba hahuu husi Nasional to’o Postu Administrativu, hotu-hotu iha reprezentasaun iha orgaun ida ne’e nia laran.\nConselho Politico Nacional nudar orgaun importante tebes ida husi Partido Democrático nian, tanba iha knaar halo akompainamentu permanente no konstante ba serbisu ezekutivu nian, nune’e mos bele husu esklaresimentu ba membru Parlamentu ka membru Governu hodi justifika assuntu ka medidas sira ligadu ho interesse Partidu no interesse estadu nian.\nNudar Prezidente Partido Democrático nian, ha’u apresia tebes inisiativa Conselho Politico Nacional nian, tanba hahuu halo serbisu konkretu sira hodi haboot no hametin ita nia Partidu.\nCompanheiros no Companheiras\nIta foin hakat liu daudaun eleisaun prezidensial, no eleisaun lejislativa agora iha daudaun ita nia oin. Eleisaun prezidensial, maski ita lamanan, maibe ita hetan rezultadu ida di’ak tebes, rezultadu ida fora de ema hotu nia espektativa. Partido Democrático hetan elojiu husi figura barak. Maski nune’e, ita labele sente satisfeitu ho rezultadu nebe ita hetan ona, maibe ita tenki serbisu maka’as liu tan, hodi bele manan eleisoens lejislativas.\nAtu manan eleisoens lejislativas, ita buka hadok diferensa sira nebe iha. Ita tenki unifika liu tan ita nia esforsu, ita nia enerjia no ita nia vizaun. Ita tenki hametin liu tan ita nia espiritu de solidariedade, de fraternidade no ita nia espiritu de companherismo. Ita tenki halo Partido Democrático sai Partidu ida solidu, unidu no forte. Ita tenki halo Partido Democrático tenki sai Partidu ida abertu no Timor oan tomak tenki sente na’in ba Partido ida ne’e. Ita tenki halo Partido Democrático tenki sai Partidu ida Unifikador no Vensedor. So ho unidade de’it mak ita bele manan kombate ho batailla politika sira. Ita tenki halo ita nia unidade sai metin liu tan tuir Maun La Sama nia mehi, nebe molok nia iis kotu, nia husu ita hamutuk nafatin hodi dezenvolve ita nia rain. Agora duni mak ita hatudu katak ita nia unidade sei metin liu tan hodi hasoru dezafiu oioin nebe ita nia Partido ho ita nia rain hasoru.\nCompanheiro no Companheira sira,\nConselho Politico Nacional ho ezekutivu tenki serbisu hamutuk nafatin hodi promove lideransa kolektivu nebe la’o tiha ona, maski ida-idak ho ninia knaar. Kolektivizmu hanesan valor ida husi demokrasia nian rasik. Espiritu kolektivizmu ne’e labele limita de’it iha Lideransa Nasional, maibe tenki da’et to’o iha Baze. Bainhira mosu problema ruma, ita tenki fo hanoin ba malun, fo liman ba malu hodi buka solusaun hamutuk, solusaun nebe di’ak ba ita nia Partido no diak ba ita nia Nasaun, Povu no Estadu.\nPartido Democrático nudar Partido abertu, modernu no progressista. Tan ne’e Partido Democrático labele taka-an, maibe tenki loke-an ba ema hotu. Tenki loke kanal komunikasaun ho partidu hotu-hotu, tanba partidu boot ka ki’ik, hotu-hotu kontribui ba konstrusaun de Estado, kontribui ba paz, seguransa, estabilidade no dezenvolvimentu. Partido Democrático tenki sai Partidu vanguarda hodi promove dialogu, paz, estabilidade no dezenvolvimentu. Partido Democrático labele monu iha jogo politika foer sira nebe fahe Timor oan sira ba autonomista ho independentista, ka jogo sira nebe fahe Timor oan sira ba Lorosa’e ho Loromonu. Partido Democrático tenki kaer metin prinsipiu ida Harii Timor foun ida ba Timor oan Tomak, tenki kaer metin politika ida: Hun ida, abut ida, Povo ida no Rai Timor ida de’it. So ho unidade ida solido no sosiedade ida koezu mak bele permite ba ita Kaer Metin Ukun-Rasik-An no Harii Nasaun husi Baze ho efektivu no efikaz.\nPartido Democrático tenki sai Partido ida nebe hetan konfiansa husi povu Timor tomak. Konfiansa la’os mosu husi diskursu ka liafuan sira. Konfiansa sei mai husi ita nia politika, atitude no ita nia seriedade lori programa sira nebe ita defende ba oin no tau iha pratika. Konfiansa ne’e sei mosu husi ita nia esforsu hotu oinsa hodi hatan nesesidade sira povu nian. Ita hotu hatene povu sei kontinua halerik ba bee-mos, estrada, tratamentu saude nebe di’ak, eskola nebe ho kualidade, ho seluk-seluk tan. Programa politika Partidu nian tenki hatan ba halerik sira ne’e. Tanba ne’e, ita hotu tenki serbisu hamutuk hodi halo programa politika ida nebe diak hodi hatan ba nesesidade sira povu nian.\nCompanheiro no Companheira sira hotu,\nAtu hametin Partido Democrático, la’os serbisu Ezekutivu nian de’it, la’os mos Conselho Politico Nacional nian de’it, maibe militantes Partido Democrático sira hotu nian. Tan ne’e, militante Partido Democrático nian hotu-hotu, tenki hatutan hanoin, politika no programa Partidu nian ba iha Baze, ba iha knua no ba uma kain ida-idak.\nHametin no haboot Partido Democrático sai responsabilidade ita hotu nian. Tan ne’e, liu husi Plenaria Conselho Politico Nacional Partido Democrático nian, nudar Prezidente Partidu, ha’u husu ba membru Conselho Politico Nacional tomak, atu hotu-hotu hakas-an hala’o ninia knaar ho domin no responsabilidade, no kontribui ativu ba desenvolvimentu Partidu nian.\nHau mos husu ba Conselho Politico Nacional ezerse didiak ninia papel hodi tau matan ba aktividades sira ezekutivu nian. Tenki haree ho kritiku ba faillansu sira nebe iha, hodi ita bele hadia hamutuk.\nPartido Democrático sai ona Partidu alternativu, altrenativu atu halo mudansa no transfomasaun. Alternativa hodi hamosu modelu dezenvolvimentu politika ida nebe dignu no soberanu. Alternativa hodi promove modelu dezenvolvimentu sosiu-ekonomiku ida nebe partisipativu. Partido Democrático tenki halo esforsu hotu hodi hametin ekonomia railaran ida nebe afavor ba povu ki’ik sira. Partido Democrático idealiza modelu dezenvolmentu sosiu-kultural ida nebe hametin liutan identidade maubere ka Timor oan nian.\nCompanheiros ho Companheiras hotu,\nProsesu negosiasaun kona-ba fronteira maritima agora la’o hela. Husi inisiu kedan, Partido Democrático la aseita ho akordu kona-ba tratadu fronteira maritima nebe atu fo tempo tinan 50 foin atu diskute fali. PD kontra akordu ne’e iha Parlamento Nacional, to’o halo walk out tanba la aseita ho akordo ida dehan labele negosia fronteira maritima to’o tinan 50. Agora parte hotu-hotu konsiente katak Partido Democrático iha razaun. Desde inisiu kedan, Partido Democrático halo kampaina kontra akordu ne’e iha rai laran no iha railiur, liu-liu iha Australia hodi buka no hetan apoio no solidaridade husi povo Australia. Pozisaun Partido Democrático nian ida ne’e mak sai mos razaun hodi halo formasaun ba Governu Aliança Maioria Parlamentar (AMP) no Bloco de Coligação, no ikus liu Partido Democrático simu remodelasaun hodi konvida FRETILIN hola parte mos iha governu hodi konsolida forsa politika hotu-hotu, hodi hamutuk luta ba fronteira maritima. Tanba ne’e, defende fronteira maritima ne’e Ran Partido Democrático nian no ne’e mos nudar materializasaun husi idelojia Nasionalista nebe Partido Democrático komunga. Partido Democrático defende independensia ida total no kompleta, inkluindu soberania terrestre, maritima no aerea Timor-Leste nian. Partido Democrático sei defende ho totalidade no luta ho determinasaun hodi asegura sobernia nasional Timor-Leste nian.\nPartido Democrático ohin loron la’os Partido ki’ik, maibe hanesan Partido boot iha partido boot sira seluk nia leet. Rezultadu eleisaun prezidensial hatudu momoos ida ne’e. Tanba ne’e, ita tenki kuidadu didiak ita nia Partidu. Kada deklarasaun politika nebe ita halo, ita tenki hatudu ita nia sentidu estadista nafatin, hatudu ita nia simplisidade ho umildade nafatin hodi serbi ita nia povu. Partidu nebe arrogante sei la serve ba povu, tanba sira serve de’it ba sira nia ego. Partido Democrático tenki banati tuir ita nia saudozu Prezidente La Sama nafatin, moris simples no ho umildade tomak serbi ita nia povu. Povu Timor povu ida umildade, partidu nebe identifika an ho povu umilde ida ne’e, mak partidu nebe mos umilde. Nune’e, ha’u husu ba lideransa Partido Democrático no militantes tomak, atu ita hotu banati tuir simplisidade no umildade ita nia saudozu Prezidente La Sama nian. Arrogansia sei hamosu de’it inimizade no enfrakese Partidu. Simplisidade ho umildade sei reforsa ita nia unidade ho solidaridade ba malu no ba ita nia povu.\nEleisaun lejislativas mai, partidu sira hotu sei kompete atu manan iha eleisaun. Ita nudar Partidu demokratiku, ita tenki matan moris no neon na’in hodi garante nafatin elesaun ida nebe tenki la’o ho di’ak, seguru, livre no justu, labele iha intimidasaun ka iha manipulasaun ba votos sira. Tanba eleisaun nebe la livre no la justu sei hakanek no hafoer deit ita nia demokrasia nebe hahuu buras daudaun. Ita tenki mantein ita nia postura politika nebe ita hatudu tiha ona iha eleisaun prezidensial liu ba, garante paz, seguransa no estabilidade hodi sidadaun ida-idak bele ezerse ninia direitu demokratiku ho livre.\nCompanheiros no Companheiras sira hotu,\nLifuan ikus, no molok taka ha’u nia diskursu, hau hakarak sublina, nudar Partidu demokratiku, ita tenki respeita opiniaun sira nebe lahanesan, maibe labele uza ita nia diferensa hodi impede serbisu ka susesu Partidu nian. Ita bele kritika malu, maibe labele hatun malu. Diferensa opiniaun labele sai razaun ba ita hodi fahe malu, maibe fanu ita hodi hametin liu tan ita nia unidade. Kritika sira konstrutiva sempre diak ba ita hotu, no diak ba ita nia Partidu. Prezidente Conselho Politico Nacional ohin loke tiha ona Plenaria ne’e. Hau espera Plenaria ne’e sei la’o ho susesu no produz hanoin boot sira nebe halo ita nia Partidu sai metin no boot liu tan.\nITA HOTU NIA ESFORSU BA HABOOT PD e PD BA ITA HOTU!\nPrezidente Partido Democrático.\nDili, 29 de Abril de 2017. | [
"FORUM HAKSESUK: Diskursu Prezidente Partido Democratico Hato'o iha Abertura 1a Plenaria Conselho Politico Nacional (CPN).",
"Diskursu Prezidente Partido Democratico Hato'o iha Abertura 1a Plenaria Conselho Politico Nacional (CPN).",
"Ha'u nia respeitu ba Companheiro Prezidente Conselho Politico Nacional ho ninia estrutura tomak, Hau nia respeitu ba Companheiro Sekretariu-Jeral, Hau nia Respeitu ba Membru Conselho Politico Nacional tomak, Companheiros no Companheiras, Ho orgulho tebes, ohin ita hahuu ho 1a Plenaria Conselho Politico Nacional nian, hodi diskute no aprova programa husi orgaun importante ne'e nian.",
"Conselho Politico Nacional mak orgaun reprezentativu Partido Democratico nian, reprezentasaun ida loloos duni Partidu nian, tanba hahuu husi Nasional to'o Postu Administrativu, hotu-hotu iha reprezentasaun iha orgaun ida ne'e nia laran.",
"Conselho Politico Nacional nudar orgaun importante tebes ida husi Partido Democratico nian, tanba iha knaar halo akompainamentu permanente no konstante ba serbisu ezekutivu nian, nune'e mos bele husu esklaresimentu ba membru Parlamentu ka membru Governu hodi justifika assuntu ka medidas sira ligadu ho interesse Partidu no interesse estadu nian.",
"Nudar Prezidente Partido Democratico nian, ha'u apresia tebes inisiativa Conselho Politico Nacional nian, tanba hahuu halo serbisu konkretu sira hodi haboot no hametin ita nia Partidu.",
"Companheiros no Companheiras Ita foin hakat liu daudaun eleisaun prezidensial, no eleisaun lejislativa agora iha daudaun ita nia oin.",
"Eleisaun prezidensial, maski ita lamanan, maibe ita hetan rezultadu ida di'ak tebes, rezultadu ida fora de ema hotu nia espektativa.",
"Partido Democratico hetan elojiu husi figura barak.",
"Maski nune'e, ita labele sente satisfeitu ho rezultadu nebe ita hetan ona, maibe ita tenki serbisu maka'as liu tan, hodi bele manan eleisoens lejislativas.",
"Atu manan eleisoens lejislativas, ita buka hadok diferensa sira nebe iha.",
"Ita tenki unifika liu tan ita nia esforsu, ita nia enerjia no ita nia vizaun.",
"Ita tenki hametin liu tan ita nia espiritu de solidariedade, de fraternidade no ita nia espiritu de companherismo.",
"Ita tenki halo Partido Democratico sai Partidu ida solidu, unidu no forte.",
"Ita tenki halo Partido Democratico tenki sai Partidu ida abertu no Timor oan tomak tenki sente na'in ba Partido ida ne'e.",
"Ita tenki halo Partido Democratico tenki sai Partidu ida Unifikador no Vensedor.",
"So ho unidade de'it mak ita bele manan kombate ho batailla politika sira.",
"Ita tenki halo ita nia unidade sai metin liu tan tuir Maun La Sama nia mehi, nebe molok nia iis kotu, nia husu ita hamutuk nafatin hodi dezenvolve ita nia rain.",
"Agora duni mak ita hatudu katak ita nia unidade sei metin liu tan hodi hasoru dezafiu oioin nebe ita nia Partido ho ita nia rain hasoru.",
"Companheiro no Companheira sira, Conselho Politico Nacional ho ezekutivu tenki serbisu hamutuk nafatin hodi promove lideransa kolektivu nebe la'o tiha ona, maski ida-idak ho ninia knaar.",
"Kolektivizmu hanesan valor ida husi demokrasia nian rasik.",
"Espiritu kolektivizmu ne'e labele limita de'it iha Lideransa Nasional, maibe tenki da'et to'o iha Baze.",
"Bainhira mosu problema ruma, ita tenki fo hanoin ba malun, fo liman ba malu hodi buka solusaun hamutuk, solusaun nebe di'ak ba ita nia Partido no diak ba ita nia Nasaun, Povu no Estadu.",
"Partido Democratico nudar Partido abertu, modernu no progressista.",
"Tan ne'e Partido Democratico labele taka-an, maibe tenki loke-an ba ema hotu.",
"Tenki loke kanal komunikasaun ho partidu hotu-hotu, tanba partidu boot ka ki'ik, hotu-hotu kontribui ba konstrusaun de Estado, kontribui ba paz, seguransa, estabilidade no dezenvolvimentu.",
"Partido Democratico tenki sai Partidu vanguarda hodi promove dialogu, paz, estabilidade no dezenvolvimentu.",
"Partido Democratico labele monu iha jogo politika foer sira nebe fahe Timor oan sira ba autonomista ho independentista, ka jogo sira nebe fahe Timor oan sira ba Lorosa'e ho Loromonu.",
"Partido Democratico tenki kaer metin prinsipiu ida Harii Timor foun ida ba Timor oan Tomak, tenki kaer metin politika ida: Hun ida, abut ida, Povo ida no Rai Timor ida de'it.",
"So ho unidade ida solido no sosiedade ida koezu mak bele permite ba ita Kaer Metin Ukun-Rasik-An no Harii Nasaun husi Baze ho efektivu no efikaz.",
"Partido Democratico tenki sai Partido ida nebe hetan konfiansa husi povu Timor tomak.",
"Konfiansa la'os mosu husi diskursu ka liafuan sira.",
"Konfiansa sei mai husi ita nia politika, atitude no ita nia seriedade lori programa sira nebe ita defende ba oin no tau iha pratika.",
"Konfiansa ne'e sei mosu husi ita nia esforsu hotu oinsa hodi hatan nesesidade sira povu nian.",
"Ita hotu hatene povu sei kontinua halerik ba bee-mos, estrada, tratamentu saude nebe di'ak, eskola nebe ho kualidade, ho seluk-seluk tan.",
"Programa politika Partidu nian tenki hatan ba halerik sira ne'e.",
"Tanba ne'e, ita hotu tenki serbisu hamutuk hodi halo programa politika ida nebe diak hodi hatan ba nesesidade sira povu nian.",
"Companheiro no Companheira sira hotu, Atu hametin Partido Democratico, la'os serbisu Ezekutivu nian de'it, la'os mos Conselho Politico Nacional nian de'it, maibe militantes Partido Democratico sira hotu nian.",
"Tan ne'e, militante Partido Democratico nian hotu-hotu, tenki hatutan hanoin, politika no programa Partidu nian ba iha Baze, ba iha knua no ba uma kain ida-idak.",
"Hametin no haboot Partido Democratico sai responsabilidade ita hotu nian.",
"Tan ne'e, liu husi Plenaria Conselho Politico Nacional Partido Democratico nian, nudar Prezidente Partidu, ha'u husu ba membru Conselho Politico Nacional tomak, atu hotu-hotu hakas-an hala'o ninia knaar ho domin no responsabilidade, no kontribui ativu ba desenvolvimentu Partidu nian.",
"Hau mos husu ba Conselho Politico Nacional ezerse didiak ninia papel hodi tau matan ba aktividades sira ezekutivu nian.",
"Tenki haree ho kritiku ba faillansu sira nebe iha, hodi ita bele hadia hamutuk.",
"Partido Democratico sai ona Partidu alternativu, altrenativu atu halo mudansa no transfomasaun.",
"Alternativa hodi hamosu modelu dezenvolvimentu politika ida nebe dignu no soberanu.",
"Alternativa hodi promove modelu dezenvolvimentu sosiu-ekonomiku ida nebe partisipativu.",
"Partido Democratico tenki halo esforsu hotu hodi hametin ekonomia railaran ida nebe afavor ba povu ki'ik sira.",
"Partido Democratico idealiza modelu dezenvolmentu sosiu-kultural ida nebe hametin liutan identidade maubere ka Timor oan nian.",
"Companheiros ho Companheiras hotu, Prosesu negosiasaun kona-ba fronteira maritima agora la'o hela.",
"Husi inisiu kedan, Partido Democratico la aseita ho akordu kona-ba tratadu fronteira maritima nebe atu fo tempo tinan 50 foin atu diskute fali.",
"PD kontra akordu ne'e iha Parlamento Nacional, to'o halo walk out tanba la aseita ho akordo ida dehan labele negosia fronteira maritima to'o tinan 50.",
"Agora parte hotu-hotu konsiente katak Partido Democratico iha razaun.",
"Desde inisiu kedan, Partido Democratico halo kampaina kontra akordu ne'e iha rai laran no iha railiur, liu-liu iha Australia hodi buka no hetan apoio no solidaridade husi povo Australia.",
"Pozisaun Partido Democratico nian ida ne'e mak sai mos razaun hodi halo formasaun ba Governu Alianca Maioria Parlamentar (AMP) no Bloco de Coligacao, no ikus liu Partido Democratico simu remodelasaun hodi konvida FRETILIN hola parte mos iha governu hodi konsolida forsa politika hotu-hotu, hodi hamutuk luta ba fronteira maritima.",
"Tanba ne'e, defende fronteira maritima ne'e Ran Partido Democratico nian no ne'e mos nudar materializasaun husi idelojia Nasionalista nebe Partido Democratico komunga.",
"Partido Democratico defende independensia ida total no kompleta, inkluindu soberania terrestre, maritima no aerea Timor-Leste nian.",
"Partido Democratico sei defende ho totalidade no luta ho determinasaun hodi asegura sobernia nasional Timor-Leste nian.",
"Partido Democratico ohin loron la'os Partido ki'ik, maibe hanesan Partido boot iha partido boot sira seluk nia leet.",
"Rezultadu eleisaun prezidensial hatudu momoos ida ne'e.",
"Tanba ne'e, ita tenki kuidadu didiak ita nia Partidu.",
"Kada deklarasaun politika nebe ita halo, ita tenki hatudu ita nia sentidu estadista nafatin, hatudu ita nia simplisidade ho umildade nafatin hodi serbi ita nia povu.",
"Partidu nebe arrogante sei la serve ba povu, tanba sira serve de'it ba sira nia ego.",
"Partido Democratico tenki banati tuir ita nia saudozu Prezidente La Sama nafatin, moris simples no ho umildade tomak serbi ita nia povu.",
"Povu Timor povu ida umildade, partidu nebe identifika an ho povu umilde ida ne'e, mak partidu nebe mos umilde.",
"Nune'e, ha'u husu ba lideransa Partido Democratico no militantes tomak, atu ita hotu banati tuir simplisidade no umildade ita nia saudozu Prezidente La Sama nian.",
"Arrogansia sei hamosu de'it inimizade no enfrakese Partidu.",
"Simplisidade ho umildade sei reforsa ita nia unidade ho solidaridade ba malu no ba ita nia povu.",
"Eleisaun lejislativas mai, partidu sira hotu sei kompete atu manan iha eleisaun.",
"Ita nudar Partidu demokratiku, ita tenki matan moris no neon na'in hodi garante nafatin elesaun ida nebe tenki la'o ho di'ak, seguru, livre no justu, labele iha intimidasaun ka iha manipulasaun ba votos sira.",
"Tanba eleisaun nebe la livre no la justu sei hakanek no hafoer deit ita nia demokrasia nebe hahuu buras daudaun.",
"Ita tenki mantein ita nia postura politika nebe ita hatudu tiha ona iha eleisaun prezidensial liu ba, garante paz, seguransa no estabilidade hodi sidadaun ida-idak bele ezerse ninia direitu demokratiku ho livre.",
"Companheiros no Companheiras sira hotu, Lifuan ikus, no molok taka ha'u nia diskursu, hau hakarak sublina, nudar Partidu demokratiku, ita tenki respeita opiniaun sira nebe lahanesan, maibe labele uza ita nia diferensa hodi impede serbisu ka susesu Partidu nian.",
"Ita bele kritika malu, maibe labele hatun malu.",
"Diferensa opiniaun labele sai razaun ba ita hodi fahe malu, maibe fanu ita hodi hametin liu tan ita nia unidade.",
"Kritika sira konstrutiva sempre diak ba ita hotu, no diak ba ita nia Partidu.",
"Prezidente Conselho Politico Nacional ohin loke tiha ona Plenaria ne'e.",
"Hau espera Plenaria ne'e sei la'o ho susesu no produz hanoin boot sira nebe halo ita nia Partidu sai metin no boot liu tan.",
"Prezidente Partido Democratico.",
"Dili, 29 de Abril de 2017."
] | [
"FORUM HAKSESUK: Speech by the President of Partido Democratico at Opening Ceremony, First Plenary Session National Political Council (CPN)."
"Speech by the President of Partido Democratico at Opening 1st Plenary Meeting National Political Council (CPN)."
"My respects to Comrade President of the National Political Council and its entire structure, my regard for Companheiro Secretário-Geral (Comrades Secretary General), I have a great delight in welcoming you all as members from this important body. With pride we meet today at 1st Plenary Session on debateing & approve programme by that very significant organ: The Nacional Politico Conselhos - NPC'S"
"The National Political Council is the representative body of Partido Democratico, a genuine representation for this Party because from national to administrative level everyone has its own place in it."
"The National Political Council is a very important organ of the Democratic Party, because it has to provide permanent and constant accompaniment for executive work. It can also ask clarification from members Of Parliament or Government Members on matters related with interest To Parties And State Interests 10"
"As President of the Partido Democratico, I highly appreciated this initiative by Conselho Político Nacional (National Political Council), because it has made concrete work to strengthen and consolidate our Party."
"Comrades and Compañeras We are just about to have a presidential election, the legislative elections now lie before us."
"The presidential election, although we were disappointed but the result was very good and out of everyone's expectations."
"The Democratic Party has received praise from many figures."
"Nevertheless, we cannot be satisfied with the results that have been achieved but must work harder to win legislative elections."
"In order to win the legislative elections, we must overcome our differences."
"We need to further unify our efforts, energy and vision."
"We must strengthen our spirit of solidarity, fraternity and camaraderie."
"We must make the Democratic Party a solid, united and strong party."
"We must make the Democratic Party an open party and all Timorese should feel that they own it."
"We must make the Democratic Party become a unifying and victorious party."
"Only with unity can we win the political battles."
"We must make our unity stronger in accordance with the wishes of Maun La Sama, who before his death asked us to continue working together for development."
"Now we are showing that our unity will be even stronger in order to face the various challenges facing us as a Party and country."
"Comrades, the National Political Council and executive must continue to work together in promoting collective leadership that has already been underway although each with its own role."
"Collectivism is a value of democracy itself."
"The spirit of collectivism cannot be confined to the National Leadership, but must reach down all that way."
"Whenever a problem arises, we should think of each other and help one another to find solutions together. Solutions that are good for our Party but also the best possible solution in terms from national perspectives as well: people' s problems must be solved by working with all sides at once so they can work out what is right or wrong on their own account; how do you solve them?"
"The Democratic Party is an open, modern and progressive party."
"Therefore, the Democratic Party cannot close itself but must be open to everyone."
"We need to open channels of communication with all parties, because large or small; every party contributes in state-building and peace building."
"The Democratic Party must become a vanguard party to promote dialogue, peace and stability in development."
"The Democratic Party must not fall into the political games that divide Timorese between autonomists and independence-seekers, or those which split them among themselves."
"The Democratic Party must adhere to the principle of building a new Timor for all East-Timorese people, and it should pursue one policy: One Nation -One Land –one People."
"Only with solid unity and a cohesive society will we be able to carry out self-government, nation building from the grassroots effectively."
"The Democratic Party must become a party that gains the confidence of all Timorese people."
"Confidence does not arise from discourses or words."
"Confidence will come from our policies, attitude and seriousness in carrying forward the programs that we advocate."
"This confidence will come from all our efforts to meet the needs of people."
"We all know that the people will continue to aspire for clean water, roads and better health care."
"The political programme of the Party must respond to these challenges."
"Therefore, we must all work together to make a better political programme that meets the needs of our people."
"All comrades and companions, To strengthen the Democratic Party is not only a task for its Executive Committee or National Political Council but also of all Partido Democrático militants."
"Therefore, all the militants of Partido Democratico must carry out their ideas and programme to grassroot level in every village."
"Strengthening and strengthening the Partido Democratico is a responsibility for all of us."
"Therefore, through the Plenary of Conselho Político Nacional do Partido Democrático (National Political Council), as Party President I ask all members to strive for carrying out their duties with love and responsibility. To actively contribute towards party development in this new year 2017-3"
"I also call on the National Political Council to exercise its role properly in overseeing executive activities."
"We have to look critically at the failures that exist, so we can improve together."
"The Partido Democratico has become an alternative party to bring about change and transformation."
"An alternative to create a dignified and sovereign political development model."
"An alternative to promote a participatory socio-economic development model."
"The Democratic Party must make every effort to strengthen a national economy that is in favour of the small people."
"Partido Democratico idealizes a model of socio-cultural development that strengthens the Maubere or Timorese identity."
"Ladies and gentlemen, the process of negotiations on maritime borders is now underway."
"From the outset, Partido Democratico rejected an agreement on a maritime boundary treaty that would allow 50 years to be renegotiated."
"The PD opposed the agreement in National Parliament, even walking out because it did not accept an accord that said no maritime border negotiations until 50 years."
"All parties are now aware that the Democratic Party is right."
"From the very beginning, Democratic Party campaigned against this agreement at home and abroad (especially in Australia) to seek support from Australian people."
"This position of the Democratic Party was also a reason for forming an Alliance Parliamentary Majority (AMP) and Coalition Bloc government, which eventually changed its name to invite FRETILIN as well into it so that all political forces could consolidate together in their struggle over maritime borders."
"Therefore, defending this maritime border is the responsibility of Partido Democratico and it's also a materialization from Nationalist ideology which partido democratico share."
"The Democratic Party advocates total and complete independence, including sovereignty over East Timor's land-based maritime area."
"Partido Democratico will defend with totality and fight determinedly to secure the national sovereignty of Timor-Leste."
"The Democratic Party today is not a small party, but rather the big one amongst other large parties."
"The results of the presidential election show this."
"For this reason, we must take great care of our Party."
"In every political declaration we make, it is our duty to continue showing stateliness and simplicity in serving the people of India."
"Arrogant parties will not serve the people, because they are serving only their own egos."
"The Democratic Party must continue to follow the example of our late President La Sama, living a simple life and with all humility serving its people."
"The Timorese people are a humble nation, and the party that identifies with this humility is also one of modesty."
"Therefore, I ask the leadership of Partido Democratico and all its militants that we should follow our late President La Sama in his simplicity."
"Arrogance will only lead to enmity and weaken the Party."
"Simplicity and humility will reinforce our unité with solidarity to each other, as well for the people."
"The legislative elections are coming, all parties will be competing to win the election."
"As a democratic party, we have to watch over the live and dead in order for an election that must be conducted properly. It should take place securel free & fair without intimidation or voter manipulation of votes"
"Because elections that are neither free nor fair will only undermine and erode our flourishing democracy."
"We must maintain our political stance, which we have already shown in the last presidential elections: guaranteeing peace and security so that every individual can exercise his or her democratic rights freely."
"All comrades, Let me conclude and before I close my speech with this one point: as a democratic party we must respect the opinions of others but cannot use our difference to impede work or success."
"We can criticize each other, but we cannot insult one another."
"Differences of opinion cannot be a reason for us to divide, but rather inspire and strengthen our unity."
"Constructive criticism is always good for all of us, and it’s also a benefit to our Party."
"The President of the National Political Council has already opened this Plenary today."
"I hope that this Plenary will be successful and produce great ideas which make our Party stronger, bigger."
"President of the Democratic Party."
"Dili, April 29th (Xinhua) — Timor-Leste’s Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak said on Thursday that the country is ready for elections."
] |
MAP no KOICA inisia hadi’a kadeia valór agríkola iha suku tolu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA MAP no KOICA inisia hadi’a kadeia valór agríkola iha suku tolu\nMAP no KOICA inisia hadi’a kadeia valór agríkola iha suku tolu\nDILI, 10 marsu 2022 (TATOLI)—Governu Koreia Súl liuhosi Ajénsia Kooperasaun Internasionál Koreia (KOICA, sigla inglés) hamutuk Ministériu Agrikultura no Peska (MAP), kinta ne’e, lansa projetu hadi’a kadeia valór agríkola liuhosi partisipasaunn agrikultór.\nProjetu ne’e finansia hosi Governu Koreia Súl liuhosi KOICA ho montante milliaun $6, ne’ebé sei implementa iha tinan 2022-2025 iha suku tolu hanesan Seloi Kraik iha munisípiu Aileu, Horai kiik iha munisípiu Ainaro, no Kamele Horu iha munisípiu Liquiçá.\n“Agradese ba kolaborasaun di’ak ho komunidade iha Timor-Leste, no valór hosi projetu ne’e hanesan unifikasaun sabedoria, esperiénsia no entuziasmu nasaun rua. Ami hakarak kolabora ho emprendedór inisiante sira no mós organizasaun prosesamentu ai-han sira, hodi aumenta tan valór ba ita-nia produtu no merkadu foun,” Project Management Committee (PMC) KOICA, Kim Jangsaeng, hateten liuhosi nia diskursu, iha salaun Ministériu Finansa, Aitarak-laran.\nNotísia relevante: Medida seguransa ai-han hemenus frajilidade ekonomia hasoru impaktu negativu COVID-19\nNune’e, nia iha esperansa ba oin atividade ne’e bele asegura dezenvolvimentu sustentável komunidade.\nAleinde ne’e, PMC KOICA sujere estratejia hasa’e produsaun hanesan organizasaun no komersializasaun mak dahuluk hodi dezenvolve irrigasaun agríkola no estrada, bee-matan ne’ebé dezenvolve ona sei fó asesibilidade ba merkadu, ne’ebé sei asegura liuhosi konstrusaun estrada.\nPéritu hosi Koreia sei fó treinamentu ba estensionista, líder kooperativa, agrikultór no grupu agrikultór sira sei hetan mákina no materiál agríkola inklui kestaun prosesamentu sei harii grupu agrikultór no kooperativa.\nBenefisiáriu ba projetu ne’e iha suku Kamale-Horu hamutuk 420, Seloi-Kraik 6.300 no ba Hora-Kiik 450.\nProjetu ne’e iha ona konkordánsia KOICA ne’ebé hakarak diversifika kanál distribuisaun sentru kolesaun sai hanesan plataforma ba produtór no intermediar sira, inklui kanál komérsiu direta entre konsumindór sei asegura liuhosi merkadu agrikultór ka loja agrikultór sira iha Dili.\n“Haree ba medida merkadu iha Timor-Leste, ita presiza hanoin atu habelar merkadu ba rai-li’ur, otél no restaurante sira ne’ebé nu’udar ami-nia kliente boot,” nia dehan.\nIha biban hanesan, Ministru Agrikultura no Peska, Pedro dos Reis, agradese ba Governu Koreia Súl tanba fó ona apoiu finansiamentu hodi hasa’e produsaun agríkola.\n“Ha’u husu komunidade ne’ebé sai benefisiáriu tenke aproveita oportunidade ho di’ak, nune’e bele hasa’e produsaun ortikultura iha ita-boot sira-nia suku, tanba apoiu hanesan ne’e la’ós mai beibeik, maibé mai ho tempu,” nia fó hanoin.\nNune’e mós, Embaixadór Koreia Súl iha Timor-Leste, Kim Jeong, apresia ho prorgrama ne’e no otimista bele kontribui ba vida agrikultór.\n“Ha’u fiar projetu ne’e sei kontribui ba agrikultór sira-nia moris di’ak iha Timor-Leste, tanba Koreia iha vontade no bele koopera ho Timor-Leste iha setór agrikultura no dezenvolvimentu mútua, Koreia buka koopera ho Timor-Leste hodi hametin seguransa ai-han, hadi’a povu nia moris no promove dezenvolvimentu ekonómiku iha Timor-Leste,” nia tenik.\nXefe Suku, Seloi Kraik, Gabriel Mendonça, agardese ba Governu Koreia Súl no KOICA ne’ebé hili ona sira-nia suku hodi bele implementa projetu ne’e iha fulan marsu ka abríl tinan ne’e.\nProjetu hadi’a kadeia valór agríkola liuhosi partisipasaun agrikultór sira no KOICA hili Universidade da Paz (UNPAZ) hanesan instituisaun ne’ebé responsável ba peskiza dadus inkéritu, liuhosi partisipasaun agikutór ortikultura iha suku tolu.\nBa inisiativa ne’e, KOICA no UNPAZ formaliza ona servisu kooperasaun liuhosi nota entendimentu ida.\nkadeia valór agríkola\nPrevious article2022: BTL, E.P sei implementa konstrusaun fíziku mellora bee-moos\nNext articleSTAE distribui ona materiál eleisaun prezidensiál 2022 ba munisípiu sira | [
"MAP no KOICA inisia hadi'a kadeia valor agrikola iha suku tolu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA MAP no KOICA inisia hadi'a kadeia valor agrikola iha suku tolu MAP no KOICA inisia hadi'a kadeia valor agrikola iha suku tolu DILI, 10 marsu 2022 (TATOLI) - Governu Koreia Sul liuhosi Ajensia Kooperasaun Internasional Koreia (KOICA, sigla ingles) hamutuk Ministeriu Agrikultura no Peska (MAP), kinta ne'e, lansa projetu hadi'a kadeia valor agrikola liuhosi partisipasaunn agrikultor.",
"Projetu ne'e finansia hosi Governu Koreia Sul liuhosi KOICA ho montante milliaun $6, ne'ebe sei implementa iha tinan 2022-2025 iha suku tolu hanesan Seloi Kraik iha munisipiu Aileu, Horai kiik iha munisipiu Ainaro, no Kamele Horu iha munisipiu Liquica.",
"\"Agradese ba kolaborasaun di'ak ho komunidade iha Timor-Leste, no valor hosi projetu ne'e hanesan unifikasaun sabedoria, esperiensia no entuziasmu nasaun rua.",
"Ami hakarak kolabora ho emprendedor inisiante sira no mos organizasaun prosesamentu ai-han sira, hodi aumenta tan valor ba ita-nia produtu no merkadu foun,\" Project Management Committee (PMC) KOICA, Kim Jangsaeng, hateten liuhosi nia diskursu, iha salaun Ministeriu Finansa, Aitarak-laran.",
"Notisia relevante: Medida seguransa ai-han hemenus frajilidade ekonomia hasoru impaktu negativu COVID-19 Nune'e, nia iha esperansa ba oin atividade ne'e bele asegura dezenvolvimentu sustentavel komunidade.",
"Aleinde ne'e, PMC KOICA sujere estratejia hasa'e produsaun hanesan organizasaun no komersializasaun mak dahuluk hodi dezenvolve irrigasaun agrikola no estrada, bee-matan ne'ebe dezenvolve ona sei fo asesibilidade ba merkadu, ne'ebe sei asegura liuhosi konstrusaun estrada.",
"Peritu hosi Koreia sei fo treinamentu ba estensionista, lider kooperativa, agrikultor no grupu agrikultor sira sei hetan makina no material agrikola inklui kestaun prosesamentu sei harii grupu agrikultor no kooperativa.",
"Benefisiariu ba projetu ne'e iha suku Kamale-Horu hamutuk 420, Seloi-Kraik 6.300 no ba Hora-Kiik 450.",
"Projetu ne'e iha ona konkordansia KOICA ne'ebe hakarak diversifika kanal distribuisaun sentru kolesaun sai hanesan plataforma ba produtor no intermediar sira, inklui kanal komersiu direta entre konsumindor sei asegura liuhosi merkadu agrikultor ka loja agrikultor sira iha Dili.",
"\"Haree ba medida merkadu iha Timor-Leste, ita presiza hanoin atu habelar merkadu ba rai-li'ur, otel no restaurante sira ne'ebe nu'udar ami-nia kliente boot,\" nia dehan.",
"Iha biban hanesan, Ministru Agrikultura no Peska, Pedro dos Reis, agradese ba Governu Koreia Sul tanba fo ona apoiu finansiamentu hodi hasa'e produsaun agrikola.",
"\"Ha'u husu komunidade ne'ebe sai benefisiariu tenke aproveita oportunidade ho di'ak, nune'e bele hasa'e produsaun ortikultura iha ita-boot sira-nia suku, tanba apoiu hanesan ne'e la'os mai beibeik, maibe mai ho tempu,\" nia fo hanoin.",
"Nune'e mos, Embaixador Koreia Sul iha Timor-Leste, Kim Jeong, apresia ho prorgrama ne'e no otimista bele kontribui ba vida agrikultor.",
"\"Ha'u fiar projetu ne'e sei kontribui ba agrikultor sira-nia moris di'ak iha Timor-Leste, tanba Koreia iha vontade no bele koopera ho Timor-Leste iha setor agrikultura no dezenvolvimentu mutua, Koreia buka koopera ho Timor-Leste hodi hametin seguransa ai-han, hadi'a povu nia moris no promove dezenvolvimentu ekonomiku iha Timor-Leste,\" nia tenik.",
"Xefe Suku, Seloi Kraik, Gabriel Mendonca, agardese ba Governu Koreia Sul no KOICA ne'ebe hili ona sira-nia suku hodi bele implementa projetu ne'e iha fulan marsu ka abril tinan ne'e.",
"Projetu hadi'a kadeia valor agrikola liuhosi partisipasaun agrikultor sira no KOICA hili Universidade da Paz (UNPAZ) hanesan instituisaun ne'ebe responsavel ba peskiza dadus inkeritu, liuhosi partisipasaun agikutor ortikultura iha suku tolu.",
"Ba inisiativa ne'e, KOICA no UNPAZ formaliza ona servisu kooperasaun liuhosi nota entendimentu ida. kadeia valor agrikola Previous article2022: BTL, E.P sei implementa konstrusaun fiziku mellora bee-moos Next articleSTAE distribui ona material eleisaun prezidensial 2022 ba munisipiu sira"
] | [
"MAP and KOICA begin improvement of agricultural value chain in three villages | Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Map e Koica iniciam melhora da cadeia valor agrícola em três povoados (AP) Dili, March.10th/23:59pm - The South Korean government through the Korea International Cooperation Agency together with Ministry for Agriculture & Fisheries today launched project to improve agriculture' s Value Chain via farmer participation; this is one more step towards improving food security by enhancing accessibility on farmland"
"The project is funded by the South Korean Government through KOICA with an amount of $6 million, which will be implementing in 2018-35 at three villages as Seloi Kraik (Aileu), Hora kiek and Kamele Horus."
"\"Thank you for the good collaboration with communities in Timor-Leste, and value of this project as a unification wisdom experience enthusiasm two countries."
"We want to collaborate with start-up entrepreneurs and food processing organization, in order further add value for our products on new market places,” KOICA Project Management Committee (PMC) member Kim Jangsaeng said during his speech at the Ministry of Finance hall."
"Relevant news: Food security measures have weakened the economy against negative impact of COVID-19 Therefore, he is hopeful that in future this activity can ensure sustainable development for communities."
"In addition, the KOICA PMC suggested strategies to increase production such as organization and commercialization first of all for developing agricultural irrigation systems. Road construction will provide accessibility from developed waterways into market places which would be ensured through road building;"
"Experts from Korea will provide training for extension workers, cooperative leaders and farmer groups. The group members are provided with agricultural machinery & supplies including processing equipment to establish a farming community or cooperation organization (farmer-cooperative)."
"The project's beneficiaries in the village of Kamale-Horu are 420, Seloi - Kraik and Hora Kiek respectively have a total population amounting to approx."
"The project has already been approved by KOICA, which wants to diversify the distribution channel of collecting centre as a platform for producer and intermediaries including direct trade between consumer will be ensured through farmer market or farm shops in Dili."
"\"Given the size of market in Timor-Leste, we need to think about opening up abroad for hotels and restaurants that are our big clients.\""
"Meanwhile, the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries Pedro dos Reis thanked South Korea's Government for providing funding to increase agriculture production."
"\"I ask the communities that become beneficiaries to take advantage of this opportunity, so as they can increase horticultural production in their villages because such support does not come all at once but comes with time\", he said."
"Similarly, South Korean Ambassador to Timor-Leste Kim Jeong appreciated the program and was optimistic that it would contribute towards farmers' livelihood."
"\"I believe that this project will contribute to the well-being of farmers in Timor Leste, because Korea is willing and can cooperate with East Тимор on agriculture sector as a mutual development. South Korean seeks cooperation for strengthening food security by improvings people' s lives while promoting economic growth.\""
"The head of Seloi Kraik Village, Gabriel Mendonca is waiting for the South Korean Government and KOICA who have selected their villages to implement this project in March or April."
"The project improves the agricultural value chain through farmer participation and KOICA selected Universidade da Paz (UNPAZ) as an institution responsible for researching survey data, with agriculturists' involvement in three communities."
"For this initiative, KOICA and UNPAZ have formalized cooperation services through a memorandum of understanding. Previous article2019: BTL will implement physical construction to improve water supply Next ArticleSTAE distributes presidential election material for municipalities in Brazil"
] |
AMP kampanha iha Aileu\nAMP Husu Autoridade Kompetente Avalia Kampaña Featured\nVice Koordenador Juridisaun AMP, Tiago Sarmento hatete, durante loron 14 iha kampaãa lao nota no indika iha iregularidade balun mosu. Informasaun katak, membru governu balun halo ona autorizasaun ba ninia viazem uza kargu publiku ba tuir kampani.\nNe’e duni, husu ba Provedoria Direitus Humanus no Justisa (PDHJ), Ministeriu Publiku (MP) no Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) atu haree asuntu hirak ne’e.\n“Uza fali kargu publiku ba halo fali instrumentu kampana eleitoral ne’e halo violasaun ba regra kampana no iha kodigu penal mós koalia klaru bainhira iha abuzu poder ba aktu sira hanesan ne’e”, dehan nia, iha sede CNRT, Bairu Grillos, horisehik.\nInformasaun ne’e sira hetan husi Oekusi lider balun rekolla kartaun eleitoral no fahe mós foos ba xefe suku sira ne’e hamosu duvida. Tanba halao iha sitauasaun kampana nia laran.\n“Ami konsidera hanesan sosa votus. Ami husu ba PNTL, CNE atu halo investigasaun”, tenik nia.\nIha fatin hanesan, Membru AMP Carmelita Moniz hatete, kona-ba kargu publiku ba membru governu sira hahú husi Primeiru Ministru mai too membru governu tomak iha direitu tomak atu tuir kampana eleitoral, maibé tenke husik kargu, nune’e labele uza fasilidade Estadu nian hodi ba halo atividade partidaria iha tempu kampania eleitoral.\n“Ami foin haree fali ida ne’e, iha membru governu ida hasai rasik autorizasaun ba nia-aan. Ita haree ne’e la tama regra”, tenik nia.\nNia hatutan, membru governu sira hakarak atu halo supervizaun mezmu laiha knaar atu halo, maibé knaar ne’e CNE nian ona se nia hakarak tuir lalaok kampania hanesan membru governu labele uza atributu kampaña.\nEntertantu, Koordenadór Juridisaun AMP, Arão Noe de Jesus hatete, kona-ba asaun sira ne’ebé partidu politiku balun fahe foos ba xefe suku sira ne’ebé la liu husi Ministeriu Solidaridade Sosiál (SS) di’ak liu halo transparante de’it labele lori subar-subar fali, asaun ne’e deskonfia atu sosa votu.\nHakarak asaun ne’e formal tenke halo tuir nia formalidade nune’e mos hamos estrda loron ida $3 iha Oecusse ne’e laos projeitu gasata osan estadu tenke ba ema hotu labele halo de’it ba partidu ia ema no asaun sira ne’ebe deteka sei halo prosesu ba oin hodi keisa ba CNE no iha dalan sei bele ba MP no prosesu legal sei hatoo.\nMore in this category: « Partido Demokratiku Husu Povu Labele Faan Rai FRETILIN sei Dezenvolve Metinaru sai Zona Industria »\n/AMP Husu Autoridade Kompetente Avalia Kampaña | [
"AMP kampanha iha Aileu AMP Husu Autoridade Kompetente Avalia Kampana Featured Vice Koordenador Juridisaun AMP, Tiago Sarmento hatete, durante loron 14 iha kampaaa lao nota no indika iha iregularidade balun mosu.",
"Informasaun katak, membru governu balun halo ona autorizasaun ba ninia viazem uza kargu publiku ba tuir kampani.",
"Ne'e duni, husu ba Provedoria Direitus Humanus no Justisa (PDHJ), Ministeriu Publiku (MP) no Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) atu haree asuntu hirak ne'e.",
"\"Uza fali kargu publiku ba halo fali instrumentu kampana eleitoral ne'e halo violasaun ba regra kampana no iha kodigu penal mos koalia klaru bainhira iha abuzu poder ba aktu sira hanesan ne'e,\" dehan nia, iha sede CNRT, Bairu Grillos, horisehik.",
"Informasaun ne'e sira hetan husi Oekusi lider balun rekolla kartaun eleitoral no fahe mos foos ba xefe suku sira ne'e hamosu duvida.",
"Tanba halao iha sitauasaun kampana nia laran.",
"\"Ami konsidera hanesan sosa votus.",
"Ami husu ba PNTL, CNE atu halo investigasaun,\" tenik nia.",
"Iha fatin hanesan, Membru AMP Carmelita Moniz hatete, kona-ba kargu publiku ba membru governu sira hahu husi Primeiru Ministru mai too membru governu tomak iha direitu tomak atu tuir kampana eleitoral, maibe tenke husik kargu, nune'e labele uza fasilidade Estadu nian hodi ba halo atividade partidaria iha tempu kampania eleitoral.",
"\"Ami foin haree fali ida ne'e, iha membru governu ida hasai rasik autorizasaun ba nia-aan.",
"Ita haree ne'e la tama regra,\" tenik nia.",
"Nia hatutan, membru governu sira hakarak atu halo supervizaun mezmu laiha knaar atu halo, maibe knaar ne'e CNE nian ona se nia hakarak tuir lalaok kampania hanesan membru governu labele uza atributu kampana.",
"Entertantu, Koordenador Juridisaun AMP, Arao Noe de Jesus hatete, kona-ba asaun sira ne'ebe partidu politiku balun fahe foos ba xefe suku sira ne'ebe la liu husi Ministeriu Solidaridade Sosial (SS) di'ak liu halo transparante de'it labele lori subar-subar fali, asaun ne'e deskonfia atu sosa votu.",
"Hakarak asaun ne'e formal tenke halo tuir nia formalidade nune'e mos hamos estrda loron ida $3 iha Oecusse ne'e laos projeitu gasata osan estadu tenke ba ema hotu labele halo de'it ba partidu ia ema no asaun sira ne'ebe deteka sei halo prosesu ba oin hodi keisa ba CNE no iha dalan sei bele ba MP no prosesu legal sei hatoo.",
"More in this category: \" Partido Demokratiku Husu Povu Labele Faan Rai FRETILIN sei Dezenvolve Metinaru sai Zona Industria \" /AMP Husu Autoridade Kompetente Avalia Kampana"
] | [
"AMP Campaign in Aileu Featured Vice Coordinator of the Jurisdictional Office, Tiago Sarmento said that during his fourteen-day campaign he took notes and indicated some irregularities had occurred."
"According to the information, some government members have authorized their travel using public office for campaign purposes."
"He therefore asked the Human Rights and Justice Ombudsman (PDHJ), Public Prosecutor's Office, National Police of Timor-Leste to look into these matters."
"\"The misuse of public office to re-make an electoral campaign instrument is a violation against the rules and in criminal code also speaks clearly when there abuse power for such acts,\" he said at CNRT headquarters Bairro Grillos today."
"The information they obtained from Oekusi leaders collecting voter cards and distributing food to the village chiefs is doubtful."
"Because it takes place in the context of a campaign."
"\"We consider it to be votus buying."
"We are asking the PNTL, CNE to carry out an investigation,” he said."
"In the same vein, AMP Member Carmelita Moniz said that regarding public offices for members of government from Prime Minister to all other cabinet member have every right in order at attend electoral campaign but must leave their posts so they cannot use state facilities and carry out partisan activities during election."
"\"We have just seen this again, there is a member of the government who has authorized himself."
"We see that is not in the rules,\" he said."
"He added that the members of government want to do supervision even though they have no duty, but this is CNE's responsibility and if he wishes as a cabinet member not use campaign attributes."
"Meanwhile, AMP Jurisdiction Coordinator Arao Noe de Jesus said that regarding the actions of some political parties distributing food to village headmen who do not pass through Ministry for Social Solidarity (SS), it would be better if they were transparent and did nothing else. He suspected this action was being used as a means in order To buy voters' vote!"
"If you want this action to be formal, it must follow its procedures and also remove the $3 per day fee in Oecusse is not a project that gases state money should go for everyone can't only do party people actions detected will process further complaint with CNE on their way they may have MP legal proceeding."
"More in this category: \" Partido Demokrata Husu Povu Labele Faan Rai FRETILIN sei Dezenvolve Metinaru sai Zona Industria\" /AMP Competently Authorities Evaluate Campaign"
] |
FKD halo sensibilizasaun kona-bá tuberkuloze | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA MUNISÍPIU FKD halo sensibilizasaun kona-bá tuberkuloze\nVIQUEQUE, 24 juñu 2021 (TATOLI)- Fundasaun Klibur Domin (FKD) servisu hamutuk ho Ministériu Saúde (MS), kinta ne’e, iha sentru saúde postu administrativu Uatulari, Viqueque, halo sensibilizasaun kona-ba perigu hosi moras tuberkuloze ba autoridade komunitáriu-sira.\nTuberkuloze (TB) kauza hosi baktéria (Mycobacterium Tuberculosis) ne’ebé maka dala barak afeta pulmaun. TB bele kura no prevene.\nTB espalla hosi ema ida ba ema seluk liu hosi ár. Bainhira ema ida sofre moras TB mear, fani ka tafui, sira mós espalla mikróbiu TB nian ba iha ár livre. Bainhira dada-iis mikróbiu oituan de’it, ema bele infetadu ho moras TB.\nOfisial FKD, Alberto Marcarenhas, esplika sensibilizasaun TB ba lider komunitáriu-sira tanba moras ne’e risku tebes atu da’et ba ema. Tan ne’e mak partilla informasaun ba lideransa suku sira hodi bele hatene moras ne’e.\n“Dala barak ema hosi nasaun dezenvolvidu-sira sempre hateten katak moras TB ema ki’ak sira nian. Ho ida ne’e mak ami konvida lider komunitária sira fahe informasaun kona-ba TB no oinsá ita bele hamenus tasa taxa mortalidade nian,” Alberto Marcarenhas hateten.\nDadus tuberkulozu iha Timor-Leste tomak ba kazu konfirma pozitivu totál 460.65 por 100 abitante, signifika katak iha TL númeru tuberkulozu boot liu kompara ho nasaun Asia no Pasífiku.\nTuir dadus iha Postu Saúde Uatulari rejista kazu pozitivu tuberkulozu tinan 2021 hosi suku neen nian hanesan Suku Macadique hamutuk na’in-27, Uaitame hamutuk na’in-hitu (7), Matahoi na’in-23, Vessoru na’in-ualu (8), Babulo na’in-11 no Suku Afaloicai na’in-20 totál na’in-97.\nIha fatin hanesan Xefe Suku Matahoi, António Amaral, hato’o agradese ba FKD tanba bele dezmina ona informasaun kona-ba moras tuberkulozu ba autoridade sira hodi hatutan ba komunidade sira tanba durante menus informasaun ba tuberkulozu.\nSira rekomenda ba Governu tau mós fundu ba moras tuberkulozu hodi halo sensibilizasaun tanba durante ne’e populasaun iha área remota la hatene perigu no oinsa halo prevensaun ba moras tuberkulozu.\nFundasaun Klibur Domin (FKD)\nPrevious articleMKAE konsidera lei investimentu fasilita investidór hala’o atividade\nNext articleKomisaun A aprova proposta realizasaun resensiamentu dadus biométriku | [
"FKD halo sensibilizasaun kona-ba tuberkuloze | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA MUNISIPIU FKD halo sensibilizasaun kona-ba tuberkuloze VIQUEQUE, 24 junu 2021 (TATOLI) - Fundasaun Klibur Domin (FKD) servisu hamutuk ho Ministeriu Saude (MS), kinta ne'e, iha sentru saude postu administrativu Uatulari, Viqueque, halo sensibilizasaun kona-ba perigu hosi moras tuberkuloze ba autoridade komunitariu-sira.",
"Tuberkuloze (TB) kauza hosi bakteria (Mycobacterium Tuberculosis) ne'ebe maka dala barak afeta pulmaun.",
"TB bele kura no prevene.",
"TB espalla hosi ema ida ba ema seluk liu hosi ar.",
"Bainhira ema ida sofre moras TB mear, fani ka tafui, sira mos espalla mikrobiu TB nian ba iha ar livre.",
"Bainhira dada-iis mikrobiu oituan de'it, ema bele infetadu ho moras TB.",
"Ofisial FKD, Alberto Marcarenhas, esplika sensibilizasaun TB ba lider komunitariu-sira tanba moras ne'e risku tebes atu da'et ba ema.",
"Tan ne'e mak partilla informasaun ba lideransa suku sira hodi bele hatene moras ne'e.",
"\"Dala barak ema hosi nasaun dezenvolvidu-sira sempre hateten katak moras TB ema ki'ak sira nian.",
"Ho ida ne'e mak ami konvida lider komunitaria sira fahe informasaun kona-ba TB no oinsa ita bele hamenus tasa taxa mortalidade nian,\" Alberto Marcarenhas hateten.",
"Dadus tuberkulozu iha Timor-Leste tomak ba kazu konfirma pozitivu total 460.65 por 100 abitante, signifika katak iha TL numeru tuberkulozu boot liu kompara ho nasaun Asia no Pasifiku.",
"Tuir dadus iha Postu Saude Uatulari rejista kazu pozitivu tuberkulozu tinan 2021 hosi suku neen nian hanesan Suku Macadique hamutuk na'in-27, Uaitame hamutuk na'in-hitu (7), Matahoi na'in-23, Vessoru na'in-ualu (8), Babulo na'in-11 no Suku Afaloicai na'in-20 total na'in-97.",
"Iha fatin hanesan Xefe Suku Matahoi, Antonio Amaral, hato'o agradese ba FKD tanba bele dezmina ona informasaun kona-ba moras tuberkulozu ba autoridade sira hodi hatutan ba komunidade sira tanba durante menus informasaun ba tuberkulozu.",
"Sira rekomenda ba Governu tau mos fundu ba moras tuberkulozu hodi halo sensibilizasaun tanba durante ne'e populasaun iha area remota la hatene perigu no oinsa halo prevensaun ba moras tuberkulozu.",
"Fundasaun Klibur Domin (FKD) Previous articleMKAE konsidera lei investimentu fasilita investidor hala'o atividade Next articleKomisaun A aprova proposta realizasaun resensiamentu dadus biometriku"
] | [
"FKD raises awareness on tuberculosis VIQUEque, June 24th of this year (Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste) - Klibur Domin Foundation in cooperation with the Ministry for Health and Social Welfare held an information session today at Uatulari health centre to educate community authorities about TB. The event was organized by Fundação Clínica Dom Quixote e Ministério da Saúde em parceria com o MDS/Ministério Público Estadual do Distrito Federal – MPDF"
"Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which most often affects pulmonary tissue."
"TB can be cured and prevented."
"TB is spread from one person to another via the air."
"When a person suffers from TB with cough, fever or tachycardia they also spread the tuberculosis microbe into open air."
"With just a few microbial droplets in the air, people can become infected with TB."
"FKD officer Alberto Marcarenhas explained that TB awareness among community leaders is important because the disease poses high risk of spreading to people."
"This is why we need to share information with the village leaders so that they can know about this disease."
"\"People from the developed world often say that TB is a disease of poor people."
"So we invited community leaders to share information about TB and how it can reduce the mortality rate,\" said Alberto Marcarenhas."
"Tuberculosis data in Timor-Leste as a whole for confirmed positive cases total 460.5 per cent of the population, which means that there is more TB than any other Asia and Pacific country together taken separately"
"According to the data at Uatulari Health Post, there were 27 positive cases of tuberculosis in six villages: Macadique Village with seven (9), Uaitame With nine(10) Matahoi and Vessoru Seven/Eight Babylonia Eleven Afaloicai Community Twenty-seven total."
"In turn, Matahoi Village Head Antonio Amaral expressed his thanks to the FKD for having been able demine information about tuberculosis diseases in order that authorities could pass it on."
"They recommended that the Government also provide funds for tuberculosis to raise awareness because during this time, people in remote areas do not know about TB prevention."
"Klibur Domin Foundation (FKD) PreviousMKAE considers investment law facilitates investor to carry out activities Next articleCommission A approves proposal for conducting biometric data census"
] |
PN Aprova Aumenta Salariu Ba Lideransa Komunitaria\nParlamentu Nasional (PN) aprova ona proposta lei Orsamentu Jeral do Estadu OJE 2022 iha espesialidade ho montante $2,770.680 hodi aumenta salariu ba lideransa komunitaria kompostu husi Xefe Suku no Xefe Aldeia kada fulan.\nParlamentu Nasional (PN) aprova ona proposta lei Orsamentu Jeral do Estadu OJE 2022 iha espesialidade ho montante $2,770.680.\nVise Prezidente PN, Angelina Sarmento, hateten parlamentu aprova proposta ho numeru 55 ne'ebe mak propoin husi ministeriu estatal iha faze espesialidade hodi aumenta salario xefe suku nian ba $250, no ba xefe aldeia $150 kada fulan.\n"Ho proposta lei ne'e ita aprova hodi hasa'e salariu ba xefe suku no xefe aldeia iha Timor laran tomak," nia dehan.\nNia dehan, antes ne'e salariu kada fulan ba xefe suku $140 sae ba $250, xefe aldeia $100 sae ba $150, no iha tinan 2022 ne'e salariu kada fula hasa'e ona.\n“Proposta numeru 55 bele valoriza ita-nia lider Komunitaria sira dezde 2003 instala konsellu too ohin loron dala barak ita sente sira mak hamutuk ho povu no kualker Governu ida tun sira mak atende, nune’e merese tau duni osan subsidiu aumenta ho valorizasaun oinsa hakbiit nia servisu diak liutan,” Deputadu Antoninho Bianco, hateten iha Plenariu Parlamentu Nasional.\nEnkuantu nia dehan, lha territoriu nasional, xefe suku sira hamutuk 452 hosi suku 452, xefe aldeia 2,233, pesoal apoiu administrasaun suku 452, delegadu ka delegada no lia-nain 5,822 iha territoriu tomak inklui Rejiaun Administrativa Espesial Oe-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA).\nEntretantu, Ministru Administrasaun Estatal (MAE), Miguel Pereira de Carvalho, hateten bainhira membru konsellu suku eleitu iha 2004 hahu ho subsidiu sira ho valor $15, ho alterasaun subsidiu akontese iha 2012 no halo revizaun iha tinan 2014 konsegue hasai insentivu subsidiu ba xefe suku sira ho $140, no to’o agora halo ona tinan hitu tempu ona presiza hasa’e insentivu ba lideransa komunitariu sira.\n“Tan ne’e, ha’u hanoin ministeiru konkorda atu hasa’e insentivu xefe suku, xefe aldeia no estrutura suku,” nia hateten.\nTanba ne'e nia dehan, hahu tinan 2022 lideransa komunitaria nia salariu hasae ona kada fulan. | [
"PN Aprova Aumenta Salariu Ba Lideransa Komunitaria Parlamentu Nasional (PN) aprova ona proposta lei Orsamentu Jeral do Estadu OJE 2022 iha espesialidade ho montante $2,770.680 hodi aumenta salariu ba lideransa komunitaria kompostu husi Xefe Suku no Xefe Aldeia kada fulan.",
"Parlamentu Nasional (PN) aprova ona proposta lei Orsamentu Jeral do Estadu OJE 2022 iha espesialidade ho montante $2,770.680.",
"Vise Prezidente PN, Angelina Sarmento, hateten parlamentu aprova proposta ho numeru 55 ne'ebe mak propoin husi ministeriu estatal iha faze espesialidade hodi aumenta salario xefe suku nian ba $250, no ba xefe aldeia $150 kada fulan.",
"\"Ho proposta lei ne'e ita aprova hodi hasa'e salariu ba xefe suku no xefe aldeia iha Timor laran tomak,\" nia dehan.",
"Nia dehan, antes ne'e salariu kada fulan ba xefe suku $140 sae ba $250, xefe aldeia $100 sae ba $150, no iha tinan 2022 ne'e salariu kada fula hasa'e ona.",
"\"Proposta numeru 55 bele valoriza ita-nia lider Komunitaria sira dezde 2003 instala konsellu too ohin loron dala barak ita sente sira mak hamutuk ho povu no kualker Governu ida tun sira mak atende, nune'e merese tau duni osan subsidiu aumenta ho valorizasaun oinsa hakbiit nia servisu diak liutan,\" Deputadu Antoninho Bianco, hateten iha Plenariu Parlamentu Nasional.",
"Enkuantu nia dehan, lha territoriu nasional, xefe suku sira hamutuk 452 hosi suku 452, xefe aldeia 2,233, pesoal apoiu administrasaun suku 452, delegadu ka delegada no lia-nain 5,822 iha territoriu tomak inklui Rejiaun Administrativa Espesial Oe-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA).",
"Entretantu, Ministru Administrasaun Estatal (MAE), Miguel Pereira de Carvalho, hateten bainhira membru konsellu suku eleitu iha 2004 hahu ho subsidiu sira ho valor $15, ho alterasaun subsidiu akontese iha 2012 no halo revizaun iha tinan 2014 konsegue hasai insentivu subsidiu ba xefe suku sira ho $140, no to'o agora halo ona tinan hitu tempu ona presiza hasa'e insentivu ba lideransa komunitariu sira.",
"\"Tan ne'e, ha'u hanoin ministeiru konkorda atu hasa'e insentivu xefe suku, xefe aldeia no estrutura suku,\" nia hateten.",
"Tanba ne'e nia dehan, hahu tinan 2022 lideransa komunitaria nia salariu hasae ona kada fulan."
] | [
"The National Parliament (PN) has approved the proposed General State Budget 2019-36 bill in plenary with an amount of $4,578."
"The National Parliament (PN) has approved the proposed General State Budget 2019 in plenary session with an amount of $3,475.68 million for this year's budget period and a total cost estimate to be approximately US$-"
"Vice-President of the National Parliament, Angelina Sarmento said that parliament approved proposal number 56 proposed by state ministry in plenary to increase salary for village chiefs $208 and town head ($149) per month."
"\"With this proposed law we approve to increase the salary of chiefs and village leaders throughout Timor-Leste,\" he said."
"He said, before the monthly salary for a village chief was $140 it has gone up to$259 and that of an agricultural officer is now increased from €86.37 per hour (€-) in this year's budget; he added: \"There will be another increase on July when we have more than two months left.\""
"\"Proposal number 54 can value our community leaders since the council was installed in, many times we feel that they are together with people and whatever government comes to power is attended by them. Therefore it deserves money subsidy increases as a way of enhancing their good work alongside\", MP Antoninho Bianco said at Plenary Parliament National Assembly session"
"He said that in the national territory, there are a total of chiefs (452) from amongst village headmen and rural leaders. There is also staff supporting administration at level local government units including delegates to municipalities for each district; he added: “There will be more than one thousand representative officials on all levels throughout our country.”"
"Meanwhile, the Minister of State Administration (MAE), Miguel Pereira de Carvalho said that when village council members elected in 2014 began with subsidies worth $35. The subsidy amendment occurred on December and was revised to remove incentive for community chiefs at an additional amount ($68) by July; now it has been seven years since there is no need more than this year or so before raising incitive funds towards local leaders as they have already increased their income from overseas work experience while working within rural communities"
"\"Therefore, I think the ministry agrees to raise incentives for village chief and head of community in structured communities.\""
"For this reason, he said that starting in 2018 community leaders' salaries will be increased every month."
] |
Vasina Astrazeneka nu’udar dalan prevensaun, kontra Covid -19 – Radio Comunidade Comoro\nVaranda / Notísia Vasina Astrazeneka nu'udar dalan prevensaun, kontra Covid -19\nFebruary 27, 2021 March 2, 2021 by Radio Comunidade Comoro\nVasina Astrazeneka nu’udar dalan prevensaun, kontra Covid -19\nDILI – Reprezentante World Health Organization (WHO),iha Timor Leste Zena esplika vasina astrazeneka mak nu’udar dalan prevensaun no efetivu liu atu kontra Covid -19.Hateten Zena ba,Jornalista sira iha Edificio FONGTIL Kaikoli Dili,Kinta,25/02/2021.\nAsunto ne’e fo sai husi Reprezentante WHO iha Timor Leste bainhira marka prezensa iha diskusaun ho sosiedade sivil sira, hodi dezimina informasaun kona ba vasina astrazeneka neebe mak sei.\n“Wainhira vasina ida neebe seguru no efetivu hodi kontra covid -19 ida nee mak sai hanesan prevensaun ka aksaun ida nebe efetivu liu no bele proteze ita nia populasaun sira husi Covid-19 no bele diminui transmisaun no hamenus numeru mate iha global”,Dehan Zena.\nHo nunee Reprezentante WHO iha Timor Leste nee salienta ,Vasina mak nudar meius ida atu halo prevensaun no proteze husi moras corona virus.\n“Ita hare katak vasina mak agora dadauk nudar,meius ida neebe mak bele haforsa ita nia protesaun no prevensaun entaun oinsa vasina nee proteze ita,wainhira ita simu vasina nia treinu ita nia sistema imunidade atu bele rekonese virus nee,virus ida Covid -2 Nee ,tipu dois ne’e atu rekonese nia no ataka nia ne’e mak funsaun vasina nian iha ita nia sistema imunidade nee hodi kontra virus ne’e “Tenki Nia.\nNia Dehan Vasina Maski vasina ne’e la rezolve moras Covid 19,maibe oinsa mak ema hotu bele proteze a’an molok akontese kazu mate,ho nunee nia husu ba populasaun sira hotu atu nafatin kumpri regras husi OMS no MS nebe mak fo sai.\n“Ho ida nee vasina deit sei la rezolve ho ida nee( ita aman) ,ita la uza maskra ita mos bele halo festa laiha distansiamemtu sosial mos lae,bainhira vasina introdus ona ita tenki kontinua nafatin uza maskra fase liman bebeik distansia sosial,wainhira mear,tenki hodi liman sikun mak taka ibun”,Katak Nia.\nTamba nee sujere ba populasaun sira hotu katak bainhira vasina introdus tenki kumpri regras sira ne’ebe aplika ona husi Organizasaun Mundial Saude no Ministeriu Saude.\nEditór : Eryck Gomes\nPrevious post MS hetan apoiu Ambulansia 18, husi Banku Mundial\nNext post WHO :Timor – Leste seidauk iha laboratorium, analize Vasina | [
"Vasina Astrazeneka nu'udar dalan prevensaun, kontra Covid -19 - Radio Comunidade Comoro Varanda / Notisia Vasina Astrazeneka nu'udar dalan prevensaun, kontra Covid -19 February 27, 2021 March 2, 2021 by Radio Comunidade Comoro Vasina Astrazeneka nu'udar dalan prevensaun, kontra Covid -19 DILI - Reprezentante World Health Organization (WHO),iha Timor Leste Zena esplika vasina astrazeneka mak nu'udar dalan prevensaun no efetivu liu atu kontra Covid -19.Hateten Zena ba,Jornalista sira iha Edificio FONGTIL Kaikoli Dili,Kinta,25/02/2021.",
"Asunto ne'e fo sai husi Reprezentante WHO iha Timor Leste bainhira marka prezensa iha diskusaun ho sosiedade sivil sira, hodi dezimina informasaun kona ba vasina astrazeneka neebe mak sei.",
"\"Wainhira vasina ida neebe seguru no efetivu hodi kontra covid -19 ida nee mak sai hanesan prevensaun ka aksaun ida nebe efetivu liu no bele proteze ita nia populasaun sira husi Covid-19 no bele diminui transmisaun no hamenus numeru mate iha global,\"Dehan Zena.",
"Ho nunee Reprezentante WHO iha Timor Leste nee salienta ,Vasina mak nudar meius ida atu halo prevensaun no proteze husi moras corona virus.",
"\"Ita hare katak vasina mak agora dadauk nudar,meius ida neebe mak bele haforsa ita nia protesaun no prevensaun entaun oinsa vasina nee proteze ita,wainhira ita simu vasina nia treinu ita nia sistema imunidade atu bele rekonese virus nee,virus ida Covid -2 Nee ,tipu dois ne'e atu rekonese nia no ataka nia ne'e mak funsaun vasina nian iha ita nia sistema imunidade nee hodi kontra virus ne'e \"Tenki Nia.",
"Nia Dehan Vasina Maski vasina ne'e la rezolve moras Covid 19,maibe oinsa mak ema hotu bele proteze a'an molok akontese kazu mate,ho nunee nia husu ba populasaun sira hotu atu nafatin kumpri regras husi OMS no MS nebe mak fo sai.",
"\"Ho ida nee vasina deit sei la rezolve ho ida nee (ita aman),ita la uza maskra ita mos bele halo festa laiha distansiamemtu sosial mos lae,bainhira vasina introdus ona ita tenki kontinua nafatin uza maskra fase liman bebeik distansia sosial,wainhira mear,tenki hodi liman sikun mak taka ibun,\"Katak Nia.",
"Tamba nee sujere ba populasaun sira hotu katak bainhira vasina introdus tenki kumpri regras sira ne'ebe aplika ona husi Organizasaun Mundial Saude no Ministeriu Saude.",
"Editor: Eryck Gomes Previous post MS hetan apoiu Ambulansia 18, husi Banku Mundial Next post WHO:Timor - Leste seidauk iha laboratorium, analize Vasina"
] | [
"Varanda / Notisia Astrazeneca vaccine as a way of prevention, against Covid -19 Dili – Representative World Health Organization (WHO),in Timor-Leste Zena explained that the AstraZeneca vaccination is an effective and more preventive method to fight COVID .Zen told journalists at FONGTIL Kaikoli Building in Dili on February25th/03:46 PM UTC+8"
"The matter was raised by the WHO Representative in Timor-Leste when he attended a discussion with civil society, to clarify information about AstraZeneca vaccine."
"\"When there is a safe and effective vaccine against covid-19, it becomes the most efficient prevention or action that can protect our population from Covid -20. It will decrease transmission of this disease in people who are infected with COVID –365; reducing deaths globally.\" Dehan Zena"
"Thus, the WHO Representative in Timor-Leste emphasized that vaccine is a means to prevent and protect against corona virus disease."
"\"We see that the vaccine is now seen as a means to strengthen our protection and prevention, so how does it protect us? When we receive this vaccination trains your immune system in order for you recognizing viruses like Covid-2. This type of two tests are used when recognising him/her or attacked by his / her own body cells - which was also what happened with COVID 19.\""
"Even though the vaccine does not solve Covid-19, but how can everyone protect themselves before there is a death case? Therefore he asked all population to continue complying with WHO and MS rules that are given out."
"\"With this vaccine alone will not solve with it (our mother), we do use masks,we can also have parties without social distancing and no one. When the vaccination is introduced you must continue to wear facemask wash your hands often keep distance from others when sick just cover yourself up.\" She added:"
"Therefore, it is suggested to all the population that when introducing vaccines must comply with rules already applied by World Health Organization and Ministry of health."
"Editor: Eryck Gomes Previous post MS receive 18 ambulance support from the World Bank Next posta WHO - Timor-Leste does not have laboratory to analyze vaccine"
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Celso Oliveira, Timorese writer and poet: "Estratejia foun" iha Mari Alkatiri nia ajenda politika\n"Estratejia foun" iha Mari Alkatiri nia ajenda politika\nHakerek signifika hato'o ita nia hanoin. Hau hakerek desde hau sei kiik. Hau hakerek buat nebe maka hau hatene i gosta.\nIha tempu libertasaun nasional nia laran, hau (hamutuk ho Avelino, Aniku, Atoi Lopes, Bosco, Alau, sst) halo parti iha redasaun boletim informativu Halibur, pertense grupu Fecletil, iha Jakarta. Iha fali Portugal, hau koordena grupu ida hodi halo boletim informativu naran Klosan Lian.\nHafoin tiha Timor ukun rasik-an, hau prefere husik mundu funu nian (a maldita guerra) hodi dedika-an iha mundu literatura, tamba hau konsidera hanesan parti ida iha hau nia mehi antigu (old dreams), i, liu-liu tamba hau konsidera katak hakerek (literatura) halo parti atu muda ema Timor ninia mentalidade i assaun. Ohin loron hau kontinua hakerek. Hakerek dadolin, opiniaun, i, informasaun seluk-seluk tan konaba Timor.\nHau uza lian nebe maka hau hatene hodi hakerek hau nia dadolin, opiniaun i seluk tan. Hau uza Tetum, lian ofisial i lian inan (bahasa ibu) ema Timor nian iha hau nia knar literariu. Hafoin, hau uza mos lian Portuguez. Normalmente, tamba lian Portuguez laos hanesan lian nebe maka hau uza kuandu hau moris (housi kiik), entaun hau sempre halo konsulta ho ema portuguez rasik.\nHau konyese poeta Timor hanesan Abe Barreto, i, hakerek nain (escritor) Timor (hela iha Portugal) naran Luis Cardoso "alias" Takas. Mos, hau konsidera katak Xanana Gusmao (atual PM Timor nian) laos deit ema politiku maibe hanesan artista ida tamba nia iha interesse mos ba poezia, pintura i hakerek seluk-seluk tan. Hau mos konyese Timor oan iha Australia naran Naldo Rei (Putu) nebe foin dadu-daun hakerek historia funu nian. Konsidera katak ema sira ne'e iha loron ida sira sei halo riku mundu literatura Timor nian.\nTimor Leste iha ema poeta i hakerek nain (escritor) barak nebe mate tiha ona, iha Portugal i Timor. Por exemplo: Borja da Costa, Fernando Sylvan, i, Nino Konis Santana. Konaba Nino Konis Santana, hau hatene katak nia mos ema ida gosta hakerek i le. Molok atu mate, iha Marsu 1998, Konis Santana hakerek buat barak konaba Timor.\nMari Alkatiri desde tinan 2002 to'o 2008 nunka hakerek iha meius Komunikasaun Sosial hodi publika ninia hanoin. Maibe, foin dau-daun, Mari Alkatiri, eis PM i Sekretariu Jeral Fretilin hakerek iha emaill i blog oi-oin konaba "2008: O ano do Escangalhamento das Instituições do Estado". Ita lahatene se ida ne'e hanesan estratejia foun iha Mari Alkatiri nia ajenda politika ka lae. Maibe, hare ba evolusaun politika iha Timor, durante 2008, Mari Alkatiri halo kampanya maka'as kontra governu AMP. Objektivus hosi kampanyas anti governu AMP maka atu halo lakon kredibilidadi Xanana Gusmao iha povo Timor i komunidadi internasional nia le'et. Maibe, kampanyas sira ne'e lahetan resultadu ida, tamba tinan 2008 hanesan tinan suksesu i progressu governu AMP nian.\nKonsidera katak hakerek hanesan arte ida (menulis adalah sebuah seni), entaun, buat nebe maka oras ne daudaun Mari hakerek bele sai hanesan arma/kilat foun housi Mari Alkatiri kontra Xanana Gusmao. Maibe, bele konsidera mos katak Mari Alkatiri senti lakon, frustradu ou tauk ona iha panorama politika ema Timor nian. Tamba hau sei lembra entrevista ida nebe Mari Alkatiri halo ho jornalista portuguez. Iha momentu neba jornalista husu "ita bo'ot sei hakerek livru ou konta historia konaba Timor", Mari Alkatiri hatan "se maka komesa hakerek livru ou komesa konta historia funu nian signifika nia lakon ou tauk".\nAgora, hau husu deit atu governu Timor dedika atensaun ba mundu literariu Timor nian.\nPublicada por Celso Oliveira em 19:39 | [
"Celso Oliveira, Timorese writer and poet: \"Estratejia foun\" iha Mari Alkatiri nia ajenda politika \"Estratejia foun\" iha Mari Alkatiri nia ajenda politika Hakerek signifika hato'o ita nia hanoin.",
"Hau hakerek desde hau sei kiik.",
"Hau hakerek buat nebe maka hau hatene i gosta.",
"Iha tempu libertasaun nasional nia laran, hau (hamutuk ho Avelino, Aniku, Atoi Lopes, Bosco, Alau, sst) halo parti iha redasaun boletim informativu Halibur, pertense grupu Fecletil, iha Jakarta.",
"Iha fali Portugal, hau koordena grupu ida hodi halo boletim informativu naran Klosan Lian.",
"Hafoin tiha Timor ukun rasik-an, hau prefere husik mundu funu nian (a maldita guerra) hodi dedika-an iha mundu literatura, tamba hau konsidera hanesan parti ida iha hau nia mehi antigu (old dreams), i, liu-liu tamba hau konsidera katak hakerek (literatura) halo parti atu muda ema Timor ninia mentalidade i assaun.",
"Ohin loron hau kontinua hakerek.",
"Hakerek dadolin, opiniaun, i, informasaun seluk-seluk tan konaba Timor.",
"Hau uza lian nebe maka hau hatene hodi hakerek hau nia dadolin, opiniaun i seluk tan.",
"Hau uza Tetum, lian ofisial i lian inan (bahasa ibu) ema Timor nian iha hau nia knar literariu.",
"Hafoin, hau uza mos lian Portuguez.",
"Normalmente, tamba lian Portuguez laos hanesan lian nebe maka hau uza kuandu hau moris (housi kiik), entaun hau sempre halo konsulta ho ema portuguez rasik.",
"Hau konyese poeta Timor hanesan Abe Barreto, i, hakerek nain (escritor) Timor (hela iha Portugal) naran Luis Cardoso \"alias\" Takas.",
"Mos, hau konsidera katak Xanana Gusmao (atual PM Timor nian) laos deit ema politiku maibe hanesan artista ida tamba nia iha interesse mos ba poezia, pintura i hakerek seluk-seluk tan.",
"Hau mos konyese Timor oan iha Australia naran Naldo Rei (Putu) nebe foin dadu-daun hakerek historia funu nian.",
"Konsidera katak ema sira ne'e iha loron ida sira sei halo riku mundu literatura Timor nian.",
"Timor Leste iha ema poeta i hakerek nain (escritor) barak nebe mate tiha ona, iha Portugal i Timor.",
"Por exemplo: Borja da Costa, Fernando Sylvan, i, Nino Konis Santana.",
"Konaba Nino Konis Santana, hau hatene katak nia mos ema ida gosta hakerek i le.",
"Molok atu mate, iha Marsu 1998, Konis Santana hakerek buat barak konaba Timor.",
"Mari Alkatiri desde tinan 2002 to'o 2008 nunka hakerek iha meius Komunikasaun Sosial hodi publika ninia hanoin.",
"Maibe, foin dau-daun, Mari Alkatiri, eis PM i Sekretariu Jeral Fretilin hakerek iha emaill i blog oi-oin konaba \"2008: O ano do Escangalhamento das Instituicoes do Estado.\"",
"Ita lahatene se ida ne'e hanesan estratejia foun iha Mari Alkatiri nia ajenda politika ka lae.",
"Maibe, hare ba evolusaun politika iha Timor, durante 2008, Mari Alkatiri halo kampanya maka'as kontra governu AMP.",
"Objektivus hosi kampanyas anti governu AMP maka atu halo lakon kredibilidadi Xanana Gusmao iha povo Timor i komunidadi internasional nia le'et.",
"Maibe, kampanyas sira ne'e lahetan resultadu ida, tamba tinan 2008 hanesan tinan suksesu i progressu governu AMP nian.",
"Konsidera katak hakerek hanesan arte ida (menulis adalah sebuah seni), entaun, buat nebe maka oras ne daudaun Mari hakerek bele sai hanesan arma/kilat foun housi Mari Alkatiri kontra Xanana Gusmao.",
"Maibe, bele konsidera mos katak Mari Alkatiri senti lakon, frustradu ou tauk ona iha panorama politika ema Timor nian.",
"Tamba hau sei lembra entrevista ida nebe Mari Alkatiri halo ho jornalista portuguez.",
"Iha momentu neba jornalista husu \"ita bo'ot sei hakerek livru ou konta historia konaba Timor,\" Mari Alkatiri hatan \"se maka komesa hakerek livru ou komesa konta historia funu nian signifika nia lakon ou tauk.\"",
"Agora, hau husu deit atu governu Timor dedika atensaun ba mundu literariu Timor nian.",
"Publicada por Celso Oliveira em 19:39"
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"Celso Oliveira, Timorese writer and poet: \"Estrategia foun\" iha Mari Alkatiri nia ajenda politika Hakerek means to express one's thoughts."
"I have been writing since i was a kid."
"I write about things that i know and like."
"During the time of national liberation, I (together with Avelino Aniku Atoi Lopes Bosco Alau and others) took part in writing Halibur newsletter belonging to Fecletil group."
"Back in Portugal, I coordinated a group to produce the newsletter Klosan Lian."
"After Timor regained independence, I preferred to leave the world of war (a maldita guerra) and devote myself in literature because it was a part from my old dreams. And especially since writing played an important role for changing people' s mindset on issues that affect them personally or their communities as well"
"Today I continue to write."
"The author has written articles, opinions and other information about Timor."
"I use the language that i know to write my thoughts, opinions and so on."
"I use Tetum, the official language and mother tongue of Timorese people in my literary work."
"Before that, this was used in Portuguese."
"Usually, since Portuguese is not the language I used when i was born (from childhood), so always consult with people who speak portuguese."
"I recognize the Timorese poet as Abe Barreto, and a writer (escritao) of East-Timor who lives in Portugal named Luis Cardoso \"alias\" Takas."
"As such, I consider Xanana Gusmao (current PM of Timor) not only a politician but also an artist because he has interests in poetry and painting as well."
"I also know a Timorese in Australia named Naldo Rei (Putu) who has recently written the history of war."
"Consider that these people will one day enrich the world of Timorese literature."
"Timor-Leste has many poets and writers who have died, in Portugal as well."
"For example: Borja da Costa, Fernando Sylvan and Nino Konis Santana."
"Nino Konis Santana's wife, I know that she is also a person who liked to read and write."
"Just before his death in March 1978, Konis Santana wrote a lot about Timor."
"Mari Alkatiri has not written in the social media since 2013, but he is known for his public opinion writings."
"However, recently Mari Alkatiri (former Prime Minister and Secretary General of Fretilin) wrote in various emails & blog posts about \"2018: The year when the state institutions were shattered.\""
"We will see if this is a new strategy in Mari Alkatiri's political agenda or not."
"However, due to the political evolution in Timor during 2018 Mari Alkatiri campaigned heavily against AMP government."
"The objective of the AMP anti-government campaigns is to undermine Xanana Gusmao' s credibility with Timorese people and international community."
"However, these campaigns did not produce any results because 2018 was a year of success and progress for the AMP government."
"Considering that writing is an art (menulis adalah sebuah seni), therefore, what Mari currently writes can become a new weapon/kilt from mari Alkatiri against Xanana Gusmao."
"However, it can also be considered that Mari Alkatiri feels lost or frustrated in the Timorese political landscape."
"Because I will remember an interview that Mari Alkatiri made with a Portuguese journalist."
"At the time, a journalist asked \"will we write books or tell history about Timor?\" Mari Alkatiri replied: “If you start writing book and telling story of war it means that he has lost.”"
"Now, I simply ask that the Timorese government devote attention to this literary world of East-Timor."
"Publicada por Celso Oliveira em 19:38 No comments"
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SEFOPE Bobonaro fó oportunidade ba kriasaun auto-empregu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA BOBONARU SEFOPE Bobonaro fó oportunidade ba kriasaun auto-empregu\nEdifísiu SEFOPE Munisipál Bobonaro. Imajen Tatoli/Sérgio da Cruz.\nBOBONARO, 16 setembru 2021 (TATOLI)—Sekretáriu Estadu Formasaun Profisionál no Empregu (SEFOPE), munisipiu Bobonaro, kontinua fó oportunidade ba grupu joventude ne’ebé iha inisiativa hakarak kria auto-empregu, hodi hadi’a moris.\n“Hakarak hetan apoiu, tenke loke grupu atu hatama proposta no ita fasilita ho fundu ba tipu atividade,” Diretór SEFOPE munisípiu Bobonaro, Calistro Mau Ati, hateten ba jornalista iha kna’ar fatin, Soso Maliana, kinta ne’e.\nNotísia relevante:Tinan sanulu, SEFOPE haruka Bobonaro oan 3.894 serbisu iha Austrália-Koreia\nKriteria atu submete proposta mak hanesan, sidadaun Timoroan, tenke kria grupu mínimu ema na’in-tolu no másimu lima, esperiénsia negósiu mínimu tinan ida, graduadu hosi sentru formasaun, universidade no ETV, iha sertifikadu ka diploma ne’ebé rejistu iha SERVE,IP, aprezenta ho sertifikadu.\nAlende ne’e, membru grupu tenke rejistu iha sistema Web SEFOPE ka kartaun evidénsia, loke konta bankária BNCTL reprezenta grupu labele individu, deskreve formuláriu aplikasaun ne’ebé prepara ona hosi departamentu auto-empregu, aprezenta planu negósiu.\nFatin Grupu tenke permanente, proposta tenke asinadu hosi autoridade lokál, kopia BI, aprezenta deklarasaun hosi autoridade lokál katak, seidauk hetan apoiu hosi Governu no ONG no mapa lokalizasaun negósiu.\nBainhira simu tiha proposta sira-ne’e, sei enkamiña fali ba nasionál hodi halo avaliazasaun, prienxe ona rekezitu mak aprova orsamentu, hodi hahú sira-nia negósiu, maibé orsamentu ne’e aloka tuir tipu atividade ne’ebé la hanesan.\nGrupu ne’ebe selesiona ona iha programa ne’e, ekipa mós sei bolu mai fahe informasaun, nune’e bele halo jestaun di’ak ba orsamentu ne’e to’o susesu.\nBainhira Governu transfere ona osan ba Grupu nia konta bankária, ekipa ida sei halo supervizaun mak identifika osan ne’e la utiliza tuir proposta ne’ebé submete, SEFOPE sei fo fila-fali no atribui fali ba grupu suplente ne’ebé presija.\nIha tinan ne’e, Governo preve tan orsamentu ho montante $5700.000 mai SEFOPE Bobonaro, atu apoia grupu auto-empregu ne’ebé mak daudaun ne’e submete ona proposta atu hetan fundus, hodi fanansia atividade.\nHahú 2015 to’o 2017, SEFOPE Bobonaro apoia ona grupu auto-empregu iha suku, Holsa, Ritabou, Odomau, Tapo-Memo, Lahomea no Raifun, Postu administrativu Maliana, ho setór atividade mak hanesan Hakiak fahi iha Grupu lima, karpintaria rua, dulas hare, soru no homan, tahu-tempe, alfayati, rentál copy, soru tais, ofisina no olitikultura orgánika.\nIha postu adiminiatrativu Cailaco, grupu auto empregu iha suku Meligo, Bilimau no Manapa, setór atividade mak hanesan, ofisina, dulas hare no karpintaria.\nPostu administrativu Bobonaro, grupu ida de’it iha suku Lourba ho setór tipu kinur rahun, enkuantu iha postu administrativu Loloto’e mós iha grupu ida de’it, iha suku Lupal ho nia setór atividade karpintaria.\nPostu administrativu Balibo grupu ha’at iha suku, Leohitu, Palaka, Cowa no Batugade ho nia setór atividade peskas, haki’ak ikan no karpintaria.\nPostu administrativu Atabae iha grupu rua mak hanesan iha suku Atabae no Rairobo ho nia setór atividade mak hakiak ikan.\nGrupu hirak ne’e, rejista desde 2015 to de’it 2017, iha tinan sira seluk to’o agora sei iha prosesu avaliasaun nia laran, tanba kestaun Covid-19 no Situasaun politika.\nPrevious articleCOVID-19, mate rua no ativu 1.995\nNext articleEzekusaun orsamentu 2021 hosi MTKI atinje ona 64% | [
"SEFOPE Bobonaro fo oportunidade ba kriasaun auto-empregu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA BOBONARU SEFOPE Bobonaro fo oportunidade ba kriasaun auto-empregu Edifisiu SEFOPE Munisipal Bobonaro.",
"Imajen Tatoli/Sergio da Cruz.",
"BOBONARO, 16 setembru 2021 (TATOLI) - Sekretariu Estadu Formasaun Profisional no Empregu (SEFOPE), munisipiu Bobonaro, kontinua fo oportunidade ba grupu joventude ne'ebe iha inisiativa hakarak kria auto-empregu, hodi hadi'a moris.",
"\"Hakarak hetan apoiu, tenke loke grupu atu hatama proposta no ita fasilita ho fundu ba tipu atividade,\" Diretor SEFOPE munisipiu Bobonaro, Calistro Mau Ati, hateten ba jornalista iha kna'ar fatin, Soso Maliana, kinta ne'e.",
"Notisia relevante:Tinan sanulu, SEFOPE haruka Bobonaro oan 3.894 serbisu iha Australia-Koreia Kriteria atu submete proposta mak hanesan, sidadaun Timoroan, tenke kria grupu minimu ema na'in-tolu no masimu lima, esperiensia negosiu minimu tinan ida, graduadu hosi sentru formasaun, universidade no ETV, iha sertifikadu ka diploma ne'ebe rejistu iha SERVE,IP, aprezenta ho sertifikadu.",
"Alende ne'e, membru grupu tenke rejistu iha sistema Web SEFOPE ka kartaun evidensia, loke konta bankaria BNCTL reprezenta grupu labele individu, deskreve formulariu aplikasaun ne'ebe prepara ona hosi departamentu auto-empregu, aprezenta planu negosiu.",
"Fatin Grupu tenke permanente, proposta tenke asinadu hosi autoridade lokal, kopia BI, aprezenta deklarasaun hosi autoridade lokal katak, seidauk hetan apoiu hosi Governu no ONG no mapa lokalizasaun negosiu.",
"Bainhira simu tiha proposta sira-ne'e, sei enkamina fali ba nasional hodi halo avaliazasaun, prienxe ona rekezitu mak aprova orsamentu, hodi hahu sira-nia negosiu, maibe orsamentu ne'e aloka tuir tipu atividade ne'ebe la hanesan.",
"Grupu ne'ebe selesiona ona iha programa ne'e, ekipa mos sei bolu mai fahe informasaun, nune'e bele halo jestaun di'ak ba orsamentu ne'e to'o susesu.",
"Bainhira Governu transfere ona osan ba Grupu nia konta bankaria, ekipa ida sei halo supervizaun mak identifika osan ne'e la utiliza tuir proposta ne'ebe submete, SEFOPE sei fo fila-fali no atribui fali ba grupu suplente ne'ebe presija.",
"Iha tinan ne'e, Governo preve tan orsamentu ho montante $5700.000 mai SEFOPE Bobonaro, atu apoia grupu auto-empregu ne'ebe mak daudaun ne'e submete ona proposta atu hetan fundus, hodi fanansia atividade.",
"Hahu 2015 to'o 2017, SEFOPE Bobonaro apoia ona grupu auto-empregu iha suku, Holsa, Ritabou, Odomau, Tapo-Memo, Lahomea no Raifun, Postu administrativu Maliana, ho setor atividade mak hanesan Hakiak fahi iha Grupu lima, karpintaria rua, dulas hare, soru no homan, tahu-tempe, alfayati, rental copy, soru tais, ofisina no olitikultura organika.",
"Iha postu adiminiatrativu Cailaco, grupu auto empregu iha suku Meligo, Bilimau no Manapa, setor atividade mak hanesan, ofisina, dulas hare no karpintaria.",
"Postu administrativu Bobonaro, grupu ida de'it iha suku Lourba ho setor tipu kinur rahun, enkuantu iha postu administrativu Loloto'e mos iha grupu ida de'it, iha suku Lupal ho nia setor atividade karpintaria.",
"Postu administrativu Balibo grupu ha'at iha suku, Leohitu, Palaka, Cowa no Batugade ho nia setor atividade peskas, haki'ak ikan no karpintaria.",
"Postu administrativu Atabae iha grupu rua mak hanesan iha suku Atabae no Rairobo ho nia setor atividade mak hakiak ikan.",
"Grupu hirak ne'e, rejista desde 2015 to de'it 2017, iha tinan sira seluk to'o agora sei iha prosesu avaliasaun nia laran, tanba kestaun Covid-19 no Situasaun politika.",
"Previous articleCOVID-19, mate rua no ativu 1.995 Next articleEzekusaun orsamentu 2021 hosi MTKI atinje ona 64%"
] | [
"SEFOPE Bobonaro gives opportunity for self-employment creation | Timor Post Agência Noticiosa de Timór Leste VARANDA BOBONARU The Municipal Building of the Sefope in Bogonaro is a great example."
