Ireland set to examine possibility of decriminalizing cannabis
No swooshing: ISIS reportedly bans Nike because it sounds like sex in Arabic
An international team of scientists has sequenced the complete genome of the woolly mammoth. Now, with the publication is the complete genome, it could be a step closer to resurrecting the animal.
Cuba has had a lung cancer vaccine for years. With a thaw in relations between the US and Cuba, CimaVax and other breakthrough drugs developed in Cuba may soon be available to Americans.
Major Greek bank, Bank of Piraeus, to wipe debts of poorest clients
An Islamic college in Australia is under investigation after claims that its principal has banned girls from taking part in running competitions because they might "lose their virginity".
German President called the Ottoman Turks massacre of Armenians 'genocide'
Solar Costing a Third of Retail Power Emerges in Germany. Germanys cost of producing solar energy has shrunk to about a third of the price households pay for power after the nation made developers compete for subsidies.
Mass strip search of U.S. students by Canadian guards broke policy, documents show
Russian president Putin calls 1915 Armenian killings genocide
Switzerland is 'world's happiest' country in new poll; Iceland, Denmark, Norway and Canada round out top 5.
Muslim chooses to die alongside Christians
Indian upper house unanimously passes bill to protect rights of transgenders
Missing MH370 'found' with wreckage in the ocean thought to be from plane; but expert wants 1.3 Million to Take it Out
70 years later, a Korean comfort woman demands apology from Japan
Adam Gadahn, American mouthpiece for al Qaeda, killed
Poland Will Not Allow Russian Bikers to Enter Country: The Polish Foreign Ministry said Friday that it will not allow a Russian nationalistic motorcycle group loyal to President Vladimir Putin to enter Poland, in part because Polish authorities would not be able to guarantee their security.
Iran transferring large amounts of cash to Hamas military wing
Rocket hits southern Israel
The EU is considering the creation of a new regulator with the explicit remit to oversee internet firms such as Google and Facebook, according to a leaked document. A lack of action, it warns, may lead to a point of no return, where the economy becomes irrevocably tied to a few major companies.
Northern Ireland's Health Minister says children raised by gay parents are 'far more likely' to be abused
Montreal woman found guilty of criminal harassment after posting anti-police graffiti on Instagram
Erdogan: "Turkey's Ancestors Never Committed Genocide"
Hundreds of McDonald's fast-food restaurants in China, Japan, and across Europe are set to close after sales slump
Eighty percent of Venezuelans unable to fully afford basic food items due to high infaltion
At least 3,218 people are now known to have died in a massive earthquake which hit Nepal on Saturday
Scientists are turning salt water into drinking water using solar power
China is building a Great Wall of Trees to fight climate change and the encroaching Gobi Desert - Reforestation efforts in China have helped offset about 85% of the loss in above-ground biomass carbon lost to tropical deforestation since 2003
On the heels of the Nepal earthquakes, New Land is rising out of the sea in Hokkaido Japan Rose 50 feet (over 1,000 feet long) overnight
Humanity won't survive another 1,000 years unless it escapes Earth, physicist Stephen Hawking warns
Iranian general: 'The house of Saud will be toppled'
Islamic State chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has died, claims Radio Iran
Iranian leader: US 'oppresses' its black population: Khamenei tells police in Tehran that American law enforcement uses cruel might to suppress minorities
Recession rich: Britain's wealthiest double net worth since crisis
F-35 Engines From United Technologies Called Unreliable
Large-scale Egyptian army massed for operation to capture eastern Libya from ISIS
First HIV home test kit goes on sale in UK. People can see results in 15 min
Cuba to Export Cancer Vaccine to US, New York Governor Confirms
Jimmy Carter to arrive in Gaza on Thursday, Will Meet with Hamas Officials
Malaysian police have arrested 12 people linked to the militant group Islamic State and seized explosives, foiling a plan to attack several locations in and around the capital, which is hosting the ASEAN summit
Mass poisoning in Egypt sends 761 to the hospital.
Israel to airlift 25 babies born to surrogates out of Nepal
Five billion people 'have no access to safe surgery'
Nepal earthquake death toll tops 4,000
South Korea's Park accepts PM's resignation in illegal funds scandal
Massive protests in Guatemala City demand president, vice president resign over corruption scandal
Terrifying Video Captures the Moment an Avalanche Wiped Out the Mt. Everest Base Camp
Erdoan engages in war of words with new Turkish Cypriot leader We paid a price for northern Cyprus. We gave martyrs and we continue to pay a price, for Turkey, northern Cyprus is our baby.
Over 1300 Indians rescued so far; Fresh tremor of 5.4 magnitude in Kathmandu
Guantanamo ex-inmates demand housing, payment from US
Russia cuts nuclear arms stockpiles to minimal levels fulfilling all points of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons... making a considerable contribution to the process of comprehensive and complete disarmament.
Jamaica Just Planted Its First Legal Marijuana Plant
Vatican climate change summit to highlight moral duty for action. Francis has already said that he believes global warming is mostly man-made and that a Christian who does not protect Gods creation is a Christian who does not care about the work of God.
Kurds are openly recruiting U.S. ex-military to fight ISIS
Thai customs seize 511 pieces of elephant ivory - The Three-tonne haul, marked as tea leaves from Kenya, is the second massive seizure in less than a week of elephant tusks from Africa bound for Laos.
City of Kathmandu shifted 10 feet by earthquake
A fascinating new simulation finds that self-driving cars will transform cities: 90 percent of cars will be eliminated, acres of land will open up, and commute times will drop 10 percent.
HIV self-testing kit goes on sale in UK - BioSure is first legally approved self-testing kit, with 99.7% accuracy rate.
Salman Rushdie chastises authors protesting Charlie Hebdo tribute. "It has everything to do with the battle against fanatical Islam, which is highly organized, well-funded, and which seeks to terrify us all, Muslims as well as non-Muslims, into a cowed silence.
UN: Israeli military killed 44 Palestinians at UN shelters
By 2020, South Koreans will have a better standard of living than the French
Iran leads calls for Israel to give up nuclear weapons
Australian reporter fired after tweeting that soldiers raped and pillaged during storied Gallipoli campaign
When the Netherlands legalized same-sex marriage the divorce rate went down
Earthquake slid India up to 10 feet northwards in matter of seconds, says US scientist
Nine await mass execution in Indonesia - Security at the prison was heightened and religious counselors, doctors and the firing squad were alerted to start final preparations for the execution of the four Nigerians, two Australians, an Indonesian, a Brazilian and a Filipina.
Humpback whale population grows, animals proposed to be removed from Endangered Species Act
The number of women in England and Wales becoming nuns hits 25-year high
ISIS leader Baghdadi is reportedly 'unable to move' after a spinal injury
Nepal Earthquake Death Toll Hits 5,000 as Aid Starts Flowing In
Former chief of France's far-right Front National, Jean-Marie Le Pen, hid 2.2 mn euros in Swiss account: Le Pen "kept a hidden account at HSBC, as well as the (private Swiss) CBH bank through a trust placed under the legal responsibility of his butler, Gerald Gerin," the investigative website said.
Libya: 6 beheaded TV crew members' bodies found near Bayda
PSA Pentagon confirms the vessel detained by Iran was flagged to the Marshall Islands and that no Americans were on board.
3,512 killed in Saudi offensive: Yemen NGO
Former Romania president admits allowing CIA site
"We've Just Rescued Over 200 Girls In A Daring Attack On Boko Haram Hideout In Sambisa"- Nigerian Army
Unmanned Russian spacecraft plunging to Earth: It has started descending. It has nowhere else to go... It is clear that absolutely uncontrollable reactions have begun.
S. Korea spy agency says Kim Jong-Un executed 15 top officials
Isis Beheaded, Stoned and Shot 1,362 Civilians, including 9 Children in Syria since June 2014: Report
German government lied to parliament over NSA economic espionage
Hungary PM: bring back death penalty and build work camps for immigrants. Rightwing nationalist Viktor Orbn threatens to defy EU law and launches anti-immigration manifesto calling for internment camps for illegal immigrants
Russian officials have cancelled the registration of the political party led by Alexei Navalny, the anti-corruption activist who is one of President Vladimir Putin's most adamant critics
Suicide is leading cause of death among South Korean teens, says report
French Muslim girl banned from class for wearing long skirt
European Court of Justice: Ban on Gay men giving blood "may be justified"
Indonesia executes 8 drug convicts; Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso of the Philippines was spared
New Saudi King Sacks Younger Brother In Major Royal Shake Up
Congo-Brazzaville president burns five tonnes of ivory in fight against poachers. Poachers in Africa are using cyanide, night-vision goggles and AK-47 rifles to keep up with demand in Thailand and China, where one elephants ivory can fetch $18,000. About 20,000 elephants were killed in 2013
Forest fire breaks out near Chernobyl nuclear plant - BBC News
Ukraines Security Service Takes Down 30,000 Websites to Fight Pro-Russian Propaganda Global Voices
ISIS pushes west: There are increased signs that the self-proclaimed Islamic State has sets its sights on expanding its caliphate to Tunisia next.
Maus Book About Holocaust Is Removed in Russia:with concern over the dangers of fascism in Russia on the rise, the booksellers appeared to decide it was better to be safe than sorry.
Saudi king replaces crown prince in cabinet reshuffle
Latvian PM: If Russia attacks NATO, the treaty will be enforced
Australia to withdraw ambassador to Indonesia over executions of Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran
China awards model workers, urges stronger labor unions
Russian Cargo Ship Spinning Out of Control in Orbit [Video] - The Russian space agency Roscosmos is scrambling to regain control of a robotic Progress 59 cargo ship that appears to have suffered a serious malfunction shortly after launching into orbit early today
Saudi Arabia foils U.S. Embassy attack, arrests 93 suspects
Scottish National Party (SNP) set to win all Scots seats at general election
Russia Invites China to Join in Creating Lunar Station: "The question is being discussed with Roscosmos on bringing China in as the main partner in creating a lunar scientific station. We have told China of our plans on the possibility of creating a Russian national orbital station," - Rogozin
Four month old baby pulled alive from Nepal rubble 22 hours after parents lost him during earthquake
The Italian army has unveiled its first cannabis farm, set up to try to lower the cost of medical marijuana in the country.
'Am I being executed?' - mentally ill Brazilian killed by Indonesia unaware until end, says priest
Over 30,000 doctors and health professionals in Argentina campaign to ban Monsanto
Egypt has sentenced 69 Islamists to life in prison for setting fire to a church in a town near Cairo
HSBC Advises Clients Against Fossil Fuel Investment, warning that fossil fuel companies will become "economically non-viable
Pakistan investing $150 million in planting a billion trees over the next 4 years
Pentagon cant account for $1 billion in Afghan reconstruction aid
Leaked Report: French Troops Raped Starving Children in Central Africa
American Psychological Association Collaborated on Torture Justification Post 9/11
Prince Charles on brink of ending all fossil fuel investments
Gaza Protesters Beaten and Detained by Hamas Security Officials, Witnesses Say
Malala Shooting: 10 Jailed For Life Over Attack A court in Pakistan sentences a group of men to 25 years each for the attack on a schoolgirl who went on to win a Nobel prize.
Russia Seizes Ukrainian President Poroshenko's Candy Factory
About 160 more hostages rescued from Boko Haram stronghold: Nigerian army
China, Russia to hold first joint Mediterranean naval drills in May: First time the two countries will hold military exercises together in that part of the world.
White House omits Tibet from earthquake condolence list
Afghan taliban commander gang-raped suicide bomber before attack
6.8-Magnitude Quake Off Papua New Guinea
Solar power plant floating on wastewater hailed for multiple environmental benefits. "We can get about 57 per cent more efficiency than a land-based solar system."
Kim Jong Un will not visit Moscow: Kremlin
Germany spied on French and EU officials for US: report
Pope Francis: Christians should support equal pay for women
Smallpox, polio, and now rubella. After 5 years of 0 cases in north and south America, epidemiologists have declared rubella extinct from the Americas.
With less pollution, Beijing's Olympic babies born heavier, says study. Women in the Chinese capital in the final stage of pregnancy during the 2008 Beijing Olympics when officials strictly controlled air pollution gave birth to heavier babies than in years when the city was smoggier
New Test Suggests NASA's "Impossible" EM Drive Will Work In Space - The EM appears to violate conventional physics and the law of conservation of momentum; the engine converts electric power to thrust without the need for any propellant by bouncing microwaves within a closed container.
China announces plan to seven-fold increase Antarctic krill catches. " may leave Antarcticas whales, seals and penguins struggling to survive."
10-Year-Old Girl Raped by Stepfather Is Refused an Abortion in Paraguay
North Korean diplomats storm out of UN rights meeting after shouting that Americans muder 'innocent black people'
U.S. Navy warships will now accompany every U.S.-flagged commercial vessel that passes through the Strait of Hormuz due to concerns that ships from Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps navy could try to seize a U.S. cargo ship.
Its Official: Rubella Has Been Eradicated From the Americas - Health officials confirm that rubella no longer originates in North or South America
Schools in Japan to let transgender students use whichever locker room they prefer | The Japan Times
Traumatically brainwashed Boko Haram captives open fire at rescuers
M7.1 earthquake in Papua New Guinea
Four Amazonian tribes have joined forces to oppose the construction of some of the 250 planned hydroelectric dams in their territory as the Brazilian government ramps up efforts to exploit the power of rivers in the worlds biggest forest
Coffee catastrophe beckons as climate change threatens arabica plant - Study warns that rising temperatures pose serious threat to global coffee market, potentially affecting livelihoods of small farmers & pushing up prices
Today the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic proclaimed the mass surveillance of citizens as unconstitutional
Most Countries Have No Plans For When Antibiotics Stop Working - World Health Organization sounds the alarm on one of the biggest threats to the future of global health
NASAs Messenger spacecraft crashes into Mercury
Saudi Arabia Is Burning Through Its Foreign Reserves at a Record Pace
Biggest anti-government protest in Maldivian history happening today.
Pakistan must allow Afghanistan direct access to India or we will Block thier access to Central Asia: Ghani
CIA-Backed Rebels Fight Alongside al-Qaeda Wing in Syria
Canada's Leader, Stephen Harper, will NOT be acting on Climate Change in his upcoming election platform.
UN report: Iran arming Houthis since 2009
Airbus to file complaint in Germany over alleged NSA spying
The leader of the Islamic State (Isis), Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi remains incapacitated due to suspected spinal damage and is being treated by two doctors who travel to his hideout from the groups stronghold of Mosul, the Guardian has learned.
Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop says it's time to "move on" from the 'Bali 9' executions, less than a week after they took place.
Hundreds of students seek refuge outside U.S. embassy in Burundi
In Iran, Fatal Porsche Crash Unleashes Middle-Class Anger at Elites
Russian Official Severely Beaten After Reporting Electoral Fraud
25,000 Mexican Fishermen Sue BP over Environmental Disaster
An estimated 250,000 Bangladeshis, lured with jobs in Malaysia, have been held for ransom in jungle camps by traffickers in Thailand over the last 8 years in a modern day slave trade. Authorities from the three countries are also reportedly involved in the trade.
Puerto Rico's governor on Sunday signed an executive order authorizing the use of medical marijuana in the U.S. territory in an unexpected move following a lengthy public debate
Germans, still outraged by NSA spying, learn their country may have helped
An Uphill Campaign in Norway to Promote LSD as a Human Right
'Our purity is above 99%': Chinese factories are mass producing novel psychoactive substances that mimic banned substances, destined for an eager market in the US and UK
WikiLeaks Anonymous Leak Submission Website Relaunched after 6 years
Pro-Putin bikers Night Wolves dwindle en route to Germany: German and Austrian officials say gang undertaking 3,700-mile second world war victory tour has been reduced to a handful of leather-clad men in rental car.
74 largest terrestrial herbivore species on Earth on the verge of extinction
Changes in the Arctic Ocean are so profound that the region is entering what amounts to "a new era", according to Norwegian scientists.
Iran bans 'devil worshipping' haircuts: Hairstyles of a spiky and unorthodox nature have reportedly been banned in Iran because they imply devil-worship, while tattoos and other male bodily adornments also being outlawed.
NATO starts anti submarine exercise in North Sea as tension with Russia rise
Israeli soldiers cast doubt on legality of Gaza military tactics
A third of UK Catholics would make their lifestyle greener if Pope Francis makes an official statement on climate change, a new survey claims
$300/KWh battery-powered electric vehicles hit total-cost-of-ownership parity with gas-powered cars 5 years ahead of schedule. A price of $150/KWh could cause a paradigm shift in vehicle technology, and it may arrive by 2020
Climbing Mount Everest this season is "almost impossible" because the routes have been damaged by avalanches triggered by last month's earthquake, officials in Nepal say.
Costa Rica issues alert over ammonium nitrate spill
British grandmother prepares for execution in Indonesia for being coerced into drug trafficking
Excavations reveal new terracotta army at ancient emperors tomb and are expected to uncover 1200 more of the life sized clay figures
5 year old Israeli was killed by mortar fired from UN facility ex-IDF chief
Israeli soldiers reveal they were ordered to shoot to kill in Gaza even if targets were civilians
UN aid worker suspended for leaking report on child abuse by French troops | Anders Kompass said to have passed confidential document to French authorities because of UNs failure to stop abuse of children in Central African Republic
China says climate change threatens major projects. Zheng Guoguang, head of China's Meteorological Administration, told the weekly newspaper the Study Times that the uptick in recent weather disasters such as floods, typhoons, droughts and heatwaves had a "big connection" to climate change
Thousands have protested against Moldova's government, saying it has failed to implement reforms to bring the country closer to the European Union. Protesters also called on the government to investigate the disappearance of $1.5 billion from the state-owned and two private banks
Qatar detained German reporters investigating FIFA World Cup | Journalists from Germanys biggest television networks were reportedly detained, questioned and not allowed to leave Qatar for days while working on a story about FIFA President & Dohas vexed nomination for the 2022 football World Cup.
7.4 quake hits near Papua New Guinea, tsunami warning issued
Canada's Trudeau vows to cut middle-class taxes, hike taxes on rich
TransCanada Keystone 1 Pipeline Suffered Major Corrosion Only 2 Yrs in Operation - The cause of the corrosion is being kept from the public by federal regulators & TransCanada.
Canada poised to pass anti-terror legislation despite widespread outrage
$21m cocaine stash found in Aldi bananas
IS claims responsibility for US Prophet cartoon attack
Prime Minister of Singapore shares his C++ code for Sudoku solver
Facebook's violates net neutrality, activists say
Philippines' Most Wanted Terrorist Killed by Bodyguard for $1 Million Bounty
The lower house of Frances Parliament overwhelmingly approved a sweeping intelligence bill that, if it wins in the upper house, would give the government broad surveillance powers with little judicial oversight.
Fertilizer, Also Suited for Bombs, Flows to ISIS Territory From Turkey
China is using Shanghai as a testing ground for new rules which ban the families of government officials from running a business, investing in a non-listed company or working for a foreign firm. The new rules are part of President Xi Jinping's wide-ranging anti-corruption campaign
South African universities join academic boycott of Israel
Boko Haram stoned captive girls to death as rescuers approached
UN calls for suspension of TTIP talks over fears of human rights abuses
The world needs to triple its investments in clean energy innovation if were to have a chance of keeping the world below 2 degrees Celsius of warming above pre-industrial levels a level beyond which truly dangerous climate change might set in.
UN: More than 200 young women rescued from Boko Haram are pregnant
Sexting could see teenagers branded as sex offenders
U.S. warships accompany British commercial vessels in Strait of Hormuz: Pentagon
Jewish students to protest violence by speaking Arabic on Jerusalem tram
Jihadists destroy proposed world heritage site in Mali
China overtakes Mexico as top sender of immigrants to United States
ISIS in Gaza Says Hamas Worse Than Jewish Occupiers as Tensions Between Groups Rise
Netanyahu: Israel will fight racism - Ethiopian Israelis are Israelis in every way
U.S. government has authorized commercial ferry service to Cuba
France just passed its own Patriot Act, and civil rights groups arent happy -- "in the wake of the deadly Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris, France has passed its own version of the Patriot Act, which could give a French government intelligence agency NSA-like powers in the country"
WHO report: 74% of men and 64% of women in UK to be overweight by 2030
After forty years of the Progressive Conservatives running the Canadian province of Alberta, a new party has been elected.
Macedonian protesters demand resignation of cabinet, because of long-running wire-tapping scandal, that includes covering up a murder of a 22y old.
NASA will pay $US5000 for your best ideas on what you'd need to survive on Mars
Police stop peaceful protest in Macedonia against brutality with brutality
Germanwings co-pilot practised crash on another flight report | World news
If Russia does not apply the Minsk ceasefire deals in full and return Crimea to Ukraine, the EU should step up sanctions and consider the possibility of providing Ukraine with defensive arms, say Foreign Affairs Committee MEPs in a resolution voted on Monday.
After 17 years of fruitlessly searching the galaxy, Australian scientists have discovered the source of mysterious radio signals hitting a telescope
Mars Exploration Rovers Update: Opportunity logs sol 4000 -- "This rover was sent on a 90-day expedition, with the mission success mobility objective of driving 600 meters. In March, Opportunity completed 42.195 kilometers or 26.2 miles"
Nauru, one of the world's smallest countries, has banned Facebook
Astronomers have discovered a baby blue galaxy that is farther away in distance and time than any galaxy ever seen. It's among the universe's first generation of galaxies, from 13.1 billion years ago.
There was less ice in the Arctic this winter than in any other winter during the satellite era, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration scientists said on Tuesday.
Dubai Police officers to start wearing cameras
Another Mexican Journalist Found Dead With Signs of Torture
F*** the king demonstrator taken to court for insulting the Dutch monarch
Saudi Arabia beheads 79th convict this year
Oil tops $60 a barrel for first time in 2015
EU to investigate claims McDonald's avoided $1bn in tax
A new blood test for ovarian cancer proved to be 86% accurate
Cambodias prime minister is refusing to pay a $5,000 bet he made on the Pacquiao fight
NSA Converting Phone Conversations into Searchable Text | Leaked documents reveal how the security agency converts speech into text as part of its Big Data collection program.
US Places Bounties on Heads of Key IS leaders; Rewards for high-value IS targets up to $7 million
Saudi oil chief: No one can set the price of oil its up to Allah.
Someone stole $1 billion from Moldova. That's an eighth of its GDP
Egypt to Rebuild the Lighthouse of Alexandria, One of the Seven Ancient World Wonders
NASA's Radar Found 4 Men Trapped in Rubble in Nepal By Their Heartbeats
North Korea: "We don't have political prison camps, because we have no political division."
The discovery of a silver ring with an Arabic inscription in a Viking grave has added credence to the ancient accounts of Arab travellers in their encounters with the Vikings, and points to a fascinating trade and cultural exchange.
Irans Capital Tehran swaps 'death to America' billboards for Picasso and Matisse
United Kingdom Election 2015: Millions begin casting their votes
Saudi Arabia Beheads Five Foreigners, Hangs their Corpses from Helicopter
Canadian government passes new anti terror bill amidst much skepticism
Dolphins hunted to pay for brides - If you want a bride in a few Solomon Island villages, you need to pay with necklaces of dolphins teeth. And the price has shot up alarmingly since 2004, from $0.14 per tooth to $0.68as has the number of dolphins slaughtered for this purpose, scientists report
Selfie attempt by tourist shatters priceless sculpture in Italy
Over 50 Thai police punished over links to human trafficking.
Spy law passes in Canada
Australia's supermarkets and farms engaging in labour exploitation; slave-like conditions found.
Child pornography bust spanning 17 countries leads to 41 arrests
Chinese tourist who sat on revolutionary statue becomes first person on country's National List of Uncivilized Tourist Behavior and will remain blacklisted for 10 years
Four arrested in Germany for terror plot against Muslims: Three men and a woman held for possession of explosives and for planning attacks on mosques and leading Muslim figures
World headed for an El Nino and it could be a big one, scientists say
Global carbon dioxide levels break 400ppm milestone
4,400-year-old statue of Egyptian pharaoh unearthed south of Luxor
Ivory Coast has banned skin-whitening creams, which are widely used in west Africa, because of fears they cause lasting damage to health
Turkey officials confirm pact with Saudi Arabia to help Islamist Insurgents overthrow Syria's Bashar al Assad
Denmark moves closer to a cashless society: The Danish government on Wednesday proposed getting rid of the obligation for selected retailers to accept payment in cash, moving the country closer to a "cashless" economy.
Japanese zoo apologises for naming its new monkey Charlotte after the new royal princess
Russia's new high-tech Armata tank just broke down in the middle of a rehearsal parade
Video: After almost 1,000,000 votes for the UK Green Party and only 1 seat won, their elected Rt. Hon. Caroline Lucas calls for Proportional Representation voting in the UK
For the first time, Ebola has been discovered inside the eyes of a patient just months after the virus was gone from his blood.
Germany has stopped sharing internet surveillance info with the NSA
Nick Clegg, Nigel Farage and Ed Miliband have all quit their Leader positions
Tesla's Battery Grabbed $800 Million in Its First Week
Edward Snowden says Australia undertaking 'dangerous' mass surveillance of citizens; criticises metadata laws
Six people, including Norwegian and Philippine ambassadors, killed in Pakistan military helicopter crash
Water similar to life-bearing Earth lakes found on moon of Saturn.
First UK election shock as 20-year old becomes youngest lawmaker since 1667
Report: US drone strike kills man who claimed Charlie Hebdo, kosher market attacks
UK election exit poll predicts Conservatives will be largest party in a hung parliament, with 316 seats to Labour's 239
Luxembourg Recognizes Armenian Genocide
Climate change a UN-led ruse, says Tony Abbott's business adviser Maurice Newman
A rising number of people in Turkey believe that free speech and human rights are declining in the country, according to a new survey.
Ecuador's President calls out Brad Pitt for purchasing the movie rights to a book that smears the campaign against Chevron's contamination in the Amazon
Antarctica is melting faster than ever before
Reuters bureau chief died of suffocation in Pakistan
Controversial Bill C-51 (Anti-Terrorism Act) passes in Canadian House of Commons
Election 2015: SNP wins 56 of 59 seats in Scots landslide
Self-Driving Semi-Trucks Could Hit Highways Soon
Climate change a UN-led ruse says Australian PM Abbott's business adviser
Chinese company Tiens Group treats 6,400 workers to four-day Paris holiday
Arrests of Palestinian students by Palestinian security forces over politics worrying: HRW
'Captain Kidd's treasure' found off Madagascar
Al-Qaida leader involved in Charlie Hebdo attack killed
Pope Francis said Monday that "many powerful people don't want peace because they live off war". "Some powerful people make their living with the production of arms. It's the industry of death".
Chinese government now blacklisting rude Chinese tourists from traveling abroad
Edward Snowden warns data retention laws are 'dangerous'. The former NSA contractor who lifted the lid on mass surveillance in the US has a message for Australians living with new data retention laws: "You are being watched."
Powerful religious leaders in Afghanistan are growing uneasy about the challenge to their authority posed by rare civil rights protests in Kabul and widespread anger over the lynching of a young woman wrongly accused of burning a Koran
Unveiled in Milan, the world's first bio-digital Urban Algae Canopy can produce a forest's worth of oxygen a day - the equivalent of 400,000 square feet of natural woodland
Australian government lobbying against UNESCO listing Great Barrier Reef as "In danger."
Scientists say they have exposed a scandal at the heart of Ancient Egypt's animal mummy industry - A scanning project at Manchester Museum and the University of Manchester has revealed that about a third of the bundles of cloth are empty inside.
Brazil plans to nationalise rainforest in pioneering plan to protect Amazon. Proposal to put all natural resources in the forest under state control faces legal wrangles - but if passed could enshrine environmental protection
A drug rehabilitation centre with links to the Church of Scientology has been fined and ordered to remove unsubstantiated claims made online about curing patients.
Danish school fined $6,000 for forcing Muslim student to eat pork
Nepal earthquake victims' families prevented from leaving Qatar Fifa World Cup building sites to attend funerals
Philippines' most wanted Islamist bomber 'slain by his own bodyguards for $1m bounty on his head'
Moroccan F-16 goes missing in Yemen
Rhino killers lay siege to Kruger Park
An American museum has returned a 10th-century sandstone statue of the Hindu monkey god Hanuman to Cambodia, decades after it was looted from a jungle temple when the kingdom was in the throes of civil war
Russia, China unite with major cyber pact: The two have agreed not to hack each other and pledged to thwart technology that might destabilize the internal political and socio-economic atmosphere, disturb public order or interfere with the internal affairs of the state.
Tesla's low-cost renewable battery could revolutionize Africa's energy supply - Home storage unit is perfect for continent rich in solar & wind resources but short of reliable power sources, says Christine Mungai
Macedonia says five Kosovans led the armed group which was involved in clashes with security forces in the northern town of Kumanovo.
Macedonian crisis ends with at least 22 dead. 37 officers were wounded. More than 30 people were arrested.
Israel's new government is planning to legalise West Bank settlement construction
Turkish ship attacked as it approached Libya's Tobruk - Foreign Ministry
Dutch solar road makes enough energy to power household
Greece has revealed it is to introduce a surcharge for all cashpoint withdrawals and financial transactions in a desperate attempt to prevent citizens withdrawing their money from the country's beleaguered banks.
North Korea announced on Saturday that it successfully launched an underwater ballistic missile from a submarine, further raising concerns about its military capabilities and raising tensions in the region.
Oil rises towards $66 after China cuts rates
Earthquake strikes again - felt in India and Nepal. 7.1 magnitude on richter scale.
Colombia Will Stop Spraying Monsantos RoundUp On Their Cocaine
JP Morgan Chase, Barclays, other banks likely to plead guilty over manipulation of foreign exchange rates
Pakistani military officials name the ex-ISI officer who gave away Bin Laden's Location to CIA for $25 million
[UK] David Cameron appoints anti-gay marriage MP to be minister for equalities
Third secular blogger hacked to death in Bangladesh
Ananta Bijoy Das, a Bangladeshi writer known for advocating science and secularism, was hacked to death by masked men wielding machetes while on his way to work Tuesday morning. This is the third fatal attack on secular bloggers this year.
Families give their minor daughters to ISIS in exchange for protection in Libya
Sri Lanka to become the first nation in the world to protect all its mangroves: More than half the worlds mangroves have been lost over the last century but all of those surviving in Sri Lanka, one of their most important havens, are now to be protected in an unprecedented operation.
Pakistanis Knew Where Bin Laden Was, Say US Sources - NBC News
'Substantial' El Nino event predicted
Utter nonsense': CIA and White House blast Seymour Hershs explosive Osama bin Laden raid story
"Greece has been invited to become a member of the development bank of the BRICS economies, including Russia and China, which is seeking to become a counterweight to the IMF, a government source said Monday [11 May 2015]."
Kim Jong Un ordered his aunt executed, defector says
India suggests US set up National Human Rights Commission
Gambian President Says He Will Slit Gay Men's Throats in Public Speech
Man plotted cyanide attack because he felt 'belittled by society' for having ginger hair
Antibiotic-resistant typhoid is spreading across Africa and Asia and poses a major global health threat, warn experts.
Germany's BND intelligence agency sends mammoth amounts of phone and text data to the U.S. NSA each month. Citing confidential documents, Die Zeit Online reported on Tuesday that of about 220 million pieces of meta data gathered per day, some 1.3 billion pieces per month go to the NSA.
Swedish neo-Nazi party dismantles as support drops
Nemtsov report: 220 Russian soldiers died in Ukraine battles
Ex-C.I.A. officer sentenced for leaking a secret operation to disrupt Irans nuclear program to a Times reporter
Swedish Supreme Court rules against WikiLeaks' Assange
EU asks U.N. to OK military action on migrant boats
Honors for Ukrainian nationalists anger their victims in Poland -
Japan struck by 6.7 magnitude earthquake. After shocks expected.
