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what does it mean when you call a girl “honey” or “cutie”? I would like to know what you think ;)
(i’m a girl) | Crush |
Disclaimer, I have no one to talk to about this or else they'd know who my crush was, so this is basically my confession.
Since my sophomore year of high school started, I've been developing a crush on this girl, E. I feel like every time I think about her I get butterflies in my stomach and I haven't felt like this since this girl liked me back in 6th grade. E is super friendly to everyone, and I've known her for years, but we've never really talked. We went to the same church together (since 1st grade), and have a mutual friend, T. She's in the grade above me, so when I transferred to her school in 8th grade, she was in the high school section already. Last year in freshman year, we were acquaintances and were in the play together, and also were in the softball team together. Still didn't know her that well, but we talked from time to time. Turns out she plays guitar (so do I), loves sports like me, and McDonalds is her fav restaurant (mine too). I felt like I wanted to have her as a friend, but I never bumped into her outside class or softball so our friendship never grew.
Fast forward to this year, I started going to church again (stopped going in 5th grade), we're in the play again, and we went to summer training together. There was this one time in practice where she was talking about McDonald's and was asking me what she should get, and I said "chicken nuggets with a mcflurry." Then she asked me, how are you getting home later (the bus to the mall is also the only bus to the city), and I replied "my mom's picking me up." This could be me overthinking, but maybe she was hinting at going to get something to eat together? Anyways, I spend a lot more time around her now, and I see her every sunday. This week, we even played guitar together for service and it was so amazing. I played well, we sat together in church, and at the end when she left she punched me in the arm. I'd like to note that she likes shoving people around too, and even though she knows I'm a quiet person, she like to push me when I make a dumb joke (frankly so do all of my friends). I feel like she always smiles around me, and I am literally heads over heels. Should I wait for her to make the first move? I don't have the courage to ask her and I don't want to make things with our mutual friend awkward. | Crush |
So I recently got a girlfriend, and we talk a lot. id like to have a nice playlist of love songs to play when we're together. do you have any good rock love songs?
just letting yall know"i dont wanna miss a thing", as well as "still into you" are already on there.
any help would be hugely appreciated. :)
playlist: [Spotify – I'm Still Into You, and more](
also the russian song is there because she and I have laughed over that song many times, and it is truly beautiful. | Crush |
So I’ve been talking to this dude for maybe less than a week because I really like his look but after talking I like his personality as well. Now I’ve been noticing more and more that he stares at me a lot in class and in the hallways. I’ve heard that it could be because he is looking at someone next of behind me, or staring into space. As well as he could be looking to me because he is talking to me to his friends or he just likes me. Now yesterday I was in the hallway waiting for the teacher to come into class to let us in and we were there first two and he moved a bit and stared at me… I tried not to make it obvious that I was looking at him too and when his friends came he kept looking at me while talking to him but I didn’t hear anything about me. After the clas ended I talked to him as we went outside and he dropped his phone by accident as well as his AirPods trying to take them off, which showed that he was clumsy. He also kind of tripped down the stairs while walking with me. What could this mean? | Crush |
So a little while back I posted about this girl but it ended with just us as friends because she was lesbian, then today she tells me she is confused about her sexuality and has developed feelings for me and every time she thinks of me she gets butterflies in her stomach so use this as a example that sometimes the unexpected can happen in these situations I guess. | Crush |
OKAY SO- WE WERE CUDDLING NDNSDJDHJDJD… he’s coming tomorrow so we can cuddle again and guess what- we hugged twice today 💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼 I could hear his heart beat lolol | Crush |
It’s going bad. My best friend likes him, now I’m even crying in my room…. They always flirt. We’ve been going on walks recently but I feel so empty. Because when she’s here, she always takes the attention and it hurts.. Feels great! | Crush |
So I don't talk to get much I only talk to her on snap . I try to talk to her in person but she is always with her friends. Please help me 😭😩 | Crush |
As the title said, I have my first crush in 7 years. I’m not entirely sure how to handle it as I was in middle school last time I had one. We both just started college and live on the same floor but sometimes when we’re hanging out in a group he goes back to his room relatively quickly. He talks to me sometimes and asked me to join his club and he tries to get my attention occasionally. My friend said she saw him checking me out, and I’ve caught him looking over at me a bunch but he can also be a little shy, I think. She said it’s because I’m intimidating, but I feel like it could also be that he thinks I’m weird. I want to get closer to him but I feel awkward because these feelings are pretty new to me. Does anyone have advice? | Crush |
I'm a 14 year old boy and I always wondered why I don't seem to have a crush. Like sure there are a lot of pretty girls at my school, but I'm not entirely interested. Is that normal? I can even see obvious couples in other classrooms. Maybe I'm being envious/jealous ? But I don't really feel like I have problems with couples though, I'm kind of just neutral. "Don't mind, not concerned " is what I feel like. Sooo is it just me? I kind of feel like around my age I should have a crush by now. | Crush |
So I just started talking to a girl I haven’t seen in about 2 years and I fell hard for her and idk if she likes me back we’ve been talking for the past 3 days but we ft for hours each day, just hoping for some insight on what to do. | Crush |
So there’s a girl at work I really think I’m falling for. It’s been a couple months of us talking and we are very comfortable and ourselves around each other. I want to tell her how I feel but from the very start I’ve known she has a boy friend ,and as much as I tried to not fall for her I slowly fell for her deeper n deeper and am beyond confused . We have had sweet moments we’re at times it feels like she’s my girl friend , and we’ve been told we would make a good couple and have discussed how we feel it would be if we were dating . But i know that she’s in love with her boyfriend and I don’t know what to do anymore in this situation ;-; help lol | Crush |
Ok so this girl and I had a cool thing going a little while ago, and I asked her if she wanted to go to the mall, and she said “ofc :)” but then cancelled last minute. So we rescheduled, but she never followed up. I didn’t wanna come off as desperate or play any games, so I just dropped it and moved on. Flash forward a couple months to now, and I keep catching her looking at me in school, from across the class. She also added me on snap. I don’t want to pursue it for the same reasons I had before, but I’m starting to catch feelings. And it bugs me because I feel like I’m getting played, but at the same time I wanna know her thought process and sort things out. Being an upfront and straightforward person, I like having all the info, so this also bugs me. But what REALLY pisses me off is the fact that I can’t sort out my own feelings for her. Sure, I can wait to see if she’ll make a move, but the fact that I can’t tell if I completely like her or not annoys me. And honestly, I could be overthinking the whole thing, and she’s just livin her life, while it’s been on my mind like crazy. So lemme know what y’all think, and what I should do. Eager to hear some thoughts. | Crush |
Today I had 3 chances to just say anything to my crush but I just couldn’t say anything, idk what it is but I get so nervous when I’m around her or when I’m about to talk to her so can I get some tips which can get me over it. I can’t even say hi to her that’s how shy I am | Crush |
I'm new here and somehow mustered up the courage to approach her and her friend (she's almost never alone). Her friend didn't speak to me but my crush did. I was confident, decent and acted properly. We talked about my work, my background and where I'm from. At that point in time it didn't feel like anything went wrong but yeah she only gave me her name when I asked.
Afterwards she ignored/avoided me throughout the day or but according to my friends I'm overthinking it. We crossed the same path once I guess and it was a narrow lane so it's not possible she didn't notice me. But she didn't even bother to make eye contact with me, let alone say hi. At lunch break, it felt like she came in with another guy (probably not her bf because the two are never seen together except for when more of their female friends are around) just so she could sit with someone and avoid sitting with me.
My friends say women don't give you attention jlt and I need to try more. What do you think? | Crush |
Ok so I never thought I’d turn to the internet for this, but I cannot fir the life of me tell if this guy is being friendly with me and is socially awkward or if he’s flirting with me and is socially awkward. I’m 19 and a sophomore in college and this guy is an RA in my building and is a Junior.
Basically, we have two back to back classes with each other (completely random) and after he realized that, after talking maybe once?, he started waiting for me and walking me to our next class. Like, one day he was just waiting there for me and he still walks me to class every day we gave these classes. And he’s said I should come to his RA events even though I’m not in his seed; I’m not one of his residents. Those events are open to everyone in the building but are more so meant for an RA and their residents.
But he also maybe just walks me to class because it’s nice and he wants to be friends? It’s a sweet gesture. I think we’re both socially awkward and I cannot ever tell if someone is being friendly or flirty. Walking someone to class seems pretty romantic but he’s never made any sort of passes in conversation towards me (or at least none that I recognized, but I wouldn’t recognize flirting unless I was directly asked out lol).
