State of emergency in Ukraine as Russia cuts off coal
Finnish Parliament approves same-sex marriage
For the first time since 1969 Germany has balanced its budget
Bavaria plans free wifi for 'whole state'
German unemployment rate falls to a record low
Mexicos President Announces Federal Takeover of Local Police Forces
Mexico: eleven bodies found dumped in state where 43 students went missing
Indonesia cracks down on deforestation in symbolic u-turn. Indonesias reforming new president is to crack down on the rampant deforestation and peatland destruction that has made the nation the worlds third largest emitter of climate-warming carbon dioxide.
Renewable Energy Overtakes Nuclear as Scotland's Top Power Source - Clean energy produced more power in Scotland than nuclear, coal or gas for 1st time, in 1st 1/2 of 2014 industry figures show
7 Mental Health Patients Died Waiting for Beds; 1 Killed His Mother - Investigation comes as mental health beds are being cut in England. Figures show over 2100 gone since 2011. NHS accused by many of failing to understand or prioritize mental health.
The first known FBI informant inside Wikileaks has plead guilty to embezzlement and fraud amounting to thirty million kronas.
Social Media sites like Twitter & Facebook are being told to simplify their terms and conditions because currently it's like reading hieroglyphics or shakespeare
Fracking risk compared to thalidomide and asbestos in Walport report. History presents plenty of examples of innovation trajectories that later proved to be problematic for instance involving asbestos, benzene, thalidomide, dioxins, lead in petrol, tobacco, many pesticides...
World Health Organization: men recovering from Ebola should abstain from sex for three months to minimize the risk of passing the virus on in their semen
Oil continues to collapse a day after OPEC stands firm on production
Yemen's main oil pipeline blown up; $4.5 billion has already been lost in infrastructure attacks over the past two years
French president announces 1.5-bln-euro fund to finance transition to green energy
TransCanada, the energy company behind controversial Keystone Pipeline, drops PR firm after a proposal to attack companys opponents leaked - Edelman planned for TransCanada to pressure its opponents by distracting them from their mission & causing them to redirect their resources
UN Torture Watchdog Urges US to Crack Down on Police Brutality - It's the panel's 1st review of the US record on preventing torture since 2006
Support for Isis stronger in Arabic social media in Europe than in Syria
Venezuela's representative storm out of meeting as Opec refuses to cut oil production. Prices slump to five-year low
Hong Kong protest leader alleges police sexually assaulted him
"Saudis block OPEC output cut, sending oil price plunging"
India has suspended the US entertainment channel Comedy Central for six days for showing showing women as a "commodity of sex" in two shows
Israel slams Turkey: This is no way for a NATO state to act
Kim Dotcom walks Free After three days of hearings in Auckland
Iraqi army 'had 50,000 ghost troops' on payroll
Alberta pipeline spills 60,000 litres of crude oil into muskeg
'Picasso painting offered as kickback': A painting, believed to be a Picasso, was allegedly gifted to Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) president and FIFA executive member Michel Platini in return for his support for the eventually successful Russian bid for the 2018 global showpiece
Beginning of the end: AIDS is finally reaching a tipping point. The number of people newly infected with HIV over the last year is on the decline.
Thousands of Russians have staged marches in Moscow and other cities in protest at health reforms which include plans to close hospitals and cut jobs
Poland elects first openly gay mayor in elections
Arab-Jewish school, symbol of Jerusalem co-existence, torched
ISIS may possesss nuclear material stolen from Iraq, report says
Putin confirms support for independent Palestinian state; We believe that Palestines acquisition of national sovereignty on the common international legal base will be an important factor in ensuring a comprehensive, just settlement in the Middle East,
Indian ISIS "recruit" returns home. His role was to clean toilets and give soldiers water while they fought.
Hard drives, other sensitive equipment discovered missing from Mistral warship originally destined for Russia on day the deal was suspended
Russia to give Iran grain in return for oil
Germany says 300 jihadists facing trial, anti-terrorism laws working
Nigeria Parliament: Shell Should Pay $3.6 Billion For 2011 Bonga Oil Spill
Moody's cuts Japan credit rating
Deutsche Bahn sues airlines over price-fixing | German rail operator Deutsche Bahn (DB) is filing a billion-euro lawsuit against more than a dozen airlines over allegations of running a 'global cargo cartel.'
Send our jihadis to Devil's Island! French politician demands Paris reopens 'Papillon' jail for terrorists
China warns British MPs they will be denied entry to Hong Kong
EUROPE - Dutch MP calls for removal of all mosques in Netherlands
Netanyahu's government on verge of collapse over controversial Jewish nation state bill
Switzerland voters reject immigration cap | Final referendum results show 74 percent voted "no" on limiting net immigration to fewer than 17,000 people a year.
Worlds Most Polluted City Urged to Close Schools on Bad Air Days - The rapidly worsening air quality in the Indian capital of Delhi has officials calling for drastic measures to address the growing public health emergency.
Fire causes shutdown at Belgian nuclear reactor
Oil hits five-year lows in longest losing streak since 2008 crisis
A long list of sex acts just got banned in UK porn
Edward Snowden wins Swedish human rights award for NSA revelations | Whistleblower receives several standing ovations in Swedish parliament as he wins Right Livelihood award
Sony Drops FIFA Sponsorship Amid Corruption Scandal.
A british oil company is cutting its new CEOs pay by more than half, in a rare win for shareholders who had opposed the companys initial proposal for compensating chief executive Helge Lund.
Russia will hit recession in 2015 because of oil and Ukraine, Kremlin admits
Charles Darwin's notebooks in which he first jotted down his theory of evolution have been put online in one of the most significant worldwide releases of the naturalist's material - Over 12,000 images have been digitised by the University of Cambridge.
Indian tycoon throws mass wedding for fatherless women.
North Korea says U.S. created the Ebola outbreak
2013 homicide rate in Canada lowest since 1966
In Senegal, desperate mothers kill their own babies due to strict abortion laws and heavy societal pressure. "They leave the infants out in the middle of the forest to starve to death or get eaten by wild animals. Others strangle them or throw them in the septic tank," said one legal counselor.
Experts say they have achieved a scientific milestone - creating enzymes out of artificial genetic material that they made in their lab
The EU's top court has ruled that refugees who claim asylum on the grounds that they are homosexual should not have to undergo tests to prove it.
Lebanese army has detained wife of Islamic State leader Baghdadi and one of his sons at border crossing with Syria: Lebanese officials
At climate talks, UN calls fossil fuels 'high risk' investment. Oil price volatility "is exactly one of the main reasons why we must move to renewable energy which has a completely predictable cost of zero for fuel" once wind turbines or solar panels were built, she told a news conference.
Stephen Hawking warns artificial intelligence could end mankind
Study finds that HIV may be evolving into a milder form
Iran Bombing Islamic State In Iraq, U.S. Official Confirms
Waterborne disease plagues ISIS occupied Mosul
Costa Rica celebrates 66th anniversary of the abolition of its army The Tico Times
1.7m Syrian refugees face food crisis as UN funds dry up
Putin cancels new natural gas pipeline to Europe in a surprise move
Russian jet nearly hits Nato jet over Norway
Iranian Phantom jet strikes the Islamic State in Iraq
Japan to Launch Asteroid Lander Tonight: Watch It Live
North Korean Government Thought To Be Behind Sony Pictures Hack
British man found with nailbomb, weapons cache, and plans to mass murder immigrants, not charged with terrorism
Israel must give up Nuclear Weapons: United Nations Resolution
Ukraine PM discloses accident at nuclear plant: Reuters
Russian state TV's latest attempt to persuade viewers of the moral depravity of the West has left it with egg on its face. What it presented as a child in the USA being exposed to lewd homoerotica was quickly shown to be a fake pornographic parody taken off the internet.
DNA Confirms King Richard III's Remains Under Parking Lot
An Indian state has halted mass sterilisations at health clinics after a doctor was found using a bicycle pump to inflate women's abdomens.
North Korea Bans Name Jong-un for All but Leader: South Korean government officials said on Wednesday that North Korea had banned parents from giving their newborns the same name as the top leader. People who already have the name have been ordered to register with new ones
President Bashar al Assad of Syria says US-led strikes on Syria ineffective "You can't end terrorism with aerial strikes. ''Troops on the ground that know the land and can react are essential.''
French parliament votes to recognize Palestine as a state
Rise of Turkish Islamic schooling upsets secular parents | Turkey has seen a sharp rise in religious schooling under reforms that President Tayyip Erdogan casts as a defense against moral decay, but which opponents see as an unwanted drive to shape a more Islamic nation.
Russian ruble in worst daily drop in 16 years
Global livestock industry produces more greenhouse gas emissions than all cars, planes, trains & ships combined, but global survey finds twice as many people think transport is bigger contributor - Fear of a consumer backlash is preventing action on getting people to eat less meat.
Soap, sunscreen and steroids found in Antarctic waters and wildlife | Range of pharmaceuticals found in fish, clams and sea urchins in waters around two research stations, says New Zealand researchers
Iran jets bomb Islamic State targets in Iraq - Pentagon
Sepp Blatter: Qatar World Cup workers welfare is not Fifas responsibility, companies are responsible for their workers - Hundreds have died on building projects
The UN General Assembly has overwhelmingly approved an Arab-backed resolution criticizing Israel for refusing to join an international treaty against nuclear proliferation and calls on Israel to join nuclear treaty
Israel vents their fury with France after parliament votes to recognise Palestine as a state
Indian forces kill 6 militants crossing into Kashmir to disrupt vote
Melting Rate of West Antarctica Glaciers Triples: Study
Green Energy Sector Jobs Surpass Total Oil Sands Employment in Canada
Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood smuggling weapons into Israel
Questions raised over Queens ancestry after DNA test on Richard IIIs cousins - "the present Queen may not be descended from John of Gaunt and Edward III, the lineage on which the Tudor claim to the throne originated."
Topless Femen activist goes on trial in Cologne | Josephine Witt jumped up half-naked onto the altar of Cologne cathedral during Christmas mass last year, in protest against the Catholic Church.
West Antarctic Melt Rate Has Tripled: The total amount of loss averaged 83 gigatons per year (91.5 billion U.S. tons). By comparison, Mt. Everest weighs about 161 gigatons, meaning the Antarctic glaciers lost an amount of water weight equivalent to Mt. Everest every two years.
NASA has announced that a test launch of their Orion space capsule will take place on Thursday, in the first step of a mission that will take people to Mars by mid-2030.
NASA officially announces Manned Mars Mission, test launch will begin tomorrow testing orbiter.
Vatican finds hundreds of millions of euros 'tucked away': cardinal
16 Major Cruise Lines Released Over a Billion Gallons of Sewage Into the Ocean in 2014 - Beyond 3 miles from shore, the cruise lines may dump wastewater directly into the ocean, & many of them rely on old & antiquated water-treatment systems.
Isis recruits are begging to be allowed to return home | Foreign recruits have been writing to their parents with feeble excuses "I'm fed up to the back teeth. My iPod no longer works out here. I have got to come home," one of the foreign IS recruits was quoted as saying.
Angela Merkel speaks against net neutrality
President Vladimir Putin warned Russians of hard times and urged self-reliance, speaking to both chambers in the Kremlin, Mr Putin accused Western governments of seeking to raise a new iron curtain around Russia.
Iran sentences blogger to death for insulting the Prophet Muhammad
ISIS claims constructing dirty bomb after stealing 40kg of uranium
Pentagon fears blowback from humane Guantnamo video release
Pacific Fishing Nations Agree on New Rules to Save Pacific Bluefin Tuna, a Species that's Nearly Fished Out Due to Sushi Trade - Tuna down to just 4% of their historic levels. Only a tiny breeding stock now approaching the end of its lifecycle is holding population together.
An Emirati woman has been arrested over the fatal stabbing of an American teacher and a foiled plot to bomb the home of another U.S. citizen, UAE authorities said Thursday.
U.S. Army sending 100 tanks to Eastern Europe to deter 'Russian aggression'
Gorbachev: US 'Triumphalism' Fueling New Cold War
Israel nature reserve oil spill "one of country's worst environmental disasters" - 3 people hospitalized after inhaling fumes from oil gushing out of a breached pipeline near Evrona reserve. Millions of litres of oil gushing out of a breached pipeline flooded a desert nature reserve.
As many as 99% of Russian athletes are guilty of doping
$100 billion climate finance goal 'a very small sum': UN climate chief. She said $90 trillion would be invested in infrastructure over the next 15 years.
Worlds Biggest Cave in Threatened by Cable Car - Vietnamese are protesting plans to build cable car to carry 1,000 visitors an hr to cave. Researchers fear building towers to support car could damage fragile network of caves & put pressure on already weak ceiling, triggering collapse.
South Korea Will Build A Giant Christmas Tree On The DMZ To Annoy North Korea
U.K. Introduces the Google Tax: The government took aim at tech companies and other international firms, proposing a 25% tax on profits on economic activity that is shifted overseas
Cement Intended for Gaza Reconstruction Ends Up on Black Market
A Japanese artist who made a kayak modelled on her own vagina has been arrested again in a case that has sparked accusations of censorship.
Putin Vows to Punish Speculators Pushing Down Rubles Value
NASA's Orion: first test flight for Manned Mars Rocket postponed for 24 hours.
Iran has provided evidence to the U.N. atomic agency showing that documents on suspected nuclear bomb research by the country were forged
Life under ISIS Rule a 'Living Hell': Mosul (Iraq) Citizens Suffering from Lack of Clean Water, Medicine
Orion deep space capsule launches.
Dozens of Chinese held in Kenya accused of preparing to raid the country's communications systems
Germany tries 20-year-old man who fought with ISIS in Syria and sentences him to 3 years 9 months.
Blame your boss, not China, for stagnant wage growth: ILO
France ordered to pay Somali pirates up to $5000 each for detaining them for 48 hours too long before appearing in a court.
Chinese researchers report that a common pantry pest harbors bacteria that can digest plastic.
China overtakes the US as world's largest economy
Tony Blair says politicians are underpaid
Snowden docs show NSA spied on global cellphone networks
An undercover police officer has been accused of encouraging and helping an animal rights campaigner to commit illegal acts which led to his being jailed for four years, according to legal documents
Putin: Under No Circumstances Will Moscow Stop Cooperating With Europe, US
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Thursday condemned the United Nations Security Council for being an unrepresentative "Christian body," as well as the "biased" decisions of Norway's Nobel Prize Committee.
Charity in France Is Accused of Being a Front for Financing Terrorism in Syria
Land Mines Arent Killing As Many People As They Used To
Turkish PM implies that gender equality triggers suicides
Scientists find ancient case of human cancer in man who died 4,500 years ago
Corruption a 'problem for all,' latest global index shows
Islamic Militants Attack Grozny, Chechnyas Capital, Leaving 19 Dead
The new 42m Alan Turing Institute for Data Science, dedicated to the second world war Enigma codebreaker, is to be based at the British Library at the centre of a new Knowledge Quarter, George Osborne announced on Thursday.
Cameroons National Assembly has voted into law a bill tabled by government prescribing death sentence on individuals who stage public demonstrations. - deliberately defines the word terrorism to include citizens who carry out public protest against the regime.
U.K. to Repay World War I Loan - The War Loan, a slice of perpetual debt with no fixed maturity date and a 3.5% coupon, was issued in 1932 to refinance war debt first sold in 1917 amid a patriotic campaign to fund the war effort.
UK mass surveillance laws do not breach human rights, tribunal rules - Rights groups brought case against GCHQ after Snowden revelations on extent of electronic surveillance in UK and US
Latvian politician forced to step down after tweeting Thank God Nazis shot gays
Reports: Obama Mulling Sanctions on Israel
Putin tells Russia: Hard times are coming
Mass surveillance exposed by Snowden not justified by fight against terrorism - Report by Nils Muinieks, commissioner for human rights at the Council of Europe, says secret, massive and indiscriminate intelligence work is contrary to rule of law
The body temperature of Polish toddler rescued from severe hypothermia this week had dropped to 12.7 C (55 F). It is the lowest survived body temperature ever recorded in a human with hypothermia.
Mexico says evidence proves missing students were incinerated
Sixteen British police officers have been charged with criminal and disciplinary offences after they ignored cries for help from a disabled Iranian national before he was murdered by his neighbor last year
The best-known liberal TV channel in Russia has been asked to quit its rented studios in Moscow for the second time in as many months. Rain TV (Russian: TV Dozhd) is a digital channel whose output contrasts sharply with state-run media, providing a platform for alternative views.
UBER banned in India's capital city New Delhi after a UBER driver was implicated in rape of a young girl yesterday
New Horizons robotic probe awakened, begins exploration of Pluto
Uber, the U.S. online ride-hailing service, has been banned from offering service in the Netherlands. Uber could be fined up to 100,000 euros ($122,000), while drivers could face fines of 10,000 euros, the court found.
Russia demands 'explanations' from Israel regarding alleged airstrike in Syria
NSA's surveillance a 'trade barrier' for EU companies: EU official
Merkel allies want immigrants to speak German at home
Australian researchers achieve record level of efficiency in solar panels (40.4%)
Finland, Scandinavia falling short in fight against radicalisation, expert says | Yle Uutiset
Thirteen killed in failed U.S. hostage rescue bid in Yemen
ISIS has released a video featuring an Ottawa man calling on his fellow Muslim countrymen to carry out lone-wolf attacks on Canadian targets.
Mother Sues France Over Underage Son's Syria Trip
EU parliament calls on Pakistan to abolish the death penalty for blasphemy
Turkish President Erdogan says that the new presidential palace has 1,150 rooms, not 1,000
In Canada, More Jobs in Green Energy than Tar Sands: 'The global clean energy revolution isnt a future scenarioit is underway right now,' declares Clean Energy Canada
Poland has long seen itself as stuck between the East and West, resulting in plenty of historical suffering. Russian aggression in Ukraine has many in the country fearing the worst.
Rome Mayor Defies Mobster Threats and Refuses to Quit
German Chancellor Angela Merkel accuses Russia of interfering in the affairs of Eastern European countries seeking closer ties with the EU
6 Arrested For Looting Antiquities From Israel's 'Cave Of The Skulls'
Ukraine to Allow Russian Electricity Imports After Coal Supply Falters
BC poultry farms have been placed under quarantine and more than 140,000 turkeys and chickens will be euthanized. At least seven countries have banned poultry products from either B.C. or all of Canada.
Hackers tell Sony to halt the release of "The Interview"
Elephant Slaughter, Ivory Sales "Out of Control": Wild Elephants Could Disappear Within a Generation
Germany: Thousands join anti-Islam protest against European spread of ISIS and al-Qaeda
NSA warrantless bulk phone metadata spying continues unabated | Metadata snooping re-authorized a fourth time despite Obama's reform pledge.
Hong Kong protesters given Thursday deadline to clear sites, building up to a final showdown between pro-democracy activists and authorities backed by Beijing
Revealed: how the wealth gap holds back economic growth (the concept of trickle-down economics dismissed)
Oil drops $2 to five-year low on oversupply
CIA torture report: US raises security ahead of release
Hackers Dump Thousands of Rostov Police Documents on Internet; Evidence of Soldiers Wounded in Ukraine
Indonesia plans to remove moral and religious education from curriculum
Israel Indicts American Over Plot to Bomb Muslims
Another Anti-Polio Worker Is Killed in Pakistan
Maldives in crisis as water supply dries up: Tiny island nation enters fifth day without drinking water as government scrambles to repair desalination plant
IS militants use Australian recruits as 'cannon fodder': At least 20 Australians have been killed fighting alongside militants in Iraq and Syria, the Australian government has said.
Russia is not the only country feeling the pain of a low price of oil. Canada is getting nervous.
Ebola is still spreading quickly in western Sierra Leone and deep in the forested interior of Guinea and more foreign health workers are needed to help tackle the epidemic, a senior U.N. official said on Tuesday.
World Bank Predicts Russian Economy Will Shrink 0.7 Percent Next Year
Estonia Imports Gas From Lithuania: Estonia imported its first natural gas from Lithuania, via Latvia, last week in a move that reduces its energy dependence on Russia
Islamic State Claims Radioactive Device Now in Europe
Ecuador indigenous leader found dead days before planned Lima protest
Solar & wind energy backed by huge majority of Australians, poll shows - Renewables among top 3 energy choices and a separate review debunks fears of health damage from wind turbines
Moldova: 7 arrested suspected of uranium smuggling
Israel Oil Spill 4 Times Worse Than Initially Thought - Country's worst-ever environmental disaster.
Anger at plans to boost religious teaching in Turkey
Goal to end fossil fuels by 2050 surfaces in Lima UN climate documents. Campaigners in Lima are eyeing an inevitable end to the fossil fuel industry by mid-century
UK: Porn protest to shock with mass face-sitting and fake sex
The CIA's harsh interrogations of terrorist detainees during the Bush era didn't work, were more brutal than previously revealed and delivered no "ticking time bomb" information that prevented an attack, according to an explosive Senate report released Tuesday.
C.I.A. Kept Bush Ill Informed on Interrogation Tactics, Torture Report Says
UN official wants CIA and Bush administration officials prosecuted for torture and says any country can do it
Ebola Fighters Are TIME's Person of the Year 2014
Two psychologists who pushed torture program were paid $81 million for their work
Russian Billionaire buys Nobel Prize and hands it back to scientist
Ex-CIA Operative Says Prison Was Punishment for Whistleblowing on Torture | John Kiriakou is the only CIA employee connected to its interrogation program to go to prison. But he was prosecuted for providing info to reporters, not for actions that todays Senate Intel Committee report calls torture
Income inequality slows GDP | Today's economy would be bigger if the richest 10 percent hadn't increased their share of total income.
Greenpeace damages Nazca lines while setting up a banner.
Pirate Bay sets sail for Costa Rica following Swedish raid
CIA lied over 'brutal' interrogations.
Indian Government decriminalizes attempt to commit suicide, removes section 309
Extremists using immigrant gangs to intimidate in Denmark
NASAs Curiosity rover finds evidence of 3.5 billion year old Water Lake in Gale Crater
The CIAs post-9/11 embrace of torture was brutal and ineffective and the agency repeatedly lied about its usefulness, a milestone report by the Senate intelligence committee released on Tuesday concludes
Gorbachev calls for U.S.-Russia summit to defrost ties "This is extremely dangerous, with tensions as high as they are now. We may not live through these days: someone could lose their nerve," he wrote in a commentary entitled "To unfreeze relations" for government daily Rossiyskaya Gazeta.
North Korea asks a former detainee to pay the bill for his stay
New leaked documents reveal more firms, including Skype and the Koch empire, use Grand Duchy for favourable tax arrangements, putting pressure on European Commission president, Jean-Claude Juncker
One in five Australian households now use solar
Pakistan's blasphemy laws backfire on religious groups
Kim Dotcom Is Not a Fugitive, Court Hears - In a new court filing Megaupload's legal team refutes the U.S. Government's claim that Kim Dotcom and his former colleagues are fugitives. The filing further reveals efforts to uncover the MPAA's involvement in the criminal investigation into Megaupload...
George W. Bush: The U.S. didn't use torture against suspected terrorists
British windfarms set new power production record. 43% of Britains homes were powered by wind last Sunday
Tanzania's albino community: 'Killed like animals'
'Each time police shut Pirate Bay, well multiply other servers' | No matter how many times law enforcement cracks down on The Pirate Bay, it will find a way to re-open, the Berlin chairman of the Pirate Party said
World Wide Web inventor says Internet should be 'human right'
Google is closing Google News in Spain and removing Spanish media outlets from the service ahead of new law forcing Google to pay for using publishers content
A $104 million donation from Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah has helped restore food vouchers for 1.7 million Syrian refugees as winter approaches.
New Leak Reveals Luxembourg Tax Deals for Disney, Koch Brothers Empire
New documents reveal Canadian Govt. opted out of nearly every resolution to protect endangered species at last CITES convention, filing more reservations in 2013 than Iceland, Japan, and the UK have over the entire 39-year history of the treaty.
We found an ancient lake on Mars a sign the planet may have once been habitable
Brazil president weeps as she unveils report on military dictatorship's abuses. Dilma Rousseff was herself tortured; 191 people killed; 243 disappeared. US and UK trained interrogators in torture during 1964-85 military rule
Mass online surveillance and censorship of what people see on the web appear to be getting worse, according to the latest report from Tim Berners-Lees World Wide Web Foundation
ISIS throw man off roof for being gay
Full scale of plastic in the world's oceans revealed for first time - over 5,000,000,000,000 pieces.
Peru indignant at Greenpeace stunt at ancient Nazca lines - Peru will seek criminal charges against Greenpeace activists who damaged the world-renowned Nazca lines by leaving footprints in the adjacent desert during a publicity stunt
China urges U.S. to correct ways after torture report
India, the worlds third-largest polluter, will spend at least $100 billion on climate-related projects but isnt ready to follow China and the U.S., the top two emitters, in promising to limit its fossil-fuel emissions.
Russia raises interest rates to 10.5%
U.S. Navy says new laser weapon is ready for action
Piles of bodies discovered in Sierra Leone as number of confirmed cases increases past 100 a day. - Ebola burial teams exhausted.
Russian-Indian reactor deal | Russian President Putin and Indian Prime Minister Modi have announced a deal for Moscow to help New Delhi build more nuclear reactors
More than 100,000 people show up in Dublin to protest the water taxes being forced on the Irish people.
US agency infiltrated Cuban hip-hop scene to spark youth unrest
A soldier in Somalia has avenged the killing of his wife by shooting dead five women related to militant Islamists, an official has said. He suspected that the women had colluded with the murderers of his wife, who was also a soldier, he added.
China's Urumqi bans Islamic veil, sparking rights concerns
Abe defends Japans secrets law that could jail whistleblowers for 10 years
Mexican citizen interrupts Malala Yousafzai's Nobel Prize ceremony
Palestinian minister autopsy reveals he died from heart attack
Canada just made it legal for police to search your cellphone without a warrant upon arrest.
Untrained CIA Agents Were Just Making Up Torture Methods As They Went Along
A face-sitting protest is happening outside Parliament in the UK as people protest new laws banning many acts in pornography
ISIS releases horrifying sex slave pamphlet, justifies child rape
Notorious Islamic State Twitter propagandist revealed to be a Bangalore executive. He induced others to join ISIS but himself refrained from joining it due to family concerns.
Catholic Church in Australia concedes celibacy may have contributed to child sex abuse
US Senator Carl Levin says a claim used in 2003 to justify the US-led invasion of Iraq was based on "fiction"; claims an alleged al Qaeda-Iraqi meeting in Prague never took place.
US hid UK links in torture report at request of British spy agencies
ISIS leader: "If there was no American prison in Iraq, there would be no ISIS"
CIA attacks torture report; fears legal action around world
"The F-35 has no clear edge over three other fighter jets Canada is considering to replace its aging fleet, a declassified government-commissioned report says."
Dozens of shots fired at Israeli embassy in Athens
China's Xinjiang to ban burqas in public
Finnish intelligence: Most who leave to join Isis are Finns - Half of the Isis recruits have lived their whole lives in Finland while two thirds hold Finnish citizenship, security officials said on Thursday.
More than $31 billion worth of food is wasted every year in Canada and when energy, water and other resource costs are factored in the true cost could be up to three times that much, a new report suggests.
Island Nations Are Now Screaming It: Climate Change Will Sink Us
"For more than two years, a U.S. agency secretly infiltrated Cuba's underground hip-hop movement, recruiting unwitting rappers to spark a youth movement against the government, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press."
Rhino horn trafficking surging out of control, say campaigners
London airspace closed by regulator
Court rejects attempt to allow Edward Snowden into Germany: Opposition parties wanted Snowden to give evidence in person to a parliamentary committee investigating NSA espionage
Food Prices In Russia Rise Considerably. Inflation has reached 9.4%.
Abbas: 'I support Egypt's measures against Hamas'
The most influential pro-Islamic State Twitter account to be followed by foreign jihadis - Shami Witness - is shut down after a Channel 4 News investigation uncovers the identity of the man behind it
New Sharia-Compliant Islamic Doll With No Facial Features Launched In Britain
Youngest Nobel Peace Prize Winner Asks Why Giving Guns is Easier Than Giving Books - Why is it that countries which we call strong are so powerful in creating wars but so weak in bringing peace?"
Lindt Chocolat Cafe hostage drama in Martin Place, Sydney
Police storm Sydney Cafe, gunfire erupting, more hostages escape
Sydney siege: Sydney commuters volunteer to ride by Muslims side, hashtag #illridewithyou trends on twitter
High profile drug lord prisoners in Manila revealed to have hotel-like cells. Jacuzzis, home theater system, PS4, air conditioning, and a sex doll, among others, discovered.
Anonymous hacks Swedish govt emails over seizure of Pirate Bay servers
Chinese authorities vowed to severely punish Chinese travelers who threw hot water and noodles on a Thai flight attendant and threatened to bomb the plane after they became enraged over sitting arrangements.
Cheney says CIA interrogators were heroes | Ex-US vice-president insists CIA's enhanced interrogation techniques worked and says "I'll do it again".
Pope Francis Says Equating Islam With Violence Is Wrong. "You just cant say that, just as you cant say that all Christians are fundamentalists. We have our share of them (fundamentalists). All religions have these little groups," he said.
Plastic-Eating Fungi Farm Turns Waste into Edible Treats: A team in Austria has created a system for using commonly uneaten parts of fungi to break down plastic while simultaneously producing a novelty food product
Scientist proposes basic evolution can be explained using physical laws, and the origin of life should be as unsurprising as rocks rolling downhill.
Stupid US sanctions wont undo my government, says Venezuelas President Nicolas Maduro: Have you ever heard of such arrogance? Maduro asked angrily. As if we cared about visas to get in the United States. Idiots! he roared
Japan is working on doing for the hydrogen fuel cell what it accomplished with computer chips and cars in the last century, slashing costs to make them more appealing to consumers.
Shin Bet thwarts planned suicide attack in Tel Aviv
Mention of Israel banned at Irish national Holocaust memorial
Sydney Opera House evacuated.
Snowden Receives Human Rights Award in Berlin: Reports
Merkel in dilemma as German anti-Islam marches gain support
Palestinians say they will seek UN vote on resolution to end Israeli occupation
Hamas holds Gaza military parade, vows Israel's destruction
Belgium risks coming to a virtual standstill Monday as the biggest national strike for years grounds all flights, halts public transport and severs international train links in protest at the new government's austerity policies.