President Barack Obama:''Palestinians deserve an end to occupation''
Vatican officially recognizes 'state of Palestine' in new treaty
"Time has come to reexamine cannabis prohibition, Israel's police chief says"
Developing reports claim that Pakistan's army not only knew where Osama bin Laden was hiding, but complicit in protecting him since 2006
Tory officials threatened BBC during election - senior BBC executives faced repeated threats of far-reaching reforms if they didnt change election campaign coverage
Pope: God will judge you on whether you cared for Earth
BBC reporting a coup in Burundi has effectively removed President Nkurunziza.
40 shia muslims gunned down by gunmen in a bus in Pakistan.
Chancellor Angela Merkel is set to face further political embarrassment over Berlins spy scandal following new revelations that US intelligence planned to obtain unlimited access to Germanys main internet cable networks in its attempt to achieve saturation surveillance.
A district of 5 million people in Chinas restive far west has demanded that residents hand in their passports to the police for indefinite safekeeping, the latest government crackdown in an area where Beijing has declared a peoples war on violent separatists.
David Cameron is to set out a string of new powers to tackle radicalisation, saying the UK has been a "passively tolerant society" for too long | The bill will include new immigration rules, powers to close down premises used by extremists and "extremism disruption orders".
More than 5,000 people have signed a petition calling for the north of England to secede from the UK and join Scotland
Sea Level Rise Is Happening Faster Than Anyone Thought - The study, published Monday in Nature Climate Change, found that sea level rise has been speeding up over the past two decades compared to the rest of the 20th century. This contradicts previous satellite data dating back to 1993
Letting Shell drill in Arctic could lead to catastrophic oil spill, experts warn | Lack of local infrastructure to undertake oil exploration will prove devastating, environmentalists say there is one road, no rail system and limited air facilities
Isis Jihadis using Passports Stolen from Westerners to Travel to Syria. An Illinois resident, claimed that she along with her husband was visiting Paris, when their passports were stolen. Her passport was found from an Isis safehouse in Syria
New York Times correspondent backs up Sy Hersh claim about how the US really found bin Laden
Former European leaders call for change in EU policy on Israel | Europe must hold Israel to account for the way it maintains the occupation, says letter from former prime ministers and diplomats
Dawn Spacecraft Images Reveal "Ice Rinks" on Ceres - The presence of exposed ice on Ceres would be a surprise, because ice should be unstable on the dwarf planets airless surface, turning from a solid into a gas and drifting into space rather than sticking around.
Iran summarily executed 98 people in a month: U.N. report
Greece taps out its emergency IMF reserves to pay back IMF
Malaysia says it will turn away migrants stranded at sea unless boats are sinking
Rights group: Human rights under Palestinian rule worsened
10 Chinese Arrested For Killing Giant Panda, Selling Parts
Strong 6.8-magnitude earthquake hits northeastern Japan
Canada Aboriginals Reject $960 Million Petronas Gas Deal. An aboriginal group along Canadas Pacific Coast turned down Petroliam Nasional Bhd.s offer of C$319,000 ($267,000) for each member as compensation for building a natural gas export terminal on ancestral lands.
North Korean defense chief NOT executed. South Korea redacts earlier statements about the execution.
A Navy nurse who refused to force feed prisoners on hunger strike at the U.S. base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, is no longer facing an administrative discharge over his protest, his lawyer said Wednesday
House votes to stop NSA's phone data collection
Isis Proxy Leader Abu Alaa al Afri, who Stepped in for Injured Baghdadi, 'Killed in Airstrike'
Malaysia and Thailand turn away hundreds on migrant boats: An estimated 6,000 Rohingya Muslims and Bangladeshis are stranded at sea as south-east Asian nations turn back refugees
Researchers estimate over 80% (16 million) of gay men in China marry women due to social pressure
Effective from tomorrow, Emirates SkyCargo will not accept any kind of animal Hunting Trophies for carriage on Emirates services
Female Indonesian military applicants receive 'two-finger' virginity tests to recruit 'best people'
Honeybees dying, situation unheard of
A Canadian Conservative Politician Was Actually a Performance Artist Playing a Decade-Long Prank
French bar owner charged after man dies drinking at least 56 shots
Ancient Palmyra under threat by IS
Vietnam Goes Shopping for U.S. Military Hardware to counter China
Thousands sign petition calling for north of England to be part of Scotland
Saudi Arabia Promises to Match Iran in Nuclear Capability
At least 45 killed in factory fire in Philippines -
Israel 'disappointed' after Vatican officially recognizes Palestinian state
Experts demand end to immunity for UN peacekeepers over sex abuse.
Ottawa wants Omar Khadr declared adult offender for throwing grenade in Afghan firefight - killing American medic - when 15 years old: case in Supreme Court
EU plans migrant quotas, Britain opts out - The EU announced a plan on Wednesday to distribute asylum-seekers more fairly around its member states and take in 20,000 more refugees, but Britain's newly re-elected Conservative leaders rejected any quota system imposed from Brussels.
Philippine factory fire: Death toll rises to 72
Czechs stopped potential nuclear tech purchase by Iran: sources | The Czech Republic blocked an attempted purchase by Iran this year of a large shipment of sensitive technology useable for nuclear enrichment after false documentation raised suspicions, U.N. experts and Western sources said.
The three Baltic states, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, will ask NATO leadership to deploy a permanent brigade in an effort to deter Russia
Indian government may block apps which violates net neutrality
NASA Finds Antarctic Ice Shelf a Few Years From Disintegration
ISIS leader, Baghdadi, says "Islam was never a religion of peace. Islam is the religion of fighting. It is the war of Muslims against infidels."
Banks want assurances from U.S. regulators that they will not be barred from certain businesses before agreeing to plead guilty to criminal charges over the manipulation of foreign exchange rates, causing a delay in multibillion-dollar settlements
Scientologists are in Nepal trying to 'heal' trauma victims
Luxembourgs prime minister on Friday becomes the first serving leader in the European Union to marry someone of the same sex, and only the second worldwide and all in a tiny, mostly Catholic country often considered rather conservative.
AIDS expert flays Kremlin, says Russia's HIV epidemic worsening and at least two million Russians are likely to be infected in about five years.
Missing US Huey Helicopter found destroyed in Nepal
China reduces emissions equivalent to entire UK output over first four months of 2015. Coal consumption in China fell by almost eight per cent from the start of the year to the end of April, with CO2 emissions dropping five per cent during the same period compared to the same time in 2014.
Medicine Hat becomes the first city in Canada to eliminate homelessness.
The car-tire-size opah is striking enough thanks to its rotund, silver body. But now, researchers have discovered something surprising about this deep-sea dweller: It's got warm blood. That makes the opah (Lampris guttatus) the first warm-blooded fish every discovered.
PayPal has blocked an account set up by Russian opposition activists to raise funds for a report alleging Russian military involvement in the Ukraine war, citing the political nature of the donation campaign
Peru reopens probe into mass sterilisations - A top law enforcement official in Peru has ordered the reopening and expansion of a criminal investigation into the alleged forced sterilisation of thousands of indigenous people
Brazil beef industry pledges cut Amazon deforestation rate in half
Facebook tramples on European privacy laws: Belgian watchdog
Several Young men were put in jail for three months in Mosul; released with a warning that next time they will be beheaded...Isis says for Muslims shaving beard is Haram
Google to begin testing purpose-built self-driving cars on public roads - Small electric 2-seater pods will take to public roads but must be fitted with a removable steering wheel and pedals, & limited to 25mph
Palmyra is in danger. As Islamic State fighters clash with Syrian government forces around the historic site, it is worth considering what the loss of this wonder, dubbed the "Venice of the Sands", would mean for the world's cultural heritage.
Russia to prosecute 'undesirable' foreign organisations.
Indias Military Cannot Fight Wars Lasting Longer than 20 Days: A recent report by the Indian government points to an ammunition crisis in the India Army.
THE US consulate in Melbourne has warned citizens that a terrorist attack in Australia is highly likely
Japan recognises Niue as a country with 1,611 inhabitants
Ayatollah Speaks to Teachers, Who Chant: Death to America! Death to England!...Death to Israel!
Mozambique police seize 1.4 tons of poached rhino horn and ivory
US and Cuba to hold talks on opening embassies
Poland Makes Payout to Alleged Victims of CIA Renditions
Saudi Arabia had made the strategic decision to purchase a nuclear weapon from Pakistan amid the ongoing negotiations over Irans nuclear program, a former American defense official said said in a report today in The Sunday Times.
Danish jihadists cashed in on welfare benefits; Thirty-two Danes have collected nearly 400,000 kroner worth of unemployment benefits while fighting in Syria
Fossil fuels subsidised by $10m every minute, says IMF .
Fishermen in Indonesia's Aceh province say they have been told by officials not to rescue Rohingya migrants from boats off the coast, even if they are drowning.
Prince Harry calls for U.K. to bring back national service because joining army helped keep him out of trouble
Egyptian judges shot dead in Sinai hours after former president Mohamed Morsi sentenced to death.
Cheap blindness drug should be made widely available, says WHO
The Catholic Church will continue to use a controversial legal defence to block victims of clerical abuse from seeking compensation
FIFA to investigate arrest of BBC journalists in Qatar
Please give us water: The desperate cries of Rohingya and Bangladeshi migrants adrift on boat turned away from Thailand.
Iran says Saudi Arabia should not be hosting Yemen talks since it's part of the conflict
Carl Sagan's Solar Sail Is Ready For Its First Test Flight
Charlie Hebdo accused of hypocrisy as it suspends journalist after death threats over her articles attacking Islam
US raid in Syria killed 32 IS members, including 4 leaders: monitor
Thousands of people in Ecuador on Saturday planted a total of 647,250 trees in a single day.
Hate preachers and terrorists could be stripped of citizenship under anti-terrorism proposal
Two Russian servicemen arrested in east Ukraine: Ukrainian military
Angela Merkel under pressure to reveal extent of German help for US spying | German chancellor called on to divulge a list of targets, including the IP addresses of individual computers, tracked on behalf of the NSA
China Tells US That Both Countries Can Both Be Pacific Powers
Taiwan Ex-Workers Win Pollution Lawsuit Taipei District Court rules for workers employed 1970-1992 at Radio Corp of America. It dumped toxic waste, polluting soil & water. Called worst industrial disaster in Taiwans history, it led to alarmingly high reports of cancer among its workers.
Iraqi forces abandon posts in Ramadi
Rhino horn now more valuable than gold, diamonds and cocaine, at $60K a pound making poaching a ultra profitable business.
Israel intercepts 40 diving suits headed for Gaza to be used to build up Hamas' naval force.
Another Political Candidate Killed Ahead of Elections in Mexico
US contests 'Islamic State' claim of full control in Ramadi: The loss of the key military base in the city would represent the biggest defeat for the Iraqi government since last summer.
World Cup sponsors urged to bail over 'horrific' treatment of workers in Qatar and have been seized
A US appeals court has ruled that YouTube should be allowed to show the uploaded film 'Innocence of Muslims' that sparked outrage in the Arab world in 2012.
Child abuser sentence reduced because 6 year old victim had been already abused before
A Turkish woman who has been taking part in a talent show on national TV has been shot in the head while rehearsing at her home in Diyarbakir, a conservative region in south-east Turkey. Ms Kaya had reportedly received death threats for singing on the show, Sesi Cok Guzel.
'Home-brewed morphine' made possible - Scientists have figured out how to brew morphine using the same kit used to make beer at home. They have genetically modified yeast to perform the complicated chemistry needed to convert sugar to morphine.
Campaigners say 3,000 workers will die before the 2022 World Cup in Qatar
Bloody, nightmarish scenes: Between 100 and 200 killed in carnage aboard abandoned migrant boat, says survivors who made it to Indonesia
China is planning the first-ever landing on the far side of the Moon
Billionaire Russian businessman found dead outside UK, Surrey home could have been poisoned
Retired Fisheries and Oceans Canada biologist says the muzzling of federal government scientists is worse than anyone can imagine: Steve Campana, known for his expertise on everything from Great white sharks to porbeagles and Arctic trout, says the atmosphere working for federal government is toxic.
Oxford University rules out investing in coal and tar sands. The university, one of the worlds oldest and most prestigious, follows over 200 other organisations who have banned some investments in fossil fuels because of their role in driving climate change.
Moscow Admits Two Fighters Captured in Ukraine Are Ex-Russian Soldiers
Kerry: Internet 'Needs Rules to Be Able to Flourish and Work Properly', Calls for more international Internet laws
Surrogate father who abandoned baby with down syndrome in Thailand (while taking the healthy twin) tries to access charity funds donated to raise the abandoned boy in Thailand.
Saudi Arabia Is Hiring 8 New Executioners Saudi Arabia is advertising for eight new executioners, recruiting extra staff to carry out an increasing number of death sentences, usually done by public beheading.
Nigeria: Women and girls captured by Boko Haram subjected to mass rape
Isis seizes Ramadi: Battle now is to defend the road to Baghdad
Trident whistleblower William McNeilly claims "it is easier to enter sensitive nuclear weapons installations than 'most nightclubs'"
Cuba says conditions 'favorable' for restoring ties with U.S. The so-called interests sections in Washington and Havana would be upgraded to embassies if diplomatic ties were restored.
South Korea's New Law Mandates Installation Of Government-Approved Spyware On Teens' Smartphones
Australian cattle being killed with sledgehammers in Vietnam. Vision obtained by animal activists allegedly shows cattle being hit repeatedly to the head to stun them before slaughter, or being killed directly by the sledgehammer blow.
Computer Program to Trawl Social Networks for Russian Opposition Plans: A pro-Kremlin political center has unleashed a computer program that would trawl social networks for chatter about planned unauthorized gatherings and report its findings to Russian authorities
Australian Islamic State recruits want to return to Australia; government has so far denied request
Two schoolgirls abused by 60 men in Aylesbury child sex ring, court hears
Banks fined $5.7bn over foreign exchange rigging - live updates | Regulators are announcing penalties against some of the worlds biggest banks for their role in manipulating the foreign exchange markets.
U.S. Central Intelligence Agency leaked propaganda material to the producers of 'Zero Dark Thirty' to build a positive spin on torture programmes
Irans Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has ordered that all Afghan children in Iran be permitted schooling regardless of their residency status. This decision impacts hundreds of thousands of children and can help improve the precarious status of the approximately 3 million Afghans in Iran.
Obama is creating a 1,500-mile butterfly corridor to help Monarchs get from Mexico to Minnesota
Japanese air bag manufacturer Takata Corp. will announce it is declaring an estimated 33.8 million vehicles defective, a move that is expected to lead to the largest auto recall in U.S. history
New Australian laws could criminalise the teaching of encryption
1,400 suspects in politician and celebrity child sex abuse inquiry - Officer leading Operation Hydrant inquiry says out of 1,433 alleged offenders 76 were politicians, 43 were from music industry and 135 were from TV, film or radio.
Fossil Fuel Subsidies Cost $5 Trillion Annually and Worsen Pollution: The International Monetary Fund notes that subsides for burning fossil fuels enrich the wealthy and make air pollution worse
Egypt Court Bans Pornography
China illegally fishing off coast of west Africa, Greenpeace study reveals: Number of Chinese fishing boats operating in Africa soared from 13 in 1985 to 462 in 2013, say environmental group, with ships taking advantage of weak enforcement and supervision
Grandson of Hamas Founder Says He Faces Certain Death if Canada Deports Him Back to the West Bank | VICE News
U.S. charges six Chinese nationals with economic espionage
Barclays fined 1.5bn over forex failings. The largest financial penalty ever imposed by the FCA
Israeli prime minister calls off West Bank bus segregation
Authorities seize 3.7 tonnes of illegal ivory headed for Vietnam
The 'Shocking' Cost of Letting Companies Pollute for Free. This year, the report estimates, fossil fuels are being subsidized to the tune of $5.3 trillion, or 6.5 percent of global gross domestic product.
Poll shows a third of Germans feel deceived by Merkel in spy row | One in three Germans feels deceived by Chancellor Angela Merkel regarding a row over spying on Germans, but almost half are not very interested in the whole affair, a poll showed.
Irish bakery fined 500 after refusing to bake pro-gay cake
Iran says it can no longer afford Ahmadinejad's cash handouts
Facebook criticised for creating 'two tier internet' with programme
After Mars, Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) aims for Venus probe in 2-3 years | The Asian Age
Gaza police arrest and assault Al Jazeera journalist
Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Wednesday Tehran would not accept "unreasonable demands" by world powers during negotiations over its disputed nuclear programme, and ruled out letting inspectors interview its atomic scientists.
Five banks to pay fines totalling $5.7bn over foreign exchange rate manipulation
Italy's 'eternally unfinished' highway enters final stretch - 50 years after construction began - Back in 1966, Lunar 9 was the first spacecraft to achieve a controlled landing on the Moon, England won the World Cup, and Italy opened the first section of the Salerno to Reggio Calabria motorway
Brazil blogger known for reporting on corruption found decapitated
China's richest man lost $15 billion in one hour
India wants to know where the $100 billion climate change fund is
Hundreds of tech companies line up to oppose TPP trade agreement
U.S. and Cuba Nearing Deal to Fully Restore Diplomatic Ties
NSA Planned to Hijack Google App Store to Hack Smartphones
U.S. and Israel have worst inequality in the developed world
Australia to Revoke Citizenship of Australian-Born Jihadis
ISIS forces overrun ancient city of Palmyra 2 days after being driven out. City has "completely fallen".
Sophisticated Tool Kit Predates Humans: The earliest known stone toolkit could write a whole new chapter in the book of human evolution, especially since the tools were not even made by our genus.
Iran to UN: Israeli defense minister threatened to nuke us
Qatar World Cup: Campaign To Boycott The 2022 World Cup Underway
Leaked Shell Oil documents acknowledge Global Warming is at Twice the International Threshold
Merkel- can't imagine Russia back in G8 until common values met
Ukraine to honor groups that killed Jews in World War II - World
Saudi shells hit Yemen aid office, killing 5 refugees: local official
Net migration to UK reaches 318,000
Mother seeks a groom for her son in India's first gay marriage advert
Photographs showing a North Korean missile launched from a submarine were manipulated by state propagandists and the country may be years away from developing such technology, analysts and a top U.S. military official said on Tuesday.
Pakistan opens 100MW solar plant, govt plans clean energy drive. Growing economic links with China are helping Pakistan tap into its enormous solar energy potential
China warns U.S. surveillance plane near man made islands
Revealed: BP's close ties with the UK government | Documents show the extent of BPs influence on government policy and how their intimate relationship is at odds with UK commitments to reduce carbon emissions
More than half of Syrias territory is now controlled by ISIS after its westwards advance into the ancient city of Palmyra
Russian President Vladimir Putin has demanded the timely repayment of all debts owed to it by Ukraine while criticising the latter's move to impose moratorium on state debt repayment.
Wages paid to illegal immigrants will be confiscated by the police, says David Cameron
France to force big supermarkets to give away unsold food to charity
No more bad vision, bionic optics will help humans see 3x better than 20/20 vision
EU moves to regulate hormone-damaging chemicals linked to cancer and male infertility were shelved following pressure from US trade officials over the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) free trade deal, newly released documents show.
Scientists on Thursday unveiled the most comprehensive analysis ever undertaken of the world's ocean plankton, the tiny organisms that serve as food for marine creatures such as the blue whale, but also provide half the oxygen we breathe.
This palm oil company just bulldozed a rainforest
Obama: US must criticize Israel if it is to defend it
Nigerian Muslims Set Court Ablaze Over 'Insult' to Muhammad
The Large Hadron Collider smashes energy record with test collisions - 13 TeV is a new regime - nobody's been here before - The best thing that could possibly happen is that we find something that nobody has predicted at all
Saudi Arabia Wants to Head UN Human Rights Council; Sparks Uproar
Saudileaks: Yemeni Group Hacks Saudi Gov't, Releases Thousands of Top Secret Documents
The Eiffel Tower closed to the public Friday as workers protested a rise in aggressive pickpockets around the Paris landmark that attracts thousands of visitors daily.
Efficiency record for black silicon solar cells jumps to 22.1 percent; works exceptionally well on cloudy days
CIA torture report wont be released to public, judge rules.
Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister: "This land is ours. All of it is ours."
A man has been able to control a robotic limb with a mind-reading chip implanted in his brain, allowing him to sip a drink unaided for the first time in 10 years.
Two men captured by Ukrainian troops on Saturday have confessed to being members of the Russian armed forces, a report by European mediators says.
Ukraine's traffic police director steps down after an investigation reveals monthly salary of 1,000 euros - yet his family enjoys Porches worth $400,000
Voting in the Irish same-sex marriage referendum has begun
Suicide bomber attacks Shia mosque in Saudi Arabia
Saudi oil minister sees eventual end of fossil fuels. "In Saudi Arabia, we recognize that eventually, one of these days, we are not going to need fossil fuels, I don't know when, in 2040, 2050... so we have embarked on a program to develop solar energy,"
UK Home Secretary to reveal plans requiring broadcasting regulator to pre-approve content for television, leaked memo reveals
Forced Sex Camps Train Girls For Child Marriage In Zambia And Mozambique
Top German spy: we're "dependent" on the NSA
Gaza economy 'on verge of collapse', with world's highest unemployment - World Bank report says Israeli blockades, war and poor governance have left 43% of people out of work & the strip facing dangerous financial crisis
U.S General: Many Iraqis believe Washington aiding ISIS
Wikipedia edits from inside Parliament removing scandals from MPs' pages, investigation finds.
Ecstasy may soon be a treatment for social anxiety among autistic adults.
Iran launches anti-Isis cartoon competition 'to expose true nature of Islamic State'
ISIS kidnaps North Korean couple living in Libya
Thousands of Mexico City taxi drivers snarled traffic in the mega-capital on Monday in a protest demanding that the government ban US ride-sharing service Uber
Huge and growing debt and not enough young working people to pay it down is threatening to crush the global economy, a Goldman Sachs executive is warning.
A Turkish MIT (Intelligence Agency) Operative fighting alongside ISIS captured in Mosul, Iraq by Peshmerga fighters.
If your country were responsible for only 0.05 percent of the world's climate-changing emissions, you might not think it worth making a plan to curb that pollution - especially when you still need to get electricity to much of your population. But the Gambian government thinks otherwise
UN Officials Didn't Follow Up On Sex Abuse Claims For Months, But Whistleblower Was Punished
India rescues children from traffickers exploiting Nepal earthquake aftermath.
Poachers have killed nearly half of Mozambique's elephants for their ivory in the past five years, the US based Wildlife Conservation Society said Tuesday. A Mozambique gov't-backed survey showed a dramatic 48% decline in elephant numbers from just over 20,000 to an estimated 10,300.
Irish Vote for Same Sex Marriage Blacked Out in Cuba
A volcano atop one of the Galapagos Islands has erupted for the first time in 33 years, threatening a fragile ecosystem that inspired Charles Darwin's theory of evolution
India heatwave death toll reaches 800
Release of Orangutan Person from Zoo this Week Would be Unprecedented Worldwide - Court in Argentina decides whether to release Sandra, 29, from the Buenos Aires Zoo, after she receives nonhuman person status
Warning issued after New Zealand's Maui dolphin numbers drop below 50
Two oil companies announced Monday the temporary shuttering of their Canadian oil sands mines and the evacuation of hundreds of staff as a massive forest fire creeped close
Beheaded Corpses Said to be Lining Streets of Ancient Syrian City Seized by Islamic State
Turkey's ruling AK Party is seen losing its parliamentary majority in a June 7 election and may have to form a coalition government, according to the results of a survey by pollster SONAR seen by Reuters on Monday.
Syrian Air Force kills more than 140 ISIS members in air raid on base in IS capital of Raqqa
IT chief at Bangladesh Coca-Cola unit arrested as Islamic State suspect: An IT manager at a subsidiary of Coca-Cola Co (KO.N) was one of two men arrested in Bangladesh on suspicion of planning to fight for Islamic State in Syria, police and company sources said on Monday.
South African man creates petition to EU to allow Whites to return to Europe
New Zealand troops to remain in Iraq despite Islamic State advance
Australian Parliament to vote on Same-Sex Marriage
Hezbollah seizes 2 hills (Qubaa and Naqar) from Al Qaeda in Syrias Quneitra Governorate, right on Israels doorstep, and killed dozens of Al Qaeda fighters
Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak says the NSA whistleblower gave up his own life . . . to help the rest of us".
FIFA Officials Arrested on Corruption Charges; Face Extradition to U.S.
Scottish Government: creationism banned from science class
UK's biggest male rape charity Survivors UK has state funding slashed to zero despite 120% rise in men reporting sexual violence and seeking help
Fifa 'took bribes for 2010 World Cup'
Vatican says Ireland gay marriage vote is 'defeat for humanity.'
A court in eastern China fined a manufacturer of weed killer 75 million yuan and imprisoned employees of the company and its contractors for discharging wastewater that severely polluted streams.
Israel asking U.S. for 50% increase in next defense assistance package
UK porn filters could be illegal under EU ruling
Parliament in Greenland unanimously approves same-sex marriage
Psychedelic drugs should be legally reclassified, medical uses explored academics Psychedelic drugs such as magic mushrooms and LSD should be legally reclassified so researchers can investigate their potential medical uses
"1,433 men including 76 politicians, 43 music stars and 135 TV, film or radio entertainers have been identified by abuse survivors."
Erdogan's palace declared illegal by Turkish court: The Turkish Supreme Court has ruled that the construction of an 1,100-room palace by President Erdogan was illegal. The palace was constructed on protected land.
U.N. Reports About 200 Million Fewer Hungry People Today Than in 1990
U.S. Accuses Soccer Officials of Decades of Rampant, Systemic and Deep-Rooted Corruption
Elons SpaceX Gets Certified For National Security Launches
Hamas used its 2014 Gaza war with Israel to settle scores with rival Palestinians, executing at least 23 and arresting and torturing dozens of others in possible war crimes, Amnesty International said Wednesday.
AdBlock Plus secures another court victory in Germany
Scientists are planning to ship ice to the Antarctic. They're afraid that mountain glaciers around the world are melting as a result of climate change and want to store samples of ice in a new vault in the coldest place on Earth.
ISIS most dangerous sniper in Ramadi killed by Iraqi police
Hamas Is Accused of Killing and Torturing Palestinians
Over 70% of Everest glacier may be lost by 2100
Rocket sirens sound in southern Israel, at least one confirmed to not be a false alarm
The world is sinking under too much debt and an ageing global population means countries' debt piles are in danger of growing out of control, the European chief executive of Goldman Sachs Asset Management has warned.
Iraqi Militia forces capture 100's of ISIS fighters in Anbar, Ramadi after strategic trap (MIC)
Nike becomes suspected player in alleged $150 million FIFA bribery scandal
Visa threatens to ditch FIFA as sponsor
Russia's army is massing troops and hundreds of pieces of weaponry including mobile rocket launchers, tanks and artillery at a makeshift base near the border with Ukraine, a Reuters reporter saw this week. Many of the vehicles have number plates and identifying marks removed
New Evidence Shows Police Did Massacre 42 in Michoacan, Mexico
Vladimir Putin suggests FIFA probe is a U.S. plot to take 2018 World Cup away from Russia
Its so hot in India right now the roads are literally melting: At least 1,100 dead in month-long heatwave
Cuban Life Expectancy Among the Highest in World at 78.45 Years
U.S.-trained commander of Tajikistan's elite police force has defected to Islamic State
German court rules against Yemeni men whose innocent relatives were killed in a US drone strike, saying Germany had "no obligation" to stop US from launching attacks at German base
Ireland worse than pagans for legalising gay marriage, says senior cardinal
U.S. IRS tax data hack traced to Russia.
Norway's sovereign wealth fund accused of 'pretend divestment' - Worlds richest sovereign wealth fund has sunk more money into coal just 3 months after a high-profile pledge to dump fossil fuels as part of its commitment to responsible investing
Israel-Texas researchers win top desalination award - Winners of USAID Desal Prize will pay forward their $125,000 prize money and expertise to build water plant in Jordan
Moldova president: We prefer Europe to Russia
"Ecuador seized around 200,000 shark fins and arrested three suspected traffickers at the country's main fishing port,the government said Wednesday [27 May 2015]. Interior Minister Jose Serrano announced the seizure on Twitter, posting pictures of rows, piles and bags of the dark-colored shark fins"
Sepp Blatter holds emergency Fifa meeting
Dutch ok partial ban on Islamic veils: The Dutch cabinet has approved a proposal for a partial ban on face-covering Islamic veils on public transport and in public areas such as schools and hospitals.
Russia Sees U.S. Conspiracy Against World Cup Plans in FIFA Scandal
Pentagon Accidentally Sends Live Anthrax to Nine States And South Korea
Nigerian Army dismisses 200 soldiers for cowardice
Mafia boss Pasquale Scotti arrested in Brazil after 31 years on the run. Former leader of Camorra syndicate in Italy who is wanted for more than two dozen murders detained by police while taking his children to school in Recife.
Russia would be able to occupy Baltics in two days- Czech general
'New species' of ancient human found
Kurds liberate Christian villages from Islamic State in Syrian Kurdistan
Like an ocean liner without lifeboats: HSBCs dire warning for global economy
Video footage showing trucks belonging to Turkey's intelligence service carrying weapons en route to Jihadists in Syria were published Friday in a Turkish daily.The trucks were carrying a total of 1000 mortar shells, 80000 rounds of ammunition for heavy weapons and hundreds of grenade launchers
UN says encryption necessary for the exercise of the right to freedom
The US removes Cuba from terror list
Solid gold bongs used by kings 2,400 years ago are dug up in Russia
Number of hungry people worldwide drops below 800 million for the first time since the UN started counting
Alberta creationist discovers rare fish fossils in basement dig - Paleontologist estimates fossils to be 60 million years old, but discoverer says it's more like 4,500 years
China is building sand islands in South China Sea in effort to claim hundreds of miles of sea from its shores creating tension in the region
New HIV Study Was So Dramatic, It Had To Be Stopped Early - New research has global implications for the way HIV-positive people receive treatment.
ISIS destroys famous lion god statue at Syrian city of Palmyra
Bangladeshi blogger named on hitlist warned: 'You will be next' -- Ananya Azad is "a writer critical of intolerance and religious fundamentalism, a career that has landed him on a hitlist containing the names of 84 atheist bloggers"
WikiLeaks Releases 500K U.S. Cables from 1978 on Iran, Sandinistas, Afghanistan, Israel & More
US to Russia: Fifa corruption inquiry has nothing to do with you
Turkish daily probed over scoop on Syria-bound intelligence (MIT) trucks. The newspaper revealed the banned photographs of arms, which were claimed to be humanitarian aid to Turkmens, transported to Syria.
German party exempts Muslim students from requirement to visit concentration camps
Britain's Secret Terror Deals: 'Truly disturbing' BBC Panorama allegations of British state colluding with terrorists must be fully investigated, says Amnesty International
Swedish fathers to get third month of paid paternity leave:Country already offers 16-month parental leave which can be taken by either mothers or fathers, with two months set aside for dads
The United Arab Emirates's oil and gas supplies expected to dry up within 50 years. They are diversifying the economy with a focus on space research and aim to reach Mars by 2021.
Erdoan publicly targets a Turkish journalist over Twitter post
Hamas forces in the Gaza Strip committed serious human rights abuses including abductions, torture and extra-judicial killings of Palestinian civilians, Amnesty International report says: The report says no-one had been brought to account for the abuses, suggesting they were officially sanctioned.
