Tuna and mackerel populations suffer catastrophic 74% decline, research shows
Australian Government introduces "No Jab No Pay" legislation, preventing parents of unvaccinated children from receiving childcare benefits.
Norway will soon pay Brazil the final instalment of a $1bn payment for slowing the rate at which the Amazon rainforest is cut down, and is in talks about a further scheme.
Air Canada pilot diverts international flight to save dog from freezing.
Nepal to stay secular, proposal for a Hindu nation rejected
'If you are worried about refugees, stop supporting terrorists' - Assad interview
Exxon's Own Research Confirmed Fossil Fuels' Role in Global Warming Decades Ago | "Over the past several years a clear scientific consensus has emerged," Cohen wrote in September 1982, reporting on Exxon's own analysis of climate models.
Scared By Russia, Sweden And Poland Make War Pact
Netherlands bans wild animals in circuses
Hungary convicts migrant for illegally crossing into country, first conviction under new law
Germany can stop cash for jobless EU migrants - The European Court of Justice ruled on Tuesday that Germany can deny basic welfare payments to European migrants - even if they've previously had a job in the country.
The Leap Manifesto, "an ambitious plan to end fossil fuel subsidies, increase income taxes on corporations and the wealthy, cut military spending and implement a progressive carbon tax", signed by at least one hundred notable Canadian personalities
David Attenborough backs huge Apollo-style clean energy research plan
Google to raise $11 million for refugee crisis in Europe in 1:1 donation-matching campaign
UK drops out of top 10 renewable energy ranking for 1st time - Conservative govt has sentenced renewable energy to death by 1000 cuts & left investors puzzled, says EY report. "Weve entered a really weird phase where weve almost got govt energy policy being set in a vacuum."
Pope warns religious orders: Take in refugees, or pay property taxes.
Iranian Female Soccer Star Faces Husband-Imposed Travel Ban
WWF - Failing fisheries and poor ocean health starving human food supply. Their report shows a decline of 49 per cent of marine populations between 1970 and 2012.
Jeremy Corbyn has said Labour can win the 2020 general election by creating a radical grassroots movement.They call us deficit deniers; they spend billions cutting taxes for the richest families and for the most profitable businesses. What they are is poverty deniers,
Croatia says it will allow migrants to travel on to northern Europe - opening up a new route a day after Hungary sealed its border with Serbia.
Flying Korea's farmed dogs to safety - "Our goal is to end the dog-meat industry in Korea,"
Turkish presidents office says insulting president not within freedom of expression
Saudi suspends Binladen group over Mecca crane crash - royal court
Anheuser-Busch InBev, the maker of Budweiser and Corona, said Wednesday it has approached rival SABMiller Plc for a potential takeover that would combine the world's two biggest brewers
China stocks resume sharp slide as economic worries mount
Efficiency up, turnover down: Sweden experiments with six-hour working day | World news | The Guardian
7.9-Magnitude Earthquake Strikes off the Coast of Chile
HPV vaccine should be free for boys, says mother who paid $340 The vaccine is free for girls in Grade 6, but costs more than $300 for boys
US priests accused of sex abuse get a second chance by relocating to South America The Catholic Church has allowed priests accused of sexually abusing children in the United States and Europe to relocate to poor parishes in South America, a yearlong investigation has found.
BBC News: A Russian prank caller has said he and a colleague tricked Sir Elton John into thinking President Vladimir Putin had called him to discuss gay rights
Nobel director regretted Obama peace prize.
Saudi Arabia: Juvenile prisoner faces 'death by crucifixion' after appeal is dismissed
University of Sydney Student Smashes NASA Record For Fuel Efficiency; Mars and Back on a Tank of Fuel
Iceland's capital declares boycott of Israeli goods
Tsunami alert as Chile hit by powerful 7.9 earthquake
Final push for TPP set for end of September
School ordered to pay student $1 million for sex abuse by female principal of ultra-orthadox Jewish school. Principal fled to Israel and is fighting extradition.
Migrants break through police lines on Croatia-Serbia border
"I am racist and my racism based on Islam", says supreme council member of Malaysia's ruling party
Czech President: Refugees from Ukraine should be included in EU's refugee quotas
Rising number of employees reporting mental health issues. More than two fifths of employers have seen increase in workers reporting conditions such as depression or anxiety
UK Judge gives Asian pedophile harsher sentence when victims were Asian because "Asian sex crime victims suffer more than whites".
Exxon Believed Deep Dive Into Climate Research Would Protect Its Business | 1979 memo: "It behooves us to start a very aggressive defensive program in the indicated areas of atmospheric science and climate because there is a good probability that legislation affecting our business will be passed."
Jewish Man Dies as Rocks Pelt His Car in East Jerusalem
World Wide Fund for Nature says nearly half the world's marine animals wiped out in single generation: "The emergency edition of WWF's Living Blue Planet Report revealed a 49 per cent decline in marine vertebrate populations between 1970 and 2012. For some fish this figure was almost 75 per cent."
Threatened, starved: Cook reveals life at Saudi Diplomat's house
Global study reveals soaring antibiotic resistance in India
Burkina Faso 'coup': Presidential guard dissolves government
Malicious Cisco router backdoor found on 79 more devices, 25 in the US
Russian Authorities Close Down American Center in Moscow: The Russian government has shut down the U.S. Embassy's American Center in Moscow after 22 years in operation
Brazil's Supreme Court has banned corporate contributions to political campaigns and parties
Investigation finds Exxon knew about CO2's effect on the climate since 1977, but ignored internal research and warnings
Islamic extremist shot dead in Berlin after stabbing police officer
Man sentenced to death in Saudi Arabia will be crucified
Finland has a strike - over 30 000 people have gathered in the rain to protest against the government, no public transport working, stores closed
Cameron gives top environment policy job to oil man ahead of major climate talks
India is not an 'IT-superpower' but an 'IT-labour contractor' as it lacks innovation : Indian Minister
Bid to inspect Israeli nuclear site blocked
Burkina Faso just had a coup that put the military junta into power. Protests have begun.
Ukraine bans journalists who 'threaten national interests' from country
Refugee Kicked By Camerawoman Gets Job as Soccer Coach in Spain
Skeletons of 200 Napoleonic troops found in Germany
First 'zero-emissions' hydrogen filling station opens. "It uses electricity generated by a wind turbine to split water into its constituent parts: hydrogen and oxygen."
For the second time in two years, a captive snake in south-east Missouri has given birth without any interaction with a member of the opposite sex.
A new report ties the Russian government to a seven-year malware campaign
Germany seeks stricter limits on migrants, rolling back welcome mat
One million Yemenis ready to invade Saudi Arabia according to Iranian Press
Israeli police could use live sniper fire against Palestinian rock throwers under Benjamin Netanyahu plan
Japan passes new military bill, Scuffling ensues.
Russia says ready for talks with United States on Syria
Farmers in northern France have been ordered to destroy this year's produce because of pollution caused by World War One armaments left in the soil
'Super-gonorrhoea' outbreak in Leeds
In egalitarian Sweden, richer regions reluctant to share refugee burden
China Is Building The Mother Of All Reputation Systems To Monitor Citizen Behavior
Half a million children have fled attacks by the Islamist group Boko Haram over the past five months, the UN children's agency says.
Volkswagen has admitted to using software on VW and Audi branded cars to cheat U.S. diesel emissions tests, shares plunge more than 20 percent.
Saudi Teenager Ali Mohammed al-Nimr Has Been Sentenced to Death by Crucifixion
German woman, 91, is charged with 260,000 counts of accessory to murder as prosecutors accuse her of being a Nazi SS radio operator who served in Auschwitz
New Zealand Zoo Won't Euthanize Tiger That Killed Zookeeper
Hungary passes law allowing govt to use army in asylum seeker crisis. According to the law, the army would be allowed to use rubber bullets, pyrotechnical devices, tear gas grenades or net guns
Hungary places ads in Lebanese press warning off migrants..."Do not listen to the people smugglers. Hungary will not allow illegal immigrants to cross its territory."
Ruble fall causes wage parity between Russia and China: The devaluation of the ruble has put average salaries in Russia on par with those in China
The Obama administration will increase the number of refugees the United States is willing to accept to 100,000 annually in 2017, a significant increase over the current worldwide cap of 70,000, Secretary of State John Kerry said on Sunday.
PYD: "Syrian refugee tripped by Hungarian journalist was member of radical al-Nusra Front"
SodaStream offers 1,000 jobs to Syrian refugees in Israel. Company, which was targeted by BDS over its West Bank plant, says it could employ refugees in southern Israel
Saudi official: We wont cooperate with Israel as long as Palestine is occupied
Russian embassy in Damascus comes under mortar fire foreign ministry
No European country `can be exempt` from taking in refugees: Hollande
Attempts to protect Australias Great Barrier Reef are failing: report | Australia's Great Barrier Reef is still being damaged by the effects of climate change and farming, a report says. It says efforts to improve water quality are falling far short of the targets that have been set
Pirate Bay: What Raid? Police Never Got Our Servers
Pacific Islanders Plead for Urgent Climate Action as Seas Rise - The village where Anote Tong attended school some 40 years ago is no longer there. As the Pacific Ocean encroached on the settlement, the villagers left for higher ground.
ISIS Defectors Reveal Growing Disillusionment
Ministry of Defence condemns serving army general behind Jeremy Corbyn 'mutiny' threat - Some Conservatives also expressed disquiet with right-wing MEP Daniel Hannan describing the general as an 'idiot
Apple's App Store infected with malware in China
Islamic rebels free 2 American hostages held in Yemen
Israel to bring in 20,000 Chinese construction workers
Reports: Russian troops refusing deployment to Syria
At least 55 people killed by three bomb blasts in Nigeria
Climate Change Will Boost Arctic Mosquito Population
Greece opposition concedes defeat, Syriza poised to retain power
Another drug Cycloserine sees a 2000% price jump overnight as patent sold to pharmaceutical company. The ensuing backlash caused the companies to reverse their deal. Expert says If it weren't for all of the negative publicity the original 2,000 per cent price hike would still stand.
Hedge fund trader Martin Shkreli who raised the price HIV drug by 5,000% asked how he sleeps at night. His reply "You know, Ambien"
American soldiers told to ignore sexual abuse of boys by Afghan allies
An engineer who once worked for Russia's military intelligence has been sentenced to 14 years in prison for seeking a job at a Swedish company
VW emissions scandal hits 11m vehicles world wide
Israeli Police Can Now Use Snipers Against Teenagers Throwing Stones
Fewer than one in 20 lobbyists are covered by the governments new lobbying register, according to a report warning that the public are being left in the dark about those trying to influence UK policy.
Seeds removed from doomsday seed vault as a result of Syrian civil war
Archaeologists have discovered a Pre-Roman era tomb in perfect condition at Pompeii
IS executes 10 people accused of being gay in Syria: monitor
US-trained Division 30 rebels 'betrayed US and hand weapons over to al-Qaeda's affiliate in Syria'
Disputed EU migrant plan voted in - EU ministers approve plans to relocate 120,000 migrants, with Hungary and Czech Republic among four voting against
Scientists release 'complete' tree of life which shows how 2.3 million species are related
Report: Israel tells Jordan that it's breaching Temple Mount status quo - Channel Two reports that Israel has sent messages to Jordan that armed rioters were being allowed to sleep in al-Aksa
Russia launches drones in Syria
China's cyberespionage putting "enormous strain" on relations, U.S. says
Facebook accused of spying on Belgian citizens like the NSA
German Stocks Fall More Than 3%, Pulled Down by Volkswagen
Midwife in the Indian state of Assam registered herself as pregnant 85 times in 6 months to get monetary benefit from a state-sponsored scheme.
Exxon Confirmed Global Warming Consensus in 1982 with In-House Climate Models. The company chairman would later mock climate models as unreliable while he campaigned to stop global action to reduce fossil fuel emissions.
Syrian asylum-seeker in Germany filmed boasting of having killed for ISIS
Syrian refugee tripped over by Hungarian journalist was part of Al Qaeda's Nusra front according to PYD
Land Degradation, Desertification Might Create 50 Million Climate Refugees Within A Decade.Desertification also threatens water availability and quality that is believed to have played a key role in pushing Syria toward a brutal, protracted civil war that has cost nearly 300,000 lives.
European Union officials will forge ahead with a controversial plan to begin labeling products produced in Israeli settlements in the Occupied West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights
German police conduct raids in Berlin's Islamist scene: German police say they have carried out several raids in Berlin targeting people suspected of recruiting for "Islamic State" in Syria. Hundreds of officers were involved in the operation.
Pharmaceuticals CEO who raised HIV drug price by 5,000% 'also hiked cost of pill taken by children with incurable kidney disease'
Norway rewards Brazil with $1 billion for keeping the Amazon full of trees
Volkswagen hires BP oil spill lawyers to defend emissions cases
Turing to roll back pricing for Daraprim amid controversy
Ginger extremist convicted in royal death plot so Prince Harry can be king
Martin Winterkorn resigns as Volkswagen CEO
Pope Francis to Dine With Homeless Rather Than Lawmakers Thursday
This 16-year-old won the Google Science Fair with a cheap and easy way to detect Ebola.
The commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan said Tuesday he expects U.S. personnel to report to military superiors any allegations of sexual abuse of boys by Afghan forces. He added that Afghan President Ashraf Ghani has assured him the government "will not tolerate abuse of its children"
The professional hunter, who helped American dentist kill Zimbabwes popular lion Cecil, re-arrested Monday on new charges of planning to smuggle 29 rare sable antelope out of the country
Indigenous site 'older than pyramids' in Perth freeway's path taken off heritage register
Indigenous activist who helped close polluting Guatemala palm oil factory shot dead
Pissed-Off UN Interns Protest Unpaid Internships Outside UN Headquarters
After 60 million years of extreme living, seabirds are crashing - A new study finds that the worlds seabird populations have plummeted by almost 70% in just 60 yrs.
Iran has given permission for five Americans to study in a Tehran University masters program a 'breakthrough,' the department head says. Others are enrolling in Persian language classes.
91 Year Old Woman To Be Charged With 260,000 Counts Of Accessory To Murder At Auschwitz Nazi Death Camp
Putin opens the biggest mosque in Russia , praises Russian Muslims for rejecting extremists .
World's largest 3D mud printer makes dirt cheap homes at public debut in Italy
Hillary Clinton comes out against Keystone XL pipeline project - Breaks months of silence & says it's not in the best interests of "what we need to do to combat climate change". Pipeline would move crude from Alberta tar sands to Texas Gulf Coast.
The Israeli secret service is suspected of being behind a series of mysterious yet highly sophisticated cyber-spying attacks on decisive negotiations over Irans nuclear programme held at luxury hotels across Europe earlier this year, Swiss media has reported.
Canadians eating less meat, taking a bite out of food industrys margins
David Cameron says Europe must get better at sending migrants home
Eight Million Tons of Plastic Dumped in Ocean Every Year
A civil lawsuit against Volkswagen was filed Tuesday in Sao Paulo accusing the company of allowing the torture and detention of employees opposed to Brazil's former military dictatorship
Diesel "worse than the black plague" and responsible for 50,000 premature deaths a year in the UK alone - Skoda and Seat models in the UK were also fitted with the EA189 engine VW used to cheat US emissions tests
Canadian mining company Barrick Gold leaks a million liters of cyanide into river in Argentina
Nigerian troops free 241 women, children in Boko Haram camps, arrest kingpin.
Hajj: 100 dead and 390 injured in Mina stampede
The Associate Press will no longer use the term "skeptic" for those who deny climate change.
German commander in charge of anti-ISIS coalition in Iraq has been found dead in his hotel room in Irbil. "This incident is under investigation and further information will be released as appropriate,"
UK, France and Germany lobbied for flawed car emissions tests, documents reveal. Countries publicly calling for investigations into VW emissions rigging scandal have privately fought to keep loopholes in car tests for carbon emissions
Car industry 'buried report revealing US car safety flaws over fears for TTIP deal'
India to supply generic cancer drug to US
Volkswagen CEO Likely to Get $32 Million Pension After Leaving
Radicalisation Awareness Kit: The Australian Government's new booklet for schools links green activism, 'alternative music' to terrorism
Vladimir Putin plans air strikes in Syria if no US deal reached: Report
British National Health Service uncovers 1,000 female genital mutilation cases in England
Ali Mohammed al-Nimr crucifixion: UN issues urgent call for Saudi Arabia to stay execution of juvenile offender
ISIS Defectors claim ISIS teaches "The Principles of the Islamic State, not the principles of Islam."
Student 'accused of being a terrorist' for reading book on terrorism
After Volkswagen Revelation, Auto Emissions Tests Come Under Global Scrutiny - "In the United States, automakers conduct their own emissions tests and submit the results to the government. In Europe, automakers pick who conducts the tests and where they are done."
BMW Drops on Report That X3 Diesel's Emission Exceeded EU Limit
Pope Warns Of 'Critical Moment' On Climate
Syrian forces pound ISIS with new Russian aircraft:At least 38 Islamic State fighters were killed over the last 24 hours as Syrian jets continued to pound the extremist group's strongholds in the ancient city of Palmyra
China to prosecute three over butchered panda
Turnbull government considers blocking singer Chris Brown from entering Australia because of his domestic violence record
Europe has the worlds highest rates of drinking and smoking, and more than half its people are too fat, putting them at high risk of heart disease, cancer and other deadly illnesses
Explosion hits mosque in Yemen capital
The Syrian war has caused the first-ever withdrawal from the 'doomsday vault' - Svalbard Global Seed Vault
Dalai Lama says female successor must be attractive 'otherwise not much use'
U.S. drug company sues Canada for trying to lower cost of $700K-a-year drug.
S. Korean court rules that any politician that receives bribe over $900 will be removed from office
A 19-year-old who plotted a massacre at his former college has been jailed for life with a minimum term of eight years.
40% more people are homeless than when David Cameron swept into Number 10
Boko Haram leader cant read Quran, nor perform Islamic prayers
9 mega-companies, including Walmart, Nike, and Starbucks, commit to 100% clean energy
Cannabis 'forest' discovered in south-west London
The stampede was caused by a Prince and 200 guards
Iran has led growing criticism of Saudi Arabia after at least 717 people died and 863 were injured in a stampede near the holy city of Mecca on Thursday.
Pope's climate push is 'raving nonsense' without population control, says top US scientist
Swiss officials to start formal proceedings against Fifa President Sepp Blatter
GCHQ surveillance has been tracking browsing history of every web user from porn visited websites to mobile locations
65% of Taiwanese feel they are an independent nation apart from China
Renewable energy outstrips coal for first time in UK electricity mix. Wind, solar and bioenergy surge to supply a record 25% of the countrys electricity for a whole quarter
Tax on sugary drinks favored by most New Zealanders
Uber banned in belgium, gets 21 days to cease operations rules court
Volkswagen rigged tests on 2.8 million cars in Germany, Berlin says
Russian fighter jets enter Syria with transponders off
U.N. Agencies Told to Leave East Ukraine
Finland demonstrators attack refugees with stones and fireworks
The third recorded global coral bleaching event may be underway. It's like watching a slow-motion train wreck, and were waiting for the cars to pile up on this side of the track, says Mark Eakin, the coordinator of NOAA's Coral Reef Watch
Saudis Blame African Pilgrims For Deadly Stampede Near Mecca
15 tons of sulfuric acid intercepted en route to Gaza
UK Chancellor George Osborne praised for 'not stressing human rights' by Chinese state media during visit
China, Worlds Largest Polluter, to Announce Program to Limit Emissions
NASA announces discovery of flowing water in Mars
Mount Everest to be declared off-limits to inexperienced climbers, says Nepal
China will cancel debts to the world's least developed nations.
Audi says 2.1 million cars have 'cheat' emissions software
Dead woman emerges 31 years after she disappeared and 28 years after a man confessed to killing her
Pirate Bay Founder Finally Free After Three Years
UN says world waited too long to act on refugee crisis."Unfortunately only when the poor enter the halls of the rich, do the rich notice that the poor exist"
Top Australian universities call for end to "every child gets a prize" approach and funding of mediocre research
French minister: 'TTIP talks are not transparent'
Iraq agrees to share intelligence on ISIS with Russia, Syria and Iran, catching Obama administration off guard
India successfully launches its first space observatory Astrosat into orbit along with six other satellites (4 American, 1 Canadian, 1 Indonesian)
A Mexico City judge has sentenced three men to 520 years in jail each for their roles in the kidnapping and murder of 13 young people two years ago.
Canada revokes citizenship of ringleader using new anti-terror law
Yemen says war wipes out decades of development
President Putin: US-Led Coalition Must Understand. Only the Syrian People Are Entitled to Decide Who Should Govern Their Country
Moldovan protesters call on government to resign over the disappearance of $1.5 billion
El-Sisi: "Egypt's Nearly 40-year Peace With Israel Should Include More Arab Countries"
Swiss competition authorities have said they've opened an investigation into whether a number of banks have been involved in the illegal fixing of precious metals prices.
Paris goes car-free for a day to fight pollution
Creator of VW's software "cheat" warned them that it was only to be used for testing and not for road vehicles
On Sept. 27th, 2015, nearly 2 billion people worldwide will be treated to a skywatching event not seen seen 1982. The 'Supermoon', which appears up to 14% larger in diameter due to its proximity to Earth, will also turn a reddish hue as a result of a total lunar eclipse.
Pope: Workers Have 'Right' to Refuse Gay-Marriage Licenses
Switzerland may ban Volkswagen diesel car sales.
After canceling a U.S. tour, the Dalai Lama, 80, checks into the Mayo Clinic for evaluation.
Iran earns more from tax than oil for first time in almost 50 years
Canada tries to cut cost of US drug, gets sued
Elon Musk Says Climate Change Refugees Will Dwarf Current Crisis. Tesla's CEO says the Volkswagen scandal is minor compared with carbon dioxide emissions.
British doctors hail 'cure for blindness' with successful treatment of age-related macular degeneration | The groundbreaking operation was carried out be surgeons at Londons Moorfields Eye Hospital
An app which tracked US drone strikes through text notifications and maps has been removed from the App Store by Apple due to excessively crude or objectionable content
New Zealand has revealed plans to turn an area of the South Pacific about the size of France into a marine reserve. The Kermadec Ocean Sanctuary lies 1000km north of the mainland and includes a chain of islands and underwater volcanoes. It is a vast 620,000 sq km (239,400 sq miles) area.
Putin: Do you realize what you have done? Putin speaks to UN about middle east situation.
The death toll from a suspected air strike on a wedding party in Yemen on Monday has risen to at least 131, the United Nations and local medics say.
"A senior Saudi prince has launched an unprecedented call for change in the countrys leadership, as it faces its biggest challenge in years in the form of war, plummeting oil prices and criticism of its management of Mecca, scene of last weeks hajj tragedy."
Edward Snowden promotes global treaty to curtail surveillance - Accord would require countries to reduce domestic snooping and provide asylum to whistleblowers
Putin: "We can no longer tolerate the current state of affairs in the world" (speech at UN on IS)
China will contribute 8,000 troops for a United Nations peacekeeping force, China's President Xi Jinping told the United Nations General Assembly, a move that could make it one of the largest players in U.N. peacekeeping efforts.
Hajj crush: Saudi Arabia issues over 1,000 images suggesting death-toll rise -- Authorities in India and Pakistan say photographs of dead released to diplomats for identification mean hundreds more killed than originally thought
U.S., Russia agree Syria must be united and secular: Kerry
Hitachi says it can predict crimes before they happen: called Hitachi Visualization Predictive Crime Analytics, gobbles massive amounts of datafrom public transit maps, social media conversations, weather reports, and moreand uses machine learning to find patterns that humans cant pick out.
U.S. gives up effort to train Syrian opposition forces
A vast stretch of New Zealand's exclusive economic zone is being turned into an ocean sanctuary in a landmark deal to preserve one of the most pristine and unique environments on earth.
KGB defector: Russia killed the British spy found in a duffel bag
The Taliban captured the northern Afghan city of Kunduz in a massive assault Monday involving hundreds of fighters, and now control a major urban area for the first time since the 2001 U.S.-led invasion.
China opens terrifying glass-bottomed bridge in Shiniuzhai park
Saudi royal calls for regime change in Riyadh, The king is not in a stable condition
Obama willing to work with Iran, Russia to end Syria conflict
Harper Conservatives hope to have TPP agreement this week
Three dead as Peruvian farmers and police clash at $7.4bn Chinese mine | As well as the deaths 17 were injured, three critically, when officers reportedly shot at protesters after they entered the Las Bambas copper mining project
The Australian share market has lost around $41 billion in morning trade, as BHP Billiton shares tumbled below $22 for the first time since the global financial crisis.
Counter to Islamic law: Saudi diplomat refuses to discuss gay rights at UN
Germany has translated the first 20 articles of the country's constitution, which outline basic rights like freedom of speech, into Arabic for refugees to help them integrate.
Man Killed by Hindu Mob in India because they suspected he ate Beef.
Japan says it must look after its own before allowing in Syrian refugees
Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe shouts 'We are not gays' during UN address
Diesel cars made by Renault, Nissan, Hyundai, Citroen, Fiat and Volvo among others emitted far more NOx in more rigorous tests, research shows
Russia has conducted its first airstrike in Syria, near city of Homs, senior U.S. official tells CNN
An Iranian man who was on death row for allegedly insulting the prophet Muhammad has had his sentence commuted to reading 13 religious books and studying theology for two years.
A British nursing home offers its residents strippers and prostitutes, sparking a debate over sexual rights of the disabled.
Young New Zealander took his own life while awaiting deportation from Australia, he had lived in Australia since the age of 4. He was placed in indefinite detention in Goulburn jail and denied mental health support. Currently 200 New Zealanders are in indefinite detention awaiting deportation.
Iron Dome intercepts rocket over Ashdod
Tractors, cows take over Canadian Parliament Hill as dairy farmers protest TPP
UK and Saudi Arabia made a 'secret deal' to secure each others' UN Human Rights Council seats
The Russian parliament on Wednesday unanimously granted President Vladimir Putin the right to deploy the country's military in Syria, a move a top Kremlin aide said related only to the air force.
Montreal to dump 8 billion litres of sewage into St. Lawrence River
US court dismisses 9/11 lawsuit against Saudi Arabia
Chinese city hit by multiple explosions at public buildings
Saudi Arabia insists Assad must go or be overthrown
For the first time ever, there are now more people in Canada age 65 and over than there are under age 15
A German scientist is revoking the license to his bioinformatics software for researchers working in eight European countries because those countries allow too many immigrants to cross their borders.
First of its kind study: No serious adverse effects from long-term MMJ use. "No evidence of harmful effects on cognitive function, or blood tests among cannabis consumers and we observed a significant improvement in their levels of pain, symptom distress, mood and quality of life"
Antikythera Shipwreck Yields New Cache of Ancient Treasures
Norwegian terrorist and mass murderer, Anders Behring Breivik, who killed 77 people in 2011, pledges to hunger strike until death as a protest against prison conditions
Quebec-based Valeant Pharmaceuticals is suspected of using the same business model as former hedge fund manager Martin Shkreli, as the price of two heart drugs is increased.
Volkswagen staff acted criminally, says board member
King Tut's tomb likely has hidden chamber, Egyptian official says
France threatens to walk away from TTIP negotiations saying a "total lack of transparency" in TTIP talks poses a "democratic problem".
It's now illegal in England and Wales to smoke in cars with kids inside
Russian air strikes in Syria - They didn't hit Isis', US and France say as emergency talks planned
ISIS cell uncovered in northern Israel
Saudi King Salman Orders the Seizure of all CCTVs in Mina
Palestinian flag raised at UN for the first time ever
Syrian Rebels Say Russia Is Targeting Them Rather Than ISIS
US warns Russia against striking non-ISIS targets in Syria
US anti-abortion activist Troy Newman still managed to fly to Australia but has been detained by border force in Melbourne
Liberals 'committed' to legalizing cannabis: Trudeau
Putin: Claims Russian jets killed civilians in Syria emerged before airstrikes started
Abbas says Palestinians are no longer bound by the Oslo Accords with Israel
Organic? No guarantee Indian organic products free from pesticides, says study: Samples of veggies, fruits and organic food collected from across India show high level of contamination.
Poland moves to take in ethnic Poles from former USSR
Nigerian football fans set up alternative Premier League on Twitter: It started as a joke, but popularity of local tournament has grown to rival that of English Premiership
Veil debate becomes big issue in Canada election, putting Conservatives into lead
Iraq says would welcome Russian air strikes against IS in Iraq
Record El Nio set to cause hunger for 10 million poorest, Oxfam warns
Jamaica should 'move on from painful legacy of slavery', says Cameron
Thai government websites hit by denial-of-service attack
US Department of Transportation: Kuwait Airways must sell tickets to Israeli travelers if is wants to operate in the US
The UN refugee agency expects at least 1.4 million refugees to flee to Europe across the Mediterranean this year and next, a sharp rise from initial estimates of 850,000.
Underwater Mining in the Philippines using children
Lieutenant of 'El Chapo' Guzman killed in Mexico, U.S. prosecutors reveal
Half of the European Unions 28 countries and three of its regions have opted out of a new GM crop scheme, in a blow to biotech industry hopes. Under new EU rules agreed in March, 14 countries have now told Brussels they will send territorial exclusion requests to the big agricultural multinationals
Saudi Arabia insists UN keeps LGBT rights out of its development goals - "The Saudi Foreign Minister says LGBT rights are 'counter to Islamic law' "
Hamburg has become the first German city to pass a law allowing the seizure of empty commercial properties in order to house migrants
Five Brazilian policemen have been arrested after mobile phone footage appeared to show an officer placing a gun in the hand of a teenager they had shot dead in a Rio de Janeiro favela.
Canadian Feds penny-pinched on science libraries while lavishing funds on religion and oil
Passenger plane reported as missing in Indonesia
Belfast City Council wants people who are convicted of for animal cruelty to be registered in the same way that sex offenders are.