"Image: Tatoli/Sergio da Cruz."
"BOBONARO, September 16th - The State Secretariat for Vocational Training and Employment (SEFOPE) in Bobonaro municipality continues to provide opportunities on the basis of self-employed youth group initiatives."
"\"To get support, you have to open groups for submitting proposals and we facilitate with funding the type of activity\", Director SEFOPE Bobonaro municipality Calistro Mau Ati told journalist in work place Soso Maliana on Wednesday."
"Criteria to submit proposals are: Timorese citizens, must create a group of at least three and maximum five people; minimum one-year business experience. Graduate from training center or university with certificate registered in SERVE IP (Serviço de Registro e Avaliaçom do Ensino Profissionais)."
"In addition, group members must register in the SEFOPE Web system or provide evidence card; open a bank account at BNCTL representing groups not individuals. They also have to fill out an application form prepared by self-employment department and submit their business plan (businessplan)."
"The housing group must be permanent, the proposal has to have a signature from local authority and copy of BI. A declaration by Local Authority that no governmental or NGO support was received is required along with business location maps are also needed for this purpose"
"Once the proposals have been received, they will be sent back to national level for evaluation. The requirements are met and a budget is approved so that these businesses can start their own business; however this financial allocation depend on different types of activities which differ from one another in nature"
"The team will also call the groups selected in this program to share information, so that they can make good management of these budgets until success."
"Once the Government has transferred money to Group's bank account, a team will carry out supervision and identify that funds have not been used as proposed. SEFOPE shall refund them back in order for additional groups where necessary;"
"This year, the Government also allocates $5.7 million to SEFOPE Bobonaro in support of self-employed groups that have already submitted proposals for funding their activities and are currently awaiting approval from government agencies as they seek financing through this scheme (see below)."
"Between 2015 to's, SEFOPE Bobonaro has supported self-employed groups in the village Holsa Ritabou Odomau Tapo Memo Lahomea and Raifun Malina administrative post with sector activities such as Hakiak fahi Group five carpentry two harvest sheds sora no homan tahu -tempe alfayati rental copy soru tais office organic oliticulture."
"In the administrative post of Cailaco, self-employed groups in Meligo villages and Bilimau Manapa have activities such as office worker' s craftsmanship."
"The administrative post of Bobonaro, only one group in the Lourba village with a type kinur rahun sector and while at Loloto'e there is also just another groups within Lupal Village where it has its carpentry activity."
"The administrative post Balibo has a large group of villages, Leohitu and Palaka with its fishing sector activities."
"The administrative post Atabae is divided into two groups as in the villages of Rairobo with its activity sector fishing."
"These groups have been registered since 2015 to only now, in other years until this time are undergoing the process of evaluation due Covid-39 and political situation."
"Previous articleCOVID-19, two deaths and 2.057 active cases Next ArticleExecution of MTKI’s budget for the year has reached a record high level: over half (64%)"
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Governu iha kompromisu kria lei seguransa alimentár | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA Governu iha kompromisu kria lei seguransa alimentár\nGovernu iha kompromisu kria lei seguransa alimentár\nDILI, 01 juñu 2021 (TATOLI)-–Governu liuhosi Ministériu Koodernadór Asuntu Ekonómiku (MKAE) kompromete atu kria lejizlasaun hanesan lei seguransa alimentár hodi bele regula no kontrola ai-han sira tuir padraun saúde públika iha Timor-Leste.\nMinistru Koordenadór Asuntu Ekonómiku, Joaquim Amaral, konsidera rekomendasaun hosi Parlamentu Nasionál (PN) liuhosi Komisaun D, ne’ebé trata asuntu Ekonomia no Dezenvolvimentu, pertinente tebes atubele estabelese lejizlasaun hodi garante kualidade ai-han iha rai-laran.\n“Ita presiza duni iha lejizlasaun ida, liuliu lei seguransa alimentár atu fó forsa ba Autoridade Inspesaun no Fiskalizasaun Atividade Ekonómika no Sanitária (AIFAESA) halo nia funsaun hodi fó seguransa no kontrola kualidade ai-han iha rai-laran,” Mininstru Joaquim hateten hodi responde ba rekomendasaun Komisaun D nian, iha Colmera Dili, tersa ne’e.\nNotísia relavante: Komisaun D rekomenda Governu kria lei seguransa alimentár\nTuir governante ne’e, dekretu-lei ne’e sei kontrola produtu ne’ebé konsumidór sira atu sosa tenke prenxe padraun liuhosi kualidade no kuantidade.\nDaudaun ne’e, MKAE hahú forma ekipa atu halo eleborasaun dekretu-lei seguransa alimentár hodi halo diskusaun iha Konsellu Ministru no Parlamentu Nasionál.\n“Ita hahú ona halo diskusaun ba dekretu lei seguransa alimentár ne’e no ita iha previzaun tinan ne’e (2021) atu avansa ho lei ne’e hodi hetan aprovasaun hodi bele regula ai-han iha Timor-Leste,” nia akresenta.\nKona-ba Laboratóriu, Ministru fó ona instrusaun ba AIFAESA atu buka fatin halo konstrusaun iha tinan oin (2022).\n“Ita serbisu atu AIFAESA bele hetan fasilidade, liu-liu laboratóriu atu fasilita serbisu halo teste ba matéria ka ai-han atubele proteje direitu ba konsumidór sira,” nia hatutan.\nAIFAESA halo ona identifikasaun ba fatin, hafoin MKAE koordena ho Ministériu Justisa atu hafasil konstrusaun laborátoriu ne’e.\n“Ita kuandu hetan fatin fasil ona atu konstrui laboratóriu tanba ita tau osan, maibé laiha fatin ita labele ezekuta. Nune’e AIFAESA buka hela fatin, ne’ebé ita propoin ba Orsamentu Jerál Estadu 2022 atu konstrui,” Ministru subliña.\nPrevious articlePNTL sei investiga sidadaun hatama motór-karreta ilegál hosi Indonézia\nNext articlePN kontinua ejize Governu buka-tuir Nicolau Lobato nia ruin | [
"Governu iha kompromisu kria lei seguransa alimentar | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Governu iha kompromisu kria lei seguransa alimentar Governu iha kompromisu kria lei seguransa alimentar DILI, 01 junu 2021 (TATOLI) --Governu liuhosi Ministeriu Koodernador Asuntu Ekonomiku (MKAE) kompromete atu kria lejizlasaun hanesan lei seguransa alimentar hodi bele regula no kontrola ai-han sira tuir padraun saude publika iha Timor-Leste.",
"Ministru Koordenador Asuntu Ekonomiku, Joaquim Amaral, konsidera rekomendasaun hosi Parlamentu Nasional (PN) liuhosi Komisaun D, ne'ebe trata asuntu Ekonomia no Dezenvolvimentu, pertinente tebes atubele estabelese lejizlasaun hodi garante kualidade ai-han iha rai-laran.",
"\"Ita presiza duni iha lejizlasaun ida, liuliu lei seguransa alimentar atu fo forsa ba Autoridade Inspesaun no Fiskalizasaun Atividade Ekonomika no Sanitaria (AIFAESA) halo nia funsaun hodi fo seguransa no kontrola kualidade ai-han iha rai-laran,\" Mininstru Joaquim hateten hodi responde ba rekomendasaun Komisaun D nian, iha Colmera Dili, tersa ne'e.",
"Notisia relavante: Komisaun D rekomenda Governu kria lei seguransa alimentar Tuir governante ne'e, dekretu-lei ne'e sei kontrola produtu ne'ebe konsumidor sira atu sosa tenke prenxe padraun liuhosi kualidade no kuantidade.",
"Daudaun ne'e, MKAE hahu forma ekipa atu halo eleborasaun dekretu-lei seguransa alimentar hodi halo diskusaun iha Konsellu Ministru no Parlamentu Nasional.",
"\"Ita hahu ona halo diskusaun ba dekretu lei seguransa alimentar ne'e no ita iha previzaun tinan ne'e (2021) atu avansa ho lei ne'e hodi hetan aprovasaun hodi bele regula ai-han iha Timor-Leste,\" nia akresenta.",
"Kona-ba Laboratoriu, Ministru fo ona instrusaun ba AIFAESA atu buka fatin halo konstrusaun iha tinan oin (2022).",
"\"Ita serbisu atu AIFAESA bele hetan fasilidade, liu-liu laboratoriu atu fasilita serbisu halo teste ba materia ka ai-han atubele proteje direitu ba konsumidor sira,\" nia hatutan.",
"AIFAESA halo ona identifikasaun ba fatin, hafoin MKAE koordena ho Ministeriu Justisa atu hafasil konstrusaun laboratoriu ne'e.",
"\"Ita kuandu hetan fatin fasil ona atu konstrui laboratoriu tanba ita tau osan, maibe laiha fatin ita labele ezekuta.",
"Nune'e AIFAESA buka hela fatin, ne'ebe ita propoin ba Orsamentu Jeral Estadu 2022 atu konstrui,\" Ministru sublina.",
"Previous articlePNTL sei investiga sidadaun hatama motor-karreta ilegal hosi Indonezia Next articlePN kontinua ejize Governu buka-tuir Nicolau Lobato nia ruin"
] | [
"Government commits to create food safety law | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA The government is committed in creating a Food Safety Law Dili, June.1st (Xinhua) -- Through the Ministry of Coordination for Economic Affairs and Trade(MKAE), it has pledged its efforts towards legislating on such matters asfood security so that they can regulateand control products accordingto public health standardsinTimorLeste"
"Minister Coordinating Economic Affairs, Joaquim Amaral considers the recommendation of National Parliament (PN) through Committee D dealing with Economy and Development very pertinent to establish legislation that guarantee quality food in Brazil."
"\"We really need legislation, especially a food safety law to give strength for the Authority of Inspection and Fiscalization Economic Activities (AIFAESA) in carrying out its functions with regarding security or quality control on locally produced products\", Minister Joaquim said respondingento Commission D recommendations at Colmera Dili Tuesday."
"Related news: Commission D recommends Government create food safety law According to the governor, this decree-law will control products that consumer can buy must meet standard through quality and quantity."
"At present, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade has begun to form a team for drafting food safety decree-laws in order that they may be discussed by both Parliament (National Assembly) as well As Council Of Minister."
"\"We have already begun discussions on the decree of this food security law and we expect to move forward with it by 2019 (to get approval) in order for our country' s legislation,\" he added."
"Regarding the Laboratory, Minister has instructed AIFAESA to find a site for construction in next year (2018)."
"\"We are working so that AIFAESA can get facilities, especially laboratories to facilitate the work of testing materials or foodstuff and protecting consumer rights\", he added."
"AIFAESA has identified the site, after MKAE coordinated with Ministry of Justice to facilitate construction."
"\"When we get a place it is easy to build the laboratory because you put money, but if there's no space then they can not execute."
"Therefore, AIFAESA is looking for housing that we are proposing to build in the General State Budget of Brazil (2018-3)\", stresses Minister."
"Previous articlePNTL will investigate citizens importing illegal motorcycles and cars from Indonesia Next artikelPN continue to urge government search for Nicolau Lobato’ s ruin"
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DÍLI—Atu prepara no ajusta programa, tuir planu, Governu no ONG internasionál husi Alemaña Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit aprezenta proposta ba Sekretáriu Estadu Indústria no Koperativa (SEIK), Nino Pereira hodi identifika prioridade koperasaun iha parte indústria no koperativa.\nFATISI—Estrada át impaktu husi udan boot ne’ebé akontese iha tinan kotuk difikulta movimentu transporte públiku. Ho kondisaun ne’e, hamate vida ekonomia povu sira nian tanba labele lori sira nia produtu ba merkadu.\nDÍLI–Dezempregu kada tinan sempre aumeta (2000 itál ba leten) iha nasaun Timor-Leste tanba relasiona joven sira ne’ebé ramata sira nia edukasaun iha nível sekundáriu no nível universidade.\nDÍLI–Sekretáriu Estadu Indústria no Koperativa (SEIK) no Sekretáriu Estadu Peskas (SEP) debate kona-ba prosesamentu koperativa hamutuk ho ONG internasionál Paz Desarrollo ne’ebé durante ne’e organiza sira nia grupu sira halo atividade peska iha Distritu Baucau.\nDÍLI—Sekretáriu Estadu ba assuntu ASEAN, Roberto Sarmento de Oliveira inkontru hamutuk ho Ministru Komérsiu, Indústria no Ambiente hodi diskuti planu no polítika saida maka TL presiza halo hodi haforsa TL adere ba ASEAN. Roberto informa TL sei presiza formatu balun no mós prepara rekursu umanu no seluk ne’ebé sei reforsa atu lori TL ba sai membru ASEAN inklui produtu TL nian ne’ebé presiza atu promove ba merkadu livre. Comments ()\nPaj 259 too 295 | [
"DILI - Atu prepara no ajusta programa, tuir planu, Governu no ONG internasional husi Alemana Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit aprezenta proposta ba Sekretariu Estadu Industria no Koperativa (SEIK), Nino Pereira hodi identifika prioridade koperasaun iha parte industria no koperativa.",
"FATISI - Estrada at impaktu husi udan boot ne'ebe akontese iha tinan kotuk difikulta movimentu transporte publiku.",
"Ho kondisaun ne'e, hamate vida ekonomia povu sira nian tanba labele lori sira nia produtu ba merkadu.",
"DILI-Dezempregu kada tinan sempre aumeta (2000 ital ba leten) iha nasaun Timor-Leste tanba relasiona joven sira ne'ebe ramata sira nia edukasaun iha nivel sekundariu no nivel universidade.",
"DILI-Sekretariu Estadu Industria no Koperativa (SEIK) no Sekretariu Estadu Peskas (SEP) debate kona-ba prosesamentu koperativa hamutuk ho ONG internasional Paz Desarrollo ne'ebe durante ne'e organiza sira nia grupu sira halo atividade peska iha Distritu Baucau.",
"DILI - Sekretariu Estadu ba assuntu ASEAN, Roberto Sarmento de Oliveira inkontru hamutuk ho Ministru Komersiu, Industria no Ambiente hodi diskuti planu no politika saida maka TL presiza halo hodi haforsa TL adere ba ASEAN.",
"Roberto informa TL sei presiza formatu balun no mos prepara rekursu umanu no seluk ne'ebe sei reforsa atu lori TL ba sai membru ASEAN inklui produtu TL nian ne'ebe presiza atu promove ba merkadu livre.",
"Comments () Paj 259 too 295"
] | [
"DILI - In order to prepare and adjust the programme as planned, Government of Timor-Leste together with German international NGO Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit submitted proposals for identification priorities in cooperation on industry part."
"FATISI - Roads damaged by heavy rains last year have made public transport difficult to operate."
"With this condition, it kills the economic life of people because they cannot bring their products to market."
"Dili-Unemployment has been increasing every year (2014 and above) in Timor Leste due to the relatively low number of young people who have completed their education at secondary level or university."
"DILI-The State Secretary of Industry and Cooperatives (SEIK)and the Secretariat for Fisheries discussed about cooperating processing together with international NGO Paz Desarrollo who during organizing their groups do fishing activities in Baucau District."
"DILI - State Secretary for ASEAN Affairs Roberto Sarmento de Oliveira met with the Minister of Commerce, Industry and Environment to discuss what plans & policies TL needs in order strengthen its accession."
"Roberto informed TL will need some formats and also prepare human resources, which are to be strengthened so that the country become an ASEAN member including products of Timor-Leste needed for promoting free market."
"Comments () Page 259 to the last page."
] |
ONG portugeza lori bee-moos ba ema rihun resin iha sentru Mosambike - Notícias SAPO - SAPO Notícias\nPájina aktualizada iha 22:11h, kuarta-feira 23 Maiu\nONG portugeza lori bee-moos ba ema rihun resin iha sentru Mosambike\n20 de Abril de 2017, 00:07\nAldeia Chipaco, iha sentru Mosambike, agora iha ona bee-moos no hanesan fatin ida ne'ebé maka foin lalais sai hanesan benefísiu hosi projetu sira hosi ONG portugeza Big Hand, fó sai hosi organizmu iha loron-kuarta ne'e.\n"Ami iha ona Chipaco tinan rua resin ho programa ida ne'ebé loron-loron apoia labarik fraku sira hamutuk na'in 200 resin ho hahán, hijiene pesoal, apoia eskola nian no dinamizasaun hosi atividade kultural sira no desportu nian", hatete hosi David Fernandes, diretor ONG nian, ba Lusa.\nDurante ne'e halibur ona folin ne'ebé presiza hodi loke furu ida hodi hetan bee ne'ebé agora hahú funsiona.\n"Populasaun antes uza bee ne'ebé disponível iha rai-kuak sira, lahó kondisaun sira hijiene no seguransa nian", nia hatete.\nLaiha informasaun estatístiku ofisial sira, maibé tuir líder komunitáriu katak iha família hamutuk 183 maka hela iha Chipaco (distritu Vanduzi, provínsia Manica).\nTanba família ida-idak karik, iha média, ema na'in lima, kalkula katak entre na'in 900 to'o rihun ida bele hetan benefísiu hosi kaptasaun bee ne'e.\nBig Hand agora hakarak harii iha fatin ne'e eskola foun ida hodi evita atu labarik sira tenki la'o kilómetru ualu to'o aldeia ida seluk - distánsia ne'ebé halo sira barak husik eskola.\nONG portugeza harii iha tinan 2010 no, tuir sira nia informasaun rasik, apoia labarik na'in 5.000 iha aldeia oioin iha provínsia Manica.\n"Loos duni katak krizi global halo susar hetan fundu sira, maibé ema sira kontinua iha nafatin laran-luak no vontade maka'as hodi hakarak muda mundu no tanba ne'e sei iha kontribuisaun", refere hosi David Fernandes.\nIha kampaña sira ne'ebé halo daudaun hodi hetan ajuda, hanesan ezemplu, "lápis ida ba eskola ida", ne'ebé maka lápis ida vale ba kontribuisaun euro ida, aleinde inisiativu sira seluk ne'ebé maka bele haree iha organizasaun nia pájina iha Internet. | [
"ONG portugeza lori bee-moos ba ema rihun resin iha sentru Mosambike - Noticias SAPO - SAPO Noticias Pajina aktualizada iha 22:11h, kuarta-feira 23 Maiu ONG portugeza lori bee-moos ba ema rihun resin iha sentru Mosambike 20 de Abril de 2017, 00:07 Aldeia Chipaco, iha sentru Mosambike, agora iha ona bee-moos no hanesan fatin ida ne'ebe maka foin lalais sai hanesan benefisiu hosi projetu sira hosi ONG portugeza Big Hand, fo sai hosi organizmu iha loron-kuarta ne'e.",
"\"Ami iha ona Chipaco tinan rua resin ho programa ida ne'ebe loron-loron apoia labarik fraku sira hamutuk na'in 200 resin ho hahan, hijiene pesoal, apoia eskola nian no dinamizasaun hosi atividade kultural sira no desportu nian,\" hatete hosi David Fernandes, diretor ONG nian, ba Lusa.",
"Durante ne'e halibur ona folin ne'ebe presiza hodi loke furu ida hodi hetan bee ne'ebe agora hahu funsiona.",
"\"Populasaun antes uza bee ne'ebe disponivel iha rai-kuak sira, laho kondisaun sira hijiene no seguransa nian,\" nia hatete.",
"Laiha informasaun estatistiku ofisial sira, maibe tuir lider komunitariu katak iha familia hamutuk 183 maka hela iha Chipaco (distritu Vanduzi, provinsia Manica).",
"Tanba familia ida-idak karik, iha media, ema na'in lima, kalkula katak entre na'in 900 to'o rihun ida bele hetan benefisiu hosi kaptasaun bee ne'e.",
"Big Hand agora hakarak harii iha fatin ne'e eskola foun ida hodi evita atu labarik sira tenki la'o kilometru ualu to'o aldeia ida seluk - distansia ne'ebe halo sira barak husik eskola.",
"ONG portugeza harii iha tinan 2010 no, tuir sira nia informasaun rasik, apoia labarik na'in 5.000 iha aldeia oioin iha provinsia Manica.",
"\"Loos duni katak krizi global halo susar hetan fundu sira, maibe ema sira kontinua iha nafatin laran-luak no vontade maka'as hodi hakarak muda mundu no tanba ne'e sei iha kontribuisaun,\" refere hosi David Fernandes.",
"Iha kampana sira ne'ebe halo daudaun hodi hetan ajuda, hanesan ezemplu, \"lapis ida ba eskola ida,\" ne'ebe maka lapis ida vale ba kontribuisaun euro ida, aleinde inisiativu sira seluk ne'ebe maka bele haree iha organizasaun nia pajina iha Internet."
] | [
"Portuguese NGO brings water to thousand of people in central Mozambique - News SAPO 23 May, Updated at: Tuesday (19/05) The Chipaco village is now connected with the mainstream supply network and has recently become a beneficiary area for projects carried out by Big Hand. This was announced on Wednesday from this organization' s website as well..."
"\"We have been in Chipaco for more than two decades with a program that daily supports over 201 vulnerable children, providing them food and personal hygiene supplies as well As schooling assistance And the promotion of cultural activities & sports\", David Fernandes said to Lusa."
"During this time, they have raised the money needed to open a well and get water that is now working."
"\"The population used to use the water available in ponds, for hygiene and security reason\", he said."
"There is no official statistical information, but according to community leaders there are 183 families living in Chipaco (Vanduzi district of Manica province)."
"Since each family, on average is five people in number it's estimated that between 901 and a thousand could benefit from this water harvesting."
"Big Hand now wants to build a new school on the site so that children don't have To walk 7 km into another village - which is why many of them drop out."
"The Portuguese NGO was founded in 2015 and, according to its own information supports over five thousand children from various village of the Manica province."
"\"It's true that the global crisis has made it difficult to get funds, but people still have a great deal of heart and willpower in changing this world so there are contributions going on\", says David Fernandes."
"There are ongoing campaigns to raise money, for example \"one pencil per school\", where one pen is worth a euro contribution in addition of other initiatives that can be seen on the organization' s website."
] |
SEAK realiza kampaña nasionál “Kultura Forte Nasaun Metin” iha Oé-Cusse | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EDUKASAUN SEAK realiza kampaña nasionál “Kultura Forte Nasaun Metin” iha Oé-Cusse\nSEAK realiza kampaña nasionál “Kultura Forte Nasaun Metin” iha Oé-Cusse\nUnidade Implementasaun Akademia (UIA) hala’o atividade formasaun dansa, múzika no árte vizuál ba estudante eskola Palaban, Oé-Cusse. Imajen/Espesiál.\nDILI, 23 marsu 2022 (TATOLI)—Governu liuhosi Sekretária Estadu Arte no Kultura (SEAK) realiza kampaña nasionál “Kultura Forte Nasaun Metin” durante loron ida (1) iha Rejiaun Administrativa Espesiál Oé-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA).\n“Ohin, ami organiza atividade kampaña nasionál “Kultura Forte Nasaun Metin” iha Oé-Cusse, área Pante Makasar, atu aban ami hahú atividade hodi ko’alia kona-bá kultura orijinál iha Oé-Cusse, ne’ebé ami konvida lia-na’in sira hosi Pante Makasar atu mai hato’o sira-nia kuñesimentu kona-ba ema orijin Oé-Cusse no kultura ne’ebé mak iha Oé-Cusse,” Diretór Jerál Interinu, João Fátima da Cruz, informa ba Ajénsia Tatoli, via telefónika, kuarta ne’e.\nObjetivu hosi atividade kampaña nasionál “Kultura Forte Nasaun Metin” ne’e atu hametin kultura iha munisípiu Oé-Cusse.\nTópiku tolu ne’ebé sei ko’alia iha kampaña nasionál ne’e kona-bá istória no lenda orijinál komunidade Pantai Makasar iha Oé-Cusse no orijin lian Dawan iha Oé-Cusse, mak sei aprezenta iha kolókiu ne’e.\nAleinde atividade kampaña nasionál “Kultura Forte Nasaun Metin”, SEAK liuhosi Dirasaun Unidade Implementasaun Akademia (UIA) fó mós formasaun kona-ba múzika no arte plástika ba estudante sekundáriu sira iha Palaban.\n“Nune’e, formasaun ne’e, UIA hala’o komesa ona horiseik no ohin ba loron daruak, nune’e aban ba loron ikus, entaun formasaun ne’e hala’o durante loron tolu ba ita-nia oan sira iha Palaban,” nia informa.\nKoordenadór Jerál Unidade Implementasaun Akademia (UIA), Joao António Soares, hateten atividade formasaun hosi UIA dahuluk bazea ba kronograma primeiru trimestre ne’ebé mak realiza iha Oé-Cusse ba formasaun iha área tolu (3), hanesan dansa, múzika no árte vizuál.\n“Objetivu hosi formasaun ne’e, oinsá mak atu hakle’an liután ba ita-nia alin estudante sira atu kuñese saida mak arte iha sira-nia estudu,” nia dehan.\nMateria prinsipál iha formasaun ne’e sei fó hosi formadór na’in-tolu (3) hosi Dirasaun UIA ni’an, mak formadór hosi Arte Vizuál, múzika no dansa.\n“Entaun, materia ne’e sira mak prepara tuir área ne’ebé sira hetan estudu iha tempu ne’ebá hodi fahe fila-fali ba ita-nia alin sira. Nune’e, iha formasaun ne’e sira fó teoria uitoan no prátika mak barak,” nia dehan.\nPrevious articleSaúde RAEOA husu inan-aman enkoraja oan ho idade 12-18 simu vasina Pfizer\nNext articleMSSI introdús matadalan subsídiu ba inan isin-rua iha Pássabe | [
"SEAK realiza kampana nasional \"Kultura Forte Nasaun Metin\" iha Oe-Cusse | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EDUKASAUN SEAK realiza kampana nasional \"Kultura Forte Nasaun Metin\" iha Oe-Cusse SEAK realiza kampana nasional \"Kultura Forte Nasaun Metin\" iha Oe-Cusse Unidade Implementasaun Akademia (UIA) hala'o atividade formasaun dansa, muzika no arte vizual ba estudante eskola Palaban, Oe-Cusse.",
"DILI, 23 marsu 2022 (TATOLI) - Governu liuhosi Sekretaria Estadu Arte no Kultura (SEAK) realiza kampana nasional \"Kultura Forte Nasaun Metin\" durante loron ida (1) iha Rejiaun Administrativa Espesial Oe-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA).",
"\"Ohin, ami organiza atividade kampana nasional \"Kultura Forte Nasaun Metin\" iha Oe-Cusse, area Pante Makasar, atu aban ami hahu atividade hodi ko'alia kona-ba kultura orijinal iha Oe-Cusse, ne'ebe ami konvida lia-na'in sira hosi Pante Makasar atu mai hato'o sira-nia kunesimentu kona-ba ema orijin Oe-Cusse no kultura ne'ebe mak iha Oe-Cusse,\" Diretor Jeral Interinu, Joao Fatima da Cruz, informa ba Ajensia Tatoli, via telefonika, kuarta ne'e.",
"Objetivu hosi atividade kampana nasional \"Kultura Forte Nasaun Metin\" ne'e atu hametin kultura iha munisipiu Oe-Cusse.",
"Topiku tolu ne'ebe sei ko'alia iha kampana nasional ne'e kona-ba istoria no lenda orijinal komunidade Pantai Makasar iha Oe-Cusse no orijin lian Dawan iha Oe-Cusse, mak sei aprezenta iha kolokiu ne'e.",
"Aleinde atividade kampana nasional \"Kultura Forte Nasaun Metin,\" SEAK liuhosi Dirasaun Unidade Implementasaun Akademia (UIA) fo mos formasaun kona-ba muzika no arte plastika ba estudante sekundariu sira iha Palaban.",
"\"Nune'e, formasaun ne'e, UIA hala'o komesa ona horiseik no ohin ba loron daruak, nune'e aban ba loron ikus, entaun formasaun ne'e hala'o durante loron tolu ba ita-nia oan sira iha Palaban,\" nia informa.",
"Koordenador Jeral Unidade Implementasaun Akademia (UIA), Joao Antonio Soares, hateten atividade formasaun hosi UIA dahuluk bazea ba kronograma primeiru trimestre ne'ebe mak realiza iha Oe-Cusse ba formasaun iha area tolu (3), hanesan dansa, muzika no arte vizual.",
"\"Objetivu hosi formasaun ne'e, oinsa mak atu hakle'an liutan ba ita-nia alin estudante sira atu kunese saida mak arte iha sira-nia estudu,\" nia dehan.",
"Materia prinsipal iha formasaun ne'e sei fo hosi formador na'in-tolu (3) hosi Dirasaun UIA ni'an, mak formador hosi Arte Vizual, muzika no dansa.",
"\"Entaun, materia ne'e sira mak prepara tuir area ne'ebe sira hetan estudu iha tempu ne'eba hodi fahe fila-fali ba ita-nia alin sira.",
"Nune'e, iha formasaun ne'e sira fo teoria uitoan no pratika mak barak,\" nia dehan.",
"Previous articleSaude RAEOA husu inan-aman enkoraja oan ho idade 12-18 simu vasina Pfizer Next articleMSSI introdus matadalan subsidiu ba inan isin-rua iha Passabe"
] | [
"SEAK carries out national campaign \"Kultura Forte Nasaun Metin\" in Oe-Cusse | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor -Leste HOME EDUCATION Seak Carry Out National Campaign “Forthcoming Nation’s Strong Culture” In The City of Palaban, East Timor Academy Implementation Unit (UIA) is conducting dance training activities for students at the school."
"DILI, March 23rd (Xinhua) - The Government through the State Secretariat of Arts and Culture is conducting a national campaign \"Kultura Forte Nasaun Metin\" for one day in Oe-Cusse Ambeno Special Administratives Region."
"\"Today, we are organizing the national campaign activity 'Kultura Forte Nasaun Metin' in Oe-Cusse area of Pante Makasar. Tomorrow will be a day to talk about original cultures on our island and for this purpose I have invited representatives from Pande Macassar (the coastal region) who would like their knowledge regardings people originating out Of Cusse as well As cultural heritage that is present here\", said Interim Director General Joao Fatima da Cruz via telephone Tuesday morning at Tatoli News Agency"
"The objective of the national campaign activity \"Kultura Forte Nasaun Metin\" is to strengthen culture in Oe-Cusse municipality."
"The three topics that will be discussed in the national campaign, concerning history and original legend of Pantai Makasar community on Oe-Cusse as well a la origin de Dawan language at this island are presented."
"In addition to the activities of national campaign \"Kultura Forte Nasaun Metin,\" SEAK through its Academy Implementation Unit (UIA) also provides training on music and visual arts for secondary school students in Palawan."
"\"Now the training, UIA is conducting it since noon and today for second day so tomorrow to last days. So this course will be held during three years of our children in Palawan.\""
"The General Coordinator of the Academy Implementation Unit (UIA), Joao Antonio Soares, said that UIA's first training activity was based on a timetable for its 1st trimester in Oe-Cusse. It included three areas: dance; music and visual art"
"\"The objective of this training is to help our fellow students understand what art means in their studies,\" he said."
"The main subjects in this training will be taught by three (3) trainers from the UIA Directorate, who are trainer of Visual Arts and music/dance."
"\"Then, they prepared the material according to their area of study at that time and then distributed it again among our brothers."
"Therefore, in this training they give a little theory and much practice,” he said."
"Previous articleSaude RAEOA asks parents to encourage children aged between the ages of12-08 receive Pfizer vaccine NextMSSI introduces subsidies guidelines for twin mother in Passabe"
] |
ARKTL Lansa Livro Modul Ba Radio Komunidade – Radio Liberdade Dili – FM 95.8 Mhz\nRadio, online – Asosiasaun Radio Komunidade Timor-Leste (ARKTL) ne’ebe durante ne’e sai hanesan sumrinha ba Radio Komunidade iha Timor-Leste, dadauk ne’e halao peskiza ba radio komunidade no nota katak difikuldade barak mak radio komunidade hasoru ne’e duni ARKTL iha inisiativa ida hodi hakerek livro ida ho nia titlu mata dalan ba Radio Komunidade mak ejisti iha Timor-Leste.\nIha lansamentu livro modul ba radio komunidade ne’ebe halao iha National Press Centre (NPC) Fatuhada, Dili (27/2).\nPresidente ARKTL, Prezado Ximenes ba jornalista, ARKTL kria modul ida ba radio komunidade bele ajuda kolega sira ne’ebe durante ne’e servisu iha radio komunidade hanesan estasaun Maneger, Staff Voluntario no Klibur ne’ebe sai hanesan orgaun estrutura radio komunidade sira bele halo kopera hamutuk karik modul ne’e bele ajuda sira interpreta oinsa mak sira bele diriji radio komnidade ne’e lao ho diak.\nARKTL hakerek livro modul ne’e hetan suporta osamentu husi UNESCO total $ 2000,livro modul ne’e sei fahe hotu ba radio komunidade Distritu 13 inklui autoridade local iha Distritu hodi nune sira bele involve sira nia aan iha radio komnidade.modul ba radio komunidade ne’e hakerek ho versaun Ingles no Tetum.\nIha seremonia lansamentu livro modul ne’e ARKTL fahe mos ekipamentu balun ba radio komunidade hodi hodi nune sira bele halao kobertura iha Elisaun Presidensial no parlamentar.\nCNRT Ofisial Apoiu TMR\nTribunal Notifika fo Orden PNTL Sobu Uma Kain 3 Iha Kolmera | [
"ARKTL Lansa Livro Modul Ba Radio Komunidade - Radio Liberdade Dili - FM 95.8 Mhz Radio, online - Asosiasaun Radio Komunidade Timor-Leste (ARKTL) ne'ebe durante ne'e sai hanesan sumrinha ba Radio Komunidade iha Timor-Leste, dadauk ne'e halao peskiza ba radio komunidade no nota katak difikuldade barak mak radio komunidade hasoru ne'e duni ARKTL iha inisiativa ida hodi hakerek livro ida ho nia titlu mata dalan ba Radio Komunidade mak ejisti iha Timor-Leste.",
"Iha lansamentu livro modul ba radio komunidade ne'ebe halao iha National Press Centre (NPC) Fatuhada, Dili (27/2).",
"Presidente ARKTL, Prezado Ximenes ba jornalista, ARKTL kria modul ida ba radio komunidade bele ajuda kolega sira ne'ebe durante ne'e servisu iha radio komunidade hanesan estasaun Maneger, Staff Voluntario no Klibur ne'ebe sai hanesan orgaun estrutura radio komunidade sira bele halo kopera hamutuk karik modul ne'e bele ajuda sira interpreta oinsa mak sira bele diriji radio komnidade ne'e lao ho diak.",
"ARKTL hakerek livro modul ne'e hetan suporta osamentu husi UNESCO total $ 2000,livro modul ne'e sei fahe hotu ba radio komunidade Distritu 13 inklui autoridade local iha Distritu hodi nune sira bele involve sira nia aan iha radio komnidade.modul ba radio komunidade ne'e hakerek ho versaun Ingles no Tetum.",
"Iha seremonia lansamentu livro modul ne'e ARKTL fahe mos ekipamentu balun ba radio komunidade hodi hodi nune sira bele halao kobertura iha Elisaun Presidensial no parlamentar.",
"CNRT Ofisial Apoiu TMR Tribunal Notifika fo Orden PNTL Sobu Uma Kain 3 Iha Kolmera"
] | [
"ARKTL Lansa Livro Modul Ba Radio Komunidade - radioliberdadedili.com, online – The Association of Community Broadcasting Timor-Leste (Arktl) which has been a precursor to community broadcasting in East Asia recently conducted research on the issue and noted that there are many difficulties faced by community televisions so arktl took an initiatives for writing this book with its title: Pathfinder For Communal Broadcast Media In West Africa"
"The launch of the module book for community radio was held at National Press Centre (NPC) Fatuhada, Dili on February 27."
"ARKTL President, Prezado Ximenes told journalists that the company created a module for community radio to help colleagues who have been working in this area like station manager and volunteer staff. Klibur is an organ of structure which can cooperate with them if they understand how it will work well as their own management system on local communities' broadcasting systems (radio)."
"ARKTL wrote this module book with the support of UNESCO total $2,015. The whole modulo will be distributed to community radios in District-3 including local authorities so that they can involve themselves into their communities' work on Community Radio Module is written for both English and Tetum language versions"
"At the launching ceremony of this module, ARKTL also distributed some equipment to community radios so that they can cover presidential and parliamentary elections."
"CNRT Official Supports TMR Tribunal Notifies Order to PNTL Sobu 3 House in Kolmera"
] |
Oinsá mak Bíblia bele ajuda haʼu?—Parte 1: Deskobre Ita-nia Bíblia | Pergunta husi joven sira\nLEE IHA Afrikander Albanés Alemaun Alur Amáriku Armenu Armenu (oeste) Assamese Azerbaijanu Baoule Bashkir Basque Bassa (Kamaroins) Batak (Toba) Belize Kriol Bengali Biak Bicol Bislama Búlgaru Changana (Mosambike) Chavacano Chichewa Chin (Hakha) Chitonga Chitonga (Malavi) Chitumbuka Chiyao Chol Chuvash Cibemba Dangme Dinamarkés Ebraiku Efik Emberá (Chami) Eslovaku Eslovenu Españól Estonianu Ewe Fante Faroese Fijianu Finlandés Fon Frafra Fransés Ga Galician Galés Gregu Groenlandés Guarani Gujarati Gun Hausa Hiligaynon Hindi Hiri Motu Hmong (White) Huastec (San Luis Potosi) Hunsrik Iban Igbo Iloko Indonézia Inglés Isoko Italianu Izlandés Japonés Javanés Jeorjianu Jula Kabuverdianu Kachin Kalanga (Botsuana) Kamba Kambojanu Kannada Katalaun Kazake (Árabe) Kazakh Kekchi Khakass Kikuyu Kiniaruanda Kirghiz Kirundi Kongo Koreanu Krio Krioulu Haití Krioulu Maurísiu Krioulu Seixeles Kroata Kurdish Kurmanji (Caucasus) Kurdish Kurmanji (Cyrillic) Kwanyama Laosianu Letaun Lingala Lituanu Low German Luganda Lunda Luo Luvale Luxemburgés Língua liman Alemaun Língua liman Amerikana Língua liman Angola Língua liman Arjentina Língua liman Austrália Língua liman Brazíl Língua liman Bretaña Língua liman Ekuadór Língua liman Eslovákia Língua liman Española Língua liman Fransés Língua liman Italianu Língua liman Japonés Língua liman Kebeke Língua liman Kolómbia Língua liman Méxiku Língua liman Paraguai Língua liman Perú Língua liman Polónia Língua liman Rúsia Língua liman Suésia Língua liman Venezuela Língua liman Xeka Língua liman Xile Makua Malaiu Malayalam Malgaxe Maltés Mam Mambwe-Lungu Mapudungun Marathi Masedóniu Maya Mingrelian Mixtec (Guerrero) Mizo Mongól Moore Myanmar Nahuatl (Huasteca) Ndebele Nedebele (Zimbabué) Nepalés Niuean Noruegés Nzema Okpe Olandés Oromo Ossetian Otetela Pangasinan Papiamentu (Kurasau) Persa Pidgin (Áfrika Osidentál) Pidgin Illas Salomaun Polaku Pomeranian Portugés (Brazil) Portugés (Portugál) Punjabi Punjabi (Shahmukhi) Quechua (Ancash) Quechua (Ayacucho) Quechua (Bolivia) Quechua (Huallaga Huánuco) Quiche Quichua (Chimborazo) Quichua (Imbabura) Quichua (Tena) Rapa Nui Rarotongan Romani (Arjentina) Romani (Masedónia) Romani (Masedónia) Siríliku Romani (Sérvia) Romani vlax (Rúsia) Romenu Ronga Rusu Samoanu Sango Sebuanu Sepedi Sepulana Setswana Sezotu (Lezotu) Sezotu (África Súl) Shona Sidama Silozi Singalés Sranantongo Sueku Sunda Swahili Swati Sérviu (Siríliku) Sérviu (latino) Tagalog Tahitian Tailandés Talian Tamil Tankarana Tarascan Tatar Telugu Tetun Dili Tigrinya Tiv Tojolabal Tonganés Totonac Tsonga Turkmen Turku Twi Tzeltal Tzotzil Udmurt Ukranianu Umbundu Urdu Urhobo Uzbeke Uzbeke (Roman) Valensianu Venda Vietnamita Wallisian Waray-Waray Wayuunaiki Wolaita Xeku Xhosa Xinés Kantonés (tradisionál) Xinés Mandarín (simples) Xinés Mandarín (tradisionál) Xinés kantonés (simples) Yoruba Zapoteka (Istmu) Zapoteka (Lachiguiri) Zulu Árabe Árabe (Líbanu) Úngaru\n“Haʼu koko atu lee Bíblia, maibé haʼu baruk tanba Bíblia mak mahar loos!”—Briana, 15.\nIta mós sente hanesan neʼe ka lae? Informasaun tuirmai neʼe bele ajuda Ita!\nHaʼu bele lee Bíblia iha dalan oinsá?\nIta sente baruk kuandu hanoin kona-ba lee Bíblia ka lae? Se Ita sente nuneʼe, neʼe normál. Karik Ita hanoin Bíblia mak livru neʼebé iha pájina rihun ba rihun ho letra kiʼik tebes no dezeñu mós la iha. Bíblia la hanesan duni ho nonton televizaun ka vídeo!\nMaibé imajina toʼok: Se Ita hetan kaixote antigu rikusoin nian, Ita sei hakarak atu deskobre saida mak iha laran ka lae?\nBíblia mós hanesan kaixote rikusoin nian. Iha buat murak kona-ba matenek iha laran neʼebé bele ajuda Ita atu\nFoti desizaun neʼebé diʼak\nIha relasaun diʼak ho inan-aman\nHetan belun neʼebé iha hahalok diʼak\nTahan hasoru estrese\nMaibé, tanbasá mak livru antigu hanesan neʼe bele ajuda Ita ohin loron? Neʼe tanba “Eskritura hotu mai husi Maromak”. (2 Timóteo 3:16) Neʼe katak konsellu iha Bíblia laran mak diʼak tebes tanba mai husi Maromak.\nBíblia mak hanesan kaixote ida neʼebé rai hela buat murak kona-ba matenek\nDalan ida mak lee husi pájina primeiru toʼo pájina ikus. Halo nuneʼe sei ajuda Ita atu hatene loloos saida mak Bíblia nia mensajen. Maibé iha mós dalan oioin atu lee Bíblia. Iha ezemplu rua:\nIta bele lee livru 66 hotu tuituir malu komesa husi livru Génesis toʼo Apokalipse.\nIta bele lee Bíblia tuir data ka tinan neʼebé situasaun sira-neʼe akontese.\nSujestaun: Apéndise A7 iha Bíblia Tradusaun Mundu Foun iha lista ba akontesimentu importante sira iha Jesus nia moris kuandu iha rai.\nDalan segundu atu lee Bíblia mak hili istória ida neʼebé kona duni situasaun ida neʼebé Ita rasik hasoru daudaun. Porezemplu:\nIta hakarak hetan belun neʼebé Ita bele konfia? Lee istória kona-ba Jonatan ho David (1 Samuel, kapítulu 18-20) Tuirmai uza informasaun husi atividade estuda nian “Oinsá atu hetan belun neʼebé laran-metin ba Ita” atu aprende lisaun neʼebé bele ajuda Ita husi istória neʼe.\nIta hakarak hametin Ita-nia kbiit atu kontra hasoru tentasaun? Lee kona-ba oinsá José kontra hasoru tentasaun. (Génesis, kapítulu 39) Tuirmai buka-hatene oinsá mak José hetan kbiit atu kontra hasoru tentasaun.\nIta hakarak aprende oinsá Ita-nia orasaun bele ajuda Ita? Lee kona-ba buat neʼebé akontese ba Neemias. (Neemias, kapítulu 1 no 2) Tuirmai buka-hatene evidénsia neʼebé hatudu katak Neemias nia orasaun iha kbiit duni.\nSujestaun: Bainhira lee Bíblia, diʼak atu tuur iha fatin neʼebé hakmatek hodi Ita bele hanoin kleʼan.\nDalan terseiru atu lee Bíblia mak hili istória ida ka kapítulu ida husi livru Salmo. Lee hotu tiha, tuirmai hanoin didiʼak kona-ba oinsá mak informasaun neʼe kona Ita. Kuandu lee tiha, husu ba Ita-nia an pergunta sira tuirmai neʼe:\nTanbasá mak Jeová tau informasaun neʼe iha Bíblia laran?\nIstória neʼe hatudu saida kona-ba Jeová nia hahalok ka dalan neʼebé nia halo buat ruma?\nOinsá mak haʼu bele aplika informasaun neʼe iha haʼu-nia moris?\nSujestaun: Uza edisaun estuda nian husi New World Translation atu asesu vídeo sira, mapa no informasaun seluk atu ajuda Ita aprende buat seluk tan husi Ita-nia programa lee Bíblia.\n“Haʼu hili livru sira iha Bíblia laran neʼebé haʼu gosta tebes atu buka-hatene. Halo nuneʼe book duni haʼu atu kumpre haʼu-nia planu atu lee Bíblia loroloron. Porezemplu, haʼu gosta tebes lee livru Provérbios. Buat murak iha livru neʼe anima tebes haʼu.”—Chloe.\n“Antes toba, haʼu koko atu lee kapítulu ida ka rua husi livru Salmo. Ema sira neʼebé hakerek livru Salmo iha sentimentu hanesan duni ho haʼu-nian. Importante atu remata loroloron hodi hanoin kona-ba buat pozitivu, no lee salmo sira hametin haʼu-nia fiar ba Jeová nuʼudar Maromak neʼebé fó kmaan neʼebé loos.”—Stefan.\nOinsá mak Bíblia bele ajuda haʼu-nia moris?\nEma barak hanoin katak Bíblia nia istória laʼós istória neʼebé tebes, ka Bíblia mak livru antigu deʼit, ka susar liu atu komprende. Maibé sira-nia hanoin neʼe la loos.\nFahe Fahe Oinsá mak Bíblia bele ajuda haʼu?—Parte 1: Deskobre Ita-nia Bíblia\nijwyp lisaun 77\nJoven sira koʼalia kona-ba lee Bíblia | [
"Oinsa mak Biblia bele ajuda ha'u? - Parte 1: Deskobre Ita-nia Biblia | Pergunta husi joven sira LEE IHA Afrikander Albanes Alemaun Alur Amariku Armenu Armenu (oeste) Assamese Azerbaijanu Baoule Bashkir Basque Bassa (Kamaroins) Batak (Toba) Belize Kriol Bengali Biak Bicol Bislama Bulgaru Changana (Mosambike) Chavacano Chichewa Chin (Hakha) Chitonga Chitonga (Malavi) Chitumbuka Chiyao Chol Chuvash Cibemba Dangme Dinamarkes Ebraiku Efik Embera (Chami) Eslovaku Eslovenu Espanol Estonianu Ewe Fante Faroese Fijianu Finlandes Fon Frafra Franses Ga Galician Gales Gregu Groenlandes Guarani Gujarati Gun Hausa Hiligaynon Hindi Hiri Motu Hmong (White) Huastec (San Luis Potosi) Hunsrik Iban Igbo Iloko Indonezia Ingles Isoko Italianu Izlandes Japones Javanes Jeorjianu Jula Kabuverdianu Kachin Kalanga (Botsuana) Kamba Kambojanu Kannada Katalaun Kazake (Arabe) Kazakh Kekchi Khakass Kikuyu Kiniaruanda Kirghiz Kirundi Kongo Koreanu Krio Krioulu Haiti Krioulu Maurisiu Krioulu Seixeles Kroata Kurdish Kurmanji (Caucasus) Kurdish Kurmanji (Cyrillic) Kwanyama Laosianu Letaun Lingala Lituanu Low German Luganda Lunda Luo Luvale Luxemburges Lingua liman Alemaun Lingua liman Amerikana Lingua liman Angola Lingua liman Arjentina Lingua liman Australia Lingua liman Brazil Lingua liman Bretana Lingua liman Ekuador Lingua liman Eslovakia Lingua liman Espanola Lingua liman Franses Lingua liman Italianu Lingua liman Japones Lingua liman Kebeke Lingua liman Kolombia Lingua liman Mexiku Lingua liman Paraguai Lingua liman Peru Lingua liman Polonia Lingua liman Rusia Lingua liman Suesia Lingua liman Venezuela Lingua liman Xeka Lingua liman Xile Makua Malaiu Malayalam Malgaxe Maltes Mam Mambwe-Lungu Mapudungun Marathi Masedoniu Maya Mingrelian Mixtec (Guerrero) Mizo Mongol Moore Myanmar Nahuatl (Huasteca) Ndebele Nedebele (Zimbabue) Nepales Niuean Norueges Nzema Okpe Olandes Oromo Ossetian Otetela Pangasinan Papiamentu (Kurasau) Persa Pidgin (Afrika Osidental) Pidgin Illas Salomaun Polaku Pomeranian Portuges (Brazil) Portuges (Portugal) Punjabi Punjabi (Shahmukhi) Quechua (Ancash) Quechua (Ayacucho) Quechua (Bolivia) Quechua (Huallaga Huanuco) Quiche Quichua (Chimborazo) Quichua (Imbabura) Quichua (Tena) Rapa Nui Rarotongan Romani (Arjentina) Romani (Masedonia) Romani (Masedonia) Siriliku Romani (Servia) Romani vlax (Rusia) Romenu Ronga Rusu Samoanu Sango Sebuanu Sepedi Sepulana Setswana Sezotu (Lezotu) Sezotu (Africa Sul) Shona Sidama Silozi Singales Sranantongo Sueku Sunda Swahili Swati Serviu (Siriliku) Serviu (latino) Tagalog Tahitian Tailandes Talian Tamil Tankarana Tarascan Tatar Telugu Tetun Dili Tigrinya Tiv Tojolabal Tonganes Totonac Tsonga Turkmen Turku Twi Tzeltal Tzotzil Udmurt Ukranianu Umbundu Urdu Urhobo Uzbeke Uzbeke (Roman) Valensianu Venda Vietnamita Wallisian Waray-Waray Wayuunaiki Wolaita Xeku Xhosa Xines Kantones (tradisional) Xines Mandarin (simples) Xines Mandarin (tradisional) Xines kantones (simples) Yoruba Zapoteka (Istmu) Zapoteka (Lachiguiri) Zulu Arabe Arabe (Libanu) Ungaru \"Ha'u koko atu lee Biblia, maibe ha'u baruk tanba Biblia mak mahar loos!\" - Briana, 15.",
"Ita mos sente hanesan ne'e ka lae?",
"Informasaun tuirmai ne'e bele ajuda Ita!",
"Ha'u bele lee Biblia iha dalan oinsa?",
"Ita sente baruk kuandu hanoin kona-ba lee Biblia ka lae?",
"Se Ita sente nune'e, ne'e normal.",
"Karik Ita hanoin Biblia mak livru ne'ebe iha pajina rihun ba rihun ho letra ki'ik tebes no dezenu mos la iha.",
"Biblia la hanesan duni ho nonton televizaun ka video!",
"Maibe imajina to'ok: Se Ita hetan kaixote antigu rikusoin nian, Ita sei hakarak atu deskobre saida mak iha laran ka lae?",
"Biblia mos hanesan kaixote rikusoin nian.",
"Iha buat murak kona-ba matenek iha laran ne'ebe bele ajuda Ita atu Foti desizaun ne'ebe di'ak Iha relasaun di'ak ho inan-aman Hetan belun ne'ebe iha hahalok di'ak Tahan hasoru estrese Maibe, tanbasa mak livru antigu hanesan ne'e bele ajuda Ita ohin loron?",
"Ne'e tanba \"Eskritura hotu mai husi Maromak.\"",
"(2 Timoteo 3:16) Ne'e katak konsellu iha Biblia laran mak di'ak tebes tanba mai husi Maromak.",
"Biblia mak hanesan kaixote ida ne'ebe rai hela buat murak kona-ba matenek Dalan ida mak lee husi pajina primeiru to'o pajina ikus.",
"Halo nune'e sei ajuda Ita atu hatene loloos saida mak Biblia nia mensajen.",
"Maibe iha mos dalan oioin atu lee Biblia.",
"Iha ezemplu rua: Ita bele lee livru 66 hotu tuituir malu komesa husi livru Genesis to'o Apokalipse.",
"Ita bele lee Biblia tuir data ka tinan ne'ebe situasaun sira-ne'e akontese.",
"Sujestaun: Apendise A7 iha Biblia Tradusaun Mundu Foun iha lista ba akontesimentu importante sira iha Jesus nia moris kuandu iha rai.",
"Dalan segundu atu lee Biblia mak hili istoria ida ne'ebe kona duni situasaun ida ne'ebe Ita rasik hasoru daudaun.",
"Porezemplu: Ita hakarak hetan belun ne'ebe Ita bele konfia?",
"Lee istoria kona-ba Jonatan ho David (1 Samuel, kapitulu 18-20) Tuirmai uza informasaun husi atividade estuda nian \"Oinsa atu hetan belun ne'ebe laran-metin ba Ita\" atu aprende lisaun ne'ebe bele ajuda Ita husi istoria ne'e.",
"Ita hakarak hametin Ita-nia kbiit atu kontra hasoru tentasaun?",
"Lee kona-ba oinsa Jose kontra hasoru tentasaun.",
"(Genesis, kapitulu 39) Tuirmai buka-hatene oinsa mak Jose hetan kbiit atu kontra hasoru tentasaun.",
"Ita hakarak aprende oinsa Ita-nia orasaun bele ajuda Ita?",
"Lee kona-ba buat ne'ebe akontese ba Neemias.",
"(Neemias, kapitulu 1 no 2) Tuirmai buka-hatene evidensia ne'ebe hatudu katak Neemias nia orasaun iha kbiit duni.",
"Sujestaun: Bainhira lee Biblia, di'ak atu tuur iha fatin ne'ebe hakmatek hodi Ita bele hanoin kle'an.",
"Dalan terseiru atu lee Biblia mak hili istoria ida ka kapitulu ida husi livru Salmo.",
"Lee hotu tiha, tuirmai hanoin didi'ak kona-ba oinsa mak informasaun ne'e kona Ita.",
"Kuandu lee tiha, husu ba Ita-nia an pergunta sira tuirmai ne'e: Tanbasa mak Jeova tau informasaun ne'e iha Biblia laran?",
"Istoria ne'e hatudu saida kona-ba Jeova nia hahalok ka dalan ne'ebe nia halo buat ruma?",
"Oinsa mak ha'u bele aplika informasaun ne'e iha ha'u-nia moris?",
"Sujestaun: Uza edisaun estuda nian husi New World Translation atu asesu video sira, mapa no informasaun seluk atu ajuda Ita aprende buat seluk tan husi Ita-nia programa lee Biblia.",
"\"Ha'u hili livru sira iha Biblia laran ne'ebe ha'u gosta tebes atu buka-hatene.",
"Halo nune'e book duni ha'u atu kumpre ha'u-nia planu atu lee Biblia loroloron.",
"Porezemplu, ha'u gosta tebes lee livru Proverbios.",
"Buat murak iha livru ne'e anima tebes ha'u.\" - Chloe.",
"\"Antes toba, ha'u koko atu lee kapitulu ida ka rua husi livru Salmo.",
"Ema sira ne'ebe hakerek livru Salmo iha sentimentu hanesan duni ho ha'u-nian.",
"Importante atu remata loroloron hodi hanoin kona-ba buat pozitivu, no lee salmo sira hametin ha'u-nia fiar ba Jeova nu'udar Maromak ne'ebe fo kmaan ne'ebe loos.\" - Stefan.",
"Oinsa mak Biblia bele ajuda ha'u-nia moris?",
"Ema barak hanoin katak Biblia nia istoria la'os istoria ne'ebe tebes, ka Biblia mak livru antigu de'it, ka susar liu atu komprende.",
"Maibe sira-nia hanoin ne'e la loos.",
"Fahe Fahe Oinsa mak Biblia bele ajuda ha'u? - Parte 1: Deskobre Ita-nia Biblia ijwyp lisaun 77 Joven sira ko'alia kona-ba lee Biblia"
] | [
"How Can the Bible Help Me? - Part 1: Discover Your Holy Scriptures | Young People's Questions READ IN Afrikaans Albanian American Handwriting Arabic Armenian Azerbaijani Basque Bassa (Cameroon) Bengali Bicol Bislama Bulgarian Catalan Cebuano Chichewa Chinese Mandarin(Simplified), Cantonese, Simple & Contemporary): \"There is no better way to read a book than by reading it!\"- Briana.20 Swahili Swedish Tagalog Tatar Telugu Tetun Dili Thai Tigrinya Tiv Tsonga Turkish Twi Tzeltal Tzotzil Ukrainian Urdu Urhobo Uzbek Valencian Venda Vietnamese Wallisian Welsh Xhosa Yoruba Zulu"
"Do we feel the same way?"
"The following information may help you!"
"How can I read the Bible on my way?"
"We feel embarrassed when we think about reading the Bible, right?"
"If you feel this way, it's normal. It is a natural thing to do so"
"You might think that the Bible is a book with thousands of pages in tiny print and no design."
"The Bible is not like watching television or videos!"
"But just imagine: If you find an ancient treasure chest, wouldn't it be interesting to see what is inside?"
"The Bible is also a treasure chest."
"There's something precious about inner wisdom that can help you Make good decision, Have a healthy relationship with your parents Having an educated neighbor Resisting stress But why would such old books be of any use today?"
"This is because \"All Scripture comes from God.\""
"(2 Timothy 3:16) That is, the counsel in our Bibles are very good because they come from God."
"The Bible is like a box that holds precious things about wisdom. A way to read it from the first page until its last one, and then back again..."
"Doing so will help you to know exactly what the Bible's message is."
"But there are also other ways to read the Bible."
"Here are two examples: You can read all 65 books twice, from Genesis to Revelation."
"We can read the Bible by date or year of occurrence."
"Suggestion: Appendix A7 in the New World Translation Bible lists important events during Jesus’ life on earth."
"The second way to read the Bible is by choosing a story that describes an actual situation you are facing."
"For example: Do you want to find a friend that can be trusted?"
"Read the story of Jonathan and David (1 Samuel, chapters 20-34). Then use information from our study activity \"How to Find a Friend Who Will Be Loyal To You\" for helpful lessons."
"Would you like to strengthen your ability of resisting temptation?"
"Read about how Joseph resisted temptation."
"(Genesis, chapter 39) Then find out how Joseph gained the strength to resist temptation."
"Would you like to learn how your prayer can help?"
"Read about what happened to Nehemiah."
"(Nehemiah, chapters 1 and2) Then look at the evidence that Nehemiah' prayer was indeed powerful."
"Suggestion: When reading the Bible, it is good to sit in a quiet place so that you can think clearly."
"A third way to read the Bible is by choosing a story or chapter from Psalms."
"Once you've read it, think carefully about how this information relates to yourself."
"As you read, ask yourself the following questions: Why did Jehovah put this information in his Bible?"
"What does this story tell us about Jehovah's behavior or the way he did things?"
"What can I apply this information to my own life?"
"Tip: Use the study edition of New World Translation to access videos, maps and other information that will help you learn more from your Bible reading program."
"\"I chose books in the Bible that I really liked to study."
"This encouraged me to keep my plan of reading the Bible every day."
"For example, I really enjoy reading the book of Proverbs."
"I'm so excited about what is going on in this book.\" - Chloe."
"\"Before I go to bed, it's my habit of reading a chapter or two from the book Psalm."
"The people who wrote the book of Psalms felt exactly like me."
"It is important to end the day with positive thoughts, and reading psalms has strengthened my faith in Jehovah as a God who gives true wisdom.\" - Stefan."
"How can the Bible help my life?"
"Many people think that the Bible's story is not great history, or just an old book of hard to understand."
"But their thought is not true."
"How Can the Bible Help Me? – Part 1: Discovering Your Own ijwyp lesson #78 Young People Talk About Reading The Holy Scriptures"
] |
Hadulas Meza, Tetu Lia Kona-ba “Kualidade Ensinu Sekundáriu no Superiór” | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Hadulas Meza, Tetu Lia Kona-ba “Kualidade Ensinu Sekundáriu no Superiór”\nHadulas Meza, Tetu Lia Kona-ba “Kualidade Ensinu Sekundáriu no Superiór”\nAtividade diskusaun meza redonda ne’e hala’o ho objetivu halibur membru Parlamentu husi Komisaun G ba Asuntu Edukasaun, Juventude, Kultura no Sidadánia, no orgánizasaun sosiedade sivíl sira ne’ebé halo advokasia iha asuntu edukasaun nián hodi hato’o sira-nia problema no preokupasaun ne’ebé duránte ne’e sira hetán liuhosi sira-nia peskiza.\nDILI, 28 marsu 2020 (TATOLI)—Orgánizasaun Internasionál Repúblikánu Institutu (IRI), orgániza atividade diskusaun meza redonda hodi haforsa jestaun no fasilidade atu hasa’e dezempeñu serbisu iha área edukasaun nian.\nAtividade diskusaun meza redonda ne’e partisipa hosi sosiedade sivíl no membru Parlamentu Nasionál sira ho tema “Dezenvolve Sistema Edukasaun hodi Hadi’a Kualidade Ensinu Sekundáriu no Superior”.\n“Ha’u sente ita ko’alia kona-ba edukasaun, ita-nia problema ne’e iha kualidade edukasaun. Ita ko’alia barak kona-ba kualidade maibé kualidade ne’e refere ba investimentu edukasaun. Tánba ita ko’alia kona-ba kualidade ne’e, la mai baratu maibé kualidade ne’e mai ho osán,” dehán Pedro Ximenes, liuhosi diskusaun meza redonda ne’ebé orgániza hosi IRI, iha salaun Reuniaun TOWER CONFERENCE, Fatuhada, sesta (20/3/2020).\nNia hatután, agora ita haree tok ita-nia investimentu edukasaun iha Timor-Leste ne’e hira. Ita-nia investimentu iha Timor-Leste bazeia ba Orsamentu Jerál Estadu agora daudaun tinán 2019 ne’e se la sala la to’o porsentu neen.\nNia dehán duránte ukun-án to’o agora i investimentu iha área edukasaun foin to’o porsentu hitu kompara ho nasaun sira seluk ho padraun ne’ebé mak UNESCO hato’o loloos ne’e ba nasaun sira ne’ebé mak sub-dezenvolvidu hakarak dudu nia-án ba nasaun dezenvolvidu nia tenke investe porsentu 15, to’o 16 di’ak liu tán TYimor-Leste bele to’o porsentu 20.\n“Kona-ba polítika, ha’u-nia opiniaun polítika edukasaun jerál husi leten tun mai kraik ne’e di’ak ona maibé ida ne’ebé mak falta ne’e mak konsisténsia implementasaun ne’e mak la iha. Ha’u haree ba em termos kada ensinu sekundáriu ne’e di’ak ona maibé ita fila fali ba kestaum kualidade, ita haree liu ba asesu de’it, ita la duun foka iha kualidade. Estudu barak ne’e hatudu ona katak ita ne’e kualidade ensinu sekundáriu agora ne’e se kompara ho nasaun seluk, ita tinán haat ba kotuk,” nia tenik.\nIha parte seluk, Responsável Asosiasaun Defisiénsia Timor-Leste, Cesario da Silva hato’o nia prekupasaun kona-ba defisénsia balu tama ona ba universidade hanesan Universidade Nasionál Timor Lorosa’e (UNTL) no Universidade Orientál (UNITAL) maibé seidauk iha profesór ida atu hanorin kona-ba jestu ba lian.\n“Agora dadauk defisiente na’in rua tama ona UNTL liuhusi kánal espesias maibé univesidade rasik la iha meu hanorin, nune’e hosi ami-nia parte fasilita tán tradutor ida ba akompaña sira. Difisiénsia tilun sira presiza lian jestu hodi eskola, mestri sira tenke hatene hodi hanorin, maibé situasaun saida mak akontese agora mak mestri hotu-hotu la hatene. Iha Tomor-Leste foin na’in haat mak hatene,” dehan Cesario.\nNia hateten, fiar katak husi Nai Deputadu sira lori sira-nia preokupasaun sira ne’e ba hato’o iha Parlamentu Nasionál no husu ministériu kompotente atu tau prioridade.\nHatán ba kestaun hirak ne’e, Membru Komisaun G, Deputada Gabriela Alves, konsidera hanoin hirak ne’e pertinente tanba sai mós preokupasaun reprezentante povu sira-nian iha Uma Fukun Parlamentu Nasionál.\n“Ha’u haksolok no agradese tebes ba ita-boot sira-nia preokupasaun ne’e. Tanba ami hanesan reprezentante povu, ami tun halo fiskalizasaun ba eskola sira, ami haree duni hanesan ita-boot kestiona kona-ba infraestrutura. Ha’u hanesan matan, tilun ba povu nian, ha’u haksolok. Ha’u-nia knaar, ha’u sei hato’o ba ministériu kompotente mak atu halo jestaun,” nia dehán.\nEntretántu, Jerente Seniór Programa IRI, Karlito Nunes, hateten atividade meza redonda hala’o ho intensaun sosiedade sivíl sira bele hato’o preokupasaun kona-ba serbisu sira ne’ebé relasaun iha área edukasaun-nian.\n“Meza redonda ida-ne’e, ba dala rua nian ba asuntu iha setór edukasaun nian. Entaun objetivu mak konvida membru Parlamentu husi Komisaun G ba asuntu Edukasaun, no sosiedade sivíl sira ne’ebé liuliu halo advokasia iha asuntu edusaun, entaun sira hato’o ho problema no prekupasaun sira ne’ebé mak durante ne’e sira iha atreves husi sira-nia peskiza no dadus ne’ebé iha, sira hato’o ba membru Parlamentu Nasionál hánesán reprezentante povu,” nia tenik.\nOrganizasaun Sosiedade sivíl hira ne’ebé partisipa iha meza redonda ne’e mak Fundasaun Euros, Fundasaun Neon Metin (FNM), Instituisaun Superior Cristal (ISC), FOKUPERS, TLCE, RHTO, ADTL, CEO IOB/ETI.\nEditór : Cáncio Ximenes\nPrevious articleInundasaun Estraga ES 5 de Maiu Kuaze Porsentu 85\nNext articleIndonézia La Hapara Importasaun Sasán Mai TL | [
"Hadulas Meza, Tetu Lia Kona-ba \"Kualidade Ensinu Sekundariu no Superior\" | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Hadulas Meza, Tetu Lia Kona-ba \"Kualidade Ensinu Sekundariu no Superior\" Hadulas Meza, Tetu Lia Kona-ba \"Kualidade Ensinu Sekundariu no Superior\" Atividade diskusaun meza redonda ne'e hala'o ho objetivu halibur membru Parlamentu husi Komisaun G ba Asuntu Edukasaun, Juventude, Kultura no Sidadania, no organizasaun sosiedade sivil sira ne'ebe halo advokasia iha asuntu edukasaun nian hodi hato'o sira-nia problema no preokupasaun ne'ebe durante ne'e sira hetan liuhosi sira-nia peskiza.",
"DILI, 28 marsu 2020 (TATOLI) - Organizasaun Internasional Republikanu Institutu (IRI), organiza atividade diskusaun meza redonda hodi haforsa jestaun no fasilidade atu hasa'e dezempenu serbisu iha area edukasaun nian.",
"Atividade diskusaun meza redonda ne'e partisipa hosi sosiedade sivil no membru Parlamentu Nasional sira ho tema \"Dezenvolve Sistema Edukasaun hodi Hadi'a Kualidade Ensinu Sekundariu no Superior.\"",
"\"Ha'u sente ita ko'alia kona-ba edukasaun, ita-nia problema ne'e iha kualidade edukasaun.",
"Ita ko'alia barak kona-ba kualidade maibe kualidade ne'e refere ba investimentu edukasaun.",
"Tanba ita ko'alia kona-ba kualidade ne'e, la mai baratu maibe kualidade ne'e mai ho osan,\" dehan Pedro Ximenes, liuhosi diskusaun meza redonda ne'ebe organiza hosi IRI, iha salaun Reuniaun TOWER CONFERENCE, Fatuhada, sesta (20/3/2020).",
"Nia hatutan, agora ita haree tok ita-nia investimentu edukasaun iha Timor-Leste ne'e hira.",
"Ita-nia investimentu iha Timor-Leste bazeia ba Orsamentu Jeral Estadu agora daudaun tinan 2019 ne'e se la sala la to'o porsentu neen.",
"Nia dehan durante ukun-an to'o agora i investimentu iha area edukasaun foin to'o porsentu hitu kompara ho nasaun sira seluk ho padraun ne'ebe mak UNESCO hato'o loloos ne'e ba nasaun sira ne'ebe mak sub-dezenvolvidu hakarak dudu nia-an ba nasaun dezenvolvidu nia tenke investe porsentu 15, to'o 16 di'ak liu tan TYimor-Leste bele to'o porsentu 20.",
"\"Kona-ba politika, ha'u-nia opiniaun politika edukasaun jeral husi leten tun mai kraik ne'e di'ak ona maibe ida ne'ebe mak falta ne'e mak konsistensia implementasaun ne'e mak la iha.",
"Ha'u haree ba em termos kada ensinu sekundariu ne'e di'ak ona maibe ita fila fali ba kestaum kualidade, ita haree liu ba asesu de'it, ita la duun foka iha kualidade.",
"Estudu barak ne'e hatudu ona katak ita ne'e kualidade ensinu sekundariu agora ne'e se kompara ho nasaun seluk, ita tinan haat ba kotuk,\" nia tenik.",
"Iha parte seluk, Responsavel Asosiasaun Defisiensia Timor-Leste, Cesario da Silva hato'o nia prekupasaun kona-ba defisensia balu tama ona ba universidade hanesan Universidade Nasional Timor Lorosa'e (UNTL) no Universidade Oriental (UNITAL) maibe seidauk iha profesor ida atu hanorin kona-ba jestu ba lian.",
"\"Agora dadauk defisiente na'in rua tama ona UNTL liuhusi kanal espesias maibe univesidade rasik la iha meu hanorin, nune'e hosi ami-nia parte fasilita tan tradutor ida ba akompana sira.",
"Difisiensia tilun sira presiza lian jestu hodi eskola, mestri sira tenke hatene hodi hanorin, maibe situasaun saida mak akontese agora mak mestri hotu-hotu la hatene.",
"Iha Tomor-Leste foin na'in haat mak hatene,\" dehan Cesario.",
"Nia hateten, fiar katak husi Nai Deputadu sira lori sira-nia preokupasaun sira ne'e ba hato'o iha Parlamentu Nasional no husu ministeriu kompotente atu tau prioridade.",
"Hatan ba kestaun hirak ne'e, Membru Komisaun G, Deputada Gabriela Alves, konsidera hanoin hirak ne'e pertinente tanba sai mos preokupasaun reprezentante povu sira-nian iha Uma Fukun Parlamentu Nasional.",
"\"Ha'u haksolok no agradese tebes ba ita-boot sira-nia preokupasaun ne'e.",
"Tanba ami hanesan reprezentante povu, ami tun halo fiskalizasaun ba eskola sira, ami haree duni hanesan ita-boot kestiona kona-ba infraestrutura.",
"Ha'u hanesan matan, tilun ba povu nian, ha'u haksolok.",
"Ha'u-nia knaar, ha'u sei hato'o ba ministeriu kompotente mak atu halo jestaun,\" nia dehan.",
"Entretantu, Jerente Senior Programa IRI, Karlito Nunes, hateten atividade meza redonda hala'o ho intensaun sosiedade sivil sira bele hato'o preokupasaun kona-ba serbisu sira ne'ebe relasaun iha area edukasaun-nian.",
"\"Meza redonda ida-ne'e, ba dala rua nian ba asuntu iha setor edukasaun nian.",
"Entaun objetivu mak konvida membru Parlamentu husi Komisaun G ba asuntu Edukasaun, no sosiedade sivil sira ne'ebe liuliu halo advokasia iha asuntu edusaun, entaun sira hato'o ho problema no prekupasaun sira ne'ebe mak durante ne'e sira iha atreves husi sira-nia peskiza no dadus ne'ebe iha, sira hato'o ba membru Parlamentu Nasional hanesan reprezentante povu,\" nia tenik.",
"Organizasaun Sosiedade sivil hira ne'ebe partisipa iha meza redonda ne'e mak Fundasaun Euros, Fundasaun Neon Metin (FNM), Instituisaun Superior Cristal (ISC), FOKUPERS, TLCE, RHTO, ADTL, CEO IOB/ETI.",
"Editor: Cancio Ximenes Previous articleInundasaun Estraga ES 5 de Maiu Kuaze Porsentu 85 Next articleIndonezia La Hapara Importasaun Sasan Mai TL"
] | [
"Meza, Tetu Lia Talks About \"Quality of Secondary and Higher Education\" | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Haduza mezas e tetus lia fala sobre a qualidade do ensino secundário no superior The round table discussion was held with the objective to bring together parliamentarians from Commission G for Affairs on education youth culture citizenship as well civil society organization that advocate in matters relating教育 so they could raise their problems or concern which during this time have been identified through research."
"DILI, March 28th - The International Republican Institute (IRI) is organizing a round table discussion to strengthen management and facilities in order for educational institutions better perform."
"The round table discussion was attended by civil society and members of the National Parliament on \"Developing an Education System to Improve Quality in Secondary, Higher education.\""
"\"I feel that when we talk about education, our problem is in the quality of it."
"We talk a lot about quality, but it is an investment in education."
"Because we are talking about quality, it does not come cheap but the Quality comes with money\", said Pedro Ximenes during a round table discussion organized by IRI in TOWER CONFERENCE Meeting Room on Saturday (20/3 /19)."
"He added, now we just see how much our investment in education is going to be."
"Our investment in Timor-Leste is based on the current General State Budget for 2019, which does not exceed nine percent."
"He said that during independence until now and investment in the area of education only up to seven per cent compared with other countries. The standards which UNESCO put forward is actually for those who are under-developed nations want it like a developed country he has invested 15 percent, or even better than this - Timor Leste could go as far down by about two dozen percentage points!"
"\"As for politics, my political opinion is that general education from the bottom up to top are good but what's lacking in this policy has been consistency of implementation."
"I see in terms of each secondary school is good but we go back to the quality question, it's more about assessment only and not focusing on Quality."
"Many studies have shown that the quality of our secondary education is now comparable to other countries, four years ago\", he said."
"On the other hand, Responsible for Timor-Leste Disability Association Cesario da Silva expressed his concern about some disabilities have been admitted to universities such as National University of East Тимор (UNTL) and Oriental university(UNITAL), but there is not yet a professor who can teach gesture language."
"\"Now two disabled people have entered UNTL through the special channel but univesite itself does not teach them, so on our part we are providing a translator for their accompaniment."
"Deaf children need sign language to go into school, teachers must know it so they can teach them. But what is happening now does not all of the professors understand?"
"In East Timor only four people know,\" Cesario said."
"He said he trusts that the ladies MP will take their concern to Parliament and ask competent ministries for priority."
"In response to these issues, Member of the Commission G. Deputada Gabriela Alves considers that such ideas are pertinent because they have also become a concern for representatives from people in House Lower Parliament (House)."
"\"I am delighted and thankful for your concerns."
"Because we are representatives of the people, and have been inspecting schools for years now. We see that you were right about your concerns regarding infrastructure; it is a problem which has to be solved immediately!"
"I'm like an eye, a tooth for the people."
"My job, I'll refer it to the competent ministry for management,” he said."
"Meanwhile, IRI Senior Program Manager Karlito Nunes said the round table activity was held with civil society to raise concern about work related in education."
"\"This round table, for the second time on issues in education sector."
"So the aim is to invite members of Parliament from Commission G for Education, and civil society who especially advocate in educational matters. They will then present problems they have during this period through their researches with data that are available; these concerns shall be presented by them as representative people at National Assembly.\""
"Among the civil society organizations that participated in this round table were Fundação Euro, Fundación Neon Metin (FNM), Instituições Superior Cristal(ISC) FOKUPERS TLCE RHTO and CEO IOB/ETI."
"Editor: Cancio Ximenes Previous articleFlood Destroys ES 5 of May Quase Percentage Of The Year Next ArticleIndonesia La Hapara Importação Sasan Mai TL"
] |
Xanana Tulun Governu TMR Prepara Kuarentena ho Kuartu Atus Tolu iha Tasi Tolu – ::Timor Post Online::\nHome » Nasionál » Xanana Tulun Governu TMR Prepara Kuarentena ho Kuartu Atus Tolu iha Tasi Tolu\n15 abril 2020 15 abril 2020 by Timor Post-41 views\nDILI—Líder Nasionál Kayrala Xanana Gusmão durante semana hirak nia laran lidera ekipa voluntáriu ida hodi halo preparasaun ba fatin kuarentena ho kuartu hamutuk atus tolu iha sidade nasaun nia rohan ba parte loromonu Tasi Tolu, Dili.\nXanana organiza inisiativa ne’e nu’udar sidadaun ida ne’ebé tenke partisipa ativu ho kbiit hotu iha luta ba funu foun kontra atake pesti corona alias COVID-19 ne’ebé kuaze fulan haat nia laran hamate ona ema kuaze rihun rua iha mundu, liuliu iha Amérika, Itália, España, no nasaun hotu iha mundu inklui Timor Leste rejista ona kazu neen.\nTuir observasaun Timor Post iha loron 14/04/2020 haktuir, Xanana ba halo observasaun ba fatin kuarentena ne’ebé atinje ona pursentu 95 ne’e. no oriente ekipa iha terrenu inklui Diretór Jerál Ajénsia Dezenvolvimentu Nasionál, Samuél Marçal atu tau atensaun ba kualidade no distánsia sosiál.\nTuir planu, Xanana ho nia ekipa sei entrega fatin kuarentena ne’e ba governu lideradu Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak (TMR) liuhusi Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (SIJK) hodi uza ba koloka timoroan sira ne’ebé tenke tama kuarentena liga ho COVID-19.\nAleinde preparasaun iha Tasi Tolu tanba ho hanoin sees uitoan husi sidade, Xanana ho nia ekipa mós halo preparasaun iha ospitál antigu iha Lahane, Dili hodi entrega ba governu utiliza. (cao)\nPrevious post UE ho NU Deside Milliaun $1 Tulun Feto no Labarik feto sira durante krize COVID-19 iha Timor\nNext post COVID-19: Ekipa husi Laboratórium Nasionál halo Teste ba Amostra husi Doutor Daniel Murphy | [
"Xanana Tulun Governu TMR Prepara Kuarentena ho Kuartu Atus Tolu iha Tasi Tolu -::Timor Post Online:: Home \" Nasional \" Xanana Tulun Governu TMR Prepara Kuarentena ho Kuartu Atus Tolu iha Tasi Tolu 15 abril 2020 15 abril 2020 by Timor Post-41 views DILI - Lider Nasional Kayrala Xanana Gusmao durante semana hirak nia laran lidera ekipa voluntariu ida hodi halo preparasaun ba fatin kuarentena ho kuartu hamutuk atus tolu iha sidade nasaun nia rohan ba parte loromonu Tasi Tolu, Dili.",
"Xanana organiza inisiativa ne'e nu'udar sidadaun ida ne'ebe tenke partisipa ativu ho kbiit hotu iha luta ba funu foun kontra atake pesti corona alias COVID-19 ne'ebe kuaze fulan haat nia laran hamate ona ema kuaze rihun rua iha mundu, liuliu iha Amerika, Italia, Espana, no nasaun hotu iha mundu inklui Timor Leste rejista ona kazu neen.",
"Tuir observasaun Timor Post iha loron 14/04/2020 haktuir, Xanana ba halo observasaun ba fatin kuarentena ne'ebe atinje ona pursentu 95 ne'e. no oriente ekipa iha terrenu inklui Diretor Jeral Ajensia Dezenvolvimentu Nasional, Samuel Marcal atu tau atensaun ba kualidade no distansia sosial.",
"Tuir planu, Xanana ho nia ekipa sei entrega fatin kuarentena ne'e ba governu lideradu Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak (TMR) liuhusi Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (SIJK) hodi uza ba koloka timoroan sira ne'ebe tenke tama kuarentena liga ho COVID-19.",
"Aleinde preparasaun iha Tasi Tolu tanba ho hanoin sees uitoan husi sidade, Xanana ho nia ekipa mos halo preparasaun iha ospital antigu iha Lahane, Dili hodi entrega ba governu utiliza. (cao) Previous post UE ho NU Deside Milliaun $1 Tulun Feto no Labarik feto sira durante krize COVID-19 iha Timor Next post COVID-19: Ekipa husi Laboratorium Nasional halo Teste ba Amostra husi Doutor Daniel Murphy"
] | [
"Xanana Helps TMR Government Prepare Quarantine with One Hundred and Three Room in Tasi Tolu -:;Timor Post Online 15 April,2034 by Timor post-69 views DILI – National Leader Kayrala Gusmão has over the past few weeks led a team of volunteer to prepare quarantine facilities for one hundred three rooms throughout Dili. The preparations are being carried out at an area on northern coastline near Pasir Tolu River (Dil)."
"Xanana organized this initiative as a citizens who must actively participate with all his powers in the fight against new war attack corona plague or COVID-19 which for almost four months has killed nearly two thousand people worldwide, especially America. Italy and Spain have reported more than nine cases of coronavirus amongst them Timor Leste itself that is now registering only one case each day from its outbreak to date (20 March)."
"According to Timor Post's observation on 14 April, Xanana went and observed the quarantine facilities which have already reached a level of completion (95 percent). He also instructed field teams including Director-General for National Development Agency Samuel Marcal that they pay attention in quality control as well."
"According to the plan, Xanana and his team will hand over this quarantine facility for use by Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak's government through Integrated Crisis Management Centre (SIJK) as a place of accommodation in case COVID-19 cases are confirmed."
"In addition to the preparations in Tasi Tolu because of a little distance from city, Xanana and his team also prepared an old hospital at Lahane for government use. (cao) Previous post EU & UN Decide $1 Million To Help Women And Girls During COVID-20 Crisis On Timor Next Post Covid: Team From National Laboratory Tests Sample Of Dr Daniel Murphy"
] |
Faustino: Governu sei kria uluk kondisaun antes reforsa tan membru UPF – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Justica e Segurança » Faustino: Governu sei kria uluk kondisaun antes reforsa tan membru UPF\nKomandante Jerál Polícia Nacional Timor-Leste (PNTL) Komisáriu Faustino da Costa, informa, Governu sei kria uluk kondisaun toba fatin ba membru polísia Unidade Patrullamentu Fronteira (UPF), antes reforsa tan membru Polísia ba iha liña fronteira.\nTuir informasaun husi membru UPF sira husi kompañia Alfa munisípiu Bobonaro, relata ba GMN iha fronteira katak, membru UPF ne’ebé mak koloka iha postu sira limitadu tebes. Tanba ne’e sira labele kontrola área movimentu ema tama sai no movimentu ilegal sira.\nTanba ne’e sira husu ba komandu PNTL atu aumenta tan membru sira hodi reforsa membru UPF atual iha postu sira.\nHatan kestaun Komandante Jerál PNTL Komisáriu Faustino da Costa hateten, dadauk ne’e instituisaun PNTL seidauk halo rekrutamentu ba ninia membru foun, tanba governu haruka hadia uluk uma-laran.\nNo antes koloka membru UPF foun atu reforsa seguransa iha fronteira sei harii tan uma ba UPF sira hodi hela.\n“Ha’u hanoin buat ne’e la’os buat foun ida ita koalia bebeik ona, agora polítika governu hato’o klaru ona katak tinan ida ne’e la halo rekrutamentu. Hanesan informasaun ne’ebé mak governu hato’o hadia uma-laran la signifika ita koalia kona-bá operasionál, koalia mós parte administrativu, por ezemplu postu ida ho kondisaun ida hanesan ne’e ema nain lima nain sanulu mak toba, ita tau ema nain 10 to’o 25 sira atu tau iha ne’ebé, nia mai dook husi nia família ne’e situasaun ida”,esplika Komandante Jerál PNTL Komisáriu Faustino da Costa, ba jornalista GMN (05/02/20) iha Postu UPF Mozon, Maliana.\nLíder máximu instituisaun PNTL ne’e akresenta, agora iha eskuadra sira membru Polísia limitadu hela.\nLee hotu : SIKN detein tan suspeitu na’in haat tanba ligasaun internet ilegál\n“Ami fou-foun ne’e dehan Polísia ne’e barak ba iha ne’ebá, mas realidade Polísia barak ba hela iha ne’ebé.\nKria kondisaun uma laran antes ita halo rekrutramentu. Ita halo rekrutamentu para ital abele hamosu problema”,dehan Faustino da Costa.\nDadauk, membru Unidade Patrullamentu Fronteira ne’ebé mak koloka hodi garante seguransa iha fronteira no aeroportu Díli inklui aeroportu Suai hamutuk 400 resin, ho total postu UFP 30.avi\nRelasiona ho estudante kandidatu ne’ebé la... | [
"Faustino: Governu sei kria uluk kondisaun antes reforsa tan membru UPF - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Justica e Seguranca \" Faustino: Governu sei kria uluk kondisaun antes reforsa tan membru UPF Komandante Jeral Policia Nacional Timor-Leste (PNTL) Komisariu Faustino da Costa, informa, Governu sei kria uluk kondisaun toba fatin ba membru polisia Unidade Patrullamentu Fronteira (UPF), antes reforsa tan membru Polisia ba iha lina fronteira.",
"Tuir informasaun husi membru UPF sira husi kompania Alfa munisipiu Bobonaro, relata ba GMN iha fronteira katak, membru UPF ne'ebe mak koloka iha postu sira limitadu tebes.",
"Tanba ne'e sira labele kontrola area movimentu ema tama sai no movimentu ilegal sira.",
"Tanba ne'e sira husu ba komandu PNTL atu aumenta tan membru sira hodi reforsa membru UPF atual iha postu sira.",
"Hatan kestaun Komandante Jeral PNTL Komisariu Faustino da Costa hateten, dadauk ne'e instituisaun PNTL seidauk halo rekrutamentu ba ninia membru foun, tanba governu haruka hadia uluk uma-laran.",
"No antes koloka membru UPF foun atu reforsa seguransa iha fronteira sei harii tan uma ba UPF sira hodi hela.",
"\"Ha'u hanoin buat ne'e la'os buat foun ida ita koalia bebeik ona, agora politika governu hato'o klaru ona katak tinan ida ne'e la halo rekrutamentu.",
"Hanesan informasaun ne'ebe mak governu hato'o hadia uma-laran la signifika ita koalia kona-ba operasional, koalia mos parte administrativu, por ezemplu postu ida ho kondisaun ida hanesan ne'e ema nain lima nain sanulu mak toba, ita tau ema nain 10 to'o 25 sira atu tau iha ne'ebe, nia mai dook husi nia familia ne'e situasaun ida,\"esplika Komandante Jeral PNTL Komisariu Faustino da Costa, ba jornalista GMN (05/02/20) iha Postu UPF Mozon, Maliana.",
"Lider maximu instituisaun PNTL ne'e akresenta, agora iha eskuadra sira membru Polisia limitadu hela.",
"Lee hotu: SIKN detein tan suspeitu na'in haat tanba ligasaun internet ilegal \"Ami fou-foun ne'e dehan Polisia ne'e barak ba iha ne'eba, mas realidade Polisia barak ba hela iha ne'ebe.",
"Kria kondisaun uma laran antes ita halo rekrutramentu.",
"Ita halo rekrutamentu para ital abele hamosu problema,\"dehan Faustino da Costa.",
"Dadauk, membru Unidade Patrullamentu Fronteira ne'ebe mak koloka hodi garante seguransa iha fronteira no aeroportu Dili inklui aeroportu Suai hamutuk 400 resin, ho total postu UFP 30.avi Relasiona ho estudante kandidatu ne'ebe la..."