China, Russia vow to boost ties by linking development initiatives: Leaders agreed to boost strategic coordination and cooperation, and to link China's Silk Road Economic Belt with the development of the Eurasian Economic Union
Fifa bomb threat: Swiss authorities confirm a bomb threat has been made at the Fifa congress
United Nations Official Pushing to Include Israel Defence Forces on Terror Blacklist
Suicide bomber, two people killed outside a Shi'ite Mosque in Saudi - witnesses. Three people were killed on Friday when a suicide bomber tried to enter a Shi'ite Muslim mosque in eastern Saudi Arabia, witnesses said, the second attack of its kind in a week.
Alleged Ukrainian nazi war criminal Vladimir Katriuk, wanted by Russia and Jewish groups but sheltered by Canada dies in Quebec
Female Jihadis In Syria Find Themselves Unable To Return To Their Home Countries
Nigeria Outlaws Female Genital Mutilation
Petition asks US President, Congress, DoD not to bomb Tinian and Pagan islands for military training. The US Navy has plans to bomb these islands as part of a training exercise, obliterating their rare coral ecosystems, wildlife, and important historic artifacts.
Obama Ordered to Release Guantanamo Force-Feeding Video
Erdogan threatens the journalist, who leaked the pictures of weapon delivery to Syria, : "He will pay a heavy price for this, I will not leave go of him! " . Journalist replies: "The person who committed this crime (weapon delivery) will pay a heavy price. We (turkish people) will not let go of him"
Ex-Fifa vice president Jack Warner swallows Onion spoof; Football executive uses story from satirical website as basis for defending Fifa against US
The Canadian Bar Association, representing over 36,000 lawyers, calls on citizens to protest against Bill C-51, which is a "threat to the rule of law"
Beijing bans smoking in public starting from June 1st.
Saudi Arabia may face 65C (149 Fahrenheit) temperatures during Ramadan
Fifa crisis: South Africa 'admits $10m football payout'
Scientists hail 'new era' for cancer treatment after 'spectacular' drug trials - The treatment, which harnesses the body's immune system to attack cancerous cells, could replace chemotherapy as the standard treatment for cancer within the next five years, it was suggested.
England should boycott the 2018 World Cup because someone needs to take a stand against corruption in Fifa and military aggression by Russia, Andy Burnham, the favourite to be the next Labour leader, has said.
Nearly 60% of South Koreans view Japan as military threat: joint survey
A pigeon has been arrested in India on suspicion of spying for Pakistan
Lion leaps through car window, killing American tourist in South African park
: Iraqi security forces lost 2,300 Humvee armored vehicles when ISIS overran the northern city of Mosul
Qatar World Cup Now In Doubt, Sepp Blatter Re-Election As FIFA President Causes Major Rifts
Brussels: 30 Muslim girls denied entry to school for wearing long skirts.
Tim Berners-Lee urges Britain to fight 'snooper's charter' | Inventor of world wide web also advised developing world to just say no to Facebooks scheme
Stone throwers could be jailed for 10 years under new Israeli bill
Spain to Permanently Host 2,500 US Troops at Moron Air Base
NSA says it will keep phone records even if surveillance program ends
Russia is using fake satellite images to blame Ukraine for the downing of MH17 according to a forensic study by an investigative website
Under Cover Of Conflict, Hamas Killed Palestinians, Amnesty Alleges
Japan Pension System Hacked, 1.25 Million Cases of Personal Data Leaked
Canada's justice minister quits in blow to PM Harper
Fifa corruption: Qatar says investigations are racist, anti-Arab and show 'ugly face' of countries who lost 2022 World Cup bid
Homosexuality Decriminalised in Mozambique
WikiLeaks announces $100K bounty for the TPP text | WikiLeaks announced an effort to crowd-source a $100,000 reward for the remaining chapters of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, after the organization published three draft chapters of the deal in recent years.
Meth is now cheaper than a meal at Burger King in much of Asia.
LSD: Trials underway in UK to see if it cures depression and addiction
Scientists Start $150 Billion Program to Cut Clean-Energy Costs. The 10-year plan, known as the Global Apollo Programme to Combat Climate Change, will fund research into renewables, power storage and smart-grid technologies to make them cheaper than fossil fuel
Chinese ship sinks with at least 400 on board
Charges against Edward Snowden stand, despite telephone surveillance ban
Thanks to Vladimir Putin, Amur tigers are roaring back in Russias Far East
The British security service MI5 shielded and blackmailed child sex abusers involved in a paedophile ring at a notorious Belfast care home, the High Court heard on Monday.
A Yazidi teenager who was sold to an ISIS fighter has described how she was beaten and gang-raped and forced to recite verses from the Koran on a daily basis in a harrowing account of her nine month ordeal.
Church of England 'one generation away from extinction' after dramatic loss of followers - UK - News - The Independent
Brazil becomes 24th country to recognize Armenian Genocide
Berlin becomes first German city to make rent cap a reality
Snowden wins prize - invited to Norway
Australia: Minimum wage increased to $17.29/hour
Fifa corruption: Sepp Blatter's right-hand man Jerome Valcke 'sent' $10m payment to Jack Warner in letter from the South African FA
Researchers Find Missing Link Between the Brain and Immune System:In a stunning discovery that overturns decades of textbook teaching, researchers...have determined that the brain is directly connected to the immune system by vessels previously thought not to exist
Isis Assassinates Senior Hamas Commander; Threatens to Kill More 'One by One'
President Erdogan Vows To Quit If Gold Toilets Found in his 400m palace.
Pirate Bay Co-Founder Fredrik Neij Released From Prison
Womans fight against genital mutilation, honor killing gets big boost from Google boss: Ayaan Hirsi Ali won over Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt, along with his personal pledge of $100,000, in her fight to put a stop to female genital mutilation and honor killings.
Russia Threatens to Deploy Nuclear Weapons in Crimea
Australian MPs allowed to see TPP trade deal text but can't reveal contents for four years
10,000 Arabs driven out by Kurdish ethnic cleansing in Syria
Japan lowers voting age from 20 to 18.
Sepp Blatter resigns. Calls for new election.
US Officials announce Sepp Blatter under investigation for corruption
Malaysian flight 17 downed by missile, says Russian maker of Buk air defence missile system
English test should be mandatory for people wanting citizenship in Australia, says government MP
Dairy giant Saputo to refuse milk from farmers who mistreat animals; one of largest dairies in world
INTERPOL issues red notices for six former FIFA officials
Obama: World does not believe Israel serious about two-state solution
Fracking is facing resistance in the UK, Germany has placed moratorium on it and there's "no way" it will take place in France. According to the International Gas Union president, there will be no US-style shale gas revolution in Europe
Edward Snowden: Becoming an 'international fugitive' was worth it, claims NSA whistleblower | American says bringing the activities of global spy agencies to the public's attention has 'been a great experience' that he is 'actually quite grateful for'
CIA sex abuse and torture went beyond Senate report disclosures, detainee says
India's Minister for Earth Sciences: Its not just another unusually hot summer, it is climate change. Let us not fool ourselves that there is no connection between the unusual number of deaths from the ongoing heat wave and the certainty of another failed monsoon.
New photos of Kim Jong Un show dictator's weight gain, raise health concerns
10 more billionaires join Buffett-Gates Giving Pledge
Diphtheria Returns To Spain For Lack of Vaccination
South Korea says it has successfully test-fired two domestically built ballistic missiles that can hit all of North Korea.
Russian-backed militants launched a major attack on the town of Marinka west of Donetsk at dawn on Wednesday, in one of the most serious outbreaks of fighting in eastern Ukraine since a ceasefire was supposed to have come into effect there on February 15.
I'd consider assisted suicide if I become a burden to my loved ones, says Professor Stephen Hawking
Three doctors of Doctors Without Border and a pilot were killed in a helicopter crash in Nepal, while they were on a relief mission
Fully dressed and preserved 350-year-old corpse of French noblewoman found
Calls grow for full fossil fuel reckoning. From the International Monetary Fund to doctors, voices calling out the fossil fuel industry over its health costs are becoming louder - and more numerous.
Odds of Qatar Hosting the World Cup Slashed After Blatter's Resignation
Kurds, again, not invited to anti-ISIS conference in Paris, France
Nephew of King Felipe shouting"You shut up, you f***ing chino at theme park after trying to jump queue
Fearing Repeat of Crimea, Baltic States Prepare for 'Hybrid War' With Russia
US Official: Over 10,000 ISIS fighters killed in nine months but they have all been replaced.
IKEA, the world's biggest furniture retailer, plans to spend 1 billion euros ($1.13 billion) on renewable energy and steps to help poor nations cope with climate change, the latest example of firms upstaging governments in efforts to slow warming.
Erdogan seeks life sentence against editor for video of Turkey smuggling arms to Syrian rebels
Fifa corruption: England 'ready to host 2022 World Cup'
Myanmar passes law to order women to wait three years between births as population control effort
Jack Warner goes rogue, says he will release documents and checks detailing FIFA corruption
WikiLeaks reveals new trade secrets | Highly sensitive details of the negotiations over the little-known Trades in Services Agreement (TiSA) published by WikiLeaks
U.S. President Barack Obama Defends Trans-Pacific Partnership, Suggests China May Join
Ukraine's Poroshenko warns of 'full-scale' Russia invasion
Former Fifa official Chuck Blazer admits accepting bribes for France and South Africa World Cups in New York court
Almost a year after eliminating polio, India declared free of maternal and neonatal tetanus
India suspends sending workers to Saudi Arabia
Pulp & paper giant, April, to stop clearing Indonesia's rainforests 4 yrs earlier than planned - Firm announced it'd halted harvesting of all natural forest as of May 15 & will only use supplies from its own plantations. This moves forward its goal to end rainforest clearance by 2019.
Bans on legal highs will drive booming trade underground, drug experts warn - EU agency report says market is growing rapidly, with 2 new substances a week being identified, & is increasingly hard to control
Plutos moons have been tracked closely for the first time, showing that they tumble unpredictably rather than keeping one face fixed on their host planet. Astronomers also observed that Pluto, whose status was downgraded to a dwarf planet in 2006, might be better regarded as a binary dwarf
More than 700 schools, from kindergartens to colleges, have shut in response to public fears over what has become the largest outbreak of Middle East respiratory syndrome (Mers) outside Saudi Arabia.
Canadians are stealing U.S. Netflix content, says head of largest media provider Bell
Italy arrests 44 tied to Rome's mafia garbage king
Ecuador to Carry out Historic Audit of Chevron's Operations
Israel military, contradicting Netanyahu, optimistic about Iran nuclear deal, says "reduces threat from Iran"
To protest the new mandatory army draft, Lithuanians photograph drafted men crying
Air Force bombs ISIS HQ after terrorist posts selfie online
UK members of parliament mount legal challenge to surveillance laws, claiming breach of human rights
Orange says it plans to terminate contract with brand partner in Israel
Merkel's New Instagram Account Gets Swamped By Russian Abuse
Navy halts live fire explosive exercises off Vancouver Island after being alerted to a pod of Orcas, including 3 calves, in vicinity; praised for being responsive
The Red Cross has defended its work in Haiti following a devastating earthquake five years ago after a media investigation found it had only built six houses despite raising nearly half a billion dollars in donations.
Germany sent rocket-propelled grenades to Saudi Arabia to swing 2006 FIFA World Cup vote
Finnish Customs seize ISIS-looted treasures en route to Russia
Trade agreements like TiSA, TPP and TTIP will sideline national laws: Wikileaks | Wikileaks has warned that gov'ts negotiating a far-reaching global service agreement are 'surrendering a large part of their global sovereignty' and exacerbating the social inequality of poorer countries in the process
Mars One admits it has only received 4,227 completed applications, not 200,000
Snowden: balance of power has shifted as people defy government surveillance | Whistleblower says profound difference has occurred over past two years after leaking of NSA documents as public demands privacy
Ontario Bans Conversion Therapy For LGBT Kids
Israel slams Swiss funding of NGO's exhibit whose members are veteran combatants who testify about the abuses they have seen or taken part in during their military service in the occupied Palestinian territories
The department that delivers programs for Canada's indigenous people has held back more than $1 billion in promised spending for social services over the last five years.
Malala Yousafzai attack: 8 of 10 reportedly convicted were actually released, police say
Chinese hackers breach US federal governments personnel office
Justice in Pakistan: "The government is hanging people left, right and centre"
A federal judge has struck down Guam's ban on gay marriage, making it the first U.S. territory to recognize same-sex marriages.
FIFA Paid Ireland Not to Protest Costly Hand Ball
Israel doubles water supplies to Gaza, also to increase water to Palestinian west bank and Jordan
Poll: More than 50% of Israeli youth identify as right-wing, less than 30% willing to condemn attacks against Arabs
2,700-year old tomb of Hebrew prophet, guarded by Assyrian Christians, in danger from ISIS
WikiLeaks Publishes Secret TISA Trade Documents
Argentina's President Cristina Fernandez becomes first head-of-state to have meeting with Edward Snowden, doing so secretly around the time of her official visit to Russia
Saudis consider Iran - not Israel - their top enemy, study finds
Global warming has not stopped or even slowed in the past 18 years, according to a new US government study that rebuts doubters who have claimed that heating trends have paused
50 Militants Attacked Army Convoy in India, Used US-Made Rocket Launcher, Say Sources
Australian native mammals to be reintroduced to NSW after 100 yrs - Designated national parks will be fenced off and feral animals exterminated to allow Bilbys, Numbats, & Western Barred Bandicoots to flourish
Bolivia opens up national parks to oil and gas firms
For the first time in Mexican history, a state will be governed by an independent candidate, without any party support.
Ed Snowden should be pardoned, thunders Amnesty International UK | Campaign launched to get Obama to drop espionage charges
G7 leaders agree to phase out fossil fuel use by end of century
Vladimir Putin: I invite you to publish a world map and mark all the U.S. military bases on it. You will see the difference (between Russia and the U.S.).
Saudi Arabia hosts UN-backed summit on religious discrimination while they sentence a blogger for insulting Islam
One of the naked tourists accused of causing Malaysian earthquake doubles down with "F**k your culture" statement
Billionaire Cartier Owner Sees Wealth Gap Fueling Social Unrest We cannot have 0.1 percent of 0.1 percent taking all the spoils, said Rupert, who has a fortune worth $7.5 billion, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Its unfair and it is not sustainable.
Turkey ruling AKP 'loses majority'
Scientists show future events decide what happens in the past - An experiment by Australian scientists has proven that what happens to particles in the past is only decided when they are observed and measured in the future. Until such time, reality is just an abstraction.
Russia And Qatar Could Lose World Cup If Investigation Finds Votes Were Bought
Three Armenians Elected to Turkeys Parliament
NASA: Pluto's Moons Are 'Tumbling In Absolute Chaos'
First time ever: Scientists use Wi-Fi signals to power camera without battery
Oscar Pistorius set to be released in August after serving just 10 months for shooting his girlfriend
Iraq takes back city from ISIS
Joy as Turkish election result puts pro-Kurdish party into parliament
Diphtheria bacteria detected in eight children in Girona who came in contacted with unvaccinated child who developed the disease, all were vaccinated and have not developed symptoms. Parents of the ill boy feel "tricked" by anti-vaccination groups in first such case in Spain since 1987.
The Most Popular Eating Banana Might Soon Go Extinct - The Cavendish banana is succumbing to a disease that wiped out its predecessor
About half of live dolphins caught in the Japanese coastal town of Taiji were exported to China and other countries despite global criticism of the hunting technique used.
MERS outbreak: 2,300-plus quarantined; 1,300 schools closed in South Korea
Luxembourg rejects foreigner voting rights (87,2% against) despite 46% foreign population
A new study says that Israelis and Palestinians would gain billions of dollars from peace
Dual citizens, immigrants could lose Canadian citizenship under new law
Hungary has become the first European country to sign a cooperation agreement for China's new "Silk Road" initiative to develop trade and transport infrastructure across Asia and beyond.
POLITICS - Turkeys Christian minority sends four deputies to parliament
British 'world-record sniper' says he can still see and smell the people he killed in his nightmares - Sgt Craig Harrison holds the longest confirmed sniper kill but developed post-traumatic stress disorder after his deployment in the Balkans
Nazi sympathiser and former King of England, the Duke of Windsor, 'wanted England bombed', archives reveal
A Syrian pilot who did not want to be captured alive by Isis killed himself after he landed in an Isis held area. It is believed that the 29-year wanted to avoid the fate of the Jordanian pilot, who was captured by Isis and then burned alive.
Obama lambasts Putin: you're wrecking Russia to recreate Soviet empire
75 million-year-old dinosaur blood and collagen discovered in fossil fragments
Fifa crisis: Jack Warner "stole Haiti earthquake relief money"
China has told Israel it will not allow migrant builders to work on settlements in the occupied West Bank
A Yemeni man whose relatives were killed in a U.S. drone strike nearly three years ago filed a lawsuit against the U.S. government Monday, seeking a declaration from a federal court in Washington, D.C. that the raid was unlawful.
First Ocean Plastic Garbage Collector to Be Deployed in 2016
Obama lawyers asked secret court to ignore public court's decision on spying
The worlds first artificial leg capable of simulating the feelings of a real limb and fighting phantom pain was unveiled by researchers in Vienna on Monday.
Water cannon producers stock dips after Turkeys ruling AKP loses majority
In a historic shift, Turks elect Yazidis, Armenians and Roma candidates to parliament.
After large public protest New Zealand Minister of Internal Affairs approves a one off use of medicinal marijuana for dying teen as a last resort.
Saudi lashing sentence for blogger 'medieval': Swedish FM "My opinion is that it's a medieval sentence. It's a medieval method that does not have its place in a society that allows a free media and allows people to express their point of view," Wallstrom told Swedish Radio in Brussels.
World's Richest Countries Decide to Take It Slow on Climate Change
WHO: To Avoid MERS, Dont Drink Camel Urine
Belgium with help from US authorities arrests 16 in terror raid triggered by whatsapp messages
Nigerian Senate sets age of consent at 11 years old
A Light Projection Has Recreated Afghanistan's Destroyed Bamiyan Buddhas. A light projection has been used to shine an image of Buddha onto a cliff in Bamiyan in Afghanistan, where towering sandstone statues of Buddha were destroyed by the Taliban in 2001.
73% of Japanese say South Korea untrustworthy
The World Bank wants all corporate bidders on bank-funded projects to publicly reveal their true owners as a way of tackling fraud and cronyism in government contracts.
The US does not yet have a "complete strategy" for helping Iraq regain territory from Islamic State (IS), President Barack Obama has said.
'Germany saw dramatic increase in anti-Semitic, anti-Israel crimes in 2014'
Hamas: Armed resistance not negotiable in struggle against Israel
Members of a U.N. peacekeeping mission engaged in "transactional sex" with more than 225 Haitian women who said they needed to do so to obtain things like food and medication, a sign that sexual exploitation remains significantly underreported in such missions
History Has Been Made. Female Genital Mutilation Banned In Nigeria.
IMF data shows Iceland's economy recovered after it imprisoned bankers and let banks go bust - instead of bailing them out
'The biggest leak in Polish history'. Thousands of pages of top secret documents from 'the tapes affair' published on Facebook by a Polish businessman relentlessly fighting with corrupt authorities.
Richard Branson grants new fathers at Virgin up to 12 months paternity on full pay
European Parliament TTIP vote cancelled because of huge public pressure.
Canadian Spy Bill C-51 passed by Senate, despite widespread public opposition
Humans to have sex in space for the first time
Saudi Arabia is to lift laws that ban women from travelling without a man's permission
Ontario first in North America to curb bee-killing neonicotinoid pesticides
Australian and New Zealand medicine to cost more and healthcare will suffer under TPP, according to Wikileaks documents
In 1951, 22 Inuit children were taken from their homes by the Danish government in order to serve in a social experiment. Decades later, they demand the apology they were never given.
Isis's dirty bomb: Jihadists have seized 'enough radioactive material to build their first WMD'
In a major shift of strategy in Iraq, the Obama administration is planning to establish a new military base in Anbar Province and send hundreds of additional American military trainers to help Iraqi forces retake the city of Ramadi and repel the Islamic State.
The Secretive Bilderberg Group is bringing together the world's financial and political elite this week
NASA released a ton of data to help developing nations prepare for global warming
Amnesty International Calls on Obama to Drop Charges Against Edward Snowden
Fake Mobile Phone Towers Operating In The UK
Glitch at the International Space Station on Tuesday caused its position in orbit to change
'Overstretched' Russian air force suffers three crashes in five days
Ban women from male labs because they are too distracting and cry when criticised, says Nobel prize winner Sir Tim Hunt
FIFA Suspends 2026 World Cup Bid Process
Poll finds half of Gazans want to leave...dissappointed with Hamas
Chimpanzees found to drink alcoholic plant sap in wild
UK oil firm 'paid Congolese officer who offered bribe to Virunga park ranger' - Leaked documents appear to show Soco paid $42,000 to officer who was filmed offering bribes to opponents of oil exploration in DRC national park
Medical marijuana legal in all forms, Supreme Court rules (Canada)
Elon Musk's SpaceX Plans To Launch 4,000 Satellites, Broadcasting Internet To Entire World
Global Diabetes Rates Are Rising as Obesity Spreads
Extramarital sex isn't adultery so long as you've paid for it, Japanese court rules
Rupert Murdoch is getting ready to step down as the CEO of 21st Century Fox
Isis's deadliest atrocity: 600 bodies confirmed found following 'worst massacre' by jihadists
Under Kim Jong Un, North Korea Faces Historic Famine As Drought Threatens Crop Production
Corpse Elected Mayor in Mexico - A Dead Man Wins in Cartel Country Enrique Hernndez fought the lawless& the lawbefore he was shot to death at a campaign rally last month. But he wins election from the grave.
Islamic State (IS) fighters have been targeted by other radical Islamist groups in Libya who have now declared a jihad against the extremist group.
With less than 500 dollars and an Internet-powered campaign, 25-year-old Mexican Pedro Kumamoto tapped into discontent with corruption-plagued political parties and makes history as the first independent candidate in Mexico to win an election by popular vote.
Russia is no longer strategic partner of European Union, say Members of the European Parliament (resolution passed by 494 votes to 135, with 69 abstentions)
Australian PM actively trying to reduce growth in renewable energy sector and limit wind farms
Leaked trade deal terms prompt fears for Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme - Documents on the Trans-Pacific Partnership revealed by Wikileaks have revealed draft rules for medicines provided by national health care schemes
Tony Abbott agrees windfarms may have "potential health impacts" - Bill Shorten accuses PM of hurting investment in renewables as Abbott says his government is working to reduce the number of "visually awful" turbines
North American scientists call for end to tar sands mining
Fake Mobile Phone Towers Found To Be "Actively Listening In" On Calls In UK
Turkish President Erdogan:''Western countries are backing Syrian Kurds, but they are Terrorists''
Bid to block US military plans to turn Pacific islands into simulated war zone
Spanish government to tax consumers who store their own renewable energy
Americans and Canadians, it says, were the only nationalities surveyed in which more than half of those polled believed that their country should take military action if Russia attacked a NATO ally.
Azerbaijan bans The Guardian and other news outlets from reporting on Baku European Games
TTIP vote postponed as European Parliament descends into panic over trade deal
reuters: "Saudi Arabia ready to raise oil output further to meet demand"
Ancient Church Uncovered During Highway Project in Israel
600 bodies exhumed at ISIL massacre site
Newly-surfaced video footage corroborates widespread assertions that the Turkish government's intelligence agency has been ensuring ISIL terrorists safe passage into Syria
France gives Google 15 days to expand right-to-be-forgotten worldwide or face sanctions
In a study of more than 5.7 million children in 5 countries, Autism was found to be linked to parental age.
As currency dies, Zimbabweans will get $5 for 175 quadrillion local dollars
An Indian journalist who linked an official to corruption died of burns. On his deathbed, he said the official's associates and police officers had set him on fire.
The U.N. surprises everyone with a breakthrough deal to slow deforestation
Over 90% of the world's population wants zero carbon emissions "... more than 9 out of 10 people on planet Earth think we should stop burning the oil, gas and coal that have helped boost global temperatures to dangerous record highs."
Nobel laureate Satyarthi says up to 500,000 child soldiers worldwide "When I read that a five-year-old child is given a gun to kill an opponent of a militia group in Iraq... and the child could not handle that gun, he was buried alive... That makes me angry. I think this should make you all angry,"
Tony Abbott brags that he halted the spread of 'visually awful' wind farms
INTERPOL suspends agreement with FIFA after receiving a 20 mil donation in 2011
Pope Francis: 'Let us modify our relationship with natural resources'. People must change their lifestyles and attitudes to help defeat hunger, Pope Francis said Thursday (June 11), a hint of what may be coming in his much-anticipated environmental encyclical next week.
New Charges of Climate Skeptics Undisclosed Ties to Energy Industry Highlight Journals Role as Gatekeeper. Soon accepted money from ExxonMobil Corp., the American Petroleum Institute, the Charles G. Koch Foundation and Southern Co., one of the largest electric utility companies in the US
Polar bears are seen eating dolphins for the first time as climate change pushes species north
Solar power passes 1% global threshold
Well over 100,000 people celebrate Tel Aviv Gay Pride Parade, regions biggest
Climate sceptic researcher investigated over funding from fossil fuel firms - Willie Soon from Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics probed over failure to disclose more than $1.2m from energy industry when submitting articles
The Worst of All Horrors | Psychologists in Iraq, a country long afflicted by violence, say theyve never seen more terrible trauma than that caused by the Islamic State.
'Profits over public health': Secret TPP Healthcare Annex published by WikiLeaks
Germany drops probe into U.S. spying on Merkel
Malaysia Airlines plane fire forces emergency landing
175 Quadrillion Zimbabwean Dollars Now Equals $5
Saudi blogger Raif Badawi sentence 'a slow death', says wife
Hizbollah declares war on ISIL: The Shiite militant group has been fighting Al Qaeda-linked Jabhat Al Nusra and allied rebel groups for more than a month along the border between Lebanon and Syria, but its declaration of war with ISIL opens up a new front
Dozens of new Ebola cases reported in West Africa
The Israeli military has cleared itself of culpability in one of the most controversial incidents in last summers Gaza war: a missile attack that killed four children on Gaza beach and injured a number of others.
Just minutes ago, a North Korean soldier walked across the border within the DMZ to defect to South Korea
France bans sale of Monsanto herbicide Roundup in nurseries
With Little Fanfare, Mexican Supreme Court Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage
Senior diplomat dismisses claims that Snowden docs contained agents' names: "Rule no.1 in both the CIA and MI6 is that identities are never, ever written down."
Stocks all over the world are dropping after Greek crisis talks fell apart in 45 minutes
Journalists slam article claiming Russia, China cracked Edward Snowden files. Reporters who worked with classified documents say Sunday Times piece is full of falsehoods.
Russia says will retaliate if U.S. weapons stationed on its borders
North Korea is planting landmines on its border to prevent its own soldiers from fleeing the country
Ireland to remove 1c and 2c coins from circulation
US and China sign an army cooperation agreement. US invites China to take part in joint military exercises.
Scientists say pope may be the key player on climate change
President Omar Hassan al-Bashir of Sudan, who faced arrest on charges of crimes against humanity and genocide, appeared to have slipped out of South Africa on Monday morning, dealing a serious blow to the International Criminal Courts six-year campaign to bring him to justice.
Erdoans friendly chat with mob boss at wedding sparks outrage
Israeli govt approves force feeding bill, says prisoner hunger strike is a "suicide terrorist attack" against Israel
It's Official: SpaceX Is Building Elon Musk's Hyperloop
Chinas Stock Market Value Tops $10 Trillion for First Time
Mexico Court Effectively Legalizes Same- Sex Marriage
North Korea confirms Defense Minister Hyon Yong Chol's execution for napping during Kim Jong Un meeting
North Korea Has Turned Off 3G Networks For Foreign Visitors
Putin upsets Erdoan by making him wait for meeting: Report
Huge fire engulfs France basilica
Israel refuses entry to UN investigator reporting on human rights in the Palestinian territories
Asylum seekers face increasing violence in Germany - - Anti-immigrant sentiment is growing in Germany, where refugee housing is burned & asylum seekers are attacked
Taliban shadow governor among 15 killed in NATO airstrike
'Poshness tests' block working-class applicants at top companies: Study of recruitment processes at elite law, accountancy and financial firms found that 70% of jobs went to applicants from private or selective schools
A rising tide does not lift all boats: IMF study shows wealth does not 'trickle-down' as many economists believe. IMF recommends countries should concentrate on helping the poorest 20% of citizens.
Millionaires are expected to control nearly half of the world's personal wealth by 2019
Israel accused of 'war crime' over bulldozing of Palestinian olive groves. They didnt leave me anything, said Sabri Manasra, who said he and a cousin had lost 800 trees. This is damage no one will forget, not my children, or my childrens children. I dont understand how people can do this.
A police force has defended scanning the faces of 90,000 festival-goers this weekend and checking them against a list of wanted criminals across Europe.
16 year old blogger Amos Yee, jailed in Singapore for criticising the government is now the world's youngest prisoner of conscience
Edward Snowden 'smeared by UK officials'
"Accused of publishing government propaganda against NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, the Sunday Times is using copyright to hit back at its strongest critic."
South Korea to install monitoring app in teenagers phones to block access to "undesirable" sites.
Russia will add 40 ballistic missiles to nuclear arsenal in 2015 - Putin: "More than 40 new intercontinental ballistic missiles able to overcome even the most technically advanced anti-missile defence systems will be added to the make-up of the nuclear arsenal this year,"
Bored London man pranks ISIS.
Israeli archaeologists have discovered a rare 3,000-year-old inscription of a name mentioned in the Bible. They said Tuesday it is the first time the name was discovered in an ancient inscription. It is one of only four inscriptions discovered from the biblical 10th century B.C. Kingdom of Judah
Russia's 'Microwave Gun' Can Disable Drones, Warheads Up To 6 Miles Away, Official Says
Italy discovers biggest illegal waste dump in Europe
'Call me The Shadow, not Bromley Batman': anonymous London vigilante comes forward
A 15-yr-old UK schoolboy has discovered a new planet
Lithuania and Poland are preparing to host US heavy arms as part of an American plan that could see the US station military equipment in Central and Eastern Europe for the first time despite opposition from Russia.
Gap between rich and poor in advanced economies at its highest level in decades.
Pay low-income families more to boost economic growth, says IMF - Study indicates stagnating incomes of the poor and middle classes could have been instrumental in the financial crisis
Zimbabwe ditches its currency: Z$35 quadrillion is now worth US$1
Kurdish fighters cut key supply line to Islamic State capital Raqqa
Egypt Sentences Former President Morsi to Death for Escaping Prison
Secretary says Air Force could send F-22s to Europe to counter Russia
Former FIFA executive Chuck Blazer agreed to go undercover for the US government at FIFA in 2013 to avoid potential 75-year sentence
Further research into the sophisticated computer virus used to hack into hotels where the Iran nuclear talks took place has found it took advantage of digital credentials stolen from the world's top contract electronics maker Foxconn
Vietnam fishermen 'attacked by Chinese boats', say reports
Wal-Mart Has $76 Billion in Overseas Tax Havens, Report Says
Pope blasts global warming deniers - "The poor and the Earth are shouting".
The water table is dropping all over the world: NASA warns were on the path to global drought
The fight is on to stop an annual Chinese event which is expected to involve the slaughter of more than 10,000 dogs, some of whom are burned or boiled alive.