Help? | Crush |
i think? maybe a guy likes me back? i don’t know. we sit next to each other in 1st period but haven’t really talked besides one time we had to introduce ourselves to our seat partners. i catch him glancing at me every now and then during first period but that could be because he kinda uses me as a social reference i’ve noticed. he’s from a very small school and just uses me as like a what to do type thing. i also might have caught him glancing at me in another class but i don’t know. he could’ve been glancing at an ex friend i sit next to and that same ex friend might have a crush on him. i tried to hold his gaze today but i’m not sure if 1) he was even looking at me back 2)if he was just like why tf r u looking at me or if he was staring back in that crush eye contact way and then i had to break it cause the teacher started and i prioritize education over a crush. ngl it’s very complicated cause i also cussed extremely loudly when i had gotten partnered with him on the first day of school. because i’m scared of my feelings i’ve avoided talking to him. hes noticed little things like how i didn’t have a chair at my desk and thus wasn’t at my desk. he proceeded to get up find a chair for me, give me his chair and take the one he had just found. which was ironic cause i didn’t even notice the chair was gone, my name tag thing wasn’t there and i thought my schedule had been changed so that’s why i was up. idk how to even talk to him like, i’ve been pretty rude, not that i’ve said anything to him just kinda like yea idk i’ve been purposefully trying to make it looks so i don’t like him. (i’m not playing hard to get i’m just scared about like feelings and idk yea i’ve decided to go for it now but idk yea). i dunno help please lmaoooo. and i know i need to talk to him BUT HOW AAAAAAAA. | Crush |
As a side note, this is relating to me (female) and another female.
A girl joined my work in July and I got buddied with her to show her the ropes. She would regularly approach me and ask questions about the job, and got friendly enough to where she was saying hi and bye to me, although I never noticed anyone else getting the same effort. Like she would say “hi *name*” and “bye *name*” with a enthusiasm and would ask me how I am, just happy chatting.
Anyway I hadn’t seen her as an option initially, which is something I tend to assume as the odds are most girls I meet are straight. But I started to wonder if she was romantically interested in me based on how she acted, and the fact that she isn’t ultra feminine, like she wears trousers and either a blouse or shirt to work, doesn’t wear makeup and like sports. At first I wasn’t interested but kept in friendly as we work in a busy place. One day she turned to me from her desk and said good morning but she came across quite nervous to me, and i replied morning in my usual perky way and carried on my work. I thought her nerves were sweet and it made realise that she is the sort of girl I would like, which is nerdy, introverted, just all around nice girls.
Basically from that point onwards, we hadn’t had the same level of chat that we did when she started, and every interaction she seemed a bit flustered or awkward and she would only talk to me to ask if I had the work phone that people use to call other people in the department. Like she wouldn’t look me directly in the eyes too long and they would sort of dart around anywhere but into my eyes.
At this point, I start to find out more about her and become seriously interested, she is in a lot of ways my dream girl.
One day she came in early and came up to me saying good morning and asking how I was, I replied and that was the end of the conversation. Ever since she has been coming in earlier and will say hi or morning to me as she passes snd gives a small wave, providing i am alone or near where she walks to go to her locker. Recently she has diverted paths to walk past me and say hi in the morning if I’m further from the door, but if I’m already talking to someone she won’t say anything. She’s also passed me in the corridor and said hi and gone to ask how i am but her voice quietened at the end like she lost confidence halfway through.
On Friday i was chatting to one of her close friends at work and she turned around and saw, she didn’t come over but sort of stood nearby rubbing her arm like she didn’t know what to do with herself. When she looked up at me I waved at her and as she started walking over shot me finger guns (very awkwardly but i thought it was adorable), and i started jokingly teasing her about something which she started to go along with. The whole time she was beaming and laughing, yet still flustered, and then after a few minutes of us bantering she went back to her work. I playfully threw a bit of paper at her head, and she looked blank until she saw it was me and she burst out laughing. On monday when I saw her again she said hi to me and asked how I was as she passed, then 15 minutes later when leaving the room said hi and something else (didn’t hear what) so i just said hi and see you later kind of thing.
The next morning I was chatting to someone when she came in so didn’t say anything, and then later in the day when she came back we didn’t talk once, but even though she’s kind of shy she has no problem chatting to the other new people in the department but not me like when she started. She would pass me and not even look at me, which friends of mine have admitted to doing to a crush because they don’t want it to be obvious. This kind of thing has been going on for weeks at the same time as the hellos and good mornings. There was one time that day we caught eyes but we were both in a hurry at the end of the day and didn’t say anything (I’m kicking myself because I wanted to but couldn’t think quick enough).
There has been a few times I’ve quickly turned around and caught her looking at me across the room, but then other times she acts like I’m invisible. I’ll hold my hands up and say that I don’t always initiate conversation but I always look at her in passing to be ready for interaction then she doesn’t even look.
I just can’t understand why she suddenly became nervous around me but still wants to say hi etc (which she doesn’t do to anyone else) and the fact that she responds much more enthusiastically to me than anyone else in the department when we do talk but she doesn’t initiate the chat anymore when she once did? I’m overthinking and just want to know if I’m reading this wrong. | Crush |
I have fallen for someone who doesn’t feel the same! He has made it clear?! I don’t know how to move on!!!
I’ve like him for almost a year and he has been there through everything! My divorce, my best days and my worst!
Any advice on how to move on!
&& please don’t be snarky and use sexual jokes!
This is really hurting my heart! | Crush |
Thanks for lighting up my day
when you stop by to tell me about yours.
The way your eyes sparkle when you make us laugh.
Could it really be you like me back?
My life is so consumed
by my thoughts and feelings for you
Please broach this subject and cross the line,
I want you close instead of at my side.
We’re so similar in every other way, is it crazy to think you like me?
Perhaps I’ve lived in head too long
With these visions of you holding my hand,
But time flies by and life is short
I wish very much so you were mine. | Crush |
Hi family!
I need your input/advice on my current LIFE!
I was previously in a relationship for six years, during my relationship I was quite close to a colleague, it was strictly friendship but sometimes we occasionally flirted had banter etc.
As I mentioned, my six year relationship ended due to other circumstances e.g. different views on our future and a little bit about my relationship with my colleague (which was pure friendship at the time) - just to add there was even a time I had to Unfriend my colleague on social media just to satisfy my ex.
Moving on, in May 2021 I decided to follow my colleague back on Instagram. We started talking like nothing had happened and had a good catch up. We started talking more in the month of July when the world was were starting to open up etc.
My colleague and I met at a day party event and we basically spent the day dancing together. We were so close together that I even caught COVID-19 from him. When it was revealed we both had covid, we had built like a bond and we spoke endlessly on whatsapp during our time in quarantine and we just started talking more and more on a daily basis about life.
We ended up going on two dates and the second date was really good and to summarise I ended up sleeping with him (he’s also the second person I’ve ever slept with in my life.)
Just to give some more background, I have pointed out to him that I have just come out of a relationship and I’m not looking for anything at the moment as it was a SIX year relationship! However I do get on with colleague so well and we have a good time together.
2 weeks later, my collegue decides to go on a solo trip somewhere in Europe. (Which I thought was strange) but I just assumed he wanted to rest and chill etc. Like I mentioned before we usually talk on a daily basis, however I decided to leave him alone during this trip and not talk to him as much as I didn’t want to disturb him.
Then my colleague starts uploading pictures on Instagram and then I see a comment saying ‘SEXY’ - I then click on the girls profile And I can see that she is also in Europe. I then decide to watch the girls Instagram story and I start to see my colleague in the girls story doing date night’s, going for drinks and basically looking like their in a relationship.
I’m not going to lie, this made me extremely annoyed and angry because I literally slept with him two weeks ago and he’s clearly sleeping with this girl he just met on a solo trip. (Just to add he has not messaged me during his time on holiday)
Also on on my colleague story he is also featuring the girls legs on on his Instagram story showing that he is with a woman.
I know he’s not my boyfriend and I don’t have a say, but it clearly shows I do bloody like him but I’m confused with why this. Is happening?
He gave me the impression that he really liked me?
Can someone please advise how I go about this and what I should do - also do you think he’s a dick? | Crush |
Ive had a crush on one of my best friends for months now. I’m fairly sure she likes me back and ive noticed a few hints. I have really bad fear of rejection and am still scarred emotionally from my last relationship, which makes me scared to say stuff when we are together and I always struggle to be open and just tell her.
We are supposed to be going out just us two soon, I just dunno what to say or do.