Pope did not give unconditional support to clerk in gay marriage row: Vatican
Amsterdam brothel owners must speak sex workers' language
Indian government built 8.9 Million (89 lakh) Public toilets in just a year
Israeli couple shot dead in West Bank
Half of World's Coal Output Is Unprofitable, Moody's Says
Fearing Russian air strikes, Islamic State didn't hold Friday prayers, report says
Fatah armed wing claims responsibility for terror attack | Abdel Qader al-Husseini Brigades says deadly shooting of Eitam and Naama Henkin was a necessary action
European Union countries can imprison migrants who re-enter their territory after being expelled, the EU's top court ruled on Thursday in a judgment likely to be closely watched across the continent as it struggles to cope with a migration crisis.
CIA pulls staff from China after US government hack
Images Suggest China Is Building 1st Indigenous Aircraft Carrier
Amnesty condemns Taliban's 'reign of terror' in Kunduz: Mass murder, gang rapes and house-to-house searches by death squads: Based on civilian testimonies, Amnesty International has catalogued a number of atrocities attributed to the Taliban in the embattled city of Kunduz.
Russia's Lavrov on Syria targets: 'If it looks like a terrorist, walks like a terrorist if it fights like a terrorist, it's a terrorist, right? '
Cairo University Bans Teachers From Wearing Face Veil
Anti-abortion activist Troy Newman to be deported after losing court bid to stay in Australia
US Spent a Year Bombing Syrian Desert, Not ISIL Russian MP
Vote Compass: Majority of Canadians support softer marijuana laws
Netanyahu stares down UN in intense moment of silence
India is teaming up with Google to have free WiFi at 500 railway stations
AP: At least 997 people died and 600 people remain missing in Saudi hajj disaster | Iran death toll rises to 464
Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Deal Is Reached
Previously Unknown Lines to the 'Epic of Gilgamesh' discovered in stolen cuneiform tablet - A serendipitous deal between a history museum & a smuggler has provided new insight into one of the most famous stories ever told
Montreal to dump 8 billion liters of sewage in the St. Lawrence River
Human rights are no longer a 'top priority' for the UK Government, says Foreign Office chief
ISIS militants blow up ancient Arch of Triumph in Palmyra
Obama has ordered the Pentagon, to directly provide ammunition and weapons to Syrian opposition forces on the ground.
Snipers have been pictured in Manchester city centre as thousands march in protest to cuts, coinciding with the Conservative Party conference. Armed police can be seen on the roof of the Great Northern complex in images that have been widely shared on social media.
The World Bank has said that for the first time less than 10% of the world's population will be living in extreme poverty by the end of 2015.
BBC admits faking impressive volcano footage for Patagonia TV documentary that went viral
Nigerian Governor promises to return money he stole, but only if he is re-elected
Chile to create one of world's largest marine parks around Easter Island. Plans put forward by the local people will ban fishing in over 600,000 sq km of the Pacific ocean
Australian Doctors Successfully Reattach Baby's Internally Decapitated Head Following Serious Car Crash
France moves closer to passing controversial surveillance law.Despite firm criticism from civil liberties groups, the bill has faced minimal opposition from the public and the political classes.
Holocaust historians criticise Austrias plan to jail Jewish author who inventoried property stolen from Jews in Vienna
Australia- The government called in the Federal Police to investigate information leaks from the Nauru detention camp six times in as many months, prompting claims it is pursuing whistleblowers instead of those who allegedly assaulted and raped asylum seekers.
Air France bosses attacked by angry workers after announcing huge job losses
Syrian rebels call for regional alliance against Russia and Iran
German authorities now expect up to 1.5 million migrants in 2015: newspaper
Defiant Chinese reporter claims police work with propaganda machine to sway public opinion. Liu recounted how the police try to draw out confessions and then air them on state television to shame suspects and sway public perceptions ahead of their trials.
Nato warns russia over syria strikes
England's shoppers say goodbye to free plastic bags
Tens of thousands protest against UK government
Iraqi prime minister says he would welcome Russian airstrikes in Iraq
Dozens of Islamist Saudi Arabian clerics have called on Arab and Muslim countries to "give all moral, material, political and military" support to what they term a jihad, or holy war, against Syria's government and its Iranian and Russian backers.
Germany needs to limit refugee influx, close borders: Merkel allies
BP fined a record $20.8 billion for oil spill disaster
Big U.S. firms hold $2.1 trillion overseas to avoid taxes: study
Former NSA boss Michael Hayden tells the BBC about Edward Snowden: If youre asking me my opinion, hes going to die in Moscow. Hes not coming home.
Doctors Without Borders calls US bombing of its hospital a war crime
Scientists to nudge asteroid off course as practice for protecting the Earth
NASA has released almost 10,000 never-before-seen images from the moon landings
Your smartphone can be taken over with just a text, says Edward Snowden, and it could be happening right now
The 2015 NobelPrize in Physics to Takaaki Kajita and Arthur B. McDonald for the discovery of neutrino oscillations, which shows that neutrinos have mass.
Wildlife thriving around Chernobyl nuclear plant despite radiation - High numbers of elk, deer, boar and wolves show long-term effect of worlds worst nuclear accident is less damaging than everyday human activity, say scientists.
European Court of Justice ruled Safe Harbor Agreement invalid
A new species of rat has been discovered on an island in Indonesia. Scientists consider the rat so exceptional that they have described it not only as a new species but a new genus - a step up from the "new species" label.
Ireland- Millions of fish have been washed ashore on a beach in west Kerry. Peculiarly, no birds or scavengers have eaten the bodies that have been just lying on the shore, rotting, since Thursday.
China is building the world's largest radio telescope to detect signs of life billions of light years away
Snowden: I'd go to prison to return to US
Hamas suspects arrested for murder of couple in front of their children
'Hundreds' of Yazidis killing themselves in ISIS slavery
China wants to speed construction of a national network to charge electric cars, to help reach an ambitious goal of 5 million green vehicles on its roads by 2020
Email to Hillary Clinton shows the US tried to cover up a WikiLeaks story on Turkey, PKK
US Troops Weren't Under Fire in Afghan Hospital Airstrike: Army Gen. John Campbell contradicts previous reports by his own Afghanistan command
Thousands form 'living border' against refugees - People across the eastern state of Saxony took part in demonstrations against refugees being taken into Germany at the weekend, with thousands gathering on the Czech frontier to form a "living border".
Russian station says weather forecast "excellent for bombing Syria"
Kremlin Says Russian Volunteer Forces Will Fight in Syria; A senior Kremlin defense official told Russian news agencies on Monday that military veterans who had fought in eastern Ukraine would likely start showing up as volunteer ground forces in Syria.
Drone Flies Over NSA Complex in Germany, Dropping Leaflets
Russian Air Force Strikes ISIS in Al-Raqqa and East Aleppo: Terrorists Suffer Heavy Casualties
"Saudi clerics called on Muslim countries to back holy war against Syria and its Iranian and Russian backers."
Norwegian Air CEO Says $69 Flights From U.S. to Europe Coming Soon
4 Russian warships launch 26 missiles against ISIS from Caspian sea
Wind power is now the cheapest electricity to produce in both Germany and the U.K., even without government subsidies.
Paedophile bishop escaped charges after MPs and royal family intervened, court told
Teslas Hit by 180% Danish Tax on Cars as Green Goals Ditched. "The three-month old government has already said it is abandoning ambitious CO2 emissions targets and dropping plans to become fossil-fuel free by 2050."
Images of Pluto and Charon continue to captivate Nasa: 'This world is alive' - Every week I am floored, Stern said. Nasa wont let me tell you what were going to tell you on Thursday. Its amazing.
3 scientists just won a Nobel for discovering the genetic mechanisms that explain why we dont all have cancer
Doctors Without Borders Wants Independent Inquiry Into U.S. Attack On Hospital
Italian priest Don Gino Flaim defends paedophiles and blames 'love-seeking children'
Emails show Qadaffi son offered talks but Clinton ordered top general to 'not take the call'
Obama: We Won't Turn Syria Into 'Proxy War' Between U.S. And Russia
Toyota, U.S. unsure how ISIS got brand new pickup trucks
Drone Drops Anti-Spying Leaflets Over NSA Facility in Germany
Doctors Without Borders airstrike: US alters story for fourth time in four days
Saudi prince now owns 5% of Twitter
3,500 ft High Glass Skywalk Cracks Under Visitors' Feet In China
Landmark High Court ruling on BRCA1 gene patent as pensioner wins legal case - A 69 year-old pensioner from Australia has succeeded in a David-and Goliath battle against a multinational corporation that claimed a patent over her genes.
Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Wednesday banned any further negotiations between Iran and the United States, putting the brakes on moderates hoping to end Iran's isolation after reaching a nuclear deal with world powers in July.
U.S. Investigating How ISIS Got All Those Toyota Pickups
Canadas PM Stephen Harper: Human Rights Issues Won't Derail Arms Sale to Saudis
The world's oceans are under threat from both illegal and mass industrial fishing, in which millions of fish are caught and discarded, experts warned Tuesday
Study finds that 500 biggest US companies stash $2.1 trillion in overseas tax havens; government losses $620 billion in potential taxes.
David Cameron challenged over UN Human Rights deal with Saudi Arabia
Zimbabwe: 14 Elephants killed by cyanide poisoning
Breast cancer gene BRCA-1 cannot be patented, Australian High Court rules
Saudi Arabia: Employer chops off hand of Indian maid for trying to escape torture
Ebola countries record first week with no new cases
Donald Trump goes to Scottish Supreme Court to fight the placement of a wind farm near his golf course because the 11 turbines would "spoil the view."
Amnesty tells the US to stop selling arms to Saudi Arabia- The group cites "damning evidence" of war crimes involving American-made weapons in Yemen.
New Horizons Finds Blue Skies and Water Ice on Pluto
Lake in India so toxic that it froths over and occasionally bursts into flames
Chinese woman with no medical degree or a PhD wins a Nobel Prize for her work in creating an anti-malaria medicine
Russian Offer to Share ISIL Targets With US-Led Coalition Gets No Response
Volkswagen's US boss has admitted he was aware early last year of the emissions cheating affecting millions of the company's vehicles.
Israeli Yeshiva student critically injured after being stabbed by a young Palestinian in fourth incident in 24 hours.
Calling Protesters in Chile Dumb, Pope Francis Sets Off Uproar - "Pope Francis, called people in Osorno, a city in southern Chile, dumb for protesting against a bishop accused of being complicit in clerical sexual abuse."
British SAS soldiers use mannequins to lure dozens of ISIS into an ambush.
British prime minister David Cameron vows to shut down Islamic schools that teach hate
Pentagon Says North Korea Capable of Nuclear Strike on U.S.
FBI has foiled 4 attempts by gangs to sell nuclear material to ISIS through Russian connections
Fifa: Sepp Blatter, Michel Platini & Jerome Valcke suspended
Hundreds of thousands of migrants will be deported from the EU within weeks under secret plans intended to 'deter irregular migration
Mexico army boss will not allow questioning of troops in student massacre
Scientists say a dramatic worldwide coral bleaching event is now underway
Saudi Hajj disaster: Photos suggest true death toll in thousands
Italian Priest Dismissed After Blaming Children for Sexual Abuse
Israeli nonprofit SpaceIL secures Moon launch for 2017
Islamic State 'used mustard gas' against peshmerga
At least 30 killed after airstrikes hit wedding in Yemen, officials say
Canadian and US generals discussed the possibility of fully 'integrating' the two countries' militaries
Today, 9 October, 2015 WikiLeaks releases the final negotiated text for the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) Intellectual Property Rights Chapter. The TPP encompasses 12 nations representing more than 40 per cent of global GDP.
Mercedes-Benz, Honda, Mazda and Mitsubishi have been found to be part of the diesel emission scandal.
2 weeks after controversial pharma CEO Martin Shkreli announced he would lower the price of Daraprim, it's the exact same price
New study finds children living near the Fukushima nuclear meltdowns have been diagnosed with Thyroid cancer at a rate 20 to 50 times that of children elsewhere
Obama Issues Rare Apology Over Bombing of Doctors Without Borders Hospital in Afghanistan
Claims that Russian missiles hit Iran are lies and part of psychological war, says Iranian general Musa Kamali
Parramatta shooting: 'If you don't like Australia, leave', Muslim leader tells worshippers
Saudi Arabia is responding to the recent Russian air strikes on Syria by stepping up its supplies of lethal weaponry to Syrian rebel groups
The Nobel Peace Prize 2015 was awarded to National Dialogue Quartet "for its decisive contribution to the building of a pluralistic democracy in Tunisia in the wake of the Jasmine Revolution of 2011".
Australian mosque leader tells violent Muslims to leave country
Hamas leader declares 'intifada' in the West Bank, says Gaza is prepared for confrontation, violence the only path to liberation.
Saudi Arabia Continues Hiring Spree of American Lobbyists, Public Relations Experts
Obama administration ends $500mn program to train Syrian rebels report
The Hajj Stampede Was Twice As Bad As Originally Thought
Bavaria threatens to take German government to court over refugees: The state of Bavaria threatened on Friday to take the German government to court if it fails to take immediate steps to limit the flow of asylum seekers to Germany.
Norway to limit asylum grants to five years - Norways right-wing government is to limit grants of asylum to a five-year term, after which refugees will be automatically sent home if the situation in their country has changed for the better.
Ebola detected again in Scottish nurse who first contracted the virus in December last year.
Russian air strikes 'hit three medical facilities' in Syria
Ancient Mars harbored long-lasting lakes, boosting the odds that life could have existed on the Red Planet billions of years ago, a new study suggests.
Ali Mohammed al-Nimr crucifixion: Defiant Saudi Arabia rejects international 'interference' in protester's crucifixion
China said on Friday it would not stand for violations of its territorial waters in the name of freedom of navigation, as the United States considers sailing warships close to China's artificial islands in the South China Sea
HIV vaccine human trials to commence
"Queen of Ivory" Infamous Poaching Mastermind Nabbed in Africa
Manned Russian jets are stalking US Predator drones in Syria
Syrian Kurdish leader: Moscow wants to work with us
Facebook paid 4,327 of UK corporation tax in 2014
South Korea's government has announced controversial plans to control the history textbooks used in secondary schools. The government has argued that current history textbooks are too left-leaning and encourage anti-American and pro-North Korea feelings.
Turkish police use tear gas to prevent mourners from laying flowers at site of bombings
Indian government plans to sell solar power at record low price of $0.07 per unit.
The Chairman of Taiwan's Hon Hai Precision Industry Co. has donated all $554 million (USD) of his cash dividends to fund bio-medical research at National Taiwan University.
Police stop guarding Assange embassy
Chinese investors flooding billions into the Australian real estate market prompt money laundering fears
Thousands rally against Erdogan as Turkey mourns deadliest attack
5-Hour Energy creator to donate 10,000 stationary bikes to power homes in India
Greenpeace is planning to buy four coal-fired power plants and their corresponding mines in Eastern Germany for $2.2 billion to shut them down.
Cecil the lion: No charges for Walter Palmer, says Zimbabwe
Exxon Arctic Drilling Benefitting From Global Warming: Oil Company Denied Climate Change Science While Factoring It Into Arctic Operations, Report Shows
This Tiny Country Is Going 100% Organic - Bhutan is only country in world that rejects gross domestic product (GDP) as a measure of progress.
Deleting certain genes could increase lifespan dramatically, say scientists after 10 years' research - American scientists exhaustively mapped the genes of yeast cells to determine which affected lifespan
Syria conflict: Assad forces make 'significant gains'
Three injured in stabbing attack near Hadera,Israel.
Saudis tell Russia its actions in Syria will have 'dangerous consequences'
China enters the search for alien life with the construction of the world's biggest radio telescope
Russia's National Anti-Terrorism Committee says it has arrested group of people preparing a terrorist attack in Moscow
Sweden sees highest asylum levels in history - More refugees have sought asylum in Sweden so far in 2015 than in any other year in the Nordic nation's history, new figures released by the country's Migration Agency have revealed.
El Nio could leave 4 million people in Pacific without food or drinking water - Papua New Guinea drought has already claimed 2 dozen lives & looming El Nio weather pattern could be as severe as in 1997-98, when 23,000 people died
Ebola nurse Pauline Cafferkey 'in serious condition'
RAF given green light to shoot down hostile Russian jets in Syria
Syrian rebels decry Russian airstrikes: 'we have not had Isis here in over a year' Residents in areas hit by Russian airstrikes describe widespread destruction of civic buildings and housing while Free Syrian Army largely shelters itself
Swedish university shut down over threats of mass-shooting.
CIA torture survivors sue psychologists who designed infamous program
Legalising cannabis in the UK 'would raise hundreds of millions and produce huge savings for the justice system,' Treasury study finds
U.S. gives 50 tons of ammunition to Syria rebel groups
Russia made missile that downed MH17: Dutch
Subject PM Harper to criminal investigation over offshore tax haven scandal, 3 out of 5 Canadians say
Rockets hit Russian embassy in Damascus just hours after Nusra leader Golani called Russian intervention in Syria a 'crusade'.
India: Government may bar pharmaceutical companies from giving gifts to doctors
A third of all young men in China will die from smoking cigarettes, a study shows
UN: lack of whistleblower protection has 'chilling' effect on exposing wrongdoing | Report by UN special rapporteur David Kaye says, unlike Edward Snowden, many national-security whistleblowers struggle for attention and response
Surveillance whistleblower Edward Snowden draws attention to new Australian metadata laws
World poverty rate to fall below 10% for the first time ever.
Bolivia's President Morales blames capitalism for climate change - Leader calls for tribunal to prosecute those who commit crimes against nature. The Paris conference will bring together 196 states, including largest emitters of greenhouse gases & those most effected.
Multiple stabbings in Israel
Iran's parliament formally approves nuclear deal with world powers
German protesters set up mock gallows to hang Angela Merkel for her pro-refugee stance
Bernie Madoff investors seek $100M from Ernst & Young
Poland Opens LNG Terminal to End Russian Dependence on Gas
Australia begins mass data retention under new law
Mortar Shells Strike Near Russian Embassy in Syria
Islamic State is prime suspect in Turkey bombing, as protests erupt
Warehouse explosion rocks Tianjin, China, 2 months after deadly blasts
UK Pensioner Faces 350 Lashes In Saudi Arabia
Saudi-led Coalition Accused of War Crimes
Bombed Afghan hospital rejects US funds for damages
Palestinian Rock-Throwers Injure UN Official Monitoring Palestinian Worker Safety
Palm oil company caught destroying primary forest in endangered ecosystem
China says Russia, U.S. must avoid fighting proxy war in Syria
ISIS Confirms That US Killed Its Number Two Leader
Half of world's wealth now in hands of 1% of population report
If You're Young, The Job Outlook Is Grim No Matter Where You Live
Thousands of Iranian troops amass for all-out assault on Syrian city of Aleppo | The attack is set to backed by Russian air strikes.
Columbus Statue in Venezuela replaced with one of indigenous leader who led resistance against Spanish colonialism.
In a secret meeting in Russia with President Vladimir Putin, Saudi Defense Minister said that his country and Qatar stand ready to pay $300 billion to Russia to topple the Assad regime.
Putin complains about US cooperation: We have offered the Americans: "Give us objects that we shouldnt target on Syria. Again, no answer"
NASA, Israel Space Agency Sign Agreement To Expand Space Cooperation For 'Peaceful Use'
"Osama was a guest of Pakistan", says the Pakistani Defence Minister at the time of the U.S. operation to kill Osama Bin Laden.
Partys over for striped legless lizard in nation's capital - One of the last populations in Australia of this near-extinct reptile being moved from Canberra to 75km south in a do-or-die operation. Their habitat is being flattened to create a caravan park & tourist site for up to 480 people.
China is rapidly emerging as star of the show just six weeks ahead of the Paris climate talks thanks to its promised deep cuts to greenhouse gas emissions and pledges to ramp up renewable energy investments.
China's middle class is now the biggest in the world, and growing much faster than America's
Russia has hit 86 'terrorist' targets in Syria including command posts, ammunition depots, and convoys transporting fuel and ammunition, in past 24 hours
Top Leaders Knew About Osama bin Laden's Presence: Ex-Pak Defence Minister
Pacific nations beg for help for islanders when 'calamity' of climate change hits - Coalition of Fiji, Kiribati, Tuvalu & Tokelau ask wealthy nations to help their people migrate & find work if they have to flee because of rising sea levels
A 76-year-old British national has been held in an Iranian jail for more than four years and convicted of spying, his family has revealed, as they seek to draw attention to the plight of a man they describe as one of the oldest and loneliest prisoners in Iran.
41 writers return Indian award, cite climate of intolerance: novelists, essayists, playwrights and poets had returned the awards they received, saying they cannot remain silent about numerous incidents of communal violence or attacks on intellectuals across the country over the past year.
Israel's new security steps: IDF to guard buses, surround Arab neighborhoods, "to counter the ongoing wave of violent attacks that has left nine Israelis dead and dozens more injured"
New tally shows at least 1,621 killed in Saudi hajj tragedy
Netanyahu to Abbas: Palestinians will bear responsibility for escalating violence
Goldman Sachs analysts have warned that the financial crisis has moved into its third phase, caused by slower growth in China and other emerging economies.This follows the International Monetary Fund's recent warning that companies in emerging markets have over-borrowed by nearly 2tn ($3tn).
Panda on loan from China gives birth to twins at the Toronto Zoo. The first Canadian born pandas.
Gunmen Are Holding Some 300 Tunisians Hostage in Coastal Libyan Town
Turing Pharmaceuticals, the drug company that jacked up the price of AIDS and cancer drug 5,000%, is now facing an antitrust probe.
New Edward Snowden? Whistleblower leaks documents on drones and Obama's assassination program
Sweden opens world's first male rape centre - A hospital in Stockholm is understood to be first in the world to set up an emergency department specifically for male rape victims. The clinic at Sdersjukhuset opened on Thursday as part of a strategy to ensure "gender equal" patient care.
The Philippines Is Still Pissed Off That Canada Is Using It as a Giant Garbage Bin - The island nation is demanding Canada take back its shipping containers full of rotting food & adult diapers.
Trans-Pacific Partnership text won't be available before election
"Dead" 13 year old terrorist is alive and being treated in Israeli hospital contrary to claims by Abbas that he was executed by Israel (pictures/article).
Toyota to Phase Out Gas-Powered Vehicles, Doubling Down on Hydrogen
US President Barack Obama has announced that US armed forces have been deployed to Cameroon to help fight against the Islamist militants Boko Haram.
Obama to delay withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan - Officials say Obama to outline plans to keep 5,500 troops in Afghanistan in 2017, having previously promised to end war on his watch
Queensland makes coding and robotics compulsory in schools
Iran Nuclear Deal has been approved
Canada is preparing to embark on a far-reaching program of financial surveillance of senior public officeholders, from Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Governor-General David Johnston and Supreme Court Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin down to thousands of elected politicians and senior bureaucrats.
The United States' Deceptive Anti-Abortion 'Pregnancy Centers' Are Going Global
Eritrean football players have refused to return home after playing a World Cup qualifying match in Botswana and are now seeking asylum
UK denies Julian Assange medical attention
UN: Brazil's Police Kill Kids to "Clean Streets" for Olympics
'13-year-old was executed,' Abbas claims falsely - PA chairman's speech decries 'execution' of teen terrorist who is being treated in Israeli hospital
Ebola lingers in semen for nine months
Cuban Troops Join the Russian Offensive in Syria
2 Indian Engineers Sued Apple For Copying Their Patent Technology & Won.
Israeli police arrest four Jewish settlers following clashes with Palestinians
Experts astonished by British nurse's deterioration to Ebola - Pauline Cafferkey's rapid decline after being 'cured' leaves experts staggered & expressing astonishment at the deterioration of her condition
France says Iran missile test 'worrying' violation of UN resolution
Former Moldova PM Filat arrested over $1 billion bank fraud
Nordic police break up refugee smuggling ring - Swedish and Finnish police have together smashed a network believed to be responsible for smuggling more than a hundred refugees, mainly Iraqi nationals, across the border.
Over 100 anti-TTIP Protesters Arrested in Brussels.Demonstrators said the TTIP is death, claiming it will lower standards of living and damge the environment, while benefiting huge multinationals.
Salman Rushdie warns of new dangers to free speech in West: Violence against writers and a misplaced sense of political correctness pose new dangers to freedom of speech in the West
Earth just had its warmest September on record by a long shot
Croatia Legalizes Use of Medical Marijuana
Palestinian disguised as a journalist stabs Israeli soldier near Hebron
Turkey 'downs aircraft on Syria border'
The United Kingdom and Sweden are clearly violating international law for refusing to grant Julian Assange medical attention outside the Ecuadorean Embassy in London without arrest, a lawyer for the WikiLeaks founder told RT Thursday.
Aussies get behind proposal to change currency to dollarydoos
Germany spied on the United States, as well as on several embassies and administrations of "European states and allies", including France
Bubble plumes off Washington, Oregon suggest warmer ocean may be releasing frozen methane
This Iranian Cartoonist Was Subjected To A Virginity Test For Shaking Her Lawyers Hand - She was also charged with having "illegitimate sexual relations."
India- 11 Indian nuclear scientists died mysteriously from 2009-2013.
Adolf Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' to Return to German Bookstores
Game changing breakthrough in solar energy cuts material losses in half and reduces fabrication costs by 80%
Conservatives withhold timeline for revealing full text of TPP deal
India's forest cover steadily increasing
Few Russians Believe Separatists Shot Down MH17
Malaysia arrests a hacker who provided stolen personal information of U.S. service members to ISIS
Hungary to Seal Border With Croatia to Stem Flow of Immigrants
Aboriginal activists vow to fight nuclear waste shipment destined for Australia
Islam was 'never part of Europe': Hungary's Orban
After decades of study, scientists are about to agree on how much a kilogram weighs
Uber ride-hailing app does not break law, High Court rules
Incredible Discovery of Fossilized Teeth Show Humans in Asia Long Before Europe - Found in a China cave, they date 80,000-120,000 yrs ago. This is tens of 1000s yrs older than oldest human remains found in Europe & Mediterranean. May be earliest evidence of modern humans outside Africa.
Snowden and Ellsberg hail leak of drone documents from new whistleblower
Japan furious at UNESCO listing Nanjing Massacre documents | Japan may halt funding for UNESCO over the organization's decision to include documents relating to the 1937 Nanjing Massacre in the latest listing for its "Memory of the World" program.
Saudi Arabia Hajj Disaster Death Toll at Least 2,110
TTIP Already 'Rewriting the Rule Book' for EU Food Standards, New Report Finds: Campaigners say that corporate lobbyists, buoyed by the pending trade agreement, are already lobbying against key food safety measures
5 hurt in terror attack at Beersheba, Israel central bus station
Swiss Anti-Immigration Party Wins Big in Elections
Report: Taliban at their strongest since 2001
Eritrean mistaken for Palestinian shot; beaten by mob in Israel
Japan rejects international court jurisidiction over whaling
UN draft urging member states to decriminalise possession and use of drugs worldwide foiled by at least one country
Court rules Uber's app legal in London: The ruling is a victory for the ride-hailing service, which has faced significant opposition from London's established cab trade, but taxi drivers already are challenging the decision.
When we told them we were Jews from Israel, they kissed us:Amid tragic circumstances, Israeli boaters save 11 Syrian and Iraqi refugees.
India is planting trees along it's railway system across the country to combat environmental issues
Australia Approves Coal Mine That Environmentalists Call A Complete Disaster For Coral Reef
British journalist who worked for BBC found dead at airport in Istanbul | It is not yet known how Ms Sutton, 50, died. Friends questioned Turkish media reports that she killed herself after missing a connecting flight to Erbil and not having the money to buy another ticket.
Researchers accidently find industrial waste, orange peel material sucks mercury out of water
'Convert or die' ISIS graffiti jihadis declare first European 'caliphate'
Women working for international aid agencies are facing a hidden threat of sexual violence and harassment which their employers routinely ignore or sweep under the carpet, according to testimonies gathered by the Guardian.
Colombian government has acknowledged that crime and smuggling have gone down since Venezuela deployed thousands of troops along their common border two months ago
'My cousin made me do it,' 13-year-old Palestinian stabber tells police
ISIS Media Blitz Urges Palestinians To Slaughter Jews
Russia aims to increase missions in Syria by '300 a day'
Russia takes out 49 ISIS targets 24 hours of ferocious bombing in Syria
Hamas making efforts to carry out suicide attacks against Israel, officials say
Israeli Bedouin leaders condemn despicable Beersheba attack: Heads of minority community in Negev urge calm after Bedouin man carries out fatal attack in bus station.
China economy grows 6.9 percent in Q3, weakest since 2009
Canadians elect Liberal majority. Ending Stephen Harpers 9 year rule.
US approves $11.25 billion warship sale to Saudi Arabia
Scientists are about to use the Large Hadron Collider to try and discover a parallel universe
Israeli hummus cafe gives Jewish-Arab tables 50% off | Owner offers free refill to Jews and Palestinian guests dining together, to show that "we're all human beings".
UK's largest online pharmacy fined 130,000 for selling patients' personal data to scammers
Aer Lingus passenger who died after biting fellow traveller 'had 41,000 worth of cocaine in his stomach
Each Syrian refugee is set to cost the taxpayer up to 23,420 in the first year of their relocation to the UK, figures seen by BBC News suggest.
Stephen Harper resigns as Conservative leader
Fourth asylum home on fire in west Sweden - Housing for asylum seekers near Munkedal in western Sweden is on fire, in the fourth suspected arson attack on refugee accommodation in just over a week.