Stop eating Nutella & save the forests, urges French ecology minister - Sgolne Royal says Nutella is made using palm oil, which is contributing to deforestation, & urges Ferrero to make the spread with "other ingredients"
Palestinian government to resign within 24 hours
Shock European court decision: Websites are liable for users comments
Robots to 3D-print world's first continuously-extruded steel bridge across a canal in Amsterdam, heralding the dawn of automatic construction sites and structural metal printing for public infrastructure
The worlds largest underground aquifers a source of fresh water for hundreds of millions of people are being depleted at alarming rates, according to new NASA satellite data that provides the most detailed picture yet of vital water reserves hidden under the Earths surface.
Snowdens lawyer says he witnessed Snowden destroy his copy of NSA documents before leaving Hong Kong; slams Sunday Times story
The Dominican Republic is expelling all Dominicans of Haitian descent who can't prove residency.
Child sacrifices continue to rise in Uganda; children are reportedly abducted by witch doctors and others who feel sacrifices will bring them wealth
Hezbollah killed the Leader of the Islamic State for Al Qalamoun, Syria.
The Taliban Tells the Islamic State to Get the Hell Out of Afghanistan
Gay men arrested in Morocco because they 'stood too close to each other'
Scientist just created the coldest substance on Earth
Diseased fish confirm damage to Great Barrier Reef ecosystem, say scientists - New research into reef confirms sediment from coastal agriculture & industry development, such as the dredging for ports, is having an adverse effect on fish
New NASA data show how the world is running out of water
Israel makes historic Temple Mount concessions for Ramadan..easing security checks, hundreds of Gaza visitors
4300 Sikh,Hindu Refugees from Afghanistan & Pakistan Get Indian Citizenship
As Tensions With U.S. Grow, Beijing Says It Will Stop Building Artificial Islands in South China Sea
'Open Your Eyes': Israel Releases Cartoon Mocking Foreign Correspondents
Half of the worlds new power capacity came from renewables last year, with China leading the way: Last year, the global economy grew by 3% but emissions stayed flat. This was the first time in at least 40 years that such an outcome has occurred outside economic crisis, the IEA said
Swiss investigating 53 cases of possible money laundering at Fifa
Prosecute sexual offenders, says UN panel | Nations whose peacekeeping troops commit sexual abuse should be named and shamed, according to a UN panel. Its report also recommends that flouter nations be barred from contributing troops to UN missions.
Sweden announces first centre for raped men
US says it will not provide food aid to North Korea during its worst drought in 100 years
Russia warns of 'risks' should Sweden join Nato: A top Russian official has told a leading Swedish newspaper that the country would be likely to face military action if it were to join Nato.
Pork sold by several leading British supermarkets found to be contaminated with a strain of superbug MRSA linked to overuse of powerful antibiotics on factory farms - Some develop skin complaints & the bug can cause life-threatening infections, including pneumonia & blood poisoning
Man in Dubai faces $68,000 fine for Swearing on WhatsApp
All Systems Go for NASA's Mission to Jupiter Moon Europa - "Observations of Europa have provided us with tantalizing clues over the last two decades, and the time has come to seek answers to one of humanity's most profound questions."
India Just Upped Its Solar Target Five-Fold, Will Install More Solar This Year Than Germany
Anonymous responsible for massive cyber-attack on Canadian government websites due to the Harper government's controversial bill C-51
China, the United States and India were responsible for nearly 80% of global growth in the first three months of the year
World Hasnt Had So Many Refugees Since 1945, Report Says
Israel Vows to Prevent Massacre of Syrian Druze After Islamist Rebels Surround Village Near Golan Heights
Chad Burqa Ban: Islamic Face Veils Outlawed In Muslim-Majority State Following Boko Haram Suicide Bombings
Some African Countries Are Trying to Use Science to Make Homophobic Laws, Now African Scientists are Pushing Back
Hungary will build a 4 meter high fence along its border with Serbia to stop illegal migrants
'Highly significant' Spanish Armada cannons discovered off coast of Ireland
Fukushima power plant operator 'knew of need to protect against tsunami but did not act'
Canadian Government Lambasted for Stifling Science and Dissent
British Government dodges Freedom of Information act with automatic 3-month deletion of emails
$1bn has vanished from three of Moldova's leading banks, much of it passing through UK companies.
Honduran soldiers are taking over public hospitals and medicine storage warehouses to guarantee the supply of drugs to patients after a recent fraud and graft scandal rocked the Social Security Institute
France seizes the assets of Russian state-run media
For the first time in modern history, Asia is now richer than Europe. And it is catching up with North America too; by 2019
Speaker of Greek parliament releases debt committee finding that debt is "odious" and should not be repaid. Prime minister is ready to "say the great no" and reject any unfair debt deal
EU agrees to extend Russia economic sanctions by six months
Hong Kong Legislature Votes Down Beijing-Backed Election Plan
Germany agreed Thursday to turn more than 60 former military bases into nature preserves, with the aim of creating vast new green oases and sanctuaries for rare species of birds
Man falls to his death in London after clinging to British Airways flight for 8,000+ miles; 2nd stowaway in critical condition
Mexico to Donald Trump: You are one ignorant,' 'prejudiced' hombre By just declaring his intention to run for president Wednesday, he managed to start a minor spat with Mexico.
A Gold Coast police officer who leaked video footage of his colleagues assaulting a handcuffed man could face charges and jail time, civil libertarians say
North Korea Claims It Has Cure for MERS, Ebola and AIDS
China is utterly and totally dominating solar panels: China has emerged as the worlds largest market for solar panels and in 2015 is expected to be home to a quarter of the planets new energy capacity from solar panels, according to a new report from GTM Research
Trans-Pacific Partnership? Never heard of it, Canadians tell pollster
Canada: controversial anti-terrorism bill, C-51, is now law.
Israeli youths arrested after arson attack on Catholic church
Saudi Arabia, one the loudest voices against climate change action, blocks drive to tighten global warming cap.
Officials: Chinese had access to U.S. security clearance data for one year
Cuba to offer Wi-Fi at 35 public spaces for the first time
Renewable energy in numbers. Wind, solar, hydro and other renewable sources made up 59% of new power generation capacity installed in 2014.
Denmark takes a sharp turn to the right after anti-immigration Danish People's Party soars in parliamentary elections, vowing to support Britain's demands for EU reform
Three wounded in terrorist shooting attack north of Jerusalem.
China stocks plunge as bubble fears grow
Jobless Afghan fighters say they were paid by the Iranian government to fight for Syria's President, Bashar al-Assad, and promised passports and jobs if they survive.
Spain turns its back on the sun. Proposed legislation will stifle small-scale solar and wind energy production, critics warn
300 arrested in global wildlife raids - Seizures include: Over 12 tons elephant ivory from Thailand, DRC, Kenya, Singapore, Mozambique & Uganda; 126 rhino horns from Mozambique, Vietnam, Namibia & Kenya; 10,000 dead sea horses, over 400 live turtles & tortoises in UK.
Armed Groups Reportedly Raped, Castrated, and Slit the Throats of Children in South Sudan
UK Muslims helping jihadis, says Cameron: Communities must stop 'quietly condoning' barbaric ISIS, PM warns in blunt speech
New DNA Results Show Kennewick Man Was Native American - Kennewick Mans genome also sheds new light on how people first spread throughout the New World, experts said. There was no mysterious intrusion of Europeans thousands of years ago. Instead, several waves spread across the New World
Euro zone announces emergency summit on Greece as money flees
Pakistan suspends death penalty during Ramadan - BBC News
Exclusive - Deposit withdrawals surge at Greek banks as debt noose tightens - 2bn withdrawn over the past three days
Poaching has reached an all-time high. 96 elephants are killed a day on average.
Fracking poses 'significant' risk to humans and should be temporarily banned across EU, says new report: A major scientific study says the process uses toxic and carcinogenic chemicals and that an EU-wide ban should be issued until safeguards are in place
New Zealand scientists voice concern over gagging on climate change. "When 40 percent of scientists say they are being gagged and can't speak out on issues of public importance, it's clear evident something is wrong," Labor science and innovation spokesperson David Cunliffe said in a statement.
Australian senate passes controversial anti-piracy, website-blocking laws
Afghan parliament under attack - BBC News
Giant toxic algae bloom off West Coast may be largest ever:What may be the largest toxic algae bloom ever recorded on the West Coast is poisoning sea lions in Washington State and shutting down fisheries as far north as B.C.
Spanish town 'Camp Kill Jews' officially changed name
Pope asks: Why didn't Allies bomb railway lines to Auschwitz?
India has trained dozens of German Shepherds to protect its tigers
German MP suggests country's army should have enough equipment - "a tank battalion with no tanks is not a tank battalion"
Russia demonstrates first 'microwave gun' that can disable drones and missiles from up to six miles away at Army-2015
Thousands of people formed human chains in cities across Spain's wealthy northern Basque Country on Sunday to call for the right to hold a regional referendum on independence
Snapshot Sleuthing Confirms Russian Military Presence In Ukraine
EU extends sanctions on Russia
UK government study: Society on course for collapse by 2040. Backed by Lloyds of London study showing possibility of "acute disruption to the global food supply. in the near future
China has opened a new, "safer" and "more convenient" route for Indians undertaking the arduous Kailash-Manasarovar Yatra as the first batch of pilgrims crossed the Indian border and entered Tibet via Nathu La, in the latest confidence-building measure between the two neighbours.
The United States and its allies won't let Russia "drag us back to the past", U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter said in an address in Berlin on Monday, as he accused Moscow of trying to re-create a Soviet-era sphere of influence.
Australia bans more than 240 games in six months
Hamas praises 'heroic' stabbing, but avoids responsibility - 18-year-old assailant Yasser Tarwa shown on terror groups website brandishing its paraphernalia
Chinese woman pays to rescue 100 dogs from meat festival
Germany frees al-Jazeera reporter Ahmed Mansour
After 3-year hiatus, Egypt appoints new ambassador to Israel
Across Europe, protesters call for solidarity with Greece | Brussels and Amsterdam have joined London, France, Germany and Italy in hosting mass rallies in support of cash-strapped Greece. Demonstrators said the financial sector must take responsibility for the damage it caused.
Canadian mining company dumps toxic waste into Mexican river: While the company has denied the spill is toxic, a state environmental body says the corporation will face fines for contamination.
Lithuania hasn't decided on arms supply to Ukraine, prime minister says
Doctors have voted overwhelmingly to urge the UK Government to remove health and social care services (the NHS) from a controversial trade agreement between the EU and United States (TTIP) | Doctors warned the deal would open up the health service to privatisation by US firms
New Pentagon manual declares journalists can be enemy combatants
Isis 'crucifies children for not fasting during Ramadan' in Syria - The extremist group's religious police force is reportedly brutally enforcing fasting for the Muslim holy month in its territories
Australian land the size of England hits market for $325 million - the biggest property sale on Earth
Conditions So Bad at London Prison, Staff Doesn't Bother Cleaning Bloodstained Cells and Beds
Holocaust memorial vandalized two weeks after unveiling in Greece
Turkey Reacts Angrily to Belgian Prime Ministers Recognition of Armenian Genocide
UK parties paid for fake supporters during general election
U.S. data hack may be 4 times larger than the government originally said
Google eavesdropping tool installed on computers without permission
The Demand for Sand is so High There are Illegal Sand Mining Operations - The clamor for sand is so great, that organized crime has sprung up around sand mining. The "sand mafias" in India are particularly prevalent. Only certain kinds of sand are sought & mining it causes problems.
Kurdish forces announce capture of ISIS military base in Syria
Commercial fisherman catches a 6.5 Metre, 3 Tonne Basking Shark; Instead of selling the fins for profit, donates the whole specimen to Melbourne Museum.
Egypt army digs trench along Gaza border to prevent smuggling
Yulin dog meat festival: Woman travels 1,652 miles to save as many dogs as she can.
30 killed at crowded mosque by 2 young female suicide bombers in northeast Nigeria
Officer who tazed and killed Polish immigrant in Vancouver airport sentenced to 30 months for perjury and collusion
Chiles largest city shuts down as smog causes environmental emergency Authorities have recommended Santiagos 7 million residents avoid outdoor activity, closed 1,300 businesses and ordered 1.7m vehicles off the streets
The mighty lion, reclusive cave crabs and the world's rarest sea lion are among nearly 23,000 species at risk of dying out, a top conservation body warned
Nearly 700 people have died over past 4 days as a result of Karachi's heatwave
60 million kids live without their parents in China.
To thwart and extract hacks from anti-virus software companies, the spy agencies reverse engineered software, intercepted email and spied on web traffic. Kaspersky Lab was a major target. The result was potentially a gold mine of exploits.
China aims to challenge U.S. air dominance: Pentagon - China "quickly closing the technological gaps," developing radar-evading aircraft, advanced reconnaissance planes, sophisticated missiles and top-notch electronic warfare equipment
Afghan Soldier Kills 6 Terrorists, Wins New Apartment
Medical technology that could eliminate need for animal testing wins design award | Revolutionary Organs-on-Chips could change the way pharmaceutical trials are conducted
Alberta passes bill banning corporate and union donations to political parties
Netherlands ordered by Dutch court to cut greenhouse gas emissions by at least 25% by 2020 in class action suit
Most Germans say US doesn't respect freedom
Russian 'troll factory' sued for underpayment and labour violations: The secretive Russian agency that hires people to write pro-Kremlin propaganda on the web stepped into the public spotlight for the first time on Tuesday as a former employee took it to court
Germany marijuana legalization push revives debate over drug policy
Dwarf planet Ceres reveals pyramid-shaped mystery
Renewables to Beat Fossil Fuels With $3.7 Trillion Solar Boom. Renewable energy will draw almost two-thirds of the spending on new power plants over the next 25 years, dwarfing spending on fossil fuels, as plunging costs make solar the first choice for consumers and the poorest nations.
Council of Europe Calls on U.S. to Let Snowden Have a Fair Trial
Canadian cops issue apology after helicopter pilots broadcase over loudspeakers their private discussion about oral sex while flying over city, including Legislative buildings
Child poverty figures set to rise in the UK for the first time in ten years, so the government plans to redefine child poverty.
Anti-monarchy activists want Queen to move out of Buckingham Palace
Putins approval ratings hit 89 percent, the highest theyve ever been according to measurements from the Moscow-based Levada Center, the only independent polling organization in Russia.
NSA spied on French presidents: WikiLeaks
The mysterious Russian agency that hires people to write pro-Kremlin propaganda on the web stepped into the public spotlight for the first time Tuesday as a former employee took it to court
ISIS blows up ancient shrines in Palmyra, the 2000 year-old heritage site in Syria
NATO says won't be dragged into arms race with Russia
China puts $6 trillion price tag on its climate plan
800 tonnes Of smuggled meat seized by Chinese Authorities, Including batches dated from the 1970's
Israeli High Court: 24 settler housing units in Beit El must be razed
Pakistani Islamic scholar Tahir ul-Qadri launches anti-ISIS curriculum in British mosques and Islamic institutions.
Comprehensive study shows there's no difference in children raised by same-sex couples
Families say gravediggers overcharging after Pakistan heat wave kills at least 749.
China arrests smugglers trying to sell frozen meat from the 1970s
Egypt demands billions as compensation from Muslim Brotherhood
World is on the brink of the longest oil glut in at least 30 years with no end in sight
South Korea says it will send aid to North Korea during its worst drought in a century under one condition -- just ask for it
French taxi drivers lock down Paris in huge anti-Uber protest
Julian Assange on the Trans-Pacific Partnership: Secretive Deal Isnt About Trade, But Corporate Control
Aids-infected ISIS fighter is executed for donating blood to fellow fighters
TTIP a threat to EU chemical safety standards, German NGO says
A Dutch City Will Start Experimenting with Unconditional Basic Income This Summer
New Species: Hairy-Chested Yeti Crab Found in Antarctica - The deep-sea crustacean lives near hydrothermal vents
Heat wave kills 1,017 people in Pakistan's Sindh province.
Britain just gave the banking license to a bank with no branches and no website - just an app
Rotherham child exploitation inquiry: councillors among possible suspects. Suspects now stand at 300, possible victims at 1400.
Moroccan Director who's film addresses the Muslim countrys sex industry; has been summoned to court, on charges of pornography."
New Fatwa Allows Eating During Ramadan as Heat Wave Death Toll Hit 750
Australia slashes its renewable energy target by nearly 20%
Mother and infant son found alive five days after plane crash in Colombia
Whistleblowers with dual citizenship who speak out on Australias national security including those involved in allegations that Timor-Lestes cabinet room was bugged could face having their citizenship revoked under proposed laws.
Germany: Beware Putin's Push For Brexit - Vladimir Putin could try to fund anti-EU efforts in Britain in an attempt to weaken Europe, a key ally of Angela Merkel warns.
Face of bizarre sea creature Hallucigenia revealed - Scientists finally have a complete picture of what 1 of nature's most bizarre animals looked like. Hallucigenia lived 500m yrs ago, but all fossils appeared to be without heads.
Zack Davies, a member of neo-Nazi group National Action, found guilty of attempting to decapitate an Asian man
Japan Says It Will Resume Whaling in the Antarctic | VICE News
Egypt is holding the highest number of journalists behind bars since record keeping began, using the pretext of national security to crack down on press freedoms, the Committee to Protect Journalists said on Thursday.
ISIL re-enters Syrian Kurdish town Kobane
FINLAND: New Government Commits to a Basic Income Experiment
Genetically Modified Lamb with Jellyfish Protein Accidentally Sold as Meat in Paris
Pakistan only country in the world where majority views Iran positively
US Congress passes rare law targeting boycotts of Israel
Man beheaded and Islamist flag raised in Grenoble, France
Attack On Tourist Hotel In Tunisia
Vatican Formally Recognizes Palestinian State by Signing Treaty
South Korea tells North Korea it cant have both guns and butter and urges nuclear talks
Explosion hits Shia mosque in Kuwait during Friday prayers
Over 1,000 killed by Pakistan heat wave: "There is no space left ... to keep the dead bodies"
German politicians sound alarm after weedkiller found in breast milk
Islamic State kills at least 145 civilians in Syria's Kobani: monitor
33,000 Russian soldiers practiced a military takeover of the Baltic Sea and part of Sweden in March this year, a new report shows
Sir Tim Hunt's claims that remarks on girls in science were 'not sexist' are backed by leaked EU report
India wants to build 100 smart cities. Residents just want water and power.
BBC publishes links "forgotten" by search engines
Brazilian police officer caught on camera 'shooting two fallen teenage suspects point-blank'
A British Neo-Nazi Tried To Kill A Sikh Dentist in "Revenge for Muslim Attacks"
Exclusive: Saudi Arabia Is Thwarting the Distribution of Emergency UN Aid in Yemen
Chinese market selling 40 year old meat. Police discovered 483 million worth in storage.
Hackers Stole Secrets of U.S. Government Workers Sex Lives
Putin Breaks Silence With Call to Obama Touching on Ukraine and ISIS
Yara Sallam, was arrested on june 21, 2014 for protesting against an anti-protest law. Yara is a 29-year-old womens human rights defender from Egypt.
Sepp Blatter: I did not resign Im not ready for the museum or a waxwork
Burundi vice president flees, students break into US embassy
Scottish wind farms power almost a million homes in record first quarter. First three months of 2015 saw wind farms produce enough electricity to power 960,000 Scottish households for a year, but subsidy cuts threaten potential, minister warns
GCHQ monitored own staff excessively
Great Barrier Reef water quality to be monitored in real time in pollution crackdown
Canada does not have right weapons to help Ukraine, defence minister reveals
'Blind agreement' and closed-door deals: Report slams TPP negotiations
Bill Gates to invest $2bn in breakthrough renewable energy projects
Lego To Replace Oil-Based Plastics
Japanese TV channel ran false subtitles in interviews with South Koreans in order to fan anti-Korean sentiment
Greek banks 'to stay shut on Monday'.
Puerto Rico says it cannot pay its debt, setting off potential crisis in the U.S.
Activists Want To Know Why No One Is Investigating Libyan Human Rights Lawyer's Murder - Salwa Bugaighis was 1st woman to call for ouster of Qaddafi. After she cast her ballot in last yr's election, men in hoods & military uniforms stormed her home, shot & killed her. Her killers remain at large.
Saudi Officials Linked to Jihadist Group in WikiLeaks Cables
Legislators in Brazil's largest city, Sao Paulo, have banned the production and sale of foie gras, a delicacy made from the fatty liver of force-fed ducks and geese. City councillors said animals go through a great deal of suffering for the production of the pt.
Uber managers arrested in France over 'illicit' taxi service
Mafia in Australia: Major drug trafficking group linked to senior politicians, investigation reveals
Putin: Nations must unite to fight Islamic State militants; Russia backs Syria's Assad
A young woman died on Monday, the first fatality among nearly 500 casualties from a weekend blaze at a Taiwan water park, officials said, as investigators focused on the coloured powder that rained fire as it was sprayed over revellers from a stage.
Turkey is sending 18.000 soldiers into Syria
Israel Intercepts First of Four 'Freedom Flotilla' Boats to Gaza
Seniors going bankrupt in soaring numbers More Canadians are outliving their savings and spending their golden years in debt.
Greece, which may default on an International Monetary Fund debt repayment due on Tuesday after talks with creditors broke down, owes its official lenders 242.8 billion euros ($271 billion), according to a Reuters calculation based on official data.
Monkeys break free in great escape from research facility in Puerto Rico
Wikileaks reveals Saudi links with Haqqani Network
An historic meeting between Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church is "getting closer every day": would be a significant step towards healing the 1,000-year-old rift between the Western and Eastern branches of Christianity, which split in the Great Schism of 1054.
Hamas unveils new tunnel it says reaches into Israel - The attack tunnel is said to be 3.5 kilometers long
ISIS executes over 3000 in Syria in year-long 'caliphate'
Russian entrepreneurs have launched a toilet paper covered in text of Western sanctions
Lord Janner faces sex abuse prosecution
Ukraine to apply for EU membership candidacy
US now has more Spanish speakers than Spain only Mexico has more
At least 116 feared dead in after Indonesian military plane crashes into a major city
ISIS just executed its top official in Mosul for planning a coup
The remains of an unidentified sea animal with fur on its tail have been washed ashore in the Far East. Found near the airport at Shakhtersk, on Sakhalin Island, its appearance is unlike anything ever found in Russia.
1,000 runners get norovirus after French mud run
Saudi comedian gets death threats for satirizing IS
ISIS executes women by beheading for the first time for 'sorcery' in Syria
South Sudan army raped and then burned girls alive, says UN
Australia bans 220 videogames in four months as Government adopts new classification model
New WikiLeaks Documents Reveal NSA Spied On Top French Companies
Russia to review 1991 decision to recognise independence of Baltic states
CIA photos of black sites could complicate Guantanamo trials | Military prosecutors this year learned about a massive cache of CIA photographs of its former overseas black sites while reviewing material collected for the Senate investigation of the agencys interrogation program, officials said
Liberia: 17 year old Boy dies of Ebola seven weeks after WHO declared Country Free of Virus
Tunisia hotel attack: Armed police were 'paralysed by fear' and let gunman run amok for half an hour, says witness
EU agrees to eliminate roaming charges but net neutrality rules disappoint
Almost a third of China's Great Wall has disappeared: Natural erosion, damage from tourists and people stealing bricks to build houses mean estimates of the walls length now vary from 9,00021,000 km
South Sudans army raped then torched girls alive inside their homes during a recent campaign notable for its new brutality and intensity, a U.N. rights report said Tuesday.
China says wants Greece in euro zone, pledges EU infrastructure investment
Greece proposes 2 year bridge loan and restructuring of debt to Eurogroup
Israel considering leaving UN Human Rights Council
NSA wiretapped two French finance ministers: Wikileaks
Afghans Protest After U.S. Forces Carry Out Raid on Strongman - The raid demonstrated that American troops in Afghanistan, months after President Obama declared their regular combat mission over, are engaged beyond their publicly stated role of advising the Afghan forces...
Hamas Shuts Offices of Gaza's Sole Cellular Operator
Mexico won't send candidate to Miss Universe over Trump comments-Televisa
Russia Beats Saudi Arabia to Become China's Top Oil Supplier
Cuba first to eliminate mother-to-baby HIV transmission: World Health Organization hails 'one of the greatest public health achievements possible', five years into regional initiative
Australia's largest woodlands 'will not be protected if it prevents mining' - "Any sort of recognition which would put constraints on mining would be absolutely devastating," Western Australia mining minister Bill Marmion says
Greece becomes first developed nation to default on international obligations
Hillary Clinton was repeatedly pressured by Cherie Blair to meet a leading Qatari royal during her time as US secretary of state, according to newly released emails that raise fresh questions about the lobbying activities of all three political families.
The Islamic State has expanded its reach to Russia after it declared a governorate in the country's North Caucasus region last week.
Russia shuts off gas supply to Ukraine
Australian Border Force Act could see immigration detention centre workers jailed for whistleblowing - anyone working at detention centres who reports on child abuse, sexual assault or other abuse can be imprisoned for two years
All children with cancer to be given free health care cards, starting tomorrow [ireland]
Cameron reaffirms there will be no safe spaces from UK government snooping
Puerto Rico sales tax to increase by 4-and-a-half percent after US refuses bail out.
U.S. and Cuba to announce embassy openings
President Obama announces Havana embassy opening
Norway wants $5.1m from Catholic church for fraud
Australia: Victorian state to ban smoking in all prisons, riots break out
Terror attack in West Bank: Four Israelis wounded in shooting. This is 6th terror attack in 10 days of Ramadan
The Intercept publishes 48 top-secret and other classified documents about XKEYSCORE which shed new light on the breadth, depth and functionality of this critical spy system one of the largest releases yet of documents provided by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden.
India reduces open defecation by 31 per cent: UN report
Secret IMF documents: Austerity measures would still leave Greece with unsustainable debt. Secret documents show Greece would face an unsustainable level of debt by 2030 even if it signs up to the full package of tax and spending reforms demanded of it.
The US Navy is testing a submarine hunting drone ship
Humans causing catastrophic ecosystem shifts, study finds
Up to 60 Soldiers Killed In Egypts North Sinai by ISIS Affiliated Militants
Australian asylum seeker detention staff challenge government to prosecute them under new draconian secrecy law "despite threats of imprisonment, standing by; watching child abuse and gross violations of human rights is not ethically justifiable"
Hamas claims responsibility for West Bank attack.
The Great Barrier Reef will not be listed as endangered but will remain under watch, UNESCO has ruled.
In a Bid to Modernize its Railways India will invest $120 billion in it over the next five years.
Saudi prince to give away $32bn. He said he had been inspired by the Gates Foundation, set up by Bill and Melinda Gates in 1997. The money would be used to "foster cultural understanding", "empower women", and "provide vital disaster relief", among other things, he said.
BP fined $18.7bn for Deepwater Horizon oil spull
New Zealand passes law making it punishable by fine or jail time for "causing emotional distress" on the Internet
China says retired officials can be punished for pollution. Even officials who have retired will be held accountable and punished for pollution which occurred under their watch, state media said on Wednesday after a government meeting chaired by President Xi Jinping.
Leaked TPP paper shows US pushing drug company rights
Spanish Government passes "Gag Law", restricting rights to assembly, free speech, and implementing possible individual fines anywhere from 100 up to 600,000 for protesting, despite widespread opposition from the Spanish people and EU governments.
Syrian Christian leader tells West: 'Stop arming terror groups who are massacring our people'
Egypt Officially Announces State Of War
First Muslim Gay Imam Says Quran Doesnt Call for Punishment of Homosexuals
U.S. seeks FIFA officials' extradition from Switzerland -
The humanitarian aid aboard a recent flotilla to Gaza fit in two cardboard boxes.
Honduras' Supreme Court has ordered the arrest of the vice president of Congress and 15 other people accused of defrauding the country's health care system in a corruption scandal that has sparked large street protests.
"Wow, pulled back wrong throttle" - Exact quote recorded in February 2015 from the captain of the crashed TransAsia plane.
Greece defaults.
WikiLeaks Publishes More Docs Revealing Saudi Connection Against Syria And US | According to docs, a secret treaty among Qatar, Turkey and Saudi Arabia shows they intended to overthrow the Syrian government; Western powers like France, Britain and the US were also involved in the secret agreement
Australia must cut carbon emissions by 30% by 2025, says Climate Change Authority - Government also urged to sign up to further cuts of 40-60% by 2030 ahead of Paris climate talks, in effort to catch up to other countries
US Reportedly Blocks Arab Allies' Attempts to Deliver Weapons to Kurds
GCHQ spied on Amnesty International, tribunal tells group in email
We can't print drachmas, says Greece's finance minister: With speculation swirling that Greece might be forced out of the euro and have to print its own money after a weekend referendum, its finance minister on Thursday said the country no longer had the presses to make drachmas.
Merkel admitted in 2011 Greek debt unsustainable
Sir Nicholas Winton Dies at age 106. He saved 669 children from the nazis by sneaking them into the UK.
An Afghan appeals court has quashed death sentences imposed on four men for their part in the mob killing of a young woman in Kabul in March. Farkhunda Malikzada was attacked at an Islamic shrine after being falsely accused of burning a copy of the Koran.
74 children executed by ISIS for 'crimes' that include refusal to fast, report says
Syria's main Kurdish party warned Turkey on Wednesday that any military intervention would threaten international peace and said the country's main Kurdish militia is ready to face any "aggression."
Varoufakis Says Hell Quit as Finance Minister After a Yes
Official: Greeks say NO to austerity measures
An Australian Mafia boss allegedly paid $2.2 million in bribes to NSW judges to get lighter jail sentences, top-secret police intelligence reports reveal.
Israeli Arab teachers arrested for joining ISIS, attempted to recruit children
Australian Minister: "Gay Marriage Could Damage Our Cattle Exports"
16-year-old Amos Yee sentenced to 4 weeks jail for posting video in which he called late Singaporean PM Lee Kuan Yew a "horrible person"
London is the worlds leading city for laundering drug money
South African rail association orders $300m of trains that don't fit local railway lines
The majority of children living in areas of Gaza hardest-hit during last year's conflict are showing signs of severe emotional distress and trauma, including frequent bed wetting and nightmares, a global children's charity said on Monday.
One of the world's biggest banks just admitted bitcoin could destroy existing finance firms
Uber does not require a licence because its smartphone app does not accept calls, a Superior Court judge ruled.
A Soviet double spy, who secretly defected to Britain 30 years ago this month, has revealed for the first time the details of his exfiltration by British intelligence in 1985. Oleg Gordievsky was one of the highest Soviet intelligence defectors to the West in the closing stages of the Cold War.
Greek Finance Minister announces shock resignation.
Iraqi warplane accidentally bombs Baghdad
Nuclear-armed rivals Pakistan and India will start the process of joining a security bloc led by China and Russia at a summit in Russia later this week, a senior Chinese diplomat said on Monday, the first time the grouping has expanded since it was set up in 2001.
Greek crisis: more than $30bn wiped off Australian stock market after no vote
Philae comet could be home to alien life, say top scientists - Features of the comet, named 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, such as its organic-rich black crust, are most likely explained by the presence of living organisms beneath an icy surface
Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) will launch its heaviest ever commercial mission on July 10. ISRO will be launching five British satellites, which weigh nealry 1440 kg, from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) in Sriharikota.
In Afghanistan, Canada and other donor countries may have paid for so-called "ghost schools" that don't even exist.
China rolls out emergency measures to prevent stock market crash
Hacking Team hit by breach; leak suggests it sold spyware to oppressive regimes
8.9 million get addicted to drugs every year in Pakistan
German calls for Grexit mount as EU stunned by 'No' vote
The city of Jos has been hit by two explosions believed to have been the work of Boko Haram. The attacks, which killed at least 44, followed an early suicide bombing at a church in another part of the country.