Pls advise | Crush |
Hello, so a bit of backstory, I (15m) have liked this girl for 2 years. After my first year of me liking her, she moved to a different school in another state. I still liked her though even after all these years. So I told her on snapchat with an anonymous account and she convinced me to say who i was and i did. We had a good talk and it was all fine and in the end, i was happy that i did it. She even followed me and accepted me to her private account on insta, and she said that the next day, we will have a proper conversation (this was late at night). So we ended it there and the next day we talked for a little while. Back and forth. I wanted to test if she actually wanted to talk or if she felt bad so when there was an opportunity to stop asking more questions and to just finish the conversation, i did. She snapped me a mirror pic. I was happy because that meant she still wanted to keep talking, I guess. So I snapped back. It was back and forth like this like 10 times that day. Then after a couple days, she took 10 hours to snap back. Since then, it's only gotten worse. She consistently takes like 12 hours to reply and just recently, she took 2 days to reply back. And I tried to ignore it but one time, I saw she even changed her bitmoji but didnt reply to me. That got me curious, so just today, I checked her snap score from when I first replied to her, and 10 hours later. Her score increased by like 120. She seems to be ignoring me but she does eventually get around to reply consistently. I'm just thinking because this is consuming my life, checking when she replies back, worrying when she will reply back and what to say. My guess is that she might feel sorry for me so she wont leave me on opened because she will feel bad. We have been going back and forth for a couple days but she always takes so long to reply, and like i said, there is evidence that she is ignoring me. So should I ask her straight up if she likes talking to me so i can get a straight answer and her opinion, or should I just leave her on opened, or should i keep snapping her. Please help, reddit. Also, thankyou for reading this far. | Crush |
There is a girl i like and we have been friends for about 2 years now. I want to ask her to go to homecoming which is in a about a month and I am not sure. I was thinking about talking to her best friend about it. Thoughts? | Crush |
I’ve had a crush on the same guy for 3 years. I’ve never even dated this guy but I still have intense feelings towards him. He was super shy and nice to me. At a certain point I felt like he liked me back. A couple months later he started being super distanced from me. He ignored me completely and started liking a new girl. It was so painfully obvious. He told me he didn’t know who I was. On that day I feel like he could see it in my eyes that I was hurt because ever since then, he would just sing my name (lol) and be a lot nicer to me. Because of COVID, we were distanced for a long time and haven’t properly seen each other for 1.5 years. I see him once in a while but most of the time he is not really looking. When he does, he looks away when I look at him and just looks at the ground ??? Me and him are both graduating in June and idk where I should go from this point. Does it sound like he likes me or is just being friendly or even standoffish? | Crush |
Information you should probably know:
My crush just recently got a boyfriend
So my crush came up to me today and asked if she can come over to my house and this happens pretty often because we’re neighbors and I said sure so that day after schoolShe came over to my house and we hung out A little bit and then she said do you wanna date, me knowing that she has a boyfriend I said no and she got up and left. I’m devastated but I knew I did the right thing. | Crush |
I'm not entirely sure if this girl likes me or not. I've never been very good at these sort of things, so I was hoping Reddit could help me out.
So this girl and I have been texting somewhat consistently over the past week or so. I've initiated most of the conversations, but she always keeps the conversation going (longest conversation being about 2 hrs). I thought she might like me back because:
* she keeps teasing me about this small mistake I made
* she usually responds in a few minutes (though never less than a minute)
* she always keeps the conversation going
* She says haha a lot (like almost every other text)
* She has definitely talked to her friends about me (my friend's girlfriend is her friend)
* She invited me to watch her game last week (I went btw)
However, I don't know if she likes me or if she is just being nice (she's a nice person). Like I said before, she doesn't initiate the conversation (except once/twice). Also, last night, I texted her since we haven't talked in a few days. She responded and we talked for a short time. However, I got caught up in hwk and didn't respond for about 15 min. She then didn't respond until the morning and said that she fell asleep (it was not that late).
Girls are mad confusing, does she like me? Have I missed my shot? | Crush |
Sorry for my bad english...
Hello everyone, during this summer I started a friendship relationship with a childhood ex-friend, and randomness wants me to end up having a crush on her. She broke up with her boyfriend in January, it was a three-year long relationship, but it ended well, they remained friends and we all go out in the same group. We talk often together, we have many things in common, even via messages seems to be all right, everything seems to be going really great, i really want to declare myself, but I’m afraid to ruin everything. Now between studies for exams and various commitments for the university I asked him to go to see a movie at the cinema that she had recommended herself for the next week(because next week we will finish the exams and it’s just the two of us having free time), but She says: <the problem is that we won’t be enough next week to go>, I insist without exaggerating and the thing ends with <mh is not that I have all this urgency to see it :/ looks nice, but It’s not "movie name seen this summer" u.u> <oh well you will see, so it is not important>.
I don’t know what to do, should I try to request it in the next few days or propose another kind of evening, should i declare myself or give it up? You think he doesn’t like me or at this moment he didn’t even notice me as a possible boyfriend | Crush |
This guy & I have been having this type of relationship where we act as a couple, but we’re not ( basically we don’t treat each other as friends, & it’s always been like this ) Everyone we know thinks that we’re dating or talking to each other & etc. We’ve gone on trips with just the two of us. We spend so much time together, even when we’re busy attending college. The only thing was that the first excuse of us not dating was that I couldn’t speak Spanish, which I told him that I would learn basically for him & his parents. He said that he likes me, but I’m not sure if that’s still the same now, because he doesn’t usually talk to me about his feelings as much, but I know every time I bring up our relationship he cries, he says from guilt, but we haven’t had that type of conversation in a while now. He said this to a friend of ours from work when he was having a simple conversation with them ( he told me this is what he said to them) “how i am not in a rush to find someone currently.” Like I’m confused by our relationship, itself, like I don’t mind waiting for him, I just want to make sure he’s not playing with me. I asked him before if he was interested in friends with benefits ( just to see what he would say because I was so confused ) & he said that he would never want that for us. But anyways I’m so confused, I like he sincerely cares about me, but idk what I should do. | Crush |
Best thing to talk about to create an interesting discussion with your crush | Crush |
So i have a Crush on a girl (she is in the same grade as me). And my other friend told me that she also has a crush on me. I dont know how do her tell her about that. Can you help me | Crush |
So if you read my story about my crush and me in English class, you would know I very much think they’re pretty epic.
But I need some help because I’m little bit scared of embarrassing them!
Like how am I supposed to ask for their number?
Because I just don’t wanna ask them in class because someone might spread rumours? But I do go to a pretty big school!
No I tried looking for social media, but no luck! Also I don’t have snap!
So I try saying hi in the halls not just in class?
Do you think i should get snap? And try to look for them, but that’s kinda of weird?
Should I just talk them during English class?
🌸Thank you for reading🌸 | Crush |
I think my crush likes me but I am not sure. One of my friends talked to them and then they looked at me, my friend said that my crush told them something, and then my friend refuses to tell me anything. Also, I saw my crush say yes and no, which I have NO idea what that means or what my friend asked him. I'm so confused. Then to make things even more confusing my friend sent me these emojis: 😘😳 and then said it was random... How do I get my friend to tell me and are there any signs that my crush likes me? (No, me and my friend aren't a thing lol we are both straight and the same gender)
Thanks! | Crush |
Help please
Idk what to do
So im a boy of 16 and need some advice.
Theres this girl i really like but i can’t find any way (for me) to come in contact with her.
She’s not in any of my classes and i only see her walking by occasionally.
She was in an art class with me once but i never had the courage to talk to her, besides thats really long ago.
And where i live people don’t ask eachother out allot (from what i know).
Should i tekst her or try and meet her in person? | Crush |
Hi there! (Im 15F but I look 12). Let’s start I met this sweet guy a couple of months ago but I actually didn’t, The first time that I met him was two years ago in my old mod class, I was friendly towards one of his friend C. But one day he just walked in with them and dammmm he kinda cute but I really didn’t think about them, we were strangers. But plot twisted two years later, the start of term. I was put into class that I had no friends in :(. So I sat alone but I had free desk space as well as I was right in the front (I LOVE ENGLISH). But that didn’t last long, he arrived in usually time, but I always arrive early (I hate being suck in the hallways and attention). So there was no sits left, he couldn’t sit next to his friend, I kinda bad for that. I thought at first that he was someone else but when I looked at him a old memory started playing, I was like that cute guy with brown eyes (I love brown eyes, I’ve always wanted to have brown eyes). So I started talking to him. He didn’t really talk much but was nervous (I appear to confident but not always). I thought he hated me so, I felt sad that a person hated me but then I started getting a crush: he’s nice, smart, quite when I do my work and funny. But then one day I was sitting my bootfile rear end in the plastic sits (I was early). So he walks in looking like a model, one of his friend said I think “time to be a boyfriend”. I was like dammmmn he’s in a relationship (I was crying in the inside). Then I was like Are they talking about me?! But who knows I might have misheard. Sign 2 that he may like me: just today he uttered that he could’ve stayed off, I was like why. I would have stayed off. But I was like is it because he wants to see me? Nah! But I would pretty nice if he would :). He also plays with his hair a lot and I was concerned, that he had I dry scalp or that his hair was itchy. But then I learned that may be a comfort for him, to play with his hair.