Asbestos exposure is the single largest on-the-job killer in Canada, accounting for more than a third of total workplace death claims approved last year and nearly a third since 1996, new national data obtained from the Association of Workers Compensation Boards of Canada.
Chechnya human rights office set on fire after it criticised the Russian republic's president, 2 activists detained by police
Ex-Mossad chief: Peace will elude us until we treat Palestinians with dignity
Turkey arrests 27 journalists in media crackdown.
Germany 'sees rise in far-right extremism': Police note a significant rise in far-right extremism, as anti-Islam marches in Dresden draw high numbers.
Pakistani Army school under siege by terrorists. over 35 injured and many dead. Over 500 students held hostages
Police request attendance list for people at fracking debate. University refuses.
Ruble Hits 100 Against the Euro As Currency Collapse Accelerates
Taliban: We Slaughtered 100+ Kids Because Their Parents Helped America
Russian Ruble Crashes to World's Worst Performing Currency
CIA torture: health professionals 'may have committed war crimes', report says - Physicians for Human Rights called for federal investigation on CIA torture program participation, calling rectal feeding technique form of sexual assault
Russian governor ban the use of the word crisis in public | It is possible that the crisis exists, but we forbid the use of this word
Russian Bank Manager: 'This Is The End Of The Banking System'
U.S. Fights to Stop Release of Photos showing Soldiers Abusing and Sexually Humiliating Prisoners in Iraq
Same-sex Marriage now legal in Scotland
Three confirmed dead, including gunman, in Sydney siege
In his first major speech on the subject of immigration, French President Franois Hollande blasted the scaremongers "who dream of a smaller, more spiteful France". He also insisted Europe would go backwards if countries closed their borders.
Hostage hailed a hero in Sydney siege: Tori Johnson killed after he tried to knock gun from the hands of gunman
President Barack Obama:"We're going to destroy the Islamic State"
Russia Increases Key Interest Rate to 17% to Stem Ruble Decline
India launches crackdown on Islamic State
Russian public names Putin Man of the Year
Police raid homes of anti-Arab activists, 10 arrested - National Israel News
Erdogan tells EU to 'mind own business' in Turkey mass arrests targeting opposition media
Food Prices in Russia Soar as Ruble Tumbles Further: Food prices in Russia have grown by 20 to 25 percent since the beginning of the year and are expected to rise even further in 2015
Psychologist admits he waterboarded al Qaeda suspects.
Russian Politician Raids Gay Club With Cameras and Riot Police
The Sydney hostage-taker had fled Iran after a $200K fraud case
North Korea is asking the United Nations Security Council to put the CIA's harsh treatment of terror suspects on its agenda for debate.
Ruble hits 77 per dollar despite rate raise - BBC News
The United States will normalize diplomatic relations with Cuba, open embassy in Havana
Iraq: 150 women executed after refusing to marry ISIL militants
Foreign exchange in Finland no longer recognizes rubles for trade.
Russia says Sweden smokes too much Weed and that there never was a "near miss" with airplane or submarine in Swedish waters.
About 15,000 people show up for Anti-Islam march in German city
Russians hurried to change their savings and pensions into dollars and euros while also stocking up on furniture and jewellery as the rouble's collapse accelerated | "None of us know what's happening. We're all worried that the currency will keep falling"
Iran had warned that Sydney attacker was unstable and a con-artist but Australia refused to extradite him for fraud
Pakistan Lifts Death Penalty Ban After Massacre
Two Blasts Outside Girls College Near Peshawar
Putin's cronies lose $50 billion
Drone Footage Shows Extent Of Greenpeace's Damage To Peru's Nazca Site
Nasa's Mars Curiosity rover has detected methane on Mars - A gas that hints at past or present life on the planet
Russia grapples with shocking fall of the ruble: What happened yesterday is a catastrophe
Cuba frees American Alan Gross after 5 years in prison, radical change of US policy towards Cuba expected
Crisis-Struck Russian Stocks Now Worth Less Than Microsoft: The total value of all publicly traded shares on the Russian market is now less than the capitalization of U.S. software giant Microsoft
Pakistan airstrikes kill at least 22 militants in retaliation to school shooting
On national television today in Pakistan, Hafiz Saeed, one of the world's most-wanted men, blamed India for the massacre of children at a Pakistan school and vowed revenge
I may be the last, says Dalai Lama
Saudi Arabia's ruling Al Saud royal family are trying to adjust their relationship with the country's strict Wahhabi school of Sunni Islam as they increasingly view the teachings of some of its ultra-conservative clergy as a domestic security threat.
Putin Named Russia's 'Man Of The Year' For The 15th Time In A Row
Turkey announces national mourning over Pakistan attack
Sony hackers threaten terror at "The Interview" moviegoers
UN: More Reports Of Children Crucified, Beheaded & Stoned To Death By IS
A fire at a West Bank mosque last month was most likely caused by an electrical fault and not the result of arson
Italy says it'll oppose EU plans to scrap environment law - 11 member states signed letter opposing withdrawal of draft EU law on air quality & waste. EU plans to focus on jobs & economic growth instead.
Iran this week unveiled a monument to Jewish soldiers killed in the Iran-Iraq War, which lasted from 1980 to 1988 and saw both countries suffer millions of casualties and billions of dollar in damage. Jewish community leaders and a number of Iranian religious officials took part in the ceremony.
Activists to Drop 'Interview' DVDs Over North Korea Via Balloon
Curiosity Rover Drills Into Mars Rock, Finds Water
Vladimir Putin compares Russia to cornered bear, warning citizens to brace for recession that could last two years
Qatar hires "$8 fake fans" to fill empty stadiums | Migrant workers in Qatar get one dollar an hour for sitting in the stadiums and pretending to have fun, to applaud and to do the wave
Pope Francis played key role in U.S.-Cuba deal
Belarussian President Demands Russia Trade Be Carried Out in Dollars, Euros: Belarussian President Alexander Lukashenko has demanded that Belarus's transactions with Russia be settled in dollars or euros because of the slump in the value of Russia's ruble
Navajos reclaim sacred masks at Paris auction
Nearly 97 percent of the airstrikes against ISIL in Syria during December have been carried out by the United States alone, according to U.S. military data.
Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi, the main accused in the Mumbai terrorist attack is granted bail by a Pakistani court only days after the Peshawar massacre.
Russian officials try to quell rising panic concerning a possible bank run. "This is a very dangerous situation, we are just a few days away from a full-blown run on the banks," Russia's leading business daily wrote in an editorial Wednesday.
Swedish far-right leader: Jews must abandon religious identity to be Swedes
U.S. will bid for 2024 Olympics
The Pakistani military has killed 57 terrorists in airstrikes since Tuesday's school shooting
The bodies of more than 230 people believed to have been killed by Islamic State (IS) have been found in a mass grave in eastern Syria, activists say.
Oil from a wrecked tanker is creating a disaster in the waters of Bangladesh's Sundarbans, the largest contiguous tidal mangrove forest in the world and a haven for a spectacular array of species, including the rare Irrawaddy and Gangetic dolphins and the highly endangered Bengal tiger.
Dutch government officials have acknowledged the country's secret service sometimes taps the communications of lawyers who represent terrorism suspects.
Suspect in 2002 terrorist attack on Moscow theater, The Chechen Khasan Zakayev, has been detained while trying to cross from Ukraine to Crimea with a fake passport
North Sea oil industry 'close to collapse'
Venezuela President Maduro hails Obama's 'courageous' Cuba gesture
Swiss interest rates turn negative - Swiss National Bank cuts interest rate to minus 0.25%
FIFA Investigator Michael J. Garcia Quits in Dispute Over Report
Political opponent calls for Putin's exit as Russia slides into crisis
Ethiopian rabbis accuse Israeli rabbinate of racial discrimination
Under Abbas, Majority of Palestinians Say They Can't Speak Freely
Claims that boys were murdered by VIP sex ring are credible and true - British Police
Kurds recapture large area from ISIS
Sydney's chief Islamic funeral director yesterday declared no Muslim funeral home would accept the body of terrorist Man Haron Monis and authorities should just dump his corpse at sea or chuck him in the bloody shithouse.
Apple is failing to protect workers in Chinese factories, according to an undercover BBC investigation. Exhausted workers were filmed falling asleep on their 12-hour shifts at a Shanghai factory. One employee had to work 18 days in a row despite repeated requests for a day off.
A suitcase-sized Canadian satellite whose funding has been eliminated by the Canadian Space Agency has co-discovered a new planet in another solar system
Ukraine forms 'ministry of truth' to regulate the media
Archaeologists working on a site near Stonehenge say they have found an untouched 6,000-year-old encampment which "could rewrite British history".
Seabirds 'steer clear' of offshore wind farms. British Trust for Ornithology finds 99% of birds avoid wind turbines, easing fears over the impact of blades
General Motor, Audi and Jaguar halt car sales in Russia on ruble's collapse |
80% of British Public Want Greens Included in TV Debate
UN Identifies Israel as Top Contributor Per Capita in Fight Against Ebola
Isis supporters 'offering cash to British girls as young as 14 to become jihadi brides in Syria'.
Boko Haram kidnaps 185 women and children, kills 32 people
Leaked Internal CIA Document Admits US Drone Program "Counterproductive": ...clandestine drone and assassination program was likely to produce counterproductive outcomes, including strengthening the very "extremist groups" it was allegedly designed to destroy
ISIL decapitates man in Iraq on charges of sorcery
Former Catholic brother Bernard McGrath will be extradited to Australia to face 252 child-sex abuse charges.
Putin falsely calls out drunk journalist - who is really a 2x stroke survivor
The UN General Assembly has called for North Korea to be referred to the International Criminal Court over alleged crimes against humanity, in a landmark resolution adopted by a strong majority.
Ireland Repays $11 Billion to IMF Years Early
Russian shopping frenzy has become so intense everybody from IKEA to Jaguar has run out of stock | Muscovites rushed to the shops this week after a plunge in the value of the ruble brought fears that imported goods would soon soar in price.
Gaza rocket hits Israel for second time since summer war
Sony hackers leaked more than 50 scripts from Sony movies
Record number of states vote for UN resolution on death penalty moratorium: 117 states voted for international freeze on executions, leaving the US increasingly isolated with 'no' vote
Putin says Russia's military doctrine 'remains purely defensive'
Pro-Taliban Cleric Now Wants Them Dead After Child Massacre
Pirate Bay Domain Back Online, Waving a Pirate Flag
Argentine Court rules: Orang Utans are "non-human-persons" with human rights and therefore need to be released from zoo
Peru Is Now Giving Free Solar Power To Its 2 Million Poorest Citizens
New York Times calls for Cheney, Bush officials to be investigated and prosecuted for torture
Pope Francis issued a blistering critique Monday of the Vatican bureaucracy that serves him, denouncing how some people lust for power at all costs, live hypocritical double lives and suffer from spiritual Alzheimers that has made them forget theyre supposed to be joyful men of God.
Polio has Almost Been Completely Eradicated in African Countries - We're getting close to a huge global health milestone.
CIA's how to be a travelling spy guide published by WikiLeaks | WikiLeaks has released two CIA documents offering tips to help spies maintain their cover while using false documents as they cross international borders.
NKorea threatens strikes on US, warned that its 1.2 million-member army is ready to use all types of warfare
North Korea Now Claims the US Government Made 'The Interview'
UK officials named in pedophile dossier
Greek MP says he was offered 2 to 3 million euros to vote for Greek president. I had two meetings that were recorded. They gave me 700,000 euros in cash as a first installment and following this an agreement for bank loans, as well as contracts with an ad agency
Reports that Sony will debut The Interview on Crackle are false, Mashable has learned.
Six people feared dead after bin lorry crashes into pedestrians in Glasgow city centre
Children are cleaning up a devastating oil spill in Bangladeshwith their bare hands
Australia's new Social Services Minister: Scott Morrison. His first act in new role, scraps funding for homeless and housing groups.
Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott names carbon tax repeal as his top achievement as Minister for Women
The European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) has filed criminal complaints against the officials of former US President George W. Bushs administration for running a state-organized program of brutal torture against foreign suspects
Report: India weighs dropping support for Palestinians at UN in wake of closer ties to Israel
Brown bears, wolves and lynx numbers rising in Europe | Environment
Pakistan plans to execute around 500 militants in coming weeks, officials said Monday, after the government lifted a moratorium on the death penalty in terror cases following a Taliban school massacre.
South Korea nuclear plant operator says hacked, raising alarm
Czech Republic sends 5000 anti-tank missiles to Peshmerga Forces
China sends first 700 strong infantry battalion to South Sudan for UN peacekeeping #Africa
Wikileaks has released two classified documents instructing CIA operatives how best to circumvent global security systems in international airports, including those of the EU, while on undercover missions.
First Western journalist granted access to 'Islamic State' returns to Germany, says IS is "much stronger and much more dangerous" than the West realizes.
North Korea's internet is offline; massive DDOS attack presumed
SAUDI OIL MINISTER: I Don't Care If Prices Crash To $20 We're Not Budging
ISIL sex slavery has pushed women and girls from Iraq's Yazidi minority to suicide
Ukraine votes to drop neutral NATO status
The United States on Monday slammed North Korea as a "living nightmare" for its citizens at the first-ever UN Security Council meeting on Pyongyang's dismal rights record. The unprecedented talks at the 15-member council opened after China, Pyongyang's ally, failed to block the meeting.
Oil spill sullies World Heritage Site home of the famous swimming Bengal tigers, some of the last of their kind in the world - The Sundarbans, part of world's largest mangrove forest, stretching across India & Bangladesh, have been tarnished by the 350,000-liter oil spill.
Russian diplomat: "Ukraine's renunciation of its 'non-aligned' Nato status it's an unfriendly step towards us"
$300,000 in gold missing from Ukraine Central Bank after swapped for lead bricks
Tunisia election: anti-Islamist party claims victory
US Corporations claim billion in Assets in Cuba. And now they want it back.
Google has now forgotten more than a quarter-million URLs agreeing to about 40 percent of the requested URL removals that it has received after EU's Court of Justice issued ruling that allowed EU citizens to have search results unlinked from their names online.
Algeria kills leader of jihadists behind Frenchman's beheading: TV
North Korea's Internet links restored amid U.S. hacking dispute
UN expert calls for prosecution of CIA, US officials for crimes committed during interrogations
Rock found in Russian mine containing 30,000 tiny diamonds.
Bedbug bait and trap invented by Simon Fraser University scientists
The police raids on Kim Dotcom's mansion were legal, the New Zealand Supreme Court has ruled
Kurdish group fighting Islamic State tells America: Stop calling us terrorists
NASA Takes Giant Leaps on the Journey to Mars, Eyes Our Home Planet and the Distant Universe, Tests Technologies and Improves the Skies Above in 2014
Iraq TV show makes 'terrorists' confront victims
Coca Cola to open Gaza factory
UN: Satellite images show 290 heritage sites in Syria, whose history stretches back to the dawn of civilization, have been damaged by war
A German author spends time with IS jihadists and sees how confident they are to carry out their brutal plan. "It is terrifying that a group could be so enthusiastic about killing hundreds of millions of people."
Alibaba spent $161 million fighting fakes since 2013
Top 500 companies' carbon emissions rise despite calls for cuts | Report on worlds biggest 500 firms by capitalisation shows emissions are not in line with UN calls to avoid dangerous climate change
Death toll among Qatars 2022 World Cup workers revealed | Nepalese migrants building the infrastructure to host the 2022 World Cup have died at a rate of one every two days in 2014 despite Qatars promises to improve their working conditions
Fishing Supertrawlers to be banned permanently from Australian waters
Indian telecommunications company Airtel violates Net Neutrality, starts charging for VoIP calls(Skype, etc.) over 2G and 3G in India
North Korea's Internet is down again; second black out since last night's restoration of service
Jakarta to ban virginity tests for female civil servants.
Workers at Chinese iPhone factories are pressured into working 65-hour weeks, made to sleep on plywood beds in bleak dormitories. The work is so exhausting that some of the estimated 15,000 workers choose to sleep through their lunch breaks instead of eating.
Thousands in Spain protest ban on demonstrations, burning national flag
London activists occupy 5-storey former bank in London to provide shelter, clothing and food to Christmas homeless
Russian Inflation Passes 10%, Indicates Pricing is Growing Faster than Expected due to Depreciating Ruble
Australia records biggest emissions drop in a decade as carbon tax kicks in. Greens and conservation group say significant drop in annual emissions shows the carbon price, which was scrapped by the Abbott government, was effective
Elephant ivory smuggling 'kingpin' arrested in Tanzania
Ireland: US courts need our permission to view emails stored on Dublin server
Record numbers attend German anti-Islamization rally
Erdogan slams birth control use as treason
Gunman fires on Paris synagogue
Scientists discover oldest stone tool ever found in Turkey
ISIS claims capture of Jordanian pilot after plane shot down over Syria
Russian prime minister warns of 'deep recession' in 2015
Russia says France must fulfil Mistral contract or return money - agency
Secret flight linking Israel to the UAE reveals 'open secret' of collaboration - A private jet is covertly flying between Tel Aviv and Abu Dhabi, which are said to be engaging in high-level trade in the security sector
Ukraine temporarily cuts off power supplies to Crimea
Coalition plane 'crashes in Syria'
Across the world 'Silent Night' to honor WWI Xmas Truce
Elderly Nigerians Rounded Up And Shot Dead
Russia May Be Cut to Junk rating as S&P Says Its Considering Downgrade
Saudis are eagerly awaiting the approval of a new draft law by the Shoura Council which prevents women under 18 from getting married. The draft law pending approval sets the age of adulthood at 18 and allows women under that age to marry only upon procuring a court order.
Due to the fall in oil prices, Saudi Arabia is now running a $39 billion deficit.
Bill giving government the power to shutdown the internet for 24 hours to be voted in Turkish parliament.
A struggle for women's rights is brewing within Israel's deeply conservative ultra-Orthodox community, where women, largely shut out of politics, are beginning to demand greater representation in the country's parliament.
Putin cancels New Year's Holiday for government workers because of the ongoing financial crisis
Ireland is siding with Microsoft in its legal battle with the US over personal data stored on a company server in Dublin. Ireland says American justice should respect international law and national sovereignty.
More than 80 people including women and children killed in a terrorist attack in India
The Syrian Army has killed nearly 5,000 Islamic State (IS) fighters in the last three months
ISIS governor of Mosul killed in airstrikes
Court clears way for clinically dead pregnant Irish woman to be taken off life support.
A court in Mauritania has sentenced a man to death for apostasy for criticizing the Muslim Prophet Muhammed
A group of four women, along with their 13 children and grandchildren, are at risk of being murdered in Papua New Guinea after being accused of witchcraft, a missionary says.
China has stepped up efforts to reduce the number of coal mines, as it plans to shut down more than 2,000 mines next year and limit the number to within 10,000 by 2016.
Archaeologists Have Dig Licenses Revoked After "Million Mummies" Claim
German fossil fuel consumption and emissions at a record low
Senior UN officials expelled from Sudan following UN attempts to investigate a report that government troops committed mass rape of women and girls in a Darfur village
Mauritania journalist sentenced to death for apostasy
Kim Dotcom Makes Deal with LizardSquad to stop attacks towards Xbox Live and PSN
Ukraine peace talks called off
Tibetan protests reported in China's Sichuan
New Study Adds to Skepticism Among Security Experts That North Korea Was Behind Sony Hack
US relocates 3,000 MRAPs, other military gear to Kuwait ahead of expected anti-IS offensive
Russia's new military doctrine names NATO as a key risk.
Protesters in Mexico claim that German arms manufacturers exported rifles to a corrupt local police department implicated in the disappearance of 43 students
A leading Russian elected official on Thursday referred to as for an investigation of the United States' atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the course of World War II as a "crime against humanity.
Solar Power Storage Prices Drop 25% In Germany In <1 Year
North Korea Hit Again By Internet Outage; Experts Now Doubt Its Hand In Sony Cyber Attack
ARCHAEOLOGY - Massive ancient underground city discovered in Turkey's Nevehir
Reopen investigation into Westminster pedophile whistleblower deaths MP
Taliban declare 'defeat' of U.S., allies in Afghanistan.
British Falklands defence review after military deal between Russia and Argentina. Moscow will swap 12 Su-24 supersonic, all-weather attack aircraft for Argentinian beef and wheat
Virgin Confirms Fault On Plane Circling Over UK
Photo of 'women murdered for refusing sex jihad is fake
The German chancellor's office has fallen victim to a hacking attack, according to a German newspaper. The Regin malware in question has been linked to British and US spy agencies.
Thirty-seven children whose parents were killed in the recent Israel-Gaza conflict have been prevented by Hamas from visiting Israel on a trip organised by peace activists.
One Dead And 15,000 Stranded In French Alps
IED blows up in Bangalore, high alert in India
Rise of Spanish populists overturns two-party system
Iran could become a "very successful regional power" if Tehran agrees to a long-term deal to curb its nuclear program, President Barack Obama said in an interview with NPR News.
Greek MPs have rejected the presidential candidate nominated by Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, triggering a snap general election.
Islamic State executed nearly 2,000 people in six months
The leader of one of Mexico's first anti-crime vigilante groups was arrested along with 26 supporters over a shootout that killed his son and 10 others
Gmail has been blocked in China
Egyptian writer to face trial for 'insulting Islam'
Reports reveal scale of destruction of Syrias world historic heritage
Russia will supply coal and electricity to Kiev without advance payment
ISIS executes more doctors in Mosul
Russia shows first sign of recession as GDP contracts: he Russian economy contracted by 0.5% in November,
AirAsia plane likely 'at bottom of the sea,' says search chief
AirAsia Flight's Altitude Request Was Refused
China businessman jailed for 13 years for buying and eating three tigers
AirAsia live: Emergency slide, plane door seen in search for missing QZ8501
AirAsia plane wreckage found, bodies being recovered
Scotland confirms case of Ebola - Ebola cases hit 20,000, death toll nears 8,000: WHO
Pope Francis to Catholics: It's time to take action on global warming
Oil hits five-and-a-half-year low below $57 on supply glut
"Lizard Squad" members who ruined Christmas for Xbox and PlayStation gamers exposed after giving interview to BBC
Two students in Thailand face up to 15 years in jail for insulting the royal family after performing in a play that featured a fictional king and his advisor
New Research Blames Insiders Not North Korea for Sony Hack
Russian ruble drops 7 percent as economy shrinks
Egyptian court permanently bans Jewish festival on moral grounds
Turkish anchorwoman detained for tweet about corruption
French Government Quietly Enacts Controversial Surveillance Law On Christmas Eve
Bosnian Police Raid Top News Website: Police raided the countrys most popular news website Klix after it published a recording on which it alleged that the Bosnian Serb prime minister spoke about 'buying' electoral support.
Possible Case of Ebola in Glasgow, Scotland
Turkey is being used as one of the primary routes for weapons smuggling to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and al-Nusra, according to a United Nations report.
Swedish mosque set ablaze in second suspected arson attack in a week
Cybersecurity Firm Identifies Six In Sony Hack One A Former Company Insider
The U.N. General Assembly voted unanimously Monday to ask Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to appoint an independent panel of experts to examine new information about the mysterious plane crash that killed U.N. Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold on a peace mission to newly independent Congo in 1961
"The regime must be destroyed": Alexei Navalny, Russia's most prominent opposition leader, calls for mass protests in Moscow after convicted on fraud charges that are considered politically motivated
Aleksei Navalny, Russian opposition leader, is convicted of criminal fraud charges and handed down a three-and-half year suspended sentence
Search area for Air Asia QZ8501 expanded, still no trace of aircraft found.
Ebola case confirmed in Glasgow | World news
AirAsia plane carrying 153 people overshoots runway in the Philippines
One of China's most industrialized cities has put a cap on sales of new cars with residents only permitted to acquire a new vehicle either by lottery or auction due to pollution
AirAsia flight found at the bottom of the Java Sea
North Korean defector details 'human experiments' -- use of mentally and physically handicapped children in chemical weapons tests 'the last straw'
Korean Air ex-executive Cho Hyun-ah arrested - earlier she ordered a plane to turn back on the runway in New York after nuts were served in a bag, not on a plate
South Korean to drop Sony film "The Interview" in North Korea by balloon
U.S. opening of oil export widens battle: The Obama administration has opened a new front in the global battle for oil market share, effectively clearing the way for the shipment of as much as a million barrels per day of ultra-light U.S. crude to the rest of the world
FBI agents investigating the Sony Pictures hack were briefed Monday by a security firm that says its research points to laid-off Sony staff, not North Korea, as the prepatrator
Indian Government Orders Blocking of 32 Websites Including GitHub,, SourceForge
Russia annual inflation jumps to 11.4% as rouble falls
WikiLeaks claims employees Google mail, metadata seized by US government [Updated]
Militant mistakenly broadcasts his location
Armed bandits rob 300 tourists on Venezuela beach
Venezuela confirms recession, inflation hits 63.6 percent in Nov
Palestinian UN resolution fails
More non-Mexicans than Mexicans apprehended at U.S. border in 2014, new study finds
Belarus eager to normalize relations with West
Newly published NSA documents show agency could grab all Skype traffic
Britain says it cannot support new Palestinian UN draft resolution
Bolivias Morales: US 'Backs Drug Trafficking'
Euro zone politicians are not obliged to rescue Greece as the country is no longer of systemic importance to the single currency bloc, a senior member of German Chancellor Angela Merkel's party was quoted as saying.
Greece Dissolves Parliament to Prepare for Early Elections
German Chancellor Angela Merkel in a New Year's address deplored the rise of a right wing populist movement, saying its leaders have "prejudice, coldness, even hatred in their hearts".
Al Shabaab leader killed in U.S. air strike in Mogadishu
New solar power material converts 90 percent of captured light into heat
China launches website laying claim to Senkaku Islands
At Least 33 Killed in Yemen Suicide Bombing
Most cases of cancer are the result of sheer bad luck rather than unhealthy lifestyles, diet or even inherited genes, new research suggests. Random mutations that occur in DNA when cells divide are responsible for two thirds of adult cancers across a wide range of tissues.
Iran dismissed United States efforts to fight Islamic State as a ploy to advance U.S. policies in the region: "The reality is that the United States is not acting to eliminate Daesh. They are not even interested in weakening Daesh, they are only interested in managing it"
Poll: One in 8 Germans would join anti-Muslim marches
UK royal family's Prince Andrew named in US lawsuit over underage sex allegations
Some 40 asylum-seekers refused to leave the bus when they arrived at their destination in rural northern Sweden, demanding that they be taken back to Malm or "some big city".
Pakistani boat blows self up after India navy chase. All four people on board the vessel from near the Pakistani port city of Karachi are believed to have been killed in the dramatic episode in the Arabian Sea on New Year's Eve, according to India's defence ministry.
Sweden hit by third mosque arson attack in a week
940 cars set alight during French New Year
Salaries for top CEOs rose twice as fast as average Canadian since recession: study
Norway violated equal-pay law, judge says: Judge finds consulate employee was unjustly paid $30,000 less than her male counterpart
Imam wants radical recruiters of Muslim youth in Canada identified and dealt with
Saudi Arabia beheaded 83 people in 2014, the most in years
'A living hell' for slaves on remote South Korean islands - Slavery thrives on this chain of rural islands off South Korea's rugged southwest coast, nurtured by a long history of exploitation and the demands of trying to squeeze a living from the sea.
Worlds 400 richest get richer, adding $92bn in 2014
Rental Car Stereos Infringe Copyright, Music Rights Group Says
Ukrainian minister threatens TV channel with closure for airing Russian entertainers
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has entered into his most serious confrontation yet with Israel by signing onto the International Criminal Court. His decision on Wednesday gives the court jurisdiction over crimes committed in Palestinian lands.
Israeli security center publishes names of 50 killed terrorists 'concealed by Hamas'
The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed
A Secret underground complex built by the Nazis that may have been used for the development of WMDs, including a nuclear bomb, has been uncovered in Austria.
Restrictions on Web Freedom a Major Global Issue in 2015
Austrian journalist Erich Mchel delivered a presentation in Hamburg at the annual meeting of the Chaos Computer Club on Monday December 29, detailing the various locations where the US NSA has been actively collecting and processing electronic intelligence in Vienna.
Thousands of Ukraine nationalists march in Kiev
Chinas New Years Resolution: No More Harvesting Executed Prisoners Organs
Authorities Pull Plug on Russia's Last Politically Independent TV Station
Moscow->Beijing high speed train will reduce trip time to 48 hours, from the current 7 days
Two ancient tombs were discovered in Egypt on Sunday, with one representing a symbolic burial site of the god Osiris while another is claimed to be a previously unknown pharaonic tomb.
China complains to Pyongyang after N Korean soldier kills villagers | World news
Scotland Headed Towards Being Fossil Fuel-Free by 2030 - Renewable energy projects combined with energy savings could decarbonise the countrys power sector. "We need to see the phasing out of conventional generation in Scotland."
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said Monday he will express remorse for Japans actions in World War II while highlighting the countrys bid to contribute more actively to world peace in his statement marking the 70th anniversary of the wars end in August.
Sex slave at centre of Prince Andrew scandal fled to Australia as a teen
Gay relative of Hamas founder faces deportation from Canada: Christian convert, 24, whose five uncles were jailed in Israel for terror activity, says hell be killed if forced to return to West Bank
The number of female drug addicts in Iran has almost doubled since 2007, with more than 50% starting between the ages of 15 and 19
After Decades of Searching, the Causeway for the Great Pyramid of Egypt has been Found
India lost 64 tigers in 2014
Lizard Squad hacking of Sony was "huge marketing" scheme to launch "Lizard Stresser", a paid hacking service.
Russia 'may face chaos' if extra sanctions imposed: Germany
The Saudi air and land forces carry out an attack on ISIS within its territory
ISIL is reportedly setting up a bank in attempt to 'legitimatise' itself as a nation state
Israel to brand anti-assimilation group Lehava as terrorists
The Islamic State has approved a 2015 budget of $2 billion, with an expected surplus of $250 million and has opened an Islamic Bank in Mosul. The budget reportedly includes monthly wages for the poor, disabled and families of individuals killed in airstrikes carried out by US-led coalition forces
Iceland To Withdraw EU Application, Lift Capital Controls
Blackfield Capital Founder Goes Missing: The value of the ruble isn't the only thing that is vanishing in Russia. A Moscow hedge fund chief executive has disappeared, along with all the money in the firm's accounts
Rocket stage crashes back to Earth in rural Chinese village.