2/3 of Germans still trust Volkswagen after emissions scandal - Polls shows 65% of respondents think the scandal has been exaggerated, & 63% expect it to be forgotten in a year
Muslims condemn Britain's plans to combat extremism
UNESCO Will Vote on Plan To Declare Western Wall a Muslim Site
First Fukushima worker diagnosed with radiation-linked cancer
U.N. May Recommend Decriminalizing Drug Use. The U.N.s Office on Drugs and Crime would recommend decriminalizing drug use as well as possession of all drugs for personal consumption.
Christian churches in Indonesia province to be closed over Muslim groups pressure
Gay marriage: 15,000 same-sex couples marry since law change
The Saudi government, under increasing criticism over civilian casualties from its airstrikes in Yemen and a harsh crackdown on political dissidents at home, has just hired a powerhouse Washington, D.C., lobbying firm headed by a top Hillary Clinton fundraiser
Russian secret service to vet research papers: A biology institute at Russias largest and most prestigious university has instructed its scientists to get all research manuscripts approved by the security service before submitting them to conferences or journals.
Bomb-sniffing Labrador thwarts possible terror attack in E. Jerusalem
NASA predict huge asteroid will just miss Earth as it zips past this Halloween
The new head of customs at one of Europe's most notoriously corrupt ports is a 26-year-old YouTube star with no experience.
Norway's oil-rich capital first to divest from fossil fuels | Oslo takes responsibility for climate in ridding $9 billion pension fund of coal, oil and gas investments say surging Greens
Third Russian air strike on Syrian rebel group kills leader
Islamic State Unleashes Propaganda Blitz Calling for Attacks Against Jews
Marine Le Pen, the leader of France's far-right National Front, went on trial Tuesday on charges of inciting hatred after comparing Muslim street prayers to the Nazi occupation.
Europe Already Beat Its 2020 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Target
Scientists have found fossil-like hints that some kind of life existed on Earth 4.1 billion years ago when the planet was a mere volcanic toddler. That's 300 million years earlier for life to pop up than previously thought.
Sunscreen contributing to decline of coral reefs, study shows | UV filtering chemical is killing off baby coral around tourist resorts, particularly in the Caribbean and Hawaii
New Canadian PM Tells Obama Withdrawing Fighter Jets From Syria, Iraq
A group that documented Nazi war crimes is now investigating whether massacres committed by Islamic State jihadists against Iraq's Yazidi minority amount to genocide. The Yazidis are neither Arabs nor Muslims and have a unique faith which IS jihadists consider to be heretical and polytheistic.
A Saudi activist has been sentenced to 10 years in prison and barred from travel abroad for another decade, a human rights lawyer said Tuesday.He was considered among the most vocal critics of religious extremism and militancy.
N. Korea asks US for peace treaty, US has no interest
Four con artists spend 200,000RMB building a fake interrogation center to extort money from corrupt Chinese officials
Canada's Liberals Sweep to VictoryWith a Marijuana Legalization Platform: "We will remove marijuana consumption and incidental possession from the Criminal Code, and create new, stronger laws to punish more severely those who provide it to minors..."
Oslo just declared that it will become the first major city to ban cars
Number of London's 'working poor' surges 70% in 10 years
Camerawoman plans to sue one of the refugees she kicked at Hungary border
US Navy F18 jet crashes in Cambridgeshire Fens.
Benjamin Netanyahu blames Holocaust on Palestinian leader at World Zionist Congress, says Hitler only wanted to expel Jews
British spies will soon have the right to hack into smartphones and computers | Tory lawmakers are planning to pass new laws giving MI5, MI6 and GCHQ a dizzying range of electronic surveillance, reports suggest
Migrants 'torch tents' in Slovenia camp
Chemicals In Sunscreen Are Harming Coral Reefs, Says New Study
Carbon nanotubes have turned up in the lungs of children living in Paris the first time they have been detected in humans.
Keystone & TPP under question as Canada elects Liberal PM
Australia continues its strong opposition against lethal commercial whaling activities, with Minister for the Environnment Greg Hunt releasing a statement this week condemning Japan's whaling program and attempt to exclude itself from the ICJ in matters relating to future whaling activities.
Refugee crisis: Nine-month pregnant 14-year-old goes missing amid anger the Netherlands is allowing child brides from Syria to seek asylum
Singapore Mega-Church Head Guilty of Embezzling $35 Million
Wave of Violence in Israel and Palestine
Assad in surprise visit to Moscow
Dalai Lama joins spiritual leaders calling for ambitious Paris climate agreement | "This is not a question of one nation or two nations. This is a question of humanity. Our world is our home," the Dalai Lama said. "There's no other planet where we may move or shift."
Canada's move to legalize marijuana would be the most high-profile rebuke of international drug treaties to date, exposing "a huge hole in the treaties, making more nations comfortable with the idea of legalization."
WikiLeaks obtains CIA chief's hacked emails, says will publish them 'shortly'
Mexico supreme court to discuss legalizing recreational marijuana
Iceland does what the US wont: 26 top bankers sent to prison for role in financial crisis
Astronomers announced today that they have spotted a large, rocky object disintegrating in its death spiral around a distant white dwarf star. "This is something no human has seen before," says lead author Andrew Vanderburg. "We're watching a solar system get destroyed."
Egyptian Facebook User Sentenced to Three Years in Prison for Putting Mickey Mouse Ears on Sisi
U.S. soldier killed during special ops hostage rescue in Iraq
The Chinese Communist Party has banned all 88 million of its members from joining golf clubs, in its latest update of party discipline rules. Extravagant eating and drinking, and abuse of power, are also formally banned, said Xinhua news agency.
Hiker Discovers Viking Sword in NorwayA hiker sits down to rest finds 1,200-yr-old sword in very good condition, missing only its grip. When the snow has gone, we will check where the sword was found. If we find several objects, or a tomb, perhaps we can find the story behind the sword.
Justin Trudeaus first move as prime minister is to take Canada out of the fight against the Islamic State.
Canada dumps $135 Million Jet
Ai Weiwei accuses David Cameron of sacrificing UK's human rights record for Chinese cash
Syria has warned Qatar of a harsh response after Doha threatened that it may intervene militarily in the Arab country.On Wednesday, the Qatari foreign minister said his country would consider launching a military intervention against the Syrian government with our Saudi and Turkish brothers.
U.S. to Iraq: If Russia helps you fight ISIS, we can't
Europe failing to stop illegal logging, report warns - Plan to tackle $100bn trade in illegal timber is poorly designed, badly managed & ineffective. Illegal logging thought responsible for 1/5 of man-made greenhouse emissions more than worlds ships, planes, trains & cars combined.
Mass graves of ISIS fighters found by Iraqi Army
Singapore Megachurch Founder Guilty of Pilfering $36 Million to Bankroll Wife's Pop Music Career
Spanish unemployment falls to 21.2%
In a landmark study, scientists at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands reported they have conducted an experiment they say proves one of the most fundamental claims of quantum theory that objects separated by great distance can instantaneously affect each others behavior.
Three Syrian hospitals bombed since Russian airstrikes began, doctors say
Canadian Liberals map swift overhaul of anti-terror law.
The Weight is Over, The Kilogram is Settled
Global temperatures are running far above last years record-setting level, all but guaranteeing that 2015 will be the hottest year in the historical record and undermining political claims that global warming had somehow stopped.
Russia is pushing for early presidential elections in Syria that may give President Bashar al-Assad a fresh mandate, hardening opposition to demands for his ouster from the U.S. and its allies.
Russian official called out after image of terrorist turns out to be from Harold & Kumar
Hurricane Patricia is now measured to be the strongest Hurricane we have ever seen
At least 39 people feared dead in traffic accident involving truck and bus in south-west France
Gay Sex Is Now Punished With 100 Lashes in Indonesias Province of Aceh
WikiLeaks emails from head of CIA reveal he 'consulted a mental health expert', suggested US spying on own citizens may be illegal and that his own security firm had been 'disingenuous' to win contract
Survivor of alleged elite paedophile ring including former Australian prime minister speaks out
Pope Franciss enemies inside the church leaked false story that he had a brain tumour, enraged Vatican says
Putin accuses US of backing terrorism in Middle East: "No need to play with words and split terrorists into moderate and not moderate"
Teen Arrested for 'Insulting' President Erdogan on Facebook.Insulting the president of Turkey is punishable under the law and those guilty face up to four years in prison.
Many Antidepressant Studies Found Tainted by Pharma Company Influence
Islamists recruiting at Norway asylum centres
Cisa amendment would allow US to jail foreigners for crimes committed abroad
Peru's Indigenous Women Demand Justice for Forced Sterilization.More than 300,000 women and 20,000 men were subjected to forced steralization to reduce births among Indigenous peoples.
The MP tricked into condemning a fake drug called cake has been put in charge of scrutinising drugs policy in the UK
Putin says Assad could work with rebels against IS, specifically mentioning the Kurdish forces
After massive student protests, South Africa freezes tuition hikes
Cycling to Norway: Hundreds of migrants have cycled into Norway from Russia after finding a new route into Europe that avoids the deadly Mediterranean crossing.
Germany arrests suspected anti-refugee plotters: German officials have arrested three far-right extremists and seized explosive material that could be used in attacks on migrants. The authorities say right-wing groups plan to intensify their anti-refugee violence
Stun grenades and water cannons used on South African university students, as tuition protests continue around the country
The Obama administration is cutting aid to the Palestinians by $80 million in an apparent message to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.
Refugees 'look like an army', says Hungarian PM Viktor Orban Rightwing leader says the flow of people consists of economic migrants and fighters along with refugees as Hungary offers trains for people to return to Turkey
The World Health Organisation is reportedly planning to declare that bacon, sausages and other processed meat cause cancer. Red meat is also expected to be listed as being probably carcinogenic to humans.
47 Percent of Nigerians Don't Wash Their Hands With Soap After Defecation, UNICEF Finds
Greece has seen a record 48,000 migrants and refugees land on its shores in the space of just five days, the International Organization for Migration said on Friday.
2015 Likely to Be Hottest Year Ever Recorded
Human trafficking crackdown on sex trade across Canada yields 47 people charged
College applications in UK to become anonymous "to prevent unconscious bias against candidates from minority groups"
Saudi Arabia to run out of cash in fewer than 5 years, IMF says
Saudi Prince Arrested in Beirut on Drug Smuggling
Strong earthquake jolts Islamabad
UK accused of doing China's bidding after police raid home of Tiananmen Square survivor over peaceful protest
WHO: Processed meats cause cancer.
Dutch court revokes Scientology's tax-exempt status
A Chinese biotechnological company announced that it has developed the world's first 3D blood vessel bio-printer, which makes it possible to produce personalized functional organs
Activists urge Trudeau to defend Canadas copyright regime from TPP changes
Poland has returned their government to the right as exit polls show 39% for Kaczyski's PiS party.
Google invests in Africas largest windfarm - Internet giant to acquire 12.5% stake in Lake Turkana windfarm in Kenya.
Venezuelas central bank has filed suit in the US against a website widely used to track the plummeting black market value of the countrys currency
Saudi relationship with UK 'at risk', warns ambassador. An "alarming change" in Britain's attitude towards Saudi Arabia could lead to "serious repercussions", the Saudi ambassador has warned.
Indonesia's fires labelled a 'crime against humanity' as 500,000 suffer | Haze has caused havoc, with schools in neighbouring Singapore and Malaysia shut down, flights grounded and events cancelled
Israeli ministers approve mandatory Arabic studies from first grade
Scientifically validated anti-diabetes herbal drug launched in India. Cost- 0.077 USD per tablet
Muslim leader condemns beheading of South Sudanese Christian by IS in Libya
Red meat cancer risk to be revealed by WHO
Pakistan uses Taliban to counter India: CIA chiefs hacked emails
Tour boat carrying 27 passengers sinks off Tofino, B.C.
China to supply fuel to Nepal after protesters block deliveries from India: Beijing is set to send about 100 tanker trucks of gasoline to fuel-starved Nepal, officials say. The move comes after protesters from Nepal's Madhesi minority blocked off the key border crossing with India
Europe is starting to shut down the free flow of refugees
Nine killed in gun battle between Turkish police and ISIL suspects.The shoot-out in Diyarbakir erupted just six days ahead of elections in Turkey, with tensions running high following the countrys worst ever bomb attack and a resurgence of the conflict with Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) rebels.
Guatemala's jailed former president, Otto Perez, says he regrets bowing to U.S. pressure to extend the work of an anti-corruption unit that then toppled him from power and that it was U.S. Vice President Joe Biden who forced his hand
Plane's Undercarriage Collapses During Landing
Exxon Knew about Climate Change Almost 40 Years Ago - A new investigation shows the oil company understood the science before it became a public issue and spent millions to promote misinformation.
Rape Victims Are Being Jailed Under Extramarital Sex Laws in the UAE
Greenland Is Melting Away
Belgian Scientologists go on trial for fraud and extortion - church could face ban if convicted
China say's US warship "illegally" entered its waters.
As large animals disappear, the loss of their poop hurts the planet
Whistleblowers in Canada could receive awards in excess of $1.5 million when a formal policy is unveiled Wednesday by the Ontario Securities Commission to encourage those in the know to help ferret out corporate wrongdoing.
Intolerable Heat May Hit the Middle East by the End of the Century - "By the end of this century, areas of the Persian Gulf could be hit by waves of heat and humidity so severe that simply being outside for several hours could threaten human life"
Poachers kill another 22 elephants with cyanide in Zimbabwe
Change of heart for peace: Top Pakistani hardliner cleric says I am a Pakistani and I do not hate India
Worlds largest concentrated solar power plant, powered by the Moroccan Saharan sun, set to help renewables provide almost half the countrys energy by 2020
343 UK scholars pledge boycott of Israeli universities
German Jews Warn Merkel That Refugees May Spread Anti-Semitism: Jewish leaders told German Chancellor Angela Merkel theyre concerned that refugees streaming into the country may foment anti-Semitism, underscoring the risk of social conflict as her government struggles to contain the migrant crisis
Sec. Carter: U.S. to Begin 'Direct Action on the Ground' in Iraq, Syria
Troops Who Sought Strike On Afghan Hospital Knew It Was A Hospital: The Army Green Berets who requested the Oct. 3 airstrike on the Doctors without Borders trauma center in Afghanistan were aware it was a functioning hospital but believed it was under Taliban control
U.S. Navy to send destroyer within 12 miles of Chinese islands
Yemen hospital hit by Saudi-led airstrikes
Skeleton of ancient warrior & hoard of treasure found in 3,500-yr-old tomb - US archeologists found the wooden coffin of the unknown soldier on the Peloponnese peninsula, with jewellery, a bronze sword & ivory combs inside
Around 700 of the 4,000 refugees who have been housed in Lower Saxony over the past week have gone missing and authorities mostly have no idea who or where they are. The astonishing number was revealed in a survey of local authorities in the north-west German state by the Neue Osnabrcker Zeitung.
Emperor Palpatine takes City Council seat in Ukraines Odessa
Kurds Say Turkey Shot at Its Forces in Northern Syria
European Parliament votes in favour of 'two speed' internet
Last-surviving cracker from Titanic is auctioned for 15,000. Most valuable biscuit.
Parts of London have higher TB rates than Iraq or Rwanda
Out Of The Closet & Straight To Jail: New Plan To Punish Coming Out In Russia - A proposed law would extend the countrys ban on gay propaganda to cover simply publicly identifying as gay.
The star witness in a case pitting rainforest villagers against a multinational oil giant has admitted to lying under oath in an effort to help Chevron avoid paying a $9.5 billion judgment for deliberate pollution of the Ecuadorian Amazon
Toronto on brink of a mob war, Italy warns
Two children face two years in jail for tearing down Erdoan poster
African Union reports mass graves, cannibalism in South Sudan
Saudi Prince busted smuggling two tons of amphetamines out of Beirut, and some cocaine.
Another MSF (Doctors Without Borders) Hospital Destroyed by Airstrikes, this time in Yemen.
Turkish authorities are seizing two major opposition TV stations, trying to shut it down, police attacking journalists
Roman Polanski should be deported from Poland to the US to face sentence over a conviction for having sex with a minor in 1977, according to the leader of Polands newly elected Law and Justice party.
Malnutrition and other 'Victorian' diseases soaring in England 'due to food poverty and cuts' | Cases of Victorian-era diseases including scurvy, scarlet fever, cholera and whooping cough have increased since 2010
500 billion dollars stolen under Maliki rule in Iraq: official
United Nations votes 191-2 to condemn U.S. embargo against Cuba
This Could Be the Worst Climate Crisis in the World Right Now: Indonesia's deforestation nightmare is choking thousands and making climate change worse
Iraq: We Didn't Ask for U.S. Ground Operations
Oxytocin spray improves social skills in some children with autism, world-first study shows
About 1,000 Bikini islanders have applied to relocate to the United States as rising seas threaten their adopted home.
Nasa opens discussion on where to land humans on Mars
Asthma drug could rejuvenate ageing brains, study suggest - Researchers found that a six week course of the drug, montelukast, improved memory and learning in older rodents, with their performance in cognitive tests nearly matching that of much younger animals.
Scientists confirm that East Antarcticas biggest glacier is melting from below.
20,000 orangutans in danger of burning due to fires in Indonesia
Austria to Build Border Fence to Control Flow of Migrants
1,000-year-old Bible recovered in central Turkey
US will fly and sail where 'international law permits' despite rebuke from China
93% of deaths and injuries in Yemen are civilian
Iran Is Invited to Join U.S., Russia and Europe for Talks on Syrias Future
Exxon is denying it deliberately downplayed global warming
By 285 votes to 281, MEPs decide to call on EU member states to "drop any criminal charges against Edward Snowden"
China to end one-child policy
Nepal elects first female President
22 Shipwrecks Found in Single Location in Greece - "Surpassing all expectations, over only 13 days we added 12% to total of known ancient shipwrecks in Greek territorial waters." They span from the Archaic Period to the Classical & Hellenistic through Late Medieval Period.
Japan urged to ban manga child abuse images: UNs child protection envoy says extreme child pornographic content in comics should be banned but artists call it an attack on freedom of expression
Denmark wants foreign fighters jailed for life: The Justice Ministry on Thursday announced plans to punish Danish foreign fighters as traitors, allowing for life imprisonment.
EU Toughens Against TTIP as Top German Lawmaker Blasts Anti-Democratic Deal: the president of the German Bundestag, or parliament, has threatened to vote against the so-called "trade" agreement due to its lack of transparency and democratic legitimacy
Saudi blogger Raif Badawi, who has been sentenced to 1,000 lashes and 10 years in jail for insulting Islam and for cyber crime, was awarded the European Union's Sakharov prize for human rights and freedom of thought
Automatic porn filters to be made 'law of the land' (UK)
Rosetta finds oxygen on comet 67P in 'most surprising discovery to date'
Google believes it is on course to have enough internet-beaming balloons in the stratosphere to form a ring over part of the world next year.
Russia Announced It Is Sending Humans To The Moon
Bitcoin CEO spent embezzled funds on prostitutes: reports
Refugees refusing to leave bus in 'too cold' Sweden to be removed Fourteen people have stayed on the bus since it reached Limedsforsen three days ago, saying the village is too cold and isolated
Police used the Terrorism Act to seize a Newsnight journalist's laptop
China to start work on super, super-collider by 2020. The facility is expected to generate millions of Higgs boson particles, far more than the capacity of Europe's Large Hadron Collider (LHC), helping scientists to answer some fundamental questions about how the universe works.
A prominent Iranian official recently suggested a new drug policy for the country that includes taking steps toward the legalization of cannabis and opium
Brazil officials evict families from homes ahead of 2016 Olympic Games
An international team of scientists discovered that solar storms can be much more powerful and devastating than we know. By analyzing traces of solar storms in ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica, researchers concluded that Earth was hit by two extreme solar storms over a thousand years ago.
Pope says denying Israel's right to exist is anti-Semitism
4,400 Dead Cows Are Decomposing on Brazilian Beaches
France to ban vaginal exams without consent
UK- A private company has made thousands of pounds by targeting smokers who drop their cigarette ends in the town centre. The company are paid their commission by the council every time they give out a fine, regardless of whether the culprits cough up or not.
Syrians living tragedy and despair barely imaginable five years ago, says top UN relief official
North Korea believed to earn a fortune from sending forced labor overseas, U.N. says
Isis shuts down all women's clinics, threatens male gynaecologists with death
German rapper who joined ISIS killed in U.S. strike
Syrian anti-ISIS activist who blogged about terrible conditions in Raqqa is found decapitated in Turkey alongside beheaded corpse of his friend
The police want to see your entire internet history
Every child left behind in the Islamic States new elementary schools. "Math, music, philosophy, history, French and geography were all banned."
Brazil, which has one of the highest murder tolls on the planet, could soon end most restrictions on gun ownership, risking what one critic called a "Wild West" scenario: draft law stripping away current limits has been approved and is due to go to the lower house of Congress in November.
Sweden's outspoken foreign minister says 'In the long run our system will collapse'
UK Prime Minister Apparently Last To Realize New EU Net Neutrality Rules Mean No Porn Filtering
Egyptians are turning on a TV host who justified a sexual assault and said that a victim wore "revealing clothes".
Qatar plans to spend $200 billion on infrastructure related to World Cup| Foreign workers making up nearly 90 percent of the population, still need permission to leave the country, keeping them at the mercy of their employers,said the Int'l Trade Union Confederation
More than 50 leading international media editors have written an open letter to President Recep Tayyip Erdoan raising profound concerns about the deteriorating conditions for press freedom in Turkey in the run up to the elections this weekend
Polish court rejects US request to extradite Roman Polanski.
Pentagon: 'We're in combat' in Iraq
Tanzania is planning to supply a million homes with electricity using solar power
Pakistan sold nuke technology to Iran in 1980s says former president Rafsanjani
Hole in the ozone layer expands to near record levels. Southern part of Australia to be hit with high levels of UVR.
NASA spacecraft plunges through Saturn moon's icy spray
Snowden slams UK government over encryption 'backdoor' plans | The UK government wants backdoor access to communications for "everything people actually use", Edward Snowden has claimed
Russia says no country can use military force in Syria without government approval
China Scores Dead Last in Latest Internet-Freedom Survey
Saudi Arabia Can't Get Its Story Straight on the MSF Hospital Destroyed in Yemen
Germany to deport thousands of Immigrants
Obama orders US special forces to 'assist' fight against Isis in Syria
Deadly Betrayal: Elephants Lie Slaughtered And Mutilated By The Men Paid To Protect Them
Former president of Uruguay Jose Mujica, who is known for his humble character, was hosted modestly, in accordance with his wishes, with a 73 VW as his official car and a three-star hotel in Istanbul.
Ireland plans to decriminalise the possession of small amounts of drugs, including heroin, cocaine and cannabis
A Huge Fire in the Amazon Likely Caused By Illegal Loggers Threatens Thousands of Indigenous People and an Uncontacted Tribe
Sweden to become worlds first fossil-fuel free nation
Pacific Islands Make Last-Ditch Plea to World Before Paris Climate Change Talks - "Unless the world acts decisively in coming weeks, the Pacific as we know it is doomed," said Fijian prime minister Frank Bainimarama.
'External factor' caused Sinai crash
Saudi Arabia will raise the price of water for non-residential consumers, local media reported, a sign the government is cutting back an expensive system of subsidies as low oil prices strain its finances.
Flight recorders show crashed Russian jet not struck from outside: investigator
Erdogan's AKP set to win majority in critical Turkey vote
Details Revealed in Chilling Plot to Execute Anti-ISIS Activists in Turkey
Syria rebels using caged captives as 'human shields': monitor
Singapore ranked world's healthiest country, UK fails to make top 20
For the first time since 1948, Egypt votes for Israel at UN
At least 550 wounded in horrific market-bombing in Damascus besieged area
China just unveiled its first large passenger plane
Xu Xiang, boss of China's largest local private fund has been arrested due to insider trading and market manipulation
Japan and China agree on moves to mend ties further
Iran starts taking nuclear centrifuges offline | Under the July 14 agreement, Iran is to curb its nuclear programme under United Nations supervision to ensure it cannot be used to make a nuclear weapon, in exchange for the removal of sanctions that have isolated Tehran and hobbled its economy.
China Sends Armed Jets Over Disputed Waters In Response to U.S. Naval Presence
Jihad is a lot of fun, said German rapper turned ISIL pitchman. Now hes reportedly dead from air strike
Majority of Northern Ireland MLA's vote for gay marriage but motion fails for the 5th time in 3 years due to a 5th motion of concern by the DUP.
Living Wage in London rising to 9.40 an hour
Official: Afghanistan will accept deportees from Germany
The worlds largest and the UKs first floating offshore wind development approximately 25 kilometres off the coast of Peterhead has been granted consent, the Scottish Government has announced today.
Ban Ki Moon: It is up to the Syrian people who have to decide the future of President Assad.
Male rape now a crime in China
Airport Security in the Philippines Have Been Putting Bullets in Luggage to Extort Passengers
The Department of Defense (DoD) spent nearly $43 million to build a gas station in Afghanistan that should have cost no more than $500,000 according to a new report by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR).
NASA reveals that Antarctica is actually gaining more ice than it is losing
Lawyers without Borders findings about the Raif Badawi trial: An unfair trial, an incompetent court, a crime which is not one and a punishment that constitutes torture: Saudi Arabia has violated its own laws in addition to its international obligations.
"More than 10,000 crocodiles are starving to death on a farm in Honduras after the wealthy family owning them had their assets frozen because of US accusations they laundered money for drug traffickers."
In a six-month period, 70% of detached homes sold in Vancouvers west side went to Mainland China buyers
Amnesty International says oil giant Shell's claims of cleaning up spills that have destroyed the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of Nigerians are "false"
Satellite detected heat flash at time Russian jetliner went down
Iran Ayatollah: 'Death to America' Refers to US Policies
ISIS Protection Tax Found Among UK Inmates In High-Security Prisons, Report Says. Investigation uncovers scheme to make non-Muslim prisoners py a tax for their protection from radical Muslim prisoners
Tomb Tells Tale of Family Executed by China's 1st Female Emperor - 1,300-yr-old tomb, discovered in cave, holds bones of a man who helped the only female emperor rise to power. The epitaphs describe how she then executed him & his entire family.
Money Flooding Out of Canada at Fastest Pace in Developed World
Syria conflict: Russia softens support for Assad, saying it is not crucial for him to remain in power.
TransCanada suspend its US permit application for the controversial Keystone XL pipeline
Shopkeepers revolt has mafia on the run in its Sicilian heartland.
Vatican financial investigators suspect a department of the Holy See which oversees real estate and investments was used in the past for possible money laundering, insider trading and market manipulation
Big solar storm means chance to see Northern Lights in across most of the US and Europe
Iran Says It May Quit Talks on Syria Over Saudis' Role
Espionage is fueling China's development of high-end weapons systems. China has already created prototypes that are remarkably similar to some of the US's most advanced weapons systems, such as the F-35, USNI reports.
Ecuador said Monday a World Bank arbitration panel has ordered it to pay $1 billion to US oil firm Occidental Petroleum for cancelling a contract. Occidental sued Ecuador in May 2006, after the cancellation of a contract granting it the right to extract 100,000 barrels of oil a day
VW emissions scandal widens to include Porsche claims
Guinness to pour vegan-friendly pints from 2016, after the company revealed it will remove fish guts from the brewing process.
China and France agreed Monday that an international deal to tackle climate change to be negotiated in Paris should include checks on compliance, in what visiting French President Francois Hollande called a "historic" step forward
Sharp increase in Golan Druze seeking Israeli citizenship as Syria war rages
Black U.S. citizen Kyle Lydell Canty seeks refugee status in Canada: A U.S. citizen has argued before Canada's Immigration and Refugee Board in Vancouver that he should be granted refugee status over fears that he will be killed in his home country by police because he is black.
NASA set to announce another big finding on Mars this Thursday.
Rupert Murdoch recently acquired National Geographic and has just laid off 10% of the staff.
Cuba achieved food security without destroying its environment and the rest of the world has taken notice: Cuba is presenting several of its original biotechnologies at an international business fair this week.
41 dead as Russian plane crash lands in South Sudan reports
Add Porsche To The List Of Cars Involved In VWs Massive Emissions Cheating Scandal
Justin Trudeau sworn in as new Canadian Prime Minister
2,000-year-old Maccabean-era fortress unearthed in Jerusalem after century-long search | One of the 'great archaeological riddles in the history of Jerusalem' is solved
China Burns Much More Coal Than Reported, Complicating Climate Talks - China has been using up to 17% more coal a yr than reported. By some estimates, that means almost a billion more tons of carbon dioxide released annually.
Romania's PM Ponta to resign after mass protests - ruling party
China offers free higher education to poor students: Says by 2020 it will provide free senior high education to all students in the country
Zimbabwe journalists arrested for linking police with elephant poisonings - Amnesty condemns shocking attempt to threaten freedom of the press as trio from state-run Sunday Mail face slander charge
Secret Wife Of Saudi King Awarded $40m By UK Court
The worlds only wild orangutansalready besieged by logging, hunting, pet trading and the steady expansion of palm-oil plantationsare now threatened by forest fires that have burned for months on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra in southeast Asia.
Trial of former HSBC banker Herve Falciani, the 'Snowden of tax evasion,' starts in Switzerland | The trial has begun in Switzerland of banker Herve Falciani, whose leaks helped uncover the HSBC tax evasion scandal. The French-Italian national is accused of financial espionage, among other charges
Sunken Ruins of Alexandria Set to Become Worlds First Underwater Museum - the associated 270,000 square foot area of Alexandria Bay includes the Lighthouse of Alexandria, one of the seven ancient wonders of the world
Syrian Army recaptures key oilfield from ISIS
UK- Scotland Yard is to deploy thousands of extra police officers and impose tough public order restrictions over fears that a Bonfire night protest in London against austerity and increased state surveillance will turn violent.
Proposed UK surveillance laws sates internet firms must store details of all "internet connection records" for 12 months. After government dropped plans to store everyone's browsing history.