If they don’t like me, I get a hella good friend out of it :) | Crush |
Okay okay okay.. So while walking out of class I was talking to madi and he says “oh hi Jessica” then walks with us as we talk as usual and madi said to me “jess why do you stomp when you walk upstairs” I said “because I’m an elephant.” And then he says “yeah you are an elephant” 😦 then we get in to science I say to him “D sit next to meeeee” he says “whyyy” “because I want you tooo” “fineeee” then we sit down talking as usual… he steals my pen so I try and grab it as we sorta hold hands and I was trying to get my pen out of is hands. He kept stealing my stuff lol we kept getting told off lolol… there was a note me and madi were passing each other and it has some stuff about D. He keeps asking if he can read the note but I keep saying no so at the end I was putting books away and he waited for me then walked down with meeeee | Crush |
My crush already rejected me but i feel like she maybe change her mind and i wanted to ask her do you guys think this is ok to ask "I really like you and and i respect your decision whether that is that you like me or don't but i just wanted to know if maybe you had changed you mind a bit" help me please | Crush |
We only met a few days ago, but I feel like both times we hung out (in a group) we’ve talking like most of the time. When I do talk to him he seems really engage. I’m def pretty awkward but idk. I can’t really tell. It kinda seemed like at some points he would end up near me ect. When I didn’t eat at dinner (weight loss purposes) he noticed and asked why I wasn’t eating ect. Idk I’m so confused. I’m really bad at telling if someone’s into me or if they’re just being friendly | Crush |
What does it mean when his close friends ship me with him but he has a girlfriend but his friends are iffy about her ☹️ I need advice or at least what does this mean | Crush |
It's nearing a year since I told her how I feel and started our whole rollercoaster of a journey, and since then a shit ton has happened.
— She started liking me back
— She agreed to a date
— Called it off because she's not ready for a relationship
— We're still good friends
— My best friend started liking her too
— It's now 5 months after we called it off and both of us still have feelings for each other and don't know what to do with them
All I can ever think about is holding her hand and playing with her hair and singing to her and putting my arm around her while we watch a movie.
What now? | Crush |
I know gender roles suck and I want to do something nice (not a grand gesture but a nice one) and I’m scared that he’ll say no. We don’t go to the same school | Crush |
They liked eachother and knew that they did but then something happened and they didnt talk to eachother at all.And I felt bad but at the same time kinda like hah cause at first someone told me that he liked me and I was like O H . Then it turned out that he actually lied so he didn't seem like he liked my friend that asked him who he liked .So I love my friend and I wouldn't have been as sad if that didn't happen but I can't have more people making me have false hope.Its been a year or two since that happened. Now we all hanged out together today and had a lot of fun.Its been a while since covid.I think now that they got the chance to see eachother and talk that they will forgive eachother. I am still not over what I heard .so sad | Crush |
ok so this guy started at my work this week and we’ve gotten along really well, good back and forth a little flirty maybe?? i’ve been helping him figure out the register and everything and i’m thinking he’s kinda interested too, but two problems
1. one of the other girls that works there has liked him for a while and i’m pretty sure he knows but hasn’t pursued that but i think hangs out/parties with her every once in a while
2. the other day he jokingly (?) called me sis? we work on hw at work and were trading off checking people out and he had just checked someone out and was like “k, it’s your turn… sis” i have NO CLUE how to interpret that
3. (sorry i thought of another one) the same day he called me sis, i said goodbye to him as he was leaving, he left the building, abe then came BACK in and said “hey i had another question to ask you…” “oh ok?” “i uh forgot” and then left again
ALSO he complained to our boss that it’s boring without me there and was asking when i was coming in… ALSO ALSO he asked if i cut hair and asked if i would cut his hair?? (i said no but now i’m like …)
am i friend (sister?) zoned? is he interested? perspective/advice is very welcome! | Crush |
So I’m trying to talk to my crush but I have extreme anxiety and it makes it almost impossible for me to talk to girls without getting embarrassed. But she also has anxiety. What should I do | Crush |
So I've got a crush on this girl. We met last week. Hit her up on Insta and we hit it off immediately. Like, seriously, it's amazing between her and I. Last night she went out somewhere. I didn't expect her to text me in the morning, she most probably slept in.
it's been a day now. I'm probably overthinking this but idk, should I ask her if she's okay? It's only been a week. I'm not sure | Crush |
Today my friend (11f) I know I’m young but sent me a photo of a half of a heart and said finish it so I did and I asked my friend what it meant and he said he didn’t know but there were rumours of her having a crush on me but I just like her as a friend so if anyone has any possible answers pls reply I’m 11m btw | Crush |
I (F,15) have had a crush on my friend (F,15) I met last year. I had a small crush on her but didn't know if she was interested in girls but after talking about streamers she had told me she was bisexual. Ever since then I've been crushing hard I've been a wuss though and couldn't ask her out. I found out I'm moving after this school year and now I don't think I should tell her. I feel like I would just make things akward and she will avoid me. To top it all off she wants me to help her get with a guy from my old school. Ushhh I just don't know what to do anymore I want to forget theses feelings already and I feel like it unfair to her to want to get into a relationship that won't last long due to me leaving. :( | Crush |
Ok so bro I got a guy friend and Im confused I think I like him but idk I need help lmao anyways what. I really need help with is if he likes me back, ITS LITTERALLY BEEN 8 FREAKING DAYS. But don’t mind me.. anyways so he sits diagonally behind me I sit in front row- this is middle school btw. And he basically has another friend who’s a girl, she’s funny and nice and ofc that girl is also my friend and i don’t mind if she’s his friend. Idk if he likes her it dosent really seem like it but it Kinda does so idk. Then for me since i sit near him he sometimes talks to me or whenever I talk to someone else he talks to me, sometimes I turn around and he’s looking at me he may only be looking Bc I turned around but irdk. Sorry this is long... so then he usually waits for me after the 1 class we have together and walks w me to my class someitmes He takes out his phone so that’s why I’m unsure. Then i walk w him and some other people when I go home. soo I really don’t know and if he dosent like me then idc cuz Ik I’m a queen and if he don’t like me then thats ok. ;) | Crush |
Pls help, we're moving in together with some other people and I don't know how I'm going to handle it | Crush |
I had a first date with a guy I met through a mutual friend. It didn't go as planned but we were still able to talk over dinner, tell stories and laugh for a bit. During the date he suggested future activities we could do and texted me when he was home saying we should do this again. Sounds promising right?
Well..unfortunately I'm an over thinker and an inexperienced dater. So despite these positive signs I assumed he sent the text as a pleasantry. I didn't hear from him much after, so about 5 days after the date, I contacted him just to ask his thoughts on the date and to re-express interest in another one. To which he responded with the following 1)he thought it was great we should do it again and 2) apologized since he was having a hectic week was dealing with payroll issues, etc. I honestly just put the ball back in his court and said something along the lines of "let's plan something when things settle down for you." And quickly after, he expressed gratitude and the qualities he likes about me.
My concern is perhap this was his way of breadcrumbing me. It has been 2 weeks since we last met and I'd assume an interested party would choose a time in advance to follow up on their word, or even plan something low cost. But, a part of me wonders if he expects me to plan a second date. He still texts me every few days to check in. He doesn't call (even though he claims he hates texting) or seriously plan, just asks for my availability.
So, is this a sign that he's losing interest? | Crush |
I was walking to Lunch with a friend and he came up to me and taped in my and said hey (my name) I said hi and went down stairs I thought were were gonna go in separate directions but he was still with me and sat at the same table with me even tho he had friend inside 😭🤚 like I was so surprised he wanted to be with me | Crush |
I think I might have a small liking for this guy I saw online.
We have mutual friends and so I followed him (Instagram) and he’s stunning. Like really really pretty. And he’s intelligent, cares about the world, is kind..
He has an anonymous thing in his bio too that I used to talk to him for a while and he’s always just really nice.
Eventually I actually dmed him, but the reply was short and sweet. He doesn’t know anything about me or what I look like so I mean I shouldn’t expect him to want to keep a conversation going or anything ig.
Anyways, by some wacky chance he appeared on my FYP (don’t bash me for using TikTok it’s good inspiration for creative things in my case)! We have 0 mutuals, 0 connections and yet somehow he was there.
So I commented on the video ‘what are the chances! Anyways have a good day :)’ and he liked the commented and followed me?
I followed back (btw he has no idea who I am or that I’m behind the Insta account and this one).
I really really want to talk to him because I know he’s single looking for a relationship but I know there’s are other people who like him and I’d never stand a chance plus he probably actually responds to them.
Any advice? All is appreacieted :) | Crush |
I want to text my crush so bad but I’m afraid I’ll bother him :( why am I like this
I really miss him but I’m afraid he will think “not her again” lol..
also I always need to compare myself to his ex and I think I won’t be enough for you even though she treated him bad | Crush |
its been two years and i still cant get over my crush.problem is, i dont even know why i like her.shes not even that attractive (that wouldnt rlly matter if she had an ok personality)and she really fucking sucks.(shes kinda shitty i wont elaborate on that unless someone wants to know).its probably because i still have this idealized version of her in my mind and i literally have nothing better to do so i just keep thinking about it.ig she had shown some signs that she might like me in the past?? (like flirting,complimenting me and frequently replying to my stories) but maybe she was just joking cause i think she flirts w people for fun in general.(forgot to mention that im a girl and she is queer even tho she never admited it because of internalized homophobia yk,however,she was always mentioning my sexuality and was making references to this topic when we were talking ) i was kind of dry these past few months and i never rlly showed any signs since i was embarassed.i also decided to try to distance myself from her so i can stop liking her (even if we dated it wouldnt work out so). i thought i was over her but then she started dating someone and it made me jealous lmao.during these 2 years she had some other relationships but they were with guys and i never rlly cared until now because she is dating a still bothers me and idk what to do. since then we haven’t communicated at all so “stop talking to her” wouldnt be great advice. btw,im not saying that im the victim here.i was the one that seemed uninterested after all,but i just want to stop liking her and idk how. | Crush |
how do i talk to them as a friend without being afraid or anxious because i just find it difficult to just say hi and i want to talk to them im just afraid and idk why. | Crush |
So I've liked this guy for five months now. First few months, we (as far as I could tell) might've actually been flirting pretty well? Just teasing each other, that's all. Well, a couple months ago, he introduced me to someone for like the third time, and I teased him a bit about it. I got home and started freaking out about it (when I had literally just said something like "Dude. You've introduced us several times already.")