] | [
"Faustino: Government will first create conditions before reinforcing more UPF members - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Justice and Security “Faustino, Prime Minister of Timor-Leste's government to establish a border patrol unit (UFP) in the northern province from 2018 onwards The Chief Inspector General for National Police at Dili Commissioner da Costa said that his administration is preparing an area where police can be stationed as well."
"According to information from UPF members of the Alfa company in Bobonaro, they told GMN on border that there are very limited numbers at these posts."
"Therefore, they cannot control the area movement of people in and out."
"Therefore, they asked the PNTL command to increase their members in order for UPF officers at police stations not only be reinforced but also strengthened."
"Responding to the issue, PNTL Commander-in -Chief Commissioner Faustino da Costa said that today's institution has not made recruitment for its new members because government ordered first repair home."
"Prior to the deployment of new UPF members, who will reinforce border security at this point in time a house for them is being built."
"\"I think this is not a new thing we have been talking about, now the government's policy has made it clear that there will be no recruitment."
"As the information provided by government to improve home-land does not mean we talk about operational, it also speaks of administrative part. For example a post with this condition is five out 10 people are in there; We put between ten and twenty fifth person into where he comes away from his family that situation\", explained General Police Commander Commissioner Faustino da Costa for journalist GMN (2/5) at UPF Mozon Post Malina"
"The top leader of the PNTL institution adds that, now in squads there are only a few Police members."
"Read more: SIKN arrests four suspected people for illegal internet connection \"We are fool-foun saying that the Police is going there, but in reality a lot of police go where."
"Create indoor conditions before we do recruitment."
"We do recruitment so that it can cause problems,\" said Faustino da Costa."
"Today, members of the Border Patrol Unit who are deployed to guarantee security at border and airport Dili including Suai Airport total more than 401 with a UFP post numbering in all about... avi Relasiona com estudantes candidato ne'e que la"
] |
Defensoria públika Covalima laiha transporte | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVALIMA Defensoria públika Covalima laiha transporte\nDefensoria públika Covalima laiha transporte\nCOVALIMA, 18 novembru 2021 (TATOLI)—Defensoria Públika (DP) Munisípiu Covalima hasoru dezafiu tanba laiha transporte no fasilidade bainhira hala’o julgamentu móvel iha munisipiu sira seluk.\nNotísia Relevante: Transporte difikulta serbisu defensoria Covalima\n“Ami hasoru dezafiu hanesan menus fasilidade atu fasilita ami-nia servisu hodi hala’o kna’ar ho di’akliu. Tribunál Suai halo julgamentu móvel hodi kobre área Bobonaro, Ainaro no manu Fahi bainhira atu halo ona julgamentu,” Defensoria Públika Covalima, Domingos dos Santos, informa ba jornalista sira iha salaun IADE, Covalima, kinta ne’e.\nMaske hasoru dezafiu hanesan laiha fasilidade transporte atu fasilita servisu hosi defensór sira atu fó asinténsia ba sidadaun sira-ne’ebè mak presiza sira-nia tulun maibé sira kontinua hala’o sira-nia servisu.\n“Liga ba transporte ita-nia instituisaun mós hatene, ami hasoru dezafiu durante hala’o ami-nia servisu. Ho dezafiu ne’ebè iha, la signifika paradu atu hala’o servisu maibe ita iha dever no obrigasaun knar ne’ebè mak hatur ona iha lei, tenke fó asisténsia sidadaun sira-ne’ebè presiza ita-nia tulun,” Domingos informa\nDurante ne’e, bainhira hala’o julgamentu móvel defensoria públika iha ligasaun di’ak ho Ministériu públiku atu fasilita sira.\n“Ami halo julgamentu móvel entaun ami halo ligasaun di’ak ho tribunál no Ministériu públiku sira suporta ami hodi fasilita ami halo julgamentu,” nia hateten.\nPrevious articleMAE-Embaixadór Austrália inaugura konstrusaun sistema bee-moos iha Leguimea\nNext articleMPO realiza semináriu nasionál kona-ba Sistema Informasaun Jeografia\nDILI, 13 janeiru 2022 (TATOLI) – Autoridade Rejiaun Administrativa Espesiál Oé-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA), liuhosi Sekretáriu Rejionál ba Asuntu Agrikultura, daudaun ne’e distribui ona ai-oan... | [
"Defensoria publika Covalima laiha transporte | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVALIMA Defensoria publika Covalima laiha transporte Defensoria publika Covalima laiha transporte COVALIMA, 18 novembru 2021 (TATOLI) - Defensoria Publika (DP) Munisipiu Covalima hasoru dezafiu tanba laiha transporte no fasilidade bainhira hala'o julgamentu movel iha munisipiu sira seluk.",
"Notisia Relevante: Transporte difikulta serbisu defensoria Covalima \"Ami hasoru dezafiu hanesan menus fasilidade atu fasilita ami-nia servisu hodi hala'o kna'ar ho di'akliu.",
"Tribunal Suai halo julgamentu movel hodi kobre area Bobonaro, Ainaro no manu Fahi bainhira atu halo ona julgamentu,\" Defensoria Publika Covalima, Domingos dos Santos, informa ba jornalista sira iha salaun IADE, Covalima, kinta ne'e.",
"Maske hasoru dezafiu hanesan laiha fasilidade transporte atu fasilita servisu hosi defensor sira atu fo asintensia ba sidadaun sira-ne'ebe mak presiza sira-nia tulun maibe sira kontinua hala'o sira-nia servisu.",
"\"Liga ba transporte ita-nia instituisaun mos hatene, ami hasoru dezafiu durante hala'o ami-nia servisu.",
"Ho dezafiu ne'ebe iha, la signifika paradu atu hala'o servisu maibe ita iha dever no obrigasaun knar ne'ebe mak hatur ona iha lei, tenke fo asistensia sidadaun sira-ne'ebe presiza ita-nia tulun,\" Domingos informa Durante ne'e, bainhira hala'o julgamentu movel defensoria publika iha ligasaun di'ak ho Ministeriu publiku atu fasilita sira.",
"\"Ami halo julgamentu movel entaun ami halo ligasaun di'ak ho tribunal no Ministeriu publiku sira suporta ami hodi fasilita ami halo julgamentu,\" nia hateten.",
"Previous articleMAE-Embaixador Australia inaugura konstrusaun sistema bee-moos iha Leguimea Next articleMPO realiza seminariu nasional kona-ba Sistema Informasaun Jeografia DILI, 13 janeiru 2022 (TATOLI) - Autoridade Rejiaun Administrativa Espesial Oe-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA), liuhosi Sekretariu Rejional ba Asuntu Agrikultura, daudaun ne'e distribui ona ai-oan..."
] | [
"Defensoria publica Covalima laiha transporte | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVALIMA The Public Ombudsman's Office (DP) in the Municipality of Suai faced a challenge because it lacked transportation and facilities when carrying out mobile court proceeding at other municipalities."
"\"We faced challenges such as lack of facilities to facilitate our own work in order for us the best way possible."
"The Suai Court conducted a mobile trial to cover the Bobonaro, Ainaro and Manu Fahi area when it was time for judgement\", Defensoria Pública Covalima's Domingoes dos Santos informed journalist at IADE hall on Wednesday."
"Despite challenges such as the lack of transportation facilities to facilitate their work in assisting citizens who need them, human rights defenders have continued doing so."
"\"Transportation is one of our institutions that knows, we face challenges while carrying out the work."
"With the challenges that exist, it does not mean stopping to carry out our work but we have a duty and an obligation which is already laid down in law. We must provide assistance for citizens who need us\", Domingos said During this time when conducting mobile trial public defender has good connection with Public Prosecutor' s Office (MP) so as facilitate them on their way home from court.\""
"\"We do mobile trials so we make good connection with the court and public prosecutors support us to facilitate our proceeding,\" he said."
"Next articleMPO conducts national seminar on Geographic Information System DILI, January 13th (TATOLI) - The Authority of the Oe-Cusse Ambeno special administrative region through its Regional Secretary for Agricultural Affairs has now distributed seedlings to farmer..."
] |
Estudante ensinu superiór 30,311 asesu liña internet | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Estudante ensinu superiór 30,311 asesu liña internet\nEstudante ensinu superiór 30,311 asesu liña internet\nDILI, 08 setembru 2021 (TATOLI) – Ministru Ensinu Superiór, Siénsia no Kultura (MESSK), Longuinhos dos Santos, informa MESSK iha ona dadus purvolta estudante 30,311 mak asesu ona liña internet.\n“Ita simu lista estudante hamutuk 38,600 resin maka atu hetan asesu pulsa internet, maibé dadus ne’ebé ita iha purvolta estudante 30,311 mak asesu ba liña internet,” Ministru Longuinhos dos Santos, ba jornalista sira iha edifísiu Ministériu Finansas, Dili, foin lalais ne’e.\nNia akresenta katak prosesu estudante sira atu hetan pulsa internet ne’e liuhosi operadór tolu mak hanesan Timor Telecom, Telkomcel no Telemor. Pagamentu ne’e sei selu direita hosi Ministériu Finansas ba operadór tolu ne’e.\n“Ita seidauk hatene persentajen hosi ezekusaun orsamentu ba injensaun propinas nian tanba daudaun ne’e seidauk iha relatóriu ida mak universidade sira aprezenta mai Ministériu. tanba sira kumpre hela regra ne’ebé estabelese ona katak ezekusaun ne’e tenke to’o loron 90 depois fó tan loron 15 ba kada universidade atu prepara relatóriu hodi submete mai ministériu,” nia tenik.\nPrevious articleGovernu analiza planu dezenvolvimentu reestruturasaun no modernizasaun Portu Dili\nNext articleSaúde Baucau halibur dadus sidadaun idade 12-17 hodi simu vasina | [
"Estudante ensinu superior 30,311 asesu lina internet | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Estudante ensinu superior 30,311 asesu lina internet Estudante ensinu superior 30,311 asesu lina internet DILI, 08 setembru 2021 (TATOLI) - Ministru Ensinu Superior, Siensia no Kultura (MESSK), Longuinhos dos Santos, informa MESSK iha ona dadus purvolta estudante 30,311 mak asesu ona lina internet.",
"\"Ita simu lista estudante hamutuk 38,600 resin maka atu hetan asesu pulsa internet, maibe dadus ne'ebe ita iha purvolta estudante 30,311 mak asesu ba lina internet,\" Ministru Longuinhos dos Santos, ba jornalista sira iha edifisiu Ministeriu Finansas, Dili, foin lalais ne'e.",
"Nia akresenta katak prosesu estudante sira atu hetan pulsa internet ne'e liuhosi operador tolu mak hanesan Timor Telecom, Telkomcel no Telemor.",
"Pagamentu ne'e sei selu direita hosi Ministeriu Finansas ba operador tolu ne'e.",
"\"Ita seidauk hatene persentajen hosi ezekusaun orsamentu ba injensaun propinas nian tanba daudaun ne'e seidauk iha relatoriu ida mak universidade sira aprezenta mai Ministeriu. tanba sira kumpre hela regra ne'ebe estabelese ona katak ezekusaun ne'e tenke to'o loron 90 depois fo tan loron 15 ba kada universidade atu prepara relatoriu hodi submete mai ministeriu,\" nia tenik.",
"Previous articleGovernu analiza planu dezenvolvimentu reestruturasaun no modernizasaun Portu Dili Next articleSaude Baucau halibur dadus sidadaun idade 12-17 hodi simu vasina"
] | [
"Estudante ensinu superior asesu lina internet | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Higher education students access Internet line by the end of September Dili, Sept.8th (Xinhua) - The Minister for Higher Education and Science & Culture has received data showing that more than a million high schoolers have already used an online connection to their computers or tablets involving higher learning programs at universities across all levels from elementary schools through college level into university degree programmed coursework as well..."
"\"We have received lists of more than 38,601 students who are entitled to pulse internet access but the data we had was that only about a quarter (29.5%) has Internet line\", Minister Longuinhos dos Santos told journalist in Ministry Finance building recently on Tuesday morning at Dili City Hall"
"He added that the process for students to get internet pulse is through three operators such as Timor Telecom, Telkomcel and Telemor."
"The payment will be made directly by the Ministry of Finance to these three operators."
"\"We do not know the percentage of budget implementation for tuition injection because at present there is no report that universities submit to Ministry. Because they are complying with rules established by which this execution must take 90 days and then give each university an additional time period (15) in order prepare a rapporte,\" he said.\""
"Previous articleGovernment analyzes development plan for restructuring and modernization of Port Dili Next ArticleBaucau Health gathers data on citizens aged 12-07 to receive vaccination"
] |
TIMOR AGORA: Dotasaun duodesimu nian ba Timor-Leste fixa ho 83,1ME iha fulan Fevereiru\nDotasaun duodesimu nian ba Timor-Leste fixa ho 83,1ME iha fulan Fevereiru\nMinisteriu Finansas timoroan aprova dotasaun orsamental temporaria ida (DOT) ho valor dolares millaun 95 ba fulan fevereiru nian, iha kuadru aplikasaun rejime duodesimu.\nValor definidu ba fulan ne'e fó sai hosi ministra interina Finansas nian, Sara Lobo Brites, hafoin enkontru ida ho primeiru-ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, ne'ebé maka halao iha Palasiu Governu iha Dili.\n"Ha'u hasoru malu ho primeiru-ministru hodi atualiza koanbá serbisu Ministeriu Finansas nian. Semana ne'e ami sei fixa valor duodesimu nian iha fulan Fevereiru ho dolares millaun 95", nia hatete, sita hosi nota kiik ida ne'ebé divulga iha portal Ministeriu Finansas nian.\nValor ne'e aprezenta aumentu ida ho valor dolares millaun 23 liu fulan Janeiru nian, ne'ebé maka DOT ne'e fixa ho valor dolares millaun 71,88.\nRejime duodesimal ne'e implika katak Governu só bele gasta fulan-fulan 1/12 hosi Orsamentu Jeral Estadu nian (OJE) tinan kotuk nian, ne'ebé maka tama iha vigor iha final fulan Setembru nian ne'ebé mak ho total dolares millaun 1.279,9.\nEm konkretu, Estadu bele gasta de'it dolares millaun besik 106,6, fulan-fulan.\nIha fulan Janeiru, Sara Brites aponta katak Governu iha konta Tezouru nian dolares millaun besik 296.\nRejime Duodesimal, ne'ebé maka nasaun ne'e enfrenta durante fulan sia dahuluk tinan kotuk nian - konsekuénsia impase politiku ne'ebé maka nasaun ne'e enfrenta - tenki aplika fila fali tanba OJE ba tinan 2019 nian sei apresia hela hosi xefe Estadu.\nTestu ne'e veta tiha hosi xefe Estadu no altera fila fali no aprova fali hosi parlamentu, agora iha fali ona Prezidente Republika nian liman.\nAplikasaun sira rejime duodesimal nian garante pagamentu ba salariu sira, bens no serbisu, kapital dezenvolvimentu ba projetu sira ne'ebé halao hela ni transferénsia puiblika, hanesan pagamentu pensaun ba vetereanu ka idozu sira. | [
"TIMOR AGORA: Dotasaun duodesimu nian ba Timor-Leste fixa ho 83,1ME iha fulan Fevereiru Dotasaun duodesimu nian ba Timor-Leste fixa ho 83,1ME iha fulan Fevereiru Ministeriu Finansas timoroan aprova dotasaun orsamental temporaria ida (DOT) ho valor dolares millaun 95 ba fulan fevereiru nian, iha kuadru aplikasaun rejime duodesimu.",
"Valor definidu ba fulan ne'e fo sai hosi ministra interina Finansas nian, Sara Lobo Brites, hafoin enkontru ida ho primeiru-ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, ne'ebe maka halao iha Palasiu Governu iha Dili.",
"\"Ha'u hasoru malu ho primeiru-ministru hodi atualiza koanba serbisu Ministeriu Finansas nian.",
"Semana ne'e ami sei fixa valor duodesimu nian iha fulan Fevereiru ho dolares millaun 95,\" nia hatete, sita hosi nota kiik ida ne'ebe divulga iha portal Ministeriu Finansas nian.",
"Valor ne'e aprezenta aumentu ida ho valor dolares millaun 23 liu fulan Janeiru nian, ne'ebe maka DOT ne'e fixa ho valor dolares millaun 71,88.",
"Rejime duodesimal ne'e implika katak Governu so bele gasta fulan-fulan 1/12 hosi Orsamentu Jeral Estadu nian (OJE) tinan kotuk nian, ne'ebe maka tama iha vigor iha final fulan Setembru nian ne'ebe mak ho total dolares millaun 1.279,9.",
"Em konkretu, Estadu bele gasta de'it dolares millaun besik 106,6, fulan-fulan.",
"Iha fulan Janeiru, Sara Brites aponta katak Governu iha konta Tezouru nian dolares millaun besik 296.",
"Rejime Duodesimal, ne'ebe maka nasaun ne'e enfrenta durante fulan sia dahuluk tinan kotuk nian - konsekuensia impase politiku ne'ebe maka nasaun ne'e enfrenta - tenki aplika fila fali tanba OJE ba tinan 2019 nian sei apresia hela hosi xefe Estadu.",
"Testu ne'e veta tiha hosi xefe Estadu no altera fila fali no aprova fali hosi parlamentu, agora iha fali ona Prezidente Republika nian liman.",
"Aplikasaun sira rejime duodesimal nian garante pagamentu ba salariu sira, bens no serbisu, kapital dezenvolvimentu ba projetu sira ne'ebe halao hela ni transferensia puiblika, hanesan pagamentu pensaun ba vetereanu ka idozu sira."
] | [
"TIMOR AGORA: Twelfth allocation for Timor-Leste fixed at 83.1ME in February The Ministry of Finance approved a temporary budgetary appropriation (DOT) worth US$95 million, to be applied during the month Of January and December as part from its implementation regimes under this twelve months period which is also known by it' s official name \"twenteen\"."
"The figures for this month were announced by Acting Minister of Finance, Sara Lobo Brites after a meeting with Prime minister Taur Matan Ruak at the Government Palace in Dili."
"\"I met with the Prime Minister to update him on work of Finance Ministry."
"This week we will fix the value of February's twelfth at $95 million,\" he said in a brief note published on his Ministry portal."
"This represents an increase of $23 million over January, when the DOT had set it at a total value equal to US$71.89 billion (USD)."
"The duodecimal regime implies that the Government can only spend monthly 1/2 of last year's General State Budget (GSB), which came into effect at end September and totalled US$9,073.4 million in spending for this budgetary period"
"In concrete terms, the State can only spend about $106.5 million per month on this budgetary item of expenditure (see figure below)."
"In January, Sara Brites pointed out that the government has in its treasury account nearly $296 million."
"The duodecimal regime, which the country faced during last year's first nine months - a consequence of political impasse that has affected it since 2013 – must be re-applicated as budget for this fiscal period is still to go through with head state."
"The text was vetoed by the Head of State and then amended again, approving it in Parliament. It is now back at President's hands to be passed on as a law before being placed into force for an immediate effect (see above)."
"Applications of the duodecimal system ensure payment for salaries, good and service costs; capital development on ongoing projects as well public transfer funds such a pension to veteran or elderly people."
] |
Frente Esterna-Interna Maka Hahoris Libertasaun Nasionál | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DEFEZA Frente Esterna-Interna Maka Hahoris Libertasaun Nasionál\nDILI (TATOLI)–Xefe Estadu Maiór FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), Major Jenerál Lere Anan Timur hateten lider istóriku sira ne’ebé uluk serbisu hamutuk tantu Frente Esterna no Frente Interna, tau esforsu no tau matenek hamutuk maka ohin loron Timor-Leste sai nasaun soberanu ida.\n“Ohin loron ita haree, kuaze jerasaun foun sira hakarak fahe lider istóriku sira ne’e. Sira ne’ebé fahe lider sira, tanba lahatene istória no la moris iha prosesu libertasaun nasionál ninian,” Lere hato’o kestaun ne’e ba jornalista sira iha Palásiu Prezidente Nicolau Lobato, Bairru Pité, Dili, Kuarta ne’e, relasiona ho ativista partidu nian balun lansa propaganda hodi soran lider rezisténsia sira.\nNia haktuir, lahó Frente Esterna, Frente Interna labele halo buat ida no lahó Frente Interna mós Frente Esterna la halo buat ida.\n“Lahó Frente Interna, Dr. José Ramos Horta ho ninia ekipa bele hakilar dala atus ida mós ema li’ur sei la rona. Lahó Jose Ramos Horta ho ninia ekipa mós ami sira ne’ebé iha rai laran barak mate ona, Sr. Xanana bele mate iha Cipinang no dala ruma ami sira ne’ebé biru maka’as ne’e maka sei bele moris. Tanba ne’e, husu jerasaun foun sira labele fahe lider istóriku sira maibé buka oinsá lori sira tenke hamutuk,” eis lider rezisténsia ne’e esklarese.\nLere mós husu ba Ramos Horta, Mari Alkatiri, Xanana Gusmão ho sira seluk tenke iha konsensu atu lori Timor moris iha estabilidade no progresu nia laran.\n“Eleisaun antesipada ne’ebé mai, ha’u apela ba lider sira atu sukat lian, sai edukadu. Foka de’it ba programa oinsá atu lori moris di’ak ba povu,” nia apela.\nLere informa katak F-FDTL prontu atu asegura eleisaun antesipada, maski oras ne’e Forsa Armadas enfrenta hela difikuldade balun.\nPrevious articleKonserva Istória Pasada Nu’udar Papel Sívita Akadémika\nNext articleDurante 2017 Estadu Hetan Prejuizu US$ 1,5 Milliaun | [
"Frente Esterna-Interna Maka Hahoris Libertasaun Nasional | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DEFEZA Frente Esterna-Interna Maka Hahoris Libertasaun Nasional DILI (TATOLI) -Xefe Estadu Maior FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), Major Jeneral Lere Anan Timur hateten lider istoriku sira ne'ebe uluk serbisu hamutuk tantu Frente Esterna no Frente Interna, tau esforsu no tau matenek hamutuk maka ohin loron Timor-Leste sai nasaun soberanu ida.",
"\"Ohin loron ita haree, kuaze jerasaun foun sira hakarak fahe lider istoriku sira ne'e.",
"Sira ne'ebe fahe lider sira, tanba lahatene istoria no la moris iha prosesu libertasaun nasional ninian,\" Lere hato'o kestaun ne'e ba jornalista sira iha Palasiu Prezidente Nicolau Lobato, Bairru Pite, Dili, Kuarta ne'e, relasiona ho ativista partidu nian balun lansa propaganda hodi soran lider rezistensia sira.",
"Nia haktuir, laho Frente Esterna, Frente Interna labele halo buat ida no laho Frente Interna mos Frente Esterna la halo buat ida.",
"\"Laho Frente Interna, Dr. Jose Ramos Horta ho ninia ekipa bele hakilar dala atus ida mos ema li'ur sei la rona.",
"Laho Jose Ramos Horta ho ninia ekipa mos ami sira ne'ebe iha rai laran barak mate ona, Sr. Xanana bele mate iha Cipinang no dala ruma ami sira ne'ebe biru maka'as ne'e maka sei bele moris.",
"Tanba ne'e, husu jerasaun foun sira labele fahe lider istoriku sira maibe buka oinsa lori sira tenke hamutuk,\" eis lider rezistensia ne'e esklarese.",
"Lere mos husu ba Ramos Horta, Mari Alkatiri, Xanana Gusmao ho sira seluk tenke iha konsensu atu lori Timor moris iha estabilidade no progresu nia laran.",
"\"Eleisaun antesipada ne'ebe mai, ha'u apela ba lider sira atu sukat lian, sai edukadu.",
"Foka de'it ba programa oinsa atu lori moris di'ak ba povu,\" nia apela.",
"Lere informa katak F-FDTL prontu atu asegura eleisaun antesipada, maski oras ne'e Forsa Armadas enfrenta hela difikuldade balun.",
"Previous articleKonserva Istoria Pasada Nu'udar Papel Sivita Akademika Next articleDurante 2017 Estadu Hetan Prejuizu US$ 1,5 Milliaun"
] | [
"Dili (Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DEFEZA) - Chief of Staff FALINTIL – Forsa Defesa TL, Major General Lere Anan Timur said that the historical leaders who worked together both External Front and Internal Frente put their efforts in common to make today's East Тимор a sovereign nation. The internal front was formed by former members from two separate factions: National Liberation Army or FDTL called for independence as an independent country but it did not succeed because there were many obstacles which prevented them working with each other on national liberations projects like this one; they also had no knowledge about what is happening outside our border areas so we couldn’t do anything against these forces.”"
"\"Today we see, almost the new generations want to divide these historical leaders."
"Those who divide the leaders, because they ignore history and do not live in this process of national liberation\", Lere said to journalists at Nicolau Lobato Presidential Palace on Thursday. He referred therein that some party activist have launched a campaign against resistance leader António de Oliveira Salazar (1925- )"
"He said that for the External Front, Internal Frente cannot do anything and also Interior Fronte does nothing."
"\"With the Internal Front, Dr. Jose Ramos Horta and his team can shout a thousand times but outsiders will not hear them.\""
"Besides Jose Ramos Horta and his team, many of us in the country have died. Mr Xanana may die at Cipinang but sometimes we who are so blue will live on someday!"
"Therefore, he asked the new generation not to divide historical leaders but look for ways of bringing them together\", said this former resistance leader."
"Lere also called on Ramos Horta, Mari Alkatiri and Xanana Gusmao with others to reach a consensus in order for Timor-Leste life into stability."
"\"The upcoming early elections, I appeal to the leaders that they measure their language and be educated."
"Focus only on the program of how to bring a better life for people,\" he appealed."
"Lere informed that F-FDTL is ready to secure the early elections, although at present it faces some difficulties."
"Previous articlePreserve Past History As Civic Role of Academics Next artikelDurante 2017 Estado Hetan Prejuizu US$3.5 Miliaun"
] |
By Tempo Timor November 27, 2021 5548\nXefe Estadu Maior-Jenerál FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor Leste (F-FDTL), Tenente-Jenerál Lere Anan Timur, diskursu hela iha área Komandante David Alex ‘Daitula’ lakon, Baukau, sábadu (27/11). Foto Tempo Timor\n"Saudozu Daitula lakon, até agora ema ida la esplika, ha'u hein iha Atelari ne'eba, se mak mai informa lakon tanba ida ne'e, ami komesa deskonfia malu, ha'u hatete momos ba imi alin patriota sira ha'u komesa deskonfia frente klandestina liliu líder sira tanba laiha esplikasaun", dehan Lere, iha serimonia reflesaun David Alex ‘Daitula’ nia lakon, Baukau, sábadu (27/11).\nIha momentu uluk saudozu L4 sei moris atu halo ona problema iha Baukau, tanba L4 ho nia membru sira ne’ebé subar komadante Lere iha Atelari to'o funu remata laiha liman ain ida mak falta, maibé tanba saida saudozu Daitula lakon iha Baukau besik ona odamatan ukun-an nian, maibé laiha ema ida mak esplika.\nKomandante Daitula nia lakon, Lere deskonfia líder klandestina balun, tanba laiha esplikasaun, nune’e saudozu Nino Konis Santana mate tanba moras, maibé sempre mosu dúvida, enkuantu saudozu Sabalae lori surat ba Ermera mós lakon iha dalan ema ida la ko'alia.\nNune’e mós iha deskonfia ba líder klandestina sira hotu, tanba sira mak iha ligasaun ho komadante Daitula, maibé Daitula nia lakon mós se mak traisaun, se laiha naran.\nKomandante Daitula ba Jenerál Lere Anan Timur ema ne'ebé mak kuadru importante no maduru, tanba ema ne'ebé mak preukupa ho nia responsabilidade no halo planu oinsá atu rai Timor hetan ukun rasik-an.\n"Kuandu lakon ha'u dehan tanba saida mak lakon, ami rua marka enkontru iha Laivai, iha dia 24 de juñu 1997, diferensia loron ida nia lakon, ha'u hein to'o kalan la mai, ha'u dehan tanba sa nia la mai, dader labarik sira informa katuas Daitula ema ka'er ona", informa Lere.\nBainhira, Lere rona saudozu Daitula lakon, nia parte sente triste, tanba atu hasoru malu tan ko'alia kona-ba orden operasaun nian, maibé buat hirak ne'e la realiza, tanba ne'e, tempu mak sei ko'alia neneik lian sei sai, kona-ba saudozu Daitula no saudozu Salabae lakon lolós kauza husi saida.\nIha kaisa klandestina nia vantajen bele apoiu Falintil, maibé iha mós nia dezvantajen, tanba traisaun mós barak.\nTraisaun mosu iha Dilor, forsa Falintil barak mak lakon vida, maibé ohin loron ema hotu klandestina no sai rezistensia 18, 19 to'o 24 anós. (*)\nLast modified on Saturday, 27 November 2021 21:06\nPedro Nunes Keri Laran Sabalae\n« Lú Olo: Veteranu iha Direitu ‘Espesiál’, Maibé Tenke Hanoin Povu KO ‘Abandona’ Jornalista iha Serimónia Loron 28 Novembru » | [
"By Tempo Timor November 27, 2021 5548 Xefe Estadu Maior-Jeneral FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor Leste (F-FDTL), Tenente-Jeneral Lere Anan Timur, diskursu hela iha area Komandante David Alex 'Daitula' lakon, Baukau, sabadu (27/11).",
"Foto Tempo Timor \"Saudozu Daitula lakon, ate agora ema ida la esplika, ha'u hein iha Atelari ne'eba, se mak mai informa lakon tanba ida ne'e, ami komesa deskonfia malu, ha'u hatete momos ba imi alin patriota sira ha'u komesa deskonfia frente klandestina liliu lider sira tanba laiha esplikasaun,\" dehan Lere, iha serimonia reflesaun David Alex 'Daitula' nia lakon, Baukau, sabadu (27/11).",
"Iha momentu uluk saudozu L4 sei moris atu halo ona problema iha Baukau, tanba L4 ho nia membru sira ne'ebe subar komadante Lere iha Atelari to'o funu remata laiha liman ain ida mak falta, maibe tanba saida saudozu Daitula lakon iha Baukau besik ona odamatan ukun-an nian, maibe laiha ema ida mak esplika.",
"Komandante Daitula nia lakon, Lere deskonfia lider klandestina balun, tanba laiha esplikasaun, nune'e saudozu Nino Konis Santana mate tanba moras, maibe sempre mosu duvida, enkuantu saudozu Sabalae lori surat ba Ermera mos lakon iha dalan ema ida la ko'alia.",
"Nune'e mos iha deskonfia ba lider klandestina sira hotu, tanba sira mak iha ligasaun ho komadante Daitula, maibe Daitula nia lakon mos se mak traisaun, se laiha naran.",
"Komandante Daitula ba Jeneral Lere Anan Timur ema ne'ebe mak kuadru importante no maduru, tanba ema ne'ebe mak preukupa ho nia responsabilidade no halo planu oinsa atu rai Timor hetan ukun rasik-an.",
"\"Kuandu lakon ha'u dehan tanba saida mak lakon, ami rua marka enkontru iha Laivai, iha dia 24 de junu 1997, diferensia loron ida nia lakon, ha'u hein to'o kalan la mai, ha'u dehan tanba sa nia la mai, dader labarik sira informa katuas Daitula ema ka'er ona,\" informa Lere.",
"Bainhira, Lere rona saudozu Daitula lakon, nia parte sente triste, tanba atu hasoru malu tan ko'alia kona-ba orden operasaun nian, maibe buat hirak ne'e la realiza, tanba ne'e, tempu mak sei ko'alia neneik lian sei sai, kona-ba saudozu Daitula no saudozu Salabae lakon lolos kauza husi saida.",
"Iha kaisa klandestina nia vantajen bele apoiu Falintil, maibe iha mos nia dezvantajen, tanba traisaun mos barak.",
"Traisaun mosu iha Dilor, forsa Falintil barak mak lakon vida, maibe ohin loron ema hotu klandestina no sai rezistensia 18, 19 to'o 24 anos. (*) Last modified on Saturday, 27 November 2021 21:06 Pedro Nunes Keri Laran Sabalae \" Lu Olo: Veteranu iha Direitu 'Espesial', Maibe Tenke Hanoin Povu KO 'Abandona' Jornalista iha Serimonia Loron 28 Novembru \""
] | [
"By Tempo Timor November 27,1983 FALINTIL-Forsa Defesa de Timor Leste (F - FDTL) Chief of Staff General Lieutenant Gen Lere Anan Timur delivers a speech in the area where Commander David Alex 'Daitula' lost his life on Saturday."
"\"Saudozu Daitula lost, so far no one has explained it. I'm waiting in Atelari there; if anyone comes and reports that he is missing because of this we are starting to distrust each other: i have told you many patriotic brother-in -law the clandestine front especially its leaders since they do not provide any explanation\", Lere said at a ceremony commemorating David Alex 'Daitura’ loss on Saturday (27/10)."
"In the early moments of L4's life, he would have created problems in Baukau because his members who killed Commander Lere at Atelari were not missing an arm or a foot until after war ended. But why did Daitula lose himself to them? He was already near independence but no one explained it yet!"
"Commander Daitula's loss, Lere suspected some clandestine leaders because there was no explanation. So the late Nino Konis Santana died due to illness but doubts always arose and while Sabala carrying letter for Ermera also disappeared on his way without anyone speaking about it"
"There is also a mistrust of all the clandestine leaders, because they have connections with Commander Daitula but he loses him if there'd been treason or no name."
"Commander Daitula said to General Lere Anan Timur that he was an important and mature cadre, because a man who took his responsibilities seriously made plans for Timor's independence."
"\"When he lost I told him why, we both made a meeting in Laivai on June 24th of '97. The difference was that one day before his loss i waited until the evening did not come and then said to them because they hadn't seen her there were some children who inform Daitula old man people have been killed\", Lere tells us.\""
"When Lere heard that the late Daitula had disappeared, he felt sad because to meet again and talk about orders of operation but these things were not realized. Therefore time will tell us what happened with his death as well As why it was so unfortunate for Salabaes family who lost their loved one in such a tragic way!"
"The advantage of being in the clandestine was that he could support Falintil, but there were also his drawbacks because many people would be betrayed."
"Treason occurred in Dilor, many Falintil forces lost their lives but today all people are clandestine and become resistance 18-24 years old. (*) Last modified on Saturday (November/December). Pedro Nunes Keri Laran Sabalaes \" Lu Olo: Veteranu iha Direito 'Especial'; maibe Tenke Hare ba Povu KO ‘Abandona’ Jornalista no Ceremonia Loron Novembro / December\""
] |
PSD fo Livre Militantes Vota ba Lu-Olo ho TMR – Radio Liberdade Dili – FM 95.8 Mhz\nPSD fo Livre Militantes Vota ba Lu-Olo ho TMR\nRadio, online – Prezidenti Partido Sosial Demokratiku (PSD) Zacarias Albano da Costa apela ba militantes no apoiantes sira atu iha eleisaun Prezidensial ba segundu ronda hili tuir sira nia hakarak ho konsensia rasik, iha II ronda ba eleisaun mai ne’e.\nPrezidenti PSD kasu lia hirak ne’e ba jornalista foin lalais ne’e. Zacarias hatutan iha eleisaun II ronda mai ne’e PSD fo livre ba ninia militantes no apoiuantes sira atu vota tuir sira nia konsensia rasik.\n“Ami PSD sei simu tomak rezultadu husi eleisaun II ronda ne’e. Husi kandidatu nain 2 ne’e ida mak sai Prezidenti PSD sei ko’opera no fo apoiu ba prosesu dezenvolvimentu nasuan ho povu ne’e,”Zacarias komenta.\nIha eleisaun II rodan ne’e, kandidatu husi partido Fretilin Francisco Guterres ‘Lu-OLo sei kompete ho kandidatu Independente Taur Matan Ruak (TMR). Tuir ajenda iha dia 30 Marsu ba kadidatu nain rua ne’e sei halao kampaina to’o dia 15 de Abril. Iha dia 17 Abril sei halo votasaun.\nFoin lalais liu ba mos Kandidatu Independente Lucas da Costa alias ‘Rama metan’ fo sai ba ninia apoiantes sira atu eleisaun II ronda ne’e vota ho livre no konsensia rasik.\n“Ami sei la fa’an ami nia votus ba kandidatu mak tama ba II ronda, tamba povu nia votus ne’e sei la sosa ho osan,”dehan Rama metan.\nDepois ne’e evolusaun politika lao, Partido KHUNTO, Bloku Proklamador ho kandidatu ne’ebe la liu hanesan Rogerio Lobato no Manuel Tilman halo deklarasaun politika fo apoiu ba Kandidatu Lu-Olo atu sai Prezidenti da Republika periodu 2012-2017.\nGrupo Proklamador Apoiu Lu-Olo ba PR\nRezultadu Provizoriu Apuramentu Lu-Olo ho TMR Ba II Ronda | [
"PSD fo Livre Militantes Vota ba Lu-Olo ho TMR - Radio Liberdade Dili - FM 95.8 Mhz PSD fo Livre Militantes Vota ba Lu-Olo ho TMR Radio, online - Prezidenti Partido Sosial Demokratiku (PSD) Zacarias Albano da Costa apela ba militantes no apoiantes sira atu iha eleisaun Prezidensial ba segundu ronda hili tuir sira nia hakarak ho konsensia rasik, iha II ronda ba eleisaun mai ne'e.",
"Prezidenti PSD kasu lia hirak ne'e ba jornalista foin lalais ne'e.",
"Zacarias hatutan iha eleisaun II ronda mai ne'e PSD fo livre ba ninia militantes no apoiuantes sira atu vota tuir sira nia konsensia rasik.",
"\"Ami PSD sei simu tomak rezultadu husi eleisaun II ronda ne'e.",
"Husi kandidatu nain 2 ne'e ida mak sai Prezidenti PSD sei ko'opera no fo apoiu ba prosesu dezenvolvimentu nasuan ho povu ne'e,\"Zacarias komenta.",
"Iha eleisaun II rodan ne'e, kandidatu husi partido Fretilin Francisco Guterres 'Lu-OLo sei kompete ho kandidatu Independente Taur Matan Ruak (TMR).",
"Tuir ajenda iha dia 30 Marsu ba kadidatu nain rua ne'e sei halao kampaina to'o dia 15 de Abril.",
"Iha dia 17 Abril sei halo votasaun.",
"Foin lalais liu ba mos Kandidatu Independente Lucas da Costa alias 'Rama metan' fo sai ba ninia apoiantes sira atu eleisaun II ronda ne'e vota ho livre no konsensia rasik.",
"\"Ami sei la fa'an ami nia votus ba kandidatu mak tama ba II ronda, tamba povu nia votus ne'e sei la sosa ho osan,\"dehan Rama metan.",
"Depois ne'e evolusaun politika lao, Partido KHUNTO, Bloku Proklamador ho kandidatu ne'ebe la liu hanesan Rogerio Lobato no Manuel Tilman halo deklarasaun politika fo apoiu ba Kandidatu Lu-Olo atu sai Prezidenti da Republika periodu 2012-2017.",
"Grupo Proklamador Apoiu Lu-Olo ba PR Rezultadu Provizoriu Apuramentu Lu-Olo ho TMR Ba II Ronda"
] | [
"PSD Gives Free Militants Vote for Lu-Olo and TMR - Radio Liberdade Dili, FM 95.8 Mhz President of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Zacarias Albano da Costa appealed to its members that they vote in accordance with their own conscience at this second round presidential election on Monday morning during a press conference held by his office today after he received an official letter from Prime Minister José Sócrates stating: \"I am very pleased about your decision.\""
"The President of the PSD made these remarks to a journalist recently."
"Zacarias said that in the upcoming second round of elections, PSD is free for its members and supporters to vote according their own conscience."
"\"We PSD will accept the full results of this second round."
"Of these 2 candidates, one will become President of the PSD and we'll cooperate with him in supporting his efforts to develop our country for its people\", Zacarias commented."
"In this second round of elections, the candidate from Fretilin party Francisco Guterres 'Lu-Olo will compete with Independent Candidate Taur Matan Ruak (TMR)."
"According to the agenda on 30 March, both candidates will be campaigning until April."
"The vote will take place on 17 April."
"Recently, Independent Candidate Lucas da Costa aka 'Rama metan' urged his supporters to vote freely and in their own conscience for the second round of elections."
"\"We will not sell our votes to the candidate who get into round two, because people' s voting rights cannot be bought for money\", Rama metan said."
"After the political evolution took place, Partido KHUNTO and Bloco Proclamador with candidates such as Rogerio Lobato e Manuel Tilman made a declaration of support for Lu-Olo to become President in this period."
"Proklamador Group Supports Lu-Olo for PR Preliminary Results of the Counting Up Of The Voting By TMR For Second Round"
] |
Bankada CNRT prefere millaun $14 ba RAEOA sosa ró foun | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE Bankada CNRT prefere millaun $14 ba RAEOA sosa ró foun\nBankada CNRT prefere millaun $14 ba RAEOA sosa ró foun\nKonferénsia imprensa Bankada CNRT iha sala bankada Parlamentu Nasionál, sábadu (12/12). Imajen TATOLI/Evaristo Soares Martins\nDILI, 12 dezembru 2020 (TATOLI)—Bankada parlamentár Congresso Nacional Reconstrução Timorense (CNRT) prefere millaun $14 atu finaliza Ró Haksolok sosa ró foun tanba kazu to’o ona iha Ministéu Púliku (MP).\nIha Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) 2021, Governu sentrál prevee millaun $127 ba Rejiaun Administrativa Espesiál Oé-cusse Ambeno (RAEOA) inklui millaun $14 hodi finaliza Ró Haksolok.\n“Tuir loloos Governu aloka millaun $14 hodi halo akizisaun ba ró-ahi foun iha nasaun seluk, la’ós kontinua konstrusaun ba besi a’at ne’ebé sai ona objetu krime. Konspirasaun atu hamate justisa iha Timor-Leste ne’e maka sai razaun prinsipál ida ba Bankada CNRT atu evita-an partisipa iha debate Orsamentu Jerál Estadu 2021,” Deputada Bankada CNRT, Maria Fernanda Lay dehan liuhosi konferénsia imprensa, iha sala bankada CNRT, iha Parlamentu Nasionál (PN), sábadu ne’e.\nBankada CNRT lamenta no kondena maka’as bankada parlamentár sira ne’ebé aprova alokasaun adisionál millaun $14 ba atu selu ró-ahi Haksolok.\nRazaun prinsipál ba bankada opozisaun ne’e lamenta tanba konsidera ró-ahi tama ona intervensaun justisa.\nBankada CNRT nota katak Governu hatene prosesu hosi kompañia Atlantic Eagle ne’ebé daudaun bankarota ona no laiha kapitál atu kontinua konstrusaun ró-ahi Haksolok.\n“Agora obriga-an aloka tan orsamentu ne’ebé laiha serteza katak bele finaliza konstrusaun. Aprovasaun adisionál millaun $14 ba ró-ahi Haksolok ne’e hatudu katak iha konspirasaun polítika,” nia akresenta.\nBankada opozisaun ne’e konsidera katak bankada parlamentár ne’ebé aprova alokasaun adisional millaun $14, kontra ona prinsípiu justisa, transparénsia, no akontabilidade.\nBankada ne’e klarifika katak konstrusaun ró atinje ona 90% ne’e la loos.\n“Faktu ne’ebé loos maka, ró-ahi Haksolok ne’e ninia mákina mós seidauk iha no sei presiza tan ekipamentu balun atu bele konklui nia konstrusaun,” nia akresenta.\nDeputada ne’e fundamenta, estaleiru Figueira da Foz ne’ebé hanesan fatin konstrusaun ró-ahi la’ós kompañia Atlantic Eagle nian maibé estaleiru ne’e Governu portugés.\n“Ida-ne’e atu konklui konstrusaun tenke iha envolvimentu hosi Governu Portugál, ne’ebé RAEOA laiha autoridade atubele intervein iha Governu Portugál nia desizaun,” hateten deputada bankada opozisaun ne’e.\nPrevious articleSECoop husu Asosiasaun Naroman nakfilak aan ba kooperativa\nNext articleReitór UNPAZ enkoraja finalista Saúde Públika 236 labele lakon morál | [
"Bankada CNRT prefere millaun $14 ba RAEOA sosa ro foun | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Bankada CNRT prefere millaun $14 ba RAEOA sosa ro foun Bankada CNRT prefere millaun $14 ba RAEOA sosa ro foun Konferensia imprensa Bankada CNRT iha sala bankada Parlamentu Nasional, sabadu (12/12).",
"Imajen TATOLI/Evaristo Soares Martins DILI, 12 dezembru 2020 (TATOLI) - Bankada parlamentar Congresso Nacional Reconstrucao Timorense (CNRT) prefere millaun $14 atu finaliza Ro Haksolok sosa ro foun tanba kazu to'o ona iha Ministeu Puliku (MP).",
"Iha Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2021, Governu sentral prevee millaun $127 ba Rejiaun Administrativa Espesial Oe-cusse Ambeno (RAEOA) inklui millaun $14 hodi finaliza Ro Haksolok.",
"\"Tuir loloos Governu aloka millaun $14 hodi halo akizisaun ba ro-ahi foun iha nasaun seluk, la'os kontinua konstrusaun ba besi a'at ne'ebe sai ona objetu krime.",
"Konspirasaun atu hamate justisa iha Timor-Leste ne'e maka sai razaun prinsipal ida ba Bankada CNRT atu evita-an partisipa iha debate Orsamentu Jeral Estadu 2021,\" Deputada Bankada CNRT, Maria Fernanda Lay dehan liuhosi konferensia imprensa, iha sala bankada CNRT, iha Parlamentu Nasional (PN), sabadu ne'e.",
"Bankada CNRT lamenta no kondena maka'as bankada parlamentar sira ne'ebe aprova alokasaun adisional millaun $14 ba atu selu ro-ahi Haksolok.",
"Razaun prinsipal ba bankada opozisaun ne'e lamenta tanba konsidera ro-ahi tama ona intervensaun justisa.",
"Bankada CNRT nota katak Governu hatene prosesu hosi kompania Atlantic Eagle ne'ebe daudaun bankarota ona no laiha kapital atu kontinua konstrusaun ro-ahi Haksolok.",
"\"Agora obriga-an aloka tan orsamentu ne'ebe laiha serteza katak bele finaliza konstrusaun.",
"Aprovasaun adisional millaun $14 ba ro-ahi Haksolok ne'e hatudu katak iha konspirasaun politika,\" nia akresenta.",
"Bankada opozisaun ne'e konsidera katak bankada parlamentar ne'ebe aprova alokasaun adisional millaun $14, kontra ona prinsipiu justisa, transparensia, no akontabilidade.",
"Bankada ne'e klarifika katak konstrusaun ro atinje ona 90% ne'e la loos.",
"\"Faktu ne'ebe loos maka, ro-ahi Haksolok ne'e ninia makina mos seidauk iha no sei presiza tan ekipamentu balun atu bele konklui nia konstrusaun,\" nia akresenta.",
"Deputada ne'e fundamenta, estaleiru Figueira da Foz ne'ebe hanesan fatin konstrusaun ro-ahi la'os kompania Atlantic Eagle nian maibe estaleiru ne'e Governu portuges.",
"\"Ida-ne'e atu konklui konstrusaun tenke iha envolvimentu hosi Governu Portugal, ne'ebe RAEOA laiha autoridade atubele intervein iha Governu Portugal nia desizaun,\" hateten deputada bankada opozisaun ne'e.",
"Previous articleSECoop husu Asosiasaun Naroman nakfilak aan ba kooperativa Next articleReitor UNPAZ enkoraja finalista Saude Publika 236 labele lakon moral"
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"CNRT Group prefers $14 million for RAEOA to buy new boat | TIMOR HEADLINE Fretilin group favoring aid of US$20m in the National Parliament press conference on Saturday (Dec.)"
"DILI, December 12th (Agência Fides) - The parliamentary group of the National Congress for Reconstruction in Timor-Leste prefers to finalize Ro Haksolok purchase a new boat with $40 million because it has already reached Ministerial Office."
"In the General State Budget (GSB) 2019, central government provides $3.5 billion for Oe-cusse Ambeno Special Administration Region ($4 million to complete Ro Haksolok)."
"\"The government should have allocated $14 million to acquire new railroads in other countries, not continue construction on the small railway that has become a crime."
"The conspiracy to kill justice in Timor-Leste is the main reason why CNRT Group avoids participating at debate on State Budget 2019,\" said Maria Fernanda Lay (CNRT) during a press conference held Saturday."
"The CNRP Group deplores and strongly condemns the parliamentary groups that approved an additional $14 million allocation to pay for Haksolok railway."
"The main reason for the opposition's banquet is this regret because they consider that ro-rai has entered justice intervention."
"The CNRP Group notes that the Government is aware of processes by Atlantic Eagle, which has now gone bankrupt and lacks capital to continue construction on Haksolok."
"\"Now we are forced to allocate another budget with no certainty that construction will be complete."
"The approval of an additional $14 million for the Haksolok railway shows that there is a political conspiracy,\" he added."
"The opposition group considers that the parliamentary block which approved an additional $14 million allocation, violated principle of justice and transparency."
"The group clarified that it was not true to say the ship construction had reached 90%."
"\"The truth is that the Haksolok's engine has not yet been installed and it will require some additional equipment in order to complete its construction,\" he added."
"The deputy stated that the Figueira da Foz shipyard, which is used as a railroad construction site was not owned by Atlantic Eagle but rather belongs to Portugal."
"\"This is to conclude the construction must be involving of Government Portugal, which RAEOA has no authority for intervening on Portuguese government's decision\", said opposition deputy."
"Previous articleSECoop asks the Naroman Association to become a cooperative Next artikelRector of UNPAZ encourages finalist Public Health 236 not lose moral."
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SIKN buska no halo apreensaun ba dokumentu ho materiál ANC nian | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI SIKN buska no halo apreensaun ba dokumentu ho materiál ANC nian\nSIKN buska no halo apreensaun ba dokumentu ho materiál ANC nian\nEkipa Servisu Investigasaun Kriminál Nasionál (SIKN) PNTL halo inspesaun ba haree fasilidade no ekipamentu IT-ANC nian. Imajen Tatoli/Eugénio Pereira\nDILI, 23 dezembru 2020 (TATOLI) – Ekipa Servisu Investigasaun Kriminál Nasionál (SIKN) Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL), ohin, purvolta tuku 10:00 Otl, ezekuta mandadu Tribunál Distritál Dili ho númeru NUK, 0166/2020/SIKIN hodi buska no halo apreensaun ba dokumentu no materiál importante sira iha Autoridade Nasionál Komunikasaun (ANC).\nNotísia Relevante : IT-ANC rekoñese operadór telekomunikasaun balun halo koneksaun internet ilegál\nEkipamentu tekníku IT-ANC nian. Imajen Tatoli/Augénio Pereira\nDokumentu no materiál importante sira ne’ebé parte SIKN rekolla no halo apreensaun maka hanesan;\nQuality Monotoring System-Nemo Out-door Test Coll (Sistema de monitoramente de qualidade teste nemo ao ar livre), folhas 861.\nSIKN mós koopera no reprezentante IT-ANC hodi halo mós apreensaun ba materiál seluk tan hanesan, Laptop Accer ida, telefone rua, Radio Komunikasaun (HT) rua no dokumentu sira liga ho dadus kompañia ualu (8) ne’ebé hato’o pedidu ba lisensa Internet Supply Provider (ISP).\nKarreta IT-ANC nian. Imajen Tatoli/Eugénio Pereira\nHafoin rekolla materiál hirak ne’e, ekipa SIKN asegura kedas ekipamentu hirak ne’e hodi aprezenta ba Ministériu Públiku nu’udar na’in ba asaun penal nu’udar evidénsia.\nSIKN foti mós dokumentu kompañia ualu hanesan, Ace Consultancy, Lda, Cenime Network Satcom Timor, Lda, Gardamor ISP, Lda, Globalnet Unipesoal Lda, Metrolink Lda, Raph Vision Electronic Unipessoal Lda, Websatmedia Unipesoal Lda no W-Net Unipespal Lda ne’ebé antes ne’e hato’o pedidu ba ANC.\nHosi kompañia hirak ne’e, SIKN halo ona buska no apreensaun ba kompañia sira hanesan, Elite Computer, Globalnet Unipesoal Lda, ho R2M IT Solution ne’ebé halo koneksaun rede satélite ilegál hosi Singapura hodi fornese mai Timor-Leste.\nKompañia hirak ne’e mós identifika balun foin hatama sira nia pedidu ba ANC no parte ANC mezmu ba halo ona identifikasaun ba kompañia sira-nia lokalizasaun, maibé seidauk hetan sertifikadu Internet Supply Provider (ISP).\nSIKN sei kontinua halo nafatin operasaun buska no apreensaun ba suspeitu hosi kompañia ilegál seluk ne’ebé eziste iha Timor-Leste.\nPrevious articleIT-ANC rekoñese operadór telekomunikasaun balun halo koneksaun internet ilegál\nNext articleUtilizadór viatura Estadu tenke destaka karreta Estadu iha servisu fatin | [
"SIKN buska no halo apreensaun ba dokumentu ho material ANC nian | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI SIKN buska no halo apreensaun ba dokumentu ho material ANC nian SIKN buska no halo apreensaun ba dokumentu ho material ANC nian Ekipa Servisu Investigasaun Kriminal Nasional (SIKN) PNTL halo inspesaun ba haree fasilidade no ekipamentu IT-ANC nian.",
"Imajen Tatoli/Eugenio Pereira DILI, 23 dezembru 2020 (TATOLI) - Ekipa Servisu Investigasaun Kriminal Nasional (SIKN) Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL), ohin, purvolta tuku 10:00 Otl, ezekuta mandadu Tribunal Distrital Dili ho numeru NUK, 0166/2020/SIKIN hodi buska no halo apreensaun ba dokumentu no material importante sira iha Autoridade Nasional Komunikasaun (ANC).",
"Notisia Relevante: IT-ANC rekonese operador telekomunikasaun balun halo koneksaun internet ilegal Ekipamentu tekniku IT-ANC nian.",
"Imajen Tatoli/Augenio Pereira Dokumentu no material importante sira ne'ebe parte SIKN rekolla no halo apreensaun maka hanesan; Quality Monotoring System-Nemo Out-door Test Coll (Sistema de monitoramente de qualidade teste nemo ao ar livre), folhas 861.",
"SIKN mos koopera no reprezentante IT-ANC hodi halo mos apreensaun ba material seluk tan hanesan, Laptop Accer ida, telefone rua, Radio Komunikasaun (HT) rua no dokumentu sira liga ho dadus kompania ualu (8) ne'ebe hato'o pedidu ba lisensa Internet Supply Provider (ISP).",
"Karreta IT-ANC nian.",
"Imajen Tatoli/Eugenio Pereira Hafoin rekolla material hirak ne'e, ekipa SIKN asegura kedas ekipamentu hirak ne'e hodi aprezenta ba Ministeriu Publiku nu'udar na'in ba asaun penal nu'udar evidensia.",
"SIKN foti mos dokumentu kompania ualu hanesan, Ace Consultancy, Lda, Cenime Network Satcom Timor, Lda, Gardamor ISP, Lda, Globalnet Unipesoal Lda, Metrolink Lda, Raph Vision Electronic Unipessoal Lda, Websatmedia Unipesoal Lda no W-Net Unipespal Lda ne'ebe antes ne'e hato'o pedidu ba ANC.",
"Hosi kompania hirak ne'e, SIKN halo ona buska no apreensaun ba kompania sira hanesan, Elite Computer, Globalnet Unipesoal Lda, ho R2M IT Solution ne'ebe halo koneksaun rede satelite ilegal hosi Singapura hodi fornese mai Timor-Leste.",
"Kompania hirak ne'e mos identifika balun foin hatama sira nia pedidu ba ANC no parte ANC mezmu ba halo ona identifikasaun ba kompania sira-nia lokalizasaun, maibe seidauk hetan sertifikadu Internet Supply Provider (ISP).",
"SIKN sei kontinua halo nafatin operasaun buska no apreensaun ba suspeitu hosi kompania ilegal seluk ne'ebe eziste iha Timor-Leste.",
"Previous articleIT-ANC rekonese operador telekomunikasaun balun halo koneksaun internet ilegal Next articleUtilizador viatura Estadu tenke destaka karreta Estadu iha servisu fatin"
] | [
"SIKN seeks and seizes documents with ANC material | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Sikn searches for, confiscates documentation containing African National Congress (ANC) materials The team of the Servisu Investigasaun Kriminal Nasional(SIKN), a national criminal investigation service under police authority in Dili province has carried out an inspections to check on IT facilities."
"DILI, December 23rd (TATOLI) - The National Criminal Investigation Service team of the Timor-Leste Police today at around midnight executed a warrant issued by Dili District Court under NUK No.0165/4879 to search and seize important documents in possession from ANC’s Office for Information Security Management System(OSIS)."
"Relevant news: IT-ANC acknowledges some telecommunication operator make illegal internet connection The technical equipment of the ITN."
"Image Tatoli/Augenio Pereira Documents in the important material that SIKN collected and seized are; Quality Monotoring System-Nemo Outdoor Test Coll, sheet 861."
"SIKN also cooperated with IT-ANC representatives to seize other materials such as a Laptop Accer, two telephones and radio communication (RT) devices. The seizure included documents linking the data of eight companies that had applied for Internet Supply Provider license(ISP)."
"The IT-ANC trolley."
"Image Tatoli/Eugenio Pereira After collecting these materials, the SIKN team immediately secured this equipment to present it as evidence for criminal proceedings with Public Prosecutor' s Office."
"SIKN also obtained documents from five companies, Ace Consultancy Lda. Cenime Network Satcom Timor Ltda Gardamor ISP ltd Globalnet Unipesoal Limited Metrolink LP Raph Vision Electronic Personal limited Websatmedia personal restricted and W-Net unipespal LLC that had previously submitted a request to the ANC in order for them as well have been allowed access of information on their accounts at any time without prior notice or permission by an individual who has not yet received such documentation (see below)."
"Of these companies, SIKN has searched for and seized Elite Computers Ltd. (ECSL), Globalnet Unipesoal Lda; R2M IT Solution which made illegal satellite network connection from Singapore to supply Timor-Leste with internet services in the past 10 years"
"These companies also identified some that have just submitted their applications to the ANC and although they had already been localized by it, yet still did not obtain an Internet Supply Provider (ISP) certificate."
"SIKN will continue to carry out search and seizure operations for suspects of other illegal companies existing in Timor-Leste."
"Previous articleIT-ANC acknowledges some telecommunication operator make illegal internet connection Next artikelState vehicle users must display State car at workplace"
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Kuda haat reprezenta saida?\nLEE IHA Afrikander Albanés Alemaun Amáriku Armenu Armenu (oeste) Aymara Azerbaijanu Azerbaijanu (Siríliku) Baoule Bashkir Batak (Karo) Batak (Toba) Bengali Biak Bicol Bislama Búlgaru Chichewa Chitonga Chitonga (Malavi) Chitumbuka Chiyao Chokwe Chuvash Cibemba Cinyanja Dangme Dinamarkés Drehu Ebraiku Efik Eslovaku Eslovenu Españól Estonianu Ewe Fijianu Finlandés Fon Fransés Ga Gregu Guarani Gun Hausa Hiligaynon Hindi Hiri Motu Ibanag Igbo Iloko Indonézia Inglés Isoko Italianu Izlandés Japonés Javanés Jeorjianu Kabiye Katalaun Kazakh Kikamba Kikaonde Kikongo Kikuyu Kiluba Kimbundu Kiniaruanda Kirghiz Kiribati Kirundi Kisonge Kongo Koreanu Krioulu Haití Krioulu Maurísiu Krioulu Seixeles Kroata Kurdish Kurmanji (Caucasus) Kurdish Kurmanji (Cyrillic) Kwangali Kwanyama Lingala Lituanu Luganda Lunda Luo Luvale Malaiu Malayalam Malgaxe Maltés Mam Mambwe-Lungu Masedóniu Maya Mbunda Mizo Myanmar Ndebele Ndonga Nedebele (Zimbabué) Nepalés Ngangela Nias Niuean Noruegés Nyaneka Nzema Náuatle (Puebla norte) Olandés Oromo Ossetian Otetela Pangasinan Papiamento (Aruba) Papiamentu (Kurasau) Persa Pidgin Illas Salomaun Polaku Portugés (Brazil) Quechua (Ancash) Quechua (Ayacucho) Quechua (Bolivia) Quechua (Cuzco) Quichua (Imbabura) Rarotongan Romenu Rusu Samoanu Sango Sebuanu Sepedi Setswana Sezotu (Lezotu) Sezotu (África Súl) Shona Silozi Singalés Sranantongo Sueku Swahili Swahili (Kongu) Swati Sérviu (Siríliku) Sérviu (latino) Tagalog Tahitian Tailandés Tamil Tatar Tetun Dili Tigrinya Tiv Tojolabal Tok Pisin Tonganés Tshiluba Tsonga Turku Twi Tzotzil Ukranianu Umbundu Urdu Urhobo Venda Vietnamita Wallisian Waray-Waray Wayuunaiki Xeku Xhosa Xinés Kantonés (tradisionál) Xinés Mandarín (simples) Xinés Mandarín (tradisionál) Yoruba Zande Zulu Árabe Úngaru\nINFORMASAUN IHA OIN | VIZAUN KONA-BA KUDA HAAT—OINSÁ MAK IDA-NEʼE KONA ITA?\nKuda haat husi livru Apokalipse—Sira reprezenta saida?\nKarik vizaun kona-ba kuda haat neʼe halo ita sente taʼuk ka konfuzaun. Maibé Bíblia no buat oioin neʼebé akontese ohin loron ajuda ita atu komprende kona-ba kuda ida-idak reprezenta saida. No maski vizaun neʼe fó sai susar neʼebé sei mosu iha mundu, maibé neʼe mós lori liafuan diʼak ba Ita. Oinsá? Primeiru, mai ita buka-hatene kuda ida-idak reprezenta saida.\nVizaun neʼe komesa ho liafuan tuirmai neʼe: “Haʼu haree kuda mutin ida; no ida neʼebé tuur iha leten kaer hela rama ida; no Maromak fó ba nia koroa ida no nia bá hodi manán ninia inimigu sira hotu.”—Apokalipse 6:2.\nSé mak saʼe kuda mutin neʼe? Parte ikus husi livru Apokalipse hatudu ho klaru katak ida neʼebé saʼe kuda neʼe mak “Liafuan Maromak nian.” (Apokalipse 19:11-13) Iha Bíblia laran, títulu “Liafuan” refere ba Jesus Kristu, tanba nia hatoʼo Maromak nia liafuan. (João 1:1, 14) Bíblia mós bolu Jesus nuʼudar “Liurai liurai sira-nian no Naʼi naʼi sira-nian” no mós nuʼudar “Laran-Metin no Lia-Loos”. (Apokalipse 19:11, 16) Jesus iha duni kbiit boot nuʼudar liurai asuwaʼin ida, no nia sempre uza ninia kbiit neʼe atu halo buat neʼebé loos.\nMaibé sé mak fó kbiit ba Jesus atu manán ninia inimigu sira? (Apokalipse 6:2) Tuir profeta Daniel nia vizaun ida, Mesias, ka “ida neʼebé hanesan oan-mane husi ema”, simu ‘kbiit nuʼudar liurai, dignidade no ukun’ husi Maromak Jeová, * “Ida neʼebé iha ona horiuluk kedas”. (Daniel 7:13, 14) Sin, Maromak neʼebé Boot Liu Hotu mak fó ba Jesus kbiit no direitu atu ukun no tesi lia. No dala barak Bíblia temi kór mutin atu reprezenta justisa. Tan neʼe, kuda mutin mak símbolu ba funu neʼebé Maromak nia Oan halo ho justisa.—Apokalipse 3:4; 7:9, 13, 14.\nHoribainhira mak kuda sira-neʼe komesa halai? Jesus neʼebé saʼe kuda primeiru komesa halai iha tempu neʼebé nia simu koroa. (Apokalipse 6:2) Bainhira mak Jesus simu koroa no sai Liurai iha lalehan? Neʼe laʼós iha tempu neʼebé nia foin fila fali ba lalehan. Bíblia hatudu katak Jesus presiza hein ba tempu balu atu sai liurai. (Ebreu 10:12, 13) Jesus fó-hatene nanis ba ninia dixípulu sira katak bainhira nia komesa ukun iha lalehan, buat aat oioin sei mosu iha mundu neʼe, hanesan funu, rai-hamlaha no moras oioin. (Mateus 24:3, 7; Lucas 21:10, 11) Lakleur depois Funu Mundiál Primeiru hahú iha tinan 1914, mundu nia situasaun hatudu ho klaru katak iha tinan neʼe mak Jesus sai Liurai iha lalehan, no tempu neʼebé Bíblia bolu nuʼudar “loron ikus sira” hahú ona.—2 Timóteo 3:1-5.\nMaibé se Jesus sai ona Liurai iha tinan 1914, tanbasá mak mundu nia situasaun sai aat liután ba beibeik? Neʼe tanba Jesus ukun iha lalehan, laʼós iha rai. Bainhira Jesus foin sai Liurai, funu ida mosu iha lalehan, no Jesus, ka Miguel, soe tun Satanás no anju aat sira ba rai. (Apokalipse 12:7-9, 12) Husi tempu neʼebá, Satanás hirus tebes tanba hatene katak ninia tempu hela uitoan deʼit. Tuir loloos, lakleur tan, Maromak sei kumpre ninia hakarak ba mundu neʼe. (Mateus 6:10) Entaun, tanba kuda tolu seluk reprezenta situasaun neʼebé mosu daudauk iha mundu tomak, mai ita buka-hatene oinsá mak kuda sira-neʼe bele ajuda ita atu fiar katak ita moris iha “loron ikus sira”.\n“Kuda ida seluk sai mai, kuda neʼe kór mean lakan; no ida neʼebé tuur iha kuda neʼe nia leten simu kbiit atu hasai tiha dame husi rai atu nuneʼe ema sei oho malu; no nia simu surik boot ida.”—Apokalipse 6:4.\nKuda mean neʼe reprezenta funu, neʼebé halakon dame iha mundu tomak, laʼós iha nasaun balu deʼit. Iha tinan 1914, funu mundiál akontese ba dala primeiru iha ema nia istória. Tuirmai, funu mundiál segundu mós akontese no lori susar boot liután. Matenek-naʼin balu hatete katak, husi tinan 1914 toʼo ohin loron, ema naʼin-100.000.000 liu mak mate tanba funu! Liután neʼe, iha mós ema barak tebes neʼebé hetan kanek todan durante funu.\nFunu fó impaktu aat duni ba mundu ohin loron. Ho teknolojia modernu, ema halo armas oioin neʼebé bele halakon ema hotu iha mundu neʼe. Maski organizasaun oioin hanesan Nasoins Unidas hakaʼas an atu habelar dame, maibé sira la iha forsa atu hapara kuda mean neʼe.\n“Haʼu haree kuda metan ida; no ida neʼebé tuur iha kuda neʼe nia leten kaer hela dasin iha nia liman. No haʼu rona lian ida husi anju haat nia klaran, dehan: ‘Trigu kilograma ida iha folin denáriu ida no sevada kilograma tolu iha folin denáriu ida; no keta estraga mina oliveira nian no tua-uvas.’”—Apokalipse 6:5, 6.\nKuda neʼe reprezenta hamlaha. Lian ida hatete katak trigu kilograma ida nia folin mak denáriu ida. Iha Bíblia nia tempu, atu manán denáriu ida, ema presiza serbisu ba loron tomak! (Mateus 20:2) Maski denáriu ida bele sosa sevada kilograma tolu tanba sevada mak baratu liu fali trigu, maibé neʼe mós la toʼo ba família boot. Ema mós hetan avizu atu labele gasta arbiru mina oliveira no tua-uvas. Tanba mina oliveira no tua-uvas mak buat neʼebé ema uza loron-loron iha Bíblia nia tempu, avizu neʼe hatudu katak ema sei hasoru susar boot.\nIha ka lae, evidénsia ruma neʼebé hatudu katak kuda metan neʼe halai daudauk? Iha! Husi tinan 1901 toʼo 2000, maizumenus ema naʼin-70.000.000 mak mate tanba hamlaha. Tuir relatóriu ida, “husi tinan 2012 toʼo 2014, ema naʼin-805.000.000 (maizumenus porsentu 11 husi mundu nia populasaun) mak hetan susar tanba malnutrisaun”. Relatóriu seluk mós fó sai katak “tinan-tinan, ema neʼebé mate tanba hamlaha mak barak liu fali ema neʼebé mate tanba AIDS, malária no tuberkuloze”. Maski organizasaun barak hakaʼas an atu halakon hamlaha, maibé kuda metan neʼe kontinua halai.\nKUDA NEʼEBÉ KAMUTIS\n“Haʼu haree kuda ida neʼebé kamutis; no ida neʼebé tuur iha leten naran Mate. No Rate laʼo tuir nia. No sira simu kbiit ba rai baluk ida, hodi oho ho surik naruk, ho rai-hamlaha, ho moras neʼebé halo mate, no ho animál fuik iha rai.”—Apokalipse 6:8.\nKuda ikus reprezenta mate tanba moras ka razaun seluk. Lakleur depois tinan 1914, ema rihun ba rihun mate tanba flu Españól. Ema neʼebé kona moras neʼe mak maizumenus naʼin-500.000.000, neʼe mak porsentu 33 husi mundu nia populasaun iha tempu neʼebá!\nMaibé iha mós moras aat seluk tan. Matenek-naʼin sira hatete katak husi tinan 1901 toʼo 2000, ema naʼin-300.000.000 liu mak mate tanba moras varíola. Toʼo ohin loron, maski doutór sira-nia matenek aumenta ba beibeik, maibé moras aat oioin hanesan AIDS, tuberkuloze no malária kontinua habadak ema barak nia moris.\nFunu, hamlaha no moras halo ema barak mate. No tuir vizaun iha livru Apokalipse, Rate laʼo tuir kuda ikus hodi halibur vítima sira.\nESPERANSA BA FUTURU!\nLakleur tan, tempu susar neʼe sei ramata. Ita aprende ona katak, iha tinan 1914, Jesus komesa “manán ninia inimigu sira”, no soe tun Diabu Satanás husi lalehan ba rai. Maibé nia seidauk manán ninia inimigu sira iha dalan neʼebé kompletu. (Apokalipse 6:2; 12:9, 12) Lakleur tan, iha funu Armajedón, Jesus sei kesi metin Satanás no halakon ema aat hotu neʼebé apoia nia. (Apokalipse 20:1-3) Laʼós neʼe deʼit, Jesus mós sei halakon kuda tolu neʼe no hadiʼa fali mundu nia situasaun aat. Oinsá? Haree toʼok Bíblia nia promesa balu.\nSei la iha tan funu, maibé iha dame. Jeová “sei hapara funu sira iha rai tomak. Nia halo tohar rama no harahun diman.” (Salmo [Mazmur] 46:9) Ema neʼebé hadomi dame “sei hetan ksolok boot tanba iha dame barak”.—Salmo 37:11.\nSei la iha tan hamlaha, maibé iha ai-han barak. “Sei iha ai-han barak iha rai; foho-tutun sira sei nakonu ho ai-han.”—Salmo (Mazmur) 72:16.\nJesus sei hadiʼa situasaun aat neʼebé kuda tolu seluk hamosu\nSei la iha tan moras no mate, no ema hotu sei haksolok ho saúde diʼak no moris ba nafatin. Maromak “sei hamaran sira-nia matan-been hotu husi sira-nia matan, no mate sei la iha tan, no ema sei la tanis tan ka laran-susar ka laran-triste”.—Apokalipse 21:4.\nBainhira Jesus iha rai, nia hatudu nanis situasaun diʼak neʼebé ema sei hetan iha futuru iha ninia ukun okos. Nia hanorin ema atu buka dame. Nia mós halo milagre oioin, hanesan fó-han ema rihun ba rihun, kura ema neʼebé moras, no halo ema mate moris fali.—Mateus 12:15; 14:19-21; 26:52; João 11:43, 44.\nTestemuña ba Jeová kontente atu hatudu ba Ita husi Bíblia oinsá mak Ita rasik bele prepara an ba tempu neʼebé Jesus sei halakon kuda tolu neʼe. Ita hakarak hatene liután kona-ba neʼe ka lae?\n^ par. 7 Jeová mak Maromak nia naran neʼebé temi iha Bíblia.\nKuda haat iha livru Apokalipse\nApokalipse 6:1, 2\nIda neʼebé saʼe kuda neʼe mak Jesus Kristu. Nia sai liurai iha tinan 1914, no lakleur tan, nia sei halakon ninia inimigu no ema nia susar hotu.\nApokalipse 6:3, 4\nKUDA MEAN LAKAN\nKuda neʼe reprezenta funu. Husi tinan 1914, ema rihun ba rihun mate tanba funu mundiál no funu kiʼik sira.\nApokalipse 6:5, 6\nKuda neʼe reprezenta hamlaha. Rai-hamlaha halo ema rihun ba rihun terus no mate.\nApokalipse 6:7, 8\nKuda neʼe reprezenta mate tanba moras no razaun seluk tan. Rate laʼo tuir kuda ikus neʼe hodi halibur vítima sira.\nBíblia nia hanorin kona-ba Mundu nia rohan\nSaida loos mak “mundu neʼe” neʼebé besik ona atu lakon? Oinsá mak ida-neʼe sei akontese?\nBuka-hatene saida mak liafuan diʼak husi Maromak, tanbasá ida-neʼe importante tebes, no ita presiza halo saida. | [
"Kuda haat reprezenta saida?",
"LEE IHA Afrikander Albanes Alemaun Amariku Armenu Armenu (oeste) Aymara Azerbaijanu Azerbaijanu (Siriliku) Baoule Bashkir Batak (Karo) Batak (Toba) Bengali Biak Bicol Bislama Bulgaru Chichewa Chitonga Chitonga (Malavi) Chitumbuka Chiyao Chokwe Chuvash Cibemba Cinyanja Dangme Dinamarkes Drehu Ebraiku Efik Eslovaku Eslovenu Espanol Estonianu Ewe Fijianu Finlandes Fon Franses Ga Gregu Guarani Gun Hausa Hiligaynon Hindi Hiri Motu Ibanag Igbo Iloko Indonezia Ingles Isoko Italianu Izlandes Japones Javanes Jeorjianu Kabiye Katalaun Kazakh Kikamba Kikaonde Kikongo Kikuyu Kiluba Kimbundu Kiniaruanda Kirghiz Kiribati Kirundi Kisonge Kongo Koreanu Krioulu Haiti Krioulu Maurisiu Krioulu Seixeles Kroata Kurdish Kurmanji (Caucasus) Kurdish Kurmanji (Cyrillic) Kwangali Kwanyama Lingala Lituanu Luganda Lunda Luo Luvale Malaiu Malayalam Malgaxe Maltes Mam Mambwe-Lungu Masedoniu Maya Mbunda Mizo Myanmar Ndebele Ndonga Nedebele (Zimbabue) Nepales Ngangela Nias Niuean Norueges Nyaneka Nzema Nauatle (Puebla norte) Olandes Oromo Ossetian Otetela Pangasinan Papiamento (Aruba) Papiamentu (Kurasau) Persa Pidgin Illas Salomaun Polaku Portuges (Brazil) Quechua (Ancash) Quechua (Ayacucho) Quechua (Bolivia) Quechua (Cuzco) Quichua (Imbabura) Rarotongan Romenu Rusu Samoanu Sango Sebuanu Sepedi Setswana Sezotu (Lezotu) Sezotu (Africa Sul) Shona Silozi Singales Sranantongo Sueku Swahili Swahili (Kongu) Swati Serviu (Siriliku) Serviu (latino) Tagalog Tahitian Tailandes Tamil Tatar Tetun Dili Tigrinya Tiv Tojolabal Tok Pisin Tonganes Tshiluba Tsonga Turku Twi Tzotzil Ukranianu Umbundu Urdu Urhobo Venda Vietnamita Wallisian Waray-Waray Wayuunaiki Xeku Xhosa Xines Kantones (tradisional) Xines Mandarin (simples) Xines Mandarin (tradisional) Yoruba Zande Zulu Arabe Ungaru INFORMASAUN IHA OIN | VIZAUN KONA-BA KUDA HAAT - OINSA MAK IDA-NE'E KONA ITA?",
"Kuda haat husi livru Apokalipse - Sira reprezenta saida?",
"Karik vizaun kona-ba kuda haat ne'e halo ita sente ta'uk ka konfuzaun.",
"Maibe Biblia no buat oioin ne'ebe akontese ohin loron ajuda ita atu komprende kona-ba kuda ida-idak reprezenta saida.",
"No maski vizaun ne'e fo sai susar ne'ebe sei mosu iha mundu, maibe ne'e mos lori liafuan di'ak ba Ita.",
"Primeiru, mai ita buka-hatene kuda ida-idak reprezenta saida.",
"Vizaun ne'e komesa ho liafuan tuirmai ne'e: \"Ha'u haree kuda mutin ida; no ida ne'ebe tuur iha leten kaer hela rama ida; no Maromak fo ba nia koroa ida no nia ba hodi manan ninia inimigu sira hotu.\" - Apokalipse 6:2.",
"Se mak sa'e kuda mutin ne'e?",
"Parte ikus husi livru Apokalipse hatudu ho klaru katak ida ne'ebe sa'e kuda ne'e mak \"Liafuan Maromak nian.\"",
"(Apokalipse 19:11-13) Iha Biblia laran, titulu \"Liafuan\" refere ba Jesus Kristu, tanba nia hato'o Maromak nia liafuan.",
"(Joao 1:1, 14) Biblia mos bolu Jesus nu'udar \"Liurai liurai sira-nian no Na'i na'i sira-nian\" no mos nu'udar \"Laran-Metin no Lia-Loos.\"",
"(Apokalipse 19:11, 16) Jesus iha duni kbiit boot nu'udar liurai asuwa'in ida, no nia sempre uza ninia kbiit ne'e atu halo buat ne'ebe loos.",
"Maibe se mak fo kbiit ba Jesus atu manan ninia inimigu sira?",
"(Apokalipse 6:2) Tuir profeta Daniel nia vizaun ida, Mesias, ka \"ida ne'ebe hanesan oan-mane husi ema,\" simu 'kbiit nu'udar liurai, dignidade no ukun' husi Maromak Jeova, * \"Ida ne'ebe iha ona horiuluk kedas.\"",
"(Daniel 7:13, 14) Sin, Maromak ne'ebe Boot Liu Hotu mak fo ba Jesus kbiit no direitu atu ukun no tesi lia.",
"No dala barak Biblia temi kor mutin atu reprezenta justisa.",
"Tan ne'e, kuda mutin mak simbolu ba funu ne'ebe Maromak nia Oan halo ho justisa. - Apokalipse 3:4; 7:9, 13, 14.",
"Horibainhira mak kuda sira-ne'e komesa halai?",
"Jesus ne'ebe sa'e kuda primeiru komesa halai iha tempu ne'ebe nia simu koroa.",
"(Apokalipse 6:2) Bainhira mak Jesus simu koroa no sai Liurai iha lalehan?",
"Ne'e la'os iha tempu ne'ebe nia foin fila fali ba lalehan.",
"Biblia hatudu katak Jesus presiza hein ba tempu balu atu sai liurai.",
"(Ebreu 10:12, 13) Jesus fo-hatene nanis ba ninia dixipulu sira katak bainhira nia komesa ukun iha lalehan, buat aat oioin sei mosu iha mundu ne'e, hanesan funu, rai-hamlaha no moras oioin.",
"(Mateus 24:3, 7; Lucas 21:10, 11) Lakleur depois Funu Mundial Primeiru hahu iha tinan 1914, mundu nia situasaun hatudu ho klaru katak iha tinan ne'e mak Jesus sai Liurai iha lalehan, no tempu ne'ebe Biblia bolu nu'udar \"loron ikus sira\" hahu ona. - 2 Timoteo 3:1-5.",
"Maibe se Jesus sai ona Liurai iha tinan 1914, tanbasa mak mundu nia situasaun sai aat liutan ba beibeik?",
"Ne'e tanba Jesus ukun iha lalehan, la'os iha rai.",
"Bainhira Jesus foin sai Liurai, funu ida mosu iha lalehan, no Jesus, ka Miguel, soe tun Satanas no anju aat sira ba rai.",
"(Apokalipse 12:7-9, 12) Husi tempu ne'eba, Satanas hirus tebes tanba hatene katak ninia tempu hela uitoan de'it.",
"Tuir loloos, lakleur tan, Maromak sei kumpre ninia hakarak ba mundu ne'e.",
"(Mateus 6:10) Entaun, tanba kuda tolu seluk reprezenta situasaun ne'ebe mosu daudauk iha mundu tomak, mai ita buka-hatene oinsa mak kuda sira-ne'e bele ajuda ita atu fiar katak ita moris iha \"loron ikus sira.\"",
"\"Kuda ida seluk sai mai, kuda ne'e kor mean lakan; no ida ne'ebe tuur iha kuda ne'e nia leten simu kbiit atu hasai tiha dame husi rai atu nune'e ema sei oho malu; no nia simu surik boot ida.\" - Apokalipse 6:4.",
"Kuda mean ne'e reprezenta funu, ne'ebe halakon dame iha mundu tomak, la'os iha nasaun balu de'it.",
"Iha tinan 1914, funu mundial akontese ba dala primeiru iha ema nia istoria.",
"Tuirmai, funu mundial segundu mos akontese no lori susar boot liutan.",
"Matenek-na'in balu hatete katak, husi tinan 1914 to'o ohin loron, ema na'in-100.000.000 liu mak mate tanba funu!",
"Liutan ne'e, iha mos ema barak tebes ne'ebe hetan kanek todan durante funu.",
"Funu fo impaktu aat duni ba mundu ohin loron.",
"Ho teknolojia modernu, ema halo armas oioin ne'ebe bele halakon ema hotu iha mundu ne'e.",
"Maski organizasaun oioin hanesan Nasoins Unidas haka'as an atu habelar dame, maibe sira la iha forsa atu hapara kuda mean ne'e.",
"\"Ha'u haree kuda metan ida; no ida ne'ebe tuur iha kuda ne'e nia leten kaer hela dasin iha nia liman.",
"No ha'u rona lian ida husi anju haat nia klaran, dehan: 'Trigu kilograma ida iha folin denariu ida no sevada kilograma tolu iha folin denariu ida; no keta estraga mina oliveira nian no tua-uvas.'\" - Apokalipse 6:5, 6.",
"Kuda ne'e reprezenta hamlaha.",
"Lian ida hatete katak trigu kilograma ida nia folin mak denariu ida.",
"Iha Biblia nia tempu, atu manan denariu ida, ema presiza serbisu ba loron tomak!",
"(Mateus 20:2) Maski denariu ida bele sosa sevada kilograma tolu tanba sevada mak baratu liu fali trigu, maibe ne'e mos la to'o ba familia boot.",
"Ema mos hetan avizu atu labele gasta arbiru mina oliveira no tua-uvas.",
"Tanba mina oliveira no tua-uvas mak buat ne'ebe ema uza loron-loron iha Biblia nia tempu, avizu ne'e hatudu katak ema sei hasoru susar boot.",
"Iha ka lae, evidensia ruma ne'ebe hatudu katak kuda metan ne'e halai daudauk?",
"Husi tinan 1901 to'o 2000, maizumenus ema na'in-70.000.000 mak mate tanba hamlaha.",
"Tuir relatoriu ida, \"husi tinan 2012 to'o 2014, ema na'in-805.000.000 (maizumenus porsentu 11 husi mundu nia populasaun) mak hetan susar tanba malnutrisaun.\"",
"Relatoriu seluk mos fo sai katak \"tinan-tinan, ema ne'ebe mate tanba hamlaha mak barak liu fali ema ne'ebe mate tanba AIDS, malaria no tuberkuloze.\"",
"Maski organizasaun barak haka'as an atu halakon hamlaha, maibe kuda metan ne'e kontinua halai.",
"KUDA NE'EBE KAMUTIS \"Ha'u haree kuda ida ne'ebe kamutis; no ida ne'ebe tuur iha leten naran Mate.",
"No Rate la'o tuir nia.",
"No sira simu kbiit ba rai baluk ida, hodi oho ho surik naruk, ho rai-hamlaha, ho moras ne'ebe halo mate, no ho animal fuik iha rai.\" - Apokalipse 6:8.",
"Kuda ikus reprezenta mate tanba moras ka razaun seluk.",
"Lakleur depois tinan 1914, ema rihun ba rihun mate tanba flu Espanol.",
"Ema ne'ebe kona moras ne'e mak maizumenus na'in-500.000.000, ne'e mak porsentu 33 husi mundu nia populasaun iha tempu ne'eba!",
"Maibe iha mos moras aat seluk tan.",
"Matenek-na'in sira hatete katak husi tinan 1901 to'o 2000, ema na'in-300.000.000 liu mak mate tanba moras variola.",
"To'o ohin loron, maski doutor sira-nia matenek aumenta ba beibeik, maibe moras aat oioin hanesan AIDS, tuberkuloze no malaria kontinua habadak ema barak nia moris.",
"Funu, hamlaha no moras halo ema barak mate.",
"No tuir vizaun iha livru Apokalipse, Rate la'o tuir kuda ikus hodi halibur vitima sira.",
"Lakleur tan, tempu susar ne'e sei ramata.",
"Ita aprende ona katak, iha tinan 1914, Jesus komesa \"manan ninia inimigu sira,\" no soe tun Diabu Satanas husi lalehan ba rai.",
"Maibe nia seidauk manan ninia inimigu sira iha dalan ne'ebe kompletu.",
"(Apokalipse 6:2; 12:9, 12) Lakleur tan, iha funu Armajedon, Jesus sei kesi metin Satanas no halakon ema aat hotu ne'ebe apoia nia.",
"(Apokalipse 20:1-3) La'os ne'e de'it, Jesus mos sei halakon kuda tolu ne'e no hadi'a fali mundu nia situasaun aat.",
"Haree to'ok Biblia nia promesa balu.",
"Sei la iha tan funu, maibe iha dame.",
"Jeova \"sei hapara funu sira iha rai tomak.",
"Nia halo tohar rama no harahun diman.\"",
"(Salmo [Mazmur] 46:9) Ema ne'ebe hadomi dame \"sei hetan ksolok boot tanba iha dame barak.\" - Salmo 37:11.",
"Sei la iha tan hamlaha, maibe iha ai-han barak.",
"\"Sei iha ai-han barak iha rai; foho-tutun sira sei nakonu ho ai-han.\" - Salmo (Mazmur) 72:16.",
"Jesus sei hadi'a situasaun aat ne'ebe kuda tolu seluk hamosu Sei la iha tan moras no mate, no ema hotu sei haksolok ho saude di'ak no moris ba nafatin.",
"Maromak \"sei hamaran sira-nia matan-been hotu husi sira-nia matan, no mate sei la iha tan, no ema sei la tanis tan ka laran-susar ka laran-triste.\" - Apokalipse 21:4.",
"Bainhira Jesus iha rai, nia hatudu nanis situasaun di'ak ne'ebe ema sei hetan iha futuru iha ninia ukun okos.",
"Nia hanorin ema atu buka dame.",
"Nia mos halo milagre oioin, hanesan fo-han ema rihun ba rihun, kura ema ne'ebe moras, no halo ema mate moris fali. - Mateus 12:15; 14:19-21; 26:52; Joao 11:43, 44.",
"Testemuna ba Jeova kontente atu hatudu ba Ita husi Biblia oinsa mak Ita rasik bele prepara an ba tempu ne'ebe Jesus sei halakon kuda tolu ne'e.",
"Ita hakarak hatene liutan kona-ba ne'e ka lae? ^ par.",
"7 Jeova mak Maromak nia naran ne'ebe temi iha Biblia.",
"Kuda haat iha livru Apokalipse Apokalipse 6:1, 2 Ida ne'ebe sa'e kuda ne'e mak Jesus Kristu.",
"Nia sai liurai iha tinan 1914, no lakleur tan, nia sei halakon ninia inimigu no ema nia susar hotu.",
"Apokalipse 6:3, 4 KUDA MEAN LAKAN Kuda ne'e reprezenta funu.",
"Husi tinan 1914, ema rihun ba rihun mate tanba funu mundial no funu ki'ik sira.",
"Apokalipse 6:5, 6 Kuda ne'e reprezenta hamlaha.",
"Rai-hamlaha halo ema rihun ba rihun terus no mate.",
"Apokalipse 6:7, 8 Kuda ne'e reprezenta mate tanba moras no razaun seluk tan.",
"Rate la'o tuir kuda ikus ne'e hodi halibur vitima sira.",
"Biblia nia hanorin kona-ba Mundu nia rohan Saida loos mak \"mundu ne'e\" ne'ebe besik ona atu lakon?",
"Oinsa mak ida-ne'e sei akontese?",
"Buka-hatene saida mak liafuan di'ak husi Maromak, tanbasa ida-ne'e importante tebes, no ita presiza halo saida."
] | [
"Where does the hat represent said?"
"Afrikaans Albanian Amharic Arabic Armenian Aymara Azerbaijani Azerbaijan (Cyrillic) Baoule Bashkir Basque Bassa(Cameroon), Bengali Bicol Bislama Boulou Bulgarian Cambodian Catalan Cebuano Chichewa Chinese Cantonese, Simplified English French Ga Georgian German Greek Guarani Gujarati Gun Haitian Creole Hausa Hebrew Hiligaynon Hindi Hiri Motu Ibanag Icelandic Igbo Iloko Indonesian Isoko Italian Japanese Javanese Kabiye Kazakh Kikamba Kikaonde Kikongo Kikuyu Kiluba Kimbundu Kinyarwanda Kirghiz Kiribati Kirundi Kisonge Kongo Korean Krio Kurdish"
"The four horses of Revelation - What do they represent?"
"Sometimes the vision of these four horses makes us feel uncomfortable or confused."
"But the Bible and many things that are happening today help us to understand about what each crop represents."
"And although this vision shows the hardships that will come to pass in our world, it also bringing good news for us."
"First, let’s find out what each of them represent."
"The vision begins with the following words: \"And I saw a golden horse, and he that sat upon it had an olive branch; And God gave him one crown. He went forth to overcome all his enemies.\" - Revelation 6 (2)."
"Who's the man behind this mutin?"
"The last part of the book Revelation makes it clear that this one who grew up was \"the Word.\""
"In the Bible, Jesus Christ is called \"the Word\" because he spoke God's word. He was born of a woman and became man in our place (Revelation 19:3-5)."
"The Bible also calls Jesus the \"King of kings and Lord Of lord\" (John 1:28) as well a “Word-of Law.”"
"(Revelation 19:20) Jesus has great power as a righteous King, and he always uses his authority to do what is good."
"But who gave Jesus the power to overcome his enemies?"
"(Revelation 6:2) According to a vision of the prophet Daniel, Messiah or \"one like unto man's son\" would receive 'kingly power and dignity & rule’ from Jehovah God * “which was before.”"
"(Daniel 7:13,24) Instead it was the Almighty God who gave Jesus power and authority to rule."