25,000 people protest in Bucharest against corruption
Volkswagen says 800,000 cars may have false CO2 levels
A 'huge milestone': approval of cancer-hunting virus signals new treatment era - Treatments such as Imlygic have two modes of action: first, the virus directly attacks the cancer cells; and second, it triggers the bodys immune system to attack the rogue cells too
Iran Arrests U.S. Resident for Espionage; Man Had Been Invited to Tehran by Irans VP
Saudi Wells Running Dry of Water Spell End of Desert Wheat.
Norway wealth fund drops 29.4bn amid market rout. The worlds largest sovereign wealth fund, which is Norwegian, has posted its biggest loss in four years, just as the government is preparing to make its first ever withdrawals to plug budget deficits
Canada ranks first in world for personal freedom and social tolerance.
Full text of the TPP has just been released.
Child born out of rape has inheritance rights on assaulter's property rules Indian High Court
Man Dies After Tapeworm Inside Him Gets Cancer - This is the first known report of a person becoming sick from cancer cells that developed in a parasite.
Kim Dotcom is building his own fully encrypted internet -- a non-IP based internet called MegaNet.
Canada's new prime minister, Justin Trudeau, took office on 4 November and as one of his first acts, created the post of Minister of Science. Canadian election brings hope for science Kirsty Duncan, a medical geographer at the University of Toronto, will be the first to hold the job.
Iranian actress who posted photos online not wearing a hijab forced to flee country
Mexican Supreme Court has opened the door to legalizing Marijuana use
Climate change missing from full Trans-Pacific Partnership text, confirming the "worst nightmares" of environmental groups
U.S. intelligence: Bomb likely brought down plane
Doctors Without Borders Staff Shot While Fleeing Kunduz Hospital, Report Finds
Iraqi, Turkish businessmen directly involved in funding $2B to ISIS by buying oil.
MI5 secretly collected Britons' data for 'more than a decade,' Theresa May says
Thousands of protesters are expected to take to the streets today in over 670 cities across the world wearing Guy Fawkes masks, as part of the anti-establishment Million Mask March.
Saudi hand-chopping incident: No exit visa for Indian maid if 'assault' is mentioned
The Mexican Supreme court ruled Wednesday that individuals should have the right to grow and distribute marijuana for their personal use.
Irish Government To Decriminalize Heroin, Cocaine, And Marijuana
Canada's new PM Justin Trudeau appointed the most diverse and gender-equal cabinet in history
Greek refugee island running out of space to bury the dead
Sharm el-Sheikh flights to UK delayed amid bomb fears
Cause of Russian plane crash looking like explosion- source close to investigation
Erdogan demands Turkish constitution change to gain sweeping powers
Colombia court rules same-sex couples must be allowed to adopt children.
India-born former soldier sworn in as Canada's new defense minister
US officials: Israel requesting $5 billion in annual defense aid
The Communist government in Vietnam has agreed to American terms to grant potentially far-reaching labor rights to the countrys workers, including the freedom to unionize and to strike, in return for expanded trade between the former adversaries.
Mexicos Supreme Court rules that smoking pot is a fundamental human right
The United States takes offense at comments by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's new communications director accusing President Barack Obama of anti-Semitism and suggesting that Secretary of State John Kerry had the mental abilities of a 12-year-old, the State Department said
Maldives impeaches its Vice President by 61-0 vote for plotting to kill its President
"We got Pizza and Wings" Interactions between rival US and Chinese navies are now so frequent in the South China sea that crews have begun to share weekend stories and plans for the holidays.
Putin suspends Russian flights to Egypt after Sinai plane crash
NASA just announced key findings that explain how extreme climate change transformed Mars into a lifeless desert
Members of the UK parliament could be forced to debate a vote of no confidence in David Cameron, after a petition passed 100,000 signatures
Uber in Egypt to teach drivers how not to sexually harass women
Coal not so 'amazing', public say, as mining industry advertising backfires - New polling suggests the net approval rating for coal among Australians fell by 9% during the course of Little Black Rock advertising campaign
McDonald's French Fries Now Selling for $133 in Venezuela
'Designer cells' reverse one-year-old's cancer - The first person in the world to receive a pioneering genetic therapy has had her cancer reversed, say Great Ormond Street doctors.
Protonmail (encrypted email service provider) under sophisticated DDOS attack, official statement suggests state-sponsored actors.
A chemical that could potentially be used in eye drops to reverse cataracts, the leading cause of blindness, has been identified by a team of scientists.
British intelligence has uncovered evidence suggesting the Russian airliner was blown up by an onboard bomb
Unnoticed mining waste dam collapse in Brazil: operated by BHP and Vale accident caused at least 15 deads, 500 people lost their houses and the environment is expected to take 20-30 years to recover
China releases nearly a billion more tons of carbon dioxide annually than previously thought
US knew Afghan hospital was safe from Taliban but bombed it anyway, say MSF | Accounts from the organisation claim there was no military justification for the US air strike on 3 October that killed 30 medical staff and patients
China opens drone schools as demand for pilots soars: It is estimated the country's maintenance, mapping, filming and agricultural industries will need more than 10,000 drone pilots this year
China overtakes Canada as largest trade-partner of US | Business Standard News
More Oil Companies Could Join Exxon Mobil as Focus of Climate Investigations
Ex-JPMorgan broker pleads guilty to stealing $20 million to gamble and trade with
US now sees Taliban as reconciliation partners: Pentagon
Unions, lawmakers promise closer scrutiny of Pacific trade pact - "It's worse than we thought, Lori Wallach, director of Public Citizens Global Trade Watch
Canadian veteran John Gallagher killed in fight against ISIS.
Police have used anti-terrorism powers to detain UK volunteers taking aid to Calais refugee camp | British volunteers on a humanitarian aid run to refugees in Calais were detained by police under legislation meant to be used against suspected terrorists
Catalan parliament votes to secede from Spain by 2017
TPP deal worst thing that Harper government has done for Canada: Balsillie
Turkish Atheism Association starts petition calling for 'equal treatment': Group calls for the removal of the automatic registration of Turkish children as Muslim at birth
World Anti-Doping Agency says Russia 'sabotaged' London Olympics, Recommends Bans
Thousands of unopened letters dating to the 17th century where hoarded away by a postmaster and only recently discovered by academics hoping to shed light on the period of history
A new Taliban breakaway group claims support for peace and womens rights
Myanmar elections: ruling party concedes defeat to Aung San Suu Kyi
World Bank warns climate change could add 100 million poor by 2030
Villagers attack orangutan mother and baby trying to escape forest fires in Borneo: To escape the out-of-control forest fires burning in Borneo, an orangutan with baby by her side attempted to take refuge in a village only to be attacked by frightened villagers, an animal rights group reported
Rangers in Congo's Garamba park fight, die in skirmishes with heavily armed elephant poachers
'Life on planet at stake', France warns as climate ministers meet
A court in Saudi Arabia has sentenced three young men to 75 days in jail and to 50 lashes after they were found guilty of harassing two girls in public
CNN: Israeli Intel led to bomb conclusion for Sinai crash
Saudi Arabia will not stop pumping to boost oil prices
English signs must be taken down in Gasp hospitals, language watchdog rules
Newly declassified documents reveal just how extremely close USA and Russia were to atomic attacks during the Cold War [Nov 1st]
Paralympian 'dragged self' from Qatar Airways flight
Chinese spies try to hack Australian submarine bidders plans in Japan, France and Germany
A dam holding back waste water from an iron ore mine in Brazil that is owned by Vale and BHP Billiton burst on Thursday, devastating a nearby town with mudslides and leaving officials in the remote region scrambling to assess casualties
Germany's capacity to take in refugees is limited, Schaeuble says
Warming set to breach 1C threshold
Canadian Doctor At Sunnybrook In Toronto First In World To Break Blood-Brain Barrier, Successfully Treat Brain Tumor
Israel, US to initiate huge arms deal
Australia Deploys Sheepdogs to Save a Penguin Colony
Australia Tries to Halt Unrest at Immigration Detention Camp
Belgium Tells Facebook to Stop Storing Data From Non-Users - Facebook faces a fine of 250,000 euros ($269,000) a day if it doesnt comply
Indonesia is planning to build a prison island guarded by meat-hungry crocodiles for drug convicts. The reason for using the deadly reptiles as prison guards is that crocodiles cannot be bribed unlike human guards.
Turkey's only atheist group launches petition to stop automatically registering all babies as Muslim
Helmut Schmidt, former West German chancellor, dies aged 96
Former Calgary judge investigated for comments made to alleged sex assault victim - Camp asked the complainant during trial, such as: Why didnt you just sink your bottom down into the basin so he couldnt penetrate you? and Why couldnt you just keep your knees together?
Chevron Australia's US parent company paid income tax of only $248 last year despite earning an estimated $1.73 billion profit on interest charges to its Gorgon LNG development, documents filed with the Senate inquiry into corporate tax avoidance show.
A Moroccan actor who starred in a controversial film about sex workers says she has fled the North African nation for France after being savagely beaten.
China recently conducted a flight test of a new missile capable of knocking out U.S. satellites as part of Beijings growing space warfare arsenal
Nothing can compete with renewable energy, says top climate scientist | "This is not sheer optimism it is based on analysis of how incumbent systems implode.
U.N. officials claim that 13% of Japanese girls engage in compensated dating angers government
Former British soldier arrested over 1972 Bloody Sunday shootings
Crimes against the environment such as illegal deforestation, wildlife trafficking and toxic waste dumping now bring in as much as $213 billion a year, but Interpol officials say the problem is not getting enough attention.
Russia hits back at ISIS by destroying 448 targets in just three days
Two possible ice volcanoes have been identified on the surface of Pluto.
Four Months after Pluto Flyby, NASAs New Horizons Yields Wealth of Discovery
Sicily police arrest convicted terrorist Ben Nasr Mehdi who entered Italy on migrant boat
Karzai calls al-Qaida a 'myth' and denies 9/11 attacks were plotted in Afghanistan
China decries Shenyang pollution called 'worst ever' by activists
Toxic fumes from the Indonesian fires have spread a choking haze across Southeast Asia; scientists warn of health damage
Myanmar ruling party concedes defeat as Suu Kyi's party heads for big win
China's Dirty Air Just Hit 'Doomsday' Levels | The amount of dangerous, small-particle air pollution in Shenyang was more than 50 times what the World Health Organization says is safe for humans.
More misery ahead for Greeks as economy set to shrink again
Israel: Netanyahu government approves 2,200 new settlement homes amid rising violence
6 Ethiopians Burned to Death in Latest South Africa Xenophobic Attacks
UK surveillance bill could bring 'very dire consequences', warns Apple chief | Any back door is a back door for everyone, says Tim Cook of proposals to allow authorities to track citizens internet use without requiring warrant
What the Internet hates about the TPP trade deal: After years of warning that the secretive TPP would be devastating for Internet freedom, intellectual property experts have finally gotten to look at the final draft of the proposed treaty. And they say its as bad as they feared
Charles Darwins On the Origin of Species has been voted the most influential academic book ever written, hailed as the supreme demonstration of why academic books matter and a book which has changed the way we think about everything.
France wont dine with Iran unless wine is served
Germany to start using the dublin regulation again - syrians will be sent back to the country they initially arrived in
Interns protest at the UN to get paid, but Security breaks it up and tells reporters to delete their photographs
Two countries get 75% of all U.S. spending on foreign military aid
Pope urges Catholic church to disavow conservatism and fundamentalism
Scientists confirm their fears about West Antarctica that its inherently unstable "The result of this study is an ifthen statement, saying that if the Amundsen Sea Sector is destabilized, then the entire marine part of West Antarctica will be discharged into the ocean.
Facebook faces fines of $268K per day for tracking non-users in Belgium
Germany's refugee bill to top $22 billion
Ethnic British Minorities more likely to go to university than their White British peers
Thousands of Afghan women joined a protest march in the streets of Kabul on Wednesday morning, in one of the biggest demonstrations of the past 15 years
EU Moves To Label Products From Israeli Settlements
An entire town in the UK has moved 'offshore' to avoid tax on local business
Canada's Miss World entry claims China is trying to block her from final
Britain loses top energy rating after green policy U-turns: UK downgraded from AAA to AAB in World Energy Councils trilemma index, after Conservatives scrapped onshore wind subsidies and cut solar subsidies.
Poland to sue Russia over withholding 2010 plane crash wreckage
El Nio, one of three strongest recorded, brings high drought risk for Australia
Worlds most elusive shark found & tagged for 1st time - Lurking in murky tropical rivers, no live adults had ever been seen before. The speartooth sharks (Glyphis glyphis) tagged & released. Tags will beam back data to satellites in 2 months, revealing details about the endangered species.
There's a Long-Lost Paleo-River Beneath the Sahara Desert Nobody Knew Existed - As if the Sahara wasnt mystical enough, now it has hidden river systems.
Netanyahu asks Obama for $50b in military aid
27 pupils collapse at North Yorkshire school
Thailand mystery: 2 detainees suspected of insulting monarchy die in custody
Carbon emissions fall in 11 of G20 members, in turning point | per capita carbon emissions over the five years to 2012 was down in Australia, the United States, Canada, Japan, Germany, Britain, the European Union, South Africa, Italy, France and Mexico.
Man declared dead after 20 years missing, found alive living in Tuscan nature reserve
UK becomes only G7 country to increase fossil fuel subsidies - Tory government is giving billions in ever increasing handouts to oil and gas majors at the same time as cutting support for clean energy, report reveals
Vladimir Putin has ordered an investigation into claims the country's athletes have been part of a systematic doping program. "The battle must be open," he said. "A sporting contest is only interesting when it is honest."
ISIS committed genocide against Iraqs Yazidis, U.S. Holocaust Museum report says
Norway says Russian spies are ensnaring its politicians in sex traps - Norwegian authorities say that Russians are blackmailing govt workers, MPs into revealing state secrets by tricking them with duplicitous gifts like vodka and attractive women, a well-known strategy from the Cold War era.
Pacific trade deal could limit affordable drugs - World Health Chief."If these agreements open trade yet close the door to affordable medicines we have to ask the question:is this really progress at all,"
Islamic State video threatens attacks in Russia 'very soon': site monitoring group
Military Concedes Election to Aung San Suu Kyi in Myanmar
Malfunction at North Korea zoo suffocates dozens of animals
Seven Italian firms probed in olive oil scam - including Bertolli, Sasso and Carapelli, are being investigated over allegations that the firms falsely sold olive oil products as extra virgin
Christians and Muslims fight to protect ancient Christian town against ISIS
Russia's nuclear torpedo plan to bypass Nato missile shield revealed after broadcaster forgets to blur out secret document
Crickhowell: Welsh town moves 'offshore' to avoid tax on local businesses, using the loopholes used by multinational giants to avoid paying UK tax
Underwater Vertical Seaweed Farm Restores Our Oceans While Providing Food and Fuel Source
Female Genital Mutilation: mother and retired nurse guilty of mutilating two sisters in Australia's first prosecution
David Cameron complains about constituency cuts caused by his own policies in leaked letter.
Sweden to introduce temporary border controls
New Research Shows Electric Cars 50 Percent Cleaner Compared to Gasoline Over Their Lifetime
Montreal's Massive Dump (of Raw Sewage into St. Lawrence) Begins
A small eel photographed by accident on a Caribbean coral reef is the first green fluorescent fish ever recorded, a new study says
Johannesburg, South Africa's largest city and economic hub, on Monday imposed emergency water restrictions as supplies deteriorated due to a drought, the worst to ravage the country in three decades.
Two relatives of the wife of President Nicols Maduro of Venezuela have been arrested on United States federal drug charges in Haiti and are expected to appear in court in Manhattan on Thursday, a person with knowledge of the case said on Wednesday night.
India could push world into climate change danger zone, warn scientists
According to the UN, over 50 million people could move from the desertified areas of sub-Saharan Africa towards North Africa and Europe by 2020.
Video Shows Mexico Police Violently Attacking Teacher Students
The European Union Will Now Explicitly Label Israeli Settlement Goods | EU today approved new guidelines for labelling products from Israeli settlements on occupied land, a move Brussels says is technical but Israel branded "discriminatory" and damaging to peace efforts with the Palestinians
Brazil Seeks To Copy U.S. Gun Culture "to allow embattled citizens the right to defend themselves from criminals"
US officials confirm Jihadi John is dead
Homeopathy 'could be blacklisted' - Ministers are considering whether homeopathy should be put on a blacklist of treatments GPs in England are banned from prescribing, the BBC has learned.
Dubai Is Giving Its Firefighters Jetpacks To Use During Skyscraper Fires
Lost ancient island found in the Aegean: A lost island where the ancient city of Kane was located has been found by geo-archaeologists in the Aegean province of zmirs Dikili district. The island was mentioned in ancient sources.
At least four people were killed and 40 wounded in two suicide explosions in a busy area in Beirut's southern suburb, a stronghold of Lebanese Hezbollah, on Thursday, a medical official said.
Ukraine Just Passed Protections For LGBT Employees
"Jihadi John" of ISIS targeted in American drone strike; officials working to confirm whether or not the British militant who beheaded hostages is dead.
UK NHS Considers Rule Banning Doctors From Prescribing Homeopathy
Russians are to see a new banknote commemorating Moscow's annexation of Crimea from Ukraine, in what could appear to be an act of defiance against world opinion.
People Come to Sleep and Die in Hong Kongs 24-Hour McDonalds
Largest-ever dark-matter experiment poised to test popular theory
Facebook says governments demanding more and more user data
Peshmerga forces wrest Sinjar from ISIL, raise Kurdish flag in town
Protesters carrying coffin of beheaded Hazara girl storm Afghan presidential palace
Brazil dam burst: at least 15 feared dead after disaster at BHP-owned mine. 300k with no drinking water.
G20 Countries Spend $452 Billion a Year Propping Up Fossil Fuel Companies
Russia's economy keeps getting smaller
200,000 Refugees Enter Slovenia As Authorities Warn Of Humanitarian Crisis
EU council president Donald Tusk says the EUs open border system could be about to collapse
Hundreds of workers at a Hong Kong-owned toy factory in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen have been protesting since last week after the owner "disappeared," leaving their wages unpaid.
Indonesia's national narcotics chief wants to build an island prison for death row inmates surrounded by crocodiles, tigers and piranhas
Myanmar's army is backing militias that make a fortune off of meth Myanmar is now soaking up international praise for holding elections that could end decades of tyranny. All the while, its government is quietly fueling the meth trade.
Jailed Saudi blogger's wife says he's not well
Scientists say Greenland just opened up a major new floodgate of ice into the ocean
France Drops 20 Bombs On IS Stronghold Raqqa
French Interior Minister: We will start the "dissolution of mosques where hate is preached."
French police are using new powers under the state of emergency to question people in the "radical jihadist movement". Over 150 searches executed, multiple arrests, and a rocket launcher discovered.
Putin: ISIS financed from 40 countries, including G20 members
Same-sex marriage is now legal in Republic of Ireland
ISIS executes 73 of its own militants for fleeing battle
Anonymous declares war on ISIS
G20: Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin agree to Syrian-led transition
France "is at war" after Friday's attacks on Paris, President Francois Hollande tells the national assembly.
Sikh man wrongly depicted as Paris attacker, faces online fury
Syrian Refugee Puts Paris Attacks Into Perspective In One Simple Sentence - Whats happening to them is happening every day in Syria, 100 times per day for five years, so we know what that means, he said.
The world's largest nuclear fusion reactor is about to switch on
Bataclan attackers corralled wheelchair spectators on the first floor balcony and shot them each individually
Have you seen this man? Police hunt Salah Abdeslam, suspected to have taken part in the Paris terror attacks.
Turkish ban on Reddit has been lifted
Obama rules out putting U.S. troops on the ground to fight Islamic State
Canadian mosque deliberately set on fire last night according to police
U.S. warplanes strike hundreds of ISIS oil trucks in Syria
Polish minister says Syrians can return to fight and 'liberate' homeland
Egyptian pyramids illuminated with the colors of the Russian and French flags, in a show of solidarity with Moscow and Paris
Islamic State vows to 'strike America at its center in Washington' in new video
Troops find bodies of 78 elderly women in Islamic State mass grave
6 days before the Paris attacks - ISIS commanders evacuated headquarters in Raqqa.
Turkey says notified France twice about Paris attacker -senior official
Japan's economy falls back into recession again
The Dalai Lama on terrorist attacks: "We cannot solve this problem only through prayers. ... I believe in praying. But humans have created this problem, and now we are asking God to solve it. It is illogical. So let us work for peace ... and not expect help from God, Buddha or the governments."
Justin Trudeau has officially ordered Canada's Justice Minister to start the weed legalization process
Anonymous identified 900 ISIS-related Twitter accounts and now they've been suspended
Video showing 'London Muslims celebrating terror attacks' is fake. The footage actually shows British Pakistanis celebrating a cricket victory in 2009.
World leaders have taken to calling ISIS Daesh, a word the Islamic State hates.
Russia's security chief says a "terror act" brought down Russian plane in Egypt killing all 224 people on board
Anonymous takes down 5,500 ISIS Twitter accounts
Three syrians arrested in St. Marteen airport with false greek passports
Russia launches cruise missiles at ISIS targets in Syria
All of the attackers from Fridays massacre in Paris so far have been identified as European Union nationals, according to a top EU official. The announcement further casts doubt on the validity of a Syrian passport found near the bodies of a slain attacker.
Russian Warplanes Destroy 140 Terrorist Targets in Syria
Charlie Hebdos post-Paris cover: 'Fuck their weapons, we have Champagne'
President Hollande calls for laws that give authorities the ability to strip French born terrorists of their citizenship
After ISIS Paris Attack, Saudi Arabia's King Salman Donates $110M For International Anti-Terrorism Center
Hollande calls for U.S. and Russia to join France and fight this terrorist army in a single coalition
Pregnant Woman Dangling From A Paris Window During Attacks Is Safe
Russia offers $50 million reward for help detaining Egypt plane bombers: TASS
Assad is Not the Enemy of France, ISIS is - Hollande
German police arrest two women, one man in operation linked to Paris attacks
US approves $1.29 bn sale of bombs to Saudi Arabia
Five rescued in Tanzania after 41 days trapped in gold mine
Spain Issues Arrest Warrants for Netanyahu and Senior Israeli Officials
Syrian refugees should be trained into an army to fight Isis, Poland's foreign minister says
Stocks of the leading weapons manufacturers have soared following Paris Attacks
Anti-migrant mood deepens in Central Europe after Paris
Reports of gun fire, possible explosions near Saint-Denis area of Paris, France
France Rejects Fear, Renews Commitment To Take In 30,000 Syrian Refugees
Paris attacks: Mother died using her body to shield her five-year-old son from bullets
Despite Paris attacks, Hollande says erecting walls and fences "would be the end of Europe".
Indian Government starts offering up to 90% discount on cancer drugs and reduces costs of cardiac implants by 50 to 60 percent.
Russia hits 206 ISIS targets in Syria after confirming bomb downed passenger plane over Sinai
French Police Kill Three, Arrest Three in Saint-Denis Raid
Obama presses Canada for quick TPP approval
Anonymous is crowdsourcing #OpParis, publishes noob guide to hacking
A British couple was found guilty Tuesday of keeping a Nigerian immigrant enslaved for more than two decades, forcing him to work for no pay and threatening him with deportation if he tried to escape, prosecutors said.
Montreal police arrest man in mask who vowed to kill Muslims in Quebec
No explosives found and no arrests made in Hannover, Germany
Turkey detains 8 Europe-bound IS suspects 'posing as refugees'
Sweden raises terror threat level to second highest citing 'concrete information'
Britain wants to close all of its coal-fired power plants by 2025 and lower their output from 2023, the government said on Wednesday, making it the first major economy to put a date on shutting down polluting coal plants to curb carbon emissions.
About 24,000 Colombians filed a class action lawsuit against government agencies after a study revealed the residents in the outskirts of Medelln have been drinking water contaminated with feces for more than 20 years.
ISIS says it smuggled bomb onto Russian plane after finding security loophole - shows photo of improvised Russian plane bomb.
Nigerian Soldiers Arrest Boko Haram Kingpin and Destroy IED Factory
Paris Plans Defiant Night of Food, Drink and Cafe Life in Wake of Attacks
All 129 victims of the Paris attacks have been identified, a French government spokesman says
Japanese whalers fined $1 million by Australian court
Man in Joker Mask Vows to Kill 'One Arab a Week' Across Quebec
Boko Haram overtakes Isis as world's deadliest terror organisation
Putin Says France Now Ally in Syria as Russia Steps Up Strikes
India's Largest Muslim Organisation To Lead Protests Across The Country Against ISIS
Paris attacks ringleader dead - French officials
355 ISIS targets in Syria destroyed by Russian air force in last 48 hours:
Putin Puts $50 Million Bounty on Heads of Metrojet Bombers
Syrian man kills judge at ISIS Sharia Court for beheading his brother
Paris attacks: The eight terror suspects named so far are not refugees and all have EU passports
Jeremy Corbyn calls for economic sanctions against banks and countries funding Isis: The Labour leader has previously said the UK should be asking questions about Saudi Arabia's involvement
China vows justice after ISIS executes national
Three people stabbed in south Tel Aviv in suspected terror attack
British Muslims take out a full page advert in the British press to condemn isil
The pot-smoking Paris suicide bomber: Ex-wife reveals 'blood brother' terrorist was a jobless layabout who spent his time taking drugs and sleeping... and never went to the mosque
White House vows to veto any bill limiting the amounts of Syrian refugees into the US
ISIS Calls Anonymous Idiots as Cyber War Heats Up
Honduras detains 5 Syrians heading for U.S. with stolen Greek passports-police
Man 'shot through window by stray bullet' in Paris attacks found dead in flat
Obama's drone war a 'recruitment tool' for Isis, say US air force whistleblowers - Four former service members including three sensor operators issue plea to rethink current airstrike strategy that has fueled feelings of hatred toward US
Nigeria's Boko Haram kills 49 in suicide bombings
Bosnia: Gunman kills two soldiers and blows himself up in Sarajevo 'terror' attack
Beijing vows justice after Islamic State executes Chinese captive
Swedish PM Stefan Lfvn in live press conference: "Sweden has been naive a long time about possible terror threats", he reveals that up until 2015 "there was practically nothing on the table in terms of counter-terrorism measures" in Sweden
A 1,111 carat "high quality diamond" has been discovered at a mine in Botswana, said to be the biggest find in more than a century
The fearless father who threw himself on a suicide bomber, saving hundreds of lives in Beirut
North Korea executes 3 women for recording South Korean TV drama
Former Mexican president says country will legalise all drugs within a decade
Alarming ''superbug'' gene discovered in China. Highly resistant to antibiotics with a chance of becoming an epidemic.
US Offers $5M Reward for IS Leader
Fighters in Syria are on steady doses of an amphetamine called Captagon. This allows them "stay up for days, killing with a numb, reckless abandon." Side effects include "psychosis and brain damage"
Shots fired at Radisson Hotel in Bamako, Mali (French)
British police still shun guns despite Paris attacks: We are an unarmed force were proud of that
US Approves $1.29 Billion Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia
Czech Republic to deliver 10 million rounds of ammunition and 5,000 grenades to Peshmerga forces fighting ISIS
Gunfire, explosions, hostage situation as jihadists attack luxury Radisson hotel in Mali - reports
Saudi court sentences Palestinian poet to death for apostasy
U.S. criticizes Israel's punishment of 6 weeks community service for policeman filmed beating Palestinian-American teen. US says "says evidence of excessive force is 'clear' and the sentence doesn't promote accountability"
Ukrainian President supports replacing Russian with English on all passports
A leaked Malaysian police report alleges there could be at least ten ISIS suicide bombers in Kuala Lumpur, where leaders from 18 countries, including the US, Russia, Japan and China, are set to gather this weekend for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations summit
28 terrorists killed in Chinas Xinjiang province
King Abdullah of Jordan: We Are Facing A Third World War
"Bataclan concert hall will reopen despite Paris attacks"
Now that TPP agreement has been reached - theres plenty of time for public debate: Obama responding to a question from a Malaysian youth who said the TPP was elitist and excluded most voices
By extending state of emergency, France can now block websites
China Has a $1.2 Trillion Ponzi Finance Problem
Boko Haram, responsible for the Nigeria explosion this week and kidnapping 300 girls last year, is the now world's most dangerous terrorist group - not ISIS (Daesh)
World powers are poised to forge a single resolution at the United Nations Security Council to declare a common war against Isis and eradicate jihadists in Iraq and Syria
On the run from Isis: Jihadists targeting Paris attacker Salah Abdeslam for chickening out of killings
U.S. Releases Convicted Israeli Spy Jonathan Pollard After 30-Year Prison Term
The Islamic State group is aggressively pursuing development of chemical weapons, setting up a branch dedicated to research and experiments with the help of scientists from Iraq, Syria and elsewhere in the region, according to Iraqi and U.S. intelligence officials.
Loud explosion after security alert, evacuation at London tube station
(France) Army recruitment inquiries triple since attacks
Swedish Jews close synagogues after terror threat raised
A new study shows that the most widely used insecticides in the worldneonicotinoidsturn bumblebees into more bumbling pollinators, leading to lower yields for apples and perhaps other plants that they visit.
Russia Bans Scientology
Australia passes law banning anti-vax parents from childcare benefits
Russian sailor drinks half a litre of rum before crashing 7,000-ton ship at full speed into Scotland
Only 3 northern white rhinos left on Earth
Third Paris stadium suicide bomber identified as refugee who came via Greece
New hacker group (Ghost Security Group) 'Spying' on Islamic State instead of hacking them. Calling Anonymous tactics 'unsophisticated'
Canada's Syrian refugee plan limited to women, children and families
Plot to 'explode three bombs in German football stadium' foiled after game cancelled at last minute | The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, said: 'Security officials took a responsible decision'
Paris attacks: Fugitive Salah Abdeslam frequented gay bar in Belgium
Cult's potentially lethal bleach 'cure' for Autism spreads to Britain. Parents giving children sodium chlorite and hydrochloric acid on the advice of Genesis II Church of Health and Healing
An ex-CIA director claims Snowden should face the death penalty because he has French blood on his hands. Some experts cast doubt on that claim, with one saying the Paris attacks are being used as a good crisis by those in power
Chinese police use a flamethrower on 'Muslim terror suspects'
People in Belgium are flooding the hashtag #Brusselslockdown on twitter with cat pictures after the police officially asked them not to communicate on social media about their whereabouts.