He later teased me about it, and I automatically apologized profusely because I had convinced myself he now hated me because of that. Now it's been awkward imo for the last couple months. How do I fix this and go back to flirting (and STOP being so awkward??)? Has my anxiety ruined everything? | Crush |
I know she’s pissed at me,idk what I did,when I did it,how I did it,I just know I did it.It’s making me think she don’t wanna date anymore (context:we both like each other we’re in the feeling out process) I just hope this a temporary thing and I find out what I did so I can apologise or shes not mad anymore
Thanks Reddit | Crush |
So there is this girl who is in my class.
Ever since she saw she's been having a crush on me.
I didn't realize it until some days later and that was when I fell for her.
2 days ago in English class, She playfully kicked my ass and had this eye contact with this Playful smile.
Everyone, of course, saw it and now everyone knows we are totally into each other.
Good, right? Well, yeah, no- people started calling her names and stuff like LOL YOU LIKE THIS DUDE?? LOL HERES YOUR BF!, and she got so mad about it.
The next day in Biology she was sitting next to me as usual but kind of on the other side so she can talk to that dude.
I made a very nice-looking drawing especially for her and I wanted to show her it, I didn't tell her directly but I started with hey.
Not even 2 words in and she said: NO! Shut up. I don't wanna talk to you.
I felt so emotionally broken and felt this mental rejection and pain going through my mind...
I replied with 'But..' and she said NO!
When I got home I decided to write her a 1-page letter about what happened and stuff and that I'm sorry because of blah blah blah.. And that I promise I will change into a better person and that I won't annoy anybody in the class.
The thing is... Should I hand her over that letter or not?
I'm not sure if she will show the others because of that happens I'll definitely not be OK.
Please, I need help. Thanks. | Crush |
This is my first post here ;) and I’m here because I want to know what you think!
So this guy texted me two weeks ago (he’s my friend’s friend) because I started following him after he was texting to my friend (I was curious) and since then we’ve been talking a bit (he doesn’t live near me so we can’t see each other).
After we texted for a little, we didn’t hear each other for a couple of days because I thought he wasn’t interested but then he texted me and we talked a little.
After that convo I was missing him and I texted him first and he said to me he wanted to meet me etc (he was cute tho).
He then answered to my ig story but since then I haven’t heard from him for a couple of days.
I don’t know if I should text him or not because maybe he’s not that interested :/
What do you guys think? | Crush |
Ion know man... I just...AHHH y'know? 😅
She said she finna hit me back but she fell asleep. I just kept waiting. Didn't sleep that night. It's only been 5 days. We been flirtin' back n forth.
I like her voice. She sound good. | Crush |
I really like her. I’m sad that she has a bf now but i know i didn’t give it a try so it’s my fault. I’ve just liked her since the first time i saw her. She so beautiful. I think she felt the same way towards me because i would send a streak and she would always snap back about two or three minutes after with the same selfie every time. I know I wasted my opportunity but I just have to let this out somehow. What really bothers me is that we will be seniors so i basically don’t have an opportunity since she has a bf. I know if i don’t start talking to her this year at all , that i won’t see her after we graduate and that scares me. I know it’s a dumb crush but i’ve felt this way since the first day of freshmen year when she was in my class. I actually first saw her towards the end of eighth grade when she was being asked to prom or something and i thought to myself that she was beautiful. I don’t know what i should do. | Crush |
Ok. So thank you for take your time to read this, it’s quick and simple, cut and dry.
There’s this guy I’ve been crushing on for about 3 years, in fact my first Reddit post on my old account was about him.
So yeah, I’m in high school and it’s been a whole school year since I’ve seen him. And I thought I had gotten over my crush but oh my freaking gosh he’s still so cute and handsome and I really want to be with him. But the problem is, that I haven’t talked to him since we left school in 2020. And we don’t have any classes or share anything. So I’m stuck in that Disney world of admiring from afar. Sometimes our eyes meet but I don’t know if it’s coincidental. We cross paths at school and I nearly literally ran into him the other day😅. Is it weird to want to have ran into him because I would have had to talk to him even just for a second??? Damn teenage years. I’m so confused. And I don’t know what I should do next. Please, advice if you can. Please don’t criticize my wording and everyone, I’m a typical hopeless romantic.
Edit: Wow, this was within the first few weeks of school…I have a lot to add😅. I will constantly be updating this because only a short while to edit right now
- This is what I wrote on another post and..yeah:
He’s so hot and cute and attractive, I’ve learned recently that there is cute, hot, and attractive. He’s all three but mostly attractive, which I consider to be a stronger statement then just hot or cute. He’s attractive, we’re high schoolers and even though he’s dorky when you talk to him, he looks older. He always wears dress shirts and slicks his hair. He’s so attractive and dorky and I’ve known him for a few years but never completely as the strongest of acquaintances. And I’ve tried to ignore my crush on him because I knew it probably wasn’t possible but recently it’s hitting hard again while being back to school. He’s noticed me, as I him, and we’ve said hi a few times..maybe it was because I purposely walked by where he hangs out but still…😁😉. And the first time we really acknowledged each other I was with my cousins and they were talking to friends. But he passed with another one of our mutual friends and all he said was hey and gave a head nod, I said hey back with a head nod to him and his friend. But OH MY GOD! I stg I’m like..broken or something. Because just that simple 5 SECOND INTERACTION, I was shaking slightly with adrenaline rushing through me😅😅😂😭😭.
And the first time he had stepped aside from where he was standing to wave to me and say hi…!!!!Omg the way he says my name is so🤗🥺🥺. I know I sound stupid but I like him and am not sure how he feels about me😅. I also talked to him about our school clubs but I kind of panicked and I don’t really remember much 😭 and I forgot to ask more things and I cut it off too early. I’m so stupid😭😂. But yeah..I made a post about him before and need to update it but yeah, any advice? (Sorry this was long y’all 😅)
And yeah, that’s the basic update and I haven’t gotten to say hi to him again. We don’t have any classes together and I only see him at break and lunch. I do my homework by where he is and I pass almost exactly where he is but I haven’t been able to say hi in the past week and a half or so. It sucks. And I don’t know what else to do🥲, please help, my teenage brain is fryed😂. | Crush |
Lmfao, so.. just got him and his crush together so.. he's taken lol, its okay, ill move on, I have like 5 crushes I catch feelings so fast and move on faster.. kinda. This still hurts. | Crush |
I'm supporting him and his feelings for some girl but it does hurt (he's a friend) | Crush |
This individual I will refer to as "Isabelle". Despite going to the same primary school and same high school for years we never really interacted, up until a day in year 10 in an art lesson. I had thought I dropped something under a desk and she came over unprompted to see if she could help me. It was after this that I started seeing her in a different light, the fact that she would unprompted come over and help me, it even made realise how beautiful she was, and I slowly started developing feelings for her.
So come to year 11 and I'm wanting to get into a relationship with Isabelle, so my strategy for this was to talk to her more and get conversations with her, which I did and I could tell by her body language that she was interested in what I had to say. One day we were talking about what we were doing the next day, I told her I was going to see the movie IT with a group, and Isabelle said she was going to go and see it with a group of friends as well. It should also be mentioned that later that day was when I had a altercation with a individual I will call Dick.
So the day arrives and I'm waiting for my group in a Subway and outside I see Dick riding about. Later when more of my group arrives I see Isabelle outside the sub so I go out and speak with her and it's a pleasant conversation, but then I see Dick near on his phone and I go back inside, but Isabelle being a sweetheart reassures me that he won't do anything, but I go back in regardless. The only other interaction I remember between us on that day is when I remarked that someone who was running late was a pain in the ass and she agreed.
The rest of the year went on well in terms of our interactions, we continued to have good conversations with one another. Something I think is worth of note is when I was being honest with this group of boys that I believe asked me if Isabelle is fit, and I mentioned how beautiful I think she is. They then ran off to tell her as she was coming down through the hallway, I quickly came to her and explained that I think she's one of the most beautiful girls out there, and she simply smiled and said "thank you" which I found amusing.