North Korea has carried out 1,400 public executions since 2000, report claims
The Turkish army has called a meeting of troop commanders stationed along its fortified border with Syria to discuss a possible intervention in Syria
Report: 45 ISIS fighters die after eating 'poisoned' iftar meal
'Hackers' give orders to German missile battery - German-owned Patriot missiles stationed in Turkey were briefly taken over by hackers
ISIS has cut off water supplies to the Mesopotamia Marshlands after capturing dams along the Euphrates River destroying wildlife and the livelihoods of the local people.
Over two dozen people with ties to Indias $1-billion exam scam have died mysteriously in recent months
No alien life on Philae comet: A sensational claim that ESAs Philae spacecraft has landed on a comet teeming with life doesnt hold water
Peshmerga stop 600-strong ISIS attack south of Kirkuk
Hackers steal data from a company that...hacks people and sells hacking software to governments.
Two women on trial in Morocco on charges of "gross indecency" for wearing skirts
Cleric said to be behind Tunisian beach massacre is living on benefits in Britain
'Beach body ready' advert not offensive, rules watchdog: A weight-loss product advert featuring a bikini-clad model asking "Are you beach body ready?" was not offensive or irresponsible, the watchdog has ruled.
Thousands March in Toronto, Urge Canada to Turn Away From a Fossil Fuel Economy
Hundreds of members of the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community filed an unprecedented request Tuesday with the Japan Federation of Bar Associations (JFBA) in a bid to legalize same-sex marriages, saying Japans failure to recognize the practice constitutes a violation of human rights.
As many as 50 women have described harrowing tales of abuse they allegedly suffered while students at a Sydney girls' college, one claiming she was raped in the school's sandstone dungeon.
Egyptians lambast 'ugly' new Nefertiti statue - Unveiling of an ugly copy of a famously beautiful bust of Queen Nefertiti causes Egyptians to mock authorities as well as current state of art in country.
48 hours to keep Greece in euro
Koreas first ever equal marriage lawsuit has begun
Greece will not be getting any more cash from the ECB
Greece arrives at Eurogroup meeting with no new proposals or requests
AUSTRALIA- Fast food giant McDonald's has introduced new menu boards that make it harder to see and compare the calories in its products, disappointing health advocates and potentially breaching food labelling laws.
Greeces growing political and economic problems have its small neighbor Macedonia sensing an opportunity to push hard for joining NATO, a move that has been stalled for years thanks to Athens opposition because of disputes over Macedonias name.
Explosives stolen from French army base
At least 14 killed in Kenya attack on a residential building.
Russians Rally in Support of U.S. Teacher Sentenced for Sex With Teens: "Twenty-two years for a woman who helped three mature male students start their adult lives."
A massive airstrike by the Saudi-led coalition targeting rebels hit a local marketplace in Yemen, killing over 45 civilians on Monday, security officials and eyewitnesses said.
Egypt killed 241 Sinai militants in five days, army says
Teen Guilty Of Hacking PlayStation Network. A teenager who helped to ruin Christmas for millions of children by shutting down the PlayStation and Xbox networks has been convicted of 50,700 offences.
New poll finds two-thirds of Irish people want abortion decriminalised.
Belgian town 'opts out' of EU-US trade treaty (TTIP): To make sure the people who live there are aware of the motion's defiant content, it sent out a press release titled St. Gilles - Zone outside the TTIP market!.
Chile lawmakers approve marijuana decriminalisation bill
Pope: Duty to protect planet, calls for 'social justice' on resources. He appeared to be making a clear reference to climate change doubters when he said: "It is wrong to turn aside from what is happening all around us, as if certain situations did not exist or have nothing to do with our lives."
China Bans Stock Sales by Major Shareholders for Six Months
First female nominee fails to win seat on Afghan supreme court: Conservatives attacked nomination of Anisa Rassouli, with one MP objecting on grounds that menstruating women were not allowed to touch Quran
"Turkeys national police force paid the controversial online security firm Hacking Team $600,000 to spy on its own citizenswhich scholars say is a likely illegal practice"
Astronomers have discovered a very rare system of five connected stars. The quintuplet consists of a pair of closely linked stars - binaries - one of which has a lone companion; it is the first known system of its kind.
Nearly 25% of Chinese stocks have stopped trading
Spain arrests woman for recruiting girls for Islamic State
Shanghai stocks plunge, over 1,200 Chinese companies halt trading
Palestinian ambassador endorses Protocols of the Elders of Zion, says the "Jewish people" don't exist
Religion In China Grows Among Young People, Islam Most Popular Among Followers Under 30: Report
London Shopping Mall, Westfield Shepherd's Bush evacuated after construction workers find 'unexploded Second World War Bomb'
Sarkozy signs petition to protect empty churches from conversion to mosques
TTIP | Open Courts Demanded for EU-US Trade Deal | European Parliment says a proposed EU-US free trade deal must not give big firms the power to sue governments in private, secretive courts
Russia vetoes Bosnia genocide label
Ottawa sidesteps questions from UN panel on human rights complaints in Canadian mining industry
Hate discourse against LGBTI reflected on street. A group, naming themselves as Young Islamic Defense, hashanged posters in Ankara streets, wanting LGBTI massacred.
Muslim Protestors in Nigeria burn 2 Churches after Mosque Bombing
Japan is building solar energy plants on abandoned golf coursesand the idea is spreading
Litany of atrocities in South Sudan as international community stands idle .Girls gang raped by soldiers then burned alive, boys castrated, armies of child fighters:
Spanish woman arrested for recruiting girls to Islamic State
Anxious Greeks Buy Macs and PlayStations While They Still Can
FIFA imposes lifetime ban on former member, informant, and whistle blower, Chuck Blazer
Saudi comedian gets death threats and huge ratings for TV show that mocks ISIS
Exxon knew of climate change in 1981, email says but it funded deniers for 27 more years
Pluto has a heart! NASA reveals most detailed photograph of the former planet
Hit by drought and seawater, Bangkok tap water may run out in a month
London's Underground system at standstill due to biggest strike in more than a decade
Poorer than Greece:the EU countries that reject a new Athens bailout
Surveillance company loses control of flagship spy program: Hacking Team - "We believe this is an extremely dangerous situation"
Microsoft hangs up on Nokia business, to cut 7,800 jobs
Irans Revolutionary Guards: "Destruction of Israel" is Islamic Worlds Top Priority
Malaysian government pulls phoenix from MH370 search. Currently 50,000km2 of seafloor has been searched of the proposed 120,000km2.
Pakistan warns India, says can use nuclear weapons if needed
Russia unveils straight pride flag
More than four million Syrians have now fled war and persecution
ISIS Leaders Reported Killed in Drone Strike in Afghanistan
Former Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi has been found guilty of bribing a senator in 2006 in an attempt to bring down the then centre-left government.
Hamas has been holding an Israeli citizen captive, against his will, in Gaza for nearly a year
The Rapid Action Battalion described by Human Rights Watch as a death squad that has perpetrated systematic abuses over more than a decade wanted to see a practical demonstration of Hacking Teams surveillance equipment
Duma Approves Construction of $4 Billion Kerch Bridge to Crimea
Ukraine Banks Seek Compensation From Russia for Crimean Losses
Declassified UK documents reveal Greece planned Cyprus invasion in 1983. The concerns were great enough for the foreign secretary of the time, Geoffrey Howe, to instruct British diplomatic missions to lobby six Muslim-majority countries against recognizing the new state.
France says 'No' to Greek euro exit, Prime Minister Valls
The forgotten war on Yemen has left 80% of the population without basic survival needs like food and water
A titanic row between Samsung and a hedge fund run by an American Jew sparks anti-Jewish assault in South Korean media
Ancient Ritual Bath Found Under Unsuspecting Family's Floorboards
Pirate Bay Founders Acquitted in Criminal Copyright Case
BMW has just put the first 100% all electric 18 wheeler out on the road in Germany
Pope Francis warns against new forms of colonialism: "Human beings and nature must not be at the service of money. Let us say no to an economy of exclusion and inequality, where money rules, rather than service. That economy kills. That economy excludes. That economy destroys Mother Earth."
71% of the world's population lives on less than $10 a day
Pope begs forgiveness for sins and 'offences' of church against indigenous of America
UK to ban WhatsApp under 'snoopers charter' law.
Pope accuses world leaders of 'cowardice'
Wind power generates 140% of Denmark's electricity demand
Bodies of WWII US Marines recovered in Pacific.
Its too late to stop the seas rising at least 5 metres and only fast, drastic action will avert a 20-metre rise
"Cant stop an adult from watching porn in his room": Supreme Court of India
BBC documentary translates Gaza children saying 'Jews' as saying 'Israelis'
Ethiopia has been voted the worlds best tourism destination for 2015, for its excellent preservation of humanity landmarks such as the ruins of the city of Aksum, and Fasil Ghebbi, which served as the residence of the Ethiopian emperors during the 16th and 17th century.
UK urges Britons to leave Tunisia as "further terrorist attack is highly likely" - BBC News
Fossil fuel companies have been lying about climate change for more than 30 years.The fossil fuel industry has waged a campaign to obfuscate and mislead the public on the science surrounding climate change
Chanting 'Death to Israel,' millions march in Iran on al-Quds Day
Greek Plan Accepts Austerity to Get Debt Relief
Even if world manages to limit global warming to 2C the target number for current climate negotiations sea levels may still rise at least 6 meters (20 feet) above their current heights, radically reshaping the worlds coastline and affecting millions in the process.
First Sighting of Drachma in the Wild, Via Credit-Card Mystery
Australian law enforcement and intelligence services have been in secret talks with an Italian-based surveillance company notorious for helping repressive states like Sudan spy on their own citizens, according to leaked emails published by Wikileaks.
Exclusive: Japan interested in joining NATO missile consortium
"Two heads are better than one, and three monkey brains can control an avatar better than any single monkey. For the first time, a team has networked the brains of multiple animals to form a living computer that can perform tasks and solve problems."
Ukraine offers huge state firms to foreign investors
7.0 Earthquake strikes offshore of the Solomon Islands
Pope calls for new economic order, criticizes capitalism
Beijing effectively bans Tibetans and other ethnic minorities from obtaining passports, Human Rights Watch said Monday, amid a surge in Chinese tourists travelling abroad
Climate change must be taken as seriously as nuclear war, says UK foreign minister
Russia advances 2km into Georgian territory: "a portion of the BP-operated BakuSupsa Pipeline in Georgia now ... under Russian control"
Israel arrests Jewish suspects over torching famous church
Lithuania to remove remaining Soviet-era statues in capital
Eurozone 'agreement' on Greece debt
Chad police: Anyone wearing face veils will be arrested
Doctors demand a 20% tax on sugary drinks to fight UK obesity epidemic
Thundersnow, the rarest phenomenon in Australian weather, just happened.
An anti-Islam nationalist group that has aligned itself with neo-Nazis and other far-right organisations says it will hold Australia's biggest ever "patriot rally" at Melbourne's Parliament House next weekend.
Kurdistan Worker's Party declares end of ceasefire with Turkey, mobilizes guerrillas
"President Vladimir Putin says Russia is interested in using national currencies with other BRICS [Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa] members after agreeing on such an arrangement with China."
Sea bass stocks on brink of collapsing - The stock is in rapid decline, & much more needs to be done - & urgently - to prevent this iconic & important fishery from collapsing. Call for temporary fishing ban if EU agreement to manage critically low stocks cant be reached.
Your gun laws are a mistake: National Rifle Association to Australia
Mexican president expropriates indigenous land for highway: Activists expressed outrage and launched an online campaign after government trucks and construction vehicles entered this weekend protected lands of one of Mexico's indigenous communities in order to build a highly controversial highway.
Greek crisis: surrender fiscal sovereignty in return for bailout, Merkel tells Tsipras
Greeks Face 'Humiliating' Demands As Twitter Says #ThisIsACoup
Kuwait announces mandatory DNA database for its citizens
Ukraine government in armed standoff with nationalist militia
Successful Icelandic Pirate MP resigns from Parliament and goes back to mixing asphalt
Scientists use nanoparticles to shut down mechanism that drives cancer growth. "shutting down Twist expression enabled cancer cells to overcome their resistance to cancer drugs"
High-Profile Tibetan Monk Dies In Prison In China
Ethiopian LGBT Activist Banned by Facebook Under Real Name Policy
Six Tropical Cyclones At Once in the Pacific Ocean on July 12
Orangutan escapes from zoo by using blanket as a leverage to break its enclosures.
Hadron collider discovers new particle the pentaquark
Germany encourages pedophilies to sign up for confidential treatment, even if they have abused a child, and doctors are hailing it as a success.
Kim Jong Un phasing out worship of father, grandfather and stripping military of power, analysts say
Why was Oscar-winning Snowden documentarian detained 50+ times in US airports?
Iranian diplomat: Iran, major powers reach historic nuclear deal.
Thousands of people in Bangladesh are demanding justice for a teenage boy who was beaten to death by a group of men who filmed themselves laughing and jeering as they carried out the attack.
The goal to get HIV treatment to 15 million people by the end of 2015 has already been met, says the United Nations Aids agency. The landmark figure was reached in March - nine months ahead of schedule.
A project to build a $200 DIY Wi-Fi router to help whistleblowers hide online just disappeared under "bizarre" circumstances
Australia has asked the United Nations to set up an international criminal tribunal to try those responsible for shooting down the Malaysian Airlines flight MH17.
JAPAN- Nangka is a powerful typhoon, heading for Japan and is expected to continue to strengthen over the warm waters of the Pacific Ocean through midweek, approaching super typhoon intensity.
An Australian judge has accused WikiLeaks of "a clear and deliberate breach of the law" with its online publication last year of a suppression order issued to prevent world leaders being named in a corruption case.
Kuwait has passed a law making it mandatory for all its 1.3 million citizens and 2.9 million foreign residents to have their DNA entered onto a national database.
Two Morocco women have been acquitted of indecency charges after they went on trial for wearing short skirts, their lawyer says.
3,000 killed in Yemen in first 100 days of Saudi-led bombing, half civilians
An Australian state is considering banning tobacco sales to anyone born after 2000.
Google maps updates name of disputed South China Sea shoal; removes Chinese name for the reef following online petition
New Horizons: Probe sends detailed view of Pluto
"News about an imminent mini ice age is trending - but its not true"
Burka ban: In wake of market bombing, Chad warns anyone in full veil will be arrested on sight
Liberia confirms new Ebola case as outbreak spreads, nearly two months after declared Ebola-free by the UN
'Pope of the Poor' Francis apologizes for overlooking middle class woes
Italy's public debt hits new record
China says 75 percent of cities failed to meet air standards in June. Last year, nearly 90 percent of China's 74 big cities failed to meet air quality standards.
Israel: Five senior officers under investigation over Gaza war
UN calls on Palestinians to provide information on missing Israelis
EU law that could make UK internet porn filters illegal is heading for a vote
Japan finally bans possession of child pronography.
People with HIV live almost 20 years longer than in 2001
Angela Merkel: Marriage is 'a man and a woman living together'
Saudi Arabia borrows $4B as oil price reality hits home
NSA file reveals Israel behind 2008 assassination of Syrian general. Israeli naval commandos shot Muhammad Suleiman before escaping via the sea.
Solar power industry vows to step up campaign to topple Abbott government
In a huge U-turn, the UK government now says it is NOT going to try to ban encryption
Teenager who planned to join ISIS in Syria and said 'all gay people should be killed' is jailed for more than three years
Weedkiller suspected of causing cancer deemed 'safe': A best-selling herbicide that the World Health Organisation suspects causes cancer could get a new lease of life in Europe after being deemed safe by a key assessment based largely on classified industry reports.
Viking Sword Discovered in NorwayBattle ax with shaft coated in brass also in grave. Charcoal dates to AD 1030, coinciding with coins found. Its quite possible the dead man was 1 of King Canutes men for battles with King Ethelred of England.
Outrage as 9 Sudanese women face 40 lashes for wearing trousers
Google accidentally reveals data on 'right to be forgotten' requests: Data shows 95% of Google privacy requests are from citizens out to protect personal and private information not criminals, politicians and public figures
Americans,Europeans and Middle Easterners see ISIS as the greatest global threat; rest of the world sees climate change as the greatest threat.
Tens of thousands of pilgrims taking part in a Hindu religious bathing festival surged forward and triggered a massive stampede on a riverbank in southern India, leaving at least 27 dead
Urdu to Replace English as the Official Language in Pakistan
South Korean activist launches 'The Interview' DVDs by balloon toward North Korea
Australia- Speaker of house, Bronwyn Bishop has charged taxpayers almost $90,000 for a two-week European trip partly aimed at securing her a plum new job.
Pluto probe calls home after flyby
Pirate Bay 'Hydra' Loses Another Domain Name
Mexican kingpin El Chapo photographed drinking beer, flying in plane
Snapchat's decision to live stream Mecca praised by thousands of Muslims online
Iraq's antiquities minister says the Baghdad National Museum has gotten back nearly 500 artifacts recovered by U.S. Army commandos during a recent raid in Syria targeting the Islamic State group.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Tuesday that although she favoured measures to curb discrimination against same-sex couples, and that the case of LGBTQ+ rights had been advanced greatly, she did not think that marriage licenses should be offered to homosexual couples.
Hammond: Israel doesnt want any deal with Iran, it wants a permanent state of stand-off
British Columbia has a strong appetite for marijuana reform with more than 70% of respondents to a new poll urging either legalization or decriminalization. The Insights West survey found 67% said they support outright legalization, 28% opposed it and 5% were undecided.
Japan: Elderly overtake teenagers in crime figures
Canada ranked as 'most admired' country in the world
Stop Everything: Theres a New Seaweed That Tastes Like Bacon and Is Better for You Than Kale
Cuba is prepared to break with the contentious past and peacefully coexist with the United States, Cuban President Raul Castro said on Wednesday as the two former adversaries are set to restore diplomatic ties
Ireland passes law allowing trans people to choose their legal gender: Trans people should be the experts of our own gender identity. Self-determination is at the core of our human rights.
Greek Parliament passes austerity bill
Angela Merkel tells sobbing asylum seeker why she cannot stay in Germany
"A trove of thousands of Saudi documents recently released by WikiLeaks reveals in surprising detail how [Saudi Arabia's] goal in recent years was not just to spread its strict version of Sunni Islam though that was a priority but also to undermine its primary adversary: Shiite Iran."
Chinese workers go faceless for a day to avoid stress of faking facial expressions
North Korea Has Invited Every Member of Congress to Tour Its Alleged Anthrax Facility.
US says it is ready to engage North Korea in authentic, credible negotiations after Iran Nuclear Deal
Never-before-seen footage reveals Russian-backed rebels arriving at the wreckage of MH17
Rich countries rejected an international plan to let the UN help fight tax evasion: Transparency advocates tell Quartz that the US was particularly responsible for blocking the provision; Treasury Department officials in Washington and with the delegation did not respond to requests for comment.
Rome "is on the verge of collapse," says the city's chamber of commerce president. "It is unacceptable that a major city which calls itself developed can find itself in such a state of decay."
Greeks take to streets against barbaric bailout armed with petrol bombs, in most violent protest in two years
Too young to wed: Malawi chief sends married children back to school -- A Malawi chief took bold steps to address child marriage in her community, reflecting the slow but steady progress against the practice in Malawi and worldwide.
Steel is now cheaper than cabbages in China.
2 million feral cats to be killed in Australia
Major pharma and finance corporations dramatically boosted lobbying efforts to support TTIP
Putin tells Dutch PM on the anniversary of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 crash that an international tribunal to try those responsible for shooting down the plane would be "counter-productive"
Iran nuclear deal: '99% of world agrees' says Obama
Huge explosion at petrochemical plant in Shandong, China
Italy takes step toward legalizing pot: Even members of Prime Minister Matteo Renzi's party voted for the measure, a first step toward full legalization.
Obama: Its My Iran Deal or War
Saudi royals illegally close off French public beach
Retired General: Drones Create More Terrorists Than They Kill, Iraq War Helped Create ISIS | Retired Army Gen. Mike Flynn, a top intelligence official in the post-9/11 wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, says in a forthcoming interview on Al Jazeera English that drones do more harm than good.
If humans continue destroying plants at the current pace, the lack of irreplaceable biomass may soon endanger present human civilization and make it unsustainable - according to a paper published recently by University of Georgia researchers in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Australia tops the world for climate change denial, study finds
Warming of oceans due to climate change is unstoppable, say US scientists
Despite deep cuts to public services and welfare, the UK's 650 MPs are to see their annual pay rise to the equivalent of 106,000 euros.
Australia actually declares war on cats, plans to kill 2 million by 2020
Indian workers have won a $20m claim against a US company for defrauding and exploiting them while repairing damaged oil rigs after Hurricane Katrina
High court rules UK data retention and surveillance legislation unlawful
UK government gags advisers over refusal to support bee-harming pesticides
Kidnapping in Mexico Increased by 30% in June.Mexico holds first place worldwide in kidnapping. Over 90 percent of the cases go unreported.
Mass protests in Tokyo as Japan moves to ditch pacifism
New video shows the moment Russian-backed rebels realized they shot down a civilian airliner in eastern Ukraine
Polar bears are unable to adapt their behaviour to cope with the food losses associated with warmer summers in the Arctic. Scientists had believed that the animals would enter a type of 'walking hibernation' when deprived of prey. But new research says that the bears simply starve.
Nexen pipeline leak in Alberta spills 5 million litres - Edmonton
Knesset votes down death penalty for terrorists 94-6 - Israel News
China's debt is now twice the size of its gross domestic product
With fraud rife in conflict and disaster zones, aid charities are under pressure to be open about corruption but one third of the world's 25 biggest aid charities declined to make their fraud data public
Isis in its latest execution video released ahead of the popular muslim festival Eid al fitr has used for the first a child soldier for beheading a Syrian Army captain. The child, before decapitating the Syrian soldier, announces that Isis will one day hoist its flag over Jerusalem and Rome.
British pilots 'taking part in airstrikes in Syria' despite government vote against military action
British Pilots Have Been Conducting Airstrikes in Syria, Defense Ministry Confirms...even though Parliament voted two years ago against military action there.
Saudi use of cluster bomb in Yemen breaks U.S. rules. Followup on Human Rights Watch report.
Greeces Prime Minister May Have Just Sacrificed His Government for a Deal He Barely Supports
High Court rules UK data retention and surveillance legislation unlawful
Casablanca mosque stampede blamed on mouse: A mouse is responsible for triggering a stampede in a mosque in the Moroccan city of Casablanca which left more than 80 people injured, officials say.
Stephen Hawking announces $100 million hunt for alien life
US, Cuba restore full diplomatic relations after 54 years
Dozens dead after terror attack in Turkey -
India blocks Colgate patents for spices that are commonly used at homes
Marijuana could be used to treat fractured bones, new study finds. The bones not only healed quicker, but were also stronger and more resilient against a repeated fracture
Nobel prize winning economist Paul Krugman, a vocal supporter of Athens in their long-running bailout saga, said Sunday that he "may have overestimated the competence of the Greek government"
Cuban flag will be raised over what is to once again become Cuban embassy on Monday
North Korea reports 99.97% turnout in local elections
Australia's 60 Minutes makes 'special' on UK's VIP paedophiles
Australia's war on wind farms threatens biggest renewable project
Banknotes thrown at Sepp Blatter during news conference
Town Shames ISIS Chief Cersei Lannister-Style -- and Then Executes Him
Report: ISIS steps up use of chemicals on battlefield
Ikea to pay UK workers more than living wage in 2016
New UAE Anti-Discriminatory Law criminalises acts that insult religion through speech, written word, books, pamphlets or online media. 10 years jail time for discrimination crimes.
Frances President Hollande calls for Eurozone Government
Australian mining companies linked to hundreds of deaths across Africa
Almost 9,500 people in London had their lives cut short by air pollution in 2010, accounting for a fifth of all deaths in the city that year.
Japanese pensioners are committing more crimes than teenagers
Climate change found to increase human conflict and violence.Changes in temperatures and precipitation patterns systematically increase the risk of both inter-personal violence .
A former Yugoslav general was arrested in Montenegro on Sunday on suspicion of having committed war crimes in the 1990s. Serbian Borislav Djukic, 66, was arrested, on a warrant issued by Croatia, at Tivat airport as he was about to board a plane for Belgrade
US 'friendly fire' kills up to 10 Afghan soldiers
Russia Orders 'Submarine-Killer' Be-200 Amphibious Aircraft For Production By 2020, Official Says
UN Security Council unanimously endorses Iran nuclear deal
ISIS destroys Ramadi Stadium in Iraq
George Clooney seeks to expose those who fund and profit from wars in Africa: The Oscar winner has launched a project with US human rights activist John Prendergast to investigate the flow of money in and out of conflict zones
Cecil the lion was skinned and his head removed. Hwange - A well-known and much-photographed black-maned lion affectionately named Cecil was killed by sport hunters just outside Hwange in Zimbabwe last week.
5,000 naked anti-gay protesters to greet Obama in Kenya
Bankers the real terrorists: Occupy attacks London police for labeling protesters extremists
Cluster bombs made in the USA and sold to Saudi Arabia are being dropped on Yemenis
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has urged the world's leading group of internet engineers to design a future 'net that puts the user in the center, and so protects people's privacy.
Monster El Nio Makes Record-Hot Year Look Inevitable.In more than 135 years of global temperature data, four of the five hottest months on record all happened in 2015: February, March, May, and now June.
Binyamin Netanyahu's household spending under criminal investigation
An 18-year-old French woman is in remission from HIV - despite not having taken any drugs against the virus for 12 years.
A village in Kazakhstan is being evacuated as scientists grapple with the cause of a mysterious sleeping sickness.
College librarian in China admits to stealing more than 140 17th-20th Century paintings, selling them for $17m, and replacing them with fakes
Huge crude oil spill in Siberia.
New study shows King Phillip II of Macedonfather of Alexander the Great, is buried in Tomb I - Most striking evidence comes from a leg bonean upper thigh fused to a shin at the knee with a hole in itit aligns with historical texts that describe Philip as suffering a wound from a lance.
Isis Executed German Kickboxing Champion Valdet Gashi for Trying to Flee: Monitoring Group
Romania, a country where only 1.7% of people donate blood, is offering free concert tickets in exchange for their blood
Rhinos With Spy Cams in Their Horns Will Catch Poachers in the Act - A big problem has been that anti-poaching teams find out about incidents too late, leading to low arrest & conviction rates at the scene of the crime. "All this tech has existed for a long time, weve just put it together."
Russian sports club airbrushes Putin critic and chess great Kasparov from history book
2 Giant Israeli Solar Plants Will Soon Provide Nearly 2% Of The Countrys Electricity
EU member states agree to ban toxic substance widely found in clothing because it poses an unacceptable risk to the environment - Hormone disrupting chemicals found in imported clothing
Russia makes rival U.N. move on MH17 probe after dismissing tribunal bid
John Kerry 'disturbed' by Iranian leader's criticism after deal
Former President Hu Jintao's top aide has been arrested on corruption charges, stripped of his party membership and removed from all government positions
The Philippines and Vietnam are refurbishing key military bases used during the Cold War and bolstering cooperation with Washington to counter Beijings maritime expansion in the South China Sea.
Australia to earn $1.5bn a year from China cattle exports
Israel halts medical treatment for members of Syria's Nusra Front "The officer responded to complaints voiced by some members of the Druze community in Israel that security forces are assisting the Al-Nusra Front"
Leaked emails between Italian spyware vendor Hacking Team and Boeing subsidiary Insitu revealed that drones carrying malware to infect targeted computers via Wi-Fi by flying over their proximity is close to becoming a reality.
ISIS convoy triggers their own mine planted earlier in the year, 2 of its local leaders killed
"Today's publication indicates that the NSA has been used to help the CIA kidnap and torture with impunity. For years the CIA was systematically abducting and torturing people, with the tacit complicity of European governments," WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said in a statement.
Poland will not pay a penny for Greece: Poland will not spend a penny from its own budget to help Greece, Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz told a press conference in Warsaw
Russia Disowns Soldiers Captured in Eastern Ukraine in May: In videotaped interviews after they were captured, Alexandrov and Yerofeyev said they were part of a Russian special forces' spying mission in eastern Ukraine
Romania bans Holocaust denial, fascist symbols
The UAE introduces new law criminalising all forms of discrimination on the grounds of religion, caste, creed, doctrine, race, colour or ethnic origin.
NASA releases Epic New View of Earth; 1st image of the entire sunlit side of Earth at once since Apollo 17 astronauts captured the iconic Blue Marble photograph in 1972.
Mexican poachers ignore fishing ban as the worlds most endangered porpoise nears extinction: A Greenpeace vessel patrolling the Gulf of California finds that vaquita porpoisekilling gill-net fishing continues despite a government moratorium.
After Four Years, Chinese Dissident Artist Ai Weiwei Gets His Passport Back.
32 boys dead in South African circumcision initiation season. 400 died last year, and 500,000 hospitalised with complications & infections between 2008-2013.
Access to Twitter blocked in Turkey... again.
Russia using North Korean 'slave labour', say human rights groups
The scientist leading Australia's efforts to find signals from intelligent life on other planets warned on Tuesday we should think twice before replying.
Finnish unemployment at 10% and youth unemployment at 22% with no signs of improvement
Saudi Prince Threatens 'Military Action Without American Support' Against Iran
Outdoor cinema for homeless people opens in Moscow - Throughout the summer, Russian capital's invisible population will be able to watch Soviet comedies and enjoy hot meals.
Air strike kills al Qaeda leader in Syria: Pentagon
Greenland's glaciers flowing into the ocean are grounded deeper below sea level than previously measured, allowing intruding ocean water to badly undercut the glacier faces. That process will raise sea levels around the world much faster than currently estimated
Scientists find first drug that appears to slow Alzheimer's disease
Erdogan's Daughter Heads a Covert Hospital to Help ISIL Injured Members
European court forces Italy to recognize same-sex couples, putting pressure on Russia and others to liberalise
Kyrgyzstan tears up cooperation accord with US
NSA tapped phone calls involving top German officials for years, recent WikiLeaks docs reveals; the group alleged that its revelations showed the NSA, which had been spying on German officials since at least 1998, helped the CIA outmaneuver Europe on torture at CIA black sites in Europe
DNA uncovers mystery migration to the Americas
Dolphins are struggling to reproduce because of industrial chemical pollution in European waters that can linger in the animals' bodies for a lifetime
Tibet monk dies in custody, China cremates him to avoid probe, and then seizes his ashes to avoid shrine
White House Finalizing Plan to Close Guantanamo Bay Prison
Spain raises marrying age from 14 to 16
European Union opens antitrust case against 6 major US movie studios - Sky UK, Disney, NBC, Paramount, Sony, Fox, and Warner Bros named in Statement of Objections.
Australia's climate change stance is "incomprehensible" and "profoundly un-conservative", said a leading UK MP.
The Canadian government says it will not be bullied as the United States ratchets up pressure on Canadas heavily protected dairy sector ahead of what could be the final round of talks for a Pacific Rim trade deal spanning 12 countries.
China starts building its largest solar plant: spread over 2,550 hectares in the Gobi desert
Turkish tanks on Thursday opened fire on targets controlled by Islamic State (IS) jihadists in Syria after a Turkish soldier was killed by shots from the Syrian side of the border
India's grand solar plans ruin Abbott's coal export strategy
Scientists: we are 'condemning' forest elephants by ignoring evidence - As the ivory trade threatens to obliterate forest elephants, conservationists & govts fail to recognize them as a distinct species despite rising genetic & physical evidence.