More than 1,200 Europeans who flew out to join Islamic extremists have returned home
Iraq: 300 ISIS Militants Surrender to Peshmerga
Turkey has summoned Russias ambassador following intensive bombing of ethnic Turkish people in Syria | The Turkish foreign ministry warns that the Russian attacks could lead to serious consequences. Turkey has already warned the Kremlin that it will shoot down its warplanes.
Five Finger Death Punch cancel show in Milan following reported terrorist threat.
Russian thieves made off with a full bomb's worth of highly enriched uranium | GlobalPost
Brussels alert 'stays at highest level'
The election of a lesbian as president of the student body at Koreas super-elite Seoul National University has made front page news, exposing the generation gap between Koreas increasingly liberal younger generation and older people still imbued in the nations conservative traditions.
Belgian police arrest six terror suspects after raids across country
Argentine opposition wins presidential election
Israeli woman killed as more violence hits West Bank
Report: Russia Starts Ground Operations in Syria
Russian strikes blamed for 400 Syrian civilian deaths
Putin calls Turkey 'accomplices of terrorists' after Russian jet shot down
Fighter jet goes down in flames near Syrian border: Turkey's Haberturk TV footage
Nestl admits slavery and coercion used in catching its seafood
France's leading Muslim body called Tuesday for imams to require a permit to preach and for a new religious body to fight back against jihadist propaganda. The country's imams should be given a certificate -- "like a driving licence" -- that ensured they promoted a "tolerant and open Islam".
Reports of Russian helicopter downed during search for fighter jet pilot.
Vladimir Putin warns of 'serious consequences' following Turkey shooting down Russian jet
West should learn from Iraq and Libya, says Russian envoy Vladimir Morozov."We can remember Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. In both cases, it was said that if you remove the dictator, the country will prosper. The result as we can see is quite different," he said
Russia to cut off natural gas to Ukraine
Secret cell of British Muslim women encouraging others to join Islamic State exposed
US issues worldwide travel alert
Eating less meat only way to save planet, warns climate think tank: "We cannot avoid dangerous climate change unless consumption trends change."
NATO calls 'extraordinary meeting' after Turkey downs Russian jet
Young 'to be poorer than parents at every stage of life'
Taiwanese beauty queen kicked out of Miss Earth pageant for refusing to change 'Taiwan ROC' sash to 'Chinese Taipei'
New chemical attack fears as Paris health authority reports protective suits stolen from hospital
Boy dies of Ebola in Liberia, first such fatality in months
Government is ignoring ISIS recruitment in Ireland says top Muslim cleric
More Mexicans leaving US than arriving
Russia's Lavrov cancels scheduled visit to Turkey
French police: Explosive belt without detonator found in southern Paris suburb of Montrouge
Putin: Russia will not tolerate such crimes as attack against its Sukhoi-24 plane
Bomb explodes outside Greek business federation offices in Athens: police
Sweden set to tighten asylum rules for refugees
Israel nuclear weapons arsenal includes 115 warheads, according to a new report by the Institute for Science and International Security, a Washington, DC-based think tank
Norway to raise taxes to pay for refugees
I gave the order myself Turkish PM on downing Russian plane
'Severe blow': Al Qaeda suicide bomber takes out leadership of key ISIS brigade
Depressed Elephant Has Been Living In A Concrete Cell For 61 Years
Hackers knock out ISIS's Dark Net propaganda site
BBC: Downed plane pilot denies Turkey warning
Iranian Authorities Overrule Husband, Allow Female Soccer Captain To Travel To World Cup Event
All Russian tourist agencies stop selling Turkey trips, cancel charter flights
Turkey downed Russian fighter jet to protect ISIS oil sales: Putin
Russian lawmakers submit bill to hold to account anyone who denies Armenian genocide: RIA
Syrian and Russian special forces have rescued the second pilot of a Russian warplane shot down by Turkey and he is now at a Russian air base in Syria
Turkish military release radar image tracking Russian fighter jet over Turkish territory before attack. Radar shows Russian jet only over Turkey for 10 seconds.
All Russian bombers in Syria will now be escorted by fighters.
Russia bombards Syrian rebels near site of downed Russian jet
Gambia bans female genital mutilation
Greece Agrees With Russian Assessment of Turkey's 'Unfriendly' Actions
"No war with Turkey" - Russia condemns "planned provocation" and expresses disappointment over Ankara prioritizing contact with NATO
Syrian military source says rebels making heavy use of U.S.-made anti-tank missiles paid for by Saudi Arabia and supplied via Turkey
Flight data released by Russian Ministry of Defense shows that the Su24 never entered Turkey.
Erdogan: We didn't know warplane was Russian
US says it cannot coordinate with Russia until they stop killing so many civilians and moderate rebels.
Russia to stop air communication with Turkey
Europe should take no more refugees, says French prime minister
NATO backs Turkey over Russian aircraft
Over 1/2 the world's primates on brink of extinction - International experts call for urgent action to protect mankind's closest living relatives. Highlight threat to lesser-known apes & monkeys from large-scale habitat destruction & illegal wildlife trade
Archeologists in Croatia announced their discovery of a 3,500-year-old sunken town in Adriatic Sea near Zadar, a southern coastal city.
Saudi Arabia just promised to sue anyone who compares their justice system to Isis
Coca-Cola's chief scientist and heath officer leaves after being caught setting up a nonprofit which downplayed the role of sugary drinks in the obesity epidemic
Swedish court: 'We cannot ban Pirate Bay': After deliberating for almost a month on the closely-watched case, the District Court of Stockholm ruled that copyright holders could not make Swedish ISP Bredbandsbolaget block Pirate Bay.
Two journalists arrested in Turkey for story on weapon loaded Turkish intelligence trucks bound for Syria
Turing's $1 a pill Daraprim competitor sells well; Impris considers producing cheap versions of other price gouged drugs
French ban on Muslim headscarves is upheld by human rights court after woman sacked for refusing to remove hers loses appeal
Saudi Arabia is planning to execute more than 50 people in a single day
Turkish fighter jets violate Greek national air space | News
HSBC whistleblower jailed for five years over biggest leak in banking history
Turkey violated Greek airspace more than 2,000 times last year
Medical marijuana users get OK from Ontario government to vaporize anywhere
Putin on working with U.S-"Why did we give the Americans this information? Either they're not controlling their allies or they're leaking this info all over the place."
2,700 yr-old sarcophagus of high priest of God Amun unearthed in Luxor
Turkey's Erdogan warns Russia not to 'play with fire'
Amazon Deforestation increases by 16% in 2015
26 Turkish businessmen taken into police custody in Russia
Russia deploys advanced S-400 air-defence missile system in Syria after Turkey downed one of its jets
Artist says his death sentence results from a personal dispute, not atheism
800 Belgium-Bound Shotguns Seized by Italian Police: Official
Russian jet incident planned, Turkish opposition member says
US accused of covering up death of six children in Syria air strike [includes video]
Russia raiding Turkish firms and sending imports back. Moscow also preventing Turkish tourists from entering Russia, businessmen say, in apparent response to downing of plane
Russia "Wipes Out" Syrian rebels in area where its plane was brought down
Germany arrrests man who may have sold guns to Paris attackers
China said on Thursday that it planned to establish a military facility in Djibouti, a strategically important country on the Horn of Africa, which would apparently be the first permanent presence overseas for Chinas military and a sign of the growing reach of its navy.
Air pollution reached hazardous levels in Beijing on Sunday, prompting the city to upgrade to the second-highest alert for the first time in 13 months on the same day that the Chinese government said it has met pollution-reduction targets for the year
China Is Building a Giant Animal-Cloning Factory to Feed the Masses - While the rest of the world sorts out its feelings about the safety & ethics of cloning animals for food production, China is charging ahead & building the world's largest animal cloning factory, set to begin operations in 2016.
Japan stuns world by announcing it will resume whaling in Antarctic Ocean despite ban
Newspaper draws piggy bank to show ISIS funding, Muslim groups attack it as pig is unislamic
Russia hits back at Turkey by changing Syria 'game' - Kurds get Russian help, talks about a union of secular forces.
Kurdish fighters say US special forces have been fighting Isis for months
Obama demands that Turkey close stretch of frontier with Syria
Prince Ali vows to open the books if elected FIFA head. Salaries, finances, what have you, that should all be open. Why not? People want it to be open.
Hamburg votes against hosting the 2024 Olympics in referendum
Russian plane escorted from Israeli airspace without incident
White House Releases Details of Bill Gates's Climate Research Plan
El Salvador's anti-abortion law makes criminals of mothers who miscarry
Blair and Bush went to war in Iraq despite the assurances of South Africa that Saddam did not possess WMDs
French police fire teargas to disperse climate protest
Negative interest rates in Switzerland have started a bizarre debate among economists over whether cash should be abolished
Lakes are forming on top of Mount Everests glaciers
Migrant crisis: Turkey to get 3 billion and possible EU membership as part of migrant deal
Russian football clubs banned from signing Turkish players
Iraqis find 3 more mass graves in formerly ISIS-held Sinjar
50,000 people without drinking water after reported Russian airstrike
Declaring 'new beginning,' EU and Turkey seal migrant deal - Turks to benefit from visa-free travel to Europe's Schengen zone within a year if Turkey meets conditions on tightening its borders and reduces departures to Europe.
Refugees with infectious diseases will not be denied entry into Canada: Health minister
Christmas is cancelled: Italians outraged over school decision to ban festivities
Corporate tax cuts contributed to slower economic growth, Canadian study finds
Merkel faces call to resign amid migrant crisis criticism
Amnesty International says Qatar has done "almost nothing effective to end chronic labour exploitation" since it was chosen five years ago to host the football World Cup in 2022.
#SueMeSaudi: Twitter users taunt Saudi Arabia
Erdoan: I will resign if any oil purchase from Daesh is proven
Pope says fundamentalism is 'disease of all religions'
Australia: MP says 'tyranny of political correctness' stops debate on Islam and extremism
Wales has become the first nation in the UK to introduce a "revolutionary" new system to increase organ donors: adults will be regarded as having consented to organ donation unless they have opted out.
North Korea violates UN resolution with submarine missile launch that failed to make it above water
11,571 Norwegians have registered for licences to kill 16 wolves, although the country may have only 30 in the wild
Yemen crisis: Sanaa resident describes Saudi-led bombing as like 'being at the centre of an earthquake'
Putin makes 99-year-old daughter of Tsarist general a Russian again
Thai printer replaces International New York Times article with blank space instead of critical piece on stagnant Thai economy
Schools shut in Beijing as air pollution reaches hazardous levels | CTV News
World headed toward 'suicide' if no climate agreement: pope
The Chinese renminbi will join the dollar, euro, yen and pound as one of the worlds main reserve currencies
The ocean is filling up with a mysterious life form and scientists don't know why: Phytoplankton, micro-organisms that float, as opposed to swim, are rapidly thriving in the North Atlantic, suggesting an environmental shift that defies previous scientific predictions.
Dubai to make solar panels on rooftops compulsory by 2030
US Marine Found Guilty of Killing Transgender Filipino
Top US Intelligence Chief Calls Iraq War A 'Huge Mistake'
BlackBerry leaves Pakistan following government backdoor demands
Germany to join military action against Islamic State in Syria but won't participate in air strikes
Global warming could suffocate life on Earth as oxygen levels fall, research shows
Big Data Predicts Centuries Of Harm If Climate Warming Goes Unchecked
ISIS is preparing a 'backup' capital in case its major center in Syria falls
Express Scripts Covers $1 Alternative to $750 Pill Daraprim
The International Monetary Fund has officially designated the Chinese yuan a global reserve currency.
Quebec Judge issues $1 fine for possessing 30 cannabis plants, calls marijuana laws obsolete
Turkish doctor faces 2 years in jail for sharing meme that likens president Erdogan to Gollum in LOTR
Cameroon army 'kills 100 Boko Haram fighters, frees 900 hostages'
Zuckerberg, wife pledge to donate 99% of their Facebook shares, about $45 billion, to charity
Russia says has proof Turkey main consumer of Islamic State oil
France shuts three mosques on grounds of radicalization
Four Arrested In Italy For Planning ISIS Attack On Pope
Man held at Guantnamo for 13 years a case of mistaken identity, say officials
Young people who question the Government or media may be extremists, officials tell parents
Kim Jong-un's Aunt (who lives in the US) will sue North Korean refugees for defamation in South Korean courts
World's richest 10 per cent produce 50% of CO2: report
David Cameron calls Jeremy Corbyn a 'terrorist sympathiser' for opposing Syria air strikes
Researchers: Exxon, Koch Family Have Powered the Climate-Denial Machine for Decades
Istanbul metro blast and injuries reported
German nuclear fusion reactor 'stellarator' cleared for first test on 10 December 2015
Turkey YouTube ban violated freedom of expression: European court of human rights
China clone factory claims it can replicate humans, is only holding off for fear of public reaction
Bill Gates teams up with Mark Zuckerberg to create multi billion dollar fund for clean energy technologies
Hitler's words to return to German bookshelves. For the first time since the Second World War, Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf" will be printed in Germany in January
No, Mark Zuckerberg is not giving 99% of his Facebook shares to charity - Times of India
Russia building new military bases on islands claimed by Japan
A major Indian city has been underwater for almost a month now
Venezuela has bigger oil reserves than Saudi Arabia yet there's no toilet paper in stores
Beijing is shrouded in a cloud of smog 25 times the "safe" level of toxic particle PM 2.5
337 whales dead in Chile in one of history's biggest beachings
UK Parliament Vote in Favor of Airstrikes in Syria
Oscar Pistorious guilty of murder.
The Pentagon lavished nearly $150m of taxpayer money on villas with private security, flat screen TVs and three course meals for special events for US government staff in Afghanistan, an official watchdog has found
No jail for 2010 BP oil disaster white collars
Turkey has proof of Russian involvement in Daesh oil, President Erdoan says
Canada: Ontarians paid $37-billion above market for electricity over eight years, Auditor-General's report says
Saudi Arabia 'destabilising Arab world', German intelligence warns
Paris attacks: France 'to extend state of emergency indefinitely' - reports
Facebook accused of blackmail after Belgian court rules it can no longer track non-users
Friend of Paris suicide bomber arrested at Brussels Airport
FIFA Corruption: Top Officials Arrested in Pre-Dawn Raid at Zurich Hotel
UN on wrong track with plans to limit global warming to 2C, says top scientist. Climate change scientist James Hansen says current half arsed plans to reduce emissions will lead to dangerous climate change and calls for an honest carbon price to cut fossil fuel use.
Brazil speaker Cunha opens impeachment proceedings against president Dilma Rousseff
New Report Details TPP's 'Panoply of Threats' to Climate - The 12-nation pact would be 'raw deal for communities & our climate,' Sierra Club says
Russian TV host Pavel Lobkov announces HIV positive status live TVHe is the first public figure in Russia to be openly HIV positive
Iraqi Kurds refute Russias claims on Turkey-Daesh oil trade, say tankers belong to KRG
Mexico to debate marijuana legalization in January
A Dominican cardinal upset over comments that the U.S. ambassador made about corruption in his country has said the openly gay diplomat should focus on homemaking. "Let him focus on housework, since he's the wife to a man."
ISIS Releases Video Purportedly Showing Beheading of Alleged Russian Spy
Photos: The scene in Chennai, the Indian city suffering its most devastating rains in 100 years
Turkey guilty off 'treacherous war crime' after shooting down Russian plane, warns Vladimir Putin: "And evidently Allah decided to punish the ruling clique in Turkey, by depriving it of any reason or logic.
United Arab Emirates threaten to destabilize Tunisia for not repressing moderate Islamists ala Sisi in Egypt
A Chinese artist vacuumed up Beijing's smog and made a brick from what he collected
NATO Unveils Plans to Grow, Drawing Fury and Threats From Russia
A dream team of tech giants Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Richard Branson, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, Jack Ma from Alibaba, along with a host of international tech leaders have announced they're coming together to combat climate change: Breakthrough Energy Coalition
World's largest Muslim group, Sunni movement launches anti extremism campaign
U.S.-led coalition is finding and killing a mid- to high-level Islamic State leader every two days
Mount Etna has errupted
Uruguay makes dramatic shift to nearly 95% electricity from clean energy: In less than 10 years the country has slashed its carbon footprint and lowered electricity costs, without government subsidies
ISIS Dumping Dead Bodies On Syrian Streets Causes Deadly 'Flesh-Eating' Disease To Spread
Exxon could lose 'billions' in climate change lawsuit
'Enough's enough': Former deputy prime minister of Australia calls for travel warnings after US shootings
Denmark 'votes No' on adopting EU rules
Turkish jets, two armed, violate Greek air space | News
Latin America's "Largest Ever" Legal Marijuana Crop Planted in Chile: Medical marijuana advocates won a huge victory in Chile in November as the regional agriculture authority approved a 6,900-plant marijuana farm and a team of volunteers planted 20 strains of high-potency marijuana seeds
The number of Muslims attacked each week in London has more than tripled since the Paris attacks, figures show. The Met said in the week prior to the attacks on 13 November there were 24 recorded Islamophobic incidents. Two weeks after there were 76.
Australia Passes New Law to Strip Jihadists of Citizenship
Israel Arrests Young Jews Suspected of Terrorism Against Palestinians
With average speed of 16.1 Mbps, Lithuania offers best public WiFi in the world
Turkey gives the cold shoulder to US proposal to seal Syria border
Egypt: 12 Killed, 5 Hurt in Firebomb Attack at Nightclub
How the Toxic Trade Deal You've Never Heard Of Could Kill the Climate: TiSA seeks to place 'corporate handcuffs' on government attempts to steer away from fossil fuels, says Global Justice Now
Russia just successfully tested an anti-satellite missile
Bhutan has most ambitious pledge at the Paris climate summit: Himalayan kingdoms forests absorb three times more CO2 emissions than its population create, helping to make it the worlds most carbon negative country
Research finds rich nations' fossil fuel subsidies exceed climate aid 40 to 1
Former Isis hostage says airstrikes on Syria are a trap
Paris attack fugitive posed as refugee at Budapest railway station in September, Hungarian government claims
Saudi Arabia Spends over $60bln in war on Yemen
German government agrees to participate in Syrian war
Japan defies world as 'research' ship embarks on minke whale kill
Beijing has issued its first ever Red Alert over smog, and the city is going into complete shutdown
Ten african countries vow to recreate 100 million hectares of lost jungle, twice the size of Europe. World bank & Germany announces funding
After Paris Attacks, Proposed French Law Would Block Tor and Forbid Free Wi-Fi
Chile removes marijuana from list of 'Hard Drugs' takes steps towards legalization.
NATO has ruled out sending ground troops to fight against Islamic State militants in Syria."Muslims are on the front line in this war. Most victims are Muslims, and most of those who fight against the IS are Muslims. We can not carry on this struggle for them,"
Nearly 100 people in Turkey have been arrested after being charged with insulting President Recep Tayyip Erdogan over the past 10 months
Britain no longer a Christian country, and its time to rid public life of Anglicanism, panel says
The Isis papers: leaked documents show how Isis is building its state
Killing whales: Let's 'agree to disagree', says Japan
Venezuela opposition claims victory in legislative elections
Wreck of legendary Spanish galleon is finally found, Colombia says. The value of its cargo believed to include gold, silver, emeralds, and other precious cargo has been estimated at more than $10 billion
French Regional Elections : far-right party "Front National" ahead with over 30% of the votes
Egypt destroys 20 newly found tunnels along border with Gaza
FBI investigating Sepp Blatter in $100M ISL bribes scandal.
Bacteria containing mcr-1 gene resistant to all known antibiotics found in Denmark
China is forecast to become the world's biggest electric car market this year, with sales estimated at 220,000 to 250,000 vehicles
Argentina arrests Syrians traveling on false Greek passports
Assad says Britain's Syria strikes 'illegal', will only fuel terror
Kerry angers Israel with talk of 'binational state'
Russia loses advanced military satellite on launch
Venezuela Opposition Says It Won Congress as Government Silent
Opec bid to kill off US shale sends oil price down to near seven-year low
EU to press ahead with plans to suspend Schengen rules
China is laying the groundwork for a robot revolution by planning to automate the work currently done by millions of low-paid workers.
The new Liberal government has promised to act quickly to legalize marijuana for general use, which would make Canada the first G-20 country to end cannabis prohibition on a national level.
Resistance to last-resort antibiotic has now spread across globe
US confirms death of top ISIS leader in Libya
Arnold Schwarzenegger has got his sights set on vanquishing another peril: Climate change | Speaking at the United Nations conference on climate change in Paris, he said that the world had to unite to tackle climate change, rather than pointing the finger at the largest polluters.
U.S. Agent Gets Six Years Prison for Silk Road Bitcoin Theft
"Private American donors have pumped more than $220 million into Jewish West Bank settlements in recent years through tax-deductible donations, effectively subsidizing a policy opposed by U.S. administrations for decades, according to an investigation published in an Israeli newspaper on Monday."
The price of raw, illegal ivory has almost halved in China in the past 18 months because of growing public awareness, a promise from President Xi Jinping to ban the trade, a far-reaching anti-corruption drive and a slowing economy, according a new study by Save the Elephants.
A 16-member panel, paid for by Monsanto, is disputing a World Health Organization report published earlier this year that concluded glyphosate, the world's most widely used weed killer, is probably carcinogenic to humans.
Totally antibiotic resistant Salmonella has reached Denmark meat, at least one human case known.
3 injured in blast at Moscow bus stop reports
A 64-year-old albatross named Wisdom, believed to be the oldest known tracked bird in the wild, has returned with a mate to a large nesting colony on Midway Atoll to lay An egg
Humans are draining even more of earth's freshwater than previously thought
Japan defends scientific value of new plan to kill 333 minke whales - claims it wants to study how many whales can be harvested sustainably
Bibi the lion, made famous from her appearances on the BBC's Big Cat Diary from 1996 to 2008, has been discovered dead after being poisoned, a BBC wildlife crew has confirmed.
The use of antibiotics in agriculture is fuelling drug resistance and must be cut back or even banned where they are important for humans, a new report has warned.
Muslim thrown off Coach in Bristol after passenger said they felt "uncomfortable"..
Beheaded for practicing magic; ISIS executes two sorcerers in Libya
Vancouver startup, G-Kup, launches 'world's first' 100% compostable coffee pod, aims to tackle single-cup brewer waste that circled the globe 11 times in 2014
Eagles Of Death Metal Appear In Paris Less Then 1 Month After The Attack.
A Russian activist has been sentenced to three years in prison under a new law that tightens punishment for taking part in unauthorized protests. The verdict was strongly condemned by Amnesty International
Islamic State going broke? As airstrikes target oil revenue, ISIS slashes salaries, imposes new taxes (report from London-based analysis firm IHS)
Russians Are Joining ISIS in Droves | Jihadists from Russia and Central Asia are pouring into the caliphate, 300 times more than a year ago.
Iran tested ballistic missile, breaching U.N. council resolutions
4 female students who went to Syria to join ISIS attended Mississauga school
Iran and India to Build $4.5 Billion Pipeline
Cyprus To Give Russian Warplanes Emergency Landing Rights
Saudi Arabia accused of trying to wreck Paris climate deal - One of the worlds largest oil producers is getting in the way of a deal and making implausible objections, say delegates and campaigners
Kazakhstan has passed a law that would require citizens to install a certificate on all their personal devices allowing the government to capture all the web traffic, passwords and financial details of the population.
Nearly 70,000 clerics came together and passed a fatwa against terrorist organizations, including IS, Taliban and al-Qaida. These are "not Islamic organizations," the clerics said to a sea of followers, adding that the members of these outfits were "not Muslims"
An undercover sting by Greenpeace has revealed that two prominent climate sceptics were available for hire by the hour to write reports casting doubt on the dangers posed by global warming.
Thousands Sign 'Ban Trump From UK' Petition. "The UK has banned entry to many individuals for hate speech"
There is no internet censorship in China, says China's top censor
Angela Merkel is Time person of the year
Icelanders flock to religion revering Sumerian gods and tax rebates - Ancient Zuist movement enjoys revival as thousands join as part of protest against requirement that citizens pay taxes to state church.
Hundreds of Muslims marching against terrorism in London 'ignored by British media'
India accounted for $12.3 billion, or 40%, of the total of $31 billion of globalized engineering and R&D in 2015
2000 Sex Workers From Indian State Maharashtra Skipped 2 Meals A Day To Gift One Lakh Rupees To Chennai Flood Relief
Australia's ex-Prime Minister Tony Abbott declares: 'Islam must change, not us'
Historians say that in all likelihood they have found the remains of the tomb of Suleiman the Magnificent, who died in 1566 while his troops were besieging the fortress of Szigetvar in southern Hungary.
Angela Merkel's deputy accuses Saudi Arabia of sponsoring extremism
S. Korean Navy fires warning shots at Chinese ship in Yellow Sea
Oil producers prepare for prices to halve to $20 a barrel
5 Arab Israelis arrested for IS support, planning terror attacks
London Metropolitan Police - "Mr Trump could not be more wrong"
Amnesty report: ISIS armed with U.S. weapons
NHS rationing 'is denying patients care' as cash crisis deepens
Germany, UK to ban petrol and diesel vehicles by 2050
President Vladimir Putin: Su-24's Black Box to Reveal Truth About Jet Shot Down by Turkey and it should be opened only in the presence of international experts.
Taliban attacks Kandahar airport and US-NATO base
Canada launches inquiry into murdered and missing indigenous women - Justin Trudeau promises total renewal of relationship with aboriginal people with investigation of nearly 1,200 murders and disappearances in three decades
A generation of Syrian children are facing "catastrophic" psychological damage with one in four inside Syria at risk of developing a mental health disorder from witnessing traumatic events, a global children's charity said on Tuesday.
"The US State Department has approved a $1.29 billion arms sale to Saudi Arabia, which includes as many as 13,000 precision guided weapons or smart bombs. The sale comes as Human Rights Watch charges that Saudi airstrikes in Yemen 'have indiscriminately killed and injured civilians.'"
Trump cancels trip to Israel after Netanyahu releases statement about Trump's proposed Muslim ban, saying Israel "respects all religions and strictly guarantees the rights of all its citizens."
Mina stampede deaths three times higher than acknowledged by Saudi authorities, up to 2,411 compared to 769 official figures
A Canadian ISP has received a public backlash after posting a list on its Facebook page of 25 subscriber names who had not paid their overdue bills, in order to publicly shame them into paying
Nicola Sturgeon removes Donald Trump as business ambassador for Scotland
Kim Jong-uns uncle admits he defected to U.S. due to fears of being victimized during power struggles
Two detained in Finland over ISIS executions - suspected of murdering 11 on video
Fukishima Radiation Off West Coast of North America Continues to Increase and Spread
Saudi women face off against men for first time in elections: Not only can they run in a government election for the first time, it is the first time they are permitted to vote at all
Japanese PM's website hacked by whaling protesters.
Nurseries in Qatar have canceled childrens festive concerts for Christmas following a directive from authorities reminding them not to hold non-Islamic rituals.
Anonymous declares this Friday "Troll ISIS Day"
A 15-year-old and a 20-year old have been arrested in counter-terrorism raids in Sydney.
Refugee crisis could lead to Britain leaving EU, David Cameron says
Mars moisture-farming mission gets approval for 2018 launch
Iran's Rouhani to Erdogan: in Iran there is democracy and sometimes media publish such articles. referring to Erdogan's criticism of articles published in Iran about him.
UK has 'lost world climate leadership role' by axing domestic green policies - Leading scientists and former ministers say the country has undermined its record as a world leader on climate change and is moving backwards
Ammunition, IS propaganda found after France mosque closure
Kim Jong Un says N. Korea has hydrogen bomb, becomes powerful nuclear state
An anti-corruption documentary is gaining momentum in Russia and the government is taking notice
A brazen Taliban assault on an air base outside the southern Afghan city of Kandahar triggered a 24-hour gunbattle that killed at least 37 people and was still underway. Also Wednesday, the Taliban seized a district in another southern province, Helmand, killing 14 Afghan security forces
Swiss police raise alert level in Geneva acting on intelligence of terror suspects in city or wider region
Two servicemen have told Congress that American special forces called in an air strike on a hospital in Afghanistan because they believed the Taliban were using it as a command center, contradicting the military's explanation that the attack was meant for a different building.
Toronto Taxi Drivers Are Comparing Uber to ISIS And Hanging on to Moving Vehicles in Protest
Japanese authorities make another grim 'ghost ship' discovery
France will not ban Wi-Fi or Tor, prime minister says: "Internet is a freedom, is an extraordinary means of communication between people, it is a benefit to the economy," Valls added
Man wanted for planning the execution of 20,000 people during the 1994 Rwandan genocide arrested by Interpol after 21 years on the run
Mysterious hackers attempting to bring down entire internet by DDoS-ing critical servers
Eighty children get chickenpox at Brunswick North West Primary, a school that calls for 'tolerance' of vaccine dodgers
Make cannabis consumption legal; ban is turning people alcoholic: Tathagata Satpathy, Indian Member of Parliament
Beijing continues to suffer from pollution, but Delhi's air quality is one-and-a-half times worse
Turkey acts like ISIS ally, should not be EU member Czech president
The first plasma: the Wendelstein 7-X fusion device is now in operation | On 10th December 2015 the first helium plasma was produced in the Wendelstein 7-X fusion device at the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP) in Greifswald
Russian nuclear power plant in Beloyarsk which was created to recycle nuclear waste and minimize risks of nuclear disasters produced its first electricity.