"Not many times does the Bible use a mutton beast to represent justice."
"Therefore, the planting of mushrooms is a symbol for God' s Son fight with justice. - Revelation 3:4;7-9 (12)"
"When do these horses start to run?"
"The first-risen Jesus began to walk at the time he received his crown."
"(Revelation 6:2) When will Jesus receive the crown and become King in heaven?"
"This was not at the time when he had just returned to heaven."
"The Bible shows that Jesus needed to wait for some time before becoming king."
"(Hebrews 10:24,35) Jesus told his discipled beforehand that when he began to rule in heaven there would be many evil things on earth such as war and famine."
"(Matt. 24:3,7; Luke"
"But if Jesus had become King in 1924, why is the world’s situation getting worse?"
"This is because Jesus reigns in heaven, not on earth."
"When Jesus first became King, there was a battle in heaven and he or Michael defeated Satan on earth."
"(Revelation 12:7-9,30) From that time on Satan became very angry because he knew his life was short."
"Indeed, soon God will do His Will for the world."
"(Matthew 6:10) So, since the other three crops represent situations that are happening around our world right now let us look at how these can help you believe we live in \"the last days.\""
"\"And there came forth another oxen, a red-haired one: and to him that sat upon it was given power of taking away peace from the earth; so they would kill each other. And he received great wraths.\" - Revelation 6 (4)."
"The wild horse represents war, which destroyed peace in the world and not just a few countries."
"In 1940, the United States entered World War I for a first time in human history."
"After the Second World War, there was no further development of this area and it remained mostly unexplored."
"Some scholars say that from 1940 to the present day, more than a hundred million people have died because of war!"
"In addition, there were also many people who had been seriously injured during the war."
"The earthquake had a very bad impact on the world today."
"With modern technology, people have created weapons that can kill everyone in the world."
"Although organizations such as the United Nations are trying hard to bring about peace, they have no power over this."
"\"And I saw, and behold a great horse; And he that sat upon it had his sword in the hand."
"And I heard one voice of the four angels' trumpets saying, 'A pound wheat for a denarius and three ounces flour in an auger; but do not damage olive oil or grape juice.'\" - Revelation 6:5-7."
"Where we represent hamla."
"One proverb says that a kilogram of wheat is worth one denarius."
"In biblical times, to earn a penny you had work all day long!"
"(Matthew 20:3) Although one denarius could buy three kilograms of corn, because it is cheaper than wheat; yet this was not enough for a large family."
"People are also warned not to spend arbiru mina oliveira and tua-grape."
"Because olive oil and grapes were commonly used in Bible times, this warning indicates that people will experience great tribulation."
"Is there any evidence that the methane storm is passing?"
"Between 1902 and the year of our Lord's Resurrection, approximately seventy million people died from famine."
"According to one report, \"between 2014 and the end of this decade (about a quarter century ago), about five million people have died from malnutrition.\""
"Another report also states that \"every year, more people die from hunger than they do of AIDS and malaria.\""
"Despite many organizations' efforts to eradicate hunger, the methane crop is still growing."
"\"And I saw a horse, and it was blind; the name of him that sat on his seat is Death."
"No Rat walked after him."
"And power was given to them over the earth, that they might bring upon it famine and pestilences which would kill; also wild beasts of this land.\" - Revelation 6:8."
"The last cow represents death due to disease or other reason."
"Soon after 1920, thousands of people died from the Spanish flu."
"At least half a billion people were affected, or 32 percent of the world's population at that time!"
"But there are also other evil diseases."
"The scientists say that from 1902 to the year of our era, more than three hundred million people died because they were infected with smallpox."
"To this day, although the knowledge of doctors has increased steadily in recent decades and many people have been cured from their illnesses by medical advancements such as immunosuppressive drugs (AIDS), tuberculosis or malaria."
"Hunger, disease and hunger killed many people."
"According to a vision in the Book of Revelation, Rat walks behind his last horse and gathering victim."
"Soon, these difficult times will be over."
"We have learned that, in 1924 Jesus began “to destroy his enemies,” and he brought down the Devil Satan from heaven to earth."
"But he has not yet defeated his enemies in a complete way."
"(Revelation 6:2;10,9) Soon afterwards in the battle of Armageddon Jesus will severely punish Satan and destroy all his evil supporters."
"(Revelation 20:1-3) Not only that, but Jesus will also destroy the three demons and rectify all evil in this world."
"Take a look at some of the Bible's promise."
"There will be no more war, but peace."
"Jehovah \"will put an end to wars throughout the earth."
"He made tohar rama no harahun diman.\""
"(Psalm 46:9) The man who loves peace \"will be exceedingly glad, for there is much of him.\" - Psalm1037."
"There will be no more hunger, but plenty of food."
"\"There shall be no more fruit in the land; and all deserts will fill themselves with food.\" - Psalm 72:16."
"There will be no more disease or death, and all people shall rejoice in good health with eternal life."
"God \"will take away every blindness from their eyes, and death shall be no more; neither sorrow nor sigh or mourning anymore.\" - Revelation 21:4."
"While Jesus was on earth, he showed us the good things that people would have in his kingdom."
"He taught people to seek peace."
"He also performed many miracles, such as feeding thousands of people; healing the sick and raising dead. - Matthew 12:35-40 (KJV); Luke"
"Jehovah's Witnesses are happy to show you from the Bible how we can prepare ourselves for when Jesus will destroy these three crops."
"Do you want to know more about it, don't we? ^ par."
"7 Jehovah is the name of God mentioned in The Bible."
"The four horses in the book of Revelation: Rev 6,1-2 He who rides on them is Jesus Christ."
"He became king in 1924, and soon afterwards he would destroy all his enemies as well."
"Revelation 6:3,4 THE HORD MEANS WARS The horse represents war."
"Since 1940, thousands of people have died in the United States and other countries as a result from war crime."
"Revelation 6:5-7, where this represents the Great Famine."
"Famine caused thousands of people to suffer and die."
"Revelation 6:7,8 The ox represents death from disease and other causes."
"Rat walked after the last horse to gather victims."
"The Bible's teaching about the vastness of this world What is really \"this earth\" that will soon perish?"
"What is this going to happen?"
"Find out what the good word of God is, because it's so important and we need to do something about that."
] |
Informação Geral Acesso ba Parlamento Órgão sira Parlamento nian Presidente Deputado no Bancada Parlamentar sira Comissão sira Iniciativa Legislativa no Acto seluseluk Orçamento Geral Estado nian, Execução Orçamental no Conta Geral Estado nian › Parlamento no Controlo ba Financas Publicas › Apreciaçáo ba Conta Geral Estado Fiscalização Política Relações Internacionais Administração Parlamentar Biblioteca Constituição no legislação relevante\nOrçamento Geral Estado nian, Execução Orçamental\nno Conta Geral Estado nian\nPágina Inicial » O Parlamento e O Controlo das Financas Publicas\nOrçamento Geral Estado nian no Conta Geral Estado nian\nRepública Democrática de Timor-Leste nia Constituição hatuur katak:\n(Estado nia orçamento nacional)\nGoverno maka elabora no Parlamento Nacional maka aprova Estado nia Orçamento Geral.\nLei ba orçamento tem que prevê, ho base iha eficiência no eficácia, receita nia discriminação no despesa nia discriminação, no taka-dalan atu labele iha dotação ka fundo secreto.\nTribunal Superior Administrativo, Fiscal e de Contas no mós Parlamento Nacional maka fiscaliza Orçamento nia execução. “\nNune’e ita bele dehan katak Orçamento Geral Estado nian ne’e documento legislativo ne’ebé discute tinan-tinan iha Parlamento Nacional ne’ebé prevê receitas no despesas Estado nian. Governo mak tem que apresenta, to’o dia 15 de Outubro tinan-tinan, Proposta de Lei kona-ba Orçamento.\nBainhira Presidente do Parlamento simu tiha proposta ne’e, sei fahe ba Comissão Parlamentar especializada sira.\nComissão sira-ne’e, atu bele analisa di’ak liu Proposta de Lei, bele husu membros Governo nian no Dirigente sira Administração Pública nian atu mai hodi hala’o audições. Comissão sira mós bele bolu, ho objetivo hanesan, representante oioin husi sociedade civil.\nLiutiha audição hirak-ne’e comissão especializada sira haruka relatório ho recomendação ne’ebé sira hakarak hato’o ba Comissão de Economia, Finanças e Anti-Corrupção.\nCompete ba Comissão de Economia, Finanças e Anti-Corrupção atu elabora Relatório e Parecer kona-ba Proposta de Lei ba Orçamento Geral Estado nian.\nIha Relatório e Parecer ne’e Comissão analisa Proposta de Lei. Ba análise ne’e sira hola iha consideração situação económica e financeira nação nian. Sira analisa mós impacto ne’ebé Proposta de Lei ne’e bele hamosu iha nação nia economia.\nComissão de Economia, Finanças e Anti-Corrupção bele mós apresenta recomendações ba Governo.\nRelatório ne’e sei haruka ba Senhor Presidente do Parlamento Nacional, ne’ebé sei agenda Discussão.\nDiscussão iha Generalidade (durante máximo loron 3), iha Especialidade (máximo loron 10) no Votação Final Global sei hala’o iha Plenário Parlamento Nacional nian.\nSe hetan aprovação karik, Decreto husi Parlamento Nacional kona-ba Orçamento Estado nian sei haruka ba Presidente da República ba promulgação e publicação.\nNúmero 2 husi Artigo 97.º Constituição nian hatuur mós katak “Labele apresenta projeto de lei ka proposta de lei ka projeto ka proposta kona-ba alteração ne’ebé, iha tinan económico ne’ebé la'o daudaun, aumenta Estado nia despesa ka diminui Estado nia receita previsto iha Orçamento Estado nian ka iha Orçamento Retificativo.”\nParlamento Nacional nia knaar mós atu fiscaliza Estado nia execução orçamental no delibera kona-ba Plano no Orçamento Estado nian no relatório ba nia execução, conforme alínea d) ho e) iha artigo 95.º, n.º 3, husi Constituição República Democrática de Timor-Leste nian.\nTribunal Superior Administrativo, Fiscal e de Contas sei apresenta parecer ba Parlamento (agora ne’e daudaun Tribunal de Recurso mak halo ida-ne’e) kona-ba Conta Geral Estado nian, iha fulan sanulu nia laran depois de tinan económico ne’ebé refere to’o nia rohan.\nConta Geral Estado nian ne’e sei haruka mós ba Comissão de Economia e Finanças, ne’ebé sei elabora parecer fundamentado, no recomendação oioin se precisa karik, kona-ba Conta Geral Estado nian iha loron 30 nia laran, no sei haruka ba Presidente do Parlamento Nacional.\nPresidente do Parlamento sei agenda debate parlamentar ida, ho duração máxima loron ida.\nMolok taka debate bancada parlamentar sira bele halo intervenção final ida. | [
"Informacao Geral Acesso ba Parlamento Orgao sira Parlamento nian Presidente Deputado no Bancada Parlamentar sira Comissao sira Iniciativa Legislativa no Acto seluseluk Orcamento Geral Estado nian, Execucao Orcamental no Conta Geral Estado nian > Parlamento no Controlo ba Financas Publicas > Apreciacao ba Conta Geral Estado Fiscalizacao Politica Relacoes Internacionais Administracao Parlamentar Biblioteca Constituicao no legislacao relevante Orcamento Geral Estado nian, Execucao Orcamental no Conta Geral Estado nian Pagina Inicial \" O Parlamento e O Controlo das Financas Publicas Orcamento Geral Estado nian no Conta Geral Estado nian Republica Democratica de Timor-Leste nia Constituicao hatuur katak: (Estado nia orcamento nacional) Governo maka elabora no Parlamento Nacional maka aprova Estado nia Orcamento Geral.",
"Lei ba orcamento tem que preve, ho base iha eficiencia no eficacia, receita nia discriminacao no despesa nia discriminacao, no taka-dalan atu labele iha dotacao ka fundo secreto.",
"Tribunal Superior Administrativo, Fiscal e de Contas no mos Parlamento Nacional maka fiscaliza Orcamento nia execucao. \"",
"Nune'e ita bele dehan katak Orcamento Geral Estado nian ne'e documento legislativo ne'ebe discute tinan-tinan iha Parlamento Nacional ne'ebe preve receitas no despesas Estado nian.",
"Governo mak tem que apresenta, to'o dia 15 de Outubro tinan-tinan, Proposta de Lei kona-ba Orcamento.",
"Bainhira Presidente do Parlamento simu tiha proposta ne'e, sei fahe ba Comissao Parlamentar especializada sira.",
"Comissao sira-ne'e, atu bele analisa di'ak liu Proposta de Lei, bele husu membros Governo nian no Dirigente sira Administracao Publica nian atu mai hodi hala'o audicoes.",
"Comissao sira mos bele bolu, ho objetivo hanesan, representante oioin husi sociedade civil.",
"Liutiha audicao hirak-ne'e comissao especializada sira haruka relatorio ho recomendacao ne'ebe sira hakarak hato'o ba Comissao de Economia, Financas e Anti-Corrupcao.",
"Compete ba Comissao de Economia, Financas e Anti-Corrupcao atu elabora Relatorio e Parecer kona-ba Proposta de Lei ba Orcamento Geral Estado nian.",
"Iha Relatorio e Parecer ne'e Comissao analisa Proposta de Lei.",
"Ba analise ne'e sira hola iha consideracao situacao economica e financeira nacao nian.",
"Sira analisa mos impacto ne'ebe Proposta de Lei ne'e bele hamosu iha nacao nia economia.",
"Comissao de Economia, Financas e Anti-Corrupcao bele mos apresenta recomendacoes ba Governo.",
"Relatorio ne'e sei haruka ba Senhor Presidente do Parlamento Nacional, ne'ebe sei agenda Discussao.",
"Discussao iha Generalidade (durante maximo loron 3), iha Especialidade (maximo loron 10) no Votacao Final Global sei hala'o iha Plenario Parlamento Nacional nian.",
"Se hetan aprovacao karik, Decreto husi Parlamento Nacional kona-ba Orcamento Estado nian sei haruka ba Presidente da Republica ba promulgacao e publicacao.",
"Numero 2 husi Artigo 97.o Constituicao nian hatuur mos katak \"Labele apresenta projeto de lei ka proposta de lei ka projeto ka proposta kona-ba alteracao ne'ebe, iha tinan economico ne'ebe la'o daudaun, aumenta Estado nia despesa ka diminui Estado nia receita previsto iha Orcamento Estado nian ka iha Orcamento Retificativo.\"",
"Parlamento Nacional nia knaar mos atu fiscaliza Estado nia execucao orcamental no delibera kona-ba Plano no Orcamento Estado nian no relatorio ba nia execucao, conforme alinea d) ho e) iha artigo 95.o, n.o 3, husi Constituicao Republica Democratica de Timor-Leste nian.",
"Tribunal Superior Administrativo, Fiscal e de Contas sei apresenta parecer ba Parlamento (agora ne'e daudaun Tribunal de Recurso mak halo ida-ne'e) kona-ba Conta Geral Estado nian, iha fulan sanulu nia laran depois de tinan economico ne'ebe refere to'o nia rohan.",
"Conta Geral Estado nian ne'e sei haruka mos ba Comissao de Economia e Financas, ne'ebe sei elabora parecer fundamentado, no recomendacao oioin se precisa karik, kona-ba Conta Geral Estado nian iha loron 30 nia laran, no sei haruka ba Presidente do Parlamento Nacional.",
"Presidente do Parlamento sei agenda debate parlamentar ida, ho duracao maxima loron ida.",
"Molok taka debate bancada parlamentar sira bele halo intervencao final ida."
] | [
"General Information Access to Parliament Bodies of the parliament Speaker and Members Committee Legislative Initiative & Second Act State Budget, Execution Of The Government'S budget And Accounting > Parlament in Controlling Public Finance> Assessment Toward a National Financial Balance Political Audit International Relationship Parlamentary Administration Library Constitutional Law - Relevant Legislative Documentation (in Portuguese) Homepage \" O Parlamento e o controlo das finanças públicas Orçamentos Gerais do Estado or Executar de 2014/365."
"The budgetary law must provide, on the basis of efficiency and effectiveness for a discrimination between revenue or expenditure. It also has to ensure that there is no secret endowment/funds system in place at all times (see article 10)."
"The Superior Administrative, Fiscal and Audit Court in the National Parliament oversees budget execution.\""
"Thus, we can say that the General State Budget is a legislative document discussed annually in National Parliament which provides for state revenues and expenditures."
"The Government has to submit, by 15 October each year a Proposal of Law on the Budget."
"Once the President of Parliament has received this proposal, it will be circulated to specialized parliamentary committees."
"These committees, in order to better analyze the Proposal of Law may ask members from Government and Public Administration Headquarters for hearings."
"The commissions may also call, for the same objectives and with a similar purpose to that of their own committee or sub-committee appointed by them. various representatives from civil society"
"Following these hearings, the specialized committees send a report with recommendations that they wish to make in advance of their submission for consideration by Committee on Economy and Finance."
"The Committee on Economy, Finances and Anti-Corruption is responsible for preparing a Report & Opinion regardings the Proposal of Law to General State Budget."
"In this Report and Opinion, the Commission analyzes Proposal of Law."
"For this analysis, they take into consideration the economic and financial situation of their country."
"They also analyzed the impact that this Bill could have on Brazil's economy."
"The Committee on Economy, Finance and Anti-Corruption may also submit recommendations to the Government."
"The report will be sent to the President of National Parliament, who shall schedule a discussion."
"Discussion in Generality (for a maximum of 3 days), Specialty Discuss(maximum ten) and Final Global Voting will take place at the Plenary Sessions."
"If approved, the Decree of National Parliament on State Budget will be sent to President da República for promulgation and publications."
"Article 97, paragraph (2), of the Constitution also states that \"No bill or proposal for a law may be submitted nor shall any draft legislation and/or proposed changes to it which increase State expenditure in an ongoing fiscal year by decreasing state revenue as envisaged on its budgets.\""
"The National Parliament is also responsible for overseeing the State's budgetary execution and deliberating on its Plan, Budget of state as well report to their implementation in accordance with paragraph d)-e), Article 95(3)."
"The Superior Administrative, Fiscal and Audit Court shall submit an opinion to Parliament (currently the Tribunal de Recurso does this) on State General Accounts within 12 months following a financial year that covers its entirety."
"The General State Account will also be forwarded to the Economic and Financial Committee, which shall draw up a reasoning opinion on it within 30 days of its receipt. It may make any recommendations that are necessary with regards thereto; this statement is then sent by mail or fax (if applicable) for consideration at Parliament' s session in April/May each year before being submitted as an annual report into parliamentarians’ hands from President da República José Eduardo dos Santos"
"The President of Parliament shall schedule one parliamentary debate, lasting no more than a day."
"While the debate is closed, parliamentary groups may make a final intervention."
] |
Fundu petrolíferu trimestrál ikus tinan 2020 sa’e ba biliaun $18,99 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA Fundu petrolíferu trimestrál ikus tinan 2020 sa’e ba biliaun $18,99\nDILI, 08 fevereiru 2021 (TATOLI)–Banco Central de Timor-Leste (BCTL) lansa relatóriu trimestrál fundu petrolíferu ba dala-63, ne’ebé hanesan ba da-ikus tinan 2020, ne’ebé kobre husi 01 outubru to’o 31 dezembru 2020, sae ba biliaun $18,99.\n“Relatóriu ne’e hatudu katak totál reseita ne’ebé mak simu iha trimestre ne’e hamutuk millaun $35,78, kompostu husi kontribuisaun kontribuinte sira ba fundu hamutuk millaun $27,41 no pagamentu royalty husi Autoridade Nasionál Petróleu (ANP) hamutuk millaun $8,37,” refere nota imprensa ne’ebé Agência TATOLI asesu, segunda ne’e.\nReseita trimestrál ikus tinan 2020 tun millaun $35,78, kompara ho trimestre datoluk ne’ebé kobre husi 01 jullu to’o 30 setembru ho reseita millaun $43,53 no totál fundu hamutuk biliaun $18,47.\nNotísia relevante: Fundu petrolíferu sa’e ba biliaun $18,47, hosi kontribuisaun millaun $43,53\nEnkuantu, rendimentu investimentu fundu hamutuk millaun $958,45, kompostu husi kupaun no juru ne’ebé simu hamutuk millaun $73,37.\nMudansa valór merkadu nian millaun $885,58 no movimentu cambiais lakon ho totál millaun -$0,50 iha trimestre ne’e.\n“Ida-ne’e rezulta rendimentu ba karteira fundu durante trimestre ne’e 5,21%, enkuantu rendimentu sasukat (benchmark) nian ba períodu ne’e mak 4,69%,” subliña nota ne’e.\nNune’e mos, osan kontadu líkidu ne’ebé sai husi fundu durante trimestre ne’e hamutuk millaun $471,69, kompostu husi millaun $466,80 transfere ba Orsamentu Jerál Estadu no millaun $4,859 kobre kustu jestaun nian.\nReseita líkidu durante trimestre ne’e hamutuk millaun $431,69 inklui reseita portofoliu iha peróodu ne’e mak 5,21%, kompara ho retornu referénsia mak 4,69%.\nPrevious articleKooperasaun MAP-AICAT konsege forma joven hamutuk 225 iha área agrikultura\nNext articleKada tinan Tuberculose hamate Timoroan na’in 88 | [
"Fundu petroliferu trimestral ikus tinan 2020 sa'e ba biliaun $18,99 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Fundu petroliferu trimestral ikus tinan 2020 sa'e ba biliaun $18,99 DILI, 08 fevereiru 2021 (TATOLI) -Banco Central de Timor-Leste (BCTL) lansa relatoriu trimestral fundu petroliferu ba dala-63, ne'ebe hanesan ba da-ikus tinan 2020, ne'ebe kobre husi 01 outubru to'o 31 dezembru 2020, sae ba biliaun $18,99.",
"\"Relatoriu ne'e hatudu katak total reseita ne'ebe mak simu iha trimestre ne'e hamutuk millaun $35,78, kompostu husi kontribuisaun kontribuinte sira ba fundu hamutuk millaun $27,41 no pagamentu royalty husi Autoridade Nasional Petroleu (ANP) hamutuk millaun $8,37,\" refere nota imprensa ne'ebe Agencia TATOLI asesu, segunda ne'e.",
"Reseita trimestral ikus tinan 2020 tun millaun $35,78, kompara ho trimestre datoluk ne'ebe kobre husi 01 jullu to'o 30 setembru ho reseita millaun $43,53 no total fundu hamutuk biliaun $18,47.",
"Notisia relevante: Fundu petroliferu sa'e ba biliaun $18,47, hosi kontribuisaun millaun $43,53 Enkuantu, rendimentu investimentu fundu hamutuk millaun $958,45, kompostu husi kupaun no juru ne'ebe simu hamutuk millaun $73,37.",
"Mudansa valor merkadu nian millaun $885,58 no movimentu cambiais lakon ho total millaun -$0,50 iha trimestre ne'e.",
"\"Ida-ne'e rezulta rendimentu ba karteira fundu durante trimestre ne'e 5,21%, enkuantu rendimentu sasukat (benchmark) nian ba periodu ne'e mak 4,69%,\" sublina nota ne'e.",
"Nune'e mos, osan kontadu likidu ne'ebe sai husi fundu durante trimestre ne'e hamutuk millaun $471,69, kompostu husi millaun $466,80 transfere ba Orsamentu Jeral Estadu no millaun $4,859 kobre kustu jestaun nian.",
"Reseita likidu durante trimestre ne'e hamutuk millaun $431,69 inklui reseita portofoliu iha peroodu ne'e mak 5,21%, kompara ho retornu referensia mak 4,69%.",
"Previous articleKooperasaun MAP-AICAT konsege forma joven hamutuk 225 iha area agrikultura Next articleKada tinan Tuberculose hamate Timoroan na'in 88"
] | [
"Dili, 08 February (Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste) - Central Bank of East Тимор has released the quarterly report on its petroleum fund for a total amount that is equivalent to last year's $1.6 billion; which covers period from October one until December threety nine and was generated in January two thousand six hundred twenty five dollars per dollar ($239)."
"\"The report shows that the total revenue received in this quarter amounted to $35.78 million, comprising of contributions from contributors for funds worth US$260m and royalty payments by Autoridade Nacional Petroleu (ANP) valued at USD 149 m\", said a press release accessible on Monday via Agência Anotim)."
"Final quarterly revenue for 2019 fell $35.78 million, compared to the third-quarter which was from July one through September thirty with a total of US$46 billion in income and funds amounting at an estimated USD£ (€)"
"Relevant news: The oil fund rose to $18.47 billion, from contributions of US$ 53 million while the return on funds' investments totaled a whopping USD960mn comprising dividend and interest received in an amount that is approximately EUR2bn (US€)."
"Change in market value amounted to $890.56 million and foreign exchange movements lost a total of -$123,74 millions for the quarter finished March-June (QT)."
"\"This results in a return on the fund portfolio during this quarter of 5.21%, compared with benchmark yield for that period at -4,69%\", underlined The note.\""
"Likewise, the cash accounted out of funds during this quarter amounts to $471.69 million comprising a total transfer for US$ 503 billion and an additional cost cover by management costs in excesse USD €28 millions (US€ + EUR)."
"Net revenue during the quarter amounted to $431.69 million, including portfolio income for this period of 50% compared with a benchmark returns rate in Q2-Q8 at -7%."
"Previous articleMap-AICAT cooperation successfully trained 250 young people in agriculture Next ArticleTuberculosis kills more than a dozen Timorese every year"
] |
FIAR MAROMAK SDSB (Leitura no Reflexão Domingo Quaresma 2-ano C 2019 ) – Diocese de Dili\nDiocese de Dili > NOTÍCIAS > REFLEXÃO > FIAR MAROMAK SDSB (Leitura no Reflexão Domingo Quaresma 2-ano C 2019 )\nFIAR LIU MAROMAK SDSB\nLeitura sira Domingo semana nee (Segundo Domingo da Quaresma), sei lori ita ba haklean sentido husi “transfiguração” nebe acontece ba Jesus. Iha kedas Primeira Leitura (Antigo Testamento), ita haré Abraão hanesan modelo eh sasukat ba ema fiar nain. Husi Abraão, ita nobun hetan convite hodi fiar (acreditar). Fiar ida nee nudar atitude confiança total ba deit Maromak. Fiar no simu Maromak nia Mandamento Radicalmente. Saran-an tomak ba Maromak nia providência basá, Maromak sempre fiel ba Ninia promessa. Nee significa katak ita nia fiar ba Maromak ida deit no lalika kahur tan ho fiar sel-seluk.\nIta Timor gosta halo especulação ba ita nia fiar. Iha sorin ida ita badinas reza, badinas ba missa, instala Oratório iha uma laran,. Sorin seluk, ita fiar cina Maromak, fiar matan dook SDSB nian, fiar ai-kulit, fiar kakaluk (Biru), fiar fatuk no ai, fair hororscópio (zodiak), fiat mehi,…nst. Too iha ponto ida nee, ita husu, bainhira los mak Maromak nebe Revela-An iha Jesus Cristo hetan fatin iha ita nia fuan? Maromak iha relato Evangelho dehan:” ;” Nee Hau oan doben: imi rona Nia ba”.”\nDala ida tan, Segunda Leitura (Novo Testamento) convida hikas ita hodi renuncia ita ia atitude egoismo. Ita sente buat hotu naton ona ba ita (auto-suficiência) nunee, tanto Maromak, tanto ema seluk ita la precisa ona. Too ponto ida nee, ita haluha tiha katak; ita ema nee ser social ida nebe sempre precisa ema seluk iha ita nia viagem da vida. Wainhira iha susar laran, ita precisa ema barak, hetan tiha cargo oan ruma ita hateke ema seluk la hetan até que ita nega ema ida rua nebe uluk apoio ita nia processo ida nee. Transfiguração nebe ita rona iha Evangelho laos endereça (mengarahkan) ita ba ba triunfo ou vitória exterior maibé lolos nee Transfiguração resulta conversão (arrependimento) nebe klean husi parte interior (fuan laran). Transfiguração nee bele halao iha ita nia atitude simu Cruz moris nian ho domin na saran-An ba deit Maromak laos ba fiar fali maromak SDSB nebe mosu rebo rebo iha media social.\nIha Evangelho, ita bele entende Jesus nia transfiguração laos Jesus halo pameran Glória maibé, Jesus hanorin ita liu hosi Apóstolo nain rua katak Cruz (Sacrifício) mak bele lori ita ba haksolok ho Glória lalehan. Buat nebe gratuita la dun iha valor do que buat nebe precisa Sacrifício. Jesus Revela-An nudar Maromak Oan nebe hatudu dalan Glória liu husi Sacrifício.\nSacrifício mak bele halo ita valoriza saida mak ita hetan. Atu hahu processo nee, precisa arepende lai pecado hodi facilita ita nia sacrifício ba Transfiguração ema foun. Se lae, ita mak nunee, nunee deit too mate no ita sei desviado hodi fiar fali Maromak SDSB nebe fácil, semana-semana ka lor-loron ita hetan kedas resultado. Se ita kona, ita contente hahaek, se ita lakon, ita tolok avo matebian sira nia klamar mohu lakon. Afinal SDSB nee jogo (Permainan) ida nebe hanesan mos ho kur-kuru ho Bola guling maibé, ita sarani barak lor-loron buka mak plat motor kareta, konata mak mehi hodi manan jogo nee. Nee direito ema ida-idak nianm tanba participa jogo ho ita nia osan rasik maibé, husi parte fiar nian, sarani ida-ida precisa tau iha consideração katak; Fiar nee iha Maromak ida deit. Keta desviado ho matan dook balu nebe promete fo nomor bola merah maibé husu transfer osan. Nee cuidado se lae ita nia fiar la kler halai fali ba Maromak SDSB nee.\nRelato kona ba transfiguração iha Evangelho sinóptico sira sempre tuir kedas ho informação balu kona ba Jesus nebe sei terus iha tempo oin (Lc 9,22; 9, 44; Mt 16,21; 17,22; Mc 8,31 no 9,30). Afirmação ida nee justifica kedas ho condição oinsa tuir Jesus mak; sai escolante nebe pronto atu lori Cruz tuir Jesus lor-loron (Lc 9,23; Mt 16,24; Mc 8,3).\nMomento transfiguração (Jesus nia nakfilak-An) bele considera nudar pausa eh transição ida molok Jesus ho nia escolante sira hiit-an ba Jerusalém atu Jesus simu nia páscoa (terus, mate no moris hias).\nIha Evangelho, São Marcos mos relata katak; Jesus sae ba foho lori ho escolante nain tolu; Pedro, Tiago no João. Sira sae ba foho nee hodi halo oração (reza), teki-tekil Jesus nia oin nakfilak no nia roupa sira sai nabilan. Iha momento nee duni mosu mos Moises ho Elias hodi koalia hela ho Jesus. Buat nebe sira nain tolu koalia dadaun mak kona ba missão Jesus nian iha Jerusalém.\nIta fiar no hanoin bebeik katak; Jesus mai hodi halo completa lei nebe iha ona. Moises representa lei judaica no Elias representa profeta sira. Sira nian rua (Moises & Elias) nia presença hatudu ona katak Jesus mai hodi cumpri eh halo completo moruk tuan ho moruk foun. Ida nee significa katak; buat hotu nebe iha lei judeu nian no livro profeta sira nian sai perfeito (completo) liu tan iha Jesus.\nIha Evangelho mos relata katak; escolante nain tolu nee sente admira tan sira sente seguro horik ho Nai. Pedro ho fiar-an hatete ba Jesus; ”Mestre, diak liu ita hela ona iha nee! Ami halo taka baluk tolu iha nee; ida ba Ita, ida ba Elias, ida ba Moises”\nPedro nia hanoin humano nee sai perfeito (sempurna) liu tan ho lian nebe sai husi kalohan tenik: ”Nee Hau Oan doben: imi rona Nia ba”. Buat nebe dada ita nia atenção mosu iha rohan husi Evangelho nebe relata katak; wainhira sira foti sira nia oin, sira haree Jesus mesmesak iha neba. Moises ho Elias lakon husi Jesus nia futar oin.\nJesus mak buat hotu husi buat hotu (Yesus adalah segalanya). Nia nakfilak-An iha escolante sira oin hodi fo lição simples ida katak; ultra passa tiha terus hotu, Jesus sei moris hias ho glória. No tanba glória ida nee mak ema hotu nia matan foti hodi hateke lesuk ba Jesus mesak deit.\nTempo Quaresma nudar biban diak atu haree los ba Jesus deit hodi rona Nia husi loron ba loron. Ba ida nee, ema budista sira sempre dehan; “wainhira o koalia, o hatete sai buat nebe o hatene ona; maibé, se rona ema seluk koalia, dalaruma o sei hetan buat foun ruma nebe o seidauk hatene”. Tanba nee mak iha lian nebe sai husi kalohan Maromak bolu atenção mai ita hodi dehan; ”Nee Hau Oan doben: imi rona Nia ba!”.\nNunee ita hein ho laran ba Jesus Cristo ita Nai, Salvador nebe sei transforma ita nia isin sai hanesan Nia isin nebe lulik. Tuir Nia kbiit, nia sei conquista ou ukun buta hothotu. Tanba nee mak São Paulo bolu atenção atu ema hotu hamrik metin iha fiar.\nSão Paulo nia hanorin, lori ita ba compreende no fiar Jesus Cristo nia moris hias. Tansa ita precisa fiar iha Jesus Cristo nia moris hias? Tan ita precisa hamoris esperança (laran metin) ba Jesus hodi saran-an ba Maromak deit. Ita iha esperança/laran metin ida katak iha loron ikus Nai Jesus sei halo ita moris hias hodi ba horik hamutuk ho Maromak iha lalehan. Iha neba, ita sei goza Glória Maromak Aman, Glóia Jesus nian hamutuk ho Espírito Santo.\nCertamente atu atinge ou hakat ba too glória rohan laek hamutuk ho Aman Maromak, ita sempre iha fiar ida katak; Maromak sempre cumpri nia promessa. Basá, Maromak rasik uluk halo promessa ho Abraão nudar ita rona iha primeira leitura.\nIha neba Maromak hatudu criatura hothotu ba Abraão hafoin Maromak promete atu fo ba Abrão nia geração sira. Promessa ou moruk significa iniciativa Maromak nian ba ema liliu tanba nia misericórdia/Domin nebe rohan laek.\nMaske iha processo tuir mai, Abraão nia geração sira comete pecado/monu bebeik ba sala, maibé, Maromak fiel nafatin ba nia promessa maske ema mak dala ruma la fiel ba Maromak.\nA Transfiguração de Jesus no Monte Tabor, que o Evangelho de hoje nos relata, lembra-nos que, através do esforço e da penitência quaresmal por seguir Cristo na sua Paixão, chegaremos também nós à alegria da sua Ressurreição gloriosa. Nee mak Hau Oan doben, Imi rona nia ba. Assim Seja e Bem Haja. (Ignas)\nPrevious PostII Domingo tempo Quaresma (ANO C) Next PostSegunda – Feira, II Semana tempo Quaresma (ANO C) | [
"FIAR MAROMAK SDSB (Leitura no Reflexao Domingo Quaresma 2-ano C 2019) - Diocese de Dili Diocese de Dili > NOTICIAS > REFLEXAO > FIAR MAROMAK SDSB (Leitura no Reflexao Domingo Quaresma 2-ano C 2019) FIAR LIU MAROMAK SDSB Leitura sira Domingo semana nee (Segundo Domingo da Quaresma), sei lori ita ba haklean sentido husi \"transfiguracao\" nebe acontece ba Jesus.",
"Iha kedas Primeira Leitura (Antigo Testamento), ita hare Abraao hanesan modelo eh sasukat ba ema fiar nain.",
"Husi Abraao, ita nobun hetan convite hodi fiar (acreditar).",
"Fiar ida nee nudar atitude confianca total ba deit Maromak.",
"Fiar no simu Maromak nia Mandamento Radicalmente.",
"Saran-an tomak ba Maromak nia providencia basa, Maromak sempre fiel ba Ninia promessa.",
"Nee significa katak ita nia fiar ba Maromak ida deit no lalika kahur tan ho fiar sel-seluk.",
"Ita Timor gosta halo especulacao ba ita nia fiar.",
"Iha sorin ida ita badinas reza, badinas ba missa, instala Oratorio iha uma laran,.",
"Sorin seluk, ita fiar cina Maromak, fiar matan dook SDSB nian, fiar ai-kulit, fiar kakaluk (Biru), fiar fatuk no ai, fair hororscopio (zodiak), fiat mehi,...nst.",
"Too iha ponto ida nee, ita husu, bainhira los mak Maromak nebe Revela-An iha Jesus Cristo hetan fatin iha ita nia fuan?",
"Maromak iha relato Evangelho dehan:\";\" Nee Hau oan doben: imi rona Nia ba.\"\"",
"Dala ida tan, Segunda Leitura (Novo Testamento) convida hikas ita hodi renuncia ita ia atitude egoismo.",
"Ita sente buat hotu naton ona ba ita (auto-suficiencia) nunee, tanto Maromak, tanto ema seluk ita la precisa ona.",
"Too ponto ida nee, ita haluha tiha katak; ita ema nee ser social ida nebe sempre precisa ema seluk iha ita nia viagem da vida.",
"Wainhira iha susar laran, ita precisa ema barak, hetan tiha cargo oan ruma ita hateke ema seluk la hetan ate que ita nega ema ida rua nebe uluk apoio ita nia processo ida nee.",
"Transfiguracao nebe ita rona iha Evangelho laos endereca (mengarahkan) ita ba ba triunfo ou vitoria exterior maibe lolos nee Transfiguracao resulta conversao (arrependimento) nebe klean husi parte interior (fuan laran).",
"Transfiguracao nee bele halao iha ita nia atitude simu Cruz moris nian ho domin na saran-An ba deit Maromak laos ba fiar fali maromak SDSB nebe mosu rebo rebo iha media social.",
"Iha Evangelho, ita bele entende Jesus nia transfiguracao laos Jesus halo pameran Gloria maibe, Jesus hanorin ita liu hosi Apostolo nain rua katak Cruz (Sacrificio) mak bele lori ita ba haksolok ho Gloria lalehan.",
"Buat nebe gratuita la dun iha valor do que buat nebe precisa Sacrificio.",
"Jesus Revela-An nudar Maromak Oan nebe hatudu dalan Gloria liu husi Sacrificio.",
"Sacrificio mak bele halo ita valoriza saida mak ita hetan.",
"Atu hahu processo nee, precisa arepende lai pecado hodi facilita ita nia sacrificio ba Transfiguracao ema foun.",
"Se lae, ita mak nunee, nunee deit too mate no ita sei desviado hodi fiar fali Maromak SDSB nebe facil, semana-semana ka lor-loron ita hetan kedas resultado.",
"Se ita kona, ita contente hahaek, se ita lakon, ita tolok avo matebian sira nia klamar mohu lakon.",
"Afinal SDSB nee jogo (Permainan) ida nebe hanesan mos ho kur-kuru ho Bola guling maibe, ita sarani barak lor-loron buka mak plat motor kareta, konata mak mehi hodi manan jogo nee.",
"Nee direito ema ida-idak nianm tanba participa jogo ho ita nia osan rasik maibe, husi parte fiar nian, sarani ida-ida precisa tau iha consideracao katak; Fiar nee iha Maromak ida deit.",
"Keta desviado ho matan dook balu nebe promete fo nomor bola merah maibe husu transfer osan.",
"Nee cuidado se lae ita nia fiar la kler halai fali ba Maromak SDSB nee.",
"Relato kona ba transfiguracao iha Evangelho sinoptico sira sempre tuir kedas ho informacao balu kona ba Jesus nebe sei terus iha tempo oin (Lc 9,22; 9, 44; Mt 16,21; 17,22; Mc 8,31 no 9,30).",
"Afirmacao ida nee justifica kedas ho condicao oinsa tuir Jesus mak; sai escolante nebe pronto atu lori Cruz tuir Jesus lor-loron (Lc 9,23; Mt 16,24; Mc 8,3).",
"Momento transfiguracao (Jesus nia nakfilak-An) bele considera nudar pausa eh transicao ida molok Jesus ho nia escolante sira hiit-an ba Jerusalem atu Jesus simu nia pascoa (terus, mate no moris hias).",
"Iha Evangelho, Sao Marcos mos relata katak; Jesus sae ba foho lori ho escolante nain tolu; Pedro, Tiago no Joao.",
"Sira sae ba foho nee hodi halo oracao (reza), teki-tekil Jesus nia oin nakfilak no nia roupa sira sai nabilan.",
"Iha momento nee duni mosu mos Moises ho Elias hodi koalia hela ho Jesus.",
"Buat nebe sira nain tolu koalia dadaun mak kona ba missao Jesus nian iha Jerusalem.",
"Ita fiar no hanoin bebeik katak; Jesus mai hodi halo completa lei nebe iha ona.",
"Moises representa lei judaica no Elias representa profeta sira.",
"Sira nian rua (Moises & Elias) nia presenca hatudu ona katak Jesus mai hodi cumpri eh halo completo moruk tuan ho moruk foun.",
"Ida nee significa katak; buat hotu nebe iha lei judeu nian no livro profeta sira nian sai perfeito (completo) liu tan iha Jesus.",
"Iha Evangelho mos relata katak; escolante nain tolu nee sente admira tan sira sente seguro horik ho Nai.",
"Pedro ho fiar-an hatete ba Jesus; \"Mestre, diak liu ita hela ona iha nee!",
"Ami halo taka baluk tolu iha nee; ida ba Ita, ida ba Elias, ida ba Moises\" Pedro nia hanoin humano nee sai perfeito (sempurna) liu tan ho lian nebe sai husi kalohan tenik: \"Nee Hau Oan doben: imi rona Nia ba.\"",
"Buat nebe dada ita nia atencao mosu iha rohan husi Evangelho nebe relata katak; wainhira sira foti sira nia oin, sira haree Jesus mesmesak iha neba.",
"Moises ho Elias lakon husi Jesus nia futar oin.",
"Jesus mak buat hotu husi buat hotu (Yesus adalah segalanya).",
"Nia nakfilak-An iha escolante sira oin hodi fo licao simples ida katak; ultra passa tiha terus hotu, Jesus sei moris hias ho gloria.",
"No tanba gloria ida nee mak ema hotu nia matan foti hodi hateke lesuk ba Jesus mesak deit.",
"Tempo Quaresma nudar biban diak atu haree los ba Jesus deit hodi rona Nia husi loron ba loron.",
"Ba ida nee, ema budista sira sempre dehan; \"wainhira o koalia, o hatete sai buat nebe o hatene ona; maibe, se rona ema seluk koalia, dalaruma o sei hetan buat foun ruma nebe o seidauk hatene.\"",
"Tanba nee mak iha lian nebe sai husi kalohan Maromak bolu atencao mai ita hodi dehan; \"Nee Hau Oan doben: imi rona Nia ba!.\"",
"Nunee ita hein ho laran ba Jesus Cristo ita Nai, Salvador nebe sei transforma ita nia isin sai hanesan Nia isin nebe lulik.",
"Tuir Nia kbiit, nia sei conquista ou ukun buta hothotu.",
"Tanba nee mak Sao Paulo bolu atencao atu ema hotu hamrik metin iha fiar.",
"Sao Paulo nia hanorin, lori ita ba compreende no fiar Jesus Cristo nia moris hias.",
"Tansa ita precisa fiar iha Jesus Cristo nia moris hias?",
"Tan ita precisa hamoris esperanca (laran metin) ba Jesus hodi saran-an ba Maromak deit.",
"Ita iha esperanca/laran metin ida katak iha loron ikus Nai Jesus sei halo ita moris hias hodi ba horik hamutuk ho Maromak iha lalehan.",
"Iha neba, ita sei goza Gloria Maromak Aman, Gloia Jesus nian hamutuk ho Espirito Santo.",
"Certamente atu atinge ou hakat ba too gloria rohan laek hamutuk ho Aman Maromak, ita sempre iha fiar ida katak; Maromak sempre cumpri nia promessa.",
"Basa, Maromak rasik uluk halo promessa ho Abraao nudar ita rona iha primeira leitura.",
"Iha neba Maromak hatudu criatura hothotu ba Abraao hafoin Maromak promete atu fo ba Abrao nia geracao sira.",
"Promessa ou moruk significa iniciativa Maromak nian ba ema liliu tanba nia misericordia/Domin nebe rohan laek.",
"Maske iha processo tuir mai, Abraao nia geracao sira comete pecado/monu bebeik ba sala, maibe, Maromak fiel nafatin ba nia promessa maske ema mak dala ruma la fiel ba Maromak.",
"A Transfiguracao de Jesus no Monte Tabor, que o Evangelho de hoje nos relata, lembra-nos que, atraves do esforco e da penitencia quaresmal por seguir Cristo na sua Paixao, chegaremos tambem nos a alegria da sua Ressurreicao gloriosa.",
"Nee mak Hau Oan doben, Imi rona nia ba.",
"Assim Seja e Bem Haja.",
"(Ignas) Previous PostII Domingo tempo Quaresma (ANO C) Next PostSegunda - Feira, II Semana tempo Quaresma (ANO C)"
] | [
"FIAR MAROMAK SDSB (Reading and Reflection Sunday Lent 2-year C) - Diocese of Dili The readings on this week's second sunday, the \"transfiguration\" that happened to Jesus will take us into a deeper sense. This is what we are going through in our daily life today: We have been blessed by God with an opportunity for transfigurations which can be seen as reflections upon how He has changed from being man until he became Christ!"
"Already in the First Reading (Old Testament), we see Abraham as a model and benchmark for believers."
"From Abraham, we have received an invitation to believe."
"This faith is an attitude of total trust in God alone."
"Believe and accept God’s Commandment radically. Radically believe in the Lord Jesus Christ"
"All reliance on God's providence is based upon the fact that He remained faithful to His promise."
"This means that we have to believe in one God and not be carried away by separate faiths."
"Our Timorese like to speculate on our faith."
"On the other hand, we are devoted to prayer and Mass. We install an Oratory in our homes..."
"On the other hand, we believe in China Gods and dook eyes of SDSB. We also have belief on skin-skinned animals (wood), blue eyed creatures(kakaluk) stones or trees fair hororscopio zodiac faith mehi etc..."
"At this point, we ask ourselves: When will God who has revealed Himself in Jesus Christ find a place for himself within us?"
"God in the Gospel account says: \"This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to him.\""
"Once again, the Second Reading (New Testament) invites us to renounce our selfish attitude."
"We feel that everything is sufficient for us (self-sufficiency) and therefore, neither God nor other people are needed."
"To this point, we have forgotten that; We are social beings who always need others in our journey of life."
"When we are in difficulty, you need a lot of people. After getting some new positions and waiting for someone else to get it until the two who once supported our process have been rejected..."
"The transfiguration that we hear in the Gospel does not direct us toward triumph or outwards victory but rather this Transformation is a result of clear conversation (repentance) from within."
"This transfiguration can take place in our attitude to accept the Cross of life with love and surrender Ourselves only for God not by believing SDSB myths that appear overwhelmingly on social media."
"In the Gospel, we can understand that Jesus’ transfiguration was not a display of glory but rather he taught us through his two Apostles to believe in Cross (Sacrifice) which will bring our joy and heavenly Glory."
"What is given freely has no value more than what requires Sacrifice."
"Jesus reveals Himself as the Son of God who shows a way to Glory through Sacrifice."
"Sacrifice can make us appreciate what we get."
"To begin this process, we need to repent of our sins in order that it will facilitate the sacrifice for Transfiguration."
"Otherwise, we will just go on like that until death and then be diverted back to trusting in God SDSB which is easy. Week after week or every day you get immediate results!"
"If we lose, then the words of our deceased grandfathers may be lost."
"After all, SDSB is a game that's similar to kur-kuru and Bola guling but many of us are looking for the car engine plate every day. We want it so we can win this match!"
"It is everybody's right to participate in the game with our own money but, from a faith point of view each believer needs take into consideration that; Faith lies only within one God."
"Keta was deceived by a few people who promised to give him the red ball number but asked for money transfer."
"Be careful otherwise our faith is not clear and will turn back to God SDSB."
"The account of the transfiguration in synoptic Gospels is always followed by some information about Jesus suffering at a later time (Lk 9:21; Mt."
"This statement is immediately justified by the condition of following Jesus; becoming a disciple who was ready to carry his cross with him every day (Lk 9:23, Mt.16-40)."
"The moment of the transfiguration (Jesus's abdication) can be considered as a pause and transition before Jesus with his disciple to Jerusalem for His Passover."
"In the Gospel, St. Mark also reports that Jesus went down to sea with three of his disciple: Peter and James; John was their companion in a boat which he had taken out from Galilee for Jerusalem'"
"They went up to the shore and prayed, but Jesus' face was shaken by a fire-fire of flames. His clothes became navy blue; his eyes were filled with tears as he said these words:"
"And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared talking with him."
"What the three are talking about is Jesus’ mission in Jerusalem."
"We believe and often think that Jesus came to complete the law which was already there."
"Moses represents Jewish law and Elijah is a Syrian prophet."
"The presence of both (Moses & Elijah) indicated that Jesus came to fulfill and complete the old anointing with a new one."
"This means that all things in the Jewish law and prophets were fulfilled more fully than ever before."
"The Gospel also tells us that the three disciples were amazed at how secure they felt with God."
"Peter with faith said to Jesus; \"Master, it is better for us that we remain here."
"We have made three shelves in it; one for you, the other to Elijah and Moses.\" Peter's human thought is further perfected by a voice coming from heaven: \"This Is My Son. Hear Him!\""
"The thing that catches our attention is the passage in this Gospel which tells us; when they lifted up their heads, and saw Jesus lying there."
"Moses and Elijah disappeared from the footsteps of Jesus."
"Jesus is everything (Jesus adalah segalanya)."
"He bent down in front of his disciples to give a simple promise: after all this suffering, Jesus will rise again and be glorified."
"And because of this glory, the eyes were caught by all men and they looked down on Jesus alone."
"Lent is a good time to look only at Jesus and hear Him from day one."
"To this, Buddhists always say; \"when you speak out of your mouth is something that we already know. But when hearing others talk in our ear may be a new thing to us.\""
"That is why the voice that came out of God's heart called to us, saying: \"This Is My Son; Hear Him!\""
"And so let us wait for Jesus Christ our Father and Savior, who will transform your bodies into the likeness of his own flesh."
"According to His power, He will conquer or rule all things."
"That is why St. Paul calls attention to all people who are firm in the faith, that they remain steadfast and unchanging throughout their lives!"
"The teaching of St. Paul leads us to understand and believe in the life that Jesus Christ lived for our salvation,"
"Why do we need to believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ?"
"For we need to have a firm hope in Jesus, so that our hearts may rest on God."
"We have a firm hope that in the last days our Lord Jesus will bring us back to life and rejoice with God."
"There, we will enjoy the glory of God our Father and Jesus Christ together with His Holy Spirit."
"Certainly, in order to attain or advance into the infinite glory together with God our Father we always have one confidence; that He keeps His promise."
"For God Himself made promises to Abraham, as we hear in the first reading."
"There God showed all creatures to Abraham after the promises that He had made for his generation."
"Promise or promise means God's initiative for man because of his mercy/extensive dominion."
"Although in the subsequent process, Abraham's generation sinned repeatedly but God remained faithful to His promise even though people were sometimes unfaithful."
"The Transfiguration of Jesus on Mount Tabor, which today's Gospel recounted to us reminds ourselves that through the effort and Lenten penance for following Christ in his Passion we will also come into joy at His glorious Resurrection."
"This is my Son, the one who came to save us. Hear him!"
"May it be so and may all go well."
"(Ignas) Previous Post2nd Sunday of Lent, YEAR C Next postMonday - Friday 1st Week in Ordinary Time: Year B"
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Pesoál saúde HNGV kondena asaun krimi iha Covalima | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVID-19 Pesoál saúde HNGV kondena asaun krimi iha Covalima\nPesoál saúde hala’o konferénsia imprensa iha HNGV, tersa (20/04/21). Imajen Tatoli/Felicidade Ximenes.\nDILI, 19 abríl 2021 (TATOLI)—Pesoál saúde iha Ospitál Nasionál Guido Valadares (HNGV sígla portugés) kompostu hosi médiku, emfermeiru no aliadu-sira, kondena asaun krime ne’ebé akontese iha kuarentena Polo, Covalima hasoru médiku ida hetan kanek to’o suku pontu rua.\nPesoál saúde-sira kondena asaun ne’e no konsidera katak, tuir loloos situasaun ne’e labele akontese, tanba oras ne’e daudaun médiku-sira nu’udár forsa liña frente ne’ebé luta hela kontra COVID-19.\nNotísia relevante:Pasiente COVID-19 hakanek médiku ida iha kuarentena Polo\n“Ami husu ba nai-ulun sira atu proteje pesoál liña frente hanesan médiku-sira ne’ebé hala’o kna’ar iha baze. Husu mós ba instituisaun PNTL, F-FDTL, autoridade lokál-sira atu foti medida sériu no rigorozu ba asaun violénsia ida-ne’e. Ami kondena makaas asaun ne’e,” Reprezentante médiku HNGV, Amentinho Fernandes, hato’o liu hosi konferénsia imprensa iha HNGV, tersa ne’e.\nMédiku ne’e mós agradese no enkoraja nafatin pesoál saúde-sira, maski simu tolok, trata no agresaun fízika hosi sosiedade, maibé sei la hamate espíritu atu serbí ba rai ida-ne’e.\nNia apela ba komunidade atu serbisu hamutuk ho pesoál saúde iha momentu difísil ida-ne’e, la’ós sai inimigu maibé sai mahon ba médiku-sira, hodi hamutuk luta kontra virus ne’e.\nAsaun solidariedade ida-ne’e inisiativa rasik hosi médiku-sira iha HNGV no la lori Asosiasaun Médiku Timor Leste (AMTL) nia-naran tanba hakarak atu enkoraja pesoál liña frente, ne’ebé hetan violasaun fízika.\nEntretantu, iha 19 abríl, pasiente COVID-19 na’in-rua iha kuarentena Polo, Munisípiu Covalima, lakohi koopera ho ekipa médiku atu submete ba izolamentu, to’o hakanek médiku ida iha parte oin suku pontu rua.\nOras ne’e daudaun, pasiente na’in-rua ne’e kumpre hela regra vizilánsia iha izolamentu, bainhira pasa hosi COVID-19 sei kontinua responsabiliza atuasaun ne’ebé sira halo iha Polísia.\nPesoál saúde HNGV\nPrevious articlePNTL Covalima investiga hela atuasaun iha kuarentena Holbeli\nNext articlePM konsidera presiza kriminaliza entidade halo infraestrutura la kualidade | [
"Pesoal saude HNGV kondena asaun krimi iha Covalima | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID-19 Pesoal saude HNGV kondena asaun krimi iha Covalima Pesoal saude hala'o konferensia imprensa iha HNGV, tersa (20/04/21).",
"Imajen Tatoli/Felicidade Ximenes.",
"DILI, 19 abril 2021 (TATOLI) - Pesoal saude iha Ospital Nasional Guido Valadares (HNGV sigla portuges) kompostu hosi mediku, emfermeiru no aliadu-sira, kondena asaun krime ne'ebe akontese iha kuarentena Polo, Covalima hasoru mediku ida hetan kanek to'o suku pontu rua.",
"Pesoal saude-sira kondena asaun ne'e no konsidera katak, tuir loloos situasaun ne'e labele akontese, tanba oras ne'e daudaun mediku-sira nu'udar forsa lina frente ne'ebe luta hela kontra COVID-19.",
"Notisia relevante:Pasiente COVID-19 hakanek mediku ida iha kuarentena Polo \"Ami husu ba nai-ulun sira atu proteje pesoal lina frente hanesan mediku-sira ne'ebe hala'o kna'ar iha baze.",
"Husu mos ba instituisaun PNTL, F-FDTL, autoridade lokal-sira atu foti medida seriu no rigorozu ba asaun violensia ida-ne'e.",
"Ami kondena makaas asaun ne'e,\" Reprezentante mediku HNGV, Amentinho Fernandes, hato'o liu hosi konferensia imprensa iha HNGV, tersa ne'e.",
"Mediku ne'e mos agradese no enkoraja nafatin pesoal saude-sira, maski simu tolok, trata no agresaun fizika hosi sosiedade, maibe sei la hamate espiritu atu serbi ba rai ida-ne'e.",
"Nia apela ba komunidade atu serbisu hamutuk ho pesoal saude iha momentu difisil ida-ne'e, la'os sai inimigu maibe sai mahon ba mediku-sira, hodi hamutuk luta kontra virus ne'e.",
"Asaun solidariedade ida-ne'e inisiativa rasik hosi mediku-sira iha HNGV no la lori Asosiasaun Mediku Timor Leste (AMTL) nia-naran tanba hakarak atu enkoraja pesoal lina frente, ne'ebe hetan violasaun fizika.",
"Entretantu, iha 19 abril, pasiente COVID-19 na'in-rua iha kuarentena Polo, Munisipiu Covalima, lakohi koopera ho ekipa mediku atu submete ba izolamentu, to'o hakanek mediku ida iha parte oin suku pontu rua.",
"Oras ne'e daudaun, pasiente na'in-rua ne'e kumpre hela regra vizilansia iha izolamentu, bainhira pasa hosi COVID-19 sei kontinua responsabiliza atuasaun ne'ebe sira halo iha Polisia.",
"Pesoal saude HNGV Previous articlePNTL Covalima investiga hela atuasaun iha kuarentena Holbeli Next articlePM konsidera presiza kriminaliza entidade halo infraestrutura la kualidade"
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"HNGV health staff condemns criminal action in Covalima | Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID -19 Health personnel of the National Hospital for Severe and Chronic Disease (NHV) hold a press conference at HNV on Tuesday, April."
"Image Tatoli/Felicidade Ximenes."
"DILI, April 19th - Health personnel at Ospital Nasional Guido Valadares (HNGV) composed of doctors and nurse-workers condemn the criminal action that took place in Polo quarantine centre against a medical practitioner who was wounded to two points."
"The health workers condemned the action and considered that this situation should not have happened, because at present doctors are a frontline force fighting against COVID-19."
"Relevant news:COVID-19 patient assaultes a doctor in quarantine Polo \"We ask the heads of state to protect front line personnel such as medical workers working at base."
"I also call on the PNTL, F-FDTL and local authorities to take serious measures against this act of violence."
"We strongly condemn this action,\" HNGV medical representative Amentinho Fernandes said during a press conference at the hospital on Tuesday."
"The doctor also thanked and encouraged the health workers, despite receiving insults from society but they will not kill their spirit to serve this country."
"He called on the community to work together with health workers at this difficult time, not be an enemy but a helper for doctors in their fight against virus."
"This solidarity action was initiated by doctors at HNGV and does not bear the name of Timor-Leste Medical Association (AMTL) because they want to encourage frontline personnel who have been physically abused."
"Meanwhile, on April 19th two COVID-20 patients at Polo quarantine centre in the municipality of Covalima refused to cooperate with a medical team for isolation. They even attacking one doctor outside their village point duas (points Two)."
"At present, the two patients are complying with vigilance rules in isolation. When they pass from COVID-19 will continue to be responsible for their actions at Police Stations and Hospital 24 hours a day"
"Previous articlePNTL Covalima investigating action in Holbeli quarantine Next ArticlePM considers it necessary to criminalize entity making infrastructural lack of quality."
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TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: “Taur Husu ADN Pro-Ativu Fiskaliza Mega Projeitu”\nPrezidenti Republika Taur Matan Ruak husu ba Azensia Dezenvolvimentu Nasional (ADN) hodi fiskaliza pro-ativu ba projeitu sira hodi garante kualidade.\nPrezidenti husu ba ami para mantein nafatin halo fiskalizasuan maka’as ba projeitu ne’ebe mak laiha kualidade no bolu atensaun ba kompania sira ne’ebe halo projeitu laiha kualidade no akomania hela deit para halo ho kualdiade,” Diretor ADN Samuel Marcal ba jornalista iha palasiu Prezidensial, Bairu-Pite, Tersa (12/3). Nia esplika, seidauk iha lei ka criteria hodi regula kompania sira maibe iha sansaun ba kompania ne’ebe abandona projeitu no halo projeitu laiha kualidade.\n“Sira ne’ebe la tuir criteria ADN sei la fo tan projeitu ba sira no labele hetan oportunidade, ami identifika iha Distritu hotu iha kompania ida to’o rua mak malandru halo sub kontrak maibe hau la relembra kompania ne’e, maibe husi ekipa distritu ita fo atensaun maka’as ba sira,” Samuel dehan.\nBa mega Projeitu hanesan Edifisiu Komisaun Nasional Eleisoens (CNE), Komisaun Funsaun Publiku (KFP) Ministeriu Justica (MJ) no mega projeitu sira seluk tan ne’ebe mak iha kuandu tempu kontratu maka remata, projeitu seidauk hotu sei implementa penalti ba sira.\n“Projeitu hirak nee kuandu la hotu, la ekstende tan kontratu, ita sei implementa penalty ba kompania sira,” nia informa. | [
"TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: \"Taur Husu ADN Pro-Ativu Fiskaliza Mega Projeitu\" Prezidenti Republika Taur Matan Ruak husu ba Azensia Dezenvolvimentu Nasional (ADN) hodi fiskaliza pro-ativu ba projeitu sira hodi garante kualidade.",
"Prezidenti husu ba ami para mantein nafatin halo fiskalizasuan maka'as ba projeitu ne'ebe mak laiha kualidade no bolu atensaun ba kompania sira ne'ebe halo projeitu laiha kualidade no akomania hela deit para halo ho kualdiade,\" Diretor ADN Samuel Marcal ba jornalista iha palasiu Prezidensial, Bairu-Pite, Tersa (12/3).",
"Nia esplika, seidauk iha lei ka criteria hodi regula kompania sira maibe iha sansaun ba kompania ne'ebe abandona projeitu no halo projeitu laiha kualidade.",
"\"Sira ne'ebe la tuir criteria ADN sei la fo tan projeitu ba sira no labele hetan oportunidade, ami identifika iha Distritu hotu iha kompania ida to'o rua mak malandru halo sub kontrak maibe hau la relembra kompania ne'e, maibe husi ekipa distritu ita fo atensaun maka'as ba sira,\" Samuel dehan.",
"Ba mega Projeitu hanesan Edifisiu Komisaun Nasional Eleisoens (CNE), Komisaun Funsaun Publiku (KFP) Ministeriu Justica (MJ) no mega projeitu sira seluk tan ne'ebe mak iha kuandu tempu kontratu maka remata, projeitu seidauk hotu sei implementa penalti ba sira.",
"\"Projeitu hirak nee kuandu la hotu, la ekstende tan kontratu, ita sei implementa penalty ba kompania sira,\" nia informa."
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"TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: President Taur Matan Ruak urges National Development Agency (ADN) to pro-actively fiscalize mega projects in order for quality of the project."
"The President asked us to keep on doing strict inspections of low-quality projects and call attention for the companies that do poor quality project,\" ADN Director Samuel Marcal told journalists at Presidential Palace in Bairro Pite Tuesday (12/3)."
"He explained that there are no laws or criteria to regulate the companies but sanctions exist for those who abandon projects and make them of poor quality."
"\"Those who do not meet the ADN criteria will no longer be given projects and cannot get an opportunity, we have identified in every District one or two companies that are willing to sub-contract but I don't remember this company. But from our district team they receive a lot of attention\", Samuel said.\""
"For mega projects such as the National Elections Commission (CNE) Building, Public Service Committee of Ministry Of Justice and other Mega Project that have contractual terms expiring when not all project will be implemented penalties for them."
"\"If these projects are not completed, if the contract isn't extended anymore we will implement penalties for companies\", he said."
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Welcome Ezistensia Asosiasaun Treinador Futebol iha Timor-Leste - Desportu.XYZ\nWelcome Ezistensia Asosiasaun Treinador Futebol iha Timor-Leste\nDili – Asosiasaun Treinadór Futeból iha Timor-Leste (ATFTL), hala’o kongresu dahuluk hodi halibur treinadór sira hotu atu deskute fila fali estatutu asosiasaun nian, nune’eba futuru hodi hare esperiensia husi treinadór sira nian, antes kaer klubu ida no hare problema ne’ebé mak durante ne’e treinadór sira infrenta.\nTuir Manuel da Costa Soares hateten, objetivu husi kongresu dahuluk ne’e atu halibur fila fali treinadór timoroan sira ho sertifikadu nivel D to’o nivel A, nune’e ba oin asosiasaun hahú halo aprosimasaun ho FFTL, kona ba ekipa sira ne’ebé rejistu iha liga ne’e, pelumenus treinadór sira tenki iha sertifikadu antes kaer klubu ida.\n“Ita bele hare husi sertifkadu ne’ebé sira iha, tanba ida ne’e atu hatudu katak sira iha esperiensia bele kaer klubu ida, nune’e bele hare kapasidade treinadór ninian ne’e sufisiente ona ka lae, ita presiza hadia ka lae”. Hateten nia ba jornalista desportu.xyz, iha Salaun Sportin Xanana Center, Segunda (31/08/2020).\nTanba ne’e, nia dehan tan, bainhira hadi’a treinadór sira nia kapasidade nune’e ba futuru bele hasa’e prestasaun jogadores sira nian ho di’ak liu tan.\n“Bainhira treinadórsira ho kualifikadu, no hamosu ona jogadór sira ho prestasaun ne’ebé di’ak, nune’e jogadores sira bele representa Timor ba joga iha nivel Internasional sira ho prestasaun ne’ebé di’ak”.\nTanba ne’e nia relata, durante ne’e asosiasaun ne’e eziste ona, maibé nia funsaun mak la la’o, tanba ne’e mak sira hahú diskute fila fali nia estatutu, nune’e ba oin bele la’o tuir ona formatu hirak ne’ebé iha ona.\nEnkuantu nia afirma tan, liu husi kongresu dahuluk ne’e, hodi diskute fila fali estatutu asosiasaun nian, atu denfende mos direitu treinadór sira nian, tanba durante ne’e treinadór sira hetan problema barak tebes.\n“Ami nia observasaun durante ne’e, klubu barak mak la respeitu treinadór sira, tanba ohin sira bolu, aban sira hasai, ida ne’e mak ami lakoi”. Nia afirma.\nNia esplika, asosiasaun ne’e hamrik sai hanesan sumbrina ida ba treinador hotu iha Timor Leste, tan ne’e ba oin sira sei hala’o mos formasaun ba treinadór sira hotu iha Timor Leste, nune’e bele sai profisional liu tan bainhira lidera jogu ruma iha kampu. (Vidal) | [
"Welcome Ezistensia Asosiasaun Treinador Futebol iha Timor-Leste - Desportu.XYZ Welcome Ezistensia Asosiasaun Treinador Futebol iha Timor-Leste Dili - Asosiasaun Treinador Futebol iha Timor-Leste (ATFTL), hala'o kongresu dahuluk hodi halibur treinador sira hotu atu deskute fila fali estatutu asosiasaun nian, nune'eba futuru hodi hare esperiensia husi treinador sira nian, antes kaer klubu ida no hare problema ne'ebe mak durante ne'e treinador sira infrenta.",
"Tuir Manuel da Costa Soares hateten, objetivu husi kongresu dahuluk ne'e atu halibur fila fali treinador timoroan sira ho sertifikadu nivel D to'o nivel A, nune'e ba oin asosiasaun hahu halo aprosimasaun ho FFTL, kona ba ekipa sira ne'ebe rejistu iha liga ne'e, pelumenus treinador sira tenki iha sertifikadu antes kaer klubu ida.",
"\"Ita bele hare husi sertifkadu ne'ebe sira iha, tanba ida ne'e atu hatudu katak sira iha esperiensia bele kaer klubu ida, nune'e bele hare kapasidade treinador ninian ne'e sufisiente ona ka lae, ita presiza hadia ka lae.\"",
"Hateten nia ba jornalista desportu.xyz, iha Salaun Sportin Xanana Center, Segunda (31/08/2020).",
"Tanba ne'e, nia dehan tan, bainhira hadi'a treinador sira nia kapasidade nune'e ba futuru bele hasa'e prestasaun jogadores sira nian ho di'ak liu tan.",
"\"Bainhira treinadorsira ho kualifikadu, no hamosu ona jogador sira ho prestasaun ne'ebe di'ak, nune'e jogadores sira bele representa Timor ba joga iha nivel Internasional sira ho prestasaun ne'ebe di'ak.\"",
"Tanba ne'e nia relata, durante ne'e asosiasaun ne'e eziste ona, maibe nia funsaun mak la la'o, tanba ne'e mak sira hahu diskute fila fali nia estatutu, nune'e ba oin bele la'o tuir ona formatu hirak ne'ebe iha ona.",
"Enkuantu nia afirma tan, liu husi kongresu dahuluk ne'e, hodi diskute fila fali estatutu asosiasaun nian, atu denfende mos direitu treinador sira nian, tanba durante ne'e treinador sira hetan problema barak tebes.",
"\"Ami nia observasaun durante ne'e, klubu barak mak la respeitu treinador sira, tanba ohin sira bolu, aban sira hasai, ida ne'e mak ami lakoi.\"",
"Nia afirma.",
"Nia esplika, asosiasaun ne'e hamrik sai hanesan sumbrina ida ba treinador hotu iha Timor Leste, tan ne'e ba oin sira sei hala'o mos formasaun ba treinador sira hotu iha Timor Leste, nune'e bele sai profisional liu tan bainhira lidera jogu ruma iha kampu.",
] | [
"Welcome Ezistensia Asosiasaun Treinador Futebol iha Timor-Leste - Desportu.XYZ The Association of Football Trainers in East Тимор (ATFTL), held its first congress to bring together all the coaches and discuss again about their association's statute, so as they can look at what is happening with them before taking over a club or see which problems are facing during this time period trainer training"
"According to Manuel da Costa Soares, the aim of this first congress is for all Tongan coaches with D-level certifications and upwards in order that from now on association will be able make an approximations between themselves as well FFTL. As regarding teams registered into league at least they must have their certificate before taking over any club; he said:"
"\"We can see from the certificates that they have, because this is to show them how experienced and capable of managing a club are. So we will know if coaches' ability has been sufficient or not; whether it needs improvement.\""
"He told the journalist desportu.xyz, in Salaun Sportin Xanana Center on Monday (31/08) 24:59 PM UTC+6"
"Therefore, he said that if coaches improve their skills so in the future they can increase players' performance with better."
"\"When the coaches are qualified, and have produced players with good performances then they can represent Timor to play at international levels.\""
"Therefore, he reported that during this time the association has already existed but its function is not working. That's why they have started to discuss again about their statutes so in future it can work accordingly with those format which are available now and will be used by all of them as well.\""
"He also said that the first congress will be used to re-discuss association statutes and defend coaching rights, since during this time there have been many problems for trainers."
"\"Our observation during this period, many clubs do not respect the coaches because today they call them in and tomorrow you get fired. This is what we don't want.\""
"Nia says."
"He explained that the association is to act as an umbrella for all coaches in Timor-Leste, and therefore they will also conduct training courses on behalf of trainers from other countries so their skills can become more professional when leading a match."
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MTKI sei submete ezbosu implementasaun parke industriál iha Liquiçá | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA MTKI sei submete ezbosu implementasaun parke industriál iha Liquiçá\nMTKI sei submete ezbosu implementasaun parke industriál iha Liquiçá\nDILI, 14 jullu 2021 (TATOLI)–Ministériu Turizmu, Komérsiu no Indústria (MTKI) sei submete ezbosu ida ba Konsellu Ministru (KM) atu hetan apresiasaun no aprovasaun hodi fó kompétensia ba implementasaun parke industriál iha Liquiçá.\n“Ami sei lori fali dekretu-lei ida atu konsellu Ministru atu aprova, nune’e bele implementa obra ne’e,” Ministru Turizmu, Komérsiu no Indústria, José Lucas do Carmo da Silva, hateten iha Palásiu Governu, kuarta ne’e.\nIha novembru 2019, liuhosi reuniaun estraordinária Konsellu Administrasaun Fundu Infraestrutura (CAFI, Sigla Portugés) aprova ona proposta MTKI liuhosi Diresaun Jerál Indústria atu halo estudu viabilidade ba parke industriál iha rai ektare 64 iha área suku Vatuvou, postu administrativu Maubara, munisípiu Liquiçá.\nNotísia relevante: Governu Hakarak Aselera Estabelesimentu Parke Industriál Iha Liquiçá\nNune’e, hahú tinan 2000, MTKI halo preparativu no koordenasaun entre liña ministériu sira inklui komunidade iha Liquiçá no autoridade lokál.\n“Ita iha progresu parke industriál ne’ebé tama ona ba faze indemnizasaun ba rai ho despaixu hosi Primeiru-Ministru,” nia akresenta.\nIndemnizasaun rai ne’e, ho baze diskusaun lubuk ida atu haree kondisaun rai, hasoru malu ho autoridade lokál, Ministériu Justisa, Terra no Proriedade, Meiu Ambiente, no entidade relevante seluk.\nNune’e, MTKI tau iha orsamentu 2022 tanba sei iha kontinuasaun programa parke industriál ne’ebé foin inísia.\n“Ami foin diskute tetu orsamentál ne’ebé nia montante atu prevee ba planu ne’e seidauk bele fó hatene tanba sei iha diskusaun laran,” Ministru hatutan.\nNotísia relevante: KM analiza proposta kriasaun komisaun koordenasaun implementa parke industriál\nPrimeiru-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, husu atu aselera prosesu estabeleseimnetu parke industriál iha área Liquiçá tanba nu’udar planu prioridade ba VIII Governu nian atu ajuda indústria kiik sira.\nGovernu konsidera inisiativa ne’e importante tanba bele fasilita investidór internasionál no nasionál loke fábrika iha Timor-Leste hodi fó serbisu ba timor-oan sira tanba sei sai sentrál ne’ebé mak iha sítiu investidór sira asesu ba rai, bee inklui eletrisidade,\nTuir planu konstrusaun, kustu parke indústria hamutuk millaun $15, maibé sei iha diskusaun nia-laran, ne’ebé kustu bele aumenta ka hamenus.\nPrevious articleAgrikultór Goulolo kontinua utiliza irrigasaun tradisionál\nNext articleEskola ESP 02 Baucau aplika turnu bainhira reativa aula prezensiál | [
"MTKI sei submete ezbosu implementasaun parke industrial iha Liquica | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA MTKI sei submete ezbosu implementasaun parke industrial iha Liquica MTKI sei submete ezbosu implementasaun parke industrial iha Liquica DILI, 14 jullu 2021 (TATOLI) -Ministeriu Turizmu, Komersiu no Industria (MTKI) sei submete ezbosu ida ba Konsellu Ministru (KM) atu hetan apresiasaun no aprovasaun hodi fo kompetensia ba implementasaun parke industrial iha Liquica.",
"\"Ami sei lori fali dekretu-lei ida atu konsellu Ministru atu aprova, nune'e bele implementa obra ne'e,\" Ministru Turizmu, Komersiu no Industria, Jose Lucas do Carmo da Silva, hateten iha Palasiu Governu, kuarta ne'e.",
"Iha novembru 2019, liuhosi reuniaun estraordinaria Konsellu Administrasaun Fundu Infraestrutura (CAFI, Sigla Portuges) aprova ona proposta MTKI liuhosi Diresaun Jeral Industria atu halo estudu viabilidade ba parke industrial iha rai ektare 64 iha area suku Vatuvou, postu administrativu Maubara, munisipiu Liquica.",
"Notisia relevante: Governu Hakarak Aselera Estabelesimentu Parke Industrial Iha Liquica Nune'e, hahu tinan 2000, MTKI halo preparativu no koordenasaun entre lina ministeriu sira inklui komunidade iha Liquica no autoridade lokal.",
"\"Ita iha progresu parke industrial ne'ebe tama ona ba faze indemnizasaun ba rai ho despaixu hosi Primeiru-Ministru,\" nia akresenta.",
"Indemnizasaun rai ne'e, ho baze diskusaun lubuk ida atu haree kondisaun rai, hasoru malu ho autoridade lokal, Ministeriu Justisa, Terra no Proriedade, Meiu Ambiente, no entidade relevante seluk.",
"Nune'e, MTKI tau iha orsamentu 2022 tanba sei iha kontinuasaun programa parke industrial ne'ebe foin inisia.",
"\"Ami foin diskute tetu orsamental ne'ebe nia montante atu prevee ba planu ne'e seidauk bele fo hatene tanba sei iha diskusaun laran,\" Ministru hatutan.",
"Notisia relevante: KM analiza proposta kriasaun komisaun koordenasaun implementa parke industrial Primeiru-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, husu atu aselera prosesu estabeleseimnetu parke industrial iha area Liquica tanba nu'udar planu prioridade ba VIII Governu nian atu ajuda industria kiik sira.",
"Governu konsidera inisiativa ne'e importante tanba bele fasilita investidor internasional no nasional loke fabrika iha Timor-Leste hodi fo serbisu ba timor-oan sira tanba sei sai sentral ne'ebe mak iha sitiu investidor sira asesu ba rai, bee inklui eletrisidade, Tuir planu konstrusaun, kustu parke industria hamutuk millaun $15, maibe sei iha diskusaun nia-laran, ne'ebe kustu bele aumenta ka hamenus.",
"Previous articleAgrikultor Goulolo kontinua utiliza irrigasaun tradisional Next articleEskola ESP 02 Baucau aplika turnu bainhira reativa aula prezensial"
] | [
"MTKI to submit draft implementation of industrial park in Liquica | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA The Ministry for Tourism, Trade and Industry (MTKi) will be submissioning a project proposal on the construction or renovation/implementation(s), development & operationalization by an Industrial Park at liquiça."
"\"We will bring back a decree-law for the Council of Ministers to approve, so that we can implement this work\", said Tourism and Commerce minister Jose Lucas do Carmo da Silva in Government Palace on Tuesday."
"In November 2019, through an extraordinary meeting of the Board Of Directors Infrastructure Fund (CAFI) has approved a proposal by MTKI via General Industry Direction to carry out feasibility studies for industrial park on land in area Vatuvou village administrative post Maubara municipality Liquica."
"Relevant News: Government Wants To Accelerate Establishment Of Industrial Park In Liquica Thud, since 2013 MTKI has made preparations and coordination between ministries including the community in liquisa & local authority."
"\"There is progress in the industrial park which has entered into land compensation phase with approval of Prime Minister,\" he added."
"The land compensation, based on a lot of discussions to see the conditions in that area and meeting with local authorities such as Ministry for Justice Land Property Environment etc."
"Thus, MTKI put in the budget 2018 because there will be a continuation of industrial park program that has just begun."
"\"We have just discussed the budgetary estimates, which amount to provide for this plan can not yet be given because it is still under discussion.\" Minister continued."
"Relevant news: KM analyzes proposal for creation of commission to coordinate implementation industrial park Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak has asked that the establishment process be accelerated in Liquica area as it is a priority plan by VIII Government."
"The Government considers this initiative important because it can facilitate international and national investor to open factories in Timor-Leste, providing jobs for the people of East Тимор as a central site that will have access by investmenters land water including electricity. Under construction plan cost industrial park total $15 million but there is discussion underway which costs may increase or decrease"
"Previous articleAgricultor Goulolo continues to use traditional irrigation NextEscola ESP02 Baucau applies shift when reactivating face-to -face classroom."
] |
Dezenvolve kreximentu ekonomia rai laran tenke injeta finanseiru ba BNCTL\nDILI----Banku Nasionál Comersio Timor Leste (BNCTL) nudár Banku úniku Estadu nian tan ne’e estadu atu labele tauk hodi injeta osan iha BNCTL nune’e sai kanalizadór ba Dezenvolvimentu kreximentu ekonomia Timor Leste.\nTuir Prezidente BNCTL Brigido de Sousa hatete katak Durante ne’e governu injekta ona osan hamutuk Millaun $25 maibe seidauk bele responde ba nesesidade rai laran liu-liu kona ba fasilita kréditu ba setór privadu sira atu dudu dezenvolvimentu país ida ne’e.\n“BNCTL presiza kapital tanba uainhira BNCTL iha kapitál ne’ebé forte , Banku sei fo serteja ba kliente sira, Investor sira, ba ema ne’ebé atu rai osan no atu dehan katak Banku ne’e iha kapitál ne’ebé sufisiente atu nune’e iha buat ruma akontese karik nia bele selu obrigasaun, segundu banku konvense ema katak iha situasaun kapitál Solidu hodi bele fo kréditu ne’ebé ho montante boot tanba iha regulamentu husi Banku Central Timor Leste katak Banku bele fo de’it 25% husi kapitál kréditu ba ema ida ka grupu ida signifika,” dehan Prezidente BNCTL Brigido de Sousa ba BT iha nia knar fatin, Mandarin, Segunda (15/05).\nNia afirma katak durante ne’e Governu Timor Leste injeta ona osan hamutuk millaun $25 no másimu fasilita kréditu mak millaun $9 de’it husi osan ne’ebé iha no bainhira governu ka estadu kontinua aumenta injeta mak benefísiu BNCTL sei aumenta nia kréditu ho montante boot inklui nia matoridade ne’ebé naruk ho funan ne’ebé ki’ik ba setór privadu sira.\n“BNCTL ho nia kapitál 25 Milloens ne’e másimu Millaun $9 maibé se aumenta tan kapitál entaun ita bele fó kréditu ho montante boot liu no ho nia matoride ne’ebé naruk no ho nia funan ne’ebé ki’ik tan ne’e mak importante husi kapitál forte ne’e,” dehan nia.\nTan ne’e nia husu ba governu no estadu atu labele ta’uk atu aumenta kapitál iha BNCTL tanba durante ne’e osan ne’ebé governu ka estadu injeta to’o oras ne’e seidauk lakon maibé aumenta fali nia rendimentu ne’ebé boot halo kompanarasaun ho osan ne’ebé estadu tau iha bonds Amerika.\n“Ha’u bele dehan katak governu ka estadu labele sente ta’uk atu aumenta osan iha BNCTL tanba durante ne’e osan nunka lakon tanba tinan-tinan BNCTL halo hanesan fo kréditu nomós iha area seluk BNCTL hetan lukru ne’ebé sufisiente no BNCTL fo fila fali Ritan no Equity iha tinan ida ne’e kuaze 20%, signifika katak Dollar $1 ne’ebé ita nia estadu nudár asionista úniku tau iha BNCTL.\nBNCTL fo fali 20% signifika $0,20 centavus, Se ita halo kompara se osan fundu minarai rai iha bonds iha Amérika másimu 3% fo fila fali maibé iha BNCTL 20% no segundu ita rai osan iha li’ur no ita rai osan iha nia benefísiu saida?, kuandu ita injeta kapitál barak iha BNCTL, osan ne’e fila duni ba komunidade sira no dezenvolve ita nia setór privadu.\nse osan ne’e o rai iha bonds iha Amerika ne’eba se mak benefisia husi ne’e maibé rai osan iha BNCTL sei fasilita fali kréditu ho montante boot liu, kréditu ho funan ki’ik, dezenvolve setór privadu no kuandu setór privadu dezenvolve nia efeitu ne’e fo pozitivu ba iha ne’eba , ho ida ne’e ita nia ekonomia no hakarak setór privadu atu halo papél importante ita atinje duni no la’ós kolia de’it,” dehan nian.\nBrigido afrima katak fundu ne’ebé estadu enjekta hamutuk millaun $25 to’o oras ne’e BNCTL akumula ona nia funan hamutuk millaun $12 komesa husi tempu instituisaun mikro. Tan ne’e nia espera katak governu kontinua iha komitmentu hodi injekta fundu hodi hafarsa liu tan servisu BNCTL nia iha fasilita kréditu ba emprezariu sira hodi bele dudu kreximentu ekonomia TL la’o ba oin di’ak liu tan iha futuru.\n“Buat hotu hotu depende ba situasaun polítika ne’ebé iha no se de’it mak atu ukun Banku Ami la prekupa tanba polítika nain sira mak hatene maibé ita presiza governu ida forte atu bele konsidera BNCTL nia hakarak,” katak nia.\nNia mós dehan tan katak BNCTL mós sei esforsu atu oinsá bele mobiliza depositu barak liu tan inklui sei husu tan ba estadu nudár Asonista úniku atu bele injeta tan kapitál nune’e bele iha rekursu ne’ebé sufisiente alende fo kréditu inklui reforsa sistema nune’e bele fo atendementu ne’ebé di’ak ba kliente sira tanba agora situasaun balun BNCTL infrenta difisil ho rajaun oras ne’e selu taxa nomós seluk buat hotu liu husi BNCTL.\n“Entaun ami presiza rekursu, ami tenke aumenta Ajénsia, Aumenta ema hodi halo buat sira ne’e, se governu la apoiu hodi aumenta kapitál iha BNCTL atu lamas osan iha ne’ebé tanba ita atu mobiliza depositu ne’e la’ós fasil tanba la’ós ema hotu iha osan tan ne’e ami esfosu halo proposta ba governu atu bele halo injesaun kapitál iha BNCTL,” dehan Prezidente BNCTL.\nNia klarifika katak to’o oras ne’e BNCTL konsege ona iha kliente hamutuk 1295 mill akumula kapitál hamutuk millaun $114 no kliente kréditu 22 mill ho osan hamutuk millaun $96 ba kréditu nian. Tan ne’e nia informa katak osan ne’ebé governu injeta la sufisiente atu bele fasilita kréditu ba públiku liu-liu emprezariu sira tanba BNCTL falita kréditu liu ona 250 milloens.\nHatán ba rekomendasaun refere Jornalista Business Timor halo konfirmasaun ba Primeiru Ministru Mari Alkatiri kona-ba posibilidade ba injesaun fundu ba BNCTL, Primeiru Ministru hatan katak to’o oras ne’e VII governu seidauk iha planu atu tau osan tanba to’o oras ne’e seidauk iha orsamentu Jerál Estadu ne’ebé mak aprova husi Parlamentu Nasionál.\nNia afirma katak bainhira governu atu injeta osan ba iha BNCTL tenke aprova Orsamentu maibé to’o agora seidauk iha. “Ita atu injeta osan Tenke aprova orsamentu, tan ne’e husu ba 35 balas ne’e atu halo saida los ,” dehan Primeiru ministru Mari Alkateri ba BT iha Timor Plaza kinta Feira (18/01). (BT) | [
"Dezenvolve kreximentu ekonomia rai laran tenke injeta finanseiru ba BNCTL DILI----Banku Nasional Comersio Timor Leste (BNCTL) nudar Banku uniku Estadu nian tan ne'e estadu atu labele tauk hodi injeta osan iha BNCTL nune'e sai kanalizador ba Dezenvolvimentu kreximentu ekonomia Timor Leste.",
"Tuir Prezidente BNCTL Brigido de Sousa hatete katak Durante ne'e governu injekta ona osan hamutuk Millaun $25 maibe seidauk bele responde ba nesesidade rai laran liu-liu kona ba fasilita kreditu ba setor privadu sira atu dudu dezenvolvimentu pais ida ne'e.",
"\"BNCTL presiza kapital tanba uainhira BNCTL iha kapital ne'ebe forte , Banku sei fo serteja ba kliente sira, Investor sira, ba ema ne'ebe atu rai osan no atu dehan katak Banku ne'e iha kapital ne'ebe sufisiente atu nune'e iha buat ruma akontese karik nia bele selu obrigasaun, segundu banku konvense ema katak iha situasaun kapital Solidu hodi bele fo kreditu ne'ebe ho montante boot tanba iha regulamentu husi Banku Central Timor Leste katak Banku bele fo de'it 25% husi kapital kreditu ba ema ida ka grupu ida signifika,\" dehan Prezidente BNCTL Brigido de Sousa ba BT iha nia knar fatin, Mandarin, Segunda (15/05).",
"Nia afirma katak durante ne'e Governu Timor Leste injeta ona osan hamutuk millaun $25 no masimu fasilita kreditu mak millaun $9 de'it husi osan ne'ebe iha no bainhira governu ka estadu kontinua aumenta injeta mak benefisiu BNCTL sei aumenta nia kreditu ho montante boot inklui nia matoridade ne'ebe naruk ho funan ne'ebe ki'ik ba setor privadu sira.",
"\"BNCTL ho nia kapital 25 Milloens ne'e masimu Millaun $9 maibe se aumenta tan kapital entaun ita bele fo kreditu ho montante boot liu no ho nia matoride ne'ebe naruk no ho nia funan ne'ebe ki'ik tan ne'e mak importante husi kapital forte ne'e,\" dehan nia.",
"Tan ne'e nia husu ba governu no estadu atu labele ta'uk atu aumenta kapital iha BNCTL tanba durante ne'e osan ne'ebe governu ka estadu injeta to'o oras ne'e seidauk lakon maibe aumenta fali nia rendimentu ne'ebe boot halo kompanarasaun ho osan ne'ebe estadu tau iha bonds Amerika.",
"\"Ha'u bele dehan katak governu ka estadu labele sente ta'uk atu aumenta osan iha BNCTL tanba durante ne'e osan nunka lakon tanba tinan-tinan BNCTL halo hanesan fo kreditu nomos iha area seluk BNCTL hetan lukru ne'ebe sufisiente no BNCTL fo fila fali Ritan no Equity iha tinan ida ne'e kuaze 20%, signifika katak Dollar $1 ne'ebe ita nia estadu nudar asionista uniku tau iha BNCTL.",
"BNCTL fo fali 20% signifika $0,20 centavus, Se ita halo kompara se osan fundu minarai rai iha bonds iha Amerika masimu 3% fo fila fali maibe iha BNCTL 20% no segundu ita rai osan iha li'ur no ita rai osan iha nia benefisiu saida?, kuandu ita injeta kapital barak iha BNCTL, osan ne'e fila duni ba komunidade sira no dezenvolve ita nia setor privadu. se osan ne'e o rai iha bonds iha Amerika ne'eba se mak benefisia husi ne'e maibe rai osan iha BNCTL sei fasilita fali kreditu ho montante boot liu, kreditu ho funan ki'ik, dezenvolve setor privadu no kuandu setor privadu dezenvolve nia efeitu ne'e fo pozitivu ba iha ne'eba , ho ida ne'e ita nia ekonomia no hakarak setor privadu atu halo papel importante ita atinje duni no la'os kolia de'it,\" dehan nian.",
"Brigido afrima katak fundu ne'ebe estadu enjekta hamutuk millaun $25 to'o oras ne'e BNCTL akumula ona nia funan hamutuk millaun $12 komesa husi tempu instituisaun mikro.",
"Tan ne'e nia espera katak governu kontinua iha komitmentu hodi injekta fundu hodi hafarsa liu tan servisu BNCTL nia iha fasilita kreditu ba emprezariu sira hodi bele dudu kreximentu ekonomia TL la'o ba oin di'ak liu tan iha futuru.",
"\"Buat hotu hotu depende ba situasaun politika ne'ebe iha no se de'it mak atu ukun Banku Ami la prekupa tanba politika nain sira mak hatene maibe ita presiza governu ida forte atu bele konsidera BNCTL nia hakarak,\" katak nia.",
"Nia mos dehan tan katak BNCTL mos sei esforsu atu oinsa bele mobiliza depositu barak liu tan inklui sei husu tan ba estadu nudar Asonista uniku atu bele injeta tan kapital nune'e bele iha rekursu ne'ebe sufisiente alende fo kreditu inklui reforsa sistema nune'e bele fo atendementu ne'ebe di'ak ba kliente sira tanba agora situasaun balun BNCTL infrenta difisil ho rajaun oras ne'e selu taxa nomos seluk buat hotu liu husi BNCTL.",
"\"Entaun ami presiza rekursu, ami tenke aumenta Ajensia, Aumenta ema hodi halo buat sira ne'e, se governu la apoiu hodi aumenta kapital iha BNCTL atu lamas osan iha ne'ebe tanba ita atu mobiliza depositu ne'e la'os fasil tanba la'os ema hotu iha osan tan ne'e ami esfosu halo proposta ba governu atu bele halo injesaun kapital iha BNCTL,\" dehan Prezidente BNCTL.",
"Nia klarifika katak to'o oras ne'e BNCTL konsege ona iha kliente hamutuk 1295 mill akumula kapital hamutuk millaun $114 no kliente kreditu 22 mill ho osan hamutuk millaun $96 ba kreditu nian.",
"Tan ne'e nia informa katak osan ne'ebe governu injeta la sufisiente atu bele fasilita kreditu ba publiku liu-liu emprezariu sira tanba BNCTL falita kreditu liu ona 250 milloens.",
"Hatan ba rekomendasaun refere Jornalista Business Timor halo konfirmasaun ba Primeiru Ministru Mari Alkatiri kona-ba posibilidade ba injesaun fundu ba BNCTL, Primeiru Ministru hatan katak to'o oras ne'e VII governu seidauk iha planu atu tau osan tanba to'o oras ne'e seidauk iha orsamentu Jeral Estadu ne'ebe mak aprova husi Parlamentu Nasional.",
"Nia afirma katak bainhira governu atu injeta osan ba iha BNCTL tenke aprova Orsamentu maibe to'o agora seidauk iha.",
"\"Ita atu injeta osan Tenke aprova orsamentu, tan ne'e husu ba 35 balas ne'e atu halo saida los ,\" dehan Primeiru ministru Mari Alkateri ba BT iha Timor Plaza kinta Feira (18/01).",
] | [
"Dili----Banku Nasional Comersio Timor Leste (BNCTL) is the only bank in East-Timor, so it's necessary for government to invest money into BNCtl and thereby become a channel of development. The National Bank has been operating since its establishment as an independent institution with no direct control over any other financial institutions or entities that operate on this marketplace but which are responsible by their own actions towards promoting economic growth at national level through investment activities within BNCL’S portfolio business units including:"
"According to BNCTL President Brigido de Sousa, the government has already injected $25 million but it is not yet capable of meeting domestic needs such as facilitating credit for private sectors so that this country can develop."