2 Dead as Aircraft Bombs Greek Tanker in Libyan Port
Belgian murderer Frank Van Den Bleeken to die at own request. A Belgian murderer and rapist serving a life sentence is to be allowed to die by lethal injection next Sunday following a ruling under laws in Belgium permitting people to request euthanasia.
Czech President criticizes Ukrainian PM; says Yatsenyuk is 'prime minister of war'
3 Vietnamese jets join search for 16 missing Filipinos in Bahamian cargo ship sinking
France seeks end to Russia sanctions over Ukraine
China scraps rare earths caps
US oil falls below $50 a barrel
Toyota gives away 5,680 fuel cell patents to build 'game-changing' car of the future
Young Indian couple who had been granted police protection because relatives did not approve are hacked to death when officers refused to carry out judges orders
A senior figure in Islamic States self-declared police force in Syria, which has carried out beheadings, was himself found decapitated in the eastern province of Deir al-Zor
Fukushima rice passes radiation tests for 1st time since disaster
Nearly all Spanish parties guilty of financial crimes, Audit Court finds
King Abdullah to abdicate Saudi Throne
Taliban Commander Caught Networking On LinkedIn
Mexican missing students: mayor's wife charged with organized crime and money laundering
New York Times reporter James Risen refused on Monday to answer all but a few basic questions in court about his book detailing a failed CIA effort to undermine Iran's nuclear weapons program, in a case that has become a flashpoint for press freedom.
S. Korea sends sweet potatoes to N. Korea for nutritional aid
Turkey: Dutch journalist Frederike Geerdink detained on 'terrorism propaganda' charges
KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 4 Islam prohibits its married men from being the homemaker in the family, the governments Malaysian Institute of Islamic Understanding (Ikim) has said
Iraqi MP:'Iran and their Top General, Qassem Suleimani, saved Baghdad from falling to IS'
Pakistan offers $100,000 bounty for Taliban leader
Thousands of Indians have fled from their homes as fighting between India and Pakistan spread along a 200-km (124 mile) stretch of the border in the disputed region of Kashmir.
Turkey sacks judges who oversaw Erdogan corruption probe--accused of abusing their authority
SpaceX Falcon 9 launch and recovery has been aborted. Next launch window could be as early as Friday.
CNN: Americans charged in botched Gambia coup
Islamic State 'Police' Official Beheaded.
Libya bans Palestinians from country to prevent entry of terrorists
A judicial inquiry was opened in France on Monday into how inmates at one of the countrys most notorious prisons were able to take photos of themselves posing with drugs, money and other contraband and upload them onto Facebook
Video has captured the moment a cameraman was hurled backwards as he filmed an exploding fireworks factory in a small town in Colombia.
Syria has complained to the United Nations that U.S. Republican Senator John McCain, former French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner and former U.S. diplomat Peter Galbraith entered the country without visas in violation of its sovereignty.
Tests over, India set to make the iris of biggest telescope ever
'Shots fired' at French magazine HQ
90% of Bibi Netanyahus Campaign Funds From U.S.
ISIS behead street magician for entertaining crowds in Syria with his tricks
Denmark sets new world record in renewable energy production by covering 39% of the country's total electricity consumption in 2014 through wind power.
ISIS Closes Schools In Syria, Leaving 670000 Children Without Education: UN
The European Union wants Turkey to explain how human traffickers could have taken two cargo ships filled with migrants out of the country and towards the EU without the authorities noticing.
10 people have died in a shooting at the headquarters of the French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo
Most Earth-like planet ever discovered could be a cosy home for alien life | The planet, named Kepler 438b, is slightly larger than Earth and circles an orange dwarf star that bathes it in 40% more heat than our home planet receives from the sun.
New questions raised about U.S.-Saudi relationship. The 28 pages. U.S. legislators pushing to know more about alleged Saudi role in 9/11
Massive hunt underway for gunmen in Paris terror attack
2014 Was Officially the Hottest Year on Record. And all 10 of the hottest years on record have come after 1998
Chinese authorities have isolated and separated families of Shanghai stampede victims to keep them from organizing; only allow them 5 minutes of mourning at the site and drag them away if they get too emotional
German anti-Muslim protesters rally despite Merkel plea
China encourages environmental groups to sue polluters :Groups that work to fight polluters judicially will gain special status and have court fees reduced, Supreme Peoples Court says
United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon says Palestine will join international Criminal Court on April 1st.
Discovery of witnesss mutilated body feeds claims of state killings in Kenya | The gruesome murder of a man who had been due to testify in the ICC trial of Kenyas deputy president, William Ruto, has fed accusations that the government is orchestrating the killing of witnesses.
Radical Islam a growing threat to sub-Saharan Christians: report
Tony Blair may 'face war crime charges' over Iraq.The delay in the publication of the Chilcot inquiry into the Iraq War has made people believe Tony Blair could face war crimes charges, ministers have been warned.
Benjamin Netanyahu says settlements unlikely to be dismantled if he's elected again as Israel 's PM
Tasmania moves to allow corporations to sue protesters for defamation
Indonesia search chief: Tail section of AirAsia Flight QZ8501 found - Flight recorders inside Tail section
North Korean Defector: "Bureau 121" Hackers located in Shenyang, China.
Female suicide bomber attacks police station in Istanbul.
IS to turn Syria schools into religious indoctrination centers | Over 670,000 children have been deprived of education after the Islamic State ordered schools to be closed. Schools will be reopened only after the curriculum is Islamicized, with religion replacing standard subjects.
Ebola vaccine trials in Halifax so far a success
New Charlie Hebdo issue to come out next week: "It's very hard. We are all suffering, with grief, with fear, but we will do it anyway because stupidity will not win."
Ahmed Merabet, Cop Killed In Paris Attacks, Was Muslim
Youngest Suspect in Charlie Hebdo Attack Turns Himself In
Grenades thrown at a mosque in Le Mans, west of Paris
Danish newspaper to print Charlie Hebdo cartoons on Islam
Muslim politician from India offers $8M to Charlie Hebdo attackers
Vladimir Putin has condemned a deadly terrorist attack in Paris, and confirmed Moscows readiness to continue cooperation with France in battling terrorism. Putin also expressed his condolences to the victims' families and wished the injured a speedy recovery.
Turkey is trying to hide any evidence that holds Turkish leaders responsible for the support of terrorist groups, especially the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), Turkish media is reporting.
Danish Paper That Published 12 Muhammad Cartoons Boosts Security
Two Charlie Hebdo attackers located in north France
French imam urges Muslims to protest over Paris attack
Policewoman shot by gunman near Paris dies: police
Shooting heard on the outskirts of Paris, 1 officer severely injured
Nobody was reported killed by fighting in Syria on Wednesday, the first day without casualties in three years, after a fierce winter storm quelled violence
Time to crack down on 'Islamophobia', Turkey's Erdogan tells EU
Thousands in Europe hold up Pens in Solidarity after terrorist attack
Journalists race to show solidarity with 'Charlie Hebdo' after terror attack
Antibiotics: US discovery labelled 'game-changer' for world medicine
The Charlie Hebdo attack condemned by Saudi Arabia, Iran, Arab League, and many other Muslim states, as well as by Union of Islamic Organizations of France.
Brisbane man wearing "I'm with stupid" t-shirt stands with LNP election campaigners, arrested by 10 officers for public nuisance
Fourth Russian General Commits Suicide in Less Than a Year: it bears a startling similarity to at least three other recent cases of retired Russian generals committing suicide last year
Meteorite turns night into day over Bucharest, Romania
Israeli doctors implant Syrian man with titanium jaw in pioneering procedure.
Unusual Metal Recovered from Ancient Greek Shipwreck39 ingots found in 2,600-yr-old wreck. Metal is being called orichalcum, a legendary metal philosopher Plato attributed to Atlantis. Nothing similar has ever been found. We knew orichalcum from ancient texts & a few ornamental objects.
Young mother let terrorists into Charlie Hebdo building after threat against daughter
Muslim politician from India who offered $8M to Charlie Hebdo attackers has been booked for inciting violence.
Russia has listed transsexual and transgender people among those who will no longer qualify for driving licences.
French government donates $1.2 million to ensure Charlie Hebdo lives on
Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah: 'The Actions of Takfiri groups like Al Qaeda and The Islamic State offended Prophet Mohammad more than the Charlie Hebdo Cartoons mocking him'
Charlie Hebdo hunt: Shots fired as police chase car - possible hostages taken
Islamic State brags: We did Paris "tomorrow will be in Britain, America"
In wake of Charlie Hebdo attacks, secularist groups to seek end of Canadas blasphemy law
Saudi Arabia to flog man 1,000 times for insulting religion on Facebook
Websites of towns near Paris hacked, replaced with ISIS flag
Indian Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years
Egypt's President Calls For A 'Revolution' In Islam
The UK is now more religiously diverse than ever but at the same time the number of people with no religion is at an all-time high
Britain's MI5 chief warns al Qaeda in Syria planning mass attacks on West
Top Iranian cleric condemns Paris shooting We strongly condemn the terrorist attack in France and believe that Islam does not allow the killing of innocent people, be it in Paris, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Paksitan or Afghanistan Ayatollah Seyyed Ahmad Khatami said
The US will send its highest-level delegation in decades to Havana later this month, for talks on migration and normalizing relations between the countries after decades of cold war hostility.
Israel won't recognize Armenian genocide, says ambassador
Bodies littered on the streets after Boko Haram attack on Baga
North Korea warns of 'war disaster' if US does not lift 'unreasonable sanctions'
Danish newspaper says won't print Prophet cartoons
Boko Haram Kills 100, Destroys 16 Villages In Borno
Two Islamist newspapers in Turkey have drawn ire on social media with their headlines that justified the deadly attack on a French satirical newspaper.
The head of MI5, Andrew Parker, has called for new powers to help fight Islamist extremism, warning of a dangerous imbalance between increasing numbers of terrorist plots against the UK and a drop in the capabilities of intelligence services to snoop on communications.
More Than 1 Million Flee, Ukraine Close to 'Humanitarian Catastrophe'
A German nurse has admitted to killing 30 patients while working at a hospital in the German city of Delmenhorst from 2003 to 2005 and is under further investigation for the possible killing of another 60.
China: 30 tombs, 28 chariots and 98 horse skeletons dating back 2,800 years found in Hubei
World's largest indoor farm in Japan is 100 times more productive than outdoor fields, uses 99% less water, 40% less power and creates 80% less food waste
Egypt student gets 3-year jail term for atheism -- An Egyptian court has sentenced a student to three years in jail for announcing on Facebook that he is an atheist and for insulting Islam
Saudi prince: $100-a-barrel oil 'never' again.
Boko Haram massacre is so big, survivors give up counting bodies
Bomb threat at Belgian paper that reprinted Charlie Hebdo cartoons
Benjamin Netanyahu ridiculed over appearance at Paris - He attended the Paris march despite Hollande's objection
At least one major oil company will turn its back on fossil fuels, says scientist. Oil companies are also realising it is no long morally defensible to ignore the consequences of climate change.
Nigeria 'needs same support as France' after Boko Haram attacks -- Archbishop Kaigama was speaking after another bloody weekend for Nigeria in which three female suicide bombers, including one thought to be as young as ten, killed at least 23 people in the restive northeast.
ISIS Issues Mandatory Conscription for the Men of Syria and Iraq
Oil hits a new five and a half-year low of $48.59/barrel
56 people die after drinking poisoned beer in Mozambique
Turkish imams in Germany to stand guard in front of media buildings in solidarity against terror
Cuba has freed all 53 prisoners as agreed in U.S. deal
Unpaid interns charged 300 for a job reference by thinktank
Anonymous blocks jihadist website in retaliation for Charlie Hebdo attack
Burqua ban approved by lawmakers in Muslim Uighur region of Xinjiang last month is set to go into effect; report says ban part of "effort to curb growing extremism"
Female genital mutilation now being done in hospitals in Africa: Health care providers now perform up to 18 percent of FGM cases and the trend is growing, according to the World Health Organization.
Feel free to breastfeed here, pope tells mothers in Sistine Chapel
Marching in Paris, yet blocking freedom of speech at home
London landmarks are lit in the colours of the French flag after crowds gather in Trafalgar Square in tribute to those killed in the Paris terror attacks.
After deadly Taliban attack that killed 132 children in Peshawar, Pakistan, Army Public School reopens
Boko Haram forces 10 year-old's to commit suicide bombings in Nigerian market
France to deploy 10,000 troops
Iran eclipses US as Iraq's ally in fight against militants
There is a lava flow in Iceland the size of Manhattan
China has just banned the burqa in its biggest Muslim city
US and EU politicians use Charlie Hebdo attack to call for more Internet surveillance -- Fusion
Muslim Mayor of Rotterdam Tells Islamists To "F*** Off" On Live Television
This is Charlie Hebdo's first cover since the attack
Nigeria 'needs same support as France' after Boko Haram attacks kill over 2000: archbishop
UK may ban WhatsApp and Snapchat under new anti-terror laws
British prime minister: Fox News security analyst is clearly a complete idiot
Lesbians kicked out of Vienna caf for kissing. Student organization starts a "kiss-in" campaign with more than 5 000 attending.
6 Civilians dead as shell hits bus in Ukraine
Cameron says there should be no "means of communication" we "cannot read"
Russian Media, Turkish Politicians Suggest U.S., Israeli Involvement in Paris Attacks
US Central Command Twitter, YouTube feeds hacked by ISIS
Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Newspaper Edits Female World Leaders Out of Charlie Hebdo March
Expensive cancer drugs pushed off England's NHS list - Changes to England's Cancer Drugs Fund mean that from April, new cancer patients will no longer be able to receive a number of expensive treatments that have been available on NHS.
David Cameron wants to ban end-to-end-encryption for his surveillance plans
Nick Clegg will today condemn calls for the revival of the so-called snoopers charter following the Paris terror attacks with the warning: We do not make ourselves safer by making ourselves less free.
German 'anti-Islamization' march in Dresden draws record numbers
Scientists including Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk have signed a letter pledging to ensure artificial intelligence research benefits mankind.
Great Lakes teeming with tiny plastic microfibers - CBC
Pope Francis blames Paris attacks on deviant forms of religion amid new worries he may be ISIS target
People Starving in Eastern Ukraine as Humanitarian Crisis Unfolds
After attack, owner of Paris kosher market plans move to Israel
Anti-Islamist movement surfaces in Switzerland
Interpol issues global wanted notice for former Ukraine president Viktor Yanukovich
Number 2 on Al-Qaeda's Most Wanted List Sells French Fries in a Florida Mall Food Court
Cameroon Army Kills 143 Boko Haram Fighters
Air France hands out copies of Charlie Hebdo on flights
Turkish president accuses 'the West' of being behind Charlie Hebdo attacks and deliberately 'blaming Muslims'
French comedian Dieudonn arrested as apologist for terrorism after Facebook post
Turkeys main opposition party, CHP, has called on Islamic countries to adopt secularism in order to end the roots of terrorism, denouncing last weeks deadly Paris attacks and stressing that killing innocent people has nothing to do with Islam.
Riding on the coattails of accusations that the international community has ignored African woes comes afriLeaks - a whistleblowing website dedicated to exposing corruption and abuses of power across Africa.
Internet an instrument for masses, so net neutrality is key: Indian telecom minister
I am a Marxist, Dalai Lama says
Twitter and Facebook face closure in Turkey after anonymous accounts published documents revealing illegal arms shipments by Turkish spy agency to opposition groups in Syria
"Russia will not cut itself off from the world because any return to the past would be a 'monstrous mistake', Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said on Wednesday [14 January 2015]."
New ISIS video appears to show child executing Russian agents
Turkish police raids daily newspaper Cumhuriyet to search and destroy possible Mohammed cartoons
North Koreans walk across frozen river to China to commit murder
Charlie Hebdo print run raised to 5m as copies in France sell out
3 Poachers Killed by Forest Guards in India's Kaziranga National Park
Peshmerga Kill Six Islamic State Leaders in 48 Hours
Mass Animal Die-Offs on Rise, Killing Billions & Raising Questions - Huge die-offs, with disease outbreaks & other stressors, happening more often. Mass die-offs are individual-events that kill at least a billion animals, wipe out over 90% of a population, or destroy 700m tons worth of animals.
Charlie Hebdo Muhammad cover goes global despite Muslim ire--Egypt's Islamic authority denounced the Charlie Hebdo cover: "This action is an unjustified provocation against the feelings of 1.5 billion Muslims."
Mosques fire bombed and pelted with pig heads in aftermath of Paris terror attacks
Oil prices below $50 per barrel will cost Russian budget $46 billion in 2015
A double agent reportedly stole a list which contained both the real and undercover names of 3,500 German intelligence employees. The Spy arrested last July on suspicions of working for the CIA. The stolen document could jeopardize more than half of some 6,500 agents of BND.
Russian Troops Stationed Near Finnish Border as Putin Begins Move on Arctic
Kim Jong-un Snubs China and Accepts Putins Invite to Moscow
Belgian arms dealer confesses to supplying Paris attackers
Fossil found by P.E.I. boy fills gap in reptile evolution
Saudi man sentenced 10 years jail and weekly public canings for 5 months. He is guilty of setting up a public online forum for debate and discussion.
Children caged to keep the streets clean for the Pope: Police round up orphans and chain them in filth during pontiff's visit to Philippines
Paris shootings: 200,000 sign petition for Muslim hero who hid hostages to get French citizenship and prestigious Legion d'honneur
Indonesia to revoke passports of citizens who join ISIS
A Malian described as a "hero" after he helped hostages at a Jewish supermarket to hide during last week's Paris attacks will be awarded French nationality Tuesday, Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said.
Swiss franc jumps by 30% against Euro as the SNB (Swiss National Bank) scraps the exchange rate limit of 1.20
France sends aircraft carrier to battle IS
Saudi Arabia Is Building A 600-Mile 'Great Wall' To Shield Itself From ISIS
Data Privacy should be a human right, says EU:Electronic communications should be more secure in Europe, not less, according to a report from the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA).
Baghdadi Executes 56 ISIL Members after Their Defeat in Southern Erbil by Kurds
Gay italian cook forced to go with prostitute to prove heterosexuality or lose job
Charlie Hebdo Writer Holds Up Muhammed Cover on Sky News; Network Cuts Away and Apologizes
Hamas: New Charlie Hedbo cover is Zionist lobby plot
Indian ruling party supports decriminalization of homosexuality
#JeSuisCharlie creator: Phrase cannot be a trademark - Millions have declared "Je Suis Charlie" on social media - but now over 50 people have tried to trademark the image in France alone, and the creator of the campaign is angry.
Solar at grid parity in most of world by 2017. Collapse in the oil price will do little to slow down the solar juggernaut.
International Space Station crew evacuated to Russian segment amid ammonia leak fears
Paris motorist deliberately runs down policewoman outside presidential residence
Muslims in Philippines march against Charlie Hebdo
Charlie Hebdo sells out, already on eBay for $117K
Target Canada to close all stores, files for creditor protection.
Nasrallah: Hezbollah prepared for war deep into Israel, beyond the Galilee
Carlos Slim (Mexican billionaire) becomes top New York Times shareholder
Ottawa Mosque concerned by sharp rise in young men converting to Islam
Nigeria: Satellite images show horrific scale of Boko Haram attack on Baga
Saudi Arabia publicly beheads a woman in Mecca
Boko Haram Appears to Be Using Abducted Girls as Suicide Bombers
Imam says "As it is clear that the cartoons are to be published again, Muslims will be hurt and angered, but our reaction must be a reflection of the teachings of the one we love & are angered for. Enduring patience, tolerance, gentleness and mercy was the character of our beloved Prophet."
Three deaths in Anti-Terror Raid in Belgium
Guantanamo guard: CIA killed prisoners and made it look like suicide
BPs maximum fine for Gulf of Mexico oil spill is cut by billions
Woolly mammoth cloning attempt revives ethical debate
Protests flare in Armenia after family massacred: "Hundreds of Armenians took to the streets on Wednesday and Thursday, demanding that a Russian soldier who confessed to killing six members of an Armenian family be turned over to the Armenian authorities"
Top Russian Official 'Ashamed' Of Culture Crackdown, Quits Ministry
Scientists: Human activity has pushed Earth beyond four of nine planetary boundaries
Items lost in the Stone Age are found in melting glaciers
Lost Beagle2 probe found on Mars
Middle East is most violent area in the world for Christians, report says
On Thursday, a local source in Nineveh province said, that the A-10 Warthog aircraft which belongs to the U.S. Air Force has carried out four air strikes that killed and wounded dozens of ISIS elements, adding that the aircraft sparked panic in the ranks of ISIS.
Charlie Hebdo: Pakistani legislators chant 'death to blasphemers'
Rate of environmental degradation puts life on Earth at risk, say scientists :Humans are eating away at our own life support systems at a rate unseen in the past 10,000 years, two new research papers say
Israel says Swedish foreign minister not welcome
David Cameron seeks cooperation of US president over encryption crackdown | The Guardian
Tanzania has banned witch doctors after dozens of albinos were murdered for their body parts, which witch doctors believe bring good luck and wealth.
Waiting in line for basic goods now a profession in Venezuela
Russia could soon run multiple Ukraine-sized operations. U.S. general: "Certainly within the next four to five years they will have the ability to conduct operations in eastern Ukraine and pressure the Baltics and pressure Georgia and do other things, without having to do a full mobilization"
Six Ukrainian soldiers killed, fighting rages at airport in Donetsk
Belgian government 'okays' deployment of army in cities because of terror threat.
Cuba opens up more to US travellers, trade starting tomorrow
There is no chance that Russian President Vladimir Putin will be invited to the next meeting of G7 leaders, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who will host the summit, was quoted as saying on Thursday
Good News. Tiger Numbers in India up From 1,400 to 2,226 in 7 Years
Iranian newspaper shut down for showing solidarity with Charlie Hebdo
Pope says birth control ban doesn't mean breed 'like rabbits'
Kenya police tear-gas school kids protesting the removal of playground
Hundreds of anonymous Wikipedia edits made every month by a UK Government computer
Japanese government attempts to censor US textbooks that mention the Imperial Japanese Army's practice of keeping sex slaves
Presidential Palace in Yemen is under heavy fire
Canadian soldiers have fired on Islamic State (IS) militants in Iraq, in what is thought to be the first confirmed ground battle involving Western forces.
No gunpowder traces found on Argentine prosecutor Nismans hands
Pakistani minister holds Saudi Arabian gov't responsible for destabilizing Muslim world through distribution of money for promoting it's Wahhabi ideology
Isis executions: Terror group throws 'gay' men off tower, stones woman accused of adultery and crucifies 17 young men
British intelligence intercepted emails from The New York Times, Reuters, BBC, and others
Five Russian nationals of Chechen origin have been arrested in France on suspicion of planning an attack, a French prosecutor revealed on Tuesday
IS Hangs 13 Youths in Mosul For Watching Soccer Game
Israel to allow sex change on ID cards without surgery
US diplomats prepare for first high-level visit to Cuba in 35 years | World news
Snowden refuses to use iPhone for security reasons
Australia trying to opt out of protecting 5 shark species - Wants out of commitment to work with other countries to ensure the 5 do not become extinct. Govt says it already has protections. 'Humane Society Int'l' calls move unprecedented act of domestic & international environmental vandalism.
The Russian Government is reportedly planning to supply modern and sophisticated weaponry to the Cameroonian Army to help it to better fight the Nigeria-based terrorist group Boko Haram.
Japan says jets scrambling at record pace to counter Chinese, Russian intrusions
New E.U. law lets nations ban gene-modified crops.
Iran sees no OPEC shift toward a cut, says oil industry could withstand $25 crude
AirAsia flight QZ8501 climbed 6000ft per minute before stalling: Indonesian Transport Minister
Russia outlaws films that 'threaten national unity' or 'defile culture': defiling the national culture, posing a threat to national unity and undermining the foundations of the constitutional order will not be allowed to be screened in cinemas
PEGIDA vows more anti-Islam rallies
Ebola has killed off a third of the world's gorillas and chimpanzees
FIFA generated more than $4 billion in sales from the 2014 World Cup, and is Giving Brazil $100 Million After The Country Spent $15 Billion On The World Cup
Paris mayor: We intend to sue Fox News
Punjab province of Pakistan bans any glorification of terrorists
Russia hits back at Obama over SOTU speech "at the centre of the (U.S.) philosophy is only one thing: 'We are number one and everyone else has to recognise that' ... It shows that the U.S. wants all the same to dominate the world and not merely be first among equals." Lavrov told a news conference
Documents show Islamic State & Saudi Arabia prescribe near-identical punishments for crimes
Cuba Wants Off U.S. Terrorism List Before Restoring Normal Ties
ISIS executing 'educated women' in new wave of horror says U.N.
Irish Same-sex Marriage Referendum wording agreed by Cabinet: Marriage may be contracted in accordance with law by two persons without distinction as to their sex
Several stabbed in Tel Aviv attack
Ukraine forces come under attack from Russian troops: Kiev military
Founder of German anti-Islamization movement Pegida under fire over alleged posing as Adolf Hitler, describing immigrants as cattle and garbage, posting KKK picture along with quote Three Ks A Day Keeps Minorities Away
Isis flags seen at anti-Charlie Hebdo protest outside French Cultural Centre in Gaza Strip
C.I.A. Report Found Value of Brutal Interrogation Was Inflated
Israel ignoring deaths of Thai workers on farms- Human Rights Watch calls on Israel to enforce labour laws after Thai workers tell of 17-hour days and being treated like slaves
Russia says Soldier who killed Armenian family will face trial in Armenia
If you fire on Canadian forces, they will fire back, Defence Minister says
35 economists urge cancellation of Greek debt and end of austerity program
Japan won't give in to demands for hostages.
Mystery radio signal picked up from beyond our galaxy: The Australian Parkes radiotelescope has given astronomers their only real-time view so far of the unexplained phenomenon known as the Fast Radio Burst
Hamas: Tel Aviv stabbing attack 'heroic act'
Putin Says Russia Must Strengthen Army to Defend Itself: Putin's comments reinforced his commitment to an expensive program to modernize the Armed Forces, which the Finance Ministry has signaled will be excluded from any budget cuts forced on the government by a growing economic crisis
Ancient Scrolls Blackened by Vesuvius Are Readable at Last
First Patient in world fitted with Artificial Pancreas
NASA Spacecraft Closing In on Dwarf Planets Pluto and Ceres
ISIS Suffers Heaviest Defeat in Iraq in a Single Day
Separatists have taken over Donetsk Airport, killing dozens of Ukrainian troops. Such a loss would mark Ukraines most significant and bloodiest tragedy since the battle for Illovaisk in August 2014, in which hundreds of Ukrainian troops were killed.
Statue of Irish sea god Manannn Mac Lir stolen in Derry, Northern Ireland. Wooden cross and a note saying 'You shall have no other gods before me' left in its place
Meth-filled drone crashes in Mexican border town
Secret negotiations were held to reach a deal in which Argentina would receive oil form Iran in exchange for shielding Iranian officials from charges that they orchestrated the bombing of a Jewish community center. Lead prosecutor found dead Sunday.
Swedish envoy to Turkey: Criticizing ISIL does not equal Islamophobia
Lawyers ask Prince Andrew to respond under oath about claims of sex with 17-year-old girl | Lawyers acting for the woman who alleges she was forced by a billionaire financier to have sex with Prince Andrew when she was 17 are formally requesting that he respond to her accusations under oath.
Were running out of chocolate. Dry weather in West Africa and a nasty fungal disease have wiped out between 30 percent and 40 percent of global cocoa production. The gap between supply and demand is set to reach 1 million metric tons by 2020.
Italian Police Discover "Biggest Ever" Antiquity Collection - It's the biggest recovery in history, in terms of the quality & quantity. In fact, the size of the recovery is almost unprecedented.
British Soldier accused of Raping 6 year old girl
Group finds that punishments in U.S. ally Saudi Arabia nearly identical to those prescribed by U.S. enemy ISIS
Norway: Doctors defy new circumcision law
Chinese President Xi Jinping gives government officials pay raise, his own pay rising 62%
A network of anti-ISIS "commando cells" has carried out hundreds of guerrilla attacks in Mosul, a city seized by the Islamist militants, Iraq's vice president told NBC News.
Oil export losses to reach $300 billion in Middle East
White House Criticizes Netanyahu for Visiting Without Obama Invite
Hamas calls on Hezbollah to unite fight against Israel
43 of 50 of this year's "most dangerous cities in the world" in Latin America, 19 in Brazil
UN: Nearly 100 Drug Users Died in Crimea After Russia Closed Methadone Program
Ten Israeli tourists wounded in hours-long anti-Semitic attack in Argentina
Kim Dotcom releases Skype competitor MegaChat, but EU official backs plan to make firms hand over encryption keys
Former Miss Turkey arrested for criticizing President Erdogan online
ISIS gaining ground in Yemen, competing with al Qaeda
For five years Greece has been like a patient slowly bleeding
Dead Dogs Found Across Russia After Pup-Poisoning Campaign: After animal rights activists sounded the alarm over what was expected to be a nationwide campaign by "dog hunters" to poison stray dogs, reports have flooded in of dead dogs turning up in various cities
Kurds Not Invited to Anti-ISIS Conference in London, Despite Leading the War against the Terrorist Organization
King of Saudi Arabia Has Died At 90
France admits soldiers have deserted to ISIS, including ex-elite special forces and French foreign legionnaires
Priest sentenced to 13 years in prison for pedophilia in Australia
Americans Offer to Take 100 Lashes Each for Saudi Blogger
Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi said Thursday that Muslims need to adapt their religious discourse to the present and eliminate elements of their rhetoric that could foster violence.
Russia has accused Poland of engaging in a "mockery of history" after the Polish foreign minister credited Ukrainian soldiers, rather than the Soviet Red Army, with liberating Auschwitz 70 years ago
Obama declines meeting with Netanyahu
Australian David Hicks, former Guantanamo Bay detainee who was tortured for five years, is innocent, United States government tells lawyer
US officials thank Australia for helping kill 6000 Islamic State fighters including half its commanders
China is cracking down on VPNs After censorship system Upgrade
Paris Announces Plan to Promote Secular Values
Thousands of protesters have gathered outside Argentina's government palace in Buenos Aires, demanding a full investigation into the death of a prosecutor who was looking into allegations against the country's President.
Yemeni Government Collapses as President and Prime Minister Resign
Scientists move doomsday clock closer to midnight
France sees as many anti-Muslim acts in Jan as all of 2014
Portugal, which expelled Jews in 1536, are offering descendants of the local Sephardi community the right of return
Edward Snowden: Frances 'Intrusive' Surveillance Laws Failed to Stop Paris Attacks
Japan pledges $100m to rebuild Gaza.