IS finance chief 'killed in air strikes'
Israel one of the main buyers of ISIS oil
3rd Paris Attacker Identified as a French Citizen
Carbon footprints dont lie: Worlds richest 10% release 50% of its CO2
At Least 9,115 Killed in Ukraine Conflict, U.N. Says
Saudi Arabia more of a threat to Britain than Russia, says Ken Livingstone
Russian production of T-shirts with anti-Turkish slogans has been delayed by disruptions in fabric imports from Turkey.
China to Give Rights to Millions of Unregistered Citizens Born in Violation of One-Child Policy
New Zealand selects a new preliminary flag, featuring a fern and the southern cross. The decision to choose a new flag has been backed by Prime Minister John Key, who has said the current one is too similar to Australia's and that it is time to remove the Union Jack from the flag.
Pearl Harbor ceremony unites former U.S. and Japanese pilots: Former U.S. airman Jack DeTour, 92, and Japanese fighter pilot Shiro Wakita, 88, sworn enemies during World War Two, together poured whiskey from a battered canteen into Pearl Harbor to commemorate the 1941 attack on the U.S. naval base.
Fighting breaks out in Ukrainian parliament
Electron lifetime is at least 66,000 yottayears
Bombing of Yemeni schools by Saudi-led coalition leaves thousands out of education: Amnesty
Oil hits new seven-year low on glut warning
Save the Planet. Eat Ugly. - The efficiencies in farming, packaging and transportation that could come from consuming such fruits and vegetables, instead of throwing them away, could eliminate one billion tons of carbon emissions a year
Islamic State has made $1.5bn from looting banks and selling oil
Saudi Arabia elects up to 17 female councillors in historic election
Drug giant Reckitt Benckiser ordered to pull painkillers off Australian shelves after admitting products for specific types of pain were identical - but sold at double the price of its standard painkiller
Maltese ships owned by Turkish presidents son being implicated in ISIS oil trade
Fracking no longer viable, says UK government advisor
Deadly bomb rips through Pakistan market killing at least 20 people and wounding 40 others
Denmark passes law to seize jewelry from refugees to cover expenses
Merkel wants to 'drastically reduce' refugee arrivals in Germany
French far right Front Nationale 'routed' in key vote
The September stampede during the hajj in Saudi Arabia killed at least 2,411 pilgrims, a new Associated Press count shows, three times the number of deaths acknowledged by the kingdom three months later.
Car ramming attack in central Jerusalem. 4 people injured.
725,000 People Evacuated as Typhoon Slams Into Philippines
Gaza rocket lands in Israel
Tokyos drone squad will deploy 10-foot drones armed with nets to police the sky: Squad will patrol no-fly-zones and order unlawful operators to land their drones
Turkish troops start to leave Iraqi camp after Baghdad orders them out
President Yahya Jammeh has declared The Gambia an Islamic state
Turkey says its patience with Russia 'has a limit'
A judge in Mexico City has sentenced two men to 520 years in prison for the kidnap and murder of 13 young people at a bar in the city two years ago.
Crude falls below $35 per barrel for first time since 2009
Websites 'Stirring up Social Strife' to be Blocked Within 5 Days in Russia
About 30 dead after Argentinian border staff's bus crashes into ravine
France's National Front shut out of regional elections
Rare Forest Elephants Seen for the First Time in South Sudan - A recent camera trap survey also spied a wealth of other species thriving in remote forests despite the young country's civil unrest
AP: Global supermarkets selling shrimp peeled by slaves
Thousands (35000 estimated) march in support of Poland's new government.
Many women in Stem fields expect to quit within five years, survey finds.
Just miles from the US border, Lexmark fires 90 long-term employees who asked for their pay to be increased by 6 pesos to 120 pesos ($7) a day.
IS Has Lost 40% Of Its Iraqi Territory
French teacher invented school attack
Putin signs law allowing Russia to overturn rulings of international rights courts
Pope refuses to wear bullet proof vest for Christmas speech amid ISIS threat...
Burundi: Help us, the world needs to know that a genocide is underway
Germany arrests Islamist preacher on charges of recruiting militants.
Decline in over 3/4 of UK butterfly species is 'final warning', says Chris Packham - Conservationist calls for urgent research into disappearance of British butterflies after survey reveals dramatic declines in common species over last 40 yrs
An increasing number of asylum seekers from Afghanistan, Iraq and Kosovo are returning to their countries, saying that they had expected better care and a shorter asylum process in Austria.
Never Mind $35, The World's Cheapest Oil Is Already Close to $20
The FBI has arrested a Maryland man who they say received about $9,000 from IS to carry out an attack in the US | Mohamed Elshinawy, 30, is being held on a number of charges.
Egypt must immediately release a 14-year-old boy who says he was sexually abused in detention by police using a wooden stick and bring his alleged torturers to justice, Amnesty International said.
Romanian lawmakers vote to ban medicine ads to stop self-diagnosis
29-year-old arrested and two are held over January Charlie Hebdo massacre
Shrimp sold by global supermarkets is peeled by slave labourers in Thailand
NZ confirms Silver Fern as flag referendum candidate
Teacher who allegedly made up ISIS knife attack in Paris 'could face prosecution'
Two unpublished investigations show that the United States has consistently overlooked killings and torture by Iraqi government-sponsored Shi'ite militias.
Saudi Arabia forms coalition of 34 Islamic countries to fight terrorism
China and Israel boost science research ties: The joint research will be conducted in the fields of brain sciences, nanotechnology, 3-D printing, biomedicine, renewable energy, computer sciences, the aging of the population, smart cities and more
UK Astronaut Tim Peake begins his landmark flight to the ISS
U.S. tech firms that don't adequately warn users in Europe how their information is going to be used could face fines in the billions of dollars under a new European privacy protection directive expected to be agreed upon on Tuesday.
There is no Nazi gold train, Polish scientists say: Scientists reject claim by amateur treasure hunters that a train laden with gold, jewels, weapons and stolen art is hidden in railway embankment.
Le Pen acquitted of inciting hatred
Maternal exposure to anti-depressant SSRIs linked to autism in children
Donald Trump loses Scottish windfarm appeal
North Korea sentences Canadian pastor to hard labor for life
Brazil downgraded to junk status by 2nd risk agency, with negative outlook for further downgrades.
No 'regime change' in Syria: After talks in Moscow, Kerry accepts Russian stance on Assad
A moderate Muslim group says that a Singapores Penal Code section, which covers actions done with deliberate intent to wound the religious or racial feelings of any person, curbs freedoms in Singapore and contradicts with secularism.
Members of Qatari Ruling Family Kidnapped in Iraq While Hunting
Report: Arctic temperatures hit record high
November was Earths warmest such month on record by a huge margin - 1.05 degrees Celsius, or about 1.9 degrees Fahrenheit, warmer than the 1951 to 1980 average. Its also the second month in a row that Earths temperature exceeded 1 degree Celsius above average.
Taliban Join Global Effort to Kill Off Polio in 2016
Hamas political leader: Stabbers are 'the most exalted, noblest of people'
Iran seizes more than 40,000 cars over womens veil offenses
Iran violated a U.N. Security Council resolution in October by test-firing a missile capable of delivering a nuclear warhead, a team of sanctions monitors said, leading to calls in the U.S. Congress on Tuesday for more sanctions on Tehran.
After the Syrian Kurds failed to receive an invitation to the Syrian opposition conference in Riyadh, Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister has stated that Russia is against excluding the Kurds from the Syrian peace negotiations
Two teams of physicists working independently at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, reported on Tuesday that they had seen traces of what could be a new fundamental particle of nature.
China is continuing to commandeer islands in the South China Sea
Two Palestinians on trial in Germany for targeting Israeli embassy
European teenagers face having to secure parental permission to join the likes of Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat before the age of 16, under new EU data protection proposals.
Global supermarkets selling shrimp peeled by slaves: "More than 2,000 trapped fishermen have been freed this year as a result of an ongoing Associated Press investigative series into slavery in the Thai seafood industry."
Hamas: Jerusalem car-ramming terrorist was a member.
Revealed: Rupert Murdoch and top News Corp bosses' meetings with government ministers
US Not Seeking 'Regime Change' in Syria, John Kerry Says After Meeting With Russian President
Germany: armored truck robbed by group using anti-tank rocket launcher and automatic weapons. Police still searching for suspects
Germany makes Facebook, Google, and Twitter remove hate speech within 24 hours
Peru is planning to sanction Kimberly-Clark for allegedly conspiring with a competitor to set prices for toilet paper and other products
Pope Francis is urging governments to consider granting a Holy Year amnesty to prisoners, find alternatives to incarceration and at the very least abolish the death penalty, in his annual peace message released Tuesday.
Martin Schkreli - Turing CEO who increased the price of Aids drug by 5000% - has been arrested
Saudi Arabia about to behead a teenage boy for attending a protest when he was 15
New Earth like planet spotted just 14 light years away: Wolf 1061c
Teen punches Spanish PM in face during a campaign appearance, breaks his glasses
Cancer is overwhelmingly a result of environmental factors and not largely down to bad luck, a study suggests.
Solar panel subsidy cuts branded 'huge and misguided: UK government has decided to cut subsidies to householders installing roof top solar panels by 65% just days after agreeing to move swiftly to a low-carbon energy future at the climate change conference in Paris
Putin says democratic elections must be the only path to replacing Assad
Google enlisted members of the US congress, whose election campaigns it had funded, to pressure the European Union to drop a 6bn antitrust case which threatens to decimate the US tech firms business in Europe.
US announces $1.8B arms sales for Taiwan
Brazil judge orders WhatsApp banned for 48 hours
Turkish MP who claimed sarin gas was delivered to Isis in Syria through Turkey faces treason charges
Putin pours fresh scorn on Turkey for downing Russian jet: "The Turks", Putin said, "decided to lick the Americans in a certain place".
Riot in Dutch town over plan for asylum-seeker centre
Peshmerga repulsing ISIS attacks for 15 hours now, on multiple fronts.
Unusual heatwave to rip through Aussie capitals.Temperatures were not normally seen until the height of summer, late January and early February.
4,000 'slave' child workers removed from cocoa plantations
Norwegians campaign to give Finland a mountain
A New Study Shows Humans Caused a Major Shift in Earth's Ecosystems 6,000 Years Ago.
Ukraine banned the Communist Party
China launches worlds most sensitive dark matter probe
Two Paris attack link suspects arrested in Austria refugee centre
Rules from Israeli Medical Association require that terrorists be treated the same as victims in the event of a terrorist attack
Putin: Russia did have people in Ukraine doing 'certain military tasks'
U.S. helping West African troops fight ISIS-linked Boko Haram
Denmark wants to seize jewelry and cash from refugees | "Now, the country is debating another and even more extreme step: The government is considering a law that would allow authorities to confiscate jewelry from refugees entering the country. The proposal is almost certain to pass parliament."
Models must have doctor's note to prove they are not too thin, France rules
Canadian dollar tumbles to close below 72 cents US, the lowest in nearly 12 years
Cuba and U.S. agree to resume commercial flights
Norway wants to give a mountain to Finland as an Independence Day present
Germany shuts down mosque over ISIS sponsoring & recruiting
A Ukrainian Website Is Outing Russian Soldiers, and Moscow Wants Canada to Stop It
France votes for plain cigarette packaging from 2016
Shashi Tharoor: India MP's bill to decriminalise gay sex defeated in the lower house of the Parliament
Fossil found in China reveals that ancient species of mankind may have existed alongside us for far longer than was previously thought.
Ukraine Defaults on $3 Billion Bond to Russia
Biochip identifies cancerous cells, 'washes' blood clean of cancer in dialysis-style treatment
Australia wins international legal battle with Philip Morris over plain packaging
Kuwait Airways cancels New York-London route rather than letting Israelis fly
Isis: Former German militant claims group is planning co-ordinated terror attacks in Europe
Poland installs new NATO training centre head in the dead of night
Muslim family 'denied boarding' on flight to US from Gatwick
A Turkish government official says authorities at Istanbul's main airport have detained two people suspected of attempting to smuggle 148 blank European passports concealed in pizza-making equipment.
Closure of Kellingley pit brings deep coal mining to an end in Great Britain
Russian air strikes in Syria kill 34 civilians including '6 children and 11 women'
A contingent of Canada's elite commandos were thrown into a day-long battle alongside Kurdish Peshmerga fighters as the Islamic State launched its biggest offensive in Iraq since western troops arrived in the region 18 months ago.
'Super-Earth' discovered only 14 light-years away
Jordan has begun deporting Sudanese asylum seekers
Beijing grinds to halt as second ever 'red alert' issued over severe smog | Four days of heavy pollution in Chinas capital means restrictions on vehicle use, school closures and bans on fireworks and outdoor barbecues
Turkey mistreated scores of migrants, says Amnesty
Researchers Who Uncovered VW Dieselgate Are Now Accusing Mercedes and BMW - The companies deny the allegations.
Fifa president Sepp Blatter and Uefa boss Michel Platini have been suspended for eight years from all football-related activities following an ethics investigation.
A group of Kenyan Muslims travelling on a bus ambushed by Islamist gunmen protected Christian passengers by refusing to be split into groups, according to eyewitnesses. The bus was travelling from the capital Nairobi to the town of Mandera.
African lions will be added to the endangered species list, activists say
Nigerian Army killed thousands of Shia Muslims & burried them in mass graves
Stoner sloth anti-drug campaign gets reality check as medical experts walk away
Minority killings by IS 'should be recognised as genocide
Chinese censors ban North Korean music group over anti American lyrics
Venezuela frees Pepsi workers it arrested for not making enough Pepsi
Australian woman, known for her generosity, leaves an amazing legacy by donating her $4.3m fortune to the homeless in her will.
Russia says black box from warplane downed by Turkey unreadable
Juniper Warns Of Spying Code In Firewalls: "Juniper, a major manufacturer of networking equipment, said on Thursday [17 December 2015] it found spying code planted in certain models of its firewalls, an alarming discovery that echoes of state-sponsored tampering."
China names and shames five badly behaving tourists
Greece to recognize Palestinian state
New 'super condom' will fight HIV and increase sexual pleasure, scientists claim
Landslide of construction debris and earth destroys 33 buildings in China, 59 people missing
Spain's ruling conservatives win election, fall short of majority
Check travellers IDs or be fined, Sweden warns - Infrastructure Minister Anna Johansson has warned public transport companies that failing to check traveller identities before they enter Sweden could result in fines of up to 50,000 kronor.
Joint Operations calls citizens to evacuate Ramadi within 72 hours - Iraqi News
Study reveals that the majority of Syrian rebels are sympathetic to ISIS
Pakistani Taliban calls Isis 'un-Islamic' - snubs Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is merely a local gang leader and not 'caliph'
Nature Index: Since 2012, China's total contribution in high-quality science has risen to become the second largest in the world, surpassed only by the United States.
Turkish offensive kills over 100 Kurdish fighters
An American woman was shot dead in her Kabul apartment building on Sunday night
Suspected Russian warplanes kill scores in Syrian city
Slovenia rejects same-sex marriage law by large margin
SpaceXs Falcon 9 rocket successfully lands upright.
Drunk people account for 70% of weekend emergency room visits in UK city
New ruling means US big game hunters won't be able to bring home African lion parts as trophies
Zimbabwe to make Chinese yuan legal currency after Beijing cancels debts.
Qatar Rejects 7,000 workers have died on 2022 tournament projects despite trade union allegations of modern slavery
ISIS beheads ten of its own militants for escaping battlefield in Mosul
Six U.S. troops killed outside U.S. airbase by suicide bomber on a motorcycle
ISIL Leaders Mobile Phone Shows Turkeys Support
Researchers Solve Juniper Backdoor Mystery; Signs Point to NSA
Greece Parliament votes and approves recognition of Palestine as a state
'Almost too late': fears of global superbug crisis in wake of antibiotic misuse
In leaked tape, ex-Argentine FM says Iran bombed Jewish center
Bacteria that resist the antibiotic of last resort - colistin - have been discovered in the UK.
Islamic State chief Baghdadi claims he's global leader of Muslims; Pakistan's Taliban says no
Ford, Google to build self-driving cars together
Japan to install anti-aircraft and anti-ship missile batteries on 200 islands in East China Sea to check Beijing's influence
One of World's Largest Coal Ports Approved for Great Barrier Reef area
Sky switches on 'porn filter' by default. Broadband giant Sky will block "adult content" by default for all new customers, the company has announced.
Apple warns UK surveillance bill would 'spark serious international conflicts'
Hungary accuses Austria of 'stupidity' in refugee crisis
Iraqi army to start attack on ISIS-held Ramadi city in coming hours: Commander
Toshiba cuts 7,800 jobs following accounting scandal
Paris attacks suspect 'got past three police checks'
A Syrian artist who was accused of being an opposition activist and tortured in a detention centre has drawn pictures of his experiences - and described how he became numb to death, as dead bodies were piled up in the cell he shared with dozens of other naked prisoners.
Boko Haram Forces More Than 1 Million Kids Out of School
New law in India would try teens as adults for rape, murder
Colombia legalizes medical marijuana
Anonymous has declared cyber-war on Turkey: ''Turkey is supporting Daesh [ISIS] by buying oil from them, and hospitalizing their fighters. We wont accept that Erdoan, the leader of Turkey, will help [ISIS] any longer,
Research reveals five major banks, JP Morgan, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Deutsche Bank, Nomura and Morgan Stanley, paid no UK corporation tax in 2014
Terror attack foiled in French region of Orleans
New Zealand Judge rules Kim Dotcom can be extradited to US
German court ruling: you can force your ex lover to destroy your naked photos
The Pirate Bay Co-Founder Makes Kopimashin Music Piracy Device,Device creates $10m daily music loss
Kenya: Muslim Women gave hijabs to Christians as Muslim men confronted gunmen, witness says
More Than Exxon: Big Oil Companies for Years Shared Damning Climate Research - New investigative reporting exposes a task force headed by the American Petroleum Institute also knew about global warming since the 1970's
North Korea Blasts Canada for 'Daring to Pick a Quarrel' Over Life Sentence of Pastor
Africa: Zambia pardons singer who raped 14 year old - makes him ambassador against sexual violence
Jordan rejects Hamas leader's request to visit, calling him 'unwelcome' in the kingdom
US Intercepts Cyanide-Laced Chinese Pharmaceuticals - FDA
Russian bombing kills 70 Civilians on Sunday.
Air pollution in India now worse than China
Saudi Arabia 'jails reformist writer Zuhair Kutbi'--A Saudi writer who has called for political reform is reported to have been sentenced to four years in prison.
Ginger extremist who fantasized about killing Prince Charles so Harry could be king detained indefinitely
Germany withdraws Patriot missile defense systems from Turkey
Russia's lower house of parliament has approved a bill letting Federal Security Service (FSB) officers shoot at crowds, as well as at women and children under certain conditions.
Hamas leader expelled from Turkey
Twenty-three companies fined for causing forest fires leading to Indonesia haze: Twenty-three companies have been fined or had licenses revoked after causing forest fires that spread thick haze across Southeast Asia. The Indonesian government said it was still investigating scores of other firms
Miss Iraq pageant held for first time in 43 years
Sex tape row: German court orders man to destroy naked images
Brazilian president rejects settler leader as Israeli envoy
Brazil declares emergency after 2,400 babies are born with brain damage, possibly due to mosquito-borne virus "This is an unprecedented situation, unprecedented in world scientific research," Brazil's health ministry said in a statement on its website
Scientists find big 1500-yr-old Viking settlement under new airport site - Midden, or garbage, materials of this age have never been found before in Norway. What's emerging is a rare look at a culture that's long gone, along with the lost coastline that once nourished it.
Paris attacks: Belgian police arrest ninth suspect
Wiretapping reveals communication between Turkish officers and Islamic State
Russia airstrikes: Hundreds of Syrian civilans killed
Pakistan changes neutral position on Syrian Civil War; now against any attempt to remove Assaad
North Korean diplomat arrested in South Africa, expelled over rhino horn trade
German teachers want 'Mein Kampf' on syllabus
North Korea slave force earns Kim Jong Un regime $300M
50,000 Yemeni Forces Preparing to Attack Saudi Arabia, a Military Source Says
Irish government rules out fracking in the Republic of Ireland
Americans in Beijing warned of terrorism threat; parts of city locked down
Shin Bet arrests Nazareth area cousins, ISIS operatives who planned attacks in Israel
Baghdad holds Christmas celebrations out of respect for Iraq's persecuted Christian community: Fireworks will illuminate the Tigris river every night of the week and a 25-metre Christmas tree has been set up in Zawraa public park.
French cabinet backs plans to embed emergency anti-terror laws in constitution: The French government has outlined proposals for constitutional amendments which would shield state-of-emergency measures from legal challenges. Some French nationals could be stripped of their nationality
Report on sexual exploitation and abuse by peacekeepers and United Nations staff of the very people they are meant to be protecting.
Baby girl dies after X-president's son's staff denies entry to hospital - Pakistan
China smog sparks red alerts in 10 cities
US planned East Berlin's 'systematic destruction': The US Air Force planned to drop 91 atomic bombs in and around East Berlin in the event of the Cold War turning hot, documents released on Wednesday showed.
Qatar World Cup 2022 workers 'earning as little as $1.50 per hour'
Thai Court Sentences Two to Death for Killings of British Backpackers
Germany Pays to Halt Danish Wind Power to Protect Own Output - Germanys wind farms are now producing so much electricity one of its grid managers is paying generators in neighboring Denmark to shut down to keep its network from overloading
Egypts President Sisi Urges Islamic Scholars to Send Christmas Greetings, Calls for Reform in Islamic Discourse
Russia Rejects Amnesty Internationals Report on Syria Raids, Calls total lies
Cameron, Osborne and Murdoch back together at mogul's Christmas knees-up: Party at magnate's London flat saw half the Tory cabinet and Rebekah Brooks in attendance and marks Rupert Murdoch's return to the centre of political power
Germany recruits 8,500 teachers to teach German to 196,000 child refugees
Almost 23,000 people have signed an Italian porn star's petition for sex education to be taught in Italian schools.
Japan apologizes to Korea over sexual enslavement of Korean "comfort women"
Milan and Rome ban cars as pollution rises. Milan is banning cars, motorcycles and scooters for six hours a day over the next three days. In Rome, cars with odd-numbered plates have been banned for nine hours on Monday. On Tuesday, cars with even-numbered plates will be restricted.
Saudi posts record $98 bn deficit in 2015
The United States, Russia, Iran, and Saudi Arabia are at odds over which Syrian fighters they'll be able to shoot as terrorists and which will be labeled moderates.
Vladimir Putin has achieved his central goal of stabilizing the Assad government and, with the costs relatively low, could sustain military operations at this level for years, U.S. officials and military analysts say.
Noted Syrian journalist who uncovered ISIS Aleppo atrocities murdered in Turkey
Criminal gangs are contaminating democracy in Mexico by funding political campaigns and even buying public debt to launder their dirty money
ISIS leader threatens to strike Israel
Schools do not have to teach non-religious world views and should let students know Britain is "in the main Christian", the Government has said.
Iraqi army declares first major victory over Islamic State in Ramadi
Syrian journalist & filmmaker who exposed ISIS Aleppo atrocities assassinated in Turkey
Train carrying 200,000 litres (44,000 gallons) of sulphuric acid derails in Australia
Stoner Sloth was $500,000 well spent, insists firm behind PR disaster
Saudi Arabia Plans Subsidy Cuts as King Unveils 2016 Budget
Syria anti-ISIS documentary maker 'assassinated' in Turkey
Denmark wants Geneva Convention debate if Europe cannot curb refugee influx - Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen called on Monday for debate on possible changes to the Geneva Convention on the rights of refugees if Europe cannot soon curb an uncontrolled influx of asylum seekers.
David Cameron is heckled during visit to flood-hit York as angry residents demand action to stop disaster happening again
British Army Is Deployed as Flooding Submerges Northern England
Brazils reluctance to accept an Israeli ambassador who is a West Bank settler has led to a standoff with Israel now warning it could downgrade diplomatic relations.
Russian GDP down 4.0 percent year-on-year in November: Economy Ministry
Syria and Iraq: Ethnic cleansing by Sunni and Shia jihadis is leading to a partition of the Middle East
Deadly car bomb explodes at Kabul airport
Experiment in Germany tests the idea of an 'emancipatory basic income'
Pentagon thwarts Obama's effort to close Guantanamo
Rare Footage of Giant Squid in Japan
Muslims tell ISIS they'd rather see Star Wars than fight in Syria
Syrian Journalist Who Documented ISIS Atrocities Is Killed in Turkey. His death came a day before he and his family were to fly to France, where they were seeking asylum
North Korea's second most-powerful man sent to work in mine for "ideological reeducation"
Austria Turns Away Hundreds of Migrants for Lying About Nationality
Saudi Grand Mufti calls ISIS part of the Israeli army
'What has war yielded, neither land nor heaven'- Indian PM Modi to Pakistan PM Sharif
Ancient arch attacked by ISIS to be rebuilt in London using world's largest 3D printer
Islamic State theologians have issued an extremely detailed ruling on when "owners" of women enslaved by the extremist group can have sex with them, in an apparent bid to curb what they called violations in the treatment of captured females.
A new type of basaltic rock has been discovered on the surface of the moon by the Chinese Jade Rabbit moon rover.
Belgians arrest 2 accused in New Year's terror plot
Germany gives green light to bicycle highways
"Chinese companies that helped fuel the global hoverboard craze are unraveling rapidly, after Western retailers like Amazon demanded new safety and legality standards earlier this month [December 2015]."
Five years in jail for men who 'emotionally bully' wives: New law will target bullies who control partners with 'coercive and controlling behaviour'
Iran Hands Over Stockpile of Enriched Uranium to Russia... to soon be allowed to "sell oil and operate in global financial markets"
Registrar Shuts Down All Pirate Bay Domain Names
The Irish Government has taken unprecedented action to deport a man it claims is Islamic State's "main recruiter" of extremists in the Republic.
Saudi Arabia to raise domestic petrol prices by 'up to 40%' as low oil price hits home
Saudi Arabia hikes petrol prices by 40% at the pump
World Health Organization declares Guinea Ebola-free after more than 2,500 deaths
Hacker group Anonymous is helping the 'Making a Murderer' convict and says it'll release critical new documents
Russia 'has removed uranium from Iran'
China threatens to shoot down Australian aircraft.
Israel warns Brazil to accept its settler ambassador
Tech companies face criminal charges if they notify users of UK government spying
Mexican marijuana farmers see profits tumble as U.S. loosens laws.
A would-be suicide bomber and his wife have been found guilty of planning an attack in London to coincide with the 10th anniversary of the 7/7 atrocity.
The rich will get richer while two million more children slide into poverty, 2030 economic forecast suggests
The North Pole will have above freezing temperatures this Wednesday.
South Australia - New sexting laws to spare children from facing child pornography charges.
ISIS militants burn 20 media activists to death in Mosul
Italy fines Apple over misleading tax conduct
Body of notorious Mexican drug cartel founder dumped on highway with bullet holes
Morocco to deploy 100,000 armed officers to protect the country on New Year's Eve after ISIS threats
8 survivors found 5 days after Chinese mine collapsed
German states to spend around 17 billion euros on refugees in 2016
'Ramadi Is Liberated': Key Victory Over IS: The capture of Ramadi is the first major triumph for the Iraqi Army since it fled in the face of an assault by IS 18 months ago.
Cuba Vows to Keep Socialism 'Intact' Despite US Investment
Assassination of third Syrian journalist raises fears of Islamic State activity in Turkey - ABC News
Norway to turn back asylum seekers on Swedish border
Islamic State Suffers Double Blow As Ramadi Falls, Leaders Killed
Journalist reveals Erdoan imprisoned him for exposing Turkey's hand in the 'Syrian conflict'
Russian Moon base plan falls victim to budget cuts
Belgium, Netherlands to exchange territory without a fight: almost two centuries after the 1843 border posts were set. And all with a smile on everyones face, even though Belgium will get only a tiny part around a lock that has been built to promote traffic between the two nations.
North Korea says top official Kim Yang-gon killed in car crash
Putin's Son-in-Law Boosted by $1.75 Bln Russian State Loan
An orgasm a day could cut prostate cancer risk
Germans claim Belgian nuclear reactors are "falling to bits"
UK Sperm Bank Doesn't Accept Donors with Dyslexia and Asperger's
Microsoft Corp said on Wednesday it will begin warning users of its email service when the company suspects that a government has been trying to hack into their accounts.
Greek Orthodox Church: Homosexuals are God's creation - the church doesn't reject people.
Vladmir Putin officially dissolves Roscosmos, the Russian Space Agency and will restructure it as a state-run corporation starting January 1, 2016.
Donald Trump could be refused entry to the UK after the Home Secretary Theresa May said she will ban people that are non-conducive to the public good. The petition to ban him has over half million signatures.
Saudi Arabia says its ready to meet any additional oil demand. We will satisfy the demand of our customers. We no longer limit production. If there is demand, we will respond. We have the capacity to respond to demand, Saudi oil minister said.
New Year fireworks and festivities have been cancelled in the Belgian capital, Brussels, because of terror alert.
New species of human may have shared our caves - & beds Controversial bone discoveries suggest we even interbred with & cannibalised these mystery hominins. This could overturn what it means to be human. If true, this would make the finds of truly global importance.
Egypt becomes second nation to shut down Facebook's free internet service
Polish government takes control of public media with new law. All current managers and supervisory board members fired with immediate effect.
From Jan 1, UK to stop financial aid to India - Times of India
The rise of antibiotic resistance is a global health crisis, and governments now recognize it as one of the greatest challenges for public health today."