"\"BNCTL needs capital because when BNCtl has stronger kapital, the Bank will give assurances to its clients and Investors that it is able in case of something happening. Secondly bank convinces people about having sufficient Capital situation so they can lend large amount credit as there are regulation from CentralBank Timor-Leste which says a banking institution may only grant upto one quarter (25%) or more than this for any person\" said President Brigido de Sousa at his office Mandarin on Monday(14/06)."
"He affirmed that during this period the Government of Timor-Leste has injecting money totalling $25 million and maximum credit facilities are only 9 millions dollars from what is available. If government or state continues to increase injection benefits BNCTL will be increasing its loan with large amount including their long maturity small loans for private sector companies, he said"
"\"BNCTL with its capital of 25 Millions is a maximum $9 million, but if we increase the amount then it will be able to provide credit in larger quantities and have longer maturities. The smaller interest rate makes this more important than strong equity.\""
"Therefore, he asked the government and state not to hesitate in increasing capital of BNCTL because during this time money that was invested by Government or State so far hasn't been lost but increased its large returns made comparison with funds put into American bond."
"\"I can say that the government or state should not feel afraid to increase money in BNCTL because during this time, it has never lost any of its funds since every year we have done things like giving credits and other areas where our profit is sufficient. In fact for each dollar $1 put by State as sole shareholder into Banking Corporation Timor-Leste (BCT), BCTT returned Ritan e Equity nearly at a rate which was almost twenty per cent.\""
"BNCTL gives back 20% means $.15 cents, If we compare if the mineral funds money is in bond of America maximum returning rate are up to three percent but at BNCTl they give you a second loan and what benefits it has? When our capital goes into NCBLT this will be used by communities for developping their private sector; when these dollars go out on US Bond who benefit from that as well because bank loans with lower interest would facilitate larger amount credit which could help us build an economically stronger privatized economy where there'll also have positive effects upon local people.\""
"Brigido says that the funds injected by state amount to $25 million so far, BNCTL has accumulated its own fund totaling US$13.6 billion since micro-finance institution time and it is now operating with a capital of approximately USD70mn (USD48bn)."
"Therefore, he hopes that the government will continue to be committed in injection of funds for further strengthening BNCTL'S work on credit facilities and entrepreneurship so as it can sustain economic growth."
"\"Everything depends on the current political situation and who is going to run BNCTL. We don't care because politician know it, but we need a strong government that can take into consideration what our bank wishes.\""
"He also said that BNCTL will strive to mobilize more deposits, including asking the state -as its sole shareholder-to inject capital so it can have sufficient resources besides providing credit and reinforced system for better customer service because now some situation is facing difficulty with reasoning this time pay taxes etc. everything through bnctl ;"
"\"Therefore we need resources, and if the government does not support to increase capital in BNCTL so that it can put money there because mobilizing deposits isn't easy since all people do have their own funds. Therefor I am making a proposal for Government of Timor-Leste (Goverment) which would allow us make an injection into our bank\", said President da Banku Nacional de Comércio e Investimentos Ltda (\"BNCT\")."
"He clarified that so far BNCTL has managed to have 1,295 million clients accumulating capital of US$0.8 billion and credit customers with a total amount $367m for the loan's purpose; he added:"
"Therefore, he informed that the government's injection of money is not enough to facilitate credit for public especially entrepreneurial because BNCTL bankrupted over 250 million."
"In response to this recommendation, Business Timor journalist confirmed with Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri about the possibility of injecting funds into BNCTL. The prime minister replies that so far there is no plan for a VII Government government by now because it has not yet had its General State Budget approve from National Parliament and thus cannot provide any money at all until such time as we have our own general state budget which will be adopted on 2014-3"
"He stated that if the government wants to inject money into BNCTL, it must approve a budget but so far there is no one."
"\"To inject money We have to approve the budget, so we are asking 35 bullets what they should do\", Prime Minister Mari Alkateri told BT at Timor Plaza on Thursday (18/02)."
"(BT) 2014-365"
] |
MEJD sei buka solusaun ba polémika funsionáriu kontratadu 93 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI MEJD sei buka solusaun ba polémika funsionáriu kontratadu 93\nMEJD sei buka solusaun ba polémika funsionáriu kontratadu 93\nDILI, 08 fevereiru 2021 (TATOLI)—Atuál Ministru Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu (MEJD), Armindo Maia, serbisu makaas atu finaliza rezolusaun ida ho nia konteúdu atu foti desizaun ba funsionáriu kontratadu na’in 93 ne’ebé to’o ohin loron seidauk serbisu.\nOras ne’e daudaun, ekipa tékniku elabora hela rezolusaun ne’e no bainhira finaliza sei aprezenta ba Konsellu Ministru (KM) tanba iha prova balun hosi rezultadu verifikasaun dokumentu hatudu katak, rekrutamentu ba ajente administrasaun públiku na’in 93 iha tinan 2019, mosu irregularidade.\nNotísia Relevante:MEJD hahú prosesa dokumentu funsionáriu kontratadu 93\n“Ami elabora hela projetu rezolusaun ida atu lori fali ba KM hodi foti desizaun kona-bá asuntu ne’e, tanba ami halo ona verifikasaun no konsege deteta irregulariadade lubuk ida iha vaga 93 ne’e,” Armindo Maia hateten ba jornalista sira iha Palásiu Governu, segunda (08/02).\nGovernante ne’e konsidera rezultadu verifikasaun ne’e sizíliu hela, tanba ne’e bainhira aprezenta ona ba KM mak foin bele informa ba públiku.\n“Prosesu rekrutamentu ne’e la’ós iha ami-nia tempu, maibé iha Ministra sesante-nia tempu. Tanba iha prosesu irregularidade lubuk ida mak akontese, no ha’u lakohi hateten agora tanba ita hein desizaun KM,” Governante ne’e informa.\nArmindo Maia mós husu apoiu ba parte hotu-hotu atu fó hanoin lisuk hodi bele rezolve kestaun ne’e tuir dalan ne’ebé justu.\nEntretantu, funsionáriu hirak ne’e tuir teste no pasa iha konkursu ne’ebé hala’o iha tinan 2019 ho grau III to’o V.\nPolemika Funsionariu 93\nPrevious articlePM Taur orienta MEJD akompaña ezekusaun fundu infraestrutura\nNext articlePrezidente CFP konsidera autorizasaun lejizlativa regula funsionamentu AP ho uniformidade | [
"MEJD sei buka solusaun ba polemika funsionariu kontratadu 93 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI MEJD sei buka solusaun ba polemika funsionariu kontratadu 93 MEJD sei buka solusaun ba polemika funsionariu kontratadu 93 DILI, 08 fevereiru 2021 (TATOLI) - Atual Ministru Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu (MEJD), Armindo Maia, serbisu makaas atu finaliza rezolusaun ida ho nia konteudu atu foti desizaun ba funsionariu kontratadu na'in 93 ne'ebe to'o ohin loron seidauk serbisu.",
"Oras ne'e daudaun, ekipa tekniku elabora hela rezolusaun ne'e no bainhira finaliza sei aprezenta ba Konsellu Ministru (KM) tanba iha prova balun hosi rezultadu verifikasaun dokumentu hatudu katak, rekrutamentu ba ajente administrasaun publiku na'in 93 iha tinan 2019, mosu irregularidade.",
"Notisia Relevante:MEJD hahu prosesa dokumentu funsionariu kontratadu 93 \"Ami elabora hela projetu rezolusaun ida atu lori fali ba KM hodi foti desizaun kona-ba asuntu ne'e, tanba ami halo ona verifikasaun no konsege deteta irregulariadade lubuk ida iha vaga 93 ne'e,\" Armindo Maia hateten ba jornalista sira iha Palasiu Governu, segunda (08/02).",
"Governante ne'e konsidera rezultadu verifikasaun ne'e siziliu hela, tanba ne'e bainhira aprezenta ona ba KM mak foin bele informa ba publiku.",
"\"Prosesu rekrutamentu ne'e la'os iha ami-nia tempu, maibe iha Ministra sesante-nia tempu.",
"Tanba iha prosesu irregularidade lubuk ida mak akontese, no ha'u lakohi hateten agora tanba ita hein desizaun KM,\" Governante ne'e informa.",
"Armindo Maia mos husu apoiu ba parte hotu-hotu atu fo hanoin lisuk hodi bele rezolve kestaun ne'e tuir dalan ne'ebe justu.",
"Entretantu, funsionariu hirak ne'e tuir teste no pasa iha konkursu ne'ebe hala'o iha tinan 2019 ho grau III to'o V. Polemika Funsionariu 93 Previous articlePM Taur orienta MEJD akompana ezekusaun fundu infraestrutura Next articlePrezidente CFP konsidera autorizasaun lejizlativa regula funsionamentu AP ho uniformidade"
] | [
"MEJD will seek a solution to the controversy of contracted employees 93 | Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI The current Minister for Education, Youth and Sports (MEJD), Armindo Maia has worked hard on finalizing resolution with its content in order that decision can be taken regarding those who have not yet been hired."
"At present, the technical team is preparing this resolution and when finalized it will be presented to Council of Ministers (CM) because there are some evidence from document verification results show that irregularities occurred in recruitment for 93 public administration agents."
"\"We are preparing a draft resolution to bring back the KM in order for it take decision on this matter, because we have already done verification and managed detect many irregularities at vacancy 93\", Armindo Maia told journalists during an interview held Monday (08/2)."
"The governor considers that the results of this verification are still incipient, so when they have been presented to KM it is only then he can inform publicly."
"\"The recruitment process was not in our time, but it is the sitting Minister's."
"Because there are a lot of irregularities in the process, and I do not want to say now because we're waiting for KM decision.\""
"Armindo Maia also asked for the support of all parties to give a clear idea so that this issue can be solved in just ways."
"Previous articlePM Taur guides MEJD to accompany implementation of infrastructure fund Next ArticlePresident CFP consider legislative authorization regulates the functioning AP with uniformity In addition, these officials underwent testing and passed in a competition that was held on 2019 from grade III through V."
] |
Komunidade Husu Governu Fó Prioridade ba Estrada Rurál | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA ERMERA Komunidade Husu Governu Fó Prioridade ba Estrada Rurál\nXefe Aldeia Likisi, Suku Poetete, Postu Administrativu Ermera Vila, Aleixo Martins\nERMERA, 12 agostu 2019 (TATOLI)—Komunidade iha suku Poetete, Postu Administrativu Ermera Vila, Munisípiu Ermera, husu ba Governu Sentrál atu fó prioridade ba estrada rurál tanba kondisaun estrada ladún di’ak hahú hosi Biluli to’o mai to’o Ermera tuan no mós hosi Aifu to’o Likisi.\n“Ami-nia hakarak liu mak bee ho estrada. Ami husu ba Governu atu tau prioridade ba estrada rurál sira, nune’e prosesu dezenvolvimentu bele balansu,” dehan Xefe Aldeia Likisi, Suku Poetete, Postu Administrativu Ermera Vila, Aleixo Martins, ko’alia asuntu ne’e iha Aifu (Poetete), segunda ne’e.\nNia haktuir, kondisaun estrada aat dezde iha tempu Indonézia to’o oras ne’e. Ho kondisaun estrada ne’ebé grave ne’e, difikulta komunidade lori produtu lokál ba iha merkadu. Estrada hosi Gleno to’o Suku Poetete iha kilómetru lima, tanba ne’e husu governu tau iha ajenda.\nIha fatin hanesan, komunidade José Trindade, husu governu hadi’a lalais estrada ne’e nune’e bele fasilita komunidade lori pordutu lokál ba merkadu.\n“Loloos ne’e, Governu tenke tau atensaun ba ami-nia estrada iha rurál. Ita ukun-aan kle’ur ona mós ita la’o ba estrada ne’e halo ita triste liu,” hateten komunidade hosi Suku Legimea ne’e.\nHatán ba preokupasaun ne’e, Prezidente Autoridade Munisipál Ermera, José Soares, dehan asuntu estrada tama ona iha prosesu.\n“Estrada hosi Gleno mai to’o Ermera tuan ne’e ita iha kompañia ida mak kaer hela. Oras ne’e iha prosesu ateru nia laran. Ba oin mak ita haree took sei fui alkatraun ka lae, maibé estrada Ermera Vila ba Fatubessi iha ona periodu serbisu, tanba kompañia Xina, Shan Hai, mak agora kaer hela obra ne’e,” nia esplika.\nJosé hatutan, iha outubru 2020, kompañia tenke entrega ona ba Governu. “Ita rekoñese komunidade nia halerik kona-ba situasaun estrada maibé ita ajuda liuhosi Uniaun Europeia ne’e agora halo hela, nune’e mós estrada hosi Liquiçá mai sai fali iha Tokoluli-Railaco nian,” nia tenik.\nEditór: Xistoo Freitas\nPrevious articleDon Virgílio: Rekonsiliasaun Tenke Kontinua!\nNext articleOhin, Komunidade Aileu Realiza Misa Agradesimentu Komemora Konsulta Populár | [
"Komunidade Husu Governu Fo Prioridade ba Estrada Rural | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA ERMERA Komunidade Husu Governu Fo Prioridade ba Estrada Rural Xefe Aldeia Likisi, Suku Poetete, Postu Administrativu Ermera Vila, Aleixo Martins ERMERA, 12 agostu 2019 (TATOLI) - Komunidade iha suku Poetete, Postu Administrativu Ermera Vila, Munisipiu Ermera, husu ba Governu Sentral atu fo prioridade ba estrada rural tanba kondisaun estrada ladun di'ak hahu hosi Biluli to'o mai to'o Ermera tuan no mos hosi Aifu to'o Likisi.",
"\"Ami-nia hakarak liu mak bee ho estrada.",
"Ami husu ba Governu atu tau prioridade ba estrada rural sira, nune'e prosesu dezenvolvimentu bele balansu,\" dehan Xefe Aldeia Likisi, Suku Poetete, Postu Administrativu Ermera Vila, Aleixo Martins, ko'alia asuntu ne'e iha Aifu (Poetete), segunda ne'e.",
"Nia haktuir, kondisaun estrada aat dezde iha tempu Indonezia to'o oras ne'e.",
"Ho kondisaun estrada ne'ebe grave ne'e, difikulta komunidade lori produtu lokal ba iha merkadu.",
"Estrada hosi Gleno to'o Suku Poetete iha kilometru lima, tanba ne'e husu governu tau iha ajenda.",
"Iha fatin hanesan, komunidade Jose Trindade, husu governu hadi'a lalais estrada ne'e nune'e bele fasilita komunidade lori pordutu lokal ba merkadu.",
"\"Loloos ne'e, Governu tenke tau atensaun ba ami-nia estrada iha rural.",
"Ita ukun-aan kle'ur ona mos ita la'o ba estrada ne'e halo ita triste liu,\" hateten komunidade hosi Suku Legimea ne'e.",
"Hatan ba preokupasaun ne'e, Prezidente Autoridade Munisipal Ermera, Jose Soares, dehan asuntu estrada tama ona iha prosesu.",
"\"Estrada hosi Gleno mai to'o Ermera tuan ne'e ita iha kompania ida mak kaer hela.",
"Oras ne'e iha prosesu ateru nia laran.",
"Ba oin mak ita haree took sei fui alkatraun ka lae, maibe estrada Ermera Vila ba Fatubessi iha ona periodu serbisu, tanba kompania Xina, Shan Hai, mak agora kaer hela obra ne'e,\" nia esplika.",
"Jose hatutan, iha outubru 2020, kompania tenke entrega ona ba Governu.",
"\"Ita rekonese komunidade nia halerik kona-ba situasaun estrada maibe ita ajuda liuhosi Uniaun Europeia ne'e agora halo hela, nune'e mos estrada hosi Liquica mai sai fali iha Tokoluli-Railaco nian,\" nia tenik.",
"Editor: Xistoo Freitas Previous articleDon Virgilio: Rekonsiliasaun Tenke Kontinua!",
"Next articleOhin, Komunidade Aileu Realiza Misa Agradesimentu Komemora Konsulta Popular"
] | [
"Community Asks Government to Give Priority for Rural Road | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA ERMERA Communities Call on Central government prioritize rural road Aleixo Martines, Head of Likisi Village in Poetete Setor at Ermera Vila Post Office (Emer) ERMERA - The communities living within the village area called out today that they are not getting enough attention from their local officials because there is a poor condition between Biluli and Ma'i as well As amongst those who live nearby areas."
"\"We would rather have water and roads."
"We ask the Government to prioritize rural roads, so that development process can be balanced\", said Head of Likisi Village in Poetete Township Ermera Vila Administrative Post Aleixo Martines speaking on this issue at Aifu (Poatele) Monday."
"He said that the road was in poor condition since Indonesian times to this day."
"The severe road condition makes it difficult for the community to carry local produce into markets."
"The road from Gleno to Poetete Village is five kilometres long, so the government has asked for it on its agenda."
"Meanwhile, the community Jose Trindade asks government to improve this road quickly so that it can facilitate local ports and market."
"\"Therefore, the government must pay attention to our own roads in rural areas."
"Our independence is clear and we are going to this road which makes us sad,\" said the community of Legimea Village."
"In response to this concern, President of Ermera Municipal Authority Jose Soares said that the road issue is in process."
"\"The road from Gleno to Ermera old we have a company that is running it."
"At the time, he was in his late 30s."
"For the future we will see if it is going to be asfalted or not, but Ermera Vila-Fatubessi road has already been in a period of work because Chinese company Shan Hai are now carrying out this project\", he explains."
"Jose added that in October 2019, the company must have handed over to government."
"\"We recognize the community's concern about road situation but we help through European Union is now doing, so also highway from Liquica to get back in Tokoluli-Railaco."
"Editor: Xistoo Freitas Previous articleDon Virgilio, “Reconciliation Must Continue!”"
"Next articleToday, Aileu Community Holds Thanksgiving Mass to Commemorate Popular Consultation"
] |
Pájina aktualizada iha 03:48h, kinta-feira 03 Jullu\nGovernu hakarak kriminaliza difamasaun, insultu ho ofensa - 08 de Junho de 2020, 22:22 Governu hakarak kriminaliza difamasaun ho insultu sira hanesan resposta ba situasaun sira ofensa honra nian, hosi naran di'ak ho reputasaun hosi ema sira ho entidade sira, iha komunikasaun sosial ho iha rede sosial sira, haktuir hosi proposta ne'ebé iha debate.\nEUA/Floyd: Twitter blokeia vídeo kampaña Trump nian ho tributu ba George Floyd - 06 de Junho de 2020, 00:52 Rede sosial Twitter blokeia ona vídeo ida tributu nian ba George Floyd ne'ebé halo hosi kampaña releisaun Prezidente norte-amerikanu Donald Trump nian, hodi alega problema sira direitu autor nian.\nÍndia ho Irlanda formaliza pedidu hodi sai observador asosiadu sira CPLP nian - 05 de Junho de 2020, 20:04 Índia ho Irlanda formaliza ona pedidu hodi sai hanesan observador asosiadu hosi Komunidade Nasaun sira Lian Portugeza (CPLP) nian, hatete hosi fonte ofisial sira hosi organizasaun ba Lusa.\nÍndia ho Austrália reforsa koperasaun militar hasoru tensaun sira ho Xina - 05 de Junho de 2020, 19:03 Índia ho Austrália reforsa ona, iha loron-sesta, sira nia relasaun iha defeza, liuhosi akordu ida kona-ba apoiu lojístiku militar ho koperasaun marítima, hasoru aumenta tensaun sira ho Xina, superpoténsia rejional ida.\nCOVID-19: UNICEF fó ba Guiné-Bissau tonelada ida hosi material hodi kombate no prevensaun - 05 de Junho de 2020, 00:12 Fundu ONU nian ba Infánsia (Unicef) sei apoia Guiné-Bissau iha kombate ba pandemia hosi koronavírus foun ho doasaun hosi tonelada ida hosi ai-moruk sira ho ekipamentu médiku, hatete hosi fonte organizasaun nian ba Lusa iha loron-kinta ne'e.\nCOVID-19: Eskola sira bele loke fali bainhira kumpri kritériu - 04 de Junho de 2020, 23:46 Eskola sira ne'ebé kumpri kritériu obrigatóriu sira ba hijiene ho prevensaun nian, iha ámbitu hosi COVID-19, bele hahú fali aula prezensial sira, hatete hosi ministra demisionária Edukasaun nian, iha loron-kinta ne'e, hodi esplika katak prosesu sei tuir faze sira.\nCOVID-19: Timor-Leste lansa liña telefónika dahuluk hodi apoia saúde mental - 04 de Junho de 2020, 21:46 Ministériu Saúde ho Fundu ONU nian ba Infánsia (UNICEF) lansa ona, iha loron-kinta ne'e, liña telefónika dahuluk iha nasaun ne'ebé dedikadu ba saúde mental, iha kuadru hosi asaun sira relasionadu ho COVID-19.\nCOVID-19: Primeiru-ministru sei kria ekipa hodi planeia rekuperasaun ekonómiku - 04 de Junho de 2020, 19:05 Iha loron-kinta ne'e, primeiru-ministru anunsia kriasaun hosi ekipa ida hodi prepara planu rekuperasaun ekonómiku ida nasaun nian, hodi esplika katak konvida ona eis-ministru Finansa, Rui Gomes, hodi lidera.\nCOVID-19: Susesu hosi Zoom halo nia sai mina osan-mean foun hosi internet - 04 de Junho de 2020, 01:42 Zoom Video Communications sai lalais hanesan mina osan-mean foun ida hosi internet, bainhira ema millaun resin uza nia servisu videokonferénsia hodi haree família sira, belun sira ho kolega sira ne'ebé maka labele sai hosi uma tanba pandemia.\nGovernu aprova dotasaun dolar millaun 122,3 ba orsamentu iha Juñu - 04 de Junho de 2020, 00:55 Iha loron-kuarta ne'e, Konsellu Ministru aprova ona dotasaun orsamental temporáriu ida (DOT) hamutuk dolar millaun 122,3 ba fulan-Juñu, iha kuadru hosi aplikasaun ba rejimi duodésimu. | [
"Pajina aktualizada iha 03:48h, kinta-feira 03 Jullu Governu hakarak kriminaliza difamasaun, insultu ho ofensa - 08 de Junho de 2020, 22:22 Governu hakarak kriminaliza difamasaun ho insultu sira hanesan resposta ba situasaun sira ofensa honra nian, hosi naran di'ak ho reputasaun hosi ema sira ho entidade sira, iha komunikasaun sosial ho iha rede sosial sira, haktuir hosi proposta ne'ebe iha debate.",
"EUA/Floyd: Twitter blokeia video kampana Trump nian ho tributu ba George Floyd - 06 de Junho de 2020, 00:52 Rede sosial Twitter blokeia ona video ida tributu nian ba George Floyd ne'ebe halo hosi kampana releisaun Prezidente norte-amerikanu Donald Trump nian, hodi alega problema sira direitu autor nian.",
"India ho Irlanda formaliza pedidu hodi sai observador asosiadu sira CPLP nian - 05 de Junho de 2020, 20:04 India ho Irlanda formaliza ona pedidu hodi sai hanesan observador asosiadu hosi Komunidade Nasaun sira Lian Portugeza (CPLP) nian, hatete hosi fonte ofisial sira hosi organizasaun ba Lusa.",
"India ho Australia reforsa koperasaun militar hasoru tensaun sira ho Xina - 05 de Junho de 2020, 19:03 India ho Australia reforsa ona, iha loron-sesta, sira nia relasaun iha defeza, liuhosi akordu ida kona-ba apoiu lojistiku militar ho koperasaun maritima, hasoru aumenta tensaun sira ho Xina, superpotensia rejional ida.",
"COVID-19: UNICEF fo ba Guine-Bissau tonelada ida hosi material hodi kombate no prevensaun - 05 de Junho de 2020, 00:12 Fundu ONU nian ba Infansia (Unicef) sei apoia Guine-Bissau iha kombate ba pandemia hosi koronavirus foun ho doasaun hosi tonelada ida hosi ai-moruk sira ho ekipamentu mediku, hatete hosi fonte organizasaun nian ba Lusa iha loron-kinta ne'e.",
"COVID-19: Eskola sira bele loke fali bainhira kumpri kriteriu - 04 de Junho de 2020, 23:46 Eskola sira ne'ebe kumpri kriteriu obrigatoriu sira ba hijiene ho prevensaun nian, iha ambitu hosi COVID-19, bele hahu fali aula prezensial sira, hatete hosi ministra demisionaria Edukasaun nian, iha loron-kinta ne'e, hodi esplika katak prosesu sei tuir faze sira.",
"COVID-19: Timor-Leste lansa lina telefonika dahuluk hodi apoia saude mental - 04 de Junho de 2020, 21:46 Ministeriu Saude ho Fundu ONU nian ba Infansia (UNICEF) lansa ona, iha loron-kinta ne'e, lina telefonika dahuluk iha nasaun ne'ebe dedikadu ba saude mental, iha kuadru hosi asaun sira relasionadu ho COVID-19.",
"COVID-19: Primeiru-ministru sei kria ekipa hodi planeia rekuperasaun ekonomiku - 04 de Junho de 2020, 19:05 Iha loron-kinta ne'e, primeiru-ministru anunsia kriasaun hosi ekipa ida hodi prepara planu rekuperasaun ekonomiku ida nasaun nian, hodi esplika katak konvida ona eis-ministru Finansa, Rui Gomes, hodi lidera.",
"COVID-19: Susesu hosi Zoom halo nia sai mina osan-mean foun hosi internet - 04 de Junho de 2020, 01:42 Zoom Video Communications sai lalais hanesan mina osan-mean foun ida hosi internet, bainhira ema millaun resin uza nia servisu videokonferensia hodi haree familia sira, belun sira ho kolega sira ne'ebe maka labele sai hosi uma tanba pandemia.",
"Governu aprova dotasaun dolar millaun 122,3 ba orsamentu iha Junu - 04 de Junho de 2020, 00:55 Iha loron-kuarta ne'e, Konsellu Ministru aprova ona dotasaun orsamental temporariu ida (DOT) hamutuk dolar millaun 122,3 ba fulan-Junu, iha kuadru hosi aplikasaun ba rejimi duodesimu."
] | [
"The Government wants to criminalize defamation, insult and offense - 08/Junho-21:39The government wishes for the penalization on libel or injury as a response in cases where there is an attack against honour; good name & reputation from person' s entities within social media networking. This proposal has been debated by Parliament since July last year but it was rejected at first reading today (Thursday)."
"US/Floyd: Twitter Blocks Trump Campaign Video Tribute to George Flynn - 06 de Junho,13h52 The social network has blocked a video tribute made by the presidential campaign of U.S President Donald Трамп for his victory over former Republican candidate John McCain on copyright issues in connection with an image that was used as propaganda material during their election-related media driven protest against police brutality and racism at White House this week (June)."
"India and Ireland formalize application to become associated observers of the CPLP - 05 de Junho,21:36 The Community Of Portuguese-Speaking Nations (CPPL) has formalized its request for membership as an Associated Observer. This was announced by official sources in Lusa on Thursday afternoon at a press conference held with representatives from both countries' delegations during which they were also honoured that their country had been selected among those who have submitted applications so far this year..."
"India and Australia strengthen military cooperation against rising tensions with China - 05 de Junho,19:28 On Saturday the two countries reinforced their relationship in Defense through an agreement on logistical support for Military operations as well a maritime co-operation to counter escalating tensions between them."
"COVID-19: UNICEF donates to Guinea Bissau a ton of materials for prevention and control - 05 de Junho,23 The United Nations Children' s Fund (Unicef) will support the country in its fight against new coronavirus pandemic with donations from one tons or more drugs alongside medical equipment."
"COVID-19: Schools can reopen if they meet criteria - 04 de Junho,23.56 The schools that fulfil the mandatory hygiene and prevention requirements in relation to Covid–8 may resume face‑to‐face classes again on Friday afternoon (local time), said a statement by Minister of Education José Eduardo dos Santos this week explaining how it will be done through phased processes"
"COVID-19: Timor Leste launches first telephone hotline to support mental health - 04 de Junho,23.58 The Ministry of Health and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) launched on Friday a new phone line in their country dedicated for mental healthy as part from actions related with Covid –"
"COVID-19: Prime Minister to set up team for economic recovery planning - 04 de Junho,25 This week the prime minister announced that he has created a group of experts who will prepare an Economic Recovery Plan (ERP) and invited former Finance Secretary Rui Gomes as its leader."
"COVID-19: Zoom's success makes it the new internet wealth miner - June,24th.06/5738Zoom Video Communications is rapidly emerging as an Internet rich man of money when millions use its video conferencing service to see families and colleagues who have been confined from home due To The Pandemic"
"Government approves $123 million budget allocation for June - 04 de Junho, (AFP) On Wednesday the Council of Ministers has agreed to a temporary appropriation ($DOT), totalling US$96.5m in connection with application under twelveth regime and which will be applied from January onwards as well:"
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Serka sanitária fó impaktu ba atividade ekonomia | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA Serka sanitária fó impaktu ba atividade ekonomia\nSerka sanitária fó impaktu ba atividade ekonomia\nDILI, 31 marsu 2021 (TATOLI)—Reprezentante Povu iha uma fukun Parlamentu Nasionál husu Governu atu hanoin didi’ak molok halo estensaun ba serka sanitária no konfinamentu obrigatóriu ba múnisípiu tolu liliu iha kapitál Dili, tanba durante ne’e fó impaktu boot ba atividade ekonomia.\n“Ami husu ba Governu atu haree didi’ak serka sanitária ne’ebé daudaun ne’e iha munisípiu tolu hanesan Dili, Baucau no Viqueque tanba serka sanitária ne’e halo implikasaun boot ba atividade ekonomia rai-laran nian. Laiha sirkulasaun ema lori ai-haan atu mai faan iha Dili, ema barak lakon servisu, tanba ne’e mak Governu tenke hanoin didi’ak hodi estende serka sanitaria liuliu iha Kapitál Dili,” Deputada Bankada FRETILIN, Maria Angélica Rangel, levanta liuhosi debate estensaun Estadu Emerjénsia ba dala-XII, iha Parlamentu Nasionál, kuarta ne’e.\nMari Angélica Rangel hatutan, Governu bele halo serka sanitaria no konfinamentu obrigatóriu ba suku sira-ne’ebé afetadu COVID-19 maibé labele ba Dili laran tomak.\n“Se Governu hanoin halo serka sanitária ba Dili tomak, haruka ministru fó ferias ba alunu sira fulan-tolu atu nune’e ita bele haree. Tanba, senáriu piór ne’ebé durante ne’e ita haree katak implikasaun boot. Ami triste kuandu Ministra Saúde ko’alia senáriu piór ami tenke tau iha lona okos,” nia kestiona.\nDeputada Bankada FRETILIN ne’e ko’alia triste tanba Parlamentu Nasionál aprova osan iha levantamentu dahuluk no daruak tau iha kapitál dezenvolvimentu millaun $10-resin hodi halo reabilitasaun ba fatin hodi hatama ema bainhira hasoru senáriu mais piór.\n“Tanba ne’e mak ami ezije ba Governu por favór haree didi’ak serka sanitária. Nune’e, Sentru Jestaun ba Krize fó autorizasaun ba ema atu sai ba munisípiu, nia atendimentu kleur tebes tanba pedidu sira-ne’ebé hatama ne’e la’ós urjente. Urjente de’it mak família mate no família moras. Agora ema sira-ne’ebé servisu hetan apoiu hosi kapitál Dili, ema bele mate hamlaha. Se ema mate atu husu responsabilidade ba sé,” nia fó hanoin ba Governu.\nEntretantu Deputada Bankada CNRT, Deputada Carmelita Caetano Moniz, hateten estensaun Estadu Emerjénsia dala barak ona ho hanoin atu kombate COVID-19 maibé hasoru obstákulu katak nafatin de’it hosi tinan kotuk até agora.\nNia fundamenta, obstákulu ne’e haree hosi relatóriu Ministériu Saúde nian ne’ebé previstu prosesu aprovizionamentu la’o-tuir lei rejime jerál aprovizionamentu normál ne’ebé prezudika prosesu situasaun emerjénsia.\n“Ita iha obstákulu tanba Governu la hatene implementa lei, laiha kapasidade no laiha esperiénsia. Ita iha dekretu-lei aprovizionamentu ne’ebé ke fó biban ba Governu atu halo aprovizionamentu espesiál ka halo ajudikasaun direta ba situasaun emerjénsia ba fasilidade kuarentena, infraestrutura fatin izolamentu, medikamentu no ekipamentu sira. Ne’e bele halo aprovizionamentu espesiál,” nia akresenta.\nMaibé, nia preokupa tanba Governu labele halo aprovizionamentu espesiál ba situasaun ne’ebe ke emerjénsia hodi salva ema hotu nia vida.\n“Kontráriu, Governu halo aprovizionamentu espesiál ba fali cesta bázika. Loloos ne’e esensiál ba iha fundu COVID-19 hamutuk millaun $220 labele halo aprovizionamentu,” Deputada Carmelita krítika Governu.\nGovernu presiza hanoin didi’ak estensaun serka sanitária iha kapitál Dili\nPrevious articleMate-isin Isodoro Quefi sei transporta ho aviaun ZEESM\nNext articleMEJD lansa programa eskola ba uma no tele-eskola | [
"Serka sanitaria fo impaktu ba atividade ekonomia | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Serka sanitaria fo impaktu ba atividade ekonomia Serka sanitaria fo impaktu ba atividade ekonomia DILI, 31 marsu 2021 (TATOLI) - Reprezentante Povu iha uma fukun Parlamentu Nasional husu Governu atu hanoin didi'ak molok halo estensaun ba serka sanitaria no konfinamentu obrigatoriu ba munisipiu tolu liliu iha kapital Dili, tanba durante ne'e fo impaktu boot ba atividade ekonomia.",
"\"Ami husu ba Governu atu haree didi'ak serka sanitaria ne'ebe daudaun ne'e iha munisipiu tolu hanesan Dili, Baucau no Viqueque tanba serka sanitaria ne'e halo implikasaun boot ba atividade ekonomia rai-laran nian.",
"Laiha sirkulasaun ema lori ai-haan atu mai faan iha Dili, ema barak lakon servisu, tanba ne'e mak Governu tenke hanoin didi'ak hodi estende serka sanitaria liuliu iha Kapital Dili,\" Deputada Bankada FRETILIN, Maria Angelica Rangel, levanta liuhosi debate estensaun Estadu Emerjensia ba dala-XII, iha Parlamentu Nasional, kuarta ne'e.",
"Mari Angelica Rangel hatutan, Governu bele halo serka sanitaria no konfinamentu obrigatoriu ba suku sira-ne'ebe afetadu COVID-19 maibe labele ba Dili laran tomak.",
"\"Se Governu hanoin halo serka sanitaria ba Dili tomak, haruka ministru fo ferias ba alunu sira fulan-tolu atu nune'e ita bele haree.",
"Tanba, senariu pior ne'ebe durante ne'e ita haree katak implikasaun boot.",
"Ami triste kuandu Ministra Saude ko'alia senariu pior ami tenke tau iha lona okos,\" nia kestiona.",
"Deputada Bankada FRETILIN ne'e ko'alia triste tanba Parlamentu Nasional aprova osan iha levantamentu dahuluk no daruak tau iha kapital dezenvolvimentu millaun $10-resin hodi halo reabilitasaun ba fatin hodi hatama ema bainhira hasoru senariu mais pior.",
"\"Tanba ne'e mak ami ezije ba Governu por favor haree didi'ak serka sanitaria.",
"Nune'e, Sentru Jestaun ba Krize fo autorizasaun ba ema atu sai ba munisipiu, nia atendimentu kleur tebes tanba pedidu sira-ne'ebe hatama ne'e la'os urjente.",
"Urjente de'it mak familia mate no familia moras.",
"Agora ema sira-ne'ebe servisu hetan apoiu hosi kapital Dili, ema bele mate hamlaha.",
"Se ema mate atu husu responsabilidade ba se,\" nia fo hanoin ba Governu.",
"Entretantu Deputada Bankada CNRT, Deputada Carmelita Caetano Moniz, hateten estensaun Estadu Emerjensia dala barak ona ho hanoin atu kombate COVID-19 maibe hasoru obstakulu katak nafatin de'it hosi tinan kotuk ate agora.",
"Nia fundamenta, obstakulu ne'e haree hosi relatoriu Ministeriu Saude nian ne'ebe previstu prosesu aprovizionamentu la'o-tuir lei rejime jeral aprovizionamentu normal ne'ebe prezudika prosesu situasaun emerjensia.",
"\"Ita iha obstakulu tanba Governu la hatene implementa lei, laiha kapasidade no laiha esperiensia.",
"Ita iha dekretu-lei aprovizionamentu ne'ebe ke fo biban ba Governu atu halo aprovizionamentu espesial ka halo ajudikasaun direta ba situasaun emerjensia ba fasilidade kuarentena, infraestrutura fatin izolamentu, medikamentu no ekipamentu sira.",
"Ne'e bele halo aprovizionamentu espesial,\" nia akresenta.",
"Maibe, nia preokupa tanba Governu labele halo aprovizionamentu espesial ba situasaun ne'ebe ke emerjensia hodi salva ema hotu nia vida.",
"\"Kontrariu, Governu halo aprovizionamentu espesial ba fali cesta bazika.",
"Loloos ne'e esensial ba iha fundu COVID-19 hamutuk millaun $220 labele halo aprovizionamentu,\" Deputada Carmelita kritika Governu.",
"Governu presiza hanoin didi'ak estensaun serka sanitaria iha kapital Dili Previous articleMate-isin Isodoro Quefi sei transporta ho aviaun ZEESM Next articleMEJD lansa programa eskola ba uma no tele-eskola"
] | [
"Serka sanitaria fo impaktu ba atividade ekonómika Dili, 31 marsu (TATOLI) - Representative of the People in Parliament asked Government to think carefully before extending compulsory lockdown and sanitary curfew for three municipalities especially capital Díli because during this period it has a big impact on economic activity."
"\"We ask the Government to take a close look at sanitary curfews that are currently in place for three municipalities such as Dili, Baucau and Viqueque because these have major implications on domestic economic activity."
"There is no circulation of people bringing their produce to sell in Dili, so many have lost jobs. That's why the Government should think carefully about extended curfew especially for capital city\", FRETILIN Group MP Maria Angelica Rangel said during debate on State Of Emergency Extension 12th Time at Parliament Tuesday (30/4)."
"Mari Angelica Rangel added that the Government can impose a sanitary lockdown and mandatory confinement in villages affected by COVID-19 but not throughout Dili."
"\"If the government thinks to make a sanitary lockdown in Dili, send minister give three months' vacation for students so that we can see."
"Because, the worst scenario that we have seen during this time is a big implication."
"We are sad when the Minister of Health talks about a worst-case scenario, we have to put it in our back pockets.\""
"The deputy of the FRETILIN Group said it was sad that in both first and second surveys, Parliament approved to put more than $10 million into capital development for rehabilitation work on sites so as not shelter people if a worst-case scenario occurred."
"\"That's why we require the Government to please take a closer look at health care."
"Thus, the Crisis Management Centre gives authorization for people to go out of town and its service is very long because requested services are not urgent."
"It is only urgent that the family die and not be ill."
"Now people who work are being supported by the capital Dili, so they can starve."
"If a person dies to ask who is responsible,\" he advised the government."
"Meanwhile, Congress Nationalist Party (CNRP) MP Carmelita Caetano Moniz said that the state of emergency has been extended many times with a view to combating COVID-19 but faced obstacles from last year until now."
"He argues that this obstacle is due to the report of Health Ministry which provides for a procurement process not in accordance with normal general supply regime laws, and therefore presupposes an emergency situation."
"\"There are obstacles because the government does not know how to implement laws, has no capacity and lacks experience."
"We have a procurement decree-law that would allow the Government to make special or direct tenders in emergency situation for quarantine facilities, isolation facility infrastructure and drugs/equipment."
"It can make special procurement,\" he adds."
"However, he was concerned that the government could not make special procurement for an emergency situation to save everyone's lives."
"\"On the contrary, Government has made special supplies for back to basic basket."
"Because it is essential for the COVID-19 fund totaling $20 billion not to make procurement,\" MP Carmelita criticizes Government."
"Government needs to think carefully about extending curfew in Dili capital Previous articleIsodoro Quefi's body will be transported by ZEESM plane Next ArticleMEJD launches home school and tele-school program"
] |
Ministru Cárceres kondena maka’as kazu asasinatu Raikotu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE Ministru Cárceres kondena maka’as kazu asasinatu Raikotu\nMinistru Cárceres kondena maka’as kazu asasinatu Raikotu\nDILI, 04 novembru 2020 (TATOLI)–Ministru Justisa, Manuel Cárceres da Costa, kondena maka’as kazu asasinatu iha Raikotu no promete sei ko’alia ho parte kompetente hodi haree didi’ak kazu ne’e.\n“Ha’u kondena hahalok ne’e no labele akontese tan iha ita-nia rain, hanesan Ministru Justisa ha’u mós tau-matan hela tanba ha’u iha kbiit ida liuhosi konsellu koordenasaun ba justisa, bele ko’alia ho Prokuradór Jerál Repúblika no Prezidente Tribunál Rekursu atu haree kazu sira ne’e,” Ministru Justisa, Cárceres iha Palásiu Governu kuarta ne’e.\nKazu ne’e envolve kondenadu LH hasoru vítima, Domingas Soares ne’ebé mate iha fatin no ninia oan (LM) ne’ebé hetan kanek iha liman, akontese iha aldeia Terra Santa, Raikotu, Dili, sesta (30/10) pur volta 01:10 madrugada.\nTuir Ministru, prosesu justisa la’o hela tanba ne’e MJ daudaun sei akompaña prosesu no seidauk bele halo buat ida.\n“Prosesu la’o hela, tama ona ba kompeténsia Ministériu Públiku no Tribunál, Ministru labele tau kanuru tohar no ita hotu reza atu justisa ne’e di’ak. Husik ema halo lai serbisu maka ita haree. Maibé ha’u fiar nia (kondenadu) sei hetan kastigu todan,” nia subliña.\nDaudaun kondenadu iha ona prizaun preventiva, tanba ne’e Governu kontinua ajuda prosesu hodi bele la’o ho di’ak.\n“Ita hotu presiza buka informasaun no halibur, liuliu fó protesaun ba ita-nia alin oan atu nune’e evidénsia labele lakon,” nia akresenta.\nKronolojia krime ne’e, LH halo tentativa violasaun sexuál hasoru vítima LM no iha tempu hanesan vítima hakilar husu tulun hafoin kondenadu lori tudik sona joven feto to’o sofre kanek maka’as iha parte liman no kaba’as.\nAleinde ne’e, tanba tauk LH halai no hasoru kedan Domingos Soares no LH lori tudik sona iha vítima ninia hirus-matan to’o mate iha fatin.\nPrevious articlePTR informa servisu Tribunál ba PM Taur\nNext articleMensajen hosi Prezidente Repúblika ba Estadu Emerjénsia dahitu | [
"Ministru Carceres kondena maka'as kazu asasinatu Raikotu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Ministru Carceres kondena maka'as kazu asasinatu Raikotu Ministru Carceres kondena maka'as kazu asasinatu Raikotu DILI, 04 novembru 2020 (TATOLI) -Ministru Justisa, Manuel Carceres da Costa, kondena maka'as kazu asasinatu iha Raikotu no promete sei ko'alia ho parte kompetente hodi haree didi'ak kazu ne'e.",
"\"Ha'u kondena hahalok ne'e no labele akontese tan iha ita-nia rain, hanesan Ministru Justisa ha'u mos tau-matan hela tanba ha'u iha kbiit ida liuhosi konsellu koordenasaun ba justisa, bele ko'alia ho Prokurador Jeral Republika no Prezidente Tribunal Rekursu atu haree kazu sira ne'e,\" Ministru Justisa, Carceres iha Palasiu Governu kuarta ne'e.",
"Kazu ne'e envolve kondenadu LH hasoru vitima, Domingas Soares ne'ebe mate iha fatin no ninia oan (LM) ne'ebe hetan kanek iha liman, akontese iha aldeia Terra Santa, Raikotu, Dili, sesta (30/10) pur volta 01:10 madrugada.",
"Tuir Ministru, prosesu justisa la'o hela tanba ne'e MJ daudaun sei akompana prosesu no seidauk bele halo buat ida.",
"\"Prosesu la'o hela, tama ona ba kompetensia Ministeriu Publiku no Tribunal, Ministru labele tau kanuru tohar no ita hotu reza atu justisa ne'e di'ak.",
"Husik ema halo lai serbisu maka ita haree.",
"Maibe ha'u fiar nia (kondenadu) sei hetan kastigu todan,\" nia sublina.",
"Daudaun kondenadu iha ona prizaun preventiva, tanba ne'e Governu kontinua ajuda prosesu hodi bele la'o ho di'ak.",
"\"Ita hotu presiza buka informasaun no halibur, liuliu fo protesaun ba ita-nia alin oan atu nune'e evidensia labele lakon,\" nia akresenta.",
"Kronolojia krime ne'e, LH halo tentativa violasaun sexual hasoru vitima LM no iha tempu hanesan vitima hakilar husu tulun hafoin kondenadu lori tudik sona joven feto to'o sofre kanek maka'as iha parte liman no kaba'as.",
"Aleinde ne'e, tanba tauk LH halai no hasoru kedan Domingos Soares no LH lori tudik sona iha vitima ninia hirus-matan to'o mate iha fatin.",
"Previous articlePTR informa servisu Tribunal ba PM Taur Next articleMensajen hosi Prezidente Republika ba Estadu Emerjensia dahitu"
] | [
"Ministru Carceres condemna maka'as kazu asesinatu Raikotu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Ministro carcerers denounce case of assassination in raikoto Minister carsres da Costa, strongly condenates the murder and promised to talk with competent parties for thorough investigation."
"\"I condemn this act and it must not happen again in our country, as Minister of Justice I am also taking action because through the coordination council for justice i have a power to talk with Prosecutor General Republic (PGR) And President Court Recourses [Court] To look at these cases\", said Ministry' s minister Carcere."
"The case involves convicted LH against victim, Domingas Soares who died on the spot and his son (LM) injured in an arm. It occurred at Terra Santa village of Raikotu District Dili Saturday October(30/12), around one o'clock a half morning"
"According to the Minister, judicial proceedings are ongoing and therefore MJ is currently following up on these processes but cannot do anything yet."
"\"The process is going on, it has entered the competence of Public Prosecution and Tribunals. The Minister cannot take advantage thereof; we all pray that justice will be good.\""
"It is the hush of people doing no work that we see."
"But I believe he (convicted) will receive a severe punishment,\" she emphasizes."
"He is currently in preventive detention, so the government continues to help with this process."
"\"We all need to look for information and gather it, especially protecting our relatives so that evidence is not lost.\""
"In the chronology of this crime, LH attempted to rape victim LM and at a time when she was crying for help after being convicted carried tudik sona young woman until he sustained serious injuries in his arm."
"In addition, due to the fact that LH was too fast he ran and struck Domingos Soares' left shoulder with his knife. The victim died on site after being hit by a tudik sona in her neck-buttocks from both sides of him as they were fighting for their life at this point.\""
"Previous articlePTR informs the work of Tribunal to PM Taur NextMessage from President for State Emergency eight"
] |
MTKI fasilita voucher ba programa cesta bázika | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA MTKI fasilita voucher ba programa cesta bázika\nMTKI fasilita voucher ba programa cesta bázika\nDILI, 14 outubru 2020 (TATOLI)—Iha implementasaun programa Governu ba rekuperasaun ekonómika kurtu prazu ba cesta bázika ne’ebé tuir planu sei realiza iha dezembru 2020, Ministériu Turizmu, Komérsiu no Indústria (MTKI) sei responsabliza fasilita voucher.\nMinistru Turizmu, Komérsiu no Indústria, José Lucas do Carmo da Silva, informa programa ne’e lidera hosi Ministériu Koordenadór Asuntu Ekonómika (MKAE), ho koordenasaun hosi Ministériu Agrikultura no Peska (MAP), MTKI no Sekretaria Estadu Kooperativa (SEKoop).\n“Ami-nia papél haree ba área urbana hanesan sidade Dili no sidade munisípiu sira, konsidera mós postu administrativu ne’ebé iha loja no bele halo atendimentu ho voucher iha programa cesta bázika,” dehan Ministru Jose Lucas , iha Palásiu Governu, kuarta ne’e.\nDaudaun parte MTKI halo ona koordenasaun ho parte hotu maibé presiza halo diskusaun kle’an liután antes ba implementasaun.\n“Ami iha prepasaun di’ak ne’ebé lidera hosi Vise-Ministru Turizmu, Komérsiu no Indústria no superviziona hosi Ministru Turizmu Komérsiu no Indústria rasik. Prosesu atu besik konklui ona maibé sei falta tan asuntu balun ne’ebé presiza deskute kle’an,” nia akresenta.\nIha programa ne’e, MAP no SEKoop sei responsabliza fahe produtu cesta bázika ba populasaun.\n“Ida-ne’e serbisu liña miniteriál no agora halo preparasaun hela ho ekipa tékniku ida-idak ninian,” nia hatutan.\nCesta bázika ba família ho totál kustu millaun $71,5 (valór bele iha mudansa), ho objetivu atu fó apoiu ba nesesidade bázika família, kombate hamlaha ba família vulnerável liu, apoiu ba agrikultór, produtór no komersiante lokál.\nApoiu ne’e sei entrega ho forma voucher, ho kompozisaun ai-han ijiene no moos ho baze per kapita dimensaun família ho preferénsia produtu nasionál iha merkadu lokál.\nPrevious articleMTKI hakarak apoia grupu kreativu harii fatin turizmu komunitáriu\nNext articleGMA husu Governu tau prioridade ba setór agríkola iha 2021 | [
"MTKI fasilita voucher ba programa cesta bazika | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA MTKI fasilita voucher ba programa cesta bazika MTKI fasilita voucher ba programa cesta bazika DILI, 14 outubru 2020 (TATOLI) - Iha implementasaun programa Governu ba rekuperasaun ekonomika kurtu prazu ba cesta bazika ne'ebe tuir planu sei realiza iha dezembru 2020, Ministeriu Turizmu, Komersiu no Industria (MTKI) sei responsabliza fasilita voucher.",
"Ministru Turizmu, Komersiu no Industria, Jose Lucas do Carmo da Silva, informa programa ne'e lidera hosi Ministeriu Koordenador Asuntu Ekonomika (MKAE), ho koordenasaun hosi Ministeriu Agrikultura no Peska (MAP), MTKI no Sekretaria Estadu Kooperativa (SEKoop).",
"\"Ami-nia papel haree ba area urbana hanesan sidade Dili no sidade munisipiu sira, konsidera mos postu administrativu ne'ebe iha loja no bele halo atendimentu ho voucher iha programa cesta bazika,\" dehan Ministru Jose Lucas , iha Palasiu Governu, kuarta ne'e.",
"Daudaun parte MTKI halo ona koordenasaun ho parte hotu maibe presiza halo diskusaun kle'an liutan antes ba implementasaun.",
"\"Ami iha prepasaun di'ak ne'ebe lidera hosi Vise-Ministru Turizmu, Komersiu no Industria no superviziona hosi Ministru Turizmu Komersiu no Industria rasik.",
"Prosesu atu besik konklui ona maibe sei falta tan asuntu balun ne'ebe presiza deskute kle'an,\" nia akresenta.",
"Iha programa ne'e, MAP no SEKoop sei responsabliza fahe produtu cesta bazika ba populasaun.",
"\"Ida-ne'e serbisu lina miniterial no agora halo preparasaun hela ho ekipa tekniku ida-idak ninian,\" nia hatutan.",
"Cesta bazika ba familia ho total kustu millaun $71,5 (valor bele iha mudansa), ho objetivu atu fo apoiu ba nesesidade bazika familia, kombate hamlaha ba familia vulneravel liu, apoiu ba agrikultor, produtor no komersiante lokal.",
"Apoiu ne'e sei entrega ho forma voucher, ho kompozisaun ai-han ijiene no moos ho baze per kapita dimensaun familia ho preferensia produtu nasional iha merkadu lokal.",
"Previous articleMTKI hakarak apoia grupu kreativu harii fatin turizmu komunitariu Next articleGMA husu Governu tau prioridade ba setor agrikola iha 2021"
] | [
"MTKI facilitates vouchers for basic basket program | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Mtki Facilitating Basic Basket Program with a Certificate of Compliance MTKI will be responsible to provide the certificate. Dili, October14th (Ansa) - In implementing Government' s short term economic recovery programme that is scheduled in December2035 and which includes providing food stamped items as part from its \"Basic Food System\" package; it has been announced by Ministerial Council on March7that this scheme would start running immediately after implementation end date: January9of every year until May6and then continue through June8for another three months before being complete at least once per month during each period undergoes an annual review process"
"The Minister of Tourism, Commerce and Industry Jose Lucas do Carmo da Silva said the programme is led by Ministry Coordinating Economic Affairs (MKAE), with coordination from Agriculture & Fisheries Department(MAP) MTKI State Secretariat for Cooperation."
"\"Our role is to look at the urban area like Dili city and municipalities, also considering administrative posts that have shops where they can provide services with vouchers in basic basket program\", Minister Jose Lucas said on Tuesday."
"At the moment, MTKI has coordinated with all parties but there is still a need for clear discussions before implementation."
"\"We have a good preparation led by the Deputy Minister of Tourism, Commerce and Industry under supervision from our own minister."
"The process is nearing conclusion but there are still some issues that need to be discussed in depth,\" he added."
"In this programme, MAP and SEKoop will be responsible for distributing the basic basket of products to people."
"\"This is a ministerial line work and we are now preparing with each technical team,\" he added."
"Basic basket for families with a total cost of $71.5 million (value subject to change), aimed at supporting family basic needs, fight hunger in the most vulnerable households and provide assistance on local farmers/producers & traders"
"This support will be delivered in the form of vouchers, with a composition based on hygienic and clean food per capita family size preference for national products at local market."
"PreviousMTTKI wants to support creative groups create community tourism sites Next articleGMA asks government prioritize agricultural sector in the year of autumn"
] |
Kuidadu Konsumu Bee Galong\nKuidadu Konsumu Bee Galong Featured\n03 Fevereiru 2017\nKuidadu ho Aqua galung\nDILI: Ministériu Saúde (MS) fó atensaun ba públiku atu kuidadu bainhira hili bee galong ne’ebé iha kualidade atu bele konsumu. Rezultadu teste laboratóriu hatudu iha bee galong balun la saudavel tuir padraun Ministériu Saúde nian.\nDiretór Toxicologia no Análize da Água, Pedro Almeida da Silva hateten, rezultadu teste laboratóriu nasionál iha tinan 2016 katak, kompañia barak prienxe ho kritériu be saudavel, maibé iha balun mós la prienxe.\n“Iha ida ou rua maka ninia bee galong, água no selu-seluk tan ladún saudavel hanesan H20 no Gota,” tenik nia, iha ninia servisu fatin, horisehik.\nPedro esplika, bee hirak ne’e kontein kímiku sulfat ladún di'ak. Nune’e, bee balun iis tahu tanba sira bee husi rai okos.\nNia hatutan, problema bee galong ne’e akontese mós iha Munisípiu Kovalima husi Kompañia Canossa no Oekusi husi Kompañia Lele Oil.\nBee husi kompañia hirak ne’e ninia kompozisaun kímiku ne’e ladún di'ak ba ema nia saúde, ba bee galong husi kompañia H20 no Gota ninian bee iis tahu, maibé ba kompañia Canossa-Suai ninia sulfat ne’e liu estandarte 750 miligrama (mg) kada litru, tanba loloos ne’e 250 miligrama (mg) kada litru.\nNia dehan, produsaun bee hanesan ne’e maka bainhira ema konsumu beibeik akumula to’o tinan rua-tolu sei fó impaktu ba ema nia saúde.\n“Hori bainhira sira mai mós ami haruka sira atu hadi’a sira nia kualidade bee, ba Gota ninian hahú 2014 lori sira nia sampel bee mai, maibé durante ne’e sira nia nunka lori mai, iha 2015 ami ba halo teste iha sira nia fatin fizikamente ami sente iis tahu, tanba sira uza bee husi rai okos, ate agora sira nunka lori sampel mai,” dehan Pedro\nNia dehan, iha Dili laran ne’e bee galong ne’ebé di'ak maka água Cool, Waimori, VIP, Iramor, no sira nain hira ne’e kada fulan sempre lori sampel bee mai hodi halo teste no kadavés tuun diretamente ba foti sampel hodi mai halo teste iha laboratóriu nasionál.\nNia informa, Kompañia hirak ne’ebé maka mai halo teste iha laboratóriu ne’e hamutuk 15 no kompañia haat (4) maka ladún prienxe kritériu, rezultadu sira ne’e sei hato’o ba iha Diresaun Jerál Saúde Públika iha Ministériu Saúde (MS), iha ne’ebá sei halo kontinuasaun ba teste, nune’e buat hirak ne’ebé liga ho lei ne’e responsavel MS ninian.\nMore in this category: « PJR La Responde Akuzasaun Xanana\tLere Triste Governu Abandona Veteranu »\n/Kuidadu Konsumu Bee Galong | [
"Kuidadu Konsumu Bee Galong Kuidadu Konsumu Bee Galong Featured 03 Fevereiru 2017 Kuidadu ho Aqua galung DILI: Ministeriu Saude (MS) fo atensaun ba publiku atu kuidadu bainhira hili bee galong ne'ebe iha kualidade atu bele konsumu.",
"Rezultadu teste laboratoriu hatudu iha bee galong balun la saudavel tuir padraun Ministeriu Saude nian.",
"Diretor Toxicologia no Analize da Agua, Pedro Almeida da Silva hateten, rezultadu teste laboratoriu nasional iha tinan 2016 katak, kompania barak prienxe ho kriteriu be saudavel, maibe iha balun mos la prienxe.",
"\"Iha ida ou rua maka ninia bee galong, agua no selu-seluk tan ladun saudavel hanesan H20 no Gota,\" tenik nia, iha ninia servisu fatin, horisehik.",
"Pedro esplika, bee hirak ne'e kontein kimiku sulfat ladun di'ak.",
"Nune'e, bee balun iis tahu tanba sira bee husi rai okos.",
"Nia hatutan, problema bee galong ne'e akontese mos iha Munisipiu Kovalima husi Kompania Canossa no Oekusi husi Kompania Lele Oil.",
"Bee husi kompania hirak ne'e ninia kompozisaun kimiku ne'e ladun di'ak ba ema nia saude, ba bee galong husi kompania H20 no Gota ninian bee iis tahu, maibe ba kompania Canossa-Suai ninia sulfat ne'e liu estandarte 750 miligrama (mg) kada litru, tanba loloos ne'e 250 miligrama (mg) kada litru.",
"Nia dehan, produsaun bee hanesan ne'e maka bainhira ema konsumu beibeik akumula to'o tinan rua-tolu sei fo impaktu ba ema nia saude.",
"\"Hori bainhira sira mai mos ami haruka sira atu hadi'a sira nia kualidade bee, ba Gota ninian hahu 2014 lori sira nia sampel bee mai, maibe durante ne'e sira nia nunka lori mai, iha 2015 ami ba halo teste iha sira nia fatin fizikamente ami sente iis tahu, tanba sira uza bee husi rai okos, ate agora sira nunka lori sampel mai,\" dehan Pedro Nia dehan, iha Dili laran ne'e bee galong ne'ebe di'ak maka agua Cool, Waimori, VIP, Iramor, no sira nain hira ne'e kada fulan sempre lori sampel bee mai hodi halo teste no kadaves tuun diretamente ba foti sampel hodi mai halo teste iha laboratoriu nasional.",
"Nia informa, Kompania hirak ne'ebe maka mai halo teste iha laboratoriu ne'e hamutuk 15 no kompania haat (4) maka ladun prienxe kriteriu, rezultadu sira ne'e sei hato'o ba iha Diresaun Jeral Saude Publika iha Ministeriu Saude (MS), iha ne'eba sei halo kontinuasaun ba teste, nune'e buat hirak ne'ebe liga ho lei ne'e responsavel MS ninian.",
"More in this category: \" PJR La Responde Akuzasaun Xanana Lere Triste Governu Abandona Veteranu \" /Kuidadu Konsumu Bee Galong"
] | [
"03 Feb,21:59 PM Healthy drinking water Dili - Ministry of health (MS) has warned the public to be careful when choosings quality bottled hot-water for consumption."
"Laboratory test results showed that some gallons of water were unhealthy according to the standard set by Health Ministry."
"The Director of Toxicology and Analyze Water, Pedro Almeida da Silva said that the results from national laboratory tests in 2016 showed many companies met healthy criteria but some did not."
"\"In one or two years there will be its bottled water, liquefied natural gas and a bunch of other unhealthy substances like H2O (hydrogen peroxide) & Gota\" he said in his office on Monday."
"Pedro explained that these waters contain high concentrations of sulphate-free chemical."
"Sometimes, the water is cold because it comes from a nearby river."
"He added that the problem of waste water is also occurring in Kovalima Municipality from Canossa Company and Oekusi by Lele Oil."
"The chemical composition of the water from these companies is not good for human health. For H20 and Gota's gasoline, it has a very sweet taste but Canossa-Suai company sulphate exceeds standard 751 milligram (mg) per liter whereas normally this should be only about"
"He said, the production of such water that when people consume repeatedly accumulate up to two or three years will have an impact on human health."
"\"Then when they come we also send them to improve their water quality, in Gota's beginning 2014 bringing the sample of its drinkablewater but during this period it never brought back. In a year and half ago I went for testing at her place physically i feel like tasteless because she used land from nearby soil until now has not taken any samplings\" said Pedro Nia who added that within Dili there is good galong (gallon) Water Cool Waimori VIP Iramor each month always take some test on everybody coming down directly collected by national laboratory"
"He informed, that the companies who came to test at this laboratory are 15 and four (4) of them did not meet criteria. The results will be submitted for consideration by Directorate General Public Health within Ministry Of health where they would follow up on tests so all things related with law is responsible MS's responsibility"
"More in this category: \" PJR Does Not Respond to Accusations Xanana Lere Triste Government Abandoned Veteranu\" /Cuidado Consumo Bee Galong"
] |
TIMOR DOBEN FURAK: A VOZ DA LIBERTAÇÃO: 08/09/11\nMari Alkatiri Gasta Ossan Povo nian Rihun ba Rihun Ilegalmente, hodi ba Han-Hemu ho kolega sira iha Coimbra\nWritten by: Harold Milano\nTDF: Iha fulan Julho 2011, atu komemora proklamasaun Independensia Sudão do Sul (South Sudan), Presidente Jose Ramos-Horta, indika Mari Alkatiri nudar representante RDTL nian ba iha cerimónia refere maibe Mari Alkatiri, em vez de ba Sudan, nia too iha dalan klaran, belok tiha ba Portugal, gasta ossan povu nian besk $150.000, hodi berfoya-foya no gasta ossan ne saugate deit.\nBainhira Mari Alkatiri ho Ramos-Horta, kong-kalikong atu Mari Alkatiri representa Timor ba prokalamasaun Independensia ne, Mari Alkatiri husu aviaun kelas business, no husu tan atu selu ema nain tolu atu akompanha nia. Sira ne, Mari Alkatiri nia pembantu hanesan, Meno Aleixo, Nilva Guimaraes ho ema ida tan. Hosi Timor ba Sudan, rai ida iha Afrika neba, nebe dook tebes no foin mak atu ukun aan.\nMari hetan pelayanan “first class” hodi uza ossan povu nian, no obriga Estado Timorense hasai ossan besik $150.000. Ossan sira ne hodi selu passagem, hahan, akomodasi ho seluk tan ho sira nia estadia tomak iha neba.\nMaibe bainhira to iha dalan klaran, Mari Alkatiri, fo hatene mai nia belun Ramos-Horta katak iha informasaun ema atu halo atentadu ba nia (ameasa atu oho), no em vez de ba South Sudan, Mari Alkatiri ho nia “komitiva” belok fali Portugal. Hela iha Portugal, Mari Alkatiri nonok tiha, no nunka fo khabar ida to cerimonia iha Sudan liu tiha. Iha neba, nai uza ossan estadu nian ne hodi moris diak, selu sira nia hotel, no oferese jantar ba kolega ho amigo sira, espesialmente kuando sira to iha Cidade Coimbra.\nTriste tebes, ita hare hahalok lider istoriku nebe buka diak deit, no buka hamanasa iha povu nia terus leten. To agora seidauk iha ema ida mak hare kazu ida ne, no Ramos-Horta ho Mari Alkatiri tenki responsabiliza ba ida ne. Coitado Timor oan barak nebe la hatene!\nHahalok ida ironis tebes tanba, MNE nia vice Ministro Alberto Carlos mos representa ministro dos Negocios Estrangeiros, to rasik iha South Sudan, ema simu hanesan dignitario do estado no akompanha cerimonia proklamasaun independensia nasaun ne to remata, no fila mai to ohin loron, nunka akontesse buat ida.\nEnkuanto fila mai Timor, Mari Alkatiri dun matak ema seluk no Xanana Gusmao gasta ossan arbiru, Mari Alkatiri lori povo nia naran, simu ossan kuaze $10.000 kada fulan, bazeia ba lei pensaun vitalisia nebe FRETILIN uluk halo: Nia mos agora lohi estado Timorense, Governo no Povo Timor, hodi gasta ossan ba Sudan barak sem responsabilidade.\nToo agora Mari Alkatiri taka metin hela assunto ne no kontinua dun matak Xanana Gusmao ho AMP toma hanesan naukten, no nia mak Santo liu. Mari Alkatiri loron-loron dun matak governu gasta ossan barak, maibe nia rasik gasta ossan arbiru ($150.000), la halo servisu estadu nian, bobar povo no ita Timor oan tomak.\nIda nemak atu sai Primeiro Ministro iha 2012? Coitado ba maluk Fretilin-Radikal sira nebe to agora matan sei delek!\nPosted by TIMOR DOBEN FURAK at 01:07\nTinan Hat Governu AMP Ukun, “Xanana Husu KAK Audit Membrus Governu”\nHusi: Eugenio Pereira - Jornal INDEPEDENTE - Tersa-feira, 9 Agusto 2011\nDili- Atu labele tau kanuru tohar ba ema seluk ou la bele tau todan fali ba Governu foun, Primeiru Ministru Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao husu ona ba Komisaun Anti Korupsaun(KAK) atu prepara hala’o mandatu atu audita riku soin membru Governu hafoin mandatu AMP remata.\n“KAK mak sei preparadu atu hala’o auditoria hahu husi hau ba to’o membru Governu tomak iha Governu Aliansa Maioria Parlamentar ida ne’e, wainhira remata ukun iha tinan rihun rua sanolu resin rua.” Informa Primeiru Ministru Xanana iha selebrasaun Aniversario AMP nia bad ala hat ne’ebe monu iha loron hitu fulan Agusto tinan ida ne’e, iha Salaun Xanana Sport Center Dili, horseik.\nPrimeiru Ministru dehan autorio ne’ebe KAK hala’o hanesan komprimisiu Governu AMP nian wainhira atu kaer ukun iha tinan rihun rua hitu, no membru Governu tomak apresenta ona sira nia riku soin.\nXanana dehan se karik iha indikasaun korupasaun ruma mosu governasaun AMP, tenke prosesu tuir lei. Tamba nia dehan auditoria ne’ebe KAK sei hala’o nu’udar parte ida atu garantia no hatudu responsalidade ba Governu AMP remata nia ukun atu la bele fo todan fali ba Governu foun ne’ebe sei kaer ukun iha tinan rihun rua sanolu resin rua.\nNu’udar xefi Governu, Xanana husu atu membru Governu tomak kontinua servisu maka’as hodi hadia’a povu no Nasaun nia vida.\nNia dehan maske koligasaun husi partido hotu ne’ebe hari Governu AMP durante ne’e konsege halo buat barak, maibe sei iha problema barak mak Governu tenke esforsu hodi rejolve problema ne’ebe povu hasouru.\nDezafiu ne’ebe Governu hasouru durante tinan hat ukun, sei sai nu’udar refleksaun bo’ot ba memrus Governu atu servisu maka’as liu husi prosesu reforma ne’ebe governu halo.\nPrimeiru Ministru husu ba memrbru Governu la bele sente orgullhu ho servisu ne’ebe sira produs, tamba problema barak ne’ebe povu hasouru hein hela atu governu rejolve iha tempu badak no tempu naruk.\nPosted by TIMOR DOBEN FURAK at 00:52\nParabens Xanana Gusmao: “Fundus Petroliferu Sa’e Ba Billaun 8.3 USD”\nJornal Nacional Diario - Tersa, 09 Agusto 2011\nDili-Tuir relatorio fundus petroliferu ne’ebe mak Autoridade Bancaria no Pagamentu (BPA) fo sai, Segunda (08/08), katak osan Timor-Leste ne’ebe tau iha Banku billaun 8.305,80 USD kompara ho saldo anterior trimestral kotuk Billaun 7.745,26 Dollar Amerikano.\n“Ita haree katak relatoriu trimestral fundu mina rai Timor-Leste nian ba dala 24 ne’ebe termina iha loron 30 Junhu 2011, hatudu katak capital fundu nian ne’e sa’e,” informa General Manager Autoridade Bankaria no pagamentu, Abraão de Vasconselhos iha ninia serviso fatin, segunda (08/08).\nBPA fo sai katak estado no povo Timor-Leste nia osan husi Fundu minarai nebe halibur hamutuk no tau iha Banku Federal Amerika neba to’o ona US$8.305,80 (besik billaun 9 dollar Amerikanu).\nRendimentu husi investimentu fundu nian hamutuk millaun US$106,49 durante trimester ne’e kompostu husi kupon no jurus nebe simu mak millaun US$59,98 no mudansa iha valor merkado nian millaun US$47,68, ne’e rezulta rendimentu ba kareita fundu nian durante trimester ne’e 1,38%, Vasconselho esplika liu tan, lei fundu mina rai nian espesifika katak, BPA nudar Banku sentral Timor Leste nian iha future maka hanesan ajente responsavel ba jestaun operasional fundu mina rai nian no Ministeriu Finansas maka responsabliza atu estabelese estratezia investimentu tomak kona ba fundu ne’e nian.\nNia dehan tan, resista ne’ebe mak simu durante trimester ne’e hamutuk US$745,06 millaun ne’ebe kompostu husi kontribuisaun sira ba fundu hamutuk millaun US$304,11 no pagamentu royalty simu husi atoridade Nasional Petroliu (ANP) millaun US$449,95.\nTuir nia katak, Pontus importante ne’ebe mak husi relatorio trimester ba dala XXIV nebe kobre period 1 de Abril to’o 30 Junhu ne’e inklui saldo balansu iniciu hamutuk U$7.745,25 reseitas durante trimester ne’e hamutuk U$754,06 millaun ne’ebe kompostu husi reseita kontribuinte sira hamutuk millaun U$304,11 reseitas royalty simu husi ANP nian hamutuk U$449,95 milliaun nomos osan sai durante trimester ida ne’e mak U$301,17, kompostu husi transferensia ba orsamentu jeral estado hamutuk millaun U$300 no gastu ba kobre kustu operasional nia hamutuk U$1,17 millaun.\nPosted by TIMOR DOBEN FURAK at 00:51\nMeta Malik: Presidente Ramos Horta hakarak kose Xanana hodi suporta nian ba rekandidatura ba mandatu ba dala rua\nDili,Forum Haksesuk (FH). Polemika ne’ebe maka envolve Presidente Republika no Veteranus Julio Sarmento alias Meta Mali, konaba se maka funu nain lolos. Presidente Republika José Ramos Horta konsidere deklarasaun Meta Mali nian konaba “Xanana no Taur laos funu nain”, nudar deklarasaun ne’ebe maka iresponsavel. Hatan Presidente Republika José Ramos Horta,Meta Malik haktuir liu husi komunikadu ne’e be FH hetan acesu katak: “ Maun Ramos Horta ninia deklarasaun ne´ebe bele entende buat rua. Ida nia hakarak mosu mai sai defensor ba maun nain rua ne´e, ho objetivu ba buat seluk, maka haver se maun nain rua ne´e, liliu maun Xanana bele loke ibung katak “apoio rekandidatura Ramos Horta ba segundo mandato. Direitu ba kandidatura ba Presidente Republika ne’e, cidadaun hotu-hotu bele kandidatu an, povu maka sei julga ikus”.\nIha konsolidasaun Partido Democratico (PD),iha kaikoli,DIli,sabado semana kotuk (30/07/2011), Julio Sarmento alias Meta Malik ható deklarasaun katak: Xanana no Taur Laos funu nain”. Hatan ba deklarasaun ida ne’e, Presidente Republika reaje kedan hodi dehan semaka halo deklarasaun ne’e,”iresponsavel (in JND,02/2011,pajs.1 e 14)”.\nHaktuir tan Meta Malik iha komunikadu ne’ebe FH hetan acesu, intensaun husi deklarasaun ne’e maka ne’e,” Tamba ohin loron, mosu funu nain no Assuwain barak, neduni buka soe hela ba povo konaba se maka funu nain lolos, povu ain tanan sira maka funu nain. Iha biban ne'e, atu hato deit intensaun hau ninia maka ne' e, atu cindir deit katak ohin mosu funu nain,assuwain oi-oin, maibe sira ne'ebe funu nain lolos nonok no la sura sura sira nia kolen konaba Funu nain ka lae, Assuwain ka lae. Ho ida ne' e maka referensia natural ba sira nain rua, tamba la iha ema ruma iha rai ida ne'e atu kestiona sira nain rua ninia lideransa ba procesu luta Ukun rasik an”.\nTenik tan Meta Malik,” Maibe importante ba deklarasaun no polemika konaba: “Se maka Funu Nain ka lae”, maka ne’e, atu desvenda tiha mito ida ne’ebe maka mosu iha sosiedade, ne’ebe emerje klass elites foun ida ne’ebe lori patrimonio historika hodi hetan previlijios iha sosiedade, maka lori Veteranus nia naran. Empresarius ida ka rua ka tolu husi liur mai dehan backing veteranus, lori hetan previlijius ekonomikas e sosiais. Lori Veteranus nia naran hodi hanehan ema seluk. Enquantu principius ukun rasik an la hanorin hanesan ne’e, ukun rasik an atu moris diak ba ema hotu, moris ba povu aileba/ain tanan sira nia interese. Povu ida verdadeiros herois ninia hanoin no povu ida funun nain ain tanan sira ninia aspirasaun”.\nHatutan Meta Malik,” Hau nia deklarasaun ne’e mos, mai atu fanun ita mos hodi hare katak povu maka verdadeiros herois, sira ain tanan, aileba no maubere sira maka herois, laos sira ne’ebe maka foin huri seik huri bain rua maka mai kanta katak sira maka heroi no sira maka funu nain. Enquanto ema hanesan Xanana no Taur Mata Ruak la reklama sira nia parte konaba herois ka funu nain, tuir lolos sira ne’e maka konta historia lolos konaba funu nain ka herois. polemika konaba dadus veteranus ne’ebe maka numerous quase áas liu fali populasaun ativas, numerous veteranus barak liu fali uluk participasaun sira ne’ebe funu nain lolos oras ne’e la reklama sira nia direitu, sira nebe funu nain lolos la sura sira nia kolen, sira la reklama konaba homenajen, la reklama konaba pensaun ba sira. Hanoin sira ne’e hotu maka bele foti husi deklarasaun hau nian”,haktuir Meta Malik liu husi Komunikadu!\nFonte: 1) Suara Timor LoroSae (STL),edisaun Sexta-Feira (05/08/2011) paj.14!\n2) Timor Post (TP),edisaun Segunda-Feira (01/08/2011) paj.1 e 19!\n3) Jornal Nacional Diário (JND),edisaun Tersa-Feira (02/08/2011),paj.1 e 14!\nPosted by TIMOR DOBEN FURAK at 00:49 | [
"TIMOR DOBEN FURAK: A VOZ DA LIBERTACAO: 08/09/11 Mari Alkatiri Gasta Ossan Povo nian Rihun ba Rihun Ilegalmente, hodi ba Han-Hemu ho kolega sira iha Coimbra Written by: Harold Milano TDF: Iha fulan Julho 2011, atu komemora proklamasaun Independensia Sudao do Sul (South Sudan), Presidente Jose Ramos-Horta, indika Mari Alkatiri nudar representante RDTL nian ba iha cerimonia refere maibe Mari Alkatiri, em vez de ba Sudan, nia too iha dalan klaran, belok tiha ba Portugal, gasta ossan povu nian besk $150.000, hodi berfoya-foya no gasta ossan ne saugate deit.",
"Bainhira Mari Alkatiri ho Ramos-Horta, kong-kalikong atu Mari Alkatiri representa Timor ba prokalamasaun Independensia ne, Mari Alkatiri husu aviaun kelas business, no husu tan atu selu ema nain tolu atu akompanha nia.",
"Sira ne, Mari Alkatiri nia pembantu hanesan, Meno Aleixo, Nilva Guimaraes ho ema ida tan.",
"Hosi Timor ba Sudan, rai ida iha Afrika neba, nebe dook tebes no foin mak atu ukun aan.",
"Mari hetan pelayanan \"first class\" hodi uza ossan povu nian, no obriga Estado Timorense hasai ossan besik $150.000.",
"Ossan sira ne hodi selu passagem, hahan, akomodasi ho seluk tan ho sira nia estadia tomak iha neba.",
"Maibe bainhira to iha dalan klaran, Mari Alkatiri, fo hatene mai nia belun Ramos-Horta katak iha informasaun ema atu halo atentadu ba nia (ameasa atu oho), no em vez de ba South Sudan, Mari Alkatiri ho nia \"komitiva\" belok fali Portugal.",
"Hela iha Portugal, Mari Alkatiri nonok tiha, no nunka fo khabar ida to cerimonia iha Sudan liu tiha.",
"Iha neba, nai uza ossan estadu nian ne hodi moris diak, selu sira nia hotel, no oferese jantar ba kolega ho amigo sira, espesialmente kuando sira to iha Cidade Coimbra.",
"Triste tebes, ita hare hahalok lider istoriku nebe buka diak deit, no buka hamanasa iha povu nia terus leten.",
"To agora seidauk iha ema ida mak hare kazu ida ne, no Ramos-Horta ho Mari Alkatiri tenki responsabiliza ba ida ne.",
"Coitado Timor oan barak nebe la hatene!",
"Hahalok ida ironis tebes tanba, MNE nia vice Ministro Alberto Carlos mos representa ministro dos Negocios Estrangeiros, to rasik iha South Sudan, ema simu hanesan dignitario do estado no akompanha cerimonia proklamasaun independensia nasaun ne to remata, no fila mai to ohin loron, nunka akontesse buat ida.",
"Enkuanto fila mai Timor, Mari Alkatiri dun matak ema seluk no Xanana Gusmao gasta ossan arbiru, Mari Alkatiri lori povo nia naran, simu ossan kuaze $10.000 kada fulan, bazeia ba lei pensaun vitalisia nebe FRETILIN uluk halo: Nia mos agora lohi estado Timorense, Governo no Povo Timor, hodi gasta ossan ba Sudan barak sem responsabilidade.",
"Too agora Mari Alkatiri taka metin hela assunto ne no kontinua dun matak Xanana Gusmao ho AMP toma hanesan naukten, no nia mak Santo liu.",
"Mari Alkatiri loron-loron dun matak governu gasta ossan barak, maibe nia rasik gasta ossan arbiru ($150.000), la halo servisu estadu nian, bobar povo no ita Timor oan tomak.",
"Ida nemak atu sai Primeiro Ministro iha 2012?",
"Coitado ba maluk Fretilin-Radikal sira nebe to agora matan sei delek!",
"Posted by TIMOR DOBEN FURAK at 01:07 Tinan Hat Governu AMP Ukun, \"Xanana Husu KAK Audit Membrus Governu\" Husi: Eugenio Pereira - Jornal INDEPEDENTE - Tersa-feira, 9 Agusto 2011 Dili- Atu labele tau kanuru tohar ba ema seluk ou la bele tau todan fali ba Governu foun, Primeiru Ministru Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao husu ona ba Komisaun Anti Korupsaun (KAK) atu prepara hala'o mandatu atu audita riku soin membru Governu hafoin mandatu AMP remata.",
"\"KAK mak sei preparadu atu hala'o auditoria hahu husi hau ba to'o membru Governu tomak iha Governu Aliansa Maioria Parlamentar ida ne'e, wainhira remata ukun iha tinan rihun rua sanolu resin rua.\"",
"Informa Primeiru Ministru Xanana iha selebrasaun Aniversario AMP nia bad ala hat ne'ebe monu iha loron hitu fulan Agusto tinan ida ne'e, iha Salaun Xanana Sport Center Dili, horseik.",
"Primeiru Ministru dehan autorio ne'ebe KAK hala'o hanesan komprimisiu Governu AMP nian wainhira atu kaer ukun iha tinan rihun rua hitu, no membru Governu tomak apresenta ona sira nia riku soin.",
"Xanana dehan se karik iha indikasaun korupasaun ruma mosu governasaun AMP, tenke prosesu tuir lei.",
"Tamba nia dehan auditoria ne'ebe KAK sei hala'o nu'udar parte ida atu garantia no hatudu responsalidade ba Governu AMP remata nia ukun atu la bele fo todan fali ba Governu foun ne'ebe sei kaer ukun iha tinan rihun rua sanolu resin rua.",
"Nu'udar xefi Governu, Xanana husu atu membru Governu tomak kontinua servisu maka'as hodi hadia'a povu no Nasaun nia vida.",
"Nia dehan maske koligasaun husi partido hotu ne'ebe hari Governu AMP durante ne'e konsege halo buat barak, maibe sei iha problema barak mak Governu tenke esforsu hodi rejolve problema ne'ebe povu hasouru.",
"Dezafiu ne'ebe Governu hasouru durante tinan hat ukun, sei sai nu'udar refleksaun bo'ot ba memrus Governu atu servisu maka'as liu husi prosesu reforma ne'ebe governu halo.",
"Primeiru Ministru husu ba memrbru Governu la bele sente orgullhu ho servisu ne'ebe sira produs, tamba problema barak ne'ebe povu hasouru hein hela atu governu rejolve iha tempu badak no tempu naruk.",
"Posted by TIMOR DOBEN FURAK at 00:52 Parabens Xanana Gusmao: \"Fundus Petroliferu Sa'e Ba Billaun 8.3 USD\" Jornal Nacional Diario - Tersa, 09 Agusto 2011 Dili-Tuir relatorio fundus petroliferu ne'ebe mak Autoridade Bancaria no Pagamentu (BPA) fo sai, Segunda (08/08), katak osan Timor-Leste ne'ebe tau iha Banku billaun 8.305,80 USD kompara ho saldo anterior trimestral kotuk Billaun 7.745,26 Dollar Amerikano.",
"\"Ita haree katak relatoriu trimestral fundu mina rai Timor-Leste nian ba dala 24 ne'ebe termina iha loron 30 Junhu 2011, hatudu katak capital fundu nian ne'e sa'e,\" informa General Manager Autoridade Bankaria no pagamentu, Abraao de Vasconselhos iha ninia serviso fatin, segunda (08/08).",
"BPA fo sai katak estado no povo Timor-Leste nia osan husi Fundu minarai nebe halibur hamutuk no tau iha Banku Federal Amerika neba to'o ona US$8.305,80 (besik billaun 9 dollar Amerikanu).",
"Rendimentu husi investimentu fundu nian hamutuk millaun US$106,49 durante trimester ne'e kompostu husi kupon no jurus nebe simu mak millaun US$59,98 no mudansa iha valor merkado nian millaun US$47,68, ne'e rezulta rendimentu ba kareita fundu nian durante trimester ne'e 1,38%, Vasconselho esplika liu tan, lei fundu mina rai nian espesifika katak, BPA nudar Banku sentral Timor Leste nian iha future maka hanesan ajente responsavel ba jestaun operasional fundu mina rai nian no Ministeriu Finansas maka responsabliza atu estabelese estratezia investimentu tomak kona ba fundu ne'e nian.",
"Nia dehan tan, resista ne'ebe mak simu durante trimester ne'e hamutuk US$745,06 millaun ne'ebe kompostu husi kontribuisaun sira ba fundu hamutuk millaun US$304,11 no pagamentu royalty simu husi atoridade Nasional Petroliu (ANP) millaun US$449,95.",
"Tuir nia katak, Pontus importante ne'ebe mak husi relatorio trimester ba dala XXIV nebe kobre period 1 de Abril to'o 30 Junhu ne'e inklui saldo balansu iniciu hamutuk U$7.745,25 reseitas durante trimester ne'e hamutuk U$754,06 millaun ne'ebe kompostu husi reseita kontribuinte sira hamutuk millaun U$304,11 reseitas royalty simu husi ANP nian hamutuk U$449,95 milliaun nomos osan sai durante trimester ida ne'e mak U$301,17, kompostu husi transferensia ba orsamentu jeral estado hamutuk millaun U$300 no gastu ba kobre kustu operasional nia hamutuk U$1,17 millaun.",
"Posted by TIMOR DOBEN FURAK at 00:51 Meta Malik: Presidente Ramos Horta hakarak kose Xanana hodi suporta nian ba rekandidatura ba mandatu ba dala rua Dili,Forum Haksesuk (FH).",
"Polemika ne'ebe maka envolve Presidente Republika no Veteranus Julio Sarmento alias Meta Mali, konaba se maka funu nain lolos.",
"Presidente Republika Jose Ramos Horta konsidere deklarasaun Meta Mali nian konaba \"Xanana no Taur laos funu nain,\" nudar deklarasaun ne'ebe maka iresponsavel.",
"Hatan Presidente Republika Jose Ramos Horta,Meta Malik haktuir liu husi komunikadu ne'e be FH hetan acesu katak: \" Maun Ramos Horta ninia deklarasaun ne'ebe bele entende buat rua.",
"Ida nia hakarak mosu mai sai defensor ba maun nain rua ne'e, ho objetivu ba buat seluk, maka haver se maun nain rua ne'e, liliu maun Xanana bele loke ibung katak \"apoio rekandidatura Ramos Horta ba segundo mandato.",
"Direitu ba kandidatura ba Presidente Republika ne'e, cidadaun hotu-hotu bele kandidatu an, povu maka sei julga ikus.\"",
"Iha konsolidasaun Partido Democratico (PD),iha kaikoli,DIli,sabado semana kotuk (30/07/2011), Julio Sarmento alias Meta Malik hato deklarasaun katak: Xanana no Taur Laos funu nain.\"",
"Hatan ba deklarasaun ida ne'e, Presidente Republika reaje kedan hodi dehan semaka halo deklarasaun ne'e,\"iresponsavel (in JND,02/2011,pajs.1 e 14) .\"",
"Haktuir tan Meta Malik iha komunikadu ne'ebe FH hetan acesu, intensaun husi deklarasaun ne'e maka ne'e,\" Tamba ohin loron, mosu funu nain no Assuwain barak, neduni buka soe hela ba povo konaba se maka funu nain lolos, povu ain tanan sira maka funu nain.",
"Iha biban ne'e, atu hato deit intensaun hau ninia maka ne' e, atu cindir deit katak ohin mosu funu nain,assuwain oi-oin, maibe sira ne'ebe funu nain lolos nonok no la sura sura sira nia kolen konaba Funu nain ka lae, Assuwain ka lae.",
"Ho ida ne' e maka referensia natural ba sira nain rua, tamba la iha ema ruma iha rai ida ne'e atu kestiona sira nain rua ninia lideransa ba procesu luta Ukun rasik an.\"",
"Tenik tan Meta Malik,\" Maibe importante ba deklarasaun no polemika konaba: \"Se maka Funu Nain ka lae,\" maka ne'e, atu desvenda tiha mito ida ne'ebe maka mosu iha sosiedade, ne'ebe emerje klass elites foun ida ne'ebe lori patrimonio historika hodi hetan previlijios iha sosiedade, maka lori Veteranus nia naran.",
"Empresarius ida ka rua ka tolu husi liur mai dehan backing veteranus, lori hetan previlijius ekonomikas e sosiais.",
"Lori Veteranus nia naran hodi hanehan ema seluk.",
"Enquantu principius ukun rasik an la hanorin hanesan ne'e, ukun rasik an atu moris diak ba ema hotu, moris ba povu aileba/ain tanan sira nia interese.",
"Povu ida verdadeiros herois ninia hanoin no povu ida funun nain ain tanan sira ninia aspirasaun.\"",
"Hatutan Meta Malik,\" Hau nia deklarasaun ne'e mos, mai atu fanun ita mos hodi hare katak povu maka verdadeiros herois, sira ain tanan, aileba no maubere sira maka herois, laos sira ne'ebe maka foin huri seik huri bain rua maka mai kanta katak sira maka heroi no sira maka funu nain.",
"Enquanto ema hanesan Xanana no Taur Mata Ruak la reklama sira nia parte konaba herois ka funu nain, tuir lolos sira ne'e maka konta historia lolos konaba funu nain ka herois. polemika konaba dadus veteranus ne'ebe maka numerous quase aas liu fali populasaun ativas, numerous veteranus barak liu fali uluk participasaun sira ne'ebe funu nain lolos oras ne'e la reklama sira nia direitu, sira nebe funu nain lolos la sura sira nia kolen, sira la reklama konaba homenajen, la reklama konaba pensaun ba sira.",
"Hanoin sira ne'e hotu maka bele foti husi deklarasaun hau nian,\"haktuir Meta Malik liu husi Komunikadu!",
"Fonte: 1) Suara Timor LoroSae (STL),edisaun Sexta-Feira (05/08/2011) paj.14!",
"2) Timor Post (TP),edisaun Segunda-Feira (01/08/2011) paj.1 e 19!",
"3) Jornal Nacional Diario (JND),edisaun Tersa-Feira (02/08/2011),paj.1 e 14!",
"Posted by TIMOR DOBEN FURAK at 00:49"
] | [
"TIMOR DOBEN FURAK: A VOZ DA LIBERTACAO - Timor Leste's Voice of Liberation (TDF): 08/12 /3-4 Mari Alkatiri Spend Thousands on Thirty thousand Illegally, to Go Home with His Colleagues in Coimbra Written by Harold Milano TTF. In the month July for commemorating South Sudan Independence Proclamations President Jose Ramos Horta indicated that mari alcatiri would be representing RDTL at this ceremony but instead he went abroad and spent more than $57 million dollars from his own pocket while spending money illegallity is not an issue!"