Video of Tycoon Stomping on Woman's Head Reveals the Dark Side of Cambodia's Elites
World's Most Famous Climate Scientist Issues Bombshell Sea Level Warning
Myanmar jails 153 Chinese illegal loggers for life
China may adopt 'two-child policy' this year as demographic timebomb looms
Thirty-seven people were killed in three days in the Brazilian city of Manaus, and one hypothesis being considered is a coordinated wave of attacks involving police, an official said
Ukraine: Thousands of far-right supporters rally in Kiev calling for impeachment of President Poroshenko
The BRICS countries just launched a rival to the IMF and the World Bank
Seventy years after the end of the Second World War and the liberation of Nazi death camps by Allied troops, Germany is establishing its first-ever professorship devoted to the study of the Holocaust.
The United Nations office in Guatemala said Tuesday that a major river in the countrys northern region had been contaminated with pesticides used to produce African palm oil, affecting thousands of people.
Chile's salmon farmers are using record levels of antibiotics to treat a virulent and pervasive bacteria, driving away some U.S. retailers including Costco Wholesale Corp, which is turning to antibiotic-free Norwegian salmon
Tehran turns down Berlins request to recognize Israel - Middle East
India, China And Iraq Become Biggest Russian Weapons Importers Amid Western Sanctions
Rushdie says 'wrong lessons' learned from his Iran fatwa ordeal
Earth records hottest June since records began
NASA discovers another Earth like planet in the Milky Way galaxy - Planet Kepler-452b, the first near-Earth-size world to be found in the habitable zone of star that is similar to our sun.
World's first malaria vaccination approved
Indian court rules that 14-year-old who was raped by her doctor is not allowed to terminate pregnancy.
Shoplifting in Russia soars as economy crumbles under sanctions
French court backs mass surveillance: France's top court has given the green light for security services to hack people's computers and phones even if they aren't suspected of any crime.
NASA: Returning To The Moon Is Ten Times Cheaper Than Thought, And It Could Lead To Mars - In 10 to 12 years, it says that a four-person industrial base on the Moon could be operational, costing $40 billion (26 billion), less than $4 billion (2.6 billion) a year.
Shell Just Got the Green Light to Drill in the Arctic | The Obama administration gave Shell the go-ahead to drill in the Arctic, but put limits on how deep the company can drill until better spill response technology arrives.
Moscow's highest court has sentenced a leader of a militant neo-Nazi group to life in prison after he was convicted of ordering five brutal killings including that of a prominent human rights lawyer
Ukraine bars Communist Party from elections, political party which regularly got >10% of the votes in national elections
China has started assembling the world's largest radio telescope, which will have a dish the size of 30 football pitches when completed, state media reported as Beijing steps up its ambitions in outer space
India earns $100 million launching 45 foreign satellites
Iran falsified the number of executions in the country to hide the fact that in the last six months, it killed as many as 694 people, Amnesty has claimed in its latest report
Rep. Rosa DeLauro: "[The] legitimacy and moral authority on the issue of human trafficking is being undermined in an effort to smooth the path for the TPP"
Chinese company builds 3D-printed villa in less than 3 hours
Turkish warplanes pound Islamic State in Syria as Ankara steps up to front-line
Massive Pod of Pilot Whales Slaughtered in the Faroe Islands - Footage shows bloody slaughter
Report: Israel Gave Jordan 26 Cobra Choppers to Fight ISIS
Russia bans Jehovah's Witness literature and website
Russian austerity: Putin fires 110,000 officials
Submarine volcano near Grenada going active, may erupt within hours and pose tsunami threat for Caribbean
British teen accused of plot to commit college massacre
Oil price collapse warning issued by Morgan Stanley
Turkey to Allow Use of Key Air Base for U.S. Warplanes to Bomb ISIS
The UK wants online pirates to face 10 years in prison
Sweden to Introduce Meat Tax
Musk, Wozniak and Hawking urge ban on AI and autonomous weapons: Over 1,000 high-profile artificial intelligence experts and leading researchers have signed an open letter warning of a military artificial intelligence arms race and calling for a ban on offensive autonomous weapons.
Search for 43 missing students in Mexico turns up corpses of at least 129 other people
Marijuana legalization petition hits enough signatures for UK parliament debate - A petition for the full legalization of marijuana in the UK has gathered more than 130,000 signatures in just four days
No excuse for female genital mutilation, says Obama
A girl aged about 10 has carried out a suicide bombing in north-eastern Nigeria, killing at least 16 people
Half of Cuba men's hockey team defects
Deputy Speaker of House of Lords resigns after being filmed snorting cocaine with two prostitutes
Europe just invested over $380 million in an alien-hunting space mission to Jupiter
Medical marijuana to be sold in pharmacies, says Israeli deputy minister of health
Only 100 tigers left in Bangladesh's famed Sundarbans forest - The population in the mangrove forest is far less than believed, officials say, after a census uses cameras hidden in trees to record numbers
Renewable energy expense attacked as Australia gifts $41 billion to fossil fuels
Former President of India APJ Abdul Kalam Passes Away: Collapses During Speech in Shillong
Turkey asks NATO for extraordinary meeting next week
China stocks plunge, suffer biggest one-day loss since February 2007
Victoria shuts down Yellow Giant underground gold mine in northwestern B.C. for spilling pollution on land and into creeks, lakes, and a wetland.
Young Hondurans Lead Unprecedented Anti-Corruption Movement.A Honduran spring is happening, led by young people mobilising over the social networks, who are flooding the streets with weekly torch marches against corruption and impunity.
Over a thousand French farmers have blocked roads from Spain and Germany to stop foreign produce entering the country. The protest follows a week of action against a fall in food prices, pushing them towards bankruptcy.
Turkey Drops Bombs on Kurdish Group That Fought Islamic State in Iraq
Russia to give away land to populate its far east.
Leader of Russian neo-Nazi group sentenced to life: Moscows highest court sentenced a leader of a militant neo-Nazi group to life in prison Friday after he was convicted of ordering five brutal killings, including that of a prominent human rights lawyer.
The remains of 97 human bodies have been found stuffed into a small 5,000-year-old house in a prehistoric village in northeast China, researchers report in two separate studies.
1881 document suggests Palestinian ownership of village destroyed by Israel several times
Radical Israeli Sheikh calls to conquer Temple Mount with violence
At least 10 people have been killed in a bomb blast which has hit a hotel in Somalia's capital, Mogadishu.
Dawn of deep-sea mining alarms conservationists as UN body issues exploration contracts.Conservationists are warning that the deep oceans fragile biodiversity must be protected and not nearly enough is known about the risks of extracting minerals from seabeds.
American dentist named as the hunter that killed beloved Cecil the lion.
Billionaire hedge fund managers have called on Puerto Rico to lay off teachers and close schools so that the island can pay them back the billions it owes. It accused the island, where 56% of children live in poverty, of spending too much on education
U.S. drops bid for 2024 Olympics in Boston
Porn websites visited 250,000 times on UK parliament computers
Canadian Conservative MPs block their own Finance Minister from presenting a report about the Canadian economy.
Prime Minister John Key has admitted that New Zealand will have to pay more for medicines if it signs up to the Trans Pacific Partnership but he says this was unlikely to affect consumers.
DNA discovery: Modern Amazonians linked to indigenous Australians
Killing of Cecil the lion prompts calls for EU ban on importing lion trophies: Zimbabwes famous lion was lured out of a national park, killed, beheaded and skinned. Over 200 lions are legally killed and turned into trophies and sent to Europe every year
Jehovah's Witnesses did not report 1006 alleged sex abusers to police
Apple, Microsoft, Google and other US firms to commit $140bn to address climate change
Facing corruption scandal, Malaysian PM fires officials investigating him
950 million Android phones can be hijacked by malicious text messages
Swiss officials have issued a formal apology after it emerged army helicopters had crossed the border with France on Thursday in an unexpected incursion to draw water for thirsty Swiss cows.
Senior London Shia scholar declares jihad against extremism, against the forces misusing the name of Islam; against ISIS
Anonymous releases hacked CSIS document after members death, threaten to leak stunning secrets
Insulting statues of 'rat bankers' have appeared in London
Members of an isolated indigenous group made contact over the weekend with villagers in Peru's Amazon basin seeking food and supplies
Philip Morris sues Australian Government over plain packaging laws
North Korean authorities going house-to-house in search to destroy 'banned' music CDs and tapes
40 Percent of the World's Adults Have Never Heard of Climate Change
LGBT hate speech to be outlawed in Poland for the first time
Obama condemns African leaders who won't give up power
NATO holding rare emergency meeting at Turkey's request
The UK government spent 13 times more bombing Libya than securing peace in the years afterwards - 450m versus 35m
Libya: Moammar Gadhafi's son Saif al-Islam sentenced to death
Dentist who killed Cecil the lion faces calls for prosecution - US uproar over death of protected animal forces Walter Palmers practice to close, as two others attend Zimbabwean court to face poaching charges.
US bans cilantro imports from Mexican farms littered with feces & toilet paper - 5 of 8 Puebla farms found with objectionable hygiene conditions have been linked to recurrent outbreaks of cyclosporiasis in US since 2012
Saudi Arabian royals who annexed an entire public beach for their stay on the French Riviera 'ordered local police not to allow female officers near them'
A US-led raid on the compound housing the Islamic States chief financial officer produced evidence that Turkish officials directly dealt with ranking ISIS members
Iran has completely cut off its financial aid to the Palestinian militant group Hamas
Obama tells African leaders no one should be president for life
British Police admit giving up enforcing cannabis laws
Northern white rhino dies, leaving only 4 left on Earth: Nabir, a 31-year-old female northern white rhino, died of a ruptured cyst, leaving only three females and one male of this subspecies alive.
For 110 days and across two seas and three oceans, Sea Shepherd crews stalked a fugitive fishing ship considered the worlds most notorious poacher.
Secrecy around TPP trade deal fuels suspicions, worries. "Higher costs for needed generic drugs. Longer copyright protections than the global standard. Foreign investors empowered to overrule governments. A more tightly-regulated internet."
Senior Western official: Links between Turkey and ISIS are now 'undeniable'
Tony Abbott wrong on coal being good for humanity, Oxfam report finds - Report says Australia must embrace renewables & coal exacts an enormous toll on health, drives climate change & is ineffective in delivering electricity to worlds poor
Former Kremlin banker: Putin 'is the richest person in the world until he leaves power'
ISIS preparing to attack India to provoke confrontation with the US, says report
Trans-Pacific Partnership: TPP Trade Deal Hits Stumbling Blocks In The Final Lap Of Negotiations
Secret TPP Talks Continue at a Luxury Hotel in Hawaii as the Deal Grows More Controversial
Curved London 'Death Ray' skyscraper, previously blamed for igniting fires with reflected solar heat, now stands accused of creating urban wind tunnels and blowing over pedestrians
Some 2,000 migrants tried to enter the Channel Tunnel terminal in Calais on Monday night in an attempt to reach the UK, operator Eurotunnel has said
The Entire Country of Sri Lanka is About to Get Balloon-Based Internet, Thanks to Google
Two students have found a human tooth from about 560,000 years ago in a famous prehistoric cave in southwestern France, a discovery praised by archaeologists as the oldest human body part ever discovered in the country and being rare from that period in Europe
Supreme Court of India : 24 weeks pregnant rape victim can undergo abortion if doctors permit.
China adds 9.16 GW of grid-connected wind power in H1
Taliban leader Mullah Omar 'is dead' - BBC News
As Yemenis Starve, Saudi Arabia is Accused of War Crimes in the Country
PKK blows up two bridges in Turkey
Rio's waters are so filthy that 2016 Olympians risk becoming violently ill and unable to compete
Russia vetoes bid to set up tribunal for downed flight MH17
An entire Palestinian village that has received Australian aid money to help improve living conditions is facing demolition by Israeli authorities.
Possible MH370 wing part washes up on African Island
We will access, disclose and preserve personal data, including your content (such as the content of your emails, other private communications or files in private folders), when we have a good faith belief that doing so is necessary to. - Microsoft
Spanish man fined up to 600 under new gag laws for calling police 'slackers' in Facebook post
Only one percent of Kenyan government spending can be properly accounted for, according to a report by the country's auditor-general released just days after US President Barack Obama warned corruption was holding the country back
Germany Just Got 78% Of Its Electricity From Renewable Sources - The new record exceeds the previous May, 2014 record by as much as 5 percentage points.
World Bank rejects energy industry notion that coal can cure poverty
Jehovah's Witnesses hid over 1000 sex abuse cases.
Shut up as a woman, Turkish Deputy PM Arn tells female MP
Canada Just Bought Israel's Iron Dome Radar Technology
Facebook ordered to allow fake user names in Germany
Cats in Australia could soon be banned from going outdoors 24/7
U.K. released hundreds of Nazis after the Holocaust, says leading historian | Dr. Dan Plesch of SOAS, London, says that the the former Nazi officers were released under pressure from the U.S., which wanted Germany on its side in the Cold War.
1000s of Animals Saved in Nepal as Mass Slaughter Is Canceled - World's largest animal sacrifice called off in landmark victory for activists. At 2009 religious event some 500,000 water buffalo, goats, chickens, & other animals were killed. "The time has come to transform an old tradition."
Facebook profit falls 9 percent
The world's population is expected to reach 8.5 billion by 2030 and 9.7 billion in 2050 before hitting 11.2 billion people by the end of the century
Women Screw Islamic State out of Thousands of Dollars by Posing as Potential Brides
153 Chinese get life sentences for illegal logging in Myanmar
Dentist who killed Zimbabwe's Cecil the lion hires PR firm amid global backlash
Defense Department is "already observing the impacts of climate change in shocks and stressors to vulnerable nations and communities," including in the United States, the Arctic, Middle East, Africa, Asia and South America.
U.S. says 'deeply concerned' about Israeli building in West Bank. Deputy Spokesperson said "Settlement expansion threatens the two-state solution and calls into question Israel's commitment to a negotiated resolution to the conflict"
China is stripping crosses from Christian churches
FedEx no longer to transport bioterror germs in wake of anthrax lab mishaps
The Canadian government has announced it intends to ban microbeads used in personal care products, after a scientific review found that the tiny particles pose a potential risk to the environment.
A leaked document from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade talks indicates the CBC, Canada Post and other Crown corporations could be required to operate solely for profit under the deals terms.
Zimbabwe wants the killer of Cecil the lion extradited
Supreme Court of India in a landmark ruling allows 14 year old rape survivor to terminate her pregnancy. She was 24 weeks into her pregnancy.
18 month old Palestinian baby burned to death after two houses were burned in Duma village in occupied West Bank, with graffiti left on the walls reading "revenge" in Hebrew.
German government accuses news website of treason over leaks - For the first time in more than 50 years journalists are facing treason charges, which is being denounced as an attack on the freedom of the press
2022 Winter Olympics Awarded to Beijing, becoming first city to host both winter and summer olympics
Saudi Arabia asks to be dropped from 9/11 lawsuit
Successful Ebola vaccine provides 100% protection in trial
US ally Turkey found to be funding Islamic State while bombing them and the Kurds combating ISIL.
NASA confirms the discovery of a rocky exoplanet just 21 light years away
HIV can be flushed out of its hiding places in the body using a cancer drug, researchers show.
Spains Google tax has been a disaster for publishers, new study shows: Traffic to small publishers dropped 14 percent, and some local news apps shut down
Environmentalists, union members protest Pacific trade pact being negotiated at Maui resort: "We are calling on elected leaders around the world, all 12 countries, to recognize that the public interest in this situation is higher than the corporate interest."
Huge underground lake found in desert of Xinjiang, China
Iran city hits suffocating heat index of 154 degrees, near world record
Serbia's state lottery is facing an investigation after one of the winning numbers appeared on television before being drawn.
China removes crosses from churches across the country - Chinese Christians start making their own in protest.
Hundreds of villagers in an east China county have written a letter to Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, hoping for the return of a 1,000-year-old mummified buddha believed to be stolen from their village in 1995.
Six Jerusalem Gay Pride marchers stabbed by ultra-Orthodox Jew
David Cameron is to give pornography websites one last chance to produce an effective voluntary scheme for age-restricted controls on their sites or he will introduce legislation that could see them shut down
Italy youth unemployment jumps to a record-high 44.2 percent.
Litvinenko inquiry: Vladimir Putin 'ordered killing'- Russian President Vladimir Putin "personally ordered" the killing of Alexander Litvinenko, the inquiry into the former spy's death has heard
Tokyo Electric executives to be charged over Fukushima nuclear disaster
Farm employers 'manipulate' female backpackers into sexual acts in return for Australian visa sign-off: Travellers are being coerced into performing sexual acts in return for farm employers signing off on backpacker visa applications.
'Ultimate Frisbee' recognised by International Olympic Committee
Israel approves use of harsher measures against 'Jewish terrorists'
2000 year old termite mounds in Africa confirm that insects can sustain a millennia in the same home
Photojournalist found dead in Mexico City after he fled harassment in his home state Veracruz, where 11 journalists have been killed there since 2010
Japanese Heat Wave Kills Six, Leaves Over 3,000 Hospitalized - A heat wave in Japan caused the deaths of six people over the weekend, almost 40 Japanese nationals were killed by heatstroke since June.
Colombia aims to buy land from private owners and redistribute it among the poor after its 50-year-old war ends, the government said Sunday, addressing the root cause of the conflict.The conflict has left more than 200,000 dead and forced some six million people from their homes.
Canadian PM Stephen Harper dissolves Parliament, calls general election for October 19
Nigeria's military has rescued 71 girls and women in firefights that killed several Boko Haram fighters
Former City trader Tom Hayes has been found guilty at a London court of rigging global Libor interest rates.
Ex-British prime minister named in child sex abuse investigation
Drugmaker GlaxoSmithKline , which was fined a record 3 billion yuan ($483 million) for corruption in China last year and is examining possible staff misconduct elsewhere, faces new allegations of bribery in Romania.
Indonesian foundation defends awarding Kim Jong-un peace prize
Illegal immigrants to UK face eviction without court order under new plans - Landlords who fail to check tenants immigration status face five-year jail terms as part of government crackdown to reduce UKs appeal as a migrant destination
Landlords who fail to evict migrants who do not have the right to live in Britain could be jailed for up to five years under measures to be included in the Immigration Bill.
Japan calls US spying allegations 'deeply regrettable'
Saudi king cuts short controversial holiday in France - BBC News
Al-Qaeda Militants Accuse Islamic State Of Being A Con
Healthy British nurse ends her life in a Swiss clinic because of fear of getting old
Dutch crane collapse demolishes houses, injuring at least 20.
Vladimir Putin's Deputy Prime Minister owns a secret 12million apartment just a short walk from Downing Street
Venezuela supermarket looting leaves one dead, dozens detained
Greek stocks plunge, banks hammered, after five-week crisis shut down Reuters
Clinton mails reveal US impression that UK PM David Cameron was 'unsure, inexperienced, oblique, and largely uncommitted' while London Mayor Boris Johnson was 'clown prince'
Danish architecture firm BIG has a plan to turn four 300-foot smokestacks atop London's Battersea Power Station into the world's tallest Tesla coils
Two alleged 'IS' returnees to Germany go on trial
Iraq is rushing to digitize its national library under the threat of ISIS
Zimbabwe bans lion hunting after international outcry
Delta bans shipment of lion, leopard, elephant, rhino, buffalo trophies
Saudi ministry: 'Free expression is an abuse of religious rights'
New Study from Finland: People would be happier living near a drug rehab center than living near a mosque.
After having praised the friendliness of the sport, the president of a bullfighting club was gored by a bull after it jumped out of the ring and attacked him viciously.
8 Eight suitcases full of ivory seized at Zurich airport - Elephant tusks with estimated black-market value of about 265,000 were being transported from Tanzania to China via Switzerland. The tusks had been sawed into pieces to fit into the luggage.
Russia makes a new claim for the Northpole
Stop burning fossil fuels now: there is no CO2 'technofix', scientists warn - Researchers have demonstrated that even if a geoengineering solution to CO2 emissions could be found, it wouldnt be enough to save the oceans
Airbus patents jet to fly London-New York in 1 hour
Bitcoin deemed regular currency by Australian Senate Committee
It is worse than Hitler, worse than AIDS, cancer or any other epidemic. It is more catastrophic than nuclear holocaust, and it must be stopped. -Creator of the list of the banned Indian porn sites
Canada, a resource economy, is the only G7 country in a recession
United Joins Delta Banning Big-Game Trophies After Cecil Killing
Obama says no challenge greater threat to U.S. future than climate change
A massive gate unearthed in Israel may have marked the entrance to a biblical city that, at its heyday, was the biggest metropolis in the region.
G20 countries pay over $1,000 per citizen in fossil fuel subsidies, say IMF Worlds leading economies still paying trillions in subsidies despite pledges to phase them out, new figures show
China is demanding that the Obama administration return a wealthy and politically connected businessman who fled to the United States, according to several American officials familiar with the case. Should he seek political asylum, he could become one of the most damaging defectors
7.5 year prison sentence sought for 18 Turkish journalists for reporting on alleged covert arms shipments by the Turkish government into Syria.
Isis 'price list' for child slaves confirmed as genuine by UN official Zainab Bangura
Women Killed Alongside Mexican Photojournalist Were Tortured & Raped - 3 of the 4 women with Ruben Espinosa were assaulted before being shot in the head after an all-night party among friends in a middle-class section of Mexico City
Russia calls for international cooperation to fight Islamic State
Speed of glacier retreat worldwide 'historically unprecedented', says report. Researchers have recorded rapid rises in meltwater and alarming rates of glacial retreat, which are accelerating at a pace double that of a decade ago.
Israeli president flooded with death threats for condemning 'Jewish terror'
More than 450 civilians killed in US-led airstrikes against the Islamic State
China says TPP should be transparent, open
Palestinians shield Israeli policewoman from rocks thrown by Jewish extremists
Approval for world's biggest coalmine overturned by Australian federal court
Frequent spicy meals linked to human longevity - Seven-year study of adults in China matches regular consumption of spicy foods, such as chilli peppers, to 14% reduced risk of death.
India nixes online porn ban following intense public outrage on social media
Saudi-led coalition invades Yemen with ground forces.
Claims of child sex abuse against ex-British PM Edward Heath
'I came to kill Hindus, it's fun doing this,' says captured Pakistani terrorist Naved
The proportion of people [in Russia] who think religion does more good than harm to society has slumped from 61% to 36% while the share detecting more harm than good has risen from 5% to 23%.
ISIS horror: Girls get peddled like petrol barrels, says UN envoy
Snowden leaks confirm existence of ECHELON
Tony Blair could face trial for 'illegal' Iraq war, suggests Jeremy Corbyn Corbyn, the Labour leadership frontrunner, claims Chilcot report may lead to consequences for former PM over decisions made during 2003 invasion
While other airlines ban hunting trophy shipments, UPS says it wont bow to controversy
Islamic State sex slave price list authentic, $165 for a child - UN
ISIS has threatened to kill a Croatian hostage if Egypt does not meet its demands in 48 hours
Bonobos Apes Found To Communicate Verbally Much Like that of Human Babies
Israel jails Jewish extremist for 6 months without trial.
German justice minister demands sacking of chief prosecutor over treason investigation into two journalists.
Anti-corruption protests have gripped Honduras and Guatemala in recent weeks.Thousands have been taking to the streets weekly for three months now to demand an end to impunity, and there are no signs that the demonstrations will soon die down.
Israeli archaeologists say they are trying to decode ancient inscriptions written in Hebrew script discovered at a dig in Jerusalem. The writing was found on the walls of a room containing the remains of a Jewish ritual bath, or mikveh, believed to be about 2,000 years old.
Bomb scare at University of Oslo, Guard shot - Police cordoned off a large area of the campus Wednesday morning and called in specialists to examine an object feared to be a bomb. The major operation was unfolding after a security guard was shot in the same area during the night
Israel jails suspected Jewish militant without trial
Russia, Putin Held in Low Regard around the World: Outside its own borders, neither Russia nor its president, Vladimir Putin, receives much respect or support
Catholic bishop in "death to gays" storm -- Vitus Huonder, the controversial Catholic bishop of Chur in eastern Switzerland, has once again attracted criticism for quoting homophobic Bible passages including Leviticus 20:13, which calls for homosexuals to be executed
China appeals for U.S. help to fight "Islamic militants" in Xinjiang
iTunes is illegal under UK copyright law - The Intellectual Property Office today explains that ripping a CD in iTunes is no longer permitted, and neither is backing up your computer if it contains copyrighted content.
Turkish couple feed 4,000 Syrian refugees on wedding day instead of wedding
TPP Copyright Chapter Leaks: Website Blocking, New Criminal Rules On the Way
Debris found from Reunion Island confirmed to be from MH370
Sea animals are dying off in massive numbers along the Pacific Coastline from Baja, Mexico all the way to Alaska.A combination of man-made and natural causes are killing off bottlenose dolphins, sardines, sea birds, plankton, krill, salmon, sea lions, starfish, and brown pelicans in record numbers.
Indian oncologists want cannabis legalised to help fight cancer
Canada Changed Its Election Rules So It Could Negotiate the TPP
Russia marks 1 year of sanctions by destroying Western food - despite 250,000 signatures on a petition to donate that food to the poor. The lower supply of food also serves to drive consumer prices up, pushing more citizens below the poverty line.
Rejecting Iran nuclear deal is a vote for war, Obama says
Pharmaceutical firms Pfizer and Flynn Pharma have been accused by the UK's competition watchdog of charging "excessive and unfair" prices for an anti-epilepsy drug.
China willing to work with US to contribute to world peace, stability.China is ready to step up cooperation with the United States in the fields of investment, military, climate change, finance, economy and trade, energy, hunt of corrupt officials, justice and public health.
Australian spy agency says a junior Defence staffer allegedly took home a secret intelligence report and posted it on 4Chan
Pope Francis says even after divorce, you can remain in the church
Norway feared terrorism in Oslo after security guard claimed he was shot and a suspected bomb was found at University of Oslo. Now the security guard admits that he was behind the shooting and the fake bomb himself.
Windfarm 'wing nuts': Public health expert takes aim at activists. "Infrasound generated by mere walking has been shown to be louder than the noise of wind turbines ... I assume your committee is not concerned about walking noise health impacts?"
Nasa says Congress cuts mean $490m is needed to buy rides on Russian rockets
More Dutch cities may join in 'basic income' experiment
You taught our students, so we are releasing you: Islamic State to Indians abducted in Libya
Survey suggests strong popular support for Jew-free Romania
British truck driver radios international space station from garden shed
Loss of world's rarest ape charted - Decline of the Hainan gibbon - worlds rarest primate - has been revealed by a trawl through historical Chinese documents. There are only 26-28 left in the wild. Old govt documents helping reveal when & how the numbers fell.
Scientists in Iran clone endangered mouflon born to domestic sheep: Poaching has driven the Isfahan mouflon close to extinction in Iran, where scientists are hailing the rare successful example of interspecies cloning.
Hamas warns of new violence unless Israel lifts blockade
Newfoundland and Labrador eliminates student loans
MH370: Debris Of Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 'Was Faked' Claim Relatives Of Victims
Brazilian radio host famous for exposing corruption in his city murdered while broadcasting live on the air by two gunmen.
John Kerry: Vietnam war was result of 'profound failure of diplomatic insight'.Im reminded of conversations Ive had recently with people who talk almost casually about the prospect of war with one country or another. Im tempted to say: You dont have the first idea of what youre talking about
Al Qaeda blow up 700 year old mosque in Yemen
Bangladesh blogger Niloy Neel hacked to death, 4th blogger to get killed in recent months.
North Korea to push back its standard time by 30 minutes, calls it 'Pyongyang time'
Man jailed for 30 years in Thailand for insulting the monarchy on Facebook.
Tens of thousands of Russians have joined a protest petition to President Vladimir Putin after vast quantities of foreign food are bulldozed, buried, or burned. For the past year, Russia has banned most fresh produce from countries imposing economic sanctions against Russia over Crimea.
Canada Proposes A Ban On Tiny Plastic Microbeads, Citing Environmental & Health Concerns
Archaeologists have discovered a mysterious Stonehenge-style monolith in the deep sea off the coast of Sicily, shedding new light on the earliest civilizations in the Mediterranean basin. Its features leave no doubt that the monolith was man-made some 10,000 years ago.
British VIP Pedophile Scandal: Nationwide police corruption inquiry is looking into alleged witness tampering to stop child abuse claims, including against a former Tory Prime Minister
Russia hacks Pentagon computers
An amateur radio enthusiast managed to get a quick chat with the International Space Station (ISS) after a month of trying to get through from his shed
Palestinian religious leaders both Muslims and Christians signed a declaration stating that Jews have no right to enter the Temple Mount at a press conference in east Jerusalem on Wednesday.
New Zealand Made Trolling Illegal Last Month - Law states that anyone who causes "harm by posting digital communication," a.k.a. trolling, is liable to conviction & could face up to 2 yrs in prison & be subject to $50,000 NZD ($32,570 USD) in fines.
Nuclear test refugees from Bikini atoll in the Marshall Islands are now fleeing the effects of climate change as their second home, Kili Island, is suffering from sea level rise. Appealing to the US for financial help with relocation.
Swiss find remains of 2 Japanese climbers missing since 1970
Yazidi Child Soldiers Take Revenge on ISIS
El Nio Conditions Are Growing Stronger
Russian whistleblower may have been victim of 'reprisal killing', court hears - Alexander Perepilichnyy was found dead outside his home in Surrey in 2012. In May it emerged he may have ingested a deadly plant poison.
Senior Russian Official praises the proposal of import restrictions on condoms, stating they "have nothing to do with health" and suggesting it would make people more "disciplined"
More than 240,000 people, including 12,000 children, have been killed in Syria's conflict which broke out in March 2011.
Sky News' Live Stream Shut Down By Fox News DMCA Notice - The official live stream of Sky News has been pulled from YouTube after a copyright complaint from competing news outlet Fox News.
Lord Janner told to attend court over child abuse charges
Its common knowledge that some frogs secrete toxins from special glands in their skin. But according to a paper published today in Current Biology, an international team of researchers report for the first time ever that two frog species are actually venomous.
South China Sea dispute: John Kerry says US will not accept restrictions on movements in the sea
Mexican missing student activist who led search parties after the disappearance of 43 students is killed.
China, Russia and the U.S. are developing and testing controversial new capabilities to wage war in space despite their denial of such work
Zimbabwe lifts ban on lion hunts
South Korea on Monday accused North Korea of planting landmines that maimed two soldiers on border patrol, sending military tensions on the Korean peninsula soaring as it threatened to make Pyongyang pay a "harsh price"
Scientists discover cannabis in tobacco pipes excavated from William Shakespeares garden - Scientists from South Africa have excavated 400-year-old tobacco pipes from Shakespeares garden and found them to contain cannabis residue.
TPP Almost Ready but Stalled in Hawaii, Leaks Tell us More
Dutch survivor of Japanese concentration camp calls for recognition of history
Scotland bans GMO (genetically modified) crops to protect the nation's 'clean, green' brand
Germany, which has taken a tough line on Greece, has profited from the country's crisis to the tune of 100 billion euros, according to a new study Monday. The sum represents money Germany saved through lower interest payments on funds the government borrowed amid investor "flights to safety"
Disney apologizes for 'congratulations' tweet on Nagasaki anniversary
Jaffa luxury apartment complex is 'for Jews only'
Cuban internet delivered weekly by hand - Cubans are getting round lack internet access by delivery of content by hand. It consists of a terabyte of data with latest music, Hollywood movies, TV series, mobile phone apps, magazines & classifieds like Craigslist.
Attackers open fire on U.S. consulate in Istanbul: CNN Turk
British Library asks for help deciphering a medieval sword
Man gored to death filming Spanish bull run on his mobile
Stephen Harper vows to make it illegal for Canadians to travel to terrorist hotspots
NASA crew to eat space-grown veggies for the first time
Germany drops treason inquiry into Netzpolitik journalists
China Just Declared War on Amateur Sex Videos
A third of medals awarded in the Olympic Games and world championships between 2001 and 2012 were won by athletes who recorded suspicious doping tests
A firing squad of the Islamic State terrorist group on Saturday executed at least 300 civil servants who worked for the Iraqi Supreme Electoral Commission at a military camp in Iraqi city of Mosul.