By the time prom comes I've got a plan in mind. During the exams my R.E teacher handed out these plastic jewellery things that were to help us spiritually in the exams, so I held onto mine to give to Isabelle as a way to always remember me by. So I got around to doing so and afterwards we hugged and took a picture together. My one regret in that moment is I should have asked if we could go somewhere private so that way I could confess my feelings to her, I would have made it clear to her that it wouldn't be to ask her out, just to let her know how I felt.
The biggest thing I remember on that night was when I was saying goodbye to her I reached my hand out to shake hers, but I think she mistook it for me reaching out for a hug, so that's what happened instead. Now at the time of writing this I am still a virgin, but I would rather relive that hug with Isabelle a million times than having sex that was just for sexual pleasure, because that hug was one of the most heart felt experiences in my life.
During college I still talked to her whenever I had the chance, but I noticed she was hanging around a lot of chavs. In January of 2019 3 of my college classmates brought me over to the table they were sitting at with Isabelle and her friends. I believe this was the first time I saw Isabelle act more jokingly and use banter, as I've notice people I know go into this type of personality when they're with their really good friends, even I've done it. I don't really know the name for it, or how to properly explain it.
So she somewhat boastingly brought up to my classmates about stuff like me telling her how beautiful she is and the thing I gave her at prom, she even told me she still keeps hold of it. I don't really remember how it came up, but I think one of the classmates brought up the idea that I had feelings for her, causing me to admit to her that I had a crush on her. The only thing she asked was when it started, but one of her friends that was sitting with us, who I will refer to as "Kelly" was insistent to me she could get us together, but I declined, but I do often wonder if Kelly was genuine about saying that.
So throughout most of college we continued having pleasant interactions, but with my heated interactions with a particularly nasty chav, she didn't seem to be happy with me for that, even though he was always the aggressor. But with the second year of college we still continued to have positive interactions, one deserving a very big mention.
As December was drawing closer I had been contemplating whether or not to get Isabelle a present, after deciding yes, I went to my friend's place of work and we picked out a box of chocolates for her. When speaking to a friend of mine on how to approach her with it, he told me to just do it. So I did and her face was just the most adorable thing ever, I did the smart move by just letting things play out, so she was the one who reached out for a hug, and it was a pretty good one.
Then came the day of the lockdown, and I decided to go into college and say my goodbyes to anyone I knew, as I was leaving Isabelle was entering, and after exchanging some words she said "We can't HI five so we'll have to elbow." So it was the first time I used that elbow greeting. About a month later I was riding about, and on the other side of the road is Isabelle and I remember its her birthday, so I immediately say happy birthday to her. We then had a little conversation before we went our ways, she saying its nice to see me and I said "it's always nice seeing you."
Then a few months later when I was at a pub I came across some old school mates, so I went over and talked with them. Since I decided to bring my crush on Isabelle as a subject they told me she's got a boyfriend, but this didn't bother me, because I knew I could still speak to her as a friend.
Come one day however and I see on her social media story that she will be moving to Liverpool for higher education. This honestly really saddened me, I even remember shedding tears, the last big time I cried was in 2016, and the only other time I drew tears was in August of 2019 over some personal issues. I think what made upset about this is that I wouldn't have an opportunity to see her for a very long time. I was so upset I decided to tell my feelings to a priest which made me feel better.
An important thing to mention about this is I did message her, telling her to be proud of this achievement and that I would miss her, she replied being thankful and wished me the best. I reassured her I would live the best life possible, to wish she responded saying she was glad.
I suppose the best thing to take away from this is, even if you don't make it with your crush, the best that will come out of it is you will always remain on good terms. | Crush |
Hello, I'm male and I told my former crush more than 6 months ago that I liked him and he rejected me. I had a rough month after that because while I was sulking about the rejection, there were the christmas holidays and family problems. After that, I kind of was over it, I accepted that it wasn't going to happen and I thought less and less frequently about him.
Now on my birthday, my older sister got me a deodorant from a brand I didn't have before (and other handy things because I'm moving out in a week, so she also got me a pan, a toilet brush, etc). I still had my old deodorant, which has gone empty today.
Sooo, I just sprayed the new deodorant to smell it and assess if that's how I want to smell like for the next weeks. And now GUESS who it smells like.
Seems like my former crush used a deodorant by Bruno Banani. And now I'm crying. help
Anyhow, did this or something similar happen to anyone else before? Any tips on how to ~properly~ get over a crush?
Thank you, have a nice day time. | Crush |
How do you tell someone you like them over the internet. | Crush |
Every time I (15m) talk to my crush(14f), the day ends with her being mad at me for saying or doing something inappropriate. She hates sex jokes and stuff like that, but I always go to far. She’s ok the next day, but then it just happens again. What should I do? | Crush |
Hi all, just wanted some input. So me and this guy have been friends for a few years (from hs but we don’t really hang out too often) we went for coffee a month or two again and he said we should do it again sometime. He said that we should do it again sometime and we didn’t really talk much since(the occasional small convo but nothing more). I said yesterday that we need to hangout soon and he said yes and asked me if I like antiquing. I said I have never really gone before and he said we should and also said we should go swimming in the rain and roller skating on ice. Do you think that this is potentially a date or just hanging out? | Crush |
I am crushing on a married older guy. I am not going near him with a ten foot pole. When I see them, they come as a couple. But he always walks me to my car when I leave, and hugs me tight. Obv nothing will come of it. But I do enjoy a hug at the end of the night. I’ve just decided to ignore it and not worry about it and I’ll get over it. | Crush |
Um so they’re is this guy who I think is cute and I just fell for him at first glance. This is gonna sound so corny but I just can’t stop thinking about him. I just want to get to know him better but like I don’t know anything about him. I’m a trans dude and I don’t want to be seen as a girl in his eyes but the thing is I’m not out. What if I come out to him and he is grossed out and stuff or what if I confess and he finds me gross, you know? I’m so scared that we’ll never get passes the awkward talking phase and stuff omfg I fell so hard for him IDK what to dooooo. I want to start up convos but I’m to scared to and I want to just be next to him but he and a lot of friends and we barely know each other. I need some sort of advice pls help.
#urmom #deeznuts | Crush |
About 3 weeks ago i started seeing this girl at my gym. Ive had many crushes before but there is something that i cant physically explain about her she is just so pretty. Weve both locked eye contact numerous amounts of times now but havent spoken at all. Im very confident around other girls but theres something so special about her that im nervous as if it was my first time Talking to a girl. I really want to talk to her but im super nervous :/ | Crush |
So I’ve had a crush on this girl for a few months and that was half a year ago, I still have it in her but it kinda died down a little bit but I’m still attracted to her. But when I first started talking to her, we talked a lot in class and as time went by (half a year ABOUT) we kinda slowly stop talking. We’ve had same classes for 2 yes in a row, this year we don’t but we have the same classes except for math, now we don’t really talk that much anymore. I don’t think I have a chance but I’m still aware and “partially” trying to get closer to her but it’s just...doesn’t feel right. Anyway to overcome this or something, because it feels weird rn. | Crush |
Hi. I have a crush and I’m not sure if he likes me. When I first talked to him he was realllyyyy shy, not just that but I’d catch him peek at me occasionally and not look when I caught him. Recently I made the mistake of telling my girl bsf ab him. I think he’s shy Bc every time he sees me he avoids me. (We have three periods together) Today, my bestie said Hi ____!
And he looked at her I WAS SO EMBARRASSED
And he doesn’t even know her
I am really bad at hiding crushes so I shoved her in the locker and cussed in fear.
(She was teasing me)
Just to find out
She kept saying hi I ALLL DAY
At lunch, she screamed his name and JUMPED UP TO MAKE HIM NOTICE ME AND KEPT SAYING OOOooOoOOo he kept peeking over at her like she was stupid.+ His face:😒😒😒 not as annoyed tho+
I think he knows I like him but im really scared Bc I really like him but im plus size and most boys don’t like fat girls…
Im so scared, I really like him and he’s avoiding me but idk if he likes me back Bc he did that even before my bestie started talking to him and scared him pls help!
I even thought of starting a diet and workouts just so I can get his attention. Every guy I’ve liked just calls me fat but he’s shy-
I reallllllllyyyyyyy like him :( do u guys agree with my friend and think he likes me? | Crush |
She blocked me everywhere She is my relative I love her so much and proposed she blocked me then I flooded her inbox with another id saying how much I loved her. now after 5 yrs I got a chance to see her in a wedding | Crush |
Very long post sorry 😂
Ok epic backstory;
Me (16M) and my crushes brother (16M) (call him L) have been friends since years ago.
He has a cute sister (15F) (call her Z). We all do rock climbing and Kumon together. (Kumon is a maths exercise program)
I never considered Z romantically until last year, but on Halloween I came to his place and she was wearing a kinda slutty devil outfit haha.
I crushed for a while and thought her and I were flirting. She was physical w/ me in a fun way (eg. slapping me on the back rly hard and whipping me w rope etc..) She also seemed to be really invested in me coming to a climbing competition to the point of asking me if i was coming and being rly happy when I said I was. She added me to her priv insta. She doesnt act like this to her other male friends.