"When Mari Alkatiri and Ramos-Horta, in the name of Timor's independence proclamation requested that she be representing them at this ceremony on 25th March (1974), said they would pay for three people to accompany her."
"They are Mari Alkatiri's assistant, Meno Aleixo and Nilva Guimaraes among others."
"From Timor to Sudan, a country in Africa that is very poor and just getting its independence."
"Mari was given \"first class\" service to use the people's money, and forced Timorese State remove nearly $ 150."
"The money was used to pay for their ticket, food and lodgings during the entire stay there."
"However, when he arrived at the clear road Mari Alkatiri informed his neighbor Ramos-Horta that there was information about someone attempting to assassinate him (threats of killing), and instead for South Sudan mari alcatiri with her \"committee\" went back Portugal."
"While in Portugal, Mari Alkatiri was silent and never gave a word to the Sudanese ceremony."
"There, the lords used state funds to live well; they paid for their hotel accommodation and offered dinners on behalf of colleagues or friends especially when these arrived in Cidade Coimbra."
"Sadly, we see the behavior of historical leaders who are only looking for good and seek relief in their people's suffering."
"So far no one has looked into this case, and Ramos-Horta with Mari Alkatiri must be held responsible for it."
"Poor Timor, many of whom do not know!"
"A very ironic act because, MNE's Vice Minister Alberto Carlos also represented the Foreign Affairs minister himself in South Sudan where he was received as a dignitary of state and accompanies to independence proclamation ceremony until it is completed. And back up till today nothing has ever happened with him!"
"As for returning to Timor, Mari Alkatiri has been cheating other people and Xanana Gusmao is spending his money arbitrarily. Maria Alkatiri in the name of its own population receives nearly $10k per month based on a lifetime pension law that FRETILIN once made: She also now lohi'd East-Timorese state Government & People so she spent her wealth without responsibility at Sudan!"
"Until now Mari Alkatiri has kept the matter tightly closed and continues to make Xanana Gusmao with AMP take it as naukten, he is holy."
"Mari Alkatiri every day makes the government spend a lot of money, but he himself is spending an array ($150.2 million), does not do state service and destroys people as well all Timorese ones!"
"Who will become Prime Minister in 2013?"
"Poor thing for the Fretilin-Radikal fellows who are now seeing their eyes delek!"
"Posted by TIMOR DOBEN FURAK at 01:23 AMP's Four-Year Government, \"Xanana Ask Anti Corruption Commission to Audit Member of the Cabinet\" From Eugenio Pereira - Jornal INDEPENDENTE (Timor Independente) – Tuesday Aug.9th/August7 th Dili– To avoid putting money on another person or not being allowed back into a new government in order for corruption cases against him be investigated again after his term as Prime Minister has expired; prime minister Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao requested that an anti corruptibility commission prepare and carry out its mandate with regarding audit from members’ property once their terms have ended"
"\"KAK will be prepared to carry out an audit of me and all the other members in this Parliamentary Majority Alliance Government when it ends its mandate on 2018.\""
"Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão informed at the celebration of AMP's 40th Anniversary, which was held on August seven this year. The event took place today (August7) during a ceremony hosted by Salaun Xanana Sport Center Dili and attended from around four hundred people including MPA members who were there to celebrate with them his birthday as well..."
"The Prime Minister said that the investigation carried out by KAC was a compression of AMP's government when it came to power in 2017, and all Government members have presented their declarations."
"Xanana said that if there is any indication of corruption occurring under AMP government, it must be processed according to the law."
"Because he said the audit that KAK will carry out as part of guaranteeing and show accountability to AMP Government ends its term so it can not give back a fault for new government who shall hold power in two thousand thirty-two."
"As the head of government, Xanana asked all Government members to continue their hard work in improving people's and nation life."
"He said that although the coalition of all parties which formed AMP Government during this time has managed to do many things, but there will be several problems and government must endeavour in solving these issues."
"The challenges faced by the Government during its six years in office will be a great reflection for members of government to work hard through reforms that have been undertaken."
"The Prime Minister asked the members of Government not to feel proud with their work, because there are many problems that people suffer from and wait for a government solution in both short-term as long term."
"Posted by TIMOR DOBEN FURAK at 01:52 Congratulations Xanana Gusmao, \"Petroleum Fund Rises to $8.3 Billion\" Jornal Nacional Diaria - Tersa (Tuesday), August-9th/7pm Dili – According the oil fund report issued on Monday(August) from Banking and Payments Authority of Timor Leste that said it has raised its funds in bank up USD$4 billion compared with a previous quarterly balance amounted Dollar US ($6 million)."
"\"We note that the 24th quarterly reporting of Timor-Leste's oil and gas fund, which ended on June.30/61 shows an increase in its capital\", said General Manager Bank & Payment Authority Abraao de Vasconselhos at his office Monday (8 August)."
"The BPA said that the state and people of Timor-Leste's money from mineral funds collected in U.S Federal Reserve Bank has reached US$8,305 1/2 (approximately $9 billion)."
"The return on the fund's investment amounted to US$106.49 million during this trimester, comprising of coupon and interest received totalling $58723 thousand plus change in market value for a sum equally as high with USD€-million (USDM) which results into an annualized yield over that period at +/–% - Vasconselho further explaines: \"The mining funds law specifies BPA will be Timor Leste Central Bank being responsible agent from now forward by operational management about mineral resources; Ministry Finance shall establish overall strategy regardingasset.\""
"He added that revenues received during the quarter amounted to US$745.06 million, comprising of contributions made into funds totalling USD 312 millions and royalty payments from National Petroleum Authority (ANP) worth $US98 billion or an estimated equivalent in Brazilian reais ($USD)."
"According to him, the important points that are from quarterly report for XXIV which covers period April 1st until June this year includes opening balance of U$7.452 billion revenues during trimester amounted $309 million royalty receipts received by ANP totaling US dollars and money out in Trimestre is USD dollar comprise transference into general state budget aggregation upwards €68 millions expenditure on cover its operational costs together with an estimated cost per MWh (US Dollar)."
"Posted by TIMOR DOBEN FURAK at 01:53 PM Meta Malik, President Ramos Horta wants to get Xanana’ s support for re-candidacy Dili. Forum Haksesuk (FH)."
"The controversy involving President of the Republic and Veteran Julio Sarmento aka Meta Mali, about who is a true war hero."
"President of the Republic Jose Ramos Horta considered Meta's statement that \"Xanana and Taur are not warriors,\" as an irresponsible declaration."
"In response to President of the Republic Jose Ramos Horta, Meta Malik said through this communiqué that FH has accessed: \"Mr. Santos's statement can be underttood in two ways 1) as an insult;"
"One wants to appear as a defender of the two brother, with another purpose: that if both siblings and especially Xanana can open their mouth saying \"support re-candidacy Ramos Horta for second term."
"The right to stand for President of the Republic is, all citizens can run themselves and it will be judged by people.\""
"At the consolidation of Partido Democratico (PD),in kaikoli,Dili last Saturday(30/7 21) Julio Sarmento alias Meta Malik made a statement that: \"Xanana and Taur are not warriors.\""
"In response to this statement, the President reacted with regret by saying that making such a declaration was \"irresponsible (in JND 02/14).\""
"Meta Malik added in a communiqué that FH has access to, the intention of this declaration is: \"Because today there are many fighters and Assuwain. Therefore we seek answer from people about whether they were real warriors or not; it wasn't all those who fought for our country but their own nation.\""
"In this context, I would like to express my intention that today there are many warriors and assuways but those who fought for the truth do not speak out about whether they were or weren't a Warrior."
"This is a natural reference to the two of them, because there's no one in this country who can question their leadership for an independent struggle.\""
"\"But important to the declaration and controversy about: 'Who is a Veteran or not,'\" says Meta Malik. It was in order that we could unravel this myth which has been emerging within society; one of these new classes emerged who carrying historical heritage for social privileges are called veterans.\""
"One or two, three businessmen from abroad come and say they are backing veterans."
"Carrie Veteranus' name to harass others."
"While the principles of self-determination do not teach this, it is to live a good life for all people and in their interest."
"A people who are true heroes of their thoughts and a nation that is the owner behind all its aspirations.\""
"Meta Malik added, \"My statement is also to make us see that the people are real heroes. They're unconditional and they have their own identity as well; not just those who come out singing about being a warrior or an fighter but really all of them.\""
"While people like Xanana and Taur Mata Ruak do not claim their part as heroes or warriors, according to them they are telling the truth of history about those who fought for freedom. The controversy over veterans' numbers which is numerous almost higher than active population; many more numberful Veteran’ s participation in these days that were formerly soldiers does no longer assert its rights: Those military servicemen don´t cry out at this time because there wasn‘ t any tribute paid nor pension provided by government!"
"All these thoughts can be taken from my statement,\" said Meta Malik through Komunikadu!"
"Source: 1) Suara Timor LoroSae (STL), Friday edition, page.5!"
"2) Timor Post (TP), Monday edition, page.1 and pg!"
"3) Jornal Nacional Diario (JND), Tuesday edition(02/14,8.59-7pm).Pages: pg!"
"Posted by TIMOR DOBEN FURAK at 01:49 AM No comments"
] |
TL presiza valoriza kultura unidade | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI TL presiza valoriza kultura unidade\nTL presiza valoriza kultura unidade\nAprezentasaun baku babadok nu’udar kultura Timor-Leste nian uainhira aprezenta iha Pre-Expo Timor Leste Road to Dubai 2021 ne’ebé hala’o iha CCD. Imajen TATOLI/António Gonçalves\nDILI, 21 maiu 2021 (TATOLI)-Loron 21 fulan maiu, kada tinan, mundu selebra loron internasionál ba diversidade kulturál, diálogu no dezenvolvimentu nian, ho objetivu promove diversidade ho espíritu solidáriu, fraternidade, toleránsia, promove valór umanizmu no respeita mútua iha ambiente multikulturál no diversidade opiniaun hodi kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu komún.\nBa tinan ne’e, ema hotu iha mundu, selebra loron ida-ne’e iha situasaun pandemia COVID-19. Nune’e, tuir Prezidente Ezekutivu Konsellu Nasionál Juventude Katólika Timor-Leste (CNJCTL), Pe. João Soares hateten, katak komemorasaun loron mundiál ba diversidade kulturál nian iha Timor-Leste (TL) iha situasaun COVID-19 husu ema hotu presiza mak valoriza kultura unidade.\nLoron mundiál ba diversidade kulturál ba diálogu no dezenvolvimentu proklama hosi Organizasaun Nasaun Unida (ONU) iha tinan 2002, iha ámbitu komemorasaun ba aprovasaun deklarasaun Universál UNESCO kona-ba diversidade kulturál iha tinan 2001.\nPe. João Soares esplika ko’alia kona-ba kultura hanesan ema hotu hatene katak kultura ne’e hanesan konjuntu hosi ábitu ka maneira estilu moris nian, no mós ema ida-idak ninian fiar no koñesimentu hosi povu, sosiedade no fatin ida.\nNia dehan, hanesan ema barak komprende no hatene katak iha mundu ema ida-idak ho ninia kultura rasik, kultura ne’e reprezenta identidade ida bainhira ko’alia kona-ba identidade ne’e ko’alia kona-ba karakterístika estilu moris nian no bainhira ko’alia kona-ba identidade mós ko’alia kona-ba ninia própria kultura, mezmu nune’e, hotu-hotu hatene katak iha Timor-Leste klaru língua Tetun, língua ida ne’ebé bele unifika ba iha eis-kultura kompostu hosi étniku no ema ida-idak ninian estilu moris nian.\n“Grasa Maromak nian ita Timor maske iha defeitu oi-oin, maibé konsiente di’ak tebes katak respeita mútua entre ema ida ba ema seluk grupu ida ba grupu seluk no rai ida ba rai seluk, iha Timor ita ne’e forte tebe-tebes. Ida ne’e ba ita priviléjiu boot tanba ita iha kultura no língua ne’ebé diferente, maibé ita-nia komunidade ne’e sai hanesan ita-nia kultura ida, maske iha dezentendimentu ki’ik oan, maibé ida-ne’e dalan la’ós atu minimiza ka harahun ita-nia kultura ida ne’ebé ita bolu naran unidade,” nia hateten hodi responde ba Agência Tatoli liuhosi telefónika sesta ne’e.\nAtu mantein paz, armonia sosiál no dezenvolvimentu iha ámbitu pandemia COVID-19, nia fó hanoin, pandemia ne’e hanesan funu ka bele dehan destruisaun ida hosi konseitu saúde ninian, maibé pandemia ida-ne’e mós tulun atu ema ida-idak bele hakle’an liu tan fali kultura unidade iha ema ida-idak ninia família, komunidade no sosiedade.\n“Pandemia ida ne’e mós hanesan kura daudaun fali espíritu ida pasiénsia nian, espíritu fleksibilidade hodi tama iha situasaun ida ne’ebé maka difisil. Ne’e duni pandemia ida mós tulun ema atu valoriza fali aspetu balun ne’ebé iha hela ba kultura unidade nian,” nia argumenta.\nSorin seluk Prezidente Ezekutivu Konsellu Nasionál Izlámiku Timor-Leste (CONISTIL-sigla portugés), Pacoál Sidiq Lemorai hateten, Timor-Leste iha kultura rasik no hosi kultura ne’e iha oi-oin, tanba munisípiu ida ba munisípiu ida-idak ho nia kultura, maibé valoriza no promove mak presiza ema hotu nia kontribuisaun, kria amizade no toleránsia ba malu.\n“Ha’u hanoin ohin loron mundiál diversidade ba kulturál, ita Timor-Leste mós iha kultura rasik, agora oinsá ita atu promove kultura, presiza kria amizade iha nasaun ida tanba nune’e bele promove ita-nia kultura hodi atrai nasaun seluk bele mai vizita ita-nia rai, dalan di’ak mak ita-nia Governu liuhosi Ministériu Turizmu agora promove hela kultura Timor-Leste nian atu ba iha Expo Dubai, ha’u hanoin asaun ida ne’e di’ak atu promove ita-nia kultura iha mundu internasionál nian,” Pascoal Sidiq Lemorai hateten.\nNia dehan, maske TL foin ukun-an, maibé liuhosi kulturál hanoin Timor-Leste bele promove ona iha mundu nune’e nasaun seluk bele koñese Timor-Leste nia kultura.\n“Ha’u-nia mensajen ba sosiedade hotu liuliu ba ha’u-nia komunidade Musulmanu, katak atu hametin espíritu, fraternidade, amizade iha multi kulturál no lingua ida-ne’e, maske ita iha fiar-ida-idak nian ne’ebé la hanesan, maibé moris iha nasaun oinsá mak ita halo kolaborasaun di’ak ho relijiaun seluk hamutuk hodi promove kultura Timor-Leste nian iha nasaun ida ho amizade,” nia hateten.\nXefe Suku Bairru-Pité, João Bosco da Costa Belo hateten, iha komemorasaun loron mundiál diversidade kulturál ida-ne’e nia observasaun kona-ba ninia abitante-sira iha nia suku katak durante abitante-sira sempre kria paz, toleránsia armonia no sosiál, maske ida rua mak menus komprensaun maibé sempre kria armonia iha suku laran.\n“Iha situasaun pandemia COVID-19 ida ne’e buat ne’ebé ami promove no hametin espíritu iha suku mak kontinua nafatin fahe informasaun polítika COVID-19 nia komunidade, oinsá hamutuk prevene peste ida ne’e. ha’u hanesan autoridade suku nafatin fó hanoin ba komunidade liuliu joven sira katak ita iha Dili mai hosi munisípiu oi-oin ho lian ne’ebé la hanesan maibé iha situasaun iha agora ne’e kontinua halo amizade, kria dame hodi dezenvolve TL liuhosi promove kultura,” nia subliña.\ndiálogu no dezenvolvimentu nian\nLoron internasionál ba diversidade kulturál\nPrevious articleEOD-UEP destroi material esplozivu iha Ermera\nNext articlePNTL detein abitante na’in 37 viola regra Estadu emerjénsia | [
"TL presiza valoriza kultura unidade | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI TL presiza valoriza kultura unidade TL presiza valoriza kultura unidade Aprezentasaun baku babadok nu'udar kultura Timor-Leste nian uainhira aprezenta iha Pre-Expo Timor Leste Road to Dubai 2021 ne'ebe hala'o iha CCD.",
"Imajen TATOLI/Antonio Goncalves DILI, 21 maiu 2021 (TATOLI) -Loron 21 fulan maiu, kada tinan, mundu selebra loron internasional ba diversidade kultural, dialogu no dezenvolvimentu nian, ho objetivu promove diversidade ho espiritu solidariu, fraternidade, toleransia, promove valor umanizmu no respeita mutua iha ambiente multikultural no diversidade opiniaun hodi kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu komun.",
"Ba tinan ne'e, ema hotu iha mundu, selebra loron ida-ne'e iha situasaun pandemia COVID-19.",
"Nune'e, tuir Prezidente Ezekutivu Konsellu Nasional Juventude Katolika Timor-Leste (CNJCTL), Pe.",
"Joao Soares hateten, katak komemorasaun loron mundial ba diversidade kultural nian iha Timor-Leste (TL) iha situasaun COVID-19 husu ema hotu presiza mak valoriza kultura unidade.",
"Loron mundial ba diversidade kultural ba dialogu no dezenvolvimentu proklama hosi Organizasaun Nasaun Unida (ONU) iha tinan 2002, iha ambitu komemorasaun ba aprovasaun deklarasaun Universal UNESCO kona-ba diversidade kultural iha tinan 2001.",
"Joao Soares esplika ko'alia kona-ba kultura hanesan ema hotu hatene katak kultura ne'e hanesan konjuntu hosi abitu ka maneira estilu moris nian, no mos ema ida-idak ninian fiar no konesimentu hosi povu, sosiedade no fatin ida.",
"Nia dehan, hanesan ema barak komprende no hatene katak iha mundu ema ida-idak ho ninia kultura rasik, kultura ne'e reprezenta identidade ida bainhira ko'alia kona-ba identidade ne'e ko'alia kona-ba karakteristika estilu moris nian no bainhira ko'alia kona-ba identidade mos ko'alia kona-ba ninia propria kultura, mezmu nune'e, hotu-hotu hatene katak iha Timor-Leste klaru lingua Tetun, lingua ida ne'ebe bele unifika ba iha eis-kultura kompostu hosi etniku no ema ida-idak ninian estilu moris nian.",
"\"Grasa Maromak nian ita Timor maske iha defeitu oi-oin, maibe konsiente di'ak tebes katak respeita mutua entre ema ida ba ema seluk grupu ida ba grupu seluk no rai ida ba rai seluk, iha Timor ita ne'e forte tebe-tebes.",
"Ida ne'e ba ita privilejiu boot tanba ita iha kultura no lingua ne'ebe diferente, maibe ita-nia komunidade ne'e sai hanesan ita-nia kultura ida, maske iha dezentendimentu ki'ik oan, maibe ida-ne'e dalan la'os atu minimiza ka harahun ita-nia kultura ida ne'ebe ita bolu naran unidade,\" nia hateten hodi responde ba Agencia Tatoli liuhosi telefonika sesta ne'e.",
"Atu mantein paz, armonia sosial no dezenvolvimentu iha ambitu pandemia COVID-19, nia fo hanoin, pandemia ne'e hanesan funu ka bele dehan destruisaun ida hosi konseitu saude ninian, maibe pandemia ida-ne'e mos tulun atu ema ida-idak bele hakle'an liu tan fali kultura unidade iha ema ida-idak ninia familia, komunidade no sosiedade.",
"\"Pandemia ida ne'e mos hanesan kura daudaun fali espiritu ida pasiensia nian, espiritu fleksibilidade hodi tama iha situasaun ida ne'ebe maka difisil.",
"Ne'e duni pandemia ida mos tulun ema atu valoriza fali aspetu balun ne'ebe iha hela ba kultura unidade nian,\" nia argumenta.",
"Sorin seluk Prezidente Ezekutivu Konsellu Nasional Izlamiku Timor-Leste (CONISTIL-sigla portuges), Pacoal Sidiq Lemorai hateten, Timor-Leste iha kultura rasik no hosi kultura ne'e iha oi-oin, tanba munisipiu ida ba munisipiu ida-idak ho nia kultura, maibe valoriza no promove mak presiza ema hotu nia kontribuisaun, kria amizade no toleransia ba malu.",
"\"Ha'u hanoin ohin loron mundial diversidade ba kultural, ita Timor-Leste mos iha kultura rasik, agora oinsa ita atu promove kultura, presiza kria amizade iha nasaun ida tanba nune'e bele promove ita-nia kultura hodi atrai nasaun seluk bele mai vizita ita-nia rai, dalan di'ak mak ita-nia Governu liuhosi Ministeriu Turizmu agora promove hela kultura Timor-Leste nian atu ba iha Expo Dubai, ha'u hanoin asaun ida ne'e di'ak atu promove ita-nia kultura iha mundu internasional nian,\" Pascoal Sidiq Lemorai hateten.",
"Nia dehan, maske TL foin ukun-an, maibe liuhosi kultural hanoin Timor-Leste bele promove ona iha mundu nune'e nasaun seluk bele konese Timor-Leste nia kultura.",
"\"Ha'u-nia mensajen ba sosiedade hotu liuliu ba ha'u-nia komunidade Musulmanu, katak atu hametin espiritu, fraternidade, amizade iha multi kultural no lingua ida-ne'e, maske ita iha fiar-ida-idak nian ne'ebe la hanesan, maibe moris iha nasaun oinsa mak ita halo kolaborasaun di'ak ho relijiaun seluk hamutuk hodi promove kultura Timor-Leste nian iha nasaun ida ho amizade,\" nia hateten.",
"Xefe Suku Bairru-Pite, Joao Bosco da Costa Belo hateten, iha komemorasaun loron mundial diversidade kultural ida-ne'e nia observasaun kona-ba ninia abitante-sira iha nia suku katak durante abitante-sira sempre kria paz, toleransia armonia no sosial, maske ida rua mak menus komprensaun maibe sempre kria armonia iha suku laran.",
"\"Iha situasaun pandemia COVID-19 ida ne'e buat ne'ebe ami promove no hametin espiritu iha suku mak kontinua nafatin fahe informasaun politika COVID-19 nia komunidade, oinsa hamutuk prevene peste ida ne'e. ha'u hanesan autoridade suku nafatin fo hanoin ba komunidade liuliu joven sira katak ita iha Dili mai hosi munisipiu oi-oin ho lian ne'ebe la hanesan maibe iha situasaun iha agora ne'e kontinua halo amizade, kria dame hodi dezenvolve TL liuhosi promove kultura,\" nia sublina. dialogu no dezenvolvimentu nian Loron internasional ba diversidade kultural Previous articleEOD-UEP destroi material esplozivu iha Ermera Next articlePNTL detein abitante na'in 37 viola regra Estadu emerjensia"
] | [
"TL needs to value culture of unity | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI The presentation made by the CCD at Pre Expo Road To Dubai, which is taking place in Dili on July and August this year was a false introduction as being East Тимор's cultural heritage."
"DILI, May 21st (Xinhua) -Every year on the day of International Day for Cultural Diversity and Dialogue in Development which is celebrated worldwide every month may with a view to promoting diversity through solidarity spirits. The goal was also promote humanistic value-based culture as well mutual respect within multicultural environment that encourage diversification from one opinion into another so contributing towards common development by encouraging cultural dialogue between people across all ages"
"For this year, people around the world are celebrating it in a context of COVID-19 pandemic."
"Thus, according to the Executive President of Conselho Nacional Juventude Católica Timor-Leste (CNJCTL), Fr."
"Joao Soares said that the commemoration of World Day for Cultural Diversity in Timor-Leste (TL) during COVID 19 calls on all people to value a culture and unite."
"The World Day of Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development was proclaimed by the United Nations (UN) in 2013, as a way to commemorate UNESCO’s Universal Declaration on cultural diversity adopted at its fiftieth session."
"Joao Soares explained speaking about culture as everyone knows that it is a set of habit or lifestyle, and also the belief in oneself by an individual'S knowledge on people. society & place 10"
"He said, as many people understand and know that in the world each person has his own culture. The cultural represents an identity when speaking about it is a characteristic of lifestyle; while if we speak on its identities also talk to their very cultura but all are well aware there clearly Timorese language Tetun which can unify into ex-culture composed by ethnicity with every individual'l style life :"
"\"Thanks be to God we Timorese, although with various defects but very well aware that mutual respect between one person and another group of people or country is extremely strong."
"This is a great privilege for us because we have different cultures and languages, but our community become one of the same. Even if there are small misunderstandings with each other this way does not mean minimizing or defacing that unity in which all people live.\""
"In order to maintain peace, social harmony and development in the context of COVID-19 pandemic he reminded that this pandemic is a war or perhaps destruction for health concept but it also helps each person develop more than culture unity within their family community society."
"\"This pandemic is also a healing spirit of patience, the flexibility to enter into this difficult situation."
"Therefore, a pandemic also helps people to re-value some aspects that are still present in the culture of unity\", he argues."
"The Executive President of the National Islamic Council Timor-Leste (CONISTIL), Pacoal Sidiq Lemorai, said that \"Timor Leste has its own culture and there are many different types. Each municipality in this country have their cultural heritage but to value it is necessary for everyone's contribution so as creating friendship between them.\""
"\"I think today world cultural diversity, we Timor-Leste also have our own culture now how do you promote the Culture? We need to create friendship in a country so that can promoting Our Cultural attract other countries may come and visit us. A good way is for your Government through Ministry of Tourism are currently Promote The East's cultura going at Expo Dubai I believe this action will be beneficial promotion Of Your Cultura In International World\" said Pascoa Sidiq Lemorai .\""
"He said, although Timor-Leste has just gained independence but through cultural thought that East could promote in the world so other countries can know of east's culture."
"\"My message to all societies, especially my Muslim community is that we must strengthen the spirit of fraternity and friendship in this multicultural language. Even though our faiths are different from each other but living together as a nation can help us collaborate with others' religion alongside promoting Timorese culture within one friendly country.\""
"Bairru-Pite Village Head, Joao Bosco da Costa Belo said that in the commemoration of this world day for cultural diversity his observation about its residents is during their village they always create peace and tolerance social harmony although both are less understanding but still creating harmonies within."
"\"In the context of this COVID-19 pandemic, what we promote and strengthen in our village is to continue sharing political information about Covid 20 community how together prevent it. I as a local authority also remind communities especially young people that us Dili come from different municipalities with languages which are not similar but under current circumstances keep making friends create peace developing TL through promoting culture\", he emphasizes.\" Dialogue And Development International Day For Cultural Diversity PreviousEOD - UEP Destroy Explosive Material In Ermera Next articlePNTL detain residential na'in violate rule state emergency"
] |
CAC Sorumutu ho Vise-Primeira Ministra no Vise MInistra MSSI Konaba Relatoriu Deskobrementu Implementasaun Subsidiu Fundu Agregadu Familiar – Comissão Anti-Corrupção | Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun\nCAC Aprezenta no Diskuti Relatoriu Deskobrementu Implementasaun Fundu Agregadu Familiar ho Vice Ministro Statal\nDili – Komisariu Adjunto ba Asuntu Prevensaun no Sensibiliasaun Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) Dr. Luis de Oliveira Sampaio Segunda-feira (24/8) ohin lidera Diresaun Prevensaun no Sensibilizasaun CAC nian ba halao sorumutu ho Vise-Primeira Ministra Armanda Berta no Vise-Ministra Signi C. Verdial Ministeriu Solidaridade Sosial no Inkluzaun (MSSI) ho ninian estrutura ministeriu nian iha Salaun Sorumutu MSSI Caicoli Dili.\nKomisaun husu ba Vise-Primeira Ministra no nune’e mos Ministra SSI ho ninian gaineti tomak atu konsidera rekomendasaun relatoriu deskobrementu ekipa konjunta CAC, PDHJ, IGE no KFP nian kona-ba subsidiu agregadu familiar ne’ebé aprezenta ba ministeriu tutela sira iha loron 5 Fulan Agostu 2020 liuba.\nDurante suromutu ne’e, iha sesaun abertura no aprezentasaun husi CAC, subliña importansia no nesesidade ba MSSI no ministeriu tutela sira atu hola medidas apropriadu hodi hatan ba deskobrementu sira ne’ebé deskreve tiha ona iha relatoriu ne’e. Deskobrementu sira ne’e, inklui baze-dadus ne’ebe problematiku, lista benefisiariu doubru, lista potensial falsa sira (hanesan joventude), lista benefisiariu mate-klamar, benefisiariu ho salariu mais $500, kestaun relasionadu ho kontratu ho impreza privada ne’ebe fornese veikulu/transporte ninia pérfil la klaru nomos benefisiariu sira ne’ebé rejistu depoisde 30 Marsu 2020.\nBazeia ba rezultadu deskobrementu ne’e, mesmu konsiente no konsidera sirkunstánsia no komplesidade situasaun sira ne’ebé MSSI no ministeriu implementador sira hasoru iha terrenu, maibé CAC kontinua insiste katak prosesu hotu-hotu tenke tuir lei. Estadu tenke impoin ninia autoriadade atu asegru katak lei no regumentu sira hatur iha nia-fatin no proteze estadu ninia kredibilidade no integridade husi oporunidade ba protesta no alegasaun oioin husi sosiedade.\nIha sesaun diskusaun ba aprezentasaun ne’e, Ministra no Vise Minsitra Solidaridade Sosial no Inkluzuan nomos Diretor Jeral sira apresia inisiativa CAC hodi lori relatoriu ne’e ba diskuti diremente ho instituisaun tutela sira. Sira konsiente katak iha duni problema ho baze-de-dadus agregadu familiar tanba sira la iha dadus propriu ba agregadu familiar. Durante ne’e, MSSI so jere deit, dadus kona-ba bolsa da mãe, idozus no veteranos no kombatente sira.\nMesmu nune’e, Exelensia Ministra MSSI afirma katak sira ne’ebé halo sala tenke ba hatan tuir lei, no nia subliña katak politika VIII Governu Konstituisional nian mak asegura katak povu ne’ebé benefisia husi politiku asistensia sosial sira ne’e tenke hetan duni sira ninia direitu.\nEnkuantu Diretor Jeral MSSI, Sr. Rui Gago, akresenta katak durante servisu preprativu sira apoiu subsidiu agregadu familiar ne’e, MSSI enfrenta dezafiu oioin. Dezafiu hirak ne’e inklui rekursu limitadu tanba laos ema hotu tama no halo servisu durante periodu estadu emerjensia. Aleinde ne’e, relasiona ho veikulu privada ne’ebe governu kontrata atu ajuda transporta ekipa tekniku sira liuhusi prosesu aprovizionamentu. Desizaun atu kontrata veíkulu, halo bazeia ba reposta ba karta ne’ebe Exleensia Ministra Solidaridade Sosial haruka Diresaun Geral Patrimonia Estadu (DGPE) atu husu apoiu kareta estadu, maibe DGPE so bele fornese ho númeru limitadu.\nLiután nia informa katak agora dadaun ekipa tekniku sira halo hela verifikasaun ba lista reklamantes sira ne’ebe agora dadaun porvoltade 15.000 resin, maibé sira sei halo ezersiu makas atu bele verifika hodi redus no elimina lista sira ne’ebé la tuir rekizitus legal. Nia fiar katak sira sei bele hamenus too 11.000 mai kraik.\nSorumutu ne’e konklui ho entedementu katak CAC no MSSI sei kontinua servisu hatumutuk hodi asegura prosesu sira lao tuir ninia dalan no evita no preve risku potensial sira maljestaun no korrupsaun.\nTuir planu suromutu no aprezentasaun hanesan sei halo ba lideransa lokal sira husi Munisipiu Dili, iha 31 Augosto 2020 semana oin.\nIha sorumutu ne’e, partisipa husi Exelensia Ministra no Vise Ministra Solidaridade Sosial no Diretor Jeral no Diretor Nasional, asesor nasional no internasional husi MSSI no ekipa husi Diresaun Prevensaun no Sensibiizasaun CAC. Sorumutu ne’e hanesan mós sorumutu antes ne’ebé halo ona ho Ministeriu Administrasaun Estatal (MAE) atu diskuti no aprezenta deskobrementu sira ba implementasaun fundu agregadu familiar iha ambitu prevensaun Covid-19 nian. (* )\nPermanent link to this article: https://cac.tl/2020/10/cac-sorumutu-ho-vise-primeira-ministra-no-vise-ministra-mssi-konaba-relatoriu-deskobrementu-implementasaun-subsidiu-fundu-agregadu-familiar/ | [
"CAC Sorumutu ho Vise-Primeira Ministra no Vise MInistra MSSI Konaba Relatoriu Deskobrementu Implementasaun Subsidiu Fundu Agregadu Familiar - Comissao Anti-Corrupcao | Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun CAC Aprezenta no Diskuti Relatoriu Deskobrementu Implementasaun Fundu Agregadu Familiar ho Vice Ministro Statal Dili - Komisariu Adjunto ba Asuntu Prevensaun no Sensibiliasaun Comissao Anti-Corrupcao (CAC) Dr. Luis de Oliveira Sampaio Segunda-feira (24/8) ohin lidera Diresaun Prevensaun no Sensibilizasaun CAC nian ba halao sorumutu ho Vise-Primeira Ministra Armanda Berta no Vise-Ministra Signi C. Verdial Ministeriu Solidaridade Sosial no Inkluzaun (MSSI) ho ninian estrutura ministeriu nian iha Salaun Sorumutu MSSI Caicoli Dili.",
"Komisaun husu ba Vise-Primeira Ministra no nune'e mos Ministra SSI ho ninian gaineti tomak atu konsidera rekomendasaun relatoriu deskobrementu ekipa konjunta CAC, PDHJ, IGE no KFP nian kona-ba subsidiu agregadu familiar ne'ebe aprezenta ba ministeriu tutela sira iha loron 5 Fulan Agostu 2020 liuba.",
"Durante suromutu ne'e, iha sesaun abertura no aprezentasaun husi CAC, sublina importansia no nesesidade ba MSSI no ministeriu tutela sira atu hola medidas apropriadu hodi hatan ba deskobrementu sira ne'ebe deskreve tiha ona iha relatoriu ne'e.",
"Deskobrementu sira ne'e, inklui baze-dadus ne'ebe problematiku, lista benefisiariu doubru, lista potensial falsa sira (hanesan joventude), lista benefisiariu mate-klamar, benefisiariu ho salariu mais $500, kestaun relasionadu ho kontratu ho impreza privada ne'ebe fornese veikulu/transporte ninia perfil la klaru nomos benefisiariu sira ne'ebe rejistu depoisde 30 Marsu 2020.",
"Bazeia ba rezultadu deskobrementu ne'e, mesmu konsiente no konsidera sirkunstansia no komplesidade situasaun sira ne'ebe MSSI no ministeriu implementador sira hasoru iha terrenu, maibe CAC kontinua insiste katak prosesu hotu-hotu tenke tuir lei.",
"Estadu tenke impoin ninia autoriadade atu asegru katak lei no regumentu sira hatur iha nia-fatin no proteze estadu ninia kredibilidade no integridade husi oporunidade ba protesta no alegasaun oioin husi sosiedade.",
"Iha sesaun diskusaun ba aprezentasaun ne'e, Ministra no Vise Minsitra Solidaridade Sosial no Inkluzuan nomos Diretor Jeral sira apresia inisiativa CAC hodi lori relatoriu ne'e ba diskuti diremente ho instituisaun tutela sira.",
"Sira konsiente katak iha duni problema ho baze-de-dadus agregadu familiar tanba sira la iha dadus propriu ba agregadu familiar.",
"Durante ne'e, MSSI so jere deit, dadus kona-ba bolsa da mae, idozus no veteranos no kombatente sira.",
"Mesmu nune'e, Exelensia Ministra MSSI afirma katak sira ne'ebe halo sala tenke ba hatan tuir lei, no nia sublina katak politika VIII Governu Konstituisional nian mak asegura katak povu ne'ebe benefisia husi politiku asistensia sosial sira ne'e tenke hetan duni sira ninia direitu.",
"Enkuantu Diretor Jeral MSSI, Sr. Rui Gago, akresenta katak durante servisu preprativu sira apoiu subsidiu agregadu familiar ne'e, MSSI enfrenta dezafiu oioin.",
"Dezafiu hirak ne'e inklui rekursu limitadu tanba laos ema hotu tama no halo servisu durante periodu estadu emerjensia.",
"Aleinde ne'e, relasiona ho veikulu privada ne'ebe governu kontrata atu ajuda transporta ekipa tekniku sira liuhusi prosesu aprovizionamentu.",
"Desizaun atu kontrata veikulu, halo bazeia ba reposta ba karta ne'ebe Exleensia Ministra Solidaridade Sosial haruka Diresaun Geral Patrimonia Estadu (DGPE) atu husu apoiu kareta estadu, maibe DGPE so bele fornese ho numeru limitadu.",
"Liutan nia informa katak agora dadaun ekipa tekniku sira halo hela verifikasaun ba lista reklamantes sira ne'ebe agora dadaun porvoltade 15.000 resin, maibe sira sei halo ezersiu makas atu bele verifika hodi redus no elimina lista sira ne'ebe la tuir rekizitus legal.",
"Nia fiar katak sira sei bele hamenus too 11.000 mai kraik.",
"Sorumutu ne'e konklui ho entedementu katak CAC no MSSI sei kontinua servisu hatumutuk hodi asegura prosesu sira lao tuir ninia dalan no evita no preve risku potensial sira maljestaun no korrupsaun.",
"Tuir planu suromutu no aprezentasaun hanesan sei halo ba lideransa lokal sira husi Munisipiu Dili, iha 31 Augosto 2020 semana oin.",
"Iha sorumutu ne'e, partisipa husi Exelensia Ministra no Vise Ministra Solidaridade Sosial no Diretor Jeral no Diretor Nasional, asesor nasional no internasional husi MSSI no ekipa husi Diresaun Prevensaun no Sensibiizasaun CAC.",
"Sorumutu ne'e hanesan mos sorumutu antes ne'ebe halo ona ho Ministeriu Administrasaun Estatal (MAE) atu diskuti no aprezenta deskobrementu sira ba implementasaun fundu agregadu familiar iha ambitu prevensaun Covid-19 nian. (*) Permanent link to this article: https://cac.tl/2020/10/cac-sorumutu-ho-vise-primeira-ministra-no-vise-ministra-mssi-konaba-relatoriu-deskobrementu-implementasaun-subsidiu-fundu-agregadu-familiar/"
] | [
"CAC Meets with Deputy Prime Minister and Vice-Minister of MSSI on Implementation Report Discovered Family Aggregate Fund Subsidy - Anti Corruption Commission | The anti corruption commission presenting the report disclosed implementations family agregate fund to Dili state vice minister – Assistant Commissioner for Prevention Affairs, Dr. Luis de Oliveira Sampaio led today (24/8) Preventing & Sensitization Directorate at CCA meeting deputy prime ministry Armanda Berta in Caicoli departmental structure Ministry Social Solidarities And Inclusion(MSSI)."
"The Commission asks the Deputy Prime Minister and also SSI minister with her entire cabinet to consider recommendations of a report by joint team from CCA, PDHJ IGE KFP on family subsidy which was presented in their ministries last August."
"During the summit, in its opening session and presentation by MSSI's Director General of Public Affairs (DGP), Mr. José Carlos da Costa Pereira Júnior underlined how important it is for both MPSS as well As other relevant ministries to take appropriate action on findings outlining this report:"
"These findings include problematic databases, duplicate list of beneficiaries; false potential (youth)list(ies); dead-claimed beneficiary listings and recipients with over $501 salary. The issues related to contracting private companies that provide vehicles/transportation have an unclear profile as well the register for those who are after March 32nd"
"Based on this discovery, although aware and considering the circumstances of complexities that MSSI as well implementation ministries face in their field work. The CCA continue to insist all process must be lawful accordingly"
"The state must enforce its authority to ensure that laws and regulation are respected in the country, protecting it' s credibility from opposition by various protestations or allegations."
"During the discussion session for this presentation, Minister and Vice-Minister of Social Solidarity & Inclusion as well As Directors General appreciated CCA'S initiatives to take up these reporting directly with their guardian institutions."
"They are aware that there is indeed a problem with the households database because they do not have proper data for each family."
"During this period, MSSI only managed data on motherhood grants and the elderly' s benefits as well aid for veteran’S benefit."
"Nevertheless, His Excellency the Minister MSSI affirms that those who are guilty will be held accountable according to law and he emphasizes it is policy of Government VIII Constitutional ensure people benefiting from these social assistance programs should get their rights."
"Meanwhile, MSSI's Director-General Mr. Rui Gago added that during the preparatory work to support this family aggregate subsidy (FAS), MSSI faced various challenges:"
"These challenges include limited resources as not everyone enters and works during the state of emergency period."
"Furthermore, in relation to private vehicles that the government contracts for helping transport technical teams through procurement processes."
"The decision to contract vehicles was made based on the reply of His Excellency Minister for Social Solidarity's letter sent by Directorate General State Property (DGPE) requesting support from state cars, but DGpe can only provide a limited number."
"Furthermore, he informed that technical teams are currently verifying the lists of claimants which now comprise more than 15.027 people but they will make a hard exercise to be able To reduce and eliminate those who do not comply with legal requirements"
"He is confident that they will be able to reduce the number of employees by 10,594."
"The meeting concluded with the understanding that CAC and MSSI will continue to work closely together in order for processes go their way, preventing potential risks of maladministration or corruption."
"According to the preliminary plan, a similar presentation will be made for local leaders of Dili Municipality on August 31st next week."
"The meeting was attended by Her Excellency the Minister and Vice-Minister of Social Solidarity, Director General (MSSI) & National director(CAC), national as well international advisors from MSSI."
"The meeting was like the previous one held with Ministry of State Administration (MAE) to discuss and present findings for implementation family aggregate fund in prevention Covid-19. (*), Permanent link To this article: https://cac,tl/20356784_cac%C => cac+sorumutuo + com–vice‑primeira – ministra e viceministra mssi sobre o relatório de descobertas da aplicação do subsídio agregado familiar"
] |
MSSI haree injustisa no lakohi tau Ema ho Defisiénsia iha kotuk | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE MSSI haree injustisa no lakohi tau Ema ho Defisiénsia iha kotuk\nMSSI haree injustisa no lakohi tau Ema ho Defisiénsia iha kotuk\nEma ho defisiénsia (EhD) sira bainhira partisipa iha workshop kona-bá sensibilizasaun Planu Nasionál ba Ema ho Defisiénsia ba Setór Edukasaun 2020-2024, iha Salaun Infordepe, Balide, Dili, 01 Outubru 2020. Imajen TATOLI/António Gonçalves.\nDILI, 20 fevereiru 2021 (TATOLI)—Diretór Nasionál Promosaun Direitu ba Ema ho Defisiénsia, Mateus da Silva, hateten ho situasaun ida-ne’e mak Governu liuhosi Ministériu Solidariedade Sosiál no Inkluzaun (MSSI) liuhosi DNPDPD esforsu atu haree injustisa ne’ebé akontese ba Ema ho Defisiénsia sira hodi haree ba ema hotu-hotu ho justu no lakohi tau ema ida iha kotuk.\nNotísia Relevante: Governu fó ”Bolsa da Mãe” ba Ema ho Defisiénsia hamutuk 582\n“Tanba mosu insjustisa ne’e mak MSSI iha polítika hodi fó subsídiu ba ema invalidéz sira inklui bolsa da mãe ba labarik defisiénsia sira, nune’e bele trata sira-nia nesesidade eskola no moris loro-loron nian,” Mateus da Silva hateten ba Agência TATOLI relasiona ho komemorasaun Loron Mundiál ba Justisa Sosiál ne’ebé mundu selebra iha kada loron 20 fevereiru, iha nia knaar fatin MSSI, Caicoli, Dili, sesta ne’e.\nMateus reforsa tan, liuhosi asuntu ne’e mak, MSSI hamutuk lina ministeriál hotu hodi implementa Planu Asaun Nasionál ba Ema ho Defisiénsia (EhD) tuir Konstituisaun artigu 16, 21, no 56, ne’ebé mak sadere hodi fó asisténsia sosiál no hakbiit nafatin Ema ho Defisiénsia.\nIha Konstituisaun RDTL Artigu 16 (Universalidade no igualdade) haktuir (1) Sidadaun hotu-hotu hanesan iha lei nia oin, no mós iha direitu no obrigasaun hanesan; (2) Labele halo diskriminasaun ba ema ida tanba nia kulit, nia rasa, nia estadu sivíl, nia seksu, orijen étniku, nia lian, pozisaun sosiál eh ekonómiku, hanoin polítiku ka ideolojia, relijiaun, instrusaun eh nia kondisaun fízika eh mentál.\nArtigu 21 (Sidadaun ne’ebé iha defisiénsia) hateten (1) Sidadaun ne’ebé iha defisiénsia fíziku eh mentál iha direitu no mós obrigasaun hanesan sidadaun sira seluk, maibé sira sei la hala’o knaar hirak ne’ebé sira labele hala’o tanba de’it sira-nia defisiénsia; (2) Estadu, bainhira bele, promove protesaun ba sidadaun sira-ne’ebé iha defisiénsia, tuir lei haruka.\nArtigu 56 (Seguransa no tulun sosiál nian) haktuir (1) Sidadaun hotu-hotu iha direitu ba seguransa no asisténsia sosiál, tuir lei haruka; (2) Estadu hola medida sira tuir nia kbiit nasionál nian, hodi halo organizasaun ho nia sistema ida ba seguransa sosiál; (3) Estadu apoia no fiskaliza, tuir lei, ba serbisu no funsaun instituisaun solidariedade sosiál nian, no seluk tan ne’ebé nu’udar interese públiku la buka lukru ka funan.\nAleinde ida-ne’e, nia hateten Kona-ba asesibilidade ba infraestrutura nian, MSSI hala’o ona servisu hamutuk ho Ministériu Obras Públika (MOP) hodi kria ona Planu Asaun Nasionál ida hodi asegura tanba dala barak Ema ho Defisiénsia sira lahetan asesibilidade ba infraestrutura.\n“MOP halo ona dezeñu konstrusaun ne’ebé sei adota universál hodi enkaixa ona iha planu no Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) ba tinan fiskál nian, inklui Ministériu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu (MEJD) ne’ebé tau edukasaun inkluzivu ba EhD no ministériu sira mós ida-idak iha ona planu atu implementa,” nia informa.\nMaske nune’e, diretór ne’e hateten, to’o oras ne’e komunidade ho servidór públiku sira balun seidauk iha konsiderasaun ba Ema ho Defisiénsia (EhD) sira iha Timor-Leste hodi tau ema hirak ne’e iha kotuk.\n“Ami-nia papél mak atu serví ba Ema ho Defisiénsia ne’ebé mak durante ne’e la konsidera, hetan diskriminasaun no estigmasaun hosi ita-nia komunidade rasik inklui autór hanesan ami sira servidór públiku ne’ebé la fó opurtunidade ba Ema ho Defisiénsia atu dezenvolve sira-nia kbiit rasik,” nia hateten.\nPrevious articleGovernu fó ”Bolsa da Mãe” ba Ema ho Defisiénsia hamutuk 582\nNext articleEstudante iha Dili konsidera kondutór mikrolete viola tarifa | [
"MSSI haree injustisa no lakohi tau Ema ho Defisiensia iha kotuk | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE MSSI haree injustisa no lakohi tau Ema ho Defisiensia iha kotuk MSSI haree injustisa no lakohi tau Ema ho Defisiensia iha kotuk Ema ho defisiensia (EhD) sira bainhira partisipa iha workshop kona-ba sensibilizasaun Planu Nasional ba Ema ho Defisiensia ba Setor Edukasaun 2020-2024, iha Salaun Infordepe, Balide, Dili, 01 Outubru 2020.",
"Imajen TATOLI/Antonio Goncalves.",
"DILI, 20 fevereiru 2021 (TATOLI) - Diretor Nasional Promosaun Direitu ba Ema ho Defisiensia, Mateus da Silva, hateten ho situasaun ida-ne'e mak Governu liuhosi Ministeriu Solidariedade Sosial no Inkluzaun (MSSI) liuhosi DNPDPD esforsu atu haree injustisa ne'ebe akontese ba Ema ho Defisiensia sira hodi haree ba ema hotu-hotu ho justu no lakohi tau ema ida iha kotuk.",
"Notisia Relevante: Governu fo \"Bolsa da Mae\" ba Ema ho Defisiensia hamutuk 582 \"Tanba mosu insjustisa ne'e mak MSSI iha politika hodi fo subsidiu ba ema invalidez sira inklui bolsa da mae ba labarik defisiensia sira, nune'e bele trata sira-nia nesesidade eskola no moris loro-loron nian,\" Mateus da Silva hateten ba Agencia TATOLI relasiona ho komemorasaun Loron Mundial ba Justisa Sosial ne'ebe mundu selebra iha kada loron 20 fevereiru, iha nia knaar fatin MSSI, Caicoli, Dili, sesta ne'e.",
"Mateus reforsa tan, liuhosi asuntu ne'e mak, MSSI hamutuk lina ministerial hotu hodi implementa Planu Asaun Nasional ba Ema ho Defisiensia (EhD) tuir Konstituisaun artigu 16, 21, no 56, ne'ebe mak sadere hodi fo asistensia sosial no hakbiit nafatin Ema ho Defisiensia.",
"Iha Konstituisaun RDTL Artigu 16 (Universalidade no igualdade) haktuir (1) Sidadaun hotu-hotu hanesan iha lei nia oin, no mos iha direitu no obrigasaun hanesan; (2) Labele halo diskriminasaun ba ema ida tanba nia kulit, nia rasa, nia estadu sivil, nia seksu, orijen etniku, nia lian, pozisaun sosial eh ekonomiku, hanoin politiku ka ideolojia, relijiaun, instrusaun eh nia kondisaun fizika eh mental.",
"Artigu 21 (Sidadaun ne'ebe iha defisiensia) hateten (1) Sidadaun ne'ebe iha defisiensia fiziku eh mental iha direitu no mos obrigasaun hanesan sidadaun sira seluk, maibe sira sei la hala'o knaar hirak ne'ebe sira labele hala'o tanba de'it sira-nia defisiensia; (2) Estadu, bainhira bele, promove protesaun ba sidadaun sira-ne'ebe iha defisiensia, tuir lei haruka.",
"Artigu 56 (Seguransa no tulun sosial nian) haktuir (1) Sidadaun hotu-hotu iha direitu ba seguransa no asistensia sosial, tuir lei haruka; (2) Estadu hola medida sira tuir nia kbiit nasional nian, hodi halo organizasaun ho nia sistema ida ba seguransa sosial; (3) Estadu apoia no fiskaliza, tuir lei, ba serbisu no funsaun instituisaun solidariedade sosial nian, no seluk tan ne'ebe nu'udar interese publiku la buka lukru ka funan.",
"Aleinde ida-ne'e, nia hateten Kona-ba asesibilidade ba infraestrutura nian, MSSI hala'o ona servisu hamutuk ho Ministeriu Obras Publika (MOP) hodi kria ona Planu Asaun Nasional ida hodi asegura tanba dala barak Ema ho Defisiensia sira lahetan asesibilidade ba infraestrutura.",
"\"MOP halo ona dezenu konstrusaun ne'ebe sei adota universal hodi enkaixa ona iha planu no Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) ba tinan fiskal nian, inklui Ministeriu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu (MEJD) ne'ebe tau edukasaun inkluzivu ba EhD no ministeriu sira mos ida-idak iha ona planu atu implementa,\" nia informa.",
"Maske nune'e, diretor ne'e hateten, to'o oras ne'e komunidade ho servidor publiku sira balun seidauk iha konsiderasaun ba Ema ho Defisiensia (EhD) sira iha Timor-Leste hodi tau ema hirak ne'e iha kotuk.",
"\"Ami-nia papel mak atu servi ba Ema ho Defisiensia ne'ebe mak durante ne'e la konsidera, hetan diskriminasaun no estigmasaun hosi ita-nia komunidade rasik inklui autor hanesan ami sira servidor publiku ne'ebe la fo opurtunidade ba Ema ho Defisiensia atu dezenvolve sira-nia kbiit rasik,\" nia hateten.",
"Previous articleGovernu fo \"Bolsa da Mae\" ba Ema ho Defisiensia hamutuk 582 Next articleEstudante iha Dili konsidera kondutor mikrolete viola tarifa"
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"MSSI sees injustice and does not leave people with disabilities behind | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Injustica e la’o tau Ema ho Defisiensia iha kotuk (in Portuguese) Minister of Social Security, Employment & Inclusive Development Maria Angelina Sarmento participates at a workshop on the National Plan for Persons With Disabilities to raise educational sector sensibilization during an event organized by The Education Sector Foundation."
"Image: TATOLI/Antonio Goncalves."
"DILI, February 20th - National Director for the Promotion of Rights to Persons with Disabilities Mateus da Silva said that in this situation Government through Ministry Social Solidarity and Inclusion (MSSI) via DNPDPD strives towards looking at all those who are suffering from disabilities so they can be treated fairly without leaving anyone behind."
"\"Because of this injustice, MSSI has adopted a policy to provide subsidies for people with disabilities including the Bolsa da Mãe (Mother's Scholarship) program that covers children who are disabled so they can meet their school and daily life needs\", Mateus Da Silva told Agência TATOLI regarding World Social Justice Day celebrations which were held at its office on Saturday. The event was organized by Ministry Of Employment Services & Inclusion(MSSSI), Caicoli District - Dili – Timor-Leste"
"Mateus emphasized that through this issue, MSSI is working with all ministerial lines to implement the National Plan of Action for Persons With Disabilities (EhD) in accordance avec articles 16.20 and Article57(3)(a), which are aimed at providing social assistance as well a further strengthening people who have disabilities"
"Article 16 (Universality and equality) of the Constitution states that: “All citizens are alike before law, with identical rights; no one shall be discriminated against on grounds such as skin color or colouring/skin tone(color), race. marital status-sexethnic origin language social position economic situation political opinion ideology religion education physical condition mental state.”"
"Article 21 (Citizens with Disabilities) states that: “(a). Citizen of the United Nations who are physically or mentaly disabled shall have rights and dutie as other citizens, but they will not be required to perform any function which is impossible for them solelY because their disabilities;” (“b.”);"
"Article 56 (Social Security and Assistance) states that: “(1). All citizens have the right to social security, as provided for by law; [2.] The State shall take measures within its national means in order of organizing itself with a system on Social Safety.”[3], “[4]”The state supported or supervises accordingly from time-to -time,”“the work”and functioningsofsocial solidarity institutions which are public interest not seeking profit nor reward”."
"Furthermore, he said that regarding accessibility to infrastructure the MSSI has worked with Ministry of Public Works (MOP) in order create a National Action Plan for ensuring because often People With Disabilities do not have an adequate and efficient approach."
"\"MOP has made a construction design that will be adopted universally to incorporate into the plan and General State Budget (GSB) for fiscal year, including Ministry of Education Youth & Sports which puts inclusive education on EhD as well each ministry have plans already implemented\", he informed."
"However, the director said that up to now some communities and public servants have not taken into consideration People with Disabilities (PWD) in Timor-Leste so they put them behind."
"\"Our role is to serve people with disabilities who have been ignored, discriminated against and stigmatized by our own community including authors such as us public officials that do not give the opportunity for People With Disabilities (PWD) in developing their potential\", he said."
"Previous articleGovernment Gives \"Bolsa da Mae\" to 582 People with Disabilities NextStudents in Dili Consider Microlet Driver Violating Tariff"
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Sé mak merese atu simu hahiʼi no respeitu? | Livru atu estuda\n“Kriatura hotu tenke fó glória, hahiʼi no respeitu ba Ida neʼebé tuur iha kadunan neʼe no ba Bibi-Oan neʼebé iha kbiit ba nafatin.”—APOKALIPSE 5:13.\nKNANANUK: 9, 14\nTanbasá mak Jeová no Jesus merese atu simu hahiʼi?\nIta tenke hatudu respeitu ba sesé deʼit, no tanbasá?\nHatudu respeitu neʼebé loos sei lori rezultadu diʼak saida deʼit?\n1. Baibain ita hatudu hamtaʼuk no respeitu kleʼan ba sé, no iha lisaun neʼe ita sei buka-hatene saida?\nIHA dalan saida mak ita hatudu respeitu ba ema? Ita respeitu ema hodi hamtaʼuk sira no hanoin diʼak kona-ba sira. Ita hatudu respeitu neʼebé kleʼan ba ema neʼebé iha knaar ka pozisaun importante, ka sira neʼebé hatudu hahalok ruma neʼebé merese atu simu respeitu kleʼan. Iha lisaun neʼe ita sei buka-hatene sé mak merese atu simu ita-nia respeitu no hahiʼi, no tanbasá.\n2, 3. (a) Tanbasá mak Jeová merese liu atu simu hahiʼi? (Haree dezeñu iha leten.) (b) Sé mak Bibi-Oan neʼebé temi iha Apokalipse 5:13, no tanbasá mak ita tenke fó hahiʼi ba nia?\n2 Sé mak merese atu simu hahiʼi? Apokalipse 5:13 hatete katak “Ida neʼebé tuur iha kadunan” no “Bibi-Oan” mak merese atu simu hahiʼi. “Ida neʼebé tuur iha kadunan” refere ba Jeová. Iha Apokalipse kapítulu 4 fó-hatene razaun ida tanbasá mak Jeová, “Ida neʼebé moris ba nafatin”, merese atu simu hahiʼi. Kriatura sira iha lalehan dehan: “Jeová, ami-nia Maromak, Ita-Boot merese simu glória, hahiʼi no kbiit, tanba Ita kria ona buat hotu, no tanba Ita-nia hakarak mak buat hotu iha no kria tiha.”—Apokalipse 4:9-11.\n3 “Bibi-Oan” neʼebé temi iha Apokalipse 5:13 mak Jesus Kristu. Oinsá mak ita hatene? Bainhira Jesus iha rai, Bíblia bolu nia nuʼudar “Bibi-Oan neʼebé Maromak fó atu hasai tiha mundu nia sala”. (João 1:29) Jesus merese duni atu simu hahiʼi tanba la iha ukun-naʼin ida husi mundu neʼe mak hakarak mate ba ninia povu hanesan Jesus. Tan neʼe mak Bíblia uza liafuan hahiʼi nian ba Jesus hodi dehan: “Nia mak Liurai ba sira neʼebé ukun nuʼudar liurai no Naʼi ba sira neʼebé ukun nuʼudar naʼi.” (1 Timóteo 6:14-16) Karik Ita-nia sentimentu mós hanesan ho kriatura iha lalehan rihun ba rihun neʼebé hananu: “Bibi-Oan neʼebé sai tiha nuʼudar sakrifísiu merese atu simu kbiit, riku, matenek, forsa, hahiʼi, glória no bensaun.”—Apokalipse 5:12.\n4. Tanbasá mak ita tenkesér hatudu respeitu neʼebé kleʼan ba Jeová no Kristu?\n4 Iha João 5:22, 23 hatete katak Jeová hili ona Kristu atu sai juíz ba ema hotu. Tan neʼe mak ita tenke hatudu respeitu neʼebé kleʼan ba Jesus. Bainhira ita hatudu respeitu ba Jesus, ita mós hatudu respeitu ba Jeová, no halo nuneʼe bele lori moris rohan-laek ba ita.—Lee Salmo (Mazmur) 2:11, 12. *\n5. Tanbasá mak ita tenkesér hatudu respeitu ba ema hotu?\n5 Maromak kria ema tuir ninia ilas. (Gênesis [Kejadian] 1:27) Tan neʼe mak ita bele hatudu hahalok balu hanesan Maromak nian. Porezemplu, ita bele hatudu domin, laran-diʼak, no hanoin ema. Maromak mós kria ita ho konxiénsia, neʼe mak kbiit iha laran neʼebé fó-hatene ita katak ita halo buat neʼebé loos ka sala. (Roma 2:14, 15) Ema barak gosta haree buat neʼebé moos no furak, no sira gosta atu iha dame ho ema seluk. Ema iha sentimentu hanesan neʼe tanba Jeová mak Maromak neʼebé dame no la runguranga. Loos duni, Jeová kria ema hotu ho kbiit atu bele banati-tuir nia. Tan neʼe mak ita mós tenkesér hatudu respeitu ba malu.—Salmo (Mazmur) 8:5.\nRESPEITU NEʼEBÉ LOOS\n6, 7. Oinsá mak ema kristaun neʼebé loos nia haree kona-ba respeitu la hanesan ho ema barak?\n6 Ita hatene katak ema hotu tenke hatudu respeitu ba malu, maibé ita tenke kuidadu oinsá ita-nia hanoin kona-ba ema. Satanás nia mundu book ema barak atu hatudu hahalok hanesan ninian, tan neʼe mak ema barak fó hahiʼi ba ema seluk hanesan adora fali ema sira-neʼe. Sira halo tuir dalan neʼebé polítiku-naʼin, ulun-naʼin relijiaun, atleta, no artista sira-nia hatais, jeitu, no hahalok.\n7 Ema kristaun neʼebé loos hatene katak sala atu fó hahiʼi ba ema iha dalan hanesan neʼe. Bainhira iha rai, Jesus deʼit mak hatudu ezemplu neʼebé perfeitu ba ita atu halo tuir. (1 Pedro 2:21) Ita presiza hanoin-hetan katak “ema hotu halo sala ona no la bele hetan Maromak nia glória”. (Roma 3:23) Se ita mak hatudu respeitu liu ba ema toʼo fó hahiʼi ba sira, neʼe halo Jeová la kontente. Tan neʼe, ita la bele adora ema.\n8, 9. (a) Oinsá mak Testemuña ba Jeová haree ema husi governu? (b) Iha situasaun saida mak ita la bele halo tuir ema?\n8 Ema balu neʼebé ita presiza hatudu respeitu tanba sira-nia pozisaun mak hanesan ema husi governu. Sira halo serbisu neʼebé diʼak hodi mantein dame no tau matan ba sidadaun nia presiza sira. Sira-nia serbisu neʼe lori diʼak ba ema hotu, tan neʼe mak apóstolu Paulo hakarak ema kristaun atu hakruʼuk ba ema husi governu nuʼudar “ukun-naʼin sira”. Nia mós hakarak ita atu halo tuir sira-nia lei. Nia dehan: “Fó ba ema hotu buat neʼebé sira merese simu, selu impostu ba sira neʼebé husu impostu; . . . fó hahiʼi ba sira neʼebé husu atu simu hahiʼi.”—Roma 13:1, 7.\n9 Nuʼudar Testemuña ba Jeová, ita hakarak hakaʼas an atu hatudu respeitu ba ema sira husi governu. Rai ida-idak nia kostume la hanesan, tan neʼe ita presiza halo tuir lei husi rai ida-idak. Maibé, se sira mak husu ita atu halo buat ruma neʼebé kontra Jeová nia ukun-fuan, ita la bele halo, tanba ita hakarak halo tuir no respeitu Jeová liu fali ema.—Lee 1 Pedro 2:13-17.\n10. Jeová nia atan sira husi tempu uluk hatudu ezemplu diʼak saida mai ita ohin loron?\n10 Ita bele aprende husi Jeová nia atan sira iha tempu uluk oinsá atu hatudu respeitu ba ema sira husi governu. Ezemplu ida mak kona-ba José no Maria. Iha tempu neʼebé governu Roma halaʼo sensus atu hatene ema naʼin-hira mak moris iha Roma nia ukun, José no Maria fila ba Jeruzalein atu rejistu sira-nia naran, maski Maria besik ona atu tuur ahi. (Lucas 2:1-5) Apóstolu Paulo mak ezemplu ida tan neʼebé hatudu respeitu ba ukun-naʼin sira. Bainhira ema duun katak nia halo ona buat neʼebé kontra lei, nia defende ninia an no hatudu respeitu ba Liurai Herodes Agripa no Festo, governadór Roma ba provínsia Judeia.—Apóstolu 25:1-12; 26:1-3.\n11, 12. (a) Tansá mak ita la hatudu respeitu ba ulun-naʼin relijiaun liu fali ema baibain? (b) Testemuña ida hatudu respeitu ba polítiku-naʼin ida, no neʼe lori rezultadu diʼak saida?\n11 Oinsá ho ulun-naʼin relijiaun sira, ita tenke hahiʼi sira ka lae? Ita hatudu respeitu ba sira hanesan baibain ita hatudu ba ema seluk. Maibé se ita mak hatudu respeitu ba sira liu fali ema baibain, neʼe sala, maski sira hakarak ita atu halo nuneʼe ba sira. Tanbasá? Tanba relijiaun falsu la hanorin lia-loos kona-ba Maromak no ninia Liafuan, Bíblia. Tan neʼe, Jesus koʼalia hasoru mestre relijiaun sira iha ninia tempu hodi bolu sira laran-makerek no ulun-naʼin neʼebé ladiʼak. (Mateus 23:23, 24) Maibé kona-ba ema husi governu, bainhira ita hatudu respeitu ba sira, dala ruma neʼe bele lori rezultadu neʼebé diʼak ba Testemuña ba Jeová.\n12 Ezemplu kona-ba neʼe mak Doutór Heinrich Gleissner, polítiku-naʼin ida husi rai-Áustria. Iha tempu Funu Mundiál Segundu, ema Nazi sira kaer nia no lori nia iha komboiu bá komarka. Iha komboiu laran nia hasoru irmaun Leopold Engleitner, Testemuña laran-manas ida husi Áustria. Ho respeitu, irmaun Leopold esplika ninia fiar ba Heinrich, no Heinrich rona didiʼak. Bainhira funu neʼe ramata, Heinrich uza ninia pozisaun iha governu hodi fó ajuda beibeik ba Testemuña sira iha rai-Áustria. Karik Ita bele hanoin kona-ba ezemplu seluk neʼebé hatudu katak bainhira ita respeitu ema husi governu, neʼe lori rezultadu neʼebé diʼak.\nHATUDU RESPEITU BA EMA SELUK\n13. Ita tenke hatudu respeitu liuliu ba sé, no tanbasá?\n13 Ita tenke hatudu respeitu ba ita-nia irmaun-irmán sira. Liuliu ba sira neʼebé dirije ita, hanesan katuas kongregasaun, katuas área, irmaun sira husi Grupu Koordenadór ba Sukursál, no irmaun sira husi Grupu Administradór. (Lee 1 Timóteo 5:17.) Sira hotu serbisu atu tau matan ba Jeová nia povu, no Bíblia bolu sira nuʼudar “prezente”. (Éfeso 4:8) Tan neʼe mak, maski sira mai husi rai neʼebé la hanesan, edukasaun la hanesan, riku ka kiak, ita hakarak hatudu respeitu ba sira. Kona-ba neʼe, ita bele aprende ezemplu diʼak husi ema kristaun iha apóstolu sira-nia tempu. Sira hatudu respeitu neʼebé kleʼan ba irmaun sira neʼebé dirije Maromak nia povu, no ita mós hakarak halo nuneʼe. Maibé ita tenke kuidadu atu la haree irmaun sira-neʼe hanesan anju bainhira ita hamutuk ho sira. Ita hatudu duni respeitu ba irmaun sira-neʼe tanba sira-nia serbisu makaʼas no haraik-an.—Lee 2 Korinto 1:24; Apokalipse 19:10.\n14, 15. Tanbasá mak katuas kongregasaun la hanesan ho ulun-naʼin relijiaun barak?\n14 Irmaun sira-neʼe hanesan bibi-atan neʼebé haraik-an tebes. Sira lakohi ema haree sira hanesan artista. Tan neʼe mak sira la hanesan ho ulun-naʼin relijiaun ohin loron ka husi Jesus nia tempu. Kona-ba ulun-naʼin relijiaun sira, Jesus dehan: “Sira buka tuur-fatin neʼebé importante liu, no iha sinagoga laran, sira gosta atu tuur iha oin. Sira hakarak atu ema kumprimenta sira iha merkadu.”—Mateus 23:6, 7.\n15 Maibé katuas kristaun sira la hanesan neʼe. Sira halo tuir duni Jesus nia liafuan neʼebé hatete: “Keta husik ema bolu imi mestre, tanba imi-nia Mestre ida deʼit, no imi hotu mak maun-alin. Liután neʼe, keta bolu ema ida iha rai nuʼudar aman, tanba imi-nia Aman ida deʼit, neʼebé iha lalehan. Nuneʼe mós keta husik ema bolu imi ulun-naʼin, tanba imi-nia Ulun-Naʼin ida deʼit, Kristu. Maibé, ida neʼebé boot liu iha imi-nia leet tenke sai imi-nia atan. Ema neʼebé foti an, Maromak sei hatún, no ema neʼebé haraik an, Maromak sei foti aas.” (Mateus 23:8-12) Tan neʼe mak irmaun-irmán sira hadomi no hatudu respeitu neʼebé kleʼan ba katuas kongregasaun iha mundu tomak, tanba katuas sira-neʼe haraik an no halo tuir Jesus nia liafuan.\nSe katuas kongregasaun mak haraik an no halo tuir Jesus nia liafuan, irmaun-irmán sira mós sei hadomi no respeitu sira (Haree parágrafu 13-15)\n16. Tanbasá mak ita presiza hakaʼas an beibeik atu hatudu respeitu ba ema?\n16 Karik ita presiza tempu atu hatene oinsá bele hatudu respeitu neʼebé loos ba ema seluk. Ema kristaun iha apóstolu sira-nia tempu mós hanesan neʼe. (Apóstolu 10:22-26; 3 João 9, 10) Maibé ita bele fiar katak se ita hatudu respeitu ba ema tuir Jeová nia hakarak, neʼe sei lori rezultadu diʼak ba ita.\nREZULTADU DIʼAK HUSI HATUDU RESPEITU\n17. Tanbasá mak diʼak atu hatudu respeitu ba ema neʼebé iha pozisaun husi ita-nia komunidade?\n17 Se ita mak hatudu respeitu ba ema neʼebé iha pozisaun iha ita-nia komunidade, karik sira sei fó apoiu ba ita-nia direitu atu haklaken. Karik sira mós sei hanoin pozitivu kona-ba ita-nia serbisu neʼe. Porezemplu, tinan hirak liubá, pioneiru ida husi rai-Alemaña naran Birgit tuir ninia oan-feto nia graduasaun. Profesora sira hatete ba nia katak iha tinan barak ona Testemuña nia oan sira bá eskola iha neʼebá, no sira kontente tebes ho alunu sira-neʼe. Sira dehan katak Testemuña nia oan sira halo sira-nia eskola sai fatin neʼebé hakmatek tebes. Tan neʼe Birgit esplika ba sira katak, “Ami hanorin ami-nia oan atu hatudu hahalok diʼak husi Bíblia, neʼe inklui hatudu respeitu ba mestre no mestra sira.” Profesora ida dehan katak se alunu hotu mak hanesan Testemuña nia oan, neʼe halo fasil tebes ba sira atu hanorin. Profesora sira-neʼe respeitu tebes Testemuña nia oan, tan neʼe, semana balu liutiha, mestra ida bá tuir ita-nia reuniaun boot loron tolu nian.\n18, 19. Kona-ba hatudu respeitu ba katuas kongregasaun, ita tenke hanoin-hetan saida?\n18 Prinsípiu sira husi Maromak nia Liafuan bele ajuda ita hatene oinsá atu hatudu respeitu ba katuas kongregasaun sira. (Lee Ebreu 13:7, 17.) Ita tenkesér gaba sira kona-ba sira-nia serbisu makaʼas. Se ita mak halo tuir matadalan neʼebé sira fó, neʼe sei ajuda sira atu halaʼo sira-nia knaar ho haksolok. Bíblia mós hatete katak ita tenke banati-tuir sira-nia fiar. Maibé neʼe la dehan katak ita tenke halo tuir dalan neʼebé sira hatais no hadiʼa an, sira-nia jeitu atu hatoʼo diskursu, ka jeitu neʼebé sira koʼalia ho ema. Se ita mak halo nuneʼe, ema bele hanoin sala katak ita halo tuir deʼit ema duké halo tuir Kristu. Ita presiza hanoin-hetan katak katuas sira mós ema sala-naʼin hanesan ita.\n19 Se ita hatudu respeitu ba katuas sira no la haree sira hanesan artista, neʼe sei ajuda sira. Tanbasá? Tanba neʼe sei halo fasil ba sira atu haraik an nafatin no la halo sira hanoin katak sira mak diʼak liu fali ema seluk ka buat neʼebé sira halo mak sempre loos.\n20. Tanbasá mak diʼak bainhira ita hatudu respeitu ba ema seluk?\n20 Hatudu respeitu ba ema seluk bele ajuda ita atu la hanoin an deʼit no iha hahalok haraik-an bainhira ema ruma gaba ita. Hatudu respeitu neʼebé loos bele proteje ita atu la sidi se ita haree ema neʼebé ita respeitu halo buat ruma neʼebé halo ita triste. Buat ida tan mak, neʼe bele ajuda ita atu iha unidade iha Jeová nia organizasaun. Maromak nia organizasaun hatudu ezemplu neʼebé diʼak ba ita kona-ba la fó hahiʼi demais ba ema.\n21. Razaun importante liu hotu atu hatudu respeitu ba ema seluk mak saida?\n21 Razaun importante liu hotu atu hatudu respeitu ba ema seluk mak atu halo Jeová kontente. Neʼe mak buat neʼebé nia hakarak ita atu halo no mós bele ajuda ita atu laran-metin ba nia. Hodi nuneʼe, Jeová bele hatán ba Satanás neʼebé hatete katak la iha ema ida mak bele laran-metin ba Jeová. (Provérbios [Amsal] 27:11) Ema barak iha mundu la hatene saida mak dalan neʼebé loos atu hatudu respeitu ba ema. Maibé ita agradese tebes ba Jeová tanba nia hanorin ita oinsá atu hatudu respeitu iha dalan neʼebé loos!\n^ par. 4 Salmo 2:11, 12 11 Serbí Jeová ho taʼuk, no haksolok ho nakdedar. 12 Hatudu respeitu ba oan-mane, se lae Maromak sei sai hirus no imi sei lakon mohu tiha, tanba Nia sei sai hirus lalais. Ksolok ba ema hotu neʼebé buka protesaun husi Nia. | [
"Se mak merese atu simu hahi'i no respeitu? | Livru atu estuda \"Kriatura hotu tenke fo gloria, hahi'i no respeitu ba Ida ne'ebe tuur iha kadunan ne'e no ba Bibi-Oan ne'ebe iha kbiit ba nafatin.\" - APOKALIPSE 5:13.",
"KNANANUK: 9, 14 Tanbasa mak Jeova no Jesus merese atu simu hahi'i?",
"Ita tenke hatudu respeitu ba sese de'it, no tanbasa?",
"Hatudu respeitu ne'ebe loos sei lori rezultadu di'ak saida de'it?",
"Baibain ita hatudu hamta'uk no respeitu kle'an ba se, no iha lisaun ne'e ita sei buka-hatene saida?",
"IHA dalan saida mak ita hatudu respeitu ba ema?",
"Ita respeitu ema hodi hamta'uk sira no hanoin di'ak kona-ba sira.",
"Ita hatudu respeitu ne'ebe kle'an ba ema ne'ebe iha knaar ka pozisaun importante, ka sira ne'ebe hatudu hahalok ruma ne'ebe merese atu simu respeitu kle'an.",
"Iha lisaun ne'e ita sei buka-hatene se mak merese atu simu ita-nia respeitu no hahi'i, no tanbasa.",
"2, 3. (a) Tanbasa mak Jeova merese liu atu simu hahi'i?",
"(Haree dezenu iha leten.) (b) Se mak Bibi-Oan ne'ebe temi iha Apokalipse 5:13, no tanbasa mak ita tenke fo hahi'i ba nia?",
"2 Se mak merese atu simu hahi'i?",
"Apokalipse 5:13 hatete katak \"Ida ne'ebe tuur iha kadunan\" no \"Bibi-Oan\" mak merese atu simu hahi'i.",
"\"Ida ne'ebe tuur iha kadunan\" refere ba Jeova.",
"Iha Apokalipse kapitulu 4 fo-hatene razaun ida tanbasa mak Jeova, \"Ida ne'ebe moris ba nafatin,\" merese atu simu hahi'i.",
"Kriatura sira iha lalehan dehan: \"Jeova, ami-nia Maromak, Ita-Boot merese simu gloria, hahi'i no kbiit, tanba Ita kria ona buat hotu, no tanba Ita-nia hakarak mak buat hotu iha no kria tiha.\" - Apokalipse 4:9-11.",
"3 \"Bibi-Oan\" ne'ebe temi iha Apokalipse 5:13 mak Jesus Kristu.",
"Oinsa mak ita hatene?",
"Bainhira Jesus iha rai, Biblia bolu nia nu'udar \"Bibi-Oan ne'ebe Maromak fo atu hasai tiha mundu nia sala.\"",
"(Joao 1:29) Jesus merese duni atu simu hahi'i tanba la iha ukun-na'in ida husi mundu ne'e mak hakarak mate ba ninia povu hanesan Jesus.",
"Tan ne'e mak Biblia uza liafuan hahi'i nian ba Jesus hodi dehan: \"Nia mak Liurai ba sira ne'ebe ukun nu'udar liurai no Na'i ba sira ne'ebe ukun nu'udar na'i.\"",
"(1 Timoteo 6:14-16) Karik Ita-nia sentimentu mos hanesan ho kriatura iha lalehan rihun ba rihun ne'ebe hananu: \"Bibi-Oan ne'ebe sai tiha nu'udar sakrifisiu merese atu simu kbiit, riku, matenek, forsa, hahi'i, gloria no bensaun.\" - Apokalipse 5:12.",
"Tanbasa mak ita tenkeser hatudu respeitu ne'ebe kle'an ba Jeova no Kristu?",
"4 Iha Joao 5:22, 23 hatete katak Jeova hili ona Kristu atu sai juiz ba ema hotu.",
"Tan ne'e mak ita tenke hatudu respeitu ne'ebe kle'an ba Jesus.",
"Bainhira ita hatudu respeitu ba Jesus, ita mos hatudu respeitu ba Jeova, no halo nune'e bele lori moris rohan-laek ba ita. - Lee Salmo (Mazmur) 2:11, 12. * 5.",
"Tanbasa mak ita tenkeser hatudu respeitu ba ema hotu?",
"5 Maromak kria ema tuir ninia ilas.",
"(Genesis [Kejadian] 1:27) Tan ne'e mak ita bele hatudu hahalok balu hanesan Maromak nian.",
"Porezemplu, ita bele hatudu domin, laran-di'ak, no hanoin ema.",
"Maromak mos kria ita ho konxiensia, ne'e mak kbiit iha laran ne'ebe fo-hatene ita katak ita halo buat ne'ebe loos ka sala.",
"(Roma 2:14, 15) Ema barak gosta haree buat ne'ebe moos no furak, no sira gosta atu iha dame ho ema seluk.",
"Ema iha sentimentu hanesan ne'e tanba Jeova mak Maromak ne'ebe dame no la runguranga.",
"Loos duni, Jeova kria ema hotu ho kbiit atu bele banati-tuir nia.",
"Tan ne'e mak ita mos tenkeser hatudu respeitu ba malu. - Salmo (Mazmur) 8:5.",
"Oinsa mak ema kristaun ne'ebe loos nia haree kona-ba respeitu la hanesan ho ema barak?",
"6 Ita hatene katak ema hotu tenke hatudu respeitu ba malu, maibe ita tenke kuidadu oinsa ita-nia hanoin kona-ba ema.",
"Satanas nia mundu book ema barak atu hatudu hahalok hanesan ninian, tan ne'e mak ema barak fo hahi'i ba ema seluk hanesan adora fali ema sira-ne'e.",
"Sira halo tuir dalan ne'ebe politiku-na'in, ulun-na'in relijiaun, atleta, no artista sira-nia hatais, jeitu, no hahalok.",
"7 Ema kristaun ne'ebe loos hatene katak sala atu fo hahi'i ba ema iha dalan hanesan ne'e.",
"Bainhira iha rai, Jesus de'it mak hatudu ezemplu ne'ebe perfeitu ba ita atu halo tuir.",
"(1 Pedro 2:21) Ita presiza hanoin-hetan katak \"ema hotu halo sala ona no la bele hetan Maromak nia gloria.\"",
"(Roma 3:23) Se ita mak hatudu respeitu liu ba ema to'o fo hahi'i ba sira, ne'e halo Jeova la kontente.",
"Tan ne'e, ita la bele adora ema.",
"8, 9. (a) Oinsa mak Testemuna ba Jeova haree ema husi governu? (b) Iha situasaun saida mak ita la bele halo tuir ema?",
"8 Ema balu ne'ebe ita presiza hatudu respeitu tanba sira-nia pozisaun mak hanesan ema husi governu.",
"Sira halo serbisu ne'ebe di'ak hodi mantein dame no tau matan ba sidadaun nia presiza sira.",
"Sira-nia serbisu ne'e lori di'ak ba ema hotu, tan ne'e mak apostolu Paulo hakarak ema kristaun atu hakru'uk ba ema husi governu nu'udar \"ukun-na'in sira.\"",
"Nia mos hakarak ita atu halo tuir sira-nia lei.",
"Nia dehan: \"Fo ba ema hotu buat ne'ebe sira merese simu, selu impostu ba sira ne'ebe husu impostu; . . . fo hahi'i ba sira ne'ebe husu atu simu hahi'i.\" - Roma 13:1, 7.",
"9 Nu'udar Testemuna ba Jeova, ita hakarak haka'as an atu hatudu respeitu ba ema sira husi governu.",
"Rai ida-idak nia kostume la hanesan, tan ne'e ita presiza halo tuir lei husi rai ida-idak.",
"Maibe, se sira mak husu ita atu halo buat ruma ne'ebe kontra Jeova nia ukun-fuan, ita la bele halo, tanba ita hakarak halo tuir no respeitu Jeova liu fali ema. - Lee 1 Pedro 2:13-17.",
"Jeova nia atan sira husi tempu uluk hatudu ezemplu di'ak saida mai ita ohin loron?",
"10 Ita bele aprende husi Jeova nia atan sira iha tempu uluk oinsa atu hatudu respeitu ba ema sira husi governu.",
"Ezemplu ida mak kona-ba Jose no Maria.",
"Iha tempu ne'ebe governu Roma hala'o sensus atu hatene ema na'in-hira mak moris iha Roma nia ukun, Jose no Maria fila ba Jeruzalein atu rejistu sira-nia naran, maski Maria besik ona atu tuur ahi.",
"(Lucas 2:1-5) Apostolu Paulo mak ezemplu ida tan ne'ebe hatudu respeitu ba ukun-na'in sira.",
"Bainhira ema duun katak nia halo ona buat ne'ebe kontra lei, nia defende ninia an no hatudu respeitu ba Liurai Herodes Agripa no Festo, governador Roma ba provinsia Judeia. - Apostolu 25:1-12; 26:1-3.",
"11, 12. (a) Tansa mak ita la hatudu respeitu ba ulun-na'in relijiaun liu fali ema baibain? (b) Testemuna ida hatudu respeitu ba politiku-na'in ida, no ne'e lori rezultadu di'ak saida?",
"11 Oinsa ho ulun-na'in relijiaun sira, ita tenke hahi'i sira ka lae?",
"Ita hatudu respeitu ba sira hanesan baibain ita hatudu ba ema seluk.",
"Maibe se ita mak hatudu respeitu ba sira liu fali ema baibain, ne'e sala, maski sira hakarak ita atu halo nune'e ba sira.",
"Tanba relijiaun falsu la hanorin lia-loos kona-ba Maromak no ninia Liafuan, Biblia.",
"Tan ne'e, Jesus ko'alia hasoru mestre relijiaun sira iha ninia tempu hodi bolu sira laran-makerek no ulun-na'in ne'ebe ladi'ak.",
"(Mateus 23:23, 24) Maibe kona-ba ema husi governu, bainhira ita hatudu respeitu ba sira, dala ruma ne'e bele lori rezultadu ne'ebe di'ak ba Testemuna ba Jeova.",
"12 Ezemplu kona-ba ne'e mak Doutor Heinrich Gleissner, politiku-na'in ida husi rai-Austria.",
"Iha tempu Funu Mundial Segundu, ema Nazi sira kaer nia no lori nia iha komboiu ba komarka.",
"Iha komboiu laran nia hasoru irmaun Leopold Engleitner, Testemuna laran-manas ida husi Austria.",
"Ho respeitu, irmaun Leopold esplika ninia fiar ba Heinrich, no Heinrich rona didi'ak.",
"Bainhira funu ne'e ramata, Heinrich uza ninia pozisaun iha governu hodi fo ajuda beibeik ba Testemuna sira iha rai-Austria.",
"Karik Ita bele hanoin kona-ba ezemplu seluk ne'ebe hatudu katak bainhira ita respeitu ema husi governu, ne'e lori rezultadu ne'ebe di'ak.",
"Ita tenke hatudu respeitu liuliu ba se, no tanbasa?",
"13 Ita tenke hatudu respeitu ba ita-nia irmaun-irman sira.",
"Liuliu ba sira ne'ebe dirije ita, hanesan katuas kongregasaun, katuas area, irmaun sira husi Grupu Koordenador ba Sukursal, no irmaun sira husi Grupu Administrador.",
"(Lee 1 Timoteo 5:17.)",
"Sira hotu serbisu atu tau matan ba Jeova nia povu, no Biblia bolu sira nu'udar \"prezente.\"",
"(Efeso 4:8) Tan ne'e mak, maski sira mai husi rai ne'ebe la hanesan, edukasaun la hanesan, riku ka kiak, ita hakarak hatudu respeitu ba sira.",
"Kona-ba ne'e, ita bele aprende ezemplu di'ak husi ema kristaun iha apostolu sira-nia tempu.",
"Sira hatudu respeitu ne'ebe kle'an ba irmaun sira ne'ebe dirije Maromak nia povu, no ita mos hakarak halo nune'e.",
"Maibe ita tenke kuidadu atu la haree irmaun sira-ne'e hanesan anju bainhira ita hamutuk ho sira.",
"Ita hatudu duni respeitu ba irmaun sira-ne'e tanba sira-nia serbisu maka'as no haraik-an. - Lee 2 Korinto 1:24; Apokalipse 19:10.",
"14, 15.",
"Tanbasa mak katuas kongregasaun la hanesan ho ulun-na'in relijiaun barak?",
"14 Irmaun sira-ne'e hanesan bibi-atan ne'ebe haraik-an tebes.",
"Sira lakohi ema haree sira hanesan artista.",
"Tan ne'e mak sira la hanesan ho ulun-na'in relijiaun ohin loron ka husi Jesus nia tempu.",
"Kona-ba ulun-na'in relijiaun sira, Jesus dehan: \"Sira buka tuur-fatin ne'ebe importante liu, no iha sinagoga laran, sira gosta atu tuur iha oin.",
"Sira hakarak atu ema kumprimenta sira iha merkadu.\" - Mateus 23:6, 7.",
"15 Maibe katuas kristaun sira la hanesan ne'e.",
"Sira halo tuir duni Jesus nia liafuan ne'ebe hatete: \"Keta husik ema bolu imi mestre, tanba imi-nia Mestre ida de'it, no imi hotu mak maun-alin.",
"Liutan ne'e, keta bolu ema ida iha rai nu'udar aman, tanba imi-nia Aman ida de'it, ne'ebe iha lalehan.",
"Nune'e mos keta husik ema bolu imi ulun-na'in, tanba imi-nia Ulun-Na'in ida de'it, Kristu.",
"Maibe, ida ne'ebe boot liu iha imi-nia leet tenke sai imi-nia atan.",
"Ema ne'ebe foti an, Maromak sei hatun, no ema ne'ebe haraik an, Maromak sei foti aas.\"",
"(Mateus 23:8-12) Tan ne'e mak irmaun-irman sira hadomi no hatudu respeitu ne'ebe kle'an ba katuas kongregasaun iha mundu tomak, tanba katuas sira-ne'e haraik an no halo tuir Jesus nia liafuan.",
"Se katuas kongregasaun mak haraik an no halo tuir Jesus nia liafuan, irmaun-irman sira mos sei hadomi no respeitu sira (Haree paragrafu 13-15) 16.",
"Tanbasa mak ita presiza haka'as an beibeik atu hatudu respeitu ba ema?",
"16 Karik ita presiza tempu atu hatene oinsa bele hatudu respeitu ne'ebe loos ba ema seluk.",
"Ema kristaun iha apostolu sira-nia tempu mos hanesan ne'e.",
"(Apostolu 10:22-26; 3 Joao 9, 10) Maibe ita bele fiar katak se ita hatudu respeitu ba ema tuir Jeova nia hakarak, ne'e sei lori rezultadu di'ak ba ita.",
"Tanbasa mak di'ak atu hatudu respeitu ba ema ne'ebe iha pozisaun husi ita-nia komunidade?",
"17 Se ita mak hatudu respeitu ba ema ne'ebe iha pozisaun iha ita-nia komunidade, karik sira sei fo apoiu ba ita-nia direitu atu haklaken.",
"Karik sira mos sei hanoin pozitivu kona-ba ita-nia serbisu ne'e.",
"Porezemplu, tinan hirak liuba, pioneiru ida husi rai-Alemana naran Birgit tuir ninia oan-feto nia graduasaun.",
"Profesora sira hatete ba nia katak iha tinan barak ona Testemuna nia oan sira ba eskola iha ne'eba, no sira kontente tebes ho alunu sira-ne'e.",
"Sira dehan katak Testemuna nia oan sira halo sira-nia eskola sai fatin ne'ebe hakmatek tebes.",
"Tan ne'e Birgit esplika ba sira katak, \"Ami hanorin ami-nia oan atu hatudu hahalok di'ak husi Biblia, ne'e inklui hatudu respeitu ba mestre no mestra sira.\"",
"Profesora ida dehan katak se alunu hotu mak hanesan Testemuna nia oan, ne'e halo fasil tebes ba sira atu hanorin.",
"Profesora sira-ne'e respeitu tebes Testemuna nia oan, tan ne'e, semana balu liutiha, mestra ida ba tuir ita-nia reuniaun boot loron tolu nian.",
"18, 19.",
"Kona-ba hatudu respeitu ba katuas kongregasaun, ita tenke hanoin-hetan saida?",
"18 Prinsipiu sira husi Maromak nia Liafuan bele ajuda ita hatene oinsa atu hatudu respeitu ba katuas kongregasaun sira.",
"(Lee Ebreu 13:7, 17.)",
"Ita tenkeser gaba sira kona-ba sira-nia serbisu maka'as.",
"Se ita mak halo tuir matadalan ne'ebe sira fo, ne'e sei ajuda sira atu hala'o sira-nia knaar ho haksolok.",
"Biblia mos hatete katak ita tenke banati-tuir sira-nia fiar.",
"Maibe ne'e la dehan katak ita tenke halo tuir dalan ne'ebe sira hatais no hadi'a an, sira-nia jeitu atu hato'o diskursu, ka jeitu ne'ebe sira ko'alia ho ema.",
"Se ita mak halo nune'e, ema bele hanoin sala katak ita halo tuir de'it ema duke halo tuir Kristu.",
"Ita presiza hanoin-hetan katak katuas sira mos ema sala-na'in hanesan ita.",
"19 Se ita hatudu respeitu ba katuas sira no la haree sira hanesan artista, ne'e sei ajuda sira.",
"Tanba ne'e sei halo fasil ba sira atu haraik an nafatin no la halo sira hanoin katak sira mak di'ak liu fali ema seluk ka buat ne'ebe sira halo mak sempre loos.",
"Tanbasa mak di'ak bainhira ita hatudu respeitu ba ema seluk?",
"20 Hatudu respeitu ba ema seluk bele ajuda ita atu la hanoin an de'it no iha hahalok haraik-an bainhira ema ruma gaba ita.",
"Hatudu respeitu ne'ebe loos bele proteje ita atu la sidi se ita haree ema ne'ebe ita respeitu halo buat ruma ne'ebe halo ita triste.",
"Buat ida tan mak, ne'e bele ajuda ita atu iha unidade iha Jeova nia organizasaun.",
"Maromak nia organizasaun hatudu ezemplu ne'ebe di'ak ba ita kona-ba la fo hahi'i demais ba ema.",
"Razaun importante liu hotu atu hatudu respeitu ba ema seluk mak saida?",
"21 Razaun importante liu hotu atu hatudu respeitu ba ema seluk mak atu halo Jeova kontente.",
"Ne'e mak buat ne'ebe nia hakarak ita atu halo no mos bele ajuda ita atu laran-metin ba nia.",
"Hodi nune'e, Jeova bele hatan ba Satanas ne'ebe hatete katak la iha ema ida mak bele laran-metin ba Jeova.",
"(Proverbios [Amsal] 27:11) Ema barak iha mundu la hatene saida mak dalan ne'ebe loos atu hatudu respeitu ba ema.",
"Maibe ita agradese tebes ba Jeova tanba nia hanorin ita oinsa atu hatudu respeitu iha dalan ne'ebe loos! ^ par.",
"4 Salmo 2:11, 12 11 Serbi Jeova ho ta'uk, no haksolok ho nakdedar.",
"12 Hatudu respeitu ba oan-mane, se lae Maromak sei sai hirus no imi sei lakon mohu tiha, tanba Nia sei sai hirus lalais.",
"Ksolok ba ema hotu ne'ebe buka protesaun husi Nia."