Peshmerga forces captured several villages around Mosul from ISIS and shelled the city center for the first time
NATO says detects signs of increased Russian involvement in eastern Ukraine
Doomsday clock reaches 3 minutes to midnight. Only other instances of it getting this far were 1984 during the peak of the Coldwar, and 1949 when the Soviet Union tested it's first atomic bomb.
U.S. officials say 6,000 ISIS fighters killed in battles
Russian Artists Ask Medvedev to Allow Swearing in Films Again
CNN: No truce with Ukraine, rebel leader says
WikiLeaks demands answers after Google hands staff emails to US government
Almost 500 cases of female genital mutilation identified in just one month in English hospitals
Malaysia Airlines site hacked, displays 404 - Plane Not Found
Mass surveillance is fundamental threat to human rights, says European report: Europes top rights body says scale of NSA spying is stunning and suggests UK powers may be at odds with rights convention
Egyptian doctor sentenced to prison for female genital mutilation in landmark case after the death of a 13 year old
ISIS forced out of Kobane after Kurdish fighters seize full control of town.
Argentine journalist flees in wake of prosecutor's death -- "I am leaving because my life is in danger," Pachter said
Pro-Moscow rebels, backed by what NATO says is the open participation of Russian troops, pressed on with their offensive on Sunday after restarting the war in eastern Ukraine with the first all-out assault since a truce five months ago.
Russian Security Forces Raid Independent Crimean TV Station
Russian ruble tumbles after violence in eastern Ukraine escalates and oil continues to drop
Greek exit polls suggest Syriza win
Ukrainian army is foreign NATO legion, with geopolitical aims of constraining Russia - Putin
Kurds fly "flag of victory" over Kobane
The British government has said it is reviewing security procedures after a hoax caller claiming to be the director of Britain's GCHQ eavesdropping agency was put through to PM David Cameron.
'We are going to destroy the Greek oligarchy system' Yanis Varoufakis, tipped to be Syriza's new finance minister, says what his party would do if it gets into government in Greece
Abducted Mexican journalist Moises Sanchez found dead.
Syriza Rides Anti-Austerity Wave to Landslide Victory in Greece
Canada to unveil new security legislation after 2014 attacks: PM
Canadian Public Safety Minister Steven Blaney reaffirmed Canada's commitment to fighting anti-Semitism and promised a "zero-tolerance approach" for any attempts to delegitimize the state of Israel.
Parents in Taiwan are now legally obliged to limit their kids' computer time
BBC executive Tarik Kafala: Do not call Charlie Hebdo killers 'terrorists'
Euro tumbles on Greek vote results, approaching an 11-year low versus the U.S. dollar
Journalist who broke the dead prosecutor story flees Argentina in fear for his life
LIVE: India celebrates its 66th Republic Day
Kim Jong Un to Visit Indonesia Marking First Official Trip Abroad
Greece's new finance minister Yanis Varoufakis is Valve's former Steam Market economist
Hershey's has blocked British-made Cadbury chocolate from entering the US.
FBI arrests Russian spy in the Bronx
Regin Malware Unmasked as NSA Tool after SPIEGEL Publishes Source Code
Russia's Credit Rating Cut To 'Junk' By S&P
Anti-vaccination group encourages parents in Australia to join fake church to avoid "no jab, no play" childcare laws
Decapitation Marks the Beginning of Saudi King Salman Reign
MILF massacres 49 members of Philippine National Police - Special Action Force during an encounter at Maguindanao, Philippines
Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner announces plans to dissolve country's intelligence agency
Ukraine miners rescued after shelling left them trapped
A Costa Rican court acquitted seven men Monday accused in the brutal murder of environmentalist Jairo Mora and the rape of four volunteers who worked with him to protect sea turtles
Greeces new prime minister wants Germany to pay for Nazi war crimes
Iran is ditching the US Dollar.
North Korea slams shamelessness of Israel," calling it a rogue group that poses a nuclear threat and commits terrorist attack[s] against neighboring countries.
Chinese officials feasted on endangered salamander, then beat journalists: report
Assad: Erdogan is personally responsible for Syrian chaos
1.5M Lifted Out of Poverty in Ecuador under Correa
Ukrainian rebel attacks on city of Mariupol are condemned by the UN as a war crime
U.S. 'Cannot Stop' Russian Nuclear Missiles Deputy Prime Minister: Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, who overseas Russia's military-industrial complex, boasted of unspecified breakthroughs in Russian military technology during a talk show on the state-run Rossiya 1 TV channel on Sunday night.
UK economic growth hits 2.6% in 2014, fastest growth since 2007
Militants attack top Libya hotel, ISIS claims responsibility
Greece debt repayment in full 'unrealistic' - Syriza
Greece's New Prime Minister Wants Germany To Pay For Nazi War Crimes
Canadian forces engage in two (more) gunfights with ISIS on the ground in Iraq
Ukraine turns to International Criminal Court over terrorist killings - President Poroshenko said today that he will give the EU ample evidence of who is behind the recent shelling of the city of Mariupol, in which more than 20 people died, and that he would refer this case and others to the ICC
Key Hepatitis C Patent Rejected In India, Clearing Way For Generic Treatment Costing A Thousand Times Less Than US Price
Spain charges 12 priests with child sex abuse
Two weeks after Zuckerberg said je suis Charlie, Facebook begins censoring images of prophet Muhammad
Ancient planets are almost as old as the universe: Five small planets orbit an 11.2 billion-year-old star, making them about 80 per cent as old as the universe itself. That means our galaxy started building rocky planets earlier than we thought.
Obama challenges India on women's rights and religious tolerance: ...every woman should be able to go about her day to walk the street, or ride the bus and be safe and be treated with the respect and dignity that she deserves.
The Mormon church officially supports LGBT rights.
Putin ordered Alexander Litvinenko murder, inquiry into death told
Scientists in Switzerland have figured out a way to utilize Graphene in solar panel design, raising its efficiency to an absolutely staggering 60% a finally feasible amount.
Recording of Erdoan telling son to zero $1 billion in cash that was in their house is authentic, prosecutor says
3 tons of living cats caught on way from China to Vietnamese restaurants
Two American-made M-41 tanks found in police raid on stolen cars in Brazil
ISIS & Japan agree on hostage swap, Japanese journalist to be freed 'within hours'
Anti-tank missile strikes IDF vehicle on Lebanon border
Three more beheaded under new Saudi king
Rather than face ban in Turkey, Facebook blocks anti-Islamic pages
Cuba has an illegal 'Internet' that connects thousands of computers - called SNet, short for streetnet
South Korea, China warn Japan not to backtrack on apology over wartime past
Gorbachev blasts lawmakers suggestion to denounce Germany unification as rubbish
Kim Jong Un May Make First Foreign Trip to Russia, Interfax Says.
Germany Set to Open Up Autobahn to Self-Driving Vehicles
France wants to make Google and Facebook accountable for hate speech
Two IDF soldiers killed in Hezbollah attack
Ukrainian Students Call On Russian Counterparts To End 'Information War': "Check what you hear, doubt what you see."
Greece says "No" to EU statement on Russia
10,000 Palestinian teens graduate Hamas terror camp
Boko Haram appears to have surrounded city of 2 million, threatening a 'big grave'
Skull discovery suggests location where humans first had sex with Neanderthals. Skull found in northern Israeli cave in western Galilee, thought to be female and 55,000 years old, connects interbreeding and move from Africa to Europe.
ISIS To Obama: 'We Will Cut Off Your Head In The White House'
Israel fires into Lebanon, killing UN soldier
New anti-terror bill could put chill on freedom of speech
Documents reveal Canada's electronic spy agency sifts through millions of downloads every day from global file-sharing sites to find "terrorists." "Every single thing that you do in this case uploading/downloading files to these sites that act is being archived, collected and analyzed."
Global democracy is at greater risk than at any time in the past 25 years, according to a landmark report by the independent watchdog Freedom House. Women are the main targets for repression, and that levels of brutality under authoritarian regimes are at an all-time high.
Raul Castro: US Must Return Guantanamo for Normal Relations
Huge blast at Hospital in Mexico City. 54 injured half of which are children.
Typo causes collapse of 124-year-old family business
Palestinians Attack Gaza UN Compound After Aid Suspended
Greek PM: We will no longer submit to the EU
Russia warns West support for Kiev could lead to 'catastrophe'
Samsung semiconductor workers: lymphoma, and no compensation
US nuclear scientist jailed for trying to sell secrets
Russia cuts spending, bails out banks
Russian mother of seven accused of treason over Ukraine
IDF confirms Spanish UN peace keeper killed from one of the mortar shells that we launched
Tech firms will be "considered complicit" if they publish hate speech, says Francois Hollande
Chinas Yuan becomes the fifth most widely used payment currency. The currency also known as renminbi (RMB) has overtaken the Canadian dollar and the Australian dollar.
King Salmans Shady History: The new king of Saudi Arabia has troubling ties to radical Islamists.
Malaysia today declared that flight MH370 was lost in an accident, killing all 239 passengers and crew members on board
Ebola virus mutating, scientists say
Sydney cafe siege hostage Katrina Dawson was killed by ricocheting police bullets, inquest confirms
Canadas leading surveillance agency is monitoring millions of Internet users file downloads in a dragnet search to identify extremists, according to top-secret documents
A rare megamouth shark just washed up in the Philippines. zoologist estimated its only the 60th confirmed human encounter with one.
Armed man demands airtime on Dutch broadcaster
Taliban Arrests ISIS Leader for 'Anti-Islamic Activities'
Jordan says it will hang its Islamic State prisoners if the terror group have killed pilot hostage
Britain summoned the Russian ambassador on Thursday and asked him to explain why two Russian Bear long-range bombers had flown over the English channel the previous day, a move that forced British authorities to divert civil aircraft.
US Army General says Russian drones causing heavy Ukrainian casualties
ISIS destroyed historic walls of the ancient city of Nineveh in Iraq
Singapore will be jailing people for 6 months for holding a mobile phone while driving
Vice President of European Parliament: Kurds Deserve Independence
Scientists showed they can identify you with more than 90 percent accuracy by looking at just four purchases, three if the price is included - and this is after companies "anonymized" the transaction records, saying they wiped away names and other personal details.
Vatican to offer haircuts, shaves as well as showers to Rome's homeless
Mayor of London Boris Johnson: jihadis are porn-watching 'wankers'
Prince Charles: business must stop blocking action on climate change
Chad army retakes Nigerian town from Boko Haram
50-foot-long 'dragon' dinosaur species discovered in China
Bill Gates insists artificial intelligence is a threat to mankind - whatever Microsoft Research chief says
White House to Cuba: No Deal on Returning Guantanamo Bay Base
The Svalbard Global Seed Vault has just received a series of 4 deliveries totaling over 100,000 new seeds, representing global crops as well as rare species from 100+ countries around the world.
Russian spy cell in NYC 'plotted Wall Street meltdown' like 2010 'flash crash'
Boko Haram to use goats, cows, donkeys and camels as suicide bombers
China says no room for 'western values' in university education: The party often brands concepts such as multiparty elections and the separation of powers as Western, despite their global appeal and application.
Saudi King Salman fires sons of late King Abdullah
VICE Exclusive: CIA Interrogations Took Place on British Territory of Diego Garcia, Senior Bush Administration Official Says | VICE News
Indian Woman Sues Uber in the U.S. Over Alleged New Delhi Taxi Rape
Gorbachev: West has 'dragged' Russia into new Cold War that could heat up
Westminster child abuse scandal: KGB and CIA kept secret dossiers on Britain's VIP paedophiles; Both Russian and US intelligence knew about a group of powerful paedophiles operating in Britain and the KGB hoped to blackmail them in exchange for information
A new guard for Asgard: Iceland building first temple to Norse gods in 1,000 years
Pagan priest wants the theft of a statue of the Irish God of the Sea 'Manannn Mac Lr' to be treated as a hate crime
'Suppressed' EU report could have banned pesticides worth billions - Science paper recommended ways of identifying hormone-mimicking chemicals in pesticides linked to foetal abnormalities, genital mutations, infertility and other diseases including cancer
The 4 surviving copies of the 1215 Magna Carta brought together for 1st time in London for 800th anniversary - It's one of the 1st steps towards parliamentary democracy & includes the principle that no one was above the law, including the king
Tech pioneer Phil Zimmermann calls David Cameron's anti-encryption plans 'absurd' - PGP inventor rubbishes Tory plans to ban encryption and says modern commerce depends on it: End-to-end encryption is everywhere now
Thousands march for democracy in Hong Kong
ISIS getting 'desperate,' struggling to replenish fighters, says US-based advisory firm
Deforestation of the Amazon linked to Brazil's worst drought in history, causing many cities to start enforcing severe water rationing
Mugabe Dismisses Male-Female Equality: "Its not possible that women can be at par with men," said the incoming chairman of the African Union, Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe.
Complaints against police reach a record high
American employee of Israeli defense firm Elbit mysteriously dies in Saudi Arabia. Saudi authorities say Chris Cramer committed suicide, but family insists he was murdered.
South Korea Wants Japan to Apologize to WWII Sex Slaves
Less Than A Week After Failing Last Attempt, UK Lords Try To Sneak Through Snooper's Charter Once Again
ISIS Is Handing Out Stolen U.N. Humanitarian Aid With Its Own Logo
The pro-Russian separatist leader in eastern Ukraine's rebel hub of Donetsk vowed Monday to mobilize 100,000 fighters for their latest offensive against Kiev forces.
Obama: Greece needs growth, not more austerity
One of two Russian bombers carried a nuke while flying over the English Channel - British MoD source
SpaceX and Google form joint partnership to bring Internet access to the world
Tens of thousands of longtime Palestinian refugees in a camp on the outskirts of the Syrian capital have been cut off from United Nations emergency aid for nearly two months by armed groups that are preventing access
Fire Guts Major Russian Library, Destroying Millions of Books, documents - Vladimir Fortov, president of Russian Academy of Sciences', compares it to a "cultural Chernobyl"
8,700 people file lawsuit against Japanese newspaper's articles on 'Sex Slaves' of World War II arguing that they "damaged Japanese people's personal rights and honour"
Michelangelo bronzes discovered.
US considers providing arms to Ukraine as rebels step up attacks, says report
Syriza-led Greek parliament will never ratify TTIP
NASA is planning a mission to Europa, one of the best candidates for alien life
Two-year-old Indian boy's heart beats in that of a Russian child - India's first paediatric heart transplant performed
Over 100 drugged and raped in Japan fake clinical study
CCTV footage exposes slaughterhouse cruelty: Sheep are punched, kicked and thrown in the secretly recorded video that has prompted an FSA investigation. Campaigners and MPs are calling for CCTV cameras at every abattoir after footage revealed extreme animal cruelty at a halal slaughterhouse.
Worlds most expensive drug which costs up to $700,000 per year too expensive: Canadas drug-price regulator has taken the rare step of calling a hearing into what is considered the worlds most expensive prescription medicine, accusing its manufacturer of exceeding the permissible price cap.
President Obama: "US deploying all available assets to free 26-year old American woman captured by Islamic State"
Kim Jong-un Says N.Korean Poverty Keeps Him Up at Night
French troops kill around a dozen Islamist militants in Mali
Their Relationships Are Criminal, But These Indians Still Marched In A Pride Parade: Hundreds of people took to the streets under rainbow flags for a pride parade in Mumbai, India on Saturday, despite a law that criminalizes homosexual sex
Norway banishes 'hate preacher' to remote village
Russia Plans Joint Military Drills With North Korea and Cuba
Egypt 'Covering Up' Protest Deaths, Human Rights Group Says
'If Ukraine conflict ends, EU might enter trade zone with Russia' - Merkel
Indian administration disconnects power supply to 98 tanneries stopped for polluting the Ganga river.
Only 8 of 74 Chinese cities meet pollution standards
Canada sends robots to Kurdistan to help clear ISIS mines
Police alerted to planned march against Jewification of north London borough
Head of U.N. inquiry into Gaza conflict to quit over Israeli bias claim
Casualties in shopping centre explosion in Perth.
US increasingly concerned that Russia is intent on partitioning Ukraine
An entire city is going to be wiped off the map in Egypt The city of Rafah is to be demolished to make way for a security 'buffer zone' in an attempt to stop militant activity and smuggling.
Barack Obama proposes over $1 billion civil, military aid to Pakistan
Head of UN Gaza inquiry quits, cites Israel's bias claims over consulting work he did for the Palestine Liberation Organization
Suicides in Greece surged by a third after the country implemented an austerity programme in June 2011, health investigators said on Monday
Indian government launches its own low cost medicine brand - Jan Aushadhi (People's Medicine)
Draft of Arrest Warrant for Argentine President Found at Dead Prosecutors Home
New allegations of Saudi involvement in 9/11
ISIS Burns Jordanian Pilot Alive
Jordan executes two Iraqi militants in response to pilot's death.
The US has lost control of 400 million dollars worth of weapons in Yemen
Jets bomb Boko Haram in Nigeria's first major offensive
Taiwan TransAsia plane crash-lands in Taipei river
ISIS captors 'didn't even have the Quran,' says former hostage
Jordan to execute "within hours" jailed woman militant it had sought to swap for pilot killed by Islamic State
Isis set up giant screens in Raqqa showing Jordanian pilot burning to death cheered on by crowds
Putin asks Ukraine to repay a $3 billion loan because Russia needs the money to fight its financial crisis
ISIS throws gay Syrian man seven stories; the man survives, but is then stoned to death
The head of Sunni Islams most respected seat of learning has expressed his outrage over the purported burning to death by the Islamic State group of a captured Jordanian pilot, calling for the killing, crucifixion or chopping off the limbs of the militants.
Saudi prince to hunt rare bird in Chagai, Pakistan despite court ban .
Poland ready to sell weapons to Ukraine
'Missing Oil' from 2010 BP Spill Found on Gulf Seafloor.
China to ban Internet parody accounts, enforce real-name registration.
Sheikh of Al-Azhar calls to kill, crucify and dismember 'satanists of ISIS'
North Korea Threatens US With 'Final Doom'
Russia announces plans for joint military drills with North Korea
Moussaoui, former Al Qaeda Member, Calls Saudi Princes Patrons of Al Qaeda
Jordan will execute female failed sucide bomber on Wednesday
After ISIS execution, angry King Abdullah quotes Clint Eastwood to U.S. lawmakers
At least four people are reported dead after a shell hit a hospital in the rebel-held city of Donetsk in eastern Ukraine.
Hamas Claims Egypt Opened Fire on its 'Military Posts' in Gaza.
Jordan carries out air strikes in Iraq, killing 55 IS militants
Russian woman faces 20 years in prison for revealing Russian forces to be deployed to the Ukraine
No, Jordan's King Abdullah II is not personally flying planes against ISIS
Edward Snowden Is More Admired than President Obama in Germany and Russia
ISIS Treasurer Reportedly Steals $1M From Group, Flees To Turkey
UN claim: ISIS selling, crucifying, burying children alive in Iraq
Kurdish president: we are ready to go into the final war against ISIS
Great Barrier Reef set for surprise electoral win. Labor opposition's pledges include a "save the reef" policy that would remove subsidies for coal mines in the Galilee Basin
Scientists crack the code of viral replication, which may lead to erradication of the common cold.
Half of Danes want to limit [the number of] Muslims in Denmark
Japan is considering making it compulsory for workers to take at least five days paid holiday a year, in a bid to lessen the toll on mental and physical health in a country famed for its long hours.
Norway planning to criminalize not only beggars, but also those who help them in any way.
Pentagon 2008 study claims Putin has Asperger's syndrome
Argentina's President, Christina Fernandez, mocks Chinese for inability to pronounce "R" on her visit to China.
Russian Inflation Soars to Staggering 15 Percent
4,000-Strong Christian Militia Formed to Fight ISIS in Northern Iraq
It would take 100,000 ground troops to effectively respond to ISIS, says CIA insider
Westerners join Kurds fighting IS
ISIS Selling, Crucifying Children
Isis "dares" Jordan to avenge their pilot
Hamas leader calls for Lebanon, Syria branches to attack Israel
Pope Orders Bishops to Comply With Sex Abuse Commission
The "Berlin Patient," first and only person cured of HIV, speaks out - Medical News Today
Ross Ulbricht Convicted of Running Silk Road as Dread Pirate Roberts
Islamic State executes three of its Chinese militants: China paper
Supreme Court of Canada strikes down ban on doctor-assisted suicide
ISIS bomb factory, compound in Iraq destroyed by Canadian fighter jets
Scientists have found a 10 million gallon 'bath mat' of oil on the floor of the Gulf of Mexico
U.S. considers declassifying report on Saudi funding of al Qaeda
As a curfew is lifted, Baghdad is at long last partying again Iraqi government abolished the nighttime curfew imposed on Baghdad by U.S. troops in 2003
Chinese farmer finds 7.85kg gold nugget worth $250,000 on the ground
10 Million Taxpayer Pounds Spent on Assange Stakeout - More Than UK Spent on Iraq War Inquiry
The Worlds Email Encryption Software Relies on One Guy, Who is Going Broke
Australian Prime Minister Abbott could lose his position in leadership spill
"We are upping the ante. We're going after (ISIS) wherever they are, with everything that we have," Jordanian Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh tells news agency CNN
GCHQ mass internet surveillance was unlawful, rules UK's most secretive court. Access to intercepted information obtained by the NSA breached human rights laws, according to the Investigative Powers Tribunal
Amsterdam aims to give prostitutes shared ownership in brothels
2,089 billionaires in the world: Hurun Global Rich List releases list of who they are, where they live and how they made their fortunes
Kerry on the war in Ukraine We want a diplomatic solution but we cannot close our eyes to tanks that are crossing the border from Russia and coming into Ukraine. We cant close our eyes to Russian fighters in unmarked uniforms leading individual companies of so-called separatists in battle"
EU set to Ban lion hunting trophy imports. Only about 400 lions left in the wild in west Africa.
Hundreds of children, forced to work in "inhuman conditions", have been rescued from factories in southern India. At least 350 children were removed during raids on leather tanning and plastic workshops in Hyderabad, over a 10-day period. They were working long hours in deplorable surroundings
Turkey pulls out of Munich security conference to avoid Israeli delegation
Wales Says No To Fracking Until 'Proven Safe'
Australian prime minister Tony Abbott may be deposed after party revolt. Liberal MP who wants change in leadership says knighthood for Prince Philip was final proof of prime ministers disconnection with the people.
Jordan, Unabashed, Announces Latest Bombing Raid on ISIS Targets
Even Al Qaeda Condemns ISIS burning of pilot.
Russian taxpayers on the hook as oligarchs unload Sochi Olympics assets
"Fire Your Indonesian Maid Now" declared the advertisement for a vacuum cleaner in Malaysia. The Indonesians are not happy. Their ambassador wants it banned, denouncing the ad as demeaning and insensitive to his countrymen.
Norway, one of world's richest nations, drops plan to ban beggars
Finnish Defence Minister: Russian jets not trustworthy Minister Carl Haglund says he does not trust Russia at all and that he could not back Finlands purchase of Russian fighter jets.
Huge Explosion at Chemical Plant in Ukraine
Jordan: Approximately 7,000 IS members killed in strikes
HSBC files show how Swiss bank helped clients dodge taxes and hide millions
India is now officially the world's fastest growing big economy
Report: Hooded gunmen fire on police in Marseille, France
Plane carrying Chile soccer stars found, 50 years later
Germany rejects Greek claim for World War Two reparations
Tony Abbott wins spill vote, will continue as Prime Minister
Italian policeman who posed as a host on the Couchsurfing website has been charged with drugging and raping a 16-year-old Australian girl
Russia is reportedly getting military bases in an EU state
EU warns Greece: don't assume euro zone will accept your demands
Britain: Putin acting like "mid 20th century tyrant" over Ukraine
Thousands of British Muslims protest against Charlie Hebdo magazine for publishing cartoons of Prophet Mohammed
Militants blow up Pakistan girls school
HSBC is in hot water in the UK and Europe after its Swiss arm was alleged to have helped clients evade millions of pounds in tax, with Belgium preparing to issuing a police warrant for the group's directors.
Australian Windfarms Face $13 Billion Wipeout from Political Impasse - Australia faces a $13.3 billion exodus of investment from its windfarm industry because of a political deadlock, threatening to kill hopes of meeting a self-imposed clean energy target
West 'caused Ukraine crisis' - Putin
French law blocking terrorist and child abuse sites comes into effect: Law that allows blockade of offending sites without a court order criticised by free-speech groups as circumventing judicial power
Palestinian illegally staying in Israel saved two Jews from a mob
Canadian army loses expensive GPS-guided shells while leaving Afghanistan
Moscow & Cairo to drop USD, use national currencies in bilateral trade Putin
Lithuanian president in Munich: To betray Ukraine would mean to betray ourselves
Mass grave with 62 bodies found in Colombia
Samsung Privacy Policy: Watch What You Say Around Your Smart TV.
France can now block suspected terrorism websites without a court order
Mugabe falls: '27 bodyguards punished' after Zimbabwe president stumbles on carpet
Twitter says Russia repeatedly tried to erase tweets by critics of Putin.
Israeli who placed bomb at Palestinian girls' school released from prison early.
The Indian Supreme Court Just Told Muslims They Can't Have Multiple Wives
Young girls who choose to get the HPV vaccinewhich helps prevent genital warts, cervical cancer and a host of other deadly diseasesdo not suffer from higher rates of sexually transmitted infections, according to a new study.
American ISIS Hostage Kayla Mueller Is Dead, Family Confirms
Retired Master Cpl. Paul Franklin, who lost both legs in Afghanistan to a suicide bomber in 2006, says every year he has to prove to Canadian Veterans Affairs that he still has no legs and needs a wheelchair.
Jordan Moves Thousands of Troops to Border With Iraq
India anti-corruption party routs BJP : Wins 95% seats in a historical win
ISIS recruiter, freed from Gitmo, killed in drone strike in Afghanistan
Obama Asks Germany to Stop 'Assuming the Worst' About NSA Spying
An original copy of the Magna Carta has been discovered in a scrapbook in Kent, England.
Ukrainian soldiers seize Russian tank in nocturnal raid
Ukrainian journalist faces 15 years in jail after calls to boycott the draft
Aboriginals sue Canadian government over adoptions to white families during 1960s: Aboriginals who were adopted into white families during the 1960s Scoop are suing the federal government for the loss of their culture and emotional trauma.
Australia's Great Barrier Reef could be "severely damaged" if the government does not completely ban the dumping of dredge waste in the World Heritage-listed waters, a report commissioned by conservation group WWF say.
Samsung warn consumers not to discuss personal info in front of its voice activated TV's
ISIS suspect: ''The Turkish Intelligence Agency, MT, helped us smuggle arms to radical groups in Syria''
UK spent 300 times more on fossil fuels than clean energy despite green pledge
HSBC leak shows Venezuela among top clients in secret Swiss bank accounts
Obama 'may supply arms to Ukraine'
The Justice Department is pushing some of the biggest banks on Wall Street including, for the first time in decades, American institutions to plead guilty to criminal charges that they manipulated the prices of foreign currencies.
Obama: If Putin Really Wanted Ukraine, He Could Take It
Obama Says Russia Has Clearly Violated Agreement On Ukraine
Hong Kong-based bitcoin exchange MyCoin has allegedly shut its doors and stolen HKD 3 billion ($386.9 million) in the process
Obama sends Congress draft war authorization that says Islamic State 'poses grave threat'
Puerto Rico considers fining parents of obese children up to $800
Meteor explodes over New Zealand
Pagan 'Sea God' statue to be replaced and reinforced after global support
Tesla only sold 120 cars in China in January, CEO Elon Musk Threatens to fire Executives
Sharia4Belgium trial: Belgian court jails members. The judge called the organisation "a terrorist group" and sentenced leader Fouad Belkacem to 12 years in jail.
Turkey investigating computer game Minecraft for being "too violent"
USA: Guantnamo 9/11 military hearing halted after defendant claims court interpreter worked at CIA black site
French govt allowed to block sites featuring terrorism with no court order
Italy To Supply Kurdish Peshmerga with Advanced Weapons, Including Kurdistan's First-Ever Military Helicopter
Pakistan likely sheltered Osama Bin Laden: Ex-ISI chief
The Palestinians will open an embassy in Stockholm Tuesday night, cementing closer ties just months after Sweden became the first western European Union country to recognize Palestine as a state.
US army to start training Ukrainian troops, commander says
US plans to establish military base in Kurdistan
Thousands of Muslims protest Charlie Hebdo cartoons in London. 100,000 British Muslims sign petition against drawing of Mohammed
Watching Assange is sucking our resources, U.K. chief says as police weigh costs
Poachers kill rare Mali elephants - 19 Gourma elephants have been killed in the past month. There are estimated to be just 350-500 elephants left.
Sweden has announced a 1.5 billion kronor ($180 million) Palestinian aid package.
The leader of the French conservative UMP partys youth wing has stepped down after a newspaper revealed his residency permit had expired, and that he was therefore an undocumented immigrant in the country
Australian mammals on brink of 'extinction calamity' - It's lost 1 in 10 of its native mammals species over the last 200 yrs in what conservationists describe as an "extinction calamity". No other nation has had such a high rate of loss of land mammals over this time period.
US Deploys A-10s to Europe Amid Debate to Arm Ukraine
More Israeli aid set to reach Kurdish Yazidi, Christian refugees of Islamic State
Pakistan's main intelligence agency probably knew where Osama Bin Laden was hiding and hoped to use him as a bargaining chip before he was killed by US forces in 2011, a former spymaster has said.
Unemployment causes 45,000 suicides a year worldwide, finds study :Researchers say unemployment linked to more suicides than recession and that risk among jobless is stronger where more people are in work
U.S Closes Embassy in Yemen.
England bans smoking in cars containing children.