Israeli extremist leader Benzi Gopstein calls on Jewish students to burn down churches
Indian govt shortlists 1500 yoga asanas to prevent them being patented abroad
China to build highway for Liberia as part of Ebola recovery aid
After murders, Bangladesh police blames bloggers, asks them not to 'cross limit'
Google to reorganize into new company called Alphabet
'Missile parts' at MH17 crash site
A 22-year-old New Zealand man hired as an unpaid intern by the United Nations in Geneva has been forced to live in a tent
Ikea to Replace All Lighting on Shelves With LED Bulbs. Beginning Sept. 1, the company said Monday, it will sell only LED bulbs, part of its overall sustainability efforts.
Pacific trade deal puts profit over people: Labor activists
Russian GDP Plunges 4.6%
Canadians pull the plug on renewable energy scheme - Canadian province of Nova Scotia cancels a successful project which rewarded people for generating renewable energy.
Pope Francis declares annual Catholic environment day. 1 September chosen for day of environmental awareness; Vatican calls for faithful to adopt appropriate lifestyles
Tasmanian devils on Australian mainland would reduce feral cats & foxes, study finds - Reintroducing devils after 3,000-yr absence would be huge boon for native wildlife. Humans wiped out dingoes in regions, leaving foxes & cats as primary predators. Govt to kill 2 million cats by 2020.
Malaysia Prime Minister suspected of manipulating MH370 plane crash news to save himself from the worst financial scandal in Malaysian history.
UK dairy farmers take live cows into supermarkets in protest of low milk prices. Milk is currently cheaper than bottled water.
Arrested Hamas fighter reveals tunnel attack plot, shifting strategies
Malaysian Education Minister openly claims Jews and Christians have a hidden agenda in splitting Malays.
Ukraine vows to use 'entire arsenal' against pro-Russia rebels
The UN has blasted Thailand for imprisoning a man for 30 years after he insulted the monarchy
China to Increase Iran Oil Imports in Event of Congress Rejection: If Congress scuppers the nuclear accord, China will conclude that diplomacy has not worked out and as a result it will increase Iranian oil imports
China builds huge solar power station which could power a million homes. The proposed power station will measure 10 square miles and generate 200 megawatts of solar energy
Puerto Rico Intensifies Water Rationing as Drought Worsens.Citizens are limited to two days of water use every week as Puerto Rico's debt-ridden government struggles to aid its country through extreme drought.
China devalues yuan currency to three-year low
A wave of violence has engulfed the Afghan capital over the past few days, killing at least 50 people, mostly civilians. According to the UN, 2015 is on track to be the bloodiest year of the war for Afghan civilians worse than 2014, when 3,000 civilians were killed.
Fastest Neutrino Ever Detected Has 1,000x the Energy of the LHC
Man charged by Australian Federal Police for attempting to fly to Syria to fight alongside Kurds against ISIS.
Migrant Crises Alarms Britain But Fears Clash With Facts.The U.N. refugee agency says Britain received just over 31,000 asylum claims in 2014 - a fraction of the 173,000 refugees who went to Germany, and fewer than Sweden, Italy, France or Hungary.
Japan Takes Step Toward Reviving Nuclear Industry as It Restarts Reactor
Police raid Uber Hong Kong office, 3 taken away amid crackdown on illegal taxis
India sues Nestle for nearly $100m because lead shouldn't be in noodles.
Russia threathens to block Reddit in Russia if thread about a drug-producing plant is not removed
Oil prices have reached a 6 year low today
If the United States walks away from the nuclear deal with Iran and demands that its allies comply with U.S. sanctions, a loss of confidence in U.S. leadership could threaten the dollar's position as the world's reserve currency, the top U.S. diplomat said on Tuesday.
Amnesty International endorses decriminalizing sex trade
Teen finds 17.6-ounce gold bar while swimming in German Alpine lake.
Harper says Canadians dont want marijuana legalized
Arctic Ice Loss Is So Bad National Geographic Has To Keep Redrawing Its Atlas
Journalist beaten by football fans after Facebook post dies from his injuries in a hospital
An archaeologist says he may have found evidence that Nefertiti, the former Queen of Egypt, is secretly buried inside Tutankhamun's tomb.
Swedish prosecutors have been accused of "victimising" Julian Assange after it was revealed they had interviewed 44 people in the UK but were refusing to question the WikiLeaks founder in the London embassy
Even the Taliban is disgusted by the Islamic State's latest video that appears to show militants blowing up bound and blindfolded Afghan prisoners with explosives
On Monday, news broke that a father had let his 20-year-old daughter drown off a beach in Dubai because he did not want her to be touched by a strange man. The story, according to one source, is nearly two decades old.
Tony Abbott warns colleagues not to vote for same-sex marriage
Greece at 'risk of bloodshed' as latest spike in new Afghan, Syrian arrivals hits Kos island
Isis claims beheading of Croatian hostage Tomislav Salopek in Egypt
WikiLeaks offers $110,000 reward for documents on 'monster' trade deal
Julian Assange set to be cleared as sex allegations expire
Mexico bans giveaways of baby formula at hospitals
About 300 people descended on Parliament this afternoon to protest against New Zealand joining the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
Pentagon needs to rethink calling war journalists 'belligerents', says watchdog: Open letter from Reporters Without Borders calls on US defense secretary to revise manual containing disturbing language on treating reporters like spies
Chinese currency devaluation puts North American stock markets in a tumble
Leaked documents show the UK is pushing for watered-down EU air pollution laws to be weakened further, arguing they would cause the closure of coal pits leading to substantial job losses and the need to import coal.
Ex-Japanese PM kneels to apologize before a memorial monument in Korea.
John Kerry - dollar may cease to be the world's reserve currency if the United States walks away from Iran deal
Huge explosion reported in Chinese port city of Tianjin
Sweden drops sexual assault probe against Julian Assange as deadline expires
Russia bans Reddit
Trans-Pacific Partnership could pose risk to public healthcare, leaked draft shows
37% of British workers think their jobs are meaningless
The Dutch basic income experiment is expanding across multiple cities
Kiribati president calls for moratorium on coal mines. There is no plausible scenario in which a world that is tackling climate change is a world that needs more coal mines, said Oquist.
Muslim Scholars Prepare Call for Action on Climate Change. Islamic scholars and religious leaders are preparing a call for action on climate change that will say its the religious duty of the worlds 1.6 billion Muslims to fight global warming.
IOC rules out viral testing in sewage-laden waters being used for 2016 Olympics.
U.S. allocates $500,000 for Baltic journalism programs to combat Russian propaganda
The elusive octopus genome has finally been untangled, which should allow scientists to discover answers to long-mysterious questions about the animal's alienlike physiology: How does it camouflage itself so expertly? How does it controland regeneratethose eight flexible arms
Kiwi UN intern living in tent has resigned. His mum is proud he sparked unpaid UN internship debate
15th-Century Sea Monster Lifted from Baltic SeaFigurehead of Denmarks King Hans' warship is creature carved at end of 11-ft-long beam, with lion ears & crocodile mouth holding a person. No similar item from the 15th century has ever been found anywhere in the world.
Greek economy grows by 0.8% in second quarter
China's military wants the ability to create large modular artificial islands that can be repositioned around the world as necessary
Russia's parliament supports mandatory HIV testing before marriage
Underwater gas pipeline explodes in Moscow, Russia
Seen from above, the Amazon resembles a huge billiards table -- a field of intense green pockmarked by brown stains. These are the sites of illegal mines, and they reveal the scope of a gold rush that threatens the lungs of the planet
Market truck bomb kills at least 60 in Baghdad's Sadr City
Puerto Rico's Representaive in Congress Pleads For Drought Aid.The drought in Puerto Rico is affecting more than 2.5 million people and has led to extreme water restrictions as well as complete water cutoffs across the territory.
South African conservationists are warning of a new potential threat to Africa's wild lion population: The increasing use of lion bones to replace tiger bones in traditional medicine in parts of Asia
Earth overshoot day the day each year when our demands on the planet outstrip its ability to regenerate comes six days earlier than 2014, with worlds population currently consuming the equivalent of 1.6 planets a year
Switzerland lifts sanctions against iran
Israel would lift Gaza blockade for truce -- report
China's government wants workers to be given longer weekends during the summer in order to boost the tourism industry. The State Council is urging employers to give their staff Friday afternoons off so that they can travel more easily.
CNN & CBC Sued For Pirating 31 Second YouTube Video - In addition to claims of copyright infringement, the media giants face allegations that they breached the anti-circumvention measures of the DMCA.
Ireland Refuses to Extradite Man to US Because Prison System is Too Inhumane
American flag raised in Havana for first time in 54 years
Humans definitely killed off mammoths, giant armadillo, sabretooth tiger, scientists claim - New research settles argument about whether whether humans or climate change was responsible for the end of megafauna, it is claimed, and debunks the myth of early humans living in harmony with nature
Facebook cancelled a student's internship after he highlighted a massive privacy issue
Australias federal court rejects US studios claims for piracy damages, saying it may invoice downloaders for the cost of a legitimate copy only
John Kerry: I write emails assuming that Russia and China are 'very likely' reading them
US warns citizens not to attend Auckland TPP rally
25,000 Farmers Seek Presidents Permission To Hang Themselves On Independence Day (Aug 15)
Reports: ISIL used mustard gas against Kurds
Gene therapy cures blindness by replacing vision cells in eyes.
Jimmy Carter: Zero chance for Israeli-Palestinian two-state solution - Netanyahu decided 'early on to adopt a one-state solution, but without giving the Palestinians equal rights,'
Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov mutters "fucking morons" as Saudi counterpart talks during press conference
Air pollution in China is killing 4,000 people every day, a new study finds
Sea creature called "Flying Spaghetti Monster" found beneath ocean.
Palestinian rights group sues PA over prison torture: Plaintiff says he was detained and beaten for five days after criticizing local government on social media
Marines who removed flag from U.S. embassy in Cuba return 54 years later to raise it again
PM: Japan can't keep apologizing
Tianjin explosions so huge they were visible from space
China silences netizens critical of "disgraceful" blast coverage. Posts suggesting that authorities restricted international media reporting on the incident removed.
Fidel Castro to US: you owe us millions
Team from International Atomic Energy Agency has been sent to scene of blast in China
Calais mayor threats to open France's borders and allow thousands of migrants into Britain
The United States believes Islamic State militants likely used mustard agent in an attack on Kurdish forces in Iraq earlier this week, the first indication the militant group has obtained a banned chemical weapon, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday.
A-level results 2015: UK exam board OCR admits it 'estimates' hundreds of pupils' grades after papers 'go missing'
GPS Trackers In Fake Elephant Tusks Reveal Ivory Smuggling Route
Explosion rocks central Bangkok
From 1 October 2015 it will be illegal to smoke in a car (or other vehicles) with anyone under 18 present in UK.
Bulls kill seven at Spain summer festivals
New pictures reveal scale of devastation caused by Tianjin explosion officials warn rain could turn 100 tons of sodium cyanide into toxic gas
After Germany, US declares it is pulling missiles out of Turkey
Bloggers ridicule Chinese film placing Mao Zedong at key wartime conference with Churchill and Roosevelt in 1943
North Korea promises "retaliation with tremendous muscle" as a Western military operation in South Korea begins.
Australian laws forbidding people working in the country's detention centres from speaking out about what they see have raised grave concerns in the medical community
Anti-Government Protests Sweep Brazil
Jewish Schindler rescues Iraqi girls from slavery | Toronto Star
Isis crucifies headless corpses and burns down hospital as battle for Sirte rages on
India's Mars orbiter sends stunning canyon photo
Topics such as acid rain, evolution and global warming are at risk of information "sabotage" on the online encyclopaedia Wikipedia, a study has found. Authors said topics considered controversial are at greater risk of "vandalism and other shenanigans" to the "detriment of scientific accuracy".
China Shutters 50 Websites for 'Inciting Panic' Over Tianjin Disaster
South Korea, US begin military drill despite North Korea threats
The UK is trying a new road surface that charges your electric car as you drive.
Olympics chief vows to swim in Rio's 'sewage-riddled' waters after venue blasted over hygiene concerns
Unemployed young people will be sent to work boot camp, says minister. Matt Hancock says plan for jobseekers between 18 and 21 to be placed on intensive activity programme is not a form of punishment
Japan: Evacuation warning as Sakurajima Volcano near nuclear reactor ready to erupt
Seagulls Have a Gruesome New Way of Attacking Baby Seals - Kelp gulls are eating the eyeballs from newborn Cape fur sealsa behavior never before seen in nature, a new study says.
U.S. military cancels hearing for September 11 suspects
Australian lawmaker introduces legislation that would legalize same-sex marriage
Police Raids On Islamic State Supporters in Europe After Secret Land Purchases
'Hamas-Israel deal imminent,' to the dismay of Palestinian factions
Afghan military interpreter who served with British forces in Afghanistan and was denied refuge in Britain has been executed
Bangkok bombing: Backpack man officially confirmed as suspect (VIDEO)
Another bombing attempt in Bangkok, no injuries
China is trying and failing to censor citizens who want answers over the Tianjin explosion
Mapping the invisible scourge - Breathing Beijing's Air Is the Equivalent of Smoking Almost 40 Cigarettes a Day
Amazon 'regime' making British staff physically and mentally ill, says union
Russia To Introduce Obligatory Fingerprinting For European Tourists:
Chief executives earn '183 times more than workers'
Saudi Arabia sees first female voter registrations
Norways Health Minister Blasts U.S. Chamber of Commerce Lobbying for Big Tobacco
Humans of New York (HONY) helps raise 1.2 million dollars to end bonded labour in Pakistan
Scientists find evidence of prehistoric massacre in Europe - "What is particularly interesting is the level of violence. Not just suppression of a rival communityif that is what it wasbut the egregious & systematic breaking of the lower legs." This culture likely turned on each other.
Germany may receive up to 750,000 asylum seekers this year: paper
United Nations demands NSA respect its privacy amid AT&T spying report
Shell gets final permit for Arctic oil drilling
Melbourne named world's most liveable city, for fifth year running
India's Cochin International Airport becomes the first in the world to run fully on solar power
Firefighters' use of water on volatile chemicals fueled Tianjin explosions that killed at least 114 people
The Race to Save the Vaquita, the Worlds Most Endangered Marine Mammal - There are 50-100 left. They're found only in Mexico. "The vaquita will be extinct, possibly by 2018, if fishery bycatch is not eliminated immediately."
Bangladesh says Briton arrested over murders of secular bloggers - "Security forces claim a UK citizen of Bangladeshi origin, Touhidur Rahman, was main planner of fatal attacks on Avijit Roy and Ananta Bijoy Das"
Tianjin explosions: warehouse 'handled toxic chemicals without licence' reports
After Palestinian asks for water and stabs Israeli soldier, Israeli envoy asks UN Chief to condemn terror attacks
DNA-testing dog poo: Spanish city on the scent of owners who don't pick up - Tarragona has threatened to use a DNA database of registered dogs to match droppings found on the street to dog owners.
Cuba put its civil defense system on alert on Monday due to a year-long drought that is forecast to worsen in the coming months and has already damaged agriculture and left more than a million people relying on trucked-in water.
Pentagon Plans to Increase Drone Flights by 50 Percent
Paris shooting survivor suing French media for giving away his location while he hid from shooters
Vaping is 95% safer than smoking and could lead to the demise of the traditional cigarette, Public Health England (PHE) has said in the first official recognition that e-cigarettes are less damaging to health than smoking tobacco.
TIANJIN, China The son of a former police chief is one of two silent owners of the warehouse in Tianjin where explosions killed at least 114 people, and used his connections to help obtain licenses despite the hazmat facility violating safety rules, Chinese state media reported Wednesday.
Beheaded Syrian scholar refused to lead Isis to hidden Palmyra antiquities
TPP protest draws thousands
English children among the unhappiest in the world at school due to bullying
Spanish police are looking to fine a woman who photographed officers parking in a disabled spot under a controversial new "gag law". New public security laws allow for fines for a number of offences, including unauthorised protests and photographing police without permission
An almost fully-formed human brain has been grown in a lab for the first time, claim scientists from Ohio State University. The team behind the feat hope the brain could transform our understanding of neurological disease.
Isis beheads elderly chief of antiquities in ancient Syrian city, official says
First rainfall since Tianjin explosion leaves city covered in mysterious white foam
Russia jails Estonia border guard Kohver for 15 years
Major publisher retracts 64 scientific papers in fake peer review outbreak
20 million-year-old salamander discovered trapped and intact in amber in Dominican Republic
Australia has denied environmental approval to just 18 projects since 2000 - Fundamentally, the laws arent set up to protect the environment, they are set up to facilitate development.
Qatar postpones promised labor reforms: The World Cup 2022 host has been under pressure to ensure migrant workers are paid on time. But trumpeted reforms due to go into force this week have been pushed back until November 2
Hackers finally post stolen Ashley Madison data
Twin Typhoons to reach "super" status by Thursday marching towards S.E. Asia
Gun Shots Heard in Istanbul Tourist Site
Thai Police release sketch of Bangkok bombing suspect, offer 1 million baht reward for info
1,000 sq miles of England to be opened up for fracking - Large areas of Yorkshire, north-west and east Midlands earmarked for oil and gas exploration as government announces it will offer licences for 27 new sites
A Thai motorbike taxi driver who believes he picked up the chief suspect in the bombing of Bangkok's Erawan Shrine shortly after the blast said the man appeared calm and spoke an unfamiliar language on his cellphone.
Muslim Clerics Call for a Phaseout of Fossil Fuels. Islamic leaders from 20 nations called for the phaseout of greenhouse-gas emissions from burning fossil fuels and for 100 percent of energy to come from renewables
Jewish groups protest as Spain festival drops US singer
House of cash: Police find $31m inside home of municipal engineer in West Bengal, India
Isis lost more than 7,000 fighters in past year, says Australian defence chief
ISIS beheads 81-year-old pioneer archaeologist and foremost scholar on ancient Syria. Held captive for 1 month, he refused to tell ISIS the location of the treasures of Palmyra unto death.
A Police Officer in New Zealand used excessive force during an arrest. The three other officers at the scene immediately reported the incident to their supervisor and appeared as witnesses against the officer in court.
North Korea fires shells at South Korean military along western border
Cyanide levels at Tianjin explosion 356 times the limit
Narcolepsy medication modafinil is world's first safe 'smart drug' - They concluded that the drug, which is prescribed for narcolepsy but is increasingly taken without prescription by healthy people, can improve decision- making, problem-solving and possibly even make people think more creatively.
Mexicos government on Wednesday slammed US presidential hopeful Donald Trumps proposals to deport undocumented immigrants en masse and make Mexicans pay for a wall separating the two countries as absurd, racist and ignorant.
Ashley Madison leak confirmed to be real and worse than originally thought.
"Russians are experiencing the first sustained decline in living standards in the 15 years since President Vladimir V. Putin came to power."
MPs and peers state that drug use is a "human right" and call for drug policy reform and human rights legislation that could be used to decriminalise possession, purchase and growing of drugs.
Alberta man fined for "Fuck Harper" sign
July 2015 was the warmest month ever recorded for the globe, according to records dating back to 1880
Journalist from The Beijing Daily sneaked into the Tianjin site and provided an account of what he saw
Migrants crisis: Slovakia 'will only accept Christians'
Half of Jerusalem Arabs want to be Israelis
Global banks are facing a threat of lawsuits worth billions of dollars following a landmark settlement in New York over rigging in currency markets.Lawyers warned the victory opens the floodgates for an even greater number of claims in London, the largest foreign exchange trading hub in the world.
South Korea orders evacuation of residents from border area after exchange of fire with North Korea
People who work 55 hours or more per week have a 33 percent greater risk of stroke and a 13 percent greater risk of coronary heart disease than those working standard hours, researchers reported on Wednesday.
Islamic State (IS) militants are destroying satellite dishes and television receivers in civilian homes to prevent people from watching "dangerous" foreign channels that air anti-IS reports
Germany refugee riot injures 15 after Koran defaced
Nazi gold train 'found in Poland'
Indictment: Palestinian Authority money used by terror cell to kill Israeli civilian. The money was provided as a monthly stipend to the cell's leader after his release from Israeli jail in a prisoner exchange
Renewables supplied 49.8% of Scotland's 2014 electricity demand
47% of Taiwan's poulation lacks alcohol-metabolizing gene
Germany expects refugee numbers to quadruple to record 800,000
Hepatitis C sufferer imports life-saving drugs from India, takes on global pharmaceutical company
Kim Jong Un orders North Korea military to prepare for war (from Friday at 5 PM)
Zurich cops 'won't report' on criminals' ethnicity - Zurich communal authorities have instructed city police to stop releasing the nationality of criminals to the media to avoid stigmatization.
Greek PM Alexis Tsipras announces his resignation, triggering snap elections.
Pakistani Terrorist Gets a Film Banned Because It Makes Him Look Bad
Russia Wants Composer Rachmaninoffs Remains Back - A Russian minister sparks an international debate by announcing his intention to reclaim Rachmaninoffs remains from a cemetery in New York state. He received American citizenship shortly before death. His music was banned in Soviet Russia.
Chinese police arrest 15,000 for Internet crimes that "jeopardized Internet security". China launched a six-month program last month, code-named "Cleaning the Internet".
Russia threatens to block Wikipedia over cannabis page
Victoria to fast-track the construction of 50 new wind turbines worth $200m - Premier Daniel Andrews has moved in an opposite direction to Tony Abbott over renewable energy with a plan he says will create 1,000 jobs for regional Victoria
Park orders military to sternly deal with any N. Korean provocations
Refugee center in Germany set ablaze following rioting over torn Koran
North Korea says preparation for military action is complete
BP lobbied against EU support for clean energy to favour gas, documents reveal - BP was part of oil & gas lobby that successfully undermined EU renewable energy targets & subsidies in favour of gas as a climate fix in 2011
S. Korea, U.S. raise their WATCHCON alert level after N. Korea's shelling
Sumatran Rhinos Now Extinct in Malaysia
Religious instruction to be scrapped from curriculum next year in Victoria, Australia
Turkey accuses BBC of supporting terrorism over PKK female fighter report. Turkey called on the BBC to treat the PKK the same way they did the Irish Republican Army during bombing attacks on Northern Ireland
Antarctic scientists have confirmed the existence of cosmic neutrinos ghostly particles that have traveled from the Milky Way and beyond. These particles carry messages from distant galaxies, and could potentially help solve several cosmic puzzles.
The Wikipedia page of things banned in Russia may soon include Wikipedia itself | Russias media regulator, Roskomnadzor, is threatening to ban Wikipedia due to an entry about that contains a recipe for charas, a form of hashish
China plunders Zimbabwe wildlife
All goods bought from overseas (Amazon etc) into Australia will face a 10 per cent goods and services tax from July 2017 under a landmark deal agreed to by state and territory treasuries.
Queensland kills 621 sharks in a yr under protection program - State fisheries minister denies the program is a cull but is merely aimed at catching sharks near popular beaches
Peru, against US opposition, approves shooting down of small planes suspected of carrying drugs
New study finds that Humans are 'superpredators' like no other species in history
Romanian workers in Berlin say they are being exploited.
Israel hits Syria with air and artillery fire after 4 rockets land near Lebanon border
Twitter has forced 30 websites that archive politician's deleted tweets to shut down, removing an effective tool to keep politicians honest
The police officer who leaked the footage of the surfers paradise police brutality, where the victims blood was washed away by officers, has been criminally charged for bringing it to the publics view. Officers who did the bashing get nothing.
The Australian Stock Market has plunged 2.5% in the first 20 minutes of opening for the week, losing $20 billion. The Chinese Stock Market has dropped 7% just an hour after opening, and the ripple effects are starting to be seen worldwide as markets open
Chinese troops head to border with North Korea
Two Ashley Madison clients reported to have taken their lives after hackers published their details - Canada police
South Korea vows not to turn off its loudspeakers at the border unless North Korea apologizes
Russia fined $115,000 for snubbing Canadas anthem at world hockey championships
S. Korea Detects Unusual Submarine Activity From North as Envoys Meet
Twitter has killed Politwoops, which monitored politicians deleted tweets in 30 countries
Multiple explosions reported at US military facility in Japan
Earth is on track to lose an India-sized chunk of its tropical forests by mid-century
Train gunman's lawyer: He only meant to rob people, found Kalashnikov in a park near train station
Boy stumbles, leaves hole in valuable painting at Da Vinci exhibit in Taipei.
Pokemon World Championship: Police seize firearms and arrest two men who promised to 'kill the competition'
South Korea resumes loudspeaker operations Moday morning
No Sign of End to Korea Talks as Kim Steps Up Force Mobilization
World's fastest-melting glacier loses massive chunk in 2 days. "This glacier alone could contribute more to sea level rise than any other single feature in the Northern Hemisphere," NASA stated on its website.
Protests reject TPP as corporate power grab
U.K. Orders Google To Forget 9 News Articles About The Right To Be Forgotten
Russian ruble collapses to 7-month low on weak oil prices
'I'm very scared': Russians brace for a ban on medical imports - The proposed ban has sparked dismay in Russia, where many hospitals are woefully underequipped
Tension grows over 'lost' North Korean submarines as South Korea searches for vessels
Kim Jong-un snubs China's invitation to military parade
U.S. confirms that Islamic State used mustard gas in a mortar attack on Kurdish forces in Makhmour on August 11th
Chances Of Agreement From Inter-Korean Talks Not High, S. Korea, US Raise WATCHCON to Level 2
The first UN privacy chief has said the world needs a Geneva convention style law for the internet to safeguard data and combat the threat of massive clandestine digital surveillance.
Israeli President: Israel has 'right' to settle in West Bank "For me, our right to this land is not a matter of political debate. It is a basic fact of modern Zionism"
China censoring Black Monday on countrys biggest search engine, Baidu, stopping citizens looking for information about financial chaos
North and South Korea reach agreement to ease tensions. NK to apologize for landmines, SK to stop propaganda broadcasts.
Russia lifts ban on Wikipedia
50 North Korean Submarines Have Reportedly Vanished in an 'Unprecedented' Deployment
Ukrainian film-maker Oleg Sentsov sentenced to 20 years in jail in southern Russia on terrorist charges
Koreas end marathon talks aimed at defusing tensions, reach agreement
ISIS throws 9 homosexuals from tall building in Mosul
Shanghai stock market opens down 6.1%
Over 2,000 Russian troops killed during Ukraine invasion
Russia bans Wikipedia
26 Japanese universities to abolish humanities, social sciences
UNESCO calls ISILs destruction of ancient Roman temple a war crime
World's greatest ever haul of supersize cave lion bones found in Urals - They also found a cave bear skull pierced with an ancient spear. Weapons also found.
Germany opens its gates: Berlin says all Syrian asylum-seekers are welcome to remain, as Britain is urged to make a 'similar statement'
Only 3 of 116 Guantnamo detainees were captured by US forces: There is great reason to disbelieve claims that detainees are the worst of the worst, including the fact that many were sold to the US for a bounty, not based on any real quality intelligence the US had gathered"
North Korea: Seoul learned a lesson about 'provocations'
Court tells Russia to pay damages to Netherlands
'Thousands' of political heavyweights hold Swiss accounts: official
A new Hindu temple in UAE's Abu Dhabi is getting Saudis riled up
Sweden Democrats gain in another record poll - The Sweden Democrats scored record support in another poll on Tuesday, backing up previous surveys suggesting that voters are abandoning mainstream parties in favour of the nationalists.
Japan delivers whiskey to space station_ for science
The Richest Guy in Asia Loses $3.6 Billion in the Market Rout
I know what apartheid was, and Israel is not apartheid, says S. African parliament member
Switzerland has completed the construction of the 57 km long Gotthard Base Tunnel, connecting Milan to Zurich
Ancient Greek palace unearthed near Sparta dates back to 17th century BC.
Nearly a billion monarch butterflies have vanished. Now their haven in Mexico is also disappearing: More than 52 acres of a haven where the butterflies hibernate over winter has been degraded, mostly by deforestation from illegal logging, with drought helping the decline.
Secret 'dark net' operation saves scores of children from sexual abuse
Rare Nautilus Sighted For The First Time In Three Decades
ISIS Brutalizes Boys to Create an Army of Child Soldiers, Victims Say.
Israeli NGO accused of subsidizing Jewish extremists with US money
North Korea's 50 Missing Submarines Have Apparently Reappeared Following Truce
Canadian dollar slips below 75 cents for first time since 2004
Hungary may use army to secure border against migrants.
Poland drought: Jewish tombstones and fighter plane uncovered as rivers run dry. Prolonged drought has seen rivers fall to record lows, throwing up archaeological remnants and relics of Polands wartime past
The mayor of Venice, who this month had a public row with British rock star Elton John over family values, has said he never wants to see a Gay Pride parade take place in the lagoon city while he is in charge
New Milestone: 2.5Mln Europeans Sign Online Petition to Stop TTIP, CETA
US to welcome 5,000 to 8,000 Syrian refugees in 2016
By 2050, an area of forests the size of India is set to be wiped off the planet if humans continue on their current path of deforestation, according to a new report. Thats bad news for the creatures that depend on these forest ecosystems for survival, but its also bad news for the climate
Snowden of the Sea: Researchers Name New Crayfish After NSA Leaker
Canada has engineered bacteria that send a remote signal when water sources get polluted
Migrants crisis: Germany's Merkel booed at Heidenau centre
Thailand destroys ivory stockpile in ceremony amid junta crackdown on illegal trade
A pioneering procedure has led to a baby being born from the same womb that nurtured his mother. The Swedish mother, who lost her uterus to cancer in her 20s, said it was unimaginable that she now had her own child thanks to her mothers donated womb.
Trans-Pacific Trade Agreement: Potential damage to global public health
Germany has reportedly begun taking steps towards banning the use of all genetically modified crops. New rules will allow individual member states to block farmers from using GM organisms, even if the variety has been approved on an EU-wide basis.
Senior Iran aide: Israel should be annihilated, and this is our ultimate slogan
Italy hits back at Merkel in migrants row - Italy's foreign minister: Asking Greece and Italy to do their duty on immigration is like asking a country hit by floods to step up the production of umbrellas
Court orders Russia to pay compensation for Greenpeace ship seizure. A court in the Netherlands has ordered Russia to pay compensation for seizing the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise during a protest against an offshore oil platform two years ago
India just turned off mobile internet for 63 million citizens amid protests in Ahmedabad
Germany hands over citizens metadata in return for NSAs top spy software
German Justice Minister criticizes Facebook's double standards: German users are struggling to understand why Facebook is quick to ban nudity, but often fails to ban posts that constitute the criminal offense of incitement to hatred.
Confirmed:Long-Lost Nazi loot train found in Poland
Up to 50 refugees found dead in truck in Austria: Newspaper reports initial indications were that they suffocated.
Delta governor(Nigeria) scored more votes than number of voters, INEC confirms
Mystery as rare saiga antelopes drop dead in their thousands. The world population of saiga antelope has halved in less than two weeks after 140,000 animals perished on the Kazakhstan steppes without any obvious cause.
Diamonds Worth Millions Vanish from 'Russia's Fort Knox': Rough diamonds worth millions of dollars have reportedly disappeared from Russia's supposedly impenetrable repository created by the Bolsheviks to store the tsar's jewels.
According to the 23-year record of satellite data from NASA and its partners, the sea level is rising a few millimeters a year -- a fraction of an inch. If you live on the U.S. East Coast, though, your sea level is rising two or three times faster than average.