US sued over donations for illegal Israeli settlements - Lawsuit targets US Treasury Department for allowing billions in tax-exempt donations to support Israel's landgrabs
Giant squid that swam into Japanese bay guided back out to sea by diver - Toyama Bay dive shop owner joins 3.7-metre-long creature in the water, where it was lively, spurting ink and trying to entangle his tentacles around me
In Tanzania, a Horrific Fishing Tactic Destroys All Sea Life - It's the only country in Africa where fishermen widely use homemade bombs to increase their catch. 'Blast fishing' popular off the coast, where its been outlawed since 1970.
Paris Scales Back NYE Event Amid Terror Fears
Ramadi residents fleeing ISIS: 'They wanted to use us as human shields'
Israeli Gov't approves NIS 15-billion plan to invest in Arab municipalities
Russia denies 'absurd' claims that air strikes in Syria are killing hundreds of civilians
Web attack knocks BBC websites offline
Iran says any U.S. sanctions on missiles illegal
Maternity Benefits: Indian Government plans to allow new moms to work from home for two years
'Rat on a plane' forces Air India flight to turn back
Philippines to join China-backed AIIB infrastructure bank
ESPN invites five FIFA presidential candidates to TV debate
Hamas to keep Palestinians from ringing in New Year, says New Years Eve "contrary to our traditions and an imitation of the West.
Saudi Arabia breaks off ties with Iran - Amid row over Saudi execution of Shia cleric
Exclusive: UK Government urged to reveal its role in getting Saudi Arabia onto UN Human Rights Council | Liberal Democrat and Green Party leaders call on David Cameron to reveal whether British government supported Saudi bid
China halts trading as stocks fall 7%
Earthquake measuring 6.8 magnitude strikes India
A virus linked to shrinking newborns brains is spreading rapidly beyond Brazil (epidemic of Zika virus suspected)
New photos of SpaceX booster show sooty, but undamaged rocket
Indian consulate in Afghanistan under attack by gunmen
Iran calls off Major Hajj
Denmark responds to Swedish border checks with own controls. "If the European Union cannot protect the external border you will see more and more countries forced to introduce temporary border controls." - Danish PM
David Cameron criticised for turning 'blind eye' to mass executions in Saudi Arabia
Denmark introduces temporary controls along German border
Israel Retaliates to Hezbollah bombing at Lebanon Border - IDF currently firing artillery at Hezbollah and Lebanese army positions
China Aims to Build 40 Nuclear Power Plants in Upcoming 5 Years, Generating 88 Gigawatts
According to obtained documents, after rape and forcing inmates to do oral sex, British Soldiers could face charges for possible War Crimes committed in Iraq
Western Australian rooftop solar systems producing more energy than its biggest turbine
Iranian leaders website posts controversial image comparing Saudi Arabia to Isis
After Bahrain, Sudan expels Iranian ambassador from Khartoum
Saudi Arabia to cut off all air traffic with Iran, Saudi FM
Hezbollah sets off large border bomb targeting IDF heavy vehicles
Iranian diplomats given 48 hours to leave Saudi Arabia
BBC News: Migrant crisis: Sweden border checks come into force
Teachers claim the politics of austerity is leaving Scottish schoolchildren so hungry they have to steal from their classmates just to be able to eat.
The Aftermath of a Muslim Cleric's Execution in Saudi Arabia - Al-Nimrs death, which al-Nimrs brother told the Associated Press came as a surprise to even their own family, was seen by some as a warning to individuals, particularly Shiites, against seeking political reforms.
Iran: 40 arrested for attack on Saudi embassy
Oil prices jump over 2 pct on Saudi Arabia, Iran tensions
Dutch government backs strong encryption, condemns backdoors
ISIS Militants Strap Bomb on 4 Year-Old Boy and Blow Him Up after Killing the Childs Father
Canada proceeding with controversial $15-billion Saudi arms deal despite condemning executions
Brazil is heading for its worst recession since 1901
British ISIS militant's desperate plea for doctors to join the terror group as he admits many fighters are dying due to poor treatment in latest sign of the group's collapse
Malaysia's schools will start holding anti-ISIS talks for kids
Saudi Arabia omitted from UK death penalty strategy 'to safeguard defence contracts' - Kingdom is only major death penalty state missing from document setting out UK strategy to curb executions
ISIS executes first female journalist. One of her last posts complained of limits on wifi
The U.S. Justice Department has sued Volkswagen for up to $90 billion for allegedly violating environmental laws - five times regulators' initial estimate and a reminder of the carmaker's problems nearly four months after its emissions scandal broke.
Leaked memo shows Saudi Arabia was fully prepared for executions backlash and went ahead anyway | Middle East | News
Sister of British extremist fighter says she will 'kill him myself' if he is new Jihadi John
Mexico first country to approve Israeli drug that cures early-stage prostate cancer
Jihadi Junior - 6 or 7 year old boy in new Islamic State video, identified by grandfather in London
Nuns claim they were forced to brand themselves with fire, eat out-of-date food and write orders of obedience in their own blood in Mafia-style initiations at Italian convent
Malaysia Airlines temporarily bans checked baggage for flights to Europe due to 'safety, strong head winds'
'Fat cat Tuesday' as top bosses pay overtakes UK workers
"The United Nations special rapporteur for human rights in the Palestinian territories, Makarim Wibisono, submitted his resignation to the president of the Human Rights Council on Monday, citing Israels refusal to grant him access to the West Bank and Gaza."
Merkel rejects Bavarian bid for refugee limit: Amid ongoing tensions with her allies in Bavaria, Angela Merkel has refused their plan to place a cap on incoming aslyum seekers. The proposed upper limit of 200,000 for 2016 was "not the chancellor's position."
Yemen centre for blind 'hit in Saudi coalition air raid'
Mass murderer Anders Behring Breiviks court case against the Norwegian state over his prison conditions, which he likens to torture, will take place in the jail where he is being held.Breivik killed 77 people because he was opposed to Norways multiculturalism.
Kuwait has recalled its ambassador to Iran in the latest episode of a regional diplomatic crisis following the execution of a prominent religious leader in Saudi Arabia, the official Kuwait News Agency reported.
Britain set for first mass strike by doctors in 40 years
First known hacker-caused power outage signals troubling escalation
Kuwait becomes latest Saudi ally to downgrade ties with Iran
'Do Your Cars Emit Oxygen?' Indian Supreme Court to car manufacturers including Toyota and Mercedes, who want ban on their larger diesel cars in Delhi to be revoked
China shuts down stock market after 15 min 7% loss.
Armed suspect shot dead after trying to storm Paris police station
Oil price falls below $35 a barrel to fresh 11-year low
Germans outraged by mayors advice for women after raft of harassment
German public broadcaster ZDF has apologised for delays in reporting on a wave of sexual assaults blamed on men of Arab appearance amid accusations Wednesday of media self-censorship of the inflammatory issue.
Iran accuses Saudis of bombing their embassy in Sana'a, Yemen
Protesters demand Canada cancel $15B Saudi contract
'Snooper's charter' will cost British lives, MPs to be warned | Former NSA security chief-turned-whistleblower says plan for bulk collection of communications data is 99% useless
Islamic scholars from Malaysia and Indonesia issue a fatwa against poachers, declaring wildlife poaching a sin
Turkish workshop employs Syrian minors to produce fake life jackets that often absorb water and drag the user down
100 murdered Christians who were gang-raped, disemboweled or burned alive when they refused to convert to Hindus could be canonised by the Pope
South Korea to restart propaganda loudspeakers on North's border
Egypt asks Israel to keep Turkey away from Gaza
Reducing sugar content in sugar-sweetened drinks by 40 percent over 5 years could prevent 1.5 million cases of overweight and obesity in the UK and 300,000 cases of diabetes
Scientists Discover Meteorite 'Older Than Earth Itself' in Australian Outback
Rio Olympic stadium has no water or electricity because of unpaid bills.
Saudi-led air strikes in Yemen hit centre for blind people
Truck bomb kills 65 at Libyan police training center
Israeli Tourists on Tour Bus Attacked by Masked Gunmen at Cairo Hotel
Israel and China have signed a document of understandings expanding their cooperation in energy technology research and development, including the establishment of funds for renewable energy
Donald Trump threatens to pull 700m investment from Scotland
Israel busts Hamas terror cell planning abduction and murder
A working hospital in central China was demolished by force this morning, doctors and patients inside were nearly buried.
Paris to close Champs Elysees to cars one Sunday a month
TransCanada Corp files US$15-billion lawsuit against U.S. government for rejecting Keystone XL
Reports of sexual assaults on women across European cities, including Cologne, Hamburg, Zrich, Salzburg, Helsinki during NYE festivities
Shelter forcibly converted children to Christianity, raided by police Emmanuel Group in India. Busted by police.Children hung from wrists ,starved and beaten for failing to recite Bible passages post conversion
Iran Has Banned Its Citizens from Making Pilgrimages to Mecca
Gaddafi warned Blair his ousting would 'open door' to jihadis. "They want to control the Mediterranean and then they will attack Europe.
A Turkish firm has been selling fake life vests - they soak up water - for refugees at sea
German minister says deportations possible in Cologne sexual-assault case
Mao statue in China 'pulled down by authorities' after 120ft gold giant is mocked online
A poacher-hunting dog in South Africa has been awarded a medal for his heroic work in helping save endangered rhinos. K9 Killer's tracking skills have led to the arrest of 115 poachers in Kruger National Park over the last four years.
Police 'used terror powers to spy on officers blowing whistle on racism' | Exclusive: Cleveland constabulary faces claims it used officers' confidential emails to defend against employment cases
Iran Bans All Imports from Saudi Arabia
UK has sold $8bn of arms to Saudi Arabia in five years: Report
Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico says migrants can't be integrated
U.S. Tells China That Soft Approach to North Korea Has Failed
5,300-year-old Iceman had the stomach bug that causes ulcers; also had arthritis, spinal damage, tooth decay, and lactose intolerance, but died from a murderous arrow wound to the shoulder
New Jihadi John milked the benefit system before leaving to join ISIS
Charlie Hebdo anniversary: free-speech groups unite in defence of 'right to offend'. PEN International leads organisations around the world calling for awareness of intense repression of writers and increased government surveillance in wake of atrocity
Polish president signs bill putting state media under government control
Mein Kampf hits stores in tense Germany
Morocco Bans WhatsApp, Skype, Viber and Other Services Providing Mobile Internet Calls
The UN library announced its most-checked-out book of 2015: "Immunity of Heads of State and State Officials for International Crimes"
One third of the worlds freshwater fish are at risk if dozens of large hydroelectric dams are built in the Amazon, Congo and Mekong basins, aquatic ecologists have warned.
Nuclear weapons risk greater than in cold war, says ex-Pentagon chief."The probability of a nuclear calamity is higher today, I believe, that it was during the cold war, Perry said. A new danger has been rising in the past three years"
North Korea Claims That It Tested the "H-Bomb of Justice"
UK - DWP told woman she was not ill enough for benefit on day she died
Venezuela's new parliament removes pictures of Hugo Chavez
El Chapo' Being Taken to Same Prison He Escaped from Six Months Ago
El Chapo has been caught
At least 231 children abused at Catholic boys choir run by Pope Benedicts brother
North Korea has defended its latest nuclear test, saying the fate of Saddam Hussein in Iraq and Moamer Kadhafi in Libya showed what happened when countries forsake their nuclear weapon ambitions.
A group of United Nations' experts have warned of a "chilling effect" on freedoms of speech and expression, should the UK's draft surveillance bill become law.The bill has proven controversial among the public and tech companies alike.
Gunman opens fire on hotel popular with western tourists in Hurghada, Egypt
French Proposal to Strip Citizenship Over Terrorism Sets Off Alarms
Hungary will never support EU sanctions against Poland, says Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban
Inside Delhi's gadget graveyard where the West's e-waste ends up: Indian men, women and children process discarded technology for as little as $2.10 a day and it is slowly poisoning them.
North Korea says South Korea's propaganda broadcasts push situation to 'brink of war'.
A blast in a crowded market in India's northeast has wounded at least eight people, three of them seriously, police say.
Great White Dies After Three Days In Aquarium
Carter Center: 22 Guinea Worm Cases Reported in 2015. The human rights organization founded by former President Jimmy Carter in 1986 began targeting the painful parasitic disease for eradication. At that time, an estimated 3.5 million cases occurred annually worldwide.
French daredevil falls to death while preparing for tightrope stunt
In bid to win back tourists, Brussels wants visitors to dial random locals - After a yr of terror plots & alerts, lockdowns & raids, the city's hit upon a new idea: Curious foreigners can call & talk to locals. Anyone can visit #CallBrussels website, click a button & wait for someone to pick up.
Swiss missionary has been kidnapped from her home in Timbuktu nearly four years after she was abducted by Islamist militants from the same house, the Malian army and a local resident says.
NASA's Fermi satellite completes map of the sky; finds mysterious source of gamma rays
US condemns Israel expanding West Bank settlement bloc
Hundreds of Syrians Are Turned Back at Beirut Airport
Iranian Soccer Player Jailed Over Photos With Unveiled Women
Saudi Arabia executions: Philip Hammond condemned by rights campaigners for 'excusing' mass killings
Venezuela's Economy Czar: "Inflation Does Not Exist"
Seychelles, in a first-ever debt restructuring for climate adaptation, is swapping nearly $30 million of its debt in exchange for the protection of 30 percent of its ocean territory with an area larger than the size of Germany.
A Germans Video Likens Mao to Hitler, and China Wants Him Punished
Cereal harvests across world "fall by 10% in 50 yrs" - Impact of droughts stronger recently, especially in developed countries like N America, Europe & Australia, that are even more strongly affected than the developing world, with average production cuts of 20%.
Iran removes core of Arak heavy water nuclear reactor and fills it with concrete, fulfilling one of its key obligations in the nuclear deal
In an extremely unusual airstrike, the U.S. dropped bombs Sunday in central Mosul, Iraq, destroying a building containing huge amounts of cash ISIS was using to pay its troops and for ongoing operations
U.N. says some of its peacekeepers were paying 13-year-olds for sex
Explosion in Istanbul's Sultanahmet, injuries reported
Nestle the world's largest food producer is to be sued over allegations that it used child slaves to harvest cocoa in the Ivory Coast in Africa.
Scientists may have detected gravity waves for the first time ever
Germany sends migrants back to Austria
More than 200 children were abused in choir run by Pope Benedicts brother
Qatar bans film The Danish Girl about a transgendered Danish artist for 'moral depravity'
Most of Istanbul blast victims are German citizens - sources in Turkish PM office
ISIS gunmen, suicide bombers, and car bomb kill 17 at Baghdad mall
Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) has advised clients to brace for a "cataclysmic year".."Sell Everything"..Oil may touch US$ 16/brl
Today junior doctors in the UK go on strike for the first time in 40 years after the government has tried to sell an 30-40% salary pay cut as an 11% pay rise, and make them work longer hours than they currently do
Bankers charged in euro rate-rigging case: Nearly a dozen former top bankers have been charged with colluding to rig a key euro benchmark borrowing rate. But almost half the defendants didn't appear in court
Merkel Says Europe Is Vulnerable in Refugee Crisis
GoPro Footage from Arrest of El Chapo
A teenager who attacked a Jewish teacher in the French port of Marseilles said he did it in the name of the so-called Islamic State, according to the city prosecutor.
Former French President Sarkozy: We Did Not Fight Nazis to Force Jews to Run to Israel
Egyptian President Al-Sissi attends Coptic Christmas Mass in Cairo; apologizes for extremists who burned down churches and promises to rebuild them.
US bombs 'millions' in ISIS currency stock
RBS tells investors sell everything
Beijing to end coal usage by 2020 to reduce smog
Western sanctions 'severely' harming Russia: Putin
Russia Is Arming Hezbollah, Say Two of the Groups Field Commanders
Putin Says Sheltering Assad Would Be Easier Than Snowden Asylum
Oil Falls Below $30/Barrel for First Time Since December 2003
Migrant crisis: Coach full of British schoolchildren 'attacked by Calais refugees'
Saudi Arabia arrests human rights activist Samar Badawi who was the first woman to sue her guardian for preventing her from marrying the man of her choice, and also sued the Saudi government for the right to vote in municipal elections
Putin says Russia has no interest in "costly," "meaningless" role as superpower
Calais Jungle: 2,000 refugees 'given three days to leave as bulldozers move in'
Iran frees US sailors
Canadian dollar drops to 69 cents US - Business
ISIS burns its fighters alive for letting Ramadi fall
Seoul media: South Korea has fired warning shots after North Korean drone seen across border
Istanbul Bomber identified, Saudi national, member of ISIL, entered Turkey via Syria
Pakistan army officers involved in attack on Indian Consulate: Afghan police
Archaeologists have uncovered Britain's "Pompeii" after discovering the "best-preserved Bronze Age dwellings ever found" in the country.
Israel blasts Swedish FM for "supporting terrorism, encouraging violence"
Gaza Journalist Says He Was Tortured in Hamas Jail
Mexico moves El Chapo randomly from cell to cell to avoid fresh escape.
Putin's Alleged Son-In-Law Is Russia's Latest Billionaire
A Fallen Russia Oligarch Sends Warning to Rest of Putin Insiders
Private messages at work can be read by employers, says court
North Korea faked missile test footage: U.S. experts
Iranian Official Denies That Nuclear Reactor Was Sealed
Iran seizes 2 US Navy Boats -- will return boat and sailors promptly.
Head of Marseille Jews urges them not to wear kippa after attack
Irish intelligence units monitor 40 suspected Isil supporters - Garda and Army intelligence units are monitoring upwards of 40 individuals who have been identified as either Isil supporters or jihadi fighters, the Irish Independent has learned.
Sierra Leone receive $90 billion in funds from China
Australia rejects US call for more troops to defeat Islamic State
Explosions heard in Indonesian capital - in Jakarta, with reports of casualties.
Wearing black jackets adorned with a symbol of a Viking and the Finnish flag, the "Soldiers of Odin" have surfaced as self-proclaimed patriots patrolling the streets to protect native Finns from immigrants, worrying the government and police.
Denmark is poised to pass a law requiring newly arrived refugees to hand over valuables, including gold or jewelry, to help pay for the costs of lodging them.
In Huge Win For Elephants, Hong Kong Finally Vows To 'Phase Out' Ivory Sales
London breaches air pollution limit for the whole of 2016 in just over seven days
Scientists say humans have canceled the next ice age
Istanbul suicide bomber entered Turkey as a refugee, less than a week before his attack killed 10 tourists
A local politician in Bavaria is following through on a threat he made to Angela Merkel in October - by sending a bus full of refugees on a 550km journey to her office in Berlin
As Oil Crashed, Renewables Attracted Record $329 Billion - These figures are a stunning riposte to all those who expected clean energy investment to stall on falling oil and gas prices, said Michael Liebreich, founder of the London-based research arm of Bloomberg LP.
Car bomb at Turkish police station kills 5
Francois Hollande has called the idea French Jews would hide their religion out of fear "intolerable", after an anti-Semitic attack in Marseille.
NASA: Planetary Defense Office Set Up to Save Earth
Anger in Haiti over misspent aid, six years after the 2010 earthquake
Israel to bar Sweden from any role in future diplomatic process with Palestinians
Kerry Thanks Iran for Quick Release of U.S. Sailors
Bomb blasts and gunfire in Jakarta
Suicide Attack on Pakistan Polio Vaccination Center Kills 15
Norway to send refugees back to Russia - by bike
[Developing in Sydney, AUS] Police clearing Opera House, ferries cancelled
Canada officially welcomes first 10,000 Syrian refugees
African lions are set to gain greater international protection this year in the wake of the killing of Cecil by an American dentist in Zimbabwe in 2015. The number of lions in Africa has declined by half since the 1990s.
French MPs wear Jewish kippot to National Assembly in show of solidarity
Taiwan's pig farmers threaten large-scale protest over US pork containing ractopamine, a drug fed to promote rapid weight gain
Prominent Putin Critic Vladimimr Pribylovsky, Co-Author of The Corporation, Found Dead in Moscow
New Charlie Hebdo cartoon suggests dead 3-year-old refugee Alan Kurdi would have become sexual attacker
No. of crimes in Japan falls to postwar low in 2015. 933 murder for a 127M population. Teenage crimes numbers lower than 65yo+.
Danish 15yo girl who converted to Islam arrested for possessing explosives, sanctioning terror
Apple may be on the hook for $8 billion in taxes as a result of a European Commission investigation.
New Ebola case emerges in Sierra Leone
Reefer madness debunked as major UK study finds marijuana does not reduce IQ in teens
TPP trade deal will expand Australia's economy by less than 1%, World Bank reveals
Hollande: 'Intolerable' that French Jews feel need to hide religion
Colossal star explosion detected
Survey: Most young Muslims in Middle East believe ISIS perverts Islam
Ancient people conquered the Arctic at least 45,000 years ago
Forget $20 - Oil Prices At $8 Per Barrel In Canada
Turkey 'kills 200 Isis militants' in wave of revenge attacks for Istanbul bombing
Israel: 4 charged in 'lynching' of Eritrean migrant mistaken for terrorist
A Japanese lawmaker Thursday said wartime sex slaves forced to work for Japans Imperial Army were professional prostitutes, before he was forced to retract the remarks and issue an apology.
Several in critical condition - one in a coma - after clinical trial of new drug in France, health minister says
Twitter Sued For Enabling "Explosive Growth Of ISIS"
Germany's highest court rules Facebook 'friend finder' is unlawful
Pentagon: U.S. sailors made 'navigational error' into Iranian waters
Isis has abducted up to 400 Yazidi children and could be using them as suicide bombers
U.S. Health Officials Consider Travel Warning As Zika Virus Spreads: "there's no vaccine against Zika, a viral cousin of dengue fever, and no treatment for it."
Calais Jungle clearing: Tensions mount as refugees prepare for clash with police and government bulldozers
Islamic State takes credit for shootings and suicide bombings in Jakarta
French drug trial halted after one person falls into a coma and five others become critically ill
Footage of elephants in Cambodia raises hopes for Asian species in the wild - A camera trap captured pictures of a herd roaming through the remote Cardamom mountains, spelling success for 14-yr conservation effort
Iraqi Kurds, who field one of the most effective ground forces fighting Islamic State militants, are urgently asking the U.S. to help ease their budget crisis made worse by slumping oil prices and 1.8 million people who have fled fighting in Iraq and Syria
China to participate in UN sanctions against N.Korea
Bill aiming to ban child marriages shot down in Pakistan as anti-Islamic and blasphemous.
Tsai Ing-wen elected Taiwan's first female president
Schoolgirls report abuse by young asylum seekers
Four US prisoners freed in Iran. Prisoners include Washington Post Reporter, Jason Rezaian.
More people in Europe are dying than are being born
German town bars asylum seekers from pool after harassment complaints
Female Jihadis Attack Tourist Hotel in Burkina Faso; 23 Killed
Burkina Faso attack: 'At least 20 dead' in Ouagadougou hotel
Gunfire, explosions heard at major hotel in Burkina Fasos capital reports
North Korea said it could stop its nuclear tests in exchange for signing a peace treaty with the U.S. and a stop to annual military exercises between the U.S. and South Korea.
Swiss Muslim-convert mother is stopped at Turkish border trying to take her four-year-old boy to Syria to join ISIS after she was brainwashed by jihadists online
Former Dutch soldier may face charges for killing IS jihadis
Netanyahu slams 'stupid' Swedish minister's probe call
Ecuador said Friday that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange can leave his hideout in its London embassy and go into exile in the South American country if Swedish prosecutors do not charge him after questioning him.
Crude oil at $29
Migrants feel chill as Europe tightens frontier checks
Venezuela's President Maduro declares economic emergency; claims powers to rule by decree for two months
At least 18 academics in Turkey have been arrested for denouncing military operations in the country's south-east.
The Wall Street banks that financed the U.S. shale boom are facing growing losses as oil falls below $30 a barrel.
Facebook outsources fight against "racist posts" in Germany
Gunfire and explosions heard at Burkina Faso hotel
Burkina Faso: Security forces raid besieged hotel, free hostages
Julian Assange to be questioned by Swedish prosecutors in London
Adolf Hitlers Mein Kampf sells out after week on German bookshelves
ISIS destroys Iraq's oldest Assyrian Christian monastery that stood for over 1,400 years
Oceans running out of fish as undeclared catches add a third to official figures
Chemistry Teacher opens fire on Taliban Militants in valiant effort to protect students
Isis cuts soldiers pay by 50%
Leonardo DiCaprio has launched a ferocious attack on the greed of the worlds energy industry at the World Economic Forum in Davos. DiCaprio used an awards ceremony to demand more action on climate change, decrying those who deny it is a problem.
Terrorist Attack on Bacha Khan University
Muslim man who protected Christians during Kenyan terrorist attack dies in hospital
Jews welcome in Russia, Putin tells Europes Jewish leaders
Inside the worlds saddest zoo: Horror pictures show starving bears and lions abandoned by billionaire oligarch
Swedish Police Instructed to Withhold From Public Suspects Skin Color and Ethnicity to Avoid Being Labeled Racist
Freed Iranians in Prisoner Swap Choose to Stay in United States
Norway to bus the first 60 out of 5,500 migrants from "safe countries" back to Russia
India's internet regulator just called Facebook's Free Basics campaign 'crude' and 'dangerous'
OBarry, star of oscar-winning dolphin-killing film 'Cove', refused entry in Japan, detained at airport
The UK government's official voice encryption protocol, around which it is hoping to build an ecosystem of products, has a massive backdoor that would enable the security services to intercept and listen to all past and present calls, a researcher has discovered.
ISIS confirm Jihadi John was killed in Raqqa air strike
Gauck: Limiting refugee numbers not 'unethical'
Plastic to outweigh fish in oceans by 2050, study warns
Israel Defense Minister: In Syria, if the choice is between Iran and the Islamic State, I choose the Islamic State."
For the next month, Earthlings will be treated to a spectacular sight, with all five planets visible to the naked eye lining up together, stretching from the horizon to the moon. But just dont call it a planetary alignment.
According to Human Rights lawyers, Thai "prosecutors love Microsoft as they give them all the information they ask for."
49th Mersenne prime discovered, largest prime to date.
Obama, Erdogan speak by phone, vow cooperation against terrorism: sources
'Patriots' distribute pork sandwiches during protest against praying Muslims
A simple spelling mistake has led to a 10-year-old Muslim boy being interviewed by British police over suspected links to terrorism. The boy, who lives in Accrington in Lancashire, wrote in his primary school English class that he lived in a terrorist house. He meant to write terraced house.
The solar system appears to have a new ninth planet. Today, two scientists announced evidence that a body nearly the size of Neptunebut as yet unseenorbits the sun every 15,000 years.
Less than 1% of the wealth created since 2000 has gone to the poorest 50% of the world's population, new research has revealed.
Over half of the world's supply of Cobalt, a primary element used in lithium batteries, is mined in the Democratic Republic of Congo by child miners.
UK inquiry finds Putin 'probably' approved Litvinenko assassination in 2006
Head transplant has been successfully done on a monkey
Tajikistan shaves 13,000 men's beards to end radicalism
Russia's currency collapses to lowest level ever
China busts child trafficking ring, recovers 15 infants: Xinhua
Two brothers hunting for ichthyosaur fossils along the coast of the United Kingdom came across something far more astounding: The bones of what may be the earliest known dinosaur from the Jurassic period in the U.K., and possibly even the world, a new study finds.
Saudi Arabia Minister Avoids Questions On Acquiring Nukes From Pakistan
China to allocate $4.6 bln to shut 4,300 coal mines
Denmark considers moving migrants to camps outside cities
Afghanistan is setting up its first-ever women-only university in Kabul
US wasted millions on Afghan reconstruction, says watchdog
1,175 rhinos killed by poachers in S.Africa last year. Fewer than 100 rhinos were poached in 2008, since when numbers have rocketed.
Jimmy Savile raped children as young as nine' while working at BBC, leaked report finds
People are afraid these 'zombie ships' are the first sign of global economic collapse
Fears grow of repeat of 2008 financial crash as investors run for cover
Vietnam is mourning an ancient turtle revered as a symbol of auspiciousness, whose death has shocked the country. Thought to be one of only four living Yangtze giant softshell turtles, it was found floating in the Hanoi lake where it lived. Cause of death is unclear.
Austria Limits Asylum to 1.5 Percent of Population
Oil price: fall to $10 a barrel 'not impossible', admits BP boss
A New U.K. Law Says Non-E.U. Migrants Must Earn 35,000 or Face Deportation
IMF recommends paying refugees below the minimum wage
Sierra Leone Records Another Ebola Case, Days After Africa Was Declared Ebola-Free
Merkel says Austrian cap on refugees 'not helpful' for European solution
A Danish city has ordered pork to be mandatory on municipal menus, including for schools and daycare centers, with politicians insisting the move is necessary for preserving the country's food traditions and is not an attack on Muslim
HIV infections in Russia have reached record levels, with the number of people registered as HIV-positive passing the one million mark.
Migration crisis can destroy Europe, says French Prime Minister Manuel Valls | Europe | News
Independent economists: TPP will kill 450,000 US jobs; 75,000 Japanese jobs, 58,000 Canadian jobs
Top Japanese official in charge of TPP trade deal is accused of graft
Bill Gates has told the the BBC that the United States "should set a better example" by taking in more refugees. Speaking to the BBC at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Mr Gates said his home country "had the capacity" to follow the examples of Germany and Sweden, who were "to be congratulated".
North Korea arrests US student
Alexander Litvinenko accused Vladimir Putin of being a paedophile four months before he was poisoned
More European nations are barring the door to migrants - A host of European nations are taking new steps to curb migrant arrivals amid rising security concerns.
Chinese president declares support for Palestinian state
Australia's largest solar plants are open for business | will generate enough power to serve more than 50,000 homes. The two plants cover more than 375 hectares (927 acres) in total, making them the largest in Australia and potentially the Southern Hemisphere.