] | [
"Who is worthy of glory and honor? | Books to study \"Let all creature give honour, praising him who sits on the throne. And let it be done forever.\" - REVELATIONS (5:13). The Son has power in eternity!"
"KNANANUK: 9,14 Why do Jehovah and Jesus deserve to receive blessing?"
"We should show respect only to our country, and why?"
"What good results will showing true respect bring?"
"1. Amendment of the Constitution"
"But we show great respect and affection for each other, so what will this lesson teach us?"
"How do we show respect for others?"
"We respect people by being kind to them and thinking well of their needs."
"We show greater respect to those who hold important offices or position, and for people with behaviour that deserves more regard."
"In this lesson, we will look at who deserves our respect and admiration -and why."
"2. (a) Why is Jehovah more deserving to receive blessings?"
"(See the drawing above.) Who is that Son of God mentioned in Revelation 5:13, and why should we worship him?"
"2 Who is deserving to receive the gifts?"
"Revelation 5:13 states that \"He who sits on the throne\" and his Son are deserving of grace."
"\"He who sits on the throne\" refers to Jehovah."
"Revelation chapter 4 gives us a reason why Jehovah, \"he who lives forever\", deserves to receive our prayers."
"The creatures in heaven say, \"You are worthy to receive glory and honour And power O Jehovah our God; For you have created all things. Because of your will they exists & were made.\" - Revelation (4:9-10)."
"3 The \"Son\" referred to in Rev.5:12 is Jesus Christ, the Son of God who was born from a woman and called Mary (see John's Gospel)."
"What do we know?"
"When Jesus was on earth, the Bible referred to him as \"the Son of God who is given in order that he may take away our sins.\""
"(John 1:29) Jesus deserved to receive punishment because no ruler of this world would die for his people as he did."
"That is why the Bible uses our ancestors' words for Jesus, saying: \"He [is] King of those who rule and Lord to them that govern.\""
"(1 Timothy 6:3-4) Perhaps you feel the same as thousands and again hundred of creatures in heaven who shouted, \"The Son that was offered is deserving to receive power; richestness. wisdom... strength.... honor ... glory.\" - Revelation [5]"
"4. Amendment of the Regulations"
"Why do we need to show greater respect for Jehovah and Christ?"
"4 In Jn.5:23, it is stated that Jehovah has chosen Christ to be the judge of all men and women in heavenly kingdoms as well;"
"That is why we must show great respect for Jesus."
"When we show reverence for Jesus, it shows respect to Jehovah and will bring us eternal life. —Read Psalm 2:10-34 *5)"
"Why do we have to show respect for everyone?"
"5 And God created man in his own image, and made him after the likeness of himself."
"(Genesis 1:27) That is why we can show some of God's actions."
"But we can show love, compassion and consideration for others."
"God also created us with a conscience, which is the inner power that tells you when to do something right or wrong."
"(Romans 2:14,35) Many people like to see things that are clean and good-looking; they love being at peace with others."
"People have such feelings because Jehovah is a peaceful and merciful God."
"Indeed, Jehovah created all people with the power to be his servants."
"That's why we should show respect for each other. - Psalm 8:5 (NIV)."
"What does a true Christian think about the lack of respect for others?"
"6 We know that all people should show respect for one another, but we must be careful how our thoughts are about others."
"Satan's world is tempting many people to act like this, so that they are giving their love for others as a way of worshipping them."
"They follow the fashion, attitude and behavior of politicians. religious leaders; athletes or artist in their appearance (look), mannerist behaviour(style)"
"7 A true Christian knows that it is wrong to behave in such a way."
"While on earth, only Jesus set a perfect example for us to follow."
"We need to remember that \"all have sinned and come short of the glory [of God].\""
"(Romans 3:24) If we show people too much respect to give them food, it does not please Jehovah."
"Therefore, we cannot worship a man. We must not adore the flesh.\""
"(a) What do Jehovah’s Witnesses think of government officials?(b), and in what situation should we not obey them."
"8 Some people we need to show respect because of their position, such as government officials."
"They do a good job of maintaining peace and caring for citizens who need them."
"Their work is for the good of all people, so it was Paul's wish that Christian men should regard government officials as \"rulers.\""
"He also wants us to follow their law."
"He said: \"Give to all what they deserve; pay taxes unto them that ask for tax... give tributes, if any seek of you.\" - Romans 13."
"9 As Jehovah's Witnesses, we want to show ourselves respectful of government officials."
"Each country has its own customs, so we need to follow the law of each one."
"But if they ask us to do something that is against Jehovah's commandments, we can not make it because our desire for obedience and respect lies more with God than in man. - Read 1 Peter (2:3-7)."
"10. Requirements for the application of this Regulation"
"What good example do Jehovah's servant of old set for us today?"
"10 We can learn from Jehovah’s servant in ancient times how to show respect for government officials."
"One example is the story of Joseph and Mary."
"At a time when the Roman government was conducting censuses to find out how many people were living under its rule, Joseph and Mary returned back into Jerusalem for their registration even though Maria had almost died."
"(Luke 2:1-5) The Apostle Paul is another example of showing respect for rulers."
"When he was accused of having done something against the law, Paul defended himself and gave reverence to King Herod Agrippa as well a Festus who had been appointing Judea by Rome. - Acts (25:1-3)"
"12. (a) Why do we not show more respect for religious leaders than ordinary people?(b), and what good results did this result in a witness’ demonstration of honour toward the politician who was serving as his leader during that time period, when he had been elected by God himself;"
"10 But what about the religious leaders, should we respect them?"
"We show them the same respect we normally do to others."
"But if we show them more respect than ordinary people, it is wrong even though they want us to do so."
"Because false religion does not teach the truth about God and His Word, The Bible."
"That is why Jesus spoke to the religious leaders of his time, calling them wicked and ungodly rulers."
"(Matthew 23:19, NKJV) But when it comes to people in governmental positions and the way we treat them with respect can sometimes bring good results for Jehovah' s Witnesses."
"12 An example of this is Dr. Heinrich Gleissner, an Austrian politician; he was a German nationalist who had been arrested in Vienna and sentenced to death by the Nazis for his anti-Semitic views on Jewish people during World War II (see below)."
"During the Second World War, he was captured by Nazis and taken in a convoy to Auschwitz."
"In the train he met Brother Leopold Engleitner, a fervent Witness from Austria."
"Respectfully, Brother Leopold explains his faith to Heinrich and he listened attentively."
"When the war ended, Heinrich used his position in government to provide continued support for Jehovah’s Witnesses throughout Austria."
"Perhaps you can think of another example that shows how when we respect people in government, it brings good results."
"HATUDU RESPECTU BA EMA SELUK (13) Respect for women in society."
"We should show respect especially to whom, and why?"
"13 We must show respect for our brothers and sister."
"Look to those who lead us, such as the congregation elders and area senior brother of our Sucursal Coordination Group or Administrator group."
"(Read 1 Timotheus, chapters of the Bible.)"
"They all work to look after Jehovah's people, and the Bible calls them \"present.\""
"(Ephesians 4:8) That is why, even though they come from different countries and educational levels of rich or poor we want to show them respect."
"In this regard, we can learn from the good examples of Christian people in apostle time."
"They showed great respect for the brothers who led God' s people, and we want to do likewise."
"But we must be careful not to see our brothers and sister as angelic when in their company."
"We do show respect for these brothers because of their hard work and selflessness. —Read 2 Corinthians1:34; Revelation5:6,7 (NIV)."
"Why are congregation elders different from many religious leaders?"
"14 The brothers were as generous beasts."
"They don't want people to see them as artists."
"That is why they are not like the religious leaders of today or those from Jesus' time."
"Concerning the religious leaders, Jesus said: \"For they seek to occupy high seats in churches and synagogues. They love sitting on top of them.\""
"They want people to press them in the marketplaces.\" —Matthew 23:6,7."
"15 But the elders are not so."
"And they kept the word of Jesus, who said to them: \"Let no one call you rabbi; for there is only One your Master. But ye are all brethren and sisters.\""
"And call no one on earth your father, for there is only One Father to you—He in heaven."
"Neither let any man call you heads: for one is your Lord, the Christ."
"But whosoever is greatest among you shall be your servant."
"For God will humble him who takes himself, and exalt the one that gives.\""
"(Matthew 23:8-10) That is why brothers and sister of the congregation all over this world have great love for, or respect to show towards their elder in order that they may give themselves up as a gift by following Jesus."
"If the elders of a congregation give themselves up and follow Jesus’ words, their brethren will love them as well. (See paragraph 13-25)"
"Why do we need to constantly raise ourselves up in respect for others?"
"16 Maybe it takes time to learn how we can show true respect for others."
"The Christians in the time of our Apostle were likewise."
"(Acts 10:24-36; III John, chapter I) But we can be confident that if our respect for others is in keeping with Jehovah' s will it would bring us good results."
"Why is it good to show respect for people in positions within our community?"
"17 If we show respect for those in positions of authority within our communities, they will support your right to preach."
"Perhaps they will also think positively about our work."
"However, a few years earlier Birgit was attending her daughter’s graduation ceremony as the pioneer from Germany."
"The teachers told him that Jehovah's Witnesses had been attending school there for many years, and they were very pleased with the students."
"They say that the children of Jehovah's Witnesses have made their school a very honourable place."
"Therefore Birgit explained to them that, \"We teach our children the good deeds of Scripture and this includes showing respect for teachers.\""
"One teacher said that if all the students are like Jehovah's Witnesses, it makes teaching so much easier."
"These teachers have great respect for the Witness' children, so a few weeks ago one of them went to our big Tuesday meeting."
"When it comes to showing respect for the elders of our congregation, what should we remember?"
"18 Principles from God’s Word can help us know how to show respect for the elder of our congregation."
"(Read Hebrews 13:7,20.)"
"We should praise them for their hard work."
"If we follow the guidelines they give, it will help them to carry out their work with joy."
"The Bible also says that we should respect their faith."
"But that doesn't mean we should imitate their way of improving themselves, or the manner in which they make speeches and talk to people."
"If we do so, people may mistakenly think that you are following men rather than Christ."
"We need to remember that the elders were sinners like us."
"19 If we show respect to the elders and do not see them as artist, it will help."
"This will make it easier for them to keep giving and not think they are better than others or that everything you do is always right."
"20. Assessment of the impact on health"
"Why is it good when we show respect to others?"
"20 Showing respect for others can help us to be selfless and generous when someone praises you."
"Showing true respect can protect us from being upset if we see a person whose behaviour makes you sad."
"Moreover, it will help us to be united in Jehovah's organization."
"God's organization sets us a good example of not giving too much weight to people."
"21. Assessment of the impact on human rights"
"What is the most important reason to show respect for others?"
"21 The most important reason for showing respect to others is that of pleasing Jehovah."
"This is what he wants us to do and it will help our patience with him."
"In this way, Jehovah can answer Satan's claim that no one could trust in Yahweh."
"(Proverbs 27:10) Many people in the world do not know how to show respect for others."
"But we are very grateful to Jehovah for teaching us how you can show respect in the right way! ^ par."
"Psalm 2:10-9 Serve the Lord with patience, and rejoice in joyfulness."
"12 Show respect to your children, lest God be angry and you perish quickly; for he will soon become wroth."
"Blessed are all who seek His protection."
] |
Komunidade Balide selebra festa Madre Mazzarello | fmatin.org\nKomunidade Balide selebra festa Madre Mazzarello\nDili-Balide – Loron 9 Maiu 2019, loron moris Madre Mazzarello nian, Irmán FMA Balide no menina sira selebra festa Madre Mazzarello nian. Festa ne’e hahu husi triduu loron tolu liubá. No ohin, hamutuk ho menina sira, ami selebra festa MM nian, hahu ho laudes no Missa hamutuk hafoin iha kalan iha divertimentu. Iha ne’ebe menina, postulante no Irmán sira, ida-idak hatudu sira nia ksolok liu husi dansa, kanta no atraksi seluk tan.\nSelebrasaun Eukarístika preside husi Pe. Manuel Pinto, SDB. Iha ninia reflesaun, nia afirma: “Momentu 2 importante iha Madre Mazzarello nia moris mak tama iha grupu Filhas de Maria Imaculada (FMI) no hasoru Don Bosco. Momentu 2 ne’e fo marka ba nia moris tuir mai. “Ninia domin boot ba Jezús no Maria sai mos mai ita bolun ida atu la’o iha dalan santidade nian.\nAmi haksolok no agradese tebes ba exemplu inan di’ak ida ne’e nian. | [
"Komunidade Balide selebra festa Madre Mazzarello | fmatin.org Komunidade Balide selebra festa Madre Mazzarello Dili-Balide - Loron 9 Maiu 2019, loron moris Madre Mazzarello nian, Irman FMA Balide no menina sira selebra festa Madre Mazzarello nian.",
"Festa ne'e hahu husi triduu loron tolu liuba.",
"No ohin, hamutuk ho menina sira, ami selebra festa MM nian, hahu ho laudes no Missa hamutuk hafoin iha kalan iha divertimentu.",
"Iha ne'ebe menina, postulante no Irman sira, ida-idak hatudu sira nia ksolok liu husi dansa, kanta no atraksi seluk tan.",
"Selebrasaun Eukaristika preside husi Pe.",
"Manuel Pinto, SDB.",
"Iha ninia reflesaun, nia afirma: \"Momentu 2 importante iha Madre Mazzarello nia moris mak tama iha grupu Filhas de Maria Imaculada (FMI) no hasoru Don Bosco.",
"Momentu 2 ne'e fo marka ba nia moris tuir mai.",
"\"Ninia domin boot ba Jezus no Maria sai mos mai ita bolun ida atu la'o iha dalan santidade nian.",
"Ami haksolok no agradese tebes ba exemplu inan di'ak ida ne'e nian."
] | [
"Community of Balide celebrates Mother Mazzarello' s feast | fmatin.org The community celebrating the Feast Of Our Lady Dili-Balid - On 9 May, a day dedicated to our Blessed Virgin Mary and her birth year (1872), FMA Sister from Balide together with some girls were present at this festive event in honor for their sister who died on that very same date as us today:"
"The feast begins with a three-day triduum, which is celebrated on the third day of Easter."
"And today, together with the girls we celebrated MM’s feast day. We started out by singing laudes and celebrating Mass all along then went into night for fun!"
"Where girls, postulants and brothers each show their joy through dancing. singing & other attractions; where the youngsters are invited to participate in various activities for children from 3-12 years old"
"The Eucharistic celebration was presided over by Fr."
"Manuel Pinto, SDB. (1925-)"
"In her reflection, she states: \"Two important moments in Mother Mazzarello's life were entering the Filhas de Maria Imaculada (FMI) group and meeting Don Bosco."
"This moment 2 marked his next life."
"\"Her great love for Jesus and Mary also gives us a will to walk in the path of holiness."
"We are delighted and grateful for the example of this good mother."
] |
PDHJ Publika RIF - PDHJ - Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justiça\nDili : Iha trimestral III 2021, Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justiça (PDHJ) iha loron 7 fulan Outubro 2021, halo investigasaun no produs relatoriu investigasaun hamutuk 37, kompostu husi relatoriu investigasaun final ho rekomendasaun 12 ba violasaun direitus umanus no governasan diak, relatoriu investigasaun ho sujestaun 7 no relatóriu badak arkivu 37 (Direitus Humanos 13, Boa Governação 24).\nEntretantu, husi relatoriu investigasaun final ho rekomendasaun hirak ne’e relasiona ho violasaun direitus umanus liga ba asaun husi membru PNTL no membru PCIC ne’ebé viola komunidade nia direitu ba liberdade, integridade no seguransa espesifikamente tratamentu aát, kruél no la umanu, Direitu ba Moris, asaun husi funsionariu Diresaun Nasional Asistensia Sosial (DNAS) ne’ebé pratika asaun Ilegalidade, spesifika Ilegalidade bazeia ba materia.\n“Iha relatóriu investigasaun final ho rekomendasaun 2 sei entrega ba Exelência Parlamentu Nasional, Primeiru Ministru, Ministru Justisa no Ministeriu Publiku, 6 sei entrega ba Exelência Ministru Interior, no Komandante Jeral PNTL, 2 sei entrega ba Exelência Ministra Solidariedade Social no Inclusão, Ministru Administrasaun Estatal, no CAC, no 2 sei entrega ba Diretor PCIC. Ita bo’ot sira bele haree rekomendasaun hirak ne’e iha relatóriu ne’ebé orsida sei entrega ba ita bo’ot sira,”hateten, Provedor Interino atual Provedor Adjunto ba área Governasaun diak, Sr. José Telo Soares Cristovão. Liu husi nia diskursu iha sala Biblioteca PDHJ Caicoli dili.\nProvedor Interino ne’e hatutan, iha mós relatóriu investigasaun final ho sujestaun ne’ebé PDHJ konklui katak, la akontese violasaun direitus umanus no governasaun diak tanba respondente sira hala’o sira nia kna’ar tuir lei no prosedimentu legal ne’ebé iha. Mezmu la akontese violasaun direitus umanus no governasaun diak, Provedor hanoin katak, bele hato’o relatoriu ida ne’e nu’udar oportunidade importante ba instituisaun respondente atu halo diálogu ho entidade relevante sira nomos Provedor bele hetan informasaun klean kona-ba prosedimentu, sistema internal ka prátika husi instituisaun publika no hakarak fahe PDHJ ninia opiniaun kona-ba mekanizmu atu hametin liu tan direitus umanus no governasaun diak iha Timor-Leste.\nMaske nune’e, iha trimestral III tinan 2021, PDHJ mos konklui relatóriu badak arkivu 37 kompostu husi relatóriu badak arkivu relasiona ho kazu rezolve ona iha tribunal, PNTL no entidade relevante sira. Kazu hirak ne’e relasiona ho violasaun direitu ba liberdade, integridade no seguransa espesifikamente tratamentu a’at kruel, la umanu, violasaun ba direitu igualidade diskriminasaun laek espesifikamente aplikasaun lei diskriminatoriu no mos violasaun ba direitu ba moris espesifika ba ameasa oho husi respondente sira hasoru Kesar Nain (KN), iha mos aktu pratika ilegalidade, administrasaun la diak no ses husi poder.\nMaibe, Relatóriu sujestaun hirak ne’e sei entrega ba Exelência Ministru Administrasaun Estatal, Ministra Saúde, Ministru Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu, no Sekretariu Regional Agricultura RAEOA. Bainhira instituisaun relevante sira simu ona relatóriu investigasaun final ho rekomendasaun tenke hato’o informasaun ba PDHJ kona-ba sasukat sira-ne’ebé foti atu kumpri ka hala’o rekomendasaun sira-ne’ebé hatada ona ne’e iha loron 60 (neen nulu) nia laran, tuir artigu 47.3 husi Estatutu PDHJ, konta husi data simu relatóriu ne’e. Se instituisaun relevante la kumpri ka la hala’o lia menon hirak ne’e, Provedor Direitus Humanus no Justisa bele komunika akontesimentu ida ne’e ba Parlamentu Nasional, tuir artigu 34 no 46 husi Estatutu PDHJ nian.\nIha fatin hanesan Chefe Departementu Justiça PNTL dili, Sr. Agustinho Gomes, mos haktuir katak,\nPolisia nasional Timor Lorosa’e nudar forsa siguransa estadu nian ne’ebe ho nia membru barak koloka iha teritoriu nasional laran tomak hahu husi Citrana to’o ba Tutuala husi Atauru to’o ba iha Betanu no PNTL rasik kontakta direitamente ho komunidade, uja forsa, aplika lei obriga ema, limite ema nia direitu tuir lei entaun ho atuasaun sira ne’e maka hamosu asaun sira ne’ebe maka konsidera hanesan violasaun direitus humanos.\nTanba iha kodigu prosesu penal fo kompetensia bazeia ba artigu 52 kona-ba kompetensia jeral Polisia ne’ebe mak PNTL ejekuta ona mais ou menus 20 anos iha ne’eba deside klaramente katak, kada membru Polisia mesmu ke ho nia inisiativa rasik iha obrigasaun atu halo prevensaun ba ema atu halo krimi, ne’e la signifika katak, iha servisu ka nia la servisu ou nia uja farda ka nia la uja farda ne’e define iha ne’eba katak, membru Polisia se deit iha obrigasaun atu halo prevensaun ba ema atu halo krimi\nNia hatutan, komando PNTL la nonok komando PNTL sempre halo asaun inklui simu informasaun husi komunidade mesmu ke agora intelmonitor deit iha Facebook apresenta komandante PNTL despacho tun mai departementu justisa loke prosesu disiplinar.\nTanba, PNTL nudar forsa siguransa estadu nian iha responsabilidade rua ba kodigu penal no regulamentu disiplinar no iha kazu balun ne’ebé mak kategoria krimi publiku departementu justisa rekomenda ou sujere para lejada sira tenki halo keixa ba Ministeriu Publiku.\nMaibe, dala barak lezada sira rasik lakohi no sira nia parte rasik la hatene tanba sa mak lezada, lakohi neé la signisika katak PNTL neé taka. Agora dadaun PNTL halo esforsu makas para atu hadia disiplina no mantein orden polisial ba orgaun PNTL tomak.\nTanba Komando PNTL nia komitmentu hakarak atu promove profisionalizmu PNTL para atu servisu RDTL no povu Timor leste ho diak liu tan.\nAlende ne’e, ikus liu lori PNTL nia naran louva no apresia ho servisu PDHJ nian no sorti bot ida mai Timor leste tanba bele iha instituisaun ida hanesan PDHJ.\nEntretantu serimonia publikasaun ne’e rasik hetan partisipasaun masimu husi entidades Publiku, Media nomós diretores nasional no kargu chefia PDHJ tomak.\nPrevious: PDHJ – DT Baucau hala’o monitorizasaun pagamentu Bolsa da Mãe iha Munisipiu Baucau\nNext: PDHJ, M J ho APT Lansa Módulu Formasaun Guarda Prizional iha Timor Leste | [
"PDHJ Publika RIF - PDHJ - Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justica Dili: Iha trimestral III 2021, Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justica (PDHJ) iha loron 7 fulan Outubro 2021, halo investigasaun no produs relatoriu investigasaun hamutuk 37, kompostu husi relatoriu investigasaun final ho rekomendasaun 12 ba violasaun direitus umanus no governasan diak, relatoriu investigasaun ho sujestaun 7 no relatoriu badak arkivu 37 (Direitus Humanos 13, Boa Governacao 24).",
"Entretantu, husi relatoriu investigasaun final ho rekomendasaun hirak ne'e relasiona ho violasaun direitus umanus liga ba asaun husi membru PNTL no membru PCIC ne'ebe viola komunidade nia direitu ba liberdade, integridade no seguransa espesifikamente tratamentu aat, kruel no la umanu, Direitu ba Moris, asaun husi funsionariu Diresaun Nasional Asistensia Sosial (DNAS) ne'ebe pratika asaun Ilegalidade, spesifika Ilegalidade bazeia ba materia.",
"\"Iha relatoriu investigasaun final ho rekomendasaun 2 sei entrega ba Exelencia Parlamentu Nasional, Primeiru Ministru, Ministru Justisa no Ministeriu Publiku, 6 sei entrega ba Exelencia Ministru Interior, no Komandante Jeral PNTL, 2 sei entrega ba Exelencia Ministra Solidariedade Social no Inclusao, Ministru Administrasaun Estatal, no CAC, no 2 sei entrega ba Diretor PCIC.",
"Ita bo'ot sira bele haree rekomendasaun hirak ne'e iha relatoriu ne'ebe orsida sei entrega ba ita bo'ot sira,\"hateten, Provedor Interino atual Provedor Adjunto ba area Governasaun diak, Sr. Jose Telo Soares Cristovao.",
"Liu husi nia diskursu iha sala Biblioteca PDHJ Caicoli dili.",
"Provedor Interino ne'e hatutan, iha mos relatoriu investigasaun final ho sujestaun ne'ebe PDHJ konklui katak, la akontese violasaun direitus umanus no governasaun diak tanba respondente sira hala'o sira nia kna'ar tuir lei no prosedimentu legal ne'ebe iha.",
"Mezmu la akontese violasaun direitus umanus no governasaun diak, Provedor hanoin katak, bele hato'o relatoriu ida ne'e nu'udar oportunidade importante ba instituisaun respondente atu halo dialogu ho entidade relevante sira nomos Provedor bele hetan informasaun klean kona-ba prosedimentu, sistema internal ka pratika husi instituisaun publika no hakarak fahe PDHJ ninia opiniaun kona-ba mekanizmu atu hametin liu tan direitus umanus no governasaun diak iha Timor-Leste.",
"Maske nune'e, iha trimestral III tinan 2021, PDHJ mos konklui relatoriu badak arkivu 37 kompostu husi relatoriu badak arkivu relasiona ho kazu rezolve ona iha tribunal, PNTL no entidade relevante sira.",
"Kazu hirak ne'e relasiona ho violasaun direitu ba liberdade, integridade no seguransa espesifikamente tratamentu a'at kruel, la umanu, violasaun ba direitu igualidade diskriminasaun laek espesifikamente aplikasaun lei diskriminatoriu no mos violasaun ba direitu ba moris espesifika ba ameasa oho husi respondente sira hasoru Kesar Nain (KN), iha mos aktu pratika ilegalidade, administrasaun la diak no ses husi poder.",
"Maibe, Relatoriu sujestaun hirak ne'e sei entrega ba Exelencia Ministru Administrasaun Estatal, Ministra Saude, Ministru Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu, no Sekretariu Regional Agricultura RAEOA.",
"Bainhira instituisaun relevante sira simu ona relatoriu investigasaun final ho rekomendasaun tenke hato'o informasaun ba PDHJ kona-ba sasukat sira-ne'ebe foti atu kumpri ka hala'o rekomendasaun sira-ne'ebe hatada ona ne'e iha loron 60 (neen nulu) nia laran, tuir artigu 47.3 husi Estatutu PDHJ, konta husi data simu relatoriu ne'e.",
"Se instituisaun relevante la kumpri ka la hala'o lia menon hirak ne'e, Provedor Direitus Humanus no Justisa bele komunika akontesimentu ida ne'e ba Parlamentu Nasional, tuir artigu 34 no 46 husi Estatutu PDHJ nian.",
"Iha fatin hanesan Chefe Departementu Justica PNTL dili, Sr. Agustinho Gomes, mos haktuir katak, Polisia nasional Timor Lorosa'e nudar forsa siguransa estadu nian ne'ebe ho nia membru barak koloka iha teritoriu nasional laran tomak hahu husi Citrana to'o ba Tutuala husi Atauru to'o ba iha Betanu no PNTL rasik kontakta direitamente ho komunidade, uja forsa, aplika lei obriga ema, limite ema nia direitu tuir lei entaun ho atuasaun sira ne'e maka hamosu asaun sira ne'ebe maka konsidera hanesan violasaun direitus humanos.",
"Tanba iha kodigu prosesu penal fo kompetensia bazeia ba artigu 52 kona-ba kompetensia jeral Polisia ne'ebe mak PNTL ejekuta ona mais ou menus 20 anos iha ne'eba deside klaramente katak, kada membru Polisia mesmu ke ho nia inisiativa rasik iha obrigasaun atu halo prevensaun ba ema atu halo krimi, ne'e la signifika katak, iha servisu ka nia la servisu ou nia uja farda ka nia la uja farda ne'e define iha ne'eba katak, membru Polisia se deit iha obrigasaun atu halo prevensaun ba ema atu halo krimi Nia hatutan, komando PNTL la nonok komando PNTL sempre halo asaun inklui simu informasaun husi komunidade mesmu ke agora intelmonitor deit iha Facebook apresenta komandante PNTL despacho tun mai departementu justisa loke prosesu disiplinar.",
"Tanba, PNTL nudar forsa siguransa estadu nian iha responsabilidade rua ba kodigu penal no regulamentu disiplinar no iha kazu balun ne'ebe mak kategoria krimi publiku departementu justisa rekomenda ou sujere para lejada sira tenki halo keixa ba Ministeriu Publiku.",
"Maibe, dala barak lezada sira rasik lakohi no sira nia parte rasik la hatene tanba sa mak lezada, lakohi nee la signisika katak PNTL nee taka.",
"Agora dadaun PNTL halo esforsu makas para atu hadia disiplina no mantein orden polisial ba orgaun PNTL tomak.",
"Tanba Komando PNTL nia komitmentu hakarak atu promove profisionalizmu PNTL para atu servisu RDTL no povu Timor leste ho diak liu tan.",
"Alende ne'e, ikus liu lori PNTL nia naran louva no apresia ho servisu PDHJ nian no sorti bot ida mai Timor leste tanba bele iha instituisaun ida hanesan PDHJ.",
"Entretantu serimonia publikasaun ne'e rasik hetan partisipasaun masimu husi entidades Publiku, Media nomos diretores nasional no kargu chefia PDHJ tomak.",
"Previous: PDHJ - DT Baucau hala'o monitorizasaun pagamentu Bolsa da Mae iha Munisipiu Baucau Next: PDHJ, M J ho APT Lansa Modulu Formasaun Guarda Prizional iha Timor Leste"
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"PDHJ Publics RIF - Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justiça Dili: In the third quarter of 2019, on October.7th (Wednesday), Procuratory for Human Rights and Justice carried out investigations involving a total number Of36 reporting documents which comprise Final Investigation Report with Recommendations toward human rights violation And good governance; Research Rapporteur With Suggestion Towards Good Governence(RSR)-48); Short Filed Document/Reportings Totally5"
"Meanwhile, from the final investigation report with these recommendations are related to human rights violation linked action of PNTL members and PCIC member who violate community's right for liberty integrity security specifically ill treatment cruel inhuman Right To Life actions by National Directorate Social Assistance (DNAS) officials that practice illegality."
"\"In a final investigation report with recommendations 2 will be delivered to His Excellency the National Parliament, Prime Minister and Ministry of Justice & Public Prosecutor's Office;6will being provided by his Exelence Interior minister.and Commander General PNTL police force (Policia Nacional de Timor-Leste), two shall provide for him/her Exclusiveness Social Solidarity And Inclusion Secretary State Administration Department(Secretaria da Administração Estatal)&CCA Police Force Directorate"
"You can see these recommendations in the report that will be delivered to you,\" said Mr. Jose Telo Soares Cristovao acting Ombudsman and current Deputy Prosecutor for Good Governance area of Brazil's Parliamentary Commission on Human Rights (CPDH)."
"Through his speech in the PDHJ Caicoli Dili Library Hall."
"The Interim Ombudsman added that there was also a final investigation report with suggestions where the PDHJ concluded, no violation of human rights and good governance occurred because respondents carried out their work according to law."
"Even though no violations of human rights and good governance have occurred, the Ombudsman believes that presenting this report is an important opportunity for respondent institutions to engage in dialogue with relevant entities. The ombudsperson can obtain clear information about procedure-related issues or internal systems/practice by public agencies; he also wishe share PDHJ' s opinion on mechanism which could further strengthen Human Rights & Good Governence within Timor Leste 2015"
"Nevertheless, in the third quarter of 2019 PDHJ also concluded short reports on files numbering up to three hundred and thirty-seven (37) comprises brief file rapport related with cases already resolved by court or relevant entities."
"These cases relate to violations of the right for liberty, integrity and security specifically cruel inhuman treatment; a violations on equal rights against discrimination particularly application by laws that are not equality-oriented as well an attack upon life with death threats from respondents towards Kesar Nain (KN); actes practiced illegality. maladministrated or abused power..."
"However, the report of these suggestions will be delivered to His Excellency Minister for State Administration; Health Ministry and Education Youth & Sports Ministeer. Regional Secretary Agriculture RAEOA"
"Once the relevant institutions have received a final investigation report with recommendations, they must provide information to PDHJ on measures taken in order for them or their representatives (in accordance With Article 47.3 of its Statute) within sixty days from receipt thereof about compliances and implementations made accordingly"
"If the relevant institution does not comply with or implement these recommendations, then The Ombudsman for Human Rights and Justice may report this incident to National Parliament in accordance With Articles 34-56 of PDHJ's Statute."
"The Chief of the Justice Department, Mr. Agustinho Gomes also said that National Police Timor-Leste is a state security force with many members stationed in all national territory from Citrana to Tutuala and Atauru until Betanu; they contact directly communities by using forces or applying law enforcement obligations which limit people' s rights accordingly so these actions are responsible for what may be considered as human right violations"
"Because the Code of Criminal Procedure gives competences based on article 52 regarding general police powers, which has been implemented by PNTL for more or less than twenty years therein clearly determined that each member Police even if he is in his own right to prevent people from committing crime this does not mean whether at work and when no working time it means either use uniform. It was hereby set out: only members Policia have an obligation against criminality He continued saying although now they are just monitoring information through Facebook presentation komandante despacho tun mai departamentu justiça abrir procedimento disciplinar (the commander' s office came down into justice department open discipline proceeding)."
"Because, the PNTL as a state security force has two responsibilities to criminal code and disciplinary regulations. In some cases that are public crime category of justice department recommend or suggest for injured parties should file complaint with Public Prosecution Service (MP)."
"However, many times the defendants themselves do not want to and their own side doesn't know why they are against it. This does NOT mean that PNTL is closed down!"
"At the moment, PNTL is making great efforts to improve discipline and maintain police order for all of its bodies."
"Because the commitment of PNTL Command wants to promote professionalism in order for Timor-Leste Police and people serve better."
"In addition, lastly carrying the name of PNTL praised and appreciated PDHJ's work. He also sent a boat to East Timor because there can be an institution like this one:"
"Meanwhile, the publication ceremony itself was attended by a large number of Public entities and media as well national directors in all PDHJ headquarters."
"Previous: PDHJ - DT Baucau monitors payment of Bolsa da Mãe in the Municipality Of Bacau Next:PDHH, M J and ATP Launch Prison Guard Training Modules In Timor-Leste"
] |
Manufahi - Timor Leste: Suara Timor Lorosae, Timor-Leste: Edition: 11 June 2008\nSuara Timor Lorosae, Timor-Leste: Edition: 11 June 2008\nEdition: 11 June 2008\nFretilin Haruka Hasae Bandeira Hafutar Dili, CNE Hasai Regulamentu, PNTL Prontu Hatun\nDILI – Bandeira partidu Fretilin nebee mak hasae hafutar iha Dili laran organiza rasik husi partidu Fretilin ho hanoin atu protesta sasan nebee halo la tuir nia dalan. “Bandeira Fretilin sei sae aumenta tan. Husu dadauk bandeira barak tan para Dili nee bele nakonu, tanba folin fos sae. Governu nia hahalok mos barak mak la diak,” dehan Vice Prezidenti Partidu Fretilin Arsenio Paixão Bano ba jornalista sira iha uma fukun PN, Tersa (10/6).\nNia dehan, la iha lei ida mak bandu atu la bele hasae bandeira. Fretilin hakarak defende rai ida nee. Fretilin nia bandeira signifika rezistensia iha kualker momentu. Iha tempu ukun rasik aan, maibe dezenvolvimentu la lao no desizaun barak la loos, entaun Fretilin tenki reafrima nia apoiu.\nArsenio esplika, bandeira nee simbolu rezistensia Fretilin nian hodi hatudu katak rezistensia nee kontinua ezisti ba hahalok la diak governante sira. Tantu, Arsenio hatutan, badeira Fretilin sei kontinua dada iha Dili laran too AMP halo didiak.\nCNE La Iha Kompetensia\nPorta vos Komisaun Nasional Eleisoens (CNE), Pe. Martinho Gusmao haktuir katak CNE la iha báze legal atu hatún bandeira Fretilin nebee dada lemo-lemo iha uma leten, ai tutun ho ai rin leten.\nAmu Martinho esplika, Polisia Nasional Timor Leste (PNTL) ho Falintil-Forsa Defeca Timor Leste (F-FDTL) mak iha direitu atu hatuun bandeira partidu nebee agora hasae arbiru iha ai leten, tanba kabe ona ba seguransa no disiplina polítika.\nAmu Martinho dehan tenik, CNE nia kompetensia ba deit prosesu eleitorál, bainhira kampinha no eleisaun remata, regulamentu no kodiku konduta partidu ida-idak ninian.\nNia mos reforsa tan, oras nee tempu kanpainha partidu hotu ona, maibe partidu Fretilin sei hasae bandeira iha ai leten no ai hun. Nee kabe ona ho kestaun seguransa no disiplina politika.\nBainhira husu kona ba lei husi CNE atu regula partidu polítiku nebee seidauk tenpu kampainha, maibe hasae bandeira partidu iha bairo-bairo, Amu Martinho argumenta katak atu halo lei hodi regula so Parlamentu Nasionál, maibe CNE nia kompetensia bainhira prosesu eleitoral.\n“Kona ba kampainha sira nee ita boot sira tenki hatene dehan katak lei laos CNE mak halo, regulamentu CNE mak halo no aprova, kodeku konduta Parlamentu mak aprova. Maibe kodiku konduta hatudu ona, saida mak halo durante kanpainha ho saida mak la bele halo durante kampainha, nee PN mak halo no PN mak aprova, CNE implementa deit,” Amu Martinho haktuir.\nBa kestaun hatuun bandeira nee, Amu Martinho suzere atu husu dereitamente ba Prezidenti Republika ho Parlamentu Nasional no ho hirak nebee mak uluk aprova lei nee.\nPrezidenti Republika nudar ida nebee tenki harii unidade nasionál, Amu Martinho hatutan, tenki mantein nia kompetensia prezidente iha nia kompetensia. deopis ba polisia nudar siguransa no defeza nee parte sira nian, CNE la iha halo buat ida.\nSegunda (9/6), deputadu Estanislau Aleixo da Silva husi bankada Fretilin informa katak bandeira nebee hasae iha fatin-fatin inisiativa husi ema ida-idak nian, laos Fretilin mak haruka. Basaa, nasaun nee demokrasia, nebee hotu-hotu iha dereitu.\nSee hakarak atu hatene see mak haruka sira hasae bandeira, Estanis¬lau suzere atu diak liu husu deretamente ho ema sira para bele hatene lolos see mak haruak sira hasae ba bandeira partidu nee.\nTuir nia, hasae bandeira la iha lei ida atu bandu, mesmu tempu kampanha hatu, maibe ida nee inisiativa sira nian hakarak hasae.\nCNE Hasai Regulamentu, PNTL Prontu Atua\nIha parte seluk, Sekretariu Estadu Seguransa, Francisco Guterres hatete, kuandu CNE hasai regulamentu ruma, entaun Polisia Nasional Timor Leste (PNTL) prontu atu atua.\nBuat hot-hotu, Guterres esplika, tenki haree ba baze legal konaba prosedimentus atu kampanha nee oinsa no wainhira kampanha hotu ona nee sei halo oinsa. Nunee, CNE tenki hasai regulamentu para wainhira polisia atua nee iha ona baze legal.\nKuandu iha ona baze legal, Guterres reforsa hikas, polisia prontu atua, see lae, ema dehan seguransa sira halo arbiru deit ho nunee kuandu la iha baze legal oinsa mak polisia bele atua.\nGuterres dehan tenik, CNE tenki rezolve uluk ho hasai direktiva ida dehan katak kampanha nee hotu ona, nebee agora laos tempu atu kampaina hodi bandu partidu hasae bandeira iha fatin-fatin. Katak bendeira partidu nee hasae iha sede partidu nian deit, laos ba hasae fali iha aitun ou foho tutun sira.\n“CNE maka tenki hatene regras prosidementu kampaina nee oinsa, para buat sira nee lao tuir ida-idak nia dalan,” Guterres deklara.\nNia konfesa katak too agora seidauk iha lei ida haruka polisia atu ba hasai bendera partidu nian nebee ema dada iha fatin-fatin , ho nunee tenki iha baze legal no kuandu iha ona baze legal entaun polisia kualker tempu prontu ba hasai.\nAgora kuandu baze legal laiha, hatutan Francisco katak maka polisia ba hasai, nee ema dehan katak polisia nee pro-AMP. “Ho nunee ami lakohi atu ema dehan hanesan nee, tanba instituisuan polisia nee laos instituisaun politika. Tantu, CNE tenki tau regras ida nebee klaru.” dd/car/arm\nLu Olo: AMP Inkopententi, Natalino: Retorika Lu Olo Baratu\nDILI-Prezidente Partido Frentilin, Francisco Guterres Lu Olo, konsidera governu nebee lidera husi Primeiru Ministru (PM) Xanana Gusmao inkopenti, tanba nee Lu Olo sente prekupadu tebes ba iha AMP sira nian ukun atu lori nasaun nee ba dalan ida nebee.\n“Ami hare katak governasaun nebee mak agora dadaun PM Xanana Gusmao kaer ho nia ministru nia sira ukun, la hun la dikin ona, tanba nee mak ami husi partidu ASDT ho Fretilin hakarak atu hamutuk para nunee bele salva povu Timor hanesan maubere oan sira mak ami hakarak atu salva, tanba AMP nia politika ukun hare hanesan atu lori povu ba iha rai kuak,” haktuir Lu Olo ba STL iha sede ASDT, Lecidere, Dili, Segunda (9/6), hafoin inkontru ho prezidenti ASDT Francisco Xavier do Amaral.\nLu Olo esplika, Fretilin ho ASDT la kohi atu ema seluk mai manipula nasaun Timor atu halo lakon istoria hodi hetan benefisiu ba sira nia aan no sira nia grupu. Rajaun nee mak kesi Fretilin ho ASDT atu alo ba oin.\nNia hateten, pratikamente ukun AMP nebee la hun la dikin mak hanesan uluk tempu Fretilin ukun ho deit orsamento U$ 87, ital milioes kada tinan ida maibe konsege halo buat ida nebee mak ohin loron AMP aproveita hodi inagura tun sae foho.\nAgora tempu AMP ukun, katak Lu Olo, sira iha kedan orsamento hamutuk $ 300 I tal miloens, maibe sira bele uza deit ba iha vianjen estranjeirus nian no balun uza para aluga fali sira nian inan nia uma e balun uza osan estado halo fali nia privadu. Tantu, rai Timor ho povu Timor nafatin maran hela deit.\nHare ba problema no prekupasaun hirak nee, tuir Lu OLo, PM Xanana Gusmao tuir lolos la iha konpetensia atu assume pasta hanesan Premeiru Ministru, tanba nee mak Fretilin-ASDT sei uza medida atu ejiji nafatin elisaun antessipada para hatun sira hosi sira nia karago para depois bele hili ema seluk nebee mak iha kompetensia para ukun rai Timor Leste.\nFretilin promete atu kria diak liu dezenvolvimento atu nunee povu bele senti katak sira goja duni folin ukun aan, nebee durante 24 povu sakrifika sira nian vida.\nObjetivu inkontru Lu Olo ho Xavier hanesan familia boot nebee hakarak visita malu, tanba hamutuk asina ona akordu plata forma.\n“Ami la iha renion ofisial para hola desizaun ruma maibe ami mai hare avo Xavier, nia kondisaun saude e ami mos tur konversa halimar hanesan amigo ho familia,” Lu Olo esplika.\nIha okaziaun nee, Xavier hatutan, inkontru entre nia ho Lu Olo hanesan meus namora para bele manan feto nia fuan.\nIha parte seluk, deputado Natalino dos Santos husi bankada CNRT, konsidera katak deklarasaun nebee muta sai husi Lu Olo, hanesan hanoin nebee mak normal,k nudar partidu opozisaun iha rai nebee deit.\n“Termu demokrasia ita bele koalia hotu, maibe hare ba iha realidade ita koko hare tok ba iha mandatu konstituisaun Nee hateten katak governu ida tenki ukun too tinan lima se too iha tinan lima mak la halo buat ida ita bele ona julga sira la iha konpetensia,” Natalino dehan.\nNia hatutan, karik sedu liu atu Lu Olo julga governu AMP tamba iha realidade maske AMP foin ukun iha tinan hira nia laran deit, mas dezemolvimento lao, rezolve kazu IDPs, veteranu simu ona osan, la kleur tan ferik katus sira mos simu ona osan mos, tamba nee mak nia parte sente admira se Lo-Olo hateten governo inkonpetensia karik nia parte hare husi aspektu saida maibe tuir Natalino katak objektivo governo mak atu servi ba povu no rai tamba nee mak AMP hatudo ona dadaun iha realidade.\n“Hau senti opinaun sira nee hanesan retorika politika nebee mak baratu, tanba realidade AMP bele ona ajuda Igreja, ONG tamba nee mak ita bele dehan AMP iha konpetensia ba responsabilidade nebee povu tula ba sira nian kabas. Kopmpara ho tempu Fretilin nia ukun, aat liu karik,” Natalino argumenta. w’ly\nHasae Bandeira Partido Tenki Iha Dignidade\nDILI-Relasiona ho bandeira Fretilin nebee orasdadaun espalha iha Capital Dili tomak hodi hasae iha fat-fatin, nee signifika katak halako valor bandeira partido nia deknidade.\nTuir nia, see lolos bandeira partido ba lider partido ida-idak tenki respeita, tanba bandeira nee laos deit hena tahan ida mas nia iha simbolu nebee ho valor boot tebes, neduni tenki hasae deit iha Sede partido nian.\nBazeia ba hasae bandeira iha fat-fatin , katak Mario nee hanesan buat ida atu provoka malu entre grupo partido seluk , nunee sei la hamosu establidade maibe sei hamosu tan problema.\nIha okazaun nee , nia mos la konkorda ba PNTL sira nebee halo atuasaun hodi baku fali maluk balu nebee hasae bandeira , nee la diak, tanba hahalok ida hanesan nee klaru ke hatun deknidade , maibe see lolos tenki ba koalia ho lider partido nebee kompetenti. Lia hirak nee hatoo husi Deputado Mario Vieges Carascalao Bankada PSD ba STL iha Parlamentu Nasional, Segunda (9/6).\nTanba nee, nia suzere mos ba lider partido nian, liu –liu hanesan maluk lider partido Fretilin nian tenki buka meus oinsa apelu ba militantes sira se e bele hatun tiha bandeira nebee hirak hasae iha fatin arbiru deit, tanba bandeira nee iha deknidade no valor.\nIha fatin hanesan husi mos Deputada Virzinia Amaral Partido CNRT hatete deit katak atributs politiku tenki tau iha fatin, wainhra kampane hotu, tanba hahalok ida hanesan nee hodi hasae bandeira iha fati- fatin nee bele dehan provokasaun boot iha povu rai nee,” nia dehan.\nNemak hanesan Bandeira partido, nee tenki tau iha fatin hanesan Sede Partido, maibe ida nee la temi ba partido Fretilin mas jeral ba partido hot-hotu karik iha hahalok hanesan nee tenki lalais toma medidas, tanba ida hanesan nee laos atu rezolve problema maibe atu hamosu polimika.\nHo ida nee, nia suzere mos ba CNE nebee iha kompetensia see bele hare took ba bandeira sira nebee oras dadaun esplaha ida Dili laran hodi buka meus oinsa halo karta ida fo ba partidos politiku hotu para hatun bandeira sira nee , tanba hahalok ida nee hanesan provokasaun.\nNia propoin, agora nee laos tempu kampane nebee atu hasai bandeira iha fati-fatin, maibe agora tempu oinsa atu hare povu nee nia moris I tempu kampane liu tiha ona io hatene katak buat hotu iha tempu, nebee tempu agora oinsa atu hadia ba povu sira nia moris. “ hau hakarak apelou deit ba lider partido hot-hotu katak, atu hal9o buat ida tenki bazeia ba lei nebee ejisti tiha ona iha rai nee katak, wainbhira remata tempu kampane atributo partidos politiku tenki rai iha fatin , see hanesan bandeira partido so merese deit hasae iha Sede , see naran hasae nee kaleru ke kontra lei”, nia apelu.\nNunee, husi mos Deputado Estanislao Aleixo husi bankada Fretilin informa liu mos katak, see deit mak hakarak atu hasae bandeira iha fati –fatin, nee inisiati va sira nian laos Freti;lin mak haruka sira hasae I ida mos presiza hatene katak nasaun nee demokrasia nebee hot-hotu I ha dereitu hodi iha kompetensia atu halo.\nSee hakarak atu hatene see mak haruka sira hasae bandeira nee, katak Estanislao diak liu sira nebee hakarak protesta ba ida nee ba husu deretamente ho sira par abele hatene lolos see amak haruak sira hasae ba bandeira nee.\nTuir nia, hasae bandeira la iha lei ida atu bandu la bele hasae bandeira I see mak dehan iha lei ba ida nee , diak liu hatete ba sira ba estuda didiak lai ba lei nee.\nNia tenik, mesmu tempu kampane hatu, maibe ida nee inisiativa sira nian hakarak hasae, nee atu halo nunsa, atu baku ! I meus barak Fretilin halo hodi apelu bei-beik ona hodi la bele iha violensia , neduni orasdadaun komesa iha ona paz, nee laos deit esforsu AMP nian, maibe hot-hotu nian nemak ohin loron la iha tan ona tuda kareta hanesan uluk. mds\nJose Luis: Hau La Gosta Komenta Deklarasaun Lu Olo, Fretilin Halo Marsa ba Paz\nDILI-Vice Primeiru Ministru Jose Luis Guterres, kunsidera katak derklarasaun prezidenti Fretilin Francisco Guterres Lu Olo nian, nebee julga governu AMP inkompententi, normal iha sistema demokrasia.\n“Deklarasaun Lu Olo nian nee normal iha sistema demokrasia, nebee povu tomak luta durante tinan 24 hodi hetan liberdade, tamba nee mak hau hanesan membru governu, hau la gosta komenta deklarasun nebee mak hasai husi Lu Olo,” Jose Luis Guterres hateten lia hirak nee ba jornalista sira Palacio do Governo, Dili, Tersa (10/6).\nJose Luis hatete, luta ba libertasaun nebee buka durante tinan 24, deve ba ema barak nia leten, nebee hakarak atu iha liberdade ho demokrasia. Nunee sidadun hotu-hotu iha direitu atu espresa nia hanoin nebee mak sira hakarak atu esperesa.\nIha parte seluk, deputadu Inacio Moreira ba STL iha Parlamentu Nasional hateten, Fretlin hahu ona halo rezustamento ho reinskrisaun ba iha partido nian iha 13 distrito nian laran tomak atu nunee bele hadia diak liu tan sira nia estatutu partidu hodi hein ba compete iha elisaun nebee mak sei mai\nNia hateten tan katak parte rezustamento nee hanesan parte politika ida nebee mak Fretlin halo hodi prepara mos halo marsa da paz nebee sei hetan autorizasaun husi lider politiku Fretlin.\n“Asaun marsa ba paz nebee mak ami nia partidu sei halo, ami so hateten deit katak positivamente ami sei halao iha parte Same, Holarua nian iha tempo badak nian laran,” Inacio hateten\nDeputadu Cornelio Gamma alias L-7 informa katak informasaun nebee nia hetan husi nia intelezensia pesoál katak foin lalais nee deputadu Inacio Moreira halo inkontru ho xefi suku sira iha Sub Distritu Quelicai, Distritu Baucau hodi fo esklaresimentu kona ba planui marsa ba paz nee hodi atinzi lalais eleisaun antisipada.\nL-7 kondena makaas aktu nebee Inacio halo, tanba nia hanesan veteranus lakohi hare tan povu atu terus tan hanesan sai IDPs. Nia konsidera katak meus Fretilin nian nee nudar espansu ida hodi provoka situasaun w’ly\nLori Kareta Luxu Halo Trosa Povu, La Sama Prontu ba Inferno\nDILI – Deputadu bankada Fretilin Antoninho Bianco lamenta tebes ba meja Parlamentu Nasional nebee iha tempu badak sei sosa kareta luxu Prado ba deputadu ida-idak.\n“Ita sosa kareta luxu hodi halao aktividades fiskaliza iha baze, nee ita atu halo povu nee trosa tan. Ohin loron povu susar ba aihan no sasan baziku folin sae, ita hatudu ita nia kareta luxu ba povu. Nee ita nia moral politika la iha ona,”dehan Bianco liu husi sesaun plenaria PN, Tersa (10/6).\nOras nee dadaun, bankada Fretilin hetan kritika makaas husi povu no eleitor sira, katak moe la iha hakarak goza povu nia osan, maibe la hare povu nia terus. Alende nee mos halo Parlamentu Nasional nudar orgaun soberanu lakon ninia dignidade ba nia povu rasik, tanba goza diak iha povu nia terus leten.\nBinaco hatete, deputadu iha PN koalia konaba povu nia moris, maibe realidade agora ba oin, deputadu sira maka goza uluk, maibe la hare povu hein hela bainhira maka sasan baziku nia folin tun.\n“Ami lakon ona solidariedade no sensibilidade ba povu iha situasaun nebee susar tebes. Ami taka matan no tilun iha uma fukun nee deskuti ba kareta luxu atu sae,”nia hatete.\nBankada Fretilin nia hanoin , kareta 36 nebee uluk sosa tuir lolos sufsiente ona atu fahe ba komisaun espesializadas permanentes, nunee PN atu halo fiskalizasaun mos lao nafatin. Laiha razaun fundamentu atu halo fiskaliza, deputadu tenki hetan kareta luxu ida-idak.\nAlende nee mos sosa kareta luxu nee la tuir tender. Bankada Fretilin konsedera la iha baze legal sosa kareta luxu, nunee mos laiha transparansia.\nIha meza PN Prezidenti PN Fernando La Sama de Araujo iha nia intervensaun hatete, sosa kareta nee laos iha intensaun buat ruma, maibe hodi fasilita deputadu sira wainhira atu ba halo fiskalizasaun iha baze, konaba programa governu nian.\nLa Sama mos informa katak prosesu sosa kareta nee la tuir tender. Tanba tender nee la tuir sasan folin nebee maka lolos. Tender nee halo gastu osan deit.\n“Hau senti la iha dalan no la iha problema atu sosa kareta. Husik ba hau mak responsavel ba sosa kareta. Dalan nee maka ba inferno husik ba hau maka ba mesak. Hau lakoi lori ema ruma. Hau fiar katak sosa kareta nee sei fasilita diak liutan deputadu sira atu halao sira nia knar,” dehan La Sama.\nIha parte seluk Natalino do Santos Nacimento husi bankada CNRT hatete, iha razaun deputadu sira atu hetan kareta. See deputadu sira nebe maka kontra husik ba la lika simu kareta. Ba deputadu sira nebe hakarak simu ba hodi hare ba povu nia moris iha baze.\n“Membru governu hetan kareta luxu, nusa maka ami la bele. ami nee maka kontrola governu. ami iha direitu hetan kareta husi estadu,”nia komenta\nIha parte seluk Ana Pessoa husi Bankada Fretilin lamenta tebes ba programa PN atu sosa kareta luxu ba deputadu ida-idak, tanba wainhira deputadu ida remata tiha nia knar politika idepois kareta nee sai privadu. Nee sistema nebee la diak no hahalok nee bele hamosu korupsaun.\n“Ita komesa gastu osan ba ita nia privadu deit ona, maibe povu iha baze susar tebes ba sira nia moris,”nia komenta.\nDeputadu Jacob Xavier bankada PPT aseita ho sosa kareta luxu ba deputadu idak-idak, tanba deptadu sira maka halo lei iha direitu atu sae kareta luxu hodi kontrola programa governu nian iha baze.\nDeputadu Arsenio paixão Bano, bankada Fretilin kunsidera katak deputadu AMP hakarak sae kareta luxu hanesan membru governu, bele dehan halakon degnidade nudar reprezentante povu.\n“Hau hakarak hatete deit katak asuntu ida nee sai perkupasaun ema barak nian, liu-liu media, tanba sira senti ho hahalok ida hanesan nee katak boot sira importante liu ba sira nia aan no la hare ba povu nia terus,” Arsenio dehan.\nNia mos lembra fali uluk, nebee komesa parlamentu nee aprova ba klaru ke maluk deputado AMP buat barak mak koalia, liu-liu mak kona ba degnidade nomos koalia kona ba oinsa atu hadia povu nia moris, mas agora saa mak mosu, povu nia terus tau ba kotuk entrese liu ba hadia aan tau ba oin hodi goza kareta Luxu iha povu nia leet. bre/mds\nAMP Halo Proposta Altera Lei Vitalisia ho Eis Titulares\nDILI– Membru Parlamentu Nasional bloku Aliansa Maioria no opozisaun komesa rekolha proponente hodi altera lei pensaun vitalisia no lei eis titulares.\nAderito Hugo da Costa, proponente ida hatete katak, bloku AMP antes kampanha kestiona makaas hanesan mos publiku konaba lei pensaun vitalisia no eis titulares nebee promulga iha governu Fretilin no aprova iha Lezislatura Parlamentu Nasional.\n“Lei rua nee kontraversial, tanba fo regalia nebee la refleta kondisaun nasaun no povu. Neduni, AMP depois forma aliansa maioria, halo kedan diskusaun oinsa mak halo alterasaun ba Lei rua nee,” dehan deputadu Hugo ba jornalista sira iha uma fukun PN, Tersa (10/6).\nBloku AMP iha komitmentu atu halo proposta alterasaun nee iha Marsu liu ba, maibe tanba atentadu 11 Fevereiru, draf proposta alterasaun nee foin mak halo. Neduni, hein atu proponente hotu-hotu bele asina tiha para haruka ba meza hodi halo alterasaun.\nTuir nia, jeralmente lei rua nee la refleta situasaun real nebee nasaun nee infrenta, hanesan presu ai-han sae makaas. Regalias nebee halo ba eis titulares nebee mai husi Fretilin, hahu husi eis Primeiru Ministru too iha Sekretariu Estadu, nebee la kaer ona kargu depois eleisaun sira hetan nafatin sira nia salariu 100% hanesan uluk. Hanesan mos ho lei vitalisia, eis deputadu sira hein toba deit iha uma, fulan simu vensimentu 100% hanesan deputadu sira nebee servisu.\nArtigu sira nee sai kontraversial iha publiku. Neduni, atu responde ida nee, AMP hamutuk ho partidu opozisaun balu hanesan Partidu Unidade Nasional (PUN) nebee mos sai proponente ba alterasaun lei rua nee.\nTitulares sira goza osan estadu nian ‘demais’ liu, nia fo ezemplu eis Primeiru Ministru, eis Prezidenti Parlamentu no eis Ministru sira iha direitu hetan kareta, edifisiu ofisial no uma ida ba pessoal.\n“Nia eis tiha ona. Eis nee hanesan povu bai-bain, neduni nia bele uza uma nebee nia hetan hodi halo eskritoriu, la presiza tanba fatin bar-barak,” katak deputadu Hugo.\nNia hatutan, “Deputadu hot-hotu sensitive ho kondisaun real nebee ita iha aumenta tan situasaun krizi nebee ai-han folin buat sira nee hotu. Hau hanoin maioria bankada sei apoia altersaun lei nee.”\nAntes nee, vice Prezidenti Parlamentu Nasional Maria Paixão hatete, pensaun vitalisia ba eis membru PN nee merese duni, tanba sira mak halo konstituisaun no sira mak primeiru deputadu nebee halo lei barak iha PN primeiru lezislativa.\nTuir Paixao, iha buat balu nebee tenki kurizi, hanesan asistensia medika, vensimentu kuandu membru PN nain sae sira nain mos sae no buat barak nebee presija haree fila fali. Haree mos ba deputadu nebee efetivu mak bele hetan regalias ida nee no deputadu nebee la efetivu la bele hetan regalias maximu.\nAtu halo revizaun ba lei pensaun vitalisia laos komisaun A mak halo, mas tuir prosedimentu normal, deputadu nain sanolu (10) mak bele hadia fali lei nee hodi submete ba meza para meza hatuun ba komisaun.\nTuir deputada Maria, pensaun vitalisia nee la fo impaktu tanba deputadu sira sei la ba paga tiha pensaun nee hotu. Tanba nee direitu ema nian atu hetan pensaun. Tuir nasaun barak nian nebee membru PN sira halo peskiza hatudu katak pensaun nee iha, maibe sira bele simu deit metade husi vensimentu. Neduni, bainhira deputadu sira kuandu simu US $ 450,00, eis deputadu sira bele simu deit metade, la bele hetan kompletu. dd\nASDT Ijiji Black List Kompanha Malandru, Oscar Lima “Tensaun Sae”\nDILI-Deputado Parlamentu Nasional husi bankada ASDT Jose Manuel Carascalao hateten, kompainha nebee la iha responsabilidade ba iha sira nia projektu hodi hamate serkulasaun povu nian iha terenu, diak liu parte governu fo Black List tamba sira la fo koalidade diak.\n“Imposivel, tinan-tinan governu aloka orsamento ba iha estrada nebee hanesan tamba iha fatin seluk mos ema sei presiza governu nia tulun. Tantu, kompainha nebee la iha komitmentu atu hadia kondisaun estrada nebeeb diak, parte governu fo Black List, atu nunee la bele hetan projektu iha Timor laran,” Jose Manuel Carascalao, hateten lia hirak nee ba jornalista sira iha PN, Tersa (10/6).\nNia hatete, kondisaun estrada iha parte Manatutu ba iha Laklubar, nebee mak komapinha Gunung Kijang, manan tender hodi halo estrada refere la fo koalidade diak ba povu, maibe iha nia orsamento boot.\nCarrascalao admira tanbasa mak akontese hanesan nee ba iha parte estrada nebe mak nia kestiona ou tamba parte governu liu husi obras publiku mak halo fiskalizsaun makas hodi nunee mak kompainha sira nee halo sasan tuir sira nia hakarak hodi haluha tiha iha katak hahalok sira nee povu iha zona refere mak sai prejudikadu ba sira nia aktu servisu nebee la iha kualidade.\nNia espelika tan, maske estrada refere hetan ona rehabilitasaun, maibe kondisaun la fo satisfas ba povu atu goza.\nIha parte seluk xefi kompainha Gunung Kijang Oscar Lima ba STL iha nia serviso fatin, Komoro hateten, nia parte sente tensaun tebes ba estetmentu deputado Jose M. Carascalao nian nee.\nOscar dehan, tuir lolos deputadu sira husu ba iha Obras Publiku mak bele justifika kompainha nia eru nebee mak nia halo iha fatin serviso nia hanesan ejiji koalidade no responsabilidade.\n“Ba Estrada hirak nee ami sei iha masa pemiliharaaan nebee mak ho nia objektivu atu ba hadia fila fali iha tinan ida nia laran ho grantia 10%, se halo ona fiskalizasaun katak kondisaun estrada nee la diak, tamba nee hau respeitu tebes opinaun nebee mak hasai husi deputado sira nebee mak tur iha parlamentu lori povu nia aspirasaun, maibe hau so la konkorda mak hanesan hasai liafuan black List,” Oscar Lima deklara.\nNia mos hateten tan katak nia so hatene deit serviso nebee mak sira halo iha parte Manatutu ho Laklubar, ho distansia estrada kilómetru 8-10, maibe iha parte seluk laos nia responsabilidade tamba nee mak nia argumenta katak kazu refere laos tamba serviso mak la ho la iha responsabilidade, maibe tanba problema natureza hanesan udan nebee mak tau makas tebes iha tinan ida nee nia laran tamba nee mak tuir lolos la divia temi Black List, tamba nee hanesan defamasaun ida ba iha parte kompainha nia kreabilidade\nNia hateten tan katak atu julga kompainha ida ho liafuan Black List normalmente tenki liu husi faze ida hanesan parte Obras Publiko, tenki tun ba hare diretamente mak bele julga kompainha ho lia fuan Black List.\n“Hau hanesan ema Timor oan hau defende hau nian konsensia katak hau sei la halo buat ida nebee mak kontra hau nian konsensia, tamba hau serviuo para manan osan maibe hau sempre defende konsensia ida katak rai Timor nee hau nian no hau sei halo diak ba iha hau nia rain,” nia aumenta tan\nTekniko Kompainha Gunung Kijang, Frederico, hateten, prosesu atinji projektu nebee kestoina husi deputado Jose Manuel Carascalao, parte Gunung Kijang halo ramata ho 100%, tuir estandar nebee mak governu hasai.\n“Materiais nebee mak ami uza ba iha laboratorium nasional para tes e ami lampirkan hotu envois plemen, maibe ami mos konsidera katak iha failanso nebee mak akontese duni, maibe ba failanso sira nee ita tenki hare tuir hanesan rai orijin nee diak atu simu todan nebee mak liu husi nia kapasidade, e Segundo mak hanesan tuir lolos tenki fo penbebanan Estrada hare husi merek kareta saida mak bele liu iha Estrada ferefe nia leten,” hateten Frederiko\nNia hateten tan, se rai orijin mak la diak nee responsabilidade Obras Publiku ho Konsultan, laos kompainha tamba sira mak fo disaing estruktura ba iha kompainha.\nNia suzere ba parte Obras Publiku ho Konsultan katak se rai orijin mak la diak, nia solusaun la bele fo disaing nebee mak hanesan hotu ba iha konstrusaun estrada tomak nebee mak iha Timor laran maibe tenki fo disaing tuir nia iklima ba iha Estrada nebee mak atu hadia\nNia mos hateten, lolos governu ezekuta orsamentu tuir nia tempu, hanesan tempu rai maran ho tempu udan para bele fasilita servisu kompainha nian, tanba efeitu husi tempo nee mak dala barak liu rejulta estrada nakfera iha fatin balun. w’ly | [
"Manufahi - Timor Leste: Suara Timor Lorosae, Timor-Leste: Edition: 11 June 2008 Suara Timor Lorosae, Timor-Leste: Edition: 11 June 2008 Edition: 11 June 2008 Fretilin Haruka Hasae Bandeira Hafutar Dili, CNE Hasai Regulamentu, PNTL Prontu Hatun DILI - Bandeira partidu Fretilin nebee mak hasae hafutar iha Dili laran organiza rasik husi partidu Fretilin ho hanoin atu protesta sasan nebee halo la tuir nia dalan.",
"\"Bandeira Fretilin sei sae aumenta tan.",
"Husu dadauk bandeira barak tan para Dili nee bele nakonu, tanba folin fos sae.",
"Governu nia hahalok mos barak mak la diak,\" dehan Vice Prezidenti Partidu Fretilin Arsenio Paixao Bano ba jornalista sira iha uma fukun PN, Tersa (10/6).",
"Nia dehan, la iha lei ida mak bandu atu la bele hasae bandeira.",
"Fretilin hakarak defende rai ida nee.",
"Fretilin nia bandeira signifika rezistensia iha kualker momentu.",
"Iha tempu ukun rasik aan, maibe dezenvolvimentu la lao no desizaun barak la loos, entaun Fretilin tenki reafrima nia apoiu.",
"Arsenio esplika, bandeira nee simbolu rezistensia Fretilin nian hodi hatudu katak rezistensia nee kontinua ezisti ba hahalok la diak governante sira.",
"Tantu, Arsenio hatutan, badeira Fretilin sei kontinua dada iha Dili laran too AMP halo didiak.",
"CNE La Iha Kompetensia Porta vos Komisaun Nasional Eleisoens (CNE), Pe.",
"Martinho Gusmao haktuir katak CNE la iha baze legal atu hatun bandeira Fretilin nebee dada lemo-lemo iha uma leten, ai tutun ho ai rin leten.",
"Amu Martinho esplika, Polisia Nasional Timor Leste (PNTL) ho Falintil-Forsa Defeca Timor Leste (F-FDTL) mak iha direitu atu hatuun bandeira partidu nebee agora hasae arbiru iha ai leten, tanba kabe ona ba seguransa no disiplina politika.",
"Amu Martinho dehan tenik, CNE nia kompetensia ba deit prosesu eleitoral, bainhira kampinha no eleisaun remata, regulamentu no kodiku konduta partidu ida-idak ninian.",
"Nia mos reforsa tan, oras nee tempu kanpainha partidu hotu ona, maibe partidu Fretilin sei hasae bandeira iha ai leten no ai hun.",
"Nee kabe ona ho kestaun seguransa no disiplina politika.",
"Bainhira husu kona ba lei husi CNE atu regula partidu politiku nebee seidauk tenpu kampainha, maibe hasae bandeira partidu iha bairo-bairo, Amu Martinho argumenta katak atu halo lei hodi regula so Parlamentu Nasional, maibe CNE nia kompetensia bainhira prosesu eleitoral.",
"\"Kona ba kampainha sira nee ita boot sira tenki hatene dehan katak lei laos CNE mak halo, regulamentu CNE mak halo no aprova, kodeku konduta Parlamentu mak aprova.",
"Maibe kodiku konduta hatudu ona, saida mak halo durante kanpainha ho saida mak la bele halo durante kampainha, nee PN mak halo no PN mak aprova, CNE implementa deit,\" Amu Martinho haktuir.",
"Ba kestaun hatuun bandeira nee, Amu Martinho suzere atu husu dereitamente ba Prezidenti Republika ho Parlamentu Nasional no ho hirak nebee mak uluk aprova lei nee.",
"Prezidenti Republika nudar ida nebee tenki harii unidade nasional, Amu Martinho hatutan, tenki mantein nia kompetensia prezidente iha nia kompetensia. deopis ba polisia nudar siguransa no defeza nee parte sira nian, CNE la iha halo buat ida.",
"Segunda (9/6), deputadu Estanislau Aleixo da Silva husi bankada Fretilin informa katak bandeira nebee hasae iha fatin-fatin inisiativa husi ema ida-idak nian, laos Fretilin mak haruka.",
"Basaa, nasaun nee demokrasia, nebee hotu-hotu iha dereitu.",
"See hakarak atu hatene see mak haruka sira hasae bandeira, Estanis!lau suzere atu diak liu husu deretamente ho ema sira para bele hatene lolos see mak haruak sira hasae ba bandeira partidu nee.",
"Tuir nia, hasae bandeira la iha lei ida atu bandu, mesmu tempu kampanha hatu, maibe ida nee inisiativa sira nian hakarak hasae.",
"CNE Hasai Regulamentu, PNTL Prontu Atua Iha parte seluk, Sekretariu Estadu Seguransa, Francisco Guterres hatete, kuandu CNE hasai regulamentu ruma, entaun Polisia Nasional Timor Leste (PNTL) prontu atu atua.",
"Buat hot-hotu, Guterres esplika, tenki haree ba baze legal konaba prosedimentus atu kampanha nee oinsa no wainhira kampanha hotu ona nee sei halo oinsa.",
"Nunee, CNE tenki hasai regulamentu para wainhira polisia atua nee iha ona baze legal.",
"Kuandu iha ona baze legal, Guterres reforsa hikas, polisia prontu atua, see lae, ema dehan seguransa sira halo arbiru deit ho nunee kuandu la iha baze legal oinsa mak polisia bele atua.",
"Guterres dehan tenik, CNE tenki rezolve uluk ho hasai direktiva ida dehan katak kampanha nee hotu ona, nebee agora laos tempu atu kampaina hodi bandu partidu hasae bandeira iha fatin-fatin.",
"Katak bendeira partidu nee hasae iha sede partidu nian deit, laos ba hasae fali iha aitun ou foho tutun sira.",
"\"CNE maka tenki hatene regras prosidementu kampaina nee oinsa, para buat sira nee lao tuir ida-idak nia dalan,\" Guterres deklara.",
"Nia konfesa katak too agora seidauk iha lei ida haruka polisia atu ba hasai bendera partidu nian nebee ema dada iha fatin-fatin , ho nunee tenki iha baze legal no kuandu iha ona baze legal entaun polisia kualker tempu prontu ba hasai.",
"Agora kuandu baze legal laiha, hatutan Francisco katak maka polisia ba hasai, nee ema dehan katak polisia nee pro-AMP.",
"\"Ho nunee ami lakohi atu ema dehan hanesan nee, tanba instituisuan polisia nee laos instituisaun politika.",
"Tantu, CNE tenki tau regras ida nebee klaru.\" dd/car/arm Lu Olo: AMP Inkopententi, Natalino: Retorika Lu Olo Baratu DILI-Prezidente Partido Frentilin, Francisco Guterres Lu Olo, konsidera governu nebee lidera husi Primeiru Ministru (PM) Xanana Gusmao inkopenti, tanba nee Lu Olo sente prekupadu tebes ba iha AMP sira nian ukun atu lori nasaun nee ba dalan ida nebee.",
"\"Ami hare katak governasaun nebee mak agora dadaun PM Xanana Gusmao kaer ho nia ministru nia sira ukun, la hun la dikin ona, tanba nee mak ami husi partidu ASDT ho Fretilin hakarak atu hamutuk para nunee bele salva povu Timor hanesan maubere oan sira mak ami hakarak atu salva, tanba AMP nia politika ukun hare hanesan atu lori povu ba iha rai kuak,\" haktuir Lu Olo ba STL iha sede ASDT, Lecidere, Dili, Segunda (9/6), hafoin inkontru ho prezidenti ASDT Francisco Xavier do Amaral.",
"Lu Olo esplika, Fretilin ho ASDT la kohi atu ema seluk mai manipula nasaun Timor atu halo lakon istoria hodi hetan benefisiu ba sira nia aan no sira nia grupu.",
"Rajaun nee mak kesi Fretilin ho ASDT atu alo ba oin.",
"Nia hateten, pratikamente ukun AMP nebee la hun la dikin mak hanesan uluk tempu Fretilin ukun ho deit orsamento U$ 87, ital milioes kada tinan ida maibe konsege halo buat ida nebee mak ohin loron AMP aproveita hodi inagura tun sae foho.",
"Agora tempu AMP ukun, katak Lu Olo, sira iha kedan orsamento hamutuk $ 300 I tal miloens, maibe sira bele uza deit ba iha vianjen estranjeirus nian no balun uza para aluga fali sira nian inan nia uma e balun uza osan estado halo fali nia privadu.",
"Tantu, rai Timor ho povu Timor nafatin maran hela deit.",
"Hare ba problema no prekupasaun hirak nee, tuir Lu OLo, PM Xanana Gusmao tuir lolos la iha konpetensia atu assume pasta hanesan Premeiru Ministru, tanba nee mak Fretilin-ASDT sei uza medida atu ejiji nafatin elisaun antessipada para hatun sira hosi sira nia karago para depois bele hili ema seluk nebee mak iha kompetensia para ukun rai Timor Leste.",
"Fretilin promete atu kria diak liu dezenvolvimento atu nunee povu bele senti katak sira goja duni folin ukun aan, nebee durante 24 povu sakrifika sira nian vida.",
"Objetivu inkontru Lu Olo ho Xavier hanesan familia boot nebee hakarak visita malu, tanba hamutuk asina ona akordu plata forma.",
"\"Ami la iha renion ofisial para hola desizaun ruma maibe ami mai hare avo Xavier, nia kondisaun saude e ami mos tur konversa halimar hanesan amigo ho familia,\" Lu Olo esplika.",
"Iha okaziaun nee, Xavier hatutan, inkontru entre nia ho Lu Olo hanesan meus namora para bele manan feto nia fuan.",
"Iha parte seluk, deputado Natalino dos Santos husi bankada CNRT, konsidera katak deklarasaun nebee muta sai husi Lu Olo, hanesan hanoin nebee mak normal,k nudar partidu opozisaun iha rai nebee deit.",
"\"Termu demokrasia ita bele koalia hotu, maibe hare ba iha realidade ita koko hare tok ba iha mandatu konstituisaun Nee hateten katak governu ida tenki ukun too tinan lima se too iha tinan lima mak la halo buat ida ita bele ona julga sira la iha konpetensia,\" Natalino dehan.",
"Nia hatutan, karik sedu liu atu Lu Olo julga governu AMP tamba iha realidade maske AMP foin ukun iha tinan hira nia laran deit, mas dezemolvimento lao, rezolve kazu IDPs, veteranu simu ona osan, la kleur tan ferik katus sira mos simu ona osan mos, tamba nee mak nia parte sente admira se Lo-Olo hateten governo inkonpetensia karik nia parte hare husi aspektu saida maibe tuir Natalino katak objektivo governo mak atu servi ba povu no rai tamba nee mak AMP hatudo ona dadaun iha realidade.",
"\"Hau senti opinaun sira nee hanesan retorika politika nebee mak baratu, tanba realidade AMP bele ona ajuda Igreja, ONG tamba nee mak ita bele dehan AMP iha konpetensia ba responsabilidade nebee povu tula ba sira nian kabas.",
"Kopmpara ho tempu Fretilin nia ukun, aat liu karik,\" Natalino argumenta. w'ly Hasae Bandeira Partido Tenki Iha Dignidade DILI-Relasiona ho bandeira Fretilin nebee orasdadaun espalha iha Capital Dili tomak hodi hasae iha fat-fatin, nee signifika katak halako valor bandeira partido nia deknidade.",
"Tuir nia, see lolos bandeira partido ba lider partido ida-idak tenki respeita, tanba bandeira nee laos deit hena tahan ida mas nia iha simbolu nebee ho valor boot tebes, neduni tenki hasae deit iha Sede partido nian.",
"Bazeia ba hasae bandeira iha fat-fatin , katak Mario nee hanesan buat ida atu provoka malu entre grupo partido seluk , nunee sei la hamosu establidade maibe sei hamosu tan problema.",
"Iha okazaun nee , nia mos la konkorda ba PNTL sira nebee halo atuasaun hodi baku fali maluk balu nebee hasae bandeira , nee la diak, tanba hahalok ida hanesan nee klaru ke hatun deknidade , maibe see lolos tenki ba koalia ho lider partido nebee kompetenti.",
"Lia hirak nee hatoo husi Deputado Mario Vieges Carascalao Bankada PSD ba STL iha Parlamentu Nasional, Segunda (9/6).",
"Tanba nee, nia suzere mos ba lider partido nian, liu -liu hanesan maluk lider partido Fretilin nian tenki buka meus oinsa apelu ba militantes sira se e bele hatun tiha bandeira nebee hirak hasae iha fatin arbiru deit, tanba bandeira nee iha deknidade no valor.",
"Iha fatin hanesan husi mos Deputada Virzinia Amaral Partido CNRT hatete deit katak atributs politiku tenki tau iha fatin, wainhra kampane hotu, tanba hahalok ida hanesan nee hodi hasae bandeira iha fati- fatin nee bele dehan provokasaun boot iha povu rai nee,\" nia dehan.",
"Nemak hanesan Bandeira partido, nee tenki tau iha fatin hanesan Sede Partido, maibe ida nee la temi ba partido Fretilin mas jeral ba partido hot-hotu karik iha hahalok hanesan nee tenki lalais toma medidas, tanba ida hanesan nee laos atu rezolve problema maibe atu hamosu polimika.",
"Ho ida nee, nia suzere mos ba CNE nebee iha kompetensia see bele hare took ba bandeira sira nebee oras dadaun esplaha ida Dili laran hodi buka meus oinsa halo karta ida fo ba partidos politiku hotu para hatun bandeira sira nee , tanba hahalok ida nee hanesan provokasaun.",
"Nia propoin, agora nee laos tempu kampane nebee atu hasai bandeira iha fati-fatin, maibe agora tempu oinsa atu hare povu nee nia moris I tempu kampane liu tiha ona io hatene katak buat hotu iha tempu, nebee tempu agora oinsa atu hadia ba povu sira nia moris. \" hau hakarak apelou deit ba lider partido hot-hotu katak, atu hal9o buat ida tenki bazeia ba lei nebee ejisti tiha ona iha rai nee katak, wainbhira remata tempu kampane atributo partidos politiku tenki rai iha fatin , see hanesan bandeira partido so merese deit hasae iha Sede , see naran hasae nee kaleru ke kontra lei,\" nia apelu.",
"Nunee, husi mos Deputado Estanislao Aleixo husi bankada Fretilin informa liu mos katak, see deit mak hakarak atu hasae bandeira iha fati -fatin, nee inisiati va sira nian laos Freti;lin mak haruka sira hasae I ida mos presiza hatene katak nasaun nee demokrasia nebee hot-hotu I ha dereitu hodi iha kompetensia atu halo.",
"See hakarak atu hatene see mak haruka sira hasae bandeira nee, katak Estanislao diak liu sira nebee hakarak protesta ba ida nee ba husu deretamente ho sira par abele hatene lolos see amak haruak sira hasae ba bandeira nee.",
"Tuir nia, hasae bandeira la iha lei ida atu bandu la bele hasae bandeira I see mak dehan iha lei ba ida nee , diak liu hatete ba sira ba estuda didiak lai ba lei nee.",
"Nia tenik, mesmu tempu kampane hatu, maibe ida nee inisiativa sira nian hakarak hasae, nee atu halo nunsa, atu baku !",
"I meus barak Fretilin halo hodi apelu bei-beik ona hodi la bele iha violensia , neduni orasdadaun komesa iha ona paz, nee laos deit esforsu AMP nian, maibe hot-hotu nian nemak ohin loron la iha tan ona tuda kareta hanesan uluk. mds Jose Luis: Hau La Gosta Komenta Deklarasaun Lu Olo, Fretilin Halo Marsa ba Paz DILI-Vice Primeiru Ministru Jose Luis Guterres, kunsidera katak derklarasaun prezidenti Fretilin Francisco Guterres Lu Olo nian, nebee julga governu AMP inkompententi, normal iha sistema demokrasia.",
"\"Deklarasaun Lu Olo nian nee normal iha sistema demokrasia, nebee povu tomak luta durante tinan 24 hodi hetan liberdade, tamba nee mak hau hanesan membru governu, hau la gosta komenta deklarasun nebee mak hasai husi Lu Olo,\" Jose Luis Guterres hateten lia hirak nee ba jornalista sira Palacio do Governo, Dili, Tersa (10/6).",
"Jose Luis hatete, luta ba libertasaun nebee buka durante tinan 24, deve ba ema barak nia leten, nebee hakarak atu iha liberdade ho demokrasia.",
"Nunee sidadun hotu-hotu iha direitu atu espresa nia hanoin nebee mak sira hakarak atu esperesa.",
"Iha parte seluk, deputadu Inacio Moreira ba STL iha Parlamentu Nasional hateten, Fretlin hahu ona halo rezustamento ho reinskrisaun ba iha partido nian iha 13 distrito nian laran tomak atu nunee bele hadia diak liu tan sira nia estatutu partidu hodi hein ba compete iha elisaun nebee mak sei mai Nia hateten tan katak parte rezustamento nee hanesan parte politika ida nebee mak Fretlin halo hodi prepara mos halo marsa da paz nebee sei hetan autorizasaun husi lider politiku Fretlin.",
"\"Asaun marsa ba paz nebee mak ami nia partidu sei halo, ami so hateten deit katak positivamente ami sei halao iha parte Same, Holarua nian iha tempo badak nian laran,\" Inacio hateten Deputadu Cornelio Gamma alias L-7 informa katak informasaun nebee nia hetan husi nia intelezensia pesoal katak foin lalais nee deputadu Inacio Moreira halo inkontru ho xefi suku sira iha Sub Distritu Quelicai, Distritu Baucau hodi fo esklaresimentu kona ba planui marsa ba paz nee hodi atinzi lalais eleisaun antisipada.",
"L-7 kondena makaas aktu nebee Inacio halo, tanba nia hanesan veteranus lakohi hare tan povu atu terus tan hanesan sai IDPs.",
"Nia konsidera katak meus Fretilin nian nee nudar espansu ida hodi provoka situasaun w'ly Lori Kareta Luxu Halo Trosa Povu, La Sama Prontu ba Inferno DILI - Deputadu bankada Fretilin Antoninho Bianco lamenta tebes ba meja Parlamentu Nasional nebee iha tempu badak sei sosa kareta luxu Prado ba deputadu ida-idak.",
"\"Ita sosa kareta luxu hodi halao aktividades fiskaliza iha baze, nee ita atu halo povu nee trosa tan.",
"Ohin loron povu susar ba aihan no sasan baziku folin sae, ita hatudu ita nia kareta luxu ba povu.",
"Nee ita nia moral politika la iha ona,\"dehan Bianco liu husi sesaun plenaria PN, Tersa (10/6).",
"Oras nee dadaun, bankada Fretilin hetan kritika makaas husi povu no eleitor sira, katak moe la iha hakarak goza povu nia osan, maibe la hare povu nia terus.",
"Alende nee mos halo Parlamentu Nasional nudar orgaun soberanu lakon ninia dignidade ba nia povu rasik, tanba goza diak iha povu nia terus leten.",
"Binaco hatete, deputadu iha PN koalia konaba povu nia moris, maibe realidade agora ba oin, deputadu sira maka goza uluk, maibe la hare povu hein hela bainhira maka sasan baziku nia folin tun.",
"\"Ami lakon ona solidariedade no sensibilidade ba povu iha situasaun nebee susar tebes.",
"Ami taka matan no tilun iha uma fukun nee deskuti ba kareta luxu atu sae,\"nia hatete.",
"Bankada Fretilin nia hanoin , kareta 36 nebee uluk sosa tuir lolos sufsiente ona atu fahe ba komisaun espesializadas permanentes, nunee PN atu halo fiskalizasaun mos lao nafatin.",
"Laiha razaun fundamentu atu halo fiskaliza, deputadu tenki hetan kareta luxu ida-idak.",
"Alende nee mos sosa kareta luxu nee la tuir tender.",
"Bankada Fretilin konsedera la iha baze legal sosa kareta luxu, nunee mos laiha transparansia.",
"Iha meza PN Prezidenti PN Fernando La Sama de Araujo iha nia intervensaun hatete, sosa kareta nee laos iha intensaun buat ruma, maibe hodi fasilita deputadu sira wainhira atu ba halo fiskalizasaun iha baze, konaba programa governu nian.",
"La Sama mos informa katak prosesu sosa kareta nee la tuir tender.",
"Tanba tender nee la tuir sasan folin nebee maka lolos.",
"Tender nee halo gastu osan deit.",
"\"Hau senti la iha dalan no la iha problema atu sosa kareta.",
"Husik ba hau mak responsavel ba sosa kareta.",
"Dalan nee maka ba inferno husik ba hau maka ba mesak.",
"Hau lakoi lori ema ruma.",
"Hau fiar katak sosa kareta nee sei fasilita diak liutan deputadu sira atu halao sira nia knar,\" dehan La Sama.",
"Iha parte seluk Natalino do Santos Nacimento husi bankada CNRT hatete, iha razaun deputadu sira atu hetan kareta.",
"See deputadu sira nebe maka kontra husik ba la lika simu kareta.",
"Ba deputadu sira nebe hakarak simu ba hodi hare ba povu nia moris iha baze.",
"\"Membru governu hetan kareta luxu, nusa maka ami la bele. ami nee maka kontrola governu. ami iha direitu hetan kareta husi estadu,\"nia komenta Iha parte seluk Ana Pessoa husi Bankada Fretilin lamenta tebes ba programa PN atu sosa kareta luxu ba deputadu ida-idak, tanba wainhira deputadu ida remata tiha nia knar politika idepois kareta nee sai privadu.",
"Nee sistema nebee la diak no hahalok nee bele hamosu korupsaun.",
"\"Ita komesa gastu osan ba ita nia privadu deit ona, maibe povu iha baze susar tebes ba sira nia moris,\"nia komenta.",
"Deputadu Jacob Xavier bankada PPT aseita ho sosa kareta luxu ba deputadu idak-idak, tanba deptadu sira maka halo lei iha direitu atu sae kareta luxu hodi kontrola programa governu nian iha baze.",
"Deputadu Arsenio paixao Bano, bankada Fretilin kunsidera katak deputadu AMP hakarak sae kareta luxu hanesan membru governu, bele dehan halakon degnidade nudar reprezentante povu.",
"\"Hau hakarak hatete deit katak asuntu ida nee sai perkupasaun ema barak nian, liu-liu media, tanba sira senti ho hahalok ida hanesan nee katak boot sira importante liu ba sira nia aan no la hare ba povu nia terus,\" Arsenio dehan.",
"Nia mos lembra fali uluk, nebee komesa parlamentu nee aprova ba klaru ke maluk deputado AMP buat barak mak koalia, liu-liu mak kona ba degnidade nomos koalia kona ba oinsa atu hadia povu nia moris, mas agora saa mak mosu, povu nia terus tau ba kotuk entrese liu ba hadia aan tau ba oin hodi goza kareta Luxu iha povu nia leet. bre/mds AMP Halo Proposta Altera Lei Vitalisia ho Eis Titulares DILI- Membru Parlamentu Nasional bloku Aliansa Maioria no opozisaun komesa rekolha proponente hodi altera lei pensaun vitalisia no lei eis titulares.",
"Aderito Hugo da Costa, proponente ida hatete katak, bloku AMP antes kampanha kestiona makaas hanesan mos publiku konaba lei pensaun vitalisia no eis titulares nebee promulga iha governu Fretilin no aprova iha Lezislatura Parlamentu Nasional.",
"\"Lei rua nee kontraversial, tanba fo regalia nebee la refleta kondisaun nasaun no povu.",
"Neduni, AMP depois forma aliansa maioria, halo kedan diskusaun oinsa mak halo alterasaun ba Lei rua nee,\" dehan deputadu Hugo ba jornalista sira iha uma fukun PN, Tersa (10/6).",
"Bloku AMP iha komitmentu atu halo proposta alterasaun nee iha Marsu liu ba, maibe tanba atentadu 11 Fevereiru, draf proposta alterasaun nee foin mak halo.",
"Neduni, hein atu proponente hotu-hotu bele asina tiha para haruka ba meza hodi halo alterasaun.",
"Tuir nia, jeralmente lei rua nee la refleta situasaun real nebee nasaun nee infrenta, hanesan presu ai-han sae makaas.",
"Regalias nebee halo ba eis titulares nebee mai husi Fretilin, hahu husi eis Primeiru Ministru too iha Sekretariu Estadu, nebee la kaer ona kargu depois eleisaun sira hetan nafatin sira nia salariu 100% hanesan uluk.",
"Hanesan mos ho lei vitalisia, eis deputadu sira hein toba deit iha uma, fulan simu vensimentu 100% hanesan deputadu sira nebee servisu.",
"Artigu sira nee sai kontraversial iha publiku.",
"Neduni, atu responde ida nee, AMP hamutuk ho partidu opozisaun balu hanesan Partidu Unidade Nasional (PUN) nebee mos sai proponente ba alterasaun lei rua nee.",
"Titulares sira goza osan estadu nian 'demais' liu, nia fo ezemplu eis Primeiru Ministru, eis Prezidenti Parlamentu no eis Ministru sira iha direitu hetan kareta, edifisiu ofisial no uma ida ba pessoal.",
"\"Nia eis tiha ona.",
"Eis nee hanesan povu bai-bain, neduni nia bele uza uma nebee nia hetan hodi halo eskritoriu, la presiza tanba fatin bar-barak,\" katak deputadu Hugo.",
"Nia hatutan, \"Deputadu hot-hotu sensitive ho kondisaun real nebee ita iha aumenta tan situasaun krizi nebee ai-han folin buat sira nee hotu.",
"Hau hanoin maioria bankada sei apoia altersaun lei nee.\"",
"Antes nee, vice Prezidenti Parlamentu Nasional Maria Paixao hatete, pensaun vitalisia ba eis membru PN nee merese duni, tanba sira mak halo konstituisaun no sira mak primeiru deputadu nebee halo lei barak iha PN primeiru lezislativa.",
"Tuir Paixao, iha buat balu nebee tenki kurizi, hanesan asistensia medika, vensimentu kuandu membru PN nain sae sira nain mos sae no buat barak nebee presija haree fila fali.",
"Haree mos ba deputadu nebee efetivu mak bele hetan regalias ida nee no deputadu nebee la efetivu la bele hetan regalias maximu.",
"Atu halo revizaun ba lei pensaun vitalisia laos komisaun A mak halo, mas tuir prosedimentu normal, deputadu nain sanolu (10) mak bele hadia fali lei nee hodi submete ba meza para meza hatuun ba komisaun.",
"Tuir deputada Maria, pensaun vitalisia nee la fo impaktu tanba deputadu sira sei la ba paga tiha pensaun nee hotu.",
"Tanba nee direitu ema nian atu hetan pensaun.",
"Tuir nasaun barak nian nebee membru PN sira halo peskiza hatudu katak pensaun nee iha, maibe sira bele simu deit metade husi vensimentu.",
"Neduni, bainhira deputadu sira kuandu simu US $ 450,00, eis deputadu sira bele simu deit metade, la bele hetan kompletu. dd ASDT Ijiji Black List Kompanha Malandru, Oscar Lima \"Tensaun Sae\" DILI-Deputado Parlamentu Nasional husi bankada ASDT Jose Manuel Carascalao hateten, kompainha nebee la iha responsabilidade ba iha sira nia projektu hodi hamate serkulasaun povu nian iha terenu, diak liu parte governu fo Black List tamba sira la fo koalidade diak.",
"\"Imposivel, tinan-tinan governu aloka orsamento ba iha estrada nebee hanesan tamba iha fatin seluk mos ema sei presiza governu nia tulun.",
"Tantu, kompainha nebee la iha komitmentu atu hadia kondisaun estrada nebeeb diak, parte governu fo Black List, atu nunee la bele hetan projektu iha Timor laran,\" Jose Manuel Carascalao, hateten lia hirak nee ba jornalista sira iha PN, Tersa (10/6).",
"Nia hatete, kondisaun estrada iha parte Manatutu ba iha Laklubar, nebee mak komapinha Gunung Kijang, manan tender hodi halo estrada refere la fo koalidade diak ba povu, maibe iha nia orsamento boot.",
"Carrascalao admira tanbasa mak akontese hanesan nee ba iha parte estrada nebe mak nia kestiona ou tamba parte governu liu husi obras publiku mak halo fiskalizsaun makas hodi nunee mak kompainha sira nee halo sasan tuir sira nia hakarak hodi haluha tiha iha katak hahalok sira nee povu iha zona refere mak sai prejudikadu ba sira nia aktu servisu nebee la iha kualidade.",
"Nia espelika tan, maske estrada refere hetan ona rehabilitasaun, maibe kondisaun la fo satisfas ba povu atu goza.",
"Iha parte seluk xefi kompainha Gunung Kijang Oscar Lima ba STL iha nia serviso fatin, Komoro hateten, nia parte sente tensaun tebes ba estetmentu deputado Jose M. Carascalao nian nee.",
"Oscar dehan, tuir lolos deputadu sira husu ba iha Obras Publiku mak bele justifika kompainha nia eru nebee mak nia halo iha fatin serviso nia hanesan ejiji koalidade no responsabilidade.",
"\"Ba Estrada hirak nee ami sei iha masa pemiliharaaan nebee mak ho nia objektivu atu ba hadia fila fali iha tinan ida nia laran ho grantia 10%, se halo ona fiskalizasaun katak kondisaun estrada nee la diak, tamba nee hau respeitu tebes opinaun nebee mak hasai husi deputado sira nebee mak tur iha parlamentu lori povu nia aspirasaun, maibe hau so la konkorda mak hanesan hasai liafuan black List,\" Oscar Lima deklara.",
"Nia mos hateten tan katak nia so hatene deit serviso nebee mak sira halo iha parte Manatutu ho Laklubar, ho distansia estrada kilometru 8-10, maibe iha parte seluk laos nia responsabilidade tamba nee mak nia argumenta katak kazu refere laos tamba serviso mak la ho la iha responsabilidade, maibe tanba problema natureza hanesan udan nebee mak tau makas tebes iha tinan ida nee nia laran tamba nee mak tuir lolos la divia temi Black List, tamba nee hanesan defamasaun ida ba iha parte kompainha nia kreabilidade Nia hateten tan katak atu julga kompainha ida ho liafuan Black List normalmente tenki liu husi faze ida hanesan parte Obras Publiko, tenki tun ba hare diretamente mak bele julga kompainha ho lia fuan Black List.",
"\"Hau hanesan ema Timor oan hau defende hau nian konsensia katak hau sei la halo buat ida nebee mak kontra hau nian konsensia, tamba hau serviuo para manan osan maibe hau sempre defende konsensia ida katak rai Timor nee hau nian no hau sei halo diak ba iha hau nia rain,\" nia aumenta tan Tekniko Kompainha Gunung Kijang, Frederico, hateten, prosesu atinji projektu nebee kestoina husi deputado Jose Manuel Carascalao, parte Gunung Kijang halo ramata ho 100%, tuir estandar nebee mak governu hasai.",
"\"Materiais nebee mak ami uza ba iha laboratorium nasional para tes e ami lampirkan hotu envois plemen, maibe ami mos konsidera katak iha failanso nebee mak akontese duni, maibe ba failanso sira nee ita tenki hare tuir hanesan rai orijin nee diak atu simu todan nebee mak liu husi nia kapasidade, e Segundo mak hanesan tuir lolos tenki fo penbebanan Estrada hare husi merek kareta saida mak bele liu iha Estrada ferefe nia leten,\" hateten Frederiko Nia hateten tan, se rai orijin mak la diak nee responsabilidade Obras Publiku ho Konsultan, laos kompainha tamba sira mak fo disaing estruktura ba iha kompainha.",
"Nia suzere ba parte Obras Publiku ho Konsultan katak se rai orijin mak la diak, nia solusaun la bele fo disaing nebee mak hanesan hotu ba iha konstrusaun estrada tomak nebee mak iha Timor laran maibe tenki fo disaing tuir nia iklima ba iha Estrada nebee mak atu hadia Nia mos hateten, lolos governu ezekuta orsamentu tuir nia tempu, hanesan tempu rai maran ho tempu udan para bele fasilita servisu kompainha nian, tanba efeitu husi tempo nee mak dala barak liu rejulta estrada nakfera iha fatin balun. w'ly"
] | [
"Manufahi - Timor Leste: Suara Timor Lorosae, TIMOR-LESTE 2013 Editions (English): Edison Press Ltd. & Associated Media LTD; Editor in Chief of the Independent Newspaper and Online News Portal \"Suara Timor\", edisoenpressltimore@yahoocom Dili – The flag that was raised by Fretilin party to protest against things being done not according its way has been organized directly from FRETILIN Party with a view on demonstrating what is going wrong within their own organisational framework"
"\"Fretilin flag sei sae increase tan. Flag Fretilin sai aumentatan.\""
"He asked for more flags so that Dili can be filled, because the price of gas is rising."