Ukraine: 50 Russian tanks and 40 missile systems rolled into the country while Putin talked peace
Russian President Vladimir Putin announces ceasefire for eastern Ukraine to start on 15 February
Paris Votes To Sue Fox News
King of Spain takes 20-per-cent salary cut in push for modest monarchy
Two Sydney Men With Islamic State Flag Give Terror Threat In Video, Get Arrested Minutes Before Attack
Lawyer moved Halliburton subsidiary bribes through secret Swiss HSBC accounts: Files open new window on $182 million Halliburton bribery scandal in Nigeria
Turkish parents complain of push towards religious schools
Dominik Hasek will give his olympic gold to whoever will return czech children taken by norwegian authorities to their mother
Vietnamese police catch poachers with endangered Pangolins. The poachers were fined, but the live animals were then sold to local restaurants
Beating heart cells created in Simon Fraser University lab
Kim Jong-un urges N. Korean troops to get combat-ready
Toxic orange cloud spreads after chemical blast near Barcelona
SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launches
10 people from Quebec who contracted measles from the Disney Land outbreak were all unvaccinated
European Parliament to investigate CIAs torture and rendition operations in EU
70% of Kuwait has just been hit with an electrical power outage.
Ex-Korean Air executive gets 1 year in prison over 'nut rage'
Pro-Russian Rebels Refuse to Sign Peace Agreement
US weapons to Ukraine 'would be matched by Russian arms to rebels' -- International Institute for Strategic Studies warns that Moscow could arm separatists more quickly than US could reinforce Ukraines forces
Network of 250 Spanish butchers and phone shops funding jihadists in Syria - ISIS sympathizers using hawala system to secretly transfer money to terrorists, say police; Spanish police conducting 368 investigations into Islamist terrorism
ISIL executes 23 of its members in north Iraq
Japans nuclear regulator on Thursday cleared a second set of reactors for restart, another step toward returning the country to nuclear power after the Fukushima disaster of 2011 led to the shutdown of all units.
Israels Intelligence Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz warns that Israel might act unilaterally against Iran if Nuclear Deal goes ahead
Over 100 neolithic cult sites containing sexual carvings, graves and human-like figures, and dating back roughly 8,000 years, have been found in the Eilat Mountains in southern Israel.
'Operation Death Eaters': Anonymous Wade Into Child Sex Abuse Scandal And Threaten To Expose High Profile Abusers
Google waited six months to tell WikiLeaks it passed employee data to FBI | Tech giant facing renewed questions about user data as WikiLeaks lawyer says The question I have is: what caused this six-month delay?
Every ocean now has a massive plastic garbage patch
Isis: Eight would-be suicide bombers killed while entering Iraqi base hosting US forces
Vatican mulling new department to tackle environmental issues. Pope Francis has said that man is destroying nature and betraying God's calling to be stewards of creation.
Revenge porn, posting sexual images without consent, outlawed in Britain - CBC News
Chess to be taught in Spanish schools: Spains government is set to add chess to the school curriculum after politicians of all stripes unanimously agreed on the proposal.
Iceland jails former bank bosses; Four bosses of fallen bank Kaupthing sentenced to 4 - 5 1/2 years in prison for market abuse after failed appeal.
One year in prison for Korean Air heiress whose tantrum over macadamia nuts delayed flight
Canadian Prime Minister vows to appeal court ruling allowing women to wear niqab during citizenship oath, calls it offensive
Elderly woman filmed confronting ISIS militants and branding them 'devils'
Scientists at a US science conference have said it is now time to actively try to contact intelligent life on other worlds.
Unemployment Is Killing 45,000 People Each Year - The number of suicides related to unemployment remains stubbornly high despite the improving economy, according to a study published this week.
Study: World dumps 8.8 million tons of plastics into oceans
Brazilians Hoard Water, Prepare for Possible Drastic Rationing
Turkish police use water cannon on protestors decrying religion in schools
Kill Dolphins, Whales To Reduce Competition For Fishermen, Suggests Mayor Of Beachside Town In Philippines
Ukraine: Provenance of Photos Showing Atrocities Questioned [NSFW]
Rosetta stone-style stele unearthed in the Mediterranean coast
Fracking will be allowed under national parks, UK decides
Woman linked to Paris attacks appears in ISIS propaganda
Saudi Arabia engineered oil crisis: Dallas Fed chief
United Nations Envoy: 'President Bashar Al Assad of Syria is part of the solution'
Boy flogged 60 times in town square for calling ISIS the wrong name
Islamic State Claims To Have Abducted 21 Coptic Christians In Libya
An Australian learner driver who stitched his own chainsaw wound and drank gin for the pain before driving to hospital has lost a Supreme Court appeal against a drink-driving charge.
Ukraine Truce 'Broken 139 Times' On First Day
Magnitude 6.9 earthquake recorded in Northern Japan, tsunami warning issued
71% of Chileans Approve Legislation to Decriminalize Abortion
Mexican Marijuana Production Slumps in Face of US Legalization
Japans conservative Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said Tuesday his government would uphold Tokyos official apology for the damage and suffering it inflicted on its neighbors during World War II.
Major war likely in Ukraine, says Prime Minister of Slovakia.
CIA Bought and Destroyed Iraqi Chemical Weapons: CIA purchased nerve-agent rockets from sellers part of an undisclosed effort to ensure remaining chemical weapons did not fall into terrorists hands. The arms purchase plan, known as Operation Avarice, began in 2005 and continued into 2006.
Islamic State militants 'burn to death 45 in Iraq'
Robert Mugabe's birthday party cooks up elephantine storm before it starts -- Donation of meat from elephants, buffalo, sables, impalas and a lion for Zimbabwean presidents 91st angers more than just conservationists
A Palestinian rap band has threatened to take legal action against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's right-wing Likud party for releasing a campaign ad in which their song is associated with ISIS
All 6000 of Jodrans mosques to run on solar energy.
China: Reporters attacked for snapping police chief feasting on rare giant salamander
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says Islam has ordered Muslims to treat the followers of other religions with fairness and justice.
France debates ban on Muslim veils in universities
Greece rejects EU bailout offer as "absurd"
Scientists identify drug that could block multiple sclerosis
Vicente Fox Stumps to Legalize All Drugs Worldwide
5 French teens held for vandalizing Jewish graves
The president of Egypt has called on the UN to authorize an international coalition to fight "Islamic State" in Libya. El-Sissi said the coalition that fought Moammar Gadhafi.had "abandoned the Libyan people."
At least 18 dead in Haiti Carnival accident
Russian Prosecutors Seek 10 Year Sentence for Putin Critic Alexey Navalny
Turkey women share harassment stories after grim murder -- Women dress in black, take to streets and post stories of harassment online after murder of student
Hezbollah leader denounces mass beheading of Egyptian Christian hostages in Libya, says Israel's Mossad and CIA behind Islamic State
Putin Fires Medvedev Ally as Kremlin Rift Grows
Malawi bans child marriage, lifts minimum age to 18
Ineffective homeopathic alternatives to vaccines should be taken off the market because they are a dangerous distraction, Canadian public health officials urge as infectious diseases such as measles make a comeback.
15 year old girl strip searched at Canadian school; Education minister defends practice, says it is OK if done "respectfully"; girl feels "violated and destroyed".
Thailand To Give Chinese Tourists Etiquette Manuals
Norwegian Muslims volunteer to protect synagogue
Nigeria kills 300 Boko Haram militants in recapture of 11 towns: military
Four members of a polio immunization team have been found murdered after being kidnapped in southwest Pakistan, officials said Wednesday.
Italy Fears ISIS Invasion From Libya
UK parliament calls for Internet to be classified as a public utility
After searing tragedy, Everests deadliest route is now off-limits. The mountain has been deteriorating rapidly the past three years due global warming and the breakdown in the Khumbu Icefall is dramatic
France Is Getting More Intolerant and Racist, According to Human Rights Report
Germany's army is in very bad shape: Soldiers painted broomsticks black to replace missing machine gun barrels during Nato manoeuvre in Norway.
Using nanoparticles to simulate the way the sky diffuses sunlight, an Italian company has developed a new type of artificial lighting that is indistinguishable from natural daylight to the human eye, cameras or computers
The massive plume on the surface of Mars no one can explain
Claims ISIS are now organ harvesting after shallow mass graves contained bodies with surgical incisions and missing kidneys
Ukraine retreating from siege town
Study finds 'the principal drivers of political violence are rooted not in poverty, but in experiences of injustice: discrimination, corruption and abuse by security forces.'
CNN/ORC poll: Majority of Americans oppose Netanyahu invite
Polands complicity in CIA torture programme confirmed as European Court rejects Warsaws appeal
Putin tells Kiev to let troops surrender as Ukraine ceasefire unravels
U.S. says 'proxy war' with Russia not in Ukraine's interest
Suicide Bomber Kills Up to 8 in Xinjiang, China
Peter Oborne Quits The Daily Telegraph Over Newspaper's 'Fraudulent' Coverage Of The HSBC Scandal
ISIS launches major assault on Kurdish front
Quebec education minister says students can be stripped search in schools without police present
Lenovo Caught Installing Adware On New Computers
Israeli Prime Minister Candidate Isaac Herzog says in an interview the country's people are "fed up" with Benjamin Netanyahu's "politics of fear." If elected, he says he wants to "reignite" the peace process and is prepared to negotiate with the Palestinians.
Netanyahu humiliated after he tries to play down wealth with video recorded in his decrepit home... which is revealed to be his servants' quarters
Poverty in Germany at its highest since reunification. Some 12.5 million Germans are now classified as poor.
Tens of thousands of people demanding justice marched Wednesday despite pouring rain in Buenos Aires to mark a month since the suspicious death of a prosecutor who was ready to accuse the Argentine president of a massive cover-up.
Germany rejects Greek loan request
Uk defense minister: "Mr Putin is as great a threat to Europe as Islamic State" | "You have jets being flown up the English Channel and you have submarines in the north sea, it looks to me like the cold war it's warming up"
UK admits unlawfully monitoring legally privileged communications - Intelligence agencies have been monitoring conversations between lawyers and their clients for past five years, government admits
So Paulo Is Running So Low on Water People Might Be "Warned to Flee"
Cheering for the Islamic State on Facebook can get you jailed in the UK.
Secretary-General of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, said that Mecca and Medina are the main targets of IS, not Jerusalem, pointing out that its caliphate cannot prevail without the Two Holy Mosques. Calls on Saudia Arabia and Kuwait to end the Sectarian rifts and to join forces to combat IS
Google warns of US government 'hacking any facility' in the world.
Hamas prevents Arabic fiction award finalist from leaving Gaza
Australian David Hicks held at Guantanamo says he was tortured for five years.
NATO urges Russia to 'withdraw all its forces' from eastern Ukraine
There was another star in the solar system when humans first spread from Africa
Germany's army under-equipped; Europe's armies only have one tenth of the strength of the U.S. Army
Kyrgyzstan detains imam for 'encouraging followers to fight for Isis
UK: Russia's most advanced anti-aircraft artillery system is being used in Ukraine
RAF jets scrambled after Russian aircraft seen off Cornwall
During the trial of the Islamic State militants who attacked Turkish forces at Nigde last year, court files revealed that Turkey, beyond supplying opposition forces with weapons and ammunition, had also given artillery support to Al Qaeda affiliated groups that captured Kassab in Syria last year.
Nearly A Third Of Canadian Netflix Users Pretend To Be American
ISIS threatens to send 500,000 migrants to Europe as a 'psychological weapon'
Hundreds of thousands march in argentina, to honour the death of prosecutor nisman and to protest the goverment
Pope Francis strongly criticizes gender theory, comparing it to nuclear arms
Everest College, a U.S.-owned chain of 14 private career schools, shut down in Ontario, Canada by provincial government after allegations of falsified job placement and grade data
Another atheist sentenced in Egypt. University reported disbelieving student to the authorities
NSA/GCHQ hacked into world's largest manufacturer of SIM cards, stealing encryption keys
Family of girl strip-searched at Quebec school to sue school board
Finnish President Signs Same-Sex Marriage Law
Drug-resistant malaria has been detected at the Myanmar-India border and now poses an "enormous threat" to global health, scientists have said.
Pro-Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine have broken a days-old ceasefire more than 250 times since it went into effect earlier this week, a US official said Thursday
President Zuma to white South Africans : "We're a rainbow nation and nobody will chase you away. We'll fight against those who will say so, so there must be no fear at all"
US Military Reveals Massive Plan To Attack, Retake Mosul From Islamic State
Israel 'crucial and loyal ally in fight against Boko Haram,' says Nigerian gov't spokesperson
Thousands of cats smuggled from China buried in Vietnamese cull. First reports suggested that many of the cats were buried alive but Hanoi police later issued a statement denying this happened, insisting they were crushed to death with a dump truck before being buried.
German academics wait till Hitler's copyright expires to publish annotated version of "Mein Kampf"
Ireland has just given Malta a naval ship, instead of selling it: The Irish Government has donated the recently-decommissioned L AOIFE to Malta to help the Mediterranean country deal with the ongoing refugee crisis in the region
Iran has stopped questionable nuclear centrifuge testing: IAEA
Georgia condemns Russia, South Ossetia deal as step toward annexation
US Embassy: Turkey, US sign deal to train, arm Syrian rebels
Thailand bans foreigners from paying Thai women to be surrogates, after high-profile cases spark debate - Case of boy with Down's syndrome put its surrogacy industry in the spotlight. His Thai surrogate said his Australian parents abandoned him, but took his healthy twin sister home.
Israel increases Gaza exports and exit permits for merchants - COGAT increases quota for Gazan merchants traveling to West Bank, eases travel restrictions, and expands agricultural exports.
Obama rejects as 'ugly lie' notion that West at war with Islam
Venezuelan Opposition Leaders Say Caracas Mayor Arrested
Tel Aviv bus stabber who injured 17 indicted: Palestinian terrorist wanted to become a martyr, kill as many Israelis as possible, court documents show
2 Strong Cyclones Hit Remote Parts of Northern Australia
NATO Urges Russia To 'Withdraw All Its Forces' from Eastern Ukraine
The Islamic State caliphate is in danger of losing its main supply route
Belarusian President Lukashenka, the last dictator of Europe, says his country is ready for a constructive dialogue with NATO | said the fighting in Ukraine has shown that Belarus must have an army capable of protecting "its national interests"
The family of the codebreaker Alan Turing will visit Downing Street on Monday to demand the government pardons 49,000 other men persecuted like him for their homosexuality.
There's a massive new leak of confidential spy files from MI6, Mossad and the FSB
China to credit Ukraine for $3.6 bln to reduce dependence on Russian gas
Edward Snowden documentary Citizenfour wins Oscar
Report: ISIS leader gunned down in Mosul.
Egypt's President: It's time for an Arab coalition against ISIS
Reuters bureau chief found dead in Islamabad
Measles kill toddler in Berlin
The vice principal of a Turkish high school who raised eyebrows after suggesting the formation of harassment teams to prevent female students from wearing short skirts, has been relieved from administrative duty and reappointed to another school as a plain teacher
Israel is to purchase 14 F-35 stealth fighters from US aerospace giant Lockheed Martin at a cost of around $110 million each
Thirty Jihadis return home to Australia after being foreign fighters
Indias Largest Bank Commits $12.5 Billion For Renewable Energy Funding
Homeless Britons Are Turning To The Sikh Community For Food
Grand Imam of Egypt's top Islamic Institution has called for a radical reform of religious teaching to tackle the spread of islamic extremism.
Large Hadron Collider scientists gear up to discover new particle with a recent upgrade--a new particle could be detected this year that is even more exciting than the Higgs boson.
Girl as young as seven kills herself and five others in Nigeria suicide bombing by Boko Haram
Ukraine's army refuses to start withdrawing heavy weapons. A Ukrainian military spokesman told reporters on Monday that the move will not start before rebel attacks stop completely.
The leader of an ISIS brigade in Qalamoun was shot dead by a senior official of his own group, in a disagreement over allegiances and relations with the Nusra Front.
Putin approved Ukraine invasion before Kiev government collapsed: A Russian newspaper claims to have an official government strategy document outlining the invasion of Ukraine that was prepared weeks before the Ukrainian government collapsed last year
ISIS Destroy Virgin Mary Church and Central Library of Mosul
Great Britain: Baroness Warsi gave official roles to people with links to extremist groups
France deployed an aircraft carrier in the Gulf as part of the US-led military campaign against the Islamic State
Israel asks UN to condemn Iran Holocaust cartoon contest
Hindus urge Pope Francis to discipline Derry priest who warns of risk involved in yoga
'Hamas-Fatah rift hindering efforts to rebuild Gaza,' Arab League says
The city of Edmonton is considering adding an eleven kilometer (seven mile) 'freezeway' that will allow residents to skate to work, with a pilot project planned for as early as next winter.
New Zealand to enter the war against ISIS
70 firms "named and shamed" after refusing to pay their worker the minimum wage
Kim Jong-un calls for full combat readiness for war with US
Turkey paid Muslim Brotherhood $1 million dollars to eliminate Armenian Genocide documents.
Japanese crown prince says country must not rewrite history of WW2 -- Naruhito makes rare statement on importance of correctly remembering Japans role in war as right wing attempts to downplay issue of sex slaves
Al Jazeera Leaks: Spy Cables reveal Mossad concluded that Iran was not producing nuclear weapons, after PM sounded alarm at UN in 2012.
Nine killed in Czech Republic shooting
NSA director defends plan to maintain 'backdoors' into technology companies
HSBC worlds 2nd largest bank apologizes for helping wealthy elite break domestic laws to evade taxes.
Turkish Men Are Wearing Miniskirts to Fight for Womens Rights
ISIS kidnaps 90 Christians in Syria
CIA attempted to contact Hamas despite official US ban, spy cables reveal
A US court in New York has found the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian Authority liable for attacks in Israel, the jury awarded victims of the attacks more than $218m.
Canada's proposed "anti-terror" bill raises alarm bells with former Prime Ministers and Supreme Court justices; PM Harper refuses to budge on lack of oversight of sweeping new powers.
NSA chief declines comment on spyware reports, says program are lawful
Putin: War with Ukraine 'unlikely'
National Security Officials Have Been Notified of Suspicious Tunnel Found Near 2015 Pan-Am Games Venue (Toronto)
New Charlie Hebdo issue (Headline: "Here We Go Again!") marks return to business as usual
Amur Leopard Doubles in Population. Now number at least 57 cats (up from just 30 cats in 2007)
One fifth of Germans want revolution: report
A 94 year old SS Medic has been charged with 3,681 counts of murder in connection to Auschwitz.
More Siberian methane blowholes found in permafrost
Russia offers Iran modern missiles despite UN embargo
Inside an ISIS Handbook for Foreigners Running to the Islamic State
ISIS Burns 8000 Rare Books and Manuscripts in Mosul
Satellite image research proves Russian artillery strikes into Ukraine, a fact previously denied by the Russian government
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden didnt mince words during a Reddit Ask Me Anything session on Monday when he said the NSA and the British spy agency GCHQ had screwed all of us when it hacked into the Dutch firm Gemalto to steal cryptographic keys used in billions of mobile SIM cards worldwide.
Jamaica passes act decriminalizing possession of up to 2 oz of pot, paves way for medical marijuana
Canadian PM Harper urges swift passage of "anti-terror" bill; says public strongly supports bill, so little scrutiny of it is needed
UK stuns Europe by sending troops to Ukraine
U.S. military vehicles paraded 300 yards from the Russian border
The majority of British Muslims oppose violence against people who publish images depicting the Prophet Muhammad, a poll for the BBC suggests. The survey also indicates most have no sympathy with those who want to fight against Western interests.
A-10 Warthogs return to Germany as situation in Ukraine deteriorates
A prominent bishop accused Turkey of preventing Christians from fleeing Syria while allowing jihadists responsible for their persecution to cross its border unchecked. "it allows through lorries, Daesh fighters, stolen oil, wheat & cotton: all of these can cross the border but nobody can pass over"
First ever baby woolly rhino unearthed: 18-month-old 'Sasha' is found in the Siberian ice after being buried for 10,000 years
Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' Reprinted in Germany for First Time Since WWII
First day with no troops killed under Ukraine truce
Brazil's environmental agency says it's detained a land-grabber thought to be the Amazon's single biggest deforester.
Workers got a shock when they unearthed a rusted can labeled "Zyklon B" the deadly poison gas used by the Nazis in Auschwitz
McDonalds avoided paying over 1 Billion in European corporate taxes between 2009 and 2013, the report 'Unhappy Meal' released Wednesday by a coalition of trade unions and civil society organizations shows.
Sec. of State John Kerry: Russia is lying to my face about having troops in Ukraine | Russia has engaged in a rather remarkable period of the most overt and extensive propaganda exercise that Ive seen since the very height of the Cold War
Radioactive Fukushima Water Leak Was Unreported for Months: Official.
Iranian cruise missiles blow up life-size replica of American aircraft carrier
British Infantry to train the Ukrainian army and provide tactical intelligence In training mission
Swedish Police Mistake '21' Birthday Balloons for ISIS Initials
Report: Saudis might help Israel attack Iran in exchange for progress in peace process
Pentagon will be deploying a small number of troops to Ukraine to provide combat medical training to forces there who have been battling Russian-backed separatists
Egypt Interior Minister tells security forces to machine-gun protesters in new leaks
France says Russia would face more sanctions if Mariupol attacked
The HSBC bank is accused of systematic involvement in tax evasion and money laundering to the tune of more than 100 billion euros.
Actress Emma Thompson and her husband refuse to pay 'a penny more' in taxes until HSBC tax evaders go to jail
HSBC bosses reject calls to quit after 'terrible list' of problems
IS militant 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London
One in three Germans say capitalism to blame for poverty, hunger | The survey found that more than 60 percent of Germans believe there is no genuine democracy in their country because industry has too much political influence and that the voice of the voters plays only a subordinate role.
China bans ivory imports for 1 year to protect elephants
Kerry Reminds Congress Netanyahu Advised U.S. to Invade Iraq
McDonald's accused of avoiding 1 billion euros in taxes in Europe
Apple ordered to pay $533 million for patent infringement
ISIS losing ground to Kurds -- Fears for 150 Christians abducted by the group grow as an ISIS supply line cut
The death risk from smoking may be much higher than previously thought - tobacco kills up to two in every three smokers not one in every two, data from a large study suggests.
U.S. deserter needs Iraq war crimes evidence to be refugee: A U.S. soldier who deserted because he thought the Iraq war was illegal could have grounds for seeking asylum in Germany but only if he can show he would have been involved in war crimes, Europe's highest court said
Poland to Send Troops to Help Train Ukrainian Army
India calls for UN Security Council reforms this year: "It is ironical that calls for democracy and the rule of law are being made in a Council that itself embodies the undemocratic stranglehold of the privileges of a few, forged by a wartime alliance that no longer exists."
ISIS Kidnaps 150 Christians in Northern Syria
Adultery is no longer illegal in South Korea; 5,500 people formerly arraigned on charges in the past six years.
Islamic State is selling looted Syrian art in London to fund its fight
TTIP: Transatlantic trade deal text leaked to BBC
Catholic diocese raided in Oslo by police. Bishop suspected of wrongfully claiming as much as USD 13 million.
US gifts military equipment to Poland
The first Australian fighting with the Kurds against ISIS has been killed.
ISIS militants destroyed 3,000-year-old Iraqi artifacts with sledgehammers
British schoolgirls are sneaking off to Syria via Turkey in pursuit of fun, adventure and the possibility of becoming wives of IS fighters
After NSA Hack China Stops Buying Major US Tech Brands
NATO commander warns about deteriorating situation in Ukraine: fighting is "getting worse everyday".
France wants imams to learn secular values as part of new anti-radicalisation push: the French government will push imams to take university-level civics classes.
American atheist blogger hacked to death in Bangladesh
The big melt: Antarctica's retreating ice may re-shape Earth. Over at NASA, ice scientist Eric Rignot said the melting "is going way faster than anyone had thought. It's kind of a red flag."
German tank battalion to be activated amid russia crisis | Germany plans to activate a tank battalion that exists only on paper as it seeks to increase the country's military capability. The DM spoke of a changed security situation amid the conflict in Ukraine.
Outrage over a school strip search of a 15 year old girl causes Education Minister who said such searches are OK if done "respectfully" to quit.
14 year old girl with cystic fibrosis pleas to Chile's President to be euthanized.
Islamic campaigner who today defended ISIS executioner Jihadi John as a 'beautiful, kind young man' was filmed calling for jihad outside U.S Embassy
Rare Intact Roman Tombstone Found in England: Made from Cotswold limestone, the 1,800-year-old inscribed stone was found in a grave -- directly above an adult skeleton. Its the sort of thing archaeologists only find in places like Pompeii, the archaeologists, Neil Holbrook, told reporters.
Argentina: President Cristina Fernandez case dismissed
Under U.S. Pressure, PayPal Nukes MEGA For Encrypting Files
Al-Jazeera retracts and apologizes for false story on Gaza flooding
Russia's Khodorkovsky: Putin is a 'naked king' facing economic ruin
Islamic State destroys 8th Century B.C. statue, among many other ancient and priceless ones.
Dozens of new craters suspected in northern Russia: Satellites show giant hole ringed by 20 'baby craters'
FIFA strips Qatar of the 2021 Confederation Cup
Press Digest: EU unveils new Energy Union to avoid Russian gas blackmail
Assyrian Christians crowdfund an army to reclaim homeland from ISIL -- Financed by a vast diaspora and trained by US vets, the Nineveh Protection Unit wants to 'cleanse' homeland of ISIL
Saudi Arabia to allow Israel use of its airspace to strike Iran report
Argentine Judge Rejects Criminal Case Against President
Russia to tap $50 billion from Reserve Fund as deficit balloons
Suspected Israeli nationalists torch Christian seminary in Jerusalem
Worlds first grid-connected wave power station switched on in Australia
Quebec judge refuses to hear single mother's case: You are not suitably dressed'
The Siberian crater saga is more widespread and scarier than anyone thought
Colombian police confiscate 3.3 tonnes of cocaine and flaunt it for the cameras
Thousands in Moscow chant Russia without Putin
Charlie Hebdo now has 25 times as many subscribers as before deadly attack
PayPal stops accepting payments for Kim Dotcom ' s Mega service because it uses encryption
Russian chessmaster Kasparov: Now there's 'no chance' for a peaceful transition beyond Putin
Africa's medicine men key to halting Ebola spread in Guinea: "More and more patients are coming to health facilities after a referral from their healer," says World Health Organisation.
Even at $10/barrel, oil cant match solar on cost. The report from the National Bank of Abu Dhabi says that while oil and gas has underpinned almost all energy investments until now, future investment will be almost entirely in renewable energy sources.
2012 Delhi bus rapist blames his victim, says it was accident
Bush, Cheney, former CIA director and several congressmen banned from Venezuela
Ukranian pilot Savchenko, detained in Russia for over 8 months without trial and on hunger strike for over 80 days, could "die within days"
The Svalbard "doomsday" vault - widely known for protecting global food crop seeds - has accepted its first delivery of forest tree species seeds.
Top Hamas general says group prepping for war with Israel
Exclusive: King Abdullah calls ISIS 'outlaws' of Islam
Pro-NATO Reform Party beats pro-Russian Centre Party in Estonian elections
UK plans to generate electricity from the world's first series of tidal lagoons. The six lagoons will capture incoming and outgoing tides behind giant sea walls, and use the weight of the water to power turbines.
Killing of yet another journalist in Ukraine a gruesome reminder of alarming safety situation for journalists, OSCE Representative says
"Let them slash their wrists". Undercover footage shows conditions in immigration detention centre
Riot police sealed hundreds of Myanmar student protesters inside a monastery on Monday in a tense standoff, activists said, blocking their planned march to Yangon to call for education reforms.
More than two hundred skeletons discovered in mass grave beneath Paris supermarket
North Korea fires two missiles into the sea, South Korea reports.
Toronto "mystery tunnel" builders identified
One of the main US-backed Syrian rebel groups just admitted defeat
Australia bans travel to Iraqi city of Mosul under new law. Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said the Mosul district in northern Iraq had been declared a designated area under a section of the Criminal Code created in October last year.
Saudi Arabia gives top prize to cleric who blames George Bush for 9/11
Kerry: Anti-Israeli bias is undermining the UN Human Rights Council
Report: Obama threatened to shoot down Israeli jets, forcing Israel to abort 2014 strike on Iranian nuclear facilities
American jailed in United Arab Emirates for Facebook posts made in the USA
France wants companies to make appliances that last longer
Islamic scholar Zakir Naik, who said Muslims can have sex with female slaves, gets Saudi Arabia's highest honour
Snowden ready to go to US if he gets fair trial - whistleblower's lawyer
Court lets child porn MP Edathy off with fine
India: 400 men cut off their testicles to 'get closer to God' following advice from 'guru'
Britains Elite Still Enjoying a Tax Break 100 Years Old.
World: Too Much Human Poo on Mount Everest, Says Nepal
Nasdaq closes above 5,000 for 1st time in 15 years
Russia's Gulag Museum Shuts Doors Amid Mounting State Pressure: A museum commemorating the victims of Soviet-era political repressions is closing down after months of government pressure
Russians to Spend More Than Half of Their Income on Food
Lost City Discovered in Honduran Rain Forest
Obama: "Netanyahu made all sorts of claims. This was going to be a terrible deal. This was going to result in Iran getting $50 billion worth of relief. Iran would not abide by the agreement. None of that has come true."
Canadian Conservative MP James Lunney tweets against evolution: Member of Parliament advises on Twitter to just 'stop calling evolution fact!'
The chief witness in the murder of Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov, the Ukrainian model who was girlfriend, was able to leave Russia and is now on her way to Kiev
Russia Prepared To Give China 50% Stakes in Oil And Gas Fields
Iran rejects US demand for 10-year freeze on nuclear program
Ukraine's central bank raises key interest rate to 30% from 19.5%
Plastic garbage is being eaten by coral mistaking it for food in the Great Barrier Reef, raising alarm over possible ecosystem damage
The Syrian Army captures more than 20 villages and towns from The Islamic State in Northern Syria
Venezuelan government has responded to increased pressure from Washington by revoking visa rights for former US politicians such as George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, described by President Nicolas Maduro as terrorists against the peoples of the world
Officials: Mom Knew Her Son Mohammed Emwazi Was 'Jihadi John'
The Argentine government officially nationalized the countrys railway system today, a measure announced by President Cristina Fernndez de Kirchner yesterday. The private concessionaries will not be compensated
ISIS will carry out '9/11 in Europe within two years', claims Gaddafi's exiled cousin
Christian militia in Syria defends ancient settlements against Isis -- Fighters try to protect last pockets of Assyrian Christians after Islamic State kills dozens, captures 300 hostages and forces thousands into exile
UK should begin decriminalising drugs, say Richard Branson and Nick Clegg
Black Sabbath guitarist Tony Iommi asks Indonesian President and heavy metal fan Joko Widodo to stop execution of Australian drug smugglers
Paraguay Next to Legalize Marijuana Says President of Congress
Putin has called for an end to "shameful" political killings in Russia
UK: Sex gangs may have abused hundreds of girls; children have suffered on an "industrial scale" says PM
Some 12,000 Russian soldiers in Ukraine supporting rebels: U.S. commander
American billionaire Paul Allen has announced the discovery of the famous World War Two Japanese battleship, the Musashi, more than 70 years after it was sunk by US forces
Benjamin Netanyahu didn't offer 'viable alternatives' during Iran speech: Obama
Harper government won't let former Prime Ministers testify on "anti-terror" bill C-51 in Canada, but will hear from US Homeland Security's Jeh Johnson.