The US Will Cede Control of the Internet for the 1st Time - Globalization has made it impossible for the US to maintain its oversight of internet governance organization ICANN.
French police fire tear gas at hundreds of migrants trying to jump onto UK-bound trucks after a night of rioting at The Jungle refugee camp
Pope Francis opens foot-washing rite to women in gesture of inclusion - In a change that quickly set the Catholic world buzzing, Pope Francis allowed priests to wash women's feet & anyone else in the community on Holy Thursday & not just men, as church law previously decreed.
IMF: Refugees Cost Greece 300 Million in 2015
Israel dismantles West Bank terror cell directed by Hezbollah chiefs son
A pregnant woman with her hands and feet bound. A man with an obsidian blade embedded in his skull. Men and women with arrow wounds to the head and neck. That's the grisly scene archaeologists describe at Nataruk, in modern-day Kenya, where they say they've uncovered unique evidence of violence
Thirty five restaurants across China have been busted using opium poppies to illegally season dishes, authorities say.
Montenegro WWII concentration camp island to be turned into luxury resort with nightclub
Report reveals clandestine Swiss deal with PLO to avert further terrorist attacks against the country in exchange for diplomatic support
Long Thought To Be Extinct, Bizarre Tree Frog Surfaces In India
U.S. Tightens Visa Rules for Some European Visitors
Israeli Holocaust survivor, 112, likely oldest man in the world
Israeli forces evict settlers a day after they illegally move into Hebron homes
Extremely Likely Germany To Limit Number Of Refugees, Says President Gauck
Pregnant women are being warned not to travel to the Olympics in Brazil after a virus causing thousands of babies to be born with unusually small heads swept through the region.
Toronto man found not guilty in Twitter harassment trial widely viewed as a Canadian first
Japan accepts 27 refugees last year, rejects 99%
5 dead, 2 critically injured in Sask. school shooting, Trudeau says
U.S. to ask China to ban oil exports to North Korea
'We will recover our land from the invaders': ISIS issues chilling threat to launch terror attacks in Spain to reimpose Muslim rule after 500 years
No German no money: Austria to fine refugees for refusal to integrate
Iraqi Kurdistan president: time has come to redraw Middle East boundaries
Mass evacuation alert: Popocatpetl volcano near Mexico City spewing ash
As Zika virus spreads, El Salvador asks women not to get pregnant until 2018
Europe could suspend passport-free travel for two years under emergency measures as leaders warn the migrant crisis could destroy the European Union.
France To Try Seven Jihadists Including Paris Bombers Brother
German police have said they do not have enough resources to carry out interior minister Thomas de Maizires plan to extend border controls as long as the refugee crisis continues.
Migrants torch Calais camp in violent protests after police move in to evict hundreds from slum
Violent crime rises by 27% after killings hit a five-year high in the UK
Islamist gunmen kill 17 in Somalia beach restaurant attack
Footage shows devastation in Yemen as Saudi 'double tap' strike hits rescuers
Amazon founder Jeff Bezos' space transportation company, Blue Origin, successfully launched and landed a suborbital rocket for a second time, a key step in its quest to develop reusable boosters, the company says.
Norways largest bank calls for total end to cash
Erdoan says Turkey will not allow Russia to build a base north of Syria
Canada Wants Drones to Bomb Terrorists, Track Pirates, and Spy on Protesters
Russia's AIDS Epidemic Reaches Crisis Levels
The Latest: Macedonia shuts border with Greece to refugees
Problem drinkers account for almost 70 per cent of alcohol sales
15 countries in UN lose voting ability due to lapse in UN payment dues.
Sri Lanka destroys huge illegal ivory haul - Govt publicly destroys biggest ever illegal ivory haul in bid to show poachers it will not tolerate the violent trade. Sri Lanka also becomes worlds 1st country to apologize for complicity in the illegal killing of elephants.
First Monkeys with Autism Created in China | They spin in their cages and dont interact. The scientists who created autistic monkeys say theyll now try to cure them
Mahatma Gandhi statue defaced in India and scribbled "Long Live ISIS"
Rome's nude statues covered to spare Rouhani's blushes
Japan is building the Worlds largest floating solar power plant
The caste system has left its mark on Indians genomes - A group of researchers has identified exactly when Indians stopped intermarrying.
ISIS Has Whole Fake Passport 'Industry,' Official Says
Swedish Prime Minister visits site of fatal stabbing at asylum centre
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday criticized Soviet founder Vladimir Lenin, accusing him of placing a "time bomb" under the state, and sharply denouncing brutal repressions by the Bolshevik government.
Malaysia's attorney-general says $US681 million ($A976 million) transferred into Prime Minister Najib Razak's personal bank account was a gift from the royal family in Saudi Arabia and there are no criminal offences or corruption involved.
Thousands of Brits have been left in pain after being fitted with hip implants in incorrect or "mismatch" sizes, a report has claimed.
Malaysia attorney general: Saudi royal family gave Najib $681M 'personal donation'
Cars blaze in Dresden as PEGIDA demonstrates nearby: Thousands of PEGIDA demonstrators have once again protested in the eastern German city of Dresden. Local media have reported that 10 cars, thought to belong to PEGIDA supporters, were set alight
South Africa bans leopard trophy hunting for 2016 because of excessive legal shooting and poorly managed trophy hunting
Lifesavers forced to watch 31 refugees drown because they were 'not allowed to intervene' in international waters
Hong Kong freezes over in ice as Guangzhou experiences first snowfall since 1949
Direct Flights Between U.S. and Iran to Resume After 36 Years
China Stocks Plunge to 13-Month Low Amid Capital Outflow Concern
Israeli 'spy vulture' captured in south Lebanon - Middle East
Walmart Canada introduces five cent charge for plastic bags
Brazilian army declares war on Zika, mobilizes troops
"Putin is Corrupt" Says US Treasury
10 Afghan Police Officers Poisoned by Colleague, Then Shot by Taliban
Plan to bomb ISIS in Syria wins Netherlands MP majority support
Boosting Middle East economy is way to beat extremism: Iranian president
United Nations panel finds evidence that Saudi-led coalition has conducted widespread air strikes against civilian targets, in violation of international law
Most fleeing to Europe are not refugees, EU official says: Dutch commissioner Frans Timmermans says 60% of arrivals are economic migrants
8 dead, over 610 injured as heavy snowfall continues in Japan
"Pope Francis is taking direct aim at the wealthy and powerful of the world, saying in his message for Lent that they are often 'slaves to sin' who, if they ignore the poor, 'will end up condemning themselves and plunging into the eternal abyss of solitude which is hell.'"
Giant Turtle Dies, Leaving Only 3 Alive on Earth - The recent death of Cu Rua pushes the Yangtze giant soft-shell turtle to the brink of extinction
Isis fighters 'virtually impossible' to detect as group continues to use fake passports to exploit refugee crisis
Putin denounces Soviet founder Lenin
U.S. pastor freed by Iran says he was tortured in prison, saw Sunni cellmates executed for their faith
Rouhani says Iran didn't request statue cover-up
Greece has "seriously neglected" obligations to control external borders, European Commission says in draft report
Moscow accuses Germany of hushing up Russian girl's rape
Russia Will Not Accept Deported Refugees from Norway
Secretary of State John Kerry warned on Wednesday that if China failed to do more to curb North Koreas enhanced nuclear capacity, Washington would take steps that China has strongly opposed, including deploying defense systems to protect American allies in Asia.
Denmark named least corrupt country; Somalia, North Korea the most: report
Germany warns Moscow not to exploit teen 'rape' case
Russia: Syria peace talks must include Kurds despite Turkish 'blackmail'
Family planning is 'critical link' in eradicating poverty - Reproductive health experts want more access to modern contraceptives to prevent population bulge that would undermine efforts to tackle global poverty.
Russia may ban American corn and soybeans
Two Cases Suggest Zika Virus Could Be Spread Through Sex
World heritage forests burn as global tragedy unfolds in Tasmania | Devastating long-term prognosis for ancient Gondwana ecosystem as bushfires turn trees more than 1,000 years old to tinder
Hundreds Vanishing in Egypt as Crackdown Widens, Activists Say
China warns Soros against declaring war on its currency
Person In Denmark Tests Positive For Zika Virus
Poland sending 46,000 troops to border with Russia as fears grow over Putin expansionism
Israeli PM Netanyahu says UN Chief Ban Ki-moon 'encourages terror'
The ISIS encrypted messaging app, widely reported in the media as a tool for plotting terrorist attacks, does not exist
Zika Virus May Have Spread To Common Mosquito
A Chinese firm has purchased the rights to the Tiananmen Square "Tank Man" photo from Bill Gates
The 50 most violent cities in the world are revealed, with 21 of them in Brazil... but Venezuela's capital Caracas is named the most deadly
US: Call for life sentences for journalists raise serious concerns about Turkey's commitment to democracy
Gates Foundation accused of 'dangerously skewing' aid priorities by promoting 'corporate globalisation': Controversial new report calls for Bill Gates' philanthropic Foundation to undergo an international investigation
Germany bans far-right Internet platform, arrests 2
Greece warned: control your borders or you will be out of Schengen. Athens furious at being scapegoated by rest of EU over refugee crisis and fears effect of being expelled from passport-free zone.
Zika virus: Disease may spread to Britain after experts find virus-carrying mosquitoes in Kent and Sussex | Home News | News
3-D Scanners Race to Monuments before Terrorists Blow Them Up - Advances in 3D scanning technologies, drone use and even tourists' online posting of images are giving preservationists a new set of tools to prevent the permanent loss of cultural artifacts.
The top U.S. general in Iraq has warned of the potential collapse of Mosul Dam, saying that such an event could prove catastrophic, despite preparations already in place. A report by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 2006 called Mosul Dam the most dangerous dam in the world
Iran's Khamenei releases video denying Holocaust on International Holocaust Remembrance Day
Belgium said 'push migrants back to sea' - Greek minister
Zika in Europe: Danish man tests positive for virus
Top Japanese official in charge of TPP accused of graft
Eritrea 'appalled' by hoax forced two-wife minimum story
Japan Will Not Join War Against ISIS for Foreseeable Future
Documentary on radical Islam raises hackles in France
Venezuela doctors fume at official silence on Zika, could already be facing an epidemic
Hamas militants 'die in Gaza tunnel collapse'
Germany's domestic intelligence agency says the number of Islamic extremists heading to Syria and Iraq continues to grow, raising concerns over trained fighters returning who could carry out attacks in Europe.
ISIS retreats after sustaining heavy losses in Deir Ezzor
The German cabinet endorsed measures on Wednesday that would make it easier to deport many noncitizens convicted of crimes, responding to outrage over the sexual assault of hundreds of women by foreigners on New Years Eve
A British woman has become the first person in the world to have a pancreas transplant because of a severe needle phobia, her doctors have said.
French Jews appalled by Iranian presidents visit on Holocaust remembrance day
Young people in England have 'lowest literacy levels' in developed world says OECD
Volunteer who claimed a migrant had dropped dead outside Berlin registration center after waiting outside for days admits he lied in a bid to win sympathy for asylum seekers
Man 'held with guns at Disneyland Paris'
Microsoft co-founder's yacht tears up protected coral reef in Cayman Islands. Paul Allens 330ft vessel destroys 80% of reef in protected zone
Forty percent of Germans want Merkel to resign over refugee policy
An EgyptAir mechanic whose cousin joined Islamic State in Syria is suspected of planting a bomb on a Russian passenger plane that was blown out of Egypt's skies in late October
BBC News: Migrant crisis: Dutch plan for migrants who land on Greek islands to be immediately ferried back to Turkey.
Japan adopts negative interest rates in surprise move
Zika virus: Activists in Brazil to petition court to allow abortions
The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation is launching an encryption technology to protect whistle blowers.
Finland expects to expel 20,000 failed asylum seekers
Italy Claims Google Dodged $248 Million in Taxes
New docs confirm CIA had rendition flight lurking in Europe to catch Snowden
Irans supreme leader airs Holocaust denial video on international Remembrance Day
One-Third of Ecuador's Rainforests to Be Auctioned Off to Chinese Oil Companies
'Deadly' attack rocks mosque in Saudi Arabia
Zika virus at "pandemic" level, National Institutes of Health says
Fungi Survive Mars-Like Conditions Aboard Space Station: Some hardy Earth organisms may be able to survive on Mars, a new study suggests
Spies in the Sky: Israeli Drone Feeds Hacked By British and American Intelligence | Under a classified program code-named Anarchist, the U.K.s GCHQ, working with the NSA, systematically targeted Israeli drones from a mountaintop on Cyprus
Yemeni forces seize three Saudi bases
Saudi Arabia Conducted 119 Airstrikes Against Civilian Targets In Yemen, UN Panel Finds
Egypt "disappeared" hundreds of activists in advance of Tahrir Square Jan 25 anniversary
Zika virus found in New Zealand
HIV becoming resistant to key drug, study finds
Russian whistleblower's death 'like Litvinenko murder
A 13-year-old girl from a Russian-speaking community in Berlin was not kidnapped and sexually assaulted by immigrant men as previously reported, but simply spent the night with an acquaintance.
Two jailed for handing out Isis leaflets on London's Oxford Street
Mobs of 'hundreds' of masked men rampage through Stockholm central station beating up refugee children
Russia Will Not Allow Exclusion of Kurds From Syrian Peace Talks
India, Egypt say no thanks to free Internet from Facebook
Snow falls in Kuwait for 'first time ever'
Mexican cops again at center of mass disappearance
Church of England members back same-sex marriage
France: If new peace initiative fails, we'll recognize Palestine
Mali's elephants, one of just two remaining desert herds in the world, will be gone in three years unless the government does more to protect them, a conservation group said on Thursday.
IED found on Mumbai-bound train, defused
France to build 1000km of road with solar panels
Egypt jails prominent writer for insulting Islam
Proton beam cancer therapy 'effective with fewer side effects'
Number of TPPA protests held around New Zealand, ahead of the official signing next week
Israel rejects French peace bid, saying threat of recognition incentivizes Palestinians not to negotiate
Suicide Attack on Shiite Mosque in Eastern Saudi Arabia Kills 3
7.0 quake strikes Russias far eastern Kamchatka
Spain: Princess Loses Legal Battle to Avoid Tax Fraud Trial - "Spain's Princess Cristina has lost a legal battle to avoid being tried for tax fraud and is expected to testify next month in a corruption trial also featuring her husband and 16 other defendants, a panel of judges ruled Friday."
Anti-GMO research may be based on manipulated data
Fukushima nuclear crisis far from over, Kan says | The Japan Times
UK mother Tareena Shakil, who took son to Syria, guilty of Islamic State and encouraging terror
Chinese Billionaire Zhang Xin: 'The Old Model Doesn't Work Anymore'
Russian fighter came within 15 feet of U.S. Air Force jet over the Black Sea this week.
Egypt minister of justice calls for killing 400,000 Muslim Brotherhood members and supporters
Canada moving ahead with plans to ditch first-past-the-post electoral system. "FPTP suited for fledgling democracies, mature democracies can do better," says minister in charge of reform.
Zika virus declared global emergency by WHO
Maori leaders in New Zealand's Far North have voted to block Prime Minister John Key from visiting the site where the country's founding document was signed, with one saying "I don't understand why we'd want to welcome a Prime Minister when he has already signed away our sovereignty" (with the TPPA)
Hidden population of up to 200 lions found in remote Ethiopia.
Lumber Liquidators Holdings Inc. must pay $10 million in fines and penalties for telling U.S. officials the timber for its wood flooring came from Germany rather than the actual source -- the habitats of endangered Siberian tigers in southeast Asia
Ponzi Scheme In China Stole $7.6 Billion From Investors, Police Say
ISIS-run 'Voice of the Caliphate' radio station silenced by air strikes in Afghanistan
The commander of the US-led coalition fighting the Islamic State group dismissed calls to carpet-bomb the jihadists. "Indiscriminate bombing where we don't care if we are killing innocents or combatants is just inconsistent with our values."
Japanese firm to open worlds first robot-run farm - Spread says it will open the fully automated farm with robots handling almost every step of the process
Canada Admits Theres No Chance Itll Reach Its Climate Change Targets Not Even Close
Driver deliberately runs over 17 kangaroos on 100m-stretch of road outside Brisbane in Australia
North Korea blames U.S. for 'H-bomb test', says it's capable of making unlimited hydrogen bombs
DEA uncovers major drug trafficking by Hezbollah to fund global terrorism
There is no chance that the Rio Olympics will be cancelled because of a Zika virus outbreak, Brazil has said.
Secret Motor Found On Cyclist's Bike At World Championships
Vancouver set to approve first legal marijuana shops
Alphabet- Google's parent company- has surpassed Apple as the world's most valuable company after its latest earnings report.
Budget smartphones from Lenovo, Huawei, and other largely Chinese brands contain an accidental backdoor that grants intruders root access.
BP is expected to announce a near 70% collapse in underlying profits on Tuesday as low oil prices continue to take their toll.
United Nations human rights expert Alfred de Zayas called on Governments not to sign the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) without reaffirming their human rights treaty obligations and their recent pledges to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
Dutch Police Trained an Eagle to Attack Illegal Drones
King Abdullah : Jordanians 'at boiling point ' over refugees
Canadian Great Bear Rainforest Agreement: ~3 Million Hectares preserved as "A gift to the world"
Egyptian Christian Students Stand Trial for Insulting Islam
ISIL suicide bomber kills at least 18 Iraqi soldiers near Ramadi
TPP "fundamentally flawed", should be resisted - Human Rights Expert
Stop refugees or we'll stop aid, Germany tells Afghans
Women barred from entering Starbucks in Saudi Arabia
BP is to cut another 7,000 jobs after reporting an annual loss of $6.5bn (4.5bn), the worst in its history
Goldman Sachs Says It May Be Forced to Fundamentally Question How Capitalism Is Working
UK scientists get cancer cells addicted to drugs that will kill them
NASA's New Horizons team discovers vast reserves of H2O ice on Pluto
Scientists in Germany are poised to begin an experiment they hope will advance the quest for nuclear fusion. Researchers plan to inject a tiny amount of hydrogen and heat it until it becomes a super-hot gas known as plasma, mimicking conditions inside the sun.
Japan readies to 'destroy' North Korea rocket
Terror stabbing attack at Damascus Gate in Jerusalem.
The Hyderabad company has now developed the world's first vaccine against the Zika Virus
Smokers in Italy hit with new fines to protect the young: Smokers in Italy are now facing fines of up to 500 euros ($600) if they light up in a car with a child or pregnant woman, or if they toss a cigarette butt on the street
World's largest offshore windfarm to be built off Yorkshire coast - DONG Energy given go-ahead for 1.2-gigawatt project that will power more than a million UK homes
Dutch Defence Minister wants to extend military service to women
Asylum seekers as young as 11 come to Norway married - At least 61 minors were married when they sought asylum in Norway last year, figures from the Norwegian authorities show. The youngest was an eleven year old girl.
Nasa hack: AnonSec attempts to crash $222m drone, releases secret flight videos and employee data
90% of Russian Regions Hit by Flu Epidemic
British Columbia unveils historic agreement to protect a massive swath of rainforest along its coastline.
"President Obama plans to substantially increase the deployment of heavy weapons, armored vehicles and other equipment to NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe, a move that administration officials said was aimed at deterring Russia from further aggression in the region."
Condoms compulsory in German sex industry under new law
Saudi Arabia says 375 civilians killed on its border in Yemen war. "Now our rules of engagement are: you are close to the border, you are killed"
Berlin Senate negotiates transformation of 22 hotels into refugee shelters
Australia's offshore asylum policy ruled legal by High Court
Chinese military aircraft trespass into Japan, Korea airspace, Japan scrambles jets
Zika virus forces India's Tata motors to rename its new car
Nuclear fusion device's 1st test with hydrogen declared a success
UN panel 'rules in Assange's favour'
World is about to eradicate the first human disease since smallpox - the gruesome Guinea worm
Woman assaulted by cop who lost his job found dead in Holloway prison cell
A 10-year-old Afghan boy who was declared a hero after fighting the Taliban has been shot dead by insurgents while on his way to school.
TPP protesters shut down central Auckland as ministers sign controversial deal
Johnson & Johnson, Viacyte testing possible diabetes cure: "If it works as well in patients as it has in animals, it would amount to a cure, ending the need for frequent insulin injections and blood sugar testing"
Gorbachev: "I am ashamed by Putin and Medvedev"
Finnish president: Migrants pose challenge to western values
Morocco to switch on 1st phase of world's largest solar plant - Desert complex will provide electricity for over 1 million people when complete, helping African country to supply most of its energy from renewables by 2030
Support for Merkel at four-and-a-half year low, doubts grow over refugee policy
Missing Cambridge University student Giulio Regeni found dead 'with signs of torture' in Egypt
Hiker Finds 3,500-Yr-Old Egyptian Seal in IsraelCarved in the shape of a beetle, the scarab represents Pharaoh Thutmose III (1481-1425 BC) sitting on his throne. He set up govt in Canaan & waged wars, including battle of Megiddoa victory documented on Karnak Temple walls.
TPP has been signed in Auckland,New Zealand
Julian Assange says he will 'accept arrest' on Friday if UN rules against him
Police arrest 'IS' suspects as Carnival celebrations kick off in Germany - Several men said to be linked to the "Islamic State" militant group have been arrested at the start of Carnival. Police have increased security in the wake of the Paris attacks and sexual assaults committed in Cologne.
806 people died by falling off trains in 2015 in Mumbai
Israel considers revoking press cards of outlets that give 'distorted headlines'
Archaeologists from the Charles University in Prague have unearthed a 4,500-year-old 59-foot boat at a site in Egypt
Israel: Abu Khdeir killers get life, 21 years
Germany moves to make country less attractive to migrants
Four charged with helping gunman attack Copenhagen synagogue
U.S., 11 nations formally sign largest regional trade deal in history
1st orangutan murder seen as pair team up to kill female - Female orangutans are normally solitary & very rarely engage in fights. Its also unusual for females & males to form coalitions. The area is more crowded because of habitat destruction.
At least 45 killed in blasts near Shiite mosque in Damascus
France has become the first country in the world to ban supermarkets from throwing away or destroying unsold food, forcing them instead to donate it to charities and food banks.
Man Ejected From Somali Plane in Midair Was Suicide Bomber
German spy agency says ISIS sending fighters disguised as refugees
Swiss bank Julius Baer, facing a criminal charge, has agreed to pay $547 million and cooperate for three years with American authorities to shut down accounts that enabled wealthy Americans to evade taxes
Cologne Carnival: Police record 22 sexual assaults
Russia: There are a growing number of signs that Turkey is preparing a military incursion into Syria
DNA discovery unearths 'unknown chapter in human history' in Europe 15,000 yrs ago - Scientists studying the DNA of ancient Europeans found evidence of a 'major population upheaval' at the end of the last Ice Age
European Parliament Unanimously Recognizes Islamic State Attacks on Yazidis and Assyrians (Christians) as Genocide
FGM (female genital mutilation): number of victims found to be 70 million higher than thought - Half of girls and women cut live in just three countries as Unicef statistics reveal shocking global scale of barbaric ritual
Morocco to switch on first phase of world's largest solar plant | Desert complex will provide electricity for more than 1 million people when complete, helping African country to supply most of its energy from renewables by 2030
At least 87 people trapped in South African gold mine after building collapse
TPPA Protester throws and hits MP with sex toy in New Zealand
Spain confirms case of Zika virus in a pregnant woman - the first in Europe
U.N. panel rebukes Iran for allowing sex, execution at nine years old
Berlin has signed a deal that will lead to further integration of German naval forces with the Dutch military. The move is being hailed as an important step in the creation of united European armed forces.
Australia considers strict screening of Muslim refugees
President Abbas' party: Palestinians who killed Israeli policewoman became role models
Protests Erupt as Trade Ministers Sign 'Toxic' TPP Agreement
Woman who turned in Paris attack ringleader also said he had travelled to Europe with 90 others, including Syrians, Iraqis, French, German and British citizens.
Sakurajima volcano erupting this evening (near Kagoshima, Japan)
Ecuador says it should be compensated for housing Julian Assange in embassy
Chinese police have confirmed for the first time that three of five Hong Kong booksellers who went missing were being investigated for illegal activities in China, according to a letter sent to Hong Kongs police on Thursday.
North Korea drops propaganda leaflets, trash, cigarette butts on South Korea
China saw a 60 percent annual increase in its new wind generating capacity in 2015 as the country seeks to expand the use of clean energy to reduce air pollution and lower carbon emissions
Italian Police Seize 85,000 Tons of Olives Covered in Copper Sulfate To Make Them Greener
Denmarks justice minister admitted on Friday that the US sent a rendition flight to Copenhagen Airport that was meant to capture whistleblower Edward Snowden and return him to the United States
UN Demands Zika-Infected Countries Give Women Access To Abortion And Birth Control
First abortion in Colombia possibly as result of Zika: A woman struggled to find a doctor willing to provide an abortion after it was discovered her fetus suffered from microcephaly.
Muslim women "blocked from seeking office by male Labour councillors" - Muslim Women's Network say the national Labour party is "complicit" in local male Muslim councillors' "systematic misogyny"
Pirate Bay Transforms into The World's Biggest Streaming Site
China confirms it's holding three missing Hong Kong booksellers
Magnitude 6.7 earthquake hits Tainan in Taiwan residential block close to collapse
Ric O'Barry, the star of an Oscar-winning documentary that shows how dolphins are hunted in a Japanese village was deported to the U.S. on Friday after Tokyo airport officials barred his entry and he was held in detention for more than two weeks.
Cardinal George Pell 'too ill' to travel from Rome for child sex abuse inquiry
Russian prosecutors have begun considering whether media coverage of the unexpected friendship between a male tiger and goat at a safari park in the countrys far east counts as gay propaganda.
New Law In London Would Fine Homeless 1,000 For Sleeping Outside Or "Loitering"
NASA Warns That Closest-Ever Asteroid Will Pass Earth Next Month (17000km)
Number of Syrian refugees heading for Turkey border nearly doubles, 35,000 in past 24 hours, Turkish official says
Gunfire reports at boxing event in Dublin
The British want to come to America with wiretap orders and search warrants
Nearly 200 images released by US military depict Bush-era detainee abuse
Julian Assange: 'sweet' victory soured by British and Swedish rejection. No release in sight despite UN panel deciding WikiLeaks founder is being arbitrarily detained at Ecuador embassy.
Pope to meet leader of Russian Orthodox Church for first time in nearly 1,000 years
Australia guts government climate research
One of America's oldest stock exchanges has just been sold to China: The 134-year-old Chicago Stock Exchange reached a deal on Friday to be acquired by a Chinese-led group of investors.
Syria warns Saudis against incursion, says will be resisted
The Pentagon on Friday released 198 photographs linked to allegations of abuse of detainees in Iraq and Afghanistan, many of them showing close-ups of cuts and bruises to arms and legs of prisoners held in U.S. facilities
NATO: Soldiers lives can be saved by renewable energy | Transporting fuel to war zones is extremely risky, often leading to casualties. Around 3000 American soldiers were either killed/wounded in Afghanistan while protecting fuels and water supplying convoys between 2003 and 2007
Taiwan Warned of Fishery Collapse Number of species drop 75% in 30 yrs. It's headed for greatest marine ecosystem collapse on planet. Illegal & overfishing, habitat destruction, pollution & invasive species add to drop. Most dominant fish at a nuclear plant now rabbitfish instead of mullet.
Brazil Health Researchers Say Zika Virus Is Active in Saliva and Urine.
North Korea satellite 'tumbling in orbit,' U.S. official says: The satellite North Korea fired into space on Sunday is "tumbling in orbit" and incapable of functioning in any useful way
North Korea has restarted plutonium reactor and could have stockpiles in weeks - US spy chief
Hong Kong riot happening right now
Mexico won't pay a cent for Trump's 'stupid wall'
Two passenger trains have collided in the German state of Bavaria, with reports saying several people have been seriously injured.
Australia Cuts 110 Climate Scientist Jobs: Because the science is settled there is no need for more basic research, the government says
Dow drops over 300 points as oil drops below $30
Colombia's constitutional court has banned mining and oil projects in the country's ecologically delicate moorlands.
Mexico: Sikh actor barred from flying to US 'because of turban'
Turkey's Erdogan threatened to flood Europe with migrants: Greek website
Experts say almost all species in the Mediterranean are still overfished despite decades of seeing stocks dwindle and that is forcing the European Union to consider creative solutions like using drones or space technology to catch fraudulent fishermen.
'This is hell': British man held in Myanmar for 14 months without charge pleads for help
Gunshots fired as Hong Kong police clash with hawkers and crowds in Mong Kok on first day of Chinese New Year
2008 Mumbai Attacks Plotter Says Pakistans Spy Agency Played a Role
Canada's prime minister on Monday announced that the country will end airstrikes against the Islamic State group in Syria and Iraq by Feb. 22, saying that "the people terrorized by ISIL every day don't need our vengeance, they need our help."
Australian environment minister Greg Hunt named "best minister in the world" (He approved dredging near Barrier Reef)
UAE creates ministers for happiness and tolerance
Murdered Cambridge student 'was killed by Egyptian secret services'
Exclusive - U.S. athletes should consider not attending Olympics if fear Zika: officials
At least 21 Hutus killed in 'alarming' east Congo violence: U.N.
Zurich police used tear gas and rubber bullets to try to break up a group of around 100 Kurdish activists holding an unauthorized demonstration outside the Turkish consulate in Switzerland's financial capital
Global oil surplus will be bigger than thought, IEA says
Ex-JPMorgan Executive Fined $1.1 Million Over `London Whale'. JPMorgan was fined 138 million pounds in 2013 after a trader nicknamed the London Whale incurred $6.2 billion in losses.
Indian Soldier pulled out alive after being buried in ice for 6 days in Siachen - the highest battlefield
Ministers wined and dined by arms trade hours after MPs demand ban on selling weapons to Saudi Arabia