At this point other shit was going on between me and L. We were sadly drifting apart and that only strengthened my crush for Z.
I thought, “hey if I date Z I will get closer to her brother again.”
I asked her out a few days before end of school before Chrissy holidays.
She said I was only a friend.
We got rly awkward after that and the fact she was everywhere I went didn’t help.
Recently, she seems to have been tryna reconnect w me and stuff, sending me friend requests on snap, actually talking to me irl with what one would call a playful and cheeky look in her eyes and once again doing what I recognise as heavy flirting. (You would too if you saw what she was doing). She sends me snaps where you can clearly see shes trying to seem attractive. She wants my attention it seems. I have been dating others and she might have gotten jealous.
Whats the deal, you think shes into me or I should just let it go? I need help i think I’m obsessed.
Tl;dr she says we are friends but her actions indicate something more. | Crush |
This cute chick recently gives me the look now and then, even tho I haven't talked to her yet.. Be anywhere I see her giving me multiple glances and heck sometimes just staring at me .. I don't see any expressions tho and once it happened that we locked eyes for 2-3 seconds straight until she looked down. Her friends definitely know cause I've seen them looking my way as well prolly to report to her how I was looking and all...i was confident that she might be interested but it all broke down when I saw her id on Instagram and sent out a request to her to confirm my assumptions unfortunately she didn't respond to it and I retracted my request as well.. So now I'm at a place where I'm thinking if I'm over analysing this whole situation or maybe there is something really brewing...side note - I'm 5'10" , pretty fit and prolly it's the gym where she started giving me indirect signs by walking past me and being around my vicinity.. The usual | Crush |
I've been in the friend zone with her for a while now and she seems to be getting closer to me, she is so beautiful, her glasses on her cute face, brown hair, chocolate brown eyes some freckles on her cheeks and her face lights up my day, I want to get out of the friend zone but it seems like every time I try to hang out with her, something comes up on my part, or when I try to text her, she doesn't seem to want to talk unless I talk about her, so how do I get out of the friend zone and seen more engaging/fun to talk to? | Crush |
So there’s this girl that I’ve liked for a while now. A couple months ago we sat next to each other in class and we were talking a lot and I would get her to laugh and stuff. But after we moved seats we haven’t talked since what should I do? | Crush |
I’ve been talking to this girl that I like for several months now, she recently got out of a relationship about a month ago and we’ve been talking a lot more since then. We text every day all day and have even hung out a few times and FaceTimed. I really like her but a few weeks ago when we were talking she told me she doesn’t want to get into another relationship for a “LONG” time. What should I do? | Crush |
My crush and I have been talking for a while now and things are going well.
We are talking on WhatsApp and he mentioned that he wants to go Spain next month but not by himself.
How do I smoothly insert myself into the equation without asking, but making him ask me??
Lol 😂😂 thanks guys for the feedback in advance! | Crush |
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Like all of you I had to deal with toxic people in the past. Honestly, I try to block them and move on. I don't even waste my time trying to respond or argue with them.
&#x200B; | Crush |
kay this started 173 days ago. I have this massive crush on this guy. hes smart and funny and really touchy. everything I like.
I have this party coming up, that im throwing. can anyone give me some advice on how i could invite him? | Crush |
[Throwaway, since my friends know my main account] I’m (14M) in 8th grade, and have never had a girlfriend before. Yet It’s not because I’m unattractive. I’ve been told by a number of girls that I actually look cute. I am also pretty good academically and socially. Pretty much all of my peers seem to be in a relationship, except me. As of now we are currently doing some end-of-the-year testing, and this cute girl (14F) happened to join us. Keep in mind that this is the same girl who I never thought I really had a chance with. Then again, our teacher gave us the option to sit wherever we wanted, and apparently she chose to sit next to me. Maybe I was just looking decent that day? During testing I accidentally caught her taking a glance at me. Even when we were exiting the classroom she was willing to walk next to me, but I was shy enough not to strike up a conversation with her. I’m just afraid I’ll mess up like the other guys who have met her. What should I do when I see her next? Unless we go to the same high school, once testing is over I may never see her again. | Crush |
Hi! First of all, i want to apologise for my bad english.
As you read in the title l, i am in desperate need of advice. Short backstory: I got a crush on her in december and it's only evolving because then, because of preparations for some sort of prom i could talk with her, be close to her, but now, altough i'm in same class as her i barely talk to her, maybe once or twice a week for a very short time. I would have asked her out a long time ago, but im terribly afraid of rejection and she is super popular and always surrounded by her female and male friends who would probalbly laugh even at the idea of me asking her out. And then theres me: Guy with social anxiety, not popular or anything (i got like 6-7 friends). But this is where the problems begin. She is friends with benefits with an guy, and everybody ships them together. Everytime someone even talks about them together, i get a terrible feeling of jealousy and feeling that he absolutely doesnt deserve her, no matter the cost. And inside, i have this terrible feeling of what will happen if i ask her out. Please, one, just one advice could probably save me.
Thanks! | Crush |
So today was my school dance and I (14f) had to help set up some stuff. The guy I like (14m) is helping me down from something and holds my hand. I weirdly felt very comfortable with it but everyone was watching so I removed my had and got down fine while everyone made an "ohhhh" sound. All my friends don't like him very much and neither did I until recently. So i feel like if I told my friends they would all make fun of me. I realized i do like him a lot but I'm scared and 95% sure he doesn't like me back so, any advice? | Crush |
I constantly go around in my head reliving the moments we were together, or passed each other trying to figure out if he likes me or not.
I’ve made a list of things he does that have me wondering: - he always smiles at me
- he always greets me with “ hey +my name” - he stares at me
- he always seems engaged in our conversations
- he likes all of my posts, and is usually one of the first few to like them
- he interacts with my social media content
- he makes a point to acknowledge me in front of his friends
On the contrary - he never initiates any text conversation - when we do text he responds in 2-48hr increments
What are your thoughts? | Crush |
To allow this to make a bit of sense go on my profile for the previous one if not then you don’t have to. She went out on a date with the guy in the previous post and she said it was amazing and she told me what they did. When she did I realised they did a lot and it made me realise that I don’t like her. I’m a generally lazy person and idk if I just haven’t found the one yet but by hearing what they did together made me realise I don’t want a girlfriend as I would just not put in the effort and it would be best if I didn’t. Thank you for helping me in the last post and some of it did help I appreciate it. | Crush |
To allow this to make a bit of sense go on my profile for the previous one if not then you don’t have to. She went out on a date with the guy in the previous post and she said it was amazing and she told me what they did. When she did I realised they did a lot and it made me realise that I don’t like her. I’m a generally lazy person and idk if I just haven’t found the one yet but by hearing what they did together made me realise I don’t want a girlfriend as I would just not put in the effort and it would be best if I didn’t. Thank you for helping me in the last post and some of it did help I appreciate it. | Crush |
So there’s this guy in my ceramics class that I have a crush on. We also work together as studio assistants and are in close proximity with each other all the time. Beceause of those two circumstances we see each other almost every day. In general he’s a really nice and friendly guy and a lot of the time I’m can’t tell if he’s just being nice or if I should interpret his actions/words in a more hopeful way.
If y’all can help me analyze that’d be great cuz I’m wracking my brain over this crush.
-he’s asked me to live with him and a housemate over summer break if my summer plans fall through. He would also help me find a ceramics job in the area if my internship application got rejected
-when I told him I needed to learn how to drive, he said “nah don’t worry. I’ll drive you anywhere”. Regarding the plan B summer mentioned above.
-I told him my friend needed a place to stay this summer and he didn’t really respond. I told her to dm him to ask if he was still needing a roommate and he said he’d get back to her but never did. Was the invitation only to me or? He was in a class with her in the past semester and knows she’s really nice. I wonder why he never got back to her.
-he mentioned starting an artist commune and asked me to live and work on it. Twice in the same day.
-he always compliments my ceramic work and asks me for my opinions on his work
-occasionally replies or reacts to my Instagram stories
-has complimented my outfit (only once tho)
-when it’s time to do homework in the studio, we always run into each other even tho it isn’t planned
-he invited me to come smoke with him and his friends after I told him I never smoked weed cuz I don’t have people to do it with. He made sure not to pressure me though and it seemed more like a “but please don’t actually come” rather than an actual concern
-he shows me things on his phone that he finds funny
-I reposted a TikTok on my Instagram story that I found cute and about half an hour later he posted a very similar tiktok using the same audio.
-he reposted a cute Insta post of these kittens fighting and he normally doesn’t post stuff like that(basketball, music, art). When I swiped up to reply about how cute they were, he replied telling me he had covid. Eventually he gave me his number over Instagram dms without me having asked for it.
-he was playing music during our shift and he decided to skip the song right away. I asked it’s cuz he wasn’t feeling it and he said it’s cuz it was vulgar. (Song was rapping about a guy having sex) does this mean he’s trying to protect my innocent ears, or is he simply reading the room?
-he offers to carry heavy stuff while working even though I say I got da big muscles. He made my heart go woogly when i was digging powder out of a garbage can he was holding and I honked my head lightly and he asked if I was okay.