Muslims not doing 'enough' to fight Islamic State: Jordan's Queen Rania
Denmark cuts benefits for asylum seekers - Danish lawmakers on Wednesday approved cutting welfare benefits for new asylum seekers in a bid to curtail arrivals.
Israel: Professor Uri Shanas launches crowdfunding campaign to buy 1.4% of earth for conservation
First female prime minister for Greece announced
Fake Goldman Sachs bank found in China
TTIP controversy: The European Commission and Big Tobacco accused of cover-up after heavily redacted documents released
Ethiopia has launched the first space program in East Africa
Knut the polar bear's cause of death revealed - They analysed samples of Knuts cerebrospinal fluid and found high levels of an antibody known to attack a glutamate receptor in the brain. In humans, this is a sign of a disease called autoimmune encephalitis, the first ever reported in a non-human.
Drunk Gunman Fires 30 Shots and Kills Four at Traveler Camp in North of France
Saudi Arabia is set to break its own record of 192 beheading as the country has executed 102 condemned prisoners
Tajikistan Steps Up Fight Against Islamic Radicalization, bans the sale of hijabs and niqabs.
British-born Isis hacker killed: US drone strike in Syria kills Junaid Hussain
North Korea's shiny new airport falls short of expectations
Sea levels are rising around the world and the latest satellite data suggests that one metre or more is unavoidable in the next 100-200 years, NASA scientists have said.
The Nations That Will Be Hardest Hit by Water Shortages by 2040 - The nations most likely to be hit by severe and continuous water shortages by 2040 include Bahrain (which will be the single most water-stressed), Israel, Palestine, Spain, and Chile.
China warehouse explosion in Tianjin leads prosecutors to detain government officials, company executives
Canada will not sign a Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal that would allow Japanese vehicles into North America with fewer parts manufactured here, says Ed Fast, the federal minister of international trade.
An unelected all-male village council in India has ordered that two sisters be raped as punishment for their brother eloping with a married woman. They also ordered for the sisters to be paraded naked with blackened faces.
Pirate Bay Founder Released From Jail But Immediately Re-Arrested
USA asked Norway to arrest Edward Snowden
German sailor Erik Heil has required surgery for a serious skin infection after competing in a test regatta for the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games.
Hamas just released a video showing off their rebuilt Gaza tunnels.
A lawyer who represented Christian churches that had their crosses torn down by the Chinese government has disappeared
China likely to drag the world into global recession, Citibank says
4.4 magnitude earthquake in northern B.C. caused by fracking
Canadian whooping cough cases soar over last year; only 72 % kids in affected area are vaccinated
TTIP deal: Business lobbyists dominate talks at expense of trade unions and NGOs: "This is a corporate discussion, not a democratic one"
Japanese police bracing for gang war as Yamaguchi-gumi mafia group splits: Reports Japans biggest crime syndicate is about split with potential outbreak of violence between breakaway group and those loyal to leader Tsukasa
Turkish police have detained two British journalists from Vice News for reporting from the predominantly Kurdish southeast without government accreditation, security sources said on Friday.
Coca-Cola to Replenish 100% of Water It Uses 5 Years Ahead of Schedule
Fury as archaeological site ruined and replaced with picnic table
Brazil's economy enters recession
Israel makes video to thank Shanghai for helping Jews during Holocaust
Australian Border Force recieves new military uniforms, ordered to stop citizens and ask for their papers in Melbourne this weekend
Swiss envoy says: invest in Iran, Middle East's "pole of stability" as Europeans race back to Iran
European Commission officials have held hundreds of meetings with lobbyists to discuss the proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) treaty - yet only around one in ten is with public interest groups.
As shoals of anchovies and sardines have migrated south into cooler waters, the population of African Penguins that feeds on the fish has plummeted by 90 percent since 2004 along South Africas west coast - the continents only species of the flightless bird are at risk of extinction.
Australian 'Border Force' to patrol Melbourne CBD as part of anti-social behaviour operation
HIV particles do not cause AIDS, the body's own immune cells do: researchers revealed that the HIV 'death pathway' -- how 95 percent of cells die from the virus -- is only initiated if the virus is passed by the hosts own immune system, not if cells are infected by free-floating viral particles.
Wikileaks hacker turned FBI informer pleads guilty to sexual assault charges against nine boys in Iceland
Wife of a former Afghan translator for the British Forces loses baby after being punched in the stomach by a Taliban commander for refusing to reveal her husband's whereabouts.
Mysterious Wooden Idol Found in Russia is 11,000 years old, The Shigir Idol is twice as old as the Pyramids and Stonehenge - and is by far the oldest wooden structure in the world. Covered in a code no one can decipher.
India virtually eliminates tetanus as a killer of newborns and mothers, a year after it eliminated polio
Russian fighter pilots will begin arriving in Syria in the coming days, and will fly their Russian air force fighter jets and attack helicopters against ISIS and rebel-aligned targets within the failing state.
Corporate Developers Seize Indigenous Lands in Brazil and Hire Hit Men to Murder Residents
Saudi Arabia is the Great ISIS - says Yemeni army spokesman
Nestle says "forced labor has no place in our supply chain" following a U.S. class action lawsuit that alleges the Swiss food company knowingly supported a system of slave labor and human trafficking to make its Fancy Feast cat food
France will ban cars from the streets of Paris for one day next month, turning the city over to pedestrians and cyclists - the move is timed to coincide with the upcoming United Nations climate conference
A new era? Iranians erase 'Death to America' graffiti from wall of former US embassy in Tehran
VICE News crew facing terrorism charges in Turkey on Monday.
ISIS blows up biggest temple at Palmyra
MI6 spy found dead in holdall 'hacked into secret data about Bill Clinton'
Nearly 100 Afghan schoolgirls fell sick on Monday, prompting officials in the western city of Herat to investigate whether they were poisoned by Taliban militants.
Singapore lifts ban on HIV-positive visitors: Foreigners with HIV will be able to visit for up to three months but will still be prevented from staying long term or working in the city-state.
Bin Laden should have been tried, not killed - UK opposition party leader frontrunner
A loud explosion shook central Kiev near the countrys parliament building Monday as lawmakers voted for constitutional changes to give its eastern regions a special status.
Slashing household solar subsides will kill off industry, government told
Tony Blair 'tried to save Colonel Gaddafi' just before bombing of Libya
Sierra Leone: Officials confirm new Ebola death
Brazil mayor who ran town via WhatsApp wanted for corruption
US considering sanctions over Chinese cyber theft: Report
Hezbollah enlisting West Bank youth to carry out terror attacks against Israel: "Tehran will continue to strengthen the axis of resistance in order to deal with the Zionist entity."
Migration crisis: Germany, France and Britain demand urgent EU meeting
Thousands urge help for Indian sisters ordered raped
Red Sea stinging jellyfish 'invading' Mediterranean through Suez Canal - The newly-enlarged canal is forming a superhighway for invasive species. Expansion did away with natural barrier. "We have this corridor pushing in alien species." Some, like devil firefish, are beautiful but deadly.
Borussia Dortmund offers 220 Syrian refugees free tickets to watch their match, which means a football club has welcomed more Syrian refugees than the entirety of the Syrian refugees welcomed by the UK
Canada officially in recession
Cuba goes all in on English, amid closer US ties - Now that Cuba has restored diplomatic ties with the United States, teaching English in schools will be a priority
11 years in a row, South Korea is No. 1 in suicide rate followed by Hungary and Japan
Obama on Climate Change: Act Now or Condemn World to a Nightmare
MI6 spy Gareth Williams who was found dead in locked bag had 'hacked secret files about US president Bill Clinton'
Up to 90% of seabirds have plastic in their guts - Australian scientists updated estimates & say plastic in the ocean is increasing. "It's pretty astronomical. In the next 11 yrs we will make as much plastic as has been made since industrial plastic production began in the 1950s."
On September 15, a group of activists affiliated with the Show Us Ya Text campaign will converge on New Zealand's Parliament in an attempt to seize the text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA)
More than 11,000 Icelanders offer to house Syrian refugees to help European crisis
Did India village council really order rape of two sisters? Local police and officials say no such order was given
Russia has opened a laboratory in Siberia devoted to the study of extinct animal DNA in the hope of creating clones, it's reported.
A rare celestial event is scheduled for September 28, 2015 - a total lunar eclipse and the closest supermoon of the year. This full Moon is also known as the Harvest or Blood Moon, because it ends the current lunar tetrad.
Three Category 4 hurricanes form over Pacific Ocean for first time in recorded history
65% of Europes electronic waste is stolen or mismanaged - Something stinks about Europes trash. A 2-yr investigation into Europes electronic waste found most of it is stolen, mismanaged, illegally traded, or just thrown away.
Police raided the offices of a Turkish media group after the Bugn daily ran a story exposing the transfer of weapons and explosives to ISIS from Turkey to Syria
ISIS Shows Off Its American-Made M16 Rifles
If We Rescued the Banks We Can Save Refugees, Merkel Says.Chancellor Angela Merkel said Germany must respond to the European refugee crisis with the same resolve it showed in rescuing banks and her government will spend billions of euros to handle the tide of migrants.
ISIS affiliate in Gaza claims responsibility for early morning failed rocket attack on Israel. Rocket fell in gaza.
China made a journalist 'confess' to causing the stock market chaos
Israeli doctors restore sight to 90 Kyrgyzstanis in marathon initiative
Top Chinese hedge fund manager 'disappears'
More than 10,000 Icelanders ready to welcome Syrians
China stock probes send shivers through investment community: If I dont come back, look after my wife
Boko Haram on horses kill 79 in 3 attacks, locals say -
UN satellite imagery confirms 2000-year-old Palmyra's Temple of Bel destroyed by ISIS.
Thai police give cash reward to themselves after making Bangkok bombing arrest without any help
Pakistan allows Taliban to meet, choose leader: Defying warnings from Washington and the fury of Afghanistan's government, Pakistani authorities are turning a blind eye to a meeting of hundreds of Taliban supporters in Quetta.
Obama secures Iran nuclear deal with Barbara Mikulski vote
Scientists claim to have discovered the first new human prion in almost 50 years. Prions are misfolded proteins that make copies of themselves by inducing others to misfold. By so doing, they multiply and cause disease.
Bill Gates calls for more funds to help world's poorest farmers. Billionaire philanthropist puts focus on protecting small farmers saying they are likely to suffer the most from climate change
Australia, Victoria to ban protesters from harassing women at abortion clinics
Three arrested in Paris over 'devil's breath' drug that turns victims into willing 'zombies'
Hugo Chvez daughter is the richest individual in Venezuela, worth over $4 billion.
A Japanese vertical farming company has begun construction on a vegetable 'factory' that is smaller than a football pitch but could produce 30,000 heads of lettuce daily
Four months after quakes, Nepal fails to spend any of $4.1 billion donor money
150 Million workers from 10 unions goes on strike today, in India
N.Korea would have 'no chance' in a conflict with South: US
Iceland Caps Syrian Refugees at 50; 10,000 Icelanders Respond by Offering Up Their Homes
'Isis' weapon shipment intercepted by Greek coastguard off Crete
Mongolia in for double whammy: drought now, "dzud" next. The drought has wiped out up to 80 per cent of its wheat crop and up next could be the worst winter in six years.
German police forced to ask public to stop bringing donations for refugees arriving by train
Prime Minister Cameron Rejects Call For Britain To Take More Refugees
Iran official: We'll bolster our military until Israel is overthrown
Hundreds of Eurostar passengers stranded by migrants trying to get through tunnel
Guatemalan Congress strips president's immunity - Vote clears way for President Otto Perez to be prosecuted over allegations he masterminded a massive corruption scheme.
Migrants using fake Syrian passports to enter EU: border agency - A market in fake Syrian passports has sprung up, particularly in Turkey, to help migrants and refugees enter the EU, the head of Europe's border agency Frontex said on Tuesday.
Pakistan's ISI Gave Shelter To Mullah Omar, Hillary Clinton's Email Dump Reveals
Yemen crisis: Two Red Cross staff shot dead in Amran
Gaza could be uninhabitable by 2020, says United Nations development agency
US To Impose Sanction Against More Russian Individuals, Companies Over Ukraine Ceasefire
London clinic accidentally reveals HIV status of 780 patients. The 56 Dean Street clinic apologises after sending newsletter disclosing names and email addresses of patients with HIV.
The Democratic Republic of Congo has banned a film about Congolese surgeon Denis Mukwege, who has treated thousands of women raped during conflict. "There is a clear intent to harm and sully the image of our army."
Turkish daily exposes transfer of weapons to ISIS
Exactly half of Germans are concerned that the strong increase in the number of asylum seekers is overwhelming them and German authorities, a survey showed on Thursday.
Australia wants to join India, the United States and Japan in joint naval exercises in the Indian Ocean, widening participation in multilateral drills as China's influence in the region grows.
Guatemalan President Otto Perez has resigned after Congress stripped the leader of immunity over corruption allegations and a warrant was issued for his arrest.
Plane Debris Found on Reunion Island Definitely from MH370, French Investigators Determine - French investigators confirmed plane debris found on Runion Island is indeed from Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, which went missing on March 8, 2014 with 239 people on board.
Earth has 3 trillion trees but they're falling at alarming rate.The number of trees has fallen by about 46 percent since the start of human civilization and each year there is a gross loss of 15 billion trees and a net loss of 10 billion
Bill Nye 'the Science Guy' visits tar sands: 'extraordinary exploitation' of environment. Everybody says they feel like the tipping points been reached. Everyone we speak with, where enough is enough kind of thing."
Two poachers in Kenya sentenced to pay US$1 million each or else face life in prison
Ukraine outbreak brings polio back to Europe, 2 kids paralysed
The Pentagon is monitoring Chinese navy ships off the coast of Alaska right as Obama is wrapping up a trip there
Venezuela's Unofficial Inflation Rate Is 808%
Flesh-eating disease on rise in Japan : International
Unsheared sheep found wandering in Australia was so wooly he nearly died ended up having 93 pounds of wool sheared
HIV Prevention Drug Appears to Work in First Real-World Test.
Gaza schools expel girls for leaving hair uncovered
Italian road authorities disown man to build street. But state doesn't recognise he isn't owner any more. Now he declares his own "principality".
SodaStream leaves West Bank as CEO says boycott antisemitic and pointless.
Bali police see tourists as ATMs: 'kick them and they spit out money'
The Catholic Church in India is supporting some 150 million workers on a nationwide strike Sept. 2 that shut down factories, banks, traffic and government offices across India: "The Church is in solidarity with striking workers because we are concerned about their welfare."
Isis profits from destruction of antiquities by selling relics to dealers - and then blowing up the buildings they come from to conceal the evidence of looting
PA officials reject Netanyahus call for renewal of peace talks
Hungary will send back economic migrants
Hungarian PM: Migrant crisis 'is a German problem'
India has added 52 million Internet users in first six months of the year
Jordan has a population of 6 million, but have taken in 1.5 million refugees. All with little protest or mass global coverage.
Egyptian billionaire wants to buy island to house migrants.
People would rather live near wind turbines than fracking wells.
Canadian Prime Minister candidate Justin Trudeau promises to legalize marijuana "right away" if elected
Edward Snowden says Hillary Clinton 'ridiculous' to think emails were secure - Snowden said in Al-Jazeera interview that ordinary government workers would very likely face prosecution for sending classified emails over personal server.
3 Indians get 20 years in jail for raping Japanese student
The U.S. is finalizing a $1 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia
Amid refugee crisis, Hungary prime minister says Muslims not welcome: Viktor Orban says history of Ottoman rule means Hungarians will not accept large-scale Muslim immigration
More than 1,000 tractors have rolled into Paris as farmers attempted to clog up the capital's roads in protest of their falling incomes.
Syria civil war: Russians filmed fighting alongside President Assad's forces
Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott says the "very sad" images of a Syrian boy lying lifeless on a Turkish beach demonstrate the need for countries to adopt tough policies to stop asylum seekers arriving by boat.
Netlfix Has Apparently Reduced Piracy In Australia
I want a blue-eyed Yazidi - A teenager describes what it's like on the ISIS sex-slave market
300 girls hospitalized due to mysterious gas (Afghanistan)
Migrant Smuggling in Europe Is Now Worth Billions - With thousands of migrants pouring out of Afghanistan and the Middle East, the business of smuggling them across the Balkans into the European Union has grown even larger than the illicit trade in drugs and weapons
Canada gets a C on innovation report card, corporate R&D lowest of 16 countries
Drowned Syrian toddlers' family had not applied for Canada entry
More than 100,000 asylum seekers enter Germany in August
Nice but dim: Posh but stupid children do better than poor yet gifted
Canadian Forces have no role to play in Syria, Iraq: Mulcair
One of the Indian women sentenced to be gang-raped speaks of her fear
South Korea on the Brink of Becoming a Multicultural Country
Russian spy ship off the coast of US sub base Georgia
Iranian police to confiscate cars of poorly veiled women, says the head of Tehrans traffic police, Gen. Teymour Hosseini
Peru: Indigenous Seize 11 Oil Wells Demanding Spill Clean Up
Homeopathy conference in Germany ends in chaos after delegates take hallucinogenic drug
Germany to Spend $6.6 Billion on 800,000 Refugees and Migrants
Two months after Cecil, outrage arises about South African hunt massacre. Hundreds of antelope, wildebeest, baboons, and other animals will be herded along a narrow track while hunters shoot at them from elevated platforms.
Until the 1970s, Western Australia stole the wages of thousands of Aboriginal workers. Its been waiting for them to die rather than pay back.
Islamist vigilantes face trial for 'Sharia police' who declared that they would "patrol the streets to police morals" - The Local Germany
New Zealand politician says that country should only take women and children refugees from Syria and that men should be told to go back and fight
A former Dragons' Den star has been charged with child sex offences. Doug Richard, who acted as an adviser to Prime Minister David Cameron, is accused of three counts of sexual activity with a child and one of causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity, the Press Association reports.
Russian Prime Minister orders all gas stations to install EV charging stations
Canada clears way for case against Chevron over 'Amazon Chernobyl' - Ecuadorians seek billions of dollars in compensation from energy giant over mass contamination of rainforest
Palestinian man gets death threats for saving US Jewish students from Palestinian mob
Syrian refugees in Uruguay say they want to move elsewhere
Austria says fight against Islamic State needs Syria's Assad
Germany could take 500,000 refugees each year for several years, the countrys vice-chancellor, Sigmar Gabriel, has said
700 Germans are fighting for ISIS and the number of women joining keeps growing - Germany's domestic intelligence agency (BfV) fears a growing number of women have gone to Iraq and Syria to fight alongside Islamic State militants, its chief said on Wednesday.
Left for dead in the Aegean, Syrian teen refugee swims 16 hours back to Turkey
Philippines to Roll Out Nationwide Free Wi-Fi Service by 2016
Lesbos 'on verge of explosion' as refugees crowd Greek island - Greeces interior ministry says island of 85,000 inhabitants is currently hosting as many as 17,000 refugees in its capital alone
Bulgaria denies air access for Russian supply flights to Syria
IKEA's 'Better Shelter' refugee housing units heading to Iraq | MNN
David Cameron reveals Islamic State plot to kill the Queen, royals
Hit by new wave of refugees, Germany warns EU partners: "if countries in eastern Europe and elsewhere continued to resist accepting their fair share of refugees, the bloc's open border regime, known as Schengen, would be at risk."
Two days after killing 16 soldiers, another bomb attack by PKK in eastern Turkey kills at least 10 police officers
Defector: Kim Jong Un's days are numbered -
World is running out of one of the most effective snakebite treatments, putting tens of thousands of lives at risk, warn experts
Romania says can take maximum 1,785 refugees, rejects EU quotas
Sometimes, 7-8 men raped us in one daywe thought we were going to die, says woman rescued from Saudi diplomats home in India
Japanese group sues to stop TPP talks - A group of citizens has sued the Japanese government, arguing that the Trans Pacific Partnership agreement would violate that nation's constitution
UK Parliament to debate "making the production, sale and use of cannabis legal" on October 12.
Saudi Arabian diplomat accused of raping Nepali maids claims diplomatic immunity
S. Korea dedicates $100 million to help poor countries fight infectious diseases including Ghana, Ethiopia, Jordan
Indian police say they have rescued 2 Nepali women kept as slaves from a Saudi diplomat's residence.
Hungarian nationalist TV camera operator filmed kicking refugee children
Frankenvirus Emerges From Siberia's Frozen Wasteland: "Scientists said they will reanimate a 30,000-year-old giant virus unearthed in the frozen wastelands of Siberia, and warned climate change may awaken dangerous microscopic pathogens."
Camerawoman sacked for tripping up refugee father carrying his child
Opening Syrian refugee 'floodgates' too risky for Canada: Prime Minister Harper
More than 107,000 sign UK petition for arrest of Netanyahu
Queen Elizabeth II becomes Britain's longest-reigning monarch later when she passes the record set by her great-great-grandmother Queen Victoria.
Saudi Arabia Bans National Geographic Issue Featuring Pope Francis For Cultural Reasons
Khamenei: Israel wont survive next 25 years - "Taking to Twitter, Iranian leader says Zionists wont find serenity until destruction, calls US Great Satan and rejects any talks with Washington beyond nuke deal"
Danish police close motorway as refugees march to Sweden
Germany promises 50 Mbps broadband for all.
Australia to accept additional 12,000 Syrian refugees and provide $44 million financial aid
Chinese imports drop 13.8%, casting more doubts about its economy
New law allows Irish transgender people to get updated birth certs
Huge Russian military planes land in Syria
Europeans allowed to sue over privacy breaches in new EU-US data agreement | EU citizens will now be able to sue over data misuse in American courts, as part of a new agreement on data security between the EU and US. It follows years of concern over the reach of the US National Security Agency
National Geographic put a GPS tracker inside a fake ivory tusk heres where it went
Czech far-rightist calls to put refugees in former concentration camp
Syria: Abbott wants Christians, not Muslim refugees
Palestinian detainee freed after two days, finds home razed
National Geographic sold to Fox
French court confirms Monsanto guilty of chemical poisoning
Top female student takes on corruption in Egypt after scoring zero on exams
A new species of human ancestor found, Homo naledi, has been found in South Africa
Female cartoonist could have 12 year prison term extended for shaking her lawyer's hand
Travelling to work 'is work', European court rules
The Amazon tribe protecting the forest with bows, arrows, GPS and camera traps - With authorities ineffective, the 2,200-strong Kaapor, in the Brazilian state of Maranho, are taking on the illegal loggers with technology & direct action
People climbing onto rooftops to stay alive - Japan is experiencing extreme flooding
Finland to raise taxes on the wealthy to cover refugee costs
The European Commission and Big Tobacco accused of cover-up after heavily redacted documents released.Documents back up fears that TTIP will allow tobacco giants to take legal action against the UK and other European governments who attempt to tighten smoking legislation
UK govt calls environmental controls on fracking "unnecessary red tape" - Added its weight to a behind-the-scenes lobbying drive by oil & gas firms including BP, Chevron, Shell & ExxonMobil to persuade EU leaders to scrap series of environmental safety measures, according to leaks.
A judge in Iran has started sentencing criminals to buy and read books instead of handing down jail terms to avoid "irreversible physical and psychological impact on convicts and their families"
Thailand introduces first law to protect LGBT people
German Lawmaker: At the Root of Refugee Crisis are Wars Led by the United States in the Middle East
More Than 1,000 Indian Muslim Clerics Sign Fatwa Against ISIS
Number of Russians Living in Poverty Nears 22 Million
China to explore 'dark side' of the moon. China has confirmed it plans to send a spacecraft to land on the moon's "dark side" before 2020...
ISIS claim to be holding Norwegian and Chinese men hostages
Karachi 'water mafia' sucking city's pipelines dry. Officials say 30 percent of Pakistan city's water supply is wasted or stolen, worsening an already chronic shortage.
Saudis protest "intrusion" into diplomat's house as Nepalese women recount horror.
Sudan's security forces killed, raped and burned civilians alive, says rights group. Human Rights Watch report catalogues appalling acts carried out by Sudans Rapid Support Forces during two military campaigns in Darfur.
UN: 96,000 children are starving and close to death in the port city of al-Hodeidah in Yemen
Egyptian researchers developed a cost-effective method for cleaning saltwater in just minutes
Non-EU countries Norway, Iceland, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein will have to agree to relocate asylum seekers in the latest EU scheme or face possible penalties
Russian troops join combat in Syria
Child poverty in Scotland is now so severe that teachers are being sent advice on how to spot if a child in their class is going hungry
Muslim radicals in Germany are trying to recruit some of the growing numbers of asylum seekers reaching the country
Al Qaeda Leader Al-Zawahiri Declares War on ISIS 'Caliph' Al-Baghdadi
Cereal banned from Zimbabwe schools after pupils brewed beer
Palestine flag to fly at UN headquarters after majority vote
Hundreds of thousands of Catalans gather in Barcelona, calling for secession from Spain
Citi's Chief Economist Says China Is 'Financially Out of Control'
Black Mamba female rangers awarded for anti-poaching efforts - A mostly female anti-poaching unit known as the Black Mambas in South Africa won the United Nations top environmental prize this week.
Saudi diplomat case: Waive immunity, Delhi tells Riyadh. There is prima facie evidence of abuse, sodomy and rape by the diplomat and his father-in-law
North Korea says defectors are liars and that people who stay behind are "happy"
Obama Directs Administration to Accept 10,000 Syrian Refugees
U.S. government officials have blocked the release of 116 pages of defense lawyers' notes detailing the torture that Guantanamo Bay detainee Abu Zubaydah says he experienced in CIA custody
Researchers at Alexandria University in Egypt have unveiled a cost-effective desalination technology which can filter highly salty water in minutes.
Australia: Peter Dutton overheard joking about rising sea levels in Pacific Island nations
Europe migrant crisis: Hungary 'will arrest illegal migrants'
UK: MPs reject 'right to die' law
TPP protesters occupy Prime Minister's office
World nuclear capacity set to grow by 45% by 2035
Scientists: Poorer nations outdo wealthier ones on climate pledges - Developed countries "ought to be embarrassed." "Ethiopia & Morocco have been considerably more transparent than China & Canada. Mexico was really better than US or EU" in terms of plans.
Turkish Teen Gets Suspended Sentence for Insulting Erdogan
Female cartoonist on indecency charge for shaking man's hand: Thousands petition to free Atena Farghadani
US intelligence chief says Iraq, Syria may not survive as states, could split along ethnic, sectarian lines
50 kg of gold stolen from Egyptian Mint Authority.
Russia: World must arm Syrian government against IS
Astronomers resort to crowdfunding to save Australia's Mopra Radio Telescope
Malcom Turnbull becomes Prime Minister of Australia after Tony Abbott rejected by Liberal party
El Nino set to be strongest ever. The most powerful weather pattern of its type in the past 65 years will have huge impacts on weather around the globe.
12 Mexican Tourists and Egyptians Killed After Security Forces Misidentify Them As Terrorists
Police drop VIP Westminster paedophile ring murder probe over lack of evidence
A Chinese woman suspected of stealing a $300,000 (195,000) diamond in the Thai capital, Bangkok, has had the jewel surgically removed from her intestines.
Iran's President Rouhani sends message for Jewish new year - "May our shared Abrahamic roots deepen respect and bring peace and mutual understanding. L'Shanah Tovah."
Australia- A former teacher from one of Australia's most distinguished families of judges has avoided jail after being convicted of filming up the skirts of his students and possessing ( over 9000 images) child abuse material.
In a remarkable technical feat, researchers have sequenced DNA from fossils in Spain that are about 300,000 to 400,000 years old and have found an ancestoror close relativeof Neanderthals.
Don't return, a Sydney uni student is told after his father 'disappears' in China
Bolivia proposes commercialization of the coca leaf
Japan's Mount Aso volcano erupts
Historian understood to have found first use of word f*** in 1310 English court case
Two suspected terrorists linked to Boko Haram are charged with horrendous acid attack on holidaying British teenagers
El Nino could make 2015 'the hottest year on record'... and 2016 will be even hotter. The findings will demolish claims by climate sceptics that the slowdown in the rate of global warming over the past 17 years proves that scientists concerns are exaggerated.
Goldman Sachs report: Oil headed to $20 a barrel. Economist says it's unlikely because "There are too many big financial players that have been buying up oil they would just start buying up the companies and shutting down production themselves"
Iran's President Wishes Jews a Happy Rosh Hashana
Egypt Begins Digging Moat To Protect Itself from Hamas: The moat is intended to prevent the Muslim-Brotherhood affiliate in Gaza from digging smuggling tunnels into Egypt.
Vivienne Westwood drives tank to David Cameron's house in anti-fracking protest.
Three critically endangered Javan rhinoceros calves where spotted on camera in an Indonesian national park, much to the excitement of staff and rhino lovers.
Obama Administration Accused of Ignoring Geneva Conventions in Refusal to Release 74-Pound Guantanamo Detainee
Taliban storms Afghan jail with suicide bombers, releases over 350 prisoners
NASA Launching 4K TV Channel
The Egyptian army announced it has killed 64 alleged Islamic State (IS) militants in North Sinai Saturday
Oxfam: Increasing inequality plunging millions more Europeans into poverty.Between 2009 and 2013, the number of Europeans living without enough money to heat their homes or cope with unforeseen expenses, known as severe material deprivation, rose by 7.5 million to 50 million people
Czech PM insists migrant quotas 'won't work'
Egyptian Billionaire who wants to purchase private islands to house refugees, has identified potential locations and is now in talks to purchase two private Greek islands
The UN Says US Drone Strikes in Yemen Targeting al Qaeda Have Killed More Civilians Than al Qaeda
Saudis Accused of Not Taking Refugees Despite 100K Empty Tents
Denmark has said it will not participate in the EUs plans to resettle some 160,000 refugees.
US troops return to Iraq to battle Islamic State
West 'ignored Russian offer in 2012 to have Syria's Assad step aside'
Hungary Declares Emergency As It Blocks Migrants At Border
Whales to gain 'long-sought protections' as navy limits sonar use, activists say
Thousands of refugees may lose right of asylum under EU plans - Brussels meeting is expected to call for establishment of refugee camps in Italy and Greece and for detention of irregular migrants
Two decades of frontier-free travel across Europe unraveled on Monday as countries re-established border controls in the face of an unprecedented influx of migrants, which broke the record for the most arrivals by land in a single day.
According to a new study, half of the sea turtles on the planet have ingested some form of plastic. This comes just days after another study (with some of the same researchers involved) reported similar findings in seabirds -- some 90 percent of which have consumed plastic.
Tens of thousands of people have already left Central America for the United States, fleeing violence and poverty.Extreme weather could drive further migration from the Central American countries, particularly Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador.
Tourists interrupt endangered turtle reproduction season in Costa Rican beach
FOIA Reveals TPP Has Immigration Chapter
Australian mother on trial for genital mutilation
Hundreds quarantined as Ebola returns to north Sierra Leone district
They are calling it the great Indian gold rush. Within months, Indian officials are expected to auction licences for new gold mines across the country, and abandoned colonial-era mines are set to be revived.
Okinawa governor to block construction of new US airbase: Takeshi Onaga says he will revoke permits for offshore base in Henokos pristine waters, opposing Japans central government
Ex FIFA adviser: Blatter should face a criminal investigation for TV rights deal
City officials have suspended the mayor of Bucharest who is under arrest on suspicion of taking bribes worth 25,000 euros ($28,000) from companies working for the city hall.
Canadian banks helping clients bend rules to move money out of China
Poland & Sweden agree to intensify military cooperation
North Korea 'restarts nuclear operations' | BBC
Teen Arrested for Planning Alleged ISIS-Inspired Attack on Pope
'Syria Is Emptying'