An ancient tomb belonging to Amenhotep, guard of the temple of Egyptian deity Amun, has been discovered in the southern city of Luxor, the Egypt's antiquities ministry said on Tuesday. The ministry said the tomb probably dates to the New Kingdom's 18th Dynasty (15431292 BC).
A European first: Ireland passes laws banning branded cigarette packets
A sign of the times: References to Stalin's crimes removed from Soviet Gulag prison museum
The leader of one of Mexico's most notorious drugs gang, the Zetas cartel, has been captured by security forces, officials say
A Delhi court has banned a documentary film about the December 2012 fatal gang rape of a woman over concerns about derogatory comments made by one of the rapists but its filmmaker has said it will be released as planned.
German NSA inquiry chief's phone hacked, then interfered with in transit by 'persons unknown'
A former Royal Marine has become the first Briton to be killed while fighting alongside Kurdish forces against Islamic State in Syria
US Soldiers Readying for Ukraine Deployment: The US Army is preparing to send approximately 300 troops at a time to train Ukrainian forces in western Ukraine, according to documents posted on a government contracting site.
TASS: Russia - Car tied to Nemtsov killing belongs to enterprise serving government bodies
An Al Jazeera journalist has been fined 1,000 (725;$1,120) for flying a drone in Paris last week in the midst of a security alert sparked by unexplained drone sightings across the city.
Afghan Army lost 40000 personnel to desertions and casualties in first year after NATO left
Canadian government pushing First Nations to give up land rights for oil and gas profits
Illegal elephant tusk vendor convicted with help of radiocarbon dating: Toronto company fined after dating technique used for 1st time.
509 essential drugs get cheaper in India
Indian state bans the possession and sale of beef, imposing fines and up to five years in prison for violations.
Afghan army suffers heavy combat losses: US
Study Confirms That Abstinence Education Has Utterly Failed At Preventing AIDS In Africa
The father of a woman who died after a savage gang-rape in Delhi said he thought everyone should watch a documentary about the attack broadcast by the BBC but banned in India "If a man can speak like that in jail, imagine what he would say if he was walking free," said the father of the victim
The car used in Putin critic's killing belongs to an 'in-house security service'.
The Iranian president, Hassan Rouhani, has reacted to Binyamin Netanyahus speech to the US Congress by saying that the world and the American people are too intelligent to take advice from an aggressive and occupier regime that has itself developed an arsenal of nuclear weapons.
India's government has asked YouTube to remove all links to a controversial documentary about the gang rape and murder of a woman in Delhi after banning its broadcast.
Iran: We saved the Jews three times; Netanyahu should learn history
A report outlining the extent of Russia's military involvement in Ukraine, which was being prepared by Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov before his murder a few days ago, will be completed and published, opposition activists say
The Green Party in Germany is proposing a draft law to legalize cannabis
Snowden says U.S. not offering fair trial if he returns
Scientists have unearthed the jawbone of what they claim is one of the very first humans. The 2.8 million-year-old specimen is 400,000 years older than researchers thought that our kind first emerged.
Jihadi Johns Father Says His Son Is A Dog And Can Go To Hell
China tries to ditch its coal addiction, reduce energy intensity. Country would aim to raise wind power capacity to 200 gigawatts (GW) and solar to around 100 GW by 2020, up from 95.8 GW and 26.5 GW respectively at the end of 2014.
#snowdenNZ : Leaked documents show New Zealand spies on its Pacific friends and sends the data to the US | GCSB collects phone calls, emails and internet data from NZ's closest and most vulnerable neighbours, secret papers reveal
Chemical fire in Vancouver port. People told to close windows and stay home as far away as Burnaby.
UK Police Admit Their Money Laundering Investigations Only Hit the 'Tip of the Iceberg'
Britain's advertising watchdog banned an Israeli government tourism advert for suggesting that the Old City of Jerusalem was part of Israel on Wednesday.
India threatens BBC over rapist interview
Remains of First Known Human Found in Ethiopia: The 2.8-million-year old remains consist of a fossil lower jaw and teeth. They were unearthed at the Ledi-Geraru research area at Afar Regional State, Ethiopia.
A court in Moscow has convicted a Russian police officer on charges of spying for the United States and sentenced him to 15 years in prison
US ambassador to South Korea Mark Lippert injured by armed attacker while giving lecture, local media report.
Putin Sounds the Alarm Over Budding 'Color Revolutions' in Russia: President Vladimir Putin urged Interior Ministry officials on Wednesday to focus on smothering budding color revolutions, thus bolstering the current political climate by reinforcing a widespread fear of domestic enemies
Edward Snowden says Canadian spying has weakest oversight in Western world
The US military's top officer, General Martin Dempsey, told lawmakers on Wednesday it was possible special operations forces could eventually be sent to Syria to back up American-trained rebels
300 staff working for lawmakers have lobbying interests, analysis reveals
Iran's supreme leader has terminal cancer
Lockheed Martin Claims Sustainable Fusion Is Within Its Grasp
Nasa finds evidence of a vast ancient ocean on Mars
Astronomers Observe Supernova and Find They're Watching the Same Star Explode Over and Over Again
Nasa, has confirmed that its Dawn probe has gone into orbit around Ceres, the largest object in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
Indian mob breaks into jail, beats rape suspect to death
Ex-Mossad chief calls Netanyahu's Iran speech 'bullshit'
A Russian official has accused US fast food giants McDonalds and Coca Cola of waging "war" against citizens by aggressively marketing "unhealthy" products to them
New study says SSRI antidepressants need to be added to list of drugs that induce withdrawal symptoms upon discontinuation. SSRI withdrawal symptoms include depression and anxiety which are being confused with relapse of original illnesses and causing people to stay on drugs longer than needed.
Quebec resident Alain Philippon charged at Halifax airport for not giving up phone password
Snowden says he'd like to return to Geneva. Edward Snowden has made a public appeal for Switzerland to grant him asylum, saying he would like to return to live in Geneva, where he once worked undercover for the Central Intelligence Agency.
U.S. ambassador gets 80 stitches after knife attack
ISIL commander treated in a hospital in western Turkey, Governors office confirms.
Dutch jihadists should die before returning to Netherlands: Prime Minister Rutte
New Zealand Customs propose that it be given blanket authority to force people to disclose passwords to their computers and smartphones at the border. Failure to do so without a reasonable excuse would result in up to 3 months prison.
NASA Spacecraft Set for Historic Arrival at Dwarf Planet Ceres Today
Chemistry teacher jailed 6 years for trying to join Islamic State
Iran blinds acid attacker in 'eye for an eye' punishment. Man has eye gouged out by medics in first known case of retribution five years after he blinded another man.
Adidas is Closing 200 Stores in Russia
Police Chief says of tunnel near York University that stoked unfounded "terrorist" fears: "Maybe this is just the coolest fort ever", as man comes forward to say it was just a mancave built to chill and have bbq in.
Syrian warplanes kill 13 senior leaders of al Qaeda affiliate
ISIS fighters bulldoze ancient Assyrian palace in Iraq
Nisman former wife: Alberto Nisman did not commit suicide, he was murdered
Tajik opposition leader Umarali Kuvatov, who had been living in exile in Turkey, was killed by a single shot to the head in the Turkish city of Istanbul, opposition sources
Suspected terror attack in Jerusalem; 3 officers hurt
French Authorities ID 3 Palestinian Suspects Responsible for 1982 Terror Attack in Paris' Jewish Quarter
Indian news channel NDTV left its screen blank for an hour on Sunday evening in protest of the ban on Indias Daughter, a documentary about the 2012 Delhi rape.
Two California Tourists Arrested For Engraving Their Names In Rome's Colosseum And Taking A Selfie
Russian President Vladimir Putin has revealed he planned the annexation of Crimea four days before unidentified gunmen appeared in the region.
India wants global ban on gang rape documentary
Giant tomb of a Iron Age Celtic prince discovered just 100km from Paris in Champagne, contains exceptional archaeological treasures fitting for one of the highest elite of the end of the first Iron Age
Of Canada's "anti-terror" bill C-51, BC Premier Christy Clark says: "When you give up personal freedoms, it's very hard to get them back."
Unidentified gunmen kill more than 12 Islamic State militants in eastern Syria
German professor cites rape culture in India to refuse student internship : India, News
Liberia's last ebola patient is out of the Hospital.
'He Stabbed Me, Darling,' Indian Techie Killed in Sydney, Told Husband on the Phone
German Teenager Dies Fighting ISIS in Syria
Report: German Official Says Saudi Arabia Top Terror Exporter In Middle East
Swedish Minister 'Silenced' by Saudis at Arab League
Russia jails five Chechen men in killing of Putin critic Boris Nemtsov
All Canadians would be trapped in anti-terror legislations web, warns privacy commissioner, saying it is excessive, and safeguards against abuse are seriously deficient.
Students of the Technical University of Crete have built a hydrogen car that has won international awards, yet Greek legislation prevents production of the vehicle
Canada bringing back Buffalo to Banff National Park, a species that once roamed the plains of Western Canada by the millions.
Putin describes secret operation to seize Crimea
Over 2 Million Migratory Birds Killed in Cyprus - to feed an illicit taste for the delicacy. Study shows "a dramatic situation of this illegal activity sadly taking place," with number of nets used almost doubling in 2014. Lime sticks trap birds, leaving them to dangle helplessly.
Saudi Arabia rejects human rights criticism after flogging of blogger Badawi
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un has been attempting to show off his feminist credentials - by handing out make-up during an airbase visit on International Women's Day.
Israel's Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman: "Those [Palestinian citizens] who are against us deserve to have their heads chopped off with an axe."
Facebook atheist risking jail seeks to flee Egypt: Karim al-Banna, who on Monday could hear an appeal court uphold his three-year jail term for "insulting" Islam with his atheism, wishes he could live anywhere but his native Egypt.
Over 25,000 test positive for Swine Flu in India, 1370 deaths so far
UN report says Australia's treatment of asylum seekers breaches torture convention
The White House on Monday sharply rebuked nearly four dozen Republican senators who sent a letter to Iranian leaders just as nuclear negotiations reach a pivotal moment, characterizing the correspondence as an illegitimate interference in President Obamas foreign policy.
U.K. Parliament says banning Tor is unacceptable and impossible
Ecstasy, ketamine and crystal meth are currently legal in Ireland due to a ruling in the Court of Appeal on the Misuse of Drugs Act 1977 this morning.
Qatar should be stripped of the 2022 World Cup in order to rectify the mistake of awarding them the tournament, the outgoing Fifa executive committee member Theo Zwanziger has said.
CIA hacked iPhone, iPad and Mac security Snowden documents reveal extent of privacy invasion
ISIS call for demolition of Egypts Sphinx, pyramids
Time to 'move on' from Snowden surveillance revelations, says UK foreign secretary - Foreign secretary says debate sparked by US whistleblower Edward Snowden cannot be allowed to run on forever
President Vladimir Putin awarded a state honor to a man suspected by Britain of using radioactive polonium to poison Kremlin critic Alexander Litvinenko in London
Iran's Foreign Minister To U.S. Senators: 'The World Is Not The United States'
Putin Signs Amendments Lowering Penalties For Bribes
Britain's divided decade: the rich are 64% richer than before the recession, while the poor are 57% poorer
Ten dead, including French sporting stars, in helicopter crash in Argentina -- Olympic gold medalist swimmer Camille Muffat and Olympic boxer Alexis Vastine among those killed as reality TV show filming ends in disaster
President Barack Obama issued an executive order on Monday declaring Venezuela a national security threat, sanctioning seven individuals and expressing concern about the Venezuelan government's treatment of political opponents.
Bank Records Reveal Saudi Elites Gave Millions to Boston Marathon Bombers' Mosque
US army tanks arrive in Baltics amid mounting Russian invasion fears
Earth entering period of fastest climate change seen in last 1,000 years
Wikimedia Foundation, the nonprofit organization that runs free online encyclopedia Wikipedia, will file a lawsuit against the National Security Agency and the U.S. Department of Justice, challenging the government's mass surveillance program.
China warns Canada not to allow Hong Kong democracy leader to speak to Canadian parliamentary committee
Pakistan: Jampur Police torture rape victim, family for protesting
Parents who praise children too much may encourage narcissism, says study. Researchers following more than 500 children say parental warmth may be a better strategy than inflating the ego
A blaze at a mosque in Eskilstuna in central Sweden that injured five people on Christmas Day was caused not by a firebomb but by an overheated deep fryer, a police source told a local newspaper.
NZ Prime Minister John Key Retracts Vow to Resign if Mass Surveillance Is Shown
Report: Saudi Arabia accuses western media of attacking its sovereignty
Pro-Russia fighters have withdrawn weapons, says Ukraine president
Amnesty International warns anti-terrorism bill could target activists
Pope Francis has called for greater transparency in politics and said elections should be free from backers who fund campaigns in order to prevent policy being influenced by wealthy sponsors.
Britain may broadcast Putin's financial secrets to Russia
Homeopathy not effective for treating any condition, Australian report finds
The Euro has lost 35% of its value since last May, and is continuing to drop
Russia says has right to deploy nuclear weapons in Crimea
India Launches Its First Indigenous Rotavirus Vaccine. At $1, It Is The Cheapest In The World
Boeing 3d prints 20,000 aircraft parts and files a patent for their 3d printing method.
State Dept. hack the 'worst ever': "Russian hackers, likely working for the Russian government, are suspected in the State Department hack."
Somali families living in Britain and the United States are bringing their daughters to Kenya to secretly undergo female genital mutilation (FGM) as their home countries crack down on the internationally condemned practice.
New Island emerges in Pacific Ocean
ISIS sympathizer arrested after plotting to bomb U.S. consulate in Toronto: CBSA
About 80 children rescued from a Boko Haram camp in Cameroon cannot remember their own names or origins, according to an aid official who visited them.
Varoufakis unsettles Germans with admission Greece won't repay debts
Greece's justice minister on Wednesday warned that German property could be seized in compensation for wartime atrocities, in an escalating war of words with Berlin over Athens' current EU loan deal.
Bibi in big trouble: New poll shows Israeli PM in danger of losing bid for fourth term
ISPs block Pirate Bay proxy sites in battle against online piracy
Newfound Egyptian Tomb Has Colorful Murals of Man and Wife
The world's strongest teenage girl, 15-year-old Russian powerlifter Maryana Naumova, asks 'Terminator' to save Russia-U.S. ties
As many as 15 attackers have stolen millions of euros' worth of jewels from two high security vans at a French motorway toll booth
Jeremy Clarkson 'punch': Top Gear episodes to be dropped
Iran aims to ban vasectomies and cut access to contraceptives to boost births
Greece to demand WWII reparations from Germany
Athens threatens to seize German assets over WWII reparations
Gang suspected of using forced labor & illegally dumping tens of thousands of tons of rubbish across England arrested
Obama Said to Resist Growing Pressure From All Sides to Arm Ukraine
A 42-year-old woman running for mayor in a violent southwestern Mexican state has been kidnapped and decapitated.
More than 200 witchdoctors and traditional healers have been arrested in Tanzania in a crackdown on the murder of albinos for their body parts. The latest victims include a one-year-old albino boy, killed in north-western Tanzania a few weeks ago.
Richest man in US Congress would be 166th richest in China's congresses
Boko Haram Surrounded on All Sides by United-Military Forces
The Wikimedia Foundation believes it can win its case against the NSA because it has evidence that mass surveillance had caused it harm, co-founder Wales said | "We have proof that it's actually impacting us from the Snowden documents. Wikipedia was specifically targeted for upstream surveillance"
Town in Canada bans spitting, swearing, and gathering in groups larger than 3; Lawyers' group claims law unconstitutional, will defend those charged for free.
Second ex-Mossad chief joins chorus criticizing Netanyahu
Dalai Lama says he may not reincarnate. China: "Decision-making power over the reincarnation of the Dalai Lama... resides in the central government of China."
World: Putin Responsible for Murder of Boris Nemtsov Says Daughter
Alzheimer's memory loss reversed by breakthrough treatment using ultrasound, scientists in Australia discover.
Scientists will be reopening the LHC after increasing its energy output by 62.5%. They're hoping it will show evidence for Supersymmetry, a theory that fills in gaps with the standard model that were previously not possible to achieve.
New Iran laws reduce women to "baby-making machines" - Amnesty
An Afghan artist has been forced into hiding after receiving death threats for dressing in a metal suit featuring exaggerated breasts and buttocks. Kubra Khademi wore the unusual armour in a performance on the streets of Kabul to highlight the problems of sexual harassment faced by women.
The U.N. torture investigator accused the United States on Wednesday of stalling on his requests to visit its prisons where 80,000 people are in solitary confinement and to interview inmates at Guantanamo on his terms.
Norwegian Researchers Are Crowdfunding to Make Psychedelics and MDMA Free for Global Medical Use | VICE News
New Zealand Witnesses Protests Against Trans Pacific Pact: Critics Allege TPP Is Harmful To Common Man
250-Year-Old Pretzel Unearthed by German Archaeologists
The main suspect in the murder of Nemtsov says he confessed under torture
30 Feared Dead in Shopping Center Fire in Russian City of Kazan
A number of British intelligence staff have been sacked for inappropriately accessing personal information, it has emerged. The revelation came as the results of a long-awaited report by Parliament's Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC) were published.
Google algorithm changes allow company press releases to top news searches
Reporters Without Borders Unblocks Banned News Websites
U.S.-trained and armed Iraqi military units, the key to the American strategy against ISIS, are under investigation for committing some of the same atrocities as the terror group
Czech secret services have found three russian spies
China interested in Athens Airport - Plans to make it main "Gateway" of China into Europe with 50+ million Chinese entering per year
German anti-vaccer wagers 100,000 to anyone proving the existance of the measles virus. Researcher sends him articles proving the virus' existance and takes him to court where he's ordered to pay the full amount.
Iran: The letter by American senators indicates the collapse of political ethics in the United States
The Euro and the US Dollar are now worth the same amount
Canadian school takes 21 students out of school as parents refuse to vaccinate them while a measles outbreak reaches 119 cases
Penis transplant declared successful for the first time in history
NASA Finds Warm Underground Ocean Beneath Ganymede, Jupiter's Largest Moon (pictures/in-depth resources)
South African mercenaries--seen as relics of apartheid after officially being banned in 1998--are now back in action in Nigeria, where they're covertly "whacking" Boko Haram in nighttime raids
German FM: US Republican Iran letter 'not helpful' an 'understatement'. "It is creating the advantage for the Iranians. It is hurting our position in the negotiations.
Statues destroyed by Islamic State in Mosul were copies
Finland: Two-third of parliament candidates favor basic income
Chilling Syrian numbers: 83% of electricity cut, life expectancy drops 20 years
New mystery 'suicide' in Ukraine - A former regional governor has been found dead in Ukraine, the latest in a series of deaths involving allies of deposed President Viktor Yanukovych.
Australia bans hunting 'trophies' from lions entering or leaving the country - Lion body parts used as trophies from hunting will no longer be allowed to be imported or exported, environment minister Greg Hunt says
Canadian soldiers didn't fire back when Kurds Kurdish allies suddenly and unexpectedly swivelled their weapons away from ISIS targets to shot at the Canadian troops
Nearly 13,000 tortured to death in Syria
Cuba allows launch of first known free, public Internet service at Havana cultural center
Spain puts 'gag' on freedom of expression as senate approves security law
Greek PM says Germany owes Greece more than $170bn for atrocities committed during the Nazi occupation
Banned BBC documentary on Nirbhaya gang rape in shown by activist in slum where four of the convicts in the case used to live
Egypts New Capital City Revealed
Indian man responds to documentary on Indian rape with his own documentary on British rape
Islamic State 'using chlorine gas' in Iraq roadside bombs
Remains of a necklace or bracelet made by Neanderthals have been found in Croatia. The artifacts, described in the latest issue of the journal PLOS ONE, add to the growing body of evidence that Neanderthals had their own rich culture and meaningful symbols long before Homo sapiens came to Europe.
First Active Hydrothermal System Found beyond Earth
Swedish prosecutors offer to question Wikileaks founder Julian Assange in London on sex assault allegations.
Anonymous released 9,200 ISIS supporter Twitter account names to apply pressure on Twitter for suspending them
World waits to see if Putin turns up
Putin Orders Northern Fleet to Full Alert for Combat Readiness Exercise, include 38,000 military personnel, 3,360 pieces of equipment, 41 ships, 15 submarines, and 110 airplanes and helicopters
Russia's Putin appears in public for first time since March 5
Islamic State fighters caught fleeing battlefield dressed as women
Three teenagers who were stopped from travelling to Syria from Turkey have been flown back to the UK and arrested
Montreal march against perceived police brutality declared illegal
Tens of thousands of Brazilians are marching in cities demanding President Dilma Rousseff's impeachment and blasting what they say is deep government corruption
Ukraine president calls on allies to boycott 2018 World Cup in Russia
President Vladimir Putin has said he was ready to put Russia's nuclear weapons on standby during tensions over the crisis in Ukraine and Crimea
Britain is likely to pass a tougher tobacco control bill on Monday that would bar cigarette makers from using their own logos on products and instead require all manufacturers to use a uniform design.
ISIS fighters dress as women in desperate attempt to flee battlefield
Ancient Statues Destroyed by ISIS were Fake - The ancient statues that Islamic State militants smashed in Mosul last month have been proved to be exact replicas of precious artifacts of Iraqi heritage. The real masterpieces of antiquity are said to be in Baghdad.
Christians riot in Pakistan after attacks targeting churches kill 14 - Washington Post
US Accuses Venezuela Oil Company of $2 Bn Money Laundering Scheme
Hezbollah to send 800 of their most elite fighters to Iraq to fight the Islamic State in the decisive upcoming battle for Mosul.
The police watchdog is investigating alleged corruption in the Metropolitan Police, including claims it covered up child sex offences because of the involvement of police officers and MPs.
Saudi beheading takes 2015 execution tally to 45
Putin was surprised at how easily Russia took control of Crimea - Washington Post
A Chechen mother has kidnapped her two Dutch young children, aged 7 and 8, and has taken them to Syria to join Islamic State, Dutch prosecutors said on Monday, in the first known case in the Netherlands of kidnapping by one parent to join the militant group.
Venezuelan president Nicols Maduro given power to rule by decree | World news
Cyclone Pam has "wiped out" development in Vanuatu, its president said, amid ongoing concern over residents of the Pacific nation's outlying islands.
An annual report delivered recently to the US Senate by James Clapper, the director of National Intelligence, removed Iran and Hezbollah from its list of terrorism threats, after years in which they featured in similar reports
Turkish jets intercept Russian military plane near Turkeys airspace
Silk Road moderator Samesamebutdifferent pleads guilty, faces life in prison
Irish no-frills airline Ryanair confirmed its board has approved plans to start flying low-cost transatlantic routes starting from $14 in the next five years.
Strip-searched girl can't return to her school, Quebec judge rules . In the strip search, the girl was asked to remove all her clothing, including her underwear. No drugs were found.
Netanyahu: If I'm elected, there will be no Palestinian state
France aims to criminalize advertising with anorexic models
Frenchman hides Russian wife in a suitcase to sneak her into EU - Polish border guards have detained a French citizen who packed his Russian wife in a suitcase, attempting to smuggle her over the Belarus border. Officials noted later that she would've been able to enter EU legally.
Canadian universal drug plan would save billions, UBC researchers say: $1-$5.4 billion annual public cost offsetting $8.2 billion annual private sector cost
South Korea reduces water supply to North Korea
Ex Mossad head predicts dramatic improvement in US-Israel relations if Netanyahu loses election
ISIS Vows To Blow Up The White House, Big Ben And The Eiffel Tower
Spain finds Don Quixote writer Cervantes' tomb in Madrid
Germanys goal: Restoring Russia-annexed Crimea to Ukraine Its important despite, or because of, this to work for a peaceful solution and not rest until the full sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine is restored, and of course this includes Crimea, Chancellor Angela Merkel said Monday
Russia says it would not hand back Crimea to Ukraine, despite warnings by the United States and European Union that they will not drop sanctions over the Black Sea peninsula's annexation a year ago
Mexico set to allow armed U.S. customs officials within its borders
Alert after 200 metal balls coated in cyanide stolen in raid at UK industrial firm
More coal plants are being cancelled than built. The number of cancelled coal projects across the world has outstripped those completed at a rate of two to one since 2010
Myanmar court jails three over 'insult to Buddhism' -- The men had used a picture of Buddha wearing headphones for an online promotion
Saudi Arabia says it will want same enrichment rights as Iran if nuclear deal is done | Prince al-Faisal: "I've always said whatever comes out of these talks, we will want the same."
France, Germany, and Italy to join China-led Bank.
Adelaide, Australia Catholic Archbishop Philip Wilson has been charged with concealing child sexual abuse
In slow opening of Cuban Internet, govt allows a public Wi-Fi network: Less than two months after Netflix opened up its services to Cuba, the island nation now apparently has a new, free public Wi-Fi space
US to maintain Crimea sanctions until Russian rule ends
Democratic Republic of Congo wants to open up Virunga national park to oil exploration - DRC government to consult Unesco to explore judiciously in Africas most biodiverse park and a world heritage site
Latvia reports two Russian black hole subs and research ship on edge of territorial waters
Red Cross: People in Vanuatu 'desperate' for food, water and shelter
ISIS kidnaps 20 medical workers in Libya
Pentagon loses track of $500 million in weapons, equipment given to Yemen
Mexico Offered Sony $20M in Tax Breaks to portray country better in Bond film
Egyptian woman who disguised herself as a man for 43 years in order to make a living was honored Tuesday by the government as the ideal mother
Vagina piercings to count as female genital mutilation in the UK, even if they are consensual
Britain's Shame: Evidence Mounts of Child-Abuse Cover-Up
Canadas Largest Food Retailer To Sell Ugly Produce At Low Prices To Cut Food Waste
Gunmen attack Tunisian parliament, may have taken hostages
Mexico Bans Animals From Circus - Searching for homes for 2,000 tigers, elephants, giraffes, zebras & other exotic beasts that'll be banned from circuses.
France cut welfare benefits for 290 jihadists last year
Germany riot in Frankfurt targets new ECB headquarters | Dozens of people have been hurt and some 350 people arrested as anti-austerity demonstrators clashed with police in the German city of Frankfurt.
Almost a quarter of major Japanese companies are considering adopting the governments proposed merit-based pay system: the so-called white-collar exemption system to pay workers based on achievement rather than work hours.
Egypt is serious about abandoning Cairo as the capital, with a $45B city to be built from scratch
Joe Biden: "If you're wearing orange [a Protestant], you're not welcome in here" - Democratic Unionist Party call on US Vice President to apologise for his comments
Netanyahu Defeats Chief Rival in Israeli Elections
Netanyahu's shock re-election leaves Israel's pollsters red-faced
In Mexico journalists get as much respect from drug cartels as they get from the Mexican Government. What both don't want, both kill. Carmen Aristegui, a top journalist who exposed conflict-of-interest deals of Pres. Enrique Pea Nieto, his wife and their mansions, is now off the air.
Israel Elections 2015: Exit polls give Zionist Union 27, Likud 28 or in tie
The EU plans to oblige member countries to share details of tax agreements made with big companies and end the practice of secret sweetheart deals: legislation would require countries "to automatically exchange information on their tax rulings" every three months.
Egypt demolishes 1,020 Rafah homes for Gaza buffer zone
Palestinians Say Election Results Prove Israel No Peace Partner
Netanyahu says US money driving high Arab voter turnout
Nigerian army recaptures all but three areas from Boko Haram who is "running with their tail between their legs" according to Mike Omeri, the national security spokesman
Women with vagina piercings to be classed as suffering from FGM. [Even where the women is an adult and has consented]
Russia, India to join hands in space monitoring
A 15-year-old's design for the new 1 coin has been chosen ahead of more than 6,000 entries
New Alzheimers treatment fully restores memory function - Australian researchers have come up with a non-invasive ultrasound technology that clears the brain of neurotoxic amyloid plaques
The Pirate Party is now measured as the biggest political party in Iceland
US removes Iran and Hezbollah from list of terror threats
A former ISIS militant has revealed that young Muslim women travelling to Syria to marry jihadists are being passed between men at the rate of one husband a week.
BBC News: Indian students caught 'cheating' in exams - large-scale practice
Iran offers to "reward" US Oil Companies that position against GOP letter signed by 47 Senators
Russian treaty with South Ossetia breaks international law: NATO
UN: Mass Grave Found In Iraq, ISIS Suspected Of Genocide
Pearson, the worlds largest maker of textbooks and academic materials, has admitted monitoring the social media use of students using its tests
Greece adopts anti-poverty law despite alleged EU row: The legislation calls for households that were cut off because they could not pay their bills to be given a capped amount of free electricity. Up to 30,000 households would also get a housing allowance and 300,000 would receive food subsidies.
Saudis halt Sweden visas in 'major escalation'
Poland says it will match Russia's diplomatic hostility
A US drone strike has killed the mastermind of the Westgate Mall massacre
Twitter puts trillions of tweets up for sale to data miners
White House 'Deeply Concerned' About Rhetoric from Netanyahu's Party
New York to Cuba: first direct charter flight takes off
The French parliament has voted overwhelmingly in favour of a law allowing terminally ill patients to cease treatment and enter a deep sleep until they die.
U.S. first lady Michelle Obama and her Japanese counterpart Akie Abe announced plans Thursday to deepen cooperation in helping girls in developing nations finish their educations, vowing to help them attain goals that many in wealthy countries take for granted.
As U.S.-led coalition forces confirm they shot down an ISIS drone this week, experts warn the extremists could soon adapt the technology for battle purposes.
Obama snubs Netanyahu and criticises Israeli PM's 'divisive rhetoric': President has yet to call Israeli PM to congratulate him on his election victory, as White House says it will have to re-evaluate its approach to peace talks
Britain, France, Germany, and Italy have decided, over the objections of the United States, to join the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank, a new international-development institution, set up by China, that is poised to become a potential rival to the World Bank.