-I told him about my nickname that my family members all me and that only two people on campus call me by it. I said I hate my full name and he said “I might just have to start calling you that now”. He still hasn’t switched to my nickname tho.
Things making me think he’s just a friend or I got friend zoned:
-I made some bread and shared it with him after work one day. He seemed grateful but asked “you didn’t wanna give this to someone else?” - is he testing the waters? I said no anyways.
-we don’t hang outside of work or school related things
-for a month we only contacted each other through email for work and then Instagram dms. Finally gave me his number saying “Also here's my phone number so we can start texting about work n everything instead of emails and dms lmao”
-we lock eyes a lot. But it’s more awkward than it is deep. Usually lasts 2-3 seconds
-conversations stay pretty casual revolving around the week plans or future plans like grad school, internships, dreams , and sometimes music taste, random stuff too like our similar experiences with losing faith in religion and also how him and his siblings were named.
-late in the studio like at 2:am, we were talking about highschool classmates and our college’s demographics and he mentioned this girl ( we were talking about students from Texas and she’s from there). I knew here and described what she looked like and he goes “she’s pretty”. I respond like yeah she is really pretty. And I realized in that moment I was friend zoned.
-also, I know it’s the 21st century and make chivalry shouldn’t have to exist, but when we leave the studio at the same time he never offers to drive or walk me back home. I take pride in not being scared of walking back in the AM but it would’ve been nice if he offered.
I’m bad at showing that I like him cuz I’m shy and don’t want him to know that I like him.
-I gave him the bread I baked but it was kinda an awkward interaction the way I gave it to him
-apparently I text dry. Kinda like a man. And when he sent a picture of a sandwich he made with the bread I gave him, I said “glad to hear it”. I’m so dumb. But is giving him bread not a clear enough sign?
-also shared gummy worms and a cookie with him two different times
-during one of our work shifts, we were mixing clay powder as usual but the mask mandate was lifted so he stopped wearing masks that day. The clay mix ingredients are super toxic to breathe in so I told him I would do it cuz I was still wearing a mask. He refused to let me do it (cuz he knows I’m too short to reach the bottom of the mixer) and said he didn’t mind. I told him “please don’t die so soon” and I made him switch jobs with me. Is that obvious enough that I like him?
-I try not to make physical contact with him cuz I’m a shy kiddo. When he hands me things that are fragile in the studio I try really hard not to touch his fingers by accident. And when we scape out the mixer, we stand so close together and I try hard not to numb into him. One time our scrapers hit each other from opposite directions and the clay made them stick together.
-I try to strike conversation with him about his personal life but I’m pretty bad at it. So far I’ve only really asked about his music taste.
-even though we started texting, he doesn’t start convos anymore even though he did reply pretty quickly. And he said “Fr man” once. Luckily his replies are not just one-word answers and seems to reply with emotion and stuffs
Ive been feeling inadequate after he mentioned that this girl in his other class is pretty (he made it clear that his friend was “chatting her up” tho). And I also feel kinda poopy that he doesn’t start text concise anymore. Just the occasional story reply. Can y’all tell me if I made it clear I like him or at least gave him a little clue that I do. And can you also be brutally honest about our interactions. Have I been friend zoned. Sorry this post is so long but I’m really desperate. He only my second crush ever and my first crush still doesn’t renown that I liked him and I had already known him for 7years. I can’t have this happen again. And it would be a little sad if I told you I never even held someone’s hand and I’m 20 almost 21. Plsssss I beg for your advice. Tankuuuuuu | Crush |
I want to stop liking my crush, but I can't. I know she doesn't like, never has, never will, but i can't stop liking her. this situation is different from every other situation ive ever encountered. as my crush is uncomfortable with the topic of me asking whether or not she likes or did like me, ik not do say that and i haven't in a while. but im afraid both possible routes will fuck me over. one route, i have to either temporarily or permanently disassociate from her entirely, drop out of her life and become a memory. second route, i continue to go down this path where i accidentally flirt and it ends up with her probably being uncomfortable and not willing to admit it for whatever reason, leading to an awkward tension that will probably lead to worse things. | Crush |
I have a friend- they’re gorgeous and I know they care about me. We’ve been friends for 5 years, close friends on and off for about 3. We had a difficult phase in our friendship about a year ago, but we both apologised and worked through it. However, I think I have been having a crush on them for about a year now. But I don’t want to make our friendship awkward and I don’t think they like me like that… whenever I wanted to tell them, they either are in a relationship or have a crush on someone else. I recently asked if they have a crush on anyone rn they said “no.”
I don’t know if I should tell them and risk the friendship being awkward or if I should simply shut my mouth. They’re like a best friend and I don’t want to lose that. | Crush |
So a while ago I made a post about getting over someone I can't have. I'm not sure I can't have her anymore so I'm going to try to progress with her. So now I need to know if I should do this because I don't want to come off is it weird or creepy: should I dm her since I found her account but she doesn't know I have one and she didn't give hers to me? Idk if this would be weird because she was in my suggested and I'm not sure if I should. | Crush |
So I have a guy friend that I like. But we are also really good friends. I have told him I liked him and I’m unsure if I want. But we text often and when I try to call him, sometimes he will answer but sometimes he won’t. I know he works a crazy schedule because I know what he does for a living and the hours are insane. I don’t want to keep calling him if he won’t pick up. I’m trying to find a way to tell him that I don’t want to keep bothering him but I would like to chat. How can I word it to where it doesn’t sound needy or rude??? Genuine question. I have literally wrote the text out 5 times and deleted it because it kind of sounds rude. For example I want to say “hey, I don’t want keep bothering you but I want to talk soon.” It sounds needy. And I don’t want to come off like that. Help!!!! | Crush |
So there's this girl at school that I've liked for roughly 7 months now, for the first few months we'd make eye contact occasionally and sometimes chat briefly where she'd tease me about something or other. My biased mind thought that she liked me but wasn't sure what to do. Until a couple of months ago she found out after one of my friends told her, she hasn't actually said if she likes me or not but clearly gets annoyed when people tease her about it. Then it's gotten to the point where my friends are pressuring me to ask her out, I don't want to because I'm certain what she'll say and that it'll just be an all around awkward situation. So what do I do? Do I move on? | Crush |
So I'd like to start off by saying that i am a girl that has absolutely no experience in crushes whatsoever, i was that outsider that couldn't participate in "boys drama" and i became very insecure because of that. So even if there were evident signs i wouldn't have a clue because the thought of nobody liking me is engraved in my head. Anyway, i started talking to guys in my school (an attempt at coming out of my bubble as i am very shy) and i soon found out that he was a pretty cool guy. But it was nothing more than a nodding acquaintance. I would never in a million years expect him to like me at all (bare in mind this is a guy that stayed rumour free all these years) so i really wouldn't expect him to end up liking me. So this guy has a young sister and she's pretty....wild. she's the epitome of chaos and always calls *me* weird nicknames from the very beginning. I really don't know if she likes me or not but I think she does? So anyway i always greet her in the morning and her brother (the guy) is standing across from us. And I'm saying hi and then the girl cuts me off and says "why don't you talk to **guy's name**?" with a cheeky smile on her face. I was caught of guard and asked her to repeat her sentence. And she did and then her brother looked at her and she ran off giggling. So that is one situation. In the same day i felt like the guy was awkward around me for some reason. On another occasion i was talking about space with a friend (i am very passionate about it) and i was talking quickly and loudly because i was excited and i found him staring at me with a slight smile on his face. And i stopped and looked at him and said "what?" And he said "no no please continue" and kept staring at me and smiling. Other than that there were several times where he jokes around and teased me specifically (like snatching my phone or pen from my desk). I am really curious about this but at the same time i don't want to get my hopes up💀. This may end up about me being delusional but idk. I have this weird gut feeling. I also feel like these situations mean absolutely nothing but yeah, please let me know if you think otherwise :) | Crush |
My crush told me he’s having a hard time with his new (ex?) partner, he had a hard time and so did I and we. He cried for help, how can I word it so it shows I am here for him. I love him with all my heart but never told him. | Crush |
So theres this guy at my job whos 20 ( im 19 turing 20) and i get very nervous around him. He works in a different department than me but we constantly overlap so i see him alot. He looks to be about 6'2" and he just recently dyed his hair black from bleach blond. We've only really spoken to each other in passing but since we are in different departments we have different uniform requirements so i can tell that we have thing in common just by the shirts he wears. I honestly cant get a read on him, hes almost as blocked off as i am; would it be work trying to connect with him more or am i just letting looks run my brain? | Crush |
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I see many guys who lack resolve, they dwindle and cowered when life gets tough. Insted, you need to have conviction, continued on your journey.
&#x200B; | Crush |
I have a habit of saying others are cute.. Will my crush (m17) think that I do not like him (friendzoned him) when I compliment that another guy is cute or will it not affect his thoughts of me romantically? I really want him to like me back (f17) | Crush |
Subsets and Splits