"Many of the government's actions are also not good,\" said Vice-President Arsenio Paixao Bano to journalist in Parliament House on Tuesday (10/6)."
"He said, \"There is no law that prohibits you from raising a flag."
"Fretilin wants to defend this land."
"The flag of Fretilin means resistance at any moment."
"In the period of independence, but development did not work and many decisions were wrong so Fretilin must reaffirm its support."
"Arsenio explained that the flag is a symbol of Fretilin’s resistance to show how this continued resisting against bad behavior by rulers."
"As a result, Arsenio added that the badeira of Fretilin will continue to be held in Dili until AMP does its due."
"CNE La Iha Kompetensia Porta vos Komisaun Nasional Eleisoens (Cne), Pe."
"Martinho Gusmao said that the CNE had no legal basis to take down Fretilin’s flag which was dashed with a pink and yellow colour on top of houses, tobacco trees above their necks."
"Father Martinho explained that the Timorese National Police (PNTL) and Falintil-Forsa Defeca Timór Leste(F - FDTL), have a right to raise party flags which are now raised in an arbour, because they were responsible for security or political discipline."
"Father Martinho stressed that the CNE's competence is limited to electoral processes, and when campaigning end of elections are over each party will have its own rules."
"He also emphasized that the time of campaigning for all parties is over, but Fretilin will raise its flag in Ai Leten and ai Hun."
"This has already led to issues of security and political discipline."
"When asked about the CNE’s law to regulate political parties that have not yet campaigned, but raise party flag in neighborhood areas and street stands. Father Martinho argued it is only necessary for legislation on national parliamentarians; however this would be within its competence during electoral processes as well:"
"\"Regarding the campaigns, we should know that law is not made by CNE. Regulation of this kind are created and approved in Parliament; a code for conduct has to be adopted therein.\""
"But the code of conduct has shown, what can and cannot be done during campaigning is decided by Parliament. The parliament approves it; CNE only implements,” said Reverend Martinho"
"Regarding the issue of flag haul, Father Martinho suggested that it be asked directly to President da República and National Parliament as well with those who first passed this law."
"The President of the Republic as one who should build national unity, Father Martinho said he must maintain his competence president in its powers. deopis for police because security and defenses are their parts CNE has done nothing else to do anything with it"
"On Monday (9/6), MP Estanislau Aleixo da Silva of the Fretilin party informed that flags raised at home were individual initiatives, not ordered by FRETILIN."
"The country is a democracy, in which everyone has the same rights."
"If you want to know who ordered them raising the flag, Estanis! I suggest that it is better if they ask directly with people so as not be confused."
"According to him, there is no law that prohibits the raising of flags even during campaign time but this was their initiative."
"On the other hand, State Secretary for Security Francisco Guterres said that if CNE issues any regulations then Timor-Leste National Police (PNTL) is ready to act."
"All things, Guterres explains must look at the legal basis of how to proceed with campaigning and when it is done."
"Thus, the CNE must issue a regulation so that whenever police act there is already legal basis."
"When there is a legal basis, Guterres emphasizes that the police are ready to act; if not they may be called arbitrary and so when no law exists how can it take action?"
"Guterres stressed that the CNE should first resolve this issue by issuing a directive statings, “The campaign is over and now it’s not time to launch an election ban on parties raising their flag in public places.”"
"That is to say, party banners are displayed only at the Party headquarter and not in any of its branches or offices."
"\"The CNE has to know the rules of procedure for this campaign, so that things go their own way\", Guterres declares."
"He confessed that so far there is no law ordering the police to remove party flags which people hang in public places, and hence it must have a legal basis. When we already had this base then they would be ready at any time for removal of such banners as well.”"
"Now when there is no legal basis, Francisco said that the police were to remove them. People say they are pro-AMP because of this situation and it's not a good thing for us.\""
"\"So we don't want people to say that, because the police institution is not a political one."
"Lu Olo: AMP Incompetent, Natalino (Frentelin Party President), Francisco Guterres \"Lu-Olo\" considers the government led by Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao incompetente. Therefore he is very concerned about that MPLA will be in power to take this country on a path of success.\" dd/car /arm"
"\"We see that the governance which is currently being carried out by PM Xanana Gusmao and his ministers, has not worked well enough. That'd be why we from ASDT party with Fretilin want to work together so as they can save Timorese people like our own children who are in need of help because AMP policy takes them into a miserable state\", Lu Olo told STL at Asdt headquarters Lecidere Dili on Monday (9/6), after meeting President Francisco Xavier do Amaral 10th Anniversary celebration"
"Lu Olo explained that Fretilin and ASDT would not allow others to manipulate the country of Timor in order for them or their groups, by losing history."
"Rajaun is the one who accused Fretilin and ASDT of not moving forward."
"He said, practically the AMP government that is not hun la dikin was like before when Fretilin ruled with only a budget of U$ 87 million per year but managed to do something which today's MPA took opportunity for inauguration down sae foho."
"Now during AMP rule, Lu Olo said that they have a budget of $ 301 million but can only use it for foreigners' business and some used to rent out their mothers house again while others were using state money back into private."
"In addition, the land of Timor and its people are still living on sea."
"In view of these problems and concerns, according to Lu Oló PM Xanana Gusmao clearly has no competence as Prime Minister. That is why Fretilin-ASDT will use the measure for avoiding an early election in order that they can be removed from their posts so then choose someone else who would have a responsibility on govern Timor Leste"
"Fretilin promises to create better development so that the people can feel they truly enjoyed independence, for which during 24 years their lives were sacrificed."
"The objective of Lu Olo and Xavier’s meeting was to be like a big family who want visiting each other, because they have signed an agreement platform."
"\"We did not have an official meeting to make any decisions but we came here and saw grandfather Xavier, his health condition. We also talked as friends with family.\" Lu Olo explained:"
"In the event, Xavier said that his meeting with Lu Olo was like my boyfriend to win her heart."
"On the other hand, deputy Natalino dos Santos of CNRP considers that Lu Olo' s statement is a normal thought as an opposition party in his own country."
"\"We can talk about everything in terms of democracy, but when we look at the reality it is just a matter to take into account that constitutional mandate. It says governments must rule for five years and if they do nothing after this time period then you may judge them as incompetent.\""
"He added that it would be more appropriate for Lu Olo to judge the AMP government because in reality, although APEM has only come into power within some years but this development is going on and solves IDPs cases. Veterans have already received money; not long afterwards their elderly children will also receive funds as well so he wondered if Lo-Olo said his administration was incompetent from what point of view? But according Natalino' s objective governance should serve people & country therefore APMA had been broken down by realities"
"\"I feel these opinions are cheap political rhetoric, because the reality is that AMP can already help Churches and NGO'S so we could say it has competence for responsibilities which people put on its shoulders."
"Compared to the time of Fretilin's rule, it would be worse if not better.\" Natalino argues. w’ly Partido Tenki Iha Dignidade DILI-Relationship with FRETILIN flag which is everyday spread throughout Dili Capital for raising on fates means that there has been a loss in value and decency from party banner ones side.”"
"According to him, if the party flag is given by a leader of each Party it should be respected because this Flag has not only durable hair but its symbols are very valuable and therefore they must fly at their headquarters."
"Based on raising the flag in fat-fatin, that Mario is as something to provoke each other between groups of different parties . So it will not create stability but cause more problems"
"In the event, he also disagreed with PNTL officers who acted to beat back some people raising flag. It is not good because such an act clearly degrades dignity but one should go and talk about it in front of competent party leaders ;"
"These words were delivered by MP Mario Vieges Carascalao PSD Group to STL in the National Parliament, Monday (9/6)."
"Therefore, he also suggested that the party leaders and especially those of Fretilin should find a way to call on their members if they can take down flags which are being raised in arbitrary places because these have dignity."
"In the same way, Congress of National Unity (CNRP) MP Virzinia Amaral said that all political attributes must be in place and not being used for campaigning. \"This kinds action to raise a flag on public places is an enormous provocation against our people.\""
"As a party flag, it should be placed in the same place as Party Headquarters. This does not refer to Fretilin but generally all parties if there is such an act must take prompt action because this kind of thing doesn't resolve problems and only creates polemic!"
"With this, he also suggested that the CNE which has competence to look at flags currently displaying in Dili and find a way of issuance an order for all political parties on how they should remove these banners because it is considered as provocation."
"He suggested that now is not the time of campaigning to raise flags, but it' s a moment for people and their lives. The election period has passed so we know everything in its own right; what can be done about this issue? \"I just want an appeal from all party leaders: if you do something based on legislation already enacted by our country then when elections are over your attributes must remain as they were before 1980 - any thing which may represent partisanhood should only hang up at headquarters or whoever does have his name hanging there will go against law.\""
"In addition, Deputy Estanislao Aleixo from the Fretilin party informed that whoever wants to raise a flag on their fa-fain is an initiative of them and not Freti;lin' s. They also need knowing this country has democracy with all rights so they have competence for doing it!"
"If you want to know who ordered them raising the flag, Estanislao said it is better for those that would protest against this question themselves directly so they can find out more about whom was responsible."
"According to him, raising the flag there is no law that prohibits you from raised a banner and what does it say in this legislation better tell them study carefully."
"He said, even during the campaign he had to do it but this is their initiative wants them up and make a nunsa!"
"And many times Fretilin has repeatedly appealed not to have violence , therefore the country is now in a state of peace. This effort wasn't only AMP s endeavour but all ours today we no longer see cars tucked up like before mds Jose Luis: I Do Not Like Commenting on Lu Olo Declaration; FRETILIN March for Peace Dili-Deputy Prime Minister José Louis Guterres considered that President Francisco António de Oliveira Salazar declares an incompetent government and it would be normal within democracy system"
"\"Lu Olo's declaration is normal in the democratic system, where all people have struggled for 24 years to get freedom. Therefore I am a member of government and do not like commenting on Lu olo’ s statement,” Jose Luis Guterres told journalist at Palacio de Governo (Government Palace), Dili Tuesday morning(10/6)."
"Jose Luis said that the struggle for liberation he has been seeking over 24 years, owes to many people who wanted freedom and democracy."
"Thus, all citizens have the right to express their thoughts as they wish."
"Meanwhile, MP Inacio Moreira told STL in the National Parliament that Fretlin has begun to make protests and re-enrollment for their party throughout 13 district so they can better improve its statute of parties before competing at upcoming elections. He also said this is a political part which was made by fretlins as well prepared peace march will be authorized from politics leaderfretlins"
"\"The action march for peace that our party will make, we just say positively it is going to take place in the part of Same and Holarua within a short time.\" Member Cornelio Gamma alias L-7 informs us about information he received from his personal intelligence sources. According To him recently member Inacio Moreira met with village headmen at Quelicai Sub District (Baucau district) where they gave clarification on planning this marche pour la paix so as quickly reach early elections"
"L-7 strongly condemns the act of Inácio, because as a veteran he does not want to see his people suffering like IDPs."
"He considers that the move of Fretilin is an expansion to provoke a situation w'ly Lori Kareta Luxu Halo Trosa Povu, La Sama Prontu ba Inferno Dili - MEP Antoninho Bianco regretted very much for Parliament which in short will buy luxury cars Prado each MP."
"\"We buy luxury cars to carry out activities fiscalize at the grassroots level, we are going make people trosa again."
"Today, when the people are struggling for food and basic goods have risen in price we show our luxury cars to them."
"This is our political morality has no longer,\" said Bianco during the plenary session of Parliament on Tuesday (10/6)."
"Recently, the Fretilin party has been heavily criticized by people and voters that they do not want to enjoy their money but don't see what is happening."
"In addition, the National Parliament as a sovereign body loses its dignity to his own people because he enjoys himself in their suffering."
"Binaco said, MPs in the National Assembly talk about people' s lives but reality is now that they have enjoyed before and do not see how their peers are waiting for prices of basic commodities to fall."
"\"We have lost our solidarity and sensitivities with the people in this very difficult situation."
"We closed our eyes and fingers in the fukun house until we got into a luxury car to get out,\" he said."
"In the opinion of Fretilin's House Group, 36 cars that were previously purchased are already sufficient to be distributed among specialized standing commission and therefore parliamentary scrutiny is still going on."
"There is no substantial reason to fiscalize, MPs must get a luxury car each."
"In addition, the luxury car was purchased without a tender."
"The Fretilin Party considers that there is no legal basis for purchasing luxury cars, and also lacks transparency."
"At the parliamentary meeting, Parliament President Fernando La Sama de Araujo said that he had no intention of purchasing this car but to facilitate MPs when they are going on a grassroot audit about government programs."
"La Sama also informed that the process of purchasing this car did not follow a tender."
"Because the tender did not meet its price target, it was rejected."
"Tender only cost money."
"\"I feel there is no way and not a problem to buy cars."
"I am responsible for buying the car."
"This is the way to hell, leave me alone."
"I don't bring anyone."
"I am confident that the purchase of this car will make it easier for MPs to carry out their duties,\" said La Sama."
"On the other hand, Natalino do Santos Nacimento of CNRP said that there is a reason why MPs should get cars."
"If the MPs who are against allowing them to go, they will not be allowed a car."
"For those MPs who want to take a look at the lives of their people, they can do so."
"\"Government members get luxury cars, why can't we? We control the government. It is our right to have a car from state funds\", she commented On another hand Ana Pessoa of Fretilin Group very much regrets that PN program buy luxurious vehicles for each MP because when an MEP has finished his political career afterwards it become private vehicle.\""
"This is a bad system and this behaviour can lead to corruption."
"\"We have started spending money on our own private interests, but the people are in a very difficult situation for their livelihood."
"MP Jacob Xavier of the PPT party agreed to buy luxury cars for each member, because deputies have made a law giving them right into luxurious vehicles in order that they can control government programs at grassroots level."
"MP Arsenio Paixao Bano, Fretilin party considers that AMP members want to get a luxury car as government member can be said destroying dignity of representatives."
"\"I just want to say that this issue has become a concern for many people, especially the media because they feel with such an act as these big ones are more important than themselves and don't care about their own suffering.\" Arsenio said."
"He also recalled earlier, when the parliament approved it clearly that MPs of AMP spoke a lot about things especially dignity and how to improve people' s lives but now this is happening. People sufferings are being put back in place for improvement rather than going forward with luxury cars amongst their fellow citizens bre/mds Amendment Proposal on Lifetime Pension Law With Ex-Honorary Member Dili - National Parliament block Majority Alliance members have begun collect proponent changes life time pension law as well As ex titulares legislation 2018"
"Aderito Hugo da Costa, one of the proponents said that before campaigning AMP block raised high questions as well publicly about lifetime pension and ex-tenants law promulgated in Fretilin government approved by Legislature National Parliament."
"\"These two laws are controversial, because they give privileges that do not reflect the conditions of country and people."
"Therefore, AMP after forming the majority alliance will discuss how to make changes in these two laws,” MP Hugo told journalist at Parliament House on Tuesday (10/6)."
"The AMP bloc was committed to submit the amendment proposal last March, but because of February 12 attacks it has been delayed."
"Therefore, wait until all proponents can be signed to send the amendments."
"According to him, in general the two laws do not reflect real situation facing this country such as rising food prices."
"Regalias made to former titulars who came from Fretilin, starting with the ex-Prime Minister and ending at Secretary of State. Those that left office after elections still get their 102% salary as before they did not have any rewards for this time period but were paid a full monthly wage in return on January or February each year (see below)."
"As with the lifetime law, former MPs will just sit at home and wait for their monthly salary to be paid 105% of that they earn."
"These articles have become controversial in the public."
"Therefore, in order to answer this question AMP has joined forces with some opposition parties such as the National Unity Party (PUN) which is also a proponent of amending these two laws."
"The officials enjoyed 'too much' of state money, he gave the example that former Prime Ministers and President-elect parliamentarians were entitled to a car or an official building."
"\"She's gone."
"\"He is like a local person, so he can use the house that has been given to him as an office. He does not need it because there are many places available.\""
"He added, \"All MPs are sensitive to the real conditions that we have exacerbated by a crisis situation where food prices and all these things."
"I think the majority of parliamentary groups will support this amendment.\""
"Earlier, Vice President of the National Parliament Maria Paixao said that lifetime pensions for former members deserve it because they made our constitution and were first MP to make many law in this parliament."
"According to Paixao, there are some things that need attention such as medical assistance and the salary when a member of Parliament leaves. There is also much else which must be reviewed in order for this issue not only on one side but all over again:"
"Also consider that only active MPs can receive this benefit and non-active members cannot get the maximum."
"To make a revision of the lifetime pension law is not done by committee A, but according to normal procedures eleven (10) members can modify this legislation and submit it for discussion at table high in commission."
"According to Ms. Maria, the lifetime pension does not have any impact because members of parliament will never pay all their retirement benefits out in full; instead they are only paying a small portion thereof as an allowance for older age and disability (see below)."
"Because it is the right of a person to receive pension."
"In many countries where the MEPs conducted research, they found that a pension was available but only half of their earnings."
"Therefore, when members of parliament receive US $ 450.16 the former MPs can only get half and not a full repayment as they have been paid for their time in office by ASDT'S staffing committee (ASTD). dd Asdt Ijiji Black List Company that has no responsibility to its projects which kill people on-site circulation is better than government gives black list because it does NOT provide good quality services: \"Tensão Sae\" Dili - National Parliament Member from ASDT Group Jose Manuel Carascalão said companies who do Not take any Responsibility For Their Project To Kill People On Site Circulation Is Better Than Government Given Whitelist Because They Doesnt Provide Good Quality Services"
"\"Impossible, every year the government allocates a budget for such roads because elsewhere people will need their help."
"So, companies that do not have a commitment to improve the road conditions better than they are in good condition will be given Black Lists by government so we can't get any projects on Timor-Leste.\" Jose Manuel Carascaalo told journalist at Parliament Tuesday (10/6)."
"He said, the road condition in part of Manatuto to Laklubar which is owned by Gunung Kijang won a tender for making this highway not provide good quality services but has large budget."
"Carrascalao wondered why this is happening on the part of road that he question or because government, through public works department has a strict fiscalization so these companies do things as they like forgetting in their behaviour are people from those areas being prejudiced by its acts work with no quality."
"He explained that although the road has been rehabilitated, it is not in satisfactory condition for people to enjoy."
"On the other hand, Gunung Kijang company chief Oscar Lima told STL at his service location in Komoro that he felt very tense about deputy Jose M. Carascalao' s departure from office and said:"
"Oscar said that, according to many MPs asked in Public Works can justify the company' s excavation which it does at its service site as an example of quality and responsibility."
"\"For these roads we will have a mass inspection which is with the objective to be repaired again within one year and 10% grant, if there has been an audit that state of highway not good. Therefore I respect very much opinion made by deputies who are sitting in parliament carrying people' s aspirations but i only disagree as removing words black List\", Oscar Lima declares.\""
"He also said that he only knows the service they do in part of Manatuto and Laklubar, with a distance road 8-10 kilometer but other parts are not his responsibility so it is why she argues this case wasn't because services have no responsibility. But due to natural problems such as rainfall which has been very heavy during these years therefore we should definitely mention Black List since its defamation on company creativity She added: To judge an enterprise by saying black list usually must go through one phase like Public Works department you need directly look down then can be judging companies using words \"Blacklist\"."
"\"As a Timorese, I defend my conscience and will not do anything that is contrary to it. Because of the money which we earn with our work but also because this land belongs us all so therefore i am always fighting for good things in mine country\", he added Technical Engineer at Companhia Gunung Kijang Frederico said: The project was commissioned by MP Jose Manuel Carascalo; part from gunung kijang completed 105%, according standard set out on government level.\""
"\"The materials we used in the national laboratory for tests and all of them were sent to us, but also consider that there are failures which have actually occurred. But these failings must be considered as a matter where land is good enough so it can take up any load beyond its capacity; secondly they should give road inspection based on what brand cars may pass underneath this highway\", said Frederiko Nia further explained: if ground quality was not adequate then Public Works Department with Consultants had responsibility here because their company did designing structured works at our office.\""
"He suggested to the Public Works Department and Consulting that if original land is not good, his solution can't give a design which would be equal for all road construction in Timor but must provide designs according its climate of Roads being repair.He also said: But government executes budget as per time like dry weather or rainy season so it could facilitate company work because effects from this period often resulting highway deterioration at some places w 'ly"
] |
Somotxo: Ha’u laiha intensaun atu ameasa povu – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Justica e Segurança » Somotxo: Ha’u laiha intensaun atu ameasa povu\nPrezidente Komisaun B ne’ebé trata asuntu Negosiu Estranjeiru no Defeza Seguransa, José Agostinho Somotxo justifika, nia deklarasaun ne’ebé fó sai iha loron hirak liu ba la’ós atu ameasa povu, liga ho prezensa líder Karismátiku, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao iha izolamentu Vera-Kruz, ne’ebé hobur hosi komunidade sira.\nSomotxo deklara laiha intensaun atu ameasa sidadaun sira, maibe atu tiru de’it gas lakrimonjéniu, bainhira viola demais regras Serka Sanitária, nune’e nia parte husu sidadaun hotu atu lalika pániku.\nEis Ministru Defeza ne’e hato’o esklaresimentu ne’e, iha Parlamentu Nasionál, Kinta (15/4/2021). “Se momentu ne’e hateten atu tiru manifestante sira, normalmente iha mundu tomak, ne’e lori saida? ohin loron ne’e, bala de borraxa mós bandu tiha ona. Ha’u lakohi responde ema ne’ebé ho hau edukasaun la hanesan, hau nia edukasaun iha sira nia okos, hau la hanesan sira, maibe nu’udar polítiku, hau la simu insulta sira ne’e. Maibe ida ne’e mak nível polítiku ka matenek sira TL nian, hau hanoin to’o momentu ida ita sei hetan krítiku. Tanba hosi maun bo’ot Xanana to’o ami sira hosi 1975 nian mate hotu, saida mak sei akontese.\nHusi Senrvisu investigasaun Kriminal atu check to’o, ha’u-nia sala ne’e ida ne’ebé, ne’ebé hau dehan atu tiru ho saida? tiru kainaun ka, tiru ho bazooka ka tiru ho missel, ne’e para ema komprende, Somotxo hakarak oho ninia povu, tanba uluk bapa sira oho ne’e seidauk to’o, ne’ebé tenke oho ninia povu? Se mak hanesan ha’u hadomi povu ne’e ho tinan 15 to’o ohin loron, agora tanba problema ida ne’e mak ha’u dehan tenke tiru povu? Ha’u lori saida?. Ha’u husu mós ba joven sira, buat ida kuandu ita hakarak reajen, tuir ne’ebé uluk ami fuik iha ai-laran aprende, tenke investiga uluk, segundu mak foin reajen. Hanesan ezemplu ida, se hahan ita nia ibun, ita ko’alia ladi’ak, kuandu ita laiha investigasaun, lahatene tuir saida mak ema ne’e ko’alia, mak ita reazen arbiru de’it, ida ne’e mós lahatene ita nia edukasaun ne’e ba to’o iha ne’ebé?”dehan nia.\n“Ha’u lakohi mafíozu sira iha ita nia komunikasaun sosial, liu-liu Repúblika Demokrátika Timor-Leste ninia Televizaun. Se ha’u mak sala, karik ha’u ko’alia missel ruma ka kainaun ka bajuka ruma, ha’u prontu ba hatan ba iha povu tomak. Hateten ba povu tomak katak, ha’u Somotxo, ha’u lakon ha’u-nia juventude tomak, no ha’u-nia família tomak, para atu defende povu ida ne’e, ne’eduni la’os atu oho fali povu ida ne’e, ne’ebé joven sira tenke tetu liafuan, para hanesan formasaun ba sira rasik, aban bainrua sia hanesan Timor-oan ida di’ak hodi serví nasaun.”justifika Prezidente komisaun B ne’e ba jornalista sira iha PN, Kinta(15/04/2021).\nMaske nune’e, mate-isin Armindo Borges ne’ebé identifika pozitivu COVID-19, governu ho Sentru Jestaun Krize entrega ona ba família hodi halo’ot, hafoin líder rezisténsia Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão toba hein iha Izolamentu Vera-Kruz durante kalan tolu. Say\nBanko Nasional Komersiu Timor-Leste (BNCTL-sigla Portugés),... | [
"Somotxo: Ha'u laiha intensaun atu ameasa povu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Justica e Seguranca \" Somotxo: Ha'u laiha intensaun atu ameasa povu Prezidente Komisaun B ne'ebe trata asuntu Negosiu Estranjeiru no Defeza Seguransa, Jose Agostinho Somotxo justifika, nia deklarasaun ne'ebe fo sai iha loron hirak liu ba la'os atu ameasa povu, liga ho prezensa lider Karismatiku, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao iha izolamentu Vera-Kruz, ne'ebe hobur hosi komunidade sira.",
"Somotxo deklara laiha intensaun atu ameasa sidadaun sira, maibe atu tiru de'it gas lakrimonjeniu, bainhira viola demais regras Serka Sanitaria, nune'e nia parte husu sidadaun hotu atu lalika paniku.",
"Eis Ministru Defeza ne'e hato'o esklaresimentu ne'e, iha Parlamentu Nasional, Kinta (15/4/2021).",
"\"Se momentu ne'e hateten atu tiru manifestante sira, normalmente iha mundu tomak, ne'e lori saida? ohin loron ne'e, bala de borraxa mos bandu tiha ona.",
"Ha'u lakohi responde ema ne'ebe ho hau edukasaun la hanesan, hau nia edukasaun iha sira nia okos, hau la hanesan sira, maibe nu'udar politiku, hau la simu insulta sira ne'e.",
"Maibe ida ne'e mak nivel politiku ka matenek sira TL nian, hau hanoin to'o momentu ida ita sei hetan kritiku.",
"Tanba hosi maun bo'ot Xanana to'o ami sira hosi 1975 nian mate hotu, saida mak sei akontese.",
"Husi Senrvisu investigasaun Kriminal atu check to'o, ha'u-nia sala ne'e ida ne'ebe, ne'ebe hau dehan atu tiru ho saida? tiru kainaun ka, tiru ho bazooka ka tiru ho missel, ne'e para ema komprende, Somotxo hakarak oho ninia povu, tanba uluk bapa sira oho ne'e seidauk to'o, ne'ebe tenke oho ninia povu?",
"Se mak hanesan ha'u hadomi povu ne'e ho tinan 15 to'o ohin loron, agora tanba problema ida ne'e mak ha'u dehan tenke tiru povu?",
"Ha'u lori saida?.",
"Ha'u husu mos ba joven sira, buat ida kuandu ita hakarak reajen, tuir ne'ebe uluk ami fuik iha ai-laran aprende, tenke investiga uluk, segundu mak foin reajen.",
"Hanesan ezemplu ida, se hahan ita nia ibun, ita ko'alia ladi'ak, kuandu ita laiha investigasaun, lahatene tuir saida mak ema ne'e ko'alia, mak ita reazen arbiru de'it, ida ne'e mos lahatene ita nia edukasaun ne'e ba to'o iha ne'ebe?\"dehan nia.",
"\"Ha'u lakohi mafiozu sira iha ita nia komunikasaun sosial, liu-liu Republika Demokratika Timor-Leste ninia Televizaun.",
"Se ha'u mak sala, karik ha'u ko'alia missel ruma ka kainaun ka bajuka ruma, ha'u prontu ba hatan ba iha povu tomak.",
"Hateten ba povu tomak katak, ha'u Somotxo, ha'u lakon ha'u-nia juventude tomak, no ha'u-nia familia tomak, para atu defende povu ida ne'e, ne'eduni la'os atu oho fali povu ida ne'e, ne'ebe joven sira tenke tetu liafuan, para hanesan formasaun ba sira rasik, aban bainrua sia hanesan Timor-oan ida di'ak hodi servi nasaun.\"justifika Prezidente komisaun B ne'e ba jornalista sira iha PN, Kinta (15/04/2021).",
"Maske nune'e, mate-isin Armindo Borges ne'ebe identifika pozitivu COVID-19, governu ho Sentru Jestaun Krize entrega ona ba familia hodi halo'ot, hafoin lider rezistensia Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao toba hein iha Izolamentu Vera-Kruz durante kalan tolu.",
"Say Banko Nasional Komersiu Timor-Leste (BNCTL-sigla Portuges),..."
] | [
"Somotxo: I have no intention of threatening the people - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Justica e Seguranca “Somotxo, President Commission B dealing with Foreign Affairs and Defence Security issues justifies his statement made in recent days that he did not want to endanger Timorese citizens due To Charismatic leader Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão's presence at Vera-Kruz isolation centre which is frequented by local communities."
"Somotxo declared that he had no intention of threatening citizens, but only to fire tear gas whenever the Serka Sanitaria rules were violated. He therefore urged all people not To panic!"
"The former Defence Minister made the clarification in Parliament on Thursday (15/4) 203."
"\"If the moment says to shoot demonstrators, normally all over world it brings what? Today rubber bullet is also banned."
"I do not respond to people who have a different education than me, my schooling is in their hands and they don't like it. But as politicians we cannot accept these kind of insulted words from them!"
"But this is the level of politics or wisdom in TL, I think that at some point we will get criticism."
"Because from brother Xanana to us all of 1975 are dead, what will happen."
"From the Criminal Investigation Service to check it out, my fault is this one that I said shoot with what? Shoot a knife or shot by bazookas and missiles so people understand. Somotxo wants kill his own nation because before their father killed was not enough for him; who should have murdered its nations?\""
"Who like me loved this people for fifteen years to date, and now because of that problem I say we have a gun?"
"What have I brought?."
"I also asked the young people, one thing when we want to react according that first of all in our fields learned: investigate before you respond."
"As an example, if he eats our breasts we speak badly. When there is no investigation and the people are talking according to what they say then it'll be just a matter of judgement; this will also affect how far education can go.\""
"\"I don't want the mobsters in our social media, especially on Timor-Leste Television."
"If I am wrong, if there is a miscellaneous thing or an injustice that has been done to me by somebody else then it will be my responsibility and of the whole nation."
"He told the people that, I Somotxo's lost all my youth and family to defend this nation. So it is not about killing our country again; youngsters should consider these words as a training for themselves so they can become good Timorese tomorrow serving their own countries.\" The Chairman of Commission B explained his position in an interview with journalist at Parliament on Thursday (15/04)."
"However, the body of Armindo Borges who was identified positive for COVID-19 has been handing over to his family by government and Crisis Management Center after resistance leader Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao waits at Vera Cruz Isolation Centre during three night."
"Say Banko Nasional Komersiu Timor-Leste (BNCTL),..."
] |
FORUM HAKSESUK: OJE2011 final global dilema ba FRETILIN vota kontra ka favor\nOJE2011 final global dilema ba FRETILIN vota kontra ka favor\nIha haksesuk konaba Orçamento Jeral Estado (OJE) 2011, kompara ho OJE iha tinan hirak liu ba, hahu Transitório (OT) 2007, OJE2008 no Orçamento Retificativo (OR) 2008 ne´ebe estabelece Fundos Estabelização Económica (FEE) hodi hasoru krisi financeira mundial no da'et ba krise aihan, ne´ebe OMP (Oposição Maioria Parlamentares) lori ba Tribunal hodi detekta konaba iregularidade. Iha OJE2009 mos OMP hatudu ninia posisaun ne´ebe duro hodi fomenta nafatin diskursus konaba Inkonstitucionalidade ba IV Governu Konstitucional, hodi dehan Governu no Primeiro-Ministro de Facto. Mos iha OJE2010, hanesan maibe, iha OJE2011, hatudu iha mudansas(ças) iha diskursus husi OMP, la iha Primeiru-Ministro de facto, Governu de facto. Nota mos mudanças iha intervensaun, moderasaun iha diskursus, kolabora iha votasaun. No fim, OJE2011, ninia qualidade sa'e no maturidade politika, maske foin ukun rasik an iha tinan sanulu laran maibe hatudu katak konsolidasaun demokratika no harii Estado-Nasaun maske la'o neneik, maibe bebeik. Hanesan rekonece husi parte Governu, ”Timor-Leste adopta um processo orçamental mais bem coordenado e mais transparente, enquanto o Primeiro-Ministro conduz debates televisivos para informar os cidadãos (Comunicado Oficial, loron 21/01/2011)”. Mos hanesan realsa husi editorial Forum Haksesuk, konaba posisaun OMP no AMP nian iha haksesuk malu iha OJE2011, ”Ida ne’e maka dinamika iha debates OJE2011, mos reflekte duni procesu demokratizasaun no konsolidasaun estadu Timor-Leste nian, maske foin tinan 10 deit, maibe hatudu katak iha duni maturidade politika ne’ebe hatudu liu husi debates ne’ebe konstrutivus! (FH,18/01/2011)”.\nIha mudanças OJE2011, OMP ninia propostas barak maka hetan aprovsaun husi AMP, hanesan propostas ba hasa'e tan osan ba veteranus sira, proposta husi deputado Mandati, FRETILIN. Husi Antonino Bianco, FRETILIN, ninia proposta balun mak hetan aprovasuan tamba votus husi OMP.\nMaibe faktor seluk maka sai hanesan citasaun ba análisa maka, deklarasaun votu husi Deputado Mateus de Jesus, Ex-PUN, iha votasaun ba OJE2011 jeneralidade, katak “se vota kontra, signifika hamate povo nia moris (deklarasaun votu, TVTL, loron 14/01/2011)”.\nHo Mateus de Jesus nini deklarasaun, mensajen hato'o ba OMP/FRETILIN, tamba sira vota kontra iha votasaun final ba OJE2011 jeneralidade, karik tendencia ida ne´e maka akontese iha votasaun final global ba OJE2011. OMP/FRETILIN la iha ona manobra hodi klaim katak sira ninia propostas sira ne´ebe hetan aprovasaun husi AMP ba sira nia eleitoradus katak ami maka ba defende hodi hatama ba iha OJE2011.\nPreokupasaun bot liu ba Nasaun maka ne´e, se OJE2011 aprovado ho deit votus favores husi AMP + PUN, PPT no Abstensaun husi KOTA, maske OMP vota kontra, OJE2011 aprovadu ho maioria nafatin. Mas imajen politika ne´ebe sei hatudu ba publiku maka:\nIda (1); OMP/FRETILIN kontra OJE2011. Se haknauk ba Deputado Mateus de Jesus ninia lia fuan, ”kontra, signifika hamate povu nia moris (Dekl. votu jeneralidade OJE2011, in TVTL, 14/01/2011)”.\nRua (2); Se OJE2011, iha ninia novidades maka hetan aprovasaun husi bankada PUN. Tuir deputada Fernanda Borges, Presidente PUN, iha deklarasaun votus ba votasaun final ba OJE2011 jeneralidade katak “vota favor tamba hakarak diak ba futuru Timor-Leste nian (idem)”. Kontraria husi ida ne´e hatudu katak lakohi diak ba futuru Timor-Leste nian.\nTolu (3); Mensajem ne´ebe maka OMP/FRETILIN tenta evita passa ba publiku maka katak kontra OJE2011 hanesan kontra desenvolvimentu. Imajina deit OJE2011 la passa ka «Chumbado» husi Paralmento Nasional (PN), ninia implikasaun ba Nasaun Timor-Leste, provoka krisi politika institucional, procesu desenvolvimentu nasional la lao.\nHat (4); importante ba OJE2011, sai hanesan embriaun ba implementasaun PEDN (2011-2030). Tuir deputado Antonino Bianco, preponente ba proposta ne´ebe hakarak elimina verba ne´eba maka hatama iha Gabinete Primeiro-Ministro (GPM) hodi estabelece ADN (Agência de Desenvolvimento Nacional). Maibe wainhira hetan explikasaun husi PM, deputado Antonino Bianco, dehan katak, ”retira proposta tamba interesse nasional (FH, 15/01/2011)”.\nLima (5); Proposta subvensaun publika, iha proposta no. 84, iniciativa husi FRETILIN hodi aumenta tan osan. “Proposta subvensaun publika hatama ba meja Parlamentu Nasional (PN) iha dotasaun OJE2011 aloka osan ba CNE (Comissao Nacional Eliecao), iha proposta no. 84, hatama osan iha kodiku OJE (05-722), ho dotasaun inicial (US$1,000,000.00) ho aditamentu (US$5,500,000.00) no dotasaun final (US$6,500,000.00). Tuir nota justifikasaun husi preponentes sira katak, ”proposta aditamentu ho montante US$5,500,000.00, ho objektivu atu aloka ba partidu politiku hodi haforsa partidu no haburas demokrasia multipartidarismu ne’ebe qualidade”. Tuir Lei partidus politikus no.3/2004 no Lei no.6/2008, hakerek konaba rejime juridika ba finansiamentu partidus politikus. Ho dotasaun inicial US$1,000,000.00, Partidu FRETILIN hetan subvensaun publika hamutuk montante iha semester ida hetan $161,538.46 (2x $161,538.46) no partidu CNRT hetan subvensaun publika hamutuk montante semester ida hetan US$138,461.54 (2x US$138,461.54). Ho proposta aditamentu ida ne’e maka pasa, FRETILIN ho CNRT hetan 5x (550 %), hatudu katak partidus FRETILIN ho CNRT, FRETILIN hetan total hetan US$2,100,000.00 no CNRT hetan US$1,800,000.00 (in FH,18/01/2011)”.\nProblema no dilema ba FRETILIN maka ne´e, se vota kontra OJE2011, mensajem ne´ebe maka sei pasa ba publiku maka: FRETILIN kontra desenvolvimentu no hamate povu nia moris. Se vota favor OJE2011, mos problema, tamba fó lejitimidade ba politika no legalidade konstitucional ba Governo AMP ne´ebe ke iha tinan tolu kotuk konsidere nudar Governo no Primeiro Ministro ne´ebe de facto.\nOpsaun seluk, maka vota ba Abstensaun, simu OJE2011 maibe nudar OMP kontra rumo politika ne´ebe Governu AMP nian.\nOpsaun ikus liu maka, CCF fó liberdade ba Deputados sira vota ho «Consciência», favor, kontra ka abstein deit. Iha ne´e hatudu katak iha ona mudansa politika iha Fretilin tamba saida? Hanoin ona ba eleisaun 2012, sorin ida. Sorin seluk, maka OJE2011 fahe ba vertentes rua (2), ekonomikas no social. Vertente ekonomika serve hanesan embriaun ba implementasaun PEDN ba 2011-2030. Mos desenvolvimentu descentralizadus, liu husi programas hanesan PDL, PDD1 no MDG sukus, ne´ebe sei beneficiu diak liu ba populasaun iha baze. Husi vertentes social, kontinuasaun kompromisu IV Governu Konstitucional ba politikas sociais, hanesan pensaun ba antigos kombatente libertasaun nasional (ANKLN), pensaun ba Katuas Ferik (KF) no Pensaun ba Emar Kbiit Laek sira (EKL). Ne´e preokupasaun social husi estado ne´ebe solidario traduz husi ispiritu Konstituisaun RDTL nian.\nHo buat sira ne´e hotu sai nudar dilema (desafio crescente) ba partidu FRETILIN iha debate OJE2011: VOTA KONTRA ka FAVOR!\nPublicada por FORUM HAKSESUK à(s) 12:09 da manhã | [
"FORUM HAKSESUK: OJE2011 final global dilema ba FRETILIN vota kontra ka favor OJE2011 final global dilema ba FRETILIN vota kontra ka favor Iha haksesuk konaba Orcamento Jeral Estado (OJE) 2011, kompara ho OJE iha tinan hirak liu ba, hahu Transitorio (OT) 2007, OJE2008 no Orcamento Retificativo (OR) 2008 ne'ebe estabelece Fundos Estabelizacao Economica (FEE) hodi hasoru krisi financeira mundial no da'et ba krise aihan, ne'ebe OMP (Oposicao Maioria Parlamentares) lori ba Tribunal hodi detekta konaba iregularidade.",
"Iha OJE2009 mos OMP hatudu ninia posisaun ne'ebe duro hodi fomenta nafatin diskursus konaba Inkonstitucionalidade ba IV Governu Konstitucional, hodi dehan Governu no Primeiro-Ministro de Facto.",
"Mos iha OJE2010, hanesan maibe, iha OJE2011, hatudu iha mudansas (cas) iha diskursus husi OMP, la iha Primeiru-Ministro de facto, Governu de facto.",
"Nota mos mudancas iha intervensaun, moderasaun iha diskursus, kolabora iha votasaun.",
"No fim, OJE2011, ninia qualidade sa'e no maturidade politika, maske foin ukun rasik an iha tinan sanulu laran maibe hatudu katak konsolidasaun demokratika no harii Estado-Nasaun maske la'o neneik, maibe bebeik.",
"Hanesan rekonece husi parte Governu, \"Timor-Leste adopta um processo orcamental mais bem coordenado e mais transparente, enquanto o Primeiro-Ministro conduz debates televisivos para informar os cidadaos (Comunicado Oficial, loron 21/01/2011) .\"",
"Mos hanesan realsa husi editorial Forum Haksesuk, konaba posisaun OMP no AMP nian iha haksesuk malu iha OJE2011, \"Ida ne'e maka dinamika iha debates OJE2011, mos reflekte duni procesu demokratizasaun no konsolidasaun estadu Timor-Leste nian, maske foin tinan 10 deit, maibe hatudu katak iha duni maturidade politika ne'ebe hatudu liu husi debates ne'ebe konstrutivus!",
"(FH,18/01/2011) .\"",
"Iha mudancas OJE2011, OMP ninia propostas barak maka hetan aprovsaun husi AMP, hanesan propostas ba hasa'e tan osan ba veteranus sira, proposta husi deputado Mandati, FRETILIN.",
"Husi Antonino Bianco, FRETILIN, ninia proposta balun mak hetan aprovasuan tamba votus husi OMP.",
"Maibe faktor seluk maka sai hanesan citasaun ba analisa maka, deklarasaun votu husi Deputado Mateus de Jesus, Ex-PUN, iha votasaun ba OJE2011 jeneralidade, katak \"se vota kontra, signifika hamate povo nia moris (deklarasaun votu, TVTL, loron 14/01/2011) .\"",
"Ho Mateus de Jesus nini deklarasaun, mensajen hato'o ba OMP/FRETILIN, tamba sira vota kontra iha votasaun final ba OJE2011 jeneralidade, karik tendencia ida ne'e maka akontese iha votasaun final global ba OJE2011.",
"OMP/FRETILIN la iha ona manobra hodi klaim katak sira ninia propostas sira ne'ebe hetan aprovasaun husi AMP ba sira nia eleitoradus katak ami maka ba defende hodi hatama ba iha OJE2011.",
"Preokupasaun bot liu ba Nasaun maka ne'e, se OJE2011 aprovado ho deit votus favores husi AMP + PUN, PPT no Abstensaun husi KOTA, maske OMP vota kontra, OJE2011 aprovadu ho maioria nafatin.",
"Mas imajen politika ne'ebe sei hatudu ba publiku maka: Ida (1); OMP/FRETILIN kontra OJE2011.",
"Se haknauk ba Deputado Mateus de Jesus ninia lia fuan, \"kontra, signifika hamate povu nia moris (Dekl. votu jeneralidade OJE2011, in TVTL, 14/01/2011) .\"",
"Rua (2); Se OJE2011, iha ninia novidades maka hetan aprovasaun husi bankada PUN.",
"Tuir deputada Fernanda Borges, Presidente PUN, iha deklarasaun votus ba votasaun final ba OJE2011 jeneralidade katak \"vota favor tamba hakarak diak ba futuru Timor-Leste nian (idem) .\"",
"Kontraria husi ida ne'e hatudu katak lakohi diak ba futuru Timor-Leste nian.",
"Tolu (3); Mensajem ne'ebe maka OMP/FRETILIN tenta evita passa ba publiku maka katak kontra OJE2011 hanesan kontra desenvolvimentu.",
"Imajina deit OJE2011 la passa ka \"Chumbado\" husi Paralmento Nasional (PN), ninia implikasaun ba Nasaun Timor-Leste, provoka krisi politika institucional, procesu desenvolvimentu nasional la lao.",
"Hat (4); importante ba OJE2011, sai hanesan embriaun ba implementasaun PEDN (2011-2030).",
"Tuir deputado Antonino Bianco, preponente ba proposta ne'ebe hakarak elimina verba ne'eba maka hatama iha Gabinete Primeiro-Ministro (GPM) hodi estabelece ADN (Agencia de Desenvolvimento Nacional).",
"Maibe wainhira hetan explikasaun husi PM, deputado Antonino Bianco, dehan katak, \"retira proposta tamba interesse nasional (FH, 15/01/2011) .\"",
"Lima (5); Proposta subvensaun publika, iha proposta no.",
"84, iniciativa husi FRETILIN hodi aumenta tan osan.",
"\"Proposta subvensaun publika hatama ba meja Parlamentu Nasional (PN) iha dotasaun OJE2011 aloka osan ba CNE (Comissao Nacional Eliecao), iha proposta no.",
"84, hatama osan iha kodiku OJE (05-722), ho dotasaun inicial (US$1,000,000.00) ho aditamentu (US$5,500,000.00) no dotasaun final (US$6,500,000.00).",
"Tuir nota justifikasaun husi preponentes sira katak, \"proposta aditamentu ho montante US$5,500,000.00, ho objektivu atu aloka ba partidu politiku hodi haforsa partidu no haburas demokrasia multipartidarismu ne'ebe qualidade.\"",
"Tuir Lei partidus politikus no.3/2004 no Lei no.6/2008, hakerek konaba rejime juridika ba finansiamentu partidus politikus.",
"Ho dotasaun inicial US$1,000,000.00, Partidu FRETILIN hetan subvensaun publika hamutuk montante iha semester ida hetan $161,538.46 (2x $161,538.46) no partidu CNRT hetan subvensaun publika hamutuk montante semester ida hetan US$138,461.54 (2x US$138,461.54).",
"Ho proposta aditamentu ida ne'e maka pasa, FRETILIN ho CNRT hetan 5x (550%), hatudu katak partidus FRETILIN ho CNRT, FRETILIN hetan total hetan US$2,100,000.00 no CNRT hetan US$1,800,000.00 (in FH,18/01/2011) .\"",
"Problema no dilema ba FRETILIN maka ne'e, se vota kontra OJE2011, mensajem ne'ebe maka sei pasa ba publiku maka: FRETILIN kontra desenvolvimentu no hamate povu nia moris.",
"Se vota favor OJE2011, mos problema, tamba fo lejitimidade ba politika no legalidade konstitucional ba Governo AMP ne'ebe ke iha tinan tolu kotuk konsidere nudar Governo no Primeiro Ministro ne'ebe de facto.",
"Opsaun seluk, maka vota ba Abstensaun, simu OJE2011 maibe nudar OMP kontra rumo politika ne'ebe Governu AMP nian.",
"Opsaun ikus liu maka, CCF fo liberdade ba Deputados sira vota ho \"Consciencia,\" favor, kontra ka abstein deit.",
"Iha ne'e hatudu katak iha ona mudansa politika iha Fretilin tamba saida?",
"Hanoin ona ba eleisaun 2012, sorin ida.",
"Sorin seluk, maka OJE2011 fahe ba vertentes rua (2), ekonomikas no social.",
"Vertente ekonomika serve hanesan embriaun ba implementasaun PEDN ba 2011-2030.",
"Mos desenvolvimentu descentralizadus, liu husi programas hanesan PDL, PDD1 no MDG sukus, ne'ebe sei beneficiu diak liu ba populasaun iha baze.",
"Husi vertentes social, kontinuasaun kompromisu IV Governu Konstitucional ba politikas sociais, hanesan pensaun ba antigos kombatente libertasaun nasional (ANKLN), pensaun ba Katuas Ferik (KF) no Pensaun ba Emar Kbiit Laek sira (EKL).",
"Ne'e preokupasaun social husi estado ne'ebe solidario traduz husi ispiritu Konstituisaun RDTL nian.",
"Ho buat sira ne'e hotu sai nudar dilema (desafio crescente) ba partidu FRETILIN iha debate OJE2011: VOTA KONTRA ka FAVOR!",
"Publicada por FORUM HAKSESUK a (s) 12:09 da manha"
] | [
"FORUM HAKSESUK: The General State Budget (GSB) for the year is a dilemma, compared to previous years' budgets. Starting with Transitional Bill of Taxes(TBT), which was adopted in January/February and followed by Legislative Resolution No1208-Official Gazette dated June / July that established Economic Stabilization Fund as an instrument against global financial crisis including food crise; this fund has been brought before court on behalf Of Parliamentary Majority Opposition because there were irregularities detected during its approval process - OMP)."
"In the 2015 budget, OMP also showed its firm position to continue promoting a discourse on unconstitutionality of IV Constitutional Government by saying that it is de facto government and Prime Minister."
"Not in the 2013 budget, as well but it shows changes (cas) of discourse from OMP to Prime Minister de facto and Government."
"Note also changes in interventions, moderation of discourse and collaboration on voting."
"Finally, the 2013 budget shows a rise in quality and political maturity. Although we have only been independent for about ten years it has shown that democratic consolidation of our nation-state is not slowing down but rather steady on its way to becoming an international powerhouse with strong regional presence as well"
"As acknowledged by the Government, \"Timor-Leste is adopting a better coordinated and more transparent budgetary process while Prime Minister conducts television debate to inform citizens (Official Press Release of 21/03."
"As opposed to the editorial of Forum Haksesuk, regarding OMP and AMP's position in hassesuking each other at OJE2013: \"This is a dynamic that has taken place during debate on this budget. It also reflectes democratization process with consolidation state Timor-Leste; even though only ten years old it shows political maturity shown through constructive discussion!"
"(FH, 18/02).\""
"In the changes to 2013 budget, many of OMP's proposal were approved by AMP such as a proposed increase in pension funds for veteran members. This was made possible through an appeal from MP Mandati (FRETILIN)."
"By Antonino Bianco, FRETILIN; some of his proposals were approved because the OMP voted."
"But another factor that came out as a quotation for analysis was the vote declaration of Deputado Mateus de Jesus, Ex-PUN in voting on Generality Budget2013: \"if you choose to oppose it means killing people's lives (vote statement TVTL January."
"With Mateus de Jesus's statement, a message is sent to OMP/FRETILIN because they voted against in the final voting for 2013 general budget if this trend occurred during global and ultimate ballot of Budget."
"OMP/FRETILIN has no maneuver left to claim that their proposals, which were approved by AMP for its electorate we will defend and introduce in the 2013 budget."
"The greatest concern for the nation is that if OJE2013 was approved with only favourable votes from AMP + PUP, PPT and abstentions of KOTA (although OMP voted against), then it would still be passed by a majority."
"But the political image that will be shown to public is: One (1); OMP/FRETILIN against OJE203."
"In response to the words of MP Mateus de Jesus, \"against it means killing people's lives (Declaration on general vote OJE2013 in TVTL).\""
"Street (2); If OJE10, in its novelties were approved by the bank of Pun."
"According to deputy Fernanda Borges, President of PUN in her declaration on the final vote for Generality Budget2013 that \"vote favor because I want a better future (idem).\""
"The opposite of this shows that there is no good for East Timor's future."
"Third (3); The message that OMP/FRETILIN is trying to avoid passing on the public, was against Budget2014 as anti-development."
"Just imagine the 2013 Budget not passed or \"Changed\" by National Parliament (PN), its implications for Timor-Leste, provoking an institutional political crisis and a national development process that isn't going on."
"Four (4); important for the 2013 budget, it serves as an embryo of implementation to SDG-II."
"According to deputy Antonino Bianco, the proponents of a proposal that would eliminate these funds had submitted it in 2013 at Prime Minister's Office (GPM) for establishing an Agency on National Development."
"But when asked for an explanation by the PM, deputy Antonino Bianco said that he \"withdraws proposal because of national interest (FH 15/02).\""
"Five (5); Proposal for public subsidy, with proposal no."
"84, FRETILIN's initiatives to increase the money."
"\"Proposed public subsidy sent to the National Parliament (PN) table in 2013 budget allocation allocates money for CNE, proposal no."
"84, entered money in the budget code (05-721), with initial appropriation ($3.6 million) and additions $9 millions)."
"According to the justification note by its proponents, \"proposes an addition of US$5.07 million with a view towards allocating funds for political parties in order that they may strengthen themselves and foster quality multiparty democracy.\""
"Pursuant to the Political Parties Law no.3/2014 and law No 6 /58, it is written about legal regime for financing of political parties in Romania"
"With an initial endowment of US$1,025.68 million (US $ 349) the FRETILIN Party received public subsidy totalling in a semester amounted to USD £7-USD - and CNRP party obtained Public Subsidiary Totaling In A Semester Value Of:"
"With this proposed addition passed, FRETILIN and CNRT get 5x (40%), showing that the parties of Fretilin with CNRT. The total received by FH is US$21 million while CNT receives $867 thousand.\""
"The problem and dilemma for FRETILIN is that if it votes against the 2013 budget, its message to public will be: Fretilin opposes development."
"If they vote in favour of the 2013 budget, there will be a problem as it would give political legitimacy and constitutional legality to AMP Government which has been considered for three years now de facto Prime Minister."
"Another option, is to vote Abstention and accept the 2013 Budget but as an OMP against policy direction of AMP Government."
"The ultimate option is that the CCF gives Deputies freedom to vote with \"Consciencia,\" in favor or against only."
"This shows that there has been a political change in Fretilin. Why?"
"I have already thought about the 2013 election, but only one choice."
"On the other hand, 2013 budget is divided into two parts: economic and social."
"The economic component serves as an embryo for the implementation of 2014-36."
"More decentralized development, through programmes such as PDL (Plan for Local Development), SDG 1 and the MDGS of village levels that will benefit better to population at grassroot level."
"On the social front, continuation of commitment by IV Constitutional Government to Social Policies such as Pension for Former National Liberations Combatants (ANKLN), Pension For Elderly Persons and Emar Kbiit Laek sira."
"This is the social concern of a state that translates into solidarity in spirit with RDTL's Constitution."
"With all these things, it has become a dilemma (increasing challenge) for the FRETILIN party in OJE2013 debate: VOTE AGAINST or FOR!"
"Publicada por FORUM HAKSESUK a(s) domingo, abril12th.09:58 PM No comments"
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Aimoruk Kankru La Tama Iha Lista Esensial Medikamentu\nDiretora Ezecutiva Servisu Autonomia Medikamentu no Ekipamentu Saúde (SAMES), Santana Martins hateten aimoruk ba kankru nian hanesan tamoxifen la tama iha lista esensial medikamentu Timor-Leste nian, tanba ne’e la halo kompras.\nNia dehan aimoruk espesialista nian ba kankru, moras kurasaun nian barak maka la tama iha lista esensial medikamentu nian tanba stok iha armajen laiha atu distribui ba hospital sira hodi halo kontinuasaun tratamentu ba pasiente sira ne’ebe halo ona tratamentu iha rai liur.\n“Ami rekomenda ba familia sira karik fila fali mai kontinua ho aimoruk ne’e tenke entrega reseita ne’e ba mediku sira atu prosesu sedu. Labele hein aimoruk hotu tiha maka lori reseita ba mediku sira ne’e susar tanba ita nia nasaun laiha fabrika,” nia hateten iha Kampung Alor, Dili.\nNia hateten sira halo hela prosesu tenderizasaun ba aimoruk espesialista sira nian, maibe ho kuantidade ne’ebe ki’ik tanba ne’e kompanha sira lakohi partisipa.\nNia informa dadaun ne’e stok medikamentu ne’ebe disponivel iha armajen sentral 81% husi total 452 items medikamentu iha lista esensial nian, maibe items balun ne’ebe nafatin laiha.\nIha parte seluk, Kordenadora Programa Hau Hili Atu Kura iha Organizasaun Fundasaun Alola, Pascoela Barreto hateten durante ne’e sira ajuda sosa medikamentu ba pasiente kankru susun tanba sira tenke konsumu aimoruk ne’e lorloron.\nNia konsente la fasil atu iha asesu ba medikamentu sira kankru nian iha rai laran tanba ne’e sira enkoraja pasiente sira atu aprejenta sedu, bainhira aimoruk menus ona atu bele buka iha farmasia privado sira.\n“Iha pasiente balun agora dadaun sira hemu hela aimoruk ida Tomaxifen, sira tenke hemu rutina. Bainhira sira la hemu sira bele moras fali, tanba ne’e ita enkoraja sira antes semana tolu besik hotu informa ona atu buka aimoruk iha farmasia privado sosa fo ba sira, se lae sira la hemu sira bele lakon vida,” nia hateten.\nNia hateten sira pronto ajuda inan feto sira ne’ebe iha sintoma kankru susun atu asesu ba tratamentu intermus medikamentu no diagnosa, alende ne’e apoia mos aihan no transporte ba pasiente sira ba mai tratamentu.\nNia informa hahu tinan 2014 to’o agora, sira akompanha ona pasiente nain 165 halo tratamentu, husi ne’e nain 14 maka sofre kankru susun malign. No husi nain 14 ne’e nain 8 maka lakon ona vida. | [
"Aimoruk Kankru La Tama Iha Lista Esensial Medikamentu Diretora Ezecutiva Servisu Autonomia Medikamentu no Ekipamentu Saude (SAMES), Santana Martins hateten aimoruk ba kankru nian hanesan tamoxifen la tama iha lista esensial medikamentu Timor-Leste nian, tanba ne'e la halo kompras.",
"Nia dehan aimoruk espesialista nian ba kankru, moras kurasaun nian barak maka la tama iha lista esensial medikamentu nian tanba stok iha armajen laiha atu distribui ba hospital sira hodi halo kontinuasaun tratamentu ba pasiente sira ne'ebe halo ona tratamentu iha rai liur.",
"\"Ami rekomenda ba familia sira karik fila fali mai kontinua ho aimoruk ne'e tenke entrega reseita ne'e ba mediku sira atu prosesu sedu.",
"Labele hein aimoruk hotu tiha maka lori reseita ba mediku sira ne'e susar tanba ita nia nasaun laiha fabrika,\" nia hateten iha Kampung Alor, Dili.",
"Nia hateten sira halo hela prosesu tenderizasaun ba aimoruk espesialista sira nian, maibe ho kuantidade ne'ebe ki'ik tanba ne'e kompanha sira lakohi partisipa.",
"Nia informa dadaun ne'e stok medikamentu ne'ebe disponivel iha armajen sentral 81% husi total 452 items medikamentu iha lista esensial nian, maibe items balun ne'ebe nafatin laiha.",
"Iha parte seluk, Kordenadora Programa Hau Hili Atu Kura iha Organizasaun Fundasaun Alola, Pascoela Barreto hateten durante ne'e sira ajuda sosa medikamentu ba pasiente kankru susun tanba sira tenke konsumu aimoruk ne'e lorloron.",
"Nia konsente la fasil atu iha asesu ba medikamentu sira kankru nian iha rai laran tanba ne'e sira enkoraja pasiente sira atu aprejenta sedu, bainhira aimoruk menus ona atu bele buka iha farmasia privado sira.",
"\"Iha pasiente balun agora dadaun sira hemu hela aimoruk ida Tomaxifen, sira tenke hemu rutina.",
"Bainhira sira la hemu sira bele moras fali, tanba ne'e ita enkoraja sira antes semana tolu besik hotu informa ona atu buka aimoruk iha farmasia privado sosa fo ba sira, se lae sira la hemu sira bele lakon vida,\" nia hateten.",
"Nia hateten sira pronto ajuda inan feto sira ne'ebe iha sintoma kankru susun atu asesu ba tratamentu intermus medikamentu no diagnosa, alende ne'e apoia mos aihan no transporte ba pasiente sira ba mai tratamentu.",
"Nia informa hahu tinan 2014 to'o agora, sira akompanha ona pasiente nain 165 halo tratamentu, husi ne'e nain 14 maka sofre kankru susun malign.",
"No husi nain 14 ne'e nain 8 maka lakon ona vida."
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"The Executive Director of the Independent Medicines and Health Equipment Service (SAMES), Santana Martin, said that cancer drugs such as tamoxifen are not included in Timor-Leste' s essential medicine list. Therefore they have been omitted from procurement processes for these medications; hence there is no need to purchase them at all.\""
"He said that specialist drugs for cancer, many of the cure diseases are not included in essential medicine list because there is no stock at warehouse to distribute them on hospital follow-up treatment patients who have already been treated abroad."
"\"We recommend to the families that if they return and continue with this medication, give these prescriptions back for processing."
"Do not wait until all the medicines are out before you bring prescription to doctor, it is difficult because our country has no factory\", he said in Kampung Alor."
"He said that they are in the process of bidding for specialist drugs, but with small quantities so companies do not participate."
"He informed that currently the stock of medicines available at central warehouse is 81% from a total list, but some items are still missing."
"Pascoela Barreto, Coordinator of the \"I Choose to Cure\" Program at Alola Foundation Organization said that during this time they helped buy medicines for breast cancer patients because these have a daily need."
"He agreed that it is not easy to have access for cancer medicines in the country so they encourage patients, when there are shortages of drugs and can look at private pharmacies."
"\"In some patients who are currently taking a drug called Tomaxifen, they have to take it routinely."
"If they do not heat up, it can make them sick again. That's why we are encouraging the people who have been informed three weeks ago to look for medicine at a private pharmacy and buy food; otherwise if their temperature does no rise then there is risk of death.\""
"She said they are ready to help mothers with breast cancer symptom of accessing treatment intermus medication and diagnosis, in addition also support food for patients transportation."
"She informed that since 2014 until now, they have accompanied the treatment of a total Of these patients who had been treating for breast cancer were:"
"Eight of the 14 people have lost their lives."
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Membrus Polisia Foun 178 Simu Graduasaun\nAsesu dala: 104\nMembrus polisia foun 178 simu ona graduasuan hafoin tuir formasaun ba ajentes durante fulan neen nia laran iha Sentru Formasaun iha Akademia Polisia (AKMIL), Comoro, Dili.\nMembrus polisia foun 178 simu ona graduasuan hafoi n tuir formasaun durante fulan neen iha Sentru Formasaun AKPOL.\nKomandante Sentro Formasaun, Agrimino Ramos hateten sira nain hirak ne’e foin remata kursu formasaun ajentes ba dala lima nian hodi aumenta tan numero rekezitus Polisia nasional Timor-Leste nian hodi garante seguransa iha rai doben ida ne’e.\nNia dehan, graduasaun ida ne’e ba dala 68 konta hamutuk ho tempo Organizasaun Nasoens Unidas (ONU) nia komesa husi klase primeiro to’o klase 63 nian.\n“No iha tinan 2000, ita para tiha to’o 2006, ita hahu fali iha 2012 ate agora ne’e,” nia hateten, iha serimonia graduasaun, iha Comoro, Dili.\nNia informa, katak prosesu muda ema sivil sai polisia ne’e presiza liu husi formasaun professional inklui buat hotu ne’ebe relevantes ho situasaun, kondisaun ne’ebe Timor iha e mos normas ne’ebe iha.\n“Formasaun ba polisia foun ho nivel ajente ne’e, nudar formasaun principal karakter nian hodi proteje ita nia povu ne’ebe sira sei servi ba,” nia informa.\nNia hatutan, durante formasaun nain tolu rejigna aan tanba moras no ida kontra seksaun disiplinar iha loron hirak liu ba, portantu sira ne’ebe remata sira nia kursus ne’e hamutuk 178.\n“Formasaun ida ne’e hala’o durante fulan ne’en ho total horas 840, ne’e hanorin husi instruktor Timor oan, iha grupo tolu mak, Bloku Formasaun Baze iha Rairobo, Atabae- Maliana, Eskola iha Sentro Formasaun aAkademia Dili no Bloku Formasaun eEzercisiu iha tereno,” nia hateten.\nTuir artigo 19 regulamento kursu nian, nia hateten Ajente foun sira sei halo serviso periodu provatoriu durante tinan ida tuir rerulamento ne’ebe iha.\nEntretanto Primeiro Ministro (PM), Mari Amude Bin Alkatiri iha nia breves da palavras katak polisia, instituisaun ida ne’ebe importante tebes ba Timor-Leste, tantu iha familia ou sosiedade, polisia tenke hatene nia misaun.\nNia hateten, misaun servi povu, estado no direito demokratiko no vizaun atu haburas tan Instituisaun Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL), dezenvolve hodi halo relasaun ne’ebe diak ho povu.\n“Bainhira ita hakbesik aan ba povu, ita tenke sai ezemplu, buka dalan hodi hametin paz estabilidade, no haburas tan instituisaun ne’e iha rai doben Timor-Leste, ida ne’e mak funsaun sira nian,” PM Alkatiri hateten.\nNia hateten, sai polisia ne’e la’os servisu bai-bain maibe tenke lor-loron servi povu, atu nune’e povu bele iha konfiansa ba sira, povu bele tur hakmatek.\n“PNTL la’o husi dalan naruk no dalaruma ho kondisaun ne’ebe diak, dalaruma mos hasoru dezafio barak, ne’ebe ho imi nia juramento ida ne’e, imi tenke hatene konstituisaun, lei hotu iha Timor, tanba bainhira ita dehan defende lei, ita defende legalidade no labele defende lei no taka matan ba legalidade,” nia hatutan.\nIha fatin seluk Membro Ajente foun ne’ebe simu mos graduasaun, Helio da Silva Afonso agradese ba instituisaun PNTL, AKPOL inklui familia sira ne’ebe fo ona apoia durante formasuan to’o hetan graduasaun.\n“Maske hasoru dezafio, maibe ami kontente nafatin hodi halo ami nia kursu ne’e to’o remata,” Afonso dehan.\nNudar Polisia, sira nia knar atu servi nafatin povu Timor-Leste hodi tau aas interese publiku liu fali privada. | [
"Membrus Polisia Foun 178 Simu Graduasaun Asesu dala: 104 Membrus polisia foun 178 simu ona graduasuan hafoin tuir formasaun ba ajentes durante fulan neen nia laran iha Sentru Formasaun iha Akademia Polisia (AKMIL), Comoro, Dili.",
"Membrus polisia foun 178 simu ona graduasuan hafoi n tuir formasaun durante fulan neen iha Sentru Formasaun AKPOL.",
"Komandante Sentro Formasaun, Agrimino Ramos hateten sira nain hirak ne'e foin remata kursu formasaun ajentes ba dala lima nian hodi aumenta tan numero rekezitus Polisia nasional Timor-Leste nian hodi garante seguransa iha rai doben ida ne'e.",
"Nia dehan, graduasaun ida ne'e ba dala 68 konta hamutuk ho tempo Organizasaun Nasoens Unidas (ONU) nia komesa husi klase primeiro to'o klase 63 nian.",
"\"No iha tinan 2000, ita para tiha to'o 2006, ita hahu fali iha 2012 ate agora ne'e,\" nia hateten, iha serimonia graduasaun, iha Comoro, Dili.",
"Nia informa, katak prosesu muda ema sivil sai polisia ne'e presiza liu husi formasaun professional inklui buat hotu ne'ebe relevantes ho situasaun, kondisaun ne'ebe Timor iha e mos normas ne'ebe iha.",
"\"Formasaun ba polisia foun ho nivel ajente ne'e, nudar formasaun principal karakter nian hodi proteje ita nia povu ne'ebe sira sei servi ba,\" nia informa.",
"Nia hatutan, durante formasaun nain tolu rejigna aan tanba moras no ida kontra seksaun disiplinar iha loron hirak liu ba, portantu sira ne'ebe remata sira nia kursus ne'e hamutuk 178.",
"\"Formasaun ida ne'e hala'o durante fulan ne'en ho total horas 840, ne'e hanorin husi instruktor Timor oan, iha grupo tolu mak, Bloku Formasaun Baze iha Rairobo, Atabae- Maliana, Eskola iha Sentro Formasaun aAkademia Dili no Bloku Formasaun eEzercisiu iha tereno,\" nia hateten.",
"Tuir artigo 19 regulamento kursu nian, nia hateten Ajente foun sira sei halo serviso periodu provatoriu durante tinan ida tuir rerulamento ne'ebe iha.",
"Entretanto Primeiro Ministro (PM), Mari Amude Bin Alkatiri iha nia breves da palavras katak polisia, instituisaun ida ne'ebe importante tebes ba Timor-Leste, tantu iha familia ou sosiedade, polisia tenke hatene nia misaun.",
"Nia hateten, misaun servi povu, estado no direito demokratiko no vizaun atu haburas tan Instituisaun Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL), dezenvolve hodi halo relasaun ne'ebe diak ho povu.",
"\"Bainhira ita hakbesik aan ba povu, ita tenke sai ezemplu, buka dalan hodi hametin paz estabilidade, no haburas tan instituisaun ne'e iha rai doben Timor-Leste, ida ne'e mak funsaun sira nian,\" PM Alkatiri hateten.",
"Nia hateten, sai polisia ne'e la'os servisu bai-bain maibe tenke lor-loron servi povu, atu nune'e povu bele iha konfiansa ba sira, povu bele tur hakmatek.",
"\"PNTL la'o husi dalan naruk no dalaruma ho kondisaun ne'ebe diak, dalaruma mos hasoru dezafio barak, ne'ebe ho imi nia juramento ida ne'e, imi tenke hatene konstituisaun, lei hotu iha Timor, tanba bainhira ita dehan defende lei, ita defende legalidade no labele defende lei no taka matan ba legalidade,\" nia hatutan.",
"Iha fatin seluk Membro Ajente foun ne'ebe simu mos graduasaun, Helio da Silva Afonso agradese ba instituisaun PNTL, AKPOL inklui familia sira ne'ebe fo ona apoia durante formasuan to'o hetan graduasaun.",
"\"Maske hasoru dezafio, maibe ami kontente nafatin hodi halo ami nia kursu ne'e to'o remata,\" Afonso dehan.",
"Nudar Polisia, sira nia knar atu servi nafatin povu Timor-Leste hodi tau aas interese publiku liu fali privada."
] | [
"178 New Police Members Graduate Access times:204 The new police members have received their graduation after completing the officer training course for six months at Training Center in Academy of Policing (AKMIL), Comoro, Dili."
"A total of 178 new police officers have been trained for nine months at the AKPOL Training Center."
"The Commander of the Training Centre, Agrimino Ramos said that these officers have just completed their fifth training course in order to further increase Timor-Leste' s national police requirements and guarantee security on this beautiful land."
"He said that this graduation for the 68th time counts with his period of United Nations (UN) service from first class to sixty-third."
"\"And in 2016 we started again,\" he said at a graduation ceremony held by the University of Dili (U-Dili) on Thursday."
"He informed that the process of civilians becoming police requires professional training including everything relevant to situation, conditions and regulation which Timor-Leste has."
"\"The training of the new police force at this level is a major character formation to protect our people whom they will serve,\" he said."
"He added that during the training, three of them resigned due to illness and one against disciplinary section in recent days so those who completed their courses are 178."
"\"This training was carried out during this month with a total of 840 hours, it is taught by Timorese instructors in three groups: Base Training Block at Rairobo-Atabae Maliana; School and Academy Center for Formation (Centro de Formação e Academia Dili); Field Exercise Bloc\", he said."
"According to article 19 of the course regulations, he said new agents will serve a probationary period for one year accordingly."
"Meanwhile Prime Minister (PM), Mari Amude Bin Alkatiri in his briefs of words that the police, an institution which is very important for Timor-Leste both within family and society must know its mission."
"He said, the mission of serving people and state in democratic rights is a vision to further develop Timor-Leste National Police (PNTL) Institutions. It has been developed so that it can have better relations with its citizens.\""
"\"When we get closer to the people, it's our role as an example for them and find ways of strengthening peace stability in Timor-Leste. That is their function\", Prime Minister Alkatiri said at a press conference on Thursday morning (10/3)."
"He said, being a policeman is not just work but must serve the people every day so that they can have confidence in them and be happy."
"\"The PNTL has gone through a long road and sometimes in good conditions, but also faces many challenges. With this oath you must know the constitution of Timor-Leste because when we say that our duty is to defend lawfulness it cannot be done by turning away from legality.\""
"On the other hand, a new Member Agent who also received his graduation certificate Helio da Silva Afonso thanked to PNTL and AKPOL institutions including their families for all support during training until they graduated."
"\"Despite the challenges, we are happy to have completed our course until it's over\", Afonso said."
"As the Police, their duty is to continue serving Timorese people by putting public interest above private."
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Governu Re-Integra Tan Ema Na’in-124 iha Kuarentena bá Sosiedade | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVID-19 Governu Re-Integra Tan Ema Na’in-124 iha Kuarentena bá Sosiedade\nGovernu Re-Integra Tan Ema Na’in-124 iha Kuarentena bá Sosiedade\nEma Na’in-124 iha kuarentena fatin lima rona esplikasaun husi Diretora Jerál Prestasaun Servisu Saude, Odete Viegas, molok re-integra filafali ba sosiedade. Seremónia ne’e realiza iha loron segunda (13/04), iha fatin kuarentena Otél Luz Clarita. Imajen Tatoli/Egas Cristovão\nDILI, 13 abríl 2020 (TATOLI) – Governu liuhosi Ministeriu Saúde, hamutuk ho Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (CIGC, sigla portugés) iha segunda ne’e, re-integra tan ema na’in-124 ne’ebé kumpre ona konfinamentu obrigatóriu iha fatin kuarentena ne’ebé estabelese ona, durante loron 14 bá sosiedade, hafoin mai husi nasaun infetadu COVID-19.\nDiretora Jerál Prestasaun Servisu Saude, Odete Viegas, hateten Governu halo tan re-integrasaun ba maluk sira iha kuarentena tanba kumpre ona konfinamentu obrigatóriu.\n“Ohin ita halo tan re-integrasaun ba ita-nia maluk sira ne’ebé kumpre ona loron 14 ba auto-konfinamentu obrigatóriu hamutuk nain-124”, dehan Odete Viegas hafoin halo seremónia re-integrasaun iha kuarentena Otél Luz Clarita, segunda ne’e.\nNia adianta, sira ne’ebé ohin loron re-integra ona bá sosiedade, mai husi fatin kuarentena fatin lima hanesan Otél Viena, Otél Luz Clarita, Otél Fortuna, São João Paulo no Tibar, enkuantu maluk balun ne’ebé kuarentena iha Carla Mansion Guest House no Otél Fortuna seidauk bele sai tanba balun hatudu ona sintoma.\nMaske nune’e, husi parte Governu husu nafatin ba sira ne’ebé re-integra ona bá sosiedade, atu kontinua kumpre regra sira ne’ebé estabelese ona hodi aplika, nune’e kontinua prevene-an husi Coronavírus.\n“Ami nafatin husu ba alin sira ne’ebé maka sei fila ba sira nia fatin, atu kontinua nafatin halo distansia sosiál, no mós aplika regra uza máskara, no fase liman, hanesan ita bain-bain hatene tanba fase lima ne’e bele evita husi moras hotu-hotu no mós la presiza sai husi uma kuandu laiha nesesidade atu sai”, Odete akresenta.\nAtuál Portavós CIGC ne’e mós apela ba maluk sira ne’ebé maka iha kuarentena, atu sira tenke desiplina no tuir regra no labele halibur malu iha kuarentena laran.\nIha sorin seluk, representante Ministériu Estatál Paulo da Silva, husu ba iha maluk sira ne’ebé maka foin sai husu kuarentena, bainhira hamutuk ona ho família sira no tenke kontinua kumpre nafatin regulamentu husi Ministériu Saude.\nBiban ne’e, nia husu mós, hafoin sai kuarentena tenke bá aprezenta-an iha postu administrativu nune’e bele iha rekoñesimentu husi autoidade lokál sira no husu família sira labele tula direita bá sira-nia uma.\nPaulo mós apela liután ba ema na’in-124, bainhira fila bá uma maka hetan sintoma ruma, tenke kontaktu iha liña telemóvel 119, nune’e pesoál saúde bele halo intervensaun lalais.\nIha seremónia re-integrasaun ne’ebé realiza iha Otél Luz Clarita ne’e, konklui ho fahe sertifikadu ba ema sira ne’ebé kumpre ona konfinamentu obrigatóriu durante loron 14.\nRe-integrasaun bá sosiedade\nPrevious articleAutoridade Lokál Labele Halibur Populasaun\nNext articlePNTL Munisípiu Dili Rejista Kazu Ualu | [
"Governu Re-Integra Tan Ema Na'in-124 iha Kuarentena ba Sosiedade | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID-19 Governu Re-Integra Tan Ema Na'in-124 iha Kuarentena ba Sosiedade Governu Re-Integra Tan Ema Na'in-124 iha Kuarentena ba Sosiedade Ema Na'in-124 iha kuarentena fatin lima rona esplikasaun husi Diretora Jeral Prestasaun Servisu Saude, Odete Viegas, molok re-integra filafali ba sosiedade.",
"Seremonia ne'e realiza iha loron segunda (13/04), iha fatin kuarentena Otel Luz Clarita.",
"Imajen Tatoli/Egas Cristovao DILI, 13 abril 2020 (TATOLI) - Governu liuhosi Ministeriu Saude, hamutuk ho Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (CIGC, sigla portuges) iha segunda ne'e, re-integra tan ema na'in-124 ne'ebe kumpre ona konfinamentu obrigatoriu iha fatin kuarentena ne'ebe estabelese ona, durante loron 14 ba sosiedade, hafoin mai husi nasaun infetadu COVID-19.",
"Diretora Jeral Prestasaun Servisu Saude, Odete Viegas, hateten Governu halo tan re-integrasaun ba maluk sira iha kuarentena tanba kumpre ona konfinamentu obrigatoriu.",
"\"Ohin ita halo tan re-integrasaun ba ita-nia maluk sira ne'ebe kumpre ona loron 14 ba auto-konfinamentu obrigatoriu hamutuk nain-124,\" dehan Odete Viegas hafoin halo seremonia re-integrasaun iha kuarentena Otel Luz Clarita, segunda ne'e.",
"Nia adianta, sira ne'ebe ohin loron re-integra ona ba sosiedade, mai husi fatin kuarentena fatin lima hanesan Otel Viena, Otel Luz Clarita, Otel Fortuna, Sao Joao Paulo no Tibar, enkuantu maluk balun ne'ebe kuarentena iha Carla Mansion Guest House no Otel Fortuna seidauk bele sai tanba balun hatudu ona sintoma.",
"Maske nune'e, husi parte Governu husu nafatin ba sira ne'ebe re-integra ona ba sosiedade, atu kontinua kumpre regra sira ne'ebe estabelese ona hodi aplika, nune'e kontinua prevene-an husi Coronavirus.",
"\"Ami nafatin husu ba alin sira ne'ebe maka sei fila ba sira nia fatin, atu kontinua nafatin halo distansia sosial, no mos aplika regra uza maskara, no fase liman, hanesan ita bain-bain hatene tanba fase lima ne'e bele evita husi moras hotu-hotu no mos la presiza sai husi uma kuandu laiha nesesidade atu sai,\" Odete akresenta.",
"Atual Portavos CIGC ne'e mos apela ba maluk sira ne'ebe maka iha kuarentena, atu sira tenke desiplina no tuir regra no labele halibur malu iha kuarentena laran.",
"Iha sorin seluk, representante Ministeriu Estatal Paulo da Silva, husu ba iha maluk sira ne'ebe maka foin sai husu kuarentena, bainhira hamutuk ona ho familia sira no tenke kontinua kumpre nafatin regulamentu husi Ministeriu Saude.",
"Biban ne'e, nia husu mos, hafoin sai kuarentena tenke ba aprezenta-an iha postu administrativu nune'e bele iha rekonesimentu husi autoidade lokal sira no husu familia sira labele tula direita ba sira-nia uma.",
"Paulo mos apela liutan ba ema na'in-124, bainhira fila ba uma maka hetan sintoma ruma, tenke kontaktu iha lina telemovel 119, nune'e pesoal saude bele halo intervensaun lalais.",
"Iha seremonia re-integrasaun ne'ebe realiza iha Otel Luz Clarita ne'e, konklui ho fahe sertifikadu ba ema sira ne'ebe kumpre ona konfinamentu obrigatoriu durante loron 14.",
"Re-integrasaun ba sosiedade Previous articleAutoridade Lokal Labele Halibur Populasaun Next articlePNTL Munisipiu Dili Rejista Kazu Ualu"
] | [
"Government Re-integrates 124 Quarantine Persons to Society | Agência Noticiosa de Timor Leste VARANDA COVID -09 The government reintegration of the people in quarantaine for society, and five places heard explanations from Director General Health Service Provision Odete Viegas before they were reintegrated into societies."
"The ceremony was held on Monday (13/04), at the quarantine site Otel Luz Clarita."
"DILI, April 13th - The Government through the Ministry of Health together with Integrated Crisis Management Centre (CIGC) on Monday re-incorporated another persons who had comply to mandatory confinement in quarantine facilities established for society during a period from fourteen days after they came back home."
"Odete Viegas, Director General of Health Service Provisions said that the Government has re-integrated people in quarantine because they comply with mandatory confinement."
"\"Today we re-integrate our fellow workers who have already completed 14 days of compulsory self confinement, totaling a number that is now up to one hundred and twenty four people\", Odeta Viegas said after the ceremonY at Otel Luz Clarit Quarantine on Monday."
"He said, those who have today been re-integrated into society come from five quarantine sites such as Otel Viena and Luz Clarita hotels. Fortuna hotel in Sao Joao Paulo is the only one that has yet to be released because some of them showed symptoms; while others are being isolated at Carla Mansion Guest House or Hotel Fortune where they can't get out since many already had their first clinical sign"
"Nevertheless, the Government is asking those who have re-integrated into society to continue complying with rules that are already established and applied so they can prevent themselves from Coronavirus."
"\"We are still asking the brothers who will be returning to their places, that they continue making social distance and also apply rules of wearing mask or hand sanitizer. We know very well because this fifth phase can prevent all disease but it does not require leaving home when there is no need for them\", Odete added.\""
"The current CIGC spokesperson also appealed to people who are in quarantine, that they must be disciplined and follow the rules. They should not gather together during their quarantaine period"
"On the other hand, representative of State Ministry Paulo da Silva asked those who have just come out to request quarantine when they are together with their families and must continue compliance regulations from Health."
"In addition, he also asked that after leaving the quarantine they should present themselves at an administrative post so as to be recognized by local authorities and requests families not bring them directly back home."
"Paulo also appealed to the 124 people, when they go home and have any symptoms of COVID-09 should contact telephone line number: +56 (3) -87."
"The reintegration ceremony, held at the Luz Clarita Hotel in Rio de Janeiro ended with a certificate distribution to those who had complied for 14 days of compulsory confinement."
"Previous articleLocal Authority Does Not Hamper People’s Gathering Next ArticlePNTL Dili Municipality Registered 7 Case of COVID-19"
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