Amazon rainforest soaking up less carbon as trees die young
Israeli election still not completely decided - 200,000 "double envelope" votes are yet to be counted.
Australia's tobacco plain packaging laws successful, studies show
"Ten companies directly responsible for third of Australia's greenhouse gas pollution, Australian Conservation Foundation report finds"
France decrees new rooftops must be covered in plants or solar panels. All new buildings in commercial zones across the country must comply with new environmental legislation
The CIA Just Declassified the Document That Supposedly Justified the Iraq Invasion
The Australian government just passed a bill that forces ISPs to store and allow police warrantless access to the internet browsing history of all Australians
Today there was an 98-99% solar eclipse in Iceland. Today they also started building the first pagan temple to be built in a 1000 years in Europe.
Fracking costs outweigh benefits for Germany and Europe, study says. For only a ten year supply of energy, fracking in Europe would contaminate drinking water, cause severe environmental damage and create vast industrial landscapes
US threatened Berlin with intel blackout over Snowden asylum.
1 in 10 wild bees face extinction in Europe - "If we don't address the roots of the decline in wild bees, and act urgently to stop it, we could pay a very heavy price indeed"
Ex-Canadian astronaut on Mars One: Nobody is going anywhere in 10 years
High-end Laos resort serves up illegal wildlife for Chinese tourists - Shocking undercover investigation finds restaurants offering live bear cubs to eat on request washed down with tiger bone wine in the lawless playground of Laos Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone.
77 dead in Mosque bombings in Yemen
137 Killed, 345 Injured in Suicide Attacks on Yemen Mosques
Crystal with "Forbidden Symmetry" Found in 4.5-Billion-Year-Old Meteorite - Based on experiments with X-rays, the newly discovered quasicrystal has a structure that resembles flat 10-sided disks stacked in a column. This 10-fold symmetry is an impossible structure in ordinary crystals
A mob in the Afghan capital, Kabul, has killed a woman and set her body alight for allegedly burning a copy of the Koran.
US President Barack Obama has told the Iranian people that a deal to transform the relationship between the two countries could be within reach.
Violence cost Mexico $233 billion, or 17% GDP
600 Indian Students Expelled for Cheating on School Exams
Conservationist murders threaten Costa Rica's eco-friendly reputation: The brutal murder of Jairo Mora, who was trying to protect endangered turtle eggs, was the latest in a string of crimes against environmentalists in the country
@the_intercept: New Zealand used NSA's surveillance system to target officials and an anti-corruption campaigner who published leaks
Netanyahu to NBC: I want a peaceful two-state solution
China to build $1bn solar power plant in Ghana
Lithuania Reintroduces Military Conscription Amid Concern Over Russia
Three officials in China have resigned after an endangered Siberian tiger cub leapt to its death from an 11th floor apartment in Qingdao, eastern China, state media have reported.
The Vatican announced Friday that a Scottish cardinal has resigned over allegations of sexual misconduct the first time someone of that high office in the Catholic Church has resigned since the 1920s.
Reuters became the latest website blocked in China, joining the New York Times, Bloomberg News, and Wall Street Journal
Pitcairn Islands to get world's largest single marine reserve - UK govt gives go ahead in the 2015 budget to a vast marine protected area in the Pacific thats home to more than 80 species of fish, coral and algae
U.K. Government rejects immunity for public officials who blow whistle on child sex abuse
Ex-cop claims a royal was in paedophile ring but inquiry was closed to shield Buckingham Palace from scandal
Scotland Yard Investigated for Protecting Pedophiles in U.K.
Suspected Nazi hide-out found deep in Argentine jungle
Singapores first Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew dies aged 91
Oil spills keep devastating Niger Delta: Amnesty International is blaming two oil giants for more than 500 oil spills in Nigeria's Niger Delta in 2014
Rhinos with poison-infused horns are roaming the bush in South Africa, frightening away poachers who dont want sell a toxic product to their clients
Japan to build huge, costly sea wall to fend off tsunamis
Russian Official Tells London to 'Have a Twix' and Rethink Crimea
Shell oil drilling in Arctic set to get US government permission
Polish Army summons reservists
Bronze Bust of Putin as Roman Emperor to Be Unveiled
Oil price unlikely to rebound - Saudi official
McCain: Congress could defund UN if US backs Palestine bid
Documents Reveal Canadas Secret Hacking Tactics
Paris ends smog-fighting traffic restrictions after one day
Australian PM's Great Barrier Reef plan slammed
English 'car park king' Richard III gets final burial. The discovery was confirmed by a DNA match with Richard's closest living relative Canadian carpenter Michael Ibsen, who fittingly has now made the monarch's oak coffin.
UN warns world could have 40 per cent water shortfall by 2030
Afghan woman, Farkhunda, killed for burning Koran laid to rest; investigator says she was innocent
The UK will no longer tolerate the behaviour of Islamist extremists who "reject our values", Home Secretary Theresa May has said.
A Sydney theatre has refused a booking from a Jewish cultural group in a potential breach of race-discrimination laws: "Our policy does not support colonialism/Zionism. Therefore we do not host groups that support the colonisation and occupation of Palestine.
Greek PM wrote to Merkel warning of impossible debt obligation
Saudi's Opec governor: "Oil price unlikely to rebound"
New Zealand's GCSB spies monitored diplomats in line for World Trade Organisation job | Exclusive - Secret document reveals Five Eyes software used for surveillance on candidates for WTO job.
Airliner crashes in French Alps
White House chief of staff: 50 years of Israeli occupation must end- U.S. cannot pretend Netanyahu didn't say no Palestinian state would be established on his watch, Denis McDonough tells J Street conference in Washington.
North Korea demands Obama to return Nobel Peace Prize
Indian Supreme Court strikes down law that allowed the government to arrest people for posting offensive statements online
Beijing to Shut All Major Coal Power Plants to Cut Pollution
Cuba booming as tourists flock there before Americans come.
US troops driving through Poland get warm welcome
Report: Israel spied on US nuclear talks with Iran
Wild African elephants on verge of extinction, say experts - The African elephant population dropped by 80,000 from 2006 to 2013, largely because of poaching
Snowden should be allowed a public interest defense, say European lawmakers | A call to extend whistleblower protection to those working in national security.
The Swedish air force intercepted four Russian military jets flying without transponders along Sweden's east coast on Tuesday morning
Huge unexploded WWII bomb found in London
The Great Barrier Reef is under siege. About half of the reefs coral died between 1985 and 2012.
Yemen 'on the brink' of civil war
British Royal family member was investigated as part of paedophile ring before cover-up, ex-cop says
Top-secret documents obtained by the CBC show Canada's electronic spy agency has developed a vast arsenal of cyberwarfare tools to hack into computers and phones in many parts of the world, including in friendly trade countries like Mexico and hotspots like the Middle East.
Australian Senator Scott Ludlam reveals Opposition Leader Bill Shorten's phone number in protest against new surveillance laws likely to be passed Friday
The Ukrainian government has given the private army of billionaire Dnepropetrovsk governor Igor Kolomoysky a day to lay down their weapons, after they occupied and erected a fence around the headquarters of the national oil company.
Russia 'pouring' arms into Ukraine
Russia to cut down on 5th gen fighter purchases due to "new economic situation"
Create unrest: Canadas CSE agency includes false flag operations as part of newly-revealed cyberwarfare scope
Researchers at The Ohio State University have discovered how to control heat with a magnetic field.
Okinawa governor blocks controversial US marine base: Escalation in dispute poses diplomatic headache for prime minister Shinzo Abe and threatens to sour relations between Japan and the US
Jupiter Smashed The Super-Earth Version Of Our Solar System
Julian Assange demands rape case files before Sweden questions him
There was no tape draped across a finish line, but NASA is celebrating a win. The agency's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity completed its first Red Planet marathon Tuesday -- 26.219 miles (42.195 kilometers) - with a finish time of roughly 11 years and two months.
Chinese scientists have built the worlds first hydrogen-powered tram and water is it's only emission
Costa Rica is now running completely on renewable energy: Costa Rica is running without having to burn a single fossil fuel, and its been doing so for 75 straight days.
Jeremy Clarkson dropped from Top Gear, BBC confirms
Kraft Foods to merge with Heinz creating worlds fifth-largest food group
Motion To Legalize Cannabis In Italy Receives Bi-Partisan Support
Russia proposes superhighway. London to New York City by car.
Palestinians demonstrate after Egypt cuts power supply
'Guilt-Ridden' Japanese Engineer Kills Self Harakiri-Style over Bridge Collapse in Turkey
UK 'involved in mass murder on British soil, colluded with loyalist paramilitaries in 80 deaths between 1972 and 1978'
On Tuesday, President Barack Obama dismissed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahus efforts to walk back his rejection of a Palestinian state and warned that the Jewish leaders comments could empower extremists and lead to violence in the region.
Two Turkish cartoonists charged with insulting Erdogan face up to two years in prison for allegedly drawing one of the men making a certain gesture implying Erdogan was gay.
Venezuelan doctors say they are being forced to return to outdated treatments because the country's economic crisis. "We're practicing medicine from the 1940s here"
Ultra-nationalist Ukrainian battalion gears up for more fighting
EU: Dont use Facebook if you want to keep the NSA away from your data
Iran says no to surprise inspections of nuclear sites
China gives list to US of 'corrupt' officials it would like sent back | World news
Saudi Arabia building up military near Yemen border
NASA states that a 1000 metre wide asteroid will 'skim' the Earth on friday. An occurrence that happens once every 5000 years.
Russia Tries, and Fails, to Stop UN Same-Sex Staff From Getting Benefits
AP Investigation: Men forced to work as slaves to catch seafood for global supply
Wild animals can predict earthquakes several weeks before they strike, and motion-activated cameras that track their movements could be adopted in quake-prone countries as an affordable early warning system.
Japan's Maritime Self Defense Force on Wednesday took delivery of the biggest Japanese warship since World War Two, the Izumo, a helicopter carrier as big as the Imperial Navy aircraft carriers that battled the United States in the Pacific.
UN thwarts Russia over gay staff rights
Boy, eight, on his way to join ISIS with his mother and sister had scrawled 'Jihad' on his garden shed before leaving
Germanwings Pilot Was Locked Out of Cockpit Before Crash in France
Germanwings plane crash: Co-pilot 'started descent'
GermanWings 9525 - Villagers in Alps show solidarity and are welcoming victims families in hotels and their homes for free. Have also set-up a temporary chapel in the school gym and offered to act as translators to the families.
Both major Australian political parties pass sweeping mass surveillance laws. Phone & Internet records to be kept for 2 years
U.S. Ready to Back Iran With Airstrikes Against ISIS: Iran and the U.S. say theyve been fighting parallel wars in Iraq. But those two campaigns appear ready to become one
Chechnya Speaker Vows To Arm Mexico If U.S. Gives Weapons To Ukraine
A bomb blast ripped through the Istanbul offices of a radical, pro-ISIS magazine killing a writer and wounding its editor-in-chief as well as two other people on Wednesday night.
UK drew wrong conclusion from its neonicotinoids study, scientist says - Reanalysis of a Food & Environment Agency study may provide 1st conclusive evidence that neonicotinoids pesticides are a key factor in bee decline, despite it originally being used to support the opposite view
Scotland is to ban smoking in cars with children, bringing it into line with forthcoming legislation in England and Wales to protect young people from secondhand smoke.
Russia prepares to lease 12 bombers to Argentina
Saudi warplanes bomb Houthi positions in Yemen
US hands over 10 armored Humvees to Ukraine
Putin drafts another 150,000 men into Russian army
Armenia recognizes Assyrian and Greek genocides
Amnesty International charges Palestinians with war crimes during Gaza conflict
EU hopes to abolish Internet geoblocking - The European Commission has said it is resolved to do away with the common practice of the user IP-based blocking of some digital content on the Internet. It said geoblocking stood in the way of a modern digital market
Falkland Islands Fear Russian Backed Attack
Support for the death penalty among the British public has dropped below 50% for the first time despite it being suspended 50 years ago
Researchers say antidepressants have sexual side effects in teens too and the effects haven't been widely studied. "We are essentially conducting an experiment on our kids".
Norway parliament approves new climate change law. Overwhelming majority of lawmakers back plans for country to draft tough legislation to address greenhouse gas emissions
Germany bans Islamist militant group Tauhid Germany
Iran asks for immediate halt to military operations in Yemen
Egyptian security and military officials say Saudi Arabia and Egypt will lead a ground operation in Yemen against Shiite rebels and their allies after a campaign of airstrikes to weaken them.
Israel suspends E.Jerusalem settlement building plan
Ukraine crisis: Four dead as passenger bus hits landmine
WikiLeaks Reveals TPP Proposal Allowing Corporations to Sue Nations
Australia's 140 top polluters will set their own limits for future pollution virtually penalty free, according to the Government's latest Direct Action policy paper.
The Pentagon has declassified a document that was once labeled top-secret, which goes into sophisticated detail about Israels nuclear weapons program.
Astronaut Scott Kelly will return from a year in space both older and younger than his twin brother
Alps crash co-pilot 'hid existing illness'
Boko Haram headquarters destroyed, Nigerian military claims
Germanwings crash prompts airlines to introduce cockpit 'rule of 2,' including Norwegian Air, easyJet, Air Transat, Air Canada; rule is routine among US carriers
Spookception: US spied on Israel spying on US-Iran nuke talks
Dutch capital of Amsterdam and surrounding areas have been hit by a major power outage.
Several members of Pope Francis' sex abuse advisory board are expressing concern and incredulity over his decision to appoint a Chilean bishop to a diocese despite allegations that he covered up for Chile's most notorious pedophile
Germanwings plane disaster: German police probe co-pilot. Police says they found evidence that may be a very significant clue to what has happened.
1 in 20 students in UK worked in sex trade to fund living cost.
China's coal use falling faster than expected. Clean-fuel policies, as well as an economy growing at its slowest pace in 25 years, are driving lower coal use, with power companies using a greater mix of hydro, nuclear and renewable options, especially wind.
An Ebola vaccine has been developed and shown successful in primates
Arab states agree to form unified military force
Cane toads by the million lined up for export to China as anti-cancer remedy - Researchers at the University of Queensland hope to send premium cane toads after discovering their venom has anti-cancer properties
Catholic priest Anthony McSweeney, 68, jailed for assaulting boy at children's home in west London between 1979-1981
DNA Tests Uncover Evidence Of Infidelity In Royal Family Tree
An estimated 4,000 foreign fishermen are stranded on a number of remote islands in eastern Indonesia, including men revealed in an Associated Press investigation to have been enslaved, an aid group said
Massive Underground City Found in Cappadocia Region of Turkey
The Chinese government has unveiled an initiative called "Sky Net" to better coordinate its fight against suspected corrupt officials who have fled overseas.
A major publisher of scholarly medical and science articles, BioMed Central, based in the United Kingdom, has retracted 43 papers because of fabricated peer reviews amid signs of a broader fake peer review racket affecting many more publications.
U.S. Confirms It Is Supporting Saudi Military Operations In Yemen
Report: 3,508 children sexually abused in Pakistan
Russia won't 'bend down' in standoff with West, Putin says
The president and CEO of The Associated Press has called for changes to international laws that would make it a war crime to kill journalists or take them hostage
Antarctica reaches 63F, highest temperature ever recorded.
Australia Accidentally Leaked the Personal Information of All the G20 Leaders
Hidden camera investigation reveals chicken slaughterhouse practices: "For six months, an employee of the animal rights group worked inside one of the largest chicken slaughterhouses in Canada, while using a hidden camera to secretly videotape what he was seeing."
Chinese court jails Muslim for 6 years for growing beard from 2010, wife gets 2 years for wearing veil
Singaporean police arrests Amos Yee, a 17-year-old boy because a YouTube video where he criticizes Lee Kuan Yew
Major 7.7 quake strikes off Papua New Guinea, tsunami warning issued
A blogger has been hacked to death in the Bangladeshi capital, Dhaka, a month after a prominent atheist writer was killed in a similar attack.
Airstrike In Yemen Hits Area Of Refugee Camp, Killing At Least 45
Assad Says US Airstrikes Have Made ISIS Stronger; Says ISIS, Saudi Arabia Of Same Ideological Bent.
Saudi Arabia accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of hypocrisy on Sunday, telling an Arab summit that he should not express support for the Middle East while fueling instability by supporting Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad.
70 women, including 9 schoolgirls, left Germany to join ISIS report
Iranian Guard says US drone killed 2 of its advisers in Iraq; US says it only struck militants
Another NSU case witness has been found dead in her apartment
Strong evidence found of separatist involvement in downing of MH17
Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert found guilty in retrial on corruption charges
"Methuselah" Palm Grown From 2,000-Year-Old Seed Is a Father
Organised crime groups are plotting to steal from Indigenous communities that survive on multi-million dollar mining royalties and land use agreements, an eight-year Australian Crime Commission investigation into isolated and trouble-plagued regions has revealed.
Foreign students have reportedly been banned from taking courses teaching nuclear, biological and chemical warfare at UK universities to control Terrorism
Saudi-led coalition bombed a Yemeni refugee camp, killing 21.
World Cup leaves Brazil with bus depots and empty stadiums
ISIS supporters are sending up to 100,000 messages a day on Twitter to plan attacks
Poland charges two Russian officials over Kaczyski crash (a 2010 plane crash which killed then Polish President Lech Kaczyski)
Denied salary for 6 years, Indian woman in Saudi awaits exit
Thousands Protest Belgian Austerity Reforms for 2nd Day - Braving hail & winds as they demand the right-wing govt change course & make sure the brunt of the austerity is borne by the wealthy.
Facebook 'tracks all visitors, breaching EU law' - People without Facebook accounts, logged out users, and EU users who have explicitly opted out of tracking are all being tracked, report says
A thousand-year-old treatment for eye infections, made with onion, garlic and part of a cow's stomach, is gaining attention after research at the University of Nottingham. Scientists were "astonished" to find it almost completely wiped out staphylococcus aureus, otherwise known as MRSA.
A massive power outage has hit Turkey. 24 regions and major cities are affected including Ankara and Istanbul.
Another list containing 25,000 ISIS supporter accounts is released to put pressure on Twitter to suspend them, this time without using hack methods
Germany to end mass killing of male chicks by 2017 - Alternative egg sexing technique "would add no more than two cents to the cost of an egg".
The photo of the little girl with her hands raised was actually genuine. BBC tracked the original Turkish photographer.
EU moves to unblock TV streaming services, no more Geoblocking
Muslim Mob Attacks Family of Coptic Christian Beheaded By ISIS in Libya
Shell cynically blocking action on climate change, says ex-diplomat - John Ashton accuses oil company and others of being narcissistic, paranoid and psychopathic & being unable to contemplate low-carbon future
About 70 percent of Australian strawberries are being grown on runners that have been fumigated with an environmentally damaging pesticide that has been banned around the world.
A Secret Service agent and a DEA agent with lead roles in the investigation to take down the Internet drug bazaar Silk Road allegedly stole proceeds from the underground site and hid their booty in offshore accounts.
One of the Poorest Countries in the World Is About to Burn $7.6M Worth of Ivory - Ivory burns may seem symbolic, but they are a useful step towards ending poaching
NASA Denies It Will Build New Space Station With Russia
Cruise Liner 'Costa Concordia' was Carrying Mafia Drugs When it Met its Fate
Alarm as Turkey backs new police powers: The police will have the right to conduct stop-and-search, detain people for up to 48 hours without court orders and use firearms against demonstrators carrying petrol bombs or other "injurious weapons"... that could mean a firecracker or a simple slingshot.
Indian Politician Under Fire For Suggesting No Link Exists Between Tobacco Use And Cancer
Feds Demand Reddit Identify Users of a Dark-Web Drug Forum
Iranian Man Burns Himself To Death In Government Protest
Nearly half of all Russians think the sacrifices made under dictator Josef Stalin were justified
The US just dropped 60,000 propaganda leaflets on ISIS's Syrian capital in Raqqa. The leaflets show ISIS recruits being fed into a meat-grinder by militants.
Over the last 15 years, the organization that offered the most accurate Renewable Energy forecasts was... Greenpeace
UKIP's Keith Fraser says British teens who want to join ISIS should get FREE flights
Armed leftists take Istanbul prosecutor hostage
Palestinian factions Hamas and Islamic Jihad have launched a scathing attack on Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas for urging an Arab intervention in the Gaza Strip akin to the Saudi-led assault on Yemen.
Lufthansa To Immediately Compensate Germanwings Flight 9525 Victim's Families Up To 50,000 Euros
Indian Army team heads for Mt.Everest to bring down 4,000kg of trash left by climbers.
ISIS loses Tikrit
Generous welfare benefits make people more likely to want to work, not less, new research suggests
Latin American countries propose to remove all US military bases in Latin America
Scottish Independence Figures: Majority of Natives voted YES, Immigrants voted NO
Calls and flights between Cuba and the United States are resumed
Nearly Five Years After the BP Spill, Animals Are Still Dying in the Gulf of Mexico
Iceland's government said Tuesday it would consider a revolutionary monetary proposal removing the power of commercial banks to create money and handing it to the central bank. Under the so-called Sovereign Money proposal, the country's central bank would become the only creator of money.
Former military dictator Muhammadu Buhari defeats incumbent President Goodluck Jonathan in the Nigerian presidential election
Standing ovation as Irish Senate passes Same-Sex Marriage Bill
US Navy: Beijing creating a 'great wall of sand' in South China Sea
Palestine formally joins International Criminal Court
The epicenter of the 21st-century oil boom acknowledges fracking is linked to earthquakes.
Top UK MP Brands Netanyahu War Criminal as Palestine Joins ICC
Poll: Americans Support Nuclear Deal With Iran by 2-1 Margin
Canadian consul general's son killed in Miami, younger son arrested for murder: report
Inside the A320 - Exclusive: The final moments before the crash
No 'bad thing' if Greece leaves euro: Warren Buffett
China rejects North Korea request to join AIIB
Gambian woman forced into exile for posting video of police brutality
Israel applies to join China-backed AIIB investment bank
Former Blackwater gets rich as Afghan drug production hits record high
Iraqi troops aided by Shi'ite paramilitaries have driven Islamic State out of central Tikrit, Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi said on Tuesday, but the fight to retake all of Saddam Hussein's hometown continued.
BP steps up PR effort to insist all is well in the Gulf - Oil giant says area is making a rapid recovery but evidence mounts that wildlife is still struggling to rebound, 5 years after oil spill
Council of Europe condemns Ukraine: "Maidan violence investigations fail European human rights standards ... there was no genuine attempt to pursue investigations."
With 1st Nationwide Fracking Law, Germany Approaches A Ban - "As long as the risks cannot be fully evaluated, fracking will be banned."
Johns Hopkins University faces a $1 billion lawsuit, 800 former research subjects and their families blame the institution for its role in government experiments in the 1940s and 50s in Guatemala that infected hundreds of people with sexually transmitted diseases
Dozens dead as Russian trawler with 130+ aboard sinks in Sea of Okhotsk
Russia Is On The Dawn of a Prolonged Recession as Oil Prices Stay Low and Sanctions Remain in Effect
Russian consulate in Yemen hit by Saudi coalition led airstrikes.
Second flight recorder from Germanwings 9525 found
Bodies of Japanese WWII soldiers believed to have been found in Palau cave sealed off for 70 years
37,000+ French tax dodgers admit owning secret accounts abroad: A total of 37,703 people have filed revised tax forms after admitting to holding secret bank accounts abroad, mainly in Switzerland, the finance ministry revealed on Wednesday.
IS enters Palestinian camp in Damascus; Jordan closes border
Ban against a single blog post leads Turkish ISPs to censor all of WordPress
Istanbul police kill woman carrying bomb near police HQ
HSBC is 'cast-iron certain' to breach banking rules again, executive admits
India Greenlights $730 Million Supercomputing Grid
Syria: Isis Destroys Tons of 'US-Made Halal Chicken' while Millions Go Hungry
Explosion and fire on the oil platform in Gulf of Mexico 45 hurt and 300 evacuated
Nigerian prostitutes congratulate Buhari, declare nationwide free sex
Cyprus criminalizes denial of 1915 Armenian genocide by Turks: The Cypriot parliament passed a resolution penalizing denial of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, modifying existing legislation, which required prior conviction by an international court to make denial a crime.
Malaysian party tries to pass law reinstating amputation, stonings and public beatings/execution as criminal punishment - journalist makes satirical video about it - gets death, rape threats and is being investigated by police
Germanwings Co-Pilot Had Researched Suicide and Cockpit Doors
Migrant laborers in jeans and flip-flops coerced into running a marathon in Doha, Qatar. Race officials were trying to set a world record for the most marathon participants but fell short by 17,000, even with the addition of the migrant workers.
Vietnamese firms urged to demand TPP transparency, spell out concerns
Despite pressure from the government of Saudi Arabia, the Quebec government will not stop efforts to free blogger Raif Badawi the Minister of Immigration, Diversity and Inclusion said.
An air strike that killed at least 40 people at a camp for displaced people in north Yemen was a violation of international law and those responsible should be held accountable, the United Nations said on Tuesday.
The 300-year-old skeleton of a camel used by the Ottomans to invade Vienna has been identified by Austrian researchers after its discovery in a refuse pit: was rescued from abandoned pit in Tulln, a Lower Austrian town on banks of the Danube in 2006, prior to the construction of a shopping centre.
Russian Muslim leaders issue religious decree against ISIL
Top ISIS leader who was once Saddam general killed in Fallujah
Turkish authorities have blocked access to Twitter, Youtube and Facebook over the publication of photos published on the three social media platforms, showing a prosecutor who was taken hostage by militants in Istanbul last week.
Rupert Murdoch's US empire siphons $4.5 billion from Australian business virtually tax-free
French commandos free Dutch hostage in Mali, held for 3.5 years
British law changed so nuclear waste dumps can be forced on local communities - Legislation rushed through in the final hours of parliament allows local planning laws to be bypassed, seriously alarming anti-nuclear campaigners
Poland to build Russia border towers at Kaliningrad
Russian Journalist Reporting on Corruption Kidnapped in Dagestan
Air India's 'unsound mind' co-pilot reportedly beats up captain inside cockpit
UN official: Situation at Palestinian refugee camp in Syria 'beyond inhumane' - Middle East
US ambassador barred from Prague Castle by Czech President
Museum exhibits evidence of Japanese vivisection of US POWs during WWII
US geologist freed after serving 8 years in China prison
Pope to world: Don't ignore killing of Christians
Israelis targeted UN peacekeepers in Lebanon: Spanish report
Protesters march in Rio after police kill boy, 10, amid clashes with gangs :Police shot Eduardo Ferreira last week, apparently thinking he had a gun.
Bulgaria puts up a new wall along its border with Turkey to stem the flow of refugees
Boy, 14, And Girl, 16, Held By Anti-Terror Police
100 school teachers face the sack in UK extremist probe
Pope Francis prayed for an end to the persecution of Christians in his Easter Sunday address, commemorating the students massacred by Islamist militants at Garissa University in Kenya.
French special forces rescue hostage in Mali detained since 2011, capture militants
India launches air quality index to give pollution information
An al Qaeda offshoot in North Africa has claimed responsibility for an attack Monday in northern Mali on an International Red Cross vehicle that killed one aid worker and left one injured. A spokesman for the group claimed they succeeded due to "the help of the hand of Allah"
Thailands Prime Minister Wants to Shut Down Media Outlets That Dont Praise the Government
Abbas rejects Israel's partial transfer of Palestinian tax revenues; money had been deducted to cover debts to Israeli utility companies.
Islamist militants hit Egypt's two largest cities on Sunday with a bombing in Cairo and an attack on a church in Alexandria, leaving one policeman dead and seven people wounded
Russian fighter's confession that he killed 15 Ukrainian prisoners of war may be considered evidence of war crimes
The Greek government says Germany owes Greece nearly 279bn (204bn; $303bn) in war reparations for the Nazi occupation during World War Two. It is the first time Greece has officially calculated what Germany allegedly owes it for Nazi atrocities and looting during the 1940s.
U.S. expected to remove Cuba from state sponsors of terrorism list.
China will keep records of "uncivilised" behaviour by its tourists for up to two years, the country's tourism agency said on Tuesday, to combat a spate of incidents abroad in recent years which it said reflected badly on the country's image.
Child sex abuse victim Richard Kerr: I was molested by powerful people in London
A former spy has described the debate within the CIA over the arrest, rendition and torture of Canadian Maher Arar, saying multiple colleagues warned against it because they were convinced they were punishing an innocent man
Barack Obama rejects Benjamin Netanyahus call for Iran to recognize Israel
Insecticide Blamed for Monarch Butterfly Decline
Police in India announce plans to deploy crowd control drones that, "can be used to shower pepper powder on an unruly mob in case of any trouble.
Boko Haram disguised as preachers kill at least 24 in Nigeria
Islamic State brings down Syria's historical Virgin Mary Church
Australian ISPs ordered to hand over the identities of thousands of people who allegedly shared a movie online.
Yemen: Saudi airstrike hit school
Former Israeli military intelligence chief Amos Yadlin says Iran deal isn't a bad agreement
Captain deliberately sank illegal fishing vessel, claim Sea Shepherd rescuers - Conservationist groups 4-month pursuit of Thunder ended off west Africa, with the captain cheering & applauding as the boat went down, say rescue crew
Reports of Russian Nuclear Submarine On Fire
Italian Holocaust survivors to skip Liberation Day parade after Jewish group banned
Iraqi teams start exhuming mass grave of soldiers in Tikrit. Last year, ISIS captured around 1,700 soldiers as they were trying to flee Camp Speicher and killed them.
'World's oldest person' dies after holding title for just six days.
Russia Readying Up To $1.2 Billion For Tajikistan To Fight Against ISIS.
Turkey Deports German Photojournalist Who was to Cover Armenian Genocide Article
More than 1 million Swedish Internet users' search patterns can be monitored through a 'spy code' within Webpage Screeshot program, IT security experts warn
Women from Sierra Leone 'sold like slaves' into domestic work in Kuwait | Pete Pattisson | Global development
El Salvador sees most deadly month in 10 years as violence overwhelms nation
Top nuclear experts endorse Iran deal
Easter vault raiders steal up to 200million: Hatton Garden gem thieves cut through roof and disabled alarm system before abseiling down lift shaft to loot 300 safety deposit boxes over four days
US Officials say Russians have hacked the White House
India Pulls Off Great Escape in Yemen, 4000 Evacuated From War Zone
Judge orders Prince Andrew sex allegations struck from court record | UK news
North sea cod stocks bounce back - The fish that was once one of the most disastrous examples of overfishing could be certified as sustainable within five years, according to new research.
U.S. secretly tracked billions of calls for decades
Thousands of Turkish Students Demand Jedi Temples On Campus
The United States and Japan are close to concluding a set of bilateral defense rules that if finalized would give Japans military new powers to act when U.S. forces are threatened by a third country, U.S. officials said Wednesday.
The Saudi budget deficit will be more than twice its own forecast, a leading research firm has said, forcing the kingdom into the debt market for the first time in more than a decade
Archaeologists defy Isis by finding new antiquities in Iraq - They're making discoveries despite efforts by Isis to 'culturally cleanse' it. "If the militants think they can 'erase history' we are helping to make sure that can't happen: it is the information that is important & not the objects."
Australian Treasurer steps in to protect suspected tax dodger multinationals from being identified
"I must tell you the individuals who say this deal provides a pathway for Iran to a bomb are being wholly disingenuous...", says CIA director John Brennan
Sydney Water has been revealed as the nation's biggest dumper of mercury into Australian waters, pumping 40 kilograms of the toxic metal out of its deep ocean outfall pipes at Manly and Malabar in the past financial year.
Iraqi Prime Minister and Iraqi Kurdistan Region President agree on joint operation to liberate Mosul from ISIS
An exhibition in Iran will mock the Holocaust.
U.S. Sanctions Block Crimeans From World of Warcraft, Diablo III
Russian deputy who voted against reunification with Crimea stripped of immunity, faces embezzlement charges in Russia
Afghan soldier opens fire and kills 1 American, wounds 2 US troops before being shot dead
Secret papers could reveal Frances role in Rwandan genocide
$1 billion disappears -- and Moldova looks for answers
Germany dismisses Greek demand for billions in WW2 reparations
Shark Fins Being Shipped From Costa Rica to China Via the USA
Irans Leaders Fall Into Line Behind Nuclear Accord
Australian Government seeks immunity over use of force in immigration detention - Immigration officers including contractors would have greater powers to use force against asylum seekers and be exempted from liability under proposed laws
Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko may have accidentally killed himself after handling radioactive material, a key suspect in his death has said.
U.S. Legalization of Marijuana Has Hit Mexican Cartels' Border Trade
Anonymous released a list of ISIS supporter websites and companies in UK and US that are hosting them
Tokyo thanks Beijing for evacuating Japanese tourist from Yemen
UN urged to ban 'killer robots' before they can be developed - Fully autonomous weapons should be banned by international treaty, says a report by Human Rights Watch and Harvard Law School
100 Billion barrels of Oil discovered in the UK
World oil prices could be $5 to $15 a barrel lower than forecast next year if oil-related sanctions against Iran are lifted, the US governments energy agency said on Tuesday
The Chevron Tapes: Video Shows Oil Giant Allegedly Covering Up Amazon Contamination
India reduces 'out of school' children by 90 per cent: UNESCO
Iran: No signing final nuclear deal unless economic sanctions are lifted on same day
US Admiral: Russian Bombers send a message, we do the same - it wouldn't surprise me if Russia sends bomber patrols through the Gulf of Mexico - "If you have long-range aircraft, you want to exercise them. In order to exercise them you need to fly long-range missions
Chinese TV host suspended after privately mocking Mao
More Than 400,000 Elementary schools in China to be provided with 3d printers
Sweden to join US-led coalition against ISIS
U.S. military to ask Canada to install better missile sensors in Arctic
Malawi police are under orders to shoot anyone attacking albinos in the latest bid to crack down on a rising wave of violence against albinos in East Africa whose body parts are prized in black magic.
Nearly half of European jihadis known to have traveled to territory held by ISIS are French, a report by the countrys upper house Senate revealed Wednesday.
ISIS takes control of French TV station.
Lithuania to ban Russian TV channel for 'warmongering'
Obama and Castro to break Cold War ice in person
The Islamic State group has lost control of "at least three large oil fields" in Iraq, depriving the jihadists of a crucial source of income
Poll shows vast majority of Cubans welcome closer ties with U.S.
Iran has urged Saudi Arabia to impose "the most severe punishment" on two Saudi police officers arrested on suspicion of sexually harassing two teenage Iranian boys at Jeddah airport.
Turkey journalists face 4.5 years jail over Charlie Hebdo cartoon
Sweden to send troops to Iraq to support fight against Islamic State
Iranian Ayatollah Ali Khamenei condemns Saudi Arabia's military intervention in Yemen as genocide and vows that "Riyadh will not emerge victorious in its aggression."
The biggest extinction event in planetary history was driven by the rapid acidification of our oceans, a new study concludes. So much carbon was released into the atmosphere, and the oceans absorbed so much of it so quickly, that marine life simply died off, from the bottom of the food chain up.
Energy and climate change minister accepts 18,000 from climate sceptic. It says something that we have an energy and climate change minster who hates wind, loves fracking, and accepts large sums of cash from a central figure in a climate sceptic lobby group, Greenpeace director John Sauven said.
Vancouver has become the latest city to commit to running on 100% renewable energy. The city of 600,000 on Canadas west coast aims to use only green energy sources for electricity, and also for heating and cooling and transportation.
Nordic nations agree on defense cooperation against Russia
North Korea to Mexico: Give us back our ship - Mexico says it's within its rights to keep it. N Korea vows to retake it.
Nazi chants at Dutch soccer game: Hamas, Hamas, Jews to the gas...My father was in the commandos, my mother was in the SS, together they burned Jews, because Jews burn the best!
The most extensive genetic analysis of mountain gorillas ever conducted has found the critically endangered apes burdened with severe inbreeding and at risk of extinction.
Amsterdam prostitutes protest closure of 'window' brothels
Ukrainian KGB archives will be opened and information declassified
Ukraine bans public display of Soviet symbols
Pakistani authorities have freed the alleged mastermind of the 2008 Mumbai attacks on bail, sources said Friday, a move likely to further strain ties with India
American Airlines Will No Longer Ship Shark Fins
Kosher Copenhagen deli targeted in anti-Semitic attack. Vandals smash window, scrawl Jewish pigs on wall; police say they will give extra focus to incident
Japanese admit conducting wartime vivisection on captured Americans at Kyushu Imperial University
NASA Names Asteroid After Malala Yousafzai
Facebook admits it tracks non-users, but denies claims it breaches EU privacy law | Social network claims privacy report commissioned by the Belgian privacy watchdog gets it wrong multiple times over what Facebook does with user data
Canadian woman defends officer charged for killing her abductor
Obama hints at Cuba breakthrough as he flies south for Ral Castro meeting: Havana expected to be dropped from list of state sponsors of terrorism, while John Kerry and Cuban counterpart sit down for highest-level talks in decades
An Austrian man, along with 25,000 fellow plaintiffs, has sued Facebook for privacy breaches. He has criticized the lackadaisical approached US tech companies have towards European law
Obama concerned China uses size to bully others in region: "Where we get concerned with China is where it is not necessarily abiding by international norms and rules and is using its sheer size and muscle to force countries into subordinate positions,"
Leaked TPP investment chapter shows risks to Australias health
Plane finishes 6000km flight after lightning strike leaves hole in it.
Kevin Crull, Canadian Bell Media president, replaced after attempting to interfere in journalism at Bell-owned CTV
This week, 30-year-old Russian man, Valery Spiridonov, announced that he will become the subject of the first human head transplant ever performed, saying he volunteers to have his head removed and installed on another persons body.
The Company Formerly Known as Blackwater Is Training Canadian Soldiers.
IKEA Will Produce & Ship 10,000 Flat-Pack Emergency Shelters Around the World
Russia has started supplying grains, equipment and construction materials to Iran in exchange for crude oil under a barter deal, worth up to $20 billion
UK ranked among least religious countries in world
Nasa's Curiosity rover finds water below surface of Mars
China ranked least religious country in world at 7% (who consider themselves) religious and 61% convinced atheist, Thailand ranked first as most religious country at 94%
In a Canadian first, mental health workers accompany police on emergency calls.
Obama meets Raul Castro in high level US-Cuba talks - The Cold War is over ... Cuba is not a threat to the United States, Obama later told reporters, pointing out that at 53, he wasnt even born when Castro and his brother Fidel seized power in the 1959 Cuban revolution
Some backpackers in Aus tried to set a quokka on fire.
The NSA wants tech companies to give it 'front door' access to encrypted data
Exclusive: Isis Sniper Guns Down 13-Year-Old Girl Fleeing Yarmouk Camp
Russian navy ship evacuated 308 people of various nationalities from war-torn Yemen including Americans
Iran suspends Umrah Hajj pilgrimage after Saudi officials Sexually Assault two teen girls
The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that women should give birth by Cesarean section only if it is an absolute medical necessity.
Russia detects spy satellites disguised as space junk, commander says | The Japan Times
Saudi Arabia lawyers deny kingdom helped 9/11 hijackers
Polish Prince challenges UKIP's Nigel Farage to swordfight over Farage's views on immigraton
Oldest DNA taken from Neanderthal who fell into well
Indians rally for Internet freedom, send over 1 lakh emails to TRAI for net neutrality
Mandarin to be introduced in South African schools
RT: Putin lifts ban on delivery of advanced S-300 anti-air missile systems to Iran
China is keeping the door open for the U.S. to join its new development bank anytime, after the Obama administration failed to persuade most allies to snub the lender.
Chess Grandmaster Used Phone In Toilet To Cheat
Beijing to limit Hong Kong visits by mainland Chinese
China's reclamation work in the South China Sea had destroyed about 300 acres (1.2 sq km) of coral reef, causing annual estimated losses of US$100 million (S$ 1.36 million) to coastal nations.
Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi declared Sunday that anyone convicted of digging tunnels into Gaza from Sinai or of assisting in such activity would face a death sentence, according to a report on Israel's Channel 1 TV.
A federal judge in Washington handed down a life sentence to the first of four Blackwater Worldwide guards to be sentenced in the 2007 shooting that killed 14 unarmed Iraqis and injured others in a Baghdad traffic circle.
South Korean businessman commits suicide leaving behind a list of supposed brides he has paid to politicians. List includes current Prime Minister and two former Chiefs of Staff.
Liquid Medical Marijuana Shows Promise Against Severe Epilepsy
World's first cloned camel becomes six years old and pregnant
Supreme Court of Canada declares Canadian legislation requiring mandatory minimum sentences for gun crimes is unconstitutional.
London gay cure event cancelled after thousands complain
Israel among the least religious countries in the world
Tumbling interest rates in Europe leaves some banks OWING money on loans to borrowers
A former Blackwater guard has been sentenced to life in prison and three others to 30 years over the killing of 14 Iraqi civilians in 2007. Nicholas Slatten and three others were convicted last year for the killings in Baghdad's crowded Nisoor Square.
Israel thwarts Hamas shooting attack plan
Report: Greece is getting ready to default
Panel deems Japanese Antarctic whaling plan unconvincing; lacks a convincing explanation of why it needs to kill the mammals.
A Demand For Net Neutrality Roils India, Campaign Reaches Crescendo: 400,000 emails in the past three days asking to safeguard internet neutrality have been sent to the countrys telecom regulator (TRAI), which is currently being bombarded at the rate of 10,000 mails per minute
German Chancellor Angela Merkel urges unified approach to removal of sanctions against Iran
Kerry thanks Russia for its assistance in evacuating Americas from Yemen
Radiation at Fukushima reactor measured high enough to kill a person within one hour
Chile's President Michelle Bachelet Signs Same-Sex Civil Union Law, starting in 6 months Same-Sex couples will be able to inherit each other's property, join a partner's health plan, and receive pension benefits
A draconian cybercrime law is on the cards in Pakistan that can see internet users imprisoned and fined for sharing information that the government deems inappropriate, vulgar, or "against the glory of Islam"
Scrap fossil fuel subsidies now and bring in carbon tax, says World Bank chief
Turkish President Erdoan warns Pope Francis not to repeat mistake about Armenian claims
An IDF soldier from a West Bank settlement was indicted Monday for espionage, and is accused of passing information of future IDF actions to far-right settlers.
Serious flaw found in nuclear plant under construction in France
Stung by Popes Remarks on Armenian Genocide, Turkish Minister Insults Argentina
UK opposes international ban on developing 'killer robots'
Turkish hackers hit the Vaticans website after Pope Francis referred to the mass killings of Armenians by Turks as a genocide
Obama Removes Cuba From State Sponsor of Terror List
Iran leader: We are in talks with the major powers, not the U.S. Congress.
After 5 billion km journey New Horizons probe sights Pluto and moon, captures the first colour image of distant dwarf planet.
Lobbyists threaten European democracy, anti-graft body says: Lack of control over lobbyists threatens to undermine European democracies, the anti-corruption pressure group Transparency International said on Wednesday, as it called for tight new regulation.
Drone delivering asparagus to Dutch restaurant crashes and bursts into flames
Seoul to adopt urban agriculture by introducing vertical farms
Egypt: Gay foreigners can be banned from entry or deported
Turkish President Erdogan says any decision by EU Parliament on the Armenian killings in 1915 will go in one ear and out the other ear.
Israel May Send Arms to Ukraine if Russia Delivers S-300 to Iran
Chinese island-building in the South China Sea is causing "irreversible and widespread damage to biodiversity and ecological balance," according to the Philippines; Manila accused China of disregarding the people who rely on the sea by destroying coral reefs to create new islands.
Fearful immigrants shut Johannesburg shops as anti-foreigner violence rages | Immigrants in downtown Johannesburg, South Africa's biggest commercial city, shut their shops as a wave of anti-foreigner violence that has killed four people near the city of Durban threatened to spread, police said
Saudi Arabia Beheads Indonesian Domestic Help who Killed 'Abusive Employer'
Centuries of Italian history are unearthed in quest to fix a toilet
Japan first images released from inside a melted reactor at Fukushima nuclear plant.
SpaceX fails in third attempt to land reusable Falcon 9 rocket on barge - Rocket landed on droneship, but too hard for survival, tweets Elon Musk, CEO of the private space company, minutes after liftoff from Cape Canaveral, Florida
Prime Minister Modi says India must lead on climate change. Modi was an early advocate of solar technology, and his government has pledged to increase its solar-generated capacity to 100 gigawatts and its wind capacity to 60 gigawatts by 2022.
Swiss Banks are Trying to Strong-Arm American Clients into Divulging Offshore Wealth to Avoid Massive Fines
Germany assures Estonia of NATO backing | Russia's annexation of Crimea has worried former Soviet satellite states. In a show of solidarity, Germany's defense minister has travelled to Baltic nations to pledge support.
Condom of the future? Scientists developing latex replacement that self-lubricates, delivers Viagra and feels better than nothing at all -
Russia tells Sweden that hunting for its submarines is a mindless waste of Swedish taxpayer money
EU Files Antitrust Charges Against Google
400 migrants dead in shipwreck off Libya
'Marking bias boosts girls' maths in French schools'
Facebook chat privacy and scans: CIA-backed company might spy on chats
34million hoard of silver coins sent to the bottom of the sea by the Nazis is discovered aboard sunken steamboat at a record depth of 17,000ft by British treasure hunters
Japan overtakes China as top holder of US Treasury Debt
Ousted Ukraine president's ally found shot dead in Kiev home | Oleg Kalashnikov was a member of Viktor Yanukovychs parliament; Six Yanukovych-era government officials have died over last two months
Ukrainian journalist Oles Buzina, a vocal critic of current Ukrainian govt, was murdered in Kiev.
A book on Islamophobia written by late Charlie Hebdo editor Charb, completed two days before he was killed in an attack on the weekly's Paris offices on January 7, is to be published on Thursday
BP dropped green energy projects worth billions to focus on fossil fuels
European Parliament passes bill urging Turkey to acknowledge the atrocities committed against Armenians bewteen 1915-1917 as a Genocide
A 250-year-old leather dildo has been discovered by archaeologists in an ancient toilet in Poland.
Czech proclaims new sovereign state between Serbia and Croatia on 7 sq kms of no-mans land which was not claimed by either nation
Malawi leader signs bill raising marriage age to 18
World Bank breaks its own rules as 3.4 million people are forced off their land
Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu blamed the United States and its allies for the conflict in Ukraine, saying their drive to bring Kiev closer to the West was a threat to Moscow and had forced it to react.
Japan scrambles fighters at near-unprecedented levels in response to foreign aircraft - mainly Russian and Chinese - approaching its airspace.
Former IMF chief under investigation for money laundering
Mexico Issues Alert In 5 States Over Stolen Radioactive Material Iridium-192
Israel joins Chinese infrastructure bank despite US opposition.
Municipalities across Canada drop public prayers the day after Canadian Supreme Court unanimously strikes down public prayer in Quebec ruling.
The king of Spain receives a Game of Thrones DVD set as present from anti-monarchical politician
French government is currently passing a bill of "global surveillance" on internet.
Greece in talks with Russia to buy missiles for S-300
Iran ready to cooperate with Russia, China, and India to oppose NATO expansion eastwards, says Iranian defense minister Hossein Dehghan
Ukrainian parliament recognizes militia that collaborated with Nazis - Diaspora
France Stands Firm Over Gay Ambassador to Vatican
Ukraine Security Chief Blasted for Targeting Jews
Pope Francis: Gender theory is the problem, not the solution
South African mobs with machetes target foreigners -
France wants to fight terrorism by spying on everyone - Prime minister says proposed surveillance law 'is not a French Patriot Act,' but civil liberties groups say it goes too far
Italian police: Migrants threw Christians overboard | Muslims who were among migrants trying to get from Libya to Italy in a boat this week threw 12 fellow passengers overboard -- killing them -- because the 12 were Christians, Italian police said Thursday.
Islamic State's Pakistan chief killed while planting bomb
UK Lord, Janner, will not be charged despite evidence of child abuse
US troops arrive in Ukraine for training exercises
Swedish robot that bought MDMA, passport and baseball cap is released by police
New York University's own investigator has discovered that approximately 10,000 mostly foreign workers who built NYU's Abu Dhabi campus lacked the labor protections NYU had stipulated and many workers, had their passports confiscated and held by their employers
Abbott govt gives $4m to help climate contrarian set up Australian center - Bjrn Lomborg given money to set up a consensus center. Says climate change is not a top-priority problem & is overstated, that subsidies for renewable energy make no sense.
Israeli Supreme Court rules: Israel can confiscate Palestinian property in Jerusalem
WikiLeaks republishes all documents from Sony hacking scandal | Julian Assange says data belongs in the public domain and says hacked files shed light on extent of cooperation between government and Hollywood
Sony execs lobbied Netflix to stop VPN users
Footage of Syrian gas attack deaths brings UN Security council to tears
Not enough is being done to protect Christians in Middle East - Putin
Gibraltar: If Britain Leaves the EU, We Will Stay in it
Izzat al-Douri, a member of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and a key aide of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has been killed
Earthworms rain from sky over Norway
Iranian mullahs call for emancipation of Mecca and Medina from Saudi Arabia.
Hamas official calls to abduct Israelis, swap for Palestinians
Russian police raid offices of Putin critic Khodorkovsky
A Saudi citizen was executed Wednesday for drug trafficking. He was the 61st person executed in the kingdom so far this year.
China's Defense Ministry complained on Friday that Japanese surveillance activities threatened the safety of Chinese ships and aircraft
US Sends Mysterious 150 Tons of 'Diplomatic Mail' to Embassy in Kyrgyzstan
Shops set ablaze, looted as xenophobic attacks spread in South Africa
EU looks at mandatory breathalyzer fittings for all cars.
Assyrian genocide memorial in Bonnyrigg Australia vandalised
ISIS, Taliban announced Jihad against each other - Khaama Press (KP)
Mexican Police Capture Leader of Jurez Cartel
Canadian insurer Grey Power denies flooded home claim for senior who was away for cancer treatment due to 'leaving the home unattended for more than 4 days'
Germany plans for the first time to officially recognize the killing of hundreds of thousands of Armenians by the Turkish regime 100 years ago as genocide.
Bell faces $750-million lawsuit over tracking of customers cellphone Internet usage
UN: Slaughter of 1.5 million Armenians is not genocide
Pesticide the likely cause of Nigeria 'mystery disease'
Syrian Government:''We are ready to discuss Autonomy for the Syrian Kurds and Syrian Kurdistan.''
Prominent Russian Environmental Activist Flees to Estonia:"Above all I decided to take my main weak spot my children out of Russia," Chirikova was quoted ...."Russia is a country of resources, and environmentalists are the main enemy of the established regime of the natural resources oligarchy."
Norway asks Moscow to explain visit from banned minister. Dmitry Rogozin posted pictures of himself on Svalbard island, despite being on list of people banned after Russia annexed Crimea from Ukraine.
Bitter and unemployed officer under Saddam Hussein drew up Islamic State master plan
Fury in Russia as Israel declines to send high-level official to WWII commemoration. Responses in Moscow have suggested that the decision was a reaction to Russia's sale of S-300 missile defense systems to Iran.
Ukraine to rewrite Soviet history with controversial 'decommunisation' laws: The laws ban Nazi and Communist symbols and the public denial of the criminal nature of the Communist totalitarian regime 19171991; replace the Soviet term great patriotic war with the European second world war ...
M 6.8 Earthquake, 71km E of Hualian, Taiwan
Al Jazeera suspended for 5 days by India's Broadcast Ministry for not showing all of Kashmir as part of Indian territory
Novelist Haruki Murakami: Japan must apologize for WWII until it is forgiven
14-year-old boy from UK arrested over terror plot in Australia.
Millionaire businessman wins Finland election
Iran says won't accept forced deportees from Australia
Tsunami warning after 6.6 magnitude quake in Japan
Report: high-ranking Hamas official arrested in Saudi Arabia | Terror organizations treasurer abroad accused by authorities of money laundering, smuggling
Oil companies' sponsorship of the arts 'is cynical PR strategy' | Campaigner says attempts by oil companies such as BP and Shell to artwash their image are done simply to gain prestige and nullify local protests
Syrian President Bashar Al Assad:'' Our Intelligence Service and The French Intelligence Service are in direct contact with each other''
Big tobacco quietly battling religious opposition to smoking in key Muslim markets: Canadian study
Thousands of dead fish have been rotting for a week in the 2016 Olympics' host's Rodrigo de Freitas lagoon, where rowing and kayaking events will take place.
Astronomers have discovered what they say is the largest known structure in the universe: an incredibly big hole. The supervoid, as it is known, is a spherical blob 1.8 billion light years across that is distinguished by its unusual emptiness.
North Korean defector says 'The Interview' could push North Korean citizens to revolt
Australian Universities are pressuring academics to pass international students despite poor English and plagiarism.
Outage hits pumps at Fukushima plant; toxic water leaks into ocean
China Adds Solar Power the Size of France in First Quarter: Chinas solar installations in the first quarter were almost equal to Frances entire supply of power from the sun. China connected 5.04 gigawatts of solar capacity
Newly Leaked TTIP Draft Reveals Far-Reaching Assault on US/EU Democracy:Mammoth deal an even greater boon to corporate power than previously known, warn analysts.
Japan's maglev train breaks world speed record with 600km/h test run | World news
Frances National Assembly shows support for legalization of Edward Snowden-style whistleblowing
Mexican cartel hitwoman 'La Flaca' found dismembered, stuffed in cooler
Russian Trade With the World Falls 30% as Economic Crisis Deepens
France Won't Back Down After Vatican Rejects Its Gay Ambassador
Former Egyptian President Morsi Sentenced to 20 Years in Prison
Saudi king issues a royal decree stating that the Saudi National Guard will participate in ground operations in Yemen
Prime Minister Netanyahu refuses to meet Jimmy Carter over his 'anti Israel stance'
The Pentagon has confirmed today that the carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt and the cruiser USS Normandy have moved into the Arabian Sea because of the deteriorating security situation in Yemen
"Israeli bulldozers demolished homes in the Bedouin village of al-Araqib village in the Negev for the 83rd time on Monday
Germany defies Turkey, calls Armenian massacre 'genocide': Germany abruptly shifted its policy Monday from a steadfast refusal to use the term "genocide" to describe the massacre of up to 1.5 million Armenians by Ottoman Turkish forces 100 years ago
Japanese magnetic levitation train has broken its own world speed record, hitting 603km/h (374mph) in a test run near Mount Fuji.
Five men have been sentenced to prison in Norway for organising an illegal wolf hunt, in the country's first prosecution of such a case.
Egyptian naval forces have reportedly opened fire on Palestinian fishing boats off the coast of the Gaza Strip
Chevron's Contamination in Ecuador "Just Scratches the Surface," a New Report Finds
Iranian authorities are charging The Washington Posts Tehran bureau chief, Jason Rezaian, with espionage and three other serious crimes, including collaborating with hostile governments and propaganda against the establishment
Rail gun tipped to alter Taiwans defense abilities against China
India says it seized heroin believed to be worth nearly $100 million from boat
China just let part of a state-owned company default for the first time ever
Austria Recognizes Armenian Genocide
Man forms tiny European nation, 160,000 sign up to become citizens
Russia to close 40% of universities by the end of 2016
President Barack Obama will not use the word genocide to describe the massacre of up to 1.5 million Armenians in his annual statement commemorating the historic atrocity
International Poll Shows Millennials Have Positive Opinion of Snowden | ACLU released the results of a poll showing that majorities of millennials familiar with Snowden have an overwhelmingly positive opinion of him and believe that his disclosures will lead to greater privacy protections
Russia: IS group is 'Russia's greatest enemy', not U.S.
Czech President: Russia is unlikely to launch a military thrust against the Baltics because President Vladimir Putin "is not suicidal"
60 girls commit suicide every month after being sexually abused by IS jihadists
Ex-Nazi 'bookkeeper of Auschwitz' asks for 'forgiveness' - 93yo Former SS on trial for 300,000 counts of "accessory to murder"
Leading scientists say 75% of known fossil fuels must stay underground.
Staff at Windsor Castle go on strike for first time in 900 years
TTIP leak: EU member state legislative initiatives will have to be vetted for potential impacts on private business interests
France police foil 'church attack plot'
Mass surveillance practices endanger fundamental human rights and divert resources that might prevent terrorist attacks - Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
HSBC Warns Clients of Fossil Fuel Investment Risks. Analysts warn of the growing likelihood that fossil fuel companies may become economically non-viable, as people move away from carbon energy and fossil fuels are left in the ground.
Macedonia said on Tuesday 40 armed men in camouflage uniforms and speaking Albanian had crossed from neighboring Kosovo and taken several police officers hostage overnight, calling for the creation of "an Albanian state"
Denmark bans bestiality in move against animal sex tourism
China Plans to Build a Modern Version of the Silk Road and Transform Global Trade Routes through Pakistan and Beyond
Right to privacy 'could be meaningless in 10 years under Tory and Labour plans' | Campaigners say both parties manifestos would extend powers of security agencies with pledges that are totally out of step with public opinion
Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev gave the first official Russian estimate of the cost Western sanctions will exact on Russia's economy in 2015--$106 billion
"Fascist Erdoan" said a lawyer and sent to jail for insulting him.
Over the past 450 million years, life on Earth has been devastated by five mass extinction events that are widely recognised by geologists. Now, an international team of researchers proposes adding a sixth mass extinction to the list
NZ Prime Minister apologizes for repeatedly pulling waitress' ponytail
Former CIA contractor speaks out about interrogation techniques
One-man home trader 'helped to trigger 500BILLION stock market crash from this Hounslow semi': London man held for causing 'Wall Street chaos'
Worlds most powerful telescope set to launch in 2018 - NASA is building the biggest telescope the world has ever seen, and it will give scientists the opportunity to 'see' cosmic events that occurred 13.5 billion years ago - just 220 million years following the Big Bang
Chinese scientists just admitted to tweaking the genes of human embryos for the first time in history
EU leaders to declare: 'We cannot take more migrants'
Saudi Arabia has beheaded a second Indonesian maid this week despite protests from the Indonesian Government, which is itself facing fierce criticism for its failure to heed calls for clemency for a number of foreigners on death row
Pro-Russian rebels have shelled Ukrainian army positions east of the key city of Mariupol in breach of a ceasefire deal, the BBC has witnessed.
Bees may become addicted to nicotine-like pesticides, study finds. Bees have a preference for sugar solutions laced with the pesticides, scientists say, as a separate landmark field trial show neonicotinoids harm bee population.
Australia pays $4 million for Bjrn Lomborgs flawed methods that downgrade climate change. Climate change contrarian Bjrn Lomborgs think tank methods have no academic credibility says leading climate economist
AdBlock Plus defeats German publishers in court
Putin and Austria name 1915 killings genocide
Revealed: child sex abuse gang 'with tentacles that go round the world' | UK news
Sony executives were concerned about a news report that showed one of its cameras being used to guide Israeli rockets bombing Gaza, company correspondence shows.
Red alert issued as Chile volcano erupts
Deutsche Bank to Pay $2.5 Billion Fine to Settle Rate-Rigging Case: The record fine will be paid to U.S. and British authorities to settle accusations that the bank helped manipulate the benchmarks used to set interest rates on trillions of dollars in mortgages and other debt.
Chinese experts say North Koreas nuclear arsenal is bigger than anyone thought
U.S. Operations Killed Two Hostages Held By Al-Qaida, Including American : The Two-Way : NPR
Nigerian forces invade last known stronghold of Boko Haram | Nigerian forces backed by warplanes invaded Islamist group Boko Haram's last known stronghold, the Sambisa forest, on Wednesday, in an effort to finally defeat their six-year-old insurgency, two military sources said.
ISIS replace injured caliph position with a former physics teacher who is said to be currently ruling over the group.
Pagan church - now legally recognised in Northern Ireland - is branching out
'We will destroy ISIS': Iranian militia vows to fight terror group
European Parliament study: EU should finance key open source tools
Most migrants crossing Mediterranean will be sent back, EU leaders to agree
Chinese nuclear experts have warned that North Korea may already have 20 nuclear warheads and the capability to produce enough weapons-grade uranium to double its arsenal by next year
Parents of UK's youngest organ donor hope others will be inspired | He died within two hours of being born, but his kidneys were used to save the life of an adult patient with renal failure.
Saudi Arabia Bombs Yemen Hours After Declaring Campaigns End
A sexual harassment complaint has been filed against New Zealand Prime Minister John Key after a waitress complained about him repeatedly pulling her ponytail at an Auckland cafe